irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060207

00:00.04ManxPowerbjames, never heard of it.
00:00.10kamileonno that exten line is in extensions.conf , it seemed like i was saying in default context exten s
00:00.12ManxPowerBut I doubt you need TDMoE with it.
00:00.20kamileoni was trying to clarify
00:00.37bjamesit a T1/E1 to TDMoE
00:00.48bjamesof course I need TDMoE
00:01.02*** part/#asterisk Skkip (n=Skipper@
00:01.16ManxPowerbjames, and they support Asterisk's version of TDMoE?
00:01.51ManxPowerTDMoE really hasn't been well supported since IAX2 w/trunking came along.
00:02.05wunderkinyes it uses tdmoe and its supposted to work with asterisk but i havent used it
00:02.14bjamesit says to use CVS head as of 8/2005
00:02.47wunderkinholy co
00:02.53bjamesthe Zaptel driver alone is working with the Redfone, but when I start * the server crashes
00:03.09ManxPowerbjames, sounds like time for a bug report
00:03.42bjamesyeah, I'm using * 1.0.10
00:03.43wundaboyhow do i set it up so that my polycom doesnt connect to an ftp server for its config file?  It just boots and says cannot load <MAC>.cfg and reboots, how do i fix this?
00:04.48bryan2kamileon: That worked great.  Thanks again.
00:04.57*** join/#asterisk Litex (
00:05.01*** join/#asterisk elg (
00:06.03mistralwundaboy: is the channel named #polycom :D
00:06.36wundaboymistral: i just figured someone would know...
00:08.27Spidaor where should I go (read) for that?
00:09.18kamileonbryan2 : now if i can just get *my* box working
00:09.28airdogadibar: thx again, lots of stuff in there.  I'll have to investigate longer.  In the meantime, have to rush off. Bye
00:10.06wunderkini havent had very good luck with tdmoe yet but i havent tried very hard yet
00:10.07adibarairdog: welcome, cya
00:10.38j0ndoes anyone have sip presence working with ael?
00:13.08SwK[Work]anyone know of a service for pushing CNAM on to the SS7 network?
00:13.26rob0kamileon: pastebin your dialplan
00:15.04[av]banigrrr, moh sux
00:15.53[av]banithis makes no sense at all
00:17.33*** join/#asterisk tehdely (
00:18.51*** join/#asterisk jets (
00:19.03Qwelljets: y0 y0
00:19.22jetsQwell! how are ya?
00:19.31Qwelljets: pretty good, you?
00:19.33rob0line 10, shouldn't "FXO" be replaced by a variable (and that variable declared in the global section)?
00:20.04[av]baniwhy would moh stutter?
00:20.11kamileonyes it should be 5
00:20.13jetsI can't complain..   Just fleshing out an updated resume :)
00:20.19Qwelluh oh
00:20.22kamileonbut still, the pattern doesnt match
00:20.38jetsoh just for some contracting and other opportunities.
00:20.40kuku5is a 96 channel pri considered a t3 or a fractional t3
00:20.56Qwellkuku5: a T3 is 600 some channels
00:21.00jetshrm it would be 3 pri's riding a fractional ds3 i would imagine?
00:21.00Qwell28 T1's iirc
00:21.08fileQwell: !!!???
00:21.09[av]banii dont get this at all :(
00:21.15Qwellfile: I said some
00:21.27tehdelycan asterisk pull SIP and IAX configuration from MySQL?
00:21.30fileQwell: boss status?
00:21.31Qwelltehdely: sure
00:21.35tehdelysweeeet 8)
00:21.36Qwellfile: flying
00:22.00fileQwell: translation?
00:22.01kamileonrob0: changed the ZAP to 5 and same issue
00:22.05Qwellfile: couldn't talk to him today
00:22.18rob0do the extensions 201-204 work?
00:22.43kuku5Qwell: how would one connect a 96 channel pri through 1 ethernet cable ?
00:22.49Qwellkuku5: umm
00:22.54Qwellone wouldn't?
00:23.31kuku5then how can a provider do it
00:23.35kamileonrob0: no, brb
00:23.36Qwellthey don't?
00:23.42Qwellor tdmoe or something?
00:23.44kuku5:) ok - thanks
00:24.05jetsQwell: Did your company bring on some *?
00:24.07QwellI guess tdmoe is possible.  I know 0 about that though
00:24.11Qwelljets: we're working on it
00:24.25Qwelljets: got a test box and a few web apps going right now
00:24.40Qwellprobably gonna pilot about 40 users
00:25.05*** join/#asterisk fiber0pti (
00:25.23fiber0ptihow do I set the outgoing callerid coming from a specific extension?
00:25.59jetsin sip.conf you can specify it for the actual device.
00:26.18*** join/#asterisk elg (n=fugalh@hfugal.NMSU.Edu)
00:26.24Spidacan I get help here for getting my fritz pci to work with mISDN, too?
00:26.30jetsunder the extension it is just called=Brian McManus <2084347146>
00:26.35Spidaor where should I go (read) for that?
00:26.54QwellSpida: You can try
00:29.46SpidaI have a "AVM Fritz!PCI v2.0 ISDN" installed misdn cvs from today and enabled
00:29.46*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
00:31.00fiber0ptijets: But is it for outgoing non sip calls in the sip.conf callerid is used for?
00:31.11*** join/#asterisk Umaro (n=umaro@
00:31.25Spidathe card is found by the driver (according to dmesg), but (a) I get an error in dmesg not possible to autoload mISDN_l1 please try to load manually
00:31.28UmaroHey guys.. in your opinion, what's the best card to use purely as a hardware timer for *?
00:31.29SpidamISDN: INTERNAL ERROR in drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/stack.c:596
00:31.47QwellUmaro: if it's ONLY for timing...probably an x100p
00:32.30Spidaand (b) can't do anything from userspace with it (/dev/capi* doesn't exist and /proc/capi doesn't show any devices)
00:33.14SpidaI am pretty sure the error is on my side (the last time I used isdn was in linux-2.2)
00:34.11mog_workany card should work fine Umaro
00:34.32Spidaany ideas?
00:35.05*** join/#asterisk bweschke (n=bweschke@
00:35.19UmaroQwell: so are they all the same, timer wise?
00:35.25QwellUmaro: yes
00:35.46mog_workhowever getting support for an x100p outside of this channel is dificult
00:36.08mog_workas digium only supports the x100ps sold by digium over a year ago
00:36.08ManxPowergetting support for X100P clones on this channel can be hard too
00:36.11*** join/#asterisk TooMe (n=in-ter-e@
00:36.11Umarook. I've been trying ztdummy ( and zttest keeps giving me 99.92% scores
00:36.15mog_workand very few of the oem support them
00:38.10TooMei've been have a bit of trouble getting /bin/sh -c (aka System() ) to run cp or mv
00:38.15Umaroit seems odd to me that with 2.6.13+'s RTC changes, the kernel RTC driver still isn't good enough, it seems
00:38.49mog_workwhat problem toome?
00:39.32Umarodoes anyone have any tips at getting a slightly higher zttest score with ztdummy, or other software based timers?
00:39.44TooMewell in the dialplan, it flat out doesn't work...when i run it from the prompt it gives me "missing file arguement" and when i run it without /bin/sh -c it goes through fine
00:40.11mog_workturn off serial umaro
00:40.16mog_workturn on dma
00:40.21Umaroturn off serial?
00:40.22mog_workand dont run xwindows
00:40.23Umarodma is on
00:40.27Umaroxwindows isn't running
00:41.13Umaroturning off serial helps, though?
00:41.13Umaronever heard that
00:41.13*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
00:41.13mog_workserial console eats interrupts
00:41.13mog_worksorry turning off serial consoles helps
00:41.13ManxPowerI thought ztdummy used RTC on 2.6.
00:41.13mog_workserial ports themselves dont do anyting
00:41.15ManxPowerI suppose I could be wrong.  It's happened before.
00:41.15mog_workyes it does ManxPower
00:41.33ManxPowerI don't think I've ever used ztdummy
00:42.10*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
00:42.10Umaromog_work: serial console is off by default in hmm.
00:42.26UmaroIf this switch wasn't in india, I'd already have a digium card in it by now
00:42.45Umarobut india customs will want to dissect it for a couple weeks before they let it through
00:43.17*** part/#asterisk Litex (
00:43.35TooMedo you have any friends that work at dell?  have one of them ship it
00:44.07mog_workjust say it is a network audio adapter ^_^
00:44.09SpidaTooMe: ah, the "do not touch or redirect" thing?
00:44.38TooMeSpida: the we employ 15k++ of your countries top talent thing ;)
00:45.11Umaromog_work: do you use ztdummy?
00:46.28mog_worki do on one of my boxes that has no hw
00:46.32mog_workerr no pci slots
00:46.49Umaromog_work: do you do meetme and IAX2 trunking on it?
00:46.58mog_workeverything works
00:47.15mog_worki dont do any trunking
00:47.21mog_workbut i have meetmed off of it
00:47.24[av]banihmm some kind of 1.2.4 bug ...
00:48.02TooMewould i offend anyone if i cut/paste the system string i'm trying to get to work?
00:48.06CodeGuruhey guys, what is the difference between Asterisk and Asterisk@Home  ?
00:48.34mog_workyes and no CodeGuru
00:48.42mog_workyou wont find anyone in here reccomending it
00:48.46mog_workthey have their own channel though
00:48.54shido6/dcc send ManxPower
00:49.01shido6grr gaim...
00:49.04*** part/#asterisk shido6 (
00:50.10CaT[tm]damn. the voiceone setup failed. grumble.
00:51.15*** join/#asterisk jyukes (
00:51.19litagewhen a call goes softphone -> Asterisk -> softphone, only * needs g729 licenses. where are the g729 licenses needed when the call goes softphone -> SER -> softphone,   or softphone -> SER -> Asterisk -> Softphone  ?
00:51.37CodeGuruany expert here would help me ? i feel lost in this telephony space !
00:51.51mog_workasterisk needs g729 everytime you convert  from g729 to something else
00:52.01mog_workso if both softphones have g729 you just pass the call along
00:52.54CodeGurumog_work: could you help me find a suitable solution for my problem ?
00:53.08*** join/#asterisk Garak_ (n=garak@
00:53.09mog_workwhats the prob bob
00:54.08CodeGuruwell, im a software developer, i was asked to develope the sales Dept. phone system
00:54.43malverian[work]Feb  6 19:54:34 WARNING[1564]: codec_gsm.c:194 gsmtolin_framein: Invalid GSM data
00:54.49malverian[work]Getting spammed about 15 per second with those..
00:54.51mog_workweird malcolmd
00:54.55malverian[work]Anyway I can tell where they're coming from?
00:54.56mog_workweird malverian[work]
00:55.07mog_workyeah you are trying to convert gsm to slin
00:55.10mog_workbut its not working
00:55.12mog_workwhich is odd
00:55.20mog_workdo you have the codecs loaded?
00:55.22malverian[work]I don't use gsm nor slin
00:55.32malverian[work]I use mulaw for everything.
00:55.34CodeGurui can develop an sip/h323 client but i need a server to take calls from pstn and convert them to voip and vice versa, also recording, caller id, forwarding, ....... you know the rest
00:55.55CodeGuruso i was thinking Asterisk, but i know nothing about linux or unix
00:56.02mog_workoh well something is trying to speak gsm to you
00:57.19CodeGuruso i basically need help choosing the suitable hardware, installing, configuring the server.
00:57.35mog_workyou guys need a t1?
00:57.40CodeGurucould we take this in private ?
00:57.48malverian[work]mog_work, Figured it out..
00:57.53mog_workwhat was it?
00:57.58mog_workwas it a file
00:58.01mog_workbeing played back
00:58.05hypnoxCodeGuru sounds like you should recommend that your employers hire an asterisk consultant
00:58.08malverian[work]Somehow my intercom (alsa/default) never hungup
00:58.10mog_workand you didnt have gsm stuff up?
00:58.28CodeGuruare you interested ;) ?
00:58.45QwellCodeGuru: there are several consultants here
00:58.46malverian[work]I had gsm stuff up.
00:58.46litagemog_work: if a softphone or ip phone supports g729, does that mean that it has a valid g729 license installed on it?
00:58.55malverian[work]Just a weird fluke i guess..
00:59.00QwellCodeGuru: If you're interested in paying somebody, there are several places to get ahold of some
00:59.03mog_workright it has its own g729 license
00:59.12CodeGurulike ?
00:59.26QwellCodeGuru: here, the forums, the asterisk-biz mailing list, the wiki
00:59.59CodeGurui want ab Asterisk Consoltant, any1 interested ?
01:00.35CodeGurulooks like no one is interested in getting payed :D !
01:01.03QwellCodeGuru: msg me
01:01.33mog_workill take money
01:01.41mog_workbut only through digium ^_^
01:03.34litagemog_work: softphones that support g729 probably won't be free, right?
01:03.46mog_worknone that i know of
01:04.12mog_workas it costs $$ for licenses
01:04.31*** join/#asterisk psi_force (
01:04.51psi_forcehi all
01:05.06mog_workthat is a nifty nick
01:05.36*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
01:07.07psi_forceI have a problem with accountcode. In the sip.conf, every user has "accountcode=SIP-xxx" however if i look the cdr records one person who uses us as a sip trunk has managed to clear his accountcode. How is this possible?
01:07.13*** join/#asterisk Spida (
01:10.50psi_forceany ideas?
01:12.34*** join/#asterisk austinnichols10 (
01:19.32g4mother than ztdummy (which seems to kill schedualing on my debian box) how else can i get timing to work for my meetme rooms?
01:20.02Qwellg4m: buy a zap card
01:23.05g4mwell looks like i have to get zaptel working then
01:23.08g4merr ztdummy
01:23.16fafnirWell it looks like I'm on top
01:23.52CaT[tm]poo. all that installing and I just now realise that doesn't do voicemail. sigh.
01:24.23fafniri once spent the whole day taking out my starter
01:24.40fafnironly to realize that i had been given an alternator by the junk yard
01:29.06*** part/#asterisk Garak_ (n=garak@
01:29.12psi_forceso does anyone have any experience with the  accountcode variable?
01:30.04*** join/#asterisk Garak_ (n=garak@
01:30.22litagewhen would you have Asterisk act as a sip client?
01:31.49*** join/#asterisk palomiux (n=lecaus@
01:31.58palomiuxHi there
01:32.15palomiuxI have a question about asterisk, can anyone give me a little help?
01:36.13palomiuxCan anyone tell me how this channel works?
01:36.29*** join/#asterisk QbY (
01:36.58QbYanyone seen weird behavior out of 1.2.1 ??  as in just crashing, and when you reload it takes 2 minutes to do so?
01:37.12QbYscratch that, its still loading..  so >4 minutes
01:40.24QbY> 6 minutes (loading dialplan now)
01:40.51g4manyone know what this might mean: zaptel: no version for "struct_module" found: kernel tainted.?
01:41.05QbYhey..  i just got that same error..  but ipip
01:41.30litagedo you set the packetization (Eg: 20ms) on the enduser device (Eg: softphone), on *, or on SER?
01:41.40*** join/#asterisk xtrvd (
01:43.38palomiuxI have a question about asterisk, can anyone give me a little help?
01:43.56Qwellpalomiux: You ask a question and wait for an answer
01:44.38_Sam--more like, you hope for answer :)
01:44.59palomiuxanyone knows about asterisk home?
01:45.09palomiuxwhat about asterisk live?
01:46.26_Sam--i think there are *@~ ?s than i ever remember
01:46.30*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
01:47.46xtrvdHere's a quick question for practically anybody: How easy is it to install Zaptel drivers for a TDM404B digium card?
01:47.58_Sam--make make install modprobe
01:48.30xtrvdThat difficult eh? =)
01:48.39_Sam--easier said than done, always :)
01:48.41litagewhat are the differences between SER and openSER?
01:48.52_Sam--installing it is the easy part...configuring it...that is the harder part :)
01:48.54mog_work4 leters
01:48.55Qwelllitage: open, give or take
01:49.13litageQwell: not sure what you mean...they're both FOSS, no?
01:50.06Qwelllitage: the word "open", or as mog_work said, 4 letters
01:51.04litageif there's no difference, why are they 2 separate projects?
01:51.14Qwellread the "About OpenSER" link
01:51.18mog_workone group was upset with the other
01:53.10litageso at the moment, they're the same, but later on they may diverge?
01:54.21_Sam--at what number of users does something like ser start be valuable?
01:54.39litage_Sam--: 150-200=
01:56.27JamesDotComlitage: openser basically took a branch of ser, and started working on it their own way, both have continued development and now have a few differences
01:56.37JamesDotComboth do the same thing
01:56.55JamesDotComthe syntax is a little different, modules are all pretty much the same, with a few differences
01:57.05JamesDotComimo, openser is easier for a beginner these days
01:57.16*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (
01:57.22JamesDotComand has one of the best tutorials for ser/openser
01:57.41litageJamesDotCom: but they both have 99% of the same functionality?
01:58.18CaT[tm]bleh. back to AMP for me.
01:58.37JamesDotCom_Sam--: a sip proxy is valuable whenever you're using sip, not just to do with the amount of users
01:58.45QbYCaT[tm]:  No..  Why do you wanna do that?
01:58.47[av]baniwow... ubuntu is jacked....
01:58.51JamesDotComunfortunately, most dont understand how to configure them
01:58.56*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
01:59.13JamesDotComor bother to read a RFC 3261
01:59.14*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:59.15CaT[tm]need a gui interface for others to use. can't find one complete enough. :/
01:59.45QbYCaT[tm]: That's why I left AMP..  So many things I wanted to do and couldn't..
02:00.15*** join/#asterisk relyuhcs (
02:00.33Ariel_QbY, so did you make your own. Or did you find one you like... GUI that is.
02:00.36CaT[tm]unfortunately it seems good enough (used it from AAH before). the only other thing that looked good was voiceone but there's no voicemail support in it.
02:00.38tuxinator_linux[av]bani, wants jacked with ubuntu?
02:00.46_Sam--JamesDotCom :  in a small office setting of 20 SIP , what would be the advantage of using a proxy?
02:00.56_Sam--er..20 SIP clients / phones
02:01.10QbYAriel_:  I didn't make my own..  I have written a few scripts for what we do..
02:01.23QbYi do most of my stuff my hand..
02:01.38Ariel_ahh same here
02:01.46tuxinator_linuxjbot, are you sleeping?
02:02.00Ariel_~weather ktmb
02:02.13Ariel_looks like he is working
02:02.20tuxinator_linuxhmm, doesn't do seen and spelling
02:02.26JamesDotCom_Sam--: the only one i need ever mention, it means asterisk doesn't need to touch everything
02:02.38QbYAriel_: Granted, I loved AMP..  But I was needing some other stuff that AMP just couldn't do.. And when I'd modify, then switch to AMP, all of my stuff was killed..  And having to remember which file I could touch and which one I couldn't with AMP..  Got too confusing..  So I just went to VI
02:02.41JamesDotComand can stick to being a pbx
02:02.48tuxinator_linuxAriel_, I think jbot likes you, maybe even has a crush on you
02:02.49g4mmy zttest scores are 99.97 yet i still seem to be getting choppy meetme rooms? any ideas?
02:03.07_Sam--but what is the ADVANTAGE of that in a small asterisk box is available to do that for the 20 clients it handles
02:03.18jbothmm... docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
02:03.31jbotrumour has it, docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
02:03.39tuxinator_linuxthere we go, oh well
02:04.21JamesDotCom_Sam--: it means you're not relying on asterisk for handling sip, whether it's the signalling, the media or both
02:04.58_Sam--i dont see the advantage for small installations though...why do i care if asterisk is handling the signalling or both for 20 clients?
02:05.00_Sam--thats all
02:05.13Ariel_stun server is more of what is needed if you have nat issues
02:06.01Ariel__Sam--, are your user are mostly inside your network switches or out on the internet
02:06.18JamesDotCom_Sam--: resources, stability, rfc compliance, you dont even need the asterisk machine there
02:07.04_Sam--i dont need it there now...but i dont want them have to rely on hosted PBX
02:07.05FuriousGeorgehey all
02:07.16_Sam--Ariel_:  in this case, these clients are all on 1 internal net
02:07.24Ariel_JamesDotCom, for small setups you really don't need a proxy.. Belive me.
02:07.37Ariel__Sam--, then you don't need a proxy.
02:07.43JamesDotComthat's fine
02:07.46JamesDotComyou do it your way
02:07.48JamesDotComi'll do it mine
02:07.52FuriousGeorgei got this curious issu where oneof my voicemail boxes' greetings have disappeared and been replaced by the temp default (allison), and none of my mailboxes have the ability to change their voicemail recording in advanced options
02:08.07_Sam--im not saying i need it one way or just trying to understand
02:08.15_Sam--at what point it becomes valuable
02:08.22_Sam--and which people use it and why
02:08.37_Sam--thats not saying your way of doing things isnt right or good for you
02:08.41[av]banioh dear sam being argumentative again? :)
02:08.42JamesDotComit's valuable because it's a sip proxy, instead of some all-encompassing pbx
02:08.50JamesDotComi was mostly saying that to ariel
02:08.55Flyboy-SR22Hey Everyone
02:09.00_Sam--its all good, i just like learning
02:09.10Ariel__Sam--, it depends on the setup. I don't use proxy unless there are issues with b/w and locations. But I would not worried with anything less them 75 or 100 users.
02:09.29litageJamesDotCom: says that SER doesn't know when a call is taking place. if that's true, how does SER generate CDRs?
02:10.13JamesDotComyeah, that's cool... i found that as i read the sip rfc more often, i started disliking asterisk more for my purposes
02:10.28_Sam--and when you hit 75-100 users what becomes the main issue that makes a proxy become more efficient/better/etc...the registrations?
02:10.28Ariel_JamesDotCom, when you start adding others in the path with smaller installation it's wasteful. Asterisk can handle most sub 100 user setups just fine.
02:10.42JamesDotComlitage: there's ways to do it based off the sip messages, but i do it where it matters, from the gateways
02:10.51Ariel_not a proxy but stun if your if your doing nat
02:11.09*** part/#asterisk relyuhcs (
02:11.15palomiuxanyone knows about asterisk home?
02:11.18palomiuxwhat about asterisk live?
02:11.38_Sam--palomiux:  most of the people here just use 'pure' asterisk (i think)
02:11.40Flyboy-SR22Got a question - I have been unis * for over a year and I am looking for a GREAT web interface - I know there is alist of them on the wiki, but I would like someopinions on what people have been using and what they think about it..
02:11.47Ariel_asterisk@home works well. there is a location here for them #amportal
02:12.01_Sam--Flyboy-SR22 :  i dont think one exists, at least not in the wild for free, that ive found.
02:12.09_Sam--alot of people seem to be working on that though
02:12.22Flyboy-SR22:-) _Sam-- I don't mind paying for one that is good
02:12.30palomiuxAriel:  What about its features against "pure" asterisk?
02:12.32Flyboy-SR22:-) _Sam-- Finding one is a differnet matter
02:12.38Ariel_for the ones out there the better one is amp but you have limitations with all of them
02:12.53_Sam--what are your main needs for a GUI...what do you need to configure?
02:12.54Ariel_palomiux, it's pure asterisk with a gui
02:13.14Ariel_in my view if you can edit with vi you can do your own custom.conf files
02:13.20Flyboy-SR22seems the people that have them bundle them with their hardware and software (Fonality and SwitchVox being too examples)
02:13.25Ariel_I have amp running with lots of customers just fine
02:13.46litageJamesDotCom: you don't use your ser(s) to terminate calls?
02:13.51palomiuxAriel, do you know about an asterisk that has a Flash interface?
02:13.53Ariel_fonality has a nice setup. But I don't like that you have to use there portal for everything... that is at there site
02:13.58_Sam--i dont think ser CAN terminate calls
02:13.59_Sam--its a proxy
02:14.00Flyboy-SR22I am trying to get * systems into smaller businesss and when they hear Linex they run screaming the other direction
02:14.02JamesDotComlitage: how do you mean?
02:14.09JamesDotComit doesnt touch any media
02:14.13JamesDotComjust signalling
02:14.25Ariel_palomiux, a@h has flash operator panel with it's install
02:14.28Ariel_so does amp
02:14.36palomiuxwhat is "amp"?
02:14.46palomiuxsorry, newbie at asterisk
02:14.50JamesDotComi have audiocodes isdn gateways terminating calls
02:14.52Ariel_amp = Asterisk Management Portal
02:15.15*** join/#asterisk robin_sz (
02:15.15_Sam--where is Sao Tome and Principe? :)
02:15.27*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
02:15.30litageJamesDotCom: a sip phone registers with ser, then places a call. ser forwards/terminates the call to the appropriate destination
02:15.32Ariel_I have used SER as a proxy and it works. But it's for large setups not very useful for normal use.
02:15.59Ariel_normal / small biz pbx
02:16.03_Sam--JamesDotCom:  using canreinvite = yes whenever possible doesnt get close the same effect as ser for a small deployment?
02:16.18robin_szsigh ... upgrading that GXP2000 firmware .. big mistake
02:16.25_Sam--no way...good choice.
02:16.32_Sam--i just upgraded about 25 today
02:16.47robin_sz_Sam--: you WILL regret that
02:16.53_Sam--no way
02:17.01_Sam--my desk phone has been upgraded since sat
02:17.04_Sam--its fine, better than ever.
02:17.15_Sam--what is your issue?
02:17.19robin_szI have 2 here ... displays go blank .. need power off once a day
02:17.21palomiuxAriel: amp is an add on for asterisk?
02:17.25*** join/#asterisk juice (i=1000@
02:17.29_Sam--did you get the new firmware from 2 days ago?
02:17.39_Sam--< i read about that problem>...but havent had it myself.
02:17.43_Sam--on 0 of 25 phones
02:17.47Ariel_palomiux, yes it's an addon but not support by asterisk people
02:18.00robin_szand MWI does not work
02:18.10_Sam--does for me...i came into today to message
02:18.14_Sam--and stutter tone
02:18.19palomiuxAriel: I see, what do you recommend me?
02:18.45Flyboy-SR22robin_sz, what is MWI
02:18.50Ariel_palomiux, if your starting I would say look at Asterisk@home and start learning the setup yourself after it's done
02:18.51robin_szim not seeing SUBSCRIBE requests at all
02:18.57_Sam--message waiting indicator
02:19.05litageJamesDotCom: is serweb compatible with openser/
02:19.30_Sam--how many gxps you have?
02:19.33robin_szthe blank displays is a PITA .. is ok for a day or so .. then dead, sometimes only lasts an hour
02:19.50_Sam--there was something regarding the older MAC addresses
02:19.52_Sam--did you see that?
02:19.54palomiuxAriel: I see, what do you recommend me?
02:20.05robin_szcan I get a new MAV address?
02:20.12_Sam--posting you a PM
02:20.27_Sam--i bet you have the old mac
02:20.32_Sam--check your phone status for the mac number
02:20.49_Sam--sounds like yours is diff problem...wondering thoug
02:21.14_Sam--i checked all my mac's before i upgraded
02:22.06robin_szthis is completely blank screen ...
02:22.28_Sam--yeah i see the notes on the tiki page
02:22.44robin_szI also have a problem when upgrading, that it continually downloads, installs and reboots .. I have to remove the http server directory (or rename it anyway) to stop it ...
02:22.55_Sam--yeah thats normal
02:23.10_Sam--bani and myself reported it a while ago
02:23.18_Sam--its only on apache httpd
02:23.20_Sam--bani figured that out
02:23.37robin_sz"only" on apache httpd ...
02:23.38palomiuxGuys, what is best? amp or asterisk@home_??
02:23.42robin_szlike theres any other ;)
02:23.44_Sam--yeah who runs apache? :)
02:24.07trelanepalomiux, reread the features of A@H?
02:24.07_Sam--there's been alot of action on this page, might be good for you:
02:24.09robin_szyou shold try my Zyxel wifi phone .. thats a laugh
02:25.35_Sam--you should check your mac on your phone(s) anyway
02:25.39_Sam--can you do it ?
02:25.48_Sam--someone says the screen blnaking may be related
02:26.38robin_szummm .. maybe .. wait ..
02:26.56robin_szits at home, im at work .. but maybe my vpn will let me ..
02:27.10_Sam--when did you get it?
02:28.07_Sam--lucky you
02:28.13_Sam--you're screwed
02:28.14_Sam--This display problems occur on all GXP2000 devices with MAC addresses 000b82-03xxxx
02:28.32robin_szwhat do I win?
02:28.42_Sam--well it sounds like they are aware of the problem
02:28.49_Sam--i bet you will win some working firmware in a few days
02:28.57_Sam--especially since you cant downgrade :)
02:28.59robin_szI downgraded to
02:29.11_Sam--that is ok?
02:29.17_Sam--supposedly that still has the problem
02:29.18robin_sznot really
02:29.22_Sam--but it doesnt occur as frequently
02:29.32robin_szgoing to try again I think ..
02:29.49robin_szhey, they put the warning back at the top of the page after I moaned :)
02:30.17_Sam--you got a warning added to the page, i got a feature i wanted added to the firmware..its a real win/win :)
02:30.18*** join/#asterisk ThaZZa_Work (n=me@
02:30.37robin_szdancing girls?
02:30.53_Sam--my request for this feature:
02:30.54_Sam--Added allow disable miss-call features as per-account setting, changing this setting takes immediate effect without reboot.
02:31.02robin_szthe "whit on black" menus doesnt really work
02:31.04_Sam--the missed call log was driving my guys nuts
02:31.44robin_sztime to go home ... the laser has finished
02:32.08_Sam--have fun, and good luck
02:33.15Flyboy-SR22Does A@H support ACD does anyone know..?
02:33.28Flyboy-SR22or is more a home type of system as opposed to the business system
02:33.43Dr-Linuxanybody have example for this ?
02:36.13_Sam--Dr-Linux:  you're not all done yet? :)
02:36.21austinnichols10flyboy-sr22: latest version of aah supports acd based on several distribution methods
02:36.43ravsiwhat is it called when you have 1 main number which people call and you hand those calls off to back-up numbers to allow other calls on the main #
02:36.52litageis serweb compatible with openser?
02:37.00Flyboy-SR22austinnichols10, Thanks - I am going to download the live CD and give it a try :-)
02:37.20austinnichols10flyboy-sr22: check out before getting started - excellent tutorial
02:37.30*** join/#asterisk Majestik (
02:37.30RoyKare anyone working on SOAP for asterisk?
02:37.40Flyboy-SR22austinnichols10, Thanks - I will look at that now..
02:37.57austinnichols10royk: there's some xmlrpc stuff out there
02:38.03Dr-Linux_Sam--: i'm stopped doing AGI stuff yet
02:38.30RoyKaustinnichols10: iirc soap is an xmlrpc implementation
02:39.36*** join/#asterisk ThaZZa_Work (n=me@
02:40.21ThaZZa_Work~seen thazza
02:40.27jbotthazza <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 15h 3s ago, saying: 'mut: Much better to put caster suger mixed with cooking oil.'.
02:41.29_Sam--why do people choose *@home?  just because its easy to install?
02:42.29austinnichols10sam: cuts way down on setup time and has all of the gui stuff to make it an appliance
02:42.42*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
02:42.58austinnichols10sam: but the downside is that a lot of people probably don't go much deeper than gui config
02:43.15[av]bani_Sam--: i have come to the conclusion only 'tards use a@h.
02:43.39_Sam--basically, if you didnt know anything about linux or how to install it...then i guess @home make sense
02:43.52austinnichols10sam: I found it a great way to cut down on the inital learning curve.  I'm starting to move past what you can do with AMP
02:43.54_Sam--or if you just needed a really quick pbx?  im still not even sure
02:44.08[av]bani_Sam--: its not even good at that. there are better distros
02:44.16_Sam--i have my own base setup in a file system for future installs
02:44.19*** join/#asterisk rmorris (
02:44.25_Sam--i can just unzip it, make it bootable, and its good to go
02:44.27austinnichols10which distro is better at this point?
02:44.36[av]banianything? a@h is pretty crappy
02:44.40*** join/#asterisk T42X (n=T42X@
02:44.47rmorrisAnyone use a Sipura-3000 for outgoing calls from Asterisk?
02:44.53[av]baniastlinux maybe
02:45.01_Sam--what linux is @home installed with?
02:45.04_Sam--er what distro
02:45.04austinnichols10astlinux = no gui
02:45.11austinnichols10centos 4
02:45.30[av]baniamp != gui
02:45.40_Sam--austinnichols10:  why did you originally choose @home?
02:45.45austinnichols10no gui will eliminate 95% of the people coming from win
02:45.49_Sam--the configuration isnt any easier than regular asterisk
02:45.59_Sam--and you could have still used amp
02:46.08austinnichols10mainly because I wanted to get a box up and running so I could check it out without having to spend a week doing RTFMs
02:46.19_Sam--fair enough
02:46.24_Sam--im just trying to understand
02:46.31_Sam--you were pretty well versed with linux before that?
02:46.32[av]banino, youre just trying to be argumentative :)
02:46.38_Sam--but just not with *?
02:46.44austinnichols10I bought a sipura 841 and slapped the cd in a spare box in the office and started playing around to see how the system worked and what it was capable of
02:46.46_Sam--(i always am..argumentative that is)
02:47.06_Sam--but i still havent thought of my killer xml app
02:47.15austinnichols10I *used* to be versed with linux but it had been quite a while.
02:47.42austinnichols10So I could move around the file system, edit files, etc.  When it came to compiling I would need to go back and look at instructions.
02:47.50_Sam--austinnichols10:  and now you find yourself already against the limits of what you can do with the gui?  like you want to do more things, but either the gui cant do it or you dont know how?
02:48.18[av]baniamp is really limiting...
02:48.32[av]baniits like a fisher price "my first pbx" with working horn
02:48.43austinnichols10Not exactly.  I can handle all of the day-to-day stuff at the office.  I ended up going into the config files to add my callback (ringy), a tie to my house system, etc.
02:49.01austinnichols10I think the next box I'll build will run astLinux
02:49.13_Sam--i tried that, wasnt that impressed
02:49.23_Sam--make your own custom setup
02:49.42_Sam--to install what @home provides, isnt that hard
02:49.43austinnichols10the other nice thing about having AMP is that I can delegate responsibility to non-linux users at the office and that way I don't have to do absolutely everything for them
02:49.52_Sam--1) install linux...2) install asterisk   3) install AMP
02:49.54[av]baniit isnt hard to install amp
02:49.57file_Sam--: I did what you asked
02:50.02[av]baniit practically installs itself
02:50.10_Sam--file:  THANKS.
02:50.36_Sam--granted, @home comes with some other agi and stuffs
02:51.06austinnichols10I agree that installing linux isn't bad anymore.  When you get over to installing/configuring apache I find it a bit harder.  Integrating php takes time if you haven't done it before.
02:51.30_Sam--thats an honest answer, i take it for granted since i do it all day long.
