irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060124

00:00.21ibob63Thanks BillinOffice
00:00.26[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : And you're the one who has to set them all up, huh?
00:00.33[av]baniyep, all my toys
00:01.06*** part/#asterisk ibob63 (
00:01.39[av]baniyou know, its funny people will talk about how great the polycom sound is.. but you can only do so much with ulaw
00:01.49[av]banipeople talk like OMG ITS CD QUALITY
00:02.06[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : there also general crackle in the handset, jitter, etc.
00:02.15[TK]D-Fenderbelieve me... there can be a difference
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00:02.31BillinOfficefender <- what's better?
00:02.38[av]baniwell, the gxp2000 doesnt have jitter or crackle... though the speakerphone is too quiet
00:02.42[av]banibut it doesnt sound 'shit'
00:03.06BillinOfficeI've got both on my desk, but the Polycom pleases me more...
00:03.13BillinOfficemaybe it's just my ear but...
00:03.13[TK]D-Fenderthere is also acoustic feedback and other factors
00:03.24BillinOfficeI haven't used the pcom's much yet.
00:03.25[av]bani.13 fixed the feedback
00:03.37[av]baniwhich was only on the speakerphone
00:03.42BillinOfficeI think I'm running .9 on the GXP
00:03.55[av]baninot that i'd use speakerphone on it anyway... volume is too low
00:03.57_Sam--they say there is a new firmware coming
00:04.01[av]banithats the only real negative about it
00:04.03BillinOfficeon the pcom?
00:04.14[av]banilike i keep saying, its amazing amount of phone for $80
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00:04.18_Sam--on the firmware
00:04.24robin_zmorning girls!
00:04.44[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : For $80 I'd say yes.  For a company to USE though, I'd say they are worth more than GXP's
00:04.53robin_z_Sam--: unfortunately even with new firmware, it will still be crap
00:05.00BillinOfficeis the .13 FW generally avail?
00:05.02[av]banidepends on your company, i can totally see a boiler room operation being very pleased with piles of these
00:05.22robin_z[av]bani: yes, at least they will burn OK
00:05.37[TK]D-Fenderrobin_z : however they will have the LATEST crap!
00:05.44robin_zthe GXP-200 sucketh bigtime
00:05.45_Sam--i have 15 people who do incomng phone sales all day them on fine
00:05.50[av]banithey're cheap, definitely have cheap feel to it, but not cardboard
00:05.55[av]baniits 'ok'
00:06.02BillinOfficeyes - it feels cheap
00:06.03robin_zwell, mine is shite
00:06.10BillinOfficethe handset needs some lead
00:06.17[av]baniyea, its light
00:06.18robin_zI consider not hanging up when the rx is put on hook a fault
00:06.31robin_zweight will not help .. desing fault.
00:06.32_Sam--it is what it cant compare a hyundai to a ferari...but that doesnt meant he hyundai isnt good for waht it is
00:06.43_Sam--thats all i say about the phone
00:06.46[av]baniits more like a honda civic
00:06.52robin_zwell, sure, but if the wheels fall off when you get in, its not actually useful as a car
00:06.52[TK]D-FenderBillinOffice : same problems the SPA-841 had.. hence the reason for an SPA-941
00:07.08[av]banirobin_z: wheels are fine here!
00:07.14BillinOfficeI've heard nice things about the 941.  Haven't tried either.
00:07.28[av]baniits no cisco, but its no cheapy chinese POS either, its somewhere in between :)
00:07.31BillinOfficeshould I upgrade to .13?
00:07.40_Sam--my tires roll, they could probably use an alignment, but they dont bother me that much
00:07.42[av]baniits marginally above shit, marginally below decent
00:07.43robin_zmy GXP crashes randomly ... the hook switch fits into the "ear" recess of the handset, so does not actually hang up .. never can, never will
00:08.05BillinOfficemine has crashed too.  pretty lame.
00:08.07[TK]D-FenderThe GXP is more like a riced-up Ford Escort :D  The SPA-941 is a Civic, Polycom IP 50x = Corolla, IP 60x = Camry.
00:08.21[av]banino crashes here...
00:08.22_Sam--when you say crash, you mean its locked up?
00:08.23robin_zford escorts where a solid reliable workhorse
00:08.27_Sam--mine has locked up.
00:08.33_Sam--had to power cycle it (them) before
00:08.35[av]banionly on firmware upgrade
00:08.35[TK]D-Fenderrobin : reliable shit is still shit :)
00:08.40BillinOfficeYeah - locked up - need power cycle - mid conversation
00:08.50_Sam--never seen mid conversation myself
00:08.53[av]baniwhat firmware? we using .13 here
00:08.55robin_zanyway .. I just bought 25 Snom 360s and 320s
00:09.04[av]baniBillinOffice: you using poe?
00:09.06robin_zoh, on the subject of shit ...
00:09.07_Sam--we are .13 here, finding some bugs from what my guys are telling me
00:09.18BillinOfficeno poe - wall wart
00:09.23robin_zavoid the Zyxel WiFi phone .. prestiges 2000?
00:09.28[av]baniBillinOffice: .13 ?
00:09.31robin_zyou might as well use a turd
00:09.37[av]banitried .13 ?
00:09.44[av]bani.9 wasnt usable for me, too many bugs
00:09.51_Sam--i have one of those utstarcomm cheap wifi phones
00:09.52[av]banispeakerphone echo
00:09.52BillinOfficeno - don't have .13 --- been sitting out...
00:10.03BillinOfficewaiting to hear others' war stories on .13...
00:10.04[av]baniits fine here, been using .13 for the past 2 weeks
00:10.05[av]banino lockups
00:10.08robin_zmy zyxel is none-working with *
00:10.11BillinOfficethere were reported issues on asterisk-users
00:10.17robin_zand cant upgrade over ftp
00:10.24robin_zor web
00:10.33robin_zso .. chocholate fireguard
00:10.35BillinOfficespeaker echo on my GXP is atrocious
00:10.46[av]baniyes, its .9 bug. no AEC on speakerphone. fixed in .12
00:10.59BillinOfficeI have the zyxel prestige 2000
00:11.11_Sam--my sales guys have reported, and ive seen it myself...where they go back to a call that was on hold on .13 and they go on hook...but the call isnt on the earpiece, they have to hang up again and pick it up again
00:11.11BillinOfficeI like the sound, but the user interface sucks
00:11.16[av]banirobin_z: 24 snom 360s :() from where?
00:11.50[av]bani_Sam--: local hold on the gxp, or parked on * ?
00:11.58_Sam--yes, local host on gxp
00:12.09[av]banii can imagine that, local stuff on gxp seems not so good
00:12.17[av]banilocal conf for example, a bit noisy
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00:12.24[av]banii dont think the mixing is very high quality
00:12.28robin_zcan I tell you lot why I just LOVE the 'net?
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00:12.50[av]baniive been planning on making conf's go to * instead
00:13.27BillinOfficegotta go..
00:13.32robin_zwell .. here I am in my factory in UK, configuring a remote * box in Geneva, feeding my industrial laser with metal and talking to you lot half way around the world ...
00:13.52robin_zthats pretty fscking weird when you think about it ...
00:13.58[av]banionly thing i havent figured out on the gxp2000 yet is MOH
00:14.11robin_z[av]bani; let * do moh
00:14.24_Sam--i dont have any problems with it
00:14.32[av]banii put em on hold and ... silence
00:14.34robin_zmoh is an exchange thing, not a phone thing ...
00:14.35_Sam--i mean, * plays the music on hold, and it works fine fos the gxp at my place
00:14.48[av]banirobin_z: the gxp supposedly does its own moh
00:14.53robin_zyeah, bad plan
00:14.59_Sam--mine use *
00:15.04_Sam--never seen a setting for anything in the phone
00:15.09_Sam--to do it from the phone
00:15.11robin_ztheres a URL I think ...
00:15.14robin_zdaft idea
00:15.14[av]banineither have i, so im trying to figure out why
00:15.22[av]baniwhy it wont use * moh
00:15.31robin_zanyway ... fsck that :)
00:15.36_Sam--you sure its just those phones?
00:15.38robin_zso .. back to agi ....
00:15.46robin_zwtf does not my agi work huh?
00:15.47[av]banisome phones let you point at a moh url
00:15.56_Sam--robin:  what do you feed into your laser?  i have some parts that i need a cnc to make
00:16.15robin_z_Sam--: anything up to 10mm plate steel
00:16.24_Sam--could it do billet aluminum?
00:16.30robin_zup to 3mm
00:16.47robin_zI have cnc mill too
00:16.54robin_zand cnc press
00:16.59robin_zand powder coat
00:17.04robin_zand ... etc
00:17.05_Sam--i am in the motorcycle parts and accessories biz
00:17.10_Sam--i have a specific part i need
00:17.14robin_zyou in UK?
00:17.21robin_zdang :)
00:17.25[TK]D-FenderI've found that in life there's very little you can't do with really REALLY BIG LASERS.  Social-political problems?  ZAP! Hamburger a little cold? ZAP!
00:17.30_Sam--you have all this stuff for yourself?
00:17.41robin_z_Sam-- yeah
00:17.49_Sam--do you know anything about sportbikes?
00:17.57robin_z[TK]D-Fender: oh I only have teeny little laser .. 2kw output or so ...
00:18.32robin_z_Sam--: I raced RGV250s for a few years, have a GSXR600 and run one of the UK largest motorcycle mailing lists ... so .. yeah, a bit ;)
00:18.49_Sam--hmm check me out... (shameless self promotion)
00:18.56_Sam--we are one of the largest in the US
00:19.06_Sam--but i think you could help me out maybe
00:19.08robin_z_Sam--: google "ixion"
00:19.38_Sam--i race some r6's myself :)
00:20.03robin_z_Sam--: I have lots of US contacts in CNC, so can probably sort you out if not myself
00:20.11robin_zwait, sheet change.
00:21.56robin_zrunning 100 sheets through ...
00:21.59_Sam--this is a really big idea...but its so simple its like post it notes.
00:22.04_Sam--bigger than frame sliders.
00:22.13_Sam--what year is your gixxer?
00:22.31_Sam--you need to step into the fuel injected era :)
00:22.36robin_znah ...
00:22.47robin_zits way fast enough for the road
00:22.52robin_zand I dont race anymoe
00:23.01*** join/#asterisk someunixguy (
00:23.01Errit's retarded that motorcycles aren't *all* fuel-injected these days
00:23.05_Sam--i mostly just do track now
00:23.10_Sam--Err:  most are
00:23.11Errit *has* to be cheaper to build fuel-injection systems than to build carbs
00:23.15robin_zI mostly just do work now :)
00:23.28_Sam--luckily i get to do both at the same time :)
00:23.34[TK]D-FenderHey : how do I check to see if ZTDUMMY is loaded right?
00:23.35robin_zI have a '76 ducati too ...
00:23.45Errnot most - many of the "race" bikes are, but I doubt 50% of all motorcycle models are
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00:24.06Err(perhaps 50% of total sales - I don't know - but no bike I've ever been interested in was FI)
00:24.09_Sam--i think "most" bikes above 7000 dolalrs USD
00:24.10robin_zErr: for 90% of riders its irrelevant, as they cant actually ride
00:24.39_Sam--most of the japanese bikes of 600cc or greater are all FI these days
00:24.41Errrobin_z: it's not about speed - it's about fuel economy, efficiency, and ease of maintenance
00:24.58_Sam--and i dont know enough about harleys to make any guess
00:25.01Err(to me, anyway)
00:25.11Errfew harleys are FI - only the really expensive ones, or as an option
00:25.21Err(not that I'm interested in a Harley, either ;-)
00:25.29robin_zErr: crap. its about image. thats what sells. economy? from a sports 600? dont make me laugh ... and even with carbs no one does maint
00:25.55Errwell, I do, and I care ;-)
00:25.58pifiucan anyone tell me what this means?
00:26.12robin_zpeople buy FI becase its 4bhp on last years model ..
00:26.26robin_zpifiu: its a url link to a pastebin item
00:26.45pifiuthe error to that link on the pastebin
00:26.52robin_zoh .. THAT
00:27.22robin_zyou are using
00:27.47*** topic/#asterisk by twisted[asteria] -> Asterisk 1.2.2 has been released! -//- || happy birthday Cresl1n!
00:27.56[TK]D-Fenderpifiu : mean your IAX peer is not reachable (no IP, bad route, etc)
00:28.05robin_zanwyay .. it means it cant open the outgoing channel
00:28.08robin_zas TK said
00:28.21robin_zfscking voipgate had no reachabel DNS today.
00:29.09robin_zOK, so AGI scripts ... sigh ...
00:29.28pifiuno not using voipgate
00:29.37robin_z* says its trying to run it .. and the path is right
00:29.40pifiuhmmm interesting wtf though i can IAX fine
00:29.48robin_zits chmod 755
00:29.55robin_zbut it doesnt get run ...
00:30.20filetwisted[asteria]: are you taking him out?
00:30.20robin_zcan I run an AGI from the console?
00:30.25filetwisted[asteria]: for the best night of his life?!?
00:30.27*** join/#asterisk BillinOffice (
00:30.41robin_zwait .. sheet change
00:31.19[TK]D-Fendertwisted[asteria] : How do I test to see if ZTDUMMY is loaded properly?  I'm trying to get a MEETME up and running, and I've more than double checked my conf#, and PINS.  they are fine, but its refusin.  I'm getting dev/zap/pseudo errors
00:33.01[TK]D-Fenderfdask : I see zaptel, but not ztdummy
00:33.03robin_zTK modprobe ztdummy?
00:33.16[TK]D-Fendersays it can't find it
00:33.22fdaskmodprobe ztdummy?
00:33.30fdaskis your kernel 2.6?
00:33.38robin_zOK, so you built it??
00:33.39[TK]D-FenderSlackware stock
00:33.41fdaskotherwise you'll have to make some changes in the zaptel Makefile so it compiles ztdummy
00:33.52robin_zby defualt its not built
00:33.59robin_zyou need a timing source too
00:34.03[TK]D-Fenderfdask : So it doesn't compile it in by default?
00:34.07fdasknot on 2.4
00:34.16fdaskbut doesn't the 2.4 use some usb chipset or something to get the timing info?
00:34.16robin_zwhat USB do you have?
00:34.22[TK]D-FenderNever needed to rely on it till now...
00:34.25robin_zusb uhci
00:34.30[TK]D-Fenderrob, I have OCHI and UCHI
00:34.33[TK]D-FenderI'm good for it
00:34.40[TK]D-Fenderjust didn't know it didn't compile by default
00:34.57[TK]D-Fenderoops, just ochi
00:34.58fdaskyou wont need ztdummy on 2.4 if your using uchi, do you?
00:35.06*** join/#asterisk Mag1KaL (
00:35.09[av]baniOHCI and UHCI
00:35.25robin_zAFAIK its UHCI or no play
00:35.44robin_zby a zap card :)
00:35.45[TK]D-FenderAwww bugger
00:35.51robin_zor upgrade to 2.6
00:36.00[TK]D-Fenderrobin_z : I DITCHED my tdm22b
00:36.11robin_zuses the pseudo RT thing on 2.6
00:36.16[av]baniis ztdummy even used in 2.6 ?
00:36.23[TK]D-FenderI really didn't want to screw with my kernel...
00:36.33fdaski had to load ztdummy to get rid of some warning messages in my logs
00:36.59pifiuhey ok here is another one, which i think is the reason why i am having problems?
00:37.28robin_zpifiu: umm because something is wrong?
00:38.04pifiuok thanks robin
00:38.45robin_zim not being very helpful am I?
00:39.03fdaskanyone used a voicetronix openline card?
00:39.23robin_zI was almost helpful to TK to make up for it though
00:39.37fdaskive got an openline4 card hooked up, everythings fine save for a problem with the volume
00:39.46fdaskcan't get a decent volume level out of the card :\
00:39.59robin_zsheet change ...
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00:42.07robin_zso AGI ...
00:42.26[TK]D-Fenderrobin_z : Yeah, I seem beset upon by this little annoyance.
00:42.53[TK]D-Fenderrobin_z : I've never had to mess with my kernel before and I don't want to fsck up this box.  its my home gateway and media server
00:43.03robin_zyeah .. its  PITA
00:43.15[TK]D-Fenderrobin_z : Yes.  in order to get it working it lokos like I'm going to need to go to 2.6
00:43.24robin_zwe actually chose our server to make sure it had UHCI so we could run meetme
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00:43.55robin_zthen we got a zap card and the problem solved itself
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00:46.18robin_zso ...
00:46.21robin_zLaunched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/ // Run sfftobmp and mail it.
00:46.36robin_zand yes, it does exist and is chmod 755
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00:46.43robin_zbut it never gets run :(
00:46.57twisted[asteria]/ comments are not valid in the dialplan
00:47.13twisted[asteria]use ; comments instead
00:47.20robin_zfscking silly me copying and pasting from the readme
00:47.29robin_zsilly README in chan_capi
00:47.38robin_zthanks twisted[asteria]
00:47.54twisted[asteria]occasionally i glance over the channel and become useful for about .5 sec
00:48.09NeonLevelhi everybody, i'm using * as a sip server and i have two linksys pap2-na registered to this *, both linksys are on diferent networks behind linux nat's, the call goes ok so far, what i want to do is that the "media" goes straigth from one linksys to the other WITHOUT passing it through *, is this possible? thanks in advance!
00:48.13twisted[asteria]then my eyes glaze over and my phone rings
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00:52.59*** join/#asterisk edobefe (n=shigueta@
00:53.59edobefehi, can an ip phone get access to more than one line with asterisk? i mean can it get calls from several POTS lines or just from one?
01:01.38[TK]D-Fenderedobefe : depends on the phone.  And don't necessarily think of phones having "lines" per se so much as the possibility of multiple simultaneous calls
01:02.36*** join/#asterisk benjk (
01:04.54benjk~seen zoa
01:04.59jbotzoa is currently on #asterisk (3d 16h 49m 52s). Has said a total of 229 messages. Is idling for 10h 38m 19s, last said: 'tzanger, i think most things can be solved with very cheap changes'.
01:05.50NeonLevelhi everybody, i'm using * as a sip server and i have two linksys pap2-na registered to this *, both linksys are on diferent networks behind linux nat's, the call goes ok so far, what i want to do is that the "media" goes straigth from one linksys to the other WITHOUT passing it through *, is this possible? thanks in advance
01:06.14*** join/#asterisk troy (
01:06.29[av]baniNeonLevel: you want to look at 'canreinvite'
01:06.39edobefe[TK]D-Fender: but multiple calls means more than one at the same time, but how about multiple lines routed not at the same time to a single phone?
01:06.47[av]banithough if theyre behind nat, it probably wont work
01:06.59NeonLevelthanks [av]bani
01:07.27*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
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01:13.40[TK]D-Fenderedobefe : Lines go into *, calls go out to phones.  think of it that way
01:14.05[TK]D-Fenderedobefe : You can make a call go from anywhere to anywhere.  Its all up to your dial-pland and phone setup
01:14.10*** join/#asterisk alephcom_ (
01:14.13edobefe[TK]D-Fender: hmm, ok, so any line can reach any phone
01:15.13[TK]D-Fenderedobefe : All depending on your setup.
01:15.36edobefe[TK]D-Fender: ok, understood
01:15.50[TK]D-FenderYou can have it so 1 line gets an IVR which does (whatever), another line rings a specific phone (or more), a third just dials your Cell phone, ec.
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01:17.23[TK]D-Fenderedobefe : My home setup for instance pick up the CID of the caller, then just rings all of my phones at once then leads to VM if not answered.  Basically it feels like an answering mahcine to callers.  however I have access to a full PRI on top of my 1 analog line so I have up to 24 calls/in/out possible at a time.
01:18.59Mag1KaLHm, I got festival/asterisk intergration to work on my box but it sounds horrible, and I don't mean the quality of the tts itself.
01:19.24fdaskwhat do you mean
01:20.24Mag1KaLIt sounds kind of distorted... the compression must be doing something weird...
01:20.58joatsqueak/too fast?
01:22.00DefrazHere is something weird, I just upgraded from 1.0 astrisk to 1.2 and I have a pri into the system, when the call came in on the 1.0 asterisk it just said the number was disconnected or not in service when people called a not routed number(DID)
01:22.02*** join/#asterisk Beastie- (
01:22.11Defrazwell on 1.2 it rings the first extention on my system.
01:22.47DefrazI don't rmember setting anything up to do that on 1.0 am I missing something on 1.2?
01:23.01Mag1KaLUhh... it works fine now...
01:23.33Mag1KaLLast night it sounded like crap but now after I rebooted my machine it's fine.
01:27.03Beastie-does anyone know much about the soft phone idefisk
01:27.28[TK]D-FenderDefraz : that sounds perfectly normal.  Basically * is not answering the call so the telco says "not valid"
01:27.43[TK]D-FenderDefraz : You should account for them somehow...
01:28.18DefrazWell that is what I wnated but now it calls the first extention.
01:28.24DefrazI rather it just do what it did on 1.0
01:28.58DefrazIt seemed like it did that out of the box where in 1.2 do I have to set something?
01:29.31*** join/#asterisk pifiu-laptop (
01:30.52dudesDefraz - post your extensions/zapata.conf on pastebin
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01:32.25*** part/#asterisk Lurr (
01:33.39Defrazokay what is that url again?
01:33.49Defrazof which distro?
01:33.57DefrazI mean version of asterisk?
01:34.00jbotpb is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
01:34.09Defrazthe 1.0 or 1.2
01:34.21*** part/#asterisk jello333 (
01:35.45*** join/#asterisk j_vianna (n=joaovian@
01:36.18j_viannaHi guys! I need to buy some DID in USA ?
01:36.38j_viannaCan you guys sugest a good place to buy those ?
01:36.49*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (n=brian@
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01:41.03Math`j_vianna: how many DIDs do you need
01:41.56Zodiacalanyone know where this file is off hand? dialparties.agi
01:42.13Zodiacalim new to linux obvously :P
01:42.16Zodiacalhow do i search for files?
01:42.48[TK]D-FenderZodiacal : Thats also an AMP question... something else that's not really supported here...
01:43.01Zodiacaloic, thanks!
01:43.39j_viannaMath: I need about 46 DID in USA and four 800 #
01:44.53Math`j_vianna: can I pm you?
01:44.57someunixguyI've been lurking for a while but since the subject of AMP came up....  just wondering what the general consensus is on it.  Anyone at the intermediate/advanced level using it?
01:45.07fdaskwhat is AMP?
01:45.16someunixguyAMP=Asterisk Management Portal
01:45.16Math`fdask: its called asterisk management portal
01:45.23j_viannaMath: sure.
01:45.30someunixguy(Web config w/template files, etc.)
01:46.55[TK]D-Fendersomeunixguy : AMP like all other * GUI's is EVIL  The only time its at all validated is in large installs where you need some sort of central management that isn't a PITA and aren't linus-friendly.
01:47.13[TK]D-FenderSkip that url that pasted in there.
01:47.36someunixguyI can't imagine using it in a large install.
01:48.45someunixguyI haven't seen Thirdane's product but imagine it's similar.  Too bad there isn't something good at assisting with the management of a clean config file.
01:49.10[TK]D-Fendersomeunixguy : Its called "vi" :)
01:49.20file[laptop]or emacs
01:49.24Math`thats the best interface I've ever seen
01:49.27justinuemacs... what a joke
01:49.27[TK]D-Fendersomeunixguy : Goes by other accepted names too ;)
01:49.34[TK]D-FenderI use MC, so :P
01:49.37file[laptop]let's not get into this...
01:49.41justinuno, lets
01:49.52file[laptop][TK]D-Fender: I like you, so you're allowed to use it!
01:49.55someunixguyI'm ashamed to say I'm a pico/nano man
01:50.09file[laptop]if it works for you - use it.
01:50.13justinufair enough
01:50.25someunixguyTrue enough, whatever works should be the motto.
01:50.51Errindeed - although file[laptop] is right :-P
01:51.11someunixguyI've run in to two AMP installs I've been asked to clean up in the last two weeks...
01:51.21justinuhow do you disable the screen jumping in emacs?
01:51.31justinui can't use it like that
01:51.33ErrI don't even know what "screen jumping" means
01:51.47justinuit means that the screen doesn't scroll one line at a time, like every other editor on the planet
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01:51.56someunixguyI think I've developed a brain lesion from all those circular includes they've got going on ...
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01:52.09Errit's not a pager, it's a text editor
01:52.13Dr-Linuxjustinu :@
01:52.15Errthat said, I'm sure it's adjustable - everything is
01:52.30[TK]D-Fendersomeunixguy : So how many times DOES it take you till you learn? ;)
01:52.32justinuwell, no one I know can tell me how to change it
01:52.50robbythey guys, so what advice do you have on sugarcrm/asterisk intergration
01:53.16justinubesides, your argument makes no sense, because emacs acts like a pager, not a text editor
01:53.17robbytwithout doing a lot of fancy database magic
01:53.34*** join/#asterisk lithi (
01:53.44Errjustinu: a minute with google yielded scroll-step
01:53.50*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (i=me@
01:53.52someunixguy[TK]D-Fender: I'm sure by next week I'll be unable to string a sentence together and will be able to say nothing but "AMP AMP AMP ..."
01:53.53Err(setq scroll-step 1) turns it off
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01:54.06justinuerr gets a cookie
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01:54.27someunixguySeriously though, AMP client #1 is going back to square one and I'm building them a real config tomorrow.
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01:55.05Newbie___hi all, anyone has experience installing h323 in Asterisk Version 1.2.2
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01:56.54j_viannaMath`: ???
01:57.05[TK]D-Fendersomeunixguy : So how many times DOES it take you till you learn? ;)
01:57.09Math`j_vianna: did you got my pms?
01:57.18[TK]D-FenderI helped un-AMP a guy once.....
01:57.24Errj_vianna: that's your problem, not his - you need to register your nick
01:57.33someunixguyun-AMP... lol
01:57.35robbythey guys, i'm sort of a noob- why is amp so bad??
01:57.38[TK]D-FenderAnd convince several others that they are better off amintaining their IQ's
01:57.49Math`ah your nick isnt reg'd
01:57.53justinuamp is bad because it makes the dial plan seem very complex
01:58.06someunixguyI'm sure AMP has its place but it's murder if you're not intimate with it.
01:58.10[TK]D-Fenderrobbyt : * gives you control, AMP takes it away and ticks us off when people using it come here asking for help on it.
01:58.22Math`j_vianna: try /msg nickserv register [put your password here]
01:58.27[TK]D-FenderAnd if you're intimate with it welll... we won't go there...
01:58.35Dr-Linuxticks :S
01:58.48[TK]D-FenderYou don't debug AMP... you just wait till the complaints mount an a new version comes out....
01:59.15Errmost UI frontends to programs are like that
01:59.16robbytyeah, i have noticed a few bugs with amp
01:59.16[TK]D-FenderReal dialplans are pretty easy, I see little use for it.
02:00.03robbytwell, thing is
02:00.10robbytit gives clients easy access
02:00.13robbytto modify things
02:00.21robbytand it gives noobs like me a great starting point
02:00.49alephcom_Not another gui war, please?
02:00.55robbytthat's the hardest thing about asterisk w/o amp, where to even start
02:01.49someunixguyTrue enough.  When I cut my teeth on it wasn't around.
02:02.05someunixguyI had to troll the mailing list for a month before I had a clue.
02:02.21Beastie-does anyone know what might cause this error? pbx.c: Timeout, but no rule 't' in context 'outgoing'
02:02.31drumkillaIf you pay attention to the coverage Asterisk gets around the net, it's obvious that AMP and Asterisk@Home get Asterisk into the hands of many that never would have touched it otherwise
02:02.58robbytwell, that's argueably a good thing and a bad thing, drumkilla
02:03.18someunixguyNot to start a flame war, but we have a lot of people getting a bad idea about Asterisk as a result of inept installations...  (echo cancellation, etc.)
02:03.41robbytit does lower the bar of entry quite a bit
02:03.53robbytbut if you have idiots install your cisco call manager, it's going to drop calls
02:03.57robbyti've seen it happen
02:04.14robbytif you have idiots clean your office, they're going to steal your leftovers out of the fridge
02:04.17robbyti've seen that happen too
02:04.17someunixguyThose idiots are on the phone with cisco who fixes their problem, so call manager doesn't get a bad rep
02:04.52robbyttrue enough
02:04.58someunixguyThere are too many arguments in either direction so it comes out even I suppose
02:05.09robbytwell, the diffrence is
02:05.10Errheh, if crisco fixes your call manager box over the phone, you're paying them enough that you ought to have a competent admin to egin with :-)
02:05.24robbytthat asterisk = freedom
02:05.27robbyt:D :D
02:05.30someunixguyNow if Cisco could fix that *!*#@* sip image...
02:05.32Math`crisco? :P
02:06.10someunixguywe've been testing SIP loads for weeks with them and they keep getting worse
02:06.10robbyti'm sure if you payed mark enough, he'd come over to your house and write your dialplan for you
02:06.30robbytv7 cisco phones?
02:06.35robbytv7 sip
02:06.37justinuwhat's wrong with the sip software?
02:06.45someunixguy7.5 has a lot of problems
02:06.58someunixguydo 10-12 blind transfers and the phone dies
02:07.01robbyti have 7.4 on my test phones, otherwise i have all polycom 501s
02:07.04Errjustinu: did you see my solution to your emacs question before I was disconnected?
02:07.12someunixguy7.4 is fine in medium load
02:07.16robbyt35x polycoms, 3 ciscos
02:07.17justinuerr: yep, you deserve a cookie!
02:07.33someunixguywe're on 7.9.21 and it's crap
02:07.34Dr-Linux7.4 works fine for me
02:07.37robbytso how does load effect the phones?
02:07.53someunixguywell, memory leaks get worse the more call volume you have
02:08.02someunixguythe blind transfer problem, for example, builds
02:08.06robbytin the phones themselves?
02:08.13someunixguythe phone's UI
02:08.14shmaltzis there anyway that I can see in the CLI the global var?
02:08.36robbytunixguy: so they eventually lockup then eh?
02:08.51someunixguyno, actually they get freakin weird
02:09.04someunixguyall sorts of odd lines and buttons vanish
02:09.05justinudid you put them on the reboot program then?
02:09.19robbythuh- so tell me
02:09.20someunixguynah, 6.5 seems fine
02:09.24robbyti was thinking of using the chan_skinny
02:09.27someunixguy7.4 is ok too
02:09.38robbytor chan_sccp
02:09.45robbytwhat are your thoughts on that?
02:09.58someunixguyI haven't tried it myself, but I understand the call features are a little limited
02:10.25someunixguyit's a reverse engineering situation, so i think they have enough stuff in there to allow it to work
02:10.31someunixguybut not much else
02:11.00someunixguywe run about 150 79xxs with sip give or take a few
02:11.28Mag1KaLI'm trying to execute a agi perl script but every time I do asterisk is telling me No such file or directory :|
02:11.29someunixguywe've only had a few issues with 7.5 with a couple operators
02:11.47robbytso you can't downgrade eh?
02:11.49*** join/#asterisk Someone123 (
02:11.54someunixguyMag1KaL: make sure your file is in /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin
02:12.10someunixguyWe've taken those few phones to 6.5
02:12.25someunixguythey're find on that load but they don't like the NTP feed so no clock
02:12.44someunixguy(too bad for those users... can't have it all right!)
02:13.02robbyt"do you want a clock, or a phone that works?"
02:13.15someunixguyyou got that right
02:13.24someunixguy"How do I know when I missed a call?!?!?!?!"
02:13.37Errheh, I get irritated by all the friggin' clocks in my office - I'm glad my phone doesn't have one
02:13.43robbythey so what distro are you running?
02:13.54Mag1KaLsomeunixguy, yes it is... it actually says it has launched the script, then says it can't find it.
