irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060205

00:00.19X-Roband how many of them are along 100km of dirt road?
00:00.27X-Robs/along/at the wrong end of/
00:00.46tainted-that was sweet!
00:01.09dpryoX-Rob: This is norway, so no dirt roads.. only high mountains and lots of snow
00:01.31tainted-i heard oslo, norway is now the most expensive place to live in the world
00:01.37netsurferdamn... and some of us have to PAY to go to the snow
00:01.45dpryotainted-: That's true :)
00:01.52X-Robdpryo, aaah. We've got plenty of dirt roads here. About 1.8m km of dir, and only 600,000km of tar.
00:02.00tainted-dpryo what is their primary export?
00:02.12dpryotainted-: Rich people ;P
00:02.22*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
00:02.38X-RobOoh. florz is all funky and ipv6-y
00:03.14dpryooh, an ipv6 user that doesn't have 'dead', 'beef' or 'babe' in his address...
00:03.33NetgeeksJim Flemming?
00:04.11X-Roband facade
00:04.16iDunnosurely that should be c0:ff:ee
00:04.25X-RobYes, yes it should be
00:04.35tainted-X-Rob 9/1
00:04.53X-RobI'm significantly lacking in 12648430.
00:08.23X-Robtainted-, I'm missing the significance of 9/1
00:08.28*** join/#asterisk Berkey (
00:10.30tainted-i'm teasing u about your earlier answer to 7/1
00:10.35X-Robah 8)
00:13.04netsurferanyone seen this before: find_engine: Realtime mapping for 'queues' found to engine 'mysql', but the engine is not available
00:13.47mzoyou need to put gas in, or the engine will stall.
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00:27.48konoaIf I want to dial an internal SIP user, what would I set the channel to be?
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00:28.34X-Robname is what's in sip.conf inside the [square brackets]
00:29.02konoadoes this work in the context of the auto-dial out?
00:29.12konoathere's 2 parameters, Channel and Extension
00:29.38konoaso it looks like i'd be inputting the information twice
00:30.20X-RobIf you're calling a sip endpoint, eg a hardphone, I think you can leave extension blank. I think. 8)
00:30.48konoalol i wasnt too sure either
00:30.50konoathanks x-rob
00:36.16*** join/#asterisk heison (
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00:44.21wunderkinanyone here use chanspy and local channels? i need to update but its not working for me
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01:00.35*** join/#asterisk _HolyGod (
01:04.57*** join/#asterisk AlexCTI (
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01:07.46AlexCTIHi every one, I have a little issue, I have 2 sip users connected, so each one can make outbound calls using the PSTN channels but when they call one to each other, the call is connected but both sides get silense, anyone knows what could be?
01:08.13X-Robor connectivity issues somehow.
01:08.30*** part/#asterisk SplasPood (
01:08.36X-Robtry canreinvite=no in sip.conf
01:09.07AlexCTIok, let me do it
01:17.16*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
01:21.16AlexCTIX-Rob, It has NAT yes, and canreinvite=no, now the comunications was succesfull
01:22.43*** join/#asterisk scon (
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01:23.51AlexCTIsorry, It had..
01:25.41*** part/#asterisk mogorman (
01:26.03*** join/#asterisk florz (n=florz@2001:1a50:503c:1:0:0:0:1)
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01:28.22ptiggerdine_where's the best place to ask AMP questions.
01:28.35jbotamp is probably NOT supported here! people using it should join #amportal
01:29.29jbotupdatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep, or super extractor,
01:30.47*** part/#asterisk junbug (
01:30.50*** part/#asterisk shido6 (
01:31.18ptiggerdine_thanks to all
01:31.35*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
01:31.48X-RobHe hasn't actually joined the channel or asked anything though.
01:32.36*** join/#asterisk _Paulo_ (
01:33.26_Paulo_someone knows bayonne?
01:33.34mzothe city?
01:33.44_Paulo_no, gnu bayonne
01:33.47mzoit's a nice place, but too much staten island trash :P
01:34.15tainted-~seen tzanger
01:34.20jbottzanger is currently on #asterisk. Has said a total of 84 messages. Is idling for 1d 4h 3m 13s, last said: 'but ALL the provided rings suck ass'.
01:35.28_Paulo_It's said that bayonne has some fax support...
01:36.30_Paulo_Given that I'm unable to make app_txfax work, I was wondering if I could use bayonne with asterisk...
01:36.51_Paulo_To send faxes.
01:37.51_Paulo_app_rxfax is working very well.
01:37.56thazza~seen God
01:37.58jbotgod <> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 31d 8h 49m 21s ago, saying: 'is it true that debian can be used for web servers??'.
01:38.47thazzaAs i always knew.. God isn't as smart as they say he is.
01:41.54*** join/#asterisk copantl (n=copantl@
01:41.55rikstais anyone using sphinx4 with asterisk?
01:42.25*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
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02:04.43*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
02:05.23ManxPowerno audio on my systems
02:06.07FuriousGeorgeever since i upgraded to 1.24 my moh has stopped working, and my mailbox greetings seem to have been overwritten
02:08.06FuriousGeorgemaybe the moh isnt working because i had to resample all my tracks for playing to loud and now thats fixed
02:08.10FuriousGeorgebut the greetings...
02:15.45*** part/#asterisk mogorman (
02:21.11QwellNugget: :P
02:28.05Abydos313Qwell what do you think of using asterisks with this type of install "asteriskathome-2.5.iso"
02:29.38Qwellinstall from source, config by hand
02:30.28Abydos313i wanted to get used to it first
02:31.33Abydos313i downloaded and watched that video with 'kevin' and it was a nice intro to asterisk
02:32.01Qwellthe systm video?
02:32.04Abydos313the guy from tv show g4
02:32.11Qwellwith John Todd..
02:32.24Abydos313i saw both those guys at defcon
02:33.10Abydos313couldn't get into the asterisk talk, room was full
02:33.15Qwelljtodd makes appearances everywhere
02:33.43Abydos313he seems like a really smart guy
02:38.33*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:38.52*** join/#asterisk iDunno (
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02:45.05X-RobIf I stay there could be trouble
02:45.11X-Robif I go it would be double
02:47.00copantlany body knows about a good open source card billing appliaction?
02:47.14*** join/#asterisk brainwagon (
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02:53.53Abydos313using asterisk how many phones are usable per t1?
02:55.09SplasPoodAbydos313: Depends on the codec.
02:55.33_Paulo_Abydos: T1 = 24 lines
02:55.56SplasPoodWell he didn't say PRI..
02:56.04_Paulo_Abydos: some countries use 1 channel for signalling
02:56.12Abydos313how about US
02:56.40_Paulo_Abydos: Ask your PSTN provider.
02:56.51Abydos313we use 4 t1 cards into a windows2000 server with a program called televantage.. it sucks
02:56.53*** join/#asterisk FastJack (
02:57.04SplasPoodOk, he meant PRI :)
02:57.42X-RobE1's much better
02:57.52Abydos313i thought maybe you could get more lines out of a t1 using asterisks and ip phones
02:58.40coppiceusing a T1 as a data channel you can.
02:58.42X-RobDepends if you want to use it as a voice or a data carrier
02:58.49X-RobSnap, coppice.
02:59.16coppiceOK, I won that. Now lets play scrabble
02:59.40Abydos313it's a support call center. 90+% of all calls inbound only
02:59.41X-RobFZYGRGH: The sound of an annoying fat ape
03:00.49X-RobAbydos313, at some pont, there needs to be a connection to the PSTN, if you want people to be able to pick up their normal, standard, house phone and call you. You can either do that yourself with your T1 with 24 voice channels, or you can get someone else to do it and bring the data in over a 1.544mbit data channel.
03:01.45Abydos313what's cheaper
03:01.53X-RobOoh. Ask an american.
03:01.58*** join/#asterisk fdask (
03:04.00_Sam--my last asterisk binary , from the cli, when i would have warning and/or notice messages, they would be in color...i compiled a new version, but they arent in color...not a big deal, but wondering how i fix it
03:04.13X-Robuse -c when you start asterisk
03:04.29rob0could be a $TERM / termcap(5) issue
03:05.22De_Monasterisk CLI in color? I gotta try that
03:05.33_Sam--just warnings and notice messages
03:12.19*** join/#asterisk flashnet[BNC] (i=flashnet@
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03:31.49tainted-is asterisk limited to one parked channel at a time?
03:32.14tainted-i mean one parking slot
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05:05.52*** join/#asterisk AsteriskNewbie (n=root@
05:06.47*** join/#asterisk MstlyHrmls (
05:08.04AsteriskNewbieAnybody has experience with Background app? Background plays the message, and hangs up right after that ..
05:08.31AsteriskNewbieIt doesn't jump to i, or t, and only accepts input if I enter it while the background message is playing ..
05:08.38_Paulo_show your dialplan
05:08.54AsteriskNewbieDial Plan is:
05:08.56AsteriskNewbieexten => s,1,Answer()
05:08.56AsteriskNewbieexten => s,2,BackGround(enter-ext-of-person)
05:08.56AsteriskNewbieexten => s,3,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=40)
05:08.56AsteriskNewbieexten => i,1,PlayBack(pbx-invalid)
05:08.57AsteriskNewbieexten => i,2,GoTo(incominghomephone,s,2)
05:08.59AsteriskNewbieexten => t,1,PlayBack(vm-goodbye)
05:09.01AsteriskNewbieexten => t,2,Hangup()
05:09.03AsteriskNewbieexten => 1,1,Dial(Zap/1,33)
05:09.05AsteriskNewbieexten => 1,2,VoiceMail(u501@homevoicemail)
05:09.07AsteriskNewbieexten => 1,3,HangUp()
05:09.09AsteriskNewbieexten => 2,1,Dial(Zap/1,33)
05:09.11AsteriskNewbieexten => 2,2,VoiceMail(u502@homevoicemail)
05:09.13AsteriskNewbieexten => 2,3,HangUp()
05:10.34jbothmm... pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
05:11.11Math`AsteriskNewbie: add a WaitExten as s,4
05:11.18AsteriskNewbieSorry .. kinda new to this ..
05:11.36AsteriskNewbieHmm .. Math .. thanks .. I'll try that now ..
05:11.52Math`or else it just runs out of commands and hangups
05:12.06AsteriskNewbieAh! Is that a version 1.2 thingy?
05:12.34wunderkinyour digit timeout needs to be first
05:12.51wunderkinyou actually want that a response
05:13.05Math`digittimeout is the time between digits
05:13.08wunderkinyou are going to wait 40 seconds for a response?
05:15.02QwellWhat do you guys generally do, Background then WaitExten?
05:15.06AsteriskNewbieah... ok ... works great now .. thanks a lot, folks .. I'll read up on WaitExten and digittimeout ..
05:15.58wunderkinim not sure why you would need a waitexten after background..
05:17.38AsteriskNewbiewunderkin: the 40 sec was just ... me testing stuff. I was wondering why it wasn't working ..
05:18.28AsteriskNewbieAnd no, I didn't think one should need a waitexten after background, especially if timeout has been specified. But it seems to jump straight to hangup() after background is done playing ..
05:20.28*** join/#asterisk Grubs (
05:20.38wunderkinwith the timeout first, then background, and no waitexten you still have problems?
05:20.45wunderkinand the timeout changed to response
05:22.37AsteriskNewbieyes ..
05:22.46*** join/#asterisk fafnir (
05:23.19wunderkinyou said it works.. so what did you do.. is that what you did?
05:24.01AsteriskNewbieit only seems to work with waitexten added ..
05:24.14AsteriskNewbiebut I still need to set the timeout first .. otherwise, it doesn't work ..
05:24.27tronixis the IAXy capable of taking inbound iax2 calls and send it to an analog phone connected to its port?
05:24.31tronixor is the IAXy outbound-only?
05:24.33X-Robwunderkin, rtfm
05:24.38AsteriskNewbieNot sure if I'm doing something wrong or if this is the way it was supposed to work. All the examples have it differently ..
05:24.39X-Rob'show application background'
05:24.52X-RobTo continue waiting for digits
05:24.53X-Robafter this application has finished playing files, the WaitExten application
05:24.53X-Robshould be used.
05:25.30wunderkinok i didnt read that part
05:25.32X-RobAsteriskNewbie, you can type 'show application [whatever]' to get accurate documentation on the command
05:25.54X-Robs/the command/any command/
05:25.56wunderkinso that means i need to change some things on my end :D
05:26.28wunderkinthat may also help explain the low response rate.. cool thanks :D
05:26.32AsteriskNewbieHmm .. that very helpful :) Thanks X-Rob/jbot
05:27.22wunderkinthanks for asking AsteriskNewbie, otherwise i wouldn't have noticed this problem
05:29.31I-MODtronix: IAXy is both inbound and outbound, treat it like any other phone
05:29.50tronixI-MOD: ok, thanks. just means I've got a config issue, then. :)
05:34.15wunderkinit works for me without doing a waitexten
05:34.43wunderkinnot sure how
05:35.49X-Robare you not running 1.2?
05:35.49*** join/#asterisk brookshire (
05:35.55wunderkini am
05:41.14*** join/#asterisk Evanrude (
05:41.28wunderkinthat is still in the application help
05:41.35*** join/#asterisk elg (
05:41.49tronixah, I see my issue with iaxy... somehow it lost registration with *. once it was forced to re-register, took incoming calls ok from same context
05:46.54SwKtronix: context has nothing to do with sending calls to an external device via a channel
05:47.13SwKcontext for the device only defines where calls start when originated from the channel
05:53.37tronixSwK: i'm just saying that iaxy reliable gets calls from other devices in [internal]
05:53.45tronixbut can't reliably get calls from the pstn
05:53.48tronixwhich is in a diff context
05:54.10tronixditto from voip provider
05:55.08fafnirOMG ARE YOU TEH TRON?!@
05:55.40Qwellarmagetron rocks
05:55.41fafniractually i was thinking of the antagonist of the efnet crowd
05:55.48tronixnot that one
05:56.16tronixI do remember my efnet days. I had to be on best behavior since I worked with hub admins ;)
05:56.56fafnirhmm i have a general question about asterisk...
05:57.01tronixwhat's that?
05:57.27Qwellnow I'm emerging armagetron :P
05:57.27fafnirwould you speculate that all the caller id spoofing services are using asterisk boxes linked with their own bandwidth/voip/t1 shit?
05:57.39Qwellfafnir: some, sure
05:57.58*** join/#asterisk coppice (
05:57.58Qwellsetting callerid is a valid thing to do on PRIs
05:58.05Qwelljust...usually only within your range, but..
05:59.31Qwelltronix: Have you not played it?
05:59.36Qwellit's fun :D
05:59.49tronixthe arcade version many moons ago :)
06:00.02tronixcan't wait to check out armagetron if it sounds as good as I think it probably is
06:00.49tronixSwK: yes, you're right, though. I just worded it poorly. :)
06:01.09tronixSwK: debugmania time for me
06:03.16I-MODarmagetron is awesome :)
06:09.16GrubsIs it normal to have to run ztcfg every time the machine boots?  I'm sure I didnt have to until the latest zaptel upgrade. *shrug*
06:10.18tronixwow, armagetron is *awesome*, seconded!!! (just got done playing a few rounds... wow.)
06:10.50tronixGrubs: hmm, doesn't sound normal to me
06:13.13Grubsbugger.  Just found asterisk wasnt starting when the box rebooted because of a "no such device error"  running ztcfg allows asterisk to find the zap channel just fine.
06:15.44tronixhmm come to think of it...
06:15.49tronixon my last boot, did have to do the same
06:15.56tronixI'll check on my next reboot, whenever that is
06:16.04tronix(since it isn't a Windows box, I don't like to reboot very often)
06:16.39Grubsmine also (debian) but I have recently been "fiddling" with it and didnt reallise I had rebooted and left asterisk offline.
06:17.18GrubsSeems to have happened only when I update zaptel to 1.2.3
06:19.47tronixhmm could be. I *did* have the updated zaptel upon this boot
06:21.33tainted-~seen three5ml
06:21.41jbottainted-: i haven't seen 'three5ml'
06:24.31_Paulo_bomebody knows the gnu-bayonne?
06:25.23*** join/#asterisk TuckerAdelaode (n=TuckerAd@
06:26.34*** part/#asterisk mogorman (
06:27.01acehunkyThere is a new project thats started : Asterisk4Soho, we are looking for more developers on the project. At the moment we want ideas on how to have a really easy to upgrade system which doesnt break things like AAH .. anyone ? #Asterisk4Soho
06:27.15*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
06:27.22TuckerAdelaodehi all got a quick question... thinking of setting up Asterisk in my home.. looking at gettting a Sipura 3000. I currently have a AMD2500+ serving as a proxy and is running linux... Will I need to add another Ethernet card to that box or can I just connect the Sipura up to and LAN port on the network and have it run off like that normally?
06:27.45I-MODlan port works
06:28.11*** join/#asterisk coppice (
06:28.21TuckerAdelaodeso as long as its on any LAN port within the same subnet it should be fine then?
06:28.47QwellHow well does * run on ppc linux
06:28.48TuckerAdelaodefantastic.. saves me stuffing around with linux setups and such
06:29.15mogormanit runs on my box qwell
06:29.17mogormanand my mips
06:29.34Qwellmac was ppc, wasn't it?  Maybe that was a stupid question, heh
06:30.09acehunkyyeah Qwell: Mac = PPC
06:30.27acehunkybut PPC also means Pocket PC :P
06:30.29Qwellguy just showed me a link for a $20 board+cpu
06:30.32Math`but the new ones are x86 :)
06:30.42Qwellwould be cool to get asterisk on it.  266mhz or so
06:30.44acehunkyQwell: show me url ?
06:30.58acehunky$20 sounds throw away
06:31.03Qwell  Very limited quantity...
06:31.36mogormanoooh /me wants
06:31.47mogorman20 bucks!!!!!
06:31.51Qwellyeah, looks cool
06:32.00Qwelltotally worth it..
06:32.03acehunkyYEAH !
06:32.16acehunkyi hate Jtags though
06:32.18QwellMath`: $20 vs $150 :p
06:32.26Math`ok you got a point
06:32.44mogormani dont know i think ill get niether
06:32.50mogormangot enough pcs at house
06:32.57acehunkywell might as well compare $20 vs $150 vs $206 (soekris ;))
06:35.35Grubstronix:   looking at my build notes I think issuing a "modprobe wctdm"  after upgrading Zaptel may have been in order to allow the zap channel to load on bootup properly.
06:36.12Math`I'd rmmod it first
06:36.17tainted-can anyone help me with ParkAndAnnounce?
06:36.29tainted-I need to get the parking slot # that a call is parked into
06:36.42Math`tainted-: checked features.conf
06:36.45Grubsthx Math`
06:37.09Math`Grubs: you've to rmmod a couple of modules tho, not just wctdm
06:38.20*** part/#asterisk TuckerAdelaode (n=TuckerAd@
06:38.45tainted-Math` the problem is i need to know what extension the current call is parked at
06:40.07Math`parkext => 1090                  ; What ext. to dial to park
06:40.14Math`transfer to that number, you're gonna hear the extension
06:40.30tainted-if there's only one parked call
06:40.33Math`1090 isnt default tho
06:40.44Math`its going to say the extension
06:40.46tainted-what if i have 5 parked calls
06:40.55Math`thats another option
06:40.55Math`parkpos => 1191-1199              ; What extensions to park calls on
06:41.18tainted-but how can i return the current parkposition for dialplan manipulation
06:41.47Math`show application ParkAndAnnounce
06:41.53Math`"The variable ${PARKEDAT} will contain the parking extension" ....
06:42.50tainted-what version is that?
06:42.59tainted-i'm running 1.2.4 and don't have that
06:43.12Math`do it on the cli
06:43.55Math`uhm thats trunk but I think its before 1.2.4
06:44.07Math`its svn8961
06:44.35*** join/#asterisk chapeaurouge (
06:44.49tainted-committed to trunk 1-22-06
06:45.48tainted-+oh.vars = ast_variable_new("_PARKEDAT", buf);
06:45.52tainted-that's what i needed
06:46.12Math`or.. just use dev using trunk
06:47.05*** join/#asterisk Lord_Drachenblut (
06:47.16Lord_Drachenblutyo all
06:49.22acehunkyIs there some command to find out list of Functions available in any particular module/application which gets loaded in asterisk ?
