irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060122

00:01.19SpaceBasswhats the difference between using yes or a numeric value for echotraining?
00:02.55lesouvagesrt: it's not on my system and apt-get install db_dump doesn't work. I sit part of a package with another name?
00:04.31srtrunning debian?
00:04.49lesouvageSynapes: what is the cli output when you set verbose to 20.  (do asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvr on the linux prompt)
00:05.12lesouvagesrt: yes, xorcom rapid.
00:06.00srthm on debian stable its called db4.2_dump on sid db4.3_dump
00:06.14srtand its in db4.2-util or db4.3-util.
00:19.13Synapeslesouvage:Connected to Asterisk 1.2.1 currently running on asterisk1 (pid = 3192)
00:19.14SynapesVerbosity was 3 and is now 20
00:19.18*** part/#asterisk Triple1243 (
00:25.06Ariel_Hello everyone
00:25.55jhiverbye everybody
00:25.59*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
00:26.08jhiverbed is looking too good :)
00:40.07*** join/#asterisk justinu (
00:43.02*** part/#asterisk kilobit2001 (
00:49.05*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
00:52.52De_MonI've got asterisk setup with an incoming-outgoing broadvoice line. when sip.conf has supportvideo=yes enabled broadvoice freaks out.
00:53.21De_Monfreaks out as in, woln't let me call out
00:53.49marcus2_so set supportvideo=no
00:54.31De_MonI need video support for internal users still
00:54.50marcus2_so turn it off for just the broadvoice block
00:55.40De_Monit is
00:55.50marcus2_and it still flips?
00:57.08De_Monyup, thats why im here
00:57.20De_Monafaik supportvideo only works in [general]
00:57.21marcus2_find a new provider ;)
00:57.42De_Monfix asterisk~
00:58.15marcus2_it sounds to me like broadvoice is the broken thing here
00:58.40marcus2_i mean, asterisk could be enhanced to support supportvoice= on a per-block basis, but thta would just be to work around broken providers like broadvoice ;)
00:59.38De_Monall the phones I've used support video, so I can't be sure but if this problem exists with all non-video phones it's not broadvoices fault
01:00.14De_Monwith *other* non-video phones
01:13.22[av]banimarcus2_: if asterisk cant do settings per-block, then imo asterisk needs to be fixed
01:16.10justinu[av]bani: agreed
01:17.57*** join/#asterisk zamsler (
01:18.44*** join/#asterisk dudes (
01:18.48justinuany of you guys know a good tech at covad?
01:18.57justinui have a screwy dsl problem
01:19.13marcus2_i dont disupute that its a good idea for asterisk to support those settings per-block, but that doesnt mean this particular issue is asterisk' fault
01:19.16[av]banijustinu: #covad
01:19.23justinu[av]bani: lol i checked
01:19.34[av]baniit just seems to be the default answer here
01:19.35justinuno #covad on freenode
01:19.46[av]banianything non-* is "try #bla"
01:20.04justinui've helped out a lot here, i have the right to veer offtopic now and then
01:20.12[av]banino exceptions
01:20.18[av]baninobody is above the law
01:20.36*** join/#asterisk craigb_ (n=craig@
01:21.31justinudid the sbc/at&t behemoth swallow covad too?
01:21.32craigb_wehn I forward my extension to my cell phone and don't answer, how can i set it to let the cell provider voicemail answer instead of Asterisk?
01:22.18dudeshave it answer the channel then dial?
01:22.24*** part/#asterisk sivana (
01:22.35craigb_dudes, thats all i need?
01:22.44dudesTry it
01:23.33craigb_well, i was hoping to use the forward button on my Poly 501, nnot sure what i'd do to accomplish that in the dialplan
01:24.17*** join/#asterisk sivana (
01:27.27[av]baniforward it to another extension which does dialing then falls to vm?
01:28.50[av]baniwhy would you want to use cell provider vm though :)
01:29.35craigb_i don't, customer does
01:30.51[av]baniyeah, answer then dial seems the obvious way
01:32.18craigb_this system was built with Amp, not sure where exactly to do that in the dialplan
01:33.18[av]banii think you'd setup a extension "CUSTOM" with a dial string
01:33.37craigb_hmm, sounds reasonable
01:34.12craigb_but not sure where to move the order of answer so that it only affects particular extensions
01:34.59[av]baniAMP isnt really good for aynthing beyond basic stuff :()
01:35.35craigb_i know, but they insist on having it so they don't have to pay someone to make trivial changes
01:36.03justinuyou should be charging triple time to fix it then
01:36.14[av]baniset em up with sipX :)
01:36.52justinucan sipX act as a media gateway?
01:38.51kink0there anyway to connect to Asterisk and send a ANSWER just for one know channel ? I do actually with external application, that connect to Asterisk and send just "answer", but where ALL concurrent calls are answered instead just the one I want to be answered.
01:38.52cypromissipx is a pure proxy
01:39.14cypromisalthough the package contains a auto attendand media server and a voicemail media server
01:39.31*** join/#asterisk chalco (n=chatzill@pdpc/supporter/active/chalco)
01:39.40justinuis there anything besides * for a tdm gateway? (pri specifically)
01:39.44*** join/#asterisk jyukes (
01:40.46ManxPowekink0, If you issue an Answer, only that one channel will be answered.
01:40.57kink0I need something like asterisk -r -x 'soft hangup  $channel' but for answer
01:41.03ManxPowejustinu, Ascend/Lucent MAX TNT
01:41.21ManxPowekink0, you can't do that.
01:41.25ManxPoweanswer it in your dialplan
01:41.28kink0ManxPowe, but I do that ussing asterisk -r -x , and then asterisk doesn't know what channel must answered
01:42.10kink0ManxPowe, yes, putting in the dialplan works fine, but I need to still ringing until an external event, then send the answer
01:42.23*** join/#asterisk edwin_ (
01:42.23ManxPoweIf you need to do that outside of Asterisk then use the Manager Interface
01:42.26kink0in the same manner I do soft hangup or so
01:42.51justinui guess i meant anything open source
01:42.52ManxPowekink0, softhangup is only there to manually shutdown a channel incase something goes wrong.
01:43.10ManxPowejustinu, There's Bayonne and YATE
01:43.27kink0ManxPowe, yes, but runs fine also when I do asterisk -r-x for a softhangup a channel
01:43.50ManxPowekink0, answer using -r -x is not supported.  If you don't like that then write a patch.
01:43.59ManxPoweor use the Manager Interface.
01:44.01kink0the problem is how to answer a defined call only
01:44.15ManxPowekink0, you can do that using the manager interface.
01:44.54kink0AGI ? well that is another problem, because I run the external app on background , starting when a call arrives and ending when a call send the BYE
01:45.15ManxPoweNoreaga, not AGI.  AGI is something different.  The Manager Interface is different.
01:45.25kink0I also tryed EAGI, but not way to send it to the background and still runing while this channel is in use.
01:45.27ManxPoweThe manager interface is designed to control asterisk from outside Asterisk.
01:45.49ManxPowelook on the Wiki
01:45.56jbotmethinks docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
01:45.56kink0ManxPowe, ahh ok, then I am going to re-read docs about Manage interface
01:45.58*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
01:46.10justinuManxPowe: thx... apparently freeswitch is also working with PRI now too
01:46.10kink0yess, I have always at hand :)
01:47.33*** join/#asterisk pengyong (n=lala@
01:48.17*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
01:48.30Darwin35ok 1.2.2 where is voicemail stored ?
01:48.45Darwin35is it /var/spoool/asterisk
01:49.13Darwin35or /usr/local/share/asterisk/sounds
01:49.37fileummm, /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail
01:49.53rob0I couldn't afford that many o's in "spool", I had to skimp. :)
01:50.00ManxPowein fact unless you REALLY screw up the build process nothing will be /usr/local
01:50.44*** join/#asterisk kilobit2001 (
01:50.51kink0ManxPowe, as I understand, Manager Interface allows the same as console commands, and not something like answer(channel)
01:51.04ManxPowekink0, You do not understand than.
01:51.10Darwin35there is when you build it on bsd
01:51.27dudeskink0 - what are you trying todo?  Hangup a channel?
01:51.27kilobit2001in cdr_mysql, is it normal to have every single action in extensions recorded?
01:51.44kink0dudes answer a defined channel only.
01:51.44kilobit2001i get one cdr row, for each row in extensions.
01:52.13dudeskink0 - answer it in the dialplan and use redirect/bridge to connect it to a channel
01:52.20ManxPowekink0, the manager interface allows you to transfer calls, answer calls, redirect calls, change caller id.
01:53.06ManxPowekink0, read manager.txt in the asterisk/docs directory
01:53.12kink0ManxPowe, i did a show manager commands and as long as I saw, appear to be more restricted.
01:53.21kink0ok, going ...
01:54.05ManxPowethere is the manager command you need.
01:54.17ManxPowethe Manager command Command allows you to run any command you want
01:54.18*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
01:54.28ManxPowedudes, he wants to do it the hard way.
01:54.39dudesah, hehe
01:55.05kink0dudes yes, because I need to do it based on external event
01:55.17JunK-Yhey dudes!
01:55.42Darwin35what manager interface
01:55.52ManxPowekink0, The manager interface was DESIGNED to allow external events to control Asterisk
01:55.57dudeskink0 - then have a open listener socket to * and parse it
01:56.00*** join/#asterisk Math[laptop] (
01:56.16JunK-YDarwin35: AMI ?
01:56.29ManxPowesearch for "FOP" or "Flash Operator Panel".  It allows you to transfer calls from a Flash application running in a web browser.
01:56.33kink0dudes: yes that was the way I was doing, but ussing asterisk -r -x instead AMI
01:56.53dudesparsing results from a asterisk -rx
01:57.32kink0dudes: yes, but not problem to open a sock to the AMI port instead to use asterisk -rx
01:57.45ManxPowekink0, use the Redirect manager command to send the call to an extension that runs Answer when your event happens.
01:58.19chalcorob0, mind a pm?
01:58.37kink0ManxPowe, just that I was going to ask you, if use Redirect to an specific answer extension, since there not any "answer" command
01:58.48ManxPowekink0, try it.
01:59.01De_Montheres not any answer command?
01:59.07kink0ok, I will try so.
01:59.10ManxPoweDe_Mon, not on the CLI or the AMI
01:59.28De_Monoh, i thought you were talking manager interface
01:59.31kink0De_Mon, I need to answer a defined channel where more concurrents call are
02:00.37ManxPoweDe_Mon, If you can find a Manager command to answer a call.....
02:00.58rob0chalco: sure, go ahead
02:01.07*** join/#asterisk znoG_ (
02:01.33Math[laptop]De_Mon: you could work something out with a little coding, look at app_pickup and implement a manager interface command
02:02.19De_MonI added a phrase-recorder to my dialplan, am I better off leaving it in extensions.conf or #invluding a separate config?
02:07.01Tozaz2Hi, is it thrue that if I want tu set up asterisk for more than 20 users, I need a dual CPU and a lot off RAM ? thks
02:07.58rob0file: I forgot the name of the company you work for :(
02:10.56*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
02:12.13ManxPoweBut I'm on IRC chatting while I rip video from a DVD to upload to a TiVo so I obviously don't have a life either.
02:12.14drumkillaManxPowe: sounds like a good idea to me
02:14.15justinuporn, no less
02:23.24konfuzedTozaz2: no its not true
02:24.27*** join/#asterisk eieiyo (
02:24.42kink0ManxPowe, I got Message: Permission denied when I send Redirect ussing AMI
02:25.23kink0I try it ussing a telnet to the port , to try before to add the code to my C external application
02:26.30konfuzedhey any one here in Toronto
02:27.18konfuzedmay be on monday for $150 bucks ?
02:28.19chalcoif I get to Toronto, can I have $150? US or Canadian?
02:29.40Darwin35manx make rooom i am moving in
02:29.49Darwin35we can get a t1
02:30.06chalcotell you what, we'll skip the meeting entirely, just wire me the $150
02:30.29dudespaypal would be cheaper
02:30.43Qwella check would be cheaper than that
02:30.44chalcoeven better
02:31.30dudesYea I suppose PayPal does have their gay little fees
02:32.12dudesAmount: $2,078.40 USD Fee: -60.57 USD
02:32.28*** join/#asterisk smallb (
02:32.28Qwellwtf did you get a paypal for $2k? :p
02:32.44Qwellat that high, I'd ask for another form of payment, heh
02:33.05dudesa wire would have been cheaper
02:33.16dudesbut only by 10.00
02:33.24dudesmaybe 15
02:33.51chalcoI don't care really - it's free money! or, maybe they wanted something in return.... that'd be inconvenient
02:34.08konfuzedchalco: not quite free money
02:34.21konfuzed8:30 am to 9:30 pm
02:34.27konfuzedand in Canadian dollars
02:34.46dudesyou want 13hr's for 150 CA ?
02:35.09konfuzedwell I think it may add up to $200 for sitting in a chair for 13 hrs
02:35.21justinunot worth it
02:35.31*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
02:36.18konfuzedthere is a risk of falling asleep on the job so you have to bring your own caffiene
02:36.30dudesOr pills?
02:36.48konfuzedim bringing 5 ounds of chocolate
02:37.15chalcodon't keep us in suspense... what's the job?
02:37.36konfuzedwell its really easy money and id rather it went to someone i new or at least knows something technical
02:37.54*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
02:38.08konfuzedthe job is to scratch names off the voter list and watch as I hand people their ballot and then at the end watch as I add up the ballots
02:38.09SpaceBassanyone having audio problems with BroadVoice tonight?
02:38.31konfuzedi know a little off topic
02:38.44konfuzedbut easy cash is almost never off topic ;^)
02:38.45*** join/#asterisk Cheetah (n=Akia@
02:39.03konfuzedCheetah: are you from montreal or toronto?
02:39.33konfuzedoh thought I recall you mention montreal
02:39.48konfuzednvr mind then
02:39.55dudesis 150 CA like 110ish USD?
02:40.10Cheetahasterisk rocks :D
02:40.58chalcotoo bad I have to work Monday and I'm 9.5 hrs from Toronto
02:41.03eieiyoanybody have experience with 2 stage dialing plans with asterisk?
02:41.32dudes2 stage?
02:41.44dudesMaybe I'm not up on the * lingo
02:41.54konfuzeddudes: you also have to be a canadian citizen but I understand that its not to hard to fake it.
02:42.02SpaceBasswhat is the difference b/t a numeric value and "yes" when using echo training ?
02:42.05Qwelljust say "eh" a lot
02:42.15konfuzedjust say Eh a lot eh!
02:42.19eieiyoi want to call in on free world dialup and then give myself another dialtone to be able to access pstn
02:42.28kink0why from AMI action: listcommands only lists those commands that priv = none ?
02:42.30konfuzedjustinu 's got it
02:42.31eieiyoso its sort of 2 stage i guess that is the appropriate terminology
02:42.32dudesI just don't get what this is all aboot.
02:42.32chalcoI watch the Red Green Show
02:42.56dudeseieiyo - that's easy
02:43.05SpaceBasseieiyo:  look up DISA
02:43.06kink0I have for my user read: system, call ... write: systema, call  in manager.conf
02:43.13konfuzedI watch the Corbert Report  its very canadian
02:43.16eieiyocan you point me in the right direction?
02:43.30*** join/#asterisk Johnnie (n=jdlewis@pdpc/supporter/active/Johnnie)
02:43.34SpaceBasseieiyo: google :) sorry...
02:43.53eieiyodirect inward system access?
02:44.00SpaceBassyeah, thats it
02:44.01dudesjust make a transfer context ... then dial
02:44.06eieiyok, thanks guys
02:44.28eieiyooh cool :) should not be too bad
02:45.07eieiyodisa can give me some password security right? sort of like a password login so only authorized people could dial out?
02:45.16Qwelleieiyo: yeah
02:45.19*** join/#asterisk FastJack (
02:45.25eieiyook thanks everybody...
02:45.26Qwellshow application disa
02:45.28konfuzedanyway i just hope to avoid spending the day with Pat from saturday night live or something
02:45.49SpaceBassso, I upgraded from a PII 300mhz with 256mb ram to a nice 1.25ghz with 512mb and my jitter is out of control
02:45.52SpaceBassor echo...
02:46.02QwellSpaceBass: asterisk requires a slow machine
02:46.04SpaceBasswhen someone calls into my zaptel lines I hear myself and its REALLY bad
02:46.21SpaceBassseriously... it worked better on that old clunker
02:46.21dudesplay with your rx/txgain
02:46.29justinuSpaceBass: irq conflict?
02:46.40*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
02:46.44SpaceBassthat was my next question... why would the gain effect echo... seems like that would just amplify one end or the other
02:46.50SpaceBassnot doubting, just curious
02:46.59QwellSpaceBass: which is exactly what causes echo sometimes
02:47.07dudesI know if I have it too high it echos like a mofo
02:47.11anonymouz666Does anyone in here know a good IAX client?
02:47.13justinududes: true dat
02:47.30SpaceBassif I'm hearing myself, would that be RX or TX? or is it hit or miss and I have to play
02:47.38justinuSpaceBass: if the gain is too high, you're throwing out too much energy into the network and some of it reflects back
02:47.45SpaceBassanonymouz666:  Iaxcomm
02:47.52SpaceBassjustinu: ahhh gotcha
02:47.55justinuspacebase: if you're hearing yourself, the echo is coming from the equipment on the PSTN side
02:48.32SpaceBassthats my first problem... the echo... the next is that BroadVoice is not having audio issues...not sure if its them or me, but when the call connects neither party can hear the other one
02:48.45*** join/#asterisk a1fa||64 (n=a1fa@
02:48.49a1fa||64g00d people :P
02:48.52dudesit's f'ing Saturday and the only parties in this god for saken town is either a weenie roast or a teeny party.
02:48.55justinuSpaceBass: reinvite problems?
02:48.58SpaceBassjustinu: so would 'turning down' my TX cause it to send less and thus echo less?
02:49.09justinududes: teeny party, definitely
02:49.12a1fa||64dudes: nothing wrong with teen parties ;) ... as long as they are 18
02:49.16justinuSpaceBass: yes, probably.
02:49.18SpaceBassjustinu: thought that as well... so I changed canreinvite from NO to YES... no difference
02:49.23Qwella1fa||64: or look 18
02:49.32dudesthe only 18+ party is a sausage fest
02:49.33anonymouz666idefisk does not have the source code
02:49.44Qwellanonymouz666: so?  Do you plan on making changes?
02:50.03anonymouz666I want a IAX web client
02:50.09SpaceBassweb client?