02:51.44austinnichols10Now that I'm more familiar I would be much more comfortable in setting up my own build
02:51.47_Sam--but who wants to spend an hour or hours learning how to configure and install personally i can do it in 3 minutes
02:52.07_Sam--but thats fair..and i can understand why you would pick that
02:52.18austinnichols10In the first place I just wanted to find out a bit about asterisk
02:52.19_Sam--what do you like about astlinux?
02:52.39austinnichols10I don't really want to have another full-blown box at the house
02:52.40_Sam--well not embedded...but maybe solid state
02:52.53_Sam--i guess you could embed it, if youhad an embedded device
02:53.04_Sam--i built my own solid state version
02:53.04austinnichols10sorry, yes - technically not embedded
02:53.09_Sam--i started with astlinux
02:53.10_Sam--didnt like it
02:53.13_Sam--made my own on compact flash
02:53.26_Sam--i think mines better, but you'd have to know linux to use it
02:53.43austinnichols10I've also thought about just installing it on my linksys but from what I've read it's not really all that practical
02:55.00austinnichols10I think there's a great opportunity for the community with AAH.  I ended up finding a few people who offer paid support for AAH.  I ended up buying a couple of hours before I set up my first system (my office) just so that I knew someone had my back in case of a problem.
02:55.20[av]baniyay http bug fixed
02:55.26_Sam--people got your back first asterisk installation, i came here, and paid someone to do ti
02:55.31_Sam--zoa as a matter of fact
02:55.40austinnichols10Now I do just about everything myself and then get the rest from IRC / formus, etc.
02:55.56_Sam--if you want pay, i think you can find alot of qualified talent here as well :)
02:56.17austinnichols10yes and no regarding here.  you can't just come in and ask a noob question and not expect to get slapped around a bit
02:56.32_Sam--especialy if its about @home
02:56.37_Sam--"They have their own channel"
02:56.45austinnichols10how's that?
02:56.54[av]baniall of the asterisk distros suck more or less though, i've been contemplating my own
02:57.02_Sam--bani im in
02:57.07austinnichols10I see people get referred to amp all the time, but I think that's kind of worthless
02:57.08_Sam--lets do it..i have a good base already :)
02:57.12Qwell[av]bani: tried astlinux?
02:57.31austinnichols10I would love to see an alternative to AAH.  There's a bunch of stuff that could be improved.
02:57.36[av]baniQwell: not yet, it's next on my list
02:57.41[av]bania@h is made of poo though
02:57.42_Sam--its junk
02:57.48xachenall * distros suck
02:57.52_Sam--astlinux was good if you only had 100megs to work with
02:57.57_Sam--but now 1G cards are the norm
02:57.58_Sam--and larger
02:58.03[av]baniwell, what else do you need for * ?
02:58.10xachenThe only way your going to set something like * perfect is if you do it manually
02:58.39_Sam--for installs, when i take a server to a client..i like to have X
02:58.41_Sam--with some tools
02:58.47_Sam--that way i am self contained
02:58.58_Sam--you dont have to run it...if you dont need it
02:59.02[av]baniwhats wrong with console...
02:59.10xachenconsole is the only way :)
02:59.12_Sam--what if you need web access
02:59.17_Sam--like you need to find a bug report
02:59.19xachenlynx :)
02:59.21_Sam--no way
02:59.25QwellThen you use another machine
02:59.32austinnichols10here's the thing, so far aah is the only distro that I've found that is fairly close to being an appliance
02:59.35Qwellasterisk is a pbx, not a desktop env
02:59.35_Sam--the extra overhead to run X is worth it..i like to be self containned and not displace my clients
02:59.43xachenX is bloated
02:59.46xachenrather it bloats a box
02:59.48_Sam--so logout when you leave
02:59.50austinnichols10if there was something better I would definitely be there.
02:59.53_Sam--it runs like 2 processes
03:00.01*** join/#asterisk stormfr (
03:00.03_Sam--i like having tools
03:00.10Qwell_Sam--: use another machine
03:00.14_Sam--like having gaim, mozilla, my mp3 player etc :)
03:00.22[av]banimp3 player... at customer site ...
03:00.23xachenthats just retarded
03:00.24_Sam--i dont want to...the one im working on is fine
03:00.33xachenYour there to work
03:00.36[av]bani_Sam-- just likes to play :)
03:00.41[av]banifess up :)
03:00.44xachennot enjoy yourself and talk to your friend that lives down the block
03:00.46_Sam--im there to setup the box, if it aint setup already
03:00.59_Sam--they arent paying me by the hour, what do they care...i made the deal to install a PBX
03:01.06_Sam--so when i go, i like to be able to install the pbx !
03:01.16_Sam--and do what i need to do without a million computers and displacing others
03:01.24stormfrhello, i have daily chan_sip stop responding by said "grab the lock". Is there a way to identify where the lock ? (realtime mysql + addons/head or 1.2.x)
03:01.29xachenthat extra laptop is going to set you off...
03:01.40_Sam--why do i need the laptop?
03:01.48_Sam--the server has all the tools i need
03:01.53Qwellservers don't run X
03:01.56QwellThat's all there is to it
03:01.59_Sam--they dont when i leave
03:02.07QwellThey shouldn't ever
03:02.28xachenand if a person can't run a console and in installing a PBX like *
03:02.30[av]banii love how apple thinks itunes belongs on every headless server
03:02.53[av]banii keep removing it and apple keeps reinstalling it without asking me
03:03.06[av]banii guess steve knows whats best for me
03:04.26_Sam--Qwell:  id like to hear your rationale why a server should NEVER run x
03:04.32_Sam--because it takes extra ram?
03:04.39Qwell_Sam--: There are MANY reasons.
03:04.42Qwellresources are one
03:04.46Qwellthere are also security implications
03:04.54xachenextreme security implications
03:04.55_Sam--as with any service that allows remote connections
03:04.58Qwellthere is no reason a server should ever have X
03:05.09Qwell_Sam--: Would you run telnet on a server?
03:05.22_Sam--if i needed it, i would...but i dont.
03:05.27QwellYou never need it
03:05.30[av]banihistorically x has been an endless security hazard :/
03:05.31Qwellthere is always ssh
03:05.32Qwellyes, telentd
03:05.45_Sam--if i had a client without ssh or something...who knows
03:05.51_Sam--or was testing something
03:05.56_Sam--i could make good firewall rules
03:06.00_Sam--and i wouldnt worry about it really
03:06.01xachenoh god
03:06.05xachenYou'll never work for me
03:06.18_Sam--good, ive never worked for anyone in my life :)
03:06.19[av]banii dont think hed want to :)
03:07.10_Sam--but while telnet may be a problem if done wrongly....if you secured your telnetd...and you were confident in your skills what is the problem?
03:07.20Qwelltelnet can't be secured
03:07.35Qwellit's impossible
03:07.38_Sam--if you cant access it, and it runs from inted not as a daemon...
03:07.40_Sam--how do you get it?
03:07.44[av]baniwell, you could do telnet-tls
03:07.50[av]banibut then why not use ssh instead
03:07.50Qwell[av]bani: That isn't telnet
03:07.58Qwellthat's telnet-tls ;]
03:08.00[av]baniQwell: yes it is, its telnet over tls
03:08.03_Sam--how would access my telnetd if i restrict access by IP's getting started document is in sgml format. how read this?
03:08.04[av]banilike pop3 over tls
03:08.18Qwell_Sam--: it isn't just about accessing it
03:08.25austinnichols10sam: ip spoofing
03:08.25_Sam--its not running as a daemon
03:08.29Qwellpasswords are sent in cleartext
03:08.35_Sam--and you would have know what IPs were allowed
03:08.39_Sam--you couldnt spoof it
03:08.39Qwelldoesn't matter
03:08.54_Sam--what doesnt matter...tell me how you are going to hack my telne
03:08.54austinnichols10if you can sniff the traffic then you could spoof it
03:09.10QwellI'll sniff the telnet traffic...
03:09.16Qwellthen I'll walk up to the keyboard, and type in the root password
03:09.18_Sam--sure you will...what, after you get on my box or router?
03:09.22xachenget your password. and since your passwords will be the same.... haha
03:09.30Qwellxachen: that too :P
03:09.37_Sam--i will give you 1000 dollars if you can.
03:09.40_Sam--i'll start telnetd right now.
03:09.45Qwellroot pw for 1.5 = blah, root pw for 1.6 also = blah :p
03:09.48_Sam--you give me 1000 if you cant
03:09.53Qwellssh 1.6, root, blah, telnet 1.5 root, blah
03:10.00*** join/#asterisk techie (
03:10.07_Sam--i will put it right now in a paypal escrow
03:10.17austinnichols10I'm running a IPS at the data center and I see brute-force attempts like that all day long
03:10.24Qwell_Sam--: not from here, no
03:10.27_Sam--i owned an ISP for 10 years
03:10.37*** join/#asterisk jalsot (
03:10.43WasPhantommy condolences to you _Sam--  heh
03:10.44_Sam--xachen same offer goes to too
03:10.50WasPhantomcongratulations on getting out ;-)
03:11.06xachenI thought I'd just laugh when you do get cracked
03:11.28_Sam--been 10 has happened.
03:11.41_Sam--live and learn.
03:12.35WasPhantomI'm out in 6 weeks, after 9 years
03:12.58_Sam--i am not claiming that my servers are invincible (i do think they are!)   but i dont think if i setup my firewalls right and my telnet/inetd would have 0 chance of getting a damn thing.
03:13.11_Sam--because you wouldnt be able to sniff my box or get to my telnet
03:13.35_Sam--that is all
03:13.43_Sam--maybe you could, maybe you couldnt
03:13.50austinnichols10sam: as long as that traffic doesn't pass outside of your control, yeah
03:14.19*** join/#asterisk Cadu20 (
03:14.22Qwellif, however, somebody was on your LAN already...telnet is pie
03:14.39Qwellbe it a remote attacker, or a malicious employee
03:14.46_Sam--if they are on my lan, my telnet will be the last or close to last of my worries :)
03:14.56QwellNot if they're a trusted user
03:15.02*** join/#asterisk pauldy (
03:15.05_Sam--for the record, i dont run telnet :)
03:15.12Qwellnor was that the point
03:15.23Qwellthe point was that running X on a server is as bad as running telnet
03:15.32QwellIt just isn't something you do
03:15.34_Sam--only if people remotely auth?
03:15.46Qwelleven locally, there are very large issues
03:15.54Cadu20Hi, i don´t know if this was previously asked but... there is a way to change CANREINVITE on the fly?... i mean.. based on dialed number prefix..?
03:16.02_Sam--thank you for your input,..i am here to learn.
03:16.15_Sam--i will do some more learning about it
03:16.42Qwellif people access it from the outside, OR if it runs a realtime application, it shouldn't run X
03:16.51_Sam--if a * is running X on a 192 network secured from the outside by firewalls, how would someone from the outside or inside do anything?
03:17.06Qwell_Sam--: The security aspect isn't the only one
03:17.14Qwellthere is a multitude of reasons not to run X on a server
03:17.29_Sam--i know i ask alot of questions, its not because i am confrontational, but because im curious and want to learn and know
03:17.31QwellI'll get you the top 3 reasons right now
03:17.56tainted-i run X in a vmware virtual machine on my windows me box
03:18.04Qwelltainted-: sadistic SOB
03:18.16dudesNothing wrong with X
03:18.21dudeson a desktop ...
03:18.34tainted-i use unixODB to connect to my MS Access farm
03:18.48pauldyjust don't install it on a P2 400 and expect asterisk to produce smooth audio
03:19.11dudes* does alright on a XP 2800 /w X running =)
03:19.24Cadu20thus.. whats the point on not using vi?... it´s so damn cool.. lol
03:19.26Qwelloh great
03:19.28palomiuxBye guys
03:19.31palomiuxthanks for the info
03:19.33Qwellnow I got two other people debating on why it's bad :p
03:19.55Qwellthe 3 reasons were summed up as 1) security, 2) bloat, 3) security
03:19.56Abydos313i run x on my servers. i have to. oracle needs it
03:19.58_Sam--i could strip it out of my stuff super easy...i only need it for the development work
03:20.08_Sam--but i like having it for installations
03:20.15_Sam--in case problems come up
03:20.22Cadu20About the reinvite thing... any input from you guys?
03:20.32Qwell_Sam--: okay, I got a real #3
03:20.35Qwell_Sam--: <bougyman> you lose your geek card if you put X on your servers.
03:20.44*** part/#asterisk palomiux (n=lecaus@
03:21.02_Sam--are there any xservers that are more secure than any others?
03:21.24*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
03:21.50Qwell_Sam--: one that doesn't listen on tcp is a start (xorg CAN be set to not do so)
03:21.53_Sam--bloat is no longer a valid reason, either with the cost of disk space so cheap
03:22.17_Sam--and same for ram
03:22.24_Sam--the cost of resources is cheap
03:22.36_Sam--so bloat while a factor in the past, in my mind is no longer a valid factor
03:22.37Cadu20_Sam--: but still, when you need to update your system.. you´ll be caught on dozens of dependencies issues...
03:23.04litagedo you set the packetization (Eg: 20ms) on the enduser device (Eg: softphone), on *, or on SER?
03:24.15_Sam--either way, thank you for taking the time to give some pointers.
03:24.29Cadu20no way to change canreinvite on the fly?...
03:24.44Cadu20anyone?.. . no?... :) thanks then..
03:24.49FuriousGeorgewhoops, i can in fact still reset my greetings, i was just looking in the wrong place.  i still dont get why its using the temp mailbox instead of the messages we recorded
03:24.50Flyboy-SR22with A@H can you manage fairley complet extensions.conf files..? FOr example, I have a lot of different contexts that allow and deny certain phone from dialing international, etc...
03:24.50FuriousGeorge-- Executing VoiceMail("Zap/5-1", "u0") in new stack
03:25.10QwellFuriousGeorge: temp is always played
03:25.22FuriousGeorgei looked in the dir and the file that corresponds tho the message we recorded is there
03:26.09FuriousGeorgeQwell: ok but its allison not what we recorded.  the next line is :
03:26.10FuriousGeorge-- Playing 'vm-intro' (language 'en')
03:26.39*** join/#asterisk PrivalODC (
03:26.54MajestikMy asterisk stoped taking incoming calls over IAX, and I can't seem to find anything in the logs indicating why.. I'm getting traffic from my provider's server just fine,
03:27.04FuriousGeorgeand thres a 56 meg wav in the dir which has got to be the greeting we recorded, im gonna scp it over here and verify
03:27.06_Sam--iax2 show registry
03:27.22_Sam--make sure you are registered to your iax provider first
03:27.27PrivalODCHi, I'm trying to test a PRI setup. I connected the 2 PRI on my sangoma A102 together using a PRI xover, but I always get a congestion. Any hints?
03:28.00QwellFuriousGeorge: what is the filename?
03:28.20Majestik_Sam--: Yup, registered just fine.. I can still make outbound calls just fine, and I can call exten to exten from port to port on my pap2
03:28.40_Sam--Majestik:  what do you see on your console / cli?
03:29.17Majestik_Sam--: A bunck of POKE/PONG/ACKs.. and a few REGAUTH and REGREQ messages.. want the details?
03:29.32_Sam--on the asterisk console?
03:29.43Majestikthast's with iax2 debug
03:30.25_Sam--what is your server version?
03:30.48_Sam--and restarting the server has no effect?
03:30.56Majestiknot a thing
03:31.13_Sam--i ran 1.2.1 w/ iax trunks for a while...without a hiccup
03:31.15MajestikAnd.. I honestly didn't touch anything between it working, and not working :)
03:31.24MajestikSo did I until this afteroon :)
03:31.32_Sam--maybe its worth a shot at upgrading to 1.2.4?
03:32.02_Sam--no firewall rules or anything different?
03:32.06MajestikNot a thing
03:32.14_Sam--the box is behind nat/firewall?
03:32.32MajestikIt is.. but it was working just fine.
03:32.42MajestikAnd, I can see the packets with tcpdump too..
03:32.50PrivalODCOk, for those interested, I had to use the 1st channel of both PRI only (channel 1 and 25)...
03:33.01_Sam--i thought iax is udp
03:33.18_Sam--not that you cant see udp with tcpdump
03:33.23_Sam--just caught me off gaurd :)
03:33.50_Sam--it sounds like you've done some poking around...probably more than i can help you with!
03:34.04_Sam--other than recommending to try an upgrade, i dont have anything useful to add for ya!
03:34.26_Sam--what is the iax provider?
03:34.27*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
03:34.30MajestikI'm thinking I'd best get a hold of my service provider :)
03:34.53*** join/#asterisk mwgbc (
03:34.58_Sam--its pretty easy to upgrade to 1.2.4 if you decide to try
03:35.10FuriousGeorgeqwell, i got unavail.wav and unavail.WAV and a corresponding gsm file, same thing for busy....  i cant seem to open em with anything, but i notice its actually 556k not 56mb so i guess they must have deleted the greeting they recorded somehow or something
03:35.11brockj49464Is there a way to get history of peer quality?
03:35.23FuriousGeorgeill just tellem they gotta record it again and they must have broke it somehow :)
03:35.27MajestikK, thanks _Sam--
03:35.28PrivalODCIs there a way to know shich zaptel version is installed?
03:35.47*** part/#asterisk mogorman (
03:35.50_Sam--Majestik:  i didnk think there was a compelling reason to upgrade from 1.2.1 to 1.2.4...until i read the changelog
03:35.57_Sam--there's really been a lot of fixes
03:36.11MajestikYeah.. I'm thinking I'm going to get a hold of the provider first..
03:37.22mwgbcHelp Please.  I have been running an asterisk dialer for a while now.  I have been making calls just fine until a about an hour ago.  The server running asterisk is a dedicated server based in florida I just started getting straight "call failed to go through reason 1" I dont think anything has changed.  Any ideas where to look?
03:37.52Qwellmwgbc: your provider
03:38.10mwgbcQwell: provider is
03:38.16Qwellcall them up
03:38.35Abydos313did your .25 cents run out? heh
03:38.46Math`your probably out of funds yeah
03:38.49mwgbcQwell: I pinged their servers fine. and I have $125.00 left on my account
03:38.54Qwellcall anyways
03:38.57Qwellping means nothing
03:39.01QwellSIP isn't ICMP
03:39.03I-MODmaybe their shit just broke
03:39.11mwgbcQwell: thanks, I'll do that.
03:39.15filetry to make an actual call... so you get a better reason...
03:39.22fileinstead of using a call file
03:39.47mwgbcfile: No, when I try to make a call it just times out.
03:40.05filehow do you know it times out? what do you get? have you pastebinned it? have you done an iax2 debug?
03:40.26fileThe moral of this story is, provide as much info as you can to faciliate the diagnosis procedure
03:41.32mwgbcfile: I'll check with the provider first and get back with what help I need after that. Thanks
03:45.31*** part/#asterisk QbY (
03:46.18PrivalODCAnyone has a link or document that gives the differences betwen the different echo canceler?
03:47.25znoGto create a menu in Asterisk with lots of if/then etc, is it best to use AEL? i need to dial ext 1, if ext 1 doesn't pick up within 20 seconds, ring ext 2, if ext 2 doesnt pick up try 3, if 3 doesn't pick up go to voicemail.
03:47.49znoGpretty tedious to do with standard dialplan syntax, I thought AEL would be more appropriate
03:48.32jbothmm... ael is Asterisk Extension Language
03:48.36*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:48.47znoGwhat do you think Qwell ?
03:48.47Flyboy-SR22more TLA to learn and remember
03:49.03_Sam--does ael give much for functionality than you get with a regular dialplan?
03:49.08Math`ael is great
03:49.09*** join/#asterisk Majestik (
03:49.12Qwelljbot: no, ael is Asterisk Extension Language - a dialplan language with 'c like' syntax?
03:49.14jbotQwell: okay
03:49.30Math`same functionality, different syntax, better readability
03:49.34_Sam--more for functionality = much MORE functionality
03:49.41_Sam--i see
03:49.46znoGlooks like AEL2 can include?
03:50.00QwellznoG: nope
03:50.05Qwelloh, 2
03:50.09*** join/#asterisk smurf (n=smurf@debian/developer/smurf)
03:50.14Math`znoG: er thats not new
03:50.16Qwellyeah, murf's AEL can
03:50.25Math`thats a context include
03:50.34znoGyeah, i thought standard AEL couldn't do that
03:50.39znoGsomebody was complaining about that here the other day
03:50.40Qwellit can't do #include
03:50.47Majestik_Sam--: Just figured out one more detail... I can make a call from my asterisk to my phone number, which makes a channel to the provider, and back, and that works just fine.. it's definitly upstream :)
03:50.47Qwellie; include other files
03:50.48Math`of course it can do context inclusions
03:51.03Math`yeah I need to run a "" scripts that replaces #includes
03:51.04znoGQwell: oh i see
03:51.09_Sam--why couldnt it #include/
03:51.19znoGok so AEL is probably the way to go
03:51.19Qwell_Sam--: nobody added that functionality
03:51.26Math`because it doesnt use the same config file reading functions as other asterisk files
03:51.31Math`and nobody implemented it
03:51.37Math`maybe I should implement it
03:51.46QwellMath`: no need, really
03:51.46litagedo you set the packetization (Eg: 20ms) on the enduser device (Eg: softphone), on *, or on SER?
03:51.50Qwellif AEL2 goes in...AEL is dead
03:52.02znoG... why?
03:52.28Math`Qwell: AEL2? is that on mantis?
03:52.31*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
03:52.33_Sam--most people use either AEL OR plain extensions.conf, not both?  or most use both?
03:52.39Math`I just use ael
03:52.51znoGi'll be trying out AEL tomorrow
03:53.01Math`nvm reading wiki
03:53.35*** join/#asterisk dca[laptop] (n=dca[
03:53.51_Sam--whats up DCA
03:53.59dca[laptop]oh dear
03:54.01dca[laptop]not much
03:54.04PrivalODCAnyone wkno the differences between the different echo cancelers? isp is
03:54.19[av]bani* needs lua
03:54.29dca[laptop]heh, does that mean i own you?
03:54.30_Sam--[av]bani:  you never talked to the teliax guy?
03:54.49_Sam--after i told you to email him
03:54.54[av]bani_Sam--: not yet, should i?
03:54.59_Sam--i bet he would listen.
03:55.04PrivalODCOk, to rephrase, anyone saw BIG improvement switchink from MARK2 to KB1? And is MG2 a lot better than KB1?
03:55.25[av]bani_Sam--: i'm waiting for them to tend to my open ticket, without having to prod them to action
03:55.40_Sam--its the same one you've been waiting on for like 1 week?
03:55.45*** join/#asterisk tehdely (
03:56.19_Sam--you didnt switch your incoming over to junction networks yet?
03:56.28[av]banino, they dont have local DIDs
03:56.29*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
03:56.32[av]baniteliax does
03:57.26Assidhrmm. anyone seen any quality difference between voipjet and teliax ?
03:57.45_Sam--Assid:  have you tried either?
03:57.48[av]banivoipjet seems to only do termination?
03:57.48dca[laptop][av]bani: what are you trying to get teliax to do?
03:57.56[av]banidca[laptop]: accept my money
03:57.56Math`[av]bani: thats correct
03:58.04dca[laptop]oh dear, you ask so much
03:58.23[av]baniafter that i'll poke them about stuttering issues
03:58.30dca[laptop]i know some of the teliax guys, shall i cattle prod them for you?
03:58.31Assid_Sam--: using voipjet right now..  signed up for teliax.. waiting for the credit card amt for verification
03:58.47[av]banidca[laptop]: well, it shouldnt be necessary to cattle prod them to take my money should it?
03:59.06Qwell[av]bani: he is a teliax guy...cattle prod away
03:59.07Assid[av]bani: you gota do this whole verify the amount thing..
03:59.15[av]baniim beginng to wonder if their trouble ticket system has any meaning
03:59.17dca[laptop]heh, no, but what do you mena they won't take the money?
03:59.32[av]banidca[laptop]: my ticket remains open and untouched re: billing issues
03:59.40[av]banidca[laptop]: error 23, and nobody responded
04:00.03[av]banii want to add more to my account, but i guess teliax doesnt like my money
04:00.11Math`I'd do
04:00.14[av]banithough nobody else seems to have issues with it :/
04:00.23Math`whats your local area code
04:00.52[av]baniMath`: ??
04:01.14Math`with teliax, in which area are your DIDs
04:01.58Abydos313so voipjet sucks?
04:02.06Math`voipjet doesnt suck
04:02.08JunK-Ybrookshire: alive?
04:02.26Assid_Sam--: ..?
04:02.41Assidso anyone tried both?
04:02.50_Sam--i use teliax...the service works well for me.
04:03.05_Sam--alot of it is dependent on what network/backbone you are on and how far from teliax you are
04:03.12[av]banii love heisenbugs
04:03.13*** part/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
04:03.33*** join/#asterisk newl (
04:03.53[av]bani_Sam--: 23ms
04:04.12Assidyeah i know.. was just wondering if there was any quality difference provider wise
04:04.21_Sam--ok alot of is dependent on HOW your network traffic gets to teliax not just latency :)
04:04.30_Sam--and what routes it takes, apparently.
04:04.44[av]baniwell, apparently both my routes to teliax suck :/
04:05.07[av]baniatt->pnap->rockynet and qwest->savvis->rockynet
04:05.15_Sam--i think its rockynet personally
04:05.22[av]banioddly enough i hear the other end just fine
04:05.24fileare they a little... rocky?
04:05.30[av]baniand when teliax originates, theres no stuttering
04:05.36[av]banionly when i terminate, there is stutter
04:06.42Assidi cant ping looks like teliax turned of ICMP
04:06.59[av]baniprolly coz all the ddos from #asterisk :)
04:07.08_Sam--either that or cause the packet loss was showing
04:07.22[av]banii never had any packetlos...
04:07.25filethat's a rather drastic approach to hiding it
04:07.32_Sam--today i reported 2% packet loss to that host
04:07.36_Sam--and it was AT that host
04:07.42_Sam--maybe i was wrong
04:07.43*** join/#asterisk alephcom (
04:07.50_Sam--the hsot right before it was dropping ICMP
04:08.00_Sam--but the voip-co2.teliax host was dropping packets
04:08.00file_Sam--: you have been having weird network issues
04:08.10fileala switch-04
04:08.11_Sam--im watching the mtr right now
04:08.30Assidyeah voipjet seems a whole lot closer to me than the network of co2 of teliax
04:08.38_Sam--but if the router before their host drops doesnt mean that their host should have any packet loss
04:09.04_Sam--is that true or not true?
04:09.25Assid_Sam--: true
04:09.46I-MODdropped ICMP packets == packet loss in the literal sense, but it shouldnt affect sip
04:10.18_Sam--yeah but if a router between myself and host im pinging MTR'ing to drops packets...the host im tracing to / pinging shouldnt drop those packets?
04:10.27trixterits also hard to compare icmp vs udp anymore, people put up filters for icmp a lot more now than they used to
04:10.31_Sam--they will make it all the way
04:10.34*** join/#asterisk xbmodder_lappy (i=nobody@unaffiliated/xbmodder)
04:10.51trixterso unless you know for a fact that icmp isnt filtered by any router inbetween you and the target you shouldnt rely on it 100%
04:11.20_Sam--but if i know the host im pinging repsonds to shoulld repsond 100% of the time,  regardless of whats in the middle?
04:11.28trixtertraceroute works by udp packets sent to a high numbered port with a low ttl and a time exceeded in transit returned
04:11.30Assidnot really
04:11.34trixtersome sites have for decades filtered that
04:11.55trixter_Sam--: what if something in the midde does QoS and puts icmp so low that its dropped?
04:11.57Assidi have a few boxes setup for dropping 50% icmp
04:12.05trixterthat doesnt equate to network performance for other protocols
04:12.07Assidso that people dont wanna try and kill it
04:12.13trixterand the forward path may not be the same as the reverse
04:12.20[av]banimost routers prioritize icmp lowest by default
04:12.26[av]banilinux rate limits icmp
04:12.36*** part/#asterisk mwgbc (
04:12.40_Sam--i watch and see routers drop ...but my pings /mtr still makes it to the final host with 0 loss
04:12.47_Sam--that is what im saying
04:12.47Assid50% icmp... if the limit of 4 simultanous pings are reached
04:12.55[av]baniwhich reminds me, asterisk doesnt handle port unreachable...
04:12.59[av]banii should fix that
04:12.59Assidanwyasy.. brb
04:13.05_Sam--like i see 10% packet loss at a router int he middle...but i get 0% on the host /mtr im pinging / tracing
04:13.18_Sam--i guess you ahve to use MTR to see what i mean
04:13.38[av]bani_Sam--: that just means the route rin teh middle drops 10% icmp or udp when directed at it
04:13.48[av]bani0% on the endpoint means there is no loss
04:13.50_Sam--right, but the packet loss at the final destination is still valid
04:14.02_Sam--so if my endpoint had 1% packet loss, its still 1% packet loss
04:14.06_Sam--not because of something in the middle
04:14.08_Sam--when i use MTR
04:14.30_Sam--that is all im saying...routers in between can drop icmp all they want
04:14.33_Sam--i am still seeing the real loss
04:14.35_Sam--when i use mtr
04:14.40[av]banithey can drop anything they want, means nothing
04:14.45[av]banidrop 100% of packets directed at them
04:14.56_Sam--that is what i thought
04:15.06[av]banias long as they forward 100%
04:16.23_Sam--bani do you know if mtr uses icmp ?
04:16.28_Sam--i guess it has to
04:16.32_Sam--unless it uses traceroute type
04:16.48_Sam--i think it does use icmp
04:16.54tainted-does asterisk require mysql
04:17.03_Sam--it doesnt require it, no
04:17.06tainted-i'm trying to slim the box as much as possible
04:17.21_Sam--its nice to have it for cdr records
04:17.27_Sam--or another sql maybe
04:17.49tainted-i use cdr_tds
04:17.52_Sam--guess you could just as easliy make it insert them in another place
04:18.38[av]baniwrite out cdr to csv...
04:19.03_Sam--or just have it connect to a remote sql
04:19.29_Sam--mysql5 is a diskhog
04:19.38_Sam--i think on my cf card it takes a lot of space
04:20.52_Sam--eh not as bad as i thought
04:22.25*** join/#asterisk Luke-Jr (
04:28.13De_Mon_Sam-- sqlite would work just as good
04:28.22[av]baniwhat distro you put on your cf?
04:34.16*** join/#asterisk CANO-1982 (i=alejandr@
04:34.32*** part/#asterisk CANO-1982 (i=alejandr@
04:34.37[av]baniheh the chinese grandstream guys english is better than the snom guys
04:42.14*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
04:43.45*** join/#asterisk Jizzbug (
04:44.00tronix[av]bani: i've seen the DSL distro (damn small linux) -- looks interesting, would fit. don't know about maintability
04:44.12tronixI suspect some other distro might do better on maintenance angle.
04:44.28tronixI've seen Debian fit in 60-95 MB
04:46.11*** join/#asterisk brookshire[bar] (n=matt@
04:47.29*** join/#asterisk LoRez (i=lorez@freenode/staff/lorez)
04:47.47[av]baniwhat i want is a distro which has a buildroot so you can put together your own custom build
04:49.36[av]baniopenwrt comes close, but its not x86 yet
04:55.15*** join/#asterisk benjk (
04:56.17benjkanybody here who recently upgraded a Cisco 7960 from SIP 2.0 to 3.0 ?
04:57.29Qwellwhy 3.0?
04:57.33QwellIsn't the latest like...7?
04:58.41*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
05:00.44Nuggetyeah, but you have to pass through v3 to get to v7.
05:00.51*** join/#asterisk slePP (
05:01.08Mavvie-- Channel 0/4, span 4 received AOC-E charging 166821040 units
05:01.25benjkwell, apparently Cisco doesn't allow you to go from 2.0 directly to 7.5
05:01.42benjkand it even appears is if you can't even go from 2.0 directly to 3.0
05:02.47QwellYou can, with the universal app loader
05:03.00Qwell2 > 7.x works fine
05:03.07Qwellworked fine for me
05:03.18mzohow nice are the 7960 phones? Is there any different with the 7940s?
05:03.25Qwellmzo: 4 extra lines
05:03.34Qwellone extra softkey too?  I don't recall
05:03.41benjkwell, it simply doesn't work
05:03.46Qwell"doesn't work"?
05:03.59benjkthe phones were on SCCP 3.1
05:04.14benjkand I followed Cisco's documentation by the letter
05:04.14QwellHave you read the firmware upgrade matrix?
05:04.20Qwellworked just fine for me, multiple times
05:04.29benjknothing worked until I used the SIP 2.0 firmware
05:04.43mzooh, wow, that is kind of nice?
05:04.54mzoso i could conference 3 or 4 people in at once?
05:05.05Qwellmzo: You could do that with the 7940
05:05.19Qwellwith sccp at least
05:05.26QwellI can have 100 calls on one line appearance
05:05.40mzoi'll have to try it at work.  I've never messed with my phone much
05:05.50benjknow, I changed content of the OS79XX.TXT on my TFTP server to the SIP 3.0 image and also the SIPDefault.cnf parameter, but the phone doesn't even make any attempt to request the image
05:06.16Qwellbenjk: Can your phone hit the internet?
05:06.32benjkwhat do you mean?
05:06.37Qwellfor the tftp
05:06.49benjkno the TFTP server is on the LAN
05:07.22benjkand its not just one phone, its a whole barrage of 'em
05:07.45benjkOh well, I guess I will have to try the 2.1 firmware now
05:08.01Qwellgo back to the 3.1 sccp if you can...
05:08.10QwellThat'll upgrade straight to 7.x
05:08.11benjknext time a customer wants Cisco phones, it will be 500 USD per phone for configuration
05:08.28Qwellbecause you don't know how to configure them?  Seems a bit unfair to me. :)
05:08.30benjkNo SCCP 3.1 did not upgrade straight to 7.X
05:08.43Qwelldoes here
05:08.44benjkfor any X between 0 and 5
05:08.54QwellYou used that site?
05:09.22Qwellprocedure C
05:09.39QwellI can hook it up through ssh
05:11.08benjkI have tried most of this since yesterday morning
05:11.17QwellI'm a pro :P
05:11.25benjkthe only thing that worked was from SCCP 3.1 to SIP 2.0
05:11.38mzoi'd love to buy a 7940 or something (a phone) in the same class and same general fit and finish.
05:11.43*** join/#asterisk KaBewM (
05:12.16benjkthe software and admin facilities are a pile of dog poo though
05:12.27benjkeven the Chinese can do better
05:13.28trixterhey benjk
05:13.29Qwellbenjk: let me know if you want me to take a look at your tftp stuff
05:13.37QwellI'll be around
05:14.12benjkwell, it's very simple, the phone's firmware is P0S30200
05:14.26[av]bani<3 cisco
05:14.37QwellSIP 2 only understands 8.3
05:14.43benjkthe content of OS79XX.TXT is now P0S3-03-0-00
05:15.02benjkso, I need to rename the image file then?
