irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060128

00:01.10[TK]D-FenderOryn : it isn't the nature of *  or SIP to start ringing a phone that was targeted in a current dial just because it becomes available.
00:01.31JonR800would it be possible to have multiple dial statements?
00:01.43JonR800in a row... with say a 2-5 second timeout.. hackish.
00:02.56[TK]D-FenderJonR800 : He's not trying to make a queue.  He wants it so taht if he dials 5 phones at once, and one of the phone is on a call but ends it while the others are ringing, that it would BEGIN ringing again as part of the previously issued Dial command.  Sort of retro-active.
00:03.01[TK]D-FenderAnd the answer to that is "no".
00:04.06JonR800I understand what he was asking.. just wondering why the situation called for it I guess.
00:04.09OrynJonR800: thats what I've ended up doing, but I wondered if there was a proper way
00:04.34JonR800I don't think there is.
00:05.00snewpyisn't it called call waiting? :)
00:05.01Orynhmm, customers eh, you can never please them
00:05.16snewpyhave a queue with all the phones, all with call waiting enabled
00:05.44Orynyup, but they complained about beeping and missing out on what people were saying then it beeped
00:05.49Orynso I turned it off
00:05.50snewpywhen a call comes in, ring-all style, it rings all the phones, including phones where the agent is on the phone, when that agent hangs up, his phone starts ringing again
00:06.04snewpyOryn: use a decent phone with unassuming call waiting beeps? :)
00:06.22JonR800im sure the customer would love that added cost :)
00:06.24Orynsnewpy: hehe, I'm using sipuras
00:06.39OrynJonR800: you hit the nail on the head
00:06.58snewpyJonR800: depends on how imporant the feature is to 'em, I guess :)
00:07.04st3vI am trying to set up in my dialplan a way to make a 3way call on the zap channels, but how can I send a FLASH to the outside line?
00:07.11JonR800very true.
00:07.27snewpyI think on the Polycoms you can disable the call waiting beep all together, so it's just shown on the display
00:08.11[TK]D-Fendersnewpy : Pretty sure of that here.
00:08.56snewpy[TK]D-Fender: yeah, I think it's set in the <callProgTones> tag
00:09.00JonR800could you change the CW tone on the sipura?
00:09.01Orynspeaking of sending flashes, I have an isdn phone here that I'm using, its connected to a zap channel (kinda in reverse) how to you send a flash to *
00:09.31JonR800I see it under the regional tab in the advanced config..
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00:09.45Orynthe R button (uk equiv of flash) does nothing
00:10.31snewpyJonR800: I think the prob on the Sipura phones is that they don't superimpose the call waiting tone over the audio, they just mute it, play the beep, unmute it... so it's really hard to carry on a conversation while it's beeping
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00:11.23JonR800ahh that puts an end to that idea.
00:11.32darwin_35any one here have the latest firmware for polycom 501
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00:11.49darwin_35I need it bad I have 1 phones that need updating
00:11.56darwin_35that just fell in my lap
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00:16.39darwin_35they have all diff ver of soft ware  and having issues with getting them to work all the interfaces are diff in the diff ver.
00:16.48oceanlan|dustinfor an IAX connection, what should my context be?? i think it is context=default correct?
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00:23.03[av]bani(dunno what polycom is smoking...)
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00:24.06*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk 1.2.3 Released (If you are running 1.2.2, this is a critical update)
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00:25.16Zodiacalhow can i get my * box to really shutdown when i tell it to shut down
00:25.29Zodiacaldo i have to install some kind of power managment driver in linux?
00:25.48Zodiacali want the box to turn off
00:26.11[av]baniyou need acpi enabled
00:26.25Zodiacalknow how to do that off hand?
00:26.35[av]banipc bios
00:26.49[av]banidepends on your motherboard vendor
00:26.58Zodiacalits not os or software controled?
00:27.03*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
00:27.06Ariel_hello everyone
00:27.14[av]baninope, acpi is at the mercy of your motherboard vendor
00:27.29Zodiacalavbani okie, i will go see, but i think its set to on..
00:27.54darwin_35I dont wants warz
00:28.14darwin_35I just want to get the latest firmware and flash them and get them used
00:28.45bn-7bcI have the folowing line in sip conf register => xxxx:yyyy:zzzz@  but when I set up exstensions.conf to handle the call I must use the incomming pstn number instead of 1051 is ther a fault in my setyp or is it a problem at my provider (using astreisk 1.2.3)?
00:29.47darwin_351.2.1 - 1.2.3 suck donkeyballs
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00:30.14[av]banidarwin_35: how so?
00:30.14snewpydarwin_35: who'd you buy them from?  your reseller should be able to give you access to the firmware if they're certified resellers
00:30.59darwin_35a company that was tossed out of the building 4 monhs ago . left them behind today the had a auction in the building and we bought them
00:31.05snewpy[av]bani: they're a couple of versions behind... 1.6.4 is the latest
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00:31.53Ariel_[av]bani, they only have up to 1.6.2 there is a newer release 1.6.4
00:32.37bn-7bcwas my question unclear?
00:33.06Ariel_bn-7bc, which context do you have the call going to?
00:33.19[av]banisnewpy: polycom should remove head from ass and make firmware available for all customers
00:33.45snewpy[av]bani: you're preaching  to the choir, man :)
00:34.02[av]baniwhats wrong with 1.6.1 though?
00:34.39Ariel_actually that site has 1.6.2 There have been some bugs fixes in the newer one. with sound
00:34.40[av]banidarwin_35: how much you pay for them? :))
00:34.57snewpythere's a few bugs that could likely be tickled between 1.6.2 and 1.6.4... nothing earth shattering tho
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00:35.19bn-7bcAriel_:  not shore what you mean this is an incomming call form pstn , the 1051 extension is defined in the Demo contect
00:36.45oceanlan|dustinWhere are the context= in the sip.conf and Iax.conf files generated from??
00:36.47darwin_35like 25 bucks each
00:36.58Ariel_bn-7bc, your account for the provider that you register to context= should have the correct includes
00:37.12Ariel_oceanlan|dustin, vi your own doing
00:37.19nmscleraSo, I *THINK* I have everything configured properly for this PRI/Zap channels, but if someone could take a look at and tell me WTF it means, it would be greatly appreciated.
00:37.20oceanlan|dustinI assume extensions.conf, but I am lost in that huge file!
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00:37.45oceanlan|dustinAriel_: do i make it in extensions.conf?
00:38.06Ariel_oceanlan|dustin, yes it's how you setup your dial routes and plans
00:38.15[av]banidarwin_35: $25  @_@
00:38.24Ariel_it does not auto generate you need to set them up.
00:38.29nmsclera(This occurrs when trying to make a call from a polycom SIP extension)
00:38.35[av]banidarwin_35: i'll buy 10 :)
00:38.36oceanlan|dustinAriel_: any ideas where I can get a doc on that?
00:38.53jbotdocs is, like, probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
00:39.08bn-7bcAriel_: what did you mean bu that, can you plz give an example?
00:39.17oceanlan|dustinAriel_: I have the asterisk book, but I dont understand the terminology
00:39.48oceanlan|dustinAriel_: I get lost in all the &,Dial,0,1, @&$%*$^ stuff...
00:40.49oceanlan|dustinAreil_: I am not sure how if i make a context, how will it know all the other dfault the built in stuff (aka 1234 is test, #800 is for meetme, etc..)
00:42.09st3vI want to have asterisk wait until a call is initiated, then wait until the user presses 5, to do a Flash() and dial another number, then Flash() again. How can I do that?
00:42.13*** part/#asterisk alephcom_ (
00:42.26oceanlan|dustinI guess I dont understand the theory of exten -> 100,399,Dial,x to know how to build it..
00:43.05Krillanyone had success integrating google talk with asterisk?
00:43.23oceanlan|dustinhaha, good question! I have been wondering about that
00:43.33bn-7bcAriel_:  sorry, yes I have got the context set in sip conf  I have the provider set as friend (allso use it for calls to pstn)
00:43.38Ariel_oh boy... well a context is a place in the file to do something.  the exten => 100,1,dial(Sip/100,20) means extension 100 is device sip/100
00:44.18oceanlan|dustinhmmm...i am going to go back and re-read that section in the book...I may have some questions later.
00:44.58Ariel_bn-7bc, what do you get on the cli with verbose 9 when the call comes in.
00:46.28bn-7bchold on
00:47.44oceanlan|dustinAriel_: in the Asterisk book, what section should I be reading under? none of them say: Context!!
00:47.49oceanlan|dustinDialplan maybe?
00:49.06mzowhen i browse the manual i take the book and throw it across the room, it always lands open on the page i need.
00:49.41Ariel_it's part of the dial plan yes. But context= is everywhere in the setups. it's also in sip.conf and iax.conf
00:50.34bn-7bcAriel_: ignor the bit about congestion the client is just discconected atm
00:50.58Ariel_bn-7bc, are you trying to dial yourself or a device???
00:51.30Ariel_your sip device is sip/number your trying to dial?
00:52.28bn-7bcAriel_: not shore what you ask?
00:52.56Ariel_what is your dial string to the divce look like? exten => blah
00:52.56bn-7bcsip/bjarne is an account for a softphone
00:53.17bn-7bchold on
00:54.01bn-7bcAriel_: Dial(SIP/bjarne,50,tTwW)
00:54.34bn-7bcAriel_: bjarne is defined in sip.conf
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00:57.20bn-7bcAriel_: 3739xxxx is my incomming number (the pstn number my provider asigned to me)
00:58.18bn-7bcAriel_: and it's this number that is beeng used as extension instead od 1051
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00:59.02Ariel_bn-7bc, so you have exten => 1051,1,dial(sip/bjarne,50,tTwW)  and you tried to dial your did to see if it would come back into the box?
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00:59.31Ariel_Jan 28 01:48:34 NOTICE[3227]: app_dial.c:1011 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
00:59.37Underhandwhen i call out via asterisk to a FWD service like the echo test, things work. when i dial another FWD user, i get: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE to '"xxxxxx" <sip:xxxxxx@ip>;tag=.....'
00:59.43Underhandwhere should i be looking to debug this?
00:59.49darwin_35ok who can explain how to setup a tftpserver for polycom update
01:00.05darwin_35is it simple
01:00.09darwin_35or hard
01:00.10Ariel_darwin_35, yes
01:00.20Ariel_but I use ftp not tftp
01:00.38darwin_35so you ftp the software up to each phone
01:00.44Ariel_Underhand, use canreinvite=no
01:01.07Ariel_darwin_35, no you create an ftp server and point the phones to it.
01:01.11bn-7bcAriel_:  tha channel is geting crowded, mind if we tak the rest in private so I don't lose any important info
01:01.27UnderhandAriel_: where?
01:01.30darwin_35ariel can you pvt me a min and explain ?
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01:01.44Ariel_no pvt
01:02.44Ariel_darwin_35, here is a good start for you.
01:02.44oceanlan|dustinOMG! my buddie ... we both admin this one Asterisk box... and I have been geeking on it for weeks now...
01:03.04oceanlan|dustinand the little bastard kicked me off! and told me to go get a life! its friday nite!
01:03.18oceanlan|dustinand this little asshole works for me!
01:03.41Ariel_oceanlan|dustin, well send him home and keep working.
01:03.58Underhandariel: i'm already using canreinvite=no on my connection to my sip phone. i just tried adding it to the FWD section, but that made no difference.
01:04.15oceanlan|dustini think there is some conspirecy between him and my wife!
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01:05.23darwin_35ok thnks
01:05.28darwin_35he made me do it
01:05.37darwin_35I told him not to
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01:06.39Ariel_Underhand, have either setup the sip.conf section incorrect or the dial string.  If you can post them on without the password so we can take a look and see if we can help
01:07.00SPoon_TSXHi Just wondering if anyone have any experience woth Aastra 480i?
01:07.09Ariel_brb need to get my baby girl to sleep.
01:07.29Ariel_SPoon_TSX, yes but I can't right now. In about 20 mintues maybe.
01:08.11SPoon_TSXAriel_: Thanks, I wait until you come back.
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01:10.57Zodiacalis there a way to have asterisk directly dial an ext. when it receives a incoming call, Other than having the trunk point to a context that then dials? is there a way to tell the trunk to immediatly transfer calls to an ext.? right now it has a delay where the caller hears two rings before my ext. hears one... im probably grasping at straws here but do you think the "handover" of the trunk to the ext. is the delay? cuz asterisk detects the c
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01:18.48Ariel_Zodiacal, most pstn in the us waits 2 rings for the caller ID info
01:18.48SPoon_TSXAriel_: I am wondering how can I gt the BLC work on Aastra 480i with Asterisk.
01:18.58Zodiacalariel i disabled that
01:19.02Zodiacalariel and fax detection
01:19.10SPoon_TSXBusy Lamp something.
01:19.23Zodiacalariel any other ideas come to mind?
01:19.34Zodiacalalso, when dialing out theres a 10 second delay before either side hears the first ring
01:19.55Ariel_argh baby crying again... just a minute
01:20.32Zodiacal[baby crying]
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01:23.33Ariel_SPoon_TSX, the setup on the wiki for tftp is pretty easy on the phones.   The blc like on top (Red one is for message waiting)
01:23.54Ariel_Zodiacal, are you running amp, normal asterisk or any special setup?
01:24.23SPoon_TSXAriel_: ? Which wiki? tftp?
01:24.32Zodiacalariel normal
01:24.46Zodiacalariel lastest cvs checkout
01:24.53Zodiacalvery very clean dialplan
01:25.00Zodiacaljust answers and dials my ext.
01:25.13SPoon_TSXAriel_: May I have more information which wiki you are referring to?
01:25.26Zodiacalnot amp
01:25.47Zodiacali tried asterisk@home and was getting these delays too so i thought a clean install would maybe fix it, but i still have the delays
01:26.03Ariel_SPoon_TSX, yes just a sec
01:26.04Zodiacalmy existing key meridian system doesn't do this..
01:26.22alx_cool trix for ppl using locked ATA, use iptables to forward the traffic to your asterisk instead of going out to the provider (f.ex vonage) .. working great here
01:26.22Ariel_Zodiacal, humm what signal are you doing for the zap ports
01:27.03nmscleranew PRI, TE110P, asterisk 1.2.3, outgoing calls seem to be fine, but when an incoming calls, I get this message "Ring requested on unconfigured channel 0/1", can someone tell me what this means?
01:28.17Ariel_SPoon_TSX, do you have these guides from sayson?
01:28.44Ariel_you don't have the channels setup correctly
01:29.03Zodiacalariel any and all sugguestions to speed this up, no matter how small, will be greatly appreshiated.
01:29.04SPoon_TSXAriel_: SIP Admin Guide?
01:29.11Zodiacalariel could it be the speed of the pc?
01:29.20Zodiacalits a PIII 550Mhz 384MB's ram
01:29.24nmscleraAriel_: What would be a good starting point to track down what the deal is?  Again, outbound calls seem fine
01:30.12UnderhandAriel_: was the pastebin url useful?
01:30.57Ariel_I am looking at 3 different people setups give me a few minutes to read please
01:31.16Underhandno probs
01:31.30*** join/#asterisk Johnnie (
01:31.30Zodiacalno rush for me either :)
01:32.31iCEBrkrAriel_: Hurry up damnit!!
01:32.51Ariel_Underhand, yes it was just a sec.
01:32.56Ariel_iCEBrkr, hahaha
01:33.23Ariel_nmsclera, do you have a channel=1 setup in the zapata.conf
01:36.13Zodiacali wish i could switch to a voip provider, but i have a damn verizon contract
01:36.21Zodiacali have to wait that out first
01:36.24Cresl1nno switchy switchy!
01:36.50SPoon_TSXAriel_: I did what it told me. But the icon doesn't change at all. But on Asterisk it does show the extension DOES INUSE. ANy idea? BTw, I have multipule SIP Proxy setup. would it be the problem?
01:37.41*** join/#asterisk benjk (
01:38.18Ariel_SPoon_TSX, I would start by setting up the phone as basic as you can.
01:39.15Ariel_Underhand, change to iax setup for fwd and use there inkey it will work better. But put nat=yes and canreinvite=no and allow=ulaw disallow=all for starters in the sip.conf for fwd
01:39.42Zodiacalariel have you used sccp before? think that would be faster?
01:39.48Zodiacalthan sip
01:39.55nmscleraAriel_: No I do not, but see, we're not using channel 1 on the PRI
01:40.10nmscleraAriel_: 2-11 are phone line..
01:40.33Cresl1nAriel_: cafe?  tu hablas en espanol?
01:40.41Ariel_Cresl1n, si
01:40.48*** join/#asterisk Qwell (n=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
01:40.51Ariel_nmsclera, but the system says it's coming in on 0/1
01:40.58Ariel_which is telling you there setup is off then
01:41.16nmscleraAriel_: What is the 0 portion of that identifer?
01:41.22Ariel_Zodiacal, sccp is not any faster it's actually slower
01:42.01QwellAriel_: I'd disagree with that statement...
01:42.03Ariel_nmsclera, you have a pri located where? and are you sure they configured it correctly in getting your numbers.
01:42.16Zodiacalqwell you use sccp?
01:42.21Dr-Linuxhi Qwell :)
01:42.32Ariel_Qwell, it really depends on the dial rules
01:42.35UnderhandAriel_: i'll play with iax, but i'd like to understand why this isn't working with sip in the meantime. i put nat=yes, canreinvite=no, disallow=all, allow=ulaw into sip.conf, but no joy.
01:42.53nmscleraAriel_: Here's the deal.. it's the TWTC "Versapack" deal.  They come into an IAD, then the IAD has a port that comes out PRI with preconfigured channels as B and D
01:43.06QwellZodiacal: I do
01:43.11Zodiacalqwell is it faster?
01:43.13Zodiacalthan sip?
01:43.17QwellAriel_: sure, but yours was a pretty blanket statement. :)
01:43.28nmscleraAriel_: The Cut Sheet I have doesn't specify a B channel on 1
01:43.41Ariel_Qwell, get a new guy to use sccp correctly from the start.... humm don't think so
01:43.43Cresl1nnmsclera: it means that the DID it was sent to is in one of two states
01:43.47Cresl1nnmsclera: (the call)
01:43.51QwellZodiacal: it was designed as a very skinny client control protocol (sccp)..
01:43.56QwellAriel_: with *?  It's quite easy
01:44.10Ariel_Qwell, with the cisco router rules not
01:44.13Cresl1nnmsclera: either A.) You don't have your channels setup correctly in zapata.conf for your PRI
01:44.22Zodiacalqwell im trying speed up my *.   outside caller hears two rings before my ext. hears one. pstn.
01:44.35QwellZodiacal: that's because you're trying to use callerid
01:44.38Qwellon an fxo?
01:44.48Zodiacalqwell, fxo, yeah, i disabled CID and fax detection
01:44.50Zodiacalstill slow..
01:44.52Qwelland I'd guess your line doesn't HAVE callerid? :)
01:44.58Cresl1nnmsclera: and a good way to test that is to add an "s" extension to the context that  you are sending your calls into from the PRI (context=whatever in zapata.conf)
01:44.59Zodiacalit doesn't have callerid
01:45.07Zodiacali didn't sign up for it
01:45.08QwellZodiacal: pastebin your zap config
01:45.13Zodiacalk 1 sec
01:45.15Qwellit will wait for cid...
01:45.48Cresl1nnmsclera: or B.) Your dialplan doesn't have the DIDs setup right
01:46.03Zodiacalqwell i disabled it tho..
01:46.35SPoon_TSXAriel_: Are you able to make BLF work on your installation?
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01:47.25QwellZodiacal: usercallerid?
01:47.43Qwellpastebin the file
01:48.02Ariel_SPoon_TSX, your talking about the red lite on top ....yes
01:49.18Zodiacalqwell i can't easily cut and paste it from putty, its huge with all the ;descriptions
01:49.22[TK]D-FenderSPoon_TSX : What phone are yuo trying to get BLF to work on?
01:49.35Zodiacalqwell most everything is turned off tho
01:49.41SPoon_TSX[TK]D-Fender: Aastra 480i.
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01:49.52Ariel_Zodiacal, I would start by removing all the junk that is not for your setup.
01:49.59[TK]D-FenderSPoon_TSX : Ok, can't help you there.
01:50.35Zodiacalariel yeah most is...
01:50.52Zodiacali'll ftp it to this box 1 sec :P
01:51.01Ariel_Zodiacal, I don't mean comment it out. But delete them.
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01:51.08Zodiacalariel oic
01:51.13Zodiacalu think comments could take longer to process?
01:51.36Ariel_no but you might have one that is not correct un-commented
01:51.39blkremedydoes anyone here know of any work arounds for music on hold? Some days it work and somedays it don't.
01:51.54Ariel_native moh
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01:52.52nmscleraCresl1n: When it refers to channel 0/1, what does the "0/1" identify?
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01:56.18Zodiacalariel, qwell heres the ugly huge thing:
01:56.26Zodiacalmost is commented out so i guess i'll clean that up
01:56.31Zodiacalsearch for channel => 3
01:56.34Zodiacalthats the one im testing with
01:56.54Zodiacalwould another signaling speed this up? other than ks?
01:57.19Zodiacalu really think all this commented sample config garbage could slow me down?
01:57.35Zodiacali don't think theres anything uncommented that would cause a problem either
01:57.57dijit0can someone tell me if i have a router port forwarding issue here? i can connect to asterisk with idefisk fine while in my own network, but when i try to connect from another location, it won't allow it
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01:58.23Cresl1nnmsclera: DS0s on the PRI
01:58.25brc_ahahaha, classic
02:00.52*** join/#asterisk benjk (
02:01.20Ariel_Zodiacal, you have immediate=yes do you have a context default with an extension  exten => s,1,bhah. If you dont' them put it to no.
02:02.04Ariel_dijit0, it could be both your side or even theres not allowing your port outbound
02:02.50Zodiacalariel i have an ext call [testing] with with s,1, but not for default
02:02.57oceanlan|dustinahh hell...wife is pissed..i gotta go watch a movie
02:03.01Zodiacali tried toggling immediate to no also, and it was still slow
02:03.03oceanlan|dustinl@3r fellas!
02:03.05Zodiacali thought i would give it a try
02:03.18Zodiacalcall = called
02:03.25dijit0that really sux...  what can i do to make sure my end is working ok? i set the port forwarding in my router, but do i need to set anything special in asterisk to work through the router/?
02:04.47Zodiacalqwell u still around?
02:05.32rene-~seen jerjer
02:05.44jbotjerjer <n=jj@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 9d 4h 34m 50s ago, saying: 'thanks again'.
02:05.44Ariel_Zodiacal, what board is this? also
02:05.45Zodiacaltdm400p x100
02:07.14Zodiacalariel qwell, heres the zapata.conf cleaned up:
02:07.36Zodiacalthink it would speed up if i didn't have it check all those things? i.e. if i let it use the defaults?
02:07.45*** join/#asterisk sancho|laptop (
02:09.40Ariel_Zodiacal, have you tried signalling=fxs_ls
02:10.00Ariel_and after you make the changes you do: service zaptel restart correct
02:10.38Zodiacali think i was doing more, i was reinstalling them, modprobe etc..
02:10.41X-RobIt's saturday
02:10.48X-Roband I've actually got time to fuck around with * again
02:10.52Ariel_X-Rob, yes for you.
02:11.13X-RobYay for me even.
02:12.25Zodiacalariel trying ls, i'll let you know in a min or two
02:13.07libilaCan someone please look over a part of my sip.conf/extentions.conf that I pasted here: and tell me why when I dial 1234 from user2 I get a 404 and vise versa. (both phones say they are registered correctly)
02:13.50X-Roblibila, you're saying that user and user2 are in the context [from-sip]
02:14.01X-Robbut you have your dialplan using [tutorial]
02:14.36X-Robdo you feel silly now? 8)
02:15.03libilaNot really since I don't completely understand it.
02:15.35X-Robuser1 -- context='from-sip'
02:15.36*** join/#asterisk benjk (
02:15.46X-Robthat means it's looking, in the dialplan, at the context [from-sip]
02:15.49X-Robwhich doesn't exist.
02:16.03X-Robyou've called it [tutorial
02:16.51libilaX-Rob: works now, how about that. Thanks I wasn't aware what context meant. First tutorial didn't work so I moved to the next one, heh.
02:17.41X-Roblibila, btw, good help-asking-for. Pasting all the required information, and the problem.
02:18.20Zodiacalariel qwell after i change to ls, i get this error:  WARNING[2145]: loader.c:554 load_modules: Loading module failed!
02:18.25Zodiacalor warrning.
02:18.50Zodiacaloh i think i know the problem
02:19.14X-RobZodiacal, the verbose error will be in /var/log/asterisk/full (eg, 'can't load channel 1' or something like that). The odds are, your /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf file isn't set up right.
02:20.30Zodiacalwhen i run ztcfg -vv it says that its trying to use kewl start, but i told it to use ls in my conf
02:21.29justinumake sure /etc/zaptel.conf matches
02:21.32dudesthat's a bad zaptel.conf ... BAD zaptel.conf
02:21.47justinuno kitty, that's ma pot pie!!
02:21.52Ariel_Zodiacal, you have ks in two locations at the start of the file then around the actual channels
02:22.12Zodiacalchanged em both
02:22.17Zodiacaldo i need both?
02:22.54Ariel_both files
02:23.02Ariel_not both in the zapata.conf
02:23.04Zodiacali do'nt have a /etc/zaptel.conf
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02:23.18justinuyou need to get one
02:23.28Zodiacalthis has worked before with out it :/
02:23.43Ariel_I bet it's there
02:23.57Zodiacali have a   /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
02:24.24Ariel_vi /etc/zaptel.conf
02:24.29Ariel_or nano it
02:24.42Zodiacalnot there,
02:24.45Zodiacali cp'ed one tho :P
02:24.52Zodiacalsame difference when running asterisk
02:25.14Zodiacalok im going to have to do this another time, gota run.... i'll try with ls. hopefuly taht will speed things up
02:25.31ZodiacalThank You Ariel!
02:25.35Ariel_Zodiacal, locate the file it should be there.
02:25.40Ariel_have a good night then.