02:50.11*** part/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
02:50.13a1fa||64Qwell: officer, i swear.. she told me she was 18
02:50.15SpaceBassinteresting idea... dont know of any
02:50.20Qwella1fa||64: exactly
02:50.22a1fa||64i even id her
02:50.24anonymouz666web client
02:50.30a1fa||64she must of had a fake
02:50.34a1fa||64i dont have a id reader
02:50.50a1fa||64how many people updated to 1.2.2?
02:50.52SpaceBassjustinu:  I assume I can set my TX to a negitive number
02:50.56Qwell27 people
02:50.58SpaceBassis that correct?
02:51.01justinuSpaceBass: yes
02:51.05a1fa||64Qwell: lol 27 Only?
02:51.10SpaceBassQwell:  thought it was now regressed
02:51.11justinunow you're adjusting attenuation, not gain
02:51.13a1fa||64Qwell: the questions is.. did you update?
02:51.22Qwella1fa||64: no, I use trunk
02:51.31a1fa||64trunk what?
02:51.35Qwellbut, 1.2.2 is worth it
02:51.37Qwellsvn trunk
02:51.40a1fa||64svn trunk
02:51.44justinuall the cool kids run trunk
02:51.54a1fa||64did u try that voice changer?
02:52.11a1fa||64i want to patch it w/ voice changer
02:52.15Qwella1fa||64: sure
02:52.21a1fa||64Qwell: liar ;P
02:52.26kilobit2001whats a good voip wifi phone?
02:52.27QwellI've used it
02:52.37a1fa||64will it compile on 1.2.2?
02:52.47SpaceBasskilobit2001:  I would have said the hitachi but I'm having problems altely
02:52.58anonymouz666I wonder if someone use chan_ss7 in here :)
02:53.04SpaceBassspeaking of which, anyone have a hitachi ip5000 and have the latest firmware?
02:53.16QwellSpaceBass: no, but if you sent one this way, I'd give it a try
02:53.32a1fa||64Qwell: so u used it?
02:53.34kilobit2001how  about UTStarcom F1000
02:53.36Qwella1fa||64: yes
02:53.56SpaceBassI do have 2 ipicassa phones that won't fully boot.... I'd gladly send one to someone to play with in exchange for a working config if you figure it out
02:54.13SpaceBasskilobit2001:  I think thats the same as the prestige or what ever... I have one and it sucks
02:54.29justinuyeah, the prestige sucks
02:54.37a1fa||64Qwell: how do you update svn.. svn update ?
02:54.55QwellYou don't want to run trunk in production...that's just dumb
02:54.58kilobit2001spacebass: whats exactly is the problem with it?
02:55.12SpaceBasskilobit2001:  leme look at the starcom and see if its the same
02:55.45Qwellusb?  wtf does the phone have usb?
02:55.48kink0there any way to set a variable from CLI ?
02:56.06Qwellkink0: no, you need to associate it with a channel
02:56.07a1fa||64vn update
02:56.08a1fa||64At revision 8423.
02:56.08SpaceBassQwell:  not sure that page is accurate... there is no USB port as far as I can tell
02:56.12a1fa||64is this correct?
02:56.27SpaceBasskilobit2001:  that is newer than mine... my problem was two fold, the network support and no call waiting
02:56.39kink0Qwell, ussing queue then ?
02:56.56SpaceBasskilobit2001:  as far as I know no Wifi phone on the market supports WPA, so I ended up with a 2nd wifi subnet here at home just for my 2 wifi phones
02:57.21Qwellis this SIP or what?  It doesn't say
02:57.24SpaceBassI wasn't willing to compermise my security down to WEP just for the phones....
02:57.35a1fa||64Qwell: svn update ?? what?
02:57.42Qwella1fa||64: sure
02:57.57kilobit2001spacebass: network support?
02:58.05justinuSpaceBass: lol, that sucks
02:58.06SpaceBassQwell:  the company that made it went under... google had a cache of their site for a while and it suggested that it has sip support... i got them on e-bay and they boot and say something like "waiting for softare...."
02:58.32a1fa||64Qwell: svn update -r 8423
02:58.37QwellI might be able to get one working
02:58.39Qwella1fa||64: just svn up
02:58.52Qwellif you don't know what you're doing...don't use trunk
02:58.56SpaceBasskilobit2001:  i heard a rumor about some new wifi phone... might have been uniden or something that had G and WPA... looked slick as snot, but I'm not sure its on the market
02:59.06*** join/#asterisk _blop (
02:59.23a1fa||64WPA is evil :P
02:59.49justinuthere's a rumored linksys wifi phone with all sots of features, including a color screen
02:59.57SpaceBassyeah, i prefer just hiding the SSID and maybe mac filtering... that is safe enough :)
03:00.02a1fa||64justinu: can you change the background :p
03:00.24justinucornflower blue
03:00.35Qwellssid's can be sniffed, mac's can be spoofed
03:00.43a1fa||64anybody running vwmare and asterisk willing to test
03:00.45SpaceBassI need a sip client (or iax) for my pocketpc
03:00.50SpaceBassbeen lazy on researching it
03:01.01SpaceBassa1fa||64:  I ran AAH in vemware for a while
03:01.07SpaceBasssjphone for the PPC?
03:01.21a1fa||64i need to test that voice changer with 1.2.2
03:01.29a1fa||64i dont want to jump the code ;P
03:01.30*** join/#asterisk erickj_az (
03:01.35SpaceBassb/c I did try stinky x-lite ppc and it sucked ass
03:02.07SpaceBassso, whats the best sub $50 sip phone?
03:02.43SpaceBassi know... i know...
03:03.19erickj_azI ned som help with CDR.  When an inbound call with no caller id comes in Asterisk records the last valid caller id in the record, even if the call is not from the same source.  Any ideas?
03:03.20SpaceBassremodeled (and by that I mean built) a master bath and need a phone for it
03:03.26SpaceBassdont want to spend more than $50
03:03.37SpaceBasskilobit2001:  I hear good things about the cisco wifi phone
03:03.38*** join/#asterisk niZon (
03:04.04Qwellonly like $500
03:04.06a1fa||64SpaceBass: i bought those BudgetPhones
03:04.09a1fa||64they are $50
03:04.11a1fa||64but they are crap
03:04.22SpaceBasskilobit2001:  ebay :)
03:04.38a1fa||64not compatible with 1.2.2.. why wasnt it compiled
03:04.40SpaceBassa1fa||64:  crap how? I just want something that A) rings and B) makes calls
03:04.46a1fa||64Budgetphone 101
03:04.49a1fa||64its $50
03:04.54SpaceBassthis is for a bathroom shitter... i mean, I don't need an LCD or anything
03:05.09a1fa||64asterisk -V
03:05.09a1fa||64Asterisk SVN-tag-1.2.1-r7367
03:05.19a1fa||64i just updated
03:05.28*** join/#asterisk jef_ (
03:05.28Qwellyou need to switch tags
03:05.54Qwellsvn sw
03:06.08SpaceBasskilobit2001:  this is the one i heard about:
03:07.30a1fa||64Qwell: should i try to compile the voice changer ;P
03:07.44Qwellsure, if you want it
03:07.52pauldyhrm voice mods in asterisk
03:07.58a1fa||64it was designed for 1.2.0
03:08.00pauldyI'm might just ream my shorts
03:08.01a1fa||64i wonder if it will patch 1.2.2
03:08.14kilobit2001spaceboss: far too expensive
03:08.27Qwella1fa||64: try it
03:09.40*** join/#asterisk Cerlyn (i=ALEIN@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Cerlyn)
03:09.47a1fa||64cp asterisk asterisk2 :P
03:09.54a1fa||64just in case
03:11.11a1fa||64its patching :P
03:11.25SpaceBassjustinu:  when I inquired bout my broadvoice problem (no audio) you suggested a reinvite issue... i tried yes and no... are there any other options?
03:11.31SpaceBassi didn;t see any in the docs
03:12.54a1fa||64it worked :P
03:13.22justinuyou looked at the SDP yet?
03:14.05justinuno, spacebass
03:14.28SpaceBassthinking its a broadvoice issue at thsi point
03:14.56a1fa||64broadvoice sucks
03:15.00a1fa||64even though i use them
03:15.06a1fa||64i get so much problems with them daily
03:15.08SpaceBassI love em
03:15.09a1fa||64i gave up on them
03:15.12a1fa||64they are cheap
03:15.15SpaceBassbut the occassional problme is a pisser
03:15.15a1fa||64great control pannel
03:15.25a1fa||64but the voice quality and bandwidth are terrible
03:15.28SpaceBassin the process of porting my POTS number to them
03:15.45a1fa||64good luck
03:15.53SpaceBassI've got a 30mbs/10mbs connection... latency sucks but bandwidth isn't an issue
03:16.03justinuhow's the latency?
03:16.04SpaceBassa1fa||64:  yeah... a little worried now
03:16.15a1fa||64i get 30ms with them
03:16.40justinu30ms is decent
03:16.43a1fa||64grrr. wtf.. did you guys get the same error?
03:16.50*** join/#asterisk Cleyverson (n=cleyvers@
03:16.58a1fa||64contains old modules
03:17.03a1fa||64i wonder if i should wipe them out manually
03:17.29SpaceBassi just averaged 15ms
03:17.53SpaceBassnope... 30ms too...
03:17.57justinu15ms is awesome
03:18.01justinu30ms is very good
03:18.28tronixwhat about 60ms?
03:18.40tronix(that's the latency for my upcoming dsl or cable modem)
03:18.50justinu60 is good
03:19.21SpaceBassmy FIOS connection is supposidly high latency
03:19.35SpaceBassI notice it when surfing but not for UDP or direct connections
03:19.45justinumaybe that's a shitty DNS
03:20.26justinuis it cacheing?
03:20.47*** join/#asterisk Johnnie (n=jdlewis@pdpc/supporter/active/Johnnie)
03:20.49a1fa||64this is not working right
03:20.56*** join/#asterisk alexhopper (
03:20.58SpaceBasswas cacheing with my firewall for a while but not now
03:21.06klltronix: what do you have to just the other end of that dsl connection?
03:21.11a1fa||64its there
03:21.38SpaceBassre: my echo issue.... I changed txgain to =-1.0 and I still have it... call starts normally but echo gets wrose as call progresses
03:21.47tronixkll: not sure I understand your question -- can you rephrase?
03:21.52a1fa||64Qwell: how can i check if its compiled right?
03:22.24Qwellby loading it
03:22.28alexhopperYou spellec "voicechanger" wrong
03:22.36klltronix: you were talking about 60 ms latency and I wondered if this was end-to-end or just from your dsl cpe to the other end of the dsl connection
03:22.46tronixkll: ahh-ha, gotcha. end-to-end
03:23.00tronixkll: time warner does some silly exit routing around here.
03:23.04Cleyversonhello everbody
03:23.23Cleyversonhow does it mean? => Jan 22 01:20:40 WARNING[6746]: chan_iax2.c:6671 build_user: Unable to support trunking on user 'AsteriskB' without zaptel timing
03:23.24SpaceBassjustinu:  does it make sense that if my TX was too high that the echo would worsen as the call progressed?
03:23.36QwellCleyverson: It means what it says
03:23.41justinuSpaceBass: not really
03:23.41a1fa||64Qwell: no.. how do i list functions in asterisk console?
03:23.42*** join/#asterisk FastJack_ (
03:23.42QwellYou can't use trunking without zaptel timing
03:23.43tronixkll: so traffic basically takes 40-60ms, a nice scenic drive, to get most anywhere. but between CPE and them is 2ms?
03:23.49Cleyversonok but how to fix it?
03:24.01Qwellget a timer
03:24.03justinuSpaceBass: there's two attributes to echo, tail and erl
03:24.07*** join/#asterisk Administrator (
03:24.09Qwellhardware, or ztdummy
03:24.11klltronix: kk
03:24.23SpaceBassjustinu: I guess i need to research some
03:24.35SpaceBassdont know about tail and eri
03:24.39justinuerl = echo return loss (basically, the aplitude of the echoed signal)
03:24.55tronixhow accurate/good is ztdummy with Linux kernel 2.6's RTC clock support?
03:24.58justinutail = the lag the echoed signal comes in with
03:24.59a1fa||64damn it
03:25.00Cleyversonwhere may i get a timer?
03:25.04Qwellhardware, or ztdummy
03:25.24Cleyversonztdummy is software?
03:25.26SpaceBassjustinu:  so those are measurements or something, not parameters that need to be set/monitored
03:25.37justinuSpaceBass: yeah, measurements
03:25.39tronixCleyverso: yes, it is
03:25.52SpaceBassjustinu: how can I measure them and then mitigate them?
03:26.03a1fa||64this sucks
03:26.06justinubut i'm saying, if your latency increased during the call... it could make it sound worse
03:26.15tronixCleyverso: if you use ztdummy and Linux, strongly recommend enabling kernel's RTC clock option
03:26.41tronix(not sure if setting Hz to 100/250/1000 makes a particular difference for ztdummy.)
03:26.43SpaceBassjustinu: this is going out over a zaptel line so not sure how network latency plays in.. i guess from the sip device to the server
03:26.47Cleyversoni would like to conect 2 * servers...should I use it?
03:26.54a1fa||64i get "the number you dialed is not in service" when i try to dial-out with that patch
03:27.05justinuspacebass: the EC code in the zaptel drivers monitor those things and try and compensate
03:27.19kllztdummy can use kernel timing if you set it to 1000Hz. but by default it now uses rtc afaik
03:27.30tronixkll: ahh, makes sense. thanks!
03:27.36justinuSpaceBass: thats part of the latency
03:27.43a1fa||64Qwell: (
03:27.45*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
03:27.47Cleyversonso i have just to download and I right?
03:27.51*** join/#asterisk ManxPowe (
03:28.09justinuspacebass: also the PSTN does have latency...
03:28.15SpaceBassjustinu:  is there a way to dynamically compensatate for LAN latency
03:28.22tronixCleyverso: it's part of the zaptel source code build
03:28.40justinuspacebass: no, latency is just there... no way to compensate for it
03:28.51SpaceBassjustinu: what about the echo as a result
03:28.53Cleyversoni already installed zaptel package
03:29.01tronixCleyversion: what distro do you use?
03:29.06justinuspacebass: yes, that is what echo cancellers do
03:29.18Cleyversonit should works...I'm using Suse 9.3
03:29.26Qwell2.4 kernel?
03:29.29tronixCleyverso: in Gentoo, it comes as part of the zaptel package
03:29.56QwellThen just modprobe ztdummy
03:29.58a1fa||64Qwell: help man :P
03:30.02tronixCleyverso: got km_zaptel installed?
03:30.05SpaceBassjustinu: anything I can do besides echocancle=yes
03:30.08tronixkm = kernel module, I believe
03:30.11Qwella1fa||64: if it says the number isn't in service, then it isn't in service
03:30.47a1fa||64the number is in service.. if i dial with 1 (which is Dial)
03:30.52a1fa||64then it connects me right through
03:30.57tronixQwell: had same problem a short time ago... solution was to deregister/re-register my SIP softphone
03:30.59a1fa||64if i dial with 8 (which is VoiceChanger
03:31.02justinuSpaceBass: i'm not up to speed on how EC works on the zaptel cards
03:31.06justinusorry :\
03:31.33Qwelltronix: huh?
03:31.36tronixQwell: but probably not same issue since this is in a different context. sorry :)
03:31.47wunderkinjustinu ain't a zaptel boy
03:32.14anonymouz666how it's possible for another context != default to see variables like ${EXTEN}
03:32.29Qwellanonymouz666: huh?
03:32.32a1fa||64exten => _9NXXNXXXXXX,1,VoiceChangeDial(SIP/${EXTEN}|-6.0|20|hr)
03:32.46a1fa||64same thing for 1, but 1 is Dial(
03:32.50Qwella1fa||64: well, yeah, why are you sending the 9 to broadvoice?
03:32.53Qwelland why no 1?
03:32.55*** join/#asterisk rajiv (n=irc@gentoo/developer/rajiv)
03:33.01a1fa||641 is normal
03:33.05a1fa||649 is voicechanger
03:33.06Qwellyes, I know that
03:33.06justinuwunderkin: actually, i know a lot more about zaptel now...
03:33.11QwellWhy are you sending them the 9?
03:33.16wunderkina1fa||64: SIP/1${EXTEN:1}
03:33.19wunderkinjustinu, oh ya? :D
03:33.30a1fa||64<-- lame
03:34.21wunderkinjustinu, did i tell ya or did you see that you can correctly loop 2 and 4 port t1 cards now
03:34.24*** part/#asterisk techie (
03:34.35anonymouz666Qwell: when you call your exten => will match in [default] I want something like this exten => _2400XXXX,1,Goto(new,s,1) and in [new] Dial(SIP/${EXTEN} ...
03:34.36Qwellwunderkin: You weren't able to before?
03:34.57Qwellanonymouz666: store ${EXTEN} in another var
03:34.58wunderkinnope, that was fixed a week or 2 or somethin ago
03:35.00justinuwunderkin: no... what fixed that?
03:35.04kllI'm getting US indication tones in my phone. changing the default in indications.conf has proven useless. is this solely up to the phone or is it configurable on the asterisk side? I am using g729 so I expect tones not to be sent inband..
03:35.12wunderkinit was like a 2 liner patch
03:35.24a1fa||64voice changer works like a charm
03:35.27justinukll: is it a SIp phone?
03:35.29anonymouz666Qwell: do I need a global var for that?
03:35.50justinukll: if it's a sip phone, usually the tones are generated by the phone itself
03:36.00QwellWhy are you using the default context anyhow?  That's just dumb
03:36.33anonymouz666the sip call arrive there
03:36.38Qwellwell, fix it
03:36.38anonymouz666default context
03:36.42wunderkin thats it there
03:36.53Qwellotherwise, people can AND WILL call through your guest account, and cost you money
03:37.34klljustinu: it's an ATA box, so yes I suppose it's a sip phone
03:38.19kllbehaves as one at least ;)
03:38.38a1fa||64anybody wanna test this voice changer?
03:39.43*** join/#asterisk st3v (
03:40.20st3vWe have a dual span digium card, and we are using one of the ports for the pbx, but can I use the other one to connect a T1 internet connection?
03:40.28st3vso I can use the linux box as a router
03:41.33wunderkinthe installation instructions on should cover hdlc setup
03:43.51*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
03:43.54wunderkinlooking at maybe a spa-941 .. hmm..a snom 360 or polycom 601 would be nice.. maybe later..
03:44.02SpaceBassdamn powerbook died on me!
03:44.11SpaceBasswas in the middle of learning about echo
03:44.25SpaceBassjustinu: you were talking about tail and eri...
03:45.13SpaceBassI've lowered my TX to -2.0 and its still getting progressivly worse and I';m trying to figure out how I can mitigate either the local latency or the PSTN echo...which ever is causing the issue
03:45.16benjkdo you mean the battery ran out or the machine actually broke down?
