irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060206

00:00.28dave-outlawHey guys, I'm having a problem with asterisk. Using the latest asterisk and AMP. I have some phones configured, and they all work very well, until I try to use ad-hoc mode with no default user. Logging in seems to work, but I can't ring that extension... it just goes to a busy message. Anyone know how to fix this?
00:00.33*** join/#asterisk psi_force (
00:00.39psi_forcehi all
00:02.15psi_forcedoes anyone know how a person might be changing his channel id? we allocate users a 6 digit username and we are seeing someone having a channel SIP/incoming-xxxx
00:03.57psi_forcebut all the users should have channel names like SIP/YYYYYY-xxxx
00:05.05*** join/#asterisk calculus (
00:05.49*** join/#asterisk Jun_ (
00:05.58dlynescassio: so your service provider is you?  I though the logs you were showing me were from a colo server at godaddy?
00:06.44calculusis it possible to use a standard dialup modem (line in, line out) to connect a hard-wired phone in to use with asterisk?
00:06.45cassiodlynes, its a box that I rented at
00:07.09dlynescassio: the log that you showed me, right?
00:07.35dlynescassio: and it's trying to register some sip devices at your home, or some sip upstream ports?
00:07.38WasPhantomhey is anyone maintaining a "current" package for asterisk on debian?
00:07.52calculuscassio: was that a 'yes' to me?
00:08.00dlynescalculus: no, to me
00:08.06psi_forceanyone have any ideas about this channel issue?
00:08.14cassiocalculus its to dlynes
00:08.24Abydos313WasPhantom i tried to apt-get go
00:08.58cassioit looses its registration, not only for broadvoice, but for my pap2 also
00:09.53WasPhantomhmmm perhaps I should have a look into maintaining one.... just starting to deploy it myself, so as good an excuse as any
00:10.30dlynescassio: on your pap2, there should be a line 1 page
00:10.56dlynescassio: on there, there should be a setting 'NAT Keep Alive Enable'
00:11.03dlynesmake sure that's enabled
00:11.52dlynescassio: also on your SIP page, down at the bottom, there's a setting 'NAT Keep Alive Intvl'
00:12.00dlynescassio: make sure that's set to 3, instead of 15
00:12.55dlynescassio: also, for your outbound and inbound sip registrations on your asterisk box at, make sure qualify= is set to qualify=300
00:13.15dlynesor even qualify=180 is good's a bit overkill, but it would also work
00:13.55cassiodlynes I aready tried to change for 300 but happens the same thinh
00:13.56dlynescassio: then reboot your pap2, and on your server at godaddy, do a sip reload on the asterisk cli
00:14.11robin_szOK, so .. assuming I have some sort of FXO clone card in, wcfxo modprobed .. how can I tell if its "working"  ??
00:14.44dlynesIf that still doesn't work for you, the probably is probably with broadvoice
00:14.44WasPhantomwell - if it modprobed, you're well on your way, as it detected the card as valid heh
00:15.04dlynescassio: other than that, I can't help you much more...I'm on my way out the door
00:15.07robin_szie it should autoanswer, I think it used to in 1.0.7 ... but it havent touched this box in 6 onths or more, and ive forgotten what I conf'd
00:15.47robin_szyeah, its modprobed
00:17.39robin_szchannel => 1
00:17.47*** join/#asterisk Pinnen (
00:17.48robin_szthat should do it huh?
00:19.07*** join/#asterisk justinu (
00:24.11wunderkinJUSTIN YOU
00:24.31robin_szhmmm ... nothing about zap in show modules .. ??
00:24.33*** join/#asterisk M-I-A-- (
00:26.11robin_szhmm and nothing about zap in showchanneltyoes??
00:30.29tronixis zapata.conf set up?
00:30.37tronixand in modules dir, readable?
00:30.43tronixtry starting * with -vvvvvc
00:30.49tronixit'll tell you if it saw an error when trying to
00:30.52*** join/#asterisk jovan (
00:30.52tronixload chan_zap.
00:31.09tronixgood evening
00:31.26robin_szah, no
00:32.17robin_szchan_zap comes from zaptel right?
00:32.41tronixI'm not as familiar with how clone hardware do it for the software stuff on * server
00:33.20tronixbut if it's true clones, should work with zaptel installation
00:33.30robin_szjust pretend its a T100P ...
00:33.34robin_szit USED to work ..
00:33.44tronixyou need two parts config'd:
00:33.46robin_szbut I did the upgrade to
00:33.49tronixkernel side and * side
00:33.53tronixsounds like you have kernel side up
00:33.55tronixbut not * side
00:33.59robin_szright ...
00:34.18robin_szjust makeing linux26 again in zaptel ...
00:34.28robin_szpaying attention this time :)
00:35.29robin_szI guess its a debain thing and its putting it somewhere other than /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
00:35.53*** join/#asterisk burtonez (
00:35.58tronixq for #asterisk: in olden days, we were told not to plug modems into hotel room PBX ports. does this still hold true, for various analog telephony devices?
00:36.07tronix(in the U.S.)
00:36.13WasPhantomwhich model are you looking for?
00:36.35tronixrobin_sz: ahhh. haven't tried * on Debian, myself, though wouldn't surprise me because Debian is strict about the FSSTND
00:37.03WasPhantomI've got it going on a couple of debian boxes
00:37.09robin_szI think some hotel PBX ports are a bit "weird" .. have "other" signallign going on, as wel as regular phane crap
00:37.46WasPhantomneil@king:~$ locate
00:37.55robin_szsome for example, ring an alarm if you disconnect the phone ...
00:37.58tronixbig danger, I seem to vaguely recall, was from power frying stuff
00:38.09robin_szshrug ...
00:38.28robin_szany half-decent hotle provided a LAN these days
00:38.59WasPhantomrobin_sz, how did you install * on the linux box, as you can see above, mine has installed it in the correct location
00:39.20robin_szwell, I dl'd tjhe tow lates lumps * and zaptel
00:39.26robin_szremoved my old .debs
00:39.41robin_szuntarred, maked and make installed
00:41.02robin_szhmm /// dont see anything about in zaptel ...
00:41.02WasPhantomhave you configured /etc/zaptel.conf ?
00:41.11robin_szahh, its NOT in zaptel, chan_zap coems from *
00:41.12WasPhantomand /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
00:41.32*** join/#asterisk azzie (
00:41.37tronixahh my bad. sorry
00:42.05*** join/#asterisk sigmounte (
00:42.07robin_szyou are forgiven :)
00:42.24Snake-Eyeshas any one here used scopeserv before ?
00:44.26robin_szwell, lots.
00:45.02robin_szSnake-Eyes: ive tried scopdex once ...
00:45.22robin_szwell, not that similar
00:45.37WasPhantomok - not to sound silly, but you're using debian yeah? why are you building * from source? ( I do realise that * deb packages aren't "current" at the moment, but they're stable )
00:46.27robin_szWasPhantom: because 1.0.7 is ancienne, and I wanna try the blleding edge
00:46.43litagedoes asterisk load into ram all of the settings read from /etc/asterisk/ ?
00:46.51mzoif i stab you a lot, will that be bleeding edge? :)
00:47.04WasPhantomrobin_sz, fair enough, just asking ;-)
00:47.17robin_szand we run 1.0.2.x in the "production" machine, I wnat to develop a dialplan that stands a chance of working
00:47.37robin_szmaybe even with ael ...
00:47.49wunderkin>:( chanspy is acting really weird for me
00:48.10Snake-Eyesrobin_sz, do you know why the dial plan info isnt stored in mysql database like the rest of info for extension with scopeserv ?
00:48.26robin_szSnake-Eyes: no.
00:49.20robin_szscopdex is a mixture of scopalamine and dexedrine ... try some, it might not help, but at least you won;t worry about it at the time ;)
00:50.58robin_szargh .. chan_zap.c craps itself badly on compile ...
00:51.10mzodid it leave smears?
00:51.38robin_szoh , need a newer libpri
00:51.45robin_szsmears? nah it lefts LUMPS!
00:51.58mzocore dumps, ewww.
00:52.20wunderkinhooooowdy hooooooo
00:54.32robin_szmerry christmas :)
00:55.42psi_forcedoes anyone know how to restrict sip users from not trunking or how to stop them from overwritting their channel name
00:55.57wunderkinyey now if i could get sphinx and chanspy figured out id be all set
00:56.01robin_szfrom not trunking? easy.
00:56.04filethey don't overwrite their channel name... it's generated by chan_sip based on a few factors
00:56.22robin_szjust put them in a context that doesnt have trunk access
00:58.33robin_szso .. in sip.conf put each sip user in "context=sipusers" or soem such
00:58.48robin_szin extensions.conf [sipusers]
00:59.01robin_szinclude => localphones
00:59.14robin_szor whatever context you put your local phoens in ...
00:59.46robin_szjust dont include international or whatever trunk contexts you use for non-sip users
01:00.39robin_szahh, now I have zap channels :)
01:01.34cassiodoes anyone know why asterisk looses all its registration, for peers and lines in about 1 min after running it?
01:02.45robin_szit doesnt does it?
01:02.53cassioall connections get time out on 1 minute
01:02.57robin_szit starts off with NO regiostrations ...
01:03.05robin_szand then connections log in ...
01:03.26robin_szlet me guess, you are behind a NAT firewall, with your phones on the other side right?
01:05.14cassiorobin_sz is that to me?
01:05.37*** join/#asterisk iq (
01:07.08cassiono, I am not behind a nat, and it looses registration for all lines and phones, 1 minute later after registered
01:08.26rene-it is said that provisioning of sipura/linksys voip devices takes place in two steps, second stage can be http/tftp; is it possible to have the sipura pull its first stage boot conf from an http server?
01:09.26robin_szcassio: ok, then not knowing .. i was assuming your NA was dropping all the conections .. but maybe not
01:09.40rene-i am just wondering, since people around here always say that tftp is insecure and everything, if it was possible to remove the tftp part in a provisioning system alltogether
01:10.18robin_szarghh ... cassio said LOOSES
01:10.55cassiorobin_sz got a clue?
01:11.24robin_szI can only think its a network/firewall thing ... thats would be my first clue
01:11.36robin_szand its LOSES by the way
01:12.04cassiothere is no firewall
01:12.18robin_szthen I am as lost as you are
01:13.42*** join/#asterisk mihaela (
01:13.49psi_forcefile: ok so how do I enforce channel names to SIP/yyyyyy-xxxx (where yyyyyy is their username/extension number)
01:14.28wunderkiny will be the peer name
01:15.26psi_forcefile: it seems that if someone has connected as a sip trunk, the client asterisk box decides the channel name which is not what I want
01:16.01*** join/#asterisk Garak_ (n=garak@
01:16.29*** join/#asterisk KryoStoffer (
01:16.34file[laptop]psi_force: the channel name is not meant for actual use because the channel driver makes it, it's not an absolute that it's always going to look how you want - various things can change it
01:16.52file[laptop]so if you're depending on it to always look a specific way, good luck
01:16.56Garak_Are there anyproducts out there that will automaticly switch over POTS lines to a single CO provided line in a power failour(to maintain 911 service)
01:17.38psi_force<file> so whats the best way to allocate billing then, src (that can also change)
01:17.50psi_forcefile: so whats the best way to allocate billing then, src (that can also change)
01:17.57file[laptop]use accountcode, or cdr variables
01:20.09litagedoes asterisk load into ram all of the settings read from /etc/asterisk/ ?
01:20.27*** join/#asterisk a1fa||64 (n=a1fa@
01:21.14psi_forcelitage: yes
01:21.22SwKis it just me or was that like the lamest halftime show
01:21.56psi_forcelitage: you will need to run "/etc/init.d/asterisk reload" if you make changes to the config files
01:22.16litagepsi_force: or just run ``reload'' within the aserisk console
01:23.41psi_forcelitage: yes, but be aware that sometimes reloading can play havoc with zaptel drivers in older versions of asterisk
01:24.29psi_forcefile[laptop]: thanks btw
01:24.45*** join/#asterisk ravsi (
01:24.56litagepsi_force: since asterisk stores in ram all of /etc/asterisk/ , if you have like 5000 tenants, will you need to split those tenants up across multiple asterisk servers, or can they all be located on a single * box?
01:27.29Snake-Eyesif you direct CDRs to be sent to the Manager interface, how do you grab each CDR as it comes into the Manger interface?
01:27.45*** join/#asterisk Jun_ (
01:28.29*** join/#asterisk dave-outlaw (
01:29.35dave-outlawHey guys. After further invesigation, it appears that when I log into a phone, it just reports it as busy. If I enable call waiting, I can then ring it from other extensions, though. Is this a known bug, or something I'm doing wrong? :)
01:30.12robin_szOK, so ... I have a "recpetion" context with the usual menu "for sales press one .. " etc .... works fine from external
01:30.17psi_forcelitage: it all depends on how powerful for server (cpu) and your call occupacy
01:30.28dave-outlawinvestigation, even
01:30.52dave-outlawIt's important that I get adhoc mode to work, too :/
01:30.55robin_sznow .. how can I arrange to test it from inside .. ie arrange a weird extnsion number I dont use that puts a call into recpetion context?
01:33.37Darwin35cool festival 1.96 built  on fbsd
01:35.25ravsianyone recommend a good cheap fxo/fxs device?
01:35.57ravsiI am trying to build a voicemail
01:37.22newlWhat's the phrase?  You can have good, you can have cheap, but you cannot have both. :)
01:37.57trixterthat depends if it fell of a truck or not :P
01:38.14trixtergood, cheap, legal, pick 2
01:38.39ravsithe first 2 :)
01:38.39tronixSwK: didn't bother watching halftime. Janet was missed, though. ;) (that'd probably have had spiced things up a bit...)
01:39.01SwKtronix, it sucked
01:39.06ravsiit did
01:39.10*** join/#asterisk websae (
01:39.28SwKand trust me... unless you wanted to see keith richards naked you REALLY REALLY REALLY didnt want them to have another wardrome malfunction
01:39.29websaeanyone here familiar with faxing in asterisk? does it work?
01:39.40tronixSwK: HAHAHA that's a very good point!
01:41.49ravsia fxs port cannot behave as a fxo correct?
01:42.03websaeanyone familiar with asterisk and faxign?
01:42.26glm2kcoppice isn't around websae ... he would be the one to ask
01:42.40websaethank you
01:42.48glm2kyou're welcome
01:43.50SwKhey katty
01:47.02psi_forcelater all
01:47.08*** join/#asterisk KryoStoffer (
01:48.02robin_szwebsae: I use an Eicon Divas server card with asterisk for fax
01:48.10robin_szfor fax rx anywya
01:48.32*** join/#asterisk jarnaud (
01:48.32robin_szworks fine, uses an AGI script to email the fax to someone
01:52.44websaeEicon Divas server card..hrm
01:52.52websaewhat's that card do?
01:56.38Qwellravsi: no
01:56.49*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
02:01.57dave-outlawThanks anyway guys. I might try asking a little later
02:03.12rene-websae: i think it it is a card with fax dsp and fax ports
02:06.09tronixdoes anyone have a particular favorite softphone for windows, for either sip or iax2? somebody elsewhere was asking, and I wasn't sure what was popular with Windows
02:06.26tronixI suggested SNOM, xten, and idefisk
02:06.39WasPhantomI use xten here, works wel
02:08.05ariel_I use xten and idefisk here both work well
02:08.49tronixcool, thanks. sounds like I wasn't too far off the mark with my suggestion, then. ;)
02:09.35*** join/#asterisk annonimous (n=annonimo@
02:13.17*** part/#asterisk calculus (
02:17.45*** join/#asterisk pigpen2 (
02:18.47De_Monidefisk? does that do iax?
02:18.56De_MonI want an IAX2 phone with video
02:18.58ariel_seems like a slow night tonight
02:19.09justinustupid bowl is on
02:19.14Qwelljustinu: we're geeks
02:19.23Qwellour kind don't watch sports
02:19.28justinui like motorsport
02:19.33mzoiour sports are battleing robots
02:19.34ariel_hay can't you do two things watch and be on a laptop at the same time..
02:19.36De_Monjustinu beauty and the geek is on too IIRC
02:19.36mzoand cyberbowl 2064
02:19.37*** part/#asterisk jarnaud (
02:19.51De_Mon<-- watching ESPN ice skating
02:20.03ariel_well game is good 10/14
02:20.08WasPhantomI'm a bit pissed really, the F1 won't be free to air in New Zealand
02:20.10WasPhantomsky only
02:20.14*** join/#asterisk rehan_Linuxer (
02:20.20justinuWasPhantom: that sucks :(
02:20.32justinuit's not free here either
02:20.38De_Monracing is worse than golf
02:20.40justinuyou need speed channel, which is only on pay cable or satellite
02:20.45WasPhantomahh okies.... first session I've had to look at paying for it
02:20.54Qwelljustinu: and torrent networks :p
02:20.58justinuyeah, that too
02:21.04justinuf1 is not popular here in the states
02:21.07WasPhantomahh, I never thought of downloading the torrent....
02:21.14De_Monare there many wrecks in f1?
02:21.16justinumost people watch cars go around in circles at NASCAR races
02:21.24justinuyeah, there's always accidents
02:21.31ariel_what is a f1
02:21.37justinuformula 1
02:21.44ariel_never mind don't watch car racing anyway
02:21.59justinui'm a gearhead as well as a geek
02:22.08WasPhantomlikewise :-)
02:22.18justinumy dad just bought a pontiac GTO (holdon
02:22.30justinui was just driving it
02:22.33justinuvery fast :)
02:22.43justinui fly
02:22.47De_Montheres some longhair'ed football player in the superbowl, hair down to his knees or waist, super long
02:22.50WasPhantomtoo many holdens here
02:23.00justinuthis car has 400horsepower
02:23.26De_MonI wish there was more arial racing or acrobatics on tv
02:23.38ariel_there was a wings channel
02:23.40justinuyou guys hear the news about that rocket racing league?
02:23.43*** join/#asterisk Alric (
02:23.47De_Monthose are acidents you don't walk away from
02:23.52ariel_but got pulled for the war channel now
02:23.53WasPhantomjustinu, hell yeah, I want to see that
02:24.00justinuthat's my next hobby
02:24.02mzobut you leave good smears in the rocket league
02:24.11De_Monmzo I bet!
02:24.16tronixheh my "other car" has a 85 hp Continental engine and no muffler. *cough*
02:24.26justinupiper cub?
02:24.41tronixactually, 152. couldn't remember exact specs offhand
02:24.53justinuah, Lycoming O160 iirc
02:24.56tronixahh yes
02:25.02justinu120hp, iirc
02:25.13justinui got my private ticket in a 152
02:25.16justinufirst solo :)
02:25.19justinuin a 152
02:25.24ariel_I got mine in a 172
02:25.31ariel_152 is just too small
02:25.35justinuyep, toy airplane
02:25.38WasPhantomactually, speaking of F1, I might have to buy F1 Grand Prix for the PSP
02:25.40justinubut it was the cheapest way to get the ticket
02:25.45tronixsolo'd in a 152. it's good for hours-building during training, but post-training, so out of the 152.
02:25.47De_Monputting gass in my car is bad enough :(
02:25.55justinuright after the 152, i went to a twin piper seminole
02:26.04ariel_now they have a new cheap ticket. Sports Pilot
02:26.06tronixtoo bad I can't fly a proper 18-wheeler (747-400)
02:26.10ariel_no medical needed
02:26.14justinuyou probably could
02:26.17ariel_20 hours is all you need
02:26.28justinui flew the A320 sim at united training center in denver
02:26.33justinupiece of cake
02:26.40justinuV1 cuts are easy, engine out lands, easy
02:26.42justinueverythign is easy
02:26.48tronixjustinu: sweet. been pining about doing a sim session sometime... just need to get around to making arrangements
02:26.58WasPhantomjustinu, should I be worried that you're doing some training in large aircraft with no intention of piloting them?? ;-)
02:27.09justinui'm already a licensed pilot :P
02:27.27Qwelljustinu: Fly me to VON :p
02:27.42ariel_Largest plane I have flown is the C-130E
02:27.46justinuthat's big
02:27.54justinu4 engine too
02:28.14tronixDe_Mon: 100LL aviation gas is about USD $3.50/gallon here iirc, and the Cessna 152 only chews 6 gal/hour... so about $20/hr in fuel costs alone
02:28.16rene-has anyone used the SAS and MOH options for the sipura products with asterisk?
02:28.18De_Monjustinu have you ever used a flight simulator to crash into a building?
02:28.26justinuno :P
02:28.32justinui did fly down the vegas strip in the a320 tho
02:28.50justinuand under the golden gate :)
02:29.05rene-<cliche>did you got any virgins?</cliche>
02:29.24wunderkindid you crash into microsoft?
02:29.37justinua virgin daqauri (8 hour bottle to throttle rule)
02:29.50wunderkinoops the fbi is watching
02:31.32websaeanyone here using the sipura 841?
02:32.07rene-im playing with several sipura atas but no 841s
02:34.34websaehow do you like the atas?
02:34.42websaei have one running
02:35.30rene-i like them, they sound good and they are cheap. but i like better  ip phones because of less cabling
02:35.58websaehow do you hook a ata adapter into a network interface box?
02:37.43tuxinator_linuxjustinu, bottle to throttle, must be a pilot.
02:40.45*** join/#asterisk deidre (
02:42.21deidrehi, is it possible to use intel 536EP as X100P clone? I noticed that intel 536EP use MD1724 chipset. So far I get no luck use it with asterisk :(
02:42.35Qwella generic generic, eh?
02:42.45rene-i believe that the right one should be 537ep
02:42.48tuxinator_linuxI thing most close will only connect to telco, not telephones
02:43.35tuxinator_linuxQwell would know, he knows everything
02:43.41deidreyup, I read from the wiki that the 'real' x100p clone is intel 537ep..
02:44.19tuxinator_linuxwhy not just buy a digium card?
02:44.27tuxinator_linuxI did
02:44.33deidrebut since this intel 536ep is all I got right now, maybe there are possibilities changing it into x100p clone too :P
02:44.34rene-deidre: i havent heard that the 536 is compatible
02:44.35*** join/#asterisk boa2 (
02:44.51rene-get a 537 is the cheapest option
02:46.13*** join/#asterisk Kab0b (
02:47.16deidreoh thanks rene for the information. Maybe you're right. Maybe I should dump this 536EP to the trash can and get some intel 537ep ;)
02:47.17rene-to go extra sure buy it from a vendor that claims compatibility with *, it will cost you twice or more than getting the clones from someone who doesnt know that this can be used as very cheap pbx parts but its still a lot less expensive than the current entry level asterisk hardware
02:48.24*** join/#asterisk relyuhcs (
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02:52.09*** join/#asterisk chaos1 (
02:53.01chaos1I am looking for some tutorial,docs on asterisk 1.2.4
02:53.04chaos1please suggest
02:53.15chaos1i want to know what has changed and in detail
02:53.31wunderkinread the changelog
02:53.50*** join/#asterisk CaT[tm] (
02:53.59CaT[tm]what's the netsec version of asterisk for?
02:54.53brookshirecat: the netsec version of asterisk works with a firewall product from ranch networks that can transparently open or close sip ports
02:56.05CaT[tm]brook: ahhh. thanks. a README on the download site to that affect would be just lovely, btw :)
02:56.20QwellLike the README.netsec? :p
02:56.32filebrookshire: MattyBrooks!!!
02:56.53wunderkinbrooky wooky
02:57.53chaos1I need some assitance with setting up a priority queue for remote agents on asterisk
02:58.16chaos1i know asterisk can do that as seen from its feature list
02:59.51chaos1whata is a-number profile btw
03:02.28chaos1inte bra
03:03.00wunderkinwell describe what you want a little more
03:04.52chaos1thanks wunderkin, here goes it
03:05.19tuxinator_linuxSuperbowl is over
03:05.57chaos1I have users registered on other places
03:06.08brookshirewho won?