05:15.07trixterwho would prefix firmware with a model number POS ?
05:15.11trixterseems they are saying something
05:15.23benjkyeah Cisco == PoS
05:15.25Qwelltake out the dashes, remove a 0 (it doesn't really matter which one)
05:15.38Qwellrename the file, and set the OS79XX.txt to the same name
05:15.51Qwellfile: I'm 8.3 compliant already!
05:16.05*** join/#asterisk abatista (
05:16.07benjkand the image name parameter in SIPDefault.cnf too I presume
05:16.08QwellI'm a .ell file
05:16.18Qwellbenjk: it probably won't even get that far
05:18.35benjkok, rebooting ...
05:18.50*** part/#asterisk alephcom (
05:19.44benjkthe phone will not even request the file
05:19.47benjkwhat a piece of crap
05:19.47Qwellpastebin me the tftp logs
05:19.55QwellWhat's being NAK'd?
05:20.02benjknothing in the logs
05:20.08QwellYou got verbose?
05:20.13benjkthe phone doesn't request anything other than the cnf files
05:20.21QwellWhat config?
05:21.41benjkSIPDefault.cnf and SIP_mac-addr.cnf
05:21.47Qwellrename those, let them NAK
05:21.55QwellWhat else gets requested after that?
05:22.07Qwellyou need to rename them first :p
05:23.24QwellOn some images, if the SIP configs are NAK'd, it'll request an sccp config (which is an easy upgrade)
05:24.21benjkI have just spent 2 days trying to get away from SCCP
05:24.33Qwellyes, and you can still use SIP
05:24.36*** join/#asterisk tronix (
05:26.18tainted-strange.. asterisk compiles find but refuses to start up
05:26.22tainted-i get no errors
05:26.33tronixtainted-: did you start with -vvvvc?
05:27.17tronixand there's nothing interesting in /var/log/asterisk/messages ?
05:27.37tronixdoes -vvvvc startup give any errors?
05:27.57JunK-Ymouhahhahaha haha
05:27.57tronixbecause if it works, it'll put you in a *CLI> prompt. if it doesn't, it'll complain about something
05:28.02benjkI renamed the .cnf files, and it still doesn't change a thing
05:28.11Qwellbenjk: Does it try to request any extra files now?
05:28.14benjkthe phone won't request the 3.0 firmware
05:28.17QwellYou were far better off with sccp...
05:28.38benjkSCCP firmware is a piece of crap because it doesn't allow me to do manual changes to the config
05:28.47tainted-is the last line i get
05:28.53benjkI want manual settings as a choice
05:29.11benjkif I don't get that choice, then the product is a pile of fascist junk
05:29.21brookshire[bar]junk: you should put up photos on your blog
05:29.23Qwellyes, and you can go to SIP once you've upgraded
05:29.35QwellI can switch between SIP and SCCP in less than 60 seconds
05:29.43Qwellback and forth, by changing one line
05:29.47benjkwell not on those phones
05:30.27benjkI have already had 3 different Cisco savvy folks give me instructions and they couldn't get me any further than SIP 2.0
05:30.54benjkanyway, trying 2.1 now
05:31.05Qwellgive me read access to /var/log/messages and write access to /tftproot/, and I'll have it fixed in minutes :p
05:31.12fileQwell IS ELITE!
05:31.22benjkthis LAN is not connected to the net
05:31.28brookshire[bar]he's so elite he's ultraviolet ;)
05:31.40filebrookshire[bar]: I ought to smack you for that
05:31.43Qwelleh..your loss :p
05:32.31tainted-is there an error log i can chat?
05:33.18tronixthere's /var/log/asterisk/messages (or whereever it is on your setup)
05:33.41tronixbut might have to strace -f -o /tmp/foo asterisk <any startup options> or similar
05:34.00tronixand then look at /tmp/foo around the line it prints out message
05:34.19tronixdid this ever work before, or is this a new setup?
05:34.35tainted-tronix i don't have a messages in that folder
05:34.46tainted-only event_log and queue_log
05:35.00tronixit's probably not getting far enough in startup to write out messages. unfortunate.
05:35.32tronixstrace will likely give insight if you can decode how to read it, or pastebin output around that area
05:36.10tronixI've used it in the past to figure out problems loading a codec was due to a perms problem on the directory. so it's indispensable.
05:36.29mzoi heard this 'rumor' taht you can integrate google talk with asterisk, is that actually true?
05:36.37mog_homenot today
05:36.42Qwellmog_home: tomorrow?!
05:36.45mog_homethere is a guy that has propitery method
05:36.50mog_homedont ruin my suprise
05:36.57Qwellooo, tomorrow is GSK day
05:37.05mzomog_home, for google talk?
05:37.16Qwellalso secret
05:37.23mzoargh, no one ever tells me sekrets
05:37.23Qwellbirdie told me
05:38.18mog_homepeople in asterisk are very secretive
05:38.23mog_homeand many oss projects
05:38.36mog_homedevelopers tend to not want to make promises they cant keep
05:38.39fileI have to be secretive!
05:38.41mog_homeand have users bugging them
05:38.55mzobut really, iis it true about google talk and asterisk ?
05:39.05mog_homethat may or not be true
05:39.05filesuper secret project 3.141592653!
05:39.16Qwellpie project?
05:39.16mog_homeand i may or may not have a paypal account that accepts donations ^_^
05:39.18mzosome of you have promising careers in elected office. :P
05:39.22fileI like pie
05:39.23Corydon76-homeIt's not true.
05:39.26mog_homepi is good
05:39.37mog_homeaww /me frowns
05:39.46mog_homei havae been working hard Corydon-w but i am a bit of a nub
05:39.47filewho wants the 14?
05:40.06Corydon76-homefile: Knuth beat you to that
05:40.57Corydon76-homeJust like someone joked about Morse code on the mailing list... and by the next day, it was in trunk...
05:41.19fileyou just have to perk someone's interest
05:41.33mzoi'll take the .14
05:41.44filemzo: mog has the .
05:41.52fileyou can have 141 though
05:41.55mog_homedamn spiffy
05:42.13*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
05:42.28filemog_home: Matttttttttttt
05:42.30Corydon76-homeAs long as I have the 6535, I'm fine
05:43.06mzooh, okay, ty!
05:44.36mog_homemzo you get message?
05:45.04QwellI guess I'm stuck with 926? :(
05:45.14Qwellerm, 592 :( :(
05:46.10Corydon76-homeQwell: the nice thing about irrationality is that any sequence is available, somewhere.
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05:47.35QwellCorydon-w: even 1.2?
05:48.13Corydon76-homeIf by . you mean any digit, yes
05:48.18QwellI mean .
05:48.57Corydon76-homedecimal points don't count
05:49.08Qwelltoo irrational?
05:51.23Qwellbenjk must've given up
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05:52.07benjkI never give up
05:52.38benjkhowever, upgrading from 2.0 to 2.1 doesn't work either
05:52.51QwellI could have it done in < 10 minutes :P
05:53.22QwellYou need to go to sccp
05:53.43benjkI have been on SCCP
05:53.44ravsiWhat is it called when you have 1 main number and you hand off calls to other lines in order to answer the main line agian?
05:53.48Qwellyes, go back to sccp
05:53.53Qwell3.1 or whatever it was, if you can
05:54.00benjkand then?
05:54.06Qwelland then go to the latest sccp
05:54.10Qwellwhich will have the UAL
05:54.17Qwellwhich can easily go back and forth between sccp and sip
05:54.17benjktried that already
05:54.58benjkand it could be so easy
05:55.04Qwellit is easy ;]
05:55.27benjkall the phone would need to do is self assign a link-local address and advertise itself
05:56.04benjkthen click on the service in your browser and enter the location of the firmware and click upgrade
05:57.20QwellCan you get it back to 3.1?
05:57.25benjkalternatively, the server with the images could advertise them and the phone would pick them up, give you a list to choose from, push select and done
05:57.48benjkthe phone basically ignores whatever is in OS79XX.TXT
05:57.57QwellDid you put it in the sip config?
05:58.01benjka real piece of shit
05:58.14benjkhence the P0S prefix of those files
05:58.33benjkI will suggest to Cisco they add an 'R' in front of that
05:58.42benjkR for real piece of shit
05:59.01benjkyes, I added it to SIPDefault.cnf too
06:01.50Qwelland you're sure it isn't NAK'ing?
06:03.27ManxPowerravsi, a hunt group
06:03.29benjkI am not sure of anything anymore
06:03.37Qwellbenjk: You can't temp put it on the internet?
06:03.43ravsia hunt group , ManxPower
06:03.52ravsiManxpower: thanks!
06:03.59benjkI am in a remote village with 6 houses in the mountains
06:04.07benjkthis LAN is not connected to the internet
06:04.27benjkI am on my notebook which is hooked up to a wireless link
06:04.28CaT[tm]hmmm. I'd rather be in a remote village in the mountains right about now.
06:04.33Qwellssh tunnel?
06:04.38benjkbut the LAN here has no connectivity
06:04.45Qwellsurely the laptop has ethernet also?
06:04.57benjkyes it has but behind 2 NATs
06:05.13benjkand I have no control over the access points
06:05.56benjkI mean what's the big deal?
06:06.18benjkCisco says the phone should pick up on what is in OS79XX.TXT and it simply doesn't
06:06.25Qwellonly some images
06:07.02file[laptop]I do believe I'm going to sleep
06:07.02benjkwell, if the phone is on SIP 2.0 and the image in OS79XX.TXT is 2.1, why the heck wouldn't it pick up on that?
06:07.19Qwellis it looking for OS79XX.TXT?
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06:11.59benjkit may not be, but if so, then Cisco are liars
06:12.09QwellIt doesn't always look for that
06:12.26*** join/#asterisk mattwj2005 (
06:13.12benjkand why would it not?
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06:14.00benjkCisco documentation states very clearly that it will compare the name of the image in OS79XX.TXT with its own installed image, for that to be true, it would have to look at it
06:14.17*** join/#asterisk LoRez (i=lorez@freenode/staff/lorez)
06:17.19QwellIt just doesn't...don't question it
06:17.25Qwellcheck the logs and see what it actually looks for
06:17.31stormfrhello, i have daily chan_sip stop responding by said "grab the lock". Is there a way to identify where the lock is ? (using realtime mysql + addons, head or 1.2.x)
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06:41.41rtsigh.  My PAP2 reset, downloaded new firmware, and now is pretty effectively locked me out.
06:46.28rtshould i get a sipura 3000 or a clipcomm cg-200?
06:47.21benjkQwell, if Cisco states in their documentation that it does and it doesn't then I take issue with that
06:47.43QwellWhich firmware release notes are you reading?
06:48.15Qwellthere is a new one for every revision
07:02.07*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
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07:04.38st3vevery time I connect to the directory, it says "No directory entries match your search". It doesn't prompt me to enter the first 3 letters of the last name. I switched to asterisk@home and it started doing that.
07:04.51st3vI have extensions and voicemail configured
07:10.27*** join/#asterisk brimstone (n=brimston@pdpc/sponsor/digium/brimstone)
07:10.54mog_homehey brimstone is #anime back?
07:11.07brimstonecomcast went down
07:11.39brimstoneyay for comcast!
07:15.04rob0Mine went down too.
07:16.06*** join/#asterisk Micc (
07:16.29MiccI have an interesting asterisk problem, is anyone around tonight that might be able to help me?
07:19.50MiccOk, so here is the problem. I have a linksys pap2-na. I've setup a number of the pap2-na's for my friend and he uses them without problem. When I dial his extension there are no problems. But when I dial an outside number that goes out the PRI it is choppy on the outbound.
07:20.57MiccIt doesn't make any sense because when I'm doing a call to another asterisk sip line it works fine. So I know the firewall is good.
07:21.45Miccthe link is the same. pap2-na -> cable modem -> router -> asterisk -> router -> cable modem -> pap2-na.
07:22.16MiccSo when its pap2-na -> cable modem -> router -> asterisk -> PRI it has issues. How can there be a difference?
07:22.58brimstonewhich card is providing PRI Micc ?
07:23.05brimstonea digium card by chance?
07:23.24brimstonedid they fix the IRQ problem yet mog_home ?
07:23.31brimstonei'd check it's IRQ Micc
07:23.33MiccIts just a single span.
07:23.38brimstonemake sure it's by itself
07:23.44MiccHow do I do that?
07:23.51brimstonelspci -vb
07:23.56brimstonelook for Unknown Controller
07:23.59brimstoneor Tiger Jet
07:24.02brimstoneor something
07:24.09brimstonemaybe jsut d161 would find it
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07:25.39iarebadcan someone tell me what asterisk is all about?
07:25.43brimstonehi iarebad
07:25.48brimstoneit's a free pbx!
07:25.50iarebadim new to VOIP scene and i read about asterisk a lot
07:26.25iarebadso basically, if i setup asterisk at home on a PC, i can call anywhere around the world on landlines/mobs for free?
07:26.41brimstonetermination isn't free, but the pbx part is
07:26.51Miccok, its sharing the IRQ with a bunch of stuff.
07:26.53MiccIRQ 5
07:27.00brimstoneinteresting sites to read,,
07:27.04iarebadok sorry, what is termination?
07:27.11brimstoneyou can get really, really cheap termination to iarebad
07:27.12iarebadanywhere i  can read about all this too iarebad
07:27.24brimstonelots-o-info there
07:27.47iarebadok thanks .. will start off there
07:27.53brimstonetake luck!
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07:36.12benjkyou're not going to believe this ...
07:36.19brimstonei just mine
07:36.29benjkthose stupid Cisco phones
07:36.43benjkit's upgrading now
07:36.56benjkbut you have to cripple the SIPDefault.cnf file
07:37.31benjkand not even leave a CRLF at the end of the line with the image name
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07:43.33iarebadhypothetical question: what do u need to be a VOIP provider?
07:43.59JamesDotCommore support than an irc channel
07:44.20newlknowhow, bandwidth, hardware, and operating capitol in no particular order. :)
07:44.31brimstoneand a cool logo
07:44.36brimstoneor a catchy name
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07:44.43newl^^ what he said.
07:44.58brimstoneones ending in "com" "tel" "net" are popular
07:45.12mzoor something including all three of those words
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07:45.22JamesDotComi have none of them in my name IS a voip provider...
07:45.36brimstonelmao too funny mzo is open :P
07:45.49mzoaww is spam!
07:46.46iarebadok apart from knowhow, bandwith, hardware, which all need a capital .. how much approx is that?
07:46.56Qwell<iarebad> hypothetical question: what do u need to be a VOIP provider?
07:47.01QwellYou need to know...THE ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION
07:47.22Abydos313any of you guys try vonage? i was wondering if i bought an account here in the states with local area code if the same phone could call from out of the country to local areas from where the area code is?
07:47.34iarebadQwell, lol, what if i have the spare CAPITAL, do i still need to know the answer?
07:47.35JamesDotComiarebad: what country you in, and do you have a job for me? :P
07:47.45Qwelliarebad: You need to hire somebody who does. :p
07:48.11iarebadno doubt .. and so i need to know what a regular VOIP investent might be .. then i can start some research
07:48.31Qwelliarebad: depends on what you want at first
07:52.37*** join/#asterisk e3g (
07:55.00*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (
07:55.40benjkAnd another Cisco braindamage
07:55.58benjkit says "Upgrading software" but it doesn't actually upgrade
07:56.13Qwellfrom what to what?
07:56.22benjksame version than before once it's done "upgrading software"
07:56.27benjkfrom 2.1 to 3.0
07:56.52benjkof course
07:56.59tuxinator_linuxQwell, do you sleep?
07:57.03Qwellcheck for NAK's..  If it's missing any of the files, it'll abort
07:57.06Qwelltuxinator_linux: of course not
07:57.30tuxinator_linuxWhat time zone are you in?
07:57.35QwellWhichever I choose
07:57.46QwellI'm omnipresent
07:57.56benjkW350 Invalid proxy_backup
07:58.11benjkW351 Invalid proxy_emergency
07:58.33QwellI don't think those are related to the upgrade
07:58.42benjkW231 Upgrade P0S30300.bin ... Bad header
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07:59.02benjkpresumably the name changes was not such a good idea
07:59.07Qwellname change is fine
07:59.25benjkso what's the thing with the bad header?
07:59.27QwellDid you change all of the files?
07:59.48benjkno, only the 3.0 binary
07:59.57benjkthere isn't any more for the 3.0
07:59.58Qwellrename them all, the .bin, .sbn, .load
08:00.02QwellYou sure?
08:00.15benjksorry but for version 3.0 there is only one binary
08:00.52benjkwhich I renamed to P0S30300.bin
08:01.46QwellIf you rename a file it looks for, does it NAK?
08:01.53Qwellin the tftp logs
08:02.06benjkI don't see much in the tftp logs
08:02.20Qwellup the verbosity
08:02.20benjkand I can't figure out how to make it anymore verbose, given up on that
08:02.22tronixcould run tcpdump or ethereal for 'port tftp'
08:02.43benjkyeah, I know that much but the tftpd on OSX is a piece of crap
08:02.49benjkit's got -d for debug verbosity, which doesn't work
08:02.58tronixthat's disappointing.
08:03.17benjkand it's got -l for logging every successful download and that doesn't work all too well either
08:03.26tronixethereal does work on os x tho
08:03.29benjkno -v
08:03.36QwellWhat tftpd?
08:04.00benjkwell, this is clearly related to the file being perceived bad
08:04.12benjkand for 3.0 there is only one file
08:04.24benjkjust like there is only one for all the v 2.x
08:04.35Qwelluntil you can see the tftp can't assume anything
08:04.58benjkyes I can assume this because at this low version Cisco didn
08:05.02tronixthe theory is good, but debugging will require observing actions... and if logging works like crap, gotta try a different tack
08:05.03benjk't have multiple files
08:05.33benjkCisco did not have multiple boot files at this version level of firmware
08:06.09benjkconsequently it is folly to assume that a software from 2001 would expect additional files in 2005 just because they were added some time in 2003
08:06.24tronixit may actually want the dashes in there
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08:06.38tronixI have a vague recollection of problems with my upgrade to SIP 7.4 firmware from SCCP 3.1
08:06.43benjkyeah, that's what I thought, the name change is probably a bad thing
08:06.45tronixuntil I did the dashes and all
08:07.05benjkbut Qwell said that v2 did only understand 8.3 file name s
08:07.11tronixahh right. hm.
08:07.19benjkmaybe I have to go up to v 2.3
08:07.25tronixthere *was* a workaround mentioned for v2...
08:07.30tronixwas on one of the voip-info pages
08:07.33QwellYou need to get up to sccp > 6.3
08:07.51e3g$cardno = $AGI->get_data("astcc-accountnum2"); <---in ASTCC this line get the card number but doesnt give enough time difference between calling card digits...any help to increase the time to wait for digits?
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08:12.33tuxinator_linuxHere's a quicky, how long (on average) does it take Cisco, once they receive your order, to provide access  to the files (so I can SIP my 7960)?
08:14.25tuxinator_linuxanoying question, I know
08:14.43Qwelltuxinator_linux: a week or so maybe
08:14.48Qwellless if you're lucky
08:14.56Qwellsip sucks anyhow :p
08:15.24tuxinator_linuxI have a used phone and no files, so I need to put something on it
08:15.58tuxinator_linuxis asterisk doing better at skinny?
08:16.46QwellI use the third-party chan_sccp
08:17.22benjkupgrade from 2.3 to 3.0 works but not with the name change
08:17.47benjkit wants the dashes in there
08:18.47benjkupgrading from 2.1 to 3.0 does not work
08:19.10benjkyou really have to do the whole lot incrementally on minor versions
08:19.46QwellI didn't
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08:26.06benjkfrom 2.0 you have to
08:26.18benjkmaybe it gets better once we're at 3.0
08:26.28QwellYou were at 3.1
08:26.35benjkSCCP 3.1
08:26.48benjkwhich didn't accepts anything but 2.0
08:26.51Qwellsccp will go straight to 7
08:26.57benjkwell it didn't
08:27.05QwellBecause you did it wrong :P
08:27.18benjkbecause Cisco have a fucked up process
08:27.31Qwellnah, you just have to read it
08:27.34benjkif five different people can't figure it out
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08:27.47QwellI would have had it in minutes, if I had access to the box
08:27.50benjkover the course of some 20 something hours or so
08:28.15benjkthat only speaks for the cumbersome nature of their processes
08:28.29benjkthere's no point in arguing otherwise
08:32.06*** join/#asterisk jaike (n=a@
08:34.08rezaanyone here use nufone?
08:34.18Qwellreza: yeah
08:34.58rezai'm new to this; got nufone setup and been using a normal phone via the tdm400 fxs
08:35.16rezabut the like gets choppy every so often
08:35.38rezai thought it might be the tdm400, but i just got a sip ip phone, and i have the same problem
08:35.43rezacould it be nufone?
08:35.48benjkwell, 3.0 to 4.0 is a no go
08:36.06benjkit's incremental again
08:36.34benjksomebody at Cisco ought to be tortured for this
08:36.51mzohahaha, how do you know they weren't?
08:37.20rezaanyone else use another cheap aix service i can try to see if it's nufone or something else
08:41.51benjkif so, they ought to be tortured again and more painfully
08:42.00jaikeease to setup
08:42.06benjkif need be even beheaded
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08:42.24Qwellbenjk: hire a professional
08:42.49benjkthere is no excuse for such a messy process
08:42.57Qwellit's a one step upgrade...
08:43.04benjkbesides, do you think I am doing this for fun or what?
08:43.07jaikereza: might also be your internet connection...voip is packet loss sensitive
08:43.12rezajaike - was that directed to me?
08:43.12benjkits not
08:43.16Qwelloh, you ARE the professional, eh?
08:43.17benjknot on those phones
08:43.28benjkfive professionals have run out out ideas
08:43.39Qwellbecause you can't give them the info they need
08:43.44benjkfollowing the Cisco documentation by the letter
08:43.44jaikereza: yup...try voicepulse
08:43.53rezathey only seem to have unlimited plans
08:44.02rezai just want to buy a couple bucks worth of service to try them out
08:44.05QwellI've done it multiple times with multiple phones..never had any problems
08:44.06benjkand I can tell you that I have already found a number of things that the documentation claimed that are simply not true
08:44.17Qwellbenjk: stop looking at the 6.x release notes
08:44.44benjkI looked at the document how to convert from SCCP to SIP
08:45.35tronixbenjk: okay.. cisco sucks. now what? what will you do next?
08:45.35rezaare there any patches for asterisk to help with choppy audio?
08:45.35Qwellwell, whatever
08:45.46rezaor anything i can do to tweak the server for better performance?
08:45.49Qwelljust let me know when you're done dicking around, and are ready for a real professional to help you
08:45.56mzoi'm waiting for someone to say 'pay me and i'll fix it' :P
08:46.11Qwellmzo: I offered to do it for free
08:49.31jaikereza: jitterbuffer...but that cant help much. how high is the ping time between your * server and nufone?
08:49.42mzoha, bad bad
08:51.57benjkI think I had explained the situation with net access
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08:58.48benjkoh, well, 3.2 is the last in the 3.x line but it won't upgrade to 4.0
08:58.59mzoi'm sure it will but you're doing it wrong :P
08:59.05benjkah yea
08:59.24benjkwell, Cisco's documentation lists three steps
09:00.15benjk1) edit OS79XX.TXT to contain the image file name without the .bin ending, then 2) enter the image name likewise in SIPDefault.cnf and 3) reboot the phone
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09:13.36Qwellbenjk: if you can't figure it out...suck it up and call cisco
09:14.25benjkI always figure things out, but that's not the point
09:14.44benjkthe point is that IT today is a bunch of idiots doing idiotic things
09:14.52benjkwhile it was well organised in my day
09:15.20benjkand Cisco used to be a cheap crap brand that no self respecting IT should would buy
09:15.25QwellI think you've just proven your own point, with yourself as the example
09:15.28Qwellbut yes, bed
09:15.31benjkreal IT shops bought DEC
09:16.19benjk4.0 firmware on Cisco's website is borked
09:16.44benjkalternative image I just got from a friend works
09:16.46mzohahaha, 'my day'
09:16.56mzothis conversation is pointless (but entertaining while i'm at work)
09:17.26benjkthat's right: in my day
09:18.06mzoif you're old enough to say 'in my day' it's time to consider retiring.  DEC hasn't been significant in IT since the early 1990s
09:18.53benjkwell, their stuff simply worked
09:19.03mzono 'it' stuff 'simply worked'
09:19.04benjkand documentation was high quality
09:19.09mzoif you want 'it worked' buy a mac
09:19.16benjkI already got a Mac
09:19.22mzoeverything else has their own quirks
09:19.32benjkbut unfortunately they don't make IP phones in Cupertino
09:20.10mzoand they never will, so i guess you better call Cisco. :P
09:20.19benjkquirks are acceptable as long as the documentation shows how to work around them
09:20.45benjkabout what? fixing their broken links and documentation?
09:20.48*** join/#asterisk voipme (n=root@
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09:29.24benjkoh well, the 6.3 image times out
09:29.58benjkwho know, may have closed for today
09:31.02voipmemorning all
09:31.26voipmeanyone have $HANGUPCAUSE working successfully on a euroisdn pri
09:31.47voipmeall i vere get is 0 returned ona bt or eircom PRI in teh uk or ireland
09:32.10voipmeif i d channel debug on teh same line with a cisco box i see teh correct cause
09:36.07rezaok, here's a simple question, how do i add a prefix automatically to an exten?
09:36.07rezaexten => _NXXXXXX,1,Dial(sip/1415${EXTEN})
09:36.12rezathat's not working so well
09:36.39Zeeekreza that's not the extension it's the phone's id
09:37.14rezahow do i modify the ${EXTEN} then? SetVar?
09:37.22rezathere has to be an easy way of doing this
09:37.37Zeeekexplain what you are trying to do exactly
09:38.29rezaif i dial 1234567, i want to change the extension by prepending "1415" to the string, and recurse
09:38.36rezathere's a rule that matches 14151234567
09:39.02rezaexten => _NXXXXXX,1,Dial(default/1415${EXTEN})
09:39.02rezaexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,SetCallerID(8888888888)
09:39.02rezaexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial,(IAX2/thereza@NuFone/${EXTEN})
09:39.05ZeeekIf you really have a good reason for recusion, use Local channel
09:39.29rezais there an easier way to do it?
09:39.38ZeeekLocal is easy
09:39.59Zeeekreplace SIP with local
09:42.34rezathat seemed ot work
09:44.02*** join/#asterisk stas (
09:44.19rezaif i want an extension to be '#0', will '_#0' match, or do i have to do some other thing?  it doesn't seem happy with it currently
09:45.30rezanevermind, i have some other problem
09:48.27rezai'm doing something wrong...
09:48.31rezaexten => _#0,1,Dial,Sip/FrontDesk|60
09:48.35rezaexten => _#.,1,Dial(internal/${EXTEN})
09:48.51rezawhen i dial #0 from sip's context I get 'no channel type registered for internal'
09:49.58Zeeekyou made up internal?
09:51.37pb__I guess you meant Dial(Local/${EXTEN}@internal) or something
09:51.54rezaso what does local do exactly?
09:51.57rezauses the same context?
09:52.12rezaor uses asterisk and not another device?
09:52.53Zeeekread this:
09:53.13rezapb- it worked
09:53.47pb__very good
09:54.18rezacan  put SetCallerID in [general] or does it have to be associated with every outgoing call?
09:55.48*** join/#asterisk morne (
09:56.30morneHey everyone .. was wondering if there could be a helping hand with a teething problem I have
09:57.02morneI'm runnning FC3 with Asterisk v 1.0.10, on a 2.4Ghz Intel machine 512Mb memory ..
09:57.49morneIt seems that everytime I load the wcfxo modules, the CPU itilization drops with about 20-30% and the idle state of the box/server never goes beyond 60%
09:58.12morneI unnload it, and the box is happy at 97% idle time
09:58.21morneAnnyone had a problem like this before ?
09:58.46benjk7.5 on all the 7960s, upgrade path was 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.0, 3.2, 4.0, 6.3, 7.5
09:59.19jaikemorne: any reason why you cant upgrade to 1.2.4?
09:59.59morneyeah ... I have not tested this in the"real" world yet ..
10:00.17morneWe load the standardimage on all our servers ...
10:01.01morneI have not seen this problem on any other of our servers out ther e
10:01.26morneI have two TDM400 digium 4 port analogue cards that drive the 8Premicell units ..
10:01.42morneI first thought it might be a card that mightbe faulty ..
10:02.00mornebut the results stay the same on BOTH the cards, even if I istall one at a time to test
10:02.21morneAs sson as I load the module .. ZAP .. CPU soots to 50%
10:02.59*** join/#asterisk dZen|n| (
10:03.08mornethe kernel is  2.6.13-15.7-default
10:03.47dZen|n|I really need an asterisk freak on debian
10:04.42pb__morne: those cards do generate a lot of interrupts, but you shou;ldn't be seeing 20% load
10:05.14morneI thought it might be interupt issues ... but that utilization on the CPU is plain weird ...
10:05.48tzafrir_laptopdZen|n|, not sure I'm a freak, but I'm known to use Debian
10:06.13dZen|n|well i can't compile zaptel or asterisk
10:06.19dZen|n|I got error 1
10:06.46*** join/#asterisk areski (
10:06.57dZen|n|I read that I should turn off ppp in kernel
10:07.06dZen|n|but I don't know how to do that
10:07.18tzafrir_laptopdZen|n|, what debian? what kernel? what zaptel exactly? (zaptel-source of tarball)
10:07.35tzafrir_laptopnever had to turn off ppp here
10:07.49dZen|n|how do i see the version of zaptel ?
10:08.01tzafrir_laptopdZen|n|, what exactly do you try to build
10:08.32dZen|n|well I wanna run pbx box on lan
10:08.44dZen|n|so i can call my employers
10:10.25dZen|n|tzafrir_laptop: so on which linux did you installed it ?
10:11.31jaike2.6 kernel would be advisable
10:11.55dZen|n|jaike, I had 2.6 but changed to 2.4
10:12.11dZen|n|I followed this instuction
10:12.17*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
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10:14.25tzafrir_laptopdZen|n|, hmmm, now I can recommend ...
10:14.44tzafrir_laptopWhich is basically a Debian with Asterisk
10:15.05tzafrir_laptopDisclaimer: I'm one of the authors
10:16.10dZen|n|ohh nice
10:16.20dZen|n|can i download this cd ?
10:16.47CaT[tm]does it play well with a normal debian install?
10:18.09dZen|n|tzafrir_laptop: is this a image with debian and asterisk on it ?
10:18.35dZen|n|debian net_install =
10:18.37tzafrir_laptopA minimal Sarge
10:18.46dZen|n|ok nice
10:19.26CaT[tm]do you plan on updating the asterisk version?
10:19.47dZen|n|CaT[tm]: who do you ask
10:20.02CaT[tm]sorry. Tzafrir :)
10:20.14rezai'm confusing myself abou tthe zapata.conf file
10:20.40rezaif i have 3 fxs ports on a tdm400, then do i need to allocate 3 channels (i.e. channel => 1-3)
10:21.57rezai think i broke something; i used to get a dialtone on the outgoing channels, now nothing
10:22.27dZen|n|shit happens
10:22.56rezawhat file defines how an fsx should work?
10:24.57tzafrir_laptopCaT[tm], working on it as we speak
10:25.43tzafrir_laptopCaT[tm], yes, it should. Generally, try one of the following two sources with Sarge:
10:26.02tzafrir_laptopdeb sarge main
10:26.11tzafrir_laptopdeb unstable/
10:26.23tzafrir_laptop(deb-src works as well)
10:28.53tuxinator_linuxRez, read the docs?
10:28.58jbothmm... docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
10:29.35Zeeekdocs are not to be read; they exist to be complained about only
10:29.46tuxinator_linuxZeeek, seems that way
10:30.04Zeeekand then only after complaining about the support here ;)
10:30.06tuxinator_linuxAm I the only goofball that read them?
10:30.38dudesdoubt it
10:30.40ZeeekI've drifted into ignorance, but when I began, I read everything I could get my hands on
10:30.49tuxinator_linuxas did I
10:30.54CaT[tm]tzafrir: cool, because installing amp in a way that doesn't futz everything is, well, ever so entertaining.
10:30.57Zeeekespecially the docs that became the O'Reilly book
10:31.28tuxinator_linuxI had to read it, know the authors, felt obligated
10:31.50ZeeekI proofed it a hundred times
10:31.54jaikezeeek: i enjoyed reading the oreilly book. learned a lot
10:32.11Zeeekand the IRQ listing is from my asterisk box - I'm so proud :)
10:32.31*** join/#asterisk draga (
10:32.33jaikewhich reminds me..gotta return it to the office
10:32.53dragahello everybody
10:32.55tuxinator_linuxZeeek is the proud parent of a IRQ listing, congrats !
10:33.48tuxinator_linuxI need to stop chatting so far past my bed time, start talking silly
10:34.05Zeeekhaha - it's 11:34 AM here
10:34.08Zeeekgo to bed
10:34.57tuxinator_linux2:30 AM here in SoCal
10:35.16Zeeeksocal? Wherebouts?
10:35.29Zeeekcity, zip and geo coordinates?
10:35.56tuxinator_linuxYorba Linda, 92886 29887, geo....let me see
10:36.22ZeeekThat's near San DIego?
10:36.31tuxinator_linuxpretty close
10:36.37tuxinator_linuxTake day trips there
10:36.46Zeeekso I'm not as senile as they think!
10:36.55ZeeekI lived in SoCal for 10 years
10:37.01Zeeeknever near SD tho
10:37.06tuxinator_linuxoh ya?
10:37.19tuxinator_linuxI grew up here, moved away for 15 years, and now I'm back
10:37.30ZeeekOrange County, East LA, West Hollywood
10:37.39ZeeekManhattan Beach
10:37.46Zeeekand even ... the Valley
10:37.59tuxinator_linuxWhich valley?
10:38.12tuxinator_linuxthe yucky LA valley?
10:38.21tuxinator_linuxor the yucky Riverside Valley
10:38.27ZeeekIn fact I was remembering the other day that calling Orange COunty from L.A. was way more expensive as it is now to call the US from Europe (using voIP)
10:38.34trixterWireless VoIPon the horizon     This year could well see wireless VoIP (voice over internet protocol) telephony emerge on the communications scene, according to a new report by IDC
10:38.46ZeeekSan Fernando Valley (when you say the valley, that's the one)
10:39.00trixterdepends on where you are
10:39.17tuxinator_linuxI'm still learning the lingo, my highschool years were in arizona
10:39.18ZeeekI lived in the San Joachin also
10:39.19trixterits like 'the city' in northern NJ its NY city, on the san francisco penninsula its san francisco
10:39.30trixterin sacramento 'the valley' means the sacramento valley
10:39.46Zeeekbut in L.A. the valley is The Valley
10:40.07trixteryeah there, it depends, I didnt catch  the first part of that so I didnt realize that you were being context sensitive already
10:40.19tuxinator_linuxthe only reference to "The Valley" is in "Clueless" (Silverstone, pretty hot)
10:40.27*** join/#asterisk fulgas (n=fulgas@
10:40.41trixterand it meant that same place when I lived in LA in the 70s when the sky was always orange and news reports would warn you not to let kids and pets outside
10:40.59trixtertuxinator_linux: valley girls are girls generally from that area that talk and act a certain way
10:41.06trixterlike oh my god!
