irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060119

00:00.06nettieit's a totally diffent setup I think
00:00.16nettiewas T.38
00:00.46hugo-v6nettie: well its completely analog/isdn
00:01.31nettieI'm not sure if my voip provider actually supports T.38.. all I know is that I was unable to send a fax successfully and that's very bad :( eheh
00:01.50hugo-v6nettie: buy a modem at eb*y
00:02.04*** join/#asterisk ptiggerdine (
00:02.24*** join/#asterisk Flauto (n=zhao@
00:02.48Flautowhat happened to the cvs download?
00:03.19gaz00nettie: are you sure that it's a pap2?
00:03.21Flautoi could not find the cvs download information on
00:03.35nettiegaz00 100 sure
00:03.46nettielatest stable firmware
00:03.54gaz00then there's your problem.
00:04.04gaz00i'm pretty sure that the PAP2 is locked to vonage, isn't it?
00:04.15nettiethat's unlocked
00:04.16gaz00if i recall correctly, that's why they had the pap2-na
00:04.19nettiefull retail versiob
00:04.26Flautohello people
00:04.44gaz00i'll take your word for it.   no clue then :s
00:04.54Flautowhere can i download using cvs
00:05.35Flautoi cound not find the information on voip-info
00:06.02JMcAFlauto: I think the * project is using subversion now
00:06.02Mark_Halversondoes anyone know of a SIMPLE predective dialer? i cant seem to get gnudialer working
00:06.13gaz00JMcA is right
00:06.16gaz00but it's on there
00:06.34JMcAMark_Halverson: careful...someone might thing you're talking about the IM and presense protocol  :)
00:07.19Mark_Halversonuse wget much easier then cvs
00:08.26*** part/#asterisk Snooker (
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00:11.40*** join/#asterisk Dibbler_ (
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00:14.07Luhiwui'm having problems with Pickup(), i get "No originating channel found" in the debug, anyone can help me with that?
00:14.53lesouvageIs there an easy way to have an empty ${CALLERIDNUM} changed into a row of zeros. Is something like NOCID=0000000000 in zapata.conf available?
00:16.21Einar__I'm looking for a script to look up the caller name from database when receiving calls from pstn. Anyone know about something like that..?
00:20.45*** join/#asterisk franck (n=franck@tikiwiki/franck)
00:22.24*** join/#asterisk greendisease (n=greendis@fedora/greendisease)
00:22.47greendiseasekram: ping
00:23.07*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:23.26*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
00:23.28riddleboxcan someone help me with AGI scripting in C?
00:23.58warthawgthey call me mister_null_pointer, can i help?
00:24.12warthawg(just teasing)
00:24.19JMcAas long as you don't try to dereference them...
00:24.52JMcAdang...shoulda made a joke about dereferencing you...
00:25.13drumkilla*((int *)0) = 0;
00:25.21drumkillathat will fix all of your problems!
00:25.29riddleboxI am not sure how to take the result of a command in AGI scripting in C?
00:25.36*** join/#asterisk Simon- (
00:29.17Flautohi people which version should i check out? 1.2.2 or the development
00:32.50wunderkinfor production use 1.2 release branch or home you can use development but if you ask then probably not
00:34.56lesouvageIs there a way to shorten the 5 seconds waiting before the jump to the t extensions. Asterisk just need a split second to find out that there is no callerid.
00:35.35hugo-v6q: need a dialtone in s extension. how?
00:38.17*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
00:39.53hugo-v6got it ... going to play with disa
00:40.12dogtanianam i doing something wrong or is FWD always busy?
00:42.26Luhiwui'm having problems with Pickup(), i get "No originating channel found" in the debug, anyone can help me with that?
00:42.54*** join/#asterisk F41L4M3 (n=SCOTT@
00:43.22lesouvagedogtanian: there is a good change that you are doing everything just is it should. fwd is often busy.
00:44.14dogtanianlesouvage: thanks :)
00:46.21F41L4M3what would i need to create a dial in server to test modems in my repair shop that has no public telephone lines
00:47.11*** join/#asterisk dw2 (n=dw@
00:47.24denonF41L4M3: a 386 and a modem?
00:47.55F41L4M3denon: huh?
00:48.24denonthere are any number of small apps that will answer the call, give you an ip, etc
00:48.29denonnothing to do with asterisk
00:48.32denonjust a regular modem
00:49.25F41L4M3but do these apps give a dial tone for the modems
00:49.46*** join/#asterisk jyukes (
00:49.51denonoh, like that..
00:50.10denonthey used to make those little short-haul modems that simulated a dialtone and the other end ..
00:51.34F41L4M3see what i wanna do is make a little dial in server box to test modems that acts as an isp and gives the client an ip so they can piggy-back my connection
00:52.16*** join/#asterisk Dandan (
00:52.22dw2heya :) it seems that my Dial(Zap/1/numberhere) is giving rather unpredictable results. Sometimes dialing the right number, some other times dialing somewhere else that I have no idea about. Any leads I should explore?
00:53.50F41L4M3any ideas on how to do that
00:54.49*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
00:55.46Ariel_dw2, put a wait into the dial string like Dial(Zap/1www/number)
00:56.21dw2hmm, in the channel section?
00:56.24Ariel_F41L4M3, asterisk can give you a dial tone. But connection with a modem is a nother matter.
00:56.35Ariel_channel section??? are you using amp
00:56.52dw2nono, I mean you said Dial(Zap/1www/number) while what I tried was Dial(Zap/1/wwwnumber)
00:57.41F41L4M3Ariel_: you wouldn't happen to know anything about that other matter would you... maybe a FXS card
00:57.52Ariel_dial(Zap/1www/NumberHEre) or something like exten => _X.,1,Dial(Zap/1www/${EXTEN},20)
00:58.11dw2gotcha, thanks, I'll give it a shot
00:58.22Ariel_F41L4M3, an fxs board will give you a dial tone. and you can also use an asterisk with a channel bank.
00:59.05F41L4M3but will that translate an ip to the client
00:59.15Ariel_F41L4M3, but getting modems to operate over voip is very hard but with a pots line it works fine.
00:59.46Ariel_IP are not given out you need to call to a pptp server or ppp server that assigns the IP like a terminal server.
00:59.53*** join/#asterisk phos-phoros (n=James@unaffiliated/phos-phoros)
01:00.16Ariel_F41L4M3, You need a RAS server
01:00.30JMcAF41L4M3: for the IP part, you're basically asking how to set up a dial-in router...not a trivial task, to say the least
01:00.31Ariel_Remote Access Server
01:00.47*** join/#asterisk troyb (
01:01.02newlDoes Asterisk grok DWDM? <g>
01:01.04dw2hm, seems like the problem persists, and now gives me:  chan_zap.c:7214 zt_request: Unknown option 'w' in '1www/numberhere'
01:01.21JMcAnewl: uhm, no  :)
01:01.27newldialin router?  They're a piece of cake.  The PPP HOWTO even covers that afair. :)
01:02.02dw2is there any way that I could use to figure out what number it is dialing instead of the specified one? I guess that could help me figure out if the tones are out of whack or if it's just a truncating error
01:02.02JMcAnewl: yeah, but that's a fairly beefy howto...and certainly beyond explanation in #asterisk
01:02.41*** part/#asterisk maxis (
01:03.26*** join/#asterisk sdgusler (n=animenod@
01:03.33F41L4M3newl: Any special hardware needed?
01:03.38Ariel_dw2, do then Dial(zap/1/wwwNUMBER
01:04.05JMcAF41L4M3: the howto should basically cover that...but "a modem"
01:04.30Ariel_F41L4M3, you need a ras server which has modems on the end of the lines
01:04.31JMcAnewl: suck
01:04.42newlfinally good to have some time off now..29 sites. heh
01:05.13JMcAman...I wish we (my work) had dark fiber between our two sites...I'd love to just run stuff of dwdm
01:05.21Ariel_F41L4M3, do a search for RAS server on google
01:05.45F41L4M3Ariel_: I am not sure if that fixes the dial tone issuse (this is a nessecity for testing some of the repair jobs)
01:05.47newlThis gear is going back to Marconi for a refurb, firmware and slight hardware upgrade.
01:06.00JMcAF41L4M3:'re confusing two different things
01:06.22newlBy the time it goes back in, it may be Ericsson. hehe
01:07.10*** join/#asterisk co-bdg^-^ (
01:07.32Ariel_F41L4M3, lets put part number 1) dial tone. simple put an fxs board. 2) IP for modem testing this is the part that is hard.
01:07.55troybhas _vile been around lately?
01:08.14Ariel_~seen _vile
01:08.20jbot_vile <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 8d 22h 28m 55s ago, saying: 'see #irc for help'.
01:08.22JMcAAriel_: actually need two fxs boards, or a board with two fxs ports anyway
01:08.40Ariel_JMcA, not for just dial tone
01:09.16JMcAfor one port of dial tone...he's gonna need for the ras for the box being tested
01:09.21dw2hm, still won't work for some reason, now some strange lady just answered the phone instead of my cell >.>
01:09.44Ariel_JMcA, yes that is correct. But I am just replying his one question I just want dial tone.
01:09.46*** join/#asterisk ard (n=ard@2001:7b8:32d:0:20c:6eff:fe18:d11f)
01:10.24JMcAof course, that's part of the problem...he doesn't even know enough about what he's trying to do to even ask the right questions  :/
01:11.06Ariel_JMcA, you now got my point....
01:11.24F41L4M3yes that is true i am not a networking expert but I have a genuine issue
01:12.24*** join/#asterisk file (
01:12.58litageif set a = set b, set a is a subset of set b. what word is used to explain that set a is only a part of set b?
01:13.20Darwin35all laintancy issues with rockynet and teliax should be clearing up execp for the issue with cogent
01:13.29JMcAyou mean there are items in set b that aren't in set a?
01:13.33Darwin35congent seems to have inhouse issues right now
01:13.54troybDarwin35 whats up with cogent?
01:14.18litageJMcA: yes
01:14.52Darwin35seems they are having router issues. they said they know of the issues but it will take time to get around to them all
01:14.56JMcAI'm not sure of the correct terminlogy, I might call it a partial subset or a limited subset
01:15.07*** join/#asterisk wasim (n=wasim@pdpc/supporter/active/wasim)
01:15.09Ariel_F41L4M3, yes your trying to make a box by guessing at what you need. If you were to post what you want to do completely then someone might be able help more.
01:15.10troybDarwin35 usually cogent is pretty good at disclosing issues in full
01:15.27Darwin35sounds like they might be short staffed
01:15.28troybone of the easier carriers to deal with :P
01:15.35Ariel_F41L4M3, but if you need a RAS server for testing that is not needing just a dial tone.
01:15.40Darwin35thanks love you to
01:15.49litagegot it. thanks
01:16.06troybDarwin35 could be :) i remember them having a network status page somewhere
01:16.07F41L4M3i guess then i need a combination of the two
01:16.09Darwin35we here at teliax are easy to get along with as long as you talk respectfully you get respect back
01:16.29troybi have never heard of teliax
01:17.00Ariel_I have
01:17.15troybDarwin35 i hope you dont single home to cogent.. if so anyone who does deserves downtime
01:17.15*** join/#asterisk file[lap1op] (
01:17.32Darwin35we are multi
01:17.52Darwin35and  rockynet is our front right now
01:17.56troybshould be nothing to worry about as long as you guys have enough capacity to simply stop announcing cogent
01:18.01JMcAtroyb: the age old problem of a provider having issues, but not severe enough to cause traffic to reroute
01:18.12Ariel_F41L4M3, ok lets start over. Are you looking for a inhouse Remote Access Server for testing.  connecting your modems for testing no outside phone lines.
01:18.30F41L4M3yes that is correct
01:18.33troybJMcA if you have surplus capacity from other carriers there is no reason to NOT stop announcing the carrier with problems
01:18.43JMcAtroyb: no argument there
01:19.11troybif they were my customers i would definetely follow that rule above, there is no reason to nickle and dime over carriers
01:19.33troybunless of course your burst capacity is costing you an arm and a leg :)
01:20.06JMcAtroyb: agreed on all counts
01:20.34troybJMcA i have no work on my plate tonight so i have my legs on my desk surfing channels
01:21.22troybim not sure if that came out right.
01:21.34JMcAnah...I know where you're coming from
01:22.02*** join/#asterisk florz (n=florz@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
01:22.18Ariel_F41L4M3, this is info about ras your not going to like it. But hope it helps
01:29.08*** join/#asterisk ptiggerdine (
01:30.28co-bdg^-^let say we have 10 pots line ... how much fxo card i need ?
01:30.40justinu12 lines
01:30.51justinuunless there's a 10 line card out there
01:31.10*** part/#asterisk F41L4M3 (n=SCOTT@
01:31.19co-bdg^-^so i have to buy 10 fxo card ?
01:31.29justinuyou can buy a 12 line card
01:31.44*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
01:31.46co-bdg^-^well what type and what brand name ?
01:32.13justinudigium tdm2400 probably
01:33.32*** join/#asterisk razu (
01:33.38*** join/#asterisk dijit0 (n=dijit0@
01:34.48Ariel_yes the tdm2400 series would do the job
01:34.53*** join/#asterisk welles (n=welles@
01:35.00*** join/#asterisk shawn (n=welles@
01:35.04dijit0im an idiot and i dont know how to run asterisk unless i am logged into root, anyone willing to help me? lol
01:35.08Qwellblitzrage: When did you try sending it?  I was having issues with it yesterday.  (10 hour delayed response)
01:35.41Ariel_dijit0, yes have you looked at the voip-info for running asterisk as non-root
01:36.38Ariel_JunK-Y, how are you doing? hows the weather up north?
01:36.46dijit0thank you, i will have a look
01:38.01co-bdg^-^and how if we want to use analog phone but we want to connect to asterisk server
01:38.07co-bdg^-^what hardware should i buy ?
01:38.17justinuco-bdg^-^: there's also a sangoma a200 card as well, i belive
01:38.58justinuco-bdg^-^: the tdm2400 can be fitted with fxs ports as well
01:39.06justinuthat's what you use to connect analog phones to asterisk
01:39.29co-bdg^-^so i have to buy sangoma and digium tdm2400 card ?
01:39.43Ariel_the TDM2400 board is large and you need a brakeout box or connected to a 66 block
01:40.03justinusangoma or digium
01:40.07justinunot both
01:40.08dijit0non-root is how its supposed to be run correct?
01:40.09Ariel_co-bdg^-^, also a channel bank with a te110b
01:40.31Qwellhere's the real question...why do you HAVE 10 lines? :)
01:40.33Ariel_dijit0, it's up to you
01:40.42Qwellwould a PRI be cheaper at that many?
01:40.52Ariel_a vegastream also would work and an audiocodec
01:41.01dijit0isn't there a big security issue running it as root if it is connect to the internet?
01:41.13justinusip gateways are generally more expensive, but a valid solution
01:41.17Ariel_dijit0, yes there is but it's still up to you.
01:41.21JunK-YAriel_: rain/snow and cold!
01:41.27dijit0alright, thanks
01:41.39QwellJunK-Y: You're gonna love the weather here
01:41.41co-bdg^-^Qwell: because it;s our office line pbx now
01:41.44Ariel_rain/cold but it's just for one day.
01:41.54JunK-YQwell: i check, kinda cold too :(
01:42.03Qwell57F currently
01:42.09QwellThat's pretty warm, considering
01:42.15Ariel_it's cold here for us. But it's warmer then most.
01:42.53Qwellof course...SF may be cooler...I don't know
01:42.53Ariel_~weather ktmb
01:42.53justinuSF is downright cold
01:42.53JunK-Y~weather sfo
01:42.53co-bdg^-^Qwell: PRI  be cheaper can you explain to me ?
01:43.07Qwellco-bdg^-^: oftentimes, when you get to enough lines, a PRI ends up being cheaper
01:43.20drumkillaanyone here have an iSight?!
01:43.23Qwellsometimes it's as low as 5 lines, and sometimes, it's more than 24
01:43.24drumkillawith a mac?!
01:43.28Qwelldrumkilla: I
01:43.33drumkillaQwell: !!!!!!!!
01:44.00drumkillanobody?  :(
01:44.12*** join/#asterisk smallb (
01:44.20JunK-Yfile: i wonder if i should get a laptop like u.
01:44.21Qwellwow, highs of ~55F
01:44.29fileJunK-Y: get a Macbook Pro!
01:44.36filethen you can conf with drumkilla and I
01:44.40co-bdg^-^Qwell:  i want to replace our pbx system with 10 lines to asterisk server
01:44.46Qwellco-bdg^-^: 10 lines from the telco?
01:44.50filewe're talking over iChat O.O
01:44.54co-bdg^-^Qwell: Yes
01:44.55JunK-YQwell: 55 is not so hot, but its okay.
01:44.58fileyou're not really running in circles
01:45.04Qwellco-bdg^-^: ask them what 10 lines cost, then ask what a PRI costs
01:45.06JunK-Yfile: how much?
01:45.08Ariel_co-bdg^-^, do you actually need that many?
01:45.15JunK-Yim poor!
01:45.17Qwellfor a mactop?  Like $3k, heh
01:45.21[hC]Anyone here use a 7970 with chan_sccp?
01:45.25justinu2500 now :)
01:45.31Qwell[hC]: sheesh, what am I, invisible? :P
01:45.33co-bdg^-^Qwell: we use 10 lines now from telco ...
01:45.35[hC]Hey Qwell :)
01:45.40[hC]you have a 70?
01:45.54Qwell[hC]: my boss does, but I set them up
01:45.54[hC]I thought you had a 7920...
01:45.56kuku5Anyone know of a good origination company ?
01:45.57Ariel_co-bdg^-^, do you have broadband internet access?
01:46.00JMcAthe 7970 is the color screen, right?
01:46.01Qwell60s and 70s
01:46.06QwellJMcA: yes, color touch screen
01:46.12Ariel_so you get a few lines rest via voip you use the expensive pots lines as backup
01:46.14[hC]Qwell: do you get an 'error updating locale' when booting, and "Unknown number' in the placed/missed calls list?
01:46.14justinuqwell: i convinced one of my customers to go with PRI instead of POTS
01:46.14co-bdg^-^Ariel_: Yes we have sdsl broadband connection
01:46.19JunK-Y70, hummm :)
01:46.20[hC]Qwell: or does it work right?
01:46.20JMcAI think we've got a couple, but they're talking to a Cisco Call Manager *spit*
01:46.24justinuqwell: it's taken SBC 2 months, and still no T1
01:46.29QwellI think I get the locale thing, but...
01:46.35kuku5PRI is so much better then analog
01:46.38QwellI believe the calls list works too
01:46.46filePRI R0X0RS MY S0X0RZ
01:46.50fileand B0X0RZ
01:46.52drumkillafile: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
01:46.55filealllllll night long
01:46.56Qwelljustinu: awesome
01:46.59drumkillafile: nobody wants to talk to us
01:47.04filedrumkilla: :(
01:47.10filewe're lonely people!
01:47.11co-bdg^-^Ariel_: yes i think so ... my problem is we don;t want to replace our current analog phone
01:47.14filecome and join us!
01:47.28co-bdg^-^Ariel_: but we want to connect our analog phone to asterisk server
01:47.32JunK-Yjoining file is like joining the DARK SIDE!
01:47.35drumkillaco-bdg^-^: TDM2400P
01:47.37fileI am the dark side.
01:47.54filenobody talk to drumkilla, you'll make him angry!!!
01:48.02filethen he'll scream >.<
01:48.07filelike a little girl :P
01:48.31co-bdg^-^drumkilla: and how about 10 lines from telco that we use now ?
01:48.34*** part/#asterisk smallb (
01:48.41drumkillajbot: tdm2400p is 24-port FXO/FXS card:
01:48.43jbotdrumkilla: okay
01:48.43Qwellco-bdg^-^: how many phones?
01:49.07JunK-Yfile: julie says hello and OH BABY, baby ur hurting me!
01:49.12co-bdg^-^Qwell: from internal office 50 lines
01:49.28co-bdg^-^Qwell: from telco to call outside 10 line
01:49.30drumkillaJunK-Y: Julie is my girlfriend's name, too  :)
01:49.30co-bdg^-^Qwell: from telco to call outside 10 lines
01:49.32Qwell50 lines or phones?
01:49.35QwellYou need to be very specific
01:49.37fileJunK-Y: be careful, I'll steal Julie away from you!
01:49.40co-bdg^-^i mean 50 phones
01:49.57JunK-Yfile: np i'll keep drumkilla'
01:49.59JunK-Ys julie
01:50.11Qwellco-bdg^-^: You're gonna need something to connect the phones.  With that many, I'd honestly recommend getting a quad span T1 card, and a big channel bank
01:50.31Qwellbonus...if you get the quad span card, you'll have an extra port if you decide to switch to PRI
01:50.44welleshi all
01:51.04justinuco-bdg^-^: that's a good recomendation, listen to qwell
01:51.04Qwellwith 10 lines...really...I're very likely to save money by switching to PRI
01:51.09co-bdg^-^well where should i get information about t1 card to match our need ?
01:51.15co-bdg^-^Qwell: well where should i get information about t1 card to match our need ?
01:51.30justinuco-bdg^-^: digum or sangoma 4 span T1 card
01:51.30Qwellco-bdg^-^: The Digium t4xxp would do the trick
01:51.43QwellThat's the one
01:51.44*** join/#asterisk ravenpi (
01:52.22co-bdg^-^ok i'll googling first ... thanks all
01:52.32QwellYou'd probably use 2-3 ports on that for the phones, then one port for a PRI from the telco
01:53.11JMcAweebles wobble but they don't fall down
01:53.18filedrumkilla should be working on his homework, so everyone say "RUSSELL! WORK ON YOUR HOMEWORK!"
01:54.31*** join/#asterisk Jaxxan (n=jaxxan@
01:54.48Jaxxanhey ya'll
01:55.20*** join/#asterisk _adrian (
01:55.28Jaxxani normally use cisco 7940 and 7960's in my office. But i find myself looking for cheap office phones for a new satellite office that dont need all that functionality. any suggestions?
01:55.45co-bdg^-^Qwell: can you give the url for Digium t4xxp ?
01:55.54[hC]If you dont need PoE or dual ethernet ports, the linksys spa-941 is a good choice
01:56.16co-bdg^-^i'm googling but i found none url ?
01:56.26JaxxanPOE could be an option though
01:56.32*** part/#asterisk _adrian (
01:56.32Jaxxangoogling that linksys spa-941
01:57.03Qwellone of the top need to choose...carefully
01:57.42Qwellco-bdg^-^: and you'll also need a channel bank with enough ports, of course
01:58.11co-bdg^-^Qwell: channel bank for our office analog phone ?
01:58.29shawnQwell, hi
01:59.27co-bdg^-^Qwell: because i'm in indonesia so i think this hardware is hard to find ...
01:59.50justinuyou might be able to get it from singapore
02:00.17co-bdg^-^justinu:  digium supplier ?
02:01.13justinumaybe, not sure
02:01.19justinucall digium in the usa and ask them
02:01.34justinualso try sangoma as well
02:01.48*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
02:02.15shawnhi justinu
02:05.25shawnjustinu, the fellowing is from asterisk cli :Executing Dial("IAX2/1234-1", "SIP/2345@gate") in new stack . but i don't use iax2/1234, i use iax2/1001, why the user change?
02:06.13shawnanyone can help me?
02:06.23*** join/#asterisk littleball (
02:06.50shawnzoa, are u there?
02:07.55*** join/#asterisk razu__ (
02:13.30co-bdg^-^justinu : sangoma only serve 3 lines to telco and 1 line to t1 channel bank ... how about other 7 lines to telco ?
02:13.51co-bdg^-^justinu : should i have to buy 3 sangoma card ?
02:16.25*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (i=mw3@
02:16.39*** join/#asterisk wellng (n=welles@
02:16.50Ariel_co-bdg^-^, no tdm2400 from digium
02:17.05Ariel_or the new sangoma A200 series when it comes out
02:20.30co-bdg^-^Ariel_: i found t1 channel bank from Rhino is that suite to connect to digium or sangoma card ?
02:21.02QwellAriel_: consider, he's got 50 phones to connect also
02:21.11Ariel_co-bdg^-^, yes to a TE110p from digium and for the t1 Sangoma
02:21.27Ariel_co-bdg^-^, are the phones analog?
02:21.34Ariel_or are they digital from a pbx
02:22.01Qwellhe said analog earlier
02:22.07freqanyone know what I'd have to add to my conf files so people can dialin into my asterisk box and then be able to dialout out again
02:22.16QwellI recommended he look at the quad span cards, and a channelbank for those
02:22.17co-bdg^-^Ariel_: analog phones
02:22.37Qwellfreq: like DISA?
02:22.58Ariel_your will be needing 3 24 port channel banks and a TE410p at least or TE411
02:23.40freqnot sure, I want users to be able to dialin and then be able to make other outbound calls
02:24.02Ariel_freq, disa can have a password
02:25.00littleballhi Qwell, i am a bit confused by AGI commands. such as "answer,channel status... " etc
02:25.04freqyep a password for out would also be good
02:25.10littleballwhat is the flow of AGI commands?
02:25.51*** join/#asterisk LARAx[15f] (i=CarTeL@
02:26.06Ariel_freq I use example 2 all the time
02:26.16freqAriel_: cheers
02:26.57Ariel_littleball, have you see the dialparites.agi ??
02:27.15littleballi assume that from dial plan, the extension invoke a AGI, which runs some external program. and then what is the function of AGI commands
02:27.34littleballAriel_, let me see. under example?
02:29.01Ariel_littleball, ; dialparties.agi (
02:30.33Jaxxanhrm, so i've always used cisco 3550 and 3750 24-48 PoE switches
02:30.59Jaxxananyone know of a cheap like... 4port PoE switch ?
02:31.26*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
02:31.33freqAriel_: many thanks got it working
02:31.38Jaxxanthat linkssys SPA-942 looks good
02:31.51[TK]D-FenderJaxxan : Where's you see pics of it?
02:32.07*** join/#asterisk Rev3939493 (
02:32.08Ariel_freq, great
02:32.10Rev3939493hi all
02:32.19*** join/#asterisk dorphalsig (n=dorphals@
02:32.20Rev3939493is there anyone here using BroadVoice?
02:32.22Jaxxanof ?
02:32.26aster][sk-newBcan anyone help me install asterisk on debian?
02:32.45[TK]D-FenderJaxxan : THE spa-942
02:32.52Rev3939493aster][sk-newB, type dselect, find asterisk in the Comm Packages section, and install it :-)
02:33.07dorphalsigaster][sk-newB --> What configuration?
02:33.10Qwellasterisk packages?
02:33.21Qwellno, seriously, they suck
02:33.22Qwellall of them
02:33.39dorphalsigwhy dont you just compile it
02:33.41Qwellaster][sk-newB: install the packages the wiki says to install, then compile from source
02:33.49jbotwikis is, like,
02:33.49Jaxxanummmok i lied, the SPA-941 looks ok and i saw some other stuff on the 942, but didn't actually see a pic of it
02:33.49dorphalsigit cant be THAT hard
02:33.51dorphalsigI managed to do it
02:34.21Rev3939493well, i'd suggest using deslect to install it initially because it will automatically tell you if you are missing pre-requisites, which will save you 12 hours of trying to compile it
02:34.25Ariel_942 is coming but when I don't actually know it's been on the news for the new pbx box from sipura/linksys.
02:34.25[TK]D-FenderJaxxan : Ah... I presume they look rather identical and I own an SPA-941 already
02:34.33Qwellwtf...dselect even?
02:34.34Jaxxanyeah me too
02:34.38Qwellyou ARE a sadist, aren't you?
02:34.49Rev3939493after you've installed it that way, then download the 1.2.2 tarball, then compile it
02:34.57Rev3939493he said debian :-)
02:35.09*** join/#asterisk welles (n=welles@
02:35.18QwellI can't believe people actually use the abomination that is dselect
02:35.24Rev3939493anyway, that's my 2 cents...
02:35.28Qwellit's horrible
02:35.30Rev3939493it worked great for me :-)
02:35.56dorphalsigI mean
02:35.59dorphalsigcompile *
02:36.08Rev3939493i spent about 12 hours trying to install it from the source... it would compile for 10 minutes only for me to find i was missing some pre-requisite
02:36.14dorphalsigand you can find its dependencies in dpkg :D:D
02:36.16QwellRev3939493: so do what I suggested
02:36.22Qwellsearch the wiki for the packages you need
02:36.30Qwelltakes all of 2 minutes
02:36.49dorphalsigwiki r00lz
02:37.01*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
02:37.38Rev3939493i'm just saying in my humble opinion, if you're on debian, use dselect which already has an option for asterisk, install it from there (just to get all the pre-req's automatically setup). Then download the latest asterisk build (1.2.2) and compile that then `make install'
02:38.04dorphalsigis there any script that will parse the .conf files into mysql?
02:38.09littleballAriel_, i am not clean yet. because i am not very familiar with perl scripts. I just want to know WHO send AGI commands  to WHO?
02:38.53Rev3939493but anyway... i'm wondering about BroadVoice's Unlimited World plan... what's the limit on simultanous outgoing calls?
02:39.10Rev3939493can't seem to find that in their FAQ's
02:39.18Qwellmore costs you
02:39.30Rev3939493well that's RETARDED
02:39.33Qwelljbot: you suck
02:39.42Rev3939493~weather KMWN
02:39.48QwellI'll quote...somebody...I forget who
02:40.02Qwell"Unlimited voip is like punch the monkey to win a free ipod"
02:40.06Rev3939493Quote: Slogan of the Tupamaros :: "Words divide us, actions unite us."
02:40.30Jaxxanhrm, semi-cheap PoE 24 port switch by linksys
02:40.39Jaxxananyone used that ?
