irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060127

00:02.16*** join/#asterisk AlexCTI (
00:04.30[TK]D-FenderUGH... any RTP/audio bugs reported with 1.2.3?  I've got 2 servers I'm trying to tied together with one acting as peer, the other as friend (SIP)
00:04.56[TK]D-FenderNo NAT, all public IP's, server to server
00:05.14[av]banipublic ips? party time for hax0ring!!11!
00:06.13Seldon1975i just tried to 'make install' asterisk 1.2.3 from source but I get a message: "make: *** [cleantest] Error 1"
00:06.18[TK]D-FenderAfter all the help I give to this channel I think I deserve a bit more thank you....
00:06.20Seldon1975please help
00:06.28Seldon1975my pbx is down at the moment
00:06.43*** join/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
00:07.07[TK]D-FenderSeldon1975 : Do a "make clean" first then "make", then "make install"
00:07.29Seldon1975D-Fender: same result
00:08.54QbYI just built * 1.2.3 -- I want to build it from the ground up (.confs) -- wheres the best documentation for it?
00:09.21QbY[TK]D-Fender -- Thank you..
00:09.23QuAd|Haudraufconcerning the gxp2000, can someone confirm this?: - it's not possible to delete letters and numbers from phonebook entries, number, name etc... a delete key is missing!
00:09.32Seldon1975D-Fender: this is my output:
00:10.18[TK]D-FenderQbY : What kind of phones are you running?
00:10.38Seldon1975i just tried to 'make install' asterisk 1.2.3 from source but I get a message: "make: *** [cleantest] Error 1"
00:10.43QbYSIP..  and I have IAX trunks
00:11.30[TK]D-FenderQbY : Ok, are your phones set up?  "sip.conf" part that is.
00:11.52QbYnope..  i'm going to build it from scratch..  this is a dummy box -- so i can play/learn
00:12.05*** join/#asterisk Alric (
00:12.17*** join/#asterisk SibrPhrek (
00:12.41*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
00:12.45AlricSetCallerID(num|a) used to set ANI as well.  With the new system, does Set(CALLERID(number)=num|a) work as well?
00:13.04[TK]D-FenderQbY : What were you using before?
00:14.00QbY[TK]D-Fender -- I have an Asterisk/AMP installation--but I got tired of being "limited" so I stopped using the AMP.
00:14.19*** join/#asterisk kokostark (
00:14.19QbYBut with it being once an AMP install, I get so damn confused with how the call flows..  So I want to build this box from scratch
00:14.26QbYand replace my other box
00:14.38EksilAndyCapQbY: going from amp to writing config from scratch is a bit much?
00:15.22[TK]D-FenderQbY, ok, do you still have your AMP leftovers?
00:15.26AlexCTIHow can I check my Asterisk version?
00:15.34jaikeshow version
00:15.34rene-QBY i have found that editing the *_custom.conf files work best most of the time
00:15.41AlexCTIok, thanks
00:15.58QbYEksilAndyCap: I've been tinkering currently..  But I'm tired of asking questions..  So I want to build this box and do it..
00:16.11eieiyoQbY, i found this site pretty good... if you just read the comments you will understand how it links up
00:16.20rene-in debian you can install amp super easy
00:16.20*** join/#asterisk fdgfd (
00:16.23jaikehow bout the sample conf files with "make samples"
00:16.34Seldon1975D-Fender: here is the error in my make process: cp: cannot stat `.cleancount': No such file or directory
00:16.42Seldon1975D-Fender: does that make any sense?
00:16.48[TK]D-FenderSeldon1975 : Where did you DL it from?
00:17.31[TK]D-Fenderjaike "make samples" creates a psychotic pile of crap setup that takes forever to clean out.
00:17.33rene-if you are relatively new to asterisk then i recommend to scrap the sample files and wirte them in your edito so you can learn what everything means, you can then add anything you need, and it looks neat, professional and it is easy to maintain
00:17.41[TK]D-FenderSeldon1975 : DL from FTP direct from
00:17.51eieiyodoes anybody know how to change the port for sip that asterisk uses? do you just change it in the configuration files under the [general] context.... port=2000 instead of port 5060. will this work?
00:18.01rene-it is best to have limited functionality but to have a grasp on what your * box does and why
00:18.10Seldon1975D-Fender: ok, but isnt /trunk meant to be latest stable 1.2.3?
00:18.12fdgfdI'm new with asterisk: can somebody tell me if it can act as SIP registrar? and also what can I do if my asterisk is separed from phones by a NAT?
00:18.29justinuyes, and yes (for the most part)
00:18.37[TK]D-FenderQbY : list me the extensions you'd like to have and I'll give you a sample extension.conf to start with
00:18.41jaiketkd-fender: its got documentation in it so i think its a start for beginners
00:18.52rene-fdgfd: yes
00:18.54[TK]D-FenderSeldon1975 : I don't know... I'm just going with what seems to work.
00:18.58rene-and yes
00:19.12Seldon1975D-Fender thanks
00:19.27[TK]D-Fenderjaike : there's jsut so much randon stuff in there it leaces you asking "why" beacuse it isn't coherent.  the parts don't add up... its just PARTS.
00:19.31rene-if asterisk is outside nat it will be easy to make your sip behing nat phones work
00:19.46fdgfdok, and how can I solve NAT problem? if I have VOIP phone - NAT - Asterisk, the voip phone MUST speackIAX ?
00:19.59rene-that would be a way
00:20.04rene-but for the most part
00:20.13justinuSIP works over nat, just set nat=yes in sip.conf
00:20.19Drew_____what is natted asterisk or the phones?
00:20.20rene-you just need to add a nat=yes directive in your asterisk sip config for the device
00:20.33fdgfdand he do like a Session Border Controller?
00:20.35[TK]D-Fenderfdask : No... * can work fine with NAT using SIP if you set it right
00:20.37jaikejustinu: ive learned its not always the case....sip and nat has always given me problems
00:20.47rene-asterisk does sit in the audio path
00:20.51justinuit can be tricky, but if you know what you're doing you can make it work
00:20.58AlexCTIjaike: which version is it: Asterisk SVN-trunk-r7230?
00:21.04[TK]D-FenderDrew_____ has learned all sorts of things today about NAT hasn't he? :)
00:21.16Drew_____yes :)
00:21.29rene-so you can think of it as a sbc in that regard
00:21.42fdgfdSIP and NAT can work (STUN & co) but the real problem is the media
00:21.59Drew_____well acutally i learnt about asterisk - the concept of NAT is clear ;)
00:22.06fdgfdasterisk can sit in the audio path yous saying nat = yes ? :)
00:22.12[TK]D-Fenderfdask : I've worked nat every which way and have never had a problem....
00:22.33rene-you dont even need stun
00:22.43rene-in some cases
00:22.46[TK]D-Fenderfdask : For * to stay in the middle at least one leg of the call must be "canreinvite=no"
00:23.10jaikealexcti: dunno...mine shows   Asterisk 1.2.1 built by root @ pbx-5 on a i686 running Linux on 2005-12-20 05:58:14 UTC
00:23.17rene-D-Fender is right
00:23.17[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: our polycoms shipped with boot 2.6.0 / rom / sip, should we upgrade?
00:23.40[TK]D-Fenderthe versions don't match....
00:23.50fdgfdD-Fender: what do you meant with "one leg" sorry?
00:24.06[TK]D-Fender2.6 ione major version, 3.1 is a completely different version.  can you clarify these?
00:24.11MstlyHrmls[av]bani: boot and rom aren't seperate version. It's a BootROM
00:24.16[TK]D-Fenderthaose are both BR versions
00:24.22*** join/#asterisk johnnyb (n=jonathan@
00:24.27rene-one of the sides of the conversation other than asterisk
00:24.34[av]baniim reading it off the phone's 'status' page
00:24.38rene-or asterisk if the call ends in asterisk (e.g. voicemail)
00:24.56[TK]D-FenderMstlyHrmls : Wait.. nt entirely.  there is the bootBlock.
00:25.13MstlyHrmls[TK]D-Fender: that's true
00:25.16[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Ok, you've got near-bleeding-edge firmware on it.  no need to upgrade anything
00:25.27*** part/#asterisk jaike (n=a@
00:25.34justinudamn eyebeam softphone! doesn't look at the DNS SRV record priorities
00:25.35MstlyHrmls[TK]D-Fender: but you don't generally upgrade that :-)
00:25.42[TK]D-FenderMstlyHrmls : Never saw any meaningful docs on BootBlock vs BootROM though.  Unsure of the implications.
00:25.43fdgfdcanreinvite I suppose that is for optimize the Session Border Controller that is to re-invite client to put in contact without triangular routing isn't it?
00:25.45[av]banisuper annoying: polycom web has no status page
00:25.50[av]banionly settings
00:26.07_Sam--chalk 2 up for the gxp2000!
00:26.09[TK]D-FenderMy IP 600 here is on BB 2.4.0, BR 2.6.1, SIP 1.5.2
00:26.21[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : web?
00:26.24jbalcomb_Sam-- eh?
00:26.40rene-polycoms are annoying
00:26.41[av]banidoesnt tell you anything about the phone status, only lets you change settings
00:26.52[av]banisipura, grandstream etc all tell you full status
00:26.52[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Kep away from the web-adnim if you know whats good for you :)
00:26.55_Sam--sorry...[av]bani earlier said the gxp2000 config was much he said the polycom has no status page (the gxp2000 does)...thats why i said chalk 2 up
00:27.00*** join/#asterisk franck (n=franck@tikiwiki/franck)
00:27.02[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: thats what i'm slowly figuring out :/
00:27.04rene-canreinvite=yes means asterisk will try to stay out of the conversation
00:27.16MstlyHrmls[TK]D-Fender: hard to find info on the BootBlock
00:27.19[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : You don't trust me after all this time?  I'm hurt...
00:27.27rene-eg asterisk will issue a reinvite to calling party
00:27.28fdgfdthank you guys you're very kindly
00:27.30MstlyHrmls[TK]D-Fender: it's primarially all about BootROM and app
00:27.30jbalcomb_Sam-- ah, too bad everything else about the GXP-2000 blows. :/
00:27.35[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Got the SIP 1.6.2 SIP package?
00:27.49fdgfdI'll choose * for my next work as SBC
00:27.58rene-grandtream is easy to setup but poor quality, polycom is the opposite
00:28.02[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : the firmware comes with a pile of sample configs to start you off...
00:28.13[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: ours shipped that way
00:28.14jbalcombhow do you configure IRQs in the Linux?
00:28.16[av]baniout of the box
00:28.34[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : You don't really.. you need to go into your boios to move stuff around.
00:28.34EksilAndyCapjbalcomb: in the bios?
00:28.40[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : tha means down-time
00:28.50jbalcombI *heart* downtime.
00:29.03[av]banijbalcomb: you dont. (you dont in windows either, really. the 'irq routing' is really pseudo-routing)
00:29.05EksilAndyCapjbalcomb: and depending on the bios it might not work so you have to swap cards around
00:29.22Mr-packetany suggestions what hardware works well to connect to analog lines on the PTSN?
00:29.33jbalcombI just need to get the four other devices to stop sharing an IRQ with my Digium TE411P
00:29.40MstlyHrmls[TK]D-Fender: the main thing I've heard is that the BootBlock is there to make the BootROM upgrades fault tolerant
00:29.54EksilAndyCapjbalcomb: since the actual irq lines A,B,C and D move around move in some fancy weave pattern
00:30.12Drew_____is there any way of controlling the volume of playback in * ?
00:30.23AlexCTISome one can tell me which is my asterisk version: Asterisk SVN-trunk-r7230 built by root @ VoIpSrv on a i686 running Linux on 2006-01-09 15:50:45 UTC
00:30.49Drew_____alex  - type "show version" in *-console
00:31.03AlexCTIthats what i did..
00:31.11alx_fugitivo: jepp .. they banned my ip to use their service .. changed the IP and its all working again ;)
00:32.42[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Just take it down and start poking!
00:33.00AlexCTIVoIpSrv*CLI> show  version
00:33.00AlexCTIAsterisk SVN-trunk-r7230 built by root @ VoIpSrv on a i686 running Linux on 2006-01-09 15:50:45 UTC
00:34.06EksilAndyCapAlexCTI: it's a svn revision not a release. :-P so I guess you can look at the revision history in svn and see what release you're closes too
00:34.40[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Download this, make an account on your server for your Polycom's and extract it into the /home folder for that account -
00:35.12tehdelyi think i have a newer release sitting around
00:35.40[TK]D-Fendertehdely : I was just tyeing to give him the version that matched his phones first.
00:35.55tehdelyi still haven't moved to central provisioning
00:35.58[TK]D-FenderStart slow, tweak it in and 1.6.3 is mostly bug-fixes...
00:36.02tehdelyonly have a few of the darn things
00:36.09[TK]D-Fendertehdely : I do it at work & home.
00:36.09*** join/#asterisk Seldon19751 (n=someone@
00:36.36[TK]D-Fender(having taken an IP 600 home it provisions for home use whie here, and back to normal in the office)
00:36.50tehdelyi have a 501 on my desk but i just spent a few minutes in the web panel
00:36.54tehdelylazy i suppose :>
00:36.59malverian[work]Hey guys, quick question...
00:37.14malverian[work]If I have exten => _XXXX,1,........
00:37.20malverian[work]And then I include => somecontext
00:37.28[TK]D-Fender_XXXX = evil
00:37.30malverian[work]And somecontext has exten => 1234,1,.....
00:37.40[TK]D-Fender1234 should take precedence
00:37.49malverian[work]Yeah.. that's what I thought, but it isn't for some reason..
00:37.50malverian[work]With 1.2.1
00:38.19[TK]D-FenderHmmm... could be "order of occurence".  Try swapping the calls
00:38.23Seldon19751is there a specific version of Zaptel to use with Asterisk1.2.3?  Is svn/zaptel/trunk ok?
00:38.38malverian[work][TK]D-Fender, I did.
00:38.39[TK]D-FenderSeldon19751 : 1.2.2 is still the latest.
00:38.55Seldon19751ok, is that what I get at zaptel/trunk
00:38.55[TK]D-FenderIt was an emergency SIP update, not because of Zaptel
00:39.50*** join/#asterisk mattwj2005 (
00:40.02malverian[work]I'm confused...
00:41.27[TK]D-FenderMaybe its pure alpha and _ beats 1.  Check the WIKI.
00:43.15malverian[work]Gah.. this sucks.
00:43.19malverian[work]I swear this worked in 1.2.0
00:44.51[av]banii hate how * sorts extensions
00:44.56[av]banii want them in the order i put them in, dammit
00:45.16*** join/#asterisk pengyong (n=lala@
00:46.05malverian[work]Yeah.. ugh..
00:46.11malverian[work]I really thought this worked before..
00:46.45*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
00:51.09*** join/#asterisk troyb1 (n=troy@
00:51.47[TK]D-FenderDrew_____ : They're worth every penny I paid for them.....
00:52.35Drew_____sure - but you can get music unter the cc-licence on ie.
00:53.51Drew_____ok i agree - cc isnt gpl but it will do
00:54.33*** join/#asterisk Damin_PDA (
00:56.30Zodiacal-for those of you that run SIP. do your ext.'s ring on the first ring that * gets?
00:57.23Zodiacal-im wondering if my ext' ring delay issue is related to sip or my analog lines and/or fxo modules..
00:59.04Zodiacal-any and all input would be greatly appreciated
01:00.47Zodiacal-i guess everyones sleepin
01:01.03AlexCTIAnyone knows how can i make that asterisk take the ANI and send it to thr carrier, so I'm using asterisk as VoIP gateway.
01:01.04malverian[work]Anyone have a decent ring tone that will work with snom320?
01:01.23wunderkinZodiacal-, hold onto your panties, it is because it is waiting for caller id
01:01.33wunderkinthat is because of the analog lines yes
01:01.42Zodiacal-wunderkin i set callerid to no
01:01.42mzois there some limit of what kinds of songs you can put in?  it will take every format? :P
01:02.41wunderkinZodiacal-, so you have an analog card connected to your phone line and  a sip phone to *, the sip phone doesn't ring until after a few rings from the pstn?
01:02.47rezacan i make a call using the * cli? if so, what's the syntax or where is it documented?
01:03.09Zodiacal-wunderkin exactly.. its usualy the second or third ring
01:03.20Zodiacal-softphones and hardphones
01:03.37malverian[work]Anyone have a place to download normal phone type ring tones?
01:03.42Zodiacal-also dialing out takes about 15 seconds before the remote party side rings
01:04.20mzoi have pstn with analog cards and basically first ring from an incoming caller, has a two second pause before it rings internally, and then it works fine.   outgoing calls have a simliar pause before you hear ringing
01:04.27wunderkinZodiacal-, usecallerid=no in /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf, you must not have reloaded it.. maybe something else is wrong then
01:04.37Zodiacal-mzo so its just normal?
01:04.57Zodiacal-wunderkin yeah thats what i use. sorry i didn't give the right tag usercallerid=no but thats what i have..
01:05.14Zodiacal-it got reloaded too
01:05.25mzoi have no idea.  I just use it, i never thought it was a problem, i thought it was processor related but it happens on my newer hardware too *shrug*
01:05.38Zodiacal-yeah i even tried on a faster pc, same thing..
01:05.46Zodiacal-mzo what speed do you run?
01:05.57Zodiacal-i tried it on a PIII 550mhz 384MB's ram
01:06.01mzop3850, smp with 512mb
01:06.06mzoer, 850mhz :P
01:06.24Zodiacal-mzo do you use usecallerid=yes or no?
01:06.26mzoi thought maybe it's a processor thing, i dunno.
01:06.28mzoi have it turned on
01:06.41mzoi need it to ignore people who i dont' want to speak too, like school, and citibank
01:06.50malverian[work]MUST HAVE NEW RINGTONE! :-P
01:07.05Zodiacal-mzo welp from what i have read, your delay is due to you useing callerid
01:07.17Zodiacal-but i don't have it with my phone co. and i don't need it, but it seems like its still waiting for it or somthin
01:07.35malverian[work]No one knows of a website for downloading normal ring tones? Eg.. not music ones for cell phones.
01:07.45Zodiacal-mzo does your * detect the ring instatly? mine does i can see it detect it, but it doesn't ring my ext. until after the first ring
01:07.45mzoi need caller id :P
01:07.57mzoi have no idea if it sees it insntantly.  I think it does
01:08.21[TK]D-Fenderok, nasty problem I could use a hand with.  I'm bridging 2 system together through SIP.  A reg's to B like a phone but I'm not getting audio bother ways.  Both are public IP's w/o filtering.  on tying to dial this is the last message AI see fromt he calling side : -- Attempting native bridge of SIP/2039-2ae9 and SIP/199-008d
01:09.05[TK]D-FenderAfter that message I see the application in hte receiing ends dial-plan roll through, but no audio is making its way IN to their server.  when I hit Comedian mail I get audio, but they don't hear me.
01:09.06iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: You're stumped?
01:09.18[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : Merely mortal!  Shocking, no?
01:09.53iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: I still find it odd.
01:10.27Zodiacal-tkd-fender is that that audio problem they were talking about with version 1.2.2?
01:11.01Drew_____sounds very simmilar to the timebomb
01:11.25francksometimes I get a  Unknown RTP codec 112 received in the asterisk log... and then the audio works only one way
01:11.48*** part/#asterisk mattwj2005 (
01:12.20franck"Unknown RTP codec 112 received" <- what does it mean?
01:13.11mzocodec 112 in unkonwn? :P
01:13.49franckmzo: hahaha
01:13.56franckwhat is rtp codec 112?
01:18.10SibrPhrekhey can someone help me with music on hold?
01:18.56SibrPhreki added the extention for it - but i get no sounds
01:19.21*** join/#asterisk justinu (
01:19.49*** join/#asterisk elg (
01:22.50*** join/#asterisk FarrisG (
01:23.55FarrisGIs there a quick way to setup two software sip clients with very reliable backbone connections and configure a high-quality codec, to sort of setup an ISDN-like voice connection for remote radio interviews?
01:24.34SibrPhreki have an extention to go to music on hold but i don't hear anything
01:25.24*** part/#asterisk mogorman (
01:26.53SibrPhreki get a 603 declined
01:26.53SibrPhrekNo application 'WaitMusicOnHold' for extension (internal, 300, 1)
01:27.51*** join/#asterisk sherbang (
01:29.31*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
01:30.12*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
01:33.25*** join/#asterisk alephcom_ (
01:33.51*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
01:35.34slanHow can I tell Asterisk to re-read its configuration files?  Source filename?
01:36.18slanThat's a command?
01:37.08*** join/#asterisk argentas_ (n=martin@
01:37.13slaninv_Arp: Thanks very much - I'll go try it.
01:37.16SibrPhrekthis Musiconhold is annoying
01:37.39[TK]D-FenderZodiacal- : No, both sides are 1.2.3.
01:37.57mzoit's as annoying to be on hold! :P
01:38.02[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : I think the tech on the other side had it firewalled transparently.....
01:38.08*** part/#asterisk DynaGuy (
01:38.19Zodiacal-tkd-fender just a thought :P
01:39.09[TK]D-FenderZodiacal- : I jsut helped the other side FIX that problem a day ago...
01:39.16Zodiacal-mzo do you think u could spare a min to disable callerid with fxo to see if it speeds up ringing for you? im at a loss...
01:39.50mzoi don't have access to it atm.  I'll have to wait until later on
01:40.17Zodiacal-mzo is your hardware digium?
01:40.42iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: Ahh
01:40.42mzoi have no idea.
01:40.50mzoi inherited it.
01:42.22Zodiacal-mzo ok np..
01:42.36[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : I swear I was freaking out.... I've never had a proble until people put up silly firewalls.  Esp the ones where the router dishes out "public" (routed) IP's, but you DON'T get to see whats being filtered becuase thats upstream....
01:43.04[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : So *I'm* still immortal!  Muahahahaha!!!! *cough*
01:45.46rpmhow do i make it so when a user hits '*' it asks them for their voicemail password?
01:45.50fubsterhey rpm
01:46.17rpm is my dialplan, im not sure where to put it in
01:47.11[TK]D-Fenderrpm : See my example :
01:47.26*** part/#asterisk mroth_imm[workin (n=mroth@
01:49.20[TK]D-Fenderrpm : You just need an "a" exten in the same context as the one holding the Voicemail call.
01:50.02rpm[TK]D-Fender, after or before launching the voicemail?
01:50.31[TK]D-Fenderrpm : It will jump to "a" if they hit "*"
01:52.21[TK]D-Fenderrpm : Doesn't really matter what order it appears in the context.
01:53.05tainted-anyone seen dolecmo
01:53.25tainted-~seen dolcemo
01:53.27jboti haven't seen 'dolcemo', tainted-
01:53.36tainted-~seen dolecmo
01:53.38jboti haven't seen 'dolecmo', tainted-
01:54.21*** join/#asterisk copantl_ (n=copantl@
01:55.05*** part/#asterisk Vyeperman (
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01:56.08*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (
02:00.14Drew_____isnt "#1" a legal extension name?
02:00.39SkramXI know "
02:00.43SkramX#" is..
02:00.58SkramXNever tried "# 1" does it not work, or are you just asking?
02:01.06fugitivo~seen docelmo
02:01.08jbotdocelmo <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2d 1h 1m 7s ago, saying: '1300  I paid 1800 a year ago for it.'.
02:01.11Drew_____#1 doesnt work for me
02:01.13denonit'd break if you have Tt
02:01.23fugitivotainted-: that's the right nick :)
02:02.13Drew_____i have defined extensions named #1, #2, #3 etc in my dialplan but i get a 404 when trying to dial them
02:02.22[TK]D-FenderDTMF "features" = broken idea
02:02.36[TK]D-FenderDrew_____ : What is your phone?
02:03.05Drew_____gxp2k is in the mail... ;)
02:03.47Drew_____could be a problem with xlite because there is no console output of the call to #1
02:06.59*** join/#asterisk wundaboy (
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02:14.19SibrPhrekdamnit -i can't get mpg123 to get install on OS X
02:14.54*** join/#asterisk _DAW-LAPTOP (
02:15.39mzois there a tiny memory leak in asterisk on smp boxes?  It's slowly using up memory every few minutes?
02:16.18*** join/#asterisk justin1 (
02:16.30zigmanSibrPhrek what do you need mpg123 for ?
02:16.34zigmantry format_mp3
02:16.42mzompg123 is depreciated now right?
02:16.54mzoyay i was right! :P
02:16.58SibrPhrekzigman - i'm trying to get music on hold to work  -format_mp3 not working, and i wanna do streaming from itunes
02:17.03*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
02:17.36[TK]D-FenderDrew_____ : Make sure your phone's dialplan is not interfereing with *'s one
02:18.35mzoitunes streaming sounds complicated :p
02:19.44jbalcombhow is my Asterisk server configured to require the single PRI card to be in?
02:20.08jbalcombI took it out and the quad PRI card wouldn't go green
02:20.33jbalcombAsterisk worked fine for internal calls but reported congestion/could find channel zap
02:20.49[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Timing source <-
02:21.09[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Make sure you're taking clocking from the PRi on the proper port and passing it on to the others.
02:21.16*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
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02:24.39rpmaww my 'o' extension doesn't work :)
02:24.46mzoi need a sex extension
02:24.54mzoand have it text-to-speed random porn
02:24.56*** join/#asterisk User97 (
02:25.23[TK]D-Fenderrpm : Did you define it in voicemail.conf?
02:25.52rpmdefine the 'o' extension?
02:26.01[TK]D-Fenderrpm : you need both sides
02:26.11*** join/#asterisk benjk (n=benjamin@
02:26.12rpmyes, operator=yes
02:26.23rpmexten => o,1,GoTo(${ALBERTA},1)
02:26.26[TK]D-FenderMy nex gen of STDEXTEN will integrate that as well.
02:26.51[TK]D-Fenderrpm : ${ALBERTA} is an exten?
02:26.57[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: polycom 601 would look about 6 billion times better with backlight
02:27.06[av]banithe beautiful lcd is almost wasted
02:27.13rpmits a variable at the top of my extensions.conf
02:27.21[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Same goes for most phones.....
02:27.42[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : have you made the account like I mentioned and extracted the provisioning stuff into it?
02:27.59[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : I'd pay a few extra $$$ for ti to be backlit...
02:28.58Drew_____how about building your own backlight?
02:29.05[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: yeah, how much can a backlight possibly cost, $0.50 ?
02:29.15Drew_____get a couple of LEDs and gluegun them to the LCD ;-)
02:29.43[TK]D-Fenderso you can start getting ready to provision it.
02:29.49[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: er, the phone already says sip 1.6.2
02:30.14[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : its not the firmware file in there thats of interest, its the XML configs!
02:30.26[TK]D-FenderSamples come along-with
02:30.33[av]banii already configed it by hand though :/
02:30.36[av]baniwhat pain lol
02:30.45jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender where do I specifiy the timing source and how/where to pass it?
02:30.49[TK]D-Fendermake an account on your box and get ready to provision it through FTP using that account
02:30.50[av]banipolycom are cracksmoking whores, they should make reboot optional
02:31.17[av]baniits like 'gee nice phone, but the programmers need to be clubbed over the head'
02:31.21[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : I've done nearly 30 of mine and I gave blitzrage a setup that worked "out-of-the-box"
02:31.38[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: i'll prolly mangle it into an autoprovisioner like i did for sipura
02:31.46[TK]D-FenderAGAIN : Stop using the damn web interface and start doing it the right way!
02:32.31[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: can it provision via http?
02:32.32[TK]D-FenderThe experience is much better when you do it right from the start.
02:32.48[TK]D-FenderI believe so..... HTTPS I know, https I'm unsure
02:33.37jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender where do I specifiy the timing source and how/where to pass it?
02:33.38[TK]D-FenderFTP is your friend.....
02:34.03[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Double check what port is what not that you pulled acard.  make sure things didn't get renumberd behind your back.
02:34.15[TK]D-Fenderthen make sure to take timing from PRI port and pass it to the others
02:34.38jbalcombok, yeah, i dont know how to do this that your suggesting though
02:35.47jbalcombthe timing that i know is just in the /etc/zaptel.conf
02:36.04*** part/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
02:36.04jbalcombi dont know how to check on port renumbering though
02:36.20[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : PM
02:36.24jbalcombaccording to what i read the ports on the pri are 1-4 and will always initialize 1-4
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02:36.47[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : unless your now removed single port took #1
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02:50.29libilaI'm following a doc that shows how to install asterisk on a FC machine, when doing the cvs checkout it says it's the latest development version. Where can I get the stable version?
02:50.31harryvvwow, i was wondering why i was getting jitter break up. asterisk celeron 300a running for a year and lately its been running kinda crappy and noticed though TOP im running multiple instances of asterisk.
02:50.44yyoiothe default port for sip is 5060. is that correct?
02:51.59*** join/#asterisk franck (n=franck@tikiwiki/franck)
02:52.14Err$ grep sip /etc/services | head 1
02:52.18Errsip5060/tcp# Session Initiation Protocol
02:52.46franckI have issues with RTP codec 112 what is it?
02:53.16yyoiois there anyway to change the default port number that sip uses in asterisk?
02:53.53yyoiowhere it says port = 5060. i can just change it to whatever i want?
02:54.08iCEBrkryyoio: Not sure why you'd do that, but sure
02:54.21Erras long as the port's free, and if you're !root it must be >=1024
02:54.39yyoiook, thanks
02:55.00SibrPhrekanyone here know anything about DarwinPorts?
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02:57.44libilaBlueDevi1: thnx
02:58.54libilaBlueDevi1: 1.2.3 tree is stable?
02:59.41brockj49464If you are running aah2.3 you might want to look at for help in upgrading to a working * 1.2.3
03:03.04*** join/#asterisk johnnyb (n=jonathan@
03:03.12BlueDevi1libila: 1.2.3 is the last stable version....take a look at
03:05.41*** join/#asterisk jef_ (
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03:11.09mdavewelp, just setup asterisk for the first time, and after a bit of confusion, im rather impressed
03:11.20mdaveim sure more confusion to come tho :P
03:11.44mdavebecuase I am wanting to do something its possible no one else has done.. (or if they have done it, then maybe there wont be so much confusion)
03:12.02mdavepopped in here to see if anyone knows if its been done, or if its possible
03:12.42mdavewondering if I should just wax on about my idea or wait to see if anyone is listening
03:14.01mdavewell i suppose im not interrupting anyone at least.. and at worst im just wasting my time typing
03:14.16mdaveok.. you may be aware that some cellphone companies offer 'free incoming calls'
03:14.45mdaveand surely that many/most/all voip providers offer free outbound calls (to the US at least, often to other countries as well)
03:15.15_Sam--who offers free outbound voip to pstn?
03:15.17_Sam--sign me up
03:15.20mdaveso heres my idea - get totally free calls from your cellphone to anywhere in the (US, or whereever your voip provider allows)
03:15.27mdavewell, not completely free
03:15.28mdavebut unmeasured
03:15.31mdaveno 'per minutes'
03:15.35_Sam--no such animal
03:15.35jbalcombiCEBrkr you wanna do some tech support/
03:15.40_Sam--all the all you can eat is measured
03:15.45_Sam--they have 'softcaps'
03:16.00mdavesome of them, perhaps.. but the key thing is they dont charge you per-minute
03:16.04_Sam--but you could write a call back script that would have astyerisk call you on your cell phone
03:16.08_Sam--so all your calls would be incoming
03:16.14mdavebut to make calls from your cellphone, even 'local' calls
03:16.16yyoiomdave, you can buy a unit that hooks up a cell phone into your asterisk box... then use disa to give yourself a second line when it calls your phone
03:16.16_Sam--you call asterisk, dial the number you want to call
03:16.17mdavethey charge you airtime
03:16.20iCEBrkrdo I?
03:16.23_Sam--it calls you back, and connects the call
03:16.39mdavebut.. being a complete asterisk newbie
03:16.44_Sam--mdave:  most of the voip stuff ultimately is still per minute
03:16.50mdaveim not entirely sure where to even begin setting up such a thing
03:16.50jbalcombiCEBrkr I got RED on my 'zap show status'
03:16.54_Sam--even though they say its unlimited or whatever
03:17.10jbalcombiCEBrkr i could be in some heavy horseshit
03:17.11iCEBrkrjbalcomb: you on site?
03:17.20mdaveive had a broadvoice account for 6 months.. havent seen a per minute charge yet
03:17.35_Sam--they just base their monthly service charge on so many minutes
03:17.37iCEBrkrjbalcomb: I'd check the shelf and see what the PRI looks like
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03:17.42jbalcombiCEBrkr tried taking out single PRI card
03:17.46mdavebut my object here is not to make tons of calls - its to avoid the airtime charges on the cell
03:17.55yyoioits called dock-n-talk cell phone station...
03:18.17yyoioallows cell phone to be tied into your asterisk box
03:18.24jbalcombiCEBrkr looks fine on the wall
03:18.28mdaveno, i dont want to use the cellphone to make calls
03:18.32mdaveI want to be out-and-about,
03:18.41mdavecall my voip number, have asterisk see the callerid, and *not* answer
03:18.42_Sam--and use asterisk as a call-back server
03:18.46mdaveand have it call me back
03:18.50iCEBrkrjbalcomb: Lemme go grab a cup of coffee and park my character...
03:18.52mdavethen give me a dialtone
03:19.01mdaveand use the 3-way/conference to put me thru
03:19.03yyoiothat can be done
03:19.03_Sam--you are thinking about it wrong, but its doable
03:19.06yyoioits called DISA
03:19.13jbalcombiCEBrkr is there something that would require libpri and zaptel?