02:13.54someunixguyfedora 3 on most of our boxes
02:14.32robbyti should give fedora a shot again, i got so pissed at fc2
02:14.45robbytjumped ship and switched to gentoo
02:14.46someunixguyMag1KaL: Try running the script outside asterisk (i.e. 'perl filename.agi') and see if it runs w/o error.  Might be a bad shebang
02:14.55someunixguyfc2 was a problem
02:15.03robbytbeen running gentoo everywhere really, it's quite sadistic
02:15.10someunixguyI like fc4's implementation of yum
02:15.20robbytor, should i say masochistic
02:15.25someunixguyvery nice group install stuff
02:15.30Erryum just keeps getting better - if only the FC releases would last longer
02:15.40someunixguyyeah, it's been moving too fast
02:15.41Errwell, and be more stable
02:15.42robbytyeah that's what i worry about
02:15.52robbythow about asterisk in debian?
02:15.53someunixguythat's why we're still on 3 for production....
02:15.57ErrI gave up on fedora because I had to upgrade too often, and sometimes upgrades actually busted things
02:15.57robbytwhat's the word on that?
02:16.05someunixguymy AMP customer is on debian
02:16.09someunixguyseems ok
02:16.13Errrobbyt: ubuntu has asterisk 1.2.1 in Universe
02:16.18someunixguyI miss the 'service' command tho
02:16.24ErrI haven't configured it yet, but it seems to be complete
02:16.30robbytdoes debian/ubuntu have rc-update?
02:16.43robbyti think gentoo swiped a lot of their init scripts from debian
02:16.57ErrI don't know what an rc-update is
02:16.58Math`I've no rc-update in debin
02:17.07fdaskdont they both use system v style init scripts
02:17.11Errdebian uses /etc/init.d scripts
02:17.16someunixguyI installed Asterisk on Solaris this weekend for the first time, that was a nightmare
02:17.25robbytrc-update is super slick in gentoo, there are /etc/init.d/ scripts
02:17.27Math`* on slowlaris? uh
02:17.37someunixguyyeah, not my idea
02:17.38Erreverything on solaris is a nightmare to install
02:17.41robbytlets say "rc-update add asterisk default" will add asterisk to runlevel default
02:17.50robbytrc-update show
02:17.53Errif it weren't so stable when you were done, solaris would be easy to write off :-)
02:17.54robbytshows everything
02:17.56robbytgood stuff :D
02:18.01Erroh, so it's like chkconfig
02:18.02someunixguyif you want to pay me $$$/hr to install Asterisk I'll put it on a toaster
02:18.24someunixguySolaris was a bitch tho
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02:18.39robbytis there even zaptel in solaris?
02:18.43someunixguyAsterisk ended up in /usr/opt/asterisk/etc
02:18.43Math`someunixguy: then you have to put an extension to turn off the toaster, or a ringback extension to ring when your toasts are ready
02:18.49ErrI generally write software on solaris, if I want to port it to other systems, because if it'll build there it'll build anywhere
02:18.54someunixguyno zaptel
02:19.12someunixguyand the 'install' program doesn't work
02:19.18someunixguyso you need to hack your makefile
02:19.29someunixguycheck that, makefile(s)
02:19.43robbytso why solaris?
02:19.47robbytnothing on tv?
02:19.58someunixguyClient wanted solaris, who am I to persuade?
02:20.21Math`I would have told the client it'd be more performant on linux
02:20.25someunixguyseriously though, they've got some wacky solaris app they're doing agi integration with
02:20.27Math`and way less hassle
02:20.43someunixguythe vp of engineering has a hard-on for solaris
02:20.52someunixguyhe loves us now
02:21.06robbythe must be >50 years old
02:21.15someunixguyyeah, and like 400 lbs
02:21.30someunixguyit's an odd setup
02:21.45someunixguyhe's one of those "i like it because i know it" guys
02:22.07someunixguybut, having just finished bashing AMP, who the heck am I to talk
02:22.13robbyti tried solaris 10, booted it up, and thought "ok now what?"
02:22.37someunixguyit's sun hardware and it couldn't detect the nic
02:22.38robbytthen i reformatted a week later when i couldn't figure out how to get php5 working...
02:22.43someunixguyi had to load a supplement cd
02:23.06someunixguynone of the path vars are set, so I had to hack around that to run anything
02:23.10someunixguyit was PAINFUL
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02:23.25robbytyeah i've done work with irix at my old job
02:23.32someunixguytwelve years of linux spoils a guy
02:23.35robbytit was the same sort of weirdness though-
02:23.41someunixguysame story w/aix
02:23.57someunixguy"Oh, you want a COMPILER?"
02:24.02Errsomeunixguy: if you ever work on solaris again, filesystem(5) is your friend
02:24.14robbytwhat's that err?
02:24.19someunixguyI'm working on it tomorrow actuallt
02:24.23robbytman 5 filesystem ?
02:24.25Errit's the manpage that tells where everything is
02:24.41someunixguythey realized today the default solaris partitioning scheme (99% /home, 1% everything else) is no good
02:24.44Errman -s5, but yes (sysv man, not bsd man - until you put /usr/ucb first in your path, of course ;-)
02:25.05someunixguyi'll have to check that out actually
02:25.20someunixguyI'm going to whack /home and run a 'growfs' on the / partition
02:25.27Errsolaris has the best documentation of any software product I've ever seen - but you *have* to use it to do anything at all
02:25.30someunixguyhopefully that'll fix it up
02:25.36Errsymbolic link the crap out of the disk
02:25.48someunixguythat'll be fun to maintain
02:25.53Errthat's what I do to machines that were installed via solaris's I'm-uber-retarded partitioning tool
02:26.25someunixguyi used to do that but after six months who can remember anything
02:26.30Errwell, local disks aren't *supposed* to hold anything - that's for network disks - which is why they partition the way they do
02:26.52someunixguyyeah, true enough
02:27.00Errif you do things The Sun Way everything works just fine - but you have to learn it first, which is hard; there's a reason Sun-certified sysadmins make the money they do
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02:27.13robbytso all the directories should exist off a network share?
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02:27.29someunixguynfs it all, lol
02:27.44Errsun's plan is that most machines have little local storage, and the local storage that is there will be used as cache or for speed-sensitive data
02:27.51robbytso then, which computer hosts the nfs shares?? lol
02:28.02someunixguywell, your $100k san naturally
02:28.04Errrobbyt: a disk storage array - it's not really a computer :-)
02:28.04robbytit's like an nfs circle like amp is an include circle
02:28.30robbytahh, see that's getting into insane realms that i've only read about...
02:28.33someunixguyseriously, it's not a bad architecture
02:28.57shmaltzin vi how do I go to the end of the file?
02:29.03someunixguyand despite the painful environment it feels pretty solid
02:29.55robbytok cya guys-
02:30.15someunixguySo, Err, since you seem to know your Solaris...  When I'm doing this partitioning nonsense tomorrow, should I be able to growfs without killing the box?
02:30.22Errheh, I have no idea
02:30.24someunixguycya robby
02:30.25ErrI've never used it
02:30.39Errsorry :-)
02:30.42someunixguynothing like getting paid $$$/hr to fumble
02:30.58Erryou might ask in #opensolaris - those kids know their stuff
02:31.02robbytsetup a vmware machine tonight ;)
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02:31.17someunixguyGuess what I have open in my other IRC tab
02:31.38someunixguyIt's a pretty quiet channel though
02:31.49Errheh, I should re-join over there - I learned most of what I know about solaris from there, even though I've worked on solaris boxes for years
02:32.18Errif you ask, somebody will know - there are several solaris developers in there, and several more sun-employed troubleshooters
02:32.38someunixguyI haven't used IRC in...  umm... 9 years or something like that but #opensolaris saved my ass on saturday
02:33.48someunixguyspeaking of vmware, they want me to set up a vmware server tomorrow
02:34.03someunixguythey've got half their infrastructure running on vmware, it's sick
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02:37.26Newbie___anyone do consultancy service here?
02:37.40someunixguysure, what are you looking for help with?
02:38.21Newbie___h323, did it before on EL3. but now it wont work on EL4
02:38.45someunixguynever worked with 323 on asterisk, sorry
02:39.04*** join/#asterisk littleball (
02:39.15Newbie___was pretty easy on EL3
02:39.35someunixguywhat are you communicating with?
02:40.14littleballhello, i have a context , at the beginning of this context, i switched to realtime, basically the real time is only used to set channel variable. So, i would like to switch back to normal dialplan.
02:40.16littleballhow to?
02:41.00someunixguyI'm calling it a night.  It was nice to commisserate.
02:41.07someunixguycya guys
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02:52.31shmaltzis there anything wrong with this:
02:52.33shmaltzexten => test,5,Noop(${CUT(${ARG3},-,1)} is f1)
02:52.35shmaltz${ARG3} is set to: 2-SIP/8541663-ZAP/G1
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02:53.22annonimoushello shmaltz
02:53.25annonimoushow are you?
02:53.31shmaltzfine, and you?
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02:53.41annonimousfine fine thanks
02:53.43annonimouswhats up?
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02:57.14mgohwhy we need to use channel bank?
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02:59.07|omni|anyone using chan_sccp with cisco 79xx phones?
02:59.15|omni|trying to figure out a simple conference call
02:59.34|omni|I can transfer between two outbound, but can't seem to join the two
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03:04.04mgohwhy buddy can tell me what is the purpose of channel bank?
03:04.43eieiyoanybody familiar with app_rpt?
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03:06.14tzangermgoh: a channel bank aggregates (usually 24) analogue phone circuits into a single digital one (T1)
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03:08.56mgohtzanger:I'm using 2 PRI directly to digium card from PSTN, still need channel bank?
03:09.14tzangermgoh: are you planning on connecting regular everyday phones or phone lines in to asterisk?
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03:10.49mgohI plan to use 32 softphone and 7 ip phone and 1 ATA for FAx
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03:11.40mog_homemorning people
03:11.53tuxinator_linuxEvening mog_home
03:12.02exismi'm new to asterisk (i'm working on a system that's already configured), but i have managed to setup SIP with a provider and can dial out to landline and can receive calls. however, i don't hear anything on either side of the phone. where should i be looking to troubleshoot this?
03:12.02mog_homehows it going tuxinator_linux
03:12.06mgohtzanger: I plan to use 32 softphone and 7 ip phone and 1 ATA for FAx
03:12.17tzangermgoh: well then no, you don't need a channel bank
03:12.22tzangermorning mog_home
03:12.30tuxinator_linuxmog_home: Doing fine
03:12.46mog_homehey tzanger hows it hanging
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03:18.30mog_homegood stuff
03:20.02tzangermog_home: not bad watching my country go down the shitter
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03:22.14brookshire[home]tzanger: why is that?
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03:23.09mog_homewhat you say tzanger ?
03:23.20mog_homeyou could move to qwellstania with me
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03:23.58tzangerbrookshire[home]: will tell you
03:24.01tzangermog_home: where?
03:24.19mog_homethe land of qwell
03:24.39tzangerI'd think he'd call it Qwellington
03:24.41mog_homewhats wrong with the old usa
03:25.13mgohtzanger:If we got 32 line centrex we can use channel bank to convert to T1 interface so tht I just need buy 1 port T1 digium card. I'm right?
03:25.50tzangermgoh: T1s have 24 channels, not 32.  E1s have 32 channels but I don't know of any E1 channel banks
03:26.56Newbie___hi all, anyone has experience installing h323 in Asterisk Version 1.2.2
03:29.52*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
03:30.14Cresl1ntwisted[mobile]: !!!!
03:30.16brookshire[home]HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
03:30.17Cresl1nyou rock man!
03:30.53mog_homehappy birthday cresl1n
03:31.04Cresl1nthanks mog_home
03:31.11Cresl1nyou guys are the best of friends
03:32.17mog_homewe try
03:33.41*** join/#asterisk litage (n=nick@
03:40.38Trazzzhow much bw does each sip user take?
03:40.49Cresl1nTrazz: ????
03:41.01Cresl1nTrazz: there are so many answers to your question
03:41.16Trazzznormal call
03:41.26Cresl1nTrazz: that depends on a lot of factors
03:41.40Cresl1nbut primarily depends on what codec you are using
03:42.16Trazzzor g711
03:42.19Trazzzor g711a
03:42.22jboti guess gsm is a codec, operating at approx 13kbps up/down.
03:42.39Cresl1nI think g711 ends up being around 80-85 w/ rtp headers
03:42.40Trazzzok and the others?
03:42.46Trazzzwhat a hog
03:43.00Cresl1nTrazz: you can easily google all that
03:43.11Trazzz8k or 64k i thought
03:44.07tzangerTrazzz: yes, but that is 64kbps of AUDIO ONLY
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03:44.22tzangeryou need to realize that that audio payload is split up into packets, and each packet has a header
03:44.41tzangerand after that, Trazzz, you need to realize that you don't take 1 second of audio and put it in 1 packet, you take 20ms of audio and put it in one packet
03:45.05tzangerso after it's all said and done, you end up with about 80kbps of bandwidth for a ulaw (g711) conversation
03:45.13tzanger(80kbps in and 80kbps out, of course)
03:45.16tzangerCresl1n: hey hey hey
03:45.30Trazzzthat will kill a line
03:46.12Trazzzi take it cisco dont support gsm..
03:46.26[av]banithey should, everyone does
03:46.35tzangerTrazzz: don't think so.  g729/ulaw is generally what the commercial devices support
03:46.36justinulots of hardphones don't
03:46.48[av]banithats weird, since gsm is prett yuniversal
03:46.50Trazzzya figured as much.. nice
03:46.54Errgsm isn't very efficient, though
03:47.02tzanger[av]bani: no, not everyone does.  I can't think of any "big iron" telecom kit that includes gsm
03:47.02justinusounds kinda ugly
03:47.07tzangerErr: huh?
03:47.12tzangerErr: define efficient
03:47.12[av]baniErr: it's plenty efficient. 4:1 compression or thereabouts
03:47.16Cresl1nErr: gsm is nice ;-)
03:47.18tzangergsm is pretty damn good
03:47.35Trazzzlets all call cisco and demand gsm support
03:47.39Trazzzusing voip of course
03:47.48TrazzzDoS cisco sip gateway now
03:48.05*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (
03:48.07Errefficient compared to the non-free compressions they *do* support
03:48.22[av]banigsm is also very low cpu
03:48.31fdaskanyone here use a voicetronix card?
03:49.02[av]baniulaw->gsm is 3ms on my pc, ulaw->g729 is 18ms
03:49.11[av]baniulaw->speex is 40 :()
03:49.16tzangerthat's nothing
03:49.23justinuyeah, speex is the heaviest
03:49.26tzangerI was experimenting with (really) light hardware
03:49.31[av]bani40ms is 2 g711 frames
03:49.39tzangerP90 (no MMX), ulaw->ilbc was 967ms
03:50.00tzangerthe funny part was that I *was* able to have a conversation with it but it was... tedious
03:50.15justinu10-4 good buddy
03:50.33exismanyone know why when calling landline through SIP i can hear fine on the landline phone but the voip phone hears nothing? (i'm not sure what is the relevant information i should provide)
03:50.45tzangerexism: sounds like a NAT issue
03:52.49tzangermgoh: no problem at all
03:54.51exismhmm, there is no NAT going on here
03:55.36*** join/#asterisk dissolutions (
03:57.03[av]baniits either nat or firewall
03:57.14[av]bani1-way is almost always nat
03:57.32[av]banitheres likely nat, you just dont know it :)
03:57.49exismthe server is on a direct connection
03:58.15exismi'm setting nat=never
03:58.20exismin case it's trying to use nat somewhere
03:58.40[av]bani1-way means your return packets cant get to the voip device, either nat or firewall is blocking it
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04:00.02[av]baniyou could always try realigning the plasma injectors
04:00.48tzanger[av]bani: you sound like sivana
04:01.06exismon the console it says: -- Attempting native bridge of SIP/206-6758 and SIP/
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04:01.14exismshould it say it has made the native bridge?
04:01.25tzangerexism: depends
04:02.18exismso i shouldn't be alarmed if that's the last message i receive
04:02.27tzangernot at all
04:02.38[av]baniexism: might also want to canreinvite=no
04:02.58[av]banion both sip peers
04:03.39exismthe other peer isn't defined on my side
04:04.05exismbut i will try that
04:05.13exismi'm 99% sure there is no firewall action going on
04:05.21exismcause this a production server connected to a 100mbit line
04:09.49tzangerexism: that means jack shit
04:10.09tzangerthe far side could be a little phone behind 6 NAT boxes on a GPRS connection over bluetooth
04:10.21NewSolehmmm.... looks like liberals have been liberated.......
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04:10.33exismit's calling to a major voip provider though
04:10.38exismand then to a standard pots phone
04:10.46exismso i'd imagine it would have to be my side
04:10.54tzangerNewSole: yeah... as my friend said we better start brushing up on our American National Anthem
04:11.19tzangerI am impressed though
04:11.31tzangerthe greens got 7% of teh votes in my riding (20 stations left to count)
04:11.45tzangerwhich for an area that has been strongly conservative since the 50s...  I think is pretty good
04:12.08NewSoleyes... but liberals needed a good but kicking to put them back in place... they were too conceeded
04:12.08tzangerthe old fogies in this town are starting to die or be put into retirement homes without televisions by the young'uns
04:12.18tzangerNewSole: agreed, but the PC arent' any better
04:12.43NewSoleno they are not... personaly I would have voted for other.....
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04:13.16tzangerI don't believe in voting to punish someone else.  I vote for who I feel best represents me which, at this point, was nobody
04:13.30NewSoleyup... me too
04:13.46tzangerbut the greens were "safe" in that they coudl not end up weilding any power, but voting green would get more money into their warchest for next time, and let's hope that next time they are a little better prepared
04:14.38*** join/#asterisk warthawg (
04:14.48tzangerI feel we need fresh blood and new ideas in ottawa...  PC and libs are more or less identical, NDP would bury us ... let's get some new voices in there and see what they can do
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04:15.01warthawganyone using a Zultys WIP2 wireless phone?
04:15.10NewSoleI am just glad that liberals are no longer in power and the "con's" are on a short leash
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04:15.25tzangeryeah I suppose it's about as good as we could hope for
04:15.33tzangeralthough I really do believe the PC should be footing the ENTIRE bill for the election
04:16.21NewSolepersonaly... the winner should pay.... not the tax payers
04:16.26tzangeryou don't take down a government unless you are positive you have the majority of the nation behind you.  tying the price of the election to the saber-rattling part(ies) ensures that it will fucking hurt if they overestimate their support
04:16.33*** join/#asterisk pigpen2 (
04:17.04tzangerif you think you have majority support then prove it by winning a majority election.  If you don't win, you get pecker-slapped
04:17.25NewSoleout comes the lub dud
04:17.38tzangerlearn to work as a team instead of bitching and moaning
04:18.04NewSoleyup... too much bitch slapping this election
04:18.21tzangerI'm not quite sure how to tie in that the minority leader needs to also function as part of the team but the whole "we dun like you, we're gonna take you down and cost everyone a fortune" is nonsense
04:18.39tzangerI really, *really* disliked the PC for that
04:18.43*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
04:18.46tzangerand what did we end up with ?  the exact same fucking thing
04:19.10tzangerso what now, the libs will take the government down and we'll do this fucking circle jerk again?
04:19.35NewSoleo ya.... we will be doing this again in 2 years
04:19.55*** part/#asterisk eieiyo (
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04:20.24BoRiSAnyone know how to fix the Cisco 9740 (after upgrading to 7.4 and 7.5) firmware that during the upgrade, it shows "Protocol Application Invalid".
04:22.12dissolutionsNewSole; whose in the lead?
04:22.38tzangerdissolutions: PC.  121 to lib 104 ndp 31 and one green
04:22.55tzangerthat's exactly what I was hoping for (the green) -- I want to see thm at the next federal debates
04:23.18tzangerif it HAS to be 4 parties, get the bloc out of there
04:23.34tzangeruntil they want to be a REAL federal party then stay the fuck out of the federal side of it
04:24.25tzangertime to sleep
04:24.56dissolutionslol @ the diversity between urban vs rural
04:29.04sylewhats all this political bullshit lol
04:29.13sylego smoke another joint :)
04:31.39BoRiSyou ARE the smoke. :-p
04:31.41rajivanyone using sellvoip or sipphone for origination?
04:32.36syleif you have lots of cash just use the best, level3 etc
04:32.50rajivi need just 1 number
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04:35.30rajivis level3 going to talk to me for just 1 line ?
04:35.33syletheres so many places just pick 1
04:36.03syleno they don;t give a shit about you unless you do about 1 million minutes a month
04:37.33sylepisses me off but whatever, thats how the rich get richer right
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04:39.54sylehheehe i don;t really care, i just write software for voip providers like you to make money, working on a good billing system right now, 4 months into it, let me know if you need that
04:41.10syleall c based, no agi or database trigger overhead, all embedded into asterisk , complete speed
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04:48.05BoRiSAren't we all?
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04:53.51mgohhow can we implement SIP refer method in ur extension?
04:54.21file[laptop]BoRiS BoRiS BoRiS
04:58.33file[laptop]not much, what about you?
04:58.54sylehey file
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05:03.40sudhir492hi all
05:03.59tainted-do i still have to compile mpg123 for asterisk 1.2.2 or is it integrated now?
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05:05.51sudhir492my voip provider has given me the information to program a softphone. Is it possible to feed that to asterisk and make calls using those credentials
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05:09.26kimosabecan some one help me get my x lite going i need 2 enable g726 on it
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05:14.58dudeskimosabe - sip.conf disallow=all allow=g726
05:15.03dissolutions:*( Martin just stepped down :*(
05:16.16rob0Martin at Digium? Stepped down from what? From Digium?
05:16.33Himekonot liek he had a choice
05:16.44BoRiSWish liberals one.
05:16.50BoRiSerr won
05:17.02Himekoi wish they all died
05:17.28dudesthat's harse
05:17.33rob0oh is this some political thing?
05:17.57rob0Canadian election?
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05:18.20wunderkincanada still exists?
05:18.29BoRiSdoes the US still exist?
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05:19.06rob0haha you mention Martin in here and I think Martin at Digium :)
05:19.22mog_homehasnt been a martin at digium in a while
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05:20.06rob0oh hmmmm ... it was 2 or so years ago, he helped me with my initial setup.
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05:36.14mog_homeoh woot
05:36.16mog_homeit works
05:36.45*** part/#asterisk mogorman (
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05:38.47mgohcan we use channel bank to convert T1 to analog phone?
05:39.04mgohor what call FXS port
05:39.22*** join/#asterisk litage (n=nick@
05:39.26Corydon76-homeNot only can you, but there really isn't any other purpose for a channel bank
05:39.40*** part/#asterisk mogorman (
05:39.46Corydon76-homeThat is exactly what a channel bank does
05:40.04justinumgoh: where in the world are you from?
05:40.33*** join/#asterisk pengyong (n=lala@
05:40.40Corydon76-homejustinu: from the land of knights and knaves
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05:41.04copantlcan i reinstall asterisk-addons without affect my configuration of asterisk?
05:41.14Corydon76-homeUh, no.  A Martin Gardner logical construct.
05:41.33Corydon76-homecopantl: yes
05:42.01Corydon76-homejustinu: knights always tell the truth, knaves always lie
05:42.04copantlwhich one of all file into etc/asterisk is gointo be affect?
05:43.00benjkCory, there is at least one other use for some channel banks ...
05:43.03Corydon76-homeYou come to a fork in the road, one leads to the knaves village, the other to the knights village.  You are allowed to ask exactly one question of the person standing at the fork, but you do not know whether the person is a knight or a knave.  What question do you ask?
05:43.15benjkif they are heavy enough, you can use them as a doorstop ;)
05:43.32SwKanyone have a NANPA OCN -> NPA-NXX cross ref table? (complete)
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05:43.58Corydon76-homeSwK: it's proprietary data
05:44.12SwKnot really
05:44.13Corydon76-homeSwK: and it changes monthly
05:44.24Corydon76-homeTelcordia charges a fee for that data
05:44.25copantlif i reinstall addons can be the database in  /var/log/cdr-vs affected?
05:44.36SwKtelcordia charges a fee for their tables
05:44.59SwKjust like bellsouth charges a fee for their CNAM -> DID tables...
05:45.38Corydon76-homecopantl: ever heard of backups?
05:46.15copantlof course,but that not answer my question?
05:46.29justinutelcordia sucks
05:46.38copantlit can be affected?
05:46.42justinuhow can that not be freely avaialble?
05:47.20Corydon76-homejustinu: that's their entire business model
05:47.28justinuthat's weird
05:47.36justinuseems pretty shaky
05:48.01SwKjustinu: the data is available from other sources, telcordia just seems to be the only one with the latest most complete dataset
05:48.07SwKand they charge out the ass for it
05:48.15justinuthey're authoritative somehow
05:48.16Corydon76-homejustinu: ever since the breakup of ATT in 1984...
05:48.39SwKits not really propritary data... its just tightly controlled
05:48.45justinuthey used to be called bellcore
05:48.52justinuthe keepers of the standards
05:49.10sudhir492my voip provider has given me the information to program a softphone. Is it possible to feed that to asterisk and make calls using those credentials
05:49.17justinusudhir: yes
05:50.03sudhir492justinu: how should I configure?
05:50.13justinulike if you want the NI-2 spec, you have to pay telcordia
05:50.21jbothmm... docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
05:51.25SwKthe spec itself isnt really proprietary, its the documentation dscribing it
05:51.49justinui don't get that
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05:51.54justinuseems like a fine point
05:52.19justinuit should be in a public library or something
05:52.27SwKits like getting the v.22 specs
05:52.50justinui'm impressed the FAA finally made IFR approach plates available for download online, free.
05:52.58sudhir492justinu: I tried
05:53.22justinusudhir492: i'm not going to help unless you pay
05:53.27SwKv.22 itself is a specification for communications, the spec, can be implemented by pretty much anyone... the problem is figuring it out, getting the docs for it tho cost a few bucks cause the ITU holds the (C) on the documentation
05:53.39sudhir492how much
05:53.52SwK100USD seems fail
05:54.00justinuworks for me
05:54.01SwKerr fair
05:54.12sudhir492not to me :-(
05:54.33justinuyou can figure it out, it's not that tough
05:54.39mgohhave any method or ready make software done a call flow where it make a call when the call is connected it directly will transfer to another extension.
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06:03.12tronixjustinu: where? (IFR apch plates)
06:04.34tronixwhoo hoo!!!!!!
06:04.37tronixvery nice. thanks!!
06:04.47justinunp :)
06:06.04justinuunfortunately the enroute charts aren't online yet
06:07.04tronixit's a good start, at least.
06:07.12justinutrue dat
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06:17.15[av]banianyone want to buy an h323 phone
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06:56.07exstaticaanyone seen a problem liek ERROR: Module zaptel is in use by ztdummy
06:56.16exstaticai'm trying ot get my digium card installed
06:56.51exstaticahow do you fix it?
06:56.59NirSthis means that you have a ztdummy module loaded, which is blocking you from performing a restart to the zaptel service
06:57.12NirSissue the following: 'rmmod ztdummy'
06:57.18NirSthen perform a restart to zaptel
06:58.24exstaticaNo functioning zap hardware found in /proc/zaptel, loading ztdummy
06:58.42NirSthat means that you don't have a zaptel card in the machine
06:58.44NirSis that correct ?
06:58.47exstaticai do
06:59.01NirSok, in that case it means you didn't follow the instructions of installation
06:59.09NirSwhat distribution are you using ?
06:59.27NirS4.2 ?
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06:59.46NirSdid you compile by running 'make linux26' ?
07:00.26NirSyou need to compile using 'make linux26' then 'make install'
07:00.45NirSthen follow the instructions in the README.udev file, as CentOS 4.2 uses udev
07:01.05exstaticahmmm i assumed astrisk@home took care of that
07:01.21NirSoh, it's an A@H
07:01.26NirSwell, I can't help you there
07:01.33NirSI'm not that familiar with it
07:01.36FuriousGeorgeanything wrong with this:  exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(${POTSOUT}/ww${EXTEN:1},60,,T)
07:01.45exstaticastill the same zaptel driver
07:01.54FuriousGeorgespecifically that T option at the end
07:01.58joaoviannaHi guys, I have a problem here. I have SER as regiter for my ATA, but when I forward a call to my * box it is rejected unless I have he peer registred in my * box. Any clue to solve this problem ?
07:02.12NirSFurious, you have 1 too many commas before the T
07:02.23FuriousGeorgejoaovianna: add a peer to sip.conf and start asterisk
07:02.30NirSthe command is: Dial(Channel/Extension,timeout,options)
07:02.52FuriousGeorgeNirS: no i dont, thats not timeout thats hash transfer
07:03.03FuriousGeorgethere is no timeout
07:03.13NirS60 is the timeout
07:03.27FuriousGeorgefine, but i dont specify one there which is why there are two commas
07:03.38FuriousGeorgeT is for allow calling party to transfer
07:04.16joaoviannaFuriosGeorge: Thanks, but I want to avoid have to add in sip.conf...
07:04.35FuriousGeorgejoaovianna: but you just said you needed to add a peer to asterisk
07:04.43*** join/#asterisk dasuberd1vid (
07:04.51FuriousGeorgea call to my * box it is rejected unless I have he peer registred in my * box. Any clue to solve this problem ?u said:
07:05.37NirSin that case, remove the 60 and one of the commas, and it will work
07:06.19joaoviannaFuriosGeorge: Thanks: I want my * as a pstn gateway. In my case I want to * making calls without a "peer" entry in sip.conf. It is possible ?
07:06.44FuriousGeorgeNirS: what 60?
07:06.52FuriousGeorgetheres none to remove
07:07.26FuriousGeorgeand if i take out a comma and leave the T itll complain of now timeout specified in that context when i call.
07:07.48FuriousGeorgejoaovianna: im not sure what you want.  my understanding is that you are sending a sip call to * by way of SER, right?
07:08.11mog_homeman ejabberd rocks FuriousGeorge
07:08.11FuriousGeorgeand that call is being rejected because you need a peer entry for SER in *, right?
07:08.36jbotfrom memory, furiousgeorge is a knife-fighting monkey last seen with The Man with the Yellow Bat
07:09.13joaoviannaFuriousGeorge: Yes, I'm using SER as REGISTER and then forwarding the call to *.
07:09.45FuriousGeorgejoaovianna: i never used SER but i assume its a sip call you are sending to asterisk, right?
07:10.25joaoviannaFuriousGeorge: Yes.
07:10.59FuriousGeorgemog_home: im talking about hash xfers again.  if i want to allow calling party to transfer the call, will this do it:  exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(${POTSOUT}/ww${EXTEN:1},60,,T)  (dont i need two commas there to escape the timeout * is looking for)
07:11.06FuriousGeorgei know this worked in 1.0.9
07:11.11*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
07:11.16mog_homeor ||
07:11.23mog_homeno one comma
07:11.36mog_homeits dial(device/exten|timeout|opts
07:12.17joaoviannaFuriousGeorge: Question... How authenticate the call authorizing access to PSTN without a peer entry in sip.conf for each already registred user in my other box (SER) ?
07:12.17FuriousGeorgejoaovianna: then, I guess, to answer your question:  yes, it is possible to make calls with * without adding a peer to sip.conf, but, only if they arent sip
07:12.49FuriousGeorgejoaovianna: you call SER and have it expressly route the call for you?
07:13.46*** join/#asterisk postel (
07:13.49FuriousGeorgeSER is the "gateway" to the PSTN, right?
07:14.01joaoviannaFuriousGeorge: Yes. The user is authenticate and registred in SER and the calls (PSTN) are send to * as sip.
07:14.04*** join/#asterisk squinky86 (n=ASGjon@
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07:15.00joaoviannaFuriousGeorge: Is hard to understand that I have to create a sip entry for each customer I have in ser...