02:41.07dorphalsigis there any script that will parse the .conf files into mysql?
02:41.11Ariel_I have seen the Dlink for around $ 400.00 but not the linksys
02:41.12Qwelljbot: unlimited is <Nugget> unlimited voip == punch the monkey to win a free ipod
02:41.13jbotQwell: okay
02:41.13[TK]D-FenderJaxxan : I've use the D-Liink DES-1526 which is virtually identical
02:41.21jboti guess unlimited is <Nugget> unlimited voip == punch the monkey to win a free ipod
02:41.56Rev3939493so it's... limited unlimited...
02:42.07kuku5Question: What windows program will allow me to convert gsm to wav or to mp3
02:42.15Rev3939493kuku5, WAVEPAD
02:42.16Qwellkuku5: Linux program...sox
02:42.41kuku5I need to convert a buch of files
02:42.57Qwelldo it in Linux, and copy them over if you need to
02:43.01Qwellyou can even script it that way
02:43.07Jaxxan[TK]D-Fender: you like it? yay nay neutral ?
02:43.14*** join/#asterisk BeHappy_ (
02:43.22[TK]D-FenderJaxxan : It works.. nothing bad to say of it.
02:43.31kuku5Rev3939493: thx
02:44.09Qwell"I need a program to convert a bunch of files.  But it needs a GUI, so I'm forced to do them one by one."
02:44.30[TK]D-FenderJaxxan : great way to power your phones (which I run on a dedicated LAN with2 of those)
02:44.37Rev3939493hmmm... so who has a asterisk system i can hack into to get unlimited unlimited calls?
02:44.46QwellRev3939493: Want an IP?
02:45.01Rev3939493can i hack into it?
02:45.05Qwellno need
02:45.11Rev3939493oh sweet
02:45.16Qwellmaybe it'll teach them to close their shit :p
02:45.22Rev3939493i just want to be able to dial 9 and call anywhere for free
02:45.22Qwellstupid ISP
02:45.44rob0Wow, this idiot left everything *wide* open!
02:46.09Qwellrob0: lol, I'll call North Korea with it, for 3 hours!
02:46.28co-bdg^-^Qwell: we have also a panasonic kxtd3230 product ... can i connect to asterisk server ... because i think buy 3 channel banks is expensive for us
02:46.37Qwellco-bdg^-^: I don't know what that is
02:46.49Rev3939493omg sweet, that guy on left remote desktop open... oh wait.. what's this trippy mirror effect on my screen
02:46.49*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
02:47.00Qwellbzzt, you fail
02:47.07Qwellremote desktop won't let you connect to your own session
02:47.19Rev3939493no you're right
02:47.20Qwellin fact, it won't let you connect to
02:47.26Rev3939493that's wrong
02:47.30Qwellno it's not
02:47.35Rev3939493i do it all the time
02:47.36co-bdg^-^Qwell: i mean pbx machine
02:47.38mog_homeyou rock
02:47.42Qwellmog_home: I so do
02:47.52Rev3939493Windows Server 2003 Enterprise w/ Terminal Services...
02:48.01QwellRev3939493: that may be different
02:48.09Rev3939493i have a console account logged on, and I remote desktop to and i get a new session :-)
02:48.28*** join/#asterisk Noreaga (
02:48.31Qwellnever tried that on 2003...I guess it would make sense
02:48.44Rev3939493i use it because i have a tablet PC too that I roam the house with... i use the same account to login
02:48.53Rev3939493sometimes i login from the console to work in a tablet PC session
02:48.55Qwellmog_home: so...I'm just a little confused
02:49.21Rev3939493sucks that directX doesn't work thru remote desktop thou
02:49.25Qwellyesterday, you congratulated me on the team space...and today, you didn't know Qwell == north.  eh?
02:49.28Rev3939493can't get everything
02:49.37co-bdg^-^Qwell: from our pbx system to asterisk server ... is that possible to connect beetwen ?
02:49.48Qwellco-bdg^-^: depends on the pbx
02:49.51DaminQwell: Rock on w/ PreAck!
02:49.51*** join/#asterisk sebasp (
02:49.55Qwellif it has a T1 interface...sure
02:49.59QwellDamin: How's it working?
02:50.25QwellI couldn't get it working, unless I hacked something up which forced it to be called
02:50.34Qwell(and I couldn't even get the old patch working)
02:50.34co-bdg^-^i'm googling first ... thanks all and Qwell
02:51.05*** join/#asterisk iq (
02:51.15DaminQwell: I haven't tested it..
02:51.22DaminQwell: The old patch applied against 1.0
02:51.32QwellDamin: I mean the file patch
02:51.46DaminQwell: I haven't tested that either! :)
02:51.49Qwellor trunk, or whatever it was against
02:51.50Qwellahh, heh
02:52.13mog_homewell i knew you got team space
02:52.21mog_homeas im in meetings sometimes
02:52.26QwellI see a question, is anybody using Asterisk with a Arris Cable modem and TDM400P?
02:52.31mog_homebut i didnt know qwell=north
02:52.38mog_home= whatever your real name is
02:52.39Qwellfigured you did, heh
02:52.55Qwellmog_home: the last one is a secret. ;)
02:53.14mog_homeyou need your own file in asterisk
02:53.16Qwellwould probably only take you like 2 seconds to get it, but...heh
02:53.21mog_homeso it has your copyright on it
02:53.31mog_homeqwell north?
02:53.36dorphalsigAriel_ --> You here?
02:53.47Qwellmog_home: it's on my disclaimer...along with like 3 other names :p
02:53.56QwellI had to attach a rider
02:54.02mog_homei could track that down
02:54.09Qwellyeah, easily, I'm sure
02:54.13mog_homebut im not going through filing cabnet
02:54.18dorphalsigQuestion: Can I run * server on a machine and run AMP for config on another?
02:54.25Qwelldorphalsig: no
02:54.30*** join/#asterisk brockj49464 (n=brockj49@
02:54.35Qwellunless I misunderstood the question
02:54.50dorphalsigumm I dont think you do... but just in case...
02:54.51mog_homenot really
02:54.59mog_homeits not all realtime
02:55.04dorphalsig192.168.99.1 -> Web server with AMP
02:55.08Qwellamp would be so much better if it were
02:55.10dorphalsig192.168.99.3 -> * box
02:55.15Qwellinstead of using it's flakey ass own database
02:55.18wunderkinmog mog mog
02:55.31brockj49464Anybody want to look at sip msg and see what I am missing at getting incomming calls to work?
02:55.34Qwelldorphalsig: no, it needs access to the configs.  I mean, you COULD nfs mount them or something, but...
02:55.38QwellAMP sucks anyways
02:55.57dorphalsigQwell --> What config interface would you recommend?
02:56.09Qwelldorphalsig: vi or nano
02:56.09*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
02:56.25Rev3939493Qwell hates everything :-)
02:56.31QwellNo, I hate stupid things.
02:56.39PigFloydQwell: Nice CUI!
02:56.54dorphalsigQwell --> Most things are stoopid ... but they save time
02:57.15dorphalsigbesides... if you're gonna have someone look at the configs ... you wont tell them "Open Vi"
02:57.22Rev3939493Qwell hates everything that doesn't require you to know what the syntax is
02:57.24PigFloyddorphalsig: Actually a Perl script can save more time :-)
02:57.43mog_homeguys guis arent the devil
02:57.55mog_homebut you will be hard pressed to find an asterisk pro to reccomend one
02:57.59mog_homeas none of them are there yet
02:58.02litagewhy does asterisk-addons-1.2.1 come with ooh323c v0.2 despite v0.8.1 being current?
02:58.06mog_homeso when we say dont use amp
02:58.12mog_homeits not because we hate it
02:58.17mog_homeits just because its not worth your time
02:58.26mog_homeand people seem to think its ready
02:58.30*** join/#asterisk _blop (
02:58.35mog_homeand waste a lot of our collective time
02:58.54mog_homebut im getting off my soap box
02:58.58dorphalsigbut, then there is no interface you would say its good
02:59.15mog_homeno interface i have seen is up to par
02:59.19mog_homeat this moment
02:59.29Rev3939493i personally think AMP is great. I use it religeously, but i'm not saying it's ready for mainstream either. If it wasn't for the fact that I knew how to fix certain things that AMP screws up, then AMP would be useless to me
02:59.39mog_homeand will require you to do more work to fix the mistakes it makes
02:59.43PigFloyddorphalsig: I think that right now * is not about the interface...but features..
02:59.48Rev3939493not actually mog...
02:59.53dorphalsigmog_home --> Which one would be the closest?
02:59.56mog_homeand it leaves you in a worse postion now as you dont know the syntax
03:00.03PigFloydfor gui buy Cisco Call Manager :-)
03:00.04mog_homethe closest oss one is amp
03:00.26dorphalsigwhat problems does AMP have?
03:00.34dorphalsigjust to be warned about them ;)
03:00.37mog_homeRev3939493, the majority of dial plans done by amp are actually very simple dial plans to learn to write
03:00.40Qwell5000 macros, for starters
03:00.51mog_homeyeah thats a big problem
03:00.56mog_homeits not human readable
03:01.03Qwellmakes it impossible to debug
03:01.08Rev3939493like today, i used amp to create 25 different auto attendant menus for an IVR application, I created 25 extensions, 12 trunks, 4 ring groups, and 2 queues... the only thing that AMP messed up were the queues... and that took me 5 minutes to fix thru phpConfigEdit
03:01.08Qwellor rather...pointless
03:01.15mog_homeand some of the things it does just arent "asterisk design"
03:01.29Rev3939493it took me me about 2 hours to do all those things.
03:01.30mog_homethat takes me 5 minutes to do in dial plan Rev3939493
03:01.50Rev3939493you couldn't possibly type all that script in 5 minutes
03:02.02Qwellyes I could
03:02.06Rev3939493i know the script for it too... but it would have taken me 10 hours to do all that
03:02.13mog_homeyeah i could
03:02.32brockj49464It seems like for incomming calls it * wants them to auth.  Any ideas on what setting I missed in setting it up?
03:02.33Qwellit would take you so long, because you don't know enough
03:02.38Qwelland you don't know enough, because you use AMP
03:02.50mog_homelol Qwell
03:02.51Qwelland you use AMP can't do it fast yourself
03:02.55QwellLOVE IT
03:03.07[TK]D-Fenderbrockj49464 : "allowguest=yes" and add a conxts in the [general] section of SIP.CONF
03:03.09Rev3939493i use AMP because it's simpler :)
03:03.29dorphalsigRev3939493 --> Have you found a way to parse a config file that already exists into AMP?
03:03.32mog_homewell Rev3939493 the big problem in my opinion is use what makes asterisk special
03:03.38mog_homethe configurability
03:03.43mog_homeand readability of the config file
03:03.52Qwellyeah, you lose so much flexibility with AMP
03:04.12QwellNo GUI (except mine) can be as configurable as a flat file
03:04.18[TK]D-FenderAMP = cookie cutter tool, for a cookie cutter PBX....
03:04.31mog_homeQwell you have a gui?
03:04.40Qwellmog_home: writing one...still
03:04.42mog_homeamp will start to kick ass i think when we are all realtime
03:04.50mog_homeso that there is no config crap
03:04.52dorphalsigQwell --> and I guess it isnt OSS :P
03:04.53Qwellqueues and voicemail so far. :D
03:04.54mog_homeand no user crap
03:04.57Qwelldorphalsig: no :(
03:05.06mog_homedamn you western union
03:05.09dorphalsigQwell -> LOL
03:05.23mog_homeman Qwell i wish you were working on our skinny stack....
03:05.27mog_homeso that it would get better
03:05.32mog_homebut meh either way
03:05.36dorphalsigQwell --> Well... what's it written in?
03:05.38Qwellyou know what I say?
03:05.40Qwelldorphalsig: C#
03:05.49Qwellmog_home: ditch chan_skinny, put chan_sccp in svncommunity
03:05.55Qwellproblem solved :P
03:05.59*** join/#asterisk jef_ (
03:05.59mog_homei wish
03:06.27Qwellif only Sergio would just disclaim it all...heh
03:06.32aster][sk-newBcan anyone help me install asterisk on debian?
03:06.39mog_homenot gonna happen
03:06.46Qwellyeah :(
03:06.53mog_homei am happy you are working on it
03:07.02argentasproblem with AMP is that the people who tend to use it are those that don't understand how to set up the dialplan by hand, but then they look at it and don't understand it cos AMP makes it so darn complicated/messy
03:07.03mog_homeas the community gets a better skinny either way
03:07.39argentasthen the same people get upset when the ask for help here, and nobody can be arsed to diagnose the problem; again because it's such a bloody mess
03:07.54argentasimho of course..
03:08.03Qwellargentas: I'd say that's all of our opinion :p
03:08.07Rev3939493argentas i agree
03:08.09mog_homei feel your pain argentas
03:08.27argentasi also have the same issue with a few of my clients..
03:08.31Rev39394935 minutes to script that from scratch?
03:08.41[TK]D-FenderI find one of the biggest problems is the psycho-schitzoid sample extensions.conf they get and try to hack into usability
03:09.06mog_homeless than that Rev3939493
03:09.13mog_homeits called copy and paste ^_^
03:09.23argentasdorphalsig: um, vi? or if they're especially dumb, maybe pico? ;-)
03:09.25Qwellyeah, 90% of that is duplicated, heh
03:09.49mog_homeand a little %s etc
03:10.01dorphalsigargentas -> tsk tsk
03:10.05*** join/#asterisk ahqiang (n=ahqiang@
03:10.25argentasat least i didn't suggest notepad
03:10.38Rev3939493so then it's a question of what is easier, cut and paste, or point and click?
03:10.47Qwellcopy and paste
03:11.10dorphalsigQwell --> only if you know what you're doing =)
03:11.12mog_homei forget who i was argueing with but they told me notepad was better than vi
03:11.37Rev3939493but that's because i work on windows all the time
03:11.41dorphalsigmog_home --> Actually editplus kicks ass
03:11.50mog_homevim forever!
03:11.53mog_homeand gvim
03:12.00ahqianggood morning , It is morning at my side
03:12.02dorphalsigand you'll kill me, but wine with editplus kicks ass
03:12.02mog_homeif you are a windower
03:12.05QwellIt's all about nano :D
03:12.13[TK]D-FenderRev3939493 : Get Notepad2 ... considerably better
03:12.13mog_homeyour gonna make me cry
03:12.20mog_homeim gonna slap you around with vim
03:12.28Qwellmog_home: fine...ed
03:12.31[TK]D-Fendermog_home : The household cleaner?!@
03:12.36Qwelled is the standard editor!
03:12.39mog_homelearn vim Qwell learn
03:12.45mog_homei used ed once
03:12.47QwellI know vim...barely :p
03:12.49ahqiangvim rocks
03:12.56Qwellmog_home: Have you seen the "man page" for ed?
03:12.59argentaswell, the vim v's notepad debate is probably very similar to the handcrafted v's AMP config debate
03:13.00mog_homeon a serial console
03:13.03QwellIt's hilarious...especially if you've used it
03:13.09mog_homeyeah ive used it
03:13.16mog_homeonce for a few hours
03:13.22QwellHOURS?!  good lord
03:13.29argentasone takes a bit of work to start with, but saves you loads of pain in the long run, and, um, the other doesn't
03:13.33mog_homeyeah it was a big job
03:13.42*** join/#asterisk shawn (n=welles@
03:13.59dorphalsigis there any script that will parse * configs into a DB?
03:14.02mog_homebut see extensions.conf is no vim
03:14.07mog_homeits like nano
03:14.08mog_homeits not that hard
03:14.11mog_homepeople just are lame
03:14.16ahqianganyone meeting with DTMF problem with service provider ?
03:14.23mog_homeextensions.conf is no harder than programming basic
03:14.30mog_homeand if you cant program basic
03:14.34mog_homei dont want you touching my phone
03:14.50mog_homelol i love that man page Qwell
03:15.07argentasyeah, the worst clients i have are the ones that know a little
03:15.32argentasi now state that they can either have be deal with everything, or nothing at all
03:15.38mog_homeanyone can program basic
03:15.52argentascos i'm fed up with fixing their screwups
03:15.58QwellI laugh out loud every time I read this line.  "Ed is for those who can *remember* what they are working on."
03:16.01mog_homei think writing a few lines of basic as important as being able to write an essay
03:16.49ahqiangany one saw this and encounter this problem?
03:16.54dorphalsigmog_home --> you see... ppl dislike text files ... :P
03:17.05*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
03:17.27mog_homewhats that dorphalsig ?
03:18.41argentasI like text files, but only if they don't have ^M at the end of every line...
03:18.52mog_homeyeah freaking notepad
03:19.44argentas:%s/^V^M//g - try doing that in notepad!
03:19.55mog_homedamn spiffy
03:20.48mog_homeman Qwell i think i need to write my own ed
03:20.55mog_homeor plagarize this
03:20.57argentasargh, it's 3:30am, and i've got to be at work at 7am :(
03:21.13mog_homemight as well stay up argentas
03:21.24argentasyep, that was my feeling too
03:21.58argentassleep == wasted hours
03:22.14dorphalsigmog_home --> go and tell a client he has to configure manually the stuff in text files... he'll laugh at ya
03:22.33*** join/#asterisk FastJack_ (
03:22.49argentasdorphalsig: you tell the client he can either pay you to configure it in text files, or he's on his own
03:23.11mog_homeargentas for the win
03:23.17mog_homebesides im just a programmer
03:23.21mog_homei dont do clients
03:23.31mog_homebut when was a pbx easy?
03:24.00*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
03:24.20argentaswell, exactly, when was the last time anyone got a nortel meridian installed and the installers left all the passwords and documentation on site?
03:24.22mog_homei like that
03:24.31argentasthe maintenance is where they make their money
03:24.42mog_homeor when has a user been able to do any of the configs you can do with asterisk
03:24.51mog_homeif its a little more work its because you get a lot more out
03:26.18argentaswhere they need to change routing etc, i usually give them web based stuff that interacts with a database, and call an agi script to read that info and do the right thing
03:27.01argentasit's much more reliable than giving them access to anything that could break asterisk
03:27.29littleballhi, what is the difference between realtime dialplan and using AGI to call external program which will command the asterisk through AGI commands?
03:28.38argentasi wrote the agi and the web based stuff, so i'm in complete control over what they can change (or more importantly, what they can't change)
03:29.01argentasit's a damage limitation exercise
03:29.16littleballargentas, what?
03:29.43argentasstops users breaking things
03:30.02argentasby only giving them the ability to change what i want them to change
03:30.30littleballi feel that all dial plan can be contralled by external program instead of using asterisk dial plan mechanism (like realtime dial plan or extension.conf).
03:30.42littleballthrough FastAGI
03:31.01littleballis this true?
03:31.26argentasum, it is, with limitations.
03:31.40littleballwhat is the limitations? is it performance?
03:32.10argentasi'm actually playing with res_perl at the moment, cos a lot of the stuff i want to do needs more access to the asterisk core than agi or the dialplan will allow directly
03:32.25harryvvmod what does your nick mean?
03:32.48littleballargentas, example?
03:32.52*** join/#asterisk welles (n=welles@
03:33.34argentaswell, I would like all messages passed across a single socket pair for starters
03:33.43argentasrather than one socket per call
03:33.54*** join/#asterisk FranckM (n=franck@
03:34.38littleballargentas, are you sure that a singel socket per call now?
03:34.54FranckMHi all
03:35.20argentaswell, every call from the dialplan to fast_agi is a new socket pair
03:35.36FranckMI'm trying to configure a tdm card. At init I get:
03:35.40FranckMJan 19 15:32:04 pbx kernel: ProSLIC on module 0, product 3, version 15
03:35.41FranckMJan 19 15:32:04 pbx kernel: VoiceDAA System: 04
03:35.41FranckMJan 19 15:32:05 pbx kernel: ISO-Cap is now up, line side: 03 rev 03
03:35.41FranckMJan 19 15:32:05 pbx kernel: Port 1: Installed -- AUTO FXO (NEWZEALAND mode)
03:35.45littleballthen it is a performance isssue
03:36.12argentasno, it's a functionality issue, 120, or 240, or even 1000 socket pairs is no real issue
03:36.32argentasbut i want the same daemon to have knowledge of more than one call
03:36.43littleballargentas, opening socket is time consuming if the network is not local
03:37.01FranckMand the system cannot detect a hangup..
03:37.19littleballthis is up to the design of the daemon
03:37.29littleballjava-asterisk can do this
03:37.41FranckMI don't see any thing in my log regarding a reverse polarity on hangup
03:37.54FranckMHow can I detect the hangup?
03:38.22*** join/#asterisk SplasPoo1 (
03:38.25argentasum, how. are you saying that you can reutilise a single socket pair for multiple calls?
03:38.37xtrvdJust out of curiosity... I have my asterisk box running through an voip provider. What kind of configuration do I need to allow Asterisk to use a Digium analog card for incoming calls instead of the VOIP via ethernet?
03:38.41brockj49464On an incomming call it looks like it is selecting the wrong "peer"  I have 3 to the same provider.
03:39.10littleballargentas, from asterisk point of view, it is not. But from external daemon point of view, it is
03:39.11argentascos you can't, each call would open a new socket to your fast-agi script, which would then have to fork
03:39.48De_Monhow do I reload the voicemail config?
03:40.24littleballargentas, you can pass ID to identify a specific call
03:40.43littleballID like cookie
03:41.12argentasyes, but the fork of your daemon that is talking to call1 has no knowledge of call2, unless you implement some messaging between the processes
03:42.12littleballIf you can program external program, i think such things are under control. Functionality is not an issue using AGI. My only consern is the performance
03:42.18Jameno12322:39] <argentas> cos you can't, each call would open a new socket to your fast-agi script, which would then have to fork
03:42.30Jameno123Why would you need to fork?
03:42.35Jameno123use non blocking sockets
03:42.38*** join/#asterisk chrisr84 (
03:42.38Jameno123and use 1 thread
03:42.56Jameno123no reason to fork 300 times, 1 for each call.
03:42.58littleballJameno123, he is using perl
03:43.04chrisr84i need help... out of no where im getting the following error
03:43.05chrisr84Removed default indication country 'us'
03:43.15Jameno123littleball, so? even php can do O_NONBLOCK
03:43.21Jameno123if php can do it, im sure perl can
03:43.41Jameno123all the AGI is doing is passing text messages back and forth
03:44.16argentasyes, but you've still got a socket connection per call..
03:44.19littleballi feel that all dial plan can be contralled by external program instead of using asterisk dial plan mechanism (like realtime dial plan or extension.conf).
03:44.23littleballis this true?
03:44.34Jameno123argentas, doesnt matter, not going to add "THAT" much overhead.
03:44.57Jameno123unless your doing like 3000+ calls
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03:45.07Jameno123then 1 threads not going to keep up, no matter how you look at it
03:45.10argentasit's not overhead i'm concerned with primarily, it's the ability to access functionality that i can't get through agi or the dialplan
03:45.36Jameno123argentas, just have your program "remember" where each socket is at.
03:46.10littleballyou can send a call ID from dial plan to external program
03:46.21argentasI repeat: it's the ability to access functionality that i can't get through agi or the dialplan
03:46.28chrisr84does anyone know what the Removed default indication country error is? it happened when i hadnt altered the code for like 2 weeks
03:46.42Jameno123argentas, like?
03:47.24argentaseg. Dial, but i want to monitor the call, not just wait until it finishes
03:48.03littleballwhat do you mean "monitor"?
03:48.22argentasso my res_perl handler effectively reimpliments Dial, but passes the progress to the daemon
03:48.48littleballwhen it is connected, agi inform outside program that it is connected. And once hangup, use DeadAGI to notify
03:49.02littleballi think it is enough
03:49.14argentasso i get notifications when it answers, and can decide at any point to terminate it, or to drop the a-leg but keep the b-leg active and connect that to another call or whatever
03:50.10argentasone of the issues is that there is no ability to interact with the b-party if the a-party disconnects
03:50.31littleballit is true
03:50.33*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:51.31littleballhi, what is the difference between realtime dialplan and using AGI to call external program which will command the asterisk through AGI commands?
03:51.53argentasin my case, i have a client who has a team of salespersons. $customer calls him, i connect the call to the the salesperson, and when the customer hangs up, i then connect the salesperson to an ivr which takes details of whether they have made a sale etc
03:52.00littleballDon't consider too complex case dial plan.
03:52.21brockj49464Any idea on why I get a busy?
03:52.47argentasyou can't do that in either the dialplan, or in agi (cos agi is basically an extension of the dialplan)
03:53.38littleballargentas, then use MeetMe
03:53.48littleballnot Dial
03:54.20argentaslittleball: yes, i did for a while
03:54.29argentasbut it has it's own problems
03:54.31littleballbut it is not so elegant
03:54.53argentascos then i need to drop the customer into a meetme, generate a call file to trigger a call to the salesperson
03:55.11littleballi think your case is special. Why the sales person just hangup the call, he should transfer, right?
03:55.13argentasthen when salesperson answers, drop them into the meetme with the customer
03:55.34argentasbut the customer may have already hung up, or the salesperson may not answer
03:56.49argentasthe salespersons are trained to stay on the line after the customer has hungup (otherwise they don't get commision for the call)
03:56.55littleballi don;t think it is not a good idea to embed too many business/app logical in the asterisk core, all these stuff should be finished by external programs
03:57.31argentaslittleball: i *completely* agree, and all of this is handled by an external daemon
03:58.01argentas*but*, i needed functionality that i couldn't get using agi, so i had to basically reimplement agi at a lower level
03:58.03littleballthis is what i am discovering now.
03:58.29argentasbasically though, i spent two years of my life developing a switching/billing platform for a commercial telecoms switch (daemon that made all the switching decision and billing)
03:58.51argentasso i'm tring to port as much of this as possible to asterisk
03:58.54littleballi want to find out whether what you said is true. (whether dialplan does have such limitations). Maybe is due to our understanding is not enough
03:59.01justinuargentas: what kinda switch?
03:59.05argentasin order to do this, i need access to asterisk as a much lower level
03:59.06SkramXlist of asterisk sounds?
03:59.11argentastelsis ocean
03:59.20justinuargentas: look at freeswitch
03:59.24QwellSkramX: sounds.txt and sounds-extra.txt
04:00.03SkramXknow which one says "please wait while we connect your call?
04:00.13littleballargentas, good . do you feel the performance is an issue?
04:00.19justinuargentas: i worked on excel switches for years
04:00.20QwellSkramX: same file
04:00.59argentasperformance of agi or whatever is not an issue, ultimately the perfomance bottleneck is gonna be how many channels you can get asterisk to deal with on a given box
04:01.58argentasmy setup involves very little VoIP, it's mainly PRI
04:01.58SkramXcan wait() take decimals?
04:02.27SkramXill just test it
04:02.28justinuyou mean floats? don't think so
04:02.36SkramXaka doubles..
04:02.39*** join/#asterisk phos-phoros (n=James@unaffiliated/phos-phoros)
04:03.09littleballargentas, i am also using PRI. this is the reason i think whether i should use realtime dialplan if i can do it by using AGI
04:03.29littleballrealtime dialplan means putting dialplan into db
04:03.37argentasi've got a bunch of asterisk boxes, some with PRI cards and tdmoe, some with just tdmoe (talking to the boxes with PRI) and my switching/billing daemon has knowledge of all the boxes, so can route a call from one to the other, then know which channel it will appear on on the other box, so know what to do with it when it gets there
04:04.14argentasthis way, a cluster of boxes can be made to work as a single entity
04:04.36argentasstill very much work in progres, but i'm getting there...
04:04.51argentasjustinu: cheers for the openswitch flag, i'll check that out
04:05.01littleballwhat are you using to develop your external daemon?
04:06.09argentasmy original daemons for the telsis switch is quite happily doing realtime switching and billing for 256 E1s
04:06.12littleballthanks. i will catchup, i am new to voip/asterisk. I think i have the same idea as you. But i am using J2EE to handle the external logics.
04:06.54argentas(that's in excess of 7000 channels)
04:07.59argentasmain issue with performance for any daemon is going to depend on how much you need to do for each call, and how many calls are in setup at any given point in time
04:08.51argentasso it's the calls / second coming in, rather than the number in progress that is (usually) the limiting factor
04:09.33littleballthanks. i will remember :)
04:09.39argentasand in the case of the above setup, because of the complexity involved in pricing the calls, database performance was a big issue
04:10.23littleballi am doing exactly the same thing as you. Because my own system is prepaid
04:10.29argentasbut if you find yourself switching 1000's of simultaneous calls, you'll be able to afford to pay someone else to worry anout that ;-)
04:10.38littleballi need to calculate the allowed calling time for each call
04:11.21*** join/#asterisk litage (n=nick@
04:11.27argentasthat can be non-trivial actually, depending on whether you want to support multiple simultaneous calls decrementing the same account balance
04:12.16SkramX..wait(X) X < 1, it waits for 1 second
04:12.35littleballthe billing system is not only used to bill the call, but also bill the sms, conference call etc. So the architect is very important. For both performance and maintence purpose
04:13.21*** join/#asterisk alphaque (n=alphaque@
04:14.25dw2I'll ask again, in case there's new people with an answer :) Dial(Zap/1/wwwnumber) is giving me unpredictable results. It seems to work fine sometimes, but most often it will call the wrong number. Could anyone point me towards the right direction? :)
04:14.26argentasi have to maintain state for all calls in progress for each account to work out current exposure, and cut all the calls off where exposure >= balance + creditlimit
04:14.26Mark_Halversonanybody know for sure if * will run on Fedora 4 - 64bit?
04:14.29littleballargentas, yes. i am considering whether to support multiple simultaneous calls decrementing the same account balance also. Currently, i am trying using debit method.
