irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060120

00:01.21fugitivoI'd never used another port, but the syntax you're using seems correct
00:01.25fugitivonot the double =
00:01.46*** join/#asterisk supjigatr (n=syslod@
00:02.25zahidfugitivo: double = was just a typo here
00:02.48fugitivowhat asterisk version?
00:04.35X-Filesppls, please help ! I use asterisk 1.2.2 and Windows Messenger 5.1 , why i can't see users status online in Messenger ???
00:06.32fugitivodoes osx run on amd64? :)
00:06.38fugitivoonly intel?
00:08.18*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
00:08.23Mavviefugitivo: OS/X will not be a generic available OS.
00:08.36Mavviefugitivo: you will need to buy the Apple hardware to run it.
00:08.51aldsfis the svn server down?
00:08.51aldsf[root@dhcp90 src]# svn  co zaptel libpri asterisk
00:08.51aldsfsvn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn'
00:08.51aldsfsvn: PROPFIND of '/svn': 403 Forbidden (
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00:09.30fugitivoMavvie: you can buy it using the webpage
00:09.36*** part/#asterisk Lurr (
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00:09.45fugitivo$129 for single user
00:10.21Mavviefugitivo: yes, and that is for... (see Requirements on that page)
00:10.24*** join/#asterisk R3DB0x (i=nobody@
00:10.26fugitivoor is that for apple hardware not intel only?
00:10.46fugitivoit is
00:10.51*** join/#asterisk BillinOffice (
00:10.58fugitivoi'll keep my desktop with linux then
00:11.03*** join/#asterisk iKale (
00:16.12R3DB0xwhat are some good providers that you guys are using to connecting your * boxes to?
00:16.46*** join/#asterisk dimmik (
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00:18.17dimmikHi all. Is there a way to restrict the numbers that a sip phone can transfer to (using sip refer)?
00:19.04X-Fileseh :(
00:19.07justinuisn't that handled in the dialplan?
00:19.08rob0by putting it in a limited / restricted context?
00:19.25rob0was I right?
00:19.35dimmiknot really
00:19.57X-Filesppls, please help ! I use asterisk 1.2.2 and Windows Messenger 5.1 , why i can't see users status online in Messenger ??? Please, answer ...
00:20.16dimmikas it is, the user may transfer to any number available in the context
00:20.33dimmikI want to restrict this
00:20.38Peggerwhat do people use for t1 fail over (for when machine A dies the t1 is then routed to machine B)
00:21.56justinudimmik: the call gets bounced back into the same context the SIP device uses
00:21.59justinuon a local channel
00:22.39dimmikis there a way to restrict this for transfers?
00:23.11supjigatrPegger: NFAS PRI or SS7
00:23.37R3DB0xwhat are some good providers that you guys are using for you voip connection?
00:23.49justinudimmik: good question
00:24.00fndudeBeen using telasip for a week. so far so good.
00:24.39supjigatrnufone works good.
00:25.38FuriousGeorge${DIALSTATUS}=UNAVAIL == chanisavail($CHAN)=true
00:25.47FuriousGeorgei mean FALSE
00:26.25*** join/#asterisk jpablo (
00:26.37FuriousGeorgetrue or false:          ${DIALSTATUS}=UNAVAIL == chanisavail($CHAN)=FALSE
00:26.50iCEBrkrFuriousGeorge: I'd have to disagree there
00:26.51jpablohi, anyone can recomend a simple thing to generate asterisk statitics out of the cdr ?
00:26.52R3DB0xya nufone was the one i was trying to thinkg of...ty
00:27.03jpablonothing complicated and big, with pricing and stuff. just a simple thing
00:27.04iCEBrkrjpablo: There's a PHP app that does that..
00:27.26fndudeIs there a way to convert multiline pots phones to work in asterisk, some pci interface card, switch, etc?
00:27.28jpabloiCEBrkr, if you can give me the name and/or url that would rock :)
00:27.39*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
00:27.44jpablofndude, lots of atas, or the new digium card, check
00:28.09FuriousGeorgeiCEBrkr: lets say chan is not avail.  what is ${DIALSTATUS} gonna come back as?
00:28.10fndudejpablo, nice, ty.
00:28.20jpablofndude, TDM2400P card. or lots of FXO atas, check
00:28.24*** join/#asterisk angler (
00:28.55iCEBrkrFuriousGeorge: It'll attempt to dial and then return UNAVAIL
00:29.08jpablodimmik, thanks i love you.
00:29.10iCEBrkrIsChanAvail() turns TRUE/FALSE if there's an available channel to make the call.
00:29.21FuriousGeorgeso in that case, its true
00:29.22iCEBrkrjpablo: I'm looking
00:29.25iCEBrkrFuriousGeorge: It's not the same thing
00:29.29FuriousGeorgethats the case im worried about
00:29.47FuriousGeorgei guess a sip peer can be unvail and yet the channel is avail
00:29.57iCEBrkrjpablo:  CDR Analyser
00:30.01FuriousGeorgeoh wait, no it cant
00:30.09iCEBrkrFuriousGeorge: Read the Wiki, it explains it
00:30.13X-Fileschan_sip.c:3469 process_sdp: Unknown SDP media type in offer: message 5060 sip sip:lala@
00:30.14iCEBrkrFuriousGeorge: I was just reading about this today
00:30.17X-Fileswhat this it ?
00:30.37jpabloiCEBrkr, thanks, great.
00:30.43*** join/#asterisk alephcom_ (
00:30.52FuriousGeorgei just wanna make sure that if my internet connection goes down dialstatus will be unavail and the dialplan will work
00:31.13FuriousGeorgeim fairly convinced at this point, gonna give it a whirl :)
00:31.15iCEBrkrFuriousGeorge: That will most likely be the case
00:33.51*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (n=PoWeRKiL@
00:34.06*** join/#asterisk wizard545 (n=wizard@tor/session/x-f6464ec356d33cfa)
00:35.17wizard545hey guys, I tried EVERYTHING before coming here to ask this... I have a problem with a2billing with asterisk... it all works.. except when I try and make an outgoing call it says "number is not available" I've tried almost everything, what is stopping it from dialing out? I can forward calls fine.
00:36.45iCEBrkrwizard545: have you 'set verbose 9' in the CLI?
00:36.50iCEBrkrand watched the call progress?
00:37.13fndudewow the Wildcard TDM400P is like 400+. Whats the budget solution for asterisk + pots phones, if there is one?
00:37.26Math`fndude: how many phones?
00:37.28wizard545I have the a2billing logs, but I can't make any sense of it
00:37.33fndudejust 4.
00:38.03Math`fndude: buy ATAs, a PAP2 costs around 70$ and has 2 fxs ports
00:38.12Math`(canadian dollars)
00:38.31fndudeMath`: cool, thanks, thats a little better.
00:38.47Math`just a little cheaper
00:39.32Math`but... do you already have the phones ?
00:39.56iCEBrkrwizard545: Are you using Asterisk@Home?
00:40.12wizard545no i'm using regular asterisk
00:40.37iCEBrkrok, so type asterisk -r
00:40.39iCEBrkrand get into the CLI
00:40.52*** join/#asterisk smallb (
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00:41.03smallbhi all
00:41.07wizard545I turned on sip debugging.. hoping i would see it
00:41.13smallbneed some help with passing  dtmf
00:41.14iCEBrkrwizard545: no
00:41.20Math`smallb: just ask
00:41.20iCEBrkrwizard545: just 'set verbose 9'
00:41.47wizard545ok now try a call?
00:41.51smallbmy * is routing calls via sip/g29 directly to a cisco router
00:42.03Math`smallb: ok
00:42.14Math`smallb: use rfc2833
00:42.14smallbbut dtmf is not working, I call dell 1 800 www dell and try the options to no avail
00:42.16X-Filesppls, please help ! I use asterisk 1.2.2 and Windows Messenger 5.1 , why i can't see users status online in Messenger ??? Please, answer ...
00:42.30smallbi am using rfc2833
00:42.34wizard545got the output
00:42.38smallblet me get the config
00:42.50Math`smallb: I'm gonnected to a cisco in g729 and dtmf are working fine
00:42.57Math`outbound tho
00:43.19jbothmm... pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
00:43.31wizard545Jan 19 19:42:33 WARNING[3609]: file.c:584 ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame
00:43.31wizard545have anyhting to do with it?
00:43.34*** join/#asterisk ke4qqq (
00:43.47Math`wizard545: just pastebin the whole output
00:43.57wizard545ok thanks
00:44.11Math`smallb: your cisco gateway is host=dynamic?
00:44.31smallbno, its an ip address
00:44.34Math`cuz that looks more like your phone config than the cisco config
00:44.36*** join/#asterisk jeffgus_ (
00:44.36iCEBrkrwizard545: Didn't you see it execute Dial()?
00:44.47smallbyes that was the client - x-lite
00:45.17smallbthe cisco is type=peer,host=, dtmfmode=rfc2833 etc
00:46.03Math`have you checked the cisco's config?
00:46.14wizard545at the end it just kept giving me the "number is not available"
00:46.30Math`ah thats a calling card app
00:46.37wizard545No i didn't see a "Dial"
00:46.48smallbhmm, i don't have that, it belongs to a telco
00:47.21Math`smallb: then try asking your telco, or dtmfmode=info... maybe they use that
00:47.24wizard545Math yes... it's pretty awesome if i just could get this Dial working
00:47.35iCEBrkrwizard545: Um at the top.
00:47.54smallbi guess i will have to try that, because * configs are fairly straightforward
00:47.59iCEBrkrwizard545: You see it executed Answer()
00:48.03smallbnot hard to try the various options
00:48.34Math`iCEBrkr: its a calling card script, it needs to answer to ask for the pin and the number to dial..
00:48.47jpablogrrr, cdr analizer doesn't support sqlite
00:49.03iCEBrkrMath`: Umm, yeah, and you see how it says DEADAGI() that means it hung up
00:49.19wizard545it asks for pin.. and asks for the number
00:49.24iCEBrkrjpablo: You asked for something to log CDR.. I gave it to you :)
00:49.37wizard545then says "number not available" and doesn't do a dial
00:49.38iCEBrkrDeadAGI() is executed when hanging up
00:51.05*** join/#asterisk Simon-_ (
00:51.11jpabloiCEBrkr, yeah, i would probably roll my own php script using sqlite, i basically just need someone to know how is hammering the phone.
00:51.57jpabloi could also hack cdr analizer ..
00:52.11riddleboxI am trying to use python with AGi scripting, but none of the howtos seem to work, can anyone offer me any help?
00:52.37Beirdo"analizer" sounds like something completely different
00:52.43iCEBrkrBeirdo: lol
00:53.14jpablojeje, sorry
00:53.22jpablonot english native speacker :P
00:53.29Beirdothat's OK
00:53.38Beirdoyour English is way better than my Spanish
00:53.48Beirdoalthough that will change given time
00:54.12*** join/#asterisk tainted_ (
00:54.14Beirdomy fiancee will make sure of that
00:55.19tainted_any tcpdump gurus?
00:55.26jpablospanish or LA girl, eh?
00:55.35jpablotainted_, not really, but what do youneed?
00:55.36tainted_i need to pinpoint an audio problem and could use some advice
00:55.56BeirdoPuerto Rican
00:56.14shmaltztainted_, shoot
00:56.45rob0you missed
00:56.55tainted_well audio cuts out intermittently during phone conversations
00:57.09tainted_and i'm trying to figure out if it's dropped RTP packets
00:57.14jpablotainted_, is it lan, dls or something ?
00:57.40tainted_it's cogent fiber
00:58.12shmaltztainted_, whats the speed, and latency?
00:58.26shmaltzping for around 1000 times and report the avg
00:58.29*** join/#asterisk usam (n=usam@
00:58.38tainted_100Mbps, we have SLA for 50ms avg
00:58.55tainted_it's around 50ms
00:59.01tainted_in practice as well
01:00.18shmaltztainted_, and on the other side? what is the speed?
01:00.22shmaltzis this point to point?
01:00.32shmaltzIAX? SIP? TDMoE?
01:01.43jpabloequipment ?
01:02.10tainted_polycom 301s, grandstream 488s, dell poweredge 2850s
01:02.30tainted_mixed environment of 1.0.7 and 1.2.0
01:03.02jpablois asterisk in the media path ? have you tried doing with out it ?
01:03.13tainted_yes it is
01:03.26tainted_hmm.. i will try it w/o asterisk in the middle
01:03.37jpablotry putting it out of the media path, to discard some failiure there
01:03.49shmaltztainted, you have debuggin on in the logs?
01:04.06tainted_i have default settings for debug
01:04.06*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
01:04.24tainted_i watch console with sip debug and verbose at 6
01:04.39tainted_no warnings in particular
01:04.54tainted_and not isolated to any particular provider
01:04.56*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (
01:04.57shmaltztainted, try this:
01:04.59shmaltzcd /var/log/asterisk
01:05.00shmaltzgrep frame *
01:05.02shmaltzdo you get anything?
01:05.56shmaltzwhat? paste bin it please
01:05.57*** join/#asterisk JMcA (n=jmcadams@
01:06.03tainted_bunch of old errors
01:06.15shmaltzlike channle.c or something else?
01:06.28X-Filesplease, check this error :
01:06.35tainted_messages: Jan 18 23:18:02 WARNING[3885]: Received mini frame before first full voice frame
01:06.58shmaltzX-Files, thats a warning, not an error
01:07.10Mavviethat reminds me, who knows a video-conferencing client which works with the MeetMe conferences?
01:07.12X-Fileswhy i cant use stream video ?
01:07.17shmaltztainted, comment out the line:
01:07.19shmaltz;debug => debug
01:07.20shmaltzin /etc/asterisk/logging.conf
01:07.33X-Filesno, Microsoft Messenger
01:07.38X-Filesshmaltz: ok wait
01:07.55Zodiacal-how can i unlock my cisco 7960g so that i can change the network settings?
01:08.01tainted_shmaltz okay
01:08.08Zodiacal-under network configration it has a little padlock locked
01:08.13Zodiacal-it only seems to display the info
01:08.13tainted_asterisk -rx reload ?
01:08.48*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
01:09.05shmaltztainted_, now do in the CLI a logger reload and wait until it happens again, when it does check that grep again like this:
01:09.06shmaltzgrep frame /var/log/asterisk/debug
01:09.08shmaltzif you get anything let me know
01:09.19*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
01:09.30tainted_shmaltz will do thanks a bunch!
01:10.01*** join/#asterisk denon23532 (
01:11.00X-Filescheck it :
01:11.20shmaltztainted_, if you get something like this:
01:11.21shmaltzJan 19 05:32:12 DEBUG[31465] channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: SIP/211-7d72
01:11.23shmaltzthen let me know
01:11.58Zodiacal-any ideas?
01:12.00shmaltzthere has been some reports of this, but nobody to help decide why and where from, so we need somehelp overhere
01:12.11tainted_what version of asterisk though?
01:12.15shmaltztainted_, when you have that problem, what happens with the call?
01:12.23tainted_the audio cuts out for a few seconds
01:12.27tainted_then comes back
01:12.30shmaltztainted_, I tried it on: 1.0.10, 1.2.1, and 1.2.2
01:12.31Zodiacal-all the dox say to select the unlock option, but i don't see that, i only have: contrast, ring type, network configuration, status.
01:12.32JMcAtainted_: what codec?
01:12.53tainted_call is never disconnected.. just audio cut outs
01:13.05shmaltztainted_, thats a littel different then what we've seen, we see that it stops bridging and then calls again using the ring
01:13.21tainted_haven't see that one yet
01:13.30Zodiacal-nm figured it out..
01:13.33*** join/#asterisk iq|tablet (
01:14.39JMcAZodiacal-: yeah, all the way at the bottom
01:15.35shmaltzgtg guys
01:15.37shmaltzc ya
01:15.43tainted_thx shmaltz
01:15.51X-Filesppls, what me need for asterisk and microsoft messenger I can use chat and Camera translate ?
01:16.16shmaltzX-Files, where you from?
01:16.41X-Filesshmaltz: latvia
01:16.46Zodiacal-jmca it wasn't there i had to press **#
01:16.58JMcAZodiacal-: ah...funky
01:17.00Zodiacal-jmca it now has an unlocked padlock icon, but it doesn't give me options to change anything
01:17.21Zodiacal-i.e. i highlight dhcp server, cuz i wanta put an ip in there... and theres only a save and cancel soft key options
01:17.46*** join/#asterisk annonimous (
01:17.49JMcAuhm...its kinda counter-intuitive to input a dhcp server address
01:18.13JMcAthat would tend to be a read-only option, typically
01:18.17Zodiacal-or even a manual ip address
01:18.24Zodiacal-i can't change any of the network configuration options in here
01:18.26annonimousgood afternoon, i have a "demo" of a hardware called "audiocode" and i want to know if its compatible with asterisk =S
01:18.30wizard545anyone know how to unlock the settings on a cisco 7940?
01:18.49JMcAZodiacal-: see if there's an unlock option at the very bottom of the menu?  that's how I do it on my 7960
01:18.50X-FilesJan 20 03:25:08 WARNING[949]: chan_sip.c:3469 process_sdp: Unknown SDP media type in offer: message 5060 sip sip:user@ <<--- i write message
01:19.15Zodiacal-jmca to the main menu after you press the check box button?
01:19.18Zodiacal-or the network configuration menu?
01:19.23X-FilesJan 20 03:25:57 WARNING[949]: chan_sip.c:3469 process_sdp: Unknown SDP media type in offer: video 14498 RTP/AVP 34 31   <<---- i see this in call mode video :(
01:19.26JMcAthe main menu, I think
01:19.37X-Fileswhy this not working and warning SDP ?
01:19.49Zodiacal-jmca theres only four options on it
01:20.00Zodiacal-jmca: contrast, ring type, network configuration, status.
01:20.12JMcAI dunno, then...I don't think the menus on mine are laid out the same way
01:20.13Zodiacal-i havn't installed any other firmware
01:20.18Zodiacal-its the default brand new phone has a skinny load on it?
01:20.37Zodiacal-i guess
01:20.40Zodiacal-im new obvously
01:21.01JMcAI assume they default to skinny...mine has a sip load
01:21.02Zodiacal-i want to tell it where my tftp server is so i can update to sip
01:21.38JMcAyou may need to set up a dhcp server and have the dhcp server tell it...I've never done the update, so I don't know for sure what they do
01:21.57JMcAI just borrowed one from work that already had a sip load on it
01:22.06Zodiacal-i have a dhcp server running
01:22.09Zodiacal-it doesn't find it
01:22.36Zodiacal-omg it just found it, after like 10 mins
01:22.38Zodiacal-hehe :)
01:22.54JMcAwelcome to the world of Cisco
01:22.54Zodiacal-jmca Thanks!
01:23.01Zodiacal-jmca thats not good to hear..
01:23.42*** join/#asterisk mog_work (
01:23.42Mavviehave the same here with a 7970 on a C831 router.
01:23.44JMcAyeah...took us a while to figure out how to turn off VAD on our AS5850's...we had to turn off some random fax setting
01:23.56Mavviekeeps DHCP discovering for hours, and then suddenly accepts the offer.
01:24.31JMcAtypical Cisco...if they made home appliances, pressing the clock button on the microwave would start the clothes dryer
01:24.38Zodiacal-its not letting me set the tftp server address tho
01:24.48MavvieZodiacal-: "use alternate tftp server"
01:24.48Ariel_Hello everyone
01:25.32Zodiacal-mavvie i see that option but its set to no, theres no way to change it to yes.. :/
01:25.39Zodiacal-the soft keys only say: save, cancel
01:25.45MavvieZodiacal-: press **# to unlock the settings.
01:26.05Zodiacal-yep, just did, it locks automaticly quickly :P
01:27.55FuriousGeorgethe tar inside asterisk-sounds has all these funny sounds in it, then i make install and cant find them in var/lib/asterisk/sounds
01:28.15FuriousGeorge"all your base are belong to us" she says
01:29.30brockj49464A X100P can only be used as FXO and not as FXO the line side and FXS on the phone side correct?
01:29.44co-bdg^-^if i have one account in let say voipulse and want to use that one account to call out for 5 simultans calls out, is that possible ?
01:29.53*** join/#asterisk zu (
01:29.56mog_workyou can only use it as a single fxo device brockj49464
01:30.00Ariel_X-Files, your trying to run video with msn on asterisk?
01:30.04mog_workshe is pretty funny FuriousGeorge
01:30.09zuhy all
01:30.19X-FilesAriel_: yes
01:30.25FuriousGeorge"weasels have eaten our phone system"
01:30.28*** part/#asterisk zu (
01:30.30co-bdg^-^so it can't used for 5 calls out ?
01:30.43Ariel_X-Files, last I knew msn did not support normal sip/video calls
01:30.49*** join/#asterisk zu (
01:31.05Ariel_co-bdg^-^, which voicepulse type of account.
01:31.08X-FilesAriel_: ok, but messeges support ?
01:31.08zuhy all
01:31.35Ariel_msn 4.7 does no video but sip call yes but not 5.0 and above
01:31.44mog_workthats my favorite sound FuriousGeorge
01:32.10zuI prefer devices that do mpeg4 video codecs for high resolution H.264
01:32.16X-FilesAriel_: i use 5.1
01:32.35zuX-Files, what device?
01:32.36Ariel_co-bdg^-^, voicepulse I have there inbound did only and they allow up to 4 calls.  outbound since you pay by the minute 2.4 cents they don't restrict it.
01:32.57Ariel_X-Files, use eyebeam
01:33.11X-Fileszu: ?
01:33.25zufor your video cam
01:33.51FuriousGeorgemog_work: how come i cant find all_your_base in the sounds dir?  where did that get make installed to?
01:33.58X-Fileszu: notecam 300 usb
01:34.23wizard545anyone know how many simultaneous connects my provider will allow? telesip? i've called the same number with 5 lines and it's never rang busy or anything
01:34.28mog_workis it not in that dir?
01:34.33*** join/#asterisk Reverend (
01:34.35FuriousGeorgedid it get renamed?
01:34.48brockj49464Any idea how I configure * to correctly figure out which account a call is coming in from when I peer to the same server 3 times?
01:34.53Ariel_wizard545, do they charge by the minute or unlimited
01:35.03mog_worki dont know
01:35.05co-bdg^-^Ariel_:  yes ofcourse ... we pay for it
01:35.13*** join/#asterisk Jabron1 (
01:35.18Reverendcan mpg123 play mp3 streams?
01:36.47co-bdg^-^Ariel_:  so if we buy one account it can used by unlimited caller out in our office ?
01:36.47Ariel_co-bdg^-^, if you get the one that you pay by the minute correct. But if you get there unlimite no it's does not allow more then a few calls outbound.
01:36.47zuwizard providers usualy dont care about multiple connects because it means more minutes and more money
01:36.55FuriousGeorgemog_work: the asterisk-sounds tar contains 1300 files /var/lib/asterisk/sounds contains only 348
01:37.22X-FilesAriel_: u have eyebeam ? i can't find where download
01:37.31Ariel_X-Files, xten
01:37.53FuriousGeorgeX-Files: eyebeam costs money
01:38.31co-bdg^-^Ariel_: can you more precise to explain a few ... ? how much calls out ?
01:38.47Ariel_FuriousGeorge, last I knew you had to run make install in the asterisk-sounds download to get the files installed.
01:38.48mog_workheh someone needs to fix make install i see....
01:39.05[iPBX]Reverendco-bdg^-^ which provider? i just joined... who has the 'unlimited' you're talking about?
01:39.10mog_workdid you do make install in the asterisk sounds dir
01:39.28Ariel_co-bdg^-^, if you pay for each minute of the call it's only not limited
01:39.29FuriousGeorgemog_work: i didnt
01:39.43mog_workthere you are
01:39.44zuusualy its unlimited untill you use a ton  of minutes
01:40.02co-bdg^-^Ariel_: ok ... thanks
01:40.10FuriousGeorgemog_work: no target in that dir
01:40.13*** part/#asterisk stdio (
01:40.28X-FilesAriel_: X-Lite support video and messege ?
01:40.33Ariel_voicepulse will allow you only about 2 or 3 calls outbound on there unlimite account.  But there pay per minute they don't care since your paying for every call.
01:40.47Ariel_X-Files, no xlite no video only eyebeam
01:40.50FuriousGeorgeoh wait, i did do it in the dir of the tarball i extracted
01:40.58FuriousGeorgei guess thats what you meant Ariel_
01:41.05Ariel_FuriousGeorge, yes
01:41.47FuriousGeorgeyeah, so i did do that, its mog_work 's fault till he fixes the make install
01:41.55X-FilesAriel_: have alternative eyebeam ?
01:42.04mog_workits always my fault isnt it ^_^
01:42.16FuriousGeorgeAriel_: they got great creams pills and lotions for hairloss these days
01:42.24zuAriel_:  ya its a pain in the ass webcams unless its working hours for conferencing
01:42.40FuriousGeorgehey mog_work now you have an excuse to call it asterisk sounds 1.2.2 right
01:43.05Ariel_FuriousGeorge, yes but I am a poor consultant can't afford them.
01:43.07mog_workim working on dtmf issue at the moment
01:43.30FuriousGeorgemog_work: you're gonna have to dedicate the upgrade to furious george now
01:43.37FuriousGeorgefor his tireless debugging
01:43.46zudtmf issues can be a pain in the but
01:43.50X-FilesAriel_: last question, in microsoft messenger have status contacts, why status not worked ?
01:44.09Ariel_X-Files, I don't use msn it sucks
01:44.11*** join/#asterisk penghb (n=penghb@
01:44.26X-FilesAriel_: status online have in eyebeam ?
01:44.33rob0~seen [TK]D-Fender
01:44.46jbot[tk]d-fender <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 4h 45s ago, saying: '[av]bani : Will look at one I'm home.  ALter all!'.
01:44.46JMcAX-Files: I believe msn uses SIMPLE for its presense...dunno if asterisk supports that
01:44.47*** join/#asterisk linville (
01:45.21Ariel_only one that works for sip calls via asterisk is the older one 4.7 not the newer ones 5.x and above
01:45.52X-FilesJMcA: only voice protocol work in 5.1 , not video and messenge
01:46.12X-Filesp.s. and status online
01:46.21JMcAAriel_: I just want it all to work together...and its getting closer to that all the time
01:47.31Ariel_isn't msn at version 7.5 now.  Last I looked it did not support sip at all for voice it has it's own thing.
01:48.13Ariel_JMcA, not everything will work together. But that is a good wish.
01:49.05*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
01:49.09Flautohi people
01:49.22JMcAAriel_: no, but the more that does, the better
01:49.29Flautois there anyone can give me the asterisk cvs download information?
01:49.37Flautowould not find it any more
01:49.41zuits on
01:50.02Flautozu, there is svn but no cvs
01:50.15zuget svn
01:50.26zucvs is depreciated into oblivion
01:50.34Flautobut i dont' see asterisk-addons and asterisk-sounds there
01:50.35Nugget"deprecated", not "depreciated"
01:50.53*** join/#asterisk Lurr (
01:50.55JMcAits depreciated too...its not worth anything anymore  :)
01:51.01*** part/#asterisk Lurr (
01:51.10*** join/#asterisk dily (
01:51.19zuGod dam cvs and its nasty ass repository locks out of the blue
01:51.29*** join/#asterisk sigmounte (
01:51.33zuI would rather have subversion with a berklydb backend
01:51.53Flautowhere can i get asterisk-addons and asterisk-sounds then?
01:52.13javierNeed help fixing CallerID using X100P
01:52.17zuget the 1.2.1 branch
01:52.19Flautosvn does not have that listed
01:52.19dilyanyone can explane me how to build res_sqlite3?
01:52.24Math`zu: you mean 1.2.2
01:53.08zuMath`:  Ill up to that once I move my patch code too it
01:53.15Ariel_last I saw there was still a cvs up and running
01:53.15*** join/#asterisk wizard545 (
01:53.22Math`zu: which patch code
01:53.32zufuzz with a diff is okay but hunks failing can cause issue
01:53.33Flautothere are two options
01:53.37*** join/#asterisk nvrs (
01:53.47Flautofrom cvs, i was always downloading the development
01:53.48Ariel_cvs co r1.2 should work.
01:54.02JMcAFlauto: why do you want the absolute latest?
01:54.03Ariel_cvs plain yes but you can put r1.2
01:54.08zuMath`:  code Im planing to release into the code base, since I got a fax on file ;)
01:54.16Flautobut jmca, not really
01:54.22Math`zu: doing what
01:54.23Flautoso i will go with 1.2
01:54.26Flautothanks guys
01:54.45zuMath`: stuff that I need to do
01:55.03hugo-v6is it correct that the * mysql backend stores extensions sip and voicemail configs but the * sqlite backend stores only extensions and cdr data?
01:55.04Flautoi liked cvs because i did not need to tar all the files
01:55.41Ariel_I just did that and it's working..
01:55.42javierHas anyone had any success with Caller ID using X100P
01:56.12Ariel_cvs login  then password anoncvs
01:56.23Ariel_cvs checkout -r v1-2 zaptel asterisk asterisk-addons asterisk-sounds
01:56.30Ariel_hay it's still all there.
01:56.44zucvs originated from a set of shell scripts
01:56.49Ariel_javier, depending on your location it works
01:57.12*** join/#asterisk Zand3r (
01:57.38javierAriel, I am in the US.  But I cannot get it going.
01:57.38zuMath`:  If I have a problem with asterisk I can usualy go through the code and find the problem
01:58.13*** join/#asterisk Druken (
01:58.20Ariel_javier, I have not used one in years but they work fine.  I know a few customers using the orginal x101p from digium do you have that or a clone?
01:59.09javierI thought I was getting an original but got a clone, I think.  It is from
01:59.38Ariel_digium no longer sells them... the switched to the tdm400p instead.
01:59.44zuThats probably why I have a love/hate relationship with asterisk's ael, and sometimes new modules do need to be imported. since ael is just a scripting language for asterisk's backend c modules
01:59.45javierCall come in and out but no Caller Id.  I get UNKOWN.
02:00.30Ariel_javier, how did you set the board up. whats your zapata.conf look like for it. use
02:00.40zuthat could be a tx/rx level problem or other phones on the pots line causing other signal degridation issues
02:00.57*** join/#asterisk znoG_ (
02:01.01Drukengod rogers tech support are suck dweebs....
02:01.26Drukennot ALL of the world are stupid... just 90% of it
02:01.27javierHOw can  i send you the file.  This is the first time I use chat.  What is, sorry.
02:01.39Flautoariel what was the name for development from cvs
02:02.04zuIm interested in trying the san's new multiport cards for pots line with hardware echo supression anyone try them yet?
02:02.08javierI thought it was an RX/TX problem, but don't know what setting to try.
02:02.08Ariel_Flauto, the development one is without the version included
02:02.23jbotpastebin is, like, a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
02:02.41Flautojust zaptel asterisk .....etc? ariel?
02:02.50Ariel_javier, do you know how to copy and paste???
02:02.52*** join/#asterisk iccomputing (
02:03.02zudo you have your local miliwatt test line to test the x100 javier
02:03.11Ariel_Flauto, yes
02:03.12javierYes, I do I am very computer savy.. but not here.
02:03.12*** join/#asterisk Zodiacal (
02:03.33javierWhat is a miliwat test?
02:03.39iccomputingso does anyone know why I keep getting a 401 Unauthorized error on my sip debug?
02:03.40*** join/#asterisk calennert (
02:03.49zuits used to set your tx and rx levels
02:04.05Ariel_javier, post your settings for the zapata.conf in the /etc/asterisk directory on to the pastebin and tell us the link for it so we can look at it
02:04.18zuif you have two tdm lines you can loop back your milliwat test to get the levels just right
02:04.32Ariel_callerID works and it's very simple is your telco supports it.
02:04.39zujavier: check out this site
02:04.52zuthats a article on how to setup a tdm line
02:05.53Flautoariel it worked
02:05.55iccomputingSIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized ......i know the user/pass is right...anyone got any ideas?
02:05.56Flautoi got the 1.2
02:06.13javierI think I got the hang of the pastbin.
02:06.49zuiccomputing: 401's can be alot of things, its like if your girlfriend is pissed off for no reason
02:06.50javierI will look at that zu.
02:07.07zufirst remove the authentication and see if it works
02:07.21Ariel_Flauto, great. glad to help
02:07.23zuthen check if you device needs something like a md5 secrect
02:07.41zumake sure the firmware is upto date too
02:09.30Ariel_javier, ok the settings look ok.  but your using amp or asterisk@home. I see your tx and rx gains high try them at 0.0 to test out with.
02:09.32zuannonimo is anonymous in spanish I guess
02:09.40Ariel_and let the phone ring 2 times before picking it up
02:10.02zuya alot of systems the callerid comes between the 1-2 ring
02:10.18zuwhy I have no idea
02:10.22JMcAzu: because the data isn't sent until then
02:10.23Ariel_zu, it needs to send it between the rings
02:10.45zuYes I know, I was being sarcastic
02:10.56Ariel_pri lines send it at the same time due to it has a d channel and bchannels for voice
02:11.04zuI would have put it before the 1st ring, but that makes to much fucking sence
02:11.15javierI am using Asterisk@home,  the setting were at 0.  You want me to put them back.
02:11.17zu</end rant>
02:11.25Ariel_zu it was done may years ago by the big bells
02:11.36JMcAAriel_: channelized T1's send it during call setup too....pots is about the only telco technology that doesn't send it during initial call setup
02:11.53javierHow can I let the X100P ring more than twice.
02:11.55Ariel_javier, the tx and rx don't do much for callerID  they are used for volume and echo
02:12.03zuAriel_:  yes I know and they are the telephone company they dont have to care, I remember when there were alot of Xbars that used inband signaling
02:12.21JMcAzu: I think because the phone needs to be ready for it
02:12.27Ariel_zu, same here
02:12.43Ariel_javier, just don't pick it up till after the 2nd full ring
02:12.59zuthats about 12 seconds
02:13.12JMcAthere's a WaitRing() right?
02:13.33Ariel_20 is 4 to 5 rings....
02:14.00*** join/#asterisk reza (
02:14.17jbotDocumentation can be found at or or or or
02:14.23jbotbeer is, like, ummm, ummm good!, or good for you!... not just for breakfast anymore
02:14.43Ariel_~weather ktmb
02:14.58rezai'm going to get this fucking thing to work if it's the last thing i do..
02:15.03zuhey im in fort liquerdale
02:15.08rezaactually, how hard is it to get astrisk running?
02:15.09Ariel_get wat thing to work
02:15.14Ariel_zu homestead
02:15.52zucool I used to do satellite dishes down there in 92 after andrew
02:16.04Ariel_I just think people get the wrong Idea of homestead since the program invasion is out...
02:16.10zutvro=television recieve only,
02:16.19JMcAwish it were close to 70 here
02:16.29zuwhats that, ive been up north for the last 4 years
02:17.18zuI was in florida city, I went there from pembroke pines because they thought it would hit broward, it took me three days to get home
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02:17.46De_Monwith autofallthrough = yes, how do I tell my dialplan to wait for the next extension?
02:17.48FuriousGeorgei tried a local radio station but wouldnt you know it, there not busy
02:18.05*** join/#asterisk kio (
02:18.12Ariel_FuriousGeorge, pizza hut
02:18.31zuyea but I went through wilma in broward it, it took me 6 hours to cut a path to the road and another 4 to find warm beet
02:18.47co-bdg^-^what;s the difference beetwen e1 and t1 ?
02:18.57Ariel_co-bdg^-^, us and eu
02:18.59zuI was like shit, I have enough supplies for 2 weeks and Im out of beer
02:19.02JMcAco-bdg^-^: 6 channels
02:19.09zue1=30 channels t1=24
02:19.10Ariel_24 channels 31 channels
02:19.40zuthat was it I borrowed a neighboors chainsaw and 6 hours later I had cut a path for my car to the road
02:19.48Ariel_E1 31 don't for get the dchannel
02:20.24Ariel_zu, I fell off the a tree cutting it down after wilma. I was layed out for almost 2 weeks... it sucks
02:21.15*** join/#asterisk kart_179 (n=kart@
02:21.31kart_179Hey i have problem with my R2, anyone can help me ?
02:21.46zuwow where I am in broward it took me with one chainsaw another neighbor with a chainsaw, 6 guys and 1 truck and 6 hours to clear a path to a main road
02:22.03Ariel_strange the asterisk user list is so slow... I normally get about 200 plus emails every day from it.
02:22.10kart_179Hey i have problem with my R2, anyone can help me ?
02:22.38Ariel_R2 hummmm now there is something I have not worked with.... sorry kart_179
02:23.29javierI just tried it, let the phone ring but I don't see the caller ID.  I sounds  like Asterisk is picking up the analog trunk on the first ring.
02:24.03Ariel_asterisk will let it ring normally.
02:24.21kart_179Ariel_ :(
02:24.26kart_179Hey i have problem with my R2, anyone can help me ?
02:24.26Ariel_you have usecallerid=yes which tells zaptel to let it ring
02:24.28co-bdg^-^isdn e1 and g.703 adapter can connect pbx system to asterisk system ... is that true ?
02:24.48*** join/#asterisk EriSan (
02:25.05Ariel_co-bdg^-^, well yes like a TE110p from digium
02:25.44zuyea e1 cards have hardware echo supression, no crappy software algorithms
02:26.05*** part/#asterisk alephcom_ (
02:26.17iccomputingdoes anyone have any experience troubleshooting mysql errors on "asterisk reload" ??
02:26.40zuiccomputing: do you have paypal
02:26.50iccomputingwhat do you charge?
02:26.57Ariel_what is the error your getting
02:27.11iccomputinga few...can i pastebin?
02:27.25kart_179Hey i have problem with my R2, anyone can help me ?
02:27.45Ariel_kart_179, the more you post it the less people will respond. give it some time...
02:28.25Ariel_kart_179, and for R2 you should try the user list first since there are more people there from overseas.
02:29.54Coccyxterminology might help too, r2 is a signalling protocol, e1 is the actual circuit
02:30.00Coccyxframing actually
02:30.05*** join/#asterisk YoMama (
02:30.40*** join/#asterisk tengulre11 (n=tengulre@
02:30.44rezawhy are the x100p cards so expensive?  i bought mine for $15
02:30.46Ariel_iccomputing, it's telling what's wrong
02:30.47Math`YoMama: hi
02:30.53*** part/#asterisk iccomputing (
02:30.56YoMamareza: yours is probably a clone
02:30.59YoMamahey Math!  long time no see
02:31.01*** join/#asterisk iccomputing (
02:31.08iccomputingwhoops!! i clicked close!!
02:31.11rezahow can you tell?
02:31.14YoMamaMath`: I ended up buying a locked PAP2 and converting that :)
02:31.39iccomputingAriel, did you see my pastebin?
02:31.40YoMamareza: does it actually say Digium on it?
02:31.42rezapfn - there you are, been looking for you
02:31.47tengulre11reza: how to buy? I m in china!
02:31.54tengulre11I m point X100p card!
02:32.08YoMamaanyone here good with fixing echo problems?
02:32.15CoccyxI see one available for $25
02:32.15rezateng- i bought it off digium's website
02:32.23*** join/#asterisk xxi (
02:32.24reza1 x OEM X100P - FXO PCI Card (DIGITX100P) = $14.50
02:32.27CoccyxYoMama: dunnoa bout good, but I just spent 4 days doing it
02:32.42Coccyxechocan preload patch finally got it for me
02:32.42rezayomama- dont see any markings
02:32.46Ariel_iccomputing, it's telling what's wrong
02:32.46YoMamaCoccyx: analog port?