07:15.13FuriousGeorgejoaovianna: gimme a real world example of what you are trying to do
07:15.57FuriousGeorgeso customer logs onto ser and when he makes a call it goes to asterisk
07:16.50joaoviannaFuriousGeorge: Thanks... I have an ATA-186 registering in a free sip server (SER). When my customer call 1XXX-XXXXXXX I sent it to * for PSTN termination...
07:17.02*** join/#asterisk lenne_dk (
07:18.20FuriousGeorgejoaovianna: you're in big trouble, not only are you gonna have to add an entry to sip.conf but youre gonna have to make a dialplan in asterisk
07:18.33*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin_ (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
07:19.05joaoviannaFuriousGeorge: Well, my dialplan is create on demand by AGI.
07:19.16FuriousGeorgeoh no :)
07:19.23FuriousGeorgei have to sneeze
07:19.27FuriousGeorgeahhh ahhh
07:19.34jbot[docs] probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
07:20.41FuriousGeorgei know nothing about *@h or any of those automatic asterisk administrator apps, afaik *@h has a freenode channel doesnt it?
07:21.01joaoviannajbot: Thanks... I will check... I found "createautopeer=yes" but it put my * very vulnerable...
07:21.01jbotpas de quoi, joaovianna
07:21.18*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
07:21.20FuriousGeorgejbot: parez-vous francaise?
07:21.25FuriousGeorge*parlez :)
07:21.47joaoviannaJbot: Merci.
07:21.49jbotmerci is, like, thanks in french
07:21.59FuriousGeorgejoaovianna: how come your customers cant log into asterisk
07:22.20FuriousGeorgefrom their ATA?
07:23.11FuriousGeorgeit sounds like you are using SER when you dont have to?
07:23.13joaoviannaFuriousGeorge: I don't want my * be the SIP REGISTER. I read SER can handle more users efficiently.
07:23.18FuriousGeorgei could be wrong
07:23.44*** join/#asterisk ThaZZa_Work (n=me@
07:23.51ThaZZa_WorkHey all.
07:24.42FuriousGeorgejoaovianna: i cant comment on weather or not that's true, but if asterisk is going to be making the calls anyway, doesnt it just add more latency between asterisk and SER.  how many users do you have?  cant you just add more asterisk boxes?  if you have that many sip customers i'd think you'd want to keep it as streamlined as possible
07:25.05FuriousGeorgei could be wrong
07:25.21ThaZZa_WorkCan anyone tell me if there is an mp3 player built into asterisk 1.2.2 ?
07:25.33FuriousGeorgemake mpg123 in source dir
07:26.14joaoviannaFuriosGeorge: Something like
07:26.16ThaZZa_WorkThank you.. i knew i forgot something this morning at 3am. lol.
07:26.29ThaZZa_WorkFuriousGeorge: Sorry that was thank you to you. :D
07:27.17FuriousGeorgeThaZZa_Work: np, wish they were all that easy :)
07:28.31joaoviannaFuriosGeorge: Just a comment: I want my * only making calls to PSTN. I still have a lot of calls beetwen my customers using SER. (SIP <--> SIP)
07:28.32ptiggerdinempg123 is heavily outdated and known to have security issues.
07:28.45FuriousGeorgejoaovianna: like i said:  i could be wrong :)
07:29.02ThaZZa_WorkFuriousGeorge: I am still not getting musiconhold. the CLI just shows it starts and then stops the very next line. any ideas?
07:29.17*** join/#asterisk pengyong (n=lala@
07:29.18FuriousGeorgeptiggerdine: isnt there another one that works with *
07:29.53FuriousGeorgeThaZZa_Work: check the moh.conf file where your moh should be, i think it should work out of the box
07:29.58FuriousGeorgeyou did do a make install right?
07:30.58ThaZZa_WorkFuriousGeorge: Do i need to recompile asterisk after i make mpg123. cause asterisk was already compiled!
07:31.07FuriousGeorgenm, i dont know that you need to make install mpg123
07:31.33FuriousGeorgeThaZZa_Work: i dont /think/ so but i could be wrong.  are there mp3s in that dir specified in moh.conf
07:32.01ThaZZa_WorkFuriousGeorge: but you said to make mpg123. lol.. Yes there are files. there. default moh.
07:32.04joaoviannaThaZZa_Work: What error message you have in your console ?
07:32.08*** join/#asterisk EriSan (n=erisan@
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07:32.57ThaZZa_Workjoaovianna: Upon reload.. none.
07:33.10ThaZZa_Workjoaovianna: Following is the CLI 2 lines.
07:33.30FuriousGeorgeThaZZa_Work: for whatever reason i thought the make mpg123 might also install, but i use gentoo so i confuse things like that sometimes
07:33.37ThaZZa_Work-- Executing MusicOnHold("IAX2/207-4", "default") in new stack
07:34.04FuriousGeorgeThaZZa_Work: did you try restarting * or reload moh
07:34.37FuriousGeorgealso check top, see if mpg123 is running
07:34.38ThaZZa_WorkFuriousGeorge: Yep both.. The call stays connected. and doesn't hangup. so it must be doing something.
07:35.37ThaZZa_WorkFuriousGeorge: there i think is the problem.. did a PS -A.. there is no mpg123.
07:35.49FuriousGeorgetry running it from shell
07:36.14*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
07:36.43ThaZZa_WorkFuriousGeorge: Doesn't exist.. :-(
07:37.20FuriousGeorgeim at a loss, moh always just worked with every version of * ive ever installed.  worked so well i thought my stupid sip client was installing some sort of terrible moh
07:37.31FuriousGeorgeno offense to whoever wrote that piece
07:37.34*** join/#asterisk cyber (n=kani@
07:37.38FuriousGeorgehope it wasnt you mog_home
07:37.39ThaZZa_WorkFuriousGeorge: i think i just found out.. after you do make mpg123 in asterisk src. it created a mpg123 path. i think i need to make in that path. :-)
07:38.14FuriousGeorgeThaZZa_Work: that makes sense, you can make install in there.  i knew there was something wierd about it
07:38.36ThaZZa_WorkFuriousGeorge: make install in that path works. mpg123 exists now. :-)
07:38.51FuriousGeorgeand moh?
07:38.55joaoviannaThaZZa_Work: Try ps -A|grep mpg123
07:39.17ThaZZa_WorkFuriousGeorge: Fixed.
07:39.22FuriousGeorgegood job
07:39.30ThaZZa_Workjoaovianna: Fixed. It is working. :-)
07:39.48ThaZZa_Workjoaovianna & FuriousGeorge: Think i just needed a few more heads attached to my shoulders. :-)
07:39.55FuriousGeorgeit was all you
07:40.15ThaZZa_WorkFuriousGeorge: Yet you both helped to bounce ideas off. :D
07:40.35FuriousGeorgeim bouncy like that
07:41.11*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
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07:43.28ThaZZa_Workwhat does this mean? Unable to find a codec translation path from g729 to slin
07:43.32*** join/#asterisk af_ (
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07:46.33ThaZZa_WorkIts cool. i worked it out, yet again. lol
07:47.08ThaZZa_WorkHome time. then to have more fun. see ya all later. :-D
07:48.13FuriousGeorgemog_home: remember you told me something about having fixed your flux capacitor for that xmpp.patch :).  is that not on the web yet cuz i got a similar error
07:48.38mog_homedid you check out from my svn?
07:49.23FuriousGeorgemog_home: cvs??!!  i use gentoo, we're not allowed.  j/k
07:49.42JunK-Yyo, weather in SF is great!
07:52.43mog_homenot vcs
07:53.32*** join/#asterisk Snake-Eyes (n=blog@
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07:53.49elephantManYou have a lot of chance to be in SF
07:54.09elephantManWeather in Paris sucks
07:57.08*** join/#asterisk Bambr (
08:00.22stefanomasinihi, can I register all 4 lines of my GXP-2000 with the same SIP account?
08:08.10*** join/#asterisk psk (
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08:09.39[av]baniwhat do you mean?
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08:23.05Newbie___anyone does h323 installation consultancy service here
08:25.21*** join/#asterisk graabein (
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08:26.19trixterhow much does it pay?
08:27.20*** part/#asterisk mog_home (
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08:29.20Newbie___i pretty much can get asterisk running except for h323. keep getting error when compiling pwlib
08:30.47Newbie___and yes, i read the README and use the exact method
08:31.37*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
08:32.30fdaskwhats the error you get
08:32.37fdaskwhat os are you compiling on
08:34.07MrChimpybut the figure isn't being reflected in ${CALLERIDNUM}
08:34.18MrChimpywhat's up there? this in inbound from an E1.
08:34.57Newbie___fdask: running on whitebox linux EL 4 on dell SC 430
08:36.14fdaskwhitebox linux?
08:36.39Newbie___is the same as Red hat 4
08:37.14Newbie___or is it FC4  hehe
08:38.15*** join/#asterisk mko-025 (
08:38.21fdaskthats a weird error
08:38.24*** join/#asterisk Tili (i=Tili@
08:38.44Newbie___tell me about it, been tying to compile for the last 24 hrs
08:39.10fdaskcan you just skip building this asnparser tool
08:39.14fdaskor do you need it
08:40.03L|NUXNewbie___ : they fork from RH
08:40.14L|NUXfdask : its for ya
08:40.15Newbie___fdask: i have no idea what it does but what ever is from the README
08:40.26Newbie___L|NUX: yeah
08:40.37*** join/#asterisk Mag1KaL (
08:40.45SERGEUS|Wi have small problem with "-r" flag
08:40.51SERGEUS|W/usr/sbin/asterisk -vvvvr
08:40.51SERGEUS|WUnable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
08:41.17SERGEUS|Wit is exist
08:41.18L|NUXSERGEUS|W : make sure asterisk is running :)
08:41.18SERGEUS|Wsrwxr-xr-x  1 root root 0 Jan 23 13:18 /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl
08:41.23L|NUXps -ef | grep asterisk
08:41.32L|NUXSERGEUS|W : ps -ef | grep asterisk
08:41.34Mag1KaLHow exactly is the 's' extension used? I mean what actually triggers it if the user hasn't even called anything yet?
08:41.40SERGEUS|Wyes it's up and runing
08:42.14SERGEUS|W29036 ?        Ss     0:48 /usr/sbin/asterisk
08:42.42L|NUXits working fine for me
08:42.51L|NUXtry to restart asterisk server
08:43.10SERGEUS|Walready tryed :)
08:43.19Newbie___damn, previously did compile on whitebox EL 3 and working great
08:43.27SERGEUS|W"-r" refuses to work...
08:43.41SERGEUS|Wi have no idea why
08:43.44L|NUXwhich version
08:44.29Newbie___fdask ??
08:44.57SERGEUS|Wi also tryed to update it.. no result
08:45.27*** join/#asterisk psyco-obiwan (n=cschnee@2001:4060:4419:b1:0:0:0:2)
08:46.42psyco-obiwanhi, i know asterisk can easily work pretty fine on a 166MHz with 128MB Ram, however does anybody know the min. requirements for *@home ??
08:46.43fdaskNewbie___: if you had it working on EL 3, why not go back to that
08:46.47SERGEUS|Wany ideas? :)
08:47.11DarkFlibblepsyco-obiwan, 166 is a litle low for asterisk...
08:48.00DarkFlibbleaccording to to wiki while asterisk has been run sucessfully on a 133 we recommend a 500Mhz machine or higher
08:48.15psyco-obiwanDarkFlibble: i am running my external trunk gateway on a 200MHz with 96M...conferences with more than 6 users worked pretty fine without sparking the cpu at all (all codecs were translated between users..)
08:48.22Newbie___fdask: EL3 is already up and running for few months but is on a clone pc. bought a new dell sc 430 but is a sata drive, which only EL 4 supports it
08:49.16DarkFlibblepsyco-obiwan, wow... can you do show translations and paste it in a paste bin for curiosity sake?
08:50.00psyco-obiwani just wanted to prepare a machine for a friend (one outgoing, one internal, conf, vm) and found that all the goodies in *@home in webinterface just yield a 404...
08:50.09*** join/#asterisk X-Gen (
08:50.09psyco-obiwanDarkFlibble: while the conf is running you mean ?
08:50.25X-Genja freaks
08:50.33DarkFlibbleno... just anytime... it benchmarks the machine
08:52.27bennybenhi, I've got problems with Flash() that don't do exactly the same thing than the 'R' key on my phone, anybody can help me ?
08:53.01bennybenI've made a ztmonitor to listen the line to compare the 2 one, and I haven't the same signal
08:53.57*** join/#asterisk oej (
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08:55.00L|NUXSERGEUS|W : there ?
08:55.27rene-hi what is the default password for ftp in polycom phones?
08:56.13DarkFlibblepsyco-obiwan, you said 6 channels with "all codecs were translated between users.." what codecs were they? mostly the high bandwidth codecs?
08:56.26*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
08:58.04SERGEUS|WL|NUX, yeah, guy have the same problem
08:58.15psyco-obiwanulaw and alaw mostly i guess but cant say exactly, i was just trying to get the thing breathing with all my sip phones i had (my gf thought im getting crazy talking into 6 phones concurrently ;-))
08:59.08DarkFlibblepsyco-obiwan, based on what you pasted, if you only run the ulaw/alaw/adpcm/slin you will manage to get a few channels from it...
08:59.46DarkFlibblealthough one change on the basic install I would make is change the prompts format to one of those from gsm...
09:00.23*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
09:00.36psyco-obiwando you say, that i wouldn't get much higher than six with this machine ?
09:00.41DarkFlibblesince decoding/encoding gsm is cpu intensive... and you don't have a cpu with cycles to spare
09:01.32*** join/#asterisk fenlander (n=fenlande@
09:01.34psyco-obiwanas a rule of dumb, can i say, the lower the bw of a codec the higher the cpu cost ?
09:01.34DarkFlibblepsyco-obiwan, depends what they are doing... if they are all in ivr listening to gsm prompts you would be unlikely to get more than 1...
09:01.46DarkFlibblewhen in calls tho... it could possibly support 10
09:01.59DarkFlibblepsyco-obiwan, look at the tables you produced...
09:02.01psyco-obiwancool to get some figures ... thx
09:02.15DarkFlibblethe lower the figure the better
09:02.45psyco-obiwanis there a certain limit from which you can guess the number of concurrent calls translated with a certain codec ?
09:03.18trixterafaik there are only guesses and not real numbers
09:03.28trixterand it depends more than translation as to what the real load is
09:03.37psyco-obiwanyeah, sure but better an educated guess than nothin ;-)
09:03.52X-Gensomeone should make a pci card that can offload that processing ;)
09:04.03trixtercall duration, especially if you call AGIs matters, high volume low duration calls will cause more load (due to fork and exec of the agi) than lower volume higher call duration calls
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09:04.13psyco-obiwanafter what i saw i was thinking i could handle dozens of calls on that hardware, didn't know i was so close crossing the limit
09:04.23DarkFlibblepsyco-obiwan, you can attempt to guess based on the figure in the column... <guess> If you are using 20ms samples and it takes 18ms to translate between one format and another (from the table) then you will only be able to support one channel... </guess>
09:04.24trixter30-50MHz per channel plus codec translation is a guess
09:04.39trixterdepending on exactly what you are translating from/to matters as well
09:04.47trixterasterisk -rx show translation
09:04.52psyco-obiwantanks DarkFlibble thats something i can make estimates with
09:04.54robin_zmorning ...
09:04.58trixterthat will let you know what your box will do for a given codec translation
09:05.13robin_zanyone happen to know any of the staff/owners/operators of ???
09:05.14DarkFlibbletrixter, <-- he already did it...
09:05.19psyco-obiwantrixter: DarkFlibble just helped me show the translation to pastebin
09:05.33trixterahh I missed that, oh well I have to get up in 3 hours to drive to etel to give my presentation so I should sleep
09:05.43DarkFlibbletrixter, good luck
09:05.56trixterthanks I will need it for the bridge crossing at 9am # wankers.  name servers down, all on the same network, adjavcent ips
09:06.10trixter<-- hates SF traffic, although its not as bad as NJ
09:06.34trixterout of SF, LA, San Diego, Sacramento, NYC, Boston, NJ was by far the worst
09:06.37DarkFlibblerobin_z, network admins can't design fault tolerent networks for shit these days
09:06.51robin_zso ... remind me .. a good euro sip/iax termination service is????
09:07.11DarkFlibblerobin_z, me in a week...
09:07.20robin_zDarkFlibble: you have to be particularly clueless to put all your NS's next to each other
09:07.37psyco-obiwanDarkFlibble: am I right that if i have an ISDN trunk comin in/out and i am translating them to ulaw/alaw that is not going to produce a great load then, right ?
09:08.09psyco-obiwanthere was onetime a forum for exchanging sec. NS services to each other...but I cant find it anymore
09:08.16DarkFlibblepsyco-obiwan, ISDN is natively very close to ulaw (it is ulaw I think) so it should be low load...
09:08.28trixterif you start with g.711 and push it over isdn you dont need that beefy of a machine
09:08.32trixterpeople do that on pIII 1000MHz
09:08.45DarkFlibbleI use dyndns's custom dns because I know my name servers suck...
09:08.49trixtera few of those doing 1.5M minutes per month
09:09.26DarkFlibblealso they have a nice web interface
09:09.40trixterisdn is ulaw some places alaw others
09:09.42robin_zI just run 2 ns on seperate class Cs in the UK and another in Lausanne .ch for safety
09:09.47trixterit depends largely if you are north american or not
09:10.01DarkFlibbleulaw in US, alaw in europe... i think
09:10.05trixterand g.711 doesnt really compress/decompress its quantization which has some impact but not that much
09:10.21trixternot compared to some other codecs
09:10.34trixteralthough asterisk treats everything as slinear internally iirc
09:10.37robin_zso, anyway, offically, voipgate suck. BIG TIME. 2 days now, no ns can be reached
09:10.48trixtereverything converts to slin and from slin to something else when doing a translation
09:11.07psyco-obiwantrixter, are you saying that 711 should be the default to go instead of alaw/ulaw which ive seen most use if bw doesnt matter...
09:11.17trixteras such if there is any translation it is effectively converting twice, but slin isnt really anything other than raw, its a little different but not much
09:11.30trixterg711 *is* a/ulaw
09:11.39trixterdepending on which subtype
09:12.01psyco-obiwanarghh...hate those buzzwords and abbreviations...
09:12.16psyco-obiwanits called different all over the place...
09:12.24trixterits not a buzzword, its the proper name of the codec :)
09:12.25psyco-obiwanno excuse :-)
09:13.08DarkFlibblerobin_z, okay to pm you?
09:13.14trixteranyway I gotta goto sleep cause I got to get up early ...  gah less than 3 hours sleep for a 4+ hour drive then 11 hours after that until my presentation, tomorrow is going to suck
09:13.27psyco-obiwangl trixter and thx for the fine help!
09:13.50trixter\er thanks
09:14.03psyco-obiwanshift-left-1 ;-)
09:15.13DarkFlibblepsyco-obiwan, you can use refurbs if cost is an issue...
09:15.36DarkFlibblebut to be honest dell 1u poweredge servers are dirt cheap now
09:15.55psyco-obiwandont say that....last time i said that i ended up setting an alpha 2100/4 275.... LOL
09:15.56DarkFlibblerunning my dev box on a 2600xp
09:16.21psyco-obiwanseriously i like the new Sun machines the X[42]x00
09:16.48DarkFlibblefor my own machines, I'll stick with proliants...
09:16.55psyco-obiwaninstalled a few of them and with debian64 they rock..
09:17.04DarkFlibblegot a nice quad xeon for free the other week...
09:17.09*** join/#asterisk florz (n=florz@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
09:18.14DarkFlibbleturn it on and need to go to a different room... it is a jet engine inside...
09:18.45DarkFlibble4 fans in a 2 by 2 configuration... fault tolerant...
09:18.47psyco-obiwani know that from the sun feel like putting a weight onto them so that they don't hover
09:19.07stefanomasinihi, can I register all 4 lines of my GXP-2000 with the same SIP account?
09:19.08MrChimpyvery little chance of anything from sun ever floating away :)
09:19.16stefanomasiniI'm getting weird behaviours...
09:19.24psyco-obiwanthe 4100 (1U) has a battery of 6 fans which can be hot looks really like a jet engine
09:19.25*** join/#asterisk NoRemorse (n=bah@
09:19.27NoRemorsehi all
09:19.29DarkFlibblemy firewall is bad enough... standard antec case...
09:19.39DarkFlibblestefanomasini, depends on a few things
09:19.55stefanomasiniDarkFlibble, mhm... such as?
09:19.55psyco-obiwanstefanomasini: i think that depends on your sip provider, asterisk can afaik
09:20.05stefanomasiniasterisk it is
09:20.11DarkFlibblecapabilities of the phone...
09:20.23MrChimpyseen an IBM Bladecenter? they have ENORMOUS fans. two per 14 blade chassis IIRC. they look like washing machine components.
09:20.25DarkFlibblecapabilities of the provider
09:20.37DarkFlibbleMrChimpy, yeah...
09:20.45psyco-obiwani would say you cant with asterisk and Grandstream...
09:20.53DarkFlibbleUnlikely to get given blades for free tho... :(
09:20.55MrChimpyand you could hear ours start up from the room *next* to the comms room :)
09:21.04stefanomasinipsyco-obiwan: mhm... and you might be right
09:21.27MrChimpydf: i suspect 28 CPUs across 14 machines may be overkill for hobbyists
09:21.35DarkFlibblestefanomasini, I use an SPA-841 with shared line apperence
09:21.48DarkFlibbleMrChimpy, wanna bet?
09:21.53psyco-obiwanstefanomasini: i believe asterisk doesn't support multiple subscriptions for one sip account
09:22.01Math`it doesnt
09:22.12stefanomasinithe thing is that I want to have all the 4 lines activated (i.e. usable to call out), but would like to return busy tone to callers if they try to call the phone and at least one line is being used...
09:22.15DarkFlibbleSER should do tho...
09:22.40Math`stefanomasini: there are functions to limit the numbers of concurrent calls...
09:22.44psyco-obiwanstefanomasini: i guess you can do that with a bit of extensions.conf magic
09:22.47DarkFlibblestefanomasini, then register them as seperate lines and use a call group
09:22.55Math`I believe they are SetGroup() and CheckGroup()
09:23.03psyco-obiwani have a gpx2000 for my home office...
09:23.19*** join/#asterisk mgoh (n=goh@
09:23.22MrChimpyit's 9.30AM. I've been in work since 4.30AM. still ages until hometime!
09:23.47NoRemorsedoes anyone know how to call a default SetAccount() from the begining of a context rather than at the start of every dial plan branch>?
09:23.54DarkFlibblehmmm... got 15 incoming DIDs on my *home* asterisk box
09:24.02stefanomasinimhmm... call group. I'll check it out. thanks. But unfortunately there seems to be a bug with groups that screws up my cdr logging...
09:24.18Math`ah its 4:30 am here
09:24.28DarkFlibble9:24am here
09:24.37MrChimpydf: uk?
09:24.43DarkFlibbleyup... Leicester
09:24.48MrChimpyah. london
09:24.50psyco-obiwan10:24 here...and -6 degrees C *brrrr*
09:25.01MrChimpym'grandfolks are in leicester :)
09:25.20Math`-2 here and its usually -20 at that period of the year heh
09:25.37DarkFlibblenot that far away...
09:25.45*** join/#asterisk Tili (i=Tili@
09:26.09MrChimpyI still don't get why i can see :
09:26.15MrChimpyAccepting call from '2073096600' to '500' on channel 0/1, span 1
09:26.19DarkFlibblemaybe we should arrange a UK meetup for the peeps in the channel sometime
09:27.08MrChimpyyet in the dialplan ${CALLERNUMID} isn't filled in
09:27.23DarkFlibbleMrChimpy, what version of asterisk you using?
09:27.26MrChimpywe could do with an astricon here ;)
09:27.49*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
09:28.00DarkFlibblean astricon *outside* london would be nice... hotels are sooo expensive there
09:28.47DarkFlibbleMrChimpy, NoOP(${CALLERID(number)})
09:28.57DarkFlibblethats what I have for callerid on 1.2.2
09:29.14DarkFlibble${CALLERID} was depreciated...
09:29.58DarkFlibblenot sure thats 100% right tho...
09:30.04Math`it was
09:30.10DarkFlibblesince I was a little tired at the time
09:30.24Math`but ${CALLERID(number)} is the new way
09:32.01MrChimpyare there up to date docs on this?
09:32.22*** join/#asterisk Syrus_ (
09:32.29DarkFlibbleyes.. but they are linked in very few places
09:32.53MrChimpycould you point me at them, or let me know how to get the DNID in the new system?
09:32.53Math`MrChimpy: show function CALLERID (on cli)
09:32.59Math`MrChimpy: or show functions to get a list
09:33.01MrChimpycool. ta math
09:33.19Math`same as show applications :)
09:34.14*** join/#asterisk secure75 (
09:35.42DarkFlibblegot a meeting with a university later today... with regards to coding some voip products with their phd students.... what new applications/asterisk addons would you like to see?
09:35.58*** join/#asterisk areski (
09:36.04MrChimpyspeech recognition :)
09:36.15DarkFlibblealready got that in sphinx...
09:36.22MrChimpyis it any good?
09:36.28DarkFlibblenever used it...
09:36.45Math`DarkFlibble: engineer a new royalty-free voice compression codec :)
09:36.45DarkFlibblebut there are two types of recognition...
09:37.04DarkFlibbleMath`, whats wrong with the dozens that exist already?
09:37.26Math`there are royalty-free codecs that can do 6-8kbps per channel?
09:37.45Math`that has a decent sound?
09:37.53DarkFlibbleyou didn't say that
09:37.54Math`(I didnt try lpc10 til nobody supprots it)
09:38.22DarkFlibbleany asterisk specific codec wont be supported that well...
09:38.41DarkFlibblesince many providers only use the subset that is supported by all their equipment...
09:38.55Math`a codec is essentially an algorithm... if its open and great... its gonna be widespread
09:38.56DarkFlibbleie.. ulaw/gsm or ulaw/g729
09:39.27DarkFlibbleMath`, gsm and ilbc are open and neither are *that* widespread
09:40.42DarkFlibbleilbc is specified in an rfc...
09:40.53Math`ok I shut up :P
09:41.07DarkFlibbleany other suggestions?
09:41.12NoRemorsehey if anyone is interested, you can set accountcode in sip.conf speicificaly for each user, dont have to use SetAccount in the dialplans
09:41.36Math`of course you can
09:41.48NoRemorseyeah well you didnt say that before when ia asked lol
09:42.12Math`accountcode is for CDRs
09:42.28Math`I didnt see the question sorry
09:42.46Math`(working at the same time and its 4:45 am so... tired a bit :P)
09:43.02*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (
09:43.06NoRemorsethe first time I did my dialplan I mistook account code for a service tag, ie MOBILE, IDD etc. just redid it to set it as the customers account code . useing dcontext to determine what service was called now.
09:43.14NoRemorseyeah no prob hehe wasn't having a go at you
09:43.19NoRemorsequestion was:
09:43.22NoRemorsedoes anyone know how to call a default SetAccount() from the begining of a context rather than at the start of every dial plan branch>?
09:43.25DarkFlibbleI'll suggest proper asterisk load balancing...
09:44.20DarkFlibbleso phones can log on to any box they wish and recieve calls there from any server...
09:45.00Math`that's basically data replication
09:45.08Math`and synchronization
09:45.20DarkFlibbleMath`, yes... but asterisk is unable to do it from what I've seen...
09:45.50Math`uhm didnt try it but I think it can be done
09:46.17Math`regexten/regcontext will add the Dial() command automatically in the dialplan, you'd need to share that dialplan using DUNDi over the servers
09:46.35Math`and... use OpenSER or SER to load balance incoming sip calls to different servers
09:47.02Math`the local extensions gets routed thru dundi, the rest is sync'd (maybe even on net storage)
09:47.31*** join/#asterisk j0 (
09:47.51DarkFlibbleI'll look into it later today...
09:49.27MrChimpymy final aim is running many IVR chat services across many servers - they should all perform identically and conferences should be distributed between servers
09:49.58MrChimpynot sure if DUNDi would help much there
09:50.26Math`DUNDi helps locating where is the phone registered, and thats almost all
09:50.49MrChimpyyeah. i could use it to find the current server for the conference, I guess
09:51.02MrChimpyprobably best off doing it some custom way
09:53.36*** join/#asterisk mrtwister (
09:53.43Math`yeah probably
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09:54.44pifhi, how is callerid suppression typically managed in the dialplan?
09:54.58pifa * prefix to the number?
09:55.10pifwhat is the current practice?
09:58.05*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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10:08.18heath__i've been working on this clustering framework for asterisk and i've been calling it "astcluster" for the last few days until about 5 minutes ago when i realized how horrible it sounds
10:09.02Mavviewith regarding to Dundi peering, is there somebody in .au I could peer with?
10:10.00heath__i bet you don't want to peer into my astcluster !!! ahahahahaha
10:10.14Mavvieyou lost.
10:10.46dudesheath__ - is just being a smartass dick wad
10:13.11*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
10:13.23heath__i just want someone else to say "astcluster"
10:15.34h3xer.  astcluster
10:15.36*** join/#asterisk Bger (n=Bager@
10:15.43dudesI was wondering when you were going to hop on
10:16.06h3xnow what did i do or not do
10:18.38Bgeri'd like to ask whether asterisk can read the phone info from a panasonic PBX (so called "digital super-hybrid system" ones)
10:19.00dudesThey'd have complete dialog!
10:19.14h3xread what info
10:19.18Bgersorry if i'm asking dumb questions, i'm really not into this stuff at all
10:19.30Bgerh3x abouth the phone calls
10:19.59dudesI'm not sure, I just felt like being a smartass :) <---- haha, looks like Jennifer Lopez from Southpark
10:20.04Bgeralso, is there something that is not a complete PBX (like asterisk), that would do the same job
10:20.39h3xdo... what job
10:20.49*** part/#asterisk ajav (n=ajav@
10:20.57h3xwhat are you trying to do
10:21.00Bgerh3x to read the phone calls ... from where ... to .. etc ...
10:21.05Bgerphone billing :)
10:21.14h3xtheres a serial port on your phone system for that
10:21.26Bgerthere is such thing
10:21.33h3xthats got nothing to do with asterisk
10:21.51Bgersorry then ...
10:22.01mgohCan T1 interface card connected to phone? or T1 interface card is just a card that can connect to PSTN?
10:22.06Bgerdo you know a program that will do this job
10:22.09h3xyou hook it up and write a program to decypher the stuff from that port
10:22.49h3xhaha i told you guys my t1 phone idea was a good one
10:22.51Bgerh3x so there are no such programs already written?...
10:23.04h3xsearch freshmeat for one
10:23.13Bgeri tried ... but. ..
10:23.59h3xyoud be better off switching your whole phone system to asterisk
10:24.23h3xjust because its difficult to prevent people to dial certain calls on ksu's
10:24.34mgohDigital Interface Cards like T1 can it connect to digital phone?
10:25.38h3xt1s are digital circuits that carry 24 lines
10:25.40Bgerh3x it's not about preventing the people, it's more like there are 3 little companies using one PBX and they want to divide their bills
10:25.42h3xdo you really need 24 lines on one phone
10:26.04h3xbger use account codes with your telco
10:26.08h3xverified account codes
10:26.49mgohno I think use channel bank to seperate it to 24 lines
10:27.01h3xoh you mean that
10:27.09h3xof course you can use a channelbank to get you 24 lines
10:27.17h3xasterisk can pretend to be the telco to your channelbank
10:27.24*** join/#asterisk astr (n=ts@
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10:27.46astrdoes asterisk support vad?
10:27.59mgohh3x: every single line now is consider digital or analog?
10:28.06h3xas in voip vad/cng?