02:26.03dudesls /etc/zap*
02:26.09X-Rob(admittedly, if it's not there, it would stop ztcfg from running, which wouldn't let load..)
02:26.15Zodiacaloh shit, zaptel, i was looking for zapata
02:26.17Zodiacalits there
02:27.00*** part/#asterisk mogorman (
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02:28.20Zodiacalahh ha, asterisk started :P
02:28.23Zodiacalok trying a call now
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02:31.11Zodiacalariel justinu, i think that just might have done it!!
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02:31.42Ariel_ok well??
02:31.44Zodiacalsome times it works on the first ring, some times its right after
02:31.50Zodiacalbut its faster!
02:32.09Ariel_is this with ls
02:33.01Zodiacalok now i really gota go. ariel thanks again! gnite!
02:33.18Ariel_have fun
02:34.14franckAsterisk will support jingle protocol?
02:35.46justinufranck: not as of yet
02:36.59franckjustinu: I just saw the jabber/google press release...
02:37.26franckdoes asterisk has any jabber capabilities?
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02:37.57justinuyeah, some
02:39.07franckjustinu: like?
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02:41.42Underhandif i use Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:3}@fwd,,r), does that pull in all the settings from the [fwd] channel, or just the host/username/password?
02:41.51joshua_hmmm ... didn't get an answer a couple hours ago -- what are the capabilities of ALSA in *?
02:42.22Underhandin particular, will settings in [fwd] such as insecure=invite be respected?
02:43.47*** join/#asterisk flashnet[BNC] (n=flashnet@
02:46.07justinuthere's also a SIMPLE/Jabber gateway for SER
02:49.18*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
02:52.43*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
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02:58.16BugKhamany place to read for the app_conference apart from
02:59.37*** join/#asterisk Legend (n=legend@
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03:21.04[dc]anybody here on FWD care to help me test my inbound routing?
03:22.13dogtanianwhat's ur number?
03:22.21*** join/#asterisk gopherspidey (
03:23.34[dc]dogtanian: 725251
03:24.13*** join/#asterisk FastJack_ (
03:25.01dogtaniani'm getting 'hung-up'
03:25.08[dc]are you in .uk?
03:25.22[dc]i see inbound udp 4569 from you
03:25.31dogtaniani don't really use fwd tho
03:25.43[dc]or from whoever this is:
03:25.51[dc]it doesn't resolve to FWD which is weird
03:25.54[dc]what's your fwd #?
03:26.42dogtanianyeah that's me
03:26.58[dc]can u try it again? i just tweaked an inbound setting
03:29.14[dc]thanx mate apreciate it
03:29.23[dc]enjoy london... i just moved back from there at the end of dec
03:29.27[dc]fantastic city
03:29.30dogtaniannp :)
03:29.31dogtanianwell at least i know my fwd is still working
03:29.38dogtanianah cool
03:29.41dogtaniani work here
03:29.51dogtanianalthough tbh i'd do anything to move out :)
03:30.15dogtaniani was born here and then went to study in teh countriside and now i've had to move back coz of work... sucks tho
03:30.36dogtanianit's too noisy :)
03:30.44Dr-Linuxexten => #992,2,AGI(start.agi|${ext_pwd}) <<< whats wrong with this?
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03:31.14Dr-LinuxJan 28 08:33:02 NOTICE[6113]: pbx.c:1478 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Error in extension logic (missing '}')
03:31.39Twisteris there any way to get a debug of a sip register that tells you WHY a call is unauthorized? (or be able to see the information it is sending to *)
03:31.43dogtanianheh. dunno
03:32.27Dr-Linuxwhat i'm missing :S
03:32.31Dr-LinuxJan 28 08:33:02 NOTICE[6113]: pbx.c:1478 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Error in extension logic (missing '}')
03:32.40Dr-Linuxexten => #992,2,AGI(start.agi|${ext_pwd}) <<< here
03:33.19dogtanianshould it be _#992?
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03:33.44Dr-Linuxdogtanian: read error please :)
03:34.03Dr-Linuxpbx.c:1478 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full: Error in extension logic (missing '}')
03:34.03Dr-Linux(missing '}')
03:34.15dogtaniani'm up too late :)
03:34.25Assidumm.. does * make use of any AMD / Intel extensions sets ? or usage of hyperthreading/hyper transport ?
03:34.41dogtanianAssid: i don't think so
03:37.43Assidwas just trying to figure out.. if i had to put a box together.. would an opteron help any over intels
03:38.04Assidi think the linux kernel does run faster though right ? on amds?
03:38.30NuggetIt's not that simple.
03:39.06NuggetTo begin with, "run faster" is vague enough to be a meaningless phrase.
03:39.38Assidhrmm.. well.. i mean being able to scale and run more applications and handle more calls on asterisk system
03:39.51NuggetSecondly "amds" and "intels" are pretty broad brush strokes to be painting a comparison with.
03:39.52Assidlike a database server (pgsql) and a webserver
03:40.13fugitivoAssid: thank you
03:40.21dogtanianAssid: unless you're doing a seriously large-scale operation i'd say that the difference will be small enough to be negligable
03:40.33NuggetYou're dangerously close to "rah rah go my team!" territory if you want to compare it that way.
03:40.52dogtanianlol Nugget
03:41.15Nuggetas if buying AMD is somehow "sticking it to the man" or something.  :)
03:41.45fugitivoi like opteron performance
03:42.03Assidnah.. just trying to figure out whether certain instruction sets would help one way or another
03:42.08NuggetI'm really, really happy with my opteron postgresql boxes.  I think it's a great combination.
03:42.08fugitivoi didn't try it with asterisk
03:42.19Nuggetbut it's not like I bought a t-shirt and hat to go with the cpu.
03:42.30fugitivobut generally speaking, opteron is a nice option to go
03:43.00fugitivo(using a linux optimized for x86_64 obviusly)
03:43.02Assidlike ms office for example is said to be faster with intels architecture.. but games are better on amd's
03:43.07NuggetI'm fond of freebsd's amd64 builds for 64-bit, so opteron is a natural choice.
03:43.39Nuggetagain, "amd's" is worthlessly vague.
03:43.40fugitivoAssid: you should not use the word "faster"
03:43.45Nuggetso is "games" and "faster"
03:44.05fugitivoAssid: you should check if the applications are optimized for the actual architecture you have
03:44.06Assidnah.. more like specific instruction sets for some "home advantage"
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03:44.16rob0dual even
03:44.39Assidyeah.. thats why my first question was if * was influenced in any way by either architecture
03:44.45fugitivoAssid: if you have an opteron processor running an application or OS optimized for 32bit, you'll not get any performance boost
03:45.27NuggetAre you telling me that Freecell will kick ass on Sempron but will be sluggish and hard to play on a Pentium EE 955?
03:45.53Nuggetthat's a "game", an "amd" and an "intel"
03:46.20fugitivoand you're not talking about the videocard you have ;)
03:46.42Nuggetand anti-arch war, I think.
03:47.16*** join/#asterisk bjohnson_ (
03:47.28Assidokay drop what i said..
03:47.59Assidi'll just try and find if linux can gain any advantage since the os could be a real key
03:48.22franckIs that normal that I have a CDR when I make a call from SIP to ZAP even is the person on the PSTN line has not picked up the phone?
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03:53.45gopherspideyA Poll for everyone: Snom 360 or Polycomm 601 Which would you buy?
03:56.13dogtaniancisco 7960 :P
03:57.13Assidi dont like 7960
03:57.31Assidbut then i love the ftp provisioning of polycom
03:57.37gopherspideyYour a funny man dogtanian. I do not like the Cisco because you have to play to get the POE to work
03:57.42Nuggetthe 7960 is a fine phone, but it's probably not worth what it costs.  I like mine OK, but I'd balk if I had to outfit a large office with them.
03:57.47NuggetI wish it had a backlit screen
03:57.59*** join/#asterisk Suroot (
03:58.51gopherspideyThat is why I think I an going with the snom, because of the Backlight. Polycomm does not have one either. That is Backlight
03:58.54Assidthe poly601/501 support POE right?
03:59.12[av]bani  <- all your questions answered =)
03:59.12gopherspideyYes, with no special cables
03:59.19dogtanianNugget: yes! i totally agree about the backlit screen
04:00.07[av]banigopherspidey: aastra?
04:00.13Nugget[av]bani: that list indicates that the cisco 7970 and 7985 can do SIP.  Is that really the case?  that's the first I've heard if it is.
04:00.40*** part/#asterisk shido6 (
04:00.54Nuggetas far as I know, the cisco sip firmware is 7912, 7940/7960 only.
04:01.42gopherspideyI have not heard much about aastra on websites and mailing lists
04:01.49[av]baniare you sure you want a $3595 phone?
04:01.53Joeymndoes anyone know why if you use a pop/smtp servers on your asterisk box, you cant use the webmail  nwebmail on AMP's page because it gets a permission deined trying to read the users mail file?
04:02.08dogtanianit says the 7960 only has 2 lines
04:02.22NuggetMore than wanting a $3595 phone I'd prefer to see an inaccurate list corrected.
04:02.49Nuggetthe only thing worse than spending four grand on a phone would be spending four grand on one that didn't do what you were expecting it to do.  :)
04:03.00[av]banidogtanian: how many does it have?
04:03.01dogtaniani think the clue is in the url....".../phonez"
04:03.12dogtanianwell, mine has 6 line buttins
04:03.13Nuggetheh, yeah, the "z" discredits all the content.  for sure.
04:03.36[av]banii rename it to "s" and then the content becomes 100% reliable
04:03.51dogtanianheh... well at least more credible
04:03.52Nuggetwell, 50% less dubious.
04:04.34dogtanianwhich country are you in Nugget?
04:04.40Nuggetpresently?  the US.
04:04.45dogtanianah :)
04:04.49[av]baniwell, you dont have to read the page then, i can make it 404 for you if you like
04:05.30NuggetI presumed you'd be interested in making sure the information was accurate.
04:05.37NuggetPerhaps that was optimistic of me.
04:06.36[av]banii tried, but cisco doesnt make all the information easily available, as you may or may not know
04:06.46dogtanianperhaps when you've updated it you could put it at
04:07.03[av]banigive me your ip's and i'll remove the page from offending your delicate sensibilities
04:07.35dogtanianlike i'm going to even consider giving you my IP :)
04:07.37Nugget127.0.0.1  :)
04:07.56pauldywow minez
04:08.14dogtanianyou must be on teh same network :)
04:08.27gopherspideyThanks for your input on the phones. I was looking for opinions.
04:08.41[av]banithere, no longer a problem for nugget
04:08.58pauldymy subnets bigger than urz 1z
04:10.01NuggetI never had a problem, I just thought you'd want to be informed of a potential inaccuracy.  I guess the wrong data has started being correct now that you've prevented me from seeing it.
04:10.35dogtanianschrodinger's cat right?
04:10.45NuggetThe data is both correct and incorrect at the same time?  :)
04:10.54dogtanianindeed :)
04:11.15dogtanianalthough tbh it's probably still slightly more incorrect
04:11.27*** join/#asterisk benjk (
04:11.54mdavewell this stupid disa thing is still boggling me
04:12.06[av]baniwtf is that retarded image
04:12.12dogtaniansoz. ww
04:12.31mdaveanyone know anything about DISA, and specifically its ability to play dialtone over a sip account to an incoming caller?
04:12.34[av]banii guess its supposed to be funny
04:12.48mdaveeg, do I need to configure anything special for it to be able to do so, depending on my sip provider?
04:13.01*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
04:13.23pauldywhat is DISA
04:13.40mdaveit works when the call is from (or to) a phone connected to an spa-2000 thats registered with asterisk
04:14.04jbotit has been said that disa is direct inward system access.  show application disa
04:14.28pauldyhrm neat reading about it already
04:14.49pauldyseems kinda pointless  for my little setup but neat none the less
04:15.00Dr-Linuxpauldy: DISA provides you tone
04:15.09mdavein any case, my end goal is to be able to tell * to dialout to a specific number, and then allow the callee to call as if they were local
04:15.16pauldyI see that which for me would provide someone I don't know with free long distance
04:15.17mdave(fyi, the callee is me, on a cell phone)
04:15.20Dr-Linuxpauldy: you can use password as well with DISA app
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04:15.27pauldyI see that
04:15.39gopherspideydogtanian: I have a Cisco 7960, but it fried it ethernet port when my switch was hit by a power surge. It will power up and load, but it never gets DHCP or a link light. :)
04:15.45mdavecell phone has 'free' (eg no billed for airtime) incoming calls
04:16.02mdavebv provides free outgoing (eg not billed for minutes) calls
04:16.21mdaveso, if I get this working I can make unlimited calls from anywhere from cell, without getting ripped by cellco for airtime
04:16.44dogtaniangopherspidey: i assume you've tried forcing an IP?
04:17.14pauldymdave seems like a nice little agi script would be easier to setup to do a callback with dial tone
04:17.43mdavein any case, while the callout works, and while it works completely if it calls (or is called by)the phone attached to my SPA, it *doesnt* work properly when calling (or being called by) a regular pots line via the broadvoice account
04:17.52gopherspideydogtanian: I lost all my nics that were connected to the switch. Not to mention the switch. :(
04:17.54pauldyso you call from your cell phone let it ring once then hangup your asterisk calls you back on your cell and provides you with dialtone allowing you to make an outbound call
04:17.58mdavemainly, the console shows disa being run, but i never hear a dialtone
04:18.13mdavepauldy, what is an agi script, and how would one do that?
04:18.23dogtaniangopherspidey :/
04:18.27gopherspideydogtanian: That is what insurance is for, right! :)
04:18.34jbotsomebody said agi was the Asterisk Gateway Interface...  similar to CGI for web applications AGI lets you script call control and access databases using your favorite language.  AGI wrappers are available for Python (pyst), Perl (astperl?) and other languages
04:18.46mdavemy intention is to call from the cell, but have the call *not* be answered, but instead have * call me back
04:19.02pauldyright pretty much lke I just said right
04:19.39mdavewhat im doing now is using a .call file to place the call, and then attach it to an extension context that runs DISA
04:19.58Dr-Linuxwho is using AGI ?
04:20.00mdavewhere would I find more info on agi
04:20.15mdaveim searching voipinfo now
04:20.45Dr-Linuxmdave: heh i'm looking for AGI since 4 days regularly but i can't understand it yet
04:21.02mdaveit seems it still would rely on the dialplan stuff in extensions.conf to have the callee be able to dial-out
04:21.07pauldyseems like you could setup an extension like exten => s/<yourcellnumber>,1,Goto(runMyCallBackAGI,s,1)
04:21.17mdave"If the AGI application dials outward, the script returns execution to the dialplan and loses contact with the asterisk server"
04:21.17dogtanianis there any way to get a free US PSTN number?
04:21.24mdavethe callback part isnt the problem
04:21.26mdavei can figure that out
04:21.54mdavethe problem is that when it makes the call to a local set on my spa, DISA provides dialtone, and I can enter the pincode and then dial
04:22.03pauldyAGI for the most part is just a send expect mechanism for talking to asterisk
04:22.06mdavewhen it calls something via broadvoice, i dont get the dialtone
04:22.15mdaveeven tho the console says it is executing DISA
04:22.41pauldyI'm going to try and setup a DISA extension here
04:22.44pauldyI"m running broadvoice too
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04:23.02mdavewhich led to my wondering if the mechanism for providing dialtone to a phone connected via a SPA is different than that for doing so to a call connected via bv
04:23.20Dr-Linuxpauldy: i'm already using DISA with Authenticate app
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04:23.33mdaveeg, if perhaps the spa itself generates the tone at *'s request, but * has to generate the tone itself on a bv call
04:24.02mdaveand I have to set something special to tell it to do that
04:24.28mdavealthough, ive tried dialing assuming the tone was just missing, and it *doesnt* work either
04:24.33Dr-Linuxpauldy: are you using AGI ?
04:24.37Dr-Linuxever you use it?
04:25.27mdaveagain, im not to the stage of getting * to initiate the outbound call in response to the inbound.. at this point im manually initiating the call by dropping a .call file in, but its the DISA that isnt working, but *only* when its via a bv call
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04:26.18mdaveand testing by calling *in* rather than out, gets me the same problem, if I call *in* from an outside pots line to the bv number, the asterisk console shows it getting the call, and running DISA but I never hear the disa dialtone
04:27.15mdavefor the record 'normal' calling in between the spa phone and the outside pots works fine, both directions
04:27.32mdavewell.. not at the moment since ive commented out the normal extensions mapping to test inbound to disa
04:27.40mdavebut it was, and if I put it back it still does
04:27.43mzousing asterisk will get you laid
04:28.11pauldyhrm generated dial tone for me on my cell phone
04:28.38mdavewhat sip provider you using?
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04:28.44mdaveim wondering if this is a bv-specific problem
04:29.03mdaveive slowly come to realize that they suck in general, and ive just lived with it for now
04:29.34pauldyI'm using broadvoice BTW
04:29.53mdaveim thinking of eventually getting a voicepulse-connect account, and using it only for the free incoming, and then getting a dialpad unlimited outbound acct
04:30.17mdavewell hrm
04:30.18*** join/#asterisk abatista (
04:30.27mdaveshare your  conf?
04:30.32pauldyI just setup a special extension for my incomming cell number and it worked just as expected
04:31.21mdaveperhaps theres something different in your sip.conf for bv than there is in mine
04:31.43pauldyrunning an older version of AAH so in extensions_custom.conf I added the following line in the [ext-local-custom] context
04:32.00pauldyerr [from-pstn-custom] context
04:32.21pauldyexten => s/<my cell>,1,DISA(1234|ext-local)
04:32.33pauldyworked just as expected
04:32.40mdavehrm.. well.. let me try that just to see if I can get dialtone at all
04:33.50mdavenope.. dead silence
04:34.00mdavewhat do you have in sip.conf for bv?
04:34.24mdavejust like my previous tries, the console shows 'executing disa', but no tone
04:36.44mdaveand the peer definition?
04:37.47mdavemine is at
04:39.02mdaveonly difference that seems notable is the codec allows
04:39.13pauldyI believe qualify needs to be off too
04:39.15mdaveother than that you have seperate in and out
04:39.18mdaveit was off before
04:39.22mdaveand it still didnt work
04:39.54pauldyI just did that to make life easier for managing incomming DIDs vs accounts
04:40.05pauldymade it behave a bit more to my way of thinking
04:40.38mdaveadded the allows, no change
04:40.43pauldycould be the codec too
04:40.53mdavejust for grins i'll set qualify off
04:41.42mdavenothing, although I just noticied i pasted your context for disa, let me fix that
04:41.48pauldyI remember connecting with some wierd codecs that worked but I had to move back to ulaw to get my apt gate to open when someone enters my code
04:42.38mdaveok, that didnt help either
04:42.39*** join/#asterisk coppice (
04:42.39*** part/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
04:42.43pauldyalso with broadvoice if one server doesn;'t work like you want I've noticed moving to another server will sometimes fix wierd problems
04:43.16mdavei suppose I can try it
04:45.40pauldyanyone else running with the new GXP-2000 firmware
04:46.34coppiceanyone running the new grandstream video phone? :-)
04:47.33pauldydon't you have some openpbx code to be working on
04:48.06Corydon76-homepauldy: who are you talking to?
04:48.55mdavebah pos bv
04:49.10mdavei tried the chi proxy, it denies me access
04:49.33pauldyCorydon76-home, pretty much anyone who will listen
04:50.06mdavetrying nyc
04:50.29pauldyI wonder whos DSP they are really using in that phone probably another TI setup
04:51.09justinuchinese TI clone?
04:51.45coppicepauldy: TI 6000 DSP + their own software
04:52.07coppiceDM632, I think
04:52.30coppiceprety much the only chinese VoIP maker that buys only the siicon
04:52.54justinucoppice: how're things?
04:53.05pauldywell they are just now getting to an acceptable firmware for the GXP-2k so I won't hold my breath on the 3k
04:53.19coppiceok. its a holiday, which is usually nice
04:53.24mdavegrr.. it let me register at nyc, but while I can make calls when I try to call in it goes directly to bv vm
04:53.46pauldymdave they propigate well huh
04:54.23justinucoppice: i was in HK last september, is it always that hot?
04:54.47coppiceno. its rather cold right now. always is for new year's holiday
04:55.09justinui guess i'll have to try again in winter
04:55.35coppiceOctober and November are the nicest months to visit
04:56.08justinui'll probably be seeing benjk in april
04:56.39coppiceactually, its never really hot in HK. 35 is the maximum it gets to. its the humidity that makes the climate hard to take
04:57.00mdaveok.. i went back to the default proxy.. calls work again.. but still not disa
04:57.01justinuyeah... its tough for me... even tho i love asia
04:57.04mdaveheres a q
04:57.15justinumdave: i know someone else that had a problem making DISA work on broadvoice
04:57.16mdavewhat sound file format does one use with the 'background' app
04:57.43pauldyI"ve had luck with gsm and wav
04:57.50mdavei wanna play something right before disa to confirm that the call is actually complete end to end
04:58.00mdaveit doesnt need a specific format?
04:58.04justinumdave: lemme know if you solve it
04:58.04mdavei suppose I should read its doc
04:58.23pauldyit worked fine when I tried it
04:58.39pauldyI dialed in with my cell phone then called my wifes cell
04:59.11pauldysame provider BTW
04:59.11*** join/#asterisk comfrey (
04:59.17comfreyhey all...
04:59.23justinui didn't really look into his problem....
04:59.30justinuwasn't worth the effort :P
04:59.33comfreyi am trying to get cdr_mysql setup...
05:00.04*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
05:00.18pauldyyea I thought that with the whole console audio and ended up spending 6 hours getting it to work on my box so I can call into an say clean up on isle 4 and give myself a rise
05:00.22mdavethis is stupid
05:00.31mdaveI added a Saydigits(1234567) before the disa, then a wait
05:00.32pauldyfor some reason everytime I do it I think it is as funny as the first time
05:00.38mdavei head the digits, then I got the disa tone
05:00.42comfreyi am trying to get cdr_mysql setup...looks like it is using cdr_odbc instead of cdr_mysql
05:01.01mdavelemme try a few other things
05:01.09justinumdave: could be because of asterisk waiting for inbound rtp before sending anything
05:01.14*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
05:01.20justinui dunno
05:01.59Corydon76-homecdr_odbc gets a lot more attention than cdr_mysql
05:02.06mdaveyeah but saydigits isnt inbound
05:02.23comfreyCorydon76-home: is it recomended over odbc?
05:02.28justinuvoip can be tricky like that
05:02.47Corydon76-homeI'd recommend using odbc
05:02.50comfreyerr or mysql that is
05:02.58justinuyikes, odbc
05:03.00comfreyok, i will check it out
05:03.03mdaveok progress.. now I get the tone, but I cant break it
05:03.08comfreyjustinu: you feel otherwise?
05:03.14mdavei can dial but nothing happens
05:03.16justinui'm just not an odbc fan
05:03.20mdaveuntil it times out and goes fastbusy
05:03.27comfreyyou use cdr_mysql
05:03.28coppicethings have to be really bad when ODBC is the best choice :-\
05:03.29justinuit doesn't mean that cdr_mysql is better than cdr_odbc
05:03.37justinucoppice: no kidding
05:03.39mdaveso now its something with dtmf handling with bv, i suppose
05:03.55justinumdave: rfc2833?
05:03.57comfreyjustinu: you use cdr_mysql?
05:04.08mdavejustinu, ?
05:04.10justinucomfrey: no, cdr_pgsql :P
05:04.18*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
05:04.28mdavei assume that has something to do with dtmf since thats what I just said, but not sure what/how
05:04.47mdavepauldy, with your disa, after you got tone, did you actually make a call
05:04.55justinuok, you need to make sure rfc2833 is set for your sip peer
05:05.03justinuwhich is probably how broadvoice sends digits
05:05.06*** part/#asterisk dijit0 (
05:05.10mdavei seem to remember something wonky about how bv handles dtmf
05:05.19pauldymdave yes
05:05.47*** join/#asterisk EriSan (
05:05.52mdavemy sip.conf entry for bv is at
05:06.11mdaveand except for a few insiginfigant bits, is the same as pauldy's
05:06.21mdaveisnt that where the dtmf setting(s) would be?
05:06.25comfreyany cdr_mysql users?
05:06.32mdaveand if his works, with bv, why wouldnt mine?
05:08.04pauldymy codecs are set to ulaw and alaw respectivly and I don't have qualify
05:08.07justinumaybe broadvoice uses inband on his gateway, and not yours? who the hell knows
05:08.35mdaveok.. just found a posting after googling, apparently for *inbound* calls the dtmfmode is in the [general] section
05:08.36pauldymy host entry
05:08.52mdaveand i have no uncommented settings for dtmf in mine
05:08.57justinumdave: it depends... but go ahead and try it
05:09.07justinutry both inband and rfc2833
05:09.10justinumaybe one will work
05:09.16mdavepauldy, while you go look at yours, if you would be so kind, i'll fiddle with how its set in mine
05:10.29mdavein sip.conf, do you have an entry for dtmf in [general]
05:10.51mdavefor the record, rfc2833 didnt work
05:10.54mdavetrying inband
05:11.03pauldyI devided mine up into incoming and outgoing
05:11.17pauldyso I don't have it in general but I do have dtmf set to inband for incomming cals
05:11.27mdavehrm.. neither did inband
05:11.30mdaveah ok
05:11.41mdavewell apparently 'info' is an option as well, i'll try that
05:11.56pauldyrfc2833 only works outbound and then only outbound where the customer ont he other end isn't a voip customer
05:11.57justinumdave: you'd need to get cute with ethereal to solve it at this point
05:12.13justinuwow, that's lame
05:12.23pauldyI know
05:12.23rti have asterisk running on a box, and a pap2 on my local net.  The pap2 registers itself to the asterisk box as a friend, and I can ring it from the asterisk box by doing a Dial(SIP)
05:12.33mdaveok, 'info' doesnt work either
05:12.43rtbut when I pick up the phone, what extension does the asterisk box think ti is?
05:12.58justinuan extension is not a device
05:13.01pauldyit is going to have to be inband
05:13.04justinuyour pap2 is a device
05:13.13justinuan extension can point to a device
05:13.46pauldywish you could monitor DND with BLF
05:13.46rtlet's try this a differnt way: when I pick up the phone on the pap2, I want it to invoke some dialplan in extensions.conf.