02:32.47Coccyxit's a brand new patch
02:32.54YoMamareza: i dunno..maybe it's real
02:32.58CoccyxYoMama: yeah, had echo problems on 3 analog CO lines
02:33.07YoMamai just know there's lots of X100P clones out there
02:33.13CoccyxI was pretty frustrated, I'll tell you that
02:33.16YoMamaCoccyx: did u solve it?
02:33.29*** join/#asterisk _cleric_ (
02:33.29rezaeither way, glad i bought it.  what does it do, btw?  is it an fxs?
02:33.30CoccyxYoMama: why don't you pastebin me your zapata.conf?
02:33.37Coccyxreza: FXO
02:33.46Coccyxit takes 1 CO line
02:34.04rezaso what could i use it for? (i bought it because it was cheap)
02:34.04CoccyxYoMama: that and I applied the new echocan preload patch, which is what really helped.
02:34.19Coccyxreza: plug your phone line from the phone company into it and then use a SIP hardphone or softphone to answer it
02:34.30Coccyxusing asterisk as the softpbx obviously.
02:34.41Coccyxbuild a voicemail system, whatever, lots of stuff you can do.
02:34.44rezaah.. thnx
02:34.58rezaok, now to figure out how to get this tdm400p to work
02:35.05reza*grumble* *grumble*
02:35.16YoMamaCoccyx: i know the rxgain is quite high..but if i don't turn it up..i can barely hear my voicemails
02:35.17Coccyxreza: why did you buy a x100p if you already had a tdm400p?
02:35.23rezabought them at the same time
02:35.27tengulre11reza: what 's difference between OEM x100p and gernic 100p!
02:35.31YoMamareza: I'll buy your TDM400P off of you for $5 :-P
02:35.36rezai wanted the tdm400p, but the x100p was only $15
02:35.48reza1 x DigiumTM TDM400P () = $180.00
02:35.48CoccyxYoMama: yeah, it's going to be hard to solve echo through attenuation with a rxgain that high
02:35.52rezai paid a bit more for that
02:35.56Coccyxwhat echocan algorithm are you using for zaptel?
02:36.05YoMamaCoccyx: umm..lemme see
02:36.22CoccyxYoMama: I recommend MG2 with this new patch, let me find the list posting...
02:36.28Qwelltengulre11: There is no such thing as an "oem digium" card
02:36.32Ariel_KB1 or MG2 for me
02:36.35YoMamaCoccyx: whatever is standard..i think it's mark2
02:36.54Ariel_last it was kb1
02:37.00Ariel_if you have 1.2
02:37.10YoMamai do
02:37.14YoMamaumm..lemme look
02:37.17CoccyxYoMama: 1.2 is KB1
02:37.23Coccyxyou'll want to go to MG2
02:37.28Ariel_so edit zconfig.h
02:37.30Coccyxand you'll want to apply this patch for zaptel:
02:37.35tengulre11Qwell: nice! I need building a simple VOIP platform, what hardware me need?
02:37.56Coccyxtengulre11: for one line, a X100P would do you fine.
02:37.57tengulre11s/need/ want to/
02:38.16Ariel_hardware simple one pc hdd memory and at least one phone
02:38.16*** join/#asterisk ptiggerdine (
02:38.23tengulre11Coccyx: where can buy it?
02:38.30tengulre11I m in china!
02:38.30rezapfn - you here?
02:38.32Coccyxtengulre11: google is a good place to start looking :)
02:38.40Coccyxtengulre11: ah, dunno about china.
02:38.49Coccyxtengulre11: your guess is as good as mine.
02:38.54Coccyxprobably better actually.
02:39.02CoccyxYoMama: have you compiled zaptel yourself yet?
02:39.19*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
02:39.24rezaok, i'm confused.  i got 2 of the green modules fo rthe tdm card - that's what i plug phones into, right? and they're called fxs's?
02:39.47Ariel_there in your location
02:39.53*** part/#asterisk zahid (
02:40.01rezaso why are they called fxoks in the zaptel conf file?
02:40.14tengulre11Ariel: do u have MSN ?
02:40.21Ariel_Rez, yes correct red ones are for phone lines
02:40.28Ariel_tengulre11, yes but I don't give it out
02:40.28YoMamaCoccyx: but of course
02:40.31Qwellreza: because fxs uses fxo signalling
02:40.46rezaqwell - do they try to make this as hard as possible?
02:40.49*** join/#asterisk dijit0 (n=dijit0@
02:40.50YoMamaCoccyx: my phone company sucks..i know hte gains aren't helping...but without those gains..i can't hear shit
02:40.54YoMamayo Qwell
02:40.56Qwellno, it's simple
02:41.00Ariel_Reza yes
02:41.06tengulre11Ariel_: are you
02:41.07CoccyxYoMama: you go to that URL I pasted above?
02:41.14Ariel_tengulre11, no
02:41.14YoMamaCoccyx: yeah..i'm gonna give it a shot
02:41.17Ariel_I am in the us
02:41.20*** join/#asterisk rculp (n=rculp@
02:41.22CoccyxYoMama: you need to apply that patch.  It solved my problems, really.
02:41.24dijit0quick question, how can i login to my linux box from windows?
02:41.30CoccyxYoMama: if you hang on the line about 30 seconds does the echo go away?
02:41.36rezaso the exampels on digium's site all assume at least one fxo card.  is there anything that needs to be changed other than removig the fxsks= line?
02:41.53rezadijit0 - download putty (google putty ssh)
02:42.11rezasshd should be running on your linux box
02:42.22dijit0ahh nice... thx
02:42.35dijit0and as far as doing a remote desktop connection, is that possible in windows?
02:42.40YoMamaCoccyx: yup
02:42.46YoMamaCoccyx: it has to retrain every single time
02:42.50CoccyxYoMama: then this will solve it for you.
02:42.52YoMamaCoccyx: it goes away after 10-20 seconds
02:42.56Ariel_dijit0, no
02:43.07CoccyxYoMama: you know how to apply patches?
02:43.19YoMamaCoccyx: yeah..this looks like it might work...question come u don't specify the file you preload?
02:43.28YoMamaCoccyx: step #4 doesn't seem right
02:43.36zucd /usr/src/asterisk ; patch -p1 < ./patchname
02:43.42YoMamaCoccyx: yeah..i'm Unix smart..just Asterisk stupid
02:43.52dijit0grr... i wouldnt need to do it in windows if my wireless card was supported... everything works but my wireless card... and i dont know enough to properly set that up, since there are no linux drivers for it
02:43.55CoccyxYoMama: awesome
02:43.57Ariel_dijit0, ssh or putty will give you a cli prompt from the asterisk box.. no xwindow which should not be loaded on an asterisk box
02:43.57CoccyxYoMama: it is wrong
02:44.08Coccyxyou need to do a zt_ec_preload -d <channel> < datadumpfile
02:44.24SkramXanyone ben able to stream a meetme conference to shoutcast?
02:44.31Coccyxso whatevber file you dump the results from the other into then load it in step 4 from that file
02:44.36Coccyxit solved my problems, this patch was a godsend.
02:44.39*** join/#asterisk shido (
02:44.59CoccyxYoMama: you'll have to reload that data on reboot though
02:45.00YoMamaCoccyx: that's what i thought...thanks man..i hope they build this into the source..why wouldn't u wanna preload your training data?
02:45.11YoMamaCoccyx: nothing a little script won't fix
02:45.17CoccyxYoMama: it wouldn't work very well on digital lines...
02:45.24CoccyxYoMama: it only helps with analog where the echo is consistent.
02:45.28YoMamaCoccyx: i doubt i'd be having these types of problems on digital lines
02:45.36*** join/#asterisk zimdog (
02:45.39Coccyxon a PRI you're going to get different echo depending on where the call comes in
02:45.51CoccyxYoMama: you wouldn't :)
02:46.03YoMamaCoccyx: true..i'm actually more verse at handling PRIs than stupid analog lines
02:46.03CoccyxYoMama: unless your PRI is running more than about 100 miles to the CO
02:46.10Coccyxwhich is very unusual if you're not a phone company already.
02:46.19YoMamaCoccyx: and those people live out in the woods and should know better
02:46.21CoccyxI used to work for a cellular carrier... echo on digital spans is totally different.
02:46.38Coccyxof course then I could afford TEllabs gear :)
02:46.51CoccyxI'm really disappointed in asterisk's echocans... they're totally unacceptable.
02:47.03Coccyxbut this patch is really helping.
02:47.20CoccyxI've heard digium's cards are the only ones that have this kind of problem though.
02:47.33Coccyxother ATAs have better hardware echocan.
02:47.39*** join/#asterisk bweschke (
02:48.08Ariel_Coccyx, well actually others have it as well. But dialogic firs board were not full duplex due to the echo problem.
02:48.16CoccyxI'm concerned because I want to sell this system in town and I really need something thats as clean as a traditional key system.
02:48.30YoMamaCoccyx: it makes sense to deal with it on the hardware anyway
02:48.44zimdogHello room, What dies SIP response 604 "Does not exist anywhere" mean?
02:48.47CoccyxYoMama: yeah, I'm disappointed the TDM400 doesn't have it in hardware.
02:48.50YoMamaCoccyx: I hear ya...the handset support is iffy at times too
02:49.09Coccyxit's pretty processor intensive actually... DSPs do much better, which is why most have it in hardware.
02:49.16rezacoccyx - what board are you using?
02:49.23Coccyxreza: TDM400
02:49.27YoMamaCoccyx: yeah...but the whole point of asterisk is not to have DSPs :)
02:49.35rezasame one then; what problem did you have and what fixed it?
02:49.41FuriousGeorgethe difference b/w congestion and busy is that congestion means all my resources are tied up?
02:49.42CoccyxYoMama: the phones have DSPs in them, so do most channel banks :)
02:49.49Ariel_the tdm400 work well but you have to make sure irq is not shared as well
02:50.00Coccyxjust no DSPs at the core, all the transcoding logic is at the edge.
02:50.01YoMamaCoccyx: yeah..they really ain't that expensive anymore
02:50.04rezahmm. how do you do that w/ linux?
02:50.06Ariel_congestion is busy
02:50.22Coccyxreza: I had a serious echo problem... fixed it with this echocan preload patch.
02:50.27FuriousGeorgeAriel_: SO WHY CAN ${dialstatus} be either
02:50.28Coccyxscroll up :)
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02:50.38CoccyxAriel_: yeah, that didn't make a difference in my case.
02:50.41rezacan you mail me a copy?
02:50.44Coccyxneither did the PC, I switched to another PC.
02:51.11rezaor paste a url
02:51.30Ariel_Coccyx, I have setup over 50 systems with TDM board in them some do get echo some don't it's also dependent on the telco side.
02:52.02zuyea echo=set it to agressive
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02:52.16Ariel_but I do belive that digium could have done better on there boards with echo can. But they wanted to do this cheaply.
02:52.16YoMamadammit..i can't count today
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02:52.45FuriousGeorgeAriel_: er, i mean if busy and congestion are one and the same why does the dialstatus variable differentiate
02:53.10Ariel_congestion is sent out. busy is detected
02:53.37zuyea sangoma has tdm cards with hardware echo suppresion optionally
02:53.46YoMamaCoccyx: what area are u in?
02:53.48FuriousGeorgeAriel_: was it you saying not to use busy detextion in zapata.conf yesterday
02:54.15FuriousGeorgei meant to ask why :)
02:54.16Ariel_sangoma seems to have a better echo can on there boards.
02:54.16Coccyxzu: aggressive echo can causes a lot of chop for me
02:54.21CoccyxYoMama: Fort Smith, ARkansas.
02:54.23rezaariel - is the echo mostly on receiving calls or making voip calls?
02:54.30YoMamaCoccyx: lots of small businesses down there i bet
02:54.51Ariel_echo is you hearing yourself at either a few seconds after you speak
02:54.54CoccyxYoMama: yeah, a lot... this system could be very successful in town if I can clear up the problems.
02:54.58*** join/#asterisk _mountie (
02:55.06CoccyxYoMama: lots of benefits for businesses with multiple locations in different towns as well.
02:55.09FuriousGeorgei thought echo can on a tdm was all software
02:55.17Ariel_Coccyx, arkansas... I used to live up in the Cabot area
02:55.25Coccyxlots of local phone companies around here that charge LD for a town 5 miles away.
02:55.36*** join/#asterisk seeeexy_girl_06 (
02:55.39CoccyxAriel_: I've been there.  Used to work for a company called IPA that had a Internet POP in a bank there.
02:55.45YoMamaCoccyx: yeah..i see the big success of Asterisk for small businesses...'cause small businesses can't afford a PBX with voicemail, conferenceing, they charge an arm and a leg for the stupid handsets to those systems
02:56.01CoccyxYoMama: usually $150-$200 for a full featured digital handset.
02:56.08Coccyxplus about $2 to $3k for the "magic box"
02:56.14Coccyxif it includes voicemail
02:56.19Ariel_Coccyx, I was in the Air Force back then...
02:56.19Coccyxgenerally flash based voicemail can store 3 hours of data.
02:56.21YoMamaCoccyx: that's barebones
02:56.27CoccyxYoMama: yeah.
02:56.32rezathis 400mhz celeron was never meant to compile anything; so painful to watch
02:56.42CoccyxYoMama: I'm building my systems on VIA EPIA boards booting asterisk off of flash
02:56.49Coccyxit's pretty badass...
02:57.03YoMamaCoccyx: what distro of linux u using?
02:57.06Coccyx1 Ghz is plenty for most small systems, if they don't do a lot of transcoding.
02:57.09YoMamaCoccyx: yeah..that'd be the right way to do it
02:57.13CoccyxYoMama: right now gentoo, but I'm moving to astlinux.
02:57.21Ariel_via epia sometimes have problems with there internal p/s and the digium board are you using the one with the external p/s
02:57.37Qwellastlinux is cool
02:57.43rezahmm.. google time
02:57.44Qwellnot complete crap like aah :)
02:57.46CoccyxAriel_: yeah, external PS... not grounded though because it's DC, you have to ground the box manually
02:57.59Coccyxotherwise you can end up with a hum on the lines.
02:58.09Coccyximportant to have access to the building ground.
02:58.18Coccyxright now i"m running groundless until I can rewire some stuff.
02:58.34Ariel_I started to use a larger box from msi and going to put together a combo firewall/asterisk pbx for small biz in the next few weeks on the market.
02:58.52CoccyxAriel_: funny that's what we're going to be selling.
02:59.00Coccyxopenvpn on the boxes too for point to point VPN tunnels.
02:59.06seeeexy_girl_06hi i need help with my asterisk/nufone delema
02:59.13LibilaQwell: whats wrong with aah
02:59.20Ariel_what a name
02:59.21*** join/#asterisk nrl[digium] (n=nlewis@
02:59.22CoccyxI left a job at a major cellular company to move to arkansas and sell this shit.  That's how much I believe in asterisk.
02:59.28Ariel_nufone works fine what is the problem
02:59.32QwellLibila: too many things to mention...
02:59.42Ariel_Coccyx, great to hear it.
02:59.43CoccyxI'm selling other stuff too... I"m selling zimbra as a replacement for exchange as well.
02:59.45Math`seeeexy_girl_06: are you coming for the same problem as yesterday?
02:59.56seeeexy_girl_06i use it for displaying caller id of my choice but out of no where it stops working...
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03:00.08LibilaQwell: I'm curious, I normally use gentoo/bsd for my os's. then one of my friends said to use aah, so instead of installing gentoo like normal I installed aah a few hours ago.
03:00.09Ariel_I have been on my own doing this for 1.5 years now I used to setup asterisk for another co before that.
03:00.26CoccyxAriel_: any telephony experience prior to that?
03:00.26Ariel_seeeexy_girl_06, did you upgrade asterisk ???
03:00.43iCEBrkrseeeexy_girl_06: A/S/L?
03:00.46seeeexy_girl_06im using the windows one on here sadly
03:00.49rezaastlinux & aah?
03:00.51iCEBrkrMath`: I had to.
03:00.54Ariel_Coccyx, no I was into ivr's for hotels and phone networks for them all privite
03:00.56CoccyxI've deployed and been schooled on Nortel Meridian systems and Lucent Definitey systems.
03:01.00iCEBrkrseeeexy_girl_06: LOL
03:01.03Math`argh cali, too far
03:01.08Math`no help for you
03:01.12mgohgot any dialer for asterisk that only allow agent to dial from address books?
03:01.25Coccyxso I'm pretty picky when it comes to phone systems, I've used the ones you pay big bucks for, but asterisk is pretty close to being there.
03:01.37Math`mgoh: no but you can create a context with only the numbers allowed to be dialed and set the agent into that context
03:01.38Ariel_Coccyx, I know them well. since we were dealing with hotels like marriot and others like that.
03:01.50seeeexy_girl_06what do you think the problem could be ariel?
03:01.59CoccyxIt's really mostly a handset issue... the handsets on the market are pretty poor... I'm hopeful for the new Linksys/Sipura phones to come close to Cisco quality on the handsets.
03:02.21Ariel_seeeexy_girl_06, what version are you using 1.0.9 or 1.2?
03:02.23Coccyxconfiguring asterisk sure beats the hell oughta learning Nortel Meridian... all that load shit and 4 letter abbreviations is for the birds.
03:02.24mgohmath': where can we create a context insdie asterisk?
03:02.26Math`Ariel_: little question since you know "old" systems, if I get a PRI card for a Meridian system and plug it into a TDM card, will it work fine?
03:02.33Math`mgoh: in extensions.conf
03:02.41maskedi have a little problem installing zaptel, i've been trying to nut it out myself but i can't, i'm hoping one of you may have a better idea whats wrong/missing - /bin/sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `;'
03:02.42masked/bin/sh: -c: line 0: `if    --  etc etc until make: *** [install] Error 2
03:02.50Ariel_Math`, not witout so changes on the meridian
03:03.01CoccyxAriel_: you'll have a problem unless one of them is serving the D Channel...
03:03.09Coccyxerr Math`
03:03.13seeeexy_girl_06its asteriskwin32 0.5.2
03:03.24Ariel_Coccyx, aslo need to the right software load
03:03.24Coccyxyou'll be easier running channelized T1 between them.
03:03.31Ariel_seeeexy_girl_06, argh
03:03.32zu~karma zu
03:03.32jbotzu has neutral karma
03:03.47seeeexy_girl_06lol i know but i cant install linux on this comp....
03:03.47Coccyxmost systems support generating robbed bit signalling but not ISDN PRI signalling.
03:04.05CoccyxI don't know if Asterisk can serve a PRI or not.
03:04.20maskedseeeexy_girl_06: install linux into a virtual machine.
03:04.20iccomputingzu i closed the chat!!
03:04.22Math`can a meridian serve a pri?
03:04.28Ariel_seeeexy_girl_06, nufune has updated there setups that could be your problem and if you call them they will tell you to upgrade asterisk
03:04.39Ariel_Coccyx, yes
03:04.40mgohMath': can the extensions.conf real time reflect back when I make a change?
03:04.44iCEBrkrMath`: I think a lot of PBX's are able to 'provide' PRI service *Shrug*
03:04.44QwellAriel_: it's a dialplan thing
03:04.46seeeexy_girl_06come on guys help me... my ex boyfriend is an asshole and i need to call his girlfriends cell phone with his other ex-girlfriends cell
03:04.50QwellAriel_: we went over this last night
03:05.04QwellShe's dumb.  That's all...
03:05.11Ariel_argh cell phone hell...
03:05.16YoMamasexy_girl: huh?
03:05.25iCEBrkrseeeexy_girl_06: LOLOLOLOL
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03:05.44rezadoes anyone know how traditional answering services work?
03:05.45zuhya Qwell
03:05.49Ariel_seeeexy_girl_06, post your dial string on so we can see it.
03:05.52Math`mgoh: extensions's realtime is.... how can I say.... realtime!
03:05.58YoMamamy best friend's sister's cousin's brother-in-law told his father's sister's grandfather that her mother's grand aunt's daughter was quite upset
03:06.06rezasomehow they get a clone of the same phone number or somesuch...
03:06.07maskedseeeexy_girl_06: get the ex's cell and ring her!
03:06.14QwellAriel_: she did yesterday.  She's using some UGLY hack...and is never even setting cid
03:06.23QwellWe already told her this last night, but SOMEBODY didn't pay attention
03:06.47Qwelland the whole astwin32 thing
03:07.10Ariel_Math`, I don't use realtime due to it has issues
03:07.14Math`last thing I remember is trying to explain how to copy paste from the CLI
03:07.17iCEBrkrAstwind should work just like Asterisk on Linux.
03:07.22iCEBrkrI got it running, but never tinkered with it.
03:07.24Ariel_besides I think asterisk does very well with reloads
03:07.27Math`Ariel_: it's becoming more and more stable
03:07.28QwellAriel_: What issues have you seen with realtime?  There have been a bunch of fixes lately
03:07.38YoMamau know what i love about chix who come on IRC with nicknames like sexy_girl?
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03:07.48QwellYoMama: They're usually fat, balding, old men?
03:07.57Qwell(or women...)
03:07.58FuriousGeorgemaybe someone knows the answer to this:  i got 5 asterisk boxes.  one cant register with the other.  it just times out.  the ip is right and everything
03:08.07Ariel_Math`, fine but I don't play games with my systems. They are for real customers and I can't have them down.
03:08.09YoMamaQwell: hahahaha...nah..they're usually women, but they're rarely what most men would consider sexy
03:08.17QwellYoMama: see above
03:08.21mgohMath': if I intergrate with others app that update extension.con. Can the agents dial after tat app done updating.
03:08.26FuriousGeorgeheres the catch, they all have dynamic ips so i use service
03:08.40Ariel_dns cache is off
03:08.50FuriousGeorgeif i do iax show registry the ip is correct, but it just times out
03:08.53maskedFuriousGeorge: tried static dhcp?
03:09.18FuriousGeorgestatic dhcp?  there is nat between all these boxes, they arent on the same network.
03:09.34Math`uh oh
03:09.42Math`you said the Bad Word(tm)
03:09.50rob0What's *really* funny is to see the lonely horny boys stepping on their tongues trying to help a "sexy_girl".
03:09.56rezais there any advantage other than simplifying configs to using aah?
03:09.57Ariel_5 boxes and nat and none with real IP's.... and your having only one with issues...
03:10.00FuriousGeorgebut ports are forwarded.  all of em have sip clients logged into them, they are all logged into eachother and to their respective ips.  its just these two boxes that wont connect via iax
03:10.29Ariel_rob0, I try to help all does not need to be a girl.... but it does help.
03:10.35seeeexy_girl_06rob0 you may make your own oppinion on my looks... i just seem to have what you lack... and that is SELF CONFIDENCE
03:10.56Qwelland she's still not paying attention to the people are ARE trying to help...
03:11.08seeeexy_girl_06i am...
03:11.11seeeexy_girl_06its just running slow
03:11.15seeeexy_girl_06hold on
03:11.30Qwelland you STILL never showed me a damn cli output from a call
03:11.51seeeexy_girl_06I DONT HAVE LINUX REMEMBER...
03:11.54YoMamai'm horny..not too lonely though
03:12.02seeeexy_girl_06at least not on here
03:12.08Ariel_seeeexy_girl_06, you do have an cli with astwind as well
03:12.08Qwellseeeexy_girl_06: That's has a fucking console
03:12.09YoMamawhoever made astwin should be shot
03:12.15Math`oh and how about I tall you that..... windows ports of asterisk aren't supported here
03:12.37rob0<== I got help here in this channel today :)
03:12.39Math`omg that bot is awesome
03:12.41seeeexy_girl_06i do not know how to post it in here.. if someone would kindly tell me that would be great
03:12.46Ariel_she want food at this time argh this baby all she wants to do is eat.
03:12.59YoMama<-- got help in here today too
03:13.02YoMamaabout to try it out
03:13.09Qwellseeeexy_girl_06: umm...the same way you've been posting the other shit...maybe?
03:13.24QwellAriel_: how old?
03:13.38seeeexy_girl_06qwell.. i can open a text file to find this out?
03:13.39*** join/#asterisk fri (
03:13.46Qwellseeeexy_girl_06: just give up
03:13.54Qwelluninstall asterisk...and go play
03:14.05zuwindows sucks
03:14.06Qwellif you can't read SIMPLE documentation...
03:14.09YoMamait's so hot when a girl talks about opening up a text file...
03:14.09seeeexy_girl_06qwell give up on insulting me
03:14.15zuwindows is the main reason the inter net is slow
03:14.18Coccyxrob0: well, they could go to a mailing list, but at least with IRC they don't have to deal with 100s of emails a day :)
03:14.22Coccyxzu: that's shit.
03:14.50YoMamazu: as much as i hate windoze and microsoft...that's a pretty inaccurate generalization
03:14.51Ariel_damm seeeexy_girl_06 that is one really messed up dial plan
03:14.52rezasexy - you would have less drama if you changed your nick.
03:15.00QwellAriel_: note that the top part...
03:15.02zuCoccyx:  the amount of spam from zombie winblows machines have shutdown fortune 100 companies so shut the fuck up
03:15.04javierI agree
03:15.10Qwellshe omitted that this time
03:15.13zimdogWhat does SIP response 604 "Does not exist anywhere" mean?
03:15.19zuI have a MCSE/MCSA/MCDBA and have built windows clusters how about you
03:15.26QwellAriel_: I'll give you one guess where the call is actually coming in
03:15.32YoMamazu: I'm Bill Gates
03:15.33seeeexy_girl_06yes i have global variables
03:15.34Math`zimdog: I think it means the extension doesnt exist anymore
03:15.36Ariel_I see it
03:15.45seeeexy_girl_06but i figured that was self explanitary
03:15.48Qwelland note this little gem
03:15.49Qwellexten => s,2,SetCallerID()
03:15.57Coccyxzu: I've built windows machines attached to petabyte SANs serving gigabytes of data... my dick is longer.
03:15.58*** join/#asterisk iccomputing (
03:15.59Ariel_just a sec baby is now here let me get her at least some snacks.
03:16.11Qwellseeeexy_girl_06: here, you want this fixed?
03:16.11YoMamaCoccyx: thansk for the help man..i'm gonna haveta get someone to call
03:16.17seeeexy_girl_06yes qwell s,2 string is like that because i am able to set it remotely
03:16.18zuYoMama: good your software sucks and allways have I used billgates os on a zorba cpm in 1979 and it still sucks today
03:16.20CoccyxYoMama: I'll call you if you want :), put in my email address, drop a donation
03:16.25zimdogThanks Math
03:16.29Qwellthen maybe I'll do it for you
03:16.39zu</end rant>
03:16.53seeeexy_girl_06tell me exactly where the hell i can learn more about this...
03:16.56Qwell</end rant> is the same as <rant>
03:16.58Qwellseeeexy_girl_06: google
03:16.59seeeexy_girl_06ive reached a stand still
03:17.02jbotdocs is, like, probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
03:17.06jbotfrom memory, wikis is
03:17.13jbotrumour has it, mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at, or and there is also the Macintosh Asterisk mailing list at
03:17.17Qwellhave fun
03:17.22seeeexy_girl_06ive read all that is in
03:17.27zuno Qwell its the variable global end of a rant
03:17.40Qwellzu: You ended an end rant tag
03:17.40Math`seeeexy_girl_06: good, now the only thing you have to do is understand it, and apply it
03:17.56rob0does that mean the rant continues?
03:17.57shidocoming from a person named Math - that was perfect
03:17.58YoMamaCoccyx: i'll call my girl instead...hehe :-P
03:18.03Qwellrob0: it means a new one is started...or something
03:18.09zuQwell: yes I know it was in a xml compatible format though
03:18.12Coccyxzu: point being that traffic as a result of zombie computers is still probably less than 25% of all Internet traffic... if it wasn't windows machines they'd be spending all their time 0wn3ning unix-like systems for their botnets.
03:18.12Qwellthe whole double negative thing :p
03:18.20Qwellzu: You wanted a </rant> tag
03:18.28zuCoccyx:  Im done dude
03:18.42Qwellwow, 391 people?
03:18.46rob0come on zu, tell us what you REALLY feel.
03:18.50m[afk]edcan someone tell me more about this: /bin/sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `;'
03:18.56zuCoccyx: one thing I do love about windows is that for the last 16+years its supplied me with a good income
03:19.03Qwellm[afk]ed: not unless we see the line
03:19.04seeeexy_girl_06well then im just going to give up...youd figure some of you would be willing to help a struggling asterisk user
03:19.08seeeexy_girl_06HENSE THE CHANNEL NAME
03:19.15Qwellseeeexy_girl_06: struggling...not stupid
03:19.17Qwellno offense
03:19.22zu<rant> insert rant here </end rant>
03:19.24maskEdQwell: im not sure what line it is because its says line 0
03:19.27Math`Qwell: 391 here, 90% idle
03:19.32Qwellzu: <rant> insert rant </rant>
03:19.38mgohguy do u all test how reliable asterisk voice recording? Do we really need external voice recording?
03:19.40QwellYou can't end a rant tag with an end rant tag! :P
03:19.52rob0maskEd: to sh, the semicolon is a special token, a command separator
03:19.54zuQwell:  thats not compatibile with my patented rant system
03:19.54Math`mgoh: what do you  mean by external voice recording?
03:19.57CoccyxQwell: yeah, wouldn't be valid XML.
03:20.04maskEd<end rant>
03:20.05zudont make me call the dumbass patent office
03:20.07maskEdnow im ending my rant
03:20.09maskEd</end rant>
03:20.15mgohMath': VOIP recorder
03:20.21seeeexy_girl_06well bye
03:20.26Math`mgoh: to record calls?'d be <rant>blah blah blah</rant>
03:20.28QwellYou can't rant in an end rant just doesn't work that way
03:20.33*** part/#asterisk seeeexy_girl_06 (
03:20.36zuHey A polycom phone would load that xml rant without any complaints
03:20.41Qwellshe'll be back
03:20.41Math`mgoh: use Monitor() or MixMonitor()
03:20.41YoMamaseeexy_girl: sign off and sign back on as a'll get a lot more help :)
03:20.49maskEdrob0: well theres lots of ;'s in the zaptel Makefile, still not sure which one it is.
03:20.57QwellYoMama: it's funny, because you're probably right
03:21.16YoMamaQwell: her nick made me immediately wanna pick on her
03:21.26QwellYoMama: her stupidity did it for me
03:21.28mgohMath': I know asterisk got this function, but are it stable for long time recording purpose. I want all recording been recorded.
03:21.28rob0maskEd: take it back a step, what did you do to start out?
03:21.43*** join/#asterisk seeeexy_girl_06 (
03:21.47QwellmaskEd: What are you typing?
03:21.51maskEdrob0: built zaptel, then make install
03:21.53YoMamai've met one good looking female unix geek in my entire life...that was about...10 years ago
03:21.58Ariel_OK back... she might do better with vmware and then loading asterisk.. But I still would not do it.
03:21.59Math`mgoh: it is
03:22.03maskEdQwell: make install to install zaptel
03:22.10YoMamaand she actually knew what she was doing...ha
03:22.13QwellmaskEd: you should pastebin the whole thing
03:22.22maskEdQwell: at pastebin now
03:22.35rob0looks don't matter much anyway :)
03:22.41maskEdQwell: the whole lot or just the error?
03:22.45Qwellthe whole thing
03:22.49seeeexy_girl_06hey shido reach me on yahoo messager if youd like to help me
03:23.00zimdogDoes anyone here connect to a broadsoft switch?
03:23.04*** join/#asterisk FastJack_ (
03:23.14Qwellshido: She's trying to abuse CID with nufone! :D
03:23.17Ariel_broadsoft switch....
03:23.27mgohMath': Do you think asterisk able handle 60 extension voice recording conccurently.
03:23.33YoMamaQwell: u can set your callerid with nufone?
03:23.37QwellYoMama: num
03:23.40seeeexy_girl_06qwell i am not...
03:23.50seeeexy_girl_06i am trying to do the same shit they did to me...
03:23.56YoMamaQwell: really...that can't be too good for business
03:24.18seeeexy_girl_06other than that ill be using it to spoof my own cell number in order to use my cell number when im in the house... which doesnt work inside currentkly
03:24.18YoMamaseeeexy_girl_06: you're not quite over this guy are you?  he dumped you didn't he?
03:24.28Ariel_seeeexy_girl_06, you could load vmware then put a real asterisk setup there
03:24.44seeeexy_girl_06he cheated on me with some ho!
03:24.54LibilaAriel_: Whats your definition of a "real" asterisk system?
03:24.55seeeexy_girl_06im out
03:24.59Ariel_seeeexy_girl_06, you could do it simple like use a 9 for a different id 8 for normal...
03:25.15*** join/#asterisk oppie (
03:25.33YoMamaactually..i'm startin' to think she's probably pretty hot...she ain't too bright and she's a bit nuts..and u know what they say about the crazy ones..they're usually hot
03:25.42zimdogArial Broadsoft server?
03:25.49seeeexy_girl_06aint too bright?
03:25.59seeeexy_girl_06excuse me im at a state college unlike you
03:26.00Ariel_zimdog, yes I know it. it's a very strange system to use.
03:26.09oppieWait, I thought we were suppose to talk about asterisk in here.
03:26.15Qwelloppie: usually
03:26.15YoMamaseeeexy_girl_06: are u going to tell me now that "ain't" ain't a word?
03:26.26oppieOK, I have a question on compiling.
03:26.34YoMamaseeeexy_girl_06: it took u all the way to state college to figure that one out?
03:26.57oppieI did make rpm and at the very end, it gives me this error.
03:26.58zimdogArial_: Have any pointers to get outbound trunk working?
03:27.03oppiemake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/oppie/asterisk-1.2.2'
03:27.03oppieerror: Legacy syntax is unsupported: copyright
03:27.03oppieerror: line 6: Unknown tag: Copyright: Linux Support Services, inc.
03:27.03oppiemake: *** [__rpm] Error 1
03:27.05seeeexy_girl_06im out
03:27.13seeeexy_girl_06reach me on yahoo if you want to help
03:27.18seeeexy_girl_06same name as this
03:27.19Math`oppie: what the hell
03:27.32YoMamaAriel_: Michigan?
03:27.45Ariel_Miami the canes rule
03:27.46YoMamaAriel_: or Minnesota?
03:28.00YoMamaAriel_: go to a Florida school..curse you..I'm a Wolverine
03:28.15Math`echo "alias wcfxs wctdm" >> ;
03:28.19Math`thats not really good
03:28.25YoMamaAriel_: although..the girls are about 1000x hotter at U of Miami
03:28.36Ariel_YoMama, I got out of school back in 1979 so I am sure it was before you started.
03:28.39YoMamaso hats off to you there
03:28.49maskEdMath`: its not?
03:28.50YoMamaAriel_: yeah...a bit
03:29.00YoMamaAriel_: sure the chix were still pretty hot back then too :-P
03:29.05*** join/#asterisk linlin (
03:29.12Ariel_ohh yes they still are
03:29.20YoMamaAriel_: and the Michigan rivalry with Florida teams goes well before 1979
03:29.28Ariel_yes I know
03:29.30Math`maskEd: not really, it expects a filename for IO redirection... like echo "alias wcfxs wctdm" >> /etc/modules.conf
03:29.48YoMamaAriel_: I hate Florida State even more
03:29.53maskEdMath`: now why wouldn't it have done that?
03:29.55Ariel_but the main school that was our rivalry back then was Ohio state.
03:29.56rob0line 151: if [ -f  ] ... no argument for -f
03:29.57oppiet30So, should I go and look through the bugs?
03:30.07YoMamaAriel_: well, we'll hate them together...
03:30.15Math`maskEd: dunno it works pretty fine on my box
03:30.27maskEdMath`: would that have something to do with me not having a modules.conf?
03:30.36*** join/#asterisk Trazz (
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03:30.43Math`you don't have a /etc/modules.conf?
03:30.55maskEdrob0: pardon?
03:31.03*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (
03:31.06rezawhat does this mean : ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)
03:31.06Ariel_I have to go and see if I can get my baby back to sleep
03:31.10Math`maskEd: lets try.... touch /etc/modules.conf
03:31.11rezawhen i modprobe'd wctdm?
03:31.14maskEdMath`: i have a /etc/sysconfig/modules
03:31.29YoMamareza: it means it woucldn't find the tdm device
03:31.35YoMamareza: errr..couldn't
03:31.53YoMamareza: probably goofed your zapata.conf file
03:32.06rezai did a second modprobe and it didn't err the second time
03:32.19rob0maskEd: I don't know :(
03:32.22rezaand now they are in modprobe
03:32.34Qwellreza: It'll only give that error the first time
03:32.40Qwellit still loads the module, is why
03:32.49Qwellso you have to unload it, then load it again to fix it need to figure out why it's erroring
03:32.57reza[root@dhcp90 asterisk]# cat /etc/zaptel.conf
03:32.58rob0oh, look at 161, ">> ;"
03:32.58Qwellztcfg -vvvv
03:33.24rezait's got two of the green modules in it
03:33.33maskEdMath`: well it didn't help install..
03:33.40rob0actually not just there, it's at every > or >> operator
03:34.08Trazzqwell, can you have * transfer to an extension and if your not there have it call your cell, your house, etc ?
03:34.22maskEdstill no file there..
03:35.01maskEdwell how can i change that....?
03:35.04*** join/#asterisk wilymage (
03:35.11QwellTrazz: sure
03:35.21Trazzqwell, how do i do that type of stuff?
03:35.35QwellTrazz: simple the wiki for failover
03:36.10YoMamaCoccyx: u there?
03:37.00rezashould the TDM cards show up in lspci?
03:37.05Qwellreza: yes
03:37.09Qwelltigerjet or something
03:37.13rezait's not
03:38.27rezai wonder if i got a bad card
03:38.31rezado these cards die?
03:38.37Qwellreza: call digium
03:38.43rob0reza: power connector?
03:38.45maskEdany idea why make install isn't supplying a place to output those entries to?
03:38.46*** part/#asterisk tengulre11 (n=tengulre@
03:38.49rezait's plugged in
03:38.50Qwellrob0: it should still show up
03:38.53oppiet30I googled the error, adn that didn't tell me anything.
03:38.54rob0reza: PCI 2.1?
03:39.06rezarob - ?
03:39.19*** join/#asterisk r1ddl3r (
03:39.19rezait's an old old system
03:39.25reza400mhz celeron
03:39.44javiergotta go thanks FuriousGeorge......
03:40.07rob0<== couldn't get my TDM400P to work in a PII-400 box
03:40.14oppiet30I am running a 500 Mhz Celeron on this linux box.
03:42.06*** join/#asterisk abatista (
03:42.09maskEdwhat package is update-modules contained in?
03:42.12rezarob - think it's the mb then?
03:42.37rob0reza: that is my guess, yes. Do you have a newer system you could try?
03:42.40r1ddl3rif I am writing a script in AGI and use the GET DATA function, but when I enter any dtmf digits, it doesnt say 200 result = 1234 or whatever?
03:42.46mgohhow do u ppl over come if IP-PBx fail suddently. Whole company will stop working with it.
03:45.36rezarobo - yeah, i'll test it out in a bit; god that would suck.
03:46.54*** join/#asterisk iq (
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03:50.20rob0I also tried in a Via C3 800 box, whose manual claimed PCI 2.1 compliance. They lied.
03:50.41rob0I ended up buying another motherboard for the job.
03:50.51*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:51.12inv_Arpthats why I use external fxo
03:51.16PoWeRKiLLsince asterisk > 1.2.0 I got Invalid or unknown command when getting value from DIALSTATUS any idea ?
03:52.53jjhallIs it possible to register and unregister a SIP connection from the dialplan?  For example, #11 to register as a user to an account, #12 to unregister and no longer take calls.