03:06.29justinubud light
03:06.44tuxinator_linuxreally stupid ads
03:06.48tuxinator_linuxreally hate that company
03:07.03chaos1the incoming calls on asterisk need to be queues based on the incoming number (the agents are remote as  there are registered on some sip proxy)
03:07.49chaos1read queues as queued
03:08.10*** join/#asterisk rehan_Linuxer (
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03:08.26chaos1the sip users or iax clients are the callers
03:09.22chaos1how will asterisk check whether the remote agent is busy or not before forwarding a call to it from queue
03:09.29chaos1i have been thinking a lot over it
03:09.48justinuFUCK this cable modem
03:09.48chaos1because for some calls, it has to ring one remote agent
03:10.14chaos1while for some other calls it has to ring more than one remote agents simultaneousy
03:10.37chaos1can i make group of remote agents on asterisk? and then just forward call to that group
03:11.00chaos1these remote agents are registered on sip proxy. they are sip users or iax clients
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03:14.02chaos1any thoughts on my problem
03:14.41chaos1okay an easy question now,
03:14.59chaos1would version 2 document, be valid for asterisk 1.2 as well or is there some major change
03:16.26wunderkinso you are saying that the caller id determines what queue the person is put into
03:17.01wunderkinhopefully you can take care of that part
03:18.04wunderkinthe other question, use agentcallbacklogin, it will know when someone is on a call from the queue, but if they make outgoing calls you need to use pause/unpausequeuemember
03:18.57wunderkinread up on queues, this is all basic stuff
03:19.08wunderkinas far as the handbook im sure it is out of date, probably based on 1.0
03:21.05chaos1wunderkin:you rock big time!
03:22.25chaos1what would you recommend for reading up on asterisk 1.2
03:22.35chaos1i want to understand how things are done on that
03:23.03chaos1wunderkin:please suggest some documentation/tutorial beside its /doc
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03:27.41jbot[docs] probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
03:27.44jbotthebook is, like, Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under the Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
03:35.01chaos1anyone here tried radius with asterisk
03:35.05chaos1that portaone patch
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03:59.10CaT[tm]bleh. broken installs cript: if (!file_exists(AMP_CONF)) { out(AMP_CONF." does not exist, copying default"); copy("amportal.conf", "/etc/amportal.conf"); ... }'
04:08.43rene-have people tried feeding the sample configuration for the sipura 841 phone available in the sipura support site to devices like spa 2002 or the pap2? was it successful?
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05:11.13daguerroIs there anyone that have been succesfully using asterisk realtime??
05:11.22Qwelldaguerro: yep
05:12.45daguerroi'm trying to connect my sip.conf qith mysql, but the asterisk wont read from the database. i've followed the instructions at voip-info.. can u help me??
05:13.03Qwellpastebin any errors you get
05:14.33daguerrohold on a sec
05:15.56daguerroFeb  6 11:48:25 NOTICE[4085] chan_sip.c: Registration from 'MM <sip:12345@>' failed for '' - Username/auth name mismatch
05:16.01mdaveok.. tcpdump shows my spa sending packets to port 5060 of the * box, but even tho i have sip debug on im not seeing any sip debug output
05:16.37mdaveso how do I force * to give some feedback as to wtf it is doing with the packets
05:17.07mdavehrm.. i tried 'sip debug yes really i mean it'
05:17.10mdavewithout any luck
05:17.20mdavei have debug 255 qnd verbose 255
05:17.23mdaveyet nothing
05:17.50daguerrowhat should i do qwell?
05:17.52mdaveit was working before, i had lost the * console and killed it and restart it, then all of a sudden its gone wonky
05:18.09Qwelldaguerro: wait for somebody who knows SIP errors better..
05:20.25mdavehrm.. heres something interesting.. tcpdump does not show * sending any udp back to the spa..
05:20.31mdaveat least nothing to or from port 5060
05:20.39mdaveto anywhere, for that matter
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05:20.50mdaveall 5060 traffic is inbound, nothing going out
05:21.32mdavealmost as though there is some 'sip suppress all response' set or something
05:21.40mdave(no, ipfw is not blocking it)
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05:31.11mattwj2005ask not what you can do for Asterisk.....ask what Asterisk can do for you :P
05:33.07mdaveat the moment id be happy if asterisk went back to doing what it was before i restarted it eralier today
05:33.26mattwj2005what happened mdave?
05:33.35mdavebut it seems to not want to, nor am I able to discern anything to explain why it isnt
05:33.43mdavewell.. i had lost the console window for my *
05:33.45mdaveso I killed it
05:33.47mdaveand restarted it
05:33.51mdavenow, my spa wont register
05:33.55mdavesip debug shows nothing
05:33.58mdavewell, usuually
05:34.06mdaveevery now and then i get a few messages
05:34.19mdavebut i cant seem to force it to speak sip
05:34.31mdaveeg i reboot the spa, it claims to be trying to register, yet nothing on sip debug
05:34.37mdavetcpdump shows udp traffic on port 5060
05:34.41mdavebut no output from *
05:34.56mdaveim not sure wether its successfully registering with bv, either
05:35.23mattwj2005bv? spa?
05:35.26mdavethe one time I did see a sip debug mesage regarding the spa, there was a 401/unauthorized in one of them
05:35.33mattwj2005I am a noob....what I can I say
05:35.39mdavebut ive double and tripled chcked the passwords, they are right
05:35.46mattwj2005but maybe I can be some help anyways
05:35.47mdavespa = Sipura spa-2000
05:35.54mdavebv = broadvoice voip provider
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05:36.08mattwj2005oh okay
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05:37.48mattwj2005how did you configure the spa?
05:37.59mattwj2005config files right?
05:38.58mattwj2005or did you use the cli?
05:39.53mdavethe spa was a web interface
05:39.57*** part/#asterisk Alric (
05:40.49mattwj2005okay what happened to the console window for asterisk?
05:40.57mattwj2005just crashed?
05:41.31mdaveactually, i think the cablemodem got a reboot, so my workstation lost connectivity
05:41.39mdavebut i dont think thats relevant
05:41.44mattwj2005oh okay
05:41.58mattwj2005how did you restart asterisk?
05:42.03mdavethe thing is I started asterisk fresh, now it isnt letting the spa register
05:42.09mdavethe same way i had before
05:43.01mdaveok theres some sip debugs
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05:44.24litageif you direct CDRs to be sent to the Manager interface, how do you grab each CDR as it comes in?
05:45.15mattwj2005I am not sure mdave
05:45.23mattwj2005anyone else have an idea?
05:47.00rene-mdave: i would got the spa factory reset it and start over
05:47.27rene-and it sounds like your asterisk installation was somehow upgraded
05:48.06mdaveunless it upgrades itself spontaneously i dont see how that would be possible
05:48.09Corydon76-homelitage: you'd write an interface to do so?
05:48.26mdavei had downloaded and installed v 1.2.3
05:48.37mdaveand afaik thats the most current
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05:49.06mattwj20051.2.4 is currently out
05:49.13mdavewell the running version is still 1.2.3
05:49.27mdavewhich is the version i installed
05:49.32mattwj2005did 1.2.3 have a memory leak like 1.2.2? anyone know?
05:49.34mdavei am the only one with root to the box
05:49.36Qwellmattwj2005: yes
05:49.59mdaveso unless * did it on its own, it didnt happen
05:50.19litageCorydon76-home: where can i find documentation on writing such an interface? there' no mention of playing with CDRs in the manager interface on voip-info, and i've trolled google to no avail
05:50.26mattwj2005okay....I wasn't sure if that notice in the topic was from 1.2.2 or 1.2.3 or both
05:50.44rene-you have 1.2.3 and today is topic is about upgrading
05:50.56Corydon76-homelitage: why don't you telnet to the interface, login, and see what comes across?
05:51.07Corydon76-homeIt IS only text, afterall
05:51.22mdaveright now what id like to do is get the version I have working the way it was yesterday
05:51.29mdavethen maybe think about upgrading
05:51.58mdavewhy would * say 401 unauthorized to my spa? the password in the spa matches the one in sip.conf
05:52.01litageCorydon76-home: you mean if you configure * to send CDRs to the manager interface, they're just written to the manager rather than being extracted via some API function call?
05:52.04Corydon76-homeHmmm, let's think about that... memory leak in 1.2.3, fixed in 1.2.4... hmmmm
05:52.04mdaveive double and triple checked that
05:52.20Corydon76-homelitage: Bingo
05:53.32Corydon76-homemdave: now why would you want to run a version with a big fat memory leak?
05:53.45mdaveso.. any idea why a previously working * setup would start saying 401 unauthorized to sip registrations?
05:53.59mdavei want to fix the problem i have right now, then i'll worry about the upgrade
05:54.07rene-memory is cheap nowadays
05:54.16mattwj2005what happens with the memory leak anyones? system crash, application crash, or what happens?
05:54.21mdaveunless * checks to see if there is a new version and refuses to run properly if you dont upgrade
05:54.26mdavewhich would be just crap
05:54.30Corydon76-homemdave: the clients changed the password in their configs?
05:54.36mdavethe client is me
05:54.37mdavemy spa
05:54.40mdaveconnecting to my *
05:54.43mdavethe password matches
05:54.50mdaveive checked like 6 times
05:54.57Corydon76-homeHas your SPA upgraded itself?
05:55.00mdaveand it matched before * was restarted
05:55.03a1fa||64mattwj2005: depends how it leaks.. buffer over-runs.. someone can root your box if you are runing * as root
05:55.19mattwj2005okay thanks
05:55.32a1fa||64application may force other apps to run unstable, etc..
05:55.39mdaveCorydon-w, no
05:55.43Corydon76-homeLike, say, upgraded to try to start using Vonage's servers?
05:55.45a1fa||64depending where it leaks.. (what memory address,e tc)
05:56.21litageCorydon76-home: thanks for that bit of info  :)
05:56.38Corydon76-homemattwj2005: no, the memory leak is limited to just crashing
05:56.44mdavethe spa is unlocked, and not under control of any voip provider
05:56.47mdaveits under my control
05:57.05mdaveand its trying to register with my * box.. i can see the packets on 5060 with tcpdump
05:57.11Corydon76-homemdave: have you run a SIP debug?
05:57.18mdavesip debug is on
05:57.26mdavefor most of the time, nothing is output
05:57.33mdaveonce in a while, it blurts a spurry of messages
05:57.40mdaveand the only thing notable is the 401 unauthorized
05:57.44Corydon76-homeWell, pastebin the messages
05:57.50jbothmm... pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
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05:58.07mdavei cant reliably get them tho..
05:58.19mdavei can restart *, reboot the spa, and wait and wait and no sip debug
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05:58.27mdaveits like its saving them all up to spit them out when i least expect it
05:58.33mdaveinstead of outputting them in realitme
05:58.41litagedoes SIP split the signalling and RTP streams?
05:58.41Corydon76-homeThat's because after you restart, sip debugging turns off
05:58.49mdaveno, even after I turn sip debug on
05:58.52mdaveand i reboot the spa
05:58.58mdaveand it shows registration failed
05:59.01mdavenext retry in
05:59.02Corydon76-homeThen your SPA is not re-registering
05:59.03mdaveand it retires
05:59.10mdaveand i see udp packets on 5060
05:59.13mdavecoming in, over and over
05:59.24Corydon76-homeThe Asterisk console outputs SIP debug in realtime
05:59.29mdaveand all the meanwhile (we are talking several minutes) nothing output from * sip debug
05:59.50mdavei get a whole screenful of tcpdump output showing packets from the spa to * on 5060
05:59.56mdaveand still nothing from *
06:00.11Corydon76-homeI need to see this to believe it
06:00.37mdavethen, usually right before im ready to stop and restart it ahain, i get a few sip debug messages
06:00.39Corydon76-homeYou're not running something else on that box, aren you?
06:00.45mdavenothing of any note
06:00.50mdaveand nothing it wasnt running before
06:00.54mdavewhen * was working just fine
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06:01.01Corydon76-homeSomething that might be listening to port 5060?
06:01.12mdavelsof -i confirms * is listening to 5060
06:01.21Corydon76-homeIs anything else?
06:01.23mdaveor claims to be, anyway, sigh
06:01.39Corydon76-homeGive me remote root into your box
06:01.50mdaveno. nothing else is listening to 5060
06:01.57mdavetheres no other telephony apps running
06:02.33mdaveCorydon-w, give me your credit card and bank account numbers and pin
06:02.50mdavei appreciate you want to help, but i cant go there
06:02.56Corydon76-homeYou're the one looking for help
06:03.12Corydon76-homeDigium asks for the same privileges if you call for tech support
06:03.13mattwj2005sorry cory.....I am with dave on this one
06:03.27mdaveand theyd get the same answer
06:03.50Corydon76-homein which case you'd get a nice "Sorry, but without that access, we can't help you."
06:03.54mdaveI *might* consider a dual-screen with me monitoring..
06:04.07mdaveif I had something like that setup, which I dont at the moment
06:04.17mdavethen their tech support is useless.. and sure nothing id pay for
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06:05.03Corydon76-homeIf you're not willing to give access to your computer, then don't complain about it not working
06:05.11mdavetech support to me doesnt mean 'just let them come in and fix it'.. it means they tell *me* how to fix it.. if I was paying, that is
06:05.16mdaveim not complaining
06:05.23mdavejust seekeing help
06:05.31mdavebut not help in the 'here let me just do it for you' variety
06:06.03Corydon76-homeIt's not that.  You're describing behavior I've never seen before
06:06.27mdavein any case, anyone that would just give out their root password to a vendor to come in and play with it deserves to get hacked
06:06.35Corydon76-homeCould be something rather simple, and I'd be happy to point it out, if I had access
06:06.44mogormanooh starting to?
06:06.57CaT[tm]yes. it's my first time. lucky I'm sitting.
06:06.59mogormanno mdave
06:07.04mogormanwe ssh into peoples boxes all the time
06:07.08mogormanyou just make a temp pass
06:07.14mogormanand watch em in screen if your worried
06:07.16mdaveif it was that simple, you could tell me what command or info to pull up and see the same thing
06:07.20Math`or you add his key into your authorized_keys
06:07.22Corydon76-homeThere's also a way for you to give me access without giving me root, if you like
06:07.24mogormanno its never that simple
06:07.34mogormanand if it was or you know better
06:07.36Qwellnormal user + screen = <3
06:07.38mogormanyou arent calling support
06:07.43mogormanqwell is right
06:07.54mattwj2005I am probably parod....but I know you can kill a machine in 9 characters
06:08.02QwellYou know, I've only ever given one person root on my box...
06:08.04mdavein any case, at this point since theres apparently an upgrade addressing a major problem, im probably going to save my extensions and sip conf, blow this all away, and reinstall from scratch
06:08.10mogormanand what can be solved over the phone can be solved over ssh in 1/100th time on average
06:08.22mdavei dont know or care what qwell has or is saying, i have him on ignore since hes an asshole
06:08.27Corydon76-homemdave: why would you do that?
06:08.46QwellI'm not that bad, am I?
06:08.50Corydon76-homeThere's absolutely no need to wipe out an install to do an upgrade
06:08.56mdaveCorydon-w, becuase I made it work from scratch once, and since i apparently need to upgrade anyway, i might as well
06:09.11mdavei'll just save the bits of config ive tweaked on
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06:09.25Corydon76-homemdave: are you running AMP?
06:09.30QwellThat's why astlinux is good...key disk
06:09.41mdaveCorydon-w, yes, but if some bit of something setup wrong is whats causing the problem, clearing what i have out completely may help
06:09.50mdaveCorydon-w, not even sure what it is
06:10.07Corydon76-homeIf you're running AMP, it's no wonder you're having problems
06:10.19*** join/#asterisk eDitor (
06:10.21Corydon76-homeEverybody using AMP has huge problems
06:10.27jbotamp is, like, NOT supported here! people using it should join #amportal
06:10.31mdavewtf is amp?
06:10.40CaT[tm]so AMP is fun is it?
06:10.44Qwell~say test
06:10.47mdavei dont know what it is, how could i be running it?
06:10.58Corydon76-homeOr Asterisk@Home ?
06:10.59Qwell~say <Qwell> mdave: AMP is junk.  Don't use it.
06:11.01jbot<Qwell> mdave: AMP is junk.  Don't use it.
06:11.04QwellI love that bot
06:11.26mdaveCorydon-w, i have no idea what AMP is
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06:12.12CaT[tm]qwell: seriously, is it that bad? how can it break things?
06:12.24QwellCaT[tm]: because it's very poorly written
06:12.36CaT[tm]yes. I can see that. :/
06:12.40QwellCorydon76-home: Wanna be my say bot? :P
06:12.53QwellMaybe he'll end up ignoring everybody
06:13.02QwellCaT[tm]: no, it's asstacular
06:13.06mdaveCorydon-w, only the truly clueless would allow some random stranger off the net direct root access to his box.. or expect someone else to, for that matter
06:13.42JamesDotComget over it man ;(
06:13.44QwellCaT[tm]: and it's got a bunch of useless macros that everything goes's just ugly
06:13.47blkremedyquestion....what would be the ideal size of HDD to use with asterisk@home?
06:13.50CaT[tm]qwell: yaay. anything I can read on its interactions with asterisk that I can show ppl who might want to use it?
06:13.58Corydon76-homeQwell: what's really craptacular is that he can't even seem to specify my nickname correctly
06:14.07QwellCorydon76-home: well, it is two tabs :p
06:14.10mattwj2005anyone want a Diet Dew? you know chill out
06:14.15mogormanso my code was segfaulting 4 times in a row
06:14.17mogormanand now
06:14.18mogormanno problem
06:14.22mogormanno change to code
06:14.26Qwellmogorman: awesome
06:14.32Corydon76-homemogorman: yay, coredumps
06:14.34Qwellwas it in your code?
06:14.36Qwellbkw__: ACK!
06:14.43Corydon76-homecoredumps make me happy
06:14.59mogormanoog coredumps
06:15.05mogormanmight be smart to turn on....
06:15.06Corydon76-homeWell, at least if the compile is with dont-optimize
06:15.06QwellCorydon76-home: I bet. ;)
06:15.26mogormanyeah i have been doing all that
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06:16.26litagedoes SIP split the signalling and RTP streams?
06:16.39Qwelllitage: RTP is separate from SIP.  Entirely different RFCs
06:16.47Corydon76-homelitage: yes
06:16.51QwellSIP uses RTP, but..
06:16.59Qwellso do mgcp, skinny, etc
06:17.05mattwj2005that is how that works
06:17.16Corydon76-homePretty much everything except IAX
06:17.34QwellI know 0 about h323..
06:17.45litagewhen someone says "SIP splits the signalling and voice streams", they mean that sip does the signalling, and uses rtp for carrying the voice data, and that sip doesn't bundle both into one stream?
06:17.59Corydon76-homelitage: correct
06:18.22Math`litage: SIP uses SDP to negotiate which codec to use and the location of the rtp stream
06:18.39Corydon76-homeIIRC, SIP RTP uses a single stream for each kind of media
06:18.49Qwelleach kind, like video vs audio?
06:18.52Qwellvs dtmf
06:18.52litagedoes H.323 do the exact same thing?
06:19.08Math`Qwell: audio vs video, dtmf are in the same rtp as voice
06:19.12Corydon76-homeI believe so, with the exception that H.323 control is over TCP
06:19.23Math`h323 can do udp too
06:19.44Corydon76-homeMath`: for control?  Or for media only?
06:20.13Math`that was with a gk tho
06:20.31Corydon76-homeas opposed to a gw
06:20.50Math`asterisk (ooh323) was registering as gateway to gnugk
06:20.53Math`using udp
06:22.09litageif SIP uses RTP for its media stream, does each stream use its own port?
06:22.35litagejust wanted to explicitly clear that up  :)
06:22.40Math`or else it would have been the same stream :)
06:23.08Math`I'm wondering... how's video support on IAX?
06:23.27litageMath`: how is it then that you only poke a hole in your firewall for port 5060 to allow SIP through? how does the RTP stream get through?
06:23.47Qwelllitage: some firewalls are smart enough, but with many, you need to open the rtp ports too
06:24.00Math`litage: rtp uses a specified range
06:24.08litageQwell: how are some "smart enough"?
06:24.08Math`(in rtp.conf)
06:24.12Corydon76-homeYour firewall basically has to know to read the control stream to open up a specified port and forward it to the right host
06:24.20Math`some recognize sip traffic
06:24.22Qwelllitage: well, for instance, the ranch networks gear
06:24.36Qwellasterisk says "hey, open this up, and give it exactly this much bandwidth"
06:24.41litageQwell: how about iptables?
06:24.42Qwellsomething like that anyhow
06:24.50Math`as long as your server is not firewalled/nat'ed, the NAT tables of the clients are going to be automaticly ajusted
06:24.53Qwelllitage: There are probably conntrack's for SIP
06:24.56Math`the same way TCP is forwarded
06:25.04Corydon76-homeSometimes, though, they detect that there's a NAT and allow the inner host to establish the stream connection
06:25.50Corydon76-homeOnce a path is established, the packets may flow in both directions
06:25.58Qwellunless you've got a junk d-link. ;]
06:26.47Corydon76-homeEven some of the top-end firewalls are junk when it comes to establishing two-way connections
06:27.29techieany familiar with cha_btp?
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06:29.19litagei opened port 5060 on my workstation's firewall and allowed 5060 to pass through my router. why was i able to send and receive sip calls if i didn't open ports 10,000 to 20,000?
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06:30.07Corydon76-homelitage: Linux workstation?
06:30.07Math`litage: as we said, some firewalls are smart enough
06:30.18GeneGDoes anyone know whether Asterisk 1.2 does a better job of native bridging IAX2 connections through a NAT? Doesn't seem to work with 1.0.10 (unable to transfer).
06:30.33Corydon76-homeDo you have an iptables rule that contains ESTABLISHED,RELATED ?
06:31.20litageCorydon76-home: yes, using iptables
06:31.24Corydon76-homeThose two keywords allow the firewall to let through SIP RTP sessions established by the control port
06:31.36Corydon76-homesince the connections are related...
06:32.34litageCorydon76-home: yes
06:33.04litageah, i see
06:33.46Math`Corydon-w: so iptables parses SIP to properly map RTP ?
06:34.22Corydon76-homeMath`: I think so, yes.
06:34.40Math`I wonder is pf does so too
06:35.16Corydon76-homeIt may not fully parse the messages, but it may only detect the IP:port text portions internal to the protocol and open ports accordingly
06:35.33Math`that'd be nice
06:36.01Math`broadband routers should be using iptables
06:36.51*** join/#asterisk mred (
06:37.19mredHey all
06:37.39mredGot a quick question is any body available?
06:40.30glm2kmred: just ask...if someone knows, it will be answered.
06:40.41mredok thanks
06:40.59litageCorydon76-home: when you said that iptables allows the rtp stream through because of the ESTABLISHED,RELATED clause, were you referring to UPnP?
06:41.34mredI have a section in extensions.conf that looks like this:
06:41.38Corydon76-homeNot necessarily
06:41.39mredexten => s,1,Answer
06:41.39mredexten => s,2,Goto(waitexent,1,1)
06:41.39mred;exten => s3,1,Hangup
06:41.39mredexten => 1,1,Background(play-extension-message)
06:41.41mredexten => 1,2,WaitExten(15)
06:41.43mredexten => 1,400,Goto(local,400,1)
06:41.45mredexten => i,1,Playback(invalidextension)
06:41.47mredexten => i,2,Goto(waitextent,1,2)
06:41.49litagemred: use a pastebin
06:41.49Corydon76-homeDON'T PASTE INTO THE CHANNEL
06:41.49mredexten => i,2,Hangup
06:41.53Corydon76-homeUSE PASTEBIN
06:41.57jbotextra, extra, read all about it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
06:42.20mredAh ok sorry
06:42.25*** join/#asterisk rehan_Linuxer (
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06:42.46Corydon76-homelitage: don't know if upnp is necessarily parsed by iptables
06:42.46Math`Corydon76-home: when using the iAX2 protocol, in a full frame, the "Frame type" and "Subclass" fields, are they the same value as AST_FRAME_* ?
06:43.02Math`iptables doesnt do upnp
06:43.11Math`there is a project called upnpd tho
06:43.15mredCould someone explain what I need to adjust to alow more than 1 number to be dialed for an extension?
06:43.38Math`define your extensions in that contex
06:44.02CaT[tm]AMP has drained all my energy. this bites.