06:50.05*** join/#asterisk sch19 (
06:50.27*** join/#asterisk Pegger (
06:50.50Peggererr i cant get zaptel to comile for some reason
06:50.55Math`acehunky: you can get a global list by using "show applications" and "show functions"
06:51.10*** part/#asterisk mogorman (
06:51.16QwellPegger: install kernel-headers
06:51.33acehunkyMath`: one more issue here, the list scrolls up, is there something like less in cli ?
06:51.34Lord_Drachenbluti'm looking for a way for users of my asterisk box to call in and be able to do voice records with out having call somone elses extension
06:51.37*** join/#asterisk Caesar (n=apollock@debian/developer/apollock)
06:52.04Math`Lord_Drachenblut: like... features.conf's one-touch record?
06:52.12acehunkyshift + Pageup also breaks sometimes
06:52.26rtlord: just Answer() the phone and then Record()
06:52.36Math`acehunky: asterisk -rx 'show functions' | less
06:52.44Math`same for show applications
06:53.05acehunkyaah thanks Math` :)
06:53.20Lord_DrachenblutMath`, i think that may get me what i wanted
06:53.51Lord_DrachenblutMath`, just got to figure how to use it
06:53.55CaesarIs there something that will play the GSM files that come with Asterisk (under Linux) so I can listen to them all?
06:54.38Math`Lord_Drachenblut: pretty simple... ex: automon => #3
06:54.42CaesarI could create an extension that uses Background() on them all, but that's kind of tedious...
06:54.47Math`now press #3 during a call, you hear BEEP, other party don't
06:56.16Lord_Drachenblutso my best bet may be to set up a dummy account for people to call
06:56.47Math`sleep time for me
06:57.17rtwell, it dpeends on what you want to do.  I have rules set so that when i dial in from any of my phones, it uses a different context than normal people get.
06:57.39rtyou could probably do something like too (everyone else just gets to record, you get other options)
06:58.40Lord_Drachenbluti want it set up that anyone who wants to could just do a voice record for now like a audioblog type service
06:59.09*** join/#asterisk argos73 (
07:12.57PeggerQwell, kernel heraders are installed at ls -l /usr/src/kernel-headers-2.6.8-2-386/
07:14.54*** join/#asterisk TuckerAdelaode (n=TuckerAd@
07:16.31*** join/#asterisk BladeRunner (
07:17.03BladeRunnerJust wondering if anyone here can help me with queues?
07:19.52mistralTuckerAdelaode: yes soa-3000 does work with asterisk. I have a working config. Use gogole ...
07:19.57Peggernever used ques before
07:20.19PeggerTuckerAdelaode, well you need somewone to terminate the service for you
07:20.42mistralTuckerAdelaode: what OS are you running ?
07:21.16mistralnever heard of it :D
07:21.32BladeRunnerthese queues are frustrating me :(
07:21.35*** join/#asterisk Ayano (
07:21.59mistralTuckerAdelaode: you might wanna learn some basic skills about using the command line before you think about processding with this
07:22.08AyanoI'm having problem with that zap detecting the hangup.
07:22.23BladeRunnerI had that problem with my Zap
07:22.48mistralfor what asterisk ?
07:22.50Corydon76-homeAre you installing Asterisk from source or from rpm?
07:22.56mistraltry asterisk :D
07:23.12*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
07:23.15Corydon76-homeAsterisk from source does not install an init script by default
07:23.33Corydon76-homeTuckerAdelaode: are you root?
07:23.44mistralwhat have you done so far since unpacking the source ?
07:23.51Ayanobaderunner: how did you take care of it
07:23.52Corydon76-homeDid you do a 'make install'?
07:24.15BladeRunneri added BUSYDETECT=yes in zaptel.conf
07:24.27Corydon76-homeThen asterisk is in /usr/sbin/asterisk
07:24.44mistraldid you get any errors ?
07:24.46Peggerwell i am having trouble getting zaptel to work
07:24.47BladeRunnerand that seemed to have done the trick
07:25.04Ayanolet me try
07:25.28mistralmake an init script
07:25.57Corydon76-homeOr install one of the init scripts from contrib/init.d/
07:27.32*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
07:27.44BladeRunnerMy agents stop ringing during a queue announcement, is that normal?
07:27.56mistralTuckerAdelaode: if you dont figure that sort of stuff out you probably wont have much luck with the spa3k
07:30.08mistralon fc its probably /etc/rc.d/inid.d
07:30.22mistralexcatly the same as where the others are
07:30.50AyanoBladeRunner; not working, any more clues?  Still doesn't hang up....
07:31.58Kattyhi lads.
07:32.03*** join/#asterisk heison (
07:32.13AyanoBladeRunner; tdm400 so yes
07:32.55BladeRunnersorry zapata.conf
07:35.13*** join/#asterisk [1]EriSan (
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07:35.51*** part/#asterisk TuckerAdelaode (n=TuckerAd@
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07:38.20BladeRunneralso try busycount=6
07:38.31BladeRunneras well as busydetect=yes in zapata.conf
07:41.26*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
07:43.09*** join/#asterisk KaBewM (
07:44.27KaBewMdamn, just upgraded to asterisk 1.2.3
07:45.07FuriousGeorgePlaying '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/0/temp
07:45.12FuriousGeorgewhy is it playiong temps?
07:45.36FuriousGeorgewe had this all set up and now it seems to have gone back to default settings
07:48.32Supaplexdoes * work with these usb phones popping up all over the place?  How can I tell it will work with Linux? (and Mac?)
07:49.29argos73FuriousGeorge: the trouble has to start in the dialplan somewhere...
07:51.42*** join/#asterisk sociald (
07:52.42socialdHey I just installed Asterisk@home
07:53.21I-MODi'm sorry
07:53.58thazzaMy sympathys sociald ! ;-)
07:54.13iDunnohmmm - it appears that that's not in the topic any more ;)
07:54.13socialdIm running Asterisk right now but I would like to know how I get asterisk to communicate with my modem
07:54.20*** join/#asterisk penghb (n=penghb@
07:54.28mmlj4sociald: it can't
07:54.34socialdI didn't know where else to go
07:54.41mmlj4unless you get one that's compatible, and most aren't
07:55.12socialdbtw the basterd nevern told me it would format my NTFS
07:55.40socialdIm listening to music all of a sudden I see on the screen 'Formatting / File system'
07:55.53socialdSocailDecrypter:"Crap"! I pretty much just screwed my self?
07:57.17KaBewMsociald, its written all over the docs, and even the asteriskathome page
07:58.43trixterbeep you say
07:58.56trixteryou werent saying that earlier
07:59.16socialdWell the formatting is my own fault
07:59.25socialdBut hell man if this thing screwed over my filesystem
07:59.45socialdis there any simple way I can atleast create a somewhat decent pbx through modem?
08:00.00KaBewMnot unless its a supported modem
08:00.27FuriousGeorgeargos73: exten=>s,3,voicemail(u0)?  i dont see why that would stop working
08:00.29jbotfrom memory, thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under the Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
08:01.49socialdI've seen that thing
08:01.55socialdThe pages NEVER END
08:02.34KaBewMjust go there
08:03.33socialdWhich is why I took the easy way and ran to irc
08:03.55trixterthat book only takes a couple hours to read cover to cover
08:04.07trixteralthough for me its far easier to read paper than lcd, but meh
08:05.34socialdI have no gui
08:05.44socialdwill I survive?
08:06.00argos73FuriousGeorge: (sorry - took the dog out) does ext 0 have a temporary greeting recorded?
08:06.18*** join/#asterisk mzo (
08:08.15socialdAlso KaBewM, what should I be looking for .. as in a 56K card
08:08.40KaBewMi ordered a generic ia92 winmodem
08:08.42KaBewMthat worked
08:09.16KaBewMits the only one that pops up in froogle
08:09.46argos73FuriousGeorge: just recorded a temp greeting in a mailbox, and it did create voicemail/default/1206/temp*
08:09.58argos73i'm guessing that's what happened
08:13.26socialdA "Generic" card?
08:13.26socialdTheirs no analog only generic
08:13.26socialdso im guessing thats the one ill click on
08:15.55argos73sociald: for all intents and purposes, the terms "pbx" and "modem" don't really go with each other...
08:17.01argos73there are phone "interfaces" that work with asterisk, but I wouldn't call them modems
08:18.03*** join/#asterisk Jun_ (
08:18.43socialdWell I dont have a gui
08:18.54socialdSo softphones are out of the question
08:19.16socialdIm gona need to work straight from computer to analogue telephone
08:20.36KaBewMi use a sipura device
08:21.00socialdWhoever gave me a link to the /hardware page .. I have no idea where to go except generic
08:21.50socialdAnd then it says I have to be a member
08:21.50thazzaWhats a good linux sip softphone?
08:22.30argos73the x100p card (discontinued, but you can easily find them on ebay) is a basic single-line phone interface
08:23.55argos73you'll sometimes find IA92 winmodems listed as x100p clones...  they're winmodems that just happen to be close enough to an x100p to work with asterisk
08:24.43*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
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08:25.29socialdDude I cant buy things on teh intarwebs
08:28.21*** join/#asterisk [av]bani (n=[av]
08:30.19sergeusi have very strange error:
08:30.20sergeusFeb  5 08:27:39 DEBUG[10220]: channel.c:3528 ast_channel_bridge: Bridge stops because we're zombie or need a soft hangup: c0=SIP/, c1=SIP/1004-84f8, flags: No,No,No,Yes
08:30.38sergeuswhy that happens?
08:32.34GrubsWas "post-install wctdm /sbin/ztcfg" removed from the latest /etc/modultils/zaptel ??  This will explain why my system no longer runs at bootup
08:35.15FuriousGeorgeargos73: sorry im here now
08:35.24FuriousGeorgethe temp greeting is the default greeting
08:36.06FuriousGeorgeallison saying "Please leave a message..."
08:36.25FuriousGeorge-- Playing 'vm-intro' (language 'en')
08:37.12FuriousGeorgeexten => s,n,voicemail(u0), is in the dialplan
08:38.21*** join/#asterisk bbjunkie_ (
08:38.27FuriousGeorgebefore all that it says -- Executing VoiceMail("Zap/6-1", "u0") in new stack
08:43.04FuriousGeorgeyet the files exist. im gonna copy em to my comp over here and listen to em, but at 56 meg wavs i feel like its gotta be the greeting we recorded
08:49.30*** join/#asterisk trelane (i=trelane@2001:4830:150c:0:20d:61ff:fe31:a6c)
08:49.40trelaneI just got spammed via the asterisk mailing list, someone want to adjust the filters please?
09:03.39Supaplexthe more correct route would be to find the list maintainer address. check your message footers.
09:06.14trixterdefine spammed via the asterisk mailing list
09:06.32trixterwas it a post sent to the list or to an address harvested from the list?
09:10.40rikstais anyone using sphinx4 with asterisk?
09:11.43*** join/#asterisk cuco (
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09:14.36IronHelixgood morning
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09:50.08markithi :) anybody here that makes a big use of native assisted transfer (atxfer)? Seems buggy to me, sometime seems not to get the *2, or suddenly switches to english language (I've set italian as default)
09:55.38*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
09:55.56*** join/#asterisk jhiver (
09:55.58jhiverhi all
09:56.38jhiverI need to find a way to tell asterisk (in the dialplan) to dial multiple outgoing gateways either in a round-robin or equal probability fashion
09:56.53jhiveris there a way to do this or must this be an AGI?
10:00.56SwKjhiver: just dial(SIP/FOO&SIP/BAR&SIP/FOOBAR) which ever one answers first gets the call
10:01.23*** join/#asterisk narzy (
10:01.25jhivermhhh could be an option I guess
10:01.55jhiverbut then say I dial N gateways this way
10:02.14jhivercould there be a risk of gateway X getting the call
10:02.23jhiverand gateway X+1 getting, say, voicemail?
10:02.28SwKor you could use astdb and some dialplan magic in a macro to pick which gateway to send the call if you want to "load balance" the traffic in a ghetto method
10:02.32jhiverand end up paying twice?
10:02.55jhiverWith DBPut / DBGet commands?
10:03.05tronixhow could you pay twice if you 'complete' the circuit once?
10:03.50jhivertronix: with GSM it could be possible if asterisk didn't tell the other gateways to "give up"
10:04.02jhiverbecause mobile phones are on voicemail when they are busy
10:04.15SwKbut say you do dial(SIP/f01/5551212&sip/f02/5551212) that would probably give you a call into voice mail as 2 calls cant ring to 555-1212 at the same time...
10:04.33jhiverSwk: exactly
10:04.38jhiverwhich would be pretty bad
10:04.45tronixguess that makes sense.
10:04.50SwKhowever if use the astdb or dial() check ${DIALSTATUS} then decided if you need to dial again that always works
10:04.55jhiverbusy is no problem, the problem is when you have multi-line destinations
10:05.23jhiverso... using astdb how would you do this?
10:05.47jhiverI guess at the beginning of the macro I could have a get / set to change the "state" of the variable
10:05.52SwKnow lets say you do something like dial(sip/1/5551212&sip/2/5551313) (note the different destinations) then which ever answers first gets the call and the other gets hungup on
10:05.55jhiverare there no race conditions doing this?
10:06.37jhivermhhh I'm pretty confused now :)
10:06.53SwKwhat exactly are you trying to do? load balancing, or auto failover for outbound calls?
10:07.05jhiverboth I guess
10:07.09jhiverbut load balancing first
10:07.19jhiverI have GSM gateways and they have 12 channels each
10:07.56jhiverso I need to load balance between them
10:08.07SwKwell if you are trying to do both then you need to use astdb with dbget and dbput to rotate the gateways, then after dialing the first gateway, check the dialstatus and if its not one of the status that say this call went thru then dial again
10:08.28jhiveris it ok to call a macro within a macro in a recursive fashion?
10:08.42jhiverif so, are there no race conditions using dbget / dbput ?
10:08.51SwKwhy bother... you can do this all in 1 macro
10:09.19jhiverok I guess you can repeat the operation a couple of times in the same macro
10:09.21SwKwell seeing the objects are locked.....
10:09.21jhiverthat makes sense
10:09.46*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
10:09.54SwKthe thing is... there is no need for recursive macros...
10:10.20iDunnoaww - but recursion is *fun* :)
10:10.20jhiverwell I guess you can always use goto or something
10:11.29SwKseed a value into astdb, then when a call goes over check it, if value is val A set it to val B then use gateway A, if val B use gate B and set to A, dial, check exitcode then dial on the other gate if nessecary
10:11.41jhiverI guess another option would be to have a daemon which sets the current gateway to use in astdb from the CLI
10:11.46SwKi could write this for you but that would 'learn you' nothing
10:12.12SwKI just told you how to do it in the most efficient way
10:12.28*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
10:12.29jhiverlike asterisk -rx "DBPut(gsm/current=<current_db>)"
10:12.36jhiverevery 5 seconds or so
10:12.45SwKthere is no need for all that crap
10:12.50SwKno need for even an AGI
10:12.50jhiverthen I can use that value for my diat string...
10:12.56jhiverjust thinking out loud :)
10:13.19jhiverSwK I see
10:13.25SwKI write stuff like this every day for carriers trying to loadbalance CallingCard IVRs and stuff
10:13.52SwKnot are just too cheap to put a good sip loadbalancer in from of them
10:14.18jhiverso I guess the only problem remaining is how to enable / disable a gateway
10:14.27SwKset a flag on it
10:14.31jhiverbecause, hell, restarting asterisk is a bit crap :)
10:14.34jhiveraaah cool
10:14.40jhivergood plan
10:14.58jhiverexcellent, my mind is clear now :)
10:15.17jhiverSwK: thanks
10:15.51jhiverI guess macros and astdb are pretty cool :)
10:16.06SwKand if you do decide to implement something in AGI DO NOT call DIAL() in the AGI
10:16.31jhiverI don't think I will, but out of curiosity, why not?*
10:16.53jhiverastcc does after all...
10:17.14SwKwell before the AGI can do anything else it just sits there wasting memory
10:17.25SwKdial has to exit
10:17.57SwKso lets say you have a box running a big Perl or PHP agi... thats 1 copy of perl/php for each call thats running
10:20.29*** join/#asterisk h4mm3r` (
10:32.39*** join/#asterisk TuckerAdelaide (n=TuckerAd@
10:39.06pb_whatever file you're using to provision the ATA, I guess
10:40.48pb_how are you configuring the other settings on the SPA?
10:41.00pb_if you have a tftp or http provisioning file, put it in there.
10:41.09pb_if you don't, just enter it through the web interface like normal
10:41.52pb_enter the spa's IP address in your web browser
10:42.13pb_the normal web port
10:43.24pb_eh?  I doubt you are running apache on your spa3000.
10:44.38pb_The dialplan you mentioned is part of the SPA configuration.  You'll have to wait until it arrives before trying to configure that.
10:45.21*** part/#asterisk redax (
10:46.56tzafrirSwK, you can also use res_perl and run stuff inside the asterisk process
10:47.59SwKtzafrir, yes you can... or res_php... but I prefer not allowing my agi's the capability of taking out my asterisk box
10:48.52SwKTuckerAdelaide, i would guess most asterisk "experts" do that all the time
10:49.24SwK(i know I only keep a few lines from the general section
10:51.16narzyanyone ever have any luck integrating sugarCRM with asterisk?
10:52.08narzyI want to use the call tracking feature in sugar by allowing asterisk to infuse call data from the devices in my office in to sugar.
10:52.22narzysorry, tired, last sentence is a reflection of that fact.
10:52.31narzyI'm sure I know what I'm talking about in my head LOL
10:55.36SwKnarzy: A@H has some sugar integration... but I never looked at it too closely... it might me something you can rip out and use
10:55.36*** join/#asterisk yaron (
10:56.24yaronbin ich hier im Deutschem irc cannel ?
10:57.30narzythink you're looking for ubuntu-de
10:57.40narzyerr #ubuntu-de
10:57.58narzyerr sorry wrong window.
10:58.46narzygood to know sack
10:58.50narzyerr SwK
10:59.59SwKTuckerAdelaide, xlite
11:00.22SwKfirefly. iaxphone, the list goes on and on check out the wiki for a list of them
11:00.48SwKbut for SIP xLite is about the best free one (altho some people hate it)
11:02.06SwKand thers versions of xLite for windows, OSX, and Linux
11:04.23*** join/#asterisk Simon-_ (
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11:10.25sergeusTuckerAdelaide, firefly
11:11.15*** part/#asterisk astnoob_ (
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11:15.54*** join/#asterisk TuckerAdelaide (n=TuckerAd@
11:16.14TuckerAdelaidehow do I get something like Firefly to talk to Asterek directly?
11:16.24*** join/#asterisk svenna_ (
11:16.30iDunnowhat's Firefly?
11:16.51iDunno(other than a series, and a good series that was axed half way through)
11:17.20TuckerAdelaidei asked ppl just a lil while ago for names of apps that i can use to test Asterisk with
11:18.06TuckerAdelaidesomeone suggested firefly
11:28.37BladeRunnernot sure what they were
11:28.40BladeRunnerbut cool
11:31.06*** part/#asterisk donnib (
11:32.56*** join/#asterisk Kizmet (
11:33.00BladeRunnerI normally use SIP
11:33.20BladeRunnercreate an extension in asterisk ie 200 with a password 1234
11:33.21Kizmet1.2.4 is breaking my SIP :(
11:33.31KizmetIAX works tho ;0
11:34.20BladeRunnerthen in X-Lite set Username 200
11:34.25BladeRunnerAuth User 200
11:34.35BladeRunnerPassword 1234, SIP Proxy your * IP
11:34.40BladeRunnerand thats it
11:35.04*** join/#asterisk newl (
11:35.32Kizmetsomthing like that
11:35.50Kizmetpeople usually disagree with me on the type bit ;)
11:37.28BladeRunneryeah theres a little thing next to CLEAR
11:37.30BladeRunneron the right
11:37.37BladeRunnerlooks like a page with writing
11:37.53BladeRunnerClick that > System Settings > SIP Proxy
11:38.09Kizmetis anyone actually getting these messages.
11:38.18Kizmetim having problems with packet loss with my ISP :(
11:38.38KizmetTuckerAdelaide, sweet.
11:38.55Kizmet80% packet loss on my isp atm.
11:39.04KizmetNot mentioning which one :(
11:39.08KizmetIm in canberra :(
11:39.44X-RobKizmet, you're with
11:39.52Kizmetno thats my domain ;)
11:40.01KizmetI had the reverse dns changed.
11:40.01X-Robwell which ISP?
11:40.06Kizmetnot telling
11:40.14X-Robwell that's really helpful.
11:40.25KizmetGoldweb Internet Communications
11:40.25X-RobNo, there's no problem with random_fucking_isp at the moment.