05:13.55rtHow can I make that happen? :-)
05:14.01justinuthat's gonna be a bit tricky
05:14.08justinuthe pap2 has to support that feature
05:14.09pauldyyou need to set a context for the device
05:14.28rtwhat feature am I looking for?
05:14.39justinuthey call that ringdown in the analog telephony world
05:14.47justinuno idea how they would describe it
05:14.51justinuauto dial?
05:15.07justinuin sip, the phone itself generates dialtone
05:15.16justinuand collects the digits
05:15.25justinuthen sends out the invite/iam/setup message
05:15.33mdaveok inband isnt working
05:15.43kuku5I need crystal clear origination - per minute  - using voice pulse now and it sucks
05:16.00justinuyeah, voicepulse seems to be crap
05:16.14justinui was pretty disapointed
05:16.35pauldymdave you aren't running this on some horribly underpowerefd machine are you
05:16.52Assidvoicepulse? crap ?
05:17.10justinui was having crappy sound on origination as well
05:18.19Assidman.. 2nd person to say that abt voicepulse today
05:18.24mdavedual athlon 1900 count as underpowered?
05:18.27Assidi thougt it was only me
05:18.27kuku5its good
05:18.38kuku5but the tones dont go through
05:18.46kuku5people press buttons and nothing
05:18.54kuku5most of the time it works
05:18.54Assidincoming ?
05:18.55pauldyonly when using notepad
05:19.03kuku5i use it only for incoming
05:19.10Assidwell.. works fine here
05:19.15mdaveno software from redmond need apply ;P
05:19.29kuku5Assid: i use like 20k minutes monthly
05:19.35justinunot bad
05:19.41kuku5you have to seperate the tones in order for it to go through
05:19.49kuku5cant press the buttons to quick
05:19.51kuku5So anyone?
05:19.58[av]baniwoohoo got snom autoprovision script working
05:20.25mdaveHrm :
05:20.53mdaveif that works i'll shit a brick, but wtf
05:21.30Assidyeah.. gotta be atleast 1/2 a second between numbers
05:21.41mdavesigh.. alright.. im gonna need a couple of tubes of prep-h
05:21.47pauldybroken debounce detection
05:21.50mdaveit worked
05:22.10mdaveapparently dtmf=inbound was *not* the answer, but removing it completely was
05:22.12mdavenow wtf is that
05:22.29kuku5Assid: but thats bullshit
05:22.30justinusome kind of asterisk configuration issue, sounds like
05:22.36mdavewell it works anyway
05:22.38Assidi know man.. i know
05:22.47mdavenow lets go make this work the way I wanted originally
05:22.48kuku5So there is no better company?
05:22.55gopherspidey[av]bani, Was it hard to get autoprovision working?
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05:23.07justinukuku5: seems not
05:23.12pauldywhen in doubt
05:23.14gopherspidey[av]bani: or just never done it?
05:23.15pauldyget a bigger hammer
05:26.30mdavefor the record, however, it seems call quality, when using two channels thru bv at once is shit
05:26.44mdaveof course im sitting on a crap end consumer 384k cable modem
05:26.59mdaveonce I can get * working on my freebsd box thats sitting on a T3 maybe it will work better
05:27.19kuku5Anyone know about which form to file for FCC to do internationl calling cards?
05:27.34justinucall the NSA
05:27.38justinuthey'll help you out
05:28.32SibrPhrekanyone get musiconhold to work with streaming music?
05:28.43mdavewell I should go to bed I suppose
05:28.44SibrPhreki can only get it to work with the regular mp3's
05:28.56[av]banigopherspidey: i'm working on a script that will autoconfig sipura, polycom and snom from the same db
05:29.06*** part/#asterisk dudes (
05:29.12[av]baniautogenerates sip.cfg, autoreloads it into asterisk on the fly
05:29.12*** join/#asterisk dudes (
05:29.32justinu[av]bani: why do you want to support so many phones?
05:29.44[av]banijustinu: because we have a mix of a lot of different phones now
05:29.56[av]baniand itll be easier to have one unified db of a consistent format for all of them
05:30.00gopherspidey[av]bani: That sound like a useful tool, You could add Cisco to that list! :)
05:30.05justinuseems like a headache
05:30.10Corydon76-homeInstead of autoreloading Asterisk, why not just use Realtime?
05:30.12justinubut yeah, a useful tool
05:30.13[av]baninot at all, very very very easy
05:30.29Corydon76-homeThe SIP stuff for realtime is a bit more sane than extensions.conf
05:31.49[av]banithe only thing it doesnt autogen yet is grandstream
05:31.55gopherspidey[av]bani, Is this in combination with your home grown database or something it A@H?
05:31.59[av]baniif someone supplies me a cisco, i'll make it work
05:32.05*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
05:32.08SibrPhrekanyone? anyone?
05:32.09[av]banigopherspidey: its a flat textfile db
05:32.09SibrPhrekno ?
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05:33.06Corydon76-homeSibrPhrek: doesn't work all that well
05:33.08pauldyanyone know how to make RBL monitor SIP trunk usage
05:33.14pauldyor BLF?
05:33.22Corydon76-homeStreams don't take well to being paused
05:33.45gopherspidey[av]bani, Cisco's are just <name>: <value> pairs in a flat file located on a tftp with <MAC Address> as a file name.
05:33.49SibrPhrekCorydon76-home: what paused?  I'm running asterisk on OS X Server, and have nice cast constantly broadcasting
05:33.57Corydon76-homeand when you're not listening to MOH, the mp3s get paused to save on CPU
05:34.24Corydon76-homeSo you get a timeout on your stream
05:34.53Corydon76-homeBasically the stream in Asterisk gets too far behind the server and the server cuts it off as a dead client
05:34.54[av]banigopherspidey: does cisco support http for provisioning?
05:35.13Corydon76-home[av]bani: I think it's TFTP only
05:35.19[av]banithat sucks.
05:35.46gopherspidey[av]bani: Nope. There SIP Image works but does not have a lot of need toys
05:35.59[av]banithis script, you take a fresh unconfigured out of the box phone, plug it in, and it configures itself totally
05:36.08gopherspidey[av]bani, I had one until a power surge! :(
05:36.27[av]baniand automatically configures asterisk too
05:36.33mdavehrm.. anyway to run a shell script from within an extension entry ?
05:36.34[av]baniits totally PnP
05:36.45mdaveother than using curl to call a url that has a cgi or something
05:36.46SibrPhrekCorydon76-home: is there no way to buffer the stream for when moh has is paused
05:37.22gopherspidey[av]bani, How do you tie the MAC or IP to an extension number?
05:37.32Corydon76-homeThere's always a way.  Nobody has written it yet, though
05:37.47mdaveactually it looks like agi can do that
05:37.52[av]banigopherspidey: thats what the db is for. its just mac addr, list of lines, and full names if you want them (optional)
05:38.03mdavehrm.. no examples on the voip-info page
05:38.08[av]banioh, and if you want the phone to nat or not
05:38.36gopherspidey[av]bani, Cool now all you have to add is a Barcode scanner to collect the MAC's.
05:38.47[av]banii couldnt think of a sane way to generate extension #'s from macs
05:38.56Corydon76-homeStreaming might work better if MOH went over UDP instead of TCP
05:38.56JoeymnJan 27 23:32:28 sonic-wireless nwebmail: could not open abecker mailfile (Permission denied)
05:39.20Joeymnwhy am i getting this error? Jan 27 23:32:28 sonic-wireless nwebmail: could not open abecker mailfile (Permission denied)
05:39.37justinuJoeymn: wrong channel
05:39.40mdavebasically, if I can use a callerid-specific exen to run my script, which my script will just tell asterisk to hangup or ignore the call, then kick off the other functions i need
05:40.10pauldyright o
05:40.15comfreyis there a way to get an idea of why a mysql connection is failing?
05:40.44gopherspidey[av]bani, You could just do it by IP and then set the DHCP never to get up a lease. The the extensions would be numbered in the order they were first plugged into the LAN
05:40.58gopherspideyget = give
05:41.37[av]banigopherspidey: and if someone totes a phone to another net.. it changes extensions :()
05:42.02[av]banii could make it auto-gen extension if you dont give it one. but ugh...
05:42.22gopherspidey[av]bani, Good point. I guess it depends on the size of you enterprise!
05:43.44gopherspideyWell I am off to bed! I think I am going to order my SNOM 360 phones + netgear FS108 on Monday!
05:44.02gopherspideyMan I like !!!! marks tonight.
05:45.34[av]banigopherspidey: why snom 360?
05:45.39*** part/#asterisk YoMama (
05:51.00twilsonI might be going crazy... Is there anything wrong with this: GotoIf($[${result}=1]?1|1:2|1)  It keeps compalining about the '='... unexpected TOK_EQ, expecting TOK_MINUS or TOK_COMPL or TOK_LP or TOKEN
05:51.22*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
05:54.42twilsonah well, added some quotes around ${result} and 1 and got it to work.
05:55.14gopherspidey[av]bani, It has a backlight, POE, XML Menu interface.
05:58.20gopherspidey[av]bani, The short list was Cisco 79[4|6]0, Polycomm 601, Grandstream GXP-2000
05:58.39gopherspideyBoth Cisco and Polycomm are missing backlights
05:58.49gopherspideyCisco is not standard POE
05:59.07ptiggerdineIMHO. the granstream looks good for the money they ask.
05:59.28gopherspideyGrandstream I do not trust because I have used a BudgetTone and the Feel of the phone sucks
05:59.33[av]banigopherspidey: aastra?
06:00.14[av]banii have a snom 360 here :)
06:00.28gopherspideyI could not fine much about them. Aka opinions on quality
06:00.38gopherspideyDo you like it?
06:01.13[av]baniquality wise i like the polycom 601 better
06:01.21[av]baniif you dont need backlight, the 601 is a better choice imo
06:02.14gopherspideyOne of these phone's are for my nightstand. So I sort of need the backlight
06:02.33[av]baniyou cant force it on though...
06:02.39gopherspidey[av]bani, have you heard much about the aastra
06:03.00[av]banithe backlight only comes on when you hit a key, and you cant set how long it stays on
06:04.18pauldylatest beta firmware for gxp2k looks like they might have finally figured out the difference between garage hack and enterprise phone
06:05.17[av]banipauldy: no, the construction is still cheaps
06:05.47[av]banigopherspidey: nothing much about aastra, but...
06:05.50[av]baniyou could ask him :))
06:07.01[av]banicouple of snom concerns: its a german company, support is heavily biased to germans (german forum only for example)
06:08.28[av]banithe audio on the 601 is _much_ better than the snom
06:08.37[av]bani601 speakerphone is excellent, for example
06:09.36[av]baniit would almost be worth hacking your own backlight in :)
06:10.20gopherspideyI am not that good at electronics. Give me software I can fix it.
06:10.43gopherspidey[av]bani, Are you trying to twist my hand. :)
06:10.46[av]banithe gxp2000 is 'almost there' as long as you dont care about cheapy construction
06:11.06[av]baniand dont particularly care about sound quality
06:11.31[av]banigrandstream is working very hard on the firmware and the phone has lots of potential
06:11.31gopherspideyWhat is funny is that I was convinced that I was going to purchase a 601 before logging on tonight
06:11.50[av]baniif oyu can live without a backlight, the 601 is the way to go really
06:12.06gopherspideyBut then I really thought about th backlight
06:12.08[av]baniif you need a backlight but dont care about quality, gxp2000 is easy pick
06:12.48gopherspideySee I think the Snom fits right in the middle
06:12.56gopherspideyPrice is in the middle
06:13.07[av]baniits almost as expensive as 601
06:13.14gopherspideyAudio quanltity in th middle
06:13.26gopherspideyhas a backlight
06:13.47[av]banido you need the backlight on all the time?
06:14.35blkremedywill ndiswrapper work with centos?
06:15.02gopherspideyblitzrage, Sure but you might have to recompile the kernel
06:15.44blkremedythat's a little too advanced for me
06:17.11coppicegopherspidey: buy one of those new Dell 30" LCDs, and send it to me
06:17.19*** join/#asterisk in-side (
06:17.43[av]banigopherspidey: i have a snom 360. nice phone, but i wish the sound was better
06:17.56[av]banioh, the lcd is large but lo-res, so it looks like a ZX81
06:18.15in-sideI'm keep getting 603 does anybody can gimme a help?
06:18.16coppice2560x1600 isn't exactly low res
06:18.41[av]banicoppice: find me a sip hardphone with 2560x1600 display
06:19.26coppicephone LCDs always look mickey mouse
06:19.38coppiceeven when they use colour
06:19.48coppiceits the industry standard (TM)
06:20.04gopherspideycoppice, Ha Ha What do you think I am made of money
06:20.22in-sidethe talking seems to be very usefull... anyway does any one can gimme a help herE?
06:20.50coppicegopherspidey: you were looking for a suggestion as to what to buy. i made a suggestion in good faith. don't get pissey with me
06:20.54gopherspidey[av]bani, Ok do you or have you used a i480?
06:21.05[av]banigopherspidey: nope
06:21.45coppiceany product whose name begins with a small i is highly suspect
06:21.53gopherspideyin-side, 603 on what
06:21.57[av]baniyou want a nightstand phone, i'm assuming you dont particularly care about audio quality or construction
06:21.58in-sideon a invite
06:22.09in-sideif i piggy it back to ser
06:22.13in-sideit gimme 603
06:22.31in-sidebut it accepts happylly all the calls from ser without problem
06:23.00gopherspideyI care about audio quality and looks
06:23.29X-RobI'm teh fuxx0r1ng g00r00. I just finished patching AMP 2.0beta1 to work with asterisk-trunk.
06:23.38gopherspideyin-side, Never had a 603
06:23.41X-Robyou may now all worship me.
06:23.47in-sideme neither
06:24.06in-sideCall-ID is intact
06:24.06coppiceX-Rob: AMP is for sinners
06:24.12in-sideI see no reason for a 603
06:24.16[av]banigopherspidey: well, i dont particularly care for the snom 360 looks, but thats subjective
06:24.25X-Robcoppice, heh. Indeed. but it's good for weenies who want to add and remove extensions.
06:24.44[av]banigopherspidey: audio quality isnt that much better than the gxp2000 (!)
06:24.56coppiceI don't think I've seen an IP phone that actually looks good
06:24.56[av]banithe 601 looks much better, the audio quality is miles better
06:25.03[av]banicoppice: 601 is acceptable
06:25.13X-Roband, you gotta say, A@H has certainly improved the visibility of Open Source IP PBXs, which is a good thing.
06:25.13[av]banieven the gxp2000 doesnt look toooo bad
06:25.14in-sideok. so anybody don't have any clue about the 603 ??
06:25.27X-Robcoppice, the snom 360's look cool.
06:25.41X-Robpossibly too many buttons, but feh.
06:25.47in-sideya ya it is very cool.. and pricey~
06:25.50in-sideso next..
06:25.52coppiceX-Rob: only in photos. when I finally saw one in real life it looked crap
06:25.53[av]baniit has 'euro styling', which for me is a bit ugh
06:26.06X-Robgxp is a CRAP PHONE.
06:26.17[av]banido you have one?
06:26.18X-RobI know this for a fact. I'm ripping out 20 of them and replacing them with snoms.
06:26.23in-sidenobody here use ser?
06:26.30X-Rob(so, yes, I'll be selling a whole pile cheaply soon)
06:26.44[av]baniyou have snoms?
06:26.49coppiceX-Rob: so you won't be ordering a pile of the new video phones?
06:26.53X-Robsteve, I dunno, I don't mind it at all. video phones?
06:27.18in-sidewelll I'm really bored
06:27.24X-RobI've been busy having babys and stuff recently, so I've missed a fair bit. What new video phone?
06:27.25coppiceX-Rob: grandstream has finally launched their $295 video phone
06:27.53coppiceX-Rob: I javen't had any babies recently, but I have been busy practicing
06:28.19in-sideoh my god..
06:28.45in-sidethanks very much for your atention.. iI have no words to express my happyness
06:28.59in-sideand my gratitude
06:29.11X-Robthat's gotta be the crappiest thing ever.
06:29.18gopherspidey[av]bani, These are all very good questions.
06:29.29X-Robit's obvious that the video has been photoshopped onto it.
06:30.19X-Robok. That's crap.
06:30.22X-Robcrappity crap crap.
06:30.30coppiceThat's always the case with monitor pictures
06:30.40coppicewhat's so crappy? Its full H.264
06:30.56in-sideok.. enough,,, what is a crap it is this conversation ...damn not usefull at all ...
06:31.11X-Robbecause grandstream are incapable of making a product that doesn't suck.
06:31.12[av]banigopherspidey: i dont know of any phone which can do 2)
06:31.16coppiceit looks pretty ugly though. obviously this is becoming the grandstream distinctive style :-)
06:31.26[av]banisnom cant, neither can polycom
06:32.02X-Robthe hinge looks weak as.
06:32.03coppiceX-Rob: they are the only chinese maker I know of that only buys silicon, instead of a packaged bundle. I definitely give them credit for that
06:32.04Zodiacalwoh that video phone looks cool
06:32.13Zodiacaland for the price of a cisco 7960 too
06:32.25gopherspideyWhat are the USB ports for on the GXV3000?
06:32.43X-Robgood point, I do agree. but their stuff is designed, made and built cheap.
06:32.49Zodiacalare there voip providers taht support video?
06:33.03[av]banigopherspidey: probably for a mouse so you can play quake3
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06:33.35X-Robhint: 'hands-free speakerphone with advanced acoustic echo cancellation' == a lie.
06:33.46X-Robtheir echo can's _produce_ more echo than they remove.
06:33.52[av]baniX-Rob: .13 fixed that
06:34.08[av]banior .12 did even, but that introduced more bugs :))
06:34.14coppiceX-Rob: at least they have an echo canceller. snom doesn't even bother
06:34.14X-Rob.13 also produced the sidetone whistle which makes them unusable in a noisy environment
06:35.27X-RobI'm trying to remember having any issues with echo on the snom
06:35.40X-RobI'm pretty sure it does, actually.
06:36.13X-Robcoz I was talking to someone who was hands free on their snom and it was being very egressive with the echo can (that was sip<->sip, nothing else was doing it)
06:36.26X-Robor maybe it's just half duplex 8)
06:36.47Zodiacalso do voip providers support sip video?
06:36.52[av]baniwhat snom do you have?
06:36.57coppicei dunno why it is that people are so nasty about grandstream, when much more expensive phones have very serious limitations
06:37.18X-RobI'm nasty because they won't fix annoying niggly problems.
06:37.28[av]baniX-Rob: like sipura?
06:37.41X-Roblike 'make the sidetone a feature that can be switched on and off'
06:37.47coppiceX-Rob: snom, polycom and various other expensive phones do not EC the handset. they have serious problems as soon as you turn up the handset volume a little
06:37.56X-Robbut they'll add my BLF and **call pickup stuff. *grump*
06:38.04gopherspideyI called digium today and had a Bad echo! :)
06:38.26[av]banicoppice: and boy is that polycom loud
06:39.02X-RobUm, someone asked me what snom I have - I've got a 360 here, but my customer has 4 360's and 18 GXP's
06:39.27X-RobWe're replacing the GXP's with 360's and 220+keypads
06:39.33[av]banii wish the sound on the 360 was better, it has a lot of weird acoustic artifacts
06:39.50X-RobWe use alaw, don't have a problem.
06:40.19[av]baniits not codec related
06:40.31X-RobWell. I haven't _noticed_
06:40.45gopherspideyX-Rob, Why no Polycomm? Is the the $50 a phone or no experence or something else?
06:40.48[av]banii think the linux kernel they compiled has scheduling issues, i get skipped frames
06:40.54[av]banijust on local dialtone on the phone
06:40.58X-RobI'm gunna plug it in and upgrade it - I noticed they're up to version 5 with a new kernel too.
06:41.10[av]baniweird debounce issues with dialing
06:41.21[av]baniclicks when i get error tones from asterisk
06:42.34[av]baniactually clicks on the beginning of most rtp streams, may be some jitter buffering bugs in snom's firmware
06:43.10[av]banido you have a 360 near you at the moment?
06:43.59gopherspidey[av]bani, Now I see why you are not recommending Snom.
06:44.16[av]banii'm gonna yell at them about audio issues
06:44.29[av]banii'm sure they can fix it, it seems to me just software issues
06:45.04gopherspideyI assume you are on the lastest firmware.
06:45.21[av]banitheir beta xml stuff actually, dunno if thats 5.2 or not
06:45.31[av]bani(it doesnt say, it just says some nondescript version #)
06:45.52X-RobYes. I have my 360 near me. Just plugging my fixed switch back in
06:46.43[av]baniX-Rob: can you hear a weird 'sqwerp' when you hit speakerphone for dialtone then press it again to hang up?
06:46.54[av]baniat the tail end of the dialtone when it gets cut off
06:47.38[av]banisometimes you'll hear the dialtone click as it starts playing
06:47.45[av]banior skip
06:49.02X-RobI hit 'speaker' and it goes 'booooooooooo'.. I hit speaker again and it goes '..oooo-i-i'. Two distinct sorta clicks.
06:49.27[av]banilemme change indications to aus
06:50.00gopherspideySomeone in the Hard phone industry needs to standardize the phone XML interface. Most are based on Cisco's (I think) but all are a little different.
06:50.30coppicesqwerp? is that in the dictionary? shouldn't there be a u after the q? :-)
06:50.38[av]baniX-Rob: yeah, it doesnt cut off cleanly.. it rises in pitch as it hangs up... and sometimes clicks
06:51.11[av]baniX-Rob: and sometimes you can hear it go booooo oooooooooooo
06:51.34coppiceor boooo hoooo hoooo
06:51.36[av]banii think they've got scheduling issues in the kernel
06:51.42[av]banimaking the audio skip
06:52.27[av]baniseems to happen at the beginning of any new audio stream -- dialtone, connecting to rtp stream, etc
06:52.39X-RobI'm doing the upgrades now..
06:52.50[av]banito 5.2 ?
06:53.00[av]banioh yeah, i love the confusing a/b thing
06:53.01X-Robit's running 4.3 now.
06:53.24gopherspideya/b thing?
06:53.39[av]baniuse a firmware if upgrading from 4.x, but b if upgrading from 5.x
06:53.46[av]baniin confusing engrish on their wiki
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06:55.02[av]banigopherspidey: probably the most annoying thing is that their support forums are very active, but all in german
06:55.08[av]banienglish support seems to be almost nil
06:55.25coppiceprobably reflects where they sell well
06:55.41[av]baniyes, which is something to keep in mind for non german speakers
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06:56.36[av]banigopherspidey: oh yeah, the phone's user interface is pretty bad. polycom's is very nice
06:57.13[av]banii never liked those multidirectional pads, cant see a point for them on a phone...
06:58.07coppicemultidirectional pads are fundamentally important. without them the phone looks like its worth $10 less :-)
07:01.01X-Rob*especially* if they're silver.
07:01.06[av]banithat tilting display has to be worth at least 10 extra HP
07:01.06[av]baniall it needs is a coffeecan exhaust
07:01.08gopherspideyAs long as Polycomm has not messed up the SIP comunication. I know the Sound quality will be great. I guess I will have to think about the "need" for the backlight
07:01.08X-Robooh. that's a good sign
07:01.08X-Robthe phone doesn't look dead!
07:01.10gopherspideyThat is was a good sign
07:01.14[av]banigopherspidey: yes, i really would if i were you
07:02.54X-Robooh. The buttons are a lot more programmable bow.
07:02.54[av]banigopherspidey: the negatives about polycom arent as annoying, at least to me: 1) polycom are arseholes regarding firmware releases to customers 2) the phone takes 3+ minutes to boot 3) the webinterface is terrible
07:02.54[av]banigopherspidey: the beautiful lcd and excellent sound more than make up for it. if it had backlight it would be slam dunk
07:02.55gopherspidey[av]bani, What is bad about the Web interface?
07:02.59coppiceI haven't upgraded one of my FC4 boxes for a couple of weeks. now it is installing 178 updates. this is getting silly
07:03.18[av]banigopherspidey: the polycom wants to reboot every time you make even the tiniest change. now refer to whinge 2) above
07:03.55[av]banigopherspidey: "you have moved the mouse. windows must now reboot for the changes to take effect"
07:04.01gopherspidey[av]bani, oh the webinterface to configure the phone.
07:04.22gopherspideyI guess I can live with that.
07:04.23[av]banithe web ui on snom is excellent
07:04.36[av]banigopherspidey: when they say you want to use xml to config the polycom, they arent kidding.
07:04.50gopherspideyHave done anything with the XML stuff?
07:04.55[av]banibut for home, you'd only have to config it once
07:05.25gopherspideyAka xml directories.
07:05.33[av]baninot yet
07:06.29[av]banipoint for snom: you can basically reconfigure every freaking key on the entire phone to do anything you want
07:06.30[av]banithe snom also supposedly supports ldap somehow, how i have no idea though
07:06.43[av]banithe polycom's xml directoty stuff is pretty well documented
07:07.17[av]banisnom supports srtp/sips.. too bad * doesnt :(
07:07.20gopherspideyAll I want to do is control my HVAC Temp and lighting from the phone
07:07.37gopherspideywith the XML interface
07:07.44[av]baniwell obviously the aastra 480i will let you do that :)
07:07.53gopherspideyI saw that.
07:07.55[av]banibut i dont have one so i cant tell you about audio quality or firmware
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07:08.10coppice<lighting>candle lit dinner for 2 style</lighting>
07:08.33gopherspideyWow a couple Ipv6 addreses on the last network join.
07:08.49gopherspideycoppice, Sometime like that.
07:09.03X-RobThis is XML, get it right.
07:09.27gopherspideycoppice, More like "All house lights off"
07:09.32[av]banigopherspidey: well if you do decide you cant live without backlight and get a snom, i should have a very nice autoprovisioning script done by the time you get it :)
07:09.42X-Robbut it's good. It's better than propritary binary formats.
07:10.10X-RobProduction Information:Mac:0004132305FF;Version:Standard;Hardware:snom360 (MB V10_L2,KB V10_k7);Lot: 02/05
07:10.21X-Robwoo snom. woo.