04:15.30argentasthe other (simpler) option, is to decrement the balance by say 30 mins of calltime when a call starts, and credit the excess when the call ends if less than 30 mins
04:15.36littleballartentas, i don't think it is good idea to maintain state for all calls in progress.
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04:16.29argentasit's a *very good* idea to maintain state for all calls in progress, it's just very complicated to do
04:16.50littleballi am using the second way now.
04:17.22littleballfor the first way, my concern is something could happen to spoil the whole system
04:17.43littleballSimple is good!
04:18.58argentasyes, in most cases it probably is. unfortunately, i have some calls that last in excess of a fortnight
04:20.45argentasat the moment, none of these are going through asterisk, I use digitalk kit for this, but i'd really love to decomission the digitalk kit; it's not bad kit, but it's billing engine is not flexible enough for what i need
04:21.00argentasand it's closed source, so there's nothing i can do about that
04:22.28argentasi have at least managed to decommision the summafour switch i had
04:22.42argentashorrible kit
04:23.05littleballyou mean you didn't write the billing module, riht?
04:23.08littleballit is bad
04:23.39argentassummafour switches are just horrible full stop.
04:23.43littleballi need to leave now
04:23.59*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=root@
04:24.05argentask, take it easy.. good luck with your coding..
04:28.27*** join/#asterisk zamsler_ (
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04:30.26*** join/#asterisk dijit0 (n=dijit0@
04:31.44dijit0if either end has a NAT router, that will give me problems connecting xlite to asterisk correct??
04:32.09*** join/#asterisk iq (
04:32.12*** join/#asterisk Sexy_girl (
04:32.54SkramXhow can I make it so a user can press a digit DURING music on hold?
04:33.18SkramXim testing with WaitMusicOnHold... and it doesnt accept dtmf while playing music on hold
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04:39.05*** join/#asterisk Sexy_girl (
04:39.49Sexy_girlhey can someone help me?
04:40.34Sexy_girlim having a HUGE problem :(
04:40.35QwellWhat's the problem?
04:40.37SkramXSexy_girl: what?
04:40.39Sexy_girlast unregistered indication country 'us' indications suck anyhow
04:40.54Sexy_girli8ts an error line in my asterisk
04:41.15Sexy_girlhow do i make it go away?
04:41.28Sexy_girlit disallows my caller id spoofing...
04:41.57Sexy_girli use it for my cell really....
04:42.10QwellDoes anybody actually fall for that nick?
04:42.29brockj49464any ideas how to solve incomming busy problem
04:42.37Qwelltoo blunt?
04:42.50Sexy_girlim a girl... asshole
04:42.56QwellI never said you weren't
04:43.33justinua sexy one too
04:43.45QwellWhy do people always assume I'm an asshole?
04:43.48Sexy_girlanyway.. i guess no one will help :(
04:43.54dijit0does anyone here even use windows asterisk? just curious...
04:43.55QwellAm I that bad?
04:44.02Qwelldijit0: no, that'd be silly
04:44.04justinuqwell: yeah
04:44.16Sexy_girlhelp me and maybe ill reconsider... otherwise YES
04:44.33Qwellbrockj49464: What does it do?
04:44.38dijit0i c...
04:45.09dijit0Qwell, would you be able to tell me if my problem is related to my router NAT?
04:45.10Qwelldijit0: There were a few posts to the asterisk-dev mailing list about that today
04:45.17brockj49464when a call is coming in the provider sends busy ...
04:45.33Qwellbrockj49464: looks like it isn't auth'ing properly
04:46.08Sexy_girldoes anyone have a problem with ast unregistered indication country 'us'
04:46.16Sexy_girlor had it...
04:46.20dijit0no, but im having a NAT problem i think
04:46.38Sexy_girlim really fricken confused here....
04:46.48brockj49464Is there a bug that if multiple with the same provider it has problems figuring out the correct peer, cause it is selecting the wrong one...
04:47.59Qwelland NOT hard to believe...
04:48.16upset_girlehem qwell... youre a jerk!
04:48.22justinuqwell: you married?
04:48.25Qwelljustinu: yes :p
04:48.33upset_girlto what your hand?>
04:48.35justinuheh... i'm engaged for another 3 months
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04:48.59dijit0come on, someone tell me if my router is most likely my problem connecting Xlite to ast?
04:49.36justinudijit0: did you set nat=yes in sip.conf?
04:50.31dijit0i am behind a router, and so is my friend.... so i made an account in sip.conf for him to connect over the internet
04:50.38dijit0but... no luck, lol
04:50.43QwellDo you have ports forwarded?
04:50.45dijit0i am pretty new to this as well though, so im an idiot
04:50.49justinuthat might work, but xlite probably has to be told to use symmetric RTP
04:50.50QwellDo you have nat=yes?
04:50.53Qwellanswer the questions :p
04:50.58dijit0yes i do
04:51.17justinui think xlite automatically does stun, you want to disable that
04:51.17QwellDo you have ports forwarded?
04:51.39dijit0no, i was trying to play around with that, the routing and crap inside the routers config
04:51.42upset_girlthe problem is that it shows up as unknown name unknown number now...
04:51.45dijit0im stumped there...
04:51.54upset_girlthe only thing i see different is the county 'us' thing
04:52.10upset_girlso i assumed it had to do with that..
04:52.16justinudijit0: blank out the stun servers in the xlite config
04:52.22justinudijit0: enable symmetric RTP
04:52.22upset_girli havent changed my code in like 2 weeks
04:52.36justinudiji0: and makesure externip and localnet are set in sip.conf
04:52.51dijit0they are not, and i was reading something about that
04:53.10dijit0looks something like tha trihgt?
04:53.26dijit0thats this computers local ip assigned by the router
04:53.27justinuthat would be correct.
04:53.52dijit0oh, so the IP of the router, or the IP of the computer asterisk is running on?
04:54.33xtrvdThe IP of the network I believe.
04:55.01dijit0i c... ok thx... ill try this stuff out
04:55.08dijit0tomorrow, when i get some sleep
04:55.10xtrvdnetwork IP =
04:55.16xtrvdGood luck. =)
04:55.20justinuxtrvd has it right
04:55.25dijit0thx, ill need it
04:55.33justinudijit0: i hope you took notes, because qwell is not going to repeat himself.
04:56.16xtrvdjustinu: I even took notes... I have to figure out nat transversal with my asterisk box next week.
04:56.52dw2anyone present know about why Dial on a zap channel can dial out the wrong number? ;)
04:58.29dw2come to think of it, I think my problem could be that the tones dialed don't translate well to the line, are there certain settings I should be looking into?
04:59.46Mark_Halversonanyone know how to force AMP to reset default .conf files?
04:59.49Qwellnow we're talking
05:00.27desperate4helpwell... i see qwell youre not going to help...
05:00.36QwellI'm waiting for the next nick change
05:00.39Qwelljust in case
05:00.40desperate4helpso anyone else willling to?
05:01.51dw2I don't think that's going to help :) Either way, maybe just ask a bit later? It doesn't look like someone can help you right now.
05:02.12justinuxvrtd: smart man
05:02.14QwellI'd have looked, but...she called me an asshole
05:02.15qwellisaloserim royally fucked
05:02.22QwellYou wish
05:02.26rob0But wouldn't we all love to help a sexy girl? ;)
05:02.59qwellisaloseryou can first by helping me with this rob ;0
05:03.11justinuespecially a royally fucked sexy girl
05:03.20dw2who is desperate4help
05:03.24Qwella DESPERATE one, at that
05:03.37*** join/#asterisk ryansc (
05:03.38Qwellrob0: I'd say you're in
05:03.49dw2hm, I come here trying to find help, and I find comedy. Still good ;)
05:03.55rob0I feel so honored
05:04.18rob0I'd like to thank all the little people who made it possible for me
05:04.43*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@
05:04.51Qwellrob0: we prefer dwarf
05:04.54Qwellthanks though
05:05.06rob0no, thank YOU, dwarf :)
05:06.16rob0I actually do write some on-topic stuff here every few days or so. I even was close to being on topic earlier today (gmt-6.)
05:08.06qwellisaloseranyway ill be back in a few... anyone who wants to help and have a chat with me on yahoo my sn is seeeexy_girl_06
05:09.05qwellisaloseri need help and apparently the ywont help in here
05:09.09xtrvdI usually get private messages like that in my pm's.... except they always contain web addresses.
05:09.19qwellisaloseri gotta get off of here
05:09.24Qwellxtrvd: web addresses with credit card forms?
05:09.26xtrvd"help and have a chat with me on yahoo my sn is seeeexy_girl_06"....
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05:09.59xtrvdQwell: Yes! But my I've used my mom's CC too much this month. I think I went over the limit.
05:10.16*** part/#asterisk spatulamaan (
05:10.19xtrvdBut they have live video! How can you say 'no'!?
05:11.52SkramXis it just me or is down?
05:12.25SkramXmust be my home connection, i can ping from my dedicated server
05:12.26SkramXweir = up
05:13.20SkramXmy cable is acting up, i can get it from my dedicated servers..
05:13.25SkramXmark@acer ~ $ ping
05:13.25SkramXping: unknown host
05:13.40SkramXVPSes ~ # ping
05:13.40SkramXPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
05:13.42SkramXoh well
05:13.51dw2screwy dns?
05:14.08xtrvdhe's got the right IP
05:16.49SkramXacer is my home connection, "VPSes" is the company server
05:16.53SkramXwell, one of em
05:17.02SkramXNo biggy
05:22.15QwellSkramX: try, just for fun
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05:26.43delox99hi all
05:26.59delox99i have a question that has o do with dns
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05:27.43delox99what could cause nslookup and ping not to show the same ip?
05:27.59g4manyone know what might be causing meetme rooms to sound really terrible, i dont get any errors in /var/log/asterisk/messages but it sounds horrible while in a conference, normal calls sound fine.
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05:28.35g4mdelox99: dig works better
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05:29.26delox99yeah im using an nslookup and ping tool on a webpage so they point to other dns on the net
05:30.01g4many chance the tool doesn't have access to dns, so it can't do the nslookup
05:30.02delox99because if i force dig or nslookup to point to my dns server everything works well
05:30.06justinudelox99: a dns client cache
05:30.23delox99but if i use other dns on the net the result is different
05:30.42delox99yeah could be
05:31.00delox99the problem is that im investigating this issue for a month now
05:31.33delox99i host a website for a client and sometimes he can access the server sometimes not
05:32.16delox99i think the problem is that my name server that is is not reaching the ip
05:33.07*** join/#asterisk zu (
05:33.09zuhy all
05:33.21delox99i mean the client computer get the wrong ip when querying the dns
05:33.33zuworkin on some ael stuff tonight
05:34.01zuanyone know why Set(duration=${CDR(duration)}); would set that var to ""
05:34.07zuor 0
05:35.01delox99it works for some time afer i mess around with pingning and stuff then without doing anything (probably the clients cache empties then tries to resolv he name again) he receive the wrong adress
05:35.26delox99the wrong ip i meant
05:36.14zudelox99 set it to a static address
05:36.23[hC]sooo... lets say i have a tdm400p with two FXO ports. I try to dial off port1, and asterisk opens the zap channel to dial, and instead of dialing and starting the call, i hear the PSTN dialtone in my ear, obviously coming from the analog line that never started to dial.
05:36.30[hC]and talking into it is echoey as hell and crackly
05:36.32[hC]what would cause that?
05:36.39zuyour tx and rx levels
05:36.43[hC]gains look fine
05:36.53[hC]running -5/-5 and talking into it never goes past half
05:37.07*** join/#asterisk oogle_ (
05:37.10[hC]the biggest issue is, it never actually dials
05:37.13zuwell the tx is not loud nuff cause it cannot get the dtmfs or the dtmfs are too short
05:37.14[hC]i just hear the pstn dial tone
05:37.28zuwhen you put another fone on the line to you hear it trying to dial?
05:37.32[hC]k ill try with higher tx
05:37.59[hC]set the tx to 5.0
05:38.01[hC]still no good
05:38.03zuif its a tdm card and its echoy turn of aggressive
05:38.17[hC]on or off?
05:38.19[hC]cause its not on.
05:38.33[hC]how about we get the thing to dial, period, first. :)
05:38.36xtrvdHow difficult is it to configure asterisk with a TDM404B (4 FXO Ports) with asterisk if I am currently running * with a VOIP provider?
05:38.45*** join/#asterisk masterobi (n=masterob@
05:39.12masterobihello, anyone uses asterisk at home 2.2 ?  I have problems recording with the QUEUEs config
05:41.53seeeexy_girl_06i need help configuring asterisk with x-lite.. it was working and all of the sudden it stopped
05:42.03seeeexy_girl_06i have checked with my sip iax provider and everything is fine on their end,....
05:42.11masterobihello, anyone uses asterisk at home 2.2 ?  I have problems recording with the QUEUEs config
05:42.24SkramXso we hear..
05:42.24Qwellmasterobi: #asteriskathome
05:47.34Corydon76-home"all of a sudden it stopped"... What changed?
05:48.07*** join/#asterisk dijit0 (
05:48.56*** join/#asterisk mred (
05:49.14mredany mac users around at all?
05:49.32g4mwhats up mred
05:49.41mredah cool. do you use JPT at all?
05:50.07g4mcan't say i have
05:50.25mredok. Do you use softphones at all?
05:50.50mredI've been using xlite but the os x integration seems pretty crappy
05:51.09[hC]huh. this tdm always thinks the line is offhook
05:51.15g4myeah thats the only soft phone i've used
05:51.18[hC]incoming calls pass no audio.
05:51.40mredno addressbook integration real pita
05:52.27mredDamn I was hoping someone could help with my manager.conf configuration
05:53.06seeeexy_girl_06<Corydon76-home> "all of a sudden it stopped"...
05:53.14seeeexy_girl_06i... dont know... i didnt change anything
05:53.29seeeexy_girl_06just yesterday it stopped working....
05:54.43*** join/#asterisk Medvekoma (
05:56.52Corydon76-homeWell, something changed
05:57.01Corydon76-homeThings don't stop working all by themselves
05:57.04seeeexy_girl_06thats what i though
05:57.18seeeexy_girl_06i even reloaded my saved files to make sure...
05:57.49Corydon76-homeWell, then your provider changed something
05:57.59seeeexy_girl_06thats what i thought..
05:58.30seeeexy_girl_06im still able to log into the account... and i talked to them... im not suspended or anything
05:58.56Corydon76-homeI'm not suggesting that kind of change.  I mean that they may have upgraded
05:59.11seeeexy_girl_06i use it to spoof my cell in the house as i dont have good reception...
05:59.16Corydon76-homeIn which case, you might want to upgrade as well
05:59.32QwellYou just can't set CID anymore?
05:59.32seeeexy_girl_06now all of the sudden the thing is coming up with "unknown name, unknown number"
05:59.45seeeexy_girl_06well duh.... i had to write code
06:00.11seeeexy_girl_06took forever but worked flawlessly with an 866 number
06:00.18seeeexy_girl_06... whatever the heck you call it..
06:00.20Corydon76-homeWow, a girl who can code.  What are the odds?
06:00.57Qwell1 in...6000?
06:00.57seeeexy_girl_06yeah well.. im majoring in computer science... this kind of stuff sparks my interest
06:01.09Qwellanyhow, what code, and what does that have to do with an 866 number?
06:01.35seeeexy_girl_06i mean... i configurd the extentions file..
06:01.45Qwell1 in...12000?
06:01.46xtrvdQwell: Studies actually show 1 in 23801 odds.
06:01.48Corydon76-homeHave you checked the caller presentation to see if it might be restricted?
06:01.50seeeexy_girl_06sorry i dont think "code" is the proper turm
06:01.56Qwellxtrvd: really?
06:02.03xtrvdQwell: No.
06:02.12Qwellseeeexy_girl_06: well, what do you mean about the 866 number?
06:02.57seeeexy_girl_06well i bought one a while back and set it up so that it has a menu and everything...
06:03.01seeeexy_girl_06now its useless..
06:03.26Qwellbought what?
06:03.32xtrvdthe 866 number..
06:03.33seeeexy_girl_06well more like rented
06:03.34Qwelland, you still haven't answered about the 866 number
06:03.41xtrvdShe bought the 866 number.
06:03.45QwellI'm just going to walk away
06:03.57seeeexy_girl_06what do i mean?
06:04.03seeeexy_girl_06i mean i rented one
06:04.08xtrvdThere you go, Corydon76-home gets it. =)
06:04.14Qwellwhat "worked flawlessly"?
06:04.30seeeexy_girl_06the menus and my ability to spoof with my cell number at my house
06:04.37QwellSo what's the problem?
06:04.51seeeexy_girl_06now its showing up as unknown name and unknown nujmber
06:04.57seeeexy_girl_06it doesnt work anymore...
06:05.02seeeexy_girl_06and i DIDNT change anything
06:05.17seeeexy_girl_06except... NOTHING
06:05.21seeeexy_girl_06im serious!
06:05.32Corydon76-homeSo check the caller presentation to see if it's restricted
06:05.40Corydon76-homeIf it is, remove the restriction
06:05.52Qwellgrep -ic "i didnt change anything" #asterisk.log
06:06.40iDunnomaybe check with the phone company that you've still got caller id enabled.
06:06.50seeeexy_girl_06well... i didnt it just didnt allow me to spoof with my current code anymore...
06:07.21*** join/#asterisk MagicFab (
06:07.24seeeexy_girl_06its almost as if the provider of the 866 number is not allowing me anymore
06:07.26xtrvdPerhaps you tried to spoof with '911' ?
06:07.27Corydon76-homeSo you're complaining about two different problems?
06:07.35seeeexy_girl_06NO THATS RETARDED
06:07.41QwellCorydon76-home: seems that way, doesn't it?
06:07.54*** join/#asterisk dooder (
06:07.54Corydon76-home1, you're not getting incoming callerid, 2, you can spoof your callerid
06:07.59MagicFabhello - looking for the 1-sheet docs of an old model FXS-FXO converter from - would anyone share theirs?
06:08.01dooderanybody else in the north west us getting shitty pings to broadvoice ?
06:08.01seeeexy_girl_06people who spoof with 911 are idiots
06:08.02iDunno(so's a nick of seeeexy_girl_06, but hey... ;)
06:08.29wunderkini wasn't going to bite.. but who is your provider 'seeeexy_girl_06'
06:08.31Corydon76-homeYeah, modest, isn't she?
06:08.59seeeexy_girl_06wunderkin you going to send the fbi after me? :)
06:09.02Qwelldooder: :P
06:09.06seeeexy_girl_06um nufone
06:09.09xtrvddooder: BAH HA HA!
06:09.33dooderI like that this channel is nerdy enough to get that joke
06:09.46xtrvdLand'o lakes butter,
06:09.48xtrvdall up in there.
06:09.50iDunnodooder: Oz?
06:09.58Corydon76-homedooder: I dunno, could you explain it?
06:10.19xtrvdTo all whom didn't understand. Lookup 'Bloodninja' on google.
06:10.26xtrvdOr else I'll just grab a link.... standby.
06:10.26iDunnoright :)
06:10.27wunderkinok, just wondering, im having a problem with incoming caller id on broadvoice, plus i know there was a bug in asterisk regarding the outgoing caller id on pris.. im not sure if that effected nufone or not.. i would try checking in #nufone but with a different nick and a better attitude
06:10.29seeeexy_girl_06wunderkin.... can you help?
06:10.40Qwelldirect link
06:10.43[hC]sooooo rather than spending the rest of my life trying to debug this card, is there any way to tell certainly if my tdp400/its modules are bunk?
06:11.19xtrvdYou guys are quick....
06:11.56xtrvd[hC]: I'd love to help, but I don't know enough about it.
06:12.18Corydon76-home[hC]: call Digium for support
06:12.32xtrvdI second that notion Corydon76-home.
06:13.02iDunnodooder: ahh - dammit, I'd forgotten that one!
06:13.55*** part/#asterisk troyb1 (
06:14.28Corydon76-homeUnless, of course, you're using one of the clone cards, in which case you can just burn in hell...
06:14.41seeeexy_girl_06anyone using nufone in conjunction with asterisk?
06:15.00seeeexy_girl_06anyone using a voip provider in conjunction with asterisk for that matter...
06:15.16doodermaybe if you could be more vauge
06:15.19[hC]No. Its a TDM400P
06:15.25[hC]aka TDP400Piece of shit.
06:15.27dooderlike does anyone here use asterisk
06:15.36[hC]like totally
06:15.44Corydon76-homeYou know, if you ask real nice at a somewhat earlier time, you might even get JerJer to help you out
06:15.55xtrvddooder: Ahh, that's a very good question.
06:15.57seeeexy_girl_06you would dooder if you used a sip or voip provider... lots of em force you to
06:18.15Corydon76-home"Hi, I'm having trouble with my provider.  Now can any of you who aren't tech support for that provider help me?"
06:18.55seeeexy_girl_06corydon,.,,, they wouldnt help me spoof my cell number...
06:19.11seeeexy_girl_06if they give me those secrets that could be used for illegal activity..
06:19.17seeeexy_girl_06THUS im asking you guys
06:19.24*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
06:19.40masterobiI cant record any incomming call, what could be the problem ?
06:19.47seeeexy_girl_06secrets on how to do it... secrets was a bad choice of a word
06:20.16*** join/#asterisk muzzz_ (n=chatzill@
06:20.43Math`what actually are you asking for?
06:21.12seeeexy_girl_06well... originally i was able to spoof with my cellphone number but now all of the sudden it wont let me..
06:21.26seeeexy_girl_06im wondering if anyone knows why that would be?
06:21.30masterobiI have aah2.2 but Any incoming call from the QUEUE that I have setup , is not recording , only zap channels , anyone can help mne ?
06:21.41Math`some providers force your callerid to be set to your number
06:21.52Corydon76-homeaah is NOT SUPPORTED HERE
06:22.05Math`wtf is aah
06:22.11jbotfrom memory, aah is Asterisk@Home. The Asterisk@Home support forum is here:
06:22.16seeeexy_girl_06lol no.... it was just unknown number unknown name to begin with.... and now after 2 weeks of sucessfully using my cell number it went back to that
06:22.50Corydon76-homeWhy not contact NuFone and express that you want to set your cid to numbers that actually go to you?
06:22.56iDunnoin your asterisk config, are you using SetCallerID?
06:23.00Corydon76-homeSo that it's not seen as spoofing?
06:23.10masterobithanks alot
06:23.21iDunnohave you changed your mobile config to hide your number?
06:23.21*** part/#asterisk dooder (
06:23.32iDunno(i.e. not give out caller id)
06:23.46seeeexy_girl_06that response was to idunno
06:24.01iDunnoto which bit?
06:24.06Math`try Set(CALLERID(num)=cellnumber) before your Dial() instruction
06:24.15seeeexy_girl_06corydon.... if i do that then they could still take my remaining balance and close my account
06:24.36Math`if it doesnt go thru, they don't let you and nobody here can make your provider change their mind and allow you
06:24.41Qwellthey'll close your account if you ask to be able to set your cidnum to a valid number?
06:24.47seeeexy_girl_06hold on ill show you my code
06:24.53jbotfrom memory, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
06:24.55QwellThis should be good
06:25.03seeeexy_girl_06its against theri tos
06:25.16QwellShow me the link to that
06:25.31QwellShow me where in the tos it says that
06:25.46Math`you're legally allowed to set your CID to any number you own
06:26.04QwellMath`: nobody owns numbers, so, setting cid is illegal! :P
06:26.23seeeexy_girl_06NuFone reserves the right to restrict and/or terminate accounts who abuse Calling Party Number (CPN) or Automatic Number Identification (ANI) features.
06:26.35Math`who abuse
06:26.41Math`you're not abusing, you're using
06:27.05QwellI abuse the crap out of mine, so.. :P
06:27.15seeeexy_girl_06what do you use qwell?
06:27.22QwellI use a number that was put into the public domain though, by The Simpsons
06:27.23Math`CPN is an automatic caller number announcement circuit? or whatever its called
06:27.24g4mHow would I dial multiple phones at once, i.e. rings on 2 phones and the user can pick up either.
06:27.36Qwellg4m: SIP/1&SIP/2
06:27.37Math`g4m: Dial(tech/ext1&tech/ext2)
06:27.47g4mQwell & Math: thanks
06:28.37seeeexy_girl_06exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,SetCallerID(<${MYNUMBER}>)
06:28.37seeeexy_girl_06exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial,IAX2/nunya@NuFone/1${EXTEN}
06:28.37seeeexy_girl_06exten => 33,1,SetCallerID(<${MYNUMBER}>)
06:28.37seeeexy_girl_06exten => 33,2,GoTo(incoming,s,7)
06:29.39seeeexy_girl_06i dont see the big problem wih it...
06:30.41Math`then call nufone
06:30.51seeeexy_girl_06i would post more of it but i figured someone would think its spamming or some shit
06:31.16seeeexy_girl_06qwell... i dont have to...
06:31.23Math`of course you do
06:31.26seeeexy_girl_06i have global variables
06:31.27QwellYou don't have to define a variable?
06:31.31QwellSo, where else is it going to get it from?
06:31.34Math`ah so it IS defined
06:31.39QwellNoOp it
06:31.41seeeexy_girl_06yes but not there
06:31.55seeeexy_girl_06hold on...
06:32.35seeeexy_girl_06its not.. this is a different set a friend gave me to test out... but it has worked on his end
06:33.00seeeexy_girl_06the code that belongs to enables you to dial with any number...
06:33.09Math`well it won't work if its not defined
06:33.16QwellShow me what I asked for, or you lose my help
06:33.19Math`callerid is going to be set to ""<>
06:33.37seeeexy_girl_06however... i wrote some code that does not allow you to dial 911.. say if someone else found out my number
06:34.07seeeexy_girl_06well qwell what do you want?
06:34.12Math`[01:31] <Qwell> NoOp it
06:34.14seeeexy_girl_06the entire extentions?
06:34.14QwellI want you to NoOp that var
06:34.29seeeexy_girl_06what do you mean by noop?
06:35.16Corydon76-homeYeah, all the horny geeks in here want to call a sexy girl at 4 am in the morning, when they're beyond drunk
06:35.19iDunnothen ${MYNUMBER} will get logged, and if it's not logged then you'll see :P
06:35.23[hC]This tdm400 has got to be screwed, it always thinks the line plugged in is offhook, incoming calls get no audio, and outgoing calls either pass me to dialtone or dont go at all.
06:35.41Math`[hC]: call digiu
06:35.48[hC]in various hardware, lines, configs, versions of asterisk, zaptel.. argh
06:35.54seeeexy_girl_06where do i type  NoOp(${MYNUMBER})? i figured you meant the code itself..
06:35.57[hC]were there some revisions lately that were problematic?
06:36.02seeeexy_girl_06but do you mean using the asterisk program?
06:36.22[hC]in extensions.conf, in your dial plan
06:36.27seeeexy_girl_06dont hate me because i seem to be asterisk illiterate
06:36.28QwellCorydon76-home: be glad you're how you are...
06:36.30Math`that: exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,NoOp(${MYNUMBER})
06:36.35seeeexy_girl_06yes thats what i was talking about
06:36.46Corydon76-homeHow am I?
06:36.59Qwellnot having to deal with this all the time :P
06:37.07Qwellthough, I'm sure you get some stuff just as bad, heh
06:37.30seeeexy_girl_06shall i do the NoOp to the second line as well qwell?
06:37.41QwellJust do it once
06:37.57seeeexy_girl_06alright ill test it
06:38.00seeeexy_girl_06one sec
06:38.09Math`and check the CLI while you do that
06:38.17Math`so you can paste the NoOp line
06:38.24QwellMath`: You'd think that would be a given...but...yeah
06:38.45Math`Qwell: I prefer mentionning it :P
06:39.51Corydon76-homeQwell: which, bisexual?
06:40.06seeeexy_girl_06strill unknown name unknown number
06:40.10QwellCorydon76-home:'ve got the worse of both worlds then, heh
06:40.21Qwell(and the best, I'm sure)
06:40.21Math`Qwell: oh and there was no necessity of NoOp'ing the variable since it would have been echo'd when it performed SetCallerID
06:40.37QwellMath`: yeah, but then that would have required more explaining
06:40.39Math`can you pastebin the CLI output of when you make the call
06:41.03seeeexy_girl_06my 866 number is set up as followed...
06:41.12Qwellplease don't talk
06:41.13Math`can you pastebin the CLI output of when you make the call what we ask
06:41.32Qwellit's easier this way
06:41.51QwellI'm perfectly relaxed, heh
06:42.05seeeexy_girl_06iy does not sohw anything in the asterisk window
06:42.09*** join/#asterisk tainted_ (
06:42.16seeeexy_girl_06if thats what you mean
06:42.19Qwelldefine "anything"
06:42.26tainted_what does it mean if audio cuts out for a few seconds at a time randomly during a call
06:42.42seeeexy_girl_06does not show an extra line from before i called
06:42.59Qwellokay, that's great.  pastebin everything it said
06:43.01jbotsomebody said pb was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
06:43.17Math`seeeexy_girl_06: there should be some stuff similar to: "-- Executing Goto("SIP/1000-bd96", "outgoing|5142886287|1") in new stack"
06:43.24[hC]k i think i narrowed this card down to "Unable to transmit audio"
06:43.34[hC]I see TX audio levels in ztmonitor
06:43.36[hC]yet, nothing
06:44.41*** join/#asterisk oogle_ (
06:45.18Math`anyone had the problem of the calling party not ringing on a Cisco gateway plugged to a PRI?
06:45.45Math`(the cisco does PRI<->SIP and I send progress indications from asterisk)
06:46.04justinutell your cisco to pass in band audio along to ast
06:46.34justinumath: does your cisco send RTP during early media?