10:41.16trixterand they were rampant when I lived there
10:41.25dudeshate fuckable bitches
10:41.27tuxinator_linuxEntertaining/Anoying girls
10:41.36Zeeekyou can get a "Valley Girl" voice from Cepestral
10:41.50tuxinator_linuxZeeek, You may appriciate
10:41.59*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
10:42.04tuxinator_linuxZeeek, or hate it
10:42.13Zeeekis it RealMedia?
10:42.36tuxinator_linuxMplayer streams it fine for me
10:42.41Zeeekas soon as I figure out why the table isn't being created in my db, I'll go take a listen
10:43.19tuxinator_linuxwhat is cepestral?
10:43.33Zeeeka voice software you can use with asterisk
10:43.41ZeeekI can never remember their site URL
10:43.42*** join/#asterisk newl (
10:43.57ZeeekWait, maybe it was the other people that had the Valley Girl voice
10:44.05tuxinator_linuxZeeek, so, are you in UK or Australia?
10:44.12ZeeekYo can use the demo on the web to make it say any dirty stuff you want
10:44.20Zeeekno I'm in France
10:44.22tuxinator_linuxmust be funny
10:44.35tuxinator_linuxFrance, SoCal to France, bit of a change
10:44.40ZeeekYa like you have it says "I got yer zaptel right here!"
10:44.55ZeeekBorn in Minnesota - quite a change indeed!
10:44.55CoKaneHy guys I installed the 4port BRI card from Junghanns
10:45.13CoKanelooking for help in setting it up for incoming calls
10:45.29jbotrumour has it, docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
10:45.46*** join/#asterisk Ariek48 (
10:46.01tuxinator_linuxCoKane, if you have read the docs, then ask your question
10:46.20*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (n=PoWeRKiL@
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10:47.59CoKaneok I have this is my zaptel.conf
10:48.07CoKane# qozap span definitions
10:48.07CoKane# most of the values should be bogus because we are not really zaptel
10:48.24jboti heard pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
10:48.26jbotrumour has it, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or, or
10:48.39tuxinator_linuxCoKane, use a pastebin
10:48.55CoKanesorry guys, will do
10:49.48jbotextra, extra, read all about it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
10:50.11tuxinator_linuxMorning RoyK, a little late for a ~pb ;-)
10:50.27CoKaneok here is my Zapata.conf
10:51.20tuxinator_linuxI don't have experience with BRI's, but someone here may be able to help
10:53.04tuxinator_linuxeyes are too heavy, Night guys
10:54.04rezaok, i really broke something here.  what do i have to do to generate a dialtone on a fxs card when i pick up the handset?
10:54.06rezait used to work
10:54.37CoKaneok to save confusion I wrote a doc while installing the BRI card,
10:54.53tuxinator_linuxRoyK, are you exposing me to the world?
10:55.10dZen|n|tzafrir_laptop: ok I am about to burn the image iso, would it install everything from cd or do I need to make some moves ?
10:57.14*** join/#asterisk mut (n=animenod@
10:58.24Money5ackargl... why did asterisk answers sip messages always on the first ethernet interface and not on the interface that the phone sends the request to ?!
11:01.18Money5ackno routing... the asterisk has 3 public ips. one normal ip and two ip-aliases but all on the same subnet and the same interface
11:01.58stashow is your default route then?
11:02.03stason which interface?
11:02.11Money5ackmom U     0      0        0 eth0
11:03.33Money5ack0.0.0.0         UG    0      0        0 eth0
11:03.36Money5ack0.0.0.0         UG    0      0        0 eth0
11:03.41Money5ackthat is the routing table
11:04.24trixterI have a routing table
11:04.31trixterI eat dinner on it from time to time
11:05.02stashehe :-)
11:05.38Money5ackso my interfaces are named eth0, eth0:1 and eth0:2 as ips for example, and
11:05.39stasso it is normal behavior that your asterisk server sends on the default IP address thats your default route
11:06.03stasif you have a SIP request on
11:06.21stasand your default is on eth0
11:06.29mutfor the zapata config
11:06.48stasbut maybe you have a setting that you specify hard the outgoing ip ?
11:06.51mutrxgain and txgain aren't per channel are they?
11:06.53stasin asterisk
11:07.12staswait i loook :-)
11:07.22mutyea stas
11:07.26Money5ackthe setting externalip or somethink is there..
11:07.29Money5ackbut this is for nat
11:07.48Money5ackand i need this setting as user/peer-setting..
11:08.36Money5ackbecause some clients will register on ip and others on
11:09.43*** join/#asterisk crich1999 (
11:09.53stasi wil look for an solutions first lunch :-)
11:11.00rezaok, giving up for the day
11:11.02*** join/#asterisk donnib (
11:11.10Money5ackbut... *think*
11:11.20donnibanyone now how i can debug a No such host exist message ?
11:11.35Money5ackmy phone is on another ip-subnet...
11:11.53Money5ackand routing goes thru eth0
11:13.10donnibanyone ?
11:13.15Money5ackah... no ... that isn't the failure... because there is a softphone in the same subnet that can't register too...
11:13.44dZen|n|see sometimes it's good to speak/chat with your self hehehe
11:14.02Money5ackdonnib: ngrep -s 1500 -W byline port 5060
11:15.05donnibi am running AsteriskWin32
11:15.10donnibcan't do that
11:15.16donnibi mean run ngrep
11:15.30dZen|n|ok I have an stupid q, do i need a ip phone to use asterisk or can i use my headsets ?
11:15.36donnibi only have the CLI
11:15.53Money5ackdonnib: sip debug
11:15.55rezayou can use a headset
11:16.34dZen|n|how about calls, how do i make them ?
11:16.46dZen|n|Money5ack: donnib is on windows
11:17.53Money5ackdzen: i know. didn't "sip debug" work under win32 ?
11:19.04mutfuckin a
11:19.10donnibsip debug is on
11:19.13mutmy portmaster didn't come up when i rebooted it
11:19.30donnibstill getting chan:sip.c:4070 sip_reg_timeout
11:19.34mutthis thing ahd better come back up
11:19.35donnibno such host.
11:19.37muti sure as hell hope i don't have to drive downstate
11:19.48donnibi know that the host is correct
11:20.01*** join/#asterisk madounet (
11:31.12rezaok, i will paypal someone $5 if they can tell me what i did to break my config - i cant get a dialtone out of an tdm400 fxs card - i can call the port from a sip phone, but i hear no audio
11:31.41mutyou're behind nat
11:31.45*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
11:31.48mutpaypal me plz
11:31.51rezait's all on a lan
11:32.04dZen|n|extension number ? < which number is that ?
11:32.35rezait's the number in the extensions.conf file; you configure it
11:33.02rezaare you asking me?
11:33.24dZen|n|who me ?
11:33.37dZen|n|i was asking everybody hehe
11:33.49dZen|n|is there a guide how to use this ?
11:33.54dZen|n|on net
11:34.05dZen|n|insted of I ask you I could read
11:34.19rezagoogle for voip wiki
11:34.30rezathat's the site that i've been using to try to figure this shit out
11:34.35rezadrivng myself nuts
11:34.41rezait worked just fine
11:34.52rezai teaked the hardware a bit, moved it to a different room, it broke
11:35.00rezai've reverted the hardware and it still doesn't work
11:35.17rezai'm upgrading the software to the latest version to see if that helps, though i doubt it would
11:35.32dZen|n|well thtas some shit
11:35.51dZen|n|it allways goes down when it just work perfect
11:35.57rezai just dont get it
11:36.26rezait's as if the hardware can't recognize that i've picked up the phone
11:36.38dZen|n|well it can be a small problem or a big...
11:36.54dZen|n|you always need to have a plan on how to troubleshoot
11:37.11dZen|n|always start with hardware and end with software
11:37.35dZen|n|in details
11:38.10jbotit has been said that voip-info is the Voice Over IP wiki.  It is a community resource which will answer all of your questions, from Asterisk to ZTDummy.  You can find it over at - well worth bookmarking
11:38.48dZen|n|tzafrir_laptop: you are to slow for google hehhehe
11:39.09*** join/#asterisk vinsik (
11:39.59dZen|n|tzafrir_laptop: this cd you and your group maded is damn good, never saw an easyer way to use somthing on linux
11:40.25dZen|n|i have tryied with suse 9.3 and I just got the same error as in all other versions
11:40.47dZen|n|thx very much
11:43.08*** join/#asterisk NassoR (
11:44.24fenlanderhi, is anyone working on a chan_jingle to interface with google talk?
11:44.55trixterdoesnt google use jabber?
11:45.24fenlanderyes - with jingle for voice iirc
11:46.19fenlanderthe specs have been available for a while - I was wonderig if anyone has started work on it
11:46.27dZen|n|damn I think I founded a bug in mirc..
11:46.40dZen|n|but i don't how to explain :d
11:46.56dZen|n|but this is a huge bug
11:47.25*** part/#asterisk madounet (
11:48.53dZen|n|hmm is and the same irc server ?
11:49.27RaYmAn-Bxconsidering is just a cname to, I suspect the answer is yes :P actually
11:49.57dZen|n|damn then there is no bug :D
11:50.49trixterthere is no spoon
11:51.05CaT[tm]indeed for I am eating steak. GO THE FORK!
11:53.39stascleared, reason 7 (Remote user stopped calling [65 - Bearer capability not implemented])
11:54.43jaikevery few h323 using people here
11:56.24tzafrir_laptopdZen|n|, , not
11:57.17dZen|n|well i know
12:00.58*** join/#asterisk EriSan (n=erisan@
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12:47.18mutanyone know how to get caller-id name to pass thru a cisco as5350?
12:47.22mutit's not coming through
12:50.54*** part/#asterisk rene- (
12:51.36voipmemut: works with qsig
12:51.45voipmewhat setup you using
12:51.56voipmee1 or t1
12:52.32voipmeeuro based im afraid, not much good with t1
12:53.01voipmedoes your isdn debug on the cisco show you receiving or sending it?
12:53.25mutif i hookup my te405p
12:53.28muti get name
12:54.55voipmewhats your cisco config?
12:55.54*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/cpm)
12:57.30mutwhat should it be?
12:58.09*** join/#asterisk bweschke (
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13:06.15hypnoxcan you call macros from macros?
13:07.00kaldemarsure you can.
13:10.30*** join/#asterisk bartpbx (
13:14.44MorexAnybody out there have experience using Asterisk with Avaya?
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13:17.18bartpbxI want to start using dundi. How wants to peer with me in a test setup?
13:17.43mutdo any hardware video phones exist?
13:18.20*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
13:18.57mutlike the grandstream gxv-3000
13:19.06mutis it even worthwhile
13:24.00*** join/#asterisk meljack (
13:25.20meljackanyboly uses the parameter "callprogress" in the file zapata.conf?
13:25.52bartpbxnoone using dundi here?
13:27.12*** join/#asterisk madounet (
13:27.22*** part/#asterisk madounet (
13:31.39meljackanybody uses the parameter "callprogress" in the file zapata.conf?
13:33.11mutwill you stop asking now?
13:33.17mutwill you stop asking now?
13:35.55meljackwhen I call to an external number (over a zap channel), I don’t receive any event when the target answer, Who can help me?
13:37.35*** join/#asterisk AlexLee (n=AlexLee@
13:37.50*** join/#asterisk elg (
13:38.27meljackwhen I call to an external number (over a zap channel), I don’t receive any event when the target answer, Who can help me?
13:38.38brimstonedude, chill
13:38.53*** join/#asterisk nextime (
13:39.10bartpbxmeljack, please stop this. I there where anyone how could help you he would answer you!
13:40.14jaiketheyre all asleep
13:40.39meljackok, can you help me bartpbx?
13:40.50bartpbxno. I cant
13:41.05bartpbxif I could i would have answered you
13:41.11*** join/#asterisk bweschke (
13:41.17meljackok, thanks
13:41.48meljackwhen is more better ask?
13:41.58iDunnorepeating the question, however, is probably going to stop anyone that might no the answer from answering you too - it's considered damned rude ;)
13:42.05jaikewhen they away is better more ask
13:43.29*** join/#asterisk [Atlas] (n=whois@
13:49.34znoGwhat exactly is a "catch block" in ael?
13:49.45znoGie. i don't understand what "catch a" does
13:50.18znoGoh, maybe "a" is for "asterisk" (as in the * key)
13:50.53meljackwhere is this code?
13:51.15znoGin the wiki
13:51.46meljackwhat is the application?
13:51.53brookshireA macro is defined in its own block like this.  The arguments to the macro are
13:51.53brookshirespecified with the name of the macro.  They are then reffered to by that same
13:51.53brookshirename.  A catch block can be specified to catch special extensions.
13:52.20brookshireso i guess it's a macro to catch an extension
13:52.24znoGyes I read' that bit, to catch special extension
13:52.38znoGbut what special extensions... maybe a is for "asterisk"
13:53.58*** join/#asterisk AlexLee (n=AlexLee@
13:54.00meljackwhat special extensions do you catch?
13:55.02znoGexactly, what I want to find out
13:55.13znoGi couldn't find much in the way of documentation for AEL, too
13:55.44meljacksorry but... what is AEL?
13:55.57brookshireit's like dialplan 2.0, lol
13:56.09jaikeextensions reloaded
13:57.50brookshirehah.. all i can find is 'h' means hangup
14:00.30znoGthere we go
14:00.32brookshirea must mean answer
14:01.00brookshireor not!
14:02.53*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@
14:04.01znoGwould be nice if there was a way to check the status of SIP extensions before dialing them, but i guess the SIP protocol wasn't designed like that
14:05.18znoGactually it looks like you can with some SIP phones, like the SNOM
14:09.44iCEBrkryo yo yo
14:10.14vinsikI cant send fax to my asterisk from a local PSTN Fax.
14:10.15vinsik-- Executing RxFAX("SIP/xxxx-081aaa88", "/home/asterisk/html/fax/_1139320878.1.tiff") in new stack
14:10.15vinsikFeb  7 16:02:19 NOTICE[8984]: chan_sip.c:12090 do_monitor: Disconnecting call 'SIP/xxxx-081aaa88' for lack of RTP activity in 61 seconds
14:10.15vinsikAnybody knows what is wrong?
14:10.36vinsikusing version Asterisk SVN-trunk-r9157M
14:11.12vinsikwith T38 support...
14:12.04vinsiki guess nobody sends faxes :)
14:12.27*** part/#asterisk bartpbx (
14:12.57*** join/#asterisk wundaboy (
14:13.32AlexLeehi, I am from china, I hope wirte extenstion No. from other service or program into asterisk server, but I do not know how to config or programing, anyone can help?????
14:13.51AlexLeehi, I am from china, I hope wirte extenstion No. from other service or program into asterisk server, but I do not know how to config or programing, anyone can help?????
14:15.07*** join/#asterisk klictel (n=klictel@
14:15.11vatternmaybe use the mysql realtime utils and populate your db from your other source?
14:16.03*** join/#asterisk austinnichols101 (n=austinni@
14:16.10AlexLeeany utils?
14:16.45AlexLeewould you please show me, vattern?
14:17.09AlexLeehi, I am from china, I hope wirte extenstion No. from other service or program into asterisk server, but I do not know how to config or programing, anyone can help?????
14:17.18vinsikalexlee: uhh..
14:17.24znoGAlexLee: STOP REPEATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14:17.56*** join/#asterisk sch19 (
14:18.08AlexLeeok, i saw but there is no help document for my reference on
14:18.39vatternAlexLee: I do not know how either, but thats how I would do it .. now please RT Fine Manual
14:19.05AlexLeeFine Manual?
14:19.17AlexLeewhere should i download, please?
14:19.18iDunnoyeah - it's the polite version :)
14:19.30*** join/#asterisk vivekj1 (i=1076@
14:20.03_Sam--i havent seen that version!
14:20.29AlexLeevattern? would you show me what utils to use?
14:20.56vatternas I said .. I do not know ..
14:20.57vinsikAlexLee: first you need to calm down.
14:21.06vinsikAlexLee: cant be that important :)
14:21.06AlexLeeok, thanks a lot...
14:21.11*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
14:21.47vinsikAlexLee: then try to explain what r u trying to do?
14:21.48AlexLeeVinsik, what do you mean? i am confused...
14:22.07vinsiki cant understand what are u trying to do.
14:22.31AlexLeeok.. Vinsik, i can explain...
14:23.04AlexLeei have website..
14:23.51AlexLeei hope i can provide a extension No. to users after they register...
14:24.46AlexLeeand.. they can login the Voip client to make call
14:25.18vinsikAlexLee: are u using any kind of database on your webserver? e.g. MySQL, etc?
14:25.34AlexLeebut the database of my website and the database of asteriske are divided
14:25.52vinsikAlexLee: different machines?
14:26.06*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
14:27.27AlexLeeyes..different machines...
14:27.44*** join/#asterisk jimmy_deanPB (
14:28.20vinsikAlexLee: i would do like this: Build a united database that can accessed by your asterisk and webserver... Made an extension rule that uses addon mysql module to get sip user by regexten from database.
14:30.10*** join/#asterisk holmeh (
14:31.51AlexLeemy Sql
14:32.26*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
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14:33.04shmaltzlist is down? or is it gmail?
14:33.12ZX81not down for me
14:33.20AlexLeebut how make asterisk to access to the united database?
14:33.48vinsikalexlee: install asterisk-addons
14:34.08vinsikalexlee: and real Reatime configuration from
14:34.12vinsikread even
14:34.45jbotextra, extra, read all about it, adn is the Asterisk Daily News - for HTML and for RSS
14:35.00jbot|    .
14:35.14*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
14:35.38*** join/#asterisk SparFux (n=player@tor/session/x-372385c7b4822796)
14:35.57AlexLeevinsik, would you login to my server to check whether i can do like you said
14:36.27*** join/#asterisk upsite (
14:37.16SparFuxI want asterisk to *immediately* enter "h" extension once the peer has hungup the call. But it seems to first terminate the current extension before executing "h". What can I do?
14:38.35*** join/#asterisk Luke-Jr (
14:38.46upsitehey guys i got a problem, i switched to the non-root installation and now my queues are not plaing the voicepromts
14:38.59upsiteis there maybe a problem with the permission handling?
14:39.02*** join/#asterisk Aughey (
14:39.32SparFuxupsite: probably. What about the paths to the sound files?
14:39.32SparFuxAre they world readable?
14:39.49*** join/#asterisk crich_ (
14:40.05upsiteif i just copy the sounds dir from the * install  it is working
14:40.11*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
14:40.22upsitebut if i set the permissions to the user my* is running its nonworking
14:41.18upsitevm ?
14:41.54upsiteim taling bout the sounds from the queue ?
14:42.14_Sam--oh hah...i thought you said voicemail
14:42.36upsitehehe no that one is working fine
14:42.36_Sam--do you know what dir the sound files are in for your install?
14:43.00upsitenormally i place them in /home/asterisk/var/lib/asterisk/sounds
14:43.16upsitebut this is completly nonworking
14:43.41_Sam--you just did make install from source?  or how did you isntall the new version
14:43.42_Sam--and what is it
14:43.48*** join/#asterisk rculp (n=rculp@
14:43.50upsitein ma *.conf i set astvarlibdir to /home/asterisk/var/lib/asterisk
14:44.02_Sam--hey rich
14:44.14_Sam--john send you here to learn up? :)
14:44.27rculpjust to ask about the grandstream update
14:44.29upsitemake INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/asterisk
14:44.36_Sam--what about rich, it works well
14:44.39_Sam--i told him to do it!
14:44.42_Sam--bastard wont listen
14:44.44rculpto see if it fixes speakerphone as well
14:44.47upsiteand then i chmod the whole * dir to asterisk.asterisk
14:44.49znoGhehe bkw's interview is funny
14:45.07_Sam--asterisk cant read your /home
14:45.09_Sam--most likely
14:45.21_Sam--er within there, it cant get in there...
14:45.31NuggetznoG: url?
14:45.34_Sam--are you sure its all owned by asterisk?
14:45.50rculpbecause the issue we have with grandstreams is not that they don't work well, but that they sound horrible on speaker
14:46.05rculpno ec on them
14:46.09upsitefor bugtracking i changed the astvarlibdir du /var/lib/asterisk
14:46.23upsiteand copied the sounds dir form the install to this location
14:46.24_Sam--you have sounds there?
14:46.26upsiteand it works
14:46.28_Sam--that should work
14:46.44upsitebut when i chown this folder to * its not working
14:47.22_Sam--rculp:  if you grandstreams dont have the low mac address that gets the display bug, i dont think there is a single downside to upgrading.
14:47.37_Sam--i dont know about speaker...just because i dont use it in this environment myself
14:47.45rculpSam: that's our main gripe
14:47.54rculpjust how it sounds in speakerphone
14:48.03rculpbecause the mic picks up the speaker
14:48.12_Sam--there is some stuff for that i think
14:48.20_Sam--did you check the change logs?
14:48.28rculplooking at them now
14:48.31vinsiktailf /var/log/asterisk/messages
14:48.56vinsikit usually says whats wrong
14:49.00_Sam--like i said..e.ven it doesnt fix your speaker...there is no downside though.
14:49.06_Sam--and everything else works like 10x better.
14:49.24_Sam--i think this has to do with speaker/mic...AGC change
14:49.49rculpI really think it's just a hardware issue on the gxp
14:49.55rculpthat no software will fix
14:50.00rculpas a handset
14:50.04rculpwe've not had any problems
14:50.18upsitesam any ideas ?
14:50.21rculpwe're just going to get a polycom conference phone
14:50.26_Sam--i would disagree....the speaker and the mic are far enough apart for it work well
14:50.36_Sam--and i think they could adjust the mic sensitivity if that was the problem
14:50.46_Sam--and do it automatically...hence agc...automatic gain control
14:51.14_Sam--but i do think you could probably buy better speaker phones!
14:51.25rculpand that's our plan :)
14:51.31_Sam--i also think you should at least try the new version.
14:51.31rculpwe just need one
14:51.40rculpI'm definately planning on upgrading
14:51.44rculpat an off hour
14:51.59_Sam--it takes like 5 minutes ya pussy
14:52.23rculpthere's always a line in use during the day
14:52.31_Sam--sorry i couldnt help it
14:52.31rculpinstead of getting yelled at
14:52.35rculpby sales staff
14:52.38rculpI will wait
14:52.39rculpya prick
14:52.40*** part/#asterisk SparFux (n=player@tor/session/x-372385c7b4822796)
14:52.44_Sam--lol good stuff!
14:53.20_Sam--you ahvent upgraded any firmware at all since you got those things?
14:53.22rculponly responding to you like that since I kinda know you ;)
14:53.27vinsikrculp: hehe.. i have been posponding upgrade because of that same reason for a week now :D
14:53.27rculpI have once
14:53.30IkarusHrm, BRIStuff doesn't compile (both 0.2.0 and 0.3.0), 0.3.0 exploding on q921.c
14:53.34_Sam--so you have .13 on them?
14:53.36rculpvinsik: heh
14:53.56vinsiknever remember in the evening
14:54.07_Sam--crich_:  with your cavtel pri how many DIDs you have?
14:54.15_Sam--er rich = rculp, damn nick completion
14:54.37_Sam--rculp:  why doesnt your IP reverse?
14:54.51_Sam--can you set the outgoing caller ID on your calls to any of the DIDs of your PRI?
14:54.59pjzanyone else have a problem with polycom500s taking a couple seconds to adapt when you make an outgoing call, such that you miss the first couple of seconds of audio?
14:55.00_Sam--this was the underlying problem of MY cavtel pri
14:55.05rculpbecause I chose not to reverse mine
14:55.13IkarusAnyone have a suggestion (other then don't use BRIStuff)
14:55.14rculpand nope, if they supported a NI2
14:55.20rculpconnection it would work
14:55.28rculpbut I'm forced to connect via ni1
14:55.36rculpwhich does not support all caller id functions
14:55.36_Sam--i i wasnt crazy
14:55.42_Sam--they tended to think i was
14:55.50rculpI tended to agree.... :)
14:56.04_Sam--that was the whole reason i got 20 dids
14:56.08_Sam--1 for each sales guy
14:56.22_Sam--but they couldnt set the outgoing caller id so people would call them back
14:56.44rculpwell I am able to set the primary outgoing #
14:56.46rculpbut not the name
14:56.49rculpso when we called
14:56.55rculpit would say unknown
14:56.57rculpbut show the #
14:57.05shmaltzam I the only one? anybody else having problems with the list on gmail?
14:57.07_Sam--hmmm...that sounds familiar....
14:57.15_Sam--our primary would show up as unknown
14:57.17rculpso I just passed the callerid back to them for now
14:57.21*** join/#asterisk bjohnson_ (
14:57.21_Sam--and we could only set it to the primary
14:57.35_Sam--it was a mess to say the least
14:57.46_Sam--but i feel a bit better knowing that i wasnt crazy
14:58.03rculpyou may still be crazy, just not about callerid
14:58.14rculpall kidding aside
14:58.22rculpit was a point of frustration for me
14:58.23_Sam--no, that is an honest assessment!
14:58.34rculpwhen I couldn't get callerid working
14:58.44rculpfor some reason the wildcard
14:58.49rculpwon't work in ni2
14:58.54rculpon their switch
14:59.57_Sam--with all the connectivity you guys have its a sin you use a PRI and not a remote gateway
15:00.03_Sam--you could save a few hundred every month
15:00.53rculpthe nice thing about using a pri is just in case there's a hardware problem with our router
15:00.58_Sam--i run our biz off a remote gateway...and we are 10x more phone dependent and reliant
15:01.06_Sam--i do 10mil a year in mail order /phone biz
15:01.11rculpwe don't go down
15:01.15_Sam--what?  you are not confident and your hardware?
15:01.19rculpI am
15:01.29AlexLeeHelp!!!!!!!!!!!, I am in Beijing China, I use  asterisk@home, The problem is now, that I have a website, and hope provide VOip service to the register users on this website after they register on my website, so I hope the User Id and password for users of the website is the same one with Asterisk server, to do this so, i have write or add extension No. from other application or pragram into asterisk, anyone can show me how to config or program?
15:01.32rculpthere are pluses and minuses to both
15:01.36rculpand for now
15:01.39rculpwe're exploring the pri
15:01.44rculpand we may eventually drop that
15:01.49rculpbefore the term is up
15:01.55rculpand go over bandwidth
15:01.59_Sam--if you had BGP there...
15:02.06_Sam--and got off that craptel circuit :)
15:02.11_Sam--then you could use a reliable remote gatewayu
15:02.19_Sam--sorry i tell john the same thing
15:02.29_Sam--i watched that circuit this weekend
15:02.31_Sam--it was crap
15:02.36rculpbut not going to debate our business model in here
15:02.44rculpor defend myself
15:02.47rculpto you in here
15:02.51_Sam--i hear ya, and im not criticizing you!
15:02.52rculpno one else needs to see it
15:03.08_Sam--all i do is bust all talk!
15:03.28_Sam--and i am by no means insinuating you dont know what you're doing.
15:03.29rculpyou'll never cause me to lose my cool
15:03.35_Sam--or that what you're doing is no good!
15:04.06_Sam--how is the dedicated server biz going?
15:04.12_Sam--you have those racks full?
15:05.05AlexLeeanyone can help?
15:06.01_Sam--rich honestly i hope you dont take what i say is more said in ball busting than anything else with a small bit of truth usually :)
15:06.52*** join/#asterisk heka (n=Horror@
15:07.12hekaHello, what version of asterisk is SVN-trunk-r7230 1.0 or 1.2 ?
15:07.45AlexLeeHelp!!!!!!!!!!!, I am in Beijing China, I use  asterisk@home, The problem is now, that I have a website, and hope provide VOip service to the registered users on this website after they register on my website, so I hope the User Id and password for users of the website is the same one with Asterisk server, to do this so, i have write or add extension No. from other application or pragram into Asterisk database, anyone can show me how to config or prog
15:07.59rculpit's all good sam
15:08.29_Sam--john said you guys had to redo your IVR?
15:08.44_Sam--"it was too confusing to customers" or something ...but im not sure if he was talking about your incoming voice menu
15:08.45hekasynthetiq: was that to me?
15:09.38fileit was to the moon :D
15:09.59mutanyone know how to get callerid name to work passthru pri->sip on a cisco as5350 12.3 IOS
15:10.10rculpI think it's that customers don't listen
15:10.19rculpand they're used to calling
15:10.23rculpand getting a live person
15:10.24*** join/#asterisk dca[laptop] (n=dca[
15:10.27rculpto direct their calls
15:10.31_Sam--yeah we're in that boat here
15:10.33*** join/#asterisk thazza (
15:10.50_Sam--morning dca
15:11.35AlexLeeHelp!!!!!!!!!!!, I am in Beijing China, I use  asterisk@home, The problem is now, that I have a website, and hope provide VOip service to the registered users on this website after they register on my website, so I hope the User Id and password for users of the website is the same one with Asterisk server, to do this so, i have write or add extension No. from other application or pragram into Asterisk database, anyone can show me how to config or prog
15:11.35AlexLeeram? I am in Beijing china, it is night now here , I have to go home, if someone can help me please leave message to me or email to me, my email is
15:12.57thazzaAlexLee: Research.. Just like everyone else learns.
15:13.34mutschool of hard knocks
15:13.37mutthats how i learn
15:13.51AlexLeethazza, any document to refer?
15:13.59thazzaAlexLee: And secondly, i wouldn't be using asterisk@home if you want to do that kind of stuff. Yet if you insist on using A@H.
15:14.10jbotrumour has it, amp is NOT supported here! people using it should join #amportal
15:14.47filejbot: botsnack
15:14.47jbotaw, gee, file
15:15.01AlexLeeno, i can change Asterisk version, but which version should i use?
15:15.05thazzaAlexLee:  A great place to start.. Read these.
15:15.09jbotextra, extra, read all about it, docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
15:15.32thazzaAlexLee: Best to use the most up2date version.. I would recommend 1.2.4
15:15.33AlexLeeread what?
15:15.46_Sam--i think alexlee just wants someone to do it for him
15:16.02thazzaAlexLee: All those links.. They are the locations for the documents on learning asterisk..
15:16.06AlexLeesam, i do not mean that..
15:16.30thazzaAlexLee: If you just want someone to make it for you.. Then i hope you are looking to pay someone.
15:16.35AlexLeei do not meant that but really need help on how to setup
15:17.17thazzaThe best thing about * (asterisk) is that it is free. And so configurable.. yet freedom always comes with a price.. You need to learn.
15:17.19AlexLeethazza, I not mean that , but tell me which version can satify my need....please
15:17.49AlexLeethis is my first time to use Xchat and first time to use Asterisk....
15:17.51thazzaAlexLee: Asterisk 1.2.4 would be a start.. and i would suggest, poss looking at the AGI scripting.
15:18.00AlexLeethis is my first time to use Xchat and first time to use Asterisk....
15:18.30fileAsterisk is a toolkit, you can do tons of stuff - but you have to make it do what you want
15:18.38filethere's no "right" solution for you
15:18.45thazzaAlexLee: If it is your first * time.. I suggest taking a couple of months holiday from your work.. Getting your head into asterisk. and then you will be right to make what you want.
15:18.48fileso you have to learn what's available, what's not, make what you need, configure what exists, etc
15:19.31thazzaAlexLee: Unless you are looking for a billing solution. and there are quite a few of these around. using asterisk. so you do have to compile, and so setup config files.
15:20.08thazzafile: Can you continue and take it from here. Just finished rebuilding mates computer.. its 2:20am.. I am tired. and have work in morning. :-(
15:20.40filethazza: I think we've outlined/made the point
15:20.44AlexLeeBest to use the most up2date version?
15:21.21thazzaAlexLee: Best to use up2date stable versions.. Not good to use CVS on a live system.
15:21.42thazzaAlexLee: Sorry have to go to bed now.. Read those Doc's. and probally have a look at:
15:21.45AlexLeethazza, thanks....
15:21.47jbotfrom memory, thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under the Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
15:21.49AlexLeesee u
15:21.56DaminAlexLee: If you are using Asterisk@Home and thinking that you want to run a business off of it, I don't think you are ready to make an informed decision on what you should be doing yet. ;)
15:22.31rculpso, is there anyone with experience with the gxp2000 phones and speakerphone use on them?
15:22.38*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
15:23.26AlexLeethis is my time for me to use asterisk.. i do not know which version i should use..
15:23.37AlexLeethis is my time for me to use asterisk.. i do not know which version i should use..
15:24.15AlexLee<Damin>   this is my time for me to use asterisk.. i do not know which version i should use..any suggesions?
15:24.32synthetiqany version less than 1.0
15:25.15AlexLeeDamin, this is my first time to use asterisk.. i do not know which version i should use..any suggestions?
15:25.57thazzaAlexLee: Yes everyone heard this.... A small suggestion as i Go.. Never a good idea to repeat yourself over and over.. People love to help people who research and try to find the answers themselves.. yet people that just keep asking same questions, usally end up leaving unheard.
15:26.05jaikealexlee: 1.2.4. and just do it. you wont learn just by asking
15:27.38thazzaAlexLee: Once again.. if you want to learn. get a spare box.. and READ..
15:27.42jbotit has been said that docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
15:27.44jbotthebook is, like, Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under the Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
15:27.56voipmealexlee: get astlinux to start with
15:27.57thazzaNite all.
15:27.58AlexLeethazza, thanks... I just want a little more suggestions from differece experienced person...
15:28.05voipmeit even comes in a vm ready to go
15:28.09voipmeto play with
15:28.24voipmeif it's a business, compile yourself on your distro of choice
15:28.33*** join/#asterisk zzxxcc (n=zzxxcc@
15:28.40mutso no one has used caller-id name before?
15:29.04muton a cisco AS router
15:31.05*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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15:36.00mdaveI'm trying to find a flat monthly DID in US/MI/HOLLAND
15:36.16mdavecalls delivered over SIP or IAX
15:36.39mdavepoked around a lot, nothing solid
15:37.05*** join/#asterisk vivekjj (i=1076@
15:37.30vivekjjanyone knows dtmf inband packets being dropped
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15:44.58vatternI am experiecing some difficulty in connecting to FWD via IAX ..
15:45.10vatternI keep getting Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX     Subclass: REGREJ
15:45.16*** join/#asterisk DeeJay[2] (
15:45.55DeeJay[2]I have a TE210P and a TE410P in the same server which runs Debian with kernel 2.4.30 and Asterisk 1.2.4 and zaptel 1.2.3.