03:53.20*** join/#asterisk Pegger (
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03:56.46inv_Arpjjhall: prob... a key combination to sign off
03:57.05De_MonIf I change extensions within the same context, do I have to re-set my timeouts?
03:57.48De_Monwhen I change xtensions within the same context, my timeouts appear to reset...
03:58.02jjhallinv_Arp: Basically what I want to do is login to a call queue and log back out, only the queue doesn't operate with agents, it is just a SIP account where the first person to answer gets the call.
03:58.35jjhallI'm just using a softphone logged in right now and exit it when I am done.  I'd rather have Asterisk handle it so I can use my hardware phones.
03:58.37Qwelljjhall: use dynamic members
03:58.47Qwellthen AddQueueMember and RemoveQueueMember
03:58.59FuriousGeorgeim reading about this snom 360 on voip-info and it makes no mention of how well if at all the leds and the intercom work w/ *
03:59.49jjhallIf I'm reading that correctly, I need control over the server end of the call.  I do not have that ability, I am a use only on the originating system.
04:00.17SkramXdoes ,r in musiconhold work for anyon?
04:00.23inv_ArpQwell: damn you have gotten good at this
04:00.28SkramXit doesnt actually happen when i use it
04:01.49inv_ArpI remember starting before you ...
04:02.18SkramXdefault => quietmp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/Funk/,r
04:02.21SkramXi have that..
04:02.27inv_Arpbut alas... I got drowned at work doing *nix administraion/php
04:02.30jjhallQwell: So do you think I am out of luck?
04:04.22De_MonQwell you were born that good?
04:04.57De_Moninv_Arp boooriiiing
04:05.27oppiet30I think I fixed the make rpm problem.  It has to do with the asterisk.spec file.  Change Copyright to License on line 6
04:07.37mgohAre Asterisk able to do load balancing?
04:08.00oppiet30Change Are to Is.  Grammer cops on patrol
04:13.42*** part/#asterisk xtrvd (
04:15.53*** join/#asterisk MnxPower (
04:16.07FuriousGeorgeomg, i can use devstate to make led's on phones correspond to parking spots and conferences!
04:16.29Math`wow digium charges 175$usd per hour of support
04:16.41zuthats cool you just made a key system
04:16.58QwellMath`: it's worth it
04:17.07Math`its a lot
04:17.23Math`I wonder how much they pay their techs
04:17.30rob0I don't think US$175 is a lot.
04:17.38justinuwhatever a 6 pack of redbull costs/hr
04:17.49rob0for specialized support ... it's cheap.
04:18.50MnxPowerThat's only a little more than I charge for consulting
04:19.03Math`how much do you charge for consulting
04:19.54MnxPowerMy official rate is $120/hr, but various discounts can apply depending on the customer.
04:20.07Math`and for how long have you been in business?
04:20.14*** join/#asterisk javier (
04:20.38justinui'm doing an asterisk/legacy pbx integration... trying to set up an E&M tie trunk... PBX doesn't support PRI
04:20.39zumine is 200-300 for security and 100-200 for unix/linux/aix/rpg/as400/vaxvms
04:20.43MnxPowerYou can get %20 off if 1) the invoice is more than $1,000 AND you pay with 15 days of the date of the invoice (which is sent via e-mail)
04:20.53justinucouldn't figure out why the PBX wouldn't respond to anything I sent it
04:20.58MnxPowerOh, I also have to like you.
04:21.13justinufound out today the friggen PBX doesn't have DTMF receivers!!!
04:21.23*** join/#asterisk Peggerr (
04:21.35MnxPowerjustinu, ROFL!  you need to collect digits via PULSE?
04:21.41justinuMnxPower: yes
04:21.46MnxPowerjustinu, that's pretty common on PBXs.
04:21.57justinuand the PBX can't reliably receive what ast is sending
04:22.03*** join/#asterisk wizard545 (
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04:22.12justinuit works 1 out of maybe 5 tries
04:22.18MnxPowerThe analog adapters on the Nortel don't have DTMF generators either.  They also don't provide disconnect supervision
04:22.21justinuthinking of recompiling zaptel to reset the defaults
04:22.29MnxPowerjustinu, fiddle with the pulse lengths.
04:22.31justinufor pulse break timing
04:22.45justinuMnxPower: it looks like the default in zaptel is 50ms
04:23.09justinui figured that was actually on the long side
04:23.14*** join/#asterisk FranckM (n=franck@
04:23.24[av]baniawesome... got auto-generation of sip peers working
04:23.24justinubut maybe it should be 100 which is 10 pps
04:23.34*** join/#asterisk alphaque (n=alphaque@
04:23.36[av]baninow just have to make it auto-reload in * :)
04:23.50MnxPowerThe "woman" that is the official phone person (she didn't get hired on merit) was yelling about a problem with the Asterisk/Nortel link having issues "again".  This is the first report I've heard of this specific problem since the end of Aug.
04:24.18MnxPowerjustinu, there are telco stanaards for this.
04:24.39*** join/#asterisk Peggerr (
04:24.48MnxPower50ms?  500ms is .5 second, so 50ms would be .05 second
04:25.04justinuyeah... so that would allow it to send 20 pulses per second
04:25.23justinuit could outpulse 10 in 500ms
04:25.54justinuthe pbx has options to send 10 or 20pps
04:25.56MnxPowerjustinu, do you know why area codes were originally assigned where they were?
04:26.07justinui told you guys :P
04:26.37QwellI told my wife that yesterday...she didn't believe me.  heh
04:26.59MnxPowerso on a rotary dial phone places with larger populations (NYC = 212, LA = 213) would have a shorter "pull"
04:27.08MnxPowerugh, that made no sense.
04:27.21QwellMy old house wins
04:27.40justinuMnxPower: glad you've got your priorities straight
04:27.43Qwelllongest to dial, besides 900 :p
04:27.53FranckMWhat are the main diff between 1.2.1 and 1.2.2?
04:27.59QwellFranckM: bug fixes
04:28.19FranckMQwell: no new features beside netsec?
04:29.16Mavviehope it fixes my mysterious "calls come in, but don't go out" problem.
04:29.25Mavviehappened twice in a row, then never came back again.
04:31.36*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
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04:34.02MnxPowerjustinu, The ultimate goal is to get OTHER stuff transfered over.
04:34.31Mavvie* = &#8251;
04:34.49Mavvie(See for more information)
04:35.55*** join/#asterisk lrizzo (n=rizzo@
04:36.52justinuMnxPower: yeah... i'm just providing technical backup on this, someone else is calling those shots
04:38.07FranckMoppiet30: yeah... too much to read ;)
04:39.43*** part/#asterisk lrizzo (n=rizzo@
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04:43.01r1ddl3rwhat the heck do I have to do to get my AGI script to show the dtmf, on GET DATA? it used to say 200 result = whatever I pressed, but now it doesnt
04:43.46*** join/#asterisk greendisease (n=greendis@fedora/greendisease)
04:44.43FranckMit seems I get every 10mn a chan_sip.c:5558 check_auth: stale nonce received
04:44.49FranckMhow comes?
04:48.02*** join/#asterisk bch (
04:48.40bchhow does one return values to asterisk in PHP?
04:49.29*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
04:49.54ManxPowerApparently I have a screw loose
04:50.22justinuor two
04:50.54ManxPowerI think the power cord into the router in the main house is not seated good.
04:51.00ManxPowerI'll check on it tomorrow
04:54.24tainted-Jan 19 20:34:41 DEBUG[1801]: Didn't get a frame from channel:
04:54.29tainted-anyone know what that is?
04:54.37tainted-audio cuts out and i get that message
05:01.54tainted-is there anything i should delete when upgrading from 1.0.7 to 1.2.2?
05:02.06tainted-or will it overwrite the corresponding files for me
05:02.47*** join/#asterisk shekhar (
05:03.12fugitivois any way to change the name of the agent monitor file?
05:03.14ManxPowertainted-, "make install" will tell you what modules should be removed.
05:03.29tainted-ManxPower thx!
05:03.59*** join/#asterisk Qwell_ (
05:05.03tainted-ManxPower Loading failed!
05:05.10tainted-can i just remove that module if i don't use it?
05:05.21ManxPowertainted-, usually yes.
05:05.30ManxPowercertinally for the chan_modem*
05:05.48*** join/#asterisk annonimous (
05:06.03tainted-that's a new file...
05:06.11annonimousanybody here knows if the Audiocodes fxs can run with asterisk? =/
05:06.34fugitivoannonimous: the gateways? yes
05:06.48annonimousfugitivo yes the gateways audiocode
05:06.55fugitivothey work
05:06.55annonimousfugitivo talk spanish?
05:07.02ManxPowertainted-, it's optional
05:07.08annonimousme too xD
05:07.10ManxPowertainted-, read UPGRADE.txt
05:07.23fugitivohow can i change the filename of an agent monitor file?
05:07.23annonimousfugitivo can u tell me when i can found a howto or mini-manual?
05:07.48wasimfugitivo: its a var, irrc
05:07.56fugitivois it UNIQUEID?
05:08.12tainted-ManxPower Jan 19 21:05:22 WARNING[18224]: loader.c:554 load_modules: Loading module failed!
05:08.30ManxPowertainted-, that should have been listed when you did a "make install"
05:08.50tainted-how do i remove it?
05:08.58tainted-in modules.conf?
05:09.23ManxPowerrm it
05:09.27*** join/#asterisk dsfr (n=dsfr@pdpc/sponsor/digium/dsfr)
05:09.40ManxPowerin fact, unless you are using custom modules or g729 codec just rm /var/lib/asterisk/modules
05:09.46ManxPowerthen re run make install
05:10.04tainted-i'm using g729
05:10.06wasimfugitivo: /usr/src/cvs-src/asterisk/doc/README.variables
05:10.21wasim${MONITOR_FILENAME}     File for monitoring (recording) calls in queue
05:10.22*** join/#asterisk tengulre11 (n=tengulre@
05:10.26tainted-so i rm ../modules and re-copy the back in?
05:10.39wasimtainted-: yeah, you have to pay $10 for every cp
05:10.57fugitivowasim: hmm, no, that doesn't change agents recorded files
05:10.57wasimtainted-: so use mv, instead
05:11.09wasimfugitivo: ok, have it your way
05:11.13tengulre11best wish to Mission to Pluto USA!!
05:11.31fugitivowasim: that change queue's files, but not agents
05:11.58tainted-wasim thx
05:12.54*** join/#asterisk kshumard (
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05:12.58wasimtainted-: that was a failed attempt at 1000 hours humour
05:13.05*** join/#asterisk reni (
05:13.07tainted-yea i know
05:13.12wasimi need more coffee
05:13.42tainted-i've always wondered why the licenses are so restrictive
05:13.50tainted-to prevent transfers?
05:16.45fugitivoi don't understand 100% monitor for queues
05:16.53fugitivoi have the option to record queues AND agents
05:17.06fugitivobut if i turn on monitoring for agents, queue is not monitored
05:17.19FuriousGeorgeim reading about these snom phones.  turns out they have an intercom feature and a shared line feature the latter allows multiple phones to pickup calls put on hold, and obviously they all ring together.  will this work with asterisk?
05:18.15FuriousGeorgei mean i know i can make multiple phones ring at the same time, i wanna know if the "shared line" program-ability will work
05:19.17DarkFlibbleFuriousGeorge, why not use call parking... you can mix your phone types then
05:20.56FuriousGeorgeDarkFlibble: i just dont feel like explaining to people the difference b/t hold and park
05:21.02tainted-were call files changed between 1.0.7 and 1.2.2?
05:21.16tainted-i have setvars in my call file that no longer work after the upgrade
05:21.49DarkFlibbleFuriousGeorge, kk
05:21.50FuriousGeorgeive always said there should be a reverse transfer feature with asterisk where you can "pull" a call from someone just by knowing their extension, but no one seems to agree with me
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05:25.03jjhallFuriousGeorge: You can do that via Manager commands.  Regular users shouldn't have the ability to do that for obvious security reasons.
05:25.46*** join/#asterisk Storm (
05:26.55Coccyxanyone done anything with GROUP_COUNT()?
05:27.04Coccyxfor the life of me I can't get it to properly increment
05:27.13Stormhello, i have a trouble with "File size limit exceeded" when uptime of my * go to several day. ulimit said unlimited to fd, any idea what else to check ? thanks
05:27.14fugitivois any way, to know which agent answered a queue?
05:28.38FuriousGeorgejjhall: how so?  i could listen for when someone is put on hold then based on that allow another user to dial (for instance) their extension + star to transfer the call to them
05:29.28jbotit has been said that agi is the Asterisk Gateway Interface...  similar to CGI for web applications AGI lets you script call control and access databases using your favorite language.  AGI wrappers are available for Python (pyst), Perl (astperl?) and other languages
05:29.42fileyou gotta keep on holding on, it's about as bad as it could be
05:29.45fileseems everyone's bugging me
05:29.57filelike nothing wants to go my way, it just ain't been my day, nothing's coming easily
05:30.55fugitivoit seems i can't find a solution to this, and i don't know if i'm missing something
05:31.16fugitivoi want to monitor agent's calls, but with the possibility of changing the filename of the recorded call
05:31.22FuriousGeorgejjhall: is that what you meant?
05:32.22wasimfugitivo: are you using Monitor() for it?
05:32.22fugitivoit seems that the variable MONITOR_FILENAME only works for queues
05:32.22fugitivowasim: no
05:32.32wasimhow ya doing it?
05:32.37fugitivowasim: monitor from agents.conf and queues.conf
05:32.58fugitivobut if i monitor queues, it doesn't record agents calls
05:33.08fugitivoand i want to know which agent answered the call
05:33.15fugitivoso i don't have that info recording queue's calls
05:33.23shekharhi - apologies to interrupt - i typed a query into extensions.conf which involved retrieving a numeric value from ASTdb followed by SayNumber to speak out the number. The family/key pair does not exist. So technically it should go to priority n+101 (102 in my case), but it doesn't seem to be doing so. Instead, the CLI keeps telling me "SayNumber requires an argument (number)". Can anyone please help?
05:33.25fugitivoam I missing something?
05:34.18fugitivowasim: recordagentcalls=yes for agents.conf  and monitor_format=gsm for queues.conf
05:34.44[TK]D-Fendershekhar : the old priority jumping is depricated.  There is a value to test to see if the lookup succeeded.  There are many ways to prevent taht from disrupting your dialplan however
05:35.01file[TK]D-Fender: eep you're alive, run away!
05:35.30justinudeprecated :P
05:35.41shekharany leads?
05:36.09FuriousGeorgecan i use the manager interface to tell me when an incomming call is placed on hold?
05:39.29*** join/#asterisk drumkill1 (
05:41.07wasimwhat a long hostname you have, my dear!
05:41.32Corydon76-homeAll the better to confuse you with, my dear.
05:41.39QwellYou know what they say about guys with long hostnames, don't you?
05:41.59ManxPowerQwell, someone is compensating for something?
05:42.22QwellManxPower: something like that
05:42.55Corydon76-homeHeh, I've been known to shorten some of my subdomains by using airport codes...
05:43.07Corydon76-homeConfusing as hell to try to remember
05:43.26Coccyxok, this is really weird, I can't figure it out... following the examples and I just can't seem to get GROUP_COUNT working right
05:43.33CoccyxGROUP_LIST returns the groups its in
05:43.54Coccyxbut I can't get it to return anything other than 1 if I do a GROUP_COUNT against the same exact string in the GROUP_LIST
05:44.39Corydon76-homeCoccyx: you've got channels in multiple groups?
05:45.14CoccyxCorydon76-home: how do you mean multiple groups? pickup groups? call groups? they're all int he same group now
05:45.24Coccyxbut I'm assigning a group when I dial out to the SIP extension
05:45.26Corydon76-homeNeither of those
05:45.36Corydon76-homeWhat group are you setting?
05:45.40Coccyxwhich is where I'm trying to maximize one inbound call at a time from the PSTN
05:45.52*** part/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
05:46.51Coccyxthat's my macro so far
05:47.23FuriousGeorgei guess i see how i can put an incoming call in a meetme room, what i dont get is how i can then get that room to call extensions.  is this possible?
05:47.31ManxPowerCoccyx, you can do something like setvar=GROUP=1 in the Zap channel config
05:47.48shekharcan someone tell me the new method of checking if an ASTdb lookup succeeded or failed?
05:47.49ManxPowerthat will automagically set it anytime a call comes from that device.
05:48.05CoccyxManxPower: yeah, I don't care about what groups the zap channels are in, it's the SIP calls I'm concerned about
05:48.05ManxPowerI'm not SURE that feature is in chan_zap, but it's in chan_sip and chan_iax2
05:48.19CoccyxI want to make sure any calls from the PSTN to a SIP extension don't exceed more than one call per extension
05:48.30wasimcome on aussie come on
05:48.40*** join/#asterisk imran (
05:48.45Coccyxit's the leg from asterisk to the SIP extension I want to set a group on
05:48.47Corydon76-homeIs ARG1 perhaps empty?
05:48.55Coccyxno, my noop output is good
05:49.11Corydon76-homePastebin your output
05:49.30Coccyxok, it's up at:
05:49.59shekharwill someone please tell me the new method of checking if an ASTdb lookup succeeded or failed?
05:50.02Coccyxsee if you agree that it looks likeit should work
05:50.25Corydon76-homeSo what's wrong with it?
05:50.53Coccyxit doesn't work, it always returns 1 no matter if there's already a call to that SIP Channel
05:51.01wasimthe problem is that now that the rest of the world has finally started making inroads against their blasted top and middle order batsmen, their tail now wags, brett lee scores 50s ... bah
05:51.32swm_Anyone know of a home automation solution that mounts on a wall has a small touch screen lcd input and output audio a few usb ports and a network adapter wireless or cabled
05:52.41Corydon76-homeCoccyx: Oh, I think I know why...
05:52.54Corydon76-homeWhy are you using the Local channel?
05:53.17CoccyxCorydon76-home: Because I need to ring multiple extensions that execute the Macros
05:53.19Corydon76-homeThe variables aren't persisting
05:53.25Coccyxah, ic
05:53.39Corydon76-homeYou're going to need to find a different way to do that
05:53.58CoccyxCorydon76-home: hrm, ok, any ideas on how to Execute multiple macros simultaneously another way?
05:54.18Coccyxso I can run a macro for extension 100, 101, 102 etc simultaneously?
05:54.22Coccyxthat's why I'm using LOCAL/ now
05:54.45Corydon76-homeI'm not seeing the purpose of running all those extensions at once
05:54.59Coccyxon an incoming call, I need to ring about 4 extensions at once
05:55.00FuriousGeorgedoes anyone see what i mean?  let's say a call comes in and i answer it, then dial a meetme extension.  thatll put the calling party into a conference room.  now how do i ring an extension or two and if the extension answers, put them in that conference with the caller
05:55.02Coccyxit's setup a like a key system
05:55.12Coccyxring multiple phones at once... no autoattendant
05:55.17Corydon76-homeI thought you're dialling out on the PSTN...
05:55.24Coccyxno, this is for inbound calls
05:55.36wasimfugitivo: use a call file
05:55.41Corydon76-homeYou want to limit inbound calls?
05:55.56Coccyxyes, if you're already on the phone, you shouldn't get a second call
05:55.59znoGlinksys have *the* worst support monkeys ever
05:56.07znoGthey don't even know the PAP2-NA exists!
05:56.09Corydon76-homeSo turn off call waiting
05:56.17znoG"sir, you have to talk to your VoIP provider"
05:56.27znoG"err i AM my own voip provider... i run a VoIP server!!!"
05:56.36znoG"sir please call Vonage if you need help"
05:56.41CoccyxCorydon76-home: I don't see any way to do that in the device config in sip.conf
05:56.57Corydon76-homeCoccyx: turn it off on your phone
05:57.40CoccyxI'm looking, but I don't remember being able to do that on these phones.
05:57.48Coccyxbut if that works it'd certainly save me some time.
05:58.12FuriousGeorgeanyone available to answer a meetme question?
05:58.30wasimdo we have to meetme to answer it?
05:58.36Coccyxoh, heh, that is there
05:59.21wasimerr ... btw s/fugitivo/FuriousGeorge above
05:59.53Corydon76-homeYou could also have used the M() parameter to Dial and skipped trying to use the Local channel entirely
06:00.04FuriousGeorgewasim: lets say i get a call on my did and i send it to a meetme room.  can i then call an extension?
06:00.15FuriousGeorgeoh, you were talking to me when you said "use a call file"
06:00.27CoccyxCorydon76-home: yeah, I was just looking at that too
06:00.35Corydon76-homeby running a macro for the answering channel, you could just set the group at that point
06:01.03Corydon76-homeThe problem is that you're setting the group for the calling channel
06:02.10FuriousGeorgewasim: MEETME_AGI_BACKGROUND?  did you just make that up?  where can i look at this thing?
06:02.16*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (n=PoWeRKiL@
06:02.53wasimFuriousGeorge: yes, yes and show application meetme
06:03.11*** join/#asterisk freq (
06:03.54wasimall i do is blab about cricket scores, to give y'all a well rounded view of the world
06:04.16wasim6/203 :)
06:04.31JamesDotComwho's playing today?
06:04.31wasimau vs sa
06:04.33JamesDotComwhich ground?
06:04.44*** join/#asterisk alephcom_ (
06:05.41JamesDotComit's good when people blab about the scores, means i dont need to pay much attention :P
06:06.01wasimyeah, and the ulaws go ... huh? wha?
06:06.36JamesDotComwell, that's what you get for not appreciating only the best sport :P
06:07.24JamesDotComwhatever that last sentence was meant to be
06:07.29JamesDotComman it's been a long week
06:07.40wasimno other game allows you to chill with a beer, laptop and sun for 5 days and get some serious work done
06:09.18JamesDotComhaha, amen
06:09.34JamesDotComwhich country are you in?
06:10.00wasimgood 'ol pk
06:10.51mgohWhere can find Asterisk GUI Client documentation?
06:11.04wasimeh, wazzat?
06:11.27wasimoh no, another config tool
06:11.32Lotshey all if five9 a decent company?
06:11.37Lotsif = is
06:11.58wasimoh, its the vicidial people
06:12.22wasimLots: not you, mgoh
06:14.07Lotsanyone use asterisk here as a predictive dialer?
06:18.45*** join/#asterisk Grubs (
06:19.29Jameno123ack, wrong chan :)
06:20.40GrubsCan anyone tell me where to view debug messages logged by RxFax when using rxfax(${FAXFILE}|debug)
06:21.16*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
06:22.23distortionhmm, what would cause glibc detected *** double free or corruption (out)? seems to happen with chan_ooh323 after a second "reload" * ver 1.2.2?
06:25.33wasimanybody know of a good low fxo-g729/sip ata?
06:32.43Peggerrwhat do people use for t1 fail over (for when machine A dies the t1 is then routed to machine B)
06:35.37wasimPeggerr: junghanns
06:35.49wasimPeggerr: they make a pri failover switch
06:36.56Peggerrwasim, i found that before, I could not find out how much it cost, do you know
06:37.43wasimMSRP $599 or so
06:37.52wasimor EU500 or so
06:38.36Peggerrso it is  $599 dollars or 500 euros?
06:38.43wasimnot sure
06:39.19Peggerrwasim, do you use one?
06:39.48wasimno, none of my customers are important enough
06:40.09Peggerroha that is comforting
06:40.26Peggerrdo you know how it determines if a box needs failover
06:40.31wasimand the ones that are handle their e1 through ss7
06:40.40wasimPeggerr: heartbeat monitoring over a serial link
06:41.31Peggerraha i see it kind of checks to see if asterisk is alive
06:41.41wasimor the underlying kernel even
06:43.05justinuwasim: how'd you get too smart for your own good?
06:43.38wasimjustinu: long and tedious process
06:43.59wasimjustinu: you start off by doing the absolute minimum to get by and then improve on that
06:44.11justinusounds like my life
06:44.32*** join/#asterisk ThaZZa_Work (n=me@
06:44.36Peggerrwhat is the diffrence between isdn NET and isdn CPE
06:44.38wasimi think its a trait common to most astmasters
06:44.47justinupegger: customer side, and network side
06:44.54Peggerroha ok
06:45.01justinutime for bed
06:47.52Peggerrerr it is not cool that the ISDNguard needs the serial connectin I wanted to connect it to the console server
06:50.51*** part/#asterisk alephcom_ (
07:03.30*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
07:07.22Trazzwhen i have softphone not connected and dial that extension is says the person is on the phone.. why is this and how cani fix it?
07:14.19*** join/#asterisk duvalin (
07:16.10Trazzwhen i have softphone not connected and dial that extension is says the person is on the phone.. why is this and how cani fix it?
07:16.44QwellTrazz: try repeating it again, somebody might answer
07:17.39*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
07:19.11duvalinquestion, what specific application(s) would you use an IAXy for?
07:19.46duvalinI believe it's a Digium - S101I
07:19.57Qwellduvalin: tons of situations
07:20.16Qwellanywhere you need a phone
07:25.01Trazzqwell, any examples of complex ivr's around i can view?
07:25.12duvalinso if i understand this right its like an IAX speaking ATA, basically
07:26.42Qwellduvalin: that's exactly what it ata
07:27.18Qwellan iaxy actually works a lot better than most others, when it comes to nats, like at an airport/hotel
07:29.39tzafrir_laptopTrazz, the demo that comes with Asterisk
07:29.58tzafrir_laptopJust complicate it a bit more
07:30.16Trazzwhen i call my * box it seems sometimes the greeting has already played a few seconds before i hear it... any ideas?
07:30.18tzafrir_laptopAlso have a look around the wiki for configuration examples.
07:30.52tzafrir_laptopTrazz, this is the reason for the Wait(1) you see in some samples :-(
07:31.14Trazzi have a wait there now
07:31.16Trazzat 6
07:31.39Trazzexten => s,1,Wait,6
07:32.04tzafrir_laptopexten => s,1,Wait(6)
07:32.16tzafrir_laptopthough maybe your syntax is actually valid
07:32.32tzafrir_laptopTrazz, look at the trace in the CLI:
07:32.40tzafrir_laptopasterisk -rvvv
07:33.00tzafrir_laptop(that is: set verbosity to at least 3)
07:33.28duvalinhow is this done (nat traversal)..  is this an inherent property of the IAX spec.
07:33.35tzafrir_laptopand then you see basically everything that happens in the dialplan
07:33.46Qwellduvalin: the problem with sip (and others), is the extra rtp stream
07:33.56Qwellsince iax only uses one's not a problem
07:34.04*** join/#asterisk EriSan (n=erisan@
07:34.04Qwellduvalin: if you can use http, you can use iax
07:34.09Qwell(generally speaking)
07:34.21tzafrir_laptopduvalin, this is an inherent property of the fact that it uses just one UDP "stream", with the RTP data embedded in it
07:35.05duvalinok,  i think im understanding this better now
07:35.06tzafrir_laptopalmost. There is still no way to tunnel IAX over an http proxy
07:35.59tzafrir_laptopAnybody up to the task :-) ?
07:36.00*** join/#asterisk M-I-A-- (
07:36.07Qwellstunnel it
07:36.22Qwellany sane http proxy will allow https
07:37.34tzafrir_laptopbut https is still tcp. And AFAIR asterisk does not support IAX over TCP
07:38.21Qwellstunnel on both sides
07:38.29*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
07:38.37tzafrir_laptopcan stunnel do UDP?
07:38.45Qwelldunno, why not?
07:38.49Qwelliax>stunnel>https proxy>stunnel>iax
07:39.27DarkFlibblessh can act as a socks proxy... socks can do udp
07:39.59Qwellssh over a telnet proxy
07:40.29FuriousGeorgeQwell: you know if this astjab  Patch for head branch and 1.2rc1 will work with 1.2.1?
07:40.34FuriousGeorgehi, by the way
07:40.40QwellFuriousGeorge: should...try it
07:40.42Qwellor ask mog
07:40.59FuriousGeorgewas gonna but i aint seenem for a bit
07:41.20Qwellyeah, haven't seem him today
07:41.39*** join/#asterisk shekhar (
07:42.29FuriousGeorgepointed out to him that asterisk sounds werent making it from make install to sounds dir, maybe hes fixing
07:42.41duvalinwas just reading specs on IAX at
07:42.42tzafrir_laptopssh can do UDP???
07:43.08DarkFlibblesocks can do udp... ssh can do socks proxying...
07:43.29DarkFlibbleso ssh should do udp
07:43.40DarkFlibbletunnelled via a tcp connection
07:45.03duvalinIAX2 seems to be a very well thought-out/developed protocol
07:45.27DarkFlibbleIAX2 just works...
07:45.54DarkFlibbleIAX1 though... heard a few people swear about it...
07:46.14DarkFlibblebut that predates me a little
07:47.53duvalinseems grass-roots/collaborative/community-based efforts..
07:48.06duvalin...cut straight through all the BS and politics of standards bodies and orgs.
07:50.07DarkFlibblethats because generally those types of projects have 1 person develop the initial concept... and only when its working (in some form) do others start to contribute....
07:50.21DarkFlibblemost of the bs is in planning in bigger projects
07:51.04DarkFlibblebut even open source projects can have a lot of in fighting once they get big...
07:51.20DarkFlibblelook at the kernel or apache etc...
07:51.42DarkFlibbleeven asterisk to some extent...
07:51.56DarkFlibblethere are quite a few forks out there
07:53.10Qwellnone that are successful
07:53.54DarkFlibbleXorg was a fork of a big project that was sucessful... so its not true that all forks are destined to fail...
07:54.18DarkFlibblebut they did take a lot of the developers with them...
07:54.22Trazzi am trying to dial out and have some issues. if i use 18135551212 i get the person you are calling is unavilable. when i use 9 in front of it then broadvoice dont like it
07:54.26Trazzbecause of the 9
07:54.52DarkFlibbleTrazz, ${EXTEN:1} may help...
07:55.42Trazzexten => _91NXXNXXXXXX, 1, dial(SIP/${EXTEN},30) is my line now
07:56.25DarkFlibbleTrazz, does it work without the 9?
07:56.27*** join/#asterisk fenlander (n=fenlande@
07:56.35DarkFlibblehey fenlander
07:56.39Trazzwith 9 it looks like it passes the 9 to broadvoice
07:56.44Trazzand they kick it back
07:57.02Trazzyet i have ignorepat => 9
07:57.02DarkFlibbleTrazz,  exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX, 1, dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1},30)
07:57.04fenlanderDarkFlibble: hi
07:57.34DarkFlibbleTrazz, but have a look at your sip debugging
07:57.40*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
07:57.49DarkFlibblefenlander, hows the fens today?
07:58.12Trazzwhat is the command for that?
07:58.15fenlandermisty, cold, pretty much as normal :)
07:58.29DarkFlibbleTrazz, sip debug
07:58.37DarkFlibbleand sip no debug to turn it off
07:58.51DarkFlibblejust cold in Leicester...
07:58.56DarkFlibblefairly clear skys tho
07:59.42TrazzDarkFlibble, that fixed. it... what did that command do?
07:59.57DarkFlibbleignore the first digit
08:00.40DarkFlibbleTrazz, you mean the ${EXTEN:1} or the sip debug?
08:00.51DarkFlibblethe :1 is the one I referred to
08:01.07DarkFlibblehave a look at the manual a little
08:01.17DarkFlibblemight make it easier in future
08:03.24*** join/#asterisk Bambr (
08:04.26*** join/#asterisk cica (i=cica@
08:08.12thazzaHey does anyone here. know about the australian company Engin?
08:10.44DarkFlibblenot me
08:11.43thazzadarn.. they used to have a peer arrangement with fwd.. and it doesn't seem to be working
08:12.06*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
08:12.13DarkFlibblewhich direction?
08:12.20DarkFlibbleFWD -> Engin?
08:13.13thazzawell thats what it says on FWD's peer page
08:13.32DarkFlibbleOften providers initially say yes and then find they start to lose money and block it
08:13.44DarkFlibbleVonage did iirc
08:13.58DarkFlibbleand they weren't the first
08:14.54thazzai am guessing i will have to contact them and find out. :-(
08:15.02thazzaThanks DarkFlibble .!
08:15.08*** join/#asterisk zoa (
08:15.47thazzaDarkFlibble: Is there anyway you can see if the call is failing. or it will just not connect from fwd -> engin?
08:16.02DarkFlibblethere are sip diagnostic tools...
08:16.16DarkFlibbleyou can essentially do a sip traceroot...
08:16.49DarkFlibbleyou might get some data by turning on SIP debugging...
08:16.53DarkFlibblebut its not certain
08:17.00thazzaok.. so i could see the packet going from mine, to fwd and then trying to engin.
08:17.33DarkFlibbletry sip debug
08:17.42DarkFlibbleits free... its built into asterisk...
08:18.00DarkFlibbleand its availible now...
08:18.15DarkFlibblesip no debug to turn it off again
08:18.50thazzaDarkFlibble: okie thanks mate.. once again.. i tried it a while ago.. yet without debug mode.. will have another play.. :-)
08:19.09DarkFlibblesipsak is a tool for debugging sip
08:19.21DarkFlibblebut not sure how much extra info it would give you
08:19.44*** join/#asterisk aurelien_ (
08:19.50aurelien_Hi all
08:23.38DarkFlibble  <-- not quite the tool I was looking for...
08:23.54*** join/#asterisk usam (n=usam@
08:24.10TrazzDarkFlibble, when i call a sip phone extesion that is not logged in it says the person is on the phone...
08:24.57DarkFlibblewhen you execute a dial command it returns the status... you can use this status to do more fine grained control of messages and such
08:25.20DarkFlibbleone sec... I'll find an example
08:25.38Trazzok thanks
08:25.39TrazzJan 20 02:37:40 NOTICE[32098]: app_dial.c:1010 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
08:25.48Trazzthats whati get which is obvious
08:26.05Trazzi would rather it go to voice mail
08:26.10*** join/#asterisk nagl (
08:26.18Math`Trazz: then make it go to voicemail
08:26.58DarkFlibble <--example half way donw here
08:28.08aurelien_does anybody know how to configure kphone? i don't see any field to set my password for asterisk account
08:28.10Trazzgot it.. so do i ignore the no route to destination?
08:28.33DarkFlibbleTrazz, its up to you what you choose to do with each of the states...
08:28.49DarkFlibblewhat would be most logical for your users?
08:29.12Trazzget voicemail
08:29.20DarkFlibbleso do that then...
08:29.32Trazz:) thanks
08:30.39DarkFlibblenow if I could only find a job... I'd be happy...
08:35.50*** join/#asterisk scanna (
08:37.59*** part/#asterisk FranckM (n=franck@
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08:43.10*** join/#asterisk yxa (n=diablo@
08:43.44yxaif i have 2 sip phones connected to * and when I dial one, it rings but when I pick up there's no voice. what could be a likely reason?
08:45.40*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
08:48.22MavvieModule                  Size  Used by
08:48.23Mavviezaptel                224004  504
08:48.30Mavviedo I see a problem there?
08:48.47Mavvielet's reboot this box first before I can upgrade to 1.2.2
08:49.22iDunnoyxa: you're not talking in to the phone? :)
08:53.41*** join/#asterisk Alex1 (
08:53.50kaldemaryxa: check codec negotiation and your fw. asterisk uses ports 10000-20000 for rtp traffic by default.
08:54.59FuriousGeorgeever since i upgraded to 1.2 i cant get atxfer and blindxfer in features.conf working
08:55.21*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
08:56.34Alex1hello all i am having this problem with astrix 3.0 its installed on a hdd when it boots he file system is ro so  i make it rw mount -o rw,remount /  i make some changes in the /etc/asterisk/sip.conf  save them   then check to see if its saved then i mount -o ro,remount /   then reboot when it boots up my chages are not there ? why ?
08:57.08*** join/#asterisk brettnem (n=brettnem@
08:58.23FuriousGeorgeb/c there is no asterisk 3.0?
08:58.46yxakaldemar cant be ports. all devices on same switch
08:59.14Alex1how do i tell what ver it is
09:00.22Alex1hello all i am having this problem with astrix latest ver from there web site the iso its installed on a hdd when it boots he file system is ro so  i make it rw mount -o rw,remount /  i make some changes in the /etc/asterisk/sip.conf  save them   then check to see if its saved then i mount -o ro,remount /   then reboot when it boots up my chages are not there ? why ?
09:01.08*** join/#asterisk fanguin (
09:01.36Peggerrare most t1 lines unlimited in the us and canada or are there diffrent calling plans for t1 lines?
09:04.24Alex1has anyone had this problem ?
09:04.26*** join/#asterisk e3g (
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09:04.51e3gI want to install to uninstall mpg123?
09:06.14PeggerrAlex1, go into the asterisk cli and type show version
09:06.23Peggerre3g, what distro
09:06.33tzafrir_laptope3g, start by installing the rawplayer. after it works, simply tell astersik not to use mpg123
09:06.50tzafrir_laptoponly then worry about uninstalling it
09:07.19tzafrir_laptops/installing rawplayer/configuring rawplayer/
09:07.25e3gPeggerr: Red hat
09:08.24tzafrir_laptophmm, jbot's s should only be activated if it actually substituted something...
09:08.40e3ghow to tell asterisk not to use mpg123?
09:09.14tzafrir_laptope3g, you can use the "custom" method on musiconhold.conf and use your own script
09:09.15e3gI'm fedup of this msg "monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!"
09:09.22tzafrir_laptopI'm not sure about native musiconhold
09:11.14e3gdoes rawplayer play mp3 files?
09:16.24*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
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09:20.13e3ghow to convert MP3 files to RAW Files????? SOX says "sox: Failed reading 082.MP3: Do not understand format type: MP3
09:22.43*** join/#asterisk Little-L_ (
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09:24.24e3ghow to convert MP3 files to RAW Files????? SOX says "sox: Failed reading 082.MP3: Do not understand format type: MP3"
09:26.57*** join/#asterisk thosa (
09:28.23*** join/#asterisk wizhippo_ (
09:28.24thosahi there. short question. can i use my PCI ISDN card with winbond W6692cf chipset to work in NT mode ?
09:28.37aurelien_how can i use gizmoproject to connect to my asterisk with SIP? By default it connect to gizmo server.....
09:28.48thosaor is it better to have an ISDN board with the cologne chipset ?
09:29.03thosai mean in case of supported hardware / software combination ?
09:29.56thosaaurelien_: as far as i know gizmo is "branded" and not able to connect to other networks than the gizmo servers
09:30.07thosathat is also a reason why it is free
09:30.26aurelien_oh ok...
09:30.43thosabut that is only AFAIK
09:31.00aurelien_and do you know good client for Mac OS X?
09:31.37thosasorry not that i know of, but for that case it might make sense to use google
09:32.13gaupethosa: only cologne chips supports NT-mode
09:32.13thosai saw several comparings of different clients on different os
09:32.27thosagaupe: are you really sure on that? if so, i have to send my two new cards back
09:32.40aurelien_ok thosa, thx a lot for your answer
09:32.50gaupee3g: convert it first with with lame og mpg321, you'll find the info on
09:32.51zoaaurelien_: is an iax2 client also ok ?
09:32.56thosaaurelien_: no prob
09:33.07gaupethosa: not 100%, but 95% - just looked at it yesterday
09:33.12aurelien_zoa: nope, only sip
09:33.35thosagaupe: ok. thanks for help. i am sad now anyway. but the truth can be hard! :-)
09:33.56gaupehehe, those isdn-cards are dirt cheap anyway
09:34.24e3ggaupe: thanks
09:34.37thosagaupe: yes but that is my first test installation. i am running an AVM FRITZ!BOX if you know that one
09:34.48thosagaupe: but i am sure, asterisk can do more.. :-)
09:34.51gaupeknow of it - have to run, meeting :)
09:35.00thosagaupe: thanks. bye
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10:02.30zoagoddamn crappy iax2 :(
10:06.35thazzawhats up zoa ??