06:44.23QwellCaT[tm]: give it up
06:44.33Qwellvi is a far better config tool
06:44.36Corydon76-homeMath`: the subclass is dependent upon what the Frame type is
06:44.42CaT[tm]for me, yeah.
06:44.51CaT[tm]but this is not necessarily for me :/
06:44.57Corydon76-homebut yes, the frame type is generally the same as AST_FRAME_*
06:46.46mredThanks Math. Got it
06:47.18litageon my router, i allowed port 5060 through, but i didn't allow any RTP through.somehow i was able to send and receive SIP calls. how was that able to work?
06:47.44Corydon76-homelitage: haven't we already gone through that?
06:47.51*** join/#asterisk ThaZZa_Work (n=me@
06:47.57glm2kheh, and i was about to answer him too :)
06:48.14litageCorydon76-home: my router is a cisco router; it doesn't use iptables
06:48.21Corydon76-homelitage: short term memory loss?
06:48.35Math`litage: same thing anyways
06:48.42glm2kdifferent name
06:48.42litageCorydon76-home: it uses ACLs and only ESTABLISHED, *no* RELATED clauses
06:48.52Corydon76-homelitage: well, you're out of luck, because I don't have the source to your Cisco router handy
06:49.09Math`heh I wonder if anybody not working for cisco has that :P
06:49.21Corydon76-homeMike Lynn might
06:49.31Corydon76-homebut he can't say (at least, not publically)
06:49.58glm2koy, one hit for stolen ios source code...
06:50.02Math`got plenty of matches for 11.2-8 ios source :o
06:50.23glm2ki got one for 12.3
06:50.27*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
06:50.53glm2kah heck, the uk police nabbed the guy just a few links down
06:51.22glm2kheh, talk about reading google like newspaper with a timeline
06:52.22glm2ki don't get it, the leak spawned security concerns? does it have that many exploits?
06:52.46glm2kwouldn't a leak actually make something more secure? (yeah i'm from _that_ camp)
06:52.55dpryoIf you read the source, and discovers bugs, yeah, sure? :)
06:53.12dpryoDepends on how you use it
06:53.22johnrageI am looking for a developer who can help me build our me offlist
06:53.36glm2kthat's my point, after all this time, you'd expect cisco to have a a bulletproof implementation
06:53.38Mavviejohnrage: this is not a list.
06:53.59dpryoglm2k: Nothing is bulletproof ;)
06:54.09glm2kjohnrage: please post on the biz list
06:54.15glm2kMavvie: true that.
06:54.17johnragethanks guys
06:54.41QwellTHAT is bulletproof ^^
06:59.13MavvieI don't understand this channel juggling:
06:59.19Mavviewhy does it do that?
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07:33.10KeX_WorXgood morning
07:33.37KeX_WorXis it possible to dial a number during a call is beeing sestablished?
07:34.29KeX_WorXif the callee is busy I want to dial somethin so, the caller gets automatically called back (is this understandable?)
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07:53.06TondHow can I trim the firt 2 digits of an extension before i redirect it to a Cisco GW?  ex. i want to translate 011 into 322 and send it to the terminating gw
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07:56.25kamileonhello everyone
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08:04.53litagewhile a call is taking place, would the RTP stream go through Asterisk or SER or GnuGK, or would it go straight from caller to callee?
08:05.33Qwelllitage: depends
08:05.51JamesDotComser doesnt touch media streams
08:05.53JamesDotComit's a sip proxy
08:06.37movergood morning:-)
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08:06.53litageQwell: depends on what?
08:07.07Qwelllitage: with Asterisk, it depends on whether you allow reinvites
08:07.38litageQwell: why/how does that affect it?
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08:07.55Qwellif you reinvite, the media won't go through *
08:08.19litageQwell: and if you don't reinvite, the RTP stream goes through *?
08:08.24[av]banireinvite means the rtp streams can be redirected
08:09.01[av]bani* tells the remote end to establish rtp connection directly with the device, only sip remains on *
08:09.13[av]banibut of course, nat prevents that from working
08:09.33FuriousGeorgefor some reason, one of my mailboxes greetings have become inaccessible nor can i set them in the "advanced options"
08:14.10*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
08:15.31litagehow does a media proxy help/solve NAT issues?
08:17.10*** join/#asterisk daguerro (i=Co_Care@
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08:24.33af_skinny uses tcp or udp?
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08:28.36KeX_WorXanyone uses the Read function in dialplan?
08:28.58af_oh thanks lilo
08:29.01af_oh thanks litage
08:29.31KeX_WorXexten => _X,103,Read(INP,tt-monkeys,2,1) <-- I've this, but asterisk waites until timeout (not 1 sec) and reads nothing : /
08:29.32af_oh ok, so tcp for signaling and rtp for audio.....
08:29.38litagenp af_. i just recommend that you google your questions before asking them in irc. i found that page by searching for something like "skinny tcp udp"
08:30.29af_why sip so popular?
08:30.57af_it's because it's a very well described standard?
08:34.35JamesDotComamong other reasons
08:35.16JamesDotComit's designed to work well over the internet
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08:41.04litagehow does a media proxy help/solve NAT issues?
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08:45.04Qwelllitage: it can know where to send the packets internally
08:45.04JamesDotCom2 nat'ted clients connect to the media proxy which has a real ip
08:45.23JamesDotCominstead of 2 nat'ted clients trying to connect to private ip's
08:45.28JamesDotCombut it's really not an issue
08:45.41JamesDotComa decent sip proxy (SER) can rewrite the sdp packets when they have a private ip in themn
08:47.11litageif 2 NAT'd clients connect through SER, they don't need a media proxy?
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08:49.25litageif you're using SER or GnuGK, in what situation(s) would you/clients need a media proxy?
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08:53.08JamesDotComi cant speak for gnugk
08:53.21litagehow about for SER?
08:54.15JamesDotComwith regards to sip, only if they're behind a symmetrical nat will there be problems i believe
08:54.29JunK-Ybrookshire: !!!
08:54.37brookshiregoto bed!
08:55.16cypromisyah ulaws go to sleep
08:55.33brookshireblues #1
08:55.36JunK-Yim on phone with gf
08:55.45JunK-Yblues and chicks yeah!
08:56.09brookshire<-- eating ramen
08:57.18litageJamesDotCom: symmetrical nat?
08:57.38*** join/#asterisk Genman (
08:57.43GenmanHi people
08:57.56JunK-Y<--- eating nothing
08:58.27Qwell<--- chewing on cellphone antenna
08:58.29GenmanCould anyone help me with some HW advise?
08:58.34QwellGenman: ask away
08:58.51QwellIt's advice, btw..
08:58.55Qwelladvise is a verb
08:59.10JunK-Yim going to bed now
08:59.13JunK-Ysee ya guys
08:59.17QwellJunK-Y: night
08:59.19JunK-Ysee ya tomorrow brookshire
08:59.23Qwelloh wait
08:59.28QwellJunK-Y: Are you going to VON?
08:59.38JunK-YQwell: not sure yet
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09:01.15JunK-Yi will c if i could be there.
09:01.44QwellI'm just gonna take vacation time
09:02.09trixteryou get vacation time?
09:02.13Qwellif I do that, I'll have better chances of going to Astricon, paid
09:02.19Qwelltrixter: 5 weeks a year. :D
09:02.26trixterI oinly get 52 weeks a year
09:02.43GenmanI need to make a PBX, and we have 4 ISDN2 connections and 30 PSTN connections, what card(s) should I use for the server?
09:03.02trixterdefine pstn connections
09:03.03QwellGenman: Why not get like two PRIs?  Where are you located?
09:03.07trixteranalog lines?
09:03.18Genmanalalog lines yes
09:03.24Genmananalog lines
09:03.36QwellGet some PRIs, that's just nuts
09:03.45GenmanQwell: not for HP - Spare time fun :-)
09:03.53trixterdepending on the plan it may actually be cheaper to get analog
09:04.05Qwellplus the ISDN?
09:04.13trixterwhat if its idsl?
09:04.20QwellI'd be willing to put money on the fact that it's cheaper with PRI :p
09:04.29trixterwhich is basically isdn but dedicated instead of switched
09:04.32litagedo you set the packetization (Eg: 20ms) on the enduser device (Eg: softphone), on *, or on SER?
09:04.34GenmanYea, see the lines are what we have, cannot really change that
09:04.35trixterI just dont know
09:04.52trixterand like where I live its more for a pri than analog even though my phone company ran fiber past my driveway :/
09:04.58QwellGenman: are the ISDN's BRI?
09:05.01*** join/#asterisk jan__ (
09:05.04Qwell4x BRI?
09:05.34trixterjust a few miles away though pris get really really cheap
09:05.45GenmanBRI ?
09:05.54jbotmethinks bri is the Basic Rate Interface , an ISDN access interface type composed of two B-channels each at 64 kbps and one D-channel at 16kbps (2B+D).
09:06.20GenmanYea, sound like that
09:06.31*** join/#asterisk GordonF (
09:06.47QwellWhat's an E1, 30 or 32?
09:07.18QwellIf it were just a few less, I'd say get a channelbank, and put it to an E1 card
09:07.21Genmannone of either i think, we have 4 lines
09:07.23WasPhantomdepends on how you get it delivered.
09:07.27trixter32 but one is dead and the other is signalling
09:07.32trixterso 30 bearer
09:07.35Qwelloh, hmm
09:07.38QwellSo that would work
09:07.46trixterthe dead one is used for syncxing or something lame like that
09:08.41Qwellso like...if you could get something that'll take 4x BRI, and output a PRI, you could get a dual T1/E1 card, that box, and a channelbank...put the T1/E1's through *
09:08.56Qwellbit complex, but it's probably better than the alternatives
09:09.25GenmanQwell: and the analog?
09:09.32Qwellthrough the channelbank to an E1
09:09.35trixterthat is what the channel bank is for
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09:09.49Qwelltrixter: let me know if I'm going too far fetched
09:09.51trixterwe have botnet!
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09:10.03Genmanah, I need to read up on this before I start working on it, and recommended linkis ?
09:10.03Qwellno staffers avail, of course
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09:10.20jboti heard docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
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09:10.24Qwellhmm, large
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09:11.02trixterthe botnet skills are weak
09:11.07trixterthey had 100 the other day
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09:13.26QwellIsn't this what +f is supposed to fix?  heh
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09:14.21tronixaww... and I was *so* hoping they just wanted to learn something about *... ;)
09:14.50QwellThat was kinda...pathetic
09:15.43QwellI'm unimpressed
09:15.54trixterpeople on aol have better
09:16.08*** join/#asterisk soundguy (
09:16.09Qwellmy grandma has a bigger botnet
09:16.23Qwelland she's been dead for 20 years :p
09:17.09soundguyHey. How do I change the key you need to press to transfer calls in asterisk. By default it is "#", but I want to make it "##" -- I know it is possible, just not sure how. Any help would be greatly appreciated
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09:18.20QwellI think new versions can be set from features.conf
09:18.29soundguyBecause often on some phones I need to enter numbers followed by the hash/pound key, and when I press that it tries to transfer it
09:18.46*** join/#asterisk cryter (n=l@
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09:20.01cryteri'm new to asterisk
09:20.43cryteri just bought a TDM card and a IP-Phone
09:21.03Qwelloff to bed
09:21.19cryterthe Card and IP-Phone has been successfully installed but i don't know what should I do now
09:21.25GenmanQwell: Thanks for the help, enjoy your sleep
09:21.34soundguyConfigure it :)
09:21.40soundguyHave you compile asterisk with the zaptel drivers?
09:21.49cryteri compiled it already
09:22.01soundguySo have you configured zaptel.conf and zapata.conf?
09:22.16crytermodprobe wctdm
09:22.22soundguywhat module do you have, FXO or FXS?
09:22.27crytermodprobe zaptel also success
09:22.35cryter1 FXO and 1 FXS
09:22.46crytermodprobe wcfxo also success
09:22.49crytermodprobe wcfxs also success
09:22.55Qwellcryter: don't load those two
09:22.58Qwelljust wctdm
09:22.59crytermy IP phone is AT-323
09:23.01soundguyso in extensions.conf have you configured it?
09:23.20Qwellcryter: wctdm takes care of the fxo and fxs ports on the tdm card.  zaptel is a dep, so it'll be autoloaded
09:23.26cryterthe extensions.conf is the one that I dont know what should I do with it
09:23.51*** join/#asterisk Sajid_Khan (n=human@
09:23.53crytermy boss tell me to use IAX protocol
09:24.24Sajid_KhanAny one intrested in doing one Asterisk Project
09:26.34crytermy TDM card I connected with telephone line, then my AT-323 IP-Phone is connected to the network cable
09:26.42rene-Sajid_Khan: i might be
09:26.43soundguyUse SIP
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09:26.46cryteri can see the IP-Phone on the network
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09:27.01cryterhow can i make phone call to this IP-phone?
09:27.03rene-Sajid_Khan: what are you looking for
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09:27.18soundguyhmm...lots of joins
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09:27.34Sajid_KhanRene- would u mind if we talk in private...??
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09:27.41cryteri woulr appreciate if somebody can give me a hint, i need a kick start
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09:27.51cryteri would appreciate if somebody can give me a hint, i need a kick start
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09:28.06Sajid_KhanAny one else intrested in doing one Asterisk Project
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09:32.17trixterSajid_Khan: what  type of asterisk project?  I am doing many right now ...
09:32.46trixterthis botnet is quite lame
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09:33.43bastyI want to connect from an Asterisk 1.0.10 to an Asterisk 1.2.4 via SIP (not IAX). After setting up an registry line into the sip.conf it replys "wrong passwort". Anyone has an idea ?
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09:36.57Sajid_Khan!ping $me
09:38.07jaikeam compiling asterisk-addons...make clean   make   make install..but the isnt i have to edit the Makefile?
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09:38.24jaikeits not in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
09:38.57cypromisdo you have the mysql development stuff installed ?
09:39.02cypromisotherwhiles it will just ignore it
09:39.22GenmanWhat is the name of analog lines?
09:39.28jaikemysql is on another server
09:39.40cypromisyou need the development headers/libs to compile the ccdr stuff
09:39.49GenmanI mean digital lines are DSx , but what is analog lines called?
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09:43.58rene-~seen jerjer
09:44.02jbotjerjer <n=jj@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 18d 12h 13m 8s ago, saying: 'thanks again'.
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09:46.29jaikethat did it..thanks
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09:48.56bastyI want to connect from an Asterisk 1.0.10 to an Asterisk 1.2.4 via SIP (not IAX). After setting up an registry line into the sip.conf it replys "wrong password". Anyone has an idea ? In the debug I can see that Asterisk 1.0.10 is seding a register string like: <sip:customer@XXXXX>;tag=as3e7326b4' <- the tag ?!
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10:16.00jaikehave just upgraded from 1.0.9 to 1.2.4....i try to make a call to a goes into the queue, plays MOH for a few seconds...then hangs up the call
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10:16.28jaikeive already set joinempty = yes and leavewhenempty = no
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10:23.46PoWeRKiLLI have lot of error like this Feb  6 11:10:49 WARNING[6178] chan_zap.c: Ring requested on channel 0/7 already in use on span 1.  Hanging up owner. any idea ?
10:24.06JohanQuestion: When a call enters asterisk there are several variables like 'uniqueid'. When I use queues and asterisk calls back an agent, the original uniqueid is lost and a new one is created. Is there a way to retrieve the original uniqued back when an agent is called back? Or a way to pass the var's?
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10:29.10PoWeRKiLLJohan get it when you get the call and store it on a variable
10:32.05RoyKwith callingcards, prepaid stuff, you usuall have a small area covered with soft plastic or so, so you can just remove that with a coin or your nails or something. what do you call this area? in english?
10:32.09*** join/#asterisk [Lv]archeens (n=a@
10:32.17[Lv]archeensJoin New MMORPG Online Game ... Join forum .. and fill out beta !
10:32.19[Lv]archeensJoin New MMORPG Online Game ... Join forum .. and fill out beta !
10:32.27*** part/#asterisk [Lv]archeens (n=a@
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10:34.41JohanPoWeRKiLL: I do but when an agent is called back I need to find out what call that is, you see what I men?
10:35.29PoWeRKiLLso make an entry in astdb uniqueid and callerid
10:36.08JohanPoWeRKiLL: ok, but the uniqueid changes when the agent is called back
10:36.18Johanthat's the problem
10:36.18*** join/#asterisk fulgas (n=fulgas@
10:37.43PoWeRKiLLJohan so use the callerid for find it back
10:38.53JohanPoWeRKiLL: Ok, but I thought the callerid isn't alway's known, or I am wrong? Lemme take a look at the docs again
10:38.54pipahi guys, new to installing asterisk
10:39.12pipawhats the best distro for asterisk? thanks
10:39.16PoWeRKiLLJohan it's true but I don't see another solution
10:39.24CaT[tm]the one you like the most.
10:39.57pipaCaT[tm], so any distro will do as long as it is working.. thanks!
10:40.02JohanPoWeRKiLL: Hmmz I will keep on searching ;)
10:40.08CaT[tm]pipa: prettymuch.
10:40.21Astarsomeone knows actos ?
10:41.32knoboDoes anyone have example-data for a group_member_table for a database?
10:42.07knoboI'm a litle bit unshure on how to add entries
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10:44.44knobosorry that is group
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10:48.22knobo. o O (need more coffee)
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10:54.37RoyKknobo: wtf are you doing here? :)
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10:56.06EriSanhi guys, if i get a SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden, what would be causing that ?
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11:02.17RoyKEriSan: wrong password?
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11:03.00EriSanno, i was able to make a call before, after that i allways get that
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11:11.16AnontyOne of my peers always says 'UNREACHABLE'
11:11.25AnontyIs there a way to see why it is 'UNREACHABLE'?
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11:12.39jan__I look for a way to connect 4xISDN2 (digital/BRI) lines to my Asterisk, do you know any good digium hardware?
11:14.23ZeeekAnonty maybe it doesn't like responding to a qualify
11:14.32Zeeekremove qualify and see if that helps
11:17.32ckruetzejan__: Try
11:19.16*** join/#asterisk Kittie (
11:19.17jan__does digium not have any hardware to a 4xISDN BRI line
11:19.30Kittiejoin 3d chat
11:19.32KittieIt's free, and doesn't take long to set up. Check it out at:
11:19.36*** part/#asterisk Kittie (
11:20.00ckruetzejan__: I don't know, but I think they only do PRI and analog
11:20.50jaikewhew. just finished upgrading 1.0.7 to 1.2.4. so many configs to overhaul
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11:23.31AnontyZeeek >> Then the connection still doesn't work. I mean I don't get any incomming calls
11:23.50AnontyZeeek >> So I have no idea how to check whether it is working or not
11:27.12*** join/#asterisk Etop (n=Etop@
11:27.36Etopi need some help
11:27.42iDunnothat's nice.
11:27.47Etopi know
11:27.55Etopand im sure some of you people are so nice
11:28.00Etopand will answer a simple question
11:28.01iDunno(or better yet: ask and people may respond :)
11:28.15Etopi have a cisco as5300
11:28.25Etopand asterisk
11:28.35Etopi already have h323 configured on as5300
11:28.57Etopand i want to add sip
11:29.02Etopusing asterisk...
11:29.12Etopthe question is - if i add one more dialtopeer on cisco
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11:29.19Etopwill h323 get screwed up ?
11:30.15iDunnoright - not a clue, lost you after "cisco" then lost you again when you said "h323" :)
11:31.00Etopi have no choice
11:31.07Etopi have a bunch of clients connected through h323
11:31.15Etopand i can't disconnect them just like that
11:31.38thazzaEtop: Can't you find the power plug?
11:31.48Etopi think i could
11:31.56Etopi can unplug it and look for a new job
11:32.40thazzaEtop: Unplug, look for a new job.. Or don't fix. quit, and then when they call you back up in a month.. install sip phones.
11:33.35iDunnothazza: you are evil. :)
11:34.00*** part/#asterisk Etop (n=Etop@
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11:34.21mut3 cars stuck in the driveway to work this mroning
11:34.24mutone of them being mine
11:35.01thazzamut:  Build a bigger driveway.
11:35.29*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (i=me@
11:35.34mutwhats that goin to do
11:35.45Newbie___hi guys, is there a way to find out if i have successfully installed h323 ?
11:35.55iDunnomut: make them not-stuck?
11:36.10muthow is a bigger driveway goin to make em not get stuck?
11:36.30mutjust more room for more to be stuck
11:38.17iDunnolimit to 3 cars, make bigger driveway.
11:39.45thazzamut: Stop putting super glue on your driveway. ;-)
11:40.01mutsnow drifts this morning were horrible
11:40.11muteven on the road to work i almost got stuck cause of a drift
11:40.24thazzamut: Much better to put caster suger mixed with cooking oil.
11:40.26*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
11:40.38saftsack_Sam--, hi are you here?
11:41.50trixtersnow drifts arent usually a problem for me, infact people have followed me down unplowed streets cause I kinda clear it as I drive
11:42.07trixterdepends on how high the drift is though
11:43.35mutit's about 7-10 inches of snow drift
11:43.49mutfor ~500 yards of driveway
11:44.12muti made it about halfway til i saw another stuck car and hesitated
11:44.22mutthat lil bit of slow down stopped me cold
11:44.44muti wouldn't have made it around it anyway so i guess it didn't matter
11:45.09dpryolol, you newbies in snow!
11:45.54trixteroh that is nothing
11:45.56trixterfor my jeep anyway
11:46.01trixter31 inch tires, 2 inch lift
11:46.06mutfor a jeep sure
11:46.14mutthe ground clearance is more than 7 inches
11:46.15trixterI have driven through higher snow on the road to get to the chain check point :P
11:46.29mutand 4wd
11:46.35dpryoI live in Norway. We have snow 12 months a year, and penguins in the street.
11:46.38trixterwell its not just that I raised my jeep up with larger tires and all that..  had to put a 2 inch lift on so they fit
11:46.43trixterits fun off roading though!
11:46.54trixterlive near the rubicon trail which is quite a bit of fun
11:46.57mutlooks like the arctic right now tho
11:46.59trixter22 miles takes 2 days to drive
11:47.06mutall ya see is headlights down the drivewa
11:47.13mutwith snow blowing past contantly with no let up
11:47.29mutgotta make my way back to my car to get it out
11:48.55JohanPoWeRKiLL: I found a solution. All queue actions are written to a log file. Parsing that makes it possible to see 'who' answerd 'wich' phonecall.
11:49.38ZeeekAnonty ?
11:49.54Zeeekslt PoWeRKiLL
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12:00.03mutman i love oversized coffee cups
12:00.33saftsackdoes my asterisk need some special functions for redirection?
12:01.17blkremedyIs 40 gigs too much for an asterisk@home box?
12:01.45blkremedyI mean what's the ideal HDD size?
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12:04.01blkremedyI'm trying to determine if I should use a 10 gig or a 40 gig but, it seems like 40 gigs would be an over kill. To all of the experts in the room; does asterisk really need a lot of space?
12:04.21ZeeekYou never have enough, so why not use the 40
12:04.42ZeeekThe bigger disk is usually faster anyway
12:05.32mutless it's a few 9gig scsi's
12:05.42sambalhi, i have a question about outgoing callerid with the Digium TE210P Card(2x e1 card), Can this be set in the extensions.conf with Set(CALLERID(number)=12345) ? or are there other settings to do this?
12:06.04mutit can be set in the extensions
12:06.10mutor zapata.conf
12:06.16blkremedyThat is a fact. Just didn't want to waste a 40 gig for something that's not going to really use all of that space
12:06.31sambalyeah, with zapata.conf you must set it to an channel
12:06.32blkremedyI'll go with the 40 gig just in case
12:06.41mutor set it to call channels
12:06.54muter whatever
12:06.57jbotrumour has it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
12:07.11sambalk, and with extensions is it the way to do it with Set(CALLERID)?
12:07.40sambalokey great i know enough going to try it again :-)
12:07.44sambalthanks for your info mut
12:07.50sambaland your time ofcourse
12:09.23[av]baniecho, the curse of cheap hardware :(
12:10.03RoyKmut: zaptel echocancel....
12:10.25muthavn't gotten it to work
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12:12.21sambalhmm, not working with callerid in zapata i think my E1 provider (versatel) has closed it for us
12:12.22mutsomething you use?