03:45.42SpaceBassbattery? HA! the battery stopped charing months ago... only runs on AC now
03:46.03SpaceBassthis powerbook looks like it was run over by a simi truck
03:46.09benjkoh dear, how old is that baby?
03:46.13Qwella truck from simi valley?
03:46.17SpaceBasslike 3 years or less
03:46.46benjkmine is 2 and a half years
03:46.57SpaceBassmine is dented, bent, broken... the screen bezel has split wide open... but hey, it ruuns
03:46.58benjkI had to send it in a year ago, the hard disk failed
03:47.24benjkI am getting a MacBook soon
03:47.24Qwellwhat, no warranty?
03:47.28SpaceBassmy disk may be on the out and out... not sure... i have ultra slow periods and then it runs normally
03:47.39benjkQwell, five years warranty
03:47.44SpaceBassQwell:  broke my own rule: always buy warrenty on laptop
03:47.47QwellSo...go get it fixed
03:48.01st3vwe have one problem with the asterisk pbx system. when someone is on a call, and someone else picks up another line, there are pops and clicks. is there a way to fix that?
03:48.21Qwellst3v: what codec?
03:48.22*** join/#asterisk tainted- (
03:48.23benjkI always get extended warranty unless I buy a machine under 100 USD for some lab stuff
03:48.44wunderkinSpaceBass, did you try ECHO_CAN_MG2 in zaptel/zconfig.h?
03:49.20*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:49.27SpaceBasswunderkin: didn't compile myself... using AAH ... so short answer is no, I didnt change anything
03:49.36st3vI'm not sure what codec, I am used the guide from that o'reilly book
03:49.53st3vwe are using zap channels on a digium te210p and a channel bank
03:50.12Qwellst3v: any voip, or just over the t1?
03:50.13SpaceBassI dont tend to buy warrenty on desktops... althought I should on all apple stuff just b/c its propritary
03:50.18st3vno voip yet
03:54.04st3vwe are also using a TDM04B for the 4 phone lines
03:55.07benjkI never buy any desktops unless they are no more than 100 USD
03:55.38SpaceBassused to be able to ebay a desktop for around $100 now it seems to be like $150-200
03:56.29benjkI bought truckloads of IBM slim-minitower systems for about 80 -90 USD
03:56.29SpaceBassi need a $40 box for ipcop or m0n0wall... need to search tonight
03:56.31benjklike NetVista
03:56.37SpaceBassbenjk:  WOW... where?
03:56.41benjkin Tokyo
03:56.46rob0SpaceBass: if old junk is ok, (ships from Phoenix)
03:56.54benjkwe have a boom in second hand stuff here now
03:56.57rob0oh yes, ipcop fine on stuff like that
03:57.08benjkthey even give you warranty on the second hand stuff
03:57.12SpaceBassI just bought a 8" touch screen for my bathroom...mostly to use as a TV but am trying to think of a thin-type client use for it... and need something like a netvista
03:57.21benjkthere are shops that specialise on second hand
03:57.51benjksome even have their own packaging and the buy experience is just like buying a new system
03:58.00benjkbuying experience
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03:59.31SpaceBassgot a 404 on
03:59.42SpaceBassI need a box for ipcop and i need a box for that touch screen ? hmmm, their DNS died I guess.
04:00.15benjkI often use 30-40$ mini systems for firewall/VPN servers
04:00.29rob0no, their server is down
04:00.50SpaceBassbenjk:  exactly... as long as the box runs and doesnt crash that is perfect
04:00.51coppicebenjk: where do you get a system for $40?
04:01.09SpaceBassI looked into building a embedded box for m0n0 but it was like $150...
04:01.12benjkIBM Aptiva 143 are nice for firewall/VPN servers
04:01.33rob0( I got their email yesterday, so try again later )
04:01.36benjkremove the hard disk and replace it with an IDE/CompactFlash adapter and a CF card
04:02.01benjkcoppice: here in Tokyo
04:02.15SpaceBassI love my IPcop box... old ass dell that runs great... blows new dells out of the water in terms of relibality (there I just jinxed it)
04:02.58benjkthe beauty of using very old stuff is that it's unlikely to break down ever
04:03.04SpaceBassbut its a little too slow to do traffic shaping for my connection and it doesnt have a captive portal feature
04:03.12benjkthe only things that are vulnerable are hard disks and fans
04:03.45SpaceBassi tend to replace a lot of HDs lately
04:03.47benjksince those boxes have survived that long, they are the survivors, will probably last another 5-10 years
04:03.52coppicethen the power supply caps. then the caps on the boards
04:03.58SpaceBassand IDE controllers.. failing left and right in 4 year old dell
04:04.21benjkcoppice: less of a problem with low power low clock rate systems
04:04.47benjkas for hard disks, I replace them with CompactFlash cards
04:05.00benjkand the fans are cheap
04:05.14rob0FWIW, the Friday email from had numerous systems in the sub-$50 range.
04:05.16benjkthe second hand shops usually put new fans in those boxes before they sell the machines
04:05.20coppicebenjk: you must be thinking of the recent cap problems. however, all electrolytics dry out over time. the warmer, the faster
04:05.34rob0<== disclaimer: no affiliation nor personal buying experience with them
04:06.16coppicebenjk: when you see an electrolytic rated for +85C, that is its 1000 hour dry out time - 1 month of contnuous operation
04:06.16SpaceBassthis echo is driving me nuts
04:06.24coppicethis echo is driving me nuts
04:06.32rob0I was gonna say that :(
04:06.56SpaceBasslike going to rip out my * box, torch my cisco phones, throw a temper tantrum and call verizon and ask for the most expensive POTS line they have with the least features
04:07.39benjkcoppice: I am aware of it, but I am running those boxes constantly for years now and never had a single capacitor fail. I once had a cpacitor fail in a WiFi base station and an onboard VGA card
04:07.52benjkother than that, it's hard disks and fans which fail
04:08.10coppiceSpaceBass: waste of time. however much you try you'll never outdo a 2 year old for tantrums like that :-)
04:08.31SpaceBassI bet I could
04:08.41tronixhas the cisco ata186 bug with REGISTER (req'ing tftp/reboot workaround) been fixed for any of the v3 firmware?
04:09.10SpaceBassI'm about ready to take this wifi phone and piss on it and jump up and down and yell and throw a full fledge fit!
04:09.28benjkwhich WiFi phone is that?
04:09.34coppiceSpaceBass: if my sone was still 2, he would probably rise to a challenge like that
04:09.51SpaceBasshitachi ip5000
04:09.59benjkOh, I have two of those
04:10.06benjkwhat's the problem with it?
04:10.23SpaceBassbenjk:  worked pretty well before i upgraded my * box
04:10.35benjkupgraded to what?
04:10.40*** join/#asterisk NK123 (
04:10.54SpaceBassbenjk: two fold... one its decided to only vibrate and not ring, even though vibrate is turned off and ring is on... but mostly, its the echo
04:11.09coppice"worked prettty well" but you just couldn't leave well alone, could you. :-)
04:11.10SpaceBassbenjk:  went from a 300mhz 256mb box to a 1.25ghz 1gb box
04:11.39benjkare you using the same WiFi base station?
04:11.44SpaceBasscoppice:  it was all a bad idea... decided to port my POTS number to broadvoice... so i wanted a more reliable box... well i should have stopped at the porting
04:11.49NK123can anyone suggest me where i can find uninstall procedure for asterisk on f3
04:12.08SpaceBassbenjk:  no, changed the AP too... but my wired lines (different subnet) have the echo too
04:12.21benjkNK123 I have a fancy uninstall_asterisk bash script
04:12.36benjkit's not specific to F3
04:12.44benjkbut should do the trick
04:12.45wunderkini think there is a make uninstall now
04:12.45SpaceBassbenjk:  since the IP5000 doesnt support WPA, I had to create a WEP base station on its own subnet
04:12.53tronixwell, guess we'll find out if the ata186 still has that bug with firmware rev 3.1.0. :-)
04:13.00tronix(if so, i'll report back)
04:13.09wunderkindrumkilla was cool and tested it on a production box :P
04:13.36NK123can i get it benjk
04:13.39benjkSpaceBass: I have seen the WIP5000 refuse to work depending on the base station used, even with everyting turned off
04:14.04SpaceBassbenjk:  its using a wrt54g now... non hacked...
04:14.25benjkNK123 download it from
04:14.44benjkscroll down to where it says "Uninstalling ..." and "Asterisk Shell Scripts"
04:14.53coppicei've seen cisco cards refuse to work with cisco base stations, and centrinos hardly ever seem to work with cisco base stations. 802.11 sucks
04:15.26SpaceBasscall me old school... but wired works...
04:15.43SpaceBassfiber b/t floors... cat 5 from port to switch
04:15.46NK123ok thanks benjk
04:15.53benjkI only use WiFi for the WiFi phones
04:15.53SpaceBassI have a small tech problem... so I've been told
04:16.05coppiceSpaceBass: If you were a radio engineer you would definitely agree with that :-)
04:16.10SpaceBassbenjk: have a preference over the WIP5000?
04:16.38benjkI was about to get a UTStarcom
04:16.46benjkUTStarcom are cool
04:16.57SpaceBassbenjk: really? i might need to look at one
04:17.01benjkI know them, trust them, they make solid stuff
04:17.03coppicepeople seem to laugh at the UT StarCom phones
04:17.27SpaceBassI have the UT pocketpc phone... its hoopty compaired to my old blackberry
04:17.34benjkUTStarcom have more experience in wireless phones than all the other WiFi phone folks put together
04:18.11coppiceyeah, but I think they are rushing things out, cos the collapse of their PHS business caught them by surprise
04:18.28SpaceBasspathways healthcare scheduling?
04:18.28benjkI wouldn't know about the PocketPC thing because that's likely not UTStarcom but just an OEM thing
04:18.40benjkPersonal Handyphone System
04:19.10benjkexatly 42 bazillion times better than WiFi
04:19.19benjkfor telephony anyway
04:19.30coppiceUT Starcom was build to a huge size on PHS. now its dying, they are diversifying quickly
04:19.48SpaceBassyeah... telephony seems to rely on almost zero latency and voip (by nature of IP ) isn't quite there
04:20.29benjkthey launched a GSM/WiFi dual-mode phone this month
04:20.39SpaceBassI'm seeing more and more hospitals put in cisco phones... assume that is a good market for cisco
04:21.09SpaceBassmy ppc has wifi and is thus basically a cdma/wifi phone
04:21.27SpaceBassbut I still dont have a working sip client for it
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04:21.38benjkthen its not a WiFi phone
04:22.24SpaceBassoui c'est vrai
04:22.43benjkhow can they put a hospital inside a Cisco phone?
04:22.48SpaceBassanyhow... i gotta hit the sack... i'll deal with this echo and other prblems tomorrow
04:22.55SpaceBassbenjk: very tiny doctors
04:24.27SpaceBassits funny how much wireless is in hospitals, but they insist you turn your cell off
04:24.43SpaceBasswoudln't want it interfearing with the equipments and all
04:24.50SpaceBassdamn i cannot spell and type tonight
04:25.34coppiceif they put a hospital inside a phone, won't the phone be full of dangerous chemicals, and radioactive materials? sounds dangerous
04:25.59Administratorxchat for windows is like.. gay
04:26.10SpaceBasswindows is like... gay :)
04:26.59SpaceBassi hate to say that mIRC has it covered...cannot find anything for OS X or Linux that is as god
04:28.35SwKanyone know of a CVS LD (NANPA/Int'l) rate sheet I can grab off the intarweb quickly?
04:29.52*** join/#asterisk Johnnie (n=jdlewis@pdpc/supporter/active/Johnnie)
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04:33.39benjkIRC clients generally suck ballz
04:33.45benjkunless they are command line
04:34.42CerlynDoes anyone know if Optimum Voice (Cablevision) has any readily accessible SIP access?
04:35.16*** join/#asterisk Johnnie (n=jdlewis@
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04:42.51*** join/#asterisk brookshire[home] (
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04:45.48Qwellbrookshire[home]: good thing you left!
04:46.04brookshire[home]i know right ;)
04:46.47filebye bye Digium
04:47.53Krilldoes the 1.2.2 tarball have the latest version of ooh323
04:50.26drumkillaKrill: no, that is in the asterisk-addons package
04:50.28drumkillafile: !!!!!!
04:50.32filedrumkilla: !!!!!!
04:51.34Krillyeah i just reliased that when i dug thru the tarball ;)
04:51.46drumkillabrookshire[home]: !!!!!!!!!
04:55.33brookshire[home]can you do variable variables in c?
04:55.40drumkilla... what?
04:55.40*** join/#asterisk budmang (
04:55.45Qwelllike ${${EXTEN}} ?
04:55.56budmangAnyone get this working on Freebsd 5.4?
04:56.05Qwellbudmang: get what working?
04:56.19coppicebrookshire: make the stack space too small, and it makes lots of variables variable :-)
04:56.52brookshire[home]Qwell: i think so
04:57.05brookshire[home]hmm.. probably have to use an array
04:58.16budmangJust basic asterisk running
04:58.22budmangOn my dedicated server.
04:58.34budmangports is erroring out for me.
04:58.35Qwellbudmang: sure
04:58.38Qwelldon't use ports
04:58.40budmangWondering if anyone could help
04:58.45Qwelljust get the normal source, and compile it yourself
04:58.48budmangI have the source tar too
04:58.54budmangand make is erroring
04:58.55Qwellmissing any libs?
04:59.02Qwellthere is a list on the wiki
04:59.04budmang"Makefile", line 28: Missing dependency operator
04:59.07jbotmethinks wikis is
04:59.15budmangIm on that site.
04:59.22budmangThats how I found this place.
04:59.24Qwellsearch for asterisk dependencies
04:59.32brookshire[home]just install linux :)
04:59.36Qwellor that :p
05:00.21brookshire[home]or buy a mac
05:01.37rob0file: ping
05:02.19budmangSite is saying 1.2.1 for freebsd should I try that version?
05:02.30Qwellno, 1.2.2 should work just as well
05:03.03brookshire[home]is it erroring on zaptel?
05:03.12budmang"Makefile", line 28: Missing dependency operator
05:03.12budmang"Makefile", line 31: Need an operator
05:03.19budmangexact error on make on the 1.2.2 source
05:03.22brookshire[home]or asterisk
05:04.09drumkillathis is why I'm going to set up a FreeBSD box
05:04.27drumkillaso I can try to build everything on it, at least
05:04.50filerob0: hi
05:04.55budmangdo I need zaptel?
05:05.03rob0hey, I forgot the name of your company :(
05:05.17Qwellbudmang: only if you have digium hardware, or need a timer
05:05.28budmangI will pay someone for help :-)
05:05.32rob0ah thank you
05:05.46Qwellbudmang: help with what?
05:05.56dmzbudmang how much ya got :)
05:06.07budmang30$ for 1 hour
05:06.09Qwelldmz: he's all yours
05:06.14budmangi just want to use softphone
05:06.16budmangon 2 pcs
05:06.22budmangthrough my dedicated server
05:06.42dmzi'm still trying to get fwd working, i wish i could see the errors on the other side :|
05:06.44brookshire[home]drumkilla: i kevin has one i thought
05:08.58*** join/#asterisk earthsound (n=another1@
05:12.43*** join/#asterisk bch (
05:14.56bchhow do you pass a value back to * using PHP?  I can't seem to get my script to pass anything back but 0
05:15.20Qwellset a channel var
05:16.49bchso I can next statements?
05:17.20Qwellin php?  sure, why not?
05:17.45bchso exten => 1,1,SetVar(test=AGI(test.php))?
05:18.02Qwellno, AGI isn't a function
05:18.15QwellHave the script set a channel var
05:18.39bchahh, good thinking
05:27.02Corydon76-homeHeh, an AGI function
05:27.11*** join/#asterisk Evanrude (
05:27.11Corydon76-homeI suppose that might could be done
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05:27.37QwellAGI would need to be able to return a var to be useful, but...
05:28.25Corydon76-homeQwell: take a look at 5940... such an obvious solution...
05:28.41Math[laptop]you mean AGI can't set a channel var right now?
05:28.51Corydon76-homeSure it can
05:28.53QwellMath[laptop]: it can set channel vars, sure
05:28.56Qwellbut it doesn't return a value
05:29.08Corydon76-homeAGI can already even set functions
05:29.10QwellCorydon76-home: saw that yesterday
05:29.43Corydon76-homeQwell: I thought that was just too obvious... I wonder why I didn't think of it before
05:31.14QwellCorydon76-home: you rock for committing the queue stuff
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05:32.25Qwelluh oh, they're back
05:32.53coppiceanyone using fedora with a Via C3 machine?
05:33.09rob0<== has one with Slackware 10
05:33.20brookshire[home]gentoo with a c3 :)
05:33.34Qwellsounds slow
05:33.38Qwellbut efficient
05:33.48rob0brookshire[home]: you are a masochist :)
05:33.52QwellI almost ran gentoo on my 110mhz sparc...
05:34.04brookshire[home]rob0: it's a small server ;)
05:34.07QwellThat was...umm...interesting
05:34.09brookshire[home]i don't use that for my desktop
05:34.27brookshire[home]it only took 3 days to install
05:34.41coppiceI have FC3 on a C3 machine. when I try to put FC4 on it the install dies, apparently somewhere in the SELinux part, even when i tell it not to install SELinux. I think something is built for a 686
05:34.44Qwellit took 3 days to install Aurora (which is binary) on my sparc
05:36.04coppiceIt look three days to do my last FC4 install, though only an hour or so after I actually bothered to get off my lazy ass and answer the last of the questions :-)
05:36.23rob0oh you definitely can't get away with i686 on a C3, but I guess you know that.
05:36.30[av]banicoppice: linux selinux=0   for the installer.
05:36.30Qwellwell, for 3 days, my room was full of HD spinups
05:36.38Qwellspinup noises that is
05:36.47rob0<== learned that the hard way
05:37.16brookshire[home]just don't install fedora on anything :)
05:37.29Qwellit's all about gentoo.
05:37.36coppice[av]bani: there was actually a question about selinux during the install, and I said no. do you mean that doesn't really work and the command line option is essential?
05:37.43QwellUSE="-kde -qt"...oh yeah, it's good
05:37.45brookshire[home]or debian or unbuntu
05:38.35[av]banicoppice: that's for enabling/disabling selinux _after_ the install is finished. selinux is enabled during the install unless you explicitly turn it off. you have to do this for eg reiserfs and xfs, otherwise the installer explodes.
05:39.06[av]banito really disable selinux you have to selinux=0 while booting the installer, _and_ answer "disabled" during install
05:39.09coppice[av]bani: thanks. they woulds like it might be the trick I need
05:39.33[av]banifedora has a raging hardon for selinux, tehy want to make it as difficult as possible to turn it off.