10:08.43zoaexperienced the problem with iax2 on links with large delays again
10:08.49zoatimestamps are broken
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10:19.57Mimmusgood morning, I'm getting a lot of 'h' as destination number in my CDR logs
10:20.14MimmusSome time ago I solved this problem but now I'm not able to remember anymore... grrrr...
10:20.50*** join/#asterisk fulgas (n=fulgas@
10:21.20PoWeRKiLLsince asterisk > 1.2.0 I got Invalid or unknown command when getting value from DIALSTATUS any idea ?
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10:31.17RoyKPoWeRKiLL: prolly your own fault
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10:53.14Modcutswhat would a line look like sending an extention straight to a digital recepitionist "exten => number,what,what"?
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10:56.55GivurHi all
10:57.29DarkFlibbleModcuts, depends on exactly what you want to do
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10:58.51Modcutsi want to send an external number to a digital receptionist i have setup called test and then i know how to make it ring extensions if the hold is a certain amount.
10:58.57Modcutsmake sense?
10:59.07*** part/#asterisk halorgium (
11:00.57*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
11:02.17DarkFlibblethe hold?
11:02.17DarkFlibbleI assume english isn't your fist language
11:02.20DarkFlibblek...first of all... get the external number hitting your asterisk box...
11:02.26DarkFlibbledebugging is the key here....
11:02.30DarkFlibblethen make a context with your required prompts and such...
11:02.34DarkFlibbleI assume that if they fail to type and extension you want it to fall through toa  default...
11:02.40DarkFlibbleWaitExten can help there
11:02.42DarkFlibbleor setting an absolute timeout and t extension
11:04.27Modcutsi just need to know the context of the line that allows the digital recepitionist to be rung first
11:04.35Modcutsor is it a series of lines?
11:04.49DarkFlibbleit depends which context you place it in...
11:04.49Modcutsand english is my first language just shit at explaining what i'm trying to do
11:05.19Modcutswell i have the exten => in extension.conf under the from-pstn context
11:05.29Modcutsbut i can assign the incoming number to any context.
11:06.27DarkFlibbleI normally dump each group of numbers into a seperate context then use a goto to jump to a main-main context...
11:06.37GivurI have a problem with my goto construction. I have setup a dialplan what use a Goto to dial a alternate line when the primary line is busy. This is working fine sofar, just that I have the problem that I lose the ${EXTEN} Informations and that cause trouble with my CDR. Is there any suggestion what I need todo for fix that? My Dialplan for that is avaible at
11:06.40DarkFlibblemeans I can redirect a group of incoming lines easily
11:07.00DarkFlibbleModcuts, okay to pm?
11:08.50tzafrir_laptopGivur, so save that value in another local variable
11:09.10tzafrir_laptopUse Set
11:09.52tzafrir_laptopAnd later on use that variable instead of EXTEN, or restore its value to EXTEN
11:11.23Givur*nods* That I have do already in the dialplan, that works fine there(Line 2, Saving it as CallNo). I only have a problem with the cdr
11:12.36GivurOh, restore the value
11:13.53*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
11:14.54Assidis it possible have a SIP/blah/18001111111|15&SIP/2020|30 ?
11:15.59Assidwith 2 different timeouts
11:16.58DarkFlibbleAssid, you could call the the longer one with the difference between the two then both...
11:17.14DarkFlibblebut it might occassionally glitch...
11:17.47Assidwell.. i need both to ring simultanously
11:18.19Givurtzafrir_laptop: Ok works. Thanks sofar :)
11:18.55DarkFlibbledo the opposite to what I suggested then...
11:19.39AssidDarkFlibble: okay what if i want both on for say 15 seconds.. do i just change the parameter to 15 ? will that cause a glitch?
11:21.17DarkFlibblebasicly the glitch I was talking about was that you essentially have race condition... once the first set of dials timesout and the second one kicks in its possible that they may pick up the phone.... in which case the call will fall through
11:21.53Assidokay how do i overcome it?
11:22.01Assidmention both at 30?
11:22.07DarkFlibbleto my knowledge (most of which is over a year old) that is the only easy way to do it
11:22.08Assidor is there a global way?
11:22.22DarkFlibblebut someone else may have a better solution
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11:57.37Assidi guess it should od
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12:04.54areskig morning too
12:07.31jbalcombtime to monkey with rxgain & txgain..
12:09.57caio1982jbalcomb: welcome to the club
12:10.45jbalcombcaio1982 thanks. its fund to be here except the part where filing complaints takes up half my day.. every day.
12:10.59Camisagood morning.
12:12.29caio1982jbalcomb: i meant to the club of people that goes nuts with it (rx/tx stuff) :)
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12:14.20jbalcombcaio1982 yes, well, hopefully going nuts with rx/tx will fix these joyous echo,jitter, pausing call problems
12:15.25caio1982jbalcomb: share the results with us later, would be great to see good results :)
12:19.52*** join/#asterisk A-jay (n=quirc@
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12:23.33ModcutsWhere is the DIR CONTEXT varible defined in asterisk?
12:24.54jpkHi guys. I could use some help with app_sms.
12:25.01jpkAnyone here know how to handle that?
12:25.25jpkI would like * to send sms to my internal landline gigaset.
12:25.31CALLERnope..  I'm way too noob.
12:25.38CALLERgood luck.
12:28.15CALLERanybody here have experience setting up asterisk with a single sip phone?
12:29.18caio1982let's search a bit for it hehe
12:29.22CALLERDarkFlibble:  I'm on gentoo.
12:29.31DarkFlibbleCALLER, poor you...
12:29.38CALLERDarkFlibble: what's the best configuration tool for asterisk? nano?
12:30.00DarkFlibbleany text editor works... vi is my pref... but nano should work
12:30.43*** join/#asterisk bofh42 (
12:30.49CALLERWell, here's my story.  I subscribe to a national voip serivice... and I have my sip settings written down.  I tested them with twinkle and kphone... and was able to dial my cell phone without an outbound call from the computer.
12:31.11CALLERHow do I setup asterisk so that whenever I call on the line, asterisk answers and immediately starts recording?
12:31.57DarkFlibbleyou will need to emulate a sip phone...
12:32.08*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
12:32.13DarkFlibbleso a register line in sip.conf
12:32.23DarkFlibbleand a block for the provider...
12:32.30DarkFlibbleokay to pm?
12:32.45CALLERgo ahead, it should work unless they need me to register my nick first.
12:35.46DarkFlibblenot really...
12:35.49jbalcombwelp, with rxgain -6 & txgain -22 ztmonitor shows an average around 15% for rx and average 75% for tx
12:35.50DarkFlibblehave a look
12:36.18DarkFlibbleyou wont be able to reply in a om without registering... but in channel should be fine
12:37.46CALLERDarn... so what I was typing in the PM you weren't able to read?
12:38.12*** join/#asterisk JooZoo (
12:38.20DarkFlibbleI made that mistake the other day...
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12:39.41CALLERso I haven't read the manual yet... what are the main config files?  I'm editing sip.conf and it's talking about extensions.conf already too.
12:40.10DarkFlibblesip.conf iax.conf and extensions.conf   are the most common
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12:47.02tzafrir_laptopCALLER, extensions.conf basically wires things together. sip.conf, iax.conf, zap.conf etc. are configuration files of specific channels
12:47.23tzafrir_laptopextensions.conf is the dialplan: tells what to do in a call when it s in the PBX
12:48.27tzangerI'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack
12:48.33DarkFlibblealthough most of the old extensions.conf examples wont work on the CVS head atm due to changes in stuff like timeouts and DB access
12:48.39astrhello, we are trying to transcode GSM to G711 and vice versa? Do you think it is a good suggestion? The reason we are doing transcoding is because we are not able to find good PSTN providers for GSM codec
12:51.54CALLERastr: on the fly transcoding?
12:52.09tzangerCALLER: is there any other?
12:52.24CALLERtzanger: I'm new
12:52.25astrCaller: yes
12:52.35DarkFlibbleastr, it shouldn't be too bad.. since G711 is almost uncompressed... since you get most problems with quality when going from one heavy compression scheme to another... ie g729 <-> gsm...
12:53.05DarkFlibbleCALLER, asterisk will automatically transcode codecs if it can....
12:53.14tzangerulaw is PSTN quality.  going from gsm to ulaw and back isn't bad.  yes it's a quality hit but I've been running an office of 30 people with it for a year and they're fine with it
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12:53.29tzangerI received complaints when I used g729 and ilbc, so gsm it is.
12:53.56DarkFlibblepeople are generally used to gsm quality if they use cell phones
12:54.01sivanacheap bastard
12:54.03astrI am trying to transcode GSM and G729
12:54.10DarkFlibbleilbc can sound a little odd...
12:54.10tzangerwell g729 is also used in cell phones
12:54.12CALLERfor my SIP connection from AT&T... how do I know if it would be defined as a user, peer or friend connection?
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12:54.38DarkFlibbletzanger, it is? you got an example?
12:54.48tzangerDarkFlibble: what do you mean?
12:54.58DarkFlibbleof g729 in cell phones
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12:55.14tzangerDarkFlibble: CDMA phones typically use g729, whereas gsm phones use, well, gsm.
12:55.21astrGSM and G711 would be OK but it takes a lot of bandwidth and thats the reason we are planning to go with G729 but am not sure about the transcoding between gsm and G729
12:55.30DarkFlibblethat explains why I have never seen it...
12:55.38DarkFlibbleOnly really GSM in the EU
12:57.44JMcADarkFlibble: gsm is getting to be rather common in the US as well
12:57.48astrGuys, one more question about teh SIP.conf for Vonage. It registers fine but when a call is received, it does not send user name in the invite packet during the MDS hash challenge
12:57.52JMcAboth Cingular and T-Mobile are GSM networks
12:58.38tzangerJMcA: it's definitely a strong battle between the two
12:58.44tzangerjapan is cdma too I think
12:58.50DarkFlibbleI still think everyone should use lpc10! :P
12:59.23astrwas anyone successful with Vonage configuration with *?
12:59.37tzangerI was not aware that vonage was playing nice iwth asterisk
12:59.42JMcAI think, until we can push the PSTN into irrelevance, that most people should stick with g.711, personally
13:00.36*** join/#asterisk SkalTura (
13:00.47DarkFlibbleg.711 is nice as long as you have enough bandwidth...
13:00.51astrtzanger: I was able to register, everything seems to be fine but asterisk sends blank username when it sends nounce etc. and vonage replies back with 407
13:00.52SkalTuradamn didn't get aroudn to work with asterisk today much :( my testing server died...
13:01.00SkalTuraatleast i got that one ready: (or atleast almost)
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13:03.23astrguys, is there a good provider of PSTN minutes? Most of them I found were too small and unreliable. Is anybody using for mass productions like 5k mins per month
13:03.46DarkFlibbleastr, where you based?
13:04.38tzangerastr: as I don't use vonage, I don't know :-)
13:04.39DarkFlibbleprobably not me then
13:04.42viperdudehi guys
13:05.22JMcA5k mins per month is not large to most real providers, I'm sorry to say
13:05.27SkalTuraPSTN minutes?
13:06.07JMcAmy company (not a telco) does in the ballpark of 3 million minutes per month, to give a counter-example
13:08.04astrJMcA: mind sharing your company name
13:09.30DarkFlibbletzanger, the arguments about linux don't hold much water... since they *can't* have wizards in linux
13:09.43DarkFlibbledaemons tho... thats another story
13:09.58JMcAwe provide a service where we notify (primarily) victims of crime when the perpetrator of the crime gets out of jail...called VINE
13:10.20*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:12.13skefflingHas anyone had problems with 'clipping' (a second or 2 of one-way silence in a call) - I'm using a TE406, zaptel/asterisk 1.2.2. I'm gonna turn the gain down tonight to see if that helps.
13:12.49DarkFlibbleIs linux a good buddhist OS then... since it has enlightenment!
13:12.50fugitivoJMcA: what do you say to the victims? "run!" ?
13:13.08h3xskeffling: its probably echo training
13:13.15JMcAfugitivo: hehe...we just give them the information...what they do with it is up to them  :)
13:13.36DarkFlibbleJMcA, do they subscribe to the info?
13:14.20JMcAdarkskiez: yes, they have to register to be notified...we only gather enough information to get the notification to them, but they do have to do the registration to be notified
13:14.45darkskiezJMcA: Oh thanks, good to know.
13:14.53skefflingh3x, it happens mid-call and more than once sometimes - could this be traning? -even though I have echotraining off in zaptel.conf
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13:15.02JMcAwe also provide inbound capability, where they can call to get current status information about the offender
13:15.19h3xit could be the jitter buffer then
13:15.47JMcAwe try very hard to avoid any appearance of spam or the telephony equivalent
13:15.49fugitivoJMcA: it's a nice service, is that a private company or government?
13:16.13JMcAwe're private, but its contracted from state and local governments almost completely
13:16.22JMcAno cost to the end user
13:16.26astrAnother thing about E911, do we have to support E911 if we are just providing PSTN minutes and no PSTN->our service?
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13:17.03JMcAfugitivo: we've got statewide service in 19 states, plus a lot of others in other states...there's a reasonable chance the service is available in your area
13:17.13h3xastr: according to the FCC you have to provide it no matter what if its a "pc to phone" service
13:17.15mistralwhats really funny about the E911 is that most pbx's if you kill the power to them they die
13:17.16fugitivoi'm not in the us :)
13:17.17*** part/#asterisk secure75 (
13:17.23DarkFlibblebrb - hitting shops for drink!
13:17.33h3xmishehu: the power dosent always go out when you need 911 heh
13:17.38JMcAthen there's a very slim chance its available in your area  :)
13:17.42fugitivoand thanks god i'm not a victim of any kind, hehe
13:17.52mistralh3x: i know
13:18.00mistralbut i am uk and they are thinking of bring it in here
13:18.15h3xwhats e911 have to do with the UK
13:18.17h3xisnt it 112 there
13:18.26DarkFlibble999 and 112 in the UK
13:18.26JMcAabsolutely...interestingly, we get a lot of non victims registering for of offenders...police officers that arrested the offenders...all kinds of stuff like that beyond what the original vision of the service was
13:19.11fugitivoJMcA: i'm wondering what does the people do when they get the notification from your company
13:20.34JMcAmost will not do much different other than just be aware and wary and watchful for a little while...some will make arrangements to not be at home for a couple of days...stay with friends or family for a couple of days to be harder to find
13:20.36astrh3x: I was reading the FCC doc and they say that we have to provide the E911 only if we are competitive to replace the regular POTS. we are simply providing PSTN minutes and not providing DIDs
13:21.03h3xwhere does it say taht
13:21.50fugitivoJMcA: does your company has a study on people's reaction? i'd be interesting
13:22.10h3xmaybe they did that coz i bitched at them about it
13:22.27astrhsx: Also, I know a couple of companies which are big VoIP providers but they verify that we already have a POTS line before they give service
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13:23.25JMcAfugitivo: nothing formal...we're really a fairly small'ish company and don't really have the spare revenue to do something like that....we do try to build strong connections with police departments, sheriffs, victims advocates, prosecutor's offices, and the like, so we have, informally, a pretty decent feel for the situations that people face
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13:23.40astrThere is also an In and Out service for some providers like SKype. If both CAN be used, then yes - you will have to provide but when used seperately
13:23.45jaike1.2.2 released? yey!
13:24.02h3xastr: that thing is 91 pages long
13:24.05h3xwhat page
13:24.49astrhsx :)
13:24.56astrhsx: let me look to work
13:25.51astrh3x: - this is nother link - look for jeff pulver
13:25.55jaikei guess the voicemail bug is fixed in 1.2.2
13:27.31h3xthe purpose of the skype comments is that skype as a business isnt in the US
13:27.42h3xwell now it is
13:27.51h3xbut they are talking about people getting US numbers in another country
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13:31.28astrh3x: you say that we will have to provide E911 even if we provide only PSTN minutes, no DIDs
13:32.34h3xwell thats what i remember the fcc ruling saying
13:32.34h3xbecause they are retards
13:32.41astrh3x: page 12 scope
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13:33.26astrread 23, 24
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13:34.26h3xalright well im glad they addressed that
13:34.31h3xbut this document isnt the final rule
13:34.32h3xits just comments
13:34.49astrhsx: also look at teh stanaphone services about E911 - they split the services into IN and OUT et al.
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13:35.13astrIs there any good 'reliable' provider of minutes in US?
13:35.34h3xwhat kind of minutes
13:35.47[TK]D-FenderYay, GnomeMeeting's next major beta is out for *nix!  Just waiting for the Win32 version......
13:35.49h3xpstn is everything that has to do with a phone
13:35.58h3xyou mean 1+ termination?
13:36.06astrh3x: correct termination
13:36.10[TK]D-FenderSIP/H.323 audio/video w/ all the trimmings and free!
13:36.14h3xi own
13:37.09astrhow many mins does carrierone provide on a monthly basis?
13:37.14h3xive got some customers using 2000+ channels of voip termination in my colo
13:37.15DarkFlibbleI think a large proposion of this channel owns some kind of telecoms company...
13:37.35h3x45 million
13:37.36tzangerDarkFlibble: I don't think so
13:37.47tzangerDarkFlibble: some of them do, that is certain, but a large proportion?  nah
13:38.37astrh3x: compatible with SER + Asterix setup?
13:38.38h3xbtw thats 2000 channels of g.711 fax
13:38.46h3xso if fax works i guess you would say its pretty damn reliable
13:38.57h3xyeah we use ser
13:39.19astrdo you support GSM codec? :)
13:39.41h3xbasically we have a few private ip connections to major carriers, and use ser as a b2bua so your box connects RTP directly to the underlying carrier
13:39.45h3xg.729 and g.711
13:39.54h3xcoz thats what all the carriers take
13:40.18h3xthey have $2 Million voip gateways that work a lot better than if i used a bunch of asterisk boxes or max tnt's
13:40.49h3xthe echo cans etc are really good
13:41.06astris it built in echo cans?
13:41.23h3xmost of the carriers are using Sonus or Telica switches
13:41.43h3xThere are two carriers with shitty ass voip that i refuse to use such as Global Crossing and XO
13:41.47h3xso i would use TDM with them
13:41.57h3xand run that through a Max TNT
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13:42.13h3xGX and XO use Sonus but however they implemented it sucks
13:42.34h3xQwest uses Sonus but their call quality is awesome
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13:43.19astrhow do I get rate information of your offerings? I did not find on your website. We were contemplating commpartners as they look good and have billing supported
13:43.20h3xmaybe its just their proxy
13:43.37h3xcommpartners HQ is across the street from me
13:43.51h3xwe're getting an optical cross connect up and going to exchange some traffic
13:44.08h3xthe difference is, they are in a colo facility that they arent allowed to sublease
13:44.11h3xthey send customers to me sometimes
13:44.20h3xi own my datacenter
13:44.20jaikeh3x: which company you with? whats your site?
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13:44.52h3xwe don't advertise rates because its all wholesale and everybodys got different needs
13:45.12h3xand the lower rate plans are volatile rates
13:45.18astrh3x: do you mind if I PM you?
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13:45.23h3xthats fine
13:45.43Peggerrh3x where is the center located
13:45.46h3xbasically what we're doing that others dont do is least cost route on OCN and LATA
13:46.00h3xwe dip into SS7 databases and grab the actual carrier even if the numbers ported
13:46.14h3xbig iron switches can do that but they dont pass the savings on to customers coz their billing and costs arent associated
13:46.16h3xlas vegas
13:46.38astrh3x: do you have billing built for your resellers?
13:47.02h3xon our thin margin rate plans we make the customer pay for the lidb query, but the data is cached for a few days
13:47.16h3xnot yet, maybe someday soon
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13:48.45h3xif you have something you want to do with commpartners instead, you can colo here
13:49.03h3xbut if you use our services then the colo costs are cheap/free
13:49.39h3xthe luxury of paying 0.50 a square foot instead of $30 a square foot like CP is doing :D
13:49.41astrh3x: we are more interested in a reliable service provider for the kind of business we do and my research proved them to be stable and cash ful :)
13:49.59jaikewere doing business with commpartners too
13:50.11jaikewe were with txlink, commpartners bought txlink
13:50.31jaikeyup..pretty reliable
13:50.40h3xthe one big problem i have with CP is they dont manage their channel limits very well
13:50.53h3xthey will oversell channels of capacity
13:51.00jaikebut they only support sip...
13:51.01jaikeno iax
13:51.03h3xthey were down for about 15 mins the other day coz some dialer company used all their ports
13:51.15h3xduring a peak time of the day
13:51.43coppicethe airlines oversell seats, and it never does them any ha..... oh, they're all in chapter 11, aren't they :-)
13:51.46h3xthe main reason we are starting to use them for our stuff is just because we have some customers that may be 'fly by night' and i dont feel like ordering gobs of capacity from a major ixc
13:51.50h3xand then having to cancel orders
13:52.14astrjaike: we have SER setup with Asterisk so that we can route POTS call to Asterisk. Can we hook CP with SIP.conf in asterisk?
13:52.21h3xtheir OCN list also sucks wang
13:52.30h3xits a carbon copy of the global crossing OCN list
13:52.39h3xthey only consider like 26 OCNs to be their lowest cost tier
13:52.39jaikeastr: yup...were doing asterisk-sip with them
13:52.45h3xwhereas qwest considers 78 LECs to be
13:52.53h3xso commpartners does a bill and keep
13:53.06h3xthey charge you for a high rate tier when they are paying for a low cost one
13:53.36jaikeastr: better do more research...but so far theyre ok
13:53.50astrhsx: yes, they do. But hte prices were around 0.00[8-10]c which was already low
13:54.02h3xnot their flat rates
13:54.08h3xthats tier A
13:54.12jaikeh3x: had a hard time reading their rates
13:54.40h3xat the end of the day their rates are gonna cost about the same or more than voipjet
13:54.48astrjaike: any places where  I can research. My customers aall use GSM and if I get GSM provider, that will be excellent but I understand GSM is hard and I am ok with transcoding
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13:55.22astrjaike: you are right. They have 4-5 rates and I did not understand anything. Any guidance would be appreciated. Why do we have 4 rates. RBOC 1 etc etc.
13:55.31mutilatorcustomers annoy me
13:55.31h3xcommpartners is big though
13:55.34mutilator[07:46:32] <mdgraham-M33Access> we just got hooked up to DSL yesterday and now my McAfee Virus Scan has been running the whole time and I can't even restart or turn off my computer
13:55.38jaikethey only do ulaw and g729
13:55.46mutilator[07:48:05] <mdgraham-M33Access> I can't cancel all started after we got hooked up
13:55.49jaikewere using g729 with them to save bandwidth
13:55.51h3xthey are so big that they got wiltel to construct fiber across the street to the colo building they are in
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13:56.09h3xYeah, comm partners uses telica switches
13:56.11pimpwellanyone from NY here?
13:56.13h3xg.729 baby
13:56.31astrjaike: yes, we are going to use ulaw or G729? any idea aboutGSM to 729 transcoding? I think it will be an overkill
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13:56.53h3xastr: what is your application
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13:56.59jaikehavent dont g729 - gsm
13:57.31Kattyhi lads.
13:57.37h3xbtw we're debt free.  I paid for it all with cash out of pocket
13:57.49astrh3x: cannot reveal more. something to do with voip on small devices
13:57.55h3xi didnt spend many millions on it but its all here and its mine
13:58.12h3xyour small devices dont support g.729?
13:58.17h3xAre you making a dick tracy voip watch? :D
13:58.28Peggerrwhen you buy a t1 line what kind of voice plans are ushilly on them?  local, national?
13:58.41astrh3x: no - that will be OVERKILL for those devices
13:58.49zoah3x what are you making ?
13:59.01astrjaike: are you using any billing software from CP?
13:59.11astrh3x: lol
13:59.24h3x$ wise?  i cant say that coz then everybody would figure out how much it cost me for minutes
14:00.04Peggerranyone purchased t1 lines before?
14:00.32h3xPeggerr: you can get t1s from a local equipment carrier (LEC) or inter exchange carrier (IXC)
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14:00.57Peggerrh3x, what does tls stand for
14:01.00h3xLECs give you local service and expensive long distance coz its handed off to another carrier and they share revenue
14:01.30h3xor you can get dedicated long distance but if you called local it would be a intrastate long distance call
14:01.34h3xT1 not TL
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14:01.56astrjaike, h3x: what is RBOC , CLEX , GTE and NECA mean. I only understood Sprint in their pricing structure
14:02.26DarkFlibbleastr, you might want to buy youirself a nice Telecoms dictionary
14:02.28h3xRBOC = Bell South, SBC (not the AT&T part), Qwest (US West), and Verizon
14:02.50astrdark : yes - I should. Thanks H3x
14:02.50h3xGTE is the GTE portion of Verizon
14:02.59h3xCLEC are competitive local carriers
14:03.02h3xNECA is like,
14:03.16h3xthe gougers of ILECs like rural telcos, indian reservations, etc.
14:03.25jaikeastr: never got to understand them..we were txlink's client so we decided to continue with the old rate
14:03.29jaikeflat rate
14:03.43h3xbut their fancy titles that CP uses
14:03.50h3xisnt what those columns really are
14:03.53jaikewere only doing 150,000+ mins per month
14:03.55h3xyou have to ask for a OCN list
14:04.07astrjaike: flate rate for anywhere in US
14:04.11h3xof 4 character alphanumeric codes that defines what each rate tier is
14:04.25astrjaike: how are they for international termination?
14:04.36jaikewent dont do intl
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14:05.36h3xso heres the deal
14:05.40Peggerryaha is it possible to get a t1 with a flate rate anywhere in the us?
14:05.53h3xthanks to the FCC you can port numbers from anything to anything practically if its in the same rate cente
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14:06.20h3xPeggerr: there are some companies selling that, but since they are paying for it as minutes they make the price somewhat unattractive
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14:07.12fuzzahi all
14:07.31h3xive heard of $1200 + loop all you can eat t1s
14:07.35h3xbut if you work the math on it
14:07.46Peggerrok so you buy a t1 and you get two diffrent providers a local and a log distance, how do you make sure each call goes to the proper provider
14:07.46h3xits really hard to make that cheaper than per minute
14:08.14astrjaike: do you have their billing or yours?
14:08.56fuzzaI've got a 1.0.2 install (yes I know it's old but upgrading isn't a high priority) with chan_capi and two Fritz cards on two BRIs in Australia. all works fine, except for incoming callerID... Telstra are "absolutely certain" that it's turned on, but no matter what settings I try (of which there don't seem many) it's always empty... any ideas?
14:09.24tzangerfuzza: use pri debug (I think that will work with BRI as well) and verify the q.931 signaling is getting caller ID
14:09.51astrjaike, h3x: another last question: what is this 10000.100013 10000.10015 etc. I have 4 xls with different rates. Are they peak and off peak?
14:10.01fuzzatzanger: there's capi debug, is that likely what you mean?
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14:12.19jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender iCEBrkr you guys wanna make sweet IRC based Asterisk love?
14:12.53fugitivofuzza: you'll not get much help if you don't upgrade
14:13.48jbalcombfuzza: its true that you should upgrade
14:14.00fuzzafugitivo: true I guess...
14:14.04*** join/#asterisk basta (n=basta@
14:14.09jbalcombfuzza: you have the callerid settings turned on in zapata.conf?
14:14.17fugitivotrying to debug something old is a waste of time sometimes
14:14.28bastaapart from nat, what can be other causes for one way audio ? (sip)
14:14.43fuzzajbalcomb: looks like it:   usercallerid=yes
14:14.44jbalcombfuzza: you have maybe a NoOp($CALLERID) or something so you can see the value you of it early in your calling plan?
14:15.06fuzzajbalcomb: yep, empty (also can see with show channels)
14:15.08NewSoleyour RTP ports not open basta>
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14:15.33jaikeastr: youll have to ask a commpartners rep to explain that. gave me a headache trying to understand their spreadsheet
14:15.36fuzzajbalcomb: having said that, re zapata.conf, is there a particular module(s) that uses it? because I may have disabled them
14:15.42jbalcombfuzza: have you confirmed with your telco that its available?
14:15.45bastamh, I'll take a look, thanks
14:16.32fuzzajbalcomb: they're "absolutely certain" (however sure that actually makes them...), and I was at a near-identical install today which worked fine
14:16.33jbalcombfuzza might be neccessary
14:16.34jaikebasta: make sure your allowng UDP 10000-20000
14:17.08NewSoleand check on your iptables if you have it installed to allow it there too
14:17.24fuzzajbalcomb: don't seem to have that one, might it be a 1.2 feature?
14:17.44fuzzajbalcomb: I have (which I already use) but that's obviously the other way
14:17.57jbalcombfuzza how about
14:18.05jbalcombfuzza ok
14:18.53jbalcombfuzza i dont know that is 1.2.x; you might check the wiki to be sure
14:19.19fuzzajbalcomb: trying to find it :-/   there's a reference in Slimming but that's about it
14:19.40bastain rtp.conf I'm allowing 5000-31000 now, anyway is the called who can't hear me ...
14:19.55[TK]D-Fenderbasta : Behind NAT?
14:20.22jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender how does this look?
14:20.26bastahe says he isn't, seems is working with a cisco peer
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14:20.41bastait a quescom gateway
14:21.01jbalcombfuzza that is certainly odd. upgrade seems like a reasonable step towards resolution at this point. (sorry for the MS answer)
14:21.17redaxis bristuff-0.3.0-PRE-1g working with asterisk-1.2.2 ?
14:21.33fuzzajbalcomb: heh... hm, I'll have to see if the boss (contractor) will pay me to do it :-(
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14:22.29[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : 2 x PRI?  I wouldn't bother using differnt context's for the inbound calls (they are DID's anyways) and those gain settings are SCARY
14:22.48[TK]D-Fenderbasta : So you have a public IP on your box?
14:22.58fuzzajbalcomb: so _should_ any of the zap* stuff be used with isdn/capi? I seem to have them all commented out in modules.conf (and no autoload); I thought they were more for analog lines
14:23.12fuzza(ztdummy for timing if needed, but apart from that)
14:25.29jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender the 2 PRIs are for different companies
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14:27.27[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : But once it goes into your box, who cares?  Just seperate by DID in 1 big pool..... and comment it.
14:28.20jbalcombfuzza: I am not sure about that really, sorry.
14:28.26[TK]D-FenderYour customers dial DID's, who cares which PRI they land on?  That means PRI#1 could fill up and then start rejecting calls.  Balance the 2 of them and things work out better...
14:30.14bastaTK. yes my asterisk is public and his quescom is public
14:31.24bastaif I call from a lynksys pap connected to my box which routes to the quiscom it works (just tried)
14:31.31[TK]D-Fenderbasta : So 5060 is going through as well as 10000-20000?
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14:31.49caio1982tzafrir_laptop: hey tzafrir, could you take a look at this bug?
14:32.07groogsjbalcomb: yeah i agree with [TK]D-Fender.. though, it may be a good idea to use Set/CheckGroup etc to limit the number of calls per company, so one company can't hog all of the lines and there's always some availalbe for the other co
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14:32.12caio1982tzafrir_laptop: it's pretty simple to fix, and i noticed that just now when trying to build smsq too
14:32.19jhiverhi all
14:32.23bastaTK, yes, the problem is with asterisk client ->> asterisk server ->> quescom, I'm connecting to the client to take a look
14:32.45jhiverI'm having a little issue with asterisk and a dialplan, can somebody with a charitable mind help me out?
14:33.01ckruetzeHi, could somebody tell me what is wrong with this line: exten => s,2, Dial(IAX2/klaus&IAX2/heidi,40,t,r) ?
14:33.22jhiverThe space between the , and the Dial?
14:33.29jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender well, the 2nd PRI actually belongs to a client so I don't know that we are allowed to do that
14:33.43kaldemarckruetze: the comma between t and r.
14:33.45[TK]D-Fendergroogs : Not entirely agreeing with that. A channel is a channel and with Caller ID forging should be treated as such.
14:33.58ckruetzekaldemar: thanks
14:34.27ckruetzejhiver: No, spaces are ok
14:34.28[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Grey area.  If they own it may take some arranging.  Thats politics, not tech :)
14:36.42jhivercan anybody tell me what's wrong with this?
14:36.44jhiverinclude => special
14:36.44jhiver_0692X. => s,1,Dial(Zap/3/0692${EXTEN:4})
14:36.45jhiver_0692X. => s,2,Dial(SIP/00262692${EXTEN:4}@finalcut-out)
14:36.45jhiver_0692X. => s,3,Dial(IAX2/543@voipjet/011262692${EXTEN:4})
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14:37.13jhiverwhen I use this, I can't dial out to 0692XXXXXX anymore
14:37.20jhiverwhile with my old dialplan I could
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14:37.41gvag11hi all
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14:38.20gvag11I am trying to find the right TIFF format for trasmission with tx_fax... Any idea ?
14:38.58[TK]D-Fenderjhiver : very wrong.
14:39.18jhiverplease let me know :)
14:39.22[TK]D-Fenderjhiver:  exten => _0692X.,1,Dial(Zap/3/0692${EXTEN:4})
14:39.33jhiverah :)
14:39.37jhiverduuuuh :)
14:39.50[TK]D-Fenderand fix the rest accordingly.
14:40.15[TK]D-Fenderjhiver : And why such a large prefix?
14:40.22jhiverthis lcr stuff has gotten my mind blown up so I forgot the simplest things :)
14:40.27jhiverhow do you mean?
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14:41.19[TK]D-Fender0692x as a prefix to dial out.... most peole jsut use "9" or something like it.
14:41.48gvag11I am trying to find the right TIFF format for trasmission with tx_fax... Any idea ? Because with TIFF files generated by SPANDSP its ok, all the others fails....
14:42.49jhiverit's part of a much bigger dialplan
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14:43.11jhiver0692, by french standards, is mobile reunion island numbers
14:43.16[TK]D-Fenderjhiver : I can only imagine why you'd neet something that large....
14:43.33jhiverwhich is why it becomes 011262692 when dialed through VoIPJet
14:44.10jhiverI am building an 'optimized' dialplan and doing LCR shit and trying now to see if it works
14:44.28jhiverthe global optimized dialplan will be around 12k lines (!)
14:45.09[TK]D-Fenderjhiver : How many different providers /  area codes?
14:46.16jhiverwell at the moment
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14:46.32jhivervoipjet, phonext, nufone, plus a couple of area codes through Zap
14:47.26jhiverarea codes... let me see
14:47.26[TK]D-Fenderjhiver : Then it shouldn't be such a huge dia-plan unless you're being "messy" about it.
14:47.29jhiverlots :)
14:47.36jhiveroh yeah?
14:47.38jhiverhow come?
14:47.48jhiverevery provider lists tons and tons of prefixes
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14:48.38caio1982jhiver: what you mean by tons and tons? :) 12k lines man
14:48.44jhivervoipjet has 3000 of them
14:48.52[TK]D-Fenderjhiver : You need a small diaplan and a small database to select the provider.
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14:49.10caio1982couldn't you just make generic patterns to match some in just one hit?
14:49.11jhiverno that sucks because then you need to use an external app... blergh
14:49.22[TK]D-Fenderjhiver : External app?  Says who?
14:49.25jhiverLet me test if this works :)
14:49.30jhiversays me
14:49.51[TK]D-Fenderjhiver : And that why you're doomed :)  LEave LCR conceptualizing to us :)
14:50.40jhiverhow would you do it then
14:50.52[TK]D-FenderYou could do it all in ASTDB if you wanted.  I'd suggest a small AGI with a database like SQLite personally.
14:50.56jhiverat first I had an AGI produce the proper dialstring
14:51.18jhiverbut then I though "a separate process launched for each call, sucks"
14:51.30[TK]D-Fenderjhiver : What kind of call volume?
14:51.43jhiverso if you don't want to use AGI (= external app.) it has to be static
14:52.07jhiverat the moment, I don't route that much
14:52.12jhivermaybe 20kminutes / day
14:52.16[TK]D-Fenderjhiver : Give me a number :)
14:52.20[TK]D-Fenderof CALLS.
14:52.25jhiverhang on
14:53.17jhiverok for yesterday that was 6558 calls
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14:55.14X-Fileshey all! Microsoft Windows Messenger 5.1 (not MSN) work fully VIDEO and Contact list STREAM ????
14:55.55jhiverThese are the longest prefixes:
14:55.57jhiverinclude => special
14:55.58jhiverexten => _00180954291X.,1,Dial(IAX2/jhiver@NuFone/180954291${EXTEN:11})
14:55.58jhiverexten => _00180954291X.,2,Dial(IAX2/543@voipjet/180954291${EXTEN:11})
14:56.02jhiverlooking any better?
14:57.31jhiverhey it looks like Asterisk is adding all those 12k extensions now, cool :)
14:57.41redaxasterisk 1.2.1+bristuff0.3.0-pre-1g having 2 zaphfc cards, 1TE and 1NT
14:58.09redaxcalling local numbers working (ie 6digits), but calling longdistance not working
14:58.30caio1982jhiver: [12:50:45] <caio1982> couldn't you just make generic patterns to match some in just one hit?
14:58.36redaxalways getting this app_dial.c: Unable to forward voice
14:58.37jhiverhey that worked :)
14:58.43jhiverwell, the way I do it
14:58.52jhiverfirst I make a list of all prefixes
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14:59.08jhiverthen for each separate prefix I make a list of providers from cheapest to more expensive
14:59.20jhiverthen I do a bunch of dials()
14:59.36jhiverand I start with longest prefixes first and end with shortest prefixes
14:59.47jhiverso I already do pattern mach, that why there is an X.
15:00.01jhiverI really can't see any other proper way to do it
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15:00.36jhiverso for example for reunion island '0262' it produces this
15:00.45jhiverexten => _0262X.,1,Dial(Zap/3/0262${EXTEN:4})
15:00.46jhiverexten => _0262X.,2,Dial(IAX2/543@voipjet/011262262${EXTEN:4})
15:00.46jhiverexten => _0262X.,3,Dial(SIP/00262262${EXTEN:4}@finalcut-out)
15:00.59jhiverbut for france proper '0' it produces this
15:01.18CyonHas anyone experienced asterisk becoming a zombie process?  I can't kill it, can't hup it, can't connect to the cli...but it's still got a hold on the ports...
15:01.23jhiveroh, too long to paste in IRC channel :)
15:01.23caio1982life turns easier with AGIs or macros
15:01.38jhiverbut then this isn't too bad
15:01.51jhiverthe massive dialplan is produced automatically, then I just include it
15:02.18X-Fileshey all! Microsoft Windows Messenger 5.1 (not MSN) work fully VIDEO and Contact list STREAM ????
15:02.37Kattyhi lovables.
15:02.42jhiverI know it _looks_ ugly but it's accurate...
15:02.45zoahey ho darling
15:03.20jhiverplus it's not really the script's fault if providers list zillions of prefixes...
15:03.46jhiverif you want a simpler dialplan, you simply need to trim down the number of prefixes but then there is no point in doing LCR stuff either
15:04.44Kattymister fender!
15:05.15tzangergood morning katty my dear
15:06.50X-FilesMrChimpy: ?
15:07.08MrChimpywas that a sentence or just a stream of random words?
15:07.24tzangerMrChimpy: hahahaha
15:07.45jhiverok lads, thanks for the help!