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12:13.37[av]banimut: seems the best way to deal with echo, the asterisk software ec's are not very good
12:14.15muti don't need 23 of em tho
12:14.15[av]banimut: and the tellabs ECs seem the best, its what ILECs use
12:14.27mutyou ever done this?
12:14.36[av]baniwell you have a te405p, so you're presumably using >1 channel
12:15.15mutyea.. it's a t1 canceller tho.. not a per channel
12:15.20mutor is it?
12:15.29[av]baniits a t1 canceller, so it cancels every channel on the t1
12:15.54mutwell for right now i'm only using 1 of em
12:16.00[av]banidoesnt matter then
12:16.00mutmaye in the future i'd euse 4
12:16.15[av]baniitll work the same way regardless
12:16.41[av]baniyour t1 is still clocked at 1.54mbps, you're just only using 1 timeslot of it
12:17.04saftsackFeb  6 13:17:47 debian kernel: a   5  33   0   4   0   3   0   0 tr: 33 r  16 100   2  11   1  11   2   2
12:17.08saftsackwhat is that?
12:18.25*** join/#asterisk Jun_ (
12:20.49mutso has anyone in here actually done that?
12:22.05I-MODa hardware echocan?
12:22.29mutthe tellabs hack
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12:27.48mutthat maybe be better than the other?
12:27.52saftsackare some isdn experienced people here?
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12:34.03mutmaye if i get good at it i can build some homebrews up and sell em to people
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12:34.10mutpremade echo cans for asterisk
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12:34.15CaT[tm]that the user/group?
12:34.15mutkline flood!
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12:34.43mutso what happened to +r on the chan
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12:34.56*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*@] by kram
12:34.57saftsackwere there a netsplit?
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12:35.17iDunnonope - looks like people are trying to flood :/
12:35.32*** kick/#asterisk [oZfCy!n=mark@pdpc/sponsor/digium/kram] by kram ((*@ CLONEBOTS DETECTED.. AUTO KICK ACTIVATED)
12:35.33*** kick/#asterisk [YEnGr!n=mark@pdpc/sponsor/digium/kram] by kram ((*@ CLONEBOTS DETECTED.. AUTO KICK ACTIVATED)
12:35.33*** kick/#asterisk [yaomin28O!n=mark@pdpc/sponsor/digium/kram] by kram ((*@ CLONEBOTS DETECTED.. AUTO KICK ACTIVATED)
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12:35.33*** kick/#asterisk [lzeynep20r!n=mark@pdpc/sponsor/digium/kram] by kram ((*@ CLONEBOTS DETECTED.. AUTO KICK ACTIVATED)
12:36.15muthis clone kick thing sure takes a bit to kick in
12:36.24sambaldamn bots
12:36.37Poincarewhat happened to the "+r" on #asterisk?
12:36.41saftsackomg ^
12:37.24muthas anyone actually put together one of these telllab modular echo cancellers for asterisk?
12:38.06mutthere it is1
12:40.13saftsackis it possible to define a special context for every channel on my tdm card with zap?
12:43.25dudessetup a group for each zap channel, and assign the context in the group
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12:49.22saftsackdudes, thanks
12:49.35*** join/#asterisk Morex (
12:49.37MorexHello all
12:49.50MorexAnybody got experience hooking up * to Avaya switches?
12:50.00saftsackdudes, do you mean zapata.conf?
12:50.10MorexWe've got a problem with outbound calls
12:50.30saftsackdudes, ok works
12:51.24znoGjust wondering...
12:51.29znoGis this Joseph Tanner guy serious?
12:51.38znoGdoes he really think Walmart is going to give away free IP phones?
12:55.10mutwhat about the te406p
12:55.15mutecho cancel work on that?
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13:06.04CaViCcHifree ip phones?
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13:08.03joelsolankiHello all, I want some guidance. I am using asterisk. I have take onnet usa. it consists of more than 50,000 area codes. Now how do i route only the area codes of onnet on that provider and the area codes which are not covered in onnet to other provider ?
13:08.23joelsolankican anybody provide me hints for this ?
13:08.58Ahrimanesjoelsolanki: you need sometihng like least cost routing
13:09.39joelsolankibut least cost routing can only work if i m having billing system integrate in asterisk.
13:09.42hypa7iajoelsolanki: that kind of complex question might be better on the mailing list
13:10.06hypa7iajust sayin' :)
13:10.18Ahrimanesjoelsolanki: you can just set billing cost to 0
13:10.31joelsolankiI hope some experienced person will be here. and i dont think this complex question. lot of people require this type of setup.
13:10.47znoGhow do you get the listing of the 50,000 area codes for onnet?
13:11.01joelsolankiMy provider gave me.
13:11.07znoGin what format?
13:11.26joelsolankidont u think extension+macros should work ?
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13:11.51[av]banimut: yea i think you could make money reselling hacked tellabs EC's :)
13:11.52Ahrimaneswell it could easily work, but a lot of maintenance
13:12.04joelsolankihmm ok.
13:12.14joelsolankii will try out something :). thanks for hints
13:12.25znoGas for the best way to do it, probably writing app_onnet.c or something similar. Another way is to get that list, parse it and stick it in a DB, write an AGI so that when you go to Dial someone, it checks if the area code is part of the onnet listing, otherwise dial using whoever you wanna use.
13:13.16Ahrimanesthe goal here is the same as in LCD so why not use that and set billing to zero or something like that? that gives you db contained codes and easy way to check the db
13:13.45*** join/#asterisk kamileon (n=kamileon@
13:13.57znoGnot sure how many calls you plan on making per day, but it could get a bit of heavy load if you make a lot of them
13:14.11mutdo the 406p cards echo cancel very well [av]bani?
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13:17.10mishehuoh fuck, please tell me that I'm not the only person having this problem with voicemail
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13:17.46mishehuanytime somebody leaves me a message, the msgXXXX.txt file is 0 bytes
13:18.54joelsolankihmm ok znog:i got your point
13:19.01*** join/#asterisk Flyboy-SR22 (
13:19.53[av]banimut: no idea. only one way to find out!
13:20.00_Paulo_somebody uses gnu-bayonne with *???
13:20.15mutyep, keep asking in here
13:21.12Lurrcan anyone help me with a ringing indication problem?
13:21.59darkskiezLurr: no, but our * server is called lrrr
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13:22.44[av]banimut: but tellabs does work with anything...
13:23.49muti may as well just use my cisco 5350 then
13:25.07*** join/#asterisk tdonahue (n=tdonahue@
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13:28.32*** join/#asterisk SparFux (n=player@tor/session/x-9d3771c51dcf5afc)
13:28.53SparFuxHello. How can I determine wether a channel has been hung up by the peer?
13:29.04*** join/#asterisk elg (
13:29.16iDunnoyou should go. probably.
13:29.24iDunnofor singing that line, of that song, evil.
13:29.27SparFuxHi elg.
13:31.05*** join/#asterisk pohik (n=daryl6G@
13:31.16SparFuxWhen my context is executed, which I have an "h" prio in, the extension once dialed is first terminated and AFTER THAT the "h" context is executed. But this is too late for me, I have to have it executed immediately after peer hung up. Or I have to check, wether it has hung up the line.
13:31.49elgjbot, onjoin -elg
13:31.49jbotok, elg
13:31.58elgjbot, onjoin elg
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13:33.46[av]banimut: someone just posted on * ml that they had bad experience with te411p
13:33.58mutyea, hm
13:34.09mutmaybe i'll have to bite the bullet and sell this pos
13:34.14mutget a sangoma
13:34.26[av]banijust get a tellabs and hack it
13:34.34Bambrhey guys
13:34.44mutthen i need to find all the other crap for it too
13:34.49Bambri got question about configuration stored in db
13:34.49[av]baniits good enough for AT&T its good enough for you
13:35.02[av]banimut: no, just 2 RJ45's and a powersupply
13:35.06mutheh they use it as intended tho
13:35.14mutand rack to put it in
13:35.16Bambrhow do i write to extensions table what used to be include directive in file extensions.conf?
13:35.23[av]banino, thats only if you want it to look pretty
13:35.43mutwell i'de rather not have cards strewn across the floor
13:35.50[av]baniyour loss :)
13:35.54[av]banisome of us LIKE it that way
13:36.07mutand some of us like to look professional
13:36.16*** join/#asterisk walhala (
13:36.18[av]banibut if you get a tellabs then it will work no matter what you have.. digium, sangoma, cisco, etf
13:36.19walhalahi all
13:36.40walhalai have a strange error on my asterisk i have this "Failed to grab lock" what does it mean ?
13:36.52[av]banibut a rack seems cheap
13:36.55mutwhat happens when i use it for fxo?
13:37.09walhaladoes anyone know how to loadbalance sip ?
13:37.23muti dunno, i'll look at it a bit more
13:37.25[av]banimut: what do you think it _is_, when you connect t1 to ilec?
13:37.30[av]baniit's fxo
13:37.40mutcause the cards on ebay and whatever
13:38.02[av]baniall it does is echo cancel, whether its fxo or fxs is up to your channelbank
13:38.37[av]baniand really, fxs sucks you should use ip phones instead...
13:38.44[av]baniand those usually have local EC in the phone
13:39.19mutwe have a whole town hooked up via fxs tho
13:39.27[av]baniEC is just some headache you dont want to mess around with, and a good hardware EC seems the best way to go
13:39.38mutour own copper house to house
13:39.45[av]banikill all humans
13:40.37jaigermut, you want hardware EC if you have that many users
13:40.42muti could get this...
13:40.51mutthen get those cards
13:40.55jaigeryou don't want the headache of software ec
13:40.55mutand stick em in there
13:41.00*** part/#asterisk Lurr (
13:42.01jaigermut, is that the 2 card shelf?
13:42.11mutwith 2 cards in it
13:42.15mutbut not the models i need aparently
13:42.30mutleast that guide on voip-info doesn't list the 2551 model
13:42.37jaigerthat should work.  I have the 16 card shelf w/ one 2572 in it.  would have liked the 2 card shelf
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13:42.59mutso you've done this before?
13:43.09jaigerfor my own office here
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13:43.16mutdoing all the ping outs not much of a deal then?
13:43.37jaigerit was a pain that I wish I didn't have to do but it works
13:43.57mutdid it using this?
13:44.15jaigeryou only need like 6 pins.  power, ground, and TX/RX
13:44.33jaigermut, yeah I've been watching that page
13:44.45iCEBrkryo yo
13:45.23jaigerok, maybe 10 pins.  I did this 1.5 years ago
13:46.24*** join/#asterisk queuetue (
13:46.28jaigermut, the most annoying thing was that my shelf is wire wrap and I couldn't find a wire wrap tool large enough for the pins.  I ended up finding/buying some Molex connectors that I could modify to fit
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13:48.06jaigertook me a while to find the connectors
13:48.44_Sam--[av]bani:  you dont have any problems to report with the .26 firmware?
13:49.05[av]bani_Sam--: just the looping bug still
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13:49.24[av]banioh, and ringtone volume is borked in the phone UI
13:49.29queuetueHi.  My cable company had to swap out a deceased cable modem/router in the last few days, and now I cannot call out to another sip phone outside of my NAT (and behind another NAT.)  This config worked fine before, so I assume it is a port forwarding problem. He can call me fine (* inside my NAT) and I can call another SIP phone fine also behind my NAT, but If I call him, his phone rings, he answers, and there is just dead air unti
13:49.31_Sam--i remotely upgraded some client phones, but i didnt know about the big issue with the display problems
13:49.37_Sam--Important Information:
13:49.41_Sam--Due to a firmware bug in which causes display problems.....
13:49.43mistyGood morning :) I am doing initial support with the thought of upgrading our dinosaur of a phone system with Asterisk
13:50.12[av]bani_Sam--: duped the bug then?
13:50.13_Sam--they implemented, though, a feature i asked for
13:50.28_Sam--the disable missed call log on screen
13:50.28mistyI'm trying to find some info about whether our handsets may possibly interface with Asterisk
13:50.36mutjaigerL wire wrap?
13:51.29jaigermut, some of the shelves are wire wrap
13:51.47queuetuemisty: You'd have to give more information than that.
13:52.19mistyof course I would :) I was just making sure it was the right place to ask.  They are Toshiba DKT2010 phones.
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13:52.40mutahve some pics?
13:55.24*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (n=PoWeRKiL@
13:55.34jaigermut, it's not too clear but here's the back of my 255 shelf showing the wire wrap...
13:55.48jaigertaken w/ a phone camera
13:56.18mistyIt looks like no toshiba phones are voip capable
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14:00.00jaigermut, looks like the 2 card shelf would be nicer to work with
14:00.14mutwhere'd ya buy the power supply
14:00.19[av]banijaiger: you wired up all the slots?
14:00.29jaiger[av]bani, no, just the one I need
14:00.31mistyoh my word, this is confusing!  Any links on choosing phones / boards to go with an asterisk solution?
14:00.42jaigermut, watched ebay for months to collect all the pieces
14:00.58mutso it's a tellab supply?
14:01.03jaigermut, yes
14:01.42[av]baniafaik you just need a 48v supply, which isnt too hard to find
14:01.55[av]banilots of them around for telco equipment
14:02.00jaigerthe docs on my shelf say 10A supply but I only have 1 card so I went with 1A and it seems to work fine
14:02.18jaigerI would go for a telco brand though
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14:02.54jaigerit puts off a lot of heat too.  make sure you have cooling
14:03.01muti have em for my dslams
14:03.10mutthey take the same thing
14:03.15*** join/#asterisk trelane_ (
14:04.10queuetuemisty: Any SIP or IAX phone will work with asterisk - the best thing to do is read reviews and ask people that have specific models how they like them.  I use sipura SPA2000 and am pretty happy with them.
14:04.37mutthot hey don't say how many amps they are
14:04.39mistyI've a feeling looking at phones first is the wrong way around
14:04.46mutother than "no more than 20amps"
14:05.00mistywe currently have 50 lines, I'd like to have 150 or 200 potential lines
14:05.01[av]banispa2000 isnt a phone
14:05.17queuetueI had to replace a dead DSL modem/router in the last few days, and now when I call another sip phone outside of my NAT (and behind another NAT), I get no audio after the ring and pickup.  This config worked fine before, so I assume it is a port forwarding problem. He can call me fine (* inside my NAT) and I can call another SIP phone fine also behind my NAT, but If I call him, his phone rings, he answers, and there is just dead ai
14:05.23mistyhow do I find the appropriate cards that provide that? not sure of the terminology
14:05.53[av]banimisty: youll end up spending about as much to interface phones with voip as you will just buying voip phones. and youll get far more functionality from a voip phone.
14:06.08mistyI am sure you're right
14:06.16mistybut first I have to see what I would put into my server :)
14:06.46queuetuespa2000 I'm not sure why you want to make the distinction, but yes, the SPA2000 is an adapter that lets me use any phone I want.  We actually use GE 27977ge-3 cordless headsets, which we all love with the sipura.
14:06.48mutso like
14:06.51mutthat'de be perfect eh
14:07.01*** join/#asterisk Defraz_ (
14:07.23KeX_WorXhow can I set callerid from within an agi script?
14:07.47[av]baniqueuetue: spa2000 is a 'gateway'
14:07.52[av]banior rather, an ATA
14:07.55KeX_WorXis this correct that I've to print SET CALLERID "name <nr>" to standart out?
14:08.14mistyI can get a phone cheaper than that adaptor
14:08.17[av]baniqueuetue: the distinction between a gateway/ata and a voip phone is HUGE. which is why i make the distinction
14:08.20queuetue[av]bani: Again, no clue why you want to make the distinction, but you are free to.
14:09.54jaigermut, looks good to me
14:10.38mistyok what is the thing inside the computer called, for voip? it's called a voice board on our systems
14:11.28[av]bania cpu?
14:11.34mistyI don't know much at all about our current system, to give you an idea it is running on a 486
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14:12.00mistyyou don't have to have interface boards?? these are what the 25-pair plugs into I think
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14:13.06queuetuemisty: This may be a project you will have a hard time deploying on your own....  At least purchase the asterisk book before starting a 150 extension rollout. :)
14:13.22*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
14:13.34mistyof course, I am just doing initial research now to learn the terminology etc
14:13.44mistyit isn't something that will probably happen within the next year even
14:14.23Modcutsdoes anyone in here use the grandstream gxp2000?
14:14.32queuetuemisty: OK, the basics are best learned via google ( , and then come here for specifics.  No one likes repeating stuff that's very easy to learn with a web search.
14:14.47mistythank you
14:14.49[av]baniModcuts: yes, _Sam-- and i do
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14:15.55queuetueModcuts: I'm planning to, but have not.
14:16.10Modcuts[av]bani: well have u ever got custom tones to work or have any better tones then the one it ships with?
14:16.54[av]baniyes, ive got them to work
14:17.09*** join/#asterisk sigmounte (
14:17.39CoKanehy guys I installed the quadBRI PCI ISDN card from junghanns getting the following error "ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: No such device or address (6)"
14:17.47CoKaneanyone experience this before
14:17.50queuetueCan I hook "normal" ethernet gear up to a POE system?
14:18.21KeX_WorXanyone uses asterisk 1.2 and rewrites the callerid od the calleridname?
14:18.34KeX_WorXI tried to do that, but without success : /
14:18.41KeX_WorXcan anyone help me?
14:19.25queuetueRTP requires forwarding of ports 8766 to 35000? Isn't that a mite excessive?
14:20.19sawguys, is there something like an analog-to-ip box to connect analog devices to asterisk?
14:20.38Ahrimanessaw: ATA ?
14:20.46sawwhats that?
14:20.52[av]baniqueuetue: some phones let you choose the ports
14:21.22Ahrimanessaw: analogue telephone adapter
14:22.05jbotfrom memory, ata is Analog Telephone Adapter which is used to put a normal analog phone onto ethernet, see for more info
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14:25.14fsaHello everyone. I've a PBX system setup at my office and I just came across Asterisk. Can anyone tell me how can I benefit from it!
14:25.49Ahrimaneswhat a question
14:26.02cpmIf it isn't obvious, then perhaps you wouldn't benefit from t.
14:26.43knoboRoyK: searching for help.
14:26.47fsawat hardware do I need to setup Asterik
14:26.48coppicefsa: is your PBX broken?
14:27.05fsacoppice: no my PBX system is working properly
14:27.25coppicethen it doesn't need fixing. seems you have no use for Asterisk
14:28.06fsadoes Asterisk need any special hardware? if not I'd like to experiment with it and set it up at my home
14:28.39Ahrimanesfsa: basically no, but if you need to connect to pstn you will need some specific hardware
14:28.50queuetueWhat's the easiest way to test MOH with only 1 phone on hand?
14:29.12fsaI read that Asterisk supports VoiceMail and Custom Hold music which my current PBX system does not support
14:29.22RoyKknobo: #asterisk-no
14:29.41Ahrimanesfsa: true, will give you a good overview and is a great reference
14:29.46CaViCcHiit doesnt support? wow...
14:29.49fsaAhrimanes: then how can I test it?
14:29.53*** join/#asterisk madounet (
14:29.54queuetuefsa: It does, and no special hardware is required - unless you want to hook it up to POTS lines.
14:30.04skefflingqueuetue, something like exten = 234,2,MusicOnHold   then dial 234
14:30.26Ahrimanesfsa: you need to install it, there's something called asterisk@home which can help ease the testing, google for it
14:30.32fsaqueuetue: wat are POTS lines?
14:30.43jboti heard pots is Plain Old Telephone Service as in "Old Analogue Crap"
14:31.24fsaI am currently reading Asterisk Wiki but was just anxious to know if I can install it without special hardware?
14:31.26queuetuefsa: Regular phone lines from the telco, unlike VOIP lines (which come over the Internet via DSL.)
14:31.38*** join/#asterisk jan__ (
14:32.23queuetuefsa: You will need a computer that has a network card.  You can smoke-test 98% of asterisk without any special hardware.  When  (if) you want to hook it into the "normal" phone system, you will need some hardware.
14:32.38jan__What would you recommed as channel bank to a A104 card and E1?
14:32.51Ahrimanesfsa: but really, the wiki knows much more than most of us in here.. reading it is good
14:33.13fsaso I can setup a system thru which I can read caller number and can block it or do a specified task?
14:33.41_Paulo_fsa, this is what * is for.
14:34.12fsaI've a network card and also internal modem. Will this suffice for now?
14:34.24_Paulo_fsa, yes
14:34.53Modcuts[av]bani: how did you convert some or with sox then use tftp server on your comp to upload them on ours it uploads them but the tone don't change does it have to be a specific size?
14:35.03Ahrimanesfsa: well internal modem might not be much use
14:35.08queuetuefsa: Not if you wish to connect it to phone lines (unless you have a very specific modem.)  If you simply wish to test asterisk with VOIP, etc then yes.
14:35.48_Paulo_fsa, you can contract some Voip service...
14:35.56fsathn what kind of modem do I need to have?
14:36.03queuetuefsa: Please go read just a little bit of the asterisk docs - one or two pages should suffice to answer every question you've asked so far.
14:36.22fsaI also have an external modem
14:36.23*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
14:36.35fsaThnkx guys for clearing my doubts. I'll go and read the Wiki now
14:36.37_Paulo_fsa, go install *
14:37.01fsaThnkx guys
14:37.05tzafrir_laptopAm I the only one who had problems with the missing .version file in the zaptel tarball?
14:37.22*** join/#asterisk bails (n=bails@
14:37.44bailsanyone in here using a@home 1.5
14:38.17Bambrhow do i write to extensions table what used to be include directive in file extensions.conf?
14:38.44bailscos i just did a ls -lah /var/mail/admin and found out its 2gb?
14:39.29bailsif i remove it and touch it in again i can see it growing in size in massive amounts
14:39.43bailstill in under a minute its 2gb again
14:40.02iCEBrkrbails: Ok? So open those emails up and read the contents
14:40.10bailsLOL oh yeh
14:40.12wunderkinthats what i was thinking..
14:40.28bailsit appears to be an mplayer thing
14:40.53iCEBrkr>: |
14:41.01jbotasterisk@home is, like,, or
14:42.10bailsok I'll p**s off there then
14:42.13queuetueHow do I set asterisk up to restart when all calls are completed?
14:42.36Bambris here a person who knows well that database stored configuration stuff?
14:42.47queuetue"restart when convenient" ?
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14:42.50Bambra.k.a. realtime conf
14:42.54_Paulo_besides app_txfax is there any other application to send a fax trhough asterisk?
14:42.59iCEBrkrqueuetue: eh?
14:43.27queuetueiCEBrkr: I'm asking if the command "restart when convenient" will restart when all calls are completed.
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14:45.05Ahrimanesqueuetue: that would be a yes
14:45.19iCEBrkrqueuetue: If that's what the description says...
14:45.40queuetueiCEBrkr: thanks for the not-quite-help.
14:45.54iCEBrkrqueuetue: Umm. that's like asking if "ls" will list files.
14:46.43queuetueiCEBrkr: I suppose you were born with the knowledge of what "empty call volume" was, but some of us non-savants might ask for clarity from time to time.
14:46.58iCEBrkrIt just makes sense..
14:47.04coppice_Paulo_ with iaxmodem you can use HylaFAX
14:47.25iCEBrkrqueuetue: ...and when all else fails.. Experiment.
14:47.35queuetueIt sure does, once you know what it means.  Which means someone told you once - probably someone less snotty.
14:48.00iCEBrkrqueuetue: No, I'm just able to guess good.
14:48.10queuetueiCEBrkr: I would prefer to not cancel any sales calls because some dude on irc wants to feel superior.  Thanks.
14:48.46iCEBrkrqueuetue: LOL!  Maybe you shouldn't be on IRC asking for help on a production box.
14:48.46Bambris here a person who knows well that database stored configuration stuff?
14:49.06queuetueiCEBrkr: Once gain, thanks for not-quite-helping.
14:49.12iCEBrkrSure! No problem! :)
14:49.20*** join/#asterisk TonyM_ (
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14:49.46tzafrir_laptopqueuetue, yes, only when there are no active calls
14:50.22queuetuetzafrir_laptop: Thank you.  (Ahrimanes Already answered me, though - I just forgot to thank him. :) )
14:50.42donnibhi all
14:50.53_Paulo_coppice, thanks.