15:46.01vatterncould someone please point me , I am using AMP to set up the trunk, and have followed the instructions, but somewhere I am getting lost ..
15:46.13DeeJay[2]But when a customer receives a call while already on the line, it freezes his Zap channel
15:46.17DeeJay[2]until I restart asterisk.
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15:46.36fourcheezecan Meetme config be done with realtime?
15:46.42DeeJay[2]and I get this error message when typing "show channel": Feb  7 10:20:09 WARNING[15034]: channel.c:787 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x82f53e8', 10 retries!
15:46.54DeeJay[2]It happens for all version of 1.2
15:47.04Cadu20Hi... dont know if asked previously... does anyone knows if tehre is a way to set CANREINVITE on the fly, based on the prefix dialed?
15:47.16*** part/#asterisk rculp (n=rculp@
15:47.27Cadu20I want to decide when to use or not REINVITE based on the dialed number...
15:47.30DeeJay[2]We hoped that from 1.2.0 to 1.2.4 it could be fixed but it seems to still happen..
15:49.18swbhello all, I have a problem with macro variables
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15:50.37swbI start a macro passing it two variables that are stoed in ${ARG1} and ${ARG2}, this works fine however, at some point in the macro, I use Gosub to execute a subroiutine, and it when it returns from that the macro variables have been wiped
15:50.46swbany ideas how I could save them somehow?
15:51.36Luke-JrIs there a simple way to allow comments on CDRs?
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15:52.47queuetueWhat kinds of toolkits exist for building SIP clients?  I'd like to make a tiny daemon that will notify me of incoming CID data.
15:53.11Luke-Jrhow about a module to work with XMPP for CID notification and/or command input? ;)
15:54.19gaupequeuetue: look at the sip-daemon in linphone
15:55.43queuetuegaupe: Have you ever built linphone on OSX (or any BSD?) It's not in ports, so I'm skeptical...
15:56.21gaupenope, linux only - linphone has been build for freebsd - seen it on mailinglists
15:57.06*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
16:01.57iCEBrkrqueuetue: you mean like this?
16:02.17iCEBrkrqueuetue: page down to the bottom..
16:03.59mdaveasterisk and sipbroker rock
16:04.07mdavewell voip in general, too
16:04.09queuetueiCEBrkr: Not too much like that, since it a) seems to be on windows and b) look slike it would be hard to wire into an existing notification system.
16:04.49vivekjjanyone knows dtmf inband packets being dropped
16:05.03iCEBrkrqueuetue: Yea, it's for windows.. But it's as simple as it gets..
16:05.56*** part/#asterisk jaike (n=a@
16:06.03iCEBrkrqueuetue: and you don't mess with SIP for notification type stuff.. You use the manage port.
16:06.15queuetueiCEBrkr: Is there source?
16:06.20vatternAnybody here have their * hooked up with FWD ?
16:06.27iCEBrkrqueuetue: If you used SIP, you'd have to register the notifier AND your phone-- and you can't register the same client twice.
16:06.37iCEBrkrqueuetue: Source isn't available.
16:06.45iCEBrkrvattern: I'm sure a lot of people do.
16:06.53vatternI am still getting  CAUSE           : Registration Refused
16:06.57queuetueiCEBrkr: Ah, I thought the same client could be registered multiple times.
16:07.01vatternif i turn on iax2 debug
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16:10.15iCEBrkrqueuetue: Not with SIP
16:10.30iCEBrkrqueuetue: There's a notifier writen in Java for Linux.
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16:10.43iCEBrkrI forget what it's called, but the author hangs out here once in awhile
16:11.43iCEBrkrOh here, I think it's ADM
16:12.47*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
16:13.38Aughey[TK]D-Fender: I got the Sangamon cards yesterday
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16:16.28djMaxsomebody mentioned that voicemail filenames were date-based, but I don't see that behavior.  anybody know which is right?
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16:20.20saftsackif i send a fax with hylafax over isdn both channels are used.
16:20.34iDunnomake it quicker.
16:20.50[TK]D-FenderAughey : Which on?
16:21.00saftsackhylafax -> modem -> fxs-card -> misdn -> line
16:21.31djMaxis the latest zaptel meant to actually compile?
16:22.30mzoit's a trick release, it's supposed to mess with your head :)
16:22.31djMaxI'm getting ZAPTEL_VERSION undeclared
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16:23.14djMaxand indeed grep doesn't find ZAPTEL_VERSION anywhere
16:24.14GerbilNutAnyone in here have experience with a Snom 360 and setting it up to show if another Extension is on a call?
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16:27.13sch19good morning
16:27.22Aughey[TK]D-Fender: I got the 6 FXO port card.  3 modules and a blank.  I haven't installed it yet
16:27.28djMaxapparently I needed to call "make version.h"...
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16:28.46AugheyDoes anyone have a good dialplan for allowing US domestic calling and blocking toll numbers?
16:28.57Luke-Jrhm... double Monitor seems to break
16:29.08sch19is there not a good sample on the wiki somewhere?
16:29.10Umarohey guys.. anyone know where I can get a X100P (or some other kind of digium card) near pune, india?
16:29.25mike240seUmaro: ebay
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16:30.04Umaromike240se: doesn't have any listed
16:30.12AugheyI did some searching, but haven't found anything yet
16:30.21mike240sethere are a couple of international sellers on
16:30.23sch19they almost always have a couple buy-it-now's on ebay for the x100p i thought
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16:31.10mike240seUmaro: or you can do what i did one day, go to every computer store in the area opening up boxes that say "intel hardware modem" on them and seeing if they are the right chip set
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16:31.36Umaromike240se: lol
16:31.47[TK]D-FenderAughey : That's really easy stuff and yuo can figure it out fast just by looking at the sample extensions.conf file
16:31.56Luke-Jrmike240se: Intel rebrands Digium stuff?
16:32.21mike240seLuke-Jr: for the x100p, ye
16:32.34mogormanx100p is a winmodem
16:32.37BeirdoDigium used an Intel chipset IIRC
16:33.24mogormanthat digium wrote drivers for
16:33.24mogormana long time ago
16:33.24Beirdoright :)
16:33.24mike240sei should say it will work the same
16:33.25mike240seif you get the right one
16:33.27AugheyI can easily filter out 900 numbers and others, but the AsteriskTFOT talks about 809 being a bad area code too.  I just don't know what other gotchas are there
16:33.30mike240seactually meant to say digium uses intel stuff
16:33.34mike240sei thought thats what you asked
16:34.43mike240sealthough that would be nice for digium if intel bought and rebranded their stuff
16:34.46[TK]D-FenderAughey : Yeah I guess if there are a bunch of "unknowns" that'd make it harder.... not sure where to go for that.
16:35.19sch19maybe the phone book
16:35.57sch19assuming yu have one, i guess
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16:36.57sch19does anyone here use ael ?
16:37.08Luke-Jrcan Asterisk modify a CDR after it is logged (the call has ended)
16:37.50sch19can it? or will it w/o coersion ? :P
16:38.55sch19I don't know either way, just seems like the question should be expanded to under any circumstances..
16:40.44jaigerLuke-Jr, what are you trying to accomplish?
16:40.58hardwirea sexy singing career
16:41.14jaigerI have my CDR logged to Postgres and from there can modify at will
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16:41.30Luke-Jrjaiger: Asterisk IMs CID info to me when there's a call, and I want to reply with a comment to log in CDR
16:41.35Luke-Jrjaiger: but I want the ability to comment on the call *after* it ends
16:41.53mike240sewoah that seems like a lot of work
16:41.59mike240sean IM for every call?
16:42.01hardwireLuke-Jr: just respond after you hang up?
16:42.16Luke-Jrhardwire: ... the asterisk end needs the ability to change the CDR
16:42.23*** part/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
16:42.26Luke-Jrmike240se: every call to me, yes
16:42.36mike240seLuke-Jr: oh
16:42.41Luke-Jrthe comment goes in the CDR...
16:42.46mike240seLuke-Jr: you could write a script i suppose
16:42.48hardwirein an sql database
16:42.57hardwirewhich could be done from any authorized script
16:43.03hardwirereading the log to your IM server
16:43.33hardwirethat would require editing a line 50 calls back
16:43.37hardwireon a live log
16:43.39mike240seLuke-Jr: it would be alot more complex to write one for csv
16:43.48Luke-Jrhardwire: s/would/could
16:44.01hardwireif you like your fs barfing.. go right ahead
16:44.10*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
16:44.20Beirdoas long as it does so in the toilet...
16:44.21jaigerLuke-Jr, I recommend you use sql and I'm sure a script could be made to do what you need
16:44.29hardwireor if you like queueing your CDR until each write.. you would easily get your IM for your most recent calls a few minutes lagged
16:44.30Luke-Jrin theory, why couldn't the original be blanked and the new one appended?
16:44.58mike240seLuke-Jr: you will be opening the file, which will make asterisk unhappy i assume
16:45.04jaigerI'm not familiar with the IM integration to make recommendations
16:45.09hardwireLuke-Jr: do you have mad skillz with this sort of thing?
16:45.11Luke-Jrmike240se: I want Asterisk to handle the interface itself
16:45.26Luke-Jrhardwire: which part of it?
16:45.33jaigerLuke-Jr, sql would be much easier to implement I'm sure
16:45.33mike240seLuke-Jr: post a request for a patch i guess
16:45.35hardwirethe editing a log file in the middle part
16:45.42Luke-Jrjaiger: probably, but I like CSVs...
16:45.43*** part/#asterisk Aughey (
16:45.50hardwireI recommend just use sqlite and dump to csv via a select if you want it
16:45.56jaigerLuke-Jr, you can always dump your db to csv if you wish
16:45.57Luke-Jrhardwire: CDR CSV isn't a log per se
16:45.59hardwireor any sql
16:46.04Luke-Jrhardwire: the times are in the fields, so they don't need to be in order
16:46.05mike240seLuke-Jr: its quite easy to write a script with sql
16:46.09iCEBrkrWhy the hell would you want to append a comment (instant message) to the CDR?
16:46.16hardwireLuke-Jr: no but every log gets opened - appended - closed
16:46.24hardwiret that what the csv call log does?
16:46.39hardwirenow you have to queue your writes.
16:46.41jaigerLuke-Jr, did you get those Linksys ATAs way back when?
16:46.44Luke-JriCEBrkr: better call log details
16:46.50hardwiremodify a line.. extend the contents one chunk at a time to the end
16:46.51Luke-Jrjaiger: got one, yes
16:47.09iCEBrkrLuke-Jr: Huh, how much more detail do you need?  Phone number, time date, start, stop,
16:47.15Luke-Jrhardwire: replace the old line w/ spaces and append the modified one to the end
16:47.16hardwireLuke-Jr: a real solution is having csv-plain and csv-comment
16:47.22Luke-JriCEBrkr: content comment
16:47.29hardwireLuke-Jr: that is so qbasic
16:47.31iCEBrkrSounds like a waste of time to me.
16:47.32Luke-JriCEBrkr: eg, "job opening" or such
16:47.34jaigerI think the comment on a call isn't a bad idea, just shoe-horning CSV is
16:47.52hardwireLuke-Jr: I would make a module for what you want.
16:47.59Luke-Jrjaiger: you have a better solution other than SQL? =p
16:48.03hardwirethat finds the record in the regular csv
16:48.09iCEBrkrReally, it sounds like he needs notepad to keep track of these calls.
16:48.15DaminiCEBrkr: Care to do some cdr hacking on cdr_odbc? :)
16:48.15hardwirethen makes another log with the comments for each line.. commented or not.
16:48.15jaigerLuke-Jr, no sql gives you what you need.  why do you resist?
16:48.17DaminiCEBrkr: Looking to try and get it to support multiple datasources..
16:48.32iCEBrkrDamin: *Groan*
16:48.36hardwirejaiger: I would if I didn't want to run an sql server on a 266mhz geode
16:48.37DaminiCEBrkr: Want to try and have it write to MySQL and MS-SQL at the same time. ;)
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16:48.47Jizzbugj #asterisk-dev
16:48.53jaigerLuke-Jr, or as recommended, make another CSV file with your call-id + comment in it
16:48.57Jizzbuger, sry
16:48.58hardwireJizzbug: fail.
16:48.59Luke-Jrjaiger: portability
16:49.10jaigerLuke-Jr, what about portability?
16:49.22DaminiCEBrkr: My other option is to simple load cdr_odbc as cdr_odbc2 w/ a different config file.. :)
16:49.25Luke-Jrjaiger: I don't like restricting people to what CDR module they can use
16:50.46Luke-Jrso my idea would be to have CSV CDRs work in a maybe-ugly way, but at least work; and if someone complains about the ugliness, tell them to use SQL then
16:50.48jaigerLuke-Jr, that's not a CDR feature IMO it's an extension and the comment data doesn't really belong in the CDR table.  even if developing w/ sql I'd recommend another table
16:50.54iCEBrkrDamin: Off the top of my head, I was thinking it should just read in all the destination info and start making connections
16:51.16Luke-Jrjaiger: comment is just as on-topic as CIDName for CDR
16:51.27jaigerLuke-Jr, or simply append another cdr line to the CSV.  one that's a duplicate of the original plus your comment
16:51.36muti've got a problem here... i have an asterisk server with a te405p in it, i'm trying to make a call out the te405p pri to an adtran 550 pri to a cisco as5350 back to the same asterisk server via sip, i'm calling from one extension to another, the problem is this, i call from a verizon land line and it comes in on the second pri in the cisco then to the asterisk box and my phone rings
16:51.52DaminiCEBrkr: It actually looks like it would be pretty trivial to just hack the source to have cdr_odbc2 and have it loaded as a separate module..
16:51.53Luke-Jrjaiger: that's what I was saying... except that I'd also be blanking the original line
16:51.55mutnow when i dial from one exten through the big long route, * -> adtran -> cisco -> *
16:51.59muti get a fast busy
16:52.06mutthe call makes it all the way to the cisco
16:52.22mutthen the cisco tells me
16:52.22mutICause i = 0x8095 - Call rejected
16:52.37muti have asterisk verbose 5 on
16:52.38Luke-Jrjaiger: In my case, it will be very rare for a second call to come in prior to the first one's being commented in every case
16:52.41mutand i don't see the call hit it at all
16:52.49jaigerI wouldn't bother blanking the line.  let your post-processing scripts clean up duplicates
16:52.52Luke-Jrjaiger: In a case with more frequent calls, I imagine someone would be using a SQL CDR
16:53.39*** join/#asterisk Damin (
16:53.43DaminiCEBrkr: There is a single static definition for the config file: static char *config = "cdr_odbc.conf";
16:54.08DaminiCEBrkr: Probably some simple hacks to get it to register as a different module name..
16:54.13iCEBrkrDamin: Yea, it should read the different []
16:54.13bweschkeDamin: how would you handle multiple sources? each source gets a cdr write?
16:54.27iCEBrkrDamin: it's a bit more complex than that.. I just looked at the code
16:54.37iCEBrkrDamin: Lots of loops and shit need to be wrapped around all the functions
16:54.40Daminbweschke: Yeah..
16:54.45mutideas input anything?
16:54.57hardwireno ideas here
16:55.06DaminiCEBrkr: not if you copy cdr_odbc.c to cdr_odbc2.c and then modify things to suite; :)
16:55.41hardwirevoip/video over ip network cameras
16:55.51hardwirespeaker mic and two cameras per unit
16:56.06hardwireits just sexy
16:56.52Luke-Jrjaiger: and obviously if there is no CDRs after the one being commented on, the comment can just be appended easily
16:57.44mutanyone know why an adtran strips callerid?
17:01.16*** join/#asterisk stevie_d1111 (n=stephen@
17:02.53jaigermut, what adtran are you talking about?  I have an adtran TA750 and get callerid through FXO no problem
17:03.39lo_techmut: 'pri debug span XX' and check for IE... will tell you about the presentation and the callerid... as well as help debug the call from the cisco (though it looks like the call is not getting through the cisco to the *)
17:03.54mutlo_tech: yea
17:04.00mutdebug isdn q931
17:04.15mutthe call is getting to the cisco
17:04.26mutand then says rejected
17:05.10lo_techmut: yeah, but it looks like the cisco is rejecting the call... so you wouldn't see an inbound on the 2nd *.. pri debug will at least let you see what you are getting and you can walk it back form there.
17:06.56*** join/#asterisk Tired_ (
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17:07.26Tired_Hello.  I have an idea, and I'm wondering if Asterisk would be an appropriate tool to use.
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17:08.11lo_techmut: also, check the outbound call on the pri to the adtran... you might not be sending the CID you expect, the presentation might not be allowing, or your not using the same pridialplan
17:08.12Tired_I want to set up a voice mail system, where people can call and leave a voice message to a box that they type in on the phone that they are calling from, so homeless people can have a number to get jobs with.
17:08.37Tired_Can Asterisk do that kinda thing?
17:08.40lo_techTired_: surely
17:08.53Tired_sweet.  i'll start a-googling then  :)
17:09.15vivekjjdoes anyone know asterisk dropping dtmf inband packets
17:09.16*** join/#asterisk Nemesis760 (n=nemesis@
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17:09.23lahaineoy ppl
17:09.29hardwireTired_: I wanted to do something similar
17:09.31Tired_is there a wiki for asterisk anywheres?
17:09.49lo_tech ?
17:09.53hardwireTired_: but they keep getting booted away from pay phones
17:09.56Tired_hardwire -> I'd be glad to keep you informed on the project if you like.
17:10.01jbothmm... docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
17:10.09*** join/#asterisk Flauto (n=zhao@
17:10.12Flautohi people
17:10.15Flautogood morning
17:10.16lo_techTired_: booted?
17:10.17hardwireTired_: I wanted to do one for road rage..
17:10.20Flautoihave a question
17:10.30hardwireand that idea turned into a myspace kinda idea for leaving messages to a state plate id.
17:10.57hardwire"please say plate state" "please say plate number"
17:11.00justinuhardwire: thought about that kinda thing many times
17:11.02hardwirethen they could register to a plate
17:11.05justinusome kind of driver complaint system
17:11.05Tired_this is just so they can have that important phone number for their resumes, somewhere that answers and takes messages.
17:11.10hardwireand retrieve mp3's of their recordings
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17:11.28hardwireand then of course "is this a positive.. or negative comment"
17:11.33hardwireyou could start rating people by state
17:11.37Flautoi wanted to use sip to dial a romote spa adapter, and i opened the port 5060 on the remote side for the spa, and the call can go through but no voice transmission. is there anyone can tell me why?
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17:11.46hardwirethey could publish some of their messages
17:11.48justinuhardwire: you can't make it anonymous tho...
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17:11.56hardwirejustinu: sure you can
17:12.06hardwireanybody can call in on a plate
17:12.11Tired_hmm.  i wonder if the voice input from a vopice mail could be run through speech recognition and transcribed to email.....
17:12.13hypnoxTired_ good idea, asterisk does that pretty much out of the box, you just have to set up the numbers and corresponding voicemail boxes
17:12.16justinuthen you're going to have one asshole ruin the whole thing
17:12.20hardwirebut you have to go to the site to register your plate to see if anybody called in
17:12.30lo_techTired_: yes, but not without additional software
17:12.33hardwirejustinu: thats exactly the point
17:12.37hardwireanybody can call in
17:13.00Nugget  <-- cute
17:13.02justinuyou just became the worst driver in internet history, simply because you failed to signal a lane change, and it pissed me off.
17:13.02hardwireits not supposed to be usefull :)
17:13.04Tired_lol, i have a grant...additional software is fine as long as it's f/oss and has docs somewhere.  :)
17:13.21lahaineis there somebody knowing the meaning of a Via header field with a branch=0 field ?
17:13.21hardwireits supposed to be fun and a good way to fluff off anger anonymously
17:13.42lahaine(i know it's not related to asterisk but if a SIP guru can demistify this to me ;) )
17:13.44hardwirejustinu: yes. wouldn't that be fun :)
17:13.45lo_techTired_: speech-to-text is not exactly 100%... accents, dialects, etc. make for some interesting conversions to text
17:13.50Tired_that is a good idea...a line to call to vent
17:13.58Nemesis760hardwire: Sounds pretty cool.
17:14.05hardwireTired_: or to leave your number with the sexy woman driving next to you
17:14.18hardwire"nice boobs.. lets get some pizza.. call me"
17:14.33lo_techhardwire: lol, seek help
17:14.38hardwirelo_tech: I am
17:14.40hardwireits not working
17:15.02Tired_lo_tech -> I was thinking the primary means for clients to access voicemails would be to read them in emails sent to webmail, then listen on the phone if the speech to text is too garbled...we'll only have a couple lines, for maybe 1000 clients.
17:15.18jaigerlo_tech, he's been leaving his number but no one returns his call
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17:15.28Tired_so hopefully most will use the email option to help keep the lines avaialable
17:15.40vivekjjwisdom: do u know dtmf inband packets being dropped from asterisk
17:15.54_Sam--i could be wrong but i think you will have a really hard time doing accurate speech to text
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17:16.12Nemesis760Tired: Why not just forward an .mp3 of the message?
17:16.23Flautoany can help
17:16.29Tired_i hope i can make it work.  i am very much a newbie at this, but the project is so exciting....
17:16.38lo_techTired_: reading emails (text-to-speech) is a trivial thing, but the other way is problematic
17:16.40_Sam--true...if they are checking email anyway...why not just attach the message
17:16.57Tired_Nemesis760 -> this is for homeless clients...nowhere to forward it to, and they can't listen to it on Hotmail at the library.
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17:17.12_Sam--pretty much anything that could mail with POP3 could play a wav/mp3 file attachment
17:17.31_Sam--er check MAIL with pop3
17:17.33Tired_no speakers/sound cards there
17:17.47Tired_public library
17:17.59_Sam--it wont work but you cant waste some time
17:18.07jaiger_Sam--, no privacy there either
17:18.11_Sam--things that do speech recognition based on YOUR OWN voice barely work
17:18.13Nemesis760Tired: gotchya... was just being Dr. Obvious. ;)
17:18.21rvahi iax2 show peers really work? i have 2 clients...that are registered the same way in the server and one apeers as UNREACHABLE and the other OK
17:18.24_Sam--let alone trying to interpret 1000s of unique voices
17:18.28adibarapropos Speech2text... could some integrate Sphinx to asterisk ?
17:18.51hardwireyou wanna hear drunk?
17:19.02hardwirehard to do tect-to-speach on messages?
17:19.06jaigeradibar, I was thinking of doing it after lunch today
17:19.09hardwireoh shit I cannot spell
17:19.26Tired__Sam-- -> I think you convinced me.  I'll try to get it working with a phone-only interface to start, and then try the speech thing when the basic system works.
17:19.48adibarjaiger: Good luck... If you suceed, let me know how to do it... I couldn't manage it...
17:19.52_Sam--i am not saying its not a good idea...i had someone ask me about it just the other day
17:19.58lo_techdrunk? I'm still trying to translate Pacific-Rim English software docs... no time for the drunk-to-english translation... babelfish have that one yet?
17:19.59_Sam--but i dont think you could reliably implement it
17:20.01_Sam--i could be wrong.
17:20.02jaigeradibar, joking.   that's a big project
17:20.03Tired_is asterisk easily configurable to serve people messages from their own voicemail box over the telephone?
17:20.09hardwireTired_: gimme updates
17:20.20Tired_ok.  pm me your email
17:20.21*** join/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
17:20.33rob0Tired_: voicemailmain()
17:20.58adibarjaiger: For me it seemed more a life-time decision than a project ;-)
17:21.17Tired_awesome.  sounds like this is exactly what I need for this.
17:21.33_Sam--you could also setup the web based voicemail checker
17:21.41*** part/#asterisk vivekjj (i=1076@
17:21.53_Sam--but the message will be played from wav/GSM/mp3 etc
17:21.54lo_techTired_: very easy to config... just the speech-to-email part is a chore
17:21.57Nemesis760References an example I put together.
17:22.10shmaltzanybody else having any problems with the list? i'm using gmail
17:22.10adibarjaiger: Everything is ready and installed @ my place... but I have no idea how to integrate ;-(
17:22.31jaigerTired_, a DTMF-only version of your system should be easy to build.  voicemail comes free with asterisk
17:22.34Nemesis760adibar: It's only a jumping off point. Would require a lot of work to get a large enough dictionary for transactiption.
17:22.53Tired_excellent.  well, thanks for all the advice...i'm sure I'll be back when i get confused, and I'll keep you posted on how it deploys...
17:23.21jaigeradibar, I haven't used sphinx yet.  I downloaded it but didn't have time to devote to learning curve
17:23.47adibarjaiger: I know that page as hell, but it was not really helpfull... Poor adibar was more confused than before ;-)
17:23.50Tired_if it works well here, maybe the civic minded among you could recommend it to your own local community councils.
17:24.08adibarjaiger: That's the point.
17:24.08*** join/#asterisk docelm0 (
17:24.16Nemesis760transaciption.... er. transcription that is.
17:24.36*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
17:24.46jaigeradibar, maybe when my kids are in college.  I'll see you here in 20 years
17:24.54Tired_i'm going to leave the transcription feature for later...
17:24.57*** join/#asterisk mut (n=animenod@
17:25.11mutmy cisco debug of the call
17:25.20mutit hits the correct dial peer
17:25.32*** part/#asterisk Tired_ (
17:25.34mutand gets all the way down to sending the call out via sip, which is where the debug starts
17:26.01adibarjaiger: till than you can get speech2tetx as tiny lil executable with selfinstalling capability ;-)
17:26.25FalleHave anyone got some decent ringtones(ringX.bin) for the GXP 2000 that they can share?
17:27.44mutthats the debug of me calling
17:27.49mutand then ther eis a hangup
17:28.07adibarFalle: I've got the song Paranoia from Art Of Noise ;-)
17:28.43Falleadibar: hmm, dont know what that is but it sounds dangourus ;)
17:28.56jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender iCEBrkr got my two Cisco 7940Gs
17:29.06*** part/#asterisk techie (
17:29.08Nemesis760Does anyone here now how to gracefully busy out B-Channels of a PRI? I have multiple servers, with many T1s. Calls hunt ascending and I need to be able to coax calls onto the next server if the first is overloaded.
17:29.10adibarFalle: One mom, I prepare it for U
17:29.28*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (n=juanjoc@
17:29.43Falleadibar: ok, thanks :)
17:29.58[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Great.  Had a chance to give them all a serious test-drive?
17:30.55jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender have to convert them from SCCP to SIP first.
17:31.40jbalcombanyone have 'P0S30100.bin' that I could get without having to register with cisco?
17:31.51jbalcombits the SIP image for the Cisco 7940G
17:31.55Nemesis760$50 via PayPal for the first complete answer.
17:32.06adibarFalle: U can get it from:  I don't remember which one it is, so I placed all three ;-)
17:32.23Falleadibar: great :)
17:33.00adibarFalle: from the size I would think it's #2
17:33.01docelm0jbalcomb, I do hold on..  Lemme go get it
17:33.13docelm0or whats your email?   I will email it to you
17:33.21*** part/#asterisk arbius (
17:34.05synthetiqwhen doing an IF fucntion evaluation, for it to work you would have to do it in Set or NoOP?
17:34.08Falleadibar: downloaded them now, rebooting phone
17:34.24jbalcombdocelm0 thanks.
17:34.35jbalcombFalle you dont have to reboot the phone for that
17:34.48docelm0What version IOS is it?
17:35.19adibarFalle: How's the weather in Sweden ? ;-)
17:35.31lo_techNemesis760: well, there is 'zap destroy channel' but DONT USE IT unless you know what it does... there is no 'busyout/release channel xx' equivalent afaik
17:35.52Falleadibar: frezing :/
17:37.01Nemesis760lo_tech... yeah... zap destroy != graceful. Any chance there's a way to do it outside of asterisk? I'm using Sangoma A104s.
17:37.04lo_techNemesis760: we use macro dial to test DIALRESULT... if we get a certain result, it forces a second (or tertiary) dial to a different trunk (that may be a local zap or a iax2 to another server, depending)
17:37.18tainted_is there an error log stored someplace for asterisk? 1.2.4 compiled cleanly but doesn't load successfully and doesn't have any error messages
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17:37.50tainted_[] => (Linux Telephony API Support) is the last line i get before it returns to shell prompt
17:38.03jbalcombdocelm0 ?
17:38.46*** join/#asterisk seelen_ (n=_seele@
17:38.51Falleadibar: somehow it dont wanna download the tones with the new firmware anymore. I'll have to look in to that later :/ Thanks anyway
17:38.54lo_techNemesis760: well, I'm connected to equipment that allows me to do the equivalent of a 'stop trunk XX gracefully' ... and I doubt you're connected anywhere near like we are...
17:39.00Flautohi people, how to dial a remote sipura adapter which is not registered to my asterisk?
17:39.06Nemesis760lo_tech: All our traffic is inbound on these PRIs. I know I could bridge them over to another box (even TDMoE) but I'd really like to just have the call diverted by the switch. If box 1 is overloaded, it shouldn't be bridging a bunch of calls.
17:39.24Flautoi was trying xxxxxx@ipaddress or the sipura
17:39.34Flautothe phone is ringing on the other side
17:39.38Flautobut no voice
17:39.50adibarFalle: Strange, I used them with the old and now with the beta-firmware and it allways worked.
17:40.01seelen_hey i wanna know how to listen a call that's being established in another extension different from my own.. without being discovered... in other words, i wanna spy on someone's call, is that possible with asterisk.. how??
17:40.03*** join/#asterisk EriSan (
17:40.50lo_techNemesis760: if you have a number of telco-inbound trunks then how are you getting full circuits that would go to another box? (i.e., if the calls are inbound... how could you possibly get the call delivered to another server on the inbound leg?)
17:40.51Nemesis760lo_tech: I've got 4 DS3s coming in to Adtran MX2800 mux's... then on to the Sangomas... Do you know if the Mux can do this?
17:41.20seelen_hey i wanna know how to listen a call that's being established in another extension different from my own.. without being discovered.. in other words i wanna spy on someone's call, is that possible with asterisk?
17:41.43lo_techwe can with our DDM-1000, no clue on the syntax of the Adtran
17:41.47Daminseelen_: app_chanspy or app_monitor
17:41.54lo_techafk, brief
17:41.56Nemesis760lo_tech: all our PRIs are in the same trunk group.
17:41.59mutthe heck does Feb  7 12:40:04 WARNING[8945]: chan_sip.c:9527 handle_response_invite: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE to '"Scott" <sip:9896851099@>;tag=as1d154c26' mean
17:42.05Nemesis760Well.. split up over 2.
17:42.15seelen_Damin, is that included in Asterisk? explain me how to make it work please.
17:42.28Daminseelen_: TO make it work, you should read the docs.
17:42.44seelen_Damin, Which ones?? please
17:42.57Daminseelen_: Check out the book "Asterisk, the Future of Telephony" from O'Reilly. That is a great book..
17:43.04fileVERY great book
17:43.29jbalcombMost AWESOME great book EVER!
17:43.29Daminseelen_: What documentation have you read so far? What investigation have you done to this point?
17:43.59Flautoplease help with my issue
17:44.08seelen_Damin, I have just been requested (my boss), if thats a feature that asterisk supports.
17:44.14fileFlauto: if someone wants to help, they'll try to help
17:44.27Daminseelen_: Then he is paying you to figure it out, right?
17:45.14Falleadibar: the phone only tries to download the cfg<MAC> from the webserver. nothing else. Suppose i have to make one of those from a templatefile then :/
17:45.21Nemesis760lo_tech: I'll look into that. Perhaps I can use expect scripts to talk to the Mux. If this works out, I'd like to give you credit. Do you have an email tied to PayPal?
17:46.37seelen_Hey, how can i configure an E1 card, lines?
17:46.49adibarFalle: I did it half a year ago... But I don't remember anymore if I had to tweak also something inside the web-gui of the GXP
17:47.32Flautoas i understand, it should be pretty simple to call a remote ata adapter
17:47.41Flautobut it does not work
17:47.48Flautothe phone would ring but no voice
17:47.51fileis it behind NAT?
17:47.54filea firewall?
17:48.12Flautoi did forward ports from 5060 to 5063
17:48.19Flautoit does file
17:48.21filethat doesn't matter
17:48.30Flautoit is behind a router
17:48.32fileyou have to tell Asterisk to ignore that essentially
17:48.36fileuse nat=yes and canreinvite=no
17:48.50filethe IP address and port for audio is carried in the SIP signalling, so it's trying to go to your internal IP address
17:48.55Flautolet me tell you more of my situation
17:49.00Flautoi am using asterisk on my side
17:49.04adibarFalle: As far as I remember I also had to check the "custom ring tone" option inside of one of the lines.
17:49.13Flautothe sip dapter is at my sister's place in new jersey
17:49.19filejust do what I said :)
17:49.26fileand when it works, you'll realize you wasted time explaining it
17:49.31filebecause your situation is one that tons of people have
17:50.01Flautoshe does not have an asterisk on her side
17:50.14Flautoso i need to set her adapter to nat=yes
17:50.52Flautofile, thanks for your help
17:51.02Daminseelen_: Well, for configuring an E-1, I'd reccomend looking at the Chapter in "Asterisk The Future of Telephony" from O'Reilly that specifically discusses the configuration of Zap devices. Alternatively, you could look on google...
17:51.07fileso many people have had your problem, I wrote a page about it!
17:52.09Falleadibar: i solved it..  i had dissabled the "automatic firmware checking" after the beta whent into the reboot loop erlier
17:52.20Flautothe thing is my sister's sip adapter is not a part of my asterisk
17:52.27Flautoshe is using her own broadvoice
17:52.34filethen put nat=yes and canreinvite=no in your general part
17:52.37fileor make a peer entry
17:52.39jbalcombFYI: +10 karma points for docelm0
17:52.42adibarFalle: Do U like the sound ?
17:52.43Flautoso i it has it already
17:53.01Flautobut since her adapter is not registered as a part of my asterisk
17:53.02Daminjbalcomb: Oh yea? What'd he do?
17:53.04filejust. try. it.
17:53.15*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
17:53.25Flautoi have it on my general part in sip.conf
17:53.43fileis your Asterisk behind NAT too?
17:54.15jbalcombDamin He got me the SIP firmware image for my new Cisco 7940Gs
17:54.24seelen_Damin, Thanks you've been of much help
17:54.31jbalcombDamin you have to have 'access' to Cisco to get it.
17:54.35adibarAny Pattern-Matching-God online ?
17:54.45hardwirei feel depressed
17:54.45Daminseelen_: Always a pleasure!
17:54.50fileadibar: just ask a question and you'll hopefully get an answer
17:54.59*** join/#asterisk Poincare (n=jefffnod@
17:55.00files/a question/a better more complete question
17:55.02Falleadibar: sure, its very nice :) Dont like the annoying noise the phone makes when restarting the loop though..  but i suppose thats just my phone?