11:41.04iDunnothere are *always* problems with random_fucking_isps
11:41.18iDunnothey're concentrating too much on thier immediate needs ;)
11:41.21cypromisrather with every_fuckin_isp
11:41.42X-RobI can't do a lookup on your host.. what's your IP address?
11:41.53Kizmetdns is broken at the moment
11:42.30BladeRunnerthats weird mine does i have a BOOK then CLEAR then a PAGE
11:42.44KizmetBladeRunner, do you have Xpro tho ?
11:42.56BladeRunnerahh sorry, no xlite
11:43.02BladeRunneri have x-lite
11:43.27X-RobKizmet, Can't do much. comindico is giving me a host unreachable when I try to traceroute it, and it's not responding to pings.
11:43.37X-Robdiagnosis == who the hell knows.
11:43.47KizmetX-Rob, yep because my ISP is like screwed :(
11:43.59KizmetX-Rob, AAPT have like dropped the main link
11:44.06X-RobKizmet, time to churn to westnet
11:44.19KizmetX-Rob, im on TransACT cable thx but no thx
11:44.38X-Rob<Kizmet> My network sucks, but I like it. I'll stay there.
11:44.39BladeRunnermine doesnt look like that
11:44.54KizmetX-Rob, lol there are a few ISP's on TransACT
11:45.03BladeRunnerwhat OS?
11:45.03Kizmetso i9'll just change to one of the others :)
11:45.22BladeRunnerhrmm same
11:46.09KizmetGet the latest version...
11:46.13BladeRunnermine looks like this but in english
11:46.29*** join/#asterisk coppice (
11:47.59KizmetX-Rob, I cant change to Westnet without paying out the monthly fee's for the TransACT contract for the next 17 months at $89.95 p/m for a 5m/1m link im pretty happy where i am ;)
11:48.11KizmetI can change to any ISP on the TransACT network so meh.
11:48.14X-Rob..except for the fact that you're not.
11:48.20X-Robso change.
11:48.24KizmetI will
11:48.27KizmetOn monday
11:48.31KizmetWhen everyone is open
11:49.10BladeRunneryeah I know the feeling
11:49.30BladeRunnerI played with X-Lite then moved on to Cisco 7940's :)
11:50.38BladeRunnerthey didnt seem to bad until I found out the SIP license and power cube were extras!
11:50.39KizmetI have a Cisco 3620 :) Its all I need for what I do...
11:51.14KizmetAnd i have a Asterisk Server :)
11:51.52KizmetIm thinking of getting a second Net link through another ISP as a second PPPOE session on the TransACT link and doing things that way....
11:51.53BladeRunnerI found the new Linksys phone SPA-941 i think to be quite nice, they look like the Ciscos and feel like them, but they are basically the Sipura 841
11:52.36coppicehey seem to be hiding the 941 on their web site
11:52.49KizmetGrandstream GXP-2000 with the new firmware are even better for there value now than 2 months ago.
11:52.56Kizmetand there only $160 odd AUD
11:53.01BladeRunneryeah it was a funny one, and if yo ucall them for support they are a bit funny about it
11:53.11BladeRunnerthe 941's I pay about $200 for
11:53.33BladeRunnertell you to email or something....
11:53.40KizmetI still prefer my Grandstream ;)
11:53.46BladeRunnerhavent tried those
11:54.00KizmetShould get one they are good value for money ;0
11:54.28KizmetIm still waiting for them to bring out the extended keypad attachment
11:54.41BladeRunnerI have 2 Cisco 7940's here (VIC) , got * running on an IBM x306 1U server and sent my friend in QLD a 7905, he vpns into me and its cost effective :)
11:54.43KizmetTuckerAdelaide, Set the realm and the domain to your voip server.
11:55.55BladeRunnertry using the IP?
11:56.25BladeRunnerand your user and auth name are both your extension?
11:57.48TuckerAdelaideexten => s,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@${PSTN_GW})
11:58.03TuckerAdelaidethats my config file
11:58.05TuckerAdelaideand i havn't touched any of the others
11:58.46BladeRunnerjust checking mine out
12:00.11BladeRunnerhrmm i put mine in SIP.conf
12:00.54BladeRunnersorry typo
12:01.37*** join/#asterisk scon (
12:01.44jbothmm... pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
12:05.14TuckerAdelaideok now its saying I am logged in
12:05.45TuckerAdelaidebut its also now saying Feb  5 22:38:59 NOTICE[25777] pbx.c: Cannot find extension context 'from-internal'
12:05.51BladeRunneryay :)
12:06.05BladeRunneroh that would be because you might not have a context for that
12:08.08BladeRunnerdo you have a [from-internal] section in your config
12:08.23TuckerAdelaidewhich config file?
12:08.42BladeRunnerthought it was extension.conf, but I cant see it,
12:11.08*** join/#asterisk Freman (
12:11.12BladeRunneryeah its in extensions.conf
12:11.21Fremanhey... 600 mhz should be enough cpu for a small home based pbx yeh?
12:11.31TuckerAdelaideshould do yea
12:11.59TuckerAdelaideok.. learn me, bladerunner.. my extensions.conf is rather blank
12:12.34TuckerAdelaideis that the line I have called PSTN?
12:12.46BladeRunnersent it to u in a priv window as its a bit big
12:12.47coppiceanyone tried to get one of these new USB desktop phones to work with *?
12:12.49*** part/#asterisk Freman (
12:13.47Kizmetcoppice, they are just USB sound cards in a headset shaped peice of plastic
12:14.02Kizmetand the keypad is just a USB keypad
12:14.25coppicenot those. the new desktop phones ones. keypads, LCDs, etc, just like a full featture phone
12:14.26BladeRunnerkind of
12:14.54BladeRunnerdid you get my messages
12:15.05*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
12:15.28BladeRunnerthats weirds
12:15.36coppiceKizmet: when you say USB keypad, do you mean they emulate the numerics pad of a USB keyboard?
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12:17.07Kizmetcoppice, yep
12:17.32BladeRunnermine is like this, but has more extensions
12:17.32BladeRunner;dial other extensions
12:17.33BladeRunnerexten => 201,1,Macro(exten-vm,201,201)
12:17.33BladeRunnerexten => ${VM_PREFIX}201,1,Macro(vm,201)
12:17.51coppiceKizmet: do you know what they emulate for the LCD screens?
12:18.13BladeRunnerhowever - time to go to sleep i think :(
12:18.16Kizmetcoppice, i have allways assumed it is just another one of those serial screens
12:18.30Kizmetyou can basically put anything on it
12:18.56BladeRunnerno dramas :) good luck
12:19.39BladeRunner:( bugger
12:19.51coppiceKismet: perhaps. the desktop ones I've seen have proper echo cancelling speakerphones in them. They appear to actually have the DSP for that inside the phone. seems like they should need some controls beyond the usual USB audio ones to control some of these bells and whistles
12:19.57BladeRunnermy config is rather large
12:20.24BladeRunneryeah same - off to adelaide for me!
12:20.44Kizmet* dpkg mangles coppice with a Knoppix CD
12:20.55BladeRunneryeah i am in melb, i am there til wed
12:20.58BladeRunnersa that is
12:21.27Kizmetcool i work for me too
12:21.34BladeRunneri know some people at commander
12:21.55coppiceKismet: what I was wondering is if you use a WRT54G lookalike with a USB port (e.g. the ASUS one) as a home gateway running *, would one of those phone make a reasonable main house phone plugged straight into that USB port
12:22.03BladeRunneryeah they arent too bad, I know some of the Sales Managers in here in VIC
12:22.40BladeRunnerthis is me, can use the contact form, i'll see if i can help :)
12:22.52TuckerAdelaideFeb  5 22:56:04 WARNING[26730] pbx_config.c: Unable to register extension at line 9
12:22.52TuckerAdelaideFeb  5 22:56:04 WARNING[26730] chan_iax2.c: Unable to open IAX timing interface: No such file or directory
12:23.07*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
12:23.14BladeRunnerby the way 201 was another extension
12:23.19BladeRunneryou will need one for 200 also :)
12:34.38X-RobBedtime, I think. Gotta go to Emerald tomorrow. Yay.
12:34.40X-RobThen toowoomba.
12:35.07coppicetoowoomba == twin girls? :-\
12:35.19X-RobI don't know what it means 8)
12:35.35X-RobEmerald is called that because it's on the gemfields.. another big town near it is sapphire.
12:35.41X-RobOh, oh no, I'm wrong.
12:35.47X-RobEmerald is called that because of the colour of the grass.
12:35.53*** part/#asterisk TuckerAdelaide (n=TuckerAd@
12:35.57coppicecome on. that's what it sounds like
12:37.03coppiceso, is sapphire named after the style of jokes there?
12:38.27X-Rob1840-1860 they discuss the name
12:38.43coppiceAHHH! I think redhat 7.2 was about the last version that would reliably log out and shut down from a X11 session of any kind
12:38.59X-RobCentOS does it fine
12:40.04coppicethat's just redhat, with redhat crossed out and CentOS written in crayon
12:40.47coppicewhen FC4 was new it seemed to shut down reliably. recent updates seem to have fixed that
12:42.04X-RobCentOS is RHEL, as opposed to fedora which is 'throw everything in there'
12:42.59coppicethey are pretty creative. sometimes log out doesn't. sometimes shutdown doesn't. they offer a rich varierty of things to piss you off
12:42.59X-RobSHUTDOWN doesn't?
12:43.07X-RobThat's pretty damn difficult to stuff up.
12:43.11X-Rob'telinit 0'
12:43.19X-Robhow can you break that?
12:43.44coppicethey'v done it lots of times now. they seem to keep fixing and breaking these things
12:44.49thazzaX-Rob: I used to live in Toowoomba. :-D
12:45.07X-Robwhere are you now?
12:45.27thazzaX-Rob: Lismore these days.. Working in Ballina. ;-)
12:46.19coppicewikipedia doesn't say where the name toowoomba comes from
12:46.21thazzaX-Rob: Ohhh.. whats wrong with it?
12:46.40X-Robcoppice, I pasted the link here
12:46.47coppiceand the history stops in 1960 :-)
12:46.49X-Rob<X-Rob> 1840-1860 they discuss the name
12:47.11X-Robthazza, it's not tropical.
12:47.16X-RobI'm from sydney originally.
12:47.23X-RobNow I'm in sunny, tropical qld.
12:47.24X-RobVery nice
12:48.00thazzaX-Rob: Sunny QLD which is always sunny. except the last 5 times i went to qld and it was raining.. Wild weather.
12:48.01coppiceah, I see. this is the Shrek story reworked :-)
12:48.32X-Robthazza, you were in the wrong part of qld. Most of it doesn't _get_ rain.
12:48.47X-RobWe've had a bit recently, but we need a cyclone to come through to fill up our dam.
12:50.07thazzaX-Rob:  Was the gold coast. and then another time near ipswitch.
13:04.04*** join/#asterisk acehunky (n=chat_jok@
13:06.18*** join/#asterisk robin_sz (
13:06.34*** join/#asterisk TuckerAdelaide (n=TuckerAd@
13:06.51knobodoes there exsist  commandline softphone?
13:07.00robin_szcoo, the new GXP2000 firmware makes it into something almost nice
13:07.20TuckerAdelaidehow come i keep getting the error message: " chan_iax2.c: Unable to open IAX timing interface: No such file or directory" ?
13:07.57KizmetTuckerAdelaide, you need to load a zaptel module
13:08.09Kizmetso load the module ztdummy via modprobe ztdummy
13:08.13TuckerAdelaidebut im not using a Zaptel device ?
13:08.18Kizmetif you allready have them compiled
13:08.26*** join/#asterisk FastJack (
13:08.30Kizmetthe module ztdummy is just a timing interface
13:09.51robin_szgotta have it
13:10.21TuckerAdelaideok installing
13:10.33robin_szits not compiled by default
13:11.14TuckerAdelaideok its in.. and its not saying that error any more
13:11.18TuckerAdelaidebut i am getting the error:
13:11.19TuckerAdelaideexten => 200,1,Dial,IAX/200@local
13:11.19TuckerAdelaideexten => 201,1,Dial,IAX/201@local
13:11.27TuckerAdelaideFeb  5 23:44:54 NOTICE[30406] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'IAX' (cause 66 - Channel not implemented)
13:11.27TuckerAdelaideFeb  5 23:45:04 WARNING[30406] pbx.c: Timeout, but no rule 't' in context 'from-internal'
13:11.45TuckerAdelaidesry wrong way around.. that above it my extension.conf
13:11.59robin_szhow nice
13:12.15TuckerAdelaidemake sense?
13:12.53*** join/#asterisk areski (
13:13.03robin_szthe IAX module was probably not loaded by * ... check it by "show modules" in console
13:13.29TuckerAdelaideok how do i get to the console?
13:13.46TuckerAdelaidesry im beginning with *
13:14.02robin_szrun astersisk as asterisk -c
13:14.23robin_szor asterisk -r to reconnect to an already running *                   Inter Asterisk eXchange (Ver 2)          0
13:15.48robin_szloaded then ...
13:15.53robin_szso, thats all I know :)
13:17.25TuckerAdelaidehave i stuffed up my connecetions.conf?
13:17.37TuckerAdelaideexten => 200,1,Dial,IAX/200@local
13:17.37TuckerAdelaideexten => 201,1,Dial,IAX/201@local
13:17.41robin_szcan I ask a simple question?
13:18.35robin_szwait //
13:18.51robin_szreplace IAX with IAX2
13:19.36TuckerAdelaideUnable to create channel of type 'IAX2' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
13:19.48robin_szgetting closer ...
13:19.55TuckerAdelaideyes tru
13:20.11thazzasounds like it is not registared.
13:20.13*** join/#asterisk azzie_ (
13:20.35TuckerAdelaidehow do you mean?
13:20.42robin_szso, this GXP 200 is not such a POS after all ... its ALMOST nice now :)
13:21.10TuckerAdelaidehehe.. all it is is X-Lite on two different computers.. one signed in on ext 200 and another on 201
13:21.14robin_szoh, except the betatest firmware seems to reult in the display going blank :(
13:21.17TuckerAdelaideim trying to dial from one to the other
13:21.30robin_szcheck you iax.conf
13:21.31thazzaTuckerAdelaide: Then you should be using SIP not IAX2
13:21.43thazzaX-Lite uses SIP not IAX
13:21.43robin_szI assumed they were IAX phones though
13:21.57TuckerAdelaide*sigh* lol im reading the doc's that came with it
13:22.09robin_szso .. set up your SIP .conf for the phones
13:22.13thazzaTrue changing then to say exten => 200,1,dial,SIP/200@local
13:23.05*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (
13:23.23TuckerAdelaideUnable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
13:23.52TuckerAdelaidemy extension.conf file reads:
13:23.52TuckerAdelaideexten => 200,1,Dial,SIP/200@local
13:23.52TuckerAdelaideexten => 201,1,Dial,SIP/201@local
13:24.07thazzaTuckerAdelaide:  Did you reload *?
13:24.36tuxinator_linuxcontext correct?
13:24.42tuxinator_linuxthe "from-internal" part
13:24.42thazzaTuckerAdelaide: what happens if you do a Sip show channels
13:25.39thazzawhat about sip show peers
13:25.55TuckerAdelaide201/201               D          5060     Unmonitored
13:25.55TuckerAdelaide200/200               D          5060     Unmonitored
13:25.55TuckerAdelaide2 sip peers [2 online , 0 offline]
13:26.51*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
13:26.53thazzaok.. try just exten => 200,1,Dial,SIP/200
13:27.00thazzaWithout the @local
13:27.46TuckerAdelaideok.. thats working.. so whats going wrong then?
13:27.51*** join/#asterisk elg (
13:28.23thazzajbot: You should always go here.
13:28.37thazzaTuckerAdelaide: Sounds like you didn't have a context called local.
13:29.01TuckerAdelaidei would like the context to realy be my domain
13:29.08TuckerAdelaidebut i duno how to make it my domain name
13:29.58thazzaTuckerAdelaide: Just remebered @whatever trys to connect to XXX@machinename
13:30.01*** join/#asterisk kimc (
13:30.33thazzaTuckerAdelaide: for example 200@ and 201@ for using more than one box.
13:30.54thazzaTuckerAdelaide: Why do you want the context to be your domain name?
13:31.32TuckerAdelaidewouldn't it be better to say.. ?
13:31.42robin_sznot really
13:31.58robin_szremember this is NOT how people dial YOU
13:32.02thazzaTuckerAdelaide: looking at the problem you were having you were trying to send the sip call to 200 on machine named local.
13:32.22TuckerAdelaidemm yeah
13:32.31thazzarobin_sz: You can call people with @hostname or @ipaddress
13:33.09robin_szthazza yes, but thats no reason to call you external context after your doamin name ...
13:33.30thazzarobin_sz:  yes i know.
13:33.38robin_szthazza: i use an "external" context for that, only exposing those extensions I want to hbe accessible from outisde
13:34.33X-RobTuckerAdelaide, the syntax of Dial is: SIP/number@hostname or IAX2/hostname/number or LOCAL/xtn, where xtn is in your [default] context.
13:35.19X-Robboth of those hostnames can be replaced by the name of a device in sip or iax.conf
13:35.20thazzaX-Rob: Thats the way.
13:35.22robin_szTuckerAdelaide: use an external context .. then place any external calls (eg from PSTN over ISDN, incoming SIP etc ) into thte external context, only expose the extensions you need to and dont allow any access to your outgoing rules!
13:36.22*** join/#asterisk scon (
13:36.30TuckerAdelaidehow do i do that?
13:37.32X-RobTuckerAdelaide, start from the beginning. How are calls coming in?
13:37.58TuckerAdelaideatm.. just using the SIP programs on windows
13:38.19X-RobSo there won't be any calls coming into the system, you're just calling 'internal' extensions.
13:38.33TuckerAdelaidebut i play to put a SPA3000 on when i get it
13:39.18robin_szso ...
13:39.27thazzaSPA3000's are fun to play with.. I have one i am playing with these days
13:39.33X-RobWell, when you get your SPA3000, you have the context for that (Set in sip.conf) to 'incoming' or something.
13:39.56robin_szmy GXP2000 I now sorta like .. my SNOMS are OK, but this poxy Zyxel WiFi phone sucks donkey wang.
13:40.04thazzaX-Rob: Have a question to ask you with regards to my spa3000
13:40.13X-Robthazza, I'm not clued on spa3000's, sorry.
13:40.19X-Robrobin_sz, you got the latest firmware?
13:40.24X-Rob(didn't I ask you that the other day?)
13:40.42TuckerAdelaideexten => s,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@${PSTN_GW})
13:40.49TuckerAdelaidethats my SPA config as far as i know
13:40.54thazzaX-Rob: I have incomming context setup. for the pstn side.. yet all calls come in as the sip exten.. Any way to fix.
13:41.22thazzaX-Rob: more an asterisk dial-plan question than a SPA3000
13:41.44X-Robask the question, don't ask if you can ask.
13:42.03robin_szhmmm .. tryuing an upgrade from 1.0.7 to 1.2.4 ... all of a sudden its complaing about not having termcap on debian Sarge ...
13:43.37X-Robthazza, I'm going to bed, it's 11:43 here.
13:43.48X-Robtoo late, sorry 8)
13:43.56thazzaX-Rob: Its cool. It is 12:43 am here. lol Bed mysql.
13:44.01TuckerAdelaidewould that config be right?
13:44.19X-RobTuckerAdelaide, no, because ${EXTEN} is s
13:44.31thazzagrrrr jbot
13:44.46X-Robthazza, learn how to use regexps 8)
13:44.54X-Robs/regexps/regexps. They're fun/
13:45.24X-Robs/learn/does this work twice?/
13:45.48*** join/#asterisk Frawg (n=Frawg@unaffiliated/frawg)
13:45.50X-Robs/(does) (this)/\2 \1/
13:45.53*** join/#asterisk secure75 (
13:45.59Frawgwondering if anyone has worked much with AS5300's?
13:46.01newlhah neat feature.  Might have to add that to the Dancer bot.
13:46.02TuckerAdelaideim lost
13:46.02X-Robnah, can't do backticks.
13:46.15tuxinator_linuxgee, making jbot work hard
13:46.44X-RobTuckerAdelaide, ${EXTEN} is what you're matching. In that case, s.
13:46.51thazzaX-Rob: What are regepxs?
13:46.56tuxinator_linuxBed for me also, allmost 6 AM here
13:46.59X-Rob~google regexp
13:47.22robin_szs/(back)/get $1/
13:47.49TuckerAdelaidehow does that make it s?