07:10.21gopherspideyX-Rob, Have you ever look at the Polycomm config files. Talk about XML.
07:10.41[av]banisipura's xml is relatively sane
07:10.42X-Robgopherspidey, nah. Polycoms are too hard to buy in .au
07:11.29[av]baniMac:000413232469;Version:Standard;Hardware:snom360 (MB V1.0_K7,KB V1.0_L2-NC);Lot: 08/05
07:11.35[av]banithts the xml firmware
07:12.01gopherspideyTry legaly purchasing a Cisco with SIP firmware any where. :)
07:12.15[av]banigopherspidey: you lose functionality with sip on ciscos anyway :(
07:13.16gopherspidey[av]bani, You got that right. But I had trouble with sccp the last time my Cisco was working.
07:13.49X-Robso, here's the thing - don't use ciscos. *gasp*
07:14.53[av]baniX-Rob: super annoying snom-ism: they sure like ENORMOUS FONT, especially where it makes the least sense to use it
07:15.32[av]banigopherspidey: can you live without backlight [Y/N]
07:16.27gopherspideyI am just thinking of Caller ID at night when the phone rings.
07:17.02gopherspideyHow is the echo when you are on a call with a Snom?
07:20.49gopherspideyX-Rob, Have you used a 480i or 9133i from Sayson or Aastra?
07:20.49[av]banino echo afaict, but thats just with upstream istp for outgoing
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07:30.11[av]baniin fact, i might say the snom audio is poor
07:30.42[av]banii dialed into a MOH extension, and i get weird swishing sounds in the audio
07:30.49[av]baniwhich i don't get on a sipura 3000 FXS or a polycom
07:30.55coppicemost of the VoIP industry has poor voice quality. why do so few aspire to actually improve on the PSTN?
07:32.57Nuggetbecause the early adopters of voip are the "I want unlimited voip so I can stick it to ma bell" crowd, I suspect.
07:33.26Nuggeteveryone's too busy competing on price to snag the cheapskate market to notice those of us who'd rather pay for decent service.
07:33.56[av]banihmm ok better now
07:34.03coppicei find most are the "XML is wonderful. Bandwidth is cheap Is there anything with a lower bit rate than G.729?" crowd
07:34.05[av]baniapparently it was using gsm when i told it not to...
07:34.21[av]banibad snom
07:34.49[av]banimuuuuch better
07:36.21X-Robthe fucker is not downloading it's config.
07:38.26[av]baniwish * did g722
07:38.56[av]banicoppice: because the pstn is built on string and tin cans
07:39.53coppiceG.722 (the original, not G.722.2) can easily be added to *, if they sort out its tie to 8000 sample/second audio
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07:40.57gopherspideyIs G.722.2 one of the license/patent things?
07:41.25X-Robok, it's definately not downloading it's configs.
07:41.51coppiceG.722.2 is basically AMR wideband by another name. very encumbered
07:42.01coppicebut also very good
07:42.04gopherspideythat is kicks
07:42.14coppicespeex wideband could also be added easily
07:42.27[av]banicoppice: encumbered how?
07:42.35[av]baniomg lets patent 16kbps ?
07:42.38[av]banier 16khz
07:43.03gopherspideycoppice, wideband? I know nothing about codecs other then bandwidth they consume
07:43.33coppicewideband, as in something with an audio bandwidth greater than the usualy 4kHz
07:44.26coppice[av]bani: there is nothing bogus about most of the patents on codecs
07:46.05[av]banicoppice: including fraunhofer's claim vorbis infringes on mp3?
07:46.24coppiceonly their marketing dept claimed that :-)
07:46.48gopherspidey[av]bani: I had not heard of that one.
07:47.18coppicethe vorbis people are very respectful of the scope and nature of the fraunhofer patents
07:47.34[av]baniah, it was Henri Linde of Thomson who claimed vorbis infringed mp3 patents
07:47.39gopherspideythe huffman encoding is the only thing that fraunhofer has going for them
07:48.05[av]baninot marketing either, he's VP of their IP licensing
07:48.32[av]baniof course, he's pushing mp3pro ...
07:48.33coppiceisn't that a marketing function?
07:49.02[av]banino it's police unit
07:49.13[av]banipatent enforcement gestapo
07:49.14gopherspideyGood night and Thanks. Now that is is 1:50am. :(
07:49.31[av]baniand propaganda unit, from their behaviour :)
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07:53.27coppicei can't remember what is patented about MP3 - i don't take much interest in non-speech codecs - but they must have run out in most places
07:53.46[av]banieveryone has moved on from their very old techniques by now
07:53.54[av]banimp3 was just first, so they hav elots of traction
07:54.20[av]banibut even the best mp3 coders sound like shit compared to vorbis
07:54.27[av]banii have a lot of clips which eat mp3 alive
07:54.43coppiceMP3 hasn't changed. it was very early, and still very competitive. i think it was a pretty wonderful design
07:54.45[av]banic64 chipmusic destroys mp3 :)
07:55.12Nuggetbullcrap.  the c64 only had three voices.  the atari 800 had four voice sound.  THAT was kickass.  :)
07:55.13[av]banivorbis is able to pretty much nail it perfectly with ease
07:55.25coppiceWMA sounds like shit most of the time. surely they could have come up with something better than that?
07:55.39[av]baniNugget: c64 has filters and complex waveforms, atari 800 was only square wave...
07:55.47[av]banicoppice: you're talkinga bout microsoft....
07:56.13Nuggetbah, only if you count that goofy program that played fur elise on the 1541 floppy drive.
07:56.16[av]banian intellectual powerhouse, microsoft most certainly is not
07:56.25coppiceyeah. they have lots of money to throw at the problem, but produced rubbish. WMV 9 seems pretty good, but the audio is lousy
07:56.58[av]banicoppice: that defines microsoft perfectly. they just keep throwing piles of money at something, usually takes them 5 or 6 revisions to get something tolerable
07:57.10[av]banithey eventually get it right, even if it takes them 20 years
07:57.39coppicedunno, they still haven't got WinFS working after 15 :-)
07:57.59[av]banisome problems arent solvable :)
07:59.42[av]bani <- encumbered?
08:00.34coppicenope. G.722.1 (rubbish) and G.722.2 (excellent) are encumbered
08:01.37coppiceG.722 is available in spandsp
08:01.38[av]banisnom 360 does g722, any reason * cant support it?
08:02.11coppice* doesn't understand any codec which is not 8000 samples/second right now
08:03.12X-Roband my dial regexp isn't working
08:03.13[av]baniin fact, doesnt appear anything does g722.2
08:03.19[av]banithey all do g722
08:03.53coppicethat's cos G.722 is unencumbered
08:04.03[av]baniyea, figured
08:04.05coppicebut its old and inefficient
08:04.09[av]baniwell, everyone does g729a also
08:04.39coppicethey have to pay for G.729. Its unavoidable. G.722.2 is an option
08:04.41[av]banihaving something for lan with better fidelity than ulaw would be nice
08:04.50[av]banihence g722
08:09.39coppiceI agree. nobody in * land seems to care very much, though, even though wideband is a key reason people like Skype
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08:15.47|vinsik|re... anybody knows how to dial out through a peer added to mysql database?
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08:28.08[av]banihmm.. are the voicetronix cards good FXOs?
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10:29.16|vinsik|re... anybody knows how to dial out through a peer thats added to mysql database?
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10:35.12convergenceIm having a problem, with something Im working on, maybe someone can help.
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10:36.37convergenceIm trying to get a dialplan to record each call out, then after each call save the audio files soxmix it, and then go back to the outdial context when pressing star.
10:37.27convergenceI can dialout and record, but when I enable the variable to go back to the next priority, it wont stop the recording and begen a new one.
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10:37.59convergencelike Ill call in and call out to 3 different numbers and it will only spit out 1 file recorded.
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10:38.37convergencethis is my current context.
10:38.39convergenceexten => s,1,Read(callto,dialtonez0r,21)
10:38.39convergenceexten => s,2,SetVar(CALLFILENAME=${callto:1}-${TIMESTAMP})
10:38.39convergenceexten => s,3,Monitor(wav,${CALLFILENAME},m)
10:38.39convergenceexten => s,4,Dial(SIP/${callto}@bv,45,Hg)
10:38.40convergenceexten => s,5,goto(s|1)
10:39.07jbothmm... pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
10:39.30convergenceIs there something I can set after s,4 to tell it to begin a new file?
10:39.44convergencesry RoyK
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10:40.09RoyKwhat do you mean a new file?
10:40.23RoyKyou want another file at the time the phone is hung up?
10:40.26RoyKor picked up?
10:40.35RoyKor stepped on....
10:41.14convergenceWhen I press *, and the outbound call hangs up. I would like it to save the recording then start a new one when it gets to the priority.
10:41.57convergenceas is, its just contenuously recording.
10:42.26convergenceand wont stop until I hangup from the asterisk server.
10:43.37RoyKiirc there's a dial option to allow you to do such a thing
10:44.54RoyKuse the w option with dial
10:45.42RoyKprio 5 should never be reached if the call is hung up
10:48.11convergenceI know, but thats the thing, Im using the g option, for the reason to be able to press * and make another call without myself hanging up.
10:48.53convergenceWhere lies the problem Im having.
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10:50.15convergenceI can continue to place calls and it records when I press *, but its only one recording. instead of mulitable recordings on each call.
11:05.41convergenceoh, I think this might help me.
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11:22.54convergenceOh MY GODZ0R
11:23.01convergenceheh, wow
11:23.06jorge_hi all
11:23.10convergencewell, I forgot I wasnt on 1.2 yet.
11:23.22convergenceso the mixmonitor was no goods to me.
11:23.41convergencebut when I look at the registered apps, you know what I saw..?
11:23.46convergenceyour going to laugh
11:24.02convergencethats did it for me.
11:24.43convergenceso I placed that at prio 5 then 6 went back to the dialout one.
11:25.01convergencethats so funny.
11:26.55jorge_do any of you know if the chan_zap patch for the spanish line can be applied anyway to asterisk 1.2.3?, or it's just for 1.2.0??
11:27.13RoyKconvergence: i'd say upgrade
11:27.17jorge_or is it applied it the 1.2.3 package yet?
11:27.37RoyKconvergence: there really isn't much reason to stick with 1.0 unless you have custom apps not ported up to 1.2 yet
11:27.45convergenceyeah I know, I just havent got around to it.
11:28.31convergenceIm still on CVS-v1-0-04/22/05
11:33.49convergenceI feel really dumb though with the "stopmonitor" thing.
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11:37.20burtonhello, anyone know what this error mean? where too look what is wrong ? this is what i get on incoming call  > CAPI INFO 0x34e5: Message not compatible with call state   ... and than == ISDN1: CAPI Hangingup
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12:02.25KriS83When using enum, and the number resolves to a sip address like: 1234@sipprovider.tld and Asterisk then dials Dial(SIP/1234@sippprovider.tld) how can I make asterisk not look for the context [sipprovider.tld] in extension.conf? Or am I doing something wrong? Missed something? Thank you for any hints
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12:03.10afoldoCan anybody shed some light on a DUNDi issue, please?
12:04.20afoldoI have several Asterisk boxes with ISDN trunks on them, and I'd like to use DUNDi to route calls from IAX clients in a private network to these boxes.
12:04.28afoldoDoes this make sense?
12:05.30burtonhello, anyone know what this error mean? where too look what is wrong ? this is what i get on incoming call  > CAPI INFO 0x34e5: Message not compatible with call state   ... and than == ISDN1: CAPI Hangingup
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12:18.26X-RobWell. I think it's a damn good macro.
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12:54.21krasavinhi all! did anybody install zaphfc?
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13:10.27A500mgsalut à tous
13:12.07A500mgi want to buy a tdm400p
13:12.09A500mgwhere can i buy a tdm400p at the best price ?
13:12.29A500mgje suis un gros radin :)
13:13.37X-Robfrom digium
13:16.05A500mgbut a resseler ?
13:19.24A500mgi've found
13:19.55A500mgbut i search a best price :)
13:21.02coppiceI always buy from Honest Joe's VoIP Emporium :-)
13:22.57A500mgi'm french, i can't understand the joke :|
13:24.08coppice"Honest Joe's" or "Honest John's" is a standard prefix for something far from honest :-)
13:28.00*** join/#asterisk af_ (
13:30.22A500mgthk :)
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13:33.14odukecan someone help me on a problem with max_forwards?
13:33.48odukeI am running astereisk 1.0.10 and the max_forwads entry in the invite header is missing
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13:34.44oduketherefore I get max hps errors depending on the calls
13:39.29kink0A500mg: and contact Mark
13:43.41A500mgsorry, i boycott aol
13:43.55A500mgthey have a bad mail serveur configuration
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13:44.23A500mgand they forced to use their bad navigator
13:44.33A500mg(sorry for my english)
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13:49.54kink0aol is a disaster and nothing serious for bussines users, but these guys sold my new TE405 for about 900 Euro
13:50.20kink0original Digium, no clones.
13:50.34A500mgbut it's for PRI lines
13:50.45A500mgfor BRI there is no digium cards :(
13:50.48kink0A500mg: yes , TExxx are for PRI
13:51.01A500mgbut there is "AVM" for BRI, good :)
13:51.22kink0for BRI... use "any" BRI card, Teles, Eicon, Diva, Elsa ... or so.
13:51.47A500mgAVM B1, 1 port for BRI
13:52.12kink0hmmmm , really you need active one ?
13:52.24A500mgnot really for active
13:52.27kink0Elsa would costs about less than 20 E
13:52.37A500mgbut the driver ...
13:52.51kink0isdn4linux goes fine for that
13:53.00A500mgi want no problem and good installation
13:53.23kink0I was ussing a lot of Elsa Quick Step PCI1000 cards on one access server, not problem at all.
13:54.04kink0for less than about 20E , you can try it, before to spent 300 E
13:55.09kink0there any way to log origin IP in standar Asterisk CDR ?
13:56.08kink0i means the originate IP from where SIP/AIX is comming from.
13:56.46*** join/#asterisk doughecka_ (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
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13:58.32A500mgkink0, an url for buy this card ? :)
13:58.41A500mgit's for my compagny
13:58.51A500mgwe can buy this, for 20€ ...
13:59.02RoyKfestival isn't really that good
13:59.04kink0A500mg: I have not the URL for Mark at hand, but I can get her phone ( I have it at home )
13:59.12kink0ahhh the Elsa...
13:59.19A500mgyes :)=
13:59.28coppiceRoyK the chinese new year festival has been OK so far
13:59.33kink0is an old model, but goes fine, try eBay or so, since Elsa is not longer, but excellent card.
14:00.19kink0if you have not found, I have some of them, from our old access server ( when the ADSL was not very populated, and we provide services ussing ISDN )
14:00.52kink0but I live in Spain, and surely you will be able to found one nearest you.
14:00.56coppiceRoyK: we just had the traditional last dinner of the old year - salmon sashimi, all the way from norway :-)
14:01.27RoyKsashimi is nice
14:02.53coppicewhy is it so expensive, though? Its not like the cooking consumes much energy :-)
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14:08.29A500mgkink0, in france the isdn is very used by enterprise
14:08.48A500mgand all pabx use isdn
14:09.18kink0here too, but we do not use individual BRI, have been replaced by PRI ports
14:09.28kink0I must to go, time for lunch , see you later.
14:09.44A500mgthe voip is a good solution for call other, but for received call, the number is 08.xx.xx.xx.xx, and all enterprise have a number in 0[1-5].xx.xx.xx.xx
14:09.51A500mgmouarf :)
14:10.09A500mgbut PRI lines are very expensive :/
14:10.19A500mgit's only for big enterprises
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14:10.44A500mg(in france, for other lands i don't know)
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14:15.19coppiceit varies. a PRI costs between maybe 6 and 60 times the price of a single analogue line
14:16.52*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
14:17.05coppiceBRI only caught on in a few places, like france and germany. its rare over most of the planet
14:17.51puzzledafternoon all
14:19.11puzzledcoppice: BRI is major in .nl, belgium too
14:20.31coppiceoutside .eu its hard to find. a chinese ISDN phone maker told me they sell 100% to europe. the handful that get used outside .eu are redistributed from .eu
14:21.28coppiceyou'd have to be crazy to use BRI in many places, like here
14:21.41puzzledcoppice: sure but only because of those silly stubborn americans that insist on some ancient cellphone technology and 56k or T1 :)
14:22.20coppicei think its mostly because an analogue phone costs about $1 and an ISDN phone doesn't
14:22.42coppicehowever, in places like I live the pricing for BRI stops anyone using it
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14:23.05puzzledit may be more expensive in parts but not that much. look at a hfc-s based card. but I agree that in many places it is cost prohibitve
14:23.29A500mg2strange ..
14:23.42puzzledcoppice: and what is your alternative? ftth, 8meg adsl at $50/mo etc
14:24.01coppicei don't think prohiobitive is the issue. it offers nothing, so it has to be no more expensive
14:24.37coppiceBRI doesn't really cut it for data. too slow. $15 a month for ADSL is much more reasonable
14:24.44A500mg2how cost a 16Mb/8Mb adsl connection in your country ?
14:24.52puzzledcoppice: well I worked for Lucent and I can tell you that an ISDN2 linecard was a hell of a lot more expensive than the analog stuff
14:24.55coppice1.5M or above too. none of this capped crap
14:24.58A500mg2yes, BRI is good for phone, not for data
14:25.07puzzledit beats analog
14:25.20coppiceyou mean the exchange side line card?
14:26.00puzzledyup, in the 5E
14:27.04coppiceno doubt. I'm not familiar with recent pricing, but a few years ago the difference was massive. it should be less massive now
14:27.17puzzledlet's hope so
14:27.22coppicewe implemented the first ISDN BRI Mux in the world
14:27.32coppiceit was built to BT requirements
14:27.32puzzlednice, where was that?
14:27.42coppiceit was working out expensive
14:27.55coppiceBT kept saying it was what they wanted
14:28.05coppicewe kept thinking they would never buy
14:28.53coppiceat the end of the day, they threw up their hands at the price, and didn't buy. they paid 100% NRE, but still it tied up a lot of engineers that could have designed something useful
14:30.01coppicethe killer then was they insisted on operation up to the copper planning limit. in the 80s that required a very expensive state of the art chip just for EC
14:30.05puzzledsilly isn't it. they could prolly have figured that out long before moving so far into the project
14:31.12coppicewhat they bought initially was something american :-) it only worked up to a couple of km, by using a cheaper EC
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14:31.49puzzledI did KPN's first ISDN30 <-> ISDN30 data install in .nl. that was fun too, working with engineers that had no clue about ISDN
14:33.26A500mg2i've recompile asterisk and asterisk-addons, but i've not the, strange ...
14:33.41A500mg2i try with install libmysqlclient-... and recompile ast...
14:34.54puzzledA500mg: you need mysql-devel too. do you have that installed?
14:35.18A500mg2yes with libmysql :)
14:35.23A500mg2compilation in progress..
14:35.55A500mg2( dpkg -l mysql-server libmysqlclient*dev )
14:36.16puzzledyum install mysql* :)
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14:36.50A500mg2no :)
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14:38.09austinnichols101anyone working with SER + DD-WRT?
14:38.25puzzledaustinnichols101: this is #asterisk :)
14:38.59austinnichols101puzzled: yes - asterisk issue at the core.
14:39.11austinnichols101But if there's a better place to ask I can go there
14:40.08austinnichols101I'm placing an outbound call from my asterisk server to a remote phone via sip.  The phone (if left unanswered) will ring three times and then I'll hear a fast busy (disconnect)
14:40.12austinnichols101trying to figure out why
14:40.45A500mgohh, i've a cdr_addon_mysql.c file in asterisk-addons source directory
14:40.48A500mgi tried ...
14:41.25A500mgahhhh, it's compiling cdr_mysql
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14:48.58af_sip channel: is better define voip phones as host=dynamic or not?
14:50.15A500mgi define voip phone with host=dynamic and it's work :)
14:50.30A500mgi've tried with fixed ip and no ..
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15:17.42EriSandoes anyone have streaming MOH working ?
15:19.08SibrPhrekEriSan: i have been trying to for the last couple days
15:19.26SibrPhrekapparently there is an issue with MOh pauses the stream
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15:20.24EriSanon the cli i see "started music on hold", and instantly after "stopped music ..."
15:21.24SibrPhrekb/c the stream was paused, and when moh starts it there's no music (because it's not buffered)
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15:21.29SibrPhrekso it stops
15:21.41dalbjergHello, iam trying to setup my asterisk, with bristuff. So i can make call out of my ISDN, but i can't get it to work... Asterisk is started, but when i make a call in to the ISDN, nothing hapende, in asterisk cli.
15:21.50EriSanso no way at the moment?
15:21.58SibrPhrekEriSan: not really
15:22.06SibrPhrekEriSan: what OS are you running on?
15:22.13A500mgJan 28 16:25:28 ERROR[1902]: cdr_addon_mysql.c:436 my_load_module: Failed to connect to mysql database asterisk on localhost.
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15:22.22littleballhello, when i jump to another context by using GOto, if the target extension is not defined in the target context, which extension will be executed?
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15:24.55A500mgoh just a bad socks
15:25.17arendjrhi guys, for some reason DTMF tones are not working with H323 channels on my Asterisk box, they are received from the SIP phone (debug channels says: "Sending dtmf: 50 (2), at") and it also works over the Zapata channel, just not with H323. Anyone knowns what could cause this?
15:25.27*** join/#asterisk DeadZen (
15:25.36DeadZengod there's a lot of people here
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15:32.25Trazzcan * take a call in and transfer to extesion and then make a call out to do like follow me?
15:32.26*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
15:32.48littleballhello, when i jump to another context by using GOto, if the target extension is not defined in the target context, which extension will be executed?
15:33.00kink0I have chose generic 586 before, but know I am planing to use up to 60 licences on a dual Xeon, any sugestion ?
15:33.05DeadZenlittleball: i believe it just fails
15:33.11DeadZenseems to for me anyway
15:33.31littleballe.g. Goto(submenu,test,1)
15:33.32DeadZendo all versions of ms messenger hav sip?
15:33.38littleballbut test extension is not defined.
15:34.02[TK]D-Fenderlittleball : try it and see
15:34.03littleballDeadZen, does the "i" extension will be executed?
15:34.28DeadZenwell i use goto like this
15:34.48DeadZenexten => 100,1,dial(SIP/myphone)
15:34.56DeadZenexten => myphone,1,goto(100,1)
15:35.18DeadZenneed to have a [myphone] section in sip.conf
15:35.27*** part/#asterisk arkanis (
15:36.12littleballcontext definition is there. but the extension is not there.
15:36.23[TK]D-FenderDeadZen : What is going to dial "myphone" in that context?
15:36.26RoyKanyone seen this product?
15:36.28kink0anybody know if digium g729 licences are ONLY MAC based and I will be able to change the ussing the same licences ?
15:36.38littleballi want to define a default extension which can handle such GoTO
15:36.50DeadZenok you guys have like scrolled my screen to hell hehe
15:37.22RoyKkink0: it's mac based and you can re-register it once after initial registering. after that, you need to contact digium
15:37.30RoyKor spoof the mac addr
15:37.46[TK]D-Fenderlittleball : pastebin the sample of what you'v got in mind.... typically you should plan your dialplan so that it DOESN"T get invalid entries.....
15:38.16DeadZenhey I can't hear any sounds when i do a Playback()
15:38.18kink0RoyK: well I do not pretend to spoof the MAC... just to change the version of if needly, because I am not really sure what one to use
15:38.24DeadZeni installed the asterisk-sounds but no cigar
15:38.34[TK]D-FenderDeadZen : Have you tried putting an "Answer" first?
15:38.52DeadZeni believe so.. lemme try again
15:38.53littleball[TK]D-Fender, my case is special
15:38.57DeadZenwhat i was thinking
15:39.07kink0I have used a generic 586 version for try it, and I have two licenses, but know I pretend to use about 60 licenses and I will like to use the most performanced one for my system.
15:39.09DeadZenis that there's no like Wait() or something and its just not allowing enough time to play
15:39.09[TK]D-Fenderlittleball : Do explain....
15:39.17DeadZendoes it play the duration regardless of wait?
15:39.31littleballI use GoTo an routing context to do PRI routing
15:39.47jbotDocumentation can be found at or or or or
15:39.51[TK]D-FenderDeadZen : pastebin the extens you you are calling, and do you se ti being called in CLI?
15:39.56littleballthe target extension is specified by the user from WEB or other place,
15:40.11DeadZenyah i see it playing it in cli
15:40.13DeadZenjust cant hear it
15:40.35littleballlike exten=>_65X.,1,Set(path=Zap/r1/${EXTEN}|d=10)
15:40.41[TK]D-Fenderlittleball : I doubt you need to do it in a way that you can't do things explicitly or use a standard feature like "i" or "_X" as a catch-all
15:41.15littleball"i" doesn't work. it seems _X works. i just test "i". it doesn't work
15:41.15kink0RoyK: hmmm would I able to re-register two times ? well that allow me to do a try before to select the definitive one, as I can use then the same license I have adquired yet for the develoment machine.
15:41.44littleballwhere is the pastin web?
15:41.48kink0both will be not working at same time, even in develoment machine will no longer any Asterisk running, once we started the production on a new machine
15:42.00[TK]D-Fenderlittleball : And there is a testexten or similar function that allws you to see if it would work, but I don't believe Goto necessarily has any protection built-in
15:42.24DeadZenTKD... should it be pretty much like Answer() Playback(hello-world) Hangup()
15:42.29littleball[TK]D-Fender, what is the pastin link?
15:42.31jbotextra, extra, read all about it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
15:42.45[TK]D-FenderDeadZen : Assuming the sound file exists
15:42.56littleballthanks bot
15:42.57DeadZenyes it does.. all paths and files can be considered verified
15:43.07DeadZenjust don't hear it..
15:43.08RoyKkink0: you should be able to register the same license on two machines
15:43.12DeadZenshould i paste bin the CLI response?
15:43.22RoyKkink0: or more if you bug digium about it
15:43.24DeadZenim doing asterisk -vvvgrc to read it
15:43.31DeadZen4 v's
15:43.40littleballhi, pls see
15:44.03*** join/#asterisk dfgas (
15:44.27littleball[TK]D-Fender, any confliction in my extension definition?