06:46.42Math`it seems it doesnt
06:46.51justinuok, you can get the async rtp patch
06:46.55justinuthat'll fix your problem
06:47.03Math`async rtp?
06:47.06justinuyou need ztdummy
06:47.09Math`how can rtp be async
06:47.21justinuyou need to send one way rtp from ast
06:47.25justinu(the ringing tone)
06:47.39justinuthis patch will allow ast to send one way RTP
06:47.43g4mhas anyone had problems with MeetMe and ztdummy sounding like crap?
06:48.01Math`g4m: with H323 devices yeah, not with other techs
06:48.02tainted_any ideas what that is?
06:48.08tainted_occurs on iax2 outgoing calls
06:48.39Math`justinu: thats #5374?
06:48.39justinuMath`: this is what you neeed:
06:49.06*** join/#asterisk DarkFlibble (
06:49.09seeeexy_girl_06;MY GLOBAL VARIABLES
06:49.10justinuyou may need to recompile ast if you didn't have zaptel available
06:49.10Math`will that ever get committed to trunk?
06:49.11g4mmath`: i'm running a number of Cisco 7940's, and it sounds horrible as soon as i use MeetMe, all other connections are fine, what would i change?
06:49.18jboti guess pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
06:49.22Math`g4m: on skinny?
06:49.25justinuMath`: i hope so
06:49.31g4mMath`: on SIP
06:49.41Math`no idea, what asterisk version?
06:49.45justinug4m: make sure your phones are using 20ms RTP timing
06:50.04g4masterisk 1.2.1
06:50.05seeeexy_girl_06shit im so dumb tonight :(
06:50.44g4mjustinu: do i set that on the phone?
06:51.04justinui'm off to bed, any more questions?
06:51.15g4mjustinu: thanks
06:51.19Math`seeeexy_girl_06: can you paste what we've asked for?
06:51.32seeeexy_girl_06 **
06:52.00seeeexy_girl_06i dont know what youre talking about... i thought you wanted me to load it onto that site and send it?
06:52.13Math`I asked you to paste the CLI output
06:52.17Math`not the configuration file
06:52.33seeeexy_girl_06how do i go about doing that?
06:52.51seeeexy_girl_06i only know how to write the code via text documents... i dont know much about cli
06:53.24Math`you know you've a console with asterisk, right?
06:53.52Math`ok, thats called the CLI (Command Line Interface)
06:54.00Math`I want you to look at that console while you are making a call
06:54.12Math`then copy & paste to pastebin everything you see in there from the moment you pick up the phone
06:54.25Math`anything unclear?
06:54.30*** join/#asterisk halorgium (
06:54.33seeeexy_girl_06you mean the thing that shows when you boot it up
06:54.36seeeexy_girl_06the site screen?
06:54.43seeeexy_girl_06theres aslo a Cli> function thing
06:54.53Math`yeah THAT WINDOW!
06:54.56Math`stay there
06:54.57Math`make a call
06:55.00seeeexy_girl_06good god
06:55.01halorgiumi am attempting to get Asterisk talking through a IAX2 link to FWDnet
06:55.18halorgiumis there documentation on the IAX2 connection states?
06:55.48QwellI have a feeling it'll go a little something like this
06:56.26Qwells,2,Dial(nufone) helped me a lot
06:56.31Qwell$20, any takers?
06:56.45seeeexy_girl_06are you talking to me qwell?
06:56.53QwellNo, but you are part of the bet
06:56.57Qwelljust keep doing what you're doing
06:57.02Math`if you look at you're right Qwell
06:57.07QwellMath`: I know I'm right. :P
06:57.32Math`uhm wait
06:57.35Math`there are....
06:57.38Math`*evil sound*
06:57.39QwellI'm just waiting to see the console output, before I make a snide comment
06:57.43Math`extensions defined in [globals]
06:57.45Qwell(another snide comment)
06:57.49QwellMath`: yes, that isn't valid
06:59.00iDunnothat's, erm, "yes"
06:59.20*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
06:59.27Qwellthis dialplan makes my head hurt
06:59.41Math`Im used to ael now
06:59.44QwellCorydon76-home: You thought your nest SET was bad...that's got nothing on this
06:59.45Math`much more cleaner
06:59.48Qwellkram: y0!
07:00.13zuhya kram
07:00.15kramhi zu
07:00.42zutrying out that STRPTIME patch
07:00.48DarkFlibblecould be worse... you might have a 2 year old asterisk box that fails and update it to the latest svn version and find virtually none of the dialplan works due to language changes...
07:00.50Qwellkram: mind a quick msg?  Not related to asterisk at all, heh
07:01.14Math`DarkFlibble: heh
07:02.12seeeexy_girl_06i dont know how to fucking paste what you wanted damnit...
07:02.17seeeexy_girl_06its frustrating
07:02.21Math`it must be
07:02.45seeeexy_girl_06im getting off of here... if anyone would like to help me via yahoo messager here
07:02.53Qwellseek help
07:02.55seeeexy_girl_06theres a link to send me a message on my profile...
07:03.02Corydon76-homeWhy not paste it into pastebin and post the link?
07:04.01Math`she doesnt seem to know how to copy&paste the content of the CLI output
07:04.17seeeexy_girl_06quick question..... qwelll ... if i said i didnt know the cli commands how do you tyhink im going to send you cli outputs/
07:04.30Qwelldon't type anything.  watch the screen, make a call, copy it, paste it
07:04.38DarkFlibblecli has tab-complete and help...
07:04.48Math`you don't even have to enter commands
07:04.49DarkFlibbleso its not complex
07:04.56Math`you just have to watch what it displays
07:05.14Qwell(and then paste that somewhere)
07:05.17seeeexy_girl_06do i click control c to copy it or something?
07:05.24*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
07:05.44seeeexy_girl_06i know
07:05.52*** join/#asterisk BugKham (
07:06.10seeeexy_girl_06OH SHIT
07:06.18seeeexy_girl_06im using the windows version
07:06.21Corydon76-homeHighlight it with the mouse to copy, middle click to paste
07:06.25seeeexy_girl_06perhaps its different for you two
07:06.29Qwellwindows version...of...what?
07:06.46QwellI am so walking away
07:07.00seeeexy_girl_06well... i do have linux on the other comp....
07:07.17seeeexy_girl_06but its with my bro atm...
07:07.37seeeexy_girl_06we dont have the windows cd for this one so i dont want to reformat it and install linux
07:07.41BugKhamhi guys, if I 'd like to make a call to
07:07.57BugKhamhow to specify it in the dialplan
07:07.58littleballHi, is it possile to reference global variable defined in [global] section of extensions.conf file within Manager Socket API?
07:08.29argos73any input comparing dms100 vs 5ess as switchtype for connecting to a merlin legend?  (national isn't an option..)
07:08.45Math`littleball: uhm I don't think so, but afaik you can DBPut/DBGet from the Manager API(tm)
07:09.03seeeexy_girl_06alright well thanks for your help...
07:09.47Corydon76-homeYeah, damn those girls...
07:09.53Qwellhowever it's spelled
07:10.10Corydon76-homeEvil evil evil
07:10.30Corydon76-homeNow you just need a boyfriend and you'll be complete
07:10.46Qwellgonna have to pass for now
07:13.04littleballMath', the DB is embeded db, right?
07:13.13Math`its a berkeley db
07:13.13BugKhamcan we put "" as an extension in the dialplan?
07:13.26Math`BugKham: using SIP?
07:13.36Qwellas the extension to be dialed, or called?
07:13.45BugKhamMath` : yes
07:14.17BugKhamQWell: both I think
07:14.49*** join/#asterisk A-jay (n=quirc@
07:15.01Math`dialed I don't know if it would work, but you can call it for sure
07:15.04BugKhamMath`: yeah, but I'd like to dial to "" from my softphone
07:15.13Math`you may just have to assign a numeric extension to that
07:15.14QwellBugKham: no need for asterisk for that
07:15.37Math`your softphone should call it directly
07:15.39Qwellif you want it to go through asterisk, then yeah, just make an extension
07:16.24BugKhamMath`: I tried to dial but it ignores the ""
07:16.57Math`which softphone
07:17.00BugKhamQWell: I mapped "someone" to an extension
07:17.17*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
07:17.23BugKhamMath`: Exten
07:17.38A-jayhey,anyone know were I can get a GPRS data counter for my motorola A925
07:17.39Math`its X-Ten by the way
07:17.58BugKhamMath`: yeah, sorry
07:19.00*** join/#asterisk welles (n=welles@
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07:19.29Math`I think eyeBeam has to have a sip proxy
07:19.51BugKhamMath`: the softphone allowed me to typed in but it only took the part before the @
07:20.25BugKhamMath`: like *, u mean?
07:21.54BugKhamMath`: or it's because * does not read in the whole thing
07:21.59Math`like, you can't use the phone in p2p
07:22.08Math`if you want to use asterisk just define a numeric extension to call it
07:22.26BugKhamMath`: or a name
07:22.42Math`name should work I think
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07:29.24welleshi tzafrir_laptop
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07:32.37wellestzafrir_laptop, i meet problems again.
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07:35.22BugKhamWhat about to have someone called me using my email?
07:36.00BugKhamwhat else o I need to change? apart from the _sip dns record?
07:36.21DarkFlibblea sip address in the form is not the same as an email address no matter that they look similar
07:37.35*** join/#asterisk EriSan (n=erisan@
07:37.43BugKhamDarkFlibble: I agree, just do not know how to explin
07:39.03DarkFlibbleBugKham, what is it you are trying to do?
07:39.09BugKhamDarkFlibble: I addes the "_sip._udp       IN SRV  10   0   5060    my-asterisk" to the domian forward lookup file"
07:40.16*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
07:40.27DarkFlibbleand my-asterisk is a box seperate from the main box thats hosting
07:40.55DarkFlibbleone sec...
07:41.36DarkFlibblelets look at it as two problems...
07:42.56DarkFlibblea) does any client you are using (x-ten i think you said) support addresses with srv records? b) is the srv record right and are calls actually hitting the correct box
07:44.18*** join/#asterisk af_ (
07:46.08DarkFlibble <--- might help with some things... still reading it
07:46.41DarkFlibblenormally when you start working through a problem step by step you will find out why its not working....
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07:48.04DarkFlibbleBugKham, whats the actual domain... I'll check it with dig
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07:58.20harry8I read somewhere on the web that it is good to use Sip Express Router with Asterisk
07:58.34harry8what is the maximum number of calls asterisk can handle?
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07:58.48DarkFlibblebasicly SER is good at handling large loads... asterisk is good with functions...
07:58.58DarkFlibbleharry8, depends on hardware
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07:59.17harry8so would you say a good configuration is to use both at a central corporate call center?
07:59.40DarkFlibblethe wiki has many pages about this...
07:59.55harry8you have a good specific link?
07:59.57*** join/#asterisk Bambr (
08:00.00harry8I have read on there
08:00.11*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
08:00.20DarkFlibblebut you need to know how many simultanious calls you will have.... will they be transcoded... willl they be able to be reinvited?
08:00.37DarkFlibbleonly then can you take a wild stab in the dark
08:00.56harry8well at the central locations you can expect 200 to 300 call simulatneous
08:01.25DarkFlibblewasim, I doubt you had any transcoding going on there tho
08:01.39wasimofcourse not
08:02.09wasimbut call setup is not dependent on transcoding too much
08:02.24DarkFlibblebasicly I have seen a p2 300 support 3 calls with transcoding... and a quad xeon proliant handle 200+ calls with no tr4anscoding and little load...
08:03.11DarkFlibblebut every situation is different...
08:03.13harry8what is transcoding? Changing from SIP to MGCP or Skinny?
08:03.22xtrvdcan someone point me in the direction to a definition of transcoding?
08:03.25Qwellchanging from ulaw to gsm
08:03.39DarkFlibbleharry8, transcoding is changing from one protocol/codec to antoher...
08:03.45xtrvdThanks guys. =)
08:03.47harry8and reinvite is what?
08:03.48Qwellnot protocol, just codec
08:03.51DarkFlibbleasterisk can not get out of the media path...
08:04.24DarkFlibblereinvite is where asterisk tells the two end points to talk between themselves and then only sees the call management data
08:04.33DarkFlibbleat least for sip...
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08:04.52harry8so reinvite=no
08:05.06harry8means the asterisk box handles the endpoints?
08:05.08DarkFlibblereinvite=no will keep asterisk in the loop so to speak
08:05.26DarkFlibblethe wiki covers most of this...
08:05.48harry8so you have better performance i take it when reinvite=yes
08:05.49*** join/#asterisk oogle_ (
08:06.11DarkFlibbleharry8, yes...
08:06.29DarkFlibblegenerally... some functions will not allow asterisk to reinvite....
08:06.40DarkFlibbletranscoding is one such thing
08:06.57harry8also, let's say i have 20 locations. If i have 20 pbx and 20 dial plans, is there any mechanism out there to manage large dialplans
08:07.07DarkFlibbleharry8, yes...
08:07.10harry8similar to how routers work on the internet like OSPF or RIP
08:07.22harry8Darfibble: please tell :)
08:07.26DarkFlibbleyou can switch using iax to include a remote dialplan
08:07.40DarkFlibblealso... there is dundi and e164
08:08.11harry8iAX is the preferred meethod to connect Asterisk to Asterisk right?
08:08.15DarkFlibbleall have different strengths and weaknesses
08:08.26DarkFlibblegenerally yes...
08:08.34harry8we were thinking of building 7 central locations with 20 small branch offices
08:08.46DarkFlibblesince iax passes through nat easily, supports trunking etc...
08:08.51harry8not sure if we needed to use SIP Express Router
08:09.05harry8or if we could just get away with using asterisk only
08:09.15zuanyone have a example on how to do a DB put/get in ael?
08:09.23DarkFlibbleharry8, depends on what volumes you are gonna be producing... and what extra features you need
08:09.29*** join/#asterisk mgoh (n=goh@
08:09.39harry8we were aslo thinking of putting asterisk at all the locataions and setting them up for SRST
08:09.50harry8does that configuration work?
08:09.53*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
08:10.12DarkFlibblenot used it yet...
08:10.21harry87 Central 20 branch (branch only comes online if central fails)
08:10.32DarkFlibbleI'm only just getting back into asterisk after working aboard for over a year
08:10.32mgohany can recomment me what network switch with QOS that performance better in QOS
08:10.56DarkFlibblemgoh, most managed switches support QOS
08:11.10JonR800DarkFlibble: ser would probably help ease some of that failover.
08:11.16JonR800oops i meant harry8
08:11.21harry8thanks Jon
08:11.26mgohdo u know which brand performance better?
08:11.33harry8is SER simply just a proxy?
08:11.41JonR800harry8: yes
08:11.46harry8any good links on SER + Asterisk
08:11.51DarkFlibbleJonR800, that would only help if he is not using advanced asterisk only features....
08:12.01DarkFlibbleharry8, the wiki!
08:12.40JonR800harry8: not a ton of ser+asterisk info.. this may help
08:13.03JonR800DarkFlibble: such as??
08:13.34DarkFlibblewell... at a guess asterisk based agents...
08:13.47DarkFlibbleor conferencing...
08:14.21DarkFlibblestuff that requires server side intelligence... not just basic switching
08:14.29JonR800conferencing should not be a problem, i'm not super familiar with agents so i don't know
08:14.56JonR800well if he's using ser+asterisk it should be okay.. he will be able to route such applications to asterisk.
08:15.03DarkFlibbleI was taking a guess... its been a while since I used SER
08:15.13masterobiany one knows about the recording issue on AAH 2.2 ?
08:16.00tzafrir_laptopwelles, sorry, a bit away...
08:16.59JonR800DarkFlibble: same here, i don't have a lot of practical experience.. :)
08:18.57DarkFlibbleI've been working in Ireland for, well, almost 2 years.... and it wasn't voip related....
08:18.57wellestzafrir_laptop, these days ,when my iaxclient call to pstn though cisco as5300 ,i can not hear the callee. but the callee can hear me .
08:18.57DarkFlibbleonly just came back to the uk a couple of months back
08:19.09DarkFlibblewelles, check your firewall
08:19.10tzafrir_laptopwelles, again, the use of "iaxclient" is confusing, as this is a sip issue
08:19.49wellestzafrir_laptop, i also find an asterisk's bug.
08:20.30tzafrir_laptopwelles, what bug
08:21.00co-bdg^-^is there any asterisk live cd beside AAH
08:22.24wellestzafrir_laptop, ii use 1234 as the  name to register to  asterisk, but when i have a call. from the cli, sometimes it show i use another name.
08:22.49tzafrir_laptopco-bdg^-^, A2H is not a livecd
08:23.50*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
08:24.13wellestzafrir_laptop, sometimes show my ipaddress. it is right?
08:24.19DarkFlibbleis asterisk@home still around?
08:24.49jbotit has been said that aah is Asterisk@Home. The Asterisk@Home support forum is here:
08:25.31DarkFlibblenot seen the acronym aah before...
08:30.43*** join/#asterisk jerlique (
08:31.17tzafrir_laptopco-bdg^-^, also remember that it is a nice demo, but be very careful with using it in production
08:32.23tzafrir_laptopco-bdg^-^, did you try google?
08:33.05tzafrir_laptopAlthough IIRC those of them that I tried were not so useful
08:33.48co-bdg^-^you mean AAH ?
08:34.12zuanyone know how to do a db put with ael
08:41.42*** join/#asterisk fenlander (n=fenlande@
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08:47.52*** join/#asterisk axscode (n=aaa@
08:49.10axscodei have a sip account from SERVER1... how can i let my asterisk use that account? how to define that on exten?
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08:58.11axscodehi guyz
08:58.13axscodeanyone around?
08:58.21tuxinator_linuxEvening axscode
08:59.13tuxinator_linuxaxscode: Have you read any asterisk books? or used the Wiki?
08:59.34jbotmethinks book is on the table
08:59.54axscodeyupz.. i tried...
09:00.14axscodejust want to know if how will you able to make the ASTERISK as client to another SIP PROXY SERVER.
09:00.29*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (n=darkskie@
09:00.40axscodeand when i dial to my SIP.. i will gate to another SIP gate
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09:01.33axscodecan i use the IAX for that? but the other SIP PROXY is not an ASTERISK.
09:01.52tuxinator_linuxaxscode: SIP PHONE -> * -> SIP TELCO PROVIDER?
09:03.11tuxinator_linuxaxscode: is this how you want to do it?
09:03.46tuxinator_linuxaxscode: speak up, can't here you
09:03.48axscodetuxinator_linux: MYSIPPHONE ---> MYASTERISK ---> SIPTELCOPROVIDER --> THEIR-SIP-PHONE
09:03.59tuxinator_linuxokay, good
09:04.14tuxinator_linuxwhich parts are working?
09:04.43axscodetuxinator_linux: MYSIPPHONE ---> MYASTERISK   ||     SIPTELCOPROVIDER --> THEIR-SIP-PHONE
09:04.52tuxinator_linuxokay, who is your porvider?
09:05.29axscodedont know..
09:05.38axscodebut ihave the IP address plus user and pass
09:05.41mgohI connect asterisk with a ATA for fax testing it dun work. why?
09:05.51mgohI using 666 for fax test
09:07.23tuxinator_linuxmgoh: from digium "he current state of faxing is incomplete and will not be supported."
09:07.46tuxinator_linuxmgoh: I don't have any experience with it, some have been able to do it, I think
09:08.29tuxinator_linuxaxscode: don't know who the provider is?  What is the IP address?
09:08.38mgohtuxinator_linux: do you mean asterisk is not complete for fax yet?
09:08.53axscodetuxinator_linux: why do you need it?
09:09.05tuxinator_linuxmgoh: that is my understanding, but it would be working for some people, really depends
09:09.27tuxinator_linuxaxscode: some providers show you how to config, but I will show you one from mine
09:09.40mgohtuxinator_linux:okie I dun have luck it can't work just for fax test function
09:10.58tuxinator_linuxmgoh: I'm having trouble understanding your last statement.
09:11.50axscodetux: exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX, 1, dial(SIP/${EXTEN},30)  <-- so meaning ill just change the IP in here?
09:12.19mgohtuxinator_linux: sorry. thanks for ur explain. my Asterisk can't work with fax.
09:12.23tuxinator_linuxAre you in the USA? if not, you may also need to change "_1NXXNXXXXXX"
09:15.12axscodetux... MyPhone --> SIPTELCO--> AnyPhone.
09:15.34axscodebut know i want to: MyPhone -> MyAsterisk -> SIPTELCO -> AnyPhone
09:15.36tuxinator_linuxjbot: book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
09:15.37jbot...but book is already something else...
09:16.00tuxinator_linuxjbot: forget book
09:16.00jbottuxinator_linux: i forgot book
09:16.03tuxinator_linuxjbot: book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
09:16.05jbotokay, tuxinator_linux
09:16.11jboti heard book is a book called  Asterisk: The Future of Telephony which is found at
09:17.15tuxinator_linuxalso look at
09:17.36axscodei tried...  got complexity in comprehension
09:18.05tuxinator_linuxaxscode: it is a lot to read and understand
09:18.13tuxinator_linuxI'm still learning
09:19.09tuxinator_linuxI will be falling alseep soon, I have a cold and I took some medication for it which will cause sleep shortly.
09:20.07tuxinator_linuxjbot: s/alseep/asleep
09:20.21*** join/#asterisk florz_ (n=florz@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
09:20.22tuxinator_linuxjob is sleeping, a little, also
09:20.41tuxinator_linuxhey florz
09:20.59DarkFlibbleanyone need any UK DIDs?
09:21.04tuxinator_linuxEyes are too heavy, good night
09:21.36tuxinator_linuxaxscode: good luck
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09:47.14blophum, any idea why i get msg such as chan_zap.c:10816 setup_zap: Ignoring signalling or Ignoring switchtype, Ignoring rxwink ? the zap channels are working fine, maybe my config is outdated or so ?
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10:01.50cfhIs possible set a shared line with astersik ?
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10:04.36RoyKshared line?
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10:04.46zoaroyk, did you get the updated pathc ?
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10:05.03dcÓ ñåì ïðèâåòèê! Íå ïîäñêàæèòå çäåñÿ åñòü ðóññêèå êàíàëû?
10:05.45RoyKzoa: yep
10:06.47zoaIT WORKS ?
10:06.58zoadoes it work ?
10:07.24*** join/#asterisk Mimmus (
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10:07.38cfhyes with the snom phone there is the option :'shared line' similar to one extension for many phone
10:10.48Mimmuswhere can I investigate the origin of brief silence during calls?
10:11.17Mimmusonly rare pauses of 0.5-1.0 sec
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10:24.58tzafrir_laptopdc, what encoding was that?
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10:38.43BlueMassivewhat does "shared line" mean?
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10:46.18cfhBlueMassive : one extension for multiple phone simultanly
10:48.29*** join/#asterisk CPC (n=afoon@
10:49.38CPCWhat libraries should i install before install asterisk?
10:52.58CPCWhat libraries should i install before install asterisk?
10:54.57*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
10:56.08tzafrir_laptopCPC, on what platform? (e.g: what linux distro)
10:56.24CPCsuse 9.3
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10:56.38RoyKCPC: they're usually installed, all the ones you'll need
10:56.49*** part/#asterisk FireBlade (
10:56.52RoyKof course, it depends what you need asterisk to do
10:57.34tzafrir_laptopIs ther eany decent srpm of asterisk with SuSE? if so, I'd recommend you to use its build dependencies
10:59.17tzafrir_laptopEven as a manual reference. get the latest .src.rpm of suse you can find and extract its spec file. Look at the Build-depends field
10:59.26tzafrir_laptop(or whatever it is called)
11:00.01CPCi just want to connect 2 * srvs using iax and use sip clents
11:00.38RoyKCPC: you shouldn't need anything apart from the base install, then
11:02.03CPCbut someone already told me that is necessray install libs like ncurses, ncurses-devel, openssl, openssl-devel..and others before install it right?
11:02.25RoyKtry compiling asterisk
11:02.42RoyKwhy ncurses??
11:03.17zoancurses is needed for zttool
11:03.28zoaroyk, gimme a link for zeroconf
11:03.34zoaand i will have it added to the idefisk 4 mac
11:03.37CPCI already ready that this lib is necessray
11:04.00tzafrir_laptopnot only ncurses. newt, IIRC
11:04.00zoayou were not the one asking for zeroconf ?
11:04.11RoyKzoa: zttool is zaptel, not asterisk, and he only wanted to use sip and iax
11:04.19CPCi dont know y should i install i'm just following steps :)
11:04.27RoyKzoa: er. no...
11:04.32tzafrir_laptopis there any decent client-side support in windows for zeroconf?
11:04.59CPCwhat is zeroconf?
11:05.00RoyKis windoze decent?
11:05.09tzafrir_laptopthat is: will I be able to "detect" hosts and services from a windows station?
11:05.11RoyKCPC: stuff like dhcp, only more
11:05.21*** join/#asterisk fourcheeze (n=rich@
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11:05.31RoyKmorning, puzzled
11:05.56CPCok ok, so...shoud I install this libraries or not? :)
11:06.27tzafrir_laptopoops, astmon needs newt anyway. newt will need ncurses
11:06.43tzafrir_laptopyou don't have to use astmon, but it can be useful
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11:11.04RoyKCPC: just try compiling asterisk first, will you? it will tell you quite quickly if something's missing
11:11.38RoyKbtw, yes, IAX requires libssl
11:11.44RoyKso install that and libssl-devel
11:11.58RoyKbut as long as you don't run zaptel you don't need ncurses
11:12.14RoyKbut then, again, it won't hurt you
11:12.41tzafrir_laptopand as long as you don't need the "great" astmon...
11:12.50tzafrir_laptopastman, that is
11:16.19flothi all
11:17.09flotwhy asterisk (CVS vesion, this day) do not load ALL modules ?
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11:48.01flotit is ok, i delete asterisk and cvs checkout asterisk ....
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11:55.37thazzaHey can someone please explain why this string is not work in asterisk 1.2.1?
11:55.50thazzaSet(COUNTER=$[${COUNTER} + 1])
11:58.01RoyKit doesn't?
11:58.07RoyKnot in 1.2.2 either?
11:58.40thazzaRoyK: Any reason why?
11:58.42*** join/#asterisk NoRemorse (n=bah@
11:59.06NoRemorsehello, is there an easy way of setting the account code in one location rather than in every subtree?
11:59.24NoRemorseie the first thing i want to do is set the account code THEN do dialmaps
12:00.23*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (n=deg@
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12:04.47thazzaRoyK: Never mind.. I fixed the bug.. ;-)
12:05.40fugitivowhat the hell is Asterisk-NetSec.?
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12:19.22zoafugitivo: some support for some strange things
12:19.26zoanetwork security devices
12:19.31zoawhatever that might be
12:19.39cyraxI'm filling the disclaim.changes... what do I have to write in the "title" blank ?
12:19.47zoathose people were at astricon i think
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12:20.04zoaits something like an rtpproxy with shaping
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12:28.26fugitivowhere is that Asterisk-NetSec or any doc to read about it?
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12:55.10blophum, any idea why i get msg such as chan_zap.c:10816 setup_zap: Ignoring signalling or Ignoring switchtype, Ignoring rxwink ? the zap channels are working fine, maybe my config is outdated or so ?
12:58.38tzafrir_laptopblop, I have no idea. But it would help if you state what change you did recently? (upgrade of some component?)
12:58.58tzafrir_laptopAlso: maybe pastebin your zapata.conf
12:59.00*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:59.17blopi got that since an asterisk upgrade
12:59.36tzafrir_laptopfrom what version to what version?
12:59.54Rev3939493Asterisk98 to AsteriskXP
13:00.29Rev3939493btw: morning all
13:00.37blop thats my cfg
13:01.05blopi cant remember, but i think its since 1.2
13:02.37blopand these are the warnings:
13:02.53*** join/#asterisk Givur (
13:02.55GivurHi all
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13:03.46fugitivohave anyone ever connected an asterisk box to a nortel pbx to monitor calls?
13:05.04[TK]D-Fenderblop: Clean up that mess, its impossible to read.  I'm betting you have all sorts of redundant statements in there
13:05.17GivurI have a question, I have two SIPProviders (Sipgate and Axxeso), normaly I use Axxeso for my callings. Sometimes I get 'Unable to request Channel' when I try to call out. It seems that I can only have one outgoing call with Axxeso, it is then possible to switch automaticaly to Sipgate?
13:06.58blop same without ;comments
13:07.53*** join/#asterisk Samoie1 (
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13:09.44[TK]D-Fenderblop you have a LOT of duplicates in there....
13:10.14Modcutsgood morning, what would be the best dial pattern to use for international calling out, from england?
13:10.17GivurIs there somehow a page for showing me how to to that?
13:10.57[TK]D-Fenderblop : What kind of card are you running on your system?
13:11.12blopits a TDM400P with 1 fxo / 3 fxs
13:12.34[TK]D-Fenderblop : get ridof the "switchtype" line for ISDN, and your first "group" line (the get issued for each channel already
13:12.49[TK]D-FenderIs your CID really sent by DTMP and not std?
13:13.26[TK]D-Fenderand remove your first "context" line as well
13:13.33blopyeah thats DTMF cid
13:14.40*** join/#asterisk shanky (i=jramirez@
13:14.43blopk, switchtype,group,context commented
13:14.50shankygood afternoon
13:15.19blopsignalling=fxo_ls too
13:15.32shankyI'm getting a lot of messages like these:
13:15.36shankyWARNING[2785]: Stale nonce received from
13:16.05shankyI've tried with google, but I can't find good answers
13:16.17*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (n=gambolpu@
13:16.27[TK]D-Fenderblop : Ok, repastebin it.