05:39.47[av]baniand like to deny that there is anyone actually having problems with it
05:39.52eieiyohas anybody written any cool agi scripts... and if so, what kind of things have you done before?
05:40.17brookshire[home]there is a cool one for podcasts out there somewhere
05:40.49Qwellthere's an agi jukebox on the bug tracker...that's pretty cool
05:40.57eieiyothere is one about the weather in the asterisk book published by oreilly... i just wondered what some other functions could be made to integrate into asterisk
05:40.58*** join/#asterisk dasuberdavid (
05:40.58Qwellseems to work well
05:41.04eieiyooh cool
05:41.16Qwelluses festival to read you the songs and such
05:41.26eieiyothat's pretty cool!
05:41.40coppice[av]bani: there was a screwup with FC2 and Via C3s, cos the installer's kernel was built for 686. They were very quick and thorough about sorting that out. info on getting FC4 onto a C3 machine is less accessible.
05:42.38*** part/#asterisk Vyeperman (
05:42.41[av]baniit's pretty much the assumption that nobody has a non-686 machine. they keep forgetting about C3s and stuff.
05:42.52eieiyois festival speech capability pretty good?
05:43.04brookshire[home]yes :)
05:43.17[av]baniits often easier to install FC on another pc, then compile the kernel you need, and then move the disk to your actual target hardware
05:43.19Qwellwhen it works
05:43.40eieiyoi think it would be cool to have festival read you some of the first five rss feeds from your favorite site or something
05:43.48Qwellit could
05:44.01eieiyocool... i might just do something like that
05:44.35[av]banithe most annoying thing about FC is that redhat employees like to come up with just about any BS excuse to close bugs, oftentimes their responses show how completely out of touch they are with end users
05:44.43[av]banisome of them are pretty unbelievable
05:44.55eieiyobe kind of cool if you were on the road and unable to get internet you could get some news headlines
05:45.08Qwelltraffic reports
05:45.09DarkFlibble[av]bani, a lot of developers are like that...
05:45.27QwellDarkFlibble: What are you trying to say?
05:45.33eieiyothat would just be cool.. stock quotes... i guess the possibilities are endless
05:45.35[av]baniDarkFlibble: in my experience, redhat is the worst. most you can argue with, but redhat closes them and cuts off discussion.
05:45.53DarkFlibbleQwell, many developers are monitored by how many bugs they fix... that is the problem
05:45.56[av]banithe only project worse than that would probably be mplayer
05:46.26[av]baniredhat are just annoying, mplayer are totally antisocial
05:46.32*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
05:47.16[av]baniDarkFlibble: thats a sucky metric to use... one i would expect of microsoft
05:47.45DarkFlibbleits fairly common on projects that are established and has managers that don't code
05:48.56*** join/#asterisk dominix (
05:51.06coppiceDarkFlibble: you can tell those projects by the nature of bugs they have. all the trivial bugs get cleaned up, and only the deep ones remain
05:51.53dominixis asterisk@home upgraded to 1.2.2 yet ?
05:52.00DarkFlibbleanywayz....I'm gonna go back bed and get a lie in
05:52.02Qwelldominix: ask them
05:52.04*** join/#asterisk alphaque (n=alphaque@
05:52.09QwellDarkFlibble: get a lie in?
05:52.22DarkFlibbleyeah... lounge in bed longer than normal
05:52.23Qwellas in, "No honey, I wasn't up all night.  I just went to the bathroom." ?
05:52.51coppice"*what* were you doing all alone in the bathroom all night?"
05:52.54DarkFlibblea lock in would be similar... in a pub
05:53.15[av]banicoppice: sounds like asterisk :)
05:53.30DarkFlibbleerrr...brushing my teeth?
05:53.49QwellDarkFlibble: What were you doing that required a 3 hour brushing?
05:53.51DarkFlibbleanyway... bbl
05:55.13dmzdoh, i hate when things don't work because of a simple typo
05:55.42benjkdmz: welcome to the club
05:55.58dmzhad a 36 when it was suppose to be 63
05:56.20benjkalmost all of my software problems are related to silly typos
05:56.44dmzat least as i was seeing pages & pages of debug stuff going by i was able to go..hmm that doesn't grok
05:56.47coppiceI used to live in Tai Po :-)
05:57.01Qwellcoppice: seriously?
05:57.06benjkI know Tai Po
05:57.16coppiceyep. its a town in Hong Kong
05:58.34*** join/#asterisk Grubs (
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06:00.15GrubsIs anyone here able to reliably recieve a fax from the PSTN via a TDM400P?  RxFax simply doesnt want to work for me.
06:01.24tengulreGrubs: which fax modem are u using?
06:01.41coppiceGrubs: for a lot of people the TDM400P will not work for any form of modem. They get data slips. Some people have no trouble at all. You definitely want the current zaptel drivers, though. There was a period were it would not work for anyone
06:02.33*** join/#asterisk Someone123 (
06:02.46GrubsI can successfully divert an incoming call to a SIP channel then to a fax machine OK.  Just cant get the TDM400P to receive the fax directly using RxFax with SpanDSP.
06:03.08*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
06:03.11Grubsis fax to TIFF file on the asterisk box
06:04.02coppiceGrubs: SIP to a fax machine is the opposite direction from fax machine to rxfax
06:05.47GrubsI mean I can accept an incoming fax call in asterisk, detect its a fax, and then dial up an ATA that has a fax machine plugged into it and use the fax machine to receive the call.  However if I try to accept the fax "natively" in asterisk and asve to file using RxFax then I get nowhere.
06:06.13Grubsasve = save
06:07.42GrubsI tried the "|debug" switch for RxFax but I cant find any additional logging either on screen or in /var/log/asterisk/messsages
06:08.31coppiceGrubs: well, what you have working is something that works by luck, rather than design. receiving to rxfax is normally rock solid, as long as there are no data slips
06:09.00coppice|debug should produce considerable debug output
06:09.02Grubsthats nice to know anyhow.
06:09.46Grubs*where* is the debug output produced?  on the CLI or ina  log file?
06:10.11coppiceyou should see stuff on the screen
06:10.50coppicewhat do you see after the message that rxfax is being started?
06:11.41Grubsthx.   I see nothing here at all.  Next line after RxFax is normally something like "Zap/1 hungup"  after a 4-5 second delay.
06:13.10GrubsI know some people have success with A@home... so I  think I'll swap out the hard drive and try a fresh isntall of A@H and see if it behaves different;y.  My current system is Debian Sarge with Asterisk 1.2.2
06:13.59GrubsAt least it might give me some confirmation one way or the other.
06:15.03*** join/#asterisk Drew (
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06:15.47Grubsthanks for the help.  I have a better idea of what to expect even if its not working right now. :)
06:25.06Drewhi - i'm new to asterisk - and i seem to have a problem with my extensions.conf
06:26.11Drewi have a sip account at a local provider and a couple of softphones in my network - so i put the phones into the sip.conf and made extensions for them
06:27.18Drewnow i'm trying to make a extension for incoming calls - its supposed to answer the call and ask for the extension number, then connect the caller to that extension
06:27.52Drewi know this is probably a very easy thing to do, but ive read the docs and i cant find my mistake
06:28.23Drewit allways terminates the call when the caller enters the extension...
06:28.28Drewanybody here to help?
06:29.48*** part/#asterisk Cerlyn (i=ALEIN@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Cerlyn)
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06:53.28Corydon76-homeDrew: post your dialplan to
06:53.56dalfryshehjar: /window close
06:54.01*** part/#asterisk dalfry (n=vaibhav@
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07:31.34dmzhey y'all, anyone have any suggestions/opinions on pstn iax/sip providers? at the prices I see my 2nd house line is still cheaper ($14/mo for pac bell 2nd line)
07:35.00*** join/#asterisk ighost (n=ighost@
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07:39.22Mark_Halversonneed some dial plan help - how do i set the dial number to $X so that later i can DIAL(SIP/${X}@provder)
07:39.46Math`prefix your extension with _
07:39.51Math`and.... X matches a *single* digit
07:39.57Qwelluse ${EXTEN}
07:39.58Math`and, you should use ${EXTEN} in your Dial command
07:40.03Mark_Halversonok hold a sec
07:40.30Mark_Halversonhold a second let me post a couple lines and you'll see the prob
07:40.49Mark_Halversonexten => s,1,Random(12:CA,s,1)
07:41.03Mark_Halversonexten => s,1,Random(2:s,100)
07:41.37Mark_Halversonexten => s,100,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@provider)
07:41.56Mark_Halversoni have this over 1k times, to randomize my callerid
07:42.08Mark_Halversonoops....100 times
07:42.30Mark_Halversons,100 is a mistake...1st it sets the callerid then 101 dials
07:42.41Math`use s,2
07:42.42Mark_Halversonso will it hold, the exten then xfer to s
07:43.23Mark_Halversonstart with: exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Goto(s,1)
07:44.27Mark_Halversonnope it tries to dial s@provider
07:46.38Mark_Halversonhow do i set the dialed number to ${ARG1} ?????
07:49.46DarkFlibblewhy randomise the callerid? why not just set it to nothing or a fixed value that wont annoy people
07:50.00*** join/#asterisk Vyeperman (
07:51.10Mark_Halversonbecause i have 100 DIDs and I want to randomize what is sent
07:51.42Mark_Halversonand blank is not an option
07:51.42tronixdarkflibb: guess he doesn't want people fixating on a particular DID for inbound calls
07:52.20Mark_Halversonthat is most of it
07:52.46Mark_Halversonall outbound calls orginate from a single * box, but inbound is to multiple boxes
07:52.55coppicedeep feelings of utter insignificance make him want to appear to be 100 different people :-)
07:53.18DarkFlibbleoh... not just random 10 digit us number... random in a group
07:53.23DarkFlibblegot ya
07:53.59Mark_Halversoni have a list of 100 DIDs...NOT spoofing random numbers
07:54.04[av]banihow do i show debug for failed extensions?
07:54.13[av]baniit gives congestion by default, instead of logging it
07:57.42*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
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08:03.32[hC]Hows everyone tonight..
08:03.48DarkFlibbleI'm fine...but its 8am
08:03.57justinumidnight here
08:04.21justinupacific coast
08:04.57justinui was just out driving with the top down, was nice
08:05.07DarkFlibblehard to guess timezones when you live 1/3rd of the way round the planet
08:05.51DarkFlibbleuk is easy... its one of the only countries in this timezone besides a few places in africa
08:06.04DarkFlibblerest of europe is 1 hour forward
08:06.14DarkFlibble(except eastern europe)
08:06.24[hC]midnight here too
08:06.26[hC]<- vancouver
08:06.37justinui wish i lived in vancouver
08:06.49[hC]Where do you live?
08:07.01DarkFlibbleLeicester, UK  here
08:07.16justinulos angeles
08:07.42marcus2_i wonder if theres any way to use the speaker on our polycom phones for paging
08:07.48marcus2_or for background music
08:07.48DarkFlibbleoh well... I suppose everyone has to live somewhere... :P
08:07.59justinuit sucks here
08:08.10justinunice weather about the only bonus
08:08.10[hC]marcus2_: you can check out app_page, new to 1.2
08:08.23[hC]Im curious about background music, havent seen a phone that does that yet.
08:08.44*** join/#asterisk NDT (
08:09.03marcus2_i dont really see how app_page would be useful for this
08:09.41marcus2_i'm trying to convince my father to replace the 12+ yr old meridian system at his office, but he's hung up on paging and background music
08:10.24[hC]well, app_page does paging, heh
08:10.33[hC]background music, ive never seen accomplished
08:10.37justinumarcus2: what's background music? using the phone like a radio?
08:10.41marcus2_ahh, and i see here's a way to get the polycom to auto-answer
08:10.49DarkFlibbleworst case you can get a multiline phone and use a seperate line for mp3streaming...
08:11.04[hC]yeah. I had implemented paging before using auto answer and meetme, but that way sucked. I have intercom right now on auto answer lines
08:11.12marcus2_justin; yeah, the meridian switch has an audio input, and any phone on the system can channel that to its speaker when the phone isnt in use
08:11.25justinui see
08:12.11coppicemarcus2_ sounds like you need a kind of app_annoyance :-)
08:12.30NDThey do much php/mysql?
08:12.46DarkFlibbleNDT, what do you need?
08:12.53justinuno, i'm like a java/postgres dude :P
08:12.58NDTdunno why I am gettin that heh
08:13.57DarkFlibbleare you selecting the database with error handling?
08:15.05NDTmysql_select_db("foo") or die(mysql_error()); Well just to spit out error
08:15.26DarkFlibbleits hard to know without more info...
08:15.34Qwell[hC]: back in Canada already?
08:15.43NDTdamn thing looks right to me heh
08:16.11Math[laptop]probably there's no db called "foo"
08:16.15DarkFlibbleit looks okay to be from that fragment
08:16.30DarkFlibbleMath[laptop], surely that would generate an error...
08:16.39*** join/#asterisk cacrus (n=atif@
08:16.46Math[laptop]did you mysql_connect() first?
08:17.12Math[laptop]oh well, sounds like you need to read the docs ;)
08:17.16Qwellsurely one of your vars have a ' in them
08:17.40Qwellor something else that breaks it...That is why you don't use PHP...just look at phpBb2
08:17.48DarkFlibbleI normally assign the query to a variable... and then echo the variable...
08:17.50QwellVERY easy to break
08:17.58DarkFlibbleyou get to see how its expanded with variables
08:18.11NDTyeah will try that
08:18.17Math[laptop]or just use mysql_format_string() to any var you pass in an sql query
08:18.28cacrusI am looking for a way to connect two offices , in different countries , connect using asterisk servers , and i could make calls between these offices as local call , on internet
08:18.39cacrusIa m a newbie to asterisk and vopi
08:18.46Math[laptop]cacrus: only 2 offices or do you plan to add more?
08:18.52cacrusplan more maybe
08:18.53DarkFlibblecacrus, look at IAX and trucking...
08:19.04DarkFlibblecacrus, also read the wiki
08:19.13DarkFlibbletrunking even
08:19.26Math[laptop]I'd just use DUNDi
08:19.28cacrusunfortunately my offices are in middleast , i am not sure what hardware will be required
08:19.48Math[laptop]cacrus: look at
08:19.53cacrusthere is no voip provider here , i am thinking it might not vbe required as both ends will have asteriks
08:19.57DarkFlibbleits harder for *us* to know what hardware will be required...
08:20.18DarkFlibblewe don't know your offices
08:20.30Math[laptop]cacrus: if you want to call between offices, you don't need *any* provider except for internet connectivity
08:20.34benjkcacrus: which countries in the Middle East?
08:20.40cacrusYes i fugured that too ,
08:20.57cacrusbetween UAE and Kuwait
08:21.09benjkok, you're lucky then
08:21.09marcus2_hm whats this about the polycom 601 supporting a custom static xhtml idle screen
08:21.17marcus2_has anyone else done anything with this?
08:21.37Math[laptop]uhm I know some xhtml menus for Polycoms are on the Wiki(tm)
08:21.53marcus2_yeah i've played a little bit with the xhtml browser
08:22.03benjkmost other countries made VoIP illegal
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08:22.12Math[laptop]benjk: voip illegal? why?
08:22.15cacrusyou guys were really helpful , thanks
08:22.36DarkFlibblestate maintained telco monpolies
08:22.36benjkbecause the national telcos have a monopoly on international calls
08:22.36cacrusyes vopi is illegal in most of the middleeastern countries as well
08:23.02benjkthey don't want VoIP to spoil the party for them
08:23.03Math[laptop]benjk: thats ridiculous
08:23.13justinuit's reality
08:23.18benjkbut UAE and Kuwait is ok, they also have good infrastructure
08:23.22DarkFlibblemost people just do it anyway tho... was one of the variables not coming thtough was getting just a '' LOL
08:23.35benjkMath: depends how you look at it
08:23.39Math[laptop]what other part of the world made voip illegal for a such reason?
08:23.54cacrusI read the asterisk handbook and pdf focument , still cant figure out the hardware requirement for two offices connectivity  , is there any document which discusses this network
08:23.55DarkFlibbleMath[laptop], Far east has a few countries like that
08:23.56benjkmany countries outlaw VoIP
08:24.09DarkFlibbleprobably africa as well
08:24.10[av]banihm, teliax dun like it when i set outgoing callerid :()
08:24.18benjkconsider it a kind of tax
08:24.18Math[laptop]benjk: I look at it like "Oh no! Competition! Let's prevent that"
08:24.21coppiceespecially when the telco is still a government body
08:24.27DarkFlibblecacrus, okay to pm you?
08:25.02coppiceor the private telcos have been given a franchise that lays down the level of competition they will face
08:25.05benjkMath, are you also in support of paying third world countries a fair price for Bananas, Cocoa and Coffee?
08:25.07Qwellcacrus: How many phones at each office?
08:25.59Math[laptop]benjk: I'd be, but it'd break the idea of capitalism, which is solely based on welth difference
08:26.12Math[laptop]so if everyone is equal, everyone's poor
08:26.17benjkbecause if we did pay them a fair price for their goods and not strongarm them into selling at any price we dictate to them, then they would have some cash there to support themselves and speed up liberalisation of their national monopolies
08:26.58cacruswe have more than 10 phones in each offices
08:27.09DarkFlibble<biblebasher> but in the eyes of <deity> everyone is created equal</biblebasher>
08:27.21cacruswhat does pm you means ?
08:27.28DarkFlibbleprivate msg
08:27.41[av]baniDarkFlibble: $deity to me results in null pointer
08:27.59Math[laptop]DarkFlibble: in the eyes of communism too, in theory
08:28.26Math[laptop][av]bani: thats no problem as long as you don't try to (de)reference it
08:28.34DarkFlibble[av]bani, pretty much the same here... but I am gradually stating to understand why people follow doctrines...
08:28.41coppicelook at all those south american countries using my R2 software for free. its bloody disgusting, I tell you :-)
08:28.55justinucoppice: lol!
08:28.56Qwellcoppice: damn pirates
08:29.19benjkwell, coppice, at least you deserve the low banana prices in your local supermarket then
08:29.32benjkthe rest of us certainly don't deserve them
08:30.09benjkeverytime we buy bananas from South America we should paypal some money to coppice
08:30.29benjkin payment for his R2 software being used in South America
08:30.31Qwellwhat?  he gets cheap bananas AND money? :P
08:30.38QwellThat's an outrage!
08:31.41coppicethe peanut farmers pay me peanuts. the banana farmers pay me bananas. notice how all these fruity names for something very cheap is a produce from an oppressed nation?