13:47.50X-Robthazza, you've got to close the pattern match
13:47.51thazzajbot: Are yo to sleepy.. lol
13:48.00X-Robs/match/match with a \//
13:48.07tuxinator_linuxX-Rob killed jbot
13:48.11X-RobI killed it!
13:48.13robin_szthazza perldoc perlre
13:48.42tuxinator_linuxjbot, X-Rob must die for your death
13:48.51X-RobI must go to bed.
13:48.56X-RobConsider me punished.
13:49.19tuxinator_linuxX-Rob, hari-kiri?
13:49.22X-RobAre you dead jbot?
13:49.26X-Robjbot: are you dead?
13:49.46X-Robtest wibble
13:50.22tuxinator_linuxHe's alive !!
13:51.19robin_szoh, soda water :)
13:51.58*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
13:52.13tuxinator_linuxwhat is a lart anyways?
13:52.30robin_szluser attitude readjustemt tool
13:52.35tuxinator_linuxjbot, lart robin_sz
13:52.38coppice~lart tuxinator_linux
13:52.51coppiceits a one a those
13:53.06robin_szusually, in practice a piece of 2x4 ... or cluex4 in some circles
13:54.07robin_szcoppice: it comes from the old sysadmin days, when they kept a lump of wood for bashing lusers with who asked dumb questions
13:54.42tuxinator_linuxlearned something new today, lart
13:55.17tuxinator_linux~rot13 thazza
13:55.19robin_szam I going to regret this?
13:55.37tuxinator_linuxrobin_sz, that's up to you
13:55.40thazza~rot13 thazza
13:56.05tuxinator_linux~wikipedia lart
13:56.15robin_szrunning the olde worlde debian stable one at the moment ...
13:56.45thazza~wikipedia mortal kombat
13:57.02tuxinator_linux~wikipedia jbot
13:57.17thazza~wikipedia death
13:57.52tuxinator_linuxwtf lart
13:58.03tuxinator_linux~wtf lart
13:58.21thazza~wtf death
13:58.22tuxinator_linux~wtf jbot
13:58.34tuxinator_linuxjbot, you don't know who you are?
13:59.00thazza~wtf is wtf
13:59.35thazza~wtf life
13:59.47dpryoJust awesome.
13:59.50coppice~wtf <foo>
14:00.21thazza~wtf the internet
14:00.31thazza~wtf the-internet
14:00.43thazza~wtf internet
14:00.44tuxinator_linux~piglatin jbot is silly
14:00.59TuckerAdelaideok sorry to bugg you guys.. but how do you tell * that any other number should be sent out the spa3k ?
14:01.02thazza~wtf life&taxes
14:01.10thazza~wtf lifetaxes
14:01.23tuxinator_linuxTuckerAdelaide, is that not what this channel is for?
14:01.32thazza~wtf asterisk
14:01.37TuckerAdelaideyes.. but i know you were all in deep conversation
14:01.51kFuQ~wtf d00d
14:01.57*** join/#asterisk secure75 (
14:02.03thazzajbot: How can you not know what asterisk is.
14:02.15TuckerAdelaideso whats my answer :p
14:02.43jbotit has been said that taxes is the method in which liberals steal money from hard working people and give it away to undeserving lazy bums
14:02.53jbotfrom memory, death is what happens when you don't /msg, or the opposite of life
14:03.19*** join/#asterisk rpm (
14:03.28jbotupdatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep, or super extractor,
14:03.38jbotsleep is, like, overrated, and a poor substitute for caffeine.
14:03.40*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
14:03.54jbothmm... caffeine is the nectar of the gods in concentrated form or the jiuce which runs through our veins
14:03.54tuxinator_linuxsex, that's funny
14:03.54*** join/#asterisk draga (
14:04.20robin_szanyone UK based here?
14:04.21TuckerAdelaidetheres my configs as current.. how can i get SPA3k do dial outside?
14:04.24*** join/#asterisk secure75 (
14:04.32dragahello everybody. If I wanted to connect an analog phone to my asterisk box, do I need to buy a particular card or just a winmodem (using chan_modem)?
14:04.34robin_szcare to recommend a professional VOIP termination?
14:04.56robin_szdraga: you need a card
14:05.03*** part/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
14:05.11robin_szan FXS card, modems are FXO .. the worng way round
14:05.12tuxinator_linuxI better go, or I get any sleep
14:05.17tuxinator_linuxNight guys
14:05.36dragarobin_sz: so I can use a modem to put an analog line inside asterisk but not the opposite
14:05.39tuxinator_linuxor I won't get any sleep
14:05.48robin_szdraga: correct
14:06.13dragarobin_sz: are FXS card expensive?
14:06.19robin_szdraga: for example, a modem card has no way to generate a 100 volt ringing voltage to make your phone ring
14:06.21tuxinator_linuxI have a digium card, one FXO and FXS modules
14:06.31robin_szgood choice
14:06.57dragaI understand
14:07.05robin_szwinmodems rarely work
14:07.35robin_szI use a intel PCI modem, as a T100P look-alike .. you just move a resistor and .. bingo .. T100P :)
14:07.36jbotGPL driver and info can be found in,, or or here is a black list of known to be winmodems: and See also: winmodem-trick
14:07.41thazzaTuckerAdelaide: What happens when you make a call?
14:08.07*** join/#asterisk burton (
14:08.20dragaI have here a UTStarcom ATA and wouldn't like to buy another ATA for my parent's house, where my server is up and running (and where there's asterisk running)
14:08.47thazzaTuckerAdelaide: And what shows up in the cli after a sip debug
14:09.12robin_szoh hot piss.
14:09.27robin_szFATAL: Error inserting wcfxo (/lib/modules/2.6.8-2-686-smp/misc/wcfxo.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
14:10.55robin_szahh, zaptrel is stuck in there ...
14:11.06TuckerAdelaidelots... lol
14:11.39robin_szI guess its reboot time then ...
14:12.21thazzaTuckerAdelaide: Are you dialing 9 before each call?
14:12.23robin_szI never have figured out how to remove a module when its still stuck in lsmod, but no longer in /proc/modules
14:12.23TuckerAdelaidewhat exactly do you need to know ab out what happens?
14:13.02thazzaTuckerAdelaide: Paste bin it.
14:13.28tzafrirrobin_sz, why not just rmmod zaptel?
14:13.56tzafrirlsmod basically reads /proc/modules , so I'm not sure how it's possible
14:15.23thazzaTuckerAdelaide: You are aware your setup is to pass what you call after the 9 to the spa.
14:15.37TuckerAdelaideisn't that what I want?
14:15.43thazzaTuckerAdelaide: try calling a number with 9 in front.
14:15.44TuckerAdelaidei want to use it to dial out onto the PSTN line?
14:15.56TuckerAdelaidea 9 was in front of it
14:16.05thazzaTuckerAdelaide: example 9083951080
14:16.13TuckerAdelaidethats what i typed
14:16.31TuckerAdelaideit changed it to 83951080
14:17.12TuckerAdelaidehang on
14:17.14TuckerAdelaidemaby i didn
14:17.38TuckerAdelaidetry that instead
14:19.00kFuQhave anything in your dialplan like 'EXTEN:1'  ?
14:19.30thazzaTuckerAdelaide: looks like it might be the dialplan setup in the spa3000
14:19.32TuckerAdelaidei dont think i have a dial plan.. and thats what i am asking.. how do i set that up? what files?? what to have in there?
14:19.43*** join/#asterisk coppice (
14:19.47TuckerAdelaideoh.. hang on.. i dont have the spa3k just yet
14:19.52TuckerAdelaideim getting that tomorrow
14:19.53thazzaTuckerAdelaide: On the info page of teh spa-300 does it say the pstn is registered?
14:20.22thazzaTuckerAdelaide: Then what is it you are trying to do? You can't call out using a device you don't have.
14:20.22TuckerAdelaideim trying to set it up before i get it and plug it in
14:20.37thazzaTuckerAdelaide: It is setup as much as it can be.
14:20.59TuckerAdelaideok thats good then.. i wasn't expecting the error i got to tell me the device wasn't there
14:21.02kFuQseems like part of the dialstring isn't right
14:21.06TuckerAdelaidebut it sounds as though its all good
14:21.08robin_szsigh ...
14:21.09robin_szwcfxo: disagrees about version of symbol zt_alarm_notify
14:21.09robin_szwcfxo: Unknown symbol zt_alarm_notify
14:22.10TuckerAdelaidehow hard is it to get * to send CLI to the SIP phones when it rings?
14:23.01tzafrirrobin, were all modules unloaded?
14:23.08robin_szzaptel was ...
14:23.12robin_szanything else?
14:23.19kFuQTuckerAdelaide: sounds like your dialplan may be a little screwy
14:23.27tzafrirand where do you load modules from?
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14:23.48TuckerAdelaidethats ok kFuQ, cus i havn't even got that far as far as I can see
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14:23.53tzafrirany chance one of the two (zaptel, wcfxo) is a leftover?
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14:24.02TuckerAdelaideim not too sure how to do the dial plan either
14:24.02*** join/#asterisk aramSh (n=marjory1@
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14:24.03kFuQTuckerAdelaide: files are usually in /etc/asterisk
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14:24.08robin_sztzafrir: I rebooted ...
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14:24.14kFuQlike extensions.conf
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14:24.29tzafrirrobin_sz, I mean: left-over from an installation
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14:24.31kFuQnice netsplite..
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14:24.41robin_sztzafrir: I rebooted, did a make instll in saptel and then modprobed ...
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14:24.50tzafrirhow do you tell the server not to flood? ;-)
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14:24.55kFuQrobin_sz: what kernel ?
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14:25.04TuckerAdelaidehow do i have to set up the dialing plan then?
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14:25.12robin_szLinux debian 2.6.8-2-686-smp
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14:25.21thazzaLOL @ tzafrir
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14:25.38kFuQkinda depends on what you are using whether it's something like AMP or if you are doing it 'by hand'
14:25.38tzafrirrobin_sz, modinfo zaptel; modinfo wcfxo . ls -l on the files. Make sure both are recent...
14:25.41*** join/#asterisk ruey-jen10v (n=youhanse@
14:26.06kFuQrobin_sz: did you do  'make' or 'make linux26' ?
14:26.11kFuQin zaptel
14:26.24TuckerAdelaidehow do you mean by hand?
14:26.25Poincaredidn't one has to register his nick to join #asterisk?
14:26.55kFuQTuckerAdelaide: like if you just downloaded the source code and compiled it, then did all the config files by hand
14:26.58thazzaDamn bloody floods
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14:27.07TuckerAdelaideoh.. i did it all by hand
14:27.09robin_sztzafrir: yep bot ls -l in the last few minutes
14:27.34kFuQTuckerAdelaide: then i'd look at you extensions.conf
14:28.23kFuQthazza: is that a kde irc client or somethign ?
14:28.40TuckerAdelaidethats my extensions.conf file
14:28.42TuckerAdelaideits only small
14:28.48thazzakFuQ:  Something like that.
14:28.54robin_sztzafrir: should I just use my old 1.0.7 zaptel for now?
14:29.05robin_sztzafrir: with the latest * ?
14:29.31kFuQrobin_sz: try to make clean && make linux26
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14:30.40robin_szmaking ..
14:30.48TuckerAdelaidemake any sense to you kFuQ?
14:31.19robin_szOK, I no longer like the beta software on the GXP .. it crashes :)
14:31.29thazzarobin_sz: Are we going fishing?
14:31.30tzafrirrobin_sz, I believe it should basically work. But I really haven't tested it. Some later versions can be found at
14:32.02thazzatzafrir: Rapid is pretty good to start with.
14:32.08kFuQTuckerAdelaide: heh.. that section for your phone should be in sip.conf
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14:32.30TuckerAdelaidepstn-spa3k ?
14:32.53robin_szthazza: ?? for?
14:33.37robin_szthazza: are you the GXP firmware author?
14:34.12TuckerAdelaideok didn't make any diff
14:34.22kFuQTuckerAdelaide: If you start * as asterisk -cfvvvvvvv    do you get any errors when it starts ?
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14:34.57thazzarobin_sz: No are you?
14:34.58robin_szIve aften wondered about having a large plasma screen on the bedroom ceiling, but not for IRC ;)
14:35.27robin_szthazza: no .. Im trying to work out your "going fishing" comment
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14:35.49robin_szthazza: no, not a mirror .. that would be most off-putting
14:36.02thazza[01:30] <robin_sz> making ..
14:36.02thazza[01:30] <robin_sz> cleaning
14:36.08robin_szahh :)
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14:37.35robin_sztzafrir: same problem after a clean and linux26
14:38.59coppicerobin_sz: you've been watching too many philips ads :-)
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14:47.08robin_sztzafrir: Ok , a removed the wcfxo module from /lib/modules/.../misc/
14:47.19robin_szdpkg -i zaptel-modules from your site
14:47.23robin_szand ...
14:47.27robin_sznot there :(
14:47.36tzafrirstill same problem???
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14:47.56robin_szno, it seems the .deb for zaptel-modules is missing wcfxo I think
14:49.10robin_szno ignore me // ai am an idiot
14:49.25tzafririt's there. only in extra ...
14:50.20robin_szno, I installed the k7 version, not 686 :((((
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14:52.17robin_szOK, that modprobed now ...
14:52.29robin_szjust the missing chan_modem to fix now :)
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14:55.18coppicechan_modem much be about the most useless thing developed for *. even more useless than the morse code module :-)
14:56.03robin_szI think I used it with my clone FXO card ...
14:56.37robin_szunless you can think of a better way?
14:56.41coppiceit offers the glory of half duplex operation. it doesn't even make a very good IVR
14:57.39robin_szso .. to connect my PSTN line, via this clone FXO card I should use what exactly?
14:58.20coppiceif the fxo card uses an Intel 537 or equivalent, use wcfxo. if it uses anything else start developing, or give up
14:58.55robin_szbut wcfxo is just the module, the channel is then provided by chan_modem yes?
14:59.18coppiceyou use chan_zap
14:59.19robin_szso what do I need chan_modem for then?
14:59.41coppiceyou don't. that's why they threw it out of the latest *
14:59.48robin_szah ha ...
15:00.09robin_sza simple tweka of the config file will do it then
15:01.51robin_szim tempted to take this wifi phone out and shoot it :)
15:02.27coppicethe next good word I hear said about a wifi phone will be the first
15:02.35robin_szyou know how you see people hiding behing car door in films to escape bullets?
15:03.11robin_szI took a piece of 10mm thick steel plate out and shot it ... whadya thing it did?
15:04.32robin_szstraight through it ... so, a car door wont save anyone ..
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15:04.44robin_szbut I digress
15:05.51coppicesilk is good at stopping bullets, but I wouldn't feel safe in a kimono :-)
15:06.14robin_szheh, hell no ... and not only being pentrated by bullets either
15:06.53robin_szin severl hundred BC, the chinese made a gun from bamboo bound in silk threads
15:07.40coppicein thailand they make bullet proof vests from silk. apparently it works better than kevlar
15:07.53robin_szI can believe that
15:07.57coppicebut an arrow will go through one
15:08.11robin_szsharp points do that
15:08.19coppicean arrow will go through most bullet proof glass too
15:08.21thazzaThe best thing to make it from would be spiders webs. sewen like silk.
15:09.02robin_szkevlear vests work OK for large, flat low velocity stuff (like handguns)
15:09.20robin_szbut thin rifle rounds like .223 are difficult to stop
15:09.55robin_sz5.5mm across, shiny copper and doing 4200 feet/seconf
15:10.19coppiceuranium would work better :-)
15:10.32robin_szheavier for sure ...
15:10.57robin_szanyway ... back to * :)
15:11.02coppiceits amazing they way uranium bullets will go through armour
15:11.26robin_szyeah, expecially when sabotted
15:11.34robin_szto get the velocity up
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15:12.38coppicebut the penetration of a simple long bow is probably more amazing. its far better than most cranked up crossbows achieve
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15:13.02robin_szI think that was proven at agincourt :)
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15:14.32coppiceit was proven making one of the robin hood movies. there's a bit in the kevin cosner one, where they fire an arrow straight at the camera. when they did that there was think armoured glass in front of the camera. luckily they tried a test with the cameraman out of the way, cos the arrow went through
15:15.18coppiceagincourt was not about penetration. it was about speed
15:15.45robin_szlots of things ...
15:15.58robin_szpiercing french armour
15:16.14coppicetaunting the french - always a popular sport :-)
15:16.32robin_szyou know about google?
15:17.20robin_szgo to
15:17.40robin_szenter "french military victories" ... press "im feeling lucky"
15:17.58robin_szhas to be the .com
15:18.40coppicealbino black sheep :-)
15:19.23coppicethat's not fair. napoleon had one or two
15:20.05robin_szno ... thats not right ...
15:20.20robin_szdid you press "im feeling luck" or search ?
15:20.21coppicetry "italian miliary victories"
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15:20.47robin_szwell. you didnt follow the instrructions then ;)
15:21.17coppicesearch and i'm feeling lucky both go to
15:21.30robin_szdid I ever suggest you should press search?
15:21.38robin_szoh ... on the .com?
15:21.43robin_sznot for me.
15:22.46robin_szthe .com is tweaked ... on that poarticular search it doesnt take the first hit .. but comes up "no documents found ... did you mean french military defeats" :)
15:22.51coppiceah. i had the that gives albinoblacksheep for search and i'm feeling lucky
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15:23.14coppiceyeah. no document found, but look at the URL
15:23.28robin_szit is funny though :)
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15:24.03robin_szahh ... I never did look at the URL before ...
15:24.19coppicethe first entry for a search on .com is actually
15:24.31robin_szyeah, but it responds differently ..
15:24.54robin_szI guess they are detecting the redirect from the  IFL button and putting up that page
15:25.05robin_sztop fun though ...
15:25.44coppicewell, outside the US search and i'm feeling lucky both get you to that page. nothing gets you to the real results
15:27.18robin_szOK, in the uK, IFL gets the "google" page .. search -> no 1 gets you another page
15:27.25robin_szlist of defeats etc
15:27.48heisoni'm experiencing segmantation fault when I run ztcfg
15:28.09heisonit's zaptel 1.2.3 on sarge (a new install)
15:28.31heisoni get:
15:28.43heisonChannel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
15:28.43heison1 channels configured.
15:28.43heisonSegmentation fault
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15:34.51znoGthe main advantage of NVBackgroundDetect is that it works with SIP/IAX too? as chan_zap.c has faxdetect= ...
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15:42.48The_LightSidehi all  what pridialplan should i be using in zapata.conf for the UK?
15:43.15cypromisthe one your pri provider uses
15:43.43cypromisthere is no one size fits all ottherwhiles it would not be a setting
15:43.57The_LightSidethe problem is im helping out a freind in the UK
15:44.04The_LightSidelol ok
15:44.14cypromishe can get that information from the telco that is providing him the PRI
15:44.19coppicecypromis: the sun setting every day is a one size fits all arrangement
15:44.22cypromisjust take care that it is euroisdn
15:44.30The_LightSidewell actually its a bri (with bristuff)
15:44.35cypromiscoppice:  but its not selectable
15:44.43The_LightSidethat i have check
15:45.04cypromishmmm htere is a sample in bristuff that works in most cases
15:45.15cypromisI think it was local, but I am not sure
15:45.17The_LightSidestrangly its not :(
15:45.34coppicethe UK still uses wacky stuff for ISDN E1s. do all the BRIs use CTR4?
15:45.37cypromisit again depends on what the telco set on their switch
15:46.31The_LightSideok, i guees i'll have to ask him to ffone the telco
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15:52.26The_LightSidethanks guys :)
15:55.14robin_szso ....
15:55.40robin_szcan anyone recommend a good SIP termination in the UK, to provide a number I can use for my business as incoming ??
15:55.52robin_szand not voipgate,com
15:56.00robin_szfor obvious reasons
15:57.14robin_szsomeone really should teach those idots basic DNS clue
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15:58.12robin_szI tried to mail them ... but, well, the DNS is broken :)
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15:59.53cypromisw 13
16:00.10robin_szmy problem is this: im about to move my business, id like to use a "virtual" number and provision via SIP or IAX or whatever, thus I can set  it up NOW, 8 weeks in advance of the move and start redirecting customers
16:00.28robin_szto the new number ... hook up the * box, job done
16:00.35robin_szproblem is, who to use?