15:08.10jhiver[TK]D-Fender, thanks for your input
15:08.12jhivercya all
15:09.18gvag11I am trying to find the right TIFF format for trasmission with tx_fax... Any idea ? Because with TIFF files generated by SPANDSP its ok, all the others fails....
15:10.48ManxPowergvag11, I can put a Perl script on pastebin that converts files to the correct format for transmitting.  The script is not fully working, but the file conversion part is.
15:10.52coppicegvag11: they need to be 1728 pixels wide
15:11.28gvag11ok ... thanks guys ...
15:11.36gvag11Manxpower can i have the script ... thanks
15:12.08gvag11coppice thats the only really prerequisite ? I mean no Group3 -2d compression ?
15:12.43coppicewell they need to be in FAX format
15:13.04CyonWOw that was really ugly
15:14.19gvag11coppice : i use gs to turn a pdf to tiffg32d (or tiffg3) , papersize a4 and it doesn't work.... So i should set the wide to 1728, right ?
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15:16.19gvag11manxpower thanks
15:16.36ManxPowergvag11, don't ask me any questions about it. 8-)
15:16.41[TK]D-FenderKatty: mew,.
15:16.44[TK]D-Fender(was AFK)
15:17.15[TK]D-FenderAnd about to be again :)
15:18.40Kattythe fire marshall is here!
15:19.21gvag11manxpower : i am using the same but PAPERSIZE=A4... I will try with letter ...
15:19.50ManxPowergvag11, I'm in the USA, so letter is what is expected.
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15:20.19ManxPowerThe script has several...issues..  Such as what if you want to send a legal size document (which is what many of my users want)?
15:20.44gvag11manxpower: i will take a closer look i think ...
15:21.18coppiceManxPower: I just said. the legal size is 1728 pixels wide. :-)
15:21.38ManxPowercoppice, I'm still on my 1st cup of coffee.
15:22.26JMcAManxPower: doncha just hate it when you have too much blood in your caffeine stream?
15:22.32ManxPower*sigh*  I'm starting various projects and am starting to realize just how much equipment I lost in Katrina. 8-(
15:22.44iCEBrkrJMcA: I hate it when I have too much blood in my alcohol stream.
15:22.54iCEBrkrManxPower: Wow, that sucks man
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15:23.33ManxPoweriCEBrkr, I lost all my Digium cards, all my spare hard drives, my backup drive for my TiVo....
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15:23.44strecherwhat does Asterisk software do?
15:24.00ManxPowerstrecher, It turns you into a bitter and hateful pbx admin.
15:24.00iCEBrkrstrecher: It's a software PBX
15:24.08jaikemanx: hehehe
15:24.33MimmusI flashed my phone with IAX firmware and now I'm unable to to call transfer
15:24.38ManxPowerI realized last night that I lost my TiVo "IR Blaster" cable, since it was in the box of cables that was lost.
15:24.40Mimmuswith SIP, I had no problem
15:25.03strecherWhat is a pbx?
15:25.13jaikestrecher: you need to READ
15:25.24Mimmusneither phones buttons nor Asterisk features work anymore
15:25.29yogurt2unguehello people
15:25.37ManxPowerMimmus, Flash it back.
15:25.38Mimmusany help?
15:25.45jaikeMimmus: what kinda phone
15:26.02MimmusManxPower: is it normal?
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15:26.21Mimmusjaike: an ATCom AT320 (made in china)
15:26.24ManxPowerMimmus, I have no idea.
15:26.45ManxPowerMimmus, I am not aware of anyone using those phones in a production enviroment using IAX
15:26.46yogurt2ungueI didn't compile the free G729 codec with Asterisk 1.2
15:26.48jaikeif it was working better with sip..better use sip
15:27.07MimmusManxPower: with SIP, I had some rare brief pauses during calls
15:27.16MimmusManxPower: now I'm trying IAX
15:27.36MimmusIAX works better but I lost call transfer :(
15:28.02iCEBrkrManxPower: So I take it you're moved back in and starting over again?
15:28.10Mimmusjaike: I have #2 in my features.conf
15:28.33ManxPoweriCEBrkr, move back?  Um, there isn't much of a town to move back to.   I moved to the top of a mountian in Alabama.
15:28.36Mimmusjaike: atxfer => #2, blindxfer => #1
15:28.49iCEBrkrManxPower: Ahhhh, staying there?
15:29.22ManxPoweriCEBrkr, yup.  Been wanting to move out of Waveland MS for a while, but really didn't want the hassle of moving all my stuff.
15:29.35ManxPowerKatrina took care of much of (but not all of) my stuff.
15:31.32ManxPowerUnfortunatly all of my spare hardware that was used to build temp servers, etc was on the bottom shelves and was flooded.
15:31.52KattyManxPower: you just set off my hilight.
15:32.01MrChimpysurely stanky flood damaged digium cards have a certain hack charm?
15:32.06coppiceManx: the disk chambers are supposed to be sealed :-)
15:32.18MrChimpy"look what *I* dredged up!"
15:32.24KattyiCEBrkr: kthx.
15:32.28ManxPowercoppice, yeah, but all the other electronics were rusted.
15:32.46coppicerust? you have steel PCBs?
15:32.46ManxPowerand you never can quite get all the mold off them.
15:32.46MrChimpybuy same drive and swap electronics
15:33.24ManxPowerMrChimpy, I'm not trying to recover data.
15:33.48ManxPowerAll my DATA (production) systems were fine since they were on higher shelves.
15:34.17iCEBrkrcoppice: I'm pretty sure they were in some pretty swampy water.  I kinda doubt there's anything to save
15:34.42ManxPoweriCEBrkr, the water that flooded my place was salt water.
15:34.50iCEBrkr...and that too
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15:36.30ManxPowerIt's not the end of the world, but it's just annoying to keep realizing that various things where destroyed.
15:36.45ManxPowerall of my video tapes were flooded, for example.
15:37.06coppiceall that porn lost. so sad
15:37.20iCEBrkrDude. That's probably the worst lost right there..
15:37.49*** join/#asterisk Prival (
15:37.54MrChimpydon't cry. now it's even filthier
15:38.07fugitivonot the porn! not the porn!
15:38.12h3xthe worst part is nobodys gonna give a damn about marti gras so less bare boobies
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15:38.55coppicethey'll still find a reason to get them out. urges like that are primeaval
15:38.57ManxPowercoppice, yes, I lost my small porn collection, but I also lost all my OTHER tapes as well, including the ones of taped shows off the television.
15:38.59h3xcoppice hows t.38 in spandsp going
15:39.25PrivalGot a question about the Dial options. If I use the tT options, the person originating the call can perform the transfer using the # sign, but if he/she is on an IVR of a remote PBX which asks for the # in a menu, asterisk interprets this as a transfer request... How do you make this work?
15:39.31n3c8i would just like to say for the record that disk chambers are NOT sealed, and there is not a vacumn inside a disk... that was at coppice
15:39.52MrChimpyKatrina Appeal: Send Porn
15:40.10ManxPowerPrival, don't use Tt and use the transfer feature of the phone.
15:40.12MrChimpyafter the flood...
15:40.20MrChimpycomes the flood of mucky man yoghurt
15:40.21h3xPrival: How often do you need to use an ivr on an INCOMING call
15:40.28coppiceh3x: although the 2100 was rather late to get t.38, but I hear it works better than most.
15:40.38h3xiCEBrkr: I bet FEMA had more porn than ice and water
15:40.47coppicen3c8: who said anything about a vacuum?
15:40.58zoacoppice, what ata's actually do t.38 for the moment ?
15:40.59h3xcoppice: is t.38 with asterisk still a passthru thing?
15:41.01zoafound any ?
15:41.07*** part/#asterisk UlbabraB (
15:41.22blitzragezoa: !
15:41.32n3c8they didn't but its a common misconception, as is the same with the chambers being sealed, which is not true... its like a hardware old wives tale
15:42.07PrivalManxPower: I'll have to retest, but I think the transfer button does not work when you initiate the call...
15:42.21jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender welp, i did the rxgain/txgain adjustments this morning and it didn't make wonderful things happen. :( people uses headsets are getting comlpaints on every call about it being too quiet
15:42.29coppicezoa: quite a few do it, but not many do it well. quite a few say on the box they do it, but don't. I have one which won an award for its t.38, and doesn't have it at all.
15:42.32ManxPowerPrival, what make/model of phone are you using?
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15:43.10coppicen3c8: they are sealed, but there is pressure equalisation. take the cover off outside a clean room, and you can throw the thing in the bin
15:43.23PrivalAastra 9133 and 480i mainly
15:43.36Privalh3x: the issue is on an outgoing call
15:43.43Mimmusjaike, ManxPower: (about call transfer) I tried again using Asterisk features and it works. Good.
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15:44.00n3c8its actually a very fine filter
15:44.07n3c8not sealed
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15:44.32gvag11coppice and Manxpower, with 1728 width and tiffg32d using gs , works fine thanks ...
15:44.34coppicen3c8: it could well be on some. oil from the bearing slowly pollutes the cavity
15:45.18jbalcombiCEBrkr what phones are you guys using?
15:45.33iCEBrkrjbalcomb: We're not
15:45.44n3c8they have in the past tried using a diaphagm, but it does not work well. thus nowadays it is a pretty primative filter, as you so rightly said, to allow for pressure equalization
15:45.57iCEBrkrjbalcomb: I use SPA2k's and a BT100
15:46.05*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (i=jwb@
15:46.13tzangeroil from which bearing pollutes t.38?  :-)
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15:46.29iCEBrkrSplasPood: sup'fag
15:47.22SplasPoodI've got 5 polycoms sitting on my desk.. I wonder how many more I can fit
15:47.35iCEBrkrSplasPood: Sounds like you need to donate one of those to me :P
15:47.43KattySplasPood: duct tape :>
15:48.12Mimmusif I use Asterisk features to do attended call transfer, what do I need to press to take again first call if destination doesn't answer?
15:48.23SplasPoodiCE: they're not that expensive really..  for what you get
15:48.36jbalcombiCEBrkr ah, ok. guess i'll just order the three i have on my list and go from there. are you guys using faxing through asterisk?
15:48.47iCEBrkrSplasPood: I know, but I rarely even use my BT100.. I just want a Polycom.. Ya know, Kinda like a status statement
15:48.56iCEBrkrjbalcomb: Nope..
15:49.05iCEBrkrjbalcomb: I'm not using Asterisk as a PBX really..
15:49.12jbalcombiCEBrkr what are you doing with it?
15:49.21SplasPoodice: they're very nice
15:49.22iCEBrkrjbalcomb: I'm almost scared to say
15:49.37iCEBrkrSplasPood: Yea, my friend has them scattered through his house..  I was gonna yoink one.
15:49.49iCEBrkrSplasPood: BUt $200 for a phone I rarely use/tinker toy?
15:49.58iCEBrkrjbalcomb: IVR Surveys
15:50.18iCEBrkrjbalcomb: 100% completely data-driven IVR stuff.
15:50.31jbalcombiCEBrkr ah, like automated telemarketing or QA stuff?
15:50.33riddleboxcan you have asterisk connect to an ip trunk provided by another pbx?
15:50.49iCEBrkrjbalcomb: I use my powers for good.  I won't do telemarketing.
15:51.02jbalcombiCEBrkr you are good man. ;)
15:51.09iCEBrkrjbalcomb: I work for a company which handles/processes customer satisfaction surveys
15:51.24n3c8sounds like direct marketing to me
15:51.25iCEBrkrjbalcomb: Neilson is a competitor, just to give you an idea
15:51.27n3c8hehehe *jk*
15:51.34Mark_Halversonif i dont want the call....its telemarketing
15:51.40iCEBrkrn3c8: haha, our clients aren't trying to sell anything to anyone.
15:51.52Mark_Halversonif its not my mom then its telemarketing
15:51.53iCEBrkrMark_Halverson: It's not telemarketing if they're not trying to sell you something.
15:52.10iCEBrkrThing is, the system doesn't dial random people either.
15:52.13fugitivoit's just teleannonying
15:52.17jbalcombiCEBrkr: i don't think i like dealing with the phone system anymore.
15:52.25iCEBrkrThe only way we contact you is if you've had some sort of interaction with our clients.
15:52.27Mark_Halversontake a marketing calling there marketing there customer service....helping their marketing
15:52.44Mark_Halversoni just playing
15:52.57Mark_Halversonand expressing that if your not family i dont want to hear from you
15:53.20iCEBrkrMark_Halverson: Hey, if you were a high-roller in Vegas and a casino called you and wanted to know how your experience went and it sucked and they comp'd you a weeks stay in the penthouse suite + free room service, I think you'd wanna take the survey.
15:53.23Mark_Halversonfugitivo: EXACTLY
15:53.36fugitivoit doesn't matter if it's marketing or not
15:53.41ManxPowerHaving an Asterisk IVR answer all calls pretty much screen out all auto dialers
15:53.53n3c8the house always wins thou!
15:53.55Mark_HalversonManx: yeep
15:53.55fugitivoall telesomething is annoying
15:53.59iCEBrkr...and as for TeleAnnoying.. I've done my best for answering machine detection and it's supposed to hang up on them.. We're trying to be as passive/transparent as possible.
15:54.24Mark_Halversonso ice you have no live agents?
15:54.30fugitivoiCEBrkr: what are you using? amd?
15:54.32iCEBrkrfugitivo: Yea, so just don't get a phone number... Who needs phones??
15:54.39iCEBrkrfugitivo: ???
15:54.45ManxPowerMark_Halverson, If there's a real person on the other end when the IVR picks up, they can just select the correct option to get to me.
15:54.53fugitivoiCEBrkr: for answering machine detection
15:55.01jbalcombI'm going to bitch slap the first telemarketer that calls my cell phone
15:55.04fugitivoiCEBrkr: there's a module called amd, that works pretty well
15:55.06iCEBrkrfugitivo: I'm using a combination of a few things...
15:55.08fugitivowith some tweaking
15:55.24Mark_Halversonoh ok...i was going to say...i think there is an FTC ruling that they MUST be able to reach a live OP within x number of seconds
15:55.25iCEBrkrMark_Halverson: Nope.
15:55.28fugitivowhat things?
15:55.29riddleboxin order to port a number from Verizon, do you have to have that number for a certain period of time before you can port it?
15:55.42ManxPowerUgh.  I'm out of smokes.
15:55.43Mark_Halversonlaw school lied to me then
15:55.56Mark_Halverson3 years of nothing
15:55.56jbalcombI'm out of gumption
15:55.57iCEBrkrfugitivo: app_machinedetect and BackgroundDetect
15:56.17ManxPowerwhich means I have to drive down the mountian
15:56.21fugitivoiCEBrkr: amd replaces all that
15:56.23iCEBrkrfugitivo: I've had some good results.  I actually have a 'test bed' of answering machines I've dialed against
15:56.28iCEBrkrfugitivo: Ooo!! Ooo!!
15:56.29fugitivoiCEBrkr: wait, not for faxes
15:56.38fugitivoare you detecting faxes too?
15:56.59iCEBrkrfugitivo: I haven't tested that 100%, but I thought Asterisk landed in a fax extension
15:57.21fugitivothat's right, but not using sip or iax trunks
15:57.37iCEBrkrfugitivo: We're not doing VoIP yet
15:58.04fugitivook, remember that when doing voip :)
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15:58.21fugitivothere's another module for fax detection
15:58.31fugitivoapp_nfaxdetect or something like that
15:58.53fugitivoit works for sip/iax
15:58.57ManxPoweryes.  I use it in my autofax scripts
15:59.05iCEBrkrapp_machinedetect works. It's a bitch to tweek tho.
15:59.19tzangerin 17 days we had 5200 calls
15:59.29fugitivoiCEBrkr: i tried using that and background detect, but i found amd and it was easier to teak
15:59.32iCEBrkrnot to mention, I had to make multiple calls to it..
15:59.44iCEBrkrfugitivo: I'll look into that for v2 :P
15:59.51coppiceiCEUBrkr: you must be using a definition of works with which I am not familiar
15:59.54iCEBrkrToo close to the deadline to start muck'n with it now
16:00.25iCEBrkrcoppice: It was literally 2wks of work trying to come up with a "reliable" way to use it.
16:00.36iCEBrkrI dunno if reliable is even the word to use.
16:00.47coppiceI'm not familar with this use of reliable, either
16:00.49iCEBrkrI just know I lost much hair over it
16:01.09iCEBrkrBut I finally was able to come up with something that even works against my T-Mobile voicemail
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16:01.25coppiceiCEBrkr: ah, that part I am familiar with :-)
16:01.30iCEBrkrI could guestimate that I'm able to detect 90% of the machines out there
16:01.47iCEBrkrTho, I only have 6 machines here to test against
16:02.07iCEBrkrThose digital ones are a bitch.  I left the preset greeting on the one...
16:02.11X-Fileshey all! Microsoft Windows Messenger 5.1 (not MSN) work fully Message and Contact list STREAM ????
16:02.19iCEBrkrSometimes it'll get it.. sometimes it'll miss and leave a message
16:02.26coppiceiCEBrkr: you suspect that because you haven't tried it enough. as you try it some more the picture will change :-)
16:02.56fugitivoX-Files: asking the same question like a spambot won't give you any answer
16:03.08iCEBrkrcoppice: Well it's all about doing a tap dance with silence detection and noise detection..  Fine grey line and making the best descion
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16:03.34fugitivoiCEBrkr: this app_amd module, will count words also
16:03.35iCEBrkrregardless, it's a frick'n pain in the ass.
16:03.41iCEBrkrfugitivo: sweet
16:03.55iCEBrkrfugitivo: I'll start looking into that so when this blows up I'll have a backup plan :P
16:03.56tzangerfor fax detection?  Why not just detect the echo can disable tone?
16:04.03coppiceiCEBrkr: been there several times, trying to convince the people who read the crap that say it works 99% of the time that the 99% is bogus
16:04.10tzangerI realize that modems use it too but if you're just looking to hang up...
16:04.14fugitivotzanger: answering machine detection
16:04.18tzangerfugitivo: ah
16:04.18coppicethere is no echo can disable tone from a fax
16:04.24tzangercoppice: there isn't?
16:04.54*** join/#asterisk killer-ch (
16:04.55tzangerhow is it I see dozens of "echo canceller disabled due to tone (rx) on channel 'x'" in dmesg for my fax dids?
16:05.10coppicethat's the result of a fax tone detector
16:05.35fugitivoiCEBrkr: this module will count words, silence, words before and after silence, noise, etc, you can tweak all that parameters to detect an answering machine, obviously it's not 100% accurate
16:05.51fugitivoi don't think it's 90% accurate
16:06.04iCEBrkrfugitivo: Yea, nothing like that is.
16:06.05[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Your audio is too low because you have whacked out gain's in the negative.  Why are you even playing with that?
16:06.21iCEBrkrfugitivo: But if it removes this crazy skip-logic I have, it'll make things easier on me
16:06.53fugitivoiCEBrkr: i think it will, it did for me
16:06.55MrChimpymust stop giggling at - the office think i'm doing dialplans but i'm watching that over and over again
16:07.13coppicethe fact that you need to tweak should tell you its almost useless
16:07.16iCEBrkrThanks for the info
16:08.13*** join/#asterisk Traderzz (
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16:08.58[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Thats like solving an ant problem by moving to Antactica.  Your PHONES are teh problem.  You've admitted as much.  Either roll-back those "newly essential" features or be prepared to suffer.
16:09.14[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Either that or change your T1 card.
16:10.56jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender *shrug* im storta stuck with the way things are now as far as the phones go. I dont know anything about the T1 card idea.
16:11.19killer-chcan anyone tell me if it is possible register at an asterisk with the same account from different phones?
16:11.47[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Do you get echo from phone-phone, or phone-pstn only?
16:12.22[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Though I am aware the a large portion of the echo is directed at the GXP's
16:12.38jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender there is some echo phone-phone but the majority of issues are phone-pstn
16:12.43[TK]D-Fenderkiller-ch : No.  Shared line appearance support does not exist in * yet
16:12.55killer-chthx [TK]D-Fender
16:13.25[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : You could reduce your overall problem to the size of the smallest occurance (phone-phone) if you were to switch to a good EC capable card.
16:14.26jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender what is EC and where can I find material on this idea?
16:14.45beebzwhich ntp do most people use?
16:14.55beebzntp server rather
16:14.58[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Echo Cancellation?
16:15.05[TK]D-Fenderbeebz :
16:15.20jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender ah, yes, of course
16:15.29beebzstkn: boner, currently using that and my polycomes are getting |Could not load time from << and thats from the pool
16:15.37beebzerr, htat was to [TK]D-Fender
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16:16.05[TK]D-Fenderbeebz : I have 27 here that work just fine.  You sue theres a route for them to access it?
16:16.39beebzlovely bot
16:17.43beebz:q<SNTP tcpIpApp.sntp.resyncPeriod="86400" tcpIpApp.sntp.address="" tcpIpApp.sntp.gmtOffset="-21600" tcpIpApp.sntp.daylightSavings.enable="1"
16:17.47BeHappy_uhm.. it's safe to directly access the asterisk database? for example for controlling the blacklist via a webapp
16:17.49beebzshould i bump my resync down a bit?
16:18.02beebzBeHappy_: the cdrdb?
16:18.08BeHappy_beebz, nope
16:18.12fugitivoBeHappy_: nothing is safe, specially from the web
16:18.14BeHappy_the asterisk db
16:18.42BeHappy_fugitivo, of course, but all the code i've seen calls asterisk via a shell
16:19.12BeHappy_fugitivo, i think it should be safer to hook the database file from my app, but i dont know if this could be done
16:19.55[TK]D-Fenderbeebz : I think the GMT offset should be in hours....
16:20.03*** join/#asterisk pigpen2 (n=mark@
16:20.48[TK]D-Fenderbeebz : Do you have a DHCP server dishing out that parameter as well?
16:22.11coppicea GMT offset in hours would have problems in places like India
16:22.25beebz[option nntp-server "";
16:22.29[TK]D-Fendercoppice : I'll take your word for it...
16:22.31beebzerr, minus the [
16:22.41[TK]D-Fenderbeebz : and the offset in dhcpd.conf?
16:22.44coppiceIndia is GMT + 5.5 hours
16:22.50beebz[TK]D-Fender: correct
16:22.57[TK]D-Fendercoppice : You can do fractions, silly!
16:23.24[TK]D-Fenderbeebz : paste it plz
16:23.26coppicedon't be silly. computers only understand integers
16:23.32*** join/#asterisk Flusher (
16:23.47[TK]D-Fenderbeebz : Here's mine for EST
16:23.49[TK]D-Fenderoption ntp-servers;
16:23.49[TK]D-Fenderoption time-offset -18000;
16:23.57beebzoption nntp-server "";
16:23.57beebzoption time-offset -6; # Central Standard Time
16:24.18[TK]D-Fenderbeebz : Umm.. you need to fix that :)
16:25.01*** join/#asterisk sdf (n=lala@
16:25.49gaupebeebz: nntp-server?
16:26.17gaupedo you have usenet enabled ip-phones?
16:26.18[TK]D-Fendertoo many "n"'s, and the offset type is the wrong UOM
16:26.39*** join/#asterisk HamYai (n=HamYai@
16:27.14jbalcombfeh. ugh. thrrp. fuck asterisk and double fuck grandstream.
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16:28.44darkskiezjbalcomb: Calm down dear
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16:30.17jbalcombdarkskiez :) sry. just losing my grip. been awhile since I had to deal with something I couldn't grasp.
16:30.28PrivalI just saw that asterisk stopped logging in /var/log/asterisk aster a logrotate... Any hints?
16:30.51jbalcombPrival there is a 'logger restart' command or something in the CLI you have run
16:30.54HamYaiHi, my cdr tends to provide incorrect "billing" records
16:31.10darkskiezprival: logrotate has a copy and truncate option, try that also
16:31.13HamYaianyone having the similar problem?
16:31.35darkskiezHamYai: incorrect, how so?
16:31.44PrivalOk, will give that a shot. Thanks.
16:31.44DarkFlibble[TK]D-Fender, there are islands that are 23:52minutes offset
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16:36.18HamYaidarkskiez: I'm making outgoing calls via FXOs and the line seems to answer nearly immediately
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16:36.49[TK]D-FenderPrival : Maybe do a "touch" on it to refresh the day.
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16:37.17bastaHama: maybe there's an answer in you dialplan before the actual dial ?
16:37.24HamYaidarkskiez: so, my cdr recorded all calls as being answered
16:37.29ManxPowerHamYai, Yes.  Analog ports are considered answered as soon as dialing is done
16:37.50HamYaiManxPower: is there a way to fix this?
16:37.58ManxPowerHamYai, Don't use analog
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16:38.31ManxPowerThe telco cannot provide any indication to Asterisk that the call has been answered when using analog ports
16:38.35[TK]D-FenderPrival : Oh and for your transfer issue earlier : if you're using a SIP hard-phone you shouldn't need DTMF based trnasfers and yes it would royally suck if you're in an IVR
16:39.10HamYaiManxPower:  I heard that gnudialer can detect these things, is it true?
16:39.14[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : PM
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16:40.13ManxPowerHamYai, I doubt it.  It may TRY, but I strongly doubt it can do it reliability.
16:40.23HamYaiManxPower: how do the tecos record the right billing time then?
16:40.36DarkFlibbleHamYai, using hardware
16:40.36lonelonehi all .. one fast question . i use a asteriska at home server and sometime ppl who is behind firewall cannot hear voice of the other side .. ( one way sound ) .. what could that be ?
16:40.44ManxPowerHamYai, they do not use analog ports
16:41.19ManxPoweror more correctly they do not use analog FXO ports.  On an FXS port this is not an issue and when you get an analog phone line from the telco it's an FXS port from their equipment's perspective
16:41.23jbotsomebody said fxofxs was An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage, you plug a phone LINE into this.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage, you plug a PHONE into this.
16:42.32HamYaiManxPower:  I might consider changing to ISDN PRI then
16:42.59ManxPowerHamYai, Yes.  If you just want to do testing, etc then get a VoIP account from a service provider like Teliax.
16:43.01DarkFlibbleHamYai, use digital technology over analogue where possible in telecoms
16:43.04ManxPowerThey all use PRIs
16:43.23ManxPowerBut I would suggest you get a PRI ISDN before going into production
16:43.44HamYaiManxPower:  is it DIALSTATUS on ISDN that provides the status of the line?
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16:44.01[TK]D-FenderHamYai : How many "lines" are you looking to get?
16:44.17ManxPowerHamYai, DIALSTATUS and HANGUPCAUSE
16:45.01HamYai[TK]D-Fender: I was to start with 8 port FXOs but gotta change my mind
16:45.36HamYaiManxPower: is there a way to play audio files before the "Answer" is called?
16:46.17ManxPowerHamYai, Yes, with limitations
16:46.32ManxPowerHamYai, you almost never need to actually run the Answer command
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16:46.54HamYaiManxPower: no interaction of key press is allowed?
16:48.07[TK]D-FenderHamYai : See if you can get a partial PRI otherwise the cost difference could add up to a lot...
16:48.08HamYaiManxPower: I found it useful to run the "Answer" sometimes
16:49.12HamYai[TK]D-Fender: yeah, to get an ISDN PRI, it will cause me around $2,500  here
16:49.42ManxPowerHamYai, Playback, Background, and most things that play audio automatically ANSWER the line.
16:49.46HamYai[TK]D-Fender: and $180 monthly fee
16:49.48[TK]D-FenderHamYai : And for analog FXO?
16:50.19ManxPowerHamYai, on PRI most telcos allow one-way audio before answer.  caller -> callee audio, but not callee -> caller audio
16:50.49ManxPowerthis allows for the destination to play things like "the number you have called is disconneted or you are an idiot and dialed the wrong number" message to the caller without answering the line so the caller isn't billed.
16:51.04HamYaiManxPower: in Taxable IVR systems, I will need to ask if a caller really needs to enter the system
16:51.29ManxPowerHamYai, you can ask all you want, but you can't receive DTMF from them unless you answer the call.
16:51.39HamYaiManxPower: if not, they can hang up and need not be charged
16:51.58ManxPowerHamYai, you would need a PRI for that application
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16:52.37HamYaiManxPower: yeah, that's what I've heard of. should there be a fix anyway
16:53.11DarkFlibbleHamYai, why would they dial the number if they didn't want to enter the system?
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16:53.51HamYai[TK]D-Fender: an analog line fee is 1/30 of ISDN PRI
16:54.21[TK]D-FenderHamYai : Well I guess you have to ask yourself how much you are going to save with PRI then.
16:54.22HamYaiDarkFlibble: the number may be promoted on a TV spot
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16:54.54HamYaiDarkFlibble: those callers enter the system without knowing that they'd be charged
16:55.17ManxPoweHamYai, the telco does not permit 2-way audio before answer to prevent fraud.
16:55.22DarkFlibbleyou don't have legal requirements to display the call cost on any adverts over there?
16:55.47jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender PM
16:56.00HamYaiDarkFlibble: the spots are to short, like 15 secs
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16:57.22MrChimpygot a TE411P with E1 just connected. seems to go to NOP and stay there. is this normal?
16:57.48ManxPoweMrChimpy, NOP?
16:58.03MrChimpy*CLI> zap show status
16:58.03MrChimpyDescription                              Alarms     IRQ        bpviol     CRC4
16:58.03MrChimpyT4XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 1                RED/NOP    0          0          0
16:58.03MrChimpyT4XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 2                RED/NOP    0          0          0
16:58.04MrChimpyT4XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 3                NOP        0          0          0
16:58.11HamYaiDarkFlibble: they might just remember the numbers not that they'd be charged. We are obliged to play the announcement prompt
16:58.11MrChimpyT4XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 4                NOP        0          0          0
16:58.11DarkFlibblestill... in the UK every tv advert that displays a non-geographic number must display the call cost...
16:58.20MrChimpythe two ports showing nop have an E1 connected
16:59.04coppiceMr Chimpy: that display is bogus, since the T4XXP driver doesn't count the errors
16:59.40DarkFlibbleHamYai, HongKong?
16:59.57HamYaiDarkFlibble: in Thailand
17:00.16DarkFlibblecouldn't resolve any hosts after hongkong
17:00.31HamYaicoppice: are you still working on the Unicall Lib?
17:01.27HamYaicoppice: with R2 MFC, is the key press allowed before answering the line?
17:01.28[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : That meant "private message".  You should ahve another tab for that conversation in most clients...
17:01.30MrChimpycoppice: um, that display is from asterisk CLI?
17:01.54MrChimpypresumably it'll go GREEN when happy.
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17:02.14coppiceMrChimpy: yes, but the driver isn't reporting the real counts for the T4XXP driver
17:02.40MrChimpynot really looking at the counts, just watching the states
17:03.02coppiceHamYai: that isn't really anything to do with Unicall
17:03.16ManxPoweMrChimpy, RED means "no line connected"
17:03.39MrChimpywe're getting NOP for lines that are
17:03.59HamYaicoppice: I'm wondering because my callers can send me DTMF before being charged
17:04.04MrChimpyand getting a lot of : Jan 20 16:49:50 rh4-asterisk2 kernel: 2G: Got interrupt, status = 0000ff0a, GIS = 0080
17:04.04MrChimpyJan 20 16:49:50 rh4-asterisk2 kernel: Tried to load 00000020 into 0000000a, but got 0000006f instead
17:04.10MrChimpywhich doesn't look good
17:05.34HamYaicoppice: upon receiving the DTMF, I send a pulse of 120 msecs to teco to indicate charging
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17:05.41coppiceHamYai: I think the DTMF receiver in chan_unicall starts when call is accepted, so I may pick up digits before the call is answered
17:05.51HamYaicoppice: I really want to do that with asterisk
17:06.23coppiceHamYai: where are you?
17:06.33HamYaicoppice: in Thailand
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17:07.20HamYaicoppice: that means you can also detect DTMF before answering the line?
17:07.46HamYaicoppice: with asterisk + unicall
17:07.51coppiceAh, so you want to send a charging pulse after answer. I haven't implemented those fully. very few places use charging pulses, and they are not part of the ITU R2 spec. I started implementing them in recent changes, but haven't finished that
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17:09.20HamYaicoppice: I think we call it the "OFFER" state when the call is received
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17:09.45HamYaicoppice: once the pulse is sent, it's in the "ANSWERED" state
17:09.49jarrodanyone using sipura 2100 t.38 with cisco gateway?
17:10.29HamYaicoppice: sorry to mention it, but it's in the Global Call Spec of Dialogic
17:10.36coppiceanswered is not a pulse. its a continuous change of state
17:11.44HamYaicoppice: so, you reckon that the line is answered initially
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17:12.13HamYaicoppice: and a pulse is sent afterward to indicate charging
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17:13.08coppiceGenerally Thailand behaves like China. answer is a change of line state persisting until hangup. however, some online services need to send a billing pulse after answer
17:14.33HamYaicoppice: okay, that maybe the reason I could receive DTMF before they are charged
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17:15.03HamYaicoppice: is the pulse hard to implement?
17:15.58coppiceno hard. I just haven't done it, as few people need it
17:16.04HamYaicoppice: I am running some systems on MFC R2 but the pulse is really my problem here
17:16.37FlusherI have this topology : [ast serv] - [nat router w/ fixed IP] --- internet --- [nat router] - [sip phone]
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17:17.17Flushermy sip phone registers on the asterisk server when it is in the local subnet but i get a "unauthorized" (401) error when it's remote
17:17.22coppicesomeone else in thailand prompted me to start implementing billing pulses, but I didn't hear from hime again. if you want them I'll take another look
17:17.53Flusherof course i forwarded some ports (UDP/5060, 3748, 8000-8012) and forced RTP on ports 8000-8012
17:17.55HamYaicoppice: guess it was me
17:18.10jarrodid forward 16384-32767
17:18.11justinuhow do they charging pulses work?
17:18.11Flusherwould anyone familiar with this problem / have a solution pls ?
17:18.12HamYaicoppice: I came in last time and talked to you about that
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17:18.25jarrodoh forced rtp
17:18.29coppicethis was several months ago
17:18.30Flusheryes, jarrod ;)
17:18.42Flusheri didnt want to forward so many ports
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17:18.52HamYaicoppice: yeah, I only came in 3-4 times since then
17:19.05Flushermoreover it appears that RTP is used when calling, not at register time
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17:19.26justinuRTP is only for media (audio, generally)
17:19.31HamYaicoppice: it was last year during May
17:19.39FlusherI forgot to say that I have set nat=yes and qualify=yes in my extension
17:19.40shmaltzthe SPA 941 is realy impressive
17:19.41jbalcombFlusher do you have localnet in the sip.conf for that ext?
17:19.47shmaltzI got my first one today
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17:20.01HamYaicoppice: a lot of people here still use MFC R2
17:20.16coppiceit was probably you, then. you need to keep prodding if you want do maintain my interest :-)
17:20.24Flusherjbalcomb: affirmative, i ve set the external ip and the local subnet in my sip_nat.conf, which is included in my sip.conf (i m using asterisk @ home on this server)
17:20.27pifiuhey everyone
17:20.49HamYaicoppice: yeah, I sure will
17:21.02coppicea lot of people in many countries use R2. when I implemented it I was mostly targetting south america and china. now I find people in all sorts of places using it
17:21.02Flusheri also tried to specify "host=my current ip address" for the extension, but it fails as weel
17:21.33HamYaicoppice: we're lucky to have people like you by the way
17:21.48justinuHamYai: very true... 3 cheers for coppice
17:22.17coppiceV.29rx is just fine
17:22.40justinuit is?
17:22.47justinusomeone was saying it didnt' receive to well
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17:23.34coppiceit receives just fine. lots of people have broken systems though, and blame the software
17:23.44justinulol, fair enough
17:28.48Flusheranyone familiar with asterisk behind nat ? i'd need some help since i get a" unauthorized (401)" (forbidden) error at sip auth time from remote sip phones.
17:29.36MrChimpyok, to get this TE411P working I'm modprobing zaptel and wct4xxp - am I missing something there
17:31.27ManxPoweMrChimpy, If you get a RED alarm then the card is not seeing a line.  Is this a new line or an existing line moved from a different piece of equipment?
17:31.48MrChimpynew line
17:31.51ManxPoweMrChimpy, And have you looked at the README in the zaptel source directory to confirm yuo are loading the correct driver for your card?
17:32.00MrChimpythe best we get when connecting is a NOP
17:32.23ManxPoweMrChimpy, Call your telco.  Say "I have a RED Alarm.  Please fix it."  Get a trouble ticket number.  Pray.
17:32.44MrChimpyyeah. that's kind of the problem. my good colleague is my telco :)
17:33.18Corydon-wMrChimpy: are you using a straight-through cable to connect it?
17:33.52Corydon-wYou might try a T1 crossover cable if you're using a straight-through or vice versa
17:33.55MrChimpyyep. got right driver
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17:34.18MrChimpyit's an E1 and we're using straight through. other end is a telco switch
17:34.22ManxPowefor some reason I thought the driver was wcte4xxp
17:34.28MrChimpyi'll get him to try the crossover
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17:34.46Corydon-wMrChimpy: remember to use a T1 crossover, not an Ethernet crossover.
17:34.53MrChimpywct4xxp         TE405P - Quad Span T1/E1 Card (5v version)
17:35.04MrChimpycory: yeah, got the pinout for that already
17:35.12flujanhi all.. I work for a call center which make a lot of dialed calls by day...
17:35.20ManxPoweMrChimpy, must be the 1 port cvards I was thinking
17:35.20MrChimpywould have kind of expected to see nothing if the cable was wrong...
17:35.21Corydon-wI've never seen a prebuilt t1 crossover; a lot of people try to use Ethernet crossover
17:35.50MrChimpyif you do connect a valid link the state in zztool should go green straight off?
17:36.04Corydon-wyellow straight off and green within a few seconds
17:36.15flujanWe basically do a Select with something about 100 numbers and so dial it... When the call is answer, they hold until there's a operator available.
17:36.22Corydon-wyellow alarm means it detected a red alarm at the other end
17:36.28MrChimpysounds good to me then. cable time.
17:36.43flujanwe call a consulting company, and they just say that asterisk is a bad solution... Since it works bad with a lot of calls.
17:36.46flujanis it true?
17:37.09Corydon-wflujan: I bet they're trying to sell you something
17:37.13justinuthey just want you to spend more money
17:37.15zoaflujan: bullshit
17:37.16rob0haha probably means they don't know how to set it up
17:37.20flujanAnd Could the use o audiocodecs minimize the burden of processing each call in the server?
17:37.26zoai do 2 million calls a month on asterisk
17:37.42flujanzoa, wich is your hardware configuration?
17:38.03justinuwell... using a SIP gateway will reduce load on the server in lieu of zaptel cards
17:39.28zoadual xeons
17:39.48Math`zoa: testing a quad xeon now with asterisk
17:40.07benjkzoa: you must be on the phone all day and all night long
17:40.09Math`(729 <> ulaw transcoding)
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17:41.26justinumath: how many simultaneous?
17:42.07benjkflujan: try calling Coca-Cola and ask them if they will help you set up a network of Pepsi vending machines
17:42.23Math`justinu: dunno yet the company is moving from h323 to sip and usually the cisco gateway does g729, but another provider requires ulaw and they want to push traffic to it
17:42.31Math`so now the box is just sleeping
17:42.40justinui use sipp to test stuff like that
17:42.52flujanbenjk: I know, but my boss asked me to came here as ask for information, or poof... It's sad to work in a company like this... :(
17:42.58justinumath: yep
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17:43.16justinuflujan: to hell with it, let them waste their money
17:43.20benjksad or not, the point is that the answer depends on who you ask
17:43.23Math`justinu: nice! we were looking for a way to benchmark it, I'll let you know how many simultaneous calls it can transcode
17:43.30justinumath: cool
17:43.30zoamath, dont use quad xeons
17:43.38Math`zoa: why?