08:32.30benjkand when they tried to protect their stuff, we send agents to steal the crops
08:33.05coppiceor the CIA sends ITT to overthrow their government
08:33.36benjkand we forced China to allow us to sell opium there
08:33.42QwellI'm okay with that, as long as I pay $.04 less per banana
08:34.21coppicebenjk: not quite. in the china deal everyone was in the wrong
08:34.27benjkso, with our track record, it is understandable that some countries close certain industries to prevent us from dumping their prices and destroy income they need
08:34.50benjkcoppice: yeah, it was one of those things that spiraled out of control
08:35.07*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
08:35.13benjkbut still it wasn't exactly confidence building
08:35.47DarkFlibblebenjk, without limiting forces everything will spiral out of control...
08:35.55coppicewe sold them only the best quality stuff, at reasonable prices. they overcharged for their tea. who was really in the wrong? :-)
08:36.00cacrusDarkFlibble: are you getting my pm reply ?
08:36.05DarkFlibblecacrus, nope
08:36.16DarkFlibbleyou might need to register first
08:36.19cacruswhere do i register from  ?
08:36.29Qwell/msg nickserv help
08:37.09DarkFlibbleyou'll need to identify when you join in future with the same nick
08:37.13coppicebenjk: what is really surprising about the opium/tea thing is how long the British took to be able to produce good tea within its empire
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08:54.33benjkwell, that's the thing isnt it, every business that looks easy at first turns out to involve some hard work after all
08:56.47DarkFlibbleI have a nice MLM snow selling scheme for any innuit here...
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09:22.19tronixhmm. i've got a pulse dialling phone... 'zap show channel 4' says: 'Pulse phone: no'
09:22.29tronixeven though I've got 'pulsedial: yes' set in zapata.conf
09:22.37tronixam I missing something really obvious?
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09:57.35knoboI'm going to make a dial plan for a supportnumber on a helpdesk. There some external cell-phone-numbers shall be automaticly subscribed to a queue, based on a time-schedule made from the admin. What is the best way to do this?
09:57.41knobowith AGI?
10:00.02knoboor with asterisk manager API?
10:01.31*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
10:04.50knoboOr maybe Asterisk RealTime Queue
10:09.44knobowhere queue_member_table is a sql-view, that does a select baesd on the time...
10:10.08*** join/#asterisk robin_sz (
10:10.56robin_szOK, I have a problem ...
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10:14.22robin_szusing ... calls made outbound to number in say .ch, or mobiles work fine .. but some landlines are one-way audio only, is this possibly to do with coding standards? all calls are ilbc at the moment
10:14.42tzafrir_laptopknobo, why not use the caller ID number variable in your dialplan?
10:15.09tzafrir_laptopknobo, also check GotoIfTime
10:15.16robin_szeg .ch landlines work fine, as do the USA,  UK is one-way audio only .. or is this just a voipgate problem and theres nothing I can do in * to affect it?
10:20.28*** join/#asterisk NuC|EaR (
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11:22.15axscodejust want to ask.. if a VoIP Gatekeeper can communicate to Asterisk?
11:22.45kink0axscode, why no ?
11:22.54axscodewhy not?
11:22.56axscodeor what?
11:23.22kink0yes , can comunicate
11:23.33axscodeahh ok.. nice...
11:23.38kink0anyone know how to retrieve a variable value from the CLI ?
11:24.12axscodecoz i have a device that only supports VoIP GateKeeper. and dont support SIP...
11:24.30axscodeor can i make the Asterisk as Gatekeeper instead?
11:24.37*** join/#asterisk sunil (n=sunil@
11:24.40kink0h323 ?
11:24.47robin_szRGHH ,,, FSCKING zyxel crap .. this wifi phone is AWFUL
11:24.55axscodeh323.. i guess..
11:25.02kink0well really you can no use any gatekeeper
11:25.22axscodeso.. i dont need a gatekeeper.. and use the asterisk for that?
11:25.42kink0axscode, yes, but depending what you need to do
11:25.42axscodedo you happen to know what will i need in the asterisk config?
11:25.56robin_szwhy did I even think this wifi phone would be ok huh?
11:26.17sunilanybody can help me on speech synthesis
11:26.30robin_szsunil: festival.
11:27.00kink0axscode, do you use gk for endpoints registering ? well , you can also register peers or users, or as both ( like does the gnugk ) ussing Asterisk
11:27.31sunilrobin_sz: i installed it but i have some problem generating the utterance file
11:28.00robin_szand you read this?
11:28.31Synapesafter creating extension and creating a digital receptionist for it, when trying to call from another extension i get into an error: "486 Busy here" and the digital recpctionst won't answer, any ideas?
11:31.11robin_szsigh .. this poxy poxy poxy Zyxel phone doesnt work with the version of firmware with astersik .. you cant even upgrade the firmware because the poxy ting wont work well enough to even display the web configuration/upgrade page ..and they want 75p/minute for telephone support for their defective product ..
11:31.35sunilrobin_sz: i had followed the method 2
11:32.54robin_szsunil: and you applied the patches?
11:34.31robin_szsunil: and you are on Debian Sarge right?
11:35.37*** join/#asterisk fizgig (
11:36.08fizgighowdy all
11:36.50sunilrobin_sz: no i am on Fedora Core 2
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11:37.35robin_szsunil: and no rpms for FC2 are available?
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11:37.52robin_szanyway .. what is the actual problem?
11:38.54fizgigdoes anyone have experience with mISDN on asterisk? or any pointers where i could read up it. i seem to be rather stuck on this one
11:41.22sunili am tryinh to generate the utterance file using the command festival -b /usr/local/festvox/build_ldom.scm '(build_utts "etc/")' and its giving the following error Can't find voice scm files they are not in
11:41.23sunilSIOD ERROR: nil
11:41.24sunilclosing a file left open: /usr/local/festvox/cmu_time_awb_ldom.scm
11:41.26sunilclosing a file left open: /usr/local/festvox/build_ldom.scm
11:44.27*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
11:55.04coppiceif you see a graph of borth rate and a graph of film sales volume over the last century for any developed country, they follow each other extremely well
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12:07.05zockQuick question about asterisk... what could that mean (bristuff, zaphfc, hfc-s as TE) :
12:07.09zockJan 22 07:06:19 WARNING[25598]: chan_zap.c:7586 zt_pri_error: PRI: !! Got S-frame while link down
12:09.34zockNo idea?
12:13.58zockEverybody asleep?
12:14.45kllzock: it means what it says ;)
12:15.19zockkll: Hi. Is it a serious warning, or can i ignore this one?
12:16.15kllI've seen it on my PRI links one some occasions like when I've just disconnected the cable and put it back in
12:16.47kllso ofcrouse it happens when something is not really right
12:16.56kllbut it's 'just' a warning
12:17.25kllit hasn't cost me any trouble as far as I can remember
12:17.32zockkll: Hm. I actually building up my pbx and isdn<->asterisk communication is not working... so i am just searching a reason :-)
12:18.28zockNT <-> HFC-S (TE) <-> Asterisk <-> Softphone is the actual config. It justs does not dial out (okay, it dails, but without any success).
12:18.43zockI thought this message could have something to do with that.
12:20.33kllI'm not certain. do you get link on your zap interface?
12:20.46klldo you get anything in either direction?
12:20.57*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
12:21.41zockkll: i am not certain... just reviewing the zaphfc-configuration...
12:23.27*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:24.21zockkll: /proc/zaptel/1 looks okay.
12:24.32coppiceanyone here using asterisk with a flash disk system?
12:25.06zockkll: show modules tells "               Zapata Telephony w/PRI                   0" and many more
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12:25.34zockkll: "Use Count 0".... hmm
12:26.14zockkll: zap show channels lists 3 channels "pseudo" "1" and "2".
12:27.31zockkll: when dialing it say:
12:27.34zockExecuting Dial("SIP/92-7590", "Zap/g1/601807/b") in new stack
12:27.41zockRequested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH
12:27.56zockCalled g1/601807/b      (own phone no.)
12:28.01zockChannel 0/1, span 1 got hangup
12:28.07zockZap/1-1 is circuit-busy
12:28.12zockHungup 'Zap/1-1'
12:28.49zockkll: So it seems asterisk tries to call out, but does not succed.
12:29.19zockkll: and about every 10 seconds i get an warning about this s-frame thing.
12:29.47kllwhat happens if you dial from the pbx? do you get anything on the asterisk side?
12:31.23zockhm...from pbx? You mean from pstn?
12:31.34kllah, yes
12:33.00zockoh damn... my phone is dead *g*...perhaps i should use another cable?
12:33.28zockkll: Or is PSTN <-> NT <-> PABX _and_ Asterisk not a valid config?
12:33.51*** join/#asterisk bofh42 (
12:40.03zockhm...seemed not to be the best idea to hook up the hfc-s and the pbx at the same time :-)
12:42.37zigmante mode ?
12:43.54zockzigman: hfc-s in te-mode
12:44.23Mother_zzZanyone here that has chan_bluetooth working ok?
12:44.46zigmanptmp ? or ptp ?
12:45.15zockzigman: PtMP (the pbx also uses PtMP).
12:45.21zigmanshould work
12:45.48zockzigman: As soon as i connect the cable between hfc-s and nt i can not dial out with my pbx.
12:46.00zockzigman: As soon as i disconnect i can dial out again.
12:46.09zigmanwhat cable do you use ?
12:46.31zockzigman: Its a little home pbx (4 analog channels, 1 internal S0 channel).
12:46.50zockzigman: straight rj45 isdn cable.
12:48.04zockzigman: yeah.
12:48.43zigmancan you dial out with your pbx ?
12:48.45zockzigman: signalling = bri_net_ptmp
12:49.04zigmanits TE .. remember
12:49.16zigmannet is NT
12:50.07zockk..changed, started... and now i will go downstairs to hook it up again :-)
12:50.20zigmango for it ;)
12:50.26kink0I do ussing AMI Setvar variable=1 but folows a Getvar and then return the value 0 , any idea ?
12:50.45zigmankink0 paste full row
12:52.36zockzigman: hm... dial out on pbx is working now...
12:53.07kink0zigman, ahh ok... appears was some spaces in variable name, as I did cut and paste the commands ...
12:53.22zockzigman: dial out on asterisk does not
12:53.23zigmanzock ;)
12:53.28kink0Setting global variable 'mivariable  ' to '1  '
12:53.47kink0that appears to be the failure, when I paste, there some extra spaces
12:54.25zockzigman: calls seem to come in... even if the get not handled correctly.
12:54.27zockzigman: Extension 's' in context 'default' from '6053601807' does not exist.  Rejecting call on channel 0/2, span 1
12:54.37zockzigman: But communication seems to be working now.
12:55.01zockzigman: Thanks... that error came from an example configuration i typed of from a website :-P
12:55.29zockzigman: So it's cpe if the channel is for te-mode and net if the channel is in te-mode, right?
12:56.03zockzigman: Called g1/601807/b
12:56.05zigmanehh last te is nt
12:56.11zockzigman: Channel 0/1, span 1 got hangup
12:56.23zockzigman: typo...meant nt.
12:56.29zigmancat /proc/zaptel/*
12:56.51zockSpan 1: ZTHFC1 "HFC-S PCI A ISDN card 0 [TE] layer 1 ACTIVATED (F7)" AMI/CCS
12:57.10zockJust one card at the moment.
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12:59.00zigmannot sure
13:00.16zockzigman: i need to provide a msn for outgoing calls? Perhaps asterisk sends the internal extension as msn and the pstn does not allow this?
13:01.00zigmandepends on your telco
13:01.09zigmanwhere are you from and what telco do you have ?
13:01.18zockzigman: germany "Deutsche Telekom".
13:01.25zigmandann machts nix ;)
13:01.34zockzigman: hmpf
13:03.34zockzigman: if i dial in i also get the voicemailbox :-) so communication pstn -> asterisk is working. also dtmf.
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13:04.21zigmanits only a config stuff then
13:04.27zigmanthats you turn ;)
13:04.30zockzigman: hm...
13:04.55zockzigman: exten => _0.,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN:1}/b) ... the only line that handles outgoing calls.
13:05.03zigmanwhats the /b ?
13:06.38zockzigman: hm...should be "early b3 connect"
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13:07.11zigmanahh a bristuff thing
13:07.32zockzigman: dunno... its state like that in a magazine.
13:08.00zockzigman: ARGH...without /b its working :-P
13:08.09RoyK- --- .-. -. .. -. --.
13:08.29RoyKwtf is /b?
13:08.30zock*rip rip rip*...damn article.
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13:08.46zigmanRoyK ?
13:08.53zigmanyou are not banned anymore  ? ;09
13:10.00zockthen now it's just a matter of configuring the extensions.
13:10.10zigmanzock have fun ;)
13:10.38miguelanybody have info about status of the Digium cards with OpenBSD?
13:11.39RoyKbanned? damned? from where?
13:12.26zigmanRoyK never mind... i guess its old stuff
13:12.45RoyKquite so
13:14.01zockzigman: Any suggestion on a url for explaining how to configure handling on a single specific incoming msn? "s" seems to handle ALL incoming calls.
13:18.07Jammyhmmm it should only pick up on what u tell it to, unless u have channels grouped
13:18.38*** join/#asterisk xphreak (
13:19.00xphreakhi I'm an * newcomer
13:19.26xphreakis it possible to initiate a call from within asterisk without having a channel number
13:19.46xphreakthus make asterisk call a phone number
13:20.38Jammyyup i guess...
13:20.51xphreakdo you know how ?
13:21.17xphreakI have looked at originate that does not suite me cause it requires a channel ID
13:27.49*** join/#asterisk Naturalblue (n=Kay@
13:29.29ariel_xphreak, look on the wiki for call file you can drop a call file in and asterisk will do the calling for you.
13:29.38jbotsomebody said docs was probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
13:29.45ariel_morning everyone
13:30.20xphreakariel_: thank you will do that
13:30.26xphreakOK a simple one now
13:30.36xphreakhow can I make a call using the * CLI ?
13:30.40tzafrir_laptopxphreak, call to where?
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13:30.50tzafrir_laptopxphreak, you always have the channel Local/
13:31.04xphreakjust  call an extension defined in the dilalplan
13:31.16xphreakI'm using asterisk 1.2.0
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13:32.03robin_szsigh ... OK, using receivefax() in * .. theres an AGI script called 'fax.php' refferred to in the docs .. but no clue as to what it does or where to get it from .. clues?
13:33.29robin_szand ... HTF do you test an AGI script?
13:33.38kllxphreak: dial <extension>@<context>
13:34.41kllthat will connect /dev/dsp to the call. and since most asterisk servers don't have a dsp device (ie, sound card) you won't hear anything. but after the call connects you can do a: transfer <extension>@<context> to transfer the call
13:35.33xphreakhere is what I've got on initiating the command dial
13:35.34xphreak*CLI> dial 2000@xphreak
13:35.34xphreakNo such command 'dial' (type 'help' for help)
13:35.46kllxphreak: you don't have the correct module loaded
13:35.53kllit's pbx_something
13:36.19kllthat one I beleive
13:36.23xphreakshould I recompile asterisk or just load the module manually ?
13:36.36Flautogood morning guys
13:36.42Flautoi have question
13:36.47Flautohi robin
13:36.51Flautogood morning
13:37.15ariel_the dial command is loaded from the start.
13:37.22Flautoi wanted to setup 911 to go through a zap connection in my extensions.conf
13:37.33Flautobut after i set it up
13:37.40Flautoit does not even dial
13:37.46ariel_how did you set it up
13:38.17Flautoexten => 911,1,Dial(${DIALOUTANALOG}/${EXTEN})
13:39.04*** join/#asterisk razu (
13:39.25ariel_Flauto, is your analog channel zap/1?
13:40.09ariel_exten => _911,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN},20)
13:40.25Flautolet me try
13:40.51ariel_this should be ahead of all your other rules.
13:41.00*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
13:41.38kllyou could even use: exten => _911!,........
13:41.45tzafrir_laptopdial is for interactive operation
13:42.14tzafrir_laptopIf you want to initiate a call, use a Local/ channel and initiate it from a call file or from the manager interface
13:45.48Flautoariel, samething. still does not work
13:46.00Flautoit gave me nothing for a while and then, busy tone
13:46.14Flautoon my asterisk, it does not even show that i was trying to call
13:46.41*** join/#asterisk pigpen2 (
13:47.28Flautoi have DIALOUTANALOG=Zap/1 in global so it should be the same way that they way you dial and my old way
13:48.07Flautothe only thing that i would think is that i have a dial partern setup with a prefix _9., later for another service
13:48.43Flautobut the thing is that other service is using a patern dial
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13:50.57xphreakOK about the call file
13:51.01*** part/#asterisk brockj49464 (n=brockj49@
13:51.04xphreakthe call file needs channel
13:51.21xphreakI don't have a channel number since I have to make a call from the * server
13:52.30xphreakI'm writing an application that on a receipt of a message should call an appropriate number wait for that number to pick up and then call another number wait to pick up and then connect the two numbers
13:52.37Flautoariel, are you there
13:52.53ariel_Flauto, what do you get on the cli when you make the call
13:53.13Flautoariel, nothing at all on cli
13:53.31ariel_nothing?? there got to be something
13:53.49Flautoariel, that is the strange part
13:53.52Flautoi got nothing
13:54.00Flautoabsolutely nothing
13:54.11Flautoi tried 411 too
13:54.14Flautoi got the samething
13:54.27ariel_set verbose 9
13:55.04Flautoit says now verbose is 9
13:56.07ariel_try the call again
13:56.18ariel_there has to be something on the cli
13:56.24Flautonothing at all
13:56.41ariel_then your device is not accessing the correct context
13:56.43Flautoi don't see anything at all
13:56.52Flautobut everythign else is working
13:56.59*** join/#asterisk ke4qqq (
13:57.00xphreakI'm using the Manager API, so when I get a JMS message from the application server I have to initiate a call to an agent
13:57.00xphreakhow can I do that
13:58.13xphreakcan anyone help me with this one ?
13:58.27Flautoariel, what should i do then
13:58.51Flautoi even rebuilt asterisk a few days ago
13:58.51Flautobut the same problem is still there
13:59.01*** join/#asterisk Drew (
13:59.17Flautowhat i hear from the phone is just quiet for a while and then, busy tone
13:59.49*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
14:01.04ariel_Flauto, but you said you see nothing on the cli
14:01.19ariel_if you remove the rule does it try to send the call out your other trunk?
14:02.18Flautolet me try
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14:04.37Flautoariel, it does not make any difference
14:04.43Flautoi really don't know what to do
14:06.33Flautolet me exclude that _9 patern and to see what will happen
14:07.49Flautostill nothing at all
14:08.47Flautoariel, any idea?