13:17.26blopmm, i commented the rxwink line too and now i only get those (updated)
13:18.35[TK]D-Fenderblop : And repastebin the final config file
13:18.58blop < updated too :p
13:19.28blopmaybe i should use the signalling= vars at all
13:20.12[TK]D-Fenderblop : PAStebin your zaptel.conf as well... I am suspecting a mismatch
13:20.21[TK]D-Fenderblop : No, you do need them.
13:21.28blop /
13:21.31*** join/#asterisk amir (n=amir@gentoo/developer/amir)
13:21.47blopk, so now the signalling is only setup in zaptel.conf :)
13:22.34*** join/#asterisk SERGEUS (n=s@
13:22.47[TK]D-Fenderblop : Hmmm, things look proper right now....
13:23.39blop# We are all done with our channel parameters, so now we specify what channels they apply to # channels=1-4 => should i add that in zaptel.conf?
13:24.37[TK]D-Fenderblop: No, everything looks fine right now and I'm out of ideas as to why you get the warning
13:25.33blop[TK]D-Fender ok, but maybe the signalling= vars in zapata.conf are useless ? (as its already defined in zaptel.conf which is more logic)
13:26.31*** join/#asterisk GD_ (
13:26.54[TK]D-Fenderblop: We've always used them to my knowledge.  If nothing else we've reduced the warnings and cleaned it up a lot...
13:27.00Mimmuswhat is "signalling = vars"?
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13:27.50blop[TK]D-Fender :) thanks already for helping
13:28.06blopMimmus in zapata.conf
13:28.28[TK]D-FenderMimmus : that statement was not to be taken literally... just for the raw number of them that there were.
13:28.36DarkFlibbleanyone from digium online?
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13:28.47GD_hello... I have just replaced my isdn phone with an isdn DECT one (on one HFC card which is used by asterisk)... it doesn't work out of the box (whereas non-dect isdn phoned worked fine) is this normal?
13:28.48shankyI'm getting a lot of messages like these: WARNING[2785]: Stale nonce received from, any idea?
13:29.26kippihas anyone had problems connecting there grandstream boxes to there asterisk box?
13:29.37DarkFlibbleI suppose its still a little early...
13:29.49DarkFlibblekippi, nope... used to use a ata286
13:29.54DarkFlibbleworked fine
13:31.48GD_can anyone come up with a hint? swtch telephones, DECT one doesn't work, revert back to using wired phone, everything works with no changes done to asterisk configs... what could be going wrong?
13:38.44RoyKSet(CALLERID(RDNIS)=123) doesn't work
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13:41.45sivanaSet(${CALLERID(rdnis)}=123) ?
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13:49.29DarkFlibbleis there anyway to see how many concurrent channels the asterisk server supports under g729?
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13:52.16fugitivoshow translation
13:54.10RoyKfugitivo: that's not directly convertible to cpu amount
13:54.25RoyKDarkFlibble: setup testing, or perhaps ask digium
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13:56.35sivanamorning :)
13:56.46[TK]D-FenderKatty: mew.
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14:00.09nextimeanyone from mexico?
14:00.53astoriaDo you guys know if there are any security-related IRC channels on freenode?
14:01.56DarkFlibbleRoyK, I meant licensed channels...
14:01.58tzangerastoria: you can check #openswan there are a bunch of security conscious types there who may have a good idea
14:02.19astoriaWell, I'm not looking for advise or anything; just some good discussion.
14:02.20*** join/#asterisk oej (n=oej@
14:02.49DarkFlibbleastoria, just hang out in most geek channels and the chat will come round to security every know and again
14:02.58jbroomeYeah, that was the first advice i was going to give you. :)
14:03.46lahaineasteria: related to voip security ?
14:03.49DarkFlibbleastoria, what part of security do you want to chat about since its a massive field...
14:03.51tzangerastoria: understood, but as I said you may be able to find resources there
14:04.01Lathos42You could walk into any linux channel and tell everyone how very secure your new Windows 2003 server is.. that'll get the discussion going :)
14:04.22astoriaJust stuff in general, WMF bugs, exploits, stuff I ought to know about. I'm working on getting the CISSP.
14:04.28astoriaI have a deep background already.
14:05.11DarkFlibbletraining for a GSEC here atm
14:05.20tzangerI was talking to someone about the WMF vuln a couple days ago; he was rejecting Gibson's analysis and doing a lot of his own work with it
14:05.45DarkFlibblesupposedly M$ managed to leave the voln in since 3.0
14:05.58DarkFlibblealthough it only became a hole since 95
14:06.09DarkFlibbleaccording to something I was reading last night
14:06.49DarkFlibblenot sure how accurate that is tho...
14:06.57astoriaI was playing around with the WMF sploit last night.
14:06.59astoriaInteresting stuff..
14:07.35DarkFlibblenot really looked at it besides a cursory glance at what it is... more of a network security geek
14:08.22*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
14:09.06astoriaIt's a sploit that you can "imbed" in graphics files.
14:09.13DarkFlibbleAriel_, are you the same Ariel_ I used to know?
14:09.30astoriaBut I gotta get you to view the image (or make it my sig in forums :))
14:09.37DarkFlibbleastoria, that much I got... just by visiting a site you can be compromised
14:09.56Ariel_DarkFlibble, I am the same ariel that been on here for over 3 years now.
14:09.57RoyKDarkFlibble: show g729
14:10.14DarkFlibbleRoyK, danke
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14:16.26fugitivoanyone got a nokia 770?
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14:17.06astoriaLathos42: We never did. We only get #. I'm not even sure you can get name over a PRI.
14:17.52DarkFlibbleIsn't the name handled by a protocol called CNAM or something?
14:18.13coppicefugitivo: If you have a spare one, you can send it to me :-)
14:18.13astoriaI have no idea - we can't get name on our PRI.
14:18.48astoriaBut frankly, I"m just happy that it was turned on on the right date.
14:19.44fugitivocoppice: :)
14:19.50fugitivocoppice: i want to know if it's a good buy
14:20.33coppicefugitivo: the easy way to find out is get one and try it for a few days. then you can send it to me
14:20.42[TK]D-Fenderastoria : I get CID Names on my PRI...
14:21.00astoriaLucky you :)
14:21.23[TK]D-Fenderastoria : asked your telco if its an "option" (they may charge extra for it)
14:21.30fugitivocoppice: what if I like it?
14:22.05*** part/#asterisk secure75 (
14:22.09coppicethen you send it to me. if you don't like it, you can keep it and just report to me that its no good
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14:29.35iCEBrkrAnother day, another dollar!
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14:30.16usamhello... just wonder if asterisk can do this for me, : callback system, i call a number pointed to me asterisk server, the asterisk will never answer the call, instead, when the user hangups, it will call that number by CID
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14:30.37iCEBrkrusam: It's gotta answer.
14:30.45iCEBrkrusam: But yea, it could do that.
14:30.53asteriskmonkeyanyone know if there is a way to see if any hops on a route have DiffServ running?
14:30.54usamiCEBrkr: ... but it has to answer?
14:31.08iCEBrkrusam: The only issue is if you have multiple people calling in on the same number.
14:31.46iCEBrkrusam: Well, I believe the call is gonna be 'answered' regardless.  You can make it hangup after the answer
14:32.01usamiCEBrkr: hm...
14:32.02iCEBrkrI dunno what happens if you don't issue Answer()
14:32.36usamtehn i have to use antoher technology long with asterisk ..
14:32.38iCEBrkrBut you could safe the CallerID via the DB() function.
14:32.54iCEBrkrHrrm, I guess it's a little more difficult than I thought..
14:32.56usamalong i mean
14:33.12DarkFlibblebest idea is to test it...
14:33.13iCEBrkrusam: Try it and see.
14:33.27iCEBrkrDarkFlibble: Yea, I'm not sure why people just don't run their own tests.
14:33.48usamusing a cellphone that i can use a data cable that i can manipulate the CID to something else..
14:33.49iCEBrkrSetup an extension minus Answer() and NoOp(CALLERID(name))
14:34.00JMcAiCEBrkr: might be an issue of not having systems available to do tests like that  *shrug*
14:34.08JMcAor extra ports, or whatever
14:34.09iCEBrkrusam: Too complicated
14:34.26iCEBrkrJMcA: Softphone + FWD
14:34.30iCEBrkrJMcA: == FREE
14:34.40usami will checkout NoOp
14:34.44iCEBrkrand it allows you to test inbound/outbound calls
14:34.58JMcAiCEBrkr: may not work the same way a ZAP port does, though?
14:35.11iCEBrkrJMcA: A call is a call is a call.
14:35.27JMcAeh...yeah...but not all channels are created equally
14:35.28iCEBrkrJMcA: granted you might not get the EXACT same data, but it'll be pretty damn close.
14:35.38Modcutsso is there away of allow all international calls out using the same dial pattern? so one dial pattern allows calls to spain and hk say...?
14:35.45iCEBrkrEspecially for what he's trying to do.. You could easily set this up with FWD
14:35.51JMcAit certainly would give the idea of whether its generally feasible
14:36.20JMcAit seems that channels are particularly variable with behavior prior to Answer()
14:36.37iCEBrkrEhhh.. Kinda
14:36.54*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
14:38.11asteriskmonkeythe ultimate dial plan _X.
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14:39.08RoyKsetting RDNIS seems like working, and it shows up in the pri debug, but the switch monkey can't see it on the switch.!
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14:43.23asteriskmonkeyanyone know much about diffserv?
14:43.32JMcAconceptually, yeah
14:43.56asteriskmonkeyanyway to test is any routes along a given path are running it?
14:45.43DarkFlibblewould a diff serv flag in a ping pack be preserved on replay?
14:45.49DarkFlibblepacket even
14:46.19docelm0hay iCEBrkr
14:48.26Modcutsis it too much to have a 7meg 128bit onhold music? as when i use it , it's very choppy?
14:49.00*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
14:50.17brad_msswanyone have experience with (aka sixtel)?
14:50.37astoriaI think everyone should have "Frankenstein" by Edgar Winter as hold music.
14:50.41astoriaThe world would be a better place.
14:51.34brad_msswModcuts: I'd probably resample it using mpg123 first
14:52.00asteriskmonkeyi think everyone should have ministry as there on hold music
14:52.02Modcutsso mpg123 allows resampling?
14:52.29coppicethe ministry of silly walks, for example?
14:52.37*** part/#asterisk _Roey (
14:53.09asteriskmonkeycoppice: ministry like as in the band :) but montey python is good too
14:53.13Modcutsna all about war of the worlds.
14:53.23Modcutsor python
14:53.26RoyK~seen wasim
14:53.38jbotwasim is currently on #asterisk (13h 38m 31s). Has said a total of 2 messages. Is idling for 6h 51m 29s, last said: 'but call setup is not dependent on transcoding too much'.
14:54.16DarkFlibblesince the people that phone the most will get the most education... :P
14:54.31Modcutswhat do you think i should resample too?
14:54.48*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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14:55.06asteriskmonkeymmm playing mp3s dosnt seem to workin in my 1.2 upgade.. has this line been changed to something else? MP3Player(/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/test.mp3)
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14:56.05fugitivoshow application mp3player?
14:56.48brad_msswModcuts: standard is something like   /usr/bin/mpg123 -q -r 8000 -f 8192 -b 2048 --mono
14:57.07Modcutsbrad_mssw : thank you
14:57.27*** join/#asterisk HUnter_sc (i=Junior@
14:57.44asteriskmonkeyah my bad... delete the mp3 it was playing :P
14:57.47Lathos42Has anyone successfully used app_directed_pickup on zap channels with 1.2.1?
14:58.06warthawgi am a complete newbie, pls forgive my noobosity.  i have a working asterisk installed with a single sip phone at present.  can i add my pots line to the mix simply by purchasing an fxo card, and will that let me choose whether to use pots or iax for outbound calls, and handle inbound pots calls just like i do sip?
14:58.21asteriskmonkeywarthawg: yes
14:58.37warthawgasteriskmonkey, coolio, thats only like 29.95 some places
14:58.42asteriskmonkeyjust get a wildcard 400 with 1fxo
14:58.48warthawgok thanks
14:58.59asteriskmonkeyno good one will run you 140ish i think cheap ones are only 10$ though
14:59.06fugitivowarthawg: if you buy the x100p clone, you should know that it has some problems
14:59.31warthawgfugitivo, thanks, i won't get it then
14:59.49asteriskmonkeyyes i work at the canadian digium distro :P we dont sell the x100's cause all the issue. we pimp the 400 series to death though cause its reliable
14:59.52warthawgi love asterisk, it would be worth the 140 to me
14:59.55fugitivosome people had luck with them, others didn't
15:00.00DarkFlibblewarthawg, there are 3 x100p clone boards... only 1 works 100% reliably... I suggest buying from digium if you value your time and want to support asterisk...
15:00.20fugitivodigium doesn't sell the x100p anymore
15:01.29HUnter_scstaff, knows to say me what it would be the status of the Generic Clone Board as RED?
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15:03.14iCEBrkrHrrm, how the hell do you 'abort' a call?  Like I have a GotoIf before my dail statement to jump over the dial, but then the context lands in TimeOut....
15:04.22tobihi all ... maybe somebody can help me or give me some tipps .. i have a working asterisk and i want to connect it trough a sip proxy (siproxd). now im at the point that i can call persons trough the proxy but not receiving calls (always getting circuit-busy althoug sip show peers shows OK)..any idea?
15:05.44rob0grrr, my Digium fxs card (tdm with 1 fxs module) failed today.
15:06.00rob0Jan 19 09:00:14 WARNING[8546]: chan_zap.c:771 zt_open: Unable to specify channel 1: No such device or address
15:06.21asteriskmonkeyrob0: try unplugging it and popping it in a different pci slot and modprobe it again
15:06.32rob0this was after stopping, rmmod, modprobe, restarting
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15:06.56asteriskmonkeyyou didnt upgrade you asterisk or zap did you?
15:07.03rob0didn't touch it
15:07.14rob0was working fine for weeks
15:07.36asteriskmonkeygah. . odd try popping it out and putting in a differnt pci slot see if that wakes the bugger up
15:07.38rob0Before I stopped it the line was staticky, unusable.
15:07.57rob0(That was why the reload/restart attempt.)
15:08.12*** join/#asterisk ghento2 (
15:08.18asteriskmonkeymmmm so just starting acting wierd for no reason?
15:08.35asteriskmonkeyno prowe failure, line surge, bodged updates?
15:08.39*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
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15:08.45Cresl1nmornin all
15:09.08rob0hmmm, nothing that I know of. We did have a power flicker last night.
15:09.28ghento2Hi everyone.  When someone calls into my asterisk box, they don't hear any goes right to exten => ...,Answer(). Is there a way for the phone to ring a few times before Answer() is executed?
15:09.55fugitivoghento2: wait before answer
15:10.03rob0Hi Cresl1n
15:10.13asteriskmonkeyhe asked for rining :) wait just waits
15:10.31fugitivowell, that depends
15:10.49fugitivoif it answers the line before any ringing
15:10.52fugitivowait will solve that
15:10.53rob0I was just saying before you wandered in, my tdm/fxs just failed this morning for no apparent reason.
15:11.02fugitivono need to add fake ringing
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15:11.27PauloSHi all, I'm getting this error: ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: fax_set_phase_d_handler
15:12.07asteriskmonkeyPasulos.. say noload in your modules config
15:12.12*** join/#asterisk razu (
15:12.14asteriskmonkeysounds like you got a bust spandsp
15:12.21rob0The machine is on a good UPS, nothing directly connected to any unclean power source.
15:12.59asteriskmonkeyrob0: thats whaky, check the manufacture date on the card see if it was made on a friday
15:13.02Nuggetunclean!  unclean!
15:13.40rob0ztcfg -vv returns "Channel 01: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)" but won't load, "no such device ..."
15:13.47rob0friday :)
15:14.01rob0I need an exorcist
15:16.00rob0Ethernet is on a switch which is on another UPS. No way I can see any power surge getting to this box ... :(
15:16.37asteriskmonkeyrob0: depending on your ups it might not be a surge that wreked it , it could also have been a brown out aka a sag
15:17.28asteriskmonkeyor more than likely either of 2 things 1)funcky motherboard issue 2)zaptel device corruption
15:17.37*** part/#asterisk warthawg (
15:17.49rob0Jan 19 08:33:59 whn kernel: Power alarm on module 1, resetting!
15:18.15rob0that may have been an incoming call
15:18.51PauloSasteriskmonkey: I would like to receive faxes.
15:19.07asteriskmonkeygah: got another box? shift it to a test box and see if you can get it to come up if dosnt you can get it replace by warrenty right
15:19.25skefflinghello, I have a problem with an asterisk system. We're using a Digium 4 port PRI, about 30 SNOM 190's and asterisk 1.2 on a Dual Xeon machine. the users, a few times a day, report problems of calls going silent for a few seconds "lots of 2 second silences, I can't hear them but they can hear me" I've been looking for the past few days and can't see what the problem is. Any one got any ideas?
15:19.43[TK]D-Fenderrob0 : I used to get that on my flakey-assed TDM400....
15:20.04asteriskmonkeyPauloS: so would I :) i broke my spandsp in the upgrade.. unfortunatly i run production box and have to do my patches late at night, you can put spandsp back in easily you just have to modify the make
15:20.38asteriskmonkeyskeffling: upgrade to 1.22
15:20.38PauloSasteriskmonkey: I'm using Debian, and I managed to patch the debian packages for mfc/r2 signalling (Brazil)
15:20.48rob0not sure if I'm still in warranty ... :(
15:20.48Dandanhey all
15:20.57asteriskmonkeyrob0: where did you buy it?
15:21.05rob0direct from Digium
15:21.13[TK]D-Fenderrob0 : Thats a part of why I sold mine off and went all-Sipura at home.
15:21.16asteriskmonkeyah your screwed then
15:21.31[TK]D-FenderDandan : Looking for help on, or to acquire?
15:21.38PauloSasteriskmonkey: (damm Debian patches)
15:21.39Dandani already have one
15:21.48PauloSasteriskmonkey: Thank you!
15:21.55skefflingasteriskmonkey, I was going to do that tonight - is this a know 'issue'?
15:22.06asteriskmonkeyPauloS: remember patches are specific to a version of asterisk .. we are now at 1.22
15:22.22asteriskmonkeyor should i say spandsp can be anal on revision numbers too :P
15:22.34Dandano, shit, 1.2.2 is available
15:22.39Dandanthat should be topic'ed...
15:22.44Dandano, it is!
15:22.45asteriskmonkeyskeffling: lots of issues with sip resolved in 1.2.2
15:22.48coppicePauloS: you probably have a mismatch between your version of spandsp and app_rxfax.c
15:22.57skefflingthanks, I'll see how it goes
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15:23.11caio1982PauloS: maybe you may want to test some spandsp and mfc/r2 as well unicall packages that i've built and are functional and okay for debian (
15:23.39graphyxIf I sniffed a SIP phone traffic log and stitched the packets together, what audio codex would I need to play it if the phones were speaking ulaw?
15:23.47coppicePauloS: assuming this machine is one running mfc/r2, spandsp must be installed and working OK.
15:23.51graphyxOr would that just be plain ulaw?
15:24.00asteriskmonkeyplain ulaw
15:24.12asteriskmonkeyunadultareted non compressed audio :)
15:24.22graphyxoh it's that basic?
15:24.27_cleric_is there a open source solution for T.38 ?
15:24.28coppiceulaw is compressed
15:24.41Dandan[TK]D-Fender: do you have any experience with voicetronix/
15:24.47Dandancoppice: yeah, but losslessly
15:24.49coppice_cleric_ for T.38 what?
15:24.59asteriskmonkeysos :P ulaw is compressed but no where like gsm
15:25.00Dandanyou can say it is 'digitized' not necessarily compressed
15:25.04fugitivo_cleric_: there's something, i think it's not finished
15:25.05coppiceDandan: nope. its lossy
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15:25.17Dandancoppice: is it? O_o
15:25.18_cleric_coppice: Fax over VoIP
15:25.29_cleric_fugitivo: remember the name? :)
15:25.34fugitivoi think coppice was working on that
15:25.36coppice_cleric_: I mean gateway, termination, etc?
15:25.39[TK]D-FenderDandan : Nope, I just know someone selling a 12 port card
15:25.49[TK]D-FenderDandan : I think we talked about it earlier
15:26.15Dandan[TK]D-Fender: yeah, and i relayed to my purchasing
15:26.26Dandanand dumb a$$es ordered it straight from .au
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15:27.48Money5ackhey ho
15:27.49_cleric_coppice: sorry. as software fax solution using a existing Voip gateway
15:28.24asteriskmonkey_cleric_: wht not use nvfaxdetect?
15:28.26Money5acki have a little question about sip channels
15:28.31drbrown_how good is the echo cancel on the tdm2400s????
15:28.44asteriskmonkeydrbrown_ depends on if you get the echo can :D
15:28.54coppice_cleric_: then the answer is not right now, but some components of it are finally getting to SVN for *
15:29.32asteriskmonkeydrbrown_ : we sell lots of the 2400 series with the echo can modules and everone loves them :D
15:29.37Money5acki use the asterisk as terminationpoint in our voip-network...
15:30.12asteriskmonkeyi use asterisk to control my servers :P
15:30.26Money5acknow i make a call to this asterisk and when my mobilephones rings i cancel the call..
15:31.07Money5ackbut the asterisk don't cancels the invite to the mobilephone
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15:31.24Money5ackon a second asterisk server i have the same configuration and there all wents right
15:32.34Money5ackwhen i take a look in the open channels
15:32.41_cleric_asteriskmonkey: as far as i know that doesnt really work
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15:32.58_cleric_coppice: ok nice :)
15:32.59Money5ackthe asterisk don't tell anything about an cancel to our carrier
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15:33.10asteriskmonkey_cleric_ : ive heard people have it catching 90% of fax traffic now
15:33.37asteriskmonkeyMoney5ack: if your going to ask a question man ask it :)
15:34.36_cleric_asteriskmonkey: even with high package loss?
15:34.56tobihi all ... i have a working asterisk and i want to connect to it trough a sip proxy (siproxd). now im at the point that i can call persons trough the proxy but not receiving calls (always getting circuit-busy althoug sip show peers shows OK).. in sip.conf ive set qualify=yes ..any idea?
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15:35.10coppicedoing fax over VoIP is hit and miss. Some people have it working and try to convince everyone else it can work. that's totally bogus
15:35.23Money5ackasteriskmonkey: is there any reason for the asterisk to do that.... i send a cancel to the server but the asterisk doesn't cancel the call to the next carrier ?!
15:35.52coppice_cleric_: even with 0 packet loss fax over VoIP doesn't normally work.
15:36.22*** part/#asterisk graphyx (n=mike@
15:38.28_cleric_coppice: even with t.38 ?
15:38.48coppiceT.38 isn't fax over VoIP. its FoIP
15:39.09_cleric_so i want FoIP
15:40.11DarkFlibbleI want a gold toilet... but it doesn't mean I'll get one
15:40.16Money5acki think i found the reason in the new changelog for version 1.2.2 :)
15:40.30asteriskmonkeylol EVERYONE GET 1.2.2
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15:42.49brad_msswwhat's in 1.2.2 ?
15:43.24Lathos42Does 1.2.2 fix directed call pickup? :)
15:44.17WuntherdagHas anyone configured a sound card for paging?
15:44.18Money5acki have some problems with SIP Invites in version 1.2.1 - some of the invites won't be canceled...
15:44.29Money5ackand i think 1.2.2 will fix this problem...
15:46.16dippoi am getting 130+ ms latency to
15:46.19dippoi can't win, I tell you what
15:46.43dippo100ms to teliax
15:48.03dippoit would be cool if you could set asterisk to choose whichever peer has the lowest latency
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15:48.30[TK]D-Fenderdippo : Scriptable....
15:49.10[TK]D-FenderCRON a ping, then have it "asterisk -rx" and set an ASTDB entry that you check on dial-out.
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15:50.39MrChimpyhello asteriskers
15:50.58DarkFlibblehello doctor nick...
15:50.58MrChimpycould anyone tell me what the ID switch is for on the TE410 cards is for?
15:51.10DarkFlibbleooops... wrong cartoon series..
15:51.11MrChimpydistingushing between multiple cards in one server?
15:51.24brad_msswdippo: yeah, just went super high in latency
15:51.27MrChimpyor something on the T1/E1 side?
15:51.37brad_msswdippo: i'm at 130+ms as well
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15:53.22brad_msswdippo: seems to be around 38ms for me though
15:55.39rob0Cresl1n: would you have time to look at ?
15:55.57rob0That's the details of my TDM400/FXS problem
15:57.00zoadoes somebody have an idea how i can monitor if a harddisk or networkcard keep an interrupt for too long ?
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15:59.49supjigatrAnyone know how to get asterisk and maxtnt DTMF working?
16:00.55iCEBrkrOh damnit
16:01.45iCEBrkrAlright.. If you're using GotoIfTime() before dialing and you want to NOT dial something you jump over the Dial() statement.  But then the context ends up landing in Failed.
16:01.50iCEBrkrThat's no good
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16:02.45Kryczekanybody here familiar with libosip and/or libortp ?
16:02.56Kryczekwell, oSIP and oRTP
16:03.13KryczekI have quite some trouble trying to figure out how to use them
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16:03.29Kryczekeven after having checked source codes of linphone, partysip, josua, etc
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16:04.06Kryczek(and of course the libraries' respective documentations)
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16:04.53rob0 - TDM400P/FXS failure, if anyone would be so kind to look, ideas much appreciated.
16:05.07supjigatrKryczek: Only other code I know uses libosip is siproxd
16:05.20[TK]D-Fenderrob0 :What is the port config on your card?
16:05.44rob0Not sure what you mean, there is only one FXS module.
16:05.52asteriskmonkeyrob0: silly question you are putting power to your card right? :D
16:06.01asteriskmonkeyusing the power connector on it
16:06.08rob0:) It was working yesterday
16:06.55asteriskmonkeyi know was just trying to think or anything else :(
16:07.07supjigatrAnyone using a maxtnt?
16:09.06rob0asteriskmonkey, [TK]D-Fender, thanks both for your input so far. I summarized your suggestions in the pastebin.
16:09.43MrChimpygah. TE411 isn't seen in a new DL360
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16:10.07Kryczeksupjigatr: thanks, I'll check it out
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16:15.07diclophishello all
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16:15.51diclophisi have a question regarding voicemail
16:15.56Lathos42Ok, now that i've just upgraded to 1.2.2, i'll rephrase my earlier question.. does anyone have Directed Call Pickup working on Zap channels in 1.2.2? :)
16:16.01diclophisand a web-based UI for the voicemail app
16:16.29[TK]D-Fenderrob0 : What do you see in /proc/interrupts ?
16:17.02[TK]D-FenderSHARED <-
16:17.47[TK]D-FenderKill the USB :)
16:17.53rob0and there was some USB plugging / unplugging yesterday.
16:19.43diclophisso... is it safe to just delete voicemail files from te voicemail spool dir?
16:19.57diclophisor is there some sort of manager API that i can use to manage the voicemail files?
16:20.08iCEBrkrSay you have 72 channels to dial out on.. and you put 80 call files in the outgoing queue... Will asterisk continue to parse those call files even if all the channels are used up??
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16:22.53pwellI'm located in White Plains, NY.  Looking to work with an asterisk engineer on a web based project in which we will be 50-50 partners.  Contracts and all written up.   I personally do PHP, HTML/CSS, Graphic Logo Design and Database work.   I plan on making an automated system of some sort using precorded messages and a nice backend hooked in to the logs.  If anyone is interested, let me know.
16:23.47diclophiswhen are you looking to roll out.. and how will you be doing the billing?
16:24.11pwellbilling will be through business account/merchant account from Chase who recently purchased Paymentech for processing
16:24.27gaz00pwell: you should probably mention whether you're looking for someone local.
16:24.27pwellRollout is whenever their is a finished product/service
16:24.57pwellI don't really know telecommunications well enough to know if I need someone local
16:25.27diclophiswell... it is mostly a matter of bandwidth
16:25.37SplasPoodHrm anyone know if there's any property I can set on the polycom phones (specifically 501) to display a bit of text on the screen (other than the line labels)
16:25.44fugitivopwell: learn asterisk yourself and don't get a partner, partners are a pain in the ass...
16:25.56diclophisdo you want T1s with real voicelines going ot a digium card (read expensive) or a SIP based solution
16:26.06pwellexactly and I don't know the math really per codec for max amount of concurrent calls.
16:26.09diclophisthat you can host of your cable modem
16:26.39diclophisfrom what i know 64kbps is a reasonalbe assumption for bandwitdh per call
16:26.39pwellfor concurrent calls I don't think a cable line would be the answer,  eventually upgrading to T1 would be the goal
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16:27.04gaz00pwell: a lot of that info is already available at
16:28.00pwellyes but I can't be worrying about the telecommunications side of the venture.  I need to handle everything else including marketing and sales.  I just want to be able to parse the logs for the backend and create the automated/prerecorded .call file in the /outbound/  and not worry.
16:29.05diclophisso yea back to my voicemail issue.. is there a api that i can delete/move voicemail files through agi?
16:29.17diclophisor do i have to manage the files on the filesystem
16:29.51[TK]D-FenderSplasPood : You mean withing lithe lin-key area or within the main viewing window?
16:29.52asteriskmonkeyim thinking of making stickers to put on the digium cards we send out saying please give me a dedicated irq :D
16:29.59SplasPoodwell they're just files in the FS, I wouldn't think it was too hard
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16:30.19gaz00pwell: respond to your pm plz!
16:30.27diclophis... well my concerns are in how they are named
16:30.29SplasPood[TK]: Well within the viewing area..  I have a need to label the phone and then label each line...  The kludge we came up with was a custom image for the display area..