14:51.07donnibmaybe somebody can help me out with a SIP registry which doesn't show up under sip show registry at all
14:51.17tzafrir_laptopagain: nobody had a problem building zaptel 1.2.2/1.2.3 from a clean tarball due to an empty version number?
14:51.26iCEBrkrdonnib: Does it show up under 'sip show peers'
14:51.46donnibyes it does
14:51.53iCEBrkrThere ya go :P
14:52.11donnibwell i don't get it
14:52.24donnibit should be under registration or ?
14:52.37iCEBrkrdonnib: I assume this is a phone you're registering?
14:52.52donnibno. it's my VoIP provider
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14:53.37iCEBrkrdonnib: then you should have a register => line in your sip.conf for it..
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14:53.50donnibi did that already
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14:53.59donnibbut still nothing happends
14:53.59iCEBrkrdonnib: Ok, yea, that's kinda odd
14:54.00*** join/#asterisk ^salone^ (
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14:54.11donnibi can ping out everything looks ok
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14:54.27donnibi have put sip debug and verbose 9 and debug 10 but no information at all in the CLI
14:54.29iCEBrkrdonnib: It shows up in 'peers' but not 'registry'?
14:54.35Ahrimanesqueuetue: yes, please remember to do so ;)
14:54.46iCEBrkrBambr: Please don't /msg me.
14:54.50_Paulo_coppice, IAXModem uses libspandsp also?
14:54.54wunderkindid you add the register line after you started asterisk, or did a reload?
14:54.56Bambrnobody answers me anyway
14:55.02donnibi did a reload
14:55.05donnibnothing happend
14:55.09iCEBrkrBambr: Cuz not many people use realtime.
14:55.23Bambrbut still, somebody do :)
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14:55.49donnibpretty strange....
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14:56.20wunderkindonnib, make sure that the line isnt commented out with a ; and try a sip reload
14:56.40donnibit's not :)
14:57.27donnibi've put the line in before my provider options and it's not commented out
14:57.43donnibevrything is at the end of the sip.conf
14:57.59donnibmust be something i am missing
14:58.01iCEBrkrdonnib: your register => line is in [general] right?
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14:58.44wunderkindoesnt sound like it
14:59.00donnibit's afeter the [general]. isn't that ok ?
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14:59.03FuriousGeorgehey all
14:59.08donnibthere is alot of stuff between it
14:59.18FuriousGeorgeso one of my voicemailboxes' greetings broke
15:00.20donnibactually i see a [authenticatication] before my settings
15:00.24donnibis that ok ?
15:00.52queuetueAhrimanes: Yes, sir! :)
15:01.13Ahrimanesqueuetue: :)
15:01.47FuriousGeorgeand in the "advanced options" the option to set greetings or listen to them is non existant
15:02.25iCEBrkrdonnib: That's a problem
15:03.05mutanyone used an Airspan softswitch?
15:04.47queuetueCan anyone give the rough legal requirements to playing commercial music as music on hold?  I assume owning the CD isn't quite enough...  Is getting proper permission impossible?  Impractically expensive?
15:04.50donnibthanx. i got it fixed
15:05.19donnibsip debug no
15:05.25donnibups :)
15:05.33iCEBrkrdonnib: wrong window :P
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15:06.15hypnoxqueuetue no idea but why not look for some creativecommons licensed music, there's lots
15:06.25cpmqueuetue, Roughly, you can't do it.
15:06.37queuetuehypnox: In my (limited) experience, it's mostly junk, as well. :)
15:07.03cpmIt's doable, but the headaches of getting the 'mechanical reproduction' licenses are awful. Are you in the US?
15:07.29queuetuecpm: I'm a US citizen, but reside (as does the server) in Quebec.
15:08.16*** part/#asterisk fsa (
15:08.22cpmCa,US are on the same page riaa/copyright wise. So no help there. hypnox's suggestion is a good one.
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15:09.12queuetueStraying off-topic here, but is there a CC music rating system anywhere?
15:09.49donnibis reload not enough to re-read the config files ?
15:10.08znoGso music from can legally be played in MOH?
15:10.10SparFuxQ: How to determine, wether a channel has been hung up by the peer?
15:10.45tzafrir_laptopqueuetue, it may be some sort of music redistribution or public playing. Depending on the type of the PBX
15:10.49*** join/#asterisk gvag11 (
15:11.06gvag11Hi all...
15:11.21tzafrir_laptopAnyway, you can get some free classical music
15:11.30cpmznoG, Read the sounddogs page, "These music tracks are owned by, Inc., or were produced and made available under license. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable federal and state laws of the United States and international treaties."
15:11.54cpmSo, you need to license the work from them to reproduce it.
15:13.06mdaveanyone know of a *good* tutorial on spa-2000 dialplan syntax ?
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15:15.43znoGmdave: search google for the spa2k manual, it has the dialplan syntax
15:15.50znoGtoo bad it doesn't support regexs
15:16.58FalleHow do i configure a queue to play ringing tones to the client instead of MoH?
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15:17.13mdaveyeah I was just looking for that at siprua's site and not finding it
15:17.15gvag11Coppice: i am trying to set the Head info for TxFax, and before the txfax command, i set LOCALHEADERINFO="BLABLABLABLABLABLA"
15:17.30queuetuemdave: Like "jingle bells" in DTMF tones? :)
15:17.34gvag11but it doesn't work
15:17.35mdaveall they have on the 2000 is a 'quickstart' guide
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15:17.45iCEBrkrmdave: Oh, the PDF is up on Sipura's site.
15:17.45znoGmdave: no, there's a user guide with that info
15:17.51queuetueFalle: Meant for you, not mdave .
15:17.53mdavequeuetue, i can play 'marry has a little lamb' tho
15:18.03znoGit really is a shame it doesn't support regex (the dialplan syntax)
15:18.11znoGmakes writing a dialplan a little harder
15:18.15mdaveiCEBrkr, well its not under 'support', at least as far as i can see
15:18.25iCEBrkrmdave: Ya gotta dig for it.. It's kinda lost on their page.
15:18.28Fallequeuetue: hehe, no.. just normal ringtones like when you call the PSTN :)
15:18.38iCEBrkrmdave: I had the same problem
15:18.43mdaveugh.. and even that is in some proprietary unknown format
15:18.47iCEBrkrznoG: I dunno if it's 'harder'
15:19.04iCEBrkrznoG: Cuz people like me don't know regexp off the top of their head, so the current method is quite simple :P
15:19.09wunderkinFalle: show application queue
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15:20.56Fallewunderkin: hmm, that works too i guess :) But i was looking for a queues.conf solution.
15:20.58gvag11Coppice: i am trying to set the Head info for TxFax, and before the txfax command, i set LOCALHEADERINFO="BLABLABLABLABLABLA" but it doesn't work... Any idea?
15:21.36znoGiCEBrkr: oh, yea, but they could "support" it, doesn't mean people have to necessarily use it :)
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15:22.20iCEBrkrznoG: It's an embeded system, cramming all that stuff in there?? :P
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15:23.32znoGiCEBrkr: aww it wouldn't be that much :)
15:23.38coppicegvag11: that should be right. are you sure it is spelled correctly?
15:24.48gvag11coppice i check that 100 times ... first Set(LOCALHEADERINFO="bldslkfdkg") and then txfax(${FILE}|caller) but it doesn't work ... Any idea ?
15:24.49rustybqueuetue: you want to custom ringtones to the caller?
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15:25.07queuetuerustyb: Not me, Falle
15:25.29rustybFalle: it's easy
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15:28.19madounetHi, is there someone using V.22 from spandsp with * ?
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15:33.56coppiceI doubt it. its not finished
15:34.49Modcuts[av]bani : What did you use to create the files and do that have to be a certain size to work?
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15:35.17[Atlas]anyone know where i can get a free sip or iax account for testing or one that accepts paypal?
15:35.28madounetcoppice, is it in the spandsp roadmap ?
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15:36.10coppicewell, sort of.
15:36.35queuetue[Atlas]: Free World Dialup
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15:37.09queuetue[Atlas]: You could also always call yourself to test.
15:37.47[Atlas]so i would register myself as a peer of myslef?
15:38.05queuetue[Atlas]: I never have, but it should be possible.
15:38.40FuriousGeorgeis it possible my tinkering in queue.conf is responsible for my voicemail greeting having disappeared and the inability to set a new one (the option isnt there) ive tried restarting asteriskik and reloading music on hold
15:38.56[Atlas]and FWD will let me connect to it with my asterisk system?
15:39.10[Atlas]sorry to sound like a n00b its just that i am one ;p
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15:39.27queuetue[Atlas]: yes.
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15:42.11Skkipatlas: as well
15:45.35FuriousGeorgethis is kinda serious.  when someone calls they get the temp (default)  message (just allsion saying "please leave a message..."), and, besides the fact that it tookus a while to get hte original message just right, there appears to be now way to reset it
15:45.53*** part/#asterisk mhnoyes (
15:46.15Math`FuriousGeorge: you want to change it?
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15:48.46EriSanhi, can someone take a look at and see what could be wrong ?
15:49.11FuriousGeorgeMath`: we used to be able to go to "advanced options" after authenticating and set busy and away messages
15:49.17FuriousGeorgei assume we are still supposed to be able to
15:49.29FuriousGeorgei dont know exactly whe n this stopped working
15:50.31swbI have a question about the nature of execution in a macro
15:50.32FuriousGeorgei see a 56 meg wav in the dir, which must be the greeting we recorded, date seems right
15:51.19Math`works here..
15:51.42swbI understnad that when a macro finishes executing it goes back to whre it was called from, providing ${MACRO_OFFSET} wasnt set, I also understand that when you use a Goto from a macro executino of the macro ends there and execution continues at whichever extension/priority you did Goto to
15:51.56swbmy question is this: If you do a GoSub from a Macro
15:52.25swbdoes the execution come back into thre Macro when the sub routine is finished, and will it then go back to the original context when the Macro subsequently finishes?
15:53.37_Sam--bani you there?
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15:57.43swbAnyone used Gosub() in a Macro?
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16:02.36_Paulo_swb, this kind of question is easier to find out by trial/error than to type an answer here
16:03.17swb_Paulo_, I guess that
16:03.22swbtrialling now :P
16:04.51AlricAnyone have the problem with IP phones where the MWI comes on before the caller is done leaving a message?
16:05.22rajivhow can i have outbound calls fail over from an iax channel to a zap channel ? i have Dial(IAX/..) then Dial(Zap/..) but if the called party is busy, * tries to dial twice
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16:08.18kippion the voicemail, when you recorde your own message to play to people before they leave you a message, after your message has played you get the lady saying please leave a message after the beep, is there away to remove the ladys voice and just have your recording?
16:08.47*** join/#asterisk easyiV (
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16:09.01*** kick/#asterisk [honey10^!n=mark@pdpc/sponsor/digium/kram] by kram ((*@ CLONEBOTS DETECTED.. AUTO KICK ACTIVATED)
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16:09.01*** kick/#asterisk [pinkyx!n=mark@pdpc/sponsor/digium/kram] by kram ((*@ CLONEBOTS DETECTED.. AUTO KICK ACTIVATED)
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16:09.06rajiv'show application VoiceMail' says how. use 's'
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16:09.47*** mode/#asterisk [+r] by twisted[asteria]
16:09.50twisted[asteria]i hate to do that.
16:09.55docelm0What's +r?
16:09.58*** mode/#asterisk [+r] by twisted[asteria]
16:10.10twisted[asteria]forces you to be registered with nickserv to join
16:10.11docelm0registered users only?
16:10.28twisted[asteria]takes care of most of the spambots
16:10.29docelm0ya..  That does suck but if it keeps the channel asshole free then I will take the extra step..
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16:10.47docelm0until someone does a script work around
16:10.47kippirajiv: was your message show app.. to me?
16:10.57rajivkippi: yes
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16:11.01kippiok cool
16:11.14rajivkippi: you want something like Voicemail(s3000)
16:11.32rajivs for skip instructions
16:11.48twisted[asteria]i never would have noticed had kram's spambot kicker not started up and growl informed me
16:13.51mdaveanyone have any idea how you signup or even contact
16:14.00mdavetheir site seems to have no contact info, no signup, nothing
16:14.35rajivmdave: there is a signup link on the left side
16:15.01mdavetheres nothing on the left side
16:15.07mdaveyou are talking at ?
16:16.37rajivhow much do they charge ?
16:16.45mdaveoh cripe.. i had disabled javascript becuase some site was doing something stupid, and apparently the menu is completely invisible with html
16:16.48mdaveabsolutely stupid
16:18.11rajivmdave: if you sign upp, let me know how much 1 did from their nyc pop to a US # is
16:18.33synthetiqa sip response 400 "Invalid From"  usually indicates what?
16:21.07mdaveugh.. their did numbers in the us are sorted first by city
16:21.11mdaverather than state or arecode
16:21.13mdavewhat a royal pia
16:21.33mdaveand you cant even display them all at once and search, it breaks them into 5 pages
16:21.48mdavepretty monstrous, as far as UI goes
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16:22.24mdaveand as near as I can tell they dont have anything in my areacode, and even if they did all i could do is pick an areacode, i dont see any option to see available xchanges within an ac
16:22.33mdaveand it looks like they charge $9 to setup nd 7.50 a month
16:22.43mdavefor US numbers
16:22.47mdavedunno if they charge minutes or not
16:23.17mdavejust for grins ill pick one randomly and see if it offers that on a second page
16:23.55mdaveyeah, apparently you gotta pay before you even find out the exchange, let alone get to pick it
16:24.09mdavebut since they dont even have my ac, it dont matter to me anyway
16:24.38oogledoes anyone have experience with Voip Reach?  Are they reliable and non-evil?
16:24.58_Sam--hey file how long does it take for a toll free port?
16:25.18mdavealso, i would think, being in the internet telephony market, they would have an inbound sip number, fwd, something
16:25.32Fallehmm, another quetion here..  Callprogress dont show up in the CLI anymore even thogh verbose is set to 5. What do i need to do after upgrading to 1.2.* for this to work?
16:25.41mdavethey dont even give a phone # on their site
16:25.53mdavewhois gives a number, but its not listed in fwdout, at the very least
16:26.04MikeJ[Laptop]_Sam--, 2-3 weeks to be safe... extra $25 gets it expedited to be within a week
16:26.08mdavescratch that, the same # is on the contact page
16:26.24_Sam--thats isquick really
16:26.31_Sam--i think i may to fill out the LOA
16:26.39_Sam--do you have an LOA on asterlink anyplace?
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16:27.01MikeJ[Laptop]yes.. there ^^^^^
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16:31.24pjzanyone know why my polycom 500s have an initial 2s pause before you can hear anything once outgoing calls are connected?
16:31.40pjzor, more importantly, how to fix it?
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16:36.58websaewhat's a good cisco interface to connect a PRI to?
16:37.18_Sam--hey file does a toll free port have to have a ring to number?   i think my toll free stands alone
16:37.28_Sam--like it doesnt ring to another number
16:38.02filejust need a good bill copy
16:38.06websaeany suggestions for a PRI gateway, perhaps by cisco?
16:38.45_Sam--fair giving the teliax guy the benefit of the doubt still...its not looking promising for him.
16:39.13file_Sam--: did you find your routing issue?
16:39.23xachenTeliax is still billng me
16:39.26xacheneven though I cancelled
16:39.29_Sam--yeah, sorry for your was 2 hops out of my upstream provider
16:39.33xachenwell requested a cancel + refund
16:39.39GerbilWrkTeliax support took a week to answer my e-mail
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16:40.15_Sam--they do have a good intentions
16:40.21GerbilWrkxachen, why did you cancel with them?
16:41.22xachenThey ingored my tickets and closed them a week later with no reponse
16:41.22xachenat least a reply would have been nice
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16:42.35sevardI'm running asterisk@home and an application I need only supports the 2.4 kernel, being a slackware user I'm really unsure how to use this CentOS deal.. Is there a "download/compile new kernel application", there seems to be an application for everything on here
16:42.48Garak_I got a TDM400P with two FXS modules, I can call the second line but no audio is being passed, I can call the console from  either and audio passes, I'm also not hearing the demo from the phones
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16:43.03_Sam--GerbilWrk:  did you cancel teliax?
16:43.16filewell, I'm always here since I'm a geek...
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16:43.59Garak_Any ideas on what I might have done wrong
16:44.12iDunnotoo much alcohol at lunchtime?
16:44.32filecosmic rays
16:45.21websaePRI gateways/routers--any suggestions?
16:45.34_Sam--xachen :  did you try contacting teliax about your refund, they are usually pretty good with me
16:45.35GerbilWrk_Sam--, no we just got an 800 number and corporate account from them
16:45.51iDunnosevard: sorry, have you checked to see if there's a 2.4 kernel in the yum repository?
16:46.01iDunnoyum search kernel
16:46.41sevardiDunno: checking, sorry.. package management systems are beoyond me.
16:47.00iDunnoerm, slakware has one, they're very handy things.
16:47.28sevardsure, installpkg, not this fancy "hey application, give me this and install it while i take a crap"
16:47.42_Sam--[av]bani :  you around?
16:48.42tzafrir_laptopsevard, if you're a slackware guy, simply install asterisk yourself on slackware from source
16:48.49sevardiDunno: It doesn't seem to have one.
16:48.57tzafrir_laptopAsterisk@Home uses no package management whatsoever
16:49.07GeneGQuestion: has IAX2 native bridging through a NAT been improved from 1.0.10 to 1.2? With 1.0.10 Asterisk isn't native bridging my IAX2 connection and I suspect it's sending an internal IP instead of the external to the outside party. I can provide a IAX2 debug trace if anyone things they can help?
16:49.45sevardTzafrir_laptop:  I did have it on slackware but I didn't understand enough about asterisk to having it totally working, and since docs wern't helping me and everyone says RTFM i decided to take a look at asterisk @ home
16:49.56*** part/#asterisk twisted[asteria] (n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted)
16:50.39Garak_Any hints on why an FXS interface on a TDM400P might be sending voice but not receiving
16:52.53*** join/#asterisk stack_ (n=stack@
16:53.04mdaveany idea where's list of did prefixes are?
16:53.28mdavei tried calling them, got voicemail.. you'd think that a business that was legit would answer their phone during business hours
16:53.57mdavei suspect they are a fly-by-night operating out of their garage, when a company doesnt have anyone avaiable to answer their business phone number
16:54.06mdaveduring normal daytime business hours
16:54.27tronixthink it's an one person operation, not sure. they've been around for at least two years? more? not sure.
16:54.42tronixI don't know exact prefixes but they have at least 866 and 989 DIDs
16:54.48tronix(989 = michigan)
16:55.13stack_I'm setting up a queue where the members have different penalties with the idea that after the queue dials the lowest priority people, it dials the next highest priority... this doesn't seem to work and it just bounces between the members with the lowest priority... am I doing something wrong?
16:55.58mdavealso sems very suspicious when the first thing their 'signup' does is want to take yur money, without even a 'select what you want, and choose options'
16:56.12mdaveI was hoping to find 616
16:56.46rajivmdave: they have an xls to download but it lists oonly area codes not prefix
16:57.15*** join/#asterisk Alric (
16:57.16mdaveit boggles me why the hell people put stuff like that in secret proprietary formats instead of plain ascii text
16:57.43mdaveeven the crap software that makes that format is capable of making a text file
16:57.49*** join/#asterisk buxy (
16:58.10mdaverajiv, but I suppose I can run strings on it, if you can link me to it, i dont see it linked anywhere on their site
16:58.24rajivmdave: turn on js already. heh
16:58.29mdaverajiv, already did
16:58.50rajivheh sorry
16:58.51|vinsik|Hi all! I have a little problem. im using nvbackgrounddetect and rxfax to receive faxes in tiff file. Now fax line is detected, but gets disconnected with NOTICE:  channel.c:1906 ast_read: Dropping incompatible voice frame on SIP/konekh-ac5d of format slin since our native format has changed to ulaw
16:58.55rajivi was talking abotu voxbone
16:58.55|vinsik|how to resolve this?
16:59.08mdavenah, voxbone doesnt have 616, ive already skipped past them
16:59.13*** join/#asterisk twisted[asteria] (n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted)
16:59.14*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted[asteria]] by ChanServ
16:59.27mdaveid like to find a 616 did in a specific exchange
16:59.37mdaveand id like to not have to pay per minute for inbound calls delivered over SIP
16:59.38|vinsik|using 1.2.4
17:01.40[TK]D-Fendersevard : Just install from source.  f you installed all the default devel libs off the install CD you'll be just fine...
17:02.07_Sam--sevard 'install from source' sounds so daunting
17:02.13_Sam--but its like 2 commands
17:03.13mdaveits not daunting, but sometimes its nice if the files something installs are tracked so as to facilitate complete removal if desired
17:03.34mdaveespecially when instead of defaulting to installing *all* its files under one common subdir, it puts them all over in system dirs
17:03.37GerbilWrkAnyone know of a way to open or close a phone system with Asterisk?
17:03.47mdavedefine 'open' or 'close' ?
17:04.12GerbilWrkat 7 a.m. we open the phone system to take calls, and at 10 p.m. we close it so all calls get a recording saying we are closed
17:04.32mdaveim sure its possible
17:04.47mdaveextensions.conf i beleive allows setting time parameters on when lines are or arent valid
17:04.56_Sam--its easy
17:05.02sevardQuestion: If I install a 2.4 kernel will I have problems with Zaptel drivers?
17:05.05rajivshow application GotoIfTime
17:05.29_Sam--this is mine:  exten => 8772942920,6,GotoIfTime(11:00-19:00|mon-fri|*|*?open,877294XXXX,1)
17:05.36*** join/#asterisk austinnichols101 (n=austinni@
17:05.49_Sam--i guess i forgot to strip the number :)
17:06.32_Sam--then if we're not open, its goes to the next priority for that extension
17:06.56*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
17:06.59_Sam--which in my case is this:  exten => 877294XXXX,7,Goto(closed,s,1)
17:06.59mdave_Sam--, your page looks rather empty if someone doesnt have flash installed
17:07.11_Sam--mdave:  good thing thats  not 97% of the public
17:07.28mdavegood thing you dont want that last 3% of the market
17:07.29[TK]D-Fendersevard : Nope, I've been running * on "stock" Slackware for the past 2 years
17:07.30_Sam--i cater to the 97-98%
17:07.45_Sam--if you dont want flash, that is your own stupid fault
17:07.46mdavepity, when you could cater to 100% trivially
17:07.53_Sam--we have text only links
17:08.06[TK]D-FenderVa-t'ens buxy!  Il n'y a personne!
17:08.30_Sam--if you want to buy something i'll be glasd to provide it
17:09.10*** part/#asterisk twisted[asteria] (n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted)
17:09.23mdaveif I was looking for something you sold and couldnt use your site, id probably just look for another site that was more standards compliant
17:09.47*** join/#asterisk twisted[asteria] (n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted)
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17:09.50*** part/#asterisk websae (
17:09.53mdavebut enough on that.. i'll stick to topic now
17:09.55_Sam--thats fine...but you would end up on someone's site who has less product, worse service, and higher prices...there is a reason we are #1 in our market.
17:10.06mdavesince this isnt a 'sucky websites' channel, but a asterisk suppose channel
17:10.09_Sam--but if you want to browse our site with lynx, cant help ya.
17:10.38mdaveI use firefox, but I refuse to allow a site to run programs on my browser - run them on your server, display the data
17:10.51mdavebut enough on that.. i'll stick to topic now
17:11.03_Sam--your business will be dearly missed
17:12.14*** join/#asterisk cassio (
17:12.32cassioI am getting too much of this, what could this be?
17:12.33cassioFeb  6 15:11:10 WARNING[4243]: chan_sip.c:9599 handle_response_register: Got 200 OK on REGISTER that isn't a register
17:13.08azziecassio, let me guess - old version of * ? :)
17:13.23cassioazzie well your wrong, its up to date
17:16.25*** join/#asterisk stormfr (
17:17.03stormfrhello, after upgrading to last version i still have many sip lock with realtime. Any idea how to find the problem as there is no coredump ?
17:18.34*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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17:19.24*** join/#asterisk CoffeeIV_ (n=CoffeeIV@
17:20.21stack_I'd like to make a queue that would dial through a group of people once, is this possible?