17:43.47justinui'm not a big fan of SMP machines in general
17:43.56zoabecause they are expensive
17:44.18Math`zoa: when you find a quad xeon box sitting there converting only signalling between h323 and sip, you use it
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17:44.29flujanzoa, how many dual zeons did you have?
17:44.41zoa2 on each end
17:45.52justinumath: with sipp, i benchmarked a single xeon 3.0 out at about 80 G729 channels
17:46.20Math` :)
17:46.48benjkah ok
17:47.00zoag729 makes it more difficult
17:47.04justinuabout 180 g711 channels before the load average went thru the roof
17:47.10zoai'd say 120 max per dual xeon
17:48.23flujanthanks zoa
17:49.00flujanzoa, where can I find documentation about asterisk working in " power dialer' environments?
17:49.29Math`power dialer?
17:49.31zoayou can only try it for yourself i think
17:49.36zoathere are too much variables to fill in
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17:51.57MrChimpyif you mean cold sales calling "power dialling" you should go with a commercial solution
17:52.15MrChimpynot because it's better, just because you bastards deserve to lose money
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17:53.28justinuMrChimpy: agreed
17:53.50flujanMath`, dial to a lot of phones in just one time... ;)
17:54.12Math`MrChimpy :)
17:54.35zoaflujan, if you are new to asterisk, i would not recommend to try it yourself (unless you have time to work on it)
17:54.50zoaor if you can afford some downtime
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18:00.35flujanzoa, your calls are analogic/IP our just IP?
18:00.57flujancause here, we will work with both... and we should encode / decode it.
18:01.07ManxPowezoa is too smart to have analog ports
18:01.26MrChimpyTried to load 00000082 into 0000000a, but got 0000006f instead  - i'm getting a lot of these to syslog from TE411P
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18:01.37flujanzoa, and which digium cards did you recommend? Here we have two E1 links
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18:05.10zoaflujan: iax2 and zaptel (te410p)
18:05.42zoaguys, i just uploaded the mac version of iDEFISK, go get it
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18:06.04markithi :) what is the license of the set of sounds of asterisk?
18:06.22zoa+ commercial
18:06.40zoa+ some music on hold with another license
18:07.42flujanzoa, please do you just do VOIP calls ou analog ones too?
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18:08.02markitzoa: ok, so for a translated set of sounds, (the sounds in the sound.txt), GPL would be fine for asterisk users, except for digium (no commercial possible), correct?
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18:09.14MrChimpyacpi even
18:09.53markitin any case, maybe GNU FDL is more apropriate (like for documentation)
18:11.43zoaMarkit they will not go in there unless you disclaim then
18:12.07markitzoa: I'm not interested in being included, just people will download elsewere
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18:12.54markitzoa: but the main problem is if a GPL license is apropriate for sounds, since is not code, or if FDL is better, or if there is a even better license
18:14.15pimpwellanyone from NY?
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18:15.17svenna_hi again :-)
18:15.48svenna_i ve got a lucky problem now
18:16.02svenna_(lucky because everything works) :)
18:16.14svenna_ok, was isnt working:
18:16.43svenna_when i lift up a phone, i get conected to the "s" extension
18:16.52svenna_thats, how it should work
18:16.58svenna_but i cant dial out then
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18:17.16svenna_i have to dial a number and then lift up
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18:17.56svenna_i know that, and its ok - my fax machine doesnt bother - and cant dial out :-(
18:18.16[TK]D-Fendersvenna_ : What kind of phone?
18:18.24svenna_i know its just a little problem between my ears...
18:18.44svenna_hi [TK]D-Fender !
18:18.55Flautoit sounds like dtmf problem
18:19.01svenna_its a isdn pbx on a bri zap channel...
18:19.19Flautothen, i dotn' know
18:19.52flujanping zoa
18:20.02iqHi, I'm trying to install TE110P on my Asterisk/CentOS machine. modprobe wct1xxp I get following erro: FATAL: Module wct1xxp not found. is module not installed or something else is wrong here?
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18:20.34Juggieiq, README.udev
18:20.35svenna_when i do exten => s,1,Answer - i just get the tone and cant dial out...
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18:20.43kllhow do I set callerpres to hidden via RealTime?
18:21.03iqJuggie: I tried insmod but it failed as well. Still need to read README.udev?
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18:21.13iqJuggie: okay, will do that. Thanks
18:21.14Juggiefollow the instructions in README.udev
18:21.29flujanWe have analogic and digital phones... Do you think asterisk can handle about 1000 calls a day without problems?
18:21.42qw3rtyIs there a way to sync or forward LookupBlacklist requests to an external database?
18:21.57[TK]D-Fendersvenna_ : BRI?  Ok, can't help there.. think I've been here before...
18:22.25[TK]D-Fendersvenl : Set "immediate=no" in zapata.conf
18:22.36[TK]D-Fenderflujan : Sure
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18:23.05tank10? for someone
18:23.14svenna_ok, thx again :-)
18:23.23svenna_i go an google a little more...
18:23.46flujan[TK]D-Fender, zoa says that he does something about 2 million calls a day using 4 dual xeons...
18:24.00tank10* box works fine internaly making and reciving calls, works fine when an outbound call comes in.  But when they call outbound there is no voice unless the put the caller on hold than take them off hold.
18:24.14flujan[TK]D-Fender, but i think that it is just IP. Not analog and IP calls... :D
18:24.16[TK]D-Fenderflujan : # call/day isn't the proble, its # of CONCURRENT CALLS that impacts things...
18:24.25tank10not natted
18:24.31jpablohey people, i need some help
18:24.37tainted_anyone have problems with grandstream ATAs?
18:24.52flujan[TK]D-Fender, ok ... How many concurrent calls asterisk can handle?
18:24.53[TK]D-Fenderflujan : And yes channel type can come into play.  it depends on a lot of things.
18:25.02tainted_i get calls that cut out after about 20 minutes
18:25.04jpablothe guy in my telco tells me that i need to set the type of my number to unknow, that im currently sending nationl, im using a digium e1 card with isdn, any ideas ?>
18:25.31flujan[TK]D-Fender, Here we use two E1 links. And about 500 CONCURRENT calls in some moments.
18:25.40[TK]D-Fenderflujan : Again, it depends on a lot of things.  Straight VoIP with no transcoding puts little load on *, just network traffic.  Transcoding really cuts into CPU power, PSTN adds a bit as well..
18:25.52ManxPoweunknown is correct more of the time.
18:26.03flujan[TK]D-Fender, yes we will use transconding...
18:26.10jpabloManxPowe, how i do se it ?
18:26.20[TK]D-Fender2 x E1 = 60 channels +/-.  NO PROBLEM.  If the rest of those 500 calls is just RTP passing between internal phones, then no big deal.
18:26.29kllhow do I set callerpres to hidden in a SIP Realtime setup?
18:26.32ManxPowejust like it says in the .sample config file
18:26.53flujan[TK]D-Fender, i need some guindance since a consulting company just said its impossible to asterisk handle this.
18:27.25tank10[TK]D-Fender I was wondering how that was pulled off.  500 on two E1's. lol
18:27.57tank10flujan of course they did they want to charge you to use cisco call manager or something useless like that
18:28.02jpabloManxPowe, thanks, it worked :D
18:28.21jpabloManxPowe, sorry, i deleted the example file and pasted some lines i found online
18:28.24tank10can someone please assist me with my small issue
18:28.26ManxPowejpablo, there is a reason the sample config file says "you almost never need to use this option"
18:28.31[TK]D-Fendertank10 : No-one said that the 500 calls were going OVER the 2 E1.
18:28.42tank10[TK]D-Fender LOL tis true
18:29.00tank10[TK]D-Fender be a neat trick though talk about compression!
18:29.19[TK]D-Fenderflujan : Make sure your answers are right, because if * is just passing RTP for phone-phone calls internally then it isn't processing that much.  its transcoding / PSTN that really adds to the load
18:29.42iCEBrkrdocelm0: LOL! My boss found the Tampa PHP group
18:29.57MrChimpythrills. I get a yellow alarm on loopback.
18:29.58[TK]D-Fendertank10 : If compression was involved, that would kill the CPU and I couldn't say "yes" :)  The fine-print is EVERYTHING
18:30.10Zodiacalanyone know if theres a way to keep my cisco 7960g phone from causing lost packets when its unpluged?
18:30.17Zodiacalit acts as a switch
18:30.19[TK]D-Fenderrob0 : Glad to help... what did I do fro you again? :)
18:30.24iCEBrkrrob0: There ya go.. Million dollar idea.  Instead of PayPal, it's PayBeer :P
18:30.28Zodiacalbut if unpluged it causes havic
18:30.38tank10[TK]D-Fender When you have a moment i do have a quit complexing problem
18:30.49rob0Told me to look in /proc/interrupts ... we found that there was a shared IRQ.
18:30.51[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : I prefer PayPal personally :)  I'm not much of a drinkier...
18:31.06[TK]D-Fenderrob0 : Oh, and did you get everything out of the way and is it working better now?
18:31.07tainted_waht does this mean: Received VNAK: resending outstanding frames
18:31.24rob0it's fine now with the USB driver unloaded
18:31.37fugitivo[TK]D-Fender: nothing like watching in your monitor how your paypal account gets bigger and bigger
18:32.10[TK]D-Fenderfugitivo : I've had 2 * payoffs to date.  I give a lot out for free but a few bucks is always appreciated...
18:32.28flujan[TK]D-Fender, we will have something about 500 calls running in concurrency. Externals phones... I'm working on a call center. and we will buy another E1 channels...
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18:32.48tainted_can someone help me with calls that are cut short?
18:33.01flujan[TK]D-Fender, which is the best protocol to use? To minimize the transconding... And Can audiocodecs help in my env?
18:33.11iqJuggie: I read readme.udev followed instructions. Changed my udev conf files. But still dont see any zap device in /dev
18:33.42[TK]D-Fenderflujan : inside of your LAN, G.711u
18:34.18Zodiacalany ideas?
18:34.22[TK]D-Fenderflujan : Actually since you're in EU it'd be G.711a = free and the "native" format of audio in your E1 links
18:35.14flujan[TK]D-Fender, would you recomend audiocodecs?
18:35.33[TK]D-Fenderflujan "audiocodecs" ?
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18:36.20asterplease, anybody suggest good termination providers
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18:36.44tank10if you don't need fax broadvoice seems to do a decent job for one of my clients
18:37.39asterwe need in the order of 15,000 mins per month; would you suggest them?
18:37.53PrivalAnyone knows if from the TDM400P pci configuraton space I can find out if FXO or FXS modules are installed and on which ports?
18:38.00Juggieiq, the device wont exist until you load the module
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18:39.25_Sam--broadvoice doesnt do any trunking, so if your 15,000 minutes are incoming it will probably be a pain.
18:40.06_Sam--if you needed 15,000 outgoing it would probably work if you had a bunch of accounts, which would also be a pain
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18:42.11*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (i=north@unaffiliated/qwell)
18:43.27Privalanyone can share his/her lspci -xxx of a configuration using the TDM400P and give me it's module configuration?
18:43.34rob0offtopic, but so what ... :) I am going to build a new server. Have decided I want socket 939 (AMD 64). Any favorite server motherboards?
18:43.42rob0Prival: sure, just a min.
18:43.44Qwell[]rob0: tyan
18:43.46Qwell[]always good
18:44.04flujan[TK]D-Fender, a machine that decode/encode audio. :D
18:44.04Privalrob0: Thanks, what config FXO/FXS do you have?
18:44.12rob0single fxs
18:44.14Qwell[]and if you're going to get a 939 for a should really look at the new 939 opterons...they're hot
18:44.23Qwell[](pun accidental)
18:44.28rob0ok thx Qwell[] :)
18:44.40Qwell[]rob0: 170+, dual core...mmm
18:45.43De_Monif my dialplan has s,n,WaitExten  how long will it wait?
18:46.02Qwell[]De_Mon: until the timeout period, just as though it were a new call, I believe
18:47.17Qwell[]De_Mon: You can also pass in a timeout to waitexten
18:47.42rob0Prival: I posted this yesterday:
18:47.43Privalrob0: do you want to e-mail it directy to me?
18:47.51Privalrob0: great thanks.
18:47.53*** join/#asterisk }btorch{ (n=kvirc@
18:47.59De_Monhmm, I'll have to try it again, the timeout seemed loger than the set timeout,  it would be response timeout, not digits timeout?
18:48.11iqCan anyone help me set up my first T1 card - its digium TE110P
18:48.23De_Mondigits timeout is for after the first # is received
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18:48.38}btorch{anyon eher ehas used or likes the grandstream sip phones ?
18:49.06Qwell[]}btorch{: no and no
18:49.11MrChimpyonly problem I had configuring TDM400 was realising that I needed to do fxoks=1 and fxsks=4 according to the physical positions of the cards
18:49.17rob0Qwell[]: I should add that I don't know much about modern hardware. I really just want something in the AMD 64 architecture, to get out of ix86 (which is all I've ever had.) Someone recommended 939 to me.
18:49.18Qwell[]They're pretty much junk...
18:49.24iqwhen I do "modprobe wct1xxp" I get this messag "Module wct1xxp not found". I updated my udev .conf files. But still dont see any device in /dev
18:49.36Qwell[]rob0: if you want amd, you really have 2 choices.  939 and 940
18:49.42justinuiq: that problem has nothing to do with /dev
18:49.43MrChimpyrather than it just doing them sequentially - my card turned up with modules in 1 and 4 but all the sample configs were 1 and 2
18:49.44justinuor udev
18:49.51Qwell[]939 is athlon64, and (now) dualcore single config opterons
18:50.04iqjustinu: could you give me a starting point please
18:50.07Qwell[]940 is mostly 2+ opterons, and I think it might include a few athlons
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18:50.24rob0ok that helps Qwell[], thx again.
18:50.36Privalrob0: I need the pci configuration space also: lspci -xxx -s 00:09.0
18:50.44Qwell[]rob0: I would check out newegg, and go through their CPU list.  They have a good "search" tool
18:50.45rob0Prival: ok
18:50.45De_Monis 64bit hardware worth it yet
18:50.52Qwell[]De_Mon: totally
18:50.54ghento2Hi folks.  I'm using Record() to record voice messages into wav files.  Which conf file do I go to edit the voice quality?  I want to increase it
18:51.08justinuiq: how about just modprobe zaptel?
18:51.08Qwell[](and their prices aren't bad, to boot)
18:51.22De_Mon^_^  I need to upgrade an old thunderbird, I'll have to look into it closer.
18:51.27Qwell[]newegg should pay me, I swear...I'm a damn good spokesperson
18:51.28iqjustinu: FATAL: Module zaptel not found.
18:51.39justinuiq: did you compile and install zaptel ?
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18:51.56Qwell[]I applied for a job at newegg...didn't get a response...bastards
18:52.02iqjustinu: it is installed. I can see all .ko module files under kernel folder
18:52.18De_MonI use googlegear almost as often as newegg
18:52.33justinuiq: hmm, some kind of problem with the running kernel vs. kernel sources installed, maybe.
18:52.35Qwell[]didn't googlegear change names like...2 years ago?
18:52.48Qwell[]whatever :p
18:52.58tuxinator_linuxI like newegg also
18:53.12MrChimpydo E1s usually use HDB3 framing or is AMI reasonably common
18:53.16Qwell[]if I buy something from newegg, if I do ground shipping, I can guarantee it'll be in my hands the next morning
18:53.19iqjustinu: reinstalling might help? Actually, on this specific machine I used asterisk@home. Did not compile myself
18:53.56justinuiq: yeah - bad call w/ a@h
18:53.56jbalcombok, so if I set my phone to Send DTMF via 'rfc2833' and my entry in the sip.conf to dtmfmode=rfc2833 then that works for just my phone?
18:54.06De_Monoh yeah.. I just goto googleglear and follow the link :P
18:54.09justinuiq: you could try downloading the zaptel source and build it yourself
18:54.21jbalcomband all the other phones can still be set to DTMF via SIP INFO and dtmfmode=info?
18:54.29iqjustinu: oh you think so... shall I rebuild the machine with CentOS and compile everything manually?
18:54.37Privalrob0: Many bytes differ... I'll need to get more samples of different config to figure it out. Thanks.
18:54.45Qwell[]jbalcomb: Yes, they must always match
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18:54.47justinuiq: i would do that.
18:54.49Privalanyone can share his/her lspci -xxx of a configuration using the TDM400P and give me it's module configuration?
18:54.59Qwell[]Prival: It shows up as tigerjet
18:55.05jbalcombQwell but theres not trouble having some phones set to sip info and some to rfc2833?
18:55.14iqjustinu: thanks... I will do that on monday I guess... :)
18:55.16Qwell[]jbalcomb: not really
18:55.22jbalcombQwell ok, thanks
18:55.41Qwell[]I mean...if they get reinvited to each other, then yeah, maybe...but a phone won't understand dtmf anyhow
18:55.48justinuiq: i run centos 4.2, and everything build and installs fine
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18:56.24PrivalQwell: I need the configuration space bytes 00 through ff
18:56.48iqjustinu: i c. So I'll install latest stable CentOS and then get subversion of Asterisk source and compile myself. Is there anything else I need to take care of while doing that? Shall I leave the T1 card inside or remove it ?
18:57.03justinuiq: i recommend going with the latest stable asterisk tarballs... 1.2.2
18:57.06Qwell[]iq leave it in
18:57.09justinuleave your t1 card in
18:57.09*** join/#asterisk wizard545 (n=wizard@tor/session/x-cd59cdce9845d479)
18:57.22PrivalQwell: do lspci -xxx and you will see a bunch of hex bytes. This is known as the PCI configuration space for each devuce
18:57.25justinuget asterisk-1.2.2.tar.gz, zaptel-1.2.2.tar.gz
18:57.31Qwell[]Prival: yes, but why?
18:57.33iqjustinu: Qwell[]: okay, I'll do that. Thanks :)
18:57.45Qwell[]you don't need it to do the config
18:57.46justinuiq: good luck
18:57.53justinuman, these GXP2000s are retarded
18:57.58iqjustinu: ya - need lots of it ;) ...thanks again
18:58.05PrivalWqell: I need to find a way to identify which modules (FXO or FXS) and on which ports by software
18:58.08justinuthey DHCP for an address, but they won't get the tftp server from DHCP!!!
18:58.24wizard545which is the best to use out of this list...  Vocoder:  g729, g711 ulaw, g726-32.
18:58.25Qwell[]Prival: it doesn't show the ports, only the main board
18:58.54Qwell[]you could probably use one of the zt* programs to find out
18:59.10Qwell[]wizard545: depends
18:59.14justinuprival: cat /proc/zaptel/1
18:59.18PrivalIt might in the configuration space. For exemple the 1st 4 bytes of the configuration space is the manufacturer id and device id: 59 e1 01 00 = e159:0001
18:59.20Qwell[]or that
18:59.30wizard545i need fast, ok quality
18:59.34Qwell[]Prival: it doesn't change when you change modules
18:59.46Qwell[]wizard545: 80k per channel okay?
19:00.06Privaljustinu: that find after zaptel has loaded. I need to do this during our OS install in order to automatically do a pre-configuration of zaptel...
19:00.07wizard545... rather it be a lot less
19:00.13Qwell[]Then use g729
19:00.17wizard545this is for a large concurrent setup
19:00.20justinuwizard545: g711 if you have bandwidth and want toll quality, otherwise g729
19:00.28justinuprival: ahh
19:00.31Qwell[]with a log of calls, transcoding g729 is expensive
19:00.43De_Monwhat about gsm?
19:00.47justinuPrival: i think you'll have to talk with the guys who designed the digium cards
19:00.55PrivalQwell: you know that for a fact? menufacturer id and device id won't change, the the other 508 bytes might...
19:01.06justinuprival: or look at the zaptel kernel module code and figure out how they inventory the hardware.
19:01.16wizard545on a p3 server.. on a 100meg line (datacenter) how many calls can I concurrently run?
19:01.21wizard545anyone got a ballpark
19:01.23Privaljustinu: just e-mailed them...
19:01.27Qwell[]wizard545: a lot more if you do g711
19:01.29justinuwizard545: 30-40 g729 calls
19:01.40Qwell[]30-40?  on a p3?
19:01.44justinuwizard545: if you're transcoding
19:01.48De_Mona p3 what?
19:01.55Qwell[]350, heh
19:01.56De_Mon250mhz p3?
19:01.57justinuoh, i had a dual p3-600 benchmarked out at 40
19:02.10Qwell[]alright, so maybe 30-40 then
19:02.14Qwell[]still more with ulaw
19:02.23justinuyeah, 100+ w/ ulaw
19:02.25wizard545on a p4 2ghz.. could be a lot more?
19:02.38justinuwizard545: i get about 80 g729 channels on a 3.0 xeon
19:02.51De_Monwhat should my codec order be? I thought gsm was the better solution
19:03.00wizard545so this isn't gonna break the bank.. rock on
19:03.00Qwell[]De_Mon: gsm sounds icky
19:03.19De_Monulaw, alaw, gsm ?
19:03.21wizard545i work at a datacenter... we have boxes laying around everywhere
19:03.26Qwell[]no need for ulaw and alaw
19:03.35Qwell[]I mean, not both
19:04.03rob0Qwell[]: chipset preference for a good server board?
19:04.20Qwell[]rob0: got me...
19:04.27wizard545another quick question.. we bought a port from telesip.. it never rings busy using the same DID with like 6 calls, is that normal? i thought one port could only handle one or two calls
19:04.28brad_msswgsm isn't too bad ... just most devices don't support gsm
19:04.39justinugsm is sucks
19:04.46justinui hate my cell phone
19:04.47rob0ok thx again
19:05.03Qwell[]wizard545: most per minute providers will let you have an infinite number of simultaneous calls
19:05.38justinuyou can make it "ring busy" if you want :P
19:05.55wizard545i'm on  the "unlimited plan"
19:06.03wizard545no per minute, which is cool
19:06.13Qwell[]Then they're probably charging you extra for each extra simultaneous call
19:06.24wizard545i'll check haha
19:06.34jbothmm... unlimited is <Nugget> unlimited voip == punch the monkey to win a free ipod
19:06.50justinuyeah, be careful
19:07.15justinuwizard545; try a prepaid account, something like junctionnetworks, asterlink, voicepulse, etc.
19:07.56wizard545it's for a calling card business
19:08.18fileyou are not going to run a calling card business of an unlimited plan
19:08.21justinuwell... chances are you'll get burned by the SIP provider if you go over their idea of what unlimited is
19:08.35brad_msswjustinu: btw, i got a response from junctionnetworks about the outage ... did you?
19:08.41filethey will probably fire you
19:08.44justinubrad_mssw: nope! they don't like me
19:09.20Zodiacal-on the cisco 7960g's lcd, are the 6 buttons on the right for real phone lines or for internal extention's?
19:09.31brad_msswjustinu: "There was a major MPLS conflict between Level 3 and WCG (recently purchased by Level 3).  It was resolved at around 1pm (EST). We are planning a major capital outlay to fully upgrade our network over the next 3-4 weeks.  One of the enhancements will be to acquire secondary and tertiary carriers."
19:09.35justinuthey're "line appearances"
19:09.53Zodiacal-justinu ok that confuses me. in the dox they say lines.. but im not sure which
19:10.08Zodiacal-justinu does that mean they can be either?
19:10.09justinubrad_mssw: interesting
19:10.27justinuZodiacal: not sure about cisco specifically, but on polycom yes.
19:10.53pigpenI have a business partner that is trying to convince me that Asterisk@Home can be used in the corporate environment....Could someone please help me either way.  Anything@Home I am not crazy about.
19:11.10Zodiacal-justinu okie i guess i need to read more.. they seem to act like external lines, but i would rather them be extentions..
19:11.21filepigpen: well, the chance of you getting help on that in here is very slim, so that shows you how we feel :)
19:11.35fileI won't even help with A@H for money.
19:11.50pigpenfile: yeah, that is what I figured...nor would I...
19:12.13jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender We have a 'Wildcard TE411P' .. is that decent for EC?
19:12.37tuxinator_linuxjbalcomb: EC?
19:12.50pigpenSo, better off just loading my own and doing AMP, etc... ? (for those that -must- have  a GUI)
19:12.53tainted_can anyone help me with calls that get cut short?
19:12.58justinupigpen: probably
19:13.10jbalcombtuxinator_linux echo cancellation
19:13.13Qwell[]file: What if I offered you muffins?
19:13.19pigpenThanks all...
19:13.23fileQwell[]: I'd type rm -rf / :P
19:13.25De_Monmost soft phones support G.711, gsm looks like thats the order I want them in
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19:15.16*** join/#asterisk Billy (
19:15.58asterhello - I am trying to transcode between gsm and ulaw. I allowed only gsm in iax.conf and allow=ulaw in my sip conf
19:16.22asterhow can I make sure that the transcoding is taking place. Any comment to check at CLI?
19:16.34BillyHaving an issue with tdm2400 install - anyone able to help?
19:16.35Qwell[]file: rm: cannot remove `:P': No such file or directory
19:16.45tzangerQwell[]: heh
19:16.55justinuugh, analog problems
19:16.59wizard545is 1 penny a minute high?
19:17.10Qwell[]wizard545: No, but it'll be a crap provider
19:17.24Qwell[]cheap, reliable, good customer service...pick up to 2
19:17.38fileQwell[]: evil!
19:17.39Qwell[](if you get below a certain price, you choose cheap twice)
19:18.13brad_msswQwell[]: ok, I choose  reliable and good customer service ... who is that ?
19:18.22Qwell[]4) has a dns server that doesn't hate you
19:18.31Qwell[]brad_mssw: asterlink/nufone
19:18.46brad_msswQwell[]: asterlink's website doesn't even come up for me
19:18.55Qwell[]brad_mssw: See above :P
19:18.56brad_msswQwell[]: nufone only offer's michigan phone numbers
19:19.04Qwell[]they both offer 8xx dids
19:19.32brad_msswQwell[]: yeah, still need to move over some 321 and 352 did's though :/  though I guess those could be hosted elsewhere
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19:21.00Qwell[]file: status of CA dids?
19:21.06Qwell[]my CA, not yours
19:21.38pigpenanyone know how to tell what clec owns a particular npa-nxx ?
19:21.40iCEBrkrIs that anything I can fix? or even have to worry about?
19:21.50brad_msswwhat is the address of nufone's IAX server?  want to run a latency test
19:22.06Qwell[]dunno, not at home
19:22.08iCEBrkrbrad_mssw: It's not nice to run 'ping -f'
19:22.32MrChimpyfeckin 411P ain't talking
19:23.11brad_msswiCEBrkr: was thinking more along the lines of traceroute to see how far away they are
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19:23.56pifiucan someone tell me how to setup IAX in between 2 servers so they talk to each other?
19:24.56pardovehas anybody used spandsp-0.0.2pre22?
19:25.43wizard545how many companies do the actual termination? like voip to pstn
19:25.57pardovehas anybody used spandsp-0.0.2pre22?
19:25.58Billypardove: I tried once.
19:26.09caio1982pardove: yes
19:26.10pardoveBilly: did u have any success?
19:26.25BillyCouldn't compile it.
19:26.46BillyI don't think it liked my AMD 64
19:27.00pardovei've compiled it but cant get any fax!!!!
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19:28.28BillyI'm lookign for my notes on Asterisk config for fax
19:28.38KattyBilly: did you look under the bed?
19:29.10pardoveBilly: downgrading to spandsp-0.0.2pre21 solves the problem.
19:29.46beebzis there a way to loop a playback() until someone picks up an extension?
19:30.00BillyKatty: I'm afraid to look under my bed.
19:30.06brad_msswanyone have nufone's iax server address so I can traceroute it ?
19:30.42pardovebtw, has anybody made spandsp-0.0.2pre22 to work?
19:30.46coppicespandsp and the fax apps work just fine on AMD64 machines
19:30.54KattyBilly: )=
19:31.13pardovei'm talking about it's new version: "spandsp-0.0.2pre22"
19:31.50brad_msswAriel_: thanks
19:31.50SamoiedAnyone have the BETATEST firmware for Grandstream HT488?
19:32.08SamoiedThe directory in /BETATEST/ is empty!
19:32.15Qwell[]it isn't enough to use crap it's crap phones with crap firmware
19:32.17brad_msswpardove: doesn't work for me ... even if I do it 100% on my local network
19:32.34_Sam--the gxp2000s arent really that bad!
19:32.56Qwell[]_Sam--: Do they have a speaker phone?
19:32.59_Sam--of course
19:33.08Qwell[]one that isn't complete junk?
19:33.08pifiuwhat are some good dependable IP phones that are not expensive?
19:33.09pardovebrad_mssw: i've the same problem. fax tone is listened but it fails all the time :(
19:33.13pifiufor my grandmother
19:33.14Billypardove: I had problems with pre20.  haven't tried latest - sorry.
19:33.20Qwell[]pifiu: I hear the spa941 is good
19:33.23pifiuneed to give me one to her and one to my parents
19:33.27brad_msswpardove: yeah, it acts like it's doing something ... but nothing works
19:33.27pifiusomething like stupid easy to use
19:33.34_Sam--qwell...i guess its more a matter of what you compare them to.  its an 85 dollar phone with 200 dollar features
19:33.44_Sam--and in my mind, it blows away the 941 twice the money
19:33.50brad_msswQwell[]: yeah, got a 941 here ... much nicer than I expected
19:33.53_Sam--the 941 comes with 2 lines, pay extra for another 2
19:33.54BillyAnyone help with tdm2400 problem?
19:34.01Qwell[]Billy only if you ask
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19:34.05pardovewe must find steveu now
19:34.08justinu_Sam--: you run GXPs?
19:34.18_Sam--i do...not hundreds, but dozens.
19:34.26[av]banigxp2000 is suprising for $80
19:34.31brad_msswpardove: he's in here as coppice
19:34.32justinu_Sam--: figured out TFTP provisioning?
19:34.47brad_msswpardove: he'll probably kill me for telling you that though
19:34.48Kattytftp makes me all sad inside.
19:34.54zoasam, the st302 is even better and cheaper
19:34.54pardovebut he doesn't answer his mails ;(
19:34.56Qwell[]Katty: tftp doesn't like you
19:35.00KattyQwell[]: i knew it :<
19:35.10_Sam--i was going to use tftp for the last 12 i did, but even with tftp you cant fully configure everything from what i saw
19:35.25Kattytftp is like a teddybear without a human.
19:35.25BillyInstalled tdm2400 with one FXO.  modprobe works fine, all tests look good.  asterisk starts fine, finds channels . . .
19:35.32Qwell[]_Sam--: yeah, that totally sounds like a $200 feature
19:35.54pardovecan anybody make a contact with him, it's about 10days that he has put new buggy version in his site...
19:35.54BillyDialing won't pick up line.
19:36.03Samoiedanyone use Handytone with T.38?
19:36.11Kattydialing isn't a good pickup line anyway.
19:36.16BillyDialing in won't answer.
19:36.17SamoiedMy HT488 dont detect Fax signal
19:36.24tuxinator_linuxKatty, you're funny
19:36.34Kattytuxinator_linux: i'm feeling funny.
19:36.49Kattytuxinator_linux: might be all that caffeine i just drank.
19:36.53justinu_Sam--: the problem with TFTP I've found is you still have to punch the damn TFTP IP address into the phone!
19:36.57Billyztmonitor sees dialing and voice on handset, but handset doesn't have any sound.
19:36.59justinuthat's so retarded
19:37.10Kattylet's not insult the challenged.
19:37.14_Sam--justinu:  if you have a hub you can configure your IP to one the phone is looking for
19:37.16Qwell[]handset?  fxo?  huh?
19:37.17Kattythey needs teddybears too.
19:37.19_Sam--and it will connect with no changes
19:37.26Qwell[]Billy: Surely you don't have phones plugged into your FXO?
19:37.27justinu_Sam--: hub?
19:37.32_Sam--yeah a cheap ass hub
19:37.35BillySIP handest that origniated the call through zap channel
19:37.36_Sam--10/100 hub
19:37.40brad_msswok, anyone have any input on the most reliable voip provider for business ?
19:37.44_Sam--configure your box with the ip the phone is looking for
19:37.47justinui don't get it... i have a PoE network
19:37.47_Sam--plug it into the cheap ass hub
19:37.52_Sam--plug the phone into the hub
19:37.53Qwell[]BillyL sounds like a SIP issue then
19:37.58_Sam--turn it on, the phone will connect to your computer
19:38.06_Sam--i used ethereal to dump the IP it was looking for
19:38.08justinui just want the phones to DCHP and get a config like like the polycoms do!
19:38.17*** join/#asterisk kjl (n=junk@
19:38.26justinui shouldn't have to know anything other than the MAC of the phone
19:38.45Qwell[]mac addresses are for wussies
19:38.46_Sam--how do the phones know where to get the config file from?
19:38.50BillyTDM400's work fine on same machine and setup.  only difference is tdm2400 instead.
19:38.51Qwell[]XMLDefault.cnf.xml :p
19:38.54Kattytwisted[asteria]: ping!
19:38.59justinu_Sam--: from the DHCP server!
19:39.07pardovecan anybody make a contact with "steveu", it's about 10days that he has put new buggy version of spandsp (0.0.2pre22) in his site...
19:39.13Qwell[]pardove: coppice
19:39.27Qwell[]he just said it worked fine.  it's you
19:39.28*** join/#asterisk gaz00 (n=darren@
19:39.33[av]banipardove: he's hiding from you. he said you're scary.
19:39.36coppiceif pre22 proves buggy, use pre21
19:39.39*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (n=juanjoc@
19:39.50[av]bani  \o/
19:39.54pardovepre21 works just fine
19:40.02*** join/#asterisk basta (n=basta@
19:40.20pardovei've sent a mail to *-users regarding the problem with debug details
19:40.54pardovecoppice: the fax tone is heard fine but no fax is recieved
19:40.57BillyIs there anything wierd/unique about the 25 pair connector?  I'm using a standard telco 25 pair, connecting to the first four lines.
19:41.10pardovedowngrading to -pre21 solves the problem
19:41.23coppiceso use pre21
19:41.45juanjocHas anyone ever used the 'trustrpid' setting in sip.conf and verified that it works?
19:42.02juanjocI mean, when setting trustrpid=yes
19:42.07pardovecoppice: :-) i want to know if the bug is confirmed or not?
19:42.25_Sam--justinu:  im sorry to sound stupid (only because i am) but if you have 1 config file for dozens of phones, how do the phones get the SIP user info / details?
19:42.40zoahey ho sam
19:42.41Qwell[]_Sam--: By not using shitty phones. :)
19:42.55zoaidefisk for mac will support zeroconf
19:42.55Qwell[]and you don't have just one config
19:43.04*** join/#asterisk NDT (
19:43.06coppicedunno. apart from you and people having trouble because they put 0.0.3 on their machines, I haven't had any real feedback about pre22
19:43.07Qwell[]zoa: Where is idefisk for Linux? :p
19:43.11jbalcombiCEBrkr any reason to go with the SPA-3000 rather than SPA-2002? we are looking at using them for fax machines.
19:43.13_Sam--you have a cfg file for each phone?  according to grandstream, you would have a cfg-mac-address for each phone
19:43.14justinu_Sam--: you have one config file per phone.
19:43.19justinuthat's right.
19:43.34*** join/#asterisk paulos_ (
19:43.36brad_msswjbalcomb: unless you need an FXO, i wouldn't think there's a reason
19:43.52_Sam--so how you make, say 200 config files, 1 for each user?  just a shell type script?
19:44.02NDTFor 5ess... for switchtype do you just put 5ess? Or is it a different syntax like NI2 being national?
19:44.10jbalcombbrad_mssw: what is an FXO and what is it for?
19:44.15Qwell[]You people and your silly SIP...
19:44.19Qwell[]zoa: That new?
19:44.19justinu_Sam-: something like that
19:44.26pardovecoppice: a full debug of app_rxfax is put on the *-users. subject is "spandsp-0.0.2pre22 not working"
19:44.31_Sam--and then you have to find the mac of each phone?
19:44.42justinuyeah, it's printed on the bottom of the phone
19:44.42_Sam--might as well just configure them manually
19:44.49justinuyou're crazy
19:44.54Qwell[]I swear I just looked for a Linux version a few days ago
19:44.59_Sam--it takes me about 2 minutes per gxp2000
19:45.02zoait just came out 2 days ago
19:45.03_Sam--to do it from the web interface
19:45.14_Sam--it would take longer to do it automated
19:45.15justinu_Sam--: i'd rather have those 2 minutes of my life back
19:45.22zoaits pretty new so might have some bugs
19:45.24Qwell[]zoa: expect a bunch of feedback from me :p
19:45.28_Sam--it would take 1 minute to look up the mac and type cfg-mac
19:45.31zoai had one bugreport on 150 downloads so far
19:45.40*** join/#asterisk Iam8up|lappy (
19:45.45zoawith a second audio device that was not working
19:45.46Iam8up|lappyi don't get it
19:45.47zoadunno why
19:45.48Qwell[]it does sip and aix, right?
19:45.50zoahard to debug
19:45.51justinu_Sam--: sometimes you can't always get to the web interface of the phone
19:45.53zoaonly iax for now
19:45.55zoaworking on sip
19:45.56Qwell[]iax rather
19:45.59justinu_Sam--: like when it's at a customer who's behind nat
19:46.00Qwell[]does the windows client do sip?
19:46.04zoanot yet
19:46.16Qwell[]Do the two share any code?
19:46.24zoathe iaxclient library
19:46.25BillyKatty: are you a bot?
19:46.26zoathats all
19:46.32zoathe rest is completely different code
19:46.41zoabut mac and linux share quite a lot of code
19:47.10KattyBilly: no, that's jbalcomb
19:47.14KattyBilly: i mean jbot
19:47.16zoano idea
19:47.16*** part/#asterisk greendisease (n=greendis@fedora/greendisease)
19:47.17_Sam--i do hear what youre saying...but why wouldnt you configure the phones before you put them behind the nat? :)
19:47.21zoai didnt write it
19:47.28_Sam--like i configure my phones, then i install them
19:47.32_Sam--not vice versa
19:47.36BillyKatty: If you were, you'd be a good one.
19:47.36KattyBilly: and /yes/ before you ask, i am female.
19:47.40justinu_Sam--: things change...
19:47.56KattyBilly: i'm going to take that as a compliment.
19:48.07_Sam--fair enough, im just trying to understand, not trying to be a jackass (comes naturally)
19:48.11KattyBilly: because it would insanely annoy me if you were suggesting i was dumb.
19:48.40justinu_Sam--: walking a customer thru a web interface is something I don't enjoy doing
19:48.48jbalcombKatty: Woman! I ain't no bot!
19:48.56Kattyjbalcomb: i sowwy.
19:49.04paulos_Hi, all. I'm using Unicall/MFC-R2. I got the following: Unicall/XX protocol error. Cause 32773
19:49.07Kattyjbalcomb: you screwed up my tab completeyness.
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19:49.18rob0<== a bot which uses /dev/random
19:49.26_Sam--there's a way to configure those grandstreams to do exactly what you want using a central provisioning server...but its exactly as you you have to configure the phone first to use it.
19:49.36jbalcombKatty: yeah, cause IRC knows better than to let some damn bot have priority over me
19:49.36De_Montrying to use h263 and I'm getting errors and no video: Jan 20 14:48:58 WARNING[12476]: chan_sip.c:3470 process_sdp: Unknown SDP media type in offer: video 13928 RTP/AVP 105 106 107 108 109 104 103 34
19:49.40Qwell[]why wouldn't you configure a phone before using it?