03:19.15_Sam--you call asterisk, you tell it what number you want to call, you hang up....
03:19.15iCEBrkrjbalcomb: What'd you muck with? lol
03:19.20iCEBrkrjbalcomb: For sure!!!
03:19.21_Sam--asterisk calls you back (incoming call)...
03:19.23mdavea dock sitting at home wouldnt work, i want to use this while im away
03:19.24_Sam--then it calls the other party
03:19.26jbalcombiCEBrkr i mean require them to be recompiled
03:19.35iCEBrkrjbalcomb: It's possible.. Depends
03:19.38mdavei dont want asterisk to ever answer the call from my cell
03:19.44mdavei want it to see the callerid of my cell, then call my cell back
03:19.56mdaveto allow me to tell it where to cal
03:20.01_Sam--possible for sure.
03:20.11mdavepossible with a secret pin or something
03:20.21_Sam--it wouldnt give you a dialtone (you could make it) but it would just wait for digit presses
03:20.29mdavebut ive no idea where/how to tell asterisk to do that
03:20.43_Sam--start learning
03:20.46*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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03:20.57_Sam--aint nobody here gonna do it for ya
03:20.58mdaveit just took me two days to get it installed and running, where my spa2000 connects to it instead of BV, and asterisks connects to BV
03:21.02_Sam--well, maybe someone would
03:21.04mdavei wasnt asking for someone to do it
03:21.09harryvvi have it setup as a extention It ask for a password then give me a dial tone. my own personall calling card box :)
03:21.10mdavejust - where do I start?
03:21.34_Sam--if it took you two days to setup asterisk and connect to will take at least 2 months to learn what you need
03:21.37_Sam--ok, maybe 2 weeks
03:21.39Trazzall of the sudden i can't get my softphone or cisco phone to pass voice back and forth.. it was working and all of the sudden today its broken
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03:21.44mdaveok, that may be
03:21.54Trazzany ideas on how to troubleshoot it
03:21.58iCEBrkrjbalcomb: Ok, I'm back
03:22.13mdavewhere do I tell asterisk 'if there is a call from XXX, wait a second, then call back'
03:22.27jbalcombiCEBrkr pm me you # if you can chat IRL for a few minutes
03:22.33iCEBrkrjbalcomb: I typically try to keep all the versions matched up-- until now since Asterisk has been moving a bit faster.
03:22.34mdaveany particular directive i should be looking at
03:22.39mdaveor set thereof
03:22.56_Sam--gotoif [${callerid}]
03:23.03_Sam--ask dr-linux he is a gotoif specialist
03:23.26Trazzall of the sudden i can't get my softphone or cisco phone to pass voice back and forth.. it was working and all of the sudden today its broken.. can anyone help?
03:23.27mdavealright.. i'll go do some reasing then come back if i have any q's
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03:23.33_Sam--you'll be back.
03:23.36harryvvsam, I never thought about that.
03:24.01harryvvsam, ever do belcore signaling?
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03:24.36_Sam--cant say i have
03:24.54harryvvI would rather have all phones ring then just direct a caller to one of two  seperate extentions. with bell core I would tell if the call was for me or for some one else.
03:25.17_Sam--you can DIAL(SIP/1&SIP/2&SIP/3)
03:25.20_Sam--that makes them all ring
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03:25.36harryvvu dont understand
03:25.40_Sam--not yet i dont
03:25.48_Sam--tell me more and i might
03:27.03_Sam--mdave:  speading of'll need to READ the input from your phone (keypresses)
03:27.45_Sam--after asterisk calls you on your are going to need to read from your cell the keypresses of the number you want to dial
03:27.53harryvvI dont want to answer the other persons calls. say somone calls, thay listen to a IVR instructing them to press the extention of one of say 3 parties. in this case, instead of running to answer the call it would ring all phones a different bell core signal and then it would revert to that original extention vm if not answered. Bell core is a type if signaling standard that will make a phone ring a different way.
03:27.56SibrPhrekcan someone help me with my musiconhold conf ?
03:28.28SibrPhrek  <--my extentions.conf
03:28.37[av]bani_Sam--: notice any bugs with the new gxp firmware?
03:28.55harryvvso if I setup belcore to ring all phone two rings then a pause..that would be for me. if it ran once then pause, its for the other partie.
03:29.04SibrPhrek   <--my musiconhold.conf
03:29.07_Sam--ravenpi:  so far 1 complaint from the sales our shop we have like 10 pphones that all ring at once in a ringall type strategy....
03:29.08SibrPhrekwhat am i doing wrong
03:29.14SibrPhrekthe phone keeps connected, but i don't hear anything
03:29.14_Sam--damn nick completion...
03:29.31_Sam--anyway...the sales guys phones all say like 30 missed calls
03:29.39_Sam--and there is no way to turn off the call log thinger
03:29.46harryvvSam, thats because no one is answering them.
03:29.55_Sam--they are being answered
03:30.01harryvvohh really
03:30.02_Sam--but 10 phones ring, 1 phone answers
03:30.10_Sam--9 phones say missed call
03:30.47harryvvI dont know what to say about that. so the actuall phone will say missed call in its display? this has nothing to do with asterisk right?
03:31.00_Sam--so instead of seeing a nice date/time display all day....all they see all day is "30 MIssed Calls"
03:31.13_Sam--harryvv:  not at all (to do with asterisk)...
03:31.17_Sam--we are talking about a specific phone
03:31.20_Sam--and a new upgrade
03:31.25nassyi am looking to propose an asterisk system for one of our smaller offices, but i am not very familiar with asterisk. i am looking to make sure it can match all the (important) features we currently use on our toshiba strata ctx. if it works well and as i become more familiar with it i then would introduce it to the main office. one of the features the employees in the main office like is the ability to press intercom
03:31.26[av]baniwhat do you mean, of course it's asterisk's fault
03:32.08_Sam--i am not sure what im going to do yet
03:32.11harryvvgreat...I goto reset my linux box and asterisk does not want to come up..even under safe_asterisk
03:32.15_Sam--i may implement a new ring strategy
03:32.25_Sam--throw callers into a queue then use rrmemory
03:33.03[av]baniwell if ou think about it, the phones are doing what theyre supposed to do
03:33.11[av]banibut yeah, should be possible to turn off the log
03:33.13_Sam--if you want that behavior
03:33.26_Sam--we are a call cetner type mail order place
03:33.26[av]baniwell, how would phones tell missed call/non missed call?
03:33.32[av]banii dont think any phone could do that
03:33.38_Sam--they never told missed calls before :)
03:33.42_Sam--and i never cared
03:33.48[av]banii mean, how would cisco or polycom do it any differently
03:34.04_Sam--maybe they dont show it on the primary display as the default display when you miss one
03:34.12[av]baniwell i mean, its still a missed call
03:34.12_Sam--or maybe they do
03:34.21[av]baniso cisco/polycom would show 30 missed also
03:34.22_Sam--i wouldnt care if it logged the missed call and every call...
03:34.29_Sam--but i just dont need to see it in my face all day long
03:34.38_Sam--if i want to see missed calls, i can scroll to the missed calls area
03:34.55[av]baniyou should edit the gxp page and add a feature request
03:34.56_Sam--but i hear what you're saying also
03:34.58*** join/#asterisk annonimous (n=annonimo@
03:35.03annonimousgood night
03:35.07[av]baniany bugs though? thats just a misfeature :)
03:35.29_Sam--i only have 3 out 10 people on it, but so far that was the ONLY comment.
03:35.35harryvvIm getting this. I think its the mpg123 problem again?  Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
03:35.36_Sam--handled maybe 150 calls on them
03:35.49[av]banithe gui is very pretty now, but i would give it up for http/sendtext
03:35.55[av]banixml or whatever
03:36.12SibrPhrek- Executing SetMusicOnHold("SIP/200-0a4d", "stream") in new stack
03:36.36_Sam--i think this new gui may satisfy some of the gxp haters who said you couldnt configure the phone from a central provisioning server without the web interface
03:36.51_Sam--because i think right from the phone gui on the can enter the tftp parameters
03:36.54_Sam--and have it do its thing
03:36.57_Sam--i think
03:37.15*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
03:37.24_Sam--which people less than one week ago were saying that is a major reason why you shouldnt get a gxp
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03:38.21annonimousanybody here knows how to setup the 537ep intel modem as a wildcard? =/
03:38.38BlueDevi1SibrPhrek: which mpg123 version ?
03:38.44*** part/#asterisk CaT[tm] (
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03:39.52_Sam--[av]bani:  how are you rating the gxp against your new phones?
03:39.54SibrPhrekBlueDevi1: 59s
03:42.34BlueDevi1SibrPhrek: i don't find the error in your config
03:42.48SibrPhrekso then what am i doing wrong?
03:43.14Trazzall of the sudden i can't get my softphone or cisco phone to pass voice back and forth.. it was working and all of the sudden today its broken.. can anyone help?
03:43.23_Sam--Trazz:  check topic
03:43.50Trazzi am running 1.2.2 yes
03:43.53Trazzso whats up with 1.2.3 ?
03:43.58_Sam--1.2.2 is broked
03:44.01_Sam--get off it immediately
03:44.07_Sam--either 1.2.1 or 1.2.3
03:44.43Trazzwow.. is 1.2.3 stable enough ?
03:44.53_Sam--dont know, i never moved from 1.2.1
03:45.03SibrPhrekyeah 1.2.3 is stable
03:45.04SibrPhreki'm using it now
03:45.13SibrPhrekBlueDevi1: so what am i doing wrong
03:45.26SibrPhrekBlueDevi1: why do i get that Music class bullshit
03:45.39BlueDevi1SibrPhrek: i don't know
03:47.00nassywould asterisk benefit from a dual processor (or dual core) for a small office (10 employees) that might grow but slowly.
03:48.05harryvvthats to much for 10 employees
03:48.24harryvv2 ghz is even fine for 10
03:48.37De_Monheh, 500mhz is fine for 10
03:48.56harryvvbut dont go any lower then that.
03:49.01SibrPhrekBlueDevi1: new error - WARNING[14386]: res_musiconhold.c:881 local_ast_moh_start: No class: stream
03:49.13nassywhat about if they do conferencing, etc
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03:51.26BlueDevi1SibrPhrek: which asterisk version 1.0.x or 1.2.0 ?
03:52.58SibrPhrekBlueDevi1: CLI reports -
03:53.26nassyim loooking at the following dell server. looks like i have a choice of a couple of linux diastros: SuSE or RedHat. for a company would you suggest either of these or just go with something else. it doesnt much matter to me which because im not that familar with linux. (i do like to upgrade though.)
03:54.28annonimousnassy, i would suggest Redhat AS
03:55.23nassythanks. i see ES but no AS. one sec going to look that up
03:55.36annonimousnassy, AS = Advanced Server
03:55.46nassyah ok. thanks
03:56.00annonimousnassy, when you buy a server on dell you also can buy in dell the Redhat
03:56.12tuxinator_linuxdell, ewww
03:56.14nassyyeah thats what i would probably do
03:56.25nassywe may end up getting hp though
03:56.26Nuggetlinux, ewwww
03:56.38nassyour windows consultants like hp so for consistency
03:56.46tuxinator_linuxNugget: as apposed to what?
03:56.51Nuggetanything else.
03:56.55nassyanyone here in Pennsylvania
03:57.11nassythats where the office is.
03:57.16annonimousnassy, if you want consultant in linux or some other things drop me a line please
03:57.28nassyyeah may need someone to help set up.
03:57.48nassymet someone here from PA who sounded interested but never gave me his info
03:57.50BlueDevi1SibrPhrek: look@
03:57.58nassyit would be a paid job
03:58.32BlueDevi1SibrPhrek: exten => 2000,2,SetMusicOnHold(default)  exten => 2000,3,WaitMusicOnHold(20)
03:58.55nassycan you msg me you info and rates
03:59.43nassya lot of tutorials seem to use debian
03:59.56Trazzany issues with the zap 1.2.2 then ?
04:00.05annonimousnassy, k see your private
04:00.18NuggetI don't want to see nassy's privates!
04:01.16annonimousNugget, lol
04:01.31harryvvIs there is a patch for mpg123 so it does not spawn twice and generate that broken pipe error?
04:01.45*** join/#asterisk m_a_g_o (
04:02.32Trazzwhats the most stable * version now ?
04:02.48libilaI have a digium card with four FXO ports, so would fxoks=1 be changed to fxoks=1-4? or something similiar?
04:03.26m_a_g_ohi, I've been having problems with users dialing in a second stage through G.729 using RFC2833. Asterisk seems to recognize inband tones as well as out of band ones. this is pretty serious and I can't get support anywhere. would anyone care to advise please?
04:06.45SibrPhrekBlueDevi1: i got the single MP3 to work (sounds choppy tho), but i can't get the stream to load
04:06.50SibrPhreki think it could be cuz of the stream itself
04:08.06BlueDevi1SibrPhrek: i don't use mp3 streaming
04:08.26SibrPhrekmaybe i shouldn't either
04:08.30SibrPhrekbut it would be cool if it worked
04:08.41BlueDevi1SibrPhrek: ask google :-)
04:08.56*** join/#asterisk brookshire[home] (
04:09.06*** join/#asterisk zimdog (
04:09.08*** join/#asterisk sherbang (
04:09.14BlueDevi1good night
04:09.46*** join/#asterisk greskdo (
04:10.10SibrPhrekthat's what i used
04:11.34*** part/#asterisk QbY (
04:12.43BlueDevi1SibrPhrek: thats the config for asterisk 1.0.x
04:13.03BlueDevi1SibrPhrek: sorry i must go now....CU
04:15.01*** join/#asterisk zu (
04:15.28harryvvis there a patch for asterisk when it displays a "Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
04:15.48libilaWhat does it mean when chanconfig failed? could it be related to the fxoks=1 in my /etc/zaptel.conf? I have a digium card with 4 fxo ports. modprobe wcfxo
04:15.50libilaZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)
04:15.53libilaFATAL: Error running install command for wcfxo
04:16.31zuI could probably make one harryvv for you
04:17.12harryvvokay i lost a zaptel driver...mmmm
04:18.25*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
04:19.54m_a_g_ook, great support, I'm really amazed how you can leave users unattended, I could really use some support
04:20.06m_a_g_oI'm using g.729 and RFC2833
04:20.11SibrPhreknow the music starts
04:20.12SibrPhrekand stops
04:20.14SibrPhreklike within a second
04:21.23m_a_g_oand asterisk recognizes Both inband and outband. I have been told that asterisk indeed doesn't stop listening for inband while receiving out of band tones, and I'm being unlucky enough to get tones in G.729
04:22.05m_a_g_oSO, is someone kind enough to offer support?
04:23.03*** join/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
04:23.57tuxinator_linuxHey, it's Dave, from Utah !
04:24.15tuxinator_linuxand he's using comcast
04:28.13justinum_a_g_o: you know this isn't a digium sponsored support channel? anyone here is a volunteer
04:29.21m_a_g_ojustinu: I'm sorry then, but as this channel is published at Digium's site I thought it was
04:29.24Nugget"Dave's not here, man!"
04:29.31justinufree support for a free product
04:29.40fugitivoor paypal for better support
04:29.51justinuyeah, many people here take it
04:30.24m_a_g_owell, If anyone knows about that problem and can fix it, paypal is all right with me
04:30.34harryvvhow in the world. my kernel has the models disabled
04:31.07fugitivoyour kernel has models?
04:31.21fugitivom_a_g_o: what's the problem?
04:31.39harryvvI have been having some serios problems with my asterisk sound quality lately
04:31.41brookshire[home]asterisk 1.2.3 ?
04:31.48justinum_a_g_o: you're getting RFC2833 digits /and/ inband?
04:31.58harryvvnow modprobe xcfx0 and zaptel says modules are not installed
04:32.17fugitivodid you upgrade your kernel?
04:32.31harryvvnothing has been touched in the year I have been using this.
04:32.41harryvvIts almost run flawless
04:32.42zimdogI am having problems with a
04:32.43fugitivoreally? one year without updates?
04:32.57*** join/#asterisk Trazz (
04:32.58*** join/#asterisk wasim (n=wasim@pdpc/supporter/active/wasim)
04:33.02fugitivoisn't that boring? :)
04:33.19harryvvlucky i had a regular pstn phone near by
04:33.33Trazzif i have phone unplugged and call that extension it says the person is on the phone.. heheeh .. what can i do to fix this condition?
04:33.44harryvvIve never updated because I did reinstalls
04:33.50harryvvbut its been so stable.
04:34.06*** join/#asterisk greskdo (
04:38.31m_a_g_ojustinu: yes, I believe so after seeing tethereal traces, rtp events (normally 6 per digit) and seeing the duplicate digits in asterisk's console
04:39.45justinum_a_g_o: how is it affecting you?
04:40.55zimdogHello all. I seem to have lost audio on my asterisk box. When I call I can hear the IVR. I can dial an extension and it will ring. WHen I pick it up I hear no audio in etiher direction. I thought I screwed up on of my polycom config files but I just tried it from xten to the polyocm and xten through a sip trunk to pstn and hear nothing either direction. Any suggestions on where to look?
04:41.29rob0zimdog: /topic ?
04:41.57m_a_g_owell, I have a second stage dial for ANI and PIN users where PIN and dialed numbers are being received with duplicate digits, thus the users can't use the service at all
04:43.05*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
04:43.15zimdogrob0: what does /topic mean? I tried to type that and it said I need to be an operator?
04:43.31fdaskchanges channel topic
04:43.37fdaskAsterisk 1.2.3 Released
04:43.42fdaskthats what it says now
04:43.57zuyea I was watching as mark fixed the bug at itexpo
04:43.58*** join/#asterisk Uberbot (
04:44.02*** join/#asterisk joaovianna (
04:44.10UberbotHi all.
04:44.27rob0zimdog:  Asterisk 1.2.3 Released (If you are running 1.2.2, this is a critical update)
04:44.36zimdogrob0: SO this is an issue fixed by 1.2.3 ?
04:45.14*** join/#asterisk wasim (n=wasim@pdpc/supporter/active/wasim)
04:45.27brookshire[home]zimdog: sounds like it
04:45.50joaoviannaHi guys! If I have one Digium board T1 and I order one T1, how many DID's I can setup in my system ?
04:45.52fdaskquick test, set the date on your box back to sometime before the 25th if you can
04:46.03rob0ah yes
04:46.05justinujoaovianna: virtually umlimited
04:46.09fdaski believe that bridging issue was all that was fixed in the latest update?
04:46.33UberbotCan anyone tell me why this doesn't work? exten => 555, 2, playback("/directions.gsm")
04:46.47UberbotJan 26 21:43:24 WARNING[25086]: file.c:820 ast_streamfile: Unable to open "/directions.gsm" (format ulaw): No such file or directory
04:46.49joaoviannajustinu: Thanks, but my question ? It come with my T1 ? I paid for each one ?
04:47.08justinuyou usually pay for them in blocks
04:47.28rob0Uberbot: there is no file named /directions.gsm ... take out the / ?
04:47.57UberbotI was hoping to store it in /tmp/  Thus it would be /tmp/directions.gsm.  That doesn't work, either.
04:48.11*** part/#asterisk alephcom_ (
04:48.15brookshire[home]joaovianna: DIDs are like ips
04:48.19joaoviannajustinu: Do you recomend one good company to provide me one T1. I have my server on a good co-location. 60 Hudson St.
04:48.23zimdogLooking into thanks. That will be weird. Something happened yesterday to break it.
04:49.03justinujoaovianna: sorry, i'm west coast
04:49.21joaoviannaThanks justinu:
04:49.30UberbotJan 26 21:47:23 WARNING[25216]: file.c:820 ast_streamfile: Unable to open "/tmp/directions.gsm" (format ulaw): No such file or directory
04:49.32nassyhow much does orderlyq cost. anyone know>
04:49.38harryvvStill cannot locate module after recompiling..need help on this one.
04:49.48joaoviannabrookshire[home]: Thanks.
04:50.31pauldywow new version of the GXP2k software is looking good
04:51.16Corydon76-homejoaovianna: why not just get a link from Internap?
04:51.24joaoviannaI need a good source of international rates and Did's for incoming calls. Anyone ?
04:52.25Corydon76-homejoaovianna: they're hosted in the same building
04:53.13harryvvanyone here seen a case of recompilling asterisk and zaptel models dont load?
04:53.29pauldyharryvv yup
04:54.24pauldyin my case everytime it has had something to do with me updating with yum and not rebooting
04:54.39zimdogThanks brookshire
04:54.47pauldynew kernels and kernel mods but I'm still running the old kerenl
04:54.59joaoviannaCorrydon76-home: I'm taking a look in the rates... Hummmm... I'm paying less than that...
04:56.25*** join/#asterisk tainted- (
04:56.34joaoviannaharryvv: You need to recompile zaptel and libpri too...
04:57.17harryvvits up and running now. did not need to compile libpri because i dont use PRI
04:58.51Trazzif i have phone unplugged and call that extension it says the person is on the phone.. heheeh .. what can i do to fix this condition?
04:59.26nassyask them to hang up. :-) i dunno. im new to asterisk
05:00.09*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
05:04.22Trazzwell the user is not on the phone
05:05.35*** join/#asterisk robak (
05:07.09Corydon76-homeTrazz: detect CHANUNAVAIL
05:07.32Corydon76-homeYou're not using jumping, are you?
05:08.17Corydon76-homeGotoIf($[${DIALSTATUS} = CHANUNAVAIL]?notbusy)
05:08.22harryvvasterisk still is spawning two mpg123
05:08.37Corydon76-homeharryvv: no it's not
05:08.38*** part/#asterisk Uberbot (
05:08.44Corydon76-homeharryvv: mpg123 forks
05:09.29*** join/#asterisk Romik_ (
05:10.01Romik_somebody can advice what this error means?Jan 27 01:07:23 WARNING[1481]: chan_zap.c:4335 __zt_exception: We're Zap/50-1, not     -- Executing Cut("SIP/", "arg2=prop|-|3") in new stack
05:11.52*** join/#asterisk tank10 (
05:11.58harryvv does this look normal for top and asterisk running?
05:12.19tank10can someone help me with broadvoice setup
05:12.30tank10does not matter what i do i get this device is not registered
05:12.34tank10blah blah
05:12.37*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
05:13.04tank10i have checked my * configs about a dozen times lol
05:14.07*** join/#asterisk Z-Knight (
05:14.27*** part/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
05:15.26fdaskharryvv: normal?
05:15.46fdaskshould there be that many instances of asterisk running?
05:15.50fdaskor are they like child processes
05:16.37fdaskis this on a test server?
05:16.43fdaskor are there calls going through right now
05:16.53*** join/#asterisk mattwj2005 (
05:16.55Corydon76-homefdask: those are threads
05:17.15fdaskasterisk won't start 2 server instances on the same system will it
05:17.22fdaskunless you tweak configs i guess
05:17.30fdaskim still new
05:17.36Corydon76-homeNot unless you compiled them differently or tweaked the configs
05:20.42mattwj2005I am curious....does anyone know if gaim is going to support to sip? voice sip....not just text?
05:22.57Gameramattwj2005: there is a fork of gaim that does
05:23.19mattwj2005what is it called?
05:24.08iCEBrkrfdask: Why would you want two instances of Asterisk on one box?
05:24.24iCEBrkrfdask: and if you >>REALLY<< need to do that, you need to build a Zen box :P
05:24.27GameraiCEBrkr: if you sell hosted pbx
05:24.33Gamerabut yeah.. i know
05:24.37iCEBrkrZen zen Zen Zen
05:24.38fdaskiCEBrkr: i dont
05:24.45Gameraxen is awesone
05:24.47fdaski was just inquiring about the top harryvv posted
05:24.51mattwj2005but you can't connect that to an Asterisk server
05:24.51*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
05:24.59fdaskwhats zen?
05:25.04iCEBrkrXen or whatever
05:25.13Gameraxen is like vmware
05:25.14iCEBrkrfdask: It's a 'virtual os' type system
05:25.27fdasklinuxu distro?
05:25.29iCEBrkrfdask: you can load up a bunch of virtual operating systems
05:25.38iCEBrkrIt's not a distro
05:25.41mattwj2005I was thinking the offical source code......because I know they are merging gaim-vv into the main program
05:25.46fdaskok so like vmware
05:25.48iCEBrkrwell, not a linux distro really.
05:26.30Gamerayou can also run fbsd, netbsd with xen
05:26.51Gameraand the next generation of windows servers will apparently support it
05:26.59iCEBrkrSo if you're confused as to what distro you wanna run, load'm all up under Xen :P
05:27.14fdaski'm using usermode linux right now for that sorta thing
05:27.24fdaskbut its not quite the same
05:28.50litecodehmm, never heard of xen (out of the loop)
05:28.58litecodewhat does it have over uml?
05:30.13Gamera#xen ?
05:31.18fdaskso i've got a voicetronix openline4 card
05:31.28fdaskand most of the asterisk docs say its known to work
05:31.32fdaskbut man what a pita card
05:31.36*** join/#asterisk Zodiacal (
05:31.53fdaskthere was a bug in the driver module that caused asterisk to die when you bridged calls
05:32.46*** join/#asterisk nassy (
05:32.48*** part/#asterisk mattwj2005 (
05:33.02fdaskim going to pick up some digium hardware i think
05:33.11rene-is anyone familiar with linux vserver? see i need to give asterisk training and i cant afford to have a box for everybody who is attending, i saw somewhere that i could virtualize this one machine i have, i know that analog cards can be shared (how would you share 1port fxo cards anyway) but i would like to know things like how much ram do i need, and if i need multiple nics or i if i can share one nic with multiple IPs (one for every instance running)
05:33.12fdaskinstead of futzing around with this voicetronix
05:33.20justinufdask: sangoma is also nice
05:33.43mogormanbut digium is so much nicer justinu ^_^
05:33.57fdaskall im really looking for is something safe
05:33.58iCEBrkrmogorman: you're smoking
05:33.59justinuthey're both excellent soluitions :P
05:34.04fdaskknown to work, with a lot of info out on the web
05:34.13mogormanare you saying inot nicce....
05:34.17mogormanerr not nice
05:34.27iCEBrkrknown to have a bunch of IRQ problems.
05:34.28mogormansee i cant even say it
05:34.39iCEBrkrknown to not work on a handful of Dell hardware
05:34.41fdaskim dealing with a fairly easy setup too... not even using voip at this point :V
05:34.47iCEBrkrknown to have issues with e1000 nics
05:34.59mogormanyou live in the past
05:35.06Gamerae1000 as in intel?
05:35.15fdaskwho lives in the past
05:35.16*** join/#asterisk wundaboy (
05:35.27mogormanat one point there was a driver /firmware issue
05:35.31mogormanit didnt last long
05:35.40iCEBrkrThat's good to hear
05:35.41rene-ICE: what does not work on a handful of dell hardware?
05:35.55mogormanthe tdm400p
05:36.03iCEBrkrrene-: The digium website claims their cards don't like Dell products very much.
05:36.04rene-i have installed many
05:36.17rene-as many people had
05:36.20justinui put a sangoma a101 in a dell sc1425, worked like a charm
05:36.23iCEBrkrI personally find it difficult to believe, but I didn't want to risk it.
05:36.24rene-but i have had problems
05:36.33rene-sometimes an E1 card will just lock the server
05:36.52justinui was working on a job with a te410p
05:37.04justinuand the machine was locking up
05:37.16rene-but digium support help me fix it and it has worked like a champ switching thousands of calle very day
05:37.17mogormanwhy didnt you call me /digium?
05:37.19justinuturned out the te210p does not get a long with a certain intel ethernet driver right
05:37.34rene-so has anyone virtualized asterisk?
05:37.42justinuwell, my man on the scene was handling the hardware issues, and they got it resolved
05:37.45mogormani have
05:37.46justinuso kudos
05:37.54justinute210p is working ok now
05:37.59rene-mogorman: had you followed this
05:38.16rene-s /had/have
05:38.17mogormanno i just did it
05:38.23mogormanfor the xen people
05:38.25iCEBrkrTho I have to say that the T100P or whatever the hell it was worked just fine in our old P3 700mhz junker machine..
05:38.30rene-is it difficult?
05:38.35iCEBrkrI used a Digium card for all our initial testing
05:38.40justinuiCEBrkr: single span card?
05:38.43iCEBrkrjustinu: yea
05:38.53justinuyeah, same thing as the a101
05:39.17iCEBrkrI was actually a bit surprised there wasn't any issues as the machine was so outdated.
05:39.22iCEBrkrBut it worked just fine
05:39.25Gamerarene-: that's a nice article :)
05:39.31iCEBrkrFrankenstein box
05:39.45justinusome machines are just lucky
05:39.51justinusome are doomed
05:39.52iCEBrkrI couldn't complain
05:40.17mogormanwell i will leave the sangnoma v digium fight for another night
05:40.19mogormangnite people
05:40.21rene-Gamera: Thanks but i cant take credit for that (not in college anymore) hehe
05:40.24iCEBrkrmogorman: later
05:40.33*** part/#asterisk mogorman (
05:40.58*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
05:41.02*** join/#asterisk DyOS (
05:41.40justinumogorman is a character
05:43.11iCEBrkrDyOS: I think there's a channel for AMP
05:43.43DyOSthanks icebrkr
05:43.44*** join/#asterisk pengyong (n=lala@
05:44.23jbotamp is, like, NOT supported here! people using it should join #amportal
05:46.50*** join/#asterisk trixter_ (n=trixter@
05:48.04*** join/#asterisk Netslayer (
05:48.46Netslayeri'm extremely new to asterisk and VOIP stuff. It looks cool.. any possible uses for a single person apartment :-Pp
05:49.17*** join/#asterisk m_a_g_o (
05:49.19fdaskyour own answering machine?
05:49.26fdaskvoip gateway?
05:49.51watchyi love you
05:50.27Netslayervoip gateway sounds so cool
05:50.36rene-ex gf / people you owe money/ telemarketers  / other random annoying ppl screening-harassing device?
05:50.38Netslayerso what i'd have to use a regular phone line to the asterisk server?
05:50.43watchyyour own sex line?
05:50.56watchya cheap $10 card from ebay
05:50.59nassyim in that situation Netslayer, my only issue is computer is very noisy
05:51.02Netslayerwouldn't i need to sound hot for my own sex line :-P
05:51.22Netslayernassy, i'm planning a huge rackmount setup..noise is only isolated by a closet
05:51.34rene-yeah but you can place a bounty for app_turn_my_box_into_something_sexy and some clever hacker will write it for you.. for a fee
05:51.43Netslayerare there any providers of voip that integrate with asterisk? ie so i wouldn't need a regular phone line
05:51.56watchyyea alot
05:51.58rene-there are many, nufone and voicepulse are generally recommended
05:53.03nassyhmm, i dont think i can connect a 1U server running asterisk to 4 or 5 POTs lines am i correct?
05:53.14Netslayeri can call italy for 5 cents a minute wow
05:53.17*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
05:53.19Netslayerlike i have anyone to talk to
05:54.35*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@
05:54.37iCEBrkrnassy: Why not?
05:55.10nassyi cant find a FXS card with enough ports to fit on
05:55.11rene-nassy: you can
05:55.14*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
05:55.26rene-there is a multiport up to 24 ports card
05:55.33Netslayerare there any cool voip wifi handsets/headsets
05:55.37*** join/#asterisk Ciber (
05:55.43rene-it has a connector to a breakout box
05:55.45nassylet me go look again
05:56.05nassyoh ok
05:56.05rene-it is called amphenol 25 port connector and you can wire that to that box or to a patch panel
05:56.26nassyid prefer a patch panel
05:57.51*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (
05:57.53wasimNetslayer: hitachi
05:58.13*** join/#asterisk _-_ (n=nabudoco@
05:59.20Netslayerwasim, IPC-5000 .. hrm 320 bucks hah
05:59.32*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
06:00.30nassyoh wait, i just read what you wrote carefully. how do i wire it to the 1U server. or if i use a patch panel how do i go from the patch panel to the 1U server
06:01.12iCEBrkrnassy: The card will have R11 jacks
06:01.14nassyis there a pci card with that connector
06:01.55nassyi must have been looking at the wrong thing
06:02.57Ciberanyone have a grandstream gxp2000 and upgrade it to the latest firmware?
06:03.13nassyi see now. i was looking at just the new products from digium
06:03.20*** join/#asterisk Tili (i=Tili@
06:04.57*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
06:05.04nassythis is really cool
06:06.21*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
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06:08.02*** join/#asterisk ThaZZa_Work (n=me@
06:09.56mzois there a refernce for adding fax support to asterisk?
06:10.27iCEBrkrmzo: Should be some reference you could work from on the wiki
06:10.38mzoooh k, look there
06:10.46iCEBrkrI started trying to make it work, but gave up... Don't really need it..
06:12.08iCEBrkrmzo: Don't expect to get faxes via VoIP tho
06:12.44*** join/#asterisk orehtsae (n=edc@
06:13.15mzonoo i mean via phone lines
06:14.09rene-is asterisk faxing in debian apt-gettable?
06:14.19mzoim finding all kinds of useless stuff :P
06:14.31iCEBrkrmzo: There IS a 'fax' extension
06:14.53iCEBrkrmzo: Asterisk is supposed to land in 'fax' if it detects a fax.
06:14.57*** join/#asterisk Qwell[laptop] (n=Qwell[]@unaffiliated/qwell)
06:15.15mzoit didn't answer when the fax called though, that's what i mean.  it's automagic?