16:00.56robin_szI need reliability ... not some joke outfit that has 3 incoming lines in a rack intheir basement
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16:06.03robin_szor should I just provision an ISDN line and some random form of ISDN card in the server and us ea real line for incoming?
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16:12.13EriSanHi guys, when i dial with SJphone through it works just fine, but when using asterisk i allways get congestion, any idea (have the same problem with voipdiscount also)
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16:13.06GivurHi all
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16:20.28robin_szEriSan: your * box is not correctly registering .. you have either theusername or password worong .. turn up debugging, watch it log in
16:20.59EriSanrobin_sz, thx, wish it was that simple
16:21.04robin_szit is
16:21.19EriSanno it's not, i know 100% that reg info is correct
16:21.45robin_szand you see it try to dial out on the sip channle?
16:22.10robin_szyes, or no?
16:22.49EriSanhold on pls
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16:23.48robin_szfingers getting tired now ...
16:24.28robin_szarrrgggghhhhh .......
16:25.45EriSanok, have a look pls:
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16:27.45jbotsomebody said amp was NOT supported here! people using it should join #amportal
16:28.17MikeJ[Laptop]that's rude
16:28.30robin_szlooks like AMP to me ..
16:28.34MikeJ[Laptop]what's up with the purist biggots
16:28.34EriSanit's asterisk making the call, NOT AMP
16:28.51robin_szanyway ...
16:29.00fugitivoEriSan: but your asterisk was configured with amp, and debugging amp is a pain in the ass
16:29.01robin_szthats the ONLY relevant bit in all that crap
16:29.03wunderkinasterisk power! asterisk power!
16:29.04coppicethe only good amp is an ampere
16:29.18robin_szcoppice: and a Vox
16:29.31fugitivoand a lamp
16:29.37*** part/#asterisk mhnoyes (
16:29.37robin_szor a Mesa Boogie :)
16:29.46MikeJ[Laptop]amp is not hard to debug... people are just silly about it..
16:29.54MikeJ[Laptop]it's not even that hard of a dialplan
16:30.12wunderkinyeah, it uses agi for everything .. haha..
16:30.20fugitivoMikeJ[Laptop]: you need to pass over all the macros to debug something
16:30.21MikeJ[Laptop]it's getting the correct information out of an amp user....
16:30.33MikeJ[Laptop]well.. yes..
16:30.45MikeJ[Laptop]I didn't say I like the amp dialplan... it sucks...
16:31.02MikeJ[Laptop]but  can debug an issue with an amp system just finr
16:31.12fugitivoif you have the time...
16:31.27robin_szanyway ... it passes the number out to VoipStunt and thats where it goes worng ...
16:31.34MikeJ[Laptop]once you know it's amp, it's the same as all the other
16:31.46MikeJ[Laptop]so what's wrong?
16:32.00robin_sztry sip show channels
16:32.09robin_szsee if it is connected to voipstunt
16:34.04EriSanwell, i'll try a plain asterisk install
16:34.30EriSanis there a management app for asterisk?
16:34.59MikeJ[Laptop]you can use amp partway
16:35.06tzafrirbash, vi?
16:35.06MikeJ[Laptop]then use the custom- stuff
16:35.10MikeJ[Laptop]to do it yourself
16:35.17MikeJ[Laptop]just by direct editing configs
16:35.32tzafrirEriSan, define "management". Is AMP a candidate?
16:36.17EriSanwell, looking at the comments above it's not
16:37.09iDunnoMikeJ[Laptop]: good god are you insane :)
16:37.35MikeJ[Laptop]if you only knew
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16:37.46iDunnothat's a yes, then :)
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16:38.12zamsleranyone here familiar with the app_meetme.c code?
16:38.18MikeJ[Laptop]zaptel for windows.... hahahhahahh
16:38.23Flautohi people
16:38.31Flautoi have a question
16:38.34MikeJ[Laptop]no people here.. try #people
16:38.40wunderkin<MikeJ[Laptop]> zaptel for windows., yes you are going crazy
16:38.42Flautoif i want to use fwd for toll free number
16:38.47Flautoi set it up already
16:38.53Flautobut it seems it does not work
16:39.04MikeJ[Laptop]wunderkin, actually.. I have the code working on my machine right now
16:39.14wunderkinLA LA LA LA
16:39.15Flautoeven though, i did this exten => _818XXNXXXXXX,3,Dial(IAX2/${FWDUSERID}:${FWDPASSWORD}*${EXTEN:1},6
16:39.23Flautoany advise?
16:39.28*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
16:39.59MikeJ[Laptop]what's the ,6 at the end?
16:40.10MikeJ[Laptop]and no )
16:40.32Flautoit is 60
16:40.36Flautonot 6
16:40.41tzafrirThere are other apps that were mentioned recently in -users. Anybody tried any of them?
16:40.42Flautomaybe just take it off?
16:41.00tzafrirasterisk configuration management, that is
16:41.03MikeJ[Laptop]tzafrir, what apps?
16:41.08MikeJ[Laptop]oh.. no...
16:41.16MikeJ[Laptop]we have our own stuff internally
16:41.20tzafrirphonecall, destar, and at least one other program
16:42.30*** join/#asterisk GoGi (
16:45.07tzafrir~not work
16:45.09jbotLook buddy, doesn't work is an ambiguous statement.  Does it sit on the couch all day?  Does it want more money?  Does it waste its time on IRC all day long?  Please be specific!  Define 'it' and what it isn't doing.
16:45.21tzafriroops, it was defined
16:45.35*** join/#asterisk MoutaPT (i=MoutaPT@
16:45.42EriSananyone have a good link on installing * on a vanila centos ?
16:45.58tzafrirFlauto, what happens when you try to dial through it?
16:46.55Flautohi tzafrir
16:46.55MoutaPTAny one could give me  a tip , ASterisk behind firewall, i can only get working One sipphone with nat=route
16:46.55MoutaPTotherwuise no sound
16:46.55tzafrirFlauto, hi
16:46.55Flautoit says that toll free numbers need to proceed with an *
16:46.56Flautobut i set it
16:47.02AssidMoutaPT try nay=yes
16:47.09Assiderr nat=yes
16:47.10*** join/#asterisk sandos (
16:47.15MoutaPTi've done it already
16:47.25MoutaPTi'm the only at the company with asterisk
16:47.30Assidand set the external  ip of the * box on sip.conf
16:47.41MoutaPTso no one to talk about it, i really want to put it working
16:47.54MoutaPTi've done both, but nat=yes
16:47.57MoutaPTdoesn't register
16:48.05MoutaPTalso it doesn't register every time
16:48.12tzafrirFlauto, maybe you need to prefix something to the number? anyway, don't know much here...
16:48.16MoutaPTsome times does it, other not
16:48.21Flautothat is okay
16:48.27Flautoi am trying something else here
16:48.33Assidincrease the registration time of the client
16:48.51MoutaPTin the sipphone?
16:48.57*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
16:49.09Assidalso try with a softphone first
16:49.32MoutaPTi've worked only with sjphone and xlite
16:49.34MoutaPTno hardphone
16:49.49MoutaPTit was working fine until i put it on our DMZ
16:49.59MoutaPTto make a intercontinental conection
16:50.11*** join/#asterisk mbyJv (n=dedustSn@
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16:50.13Assidis the server using dhcp?
16:50.13*** join/#asterisk yaprild (n=QmosheX@
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16:50.32MikeJ[Laptop]holy wtf...
16:50.32Assidhelp... spam bots!!!
16:50.33*** join/#asterisk tXrachel (n=misha8Z@
16:50.33*** join/#asterisk harunns (n=Nrmoorht@
16:50.34MoutaPTno it has fix IP
16:50.35*** join/#asterisk `_alexandr (n=GpoooP@
16:50.35*** join/#asterisk yeIpaze30S (n=vfunkeyc@
16:50.36robin_szhmm why is it trying to load cdr_custom .. it ccnat grep it at all in the configd
16:50.38*** join/#asterisk sophie5k (n=qxiao-gu@
16:50.38*** join/#asterisk T}tBn (n=emeksiz6@
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16:50.44*** join/#asterisk christopherq] (n=UKcasuaI@
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16:50.45*** join/#asterisk Hzmediha (n=futboI5m@
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16:50.46AssidMikeJ[Laptop]: whose got +o ?
16:50.47*** join/#asterisk iEjZo (n=qQsandy@
16:50.47*** join/#asterisk cbridgett] (n=turker9e@
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16:50.57Assidlimit the chanel
16:50.58*** join/#asterisk Iucy1D (n=simplyef@
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16:51.00*** join/#asterisk shen5V (n=byoungin@
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16:51.02*** join/#asterisk GaltheaA (n=qtsUl@
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16:51.04Assidsomeone! limit the channel
16:51.06*** join/#asterisk XosmanG (n=FsunaT@
16:51.06*** join/#asterisk cho3K (n=bogac30}@
16:51.06*** join/#asterisk aIyazmaIim33q (n=mella7v@
16:51.06robin_szban the entire subnet
16:51.09*** join/#asterisk XlbIueman (n=raymondl@
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16:51.37Assidanyone here an op ?
16:51.38MoutaPTany one from Portugal with asterisk?
16:51.42*** join/#asterisk collette10B (n=arifi^@
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16:51.57AssidMoutaPT: and you are sure the box is accessible globally?
16:52.03*** join/#asterisk Bdervisa (n=tronenb@
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16:52.13MoutaPTyes i've already made a call from US to portugal
16:52.19MoutaPTregistred a Sipphone
16:52.19Flautois there anyone using fwd here?
16:52.25robin_szMoutaPT: and you have made the correct forwarss in your NAT firewall router?
16:52.26MoutaPTbut the client was with UMTS
16:52.36*** join/#asterisk wRalena (n=sanjeev1@
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16:52.48MoutaPTyes 5060, 10000-20000 (both UDP and TCP allowed)
16:52.51MoutaPTssh on 22
16:52.59MoutaPTand internal acess to AMP
16:53.13*** join/#asterisk Md (i=md@freenode/staff/md)
16:53.14MoutaPTi mean i've allowed also from 5060-5082
16:53.16af_what language uses AMP/
16:53.29robin_szeek, another AMP user
16:54.02MoutaPTis quite strange because i often get
16:54.08MoutaPT401 unauthorized
16:54.21MoutaPTafter a while (sometimes) it registers
16:54.27MoutaPTsome time not
16:54.29AssidMoutaPT: are you using host=dynamic ?
16:54.32*** join/#asterisk xiaomin47V (n=boon-hwe@
16:54.42MoutaPTfor sipclient
16:54.48MoutaPTnat=route is the only way i get sound fine
16:54.50*** join/#asterisk GpoIisP (n=WbaskarD@
16:54.58MoutaPTbut never more than one client working fine
16:55.06MoutaPTwith nat=route
16:55.13Mdplease report to me any spammed message
16:55.18MoutaPTasterisk at home 1.5
16:55.22robin_szsounds like a firewall problem
16:55.27MoutaPTcould it be a problem?
16:55.28AssidMd: none so far..
16:55.38Assidrobin_sz: yeah.. i think so
16:55.46MikeJ[Laptop]Md, huh?
16:55.47AssidMoutaPT: make another sip account.. and give someone access
16:56.17MoutaPTto you? unfortunately i'm not at the office to do it :(
16:56.43MoutaPTi don't understand is why some times work
16:56.49MoutaPTand other not...
16:57.00MoutaPTquite strange...
16:57.02Assidlooks to be a firewall
16:57.06Assidor a network issue on their end
16:57.33MoutaPTcould it be because different subnet?
16:57.54Assiddiff subnet mask?
16:57.58MoutaPTthey had change it to get public access
16:58.17MoutaPTi think i'm on
16:58.22Assiddoesnt matter so long as you can access the box globally
16:58.28MoutaPTi make ssh
16:58.34MoutaPTwithout problem
16:58.38MoutaPTand AMP
16:58.40MoutaPTno problem
16:58.48*** part/#asterisk Md (i=md@freenode/staff/md)
16:58.48Assidtry and stream something over ssh
16:58.56Assidand see if the connection goes up and down
16:59.04Assidlike all of a sudden it lags or something
16:59.09MoutaPTsorry i'm not so expert
16:59.19MoutaPTwhat you mean with stream over ssh ?
16:59.24MoutaPTtransfer file?
16:59.35AssidOR .. just use FTP for that matter
16:59.42MoutaPTi will
16:59.44Assidsee if the speed just dies suddenly..
16:59.59MoutaPTyeah i think it's not asterisk fault
17:00.01Assidif it does.. it could be an isp issue.. some isps just timeout their clients connection
17:00.23MoutaPTbut thoes guys from network don't know nothing about asterisk and i'm not asterisk guru
17:00.40MoutaPTbut is internal network of the company
17:00.43MoutaPTnot from a ISP
17:01.08Assidit needs isp to connect to the internet
17:01.20MoutaPTyes but this problem is in LAN
17:01.24MoutaPTisn't it?
17:01.41dragaI'm going now. Later,guys!
17:02.05Assidtoo many variables
17:02.07Assidcould be lan
17:02.10Assidcould be isp
17:02.15*** join/#asterisk berhanu4s (n=PIallah@
17:02.15Assidid check the net connection first
17:02.27MoutaPTok i will
17:02.50MoutaPTdo you ussually come to this channel?
17:02.54*** join/#asterisk rokny5L (n=huseyinU@
17:03.05MoutaPTmay be on monday from office i could talk with you
17:03.34*** join/#asterisk muamadin18r (n=Mmildred@
17:03.35*** join/#asterisk issue (n=nbennett@
17:03.49Assidmaybe.. but monday is gonna be a bit tough for me.. a little too many things to take care off
17:06.33robin_szsigh .. why is the SourceForge search function so universally Shite.
17:06.44robin_szsearch for AMP ... and you get?
17:07.07robin_szresults for : &amp;#30693;&amp;#35782;&amp;#24341;&amp
17:07.52heisonanyone here experiencing segmentation fault with ztcfg on zaptel 1.2.3?
17:08.14*** join/#asterisk balakrisAR (n=xavier36@
17:08.50robin_szwhat people need to remember about AMP is it is not meant to be useful
17:09.10robin_szit is meant to be useful ONCE INSTALLED and CONFIGURED
17:09.33robin_szand for a small $249 fee, Coalescent will help you with that
17:10.04*** join/#asterisk albertoFC (n=rebecca3@
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17:10.25Flautois there anyone using fwd for toll free numbers
17:11.35Flautoitis not working
17:11.40Flautoany idea?
17:12.07*** join/#asterisk kchi-shunA (n=ueraserr@
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17:13.46MoutaPTanyone from POrtugal?
17:14.20*** join/#asterisk imran (
17:14.46krustyclownanyone know about cracker channel???
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17:19.15NuggetI like ritz crackers.
17:19.21robin_szkrustyclown: yeah, theres one called #ubuntu
17:19.41Flautoguess nobody uses fwd for toll free numbers
17:19.49Flautothanks all for help
17:19.49krustyclownnow used xnuxer kinux bro
17:19.51mdavegrr.. my * *was* working
17:20.15*** join/#asterisk BjsMi (n=jJmichae@
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17:20.22mdavei lost the console, so I stopped it, and started it new, and now i cant seem to get my spa to register.. or something, all I know is it has no dialtone, and im getting no useful info from the * console on why
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17:21.02niZonoh yay
17:21.04*** join/#asterisk kaIp17K (n=dianaAB@
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17:21.16niZonstupid botnets
17:21.20*** join/#asterisk tbs_ (
17:21.31mdavethe spa shows registration:failed
17:21.36*** join/#asterisk MMoutaPT (i=MoutaPT@
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17:21.41mdavebu no clue as to *why* or how it failed
17:21.42*** join/#asterisk carolmg (n=bangUR@
17:21.47Flautomdave, your * is running?
17:21.56mdavei got the cli
17:22.06Flautorestart your spa
17:22.08MMoutaPTany one here who has done Astricon Asterisk training camp?
17:22.10mdavetried that already
17:22.20*** join/#asterisk rene- (
17:22.22Flautolook into your sip.conf
17:22.34mdaveyeah, im looking, but its the same as it was before when it was working
17:22.42mdavehow to tell * to debug sip registrations?
17:22.43Flautoand see if the information for sip connection is correct
17:22.52MMoutaPTsip debug
17:22.55Flautomeans it matchs your spa setting
17:22.55MMoutaPTisnt' it?
17:22.57*** join/#asterisk ysetha (n=UzlCo@
17:22.59mdaveit does
17:23.00rene-hello, does anyone know if its possible to reset a pap2 to factory defaults using its IVR?
17:23.02mdaveno change in either
17:23.12tbs_Hi guys.. I have a question for you, which I haven't been able to find any answers for on google/wiki. I am using asterisk with Cisco native IP-phones and Siemens GIGASET handsets. On the Cisco phones, there is a "hold"-button. When I press it, the caller gets Music On Hold. When I press it again, I can talk to the caller.
17:23.14mdavesince it was working before
17:23.20Flautodid you try to restart your asterisk
17:23.30tbs_Now, how do I get this (music on hold) to work with the ISDN-phones (Siemens Gigaset)?
17:23.30mdavethats what led to the current situation
17:23.36mdaverestarted again since as well
17:23.52Flautohave you sip debuged
17:24.00Flautowhat it tells you
17:24.05mdaveno output
17:24.24rene-i have a plain non locked non vonage unit
17:24.31niZontbs_: You'll probablly have to transfer them to a park extension
17:24.32rene-i am testing dhcp provisioning
17:24.39mdaverebooting spa again for grins
17:24.45rene-and i want to be going to factory defaults to test stuff
17:25.02Flautorestart your router? dave
17:25.04Flautojust try
17:25.12tbs_niZon: all right - how do I do that? ;-)
17:25.14MMoutaPTAny one could explain me what does realm=XXX in sip.conf?
17:25.26*** join/#asterisk tedirgin16p (n=NhaIdunA@
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17:25.42niZontbs_: use the t flag in your dial statements, and press # then your park extension :P
17:26.05mdavehrm.. waiting for spa to come back.. seems to be taking a rather long time
17:26.07mdavelike its gone wonky
17:26.41*** join/#asterisk NirS (n=nirs@
17:26.43NirShello all
17:26.46NirSanybody home ?
17:27.12NirShelllo ?
17:27.29mdaveok ive got some sip debug now.. but it got jumbled with other stuff.. waiting for it to try to reg again
17:27.44NirSanyone here connected asterisk to UbiPhone ?
17:28.04*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
17:28.38mdaveok spa should have tried to reg again, but no sip debug output this time
17:28.52Flautoit is working now?
17:28.55*** join/#asterisk roulduke_ (
17:29.01mdaverebooting the spa *again*
17:29.15mdavedammit I gotta go in like 10 minutes
17:29.15Flautomdave, that is impossible
17:29.26mdavewhat is impossible?
17:29.27Flautothere must be something wrong with your setting then
17:29.33*** join/#asterisk chu-cheowqh (n=JAmonica@
17:29.45mdaveit was working just prior to my stopping and restarting *
17:29.45NirSanybody doing ubiphone around here ?
17:29.52mdaveand I didnt change anything between then
17:30.25mdavelemme see if inbound from voip is working even
17:31.14mdaveok, its not taking inbound sip from bv either
17:31.24*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
17:31.29mdaveits like * just completely forgot how to do sip when i restarted it
17:31.46*** join/#asterisk HCejder (n=draggon4@
17:32.05mdave* is at a data center, on non-nat ip.. spa is at home behind nat
17:32.08Flautorestart your asterisk
17:32.16mdaveok, for like the 4th time now
17:32.44mdavehrm.. ok 'stop now', and its sitting there not returning to shell
17:33.18mdavecant kill it either
17:33.34mdavekill 9 worked
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17:33.43robin_szkillall -9 asterisk
17:33.51mdaveyeah, that worked
17:34.01*** part/#asterisk mdave (
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17:34.13mdaveis there like some lockfile or something its leaving behind
17:34.22mdavei had to kill it before becuase i had lost the console window
17:34.30MMoutaPTmdave i got the same problem
17:34.36mdavewondering if it left something thats making it refuse to speak sip
17:34.45MMoutaPT* on DMZ
17:34.49MMoutaPTsome times registers
17:34.52MMoutaPTsome times not
17:35.09mdavei rm -f var/run/asterisk*
17:35.10MMoutaPTsome times i get 401 unauthorized
17:35.15mdavesee if that helps
17:35.27*** join/#asterisk FBI6K (
17:35.31Flautowhat data center you are using
17:35.36Flautoit might be their problem
17:35.53*** join/#asterisk rudy5e (
17:35.59mdaveno.. its actually a local ISP, where I used to be the engineer.. theres no connectivity prob there
17:36.14MMoutaPTyes i think it's there the problem, i don' know which data center is
17:36.22MMoutaPTbut ssh and http works fine
17:36.39MMoutaPTonly sipregister doesn't work well
17:36.47MMoutaPTi've started it on friday
17:36.56MMoutaPTnot long time to debug
17:37.01mdaveI did chang eone thing, sb irrelevant,but i started running privoxy on the same box
17:37.04mdavebut only user is me
17:37.07trixterwhy do boats have port  holes but no starbort holes?