17:55.11hardwirefile: I am depressed!
17:55.17filehardwire: when aren't you?
17:55.24hardwiredon't you sympathize!
17:55.30filehardwire: not really, not for you :P
17:55.31Daminjbalcomb: Well, I'd suggest that you not broadcast that too loudly lest he lose his ability to access CCO! ;) Your not supposed to be re-distributing their firmware, although they don't much seem to care about it.
17:55.37hardwirefile: now thats just mean.
17:55.53fileDamin can vouch
17:55.53hardwireI feel like eddie
17:55.58Flautofile, here is my sip.conf general
17:56.01jbalcombDamin I'll keep it hush hush for sure.
17:56.10Flautofile, it is working from my end
17:56.12hardwireok.. brb.. I am going to go lift my spirits with some vodka!
17:56.14adibarfile: why does such a construct not work:    _123X./1234,s...
17:56.15Flautoi think it is my sister's side
17:56.17fileFlauto: externhost
17:56.22filenot externip
17:56.31Flautolet me try
17:56.31fileand you need nat=yes
17:56.33fileand canreinvite=no
17:56.39rob0file was never mean to me! I feel cheated!!
17:56.44filerob0: ummm
17:56.53adibarFalle: I made it also because the default was anoying and loud as hell ;-)
17:57.35fileadibar: what exactly do you want it to do
17:58.53Flautofile, even though my sister's spa is not registered to my asterisk, i am trying to call xxxxxxxxxx@heripaddress
17:59.15fileit uses the options in general if it's not using a peer entry
17:59.17*** join/#asterisk techie (
17:59.25Flautothe xxxxxxxxxx is her authid with broadvoice
17:59.28filenow in an ideal world you'd read what I said before and used a peer entry, but since we don't live in an ideal world that's okay
17:59.32Flautothat would work
17:59.39kippidoes A2Billing give you all the calls you have made, incoming calls etc?
17:59.54Flautopeer entry
18:00.07Flautoi got it
18:00.08*** join/#asterisk j4m3s_ (n=j4m3s@
18:00.11Flautoi am so stupid
18:00.18areskikippi, those that pass through a2billing
18:00.27Ahrimaneskippi: hm only if you pass incomming calls through a2billing
18:00.31Ahrimanesareski: :)
18:00.38kippiis that easy to setup?
18:00.39areskiAhrimanes, :)
18:00.48Flautoi thought that her adapter is not registered with my asterisk there would had nothing to do with my asterisk
18:00.51adibarfile: I've got ISDN with 10 MSNs on all of them I can and want to reveive SMS. So before I distribute the individual numbers to theyr owners I want to check if the call comes from the SMS-central and if yes it goes to another sub-routine. Currently I do it ten times. but I want to make it in one check.
18:01.00Flautoyes, i can set a peer entry
18:01.01areskiAhrimanes, I will stop to answer qst
18:01.06areskiAhrimanes, I leave it to u :D
18:01.11Ahrimanesareski: haha
18:01.18Flautothis way
18:01.26Ahrimanesareski: somehow i think you know a2billing slightly better than me ;)
18:01.26fileadibar: okay can you paste that pattern again? cleared my screen.
18:01.28Flautoi dont need to do anythign in general section
18:01.44*** join/#asterisk jpablo (n=jpablo@
18:02.16areskiAhrimanes, I know the code, I dont use it :P
18:02.20adibarfile: exten => _1234X./0622100000,1,do something
18:02.24Ahrimanesareski: that's true
18:02.32Ahrimanesareski: but neither do i, yet ;)
18:02.46fileokay so that'll match the dialed number 1234[0-9] and allow any digits after that to be matched, with a caller id of 0622100000
18:02.48*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
18:03.10adibarfile: should, but does not...
18:03.28filewell, make one that it will absolutely match for sure
18:03.34fileand grab the callerid and extension dialed in a noop
18:03.38areskiAhrimanes, go & find those blond Danish babes
18:03.40fileand use your brain to match it against the pattern
18:03.54Ahrimanesareski: might just have one waiting at home... hope she cooks
18:04.58Ahrimanesareski: see ya man.. gotta go find food
18:05.15adibarfile: I could do it with an ExecIf, but I think that is no that elegant like the other solution. The only advantage would be, taht it would work ;-)
18:05.52areskiAhrimanes, see u later
18:06.09adibarfile: My main problem is, that I don't understand why it does not work.
18:07.22adibarfile: Something like 12345/_543X.,1,do    works fine, but why not the other case ?
18:09.15fileI'd have to look closer
18:09.20filebut if it works... use it!
18:10.14*** join/#asterisk sysdebug (n=sysdebug@
18:11.01Nemesis760lo_tech: Thanks for the suggestions... unfortunately it doesn't appear the Adtran MX2800 can manipulate individual DS0s.
18:11.38adibarfile: mom
18:12.40jpablohey people anyone is ussing chan_oss with recent asterisk ?
18:14.11*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (
18:14.28adibarfile: does not work, checked it.
18:14.56*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (
18:16.03Flautofile, you taught me a lesson, thanks
18:16.04*** join/#asterisk Hertell (
18:16.20HertellGood evening everybody! :-)
18:16.20Flautoi never even thought about that i should set a peer entry for this
18:16.20lo_techNemesis760: no paypal chief, just help the next guy
18:16.34fileFlauto: and now it works?
18:16.43Flautoi always thought it should be the problem from the other end
18:16.49Flautomy sister's end
18:16.53Flautoi have not tried yet
18:16.58Flautomy parents are taking a nap now
18:17.02Flautoi will try later for sure
18:17.11Flautobut i did setup a peer entry
18:17.31Hertellcan someone point me to a howto in how to configure a sipora spa 3000  with asterisk?
18:17.36filewith nat=yes and canreinvite=no? and fixed your general section with externhost?
18:17.37Flautonow, i see sip show peers
18:17.44Flautoi see the connection
18:17.54Flautoyes, file
18:17.55Flautoi did
18:18.14Flautoi was using nat=yes on my most entries
18:18.15adibarfile: back to static numbers it works again :(
18:18.21Flautonow, i can use nat=yes in general
18:18.33Flautoand then, left the ones in every entry
18:18.54*** join/#asterisk justinu (n=justin@
18:18.58hypnoxHertell read and understand some very basic sip concepts, then look for the corresponding fields in the sipura web config
18:19.21*** part/#asterisk mhnoyes (
18:19.44scardinalwhenever I dial I get the busy tone.. the phone shows up using sip show users/peers
18:19.51scardinalany suggestions why I get the busy tone?!
18:20.08mutanyone have any tellabs 253 shelfs?
18:20.08jpablois there a way to load modules in a running * ?
18:20.16*** part/#asterisk UlbabraB (
18:20.57Hertellhypnox: do you a link to such sip-documents?
18:21.42*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
18:21.55hypnoxHertell not at hand, but all sip is generally the same, so just look for general instructions for connecting a sip device to asterisk
18:24.00Hertellhypnox: well, the basics i have somehow there. I have got FWD connected with iax, and I can place a test-call that rings in the phone connected to the spa3000
18:24.41hypnoxsounds like it works
18:24.42Hertellhypnox: but I can't really understand how i for example can call out via the pstn-line..
18:25.54hypnoxit's not complicated but you'd be better off reading some general asterisk guides, they will be more useful than irc, unless you have a specific question
18:26.28*** join/#asterisk vaewyn (
18:26.37vaewynhowdy all
18:26.50vaewynanyone try the units from
18:27.11Hertellmostly i'm lost with the basic terms used within  *, like eg trunk.. :-(
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18:35.19hypnoxdoes anyone here know of a good place to get some test numbers? Im looking for non-UK ones.
18:36.28marcus2_how do i turn down the gain on my zap t1 card
18:36.30docelm0hypnox, try they bost they give 2 out free on signup
18:37.05hypnoxthat means thanks :)
18:37.11docelm0oo  k
18:38.07wundaboyim trying to learn asterisk.  Ive been reading voip-info and learning alot about asterisk, but the pieces are not falling into place just yet.  where do i setup a sip phone? extensions.conf?
18:38.41docelm0wundaboy, yes and also sip.conf
18:38.55docelm0at least your doing it the right way and not using A@H or AMP
18:39.16wundaboydo i setup my voip provider in iax.conf? and it would be a peer, correct?
18:39.27docelm0extensions is used for your dialing plan.  Where to route the call and such..   Sip.conf is used for setting up your SIP end points
18:39.43docelm0yes and depends on who your provider is and if they support IAX
18:40.11wundaboyim using junction networks and my did is setup for iax incoming and either sip or iax outgoing
18:41.56docelm0then yes.. IAX for incoming and then your choice for IAX/SIP for outbound.
18:44.03wundaboyis it ok to use the sample config files for my server? do they by default contain settings that would not allow me to setup incoming/outgoing on an ip500?
18:44.25*** join/#asterisk fiber0pti (
18:44.37fiber0ptiHow do you set callerID for all outgoing non-sip calls
18:44.38docelm0phone doesnt matter for calling for the most part.. Just features..
18:44.51docelm0fiber0pti, same as SIP calls
18:45.18docelm0I believe is the syntax.  I would have to check
18:45.20fiber0ptidocelm0: I'm attempting to set it via CALLERID(number) in the outgoing context, but it doesn't change
18:45.28Damindocelm0: Hows it going? Things settle down for you yet?
18:45.30docelm0Thats been depreciated
18:45.35fiber0ptiI also see it executing in the cli but the clid still comes up as the old one
18:45.39docelm0Damin, god I wish
18:45.50docelm0thanks Math` I knew I was close
18:45.51Damindocelm0: Going off the deep end yet? :)
18:46.01docelm0Damin, dude I jumped a month ago
18:46.12*** join/#asterisk DrData (
18:46.17docelm0Damin, but making progress should have new code out this weekend hopefully
18:46.24Damindocelm0: Rock!
18:46.46*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
18:46.48Damindocelm0: If you want my .01 cents worth, let me know..
18:46.49wundaboydocelm0: is it ok to use sample config files?
18:46.49docelm0wundaboy, yes.. you can use sample..  However it depends on where you live and your dialing plan
18:46.52fiber0ptiMath`: I've tried that and it doesn't set it on the caller id on another phone that's external to the system
18:46.56docelm0Damin, thanks..  :)
18:47.02DrDataSIP+CAPI: how do I get the callerid through to the called ISDN phone
18:47.04wundaboydocelm0: i live in portland, oregon, usa
18:47.15wundaboyi assume that its fine?
18:47.15docelm0wundaboy, then NA Dialing Plan
18:47.21saftsackmy variable office/voicemail doesnt work. do i have to initalize it anywhere?
18:47.45docelm0wundaboy, standard for most of us..   You just have to setup and route your outbound based on how you match your extensions
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18:48.26bjameswhere do I submit a bug report?
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18:49.05sevardHas anyone made a weather agi script that uses Allison Smith's voice?  I have a script that downloads daily from and uses festival for text to speech, but that doesn't use Allison.
18:49.33docelm0Im not sure allison would approve..  :)
18:49.52docelm0sevard you could have her make them custom for you..  its fairly inexpensive and she is quick
18:49.58docelm024 hour or less turn around
18:50.16sevarddocelm0: there is already a WX directory
18:50.28sevardi was curious if someboyd built a script around those gsm
18:50.49docelm0cant be that hard..  I could probably code one up in no time flat
18:51.06sevardwant to?
18:51.21docelm0Ill add it to my list of GNU asterisk projects.. :)
18:51.30docelm0probably have it done by this weekend
18:51.45docelm0send me your scripts and such and I will build one
18:52.37sevardmine is simply a bash script
18:52.59docelm0Send away..  I will make it work for ya
18:53.11docelm0Hell I could probably make it where it prompts for the ZIP and reports live  :)
18:55.09wundaboytype=peer will allow both incoming and outgoing, correct?
18:55.23docelm0Nope.. Friend
18:56.45docelm0user == incoming to PBX,  peer == outbound from pbx, friend == a very happy option  :)
18:56.45wundaboywhat is peercontext?
18:57.12wundaboythe wiki dosent go into it, is it necesary?
18:57.23docelm0I dont use it
18:57.39sevarddothat would be wsesome
18:57.45sevarddocelm0: that would be awesome
18:58.03sevarddocelm0: i can c/p my bash script in msg, that work for you?
18:58.20sevardit's only like 20 lines long
18:58.36docelm0I dont wanna get flooded off
18:59.05*** join/#asterisk _Thor (
18:59.39docelm0I may add that script to my PBX at the office..  I took away everyone's access to weather sites..  :)
18:59.44docelm0Im an ass..  I know it.
18:59.50wundaboyif i setup an iax (context?) do i still need to 'register' it? or does it do that automatically?
19:00.02docelm0Nope.. Need Register =>
19:00.29docelm0ok need NICCOTINE..  brb
19:01.22mutFeb  7 14:00:09 WARNING[8945]: chan_sip.c:1208 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission 4fb6c544677f5b6177dcc7da0b6ee049@ for seqno 102 (Critical Request)
19:01.22mutFeb  7 14:00:09 WARNING[8945]: chan_sip.c:1225 retrans_pkt: Hanging up call 4fb6c544677f5b6177dcc7da0b6ee049@ - no reply to our critical packet.
19:01.32muti try to call a logged in user
19:01.36mutand it just sits
19:01.38mutand then gives that
19:01.43mutand the call fails
19:01.52sevarddocelm0: it was quick and it's not efficient
19:02.38*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (i=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
19:04.01sevarddocelm0: if you do decide to write the script you should do it so that the txt files are croned wget processes and catched locally, the script shouldn't download and run all on one call, that eats bandwidth and sometimes the ftp server can take 30-40 seconds to respond
19:04.04sevardnot ideal
19:04.20GerbilNutwhere would you put, and what would you put, to allow a phone to transfer a call to another phone
19:04.34*** join/#asterisk Eggplant (
19:04.39Qwell[]GerbilNut: What type of phone?
19:04.44GerbilNutSnom 360
19:04.50Qwell[]they have transfer buttons
19:05.00GerbilNutIt doesn't seem to be working : /
19:05.26GerbilNutdoes the user need to be allowed to transfer or should it just work?
19:05.33Qwell[]should just work
19:05.49_Sam--what about the Tt
19:06.02Qwell[]never use tT
19:06.08_Sam--im not saying use both
19:06.11_Sam--but that could be the cause
19:06.11_Sam--no t
19:06.13_Sam--or T
19:06.23Qwell[]Those allow # transfers
19:06.25GerbilNutwhere would that be?
19:06.32Qwell[]the transfer is done on the phone with SIP
19:06.43mutanyone have any clues
19:06.59_Sam--GerbilNut:  how are you trying to transfer the call?  using the button on the phone?
19:07.04_Sam--<there are a few different ways>
19:07.05docelm0sevard, I will code it in php and make it pull live from the website..  :)
19:07.39docelm0But at the same token have it pull locally from a file if its recient
19:07.47sevarddocelm0: the only thing is that if you pull it live from the website on call a caller might sit and wait while your php tries to parse with a slow connection
19:08.13docelm0Well why on gods green earth would someone want to use a dialup w/ asterisk?   Thats nuts..
19:08.20docelm0But understandable..
19:08.42GerbilNuti get a call, answer it, push the transfer button, dial the other extension
19:08.47lithiDoes accountcode=101 work in the iax.conf file? Cause I set it for a user then did a NoOp(${ACCOUNTCODE}) and it came up blank. (I did do a shutdown/restart after making iax.conf changes)
19:09.04GerbilNutnow, it's ringing the other extension and dropping the call from me so I can talk to the other person and tell them who it is before it transfers
19:09.23GerbilNuti guess it's doing a blind transfer, not a supervised transfer
19:09.33saftsackpickup brings my asterisk to segfaulting :(
19:10.26lithiGerbilNut: Yea you want a 'Attended Transfer (or "consultative transfer")' but how you do that, no idea
19:11.07docelm0crap..  Im gonna have to use they use ZIP codes..   Sevard does NOAA have forecasts based on ZIP?
19:11.23sevarddocelm0: no, not dialup, NOAA is sometimes bogged down with traffic
19:11.33sevarddocelm0: it does it based on zip, i think.
19:11.44sevardthe ftp is sorted by state/city though
19:11.57sevardyou could do a POST to the search bar on their webpage
19:12.11_Sam--GerbilNut:  have you tried it this (dont know if it will work ...dont have that phone) on line you want to transfer....put that call on the person you want to transfer to on line 2
19:12.22_Sam--talk to the person, let them know about the caller on line...then press transfer
19:12.26_Sam--and transfer the 2 together
19:12.32GerbilNutcan try it
19:13.06*** join/#asterisk vattern (
19:14.06docelm0sevard, I dont see it..
19:14.09docelm0I will work something
19:14.45GerbilNut_Sam--, that works, alittle complicated for the people here, but it'll work
19:15.13_Sam--there is probably another way as well
19:16.46*** join/#asterisk dchen (n=dchen@
19:17.01sevarddocelm0: top of the page :)
19:17.09*** join/#asterisk tdonahue (n=tdonahue@
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19:18.11docelm0top of the page?
19:19.08*** join/#asterisk clive- (
19:20.37*** join/#asterisk __alex (n=alex@
19:21.15dchenanyone got a good success story of how asterisk made you rich?
19:21.18iCEBrkrdocelm0: What's up Mr. MIA
19:21.43iCEBrkrdchen: Pass the dooby, man..
19:21.45dchenby the way, sangoma is right up the street fromw here i work
19:21.49dchenare they good?
19:22.15dchen(for hobby, super-doper answer-machine project, not for work)
19:22.18clive-dchen in canada?
19:22.20docelm0Busy as hell
19:22.23*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
19:22.29docelm0sevard, top of what page?  Send me a URL
19:22.30dcheni am on steeles and woodbine
19:22.57*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
19:23.08clive-dchen well the guy is orginaly from south africa...and sangoma=witchdoctor,,,,just some useless info for you
19:23.19dchenclive-: huh?
19:23.47Hymiehey all.. does anyone else have problems in MeetMe, with clipping audio from SIP users?
19:23.50dchenwhat are some fairly hands-off business that i can build with asterisk?
19:24.00dchenpre-paid cards?
19:24.09dchendating service?
19:24.22iCEBrkrdchen: You sound like one of those 'Get rich quick' scammers
19:24.25docelm0dchen, dream it build it
19:24.26dcheni just want a little income, something fun to goof around with
19:24.30clive-no such thing as a "hands-off" business:),,,,,,,trust me
19:24.47iCEBrkrclive-: Sure there is, collect the money and then leave the contry.
19:24.49iCEBrkrerr country like hell ,:)
19:25.16dchenactually i am just trying to find some business excuse ot contribute to the asterisk OSS movement
19:25.35dchenif it takes the wife and me to an extra dinner outside a month, that's a nice to have
19:25.48_Sam--[av]bani you around yet
19:25.57clive-dchen , you will have grey hair like me!..:)
19:26.22dchenif it doesn't make a dime, at least i got to play around with some cool hardware
19:26.29dchenclive-: *winnk*
19:26.35dchenclive-: in toronto?
19:26.45*** join/#asterisk Derkommissar (
19:26.50clive-me,,no I am in south africa
19:26.57*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
19:27.03lithiCan you set a call to two diffrent groups? ie Set(GROUP()=1) Set(GROUP()=2) will both group 1 and 2 be +1?
19:27.06Derkommissari just put the latest svn on my system
19:27.20Derkommissarand my atas are loosing reguistration like crazy
19:27.27Derkommissari use mostly grandstream
19:27.35Derkommissaris there a reason why?
19:28.32*** join/#asterisk vattern (
19:30.35*** join/#asterisk StreamR (
19:31.05sevarddocelm0: sorry, back.
19:31.20*** join/#asterisk hhoffman (n=hhoffman@tor/session/x-83649ecc7bd381a0)
19:31.56hhoffmanhi, is it possible to send faxes to asterisk from a DID line provided by a IAX vendor?
19:32.09*** join/#asterisk asterboy (
19:33.37StreamRhi, I would like to know if there is a way to set up asterisk much like a key system? I currently got my asterisk@home to work using the 9 pool key, but is there a way to access a specific trunk line instead of a pool?
19:34.01docelm0no biggie..  Can you give me the URL for ZIP lookup?
19:34.23jbotwell, polycom is the manufacturer of one of the best IP phones in the market. - Note: Here is where you can get some downloads:,,pw-6812-12612,00.html
19:34.45docelm0Can you say who coded jbot that they are biased for polycom?
19:35.15asterboypolycom good
19:35.38nestarjbot is tainted!
19:35.44asterboycheck out skype
19:35.49jbotrumour has it, skype is um programa de bate-papo via voz, proprietário e fechado, que usa padrões proprietários e fechados, dos mesmos autores do (spyware) kazaa; procure usar alternativas (pelo menos) com padrões abertos/livres, como os do projeto openh323 <>, speakfreely <> ...
19:36.07asterboyjbot is multilingual
19:36.21asterboyhablo espanola
19:36.51asterboybenjk looooves skype
19:36.52Hymiehey all.. does anyone else have problems in MeetMe, with clipping audio from SIP users?
19:37.22StreamRis there any function to access a specific trunk line? or a way to create one?
19:37.26SplasPoodis there something different about the syntax of SIPAddHeader when used in an AEL dialplan?
19:37.34asterboynumbe of users in here has jumped from 300 to 400
19:37.41asterboysince last on
19:37.51_ThorHello guys
19:37.54iCEBrkrasterboy: and only 10 of those users actually say anything
19:38.18SplasPoodHrm... figured it out.. it didn't like the space between Alert-Info: Value
19:38.37iCEBrkrSplasPood: Asterisk is pissing me off with this bullshit whitespace shit
19:39.18SplasPoodiCE: typical.
19:39.45*** join/#asterisk julien[re] (
19:39.49iCEBrkrSplasPood: Whitespace between operators and such shouldn't be an issue
19:39.50julien[re]hi there
19:39.55sevarddocelm0: did you see what I was saying?
19:39.59MeatyiCEBrkr didn't like the space between iCE: typical.
19:40.12SplasPoodiCE: Yea I know.. typical asterisk crap.
19:40.18iCEBrkrSetVar: Test=1  and SetVar: Test = 1 shouldn't be different
19:40.21julien[re]i've got a problem since i purchased and install g729 from digium: init.d and safe_asterisk won't work
19:40.33SplasPoodjulien: prolly cause asterisk is dying on load
19:40.50docelm0I think I got something I found XML feeds
19:40.50brookshirejulin: did you call digium support?
19:40.52julien[re]splas: if i launch it on console, it does work
19:41.05SplasPoodjulien: what output did it give you?
19:41.08iCEBrkrjulien[re]: Sounds like it could be persmissions?
19:41.17julien[re]i'm not really fluent in english
19:41.18sevarddocelm0: XML feeds are goooooooooooood'
19:41.19asterboylol...only 10 say anything
19:41.35sevarddocelm0: that would be even better, especially if the XML feeds have update hints that you know how to work with
19:42.15SplasPoodjulien: If you paste the last line of output somewhere...  Not sure how to help if you don't understand english, I'm rather uneducated language wise
19:42.20brookshirejulien: you can email them,
19:42.29julien[re]ok i'll try email
19:42.31sevarddocelm0: plus if you go to at toe top of the page on the left side there is a field to enter zip codes
19:42.49julien[re]the prob is that i've no output
19:42.53julien[re]when i start with init.d
19:43.01SplasPoodyes, start it manually
19:43.02julien[re]i just get:
19:43.02julien[re]Asterisk ended with exit status 127
19:43.03SplasPoodfrom the console
19:43.11SplasPoodasterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvcg
19:43.13julien[re]it does work from the console
19:43.24SplasPoodoh thats semi-interesting..
19:43.24dchenclive-: did you mention earlier that sangoma hangs in these channels?
19:43.41julien[re]Asterisk Ready.
19:43.45julien[re]from the console
19:43.52brookshiresplas: you need a couple more v's
19:43.54SplasPoodjulien: when init fails to start it, is there anything in... /var/log/asterisk/messages
19:44.03SplasPoodbrookshire: heh...  I just hold v till I get bored :P
19:44.15brookshirethat's still not enough
19:44.46*** join/#asterisk bigjb (n=bigjb@
19:44.47julien[re]nothing in /var/log/asterisk/messages
19:44.58julien[re]and safe_asterisk keeps restarting *
19:45.05julien[re]which exitted statut 127
19:45.34*** join/#asterisk zigman (
19:45.35julien[re]and so on
19:45.43julien[re]and of course * isnt running
19:45.48upsite@Corydon-w> you are such a funny guy .. if it is a configuration issue on my side i won'T comde to the dev chan
19:46.19elgthis is very strange: meetme sounds TERRIBLE (scratchy), definitely seems like a timing issue, but the box has two TDM400P cards each on its own IRQ
19:46.22*** join/#asterisk WasPhantom (
19:46.28julien[re]before installing g729 it was fine
19:47.55jbotwell, sangoma is a company that makes PRI cards the way Digium should have done it in the first place....
19:48.20docelm0sevard, I got the XML code..  I will be building something
19:48.30dchenany sangoma guys here?
19:49.24shido6any avaya? :)
19:49.28SplasPoodjulien: somehow safe_asterisk is starting asterisk differently than running it from the console
19:49.37julien[re]guess so
19:49.48SplasPoodjulien: Maybe the license files cannot be found/read by asterisk
19:49.51julien[re]but the point is that it did work correctly before g729
19:50.01SplasPoodstill dunno why it'd be different depending on how it's started
19:50.07julien[re]adeixis-ipbx*CLI> show g729
19:50.07julien[re]0/0 encoders/decoders of 4 licensed channels are currently in use
19:50.18julien[re]it is recognized
19:50.25julien[re](when started from the cli)
19:50.25dchenis this the wrong channel to look for sangoma folks?
19:50.29SplasPoodYea, when you start.. exactly.
19:50.39SplasPooddchen: I'd guess so.
19:51.06*** part/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
19:51.23dchenSplasPood: bummers
19:51.40dchenSplasPood: and it was a really good paper
19:51.52julien[re]it's not a blocking problem, until there's a power failure and i'm not here
19:52.19julien[re]i dont like the idea of having daemon not starting without human intervention
19:52.36tzafrir_laptopupsite, here?
19:52.54asterboyI have a Polycom IP 600 that just won't startup properly.
19:53.09asterboyThe procedure for my other phones was painless.
19:53.10SplasPoodjulien: heh, you should be on a UPS :)    I'd login and take a look if you wanted
19:53.20SplasPoodasterboy: what happens?
19:53.21tzafrir_laptopI wonder what might cause this.
19:53.34asterboyThe phone boots up but not with the loaded bootrom and sip app.
19:53.37upsiteme too
19:53.43upsitethats why i'm asking
19:53.46asterboyThe red light stays on and the phone acts strange.
19:54.00asterboyreally delayed.
19:54.01SplasPoodaster: do you see it even hitting your tftp?
19:54.14tzafrir_laptopwhat system is that? what distro? what asterisk? what's the output of 'time ll |wc'
19:54.35upsiteits an lfs
19:54.54*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
19:55.01upsitetzafrir_laptop      39     306    2429
19:55.01upsitereal    0m0.035s
19:55.01upsiteuser    0m0.020s
19:55.01upsitesys     0m0.010s
19:55.23tzafrir_laptopnot a big directory
19:55.31upsiteasterisk 1.2.4
19:55.44asterboyThe sip version on the phone is 1.1.0 and I'm trying to put on 1.5.3 ... doesn't seem to take it off TFTP server
19:55.51julien[re]splaspood, do u have some time to login onto my box?
19:55.56julien[re](be prepared to a low ping :p)
19:55.59SplasPoodjulien: 15-20min prolly
19:56.06julien[re]ok no prob
19:56.26asterboyBootrom is 2.4.1, I want 2.5.3 TFTP server says its delivering, but I don't think its loading properly.
19:56.33julien[re]ping gonna be 350ms since i'm on a sunny island lost in the ocean (but on a submarine cable)
19:56.36SplasPoodaster: hrm.. never dealt with such an old revision.. Do you see it requesting ANYTHING.. even files tha... ok nevermind, you just answered it
19:56.57asterboybootrom.ver is not found though.
19:57.01SplasPoodaster: You do know that 3.1.2 bootrom and 1.6.4 SIP is latest
19:57.08SplasPoodthat may be related
19:57.14SplasPoodthe newer firmware doesn't even request that
19:57.27docelm0ok officially XML is a pain in the ass
19:57.28asterboyyes I know its latest, but I want to stay inside 2.5 bootrom cause you can't go back once your on 3
19:57.57asterboyHow do I force the phone to load the bootrom?
19:58.11asterboyOr better yet, how do I reset the phone to wipe it back to factory.
19:58.21dchendocelm0: yep
19:58.32tzafrir_laptopupsite, so, when you run 'll' the voice stops permanently? or for a while?
19:58.32dchendocelm0: xml == the devil's used napkins
19:58.38*** join/#asterisk IOscanner (
19:59.18upsitetzafrir_laptop: permantly
19:59.41*** join/#asterisk sergeus (n=s@
19:59.53tzafrir_laptop"permanently": until a restart of asterisk? until a reload? until a reboot?
19:59.57upsitei have to delete the /var/lib/asterisk dir and then make install again
20:00.00upsitethen it works
20:00.28tzafrir_laptopand others did not work? (restart/reload)
20:00.42Qwell[]asterboy: Why not upgrade?
20:00.42upsiteim trying a reboot right now
20:01.03tzafrir_laptopand have you tried running 'll' in any other directory?
20:01.17asterboyThey say unless you really need to upgrade to 3 don't
20:01.21upsitewait a sec
20:01.57asterboyits at 2.4.1 and I want to upgrade to 2.5.3
20:02.04upsitereboot doesnt' fix it
20:02.05asterboybut its not loading the bootrom
20:02.32asterboyno reboot does not help
20:03.07asterboyWHere is the bootrom.ver?
20:03.27asterboywhat goes in that file is the version number like in sip.ver, I'm guessing
20:06.21*** join/#asterisk jets (
20:06.24docelm0dchen, well I just got a killer XML feed for wether.  I believe I can bring my application to life..  :)
20:06.40*** join/#asterisk _Paulo_ (
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20:06.44Qwell[]jets: hey
20:07.01jsaundersAny c++ coders wanna help add sip media renegotiation while forwarding rtp to Yate?
20:07.27*** join/#asterisk crich1999 (
20:07.50dijit0anyone up for helping me with a weired caller id issue? i called 800 4444444 so it would tell me what number i am caling from, and it says im calling from 9897200700   but my HOME phone says i call from 9999991234  but thats nothing close to teh caller id i have set in asterisk
20:07.53dijit0neither of those numbers
20:08.06tzafrir_laptopupsite, if a reboot did not solve it, there must be some change to the file system
20:08.48tzafrir_laptopwhat filesystem do you use? any chance it is corrupted?
20:09.22upsiteand as i said its the same on 4 diffrent boxes
20:09.28tzafrir_laptopother things to do: 1. verbose and debug
20:09.32dijit0come on, someones gotta know whats wrong with the callerid
20:09.47*** join/#asterisk Hondo (
20:09.50upsiteverbose is set to 20 and debug is on ..but no messages
20:10.05upsitenothing about "file not found " or "wrong permission2
20:10.29upsiteits just not plaiyng anything only the moh
20:10.33tzafrir_laptop2. strace (-f) the asterisk process and see if there is any change in the way it accesses sound files before/after you run that command
20:10.36Hymieman, why do kphone and linphone have to suck so much
20:10.37HymieI mean
20:10.43Hymiecouldn't they at least suck just a little less? ;)
20:11.10tzafrir_laptopHymie, do you use Sarge?
20:11.25Hymieyes, although I am using the testing versions of the above apps anyhowe
20:12.15Hymieall I wanted was a different SIP device to debug the crackling audio in meetme
20:12.24Hymiebut oh no ;P
20:12.26sevarddocelm0: back again, almost got my car towed, stupid parking bitch,  you need anything?
20:12.31Hymiecan't have that ;P
20:13.27tzafrir_laptopTesting has iaxcomm, kiax and twinkle
20:14.15Hymietzafrir_laptop: ok, going to check these beasts
20:14.21sevarddocelm0: I just had an idea, you should put in a festival fallback for words that aren't available for Allison
20:14.30upsitetzafrir_laptop asterisk spawns 15 childs which do i have to strace?
20:14.51*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/cpm)
20:14.53Hymieand if kiax does sip
20:15.13tzafrir_laptopupsite, that's a good question. try them all, and filter for fileacceess
20:15.23upsiteok :)
20:15.36tzafrir_laptopHymie, no. But you might as well set up an extra iax extension
20:15.45tzafrir_laptopPractically a copy of the SIP setup
20:15.55cpmI know this is a question that gets asked so often, that it borders on stupid. But I am really unhappy with voicepulse, I think they have oversold their bandwidth. Is there a reputable iax peering vendor out there?
20:15.57Hymietzafrir_laptop: that won't help with debugging an issue that only occurs with SIP in Meetme
20:16.32Hymietzafrir_laptop: and yes, I have to use sip... unfortunately
20:19.23_Sam--cpm:  it depends on what you need, what backbone you're on, DID needs, etc
20:19.49_Sam--i teliax for origination and asterlink for termination...both IAX
20:19.58_Sam--asterlink doesnt do local DID, but they do toll free DID
20:20.05*** join/#asterisk snowflyer (
20:20.18fileand I'm always here... since I'm a geek
20:20.32_Sam--for me and my location, i get better sound quality from asterlink
20:20.45_Sam--but file's customer service is really lacking! :)
20:20.54fileyeah, I'm horrible
20:21.10clive-file=asterlink ?
20:21.10fileI'm very rude and don't help at all
20:21.13docelm0sevard, Im already WAY ahead of you
20:21.17fileI'm an employee
20:21.25docelm0I am working on the PHP now should have something fairly soon to test
20:21.31clive-file whats a toll free number cost?
20:21.35docelm0And Im using WEATHER.COM  :)
20:21.36sevardWhat does everyone do for a guy whose ISP is blocking outgoing port 5060?
20:21.40_Sam--0 + 2c / minute
20:21.44_Sam--+ 14%
20:21.49docelm0sevard, setup VPN
20:21.50_Sam--+ 1.95 sign up
20:21.53fileplus what _Sam-- said
20:21.53mogormaniax docelm0
20:21.53sevarddocelm0: noaa is more reliable than :P
20:22.12sevarddocelm0: I'm going to use Hamachi, i was just wondering if anyone knew any better situations
20:22.13docelm0sevard, true..  BUT I can search on ZIP
20:22.33clive-sam, thats a lot of plusses...:)....
20:22.35cpm_Sam--, thanks for the reply. Basically I'm looking for someone doing the same thing as without the dodgy latency issues that magically crop up, that they keep blaming on your circuit. (wierd, I'm not seeing any latency in my http traffic, , , and I'm not congested, , ??)