06:15.16iCEBrkrmzo: You'll need spandsp
06:15.28rene-yeah but you need to compile spandsp
06:15.34iCEBrkrrene-: Poor baby!
06:16.01iCEBrkrgoogle :P
06:16.11mzogot busted by the girl have to sleep =(
06:16.26rene-im poor now but wait till weekend i will be broke then
06:16.37*** part/#asterisk orehtsae (n=edc@
06:16.41Netslayeris there a big wiki somewhere.. i have so many questions
06:16.48jbotdocs is, like, probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
06:18.04rene-me thinks spandsp is available via apt-get
06:18.31iCEBrkrapt-cache search spandsp
06:18.53Gamerarene-: in unstable i think it is
06:19.09rene-asterisk-app-fax is the name in sarge
06:19.40rene-i dont know where im picking that package from, i have addes repos from xorcom amp distribution
06:20.43*** join/#asterisk EriSan (
06:21.11diLLechey guy's. Is there any timeout on BYE Messages for SIP Phones configureable ?
06:21.19*** part/#asterisk FarrisG (
06:22.27justinudiLLec: depends on the phone
06:22.27*** part/#asterisk Z-Knight (
06:22.51diLLeci've got SNOM 190 hardphones
06:23.02diLLecand sometimes they not respond on a BYE
06:23.05justinunot sure, but the sipuras can do it
06:24.05justinuthey don't receive the bye?
06:24.18justinuasterisk retransmits them 5+ times, i believe
06:26.49diLLecit seams that they don't recieve it. showing "sip show channels" the "Last Message" tab lists "BYE"
06:27.04diLLecso the phone either don't recieve or it don't accepts it
06:27.34justinuif the phones aren't receiving byes, i'd start pinging the phones for packet loss
06:28.03justinuif it's not a network issue, you'll need sip debug traces so solve it
06:29.46diLLeci don't think that it is a network problem
06:30.21*** join/#asterisk Jun (
06:30.22diLLecsadly the problem is very rare and i can't drink enough coffee to constantly look on the asterisk CLI
06:30.29justinulog it
06:30.34justinuenabled full.log
06:30.58nassyif i have two offices in two separate locations and they each have an asterisk box at their locations and they are interconnected. if one office is down (say fire) can the other asterisk box take over the duties of both boxes. if so what kind of lines would that require: VoIP only, or can it be done with POTS and T1 PRI
06:31.32justinuyou could do it two ways
06:31.37iCEBrkrnassy: Sure
06:32.16iCEBrkrnassy: Tho, if you're planning on saving $$$ between the offices, I'd suggest a point-to-point data T1.
06:32.24nassyare you serious. i didnt really expect it to be possible.
06:32.30iCEBrkrThat way your VoIP data never leaves the 'network'
06:32.51nassyhow can it be done with say T1's most of the offices are too far for point to point
06:32.57iCEBrkrnassy: Sure.  You'd just have to redirect your number from the office that's on fire to the secondary office
06:32.59kuku5point to point t1's get expensive
06:33.00nassywe have one with point to point
06:33.21justinui suggest doing it with voip and using DNS SRV to setup the failovers
06:33.24iCEBrkrkuku5: Yea I know, I guess it'd depend on the amount of interoffice calls you make
06:33.48nassywhere is that redirect5 done. by me calling the T1 provider, or would the asterisk box need to be operational in the office with the fire
06:33.57kuku5there is no failover when your office goes down and you have ptp
06:34.03kuku5you need bgp
06:34.06kuku5and 2 t1's
06:34.18nassyi heard bgprouters are expensive
06:34.27nassyim not familar with them though
06:34.30*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linuxM (
06:34.34iCEBrkrnassy: I have an Asterisk box setup here at home that's connected to the Asterisk box at work.. I also have a phone connected to this local asterisk box which will make calls out through the asterisk box at the office.
06:34.34justinuyou don't need bgp
06:34.34kuku5you can set it up with a 2600 series cisco router
06:35.07kuku5justinu: youre right - im thinking of a different scenario
06:35.11drumkillai say if your office is burning down, you have bigger problems than getting phone calls  :)
06:35.19iCEBrkrI never heard of BGP 'enabled' routers being expensive??
06:35.29justinuyou just need to have your voip provider to SIP routing via DNS SRV lookup
06:35.30kuku5you cant enable BGP
06:36.56justinuyou setup your phones to also register via DNS srv
06:37.04nassyok so it soundds like it is easier to do for the VoIP numbers
06:37.07justinuif the primary machine goes down, the phones will fail over
06:37.23wasimif dhe primary machine goes town, dhe phones will fail over
06:37.27justinuthe voip provider will also route to a sip uri, and you're set
06:37.50nassybut for the numbers associated with the T1 or say POTs it would be more challenging but possible
06:37.51wasimdhe voip provider will also route do a sip uri, and you're sed {ed: or awk}
06:37.52justinuasterlink is one provider that'll route to a URI
06:38.13justinuwasim: you're an odd fellow ;)
06:38.14wasimoops, missed a d in roude
06:39.09wasimjusdinu: 5 tays of a desd heating for a traw will to dhad do you
06:39.23nassyiCEBrkr: are you connected to the office via SIp or IAX?
06:39.31iCEBrkrof course
06:39.36justinulol, a 5 day cricket game?
06:39.41wasimjustinu: oui
06:40.21nassyok thanks everyone
06:45.18*** join/#asterisk ta[i]nted (
06:45.27ta[i]nted~seen docelmo
06:45.31jbotdocelmo <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2d 5h 45m 30s ago, saying: '1300  I paid 1800 a year ago for it.'.
06:45.38ta[i]nted~seen docelm0
06:45.40jbotdocelm0 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 13h 7s ago, saying: 'depends on how you look at it..'.
06:46.28*** join/#asterisk gaspiz (n=gaspiz@
06:47.00gaspizhi, does asterisk 1.2 suport DTMF inband with g711 (ulaw?)
06:47.26wasimgaspiz: g711 is about the only thing that can handle inband, it'd be silly not to
06:47.46gaspizso yes?
06:48.10ta[i]ntedanyone know docelmo?
06:48.16gaspizhow about: DTMF, RFC2833 Inband, g729a 20ms
06:48.28justinulol, level3, right?
06:48.34wasim2833 != inband
06:48.38gaspizgot me ...
06:49.03justinuthat's a level3 interop test
06:49.07gaspizI know but that's what level3 wrote
06:49.28gaspizbelive me a lot of headakes
06:49.37justinujust ask the interop engineer what he expects to see
06:51.49gaspizlet me refrase: DTMF, RFC2833 with g729a 20 ms
06:51.50*** join/#asterisk Lord_Drachenblut (
06:51.55gaspizshould this work?
06:52.22justinuwasim: you in islamabad?
06:52.25Beavecan you even do inband with g729?  I was under the impression that it was only a ulaw/alaw thang.
06:52.42justinuBeave: you can, but it's not 100% reliable
06:52.54gaspizthanks guys
06:53.18BeaveI found out the hardway that inband with IAX2 (no matter the codec) was possible.
06:53.50Beavetill someone hit me with a clue-bat here.
06:53.52wasimIAX2 by definition handles DTMF oob
06:54.10wasimbut it can be cajoled to not to
06:56.07*** join/#asterisk alephcom_ (
06:56.13alephcom_Hi everyone.
06:56.45alephcom_Does anybody have any comments on chan_woomera?  I'm trying to use it but it doesn't want to build and so now I need to figure out if it's worth going to lots of effort or not
06:56.57wasimoh hell yeah
06:57.10wasimwe use woomera for ss7, rocks indeed
06:59.56alephcom_Ok, then I'll keep struggling
07:06.26*** join/#asterisk dataworm (
07:07.09*** join/#asterisk Delvar2 (
07:07.47datawormI am looking a ISP to hook my Asterisk box to world, I really have no idea witch ISP are good, anyone have a suggestion? I am in Canada btw.
07:09.35wasimdataworm: check for latency and throuput
07:10.07wasimdataworm: then see who your voip2tdm provider will be (in case you want to call a POTS line in guatemala)
07:10.20wasimdataworm: check your latency and throughput to them
07:10.33wasimdataworm: anything above 300ms and you'll use over, over
07:10.58wasimdataworm: and you need a minimum of 25 kbps per channel (unless IAX2 trunking)
07:11.31datawormDo ISP generally give you a very limitted number of channel like 1?
07:12.43datawormI kind of want to play with the technologies, I have no need for voip except a toys... I want to explore the voip security
07:12.49*** join/#asterisk dudes (
07:13.16datawormSo my requirement are't really about nice voice quality ;)
07:13.39wasimdataworm: then its just data, have fun
07:16.04alephcom_   Is the output from my chan woomera build.  Any comments?
07:20.09alephcom_any takers??  would a few $$ help? :-)
07:20.22Qwell[laptop]alephcom_, it might
07:20.24*** join/#asterisk hd420 (
07:20.44alephcom_hmmm, how much to offer.....
07:21.00alephcom_It seems like $ often helps. :-)
07:21.15alephcom_I'll start at $25 USD
07:21.41Qwell[laptop]if I knew anything about it, I'd help...
07:22.17alephcom_I believe it.  I'm ok with asterisk stuff but H323 really gets to me.
07:22.34Qwell[laptop]not being able to get dns for google doesn't help either
07:22.50alephcom_that would be a handicap
07:24.31bkw__W O O M E R A
07:26.19*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
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07:27.14harryvvA Pri voip card that cost 10 grand each. Talking to one of the engineers now.
07:27.44JunK-Yr0d3nt|m: yo
07:30.43*** join/#asterisk benjk (
07:34.01*** join/#asterisk ChrisDE (n=ChrisDE@
07:34.18*** join/#asterisk AndrewC (n=Andrew@
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07:34.49ChrisDEhi. I'm having problems with agi:
07:34.51ChrisDEJan 27 07:26:33 WARNING[15829]: res_agi.c:219 launch_script: unable to create fromast pipe: Too many open files
07:35.04ChrisDEcan anyone tell me whats wrong?
07:35.17iCEBrkrStuck in a loop?
07:35.31iCEBrkrChrisDE: and is that on linux?
07:35.45ChrisDEit worked since yesterday
07:35.53ChrisDEeverything was fine...
07:36.29ChrisDESo I could try restart asterisk.... but don't know if that was the solution....
07:36.55*** part/#asterisk alephcom_ (
07:38.27r0d3nt|mJunK-Y, hi
07:40.14*** join/#asterisk sherbang (
07:41.31ChrisDEso restarting asterisk was a solution.. but what does this mean? "too many open files"?
07:42.03iDunnomeans that you've got too many open files :)
07:42.16ChrisDEthanks iDunno
07:42.26*** join/#asterisk frade (
07:42.31Netslayerok so i'm thinking of possible uses for asterisk. voicepulse -> internet -> my asterisk server - > .. now do i use normal phones or are there good priced voip phones?
07:42.32iDunnoprobably means that the kernel has run out of file handles, and you might want to us /proc/sys/fs/filemax (IIRC)
07:43.17iDunnomaybe adding some sysctl foo so that it keeps the setting on reboot ;)
07:43.29*** join/#asterisk chapeaurouge (
07:44.11ChrisDEfile max contains the value 205856
07:44.34ChrisDEis this too less?
07:46.20ChrisDEidunno.. will i have to increas that number?
07:46.39fradeWhat are your prefs on IP Phones?  I have Poly 501, 601 and Grand 2000.  I tend to like the Grandstream best so far.  Any others I should look at?
07:46.42iDunnoI don't know what you're using your box for :)
07:47.06iDunnonothing else?
07:48.05iDunnonoise:~# cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max
07:48.08*** part/#asterisk hd420 (
07:48.18iDunnohmm - so you've got more filehandles available than me ;)
07:48.26iDunnoand mine works :)
07:48.33ChrisDEso the problem occurs when trying to start an agi script
07:48.56ChrisDEdoes asterisk open file handles and doesn't give them back?
07:49.08iDunnowhich is where files are going to get used up
07:49.13ChrisDEevery time an agi script runs?
07:49.19*** join/#asterisk psk (
07:49.29iDunnohmmm - not sure, you should probably close things, though ;)
07:50.59*** join/#asterisk shanermn (
07:51.44*** join/#asterisk alephcom_ (
07:52.21alephcom_Well, I got ooh323c working part way.  However, I'm getting one way audio.  Any suggestions?  I could send calls using oh323 just fine but this causes breakage.
07:52.23ChrisDEhow can I see how many files are actual being used of these 205856?
07:52.41*** join/#asterisk nagl (
07:52.54ChrisDEalephcom... I think you are having some kinda firewall issue
07:53.40*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
07:54.06ChrisDEuse tcpdump and see where packets are being sent to
07:54.26alephcom_I'll have a look
07:56.10*** join/#asterisk oej (
08:01.25*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
08:01.49alephcom_ChrisDE:  You're right, thanks.
08:01.59ChrisDEyoure welcome
08:03.35*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
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08:07.45*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
08:19.36libilaWhat would you be able to use ldap for with asterisk? To authenticate a phone?
08:20.47*** join/#asterisk Bambr (
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08:30.37*** join/#asterisk knight_ (
08:31.51knight_I want to have a main asterisk server offsite, and then a local asterisk server to terminate local sip, tdm, etc... What's the best way to trunk the two together over IAX so that all calls are handled by the remote (i.e. the remote makes and receives all the calls, but passes into local)
08:32.49ChrisDEwhats the problem?
08:32.56*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
08:33.53knight_Well, I'm just having a hard time figuring out how to trunk the two together to make it handle as if there was only one
08:34.13knight_Like, if I only had the local one, it would be easier to handle the outbound trunks, incoming dids, etc
08:34.36knight_but since I'm making the remote one the main server, i'm not sure how to configure my local server to handle the handsets
08:34.55knight_i almost want the local asterisk to act as proxy to the other
08:35.01ChrisDEif you have two * you have two and not one...
08:35.07ChrisDEI don't see any problem
08:35.17knight_how do i config?
08:35.44knight_local asterisk:  iax friend to remote?
08:35.45ChrisDEyou configure your handsets to connect to your local box and your local box to call your remote box
08:35.56knight_local asterisk register to remote?
08:36.08knight_then set a dial pattern of _X?
08:36.22knight_to Dial(IAX/remote/${EXTEN}) ?
08:36.29ChrisDEwhatever you want
08:36.36knight_how about inbound from remote?
08:36.53ChrisDEset a dial pattern on the remote box
08:37.11knight_seems like a lot of work
08:37.27ChrisDEyou also may want to configure that local calls keep local calls
08:37.29knight_because i'll need to have it reset the caller id, etc
08:38.03knight_i have 10 DIDs coming into the remote box
08:38.27ChrisDEyou want to suppress the caller id?
08:38.28knight_in each context have it Dial(IAX/local/${EXTEN}) again?
08:38.43knight_i want the local box to receive all the same params that the remote gets on inbound
08:39.14ChrisDEthe callerid on incoming calls will be the same as on the remote box?
08:39.20knight_when the calls come into my local handsets, i dont want to see callerid show up as the remote * itself, but the actual caller
08:39.56ChrisDEyes but the callerid won't change unless you tell it your remote box
08:40.15ChrisDEthe remote box will pass it through
08:40.25knight_i havent seen that from practice
08:40.46ChrisDEbut i have
08:40.46knight_getting blank callerid
08:43.42libilaif I registered two users just like in this tutorial ( ) would I be able to to type their extenstions from within my lan without having a provider?
08:43.43*** join/#asterisk franck (n=franck@tikiwiki/franck)
08:44.44*** join/#asterisk Qwell[laptop] (n=Qwell[]@unaffiliated/qwell)
08:44.45dudesyou have to create an extension to dial
08:45.28libiladudes: Yeah I did, exten => 1234,1,Dial(SIP/user) is one of them.. I think it's not working cuz one of them is configured wrong. (one has a dial tone the other doesn't)
08:45.32franckI'm a little bit confused about dundi?
08:45.59franckcan I set up my asterisk so that I be part of a network of asterisks and people can call me?
08:46.50ChrisDEyes franck in sip.conf is the phone or the asterisk box?
08:51.13*** join/#asterisk sherbang (
08:51.21franckChrisDE: how does it work? do I need to register a phone number somwhere?
08:52.17*** part/#asterisk knight_ (
08:52.32*** join/#asterisk arkanis (
08:53.29arkanishow can I improve the call-quality of asterisk?
08:53.30dudeslibila - it's whoever is connecting ... else, just use Dynamic
08:54.12dudesarkanis - that's really upto what the quality is like
08:54.56arkanishm, it cracks
08:55.08arkanissometime I don't hear the first few words
08:55.25dudesWhat version of * and what is your hardware
08:56.49*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (n=PoWeRKiL@
08:56.53arkanisasterisk is 1.0.8
08:56.54CMikeHm. no why don't I get a busy signal when I'm executing BUSY on a pri ?
08:57.20arkanishow can I display my cpu in linux?
08:57.30arkanisRAM is 512
08:57.34Qwell[laptop]cat /proc/cpuinfo
08:57.35joecat /proc/cpuinfo
08:57.52joeQwell[laptop]: jinx ;P
08:58.04arkanisCeleron 2.8 ghz
08:58.37dudesAnd what codec
08:58.52arkanisnormally g711u
08:59.13dudesHow much b/w do you have and do you have a decent ping to your provider?
08:59.40arkanisb/w should be 2up/2down (mbit)
09:00.11arkanisperhaps it is a problem with the clients (x-pro)
09:00.42dudesCould be.  Softphones sometimes suck
09:00.44*** join/#asterisk Zodiacal (
09:00.51*** part/#asterisk ChrisDE (n=ChrisDE@
09:01.01dudesOr it could be your provider, too.
09:01.22arkanisso, on asterisk-side I can't do much?
09:01.46dudesDo you have means of testing outside of a softphone?
09:01.47*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
09:02.07arkanisI dont understand
09:02.58dudesYou could try upgrading to a newer version
09:02.59*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
09:04.03dudesBut it's probably the softphone or the provider ...
09:04.44arkanishm, to softphone has so many things I can adjust...
09:04.52arkanis80% of that I don't understand
09:05.16dudesDownload firefly or another softphone and try using that
09:05.35*** join/#asterisk kippi (
09:06.07kippiHow would I go around making a pickup group?
09:06.22mzodoesn't the webinterface have all that stuff?
09:08.45DaminAnyone alive?
09:09.15arkanisah, firefly doesnt suit my needs
09:09.17kippiwhere would i need to put Callgroup=1 etc
09:09.26arkanisI have my provider an want to keep it
09:12.09arkanisof what use is "jitter buffer" in my softphone?
09:13.13dudesarkanis  - Try another softphone to see if the problem is there ... I don't care about your "needs."  I'm offering a suggestion to aid in resolving your "problem".
09:13.30*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (n=darkskie@
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09:14.45mzosorry, the 'needs' thing made me laugh. :P
09:14.53arkanisvery funny
09:15.17mzoit was, it's like all darth vader ish, 'your lack of listening to me, is disturbing' *force choke*
09:16.30arkanisYou should not take it personally if firefly isn't the right choice ;-)
09:16.45arkanisIam very glad to you try to help me
09:16.57arkanisthat you
09:17.12dudesI don't CARE if you use the damn phone or not ... I was saying to try it and see if it does the same as X-Pro as comparison
09:17.13skefflingkippi, Callgroup and pickupgroup are added to sip.conf on a per user basis
09:17.57DaminiCEBrkr: You should ahve come to San Francisco due..
09:18.07iCEBrkrDamin: I wanted to.
09:18.14iCEBrkrDamin: Unfortunately, I'm chained to my desk
09:19.50iCEBrkrDamin: I'm making another attempt at getting Asterisk into production by March 1st
09:19.56dudesThat reminds me of the goat song when he says he's tied to the back of a pickup truck with a three foot f'n rope
09:20.19iCEBrkrOur current solution doesn't handle TimeZones -- or at least the manual says it doesn't and our initial contact with tech support says it doesn't either...
09:20.23iCEBrkrSo.. Here we go again. :(
09:20.39iCEBrkrI'm supposed to be the savior since our managment and project managers can fucking do anything right
09:20.53dudesTimezone filtering, heh
09:26.50*** join/#asterisk ckruetze (
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09:32.34*** join/#asterisk bozo_ (n=bozo@
09:33.30bozo_hi guys, anyone know how to play a gsm file via a music player or convert gsm to mp3/wav ?
09:33.51iCEBrkrbozo_: There's a WinAMP plugin for GSM playback
09:34.27*** join/#asterisk jozsab1 (n=jozsab1@
09:34.49jozsab1Hello evrybody. How can i turn off DTMF tones ?
09:34.57iCEBrkrTurn them off??
09:35.18jozsab1it is strange to me to but the guy from level3 asked me to do it
09:35.37iCEBrkrWHy would you turn them off?
09:35.41iCEBrkrWhat problems are you having?
09:35.46jozsab1"Please re-submit the test with G711 codec and DTMF turned off and try sending at least three pages fax."
09:37.06dudesIf you're sending a fax why would you be sending DTMF?
09:37.22jozsab1:). Very good question
09:37.27*** part/#asterisk Romik_ (
09:37.31iDunnomaybe the guy the other end is being deliberately obtuse? :)
09:37.40dudesUnless you are sharing the line and hitting the keypad on your phone ...
09:37.43[av]banii'm guessing some voip equipment might mistake fax tones for dtmf
09:37.58[av]banii think he means turn off rfc2833
09:38.29jozsab1so i choose inband ?
09:38.32[av]banieg g711u and inband
09:39.16jozsab1i admit i was using g729 codec but turning off dtmf is just too much for me :)
09:39.36jozsab1i will try. it will only cost me another day :)
09:39.39*** join/#asterisk areski (
09:39.58[av]baniiCEBrkr: whats your "current solution" ?
09:40.13iCEBrkr[av]bani: ?
09:40.22[av]bani<iCEBrkr> Our current solution doesn't handle TimeZones
09:40.36iCEBrkr[av]bani: Some PoS commerical junkware
09:40.41[av]banivoip pbx?
09:40.54iCEBrkr[av]bani: naa, it's not a PBX
09:41.13*** join/#asterisk fenlander (n=fenlande@
09:41.19[av]baniboiler room backend
09:41.36iCEBrkrI'm not even sure why it matters.
09:41.40*** join/#asterisk agx (
09:41.58[av]banijust curious what you are supposed to be saving the day for :)
09:42.14agxHello, asterisk 1.2 include support for single port BRI cards (ISDN HFC chipset) ? or i've to use aster.1.0.10+bristuff patches??
09:42.15[av]baniwhat asterisk is supposed to do that current junkware doesnt
09:42.27iCEBrkr[av]bani: Our sales people are dense.  They're trying to sell a job that we can't do.
09:42.46iCEBrkr[av]bani: I can develop for Asterisk, we can't modify our current technology
09:42.48[av]banicant do ever, or cant do right this moment
09:43.03iCEBrkrCan't do with our current setup
09:43.08[av]baniwell thats what sales people are supposed to do
09:43.11[av]banidont you read dilbert
09:43.21iCEBrkrI shouldn't even care anymore
09:43.29iCEBrkrThis is the 3rd time they've done this
09:43.31bozo_iCEBrkr: sox does the conversion- sox input.gsm -r 8000 -c 1 -w -s ouput.wav
09:43.44[av]baniiCEBrkr: kill all humans
09:43.44iCEBrkrbozo_: Yea, sox will.
09:43.57iCEBrkrbozo_: but there's still a GSM plugin for winamp :P
09:44.40iCEBrkr[av]bani: It'd be different if we had a few months.. But I have 'til march 1st
09:44.45[av]baniplenty of time!
09:45.08[av]baniwe open source hax0rs are super heroes
09:49.35*** join/#asterisk Feral_Kid (
09:52.52Feral_KidQuestion about dialrules... I have three trunks, one to allow dialing into MX, one to dial into JA, and the last one to handle all other international calls. If I start a call 011 52., how does it know to use the trunk for MX versus it going out on the generic international trunk?
09:53.14Feral_KidIncidentally, using this with *@H
09:53.32iCEBrkror something
09:54.36iCEBrkrAssign your span contexts to those trunks
09:55.04Feral_KidiCEBrkr> Ah, the _ is what I am missing... Does that provide priority versus a simple 01152.
09:55.17iCEBrkrIt provides mattern matching
09:55.21iCEBrkrPattern matching
09:55.39*** join/#asterisk Abbas (i=Abbas@
09:55.46Feral_KidGot you... Thanks...
09:58.25*** join/#asterisk acehunky (
09:58.45acehunkyi have this problem
09:58.59acehunkywith Grandstream BT100 and Asterisk
09:59.18acehunkyi get this message on asterisk cli (on sip debug) SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden (Bad auth)
10:00.22iCEBrkrThe phone doesn't register?
10:01.41acehunkySIP/2.0 403 Forbidden (Bad auth)
10:01.41acehunkyVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKe57313f99676beec;received=
10:01.42acehunkyFrom: "101" <sip:101@;user=phone>;tag=f7c50f029a714893
10:01.42acehunkyTo: <sip:101@;user=phone>;tag=as153280ab
10:01.42acehunkyCall-ID: b841746abf70e4df@
10:01.42acehunkyCSeq: 326 REGISTER
10:01.44acehunkyUser-Agent: Asterisk PBX
10:01.48acehunkyMax-Forwards: 70
10:01.50acehunkyContact: <sip:101@>
10:01.53jbothmm... pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
10:01.54acehunkyContent-Length: 0
10:01.54acehunkythese are the register requests
10:02.01acehunkyoops sorry
10:02.07iCEBrkrsip show peers
10:02.12iCEBrkrDoes it show up in there?
10:02.34iCEBrkryou created an entry for it in sip.conf right?
10:05.40*** join/#asterisk TallAndy (i=TallAndy@
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10:06.53agxQ: asterisk 1.2 include support for single port BRI cards (ISDN HFC chipset) ? or i've to use aster.1.0.10+bristuff patches??
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10:12.00Pestehello again :D
10:12.07Pesteanybody here?
10:12.43Pestei got a question..
10:13.27af_what difference there is between host=dynamic and ip in sip.conf?
10:13.31fulgasanyone ever connected * with a alcatel 4400 thru a pra2 card ?
10:13.43fulgasand a 405p
10:13.48*** join/#asterisk TonyM_ (
10:13.48af_may be the cauese of gxp2000 randomically hang?
10:14.02Pesteif i do a 'pri show span 1' i got status: Provisioned, Down, Active - what does this down mean... because i cannot phone..
10:14.22iCEBrkrPeste: Um, common sense 101 tells me the PRI is down.
10:15.38Pesteyeah thougt so, but i dont know why :(
10:15.48Pestedown, but active ^^
10:15.55TallAndyHi, does anyone have any experience using phpagi with Asterisk?
10:15.58acehunkyoops sorry iCEBrkr i was on the box ..
10:16.06acehunkyyeah i have the entry in sip.conf
10:16.12iCEBrkrTallAndy: sure
10:16.22acehunkylet me check with pastebin to paste in the entries instead of flooding here
10:16.40TallAndyExcellent I like it just working on a new project with it.
10:16.43iCEBrkracehunky: You did a 'sip reload'
10:16.54TallAndyUsing the asterisk manager phpagi class
10:17.01acehunkyyes, i killed asterisk and restarted as well
10:17.14TallAndySo far to invoke calls from say a phpscript
10:17.15iCEBrkracehunky: Then I'm going to assume there's something misconfigured in the phone
10:18.03TallAndyMaking the calls using the 'originate' command works great, and sending DTMF using the SendDTMF application command.
10:18.25iCEBrkracehunky: you're trying to hard...
10:18.30TallAndyMy problem is recieveing tones back from the dialed handset
10:18.36acehunky --> includes sip.conf entry as well
10:18.40iCEBrkracehunky: confirm Username/secret match up in the the BT100 and sip.conf
10:19.04acehunkyyes .. the user and password are exact ..
10:19.13acehunkybut one more interesting thing that i saw is
10:19.42agxQ: asterisk 1.2 include support for single port BRI cards (ISDN HFC chipset) ? or i've to use aster.1.0.10+bristuff patches??
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10:19.52acehunkywhen i use Xlite .. when i put Domain/Realm: asterisk or like iCEBrkr the phone gets registered otherwise there also i get 403 Bad Auth
10:20.37iCEBrkrIn your BT100, you've set SIP UserID: 101 and Authenticate ID: 101?
10:20.52iCEBrkrTallAndy: eh?
10:21.31TallAndyThe project i'm working needs a phpscript to dial a box that will recieve DTMF
10:21.48TallAndyAnd then the dialed box sends DTMF back
10:22.04TallAndyYeah, can that be done from the Asterisk manager class?
10:22.16iCEBrkryou mean from phpagi?
10:22.40acehunkyiCEBrkr yes thats right, Userid: 101, Authenticate ID: 101, Password as mentioned in SIP.conf entry
10:24.01TallAndyMy scripts are initiated from Apache, rather than /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/
10:24.06acehunkyiCEBrkr: the deal is. I have my asterisk box behind 1-to-1 NAT and my BT Phone is behind double NAT
10:24.08iCEBrkracehunky: hrrm, I don't have a username= in mine
10:24.22iCEBrkrTallAndy: That's not how phpagi works.
10:24.53TallAndyphpagi.php - that class is for the /agi-bin
10:24.53iCEBrkrHrrm, tho, it might work that way. Never tried it
10:25.03TallAndywhere as phpagi-asmanager.php works from apache
10:25.04acehunkyoops i mean Sip UserID: 101
10:25.09agalloQ: asterisk 1.2 include support for single port BRI cards (ISDN HFC chipset) ? or i've to use aster.1.0.10+bristuff patches??
10:25.11iCEBrkrI've only used phpagi from inside Asterisk AGI() call
10:25.34iCEBrkrTallAndy: Ahh, don't know anything about -asmanager.php
10:25.44TallAndySure I see what your saying
10:25.53TallAndyTheres hardly any examples of using it from apache :)
10:37.39*** part/#asterisk agallo (
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10:42.19serg_bdoes anyone seen JerJer here ?
10:42.58fugitivoargh, it's 7am
10:43.15iCEBrkrFri Jan 27 05:42:39 EST 2006
10:43.30TallAndyengrish is badly translated english :P
10:43.44fugitivoiCEBrkr: am?
10:44.04*** join/#asterisk BugKham (
10:44.21iCEBrkrI could also mention that I haven't been to bed yet
10:45.20BugKhamI need to connect my asterisk box to an D41E card, I will need an FXS, right?
10:45.33BugKhamor an FXO
10:46.21fugitivoiCEBrkr: ok, now it has a sense
10:47.01iCEBrkrI'm just gonna pull an allnighter
10:47.08iCEBrkrI'm still debating if I'm actually gonna go into the office
10:47.51kippihas anyone installed a NTP server on there redhat box so that their phones can get the correct date and time?
10:48.47ErrI've used nptd and openntpd, and they both work just fine
10:49.17*** join/#asterisk sherbang (n=sherbang@
10:49.38dudesyou can set a time server on some ATA's, too.
10:49.51dudesIf you're using one anyway
10:49.53Skumlingdamnit, I just don't understand anything of asterisk...
10:50.08chapeaurougeany pb with asterisk on 64bits servers? (Pentium Intel Dual Core)
10:50.14iCEBrkrSkumling: Neither do we, we just guess really good
10:50.36dudesWe have a magic * 8-ball and we just ask and shake and sure as it rains
10:51.33mutmornin all
10:52.01SkumlingiCEBrkr: I can't have my asterisk "put" incoming SIP calls into the right context
10:52.08mutanyone know what'de cause audio coming from the pstn side to crackle a lot
10:52.19muter going to the pstn side
10:52.29mutbut audio going to the sip side sounds perfect
10:52.40dudesSkumling - They go into the context in globals.  Then you tell them where to go from there (at least that's what I do)
10:52.43SkumlingiCEBrkr: I've got two accounts at the same VoIP-provider, and I have configured them as peers in sip.conf and made properly register lines
10:52.55mutlike i'm on my sip phone calling the zoo, i can hear them fine but all they hear is me breaking up really bad
10:53.13mutit's started happening when i switched from my cisco as5350 for trunking to a te405p
10:53.15iCEBrkrSkumling: what dudes said
10:53.29Skumlingdudes: how do I tell it where to go from there?
10:53.42iCEBrkrSkumling: Based on the extension
10:53.42dudesby the user:pass@host/DID
10:53.47dudesnote the "DID"
10:54.27iCEBrkrLike.. my FWD is 47191
10:54.35iCEBrkrSo I have an extension 47191
10:54.38muti'm also getting double rings 45% of the time when i dial from my voip to the pstn
10:54.42mutif that helps any?
10:55.07iCEBrkrmut: you have Ringing used in your dialplan?
10:55.41SkumlingiCEBrkr: I've put myt sip.conf at
10:55.52dudesyou have a t1 and you use your SIP phone to dial?
10:56.32Skumlingthe problem is, that calls to bothn incoming numbers is landing in the incoming-klein context
10:56.49iCEBrkrSkumling: ok, so you should have exten => 36930822,1,Dial(SIP/1000) or whatever in your [default] context
10:56.52dudesSkumling - you make an extension in default according to that
10:56.53*** join/#asterisk jabuka (n=edumatao@
10:57.05mutthis all happened right after i moved to a te405p instead of my cisco
10:57.16mutbefore with the cisco all sip calls were passed via sip to the cisco then out the pri
10:57.19iCEBrkrerr I guess it'd be Dial(SIP/klein-telsome01)
10:57.31jabukahello. The capture call works with IAX ??