14:10.33*** join/#asterisk Z_God (
14:11.42Z_Godhi all
14:12.00ariel_Flauto, I would need to see your extensions.conf. But if your context are correct and your includes are correct the cli should display at least a dial command.
14:12.29Z_GodI've got a problem getting asterisk to work with my ISDN card
14:12.36tzafrir_laptopxphreak, call from what to an agent?
14:12.50Z_Godwhen I try to call asterisk, it doesn't seem to 'pick up'
14:13.03tzafrir_laptopWho is on the othe side of the call?
14:13.14Z_Godany idea how I can check if asterisk uses my card?
14:13.18ariel_I have to go out for a while. I should be back in a few hours. It's sunday and I have a list of honey doo's
14:13.33tzafrir_laptopZ_God, what type of asterisk channel do you use? what version of asterisk?
14:13.48xphreaktzafrir_laptop: I have no dial command I have just checked, I'm using asterisk 1.2.0, why is that ?
14:14.07xphreakon my laptop I use asterisk as well and have the dial command
14:14.23*** join/#asterisk ke4qqq (
14:14.36Z_Godversion from debian 3.1, sarge (I believe 1.0.7) with the modem channel
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14:15.27Z_GodAsterisk 1.0.7-BRIstuffed-0.2.0-RC7k
14:16.13zishanovMy Music On Hold is distorted, need help. I've tried everything. I have a SIP phone line. SIP to SIP it is good but when call comes in from PSTN, it is distorted.
14:17.02Z_Godmy ISDN card uses the HiSax driver, (Eicon Diva 2.01 ISA)
14:17.31Z_GodI had everything working, but I had to reinstall due to a hd-crash
14:17.38zishanovIs there any detailed help on the Internet about Asterisk MoH?
14:17.41Flautohey, ariel, thank you very much
14:18.25xphreakcan anyone tell me why I cannot use the dial command from the CLI ??
14:18.59zishanovxphreak, you can't use the dial command when your Linux hasn't installed sound card drivers
14:19.20Flautoxphreak, try to dial the number only without anything else
14:19.33xphreakI have the sound card drivers installed
14:19.36xphreakand they work
14:19.58zishanovdial works like 'Dial 201@internal'
14:20.05zishanovor whatever context it has
14:20.28xphreak*CLI> Dial 2000@xphreak
14:20.29xphreakNo such command 'Dial' (type 'help' for help)
14:20.37xphreakhere is the output for that command
14:20.47xphreakI have tried dial 2000
14:20.53xphreakand it worked on the laptop
14:20.59xphreakbut not on my desktop computer
14:21.07xphreakI get the same error
14:21.13zishanovxphreak, if you have drivers installed, Asterist doesn't know about them
14:21.16xphreakNo such command 'dial' (type 'help' for help)
14:21.23xphreakhmm ...
14:21.25zishanovI have two linux systems, on one I use dial and on other I can't
14:21.46zishanovI know why these messages appear
14:22.11*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
14:22.14zishanovtry to modify modules.conf, I'll write in a but how
14:22.32xphreakwhat to modify
14:22.59*** join/#asterisk ke4qqq (
14:24.29zishanovin modules.conf, change ;noload => to load
14:24.36xphreakI have solved the problem
14:24.45zishanovwhat did you do?
14:25.01xphreakI have loaded but I needed
14:25.09xphreakthanks for the tip zishanov
14:25.11zishanovthats right
14:25.54zishanovnow can anybody help me on my MoH issue. I haven't slept all night trying to fix it. Now I want to sleep but can't, until it'll be fixed
14:26.17zishanovMusic is distorted when call comes in from cell phone or any PSTN line, why is that
14:29.35*** part/#asterisk gushi (
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14:34.53nassyzigman: i dont know. im new to asterisk. my guess: volume too loud
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14:36.43zishanovvolume is ok, because from other SIP lines it is clear
14:37.11nassyoh ok, maybe something to do with the codec or codec translation
14:37.59Errfrom a cell phone it could very easily be re-compression (since the cell phone system re-compresses the audio)
14:38.19Errlandline phones don't necessarily digitally compress the audio, but they might - which could cause the audio to sound like crap as well
14:38.55*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
14:38.58zishanovwhat are the solutions? Is it good to use native MoH. If yes, then how to do I use it
14:39.05*** part/#asterisk xphreak (
14:40.00Errthe only solution that I can think of is to use less compression on your links, so that the quality is degraded less on your end
14:40.46*** join/#asterisk telmich (
14:40.57zishanovWhat's the difference between native MoH and regular MoH?
14:41.11*** join/#asterisk ke4qqq (
14:41.19telmichI've the problem that some people can't reach other people. I got that in my logs: Jan 22 15:42:14 NOTICE[18436]: chan_iax2.c:6775 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach '1001@'
14:41.27telmichcan you explain that to me
14:42.01nassyi cant, im not familar enough with asterisk. id guess your dial plan blocked them though
14:42.42Drewim having some problems with recieving incoming sip calls - the asterisk box is behind a nat firewall - do i have to forward the rtp port range aswell as 5060-5061 two the asterisk? and if so what is a sensible portrange to use? im not going to forward 10k ports...
14:42.43telmichexten => 1001,1,Dial(IAX2/nico,,rm)             ; ring without time limit
14:42.52telmichthat's the only entry I've for 1001
14:44.40*** part/#asterisk dimas (n=ds@
14:45.28nassyDrew: i dont know. if you dont get help here try the voip wiki they may have some suggestions in the asterisk section
14:45.52nassytelmich: i dont know, sorry. try turning on debugging on the cli
14:46.14kink0Drew, try sip debug and see if messages arrives and also are sent without retrys
14:46.57telmichnassy: I've that message from the cli
14:47.00kink0Drew or use tcpdump to see, I am also behind nat, but I did not need to touch my router config to pass ports, even most ports was closed.
14:47.04*** join/#asterisk markit (
14:47.47markithi, the sound "inithelp.gsm" is listed in the sounds.txt, but I can't find it in the installed set... is it a bug of the sounds.txt or of the installation set? (svn 1.2.x stable)
14:49.02Drewkink - its not about incoming from the sip provider - that works (ie . caller uses POTS phone to call the number at my sip/voip provider) but incoming sip calls from ppl using my ip address (ie dont work
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14:53.49kink0Drew what you got when a call to your IP arrives ? nothing ? even nothing debuging SIP ?
14:54.51robin_szOK, so I have outgoing via voip gate going OK, incoming via ISDN 8 channels on an Eicon, 30 extesnions, 2 receptionists, mailboxes and forwarding all working ...
14:55.08robin_szjust the sodding FAX now ...
14:55.44robin_szactually, no, just the fax and the emergency phone in the lift
14:56.13Drewgives me some kind of timeout error on the console and the caller gets an unavailable message
14:56.19robin_szoh, and the lack of dancing girls
15:00.27Drewlol - who needs the emergancy phone to work??  ^^
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15:43.58neon_klhello everybody
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16:08.52Z_Goddoes anyone here know what command I can use in asterisk to see if it finds my modem (ISDN) channel correctly?
16:09.17Z_Godasterisk doesn't seem to 'pick up' when I try to call it
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16:10.32bkw_give up
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16:17.44sandra78hi does anybody knows if can be used 2 TDM04b in the same PC?
16:18.01blop-- Executing ChanIsAvail("Zap/1-1", "Zap/3&Zap/2") in new stack
16:18.01blop-- Hungup 'Zap/3-1'
16:18.01blop-- Executing Dial("Zap/1-1", "Zap/3-1|180|r") in new stack
16:18.01blopJan 22 11:58:04 WARNING[18797]: chan_zap.c:7608 zt_request: Unknown option '-' in '3-1'
16:18.09blop=> how can i fix this warning ?
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16:20.47inv_Arpblop: errr, remve the unknow option?
16:20.58robin_szblop the asnwer is in the message
16:21.37blopyeah but
16:22.00blopthe dial is using the result of ChanIsAvail(), its ChanIsAvail which add a - in it
16:22.28blopi got
16:22.28blopexten => s,14,ChanIsAvail(Zap/3&Zap/2)
16:22.28blopexten => s,15,Dial(${AVAILCHAN},180,r)
16:22.33*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
16:22.42uneuronhwell is there  any  asterisk  billing  software  done in PHP  ?
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16:27.42mallumanyone have an example config of using asterisk as a sip<->iax gateway ?
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16:41.27RoyK-.-. --.-
16:41.37*** join/#asterisk Druken (
16:42.14Drukenmorning everyone
16:43.52*** join/#asterisk hiha-ZzZz[20f] (n=NaSIr@
16:44.13[TK]D-FenderRoyK : CQ?
16:45.07*** part/#asterisk uneuronh (n=uneuronh@
16:45.12wasimCows Quarterly
16:45.12RoyKold calling in morse language
16:45.22RoyKseek you
16:45.25RoyK~lart wasim
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16:46.01RoyKwasim: hehe. the .no ambassedor from .pk beat up a pakistani visitor today....
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16:46.15wasimRoyK: good start to the visit, eh?
16:47.28Drukencq, cq, this is wx409 calling tr576, cq, cq....
16:48.44Drukenya know what i hate about web design?
16:48.49Drukenthe design part.....
16:50.38*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
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16:56.44robin_szDruken: the web part sucks too
16:56.57Drukennot nearly as much as the design....
16:57.07sandra78hi does anybody knows if can be used 2 TDM04b in the same PC?
16:57.08Drukenbut i have no artistic value... so.. :)
16:57.09robin_szthese days, use Joomla
16:59.29ManxPowesandra78, you should be able to.
16:59.36ManxPoweI would not recommend more than 2
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17:09.23zockkll: asterisk is working now as supposed. Next Task... using a second card for nt-mode ... but thats a task for next week ;-)
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17:19.13tekatiCan * detect distinctive ringing on a SIP line?  The reason I ask is I have broadvoice with an add on line.  It does not send any type of DNIS info so I can not determine which number is ringing.  Broadvoice can however send distinctive ring tones so if I could intercept that I could tell which line was ringing.  Or does anyone have any other ideas as well?
17:20.19*** join/#asterisk mrdigital (
17:20.40mrdigitalnice! i just hired to setup a asterisk server with 10 phones and 2 door buzzers my pay = $2,000
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17:24.46QbYIs there something that would cause my PAP2 to not receive calls after a long period of idleness.  But if I pick up the phone I can make a call right out?
17:25.05nassywhere are you located, mrdigital
17:26.01mrdigitalthis system is for a Doctors Office
17:26.11*** join/#asterisk roulduke_ (
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17:27.10nassyah ok, do you do migrations. i am in nyc and may need your services sometime in the future
17:27.33nassyi plan to propose migrating from our current toshiba strata ctx system to asterisk
17:27.48mrdigitalpm me nassy
17:28.16nassyare you going to be here for a bit. i have to finish up an email
17:29.53[TK]D-FenderQbY : Is your PAP2 local to your *?
17:29.54redder86In the development of 1.2 from 1.0, Asterisk applications SetVar changed to Set, SetCID.. changed to Set(CALLERID(...)).  The file UPGRADE.txt does not indicate, however, if these changes affected the Asterisk Call Manager syntax.  Does anyone know?
17:31.33QbYTK.  NO..
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17:31.56[TK]D-FenderQbY : Then you need to set the NAT keep-alive stuff in sip.conf and on the PAP2.
17:32.07QbYI have NAT=yes
17:32.11QbYwhat is the other keep alive?
17:32.19[TK]D-FenderQbY : qualify=yes
17:32.30*** join/#asterisk ke4qqq (
17:32.36[TK]D-Fenderand on the PAP2, you might need to tell it you're behind NAT
17:32.45QbYok, let me see
17:33.09*** part/#asterisk mhnoyes (
17:34.09SERGEUSi want to hide my asterisk from SIP provider :) is there any way to change asterisk's SIPUSERAGENT from dialplan, before calling DIAL(...) ?
17:34.30redder86sorry, I meant AGI
17:34.43redder86AGI syntax, not manager API syntax
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17:36.05QbYIs there a key sequence for hold?  on an Analog phone.
17:36.45*** part/#asterisk redder86 (
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17:37.28Qwellwow, that question mark is excessively large...
17:37.39*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (n=PoWeRKiL@
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17:38.01PoWeRKiLLsomeone know why to correct this warning Jan 22 18:38:33 WARNING[25837]: channel.c:787 channel_find_locked: Avoided initial deadlock for '0x837b228', 10 retries! ?
17:39.53[TK]D-FenderQbY : The PAP2 has its own means of signalling SIP functionality like that through use of hook-flash & * codes.  Look in your config as to how its set up.
17:41.48*** join/#asterisk ke4qqq (
17:42.02QbYi don't see one for Hold..  Would it be called something else in SIP Terms
17:44.00*** part/#asterisk Z_God (
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17:45.14frenzyhey ya all !
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17:48.36frenzywhat does this mean?? Jan 22 17:48:22 WARNING[12327]: channel.c:2049 ast_indicate: Unable to handle indication 3 for 'SIP/7777777-c9cb'
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17:54.00tekatiCan * detect distinctive ringing on a SIP line?  The reason I ask is I have broadvoice with an add on line.  It does not send any type of DNIS info so I can not determine which number is ringing.  Broadvoice can however send distinctive ring tones so if I could intercept that I could tell which line was ringing.  Or does anyone have any other ideas as well?
17:55.05Math[laptop]tekati: it should call the number which is ringing...
17:56.23frenzybepp bepp
17:58.55frenzytzanger: *blush*
17:59.59tekatiMath: When Broadvoice sends the call it uses the primary number regardless of which number you call.  I am guessing this is because it is the primary number that the sip registers too.
18:00.14ManxPowethere is no such thing as "distinctive ring" in SIP
18:00.27ManxPowetekati, get multiple accounts.
18:00.35Qwellthere are ALERT_INFO headers, but that's about it
18:00.42QwellI doubt they send those
18:00.58tekatiThere must be or Broadvoice is a freak as that is setup option.
18:00.58ManxPowetekati, remove the /number from your register line
18:01.12*** join/#asterisk ke4qqq (
18:01.32tekatiAlternate Numbers Allow up to two additional phone numbers, with each number having a distinctive ringing pattern.
18:01.55tekatiThat comes from the configuration screen on their site.
18:02.01tekatiMine is turned on.
18:02.04ManxPowetekati, that is only for use with an ATA.
18:02.11Math[laptop]do a SIP debug trace and check for ALERT_INFO
18:02.15tekatiAh now see that could be.
18:02.22tekatiMath sounds reasonable stand by.
18:02.30*** join/#asterisk coppice_ (
18:02.37ManxPowetekati, if you remove the /number from your register line BV might do what you want it to.
18:06.01*** part/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@
18:06.34tekatiINVITE sip:6615552121@ SIP/2.0
18:06.34tekatiVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK3qkn8l300gk1v9gub301.1sr
18:06.34tekatiFrom: "6615551212"<sip:6615551212@;user=phone>;tag=SD2g75c01-575806738-1137952974682
18:06.34tekatiTo: "Not Me"<;user=phone>
18:06.34tekatiCall-ID: SD2g75c01-6ffb0fefa116f99a70e1356f321bd46a-js11002
18:06.35tekatiCSeq: 967062446 INVITE
18:06.37tekatiContact: <sip:6615551212@;ep=;transport=udp>
18:06.41tekatiSupported: 100rel
18:06.43tekatiAccept: application/sdp,application/dtmf
18:06.45tekatiMax-Forwards: 69
18:06.47tekatiContent-Type: application/sdp
18:06.49tekatiContent-Length: 275
18:06.50JunK-Ytekati: use pastebin
18:06.54jbotsomebody said pb was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
18:07.23ManxPowetekati, is that with /number on register => or without it?
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18:17.55tekatiManxPower: register =>
18:18.00*** join/#asterisk pb__ (
18:18.23tekatiThat is the line if I try to remove the last part of the number it tells me when I reload SIP that the line is incorrect and I get a fast busy when trying to call the number.
18:19.04QbYtekati.. what version of asterisk are your urnning?
18:19.13tekati1.2.1 I believe.
18:19.49QbYthe registration syntax changed..  register=>
18:20.07tekatiI can try that.
18:20.24Qwellbut do it without the /615blah at the end
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18:21.08ManxPowetekati,  the /6615551212 tells BroadVoice "Please send all calls for this account to my exten => 6615551212 line/.
18:22.15tekatiSo should it just be: register =>
18:22.52QbYdepends on the rest of your dial plan
18:23.15riddleboxdid anyone else have problems with broadvoice not registering this weekend?
18:23.32Qwellriddlebox: Did the day end in a 'y'?
18:23.33QbYi did when i upgraded to 1.2
18:23.36Qwellif so, yes
18:23.39QbYthat's how i knew of the new registration syntax
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18:25.34tekatiOkay I did that and setup the extension information correctly and it still comes through as the main number regardless of what number I called.
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18:26.54joonysamcan anyone tell me which ports to map for a asterisk box behind a windows ICS NAT?
18:27.19joonysamI have 5060, 16384, 16394, and 8000, all UDP mapped out to the internal IP
18:28.48[TK]D-Fenderjoonysam : you should have from 10000-20000 mapped
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18:29.34trixterdefault rtp.conf is 10000-20000 but that is easily changed
18:29.38joonysamhmm yeah, that's going to be a bit tricky, you can only map one port at a time in ICS :(
18:29.57joonysamis 10000-20000 for the audio channel?
18:30.08trixterand that also assumes that your internal devices dont directly bridge out, which is controlled through sip.conf
18:30.17joonysama PC with x-lite on a public IP without a firewall can call, but not transmit audio, but hears the other side
18:30.22trixterjoonysam: yes the rtp layer which does audio and other stuff
18:30.54trixterand it may be that depending on how you do your firewall you may need to allow other stuff ...
18:31.05trixter*most* people set up a firewall to restrict nothying out but limit what can go in
18:31.12joonysamI see
18:31.29tekatiIt does appear that the distinctive ring comes in the form of: Alert-Info: <>
18:31.49trixterin that instance you can let udp into 5060 (default in sip.conf) and 10000-20000 (default rtp.conf) and let everything out go, and it should work
18:32.15tekatiIt does appear that the distinctive ring does come in the form of: Alert-Info: <> with Broadvoice.
18:32.21trixteryou also need to configure externip and localnet in sip.conf and turn nat on for your internal devices if you are natted
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18:33.02joonysamso the devices in the internal network need to be natted even though it's in the same network with the * server?
18:33.23tekatiIS there a way to use the Aleart-Info: within the extensions?
18:34.18joonysambecause the devices inside the network can talk to each other
18:34.31joonysamwhich is why I didn't NAT them
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18:35.34nesyshi folks
18:35.41nesysI've a lot of that:
18:35.42nesysJan 22 19:34:00 WARNING[3112]: rtp.c:927 ast_rtp_settos: Unable to set TOS to 184
18:35.46nesyswhat could I do?