10:28.20h3xmgoh... analog
10:28.51*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
10:28.55astrhsx: we meet again. yes vad as in voip/cng
10:29.37mgohh3x: have any method that we can connect to digital phone that user in normal digital- PBX
10:29.53h3xwhat, isdn phones ?
10:30.00h3xjust use voip phones
10:30.17h3xOh you mean like proprietary digital phones
10:30.25mgohh3x: yap
10:31.08h3xits really expensive tho
10:31.12mgohh3x: really we can connect to proprietary digital phones. what hardware we need to use?
10:31.12h3xyou may as well just buy new phones
10:31.30astrh3x: really, I did not know that asterisk was capable of supporting vad/cng? I searched on google. no results
10:31.44h3xastr: it isnt
10:31.53NoRemorseI have accountcode= set in sip.conf for a peering asterisk server, but it is not being sent to the cdr record, any ideas please?
10:32.03mgohh3x: but proprietary digital phones provide alot of feature. or u think using feature IP Phone is better?
10:32.29h3xThe features are determined by the citel box in this case
10:32.46h3xim sure its fine but we're talking over $150 an extension  whereas you coul djust buy nice voip phones
10:33.19h3xthe citel converts a amphenol connector full of 24 digital phones into voip on ethernet
10:33.22mgohh3x:you are right.
10:33.28h3xit replaces your KSU
10:33.48mgohh3x: seen like using ip phone is better and more reasonable.
10:34.01h3xnow if you had like say 500-1000 extensions and didnt wanna rewire for ethernet i could understand using that citel box
10:34.59h3xsnom's are cheaper now
10:36.38mgohh3x: but I scare with the network traffic if all are IP base and direct to all the desk.
10:36.42h3xdepending on what youa re doing, snom 320/360, polycom whatever, and cisco/linksys 941s are nice
10:37.07h3xits hardly any bandwidth if you use something like g.729
10:37.57astrh3x: I went to your website and was looking for someone to talk to last friday and used your contact us form. Nobody got back to us still
10:38.15h3xwhat was your email
10:38.32h3xi found out my jackass developer rebooted that box and the mailserver didnt restart correctly
10:39.31astrh3x: anyway to contact you directly. im?
10:40.00dudesis your mail server up now?
10:40.01h3xso when i started up the mail server about 30 new inquries came in
10:40.14h3xthis is just the mail server on the webserver box
10:40.16mgohh3x:any way to monitor and calc how many channel my network able to support. sometime even using single channel voip my converstation still delay or lost packet.
10:40.17h3xnot my main email
10:40.21h3xyou know i would have noticed that :P
10:40.25NoRemorsedoes accountcode=blah get put in cdr's if host does not =dynamic?
10:41.09astrh3x: do you suggest to use your contact us form again?
10:41.28h3xastr: i am sure i have it, but you gotta im me your email so i can find it
10:43.08astrh3x: this room does not not allow ims. I guess we will just wait for the response and follow up
10:43.34h3xdomain name maybe?
10:44.09mgohh3x: but I dun know recently my network already use how many bandwidth?
10:45.39h3xmgoh let me guess
10:45.48h3xyou have a shitty ass linksys/netgear/airlink firewall
10:46.12dudesI bet he has a 64kbps up
10:46.35h3xboth? heh
10:46.45mgoh2mb actually but is broadband then speed is not consisten
10:47.37h3x$10 says its your firewall not your ethernet or connection speed
10:47.40dudeshmm, you could easily get 24 ULAW sip channels unless your provider sucks ass
10:48.14mgohhow about internal use? how many channel that I can support?
10:48.34h3xmgoh lets see, dudes has a box at my colo that does 600 calls
10:48.38dudesthat's a dumb question unless you're using a 10m/bit hub
10:49.10h3xthat aint funny, i had that problem yesterday
10:49.15dudesI've gotten more than 500 ULAW calls going over a linksys 100m/bit switch internally NP
10:49.17mgohdudes: why sometime I still fell delay for calling outside like fwd.
10:49.18h3xcustomer had a 10 meg hub
10:49.49dudesI haven't used a 10m/bit hub since like 98
10:50.03h3xdude your firewall sucks
10:50.06mgohdudes: really my internal network is suck. I dunno why extension call asterisk echo test still not good.
10:50.14h3xvoip is udp
10:50.21h3xthose crappy routers dont do a good job with udp and nat
10:50.25dudesI got a *nix firewall (my linksys did though)
10:51.01h3xsomething like a linksys wrt54g type router is probably ok
10:51.12h3xbut most of these routers are underpowered to forward packets fast enough
10:51.34mgohic that mean I need to purchase a good switch.
10:51.35heath__which is piss poor imo since that's they're job
10:52.31mgohany heavy duty switch recommented?
10:52.34h3xunix firewall is the way to go
10:52.36dudesjust buy a cheap ass PII or Celery off of ebay and setup a *nix router /w decent qos rules
10:53.21*** join/#asterisk JooZoo (
10:53.44h3xi still cant bring myself to buy amd stuff
10:53.46mgohdudes, I not network or linux expert.
10:53.52h3xthey dont have ddr2 ram support yet
10:53.58h3xddr costs like 1.5x+ as much
10:54.16dudesAMD rocks!
10:54.37NoRemorsecan anyone suggest any reason why accountcode= works for storing an accountcode in cdr's for a sip client user, but not for a sip asterisk peer?
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10:55.04mgohI heard that manage switch will help. do you guy know what brand is good to use?
10:55.32h3xi import some chinese shit for switches
10:55.35h3xthey are cheap!
10:55.36dudesYou could get a linksys switch and it'd work fine
10:57.43dudesAre you sure the Opteron's aren't doing DDR2?  I thought they were
10:57.54NoRemorsecan anyone suggest any reason why accountcode= works for storing an accountcode in cdr's for a sip client user, but not for a sip asterisk peer?
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11:02.16DarkFlibbleh3x, a wrt54g can do 30mbit between the lan and wan interfaces... its almost at the top of its class for home 'routers' tho
11:02.34DarkFlibblemost max out at 10-20mbit
11:03.39DarkFlibbleits a design tradeoff... since how many people have 20mbit broadband? (A: a lot of londoners now)
11:04.10DarkFlibbleanyway... gotta run for this meeting...
11:05.36DarkFlibblefor internal switching I use a gigabit switch and gigabit cards where possible, since the latency is generally 7-9 times lower....
11:05.45DarkFlibblebut thats just me...
11:08.27DarkFlibble  <-- wrt54g clocked at 27mbit...
11:12.01*** part/#asterisk JooZoo (
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11:18.17mgohall thanks gtg
11:18.52grexkhello all Im just new to asterisk. Can someone guide me with AGI.
11:19.21grexkwhy do I need to use php-cli in programming with php?
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11:27.11ermesciao iddha
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11:31.46saftsackgrexk, do you know iaxmodem?
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11:39.12NoRemorsehi all
11:39.32NoRemorseis there any way to pass auth info in the DIAl command for SIP similar to IAX2?
11:45.05grexksorry Im just new to asterisk
11:45.45*** join/#asterisk bbrdrgz (
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11:46.30NoRemorseis there any way to pass auth info in the DIAl command for SIP similar to IAX2?
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12:01.23grexkGTg GOT to work with asTeriSK
12:01.27*** part/#asterisk grexk (n=Server@
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12:25.53|vinsik|does anybody have problems with phones connecting from behind NAT ?
12:26.22ErrI'm sure lots of people do :-)
12:26.33|vinsik|how to resolve them? :D
12:26.46|vinsik|asterisk says -- Called phone1
12:27.00Errport forwards and hackery - same as all other NAT traversals
12:27.00|vinsik|but phone is not ringing
12:27.09|vinsik|i used stun
12:27.16|vinsik|it makes it even worse
12:27.41|vinsik|then asterisk announces that phone is UNREACHABLE
12:27.45|vinsik|all ports are open
12:28.01|vinsik|i get unreachable 1-30 sek
12:28.04|vinsik|then it's online again
12:29.04ermesi can t use my tty when asterisk start at boot
12:29.05|vinsik|oh and happy birthday cresl1n :)
12:29.42ermesi can t use either other tty
12:29.47|vinsik|err: is there more to it than qualify, nat transversal and stun?
12:29.55|vinsik|err: maybe im missing something out.
12:30.05|vinsik|err: or is it suppose to work in such of manner?
12:30.50Err|vinsik|: I don't know - I don't do NAT traversal
12:30.56ErrNATs are ugly
12:31.22|vinsik|ok. but what if the the same problem occures in localnetwork?
12:31.32|vinsik|is it because of some port settings?
12:31.53Errif the same problem occurs on non-NAT'd links, then you have some issues that need to be resolved
12:32.12Errdo you have a firewall on the asterisk server, or on any of the clients, or in between the server and the clients?
12:32.40|vinsik|yes with configs udp 5060 and rtp 10000-12000, also configured in rtp.conf
12:32.57|vinsik|but it is only on the external eth
12:33.03|vinsik|internal has everything open
12:33.08|vinsik|and it sould work
12:33.10Errso you're *sure* that there is no firewall internally?
12:33.39|vinsik|well... yast seems to think so. and i checked iptables .. looks fine to me
12:33.43ErrI'd debug it the same way I debug all network stuff - capture packets on both ends, and see what isn't getting to the other end
12:34.02Err(or see which end isn't responding to certain packets)
12:34.07|vinsik|well the server sends packets to the phone.. but it doesent reply
12:34.17Err"it" being the phone?
12:34.28Errsounds like your phone is misconfigured
12:34.40|vinsik|can stun confuse it?
12:34.44tzanger|vinsik|: or not plugged in
12:34.47tzanger|vinsik|: of course it can
12:34.52tzangersimplify your setup
12:34.53|vinsik|tzanger: oh, its plugged
12:34.53*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
12:34.58tzangerTHEN start adding crap in :-)
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12:35.10ermesErr, how does asterisk start at boot ?
12:35.15|vinsik|tzanger: the point is that the phone has to work outside the localnetwork as well
12:35.18ermesthere is nothing in init.d
12:35.26tzanger|vinsik|: well you have some work cut out for you then
12:35.30gvag11hi all
12:35.31|vinsik|ermes: make your own init.d script
12:35.42newlor copy one of the ones provided..
12:35.43|vinsik|tzanger: u got that right ;)
12:35.52saftsacksome of you knows iaxmodem?
12:36.09tzanger|vinsik|: you need the ability for the phone to detect whether it's local or not, or to use something simpler like split-horizion dns to have the phone "see" different IPs for its proxy depending on where it is
12:36.09|vinsik|ermes: what distro?
12:36.10gvag11does anybody knows if i can have a sort of error log from spandsp ?
12:36.17tzangersaftsack: redder86 in #openpbx knows it
12:36.22tzangernot sure if he's up yet or not
12:36.34saftsacktzanger, thanks :)
12:36.44*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
12:36.55saftsackhe isnt up yet but i can wait
12:37.13|vinsik|tzanger: ok. another question.
12:37.29|vinsik|tzanger: can nat=yes setting mess up the phone if its in localnetwork
12:37.48tzangernot sure -- I don't know the sip stack well enough to comment on that
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12:38.01|vinsik|anyone? can nat=yes setting mess up the phone if its in localnetwork
12:38.07bizvnhello all
12:38.31ermesErr, Found !! rc.local
12:38.44bizvnare there some sales men of digium here? I need some helps.
12:38.59wasimbizvn: you need an account number to send funds to?
12:39.52bizvnah, i don't know. I just played with asterisk for few months. And now i want to help asteirk to become popular in my country.
12:40.12bizvnso i really want to meet some sales man
12:40.39Errermes: uh, you probably *don't* want to use /etc/rc.local
12:40.52Erruse the sysv-style init script that comes with asterisk, and put it in /etc/init.d
12:40.59gvag11does anybody knows if i can have a sort of error log from spandsp ?
12:41.57|vinsik|tzanger: ICMP udp port netinfo-local unreachable,
12:42.03*** join/#asterisk macanico (
12:42.34|vinsik|ICMP udp port netinfo-local unreachable,   <= anyone knows whats the deal with this?
12:42.44*** part/#asterisk tartar (
12:43.07macanico|visi had the same problem
12:43.25macanicois forwarded that por on the other host?
12:43.36|vinsik|macanico: ?
12:43.37bizvnsorry, i will contact to sales of digium via email. Thks and have a good time.
12:43.43ermeserr, why not rc.local ?
12:43.59|vinsik|macanico: its just a linux box that has ip_forwarding on
12:44.29|vinsik|CCEPT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere
12:44.31*** join/#asterisk pengyong (n=lala@
12:44.44macanico|vinsik|is behind a nat?
12:44.49|vinsik|in nat MASQUERADE  all  --  anywhere             anywhere
12:45.10|vinsik|macanico: my phone i behind that linux box's nat
12:45.17macanico|vinsik| that mesasge you have when the por is closed
12:45.21|vinsik|macanico: how did you resolve it?
12:45.38|vinsik|so the server does not keep it alive
12:45.47|vinsik|or the phone?
12:45.53macanico|vinsik| how is?
12:46.07macanicoadsl -- linux box -- phone?
12:46.14macanicosomethin like this?
12:46.35|vinsik|oh, got it
12:46.44|vinsik|macanico: the server is not accepting on this port
12:46.51|vinsik|macanico: no port forwarding
12:47.08|vinsik|isnt nat suppose to transverse ports?
12:47.32macanicoyou have to forward to thath host
12:48.12macanicowhat kind of conection do you have?
12:49.19macanicoexplain me hoy is you arch
12:49.30macanicoand i will help you
12:49.35Errermes: because rc.local removes the ability to stop/start/reload asterisk while the system is running, without doing it by hand
12:49.38|vinsik|i have a linux box (as router) ..
12:49.50|vinsik|it gets its ip from adsl modem
12:49.57Errermes: if you use /etc/init.d, then you can run /etc/init.d/asterisk [stop|start|restart|reload]
12:50.10|vinsik|and has a dhcp server on another eth
12:50.41|vinsik|now the asterisk server is another server in the world :)
12:50.45macanicois a sip phone?
12:50.53|vinsik|yes.. grandstream
12:51.13macanicoyou hace to forward the por udp number
12:51.19|vinsik|so the ip phone gets ip from router box.. for example
12:51.28macanicoyou use iptables?
12:51.29|vinsik|how do i do that?
12:51.45macanicoi show you the rule
12:51.45|vinsik|something with postrouting ..
12:52.01macanicolet me do it
12:52.27|vinsik|i know how to use iptables :) do you have the rule?
12:53.09macanicocon you do mi a fabor?'
12:53.17tzanger|vinsik|: ok, what's that mean to me?
12:53.17*** join/#asterisk alephcom_ (
12:53.29macanicothe packets go to port upd 800?
12:54.00|vinsik|10000 ->
12:54.32|vinsik|well its the same what port
12:54.43|vinsik|ill configure the phones again if have to.
12:55.09ErrRTP rides over UDP
12:55.20macanicoyou have to do double nat
12:55.24|vinsik|err: yes, i know..
12:55.24Err(technically it can go over TCP, but it'd be dumb to do that)
12:55.29macanicowait a sec
12:55.38|vinsik|macanico: double nat?
12:55.56Erradding another NAT is *never* the Right Solution
12:56.14|vinsik|yeah i dont think double nat is good
12:56.21|vinsik|one nat is already too much :D
12:56.46NewSoleto NAT or not ot NAT
12:57.30|vinsik|iptables -t nat -A prerouting_rule -i $WAN -p udp --dport 10000:20000 -j ACCEPT
12:57.30|vinsik|iptables        -A input_rule      -i $WAN -p udp --dport 10000:20000 -j ACCEPT
12:57.34|vinsik|is it something like this?
12:58.07macanicoyou have to change the dest address
12:58.20|vinsik|oh.. so i have to force it to the phones ip?
12:58.24macanicowahts your phone ip?
12:58.43macanicoiptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -p tcp -d --dport 666 -j DNAT
12:58.43macanicoiptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp -d --dport 80 -j SNAT
12:58.43macanicoiptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -p tcp -s --sport 80 -j DNAT
12:58.44|vinsik|iptables -t nat -A prerouting_rule -i $WAN -j DNAT --to
12:58.44|vinsik|iptables        -A forwarding_rule -i $WAN -d -j ACCEPT
12:58.45macanicoiptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp -s --sport 80 -j SNAT
12:58.55tzanger|vinsik|: no I don't think that will work... you're simply accepting the packets into the prerouting
12:59.02tzangerNAT and SIP aren't really great friends
12:59.22|vinsik|tzanger: i noticed. :(
12:59.29macanicoiptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -p udp --dport 8000 -j DNAT
12:59.44tzangermacanico: it's not that simple.  You should have SER on the natting firewall if at all possible
13:00.08SERGEUS|Wi'm trying to catch call from voxbone, i have a packet from it, but my asterisk doesn't make any actions on it, can anybody suggest me something? probably there are some common mistakes?
13:00.32|vinsik|macanico: thanx.. ill try this.
13:00.39|vinsik|tzanger: ser sounds better
13:00.50macanicotzayou have to forward the port 5060
13:01.17macanicotzanger why if you use a direct call
13:02.07*** join/#asterisk ckruetze (
13:02.16tzangermacanico: I'm not going to argue the finer points of SIP and NAT.  If you can get it to work, great.  If not, don't argue about it.
13:02.49macanicoii have it working fine
13:02.54macanicojust an asterisk doin sip proxy
13:02.59macanicoon softphones on the lan
13:03.16macanicoand a call from to any internet
13:04.02|vinsik|macanico: the problem is that i take my phone everywhere with me. and they dont have a nice prerouting done for me :D
13:04.26Erroh, you'll *never* get your phone set up to work behind any random NAT
13:04.34macanicothats will be a problem :P
13:04.41wasimunless you have an IAX phone
13:04.43ErrSIP doesn't work that way, which is why it's a dumb protocol
13:05.25Err(well, really NATs are the dumb part, but protocols that open other ports are bad in general anyway - firewalls bust them too)
13:05.42macanicoeri only forwarded udp port range 10000-20000 to my asterisk
13:05.48macanicoand port 5060
13:05.53|vinsik|macanico: same here
13:05.57|vinsik|macanico: on the server
13:06.18|vinsik|macanico: but the phone side is the problem
13:06.19Errthat's a *huge* swath of ports
13:06.21macanicoand i get it working
13:06.31Err(to reserve just in case SIP needs them)
13:06.38macanicobut it works
13:06.54|vinsik|well what do u think is good for 300 clients?
13:06.58macanicosource udp ports always are in that range for the calls
13:07.01*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:07.05|vinsik|if asterisk will even work with such an ammount
13:07.12|vinsik|240 was it maximum?
13:07.21macanicoi made som packet snifing and choose to forward that range
13:07.48|vinsik|macanico: rtp.conf can make it smaller..
13:07.51*** join/#asterisk synthetiq (n=roger@
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13:08.22|vinsik|but its nice to know that it has nothing to do with my asterisk settings..
13:08.31|vinsik|"#%%#"¤ ghm NAT and SIP
13:08.38macanicobut the client  is who chose the source port
13:08.51|vinsik|macanico: it asks the range from server imo
13:08.58|vinsik|macanico: when connecting to 5060
13:09.01[TK]D-FenderI never had problems with NAT & SIP.... just need to know what to set for it...
13:09.09Erreach endpoint chooses its port number - it *has* to
13:09.17macanicoi can show youu some packets
13:09.27Errit's not possible for one endpoint to choose both port numbers - the remote port number might be in use
13:10.36*** join/#asterisk tdonahue (n=tdonahue@
13:11.11macanico10:09:59.485925 IP > SIP, length: 384
13:11.11macanico10:09:59.558430 IP > SIP, length: 718
13:11.22macanico0:09:58.789688 IP > UDP, length 45
13:11.22macanico10:09:58.790117 IP > UDP, length 45
13:11.22macanico10:09:58.790227 IP > UDP, length 45
13:11.22macanico10:09:58.790461 IP > UDP, length 45
13:11.54kllhow do I increase the timeout asterisk waits when I'm using overlapdial?
13:11.59macanicoalways the source ports is etween 10000-20000
13:12.51*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
13:13.00|vinsik|why then rtp.conf ?
13:13.32macanicowell i have to tell you
13:13.34*** join/#asterisk linville (
13:13.35macanicothat im just a newbie
13:13.43|vinsik|me 2
13:13.56macanicoi ahve been playing whit asterisk for a few days
13:14.18macanicobut i get it working behind a nat
13:14.27*** join/#asterisk jimmy_deanPB (
13:16.12jbotmethinks pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
13:16.17*** join/#asterisk orion (n=orion@
13:16.19macanico|vinsik| you ahve and asterisk box and you whant registher your phone whit sip and make calls in or out?
13:16.26*** join/#asterisk anti\ (n=a@
13:16.36macanicohi anti\
13:16.36macanicocomo andas?
13:16.56anti\hello world
13:17.31Ahrimanes <- why does this result in the default moh class being used when putting people on hold, after answering the queue?
13:18.06*** join/#asterisk TMirage (
13:18.22|vinsik|macanico: well it works for 5-30 minutes for me. ;)
13:18.37|vinsik|macanico: then the phones are unavailible..
13:18.50|vinsik|macanico: and from time to time they are availible again
13:18.50macanicoafter that its hang up?
13:19.09macanicoall this after do the forward?
13:19.29|vinsik|macanico: yesterday
13:19.40|vinsik|macanico: ill test your setting today
13:20.39macanicosome snifing whill help a lot
13:21.48anti\eso quiero
13:21.55anti\escuchas llamadas
13:22.08[TK]D-Fendermacanico : If you're behind NAT you need to set either EXTERNIP or EXTERNHOST, and LOCALNET in sip.conf or you won't get anywhere.
13:23.40|vinsik|d-fender: reaaally?
13:24.08|vinsik|d-fender: i have a server thats for example
13:24.16[TK]D-Fenderunless you completely forge the daylights out of external packet with some sort of proxy or something
13:24.22|vinsik|d-fender: and phone is behind nat with some crappy ip
13:24.30|vinsik|d-fender: do i need the settings for the mainserver?
13:24.37|vinsik|d-fender: for the 81.114.x.x
13:24.42macanicoasterisk as proxy maybe?
13:24.50[TK]D-FenderDepends if the SERVER is behind NAT or if the CLIENT is
13:24.58|vinsik|the client is
13:25.04|vinsik|server is NOT
13:25.17anti\can sniff de audio call's ?
13:25.31macanicosoftophone -- nat-- asterisk -- lan --softphones
13:25.36[TK]D-FenderFor the server behind NAT use the settings I mentioned,.  For clients you should set "nat=yes" and "quality=yes" for that entry
13:25.47[TK]D-Fenderyou may need to to tell the device that its behind NAT as well
13:26.38[TK]D-Fendertype : "QUALIFY=yes"
13:27.19macanicothe sip.conf for the lan softphones is something like this
13:27.49macanicoand i specify the external ip of the asterisk whit a dynamic dns
13:28.39[TK]D-Fendermacanico : Also make sure all of your internal devices are set to "canreinvite=no"
13:28.40Erranti\: of course you can, if you have access to the network that's transporting them
13:28.51*** join/#asterisk hickins (n=dtg19@
13:29.16anti\access to asterik server ?
13:29.20hickinsgreetings all
13:29.30macanicoto the trafic :P
13:29.36anti\se we
13:29.47anti\pero conque sniffias
13:29.48anti\el audio
13:29.49*** join/#asterisk Bambr (
13:29.50ErrI'm sure you can record calls from the server as well
13:30.03macanicodebe haber algun progie que te ensambla todo
13:30.08anti\ya ta
13:30.17hickinsany can help me detect hang-ups withing perl AGI script? does setmycallback help?
13:30.17anti\thank Err!
13:31.30hickinsi need to do something when the caller hangs up
13:32.04hickinscan anyone help please?
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13:35.41iCEBrkryo yo yo
13:36.46macanicohickins maybe som var?
13:36.54hickinsICEBrkr, do you think there is ice in here to break?
13:37.10hickinsthanks macanico
13:37.57macanicohickins i dont know
13:37.58kllhow do I increase the timeout asterisk waits when I'm using overlapdial?
13:37.59macanicojust maybe an idea
13:38.26*** join/#asterisk hans (
13:38.36Lathos42Good Morning
13:39.00hickinsthants fine macanico, thanks anyway I will look into it and maybe give you some feedback
13:39.14anti\macanico como la flasheas con ingles
13:39.17iCEBrkrInserting a space after commas separating the parameters will result in unexpected results.
13:39.26iCEBrkrwill look for an extension " 1", i.e. with a preceding space character.
13:39.27iCEBrkrSomeone hasn't heard of 'trim'
13:39.34iCEBrkrhickins: oh, u so funneeeee
13:40.04ErriCEBrkr: so don't do that :-)
13:40.21iCEBrkrErr: >>I<< Understand that, but a lot of other people don't.
13:40.38hickinsthanks icebrkr, I only tried to cheer up little bit
13:40.51iCEBrkrErr: Besides, when you write something that the masses are going to be using, you should take something like white space and the like into consideration
13:41.05brockj49464With the SPA-2100 connected to * what do I need to look at to fix echo problems on the local LAN?
13:41.13anti\en el gran hermano
13:41.14Erronly if it isn't documented that the configuration language cannot handle whitespace
13:41.15anti\esta 2 tipos
13:41.18anti\con una notebook
13:41.23iCEBrkrbrockj49464: I'd look into your tx/rxgain settings
13:41.25*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
13:41.32brockj49464on the spa?
13:41.41anti\saco screen
13:41.42iCEBrkrbrockj49464: I believe it's in the zapata.conf file
13:41.52macanicoa ver
13:41.55macanicoda para conectarse anti?
13:41.56iCEBrkrbrockj49464: actually.. Rewind a second
13:42.22anti\no se entrecorta
13:42.24anti\el audio
13:42.25iCEBrkrErr: I dunno man, having a function white-space sensitive is pretty dumb and actually quite uncommon
13:42.33iCEBrkrbrockj49464: Describe your problem a bit more.
13:43.15ErriCEBrkr: I wouldn't design a language to be white-space dependent, but plenty are
13:43.25Erras long as a syntax is documented, it doesn't matter *what* it does
13:43.32iCEBrkrErr: *cough* Pyton *cough* :)
13:43.38iCEBrkrerr Python
13:43.49iCEBrkrErr: I guess so, but lets use our heads here.. Do the right thing..
13:44.59iCEBrkrMost geeks/programmers are used to using function(param1, param2, ...)  Someone needs to keep with the 'standards'  I'm pretty sure other asterisk apps/functions don't give a rats ass about spaces in between it's parameters
13:45.02brockj49464Ok I have the two lines on the SPA-2100 configured to two different ext on * which are all hooked up via 10baseT switched.  When calling from SPA-2100 line 1 to SPA-2100 line 2 there is echo (also happens when I connect to external Zap/Exteral SIP) so I am thininking it is either on the client side or the * box itself.
13:45.12Errlike I said, I wouldn't have designed it that way - but if it's defined, it doesn't really matter
13:45.29Errpeople who can't learn a language because whitespace is important probably aren't going to be able to learn it if whitespace *weren't* important
13:45.45iCEBrkrbrockj49464: Odd, You typically get echo when you traverse PSTN/POTS lines from VoIP..
13:45.57iCEBrkrErr: haha
13:46.14iCEBrkrErr: Now, granted, it was nice of the person to document that issue :)
13:47.05*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
13:48.08iCEBrkrHrrrm, how the heck can you figure out how many lines/channels are in use?  There doesn't seem to be a way to do this yet.
13:48.12hickinsmacanico, for the records, someone just told me about DeadAGI()! it might work I'll try it
13:48.35iCEBrkrhickins: What's not working?
13:48.44*** join/#asterisk Abbas (n=Abbas@
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13:54.51brockj49464So where should I look for a problem.  Is there a way to put the SPA-2100 in a loopback and check that out?  I have reset it and restarted the * box just incase that was the problem.  Could I turn the gain on the SPA down?
13:55.03ErriCEBrkr: "show channels" doesn't give what you want?
13:55.05macanicohickins ok it will be nice if it wors :P
13:55.07iCEBrkrbrockj49464: you could.
13:55.33iCEBrkrErr: I need a count of available channels.  Even better functionality would be a count of both used and unused channels.
13:56.06iCEBrkrbrockj49464: You're getting echo between the two extensions on the same SPA??
13:56.37*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
13:57.05Errso can't you use show channels and some post-processing?
13:57.24brockj49464Yea, but I believe the path is to the * and back.
13:58.02iCEBrkrErr: The count isn't accurate?  No, that's not the word
13:58.07iCEBrkr2 active channels
13:58.07iCEBrkr1 active call
13:58.19iCEBrkrErr: I made a single call. I have 72 channels available.
13:58.28iCEBrkrSo I guess 'active call' is what I'm looking for
13:58.51iCEBrkrbrockj49464: Yea, it most likely is.. But you shouldn't be getting echo like that. That's kinda strange
13:58.57Errso the "channels" it's referring to are individual data streams (one-way), in this case - so the call count is more likely useful
13:59.23iCEBrkrI might be able to hackup that part of the code to just return what I'm looking for
13:59.48*** part/#asterisk anti\ (n=a@
14:01.19iCEBrkrHrr, I wonder if I could rip this part of the code out and make a function out of it?
14:01.51iCEBrkrUnfortunately my C is hella-rusty
14:02.32*** join/#asterisk Modcuts (
14:02.38ErrI'd be more likely to write a script to parse the current output into what you want :-)
14:02.49*** join/#asterisk morrece (n=moreece@
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14:03.03morrecegood afternoon all
14:03.04iCEBrkrErr: I'm thinking that's gonna be the route I take.... Unfortunately.
14:03.20morreceI have a question regarding my SIP softphone and my ASTERISK PABX
14:03.45iCEBrkrErr: I could just write a script to connect to the manage port and issue Command: show channels and parse from there.
14:04.01Erryeah, that's what I mean
14:04.30Errjust asterisk -rx "show channels" | whatever
14:05.21saftsackis down?
14:05.32*** join/#asterisk leto3 (
14:05.41morrecewithin my sip.conf I have added  3 extensions within my extension.conf file ... however when attempting to dial an extension I get a timeout
14:06.04morreceI see on my asterisk box port 5060 wich is suppose to be my bindaddr port for SIP is not running
14:06.22*** join/#asterisk zamsler_ (
14:06.31[TK]D-Fendermorrece : Pastebin your sip.conf & extensions.conf first
14:06.33jbotpb is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
14:06.34iCEBrkrmorrece: You restart or do a sip reload?
14:06.53morreceexten => 100,1,Dial(SIP/malcolm)
14:06.53morreceexten => 200,1,Dial(SIP/clinton)
14:06.53morreceexten => 999,1,Echo()
14:06.54*** join/#asterisk littleball (
14:07.12morreceiesh sorry
14:07.22littleballhello, i am trying to add PRI routing in my system. what is the best practice? anyone can give me some indication about this?
14:07.30morreceyeah I did a sip reload
14:07.34morrecestill to no avail
14:07.48Errwhy wouldn't you name your SIP devices?
14:07.56iCEBrkrErr: Cuz they're extensions...
14:08.00*** join/#asterisk fourcheeze (
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14:08.05macanicoiCEBrkr to identify more nicely?
14:08.11Errit's self-documenting
14:08.12iCEBrkrErr: And if people shuffle desks, you don't have to move their phones.
14:08.26[TK]D-Fendermorrece : Please pastebin your entire sip.conf & extensions.conf
14:08.31iCEBrkrOr even if someone leaves the company and someone gets that phone.. No renaming.
14:08.32Errif you *do* move their phones, though, they keep their old extension - which is a Good Thing
14:08.36morreceok my is simply a test setup to get it funcition on the LAN at the office first
14:08.50Erregrep is your friend, for renaming extensions :-P
14:09.14morrece<going to>
14:09.20iCEBrkrErr: Us nerds can do that, but I'm not trying to babysit this thing...