10:57.34Skumlingdudes: okay... so there isn't a way to have the call placed directly into the "correct" context from the start?
10:58.22iCEBrkrI suppose you could try /36930822@context
10:58.37dudesI don't know if the @ works
10:58.41iCEBrkryeah, me either
10:58.52SkumlingI hoped that the SIP-module was able to match the incoming number and send the call to either the incoming-klein or incoming-wmc context from the very beginning...
10:59.17iCEBrkrSkumling: It's really not important.
10:59.22dudesJust use the Goto... It really isn't that big of a deal.
10:59.27SkumlingiCEBrkr: it just feels sooooo wrong ;)
10:59.37iCEBrkrSkumling: You could be over-organized :P
10:59.41*** join/#asterisk cpm (
10:59.46dudesmod chan_sip to do that then.
11:00.21dudesIf it doesn't.  You could always look at the source and see where it does the register stuff too and see how it does it.
11:01.04SkumlingiCEBrkr: heh :) what also seems funny is that whichever number I dial (36930916 or 36930822), the Asterisk console always reports SIP/36930822 - actually it reports the number last put into the config-file...
11:01.21jabukatransference call works with iax????
11:02.25dudesSkumling - do a sip debug and call in.  It'll say something like, Found Peer (YADDA).
11:02.55Skumlingdudes: sip debug peer or sip debug ip?
11:03.05jabukaOUW, VÃO SE FUDER!!
11:03.19dudesjust "sip debug"
11:03.37dudesor sip debug peer wmc-telsome01
11:03.42*** part/#asterisk jabuka (n=edumatao@
11:03.50dudesIt's all upto you ;|
11:04.20dudesOUW, VÃO SE FUDER!! <---- what is that
11:04.23Skumlingdudes: :)
11:04.32iCEBrkrdudes: j00 r teh suq
11:04.36iCEBrkrI think that's what it says :P
11:04.55dudesI don't know what that means
11:05.23enemy^xI get "Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe" running 1.2.3 while moh... anyone else?
11:05.23ivanfmhe said : "fuck you guys"
11:05.48iCEBrkrSee. I was close
11:06.22*** join/#asterisk hypa7ia (
11:09.15SkumlingCall to 36930916: - call to 36930822:
11:10.28Skumlingboth are hitting the klein-telsome01 peer
11:10.38*** join/#asterisk fourcheeze (n=rich@
11:11.53fourcheezecan anyone explain why I would be getting 'SIP response 489 "Bad Event"' back from some clients?
11:15.09TallAndyiCEBrkr: Do you think a call initiated from php-asmanager.php use extensions.conf? If so I could then write an agi script to be executed in there
11:21.18mutso no one has any idea on my te405 problem?
11:22.04dudesyou have a PRI (T1) and you're using a SIP phone which calls out via the PRI?
11:23.43dudesSo is it only when you call the zoo?
11:24.00mutand it doesn't happen all the time
11:24.16dudesSo it doesn't always happen
11:24.55mutsome phones happen more than others
11:25.08mutlike my bosses at home, he gets the double ring thing 90% of hte time
11:25.14*** join/#asterisk Johnnie (
11:25.40mutlike 709% here in the office
11:26.03mutand it's always crystal clear sound on the sip side listening
11:26.13mutbut breaks up on the pstn side
11:26.15Inkubotgood morning folks
11:26.24mut(if it does it)
11:26.59dudesWhat version of *?
11:27.22mutsvn of 2 days ago
11:27.33muter no
11:27.40dudesAnd when did this start happening?
11:28.22dudesOr what happens when someone call in to the system?  Into a menu /w Background or something?
11:28.39mutwhen i switched from using a cisco for my t1 gateway to using the te405p
11:29.13mutif i call into my voicemail or something
11:29.14mutsounds fine
11:29.20muti still get double ring
11:29.24mutbut i havn't had it breakup
11:31.05Pestehello! what can i do, if my TE110P (asterisk) and my AG4000 (voice portal) connected with a E1 (using PRI) cable are out of sync? what could be the problem?
11:31.37dudesI've never had that issue before.  Could be a lot of things though.  Sounds kind of like a NAT issue.
11:31.49mutno nat involved
11:32.56dudesGoodluck, I'm out.
11:33.17Pestecan somebody help me with this?
11:34.10dudesIt's probably a bad config, bad signalling, (wrong cable), not setup for E1.  Hell a lot of shit
11:34.24dudeserr it's/it could be ...
11:34.36*** join/#asterisk dippo (
11:36.07Pestei think its a bad config, but i dont know which files are involved
11:36.29dudesThen read the wiki
11:36.31Pestemaybe somethink with the clocking?
11:36.44*** join/#asterisk krasavin (
11:36.44Pestewiki doesn't help ;_;
11:37.07dudesThe wiki can answer any question --- damnit
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11:52.03doszyhi. I have an Eicon Diva ISDN PCI adapter with an Asterisk@home box. When I try to set the card with the "divactrl load" command I get a "A: can't get card type for DIVA adapter number 1" response. Could you help me find a solution for this problem?
11:55.01*** join/#asterisk kink0 (
11:55.22kink0I still getting this error: Ext: 1  Cause: Unknown (100), class = Protocol Error (6)
11:55.28kink0all help will be welcome !!
11:55.50kink0this is when I connected Digium TE405 to 2N Pri Gateway
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12:09.30puzzledmorning all
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12:19.34kink0I still getting this error: Ext: 1  Cause: Unknown (100), class = Protocol Error (6)
12:22.14doszystill have the same problem:
12:22.15doszyI have an Eicon Diva ISDN PCI adapter with an Asterisk@home box. When I try to set the card with the "divactrl load" command I get a "A: can't get card type for DIVA adapter number 1" response. Could you help me find a solution for this problem?
12:24.30doszythe card is listed when I execute "lspci"
12:24.50*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
12:27.04FalleWho here is trying out the new GXP2000 firmware?
12:28.06CMikeanybpdu now why applicaion BUSY don't generat busy on a PRI ?
12:28.15*** join/#asterisk pengyong (n=lala@
12:28.44CMikevery strange..  I send a BUSY .. but the PRI wont indicate busy (on incoming)
12:28.53CMikeanybody seen that before ?
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12:35.36kink0q.931 is exclusivelly for E1, right ?
12:36.46kink0coppice: I have a trouble while sending q.931 SETUP from a Digium TE405 to my 2N Stargate PRI port
12:37.34kink0appears some variable is wrong in the dialog between Digium and 2N PRI's
12:38.12coppicekink0: if you get protocol errors, you probably have the wrong switchtype selected
12:38.56kink0coppice: I select as documentation and 2N support told me, euroisdn, and I am able to send calls from 2N to Asterisk, but not from Asterisk to 2N
12:40.07*** join/#asterisk DannyF (
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12:40.55kink0coppice: NT/TE concepts are not for E1 ?
12:41.10coppiceyes they are
12:41.47kink0ok, then that is also ok, I will try to reverse NT/TE now... a bit desesperate after four days with this problem.
12:43.51*** part/#asterisk doszy (
12:48.09kippihas anyone used Digium IAXy ?
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12:56.52mutanyone know what'de cause a double ring on a sip phone calling pstn via zap? there is no Ringing() in the dialplan
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13:01.58PesteJan 27 15:01:45 NOTICE[7129]: chan_zap.c:8171 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1
13:02.10Pestedoes anybody know what does this mean?
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13:06.17RoyKhe lo
13:06.24Martincit0Peste it seems u need to adjust span at zaptel.conf
13:07.54muti'm gettin really bad echo on my zap too
13:09.06Pestei did :/
13:14.13cron_Sam--: yeah the reboots are nasty.. said it requires like 15min + two boots but from what I caught it gets stuck in a loop on the tftp and requires the files to be moved after the first update? Hows the phone/echo issue sence?
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13:17.45SjeemzI've just upgraded from 1.0.9 to 1.2.3, but all incoming calls with blocked callerid get displayed on my cisco 7960 as '"Uknown" <Unknown>', this should not happen, because I use Set(CALLERID(name)=name) on all incoming calls.  CIDName does seem to get overridden for all incoming calls that do supply a callerid
13:17.58wasimRoyK: goddag
13:23.17jbalcombWoot! I was at work until 12:30 AM!! I *heart* Asterisk!
13:23.43jbalcombHows come I can't take out my unused single PRI card? Hows come I had to recomple libpri and zaptel to get Asterisk working after I put it back in?
13:24.12AhrimanesRoyK: in c? :D
13:24.18*** join/#asterisk yun (n=yun@
13:25.54[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Is it up and running now?
13:26.12yunany body connect wellgate 38xx to asterisk with sip?
13:27.49*** join/#asterisk rculp (n=rculp@
13:28.48mutare the mark and steve echo cancellers obsolete or what?
13:28.52mutcause i tried to use MARK2
13:28.57jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender yes'm. long hours of watching the other phone guy freak out. he threw a CD and it broke and I wanted to go home.
13:28.58mutand it wouldn't compilke
13:29.29RoyKAhrimanes: no, just a dialplan from hell and three AGI scripts
13:30.30[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : By the time you were done did the remaining card get its own IRQ, etc?
13:31.28mutanyone know how to get rid of echo on the sip side of a sip -> pstn call?
13:32.17wasimput an ec on the pstn side
13:33.07*** join/#asterisk RussCC (n=face@
13:33.39fourcheezeis there a module to do dynamic routing between different * sharing the same realtime back end?
13:33.46mutwasim? a what?
13:34.02muti'm using a te405p card..
13:34.35RoyK5V is for chickens
13:34.38mutmy cisco i had to adjust attenuation but i don't see any adjustments for that
13:34.49[TK]D-Fendermut : If you can't get the software Zaptel EC to do the job its time to invest in hardware...
13:35.13mutmy cisco as5350 did it i don't see why this thing can't
13:35.36wasimmut: an echo canceller
13:35.37fourcheezeor is there a way to record the host that is doing the registering using realtime?
13:35.58wasimRoyK: kinky
13:36.06fourcheezeany realtime experts around?
13:36.11[TK]D-Fendermut : I went through 2 revisions of TE405P's on my server because of EEC / timing issues.... It was truely unbearable
13:36.43RussCCHello, Quick question how do you guys secure your asterisk systems?
13:36.55jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender no, strangely enough it ended up back on IRQ 11 along with the four other devices.
13:36.58wasimRoyK: missus is getting jealous
13:37.19jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender while we were working our way through the trouble I saw it on IRQ 5, 9, & 7.
13:37.52jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender the BIOS on the ASUS board we're using doesn't allow you to assign IRQs to specific slots
13:38.01[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : So you tried all the different slots you could, and deactivated every non-essential device in the system?
13:38.11EksilAndyCapjbalcomb: maybe it only has one irq line? :)
13:38.22jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender additionally the PRI card is trapped because the rest of the slot are 5v
13:38.40[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : I killed all my serial, USB, LPT, etc port and played with slots till my old TDM22B got its own.  A serious pain to say the least
13:38.58[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : You have a TE410P?
13:39.17jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender well, I had disabled all that stuff but by the time we got to get things working again we put everything back like we found it
13:39.42jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender the paint on the board says TE410P but the system lists it as TE411P
13:40.55[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Do you SEE an EC module on it?
13:40.57mutwhat echo canceller do you use tk?
13:40.59mutin zaptel
13:41.42[TK]D-Fendermut : Otasic :D
13:41.42jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender is that the daughter board?
13:41.42[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Yeah....
13:41.42jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender i think so
13:41.42[TK]D-Fendermut : I ditched my TE405P's, and now run a Sangoma A104d ;)
13:42.00[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Well then that would seem to say you have their EC board and could maybe try using the HWEC
13:42.36[TK]D-FenderI dun got me a reul DSP hyuk!
13:44.06jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender what the hell is HWEC?
13:44.17[TK]D-FenderHardWare Echo Cancellation
13:44.23wasimHell Will Echo Cancel
13:44.52cpmHave Wads Extra Cash
13:45.05jbalcombHe Will Enhance you Cynicism
13:45.09[TK]D-Fendercpm : I accept Paypal ;)
13:45.26jbalcombHow Will Employees Cope?
13:45.35mutwell damnit
13:45.44muti got this card cause i figured it'de be better than the cisco box
13:45.51jbalcombcpm: dont do it, he's Canadian. It's a scam!
13:45.56mutwhat a rip off
13:46.19wasimit is
13:46.24jbalcombmut HAHA!! you thought something would be better than Cisco!! bumwhahaha...
13:46.47jbalcombAll your box are belong to Cisco
13:48.11*** join/#asterisk blkremedy (
13:48.28[TK]D-Fendermut : A104d = *0* echo, PCI voltage agnostic, and platform independant.  Its no the cheapest thing on the market, but you already have a 4-port so the diff is nominal.
13:48.29jbalcombok, maybe its just that my paychecks are bigger when Cisco is invlolved.
13:51.13*** join/#asterisk }btorch{ (n=kvirc@
13:51.17iCEBrkrjbalcomb: You get green lights?
13:52.25jbalcombiCEBrkr yes'm. put everything back like we found it and recompiled libpri & zaptel
13:52.44iCEBrkrI bet that 1st card is setup to do timing
13:53.06jbalcombiCEBrkr million dollar question: how is that done and undone?
13:53.33wasimwe've standardized on a104d pretty much
13:53.39iCEBrkrjbalcomb: Lemme get into work.  I'll check my config there
13:53.51jbalcombiCEBrkr oki
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13:55.46[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : Yeah I was asking about that yesterday :)
13:56.36[TK]D-Fenderwasim : Great little card, isn't it?  They make a very "tight" package.  No frills, just serious hardware.
13:56.58jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender was that right before you dropped offline while my server was down/down? Where's the customer service?!?
13:57.02wasimi have three customers who are looking at 20 quads each in the next quarter
13:57.06jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender ;)
13:57.06*** part/#asterisk mosty (
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13:58.12[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : .... funny I never got a penny for my help :)
13:58.14jbalcombiCEBrkr you Asterisk@home today?
13:58.34Tribastianhallo leute, bin neu aber habe gerade ein paar wichtige fragen...
13:58.36jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender well, if you help me now maybe I can work that out for ya.. pad the hours..
13:58.41blkremedyhello everyone
13:58.50Tribastiansorry english
13:59.02*** join/#asterisk QuAd|Haudrauf (
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13:59.12iCEBrkrjbalcomb: I'm taking my time getting ready
13:59.15Tribastiani am new but i do have some serious problems with asterisk in the company i work in
13:59.20iCEBrkrjbalcomb: I didn't get to bed until 6:45ish
13:59.57jbalcombiCEBrkr nice.
14:00.24tzangerpostgres for CDR rocks.  That is all.
14:00.26tzanger# select (max(calldate)-min(calldate))::interval,(sum(billsec)/3600.00)::numeric(6,2) as hours, count(*) as calls from cdr where host='wu-ast';
14:00.37tzanger(1 row)
14:00.53*** join/#asterisk coppice (
14:00.57[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Well... its up and running now, and you have hardware problems.  Not that much I can do there.  When it comes to a serious overhaul of your PBX design (* config) that I can do....
14:01.20}btorch{has anyone here installed sphinx to work with asterisk ?
14:01.33Tribastianwell we did build up the asterisk server, we did the dialplans, we did the extension.conf and we are able to phone inernal, we are able to phone put, but we are not able that someone can dial in...
14:01.38jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender yeah. I feel ya. I just need to figure how/what I gotta do to get the system working when that extra card is out.
14:01.52blkremedyPretty new to asterisk here....After days of searching, I've hardly found any configurations with asterisk@home on a laptop. Is it not recommended?
14:01.54Kattywasim: :<
14:02.14fourcheezeblkremedy: depends what you want to do with it
14:02.18[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Pastebin up you zaptel / zapata / and interrupts list.
14:02.28[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
14:02.32Katty[TK]D-Fender: mew.
14:02.33jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender iCEBrkr Our phone consultant email us at 8:50 to let us know he is stuck in michigan and can't make the 9 AM meeting!! i'm lovin' it.
14:02.36*** join/#asterisk Dad (n=dad@
14:02.52[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Ever heard of MeetMe? :)
14:03.01[TK]D-FenderAnd eyeBeam?
14:03.01Kattyjbalcomb: we loves it when you be smilin </mcdonalds>
14:04.10jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender i have heard of those things.. might be too complicated for a guy who can't even use a phone
14:04.16mutmy echo comes into play when i call verizon lines
14:04.20mutif i call my cell
14:04.29jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender iCEBrkr /etc/zaptel.conf
14:04.33mutno echo, call sbc, no echo, call telnet local switch, no echo
14:04.51*** join/#asterisk Grubs (
14:05.03Tribastianwell we did build up the asterisk server, we did the dialplans, we did the extension.conf and we are able to phone inernal, we are able to phone put, but we are not able that someone can dial in...
14:05.20jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender iCEBrkr /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
14:06.03jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender iCEBrkr /proc/interrupts
14:06.31[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : 2 ports on a 4-port card?
14:06.49wasimTribastian: what error do you get on *CLI?
14:07.12Tribastianjust a sec, gonna check so i do not tell shit... ;-)
14:08.41wasimumm, cut/paste helps you cut down on the habit
14:08.42*** join/#asterisk rob314 (n=root@
14:08.46jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender yes, m. room for growth..
14:09.01Kattyaka, cookies.
14:10.14iDunnohmm. cookies :)
14:10.49[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : OMG, whats with the LBO settings in zaptel.conf?  How far are you from your smartjack?!
14:11.23TribastianWARING[16640]: chan_sip.c.4045 sip_reg_timeout: ---Registration for '' timed out, trying again ---parse_srv:SRV mapped to host, port 5060
14:11.58Tribastianfor seqno 4107 (Critical Request)
14:12.28Tribastianand then again and again only the seqno counts up
14:13.26*** join/#asterisk pato (
14:15.37jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender yeah, i asked the new phone guy what the LBO setting was about and he says 'i dont know' and then changes it from 0 to 5
14:15.50sivanaI have this in my s exten, GotoIf($[${CALLPROGRESS} > 0]?inprogress)   what does it need to be to jump to a different exten?
14:15.58jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender is my smart jack that box on the wall?
14:16.10*** join/#asterisk stegbth (
14:16.16stegbthhi all
14:16.21*** join/#asterisk pengyong (n=lala@
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14:16.42dorphalsigJan 27 07:02:48 WARNING[15181]: Got restart ack on channel 0/30 span 1 with owner
14:17.14dorphalsigI'm getting that warning every once in a while when my B-Channels get restarted (anyway, why do they get restarted?)
14:17.28dorphalsigCan anybody give me a hand?
14:17.38Kattyi'm using both of mine.
14:18.13[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : yEAH.  yOU HAVE AN lbo SETTING FO 5 ON THERE... THAT KINDA NUTS
14:18.54[TK]D-FenderKatty: WhAt ArE yOu TaLkInG aBoUt?!
14:19.18[TK]D-FenderKatty: MUMBLER! .... I can't understad a word you are saying.....
14:19.35Ahrimanesthat'd be the day?
14:20.07Katty[TK]D-Fender: i am pretty soft spoken (=
14:20.22*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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14:21.32[TK]D-FenderKatty: Put away that big stick!
14:24.45Katty[TK]D-Fender: :>
14:25.44*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (n=root@
14:26.22arkanisevery time call (outbound), I call anonymous, how can I define, that asterisk displays my number?
14:27.43dorphalsigHey, I'm getting this message --> Jan 27 07:02:48 WARNING[15181]: Got restart ack on channel 0/30 span 1 with owner after I get my B-Channels restarted. Anybody knows what does this mean?
14:28.38brad_msswanyone have a recommended voip provider?
14:29.13brad_msswalso, anyone have voicepulses iax server so I can do a traceroute?
14:29.37Grubsapt-get upgrade
14:29.43Grubslol - wrong window!
14:31.24RoyKGrubs: try dist-upgrade :)
14:31.50wasimdist-upgrade gentoo &
14:33.23Grubs{{{{ Debian r0x0rz @st3r1x }}}}
14:33.37*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
14:35.24Tribastianso one more time, please help!!! well we did build up the asterisk server, we did the dialplans, we did the extension.conf and we are able to phone inernal, we are able to phone out, but we are not able that someone can dial in...
14:36.02Tribastianthe message from Asterisk is: WARING[16640]: chan_sip.c.4045 sip_reg_timeout: ---Registration for '' timed out, trying again ---parse_srv:SRV mapped to host, port 5060
14:36.08Tribastianfor seqno 4107 (Critical Request)
14:36.27brad_msswok ... so your registration line is invalid
14:36.49[TK]D-FenderTribastian : pastebin your sip.conf
14:36.53jbotwell, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
14:37.54dorphalsigTribastian --> It seems like your SIP provider is either not responding, you have a network problem or youre password
14:38.32Tribastianok will do that, sorry i am new
14:38.52Tribastianso my registration line is invalid, solution?
14:39.09dorphalsigpaste it at pastebin
14:39.24Err(after removing whatever passwords might be in the file)
14:42.03Tribastianthis is a line of my sip.conf
14:42.26kippianyone got a grandstream GXP2000 ? and got the speed dials to work?
14:42.33Tribastiani will post the error message there, too, just a sec...
14:43.22dorphalsigHey, I'm getting this message --> Jan 27 07:02:48 WARNING[15181]: Got restart ack on channel 0/30 span 1 with owner after I get my B-Channels restarted. Anybody knows what does this mean?
14:43.55[TK]D-FenderTribastian : We need the peer setup as well!
14:43.57brad_msswyou sure that IP address is right ?? you should really be using a hostname
14:45.00Tribastianok, ahm what is my peer setup? i mean wich file do you need
14:45.18[TK]D-FenderTribastian : The other half of your SIP trunk setup
14:45.24[TK]D-Fenderin sip.conf
14:45.56mdavehrm. if I want to run DISA(1234|default), for an outbound call places by asterisks (/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing), what do I put for Application: and Data: ? I tried "Application: DISA" and "Data: 1234|default" and it makes the call, takes the 1234, and gives me dialtone, but then the same dialing that works when a local phone picks up to that same context doesnt seem to work
14:46.19mdaveeg, I want asterisk to call a number, and then allow the callee to dialout as if they were on a local phone
14:46.45dorphalsigTribastian --> take a look at this file
14:46.58*** join/#asterisk chapeaurouge (
14:47.50mdaveit definately seems to be running DISA.. just not matching up to the context.. or something
14:48.22*** join/#asterisk elg (
14:48.35Tribastianok here it is:
14:49.20dorphalsig[41442005335] <-- should be [mynumber]
14:49.28Tribastiandorphalsig: thank you for the link, i was there maybe i did not understand it right...
14:49.32*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
14:49.51Tribastianyes it is...
14:50.33[TK]D-FenderTribastian : Change the fixed IP in your register line to ", and make sure the passwords match.  You also have it sayig "net=yes"  I think you mean "nat=yes".
14:50.50*** part/#asterisk fourcheeze (n=rich@
14:50.58Tribastianwill try...
14:50.59darkskiezDoes the new toshiba videophone work on asterisk?
14:51.17[TK]D-FenderTribastian : and "username=41442005335"
14:51.29kink0is normal that ZAP is not running if I set the remote extreme as NT/M and ZAP is ok if I set the extreme as TE/S ?
14:51.39*** join/#asterisk gaspiz (n=gaspiz@
14:51.41kink0or is a problem configuring zaptel.conf/zapata.conf ?
14:51.55*** join/#asterisk junbug (
14:52.11kink0because if I set the other end as NT/M , then still as RED alarm
14:52.44Tribastianit is the number, just took it out so nobody sees it... well did not succeed because i have forgot to take it out in the header..
14:52.53*** join/#asterisk anthm (
14:52.53*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
14:53.05gaspizhi, I'm trying to dial from an asterisk another asterisk using sip. It works fine for all of my users but one. for this user the second asterisk sends back 407 Proxy Authentication Required
14:53.21gaspizdoes anyone know what i'm doing wrong?
14:53.29Tribastianhey it works!!!!!!!!! thank you but i do have another error, sending it soon...
14:53.42*** join/#asterisk znoG (
14:53.51viperdudegaspiaz: what does the CLI say when it trys to dial?
14:54.52gaspizJan 27 09:54:16 NOTICE[19568]: chan_sip.c:9524 handle_response_invite: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"Marc White" <sip:1005@>;tag=as44fd5133'
14:55.08viperdudebefore that what is the dial command?
14:56.01*** join/#asterisk stack_ (n=stack@
14:56.13viperdudeok sounds like other server is not accepting connections from other servers
14:56.28mdaveok.. if I change the context to something nonexistent, I get fast-busy as soon as I dial a digit.. with it to the correct context, it accepts digits, but then eventually still gives fast-busy, but when I dial the same digits on a local phone, in the same context, the call goes through
14:56.39gaspizbut why does it work for the other users?
14:56.42mdavewonder if Im doing something wrong or something isnt working right
14:56.44*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
14:56.56stack_I would like to set up a queue so that once it has round-robined through the queue once, it exits the queue and goes to the next priority in dialplan... is this possible?
14:56.57*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
14:56.58viperdudeother users on the same server?
14:57.09gaspizviperdude: yes
14:57.41gaspizviperdude: both servers take the users from the same database
14:57.52kink0Aterisk/PRI pri_net ---> N2/PRI as TE/any = Zap OK , but Asterisk/PRI pri_cpe -->N2/PRI as NT/M = Zap RED alarm
14:57.56kink0is that normal ?
14:58.04kink0or I am doing something wrong ?
14:58.14*** join/#asterisk Dabba (
14:58.15viperdudeok well the IP on the dial is different to the IP on the fail to auth so not sure whats going on inbetween
14:58.30*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (i=jwb@
14:59.34Tribastianok back again, the error message and my a part of the conf files are in there...:
15:00.16*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (n=juanjoc@
15:00.18gaspizviperdude: the user is logged in to server A, I'm trying todial the user on server b to transfer the call to the voicemail server
15:00.49[TK]D-FenderTribastian : You are missing an incoming context in your SIP.CONF to tell it where to dial that number into.  add "context=#
15:01.02gaspizviperdude: it's working for the other users, and I have the same settings for this user as for the others
15:01.07Tribastiani think i do have a loop somewhere, and the error is repeating 100 of times
15:01.10[TK]D-Fender"context=telin" into the peer config in sip.conf
15:01.38*** join/#asterisk littleball (
15:01.49patostack_: i think it is possible, you just need to play with the timeout in queues.conf and the timeout parameter when you call the queue app
15:02.20stack_pato, so I would have to add the timeouts of everyone in the queue and make the queue timeout that number?
15:02.36*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
15:02.56patostack_: yes
15:03.06gaspizviperdude: any ideas what to do?
15:03.11[TK]D-Fenderstack_ : Sounds like you are better off doing it with direct dial-plan logic....
15:03.13Tribastianok, it still works, we have lesser error messages but still a lot of these spawn extensions lines
15:03.27[TK]D-FenderTribastian : pastebin your entrie sip.conf please.
15:03.33*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
15:03.56Tribastianok, just a sec, need to remove the passwords...
15:04.08stack_[TK]D-Fender, I'm pretty new to asterisk and we really need the other queue options, like the least dialed, etc... I probably wouldn't have time to script something like that
15:05.11[TK]D-Fenderstack_ : Ok, if you need the logic on top, but rather that try and set it to time out on 1 pass, I'd suggest using a simple time-limit in queue.  I have mine set to 5 mins which then bombs out to VM.
15:06.03*** join/#asterisk Poroto (
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15:06.48stack_[TK]D-Fender, is there a set time it takes to find the next person in the queue, i noticed a delay...
15:07.13*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (n=Neg@
15:07.17MattB2hi all.. i have the fun job of trying to hook an alarm system up to asterisk via an ATA.  I've read that i need to disable echo cancellation but we have an 8-channel PRI and we need echo cancel so the audio calls are fine.  is there anyway of disabling per-call or per-channel?
15:07.27*** join/#asterisk TheGoD (
15:08.34Dabbaanyone any idea why im seeing this
15:08.38TribastianD-Fender: ok, here it is...
15:08.50*** join/#asterisk MattB2_ (
15:09.05TheGoDI'm getting errors zt_rbs: tried to set RBS hook state 0 on channel WCTDM/0/1 while span WCTDM/0 lacks rbsbits or hooksig function
15:09.49MattB2_any have suggestions on asterisk/ATA setup with an alarm?
15:10.19TribastianD-Fender: well to say this is not all of the sip.conf, we do have many more users, but they all look more or less the same... sorry to much passwords to remove...
15:10.48Dabbais this syntax correct ? exten => _X.,9,GotoIf($[${chosenmin} > 59]?wrongminentered,s,1)
15:11.19Hmmhesaysok i'm doing something retarded here, my simple static forwarding is not working in ser
15:11.29_Sam--i think you might need "59"
15:11.57OrdeJHi. One stupid question - i install asterisk@home on windows and vmplayer... after i logon on root - how to switch to GUI?
15:12.00Dabbacheers _Sam--
15:12.09_Sam--and also maybe one other set
15:12.26*** join/#asterisk jpablo (n=jpablo@
15:12.33_Sam--some examples
15:12.53kink0[TK]D-Fender: do you know if is normal I can not get OK my Zap (RED alarm )while the other end is NT/M ?
15:13.02jpablohey people, recommend a good voip online store, I'm looking for a sip<->gsm or analog<->gsm gateway.
15:13.08_Sam--i dont know if it will do > either..
15:13.15Dabbaexten => _X.,10,GotoIf($["${chosenmin}" = ""]?nominutesentered,s,1)
15:13.22kink0jpablo: I bought recently a 2N Stargate
15:13.23Dabbaexten => _X.,10,GotoIf($[${chosenmin} = ""]?nominutesentered,s,1)
15:13.37jpablokink0: it is any good ?
15:13.43*** join/#asterisk stse (
15:13.43gaspizhi, how do I transfer calls from an asterisk to another asterisk during the call?
15:13.45_Sam--i think the first one you pasted is good
15:13.49*** join/#asterisk Zodiacal (
15:14.14stack_[TK]D-Fender, what happens to the queue timing when one of the people in the queue is on DND?
15:14.14kink0jpablo: is a nice equipment, I like, but now I have some problem connecting PRI-> Asterisk PRI
15:14.28*** join/#asterisk kpettit (n=keith@
15:14.36kink0jpablo: is easily scalable, modular, and allow SIM servers
15:14.58_Sam--and it WILL do > < etc
15:15.00kpettitI'm having a problme on a 1.0.9 similar to the timebomb bug that happened with 1.2.2
15:15.17stseHi! How do I tell asterisk to send the pound key to the receiver, so I can control my answering maching if I use a phone connected to the asterisk?
15:15.20kpettitCan't hear any sound.  Any idea's what would cause that.  System worked yesterday]
15:15.24kink0also allow several manners to administration, including telnet, terminal port, and so. Up to 32 channels, 255 SIM per 3U rack
15:15.30jpablokink0: where did you get it ?
15:15.32_Sam--kpettit:  i didnt forget about either...sorry i didnt get the disk image out yet
15:15.36kpettitCan't hear any sound.  Any idea's what would cause that.  System worked yesterday
15:15.50kink0jpablo: from the manufacturer,
15:16.02kpettit_Sam--, no problem, thanks for remembering
15:16.17kink0there some in eBay, but the price is near the same as if you order from factory, and you have not support if you buy it from eBay
15:16.34kink0well... support is good, even I have  not resolved yet my problem today.
15:16.44*** join/#asterisk Underhand (
15:16.49TheGoDI'm getting errors zt_rbs: tried to set RBS hook state 0 on channel WCTDM/0/1 while span WCTDM/0 lacks rbsbits or hooksig function
15:17.03kink0jpablo: have you connected your digium/clone to any E1 or PRI trunk ?
15:17.06jpablokink0, probably that thing is to big for me.
15:17.18jpablokink0, yes. to an alestra isdn pri
15:17.22*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
15:17.22kink0jpablo: then, see bluestar
15:17.41kink0jpablo: how much channels ?
15:17.48Underhandchoppy music on hold - is that likely to be caused by timing issues?
15:17.52jpablokink0, all 30 of them
15:17.54Bambrhi, i've got a question, is it possible to put some queue working only on some certain period of time, for example, from 9 pm till 2 am ?
15:18.05Dabba> _Sam-- seems to work :-) cheers
15:18.06kink0jpablo: then Stargate is the best I know, and cheap than Teles
15:18.10Assidif i call a macro.. and from a macro.. i use include or goto .. does the arguments of the macro exist in the included/goto scope?
15:18.14*** join/#asterisk znoG (
15:18.28kink0Valiant is lighly cheapest, but is not very nice hard.
15:18.30*** join/#asterisk krasavin (
15:18.43kink06U instead 3U rack, nothing about SIM servers, and so.
15:18.53jpablokink0, ah, sorry i was with the e1 thing, i need almost 5 or so channels.
15:19.33kink0jpablo: then Stargate, and install just 3 modules ( 6 channels )... about 4000 Euro all.
15:19.47Assidanyone know?
15:19.53kink0and you are able to scale up to 30 channels if you need tomorrow
15:20.12jpablokink0, i don't think my employer is willing to put that much money at this point.
15:20.27kink0jpablo: can you paste me your zaptel.conf/zapata.conf ?