16:30.56diclophisfor instance msg0001.wav is the latest unread voicemail you have
16:31.17diclophisbut when you listen to it, it moves to msg000X.wav (depending on how many other old voicemails you have)
16:31.22MrChimpyguys... my TE410P is coming up as Communication controller: Unknown device d161:0410 (rev 02) in lspci. it's a new card. is this OK?
16:31.28[TK]D-FenderSplasPood : Custom image is the only tool you have on the 50x.  60x you'd be able to use the MicroBrowser on Ide.  But IIRC the LIne Key titles can be set
16:31.29pwellgaz:  I never got one from you
16:31.33diclophislike.. thee numver of the voicemail file isnt indexed anywhere
16:31.41diclophisit seems pretty hackish to me
16:31.43twisted[asteria]diclophis, i don't see how that's an issue really.... look in msg000X.txt
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16:32.09SplasPood[TK]: yea problem is the line key titles are only 4 char or so...  if they were 6 it'd be perfect :)
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16:32.27SplasPood[TK]: ok, bitmap it is
16:32.51diclophiswell.. does asterisk blow up if the voicemail files arent perfectly sequeantal?
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16:33.25asteriskmonkeydiclophis: usually, also if there in diffent codecs i hear thats an issue too
16:33.34twisted[asteria]diclophis, voicemail isn't really meant to be tampered with in that fashion.  However, I don't see why you can't write a shell script or another type of script to keep ordeirng for you
16:33.37NSGNhello all. i am curious if you can tell me what the most affordable external box with one FXS and one FXO port on it is.
16:33.42NSGNit will be for a beginner home setup
16:34.02diclophiswell.. i could just do the ordering with the PHP UI code
16:34.05twisted[asteria]if you're insisting to mange voicemail files outside of asterisk, that is.
16:34.14twisted[asteria]diclophis, *nods*
16:34.26diclophisright, i was hoping there was some hooks into the voicemail system
16:34.26Mark_Halversonanyone here do custom AGI work?
16:34.37diclophisthat would be like... ReadMessage(X)
16:34.38twisted[asteria]well, it's an API just like anything else
16:34.42diclophisor somethig to that effect
16:34.45twisted[asteria]Mark_Halverson, the company I work for does
16:35.02NSGNcan anybody recomend me somethin?
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16:35.27diclophiswhat about asterisk@home
16:35.35diclophisthat is a livecd isnt it?
16:35.37twisted[asteria]heh... run.
16:35.38asteriskmonkeyhas anyone here played with php as an agi ?
16:35.39Mark_Halversontwisted: how do i contact you?
16:35.43twisted[asteria]asteriskmonkey, we have
16:35.52NSGNdiclophis: talking to me?
16:36.11[TK]D-FenderNSGN : i wouldn't necessarily go for "most affordable"
16:36.46twisted[asteria]diclophis, yeah, asterisk@home installs from a livecd
16:36.47[TK]D-FenderNSGN : For which I can only recommend the SPA-3000 so far.
16:37.04diclophisNSGN yea
16:37.04NSGN[TK]D-Fender yeah...but at this point i'm pretty hesitant to even switch our residence to asterisk, but some of the features seem great. so what is out there that is affordable for someone barely wanting to get their feet wet?
16:37.05twisted[asteria]diclophis, but i can't say that I'm any bit at all enthusiastic about it :P
16:37.18diclophiswell for a newb it might be something to try
16:37.22diclophisi gave it a whirl
16:37.24twisted[asteria]diclophis, sure
16:37.34Mark_Halversontwisted: i have a call in with dave - just waiting to see if your solution runs on 64 bit fedora
16:37.38diclophisget a skype account or something and cnnect that to it
16:37.48asteriskmonkeytwisted[asteria]: have you ever made any php scripts that sit on cron job to dial out using asterisk?
16:37.49diclophisgoogle voice account
16:37.51twisted[asteria]Mark_Halverson, ahh, okay :)
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16:38.43twisted[asteria]asteriskmonkey, not that sit on a cron job, but I don't see that being a difficult thing to do
16:38.45Mark_Halversondoes anyone need yet another toll-free gateway? i offer one at no charge
16:38.45rob0Bizarro!! It works!! TY again [TK]D-Fender.
16:39.09diclophisMark_Halverson url?
16:39.21[TK]D-FenderNSGN : Its only a few bucks more than the rest.  And I use it myself.
16:39.21asteriskmonkeytwisted[asteria]: youd have to tie it in so it calls throught the call manager thoough correct?
16:39.26NSGNmark_halverson: i'm a bit of a asterisk n00b. what is the toll free gateway for?
16:39.28[TK]D-Fenderrob0 : ywc :)
16:39.40Mark_Halversonyou can dial toll-free at no charge
16:39.43NSGN[TK]D-Fender hmm, yeah. i keep hearing about that one
16:39.51Mark_Halversonroute all 1800NXXXXXX calls
16:39.52twisted[asteria]asteriskmonkey, either that, or dropping call files
16:40.17rob0unfortunately we *do* need those USB ports :(
16:40.20[TK]D-FenderNSGN : You could get an el-cheapo PCI card for the FXO, but you'd still need an FXS solution
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16:40.41NSGN[TK]D-Fender its just a bit x_X to pay nearly a hundred bucks for a system that i really dont know if i'm going to fall in love with or disconnect in a week
16:40.56NSGNthough i guess it's success depends how well it works :-S
16:41.10Mark_Halversonit took my much longer than a week ;-)
16:41.15rob0recommendations for a good, economical but not cheap AMD-64 motherboard with full control of interrupts in the BIOS?
16:41.42[TK]D-FenderNSGN : Been there, done that :)  Do you have the PC you'd leave running it full-time?
16:41.58NSGN[TK]D-Fender yep. PURE 133mhz POWAH!
16:42.08[TK]D-FenderNSGN : Please tell me you're kidding...
16:42.15NSGN[TK]D-Fender hehe. its a little p1/mmx 133mhz
16:42.26NSGNi plan to run astlinux on it
16:42.33NSGNsingle home voice line
16:42.39NSGN133mhz can tackle that
16:42.54mog_homeyup NSGN
16:43.07mog_homei run all my home services off a little 200 mhz mips box
16:43.11[TK]D-FenderNSGN : You are just ASKING for pain.....  If you're wonding if you're going to "fall in love with it" first you need to ask yourself some questions : What do you expect to do with it?
16:43.38mog_homebut i am experienced with asterisk, fender is right you could take some pain in doing this
16:43.48caio1982no pain no gain :)
16:43.53caio1982it can be fun anyway
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16:44.04NSGN[TK]D-Fender mainly use it to be mailboxes. when the phone rings, it answers right away and asks the caller if they want to leave a message for me or ring a phone in the house (mainly to pwn telemarketing computers)
16:44.11rob0An old hunkajunk computer isn't going to handle a TDM card, that's for sure.
16:44.13NSGNso it really does not need to do a lot
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16:44.37mog_homeoh i dont know rob0 you could probably get it goin on a p2
16:44.45mog_homewouldnt be reccomended though
16:45.00[TK]D-FenderNSGN : And you're going to run your whole home off the FXS port?
16:45.09klasstekclerery 400 cause outbound audio artifacts for me
16:45.29[TK]D-Fenderklasstek : Try adding some lettuce and mayo :)
16:45.40NSGN[TK]D-Fender the analog phones, yes. then i will have one or two digital lines (either software or network phones)
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16:46.39MrChimpyah. non Xilinx detection of the newer TE410's is normal. digium have a new PCI ID
16:46.43[TK]D-FenderNSGN : Well * will do the job, as will the SPA-3000.  Also jsut about the cheapest way to do it as well, and puts less load on your computer.
16:46.48twisted[asteria]mog_home, i ran a single-span t1 card just fine on a p2 300
16:46.53WuntherdagIs help available on this channel?
16:47.12NSGN[TK]D-Fender yeah, suppose so. i'll just have to talk myself into biting the bullet when the time comes i suppose
16:47.13klasstek~meepgun [TK]D-Fender
16:47.14jbotACTION shoots [TK]D-Fender with a magneto-ionized neutron gun
16:47.34NSGN[TK]D-Fender i'm gonna do some testing without buying anything after i load astlinux
16:47.42NSGN[TK]D-Fender to be sure the box doesnt explode or anything
16:47.42mog_homenice twisted[asteria]
16:47.57twisted[asteria]mog_home, heh... no, but I don't think that would have been a problem
16:48.18mog_homeyou have to treat your customers better twisted[asteria]
16:48.29twisted[asteria]mog_home, that was at my home, silly.
16:48.42[TK]D-FenderNSGN : just install *, and make 2 SIP accounts (G711 codecs on both sides).  Call in with one softphone and test it, then have it ring the other.  There's your test.  Once you're happy, then buy the hardware.
16:49.41[TK]D-FenderNSGN : In your test I might suggest you make G711 copies of all the default sound files as well to avoid ANY transcoding where avoidable.
16:50.00twisted[asteria]we'd be insane to put something like that at a customer site
16:50.36asteriskmonkeyuse a gumstix for a server :)
16:50.46*** join/#asterisk coppice_ (
16:50.53twisted[asteria]asteriskmonkey, heh...
16:50.55*** part/#asterisk darkskiez (n=darkskie@
16:51.16twisted[asteria]oh, i've seen them
16:51.20twisted[asteria]and i've seen asterisk running on them
16:51.27asteriskmonkey1 of these with there dually rj45 board does 40+ ulaw calls cool eh :){
16:51.50twisted[asteria]ah yes, but think if you ran ser on it
16:52.10twisted[asteria]you could have a tiny sip router that could probably handle tons of calls
16:52.22asteriskmonkeyitd a pocket sized pbx :D
16:52.22fileyou could make it a load balancer
16:52.24twisted[asteria]and fit in a pack of smokes
16:52.30twisted[asteria]file, very true
16:52.36filea cluster of low power high capacity load balancers
16:52.40asteriskmonkeythe size on its disgusting
16:52.50*** part/#asterisk SuidBit (
16:52.51asteriskmonkeyoh dude.. image 100 of those things as a cluster
16:52.56asteriskmonkeythere cheap too
16:53.03asteriskmonkeyyou could do it for like 10k
16:53.30MrChimpyum. they're XScale
16:53.33MrChimpynot very fast
16:53.52MrChimpycertainly good enough for some stuff.
16:53.57asteriskmonkey100 of them would run might evil
16:54.18NSGN[TK]D-Fender i believe astlinux has everything already coded like that
16:54.18asteriskmonkeyi think 100 would out perfrom a dual xeon
16:54.21NSGN[TK]D-Fender for that purpose
16:54.23[TK]D-FenderGeez with the price of PC's (new/used) these days, who cares!?!
16:54.27rob0mog_home: actually I don't think a TDM will work on anything older than a typical P3. It depends on the PCI bus not the CPU of course. I had a Via-c3 (I brought it in to Digium once) which simply wouldn't support the TDM.
16:54.40MrChimpyum. very unlikely as soon as you try any floating point
16:54.45[TK]D-FenderNSGN : If you say so.  Just advising from scratch.
16:54.53MrChimpyXscales have to emulate an FP instruction set
16:54.54rob0(The stupid mobo mfr, ECS, lied about PCI 2.1)
16:54.58mog_homevia's dont make me happy
16:55.19NSGN[TK]D-Fender yeah
16:55.24asteriskmonkeyvia's a train company not a relaible mobo chipset lol
16:55.32MrChimpyplus they're not exactly bleeding edge in terms of memory interfaces etc etc. they're embedded CPUs and meant for such things...
16:55.36rob0I can't remember the name of the guy who worked with me @ digium that day
16:55.37NSGN[TK]D-Fender hey i gotta run. thanks for the advice. may be back soon
16:55.40NSGNlater all
16:55.51mog_homeprobably a matt like me rob0
16:56.09mog_homethere are 6 now
16:56.21*** part/#asterisk PauloS (
16:56.21Mimmuswhat is timezone at Digium's?
16:56.24rob0OMG a Matt surplus!
16:56.38*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
16:56.43Mimmusmine is GMT+1, total is 7 hours
16:56.46mog_home13% of digium is matt
16:57.01asteriskmonkeyi wants to work at digium :P
16:57.07mog_homeits a happening place
16:57.17mog_homeapply i think we are looking for people
16:57.17Mimmusthis is a really problem with a support call: it's so difficult to communicate!
16:57.32asteriskmonkeyyes i do digium support all day here :)
16:57.34mog_homebut those guys rock
16:57.37justinui dunno... i'd need to get paid in US dollars, not redbull
16:57.40*** join/#asterisk moy (n=kvirc@
16:57.50Mimmusevery time they send me a mail, I need to waot for next day to answer!
16:57.52mog_homeits a choice justinu but most of us choose redbull
16:58.14asteriskmonkeywill trade asterisk support for fat bandwidth heheh
16:58.23mog_homeheh we have that at digium too
16:58.27mog_home10mb for 50 people
16:58.35twisted[asteria]i'll take payment in redbull for small tasks i do in my spare time
16:58.42twisted[asteria]i need to finish my redbull window covering
16:58.48asteriskmonkey1.54mb for 100 here
16:58.56Mimmusmog_home: are you at work now?
16:59.05mog_homeno not at the moment
16:59.06asteriskmonkeylucky the test servers are on 10gb fiber :)
16:59.08mog_homeim about to be
16:59.29mog_homesee we have nearly 10x that for half the people ....
16:59.40Mimmusmog_home: I'm waiting for reply from Ian Kinner
17:00.31Mimmusmog_home: 4 days to exchange mail without focusing on the problem :-(
17:00.56mog_homewhats your ticket number Mimmus
17:01.32pifiuwhy is it that after i deploy some polycom 501's when i try to dial it says URL CALL IS DISABLED
17:02.13mog_homeyou probably have that disabled and you have lost registration pifiu
17:02.30pifiui cant seem to recall where that option is
17:02.48*** join/#asterisk Simon- (
17:02.50Mimmusmog_home: Ian has SSH access to my system to debug a problem
17:03.22Mimmusis it safe to open SSH only to
17:03.45MimmusIan asked for IAX2 port too
17:03.59*** join/#asterisk malaysia (
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17:04.23Nuggetthe best way to secure ssh from exploit is to disallow using passwords.
17:04.27Nuggetif you do that then it's safe to open it up to anyone if you have to
17:04.33tzangerthat's not really an exploit then :-)
17:04.34MimmusNugget: it's a temporary access only for support
17:04.37pifiuanyone else a polycom wh0re?
17:04.40pifiuif not ill ask again later
17:04.56NuggetI'm referring to the worms that do ssh brute-force.  they're blocked if you're not using passwords.
17:05.10Nuggetthat's really the only actual risk to an exposed sshd
17:05.26mog_homeokay Mimmus ill be sure to tap him when i go in
17:05.33MimmusNugget: yes, I agree. For this reason, I opened only from Digium IP
17:05.45*** join/#asterisk cyburdine (n=cyburdin@
17:05.52NuggetI'm just saying, if you're disallowing passwords then there's little risk to having sshd exposed.
17:05.57mog_homealthough the last time you heard from his was the 18th....
17:06.04mog_homeso my statement stands true ^_^
17:06.05Mimmusmog_home: thank you very much, I'll connect from home, to check for mail
17:06.14mog_homebye peoples
17:06.15*** part/#asterisk mog_home (
17:06.48cyburdinemorning all!
17:07.26justinurunning ssh on a different port can help against those stupid worms too
17:07.35Nuggetyeah, but that's a pain in the ass.  :)
17:08.07fileiptables is my friend
17:09.39*** join/#asterisk phos-phoros (n=James@unaffiliated/phos-phoros)
17:09.44brad_msswanyone have experience with ??
17:10.21tzangerbrad_mssw: STAY AWAY
17:10.53brad_msswtzanger: any recommended voip provider?
17:11.13tzangernufone, asterlink, unlimitel are who I use
17:11.16astoriabrad_mssw: I guess tzanger is less polite than I am :)
17:11.18brad_msswtzanger: their network path to me is good ... good latency times, just can't get a hold of anyone it seems
17:11.34brad_msswtzanger: i can't seem to look at asterlink's website
17:11.39brad_msswtzanger: it's odd
17:11.39tzangerbrad_mssw: that is exactly the problem.  They are very easy to get a hold of at the start but if you have ANY trouble and lord help if you want out... they just aren't around
17:11.43MrChimpyunconfigured they do a knight rider impression, now I've configured the card they're pulsing ominously at me.
17:11.50tzangerbrad_mssw: but if you want to send them money suddenly they are responsive again
17:11.58justinul337, yo
17:12.02*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
17:12.10brad_msswtzanger: can you browse asterlink's website right now ?
17:12.15tzangerMrChimpy: yeah... it's a shitty knight rider impression but yeah
17:12.30tzangercomes up immediately
17:12.33MrChimpyyeah. they should make it better. it's still kewl though.
17:12.36Mimmusanone using E1 cards from ?
17:12.50brad_msswtzanger: odd, hanging for me ... just a constant 'waiting for'
17:13.07MrChimpywe have a 1/2 million quid telco switch that doesn't even flash anything with a few million calls an hour
17:13.18MrChimpyi demand flashing lights!
17:13.31justinua few million calls/hr? that's a lot of volume
17:13.33mutilatorno blinky lights?
17:13.34brad_msswtzanger: have a url on unlimitel that lists pricing, etc ??
17:13.36tzangerbrad_mssw: :-)
17:13.48mutilatorthats why i like my dslam
17:13.52astoriaUsually they just build a bunch of blinking lights and bill you :)
17:13.54iCEBrkrBlinky lights are the essence of technology
17:13.55mutilatorlike 300 blinky lights
17:14.01tzangerbrad_mssw: uhm... maybe just email them... they are *awesome* I get emails about any planned outages and any unplanned ones are investigated and I get reports on
17:14.14tzangertheir off-net pricing sucks but on-net is great (CAD$0.011/min)
17:14.25*** join/#asterisk lahaine_ (
17:14.30brad_msswtzanger: is it just ? I think
17:14.37tzangerer no
17:14.39*** join/#asterisk jbalcomb (
17:15.09brad_msswtzanger: ah, canadian ... eww ... pricy too
17:15.35tzangerbrad_mssw: well as I said on-net is great price, quality is absolutely awesome, customer service rocks, their DIDs are stable and reliable... but offnet is expensive yes
17:15.35*** join/#asterisk Simon-_ (
17:17.41justinubrad_mssw: check out
17:17.53[TK]D-Fendertzanger : Good reason to get 2 providers.
17:17.57brad_msswjustinu: yeah, i already have a junctionnetworks account
17:18.05brad_msswjustinu: it jumped to 130+ms today
17:18.13brad_msswjustinu: was fine yesterday at like 40ms
17:18.17gaz00tzanger: i just checked out asterlink... you actually say that they're good?
17:18.26justinuasterlink works well
17:18.33Mimmusis true that display of Grandstream Budgetone is not alphanumeric?
17:18.43astoriadoes bkw own asterlink?
17:18.48astoriawho owns asterlink?
17:18.51justinui think he just works there
17:18.52tzangerjunction networks doesn't say where on-net is for that 0.5c/min
17:19.03gaz00i'm a bit wary of a company that has a 404 off their FRONT PAGE.
17:19.04tzangergaz00: yep they have a good network.  bkw and anthm run it
17:19.07tzangerand file too
17:19.12tzangergaz00: they have a 404?
17:19.18justinujunction is $0.029 US48, i hink
17:19.20astoriafile's the smartest kid i've ever seen
17:19.23*** join/#asterisk roulduke_ (
17:19.25astorianufone is .02 US48
17:19.33gaz00pbix -->
17:19.58cyburdinehey guys... can someone tell me the best asterisk config gui to use that utilizes postgres as a backend?
17:20.01brad_msswso nufone only provides michigan numbers though
17:20.03tzangerastoria: I thought it was 0.025 or 029
17:20.12tzangercyburdine: the one you build and release as open source
17:20.13astoriaI live in Michigan :)
17:20.19lahainegood night/evening ppl
17:20.23astoriatzanger: it might have gone up, but i'm still paying .02
17:20.29tzangeryeah likely me too :-)
17:20.48cyburdinetzanger that's what I'm inclined to do... most that I've found don't seem to be that mature
17:20.49astoriatzanger: i've been nufone for more than a year or two now.
17:21.00tzangerastoria: about the same as me then
17:21.20astoriatzanger: we're probably grandfathered in or something...
17:21.34cyburdineI found phonecall... but the currently don't have any downloads available
17:22.07justinubrad_mssw: i'm getting packetloss/latency to also
17:22.13[TK]D-Fendercyburdine :* GUI = Evil
17:22.22tzanger[TK]D-Fender: not necessarily
17:22.26tzangerdone right it works great
17:22.28tzangerbut "done right" is difficult
17:22.33cyburdineyeah yeah... I know... but clients want something pretty
17:22.33Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: not necessarily
17:22.45astoria* GUI gives users a reason to be lazy :)
17:23.17brad_msswany other suggestions??  teliax latency is bad ... junction today is even worse ... people say to stay clear of ... nufone is michigan only .. asterlink's website won't even work for me ... unlimitel is canadian only
17:23.30Mimmusreal problem is that if you use a GUI you are forced to use ALWAYS
17:23.37justinubrad_mssw: voicepulse
17:23.39*** join/#asterisk angom_w (
17:23.44tzangerMimmus: not if done right, as I said
17:23.46justinui dunno if it's a recommendation, but they're out there
17:23.47cyburdineGUI possibly prevents them from blowing up their pbx
17:23.50*** join/#asterisk iccomputing (
17:23.57[TK]D-FenderMimmus : Which is typically the case.
17:23.58justinubrad_mssw: voipjet for termination only
17:24.00tzangera proper GUI will be able to accomodate manual editing, but it is *difficult*
17:24.21Mimmustzanger: for istance: AMP - if you need soem thing in extensions.conf, its' a pain
17:24.26iccomputingAnyone have any experience with AASTRA/SAYSON 480i phones??
17:24.32brad_msswjustinu: need origination too
17:24.33[TK]D-FenderI find * + GUI is only useful in larger installs, and to satisfy corp reqs.
17:24.40Mimmustzanger: if you can put it in extensions_custom.conf, it's OK
17:24.42tzangerMimmus: AMP is not my idea of a good GUI
17:24.52Mimmustzanger: :-) I understand
17:25.19[TK]D-Fendertzanger : I use ScopServ here.  Its buggy like the rest at times, but kills AMP hands down.  Of course.. thats why they charge for it :)
17:25.19cyburdineyeah... that's where we're at... we need to give clients the ability to manage their box without paying for administration
17:25.31tzanger[TK]D-Fender: got a URL?
17:25.46[TK]D-Fendertzanger : and check out the WIKI
17:26.14MimmusI'm forcing myself to use it but very often I'm putting my hands in the dialplan
17:26.14justinui just sent junction an email bitching about their shitty network
17:26.26iccomputingAnyone able to help with a SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized problem?
17:27.24Mimmussometime a manual change in the dialplan is a matter of seconds!
17:27.48Mimmusyesterday I set up CallerIDName lookup in ActiveDirectory in a few seconds!
17:27.58Mimmustry to do it with a GUI!
17:28.02*** join/#asterisk [1]EriSan (
17:28.39[TK]D-Fendericcomputing : Sounds like you've got the wrong user/pass for your phone.
17:29.43jbalcombiCEBrkr you about?
17:29.54iCEBrkrEh? huh?
17:29.56SwK[Work]riddle me this... with the g729 codecs on the FTP server being all renamed... whats the right codec to get for Xeon
17:29.57tzanger[TK]D-Fender: I do not see a wiki there but I was playing with the online demo
17:30.00tzangernot bad... for a web app :-)
17:30.33jbalcombiCEBrkr Do you know a PHP/MySQL developer local to CLE would is good and looking for work?
17:30.50cyburdineany idea the cost on ScopServ?
17:31.12[TK]D-Fendertzanger : I mean on the voip-info WIKI.  their changelog, features, etc info is there
17:31.12iCEBrkrjbalcomb: swanbri
17:31.15asteriskmonkeycyburdine: we sell servers with scopserv on it
17:31.17iCEBrkrI dunno
17:31.33[TK]D-Fendertzanger : I haven't seen a non-web gui for * yet, so ... ok :)
17:31.54[TK]D-Fendercyburdine : <$1000 for SMB.  Not 100% sure right now...
17:32.08[TK]D-Fenderand believe me you shouldn't need the ITSP version...
17:32.10cyburdineyowch... but it looks good
17:32.22iCEBrkrIsn't there a way to findout if there are channels available via the manage port?
17:32.31[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey : Who do you work for again?  Williams wasn't it?
17:32.39asteriskmonkeyyep :D
17:33.00asteriskmonkeynot to be confused with williams in the states :P
17:33.19coppice_you mean you race formula 1 cars?
17:33.35[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey : Well aware of Dave & crew :)
17:33.38*** join/#asterisk fulgas (n=fulgas@
17:33.52[hC]Williams trucking? :)
17:34.19asteriskmonkeyi work williams global telecom.. think there is a us company named that too though
17:34.29asteriskmonkeybeen here about 2 months :) so far its nice
17:34.49Mimmusyes, ScopServ seems really a good interface
17:35.26cyburdinebut no one can think of a good opensource version using postgres?
17:35.36[TK]D-FenderMimmus : I've been working with them on it since its install.  Lots of new features and bugfixes.
17:35.55*** join/#asterisk Tall-guy (
17:35.59brad_msswjustinu: those are about the rates I'm getting
17:36.06brad_msswjustinu: i take it you've not gotten a reply yet
17:36.13justinuno, but I just sent it
17:36.22justinui got an automated reply
17:36.45Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: has Asterisk Enterprise from Digium some GUI?
17:36.51asteriskmonkeytime 228027ms holy crap! are you sending your tcp packets via smoke signal?
17:37.05justinuheh, that's the total time ping was running, monkey
17:37.15brad_msswcalling their 800 number ... using my cell phone, and it's choppy as hell
17:37.21*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
17:37.23justinubrad_mssw: same here
17:37.49asteriskmonkeyjustinu: thats terrible
17:37.54*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
17:37.58asteriskmonkeyjustinu: try this ip tell me what you get 216
17:38.01justinubrad_mssw: in my experience, all these prepaid low volume ITSPs have these issues
17:38.03iccomputingwrong paste =)
17:38.19Tall-guyAnyone using the linksys/sipura 941/942 or a sayson480i? phone?
17:38.19brad_msswjustinu: yeah, my ISP is actually going to set up their own service here soon
17:38.26brad_msswjustinu: at least I know it'll be reliable
17:38.38justinuasteriskmonkey: aproximately 50ms from miami
17:38.41brad_msswjustinu: actually, they pay a lot of $$ for quality B/w too
17:38.46asteriskmonkeyjustinu: is that a good time?
17:38.49justinuasteriskmonkey: aproximately 90ms from LA
17:38.54justinu50ms is good enough
17:39.01asteriskmonkeythat sever is in toronto canada
17:39.23asteriskmonkeyok try this one , same location via the nyc pipe
17:39.52brad_msswheh, that ip gives me 200+ms
17:40.19asteriskmonkeydamn .. :) ok they nyc nac connection gets cut off at end of month then wooo :D
17:41.04asteriskmonkeyjustinu: you use tos in your asterisk
17:41.07justinuasteriskmonkey: same results for your NYC pipe
17:41.15justinuasteriskmonkey: no jitter tho
17:41.24justinuwell, very little
17:42.05Mimmusasteriskmonkey: could you explain me TOS in a few words?
17:42.05asteriskmonkeyjustinu: i use high bandwidth low delay on my tos
17:42.05justinuType Of Service
17:42.05justinuor an old operating system for Atari STs
17:42.20asteriskmonkeyflags for tos aware devices to pay attention to, not to be confused with diffserv
17:42.30Mimmusdo you need it in the whole chain of network devices?
17:42.52asteriskmonkeytos aware devices will recognize and prioritze where as others will just act normal
17:43.08MimmusDo I need to enable on the phone and on the Asterisk server?
17:43.26asteriskmonkeyusing the tos option in general under iax.conf and sip.conf
17:43.35asteriskmonkeyit makes a night and day difference
17:43.55MimmusI added tos=0x18
17:44.21Tall-guyanyone know the irc nick of the guy from
17:44.54Mimmuson my phone I have a TOS setting too: di I need to put something in it?
17:45.04asteriskmonkeyMimmus: reload now and do a iax2 show peers or sip show peers and youll see huge time differnces now
17:45.08justinuyeah... that's for the upstream RTP
17:45.50Mimmusasteriskmonkey: do I need "qualify=yes", I suppose...
17:46.05asteriskmonkeythats to do with registration not tos
17:46.27justinuactually, it's for pinging the phones
17:46.36justinuand if he doesn't use it, he won't see any times in sip show peers
17:46.38Mimmusasteriskmonkey: ok but "sip show peers" doesn't show any thing about TOS
17:46.40asteriskmonkeyyes: it adds monitoring to the phones
17:46.56asteriskmonkeykeep in mind though this can cuase some sip phones to loose registration though
17:47.12Mimmusasteriskmonkey: yes, but it's usefule and my lan is realiable
17:47.20asteriskmonkeyuse it then :)
17:47.33asteriskmonkeyi used it on all iax based devices on the wan :)
17:47.37*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
17:47.37docelm0Hay anyone in here know of an application that can be used to connect out a serial port to another device?
17:47.48Mimmusok but "sip show peers" doesn't show any thing about TOS
17:48.12asteriskmonkeyMimmus no it wont , but you should see a difference in your latency times
17:48.14justinui used tip on solaris
17:48.19justinunot sure what the equiv is onlinux
17:48.52Mimmusasteriskmonkey: during calls?