14:09.25fourcheezeanyone using snom360s with * 1.2 and Destination keys?
14:09.36fourcheezetheir operation seems to be different in 1.2
14:09.38*** join/#asterisk wasim (n=wasim@pdpc/supporter/active/wasim)
14:09.48fourcheezeif a destination is not registered then the light comes on
14:09.57fourcheezeis it possible to change that behaviour?
14:10.05macanicoiCEBrkr maybe it depends on the magnitudo of th pbx
14:10.09iCEBrkrErr: See that's the problem with us computer dorks. We can do just about anything with all the tools we have at our finger tips.  Other people aren't so smart/lucky.  So you really need to provide a easy solution.
14:10.17ErriCEBrkr: clueless people probably shouldn't administer phone switches
14:10.25iCEBrkrErr: Wrong attitude to have man..
14:10.29Errno, it's not
14:10.33iCEBrkrErr: Sure it is.
14:10.42iCEBrkrYou're thinking like a ubersmart linux person.
14:10.56iCEBrkrErr: I used to think that way too.
14:10.58Errno, I'm thinking like someone who understands that you can't bumble into having a properly-configured setup
14:11.18Err...this goes for IP networks, telephone systems, and just about everything else
14:11.26foucauloCan somebody help me?(not able to start asterisk with spandsp installed)
14:11.34Erryou wouldn't say that building a vehicle should be cookie-cutter - why is a telephone system any different?
14:11.45Errfoucaulo: are you running debian?
14:11.49iCEBrkrErr: As it sits right now.. Asterisk would be hard to put into a company without any sort of user interface cuz of all the text files.  People don't want to learn how to edit text files.  PErsonally, >>I<< don't have a problem with it as it's 'normal'
14:11.56*** join/#asterisk razu (n=razu@
14:11.58[TK]D-Fendermacanico : Have you reset your SIP endpoints?
14:12.10iCEBrkrErr: Yea, but when I turn on my car, I put the key in and I turn it.. I don't have to know anything else.
14:12.12ErriCEBrkr: that's why there are consultants - most companies don't manage their PBXs in-house, either
14:12.23iCEBrkrErr: Who wants to work that hard??
14:12.33macanico[TK]D-Fender what do you mean? why?
14:12.36iCEBrkrErr: I'm not making a service call to add/delete someones extension.
14:12.47ErriCEBrkr: that's common for traditional PBXs, as well
14:12.55morreceso what do u guys think about my problem
14:13.02foucauloErr: I'm using Suse 9.0
14:13.06[TK]D-Fendermacanico : just wondering if there is a setting they didn't pick up..  do a "sip show peers" in * CLI and see if it lists them as registered.
14:13.14iCEBrkrErr: I dunno about that.  I've always been able to login to the PBX and add/edit extensions through an interface.  It's super easy.
14:13.31iCEBrkrErr: Changing a huntgroup or call routing, sure.. service call.
14:14.16kaldemarmorrece: have you tried putting an actual ip as the bind address?
14:14.45morreceyes I have tried using my actual network ip of
14:14.58macanicomacanico/macanico          (Unspecified)    D          0        Unmonitored
14:15.00littleballhello, who has experience of routing different calls to different E1 lines? I need advice on PRI routing. Because different E1 lines are connected to different providers. I want to optimize the voice quality
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14:15.04morrecesurely my port 5060 should be open on my asterisk box right??
14:15.23macanico[TK]D-Fender and if i start the softphone i get
14:15.48macanicomorrece yep
14:15.48[TK]D-Fendermacanico : that line looks WRONG for "sip show peers".  to a "restart gracefully"
14:15.53Errfoucaulo: the problem is that the spandsp source is calling gethostbyname, instead of ast_gethostbyname - you'll have to patch it and recompile
14:16.16morrecegoing to get my details quickly again a past them in pastebin -- 1 sec
14:16.20macanicomacanico/macanico    D          5060     Unmonitored
14:16.31[TK]D-Fendermacanico : Sorry, my bad.. wrong person
14:16.36macanicoalway get that kind of output
14:17.03*** join/#asterisk hans (
14:17.04[TK]D-Fendermorrece : Pastebin your "sip show peers"
14:17.04macanico[TK]D-Fender i was confused so i go on :P
14:18.22[TK]D-Fendermacanico : You're still trying to work out NAT issues right?
14:18.54*** join/#asterisk Tili (i=Tili@
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14:19.30krustyclownhi all
14:19.33morreceok well check this out while I get my sip show peers
14:21.13morrece has all the details at the bottom includes my sip show peers
14:21.35macanico[TK]D-Fender no i get it to work
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14:23.48morrecethere is a problem with one of the IAX modules I think but that shouldnt effect me right, seeing as I am using SI?
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14:25.00johnnybWhat is the impact of specifying fxs_ks on a loopstart line?
14:25.07morreceso what do u guys think???? I'm a totally useless or what?
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14:27.03foucauloErr: ok but when you talking about spandsp source, can you just be more specific? I searched in but didn't find anything (|grep gethostbyname)...
14:27.05[TK]D-Fendermorrece : They aren't registered. do "set verbose 10" and restart the SIP devices
14:27.34morreceset verbose 10 in sip.conf?
14:28.20morreceset verbose=10 or setverbose=10?
14:30.18morrecemy bad
14:30.48robin_zquick question .. how do I change the music on hold from sound of sea/water/toilet to somethng nicer?
14:31.05morrecehmmmm still no port 5060 on my asterisk box though
14:31.27morrecethank u kindly for the help, I must return later I have a meeting to attend to thanks all again. C u soon
14:31.56littleballhello, how to do prefix matching in dialplan?
14:32.20macanicorobin_z the moh
14:32.41Errfoucaulo: I don't know, to be honest - I'm having the same problem on an ubuntu box, but I just found the solution this morning and haven't looked into it...
14:34.07*** join/#asterisk MattB2 (
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14:35.15johnnybI'm trying to get asterisk running w/ multiple TDM cards, and I'm getting an error like this:
14:35.27johnnybwait_for_sysfs[1795]: either wait_for_sysfs (udev 039) needs an update to handle the device '/class/zaptel/zap5' properly (no device symlink) or the sysfs-support of your device's driver needs to be fixed, please report to <>
14:35.58johnnybI imagine that's because it doesn't expect to be getting the extra card, but how do I fix it?
14:36.10iCEBrkrjohnnyb: Doesn't look like it has anything to do with the card.
14:36.17iCEBrkrjohnnyb: I suspect it's a udev issue
14:36.36MattB2i ahve a PRI question - our PRI interface expects to be told whether the number i'm sending to it is local or long-distance.  any ideas how i go about doing that?
14:36.53foucauloErr: ok, not a problem, I'm still searching, anybody had a solution?
14:37.05iCEBrkrMattB2: What'chu talk'n about?
14:37.43robin_zquick question .. how do I change the music on hold from sound of sea/water/toilet to somethng nicer?
14:39.21*** join/#asterisk warthawg (
14:39.36MattB2iCEBrkr: area code where i am is 423.  an example  "local" number has areacode 706
14:39.55iCEBrkrMattB2: I'm still kinda confused as to what you're trying to d.
14:39.56*** join/#asterisk Mag1KaL (
14:40.14MattB2if i just send a local number to the pri (ie 7 digits) without the 706 code, i hear ringing forever, but it never rings the other end
14:40.16iCEBrkrMattB2: It sounds like you're looking for some dialplan logic depending on the area you're trying to call.
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14:40.37iCEBrkrMattB2: You can do something like that with some pattern matching.
14:40.38Mag1KaLWhy isn't my 's' extension working... it's supposed to be called when no other exten matches the called extension right?
14:40.48iCEBrkrMag1KaL: Nope
14:40.52warthawgi have 3 ip phones connected as extensions 101, 102, and 103.  101 works fine, it's a bt-101.  102 and 103 are zultys phones, the zip2x2 and the wip2.  i can call out on both, but when i try to call in to them, asterisk tells me they are busy.  any idea whether my problem is in my asterisk config or in the phone configs?
14:41.21MattB2iCEBrkr: the thing is, a 7 digit number may need 706 or 423 area code.  on our old analog lines you didn't need to enter the area code
14:41.23iCEBrkrwarthawg: if the BT101 works, then it's probably your phone config, not asterisk :P
14:41.26Mag1KaLSo how is it used then,
14:41.27MattB2but our pri won't accept just a 7 digit number
14:41.43warthawgiCEBrkr, thanks, just thought there might be some secret thing i dunno about
14:41.49iCEBrkrMag1KaL: 's' is the 'start' of your context.
14:42.03Errfoucaulo: it's apparently in dtmftotext.c
14:42.09iCEBrkrMattB2: You're gonna have to get clever on your dialplan or enforce 10 digit dial.
14:42.17De_MoniCEBrkr i thought s was '1'
14:42.23iCEBrkrDe_Mon: Nope
14:42.26robin_zsigh .. I think its playing "calm-river" ... but I cant grep that in any of the conf files
14:42.45iCEBrkrrobin_z: Music on Hold?
14:42.52Mag1KaLiCEBrkr, then what's the point? How does an application on 's' get called then?
14:42.53robin_ziCEBrkr yeah
14:43.03De_Monrobin_z take them out of your music directory
14:43.06iCEBrkrMag1KaL: When you land in that context 's' is called.
14:43.09robin_zoh, OK.
14:43.13MattB2iCEBrkr: ok, i was hoping there was something clever tyou could do with the PRI
14:43.14iCEBrkrrobin_z: Yea, they're randomly picked to play
14:43.19iCEBrkrMattB2: Nope
14:43.22MattB2how do i know what area code to add to the 7 digit numbers thou?
14:43.30iCEBrkrMattB2: Just do a bunch of pattern matching in your dial plan.
14:43.34Erruse your default area code, right?
14:43.39Mag1KaLiCEBrkr, but nothing is happening when I enter the context.
14:43.53robin_ziCEBrkr; thnaks ... I presume world-mix is just a pop beat thing?
14:44.12saftsackare there some nice hylafax gui clients?
14:44.14iCEBrkrMag1KaL: Example?
14:44.21MattB2err: that's fine for those numbers that use the default code
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14:44.31MattB2but round here 706 mis also a "local" number
14:44.39MattB2so ppl are used to dialling the 7 digits without the 706 or 423
14:44.43MattB2so i gotta figure out which to add to the front :S
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14:45.48ErrMattB2: so you need to find out what prefixes are local with what area codes
14:45.56Errthat's so stupid that the phone system was ever allowed to do that
14:46.13Mag1KaLiCEBrkr, Ok, let's say I have the s extension playing a sound and that's the only thing in the context. Now what does the user have to do to make the sound play?
14:46.19Err(I fortunately live in an area where 10-digit dialing is required to cross area codes, even when they're local numbers)
14:46.20MattB2yup ;)
14:46.22littleballhello, i want to choose a specific channels based on the countrycode of the called number, how to do prefix matching in the dial plan? who can help?
14:46.23MattB2ok thanks for the guidance folks
14:46.25*** part/#asterisk MattB2 (
14:47.20littleballeg., for 44 number, i want to choose Zap/r1 but for 49 i want to choose zap/r2
14:48.45*** join/#asterisk Galel (n=galel@
14:49.05foucauloErr: don't have file dtmftotext.c or app_dtmftotext.c in my setup...
14:49.35iCEBrkrMag1KaL: Well, depends.
14:52.06iCEBrkrMag1KaL: If you're dialing an extension, it's not going to land in 's'.  If you have a Goto() statement you can land in a context and then 's' will fire
14:52.24*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
14:53.16Mag1KaLOk, thanks.
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14:53.29synthetiqanyone here use yate
14:53.57fourcheezesynthetiq: a bit
14:54.14synthetiqopions on it vs asterisk?
14:54.19*** part/#asterisk warthawg (
14:55.26Mag1KaLasterisk has a cooler name.
14:55.29fourcheezesynthetiq: fewer features but more easily extensible, more lightweight, possibly less resource hungry, geared to voip technology
14:55.41*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
14:55.47synthetiqthey are claiming 500 concurrent users and ability to laod balance amongst cloen dmachines
14:55.51fourcheezesynthetiq: I'm thinking of using it for h323 stuff
14:56.04fourcheezeyes, I understand that's possible
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14:57.04synthetiqbut * cannot, * ftl =[
14:57.31fourcheezesynthetiq: yate doesn't have such a large amount of developers
14:57.48fourcheezeasterisk is more of a standard solution
14:57.58fugitivolike windows
14:58.15fourcheezeI didn't say that
14:58.30saftsackhow can i send a testfax with hylafaxß
14:58.31fourcheezeI'm considering deploying a mixed yate/asterisk solution as I think they both have strengths
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14:58.38mutsvn checkout is fscking me
14:58.42mutsetgroup is totally gone
14:58.46mutdbget is totally gone
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15:00.32j0nis it possible for a user to dial an extension while they are waiting in a queue?
15:01.20viperdudejontow: yes looking at defining a context for the queue which gives a mini break out menu
15:01.56j0nahh.. I just found that.  Thanks!
15:01.57iCEBrkrmut: Maybe you should read the Changelog once in awhile
15:02.07mutscrew that
15:02.11mutit changes too much
15:02.21*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
15:02.24muti just throw my old crap in the new crap and see what dies
15:02.26iCEBrkrmut: DBGet has been deprecated since 1.2.x yo.
15:02.27mutthen read later
15:02.35mutmy last install was..
15:03.01iCEBrkrmut: so svn checkout isn't fsking you.. you're fscking you. :D
15:03.02mutCVS HEAD  2005-11-10 18:43:55 UTC
15:03.14mutsame difference ;)
15:03.19iCEBrkrNot really
15:03.39mutstop yelling at me!
15:04.55tzangersivana: you wouldn't give yours up
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15:05.12Kattythis calls for cookies.
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15:06.52relativeambitionDoes anyone know if asterisk supports the brooktrout tr1034 t1 card?
15:07.19sivanaonly the binford 9000
15:07.32[TK]D-FenderMore Power!!! urgh urgh urgh!!!
15:07.58coppicerelativeambition: it does not
15:08.01iCEBrkrKatty cookie: FPB=38vf9ohto11tcgll  Allow? (Y/N/Always/neVer) V
15:08.38relativeambitionDoes anyone know if asterisk supports the brooktrout tr1114 t1 card?
15:08.43tzangeryou don't want katty's cookies?
15:09.14iCEBrkrtzanger: They'd have poison in them.
15:11.09*** join/#asterisk hans (
15:11.17Kattytzanger: yes, because i am an evil evil person.
15:11.29iDunnoyes, yes you are.
15:11.32iCEBrkrKatty: You have tits, right?
15:11.36iCEBrkrKatty: Thus.. You're evil.
15:11.43Errfoucaulo: your best bet, then, is to look at the makefile and find out what files are used to build and grep them
15:12.42[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew. (belated)
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15:12.53Katty[TK]D-Fender: :>
15:12.58Ariel_Katty, I would hug but I think I am catching something.... argh
15:13.34KattyAriel_: and i can obviously catch it over irc.
15:13.56Kattyright? ;)
15:14.08Ariel_Katty, ok  just a habit..
15:14.38tzangerKatty: mmmmm... evil cookies
15:14.52Ariel_someone giving cookies...
15:15.04ErrLloydie-t: don't use SIP clients :-)
15:15.13Ariel_Lloydie-t, put your box with an outside address and use iptables
15:15.38Lloydie-tYeah I know but most decent hard phones only support this
15:16.12ErrAriel_: if it's not *your* NAT it doesn't...
15:16.17Err(for example, roaming phones)
15:16.25Ariel_Lloydie-t, I use polycom's and they don't have any issues with nat. Also most of my networks I put monowalls setups and they work great.
15:17.04Ariel_Err, most setups like linksys are not a problem sipura, Polycoms and even Cisco work just fine over nat.
15:17.58Lloydie-tOK would * have to be on a public IP address?
15:18.13ErrLloydie-t: no, the server can be behind a NAT as long as you forward the ports correctly
15:18.47Ariel_It would be better if it was on the public IP address.
15:19.11Errthat is true
15:19.16Ariel_Linux is able to work just like a firewall you just need to configure the iptables
15:19.18Errwell, it'd be easier to configure, anyway
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15:19.53Lloydie-tI'm confused. I was looking at and it rattles on about various problems regarding registration and rtp
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15:20.00ErrI wouldn't necessarily recommend that a server like asterisk run on the same machine as a firewall, though
15:20.04Ariel_EriSan, why would you want to add another layer to the nat issue
15:20.20Ariel_sorry EriSan it's for Err
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15:20.50ErrAriel_: I wouldn't *want* to - but I would prefer not to have any services running on my firewall, since it has several networks connected to it - and I'd prefer for a hole in asterisk not to make them all vulnerable
15:20.52Ariel_Err, There is no reason not to be able to use the asterisk box as a firewall.
15:21.02ErrI just gave you one
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15:21.54Ariel_Err, many setups I do are this way.  If you are putting more servers behind it that is a different story. But I would still use a monowall and forward an IP addres directly to the asterisk box and still use iptables on it.
15:22.01Errperformance is another consideration, although with a NAT there's probably a slow link involved
15:22.10ErrAriel_: I know that many setups are run that way - but I don't htink it's a good idea
15:22.13Errlots of people do dumb things
15:22.18*** join/#asterisk __chris (n=chris@unaffiliated/redlined)
15:22.30klasstekGood morning.
15:22.34klasstekIn chan_agent agentmonitoroutgoing would it be possible to masquerade chan into an agent channel if it finds the agent to monitor?
15:22.37ErrNAT typically implies that there aren't multiple IP addresses involved
15:23.33Ariel_Err, yes correct. But if your setting up servers like asterisk and have others via the internet connect to it. have it's own IP address and setup iptables on that box.
15:23.54Ariel_meeting time. brb
15:24.01*** join/#asterisk Grubs (
15:24.22Errsure, that's ideal - I never argued that
15:24.27Errthat wasn't the question, though
15:25.03KattyErr: i love how people don't answer questions directly in here.
15:25.50saftsackJan 24 16:24:53 NOTICE[31234]: chan_iax2.c:7243 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, requested/capability 0x8/0x4c incompatible with our capability 0xff03
15:25.57saftsackwhat does this mean?
15:26.43ErrI'm guessing that it means that you can't negotiate a capability set (compression codecs, maybe?)
15:27.14saftsacki am sending a fax over iaxmodem with the alaw codec
15:27.28hansin queues.conf it says you can have a member Zap/1, for example. In that case, when you don't use an agent, there's no agent login/logout right? what about timeout?
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15:30.06Errsaftsack: is alaw supported on both ends?
15:30.20saftsacki added alaw to iax
15:30.29saftsacka second ill test now
15:31.11saftsackErr, now it seems to work :)
15:31.39Lloydie-tRe: NAT. If you have a 200 sip clients all behind various NATs and an * box servering these should not pose too many problems
15:33.23|vinsik|lloydie-t: ?
15:33.43ErrI suspect that a single SIP phone behind the NAT I have at my apartment would never be able to get through
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15:34.09|vinsik|actually it will :)
15:35.05|vinsik|is lloydie-t a forum bot ?
15:35.20Lloydie-tNo Im not
15:35.28|vinsik|who did you reply for?
15:35.39Errwell, it'll get out, but it won't *work*
15:35.50|vinsik|because i was sniffing for an answer to questions like that :)
15:36.21*** join/#asterisk SwK[Work] (n=SwK@
15:36.31|vinsik|im having some problems with NAT users all connecting to one *
15:37.28Lloydie-tI am just trying to put together a plan for using SIP phones without having to resort to using STUN
15:38.04|vinsik|lloydie-t: really could use some help with this... im starting too loose my nerves with this project
15:38.04Lloydie-tPossibly using some sort of sip proxy
15:38.57Lloydie-tI think we are on different things
15:39.27*** part/#asterisk Lloydie-t (
15:39.38Erryou'll either need phones that can do that uPnP garbage and NAT boxes that do too (or some other method of tunneling through the NAT), or NATs with rules specifically to make the phones work, or SIP proxies at every NAT (as far as I know)
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15:42.38zoahey ho antony
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15:50.16hansI suppose I have to log in? how does that work?
15:50.31hansand should I set up an agent or is that sufficient?
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15:56.16[TK]D-Fenderhans : is that an external agent? (forced outbound IAX2 phone)?
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15:57.19hansyes, I'm trying to call IAX2/, which is external to this asterisk server. That's just for me to test, though, in the end it will be SIP phones in the office, e.g. SIP/foobar
15:57.23__chrisfs - just found this - - typical they dont use 802.3af!
15:57.48hansi'd just as soon they were just members, rather than agents
15:57.52hansif that's possible.
15:58.00[TK]D-Fenderhans : I think that that kind of login will not work.  * can't monitor the extensions status since it isn't a registered phone
15:58.19[TK]D-Fender__chris : Yup!  Another reason to go Polycom ;)
15:58.32johnnybIs there something special you have to do to get asterisk to start with two TDM cards?
15:58.50hansbut if I had member => SIP/foobar and that phone is registered, would it work then? without login?
15:59.37johnnybI've got two 4-port TDM cards, and asterisk will not start if I enable both of them in zapata.conf.  If I go past channel => 4 it kill asterisk on startup.
16:01.05[TK]D-Fenderhans : Correct. you are using direct TECH as agents instead of call-back logins.  You could use it the way you are if you mixed in AGENT => style logins for that account and did a manual dial.
16:01.32[TK]D-Fenderjohnnyb : Do you see both in cat /proc/interrupts?
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16:01.51hans[TK]D-Fender: cool, thanks
16:02.03[TK]D-Fendercpm : I was waiting for them too, but I've seen the procing and quality.  For business users I wouldn't suggest them.
16:02.15*** join/#asterisk LeNiN (
16:02.25LeNiNto ecTb
16:02.50LeNiNwho is alive this ?
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16:03.12[TK]D-Fendercpm : NOT good... for what you get...
16:03.15cpm[TK]D-Fender, You've seen the phones? The pricing is pretty agreeable, esp vs the Polycom, quality wise, I've not seen an injected molded plastic ethernet device with a lcd screen and buttons that was much better than any other.
16:03.46cpmI must admit I do like the polycoms I have, but they are spendy.
16:04.22[TK]D-Fendercpm : IP 501 = $170, SPA-941= $150 but has no PoE, 2nd eth port, lower quality speakerphone, inferior display, etc....
16:04.39[TK]D-Fendercpm : For a cheap home person maybe, but not business
16:04.41johnnyb[TK]D-Fender: Yes, they are both in /proc/interrupts.  One is at IRQ 3 and the other is on IRQ 10.
16:04.55johnnybIn /dev/zap I get numbers 1-8.
16:05.03[TK]D-Fenderjohnnyb : pastebin your zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
16:05.07jboti heard pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
16:05.32*** part/#asterisk LeNiN (
16:05.33[TK]D-Fendercpm : I run an all-Polycom shop here, and an all-Sipura one at home w/ 941
16:06.01cpmOn a side note, I got a call from regional Microsoft corporate rep, who wanted to show off his Microsoft PBX system. I suppose I should call him back and see what he's offering.
16:06.07Mag1KaLHas anyone made an Asterisk game yet? ;)
16:06.13[TK]D-Fendercpm : M$ .... lol
16:06.33cpmI can't find any refs to a M$ pbx anywhere, I'm interested in seeing what it is.
16:06.35Mag1KaLMS has a PBX system? Since when?
16:06.49fenlanderLCS 2005?
16:07.11cpmI guess I will call him back this week and get him to come in.
16:08.27cpm[TK]D-Fender, you are getting much better pricing on Polycom than I am.
16:09.22rajiv|work[TK]D-Fender: you really like the polycom 501 over the spa-941 ? i'mlooking at getting 6-8 phones in the next month for a small office
16:10.16cpmI've got only 1 501, it's a nice phone, but it is spendy. I paid $240 for it.
16:11.06*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (n=Neg@
16:11.43brad_msswi'd hold out for the spa-942 if you like the spa-941
16:11.44wunderkini think you can get  a 601 for 250
16:11.47brad_msswdue out early next month
16:12.14brad_mssw(at least in an office environment, where you usually only have 1 ethernet port, having a built-in 2pt switch is nice, which is what the 942 adds)
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16:16.14Zach^^i have a dedicated server and i was to install asterisk or asterisk at home on it... it is running fedora core2 w/ cpanel right now... will this cause any problems?
16:16.15cpmthe 942 is also a PoE device, like the 600/01
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16:17.31[TK]D-Fenderrajiv : Yeah for office use I'd really suggest it..
16:18.01[TK]D-Fendercpm : Look at the price point on it though.  The control over calls/linekey and registrations is definately inferior on the SPA's
16:18.30[TK]D-Fendercpm : I had high hopes for it, and though it is an improvement, it isn't in the same class yes, and therefor not worth the price they charge.
16:18.53[TK]D-Fendercpm : And for the love of God, don't compare to a 601!  601 absolutely kills it....
16:18.58Zand3rI anyone using vim on Windows for Rails and have a nice vimrc file they wouldn't mind making public? I am on windows and jsut can;t find an editor or ide I like so am going back to vim but would like to make it a little friendlier.
16:19.22Zand3rPlease ignore - stupidly typed in to wrong window !
16:19.49mutwhat are the prequisites for mpg123?
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16:21.31[TK]D-FenderAnd SPA's don't really support presence yet.
16:22.08Zach^^anyone using asterisk at home on FC2?
16:22.34[TK]D-FenderA@H is build on CentOS.....
16:22.35Ariel_Zach^^, It comes with CentOS
16:23.31Zach^^Ariel_ okay well i have a FC2 server that is running a webhosting and i want to install asterisk for the company and have sip phones all over... is that posible?
16:23.59pifiu-laptophows everyone doing today?
16:24.04Ariel_Zach^^, yes but not asterisk at home unless you edit the install files
16:24.05hansdoes the new moh files work with 8khz mono WAV files?
16:24.18Ariel_Zach^^, you can setup most things there via the amp setup
16:24.25Zach^^Ariel_ what would you use as a gui then?
16:25.18Ariel_Zach^^, I use AMP which is part of the asterisk at home setup
16:25.36Ariel_asterisk at home is a complete OS, and other programs pre-configured
16:25.44junbugAriel_: sup... its Inv_Arp
16:26.13[TK]D-FenderZach^^ : How big a company?
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16:26.25Ariel_junbug, wow what a name change
16:26.38Zach^^[TK]D-Fender small 3 lines
16:26.40Ariel_junbug, I am doing well hope you are as well
16:26.40junbugAriel_: just use it at werk
16:26.52[TK]D-FenderZach^^ : how many phones?
16:27.14junbugAriel_: so far...  got a job ,   unix support in doral
16:27.20MattB2hi all... the example at - after s,6 it drops out on mine with "Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/630-1685' status is 'UNKNOWN'" - how do i make it wait for someone to enter a number?
16:27.22[TK]D-FenderZach^^ : AMP really isn't worth it for such a small setup.....
16:27.26Ariel_junbug, nice
16:27.39Zach^^[TK]D-Fender somthing better?
16:27.53[TK]D-FenderMattB2 : Set "autofallthrough=no" in [general] in extensions.conf
16:27.57junbugyea i need to be there
16:28.03[TK]D-FenderZach^^ : just run * normally w/o any gui
16:28.05Hmmhesaysare there any country codes that start with 1?
16:28.15[TK]D-FenderAriel_ : Oh.. you mean broke :)
16:28.24Ariel_[TK]D-Fender, yes I do
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16:28.44MattB2[TK]D-Fender - aha, thanks.
16:28.47jbalcombyippy! a new week of fun with Asterisk!
16:28.50Corydon-wHmmhesays: there's only one
16:28.53junbugAriel_: mostly asterisk?
16:29.23Corydon-wHmmhesays: each country code prefix is, in its own right, unique
16:29.33Ariel_junbug, no I am working with many different setups. I am helping a reseller with there support of some voip products as well.
16:30.01[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : So... got any hair left? ;)
16:30.50Corydon-wHmmhesays: no country has a country code which is a prefix of another country's country code
16:33.31johnnyb[TK]D-Fender: While working on the pastebin, I figured it out.  In /etc/zaptel.conf I had "fxsks=1-4".  Thanks for your time.
16:33.44[TK]D-Fender:)  Suspected as much...
16:34.16MattB2t all
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16:34.56brookshireoh wait.. he left
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16:35.39jozsab1Hy all. Is this channel for asterisk (server) questions ?
16:36.00brookshireyou can really ask anything
16:36.13jozsab1where can i get answers on level3 testcases ? (channel)
16:36.14brookshirepeople are more likely to answer other questions ;)
16:36.33brookshireyou need test cases?
16:36.36brookshireor just on level3?
16:37.05jozsab1i'm stuck with testcase number 2.4.5
16:37.19jozsab1i realy do not understand what they are asking me
16:37.35jozsab1The call is answered by SIP end, then a second call leg is setup and the media is bridged for a Three-Way Conference Call. It is hung up from the PSTN end.
16:37.57jozsab1How do i do this ?
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16:39.44jozsab1Thanks , just don't rush me with to many answers :)
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16:42.07brookshireso it doesn't have to use level3 basically
16:42.14brookshirethere should be ton of stuff on this
16:42.38junbugAriel_: is it better to colo my own box, or have someone from a pricing standpoint
16:42.51junbugerr have someone host it
16:43.05jozsab1just let others feel the pain
16:43.36jozsab1thanks for the adress but already knew it
16:43.44Ariel_junbug, is a location I have setup a few boxes
16:44.24junbugAriel_: ahh lemme check it out
16:44.36Ariel_There here in the Miami area
16:44.58junbugAriel_: do have your own company/website etc... may have business for you
16:45.15Ariel_junbug, no I don't. (Too poor for that)
16:45.30Ariel_just work of refurals
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16:46.09ceetoAnyone here use email2fax?  I'm trying to figure out how to tell it to use zap/g1 instead of zap/g0 ...
16:47.54[TK]D-FenderAriel_ : You are apparently having issues with grammar as well, as "issue's" should not be possessive. :)
16:48.25junbugAriel_: oh so serverpronto=colopronto
16:48.37junbugman they got some good rates
16:48.55ceetoMaybe I can approach it this way, what does TRUNK=Zap/g1 signify in my [globals] in extensions.conf?  Can I just change it to Zap/g0?
16:49.16cpmmy issue is itching really badly.
16:49.41jbroomethey've got creams for that
16:49.51cpmjbroome, thanx
16:51.56[TK]D-Fenderceeto : Thats just a global variable.  Do you even use it anywhere>
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16:52.48rajiv|work[TK]D-Fender: does the 501 include a wall wart ?
16:52.55rajiv|workno PoE here
16:52.58sm7xabHi! I'm trying to find out why my * server won't register with my provider. Anyone here who has a cool tip or two regarding this? Haven't managed to find anything in the docs. *=1.2.1
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16:53.08[TK]D-Fenderrajiv : I believe so.  It needs a special adapter cable for PoE.
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16:53.34ceetoI don't see it anywhere else in my extensions.conf ...
16:53.53[TK]D-Fenderceeto : then that line is useless
16:53.55jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender haha.. yeah, no combover yet. The 'other' phone guy disputed my interest in the Sangoma card as well as the polycoms. They want more information about my proposal. :/
16:54.24jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender you wanna right a sweet blog I can add to my proposal?
16:54.52*** part/#asterisk kannan (
16:55.01[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Well print up both full spec sheets, take the community optinions, and add on that I use the one I suggested personally and its been flawless to date.
16:55.29ceetoYea, I'm using it.
16:55.30[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Writing takes too long :)  I'd do a quick phone survey though!
16:56.35jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender sounds reasonable. our rxgain at -4.5 and txgain at -16 seems good for us.
16:57.16jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender atleast thats where people can use the headsets and both sides can still hear the conversation. oh, and navigating IVRs works there too.