15:44.31DeadZenhehe pastebin makes me want to write a bin for asterisk... with syntax hilighting ;-)
15:44.54dfgasok i downloaded new version and did a make && make install and now it give me mpg123 errors and asterisk dies
15:45.02dfgaswhat did i do wrong
15:45.04littleballactually, this routing context works like stack
15:45.12DeadZendoes asterisk require mpg123 ?
15:45.15littleballi like it myself very much
15:46.13[TK]D-Fenderlittleball : Where do those 3 vars get set?
15:46.17DeadZenTK my asterisk is up think its just sjphone not playing it?
15:46.57littleball[TK]D-Fender, there is no problem for this 3 vars. they got set from previous context. this routing context works as stack...
15:47.34littleball[TK]D-Fender, i want to confirm the extension matching works fine for me
15:48.14littleballit works for me i think
15:49.44dfgasand this is the error i get with asterisk -vvvvvc
15:49.52dfgasthat is where it stops
15:50.02dfgasanyone have an idea why its doing this
15:50.22dfgasam i suppose to reinstall anything else with asterisk when upgrading?
15:50.36dfgasor is there a how to on upgrading
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15:56.29arendjrdoes anyone know why DMTF may not be working over a H323 channel? I'm using dtmfmode=string...
15:57.47[TK]D-FenderDeadZen : Where is your SJP relative to *, and do you gt audio from anything else?
15:58.27DeadZenthanx for gettin back to me [TK]D-Fender
15:58.33DeadZenhere's a better pb
15:59.42[TK]D-FenderDeadZen : I only asked where is was RELATIVE to *. ( same local subnet, remote?  ANT'd?)
15:59.59DeadZenim not getting the question
16:00.08DeadZenits my windows computer connecting to my colocated linux server
16:00.21[TK]D-FenderWhere in your network is SJPhone relative you your * server?
16:00.25DeadZenand yes im behind a nat..
16:00.59DeadZendsl router/modem  -> colocated server
16:01.01[TK]D-FenderDeadZen : doun't just say"*I'm* behind NAT." I need to know what BETWEEN SJphone and *.
16:01.37DeadZenwhat is .*
16:01.41DeadZenand what do you mean by 'between'
16:01.57[TK]D-Fenderdfgas : try "asterisk -vvvvvvvvvgc"
16:02.45DeadZenwhat network components are between my computer running sjphone and my server?
16:02.52Trazzwhat between ears
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16:02.58[TK]D-FenderDeadZen : Its a simple question. How far away is SJPhone from your * server?!?!?!  is it a friend place on a different network?  Is there a NAT router BETWEEN SJPhone and *?  If so, on who's side?  Both?
16:03.15[TK]D-FenderDeadZen : yes, that sounds like the same question.
16:03.26DeadZeni thought I said that
16:03.36DeadZenim connecting through a router to a colocated server
16:03.36[TK]D-FenderDeadZen : And do you get sound from ANY other application?  (Echo, Dial, etc?)
16:03.46DeadZenthe colocated server is directly connected to a 100mb pipe on cogent
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16:03.58dfgask i got i t back up and running
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16:04.14[TK]D-FenderDeadZen : So your SJphone is behind a NAT, registering to a remote PUBLIC IP * server?
16:04.27DeadZenyes registering to
16:04.47dfgasanyone know why when i startup asterisk anyone calling into my DID won't get asterisk unless i make an out going call once
16:04.54DeadZenif you have another configuration for testing ill be happy to try it [TK]D-Fender
16:04.55dfgasis there a way to fix this?
16:05.04*** join/#asterisk dalbjerg (
16:05.31[TK]D-FenderDeadZen : Ok well the * server needs to know you're behind NAT which it currently DOESN'T.  Add these lines to your sip.conf entry : "nat=yes", "qualify=2000"
16:06.02[TK]D-Fenderdfgas : How is this DID coming in?
16:06.09DeadZenyes i am behind a nat... connecting to a public ip which has no firewall at ip
16:06.16*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
16:06.24dfgas[TK]D-Fender: sip
16:06.28saftsacksome hylafax cracks here?
16:06.43DeadZenhylafax hehe there's an old app
16:06.48[TK]D-FenderDeadZen : Add the lines I told you to your server's entry for your SJPhone, and reload the config. then restart SJPhone to re-register.  Should work then.
16:07.08[TK]D-Fenderdfgas : is your * behind NAT?
16:07.19dfgas[TK]D-Fender: yes
16:07.21saftsackDeadZen, asterisk isnt good for faxing
16:07.35dfgas[TK]D-Fender: i have all ports open that i am told to have open
16:07.35*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=lynx@
16:08.09dfgas[TK]D-Fender: and sip show reistry shows that i am registered
16:08.18DeadZen[TK]D-Fender: that did the trick good buddy
16:08.22[TK]D-Fenderdfgas : You need to add either "EXTERNHOST" or "EXTERNIP", and "LOCALNET" entries into your sip.conf's [general] section for it to work.
16:08.30[TK]D-FenderDeadZen : ywc.
16:08.38DeadZen[TK]D-Fender: now does that work when someones NOT behind a nat?
16:08.59[TK]D-FenderDeadZen : What you did would have been fine if they were both "public" to each other.
16:09.20DeadZenI get it.. but you understand most people are behind nat
16:09.54DeadZenand if they aren't behind nat will it work with nat=yes and qualify=2000 ?
16:09.57[TK]D-FenderDeadZen : Its jsut that your router won't know where to send the UDP packets to unless it is contantly sent a "keep-alive" signal by "qualify".
16:09.59DeadZenas in public to public
16:10.12DeadZenya makes sense
16:10.18[TK]D-FenderDeadZen : I think it should still work...
16:10.26DeadZeni never touched asterisk till 5am this morning
16:10.32*** join/#asterisk coppice_ (
16:10.51DeadZennow im addicted..
16:10.58[TK]D-FenderDeadZen : good start.. I haven't found a book or guide that I liked so I might jsut write my own.
16:11.10DeadZenis realtime any good? I was curious about real time extensions.conf
16:11.36[TK]D-FenderDeadZen : Some think its the second-coming, but I guess it depends if you need it for scaling....
16:11.45DeadZenI'm a damn good web developer so if I have access to stuff like that I could make a whole host of open source business integrations
16:11.51[TK]D-Fenderit IS buggy though still... (as in enough for you to want to think twice)
16:12.07DeadZeni think I heard the major bug is for instance
16:12.16dfgas[TK]D-Fender: externhost would be the domain that is coming into my box?
16:12.18DeadZenif the database connection is down the dialplan gets wiped
16:12.24DeadZenas opposed to a reload being skipped
16:12.47anonymouz666With Asterisk and E1 card, A customer call to my company... Asterisk pick up the call and do a dial to technical support guy. After they start to talk, the TI manager join the conversation (like chanspy) and start to talk - he can hear both sides, but when he speaks only the technical guy can hear. Is that possible?
16:13.03[TK]D-Fenderdfgas : if you had one, yes. Many people running a DynDNS type service would use that to keep their servers "finable" and use "EXTERNREFRESH" to set the frequency of the checks
16:13.06*** join/#asterisk BugKham (n=lamer@
16:13.33DeadZenif thats the case i dont mind... if the database is ever down..  i have to restart apache anyway to flush persistent connections so ill add that to asterisk
16:13.42DeadZencan you do a sighup on asterisk to simulate a reload command?
16:13.52DeadZenjust curious
16:14.19[TK]D-FenderDeadZen : dunno.. why not jsut call "reload" normally?
16:14.33dfgas[TK]D-Fender: would would be a good number to put in there?
16:14.37DeadZencould you call it externally i mean
16:14.56[TK]D-Fenderdfgas : not sure really... every 5 minutes maybe?
16:15.08*** join/#asterisk pengyong (n=lala@
16:15.19dfgasis it by seconds or minutes? heh
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16:15.30dfgasthats kinda what i was wondering  :)
16:15.50[TK]D-Fenderdfgas : no idea actually.. just know that the option exists
16:15.58[TK]D-FenderWIKI it up and confirm
16:16.17dfgasheh, k
16:16.20DeadZenhaha my asterisk servers says "Nobody here but us chickens" when you call it..
16:16.22dfgasi will try this quick
16:16.31*** join/#asterisk littleball (
16:16.56littleballhello, who can help me check this: exten=>h,3,Set(t1=$[$["foo${DIALEDTIME}" != "foo"]?$[ ${DIALEDTIME} / ${d} ]:0])
16:17.14littleballis there any mistake ?
16:17.14A500mgchannel.c:784 channel_find_locked: Avoided initial deadlock for '0x815dd78', 10 retries!
16:17.35littleballasterisk variable is not easy to handle
16:17.48dfgas[TK]D-Fender: the weird thing is, is that * shows the incoming call but i get the voicemail from the voip itself unless i make a out going call
16:17.58dfgasguess i should have stated that, sorry
16:18.35dfgasi have incoming calls set to /
16:18.43dfgasso it handles all of them
16:19.33[TK]D-Fenderdfgas : Maybe your SIP entry isn't quite right for your provider
16:19.56dfgashmmm, for incoming or trunk?
16:20.03*** join/#asterisk SkramX (n=mark@unaffiliated/skramx)
16:21.20*** join/#asterisk oceanlan|dustin (
16:21.30DeadZen[TK]D-Fender: if the sound is scratchy.. what is that an indication of
16:21.47DeadZen[TK]D-Fender: sjphone just has a bad decoder or something?
16:22.05DeadZen[TK]D-Fender: or just normal udp packets carrying sound disappearing
16:22.07oceanlan|dustinDeadZen: what codec are you using?
16:22.17DeadZengsm i think
16:22.21DeadZenwhere do you tweak the codecs
16:22.22[TK]D-Fenderlittleball : that Set looks a LITTLE OFF....
16:22.35[TK]D-FenderDeadZen : What codec is the call using?
16:22.50DeadZenyou know im not sure
16:22.56DeadZenfamiliar with sjphone?
16:23.01oceanlan|dustinDeadZen: I have had quality problems with GWM also..being so compressed it gets scratchy and shoppy just like cell phones some times
16:23.12DeadZenyah it sounds like a cellphone
16:23.14DeadZengood analogy
16:23.19[TK]D-FenderDeadZen : not partiularly.  I haven't had to try a Linux softphone to date.
16:23.38oceanlan|dustinDeadZen: G711 is big packets but is "toll quality" FYI
16:23.39DeadZenok lemme poke around
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16:24.27oceanlan|dustinDeadZen: I have sjphone but I have never tried GSM on that phone, The codec is specified in one of the ** config files...
16:24.47oceanlan|dustinulaw = G711 = best quality = 80kbps
16:24.57DeadZenwhat other non java based sip software is there
16:25.07TrazzTK, when i dial an extension like a softphone thats not registered due to laptop being powered off i get the person is on the phone. i know about chanunavail, busy, no answer but I am trying to find a greate example of how to implement being able to deal with all these conditions properly
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16:25.46oceanlan|dustinlots, xten is one...and many more (having a brain cramp atm)
16:25.52DeadZenisn't xten java?
16:25.55[TK]D-FenderTrazz : What does DIALSTATUS say when they are "unreachable"?
16:26.16oceanlan|dustinahhh..sorry didnt catch that in the question...
16:26.24DeadZenyah.. java sux big time
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16:26.36DeadZenand a cause of over 300 spyware infections on windows too
16:26.40oceanlan|dustinyour right...i dont know of many non-java sip phones..
16:26.48DeadZeni actually make everyone remove their jre's
16:26.57TrazzJan 28 10:39:29 NOTICE[3933]: app_dial.c:1011 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
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16:27.26[TK]D-FenderTrazz : NoOp the dialstatus variable and SEE what it says!
16:27.36DeadZenoceanlan|dustin: is the codec controlled by the server or the client
16:27.39oceanlan|dustini use Diax and Firefly myself..i prefer IAX to sip....much easier
16:27.44DeadZenwhat if they don't have the same ones set
16:28.06oceanlan|dustinServer I believe...but the client has to be able to "accept" the codec...
16:28.14whiteblueHi, sorry to disturb. I have a problem with compiling Asterisk 1.2.x (also the latest) on SuSE10. Make always dies with "chan_zap.c:9080: error: too few arguments to function âpri_newâ" and I cannot find any information about this problem somewhere else. Latest zaptel module is installed if this matters at all
16:28.23DeadZenoceanlan|dustin: where do i change the codec on the server?
16:28.39DeadZenjust in codecs.conf?
16:29.07oceanlan|dustinthats 1...then I believe in sip.conf and iax.conf you have to also make it match...
16:29.22[TK]D-FenderDeadZen : in sip.conf entrey you add "disallow=all", and then add the codecs you want in order "allow=ulaw", 'allow=gsm", etc
16:29.27oceanlan|dustinlike "allow=ulaw" , "disallow=gsm"
16:29.36DeadZencool thanx
16:29.46DeadZenshould i turn on preprocess in codecs ?
16:29.50Trazzfast busy
16:29.52kink0whiteblue: install libpri
16:30.23oceanlan|dustinTK - do you need to change the codecs.conf or is that just giving you the ability to choose between them?
16:30.36Trazzi want it to say they are on the phone whey they are and then send to voicemail, then if not available to go to voicemail, et
16:30.40oceanlan|dustinI personally always set the rule in sip.conf..
16:30.54[TK]D-FenderDon't mess with codecs.conf.  make your settings PER account
16:30.57oceanlan|dustinDeadZen: not sure on the pre-process, never messed with it
16:30.59kink0I also set codecs rules in sip.conf instead codecs.conf
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16:31.08oceanlan|dustinTK - thanks
16:31.08DeadZenok won't touch it
16:31.24DeadZenthat ulaw change made no real difference
16:31.29DeadZenits just got a lot of clicks and pops it seems
16:31.40TrazzTK, did you see its fast busy on noop
16:31.44[TK]D-FenderTrazz : Did you add the NoOp like I suggested and test it?
16:31.55Trazzmade it first in the list
16:31.56oceanlan|dustinI had read something about codecs.conf and such that you can do something in it to always allow or disallow certain ones...but i never tried it..
16:32.08[TK]D-FenderTrazz : pastebin the call
16:32.44oceanlan|dustinDeadZen: do you have any way to check your sent/recieved udp packets?
16:32.47*** part/#asterisk Naturalblue (n=Kay@
16:32.47[TK]D-Fenderoceanlan|dustin : If you want to restrict more globally justdo it in the [general] section of sip.conf and iax.conf to suit your tastes.
16:33.06DeadZenhrmm.. not that i can think of off hand
16:33.14DeadZenim on windows
16:33.18DeadZenmaybe ethereal?
16:33.22oceanlan|dustin<[TK]D-Fender> thanks for the info
16:33.27kink0anyway to log originating SIP ip address ussing standard Asterisk CDR ?
16:33.52oceanlan|dustinhmmm...see i use a software firewall that allows me to make sure the packets are getting from point a to point b
16:34.00oceanlan|dustini never tried it with etherreal..
16:34.46DeadZenhey oceanlan|dustin
16:34.55oceanlan|dustinCan you try the call on another machine? maybe the nic or sound card is jank?
16:34.56DeadZencan you connect to me and tell me if you hear little clicks and pops
16:35.08oceanlan|dustinsure, whats the info
16:35.10[TK]D-Fenderkink0 : put in the the "userfield"
16:35.13DeadZennah i listen to music all the time
16:35.22DeadZenmysjphone / blah
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16:35.39DeadZenits not onboard sound its a sound blaster card
16:35.51oceanlan|dustink..hold on a sec, i dont have a mic here with me but I can at least listen..
16:36.09[TK]D-FenderTrazz : You were supposed to NoOp the variable AFTER THE DIAL.
16:36.34[TK]D-FenderTrazz : exten => 2000,2,NoOp(Dial status was -${DIALSTATUS-)}
16:36.43[TK]D-FenderTrazz : exten => 2000,2,NoOp(Dial status was -${DIALSTATUS}-)
16:37.15[TK]D-Fenderand then pastebin the call with it
16:37.24Trazzok will do
16:38.00whitebluekink0: Thx, I realy forgot to update the header file in /usr/lib. Now its finaly compiling.
16:38.21dfgas[TK]D-Fender: it tells me to put nothing in for incoming on the trunk
16:38.24DeadZenew this guy on the telly just drank a 40 year old beer
16:38.25oceanlan|dustinwhat ext. should i call?
16:38.38DeadZenocean: mysjphone
16:38.43[TK]D-Fenderdfgas : pastebin everything relevent to your connection.
16:38.45DeadZenor 100 same thing
16:38.46dfgas[TK]D-Fender: for incoming calls i have it handle everything to coming in, not just certain things
16:39.08TrazzTK, this is what i get with set verbose 20 on
16:39.08TrazzJan 28 10:51:42 NOTICE[4108]: app_dial.c:1011 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
16:39.11dfgas[TK]D-Fender: but i can't get it to to work
16:39.29Trazzi added the noop
16:39.32oceanlan|dustinnobody here but us chickens..
16:39.42DeadZenyou hear clicks and pops though?
16:39.43[TK]D-Fenderdfgas : I *know* it doesn't work.  Show me what you're DOING so I can see if I can tell whats WRONG.
16:39.47DeadZenlike a bad cell phone connection
16:40.07DeadZenyah me too... i dont want it to sound crystal clear as itll eat processor/bandwidth
16:40.07oceanlan|dustinyea, that wasnt clear at all..
16:40.14DeadZenbut i do want about twice as good as that
16:40.14[TK]D-Fendertrazz... where's that pastebin?
16:40.36dfgas[TK]D-Fender: i am just trying to call in
16:40.52oceanlan|dustinwhat type of connection is this box one?
16:40.52DeadZeni have no idea either
16:41.01DeadZena great one 100mb burstable
16:41.08dfgas[TK]D-Fender: not sure what else you mean  :(
16:41.21DeadZenits burstable to 50
16:41.30TrazzTK -
16:41.33[TK]D-Fenderdfgas : Star listening please. I know that damn connection doesn't work and I want to see where you screwed up.  Show me what your setup looks like !  Pastebin it!
16:41.34oceanlan|dustinhmmm...brb gotta get my daughter a bottle...
16:41.39DeadZenits a dual 3ghz xeon too
16:42.08[TK]D-FenderTrazz : now pastebin a call to it.
16:42.29DeadZen[TK]D-Fender: are there any other quality knobs
16:42.52[TK]D-FenderDeadZen : What codec is being used for the calls?  Any bandwidth concerns?
16:43.02whiteblueDid anyone try to connect asterisk to an avaya/tenovis pbx via voip? avaya/tenovis use a modified / extended h323 and an own audio codec, and it does not look like that ther (now linux based) pbx support a different one
16:43.05TrazzTK -
16:43.06DeadZenuhm just what you said
16:43.10DeadZenallow ulaw allow gsm
16:43.19DeadZenand no.. i have no bw concerns at the moment
16:43.37[TK]D-FenderDeadZen : Look a the CALL.. not jsut your config and what you THINK it should be doing....
16:43.56DeadZenI don't get it
16:44.10DeadZenit should sound much better ;-)
16:44.14dfgasthat is from sip_additional
16:44.17DeadZenhow do i look at the call?
16:44.22dfgaswhat else would youlike
16:44.28[TK]D-FenderTrazz : I don't see the NoOp in that pastebin, for crying out loud don't cut out the NECESSARY info!
16:44.39oceanlan|dustinturn your verbosity up when you run asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvc
16:44.41[TK]D-FenderTrazz: Pastebin the ENTIRE DAMNED CALL
16:44.56TrazzTK, that was everthing from my CLI
16:45.09Trazzi pasted teh window
16:45.14Trazzwith verbose 20
16:45.17oceanlan|dustindid you reload asterisk after you changed the codecs?
16:45.27Trazzi did reload after those cahnges too
16:45.28DeadZenof course
16:45.32saftsacksome hylafax experts here?
16:45.34[TK]D-Fendertrazz : Sorry, no it ISN'T.  I don't see the Dial command being CALLED <----
16:45.47saftsackbecause i have problems with the pause signal
16:45.51Trazzok do i need to up the verbose ?
16:46.05[TK]D-Fendertrazz : you are not pasting EVERYTHING.
16:46.08oceanlan|dustinit is sounding better than it was right now..not sure if you changed anything..
16:46.30Trazzi am running 1.2.3 and maybes its issue with it
16:46.42Trazzi swear i am pasting all that is on my screen
16:46.43[TK]D-FenderI should see every damn command being called in "2000"....
16:47.12[TK]D-Fendertrazz : there is something ABOVE that line...
16:47.39Trazzdo you want to see my context ?
16:47.46dfgas[TK]D-Fender: what exactly do you want me to paste?
16:47.46[TK]D-FenderTrazz : Look at DeadZen's pastebin and you see the kind of stuff I should be seeing...
16:48.09[TK]D-Fenderdfgas : Your sip.conf entries for it and the related extensions.conf contexts
16:48.45TrazzTK, i am not getting that level of detail on my cli
16:48.50Trazzi used to before 1.2.3
16:48.58[TK]D-FenderTrazz : that is a BASIC amount of info....
16:49.04DeadZentrazz you need much more verbosity then
16:49.13[TK]D-FenderTrazz : Just set it to 7 and try again...
16:49.53[TK]D-FenderTrazz : I just set mine to 11 and I see apps being called....
16:50.03DeadZenTrazz: asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvc
16:50.06Trazzi am at 7 now
16:50.14oceanlan|dustinDeadZen: your call looks good...naybe the sound file is crap??
16:50.23DeadZenoceanlan|dustin: hrmm
16:50.37DeadZenoceanlan|dustin: i just got the asterisk-sounds
16:50.45DeadZenoceanlan|dustin: I thought they were professionally done... are they crap?
16:50.48*** join/#asterisk e-milio (
16:51.07[TK]D-FenderTrazz : what version of * are you on?
16:51.31[TK]D-FenderTrazz : You'll need to put that no-op in front of 102.
16:51.32oceanlan|dustinDeadZen: I donno..i have never heard the chickens before! I have only heard some of the others like tt-monkeys and the regular vmail stuff..
16:51.43[TK]D-FenderTrazz : and turn off priority jumping!
16:51.52[TK]D-Fenderfile : Eat them!
16:52.33file[laptop]I have to locate food first...
16:52.52[TK]D-Fenderfile[laptop] : NO!  These people!!!!!
16:53.00file[laptop]I don't eat people :\
16:53.08DeadZenill play a longer one
16:53.16DeadZena vm-instructions
16:53.18[TK]D-Fenderfile[laptop] : just think "protein"!
16:53.47[TK]D-FenderDeadZen : make you enten loop the playback, and then do a "sip show channels" in CLI and it will tell you the codec
16:53.52Trazztk -
16:54.15[TK]D-FenderTrazz : pastebin the new exten....
16:54.31Trazzits at the bottom of that paste
16:54.49oceanlan|dustinDeadZen: still crappy...
16:55.01DeadZenSays: Form ulaw
16:55.20DeadZenoceanlan|dustin: yah it sounds like a 40 year old lp
16:55.27[TK]D-FenderTrazz : You've skipped my requests... swap 2& 3, and insert the NoOp in 102
16:55.27dfgasthis is alot of crap, lol
16:55.59filegah, Swiss Chalet broke the ordering site
16:56.12*** join/#asterisk shepherd (
16:56.15[TK]D-Fenderdfgas : You using AMP?
16:56.16*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
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16:57.30TrazzTK - updated output with new extension info
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16:57.39[TK]D-Fenderdfgas :  try in #amportal .
16:58.09oceanlan|dustinDeadZen: i wonder what the hell is causing asterisk the only thing running on this PC?
16:58.25[TK]D-FenderTrazz : Copy the whole damn NoOp line! GEEZ!!!!!!! I need to see the stupid variable it would print on the screen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16:58.27DeadZendual 3ghz xeon
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16:59.05oceanlan|dustinman...i have a 333mhz that sounds better than that!
16:59.06[TK]D-FenderHow alike do these lines look?
16:59.07[TK]D-Fenderxten => 2000,2,NoOp(Dial status was -${DIALSTATUS}-)
16:59.13oceanlan|dustindo you have lame installed?
16:59.14[TK]D-Fenderexten => 2000,102,NoOp
16:59.21DeadZenoceanlan|dustin: no
16:59.44fileah... I see
16:59.44DeadZenoceanlan|dustin: your 300mhz sounds better?
16:59.51DeadZenthat's a bit depressing
16:59.57oceanlan|dustini know
16:59.58DeadZenthis should sound like a dream then
17:00.15DeadZenwould installing lame make a difference?
17:00.22DeadZenor mpg123?
17:00.35DeadZenthe 300 mhz using ulaw format?
17:00.54oceanlan|dustini dont know...doesnt lame handle mp3 to wav decoding or something?
17:01.23oceanlan|dustinyes, the 300 is using ulaw
17:02.01oceanlan|dustinyea, real nutty...i would look into the mpg123 also...maybe that has something to do with it!
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17:02.22oceanlan|dustini am just throwing things out that have to do with audio just to see what sticks =)
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17:03.48PauloIm using txfax, but the line is disconnected right after I pickup the phone.
17:03.49TrazzTK - that is what is on my screen
17:04.11RoyKPaulo: using pstn?
17:05.26[TK]D-FenderTrazz : I'm getting real tired of repeating myself.  your second NoOp is missing all the GOD DAMNED ESSENTIAL SHIT that is in the first one!
17:05.59[TK]D-Fenderlook at the 2 stupid friggen NoOp's in yuor exten and notice you cut off all the stuff you need to see on screen!?!?!??!
17:06.11RoyKI repeat myself when under stress
17:06.12RoyKI repeat myself when under stress
17:06.17[TK]D-FenderTrazz : please compare lines 12 & 15 in your pastebin!