17:49.00asteriskmonkeyduring idle and calls
17:49.01*** join/#asterisk spatulamaan (
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17:49.20[TK]D-FenderTall-guy : I use an SPA-941 at home
17:49.32Mimmusasteriskmonkey: and how can I 'measure' thsi difference?
17:49.34[TK]D-Fendericcomputing : Dunno about that... what was the error again?
17:49.34tzangerI love these threads
17:49.40asteriskmonkeylook at the status :P
17:49.51asteriskmonkeyi wish you could define more than 2 tos options
17:50.02[TK]D-FenderMimmus : AFAIK ABE doesn't ahve a specific GUI, only attached support.
17:50.34asteriskmonkeydocelm0: write one
17:50.38Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: OK, and what's about pricing of ScopServ?
17:50.42asteriskmonkeydocelm0: what are you trying to accomplish
17:51.03hugo-v6is ist possible to use * apps db* with sqlite?
17:51.26[TK]D-FenderMimmus : Call them
17:51.45jbalcombiCEBrkr Is he professional and reliable? I used thomasl on another project and it didn't go well.
17:52.04asteriskmonkeyMimmus: be prepared to pay 5k+
17:52.09*** join/#asterisk M-I-A- (
17:52.16Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: OK, when our Asterisk deployment becames stabler
17:52.33Mimmusasteriskmonkey: then no :-)
17:52.53iCEBrkrjbalcomb: It's brian, yo.
17:52.58Mimmusasteriskmonkey: we are trying to migrate to Asterisk to avoid high support costs for our legacy Alcatel PBX
17:53.00iCEBrkrjbalcomb: I dunno any PHP guys in Cleveland
17:53.19iCEBrkrjbalcomb: BTW, What's Cleveland? :P  I'm trying to detach myself from that place.
17:53.22asteriskmonkeyMimmis: then you might want to call the place where i work :P we specialize in that sorta stuff
17:54.23Tall-guyFender: are yo uhappy with the 941, would you use it in a small business deployment?
17:54.26docelm0Connect out of my serial port on my linux desktop to a Cisco PIX
17:54.57asteriskmonkeydocelm0: why not just use telnet then
17:55.11[TK]D-FenderTall-guy : How many phones?
17:55.15docelm0How can I use telnet to connect to the serial port?   What about baud rates and such?
17:55.26Mimmusasteriskmonkey: thanks, now we are pretty happy with * even if it is not all gold!
17:55.31docelm0I looked at telnet's man page...  Didnt say anything about connecting to a device
17:55.40iCEBrkrdocelm0: minicom
17:55.45[TK]D-FenderTall-guy : For business I would rather suggest Polycom IP 501 over it.
17:55.46docelm0sweet.. thanks ice.
17:55.47astoriause minicom
17:56.02justinuminicom, yep
17:57.33*** part/#asterisk mhnoyes (
17:57.38asteriskmonkeymimmusL: are you using 1.22 yet?
17:57.59brad_msswjustinu: junction just dropped back down
17:58.04jbalcombiCEBrkr haha.. yeah, you will never forget Cleveland pal. Accept your roots and simply move on.
17:58.16Tall-guyFender: 5-10 phones
17:58.20Mimmusasteriskmonkey: no, 1.2.1. I didn't upgrade during first day!
17:58.47justinubrad_mssw: heh
17:58.55[TK]D-FenderTall-guy : What kind of call-volume / purposes?
17:59.14brad_msswjustinu: funny thing is that it's the same traceroute ... just a couple of the hops returned to sane levels for latency
17:59.21brad_msswjustinu: are you seeing the same thing ?
17:59.23justinui wonder if they got my email
17:59.30Tall-guyfender: auto body shop, external customers mostly to internal staff...
17:59.35justinuyeah, i'm at 75m with little jitter
17:59.39iCEBrkrjbalcomb: lol
17:59.40MimmusI'm using a chap IP phone that can be flashed with SIP or IAX firmware
17:59.45brad_msswjustinu: wonder if they didn't have a router port go bad, and it spiked the cpu use on some of the routers
17:59.49Mimmuswhat du you suggest?
18:00.05justinubrad_mssw: or a saturated wan link
18:00.08brad_msswjustinu: i'm back to 45ms
18:00.28justinuus west coasters get poor latency to east coast stuff
18:00.32justinufor some reason
18:00.41[TK]D-FenderTall-guy : Need speakerphone on them all really?
18:00.58Tall-guyfender: no
18:01.04*** join/#asterisk Defraz (n=t0tal@
18:01.29justinupolycom 301 all the way then
18:01.34[TK]D-FenderTall-guy : Polycom IP301 for those who don't need speakerphone, IP501 for those who do, and 601 for anyone you feel generous about
18:01.40brad_msswjustinu: is still the fastest route though it seems :/
18:02.07justinubrad_mssw: 40ms from my MIA server
18:02.07asteriskmonkey[TK]D-Fender: aastra now the king over polycom :D
18:02.21Tall-guyWhat about the 480I aastra/saysons?  monkey?
18:02.36brad_msswjustinu: not bad
18:02.37[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey : in what respect?
18:02.54[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey : Little they do taht Polycom doesn't do better....
18:02.56justinu480i is a good phone, but fender and I agree that the polycom 501/601s are better choices
18:03.08asteriskmonkeythe 301 has the worst lcd display, the 9112 is much better same price little more the 480i slaugters
18:03.19blitzrageI'm looking for comments about the most recent AstriCon that was in Anaheim, CA. Email me at or /msg me here
18:03.21asteriskmonkeybig lcd , easy setup and good plastics
18:03.43*** join/#asterisk ke4qqq (
18:04.04[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey : 9112 has 1 eth port, and poorer audio quality and more expensive....
18:04.37asteriskmonkeythe 480i vs the 301 :P come on there is no compare there :D
18:05.05Mimmusis it better to flash my phone with IAX or SIP firmware?
18:05.40blitzragethere's an IAX firmware?
18:05.45[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey : I never compared the 480i to the 301 though :)
18:06.04Mimmusblitzrage: for my ATCom AT320 (made in China) , yes
18:06.07[TK]D-FenderAnd at nearly double the price of the 301, the 480i had BETTER be superior!
18:06.09blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: we have the 480i here, but I need to flash it with the new firmware to see if its any better... right now, I don't like it
18:06.13asteriskmonkeydude come on down ill show you :) for that matter anyone in toronto area
18:06.27justinuthe new aastra firmware is a big improvement
18:07.12*** join/#asterisk duckz (
18:07.17blitzragejustinu: awesome -- I'll try it out
18:07.42[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey : Lets see though... 480i = 209$ (best I've seen) but needs a PoE injector (assume the customer doesn't HAVE PoE), so thats almost $250.  For which you could afford an IP601 which would KILL it :D
18:07.43Tall-guyI use the 480E's a lot (ADSI/analog)
18:08.08Math`buy a PoE switch :)
18:08.42asteriskmonkey[TK]D-Fender: aha now your throwing poe into the mix :) most people here probably dont play with that cause its costs them an extra k for a poe switch lol
18:08.43[TK]D-FenderIP601 >>> 480i
18:09.07[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey : Mearly trying to find an even playing field :)
18:09.12Mimmusit's time to go home (19:10), bye
18:09.27asteriskmonkey[TK]D-Fender: iaxy for the loose
18:09.28iCEBrkrif FreeTDS provides then WTF isn't found on my file system?!?!?!
18:09.33justinuthe problam with the 480i is you can't power it by anything BUT a PoE injector
18:09.44iCEBrkroh, cuz it's .5
18:10.06[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : And not having a nice Pixel Display, no expansion, etc, etc.....
18:10.40asteriskmonkeyok the wip-5000 there you go ultimate sip phone
18:10.43jbalcombI hate my grandstream phones I think..
18:10.51[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey : IAXY?  *ick* Never found a need for an ATA that Sipura's couldn't fill cheaper and in a more trustworthy way...
18:10.53asteriskmonkeyand can be turned into a cooking instriment
18:11.07[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : I've heard more than nough to say you've got company :)
18:11.37jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender Why do you keep calling them Sipuras... They are Linksys.. part of CISCO!! =)
18:11.47asteriskmonkeythe linksys pap2's are a bit crap but hacked that one to go on any network
18:11.53iCEBrkrjbalcomb: Cuz umm, they were Siprua?
18:11.56[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Same shit, different name :)
18:11.58iCEBrkrjbalcomb: and their devices are SPAs
18:11.59jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender yeah, I cleared the purchase of three of three other phones for testing
18:12.02iccomputingASTRISKMONKEY - Can you help me get an AASTRA 480i to register? I am beating my head against the wall!!
18:12.14iCEBrkrjbalcomb: Get with the program, sparky
18:12.14Math`PAP2 are crap? how come?
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18:12.25Math`I got one for testing here to investigate if a provider should deploy tit
18:12.26jbalcombiCEBrkr haha.. I was just plugging Cisco fella
18:12.35iCEBrkrjbalcomb: F Cisco
18:12.43iCEBrkrThey're not king of the hill anymore
18:12.57[TK]D-FenderPAP2?  no thanks... I like nice pre-unlocked friendly devices :)  SPA-2002 & SPA-3000 are the only low-density devices I consider worth-while...
18:13.05jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender I just think its nice that [TK]D-Fender speaks so highly of the SPAs and they are part of Cisco
18:13.17asteriskmonkeybut but.. you can make 15$ with the rebate on the pap2 lol
18:13.24Math`[TK]D-Fender: PAP2 are unlocked when you are a linksys reseller :P
18:13.32iCEBrkrjbalcomb: They weren't part of Cisco until just recently.
18:13.39jbalcombasteriskmonkey I love rebates on stuff I sell to clients.. is that legal?
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18:14.02jbalcombiCEBrkr I am aware. Please only state the obvious when I ask for it directly. ;)
18:14.04iCEBrkrjbalcomb: It's still Sipura technology.. Not Cisco.. And now that Cisco has their hands on Sipura.. We can expect the quality of their shit to go out the door!
18:14.05asteriskmonkeysure as long as you let them know they wont get the rebate cause you cashed in on it
18:14.30iCEBrkrjbalcomb: I would appear that you're having difficulting understanding the obvious, so I figured I'd waste my bandwidth LARTing you
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18:15.07[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : I promote the SPA's because they are very compliant, easy enough to use and CHEAP.  Takes all 3.  I don't care whose name is on a product, only its cost & quality.
18:15.07jbalcombiCEBrkr whassa matta you? I don't not understand anything. :)
18:15.46jbalcombiCEBrkr [TK]D-Fender ok, ok, ok.. I was just trying to crack a funny. nm.
18:15.53iCEBrkr: |
18:16.16jbalcombanyone wanna buy 120 Grandstream GXP-2000s?
18:16.35[TK]D-FenderAs soon as a company "goes bad" on me my loyalties will switch FAST (assuing there are any worthy alternatives).
18:16.53iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: Cisco bought'm, you know Sipura is gonna go down hill, right?
18:17.27jbalcomb'loyalty' is such a sadly subjective notion
18:17.42Tall-guyok, subject change, seeing as I apparently started this one.....Anyone using Eicon Diva ISDN cards?
18:18.10[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : I worry that will be the case.  However the forced commoditization of VoIP makes it hard to predict.  withe LinkSys putting out Pinksys-one, I'm uncertain what their path will lead to.  The SPA-94X is a questionable line right now....
18:18.22iCEBrkr./ Skinny
18:18.25iCEBrkr./ Skinny
18:18.37iCEBrkrTHERE we go. :P
18:18.53jbalcombwtf is that?
18:19.01fugitivo[TK]D-Fender: i have the oportunity of buying a SPA-3000 for a low price, but i'm wondering if I'll have echo and hangup problems, any idea?
18:19.03iCEBrkrjbalcomb: Skinny is Cisco's bastardization of SIP
18:19.20justinuthat's not true. skinny is more like MGCP than SIP
18:19.30iCEBrkrjustinu: Um, regardless, it's JUNK
18:19.31fugitivojust look at the name
18:19.46justinui dunno if I'm ready to say it's junk... the problem for me is that it's not open
18:19.54hardwirejunk junk junk
18:19.58jbalcombiCEBrkr ah, so they took some have assed open standard, optimized it to peak performance, and now own it?
18:20.07justinuif qwell heard you say that, he might kick your ass
18:20.08hardwirewhatchu gonna do with all that junk.. all that junk..
18:20.10fugitivojbalcomb: that's cisco, right?
18:20.13[TK]D-Fenderfugitivo : Echo is variable (rare for me but has happened), drops haven't at all.
18:20.21jbalcombfugitivo yeah!
18:20.26iCEBrkrjustinu: The latest conversation with telco guys claim it's Cisco's version of SIP and it's complete utter junk and of course, it's not open.. But that's just some nerdy telco guys...
18:20.29fugitivojbalcomb: then yeah!
18:20.36fugitivo[TK]D-Fender: i'm not in the US :/
18:21.00iCEBrkrjbalcomb: If it were that great, people would wanna use it.. Meanwhile, it's being ignored and layed at the waste side... Actions speaks louder than words, mister.
18:21.04iccomputingAnyone have an example of a sip.conf for an AASTRA/SAYSON 480i that I could see to compare??
18:21.26[TK]D-Fenderfugitivo : Nor am I :)
18:21.31jbalcombiCEBrkr damn right, having established that I'll be switching all of my servers to MS Windows
18:21.49[TK]D-Fendericcomputing : Check the WIKI.  but if its not registering, thats something else.
18:21.53fugitivo[TK]D-Fender: well, will it work better than the x100p clone? :)
18:22.01iCEBrkrjbalcomb: Now you're just smoking crack
18:22.13[TK]D-Fendericcomputing : Just need the right [account] and "secret=" for it and it should "just work".
18:22.23jbalcombiCEBrkr hehe.. im selling pounds of powder.. why not.
18:23.25jbalcombiccomputing you set the account up on the phone?
18:23.28iccomputingand i know the user/pass on both the phone and the sip.conf are the same...i have even rebuilt them 5 times!!
18:23.43asteriskmonkeydid you reload your configs?
18:23.49asteriskmonkeyas in reload asterisk
18:23.53jbalcombgood call
18:23.54iccomputingyes, and yes
18:24.20iccomputingif i change the pass to somehting wrong, i get 401 unauthorized....
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18:24.44jbalcombhrmm.. that sounds familiar
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18:25.01iccomputingi have never provisioned an aastra 480i before! i have read everything on the net 6 times!
18:25.20[TK]D-Fendericcomputing : IT is what it is... something doesn't match... pastebin the sip.conf
18:25.25jbotextra, extra, read all about it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
18:25.26iccomputingthe wiki's the mail lists, the admin guide.....even posted in asterisk forums..
18:25.39Iam8up|lappyi'm having problems getting an aastra 480i to fetch it's mac cfg (the aastra.cfg works just fine)
18:26.05justinuiccomputing: you using the web interface?
18:26.52iccomputingjustinu: i have tried did not now I am using tftp with the aastra.cfg
18:27.06[TK]D-FenderIam8up|lappy : perhaps its case-sensitive....
18:27.32Iam8up|lappy[TK]D-Fender - tried many, many combonations...upper/lower/hypen
18:27.40[TK]D-Fendericcomputing : You spelled FRIEND wrong!
18:28.10Iam8up|lappyiccomputing - n00b
18:28.39justinuyou guys rock
18:28.41iccomputinghmm...let me try that...hehe..i think i had it spelled correct at one time though...i tried changing it to PEER to see if that would help...must have misspelled it when i changed it back!
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18:29.22[TK]D-Fendericcomputing : And ditch the "username" field while you're at it...
18:29.32iccomputingi think i might have something in my phone config wrong...
18:29.41[TK]D-Fendericcomputing :really?!
18:29.43iccomputingi dont need that at all?
18:29.50[TK]D-Fendericcomputing : Not in my experience
18:30.00[TK]D-Fenderthe [name] does it all for me on multiple devices...
18:30.17iccomputinggood info...did not know that
18:30.30iccomputinghmmm...back to 401 Unauthorized..
18:30.39harryvvTK, is there a reason why asterisk does not always show the cid from a bussiness on my ip-500?
18:30.40iccomputinglemme change that username and reload
18:31.01jbalcombhow do we feeling about trying to use TCPDump to check for traffic troubles on echo/jitter/dropped calls?
18:31.07harryvvSome times I get unknown caller on the cid on the phone when its a bussiness
18:31.11justinui found to make my 480i work
18:31.17[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : Maybe their name isn't registered?  If they are using a PRI I've seen that happen.
18:31.20justinui had to set screen name/phone number/authentication name all the same
18:31.41iccomputingexten => 1000,1,Macro(exten-vm,1000@,1000)
18:31.41iccomputingexten => ${VM_PREFIX}1000,1,Macro(vm,1000)
18:31.41iccomputingexten => 1000,hint,SIP/1000
18:31.44Kattysomeone type Katty
18:31.50justinujbalcomb: you can use tcpdump to save the packets to a pcap file, then load it into ethereal to do RTP analysis
18:31.51iccomputingdoes that look right for my extensions.conf?
18:32.08harryvvTK, what do you mean by registered? I thought that was there carriers responsibility. I asumed also that all bussiness should show up on cid after all, dont thay want to be known?
18:32.10justinukatty: highlights... what a great magazine
18:32.25Kattyjustinu: now put it at the end of the sentance.
18:32.29jbalcombjustinu thats sounds good. i'll give it a go. thank you.
18:32.33justinubad katty.
18:32.34Kattyjustinu: and, highlights sucked.
18:32.38Kattyjustinu: kthx
18:32.40justinuno, it rules
18:32.44Kattyi didn't like it
18:32.47justinupresent tense
18:32.49Kattyit was too.......kidish
18:32.56justinuit appeals to the child in me
18:33.20[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : Not if they are riggin CID...
18:33.36justinukatty: who isn't?
18:33.48Kattyjustinu: i'm obviously normal.
18:33.49harryvvyou mean prevent there cid from showing
18:33.51jbalcombi got bored with highklights around age 6, going to the doctor/dentist was worse for highlights being the only magazine in the waiting room
18:33.52justinui'd be willing to bet money that you're pretty weird too
18:33.53iccomputingthis is the error i am getting now...i have seen this one before..
18:34.14justinui'm easily entertained, i guess
18:34.56Kattyjustinu: ^_^
18:36.27*** join/#asterisk phos-phoros (n=James@unaffiliated/phos-phoros)
18:37.28[TK]D-Fendericcomputing :pastebin your 480i config files, and the new SIP.conf
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18:40.46harryvvmmm incomming calls have been cutting in and out lately.
18:40.53harryvvEven on this incomming zap
18:40.56MrChimpydammit, I need an E1 line to plug into my card. how else am I supposed to tell what other funky disco sequences the TE410 does with the indicator lights?
18:41.08malverian[work]Has anyone used Junghanns?
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18:41.31harryvvIs there a windows utility that would show PC performance on a asterisk box?
18:41.46MrChimpyharry: yeah. putty
18:41.48Iam8up|lappyharryvv - several, has most
18:42.46harryvvIam8up|lappy um,!
18:43.29Iam8up|lappyeasiest way it to ssh in and use top
18:44.14MrChimpyso, if I need to change extensions is there a way to make asterisk re-read extensions.conf but not drop current sessions? a HUP?
18:44.45MrChimpyor do I have to schedule downtime, or just work in the console then replicate to config?
18:44.45[TK]D-FenderMrChimpy : RELOAD seems to do taht just fine...
18:45.18iccomputingthat is the error i am getting right now..
18:45.26iccomputingits different than the 404 i was getting
18:45.28harryvvIam8up Was thinking of something that resides on the desktop and is always running and loads on windows startup.
18:45.49Iam8up|lappyharryvv - dunno of any of that stuff, sounds like a nice idea though
18:46.57MrChimpysweet. RELOAD does the trick
18:47.02MrChimpyi like asterisk!
18:47.06harryvvIam8up|lappy want to catch my asterisk box in the process of sound quality problems. This is the second time in two days it has done it.
18:47.21MrChimpybut ask me that again in a week or two when I've tried finishing this project
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18:48.38harryvvdid a df on the partitions and plenty of hf space
18:48.44harryvvhd space
18:48.44[TK]D-Fendericcomputing : Not sure at this point...
18:48.47jbalcombdamn, the wiki says rxgain -r and txgain -15 is appropriate for Grandstream GXP-2000s..
18:49.11jbalcombOurs is at rxgain 0 & txgain 0
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18:49.22[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Nasty echo huh?
18:49.23justinujbalcomb: i think that depends greatly on your telco
18:49.36iccomputingits wierd isnt it!!
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18:49.47MattB2hi all.. any recommendations for a decent and reliable ATA , none of that Grandstream crap!
18:49.51jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender way bad echo and when some cancellation feature kicks in the calls actually just go silent
18:50.01[TK]D-FenderMattB2 : SPA-2002
18:50.15asteriskmonkeyhas anyone put a digium car in any of the asus 1u server systems?
18:50.17MattB2they look very 80s ;)
18:50.23[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Thats a firmware problem.  Change it to another release.
18:50.39justinuit also can be because of the rx/txgain
18:50.41jbalcombjustinu well, the site suggests that adjustments for PRI lines should barely need any help but adding grandstreams makes it a serious issue
18:51.08jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender yeah we are running the x.13 beta because of some 'feature' we have to have.
18:51.16[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : itsa GS issue, change the firmware.  This problem is well documented
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18:51.34asteriskmonkeyig your playing with rx tx gains rember is like deibals so each +-1 is alot more than the value 1
18:51.48[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Oh you mean the "ECHO the crap out of our calls and make us change our PRI to compensate" feature?
18:51.51hackeronhmm, what was that command to list all documentation links?
18:51.51asteriskmonkeyso adjust in .25 increments
18:52.15justinuasteriskmonkey: iirc, the rx/txgain are not decible scale
18:52.32jbothmm... docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
18:52.59hackeronjustinu: thanks
18:53.28asteriskmonkeyjustinu: not the use of the work LIKE heheh.. seriously though echo cancellors have to be really fine tuned on the rx/tx with pri's
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18:53.54justinuif it was decible, you can know that each +3db is double the energy
18:54.03justinubut i have no idea what scale they're using in zaptel
18:54.04*** part/#asterisk Bentley (
18:54.19asteriskmonkeythere using dewi decimal system i think :)
18:54.45justinui think i read somewhere that it was a percentage
18:54.45Tall-guyit's octal, with a remainder of Pi
18:54.51*** part/#asterisk MattB2 (
18:54.56justinulike 100 was the maximum gain the card is capable of applying.
18:54.57MrChimpydewey not dewi
18:55.02justinu-100 is the maximum attenuation
18:55.13MrChimpyif you're going to mock the poor guy's system at least spell his name right :)
18:55.55jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender yeah, something like that. I'm being told we want/need the BLF, NTP, and auto answer support of the .13 beta
18:56.11jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender also, .13 apparently has some improvement on the speakerphone
18:56.43iccomputingomg !! i have googled 3 pages deep for an answer to this!!!
18:57.11jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender I'm gonna monkey with the rxgain/txgain tomorrow morning and if that works in general i will consider dropping specific people back to .112
18:57.15asteriskmonkeyyou will probably not find the love you need on google
18:57.17Iam8up|lappyiccomputing - is it working then
18:57.29iccomputing401 unauthorized!!
18:57.31asteriskmonkeylet this be a lesson to buy from a disributor with support :)
18:57.48Iam8up|lappyasteriskmonkey - williams one good?
18:58.00justinuiccomputing: check the web interface, line 1
18:58.10asteriskmonkeythey have a server they built that provisions every tftp phone ive seen so far :D
18:58.22asteriskmonkeywell everyone they carry atleast hehe
18:58.24justinuiccomputing: make sure screen name/phone number/authentication name are all the same
18:58.36iccomputingmy tftp boot overrides anything i do in the web...and i really need the tftp for a 65+ handset deployment
18:58.56dpryoSomebody have any clues to why sound won't work on outbound calls? Works fine locally between phones. (I have a SIP-trunk to my provider)
18:58.57justinujust a suggestion - i have a 480i working with ast righ tnow
18:58.58iccomputingi will do this real quick to see if it works..
18:59.06asteriskmonkeytell you what send the 65+ sets back buy from here and well send em out predone for you
18:59.08iccomputingyea, thanks ..i am doing it now
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18:59.31iccomputinghaha! i havent bought them yet..i gotta make this 1 work first!!
18:59.55iccomputingjustinu: do i need any settings in the Global Sip ??
19:00.39justinuiccomputing: only thing I have enabled is RFC2833
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19:01.13iccomputingso put no settings in Global Sip??
19:01.17[TK]D-Fendericcomputing : Then save yourself now and go Polycom :)
19:02.09iccomputinghahah!! not my choice on the phones...its customer preference!! they already have a bunch of analog aastra's and they want to keep them aastra!!
19:02.19[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : None... US company and wouldn't be covered in my RRSP plan :D
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19:02.50[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : Though I think that is/will change soon.
19:02.53justinufender: that's too bad :)
19:03.05Tall-guyiccomputing: did you do much ADSI devel work for menus on the analog aastras?
19:03.23Wuntherdagwoot, I got paging to work with my sound card, followed the wiki at :)
19:03.52iccomputingTall-guy: explain ADSI??
19:04.37Tall-guyicc: ADSI ADSI (Analog Display Services Interface) is the standard protocol for enabling alternate voice and data services, such as a visual display at the phone, over the analog telephone network
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19:04.46beebzso is there any application out there that does something like this --
19:04.56iccomputingahh, no...this is my first time really using anything AAstra...
19:05.05iccomputingwe are running into them more and more in the field tho
19:05.20Tall-guyicc: was curious, I built a few ADSI apps for my aastra's...most work good, one doesn't...was looking for a kindred spirit :)
19:05.25wizhippoanybody know why in meetme the sound for joining nows sounds like a screech after I upgraded to the current cvs?
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19:05.41Tall-guywizhippo did you try make -noscreech?  :)
19:05.46iccomputingsorry, no...i wish i had more experience with them now though!!
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19:06.24Tall-guyiccomputing: contact me offline if you wanna yak about it sometime....
19:06.38j0nIs there a way to use ChanIsAvail in extensions.ael and tell if no channel is available?
19:06.41BentleyBrand new interview with Mark Spencer:
19:07.50Tall-guybentley: yay, a new podcast...been looking for junk for my new pda!
19:08.26iccomputingOMG!!! i ran the web interface....its showing in 'sip show peers' but i am still getting 401 unauthorized in my sip debug!!
19:08.54Wuntherdaganyone have any luck setting up polycom 600's for "Auto Answer" for intercom
19:10.28[TK]D-Fenderwundaboy : WIKI seems to say so, and I'm about to do it for mine
19:10.51beebzWuntherdag: i have mine setup doing it
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19:11.52ebornhi, i got a problem with my x100p card in combination with an DTMF to FSK converter
19:12.06[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : That was just.... gay...
19:12.20ebornwhen I call the x100p card, the phone rings once. After that, no more rings and the line is being held busy by the x100p
19:12.30ebornonly way to hang up is to disconnect and reconnect the line-in
19:12.40eborncould this have something to do with the zone the x100p is programmed for?
19:12.45hardwireeborn: its the DTMF to FSK converter thats the issue
19:12.48hardwirenot the x100p :)
19:13.02ebornok :P
19:13.06ebornhardwire: how come? :P
19:13.13Wuntherdagbeebz: did you follow voip-info wiki
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19:13.24hardwirebecause what you are doing is crazy talk!
19:13.30hardwirethat how come!
19:13.33detatchcrazy i say
19:13.42ebornenlighten me :P
19:14.22ebornwieeeeh, thanks :)
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19:14.31detatchconsider yourself enlighted
19:14.45eborngreat, that really helped ;)
19:14.45hardwirespeaking of smashing phone things
19:14.54hardwireanybody here seen Little Black Book
19:15.02[TK]D-Fenderhardwire : yup
19:15.03hardwiremy g/f made me do it
19:15.04asteriskmonkey? no tell me more :D
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19:15.18hardwireits an ok movie.. but she smashed a really pretty phone
19:15.37hardwirewith a hockey stick
19:15.50hardwireit made me sad
19:16.04hardwirebut it also made me want to set up a custom vm recording system for asterisk
19:16.14hardwirethat intercoms the message while recording to my snom
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19:16.30hardwireintercoms the message to my snom while its recording on the server
19:16.31[TK]D-FenderWuntherdag : I'm going to try the paging now.
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19:17.45Wuntherdaggreat, made a good try but i have had no luck yet
19:17.46beebzWuntherdag: the wiki shows you the bulk of what you wanna do, just gotta inject this into your dialplan - exten => _*XXX,2,SetVar(ALERT_INFO="Ring Answer")
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19:18.51Wuntherdagdid exactly that, is there something in the phone cfg that i should look at
19:20.21beebzas long as you make the mod's the wiki showd to your sip.cfg and ipmid.cfg youll be in good shape
19:20.45Wuntherdagthanks i will double check
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19:24.16brad_msswjustinu: any word from junction about that high-latency spurt they had ?
19:24.26justinubrad: no reply
19:25.09rajivhow can i debug the inability to make calls from a phone on a zap channel?
19:25.21[TK]D-Fenderipmid = depricated
19:25.31rajivthe channel can receive calls no prob, but no matter what i dial i get a buzy signal
19:25.47tzafrir_laptopstranely enough, google seems to be doing something that is close to the Right Thing[tm] with google talk
19:26.07tzafrir_laptopSadly, there is no straight-forward jabberd on linux
19:26.33justinui'm federated with googletalk now
19:26.40justinuworks ok, except for multi-user rooms
19:26.45tzafrir_laptoprajiv, can you call to a test extension (echo test)?