15:20.36jpablokink0, i guess i will just buy five of this
15:20.39*** join/#asterisk muzzz_ (n=chatzill@
15:20.49kink0jpablo: well.. you can also connect lets say a moto v360 to your PC sound card
15:21.52jpablokink0, yeah, but that wouldn't scale at all, i would need 5 pc sound cards
15:21.55kink0even multiple v360 to USB sounds cards, and go really fine
15:22.17Dabbais it possible to replace this lot with a macro ?
15:22.23stseOr if I want to use to pound key on a called answering machine, how do I tell Asterisk to let them through?
15:23.11jpablokink0, the problem is, now i have to get the v360, i don't know if your gsm provider is giving thoses for our network.
15:23.13kink0jpablo: yes, but is really cheap.
15:23.39kink0sure, I got one v360 without cost from Amena
15:24.00kink0then sound cards, about 10 E/each
15:24.57jpablomaybe i can try that, then when the company sees the value of calling our private gsm network from anywhere they can invest in a 2N thing.
15:25.16mdaveok, trying to get this outbound call connected to DISA is really making my head hurt..
15:25.29stegbthi am thinking about a voicemailbox with openhours
15:25.40stegbthi have pasted my configs here:
15:25.43*** join/#asterisk aLeeNa (
15:25.44mdaveit seems to work almost all the way, but just wont recognize the dialed digits.. and I dont see anything that I am missing, reading the docs at voip-info, as bext I can make sense of them
15:26.13stegbthbut i think this isn't the easiest way, are there other's?
15:26.13iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: psst
15:26.14kink0jpablo: do you know at your E1 connection is the far end is NT or TE ? I suppuse is NT because you are ussing pri_cpe
15:26.16*** join/#asterisk SGM (n=stoyan@
15:26.31mdaveis anyone hear familiar with making outgoing calls by placing .call files, and then using the Application/Data option? and having DISA be the application?
15:27.07Dabbamdave > yes
15:27.12jpablokink0, NT.
15:27.23mdavedabba did you see what I typed earlier?
15:27.35jpablokink0, what kind of e1 are you connecting
15:27.42mdavebasically, it seems to work, but then no matter what the callee dials, they get to fast-busy
15:27.49kink0jpablo: and are you ussing Digium TExxx ?
15:28.02Dabbahave u console when this happens
15:28.08Dabbano id ditn see
15:28.15mdavenothing terribly interesting there
15:28.17kink0jpablo: I pretend to connect 2N PRI NT/M  ->  Asterisk Digium TE405
15:28.22Dabbapastebin ?
15:28.35mdaveit just notes that the outgoing call is placed
15:28.50mdaveit doesnt display anything after or during the callee's dialing
15:29.03*** join/#asterisk elephantMan (
15:29.03kink0but unssuccefull, only partial success if I set TE/* at 2N side and use signalling as pri_net
15:29.23mdaveAttempting call on SIP/XXXX@XXXX for application Disa(123|default) (Retry 1)
15:29.26kink0but then I was able to send calls from 2N to Digium, and not viceverse.
15:29.37mdaveand then 'call completed'
15:29.41kink0then I was pretending to alter TE/NT and try
15:29.59*** join/#asterisk calennert (
15:30.01kink0but when I set NT at the 2N end, doesn't works for me.
15:30.04Dabbaare you sending the callee into default to place calls ?
15:30.12Dabbathats no so cool
15:30.29mdavenot cool as in cant work, or 'insecure'
15:30.33mdaveI will note the callee is me
15:30.35kink0jpablo: do not use trunkgroups ??? in your zapata.conf ?
15:30.45stegbthand is there a way to remove the woman's after playing my busy.gsm?
15:30.50mdaveok, I understand the security implications..
15:30.58mdavebut im just trying to get it to work at all
15:31.25stegbtha i meant the woman's voice ;)
15:31.38mdavethe same default context works fine when a local ATA-attached phone is picked up and dials
15:31.49jpablokink0, nope
15:31.55Dabbaso your dropping a .call into outgoing and then your expecting it to dial a sip device and give dialtone upon answer
15:32.00kink0hmmmm ... voy a intentarlo asi a ver...
15:32.04*** join/#asterisk Blackthorn (i=blacktho@
15:32.06mdaveexactly, and it does get that far
15:32.09jpablokink0, nunca supe para que eran realmente :P
15:32.10mdaveit calls, I answer, I get dialtone
15:32.32Dabbathen it goes wonky?
15:32.32mdaveI dial the digits for the DISA password, and #, and I get the second dialtone
15:32.35mdaveall as expected
15:32.43mdaveif I dial the wrong password it errors out, as expected
15:33.00mdavebut.. once I dial the right one, and get the dialtone, then I try to dial to make a call, it goes to fast-busy instead of making the call
15:33.29BlackthornHello. I have been over on the fedora room. I was trying to diagnose why I have to reset my fc3 asterick box every 3 days or so. Told me about a program called "top" i show two mpg123 loaded...loaded twice i guess?
15:33.56mdavedabba woah thanks
15:34.06stseCan I escape the # key, so asterisk send it to the called person?
15:34.58*** join/#asterisk Pinnen (
15:35.21*** join/#asterisk xianlp (n=xian_1@
15:36.12kink0jpablo: ya la pregunta mas tonta del mundo... por si las moscas... tu cable es cruzado, no ?
15:36.23*** join/#asterisk jimmy_deanPB_ (
15:36.30kink0o sea 2<->3 5<->6 , no ?
15:36.30jpablokink0, no, es recto
15:36.47kink0coño !! como que es recto ? 1<->1 .... 8<->8 ?
15:36.51*** join/#asterisk batphone (n=will@
15:37.11batphoneafter one ring my call queue hangs up on the caller
15:37.16kink0vale.. vale.. a probar con tu misma config y un cable como el tuyo, a ver si consigo ver el PRI arriba
15:37.17Bambris it possible to put some queue working only on some certain period of time, for example, from 9 pm till 2 am ?
15:37.38kink0o sea, recto quieres decir pin a pin, no ?
15:37.39*** join/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
15:37.46jpablokink0, el cable de red del balun a la tarjeta del e1 es un cable normalito de red, con la configuración B
15:38.21malverian[work]My timezone for voicemails is off....
15:38.32malverian[work]It's playing at about +5 hours.
15:38.36malverian[work](When it lists the time)
15:38.45jpablokink0, oye, como marco con la solución del v360, le envio el dtmf por la tarjeta de sonido al teléfono ?
15:39.00kink0noooooooooooo !!! at+d<numero>; para voz
15:39.31kink0jpablo: eso abres un sock con lo que quieras ( Perl, C, etc. ) al puerto /dev/ttyACM0 - o donde lo tengas -
15:39.37jpablokink0, entonces lo conecto al serial ?
15:39.41kink0y le envias el PIN, lo apagas, enciendes, etc.
15:40.17malverian[work]Any ideas why my timezone would be weird in asterisk? The time is correct on the server box..
15:40.30malverian[work]But it plays 5 hours later when I'm listening to my voicemail.
15:40.37Errare you in EST?
15:40.45mdavei think asterisk uses UTC
15:40.54Errsure sounds like it does
15:41.04Hmmhesaysok ithink i've gone retarded  route { forward(, 5060 ); } should work in ser
15:41.05mdavebut im a newb, so im just pontificating
15:41.18malverian[work]EST yeah.
15:41.19WeezeyAnyone have cisco 7940 SCCP firmware?
15:41.20mdaveno idea how you control timezones in *
15:41.30Errmalverian[work]: if you're in EST, then it's definitely using GMT/UTC
15:41.40malverian[work]Can I not change the timezone somehow? I set a [zonemessages] eastern=
15:41.44jpablokink0, entonces tengo que conectarlo a la tarjeta de sonido y al puerto serial o usb ?
15:41.55Weezeythere's timezone stuff in voicemail.conf
15:42.01kink0jpablo: si, por eso lo del v360, porque son conectores separados y no tienes que manipular el cable
15:42.06af_anyone using spandsp with bristuff?
15:42.21Errmalverian[work]: looking at the voicemail.conf file, it looks like you want tz=eastern
15:42.22kink0en realidad, te vale cualquier terminal, yo empecé el proyecto con un viejo ericsson t56
15:42.28jpablokink0, ya veo.
15:42.30malverian[work]eastern=America/New_York|'vm-received' Q 'digits/at' IMp
15:42.34malverian[work]Doesn't help.
15:42.42Errin general?
15:42.45kink0jpablo: a ti no se te queja tu asterisk de tu linea pridialplan=unknow ?
15:42.54*** join/#asterisk xeet2 (
15:42.56kink0a mi se me queja y revienta, porque le falta la "n" al final
15:43.04malverian[work]Err, tz is in general, the eastern= is in zonemessages
15:43.13xeet2does anyone have any TE210Ps or know where I can get one shipped out today for saturday delivery in the US?
15:43.38Errthat's interesting, because that looks like what you should do
15:43.42malverian[work]Err, "show voicemail zones" works.
15:43.43*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
15:43.52malverian[work]Err, yeah, the wiki claimed that that was the process...
15:44.20RoyK~seen OrdeJ
15:44.33jbotordej is currently on #asterisk (38m 17s). Has said a total of 2 messages. Is idling for 23m 3s, last said: ' Hi. I'm totaly new to linux and asterisk. One stupid question - i install asterisk@home on windows and vmplayer... after i logon on root - how to switch to GUI?'.
15:45.10*** join/#asterisk stkn (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
15:45.27Error how you log into windows *without* a GUI :-)
15:45.30OrdeJwith virtual machine...
15:45.36MattB2_help - got an alarm system that's sending DTMF tones down via an ATA into asterisk.  asterisk is setecting the tones and re-sending in its own timing.  The ATA i'm using is set to inband - how do i stop asterisk doing this?
15:45.48RoyKasterisk in vmware is NOT a good idea
15:45.58OrdeJjust for test
15:46.02RoyKuse a dedicated box without X
15:46.04ErrI'm sure the timings will work very well
15:46.41malverian[work]Okay, this is my production server...
15:46.48malverian[work]I really could use a hand trying to figure this out.
15:46.52mdavewhy on earth anyone would run a *nix OS inside vmware on a wintoy os box is beyond me
15:46.57malverian[work]How can I change the default time zone for voicemail?
15:46.57OrdeJithink gui config has to be from diferent computer
15:46.58RoyKat least within the milli^Wsecond
15:47.05mdavelike installing a porshe emulator in a yugo
15:47.08*** join/#asterisk austinnichols101 (n=austinni@
15:47.21Errmdave: good analogy
15:47.23jpablokink0, no, de hecho esa configuración me la pidio mi proveedor. estaba mandadole el tipo de numero como national y ellos lo querían como unknow, si no no funcionaba
15:47.24OrdeJyugo is good car
15:47.25MrChimpywe had vmware esx (linux based) running asterisk fine for SIP testing
15:47.41mdavethat it may be, but its not even comparable to a porsche
15:47.41RoyKOrdeJ: and windows is an excellent OS
15:47.49MrChimpyobv. for production it's insanity itself, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work
15:47.56malverian[work]origdate=Fri Jan 27 10:19:47 AM EST 2006
15:48.09malverian[work]So why does it say "3:19PM" when I listen to the message?
15:48.13malverian[work]This is ludicrous..
15:48.23mdaveof course i cant see any reason to run a winty OS in the first place.. so that may be shaping my perceptions
15:48.32Erryugos might be decent now - they sucked when they were imported into the US some 20 years ago
15:48.43Error, at least, the ones imported to the US sucked - maybe not all did
15:48.44mdavei dont think yugo is made anymore
15:48.47Errsure it is
15:48.51Errby Zastava
15:48.58Underhandzastava still suck.
15:48.59Errthey make cars and guns
15:49.02Underhandbut not as much.
15:49.08xeet2do they make cars with guns?
15:49.12MrChimpyskodas are the ones that improved
15:49.19malverian[work]I really regret using Asterisk sometimes.
15:49.19Errprobably - they're a state-run factory :-)
15:49.27OrdeJbetter guns than cars...
15:49.29[TK]D-Fendermalverian[work] : You didn't set your GMT offset I'm betting...
15:49.32MrChimpythey're owned by VW now and most of the components are VW
15:49.33Errmalverian[work]: you get what you pay for - if you pay somebody to fix it, it'll be fixed ;-)
15:49.42Underhandzastava are cheap cheap cheap, and it shows.
15:49.43*** join/#asterisk DrDeke (
15:49.45xeet2malverian: what is your timezone set to when you type "date" in your shell
15:49.50cpmErr, that's not always so.
15:50.04austinnichols101I'm getting echo on some calls over our PRI.  Should I be looking at tuning the gain as with a POTS line?  I'm having a bit of trouble getting my mind around echo + digital circuit
15:50.11mdaveDabba, you finding the same problem I did and trying to figure out the cause, or are you not getting the same problem and trying to figure out why not?
15:50.12Errcpm: I'm sure that, for some price, someone would fix the source if it were a bug, and fix the config file if it isn't
15:50.13malverian[work][TK]D-Fender, Okay, how the F do I do that?
15:50.13Dabba>mdave your right identical behaviour
15:50.17[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : Sorry for the late response, wassup?
15:50.24cpmAhh, okay,
15:50.31[TK]D-Fendermalverian[work] : pastebin your voicemail.conf
15:50.38kink0xeet2: and ask for MArc, he will supply you in USA for Digium cards
15:50.40mdaveDabba, well I feel better that someone else is seeing the same thing.. now, any idea what might be causing that
15:50.58cpmbut sometimes folks *say* they will fix something in x-amount of time, but then they have cashed the check, and you're still on your own.
15:51.15kink0jpablo: no , esto sigue sin dar zap OK, sigue RED
15:52.15mdaveof course that you are seeing it too makes me wonder if this isnt a bug in asterisk itself,
15:52.17xeet2kink0: thanks
15:52.31xeet2malverian: what is your timezone set to when you type "date" in your shell
15:52.42malverian[work]xeet2, My timezone at shell is correct.
15:52.50MattB2_any ideas how i stop asterisk detecting and resending dtmf? :(
15:52.53malverian[work]Fri Jan 27 10:52:44 EST 2006
15:52.55Pestehello again
15:52.58Pesteis kram here?
15:53.03kink0TE4/0/1 "T4XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 1" HDB3/CCS/CRC4 RED
15:53.05malverian[work]This was _NOT_ an issue with Asterisk-1.2.0
15:53.16malverian[work]I haven't changed my voicemail.conf at all..
15:53.21ErrMattB2_: do you need to ever detect DTMF?
15:53.30MattB2_no i don't
15:54.00Dabbait is odd it doesnt give any console output
15:54.24Pestecan somebody help me with this: pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1
15:54.24MattB2_all our SIP phones are set to INFO, so never need to manually detect inband DTMF
15:55.06jpablokink0, trata de invertir los cables coaxiales
15:55.59xeet2anyone aware of any issues with taking an existing PRI connected to an avaya ip office pbx, plugging it in to 1 port on a TE210P, and then plugging the avaya into the other port, running pri-cpe on the pri port and pri-net on the pbx port, and passing calls between the pri and the avaya?
15:56.07malverian[work][TK]D-Fender, Don't tell me I have to manually define tz= for each voicemail user..
15:56.08mdaveDabba, ok, just for grins, I added a dialplan to dial *out* to disa, and it works
15:56.23xeet2malverian: you could always call digium
15:56.23*** join/#asterisk Mark_Halverson (
15:56.26ErrMattB2_: in sip.conf you have dtmfmode=info, and it still detects inband?
15:56.29xeet2malvarian: and use paid support
15:56.36xeet2malvarian:  they've always been really helpful
15:56.42Error fix the source :-)
15:56.43kink0ahhh jooo olvidé cambiar el cable !!! , tu me dices que estás usando en el E1 un cable ethernet de red ??
15:56.54kink0un rj45 de la ethernes ?
15:56.56Erryou might for kicks try a different timezone, and see if that works
15:56.57mogormanmalverian[work], hows it going
15:57.00MattB2_err: i have it set to inband...
15:57.10MattB2_err: ah guess that's why it's detecting lol!!!!
15:57.11xeet2malvarian:  and with the fact that you're getting functionality of a high-end pbx with asterisk, you can't complain about having to pay for support
15:57.13Dabbait was my fault
15:57.14malverian[work]mogorman, Wanting to rip my head off.
15:57.21Dabbai typo'd the context in disa
15:57.24jpablokink0, así es.
15:57.26ErrMattB2_: that will be $5 ;-)
15:57.32mdaveDabba, oh? yours works now?
15:57.42xeet2malvarian: seriously, call them if you're in a pinch, they'll get it figured out right away
15:57.43Dabbawanna pastebin of it
15:57.53malverian[work]xeet2, I don't need support. I just get pissed off when things change without notice and require me to manually dabble in the source code to figure out what's going on.
15:57.57mdavejust for foo, i'll doublecheck my typing
15:58.11mdavei will feel exceedingly dumb if I made a typo and still hadnt found it
15:58.13xeet2malvarian: and this is different than all other open source software how?
15:58.28[TK]D-Fendermalverian[work] : add "|tz=[timezonename]" in the parameters for your people based on the entries in [zonemessages] I believe
15:58.32ErrI know I get angry when something I get for free doesn't work quite right, and I deploy it without testing
15:58.40*** join/#asterisk Jun_Wang (
15:58.46[TK]D-Fendermalverian[work] : Oh yeah... and "sorry" :)
15:59.01*** part/#asterisk mogorman (
15:59.04mdaveok, no typo here, and still doesnt work
15:59.10cpmI hate it when software does exactly what I instructed it to do.
15:59.19xeet2cpm: it sucks doesn't it?
15:59.21mdavewell perhaps i did something wrong.. maybe if I compare with yours i'll see something less obvious
15:59.29cpmit really does.
15:59.31*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
15:59.32*** join/#asterisk AndyCap (n=aoy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/AndyCap)
15:59.32xeet2cpm: least you don't have to worry about that with ms code
15:59.35ErrI hate it when software does what I told it, but I told it something stupid (which is often the case)
15:59.50cpmYup, is pretty much always the case with me.
15:59.56malverian[work][TK]D-Fender, So I have to do it for each user individually.
16:00.06malverian[work][TK]D-Fender, How was this not a problem on asterisk 1.2.0 but it is in 1.2.1?
16:00.06Erregrep is your friend
16:00.13*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
16:00.14[TK]D-Fendermalverian[work] : use the "default" as well
16:00.22BlackthornIs setting the mod probe command and then calling asterisk in the rc.local file the best way to start asterisk up?
16:00.25[TK]D-Fendermalverian[work] : Not sure... just going by what it says....
16:00.38[TK]D-FenderBlackthorn : Works for me....
16:00.51Dabbamdave >
16:01.08malverian[work][TK]D-Fender, Use the default?
16:01.14xeet2anyone aware of any issues with taking an existing PRI connected to an avaya ip office pbx, plugging it in to 1 port on a TE210P, and then plugging the avaya into the other port, running pri-cpe on the pri port and pri-net on the pbx port, and passing calls between the pri and the avaya?
16:01.20xeet2ie, timing issues
16:01.23mdaveDabba, hrm.. ok.. thats a bit different than the way I did it
16:01.30xeet2can I recover clock from pri, supply clock to pbx
16:01.37malverian[work][TK]D-Fender, It seems like this option should be globally configurable somewhere...
16:01.54BlackthornFedner: ok thanks. i'm just going over my setup trying to figure out why i have to restart my server every 3 days. it's got plenty of spare ram and hd...
16:02.06mdavelemme try that
16:02.16cpmbecause you haven't set up a cron job to do it?
16:02.19malverian[work]I have about 600 voicemail accounts...This will be fun..
16:02.25*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
16:02.29Hmmhesaysok my radius module is farking everything up
16:02.58*** join/#asterisk mtaht (
16:03.44cpmmorn'n mtaht
16:04.08MattB2_err: :(
16:04.38Errmalverian[work]: use egrep
16:04.41mdaveDabba, hrm, isnt DISA supposed to play dialtone?
16:04.52mdaveor do you dial 7777 blind?
16:04.53iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: Hey, I know it's like 'a bad thing'(tm) to run Samba on an Asterisk box.  But if there's only one 'user' going to be saving to that drive, you think it'll affect it much?
16:05.00austinnichols101do PRI circuits need to be gain-tuned for echo?
16:05.17Blackthorncpm: well i guess i could setup cron to reboot the system. But i'd rather fix the issue then to just patch. but guess if there is no answer I can defently give it a try.
16:05.27Dabbamdave i just dropped that .call into outgoing and it dials the sip 1001 and connects it to 7777
16:05.38Dabbawhich then gives dialtone
16:05.39mdaveok, and when you pick up 1001, then what?
16:05.46cpmBlackthorn, would probably be better to find out what the problem is.
16:05.46mdavei didnt get dialtone
16:05.51ErriCEBrkr: it shouldn't be any worse than running any other server that gets frequent queries
16:06.00iCEBrkrErr: That's what I was thinking
16:06.03cpmbut why reboot? is the machine hardlocking? crashing?
16:06.05Dabbawell step 4 says "this si a callback" then i get dialtone :-)
16:06.09iCEBrkrErr: and really, all I'm doing is writing call files...
16:06.16mdaveof course, i removed your 'background', since I dont have that file
16:06.26malverian[work]Err, Or sed..?
16:06.33mdaveDabba, yeah, i took that 'this is a callback' part out
16:06.37Errsamba gets QUITE frequent queries, though, because of all of its broadcast crap - you can turn that off, but it's different for every windows version IIRC
16:06.40Errmalverian[work]: sure, whatever
16:06.46Errthe point is, it's not any work at all
16:06.52mdaveDabba, I assume that refers to a sound file
16:06.56Dabbamdave yes
16:06.56mdavewhich I dont have of course
16:07.02mdavebut it should work without it, shouldnt it?
16:07.04iCEBrkrThen I'll just try to slim down Samba
16:07.06Dabbaof course
16:07.12Dabbait just plays tone
16:07.25Dabbai then dialled a number and got connected
16:07.31Dabba'its good to talk'
16:07.43*** join/#asterisk s34n (
16:07.50mdavei may have forgotten to reload extensions.conf
16:08.34mdavenow just to add a passcode to it
16:08.48s34nwhat is the best way to keep your Asterisk install up to date?
16:08.57iCEBrkrs34n: Don't...
16:09.09*** join/#asterisk morale (
16:09.10Dabbarealise its not possible :-)
16:09.15mdaveonce im ready, find a way to have an incoming call (that isnt answered) trigger a script to put the .call file
16:09.30iCEBrkrDabba: It's not that it's not possible, it's more like why would you??
16:09.31[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : I run X, KDE, XINE, Samba, ProFTPD, gateway routing through my S518, and my X-10 setup on my home server, so why not? :)
16:09.34*** join/#asterisk mtaht` (
16:09.35mdaveevery 2 weeks, reformat your hd, and reinstall from scratch?
16:09.39iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: lol
16:09.52iCEBrkrDabba: again, I point at the topic
16:10.22iCEBrkrSame here :)
16:10.44iCEBrkrI've always pretty much run 1 or 2 versions behind
16:10.44mutdamn digium and their form mails
16:10.45mdaveDabba, anyway, I thankee for thy help muchly. And now that big blue room is calling me
16:10.49[TK]D-FenderI was on SVN somewhere between 1.2.0 and 1.2.1 I believe, then jumped to 1.2.3
16:10.56muti just asked them about echo and everything i've done to try to correct it
16:11.02morale;exten => _XXX!,1,Macro(vmbox,${EXTEN}) <- that seems to match all phone numbers, can someone let me know if that is correct to match only 3 digits?
16:11.08s34niCEBrkr: ok, so whats the best way to run 2 versions behind ;)
16:11.17*** part/#asterisk mtaht (
16:11.18Dabbamdave sweet
16:11.23iCEBrkrs34n: Check once in awhile?
16:11.28mutand he sends me instructions that are exactly what i've already done
16:11.37iCEBrkrs34n: read the change log..
16:11.53[TK]D-Fendermorale : remove the "!"
16:12.05*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
16:12.59s34nI don't want to have to re-download the whole thing and recompile. I would prefer incremental upgrades.
16:13.07kink0jpablo: podrias hacer un pri intense debug span 1 ?
16:13.14iCEBrkrs34n: This isn't windows and you really DON'T want that.
16:13.16kink0no sale esto ni de coña, ya he probado con tres cables y lo mismo
16:13.28iCEBrkrs34n: how hard is it to: make && make install?
16:13.41DrDekeYeah, if you aren't running it on a Sparcstation 20 or something, it should not take all that long.
16:14.01Erryeah, use an IPX - they're smaller
16:14.15JonR800how hard is it to download and recompile?  unless this is on a Pentum 166 or something.
16:14.15*** part/#asterisk mhnoyes (
16:14.20mtaht`IPX was a great monitor stand.
16:14.29Errheh, mine is holding up an alarm clock
16:14.30MrChimpyguy I know did the work to get asterisk on solaris
16:14.40s34niCEBrkr: you forgot 'make uninstall && make clean' ...
16:14.46*** join/#asterisk masonf_ (
16:14.53iCEBrkrs34n: oh, no. no that....: |
16:15.06batphonebut no rule 't' in context 'apptqueue'
16:15.08batphonewtf man..
16:15.10batphonejust hangs up?
16:15.26iCEBrkrs34n: heaven forbid you actually have to maintain something
16:15.38s34niCEBrkr: exactly! :)
16:15.45*** join/#asterisk QbY (
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16:16.01Errif you don't want to fool with it, choose a distro that distributes asterisk
16:16.16TheGoDI'm getting errors zt_rbs: tried to set RBS hook state 0 on channel WCTDM/0/1 while span WCTDM/0 lacks rbsbits or hooksig function
16:16.22TheGoDanyone know what that could be?
16:16.22iCEBrkrs34n: apt-get install asterisk
16:16.33twisted[asteria]Err, and HOPE TO GOD they keep up with bugfixes and critical updates.
16:16.37QbYis there a function similar to "left" -- ie. i need to see if the first 3 numbers in caller id are a particular area code...?
16:16.41iCEBrkrs34n: So when shit blows up, you're screwed messing around trying to fix it... Just download and recompile.. It's the safe way
16:16.46*** join/#asterisk Egonis (
16:17.36EgonisWhen trying to modprobe zaptel, I get a series of errors such as class_simple_create -- I am using kernel-2.6.15-gentoo-r1 and udev
16:17.55Errtwisted[asteria]: I didn't say it was a good idea - I just said it was the easy solution ;-)
16:18.00[TK]D-Fenders34n : Keep in mind the true meaning of "bleeding edge" <-  If you went on 1.2.2 and the APT repos weren't updated.... you'd be hiding your head between you legs....
16:18.25[TK]D-FenderQbY : ${EXTEN:0:3}
16:18.57kink0jpablo: tu tienes una Digium TExxx o otra cosa ?
16:18.58*** part/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
16:19.20[TK]D-FenderQbY : Or for callerid : ${${CALLERID(number)}:0:3}
16:19.58QbY[TK]D-Fender: Where can i find a good description of $EXTEN and 0:3
16:22.00QbYdon't have README.variables
16:22.16[TK]D-FenderQbY : Check the WIKI.
16:22.46[TK]D-FenderQbY : its all very nicely described in there
16:23.37s34niCEBrkr: so how do you clean out the last install before you go through a new install?
16:23.55austinnichols101anyone know if gain tuning is required for a PRI (I'm trying to troubleshoot an echo problem)
16:24.02iCEBrkrs34n: Dude, live by this rule "If it's not broken, don't fix it"
16:24.26iCEBrkrs34n: Really the only time I 'upgrade' is when there's a new feature I'd like to have or there's a fix for something I've been using a workaround for.
16:24.32[TK]D-FenderQbY : README.variables is in the "doc" folder in your source folder
16:24.36_Sam--unless you are bored and have a lot of extra hair to work with
16:25.00QbY[TK]D-Fender - Like ${EXTEN} it says, "The current extension."  Would that be the phone laying on my desk?  That would always return 203..  However, I see people scriptiong ${EXTEN} and it looks like they are talking about the number that was just dialed....
16:25.02[TK]D-Fenders34n : You don't want to auto-upgrade.... things BREAK.  Depreciated features could cripple your dialplans, etc....
16:25.17kink0anybody has a digium TExxx and the other end is NT/M PRI ? With that parameters I always get RED alarm, and I have tryed with several cables also.
16:25.23jpablokink0: una digium TE210P
16:25.42kink0jpablo: joer... la mia no se levanta ni con viagra, está todo el rato en RED
16:25.51TheGoDI'm getting errors zt_rbs: tried to set RBS hook state 0 on channel WCTDM/0/1 while span WCTDM/0 lacks rbsbits or hooksig function,  Asterisk isn't dialing the line, and it does some weird stuff when it picks up
16:25.52[TK]D-FenderQbY : ${EXTEN} is the number that was dialed.  If you dial a number from a phone on your PBX, it holds that number and is what is used to match up against your phones context
16:26.02kink0jpablo: anda dime si un debug al pri te larga algo como esto:
16:26.05Hmmhesaysanyone have SER working with auth_radius?
16:26.16kink0M3: 3   P/F: 1 M2: 3 11: 3  [ SABME (set asynchronous balanced mode extended)
16:26.27Hmmhesaysi can't get the module to load
16:26.36s34n[TK]D-Fender: I have mucked around for many versions, but never gone production with this box yet.
16:26.40kink0es que está como si no hubiera cable ninguno entre la digium y el 2N
16:27.04s34n[TK]D-Fender: I figure I might as well get current before I start laying out the dial plane, etc.
16:27.08kink0jpablo: por cierto, tu PRI Telco de donde viene ? de telefonica o similar ? o es otra cosa ?
16:27.34[TK]D-Fenders34n : Ok so you aren't even really running * yet?
16:27.39s34n[TK]D-Fender: So I'd like to start clean
16:28.05s34n[TK]D-Fender: It's been running as a back-closet hobby for this site.
16:28.41s34n[TK]D-Fender: but I'd like to wipe and start clean (without wiping the OS, etc.)
16:28.57*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (n=bernd@
16:30.03[TK]D-Fenders34n : pastebin your current extensions.conf and we'll see how big a mess you're in.
16:30.09jbotpb is, like, a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
16:30.28s34n[TK]D-Fender: I'm going to wipe the extensions.conf and start over
16:30.48s34n[TK]D-Fender: there is legacy PRI and SIP stuff in there that has been abandoned.
16:30.57[TK]D-Fenders34n : Ok, describe your projected setup (hardware & technologies involved)
16:31.15*** join/#asterisk jimmy_deanPB (
16:32.08s34n[TK]D-Fender: It is reduced to fairly simple: 1 * server, 1 soft-switch, a handful of SIP phones, and a bunch of PSTN extensions
16:32.34s34n[TK]D-Fender: I'm not too worried about re-writing it.
16:32.54[TK]D-Fenderwhat "soft-switch", what kind of phones, and how are you bringing in PSTN phones 9not LINES, right?)
16:33.02s34n[TK]D-Fender: I just want to wipe asterisk and put up the latest version before I re-configure.
16:34.06s34n[TK]D-Fender: I have a SIP connection to a Metaswitch. The PSTN phones are accessible through the metaswitch.
16:34.10[TK]D-FenderThen just Dl stable right from digium's FTP. 1.2.3 seems to be working rather well at this point
16:34.39[TK]D-Fenders34n : And for PSTN connectivity?
16:34.44s34n[TK]D-Fender: I did dl. I want a clean uninstall before I do a new install
16:36.27[TK]D-Fenders34n : You can just compile right over without too many problems.  Just un-tar, "make clean", "make", "make install", and you should be good to go from there.
16:36.51[TK]D-Fenders34n : and if you don't have a config to lose and want an aneurism "make samples"
16:37.50*** join/#asterisk Tili (i=Tili@
16:39.51slanHow can I get rid of "funny" Russian looking characters on the alt-F9 console?  They are the ones in red or blue, normal text is fine.
16:40.32eKo1the what now?
16:41.24slaneKo1: The alt-F9 console is where you see progress messages in Asterisk@Home.  Same on normal Asterisk?
16:41.49eKo1oh, sorry i don't use @home
16:41.59TheGoDI'm getting errors zt_rbs: tried to set RBS hook state 0 on channel WCTDM/0/1 while span WCTDM/0 lacks rbsbits or hooksig function,  Asterisk isn't dialing the line, and it does some weird stuff when it picks up
16:42.17slaneKo1: You don't have an alt-F9 console to see progress messages in Asterisk?
16:42.22Hmmhesaysfile oh file where art thou
16:42.50*** join/#asterisk Skkip (n=Skipper@
16:42.52eKo1slan: i just increase the verbosity and that's about it
16:43.28slaneKo1: I've never messed with verbosity.  What setting do you use?
16:43.39jpablokink0, sorry, estaba en otro  lado. mi e1 es de AT&T en mexico, y no, no me pone ese error que dices
16:43.53*** join/#asterisk austinnichols101 (n=austinni@
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16:44.13eKo1set verbose 3
16:44.20eKo1covers everything imo
16:44.24slaneKo1: 3 - thanks.
16:44.54slanAnyone else use the alt-F9 console to see scrolling progress messages?
16:46.27Hmmhesaysfile have you ever used auth_radius?
16:46.37jarrodhow can ser have 99% cpu free and 500meg memory free and have a load over 1.00 ?
16:46.43fileHmmhesays: no
16:47.12Hmmhesaysi cannot get it to load for the life of me
16:47.31*** join/#asterisk elg (
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16:50.07xachenSER i have never had luck with
16:50.14xachenmaybe because of lack of patience
16:51.00fileHmmhesays: what's it do?