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20:22.48fileall the plusses gave me headache
20:22.48_Sam--clive-:  at first it seems that way...but in the end, the price is about the same as everyone else
20:22.59cpmIt was sort a lame rant anyway.
20:23.08filewe can also do PSTN failover... and VoIP failvoer
20:23.11fileer over
20:23.14_Sam--cpm...asterlink is ok with me...but i did have the latency problems with teliax
20:23.20_Sam--but again alot of it is network dependent
20:23.27_Sam--like which network backbone you are on, the routes, etc
20:23.30clive-thanks for the info
20:24.03cpmI'm on AS7013, and I'm kinda all alone out here in the sticks, until I hit pittsburg
20:24.07_Sam--clive-:  for 5 bucks you can get a pretty good taste of asterlink
20:24.14lithiWhy when a softphone is offline does asterisk think its busy? It should be unavailable. CLI reports Unable to create channel of type 'IAX2' (cause 3 - No route to destination).
20:24.16harryvvAnyone know if most of these voip sersellers are just selling there voip service at a steady 19.95 per month when most if not all customers will never aproach the 19 dollars in cdr calls? I think that this is how vonage works.
20:24.25sevarddocelm0: you can search on zip at noaa too
20:24.27harryvvfile, whats up
20:24.37fileI am presently working.
20:24.38sevardi told you, go to and wher it says Enter city/state jsut enter a zip code
20:24.38sevardwhere, just, got my typing is horrid today
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20:24.52cpm7018 rather
20:25.01MikeJ[Laptop]file, that's right!!! :P
20:25.01_Sam--harryvv:  people that buy 'unlimited' services like vonage aand broadvoice may use a lot of minutes
20:25.01harryvvfile, I guess you wont ever sell 604 pr 778 dids?
20:25.16fileharryvv: talk to MikeJ[Laptop]
20:25.29MikeJ[Laptop]harryvv, what ya need?
20:25.36harryvvsam, you mean over the 19 dollars that the voip retail seller that may be chaged by there wholsaler?
20:25.37lithiharryvv: Its exactly like the webhosting business, they give you more then you really need and hope to hell you dont actually use it.
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20:26.07_Sam--harry people that have to pay other wholesalers alot of times have 'softcaps"
20:26.10_Sam--teliax comes to mind
20:26.15harryvvLithi, okay. Is there any industry stats for age group demographics ect on who will use more or less minites?
20:26.17lithithats true
20:26.23_Sam--they offer an unlimited service...but cap it at 2500 minutes
20:26.26MikeJ[Laptop]harryvv, pr?
20:26.28_Sam--then start charging you per minute
20:26.37harryvvI see
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20:26.45file"unlimited ... up to"
20:26.45lithiharryvv: I am sure vonage would know, but for that kind of research your looking at $$
20:26.47cpmVonage works, near as I can tell, by rolling out dodgy technology, hyping the living heck out of it, and having a very streamlined billing/collection system, and relying on the local isp to cover their ass.
20:26.51_Sam--broadvoice and teliax i really do think are true unlimited though.
20:27.04file_Sam--: they aren't
20:27.14_Sam--they have stated caps?
20:27.17_Sam--or its at their discretion?
20:27.20lithiteliax does
20:27.38MikeJ[Laptop]unlimmited, till you use too much.. then we kick you off the unlimited plan
20:27.39harryvvI mean I can easily sell voip service after I find a carrier to hose my asterisk box but worry about somone or more then one going over the 19 dollar limit that alot of voip carriers are selling at.
20:27.44fileteliax specifically says it
20:27.51filetheir residental is 1500 minutes
20:27.54filecorporate is 2500 minutes
20:28.00_Sam--harryvv:   in my mind...there are plenty of resellers...and reselling voip service isnt the golden ticket
20:28.15harryvvsam, then what is?
20:28.17_Sam--setting up and selling asterisk / service / support, in MY opinion has more potential
20:28.33_Sam--purely opinion
20:28.40_Sam--but voip minutes are just a commodity
20:28.44lithiI mean if you take a look at your User Aggreement *EVERY* single company will cap you in one way or another. Basicly they say if your abusing the residental service you may be asked to leave or upgrade to business class (even if its just a ton of calls to grandma)
20:28.49_Sam--and more and more people are selling them...driving prices down
20:28.49sevardI say, do both.
20:28.57hypnoxaye, the big telcos will walk all over the service market
20:29.01harryvvspecially when you charge 65 and up per hour for a install or support vs 5 cents per min for service.
20:29.52cpmselling voip service sounds to me like how to spend a whole lot of money to make very little money.
20:29.53harryvvLithi, any examples of these user agreemnts online?
20:29.57lithi_Sam--: You are right BUT if your doing asterisk and also reselling min that means just a little more montly income and makes things easier to setup.
20:30.01_Sam--not to mention, when you start providing a 24/7/365 service...who wants to babysit servers all your life
20:30.04harryvvcpm, it really is.
20:30.19_Sam--lithi/:  i resell the voip service to my clients who i install
20:30.27_Sam--but i dont actively try to find people to buy voip service through me
20:30.28lithiharryvv: Just look at any of them but yea one sec ill find one and quote it
20:30.38harryvvsam, I know. thats what the telcom people do. I met a guy who retired from telus. He spent his 20 years in one small building.
20:30.47rob0I still consider such limits on "unlimited" to be fraudulent, regardless of how common they are.
20:30.55cpmNot interested in selling service, more interested in providing bundled services, and billing for them. Different altogether.
20:31.16rob0<== got kicked off an "unlimited" dialup ISP for too much use
20:31.20cpmrob0, that's because they are fraudulent
20:31.47_Sam--in the dialup business....there is a distintion between unlimited..and dedicated
20:31.56_Sam--i had that problem when i owned an ISP
20:32.15_Sam--yeah you can have unlimited access...but not dedicated...when you are on the same call for 7 days in a row,. that borders dedicated
20:32.17harryvvso you can sell just the asterisk servers at all the job sites and perhaps make more then hosting them and pray your OC or major carrier goes down.
20:32.18scardinalis there a way to see if the phone actually registered with the proxy(*) ?
20:32.32cpmDe facto definition, Unlimited, without limit
20:33.26_Sam--unlimited use...which means you have to use it
20:33.27_Sam--not let it idle
20:33.27_Sam--if you are using it  7 days in a row...that is using it..
20:33.27_Sam--if you let it idle for 3.5 out of 7...that is not using it
20:33.28upsitetzafrir_laptop it seems that * is not even trying to acces the sound files
20:33.41sevarddocelm0: Did you see? :)
20:33.45lithi_Sam--: I know what your saying, but I think the dialup company would still cut you off even if it was real use
20:33.46_Sam--in the end, at my isp, we ultimately stopped calling it unlimted.  and we did switch to a limited service (this was in 1996 or so)
20:34.05_Sam--but people werent aware of the distinction between dedicated and unlimited
20:34.18_Sam--at some people something stops being unlimited and starts being dedicated, almost
20:34.26_Sam--at some POINT i meant
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20:34.53harryvvWell, I wonder if there is any point for hosting a voip service and then have clients phones register to it though the net vs just having the pbx at the customers sites. I know one user here that did this but gave TO MUCH of his service away to the customer. Example would be "here, you use this interface to add more extentions or you can add this feature" I mean how many voip consultant do that?
20:34.54sevarduse the sed edit :)
20:35.02sevardat some people something stops
20:35.16sevardat some people something stops
20:35.27harryvvsam, did you see your revenue climb at that point?
20:35.33sevardi don't like having to add the /
20:35.52_Sam--no, but the costs to provide the service did, because the people who were tying up all the lines had to find a new home, which meant i could service more customers on my existing lines
20:36.04_Sam--the costs declined
20:36.10tzafrir_laptopupsite, if you replace the Playback() with Milliwatt(), do you hear something?
20:36.16_Sam--we lost a few customers, but the cost savings more than offset them
20:36.21harryvvsam, so the expenses dropped then.
20:36.27tzafrir_laptop(reload for the dialplan change to take effect
20:36.35harryvvokay, you fired some of your customers :)
20:36.36_Sam--yeah because instead of 1 guy using 1 line and hogging it...7 people could now use the same line
20:36.38_Sam--in general
20:36.50harryvvthe ones that were a drag on your company
20:36.51_Sam--the average dial ratio was 7 customers for each 1 modem
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20:37.11lithiharryvv: I cant find a really good example for you (really beacause I am to lazy) but they are there trust me. They usualy classify it as abuse of the service and yes its very much like ISPs.
20:37.59lithiMost DSL/Cable providers who offer 'unlimited' service will give you a phone call if they feel you are abusing (or using) their service too much.
20:38.10harryvvLithi, I see. What I need is basicly a service level agreement that if something should break or a new feature is needed that thay would agree to it.
20:38.12lithiI got one when I used 350GB in a month
20:38.26harryvvhow much lithi?
20:38.47harryvvI mean that would acomidate alot of sip traffic
20:38.52MikeJ[Laptop]do the math on 1 voip call up 24/7 for a month
20:39.03MikeJ[Laptop]say ulaw for the fun of it..
20:39.16lithiI mean 350gb is like a dedicated 1 megabit
20:39.19MikeJ[Laptop]it;s a lot
20:39.35lithibut I am sure I used it in spikes up over 3 megabits
20:39.41harryvvlithi, I see, so that 1 megabit every hour of the month.
20:39.43_Sam--that is alot...64k/sec * 60 * 24 * 31
20:39.50lithi1 megabit per second
20:39.59lithiis about 320gb in a month
20:40.08lithi(I think)
20:40.10MikeJ[Laptop]that;s kilobits per sec I think yes?
20:40.15_Sam--should be
20:40.17harryvvsam, that duplex right?
20:40.19MikeJ[Laptop]so /8
20:40.22cpmhere's a really noob question. Realistically, how many gsm call one stuff over an 'internet' t1 without it sucking ?
20:40.30Qwell[]erm, right
20:40.32_Sam--gsm:  alot
20:40.35harryvvyou mean call quality sucking
20:40.41_Sam--over a t1...maybe 50 calls easy
20:40.47_Sam--er maybe a little less
20:40.50cpmharryvv, yes
20:40.50harryvvbefore the customers complain or hate the service
20:40.53lithiyea a t1 = 23 calls with ulaw right?
20:40.53MikeJ[Laptop]not on ulaw
20:41.03_Sam--lithi:  24
20:41.04cpmOkay, with ulaw
20:41.06Qwell[]lithi: no, there is overhead too
20:41.08cpm24, that's what I thought
20:41.08MikeJ[Laptop]lithi, 24
20:41.15cpmSo, at the end of the day, what's the point?
20:41.17MikeJ[Laptop]23 +1 on pri
20:41.18lithithats why I say 23 (because of overhead)
20:41.20harryvv24 with ulaw?
20:41.26Qwell[]lithi: Far less
20:41.34MikeJ[Laptop]that's pure t1
20:41.38MikeJ[Laptop]not data\voip
20:41.54_Sam--i thought the overhead of the ulaw wwas included in the 64k/sec
20:41.58Qwell[]_Sam--: no
20:42.17_Sam--why does it take so much overhead?
20:42.17harryvvI took a telcom class. I learned it was 56 usable for voice the rest was overhead.
20:42.22MikeJ[Laptop]tcp overhaed is not inlcuded
20:42.27_Sam--if you took the D channel from a PRI and divided it by 23...
20:42.44Qwell[]_Sam--: tcp, plus sip, plus ethernet
20:42.54lithiPlus you prob need some bandwidth for websurfing and such on that t1
20:43.02_Sam--if you connect to your provider over UDP (iax) that doesnt mean anything for the overhead?
20:43.03lithiQoS for sure
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20:43.32Qwell[]_Sam--: iax has overhead too
20:44.07_Sam--if you use IAX trunking, does that use a single channel for overhead / signalling like a PRI D channel?
20:44.29upsitetzafrir_laptop if i use a mp3player it's working
20:44.51tzafrir_laptop"it" ==?
20:45.05upsiteit's playing a sound
20:45.11lithiWhen a softphone is offline why does asterisk think its busy? It should be unavailable. CLI reports Unable to create channel of type 'IAX2' (cause 3 - No route to destination) or is that n+101 both for busy and offline? How can I determine the result?
20:45.31lithiof the Dial*
20:45.34_Sam--i think
20:45.38upsitei guess its some bug in the app_queue
20:45.41tzafrir_laptopuse mp3player how? from within asterisk?
20:46.06harryvvSo anyway, back to my question. Say I went out and started selling a boat load of ATS or phones and charged only 19.95 per month. Thay used the standard asterisk dial plan and can call anywhere in north america. The rate I am charged is 2 cents per min. With the overhead cost of the rented rack space/bandwith I suspect that most customer will not go over 1,995/.02 which would be 99,700 min per month. I dont think a customer would ever g
20:46.11_Sam--if you use dialstatus (like the macro stdextension example) then callers get sent to right voicemail based on the dial status
20:46.36upsitei'll add some debug lines in app_queue to see if the playback routine is called
20:46.58tzafrir_laptopupsite, and iff you give full path to the sound file in Playback?
20:47.04Qwell[]harryvv: would ever g...?
20:47.10lithiharryvv: a) get a better rate then 2c a min (at least 1.5 or even 1.1 c a min) do unlimited USA48/Canada (I wouldent recommend unlimited world as theres alot of 'exceptions')
20:47.13cpmharryvv, if you used the same call termination services that xxxxxxx uses, you'd drop a lot of calls, and no one woudl be able to break you. :)
20:47.23cpmlike a cellphone :)
20:47.37lithi_Sam--: Thanks
20:47.41_Sam--if you are paying someone else, and you are charging19.99 a month...i think you will go broke.
20:47.45_Sam--are at least starve
20:47.49harryvvcpm, my box drop the calls or my wholsaler?
20:48.12upsitetzafrir_laptop the app_playback is working to
20:48.15Derkommissarwhat should be the optimal qualify setting on sip.conf ?
20:48.21cpmharryvv, I was being sardonic. Sorry
20:48.24harryvvsam, then how do some of these retail voip service providers that charge this and alot less stay in bussiness?
20:48.33_Sam--they get the minutes for a lot less than you can
20:48.34synthetiqderk, crappy networks, 5000
20:48.39tzafrir_laptopupsite, so what exactly *doesn't* work?
20:48.44_Sam--they are maybe paying .8c/min
20:48.47harryvvsam, less then a penny per min?
20:49.03_Sam--or they have PRIs that are flat rate
20:49.08upsitethe playback from the voicepromts in the queue
20:49.26upsitelike "your are on the first postition"
20:49.30tuxinator_linux_Sam--, flat rate PRI exist?
20:49.31harryvvsam, flat rate bandwith limites? ie, unlimited cost ?
20:49.34synthetiqno such thing as a flat rate pri
20:49.39cpmI mean, I'd love to get on voipjet, their backbone looks good, but their eula is just too dodgy for me.
20:49.48_Sam--tuxinator_linux:  they do here...i had a flat rate unlimited PRI with unlimited LD in the us48
20:49.49harryvvunlimited bandwith usage at one fixed rate?
20:49.56lithiI like using Teliax as an example $24.99/mth USD (residental) for 1500 min USA48/Canada. At 1.5c a min thats $22.50
20:49.59cpmsynthetiq, no such thing?
20:50.07_Sam--i pad 750/month
20:50.09synthetiqhold on
20:50.10tuxinator_linux_Sam--, were do I sign up?
20:50.12synthetiqi could be wrong
20:50.17cpmI'm pretty sure my day job PRIs are flat rate.
20:50.26Qwell[]lithi: That's horrible
20:50.27cpmOf course, we don't come even close to maxing them, ever.
20:50.28harryvvI suspect that with these rates, some voip services have gone belly up.
20:50.43tzafrir_laptopupsite, can you play that specific sound with Playback?
20:50.57synthetiqyea i think you would be paying the upper end for flat rate, you can only use a max of 23 channels
20:51.01tzafrir_laptop(not using full path)
20:51.23lithiQwell[]: Looks like if you want to make a profit you need less then 1c a min. I mean if people actualy used the 1500 min. Which they dont (but best to be safe then sorry)
20:51.27synthetiqso 60*24*30* typical rate
20:51.51_Sam--i can scan my service agreement if you really want
20:52.04_Sam--its 750 / month flat rate 23/b + B US48 LD
20:52.10synthetiqat .02 cents a minite it would be 864
20:52.10_Sam--23B +D
20:52.14harryvvSo if eaking out a meger living in selling retail voip service is not a good idea, the only other way of course as somone has said is service/support/consulting of installing asterisk boxes at customers sites and then thay pay the wholsaler voip rates.
20:52.35_Sam--your number doesnt take into account what the cost of the PRI loop would cost
20:52.52_Sam--or T1, etc
20:52.53lithiBTW that math doesent even cover server/bandwidth costs.
20:52.54cpmharryvv, do you have the ability to lie and hype like skye and vonage?
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20:53.36harryvvcpm, sounds like its better just to get a regular job making 12 dollars and up
20:53.41cpmcan you fit under a door when it's closed?
20:53.55lithiI mean if your looking at making $2.50 per month per customer (before server costs) your screwed.
20:53.56cpmlike most snakes?
20:54.01detatchcan someone help me with new voicemail email notification?
20:54.15upsitetzafrir_laptop yes
20:54.26znoGfor a production environment, should one use Asterisk 1.2.4 or CVS HEAD?
20:54.37upsiteall 'explecit' sound playbacks ar working
20:54.41harryvvI guess at one time, it was a decent way to making a living if your a startup..I guess in this day and age not anymore.
20:54.43_Sam--for the record, with the calculations regarind the flat rate PRI....i switched to a T1 / remote gateway...and my costs are less.
20:55.11upsiteonly the playback from within the queue is failing
20:55.16Derkommissarwhat is this mesage suposed to men ?   sched.c:219 sched_settime: Request to schedule in the past?!?!
20:55.28detatchi can send mail from the machine ( running sendmail ) but when i leave a voicemail the notification isnt sent
20:55.32lithi_Sam--: Still depends on you area for the PRI rates but yes I would assume data would be a cheaper in most cases.
20:55.40tzafrir_laptopupsite, one filesystem-related longshot: no free disk space?
20:55.56harryvvSo mabey I should just sell the boxes do the support and thats it. Get alot more customers this way and chage for driving time to those sites..if needed.
20:56.06upsiteeverything is 'green'
20:56.14upsitenot run of inodes
20:56.17cpmharryvv, what other services can you offer? If you are a small isp, you can offer this to your customers
20:56.25tuxinator_linuxKatty, morning
20:56.27tzafrir_laptopupsite, again: logs, logs, logs. Enable "full" in logger.conf, set verbose 5 and debug 5 and look for hints
20:56.29harryvvI am not a small isp
20:56.40_Sam--harryvv :  there is nothing wrong with wanting to resell the service...but you have to really work the numbers carefully....i did.  if you could get 1000 customers....i still think you would not make a lot of money
20:56.47harryvvCPM my experaince in the past has been end user solutions.
20:56.58_Sam--the overhead of support, hardware, doesnt scale so well initially
20:57.12upsitetzafrir_laptop im allready diging into it ;)
20:57.17cpmwell, you could sell consulting on how your clients can do this themselves
20:57.18_Sam--again this is just my opinion...not any facts.
20:57.22harryvvSam, vs other ways of generating better returns in other areas of IT
20:57.24lithiharryvv: I think you may be better off just finding a company that will resell directly (ie they do all the work) but under your brand name.
20:57.26Kattyhiya, tuxinator_linux
20:57.28synthetiqsupport? let the fish flop on dry land!
20:57.44cpmthere's lithi's concept too, that's a fair model
20:58.07harryvvLithi, I would be it. I dont know of any other company that is buying asterisk..its usually cisco.
20:58.07znoGso is CVS HEAD way old compared to 1.2.4?
20:58.10_Sam--there are no good companies to resell...unless you can buy level3
20:58.13harryvvbuying asterisk services that is.
20:58.17_Sam--and you need to commit to like 3 million minutes
20:58.21synthetiqyes znog
20:58.32_Sam--if you just resell other tier 2 and lower companies...i dont know
20:58.56lithiIf you find a good tier 2 company, thats really not that bad.
20:59.08lithiOne that buys from level3 for example
20:59.09brookshireznoG: if you pull from cvs it should be what is currently in svn
20:59.15_Sam--yeah but a level 2 will be paying a level  1 already...which cuts your profit margins
20:59.30harryvvLithi, basicly I dont want to waste my time on some kind of plan that generates so little in revenue its basicly moot point.
20:59.34synthetiqtrunk 74?? is in latest cvs
20:59.57brookshiremaybe it's broke, lol
20:59.59harryvvI suspect this has been brought up before.
21:00.12_Sam--i dont remember this specific discussion really
21:00.23_Sam--notice how all the poeple who do SELL the services arent commmenting :)
21:00.29lithiharryvv: Then at least find a good company (that will give you a commission) and recommend them.
21:00.41_Sam--if you could find out the avg minutes used per customer per could have an even better idea for your business model
21:01.02_Sam--in terms of it will work or it wont work
21:01.05lithiharryvv: to your end customers
21:01.09harryvvSam, basicly rent them a asterisk box and look at there cdr
21:01.17harryvvfor the month
21:01.26_Sam--nah...that wont work for residential users
21:01.31harryvvno for bussiness
21:01.34_Sam--but you could probably find some industry wide numbers
21:01.40cpmresidential customers
21:01.51harryvvyea, thay are cheap cpm
21:01.55Assidmake[1]: *** [pbx_dundi.o] Error 1
21:01.55Assidmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk-1.2.4/pbx'
21:02.01Assidi cant seem to install this correctly
21:02.31brookshireassid: what distro?
21:02.47Assidi think i see why
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21:02.51Assidzlib1g missing
21:03.00brookshireyeah.. that helps
21:03.00meshugawhats a good win32 SIP client that supports transferring?
21:03.05_Sam--its good ot have a mix of biz and residential
21:03.09_Sam--because biz uses the service all day
21:03.12_Sam--and res uses it all night
21:03.19_Sam--that way can you really use your resources
21:04.08cpmYeah, that's the best way to go. I want folks to use my resources, they are paid for, they should be used. But I'd rather give it away than support residental customers, the cable company is welcome to them.
21:04.19harryvvJust called Ariel. not home has he been here lately?
21:04.50harryvvwho knows Ariel really well?
21:05.02synthetiqfrom the little mermaid?
21:05.06Renacorwhats a company that would sell 1800 T lines?
21:05.14Renacoror lease I should say
21:05.15harryvv1800 numbers?
21:05.21cpmbusinesses are similar tight, as they have to be, if they want to viable, but at least they understand cost+overhead+profit, and want good service, and usually will pay for it, (if it's good)
21:05.25Assidi guess i need to install pgsql before i load up *
21:10.10badboyzcan anyone reocmmend a voip provider that they are very satisfied with?
21:10.23DandanBV i (surprise!) Vonage :)
21:10.30austinnichols101inbound / outbound or both
21:10.40austinnichols101domestic or international or both
21:11.32austinnichols101badboyz: using voxee for outbound only
21:11.44austinnichols101badboyz: using telasip for home in/out
21:12.05Dandani am looking for someone experienced with VoiceTronix boards!
21:12.52harryvvCan anyone think of any company that ports numbers for the regional BC canada market?
21:13.21Dandanaustinnichols101: voxee:
21:13.31badboyzim using telasip as well, and having issues with not being able to hear callers from time to time
21:13.47badboyzGene doesnt want to speak with me anymore it appears, hes no longer returning emails
21:13.59*** join/#asterisk dudes (
21:14.24*** join/#asterisk insomni (
21:14.42badboyzim looking for in and outbound, domestic only
21:14.57badboyzand i need to be able to have 5 concurrent calls going on ( in or outbound ) @ same time
21:15.07*** join/#asterisk exonic (n=exonic@
21:15.24exonicHey there folks, Anyone ever implement line roll over via asterisk?
21:15.41*** join/#asterisk HeyEveryBody (
21:15.55exonicI'm planning to devise a method first, but wanted to check w/ the community.
21:16.19harryvvexonic, so if your voip fails, it will roll over to local pstn carrier
21:16.21HeyEveryBodyhey all is anyone here familiar with building auto dialers? I would like to talk with them please.
21:16.48exonicharryvv, more so, if line 1 is busy, try line 2, if line 2 is busy try line 3, etc.
21:17.02harryvvexonic for pstn?
21:17.05HeyEveryBodyalso i have a client that needs a 96-line auto-dialer that can run over voip, is there a such thing as a softphone autodialer?  that has many softphones dialing out to voip lines?
21:17.15*** join/#asterisk funxion (
21:17.18Flautoexonic, it should be pretty easy
21:17.19exonicharryvv, PSTN to SIP
21:17.32harryvvexonic I got it. yea its in the dial plan.
21:18.25HeyEveryBodyharryvv are you getting my pm's?
21:18.48exonicI would like to do it in a organized manner, I'm also using realtime, perhaps a simple dialplan example? I'm quite fluent with dialplans but not exactly sure of how to check the BUSY status.
21:19.13austinnichols101Dandan: nice link - thanks
21:20.10Luke-Jrexonic: IIRC, use Dial and make a priority at +100 for If-Busy
21:21.46exonicLuke-Jr, harryvv the problem with that is in a large group of calls, you have to wait for asterisk to attempt a dial to every SIP client only to get a 40X BUSY message, asterisk is not capable of knowing when a SIP peer is busy or not?
21:22.05*** join/#asterisk Naturalblue (n=Kay@
21:22.48Luke-Jrexonic: not without dialing, I think... How is Asterisk supposed to know? The peer could be in a call with a completely different server
21:23.12exonicChanIsAvail() comes to mind
21:23.23exonicLuke-Jr, good poin
21:23.42*** join/#asterisk dahunter3 (n=dahunter@
21:24.07exonicok, I guess the only thing to attempt is to setup a test environ
21:24.24*** part/#asterisk Naturalblue (n=Kay@
21:24.48badboyzhas anyone ever had the problem, that people calling into an asterisk system, can hear you fine -- but you cannot hear them? whats the typical solution? (this problem is intermittant -- about 50% of hte time)
21:25.13*** join/#asterisk FliesLikeABrick (n=Ryan@about/rpi/rawdor)
21:25.19exonicbadboyz, I was w/ ya until the intermittant thing. using STUN?
21:25.28FliesLikeABrickjalsot let me know when you're around
21:25.28znoGi wonder if anyone has made an "announce" script. Like one that calls all the registered extensions and tells them "the PBX will be restarted please don't make any calls for the next 2-3 minutes"
21:25.30docelm0sevard, hay almost done with the weather script
21:25.33znoGit wouldn't be hard to do
21:25.36exonicbadboyz, what's the setep like? Is it simple PSTN => SIP ?
21:25.41docelm0well its primative..  but does the job for now..
21:25.47docelm0something quick and simple
21:25.57dahunter3I have this weird telecom provider that needs to have callerid sent inband as opposed to out of band, reducing the sampling from 64k to 56k.  Can we do this in asterisk?
21:26.19badboyzexonic: caller(pstn) => us (voip / sip )
21:26.21exonicznoG, Easy to do by placying files into the outgoing call queue or using the manager ORIGINATE command
21:26.21Qwell[]dahunter3: 56k ulaw?
21:26.38badboyzexonic: whats STUN?
21:26.47jbotfrom memory, stun is that feeling you get when you realise your SIP call actually got through!
21:26.55znoGexonic: yeah, exactly. not hard
21:27.00dahunter3qwell: I'm not sure what you mean.
21:27.10Qwell[]dahunter3: Get a provider that isn't junk
21:27.31dahunter3qwell: Yeahh, I hear you... but can I do anything currently?
21:28.09Qwell[]somebody explain something to me
21:28.15Qwell[]for the last 3 ISP has screwed me at exactly 1:25pm
21:28.31*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
21:28.39tainted_i successfully compiled asterisk but it doesn't load on 'asterisk -vvvvgc'.. no errors either - any ideas?
21:28.40cpmsomeone firing up bittorrent at the same time every day
21:28.43_Sam--you didnt know?  you are supposed to not be online at that hour...lunch break
21:29.16dahunter3So, will asterisk get the callerid from an inband transmission as opposed to a d-channel?
21:29.48exonictainted_, I doubt that.
21:30.01tainted_exonic what do u mean
21:30.14Qwell[]by screwed, I mean the modem dies
21:30.22cpmmodem? what's that?
21:30.30Dandan~jbot STUN i's a NAT traversal protocol
21:30.35Dandan~jbot STUN is a NAT traversal protocol
21:30.36jbot...but stun is already something else...
21:30.41exonictainted_, taht produces a ton of output, w/ no errors? nopaste the full screen
21:30.45jboti guess jbot is only marginally useful at best, or a silly little bugger
21:30.46_Sam--probably using too much of your unlimited service!
21:30.49jbotstun is probably that feeling you get when you realise your SIP call actually got through!
21:30.59cpmQwell[], that might be their way of saying they love you
21:31.10_Sam--maybe the have 24hour connection limit
21:31.11exonicjbot needs to learn what STUN really is :)
21:31.13jbotokay, exonic
21:31.13_Sam--so they disconnect you after 24
21:31.14Dandan~jbot stun is NOT that feeling you get when you realise your SIP call actually got through!
21:31.15jbot...but stun is already something else...
21:31.17_Sam--which is the same time, each day
21:31.27Dandan~jbot stun NOT is that feeling you get when you realise your SIP call actually got through!
21:31.28jbotokay, Dandan
21:31.28Qwell[]jbot stun is also Simple Traversal of UDP over NATs
21:31.30jbotokay, Qwell[]
21:31.37jboti guess stun is that feeling you get when you realise your SIP call actually got through!.  Simple Traversal of UDP over NATs
21:31.50Dandanconfusing jbot :)
21:32.00exonicheh, wow, IRC bots
21:32.02Qwell[]jbot forget stun not
21:32.02jbotQwell[]: i forgot stun not
21:32.06cpmya'll leave jbot alone.
21:32.18Dandanlol :)
21:32.23jbotmethinks stun is that feeling you get when you realise your SIP call actually got through!.  Simple Traversal of UDP over NATs
21:32.24Dandanbbl laterz :)
21:32.27Dandangot a date :)
21:32.29znoGnope, didn't forget it
21:32.36badboyzwhats the ideal codec to be using w/ asterisk? (free one) ?
21:32.37Dandan...with my own wife :)
21:32.37Qwell[]he forgot what I asked him to
21:32.41znoGoh, right
21:32.51jbotbest for what? please define what you mean by "best"  Gloria Gaynor!  Tina Turner!  Aretha Franklin!  Men without Hats!  Women without Hats!
21:33.13*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
21:33.31tainted_jbot best is also Flock of Seagulls!
21:33.32jbottainted_: okay
21:33.47jbotbest for what? please define what you mean by "best"  Gloria Gaynor!  Tina Turner!  Aretha Franklin!  Men without Hats!  Women without Hats!  Flock of Seagulls!
21:33.49exonictainted_ wow, sorry I doubted, perhaps an strace is in order?
21:34.11znoGjbot best is also Women without clothes!
21:34.13jbotznoG: okay
21:34.28Dr-Linuxjbot: i hate you
21:34.29jbotYou hate you?
21:34.53*** join/#asterisk pointer (
21:35.25exonictrouble in #asterisk when people talk to a bot more than other real people
21:35.44jbotbest for what? please define what you mean by "best"  Gloria Gaynor!  Tina Turner!  Aretha Franklin!  Men without Hats!  Women without Hats!  Flock of Seagulls!, or fvwm!  Women without clothes!
21:36.08pointerwhat's the best option for ISDN support in asterisk 1.2.x?  There seem to be 3-4 options
21:36.18Qwell[]pointer: Avoiding it altogether :)
21:36.19tainted_exonic should i just reinstall?
21:36.20lo_techlibpri for me
21:36.30pointerQwell[]: that bad?
21:36.37*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
21:36.44exonictainted_, is this an upgrade?
21:37.01[TK]D-Fendertainted- : Just do a NOLOAD in modules.conf for
21:37.10pointerQwell[]: I've given up on the digium cards, so I was going for a digital circuit
21:37.13*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
21:37.13dahunter3qwell: So is 58k ulaw what I need to solve my problem?
21:37.22exonicpointer, care to enlighten?
21:37.26Qwell[]dahunter3: You need to ask your question again, with full details
21:37.27lo_techCareful... Qwell is moaning about hid dial-up ISP... might want to consider the source :P
21:37.28pointerQwell[]: if ISDN doesn't work, we're just going to give our customer a PRI and buy a sangoma
21:37.34exonicpointer, i've been running 4 TE410P digiums for a while now
21:37.42Qwell[]boo sangoma
21:37.55Qwell[]lo_tech: Who said I had a dial-up ISP?
21:37.59pointerexonic: I'm not knocking the 4 port cards...I have 2 of those...they seem to work
21:38.12exonicpointer, the TDM cards?
21:38.24tainted_[TK]D-Fender exonic you know what it was? i didn't 'make samples' so w/ no conf files it just chocked w/o showing any errors
21:38.25lo_techQwell: 'modem dies' '1:25PM'
21:38.35meshugaanyone know of any SIP softphone clients for win32 that support call transfer?
21:38.36Qwell[]lo_tech: What, your DSL/Cable doesn't have a mdoem?
21:38.36tainted_that might be a bug!
21:38.55lo_techsry, FastEther connection here
21:39.01pointerexonic: the stuff I've tried that didn't work: 3 TDM400Ps, 1 single port T1 card (forget model), and a TDM24xx w/echo can
21:39.08Qwell[]Which connects to what? ;)
21:39.15exonictainted_, well good to know
21:39.15pointerexonic: by didn't work, I mean "had bad echo"
21:39.20exonicpointer, aye
21:39.25lo_techQuell: ATM mux :P
21:39.37pointerexonic: I've wasted way to much time and money on the digium hardware
21:40.04dahunter3Okay, I have what the telecom refers to as a supertrunk, which is basically just a bunch of B channels with no D channel.  They are set to do E&M + wink.  I am using a digium 1 port T1 card.  Asterisk 1.2.2 + patch for sound.  Each phoneline (12 total) is sampling at 64k right now ... to get callerid transferred in, according to the telco, I need to lower the sampling to 56k and catch "inband signalling" related to the
21:40.04exonicpointer, the b!tch of digium is supported hardware. I have countless customers who buy these $3k servers, only to find out the board/bios sucks my ass. It' hard to deal w/ 'em
21:40.06Qwell[]Poincare: Don't expect sangomas to "just work"
21:40.18_Sam--pointer:  is your digium hardware for sale?
21:40.19PoincareQwell[]: what?
21:40.32Qwell[]You think it'll just get rid of the echo magically?
21:40.33pointer_Sam--: no, we'll probably put it on the wall or something ;)
21:41.00_Sam--a tdm2400 w/EC is an expensive wall sculpture
21:41.01dahunter3The question is can I do that in asterisk and get the callerid information passed in?