19:49.53Kattyjbalcomb: :>
19:49.57_Sam--you have to configure the phone to use the central provisioning server
19:49.59jbalcombKatty :)
19:50.05Qwell[]_Sam--: That's dumb
19:50.10justinu_Sam--: compeltely stupid
19:50.13BillyKatty: ooo look what I started!
19:50.14Qwell[]like I said, they're crap phones
19:50.21iccomputingIam8up:<name>++ is for upping someones Karma if they are helping you out
19:50.22KattyBilly: and look what i finished.
19:50.30_Sam--thats not true, but you can have your opinion.
19:50.37_Sam--they are cheap phones that work well for cheap phones.
19:50.43*** join/#asterisk pardove (n=pardove@
19:50.48justinuthey need some work
19:50.50justinubut they hold promise
19:51.04Qwell[]I doubt we'll ever see a GS come out that people like...
19:51.04zoa_Sam--: the st302's are even better
19:51.12zoaand the thomsons are incredible
19:51.45*** join/#asterisk simone (
19:52.07justinuqwell: if they'd just open source the firmware........
19:52.09_Sam--i havent seen the st302 here
19:52.13_Sam--<jbalcomb> Katty: Woman! I ain't no bot!
19:52.13_Sam--<Katty> jbalcomb: i sowwy.
19:52.15Qwell[]meh, even that won't help
19:52.20zoahave a look at the thomson
19:52.24Qwell[]the hardware itself is junk
19:52.37*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
19:52.51generalhanHey Everyone, i just upgraded to 1.2.1 and im getting some errors ive never seen before when i tail the message log, can some one please take a look at these and see if i should be worried about any of them ???
19:53.20justinuqwell: i'm a bit more optimistic, i guess
19:53.20[av]banihave a source for st302 sales?
19:53.32gaz00anyone got a recommendation for a voip provider in canada?
19:53.42[av]baniQwell[]: people were saying that about sipura... then the 941 came out :)
19:54.10[av]baniand everyone was OMG OMG
19:54.11Qwell[]worst I heard about the sipura was that the buttons were sticky, or something
19:54.53justinuyeah, the buttons suck
19:54.57justinuand the speakerphone sucks
19:55.01justinuotherwise, it's a fine phone
19:55.31generalhananyone have any suggestions about these errors ? ? i need some serious help
19:56.20tainted_how do u guys solve NAT cutting off calls?
19:56.33tainted_do u open/forward ports for RTP stream?
19:56.46gaz00can't use iax?
19:56.48jbalcombgeneralhan: the msg about dundi, cdr_custom, and extensions.ael are irrelevant
19:56.51_Sam--nat usually doesnt cut calls off, in my may prevent you from making them, or prevent you from hearing the other party or vice versa
19:56.56tainted_gaz00 unfortunately no
19:57.03[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : You have bugs in your dial-plan
19:57.07tainted_do STUN servers help NAT issues?
19:57.09Qwell[]the router could lose the port mapping
19:57.09[av]banitainted_: proper nat support in your client
19:57.12Qwell[]not uncommon with dlinks
19:57.20[av]banistun servers only help if your client properly supports it
19:57.21tainted_[av]bani meaning
19:57.37generalhan[TK]: any idea where they might be by looking at the errors ?
19:57.41[av]baniapparently, the expensive polycoms have shit nat support
19:57.58[av]baniwhile the cheapy gxp2000 have great nat
19:58.04generalhancuase this config worked for the 1.0.9 implimentation, and i just upgraded and now nothing works
19:58.09tainted_i have polycom 301 and gs 488s
19:58.12tainted_both have nat issues
19:58.13_Sam--i dont have any problems with any SIP or IAX client behind 1 single firewall using nat=yes
19:58.20jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender We have a Wildcard TE411P and a Wildcard TE110P (unused)
19:58.29[av]baniyou really want to use stun with a grandstream, it is able to figure most of the nat stuff out that way just fine
19:58.41tainted__Sam-- what router, SIP client
19:59.00[av]baniand yeah, you need nat=yes in sip.conf for the extension
19:59.12[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : I suggest napalm for them :D
19:59.15[av]banitoo bad asterisk isnt smart enough to auto-detect
19:59.39[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : it tells you the line #!  go look at it.
19:59.39jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender nice
19:59.43*** join/#asterisk benjk (
19:59.56[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : So whatcha doing about your "issues"?
20:00.04[av]banitainted_: in fact, i don't think the grandstream will properly do nat without a stun server
20:00.10jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender staring at my screen
20:00.22_Sam--ive used xlite, idefisk (IAX), sipps, gxp2000s all behind residential type gateways no problem....
20:00.23[av]baniat least, i had problems till i set a stun server up for it to use
20:00.24jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender taking extra smoke breaks
20:00.45_Sam--where they are behind 1 single firewall, register to remote hosts fine, and make and receive calls fine, behind a firewall, with nothing special.
20:01.06*** join/#asterisk FastJack (
20:01.13generalhan[TK]D-Fender: ok i fixed the issues in the dial plan that was just retardism, but im still getting this one that i dont understand .. any ideas on this one ? Failed to load configuration file. M
20:01.13generalhanodule not activated.
20:01.27generalhansorry guys that was an accident i was suposed to paste the pastebin url
20:01.35MrChimpyi'm confused. if you're using TE411P should zaptel be using libpri?
20:02.26tainted_[av]bani should i set up my own STUN server or use a public one
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20:02.51[av]banitainted_: i never had luck using a public server, i set up my own
20:03.02tainted_which stun server did u use?
20:03.10_Sam--someone said that xten runs a public stun server that works well
20:04.03pigpenHere is a nice little NPA-NXX Lookup:
20:04.35[av]banithat stun server worked for me with gxp-2000 and spa-3000
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20:07.06*** part/#asterisk Samoied (
20:11.12De_Monoh, hello..  I needed to uncomment videosupport=yes
20:11.41De_Monhow does stun work? I need a diagram.  I mean, how does asterisk know about the stun server?
20:12.11*** join/#asterisk ^^Gu[L]Can (n=MetRopoL@
20:12.11justinuread the STUN rfc
20:12.54pifiuin IAX, the "user" is the server and the "peer" is the client?
20:13.12iccomputingDe_Mon: I dont think that the Asterisk server ever knows about the STUN per say...
20:13.41iccomputingfrom my experience, the STUN is just a proxy that forwards packets in and out of your NAT'd network to avoid the firewall...
20:14.21justinustun isn't a proxy at all
20:14.53iccomputingI may be wrong, but from what i have experienced, there is no Asterisk config for the for a diagram, not sure...
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20:15.08iccomputingsorry, maybe proxy was the wrong term but i dont know what else to call it..
20:15.13DarkFlibblestun allows a client to understand the firewalls/translations between it and the net
20:15.33DarkFlibbleasterisk doesn't need to understand the client should make the changes
20:15.35justinuit doesn't proxy/forward any packets
20:15.55iccomputingmy mistake...that was my impression...thank you for clarifying
20:17.12iccomputingWe use the FWD stun server for some of our Wifi works great
20:17.24iccomputingsince it worked, i never bothered to find out why =P
20:18.37De_Monso stun just tells the client "that address is behind NAT here's how to reach them"
20:18.48}btorch{anyone here can recomend an USB phone that  can be used with * .. cheap one
20:18.55justinustun tells the client what kind of NAt it's behind, and what it's external IPs are
20:19.04justinuthat's it
20:19.18De_Moninteresting, ok.
20:19.38iccomputing}btorch{: AU100...its a neat little IAX phone..
20:20.00iccomputingwe have had some bugs with the buttons...namely, the hang up button just puts people on hold =)
20:20.21Iam8up|lappyactually firefly seems to thin kthat the disconnect button is the same as the connect button
20:20.30DarkFlibbleSTUN can even cope with really strange NAT setups... (its worked with a dual net setup for me but YMMV)
20:20.31}btorch{iccomputing:  what about SIP ?
20:20.33Iam8up|lappyi'm sure theres a better softphone app out there that handles those phones correctly
20:20.40X-FilesIn eyeBeam worked Users status online, Video stream and Message ?
20:21.03iccomputing}btorch{: why use SIP if you have Asterisk???
20:21.23*** join/#asterisk h3x0r (n=h3xor@
20:21.51}btorch{is IAX better ? Is just that I have been familiar with SIP and using x-lite so .. never changed  to IAX
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20:22.27jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: whats the trouble with those cards? I am not seeing anything out there about issues connected with them.
20:22.29}btorch{actually i don't have a production box yet .. still shopping for parts like phones and stuff so I guess I have time to decide
20:22.35De_Monfor menu recordings, I am better off recording in PCM(ulaw) and then creating gsm's to avoid transcoding, right?
20:22.41iccomputing}btorch{: if you are using Asterisk, IAX is much much has no NAT problems and the packets are less piggy ..about 30k instead of the SIP 80k packets..
20:22.54Qwell[]De_Mon: If you're using gsm, sure
20:23.00[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon : depends if your server is under a lot of load or now
20:23.11Qwell[]iccomputing: The last part of that statement was very incorrect
20:23.17}btorch{and using IAX2 on * I could have say 100+ users ?
20:23.35Qwell[]so was the first part
20:23.44De_Monnot really under load, but I'd rather not have to 'fix it' later
20:23.45Iam8up|lappyQwell[] - correct us, please =)
20:23.47zoabtorch, yes
20:23.57iccomputing}btorch{: Use IAX if you will have less problems!! however, most handset phones are big deal, just more config...the beauty of IAX on usb phones is the mobility
20:23.59Qwell[]iax and sip packet sizes depend on the codec
20:24.17Qwell[]what's to explain?
20:24.33iccomputingmy experience is 24 - 30k IAX packets and 80k packets on standard ulaw? am i wrong?
20:24.40Qwell[]extremely wrong
20:24.41[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : You mean what wrong with your 2 T1 cards?
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20:24.52Qwell[]considering ulaw is 64k without overhead
20:25.14[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : PM
20:25.21iccomputingi can get them to like lower with g729...but some equipment doesnt support it
20:25.35Qwell[]add overhead in there, and you've at 80k, whether you use sip or iax
20:25.49iccomputingi am talking real world with overhead...
20:25.55}btorch{iccomputing: what you mean by just more config... on the usb phones ?
20:25.55Qwell[]yes, 80k, regardless
20:26.03Qwell[]you want less, use a different codec
20:26.04jaikeits 84kbps
20:26.07}btorch{does x-lite work with IAX ?
20:26.18Qwell[]jaike: yes, yes, get technical :P
20:26.19jaikeg729 is 27k
20:26.32iccomputingour traffic managers show 80k RTP with SIP and 30-40 with IAX...
20:26.36Qwell[]iccomputing: and iax is not "much much better" than sip
20:26.41Qwell[]iccomputing well, they're wrong
20:26.54jaikeiccomputing: your iax channels are using a diff codec
20:26.56}btorch{I'm gonna create some aix extensions and test them out next week
20:27.18Qwell[]aix?  I wish asterisk did aix
20:27.22iccomputing}btorch{: more NAT problems...more port forwarding for signalling and things...SIP is not the best for mobility unless you use STUN
20:27.30}btorch{hehe sorry
20:27.32justinuwhy? aix is a beast
20:27.33Qwell[]sip + nat = easy
20:27.38Qwell[]justinu: exactly!
20:27.57GivurSince we (small company, more outbound service, people sitting in germany and belgium) have switch to IAX2 we have much less problems.
20:28.00jaikelast version of aix i used was 4.2
20:28.05GivurAnd the quality is sometimes better as SIP.
20:28.13Qwell[]no, the quality is not better
20:28.15iccomputingQwell, how do you figure? SIP is a piggy protocol and has many more config issues than IAX...thats why IAX was created!
20:28.18Givur(quality of using)
20:28.35justinuSIP is also capable of a lot more than IAX
20:28.45Qwell[]Inter-Asterisk eXchange...not Inter-Softphone eXchange
20:28.57De_Monany AIX softphones with video support?
20:29.00Qwell[]though, that would be cool
20:29.08Qwell[]Softphone EXchange
20:29.12iccomputinghaha...nice...good point yet the advantages are huge for our mobile clients
20:29.13De_Mondon't see any on wiki
20:29.29Iam8up|lappysoftphone exchange sounds good =)
20:29.31De_Monmmm SEX
20:29.37Iam8up|lappyya, we got it..
20:29.41}btorch{what was the AIX phone you guys suggested again ?
20:29.42De_Mon:P wasn't sure
20:29.55Qwell[]iax not aix
20:30.01zoatry idefisk
20:30.07iccomputingAtcom AU100 - firefly is good but now they are making it proprietary
20:30.32iccomputingthere are a few out there, DIAX is another good one...
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20:30.40iccomputingnot real fancy, but works..
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20:31.14ghento2Hi folks.  I'm using Record() to record voice messages into wav files.  Which conf file do I go to edit the voice quality?  I want to increase it
20:31.29iccomputingQwell, do you at least agree with me that IAX phones are good for mobility? AKA hotspot users?
20:31.42zoaiccomputing: did you try idefisk yet ?
20:32.03iccomputingidefisk? i missed that it a softphoen?
20:32.07dilycan anyone help me to compile plz?
20:32.10zoaavailable for mac, windows and linux
20:32.14iccomputingahh ahh..i see it now..
20:32.15jaikeghento2: you can only choose formats, gsm, wav, wav49
20:32.19Qwell[]ghento2: You can tell record what format to use
20:32.28iccomputingDoes it work with the USB phones?
20:32.32Qwell[]jaike: You sure about that?
20:32.42zoadepends what type i guess, dont have any myself
20:32.47zoasend me one and i will make it work
20:32.53jaikewas thinking of Monitor
20:33.04*** join/#asterisk gushi (
20:33.06iccomputingzoa: haha nice...
20:33.15iccomputingwe bought like 5 of them for like 20 buck each
20:33.16Qwell[]iccomputing: I'd say he's serious
20:33.33gushiHey all -- if I have a different ip for inbound and outbound, can I just have them both added to DNS to avoid having to add both entries?
20:33.41iccomputingi dont doubt it!
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20:34.16ghento2wav49 would be better quality then wav i'm assuming?
20:34.21iccomputingwow, my tech is already loading idefisk!!
20:34.24dilyanyone use sqlite?
20:34.36Qwell[]ghento2: You should be able to use .ul
20:34.37iccomputingi didnt even get to ask him to do it =P
20:34.39jaikeghento2: smaller size
20:34.41iccomputingwhere is te fun in that!!?
20:35.09gushii.e. provider X is having me send my outbound calls to x.x.x.12 but sending me calls FROM x.x.x.16 -- if they have x.x.x.16 resolve to (PTR Record) but resolves to x.x.x.12 (A Record) -- will that work?
20:35.34zoayeah im serious :)
20:35.38gushiso I can just add a sip.conf entry for instead of having to treat them separately?
20:35.40zoaor tell me where to find it in the eu
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20:35.47zoaim going to add all usb phones i can fidn
20:36.08iccomputingare you the developer zoa?
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20:36.31iccomputingadd the ATCOM AU100 =)
20:36.31zoanopez but im the guy paying the bills :)
20:36.40iccomputingi feel ya
20:36.48iccomputingim in that situation too
20:37.19_adrianAre you guys/gals up for any realy beginner questions?
20:37.23zoaactually there are 4 fulltime programmers working on idefisk
20:37.31JMcA_adrian: alright!  questions I can answer!
20:37.35iccomputingyou gonna drop the open source when its ready?
20:37.37jaikeadrian: whats asterisk?
20:37.43zoaits not open source now either
20:37.56Qwell[]he means open source it
20:38.13_adrianNo I gather that asterisk is for VOIP, I got that from a mag!
20:38.32ghento2would ulaw be the sound format that records in the highest quality? or gsm?
20:38.38iccomputingzoa: FYI it doesnt like the ATCOM AU100 on the first bout
20:38.39JMcAit can do VoIP...but its more than just that
20:38.40Qwell[]ulaw would be better
20:39.02zoaatcom au100, does that have an sdk ?
20:39.31[TK]D-Fender_adrian : So whats your question?
20:39.40}btorch{the AU100 says it for skype though
20:39.42_adrianOK still learning all. I picked up the Linux Format mag when I saw the cover stories as it tied in with a work project
20:39.58_adrianThe mag said it was simple to install!!!
20:40.05Qwell[]it is
20:40.08iccomputing}btorch{: trust me it works with Asterisj
20:40.09Qwell[]make && make install
20:40.10_adrianCould be used on an old PC  !
20:40.19Qwell[]_adrian: also true
20:40.27Qwell[]So, what's the question?
20:40.32}btorch{iccomputing: are you using on windows ?
20:40.36_adrianOK to the heart of my questions.
20:40.38JMcA_adrian: depending on what you're wanting to do, an old pc will likely be capable
20:40.39iccomputingi had a partner in the bahamas that was on vacation and called back here to the staes on it
20:40.51iccomputingyea...the AU100 is loaded on windows...
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20:40.58}btorch{iccomputing:  I guess you need a softphone to work with it
20:41.03iccomputingit works with many client progs..
20:41.07_adrianI need to demonstrate VOIP on an internal only network say max 40 clients
20:41.15iccomputingi use firefly currently
20:42.06iccomputing}btorch{: it works with a lot of sip phones too
20:42.18_adrianCan it work easily with Suse as the mag tended to suggest Debian
20:42.27Qwell[]_adrian: Linux is Linux
20:42.39cyburdine_adrian: yup... I have several * machine running on suse
20:42.46jaikei use problemos
20:43.00JMcA_adrian: I'm running it on aware that the packaged version that comes with it is a slight bit dated, but basically pretty functional
20:43.03_adrianWell to me it is not!, not being rude here but I have over the years tried various distros
20:43.22Qwell[]_adrian: Then you should know that if a program works on one distro, it'll work fine on any other
20:43.25[TK]D-Fender_adrian : It can work on pretty much and *nix, but you need to have the NORMAL software devel libraries installed which not all distro's do.  Debian does, SAlackware does,  most RH ones do.  Don't know dfor SUSE specifically
20:43.49_adrianfrom old Re Hat to serveral Suse and even Mandrake some time ago and got well confused with different locations of pacakes
20:44.00iccomputingisnt CentOS the standard recomended?
20:44.08Qwell[]iccomputing: There is no "standard"
20:44.25Qwell[]ask 5 people, you'll get 8 different answers
20:44.29_adrianSorry I have to watch the keyboard when I type and miss bits, must wait for responses
20:44.41cyburdineQwell: exactly
20:44.48JMcA_adrian: suse 10 comes with asterisk packages, so you can just use yast to install them...config files are in /etc/asterisk, as is typical
20:44.51iccomputingjeeze Qwell! cut me a break! i meant from the support aspect, if you were to call Digium, dont they recommend CentOS???
20:45.00mog_workwe dont
20:45.00Qwell[]I don't think they care
20:45.24Qwell[]mog_work: !!!
20:45.28jaikedebian does too...1.0.7 i think
20:45.28}btorch{the firefly company doesn' have that anymore they got something called cubix
20:45.42_adrianOK I got Suse10 again from Mag but not found asterisk
20:45.45JMcA1.0.9 is SUSE10
20:45.49Qwell[]just compile it
20:45.53_Sam--debian has 1.2.1 now
20:45.54iccomputingwow, the Wiki's and the forums have always read that if you need to call for support you would be best to have CentOS
20:45.55Qwell[]asterisk packages are silly
20:45.59[TK]D-FenderMany people use RHEL/CentOS so therefor its statistically easier to find people to help you with LINUX problems trying to get ASTERISK to compile/run.
20:46.17Qwell[]meh, gentoo is where it's really at
20:46.21[TK]D-Fenderthink of it that way
20:46.27mog_worksupport will reccomend debian, and fedora mostly
20:46.30Qwell[]I think many of the devs run gentoo
20:46.30JMcAQwell: may be a good idea for a simple individual server or proof of concept demo....but packages are not silly when you're hearding a few hundred boxes
20:46.37iccomputinggood to know
20:46.37mog_workbut like qwell said it doesnt matter
20:46.43mog_workwe love them all
20:46.46Qwell[]JMcA: Make your own package.  Most of the distro packages suck
20:46.47iccomputingdoes XLite do IAX?
20:46.52cyburdine_adrian: if you prefer suse, install it and I'll be happy to help where I can
20:46.58_Sam--the debian package doesnt has add-ons
20:47.06mog_workall the packages suck
20:47.09[TK]D-Fender_adrian : If you install Slackware, I'll do the same :)
20:47.12Qwell[]I have yet to see one that doesn't
20:47.15mog_workjust use the source
20:47.16JMcAQwell: we do that when necessary, but obviously want to avoid rolling our own when possible...
20:47.30_Sam--i use the debian package at a few client locations, it works fine
20:47.47dudesI think people would save time if they'd just compile * (it takes 5 minutes)
20:47.47X-FilesHave Users used ASTERISK and EYEBEAM ???? I have 2 question ...
20:47.49*** join/#asterisk malaysia (
20:48.05Qwell[]X-Files: NO NEVER USED them before
20:48.11_adrianOK thanks for support to you all. i will check the 5 pack CD I have to see if on if not redirect to web based install
20:48.12iccomputingi have ran it on Debian..but i like CentOS the best..
20:48.14*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
20:48.19Math`X-Files: Im using * and eyebeam
20:48.26Qwell[]mog_work: You're an excited Qwell?
20:48.26rob0(regardless of that others do :) )
20:48.33JMcA_adrian: I'm using SUSE10 with the asterisk 1.0.9 packages for it...they work, though aren't, obviously, the absolute latest version of asterisk...I'll be glad to help where I can with asterisk - SUSE interactions
20:48.34dudes2 and a half on decent P4 DC
20:48.55qwell[excited]yes i am
20:48.58Qwell[]about what?
20:49.16[TK]D-Fender_adrian : Do NOT use "packaged" Asterisk, always compile from source.
20:49.18Qwell[]did Mark give you redbull again?
20:49.19Qwell[]tsk tsk tsk
20:49.30qwell[excited]no just drpepper at the moment
20:49.38qwell[excited]but my new computer is on the way
20:49.38JMcAstkn: how many boxes do you heard overall, in your job?
20:49.41Qwell[]ugh, don't even get me started with dr pepper
20:49.48iccomputing_adrian: i can atest to that..."packaged" asterisk is more headaches than learning it from the start
20:49.48JMcAgah...that was to [TK]D-Fender
20:50.01Qwell[]I can either go to a vending machine and get a sprite for $100, or to the caf and get a dr pepper for $135
20:50.09Qwell[]$1.00 and $1.35...yeah
20:50.15Qwell[]period wasn't working
20:50.23Qwell[]$1.35 for a BOTTLE...20oz
20:50.24qwell[excited]thats is expensive
20:50.30rob0/dev/wife had the same problem
20:50.33Qwell[]or $.75 for a can
20:50.33_adrianOK next question to deal with approx 40 clients, provide mailboxes, and have to cope with say maximum of 15 sim calls what type of PC server would be recommended
20:50.44Qwell[]so, I've been stuck with freaking sprite for 3 months
20:50.47[TK]D-FenderJMcA : Nobody respectable here would want to trust a "dubious" package for it...
20:50.53qwell[excited]you should move here qwell
20:50.55iccomputingmuahaha.../dev/wife ha!
20:51.02Qwell[]I don't like cans
20:51.05Qwell[]I want a bottle :(
20:51.07_adrianI ask this because!
20:51.07_Sam--qwell if you would buy gxp2000s instead of spa941 you could afford some DP
20:51.13qwell[excited]for a bottle
20:51.17iccomputingomg Qwell! i will paypal you 35 cents shit!
20:51.20Qwell[]yeah...this caf rips us off
20:51.21dudesQwell[] - You have a Sam's club in your area?  They tend to have good pop deals.
20:51.28jbalcomb_adrian perhaps go to and get the dell server model they recommend
20:51.29rob0/dev/wife whose period is not working ... scary!
20:51.31Qwell[]iccomputing: 35c/day?  Done
20:51.39JMcA*shrug*...I'm still in proof-of-concept stage, but if/when we go production, there's no way we'll do a raw compile from the very least, we'll create our own packages...we don't do *anything* without packages
20:51.39dudesMyself, I'm happy with a can of coffee a week.
20:52.03_adrianI can either use my own PC and elderly P800, or buy myself and old server and play with that....
20:52.09JMcAand if I don't see any brokenness that affects me in the pre-made packages, I see no reason to roll my own
20:52.27Qwell[]JMcA: Have fun during upgrads
20:52.31_adrianI would like to go any buy a new server, but much of this is off my own back for proof of concept!
20:52.32jbalcomb_adrian i have a quad zeon 3.0 Ghz, 2GB RAM, debian server for 120 phones, 16 sim calls max and i dont see above .1 utilization
20:52.38Qwell[]probably half the packages hose your configs
20:52.38[TK]D-Fender_adrian : So barring Linux problems, it'll work jsut fine as a VoIP sample.
20:52.38cyburdine_adrian: sure you can... but you may not be able to handle 40 clients
20:52.40Iam8up|lappywhat? i thought this was #asterisk not #vendingmachineschargemetoofuckingmuch
20:52.49Qwell[]Iam8up|lappy: You must be new
20:52.50JMcAQwell: many boxes do you herd professionally?
20:52.57Iam8up|lappyQwell[] - i must =)
20:52.58Qwell[]JMcA: enough
20:53.02jbalcombIam8up|lappy: you apparently missed the memo
20:53.16Iam8up|lappyyaaahhh..i'm gonna need another copy of that memo...that'd be greeeeeeaaaaaaaaaatt...
20:53.20cyburdine_adrian: to get comfortable with it I'd suggest installing it on anything you got... then scale up from there...
20:53.37JMcAI, and a couple of other guys manage several that scale, you don't do *ANYTHING* without just gets insane to try it
20:53.40_adrianWill do
20:53.56Qwell[]JMcA: Make your own packages, which are compiled for your machines, with your configs
20:53.59cyburdine_adrian: the more you install/configure it the more comfortable you are going to feel about rolling this into production
20:54.01Qwell[]not difficult
20:54.06Qwell[]compile them once...done
20:54.13jbalcomb_adrian polly a 1Ghz w/ 1GB RAM would work fine for you
20:54.19Qwell[]That's what I don't get about people who say a gentoo farm is a dumb idea
20:54.20JMcAagain...if the premade packges work...I see no reason to do that
20:54.24_Sam--what is the advantage to compiling your own binary?
20:54.33_Sam--if a precompiled binary works fine
20:54.39Qwell[]_Sam--: faster, you can strip what you want, etc
20:54.39jbalcomb_Sam-- things actually work right?
20:55.09jaikei think adrian is more confused now :P
20:55.09_Sam--i have both, from source, and packages boxes...and have no difference between either
20:55.13_adrian2x PII 400 XEON (DUAL installed, quad capable) 1MB L2 Cache 1024 MB RAM (original HP Part) 7x 18.2GB disks (D7174A) 2x 9.1GB disks HP Netraid II Raid controler (bios controllable, no disks required to configure, with onboard cache memory and battery) 3x PSU (parallel operation, redundant) 2x 100MBit Network cards Onboard VGA / kb / mouse / ports keep telling yourself that
20:55.25jbalcombwe use debian and the package manager doesnt mind when we install from source
20:55.30Qwell[]JMcA: k, will do
20:55.54jbalcomb_adrian that sounds just fine
20:56.03dudesI make tar files of asterisk and have a little bash script that does everything .... makes libpri/zaptel/asterisk/cp's configs
20:56.14SkalTura_adrian: damn, that has been one hell of a server at it's day!
20:56.24Qwell[]dudes: exactly
20:56.30_adrianI can afford that at £140 and not cry if it breaks
20:56.31jbalcombdudes ditto also for apache/mysql/sendmail/etc.
20:56.45cyburdine_adrian: yup... got a similar beast here... 4 p3 xeon... it works great... go for it!
20:56.47Qwell[]_adrian: .ú140 ?
20:57.05Qwell[]showed up as funky chars here...
20:57.05dudesIt doesn't take long to compile on todays servers
20:57.12Qwell[][av]bani: I live by -funroll-loops  :P
20:57.12_adrian140 UK pounds
20:57.31jbalcomb_adrian are there other pounds besides UK?
20:57.36Qwell[]that and -j16 and -O99
20:57.51jbalcomb_adrian whos?
20:57.54JMcA[av]bani: I'm with you
20:58.26zoai hate this damn AMP
20:58.29_adrianThere are Scottish pounds say value and Irish Pounds  or punts I think called locally
20:58.42DarkFlibblethere are no punts anymore...
20:58.45_Sam--what / why are you doing with AMP
20:58.49DarkFlibbleeuros in ireland
20:58.53_Sam--there is nothing good in there except the CDR stuff
20:58.54_adrianOk I stand corrected
20:58.57*** join/#asterisk pifiu-laptop (
20:59.04DarkFlibblescottish pound is tied to british pound
20:59.25rob0jbalcomb: yes, Egypt
20:59.47[av]bani_Sam--: FOP is cute
20:59.48*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (n=phil@
21:00.05[av]banitho i think you could do the same thing these days with AJAX instead of flash
21:00.08jbalcombok, sounds pounds in egypt, scotland, ireland, and england
21:00.09zoaany amp guru here ?
21:00.11_adrianjust browing yast!
21:00.15[av]banizoa: #amportal
21:00.19DarkFlibblejbalcomb, not ireland! not so fond of FOP
21:00.36rob0Lebanon too
21:00.37jbalcombDarkFlibble okidoki, not ireland. i hate them nasty drunkards anyway.
21:00.40DarkFlibblenorthen ireland yes... but not southern...
21:00.48_Sam--if you run FOP for a while, all the stuff gets overwritten and looks like crap
21:00.49DarkFlibblesouthern is eurozone
21:00.53[av]bani_Sam--: what webinterface do you use with equivalent functionality to FOP then?
21:01.01_Sam--'show channels'
21:01.03jbalcombDarkFlibble thats cool, i dont northern or southern
21:01.11zoanobody awake there
21:01.21jbalcombs/dont/dont like
21:01.23_Sam--what are you using FOP for, just to see whos on the phones?
21:01.30[av]banithe boss likes it
21:01.46[av]banii thinkhe likes the jangly animation on the phone
21:02.02_Sam--that is fun when all the phones ring at once
21:02.21[av]baniit would be cool if phones did that in real life
21:02.33[av]bani'ya my phone rings so loudly the receiver bounces all over'
21:02.55_Sam--my FOP sometimes isnt so accurate
21:03.02[av]baniit loses counters on reload
21:03.04_Sam--like ive seen it show people on calls who hung up a while ago
21:03.19[av]baniand if you add extensions it doesnt update of course
21:03.28_Sam--right, you have to restart opserver?
21:03.38[av]baniafaik just a page reload is ok
21:03.56[av]banibut as i said i think the ame thing could be done with AJAX these days instead of flash
21:04.18[av]banithe UI isnt so nice either
21:04.34_Sam--nah ive accidentally dropped a bridged call because i double clicked or something one time
21:04.54_Sam--but ajax would probably work fine, using the call manager interface through php or something
21:04.56*** join/#asterisk dijit0 (
21:04.56[av]baniyeh, thats what i mean. the UI isnt so nice
21:05.11[av]banithe way you handle pulling up data, you can accidentally terminate calls
21:05.20[TK]D-FenderJust run IPSwitchboard on a PC.
21:05.30asteriskmonkeywhat is ajax?
21:05.33[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: and for PDA?
21:05.40[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey : A household cleaner? :)
21:05.45[av]bani"just VNC in from PDA"
21:05.49asteriskmonkeya city near toronto ?
21:05.51[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Don't get whiney with me YOU!
21:05.52zoasam, im doing it in ajax
21:05.56Iam8up|lappyasteriskmonkey - what's up man?
21:06.04_Sam--it should be really easy
21:06.12asteriskmonkeyIam8up: hows beth
21:06.22_Sam--at least, the really basic part...prettying it up...thats a whole nother story
21:06.32Iam8up|lappyasteriskmonkey - she's fine, and yourself?
21:07.24_adrianBack,,,, OK checked my Yast and not found any asterisk looks like not on my open suse disks
21:07.26iccomputingasteriskmonkey - would i have to pay duties to get yur products to the US or do you have some distro help over here?
21:07.39asteriskmonkeywe ship to the us all the time
21:07.44asteriskmonkeyno duties
21:07.53asteriskmonkeythat im aware of.. im tech side though :)
21:08.01[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: i've got my sipura auto-provision script making sip.conf extensions on the fly now :)
21:08.12Iam8up|lappyasteriskmonkey - can you help me with those sh scripts when you get a chance?
21:08.14asteriskmonkeyajax=java api?
21:08.14iccomputingmmmm....i will have to ask your sales guy then..
21:08.14Traderzzwhen was 1.2.2 released ?
21:08.21Iam8up|lappyTraderzz - 2 days ago
21:08.29Traderzzwhat changes were made?
21:08.33asteriskmonkeyIam8up: the ones i gave you work fine whats the issue?
21:08.35Iam8up|lappyTraderzz - the changelog is on the asterisk homepage
21:08.36mog_workthere is a changelog
21:08.46Qwell[]mog_work: New computer?
21:08.50Iam8up|lappyasteriskmonkey - actually..the URLs are broken...
21:08.58mog_workim getting my sisters old lappy, 900mhz
21:09.07mog_workaka twice speed of current laptop
21:09.11[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Cool.... starting your own telco now?
21:09.14mog_workand its 14 inch 1024x768
21:09.16asteriskmonkeyn othere not, try not cutting and pasting in windows hehehe
21:09.17JMcAasteriskmonkey: ajax is a pseudo-technology...its the use of JavaScript making XMLHTTPRequests to web servers, retrieving XML files, which are then used to update the browser DOM to change the page layout on the fly
21:09.18mog_workwhich is most important part
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21:09.36Qwell[]mog_work: nice
21:09.49asteriskmonkeyJMcA: nice :)
21:09.50mog_work800x600 was driving me batty
21:09.52[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: yea, with piles of SPA-3000's
21:10.08Qwell[]mog_work: Linux?
21:10.16mog_workit will be
21:10.17IMG-SDI'm seeing these messages in my Asterisk CLI every seconds or so... any idea what's happening?:
21:10.19mog_workshe runs winders
21:10.22Qwell[]mog_work: My wifes Dell says it only does does 1280x1024 though :D
21:10.22JMcAasteriskmonkey: yeah, it can result in some really slick web pages/apps...but using it is not without its downsides
21:10.24asteriskmonkeyIam8up|lappy: cutting and pasting in windows will give you undesirable hidden characers
21:10.32jaikeimg-sd: asterisk -r
21:10.37mog_workyeah i think it will do 1280 in linux
21:10.41Iam8up|lappyasteriskmonkey - i used linux =P
21:10.44mog_workwindows wont let her do more
21:10.45asteriskmonkeyJMcA: probably way ass heavy on cpu
21:10.52Qwell[]just depends on the video ram
21:10.53JMcAasteriskmonkey: FWIW, Google Maps stuff is all done with AJAX sorta stuff, so that type of interface is what's being talked about
21:10.58mog_workits adjustable
21:10.59JMcAasteriskmonkey: not so bad as you'd think
21:11.03mog_workso i think i can get it working
21:11.03Qwell[]1280 * 1024 * 32 == how much ram you need
21:11.09mog_workand it has battery
21:11.12IMG-SDjaike:  You mean someone is connected to the CLI using asterisk -r?    I'm currently connected using asterisk -rvvvc
21:11.13mog_workmy laptop has no battery
21:11.15asteriskmonkeythere sent it in pw
21:11.15iccomputinganyone ever put Asterisk on a WRAP board?
21:11.19Qwell[]I just had to set hers to 8mb (which is only settable in a new bios)
21:11.25Iam8up|lappythe problem is that doesn't contain the different files
21:11.28[av]baniiccomputing: i think gumstix is more interesting than WRAP
21:11.28iccomputingi am going to do it ...i was just cuirous of the performance..
21:11.32jpablogrrr, my linux box is freezing when i mess with zaptel :S
21:11.35[TK]D-FenderI love my 1440x900 personally :)
21:11.47IMG-SDjaike:  Ok.  I'll check around to see who's connected.  Thanks!
21:11.48Qwell[]and it's weird...she wasn't able to play videos with vlc that I changed it, they play fine
21:12.11mog_worki just want something thats not a ukranian peice of crap
21:12.21mog_worki think im gonna go officespace on this computer when i get new one
21:12.29Qwell[]mog_work: record it
21:12.37[TK]D-FenderQwell : I love VLC.... starts VERY fast doesn't whine at me, slim interface and programmable hot keys.  and that ht EASY stuff...
21:12.50*** join/#asterisk mazzanet (n=irc@unaffiliated/mazzanet)
21:13.00mazzanetsomething broke by itself :(
21:13.02mog_workvlc is cleaner but when you absolutely need it to play there is mplayer
21:13.07mazzanetJan 21 08:12:18 NOTICE[3707]: chan_iax2.c:7198 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, request 's@from-sip' does not exist
21:13.08JMcAmog_work: if you come up my way, there's a place that has a machine gun shoot at an outdoor shooting range...that should satisfy your office space urgings quite well
21:13.26[TK]D-Fendermog_work : Then again I'm using VLC on WINDOWS.  I use XINE on my home server...
21:13.29mog_workwhere are you JMcA
21:13.34JMcAmog_work: Louisville, KY
21:13.36mog_workand do you have such artillery
21:13.41mog_workooh i have friends out ther
21:13.46JMcAits just a bit south of here, Knob Creek
21:13.46mog_workitd be worth going
21:14.01Traderzzanything in 1.2.2 significant that would make you update from 1.2.1 ?
21:14.06JMcAI think you can rent them at the range, though
21:14.07mazzaneti don't see where the 's' in the 's@from-sip' is coming from
21:14.07Qwell[]Traderzz: bug fixes
21:14.13*** part/#asterisk ghento2 (
21:14.29TraderzzQwell, anything major or show stoppers that were fixed?
21:14.35JMcAI did hear someone say that the waiting list is like 2 years long to get a spot on the firing line for that
21:14.40Qwell[]quite a few major bugs
21:14.52Traderzzok so is the ugprade just copy over teh old files or ?
21:15.07jaiketraderz: i think the voicemail bug was the changelog..tons of fixes
21:15.19Qwell[]jaike "the" voicemail bug?  heh
21:15.24Traderzzeheheh jaike, what voice mail bug?
21:15.25[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: can you give me a measurement for the ip601 screen?
21:15.28JMcATraderzz: just install the upgraded package...oh wait, qwell doesn't believe in packages
21:15.30jaikeyup the voicemail bug
21:15.34jaikegave us headaches
21:15.45Qwell[]JMcA: You'd be hard pressed to find a 1.2.2 package already
21:15.47[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : 4" x 2"
21:15.50jaike1.2.0 didnt have it..1.2.1 had it
21:15.56[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: exactly?
21:16.01[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : yup
21:16.09[TK]D-Fenderruler & phone right in front of me
21:16.09jbalcombwhat is this about? "Resyncing the jb"
21:17.38[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: have a 7940g around?
21:17.51jaikejbalcomb: i think its a jitterbuffer msg
21:18.05zoajbalcomb : that happens when the timestamps are too different
21:18.06[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Sorry, nope
21:18.10zoaand then it resynchs
21:18.22[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : only 60x's here and UIP-200's.  SPA-941 at home
21:18.39[av]baniuip-200 ?