16:51.13filexachen: lots of patience and a good understanding of SIP is very helpful
16:51.29*** join/#asterisk Someone123 (
16:52.18xachenyour telling me I need to knw the SIP forwards, backwards, inwards and every other way? :(
16:52.38fileit helps ... a lot
16:52.38Hmmhesaysfile: all i get on the console is "error initializing module"
16:52.48fileHmmhesays: turn up the debug
16:53.16fileHmmhesays: set log_stderror to yes, and set fork to no
16:53.20fileand debug to 3 or 4
16:55.12fileuse what you get to debug, cause I am out of here for 20-25 minutes
16:55.17HmmhesaysWARNING: no fork mode
16:55.17Hmmhesaysstateless - initializing
16:55.17Hmmhesaystextops - initializing
16:55.17HmmhesaysERROR: error while initializing modules
16:55.19Hmmhesaysthat is it
16:55.45Hmmhesayswhich is odd
16:56.02*** join/#asterisk justinu (
16:56.07*** part/#asterisk HamYaII (i=HamYai@
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16:56.49Supaplexjarrod: my box has a 3.0 load because three instances of xsane will never die (apparent deadlock waiting for a blockread)
16:57.01*** join/#asterisk pifiu (n=myassisb@
16:57.12*** join/#asterisk Romik_ (
16:57.17pifiumorning everyone
16:57.30Supaplexstill *gah* :p
16:57.39Romik_somebody can advice about this problem 1.2.3? Jan 27 12:56:39 WARNING[25014]: chan_zap.c:4335 __zt_exception: We're Zap/50-1, not SIP/  ?
16:58.21xachenwhat is with people just joining in and shoving questions in our face without a simple good morning?
16:58.33HamYaIis it necessary to specify "sip  5060/udp" in /etc/services for FC3?
16:58.54Romik_xachen:  good time of day....i have evening 6:0pm
16:59.11Underhandxachen: not speaking for here in particular, but in many channels, people get flamed for saying good morning and not just getting on with the question asking.
16:59.30xachenI guess ^_^
16:59.35*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
16:59.42rob0I prefer it when people "just ask"
16:59.44MrChimpyit's evening here anyway :)
16:59.52sulexthere's no way to slow down a "SAY DIGITS" agi command right? If so, better to use it in loop with some "sleep" or "noop" or modifying the sounds to have more breathe?
17:00.00Pestecan somebody help me with this: pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1
17:00.05Underhandif there's a concensus on this preference, might i suggest putting it in the FAQ? :)
17:00.12s34n[TK]D-Fender: "Your Asterisk modules directory contains modules that were not installed by this version of Asterisk."
17:00.38*** part/#asterisk austinnichols101 (n=austinni@
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17:00.57arkaniswhat can I do, when asterisk sais "loop detected"
17:00.58s34nincluding a bunch of chan_modem stuff
17:01.09Romik_somebody can advice about this zaptel problem?  (asterisk 1.2.3) Jan 27 12:56:39 WARNING[25014]: chan_zap.c:4335 __zt_exception: We're Zap/50-1, not SIP/  ?
17:01.39*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
17:03.15[TK]D-Fenders34n : "rm -f /usr/lib/modules/asterisk"
17:03.24[TK]D-Fenders34n : then recompile everything
17:04.08malverian[work]I hate snom phones so much..
17:04.27wunderkinno you don't need to recompile, just do a make install, if you had any 3rd party stuff then you have to recompile/install those
17:04.37malverian[work]If you press a function button on the phone while a call is coming in it bridges the button function to the incoming call... wow.
17:04.45malverian[work]Just f*cking wow..
17:04.50*** join/#asterisk kio (
17:05.00[TK]D-Fendermalverian[work] : Its CRAPTASTIC!
17:05.30malverian[work][TK]D-Fender, You wouldn't believe how much crap I've had to go through to make these phones function in a remotely sane manner..
17:05.35Supaplexstays soggy, even in milk!
17:05.39malverian[work]And Snom's technical support is non-existant.
17:05.46malverian[work]I've waited weeks for simple support inquiries before...
17:06.10malverian[work]Then their excuse is "use support from one of our vendors" and then they can't name a vendor that provides support..
17:06.15[TK]D-Fendermalverian[work] : You're right... I'm not that experienced with Snom (as in only hear-say), as I work extensively with Polycom, and Sipura right now.
17:06.55malverian[work][TK]D-Fender, Sadly when I was choosing phones for our location, SNOM was the solution with the most programmable buttons..
17:07.08TheGoDI'm getting errors zt_rbs: tried to set RBS hook state 0 on channel WCTDM/0/1 while span WCTDM/0 lacks rbsbits or hooksig function,  Asterisk isn't dialing the line, and it does some weird stuff when it picks up
17:07.10[TK]D-FenderOMG, a Grandsuck video phone is coming out!
17:07.12malverian[work](With device hinting support)
17:07.45*** join/#asterisk iq (
17:07.53[TK]D-Fendermalverian[work] : Yeah, Hints are the one thing going for Snom right now.  I've got a semi-crippled receptionist right now on a 601.....
17:08.20*** join/#asterisk los415 (
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17:13.56TheGoDasterisk will not pickup my phone lines I have a tdm400 with 4 red cards.  Anyone have any suggestions?
17:14.04TheGoDIt SAYS it picks up
17:14.07TheGoDbut really doesn't
17:15.36TheGoDIt used to work, I rebooted (this was a while ago) and now it doesn't
17:16.07cpmreboot? or hardware power off, power on?
17:16.43TheGoDWhen I call from normal line to a line on asterisk box the sip phone rings, I pick up and all I hear are sounds of more ringing, THe normal phone also still rings
17:16.48TheGoDshutdown -r now
17:18.01*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
17:18.10TheGoDthis is not an asterisk@home install, its a real install
17:18.18TheGoDits driving me crazy
17:19.17*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (n=timr@
17:19.34Romik_somebody can advice about this zaptel problem?  (asterisk 1.2.3) Jan 27 12:56:39 WARNING[25014]: chan_zap.c:4335 __zt_exception: We're Zap/50-1, not SIP/  ?
17:19.49justinuwow, neat
17:20.21[TK]D-FenderRomik_ : Mayeb you could describe WHEN that message pops up for us....
17:21.45Blackthornthegod: i would try a power off restart first of all
17:21.58malverian[work][TK]D-Fender, Are there any other phones with hints?
17:22.00*** join/#asterisk Defraz (i=t0tal@
17:22.06malverian[work][TK]D-Fender, Looks like Seimens makes some good ones...
17:22.22justinuwow, intel and HP dump $10 billion into itanium
17:22.30justinuwhen will they give up?
17:23.17justinuromik: that sounds like a bug, more than anything.
17:23.17[TK]D-Fendermalverian[work] : well Polycom is "flawed" right now.  There is FOP, and other similar tools, or you could write your own script (like I do for my polycom's MicroBrowser.
17:25.53*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
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17:31.11fndudeAnybody use the Grandstream IP phones?
17:31.32badboyzanyone worked w/ the * call pickup feature? pickup a ringing call from 1 extension @ another extension?
17:32.07cronjustinu: your talking about total development of the itanium?
17:32.27s34n[TK]D-Fender: :) my new asterisk won't start
17:32.36[TK]D-Fenders34n : Why not?
17:32.59[TK]D-Fenders34n : You might want to have some config files present... certain modules crap out if you don't...
17:33.16s34nloader.c:325 __load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
17:33.49[TK]D-Fenders34n : put a "noload =>" into your modules.conf
17:34.09*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
17:34.25Assidanyone using voipjet? is there an issue taking place?
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17:39.41Romik_justinu: What I can do to fix it?
17:39.50junbugAssid: check their site I know they chge a router or 2
17:40.27Hmmhesaysvoipjet is working for me
17:41.03*** join/#asterisk zoa (
17:41.45Romik_to whom i can contact about this zaptel problem?
17:42.17Assidhrmm.. i tried their west coast server
17:42.18Assiddoesnt work
17:43.01Hmmhesaysthat one is working for me
17:43.50s34nany recommendations on meetme moderation software?
17:44.01*** join/#asterisk rpm (
17:44.06*** join/#asterisk FarrisG (
17:44.06AssidHmmhesays: calls arent going through that one for me
17:44.07*** part/#asterisk Dabba (
17:44.17FarrisGAnyone know if there's a debian package available for AMP?
17:46.19_Sam--i dont think there is
17:46.26_Sam--dont waste your time anyway
17:46.38FarrisG_Sam--: Really? Not worth it?
17:46.50_Sam--the CDR part and the flash operator panel are nice
17:47.02_Sam--but the GUI to try to config stuff is bunk
17:47.05_Sam--at least, in my opinion.
17:47.08FarrisG_Sam--: Are there any other tools worth using? It's just becoming very cumbersome for me to manage asterisk config.
17:48.07[TK]D-FenderFarrisG : How big is this deployment?
17:48.43AssidHmmhesays: check that out
17:49.15FarrisG[TK]D-Fender: Currently 60 users, average of 2 new ones a week
17:49.23Assiddoesnt voipjet have a number to contact on
17:49.40[TK]D-FenderFarrisG : What do you use your * setup for?  Basic company?  Anything special?
17:50.04*** join/#asterisk justinu (n=justin@
17:50.18_Sam--it might be easiest to just use realtime for your sip/iax peers/buddies
17:50.24_Sam--throw them in an sql table
17:50.24FarrisG[TK]D-Fender: Define special? It does all of our PBX, conferencing, DID, etc...
17:50.28*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
17:51.17[TK]D-FenderFarrisG : So MeetMe, basic extensions, PRI, VM, Queues(have any?  Need special reporting?)
17:52.08TheGoDMy asterisk server running on a tdm400 with 4 red cards will not pickup the phone on any line.  It says it is but it doesn't actually do it.  Does anyone have any suggestions
17:52.10FarrisG[TK]D-Fender: No queues at the moment. Don't need special reporting. No billing or anything, mainly just call logs, CDR. It's just for an in-house system, no billing or anything
17:52.11[TK]D-FenderFarrisG : Single unified company? (not multi-tenant)
17:52.36FarrisG[TK]D-Fender: Correct, one company. Looking to setup a second site overseas soon, but that'll be a huge nightmare
17:52.39[TK]D-FenderFarrisG : If done right I don't see why this would need AMP....
17:52.49tainted_anyone know docelmo?
17:53.03_Sam--amp WOULD work fine
17:53.09FarrisG[TK]D-Fender: I agree, but I'm trying to find a way to make managing users, etc. simpler, so that I can ramp up help we're hiring
17:53.24_Sam--but it would be easier to just put the sip users in an sql table
17:53.31_Sam--and then access the table with some easy front end
17:53.36[TK]D-FenderFarrisG : So you're running a "normal" install of * rightnow?
17:53.39_Sam--and use realtime
17:53.45FarrisG[TK]D-Fender: yes
17:54.05badboyzhow do you check what version of * you are using?
17:54.29mzoasterisk -version :P
17:54.29[TK]D-FenderFarrisG : Care to pastebin your current extensions.conf for a quick peek at how you're doing it now?
17:55.46FarrisG[TK]D-Fender: How much of it?
17:58.28badboyzasterisk -V
17:58.34badboyzit doesnt tell me the version =/
17:59.02mzoit should. :P
17:59.09[TK]D-FenderFarrisG : all of it... why not...
17:59.14Assiddamn voipjet
17:59.17Assidi cant get through
17:59.24Assidto neither of their servers
17:59.32mzooh it's 'show version'
17:59.52mzoyou get some gibberish like this.  Asterisk 1.2.3 built by root @ asterisk1.local on a i686 running Linux on 2006-01-26 22:46:24 UTC
18:00.11badboyzAsterisk built by root@asterisk1.local on a i686 running Linux <<
18:00.13badboyzno version :(
18:00.19mzohow weird.
18:00.25badboyzmines br0ke
18:00.32nroejhi all
18:00.41mzowhen you connect to the shell it should tell you? exit out of it and do asterisk -r it should say it again?
18:00.45benjkbenjk*CLI> show version
18:00.45benjkAsterisk 1.0.10
18:00.54badboyzConnected to Asterisk currently running on asterisk (pid = 25785)
18:01.15badboyzasterisk]# asterisk -r
18:01.15badboyzAsterisk , Copyright (C) 1999 - 2005 Digium.
18:02.07nroejneed some help with my sirrix card,
18:02.16nroejand then it hangs
18:02.30nroejwhy does it forward
18:03.00DaPrivateercan anyone recommend a windows based manager interface
18:03.51masonf_why not amp?
18:03.54austinnichols101Does rx/tx gain need to be configured with a TE110P?
18:03.55nmsclerasilly question, but does a PRI circuit have to be CONNECTED to the TE100P for the channels to come up in asterisk?
18:04.30benjkbadboyz: you need my patches, so you get this ...
18:04.31benjkbenjk*CLI> show copyright
18:04.31benjkAsterisk 1.0.10, Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Digium and third party contributors.
18:04.37austinnichols101nmsclera: what do you mean by 'come up'?
18:05.03*** join/#asterisk muzzz_ (n=chatzill@
18:05.08nmscleraaustinnichols101: I get this error when starting asterisk (I believe everything is configured properly, but the PRI is not connected to the RJ48-45, whatever..):
18:05.19nmscleraJan 27 06:03:06 WARNING[10250]: chan_zap.c:920 zt_open: Unable to specify channel 11: No such device or address
18:05.22DaPrivateermasonf_ - i should be more clear. im looking for something to pop up on my screen when my phone is ringing... allow me to transfer the call when im on it, stuff like that
18:05.58badboyzbenjk: i dont get a copyright :( how do i install your patch?
18:06.01nmscleraaustinnichols101: Wait.  I just may simply be stupid.  Checking.
18:07.10*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
18:07.30nroejnoone with a sirrix card here?
18:07.34benjkbadboyz: stock version of Asterisk does not comply with the GPLl, so I made some changes to make it compliant
18:08.03benjkthe sources are available with my Asterisk for OSX build
18:08.11*** join/#asterisk FlipZZZ (n=FlipZZZ@
18:08.19FlipZZZhello all
18:08.23benjkhowever, since you probably only want the added CLI commands, you may not want the whole shebang
18:08.26Pestecan somebody help me with this: pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1
18:08.41benjkI can send you just the CLI changes
18:09.20FlipZZZany ideas on the "underwater" sounding calls that people i call get sometimes, even though they are clear to me?
18:09.22[TK]D-FenderOMG, Sangoma is working on a 8 pot T1 card :D
18:09.45eKo1smoking the sheeba i see
18:09.54austinnichols101anyone using an Echo Canceling PRI card?
18:10.29*** join/#asterisk angom_w (
18:11.00nmscleraaustinnichols101: Scratch that.  I'm an idiot.  Apparently I can't count.  Thanks, anyway ;)
18:11.07[TK]D-Fenderaustinnichols101 : I am.
18:11.20mzono weed please, im trying to work :P
18:11.22iCEBrkrOops, I missed.
18:11.27iCEBrkrDamn stem is bent
18:11.40TheGoDMy asterisk server running on a tdm400 with 4 red cards will not pickup the phone on any line.  It says it is but it doesn't actually do it.  Does anyone have any suggestions
18:11.45austinnichols101TK]D-Fender: is the advantage just in CPU cycles or does it actually do better cancellation?
18:12.00[TK]D-Fenderaustinnichols101 : Both
18:12.32austinnichols101TK]D-Fender: I'm fighting an echo problem with my TE110P and I'm starting to think it may just be easier to swap cards
18:12.40FlipZZZhave to love and hate asterisk
18:12.56*** part/#asterisk stegbth (
18:13.01[TK]D-Fenderaustinnichols101 : I'd say so.....
18:13.21austinnichols101TK]D-Fender: which card you using?
18:13.23sevrdseotquestion, So even though I've changed console=no in safe_asterisk when I do asterisk -r I get Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?)
18:13.23*** join/#asterisk QuAd|Haudrauf (
18:13.39[TK]D-Fenderaustinnichols101 :  Sangoma A104d
18:14.08austinnichols101[TK]D-Fender: Anything special about installing one of those?
18:15.16Skkipanyone else ever have a problem getting zaptel to start upon bootup? running 'service zaptel start' works fine, just from boot up sometimes it will not load
18:15.32[TK]D-Fenderaustinnichols101 : A few things to know : You need to compile all the the * stuff first, then Wanpipe (the Sangoma driver), then recompile Zaptel again.  From there you need to run "wancfg" to set up the card, and exsure that you start it in your boot sequence before everything else.  Thats it basically.
18:15.38FlipZZZanyone have any ideas on the "underwater" sounding calls?
18:16.16austinnichols101[TK]D-Fender: tks
18:16.37[TK]D-Fenderaustinnichols101 : np
18:16.51Assidis it me .. or is there some kinda isues on the voip network
18:17.12DaPrivateerRight so any recomendations on a manager interface that can be used on win32 to give a receptionist the ability to see what's going on?
18:17.33iCEBrkrDaPrivateer: Good luck :P
18:17.33iCEBrkrFOP is gay. but it works :-/
18:17.35[TK]D-FenderDaPrivateer : FOP or IPSwitchboard.
18:17.45[TK]D-FenderIPSwitchboard is pretty good
18:17.49*** join/#asterisk gaspiz (n=gaspiz@
18:18.00iCEBrkrSomeone kick me in the ass so I start working on my damn Asterisk Call Manager.
18:18.35zoaor this one:
18:19.09|vinsik|hope it help
18:19.16gaspizhi why is it asking for an extension if I use: voicemailmain(1005@company_5) I have an extension 1005 in context company_5 in voicemail.conf
18:19.32gaspizI use asterisk 1.2.1
18:19.41tainted_when i call an ATA, i don't get the ringing tone
18:19.46tainted_does anyone know why that is?
18:19.47DaPrivateerahh yes
18:19.53DaPrivateerFOP is what i played with before
18:20.00|vinsik|tainted: what ata?
18:20.03|vinsik|tainted: brand
18:20.04DaPrivateerand managed to make phones all over trhe place start ringing for no reason
18:20.04tainted_i thought asterisk natively adds ringing w/o the 'r' parameter in dial
18:20.09austinnichols101[TK]D-Fender: One last question - do you ever have to mess with rx/tx gain on your PRI?  I'm wondering if it's necessary to make adjustments for echo...
18:20.13tainted_|vinsik| grandstream 488
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18:20.41|vinsik|tainted: hah.. have the same problem with grandstreams.. they are dumb machines..
18:20.54tainted_|vinsik| what was your fix?
18:20.59gaspizdoes anyone know about this voicemailmain issue?
18:21.10|vinsik|tainted: i added 'r'
18:21.18|vinsik|tainted: but is the device ringing?
18:21.30|vinsik|tainted: well 'r' worked for me anyways..
18:21.58tainted_stange thing is, i have 'r' enabled!?
18:22.08*** join/#asterisk TarAm (n=mmm@
18:22.13|vinsik|Dial(SIP/phone,20,r) ?
18:22.33|vinsik|try removing it..
18:22.52tainted_was your ATA ringing?
18:23.01tainted_must be same issue then
18:23.06nroejForwarding SIP/4098883-d6e3 to 'Local/@internal' (thanks to Srx/gint10-081662a8) <- where does this message come from?
18:23.10tainted_i thought asterisk natively added rining
18:23.34|vinsik|gaspiz: could you explain once again.. i didnt get it.. how do u route it from exten?
18:23.45puzzledtainted: if you use the r option in the Dial statement
18:24.05[TK]D-Fenderaustinnichols101 : I never have to play with ANYTHING with this card.  Gain's are 0.0 for both and *0* echo.
18:24.14tainted_puzzled i do have the r option.. but it still doesn't ring
18:24.17|vinsik|puzzled: he has the 'r' option but it does not ring.
18:24.20austinnichols101[TK]D-Fender: tks again!
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18:24.54puzzledtainted_: not sure but maybe the channel needs to be answered before it can send back rining
18:24.58puzzledringing even
18:24.59[TK]D-Fenderzoa : That AsteriskGuru one is pretty neat.... where does it store its server list?
18:25.03TarAmhai hello
18:25.04|vinsik|tainted: maybe you mispelled? :D does asterisk say -- Executing Dial(SIP/jadda|20|r) <?
18:25.08SibRw0rkhas anyone successfully gotten musiconhold to work with streaming music?
18:25.09DaPrivateerok ipswitchboard looks kewl, just a pain in the ass to set up :-p
18:25.17TarAmsomebudy hellp me
18:26.07TarAmany budy hom e
18:26.14_Sam--everyones eating lunch
18:26.38TarAmsam can you help me
18:26.44*** part/#asterisk bkw__ (
18:26.46_Sam--probably not but at least im honest
18:26.50puzzledTarAm: stop asking for help and just state your problem
18:26.51TarAmhemm i ave problem with my asterisk conf.
18:27.39TheGoDMy asterisk server running on a tdm400 with 4 red cards will not pickup the phone on any line.  It says it is but it doesn't actually do it.  Does anyone have any suggestions?
18:27.56_Sam--TheGoD:  what asterisk version
18:28.09TarAmpuzzled i just want no that asterisk can use in touch tones system registration
18:28.25TarAmif can how i can do taht system
18:28.30puzzledTarAm: I have no idea what you are saying
18:28.36|vinsik|TarAm: drunk?
18:28.46*** join/#asterisk cianhughes (n=cian@
18:28.52TarAmmy english not good hemm
18:29.05TarAmand i a hew guy at this channel
18:29.15TarAmi join after i buy the asterisk book
18:29.19_Sam--TarAm:  need the READ command
18:29.30TarAmVoIP telephony with asterisk
18:29.34*** join/#asterisk kimosabe (n=kimosabe@
18:29.36cianhugheshey, firstly I'm in a country where G729 patents don't apply, I'm trying to update the free to work with asterisk 1.2.1 on FreeBSD, anyone else tried this?
18:29.59cianhughesok I am getting this error /usr/local/lib/asterisk/modules/ Undefined symbol "USC_G729FP_Fxns"
18:30.09TarAmso what command i can read
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18:30.36_Sam--READ gets pressed DTMF tones
18:30.47|vinsik|oh.. now i got what is he asking. :)
18:31.12cianhughesbut I don't think the symbol is undefined because of this: nm /usr/local/lib/asterisk/modules/ | grep USC_G729FP_Fxns
18:31.15cianhughes000323c0 D USC_G729FP_Fxns
18:31.45bertdHi folks.  First time on asterisk channel.
18:31.54|vinsik|bertd: welcome
18:32.05Mark_HalversonI have several SIP providers, any AGIs out there that will select a random provider?  I am wanting to keep my dialplan as small as possible
18:32.07TarAmhai all :D
18:32.36puzzledMark_Halverson: iirc there is a built-in random function you could use
18:33.07Mark_Halversonhey but that requires at least two lines for each provider....i have like 60 SIP accounts
18:33.19TarAmvinsik can i PM you
18:33.37|vinsik|TarAm: im leaving work in 5min.. so state quickly.
18:33.46_Sam--you could use the random command with 60 sip providers
18:33.50Mark_Halversoni am using the random cmd now -- wanting something different
18:34.13|vinsik|Mark_Halverson: why dont u build MySQL random ?
18:34.14Mark_Halversonthe dialplan gets to bulky - trying to simplify it
18:34.16TarAmok vinsik
18:34.19_Sam--you could put them in an sql table somhow
18:34.36|vinsik|mark: with mysql .. ;)
18:34.45|vinsik|mark: write a shell script or something..
18:34.49_Sam--or php
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18:34.51TarAmi just know that asterisk can do touch tones registration system
18:34.52Mark_Halversonah...the somehow....that's where i am can't write a program to save my life
18:35.06TarAmsorry my english noot good
18:35.38TarAmbut really want learn about asterisk
18:35.44Blackthornsomone was talking about hearing a dtfm tone ealier in this chat.. what is dtfm tone? Reason why I ask is that I have a voip user that we get a low beeping tone every 20 seconds when he's on the phone..
18:36.07_Sam--hmmm are you using chanspy?
18:36.12|vinsik|TarAm: build mysql database install support for asterisk. make extensions to read 4 digit pin.. query it by mysql and if it checks out register the phone to asterisk database.
18:36.32bertdI built my first asterisk box recently and demoed it last week.  I had some weird problems with the first 1/2 second of the voice mail prompt getting lost.  Instead of "comedian mail" it sounds like "ian main".  I added a playback of 1 second of silence, and that fixed the problem.  Any better fix?  Anybody else have this problem?
18:37.03puzzledbertd: first answer the line, then put in a Wait(1) then go on to voicemail
18:37.12_Sam--bertd:  wait(1) is pretty benign...dont let it bother ya
18:37.13Mark_Halverson2, wait(1)
18:37.17|vinsik|Mark_Halverson: create a file with 60 providers.. make a shell script to parse it and choose randomly one.
18:37.19puzzledbertd: give the box a bit of time to get stuff sorted out
18:37.47|vinsik|TarAm: is that what u are after?
18:37.49gaspizdoes any of you know a problem with voicemail-> voicemailmain in Asterisk 1.2.1?
18:37.55TarAmso where i can get
18:38.04[TK]D-FenderMark_Halverson : Forget the script <- Put the list into the ASTDB, and doa random & grab it with DB.  Much less overhead.
18:38.06|vinsik|TarAm: asterisk-addons
18:38.12nroejForwarding SIP/4098883-d6e3 to 'Local/@internal' (thanks to Srx/gint10-081662a8) <- which asterisk module throws this message?
18:38.28|vinsik|gaspiz: what is the problem?
18:38.55|vinsik|D-fender: does asterisk database support alot of data?
18:39.14TarAmthanks all sam and vinsik i try do first if i fill
18:39.21[TK]D-Fender|vinsik| : plenty
18:39.22|vinsik|TarAm: and an answer to your next q. is
18:39.23gaspizvinsik: it does not recognize my users
18:39.24TarAmi as you again ok
18:39.34[TK]D-Fender|vinsik| : for his need anyways...
18:39.39|vinsik|gaspiz: what command do u give from extensions?
18:39.52TarAmi already go tu forum asterisk .org
18:40.07|vinsik|D-Fender: ok..
18:40.24bertdOk guys.  Thanks for help.  Glad to hear it is normal to have to "wait(1)" before voicemail.
18:40.47|vinsik|gaspiz: and the box says unknown extension?
18:41.04gaspizvinsik: yes
18:41.17gaspizvinsik: I have my users in a mysql database, this is working couse I have the sip users in another table
18:41.39gaspizvinsik: it was working great with 1.0
18:42.00*** join/#asterisk MasterYoda (n=mnichols@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/MasterYoda)
18:42.08gaspizvinsik: today I upgraded it to 1.2.1 and crashed
18:42.19|vinsik|gaspiz: upgrade to 1.2.3
18:42.28_Sam--1.2.1 is fine
18:42.42_Sam--but 1.2.3 may be finer for you
18:42.44mzono 1.2.3. si bettar! :P
18:42.44|vinsik|gaspiz: do u use voicemail from sql?
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18:43.07|vinsik|gaspiz: i mean do u have voicemail config in sql
18:43.17|vinsik|i gatto go..
18:43.20|vinsik|cya guys
18:43.33gaspizI have the users in mysql
18:43.49gaspizdoes anyone else have an idea?
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18:45.47enemy^xI get "Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe" running 1.2.3 while moh... anyone else?
18:45.52bertdOne question down.  Here is next one. -------  In a previous life I was a hardware designer.  I just read the O'Reilly book on T1.  At the bit level it is really simple.  It seems like it should be possible to design a cheap (about $20 parts cost) board to take the bits off the T1 line and dump them into ethernet packets.  This has got to be better than the $500+ digium board.  Of course, it would need a non-trivial driver in linux to ma
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18:46.05Cyonenemy^x:  Yeah, it's common, and I think you can google to locate the fix
18:46.38enemy^xcyan: I had it in 1.2.2 also, but non crash, just silence suppression
18:46.47enemy^xrolled over the screen
18:46.58enemy^xhave also googled for the fix, but still no ok
18:47.08Cyonenemy^x:  Ah, it's crashing on you?  No idea then.
18:47.29Cyonbertd:  Well above my abilities.  :-P
18:47.41*** join/#asterisk bob-b (n=bob@Jade.NetSurf.Net)
18:47.42FarrisGIf I make changes to zapata.conf, do I have to stop *, unload modules, reload them, and the restart?
18:48.08CyonFarrisG:  I think so, yes.
18:48.10MasterYodaFarrisG: no, depending on your changes you may need to restart Asterisk though
18:48.26CyonFarrisG:  I recant my statement.  :-P
18:48.31MasterYodaFarrisG: you should not have to unload any kernel modules for changes to zapata.conf
18:48.48*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
18:48.50[TK]D-FenderWow I just found a place thats a few bucks cheap on Polycom IP 601's than Atacomm.....
18:49.09iCEBrkrjbalcomb: DOOD
18:49.19FarrisGI'm just having trouble getting caller ID to work. It works for the two analog lines we have, which have callerID explicitly set for their group... But no other outbound calls send any caller id data
18:49.20[TK]D-FenderFarrisG : Just do a "restart gracefully".
18:49.28bob-bNew to IRC, please be gentle... I have an asterisk question that I can't find any prior info on the mailing lists.
18:49.38MasterYodaFarrisG: do your lines support it?
18:49.42FarrisG[TK]D-Fender: Ah, that answers my question. That's what I did, and still no change
18:49.46FarrisGMasterYoda: Yes
18:49.55Cyonbob-b:  Ask
18:50.15MasterYodaFarrisG: does it work if you do a Set(CALLERID(num)=01234567889) before dialing?
18:50.45bob-bIs it possible to ring a sip phone from an incoming call on an Analog line WITHOUT taking the analog line off-hook until the SIP call is answered?
18:50.48[TK]D-FenderFarrisG : For you that'd be "SetCallerIDNum(0123456789)"
18:50.51FarrisGMasterYoda: Where does that go? extensions.conf?
18:50.57MasterYodabob-b: you are starting off on the wrong foot.  Rule number #1, don't ask to ask.
18:51.06bob-b:-) sorry
18:51.15FarrisGI guess I'm just confused... Do I have to do that for every extension?
18:51.18MasterYodaFarrisG: in extensions.conf before you dial statement
18:52.09[TK]D-FenderFarrisG : Just call it before your Dial-line out to Zap
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18:52.59FarrisG[TK]D-Fender: And where is that? You've seen my extensions.conf, can you point me to where in that file it should go?
18:53.36bob-bI can explain why I want to do this if anyone is interested.
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18:56.45[TK]D-FenderFarrisG : You'd have to di it like 20 places.... everywhere right before you dial in your [trunk(whatever)] contexts.... thats  the price you pay for lack of abstraction :)
18:57.19[TK]D-Fenderbob-b : YES
18:57.22FarrisG[TK]D-Fender: Lack of abstraction?
18:57.43FarrisG[TK]D-Fender: Again, I didn't write this .conf file :)
18:58.31Cyonbob-b:  Yeah, should be feasible..just don't Answer() and Hangup() if the sip device doesn't answer.
18:58.37Cyonbob-b:  But I've never tried, just guessing
18:58.48TheGoDMy asterisk server running on a tdm400 with 4 red cards will not pickup the phone on any line.  It says it is but it doesn't actually do it.  Does anyone have any suggestions?
18:58.48[TK]D-FenderFarrisG : You have a ton of "dial" lines that directly reference the PRI like "Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN:1}).  If you had a macro that was called based on the pattern match you would only have to chang it in 1 place.
18:59.03[TK]D-FenderFarrisG : I'm not blaming YOU, I'm blaming your CONFIG :D
18:59.26[TK]D-Fenderbob-b : I've done it, yes its that easy.
18:59.51*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (
19:00.06bob-bThe reason I want to do this is to have a Y splitter on a POTS line where my desk phone rings and my sip phone rings and whoever answers first gets the call.
19:00.17bob-bIs there an example somewhere you could direct me to?
19:00.17FarrisG[TK]D-Fender: So if instead of defining "TRUNK=Zap/yaddayadda" I defined "DIALTRUNK=SetCallerID(kdjfhskdfh),Dial(Zap/yasyfds)" it would be cleaner?
19:00.26[TK]D-Fenderbob-b : just make it Dial before any other playback style command or anything that touches sound on the call.  if the Dial to SIP phone doesn't end up with an answer then the Zap call would just keep riniging.
19:00.39*** join/#asterisk Flusher- (
19:00.55Pestecan somebody help me with this: pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1
19:01.24Pestei use a TE110P card from digium and a AG4000 from nms on the other side
19:01.25[TK]D-FenderFarrisG : Instead of calling "Dial" in 20 places, call a macro that does the "dirty work".  That way you only change it in one place.
19:01.40gaspizI have a realtime configuration problem for the voicemail . I'm using 1.2.1
19:01.54wunderkinPeste, erm.. omg.. have you emailed digium support? how often do you get that error? at least as often as you keep asking here? check for irq sharing and using proper timing
19:01.57jbalcombiCEBrkr DOOD!!
19:02.24iCEBrkrjbalcomb: You figure anything out?
19:03.02gaspizdoes any of you use realtime voicemail? with 1.2.1
19:03.22jbalcombiCEBrkr not yet. i was just told i'm not to work on it anymore until get a backup server because of how much trouble we had last night
19:04.01iCEBrkrMakes sense
19:04.10jbalcombiCEBrkr I just submitted a PO for a $7,000+ system including RH 4 ES, Asterisk Business, and additional TE411P
19:04.32jbalcombiCEBrkr Dual Dual Core Zeon 2.8 Ghz =)
19:04.33iCEBrkrTho, I think that's how much ours cost.. about..