17:07.03DeadZenthat might affect me if I knew what the heck an Exos Lucius was
17:07.11RoyKnorthern pike
17:07.16RoyKfine beast
17:07.18dfgas[TK]D-Fender: they are wondering why i am in there asking,lol
17:07.20DeadZenahh pike
17:07.29DeadZenits funny how the north has different fish then the south
17:07.35DeadZenim in florida
17:07.54oceanlan|dustinhaha, im in ohio... =/
17:07.59TrazzTK -
17:08.12DeadZencool i got friends in ohio
17:08.26[TK]D-Fenderdfgas : Don't expect a lot of help on debugging AMP problems.  It buries all the stuff so deep and in external databases in there that its a ^&%$@#ing pain to try and fix and a lot of what we'd need to know can't be pastebiin'd taht easy
17:08.27file[laptop]blah blah blah
17:08.28oceanlan|dustinbut it is a really wierd 50 degrees in the middle of winter though...too bad i will miss it on account of asterisk =P
17:08.53gopherspideyAnyone had any experience with the 9133i or the 480i Hard phones fromSayson?
17:08.59[TK]D-FenderTrazz : Fine, there's you answer on how to tell if the phone is UNREACHABLE.
17:09.10[TK]D-FenderCHANUNAVAIL <-
17:09.20oceanlan|dustingopherspidey: i use the 480i's
17:09.24dfgas[TK]D-Fender: heh well if it helps i pasted all of sip.conf and part of extenstions.conf
17:09.39dfgas[TK]D-Fender: heck my fwd don't work anymore either
17:09.45RoyKDeadZen: esox, not exos :P
17:09.54dfgasi can call out but not in
17:09.55RoyKDeadZen: you have the esox niger
17:09.59gopherspideyoceanlan|dustin: How is the sound quality?
17:10.00dfgasit just hangs up right away
17:10.12DeadZengaah i want sound quality!
17:10.20*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
17:10.24[TK]D-Fenderdfgas : Yeah?  And where's the [from-sip-external] context in there?
17:10.33oceanlan|dustinSound quality is nealry as good as polycoms...the speakerphone is awesome
17:10.36gopherspideyoceanlan|dustin, I am looking to purchase a couple of phones for home
17:10.39dfgasi'll get that
17:10.40[TK]D-Fenderdfgas : AMP is convoluted crap....
17:11.01gopherspideyoceanlan|dustin, My Short list was Snom, Polycomm, and Sayson
17:11.41[TK]D-FenderNote to the * community : AMP is shit on a stick.  Candy-coated with sprinkles and a friggen halo, but underneath it all, STILL SHIT.
17:11.44DeadZen[TK]D-Fender: you know we need
17:12.05gopherspideyI am trying to get opinions on with to purchase
17:12.08DeadZen[TK]D-Fender: a shell script that uses curl to post to a web app that runs from the /etc/asterisk directory
17:12.16[TK]D-Fendergopherspidey : What do you expect/need from an IP phone?
17:12.17DeadZento take a config snap shot so you have all you need to check shit
17:12.18oceanlan|dustingopherspidey: Saysons are very very nice...i have had some issue's with booting from tftp servers, but the web config is great
17:12.50[TK]D-FenderPolycom = best business IP phone for the value.
17:13.00DeadZeni am so dreading my upcoming wisdom teeth surgery
17:13.10DeadZeni gotta yank 4 pieces of my head out through my mouth
17:13.11dfgas[TK]D-Fender: in the sip.conf?
17:13.11oceanlan|dustingopherspidey: they are very nice units...for the price, they have a better lcd than the 501 polycoms...but they lack some of the neat things that the polycoms do like im and presence
17:13.12DeadZenits gonna be GREAT
17:13.28[TK]D-Fenderdfgas : No, in extensions.conf.  I have no idea where you call is GOING....
17:13.35oceanlan|dustinHAHA, wow...yea thats gonna suck!
17:13.40gopherspidey[TK]D-Fender, I would purchase a Polycomm but It does not have a backlight, and one of the Phones are going to go on my night stand.
17:14.10Paulomy dialplan has a TXFAX context with: Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=5), Set(TIMEOUT(response)=10), Answer, Wait(1), TxFAX(${FAXFILE}|caller|debug), Hungup
17:14.13[TK]D-Fenderoceanlan|dustin : Polycom LCD = pixel based, Sayson = character based.  I can do graphics on mine....
17:14.13oceanlan|dustingopherspidey: that is a short coming that Polycom has been getting a bunch of flak for!
17:14.27DeadZenwhy dont they have video phones?
17:14.30[TK]D-Fendergopherspidey : Well if thats the point for you sure.
17:14.31DeadZensip can do video right?
17:14.54Paulowhen I pick up the phone, the call dies with Unicall/X event Far end disconnected
17:14.56oceanlan|dustin[TK]D-Fender: that makes sense, i didnt realize that! i am just used to characters!
17:14.59[TK]D-FenderSo far the only phones witha backlight ar the 480i, and the Grandstreams (see my comment about AMP)
17:15.14gopherspidey[TK]D-Fender, I am going to use these phone in a home environment for a Phone, plus an interface for my homeautomation system
17:15.15DeadZenim watching a man part
17:15.22[TK]D-Fenderoceanlan|dustin : wel I'mused to a nice varilable font sized graphic display :)
17:15.25oceanlan|dustina man part?
17:15.55eieiyoanybody familiar with app_rpt?
17:16.05DeadZenyah that movie with vin diesel
17:16.09Paulosomebody else using txfax?
17:16.12oceanlan|dustin[TK]D-Fender: yea, i never even thought about graphics on the LCD, duh....that would make sence!
17:16.24[TK]D-Fendergopherspidey : For home automation you can use any phone if its DTMF based in the dial-plan (like my X-10 setup it), or you'll need an XML capable phone (480i, 601, Cisco)
17:16.25oceanlan|dustinMan Apart!
17:16.39oceanlan|dustinomg...i thought you were watching man parts!!
17:16.56DeadZeni only have to look down if i wanna see those
17:17.07*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
17:17.33[TK]D-Fenderdfgas : Now go see that this context is where you axvoice setup points to!  a friggen dead-end!
17:17.40DeadZensee im still stuck on
17:17.45[TK]D-Fenderdfgas : Go check your AMP settings.
17:17.48DeadZenwhy the hell your 300mhz sounds better then my dual 3ghz
17:17.49oceanlan|dustingopherspidey: the 480i requires POE FYI
17:17.54gopherspidey[TK]D-Fender, My plan was to to do both XML and a dailpail
17:18.21DeadZenwhats poe
17:18.29[TK]D-Fendergopherspidey : By the time you're done adding on the PoE adapter you could by a Polycom IP601 which would be a vastly better phone (minus the backlight)
17:18.31gopherspideyoceanlan|dustin, I realize that
17:18.35oceanlan|dustinhaha, yea...its p4 2.8ghz on a t1 sounds good too
17:18.45jbotpoe is, like, Perl Object Environment, an event driven daemon architecture,
17:18.51oceanlan|dustinDeadZen: power over ethernet
17:18.57[TK]D-Fenderstupid jbot...
17:19.02DeadZenthose are cool too
17:19.19oceanlan|dustinyea, but for a home install, that can get $$$
17:19.38oceanlan|dustinthe 480i CT has a power pack and a cordless handset...
17:19.51DeadZenoh a man apart
17:19.53DeadZenthey kill his chick
17:19.54oceanlan|dustinyou can pair up to 4 cordless's to the one base station...
17:20.00DeadZenand he kills half of los angeles
17:20.04DeadZeni think thats the plot anyway
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17:20.35[TK]D-Fenderoceanlan|dustin : how "functional" is the cordless handset?  Is it a completely seperate SIP device?  Does it have all the standard call control features?  What about range?  Quality?
17:20.46gopherspideyoceanlan|dustin, I am planning to the POE expensive, because my last two Voip phone got fryed by a power surge. :( Cisco 7960 and BudgetTone 101
17:20.50dorphalsigI'm trying to compile the mysql addon for * 1.0.10
17:21.10ckruetzeAre and down? I can't reach them
17:21.10dorphalsigbut I get funny compilation errors
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17:22.14oceanlan|dustin[TK]D-Fender: Range = Excellent, tested up to 250ft. Quality = Good @ long range. Excellent up close. It is not a separate SIp device, but it can use any of the line appearances that you set up on the phone...
17:22.18[TK]D-Fenderoceanlan|dustin : For a few PoE ports its not that expensive...
17:22.30dorphalsigcan anybody help me?
17:22.36oceanlan|dustinCall controll is just like a stanard phone..hold, transfer, ect..
17:22.38[TK]D-Fenderoceanlan|dustin : The appearances is a big downer....
17:22.40dorphalsigcdr_addon_mysql.o(.text+0x1674): In function `usecount':
17:22.41dorphalsig: undefined reference to `pthread_mutex_trylock'
17:22.43gopherspideyPOE is not all that bad. That runs about 150 to 200 dollars
17:23.14JonR800you can also pick up 3com 802.3af injectors for like $25
17:23.23DeadZenwhats an injector
17:23.24oceanlan|dustin[TK]D-Fender: POE when you could get a wall wart in the box with the phone is an added expense =/
17:23.33JonR800poe injector
17:23.43DeadZenoh really 25 is pretty cheap
17:23.48DeadZencheaper then a wireless card
17:24.10[TK]D-FenderJonR800 : Except I believe those FORCE power on, and don't use auto-detect.  If you forget that it's "live" and plug something else on it, it will FRY.
17:24.20oceanlan|dustin[TK]D-Fender: the line appearences is not too bad actually...we have 5 registered lines to one base and 2 cordlesses paired...we always have open lines and the phone does them all simultaneously..
17:25.05[TK]D-Fenderoceanlan|dustin : Can you use more than 1 line key for the same appearance on the base, and use the OTHERS for the phones, 1 each?
17:25.20[TK]D-Fenderoceanlan|dustin : THAT would eb viable.
17:25.29DeadZen[TK]D-Fender: cool
17:26.02JonR800[TK]D-Fender: heh.. then i've been playing with fire several times.
17:26.10oceanlan|dustin[TK]D-Fender: yes, you can assign any of the line keys to a registered line and when you pick up the cordless, it picks up the first available line.
17:26.36[TK]D-FenderJonR800 : Yes... fire is a distinct possibility
17:26.38oceanlan|dustinit doesnt jump into your gets its own line
17:26.56gopherspideyJonR800, What is the model number of the 3com and where can you get it?
17:27.01[TK]D-Fenderoceanlan|dustin : Hmm, I might like to see it in action....
17:27.03JonR800lemme dig.
17:27.51*** join/#asterisk andyo (
17:28.15oceanlan|dustin[TK]D-Fender: we thought that you would only be able to use either the base or the cordless one at a time, but when we gave more lines (linked to line keys) we found that on the cordless you can actually choose which line to pick up, or just hit "line" and it sould feel out the first available...
17:28.19JonR8003com single port POE injector
17:28.57oceanlan|dustinThose 3com POE's are what we use..they are awesome.
17:29.08DeadZenoceanlan|dustin: installing lame didn't help
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17:29.32oceanlan|dustinDeadZen: what about checking your mpg123?
17:29.33TrazzTK -
17:29.39JonR800we use them as well, but for access points and actually a lone network jack.. hah
17:29.44DeadZenoceanlan|dustin: i found mpg321 that the same?
17:30.25[TK]D-FenderTrazz : You are bastardizing a MACRO without the proper formatting....
17:30.26oceanlan|dustini have read in the configs something about how some php programmers updated it to mpg321 or something? anyone know anyhing about that?
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17:31.03TrazzTK, i pulled that from the wiki but it's not working
17:31.32oceanlan|dustinJonR800: we started using them with AP's and found that they are perfect for the 480i's fact...when you read the manual, the damn picture looks identical (and of course all the 48v 500ma specs are the same).
17:31.43[TK]D-FenderTrazz : Look up STDEXTEN
17:32.20[TK]D-FenderTrazz : Where do you think ${ARG1} and ${ARG2} were getting set?
17:32.46Trazzto be honest. not sure
17:32.53RoyK~lart himself
17:32.58[TK]D-FenderTrazz : the WIKI is kind of like alist of SUGGESTINGS. Don't just take random code line-for-line and just expect it to work.
17:33.48[TK]D-FenderYou need to lear about variables, applications, and functions from the ground-up.
17:34.05gopherspideyoceanlan|dustin  [TK]D-Fender Are they smart? Aka If you plug in a non-POE device does it fry it?
17:34.18[TK]D-Fendergopherspidey : Yes, it will fry things.
17:34.24JonR800oceanlan|dustin: cool, i may end up getting one for my ip600.. someday :)
17:34.47oceanlan|dustinyes, they are not auto detect! they just push voltage and dont care
17:34.51[TK]D-FenderJonR800 : I'm fine with my brink on mine at home right now.
17:34.52RoyKcypromis: ping
17:34.55RoyK~seen cypromis
17:35.00jbotcypromis is currently on #asterisk-doc #asterisk, last said: 'ommmmmmmm'.
17:35.01DeadZenoceanlan|dustin: mpg123 doesn't help either
17:35.11DeadZenoceanlan|dustin: try it.. lame, lame-devel and mpg123 are installed
17:35.21twilsonAm I going crazy or is README.variables wrong... I seem to ALWAYS have to quote variables when doing comparisons in expressions.
17:35.31twilsonexamples such as: exten => 1,2,gotoif($[${CALLERID} = 123456]?2|1:3|1) result in a syntax error (pulled directly from README.variables)
17:35.50oceanlan|dustinDeadZen: still shatty
17:35.56JonR800[TK]D-Fender: same here
17:36.07DeadZenoceanlan|dustin: you sure you didnt tweak anything to make it sound better?
17:36.49[TK]D-Fendertwilson : Keep in mind that CALLERID is depricated an may be NULL. a NULL on either side of the comparative operator will cause a syntax error <-
17:36.53JonR800gopherspidey: they're basically half the price of the "smart" poe adapters.  so you just have to judge how forgetful/clumsy you or your users are. :)
17:36.55oceanlan|dustinnope...compiled ** and it was up..
17:38.42oceanlan|dustinDeadZen: i have heard of certain intel chipsets doing wierd things with audio...but it sounds like your stuff is to new to have that problem..
17:40.08twilson:[TK]D-Fender: thanks.  Yeah, just using it as an example, but even if I set the variable (in this case CALLERID), it complains.
17:40.32gopherspideyJonR800, This is want I am looking at I need to purchase aditional Ethernet ports a home. If a purchase a 8 port switch ($50)+ 2 cheap power injectors ($50) for 25  more dollars I ge tthe autosensing in the Netgear FS108p
17:40.36robin_szOK, so whose idea was it to make the capi info command show the controllers as 1,2,3,4 ??
17:41.06[TK]D-Fendertwilson : Take a GOOD look at both side of the comparison......
17:41.19robin_szthus I called them 1,2,3,4 in the capi config ...
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17:41.37[TK]D-Fendergopherspidey : 18$ more :) and get 4 PoE ports, not 2 :)
17:41.39robin_szthus it crashed everytime under load, it tried to dial out on controller 4
17:41.50twilson:[TK]D-Fender: exten => test,1,Set(CALLERID=123) exten => test,2,GotoIf($[${CALLERID} = 1234]?3:4)
17:42.31[TK]D-Fendertwilson: NoOp the CALLERID, and then kill the whitspace around the "="
17:42.45DeadZenoceanlan|dustin: can i connect to your server to hear it?
17:43.03*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
17:43.13gopherspidey[TK]D-Fender, That is also true.
17:43.24gopherspidey[TK]D-Fender, good point
17:44.22oceanlan|dustinDeadZen: hang on a sec, i will make another exten.
17:45.03twilson[TK]D-Fender: Ah, the NoOp showed empty after the set.  Switched variable name to ${BOB} and it magically worked.  :-]  Thanks.
17:45.31*** join/#asterisk slan (
17:46.08slanIn which file are *411 directory entries stored?
17:47.38slanProbably somewhere in /etc/asterisk but I need to see the specific file
17:48.36andyowhose fwd can I dial to test on *? :-)
17:48.41Augheyok, any GXP-2000 users here?
17:48.55robin_szAughey: yes and no ...
17:48.55slanAughey: yes I have several
17:49.06AugheyDo you use paging?
17:49.07robin_szAughey: I have one, but it sucks so much I dont use it
17:49.27AugheyI just got one for "testing", and I'm trying to get it to do what I want
17:49.27slanAughey: Not as yet - my installation is pretty new and paging will come later.
17:49.42oceanlan|dustinDeadZen, i pm'd you
17:49.48robin_szit sits next to my Zyxel WiFI phone which REALLY sucks
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17:50.25AugheyCan I make it not give the busy signal when someone hangs up?
17:50.51DeadZendidnt see it
17:50.53oceanlan|dustinDeadZen: nvm i cant PM...not registered!
17:51.03DeadZenso register dustin ;-)
17:51.08andyoanybody have a fwd number I can test my asterisk setup with?
17:52.41ravenpiAughey: what's your paging problem?
17:52.59oceanlan|dustinDeadZen: i will i just lazy =)
17:54.23Augheywell, with paging, I can only get it to auto answer if I set it as an option in the configuration.  Setting the header Call-Info: answer-after=0 doesn't seem to work.
17:54.56AugheyWhat I've done is set a separate extension (line) to be the "page extension" and configure that to auto answer
17:55.00Augheyit works, but not what I want
17:55.12[TK]D-Fendertwilson : And the old for for the var you were trying was CALLERIDNUM <-
17:55.40DeadZenjust paste a somethin temp like me
17:55.51[TK]D-Fendertwilson : But either way depricated
17:56.01[TK]D-Fenderok, I'm out for a while, maybe back on later.
17:56.08blkremedyis there any way to call into an asterisk box and enter a number for it to call you back?
17:56.15blkremedywith dial tone
17:56.57oceanlan|dustinDeadZen: did you get that extension?
17:57.14oceanlan|dustini replied to your PC
17:57.15DeadZenjoin #port
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18:02.30kippi1what is the stats program that will put all you cvs files into a nice webpage for you?
18:04.10gopherspideyor fisheye
18:04.20*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
18:04.34gopherspideykippil, is that what your are looking for?
18:05.22gopherspidey or
18:05.27QwellMikeJ[Laptop]: y0
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18:14.31kink0anyway to log originating SIP ip address ussing standard Asterisk CDR ?
18:17.28Qwelljustme: go play
18:17.53BSDaemonjustme = lame
18:18.30kippi1is there away I could ring my * box, get it to hang up the call and then call me back?
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18:20.33tuxinator_linuxjustme: why are your getting rid of it/
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18:25.38festr__nick festr_
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18:26.09Paulowhen I'm dialing out, the call hangs right after answered. Receiving is Ok.
18:26.40festr_is it possible in queue to announce sound file as soon as call is accepted by agent?
18:26.45festr_there is only announce for the agent
18:26.48festr_but not for caller
18:27.03festr_any trick or patch?
18:27.09Qwellfestr_: Something like "Hello, how can I help you?"
18:27.22QwellThat's the agents job :p
18:27.42QwellI also think MoH/ring stopping will be an obvious sign
18:32.07festr_Qwell: no, annouce, that calls may be monitored
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18:32.25wunderkinplay that before you put them into the queue
18:32.37festr_i'm using ring method
18:32.50kippi1How can I ring a number and then hangup and get asterisk to call me back?
18:33.12Qwellfestr_: You just need to play an announcement, then dial an agent?
18:33.16Qwelluse Playback
18:33.23Qwellbefore you dial, that is
18:33.24*** join/#asterisk fiber0pti (
18:33.30pifiumorning everyone
18:33.32pifiuhey qwell
18:33.35festr_Qwell: dialing agent is queue job
18:33.45festr_Qwell: no way to insert anything
18:33.55Qwellfestr_: Then put it as an announcement in the queue, OR, play it before sending them to the queue
18:34.23fiber0ptiI have a question about including contexts for night and day. Do I just use "include => context|<times>|<weekdays>|<mdays>|<months> " at the begining of each context or do I need a gotoif statement?
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18:34.48festr_Qwell: yes this is sollution. but for some specific reason i need to play it which announce does but for caller not to agent
18:35.27wunderkinexten => blah,1,Playback(you-are-being-monitored)
18:35.33wunderkinexten => blah,2,Queue(blah)
18:35.46robin_szsigh, what a bunch of idiots
18:36.04robin_szrarely have i seen a DNS more screwed up
18:36.15Qwellfestr_: Why would you need to tell your agent that calls might be recorded?
18:36.32festr_Qwell: omg, not to agent but to the caller :)
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18:36.43Qwellyes, do what wunderkin said
18:38.27wunderkinman why do i always get all of the screwy problems..
18:38.55tuxinator_linuxyou're a screw magnet
18:40.03festr_i need to say this before transfer to agent (ASAP), this is customer's specification. i have to tell him, that thhis is not possible and play it before queue
18:40.22festr_tahts why i need this :)
18:40.42wunderkinfestr_, uh whut?
18:41.01tuxinator_linuxmaybe play the sound after the agent picks ups, then unmute the agent
18:41.35festr_tuxinator_linux: but how?
18:41.40tuxinator_linuxwhich is stupid, as you loose money having the agent wait
18:41.42wunderkinwhat is the problem with playing the file before they go into queue? the announcement is telling them they are going to be recorded? thats where it belongs!
18:42.16tuxinator_linuxfestr_: not sure, new to this stuff still
18:42.18festr_you are right
18:43.34PauloHum... I know now what causes the hungup when faxing from asterisk...
18:43.49festr_tell us
18:44.08robin_szoopsy: Contr4: 2 B channels total, 3 B channels free.
18:44.12robin_szumm ...
18:44.12dfgasanyone use axvoice?
18:44.35PauloThe cause is a mechanism to avoid calls paid by the receiver in Brazil...
18:45.28Paulothe other end has to send a hungup and reconnect in the space of 1000ms
18:45.49dfgasi just need to figure out how to get axvoice to wrok for incoming calls
18:45.56dfgascause it works outgoing
18:46.35PauloI think its called "called to charge"
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18:46.58Paulo(my english is worst than tarzan)
18:48.07PauloIn Brazil its called "double pickup"
18:48.40Paulohow can I setup asterisk to ignore a hungup in the first 1000ms ?
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19:05.04wunderkinthis is the 2nd time both of my pris have screwed up.. i have 2 pri through broadwing plus 2 others crossconnected to another machine, the 2 cross connected work.. but the 2 through broadwing keep hanging up immediately and giving me cause code 16 or 28.. last time this happened i stopped asterisk and restarted and it was fine.. wtf
19:07.10znoGarghhhh the random hangups are driving me nuts on this Zaptel card
19:07.20znoGit just hangs up all of a sudden, and busydetect is OFF
19:07.53justinuCause No. 28 - Incorrect number (invalid number format, address incomplete)/Special intercept announcement
19:08.26wunderkinmy last one that i got a debug on gave a 16 for the same number
19:09.42*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
19:09.50justinuoh noes!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!! broadwing!!!1!!!!
19:10.07wunderkinyes :(
19:10.10wunderkinboth of them lol
19:10.27justinucheck pri debug
19:10.36justinumake sure the Called Party Number IE's look good
19:11.00wunderkinbut it worked yesterday!
19:11.13wunderkinhehe im going to pb it now :D
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19:12.17wunderkinwow thats a mess
19:12.26justinuis that pri intense debug?
19:12.28justinuor just regular
19:12.47wunderkinintense debug
19:12.56justinujust pri debug will be better for this
19:12.57znoGdistinctive ring doesn't work, random hangups, something fishy going on here
19:13.02justinuwe don't care about the layer2 (hdlc) stuff
19:13.15wunderkinznoG, analog?
19:13.30znoGwunderkin: yep, FXO Zaptel card
19:13.44wunderkinthere i got  a 28 this time
19:13.51justinucool, paste it up
19:14.26Paulohow can I setup asterisk to ignore a "Drop Call" event in the first 1000ms ???
19:15.47fiber0ptimy dial tree seams to be ignoring my digittimeout's and responsetimeout's.. any ideas?
19:15.56Qwellweird, features.conf has automon as *1, but when I hit *1, it tried to transfer
19:16.51wunderkinjustinu, its missing a newline on a lot of things :/
19:17.13justinuok, lets see it anyways
19:18.50wunderkinznoG, show your zapata.conf
19:19.34justinuwunderkin: can you try making the call without the 1 in front of the number?
19:19.48wunderkincan try, have always done it this way
19:20.31wunderkingot a 16
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19:20.55justinui'd start bitching at broadwing at this point
19:21.52justinuthe only thing that looks odd to me is line 33/34
19:21.53wunderkinthis happened before and i just restart asterisk and it was fine
19:22.00justinunot sure what that's all about
19:22.16DeadZenhow do you create a mailbox
19:22.18justinuwell, if you want to restart ast, and post another pri debug of a succesful call, we can look for any differences
19:22.40fiber0ptiAnyone have problems with the dial plan ignoring the digittimeouts and responsetimeouts?
19:23.34anonymouz666With Asterisk and E1 card, A customer call to my company... Asterisk pick up the call and do a dial to technical support guy. After they start to talk, the TI manager join the conversation (like chanspy) and start to talk - he can hear both sides, but when he speaks only the technical guy can hear. Is that possible?
19:23.51*** join/#asterisk toma (
19:24.11Pauloanonymouz666, there is a plead to implement this feature.
19:24.41Paulodigium is asking U$ 7K to do this
19:24.50wunderkinmaybe it was the number
19:24.52saftsackcan i receive and send faxes with the same modem in the same time? (hylafax)
19:24.54anonymouz666cambada de ladroes :)
19:24.58wunderkinit does it still to the same number but now another one works
19:25.09wunderkinbut i know a good number that i tested on and i had the problem with that one too.. hmm
19:25.22anonymouz666Paulo, where did you see that?
19:25.33Pauloanonymouz666, os caras estão fazendo uma vaquina na lista de usuários.
19:25.56DeadZendoes one need a zaptel timer
19:26.00wunderkini got a 28 to that number, but i used a  1
19:26.08wunderkinbut i use a 1 for everything else and its fine
19:26.14wunderkinits a LD PRI
19:26.39justinuit's the number plan and number type that determine whether you need to use a 1, or what
19:26.45justinui can't remember all the different combinations
19:26.46DeadZenhow do you make /dev/zap/ctl ?
19:27.00wunderkinWTF now i dont use a 1 and it works but it didnt last time
19:27.53*** part/#asterisk DeadZen (
19:28.19anonymouz666Paulo, I Think mark spencer can do it quickly
19:28.21*** join/#asterisk Simon- (
19:28.27wunderkini dont have a pridialplan or prilocaldialplan specified..