16:57.28[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Mine at 0.0 and 0.0 work just great!
16:57.36jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender no reports on whether EC has improved yet though
16:58.17jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender yeah, i need to look into the PRI config, the PRI card config, the Asterisk compile time options, driver versions, and firmware versions.
16:59.56[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : I take it your played with the AEC, and other Zaptel s/w EC's, as well as echotraining already?
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17:03.43jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender AEC? other zaptel s/w EC's? just echotraining=yes
17:05.53bkw__OH rrrrrrrrreally
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17:11.54ModcutsI have registered the g729 codec but my trunk doesn't seem to be using it? is it phone dependent or trunk conf dependent?
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17:13.30stack_Is it work the ~$200 to get echo cancellation on the TDM2400P?
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17:16.24SpaceBassI recently upgraded my AAH box and re-installed and have 4 major problems I'm trying to iron out... am hoping I can get some insight on any of them today
17:17.25SpaceBass1) BAD echo on zaptel lines 2) Zaptel calls "appear" to jump contexts when I use dring 3) Faxes are recieved but are blank and finally 4) broadvoice has no audio on some of my devices (think its a bridge issue)
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17:18.18SpaceBassFor my zaptel echo I've tried playing with rx and tx gains and it doesnt seem to make a difference... even if the call starts with no echo, its gets progressivly worse
17:18.50seelenHi, i need to figure out a good dialplan that prevents a single exten, to acces PSTN, but without having to change the rest of the extensions of context. how to do that?
17:19.20SpaceBassseelen,  put that exten in its own context?
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17:25.01seelenSpaceBass, but that way, i wont be able to connect it to the rest of the exten to that single one
17:25.19Hmmhesayslet me guess you are using AAH?
17:25.42SpaceBassHmmhesays,  which one of us? I addmitted to it already :)
17:26.00HmmhesaysSpaceBass: nothing wrong with AAH if you understand how it works
17:26.07SpaceBassI'm fine with AAH for my HOME install... i dont think its the root of any of my issues
17:26.10seelenHmmhesays, why??.. no im asking for a dialplan
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17:26.15SpaceBassThen again, I edit a lot of the confgs manually too
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17:26.29darwin_35having a iax issue on 1.2.2
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17:26.44SpaceBassI had iax trunking issues in 1.2,2
17:26.48Hmmhesaysseelen: set a variable to 0 and check for that before you allow calls out the pstn
17:26.56SpaceBassHmmhesays, how are you btw...been a while
17:27.22HmmhesaysSpaceBass: surviving up in the frozen tundra, just bought a kickass new guitar amp.
17:27.23darwin_35if a user on our box originates a call to another iax box the phones ring but you dont hear the rining on the line. but if you use sip to sip its fine .
17:27.25seelenHmmhesays, great, what variable?
17:27.32SpaceBassHmmhesays,  what'd you get?
17:27.50Hmmhesaysseelen: any one you want, or you can do it based on callerid
17:28.05SpaceBassHmmhesays,  I've been playing my bass a lot more these some new earphones for music (Shure ec4) and noticed they are GREAT for practice and garrage band
17:28.07Hmmhesaysseelen: assuming you are trying to keep one of your sip or iax2 peers from dialing out the pstn?
17:28.21darwin_35any one here having iax to iax rining problems ?
17:28.35darwin_35be it not passing the rining on the line ?
17:28.41SpaceBassdarwin_35,  I had that exact issue, hear around here that it was a known bug
17:28.42HmmhesaysSpacebass: i picked up a peavey XXL 100watt Head, set it on my peavey 4x12 cab
17:29.01HmmhesaysShure ec4's huh? how much those run you?
17:29.19seelenHmmhesays, yes it a sipm exten i have outside the city.. i dont want it to be used as a phone line to calls to my city.. just for internal communication
17:29.24Hmmhesaysdarwin_35, all the time, use the r flag
17:29.28darwin_35well this is a major isues
17:29.32SpaceBassHmmhesays,  it wasn't pretty... $275
17:29.38darwin_35its not working
17:29.49Hmmhesayswhat are you calling from darwin_35
17:29.53SpaceBassdarwin_35,  by all means, don't take my word for that... I am not 100% sure at all
17:29.57HmmhesaysSpaceBass: ouch
17:30.01darwin_35from our box to a client box
17:30.08SpaceBassbut I had that problem b/t 2 * boxes
17:30.31Hmmhesaysusing chan_telepath or what?
17:31.12darwin_35we update to 1.2.2 over the weekend on all our servers
17:31.42HmmhesaysSpaceBass: I wish I could afford shure for my monitors, but nady wireless with e2's are more in my price range
17:31.55darwin_35and iax stopped passing the ring tone on the line but the phones ring and this is only iax to iax calls that start out on the servers to client boxes
17:32.19Hmmhesayswhat are you using to initiate the call darwin_35
17:32.34darwin_35we pass the call from opur box to the client but the person on the line hears nothing
17:32.57darwin_35calls from the pstn adn sip calls
17:32.57SpaceBassHmmhesays, long story... bascially my company dragged their feet paying my corporate credit card... it went into hold... had to cough up $300 to get it out of hold so I could travel... then the corporate payment went though and I ended up with basically a personal credit... so I treated myself
17:33.14darwin_35and other iax calls from client boxes
17:33.22DarkFlibbledoes anyone know of any sip/voip filtering firewalls that can filter out potential attacks to a voip network for a company? Just got a query from a client
17:33.23HmmhesaysSpaceBass: nice, so you play in any bands?
17:33.44HmmhesaysDarkFlibble: what potential attacks might those be?
17:34.03DarkFlibblemalformed sip connections, spoofing etc...
17:34.04jbalcombDarkFlibble I would think foundry or cisco would have something like
17:34.24Hmmhesaysiptables, don't accept anything from unknown ip addresses
17:34.28darwin_35I dont find a bug in the bug tracker
17:34.32DarkFlibblejbalcomb, I'll look into it...thnx
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17:34.46SpaceBassHmmhesays,  used to... let it slide big time, getting my chops back now and trying to talk a few freidns into doing the same
17:34.56darwin_35but when we add the r on the end of our dial line it still does not pass the rining
17:35.05SpaceBassbut I spend so much time troubleshooting my stupid * box, who has time?
17:35.13jbalcombSpaceBass agreed
17:35.29Hmmhesaysyeah SpaceBass: i just did the same, we're building the PA right now, got a warehouse to practice in
17:35.37darwin_35boss breathing down my neck
17:35.44Hmmhesaysdarwin_35 did you reload your extensions after you set the r flag?
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17:36.02fileiax2 debug and see what's getting passed back
17:36.21darwin_35it says its passing the ring but you dont hear it
17:36.27SpaceBassI had some downtime today so I'm getting around to chaning all my root and domain admin passwords and trying to fix my * problems
17:37.16darwin_35but the phones on the other end ring
17:37.16Assidumm.. questions on priority.. suppose my last priority was 5.. but i want something to ALWAYS happen last.. can i just set it to 99 and expect it to be parsed?
17:37.16fileas an indication?
17:37.16*** part/#asterisk mogorman (
17:37.16HmmhesaysWe have 2 dual 15' peavey's pushed by a behringer 2400w power amp
17:37.16Assidor is it always n+101?
17:37.16filebecause if it's as an indication, then it's up to the remote side to generate the ringing or signal it... if it's inband, then it's sent as audio
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17:37.18SpaceBassI have my wifi sip phones on a seperate wifi subnet with DMZ pinholes back into my lan for great for internal and PSTN calls, but when I use my BV account i get no audio
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17:37.20HmmhesaysAssid: define "last"
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17:37.33jbalcombIs the /etc/zaptel.conf the only place I need to look for 'PRI card' configuration issues?
17:37.36SpaceBassI have BV trunk and device both set to canreinvite=no but it still seems to attempt a bridge
17:37.40AssidHmmhesays: like for example.. the goto for dialstatus
17:37.47HmmhesaysAssid: if you are talking about hangup, use extension h
17:38.00darwin_35file rechecking
17:38.01SpaceBassHmmhesays, wow...nice PA!
17:38.02Assidlike a goto for dialstatus
17:38.06SpaceBassHmmhesays,  what kind of music?
17:38.17darwin_35file this is only on iax
17:38.22HmmhesaysSpaceBass: its getting there, Rock, punk, country/rock
17:38.30Assidi want it to happen.. on its own.. but i dont wanna use 'n'
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17:38.54HmmhesaysAssid: are you talking after cmd dial?
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17:39.03jbalcombIs the /etc/zaptel.conf the only place I need to look for 'PRI card' configuration issues?
17:39.09Assidyeah.. like a followme feature..
17:39.24Assiddial dial dial.. whatever.. and so forth..
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17:39.33Hmmhesayssimultaneous? or after each other
17:39.36Assidbut in the end.. if it doesnt work.. i want it to go to dialstatus
17:39.51Assidi want it last..
17:40.02Assidim just asking if i can jump priority numbers
17:40.12filedarwin_35: I give up.
17:40.18HmmhesaysAssid: why wouldn't you be able to?
17:40.32Assidlike suppose the last priority on an extension is 7 .. can i have an entry at 95 or 99 and expect it to work?
17:40.49darwin_35file trying to get to the server to test but I am blocked at the min
17:41.02HmmhesaysAssid: if you use a goto
17:41.08Assidwithout goto
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17:41.41HmmhesaysAssid: you can set dial to jump to n+101 on failure
17:42.12Assidyes.. but suppose i dont wanna use 'n' .. just 99.. so even if its at 6 as the last priority
17:42.16Assidcan it jump to 99
17:42.20[TK]D-FenderPriority jumping = DEAD.
17:42.26SpaceBassmy other major problem... I have 2 zaptel lines (1 and 2) 2 has dring for my fax line... they are both in their own contexts but when I enable dring calls into zap1 come in from zap2
17:42.31Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: theres still a flag for it in dial isn't there?
17:42.37SpaceBassSo basically I haven't had a fax for months
17:43.03[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : For people who feel its too much work to fix their dialplans to work the PROPER way
17:43.04HmmhesaysAssid: is there some specific reason you don't want to use goto?
17:43.17[TK]D-Fenderbut deprication claims ALL..... in time...
17:43.23Assidliie i dont have 6,7,8----98
17:43.35HmmhesaysAssid: use goto
17:43.50KattyHmmhesays: you're mister popular today.
17:44.00SpaceBassthis is my zapata-auto.conf if anyone sees why calls would "jump" contexts I'd be very appericative
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17:44.24HmmhesaysKatty: hey, i guess so
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17:44.52HmmhesaysI like how voipjet returns "no answer" if their service is on the fritz, that does loverly things for my dialplan
17:45.31[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : Goto(98) would do the same...
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17:45.37Assidvoipjet been having problems recenrtly
17:45.43Assiduse the west server
17:45.59[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : I do that for diaplans where I like to leave breathing room.
17:46.08Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: indeed
17:48.28Hmmhesaysdarwin_35: trying answering the call in the originating box before you send it
17:49.18darwin_35we tried that and it screws up the billing in our cdr
17:49.27Hmmhesaysreset cdr before you dial
17:49.53darwin_35this is a realtime box I cant just reset it everytime
17:50.04darwin_35but I think I found some info on it
17:50.11Hmmhesaysyou are using realtime for config?
17:50.36jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender can we PM for a minute?
17:50.39darwin_35our whole setup here is realtime
17:51.03Hmmhesaysso why can't use the reset cdr command?
17:51.04darwin_35but Ithink I found a note on the rining not being passed on iax
17:51.17darwin_35my boss says not to
17:51.28Hmmhesaystell your boss where to stick it
17:51.29darwin_35just doing as told
17:51.40darwin_35no I need this job
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17:52.11brad_msswHmmhesays: he's with teliax ...
17:52.30[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : sure
17:52.35darwin_35yes yes iam
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17:52.46jbalcombyou start it please, i dont know how. :/
17:54.03Hmmhesayswhere did you apply for that job darwin_35?
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17:55.48darwin_35on our website
17:56.06darwin_35send a resume to
17:56.17darwin_35but you cant have my job
17:56.30fileunless you're of more value.
17:56.33darwin_35but you could be a phone and ticket jockey
17:56.44SERGEUSSIP behaviour is very strange
17:57.02SERGEUSit brakes all calls after 2nd ring
17:57.07filewhich wouldn't take... er nevermind
17:57.08Hmmhesaysdarwin_35: i bet I probably could
17:57.09_Sam--darwin_35:  youhave a boss?
17:57.15twisted[asteria]SERGEUS, that sounds like a device
17:57.29SERGEUSwhen i enabled "sip debug" - it started work normaly
17:57.31twisted[asteria]SERGEUS, or a 10 second timer on dial
17:57.40darwin_35I am the noc/phone/ticket/what ever support right now
17:57.55SERGEUStwisted wait a second
17:58.10darwin_35the only big issue I am still miffed about is the mysql/asterisk mem leak
17:58.21darwin_35in realtime
17:58.22_Sam--i thought you were a sales guy / owner guy, you work hard that hard for someone else?
17:58.41fileso track down the leak and fix it
17:58.45darwin_35no thats David
17:58.50dijit0if anyone can help, what do i need to set up on my router and asterisk to allow idefisk to connect to asterisk OVER the internet?? cause it registers fine when i set the address to the local network, but i want to be able to connect through my public IP
17:58.51_Sam--i thought you were david, my fault
17:58.54Hmmhesaysteliax website doesn't have much info about using asterisk as an origination point
17:58.55SpaceBasscan someone take a look at my zapta.conf and see if they see an issue:
17:59.00Hmmhesayswhich I find odd
17:59.03darwin_35he adn a few others own I am buying into it slowly
17:59.13_Sam--Hmmhesays:  you dont need much...just two lines in extensions.conf and iax/sip.conf
17:59.18SpaceBassbasically it works fine until I get a call on zap2, then all calls on zap1 appear as if from zap2
17:59.26Hmmhesays_Sam-- i know
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18:00.38Hmmhesaysdoes teliax have any voipjet style service, where they're just the termination provider?
18:00.40SERGEUStwisted[asteria], if you interested:
18:01.09_Sam--Hmmhesays:  im sure based on the number of minutes you are using that guy david from teliax would make you a termination deal
18:01.16_Sam--its all about the minutes
18:01.35Hmmhesaysnot many minutes, just looking for a good backup provider
18:01.52_Sam--i use as a backup to teliax (
18:01.54_Sam--cheap termination
18:01.57*** join/#asterisk AgiNamu (n=AgiNamu@
18:02.06AgiNamuAnyone know how to make asterisk send a SETUP ACKNOWLEDGE ?
18:02.17SERGEUStwisted[asteria], description: ii called myself via voxbone, phone start ringing, after second ring i've heard a "busy" sound and phone stoped ringing
18:02.20Hmmhesaysas we know voipjet goes up and down more than a couple horny teenagers on prom night
18:02.35*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
18:02.40SERGEUSi'll try to reproduce this behaviour...
18:03.08brad_msswHmmhesays: yeah, you don't have to get a phone number with teliax ...
18:03.27*** join/#asterisk Lurr (
18:03.29Hmmhesayslooking for a per minute charge, not buying a block of minutes
18:03.36*** part/#asterisk Lurr (
18:03.36_Sam--you could probably also use broadvoice if all you need is termination
18:03.43brad_msswHmmhesays: i've got experience with sixtel (, teliax, and junction networks ... teliax's latency is too high, sixtel isn't too reliable ... junction networks is pricy
18:03.51twisted[asteria]SERGEUS, what is the output of 'show version' on the CLI?
18:03.54SpaceBassarrruugg broadvoice is a bad word around my house right now
18:04.01*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
18:04.21_Sam--brad_mssw:  that is probably not accurate info, since its only accurate for YOUR routes and backbone provider.
18:04.28SERGEUStwisted[asteria], Asterisk SVN-trunk-r8447M
18:04.30brad_mssw_Sam--: that is correct
18:04.33_Sam--my routes to teliax are perfect, has never not one not worked...
18:04.34Hmmhesaysbrad_mssw: yeah you do get what you pay for
18:05.33brad_msswHmmhesays: yep, junction seems good, just pricy ... using them for all outbound termination right now
18:05.54brad_msswHmmhesays: teliax is lagging at 70-80ms unless you're on cogent
18:06.13justinuhey brad, i did actually get a response from junction the other day
18:06.17brad_msswsixtel, usually pretty good, but loses sync
18:06.27Hmmhesays70-80ms isn't bad
18:06.29darwin_35send us a traceroute of that pls and what network your on ..
18:06.37brad_msswHmmhesays: not fax capable at that latency
18:06.49brad_msswdarwin_35: been there, done that ... multiple times
18:06.54NetgeeksHey areski, you here right now?
18:06.55HmmhesaysGood thing I don't fax over ip
18:07.06_Sam--there has been packet loss at teliax's connection to rockynet
18:07.10_Sam--1-3% yesterday
18:07.12brad_msswHmmhesays: yeah, it's not bad for voice ... though it does drop out worse from time to time
18:07.28darwin_35I have forwarded them all thus far to rockynet for further routing repair
18:07.36twisted[asteria]SERGEUS, are you sure it works fine with sip debug enabled?
18:08.05brad_msswdarwin_35: been a couple of weeks since my first complaint ... routes were fine until 3 weeks ago
18:08.09SpaceBassAnyone know why * would attempt a bridge when canreinvite=no is set at the trunk and device?
18:08.32Math`SpaceBass: a native bridge and reinviting is two different things
18:08.38brad_mssw_Sam--: yeah, exactly, latency and packetloss, neither of which are good for voip :/
18:08.53SERGEUSyes, however i can't reproduce it now - so probably it was my fault, but i can PM a full log to you - it started to work after i called "sip debug ip ...."
18:09.00areskiNetgeeks, Hi, yes a part of me is here
18:09.04AgiNamuDoes anyoen know if there's an easy way to substitute your own generic bridge?
18:09.12SpaceBassMath`,  maybe I'm misunderstanding the two then... I'm having problms with no audio on my sip trunks for devices with no internet access
18:09.15areskiNetgeeks, how u doing ?
18:09.33brad_msswanyone have anything to say about nufone ?
18:09.38_Sam--brad_mssw:  if you ping/traceroute/mtr/whatever to teliax are you seeing the packet loss also at the last hop? (may need to let it run for a few)
18:09.43SpaceBassIE phones on a subnet that route back to my * box... so when it attempts the bridge (at least thats the point on the CLI) the call connects but I have no audio
18:10.02Math`SpaceBass: usually asterisks breaks down the RTP stream into frames to be processed, a native bridge is when it just proxies the RTP stream
18:10.09tronixbrad_mssw: i haven't config'd my account with nufone yet -- still working on basic * setup but they're pretty quick on tech support and inexpensive. no idea on call quality yet
18:10.11SpaceBassbrad_mssw, I've played with nufone... seems ok
18:10.45tronixthey did provision my 800 toll-free DID on the spot, tho
18:10.58SpaceBassMath`,  so in my case I want a native bridge...* talkes to the sip trunk and my device talks to *   is that correct?
18:11.01*** join/#asterisk shido (
18:11.08brad_mssw_Sam--: not getting packet loss right now it seems
18:11.15brad_mssw_Sam--: just high latency
18:11.27_Sam--im seeing it from different hosts/nets
18:11.32Math`SpaceBass: if you have the same codec, the native bridge is automatic
18:11.46brad_mssw_Sam--: what utility are you using to measure packetloss ?
18:11.53_Sam--im using mtr
18:12.13SpaceBassMath`,  if could be a codec issue... but I never had this problem before... just appeared when I re-installed AAH
18:12.20SpaceBasssetup is virtually the same
18:12.26brad_mssw_Sam--: let me install that real fast and take a look
18:12.33Math`SpaceBass: whats the problem? no audio on one side?
18:12.39_Sam--   (dont know if that is a current URL)
18:13.06brad_mssw_Sam--: already installed man :)
18:13.17_Sam--decent tool
18:13.20brad_mssw_Sam--: no loss yet ... only up to 35 attempts
18:13.29SpaceBassMath`,  no audio on both sides when using my wifi sip phones...which are on a segregated wifi subnet with DMZ pin holes to my * box (calls to other sip devices and over pstn work fine)
18:13.32_Sam--im at 1.9% for 402 packets
18:13.44_Sam--are these your last two hops?
18:13.44_Sam--12.          1.5%   402   63.1  65.0  57.5 292.5  24.6
18:13.44_Sam--13.               1.7%   402   62.1  62.8  60.1  83.6   2.1
18:13.50Math`SpaceBass: try setting nat=yes in the SIP config for those phones
18:13.59robin_zok, something is very wrong with my music on hold .. it sounds very broken ... like digital crap
18:14.02SpaceBassMath`, it is set to yes
18:14.06brad_mssw_Sam--: yep, same last 2
18:14.16rajiv|workanyone use, gizmo, or sipphone for origination ?
18:14.16Math`robin_z: get the good mpg123 version
18:14.23SpaceBassMath`,  take that back... was not set to yes for that device... let me try that
18:14.26robin_zahh. good being?
18:14.30_Sam--restarted the mtr...its 0% now for 50
18:14.37twisted[asteria]SERGEUS, hmm... strange.  sounds more like a coincidence, i just read through chan_sip.c to make sure that we don't have any code blocked out by debugging
18:14.43rajiv|work_Sam--: press J in mtr to see jitter
18:14.48brad_mssw_Sam--: wait, got packet loss
18:14.48twisted[asteria]lunch time
18:14.57brad_mssw_Sam--: 0.8%
18:14.59_Sam--rajiv:  THANKS.
18:15.04brad_mssw_Sam--: last 2 hops too
18:15.05_Sam--never knew the J
18:15.05SERGEUStwisted[asteria], sorry for a false alarm :)
18:15.20*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
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18:15.21brad_mssw_Sam--: err, bad, got a few other hops with some loss too
18:15.23twisted[asteria]SERGEUS, it's okay, better to be safe than sorry
18:15.25*** part/#asterisk Lurr_ (
18:15.36rajiv|work_Sam--: it's not the same jitter that you see in * iax channels but still useful
18:15.43SpaceBassMath`,  thanks for the tip, but nat=yes had no effect
18:16.15brad_mssw_Sam--: wow, mtr is pretty neat, showing the different routes it takes on multiple attempts
18:16.32robin_zMath`: im on debian runn mpg321 ... is this the problem?
18:16.40Math`it is
18:16.48Math`apt-get remove mpg321
18:16.53robin_zsigh .... is there an apt-gettable thing that will work?
18:16.56Math`then: make mpg123 into *'s source tree
18:17.07_Sam--apt-get mpg123
18:17.18_Sam--i apt-got my mpg123 on debian
18:17.23Math`apt-get'ing mpg123 installs mpg321 ;)
18:17.26robin_z_Sam-- no, you didnt
18:17.35_Sam--mpg123 - MPEG layer 1/2/3 audio player
18:17.41_Sam--its right there in my apt-cache search
18:17.46_Sam--mpg123 - MPEG layer 1/2/3 audio player
18:17.46_Sam--mpg123-esd - MPEG layer 1/2/3 audio player with Esound support
18:17.46_Sam--mpg123-nas - MPEG layer 1/2/3 audio player with NAS support
18:17.46_Sam--mpg123-oss-3dnow - MPEG layer 1/2/3 audio player for 3DNow! machines
18:17.46_Sam--mpg123-oss-i486 - MPEG layer 1/2/3 audio player for i486 machines
18:17.47_Sam--mpg123-el - a front-end program to mpg123 audio player on Emacsen
18:17.49Math`you probably have a 3rd party source giving you that
18:17.53_Sam--of course i do
18:17.57robin_zOK, where your .deb source for that?
18:18.00_Sam--i have a zillion sources
18:18.00malverian[work]Is there a builtin function in Asterisk for converting a string date to unix time?
18:18.14Math`it takes less time to compile it than to update the source list
18:18.29robin_zfirst you have to find it ...
18:18.31Math`robin_z: "make mpg123" in asterisk's directory...
18:18.37robin_zthats it?
18:18.41Math`its gonna download it and compile it
18:18.44darwin_35dont use mpg123 use madplayer
18:19.00*** join/#asterisk DShepherd (
18:19.37_Sam--thanks for the tip... i never knew make mpg123 would download and install it
18:20.18DShepherdmy jug is doing something on asterisk can I use the logo on my poster?
18:20.25DShepherdjog =lug
18:20.32SpaceBassMath`,  it looks like both the device and broadvoice (sip trunk) use the same codec, but still no audio with nat=yes
18:20.56tzangerDShepherd: generally that isn't an issue if it's noncommercial, but contact digium, they own the trademark
18:21.14DShepherdtzanger, ok thanks
18:21.16*** join/#asterisk gongoputch (
18:21.37justinuSpaceBass: are you getting rtp packets from broadvoice?
18:22.04SpaceBasson my router I have udp 5060 and tcp 10,000-20,000 forwarded b/t my wifi sip phone and * box
18:22.19SpaceBasson my edge router I have the same ports forwared to the * box from the outside
18:22.37SpaceBassjustinu,  I know I;m getting UDP to the * from BV b/c my decices on the same lan as my * box work fine
18:23.01justinuspacebass: use rtp debug, or ethereal to verify
18:23.28justinualso look at the sip SDP, and make sure the IPs look sane... i can take a look at the pasts if you need help interpreting it
18:23.38SpaceBassjustinu,  not too comfortable with etheeral yet, didnt know about RTP debug... trying it now
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18:24.22HmmhesaysSpaceBass: yes that is grand
18:24.50SpaceBassok, enabled RTP debug and made a call, didn't see anything debug related on the CLI
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18:25.11Hmmhesayswhat problem are you having?
18:25.39justinuspacebass: ok, that's a problem.
18:25.56justinuspacebass: turn on sip debug, and paste the invite/200ok messages to pastebin
18:26.07SpaceBassno audio at all on my wifi sip devices when using my sip trunk - they are on a seperate wireless subnet with dmz pin holes for 5060 and rtp back to my * box....pstn and calls to other devices work fine
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18:26.42justinuit's probably a stupid nat issue
18:26.49*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
18:27.11darwin_35nat = small bug that infest plants and networks
18:27.24iDunnothat's a *g*nat.
18:27.58[TK]D-Fenderthe "g" is silent like the "p" in swimming :D
18:28.20SpaceBasssuspect it could be a nat issue... stated when I replaced my asterisk box....same general topography worked previously
18:29.00*** join/#asterisk benjk (n=benjamin@
18:29.26Hmmhesaysi should cook a steak tonight
18:29.37Hmmhesaysyes yes I should
18:29.39SpaceBassme cooked a flat iron steak last night....quite good
18:29.47Hmmhesaysor maybe a hobo meal
18:29.55Hmmhesaysall wrapped up in tinfoil n shit
18:30.21stack_Is it work the ~$200 to get echo cancellation on the TDM2400P?
18:30.22justinuSpaceBass: invite looks ok, but I didn't get the 200 OK ack from your ast box
18:30.34*** join/#asterisk Jzalae (
18:30.41SpaceBassjustinu,  let me try again... maybe didnt copy it all
18:31.16*** join/#asterisk meriad (i=mreith@unaffiliated/meriad)
18:31.21meriadVOIP BABY!
18:31.33meriad]Louise[- where do i get free pr0n vids again?
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18:32.25SpaceBassjustinu,  not entirely sure about the sip messages so I'm not sure if I'm capturing the right ones:
18:33.19justinuk, looking
18:33.28meriadhey, first time asterisks user just wodnering if there are any detailed guides explaining VOIP, and what not, and imsetting iot up on my box.. Debia.. etc..
18:33.42jbotit has been said that docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
18:34.04SpaceBassfyi 10.1.0.x is my lan subnet and 10.1.1.x is my wifi subnet 71..... is my public IP
18:34.58*** part/#asterisk johnnyb (
18:35.02SpaceBassjustinu,  interesting... I'm noticing something... it says : INVITE sip:5002@ SIP/2.0
18:35.15SpaceBassbut my device is  IE the 3rd octet is wrong
18:35.17justinuSpaceBass: ok,  take a look at line 596
18:35.28justinuhere's the real problem
18:35.38Zodiacalanyone know if its posible for a cisco 7960 phone to show if someone has there phone in use? not nessiarly which phone line they are one, but just if an extention is off hook?
18:35.47justinuthat whole message is your ast box telling broadvoice that you answered the inbound call
18:36.03justinucheck line 618
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18:36.16justinuthat's your ast box telling broadvoice to send the RTP to IP
18:36.20justinuwhich broadvoice obviously can't do
18:36.23SpaceBassthe c=in ip4 ?
18:36.31justinucheck in your sip.conf and make sure externip=<your external ip>
18:36.52SpaceBassjustinu, I am fairly sure I do NOT have that set... let me do that
18:37.10justinualso make sure localnet=
18:37.15SpaceBassjustinu,  can I add that in the settings for the trunk?
18:37.34[TK]D-FenderSpaceBass : Verify your netmask <----
18:37.36justinuno, it's global
18:38.08SpaceBassI'm using class C internally...
18:38.20robin_zin a recent survey of men about what they liked best in a blow-job ... 8% said the physical sensation, 5% said the feeling of domination .. and ...
18:38.29justinudoesn't matter, because ast needs to consider all local to it
18:38.30robin_z77% said "25 minutes of peace and quiet"
18:38.53*** join/#asterisk }btorch{ (n=kvirc@
18:40.10[TK]D-Fenderrobin_z : about the %77 - 95% lied about their duration, and the other 5% can chalk it up to incompetance :D
18:40.28Hmmhesays25 minute bj? sweet geebus
18:40.33Hmmhesaysi would have long gotten bored
18:40.38Hmmhesaysstarted watching tv or something
18:40.58}btorch{I'm trying to setup iax channels on my iax.conf file and on my sip.conf I always used [<phone number>]  ... now I'm setting up as [<first name>] , how can I assign an extension to that number?
18:42.16SpaceBassjustinu,  tried those lines in sip_nat.conf ... didnt adding to sip.conf in the [general] context
18:42.21*** join/#asterisk Cinen (
18:42.28}btorch{I want someone to be able to call say 1555 and then the macro that I have created will grab that {$EXTEN} and dial it
18:42.32justinuSpaceBass: eh?
18:43.15SpaceBassjustinu,  added those lines in sip.conf (externip and localnet) and it didn't fix it
18:43.18SpaceBasschecking the debug now
18:43.35justinuok, ast shouldn't be replying to broadvoice with your internal IPs
18:43.41justinutry restarting ast completely
18:43.55*** join/#asterisk anthm (
18:43.55*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
18:44.04SpaceBassrestart gracefully
18:44.09SpaceBassor do I need a reboot?
18:44.13justinuno reboot
18:45.02SpaceBasswhat was the message header you looked at to determine what IP my ast box was sending to BV?
18:45.15justinuit's in the 200ok
18:45.26justinuc=IN IP4
18:46.02*** join/#asterisk Zach^^ (
18:46.03Zach^^i am trying to install amp and i get this error
18:46.11jbotamp is, like, NOT supported here! people using it should join #amportal
18:46.51Zach^^fugitivo there is noone in amp alive
18:47.03fugitivonot our problem
18:47.38SpaceBassat least the script doesnt read: people using it should go to hell"
18:48.02Math`then go to #hell
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18:50.03[TK]D-FenderSpaceBass : No.. the trip to hell is bundled with the software :)
18:50.56SpaceBassARRRUUUGGGG this is still broken
18:52.15justinuSpaceBass: paste the sip debug again
18:52.34rajiv|workjustinu: i think you mean "pastebin ... again"
18:52.45justinuhe knows what I mean :P
18:52.58SpaceBassthe latest:
18:53.17SpaceBassoh you want me to paste it in the goes
18:53.25justinuok, well, there's certainly an improvement here
18:53.30justinuyou're telling BV the right IP now
18:53.55SpaceBassI hit reply on on a entire business unit email the other day... responded to like 2k people... first and last time I make that mistake... I hate when people don;t send those as a bcc
18:54.13tzangerSpaceBass: don't reply all :-)
18:54.18justinuSpaceBass: try RTP debug now
18:54.21justinusee what happens
18:54.29SpaceBassline 195
18:54.33SpaceBassshows local ip
18:54.41denonSpaceBass: it's because of people like you, that we limit recipient counts to 20 on outbound SMTPs
18:54.46justinuyeah, that's an INVITE to your internal phone
18:54.53denonI mean, really -- that's what list servers are for
18:55.11cpm[TK]D-Fender, I gotta question for ya, err, If I brought dial-up in to my asterisk box, can asterisk handle routing (using ani data) data calls to my NxT1 dialup servers? So I could do TDMoE ? is this reasonable?