19:04.40bob-bcool. thanks guys.
19:04.45iCEBrkrActually, I think ours was about $3500
19:05.05MasterYodagaspiz: I have before...
19:05.21jbalcombiCEBrkr 2GB RAM, (3) 36 GB Cheetahs RAID 5, redundant power supplies, etc.
19:05.42shidosomeone is getting a nice phat check, jbalcomb
19:06.02wunderkinjbalcomb, and what is this being used for?
19:06.12jbalcombiCEBrkr all told it was $6,500 but dell is giving 1,100 off for systems over 4,000
19:06.25jbalcombshido not me. :(
19:06.42iCEBrkrjbalcomb: You're getting the Sangoma card right?
19:06.50*** part/#asterisk bob-b (n=bob@Jade.NetSurf.Net)
19:07.00jbalcombwunderkin Asterisk, 120 phones, 100 DIDs, 150 800s, 2 PRIs, 16 simultaneous calls
19:07.05jbalcombiCEBrkr no....
19:07.09_Sam--jbalcomb:  you couldhave built the same thing for 2000
19:07.22FarrisGI'm so friggin' confused now
19:07.24tainted_anyone know docelmo? i bought a server from him and don't know if he's reliable...
19:07.25nmscleraiCEBrkr: are the Sangoma cards better than the Digium or Zaptel?
19:07.29_Sam--you bought a dell voipserv model?
19:07.36iCEBrkrjbalcomb: You realize you may have IRQ issues?
19:07.37mdaveDabba, you still around?
19:07.56mdaveah. I see not
19:08.01jbalcombiCEBrkr yeah but this setup is 100% digium compliant
19:08.14jbalcombiCEBrkr they wont support us with the sangoma card
19:08.42jbalcombiCEBrkr the boss wont let me pull the digium card out of the current box and just move it over either.. FUD.
19:08.46mogormaniCEBrkr we gonna start the sangoma v digium argument again
19:08.48MasterYodaFarrisG: oh ok, I just re read your problem, no oubbound callerid right...
19:08.53mdavewell I got callout-delivered-disa working, but it only works when the destination is a local ATA, not when I dialout thru broadvoice.. or rather, it works, but while I get a dialtone when I answer the local set, i *dont* get a dialtone when I answer the pots line called via broadvoice
19:09.03MasterYodaFarrisG: set it in zapata.conf for the lines that it is not working on
19:09.03iCEBrkrmogorman: I'm not arguing what I find on your guys site..
19:09.15iCEBrkrmogorman: It's stated on Digium's site what the issues are..
19:09.18jbalcombiCEBrkr what am i looking at?
19:09.29iCEBrkrjbalcomb: The part where it said Dell Poweredge..
19:10.02jbalcombiCEBrkr the PowerEdge 2850 is /the/ recommended system though
19:10.21wunderkin_Sam--, heh.. no kidding..
19:10.33*** part/#asterisk UlbabraB (
19:10.38_Sam--maybe even 1500 :)
19:10.50iCEBrkrjbalcomb: Well, you'll have more time to monkey around with it if it doesn't work.. I didn't/don't have that option.
19:11.13FarrisGMasterYoda: I believe I tried that, which is why I asked if I needed to restart anything special. My fxo_ls lines are doing callerid Properly but my pri_cpe lines are not
19:11.14jbalcombiCEBrkr i did also call and confirm that the new release is tested with RH ES 4
19:11.50iCEBrkrjbalcomb: Like I said, everything around here is 'fire fighting mode', so I couldn't chance a failure or problems...
19:11.56tainted_jbalcomb why's that
19:12.16MasterYodaFarrisG: well make sure it is enabled in zapata.conf and configured for those lines (or in the dialplan).  Also make sure your provider support sending it.
19:12.28MasterYodaFarrisG: you could also call Digium Support
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19:13.12FarrisGMasterYoda: Not sure I want to pay Digium Support just to show me which config line I'm missing.
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19:13.27mogormanheh we cover zapata for free
19:13.34FarrisGMasterYoda: I know the provider supports it, as it works for two of the lines
19:13.38jbalcombtainted_ whys what?
19:13.38FlipZZZanyone have any ideas on the "underwater" sounding calls?
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19:13.44MasterYodaFarrisG: but those are not your pri lines
19:14.05tainted_jbalcomb about the 2850
19:14.14rob0FlipZZZ: trying to drink water and talk at the same time? <g,d,r>
19:14.19[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : PM
19:14.25jbalcombtainted_ ah, that is digiums recommendation
19:14.30FlipZZZrob0: i so wish it was that easy LOL
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19:14.47TheGoDMy asterisk server running on a tdm400 with 4 red cards will not pickup the phone on any line.  It says it is but it doesn't actually do it.  Does anyone have any suggestions?
19:14.48jbalcombtainted_ its on the bottom of the page i posted above
19:14.56FlipZZZbreaking up line, garbled sounds.
19:15.01FarrisGMasterYoda: Ok, let me rephrase. It worked for all lines a few months ago, with no major changes since then. Some tiny piece has been changed somewhere, and now it only works for two lines. Also, those two lines it works for dial out in the same manner that the other lines (for which caller id is not working) do
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19:19.45Blackthornsomone was talking about hearing a dtfm tone ealier in this chat.. what is dtfm tone? Reason why I ask is that I have a voip user that we get a low beeping tone every 20 seconds when he's on the phone..
19:19.47*** join/#asterisk florz (n=florz@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
19:20.19jbotDTMF: Dual Tone Multi-Frequency. The technical term describing Touch Tone dialing. Basically the combining of two tones, one low frequency and one high frequency.
19:20.23mdaveok.. even on a call-in, disa doesnt play a dialtone to a channel coming from broadvoice.. so, im wondering are their some options I need to set controlling generation of dialtone over that sort of connection
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19:21.48Zeeekmdave are you sure disa is executing?
19:22.48MasterYodaFarrisG: well if it's not your upstream provider, Digium can propbably fix it in like 5 mins
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19:23.04mdavelemme check, i think it shows on the console
19:23.41mdaveYes, the console says 'executing DISA....'
19:23.47mdavebut i never hear a dialtone
19:24.11ZeeekI've never seen that using zap, iax2 or sip
19:24.28mdaveperhaps jobot should mention that 'touch tone dialing' is traditionnaly DTMF
19:24.48mdavei may have something configured wrong
19:24.50acidbloodHi, I'm setting up Asterisk for the first time and I'd like pointers to a HOWTO to help me do exactly what I want.
19:24.50mdavethis is a new setup
19:25.03Zeeekmdave my point with jbot was stuff like that is easily looked up
19:25.08mdavebasically I have a SPA-2000 configured, and the bv account
19:25.27mdaveyeah, i know.. i was just suggesting an addition to that particular entry
19:25.39acidbloodNamely, I have SIP service with Broadvoice and want to connect an ATA plus a softphone on my LAN (Broadvoice doesn't let you run two devices at once). I need to set up extensions for the ATA and softphone and have Asterisk talk to Broadvoice's servers.
19:25.50mdavei can call out from the phone on the spa to bv, and inbound bv rings to the spa phone
19:25.53Zeeekmdave whatya see after the DISA exec?
19:26.03mdavei can use a .call file to tell * to call the spa phone, and I get dialtone
19:26.08mdavenothing else
19:26.12*** part/#asterisk MasterYoda (n=mnichols@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/MasterYoda)
19:26.29mdavethats the last message
19:26.41mdavealthough I think eventually it times out and shows an 'ended' message
19:26.47mdavedoesnt matter if I try to dial or not
19:26.48Zeeekto both of you, I'v been around here for almost two years and one problematic SIP provider name comes up all the time.
19:27.02Zeeektons of messages on the ML
19:27.05mdaveyeah, ive pretty much come to the conclusion that the suck
19:27.18mdavebut for the moment, its what I have, and I dont think they are the issue
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19:27.21Zeeekthey're seemingly the most asterisk unfriendly provider
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19:28.03mdavebecuase everything else works - my question is - is the way a dialtone is generated to a phone attached to a SPA different than the way it would be provided to a remote SIP proxy, and is there something in the sip.conf I perhaps should have set
19:28.09mdaveeg, does the SPA generate the dialtone itself,
19:28.17mdaveand for bv * has to generate it internally?
19:28.31Zeeekmdave it does when you pick up but I think NOT when you access disa
19:28.37jello333Hi there.  I have a VOIP line hooked up, SIP..coming into my asterisk box.  How can I define the number of continuous incoming calls that asterisk will accept
19:28.38justinusip devices generally play their own dialtone
19:29.05Zeeekmdave looks like a case where you want to look at sip debug
19:29.07TheGoDMy asterisk server running on a tdm400 with 4 red cards will not pickup the phone on any line.  It says it is but it doesn't actually do it.  Does anyone have any suggestions?
19:29.11mdavejustinu, so how does * expect to play a dialtone to a remote caller? is there a special setting I need in sip.conf?
19:29.56justinuyou mean for DISA?
19:31.05*** part/#asterisk LenOK (n=ln@
19:31.25[TK]D-FenderTheGoD : Pastebin your zapata.conf and extensions.conf.  And where are you located?
19:31.35ZeeekTheGoD is the tdm the only thing connected to the lines?
19:32.24TheGoDUSA, hold i'll pastebin
19:33.06*** join/#asterisk Flauto (n=zhao@
19:33.21Flautohi people
19:33.46acidbloodIn the [general] section of the config file create a line like this:
19:33.46acidblood€register => <phonenumber><password>:<phonenumber><extension>
19:33.46acidblood€Replace phonenumber with your account phone number,
19:33.48acidblood€Replace password with your password
19:33.50acidblood€Replace extension with one of your accessible extensions in the dial plan.
19:34.12acidbloodI still don't understand what `extension' means here.
19:34.13[TK]D-Fenderacidblood : PASTEBIN!
19:34.17jboti guess pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
19:34.27acidblood[TK]D-Fend, oops, sorry.
19:34.31iCEBrkrpastbin or DIE
19:34.51Zeeekif (!pastebin) die();
19:35.40Kattyok, now that we've all yelled pastebin 100 times....
19:35.53Kattylet's have a muffin.
19:35.54Kattyand chill.
19:36.14ZeeekI didn't hear you yelling?
19:36.37ZeeekI biught some soy milk
19:37.40[TK]D-FenderZeeek : that should be "if (!pastebin) die(horribly);"
19:38.22[TK]D-FenderTheGoD : Get rid of "immediate=yes" !!!!!
19:38.23ZeeekI wrote my own function: foad();
19:38.44Zeeekor change to immediategratification=yes
19:38.45[TK]D-Fenderand busydetect while you're at it.   Oh and stop using AMP!
19:39.01Zeeekgreat bowling alley equipment, AMP
19:39.28TheGoDI set it to no.. Same thing
19:39.40iCEBrkro/~ Dead AMP! Dead AMP! DeadAMPDeadAMPDeadAMP DeaaaaaaaadAMP o/~
19:39.56iCEBrkr( sung to the tune of The Pink Panther )
19:40.37tuxinator_linuxKatty: I want a muffin
19:40.43TheGoDSame problem with both of them set to no.  I used amp to learn on.  No I don't use @home, its on a slackware box
19:40.54Kattytuxinator_linux: come get it.
19:41.14ZeeekTheGoD you restared ?
19:41.33hypnoxis AMP considered bad? I've tried it out recently and it does seem like hacky mess to be honest..
19:41.52Zeeeknone of them are bad, you just don't learn about * using them
19:41.56KattyZeeek: more muffinery, less insulting.
19:42.00[TK]D-FenderAll * is evil.  A necessary evil for some, but largely NOT.
19:42.08[TK]D-FenderGUI's that is!
19:42.22hypnoxyeah, of course you wont learn asterisk using one
19:42.23ZeeekKatty what insult? Soy milk?
19:42.55KattyZeeek: rice milk (=
19:42.58ZeeekIMO they cloud the issues so even if you aren't trying to learn it doesn't make it easy for someone else to help
19:43.00KattyZeeek: it's actually better.
19:43.14ZeeekKatty I'll try it if they have it next time
19:43.39TheGoDyes, I used restart now
19:43.50Zeeekmay have to reload zaptel
19:43.59[TK]D-FenderI like my red meat (blue & seared), real milk, and the rest of what makes living and breathing worthwhile!
19:44.55TheGoDwell,  i'm getting, No such module 'zaptel'
19:45.07Zeeekthat would keep it from answering
19:45.08*** join/#asterisk mover (
19:45.14lo_techFarrisG: have you done a 'pri debug span X' to check the presentation on the PRI circuit?
19:45.14moverhi all
19:45.21TheGoDyour talkin bout in the cli right?
19:45.25ZeeekTheGoD no
19:45.34TheGoDyour talking modprobe zaptel?
19:45.41Zeeekbut I don't know how to reload zaptel on amp other than a reboot
19:45.49Zeeekfrist you have to rmmod
19:45.55TheGoDi'm doing most of it via command line
19:46.03Zeeekwhat modiles you have? all FXO?
19:46.04TheGoDI just used amp to setup the extensions
19:46.09TheGoDyea fxo
19:46.12TheGoDall of them
19:46.24Zeeekrmmod wctdm
19:46.30Zeeekrmmod zaptel
19:46.35moveranyone of the sip guru here alive?
19:46.45Zeeekthen put them back and ztcfg -vvv
19:46.48moveri have a strange problem again :-)
19:46.52*** join/#asterisk benjk (
19:47.05moverbut its public and many ppl have it
19:47.25*** part/#asterisk jello333 (
19:47.28Zeeekplease expand?
19:47.28TheGoDdone and done
19:47.39Zeeekand still no joy?
19:47.49TheGoDnope, no joy
19:47.51moverif a sip ua do a prefetch register without contact asterisk will fail this register
19:48.08TheGoDit did work at one time, actually it was easy to setup
19:48.40Zeeekthe fxo are working otherwise?
19:49.37TheGoDthey arn't picking up the phone, when I dial or call the lines.  asterisk says it picks up but it doesn't actually do it
19:50.04Zeeekshow one of the four lines when you ztcfg ?
19:50.10Zeeek(they should all be the same excpt channel no)
19:50.15*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
19:50.22Flautowhat is the major difference of 1.2.3?
19:50.36lo_techFlauto: bug fixes
19:50.36Zeeekit fixes 1.2.2
19:51.03TheGoDCHANNEL 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slackes: 01)
19:51.04*** join/#asterisk razu (
19:51.04eKo1that says it all does it
19:51.07TheGoDit configs fine
19:51.10Flautoit is better then
19:51.35ZeeekTheGoD and you're in the USA?
19:51.47Zeeekwell move to russia!
19:51.55ZeeekI bet FXO work great there
19:52.05Zeeeknever need to pickup, someone is already listening :)
19:52.21Zeeekcan you dial out?
19:52.26TheGoDactually its hooked into analog pbx. but it WAS working fine until reboot
19:52.28TheGoDnope I can;t
19:52.35TheGoDHAHA funny, russia
19:52.39Zeeek"hooked into...."
19:52.52tuxinator_linuxRussia still around?
19:52.55TheGoDI had the thing working fine though
19:53.02Flautowhat is the best way to download asterisk now
19:53.05Zeeektill you burned out the modules?
19:53.14TheGoDand yes, I have control over the pbx..
19:53.14tuxinator_linuxFlauto: subversion
19:53.20TheGoDzeeek OH?
19:53.33Zeeekjoking, sort of
19:53.45Flautotuxinator, but it does not have addons and sounds
19:53.45ZeeekThe FXo is designed to connect to a phone line
19:53.59Flautoit is only show zaptel libpri and asterisk
19:54.13Zeeekit's possible it can't tell its state connected to something else (i dunno but that's possible)
19:54.17TheGoDbah, so are fax machines heh
19:54.32Zeeekyeah but their so dumb they don't know
19:54.32TheGoDI have not changed anything on the analog pbx ports
19:54.48Zeeekthe best test wouldbe to hook one to a phone line and see
19:55.02Zeeekor, try the 11,000 variations of settings in zaptel.conf
19:55.03TheGoDthe only thing that changed from working to not working was a reboot
19:55.16TheGoDwhat other settings can I change in zaptel.conf?
19:55.19Zeeekreboot? You should never reboot an asterisk box
19:55.34Zeeekthey should always run as soon as the install is done
19:55.56TheGoD120 days uptime
19:56.00TheGoDit was a sad day I know
19:56.02Zeeektake a look in the sample file, there are a lot of settings commented
19:56.04*** join/#asterisk FastJack (
19:56.08TheGoDbut I had to move it to a rack
19:56.31Zeeekit isn't always obvious which technology they are for, but the wiki has some good stuff too
19:56.46Zeeekit is odd that is worked and now doesn't I agree
19:56.47*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
19:58.05TheGoDdamn.. welp i'l have to continue workin on it next week.. Time to bust people for dloading pr0n
19:58.32TheGoDTHanks for your help, msg me if anything else comes to mind zeeek
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20:01.09Mark_Halversonanyone having problems with IAX on SVN? since installing SVN all my IAX dials are adding @ to the end of the number and thus failing
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20:01.27[av]baniO RLY
20:01.56harryvvAnyone by any chance know what I need to do to flash over a incomming call on caller waiting on my ip500?
20:02.28Mark_HalversonBoth IAXcomm and IDEfisk fail...reinstalled IAXcomm same prob
20:02.47Mark_HalversonJan 27 11:59:55 NOTICE[24678]: chan_iax2.c:6769 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach '18006396111@'
20:02.53[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : The IP 500 doesn't have an video functionality so "flashing" the caller won't have much effect :)
20:03.08ZeeekTKD LOL
20:03.34Mark_Halversonjust forward busy to a second line
20:03.54tuxinator_linux[TK]D-Fender needs to get back to working so he can support the wife and kids
20:03.57*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
20:04.17Mark_Halversoni need to get rid of the wife and kids so i can stop working
20:04.29ZeeekMark_Halverson the ip500 presents a soft key "Accept" or something without doing that
20:04.33[TK]D-Fendertuxinator_linux : that'd be "non-commital SO", and I'm earning $ just sitting here :)
20:04.35[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: needs to try decaf. there are many brands on the market that are almost as tasty as the real thing!
20:04.37tuxinator_linuxI like my wife, no kids yet
20:05.05[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : And will cause food-poisoning over a short period of time!
20:05.12Mark_Halversonlol....just's our for kids...their god's punishment for having
20:05.23[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Speaking of which, did you get that new toy of yours provisioned yet?
20:05.33[av]baninot autoprovisioned
20:05.55[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : DOH!  Get off your butt and do it!
20:06.04[av]banibesides, you cant deny me my right to whine and grouse about expensive phones
20:06.31[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Right.... you're in enough denial as it is :)
20:06.34lo_techMark_Halverson: does your dial command have a dial context set? i.e. exten => _1800.,1,Dial(${SomeTrunk}/${EXTEN}@long_distance)
20:06.43[av]banibtw, i figured out why the polycoms "sound better"
20:06.49[av]banithey do heavy filtering
20:07.41Mark_Halversonlo_tech: sure does...was working before...not sure what happened
20:08.05[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Great jitter buffers, hardware, etc...
20:08.20[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: the hardware isnt any better, at least not the speakers/mic
20:08.27[av]banithey just filter the bejeesus out of the audio
20:08.37Zeeek"was working before" what version you running?
20:08.40Zeeek1.2.2 ?
20:08.56[av]banithey do seem to have good and deep jitter buffers though
20:08.57Zeeekand you saw the release 1.2.3?
20:09.02Mark_Halversonthen the audio prob the other day and went to SVN
20:09.11lo_techMark_Halverson: hmm... looks like it's not sending the proper context... you check the iax.conf for 'context='?
20:09.25[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : I found a place selling IP601's 10$ cheaper than Atacomm......
20:09.37Mark_Halversonif that's it...i'm gonna slam my head in the door....
20:09.39[av]banioen thing annoying about atacomm is their shipping
20:09.44[av]banilike $50 shipping for a single phone
20:10.00Zeeeki had a huge problem with atacomm once
20:10.20[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: interestingly enough, they didnt give us any shit about our spa3k order
20:10.22Zeeekmade a $500 order on their site
20:10.32lo_techHead-Slamming is a Monday sport, Fridays are reserved for something else
20:10.39[av]baniso that 'no spa3k sales' must be a loose rule, or they arent enforcing it quite yet
20:10.42acidbloodWould anyone please help me?
20:10.55burtonhello, anyone know what this error mean: > CAPI INFO 0x34e5: Message not compatible with call state
20:11.46acidbloodTypical open source helpfulness.
20:11.57Zeeekacidblood just ask
20:12.09*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
20:12.10lo_techacidblood: you didnt mention what you needed!
20:12.18acidbloodActually I've asked two questions back then and nobody answered either.
20:12.29Zeeekwell then maybe they didn'y know
20:12.42burtonhello, anyone know what this error mean: > CAPI INFO 0x34e5: Message not compatible with call state   ... and than == ISDN1: CAPI Hangingup
20:12.43Mark_Halversonlo_tech: nope it's point to the correct context
20:12.47lo_techcant speak for what happens when I'm not online... but are we gonna chat ettiquette or get to issues?
20:12.52acidbloodI've found my way around those, but I'm guessing if it's worth the effort of writing up my current question, since probably nobody is going to answer it anyway.
20:13.17lo_techMarvin from HHGTG comes to mind...
20:14.19*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
20:15.05lo_techMark_Halverson: 'iax2 debug' on the box, make a test call and pastebin the first 10 lines or so of the results?
20:16.00*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
20:16.26acidbloodOK, so I'll try. I'm following the instructions here: and I've gotten a softphone to log in to Asterisk, and dialing 600 works, but when I try to dial 011xx... it says 404 not found.
20:16.27generalhanwhats going on everyone ?!
20:16.48acidbloodSo do I need to add 0 or 1 or 9 or whatever in front of the 011xx... number to get it to dial?
20:17.37generalhanCan some one explain to me the possible reasons for an error :: unable to create channel type 'SIP' :: why might i be getting this ?
20:18.16*** join/#asterisk riksta (n=rick@
20:18.21junbuggeneralhan: when do ya get it?
20:18.43generalhanjunbug: give me a sec to explain what i just did !!
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20:20.16generalhanWe just got another office space next door. so i ran 2 cables from the patch pannel in the current office (one for voice one for data) then i threw that into a switch in the new office, connected all the phones to it, and set up all the sip info. but when i try to extension dial to those phones it goes straight to VM and says in the CLI that it cannot create the channel type 'SIP'
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20:20.55generalhanand it works in either direction, if i try to do an extension dial from those phones to a phone in the new office it says the same thing
20:21.25Zeeekgeneralhan show the command line with Dial() in it
20:21.59acidbloodSee, that's the typical open source helpfulness I'm talking about.
20:22.08acidbloodThis is the third question I ask that has gone unnoticed.
20:22.14acidbloodI might as well read the poorly written manuals.
20:22.25Zeeekwhat an AH
20:22.40[av]banii think he should demand a refund
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20:22.47[TK]D-FenderZeeek : And I was about to help him :)
20:22.53Zeeekyes, indeed for life!
20:22.55justinuwhat a dork
20:23.06[TK]D-Fender*schmuck*  thats right... we're all out here to serve YOU....
20:23.07Zeeekyou fucking open source guys, shit
20:23.12justinucomplaining about a free product
20:23.13lo_techlook, Acidblood... if nobody has any experience with Broadvoice, we'd just be bullshitting you anyway... so maybe you should check with your provider since it's specific to them?
20:23.19intensedryou there  SWK?
20:23.24[TK]D-Fenderlo_tech : he LEFT
20:23.44generalhani have quesions all the time and i get help ... if you just have some freaking patience
20:23.46Zeeekgeneral you didn't answer
20:23.57Zeeekthe dial command line?
20:23.59lo_tech[TK]D-Fender: bumma, and I was just getting around to witty ridicule
20:24.13justinugeneralhan: impossible, all of us open source people are typically unhelpful :P
20:24.18Zeeekyeah the opportunities are so limited here :)
20:24.44Zeeekok, Dial(SIP/nowaythisdevice_exists) will do that
20:25.35*** join/#asterisk elg (n=fugalh@hfugal.NMSU.Edu)
20:25.38sevrdseotZeeek: I've seen that syntax before, as an asterisk nub, are you entering that into the asterisk CLI?
20:25.39generalhanim pastebin'ing it right now
20:26.10generalhan :: this is my extensions.conf a little bit of each context invovled
20:26.26wunderkinspeaking of broadvoice problems, caller id is working! yey!
20:26.51Zeeekgeneralhan but what is the console line when you dial?
20:26.57Zeeekthe one before the error?
20:27.30generalhanohh ... hang on
20:28.53Zeeeklooks like 7206 doesn't exist
20:28.55[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : thats a little backwards...The "extensions" in your [extension-dial] context should be in [internal], and [extension-dial] should "include => internal"
20:29.31generalhan[TK]: how come ? i just have the include => extension dial in the [internal] is that not good ?
20:29.44*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
20:30.16[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : pastebin "sip show peers"
20:30.59generalhan[TK]: you could have just told me to do that ! LOL
20:31.01Dr-Linuxquestion, what application asterisk use to sense DTMF digits and pass to next pirority i.e. AGI ... ?
20:31.03generalhanI see the issue now !
20:31.14generalhanall the new phones have a port number of " 0 "
20:31.15s34nMy SIP trunk was working. Now incoming calls are ok, outgoing calls error:
20:31.22[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : you are mixing ideas.  a menu shouldn't contain the direct extensions of people, it should include it from another context.  contexts should inherit from SMALLER contexts, not larger.
20:31.58s34nthe change between working and not working is upgrading from 1.2.0 to 1.2.3
20:32.19*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=icechat5@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
20:33.01generalhan[TK]: so i should really put all the Macro calls for each extension in the [internal] context ? or put [extension_dial] in [internal] ?
20:33.26[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : .... pastebin the SIP show peers plz.....
20:34.16[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: polycom's phone UI is better than snom's.
20:34.19generalhan[TK]: for some reason they are showing the IPs as "unspecified" too ? wth is that all about ?
20:34.50[TK]D-Fender7206 doesn't look very "alive" to me ... 7206/7206        (Unspecified)    D  0        Unmonitored
20:35.14generalhan[TK]: yea whats that all about ?>
20:35.18[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Yup.... sure the XML set is pretty big and scary at first, but the user experience is much better...
20:35.27[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : 7206 = unregistered
20:35.40[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: but... snom offers an AMAZING amount of customizability for the programmable buttons
20:35.41generalhan[TK]: how can i make it manually register ?
20:35.47[TK]D-Fenderits just not "talking" for some reason or another...
20:35.49[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: you can remap _every_ key on the phone if you want
20:35.52generalhangreat ....
20:36.06Dr-Linuxanybody know how to pass DTMF digits to AGI script?
20:36.06[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : You can remap stuff on Poly's now a certain amount.
20:36.13[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: you can remap _everything_ on snom
20:36.24generalhani know that they have IPs cause im on their webportals right now ... so why wont they register with asterisk ?
20:36.27[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : then again... how often do you want to screw around with "common" hard buttons?
20:36.49[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: better not to second guess what customers will want to do... something i learned from writing software
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20:37.39[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : And sometimes its better not to let customers fuck it up so bad you can't tell why its not working :)
20:38.08[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : "Buy I *am* pressing "HOLD" !!!!!! (not that it could possibly matter that that isn't what it does any more.......
20:38.16[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: ahh you take the apple approach, prevent the customers from doing something useful because they might do something stupid
20:38.32[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Only a little.... it is a PHONE FFS.
20:38.32[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: you rather your customers operate wearing straitjackets :)
20:38.54FuriousGeorgedo all these packet concealment and jitter buffer options in eyebeam do more harm then goo when im on the same network?
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20:39.09generalhan[av]bani: users are stupid .. i have cheap little Aastra phones that you cant do anything with and i have to reset peoples phones ALL the time
20:39.12[av]baniwhats a good sip softphone?
20:39.12[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : I'm already a pretty "liberal" kind of guy tech-wise, but some customizability I'd trade off... not MUCH, but there are limits.
20:39.23[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : eyeBeam.
20:39.31[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: that the only one?
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20:40.04generalhan[TK]D-Fender: any ideas on how to get those phones to register manually to * ?? i have to get this operational by monday morning! lol
20:40.06[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Well X-Pro is about the same without video.  All the others I've seen mostly suck.  Lacking features, etc.
20:40.13[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: as a programmer, i find it's best not to second guess what customers might want to do.
20:40.29[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : Dunno... you haven't even offered a clue as to their CONDITION or MODEL.
20:40.39[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: just remember to give them an easy way to reset the phone :)
20:41.21generalhan[TK]: sorry man ... these are Aastra 9112i SIP phones, they seem (from the phone) to be registered because their exten number and display names come up just fine, so im not really sure why its not all working
20:41.50[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : In theory yes, but in practice these are standard phones..... Can you change the key-caps on either of these 2 phones?  If I press an "envelpoe" button, that should mean DIAL right?  And the one with the "mic" on it... thats "redial" right?
20:41.55iCEBrkrI'm trying to figure out what crack the programmers are smoking that wrote most of the softphones out there.
20:42.05iCEBrkrit's like HEY! Lets make it skinable and take up 75% of your desktop!!!
20:42.30wunderkinbut its pretty!
20:42.39[av]baniiCEBrkr: its not the programmers at fault, its management dictating UI design based on focus groups
20:43.02[av]banithe programmers are just doing what theyre told: make a shit ui
20:43.04iCEBrkr[av]bani: I doubt they spent the money on a focus group.
20:43.25[av]baniiCEBrkr: focus groups are the new fad
20:43.30[av]baniand management _loves_ fads
20:43.34iCEBrkrWhy you need a life size phone on your screen, is beyond me.
20:43.46[av]banias long as they read somthing in a management magazine, they NEED IT NOW
20:43.52s34n[TK]D-Fender: WARNING[4308]: chan_sip.c:9532 handle_response_invite: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE
20:43.54iCEBrkrHow true
20:43.58QbYI'm shopping for phones.  The SoundPoint IP 601 looks awesome..  But can we fully utilize that big screen, or is it just over kill?
20:44.08[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : I haven't seen a REALLY nice soft-phone yet.... All lacking the control I see elsewher on hard-phones...
20:44.17s34n[TK]D-Fender: that's just since upgrading to 1.2.3
20:44.18iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: Agreed
20:44.21iCEBrkrsame here
20:44.25[TK]D-Fenders34n : What is says <- bad friggen pass or user!
20:44.30[av]baniiCEBrkr: you've never had a boss run to you, all huffing out of breath, pointing to some retarded article in a magazine, and going "CAN WE DO THIS!!@!#@!$"
20:44.47iCEBrkrHell. DialPad has a better interface than any softphone I've seen and it's a damn webpage
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20:44.57Skarmethsomeone know good docs about the costs of channels banks/atas/pots vs ip phones?
20:45.00[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : If you're used to "jump when I say jump regardless of how reasonable the request is" then fine :)
20:45.07generalhani used a softphone by IP Blue software that was GREAT
20:45.10iCEBrkr[av]bani: Sure I have, and I told him he's retarded for reading into that trade-rag
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20:45.25[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: welcome to corporate amerika
20:45.27jbalcombare we to be using zaptel 1.2.2 with asterisk 1.2.3?
20:45.31generalhanthe skin was a Cisco 7960 w/ all the features of it, so i liked it a lot !
20:45.49[av]banihmm.. eyebeam is osx only?
20:46.06iCEBrkrWhy can't I have a 100x200 dial pad with mini LCD display with option buttons below it?
20:46.06[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : You're just its "whore" :)
20:46.15[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Win/Lin/OSX
20:46.31iCEBrkr[av]bani: I have no qualms about telling my boss he's a retard and his ideas are shitty
20:46.34[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : I've seen one like that actually....
20:47.05[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : yup
20:47.24[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : it was an emergency release for no zaptel problems
20:47.28generalhanCan anyone teach me how to force a phone to register with * ?? i cant get 8 of my Aastra 9112i SIP phones to register they are all comming back "unspecified" for the IPs :: ::
20:47.41jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender ok. i saw the quick jump from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 so i figured
20:48.03iCEBrkrjbalcomb: Welcome to last week :P
20:48.21jbalcombiCEBrkr ;)
20:48.27[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : force them to register?  Maybe you should watch as one ATTEMPTS to and see where it goes wrong....
20:48.28iCEBrkrgeneralhan: Sounds like DHCP isn't working or something.
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20:49.29generalhanOk that sounds like a good idea ! lol !
20:49.47generalhaniCEBrkr: I dont use DHCP: i manually put in their IPs
20:50.21[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : EW!
20:51.07generalhan[TK]: it makes it so much easier for me to administer the phones this way. they were getting new ip addresses every week when i was using DHCP and this way i know what the IP is for every extension in case i need to fix something fast ... or from home even
20:51.18jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender iCEBrkr you think maybe removing that card didn't work last night cause i didn't do a 'ztcfg -vv'?
20:51.49iCEBrkrjbalcomb: It should do that upon startup
20:51.54[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : "asterisk -rx sip show peers|grep 7206" <- there
20:52.15jbalcombiCEBrkr asterisk will or somewhere in an etc config?
20:52.26[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Could be.  Before pulling you should ahve confirmed all the timing suces and port order.