19:28.38anonymouz666this is very interesting feature
19:28.50Pauloanonymouz666, vc é brasileiro?
19:28.57*** join/#asterisk Naturalblue (n=Kay@
19:28.59anonymouz666paulo: yeah
19:29.02justinuwunderkin: if you call the same number repeatedly, do you get different results?
19:29.05znoGwunderkin: would really appreciate it if you could take a look and see if there's anything wrong with my config?
19:29.28Pauloanonymouz666, estou tendo problemas com duplo atendimento
19:29.30znoGwunderkin: i'm pretty sure the config is OK though, I read' all the comments explaining each option and ended up with that
19:29.36wunderkinjustinu, last time yes.. i got a 16 most of the time.. sometimes a 28
19:29.51justinuthat's a network issue then, talk to broadwing...
19:30.00Pauloanonymouz666, sabe como posso fazer para ignorar um "Drop Call" nos primeiros 1000ms de uma chamada?
19:30.19wunderkinjustinu, sounds like i will need to send them the debugs then..
19:30.29justinulol, as if they know how to read that
19:30.49justinuif you bitch hard enough, you might get a tech that understands q931
19:31.01wunderkinwell maybe ill only call locally using voip right now
19:31.29*** join/#asterisk jpablo (n=jpablo@
19:31.40anonymouz666Paulo, PVT
19:31.50jpablohey people, I have no money but i want to connect my asterisk to my gsm network, any suggestions ?
19:32.03wunderkinthe colo changed the 25 pair cable that both of my pris are on (nothing else is on it) .. now i will have to wait 2 months to see if that helped that other problem.. :/
19:32.11tuxinator_linuxjpablo: steal?
19:32.36wunderkinznoG, i really dont know anything about analog, i can only go off of what i have seen here.. ill try to look at it shortly if no one else can
19:32.41jpablotuxinator_linux, hehe, i want some solution using an cellphone or something i don't to buy (yet) a gateway, it is just for a demo
19:33.07tuxinator_linuxwell, when you figure it out, let me know
19:33.32jpablojeje, ok.
19:33.33justinuwunderkin: why 2 months?
19:33.47wunderkinits an intermittant problem
19:33.52jpabloin i see there's some suggetions to use some homebrew cables.
19:34.06jpablobut the lists aren't working right now, so i can't follow thoses links :(
19:35.00wunderkinznoG, looks like all of the trouble makers are turned off.. so i dunno
19:38.32znoGwunderkin: no prob, thanks anyway
19:38.51wunderkinthe formatting for the pri debug needs to be fixed too :)  i think tzanger sent in a patch a little while ago regarding the formatting..
19:38.52*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (n=mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
19:39.16justinuglad to see that made it into the code :P
19:41.18wunderkini bet there is an easy way to strip x number of characters per line in a file :/
19:41.53wunderkincool thanks
19:42.48Pauloanonymouz666, are you receiving my PVT messages?
19:44.11Pauloanonymouz666, do you know the brazilian "duplo atendimento" trick to avoid "called to pay" calls ("chamadas a cobrar")
19:45.51*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
19:46.36*** join/#asterisk Jonathan_ (
19:47.44Jonathan_After upgrading to 1.2.3, the Asterisk CLI does not accept user input any longer. asterisk -r or asterisk -cr causes asterisk to boot fine but you can't type anything. Any ideas what's wrong?
19:48.27*** join/#asterisk austinnichols101 (
19:49.24wunderkinit looks like asterisk defaults to national if you dont specify a dialplan.. i know people normally suggest to use unknown as a default.. i remember there being a discussion to change the default..
19:49.47wunderkinbut if it works.. at least most of the time.. then i dont see where that would be a problem with me..
19:49.49justinuyeah, you could switch to unknown
19:49.58wunderkinmight as well
19:50.02justinuthat's why I'm suspecting a network issue
19:50.18justinuwhen things happen randomly, it's usually not a configuration issue
19:50.25anonymouz666Paulo, voce quer bloquear chamadas a cobrar?
19:50.25wunderkinunless asterisk wasnt sending something right
19:50.28fiber0ptimy dial tree seams to be ignoring my digittimeout's and responsetimeout's.. any ideas?
19:50.39anonymouz666Paulo, nao recebi nenhuma mensagem tua por PVT
19:50.42justinuwunderkin: in that case, it would have to be some kinda bug in the pri stack
19:50.48justinuwhich many people seem to use without problems....
19:50.56wunderkinyeah.. i know ;)
19:51.23Pauloanonymouz666, I want to call lines that use "duplo atendimento"
19:51.43justinumy favorite kind of legos
19:51.52anonymouz666Paulo, não entendi a pergunta cara.
19:51.58mzo_yay portuguese! :P
19:52.07wunderkini should set pridialplan and prilocaldialplan?
19:52.08anonymouz666Paulo, ou talvez eu não saiba a resposta.
19:52.20justinuwunderkin: not sure what the difference is
19:52.21mzo_asterisk is multi-language aware for config files?
19:52.22Pauloanonymouz666, seguinte, estou fazendo chamadas para um pabx que usa esse recurso para evitar ligações a cobrar.
19:52.25wunderkinnot sure either
19:52.31blitzragemzo_: no
19:52.39blitzragestick with ASCII
19:52.41mzo_oh, bummer, that would be cool to have the conf files in cyrillic :P
19:52.53blitzragethere is talk of making it UTF-8 compliant... but not yet
19:52.57Pauloanonymouz666, o que acontece é que quando o asterisk recebe o "Drop Call", ele corta a ligação.
19:53.01wunderkin; PRI Dialplan:  Only RARELY used for PRI. ; PRI Local Dialplan:  Only RARELY used for PRI (sets the calling number's numbering plan)
19:53.05mzo_i have to set up more peer stuff.
19:53.14mzo_and do more crazy insane asterisk hacking crap to make it to do more pointless crap :P
19:53.29mzo_like why would one person need 8 sip headsets all over the house :P
19:54.12Pauloanonymouz666, tb estou interessado em bloquear chamadas a cobrar.
19:54.29*** join/#asterisk jr_ewing (
19:54.43mzo_who shot jr! :P
19:54.47anonymouz666Paulo, FXO ou E1?
19:54.52Pauloanonymouz666, /join
19:55.02jr_ewinghi there
19:55.48jr_ewingmy first connection on irc but i seem to learn quickly, it appears of a nice chat !
19:55.59tuxinator_linuxI think I will go buy some floppy disks
19:56.12justinujr_ewing: where you from?
19:56.19mzo_say dallas, texas. ;)
19:56.22*** part/#asterisk andyo (
19:56.27justinujr_ewing: bienvenue :)
19:57.12jr_ewingOn digium site they explain i need to register ? someone could explain to me ?
19:57.24jr_ewingThe Asterisk channel now requires that your nick be registered with the Freenode Nickerv in order to participate. This measure has been taken to combat spambots and the like. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please "/msg NickServ help register" in your IRC client to learn how to register your nick.
19:57.30Qwelljr_ewing: /msg nickserv help
19:57.41justinuthat kind of register, i thought it was sip register
19:57.50mzo_haha, how 2 be unclear
19:58.29jr_ewingwhy to register ? i 'am currently tchatting with you ...!
19:59.02mzo_so no one takes your nick away mostly
19:59.23justinuand so you can send privmsg's
19:59.55jr_ewingoki ! so this is very important...thanks to all, I'll be back in one hours, childs and wife don't like geek attitude....
20:00.05mzo_and so no one impersonates killing jr_ewing. ;)  We arleady know Who Shot JR. :P
20:00.25justinujr_ewing: lol
20:03.54*** join/#asterisk ibob63 (n=hp@
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20:18.07PauloHow can I configure asterisk to hold the call until the caller hungs up?
20:18.21justinui don't think it's possible
20:18.50Pauloin Brazil the caller controls the call...
20:19.01*** join/#asterisk elg (
20:19.11justinupaulo: what do you mean?
20:19.13*** join/#asterisk brimston1 (n=brimston@
20:19.46PauloI wnat to ignore the "Drop Call" event from the called part.
20:20.01PauloIs that possible?
20:20.23justinuperhaps if you could elaborate more on what you're trying to accomplish.....
20:21.18PauloHere in Brazil,  the call is not finished until the caller hungs up.
20:21.59[av]baniPaulo wants to hold customer lines hostage :D
20:22.56PauloYepz, this is how it works in Brazil.
20:23.17Paulothe caller will hold the line until hungup.
20:24.54Jonathan_After upgrading to 1.2.3, I am no longer able to get asterisk to give me a CLI. During startup, it says asterisk is ready and gives the CLI> but won't accept input. If it is already running and you -r to it, it won't give you the CLI and hangs at the verbosity level line. If I CTRL + C it, it will shutdown normally. What's wrong?
20:28.22Errheh, the call holding behavior used to happen here in the US, although most phone switches don't do that anymore
20:29.21*** join/#asterisk kink0 (n=k@
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20:29.56kink0off-topic : anybody is ussing 2N gateways ? I have a doubt about LCR and routes
20:32.00mzo_heh, when i upgraded to 1.2.3 i broke the gui over apache stuff bad.  Asterisk works fine but all the stats stuff is horribly broken! :)
20:32.13bjerregaardHas anybody experimented with YAC, YAACID or a similar program? I have managed to get YAC to work perfectly by sending the callerid-info via nc, but I am missing the ability to automatically spawn a browser on the client-side...
20:33.26bjerregaardYAACID connects to the asterisk manager-service, but though I'm getting lots of input, the program does not popup either a balloon or a browser
20:37.03SibrPhrekanyone know a way to export the Master.csv into a database program - maybe like filemaker?
20:37.09*** join/#asterisk angom_h (
20:38.29Errcsv values can be imported just about anywhere - it's a relatively standard file format
20:41.34justinuerr: call holding behavior?
20:41.52SibrPhrekErr - yeah but i need it to be constantly importing into FMpro without creating duplicates
20:42.56Errjustinu: what?
20:43.12ErrSibrPhrek: oh, that's a totally different question than what you asked
20:43.38SibrPhrekErr - that's why i need to export it first
20:43.41justinu(12:28:19) Err: heh, the call holding behavior used to happen here in the US, although most phone switches don't do that anymore
20:44.11Errjustinu: yes, that was in reponse to Paulo's comments about phone switch behavior in Brazil
20:44.22justinuyeah, i was wondering what that meant
20:44.33Err(where the call isn't terminated until the caller hangs up, regardless of the status of the callee's phone line)
20:44.42PauloErr, how can I emulate this in asterisk
20:44.51justinui thought there was a fairly long timeout, like 10 seconds
20:44.51ErrPaulo: I have no idea
20:45.10ErrPaulo: it's unclear to me why you would *want* to emulate that, to be honest ;-)
20:45.44Errthe only advantage I could *ever* see to that behavior is the ability to move between phones by simply hanging up the first, then picking up the second - but the security implications of someone being able to tie up your phone indefinitely far outweigh that "convenience"
20:46.17justinuso you're saying it used to be possible to tie up a person's line by calling them and never hanging up? here in the US?
20:46.37justinudidn't know that
20:46.49wunderkinDoS phone attack!
20:47.14Errwhen I was younger, my parents had an independent phone company (it had *never* been part of Ma Bell, even when the monopoly existed), and until about 2000 it still had this behavior
20:47.24justinuwhat company?
20:47.27Errthen they finally upgraded to a switch that didn't use relays
20:47.40ErrGermantown Independent TC
20:47.45justinuheh, cool
20:48.30Erryeah, it was a pretty interesting setup - I toured the plant once; they had rotary decoders for pulse dialing, still
20:48.37PauloErr, I need to emulate this berravior, so other tricks used in Brazil will work.
20:49.08ErrPaulo: you might have to write a different Dial
20:49.11justinuwhat tricks?
20:49.12Err() application
20:49.45justinuerr: step by step switch
20:51.08Errjustinu: yeah, they're single-step-per-pulse rotary switches that reset when the connection drops; couple that with some timers that switch the line to the next rotary decoder after some timeout, and you can decode phone dialing entirely manually :-)
20:51.35Paulojustinu, for example, to avoid "called to pay" calls, some lines would send a drop call event and pickup the line again.
20:52.17Paulojustinu, this works in Brazil because of the call holding behavior
20:52.19*** join/#asterisk Math` (
20:52.50justinudoesn't sound legal to me :P
20:54.20*** part/#asterisk toma (
20:54.35Paulojustinu, "called to pay" calls are automated in Brazil, you have 5 seconds to hungup without charge (so the caller can identify himself).
20:54.54justinuoh, you mean collect call
20:54.56mzo_that's just so tempting to abuse ;)
20:55.15mzo_that or speak in 3 second coded phrases and keep redialing ;)
20:55.49justinuHe is commonly identified as a Kansas City undertaker, (or occasionally as either a funeral parlor director or a mortician), who invented the automatic telephone exchange and has been described as the father of the automatic telephone exchange. Strowger himself would more likely have characterised his invention as the "girl-less, cuss-less" telephone system.
20:56.41*** part/#asterisk mogorman (
20:56.54Paulojustinu, I really dont know the right english expression for when the called part is charged for the call
20:57.02justinu"collect" :)
20:57.27Errmzo_: the speaking in coded phrases is a common use of collect calls in the US
20:57.41Errit's entirely automated now, so you can do this without the operator noticing :-)
20:58.07Paulomzo_, the time limit used to be 10 seconds, and yes, we abused a lot, so they shortened it...
20:58.29ErrPaulo: are you using traditional phone lines coming into your switch, or are you using a digital feed?
20:58.43PauloErr, E1
20:58.55Errhm, that's too bad - if you used a regular phone line you could just flash it :-)
20:59.30justinuE1 MFCR2?
20:59.32justinuor PRI?
20:59.46Paulojustinu, mfcr2
21:00.36justinuusing chan_unicall?
21:01.05Paulojustinu, yeps.
21:01.22Paulojustinu, its a FAX number rent service.
21:01.49Paulolong distance calls are very expensive in Brazil.
21:02.14*** join/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
21:02.46Paulojustinu, we offer local fax numbers in some key cities, and the faxes are converted to PDF and sent by e-mail.
21:02.55justinuso spandsp also
21:03.08*** join/#asterisk ddapue (
21:03.11Paulojustinu, right on the mark. :-)
21:03.23justinucool, coppice's stuff is excellent
21:04.02Paulojustinu, I even run the faxes trhough an OCR...
21:04.21justinusounds like a nice setup
21:04.39Paulojustinu, its working very nice to receive FAXes
21:04.49justinucan you send as well?
21:05.02*** join/#asterisk WillSip (i=WillSip@
21:05.20justinuhave you done any work with t.38 yet?
21:05.38Paulojustinu, well, I'm running into trouble with lines that use de "double pickup" trick to avoid collect calls.
21:06.12WillSipasterisk in spanish
21:06.21WillSipwhats channels please
21:06.30*** part/#asterisk ddapue (
21:06.57Paulojustinu, no, we just set up an ipp printer, so the customer can fax from any application...
21:07.35justinupaulo: you might consider deploying t.38 gateways at customer site
21:07.43justinuthen he won't have to pay telco for a fax line ;)
21:08.29PauloBrazilian legislation are very restrictive on what kind of services one can offer without having to buy an expensive license from government telecom agency.
21:08.38jr_ewingIs there someone who can help with Nufone H323 channel ? there's a field i only can see in debug mode but can't see with NoOp
21:08.52justinunufone does h323?
21:09.10Qwelljustinu: I think he means the h323 channel Jeremy did
21:09.12WillSipalguien sabe algun canal de asterisk en español
21:09.33jr_ewingyes this jeremy Man namara did it
21:10.11PauloWillSip, Hay, ellos hablen portugues pero te entienden
21:10.23jr_ewingUp ?
21:10.42WillSipgracias PAulo
21:11.09jr_ewingMy asterisk send calls to an Avaya (don't laugh ...i have a job...;=)
21:11.13jr_ewingthrough H323
21:11.30jr_ewingto a Skill (Hunt group)
21:11.44jr_ewingWhen an agent hang answer the call
21:12.04jr_ewingi cannot see who in cli console
21:12.25jr_ewingbut if i monitor console in h.323 debug mode
21:13.10jr_ewingi can see something like 'Connection Established with <
21:13.21jr_ewingLaurent fournier>
21:13.27Math`you'll find more details in h323.log
21:13.52jr_ewingLaurent fournier is the name of the owner avaya phone
21:14.27jr_ewingSo as you can understand : i want to know who answer behind the skill group
21:14.32*** join/#asterisk dr0ck (
21:14.40jr_ewingand use it in noop variable
21:14.43*** join/#asterisk angler (
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21:15.10jr_ewingwith the aim to use this variable to send a ¨Pop up to tha agent wo  answer the call
21:15.17justinudigium's interweb comes back online
21:15.25dpryojr_ewing: Btw, are you using any 4620-phones with asterisk? (sip)
21:16.10jr_ewingYes, i successfully installed 4620 with asterisk , but for my current pI 'am working for Call center and i have opprotunity to use Asterisk as a Predictive dialer
21:16.45jr_ewingso it means :
21:17.00jr_ewingi 'am using 6416d + connected to Avaya S8700
21:17.06Math`justinu: digium's interweb?
21:17.12jr_ewingAsterisk is connected trhough h323
21:17.23jr_ewingwhat do you mean by digium interweb ?
21:17.30justinulooks like all the digium folks dropped off for a bit
21:17.43Math`oh ok
21:17.48dpryojr_ewing: Ok, I'm in the process of throwing my S8700 out the window, and replace it with asterisk.. The only problem is that my 4620s sometimes loses their registration status with sip
21:17.52dpryojr_ewing: So they need a reboot
21:18.17JunK-Yyay ipod battery is dead, and apparently my 4 years warranty does not cover the battery, WTF!
21:18.26*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
21:18.28jr_ewingqualify should help you
21:18.33justinuJunK-Y: a new battery is like $30.
21:18.36Errof course the warranty doesn't cover the battery - you can't expect any rechargeable battery to last for 4 years
21:18.41dpryoJunK-Y: Solution: Step on it till it's broken, then get a new one!
21:18.53WillSiphi asterisk work with kernel Red HAt enterprise 2.4.21-4
21:19.04JunK-Yjustinu: the girl from apple said they will replace it for 300$!
21:19.12JunK-Ywhen a new one is that price.
21:19.39jr_ewingDpryo : insert qualify=yes into sip user  configuration
21:19.54dpryojr_ewing: Ah, will try that. Thanks
21:19.56jr_ewingwhat is your dhcp lease time for 4620 Sw
21:20.30*** join/#asterisk rpm (
21:20.52jr_ewingso is there someone to help me with my h323 problem
21:21.12dpryojr_ewing: default lease is 600 and max 7200
21:21.50*** join/#asterisk Math[laptop] (
21:21.56jr_ewingsetup it to infinite, each time dhcp lease exprired  4620 needs to reboot....
21:22.23jr_ewingi had the problem on 300 hundred ip phone.....
21:22.37jr_ewingconnected to s8700
21:22.39dpryoStrange that it doesn't affect anything when it's connected to S8700
21:23.09jr_ewingSure ?
21:23.16dpryoYeah, only problem with the sip-phones
21:23.17justinujr_erwing: not sure how many people here are familiar with h323 besides JerJer
21:23.54jr_ewingyep but how i can reach jerjer... i think he shoul be very busy...
21:24.02justinuyou might have to pay him, dunno
21:24.24jr_ewingi think it's not a h323 problem
21:24.39justinumaybe you could poke around the source yourself and figure it out
21:24.41jr_ewingjust to know wich variable is used in debug mode to
21:24.44justinuor pay someone else to do it
21:25.06jr_ewingscreen name of connected party  phone
21:25.23jr_ewingI 'am not a develloper ....
21:25.38jr_ewingand i'am poor
21:25.40jr_ewingso poor
21:25.40justinuthen you will probably have to pay
21:25.54justinufor someone's skill
21:26.17*** part/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
21:26.18Erryou have 300 IP phones and an existing phone switch, but you can't afford to pay someone some small amount to upgrade to a new switch?
21:26.30jr_ewingWhy not to pay,  but i have a collegue with strong knowledes
21:26.46jr_ewingsorry, My company have ...
21:26.54jr_ewing3 s8700 with 900 ip phones
21:27.13*** join/#asterisk wasim_ (n=wasim@pdpc/supporter/active/wasim)
21:27.46jr_ewingif i want to replace 3 brand new switch (18 month we bought it)
21:28.00jr_ewingi need to give serious argument and a DEMO...
21:28.27Errsounds like your plan doesn't really make sense :-)
21:28.40jr_ewingthis is not my plan
21:28.44Errif there's nothing wrong with your existing system, why do you want to upgrade?
21:29.04jr_ewingi just want to introduce asterisk as an adjunct of existing assetrs
21:29.32newmemberwhat is a s8700?
21:29.38robin_szI always ask this .... "what problem does it solve?"
21:29.44jr_ewingLike voicemail, ivr, cti, fax server and Survivor processor
21:29.51Errgoogle knows what it is :-)
21:29.56*** join/#asterisk oej (
21:30.15jr_ewingAvaya pbx
21:30.30robin_szand it doesnt have voicemail?#
21:30.49jr_ewingnot include with the hudge amount of money
21:30.53*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (
21:30.55jr_ewingit's an adjunt
21:30.57*** join/#asterisk kram (
21:30.59jr_ewingunder Red hat 9
21:31.03jr_ewingunder Red hat 9=)
21:31.04Qwellwelcome back Digium
21:31.21jr_ewingS8700 work under Redhat 9 to....
21:31.44jr_ewingsuch a shame for bigges pbx company to use open source OS
21:32.01Errwhy, exactly, is that a shame?
21:32.24rtwell, i've got my fwd number ringing my sip phone through my asterisk/iax gateway.
21:32.30rtbaby steps, baby steps,
21:33.05robin_szmy next baby step is to try and hook our fax machine back up through * to our ISDN lines
21:33.25jr_ewingDo you thinks it's normal to pay a pbx more than 10000 $
21:33.27robin_szprobably some anaglogue to iax convertor
21:33.35rob0It's a shame for important software of ANY kind to be running on broken, proprietary OS's. :)
21:33.38jr_ewingworking on open source and community develloper still
21:33.48jr_ewingwait for benefits of their work...
21:34.03robin_szjr_ewing: no, but now you have already paid it, moving to * sounds like a plan to make more work if it aint broke ...
21:34.47*** join/#asterisk dasuberdavid (
21:34.50jr_ewingI don't want to replace
21:35.00jr_ewingexisting avaya solution,
21:35.30jr_ewingMy boss will sack me if i tell you one year after upgrade : Hey, i  found a goog pbx totaly free
21:35.40robin_szdepends ...
21:35.45jr_ewing...with all options you still pay
21:35.57robin_szdepends if you are the guy that suggested Avaya ...
21:36.04rpmavaya, ugh.. i remember dealing with that stuff. i love asterisk :)
21:36.15Qwellat least it isn't nortel
21:37.11*** join/#asterisk DannyF (
21:37.13jr_ewingwe have avaya for ten year but i 'am the Rebel of my company ....
21:37.27WillSiphi  i need support instalation asterisk
21:37.47jr_ewingSo ... an idea on this variable i can't found....
21:38.09ErrI think the "look at the source" idea was a good one
21:38.26jr_ewingi tried, but i don't know how to start
21:38.32jr_ewingi seek into oh
21:38.45jr_ewingor something like that
21:39.14jr_ewingand did'nt find sentence like : Connection established with '....
21:39.22robin_szanyway ... I still need to know a bit about running * and Hylafax on the same box ... 4 isdn lines, * answers them and does the ReceiveFax thing over CAPI which works perfectly ...but need to use Hylafax I think to add a fax printer for sending ...
21:39.42robin_szdo I need to dedicate a channel to hylafax in some random way?
21:40.50jr_ewingwhy do you try to use hylafax and not fax systeme include in asterisk ?
21:41.05robin_szthere is one?
21:41.14robin_szfor rx yes, I use that already
21:41.19robin_szbut for sending?
21:41.27jr_ewingjust a minute
21:42.24robin_sz30 seconds gone ...
21:42.56jr_ewingSending and Receiving Faxes with Asterisk
21:42.56jr_ewingThat means when Asterisk is the endpoint of a fax transimition. In these cases Asterisk has to simulate a fax machine and either do something with thi just received image or have received an image in some way that is latter faxed.
21:42.56jr_ewingTo achieve this there are two Asterisk applications: app_rxfax and app_txfax which work on top of a library called spandsp.
21:42.56jr_ewingThe ast_fax application (atand alone app) provides email-asterisk integration. To make life a lot easier, use the mail2fax and fax2mail bash scripts available from These 2 scripts make it easy to send and receive email (based on app_rxfax. app_txfax, and ast_fax).
21:42.59jr_ewingAnother choice is - it only needs spandsp/app_txfax to send faxes, and accepst e-mails with PDF and TIFF attachments.
21:43.02jr_ewingHylaFax and Asterisk
21:43.04jr_ewingAnother solution is the Hylafax software. capi4hylafax and chan_capi will gladly coexist. You just tell asterisk to ignore the DIDs that are used for fax. A maximum of 1 passive card and 4 active cards are supported. RedHat users: Some useful RPM can be found here.
21:43.08jr_ewinghylafax-users Hylafax and Asterisk - Configuration report
21:43.22robin_szof ffs
21:43.24Erra link would have been *way* better than pasting all of that
21:43.30robin_szWAY better ...
21:43.37jr_ewingyep just to interrest you
21:43.51jr_ewingnow you have to pay :=====)
21:44.10Drew___how can i deactivate the internal dialplan of Xlite?
21:44.17robin_szok, thats better, thanks
21:44.58jr_ewingdon't forget
21:45.23jebbathere are t.38 patches in bugzilla too  (for faxing)
21:46.03jr_ewingis there someone who know someone to help me with my debug trace.....
21:46.14jr_ewingjust a little variable to find .....