17:20.40[TK]D-Fenderstack_ : Probably bast to jsut do it in dial-plan logic..
17:20.58znoGhas anyone experienced a box running Asterisk suddenly reboot because of it?
17:21.11znoGi can't imagine what else would cause it to reboot all of a sudden, unless it was hardware.
17:21.30stack_[TK]D-Fender: well, i'd like it to do a bit of round robit too, so that the incoming calls get distributed among a group of people evenly
17:22.06[TK]D-Fenderstack_ : Not much of a round robin if it only goes once :)  But you can do that in dial-plan as well
17:22.47*** join/#asterisk justinu (
17:23.05stack_[Tk]D-Fender, how would I create a list of people and randomly dial them then?
17:23.48[TK]D-Fenderstack_ : Well there is the "random" function now.  As for the list, just shove it in ASTDB with incrementallyt names family/key pairs
17:24.12dudesrandom's cool
17:24.21stack_[TK]D-Fender, k thanks for the start... I'll start plugging around
17:25.17CoffeeIV_In my dialplan, when an incoming call selects an extension, I have it use System( to keep some custom logs.  I would like to also do this if one of my internal users transfers the call to another extension, but there is no place in the dialplan where it does Transfer( ) . . . is there a way to do this without hacking C code ?
17:27.21*** join/#asterisk tainted_ (
17:27.40austinnichols101znoG: no, but it sounds like a great feature
17:30.26CoffeeIV_to have an external action trigger on a call transfer, do I have no choice but to write an application to monitor messages through the telnet API ?
17:33.38tainted_CoffeeIV_ pretty much
17:34.23*** part/#asterisk buxy (
17:34.29CoffeeIV_tainted_: I was getting that impression in my searches . . . . thanks
17:41.09Flyboy-SR22mdave - saw your post re: NuFone - I have used them for over a year with very little problems...for what I do, they seem pretty good. Just some info.
17:41.30*** join/#asterisk spunz_ (
17:41.52mdaveFlyboy-SR22, that may be, but there seems to be no way to get in touch with them or to find the npa/nxx they offer for DID
17:42.27Flyboy-SR22mdave - I will log in to my account and see if they list their DID there..I have about 10 866 DIDs with them
17:42.31mdavethey could provide the best service in the world, but if they dont have any useful sales contacts, they might as well not exist
17:42.47*** join/#asterisk voipme (n=root@
17:42.51rajivmdave: nufone does only toll free and US michagan
17:43.05mdavea company that desires to gain new customers isnt going to get far if they dont make it easy for new customers to get in touch with them
17:43.17mdaverajiv, I know, I was specifically looking for 1-616 in michigan
17:43.30rajivmdave: i'm using gizmoproject (  for 1 did now but they dont support dtmf properly
17:43.33rajivoh ok
17:43.35Flyboy-SR22mdave - I only show my current DIDs - says their DID ordering system is offline right now
17:44.01mdaveFlyboy-SR22, ah well, but apparently to be able to log in to get to it you have to pay them $ up front.. not gonna happen
17:44.10rajivwas just going to suck it up and go with junction and pay the incoming per min charge
17:44.43mdavea customer-friendly order process allows the customer to see and select all options related to what they are ordering, *then* displays a total charge, *then* prompts for personal information and payment
17:44.54stack_Are AstDB values per session or global?
17:44.55rajivmdave: agreed
17:45.07Flyboy-SR22WOW - 3 cents per minuute
17:45.08iCEBrkrmdave: This is why I STILL don't have a Nufone account...
17:45.12voipmeanyone having trouble with $HANGUPCAUSE on a EUROISDN pri, im seeing 0 always being returned on BT and eircom pri's
17:45.12Flyboy-SR22Junction = expensive!!
17:45.22mdaverequiring personal info up front is poor. requiring payment up front is a deal-breaker
17:45.32rajivmdave: have you looked at ?
17:45.38mdavein any case, i seem to have found another co that has 616
17:46.02iCEBrkrmdave: Yeah, paying for that candy bar before you can eat it, is a a total deal breaker :P
17:46.06mdavethey had a number i liked, and I selected it, but then their site gave me a blank page.. apparently one has to create a login first
17:46.24mdaveno, having to pay before you even *see* what candy bars they have is the dealbreaker
17:47.02iCEBrkrmdave: I'm partially thinking you're expecting too much.
17:47.05iCEBrkrBut whatever
17:47.15iCEBrkrI use VoicePulse and it works well for me.
17:47.21mdaveanyway, i made a login, then tried to select the same number, but its missing from their list.. i suspect what I did at first 'reserved it'
17:47.22rajivmdave: has  form for area and prefix
17:47.24mdaveso I sent them an email
17:47.40mdaveiCEBrkr, expecting to see what you are buying before you but it is too much? lol
17:47.40rajiviCEBrkr: voicepulse connect?
17:47.40iCEBrkrNuFone is always 'busy' or 'broken' or whatever. I've been attempting to get an account from them for over a year and still nothing on their site
17:47.47iCEBrkrrajiv: yeah
17:48.08mdavevoicepulse connect may be an option
17:48.15iCEBrkrmdave: You have a package plan, you know the cost and what it'll do up front.. What's the issue here?
17:48.38mdaveiCEBrkr, the key is being able to see what npa/nxx they have. im not looking for outbound, im looking for inbound
17:48.56mdaveand what number i can have is very important, and in fact is even a deciding factor on wether it will work
17:49.25iCEBrkrWelp, VoicePulse Connect is 'pay as you go' and pretty plain-jane easy to setup.
17:49.41mdaveyeah.. if you only use their inbound, is it basically free?
17:49.48mdaveyour prepaid balance just sits there unused?
17:50.03iCEBrkrYou have a monthly for the DID
17:50.05rajiv$11 / month
17:50.07tainted_it's not free
17:50.10tainted_it's 11/month
17:50.16tainted_and the quality isn't reliable
17:50.20rajivgizmo is $12 / 3 months
17:50.20mdavetheir site says 'No monthly charges or minimums'
17:50.29iCEBrkrtainted_: Maybe in your neck of the woods, but it works just fine over here..
17:50.40iCEBrkrmdave: For a DID you pay $11/mo
17:50.50mdaveah ok
17:50.54tainted_iCEBrkr i used them for various rate centers
17:50.56mdavethe no monthly is on the outbound
17:50.58iCEBrkrmdave: If you're all outbound, then there isn't a monthly.
17:51.04mdavewell this one ive found says 7/m
17:51.04tainted_iCEBrkr wasn't one DID connected to my desk phone dude
17:51.07mdaveso i'll try that
17:51.19mdavebut i have to go
17:51.23iCEBrkrtainted_: eh?
17:52.06iCEBrkrtainted_: I'm using VoicePulse exclusively for ALL my calls.. I don't own a landline for phone calls.  The only issues I have are bandwidth issues on my end.. like at my apartment.
17:52.13saftsackmany, hi are you here?
17:52.35tainted_what kind of issues.. could be them
17:53.22iCEBrkrtainted_: Naa, I'm pretty sure it's my bandwidth.
17:53.40tainted_how are u so sure
17:53.44iCEBrkrtainted_: I'm in an apartment complex.. And you know bandwidth is sketchy.
17:53.58iCEBrkrtainted_: I know cuz I'm on shitty Roadrunner.
17:54.04tainted_are u riding your neighbor's wifi connection?
17:54.22*** join/#asterisk Morex (
17:54.34MorexAnybody have any problems with DTMF over ZAP?
17:54.37iCEBrkrtainted_: Hello! Apartment = Concentrated number of users.  More so than on a typical city block..
17:55.06*** join/#asterisk droops (
17:55.13iCEBrkrtainted_: During the day when people are at work, I get a solid 500k/sec, other times, I'm lucky to get 300k/sec
17:55.46iCEBrkrThe problems are kinda rare so I haven't spent any time looking into it.
17:55.57iCEBrkrMy friends claim the call quality isn't any worse than a cellphone call.
17:56.19*** join/#asterisk justinu (
17:57.17tainted_i thought that cable modem worked around the old 'shared bandwidth' model
17:57.27tainted_but maybe roadrunner hasn't
17:57.29*** join/#asterisk toMACINA (
17:57.34toMACINAhi all
17:57.41Himekoisn't that exactly what he is talking about
17:58.16tainted_yea i suppose he is
17:58.34Himeko300k/sec is more than enoug, it's latency goign up that will mess with the call
17:58.46iCEBrkrtainted_: Roadrunner in Florida sucks ass..
17:59.01iCEBrkrtainted_: The modem continues to reset itself at random times.. Just because.
17:59.26tainted_well what kind of problems are you having with calls
17:59.41Astarhum dont remember how to monitor asterisk
17:59.45Astarwhat is the command ?
17:59.45tainted_you still might be misdiagnosing
17:59.52_Paulo_asterisk -r ???
18:00.58Astarhum it's not started pfff
18:03.20*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
18:09.05Astarwhere can i see why its not running ?
18:10.32tronixlogfile. maybe /var/log/asterisk/messages
18:10.40tronixor start up by hand with:
18:10.46tronix# asterisk -vvvvc
18:10.56tronix(and add -u asterisk -g asterisk if you run under asterisk user/group)
18:11.48*** join/#asterisk Genman (
18:12.00GenmanHi people
18:12.03_Sam--safe_asterisk works too
18:12.16_Sam--and you should probably run it as a user other than root
18:13.15GenmanI'm looking for a Channel Bank 30 channels -> E1
18:13.18GenmanDoes anyone have any suggestions?
18:13.33GenmanWhere i can find one?
18:13.34sevardin asterisk@home on tty9 I'm getting a non readable font for colored text
18:13.54*** join/#asterisk overridex-work (
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18:15.21overridex-workhi all, this question isn't asterisk specific, but has anyone had a problem of calls being dropped when on hold using T1? (using analog lines split out of it)
18:15.56*** part/#asterisk CoffeeIV_ (n=CoffeeIV@
18:17.56*** join/#asterisk _4d4m_ (
18:18.58_Sam--genman:  fxo or fx?
18:19.00_Sam--er or fxs
18:20.11*** join/#asterisk klictel (n=klictel@
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18:28.37saftsack_Sam--, hi
18:32.35*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
18:33.06*** join/#asterisk telcoDE (
18:33.20_Sam--hi sack
18:33.28_Sam--how is your faxing?
18:33.49_Sam--telcoDE:  how like your fios?  i just ordered the 15/2 package
18:34.14_Sam--and what telco?
18:34.58telcoDEI love it, although I only went with the 5
18:35.09saftsack_Sam--, faxing is good here :)
18:35.10_Sam--you were on a cable modem on friday, fios today...what gives!
18:35.17_Sam--fios at your house?
18:35.20*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
18:35.20_Sam--cable modem at work?
18:35.36*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
18:35.37saftsack_Sam--, but i dont use faxgetty so its a little bit hard to set the modemstatus as idle and ready
18:35.44_Sam--i live down in middletown...where is your fios?
18:35.54telcoDEthis is FIOS at home. I'm off work today
18:36.10telcoDEmiddletown area as well
18:36.15Kattyfile: :>
18:36.17_Sam--im close to boyds corner
18:36.21_Sam--my house
18:36.41_Sam--telcoDE:  do you work for a telco / phone integrator?
18:36.59telcoDEI'm here logging, so I can pick up on Asterisk questions/answers
18:37.28_Sam--do you run asterisk for any businesses or do any asterisk commercial work?
18:37.37telcoDEyep a telecom equipment seller/installer
18:37.45*** join/#asterisk A-jay (n=quirc@
18:37.57telcoDElooking into ASterisk just to get up to speed on the future
18:38.17_Sam--i do commercial asterisk deployments in DE,PA and NJ
18:38.22telcoDEtraditional PBXs are loosing major market share to voip
18:38.32tronixtelcoDE: ahh, nice. I used to live in Newark and Wilmington for about 12 years. Liked living in NCCo but areas near the C&D was decent, too
18:38.47*** join/#asterisk IOscanner (
18:38.55_Sam--tronix:  its not too bad here, still.
18:39.33_Sam--how long has it been since you were here?
18:40.01tronixhmm I went to western NY for school then got sucked into a job, and haven't been 'home' since... about 12 years now. :) but still do visit DE every few years
18:40.07tronixgo to the Pumpkin Chunkin' and stuff
18:40.19_Sam--how did you end up in DE?
18:40.34tronixdad got transferred by DuPont to their Newark office
18:40.50telcoDEanyone here used your * box to do double duty for home/office security or home/office automation?
18:40.52tronixwell, one of all their NCCo offices/labs. :)
18:41.13_Sam--nice, one of my best friends is a dupont :)
18:41.18_Sam--his grandfather is THE dupont :)
18:41.22tronixtelcoDE: I haven't personally done it but was reading about a X10 module that can be integrated
18:41.26tronix_Sam--: niiiice!
18:41.30_Sam--for him!
18:41.35tronixhahaha I can imagine ;)
18:43.55queuetueI was just considering picking up a little epia board to build a combination home * server and media PC.  But then I remembered hearing about some  sort of limitation with "exotic" motherboards not working with the zaptel cards ... Did I imagine that problem?  Higher voltage something-or-other?
18:44.18fugitivotelcoDE: powerlinc usb or powerlinc serial
18:44.29telcoDEI heard about X10 as well. I have a dialer box thar used to be at my old job. It calls out a predefined lict of numbers based on changes in circuit state from open->closed or closed->open. Wondered how tough it would be to integrate it's alarming function with an open source security product
18:44.44fugitivotelcoDE: there's an opensource project that adds /dev/xxx nodes for controlling devices
18:44.44sevardIn voicemail I have 140 => 12345,Bob Smith,,,attach=no|saycid=yes|envelope=no|delete=no yet *411 says No directory entries match your search
18:45.16fugitivotelcoDE: for example echo 1 >> /dev/x10/A1 will power on a device
18:45.21telcoDEI'll have to look into that  thanx
18:45.28sevardoh god, i'm retarded, never mind
18:49.35telcoDEtime to check in with my work email, bbl
18:51.27*** join/#asterisk Spida (
18:52.06Spidacan I get help here for getting my fritz pci to work with mISDN, too?
18:53.53saftsackare any german voip user here?
18:55.13SpidaI hope to become one *g*
18:55.41steelcaseLinux admin, learning about Asterisk, interested in suggesting it to my company: can they use their old Toshiba phones? The one on my desk says it's a "DTK2010-SD."
18:57.48steelcaseMake that "DKT2010-SD."
18:58.01crich1999Spida, i could help you but i must go home now
18:58.10fileno, no you can't steelcase
18:58.36steelcasefile: That's a bummer, why not?
18:58.40crich1999Spida, I'm at home in around 2 hours, if you're still here i can try to help ya
18:59.23steelcasefile: Dang! Hafta get some different phones maybe.
18:59.41[av]baniyou'd spend as much money to get new phones anyway
19:00.14steelcase[av]bani: You mean, we'd spend as much money to get Asterisk set up?
19:00.38steelcase[av]bani: With old phones as well as new ones?
19:00.40rene-hi [av]bani
19:01.17rene-hows grandstream auto provisioning working out for you?
19:02.16rene-oh wait, it is that time of the day
19:03.04*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
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19:04.56j0ndoes anyone know how to use hints in AEL for presence?
19:06.59*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
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19:14.01donnibi am running asteriskwin32 and my asterisk keeps telling me that there is no such host. why ? is it possible to make a ping or nslookup on asteriskwin32 ?
19:14.07*** join/#asterisk GerbilNut (i=GerbilNu@
19:14.08[av]banisteelcase: yes, you'd spend as much on equipment to interface your old phones, as you would on completely new voip phones
19:14.12*** part/#asterisk justinu (
19:14.39[av]banirene-: havent got around to that yet, still working on snom and sipura
19:14.45[av]baniand polycom :x
19:14.57_Sam--hey bani you still on teliax?
19:15.09GerbilNut_Sam--, i've got a question about the GOtoIf statement you showed me earlier
19:15.14hypnoxsurely a 2 line sipura ATA which costs half that of a phone means you can connect old phones for 25% of the cost of a new IP phone
19:15.16_Sam--GerbilNut:  ok
19:15.28GerbilNutAnyway to make it do it at different times on different days?
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19:16.11donnibany ideas ?
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19:16.44_Sam--GerbilNut:  sure
19:16.53_Sam--i just set mine monday-friday 11-7
19:16.54[av]bani_Sam--: yea, but havent used it lately
19:16.58_Sam--cause that is our business hours
19:17.16donnibanyone using asteriskwin32 ?
19:17.24GerbilNutoh crap, i didn't even see the mon-fri statement in there : /
19:17.35_Sam--wow i never even know about asteriskwin32
19:18.08donnibi think it works ok when you got it up and running just for test purposes.
19:18.09[av]bani_Sam--: its just asterisk on linux running inside a vmware or something like that
19:18.35fugitivoit's something you won't do if you look for stability
19:18.43_Sam--i see
19:19.29donnibdoes anybody have an idea on my problem ?
19:19.31[av]baniif you can believe it, snom firmware feels even more beta than grandstream
19:19.52rene-av[bani]: im working with sipura right now, xml configuration tru cgi bin works well
19:19.55_Sam--wow, i was going to get a snom just to see if i could hear any audible differences in the sound qualty vs. the gx
19:20.00_Sam--vs. the gxp too
19:20.12_Sam--i like my gxps, i cant help it
19:20.18_Sam--they friggin work fine
19:20.18[av]banievery bug you send them, they claim complete astonishment and assume user error by default
19:20.20GerbilNutwe just got two snom 360's in
19:20.42[av]banii have to ride them, give them excruciatingly detailed bug reports, tcpdumps, digital photos, etc
19:20.45GerbilNutcan't complain, just can't get the voicemail working properly yet
19:20.48[av]banibefore they fix bugs
19:20.56_Sam--grandstream is listening
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19:21.06_Sam--they implemented the disable missed call feature i asked for
19:21.08_Sam--took them about 1 week
19:21.11[av]baniyeah, its one way though. at least snom has email which answers
19:21.14rene-its kind of a downer that grandstream only takes binay configuration
19:21.15justinuwho else is having problems with roadrunner here?
19:21.29_Sam--i have good contact at GS if i had a serious prblem
19:21.43[av]baniyou dont know what grandstream is listening to (eg, ignore sendtext, custom ringtones, minibrowser, but implement nat router? guh...)
19:22.10_Sam--what would you do wtih a mini browser?  give me the killer app for it
19:22.18steelcase[av]bani: Got it -- thanks
19:22.21_Sam--i dont know why i need it, beecause i dont know what it can do
19:22.31[av]baniqueue displays, interfacing with directory lookups for phone numbers or customer data
19:22.32fugitivo_Sam--: a lot of things
19:22.49justinui just cancelled RR and ordered speakeasy 6.0/768 service
19:22.52fugitivo_Sam--: give only a phone to the recepcionist with the right app, not a pc
19:23.00_Sam--i see
19:23.33fugitivo_Sam--: cisco has a great app for hospitals, they can see the pacient history on the phone
19:23.34[av]banilet receptionists look up business/customer-specific data on the phone itself
19:23.37_Sam--we have a nice front end for lookups of customer and other data, with a nice click to dial setup
19:23.43[av]banipull up customer specific info on the screen when customers call
19:23.50_Sam--it would take longer to do it on the phone, than on the comptuer she uses
19:23.57[av]bani[TK]D-Fender implemented inventory lookup on the phone
19:24.15_Sam--whats the point...every desk with a phone, has a computer.
19:24.17[av]baniso you have phones in your warehouse
19:24.24[av]banifew desks in a large warehouse
19:24.27_Sam--our warehouse has computers, and phones
19:24.27fugitivo_Sam--: easy of use
19:24.29[av]banibut you can hang phones everywhere
19:24.52_Sam--i wouldnt want our warehouse guys checking inventory on a phone
19:24.59rene-[av]bani: the directory lookup was on what phones?
19:25.08[av]banii guess your warehouse guys suck :)
19:25.15_Sam--because it would take them twice as long as it does now
19:25.20_Sam--its a matter of efficiencies
19:25.25fugitivo_Sam--: the pc itself is an old design, say welcome to lcd screens and no mouse :) (movies)
19:25.27_Sam--a phone isnt always the most efficient way
19:25.31[av]banishrug, if your inventory is numeric only, i dont see how
19:26.00_Sam--we have so many ways to check our inventory...but often times, we need to see all items from a specific manufacturer
19:26.12_Sam--and a phone would be slower...same with looking up customer numbers
19:26.12[av]banicisco has an entire website of xml applications, for medical financial etc.
19:26.21fugitivo_Sam--: you're right, a phone isn't always the best way, but sometimes it is
19:26.24_Sam--the examples you have sasid would be less efficient using a mini browser
19:26.27rene-[av]bani: this was on cisco phones. via xml?
19:26.33_Sam--than using a full web browser
19:26.36[av]bani_Sam--: ok, so xml doesnt work for you. but it works for tens of millions of other companies :)
19:26.54_Sam--maybe they should hire me to show them how to save time!
19:27.21[av]banifor me, i can interface with argus and respond to ISP alarms from my nightstand
19:27.25fugitivoyeah, cisco will hire you to show them that they're wrong and you're right
19:27.47_Sam--the companies using minibrowsers to look up customer phone numbers...i could certainly save them minutes per employee per day.
19:27.59rene-whats the deal with presence, is it something costumers are requesting?
19:28.17[av]banirene-: you can do it with any phone that has xml or minibrowser
19:28.31rene-that would be mostly cisco and polycom right?
19:29.02[av]banirene-: aastra, snom also
19:29.09rene-i see
19:29.18[av]banimitel too, but those are way expensive
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19:30.01rene-they arent that expensive, well the ones with mini screens arent, i remember seeing one that has something that resembled a color palm computer with touchscreen and stylus
19:30.02[av]banimaybe not useful to _you_, but it's useful to others
19:30.14rene-that one is probably very expensive
19:30.15[av]baninot having to have a PC everywhere for things you want to interface to is nice
19:30.34[av]baniespecialyl places you dont necessarily want a PC, eg the kitchen
19:30.44fugitivoit's useful, nice and cool
19:31.22[av]banibeing able to display the queue status on the _phone itself_ is nice, rather than having to refer to a pc all the time
19:31.36fugitivoor controling your x10 house with the phone :)
19:31.51[av]baniyou can implement phone functions on the phone itself, like being able to intercept conferences, pick up other extensions via the phone, etc
19:32.04[av]baniany function the phone can't currently do, but you can implement via asterisk
19:32.06_Sam--im sorry for seeming like i was saying the technology isnt useful....i just understand for myself how it would do anything good for the things that i do daily.
19:32.25rene-what about the presence stuff, from my understanding is getting your IM status and have your phone react according to it, a separate jabber like service seems to be required... is it something your customers are requesting?
19:32.28[av]baniso it would suck for you, but everyone else on the entire planet finds it usefl :)
19:32.51_Sam--[av]bani:  if they implemented it tomorrow, what is the first thing you would do/setup with it?
19:32.53DrDatacan anybody help me with asterisk+sipgate+capi?
19:33.03[av]bani_Sam--: if who did? grandstream?
19:33.20[av]banii'd add interface to argus
19:33.30[av]baniand queue status for our receptionists
19:33.44[av]banialong with customer lookup of data when they call in
19:34.05_Sam--we do that now...but we just modify caller ID bsaed on the data
19:34.28_Sam--if the calleridnum is in our system, we modify the callerid
19:34.29[av]baniaccount info, passwords, billing info, address
19:34.43[av]baniyou can control the formatting with xml
19:34.55[av]baninot the wraparound mess that would be with cid :)
19:35.31_Sam--i hear what you're saying, and i can see how that would be useful to some...but having customer info on the lcd of the phone isnt that practical for what we would still need to be displayed on the computer anyway
19:35.46overridex-workhi all, this question isn't asterisk specific, but has anyone had a problem of calls being dropped when on hold using T1? (using analog lines split out of it)
19:35.50_Sam--but i am starting to hear what you're saying...slowly :)
19:36.15[av]baniso you cant think of a single use for xml that would be useful to your company, that sucks
19:36.22[av]baniyour loss :)
19:36.39_Sam--i'll ask our web guy see what says :)
19:36.46fugitivo_Sam--: you don't need to have a pc on each position or maybe you want a phone on a hall where you don't put a pc
19:36.55[av]baniit's not so much "OMG SAVED 3 HOURS PER CALL", its more about making your receptionists happy
19:37.11_Sam--i am not about making people happy...i am about saving time per employee :)
19:37.14[av]banior not having to get out of bed and reach for a pc keyboard and mouse
19:37.39cpmJust as an aside, for all of this, I could have gone to radio shack, bought a $20 answering machine, thrown it on the ground, stomped on it, and had a telephone device that didn't work either, but it would have only cost $20 and only taken a few moments, rather than weeks and kilo buks.