21:41.19pointer_Sam--: yeah, I think we paid just over $1k for that one
21:41.36pointer_Sam--: maybe they'll fix whatever the problem is and it'll be useful for me
21:41.47[TK]D-FenderQwell[] : Mine got rid of echo technologically :) A104d = 100% echo-free.
21:42.04pointer_Sam--: I'm just not investing any more time into it until I see something exciting in the changelogs or something along those lines
21:42.19pointer[TK]D-Fender: that's the route we're going
21:42.25exonicpointer, I had trouble with echo running on slow systems
21:42.28_Sam--its odd that it works for so many people but not yourself....what do mean when you say "it didnt work'
21:42.31malverian[work]How do you guys handle recording channels?
21:42.36pointer_Sam--: echo
21:42.39_Sam--i see
21:42.44pointer_Sam--: we even had digium work on it
21:42.45Luke-Jrmalverian[work]: "Monitor"?
21:42.46Qwell[]echo is easy :D
21:42.47malverian[work]Do you use ChanSpy and Monitor?
21:43.00malverian[work]Luke-Jr, Specifically, I want to be able to start recording a specific SIP extension.
21:43.04malverian[work]Luke-Jr, On demand.
21:43.04pointerwe're using a vegastream works really well
21:43.16Luke-Jrmalverian[work]: oh. I just record all calls
21:43.47_Sam--pointer you have a PRI or POTs?
21:44.00_Sam--cause you mentioned both types of hardware
21:44.05lo_techmalverian[work]: if you're 1.2+, MixMonitor is better imo... i use it for all my recordings
21:44.08_Sam--"T1 card and TDM2400"
21:44.09pointer_Sam--: we thought it may be the MB/resource conflicts, but we have tried 4 cards in 6 separate machines
21:44.22_Sam--what type of connection to the phone company
21:44.58pointer_Sam--: we have several installations.... 2 T1s into a quad, 1 t1 into a single port...2 sites where we used to use TDM400ps....and one where we still do
21:45.10pointerwe replaced the TDM400ps with the vega50 at 2 sites
21:46.21lo_techdahunter3: dont know the exact setting, but it'll most likely be in the zapata.conf if you're using Wildcard's
21:47.18dahunter3lo_tech: Okay, checking now
21:47.54pointerno ISDN vendor/product suggestions?
21:48.24_Sam--i am no expert at anything...but it seems EC is a black art
21:48.29*** join/#asterisk rene- (
21:48.51pointer_Sam--: vegastream seems to have it mostly nailed...and from what I hear (no pun intended) sangoma does too
21:49.09_Sam--yeah i dont have any are a lot more well versed already than i am.
21:49.16rene-hi, i want to compile zaptel in a virtual linux server, im getting a linux/ioctl.h no such file or directory does that means i need kernel headers/sources?
21:49.28*** join/#asterisk WasPhantom (n=neil@
21:49.31_Sam--but [TK]D-Fender is has said the sangoma EC is working well for him (maybe he works there?) :)
21:49.31rene-i meant no such file or directory ERROR
21:50.05pointer_Sam--: I've already blown nearly $5k on digium hardware and support, I'm ready to move on...and sangoma seems to be what many people like
21:50.10Qwell[]rene-: Yes, you need kernel sources
21:50.24pointer_Sam--: I spoke with some of their engineers at a convention and was pretty impressed
21:50.34_Sam--there are some digium folks here, i think
21:50.45[TK]D-Fender_Sam-- : No I just went through 2 TE405P's at work, and a TDM400 at home.
21:51.23_Sam--someone here works for/at sangoma..just forget who :)
21:51.42pointer_Sam--: read the guarantee on sangoma's website
21:51.46[TK]D-FenderDigium cards work just fine for some, not so fine for others for myriad reasons.  If it works for you GREAT.  If not it shouldn't hurt to try something different.
21:51.59pointer_Sam--: that's a company that stands behind there product if I've ever seen one
21:52.04dahunter3The closest thing I see in zapata.conf is: outofband:      Signal Busy/Congestion out of band with RELEASE/DISCONNECT
21:52.07dahunter3; inband:         Signal Busy/Congestion using in-band tones
21:52.12dahunter3; priindication = outofband
21:52.27pointer_Sam--: and vegastream is probably going to be dispatching an engineer from out of state to our main site to help us resolve an issue
21:52.32dahunter3That seems more suited for busy signaling etc.... does it do callerid too?
21:52.33cpmyeah, but it's so easy to like the folks at digium
21:53.09pointercpm: most of the time, yes
21:53.11cpmthey remind me of the smarter younger brother I never had.
21:53.35cpmthat would say smart things, and you'd punch them for it.
21:55.16pointercpm: I just want a hybrid voip/tdm pbx that works...  the voip part of asterisk is functional, but the zaptel stuff seems to have problems
21:55.38pointercpm: we've tried other similar PBXs...(ie. 3com NBX)....they suck worse
21:55.54pointerDe_Mon: s/tdm/PSTN/
21:56.30De_Monit's beyond me how do you misstyped pstn that badly
21:56.33*** join/#asterisk Bakermd (
21:56.36De_Mons/ do//
21:57.19De_MonI wonder if I'll ever get use to that
21:57.33lo_techdahunter: signalling=sf_XXX ?
21:57.37BakermdAll: I have an upgrade question.. my predecessor installed our * server, and I want to upgrade it to the current release.  This is a production server, so I cannot afford much downtime at all.  The current version is Asterisk CVS-NHEAD-05/18/05-04:13:59 and I am considering upgrading to the latest.  Any thoughts / suggestions?
21:57.49pointer[TK]D-Fender: I completely agree with you there...move on and try something else
21:57.55Qwell[]Bakermd: Read the release notes for 1.2.4
21:58.07Qwell[]Bakermd: Coming from cvs head, you won't have too many issues
21:58.12BakermdRight, I saw the issues listed there..
21:58.26cpmpointer, I think you are getting close to the heart of the matter. Once upon a time there was rotary and crossbar, and if the lines were up,it worked, then we had 5ess, and everything went
21:58.26BakermdI have never installed a package from CVS head so was curious
21:58.42cpmto shit and became affordable. Now it's really cheap, and everything sucks
21:58.48Qwell[]Bakermd: just clear out the modules dir, and it'll work fine
21:59.03[TK]D-Fenderpointer : I've got an occasional glitch on mine I haven't give any effort to debug or correct where the PRI goes down every few weeks (to which I can't assign blame yet).  Aside from that its been a great experience for me.
21:59.04pointercpm: *nod* we have a just works
21:59.04BakermdThanks.  How should I install? CVS, or source, etc?
21:59.16Qwell[]Bakermd: get the 1.2.4 source...that's your best bet
21:59.30*** join/#asterisk KranZ (
21:59.30BakermdOkay - Thanks
21:59.57pointercpm: we're testing a class 5 softswitch now...and from what i've seen, I'm not impressed
22:00.15pointer[TK]D-Fender: that's with the sangoma card?
22:00.48[TK]D-Fenderpointer : yup.  Then again my time with the others was so rough I couldnt tell if it'd have happened with them too :)
22:00.56KranZanyone done a custom dir-intro.gsm for Directory()?
22:01.01Qwell[]it'd have?
22:01.11pointer[TK]D-Fender: hrm...what version of zaptel/* are you running?
22:01.15[TK]D-Fenderpointer : And I'm not on the most current "stable" release (still using the first stable version since its release)
22:01.26pointer[TK]D-Fender: ah, ok
22:01.31KranZfender, having pri issues?
22:01.34oogleanyone know why AGI would be returning a blank DIALSTATUS after a dial?
22:01.34[TK]D-Fenderpointer : Oh yeah... and 1.0.9 CVS as of OCT somthing-or-other
22:01.58[TK]D-FenderI'm overdue in upgrading but its been hard to schedule the downtime for it (would have to be on a weekend
22:01.59KranZoogle: you didnt use ${DIALSTATUS}?
22:02.11BakermdAlso, all of our config for extensions, etc. is in a database - will this be an issue?
22:02.14oogleKranZ: I tried both, but i'm using AGI to fetch it
22:02.23Qwell[]Bakermd: Shouldn't be
22:02.38BakermdExcellent - thanks
22:02.48[hC]Hey, whats up guys
22:02.52Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: Just restart when convenient :p
22:02.59Qwell[][hC]: hey
22:03.07KranZis it possible to have more than one directory intro sound file for different customers?
22:03.11*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
22:03.12pointerQwell[]: heh, and that's when you have to stop taking it seriously
22:03.18[hC]just got back from costa rica again, only this time i got sick out there
22:03.27Qwell[]I hate you.
22:03.46Qwell[][hC]: Let me know when you need an onsite consultant :P
22:03.46badboyzanyone ever get this: Incoming call: Got SIP response 500 "Internal Server Error" ?
22:03.58[hC]Qwell[]: hahah i will for sure :)
22:03.59*** part/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
22:04.00[TK]D-FenderQwell[] : Funny... Doesnt' cut it for a full upgrade :)
22:04.09Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: Sure it does
22:04.12[hC]here's hoping i can line up some more customers out there and need some help :)
22:04.44*** join/#asterisk gbodemantv (
22:04.52gbodemantvhello all
22:05.01[TK]D-FenderQwell[] : Well at the same time there's the sync'd effort with my GUI provider (ScopServ) and the loss of weekend time if itgoes bad (which mean I'm probably running a late Friday upgraed)
22:05.10gbodemantvmemory leak hell
22:05.20*** join/#asterisk Drew__ (
22:05.23De_Mongbodemantv ?
22:05.24gbodemantvupdated to 1.2.4 and still getting crashed
22:05.46*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
22:05.52gbodemantv3 times yesterday and updated last night
22:05.57gbodemantvonce this morning
22:06.01Drew__New Beta Firmware for the GXP2000 is available ( @
22:06.02Qwell[]40 minutes of downtime...awesome
22:06.11De_Mongbodemantv using queues?
22:06.17KranZ1.2.3 been up for 10 days and still have 350mb left in ram
22:06.32gbodemantvby the way we reboot every night
22:06.38gbodemantvto clear
22:06.45gbodemantvand this still happens
22:06.50De_Mongbodemantv windows?
22:07.10gbodemantvHP DL360 g4p
22:07.14gbodemantvrunning fedora 3
22:07.19gbodemantv2.6 kernel
22:07.27wundaboywhat config files are necesary for asterisk to run?
22:07.33gbodemantvdual 186 drives
22:07.43Qwell[]186 drives?
22:07.57gbodemantvsorry dual 186 GB drives in a RAID 2
22:08.00*** join/#asterisk [Atlas] (n=Matthew@
22:08.03Qwell[]18,6 indeed
22:08.31wundaboyim new to asterisk, what config files do i need? asterisk.conf extensions.conf iax.conf sip.conf are those it?
22:08.32gbodemantv5 GB Ram
22:08.59gbodemantvwundaboy : depends on how you want to connect to outside world
22:09.03Qwell[]gbodemantv: excessive
22:09.07gbodemantvI agree
22:09.10KranZgbodemantv: took the bait
22:09.36wundaboygbodemantv: i want to use my sip phone to talk to an IAX voip provider
22:09.48jbotit has been said that docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
22:09.52Qwell[]wundaboy: You've got a bit of reading to do
22:09.56KranZyou'll def need those
22:10.16gbodemantvjust can't figure it
22:10.16KranZ"make samples" and poke around
22:10.18wundaboyQwell[]: for sure, ive been reading voip-info all morning
22:10.23gbodemantvhave a system on this side of the network
22:10.28gbodemantvsame config, no problems
22:10.50KranZsame kernel and drivers?
22:10.51De_Mongbodemantv sounds like hardware problems then
22:11.01KranZ64bit vs 32bit?
22:11.03gbodemantvexcept 2gb of ram and earlier BIOS
22:11.23wundaboyfor the record, no one answered my question
22:11.34KranZ<KranZ> you'll def need those
22:11.57gbodemantvwundaboy : you will need to create a sip peer to Iax provider
22:12.04gbodemantvthen set up sip peers for users
22:12.10gbodemantvphones or softphones
22:12.25gbodemantvsorry iax peer to iax provider
22:12.30*** join/#asterisk lthnnpwr (
22:12.36De_Moni was about to say..
22:12.38*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
22:12.47wundaboyim using a polycom ip500
22:13.42gbodemantvbest is to do a make samples
22:13.53gbodemantvthen consult the iax provider for settings
22:13.54wundaboyi did that, but the files are so full of examples
22:14.20gbodemantvbut the iax.conf for example will tell you how to connect in its examples
22:14.38gbodemantvwhat iax provider?
22:14.56pointer[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the info on the sangoma!
22:15.05jbalcombI can not get my Cisco 7940Gs to upgrade to the SIP firmware
22:15.20wundaboytheir kinda expensive ($2/month DID $.029/minute), do you know a cheaper one?
22:15.49pointer[TK]D-Fender: I know we bought one for our 7th site, but I haven't played with it yet
22:15.52jbalcombI'm seeing 'RRQ from filename OS79XX.TXT' and then 'sending NAK (4, Request not null-terminated) to' in mt tftp log file
22:15.56lthnnpwrhi all. we've got this problem here. why isn't the connection being established when using the oh323 protocol and calling to the gatekeeper? the gatekeeper IS accepting connections, registering, accepting the numbers, but once you try to connect - the call is instantly being cancelled. the gatekeeper in use is the GnuGK. the xlite client is reporting a 503 error. where could the problem be? asterisk or the gatekeeper? thanks
22:15.58*** join/#asterisk elg (
22:16.08*** part/#asterisk elg (
22:16.18jbalcomb~jbot go
22:17.39jbalcombAnyone experienced with converting Cisco IP Phones to SIP firmwares?
22:18.18pointerjbalcomb: have to put an _old_ sip load on them....then you can upgrade to the latest one
22:18.43pointerjbalcomb: please keep in mind that you are supposed to have SIP licenses for each phone that you do this to
22:19.03pointerjbalcomb: that's why we use polycoms
22:19.10gbodemantvany ideas where to start on my crash
22:19.12Qwell[]You can go from sccp > sip
22:19.17Qwell[]no problems at all
22:19.44pointerQwell[]: oh, I thought he had MGCP...that'll teach me to pay more attention
22:20.18lthnnpwrso anyone. no suggestions?
22:20.19Qwell[]well, he could, I suppose
22:20.33Qwell[]That'd be rare though
22:21.33saftsackare here some people with isdn?
22:22.01jbalcombpointer hrmm.. thats wierd. ok, so must be why it says something about upgrade to 6.3 and then the latest.. hard to follow that document
22:22.12jbalcombpointer thank you though
22:23.22*** join/#asterisk nitestarr (
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22:24.02*** join/#asterisk lalito (n=erg@
22:24.39pointersaftsack: I wish, I'm looking for ISDN card recommendations
22:24.39Qwell[]jbalcomb: What image is on it now?
22:25.06*** join/#asterisk nitestarr (
22:25.08jbalcombQwell[]: SCCP
22:25.12Qwell[]yes, which one?
22:25.24jbalcombQwell[]: lemme check, one sec
22:26.26*** part/#asterisk austinnichols101 (n=austinni@
22:26.35KranZdamn, svn down
22:26.44saftsackpointer, germany?
22:26.54saftsackim looking for a better driver than misdn ^^
22:27.09saftsackand my question is, if bristuff is better than misdn
22:27.29Qwell[]KranZ: Works fine here..
22:28.19*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
22:28.40CunningPikeAnyone up for a SPA-3000 question?
22:29.37jbalcombQwell[]: Version: 3.1(MF.G2)
22:29.40pointersaftsack: that's what I'd like to know as well...with 4-5 options, it makes you wonder :-\
22:30.23jbalcombQwell[]: App ID: P0030301MFG2  Bood Load ID: PC0303010200
22:30.28Qwell[]jbalcomb: should upgrade fine straight to 7.x.  I've done so a few times now
22:30.38Qwell[]7.x sccp, then go to sip
22:30.46jbalcombQwell[]: RRQ from filename OS79XX.TXT
22:30.54jbalcombQwell[]: sending NAK (4, Request not null-terminated) to
22:31.08Qwell[]NAK usually means the file doesn't exist
22:31.32jbalcombQwell[]: vi OS79XX.TXT == P003-07-5-00
22:31.54Qwell[]for some reason, the tftpd doesn't see it
22:32.16*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
22:32.37jbalcombQwell[]: if i rm OS79XX.TXT it says 'file not found' rather than 'Request not null-terminated'
22:32.59jbalcombQwell[]: I set chmod 666 on *.* in tftp root
22:33.09saftsackpointer, what do you mean with 4 - 5 options?
22:33.50Flyboy-SR22anyone know how I can up the volumn coming out of my fsx ports...? Is the the rxgain and txgain settings in the zapata.conf file..?
22:34.06*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
22:35.32jbalcombQwell[]: is put 'P003-07-5-00' in the OS79XX.TXT all that should be required to get it to pull the image?
22:35.55Qwell[]jbalcomb: sometimes
22:36.41wundaboyhow can i tell if i registered with my iax provider correctly?
22:36.52wundaboy*voip provider over iax
22:37.17jbalcombQwell[]: what else might I need?
22:37.27Qwell[]jbalcomb: Can you get the file from tftp on your own?
22:37.39Qwell[]tftp to the machine, and get OS79XX.TXT
22:38.29KranZanyone know if you can have different sound bytes for the Directory() command?
22:38.36KranZfor different voicemail contexts?
22:38.37jbalcombQwell[]: trying now..
22:38.57lthnnpwrhi all. we've got this problem here. why isn't the connection being established when using the oh323 protocol and calling to the gatekeeper? the gatekeeper IS accepting connections, registering, accepting the numbers, but once you try to connect - the call is instantly being cancelled. the gatekeeper in use is the GnuGK. the xlite client is reporting a 503 error. where could the problem be? asterisk or the gatekeeper? thanks
22:39.22*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
22:41.33saftsackare some junghanns experts here?
22:43.48pointersaftsack: chan_capi, mISDN, zap_hfc, chan_modem, and vISDN
22:44.14saftsackpointer, i know them ;)
22:44.23saftsackbut i want to find the advantagest one
22:44.28pointersaftsack: same here
22:44.35saftsackand i think that the junghanns driver would be the best
22:44.50saftsackthe misdn driver has many bugs if you ask me
22:45.02jbalcombQwell[]: my tftp client says file not found.
22:45.11jbalcombQwell[]: /usr/sbin/in.tftpd -c -l -vvvvv -u nobody -s /asterisk/tftp is running ok
22:45.16Qwell[]Are you sure the tftpd can see it?
22:45.38jbalcombQwell[] the permissions seem fine
22:46.06Qwell[]it has access to /asterisk and /asterisk/tftp ?
22:46.28jbalcombQwell[]: the wierd part is that when the file is actually missing it says 'file not found' but if its there it says 'Request not null-terminated'
22:46.39saftsackpointer, do you have any experiences with any isdn driver?
22:46.54jbalcombQwell[]: drwxr-xr-x    6 root root      184 2005-10-12 21:12 asterisk
22:47.14Qwell[]and /asterisk/tftp ?
22:47.16jbalcombQwell[]: drwxr-xr-x  6 root root 136 2006-02-07 17:44 tftp
22:47.51crich1999saftsack, please post them at if you find some
22:48.03jbalcombQwell[]: i just chmod 777 them both and uploaded a file via tftp client
22:48.13Qwell[]jbalcomb: Can you get that file now?
22:48.19jbalcombQwell[]: it uploaded and is in the right place
22:48.41saftsackcrich1999, ok i have misdn atm
22:49.09saftsackcrich1999, i have to "patch" the sourcecode of qozap to let it run with my beronet card, or?
22:49.34crich1999saftsack, yes you have if you really like to do that
22:49.58crich1999saftsack, what kind of issues do you encounter with misdn ?
22:50.18jbalcombQwell[]: yes, I was able to grab that file.
22:50.28saftsacksegfaulting when i pickup a call
22:50.30Qwell[]jbalcomb: But you can't grab the other file?  Sounds like an issue
22:50.32jbalcombQwell[]: uploading the firmware files now via the tftp client
22:50.53tzafrir_laptopsaftsack, does the card have a different PCI ID?
22:51.02tzafrir_laptopit sure looks very similar
22:51.14jbalcombQwell[]: maybe the chmod 777 did it
22:51.19Qwell[]jbalcomb: Look at "simplify updates" section
22:51.25Qwell[]it's like one step
22:51.31jbalcombQwell[]: ok, im on that page already
22:52.01saftsacktzafrir, its a 4port card
22:52.13saftsackwhat do you mean with pci id?
22:52.21jbalcombQwell[]: damn, didn't see that section
22:52.32tzafrir_laptopsaftsack, what patch did you apply?
22:54.25saftsacki didnt apply any patch. i have asterisk 1.2.1 so i dont need the stable patch for misdn what runs very stable. but just pickup doesnt work
22:54.31*** part/#asterisk jimmy_deanPB (
22:54.43tzafrir_laptopI figure nobody has both beronet and junghanns cards. And with the current qozap module not loading automatically by PCI ID, that patch seem safe to add at first glance
22:55.31pointersaftsack: nope
22:55.39tzafrir_laptop(assuming that you could make the beronet card easily work with qozap)
22:55.53tzafrir_laptopsaftsack, ignore me. just thinking aloud
22:56.01pointersaftsack: I haven't tried any of the isdn drivers
22:56.31*** join/#asterisk Zodiacal (
22:56.37saftsackyes ok
22:56.55saftsackcrich1999, are you experienced with isdn?
22:56.59Zodiacalis a software raid ok for a 6 POTS Lines and 12 SIP ext. user system?
22:57.30saftsackcrich1999, are you mr. richter? :)
22:57.45crich1999yep that's me :-)
22:58.08jbalcombQwell[]: all good. thank you.
22:58.08saftsackwow :) then you are the perfect man for me :)
22:58.15saftsacki am the guy who talked ca. 4 weeks ago and asking for some bugs ;)
22:58.15jbalcombFYI: +10 karma point for Qwell[]. woot!!
22:58.21crich1999well i have a girl friend you know
22:58.27*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
22:58.33fileQwell[]: House tonight
22:59.01Qwell[]jbalcomb: Do me a favor...
22:59.08Qwell[]jbalcomb: Call benjk an idiot. :)
22:59.16Qwell[]He couldn't do that one simple step
22:59.21Qwell[]newb :D
22:59.32filelike taking candy... from a baby!
22:59.35fileA B C
22:59.43filefalling in love with you was easy for me
22:59.46Qwell[]file: I take candy from my baby all the time. ;)
22:59.48fileand you can do it too
22:59.53fileit's so easy... like taking candy from a baby
22:59.59filebaby there's nothing hard about love
23:00.09filebasically it's as easy as pie
23:00.37Qwell[]RoyK: How much $ you got?
23:00.41Qwell[]I can hook you up
23:00.47wundaboyso, say i have [junction-networks]
23:00.51wundaboyin my iax.conf file
23:01.01wundaboyand some stuff in that and its registerd with the provider
23:01.11wundaboywhat channel would that be?
23:01.16wundaboyiax2/junction-networks ?
23:01.21Qwell[]benjk: You hear that?  This guy (who doesn't claim to be a professional) was able to do the one-step upgrade
23:01.26*** join/#asterisk tdonahue (n=tdonahue@
23:01.44mzohahaahahahaha he's STILL on about taht shit?
23:01.49Qwell[]mzo: No :p
23:01.58Qwell[]mzo: But somebody else was able to just a minute ago
23:02.02mzogood, someone help me buy a dell replacement fan, dell wants $99 for it.
23:02.05*** join/#asterisk file (
23:02.10Qwell[]mzo: measure it
23:02.13Qwell[]file: NOOO!!!!
23:02.15mzoIt's a standard part,
23:02.15*** part/#asterisk rene- (
23:02.22mzoi think im just gonna gamble and buy one online
23:02.22Qwell[]mzo: 80mm?
23:02.25mzono, bigger.
23:02.44Qwell[]yeah, that's a standard size.  $2.99
23:02.45wundaboyhey, it might be worth $99...
23:02.54filemy ISP has decided to send all internet ISP through a single pipe to the other side of the province
23:03.01fileit now has a habit of getting congested
23:03.01[Atlas]anyone happen to know where i can grab a cisco 7960 sip flash img without a cisco passwd?
23:03.10mzoit's 120mm x 120mm, but i need it with the techometer sensors.  Anyone have a recommendation?
23:03.30Qwell[]file: I've got you beat cold
23:03.40Qwell[]file: My ISP cuts me off at 1:25 every day, for the last 3 days
23:03.45fileQwell[]: beautiful
23:03.49wundaboyso, i am a little confuzed at how channel's are named in asterisk
23:03.59Zodiacalanyone know if software raid1 would be to slow for asterisk? 6 pots lines and 12 sip phones
23:04.24Qwell[]Zodiacal: It'll be fine
23:04.34Zodiacalqwell Thank You!
23:04.48[Atlas]do you have to download the img from the cisco site? how much does a passwd cost?
23:04.55*** part/#asterisk pointer (
23:04.56mzosupport through cisco is worth it
23:04.59Qwell[][Atlas]: You need a cco support contract
23:05.20Qwell[]it isn't much though.  Maybe $20/phone
23:05.41[Atlas]ah ok thats not bad
23:06.02jbothmm... ymmv is Your Mileage May Vary
23:06.03[Atlas]i was afraid i would have to get like a 600 dollar smartnet contract =D
23:06.14Qwell[]nah, get the el-cheapo smartnet
23:06.51Qwell[]file: OMG, is it new?!
23:07.34fileQwell[]: OMG LIKE YEAH I THINK
23:07.39Qwell[]omg omg omg
23:07.51tuxinator_linuxQwell, [Atlas], they wouldn't sell me the CON-SNT-CP7960 ($13), forced me to get the CON-SNT-PKG1 ($93)
23:08.01Qwell[]tuxinator_linux: Who is they?
23:08.13tuxinator_linuxCisco via CDW
23:08.18Qwell[]go elsewhere
23:08.42tuxinator_linuxI'm open to that
23:08.50Qwell[]CDW won't sell it in the US anymore, iirc
23:09.31mzohahaha, nice
23:09.34Zodiacalatlas 8 bux
23:09.45Zodiacaltook a few weeks tho
23:09.50Zodiacalbut got it
23:10.26Qwell[]tuxinator_linux: ^
23:12.16tuxinator_linuxZodiacal, are you in the States?
23:13.27tuxinator_linuxZodiacal, how long ago?
23:13.35tuxinator_linuxdid you order yours
23:13.36*** join/#asterisk dlynes (n=dlynes@
23:13.38Zodiacalgot the code yesterday, ordered it like 3 weeks ago tho
23:14.19Zodiacalim acctualy in the next city over from you :P
23:14.20dlynesHas anyone encountered the following error on Asterisk 1.2.3?  I can't seem to find any reference to it on Google anywhere
23:14.35dlyneslogger.c: Don't know what to do if second ROSE component is of type 0x6
23:15.01tuxinator_linuxZodiacal, Riverside?
23:15.03dlynesWell, it's not an shows up with a verbose tag
23:15.09Qwell[]eww, Riverside?
23:15.25tuxinator_linuxI don't like Riverside or Moreno Valley
23:15.29Qwell[]tuxinator_linux: If Riverside is next to're in...MV?
23:15.40Qwell[]oh lord
23:15.40tuxinator_linuxnot by choice
23:15.48Zodiacaltuxinator_linux get FIOS yet?
23:15.52Qwell[]I just moved away from there like 3 months ago :p
23:15.59tuxinator_linuxmy wife is here on an internership, done in 6 weeks
23:16.00Zodiacalerr, obvlusly not.. i should say why not yet?
23:16.15tuxinator_linuxmoving over to Anaheim Hills or Yorba Linda (where I grew up)
23:16.19Qwell[]Zodiacal: They've got fiber in parts of MV...just haven't lit it up yet
23:16.28Skumlinghumm. would one via the normal asterisk queues be able to present the caller for a dialing tone right before getting through to an agent? the immediate switch from MOH to the Agent might seem a bit "confusing" to some callers...
23:16.38tuxinator_linuxZodiacal, not sure what FIOS is
23:16.52Zodiacalqwell its on the polls on my street, but not lit up yet either.. other parts of the town are tho
23:16.54Qwell[]hell, it's been there for years too
23:16.58ZodiacalFIOS is fiber to the home
23:17.02Qwell[]tuxinator_linux: What part of MV?  Cross-streets?
23:17.06Zodiacal15Mbps/2Mbps for 45bux
23:17.21_Sam--i have it on order for my house
23:17.25tuxinator_linuxMoreno Beach Dr & John F Kennedy
23:17.33Qwell[]tuxinator_linux: not so bad then
23:17.34Zodiacaltuxinator_linux they probably have activated where u are
23:18.24Qwell[]Zodiacal: And you're where?
23:19.08Zodiacalqwell MV?
23:19.18Zodiacalqwell work not home :P
23:19.19Qwell[]not anymore...thank god
23:20.00Zodiacalcan't order fios yet
23:20.12Zodiacalbut other people in my town have it..
23:20.35tuxinator_linuxno FIOS for me
23:20.43tuxinator_linuxbut I moving away soon anyways
23:20.45mzodoes FIOS still use PPPoE?
23:20.49Zodiacalmzo i think so
23:20.53mzothen it's ass :P
23:21.04Zodiacaloh big deal
23:21.07mzostupid as hell having to remember an 'internet password'
23:21.08Qwell[]PPPoF?  heh
23:21.10Zodiacalits fast
23:21.18mzoand install stupdi client software just to connect
23:21.24Zodiacalmzo they say they are going to change soon
23:21.29mzohaa, i dobut it
23:21.31Zodiacalno client software. they give u a router
23:21.45mzogod, the person who thoght of PPPoE should be shot
23:21.46mzooh wait
23:21.47mzohe was
23:21.51Qwell[]The only thing special about that router is the 100mbit wan port
23:21.57mzohis name is Haidar Chamas, Director of Verizon High Speed solutions.
23:22.01Qwell[]They say "No, you MUST use our router!"
23:22.06mzothey fired his ass in 2002, after that PPPoE fiasco
23:23.46Zodiacalas well they should but its not going to stop me from gettin my fios
23:24.16cpmpppoe is convenient on the isp side.
23:24.39mzoof course it is
23:24.47mzowhich is why they rammed it down their customers' throats,
23:25.06mzobut fuck those assholes (former employer), idiot incompetents :P
23:25.08Himekono pppoe here which was very cool
23:25.20tuxinator_linuxI suppose I can try and return the CON-SNT-PKG1 from CDW.  Might be a strugle.  What is their reasoning for saying the Cisco won't sell the cheaper one to me?
23:25.39Qwell[]tuxinator_linux: Not supposed to sell it in the US or something
23:26.01tuxinator_linuxwhat differnce does it make?  That's all I have been told, also.
23:26.05Zodiacalqwell i even selected a location dropdown on cisco's site when finishing the registration form..
23:26.07Zodiacali picked usa
23:26.09ooglecrisco won't... it's not in their nature.  they're still mad about their stock price
23:26.26*** join/#asterisk X10ZION (n=askme@
23:26.34Zodiacalqwell i read some where people were having trouble with cdw so someone on a forum suggested i try that sparco or wahtever co.
23:26.54X10ZIONanyone know right off where the asterisk call manger log is?
23:29.10X10ZIONheh mainly what the name of it is
23:30.09*** join/#asterisk elg (
23:30.34wundaboyis there an easy-to-learn document that covers the basics of how asterisk works all in one document?
23:30.49wundaboybecause im learning pieces on voip-info they just arent all falling together completely yet...
23:30.56tzafrir_laptopwundaboy, at what level?
23:31.07wundaboytzafrir_laptop: idiot level
23:31.25Zodiacalwundaboy search google for : asterisk handbook
23:31.46jbotthebook is, like, Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under the Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
23:31.46tzafrir_laptopNot sure. It is more of an install guide
23:33.32wundaboyZodiacal: i found it
23:35.02tuxinator_linuxZodiacal, shipping on a non-tangable item (sparco)?
23:35.44Zodiacali think they have a 50 min limit you have to buy
23:35.52Zodiacalno shiping, they email it to you
23:36.02Zodiacalu can buy 50 worth of other crap at their store tho
23:36.52Zodiacalforgot about that catch, sorry
23:36.52trelaneanyone using cisco 7905 phones?
23:39.39*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
23:41.10tuxinator_linuxZodiacal, it processed my $9 order
23:41.32*** join/#asterisk tholo (
23:44.18Zodiacaltuxinator yeah, i did that too and they called me on it.. then i just went and ordered some other stuff from the site to add up to exactly 50 bux..
23:44.40*** part/#asterisk CunningPike (
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23:49.27kimosabeis any one runnin asterisk on openwrt
23:50.31kimosabei need a hand im getting drive full
23:50.52kimosabei only have 1.5 meg 2 install on
23:53.03tuxinator_linuxZodiacal, oh, okay.... My next phone will most likely be a polycom.... too much trouble for cisco's, but I know that going into it
23:53.33*** join/#asterisk cj (n=cjcollie@unaffiliated/daman/x-0000001)
23:53.38cjwhere's the svn live?
23:53.56tuxinator_linuxcj, digium?
23:54.08Zodiacaltuxinator i think polycoms need a lisence too
23:54.12Zodiacaldunno for sure tho
23:54.22*** join/#asterisk st3v (
23:54.24MstlyHrmlsZodiacal: no, they don't
23:54.35Zodiacali stand corrected
23:54.47st3vis there a way to have AMP forward to a cell phone instead of going to voicemail?
23:54.49tuxinator_linuxif I'm not mistaken, the phone part of cisco's are really poloycoms...
23:54.55Zodiacalmstlyhrmls maybe it was snom?
23:54.56cjtuxinator_linux: got a url?
23:54.58Zodiacali don't remember
23:56.10MstlyHrmlstuxinator_linux: cisco's used Polycom's DSP code. dunno if they still do though
23:56.20*** join/#asterisk ketanp (n=ketanp@
23:57.02tuxinator_linuxcj, also
23:57.38cjah, I see... it just requires that I choose a subdirectory and not grab the entire repository
23:57.49[av]banipolycom doesnt need a license, you just need a vendor who doesnt suck
23:58.05_Sam--[av]bani:  did you fix your phone?
23:58.05cjthank you all for this software, by the way
23:58.11[av]bani_Sam--: yes thanks \o/
23:58.35TooMeany idea why the System() would have issues running cp or mv?
23:58.36cjit has the potential to break apart the US telecom monopoly.... again :)
23:58.55ketanpinto tiny little pieces this time
23:59.00[av]bani_Sam--: and my cow orker was taunting me when i borked the flash, he was all disappointed when i recovered it :D
23:59.10*** join/#asterisk voipD470 (
23:59.29_Sam--poor guy....he had to get back to work :)
23:59.51_Sam--anything good with that new firmware?
23:59.58_Sam--they fix the loop?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.