17:37.08mdaveso shoudnt be any load
17:37.15mdavefor grins ill stop it
17:37.29MMoutaPTfrom Data center they said thy allow evertyhing
17:37.33MMoutaPTfrom my local pc
17:38.30*** join/#asterisk ]oshyng (
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17:38.44mdaveok 'sip show peers' is better now.. instead of 'UNKNOWN' for the spa it says 'OK'
17:38.46*** join/#asterisk ysotirisy (n=ndonaldq@
17:38.48mdavebut still no dialtone on the spa
17:39.03*** join/#asterisk rebecca7p (n=Q_yaser@
17:39.06*** join/#asterisk yakamoz30[ (n=Nchia-yu@
17:39.08*** join/#asterisk isa28e (n=Wcliffw@
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17:39.12*** join/#asterisk phiIip36J (n=yang8_@
17:39.18*** join/#asterisk xiao-guaAD (n=ajay24X@
17:39.21mdaverebooting the spa *again*
17:39.23*** join/#asterisk DAmusa (n=desaree2@
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17:40.54mdaveok i got a flurry of sip debug
17:40.57*** join/#asterisk Iine9] (n=bernard3@
17:41.01mdavestill failed.. hrm
17:41.28robin_szOK, how can I figure out why this grandstream no longer gets MWI
17:41.34mdaveok, now I got the hanging stop again now
17:41.51robin_szit used to .. until I updated * from 1.0.7 to 1.2.4 ...
17:41.58*** join/#asterisk de (n=DchilinV@
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17:45.18MMoutaPTdoes any one knows why * some times gives 401 unauthorized for a SIP phone that has already been registred there with same configuration?
17:45.31MMoutaPTwho gives this random answer?
17:46.32mdaveive rebooted the spa twice now, and still nothing from sip debug suggesting * is receiving any registrations
17:46.52*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
17:46.58MMoutaPTmdave do u have zap card there?
17:47.04MMoutaPTtry calling asterisk from Zap
17:47.16MMoutaPTit happens with me, is was a kind of frozen
17:47.28MMoutaPTafter a call it answered and started working fine
17:47.46MMoutaPTi really don't know why, and don't even know how to explain to my boss
17:47.55mdaveno phone hardware
17:48.08mdavenow it looks like the spa isnt even trying to register
17:48.35mdaveno, ok it was
17:48.41mdavewas looking at stale info screen
17:48.45mdavebut still failing
17:48.48mdavewithout giving any clue way
17:50.13*** join/#asterisk areski (
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17:53.21cassio-can someone take a look at this,
17:53.26cassio-what does that mean?
17:54.17*** join/#asterisk bGmimar32 (n=simonjU@
17:55.27mdaveok, * is telling the spa "SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
17:55.30*** join/#asterisk Jlsertac (n=michaeIn@
17:55.34mdavebut the password is right
17:55.37mdavei copy pasted it right across
17:55.49mdaveok, i have to go
17:55.51mdaveim already late
17:55.57mdavei'll deal with this tomorrow
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18:01.31Beirdok-lined?  somebody's pissin lilo off :)
18:02.01Beirdomust be an infestation
18:02.21vatternyup ..
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18:06.55MikeJ__what is kliend?
18:07.12Beirdoit means they blocked them right in the server configs
18:07.18Beirdowith a K line
18:07.29*** join/#asterisk bert8C (n=ninacT@
18:07.41MikeJ__yeah... somone did a mad mad bot attack it would appear
18:07.56*** join/#asterisk Flyboy-SR22 (
18:08.14MikeJ__bert8C looks like another one
18:08.31Beirdoand here I am writing a logging bot...  at least it's VERY well behaved.  And sits on it's arse and logs quietly.
18:09.46robin_szwriting a logging bot ... but WHY?
18:10.29Beirdobecause all the ones I've found suck in their own way
18:10.52*** join/#asterisk areski (
18:11.34Beirdoright now, I run a pircBot one...  but Java's frigging huge
18:11.47robin_szwe run a perl one, it just sits there and logs
18:11.49BeirdoI don't want Java, perl, python, blah blah blah
18:11.57BeirdoI want something small in C
18:12.03*** join/#asterisk maxeb (
18:12.03Beirdoand I want it logging to mysql
18:12.11*** join/#asterisk hadi57 (n=al_moghr@
18:12.16robin_szhow inappropriate
18:12.31robin_szah well, I can see why you counlndt find one then
18:12.49*** part/#asterisk maxeb (
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18:13.02BeirdoI don't want flat-file logs, I want to be able to to web-based cool stuff on it easily
18:13.27robin_szand that can't be done with flat-files?
18:13.33*** join/#asterisk iDunno (
18:13.48Beirdowhy should I write full-text search when it's already in mysql?
18:14.07robin_szexactly .. you shouldn't
18:14.19Beirdowhich is why I'm using it
18:14.34Beirdoand because I already need mysql for like 10 other things anyways
18:14.47robin_szbut there are plenty of full-text searches without the bloat of mysql ...
18:15.02Beirdoit's not bloat if it's already running for other things
18:15.02robin_szanywa, I dont care. .. bored of that now.
18:15.12Beirdolike wikis, blogs, etc
18:15.32robin_szmysql for a wiki? wow .. now that is blaot
18:15.47Beirdotell that to wikipedia
18:15.55iDunnomysql isn't bloat, it's how to lose your data :)
18:16.08*** part/#asterisk Flyboy-SR22 (
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18:16.20robin_sziDunno: its useful, but for irc logging? nah. not an appropriate use
18:16.39Beirdosays you
18:16.49iDunnoirc loggging -> files... files -> grep :)
18:17.08Beirdono no no.
18:17.11robin_szwell, I'd love to see a sane erd for that when youve done it
18:17.31Beirdothis is for web-presented logs, not for a private copy of a channel
18:17.44cassio-can someone help me with timout registration on broadvoice?
18:17.48robin_szerrmm .. entity relationship diagram
18:18.02*** join/#asterisk ard (n=ard@2001:7b8:32d:0:20c:6eff:fe18:d11f)
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18:18.45Beirdowell, it's already running (and working, BTW)
18:18.51hypnoxrobin_sz umm 1 table with textline,datetime,channel
18:19.05Beirdoactually, 3 tables so far
18:19.10Beirdoserver connections
18:19.16robin_szhypnox: I said sane
18:19.17Beirdochannels to join
18:19.22Beirdothen the logs
18:19.41robin_szyes go on .. the logs ... how many tables for that?
18:20.02Beirdono need for anything more
18:20.17robin_szso, like I said, flatfile
18:21.04iDunnobut why use something *simple* when you can massively over engineer a solution that will break? :)
18:21.12*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
18:21.17robin_sziDunno quite
18:21.55*** part/#asterisk CleanerX (
18:22.16robin_szBeirdo: you do reallise a single tbale with no relationships is simply a flat file ...
18:22.30*** join/#asterisk ]^yZx (n=Vlmelind@
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18:22.36*** join/#asterisk nbarney] (n=_audra_@
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18:22.37Beirdoyou realize that I don't care?
18:22.38*** join/#asterisk blainebk (n=desmond5@
18:22.40Beirdoand no it isn't
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18:22.51*** join/#asterisk BZnCc (n=rossafe@
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18:22.58MikeJ__yay flood
18:22.58*** join/#asterisk chengn[ (
18:22.59*** join/#asterisk Lgxiao-lin (n=Np00_@
18:22.59*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*@] by kram
18:23.01*** join/#asterisk elmeekie (n=running2@
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18:23.08*** join/#asterisk VsonjaB (n=silviaiF@
18:23.10robin_szmikej ok, I was assuming hed not be indexing due to performance issues
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18:23.15Beirdoas it's indexed, and there are relationships to the channel and server tables.  But whatever makes you happy :)
18:23.23*** join/#asterisk estepania33C (n=Gtramasw@
18:23.29*** join/#asterisk BkumsaIK (n=dhan8I@
18:23.33*** join/#asterisk Abydos313 (i=justcall@
18:23.33*** join/#asterisk yuji5D (n=XKdCb@
18:23.47*** join/#asterisk BgonuI_ (n=nobuhiko@
18:23.56Beirdopoor lilo.  this has to be making his day dealing with this boneheaded attack
18:24.01*** join/#asterisk quoc26B (n=chao9[@
18:24.02*** join/#asterisk sakti4\ (n=jshiuem@
18:24.31*** join/#asterisk OavvciG (n=adam2l@
18:24.31robin_szMikeJ__ im assuming hes going to insert one entry for each IRC line ... soon it will be several million lines and the indexing overhead on that will soon become signifiicnat .. great for reads, but slwos writes down significantly
18:24.33heisonanyone experienced problems with zaptel 1.2.3? I'm getting segmentation fault with ztcfg
18:24.49*** join/#asterisk OpatsyQ (n=anchana5@
18:24.57Beirdorobin_sz, and you think it won't slow down grep?!
18:25.07*** join/#asterisk UdontKnow (i=udontkno@freenode/staff/udontknow)
18:25.36MikeJ__depens on what you will use it for
18:25.40Corydon76-homeI suspect they've already addressed the linear list with a hash
18:25.50Beirdoand it's not like IRC is all THAT high bandwidth
18:25.54UdontKnowiDunno: UdontKnow
18:26.01robin_szBeirdo: sure, but I'll only be grepping once per search request ... you'll be writng an index on every single time anyone saysd anything on any logged channel
18:26.45Beirdowe shall see how it performs, but it's what I want :)
18:26.47*** join/#asterisk gRpayman (n=onIine8s@
18:26.56robin_szand full text search in MySql is VERY slow ...
18:27.04Beirdoand it's GOTTA be better than the Java whore bot I have now
18:27.08Corydon76-homerobin_sz: well, if you only track users which have thus far only done private messages...
18:27.09robin_szwe abandoned that
18:27.25robin_szbetter than Java .. yeah probably
18:27.35*** join/#asterisk newmember (
18:27.44Beirdoand will use significantly less memory given that mysql is already present
18:27.54iDunnowhy not just write an irssi script?
18:28.04iDunnoand run irssi in the background?!
18:28.32robin_sznever mind all that ...
18:28.50robin_szI checked "subscribe for MWI" on my grandstream ...
18:28.59iDunnowhat the hell is MWI?
18:29.00newmembermessage waiting indicater
18:29.01Beirdoyeah, back on topic :)
18:29.22iDunnoright - erm, you frobble with the sip.conf to set the mailbox for the phone.
18:29.24iDunnothen it works.
18:29.27robin_szbut nothing happens much .. cant see anything in the console
18:29.32robin_szand no nice red light
18:30.50*** join/#asterisk denis7e (n=choong-h@
18:30.55iDunnofrom what I can remember
18:31.19robin_szmailbox is set ...
18:31.35robin_szI can leave a message for that extension and retreive it with 8500 or 8501
18:31.47robin_szjust missing htew MWI
18:32.25*** join/#asterisk MoutaPT (i=MoutaPT@
18:33.10MoutaPTHi , does any one know why with a X100P card i can detect disconection runing asterisk@home1.5 and it doesn't work with later releases?
18:33.29robin_szinfact  .. not seeing any "SUBSCRIBE" stuff at all .. maybe this bet version is fuxxored
18:35.08MoutaPTno one from Portugal or Brazil ?
18:36.15*** join/#asterisk jricardoB (n=remouns4@
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18:39.20MoutaPTHi , does any one know why with a X100P card i can detect disconection runing asterisk@home1.5 and it doesn't work with later releases?
18:39.38MoutaPTshould i ask this in a different channel?
18:39.53rene-i would check the differences in the zaptel.conf files
18:40.30rene-and i would check what versions of zaptel your various @home systems were using
18:42.36*** join/#asterisk chapeaurouge (
18:42.56newmemberMoutaPT: did you rebuild the zaptel drivers after changing to v2.4?
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18:46.35jan__hi all
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18:48.20MoutaPTwhat do u mean, genzaptelconf ?
18:49.34MoutaPTnewmember: what do u mean, genzaptelconf ?
18:50.44*** join/#asterisk tiroIvE (n=Ebirget{
18:51.08austinnichols101MoutaPT: did you do an update from AAH 1.5 to the later versions or a reinstall?
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18:52.41jan__does any of you know what digium hardware to use if i what to connect 4 ISDN2 lines, 30 Analog (pstn) lines and a network to a server (PBX)?
18:54.49astnoob_Anyone know why I'd be getting CLI Spam 'Username/auth name mismatch' for SIP phone?  Username/auth match, phone is registered and placing/receiving calls.  We just upgraded from 1.0.x to 1.2.4.
18:54.58*** join/#asterisk websae (
18:54.59crich1999for the analog lines use a tdm2400 and a couple of tdm400
18:55.09crich1999what is an isdn2 line ?
18:55.25crich1999you mean PRI or BRI =
18:55.26mutilatoranyone have a vid capture card wanna stream me the superbowl?
18:55.59websaei have 30 locations to provide telephone access to----how many channel PRI do I need?
18:56.20mogormanor just the commercials
18:57.50*** join/#asterisk scon (
19:00.29jan__ISDN2 is a internet/phone connection, big and fast
19:00.51mutilatorfios is an internet connection fast and fast
19:01.11mutilatorpromo $49.95 for 30mbit down /5mbit up
19:01.14mutilatorlike mehhhhhh
19:01.26websaenot easy to get though
19:01.38*** join/#asterisk dopez (n=unknown@unaffiliated/dopez)
19:01.44mutilatoryea, i know a 3 ppl who have it now tho
19:01.44websaelocations for FiOS is scarce presently
19:01.49websaeare they enjoying it?
19:01.58websaei live in the milwaukee are and I cannot get it
19:02.01mutilatorhell ya, enjoying rubbing it in everyons face
19:02.19mutilatordoing 4meg/s downloads
19:02.36websaeyou have it?
19:02.46mutilatorheh i live in bumfuck nowhere
19:02.53mutilatori have wireless internet
19:03.03mutilatorthats how far in the woods i am
19:03.06austinnichols101I'm having an issue with a remote extension.  I can always place calls from the extension but can't place calls to the extension some of the time.  If I make a call from the extension I can immediately place a call to the extension and it works.
19:03.23austinnichols101If I wait a couple of minutes the ability to call to the extension is lost again
19:03.30austinnichols101running qualify = no
19:04.01austinnichols101thought I had it made when I got double nat resolved :(
19:04.02websaeyeah i wish i could get fios
19:04.52astnoob_or '' - Username/auth name mismatch
19:04.52astnoob_extension works fine, but spamming cli
19:05.08astnoob_worked fine before
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19:12.49websaeanyone here have a PRI?
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19:37.26natrualbluehi there
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19:42.03cassio-how do I know if mysql is running?and whats the command to run it?
19:42.19IronHelixtry ps -A and look in there for mysql stuff
19:42.23austinnichols101anyone here familiar with ser?
19:42.24IronHelixor service mysql status
19:43.16*** join/#asterisk RdebasishI (n=chanequa@
19:43.21cassio-IronHelix look service mysql status
19:43.21cassio-bash: service: command not found
19:43.31IronHelixah, doesnt work on some machines
19:43.41IronHelixdo ps -A (gives a list of all running processes)
19:43.55vatterntry ps -eaf | grep mysql
19:43.58vatternmay work :)
19:44.56cassio-mysql    31565     1  0 Feb04 ?        00:00:01 mysqld -u mysql
19:45.00cassio-it it up then?
19:45.14Qwelldefine "up"
19:45.25*** join/#asterisk brookshire (
19:45.43natrualblueanyone got any idea why using *70 & *71 for callwaiting wont work on my * system
19:45.56natrualbluei changed CW to *22 & *23                ndit works fine now
19:46.09natrualblueand it works fine now
19:46.35cassio-Qwell I mean working
19:46.51cassio-because I made the connection do the db and look what I am getting
19:47.28natrualblue*70 & *71 dont even show up as being pressed, nothing comes up in the CLI and the line hangs up instantly
19:47.43cassio-Qwell can you take a look?
19:47.52IronHelixblue- often the phone will pull those
19:47.57IronHelixif you are using sip phones
19:48.11IronHelixthe phone will take *70 for itself and disable call waiting locally
19:48.18IronHelixinsted of passing it to the server
19:48.23Qwellcassio-: nope, I don't know how that works
19:48.42natrualbluei have a cisco ata 186 and a grandstream gxp2000
19:49.23cassio-Qwell did you take a look at the paste?
19:49.29Qwellyes, and I don't know that app
19:49.33Qwellit's a thirdparty app
19:49.38_Sam--you need to edit cdr_mysql.conf
19:49.50_Sam--first youneed to make sure you can connect to your mysql
19:49.54_Sam--but you dont even know how to do that
19:49.54cassio-qwell its an app that picks up the next available line
19:49.56_Sam--and im not teaching
19:50.52_Sam--i thought you were talking about the last cdr record error at the end.. :)
19:51.37*** join/#asterisk M-I-A- (
19:52.43IronHelixblue- the GXP will pull them if you have it set on
19:52.50IronHelixits like support local call features or something
19:52.52IronHelixdunno about the ata
19:54.30*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
19:54.38tronixahh finally figured out IAXy inbound calling issue... I guess it got confused; had to reset to defaults then reprovision it
19:54.42*** join/#asterisk {zombie} (
19:55.18*** join/#asterisk eivindtr (
19:58.23mzoum, anyone know a good reference for crimping rj-11 cables?  I need to run new patch cables for my asterisk server and i always find stuff for cat5 cables, are telco cables the same?
19:59.04IronHelix[02:16.56 P] <lolli> hm I am trying to do it...
19:59.04IronHelix[02:17.04 P] <lolli> says badlogin
19:59.09IronHelixwrong paste
19:59.21IronHelixhang on
19:59.30IronHelixthere you go
19:59.38*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
19:59.58mzoooh good idea, ty :)
20:00.12*** join/#asterisk _seIviboylumO (n=cxiao-gu@
20:00.23_Sam--easier to just buy some patch cables for 99c each
20:00.32mzowho sells telco patch cables?
20:01.01mzoi mean im trying to rewire this mess.
20:01.11mzo(please laugh, it's the work of the last 50 years of wiring technology!)
20:01.47IronHelixyour server is slow+++
20:01.56mzohah, pay careful note to the white and yellow spring connectors, connecting a phone line
20:02.02mzohaha, it's like on a crappy line, ;)
20:02.30_Sam--damn that looks like something from WWI
20:02.47mzohahaha, 1951. ;)
20:03.01mzoi never upgraded the wiring, and the telco refused to put in a new demarc when they were here
20:03.20IronHelixi'd get a new telco guy...
20:03.22mzohe didn't want to touch the birds nest
20:03.26mzonoo, i mean the actual telco dude.
20:03.38mzoi never bothered calling again about it, so I need to run two new patch cables.
20:03.40_Sam--how many incoming lines?
20:03.46_Sam--and how many lines inside your place?
20:03.48mzoThe bolts are so old, that they don't come off the threads
20:03.53mzo5 lines come in there
20:04.06_Sam--i would just cut every last wire and rewire the whole the damn thing
20:04.07zerotenthat pic seems like  fun fun fun fun :)
20:04.08mzohaha, yeah, that's what I said.
20:04.10IronHelixim amazed your phones work at all :)
20:04.12IronHelixyeah i agree
20:04.18mzohahahahahah, it took me two days to track down all the lines
20:04.20IronHelixget a tone and probe kit if you dont already have one
20:04.22_Sam--it wouldnt even take that long
20:04.24mzoi do. ;)
20:04.29mzothat's the only way it even works now
20:04.59mzothere's one line where the iv-51 thing is, one more in the little panel beneath that, two more ot the right, and  one more with the little wiring up top.
20:05.18_Sam--do you have dsl or anything working through that mess?
20:05.27mzoyeah dsl worked fine in it when i had it hooked up
20:05.31mzoi'm like 5k feet from the CO
20:05.47IronHelixyeah go in on a weekend or when theres no activity, rip that whole damn thing off the wall and put in a punch block
20:05.59mzowho's responsibility is that t to fix that?  is that a telco demarc, or my responsibility?