19:37.47fugitivoit's the same quetion, why you need a palm or pda if you have a pc?
19:38.11[av]banicpm: i feel like that when i use microsoft windows
19:38.42cpmWell, in that case, It's a $.69 switch, stomped on the ground.
19:39.10_Sam--fugitivo: i dont think thats a fair comparison, since a pda has more functionality than 1 feature (minibrowser)...
19:39.19_Sam--you cant send email through your phone (ok i bet YOU could somehow)
19:39.36_Sam--through your SIP phone...or wouldnt want to receive a jpg attachment to your phone
19:39.45fugitivo_Sam--: you're wrong, a minibrowser could have any functionality you want
19:40.00_Sam--my pda ...i can do alot more than a mini browser
19:40.01fugitivo_Sam--: that's why it's a "browser" and not an app inside the phone
19:40.11rene-does the poly 301 has this mini browser?
19:40.18fugitivo_Sam--: a mini browser will do what the app server says
19:40.27fugitivo_Sam--: so your pda is more limited than a mini browser
19:40.42_Sam--if you say so it must be!
19:41.09_Sam--given a choice between my PDA...and a mini browser on my phone, i will pick my PDA each and every time :)
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19:41.22_Sam--<my pda is also a pcs phone >
19:41.43fugitivo_Sam--: ok
19:41.56fugitivo_Sam--: just remember that the future are the webapps :)
19:42.26_Sam--i am just a few steps behind...when the killer app comes for XML for my phone ...i will know i need it.
19:42.39_Sam--but i dont know i need it because i dont know what i need it for
19:42.45_Sam--when i know, i will now i guess!
19:43.19fugitivoyou think that the minibrowser is an integrated app and it's not, it's just like any other webapp
19:43.27[av]banirene-: only the 601 has minibrowser
19:44.13fugitivothe idea of the minibrowser is coding what you need, maybe there'll be some apps that'll fit your needs, but the real power is developing apps for your specific needs
19:44.57[av]banii would say it is more that _Sam-- lacks imagination, rather than xml lacks application :)
19:45.09fugitivomaybe it's not usefull for you or your company or you still don't have the vision of how it'll help in your company
19:45.13[av]baniask your receptionists what would save them time on the phone
19:45.23[av]baniask your warehouse guys what would be useful
19:45.30fugitivoi agree with bani
19:45.32_Sam--i spend alot of deep thought on our phones and what will save our people time...i have 10 people that do inbound phone sales work all day
19:46.03fugitivoa warehouse guy will be more comfortable with a phone with a little screen, not a pc
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19:46.14fugitivojust a few keys to press
19:46.21_Sam--it doesnt accomplish anything better than we do now
19:46.47_Sam--in fact, unless you could hook up a bar code scanner to the phone, i would argue it will take longer.
19:46.58_Sam--but that is ME and my specific situation.
19:47.12fugitivo_Sam--: you were the guy that insult me for not using a webinterface for asterisk?
19:47.21_Sam--not for asterisk, no.
19:47.26_Sam--for not using any GUI for linux.
19:47.27_Sam--like X
19:47.31fugitivoyou don't seem to be so open minded
19:47.44fugitivoi use X
19:47.57_Sam--you said all your asterisk stuff is just done from console / vi
19:48.02fugitivothat's right
19:48.05fugitivobut i use x
19:48.08fugitivodual head
19:48.11fugitivowith kde
19:48.19_Sam--my argument was that i have more tools available under X than you have just working from a console
19:48.28fugitivoi do my work from the consoles
19:48.33_Sam--and that for development work, using an interface outside the console is quicker.
19:48.43_Sam--having many open windows / screens / terms on a desktop
19:48.49_Sam--rather than screen and flopping back and forth
19:49.14fugitivowell, you should see the minibrowser in that way and you'll understand why it's usefull
19:49.44_Sam--just because it exsits doesnt mean that its useful for everyone
19:50.21fugitivoit exists and it's used by millions of people, big brands like cisco and polycom includes it on their phones
19:50.37_Sam--so, my car comes with an AM radio...that is useful to many people that want that feature
19:50.40_Sam--but i dont need it
19:50.53_Sam--its the same thing...many people may use it and like it...
19:50.57_Sam--but it doesnt mean that i need it
19:50.59_Sam--or have any use for it
19:51.18fugitivonot for you, maybe it's useful for people on your company
19:51.26_Sam--i am not trying to be difficult or argumentative by any means.
19:51.33_Sam--and if i DID have the killer app for it, i would certainly admit that
19:51.35_Sam--and try to figure it out
19:52.05fugitivothe killer app would be a self developed app that fits your needs
19:52.06_Sam--and maybe tonite when i cant sleep, i will be like "that bastard fugitivo was right..i cant beleive i never thought of using it that way"
19:52.18_Sam--but as of now, i dont have that though!
19:52.50fugitivogoogle it, maybe looking at the apps you'll have an idea of why it's usefull
19:53.37fugitivoi saw some apps from cisco and i think it's great
19:53.58fugitivothe apps for medical companies are great
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20:04.01rustybis anyone else having garbled inward audio problems with
20:04.49cpmthey keep dropping me, 'too lagged' today. /me thinks they are congested today
20:04.57cpmover selling their bandwidth yet again
20:05.39fugitivowait until they buy more
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20:07.02cpmMicrosoft OSs running critical medical apps, are the true killer apps
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20:07.45fugitivolike controlling robot arms with a laser?
20:08.06kuku5anyone else having major problems with cisco 7960 phone hanging up ?
20:10.12[av]bani_Sam--: given up on teliax yet?
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20:12.06_Sam--bani not yet, almost.
20:12.21_Sam--ive got our outgoing from 2 places going over asterlink
20:12.27_Sam--that guy file is a hack, but so far so good :)
20:12.50_Sam--im still debating pulling the trigger on porting our main toll free over to asterlink
20:12.54Dr-Linuxanyone tell me please that why there is too much active channels from "3001" and 3002 extension?
20:15.12austinnichols101kuku5: no problems with 7960's here (7.5 fw)
20:15.26kuku5im using 7.3
20:16.34austinnichols101I've heard there are problems with 7.5, but haven't seen any
20:18.11[av]bani_Sam--: i've got a ticket open for some days now, basically screaming 'i want to give you money but you dont want to take it' so heh ...
20:18.20[av]banii guess that pretty much says it all
20:18.35_Sam--the main guy from teliax was here earlier
20:18.47_Sam--he said if i found anyone with problems to tell them to email him directly
20:18.51[av]banion irc?
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20:19.07_Sam--hold on i'll get you his email
20:19.17[av]baniwell given the stuttering issues combined with the non repsonse to tickets...
20:19.22[av]banii dont think im going to bother
20:19.43[av]banifwiw it seems ITSP quality is universally suck
20:19.45filewho called me a hack? :)
20:19.54_Sam--jk obviously!
20:20.05_Sam--[av]bani:  asterlink has worked well for me
20:20.12_Sam--i mean, the calls are like 10X clearer
20:20.22_Sam--but i am 10ms to them, 50ms to teliax
20:20.36_Sam--you already know the downside to local DID
20:20.49sevardIs Playfile(current-time-is.gsm); correct syntax?
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20:21.21[av]bani_Sam--: i wish grandstream would implement setting the provisioning url via dhcp
20:21.37[av]banithats the only thing preventing me from having a truly out-of-the-box-pnp solution
20:21.40[av]bani0 config
20:21.48_Sam--[av]bani:  one other thing about asterlink....check this out
20:21.54sevardtwisted[asteria]: is System(current-time-is.gsm); correct syntax?
20:21.59_Sam--it was 11:30 on a friday night....i had some crazy problem forget what..
20:22.01twisted[asteria]except that your customers dhcp is beyond your control
20:22.05twisted[asteria]sevard, second time: no.
20:22.06_Sam--i message the asterlink guy, and he actually writes back!
20:22.11cpmErr, is there a way to ask a zap fxo port if it detects dialtone?
20:22.15_Sam--11:30 on a friday night
20:22.19sevardtwisted[asteria]: I changed Playfile to System.
20:22.24twisted[asteria]sevard, still not right.
20:22.26[av]baniwell some companies ahve hardcore geeks running them, i think tahts the case with alot of ISTPs now
20:22.35jbotmethinks docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
20:22.35sevardtwisted[asteria]: want to give me a hint?
20:22.37sevardtwisted[asteria]: got it
20:23.15_Sam--part of the teliax guys problem (not customer service wise) that he is in bed with rockynet it looks like
20:23.27_Sam--and until he gets off there, i think the service wont improve
20:23.27[av]bani_Sam--: how long that situation lasts is anyones guess, but it was like that back in the late 70s/early 80s too. you could call PC mfg's and find guys still hacking away at 11pm
20:23.58[av]baniyea rockynet seems like some small time isp, and teliax is joined at the hip or something
20:24.13_Sam--rockynet does have OK connectivity, but not great.
20:24.18_Sam--they are not just a tiny ISP
20:24.23_Sam--but maybe a small/medium one :)
20:24.25[av]baninot what it takes for a reliable ITSP
20:24.45[av]banieither that or teliax needs better equipment
20:24.54[av]baniit doesnt seemt o handle jitter at all
20:25.07_Sam--asterlink:  better customer service, better call quality, close to industry standard pricing.....the only thing teliax has better is caller id with name.
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20:25.27Dr-Linuxanybody get a chance to see my pastbin?
20:25.39_Sam--and i m going to test something from asterlink that may make the caller id with name functional , or somewhat functional
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20:27.34[av]bani_Sam--: you have any use for auto-provisioning ?
20:28.00_Sam--it would all be done from the DHCP parameters?
20:28.12_Sam--i would have a use for a 0 touch auto-config for the phones
20:28.23_Sam--like you turn it on, it gets DHCP, and configs itself somehow
20:28.23[av]banino, you cant do that with grandstream yet though
20:28.36[av]baniits 1-touch config right now, till gs lets you config the path via dhcp
20:28.43[av]banifor sipura, snom its 0
20:29.00_Sam--my config is pretty quick anyway, it takes me literally 2 minutes or less per phone from the web interface...
20:29.14_Sam--i think i could probably do it just as fast using that method as any other current method?
20:29.16[av]baniwell this would be like 2 sec of cut+paste in a text editor :)
20:29.28_Sam--you would have to open the web interface still
20:29.32_Sam--and then reboot the phone?
20:29.36_Sam--and have cfg-mac
20:29.37[av]baniand if you wanted to change the config of _all_ the phones at once....
20:29.44[av]baniits 2 seconds, plus a reboot
20:29.57_Sam--how do you generate mac-cfg.txt?
20:30.01[av]banimagic :)
20:30.08_Sam--somehow you still have to know the mac of the phone
20:30.14_Sam--do you have to manually enter it anyplace?
20:30.15Nuggetwell my ghetto asterisk-to-skype gateway appears to be pretty functional.
20:30.31[av]baniwell, i can auto gen extensions from macs
20:30.38[av]banithat would be a bit icky though :)
20:31.09_Sam--what im you have to generate the mac-cfg files...which means you need to know the mac and enter it (maybe) arguiment is while you are doing that i can do the web interface just as fast?
20:31.43[av]banii can cut+paste faster than you can do web
20:31.50_Sam--i see
20:31.53[av]baniand when you want to change config of all phones at once....
20:31.54_Sam--go to the status page of the phone
20:31.56_Sam--copy mac address
20:31.59_Sam--paste it
20:32.01[av]baniin mine its 2 seconds
20:32.10[av]baniyours... go to each phone... change config.. reboot
20:32.34_Sam--luckily, my phone configs never change (havent in 1 year or more)
20:32.39_Sam--just the firmware changes
20:32.47[av]baniplus, you have the config of all phones in a central location, unified format nomatter what hte vendor
20:32.58_Sam--but i think you are right, would be faster maybe your way, but you still have to go to each phone and get the mac
20:33.11[av]banino.. i could make it auto gen extensions from the mac
20:33.15[av]baniit already auto gens passwords
20:33.58_Sam--in order to create the have to use the grandstream configuration thing?
20:34.09[av]baniwhich is the whole point i think :)
20:34.15_Sam--they had a tool for creating the mac-cfg
20:35.26_Sam--you just use the template?
20:36.14[av]banino, it will emit the config data directly
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20:36.48trelane_I am using two cisco 7905's trying to call one phone from the other gives me the message "Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
20:36.48[av]baniso no having to juggle config files, no need to clutter directories with piles of files
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20:37.26[av]banialso.. if you ever change a phone from grandstream to something else.. just change the mac addr in the config file
20:37.31[av]baniand plug the new phone in
20:37.38[av]baniall settings are kept
20:38.09sevardtwisted[asteria]: I can't seem to find the document you're recommending, can you help me?
20:38.09_Sam--i didnt realize those setting were that universal
20:38.14sevardfind it, that is.
20:38.27[av]baninat, extensions, etc. are
20:38.40[av]banioverlap dialing
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20:39.23[av]banii could add more if i find more to share
20:39.53[av]baniof course theres nothing preventing vendor-specific stuff, in fact i let you populate the snom phonebook
20:40.08[av]banii dont know if grandstream lets you do that yet
20:44.00synthetiqwhen using rf2c833 for dtmf, and you dial to fast, (using auto dialer)  is it asterisks fault or what, because it only works if you dial slowly ...?
20:44.30Mavviehmm... seems to be that nobody knows what channel juggling is!
20:45.19Mavvie(and I see it as "Moving call from channel 94 to channel 101")
20:45.44trelane_I am attempting to get two internal extensions with cisco phones to call each other, displays the extensions.conf info for the phones.  Has anyone seen this error before?
20:46.13shido6cisco100 and cisco101 , are they registered?
20:46.21shido6what do you have for them in sip.conf
20:46.24shido6got a host?
20:46.24trelane_shido6: yes
20:46.31trelane_shido6: no they're dynamic
20:46.39shido6pastebin the sip.conf for these 2 phones AND the [general] at the top
20:47.30shido6dynamic is good - I'll wait for the pastebiin
20:48.53trelane_shido6: updated
20:50.02trelane_that by the way is all of extensions.conf, I've got a paired down version I'm using to try to fix this
20:50.42trelane_all these phones are on the local subnet
20:50.46DrDatadoes anybody know, how to transfer the CALLERIDNUM with a call transfer through capi?
20:53.20trelane_shido6: ping?
20:54.02*** join/#asterisk elg (n=fugalh@hfugal.NMSU.Edu)
20:55.35tronixMavvie: I only know that * can move channels occasionally... I just don't know the exact criteria it uses
20:56.09tronixtrelane_: hmm it's saying 'all circuits are busy' as reason for failure. 7905 has only one line? what does sip.conf look like? (minus the secret)
20:56.14Mavvietronix: aha, thanks.
20:56.38tronixMavvie: this is the reason why some people warn about not hardcoding channel names in AGI scripts or other tools, btw
20:57.12Mavvietronix: that's not the problem here, the problem is that sometimes it tries to juggle it to an occupied channel and starts to panic and drops the call.
20:58.03trelane_tronix: it's in the updated pastebin
20:58.03Dr-Linuxhow to kill active sip peer?
20:58.14docelm0Anyone know of any place that has asterisk jobs posted?
20:58.16trelane_tronix: and I have 2 7905's
20:58.24tronixtrelane_: in 542156? I don't see sip.conf info there
20:59.06trelane_165 :)
20:59.08trelane_not 156
20:59.23Mavviedocelm0: -biz mailinglist
20:59.24trelane_odd it updated
20:59.25trelane_ooh well
21:02.19*** join/#asterisk kaldemar (
21:03.19docelm0I figured that..  thanks mavvie
21:04.24Dr-Linuxhow to kill active sip channel ?
21:04.33docelm0soft hangup channel
21:06.08RoyKis it possible to run zaptel 1.2 with asterisk 1.0_
21:06.23docelm0I have by accident....
21:06.47RoyKdocelm0: run zap 1.0?
21:07.06docelm01.2 w/ ast 1.0..   Worked fine for the most part
21:07.29*** join/#asterisk flavour (
21:09.05tdonahuehi all
21:09.07docelm0I had some issues with hung ZAP channels
21:09.29tdonahuefor dtmf, if our carrier offers inband or RFC2806, which is the best option for asterisk?
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21:10.11mzoclone idiots suck :P
21:11.11docelm0tdonahue, I would use RFC
21:11.26docelm0Inband only works with g711 and well that eats TONS of bandwidth
21:12.56RoyKdocelm0: i was only thinking of using the rtc ztdummy
21:13.16tdonahuedocelm0: well, the channels are coming in ulaw anyway because of a customer requirement (problems with 729 compression on his IVR)
21:13.47MikeJ[Laptop]tdonahue, don't use inband and 729 will work fine I bet
21:14.06MikeJ[Laptop]wait.. 2806?
21:14.10MikeJ[Laptop]what is that
21:14.23tdonahueMikeJ[Laptop]: that is what i'm trying to figure out...
21:14.57MikeJ[Laptop]that's not dtmf is what that is
21:15.01tdonahuewe are currently having DTMF problems, which is why we are I'm asking about 2806
21:15.05MikeJ[Laptop]URLs for Telephone Calls
21:15.21MikeJ[Laptop]2833 is dtmf in the rtp
21:15.33MikeJ[Laptop]either that or sip info will solve your issue
21:16.05RoyKg729 and inband dtmf does not work....
21:16.22tdonahuei don't think our carrier supports sip info, but i'm currently trying to find out about 2833
21:16.32MikeJ[Laptop]RoyK, is there an echo in here?
21:16.59MikeJ[Laptop]those are pretty much your options with asterisk..
21:17.09MikeJ[Laptop]there are a few more out there.. but they are pretty obscure
21:17.24MikeJ[Laptop]ok... who can name all of the dtmf methods you can do with sip?
21:17.45MikeJ[Laptop]I can name 4...
21:17.46tdonahuewith that statement i now understand why our carrier is using 2806 :/
21:17.50MikeJ[Laptop]there are more
21:18.07RoyKwhat part of asterisk is it that's using ztdummy? chan_zap?
21:18.09MikeJ[Laptop]2806 is not a dtmf method tdonahue
21:18.50trelane_I am attempting to get two internal extensions with cisco phones to call each other, displays the extensions.conf info for the phones.  Has anyone seen this error before?
21:20.26tdonahuetrelane_: is the network the phones are on routable to from your asterisk box?
21:21.01tdonahuecan you ping the phones from your asterisk box?
21:22.41trelane_tdonahue: they're all local lan
21:22.59Zodiacaldoes asterisk benefit from 64Bit cpus or Hyperthreading?
21:23.01*** join/#asterisk mattwj2005 (
21:23.59trelane_tdonahue: both are quite pingable
21:24.28mattwj2005so what happened? irc got attack?
21:27.28mattwj2005I heard something about the clone wars.....I thought they were talking Star Wars ;)
21:27.30tdonahuetrelane_: try adding "context=internal-extension" to your sip accounts.  that is the only other thing I can see.
21:28.12mzoit wasn't just this network, seems a lot of places got hit
21:29.34mattwj2005thanks mzo....darn people anyways...thanks for the info
21:29.53trelane_tdonahue: ok noted
21:29.55mattwj2005is a hacker not a cracker.....I am only a good guy with computers :)
21:32.42j0ndoes anyone know how to set up hints for presence in AEL?
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21:41.05docelm0RoyK, thats doable..  I was using it for the TDM410
21:41.28docelm0tdonahue, If they are coming ulaw then get it rfc will make it easier to convert down the road if need be.
21:42.50RoyKi just need ztdummy with rtc support
21:44.45*** join/#asterisk postel (n=jk@unaffiliated/postel)
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21:57.20bjamesI just got in my Rhino Channel bank
21:57.24Qwellyou're up late :p
21:57.31shido6$50 Million, Qwell
21:57.42bjamesI'm trying to figure out what modules I need to load on my Linux machine
21:57.43shido6the ip phones alone are 8
21:57.50*** join/#asterisk festr_ (
21:57.54shido6you want in?
21:58.07shido6i think I may pull Digium in on this one.
21:58.10Qwellof course
21:58.20bjamesI got a Red-Fone bridge connected to the Asterisk Box
21:58.51bjamesztcfg is telling me Zaptel dynamic span creation failed: Function not implemented
21:58.56shido6how do you like that thing bjames ?
21:58.57festr_hello, i've strange crashes with last asterisk svn and probably all versions since 1.2.0.
21:58.57festr_(gdb) bt
21:58.58festr_#0  0xb7dd5c17 in malloc () from /lib/tls/
21:58.58festr_#1  0xb76f993b in iax_frame_new (direction=1, datalen=1840) at iax2-parser.c:920
21:58.58bjamesthis is Asterisk 1.0.10
21:59.10Qwellshido6: I'll be home in a few hours if you want to discuss it more
21:59.20festr_this bt, does it mean, that last func. was malloc?
21:59.30shido6I have to write up some questions and submit them TODAY
21:59.31shido6so hurry
21:59.43Qwellshido6: msg me?
21:59.47festr_RoyK before commit bug i need to understand something
22:00.05festr_RoyK what this gdb bt mean?
22:00.14RoyKpastebin the whole thing
22:00.15festr_RoyK #0 is last "instruction" ?
22:00.19festr_RoyK ok
22:00.27RoyKis this compiled with -O6 or -O0?
22:00.35RoyKif -O>0, recompile with -O0
22:00.43RoyKthe optimisation can fsckup the bt
22:00.59Qwellshido6: I'll just take lunch, and we can talk now if you'd like
22:01.05saftsacksome germans with isdn here?
22:01.20shido6# ?
22:01.34Qwellshido6: I don't have my cell with me today.  Is IRC okay?
22:01.35*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
22:01.44RoyKbut the first (#0) is the call that crashed the box. the #1 is the functiona that called #0 etc
22:02.03festr_RoyK i've made make valgrind, but somtimes i see -O6
22:02.18RoyKmake valgrind is dead on 1.2
22:02.26RoyKedit the makefile and change O6
22:02.34festr_there are many makefiles
22:02.41RoyKthe root one
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22:02.58RoyKmost rely on that
22:03.14festr_it start doing since 2006/25/01
22:03.25festr_i thing, this day was timebomb
22:03.54RoyKfestr_: iirc, yes
22:03.57RoyKfestr_: what version?
22:04.35RoyKthat trace doesn't look good
22:04.42RoyKrecompile with -O0 and try again
22:05.14festr_RoyK i've some CVS HEAD version which does not affect this bug but preventively, i've upgraded to latest 1.2 SVN and from this point it starts crashing
22:06.28RoyKfestr_: try this to find all makefiles with optimisation
22:06.29RoyKfind . -name Makefile -exec grep -H -- -O[0-9] {} \;
22:06.30festr_RoyK but i've return to older CVS HEAD but still coredumps. so upgrade again to latest SVN and still coredumps, very strange
22:06.45*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
22:06.50RoyKcreate a new dump with -O0 and call again, please :P
22:06.58festr_ok :)
22:06.59RoyKit's quite hard to debug without a good backtrace
22:07.43RoyKbloody kernel upgrades
22:07.46festr_btw whats the purpose of O6? there is only O3 deined in gccc
22:07.54RoyKi know
22:07.57RoyKnot my fault
22:08.25RoyKsome people do -O9 just in case the compiler can do it
22:08.25festr_i've post this question to dev list with strange answer :)
22:08.39RoyKwithout thinking of what the compiler really _can_ do with the code, doing that
22:08.55festr_dont understand
22:10.18elgso with digium fxo card, apparently the calling end can hear call waiting indication too?