18:55.20denonSpaceBass: we expect nothing less from an MCSE <G>
18:55.30justinuMCSE? lol
18:55.45[TK]D-Fendercpm : uhhh.... not a clue.
18:55.46justinui ouldn't admit that in this channel
18:56.29cyburdineanyone know how to turn echo cancelation ON on a sip channel?  is that even possible?
18:56.29denons/in this channel/anywhre but on a resume to a clueless management type/
18:56.31cpmIt's a wierd question. Rather than having T1s for voip and T1s for in-dial data calls, could munge'
18:56.41fugitivocyburdine: NO
18:56.42[TK]D-Fendercyburdine : Nope
18:56.50cpmem all together that way. if it works
18:56.50fugitivocyburdine: you shouldn't have echo on a sip channel
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18:57.07SpaceBassit was a worthless cert and has nothing to do with my current job... but it makes my friends think i know what I am talking about
18:57.11[TK]D-Fenderecho is supposed to be compensated for at the PSTN end.
18:57.13justinucpm: theoretically you should be able to do what you want to do
18:57.20justinuSpaceBass: what's happening with rtp debug now?
18:57.50SpaceBassjustinu, call not going through at all...not related to RTP debug...not sure what is happening
18:58.00jpablosnom phones are ugly, but when you use then they are actually nice.
18:58.01cpmjustinu, thanks
18:58.03justinuSpaceBass: tell you what. run this command as root: tcpdump -s0 -w trace.cap
18:58.16justinuSpaceBass: make your call, then send me trace.cap
18:58.23justinuemail in pm
18:59.03steve___are they any solid cli softphones out there?
19:00.33*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (n=brian@
19:00.36drumkillasteve___: if you download iaxclient, they have testcall or testclient or something
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19:01.01}btorch{how can I compile the cdr_pgsql module after I compiled * ?
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19:02.32Math`}btorch{: not only you can but you should
19:02.47*** join/#asterisk salmandr (
19:02.57steve___drumkilla i am using iaxcomm and outbound audio has less than one sec lag.  It is very usable, but annoying.
19:03.32*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
19:04.10zoasteve, did you try idefisk ?
19:04.11meriadSo like soft phones are PC phones and hard phones are not :>
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19:04.21SpaceBassi quite like iaxcomm on os x
19:04.21zoawhat is the roundtrip time to your server ?
19:04.29zoaSpaceBass: did you try idefisk on mac ?
19:04.38gongoputchanyone know if these phones will work with asterisk ?
19:04.57SpaceBasszoa,  not yet... but it looks slick
19:05.02zoagongoputch: yes it works
19:05.06}btorch{Math`: I guess it did not compiled when I originally compiled asterisk... I just went back to the src location and tried to do a make  but I got an ASTEISK_GPL_KEY error and others
19:05.23Qwell[laptop]but it's not a very good phone...
19:05.25*** join/#asterisk brc_ (n=brian@pdpc/supporter/basic/brc)
19:05.34gongoputchis FreeBSD a common choice for asterisk?
19:05.41gongoputchQwell[laptop]: why?
19:05.49Qwell[laptop]gongoputch: it just isn't great
19:05.58Qwell[laptop]There is a reason it's < $80
19:06.01gongoputchQwell[laptop]: sound quality?
19:06.32gongoputchI am looking to get my feet wet, and the price point seemed good
19:06.52gongoputchbut, if it is broken, that won't help me learn.
19:06.56*** join/#asterisk jkitchen (
19:07.02jkitchenhowdy folks
19:07.02brad_msswgongoputch: echo issues
19:07.03Qwell[laptop]Take a look at the SPA-941...I hear those are good
19:07.06Qwell[laptop]fairly cheap too
19:07.17gongoputchah, I will google
19:07.31brad_msswgongoputch: either go for a 941 linksys, or just go with a sipura ata and a regular phone
19:07.34gongoputchecho can be a real bugger
19:07.45pifiu-laptophey qwell wasup
19:08.07gongoputchlike that ?
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19:08.20brad_msswgongoputch: yes
19:08.21*** join/#asterisk EriSan (
19:08.27FuriousGeorgei got two issues with asterisk no one has been able to figure out.  first of all, #-transfer isnt working, despite everything being set up right
19:08.39[TK]D-FenderI would vote against the 941 these days if you don't get it a fair bit cheaper than $150....
19:08.41*** join/#asterisk NSGN (
19:08.44NSGNhello all
19:08.49Qwell[laptop][TK]D-Fender: Are they that much?
19:08.54Qwell[laptop]I was thinking $120 or so
19:09.15jkitchenare there any issues with meetme and IAX?  I have an IAX feed from junction networks and for some reason when I call in via IAX I can't speak on the conference, but my sip clients on the local network can
19:09.19NSGNso what is the state of free services as far as calls to and from the internet and the PSTN?
19:09.27[TK]D-FenderQwell[laptop] : $150 pretty much everywhere I've seen.  If you've got a link, I;m interested.
19:09.32jkitchenwith the same configuration files and asterisk 1.0 it all works, but I need the recording features of 1.2
19:09.36Qwell[laptop]nope, never looked...just assumed
19:09.40gongoputch$140 on that link I posted
19:09.42NSGNi've heard some people talk about free local pstn gateways and such
19:09.51*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
19:10.03[TK]D-FenderWith Polycom IP 501 @ $170 I'd sooner go with that.
19:10.17gongoputch[TK]D-Fender: why?
19:10.18NSGNwas i mistaken in what they were talking about or are there just not very many?
19:10.40justinuwe've had this discussion many many times on this channel
19:10.46justinufender should put together a page on the wiki
19:10.53FuriousGeorgethe other issue is that ive got 5 srevers all logged into eachother via iax.  theyre dynamic so i use a dynamic ip to dns service, and it works great except one box that cant log into another for more than a few minutes a day
19:10.57justinuwhy the polycom501 kicks ass
19:11.22gongoputchI am sorry for adding to the noise.
19:11.23FuriousGeorgejustinu: does it have snazzy led's like the snom?
19:11.29brad_msswjkitchen: timer issue?  meetme required zap or ztdummy if i remember correctly somewhere
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19:11.41justinuFuriousGeorge: no, not the 501
19:12.29Netgeekssnazzy leds?  is that an engineering term?
19:12.49[TK]D-Fendergongoputch : IP 501 has better speakerphone, contact list capabilities, PoE optional, 2 eth ports, 10/100, slightly better feel, better speakerphone.  better use of screen.  Thats to start :)
19:13.13gongoputch2 ethernet ports? why?
19:13.14FuriousGeorgeso no one knows why my #-xfers dont work?  before i upgraded to 1.2 thye worked so well that if someone in the room was dialing on speakerphone and hit # it would ask me to xfer
19:13.23justinufor stations with only one lan drop
19:13.26gongoputch(I am looking at pix now)
19:13.26[TK]D-Fendergongoputch : For plugging in-line with a PC if need be.
19:13.47gongoputchdidn't know you could do that
19:13.52[TK]D-Fendergongoputch : Save you having to run another path to your switch
19:14.13gongoputchhow do they manage that?
19:14.26[TK]D-FenderLinksys had a chance with the SPA-941, but with Atacomm's agressive Polycom pricing, I just can't find a place for it much these days....
19:14.26gongoputchmini-switch in the device?
19:14.44[TK]D-Fendergongoputch : yup.  Its got 2 eth ports side-by-side
19:14.53znoGthe main problem with Linksys is their incompetent staff that are supposed to do technical support
19:15.01justinuyeah, it's got a vlan capable switch in the phone
19:15.04[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: the aastra too ...
19:15.12[TK]D-Fendergongoputch : I have 4 daisy-chained together in customer service right now.
19:15.14gongoputchI am getting kinda pricey for a side poject ...
19:15.17[av]banijust about everything beats the 941 now ...
19:15.23justinuaastra, polycom, and gxp2000 do it
19:15.27justinucisco too
19:15.31justinuanything else?
19:15.48[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: linksys better get their shit together, 942 just 'aint quite it'
19:15.58[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : True, but not at the 941's price-point.  The IP 501 is so close as to challenge it and in most cases win.
19:16.06gongoputchwould a pair of the spa941s do for a VOIP lab ?
19:16.16robin_zpolycom is OK, but still a bit tacky
19:16.21[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: aastra, polycom, and snom all come in at nearly the same price point and kill the 941
19:16.30[TK]D-Fender942 = waste <-  devalidates the SPA line for me for anything but home (922/921 would be suggestable perhaps)
19:16.43robin_zSnom 360s are 8nice*
19:17.13gongoputchbut those seem ~ $200
19:17.23robin_zand some ...
19:17.27robin_zbut, they are NICE
19:17.40gongoputchI just wanna do some 'proof of concepts'
19:17.50robin_zgrandstream then
19:17.54robin_zcheap but shit.
19:17.59[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: 942 is 'too little too late'
19:18.03gongoputchand work up to 'working prototypes'
19:18.16[av]banithey coulda made it do somuch more, in firmware. they chose not to.
19:18.23robin_zwhats wrong withthe standard development model ...
19:18.30robin_zif it compiles, ship it?
19:18.41cyburdinesorry for the delay in response.. but back to echo cancellation might there be a way to simulate it?
19:18.43gongoputchrobin_z: would those be a better choice than the 941 for me
19:19.13[TK]D-Fender<[av]bani> [TK]D-Fender: 942 is 'too little too late' <- agreed.
19:19.22robin_zgongoputch: the GXP2000 is cheap and tatty for "real" use, but is the cheapest going pretty much. fine for just calling and stuff
19:19.22*** join/#asterisk baltaruiz (n=baltarui@
19:19.35jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender the tar is on its way
19:19.36cyburdinewe can probably write something on our own... but it would be awesome to be able to call somthing up in asterisk
19:19.59robin_zI fear * now needs a Skype channel like NOW
19:20.11[TK]D-Fendergongoputch : Serious question : after this "proof of concept" what would you final implementation be like?  How many phones?  What would the people use them for ? (everyone need speakerphone?)
19:20.17[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : k
19:20.20NSGNmaybe i should condnse my question. is it my imagination, or is it possible to find a free gateway to make calls from the internet to the PSTN?
19:20.31robin_zNSGN: no.
19:20.33zoarobin_z: give me 25.000 euro and i will make you one :p
19:20.38jbalcombgongoputch I have 120 GXP-2000. I can't say its the phone just yet but we have lots of trouble with echo, dropped calls, etc.
19:20.40[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: and now they've killed the spa-3000 also. seem to be hellbent on alienating end users.
19:20.41baltaruizits your imagination
19:20.59[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : What exactly did they do to the 3000?
19:21.17robin_zgxp2000s suck harder than a cheerleader on spring break
19:21.21[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Dropped calls would likely be a T1 synch problem on your side.
19:21.21NSGNrobin_z: thank you. there seem to be a lot that work the other way around though
19:21.25[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: they stopped selling them to end users
19:21.45[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: if you recall, i ranted about that yesterday
19:21.55[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Didn't see the notice on voipsupply or atacomm yet...
19:22.25jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender T1 how to diagnose a synch problem? do I need info from the telco? what config options apply?
19:22.56[av]banired box
19:24.21jbalcombis there a replacement/alternative for the SPA-3000? (besides the GS HandyTone)
19:24.22[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : You need to check for frame slips or incremental errors on the line.  Call your telco and have them monitor it for a while.
19:24.35[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : My TE405P's did that like NUTS.
19:24.42gongoputch <- that a good phone?
19:25.00robin_zsigh .. integrated emergency routing .. what a daft idea. dangerous too.
19:25.05[TK]D-Fendergongoputch : What kind of call volume do you expect?
19:25.06baltaruizwhois asterisk
19:25.13[av]banijbalcomb: handytone is it
19:25.16jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender I'm on it.
19:25.18SpaceBassjustinu is a life saver... thanks for spending that much time troublshooting my issue!
19:25.43robin_zrather than trying to route emergency calls to pstn, its just safer to drop them
19:25.44gongoputch[TK]D-Fender: SOHO, like a dozen a day @ each office.
19:25.56[TK]D-Fendergongoputch : Polycoms are all very solid phone.
19:26.00[av]baniframe slips are almost always a clock sync problem
19:26.28gongoputch[TK]D-Fender: I think i will get a pair of these.
19:26.31stack_Is it work the ~$200 to get echo cancellation on the TDM2400P?
19:26.32robin_zif you drop the emergency calls and some one dies, well, no one will ever know, and you wont be sued
19:26.42[TK]D-Fendergongoputch : if you are cheap you can get them ATA's @ $70 each and they can plug a regular phone in.  Or from there I'd say Polycom.  If they don't need speakerphone IP 301, otherwise IP 501.
19:26.51robin_zif you route them and screw up, someone MIGHT know ... and then you get sued.
19:27.09jbalcombRegarding the Polycom: Paul Chase's view (our other phone guy)
19:27.29jbalcombI'd be happy to take rebutles to my next meeting
19:27.36gongoputch[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the advise.
19:27.42[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : That attachment doesn't look like a TAR....
19:27.56jbalcomb[av]bani: we have sucky fax situation using HandyTones
19:28.10pifiu-laptoppastebin down for anyone?
19:28.34cpmworks fine here
19:28.45darwin_35ok if I had off a dial plan to one of you how much o move it to mysql
19:28.49robin_z<aol>me too</aol>
19:28.50darwin_35and realtiime calls
19:28.57[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: one common complaint ive heard about polycom is that polycom buried regular use stuff deep in menus
19:29.10[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: like the complaint on that page about transfer
19:29.12jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender hrmm.. that is odd. i definitely did the tar, pulled it over with WinSCP and emailed it.
19:29.13justinujbalcomb: that's gotta be old
19:29.24jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender I'll have a double check
19:29.40gongoputch[TK]D-Fender: could asterisk conference a bunch of these?
19:29.49justinumy polycom has a transfer button
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19:29.58jbalcombjustinu I am not sure. I suggested we purchase 3 polycom 501s for testing and that was his response.
19:30.01pb__jbalcomb: we have sucky reliability using handytones.  our ht488 and at least one of the ht386s seems to just seize up from time to time and need power cycling.  haven't dared try faxing yet.
19:30.23justinujbalcomb: the 300 is an older phone, and probably an older sip image
19:30.27[av]banijbalcomb: what problem with handytones? fax seems to be an issue with _everything_ :)
19:30.45Hmmhesaysit seems odd to me that sixtel gives you sip and iax2 config
19:30.53jbalcombpb__ i dont know the models on our but i know we have trouble. ive been recommended to the SPA-2002s
19:31.00Hmmhesaysso they use sip for incoming numbers?
19:31.12pb__jbalcomb: yah, I'm just about to order a couple of Sipuras to play with.
19:31.30jbalcomb[av]bani i don't have details yet. the other phone guy handles the faxing still. i just hear about it everyday.
19:31.31*** join/#asterisk synthetiq (n=roger@
19:31.37[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb :
19:31.40[av]banijbalcomb: he's talking about the 300, maybe the 501 has a transfer button
19:31.47*** join/#asterisk franck (n=franck@tikiwiki/franck)
19:31.53franckHi all
19:32.40justinui loaned my polycom 601 to someone
19:32.46justinui'm stucking using my aastra 480i
19:33.03franckSometimes I cannot register my sip client. I get a 401 unauthorised but if I insist it goes, what could be the reasons?
19:33.13*** join/#asterisk DrWho (
19:33.36[TK]D-FenderSPA-2002 is a great value for an ATA
19:33.38jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender merci. i'll be addressing his statements Thursday.
19:33.56*** join/#asterisk klictel (n=klictel@
19:34.04[TK]D-Fenderjustinu: I set up an "extra" IP 600 from here at home yesterday and its monitoring my SPA-3000 for "line in use" :)
19:34.12[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : you bet
19:34.19jpablohi, i upgraded my snom 360 to firmware 5.0 and i have SIP Disabled! according to the display, and it is asking my for a licence :S WTF?
19:34.22DrWho17Is there any way built in for asterisk to detect modem calls (I've got some people making dialup calls through VoIP, and they aren't supposed to)
19:34.27jpablothe snom page says nothing
19:34.33justinufender: interesting
19:34.34DrWho17I need to kill the call if it's a modem call
19:34.38klictelhi all
19:34.43pifiu-laptopyou can move dialplans to MySQL?
19:34.47[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Fix that tar, and tar.gz it please...
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19:35.14[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : For the PSTN port obviously.  Kind neat...
19:35.24*** join/#asterisk Defraz (n=t0tal@
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19:36.38[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : It looks like mashed up concatenated uncompressed text <-
19:36.47*** join/#asterisk Lurr (
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19:37.15franckSometimes I cannot register my sip client. I get a 401 unauthorised but if I insist it goes, what could be the reasons?
19:37.23jbalcombstrange. if i do a tar -tvf it looks fine. it definitely aint gzipped though.
19:37.28pb__jpablo: did you read the "upgrading to 5.0" notes in the snom wiki?  I think they talk about that.
19:37.38jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender strange. if i do a tar -tvf it looks fine. it definitely aint gzipped though.
19:38.04[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : tar-zcvf jbalcomb.tar.gz /etc/asterisk/
19:38.31*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
19:38.41jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender you got it
19:38.56MstlyHrmlsjbalcomb: re your pastebin - 1),6),7) & 8) seem like configuration issues to me
19:39.41*** join/#asterisk canada2 (
19:39.48jbalcombMstlyHrmls agreed. i'm trying to avoid too much politicing but i think he might just be jerking my chain for ego.
19:40.05*** part/#asterisk Vyeperman (
19:40.23MstlyHrmlsjbalcomb: 4) & 9) doesn't seem right, but I don't have a 300 handy to test
19:41.07klicteldoes anyone knows if there is a new iaxyprov for 1.2.2?
19:41.11DarkFlibbleare there any wifi sip phones (or iax) that support WPA?
19:41.19*** join/#asterisk Peste (i=Peste@
19:41.19MstlyHrmlsjbalcomb: egos? they *never* factor in ;-)
19:41.27jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender sent
19:41.32[TK]D-FenderMstlyHrmls : I want at least 1 IP 301 here to test with... just so I know what's what.
19:41.32Pestehello everyone :)
19:41.45franckDarkFlibble: WPA?
19:41.56Pestecan somebody help me ?
19:41.59DarkFlibbleWireless protected access... sucessor to WEP
19:42.00jbalcombMstlyHrmls yeah, I wish. hard enough to keep my own in check. trying to work with someone elses feels like play 'operation'
19:42.03hanswhat's the name of the standard or whatever it is that says what's a valid phone number for PSTN?
19:42.16DarkFlibblehans, NAPTA?
19:42.34*** join/#asterisk Mark_Halverson (
19:42.34MstlyHrmlsjbalcomb [TK]D-Fender: yeah the 30x is the one model I don't have handy :-7
19:42.35jbalcombhans i think theres more than one
19:42.48jbalcombMstlyHrmls how do you feel about the 501?
19:43.06hansfor coming up with dialplans
19:43.10*** join/#asterisk kshumard (
19:43.15}btorch{jobsanyone here using firefly with asterisk ?
19:43.23[av]banifirefly was a great series
19:43.31MstlyHrmlsjbalcomb: I like it. I prefer 60x, but...
19:43.36Mark_Halversonis there anyway to validate callerid?  meaning if callerid <> NXXNXXXXXX then callerid=""
19:43.38DarkFlibblenanp even
19:43.45}btorch{agree but I'm talking about the iax softphone
19:44.17}btorch{I have just installed it but it keeps asking me to register a phone with the firefly network !!!
19:45.02jbalcombDarkFlibble isnt there one for local/LD numbers and another for international?
19:45.14[TK]D-FenderMstlyHrmls : You'd BETTER prefer the 60x :D
19:45.14Pestecan somebody help me with "
19:45.19Pestecan somebody help me with "app_dial.c:805 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap'"
19:45.39DarkFlibblejbalcomb, international varies on a country by country basis...
19:45.44jbalcombPeste there should be another line connected with that
19:45.47RoyKPeste: that can be anything
19:46.00MstlyHrmls[TK]D-Fender: :-D
19:46.03jbalcombBlame Canada!!
19:46.07Pestehmm.. mom
19:46.27jbalcombcanada2 Your anus is bleeding.
19:46.37filecanada2: you will go away, you will not pass go, you will not collect $200
19:46.53DarkFlibblefor example +3536237126 is a valid irish number... 10 digits... +441162222222 is a valid uk number... so the best you can do is compare against *known* national plans
19:47.05jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender Could you please trying to control your Canadians?
19:47.12fugitivocanada2: did you try ebay?
19:47.34[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : ... Virus Scan Resultbad file Unknown virus scanner failure Virus Found
19:47.34[TK]D-FenderNote: There is no cure available for the virus on the file jbalcomb.tar.gz
19:47.37justinufender: tes canadiens sont fou!
19:48.07jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender werd.
19:48.09[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : De quoi tu parles, tabarnac?!
19:48.19PesteJan 24 21:48:22 NOTICE[8145]: app_dial.c:805 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap'
19:48.24[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : rename the file and resend
19:48.27justinuq'est que c'est tabarnac?
19:48.38DarkFlibblePeste, use a pestebin
19:48.39[TK]D-FenderPeste : All free lines are busy!
19:48.47znoGis there any app in Asterisk to "take" somebody else's call? (ie. phone is ringing for somebody and you are at another desk and you want to take their call)
19:48.55*** join/#asterisk thosa (
19:48.56Pestebut i dont use anything
19:48.57Math`Peste: what about.... installing zaptel^
19:49.05jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender done
19:49.05Pestei did
19:49.10Math`znoG: its called call pickup
19:49.16*** part/#asterisk thosa (
19:49.19znoGMath`: that's probably it.. it can be done?
19:49.26[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : french for "tabarnacle".  remember that the French are typically more religious and their swearing is often related to the church.
19:49.38[TK]D-FenderYAY!!! 3 cheers for K-lining!
19:49.41znoGMath`: looks like it can
19:49.53Math`[TK]D-Fender: we ofter spell it "tabarnak" tho :P
19:50.09Pesteso i installed zaptel and it's now loaded?
19:50.30justinuje parle de tes canadiens, comme canada2
19:50.32Hmmhesayshmm i need to fix my dp for hunting through service providers
19:51.45Hmmhesaysi should probably be using macro's
19:51.48PesteMath`: what can i do? or what did i wrong
19:51.53*** join/#asterisk yiddoX (
19:52.18[TK]D-FenderMath` : Whatever :)
19:52.26yiddoXcan anyone assist me in getting inbound calling working via a cisco gateway?
19:52.35justinufor money
19:52.38justinusomeone will help
19:52.59[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : OMG, it just failed again.  Try ZIPing the tar.gz
19:53.04*** join/#asterisk heB_z0rL (
19:53.15DarkFlibblerar will pass most virus scanners
19:53.38DarkFlibblefailing that... base64/uuencode the file...
19:55.35*** join/#asterisk X-Files (
19:55.49hansand if I stick a 8khz 1-channel WAV in that dir, should that work?
19:56.55*** part/#asterisk heB_z0rL (
19:57.44[TK]D-Fenderhans : Typically MOH uses MP3 files....
19:58.10Math`hans: as long as you configure musiconhold.conf accordigly
19:58.17jkitchenbrad_mssw: nah, i have zaptel/ztdummy modules in the kernel.  plus meetme wouldn't work at all if ztdummy wasn't loaded
19:58.30hansthat's my musiconhold.conf snippet right there.
19:58.45Hmmhesayswow oh wow, that guy was numb in the head
19:58.48hansmoh files show shows what I'd expect (the wav file is there)
19:58.54Hmmhesays"pri connector" LOL
19:59.13hanswhen I'm put on hold it says it's playing music on hold, and no errors
19:59.15hansbut I hear nothing.
20:00.58*** part/#asterisk Samoied (
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20:01.06Hmmhesaysi love it when people just start spewing terms out
20:01.43[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : Yeah.. I mean really... what are the odds their flux capacitor is causing random phone disconnects?!
20:02.48nroejgood evening everybody
20:03.33Hmmhesays[TK]D-Fender: this guy was looking for "internal translations for his pri connector"
20:03.48Hmmhesaysno language barrier eithe
20:03.50DarkFlibble[TK]D-Fender, you need to put the phone on the floor...its the electrons struggling to go uphill...
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20:05.30Pesteso.. can anybody help me to solve this "Unable to create channel of type 'Zap'"? zaptel and libpri are installed
20:06.21DarkFlibbleis the chan_zap loaded?
20:06.49DarkFlibblehave you configured the conf file?
20:06.57*** join/#asterisk Damin (
20:07.14Koenviyou need to configure zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
20:07.39Hmmhesaysi don't think i've ever used macro in a production box, has anyone else?
20:08.08KoenviPeste, what kind of hardware are you using
20:08.09Pesteswitchtype = euroisdn
20:08.24DarkFlibblePeste, use a pastebin
20:08.25[TK]D-FenderPeste : Use pastebin gaddamnit!
20:08.29jbotsomebody said pb was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
20:08.45DarkFlibblesecond time I told you
20:09.30Pestei have a DIGIUM TE110P card
20:09.44Pesteconnected with a cross e1 cable
20:10.12Pesteto a nms card (dont no type)
20:10.18[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Awaiting the next attempt.... At worse send it to my other address
20:10.48KoenviI have a TE110P running at the office... but can't get to the config from here
20:11.25justinupeste: is the zaptel kernel module loaded?
20:11.30Koenvifrom what I remember zapata looks ok
20:11.54Pestei loaded with modprobe zaptel and then modprobe wcte11xp
20:11.59Pesteno errors
20:12.21Pestebut i dont know how to show the loaded modules
20:12.27Koenviwhat does "zap show channels" give in the CLI
20:13.20Pesteeverything ok with lsmod
20:14.12Pestesee pb
20:14.30Koenviand there are some pri commands in CLI
20:14.59HeyEveryBodydoes anyone have any experience in setting up something like a 40-line autodialer system? with asterisk?
20:15.10znoGsounds like an AutoSpammer
20:15.12*** join/#asterisk kink0 (n=k@
20:15.36Pestepri show span 1: no Pri running on span 1 :(
20:15.44kink0someone can give me what signalling are ussing to connect PRI E1 ?
20:15.52HeyEveryBodyznog yeh a client of mine wants it to call a database of numbers and send an automated message.
20:16.14kink0I am trying to connect Digium TE405 to Stargate 2N PRI E1
20:16.25KoenviPeste, did you define the spans?
20:16.29nroejhumm can someone here try to call my ekiga sip uri? wanna see if my *s are configured well
20:16.38KoenviI think it's in zapata.conf, but not sure
20:17.27justinuspans are configured with zaptel.conf
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20:17.57Pesteno i didnt
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20:20.09kink0if I load zaptel + wct4xxp, is sussposed I must get ACTIVE Pri in the other extreme , even if I do not start Asterisk ?
20:20.41justinuyour PRI won't come up unless asterisk is running, i think
20:20.53KoenviI think the D-channel is handled by ast
20:20.55justinuyour T1/E1 layer will come up
20:21.02justinubut not the D
20:21.16kink0well , was to isolate zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
20:21.42kink0I get always Layer1:         DEACT on the other end
20:21.42Pesteso what?
20:21.49Kattyle Nugget
20:22.06justinukink0: layer 1 generally refers to the T1/E1 layer
20:22.30kink0yes, but I think must be ACTIVE all time
20:23.13justinufirst of all, is it e1, or t1?
20:23.14kink0and I am not sure about signalling , because I have not used pri-cpe due to a asterisk error if I use as document says for a TE405
20:23.19kink0is E1
20:23.43justinumake sure the span= line in zaptel.conf is correct
20:23.46justinuthen run ztcfg -vvv
20:23.52kink0I set signalling to fxsk
20:23.57justinuthat's wrong
20:24.04kink0yes, ztcfg -vvvvvvvvv goes fine, no errors
20:24.13justinusignalling should be bchan=1-15
20:24.17kink0what wrong ? signalling ?
20:24.40kink0hmmm , ok, if I set signalling bchan in zaptel.conf, what signaling to use in zapata.conf
20:24.57kink0I did use bchan, but... asterisk crashes with error while load chan_zap
20:25.08justinuyeah, that's some silly problem with chan_zap
20:25.08kink0let me try again so...
20:25.14justinuit won't work if the signaling doesn't match
20:25.21kink0ahh is normal that crashes ??
20:25.27justinuyeah, i've seen that
20:25.46kink0I had bchan(zaptel) and euro(zapata)
20:25.53kink0ok, I will try one more time just now
20:26.01justinupastebin your files
20:26.04justinulets see if they're ok
20:27.05kink0Changing signalling on channel 1 from FXO Kewlstart to Clear channel ...
20:27.10justinuthat's better
20:28.11kink0ok, now at zapata.conf ... I have switchtype=euroisdn
20:28.17kink0but what signalling ?
20:28.27kink0pri-cpe appears don't work for me.
20:28.30justinupri_net probably
20:28.37kink0ok, will try pri_net
20:28.42justinusince your other card probably expects to be CPE side
20:29.00*** part/#asterisk dca[laptop] (n=dca[
20:29.16*** part/#asterisk mogorman (
20:29.19kink0chan_zap.c:6859 mkintf: Signalling requested on channel 1 is FXO Kewlstart but line is in PRI Signalling signalling
20:29.22kink0and crashes
20:29.36*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
20:29.37justinuk, lets see zapata.conf
20:29.41kink0but... now I set from FXOKew to bchan ...
20:29.49*** join/#asterisk Doda (
20:29.55justinupastebin zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
20:31.01kink0ok... now I need to remember how use pastebin !!
20:31.09justinuit's pretty simple
20:31.19kink0yes, but I used rarely :)
20:31.27justinuit's just cut and paste
20:32.21*** join/#asterisk mog_work (
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20:34.04Pestehow can i create a span for e1 and in which config
20:34.25kink0justinu, hehehe, yes, was simple... there are my two config files.
20:34.31kink0zapata.conf and zaptel.conf
20:34.53justinukink0: i can't remember if E1 allows you to use channels 1-30, or 1-31
20:35.12justinuif you only put bchan=17-30 in zaptel.conf, you might need to change it to 17-31
20:35.23justinuif there's ANY mismatch in zaptel.conf and zapata.conf, chan_zap likes to just crash
20:35.41kink0yes, that is happening , crashing
20:36.02tzafrir_homeJuggie, in E1 the dchannel is 16
20:36.10tzafrir_home1-16, 17-31
20:36.26tzafrir_homejustinu, that is
20:36.27justinuthat's what he's got
20:37.01justinukink0: uncomment the other groups in zapata.conf
20:37.26justinualso, in each group, specify the signalling
20:37.28kink0but I have a signalling set ... probably is expecting other signalling ?
20:37.39kink0ok, will set in each group now.
20:37.58justinuit has to be just right, or else it doesn't work
20:39.11kink0chan_zap.c:10546 setup_zap: Unknown signalling method 'pri_net'
20:39.11kink0Jan 24 21:40:57 ERROR[2946]: chan_zap.c:10171 setup_zap: Signalling must be specified before any channels are.