20:06.00*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
20:06.05mzoi've scared of punch blocks :P
20:06.13_Sam--they're easy
20:06.23IronHelixyou just need a good punch down tool
20:06.25_Sam--get a punch down tool and go to town
20:06.28mzoyeah i've heard about that.
20:06.35IronHelixif you dont have a good tool then punch blocks are the biggest PITA
20:06.56IronHelixif you do then they make your life 100x easier
20:07.06_Sam--it really wouldnt be that hard hard once you do one...and udnerstand what you ddid
20:07.12_Sam--its easy to do the resty
20:07.36mzoi'd have to fix the old wiring, there's one clump there that has like 5 handsets hooked up to it, it's the really messy one.
20:08.03*** join/#asterisk Givur (
20:08.22IronHelixgive them each a pair on the punch block
20:08.32_Sam--you wouldnt even have to do it all at once if you didnt want to, you could just one line at a time
20:08.42mzohmm, good point, i can migrate slowly
20:08.58mzohow do you mount a punch panel?  Would I need to buy rails, or is there some nice way to do it neatly?
20:09.21IronHelixjust screw it down tot eh wall
20:09.22_Sam--screw it into a stud or something on that wall
20:09.53mzoI'll have to look for that then.
20:10.06IronHelixlook at it this way tho, even if you leave the thing hanging there supported by nothing, you're still better off than you are now :)
20:10.18mzohaha, it ain't broke, don't fix it :P
20:10.22IronHelixcuz you can easily label a punch block
20:10.22_Sam--would be hard to punch down a dangling block!
20:10.40mzooh, it's all labelled now with lots of markers that's what all the photoshopped things are
20:11.09_Sam--i have a better idea....get faster DSL...get rid of all that mess and route your calls to a remote gateway
20:11.15_Sam--then you will have 1 pair of wire
20:11.41mzohaha, i don't have dsl.
20:11.43IronHelixgood point
20:11.56IronHelixgo voip, get the users some basic ip phones
20:11.57mzoI was trying to get rid of a bunch of phone numbers, and when it's all done there's only gonig to be three active numbers there
20:12.03_Sam--you would also save probably 50% compared to what you are paying
20:12.17mzoi have asterisk running already on one of the lines, i'm migrating the other two over today
20:12.24IronHelixthats the good thing about voip, line != numbe
20:12.46*** join/#asterisk maggit (
20:12.48mzoi want to find a basic set that does multiple lines or conferenceing though,
20:13.09IronHelixit depends on your budget
20:13.22IronHelixtry sipura 841 or grandstream gxp2000
20:13.25IronHelixthe one problem though
20:13.33IronHelixis that asterisk doesnt play nice with the concept of lines
20:13.35mzoI don't mind spending a bit for them.  I have to replace a few traditional sets.
20:13.37mzonah, it doesn't
20:13.41mzoI discovered that the hard way
20:13.51IronHelixie 'bob pick up line 3'  will never work
20:13.55mzolike ifi wanted line #2 to have a different answering structure it's impossible thing.
20:14.00mzoexactly, it's all extensions
20:14.01IronHelixno thats easy
20:14.05mzooh, it is?
20:14.09*** join/#asterisk elg (
20:14.12IronHelixjust use zapata.conf to put that line in another context
20:14.14mzoi just wanted line #2 to go voicemail. ;)
20:14.20mzooh, darn.  bleh
20:15.08mzooh, uber
20:15.31IronHelixand it will remember all the other settings
20:15.31mzoso as soon as someone calls line #2 it'd go into a voicemail? neato
20:15.40IronHelixif the voicemail context does that
20:16.01IronHelixyou need a [voicemail] context in extensions.conf where s,1 will eventually dump the call to VM
20:16.35vatternwould the following be possible :
20:16.44IronHelixthats a horrible idea
20:16.45vattern4 lines inv=coming into tdm04b .
20:17.03*** join/#asterisk rmorris (
20:17.05mzoi'll have to do that later.  I have to go buy some patches to get the other line hooked up.     Who makes a good patch panel?  I remember cabletron making some, but is that overkill for what I need?
20:17.22vatternthese lines are in a hunting config, but i would like to send calls for a specific number dialed into a context
20:18.10IronHelixvattern- no.  call hunting breaks that, because asterisk on an analog line cant tell the difference between a call coming in on line 2 and a call rolling over from L1 into L2
20:18.18IronHelixbut thats not an * problem, thats a telco problem
20:18.34rmorrisg'day - I was wondering if anyone has tried to do a "transfer & Join" feature with Asterisk?
20:18.37IronHelixas for patch panels try a telco supply place
20:19.04IronHelixi dont think i've ever seen a brand name on a patch panel
20:19.13mzohmm, i wonder if like home depot has that
20:19.37*** join/#asterisk vattern (
20:20.10IronHelixjust so you know you want something that looks sort of like this
20:20.16IronHelixand a punch down tool
20:20.23natrualblueIronHelix: thanx found the setting in the phone dconfig and deactivated it locally controlling CW & CF, it actually fixed a problem i had last night with not receiving 2 calls
20:20.27natrualblueThanx again
20:20.51IronHelixnp :)
20:20.58IronHelix[03:18.10 P] <IronHelix> vattern- no.  call hunting breaks that, because asterisk on an analog line cant tell the difference between a call coming in on line 2 and a call rolling over from L1 into L2
20:20.59IronHelix[03:18.18 P] <IronHelix> but thats not an * problem, thats a telco problem
20:21.11mzooh, those things, ewww
20:21.19*** join/#asterisk secure75 (
20:21.24IronHelixanalog POTS lines do not signal what the called number is in any way
20:21.25mzothey make my eyes hurt when i look at them ;)
20:21.29vattern<sarcasm>and we have SUCH a nice telco here </sarcasm>
20:21.35IronHelixthey are actually your best friends :D
20:22.09mzoactually i'd have to pay someone then
20:22.14vatternour lovely telkom monopoly ...
20:22.17mzoi can' look at those little metal tabs they give me veritigo
20:22.48IronHelixits actually really easy
20:22.53IronHelixand yu can get smaller ones if you want
20:23.11mzoit's not that, it's how they look.  they make my eyes freak out
20:23.40IronHelixthats no fun then :(
20:24.14*** join/#asterisk rschneid (
20:25.03rschneidhi all
20:25.30rschneidanybody out there that has experience in configuring a Digium Wildcard TDM400P?
20:25.32IronHelixvattern- imho, you might be better off to pay for a internet pipe and port your numbers to a voip carrier if its available
20:25.44IronHelixi';ve done a few, whats up?
20:25.56vatternvoip here costs more to call local than the telco ...
20:26.08vatternand most calls are local ...
20:26.24rschneidI'm experiencing choppy sound when playing voice-prompts via Background or Playback
20:26.26vatternalso the providers I've found .. some of them look dodgy
20:26.42rschneidthat is regardless of the channel the voice-prompt is streaming to (SIP, ISDN, Zap)
20:27.01IronHelixrschneid then thats probably a server issue, not a tdm400 issue
20:27.10rschneidwhen I remove the zaptel drivers, the choppiness is gone
20:27.23rschneidwhen I reload them, they are back, no matter whether I load chan_zap or not in *
20:27.29IronHelixhmmm...   timing then
20:27.35vatternyou not by any chance running X on the box rschneid  ?
20:27.36IronHelixyou might be getting a lot of irq misses
20:27.42rschneidI don't know
20:27.48rschneidits an AMD64 3GHZ system
20:28.09rschneideven with six simultaneous ISDN channels it idles at 0.6% cpu load
20:28.48rschneidthere are no physical devices other than what's usually in a box (IDE, Network etc.)
20:28.55IronHelixthe problem is with timing and irq's...  when the driver isnt loaded it gets timing from the kernel which works great.  otherwise it gets timing from the card's irq, which can mess it up
20:28.56_Paulo_I'm havin timing problems with app_txfax (Linux+Intel+IA64)
20:29.29rschneidhow can I see whether I'm getting IRQ misses?
20:29.44IronHelixzaptel includes a tool to test irq accuracy, see what it gives (wiki has instructions)... also check lspci to see if its sharing an irq with something, that can also mess it up
20:29.53IronHelixand sadly i gotta run, good lukc!
20:30.16rschneidjust did a cat /proc/interrupts is that of any interest?
20:30.33IronHelixyeah that will tell you if its sharing
20:31.15jboti guess pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
20:31.15*** join/#asterisk flashnet[BNC] (
20:31.18rschneid169:     676612   IO-APIC-level  libata
20:31.19rschneid177:    1047900   IO-APIC-level  c4-d000
20:31.21rschneid185:  117233369   IO-APIC-level  wctdm
20:31.22rschneid193:     671393   IO-APIC-level  eth0
20:31.24rschneidNMI:       3274
20:31.25rschneidLOC:   28355252
20:31.27rschneidERR:          0
20:31.28rschneidMIS:          0
20:31.30*** join/#asterisk areski (
20:32.09rschneidsorry, I'm a complete IRC newbie
20:32.25IronHelixit has procedures for checking your irq's
20:32.31IronHelixi would stay and help but i gotta go out
20:32.37_Paulo_have you rmmod zaptel?
20:33.35_Paulo_oh... its wctdm
20:33.43*** join/#asterisk GcoIIeziumS (n=girI11Z@
20:33.44rschneidyes its wctdm
20:33.51*** join/#asterisk usameIaden49j (n=darrinMj@
20:33.53rschneidwhen wctdm is unloaded the choppy sound is gone
20:34.05*** join/#asterisk onicholasj (n=gIobaI7f@
20:34.05_Paulo_my card is a TE110P
20:34.32_Paulo_and the driver is wcte11xp
20:34.38*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
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20:34.50_Paulo_try running a 32bit kernel.
20:35.27rschneiddo you really think this (32-bit Kernel) will make a difference?
20:35.51_Paulo_just shooting at the wind.
20:36.02trixterI know it made a difference when I upgraded that 286
20:36.38_Paulo_I'm having timing problems too.
20:36.55*** join/#asterisk xueqing10Y (n=VOlAx@
20:36.57_Paulo_I use libunicall ans spandsp.
20:37.19X-RobIf you have problems with a digium card, call digium. The reason you pay so much for it is for the support.
20:37.20_Paulo_Coppice told me that some people has this kind of problem
20:37.52_Paulo_Digium doesnot support app_txfax...
20:38.41rschneidI don't have an app_txfax problem... I have choppy sound on voice-prompts
20:38.45_Paulo_they charge you $200 just to quote custom development services...
20:39.09rschneidfunny wise MOH and phone-conversations are not affected only playing voice-prompts
20:39.32_Paulo_this is something...
20:39.59_Paulo_are you using mp3?
20:42.14rschneidfor the voice-prompts? no, I'm using either gsm or wav
20:42.30*** join/#asterisk Vyeperman^2 (
20:43.00rmorrishow do you enable supervised call transfer?
20:47.12znoGcan one search the digium bug database? couldn't find a link to search
20:48.49QwellznoG: go to view issues
20:50.20znoGQwell: ah yes, thanks :)
20:51.21*** join/#asterisk walhala (
20:51.56walhalahi :)
20:52.28walhaladoes anyone know how to fix this error "chan_sip.c: Failed to grab lock "
20:52.40*** join/#asterisk darby_t (
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21:02.38walhalano idea ?
21:02.47*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
21:05.31*** part/#asterisk vattern (
21:06.30*** join/#asterisk jpablo_ (n=jpablo@
21:10.49jpablo_hey people, anyone has a asterisk course program ? i need to give an internal course in asterisk and a already made program would help me start
21:10.57*** join/#asterisk rehanlinuxer (
21:12.15*** join/#asterisk lehel (i=lehel@
21:12.21*** join/#asterisk rschneid (
21:12.45leheli can't compile zaptel on kernel-headers-2.6.8-2-k7 ?
21:13.05lehel[seems not.. ?]
21:13.06*** join/#asterisk rehan_Linuxer (
21:13.18*** join/#asterisk glm2k (
21:13.21iDunnoassuming debian, you should be able to :)
21:13.25rehan_Linuxerhi everyone
21:13.35iDunnoyou did use zaptel-source, right?
21:13.44iDunno(I think that's the right package)
21:13.50leheliDunno: yes, the error:
21:13.52lehelmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernel-headers-2.6.8-2-k7'
21:13.52lehelmake[1]: *** No rule to make target `1.0.10/zaptel-1.0.10'.  Stop.
21:14.09iDunnohow are you trying to make it?
21:14.16lehel"make" ;)
21:14.22rehan_LinuxerI am a beginner and have Installed "UBUNTU" Linux on system
21:14.25iDunnoahhh :)
21:14.32iDunnoyou don't want to do that ;)
21:14.44lehelseriously? :P
21:14.56lehelmake linux26 ?
21:15.12iDunnono, if it's the debian source, and the debian headers...
21:15.22rehan_LinuxerI have downloaded the Asterisk Version 1.2.4
21:15.27iDunnothen you will probably want dpkg-buildpackage in the right place.
21:15.32leheliDunno: it's not debian source..
21:15.32rehan_LinuxerWho should I proceed now
21:15.33iDunnoahhh - erm, then god knows :)
21:15.43rehan_Linuxercan anyone help me
21:16.28rehan_Linuxer:( Would anyone guide me ?
21:17.22iDunnoread the install notes.
21:17.53rob0I don't know of any reason to avoid Ubuntu, in fact I recommend it to non-techie friends.
21:18.41iDunnoUbuntu is fine. Sortof. but if you're not going to use it's packages, you might want to watch out :)
21:18.47rob0But ... I wouldn't recommend Asterisk to non-techies ;)
21:19.11iDunnoso downloading 1.2.4 of asterisk on to an ubuntu box, and then asking where to go from there... :)
21:19.24iDunnorob0: agreed :)
21:20.25rob0And I definitely don't recommend IRC as a substitute for learning the basics of Unix and your distro.
21:20.54iDunnoI suggest LUGs for that :)
21:21.17rob0LUGs can help, yes. But RTFM is best. :)
21:21.20lehelstrange.. i compiled several zaptel/asterisk sources.. never had almost a problem.. and now this 2.6.8-2-k7.. ah
21:21.30*** join/#asterisk Nebukadneza (
21:21.42lehelcould be rally my headers.. pr
21:22.29Nebukadnezais there a way to relize a ('serverside') 'phonebook' with *? for example for dialing long sip or iax URIs it would be nice simply to enter a 'phonebook' menu where you can navigate through entries youve input via a webfrontend or something like that
21:23.13*** join/#asterisk SocialD (
21:23.24SocialDIm running knoppix
21:23.37SocialDCan I get asterisk to work with an analog modem now?
21:23.38*** join/#asterisk pigpen2 (
21:23.45SocialDas in, no voip phones in the house
21:23.49rehan_LinuxerI am looking on the Asterisk Website for the Installation Notes I can not find?
21:24.32leheli got it.. stpd mistake
21:25.16jbotit has been said that wikis is
21:25.26SocialDCan anyone help me?
21:26.47*** join/#asterisk areski (
21:27.09rehan_Linuxerthank lehel
21:28.57jpablo_Nebukadneza, yes, it is easy to do.
21:33.52*** join/#asterisk voipme (n=voipme@
21:34.42Nebukadnezajpablo_: ... how? :P
21:35.20Nebukadnezacompletely writing it on my own?
21:37.28jpablo_Nebukadneza, yes, as an AGI
21:37.57Nebukadnezahm ...
21:38.09Nebukadnezathen i'll try that tomorrow
21:38.22Nebukadnezai really thought someone wrote something like that already
21:38.24Nebukadnezabut thanks :P
21:39.23*** join/#asterisk Storm (
21:39.29Nebukadnezaand what is that CID stuff?
21:39.50Nebukadnezavoip wiki is finding it searching for phonebook ... but hm - looks like somthing different?
21:40.10*** join/#asterisk exstatica (
21:40.14jpablo_CID = caller id
21:40.35SocialDCID = Callier Identity Display
21:41.04*** join/#asterisk Aldo (i=Aldo@
21:41.15Nebukadnezaso has nothing to do with phoenbooks?
21:41.54AldoI was installed asterisk
21:42.03Aldoon slackware 10.2
21:42.23AldoInstalled asguiclient
21:42.23*** join/#asterisk nurfe (
21:43.13AldoI have this error on asterisk console
21:43.14AldoNOTICE[1125]: channel.c:2421 __ast_request_and_dial: Don't know what to do with control frame 15
21:43.36*** part/#asterisk shido6 (
21:43.51stormfrhello, i have trouble with last * with many warning of ast_channel_make_compatible: No path to translate x to y
21:44.13stormfrand sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 4, while native formats is 1 (read/write = 1/1) but all codec are enable
21:44.13AldoI installed asterisk 1.2.3
21:44.41*** join/#asterisk brockj49464 (n=brockj49@
21:45.07SocialDaldo what kind of modem do you have
21:46.03SocialD.... never mind
21:46.27AldoAsterisk work with digium card
21:47.10*** part/#asterisk lehel (i=lehel@
21:47.12SocialDDo you know anyone that has asterisk working, with a 56K mode -- to the POTS
21:47.17*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
21:48.15*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
21:48.32Abydos313wb Qwell
21:49.05Qwellheh, I love screwing with ISP tech support
21:49.19Qwell"Sir, this isn't a major issue, it's only affecting one server in your area."
21:49.20Abydos313what did you do
21:49.26Qwell"okay, can you put me on another node?  kthx"
21:49.33Qwell"No sir, we can't do that, this isn't a major issue."
21:49.45Qwell"It sure is major...30 minutes of an entire city being down?"
21:49.59Abydos313that is huge
21:50.14QwellI asked for a supervisor after a few minutes going back and forth like that, and it suddenly started working
21:50.44Abydos313atleast it came back
21:51.44Abydos313i still have to run down and buy some munchies before the game starts :))
21:51.45Qwelltip: if you're an ISP and you have an outage...expect bored people to call :p
21:52.02QwellThat's like a hobby of mine...screw with tech support when I'm bored
21:52.37QwellThey get so frustrated. :D
21:53.21mogormanhey now
21:53.31Qwellmogorman: ISP tech support only..
21:53.48QwellSome of them deserve it though, heh
21:54.11mogormanbut glad you never called me
21:54.15mogormanwhen i worked support
21:54.16voipmeevening all, anyone have $HANGUPCAUSE working with a euro pri, ive got one with BT in the uk, and another with eircom in ireland, $HANGUPCAUSE is always 0, if i put in a cisco and put on isdn debug i see the correct info from the telco
21:54.21voipmeit's bugging users
21:54.25Qwellokay, most don't deserve it...
21:54.31voipmeas ill you can give them is ring or busy
21:54.33Qwellthere was one guy that I can remember who did though
21:54.48I-MODSocialD: you mean a modem using asterisk as a passthrough?
21:55.49*** part/#asterisk Aldo (i=Aldo@
21:57.16SocialD0_0 yeah what you said
21:58.06SocialDComputer--->RJ-11 Outletinwall------>PSTN
21:59.52I-MODin my experience, you can get a modem to connect through asterisk, but unexpected problems crop up
22:00.12QwellI-MOD: That isn't something I'd try over the internet...a LAN maybe, but..
22:00.41I-MODlike, if you hit the bandwidth hard on the modem for a sustained amount of time, the connection will drop
22:01.17*** join/#asterisk areski (
22:01.24SocialDthose things arnt of much concern to me
22:01.24I-MODi'm not even talking about voip at this point
22:01.42I-MODrouting modem traffic through voip is almost impossible
22:01.44SocialDI just want to know HOW I can get the modem and asterisk to communicate with each other
22:01.58I-MODwait....using a modem as a fxo?
22:02.09SocialDjust a regular 56k
22:02.17SocialDI cant afford an fxo
22:02.17QwellYou don't
22:02.19*** join/#asterisk justin1 (
22:02.24Qwella modem isn't an fxo
22:03.04SocialDIm very new to those whole Asterisk PBX software
22:03.59rob0SocialD: not that I am recommending them particularly, but the cheap X100P clones are only about US$10.
22:04.38rob0(They DO work, FSVO "work". Good enough to play with.)
22:04.44stormfrhow is it possible to set a variable with a | in ?
22:05.37hypa7iahey SocialD
22:06.08SocialD>_< Wasupp1!!!