18:36.09trixterchange your tos or ignore it
18:36.19trixterI use 0x18 (high throughput low delay)
18:36.37nesyswell, I've tos=0xb8 only on sip.conf
18:36.40nesysthat's the problem?
18:36.46ErrI would assume that that's a permission problem (that you don't have permission to set your TOS to that setting)
18:36.56ManxPoweI use 0xb8 as well
18:37.09Err0xb8 == 184 decimal
18:37.18ManxPowenesys, if you run Asterisk as non-root you will have that problem.
18:37.33ManxPoweThere was a post on the mailing list a week or three ago that talked about how to work around that.
18:38.12nesysroot      3091  0.0  0.0  2748 1324 pts/0    S    19:30   0:00 /bin/sh /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk -p -U asterisk
18:38.12nesysasterisk  3112  0.0  0.3 49852 7444 pts/0    S    19:30   0:00 asterisk -p -U asterisk -vvvg -c
18:38.33nesysyes, asterisk is running as asterisk user ManxPowe
18:39.08*** join/#asterisk ke4qqq (
18:39.09ManxPowetrixter, there's a way to allow specific users to change the TOS under linux.
18:39.37nesysManxPowe I use debian ... I check the ml now :) tnaks
18:39.44trixterI was giving that because it shows what the individual bits mean
18:39.50Errthere are allowable classes that users can set - but I don't know that you can set all possible TOS values as a random user
18:39.52ManxPowetrixter, Ah.
18:40.02*** join/#asterisk nroej (
18:40.04nroejhi all!
18:40.15ManxPoweYou can also use a router that allows you to change the TOS on the fly (like Ciscos)
18:40.49Errthe problem is, I think, that you're setting the *precedence* bits by setting the high 3 bits - use 0x18 and not 0xb8
18:41.07trixterI think so too
18:41.14Err...not that it really matters, because every internet link on earth ignores precedence bits inbound
18:41.17trixterI didnt think tos was a full 8 bits, I thought it was 5 or something
18:41.39Errit is indeed - see RFC791 p. 12
18:41.57trixterfor what is meaningful anyway, and the bit mask table shows 5 bits..
18:42.05trixterbut meh
18:42.12trixterI have mine at 0x18 and that is good enough for me :)
18:42.13Erryou're setting "Critical" precedence, which is pretentious at best :-P
18:42.27trixterwhy its ignored
18:42.35*** join/#asterisk austinnichols101 (
18:42.42trixterbecuase everyone sets those and unless your networking gear supports it most others wont or everyone would do that
18:43.05trixterlike setting your priority on AMPS mobile phones so you can get a call even if that means bumping someone else off due to congestion
18:43.07Errif you pay enough, your ISP might actually let you set precedence - but in general they ignore the TOS bits, too
18:43.20trixtereventually mobile operators stopped using it, but it was great in the late 80s and very early 90s
18:43.33Errchances are good that the TOS bits are actually 0x00 by the time they get to the other end anyway :-)
18:43.39*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
18:43.50trixtercongestion?  not a problem some other schmuck drops their call so you can order a pizza :P
18:44.14trixtererr: that would be improper for a company to do, odds are they ignore them rather than change them
18:44.53Errthey're welcome to do whatever they want, as long as they update the checksum
18:45.44*** join/#asterisk panic (
18:45.45trixterwell yes/no, they cna introduce other issues which can cause more breakage and higher tech support queries..  while that specific change isnt likely to cause any real problems in terms of data not being received appropriately other similar things could
18:45.57Err"If the actual use of these precedence designations is of concern to a particular network, it is the responsibility of that network to control the access to, and use of, those precedence designations."  <-- from RFC 791
18:46.05nesysErr with 0x18 I've solved tnx :)
18:47.03ErrI think these days most packets are prefixed with a header that designates QoS information, in a network's core, but updating bits in the header has been used in the past (since there are already fields for this sort of thing)
18:47.17*** part/#asterisk panic (
18:47.49nesyssomeone has found problem to connect * (version after 1.0.9) with an ISP that uses sip port different of standard 5060?
18:48.16trixterrunning asterisk as root and giving people access to the cli (note the cli program doesnt have to have root, it just has to be able to talk to the stream pipe) you can exec commands as root - something that may not be allowed at a given installation (ie non-home users) and can allow someone to exceed their authorized access (ie a rogue employee about to quit) the manager interface has other issues.  running asterisk as root to fix other problems is ge
18:48.16trixternerally a bad idea for that reason.  unless its just a home system or a very small company but not an enterprise type thing where permissions are segregated
18:48.25nesys* 1.0.9 works like a charm, 1.2.x has problems here with registration (request sent but not registered)
18:48.33trixternesys: I dunno did someone ?
18:48.42trixterif the isp has DNS SRV entries it shouldnt be that big of a deal
18:49.10nesystrixter I've found that problem with messagenet (italian ISP) that uses 5061 istead of 5061
18:49.17nesys5060 sorry :)
18:49.56trixterdoes that provider use a SRV entry in their DNS?  they can map sip to 5061 easily that way and afaik asterisk does properly support that entry
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18:50.14trixterthere are also afaik ways to set the port it connects to in asterisk, something I have never had to look at so I dont really know how well that works
18:50.15ManxPowenesys, are you SURE that's the destination port, not the SOURCE port?
18:50.59nesysManxPowe I'm sure, cos same config on 1.0.9 works correctly :)
18:51.08*** join/#asterisk austinnichols101 (
18:51.20nesysManxPowe but I'll troubleshoot that later
18:51.39trixterManxPowe: I have seen a lot of people pop ser on 5060 and asterisk on 5061 -- in that case however you should connect to 5060 most likely, but some people set up unauthenticated servers on 5061 hoping everyone will use ser on 5060 and not realize they can directly connect to the media gateway or whatever
18:52.19nesystrixter that's it
18:52.20ManxPowetrixter, until they get a 5 billion dollar bill from their provider.
18:53.08*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
18:53.33nesyswell, as you say, isn't an asterisk problem .. right?
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19:10.19zishanovhow to convert mp3 to gsm or ulaw for native MoH
19:10.34Qwellzishanov: sox
19:10.42Qwelljust make sure to make it 8khz mono
19:11.23riddleboxgeez broadvoice is making me mad right now
19:11.40zishanovIs it real time or I have to convert them all into gsm and then put them in moh-native folder?
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19:14.24austinnichols101Getting a voice cut-out during a call from a remote 7960G.  Can hear first ring when dialing extension, then 3 rings worth of silence, then name, then silence for the rest of the call.  Calling other things like *411 work fine.  Any ideas on where to start troubleshooting?
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19:15.40zishanovIs sox installed with Asterisk 1.2.2
19:15.48zishanovOr I have to download is separately
19:15.59dpryoIt's a separate application
19:16.02DarkFlibblezishanov, its seperate...
19:16.29DarkFlibblebut I personally prefer to save prompts in ulaw... results in better quality with various codecs...
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19:17.37zishanovDarkFlibble, I am trying to fix the distorted MoH problem. Default MoH are in MP3 format and I want them to be played in native format
19:18.12DarkFlibblenative format isn't gsm...
19:18.18zishanovaustinnichols101, thanks
19:18.21zishanovyes DarkFlibble
19:18.23DarkFlibblegsm is just a codec...
19:18.44DarkFlibbleAsterisk can play anything it has a format and codec for
19:18.44austinnichols101zishanov: np
19:19.19zishanovI want Asterisk to use GSM when playing MP3 files. It is also a file format I think because all of the default sound prompts of Asterisk are in .gsm firmat
19:20.13austinnichols101zishanov: slinear (.sln) starting in 1.2
19:20.20zishanovI am trying to do something with sox now. I am really lost. What I am thinking now is that there should be a real time conversion of MP3s
19:20.31zishanovwhat is slinear?
19:21.03austinnichols101check the link I sent
19:23.22zishanovwhy asterisk doesn't come with proper MoH files? Or SOX for that matter?
19:23.50DarkFlibbleit comes with 3 or 4 MoH mp3z which work fine for most people...
19:24.03DarkFlibbleand Sox is developed by other people...
19:24.09tronixhmm maybe sound suppression (VAD) is enabled somewhere?
19:24.16tronix(re: 7960G cutout)
19:24.23tronixre: austinnic
19:24.59DarkFlibbleif you turn on sip debugging there is a message about dropping frames or samples if vad is active iirc
19:25.56Errsox as in the sound utility?
19:26.05DarkFlibbleErr, yes
19:26.19*** join/#asterisk linlin2 (
19:26.35Errit's 450 years old - why should asterisk come with it
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19:27.10DarkFlibblealso Sox is used by 100s of utilities... not just asterisk... and asterisk doesn't *require* it
19:27.32austinnichols101tronix: tks (googling to find more info...)
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19:28.11tronixaustinnic: vad basically transmits nothing during periods of silence and plays minor havoc with first second or two of next voice traffic frames
19:28.27austinnichols101tronix: sounds like what I'm seeing
19:28.32shmaltz~seen tzafrir
19:28.42jbottzafrir <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 105d 2h 12m 26s ago, saying: 'quasi2k, try #asterisk-de (is there such a channel?)'.
19:28.44austinnichols101tronix: only seems to happen during relatively 'quiet' periods
19:28.56tronixaustinnic: usually prefer to disable VAD to make it easier on everybody
19:29.02shmaltz~seen tzafrir_lapto
19:29.04jboti haven't seen 'tzafrir_lapto', shmaltz
19:29.10shmaltz~seen tzafrir_laptop
19:29.12jbottzafrir_laptop <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 3h 41m 45s ago, saying: 'hi'.
19:31.22*** join/#asterisk elephantMan (
19:31.24zishanovhow to untar the sox.tar file. It says gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
19:31.38DarkFlibblerun file sox.tar
19:31.44DarkFlibbleit will tell you what it is
19:35.32zishanovits ok now, untar successfully. Now I am trying to install it. But make install doesn't seem to be working.
19:35.53DarkFlibbledid you read the readme?
19:36.00DarkFlibbleand the install files?
19:36.09zishanovthats what I am doind right npw
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19:39.03austinnichols101tronix: doesn't appear to be enabled (checked config files on the 7960s).  Is there an easy way to verify?
19:40.11tronixmight also be referred to as rfc... 3389?
19:40.40tronixmaybe not applicable to 7960G. not sure.
19:40.59*** join/#asterisk spunz (
19:41.32austinnichols101the 7960G has it in the SIP<mac>.cfg file: # Enable VAD (0-disable (default), 1-enable)
19:41.32austinnichols101enable_vad: "0"
19:42.26austinnichols101but I think you're on to what the problem is - sounds too close to what is happening to be wrong
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19:47.13shmaltzwhen is superbowl sunday?
19:47.41iDunnoon a sunday.
19:49.03shmaltziDunno, realy?
19:50.02*** join/#asterisk annonimous (
19:50.17shmaltziDunno, where you from?
19:50.29shmaltznah, from UK
19:50.44shmaltzBrett, where in the UK you from?
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19:50.57shmaltzannonimous, hi
19:51.17shmaltz~seen tzafrir_laptop
19:51.25jbottzafrir_laptop <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 4h 3m 58s ago, saying: 'hi'.
19:51.25zishanovI installed sox, it said it needed libmad to read MP3 files. I installed libmad. Now do I need to reinstall SOX?
19:51.27shmaltziDunno, where in the UK you from?
19:51.34iDunnocurrently in Brighton
19:51.39iDunnopreviously Norwich
19:51.45iDunnoand before that Sudbury
19:51.56DarkFlibbleLeicester here...
19:52.13shmaltziDunno, I hate that country, the only good thing from there is my wife :P
19:52.19DarkFlibbleused to work in Horsham... fairly close to brighton
19:52.22tronixshmaltz: I think it's two weeks from now? (American Football's Super Bowl)
19:52.35shmaltztronix, it's on 2/5
19:52.39tronixah, nice. I had a great (working) trip to Basingstoke/London couple months ago
19:52.59shmaltzadn yo had what to eat?
19:53.01iDunnoshmaltz: it's a lovely country, apart from the occasional bit of miserable weather :)
19:53.22shmaltztronix, you werent starving hungary while you were there?
19:53.26tronixoh no, not at all!
19:53.29tronixvery well fed.
19:53.42tronixalong with sit-down service that we take for granted here. ;)
19:53.50tronix(err, that we don't get enough of)
19:53.51annonimousis there anyway that my spa3000 can get "normal" trunk line and send it for my asterisk (cause i dont have the trunk cards and im wandering if thatsolutions will work =/)
19:53.52shmaltzhmmm, when I go to England I make sure I"m overweight, so I can tell everyone i'm on diet
19:54.10shmaltzannonimous, define normal
19:54.55annonimousshmaltz, normal i mean like companys wqho porovide analog accesss to pstn like humm att (mexico) telmex(mexico) not Voip companies
19:55.25*** join/#asterisk Simon- (
19:55.32shmaltzannonimous, of course, thats wha the FXO port on the SPA3000 is mean for
19:56.19annonimousshmaltz, oh ok but when i put my pstn to the fxo port i cant get line or maybe i need to configure more the spa3000?
19:56.29annonimous(sorry but im new with asterisk =/)
20:00.02Flautoannonimous, there is not much you can do to config from your asterisk end for your spa 3000
20:00.14Flautobasically, it is depending on what you want
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20:00.19annonimousFlauto, ah i see
20:00.30shmaltzannonimous, if you don't configure the spa then it wont work :(
20:01.10annonimousshmaltz, i have configured it but in the part of for sipping, but im looking for a link for how to configure fxo port =/
20:02.19shmaltzannonimous, you have to configure the following on the SPA:
20:02.20shmaltz1. That it registers with asterisk 2. That it has a DP for asterisk 3. and that DP is what any incoming call will use
20:02.20Flautowhta do you want to do with spa 3000
20:02.22shmaltzIn asterisk you configure:
20:02.23shmaltz1. The sip.conf entry with a context. 2. an extension that matches the DP configured in step 2 above
20:03.13annonimousFlauto, trying to use it as line trunk instead of buy the fxo pci card cause i cant afford it
20:03.55annonimousshmaltz, ah i see so the spa needs to be configured and then i can use it?
20:05.09Flautobuy a x100p clone, it cost less then 20 dollars
20:05.22Flautogo to ebay
20:05.26annonimousok lets see
20:05.52Flautonever played with x110p
20:06.10shmaltzthe follwing DP for the PSTN line will make sure that any incoming call will go to extension s in asterisk:
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20:07.35annonimousshmaltz, and then any extension will ring?
20:08.01annonimousFlauto, digium wildcard oem?
20:08.03shmaltzannonimous, it depends on what you have setup in asterisk for the s extension
20:08.29annonimousshmaltz, ok
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20:09.14annonimousshmaltz, any good book or how to that u can reccomend me? (cause sometimes im very shy to ask cause i dont feel that are "interesting questions =/)
20:09.54shmaltzannonimous, yes, Google, which can be found at:
20:09.59SERGEUSare there any "sipdiscount" users?
20:10.26annonimousshmaltz, oh ok thanks =D!
20:10.35SERGEUSi have a problem last 2 days, maybe someone have the same?
20:10.50SERGEUScall breaks after 30-40 seconds from start...
20:11.41*** join/#asterisk rob0 (i=1002@
20:11.50Flautosergeus, i think you call for free only for under a minute if you use sipdiscount without paying
20:12.01*** join/#asterisk NirS (n=NirS@
20:12.33Flautoor, use voipstunt
20:12.42SERGEUSFlauto, after call dropped, sipdiscount calling again to called party
20:13.16Flautooh, that is strange
20:13.23Flautosorry, never had that problem
20:13.32SERGEUSbesides, such strange behaviour started 2 days ago, and i'm using sipdiscount for 2 weeks...
20:13.58Flautosergeus, look at voipstunt
20:14.03Flautothey are the same company
20:14.11Flautoand using pretty much the same network
20:14.17SERGEUSFlauto, thanks for advice :)
20:14.19Flautoand it is free to many countries
20:14.36Flautoi have been using them for about two weeks now
20:15.04Flautoworks great other than i can not set my callerid to be shown on ther paries phone
20:19.31X-FilesPpls, why message not work ?
20:20.01X-FilesSIP/2.0 415 Unsupported Media Type
20:20.39rajivis there another web interface to voicemail other than vmail.cgi ?
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20:27.45tainted-would NAT issues give me 401 Unauthorized messages?
20:27.56riddleboxwhat would cause agi scripts to not run at all? I had a script that was working, now today, it doesnt
20:28.12tainted-riddlebox permissions?
20:28.17tainted-riddlebox what is it written in
20:28.52riddleboxtainted-, it is written in python, also I have one in c, and neither work now
20:30.08tainted-on the same machine?
20:30.09tainted-or fastagi
20:30.51austinnichols101Getting a voice cut-out during a call from a remote 7960G.  Can hear first ring when dialing extension, then 3 rings worth of silence, then name, then silence for the rest of the call.  Calling other things like *411 work fine.    Reviewed VAD but appeared to be disabled.  Any ideas on where to start troubleshooting?
20:31.11riddleboxtainted-,on the same machine
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20:31.29tainted-can the script run standalone
20:31.32*** part/#asterisk oej (
20:31.49riddleboxyou mean, can I run it in python without executing it in asterisk?
20:31.50tainted-do u see it executing in CLI?
20:32.22riddleboxI see it in the asterisk cli, but it is supposed to use GET DATA, and it doesnt even play my recording
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20:37.10riddleboxdo you want to see the code?
20:37.33tainted-i don't know python but i could take a look
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20:39.52tainted-does it get to the "Received %s\n" line?
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20:47.10tainted-not sure
20:47.21tainted-i would try running some of the perl agi's that come with asterisk
20:47.53tainted-see if those work
20:48.00clive-does nayone use mondo to do backups?
20:48.07tainted-is mondo around anymore?
20:48.23tainted-i never got it to work
20:48.40clive-tainted, I am looking for a simple way to backup/mirror disks
20:49.35clive-justin I hear ghost has issues with the gurb
20:49.38Errfor mirroring, use rsync - for backup, use amanda :-)
20:49.57justinuic... can't say I've ever tried
20:49.58Erramanda's for tape backup
20:50.00tainted-she's his secretary
20:50.05Err(or to a hard drive, or any other filestore)
20:51.05tainted-you can ghost linux?
20:51.14Qwelltainted-: sure
20:51.20tainted-wow.. didn't know that
20:51.22Qwellbut, might as well just dd
20:51.30clive-tainted, so I have read, but there seems to be issues with grub
20:51.42tainted-what kind of issues
20:52.12tainted-yea if you're going to image the drive ...