21:47.40Errjr_ewing: just use grep and search for the string that's printed out, and see what variable it uses in the code - and then look and see if that variable is available in the dialplan
21:47.45Err(or wherever you need it)
21:48.24jr_ewingthat seems a good idea,
21:48.36Errof course it is
21:48.45jr_ewingbut do you mean a variable could be available in debug mode
21:49.09jr_ewingand not one of NoOp can display ?
21:49.30libilaWhat does  the ! do in 'while (!feof($fp)) { $line = trim(fgets($fp));' I didn't see it on the operator page so what does it do?
21:49.39Errno, I mean that the variable will be in C, and I'm sure that not all variables there are available via the scripting
21:49.47Qwelllibila: not
21:49.49libilawrong channel
21:50.03QwellThat was a very, very, very basic question
21:50.09jr_ewingi was afraid by this idea
21:50.13Erryes, a C book would be good
21:50.46Errhm, that's not really C, though - I don't know what it is - perl maybe?
21:51.02jr_ewing300 hundred hours of devellopent course also required....;=)
21:51.19Errjr_ewing: I wasn't talking about your question - although it wouldn't hurt you, either, if you're going to use a "free" program
21:51.39jr_ewingi'am just self made Linux Avaya Asterisk advanced user ...
21:51.41Errit's stupid to consider asterisk free, though - it's clearly not, if you don't have some level of technical expertise that you clearly do not currently have
21:52.10*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
21:52.18Err(no offense intended - I'm just pointing out that asterisk isn't necessarily going to save your company any money, if nobody there knows anything about it)
21:52.47*** join/#asterisk kletter-matze (
21:52.53jr_ewingi quiet agree with you
21:53.03QwellErr: I loudly agree
21:53.40[TK]D-FenderPoint to you this time Qwell...
21:53.45jr_ewingbut the way of open source is to hope , for someone like me, i will obtain help from a coummunity
21:53.56jr_ewingmay be i'had a dream...
21:54.24*** join/#asterisk dijit0_ (
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21:54.39jr_ewingtheres no other intereset in asterisk for me to inprove my own knowledges
21:54.42*** join/#asterisk kletter-matze (
21:55.53jr_ewingif i can create job for C. expert in my team and use a all in one system wich improve services in my company to help her to recruit agent
21:56.02Errjr_ewing: it's not that people don't want to help you improve your knowledge - they certainly do - they just don't want to do your work for you
21:56.22Errthere's sometimes a fine line between those two things, and sometimes a huge chasm, and everyone draws his/her line in a different place
21:56.23*** join/#asterisk kletter-matze (
21:56.27[av]banijr_ewing: give the average person a cisco and a pile of voip phones and their results will be no better than if you gave them an asterisk pc. voip and telco in general is complex
21:56.38*** join/#asterisk dijit0__ (
21:57.04jr_ewinghey, i think you think i'am a dummies .....
21:57.14Errit doesn't make sense for the support costs of your company's phone system to be shifted from paying your avaya dealer to costing #asterisk members time :-)
21:57.39[av]banialso, just because something costs lots of $$$ (eg televantage) doesnt mean you can make it do what you want
21:57.44Errjr_ewing: I never said that - I am saying, however, that since no one here appears to know the answer to your question off the top of his/her head, it would cost *us* time/money to find out
21:57.48*** join/#asterisk oceanlan|dustin (
21:58.41jr_ewingStop your attack, please, i 'am just here try to find a solution to my problem
22:00.33jr_ewingand if i can help, share my own knowleges (like spandsp ...)
22:00.46Errthere's no attack intended, from me
22:01.15*** join/#asterisk Nivex (
22:01.22Corydon76-homejr_ewing: what's the problem?
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22:02.14jr_ewinghi, I just want to know if someone here have ever dealed with h323 problem i 'am currentlyu encountering
22:02.39Corydon76-homeProbably not.  We tend to avoid h323 like the plague
22:03.32jr_ewingyeah sure i prefere IAX 2 but i work on project (Asterisk pseudo Cti for Avaya S8700 through H323)
22:03.36WillSipalguien que sepa como puedo actualizar kernel
22:03.55jr_ewingwill sip : what's your distro ?
22:03.58[av]banih323 is very old and limited :/
22:04.18WillSipjr_ewing is Red Hat enterprise
22:04.18[av]banii have h323 phone i made work with asterisk but its incredible piece of shit
22:04.33jr_ewingbut available on my avaya without additional cost
22:04.53[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Get a UNISTIM i2005 then!
22:04.53*** join/#asterisk kletter-matze (
22:05.02[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: !!!
22:05.07jr_ewingwillsip : yum update
22:05.08[TK]D-Fender[av]bani: !!!
22:05.28Corydon76-homejr_ewing: can you get help with your Avaya without additional cost?
22:05.49jr_ewingno.....never find something free with avaya
22:06.09*** join/#asterisk SERGEUS|W (
22:06.19Corydon76-homeI mean, I can get dbase III for free, but I'm never going to use it, because I can't find people to work with it for free
22:06.32jr_ewingbut it just for test, if it's works, i 'am sure my company will give money in that project
22:06.36ErrWillSip: are you asking how to build a kernel?
22:06.38WillSipjr_ewing dou you speak spanish
22:06.50[av]banijr_ewing: h323 works with asterisk, sort of
22:06.56Qwellhe barely speaks English, heh
22:06.57WillSipdont worry
22:07.09Corydon76-homeNo, but I bet he speaks French
22:07.16jr_ewingyep but is there anyone speaking french
22:07.30WillSipok who
22:07.31Corydon76-homeWe have Quebecois in here
22:07.44jr_ewingnice !
22:07.59[TK]D-FenderC'est pas vrais!  Il faut rein croir d'eus-autres!
22:08.21jr_ewingbut i think i would better to speak most known language..
22:08.23*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
22:08.38Corydon76-homeWe even have people who speak Russian
22:08.50Qwellnice timing
22:09.39jr_ewingqwell what are you meaning ?Fender; do you have a project to play guitar with band remotely  through asterisk N
22:10.09jr_ewingyou said nice , why ?
22:11.57[Airwolf]Is there anyone who has some experience with Realtime/Mysql and using Macro's in the extentions ?
22:12.32*** join/#asterisk ibob61 (n=hp@
22:14.09[Airwolf]Because I can't get a macro to work.
22:14.10Qwell[Airwolf]: realtime switch?  I use it with mssql, but yes, I do macros
22:14.17[Airwolf]Here is the output:
22:15.10[Airwolf]Qwell, well mssql of mysql doesn't really matter ofcourse. But do you reconize the pasted error ?
22:15.12[TK]D-Fenderjr_ewing : It's my nickname from what I was in FPS caming playing CTF maps.  And no, I play a Dean, Ibanez, and if I follow through with buying the one I was looking at today, a Yamaha.
22:15.16Qwell[Airwolf]: Do you have macro-dial?
22:15.59*** join/#asterisk mutilator (
22:16.01WillSipalguien que me ayude a actualizar red hat enterprise linux 3 para multiprocesadores
22:16.09WillSipactualizar kernel
22:16.41ErrWillSip: doesn't it come with a multiprocessor kernel?
22:17.01Err(note: I can *read* spanish some, I just can't speak/write it ;-)
22:17.39[Airwolf]Qwell, yes I have. This is my current configuration:
22:18.05[av]banianyone use voicetronix fxo cards?
22:18.34Qwell[Airwolf]: in the database, replace the ,'s with |'s
22:18.47Qwell, can't be used to separate args in realtime, only |
22:19.18QwellIt's literally looking for [macro-dial,374,IAX2/374,20]
22:19.36[Airwolf]Qwell, ok didn't knew that
22:20.00[TK]D-FenderQwell : whats the deal with using "|" as a delimiter as opposed to"," now?  I noticed mention of a plan to deprecate "," in extensions.conf as well.
22:20.06[Airwolf]Qwell, yeah well I don't have that
22:20.14Qwell[TK]D-Fender: dunno
22:20.28Qwellbut | is used far less often in strings
22:21.12[TK]D-FenderI personally find "|" loathsome and is harder to visually seperate from l1I and just not familiar for those programming in most languages
22:21.31ErrWillSip: Red Hat Enterprise 3 tiene un kernel para multiprocesadores, no?
22:21.53Err(tener probably is incorrect, there - I do not know how to say "comes with" or "ships with")
22:22.08[Airwolf]Qwell, it works now
22:22.19Erryeah, I don't like | nearly as much as ,
22:22.39Errof course, my vote shouldn't count much, as I run a VoIP-only asterisk to talk to a few family members ;-)
22:22.44[Airwolf]But I have to agree with [TK]D-Fender that visually seperating a '|' is more difficult
22:23.44*** join/#asterisk Z-Knight (
22:24.00[TK]D-FenderWhats the major upside to "realtime", buggy as I've heard it still is.. ?
22:24.10Z-Knightanyone know what happened to the asterisk forum at digium?
22:25.28rpmZ-Knight, asterisk is no longer. digium went out of business
22:25.37Z-Knightk thanks
22:25.43X-Robtry the mailing list. people actually read that.
22:25.43rpmhaha, in kidding
22:25.44Z-Knightanyone else care to give a real answer?
22:25.47*** join/#asterisk Rambozo (
22:25.58X-Robthe answer is no-one knows, and no-one cares. Forums suck.
22:27.33[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: afaict the * developers have no idea how to design script languages
22:27.54*** part/#asterisk Rambozo (
22:28.35[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Somewhat... AEL is nifty though.....
22:29.14[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : But as ugly as extensions.conf is, I don't mind it much really... it is very direct and you don't have to worry about matching braces 4 pages down.
22:29.46Errthat's what real text editors are for :-)
22:30.23[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: 1,n suck
22:30.38[TK]D-FenderErr : Still.. its that our normal kludge isn't susceptable to it :)
22:31.03[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: i'm sorely tempted to integrate lua as a replacement, because ael is sorely lacking
22:31.15[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Well I haven't had to do anything so complex that 1,n felt nasty.  Anything more complex is left to AGI
22:31.46X-Robffs, it's just BASIC with more brackets and braces.
22:33.46[TK]D-FenderX-Rob : Hey, I wrote BBS's and plenty of other comm programs in BASIC so pipe down!
22:33.59X-RobI'm saying there's nothing _wroing_ with basic
22:34.08X-Rob[av]bani is the one bitching about it.
22:35.20Errit's not really at all like basic, other than it has syntax and uses $ characters
22:35.28[TK]D-FenderI remember having written ANSI and AVATAR terminal emulations from the ground up.... on of my terminals started getting a scripting language for macros that went from single line nested text functions (not entirely unlike *'s) to a full mid-level language (the only to my knowledge)
22:35.29*** part/#asterisk Z-Knight (
22:35.50[av]banii'd also appreciate it if * didn't sort extensions.conf, i want stuff in the order i put it in there.
22:36.04X-RobErr, no, it's very similar to basic. I could throw together a perl script that would convert it to and from BASIC _Very_ easily. Go read the syntax again.
22:36.16[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Yeah.. the pattern match heirarchy is a piss-off....
22:36.39Errone could say that about many languages
22:36.40[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: its non obvious and can cause a lot of head scratching / hair loss
22:37.48*** join/#asterisk _Soul_ (
22:38.45[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : the parts I hate most are tests in GotoIF having to have "safety chars" to protect against null values.....
22:39.18[TK]D-FenderActually, thats not gotoif specifically but rather the "evaluator" for expressions......
22:39.31rpmif you know basic you can write an asterisk dialplan
22:40.26[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: its obvious extensions.conf started out very basic and then got hack piled upon ugly hack :()
22:41.16[av]baniatm the sorting is the most annoying thing though. i want a switch to turn it off.
22:41.29Errif you know any language you can write a dialplan
22:41.42Errit looks more like bourne shell script to me
22:42.04[av]banidunno what bourne shell you are talking about
22:42.47fiber0ptiI have a bunch of polycom 500's that I'm setting up. copying the same config files with the same settings 5 out of 13 of them won't register with asterisk, not even an error message, any ideas?
22:43.04ErrI'm talking about the actual language features, like the evaluation of expressions and function calling - the other junk is just made up
22:43.42*** join/#asterisk gambolputty2 (
22:45.13gambolputty2Is it possible for * to do the equivalent of sip show channels within a dialplan?
22:45.36Errheh, what does that even mean?
22:45.59[av]baniErr: bourne shell has a much richer set of expressions
22:46.09Err[av]bani: I know - I'm sure basic does, too
22:46.19[av]baniael would be closer, extensions.conf is more like eh... logo?
22:46.27*** join/#asterisk BladeRunner05 (
22:46.35Errmy point is that it's not really like *any* language - but what you know will remind you of it, because all languages are pretty much the same :-)
22:46.56Errit's sort of tcl-ish in its nested evaluation syntax
22:47.24[av]baniErr: no... haskell is entirely unlike the ada class of languages. functional languages usually are
22:47.36Errobviously I meant imperative languages
22:47.47Errheh, "the ada class"
22:47.48[av]banihence you said 'all languages'
22:48.06[av]banimeaning 'all languages except this entire class of them'
22:48.23Errmeaning "all languages that most people even know exist" :-)
22:52.15[av]banithe digium TDM400P has no hardware AEC right?
22:52.17[TK]D-Fenderfiber0pti : pastebin "ls -l" in your provisioning folder..
22:52.19[av]baniits all software
22:55.16*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
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22:55.44X-Rob[av]bani, yes that's correct.
22:55.49X-Robthe 2400 can have hardware EC
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22:56.07funxionDoes anyone use the r option in the Dial command?
22:56.42Erryes - otherwise lines don't "ring" when you're waiting for the extension to be answered
22:56.59funxionwhat do you mean
22:57.11funxionthey ring for me without the r option
22:57.23funxionur kidding ryte
22:57.25Math`the ringing if the other party sends our session progress with ringing status
22:57.40Math`s/the ringing/they ring/
22:57.47Erroh, if you're using purely IP phone stuff, you might hear ringing anyway due to signalling
22:57.48btoeHi, I'm looking for a good tool to act as an answering machine for a home phone, and turn messages into email attachments.  Is Asterisk what I'm looking for?  I'd ideally like something easy-ish to set up
22:58.03[av]banisomeone should just make a generic hardware EC card for *
22:58.06X-Robbtoe, see Asterisk@Home
22:58.11btoethx much.
22:58.15Errif you use a FXO/FXS interface, without 'r' you won't hear a ring sound
22:58.27Math`yeah you will
22:58.31funxionI use an E1 pri and I get ringing
22:58.45Errduring transfers, after * has answered the line?
22:58.48Math`in FXO you get ringing when the audio gets bridged
22:58.58[TK]D-Fenderfiber0pti : Do you see anything in the * CLI showing a reg attempt?
22:59.23Errinteresting - then 'r' doesn't do what I read that it does
22:59.53*** join/#asterisk SibRhell (
22:59.58SibRhellstupid poweroutage
23:00.00fiber0ptiD-Fender: Nothing.. that's why I'm confused by the whole thing.. but they seem to be d\l their config files because they get the wav file, and they use the parameters in the files like getting their extensions.
23:00.07rpmSibRhell, you in vancouver?
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23:01.47[TK]D-Fenderyou sure the reg info is right on all of them?
23:02.08fiber0ptiD-Fender: pretty sure... I've checked all of them more than a couple of times.
23:02.24funxionI am sending calls to an E1 PRI that goes to a cisco whichs breaks the voice into voip then sends it over satellite. If the link goes down the cisco takes forever to timeout so * can "roll over to the next route of choice so I wanted to insert fake ringing from the time the call starts. If I do this then when the call rolls over will the ringing continue even if the second route returns a busy or will it change from ringing to bus
23:02.50znoGweird, i put pickupgroup=1 for 2 SIP accounts, and when I ring one of them, I press *8# from the other, and it says "nothing to pick up" ??
23:03.03SibRhellrpm - vancouver??
23:03.44X-RobznoG, don't forget using 'callgroup' too.
23:03.56[TK]D-Fenderfiber0pti : if you do them one at a time do you see each attempt?
23:04.49[TK]D-Fenderfiber0pti : and is it the sames ones that always fail?
23:04.49funxionmy question above was concerning the r option in the dial command
23:05.25znoGX-Rob: ah, why are both needed? i better check the wiki
23:05.39X-Robyeah, I remember some wierdism there.
23:05.39fiber0ptiD-Fender: don't see them register and I'm at level 5 verbose. Yes.. same 5 always fail. (In the upper left for the channels that are configed it's a little phone that's empty)
23:06.01fiber0ptiD-Fender: and for the other ones I don't see them register either.
23:06.18[TK]D-Fenderfiber0pti : ok, thats a reg failure.  can you pastebin the phonexx.cfg for one that works, and one that fails?
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23:08.23fiber0ptiD-fender: non-working:
23:09.44[TK]D-Fenderfiber0pti : change the bad one to use the ext# for disp name, address etc... I found setting the wrong one in there killed me a few times
23:09.56[TK]D-Fenderfiber0pti : leave naming up to *.
23:10.15WillSipalguien que me ayude a actualizar kernel en enterprise 3
23:10.35fiber0ptiThe bad one is using the extension number :/ the but I also have many other ones that work with that
23:12.13[TK]D-Fenderfiber0pti : ok, pastebin sip.conf
23:12.56fiber0ptiD-Fender: there is another working one that is similar to the non-working
23:13.22[TK]D-Fenderfiber0pti : Did you build these completely from scratch?
23:13.40fiber0ptiD-Fender: No. Got the from someplace like voip-info.
23:14.23fiber0ptiD-fender: sip.cfg is too big. Won't fit in the putty buffer
23:14.32[TK]D-Fenderfiber0pti : missing the sip.conf pastebin... I only have a minute to look...
23:14.39[TK]D-Fendersip.conf, sorry
23:15.06fiber0ptiit's too big too :/
23:15.07[TK]D-FenderI know sip.cfg is over 100K :)
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23:15.14[TK]D-Fenderyour * sip.conf?
23:15.24fiber0ptiyeah.. cuz of all the extensions I have to register
23:15.26fiber0ptigot 15 in it
23:15.27[TK]D-Fenderhow can it be taht bad?
23:15.39[TK]D-Fender15?  big deal.. paste it all
23:15.56fiber0ptiOk. I will try.. gotta piece it together
23:16.16[TK]D-Fenderwhy in pieces?
23:18.11SibRphrekcan you setup for a 2nd extention to be on the same outgoing phone number?  or would that cause asterisk to have an anurism?
23:18.29[TK]D-Fenderoutgoing?  clarify please...
23:18.48SibRphreklike i have a real number that calls my server.  516+***-****
23:18.54SibRphrekbut currently only have 1
23:19.04[TK]D-FenderSibRphrek : if you mean dialing 2 zap number, then no... they are both considered "answered" as soon as you dial ......
23:19.08SibRphrekcan i have 2 extentions on that same number?
23:19.15[TK]D-Fenderand most things that hit PSTN the same....
23:19.16SibRphrekoh ok
23:19.18SibRphrekthat's what i thought
23:19.25SibRphreki'm waiting on a DID on monday
23:19.33SibRphreki got an excel sheet coming with a bunch of numbers for me
23:19.52[TK]D-Fenderok I've got to go... might be back on later, but I doubt it....
23:19.55SibRphreknow if i could just get the master.csv to export and get it importing into Fmpro
23:19.58SibRphreklater TK
23:20.18fiber0ptiaww shit.. he left didn't he
23:20.41[TK]D-Fenderfiber0pti : You should be setting them up as FRIEND, not PEER....
23:21.05SibRphrekwhat's the difference between friend and peer?
23:21.16fiber0ptibut some are working with peer
23:21.23[TK]D-Fenderfiber0pti You also have a USERNAME clause in there for 0683 which you shouldn't in ANY of them.  I believe these 2 things will fix it all
23:22.44fiber0ptino user name?
23:22.46[TK]D-Fenderif you're lucky.. I don't see anything else offhand unless you mac.cfg is pointing to the wrong phonexx.cfg file...
23:22.54fiber0ptidon't have a mac.cfg
23:22.56fiber0ptiwhat's that?
23:22.57[TK]D-Fendereither way, triple check after the changes & reboots of phones...
23:23.10dijit0anyone know if is any good?
23:23.13[TK]D-Fenderyour <mac>.cfg in provisioning.
23:23.30[TK]D-Fendertriple check that you're calling the right phonexx.cfg
23:23.32[TK]D-Fenderas well
23:24.44fiber0ptiI thought that you had to have a username in sip.conf for each entry?
23:25.20fiber0ptididn't work..
23:29.25fiber0ptihow do you flash a polycom phone 100%? I've flashed it using 4,6,8,* and the line still has a name associated that I never entered
23:33.24*** join/#asterisk hellop (
23:34.11hellopI plugged in a USB jumpdrive to my * server, and immediately, my 100p zap card died.
23:34.33X-Robgood effort.
23:34.41hellopWhen I do ztcfg -vv, I get ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)
23:34.45*** join/#asterisk thazza (
23:34.49hellopI don't understand what changed..
23:35.00hellopany suggestions?
23:35.01X-Robhave you power cycled the machine and re-seated the board?
23:35.07hellopX-Rob, yes
23:35.17X-Robwell, go buy another x100p card then. your one just broke.
23:35.27hellopweird concidence...
23:35.43hellopmaybe I ESD shocked it?
23:35.45X-RobNah. They're crap. What do you expect for $5?
23:36.11hellopok..  I'll try that.
23:36.14helloptks X-Rob
23:36.16*** join/#asterisk pr0m (
23:37.30*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
23:40.21*** join/#asterisk angom_h (
23:42.14*** join/#asterisk angom (
23:42.19*** join/#asterisk hellop (
23:42.26hellopX-Rob, you were right.
23:42.43X-Robno probs
23:42.59X-RobI've had nothing but bad luck with 'em.
23:43.11hellopIt just couldn't compete with my massive jump drive, and commited suicide.
23:43.26*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
23:44.55jr_ewinghi there
23:45.00robin_szwhy hello
23:45.23jr_ewingbecause i was not here since one hour
23:45.42*** part/#asterisk angom (
23:45.44robin_szok, let me try that again
23:46.03robin_sz"why, hello there"
23:46.18*** join/#asterisk Tecky` (
23:46.28robin_szno question mark, see?
23:47.33jr_ewinghow to configure X101 P for france, i need fxo mode = CTR21...? i can dial but canno't receive even if ztmonitor show gain increase when it rings
23:47.42Tecky`got a question for anyone to answer... Could i, have a asterisk box on the inside of my nat'd network ( and place a phone at my office at another location and have phone calls come in there (using some kinda external routing) ?
23:47.55*** join/#asterisk razu (
23:48.22jr_ewingya with iax2 no problem with nat...
23:48.35Tecky`how hard would it be to setup ?
23:48.38jr_ewingjust open 4569 port on yours both site
23:49.18Tecky`ahhh nice thats the only port ?
23:50.07*** join/#asterisk The_X (
23:50.11The_Xhi folks
23:50.14The_Xquick Q
23:50.25The_XI have a 7960 behind a linksys talking to my asterisk box at work
23:50.31Tecky`jr_ewing: what setup do you recomend for a asterisk@home setup .... card & phones ?
23:50.40The_Xwhen I talk from a cell to the 7960 it works fine
23:50.46The_Xbut voice from 7960 to cell won't work
23:50.48jr_ewingdepend on what you need...
23:50.54jr_ewingif you have analog
23:51.12Tecky`I have a pots line from verizon feeding all the outlets in the house ... etc.
23:51.13jr_ewinggo to order digium board to avoid lose your time
23:51.34The_Xdo I need to fwd something to get the voice from 7960 to work outside the nat
23:51.39The_Xinbound works fine
23:51.45The_Xcan't figure it out
23:52.09jr_ewingwhat is the channel you are usinf The-x ?
23:52.12jr_ewingSIP ?
23:52.34The_X7960 -> linksys -> internet -> asterisk
23:52.49jr_ewingasterisk is on public adress ?
23:52.56The_Xit registers and all
23:53.03The_XI can talk from my cell to the 7960 and it works
23:53.07jr_ewingnot behind nat (your company lan )
23:53.09The_Xbut from 7960 to cell, I can't hear
23:53.25X-RobThe_X, welcome to the world of VoIP and NAT
23:53.30The_XI'm no network clueless and I read a whole lot to get it working but I can't figure out why outbound won't work
23:53.31fiber0ptiAnyone know why my asterisk box might be ignoring the digittimeout and responsetimeout? Just hangs up when there's nothing else to do
23:53.35X-Robit's a world of pain and frustration
23:53.36dogtanianjust use iax :)
23:53.46jr_ewingdoes 7960 handle IAX protocol ?
23:53.49[av]banicisco VIC-FXO are they decent FXO interfaces?
23:53.50The_Xinbound should be the problem
23:53.52[av]banijr_ewing: no
23:53.54The_Xbut it works
23:53.55jr_ewingyea Dog
23:53.58X-Robfiber0pti, Use TIMEOUT(digit) and TIMEOUT(response).
23:54.02X-Robthose other two are depreciated.
23:54.17jr_ewingyou cannot expect it works well with to endpoint behind nat
23:54.23fiber0ptiX-Rob: I am :/
23:54.25dogtanianThe_X: it's a NAT problem and i had it with SIP too.... I use IAX now and it works fine
23:54.26The_Xthe asterisk has a public address
23:54.30jr_ewingIf Asterisk is realy on public adress, try a Stun server
23:54.31fiber0ptiexten => s,1,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=5)
23:54.39fiber0ptiexten => s,n,Set(TIMEOUT(response)=10)
23:54.45The_Xdoes it come with asterisk?
23:55.02*** join/#asterisk Simon-_ (
23:55.24The_Xstill weird that inbound works
23:55.27dogtanianyou'll need to use a voip provider that supports iax tho
23:55.27The_Xbut outbound wont
23:55.37The_Xthe asterisk server is my own at work
23:56.02fiber0ptiX-Rob: kinda of odd?
23:56.10jr_ewingbecause asterisk don"t know where to send rtp packet behind your home gateswsay
23:56.11X-Robyup. dunno.
23:56.36fiber0ptioh.. I do get the following message though:  == Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/0684-a754' status is 'UNKNOWN'
23:57.03The_Xewing, when I call from anywhere to my 7960 it works fine
23:57.11The_Xbut it's when I talk from the 7960 that it doesn't
23:57.16The_Xno need to fwd any ports for that

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