22:06.30SocialDI didnt know you were here the user list is .. long.. very long
22:06.42hypa7iayeah i mostly lurk these days
22:06.47hypa7iabut soon i'll be getting active again
22:06.55hypa7iaas i'm starting a new job and a new project
22:07.02hypa7iaproject is totally asterisk
22:07.03SocialDoh, awsmoe
22:07.05*** join/#asterisk schuylerdigium (
22:07.11hypa7iajob wants me to do some * stuff too
22:07.25SocialDI see
22:07.34*** join/#asterisk rehan_Linuxer (
22:07.44*** join/#asterisk elg (
22:07.56SocialDMy job.. i made 10 bucks taking out spyware/viruses out of this guys windows xp OS
22:08.24SocialDI rarely get job oppertunities like that
22:08.39SocialDUsually I get yelled at by my parents
22:09.06SocialDI just want an asterisk computer to play with
22:09.53voipmeSociald 10 bucks might manage you something to put asterisk on
22:09.54hypa7iaSocialD: unfortunately you can't use a regular modem as an fxo
22:10.04voipmego sip only
22:10.09hypa7iathat works too
22:10.18hypa7ia has toronto did's
22:10.26hypa7iaor there's the_clone's service
22:10.32hypa7iai think they have 416 as well
22:11.01voipmeactually, Sociald, your on a pc now? download vmware player
22:11.11voipmeinstall linux, orasterisk@home to get you started
22:11.16voipmego sip only
22:11.34voipmeit's a start!
22:12.03SocialDohhh buddy
22:12.10SocialDI installed asterisk@home last night
22:12.21Qwell*@~ is crap :p
22:12.26SocialDIt went a little like this 1.I inserted the bootable cd
22:12.37SocialD2.I went to go get my dollarstore FM radio
22:12.45QwellSocialD: yes, it doesn't have any'll fuck any install you already have
22:12.56SocialD3.I drop the radio while switching channels to see "Formatting /Filesystem 40%"
22:13.04hypa7iaoh also you canget a free DID from
22:13.14hypa7iabut i'd talk to the_clone
22:13.47*** join/#asterisk relyuhcs (
22:14.02voipmeasterisk@home is a good start and impressive looking, but it's bloatware
22:14.03relyuhcshi hi
22:14.12Qwellvoipme: it's NOT a good start
22:14.16voipmebut it's fairly idiot proof
22:14.18SocialDhow is it good loking ?!
22:14.19hypa7iaSocialD: you run ubu right?
22:14.19Qwellit's a horrible start don't learn squat
22:14.23SocialDit has no gui >_<
22:14.25Qwellthen people come in here and ask stupid shit
22:14.28SocialDme ubu no
22:14.33hypa7iaSocialD: asterisk in general doesn't have a gui
22:14.38hypa7iawhich distro?
22:14.44Qwellres_gtk?  heh
22:14.48SocialDI thought it would come with X
22:14.57voipmex will kill asterisk perforamce#
22:15.12SocialDSo what do you mean its impressive looking, the code?
22:15.25Qwellasterisk@home is complete junk, IMO
22:15.34mogormanand doing glib all over the place
22:15.39Qwellmogorman: isn't there already something like that?
22:15.43voipmenope, just the web inetrface, and the fect it's ready to go in 30 mins
22:15.46mogormanwhile im at it i think i will add 40 deps.
22:15.52mogormanyeah there is pbx_gtk
22:15.54mogormanand pbx_kde
22:15.59Qwellthose are the ones
22:15.59mogormanbut off by default
22:16.14voipmeat the end of teh day, roll your own on favorite linux install is better
22:16.23*** join/#asterisk dudes (
22:16.29De_Mon*@~ ... impressive
22:16.35voipmeor astlinux if you must go down the prebult route
22:16.43Qwellastlinux is FAR better than *@~
22:16.46*** join/#asterisk tholle (n=tholle@
22:17.00voipmeQwell is right
22:17.27voipmethere is asterisk hiding inside both of them
22:17.41thollegerman user here?
22:17.47Qwelltholle: ja
22:18.03tholleich habs mit dem englich nicht so dicke ;-)
22:18.06mogormanastlinux is good
22:18.10mogormanas is kristian
22:18.23mogormannot so much
22:18.30mogormanerr a@h not so much
22:18.34tuxinator_linuxQwell speaks german also?
22:18.35Qwelltholle: mein deutsche is sehr shlecht
22:18.37SocialDhypa7ia can I buy a FXO card in toronto
22:18.54Qwelltuxinator_linux: I can pretend
22:18.56hypa7iaSocialD: ask on the TAUG list
22:19.12SocialDim in their irc room nwo
22:19.15tholleich bin auf der suche nach hilfe zu asterisk+tk-anlage mittles avm-fritzCard!
22:19.16SocialDill ask them now
22:20.18thollemittels, sorry
22:20.24hypa7iathere's a taug irc room? woot!
22:20.42hypa7iaoh not tlug dude
22:20.44QwellStellen Sie Ihre Frage und wir sehen, was wir tun k?nnen.
22:20.54hypa7iatoronto asterisk UG
22:20.59SocialD:o oh
22:21.35SocialDholy crap  The domain name is for sale
22:21.35SocialDPrices in the region of US$3900
22:21.44SocialD..damn paste sorry
22:21.45tholleich habe suse 10+fritzt isdn-card. brauch ich die suse capi-treiber, wenn ich chan_capi-cm einsetze?
22:21.57*** join/#asterisk relyuhcs (
22:22.42QwellIch wei? nicht nichts ?ber die Fritz Karten oder das chan_capi
22:22.44hypa7iaSocialD: lol, i think that's a little pricy for taug
22:22.56SocialDthat was .com not .ca btw
22:23.04thollehmm.. das faengt ja gut an ;-)
22:23.16relyuhcssprechen sie deutsch?
22:23.24tuxinator_linuxmaybe I should learn German
22:23.27thollerelyuhcs: ja
22:23.43SocialDno tuxinator you dont need to, its easy to fit in, watch
22:23.50relyuhcsah, wohir kommst du?
22:23.52SocialDisn falsj irggg off
22:24.09tholleaus norddeutschland
22:24.14SocialDdas du favlor un :P>?
22:24.16relyuhcsah.. kennst du muesnter?
22:24.44SocialDIsh nerwishin van j00
22:24.47tuxinator_linuxyo tampoco
22:24.48tholleSocialD: where we come from
22:25.08voipmeback to my $HANGUPCAUSE anyone have to working properly with a PRI
22:25.18voipmeby any chance?
22:25.20tuxinator_linuxSpanish would be my second language, but I don't use it much
22:25.44relyuhcsich bin nich aus deutschland...
22:25.53SocialDmy backrounds spanish
22:26.04tholleund warum sprichst du so gut deutsch?
22:26.10*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
22:26.36relyuhcsich war in muenster zehn wochen
22:26.53relyuhcsund habe ich in ein sprachschule gelernt
22:26.58tholleund da lernt man so gut deutsch zu schreiben? respekt
22:27.08relyuhcsvielen dank
22:27.12SocialDno vielen dank
22:27.17SocialDonly falen dank
22:27.34thollerelyuhcs: wo wohnst du denn?
22:27.48SocialDle woot woot 10-4 - le copy that
22:28.05tholleach immer noch? fien
22:28.16relyuhcsaber ich war auch in muenchen und berlin und koeln....
22:28.25thollenicht schlecht
22:28.33tholletres bien
22:28.36tuxinator_linuxcomo se dice "It's time to take a shower" in German?
22:28.37*** join/#asterisk dlynes (n=dlynes@
22:28.47relyuhcsn?chstes jahre gehe ich nach deutschland
22:29.09relyuhcsich werde ein jahre bleiben.
22:29.24Qwelltuxinator_linux: "Es ist Zeit, eine Dusche zu nehmen"
22:29.28relyuhcswo wohnst du jetzt?
22:29.37SocialDCrap I turned the room into euro talk
22:29.41relyuhcsalso... wie ist die wetter?
22:29.43Motheranyone playing with asterisk and PoC?
22:29.51QwellMother: PoC?
22:30.00thollewhat to hellis PoC=
22:30.07MotherPTT over cellular
22:30.08*** join/#asterisk rehan_Linuxer (
22:30.17Motherbasically, VoIP over GPRS/UMTS
22:30.25Motherbut with a fancier name :)
22:30.58Motherit's all based on SIP and RTP, but there are quite a few twists to it, basically it's like Nextel for GSM
22:31.07thollerelyuhcs: kalt und dunkel ;-)
22:31.18tuxinator_linuxwell then, Es ist Zeit, eine Dusche zu nehmen
22:31.20relyuhcshehe.. jahre deise sommer wart sehr kalt
22:31.32tholleglaubst du?
22:31.36relyuhcsund viele regnet
22:31.42thollewie ist es denn bei dirÜ´?
22:31.44relyuhcsja, naturlich
22:31.48dopezkalt? es ist nur -1 :)
22:31.58thollewoher weisst du das?
22:32.06tholledopez: das IST kalt ;-9
22:32.14dopezjo ^^
22:32.31relyuhcsich wohne in alabama
22:32.42relyuhcsis ist warm
22:32.48relyuhcses ist warm*
22:33.05tholleecht? wie warm denn?
22:33.28relyuhcsheute es ist kalt... 40 F
22:33.42tholleich dachte warm ;-)
22:33.44relyuhcsaber normal wetter ist 50 oder 55 F
22:34.26tholleso, ich geh dann mal schlafen.. morgen wird ein langer tag..
22:34.32relyuhcstholle:  gehst du nach Hannover f?r CeBIT?
22:35.05thollerelyuhcs: ich war beruflich die letzten 3 jahre dort. ob ich dieses Jahr da bin, weiss ich noch nicht genau.
22:35.40relyuhcsich bin da deise jahr
22:35.56thollecool... warst du schon mal da?
22:36.10tholleich jeman in chemnitz auf den linuxtagen?
22:36.20tholleist jemand...
22:36.55tholledas heisst cool ;-)
22:37.04*** join/#asterisk ZdayyC (
22:37.18relyuhcstholle:  was machst du?
22:37.24relyuhcsdein arbeit?
22:37.44thollebin administrator
22:37.47tholleund du?
22:37.49relyuhcsf?r asterisk?
22:37.56*** join/#asterisk a}chloe (
22:38.08relyuhcstelecom marketing
22:38.09thollenein, allgemein fuer linux. asterisk mach ich gerade nebenbei..
22:38.31relyuhcsalso.. ich arbeit mit digium
22:38.42thollerelyuhcs: cool..
22:38.54thollemit marc spencer? ;-)
22:38.59relyuhcsglaube ich
22:39.05tholleglaubst du?
22:39.06relyuhcsja, mit mark
22:39.23relyuhcskennst du mark?
22:40.10relyuhcsich m?ss aus gehen!
22:40.19relyuhcssuperbowl :)
22:40.32tholleich auch.. viel spass...
22:40.41tholleahh.. stimmt..
22:40.50relyuhcsbis sp?ter?
22:40.51thollemach ich mal auch noch an
22:41.09tholleja, bis spaeter.. in 14 stunden ;-)
22:41.32relyuhcsbis dann!
22:41.35*** part/#asterisk relyuhcs (
22:43.18*** join/#asterisk AndyCap (n=aoy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/AndyCap)
22:43.30dopezanyone here using a fritz!x usb? i wonder if what i want to do with it is even possible, i want an analogue telephone to be able to call through asterisk over SIP, im already able to receive calls from SIP on that phone, i just dont see how to make calls
22:45.57znoGdopez: you'd need an ATA or TDM400P with a FXS module if you want to connect an analogue telephone through Asterisk
22:47.04dopezznoG: thanks, i already ordered one, but after i hooked up the fritz!x thing i though i might have been able to do without the ATA (grandsteam 486) i guess i wait for that to finish it all :)
22:48.46znoGdopez: until then you can just use a softphone
22:49.04dopezlinphone does the job quite nice indeed ;)
22:51.04*** join/#asterisk mmunky (
22:51.38*** join/#asterisk draga (
22:51.43dragahello everybody
22:52.38*** join/#asterisk Sajid_Khan (n=human@
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22:52.47dragaa question: I'm trying to set up a queue. All right, I must say, but I can't get Agents to login. It gives me this error:
22:52.49dragaFeb  5 23:52:23 WARNING[26522]: chan_agent.c:1841 __login_exec: Extension '069' is not valid for automatic login of agent '1002'
22:52.51*** join/#asterisk elg (
22:53.00dragathis is the extension:
22:53.02dragaexten=> 2001,1,AgentCallbackLogin(||${CALLERIDNUM})
22:53.04dragaany idea?
22:53.40*** join/#asterisk GarryH (
22:54.04Sajid_KhanAnyone like to sugess me
22:54.15Sajid_KhanI m new in VoIP
22:56.34heisonI'm trying to build app_pgsql and the Makefile is looking for libpq-fe.h which i have made available by installing postgresql-dev (/usr/include/postgresql/libpq-fe.h), but include "libpq-fe.h" doesn't seem to find it... can someone check to see where your libpq-fe.h is located (if you have it)?
22:57.37*** part/#asterisk Sajid_Khan (n=human@
22:57.39*** join/#asterisk Sajid_Khan (n=human@
22:57.47Sajid_KhanI m new in VoIP
22:57.49Sajid_KhanAnyone like to sugess me
22:57.56mzovall conage. :P
22:58.12Sajid_KhanFew quries
22:58.23jpablo_hey people, how can i start a call and connect it to an extension in the dialplan ?
22:58.32mzoanyone happen to have a support agreement with dell?  I need to find a phone number to order spare parts :P
22:58.43wunderkindraga, specify a context?
22:58.47jpablo_(i.e. i want * to call my cell and start procesing some commands).
22:58.50rehan_Linuxerno never user the DIALplan :)
22:59.01dragawunderkin: while waiting I've fixed it :)
22:59.50RaYmAn-Bxthis probably isn't the right place, but does anyone know of any providers providing free or cheap Spanish DID's? Preferably with an english homepage :)
22:59.59*** join/#asterisk kunwon1 (
23:00.02wunderkinSajid_Khan, talk in the channel, and stop repeating
23:00.14Darwin35ok zaptel-bsd ver.25 works
23:00.50Sajid_KhanMVTS is good or Astrisk is good... forget its free or paid and about money
23:01.03Sajid_KhanSomeone told me its crash if load comes on it
23:01.56mzohow come this sound like an al-qaeda briefing session about trying to use asterisk to coordinate terrorist VOIP
23:04.38*** join/#asterisk rehan_Linuxer (
23:05.18hypnoxmzo cause you'e some hick who's never talked to someone with a foreign sounding name?
23:06.21mzohahahaha, bite me :P
23:06.44*** join/#asterisk bch2 (
23:06.45mzoyou didn't bite me. =(
23:06.50hypnoxeww, no.
23:09.31mzowe must be really really bored.
23:09.50*** join/#asterisk fooazz (
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23:11.48*** join/#asterisk Seggy (
23:14.01Abydos313mzo his ip originates in india
23:14.35mzoooh the stargate :P
23:14.43Abydos313my fav show
23:15.11mzoWeird how people just come in, ask three questions, they don't get answered, they leave and say 'asterisk suxkzzzz!"
23:15.57Abydos313does that happen alot in this channel. i see the same in linuxhelp
23:16.10wunderkinleenux sux0rz
23:16.34mzoit's everywhere online, as far as i know.  every irc room that's devoted to some obscure software thing or other has that.
23:16.52Abydos313i got cheesy and install centos4.2asterisk.iso  asterisk@home..
23:16.55mzo'omg, im trying to make this dsp plugin, but i get this obscure error, help!?!?!?!?!? "and like a link to 17 different pastebins
23:17.01*** join/#asterisk cassio (
23:17.06mzohaha, isn't there a new aah out now?
23:17.22Abydos313yeah 2.5 just came out a few days ago.
23:17.32mzoi'll upgrade when i get bored of breaking my box
23:17.59Abydos313i'm new to it, so learning little by little
23:18.04cassiocan some1 give me a help with this?when I start asterisk, all broadvoice lines registers, I check if they are registered and everything is okay, but after 1 min, they are all unreachable, why is that happening?
23:18.39mzoi broke my first dozen installs so bad.
23:18.48dlynescassio: are you behind a firewall?
23:18.54Abydos313great way to learn
23:19.10mzohaha, oh well, time to reinstall aah home again, not even the mailing list has a clue how i broke it
23:19.11cassiodlynes I rented a box at, I think I am not
23:19.35cassiodlynes take a look at this new pastebin
23:19.42Abydos313mzo what do you do with asterisk? home phone/ multi lines?
23:20.17mzothat and they use it at work for voicemail with a t1, but i didn't install that.  They had some company come in and do that.
23:20.44mzoand sometimes if i catch the guy on a nice day he'll share tips with me but they administer it remotely and the only thing I've ever had to do with the work one was open up a port for them to ssh into it.
23:20.54Abydos313how many phone lines do they have on that t1? and are they using voip phones?
23:21.00dlynescassio: do they eventually become reachable 2 or 3 seconds later
23:21.04dlynescassio: ?
23:21.10mzothey have ciscos, I have no idea how many lines are hooked up
23:21.28mzonot that many, there's only like 14 or 15 desk phones in the whole office.
23:21.28Abydos313cisco products are always nice
23:21.37cassioreachable?no, only unreachable, and it tries to reconnect, but dont connect
23:22.07Abydos313we split a t1 into 8 phone lines and the rest for internet at one location. very cost effective
23:22.24mzoThey pay I think something like $400 a month for the pri, and then they get a flat rate of $80 a month for maintaining the asterisk box, and any routine stuff.  Anything else they have to pay for as an add-on.  it makes perfect sense for them.
23:22.42Abydos313sounds good
23:23.12cassiodlynes do you have any idea?
23:23.32dlynestry configuring qualify=300 for their sip settings, to see if that helps you at all
23:23.53cassiodlynes where, sip.conf?
23:24.39Abydos313mzo you mind me asking how you use asterisk at home and what equipment
23:25.16mzohah, i posted it before,  i have this awful birds nest of analog phone lines.  I have three analog phone lines, one xp100 (a real one!) and two clones, and just have it running them with a bunch of cheapy voip phones.
23:25.23cassiodlynes I am totally noob on asterisk, Id like if you could give me a hint :)
23:26.10dlynescassio:  add a line 'qualify=300' to each context within your sip.conf file (a context is defined by '[your context name goes here]')
23:26.30dlynesafter you've done that
23:26.39dlynesthen do a sip reload from your asterisk cli
23:26.43cassiodlynes I have the qualify at every contest, but its qualify=yes
23:26.51dlynestry qualify=300 instead
23:26.52cassioso I change yes to 300?
23:27.16dlynesit means try qualifying the connection every 300 seconds
23:27.22Abydos313sweet, so it's a full pbx for those 3 phone lines. that's cool
23:27.39mzoexcept when the hard-drive blew up a few weeks back and i didn't have a phone for a week :P
23:27.51Abydos313that's not kewl
23:27.56dlynesif you're behind a firewall, or they're behind a firewall, it should fix the problem
23:28.06mzoit happens, you learn your lessons ;)
23:28.30Abydos313it's linux you run it on. you can image the box for fast recoveries
23:29.54mzoit is, i didn't have a chance to, I ended up finding a raid 5 card and 3 drives for it, so when i get bored i'll redo everything (again) :)
23:30.21cassiodlynes take a look at this
23:30.29Abydos313very nice. a good ol' adaptec 2100s is good for that
23:30.37cassiodlynes its connected but tries to reconnect
23:30.48*** join/#asterisk ptiggerdine_ (
23:31.40Abydos313we run a windows 2000 server with a program called televantage with 4 t1's going to 4 cards
23:31.55dlynescassio: looks like something's fubar on your service provider's end
23:32.16cassiodlynes its a box
23:32.30Abydos313it's a weird setup and we all hate it
23:33.02*** join/#asterisk BlueDevi1 (
23:36.08dlynescassio: gimme a couple
23:41.57*** join/#asterisk ilTizio (
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23:54.45wunderkinmysql sux0rz?
23:55.11WasPhantomyour watch just told you that?
23:56.38Abydos313oracle has a free database now.. called XE
23:56.57Abydos313limited to 4gb and one tablespace. but i'ts oracle and it's free
23:57.11*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
23:57.26Abydos313self installer for redhat based systems like centos and rhel
23:58.50mzomy watch just tells me it's time to sleep, not that mysql sucks.
23:58.51Abydos313oracle wants to push websites into using it and making some killer tools for free. so when your business grows you'll upgrade and buy their full product. good business sense
23:59.27*** join/#asterisk dave-outlaw (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.