20:52.16clive-dd seems to be the best way so far, but itsslow and not slip and bye bye hard drive
20:52.24Errany time you use a byte-for-byte copy of a disk partition, everything *has* to have the exact same geometry coming back out or booting won't work
20:52.24Qwelldd is quite easy
20:52.44tainted-are there incremental backup apps?
20:52.46QwellErr: I disagree with that
20:52.49Qwelltainted-: rsync?
20:52.55Errwell, actualy, grub understands filesystems
20:53.02Errthen the only problem is partition tables :-)
20:54.14clive-the trouble with dd is that you need saem size drives
20:54.23QwellX-Files: Please don't message me
20:54.27Qwellclive-: not true
20:54.41*** join/#asterisk areski_ (
20:54.54QwellYou can dd to a large drive very easily, and dd'ing to a smaller drive is also possible
20:55.00riddleboxtainted-, the perl example works
20:55.03clive-qwell,,,,I think you may be able to go from a small to a big driove, but not vice versa
20:55.04Qwelldrive/partition even
20:55.08Qwellclive-: sure you can
20:55.14clive-oh really?
20:55.16X-FilesQwell: SIP/2.0 415 Unsupported Media Type <--- what u can say about ?
20:55.23clive-qwell, I need to do some more reading up":)
20:55.31clive-thanks for the info
20:55.38QwellX-Files: means you're using a media type that isn't supported
20:56.07Qwellclive-: You need to be careful, but it's very possible
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20:57.11X-FilesQwell: what do I need for UP media type ?
20:57.39X-Filesto get up  :)
20:57.47QwellWhat is UP?
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20:58.21X-Filesi don't know how to tell it ... xmm .. to make media type working well ... ?
20:58.43masonccan anyone help me understand ChanIsAvail?
20:59.46Qwellmasonc: it checks if the channel is available
20:59.49*** join/#asterisk SAnnis (
20:59.55masoncyes, got that
21:00.04masoncbut it returns only the channel
21:00.05Qwellbe more specific...what don't you understand?
21:00.18masoncif you are using IAX2 and you have to authenticate, how do you do that
21:00.27Qwellsame as in dial
21:00.30X-FilesQwell what can I do with this media type? how can I fix it?
21:00.30QwellI'd imagine
21:00.55masoncexample: ChanISAvail(IAX2/masonc@teliax&IAX2/fred@voxee)
21:01.07Qwellmasonc: pretty much
21:01.10masonconly returns teliax
21:01.16masoncnot masonc@teliaxc
21:01.17Qwellyes, it won't return both
21:01.19SAnnisI think I have what is a simple question if someone has time to address it..
21:01.20Qwelloh, I see
21:01.34Qwelldunno, food
21:01.35masoncso what good is it in this situation
21:01.38freqanyone know of a voip service provider that lets you make free tollfree calls in the US , and supports IAX2
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21:02.29masoncI am trying to make a failover dialplan
21:02.34SAnnisIs it possible to make asterix work with Packet8 so that I can put an extension in each room of my house..
21:02.37masoncbut I don't see hwo to do it with ChanISAvail
21:02.44SAnnisasterisk (sp0
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21:03.40masoncThe only way I can get it to work is to do a test on a single channel
21:03.41X-FilesQwell what can I do with this media type? how can I fix it?
21:03.43masoncyes or no answer
21:03.47masoncand jump
21:03.57masoncbut that gets old quick
21:04.44tainted-is it possible to hangup stuck SIP channels from CLI
21:05.05clive-tainted you can try the "soft hangup" command
21:05.06justinuyeah... soft hangup
21:05.17justinualso, try turning on the rtp timeout to prevent that from happening
21:05.22tainted-soft hangup <channel name> ?
21:05.32tainted-where do i set rtp timeout?
21:06.05tainted-what should it be?
21:06.16justinui dunno... maybe 30 seconds?
21:08.37nroejwin 2
21:08.45tainted-rtptimeout=30 in general
21:09.01mlalkakaHow do I determine whether Asterisk supports my WinModem/LinModem? I have a Lucent modem?
21:09.52mlalkakaDoes Asterisk only work with the hardware listed at ?
21:11.02tainted-if audio cuts out on my end, is it my issue or the other end
21:12.03justinutainted: re: rtptimeout, yes
21:12.23Drewmlalkaka - i think you need a fullduplex modem - you probably have a halfduplex one.... but i dont know - im new to this stuff
21:12.53mlalkakaDrew, do you know how I can find out?
21:13.10*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
21:13.32Darwin35ook is there any plan to fix the mem leak in mysql and asterisk
21:14.24Darwin35it seems in realtime there is a mem leak
21:14.28Drewmlalkaka - - is a place to start
21:14.44mlalkakaDrew, thanks
21:14.59Drewyou want to connect a hardline to your PBX?
21:15.00Math[laptop]Darwin35: if there's a bug report its probably gonna get fixed
21:15.15Drewor what is it you want to do with a modem?
21:16.57tainted-Jan 22 13:16:34 WARNING[27461]: cdr_custom.c:96 load_config: Failed to reload configuration file.
21:17.02tainted-what configuration file?
21:18.36*** join/#asterisk Mark_Halverson (
21:19.15Mark_Halversonis there a channel for dundi?
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21:22.28Darwin35ok how do you show a mem leak
21:22.35Darwin35in the bug tracker
21:23.22Darwin35but ast03 is working fine
21:26.58tainted-i can't hangup my SIP channels
21:26.58tainted-I see it when i type 'sip show channels'
21:27.23*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
21:29.30justinutainted: use tab completion for the soft hangup command
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21:34.07tainted-stange thing is the SIP channels aren't in the autocomplete
21:34.34justinuoh... use "show channels" to get the name
21:34.37justinunot sip show channels
21:36.40InetNomadin the audio interview Mark Spencer mentioned a solution for schools to call parents when they were absence, does anyone have a reference on that?
21:37.24QwellInetNomad: probably a simple homebrew app
21:37.54InetNomadI'm sure, but it was made to sound like a product of some sort...
21:38.17InetNomadI can envision "how" I'd do it... but ... if it was done, I'd like to see their solution.
21:38.53tainted-justinu the two sip channels show up in 'sip show channels', but not in 'show channels'
21:39.29InetNomadHas anyone done Asterisk to Shoretel 6 interoperability (using new SIP in Shoretel)?
21:39.41justinutainted: then those aren't real calls ;)
21:39.49tainted-but they stay there
21:40.01tainted-and sometimes after a day's use there are 100 of them
21:40.09justinuyeah, it's how the sip channel works... it creates a private struct even for registrations and crap
21:40.13justinuand options too, i think
21:40.20*** join/#asterisk elephantMan (
21:40.29justinucodec says "unkwn" right?
21:40.51justinuif they're actual calls, they'll have a real codec there
21:40.51tainted-and Last Message is (d) rx: BYE
21:41.24justinuthey should eventually go away
21:42.51tainted-how do i force them to go away
21:44.35justinuyou can't
21:44.42justinuthey get auto cleaned up by the "garbage collector"
21:46.33tainted-justinu what about audio cut outs... sometimes i hear no audio for a few seconds
21:46.48justinuprobably a network problem
21:47.01justinulost packets
21:47.35justinuwhere do you get your calls from?
21:49.41justinuhah, i mean what ip.... ping the ip with a command like this: ping -i0.2 -s180 <ip>
21:50.36*** join/#asterisk ke4qqq (
21:51.52tainted-yea crap
21:51.58tainted-network issues for sure
21:52.13justinuping other stuff too... find out if its your feed, or theirs
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22:15.09simon__Hi there, I'm having terrible time setting up outgoing ISDN with ISDN phones via asterisk, the TIMEOUT(digit) just doesn't work, is there anyone willing to help please?
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22:35.40SpaceBassheyhey folks
22:35.48SpaceBassoops s/heyhey/hey
22:36.04Ariel_SpaceBass, how are you doing? it's been a few weeks
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22:36.14SpaceBassAriel_:  yeah it has! I'm good... you?
22:36.21Ariel_doing fine thanks
22:36.33SpaceBassBeen laying tile, pouring cement and running cat 5 all day... nice to be sitting down
22:37.08SpaceBassalso trying to iron out some bad echo on my zaptel connections and audio problems with my broadvoice
22:37.12Ariel_wow hope it was for your own home or biz
22:37.31SpaceBasshome... remodeling
22:37.36Ariel_ahh I see
22:38.02Ariel_I have not upgraded to aah 2.2 I am still on there 1.5 with amp 1.10.009 so far.
22:38.19Ariel_it's working so don't have much need to upgrade for my home use.
22:38.23SpaceBassI'm on 2.2... loveing amp 1.10 thought!
22:38.49*** join/#asterisk SoT (
22:38.54SpaceBassWell, that was my problem... mine was working so not sure why I upgraded... I did want to switch boxes for more horse power, so it seemed like a good time
22:39.14*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=nah@
22:39.20Ariel_ahh could it be the box it self
22:39.44SpaceBassI went from a 300mhz with 256mb to a 1.25ghz with 512mb
22:39.50SpaceBasswould think that would help if anything
22:39.58SpaceBassbut the zaptel echo (I hear myself) is driving us nets
22:40.20Ariel_have your redone the kconfig.h to the newer mg2
22:40.39SpaceBassI thought I was sending out too much power so I dialed my TXgain down to -2.5... the only result is that the other party couldn't hear me
22:41.05SpaceBasskconfig.h? no, not even sure what that does :)
22:41.10Dr-Linuxis asterisk AGI works good with Java script?
22:41.45*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
22:42.07Ariel_SpaceBass, in the zaptel directory you need to vi the file and change the echo routing from kb to the mg. It's fairly simple to do
22:42.26SpaceBassthanks... researching now
22:43.54SpaceBassthe other problem just started yesterday... i have no audio on either end
22:44.07pb__Is there a convenient expression syntax for returning a string with the last character removed?  It doesn't look like ${STRING:0:-1} will do what I want.
22:44.07SpaceBassive changed canreinvite from no to yes and it didn't make a change
22:45.15Dr-Linuxanybody exprience with AGI?
22:47.57SpaceBassanyone else have broadvoice and having problems?
22:48.30*** join/#asterisk backblue (
22:49.09Ariel_canreinvite should be no
22:49.17Ariel_I have bv and it's working
22:49.23jbothmm... striplastdigit is ${EXTEN:0:$[${LEN(${EXTEN})} - 1]} , will remove the last digit from EXTEN, making 5551212 become 555121.  Change the "1" to remove more digits.
22:49.30backbluehi, does anyone have problems with zaptel on gentoo? i frezze my OS.
22:49.35Ariel_SpaceBass, are you sure there is no firewall issue?
22:50.07*** join/#asterisk eieiyo (
22:50.09SpaceBassAriel_:  nothing has changed... it was working then stopped
22:50.13pb__wunderkin: heh, thanks
22:50.47*** join/#asterisk DaCat` (
22:51.07jbothmm... agi is the Asterisk Gateway Interface...  similar to CGI for web applications AGI lets you script call control and access databases using your favorite language.  AGI wrappers are available for Python (pyst), Perl (astperl?) and other languages
22:54.03*** join/#asterisk Rowter (n=Rowter@
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22:54.18SpaceBassis there a reinvite setting at the trunk level or is it only at each device level?
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22:56.12Rowtercould I get dftm keys on a bridged call and react to them? on asterisk 1.0.10? or just with features on 1.2.x could be done?
22:57.17Rowterahh >)
23:00.28SpaceBassdamn latency is bad on my FiOS today
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23:05.34kuku5Anyone know how to reboot a cisco router via the command line ?
23:06.52EriSanZzZkuku5, restart
23:07.58Dr-Linuxanybody exprience with AGI?
23:09.02SpaceBassI have canreinvite=no on my device yet when I make a call over my broadvoice line the CLI reports that its attempting to bridge
23:09.19kuku5EriSanZzZ: nope
23:09.22JMcAkuku5: reload
23:09.39dmzhmm it's hard to get broadband w/out phone & not pay a fortune for it!
23:09.42kuku5I'm talking about cisco.
23:09.54JMcAare you enabled?
23:10.10kuku5Translating "reload"...domain server
23:10.20JMcAyou're not enabled
23:10.28kuku5ahh :)
23:10.33kuku5thanks a bunch :)
23:10.58SpaceBassis there anywhere else I need to set canreinvite=no to prevent a bridge during a sip call?
23:12.23kuku5JMcA: its not coming back up...
23:12.28kuku5ah ..there it is
23:13.03JMcAIOS can take *forever* to reboot
23:13.44kuku5you have experience with the vpn setup ?
23:13.50JMcAnot in IOS
23:14.00JMcAwe do our VPNs on our Pix
23:14.15kuku5its setup
23:14.15kink0kuku5 you need be enabled to do a reload at cisco router
23:14.33kuku5but for some reason NAT plays an important role with the vpn client
23:14.33Ariel_Well Pit's are off to the SuperBowl.
23:14.39kuku5kink0: thanks
23:14.49JMcAAriel_: yup, been watching
23:14.58Dr-Linuxanybody familiar with AGI ?
23:15.13kink0Dr-Linux, some, what is your doubt ?
23:15.13Ariel_SpaceBass, don't know why it's happening. But after dinner I might be able to help out.
23:15.19DaCat`Steelers vs. Seahawks!
23:15.43eieiyogo steelers
23:16.31drumkillaSeahawks have no chance!
23:16.35drumkillaGo Panthers!!!
23:17.01tzangersivana: around??
23:17.22netsurferi've been messing with astcc for some time, made some db changes today and now the astcc config wont work just says "database creation failed" - any suggestions on how to debug this?
23:17.59Ariel_don't know the next game should start in about 15 or 20 minutes
23:19.17*** join/#asterisk SpaceBas1 (
23:20.39DaCat`Would anyone be available to speak to me in msg for help concerning the app_rpt project?
23:21.09SpaceBas1anyone know what else I can do to not hear myself on zaptel calls? I've turned RX and TX gains way down, I've got echocancle on...
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23:24.36netsurferSpaceBas1 - using a x100p ?
23:24.46SpaceBas1netsurfer: yep
23:24.50Mag1KaLIs there an good Asterisk port for Windows yet? Or does it still suck?
23:24.54netsurferheh.. how'd I guess
23:25.00QwellMag1KaL: will always suck
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23:25.03gaupeMag1KaL: yes, windows still suck
23:25.13SpaceBas1netsurfer: they worked fine for a year
23:25.31netsurferSpaceBas1 - i've got one here, never got it to work right :(
23:25.46*** join/#asterisk Husk_ (i=Husk@
23:25.57SpaceBas1so I was porting my number to broadvoice... which now has gone dead and I get no audio at all on either end... i'm pretty screwed when it comes to telephoney right now
23:27.58Husk_anyone know where I can find a howto on getting asterisk to find a free trunk in my trunklist for outgoing calls. at the moment it is giving up on the first one when its busy
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23:28.59rene-are there any clipcomm users online?
23:29.03Ariel_Husk_, if your using 1.2 use dialing rules with n, if not then you can use n+101
23:29.08jbotsomebody said docs was probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
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23:30.53SpaceBas1would it make sense to turn rxgain positive to cancle echo
23:31.34Ariel_actually I do use rxgain at 7.0 and txgain at 2.0
23:32.29SpaceBas1I'll have to play around... my mother is tired of me calling her to test echo though :)
23:32.57Ariel_you can use ztmonitor
23:33.02Ariel_to see the gains
23:33.10SpaceBas1looked for it... I have zttool but not monitor
23:33.23SpaceBas1unless its not in the path somewhere... not sure where the zaptel stuff is in AAH
23:33.28Ariel_in the /usr/src/zaptel do ./ztmonitor 1
23:34.39SpaceBas1says it cannot show buffering
23:34.57Ariel_now about bv have you tried ethereal to see if your send udp 10,000 - what ever for the rtp sound?
23:35.20Ariel_you have to be on a call
23:35.21SpaceBassAriel_:  actually, yeah and it looks like its making it
23:35.26SpaceBassnot sure its not a BV issue
23:35.47Ariel_pm me your number I will give it a call
23:36.03jbotextra, extra, read all about it, disa is direct inward system access.  show application disa
23:36.19Ariel_disa works it's fairly easy to setup
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23:39.14SpaceBassback... connection
23:39.32SpaceBassAriel_:  rxgain=7.0 fixed my echo!
23:39.44Qwell7.0?  That's awful high
23:40.09SpaceBassQwell:  going to try dialing it back until ... DAMN ECHO IS BACK
23:40.14SpaceBassit gets wrose as the call goes on
23:40.35Qwellwere you changing it by 1.0 or 0.5?
23:40.46SpaceBassstarted at .5 until I got to 2
23:40.47Qwelldo .5
23:40.49shmaltz~seen tzafrir_laptop
23:41.01jbottzafrir_laptop <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 7h 53m 34s ago, saying: 'hi'.
23:41.32SpaceBassAriel_:  back... lost my connection... 202-318-1614  ... see if you get my IVR
23:41.57SpaceBassas broadcast that to the entire room
23:42.12SpaceBassI'm on a roll tonight
23:42.53rene-i have a voip analog gateway that makes calls to the pstn, it needs to be restarted each 5-10mins or so since all the sudden it gets blocked (cant be pinged, no web interfase, ongoing conversations are dropped) it is a clipcomm 410, do i have a bad unit? i tried with the only firmwarre update availabla at clipcomm web site without luck.. has anyone seen something like it before?
23:43.29Ariel_SpaceBass, it's ok not much going on there right now
23:43.40Ariel_but I got your vm and I head the sound just fine.
23:43.50SpaceBassthats interesting...
23:43.58SpaceBasswonder if its this device in particular
23:46.37shmaltzrene, I would exchange it for a new one
23:47.59Ariel_rene-, is the unit very hot?
23:48.20SpaceBassanyone have firmware for the hitachi IP5000 ?
23:48.38rene-Ariel: it isnt hot at all
23:48.40Ariel_which one
23:48.50Ariel_then your going to need an rma
23:49.06SpaceBassAriel_:  it appears to be device specific.. just my wifi sip phone...which is on different subnet than my * box
23:49.30Ariel_SpaceBass, good at least it's not the main trunk
23:49.45SpaceBassAriel_: I'm thinking its attempting to make the bridge (despite my canreinvite=no) and since the wifi phone doesnt have access to the itnernet, it cannot complete it
23:50.00Ariel_I have 2.03
23:51.32*** join/#asterisk alexhopper (
23:52.20Ariel_I just ordered a F1000 from UTStarcom
23:59.09*** join/#asterisk TUplink (
23:59.20TUplinkis there somthing like canreinvite for IAX?
23:59.59TUplinki call Asterisk from a PSTN to IAX gateway and then dial an extension but cant hear one end

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.