20:52.32iCEBrkrjbalcomb: Well, it gets run when you reboot that machine...
20:52.52iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: Almost seems like a mis-placed dchan: option or something
20:53.02jbalcombiCEBrkr this? modprobe.d/zaptel:install wct4xxp /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install wct4xxp && /sbin/ztcfg
20:53.05[TK]D-FenderDHCP saves you from screwing up and double-allocating, etc.... now THATS a nightmare.. when you have to debug IP's, not phones...
20:53.34iCEBrkrjbalcomb: yeah
20:53.43jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender yeah, you keep talking about timing sources and port order but i dont know how to find or configure this information..
20:53.59iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: Yea, I'm still not sure where people come up with these ideas about administration and implementation..
20:54.07jbalcombiCEBrkr ok, well, i guess thats in check then. im still hoping to find /something/
20:54.12[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Well we'd need to see the original zaptel / zapata.
20:54.27jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender i pastebin'd them earlier..
20:54.32[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : I use
20:54.37[TK]D-Fender"/clear" a lot
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20:54.45iCEBrkrhehe me too
20:54.55iCEBrkrSo know where new content starts on my screen.
20:54.57[TK]D-Fenderevery time I think I won't need to look back.
20:55.00jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender iCEBrkr haha.. i just used it for the first time
20:55.28iCEBrkrI use /clear everytime I'm done reading stuff on the screen.  So I can easily tell there's new content on channel
20:55.31iCEBrkrI'm such a nerd
20:56.01[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : I use it much the same... also make sure my writing stands out to see how much is new
20:56.15iCEBrkrirsii does that
20:56.28iCEBrkrIt'll hilite your name and things directed at you
20:56.32[TK]D-FenderSo does mIRC :)  I'm in a Windows world here...
20:56.39wunderkinheh me too!
20:56.42drumkillairssi rocks :)
20:56.49iCEBrkr8 o
20:56.56jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender iCEBrkr
20:57.22[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Just saw your SPA-3000 thread on the mailing list :)
20:58.07[TK]D-Fenderjb, you were using your TE110 and 1 port of your TE411P?
20:58.09generalhan[TK]: "asterisk -rx sip show peers|grep 7206" what was that suposed to do ? it gave me no output at all
20:58.20[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : thats what I said too.... serious echo problems...
20:58.52FuriousGeorgeif i wanted to make a queue where the caller just heard music while * alternated between ringing some extensions and waiting, i would do that with dialplan logic (not with agents.conf, queue.conf, and the queue app) right?
20:59.20FuriousGeorgei could have a context queue, and just do the right thing?
20:59.41[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan  - asterisk -rx "sip show peers"|grep 7206
20:59.47[TK]D-Fendermissed the quotes
21:00.07generalhanohh ok ! thanks !
21:00.23[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge : Could work either way
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21:02.02FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: i dont want people to log in and out as agents to do it, if i have no agents can i use the dialplan queue apps?
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21:02.25[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge : Sure, just use static agents
21:02.26iCEBrkrjbalcomb: span=1,1,5,esf,b8zs
21:02.29iCEBrkrthat seems odd.. 5?
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21:02.36FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: thanks
21:02.49[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : I asked about that too.... his last tech just sorta "shoved it in" :)
21:03.13[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge : And don't give them "PauseQueueAgent" access
21:03.36generalhan[TK]D-Fender: i just restarted the phone and asterisk -rx "sip show peers"|grep 7209 just keeps saying the same thing "unspecified" ??
21:03.39[TK]D-Fendererrr PauseQueueMember rather
21:03.49jbalcombiCEBrkr yeah, it aint my business at this point. the people at verizon couldnt tell me what LBO was or what it should be set to.
21:03.52[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : then maybe your PHONE is screwed up
21:04.08iCEBrkrjbalcomb: I'd set it to 0.. but that's just me.
21:04.11[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : "0" if you can see your SmartJack from your server.....
21:04.17jbalcombiCEBrkr I would assume since the little box on the wall is only 10 feet away a 0 would suffice
21:04.28jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender iCEBrkr agreed.
21:04.32generalhan[TK]D-Fender: i dont know how its possible that ALL 8 of the phones dont work
21:04.37jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender iCEBrkr how do I convince 'Paul
21:04.45iCEBrkrjbalcomb: I wonder if that's why you got your echo problems.
21:04.51jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender iCEBrkr ' the other phone guy to leave shit alone?
21:04.51[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : Fighting for IP's perhaps?  Who's to say...
21:05.02jbalcombiCEBrkr no, he changed it during the 'trouble shooting'
21:05.09[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : High voltage :D
21:05.29jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender :D that might be part of your contract..
21:05.40generalhan[TK]D-Fender: ok everyone hates that i dont use DHCP so i will ... haha
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21:05.52iCEBrkrgeneralhan: It'll make your life easier.. Trust us
21:06.05[TK]D-Fender"cyanide, TNT,.... HIGH VOLTAGE!"
21:06.36[TK]D-FenderDirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap......
21:06.38jbalcombgeneralhan I think DHCP is a pain in the nuts personally but if you support it with an automated system identification logging system (IE a web page with user=IP) then its alright.
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21:07.37[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : He's jsut wondering how to debug a phone is you don't know its IP... well thats pretty easy if its registered, and easier still if you "grep" and nmap and cross reference with a MAC list...
21:07.52[TK]D-FenderHell *I* could do it and I SUCK at Linux!
21:08.30generalhanWell everyone .... im need to go destroy something ... im getting pissed off. even with DHCP enabled on the phone it STILL wont freaking register
21:08.40jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender its in the DB too aint it by ext.?
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21:08.52jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender we have a php page that has that info
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21:09.20jbalcombgeneralhan destory something? stop by my office and ask for Paul
21:09.43generalhanhaha sure ... what State ?
21:10.04[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : could be... until your setup, I never looked :)
21:11.20generalhani just dont know what else to do besides breaking something ! LOL these phones were SOOO easy to set up in this office, what is the big deal about being next door that these phones dont like ?
21:11.48}btorch{is there a sphinx channel ?
21:13.17jbalcombgeneralhan you running VLANs?
21:13.17jbalcombgeneralhan different subnet?
21:13.17Dr-Linuxanybody know how to pass DTMF digits to AGI script? does asterisk us any application for this?
21:13.19jbalcombgeneralhan is everything else working next door working?
21:13.20jbalcombDr-Linux maybe.. dial()?
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21:13.25generalhanjbalcomb: no VLANs and they are the same subnet same network
21:14.29generalhanwell the data network is the same as the voice for right now, so the fact that i can log them in on their computers over there tells me that its all wired correctly at least
21:14.42Dr-Linuxjbalcomb: Dial()?
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21:15.34Dr-Linuxjbalcomb: i mean, if they caller press 16 DTMF digits and goes to AGI external, how they script will know that what digits caller hit ?
21:16.42iCEBrkrDr-Linux: Read(16digits,soundprompt)
21:17.08*** join/#asterisk st3v (
21:17.49lo_techDr-Linux: we use AGI->get_variable('EXTEN');
21:18.01st3vWe have 4 POTS lines with 3-way calling. Is it possible to have asterisk connect two outside people on each line (so up to 8 people on 4 lines)
21:18.43Dr-LinuxiCEBrkr: in this case next pirority will be AGI(script.agi), how it will know what digits came from caller?
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21:19.36gaspizhi, I'm using 1.2.1 and I'm having problems with same extension defined in more contexts
21:19.57gaspizit's not taking the password corectly (not finding the user?)
21:20.19iCEBrkrDr-Linux: Cuz when you Read() it stuffs the digits in the variable..
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21:20.30iCEBrkrDr-Linux: From your script.agi, you GET VARIABLE
21:20.36tainted_anyone have problems with grandstream ATAs not hanging up?
21:21.14iCEBrkrgaspiz: Huh, your problem is self explainatory
21:21.19*** join/#asterisk FarrisG (
21:21.32nroejcan anyone recommend the iaxy im planning to buy one
21:21.54gaspiznot quite 1001@context1 not equal to 1001@context2
21:22.30[av]baniany good win32 softphones?
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21:23.04iCEBrkrgaspiz: That wouldn't give you an error.
21:23.27gaspizbut still doesn't work
21:23.33gaspizany ideas?
21:23.36iCEBrkrgaspiz: I have a feeling your dialplan is hosed a little
21:24.15gaspizicebrkr:  -- AGI Script Executing Application: (voicemailmain) Options: (1001@company_7)
21:24.23iCEBrkrBecause I'm sure I have exten => 1,s in multiple contexts and my system doesn't complain
21:24.40Dr-LinuxiCEBrkr: so in this case i need both pirority1 Read()  and pirority2 AGI(file)?
21:25.35Dr-LinuxiCEBrkr: or i need only AGI(file.agi) and the script will sense the DTMF digits?
21:26.21Motherdo I read critical update?
21:26.29iCEBrkrDr-Linux: Personally, I'd try to keep all that I can in the dialplan and only use the AGI() Stuff as a helper
21:26.35[TK]D-Fender;lok, time to go home!  Later all!
21:26.37Motherwill boxes running 1.2.2 spontaneously combust?
21:26.50iCEBrkrMother: yea, 2days ago they should have
21:27.02iCEBrkrgaspiz: Ok, what about that AGI?
21:27.23MotheriCEBrkr: lol OK
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21:28.35jbalcombst3v you want asterisk to implement the three way to call another party and join them on the line?
21:30.39s34nmy sip trunk allows incoming calls, but throws authentication errors on outgoing calls
21:31.01s34ntheir is no authetication on the far side of the trunk
21:31.04iCEBrkrs34n: I think that may be a peer vs. friend issue
21:31.22iCEBrkranyhow, I'm going hom
21:31.23s34nit was working in 1.2.0, broken in 1.2.3
21:31.57iCEBrkrSo why'd ya upgrade to 1.2.3? LOL
21:32.13*** part/#asterisk rob314 (n=root@
21:32.18Mothers34n: that's why I do upgrades by harddrive, stick one in, if it doesn't work, stick the old one back
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21:32.32Motherunless of course you can afford the downtime
21:32.54s34nMother: there's no real downtime, it wasn't in production
21:32.55wunderkinim waiting for a refi to go through, and im playing with my dialplan.. unfortunately the mortgage company decided to call in the middle of my playing so they got hung up on twice.. oops :( ive never done cid matching under exten before
21:33.06Dr-LinuxiCEBrkr: actually i just want to pass DTFM digits to a AGI script that caller hits
21:33.24Mothers34n: not that bad then
21:33.30iCEBrkrDr-Linux: Like I said...
21:33.37iCEBrkrDr-Linux: Read() first, then AGI()
21:33.38Zodiacalanyone know why i can't get my softphone to login to asterisk? heres the error i get: chan_sip.c:10815 handle_request_register: Registration from 'user1 <sip:100@>' failed for '' - Username/auth name mismatch
21:33.39TheGoDzeeek are you still there?
21:33.48TheGoDbah guess not
21:34.01Zodiacaland heres my sip conf phone section:
21:34.11st3vjbalcomb: yeah, I would like to use the 4 lines to conference more than 4 people
21:34.19s34nMother: right. I do need to figure it out, though.
21:34.20st3vso I was thinking to use 3-way calling
21:34.23st3von each line
21:35.20st3vbut only when in a conference room
21:35.37Dr-LinuxiCEBrkr: Read() will it pass hited dtfm digits to nex pirority i.e AGI ?
21:35.57iCEBrkrDr-Linux: ok, dude.... I can't help you if you dont' listen.
21:36.19jbalcombst3v i would think you might be able to set up an app to do that with some dialplan logic. ie. 91XXX-XXX-XXXX tells asterisk to three way on line 1 to the number dialed, etc.
21:36.26Dr-Linux:S ok
21:36.45*** join/#asterisk wasim (n=wasim@pdpc/supporter/active/wasim)
21:37.27iCEBrkrDr-Linux: Read up how Read() works.. and then how to use the GET VARIABLE function in AGI
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21:39.17gandhijeeanyone knows how asterisk plays with IPv6?
21:39.28Dr-LinuxiCEBrkr: ok thanks
21:39.30gandhijeei think i might try to hack one of the snom phones i have to support IPv6
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21:47.09FarrisG  <-- anyone mind taking a look at my zapata.conf and helping me figure out why callerid works for some lines and doesn't for others?
21:47.22FlipZZZanyone have any ideas on calls sounding like they are underwater about 20% of the time?
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21:51.56Motherany comments on the S101I?
21:52.16gaspizhow do I make an .so from a new .c file (I downloaded a bug fixed version of app_voicemail.c and want to install it)?
21:52.30Mother(the new IAXy)
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21:54.23gaspizany idea?
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21:55.41anthmtry /usr/src/asterisk/contrib/scripts/astxs -install /path/to/module_file.c
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21:58.21gaspizshould I backup my old app_voicemail.conf?
21:58.51brad_msswMother: got one, it sucks
22:00.07brad_msswMother: loses sync all the time, on a local 100Mb network (haven't looked for new firmware)... hard to configure ... only supports ulaw/alaw ... expensive ... better off with a SIP ATA (like the LinkSys PAP2) for cheaper
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22:00.17swineonehi i have this problem with asterisk
22:00.37swineonei configured xlite to register with asterisk but when i try to make a call it doesnt work
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22:01.07swineonenow i did tcpdump port 5060 and figured that xlite is trying to connect to my external dsl ip instead of the internal network
22:01.28swineonehowever i never mentioned the external ip anywhere on xlite config so it must be an asterisk error
22:01.55swineonewhat should i do?
22:02.02WeezeyI'm brute forcing a Vonage PAP2
22:02.20tzangeryeah.. good luck iwht that
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22:02.29tzangermind you it's probably something stupid like "vonagepap2"
22:02.34swineonei also get errors like WARNING[520]: Maximum retries exceeded on call C2D61AFE-8F7F-11DA-87BE-000D937A6A1C@ for seqno 28078 (Non-critical Response)
22:02.42brad_msswswineone: did you set externalip=  in sip.conf and set nat=yes globally or something?
22:02.46Weezeytzanger: actually I haven't tried that one.
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22:03.04swineonebrad_mssw: i set nat=yes but no external ip because my ip changes everyday
22:03.16brad_msswswineone: don't set nat=yes globally
22:03.31swineonehmm so i should set it per extension?
22:03.33brad_msswswineone: only set it under the profiles that you know are connecting via nat ...
22:03.45[TK]D-Fenderswineone : you need a dynamic DNS serive and use "EXTERNHOST" then
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22:04.07brad_msswswineone: as far as your externip= you must set that if you plan on allowing external sip connections
22:04.09swineonefunny thing is it was working for a while then i got this error
22:04.23swineonebrad_mssw: right now i'd be glad to dial 1234 successfully
22:04.44Weezeytzanger: the hard part was figuring out md5 authentication for HTTP.
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22:05.57swineonebrad_mssw: took out global nat=yes, still no dice
22:06.21brad_msswswineone: make sure your client doesn't think it's behind a nat either ...
22:06.47[TK]D-FenderGeez, my monitor's price just dived again....
22:06.56swineonei disabled autodetect ip and forced firewall type to open ip
22:07.07Weezey[TK]D-Fender: which one?
22:07.28Motherbrad_mssw: thanks
22:07.45[TK]D-FenderWeezey : Acer AL1916W 19" Wide-Screen LCD 19" 1440x900
22:07.50swineonemaybe if i paste the xlite logs it could help?
22:08.54[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: point for snom: display xml url can be updated by asterisk via sip notify
22:08.55[TK]D-Fenderswineone : * is behind NAT?  Where is X-Lite located?
22:09.20swineonethis is me trying to dial 1234
22:09.24SibrPhrek[TK]D-Fender: x-lite?
22:09.29SibrPhrek[TK]D-Fender: what OS
22:09.29swineonexlite is on the same box asterisk's loaded
22:09.54[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : True, but you can also change what the XML page DOES according to phone by passing a parm in the URL.... which is what I do to personalize them.
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22:10.54[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: it means asterisk can totally drive the snom, and instantaneously update the display instead of waiting for the phone to poll
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22:12.05generalhan[TK]D-Fender: ok so those phones can call out ... but still no extension dial... if i pastebin my extensions.conf could you tell me what you were talking about when you said putting a smaller context in a large one, rather than the other way around.
22:12.15swineoneso no idea what's wrong with my config?
22:12.21[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: point against: the display is huge, but lo-rez, so its like looking at a trs-80 :D
22:12.38[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: however... the ciscos are just as bad
22:12.47*** join/#asterisk mattwj2005 (
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22:13.43Weezeyswineone: I can't call you.
22:14.05jtdintulsaHow do I register a Linphone ?
22:14.25swineonefrom looking at the logs seems like xlite is the problem
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22:14.42swineoneits figuring out the external ip and trying to connect to that
22:16.44*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
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22:17.04[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Yeah, thats an upside.  There is a Polycom "request for feature" page on their site I'm going to vote for that amongst other things.
22:18.44[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : no "perfect" phone out there right now, but I think Polycom is ahead overall.  Snom has better presence / price, Poly better sound / screen res, Cisco better speakerphone, screen size.
22:19.18brad_msswdo the polycoms have a backlight ?
22:19.29sherbangCisco's speakerphone is better then the polycom's?
22:19.48brad_msswthe linksys 941 kills me when it's dark in the room
22:19.54brad_msswsince there's no backlight
22:20.30[TK]D-Fenderbrad_mssw : nope....
22:20.49[TK]D-Fendersherbang : thats the common concensus.  Not necessariy by much.  Both are good though
22:21.09generalhanWill some one please take a look at my extensions.comf file and tell me what i have setup incorrectly ? i pasted the error on the CLI at the bottom of the config file. if anyone could please take a look for me. :: ::
22:21.09[TK]D-Fenderbrad_mssw : I own a 941 which sits right next to my IP 601.
22:21.23generalhanthe phones can dial out but cant extension dial or have their extensions dialed
22:22.06sherbang[TK]D-Fender: thanks, good to know.
22:22.41SibrPhrekanyone get musiconhold to work with streaming music?
22:22.58*** join/#asterisk joshua_ (
22:23.22joshua_hi -- I noticed that * supports ALSA sound cards. does it support ringing and taking them on and off-line?
22:23.26joshua_(i.e., alsa modems?)
22:23.51*** join/#asterisk Seldon1975 (n=someone@
22:25.13m0narch<newbie> Can someone help a new *@home user with a REALLY basic problem? </newbie> We can take it offline
22:25.42*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
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22:26.33swineoneok so now i've got to the point that xlite will say 404 not found for everything i try to call
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22:27.28[TK]D-Fenderm0narch : try #amportal
22:27.41swineonehere's what sip show peers outputs, is there anything wrong?
22:27.46swineoneName/username    Host            Dyn Nat ACL Mask             Port     Status
22:27.47swineone1337             (Unspecified)    D  0        Unmonitored
22:27.54[TK]D-Fenderswineone : So X-Lite is running on the same box as *?
22:27.56*** join/#asterisk Seldon19751 (
22:28.03swineone[TK]D-Fend yeah
22:28.08[TK]D-Fenderswineone : Its clearly not registered
22:28.26generalhan[TK]: lol youre getting nailed with these not registered questions today
22:28.27swineonesip show registry says it's registered with my provider
22:28.50*** part/#asterisk mattwj2005 (
22:28.51generalhani still cant figure mine out either... it doesnt make any sense ... even with DHCP activated it still wont register with the asterisk server
22:29.06swineonei configured xlite according to this howto
22:29.44*** join/#asterisk Drew___ (
22:30.54Mother   <- sure won't have anything to do with the 1.2.2 thing right? :)
22:31.25generalhancan some one help me make my 8 new phones register with * ?? lol . this is rediculous. :: ::
22:31.33*** join/#asterisk r_evolution (i=_evoluti@
22:33.13iCEBrkrgeneralhan: and you created entries in sip.conf for these phones, right :P
22:33.37generalhaniCEBrkr: yes i did
22:33.48generalhanand in voicemail.conf and in extensions.conf
22:34.11iCEBrkrgeneralhan: Well, sip.conf is the important part here with your problem
22:34.59Drew___pastebin your sip.conf - if you have a sip provider remeber to xxxx-out the pswd's
22:35.01[TK]D-Fenderswineone : Wait... you're trying to use X-Lite ON your * box to directly register with a VoIP provider?
22:35.35SplasPoodHrm.. I've noticed that when asterisk is bound to in sip conf it doesn't seem to reply on the same IP the connections come in on.. instead preferring the primary IP of the interface... Anyone experienced this?
22:36.35*** join/#asterisk elg (
22:37.02generalhan <<<---------------- Sip.conf
22:37.13[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : If the phone isn't registering it could be any number of things including the phone begin defective, not setup right, not on the right network segment, etc....
22:37.29[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : that pastebin won't help anyone help you....
22:38.17generalhanwell i have it set up on the same network as all the other Aastra phones i have and they all work just fine. same subnet, same gateway, everything but the register name and password is the same ... so i dont understand why it just wont work !
22:38.19SplasPoodthe extra space
22:38.25SplasPoodafter [
22:38.27SplasPoodmight be a problem..
22:38.47SplasPoodoh nevermind
22:38.52SplasPoodthats just a non monospaced font
22:38.56swineone[TK]D-Fend: no, i'm using xlite to register with asterisk which is registering with a voip provider.
22:39.01[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : Are all of the phones the same model?
22:39.10swineonei want to make calls to my provider via asterisk
22:39.16generalhanall but the ciscos that are defined at the very bottom of my config
22:39.24[TK]D-Fenderswineone : Well x-lite isn't successfully registering with * yet.
22:39.26SplasPoodalthough thats a very odd looking font..
22:39.40generalhanwe only have 2 models of phones here ... Aastra 9112i SIP Phones, and Cisco 7960s
22:39.53[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : And do some of the 9112's work?
22:40.00swineone[TK]D-Fend any special settings i should look for?
22:40.04generalhanall of them but the 8 new ones in the new space
22:40.12swineoneim using the howto here
22:40.13[TK]D-Fenderswineone : pastebin your sip.conf
22:40.36r_evolutionhey it's TK the channel bot
22:40.53generalhan[TK] i have been using 16 of these Aastra phones perfectly for about 6 months now ... these new ones are the same model and everything just next door, and they wont work
22:41.42*** join/#asterisk jamig (
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22:42.32jamigcan anyone point me in the right direction for the astinstaller script on the asterisk site?
22:43.00swineone[TK]D-Fend so anything wrong?
22:43.01dogtanianjamig: i think asterisk@home is what your looking for
22:43.27dogtanianinstalls everything you need onto a clean drive
22:44.29*** part/#asterisk Seldon19751 (
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22:45.25gandhijeehey anyone know anything about those new Sangoma A200 cards?
22:45.43gandhijeelike how the heck it supports 24 FXO/FXS's?
22:45.43r_evolutionagghhh TK i think i'm going to hang myself some days
22:45.52r_evolutionlearning to use postgresql at the suggestion of justin
22:45.58r_evolutionnow i just have to make it run with .net for the CIO ;x
22:45.59gandhijeecuz from what i've been reading, the thing maxes at 16
22:46.05r_evolutionbut i think i'll just make it rock with PERL
22:47.17jamighi dogtanian is it in the cvs lib?
22:48.53*** join/#asterisk peace2u (n=peace2u@
22:49.01peace2uhi guys
22:49.08peace2ugot some question here
22:49.28peace2ui'm tyring to get my te411p cards to work with IBM x225
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22:52.27Dr-Linuxjustinu: pokes mean? :S
22:52.45Dr-Linuxgood word or bad
22:56.36lo_techpeace2u whassa prob?
22:57.27swineone[TK]D-Fend, think a log of asterisk with sip debug enabled while i try to make a call would help?
22:57.52r_evolutionyou people... i swear *shakes head
22:58.20r_evolution"Go Back  To Bed America... Your Government is in Control again!"
22:58.25r_evolutionHere you go america
22:58.29r_evolutionyou are free... to do as we tell you
22:58.35r_evolutionyou are free... to do as we tell you!
22:58.39r_evolution'nuf said
22:58.56r_evolutionagh where is justin... it was his idea i start into postgresql instead of mysql...
22:59.23[av]banir_evolution: stop ripping off bill hicks
22:59.57r_evolutionit's a vocal sample for a song by Adam Freeland
23:00.03*** join/#asterisk ctooley (
23:00.04r_evolutionthanks for letting me know where it originally came from
23:00.10r_evolutionyou're my new hero.
23:00.29ctooleyDid something happen in a recent update to Windows Messenger to make it not have the ability to define separate accounts?
23:01.37[Airwolf]Evening, I'm trying to get Asterisk Realtime working, but It won't work. I was wondering if someone here would like to help me. I followed the guide on and everything seems fine, but I have put just 1 sip user in my db but it just wont dial.
23:01.43[Airwolf]The log is here:
23:02.02[Airwolf]But I'm looking for some kind of realtime debug, but I can't find that either.
23:02.13*** join/#asterisk MYing (
23:02.49SplasPoodHrm.. I've noticed that when asterisk is bound to in sip conf it doesn't seem to reply on the same IP the connections come in on.. instead preferring the primary IP of the interface... Anyone experienced this?
23:02.56r_evolutionhey Airwolf... try making sure * is set to log everything
23:03.01r_evolutionthen check the debug messages there
23:03.15r_evolutionthat's what helped me in trying to get * to connect to mysql
23:03.17*** join/#asterisk zu (
23:03.22zuhy all
23:03.29r_evolutionup until justin advised using postgresql... O_O
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23:04.05[Airwolf]r_evolution, can you tell me where to set that he logs everything ? :)
23:04.05SGMis asterisk realtime working with postgres?
23:04.21r_evolutionim not sure yet sgm ;x
23:04.29r_evolutiongo into logger.conf
23:04.44r_evolutionunder the asterisk dir
23:04.59SGMcause a friend of mine tried it
23:05.07SGMand decided it isn't working
23:05.31*** part/#asterisk jaike (n=a@
23:06.19r_evolutionwell i had it working with mysql
23:06.30*** join/#asterisk tdonahue (n=tdonahue@
23:06.38r_evolutionand I was talking with justin one day and he convinced me to try postgre
23:06.45r_evolutionso now im learning postgres =\
23:06.50justinu~seen tainted
23:07.01jboti haven't seen 'tainted', justinu
23:07.02justinu~seen tainted_
23:07.04jbottainted_ is currently on #asterisk (1h 46m 42s). Has said a total of 1 messages. Is idling for 1h 46m 28s, last said: 'anyone have problems with grandstream ATAs not hanging up?'.
23:07.40r_evolutionspeaking of the devil.
23:07.46r_evolution~see the_devil
23:07.59r_evolutiontrying to make a joke and i effed up
23:08.07*** join/#asterisk Rowter (n=Rowter@
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23:11.12jbroomehumor is a harsh mistress
23:11.22[Airwolf]r_evolution, alot of log :P
23:11.41[Airwolf]I will be spitting thru it for the next half hour.
23:11.46r_evolutionnah man
23:11.48r_evolutionlook at the bottom
23:12.00r_evolutionyes... yes she is jbroome
23:12.19Dr-Linuxis there anyway to reaload only voicemail.conf ?
23:12.54[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: how do you tell the polycom to dial *97 when you hit [messages] button?
23:13.01*** join/#asterisk QuAd|Haudrauf (
23:13.13wunderkinDr-Linux, reload should do it
23:13.29[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Are you provisioning them they way I told you to yet?
23:13.36r_evolutionwhitelist me
23:13.40[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : then you can't :)
23:13.41*** join/#asterisk SPoon_TSX (
23:13.42[av]banihow would you do it if you did use provisioning?
23:13.45[TK]D-FenderDO IT!
23:13.50[av]baniok, i'm doing it
23:13.52[av]baninow tell me
23:14.03[av]bani(you dont know, do you :)
23:14.38SPoon_TSX[TK]D-Fender: Hi TK, May I ask you a simple question regarding the BLF?
23:14.55Dr-Linuxwunderkin: I2C-PBX*CLI> reload
23:14.55Dr-LinuxNo such module ''
23:15.12Dr-LinuxI2C-PBX*CLI> reload re
23:15.27[TK]D-Fenderin the phonexxx.cfg go in <mwi msg.mwi.1.callBackmode="contact""*97"
23:15.35[TK]D-FenderSPoon_TSX : go right ahead
23:15.51*** part/#asterisk j (
23:15.57[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: LIES! you can do it through the web :)
23:16.29[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : really?  news to me... mind you I avoid it like every other sane Polycom admin :D
23:17.00SPoon_TSX[TK]D-Fender: I am quite understand, to use BLF with Asterisk. I need to add exten => 2007,hint,SIP/2007 right? May i know if I want to monitoring the extension 2007 by extension 2008, shouldn't the dialplan should looks like exten => 2008,hint,SIP/2007?
23:17.21*** join/#asterisk J_- (
23:17.47J_-join #asterisk-dev
23:17.47SPoon_TSX[av]bani: I am with TK, you will only config your PolyCOM phone via the WEB IF you have a LOTS OF TIME to WAIT!!!!!!!!
23:17.47J_-forgot the /
23:17.58[TK]D-FenderSPoon_TSX : No, your first sample is right.  you tell * whre to looks for the info.  then you have to tell the PHONE to look for it.  thats up to the phone.
23:18.31Dr-Linuxwunderkin: yeah works, i think this is a good approach to only reload the file that needs, rather the whole reload
23:19.27SPoon_TSX[TK]D-Fender: Mmm.... weird. I got the 480i and setup a softkey as the BLF and monitoring the extension but when I make a call with my 501i (Ext, 2007). It doesn't show it is on the phone.
23:19.56SPoon_TSX[TK]D-Fender: Even when I type show hints. My extension is still showing Idle....
23:20.30SPoon_TSX[TK]D-Fender: Should I use call-limit in my sip.conf?
23:21.24[av]baniSPoon_TSX: actually, configuring the polycom via the phone ui is even faster than web, which is sad :))
23:22.13SPoon_TSX[av]bani: If you have > 2 phones need to be config.
23:22.16[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : well wuddyaknow... I just found it in the web interface :)
23:24.08SPoon_TSX[TK]D-Fender: Any idea?
23:24.14[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: :))
23:24.22[av]baniSPoon_TSX: i have _exactly_ 2 phones :))
23:24.23[TK]D-FenderSPoon_TSX : pastebin your extensions.conf
23:24.30cyburdinehey gang... could someone clue me in on how to setup a voip client to be used for both in and out? seems to lead me to believe that shouldn't use type=friend
23:25.08cyburdinethat's the way I have it set now and works for outbound calls
23:26.06swineoneim almost done, im just wondering why broadvoice is now replying with 404 not found
23:26.21swineonewhich in turn prompts a 486 busy here by asterisk
23:26.24cyburdinehave not figured out why inbound doesn't answer, but that could be because I have not yet setup an extension... just wanted to check that I could use type=friend for both incoming and outgoing
23:26.37[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: cisco 7985g ... $3595  :))
23:29.25SPoon_TSXcyburdine: What do you mean?
23:30.39cyburdineSpoon: I want to use the same register line in sip.conf for both incoming and outgoing calls
23:31.00cyburdinejust was curious if I needed a register=> for ingress and one for egress
23:31.58cyburdineand if I can use the same register=> can I use the same [] section to define in and outbound calls by setting type=friend
23:32.36cyburdineright now I have one register=> line and type set to friend and it works for outgoing only...
23:33.02cyburdinewhen i try to dial in it just goes to my voip providers default message "the caller is not available"
23:33.24[TK]D-FenderSPoon_TSX : looks ok, I'd verify you BLF settings on the phone itself.
23:33.44*** join/#asterisk jdiskywlkr (
23:34.09SPoon_TSX[TK]D-Fender: May I know if I want to setup the phone and the phone ask me the value for BLF, should I try 2007 or SIP/2007?
23:34.32[TK]D-Fender2007, and the phones need to be in the same context
23:36.25[Atlas]anyone have experience with asterisk realtime and postgres,, is it reliable enough for production?
23:36.57SPoon_TSX[TK]D-Fender: Same context? What does it means? You mean the context settings in sip.conf?
23:37.11*** part/#asterisk austinnichols101 (n=austinni@
23:40.06libilaI have 'exten => 1234,1,Dial(SIP/user1/1@' and 'exten => 4321,1,Dial(SIP/user2/1@' in my extenstions.conf those ip's are the real ip's of the phones. although when on user1 phone and I dial 4321 I get a 404.
23:40.56*** part/#asterisk [Atlas] (n=whois@
23:44.29cyburdineAtlas: yeah I have it running here, rather well, but we don't have it in production
23:45.03*** join/#asterisk M-I-A-- (
23:45.23libilaalso the part of my sip.conf file that refers to those users is here: although I'm not sure if thats needed for just dialing extensions inside the network.
23:45.46*** join/#asterisk rpm (
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23:48.05Orynif I've got a bunch of phones in a ring group and they start to ring whilst one person is on the phone, that person finishes his call and hangs up his phone, is there any way to make his phone ring with the group as soon as he hangs up?
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23:57.03kippi1I am trying to setup e-mail out when you get a voicemail, my server can send mail out, but I am not getting the vmail info when I have left a message, any ideas
23:57.16*** join/#asterisk sherbang (
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23:58.27[TK]D-FenderSPoon_TSX : The phone looking for hints must see the hints in the same context as it is registered to.
23:59.58JonR800Oryn: why not use queues/agents?  i don't know of any easy way.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.