21:18.45[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Uniden
21:19.17jbalcombjaike zoa thanks, ill go research. im getting this a lot it seems.
21:19.19[TK]D-FenderA lot of good hope for them... evaporated...  Disappointing phones I bought for "high risk" locations.
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21:19.52_Sam--[av]bani:  did you ever come up with a good recommendation for a 4 port external FXO?
21:20.05[av]bani_Sam--: 4 x spa-3000 :P
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21:22.44[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: have you got a screenshot of your ip601 showing line status with your custom app? eg queue status, extension status etc
21:22.55[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : I could take one...
21:23.03_Sam--zoa has a queue thing for windows that shows you your queue status in the tray
21:23.04jbalcomb[av]bani is the SPA-2002 good enough for my fax machines?
21:23.07_Sam--i havent seen it yet
21:23.15[av]banicould you? boss is interested in ip601 but wants to know if it can display all the info he wants legibly
21:23.40_adrianTo help me with the server PC side of things is the a channel to discuss Linux on servers?
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21:23.51Qwell[]_adrian: Not really
21:24.03*** join/#asterisk pifiu (n=myassisb@
21:25.11_adrianOK can Open Suse or Suse10 deal witl duel processors will asterisk be able to use them, how does it all work?
21:25.23Qwell[]sure it can
21:25.34Qwell[]just use an smp enabled kernel
21:25.41[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Just took 3 shots that'll be ready when I get home
21:26.26_adriansmp?  It may be a daft question but I need to ask?
21:26.33jbotwell, smp is (Symmetric Multi Processing) This refers to a technology where a computer uses multiple processors to process different instructions at the same time, in separate processing units. It is a form of parallel computing..  A feature of an SMP system is that it uses shared memory between all the processors, rather than each processor having its own unique ...
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21:28.31[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : do NOT let * near your fax machines if you know whats good for you....
21:28.31jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender i have 40 fax numbers and have no idea how to do that without asterisk
21:28.39_adrianIs there any way on knowing is an SMP distro is on my disks or whould I just try to install and see what hapens?
21:28.40[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : only for DID faxing.  Primary faxes (customer service, etc), and anything physical should be ANALOG.
21:29.04jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender its all DiD
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21:29.21[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : I mea incoming SpanDSP usage.  low volume/importance.
21:29.44[TK]D-FenderI tried running mine on a Channel bank alone and that screwed me.  VoIP is an even WORSE idea.
21:29.49jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender i dont know SpanDSP
21:29.50_adrianAnd last question is there a simple VOIP bandwidth calculator for SIP?
21:30.13[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : What are you using for faxes?
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21:30.23[TK]D-Fender_adrian : plenty, check the WIKI
21:30.45jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender ive got too much to deal with for the moment so if the SPA-2002 will offer improvement over the GS handyshits i'll take it
21:30.55jbot[docs] probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
21:30.59jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender my ATAs?
21:31.03[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : You're running faxes on HT's?
21:31.21jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender 'they' are but yes
21:31.32_adrianOK clicked on the link and will bookmark
21:31.32[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : May God have mercy on them....
21:31.56jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender i hope he starts with me cause i am now the primary contact for all phone/fax "issues"
21:32.35jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender i sneak around the building in hopes of avoiding the staff.
21:32.59jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender i use the warehouse bathroom!!
21:33.11[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : If onlly you could out-source a mass clean-up to a poor Canuckian ;)
21:34.12jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender i gotta get through the phone consultant they hired first. Paul Winkler of PB&J Consulting (<-real company name).
21:34.27[TK]D-Fender\I was looking at that funny....
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21:34.41jhiverhi everybody
21:34.45[av]banianyone here have a snom 360?
21:34.56jbalcomb[av]bani i will soon...
21:35.11[TK]D-Fenderjhiver : Qu'est-ce que tu veut calisse?!?! ;)
21:35.31*** join/#asterisk Zodiacal (
21:35.33jhiverquoi / what?
21:35.38[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : tzanger does.  He's of mixed opinions about it,
21:35.48[TK]D-Fenderjhiver : Just kidding with you :)
21:35.48_adrianThanks for assistance.  Leaving untill I get software and server!
21:36.02jhiversure but it would be best if I understood the joke :)
21:36.09jhiverfeeling like a fool right now :)
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21:36.23Zodiacalanyone know how i can get my cisco 7960 to show external pots lines as line appearances? is this posible?
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21:36.33Zodiacalor do i have to create extentions for this that do somthing fancy?
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21:36.50Zodiacali just wanta see the status of the lines and be able to select one
21:36.52[TK]D-FenderZodiacal : Doable
21:36.58jhiverbtw [TK]D-Fender, I have done some tests and it seems that the crazy 12,000 lines dialplan works after all
21:37.04Zodiacalwhat do i use as the line name to reference my pots trunk?
21:37.12[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: need to know the screen size
21:37.19[av]baniZodiacal: you have a 7960 there?
21:37.19[TK]D-Fenderjhiver : I never said ti wouldn't work, I said it was the wrong way to do it :)
21:37.29Zodiacal[av]bani yep 7960g
21:37.35jhiverit's not! it's fine :)
21:37.37[av]baniZodiacal: can you tell me the lcd size?
21:37.40jhiverstatic is good man
21:37.55Zodiacal[av]bani umm... like 4x4 i guess
21:38.00jhiverI don't see any reason why it should be considered "wrong"
21:38.05[av]baniZodiacal: can you check for sure :)
21:38.25Qwell[][av]bani: measure me a CD, and I'll tell you the size
21:38.56jhiverIn fact I'm uploading the latest bug fixes on CPAN now :)
21:39.08jhiverit's been so long since I upped something to CPAN this feels really nice
21:39.22Zodiacal[av]bani 3x4 exactly
21:39.25[av]baniQwell[]: 4 6/8"
21:39.30[av]baniZodiacal: thanks!
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21:39.47Qwell[]what a weird ruler you have
21:40.31Qwell[]oej: Hey. :)
21:40.44oejHey Qwell
21:40.49oejOn my way home, found a hotspot
21:40.51jhiverbbiab? what the hell does that mean
21:40.56Qwell[]oej: nice
21:41.14Zodiacal[tk]d-fender we have 6 pots lines and 6 phones. line 6 needs to be answered with a differnt greeting than lines 1-5 by the secretaries.. do you think showing all 6 pots lines and their status on the phone is the best way to accomplish this?
21:41.19[av]baniZodiacal: any idea what lcd rez the 7960 is?
21:41.27Qwell[][av]bani: small
21:41.35Zodiacalor is there another way to maybe just flash a little icon that tells the station which greeting to use when they answer
21:41.56Zodiacal[av]bani its pretty blocky so not very high at all
21:42.07[av]baniZodiacal: 100x145 sound about right?
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21:43.26Zodiacal90 x 56 for the logo.bmp and that takes up like 3/4 of the screen
21:43.49[av]baniyea 100x145 same as 7940g then
21:43.53Zodiacalerr 1/3 rather
21:44.12Qwell[]60 is the same as the 40
21:44.19Qwell[]just the extra appearances
21:44.33Zodiacalany ideas on how to configure my appearnaces?
21:45.21[av]baniZodiacal: prolly some xml status screen will be your only option
21:45.47Zodiacalnothing that will show it, with having them to press any buttons?
21:46.25*** join/#asterisk pifiu-laptop (
21:47.02pifiuin this line what does this mean?
21:47.04pifiuexten => _7XXX,1,Dial(IAX2/myserver:passwordA@IAXserverA/${EXTEN:1},30,r)
21:47.05Zodiacalso line apearances are just extentions?
21:47.09pifiuthe ___7xxx
21:47.21pifiuthat i have to dial 7 to reach the other server?
21:47.41Zodiacal7 plus any other 3 numbers i think
21:48.04Zodiacalnot 100% sure
21:48.34Zodiacalyou should get one of the pdf asterisk handbooks, they show the syntax for those wildcards
21:49.55jhiveraaah lads I'm happy - on monday I will receive my first ISDN E1 line for landlines, yey!
21:50.11dilyanyone use sqlite?
21:50.17jhiverthat should open up a whole new world of possibilities (and headaches :))
21:50.32jhiverdily, no I stick with MySQL usually
21:50.39iccomputingHow many lines can you run on ISDN?
21:50.50jhiverit depends
21:50.55jhiverBRI is 2
21:50.59jhiverPRI is up to 30
21:51.02jbalcombok, Polycom IP 501 or IP 601?
21:51.05jhiverI'm having 30 :)
21:51.36iccomputingand you are using Asterisk to be the PBX?
21:51.57jhiverWell I will be using Asterisk for the routing and the calling card app
21:52.05pifiuand then waht about this part?
21:52.14jhiverwhich is a 'frenchized' verision of astcc
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21:52.26pifiuwhat does it mean?
21:52.41jhiverr means "give a ringing tone immediately"
21:52.45Qwell[]pifiu: Strip off the first digit
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21:52.48Qwell[]and don't use r
21:53.00jhiveryeah I don't really see the value of 'r'
21:53.05Qwell[]You're asking VERY basic questions...
21:53.09jbotwikis is probably
21:53.12jhiverwhat the hell is it for anyway, apart from fooling people
21:53.57pifiuso just /${EXTEN},30,)
21:54.02pifiuthe 30 means the number of seconds it will ring?
21:54.15Qwell[]show application dial
21:54.48pifiuim sorry but meaning?
21:54.55Qwell[]type that
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21:55.41kllwhat is the control mechanism for deciding whether a channel is busy or not?
21:55.57Qwell[]kll: quite a few things
21:55.59jhiveri would guess it depends on the signalling
21:56.06Qwell[]phone could say "go away, I don't want to talk"
21:56.09kllwhen dialing an extension that is already making a call I get a regular rining tone instead of a busy tone...
21:56.10jhiverit's basically the job of the signaling layer
21:56.12Qwell[]or asterisk could have a call limit for it
21:56.36Qwell[]why would you want busy anyhow?
21:56.52Qwell[]busy signals are so 1992
21:56.53kllwell the phone is busy, so why not a busy signal
21:56.59jhiverare you sure you don't have an ATA with more than one FXS port which accepts simultaneous calls?
21:57.02Qwell[]because there is something useful that you could do
21:57.07jhivermy fritz!fonbox does that
21:57.09Qwell[]like sending it to vm
21:57.23kllno vm
21:57.38kllI actually want it to be up to the user
21:57.45Qwell[]so let it ring
21:57.55Qwell[]if they don't answer...caller be damned
21:57.58kllbut if the user wants to, asterisk should give a busy tone
21:58.09jhiverwhich user?
21:58.16kllsome of the users are very 1992ish
21:58.22joeif there is a long delay before you start hearing a rign what could be the problem (handoff from a fujitxu pbx via a t1)
21:58.23Qwell[]well, hire new users
21:58.30klljhiver: beleive it or not, I'm not actually using all the extensions myself ;)
21:58.49kllQwell[]: hehe
21:58.49jhiverkll: you're so 1992-ish /joking
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21:59.04kllI don't mind it just ringing, but others will
21:59.09Qwell[]never give users choice
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21:59.17Qwell[]they get what you give them
21:59.23jhiverkll i don't understand your problem
21:59.24_Sam--that works, when you are the boss
21:59.44klljhiver: I want my asterisk to send busy tones when you call an extension that is busy
21:59.47jhiverthe phone, is it an IP phone or is it plugged to a Zap interface or channel bank?
21:59.55kllit's an IP phone
21:59.57kllwell, ATA box
22:00.01jhiverit *should* do that out of the box
22:00.15*** part/#asterisk jimmy_deanPB (
22:00.16jhiverif the ATA is busy then it should send back a BUSY signal
22:00.34kllso it's all up to the client?
22:00.48_Sam--the client is what sends its status to asterisk
22:01.01jhiverWell, if the client decides to say it's ringing, how can you tell it's not lying?
22:01.07*** join/#asterisk litnimax (n=chatzill@
22:01.14jhiverof course it's up to the client
22:01.17klljhiver: I'm not really sure
22:01.22jhiverin the SIP world at least
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22:01.27litnimaxhello folks! Anyone tried using stored procedures from app_mysql ?
22:01.37kllI thought that perhaps asterisk kept track of calls to different extensions
22:01.45litnimaxsimple selects do work, but stored proc seems not :-/
22:02.17jhiveryou should play with SER and have a look at the SIP headers using ngrep it helps understanding more things about signaling :)
22:02.59jhiverwhy shouldn't an extension be able to handle multiple calls?
22:03.14klljhiver: it should
22:03.24jhiverwell then
22:03.41jhiverwhy should asterisk keep track on how many channels are directed to such or such extension?
22:03.50kllhehe, I'm not sure
22:03.53kllit was just an idea
22:03.56jhiverunless you know the capacity of the extension in terms of "lines", it's pointless
22:04.14jhiverwhich is why you have 'RINGING', 'BUSY', and such signals
22:04.17kllwell perhaps the numbers of lines was negiotated at registration
22:04.29kllI was just making wild guesses
22:04.38kllsince I'm unsure of how everything work
22:04.49jhiverI would say, check your ATA and if you see no options ask the manufacturer
22:05.08*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
22:05.10klljhiver: yeah, I'll do that
22:05.19jhiverit's prolly somewhere in your ATA config I would think
22:05.43jhiverif you want to check if it's asterisk, unhook your landline phone, and make asterisk call it
22:05.50jhiversee if you get your busy tone :)
22:05.59kllnope, it's confirmed
22:06.03klljust tried another box
22:06.10generalhanwhats up all ! ?
22:06.23jhiverPlenty of things!
22:06.35jhiverthis, for a start
22:06.50klljhiver: it's something with the box... I'll dig into it some day
22:06.56jhiverAnd as soon as I have by bloody PRI I'll be jumping everywhere!
22:07.04jhiverit was about bloody time :)
22:07.04*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
22:07.08generalhanDoes anyone know if there is a way to turn off call waiting for specific phones, not for the whole system ????
22:07.13Traderzzdoes 1.2.2 fix the issue where a voip call comes in over voip and the message is already played a few seconds before the caller starts to hear anything?
22:07.25sivanaZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: No such device or address (6)   <-- does this mean not found?
22:07.31Traderzzthis occurs even with the wait command in place
22:07.32Qwell[]Traderzz: That isn't really an "issue".  Use a Wait()
22:07.39Traderzzthe wait doesnt fix it
22:07.44jaiketraderz: i do playback(silence)
22:07.48Qwell[]What is the bug number?
22:07.51jaikewait doenst solve it
22:08.11Traderzzjaike, do you understand the issue i am getting?
22:08.30jhiverCall waiting indication: Implemented in Asterisk, but must be support on the phone
22:08.31jaikeyup...1 or 2 secs of audio not heard
22:08.41jaikei tried didnt work
22:08.46jhivertip: disactivate call waiting on your phone ;)
22:08.47Traderzzyes.. any ideas on how to fix it ?
22:09.01jaikePlayback(silence) the silence.gsm file
22:09.07jhiverI think people think asterisk does a lot more than it actually does :)
22:09.09jaikebefore playing the next file
22:09.38Traderzzjaike, the issue is that then the time it answers properly its dead air
22:09.58Traderzzthen the time it doesnt its played a few seconds
22:10.47jhiverTraderzz, this is strange
22:10.57jhiverdo you have the same thing when connecting two extensions?
22:11.26jhiverdo you have a timing device in the box?
22:11.39jhiver(just making wiiiild guesses)
22:11.39Traderzznot sure
22:11.40jhivercause I don't have this issue at all
22:11.47jhiverbut I have a TDM400P in the box
22:12.04Traderzzi dont have any cards in it
22:12.07Traderzzstraight voip
22:12.13Traderzzno tdm or psdn
22:12.15Traderzzno tdm or pstn
22:12.30jhiverand what version of the kernel are you using? 2.4 had severe issues with timing
22:12.30Traderzzphone to phone over sip is perfect
22:12.32jaikeyou have a welcome message but its the 3rd or 4th word that is heard by the caller?
22:12.46Traderzzyes its already started
22:13.02ManxPowedo an Answer then a Wait(2) before the Playback or Backgrounf
22:13.03Traderzzi need to get this fixed
22:13.15jaiketraderzz: i recorded a 2 second silent.wav file...played it before the welcome message
22:13.21jpablohey people im seeing a lot of reboots after loading the wct4xxp driver, any ideas what might be going wrong ?
22:13.22jaikethat fixed it
22:13.37Traderzzok can you send it to me?
22:13.39jpablo(i load wct4xxp and the machine reboots automatically)
22:14.00jhiverManxPowe, s/f/d? sex for dollars?
22:14.07jaikepm me your email
22:14.35jhiversorry / for / drinking?
22:14.41jhiverjust kidding :)
22:14.43Traderzzsex for drugs
22:14.49jhiveraaah indeed :)
22:14.56jhiversilly me :)
22:15.03Traderzzscifi for dummie
22:15.09Qwell[]I wanna go home
22:15.18Qwell[]mog_work: It's your fault. :(
22:15.19jhiverQwell, you're not there?
22:15.25jhiverworking I guess?
22:15.28Qwell[]jhiver Qwell is
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22:15.36pifiuqwell i have another question just for you
22:16.02mog_workyeah it is
22:16.05jhiveroh cause Qwell and Qwell[] aren't the same or something :)
22:16.09mog_workwanna fight about it ^_^
22:16.16Qwell[]mog_work: You'd probably win. :D
22:16.20jhiverone is idler and the other one pretends he's working :)
22:16.26Qwell[]jhiver: correct
22:16.33jhiverI see
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22:16.58Qwell[]mog_work: Why don't you have a digium/asterisk mask?
22:17.00jhiverSo Qwell[] what fascinating job do you do?
22:17.10Qwell[]jhiver: programmer for a bank
22:17.24Qwell[]umm, yeah
22:17.34jhiverhey that sounds good - that's where the money is :)
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22:17.41Qwell[]I wish
22:17.45jhivernow all you need to do is find a way to take it :)
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22:18.04Qwell[]I work right next to the people who count all the money from the ATMs...
22:18.10Qwell[]comes in by the truckload
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22:18.30smallbhi all
22:18.34jhiverlooks cool... I'm sure there's a way to jack it :)
22:18.35smallbany ooh323 users ?
22:18.50jhivernope, it's SIP all the way for me
22:18.52Qwell[]meh...8 figures, orit isn't work it
22:19.06jhiverQwell[] agreed :)
22:19.23smallbit seems that most people don't like h323 for one reason or another
22:19.39jhiverIt Doesn't Work out of the box with Asterisk :)
22:19.41generalhanOk then, How would i turn off Call Waiting on a specific phone if there was no way to turn it off from the phone itself ???
22:19.51jpabloa lo of people hate h323 because of the nightmare open h323 is
22:20.04jhivergeneralhan, don't know
22:20.15Traderzz2.6 kernel here
22:20.18jhiverwhat phone is it?
22:20.25generalhanso there isnt a way to do like a "callwaiting=no" in sip.conf or something like that ?
22:20.29generalhanits an Aastra 9112i
22:20.30smallbyeah, i tried building it several times to no avail
22:21.17generalhanwell let me tell you my issue, maybe there is a different way to set up my dial plan so that this doesnt happen.
22:21.34X-Fileseyebeam support VIDEO stream and Message in asterisk ???????
22:22.05jhiverI don't think call waiting has anything to do with Asterisk at all, but I could be wrong
22:22.08generalhanI have 20 sales reps on these phones. callers dialing in go to a queue that rings all 20 phones. when some one is on the phone it still rings to them and they hear the non-stop beeping in their ear that makes it very difficult to hear
22:22.26jhiverit seems to be that call waiting is just a phone which says 'RINGING' and beeps you when it does...
22:22.47jhiverwhat phone is it?
22:22.51jhiverah ok
22:22.54generalhanAastra 9112i SIP Phone
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22:23.30generalhanso thats my issue, if there was a way for the queue to see if their phone was being used and not ring to them, than that would work too
22:23.48jhiver <--- have you checked the admin guide?
22:24.16generalhanwell i just got off the phone with Aastra and they told me that it cant be done at all for these phones
22:24.55Qwell[]just set a call-limit for the peer
22:25.11tombenHello all, anyone ever used a Digium TDM400P with a dell 2850?
22:25.12generalhanQwell[]: what do you mean ?
22:25.21generalhanQwell[]: how do i do that ?
22:25.23Qwell[]it's in the sip sample config
22:25.47generalhanQwell[]: thanks ill take a look at it. so that will mean that they can only take one call from the queue at a time ?
22:25.55jhiverdoes call limit works with Queues?
22:26.03Qwell[]no, it means they can only take one call at a time, period
22:26.19Qwell[]it's all or have to decide
22:26.19jhiverapparently no
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22:27.08generalhanback to square one
22:27.21jaikebetter read the admin guide...had the same problems with polycoms
22:27.29jaikeadmin guide saved my life
22:27.35Qwell[]no, it works, that bug isn't named quite right
22:28.22kllanyone know what to set restrictcid to in SIP RealTime if I want it to prohibit CID?
22:28.49generalhanwell at the end they say they fixed it by changing a line in the code
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22:29.21jhiverwhy don't you use call forwarding feature of the astra?
22:29.26jhiverI'm just checking the manual now
22:29.29generalhanhow so ?
22:29.39jhiveryou have the option to forward calls when busy
22:29.51jhiverjust forward them to an extension which returns Busy()
22:29.52generalhanwhere do i forward them to ?
22:30.14generalhanbut .... doesnt that then take that person out of the queue ?
22:30.27generalhanthen they have to start at the end of the line again'
22:30.30jhiverwell you said all phones were ringing simultaneously
22:30.47jhiverso it will only do it if all of them say 'busy', right?
22:31.00Qwell[]the phone might do an implicit answer
22:31.02generalhanyes, but in the case where all 20 are on the phone the 10 other people waiting they will just shuffle in line until people get off the phone
22:31.03Qwell[]never know
22:31.27jhiverdon't know
22:31.36generalhanill have to turn the announcements off, people will be PISSED if they hear "you are next in line" then a minute later " you are number 12 in line"
22:31.45Qwell[]try it
22:31.46jhiveryou would think that queues would be able to handle all phones being busy wouldn't you?
22:32.00Qwell[]jhiver: It isn't the phone that's busy though
22:32.05Qwell[]the phone may very well answer, then transfer
22:32.12generalhanthats what i think
22:32.22Qwell[]try it
22:32.22jhiverusually that's not referred as 'forwarding'
22:32.28De_Mongrr argh
22:32.38De_Monwhy would I want to use playback instead of background?
22:32.39jhiverso unless the forwarding implementation is utterly shite, it should work
22:32.45X-Fileseyebeam support VIDEO stream and Message in asterisk ???????
22:32.46generalhanjust like a forwarding feature on any regular phone line it still shows that 15000 calls came in on that number and you get a bill for 15000 1 minute calls
22:32.55De_Monwhen would I NOT want to listen for keys?
22:33.09De_MonX-Files video and voice? yes
22:33.15Qwell[]De_Mon: Status messages
22:33.26Qwell[]"The system WILL be going down in 5 minutes."
22:33.35De_Monhehe I see
22:33.36jhiveryeah, but a 'regular phone' is not a SIP phone
22:33.40X-FilesDe_Mon: voice i know work. but Message and Status Online ?
22:33.42generalhanwell true
22:34.08jhivera 'regular phone' has no way of saying 'errr actually can you forward this call <there>, while a SIP phone is perfectly capable of doing that
22:34.13De_MonX-Files I'm pretty sure status online works, duno about this 'message' you speak of
22:34.58BladeRunner05Get error compiling mpg123-0.59r with asterisk 1.2.2
22:35.14Qwell[]BladeRunner05: 64 bit?
22:35.24jhivergeneralhan, I think you might want to try it at any rate
22:35.33BladeRunner05Qwell[]: no
22:36.04generalhanjhiver: the call limit or the forwarding ?
22:36.11*** join/#asterisk phos-phoros (n=James@unaffiliated/phos-phoros)
22:36.17generalhanim looking for the call limit stuff now
22:36.22jhiverwhichever works :)
22:36.45jhiverit's cool, you had a problem and now at least two potential solutions :)
22:36.45BladeRunner05The error is
22:37.05generalhanand thank you both so much, i cant take much more of them complaining to me about beeps in their ear ! lol
22:37.28Qwell[]BladeRunner05: What did you type?
22:37.28jhiverwell it's certainly understandable
22:37.35De_MonX-Files make sure allowvideo=yes is uncommented
22:37.41De_MonX-Files in sip.conf
22:37.42jhiverdoing this kind of help desk job is shit enough as it is :)
22:37.48BladeRunner05Qwell: what u mean ?
22:37.48jhiverno need to make it more painful :)
22:37.55Qwell[]BladeRunner05: To install it
22:38.13BladeRunner05qwell: I run make linux
22:38.26Qwell[]just type make
22:38.29jhiverBTW, has anybody already managed to get a cirpak sending calls through Asterisk using SIP?
22:38.52BladeRunner05qwell: if I run make it show me a list of make's parameters
22:38.53jhiverI tried with one of my customers...
22:39.01jhivercirpak -> asterisk would not work
22:39.07X-FilesDe_Mon: not work :( maybe i can paste to pastebin my sip config ?
22:39.08jhiverbut cirpak -> ser -> asterisk works fine
22:39.09zoasjhiver: im doing consultancy on it
22:39.19zoajhiver, i got it to work
22:39.26jhiveroh cool
22:39.29zoabut the ser should not help
22:39.34jhiverit does
22:39.41jhiverworks perfectly by putting ser in the middle
22:39.42De_MonX-Files ya paste a link in channel
22:39.43zoait worked for us, but had no ringtone
22:39.57X-FilesDe_Mon: ok, wait
22:40.00jhiverI see
22:40.04De_MonX-Files can you see yourself in the drawing window before making a call?
22:40.14zoaso, if you dont have a ringtone, contact us on
22:40.21jhiverso zoa have you got a solution for this? are you selling it or something?
22:40.22De_Monarg, my session keeps timing out cuz I'm talking on irc :P
22:40.55zoayou need to patch asterisk for it
22:41.00jhiverOK :)
22:41.03zoaput timers in there
22:41.38jhivercan you send me a little message at
22:42.03jhiverI was helping the client but if they want to pay (and I know your price) then I will pass that cost onto them
22:42.22zoano need to pay me (unless i need to do it for them)
22:42.47jhiverwell if you do work of course you need to be paid :)
22:43.04jhiverI'll try to see what value this has for them
22:43.27jhiverbut they said it worked when I used SER
22:43.27zoamaybe he has ringback on the pstn side
22:43.33zoaor maybe its not using pstn at all
22:43.59jhiverWell it was IP phone -> cirpak -> SER -> asterisk -> PSTN -> my mobile test
22:44.13jhiverfantastic quality as well :)
22:44.37X-FilesDe_Mon: yes.
22:44.49zoaaha, then they wont have a problem
22:45.02zoai noticed a problem on pstn -> cirpak -> asterisk
22:45.06X-FilesDe_Mon: <<- sip.conf and extensions.conf
22:45.09jhiverah ok
22:45.13zoapatch will be put on mantis for reference
22:45.31jhiverso what is the problem exactly in this configuration?
22:45.58zoaasterisk doesnt send audio when no rtp is received
22:46.14zoaand cirpak doesnt send any rtp when the call is still ringing
22:46.23jhiverhang on
22:46.27zoanor likes the ringing (it wants it played)
22:46.39jhiverI'm not sure to understand
22:46.53zoaso the pstn end heard no ringback tone while calling the other end
22:47.02zoabut sip -> pstn was not a problem
22:47.05zoaonly pstn -> sip
22:47.31jhiverisn't ringing just signalling?
22:47.37jhiverwhat's the need for RTP?
22:47.37zoait doesnt have to be
22:47.51zoawhen it goes to pstn, something has to generate the tone
22:47.55zoaand the cirpak didnt do it
22:48.02jhiverI thought it was coming from the PSTN
22:48.04De_MonX-Files I don't see anything wrong in those configs.  -- can you see yourself in the drawing window before making a call?
22:48.15De_Monoh you said yes
22:48.20jhiveryou said PSTN -> Cirpak -> Asterisk
22:48.24X-FilesDe_Mon: =) yes yes
22:48.28De_MonX-Files getting any errors at the CLI?
22:48.35zoaso in this case asterisk had to send a ringing tone to the cirpak
22:48.36X-FilesDe_Mon: no
22:48.45zoaotherwise the pstn caller would not hear a ringback tone
22:48.53De_MonX-Files can you get just voice to work?
22:48.58X-Filesvoice work
22:49.02zoaprobably could be fixed on the cirpak, but my client had no access to that
22:49.07zoai need to go
22:49.21jhiverok speak to you later
22:49.24De_MonX-Files duno, it should be working based on my experience :)
22:49.29jhiveri'm still unsure
22:49.33X-FilesDe_Mon: maybe put debug to pastebin ?
22:49.39jhiverto understand this ringback tone malarki properly :)
22:51.11*** join/#asterisk Sniper00X (
22:51.12De_Monwill s,1,background(playbackfile) s,2,Read(VAR) do the same thing as s,1,Read(VAR|playbackfile), without waiting for the playbackfile to end?
22:53.34X-FilesDe_Mon: check it
22:53.53X-FilesDe_Mon: this log from debug asterisk
22:54.01De_MonX-Files I duno how to translate asterisk debug logs
22:56.27Sniper00Xanyone knows if asterisk would work with a netgear WGR826V and cablevision optimum voice .. netgear acting as a pstn?
23:02.56*** join/#asterisk thosa (
23:03.32*** join/#asterisk pifiu (n=myassisb@
23:04.09pifiuhey qwell i got disconnected sorry
23:06.01ManxPoweSniper00X, What protocol does that device use?
23:06.06*** join/#asterisk Mark_Halverson (
23:08.34Qwell[]okay, this Brian Bell guy on the -dev an idiot
23:09.05wunderkinmust not read any of the emails
23:09.08MikeJ[Laptop]well that's not very nice
23:09.24Qwell[]MikeJ[Laptop]: Read his message.  You'll agree :P
23:09.33drumkillathat's awesome
23:09.44Qwell[]I was polite as possible...
23:09.48drumkillaI love how the third line tells you how to unsubscribe
23:09.54Qwell[]drumkilla: See my response :p
23:10.17*** join/#asterisk pifiu-laptop (
23:10.19Qwell[]I was holding WAYYY back...I wanted to tear into him
23:10.32Qwell[]so, I'll talk shit here instead :p
23:10.41X-FilesDe_Mon: u there ?
23:10.51drumkillahe won't get the response until his next digest
23:10.54drumkillawhich he probably won't read
23:11.09*** join/#asterisk cyburdine (n=cyburdin@
23:11.40Qwell[]drumkilla: You like formatting fixes, right? :)
23:12.07Qwell[]should take a look at 6300
23:12.13drumkillaoh, i love them
23:12.22pifiu what does that mean? and how can i get around it?
23:12.43Qwell[]pifiu: Add a peer named name
23:12.44Mark_Halversonanyone know of any good voip exchanges?
23:12.57pifiuin extensions?
23:13.02Qwell[]in iax.conf
23:13.13Qwell[]iax2.conf?  whatever
23:13.14pifiui already have one
23:13.25pifiulet me double check everything
23:14.02drumkillaQwell[]: is it purely formatting?
23:14.10Qwell[]and the small doxygen changes
23:14.20Qwell[]alaw had doxygen comments ulaw didn't
23:14.36drumkillaQwell[]: you could have put these in a branch  :)
23:14.43Qwell[]I can
23:14.48Qwell[]it'll take me like two seconds
23:14.55drumkillano need
23:14.59drumkillatoo late now  :)
23:15.29Qwell[]only reason I put them up in patch form, was so they could be reviewed easier, and seperately
23:15.31X-FilesPpls, Please help. I use asterisk CVS version and eyeBeam ! I can't see Video stream , voice worked !  my configure files : <<- sip.conf and extensions.conf   , debug file :
23:16.16*** join/#asterisk anarcat (n=anarcat@pdpc/supporter/active/anarcat)
23:16.41anarcat^^Gu[L]Can, stop spamming.
23:16.55drumkillaQwell[]: i'm just going to do a quick 'svn diff -uw'  :)
23:16.55Qwell[]What's he spamming?
23:16.58anarcatanyone has experience of asterisk in a vserver?
23:17.02anarcatQwell[], me. in colors.
23:17.06Qwell[]drumkilla: yeah, that would have worked, heh
23:17.17anarcati'm having problems starting asterisk in a vserver
23:17.25anarcatJan 20 23:14:37 WARNING[28021]: Failed to bind to Address already in use
23:17.27anarcatJan 20 23:14:37 WARNING[28021]: Unable to open IAX timing interface: Permission denied
23:17.31anarcatJan 20 23:14:40 ERROR[28021]: Unable to bind to port 4569: Address already in use
23:17.37Qwell[]ooo, no -w for svn diff
23:17.38drumkillause a different port .......
23:17.45drumkillaQwell[]: you serious?
23:18.04drumkillai bet there is a way!
23:18.08Qwell[]probably with 0x
23:18.08drumkillasome how, some way!
23:18.18anarcatdrumkilla, i don't think that's the problem
23:18.21anarcatJan 20 23:18:01 WARNING[28772]: Unable to open IAX timing interface: Permission denied
23:18.21Qwell[]ha, nope
23:18.24anarcatthat's not good
23:18.27Qwell[]svn: '-w' is not supported
23:18.31*** part/#asterisk twisted[asteria] (n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted)
23:19.08Qwell[]drumkilla: would probably have to diff against a clean trunk
23:19.16Qwell[]manual diff
23:19.19drumkillathis is annoying
23:19.51Qwell[]--diff-cmd diff -x -w
23:19.54Qwell[]-x -uw
23:20.32drumkillathanks  :)
23:20.35Qwell[]That's still a long patch, heh
23:20.37generalhanQwell[]: all i see in the sample for call limit it incominglimit, but that is described as how many OUTGOING calls at a time ? wheres the incoming one ? lol
23:20.53Qwell[]outgoing TO the phone
23:20.58generalhani see
23:21.03generalhanok lets try that out ! thanks !
23:21.11[av]banianyone know how to unlock packet8's uniden UIP1868P?
23:22.55*** join/#asterisk dsfr (
23:23.33drumkillaQwell[]: done
23:23.43Qwell[]you rock
23:25.11pifiuok so wtf the user is created
23:25.13pifiuand still doenst work
23:25.20Qwell[]pifiu: created correctly?
23:25.25Qwell[]pastebin it
23:25.41Qwell[]put the error(s) in there again too
23:28.25*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
23:28.26*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
23:28.31Ariel_hello everyone
23:30.00[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : I wouldn't touch it... then again I dislike the UIP-200....
23:30.28Ariel_ahh talk about phones.... one word....Polycom's
23:30.43[TK]D-FenderAriel_ : Find your own choir :D
23:30.56Ariel_[TK]D-Fender, hehehe
23:31.59X-FilesPpls, why not work Status Online users in EYEBEAM ???
23:33.38*** join/#asterisk pr0m (
23:34.59*** join/#asterisk [hC] (i=turnerd@
23:35.16[hC]Is there any way to tune down the number of rings it takes this tdm400p to answer a call?
23:35.24[hC]it usually takes 2-3 rings before asterisk decides to pick it up
23:35.28X-FilesJan 21 01:40:25 NOTICE[14960]: chan_sip.c:11133 handle_request: Unknown SIP command 'PUBLISH' from 'x.x.x.x'
23:35.41X-Fileshmm why this notice ?
23:35.47pifiuqwell still nothing. =(
23:36.34Qwell[][hC]: Do you have cid on the line?
23:36.53[hC]Qwell: if i turn callerid=no will it reduce the time?
23:36.54*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=nah@
23:37.00[hC]Qwell:I presume it waits so it can pick up cid..
23:37.13[hC]makes sense.
23:37.31[hC]im picking up two more tdm400's since i think my first one is toast
23:37.36*** part/#asterisk anarcat (n=anarcat@pdpc/supporter/active/anarcat)
23:37.36Dr-Linuxanybody familiar with Asterisk AGI with Java?
23:37.37hugo-v6X-Files: snom phone?
23:37.38[hC]well. transmit on it is toast.
23:37.48denonlets convert em all to ISDN!
23:37.54X-Fileshugo-v6: no, soft phone - eyebeam
23:38.27hugo-v6X-Files: sorry then. dunno this soft.
23:39.44*** join/#asterisk thosa (
23:39.55*** part/#asterisk thosa (
23:40.20hugo-v6X-Files: but fyi u can ignore this warning
23:40.55X-Fileshugo-v6: but, i wanna see status users online/busy/offline
23:40.58*** join/#asterisk Current (i=_niLgun_@
23:41.39*** join/#asterisk BladeRunner05 (
23:42.32De_Monif I want a good cheap phone for asterisk, polycom the way to go?
23:42.40*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
23:43.06X-FilesDe_Mon: why me not work status contacts online, away or offline ?
23:43.25generalhanQwell[]: Thank you soo much. the incominglimit worked perfectly!! i just tested it out and everyone loves me again !! LOL
23:43.26jaikede_mon: wouldnt exactly call them cheap
23:43.33jaikemost bang for the buck probably
23:44.44BladeRunner05someone has experienced with ast gui client+ vicidial on asterisk 1.2.2 ?
23:44.51De_Monoh,  now that I'm looking I have yet to see any prices
23:45.15Mark_HalversonBladeRunner: try #gnudialer channel
23:45.33BladeRunner05mark: I try
23:45.47hugo-v6beside that imho look the polycom phones like crap. (well teh 50x is 'ok')
23:46.36Ariel_hugo-v6, yes looks are strange but they work great and sound great.
23:46.39X-FilesPlease, ppls, help, why i can't see status contact in eyebeam ?
23:47.22jaikex-files: asterisk sip probably doesnt support PUBLISH
23:47.57X-Filesjaike: hmm, but asterisk presence support...
23:48.25X-Filesjaike: from
23:48.26X-FilesPhones known to work with the current implementation of SIP Presence
23:48.26X-FilesSnom (various models)
23:48.26X-FilesPolycom IP30x/IP50x/IP600
23:48.26X-FilesXten EyeBeam
23:48.26X-FilesGrandstream GXP2000 (Firmware >=
23:49.01Qwell[]X-Files: You need to setup presense on asterisk, and eyebeam needs to subscribe to it
23:49.43X-FilesQwell: setup ? check it <<- sip.conf and extensions.conf
23:49.52hugo-v6Ariel_: someday if i have to much money ill buy one and see for myself ;)
23:50.02Ariel_X-Files, you need to use hint setup for that to work
23:50.19Ariel_hugo-v6, there less money then the snom
23:50.27X-FilesAriel_: check it : <<- sip.conf and extensions.conf
23:52.10De_MonQwell[] i think what hes trying to say, is that he has hints setup
23:53.37*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
23:54.01De_Monif I do s,1,Festival('Goodbye'); s,2,Hangup All I hear on the phone is "goo"
23:54.01hugo-v6Ariel_: not for me in .de beside that i want a 50x
23:54.25De_Monis that.. intended?
23:54.33*** join/#asterisk Meaty (
23:54.50hugo-v6goo? sounds funny :)
23:55.17*** join/#asterisk nagl (
23:55.58De_Monhugo-v6 the pbx is disconnecting before festival has a chance to say the whole string
23:56.32hugo-v6De_Mon: i thought something like that. but i cant help you. sorry.
23:56.48joeif there is a long delay before you start hearing a ring what could be the problem (handoff from a fujitxu pbx via a t1)?
23:57.13X-FilesDe_Mon jaike Qwell: check it please :  <<-- sip debug

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.