22:10.26elgis there a way to turn that off?
22:10.38festr_RoyK libpri -O0 too.. ?
22:10.59RoyKfestr_: since the dump is in chan_iax2..... doubt it'll be necessary
22:11.05*** join/#asterisk g4m (
22:11.17RoyKfestr_: but i doubt it'll hurt
22:11.20g4mwhat is the easiest way to figure out what sip clients are currently in use? (hook off)
22:11.44Qwellg4m: sip show channels, should show you
22:12.09g4mperfect thank you
22:12.11Qwellthere isn't really an "offhook" state for SIP though, so it'll only be active calls
22:12.31RoyKg4m: you can't sense hook status, since that isn't reported to asterisk, sip show channels shows those ringing or talking
22:12.47Qwellit is with sccp ;]
22:13.25trelane_any idea how to make a 7905 not try to login as phone? sip debug is starting to give me an idea as to what hte issue is?
22:13.26RoyKiirc the sccp documentation is quite hard to get
22:13.36Qwelleh...who needs it?
22:13.41festr_RoyK btw, always last log in full.log before crash was:
22:13.43festr_RoyK Feb  5 16:48:04 DEBUG[27479] chan_iax2.c: Ooh, voice format changed to 8
22:14.07Qwelltrelane_: Isn't it a phone?
22:14.09RoyKit changed??
22:14.13RoyK8 is alaw iirc
22:14.19festr_RoyK i know
22:14.33Qwellfestr_: Is there a zap channel in there anywhere at all?
22:14.43festr_RoyK all calls was to or from 4xE1
22:14.47QwellI just saw a bug a minute ago...
22:15.01RoyKshould be alaw in the first place.....
22:15.13RoyKfestr_: just reproduce it with -O0 and full debug
22:15.18Qwellfestr_: Go look at that bug...
22:15.44festr_RoyK i hope it will reproduce. i'm just in process of chanign makefiles
22:16.08trelane_Qwell: yeah but it's just bloodyminded to think it's going to use the username "phone"!
22:16.28Qwelltrelane_: That is in the settings of the phone
22:16.57RoyKfestr_: jus a sec :)
22:17.01festr_RoyK anyway, another box with same hardware with 3x bigger load and no crash for weeks (exactly same version of CVS HEAD). but different kernel 2.6.14 (gcc 4.0.3). server where i could reproduce crashes is 2.6.12 gcc 4.0.2
22:17.04bjamesztcfg is telling me Zaptel dynamic span creation failed: Function not implemented << that module I needed was ztd-eth and ztdynamic
22:17.08QwellRoyK: Make him look at that bug :P
22:17.09trelane_Qwell: not according to what the web config engine says
22:17.19_Sam--hey file, by default, we cant call hawaii?
22:17.33Qwell_Sam--: us48 iirc
22:17.44_Sam--they allow incoming from HI
22:17.55Qwellbecause it doesn't cost extra for them to call you
22:18.01Qwellor, maybe it does...dunno
22:18.01_Sam--sure it does
22:18.24_Sam--its an allow inbound from HI and AK
22:18.29_Sam--HI = like 10c / min
22:18.34RoyKfestr_: find . -name Makefile -exec perl -pe 's/\-O\d/-O0/g' -i {} \;
22:18.35_Sam--AK = worse
22:18.36festr_Qwell it seems that this bug is different
22:18.53festr_RoyK nice one thanks
22:19.25_Sam--hey file, im going home...if you get this, and its possible...please allow us to call out to HI...i will pay the extra per minute for those calls.
22:20.13festr_RoyK it could be done with sed
22:20.19festr_RoyK you like perl ? :)
22:20.21*** part/#asterisk jimmy_deanPB (
22:20.28RoyKit could be done with lots of other stuff as well
22:20.37RoyKbut i tend to use perl
22:20.42RoyKwhy not? :)
22:20.47mattwj2005are there any disadvantages of using iax for voip service providers?
22:21.08RoyKit's not like it takes a lot more time to fork/exec perl as compared to sed when you're doing it like 10 times :)
22:21.08festr_only advantages :)
22:21.36mattwj2005I was thinking like security....reliablity...anything like that
22:22.06festr_RoyK :) i have seen scripts in perl: `echo "$FOO" >> /tmp/1`... this is very unusual :)
22:22.08RoyKmattwj2005: you will miss one great opportunity if you use IAX
22:22.27mattwj2005what is that?
22:22.29RoyKmattwj2005: the hours after hours of fighting NAT problems with SIP
22:23.17mattwj2005I am currently using voipjet for outgoing calls...they are iax based
22:23.29RoyKSIP was created by people who thought the world was nice, all people kind and official IP addresses to everyone, no firewalls and peace on earth and prolly just about enough pot
22:23.40mattwj2005I really like it......I don't know about incoming though
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22:25.02mattwj2005I did once configure incoming sip....but I am sure iax incoming can't be that bad
22:25.38festr_mattwj2005 with trunking and using g729 or ilbc you can safe a lot of packets :)
22:26.13mattwj2005by using iax, festr_?
22:26.19festr_mattwj2005 yes
22:26.35mattwj2005okay...sounds good
22:26.37festr_mattwj2005 for more then 10 calls you save 10kbits per call.
22:26.58mattwj2005per call....1kbit per second?
22:27.09festr_mattwj2005 10 calls with g729 ~ 250kbit with trunking it is 128kbit
22:27.38mattwj2005nice.....voice quality too?
22:27.53festr_mattwj2005 and second major save with trunking is that packets are sent every 20ms so less overhead
22:28.09fileyou're.... you're my number one
22:30.34adibarHi everyone.
22:31.21PoWeRKiLLI'm trying to compile chan_bluetooth.c with asterisk 1.2.4 and it's complaining about channel_pvt.h but I can't find this file in * any idea ?
22:31.40festr_btw CLI> stop when convenient
22:31.45festr_console will freez
22:31.49*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
22:32.00festr_so i've to reconnect
22:32.07ManxPowerAnyone know of a cheap 1010xxx dial around service?
22:32.19*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
22:33.08QwellManxPower: In 2006?  Probably not very many left
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22:33.26ManxPowerQwell, well my IP service is 1000ms latency....
22:33.26adibarPoWeRKiLL: Use the CVS-version of chan_bluetooth. That did compile for me... But none of my handies seems to be compatible :-(
22:33.53ManxPowerI'll give my grandmother a call, she uses one of those alot.
22:34.00ManxPowerQwell, and there are zillions of them
22:34.01*** part/#asterisk steelcase (n=stevec@
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22:34.40harryvvanyone here know of a voip wholsaler of voip 604 or 778 numbers?
22:35.13GerbilNutany recommendations for putting in a delay before a wav is played?
22:35.26QwellManxPower: Depending on the price, it might be cheaper to just setup a tollfree account on a server somewhere, and dial out through that
22:35.27adibarWait(() ;-)
22:35.39Qwellfigure 4c/min tops for that
22:35.52PoWeRKiLLadibar I try to get it via SVN but I get an error
22:36.40adibarerr... adibar="quite newbie"... SVN ?
22:36.53[av]banianyone got native moh working in * ?
22:39.34Mark_Halversonanyone using * with SS7 ??? saw some dead projects on the wiki...need the ability to do a TCAP dip on 800 call and log CIC in the CDR
22:40.06*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
22:42.56synthetiqFeb  6 17:44:26 NOTICE[5284]: app_dial.c:1109 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0 - Unknown)
22:44.22ManxPowerMark_Halverson, you won't be able to do that with Asterisk AFIK
22:45.27adibarPoWeRKiLL: Sorry, my fault. It was the app_voicechanger that has been usable from CVS. For chan_bluetooth use the following URL:
22:46.22adibarPoWeRKiLL: with that it compiles fine...
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22:50.28*** join/#asterisk MoutaPT (i=MoutaPT@
22:50.57MoutaPTHello, does any one has configured any CheckPoint Firewall with Asterisk
22:50.59MoutaPTon DMZ
22:51.02_Sam--file:  THANKS.
22:52.06g4mIs there a way to make a call file wait for the creator to start a connection, i.e. after the call file is grabbed by asterisk not start outbound call until the person making the call picks up their phone.
22:52.12ManxPowerMoutaPT, not any different than any other firewall
22:52.38ManxPoweryou need to open up the SIP port (5060) and the RTP ports (defaults to 10,000 - 20,000, but can be changed), all ports are UDP, of course.
22:52.46MoutaPTManxPower, in fact i don't know what is happening all the ports are opened
22:52.57MoutaPTsome times i register well sip phones
22:53.01MoutaPTsometimes not
22:53.09MoutaPTalso only get audio with
22:53.12ManxPowerMoutaPT, Any NAT involved?
22:53.15MoutaPTno NAT
22:53.36adibarg4m: give the file a date in the future with "touch"
22:54.34Mark_Halversonanyone having problems or success conecting * to a MetaSwitch ???
22:54.45MoutaPTi really get in troubles with network team, they don't know about asterisk ...
22:55.23*** join/#asterisk [Atlas] (n=whois@
22:55.43MoutaPTand i'm the "client"  of them
22:55.54[Atlas]is there any tftp servers i  can use with linux that i can specify an interface to listen on rather than an ip address
22:55.58MoutaPTthey just answer me, everything is opened
22:56.21MoutaPTbut CheckPoint system has a kind of SmartDefence
22:56.34MoutaPTi've been looking and it is just monitoring
22:56.52MoutaPTthat's why i asked if some one has worked with this firewall
22:56.57ManxPowerif there's no nat, then leave nat= out.
22:57.10MoutaPTor empty?
22:57.20WasPhantomno ;nat=
22:57.24WasPhantomI'm guessing
22:57.36ManxPowerum, remove any nat= lines
22:57.52MoutaPTok, i only get sip phones registring
22:57.57MoutaPTuntil now with nat=no
22:58.02MoutaPTor nat=route
22:58.10MoutaPTnat=route audio is ok
22:58.22MoutaPTotherwise no sound for calls to asterisk services
22:58.27ManxPowerif there is no NAT involved then you do not need nat= lines.
22:58.30ManxPowerif you need them, then there is nay involved.
22:58.34MoutaPTi mean 8200 no sound
22:58.42MoutaPTzapata call sound is ok
22:58.54ManxPowerIf nat is involved then there is one set of things you need to do, if there is no NAT involved then you have to do a different set of things.
22:59.12MoutaPTmy info available is no  NAT
22:59.26MoutaPTi've made externalip
22:59.30MoutaPTand localnet
22:59.34MoutaPTin sip conf
22:59.38ManxPowerMoutaPT, you can do a "sip debug" in the Asterisk CLI.  If you see private addresses then you know they lied.
22:59.58ManxPowerMoutaPT, those options will break things if there is no NAT.
23:00.18MoutaPTyes my local ip sip client appears
23:00.21MoutaPTon sip headers
23:00.28[av]banihmm... moh is stuttering, and i can't see any reason for it
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23:03.47MoutaPTis there any difference between nat=no
23:03.52MoutaPTor no lines about nat?
23:05.32j0ndoes anyone know how to use hints for presence in ael?
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23:07.29trelanehrm I only thought it was supposed to rain today
23:09.21MoutaPTDoes any one knows the difference between nat=no ; nat=route and no line about nat?
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23:12.52ManxPowerMoutaPT, nat=route is to work around bugs in one model of the Uniden SIP phone.
23:13.11*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
23:13.17shmaltzis the list down?
23:13.22adibarCould anyone use wildcards for the called number on a construct like: exten => _1234X./5551234,2,blah ?
23:13.26CaT[tm]is there a nice alternative to AMP (other then vi :)? :) preferably something I wont have to do open-heart surgery on to install right.
23:13.53crich1999CaT[tm], try
23:14.53crich1999i mean
23:14.59CaT[tm]crich1999: thanks. I'll give it a look (btw http://v- yeah :)
23:15.22MoutaPTthanks ManxPower!!
23:15.35shmaltzanybody know if the list is down?
23:15.48MoutaPTcould you just tell me diference between nat=no nat=never and no lines about nat ?
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23:20.00g4madibar: thanks
23:21.15adibarg4m: welcome
23:21.25MoutaPTis there any way else than sip debug
23:21.42MoutaPTto see what * is doing while trying to register sip clients
23:22.18adibarethereal or ngrep ;-) but that's even worse
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23:23.36wundaboywhat is the default username/password for the web control of a polycom ip500?
23:23.36g4madibar; although 'date --date "1 minute" +%c' might work better
23:23.46[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : Polycom / 456
23:23.59[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : Althrough you really should provision it...
23:24.18wundaboywhat do you mean provision it?
23:24.35[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : Configure it from a FTP/TFTP server
23:24.50[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : Thats where all the real settings are
23:24.54wundaboygood call, can i find info about that on voip-info ?
23:25.27adibarg4m: If it works... fine. But I followed the syntax for touch from the man-page
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23:27.52adibarg4m: btw. in the newer man-pages of date you don't find the hint for future or past date-usage anymore. So hopefully you still have a box with stone-age linux on it where you will find the hint inside "man date"
23:28.36*** join/#asterisk kamileon (n=kamileon@
23:28.55g4madibar: it works with debian/linux 2.6
23:29.01*** join/#asterisk lithi (
23:29.04kamileonhello #asterisk
23:29.30adibarg4m: it works, but it is not mentioned inside the man ;-)
23:30.27shido6anyone live in oklahoma?
23:30.32lithiWhats a good way of limiting calls? Groups?
23:31.02*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
23:31.27MoutaPTany one Works with asterisk Portugal?
23:32.18airdogmy asterisk server (v 1.1 on Mandriva 2006) won't authenticate incoming calls from my VOIP provider.  Everything else works fine
23:32.29airdogwould appreciate help
23:32.38rob0kamileon, that IP of yours is just 5 hops away from me, hey, notice that Comcast has fubar'ed their rDNS?
23:32.56*** join/#asterisk file (
23:32.56rob0(or turned it off maybe)'
23:33.24*** join/#asterisk CodeGuru (i=CodeGuru@
23:33.28kamileonrob0: weird so youre hsv local too?
23:33.39CodeGuruhello everybody
23:33.40rob0Florence actually.
23:33.48*** join/#asterisk fiber0pti (
23:33.53kamileongreat, this area is the best.
23:34.16CodeGuruany expert could give me a hand here, i just need some advise on using asterisk on my upcomming solution ?!
23:34.26kamileonim about to throw my * boxen out the window over a simple issue i cant figure out, and i should be able to
23:34.33kamileonnice to meet you rob0 btw
23:34.33fiber0ptiI'm using polycom 500s and I'm getting a lot of messages about how extensions are getting lagged and are unreachable and then a couple seconds later they become reachable again. They are all on a lan going through a managed switch which is not heavily used. Any ideas?
23:35.06rob0kamileon: let me know so I can be standing under the window :)
23:35.06CodeGuru:) nice rob0 , but can you help me ?
23:35.14Mavviekamileon: you have to give a little bit more information than that.
23:35.27*** part/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
23:35.31kamileonMavvie : i will when i break down and request assistance ;)
23:35.42rob0CodeGuru: not likely, but I can listen :)
23:35.49Mavvieaha, you're in the "at least threaten myself with it" phase.
23:35.55*** join/#asterisk Umaro (n=umaro@
23:36.08CodeGuruthanks rob0, here is my question:
23:36.12UmaroHey guys.. anyone know of a digium supplier/somewhere to get digium cards in india?
23:36.26kamileonsimply put, i just have a tdm40b and a x101p in one box and im just trying to match 8XXXXXXX to send my call out zap/5 *
23:36.38kamileonsee why i feel stupid now
23:36.46RoyKjust upgraded to and it seems asterisk is only scheduled on two logical cpus
23:36.48rob040b is what, a single FXS?
23:36.52RoyKit doesn't only seem so....
23:36.54kamileon4 fxs
23:37.01kamileoni only use 1 though
23:37.23rob0hey, wanna sell some of the others? :)
23:37.25kamileonwant some cheap fxs module(S)
23:37.29CodeGurui have requirement to provide the sales department an integrated solution of receiving calls from pbx to thier computers (voip) and the ability to record or transfere or conference those calls ? can this be done with asterisk as the phone server ?
23:37.37kamileonyes i only *need* two of them
23:37.58rob0Two would be wonderful for me! I have a TDM with one.
23:38.01PoWeRKiLLthanks adibar
23:38.20kamileonmodule 3 is failing to calibrate or whatever now, it worked 3 days ago fine, dont know how to diagnose the issue
23:38.20rob0ok, so I am here to help you kamileon :)
23:38.21adibarPoWeRKiLL: Did it help ?
23:38.42rob0ztcfg -vvv
23:38.47CodeGururob0 -> did u read my question ?
23:38.52UmaroCodeGuru: Definately.
23:39.29kamileonrob0: i just took modules 3 and 4 out of zapata.conf all together, so im running only 2 of them
23:39.34CodeGuruumaro: im not a linux guy, so is there a complete fool proof guide or tutorial on installing and configuring Asterix ?
23:40.54airdogmy asterisk server (v 1.1 on Mandriva 2006) won't authenticate incoming calls from my VOIP provider.  Everything else works fine.  Would really appreciate help!!
23:41.10distortionanyone seen a limit to the number of extensions defined?
23:41.14rob0kamileon: maybe it's no longer zap/5?
23:41.29adibarairdog: firewalled ?
23:41.32*** join/#asterisk bryan2 (
23:41.36CodeGuruguys, could any1 volanteer for my help here :((
23:41.45distortionI have 10,000 extensions for a context i want to send to Congestion() heh
23:41.50airdogadibar: yes but as said outgoing calls work fine
23:41.58ManxPowerkaldemar, that is a simple matter of your dialplan
23:42.15airdogadibar: 5060 is open
23:42.15bryan2I have a small problem that I havn't been able to figure out.  How do I configure asterisk so that it does not answer a line?
23:42.16rob0CodeGuru: there's tons of information at the wiki, but it's not a simple thing.
23:42.46CodeGurua link will be good here
23:42.47adibarairdog: Did you open the desired ports (UDP 5060 + UDP 10000-20000) ?
23:42.50kamileonrob0: ztcfg still reports it as 5 even though only 2 modules are loaded, i guess since theyre still physically onboard
23:42.56jbotsomebody said docs was probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
23:42.56bryan2I've messed with the context settings of the zaptel config files but have had no luck.
23:43.04*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
23:43.06*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
23:43.32airdogadibar: not the 10000 and up... that necessary?  Then I have to open a LOT of ports
23:43.33CodeGuruok, i will be back in a few minutes after seeing the site
23:43.42airdogcodeguru: try
23:43.47rob0kamileon: what do you see in the console when trying to make a call?
23:44.05trelanehas anyone ever had a cisco 7905 registration problem with asterisk where the phone was sending invalid sip login info?
23:44.12adibarairdog: U still can restrict it to the asterisk-box. But for that works.
23:44.29kamileonit just shows the line picking up, then i dial 2 digts, any 2, and it hangs up
23:45.28trelaneadibar, what was your solution? mine insists on loging in with the username "phone"
23:45.44airdogadibar: but if the ports were closed, would I still get the log message saying Failed to authenticate user in the logs?
23:45.52rob0kamileon: what verbosity level?
23:45.59rob0(increase it)
23:46.01adibarairdog: Zyxel 2000 ?
23:46.14*** join/#asterisk Skkip (n=Skipper@
23:46.15kamileonrob0: i think i ran * with like 7 v's
23:46.25airdogadibar: no, just sip.conf no other hardware
23:46.31kamileonim just mismatching my extentions is all i believe
23:46.52airdogtried insecure=very or insecure=port,invite to no avail...
23:46.57rob0hmmm, should be enough v's.
23:47.04jbotrumour has it, docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
23:47.24litagewhen a call goes softphone -> Asterisk -> softphone, only * needs g729 licenses. where are the g729 licenses need when the call goes softphone -> SER -> softphone,   or softphone -> SER -> Asterisk -> Softphone  ?
23:48.02adibarairdog: Some providers don't like the userame "asterisk". So you have got do put something like this inside the general section of sip.conf: useragent="da VoIPsta"
23:48.28ManxPowerstupid bot
23:49.05adibarairdog: for the firewall-stuff check :
23:49.10airdogadibar: well as said outgoing goes fine so provider accepts my stuff.  The fail to authenticate are in my log
23:49.30airdogadibar: ok will do
23:49.50adibarairdog: hope that helps
23:49.58distortionheh, nice.. 10k extensions loaded and its working, load time wasnt long at all either
23:52.12rene-dummy question: is mac address supposed to be universally unique and can it be used to identified a vendor of a technology?
23:52.25Qwellrene-: yes and yes
23:52.40QwellThat isn't quite true in reality
23:52.41airdogadibar: thanks for the help, appreciate...
23:52.49*** join/#asterisk Poincare (n=jefffnod@
23:52.58QwellThere is nothing stopping A) MAC cloning, B) Vendors using MACs they shouldn't
23:53.01adibarairdog: welcome
23:53.08*** join/#asterisk bryan2 (
23:53.16Qwellrene-: in general they can be trusted though
23:53.22adibar...and who helps me ?
23:53.22bryan2How do I turn answering on a zaptel port off?
23:53.33bryan2I'm soory.  Off.
23:53.33Qwellbryan2: turn off answering?
23:53.33rene-Like the guidelines for private ip space, mosat people follow them but i have meet people that dont
23:53.46Qwellrene-: basically
23:53.49bryan2Yeah.  I don't want asterisk to pick up the line when it rings.
23:53.55rene-thanks men
23:54.18ManxPowerbryan2, if you don't tell Asterisk to answer the line then it won't answer it./
23:54.29airdogadibar: don't think I can help much but what's your issue?
23:54.47adibarairdog: just joking ;-)
23:54.51bryan2Brilliant.  I've installed Asterisk at home and I've got the default context pulled up.  What do I put in it?
23:55.11rob0rene-: I spoof a MAC at home to keep the same IP address from the ISP.
23:55.25Qwellrob0: I've had to do the opposite
23:55.42airdogadibar: well good thing, cause..... anyway, the firewall thing doesn't help, it still refuses to authenticate.... shit
23:55.51kamileonrob0: on my dials right, if i press the 8 (key to send call out zap) it waits for another digit before hanging up, anything but 8 immediatly hangs up
23:56.15Qwellrob0: once, my ISP wouldn't give me a new IP because of my MAC, so I had to spoof a random MAC to get a new one
23:56.20rob0kamileon, sounds like a dialplan problem.
23:56.33adibarairdog: did ya try a sip debug peer <whatever> ?
23:56.34CaT[tm]wow. the install procedure is, well, wow. so clean.
23:56.41kamileonbryan2 : exten => s,1,noop(${CALLERID(num)})
23:56.44kamileoni believe
23:56.52kamileonsomething like that
23:56.59bryan2Excellent.  Thanks Kam.
23:57.02airdogadibar: well it's on debug 10 and verbose 10, what more can I do?
23:57.10ManxPowerkamileon, exten => s will ONLY EVER be called when there are NO digits received
23:57.25airdogadibar: not sure I know about this sip debug stuff
23:57.32*** join/#asterisk Skkip (n=Skipper@
23:57.35adibartype: sip debug peer <name-of-peer>
23:58.25adibarairdog: on to get rid of that amount of data type : sip no debug
23:58.27kamileonbryan2 : im not sure if that will work, i got it from someone else helping me with my dialplan, i want my x100p NEVER to pick up the pstn line, thats what my guy at digium told me to use
23:58.43Spidacan I get help here for getting my fritz pci to work with mISDN, too?
23:58.46ManxPowerso basically exten => s is only matched when a call comes in on an analog FXO port, or when you are stupid and put immediate=yes.  There are a couple of crappy VoIP providers that use it to, but not many.
23:58.54kamileonbryan2 : that exten was in context [incoming-zap] btw
23:59.09bjamesMy * server is crashing after I load the ztd_eth module and start *
23:59.09airdogadibar: done thanks
23:59.15ManxPowerkamileon, don't put an exten => s in the context= in zapata.conf
23:59.23QwellWhat is ztd_eth?
23:59.39ManxPowerbjames, why do you want to use TDMoE?
23:59.43adibarairdog: with this you should see, where it is failing
23:59.53bjamesManxPower, I have a Redfone

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.