20:39.22justinumaybe it's prinet, or pri-net
20:39.24justinui can't remember
20:39.31kink0this is what happens if I set for every one group
20:39.43kink0ok, I will search how is named signalling variable...
20:39.56DodaI'm am working with a solid DTMF caller id solution for Swedish networks and the Digium TDM400p card. I have some questions where to find some documentations about processes and register setups for the TDM400p PCI card. Can anyboudy help me?
20:39.59justinupri_net is right
20:40.30kink0yes , pri_net sintax is ok
20:46.37*** join/#asterisk Joe_ (
20:46.38DodaI have a working solution for DTMF caller id signalling for FXS connected phone. But a Asterisk server warns me about that the process running the DTMF signalling is stopped for to long time (DTMF signalling caller id is called from the function zt_call()).  It would be nice if somebody with expert knowledge about asterisk could guide me for a "chick" solution without risking inteference with some outer subsystems in the Asterisk software?
20:47.28*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
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20:53.04buzzydhi all
20:53.38buzzyddoes anyone know of a simple restart script in the event that asterisk crashes it starts it up again without my input
20:53.49fugitivosafe_asterisk ?
20:54.03buzzydI seem to be having an issue with meetme crashing asterisk
20:54.09*** join/#asterisk M|kee (
20:54.13buzzydsafe_asterisk for me?
20:54.45buzzydah cheers :)
20:55.27M|keethe Asterisk Forums are down, so I'll ask here. Can Cisco IOS talk to Asterisk?
20:58.26*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (
20:58.27}btorch{how can I setup my voicemail password for the first time ?
20:59.11}btorch{I added an entry on the voicemail.conf file without a password and when I try to call the voiceman cmd I cant login
20:59.40h3xM|kee: like a couple of teenage girls
20:59.55jpabloM|kee, yes
21:00.31AndyCapM|kee: what kind of meaningful conversation did you expect to take place between the twe?
21:01.19jpabloM|kee: I have a cisco 2821 working as a PRI gateway for asterisk.
21:02.54M|keeI have Cisco 2600's and 3600s with FXS cards
21:02.59*** join/#asterisk crich1999 (
21:03.14M|keeI wanted to dial through the Cisco's and have them tell Asterisk to dial out via FXO
21:03.46M|keeCisco using a dialpeer and Asterisk using what ever it uses
21:04.09*** join/#asterisk TrickyR (n=MT@
21:04.42*** join/#asterisk rend (
21:05.04rendwhats a quick way to get started with asterisk? i have a voip sip provider and a linux box here.
21:05.52jboti heard thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under the Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
21:06.36*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
21:07.45M|keeAndyCap or jpablo any ideas?
21:07.49hansam I the only one that notices x-lite in osx crashes when I'm testing conferences in asterisk?
21:07.51*** part/#asterisk Koenvi (
21:08.13Assidjust curious.. will mon-mon work in gotoiftime .. although we should only be using 'mon'  once
21:08.20*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
21:08.56Hmmhesaysanyone else in here using sixtel right now?
21:09.11*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (n=brian@
21:09.22brad_msswHmmhesays: I've got a sixtel acct
21:10.03jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender the zipped, gzipped, tar is on its way
21:10.06Hmmhesaysbrad_mssw, why do they give you sip peer settings
21:10.17Hmmhesaysand they call it "inbound" and there is no sip register line
21:10.20jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender next I attach each one as plain text
21:11.06*** join/#asterisk monachoi (
21:11.34brad_msswHmmhesays: eh? where are you looking at ... on their, if you go to help, you have options between iax config and sip config
21:11.40brad_msswHmmhesays: don't see any peer settings there
21:11.45brad_msswHmmhesays: just friend
21:12.34Hmmhesaysi'm setting this up for a client, the email they sent has both
21:12.51Hmmhesaysi'm guessing I can kick the sip part
21:13.11brad_msswyeah, i'm using only iax to them ...
21:14.00rendwhen trying to compile asterisk, i get: configure: error: termcap support not found
21:16.30[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : hold onto that though, just shove them on FTP or something
21:16.45[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Or make me an account on your server so I can pick them up.
21:18.20[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : the last one bombed too... FFS
21:18.50[TK]D-FenderHotmail is pissing me off today...
21:18.58*** join/#asterisk arcy (
21:20.06kpettitwith AMI what's the easiest way to get the full active channel from a SIP extension?
21:20.23kpettitFor example I have SIP/200 and I need to get SIP/200-xxxxx
21:20.28jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender thats crazy. lemme send them from my hotmail
21:20.29*** join/#asterisk pengyong (n=lala@
21:21.23kpettitI'm basically trying to get a list of active calls so I can do transfering through AMI
21:22.01[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Sure.  Whatever.  Its getting ridiculous....
21:22.41kpettitbut to do that I need the full Channel ID. Right now I'm parsing through the entire output of "Action: Status" but that's kind of painfull
21:22.53*** join/#asterisk zikos (
21:23.06cpmOkay, my first asterisk server ever, I love it, it's joyful, I've had other folks asterisk servers to play with, but this the first (my own) asterisk box. Set it up saturday, all was joyful, got a number from voicepulse, configured, all is well. Now, since yesterday, I can no longer connect any outbound dialing,  Session looks like this
21:23.08jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender yeah, maybe microsoft is bad at email.
21:23.18kpettitlo cpm
21:23.22[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : first time in ages I've had any problems...
21:23.27cpmhey kpettit, how you man?
21:23.50kpettitbusy,  been programing AMI stuff all day.  It's pretty fun
21:24.37cpmsounds like fun, YOu still doing the same gig? Or have you found that funner gig yet?
21:24.42*** part/#asterisk zikos (
21:24.51jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender ive never seen it like this either. maybe our email is being handled by Asterisk now or something.
21:25.08kpettitall asterisk all the time
21:25.29jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender Hotmail wont even let me attach the file because of the virus check.
21:25.53kpettitcpm you using the right context in extensions.conf?
21:25.54renddoes asterisk help anyone get laid?
21:26.00[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Then I'll have to grab it when I get home then.
21:26.07cpmI was on saturday :) Lemme look again.
21:26.23[TK]D-Fenderread : Laid off perhaps...
21:26.36rendmaybe there is a dating service using asterisk
21:26.48jbalcombI was thinking more like laid out..
21:26.59jbalcombby his mom
21:27.47*** join/#asterisk Seldon1975 (n=someone@
21:28.07*** part/#asterisk ukh (
21:28.28*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (n=vircuser@
21:28.45}btorch{damn how can I call someone if they don't have a number but a name between the []
21:29.23}btorch{I can't figure this out ... is there a way to assign a number to a channel ?
21:29.30SplasPoodIs there currently a solution to allow multiple separate customers on the same asterisk box to park calls at will, and yet prevent Customer A from picking up Customer B's parked calls...?
21:29.49kpettitSplasPood, you have them in different call groups
21:30.14SplasPoodoh?   Lemme read up
21:30.34*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
21:30.37[TK]D-Fenderok, heading home, bbiab
21:30.37*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (n=brian@
21:30.53Seldon1975hey all; my PCom501s have 3 speed dial hard-keys on the left of the display; the top one of these is assigned to my Extension number - anyone know how to make this button useful (ie: pint to an actual speed-dial entry)?
21:30.55SplasPoodkpettit: Oh nice...   And this worked /w 1.0 stable?
21:31.06Seldon1975ciao D-Fender
21:31.14kpettitHave no idea, never used * that old
21:31.33SplasPoodkpettit: yea I'd generally try to avoid it as well :)
21:32.10kpettit1.0.9 is what i started using *
21:32.25pifiu-laptopwhat does "call rejected by no authority found" mean?
21:32.40justinuiax authentication issue
21:33.37*** join/#asterisk warthawg (
21:34.00SplasPoodkpettit: well whatever version was released as the first "proper" 1.0 stable
21:34.12SplasPoodkpettit: i'm already in the process of testing tho, so don't worry :)
21:34.17warthawgi still got them 'asterisk sez zultys phones are busy when they're not' blues
21:35.36*** join/#asterisk s34n (
21:36.00s34nchan_sip.c:3414 process_sdp: Insufficient information for SDP (m = '', c = '')
21:37.11pifiu-laptopwow i hate iax2 or i just suck at this shit
21:37.13s34ndoes it make sense that an INVITE might come from a different IP than RTP data?
21:37.25fileyes, but the INVITE still has to contain SDP :)
21:37.31filewith the info in it.
21:38.00SplasPoodkpettit: hrm.. you define pickupgroup and callgroup = to say... 2 in sip.conf, then any users with the same pickup/call group can pickup those calls, but others cannot?
21:38.29kpettityes.  I don't have a config in front of me but I think that's how it works
21:38.41kpettitBeen a couple months sense I did one of those
21:38.49Seldon1975anyone here using Polycom501's?
21:39.01kpettitSeldon1975, what you need?
21:39.07SplasPoodheh, well either this installation is old enough that it lacks the feature, or I'm not doin something right
21:39.10Seldon1975the first speed-dial button is assigned to my extension
21:39.25Seldon1975kpettit: in other words, if I press it, it dials my own extension
21:39.33Seldon1975kpettit: its not useful
21:39.41*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
21:39.45SpaceBasshey again folks
21:39.45Seldon1975kpettit: can I make this map to an SD entry?
21:40.11s34nfile: the debug shows both an m and a c
21:40.16Seldon1975kpettit: like the other two speed dial hard keys
21:40.20kpettitSeldon1975, are you talking the Extension buttons on the top left of the phone?
21:40.20s34nfile: so why is * complaining?
21:40.29SpaceBassI'm not getting my fax and voicemail emails... is there a way to specify smtp host, etc?
21:40.30Seldon1975kpettit: yeah
21:40.36*** join/#asterisk Tall-guy (
21:40.37Seldon1975kpettit: the three blue keys
21:40.46files34n: because it may not be exactly right, and the parser might be freaking out?
21:40.50Seldon1975kpettit: the other two display speed-dial entries
21:40.51kpettitThose are not speed dials, those show your extension
21:41.03kpettitI usually configure them like I would different lines on a phone
21:41.15Seldon1975kpettit: hmmm
21:41.17s34nfile: m=audio 32776 RTP/AVP 0
21:41.26kpettitYour supposed to be able to pick up two calls per button
21:41.30kpettitso 6 in total
21:41.43Tall-guyGents, I'm just messing with $DIALSTATUS in my extensions.conf, and I've seen two different ways of doing it...trying to find which is the preferred (right) way..
21:41.45s34nfile:c=IN IP4 my.rtp.ip.address
21:41.50Tall-guy  This way?
21:41.56Seldon1975kpettit: ever since I added SDs to the phones directory, the first two entries have been assigned to the lower two buttons
21:42.10Seldon1975kpettit: my users would like to utilise all 3 in this way
21:42.15Tall-guyor this way?
21:42.32Seldon1975kpettit: do you know if that's possible?
21:42.41kpettitI haven't tried anything like that
21:42.44kpettitnot sure
21:42.47files34n: pastebin a sip debug
21:42.51Seldon1975kpettit: ok thanks anyway
21:43.05kpettitI usually just use them as extension buttons for placing and reciving calls from different extensions
21:43.16Seldon1975kpettit: how do you configure them?
21:43.18rendwhat is a good program to help configure asterisk? i dont want to have to setup a web app...
21:43.25Seldon1975in the mac-phone.cfg?
21:43.26kpettitI use FTP
21:43.36SpaceBassanyone know how I can have * use my local SMTP server to deliver VM and faxes rather than its own?
21:43.51Seldon1975where in the Admin guide should I look for that configuration?
21:44.03Tall-guyspacebass: I do that.
21:44.24SpaceBassTall-guy, where do you configure the SMTP host?
21:44.44kpettitSeldon1975, don't have a admin guide to look at.  When I download the different sip and bootrom firmware it has exmaple configs that i use
21:44.46tzafrir_homerend, vi?
21:44.52Tall-guyspace: you need SOME sort of smtp on the asterisk box..I think the default is EXIM or something like that.....and all you do is tell it to send all mail thru your "real" smtp server
21:44.54Seldon1975kpettit: ok thanks anyway
21:45.15Tall-guyspace: it's not an asterisk setting, its a linux setting
21:45.22SpaceBassTall-guy, ahhh
21:45.28*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
21:45.29tzafrir_homeActually, asterisk expects a /usr/sbin/sendmail
21:45.33gongoputchhow much CPU power /memory do you need to drive a couple of IP phones and 2 lines with asterisk?
21:45.42Tall-guyspace: or more accurately, the smtp server program on your server.
21:45.47SpaceBassTall-guy,  basically I'm not getting most of my VM and Faxes coming through and I assume its a routing issue and they are going out and back in
21:45.47tzafrir_homeWhich can be a real MTA, like sendmail, postfix or exim
21:45.51Tall-guytzafrir: sure, aint they all compliant though?
21:45.56Tall-guy(yeah, what you said)
21:46.01SpaceBassnot sure whats included in AAH, assume sendmail
21:46.04tzafrir_homeBut it can also be nullmailer or similar
21:46.09*** part/#asterisk warthawg (
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21:46.41SpaceBassyeah, sendmail
21:46.52tzafrir_homeTall-guy, nullmailer et al. will  have a problem if they have failed to send the message on first shot.
21:46.57mogormanvrey littlte gongoputch
21:46.58Tall-guyah, tru.
21:47.03tzafrir_homesendmail? yuck. Use postfix
21:47.17SpaceBassdon't feel like swapping it out if I don't have to....
21:47.25SpaceBasstried postfix and it was pretty complex for me
21:47.39brookshirehow is postfix more complex than sendmail?
21:47.41gongoputchmogorman: so I would be safe with a 450 mhz P-II and 384 MB ?
21:47.45tzafrir_homeSpaceBass, basically there is very little to change in the default config
21:48.00SpaceBassnever had this problem until the latest release oh AAH.... it might be a DNS issue...
21:48.13gongoputchcool, thnx
21:48.17mogormanonly problem you might hit is pci compatibility
21:48.27mogormantdm card needs 2.2 pci bus
21:48.28mogormanor higher
21:48.28darwin_35any one on 1.2.2 having sip header issues ?
21:48.34gongoputchis there a webmin module for asterisk?
21:48.42mogormanbut its no good
21:48.48gongoputchvery cool
21:48.55gongoputchoh, not so much then
21:49.03tzafrir_homeThere is one useless and obsolete module
21:49.27gongoputchI messed with * a while back, and I am not afraid of CLI and conf files, but it was crazy.
21:49.49tzafrir_homegongoputch, well, script it a bit
21:50.05tzafrir_homegongoputch, also, with 1.2 you have the nice #exec config directive
21:50.11mogormanits not hat bad
21:50.22gongoputchI'll give another whirl
21:50.50*** join/#asterisk linlin2 (
21:51.03Kattyfile: snob.
21:51.16fileKatty: meep?
21:51.19Kattyfile: you didn't bug me last week.
21:51.20*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
21:51.28SpaceBassdarwin_35, like what kind of issues?
21:51.39fileKatty: awww :(
21:51.55SpaceBassok, nslookup on the * box is showing the correct internet MX record for my SMTP host... rules out DNS
21:51.59darwin_35File do you know of any current issues with sip headers on 1.2.2
21:52.11filedarwin_35: can you be any more vague?
21:52.16darwin_35it seems a client is getting bad header packets
21:52.27fileaka samples of the offending packets are good
21:52.51*** join/#asterisk intensedr (n=scolson@
21:52.54darwin_35getting one now
21:53.03Hmmhesaysi need a beer
21:53.04*** join/#asterisk hanchi (
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21:53.17gongoputchis FreeBSD a common choice of OS for an * installation?
21:53.28darwin_35we use it and love it
21:53.30rendwhat is a good program to help configure asterisk (gui)? i dont want to have to setup a web app...
21:53.35Hmmhesaysmore common than windows i bet
21:53.59*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (n=brian@
21:54.13hanchidoes anyone know the website for the apherion (spelling??) project, is supposed to be a NEBA 5 class asterisk project for E911 and carrier class
21:54.19tzafrir_homerend, what kind of GUI?
21:54.33Kattyfile: you still love me, right?
21:54.40fileKatty: of course!
21:54.50tzafrir_homehanchi, look for #openpbx
21:54.50tzangerKatty: I got your new year's card today
21:54.59tzangerat least I think that's what it is -- I haven't opened it yet
21:55.06Kattytzanger: wow, that's a little late
21:55.09Hmmhesaysits anthrax
21:55.14tzafrir_homehanchi, a different project, a different motivation(?), but somewhat similar mindshare
21:55.20KattyHmmhesays: lies.
21:55.32HmmhesaysI could use a new project, anyone got some work for me?
21:55.39fileHmmhesays: make me money.
21:55.41filethere's your poject!
21:55.44*** join/#asterisk Qwell[laptop] (n=chatzill@
21:55.44fileer project
21:56.05Hmmhesaysit seems the tap is a little dry lately for small quick jobs for bar money
21:57.15*** join/#asterisk Cybertoy (
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21:57.42Hmmhesaysmaybe cause I help to many people out for free, lol
21:58.00SpaceBassok, regarding my mail issue...using my local DNS as my server but I cannot resolve local hosts, only internet
21:58.13rendtzafrir_home: linux.
21:58.29Cybertoyok .. I have a weird one here... I'm using the latest and greatest asterisk I just checked out of svn ...
21:58.31Zodiacalis this site down for anyone else?
21:58.44CybertoyI'm using 2 GotoIfTime statements in a row ... and nothing happens after that.
21:58.55Cybertoywhen I comment out the second statement it goes on ...
21:59.19Cybertoydoes that make sense?
21:59.26Cybertoyzodiacal, it's not working for me either, the site that is.
22:00.44Cybertoyexten => 102,1,GotoIfTime(23:00-07:00,mon-fri,*,*?local,998,1)
22:00.44Cybertoy;exten => 102,n,GotoIfTime(23:00-09:00,sat-sun,*,*?local,998,1)
22:00.44Cybertoyexten => 102,n,NoOp(============jumping into Macro==============)
22:00.44Cybertoyexten => 102,n,Macro(stdext,102,SIP/phone1&SIP/phone2&SIP/101)
22:00.44CybertoyIf I uncomment that second line it never gets to the NoOp ...
22:00.54Qwell[laptop]stupid laptop
22:02.01}btorch{does iax2 work with text messages ?
22:02.13pifiu-laptopim fed up wtih iax2 rigt now
22:02.15pifiu-laptopwow lol
22:02.20pifiu-laptopi fucking suck at this shit
22:02.40*** join/#asterisk EriSan (
22:03.04Hmmhesaystell us how you really feel pifiu-laptop
22:04.30darwin_35 file here
22:04.48darwin_35he is saying the toute line is wrong
22:05.09darwin_35that it should point to the internal ip it shoul dbe going to not the proxy
22:05.11*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (n=vircuser@
22:05.34twisted[asteria]can I not use functions from within NoOp()?
22:05.36filethat's not corrupted for one thing, and the route stuff is already known about
22:06.03twisted[asteria]ie, exten => s,n(seed),NoOp(Seeding Cycle ${DB(MY/CYCLE)=1})
22:06.09twisted[asteria]it's not working..
22:06.15hanchiis anyone aware of * being used for E911 at a PSAP
22:06.16darwin_35where is the bug know I dont find a report in
22:06.28fileI don't memorize bug numbers.
22:06.39tzangerfile: uh, why not?  you lazy fucker
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22:06.48filemakes my head hurt :(
22:06.51filetwisted[asteria]: Should work...
22:06.56twisted[asteria]file, that's what I thought
22:07.07filetwisted[asteria]: except I didn't think you could set variables like that...
22:07.08twisted[asteria]yet, it doesn't.... i'm trying to figure out if i'm going insane or not
22:07.11tzangertwisted[asteria]: I don't think you can do that, you're trying to do an assignment without a Set()
22:07.18twisted[asteria]it's not setting a variable, it's the DB function
22:07.27*** part/#asterisk arcy (
22:07.36Qwell[laptop]Don't you still need to use Set?
22:07.40Qwell[laptop]or, in this case, SET
22:07.41darwin_35is ti listed as routing or how ?
22:07.48twisted[asteria]Qwell[laptop], not according to the synopsis :)
22:07.49darwin_35I dont find it under sip
22:08.02Qwell[laptop]You actually read those things? ;]
22:08.14twisted[asteria]Qwell[laptop], yes, when it's something i need a refresher on
22:08.19*** join/#asterisk Krill (
22:08.26filetwisted[mobile]: try using set first...
22:08.58twisted[asteria]file, k, although if it's required to use set, it should be noted in the 'show function' crap.
22:09.05twisted[asteria]i'd change it but i haven't yet got svn installed on this mac
22:09.08darwin_35I need to see the bug to pass it on to the customer and my boss
22:09.24darwin_35not finding anything to do with packet routing
22:09.45*** join/#asterisk hans (n=fugalh@
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22:10.56twisted[asteria]file, that doesn't work either.
22:10.58filedarwin_35: it's not packet routing
22:11.06twisted[asteria]omg this is so broken
22:11.07darwin_35what is it then
22:11.56filenote oej's response
22:12.02fileand note that all I did was type in route for the search :P
22:12.16*** join/#asterisk TokyoJimu (n=jimmy@
22:15.03*** part/#asterisk Cybertoy (
22:17.56darwin_35is 1.2.0 still in svn
22:18.04Qwell[laptop]darwin_35: yes
22:18.16Qwell[laptop]but, why?
22:18.31darwin_35this client with the issue has 3415 numbers threw us
22:18.49darwin_35and this bug is causing major broken calls o
22:19.14darwin_35and they are on 1.2.0
22:19.24darwin_35so I now have to build a box to match
22:19.48darwin_35they cant just up grade
22:20.14tainted_yea why
22:20.39tainted_say it darwin_35
22:20.41darwin_35to many clients on all the time . and my boss said just build a box with 1.2.0 and shift thier account to it
22:21.02*** part/#asterisk jimmy_deanPB (
22:21.04tainted_your boss is dumb
22:21.07Qwell[laptop]let me get this straight
22:21.07intensedrAnyone know why if I get a Call thru my Asterisk box and I answer it too quickly it drops the call?
22:21.11Qwell[laptop]You're building a NEW box
22:21.17Qwell[laptop]but you can't install a new version...because...
22:21.26tainted_intensedr what tech
22:21.28Qwell[laptop]there are too many clients on the NEW box?
22:21.55*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
22:22.08intensedrIm not sure was wondering if its a known issue?
22:22.18SpaceBassanyone with asterisk@home 2.x mind sending me the /etc/mail/ file?
22:22.37darwin_35the client has a box on thier site
22:23.07darwin_35that is 1.2.0 we upgraded this wekend with new servers and asterisk 1.2.2
22:23.12tainted_intensedr SIP? IAX2? TDM?
22:23.13darwin_35and this issue started
22:23.25tainted_what provider
22:23.30darwin_35and they are getting a lot of broken calls
22:23.32tainted_soft client?
22:23.36tainted_ip phone?
22:23.41intensedrip phone
22:23.45tainted_darwin_35 waht do u mean broken calls
22:23.51tainted_which ip phone
22:24.01darwin_35calls dropping off
22:24.02*** join/#asterisk dsfr (
22:24.10tainted_complete disconnect or audio cut out
22:24.19intensedrLike a Gargling noise
22:24.23darwin_35audio cut out and dropoff
22:24.26intensedrand audio cut out
22:24.50tainted_darwin_35 are clients behind NAT/local to asterisk server?
22:24.54tainted_intensedr which ip phone
22:25.14tainted_intensedr what codecs are you using
22:25.20tainted_intensedr are u transcoding?
22:25.25darwin_35I dont know what thier clienst use . but we send over 3 thound numbers to this client and they  then connect to thier clients
22:25.30tainted_intensedr what version asterisk
22:25.43darwin_35we found the bug in digum
22:25.48darwin_35file pointed it out
22:25.53tainted_which bug?
22:27.04*** join/#asterisk oceanlan (
22:27.16syleif you assign callerid in realtime sip table or by just having the field at all disable people's ability to send their own callerid?
22:28.31darwin_35yes tainted thats the issue and a ugly one
22:29.48tainted_might be responsible for my dropped calls as well
22:31.39}btorch{anyone here uses jabber with * ?
22:32.35*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
22:32.39intensedrTainted they are Sipura Phones
22:32.46s34nfile: sorry. I'm working on it.
22:32.49darwin_35i hope they fix it soon
22:33.58*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (
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22:38.21SpaceBassanyone with asterisk@home 2.x mind sending me the /etc/mail/ file?
22:39.03shmaltzSpaceBass, what you trying to config?
22:39.15justinuSpaceBass: a word of advice... give up on a@h
22:39.18Qwell[laptop]sendmail would be my guess
22:39.22shmaltzSpaceBass, have you tried #sendmail
22:39.33shmaltzQwell, thanks :P
22:39.34SpaceBassshmaltz, trying to get my .cf file back...trashed mine and m4 appears to be broken in this distro
22:39.59*** join/#asterisk JimmyGulp (
22:40.07SpaceBassas for A@H...most of the time it works well for my purposes... i do write some dialplans manually but its just so nice for home use
22:40.38fdaskhey guys, i'm trying to use a Dial() function in my dialplan, but i'm stuck for what I should put for channel
22:40.58fdaski dont think i'd use zap, because ive got a voicetronix card
22:41.00SpaceBassfdask,  did you try "show application dial" in the CLI?
22:41.12*** join/#asterisk Navman_Lap (n=icechat5@
22:41.37fdaskno, looking at that now tho
22:41.40SpaceBassjustinu, but the next box i build, even for home use will be straight ast not AAH
22:41.47fdaskstill not sure what i'd put for Technology
22:42.04fdasklike i need to tell it to use my card, but im not sure how i do that
22:43.18SpaceBassi dont know anything about voicetronix cards.... sorry
22:44.55*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
22:45.11Tall-guyHas a pointer to voicetronix cards....need VPB channel
22:45.37Tall-guyand vpb.conf
22:46.09*** join/#asterisk sigmounte (
22:47.09fdaskchecking that out.  thanks tall-guy
22:47.09*** join/#asterisk sac|h0p|werk (
22:47.16Tall-guyfdask: google is your friend
22:47.23*** join/#asterisk bweschke (
22:47.54eKo1is anybody having trouble downloading asterisk from svn?
22:47.57eKo1i keep getting 400 Bad Request (
22:48.38Qwell[laptop]eKo1: behind a proxy?
22:48.53*** join/#asterisk mishehu (
22:49.14eKo1not really
22:49.17Qwell[laptop]yeah...proxies don't usually like svn
22:49.24*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
22:49.28brookshireyou can try cvs
22:50.28*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (i=jwb@
22:50.37eKo1rats, i wanted to use svn
22:51.06kpettitI'm doing some AMI stuff.  When trying to do a transfer to a external phone number is that still the "Exten:"
22:51.18kpettitor do I use something differnet.
22:52.39*** part/#asterisk Navman_Lap (n=icechat5@
22:55.59SYS64738I am tryng to configure asterisk to connect to FWD, I receive calls, but I cannot do them
22:56.14SYS64738where could I search for errors ?
22:57.03*** join/#asterisk scon (
22:57.43kpettitSYS64738, type "asterisk -vvvr" and try looking to see what happens
22:58.02SYS64738kpettit, thanks
22:59.57SYS64738I see only the registered message
22:59.58*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
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23:00.03SYS64738nothing else
23:00.55*** join/#asterisk [1]EriSan (
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23:01.17GrubsDoes anyone have format_mp3 working for MusicOnHold under 1.2.2?
23:01.28jmccis it possible to send MWI messages to SIP phones which aren't on the same * server?  that is, i want to have voicemail on a different box from where the SIP phones are registered. How to make MWI work?
23:01.39*** join/#asterisk konfuzed (
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23:07.08[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : you there?
23:10.36*** join/#asterisk miztic (
23:10.58gongoputchis there a good softphone for FreeBSD?
23:12.44jmcchow do people implement centralized voicemail on an * box but with SIP phones in different locations--how does MWI in that case?
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23:14.40*** part/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
23:15.08gongoputchI am reading some ratings sites, and it seems that the Polycom SoundPoint IP 301 is getting edged out by the Snom 320 ... is that the consensus here?
23:16.31*** part/#asterisk smallb (
23:18.32darwin_35they are killing me
23:18.59GrubsI dont think screaming will get you anywhere.
23:19.01file[laptop]okay, you're using free software... and you want Digium to fix the bugs... for free...
23:19.07file[laptop]maybe you should learn how to fix 'em
23:19.38*** join/#asterisk knut (
23:19.42darwin_35but this issue of the route has to be fixed . its killing us
23:19.47knuthi there
23:20.11file[laptop]okay, so?
23:20.35darwin_35I crawl and beg and plead
23:20.41darwin_35for it to be fixed
23:20.52xachenAsterisk is real buggy
23:20.55xachenget over it :p
23:21.39chrisb1could anyone help me and point me in the right direction as to where i can find detailed information on DIALPLAN construction options (specifically the context area spoken of in: which doesnt seem to elaborate on what options can go into this section? :-)
23:22.59chrisb1basically trying to figure out what: |30|tTL(123456:60000:30000) at the end of my dialplan call means :-)
23:23.44*** join/#asterisk _vic (n=riccardo@
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23:24.08chrisb1ahhah tyvm grubs
23:28.02_vichi there.  is a configuration with a cisco_827-4v (adsl+4 pots), an fxo, asterisk and some voip provider known to be working?  i'm able to call out echo and time service of isp but when receiving a call is only modo-directional (out -> in = ok, in -> out = no sound)  :-(
23:28.31alephcom_Lol, now it's not nigerians getting rid of millions.  It's american soldiers getting rid of saddams money.  Gotta love spam
23:30.26[av]banifunny, i thought it was russian oil companies getting rid of embezzled money
23:30.51jkitchenI thought it was a stranded cosmonaut promising millions when he gets home if you help him out
23:31.14[av]banilast week it was deposed african dictators looking for assistance in shipping money out of the country
23:31.28jkitchenI haven't gotten a phishing email in ages ;|
23:31.54jkitchenwell, nigerian phishing at least
23:32.02jkitchenI get lots of emails from banks
23:32.12[av]banipaypal is really insecure, i keep getting mails telling me to enter my credit card
23:32.19[av]baniabout 2-3 per day
23:32.20jkitchenand ebay and paypal
23:33.33alephcom_jkitchen:  If you want them sendme your email address and I'll forward mine to you. :-)
23:33.48jkitchenalephcom_: nah, that's ok ;)
23:34.48*** join/#asterisk Cazper_ (
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23:35.38chrisb1is anyone familiar at all with the behaviour of the L() variable in dialstrings (call time limits and warnings) ?
23:35.58joaoviannachrisb1: Yes...
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23:36.36chrisb1i was just wondering if the Y/Z parameters (warn @ Yms, repeat @ Zms) works correctly if X is less than them?
23:36.46chrisb1or is it best to calculate the Y/Z parameters based on X?
23:37.24chrisb1behaviour atm seems to be that if X < Y|Z, warning is immediate, followed by another warning straight away - and then nothing
23:38.04chrisb1sorry for noob questions - i just got thrown into this project yesterday and have until friday to get it working :P
23:38.48joaoviannaWell, I'm using for a calling card application. Just test it...
23:40.47_victhanks a lot.
23:40.51*** part/#asterisk _vic (n=riccardo@
23:41.21knutwhere can i find detailed documentation about the voicemail thing ? is the software beween voicemail() a script which could be manipulated?
23:43.27*** join/#asterisk Cazper (
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23:48.04knuthum anyway thank you ;)
23:48.30*** join/#asterisk p0g0 (n=p0g0@madwifi/support/p0g0)
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23:50.57MavvieI'm looking for somebody who is connected to the DUNDI network.
23:51.18Grubsvoicemail is fairly configurable I think.
23:58.57*** part/#asterisk zaf (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.