19:27.46rajivtzafrir_laptop: nope. nothing ata all. * is setup properly i believe. no problem for a month with sip extensions. zap show channels says "      2            home            en    " and tthe sip phones are also in the home context
19:28.57tzafrir_laptoprajiv, pleae clarify. I'm trying to isolate problem with the phone and problem with the zap channel
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19:29.55j0nIs there a way in AEL to specify a priority for applications that jump to different priorities?  (ex: ChanIsAvail jumps to n+101 if there is no available channel)
19:30.12rajivi dont think it is a phoen problem. 3 different phones i tried show the same issues. and all 3 phones can receive calls on the channel
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19:32.44brad_msswj0n: no, with AEL, those programs specify return codes in variables
19:32.55brad_msswj0n: for which you should do a switch statement or if statement finding matches
19:33.27Tall-guyrajiv: immediate=no vs immediate=yes in zap.conf  (reaching here)
19:33.38Tall-guyrajiv: that was a question
19:33.40j0nbrad_mssw: oh, i see... thank you
19:33.44brad_msswj0n: like Voicemail() returns ${VMSTATUS} and Dial() returns ${DIALSTATUS}
19:33.52rajivTall-guy: i have neither in there
19:34.51jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender I got authorizartion to test some replacement phones. I have the SPA-2002 in mind from discussions, any other phones you would recommend, perhaps a SNOM?
19:34.57RoyKj0n: the 'jump to +101' is 1.0 stuff. 1.2 uses variables instead
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19:36.12jbalcombRoyK does that mean instead of using '102' you would put in a test such as GotoIf?
19:37.14[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : How many phones, got PoE?
19:37.16iCEBrkrjbalcomb: Dial() And other statements would set priority based on their outcome.  A lot of the times, it jumps n+101
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19:37.38iCEBrkrjbalcomb: Tho, n+101 is old skewl these days :)
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19:38.04jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender we have some PoE and I might be able to push additional purchases for PoE. are you thinking of a phone that only does PoE?
19:38.13Darwin35even in real time ?
19:38.53iCEBrkrGeesh, sox made these wav files sound like shit
19:39.14[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Well I know Polycom's are great phones for the $.  SNOM might be OK.  Not quite the same rep, but not bad apparently.
19:39.35iCEBrkrI wanna Polycom
19:39.41iCEBrkrBut I don't wanna spend the $$$ on it :P
19:39.46rajivdebug log does not show much:
19:40.46[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : So how many phones?
19:41.05jlewisother than upgrading to 1.2 and using the g(#) arg, is there a good/scalable solution to voicmail having "too low" volume?
19:41.56jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender im going to recommend three of each for testing purposes. we currently have 120+ GXP-2000s
19:42.22RoyKjbalcomb: yes
19:42.25iCEBrkrI truely hate Asterisk changelog format
19:42.26jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender we also have a handful of polycoms for some reason or another
19:42.32RoyKdoes anyone here use RDNIS?
19:42.36RoyKi can't make it work
19:42.49iCEBrkrIt's a pain in the ass find the release/version
19:42.51RoyKand the switch monkey doesn't get anything on his SETUP
19:42.53[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Well if you're cheap and don't need speakerphone IP301, for the rest IP501.
19:43.00jbalcombRoyK: so this would be the wrong thing as of 1.2.1? exten => _4XXX,1,DBget(temp=SIP/${EXTEN})  exten => _4XXX,2,Dial(SIP/${temp},20,Ww)  exten => _4XXX,102,Goto(${EXTEN}|3)
19:43.09Tall-guyrajiv: whats with the "#" after dialing 500?
19:43.22iCEBrkrjbalcomb: DBGet() is deprecated no?
19:43.30[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : DBGet = depreciated
19:43.42rajivTall-guy: to "finish" the dialing... hmm. without it, dialing works!
19:43.42jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender I am definitely not cheap, quality over cost is our concern and speakerphone is a must.
19:43.56rajivTall-guy: onm y sip phones i have to press # to dial
19:43.59RoyKjbalcomb: it would be possible, since 1.2 is compatible with 1.0, but do use functions and gotoif instead of that
19:44.00[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : IP501 all around it is then.
19:44.02Tall-guyrajiv:  so there's your answer?
19:44.04rajivTall-guy: on the zap phones you do not ?
19:44.20jbalcombiCEBrkr yeah, i know about that part of course from our work earlier this week. I'm just wondering about the 1 ... 'jump to 102'
19:44.25RoyKjbalcomb: that is, most apps are 1.0 compatible, but that stuff isn't really supported anymore
19:44.26Tall-guyrajiv: exactly
19:44.32[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : And priority jumping = dead
19:44.37Tall-guyrajiv: your dialplan and digit timeout is what says "i'm done dialing"
19:44.39iCEBrkrjbalcomb: it'd be 103
19:44.58iCEBrkrjbalcomb: n+101 (DIal is at priority 2; n=2)
19:45.04rajivTall-guy: cool. i guess now i should figure out how to get the sip phones to dial without #
19:45.14Tall-guyrajiv: they just need an "enter" not a "#"
19:45.20iCEBrkrjbalcomb: and what [TK]D-Fender said :P
19:45.23Tall-guyrajiv: are you sip phones software, or hard phones?
19:46.01rajivTall-guy: they are hard phones, innomedia 3308. basically ata boxes with handsets on them. not real sip phones as they have only 1 line appearance, no hold/transfer buttons etc
19:46.13rajivTall-guy: no enter button
19:46.31Tall-guyrajiv: REAL hard sip phones don't need anything funky like that.
19:47.11[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Pastebin that section and I might clean it up for you?
19:47.23rajivTall-guy: how do they know the diff then between dialing 4XXX and 4XXNXXX ? ie, when to start the call
19:47.31Tall-guyrajiv: your dialplan is what handles that
19:47.37rajivonly * has the dialplan, not the phones
19:47.55Tall-guyrajiv: there is a digit timeout feature on the sip phones too no?
19:47.58jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender that would be swell. all 3000+ lines suck like that so it would be a nice example of 'the right way'
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19:49.05rajivTall-guy: just tried it. the digit timeout on the sip phones seems to be 15 seconds, way toolong.
19:49.14Tall-guyrajiv: probably settable in your ATA....
19:49.21harryvvfinding a robust long battery life wifi voip phone is hard to find.
19:49.35Tall-guyrajiv: on soft sip phones (like x-lite/eyebeam etc) gotta hit enter on your keyboard..of course.
19:50.01jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender iCEBrkr I also discussed with my boss the idea of having one you two or both masterminding our configs to perfection. he is interested so once I get things 'working' right we can further discuss the deal.
19:50.08masonfany idea what 'Got SIP response 400 "Bad Request" back from' means when configuring a gizmo trunk?
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19:50.37harryvvmasonf mis config
19:50.37jbalcombRoyK thanks for the code info
19:50.39rajivTall-guy: no setting for digit timeout in the web interface of hte phone. i'll have to look into their 'config file'. i think i need better phones
19:50.42RoyKdoes anyone here use RDNIS?
19:50.46Tall-guyrajiv: that would be my guess :)
19:51.07rajivTall-guy: thanks for the debug help
19:51.12Tall-guyrajiv: no sweat bud, glad to help
19:51.33[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : That is UGLY...
19:51.44[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : And assumes a lot..
19:52.27jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender :(.. just keep in mind that it aint my code but really that I just don't know anything about the 'coding' part of this yet.
19:53.26iCEBrkrTho, if you give him a Cisco router...
19:53.35[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : how does this even work?  exten => _4XXX,1,DBget(temp=SIP/${EXTEN})
19:53.55[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : What should it return?  Is it a custom DB value you set elsewhere?
19:55.08jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender that 'temp' is a sickly named variable for holding a 'forwarded extension' number
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19:55.54jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender so it checks for an extension to forward to, check for dnd, and then makes the call
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19:56.10[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Ok so you set those elsewhere?
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19:56.59jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender I actually 'cleaned' this code up tuesday becuase it was having fun dialing 'SIP/' a lot and producing 'no such host' WARNINGs every second
19:57.48jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender yes'm, I think we have a function to dial for forwarding, like *67+EXTN forwards and **67 turns it off
19:58.54jbalcombiCEBrkr why was your thought bubble blue but mine and beebz are purple?
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20:00.16[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : What does the DND contain when set?
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20:01.14jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender if set the DB entry exists with a value of 0800, if not set the DB entry doesn't exist. its in the same style as the queues and IPSwitchboard thing from Monday/Tuesday
20:01.21iCEBrkrI dunno
20:03.08silentfuryhas anyone configured an Audiocodes MP108 fxo gateway here before?
20:03.29[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Here
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20:04.02Hmmhesaysam I better off system resources wise to use playtones, or background with a tone file
20:04.38iKaleis anybody aware of a command-line sip phone that i can give a number and pipe a wav file to it, or something to that effect, such that i can make calls automagically?
20:06.38jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender that looks nice. ill give it a go tomorrow morning. thank you.
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20:06.55[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Bug Fix :
20:08.20[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Want to see a SERIOUS astdb STDEXTEN macro? :)
20:08.25jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender yes please! ;)
20:09.50Zodiacalis there an open source outlook dialer?
20:09.56[TK]D-FenderThis one allows for nested forwarding, etc...
20:10.12[TK]D-FenderMultiple forwarding types, etc...
20:10.12Zodiacalhrmm it seems is down
20:10.16jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender damn, itll take a me a day to decipher that
20:10.26jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender looks swell though
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20:11.26[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Its "nifty", but a little annoying to set up through IVR.  I considered making a web interface to it to sped up the process.
20:11.33jbalcombok, (3) Sipura/Linksys SPA-2002; (3) snom 360 Business IP; (3) Cisco 7940G
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20:11.51jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender thats my current PO
20:11.54[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : IP501 > Cisco 7940 at a fraction of the cost...
20:12.22newbie-astwhen i stat my * i get following error message "floating point error"
20:12.34newbie-astwhat might bee a problem
20:12.39[TK]D-FenderAnd SPA-2002 requires your buying analog phones on top and losing real SIP hardphone benifits (multi-line, hold, transfer) and a real change in the "user experience")
20:12.45jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender ah, i almost forgot about the IP501, add (3) Polycomm IP501
20:13.17[TK]D-Fenderthe Cisco is a "nice" phone, but too many factors to add on...
20:13.22Dandananyone can tell me if shared irq can be responsible for terrible static?
20:13.24Dandanon the line?
20:13.50Mark_Halversonwhat is the correct set callerid command in 1.2+ ????
20:13.54jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender eh? i dont think that spa-2002 sounds like much of an option there
20:14.00[TK]D-FenderSuch as support $ for SIP images, and a PoE brick required.
20:14.33[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Well the SPA-2002 IS an ATA.  Good if you can't run the ethernet for a hardphone I guess.
20:14.33Dandanargh :/
20:14.46jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender well, chit, it aint even a phone. wtf. can i use that to replace my grandstream handytones?
20:14.59[TK]D-FenderMark_Halverson : Set(CALLERID(number)=1234567)
20:15.29[av]banifender -> snom 360 does xml now...
20:15.33[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : yes, and suggested.  But that depends on how many ports.  so how many do you need?
20:15.46[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Does it?  Would like to see....
20:15.59[av]baniyep, new beta as of jan 18
20:16.03[av]banifull graphics, etc
20:16.32[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Sounds interesting.  Will have to keep tabs on that one....
20:16.35[av]bani$199, 12 buttons and lines, makes it very attractive wrt ip601
20:17.08[av]banioh yeah, backlit too...
20:17.14[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : indeed.  The tradeoff is sound quality, at that point.
20:17.23[av]baniafaik snom sound quality is fine
20:17.25[TK]D-FenderAnd a question of the screen quality..
20:17.37jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender i think we have five handytones right now
20:17.47[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : several people here have though it poorer than the SPIP's
20:17.51[av]baniif oyu ask me the snome screen looks better in the photos... the ip601 looks pretty damn cheap if you ask me
20:17.58[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : ok, SPA-2002 it is...
20:18.03[av]banilike a pocket calculator
20:18.53[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : But for XML the 360 has 1/4 the resolution....
20:19.10[av]baniyeh, shrug
20:19.26iCEBrkrsox is pissing me off
20:19.35newbie-asti'm sorry the message is "floating  point exception"
20:19.49iKaledon't forget to install a math co-processor
20:20.00[av]banismaller screen, but tilts and backlit
20:20.03[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Definate get an IP 501 & Snom 360 for comparison.  Could be interesting....
20:20.04[av]bani12 buttons
20:20.26justinuavbani: have you seen them in person?
20:20.28[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : You own one yet?
20:20.36[av]bani501 no xml... (wtf is polycom thinking?)
20:20.39justinui have 501,501, snom 560, 480i in my hands
20:20.43justinu501, 601
20:20.46justinuand snom 360
20:20.58justinuthe 601 is the nicest built
20:21.01justinubest screen
20:21.06[av]banijustinu, no, justlooking at the images on the vendors own websites
20:21.17[av]banipolycom doesnt make it look very nice at all
20:21.21[av]banithey should take better photos
20:21.26justinu501 and astra 480i are comparable
20:21.39justinusnom 360 is a nice phone (features) but audio quality is meh
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20:21.58newbie-astany help with the message "floating  point exception"
20:22.05harryvvtrying add extention on cli for the first time. Everything looks right but cli is rejecting it. anyone here worked with that command?
20:22.06jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender is the polycomm IP601 the kind of phone setup you would give a reception, perhaps with the expansion?
20:22.23justinujbalcomb: yeah, definitely
20:22.31[av]banihow many sidecars can you put on a 601?
20:22.42justinuavbani: every customer i've setup with a 501 has been ecstatic with the phone
20:22.49jbalcombjustinu ok, right now our receptionist is using the Xten softphone and its been nothing but trouble
20:22.50justinu"i've never used a phone that sounds this good before"
20:22.54[av]banijustinu, no xml -- showstopper for us
20:22.56justinu"this is the best phone I've ever used"
20:22.56[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Yeah mine has a 601 + 2 exp modulles.  HOWEVER there is a bug right now that stops it from working right (7 buddies MAX)
20:23.10[av]banidoesnt matter how nice it sounds, no xml = no sale
20:23.12[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : For yours I might suggest a SNOM 360 period
20:23.25jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender why so?
20:23.25justinusnom360 would make a decent reception phone as well
20:23.32[av]banipolycom should remove head from anus and put xml on the 501
20:23.34justinuavbani: then go with the 601
20:23.41[av]banithe pixel display is a f'n waste otherwise
20:23.43[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : becasue for the side-caddy SNOM fully works right anow and IS cheaper....
20:23.45[av]banias it is on the gxp2000
20:23.54[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : but for the rest its debateable
20:24.04silentfurypolycom needs to remove their head from anus and make sure the web interface is accessible right after bootup
20:24.19justinuthe polycom web interface blows anyways
20:24.20justinuforget it
20:24.32[TK]D-Fendersilentfury : Anyone who runs a real Polycom setup would never even TOUCH the web setup :D
20:24.32[av]baniis it the aastra or the snom which requires a config server for full functionality?
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20:24.45[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : both really.
20:24.45justinuavbani: neither, in my experience
20:24.54[av]banifender vs justinu
20:24.58justinuthe snom web config is amazing configurable
20:25.04[av]baniwell, snom is linux
20:25.06justinuaastra has everything you need accesible from the web too
20:25.20justinuthe older aastra firmwares were different, i hear
20:25.24warthawganother noobie question: if i put a softphone on my laptop, and have asterisk in my home, i can check voicemail and make calls from the laptop?
20:25.29justinubut the first thing I did with my astra was flash it to the latest
20:25.39silentfuryD-Fender: yea, polycom's web setup is awful
20:25.57justinuanyways, both snom and aastras web interface is 10x better than polycom
20:26.01[av]banifender, btw -- cisco poe is no problem becauuuuuuuuse... you can do a simple cable hack to make standard poe work on them :)
20:26.02silentfuryi'm running into an issue with an Audiocodes gateway that has the worst documentation for setup i've ever seen.
20:26.19justinuavbani: any details on that?
20:26.25[av]baniit's just a matter of reversing some wires
20:26.39Hmmhesayswow this asterisk box is acting up
20:26.53justinuavbani: know if that'll work on polycom 501?
20:27.00[av]banii guess it's like the "cisco serial cables" which are just differently wired, but cisco charges $700 for
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20:28.21jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender awesome info. thank you and thank you again.
20:28.59[TK]D-Fendersilentfury : I agree, but like I said, anybody who knows what they're doing isn't using the web interface anyways :)
20:29.38[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : really?  Got a way to step up from 24v to Cisco spec?  Thats news for sure...
20:30.06justinuPoE does like 5,12,24,48v i think
20:30.07[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : its VOLTAGE, not wiring, plus the signalling protocol
20:30.09Hmmhesays70 calls through a p4 2.8
20:30.12Hmmhesaystain't bad
20:30.20justinuHmmhesays: which codec?
20:30.26[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Show me some place documented for it.
20:30.39Hmmhesaysg711, then i'm reinviting
20:30.49justinuHmmhesays: then you should get a LOT more
20:30.57Hmmhesayscall comes in and asterisk answers to play dialtone
20:31.07justinui've had a xeon 3.0 doing 180 rtp brdiges
20:31.19Hmmhesaysthen I send the call back out
20:31.22justinuwithout the rtp bridge, it should scale much higer
20:31.36Hmmhesaysyeah its working just fine at 70 calls
20:31.46justinui think the bottleneck is in the rtp bridge code
20:31.55Hmmhesayssomehow I gotta manage to get radius in here somewhere
20:31.55justinugenerates too many context switches, or something
20:32.00iCEBrkrhow do you get sox to resample?? This sucks ass
20:32.11iCEBrkr-r is too generic
20:32.30[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : just read the link.. interesting.  I might worry about the power draw on them, but Ill wait and see if it gets tested more thoroughly elswhere.
20:32.47iCEBrkrjustinu: Yeah yeah
20:32.52[av]banikinds takes the wind outta your sails doesnt it fender? :D
20:33.12[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : one guy who disclaims damage and # of phones it'll support....
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20:33.29[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : What happens when you do that on a 24pt PoE switch loaded?
20:33.33warthawgi wish someone would write an app called overboard
20:33.34[av]baniThe Netgear FSM7326P switch supports the pre-standard PoE mode/detection required for Cisco Phones (7910/40/60). This works with standard ethernet cables and does not require the special cable above.
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20:33.37iCEBrkrI need like 128kbps/16khz
20:33.38[av]baniThe PowerDSine Midspan injectors together with the PD-PS-401/Cisco "splitter" also work perfectly.
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20:33.45[av]banifender, i guess netgear guarantees it
20:33.48iCEBrkr-r 8000 makes it too scratchy
20:33.53[av]banithey specifically made their switch to work with cisco poe
20:33.56[av]baniso there you go
20:34.18[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : ok, 1 more option then, but the "solution" is like a "house of cards".  Not something I'd want to find myself stuck in....
20:34.36[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : then theres the matter of Cisco's COST period.
20:34.37[av]banihm, cisco uses some kind of pre-802.3af standard
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20:34.57[av]baniso i guess its not too far off from the real thing, which is why it can be made to work without too much effort
20:35.08generalhanwhats up everyone ! ?
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20:35.53PBXtechwhat am i missing here:  /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lxml2
20:36.23iCEBrkrhrrm, is GSM limited to 128kbps/8khz?
20:36.33justinuprobably -L/directory/where/
20:37.14bkw_128kbps GSM?
20:37.20bkw_iCEBrkr, what are you smokin?
20:37.34iCEBrkrbkw_: I'm just telling you what WinAmp is reporting to me..
20:37.42bkw_winamp is smokin crack
20:37.43iCEBrkrafter I sox -r 8000 the .wav file
20:37.47bkw_chances are its converting it to slinear
20:37.47[av]baniyou can make gsm do whatever rate you want, gsm is just a simple fixed frame size transform
20:38.12silentfuryanyone here with an audiocodes mp108 fxo gateway?
20:38.17mog_workhow are you
20:38.18generalhancan some one help me out with a socket binding issue im having ? this is the first time im trying to start up my new instal of * and i keep getting "manager.c: Unable to bind socket: Cannot assign requested address" any ideas ?
20:38.21PBXtechwhat do i have to install to get this -xml2 flag to work?
20:38.33PBXtech./usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lxml2
20:38.44blitzragebkw_: I'll be seeing you speak in SF!
20:38.48Math`PBXtech: you dont have libxml2
20:38.58PBXtechi installe dit
20:38.58blitzrageplane ticket and hotel room confirmed
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20:39.02justinuMath`: you get your async rtp going?
20:39.12[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : OMG, read the FINE PRINT on the page It says why it succeeds... because the switch throws power down the line REGARDLESS.  that means you could fry another phone I'[m betting if you try swapping them.
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20:39.13PBXtechmaybe the devel huh
20:39.27brockj49464Anybody know how to get * 1.2.1 to match incoming SIP
20:39.33Math`justinu: didnt patch properly on trunk and I got some stuff to do that has higher priority so I didnt bother doing it manually
20:39.40PBXtechdamn it was the devel package
20:39.41blitzragebrockj49464: post your config into a pastebin
20:39.45generalhanPBXTech: try yum install libxml-devel
20:39.59blitzragebkw_: what are you speaking on ?
20:40.01generalhanPBXTech: ok nevermind ! you got it anyway
20:40.06[av]banifender, then wouldnt that burn up _any_ phone? seems kind of dumb for a switch vendor to do it if it did indeed fry phones (and we'd hear about it on mailing lists all over the place)
20:40.10justinumath: booo
20:40.14brockj49464bitzrage: One sec.
20:40.16[av]banimy guess is it doesnt really matter
20:40.21justinumath: i patched it to 1.2.0
20:40.32[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Talking about the injector they used (3com)
20:40.41[av]banitheres a lot of injectors which do that
20:40.55j0ndoes anyone know if ChanIsAvail works correctly with AEL?
20:40.56[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Yeah, just an overall messy situation to get into.
20:41.04[av]banihavent burned up anything yet... we doit for wifi
20:41.22Math`j0n: its an application
20:41.45[av]banifender just doesnt like his pet peeve being put to sleep :)
20:41.48justinui sent a customer home with a polycom ip501, and 3 days later he fried it
20:42.00[av]baniface it, its been taken out back and given both barrels :)
20:42.12[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Either way the IP601 costs $10  less than a 7940G (which doesn't include a power brick, only has 2 lines, and is not expandable).  So why bother? :)
20:42.34justinuhe got his dsl router wall wart mixed up with the polycom wall wart
20:42.46j0nMath`: right... I am trying to see if any channels in a list are available, but I think that it is trying to jump to priority n+101
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20:42.53[TK]D-Fenderjustinu: :O  Stupid things happening to stuipd people :)
20:43.15j0nMath`: And to my understanding that's not supported in ael
20:43.35brockj49464bitzrage:  It seems to pickup the last reg peer not the one that the call is coming in on even when the debug says has the correct info
20:43.37[av]baniyou'd think polycom for all their uberness would have protection on the power inputs
20:43.49blitzragebrockj49464: which one?
20:43.50[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Does anyone?
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20:43.52blitzrageand what error do you get?
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20:44.13Math`j0n: jumping to +101 is deprecated behavior
20:44.15[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : I think there is an "anti-stupid" clause in their EULA :D
20:44.19Math`j0n: it sets the AVAILSTATUS variable
20:44.45brockj49464bitzrage: Any of them.  The problem I think is that * is matching on IP of peer and finding the 1st so then I need insecure=very to make it work.
20:44.52brad_msswanyone ever use ?
20:44.53justinumy gxp2000 keeps resetting itself
20:45.11j0nMath`: right... but if there are no channels available it seems to be skipping everything that happens after the ChanIsAvail call
20:45.17justinui think it's dead
20:45.27justinuor dying
20:45.36blitzragebrockj49464: yes -- it matches from bottom to top -- on the peer it will match on IP address
20:45.49[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : Since you have a SNOM 360, whats your take on it?
20:46.43brockj49464blitzrage: How do I get it to match on incoming the 6162051955 section?
20:46.47brad_msswthe linksys 941 is pretty nice for the $$ as far as SIP phones go
20:47.06brockj49464blitzrage:  Does it go ip then by username?
20:47.27blitzragebrockj49464: it goes by the host when its a peer
20:47.36blitzrageusername= does nothing
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20:47.43blitzragethats not true... but it does nothing for incoming calls
20:47.46[TK]D-Fenderbrad_mssw : Yeah, its decent, though I might have been better to splurge on an IP 501 in its place.  Esp since I'm supposed to have a SPIP when I go for my cert....
20:48.12blitzragebrockj49464: to match on username (the stuff in the [    ]   ) then you have to have the type-user
20:48.15newbie-astany help with the message "floating  point exception"
20:48.28brad_mssw[TK]D-Fender: SPIP ?
20:49.05brad_msswthe polycom's are definitely supposed to be better though (not sure about the 301 though, heard it has some major shortcomings, like speakerphone)
20:49.52[TK]D-Fenderbrad_mssw : Polycom SoundPoint IP
20:50.15brad_msswoh, ok ... didn't catch onto that abbreviation I guess ;)
20:50.20[TK]D-Fenderbrad_mssw : 301 is a quality phone just lacking certain FEATURES.  For the price the quality is excellent.
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20:50.27brockj49464blitrage:  So change the incoming sections from "type=user" to "type=user*" or am I not understanding?
20:50.39astoriaI had a 300, the speakerphone mic was non-working but the rest of the phone was great.
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20:50.46Dandananyone can tell me if shared irq can be responsible for terrible static on the line?
20:50.52iCEBrkrWelp, these wav files suck ass.
20:50.59MstlyHrmlsastoria: the 300 doesn't have a speakerphone mic
20:51.02iCEBrkrThat's the only thing I can point the finger at.
20:51.13[TK]D-Fenderbrad_mssw : I'm not sure if the 50x & 60x speakerphone quality is the same (I suspect they are), but I find my 600 > 941.
20:51.51CazperAnyone tried the Linksys (sipura) SPA-941/942 with asterisk? How is the quality?
20:51.53astoriaMstlyHrmls: that would be why it didn't work! :)
20:52.05astoriaI <3 the iaxy
20:52.27Math`j0n: make sure you put your ";" correctly
20:52.35astoriaI use an iaxy hooked up to an early 1980s western electric black phone
20:52.48harryvvPHP is the best code to write to a config file? Want to make a php based web page that gives options to write to a config file.
20:52.50astoriaproperty of ma bell :)
20:52.51MstlyHrmlsastoria: :-D indeed
20:53.12iCEBrkrharryvv: Man you're opening a can of worms.
20:53.50[TK]D-FenderCazper : Pretty decent.
20:54.37harryvviCEBrkr thanks for the vague responce.
20:54.44silentfuryI've heard they are pretty good the linksys phones
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20:54.51silentfurythe question is, could they be any worse than polycom's :)
20:55.13iCEBrkrharryvv: I'm just saying there could be people in here saying Perl is the best way to write a config file or even Ruby..
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20:55.36[TK]D-FenderCazper : It does appear that the 941 is too closely prices to the IP 501 which IMO is definately a better phone.
20:55.56harryvviCEBrkr want to make a web page that gives options to write to a config file, delete old config files ect.
20:56.03silentfurythe polycom 501 is better than the linksys? :)
20:56.05blitzrageharryvv: you can argue what is "best" -- there is essencially no answer for those types of question. But I use PHP to write configs from many scripts.
20:56.16[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : What kind of config file?
20:56.35tzangerok guys I need some help...  short-notice date, where to go?  Movie is kind of boring, we'll have already eaten earlier
20:56.36[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : You can do most things in most languages... its all the same I find...
20:56.40j0nMath`: ok... i double checked it and everything seems to be fine
20:56.41harryvvsay a new extention or perhaps somone signs up for a call file to be notified of a event.
20:56.45Cazper[TK]D-Fender: ok, thanks, i'll have a look at 501 then :-)
20:57.03blitzragetzanger: your bedroom
20:57.14iCEBrkrAny alternative to sox when converting wav -> gsm
20:57.19justinuis it legal to use radio free colorado for your hold music?
20:57.35tzangerblitzrage: I already told you, you're not allowed in there after the stunt you pulled
20:57.35blitzragetzanger: other than that... i'm really bad at creativity :)
20:57.40blitzragetzanger: lol!
20:57.41harryvvjustinu, call the company that puts out the music
20:58.07blitzrageyou're right... a movie is kind of boring / cliche...
20:58.51justinuharryw: yeah, i'll check with them
20:59.05Cazper[TK]D-Fender: Do you know of any stores in europe that sell IP 501?
20:59.14brockj49464blitzrage:  So change the incoming sections from "type=user" to "type=user*" or am I not understanding?
21:00.17[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: the spa-941 really doesnt appear terribly competetive considering there are phones (eg 501) which are around the same price and offer 100x the functionality :/
21:00.34blitzragebrockj49464: no... I was just correcting my type-user to type=user
21:00.40[av]baniif the 501 did xml it would be a slam dunk.
21:00.49silentfuryexcept it's a linksys/cisco and you get the support you'd get with any linksys/cisco product.
21:00.54brad_mssw[av]bani: the 501 is $50 more than the 941
21:01.00silentfurywhereas polycom washes its hands
21:01.09[av]banispa-941: $149.95, 501: $169.96
21:01.23[av]bani$149.95 - $169.95 != $50
21:01.32justinucan you imagine the support dept you'd need to handle support for ip phones?
21:01.36justinumust cost a fortune
21:01.54[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : I wouldn't say its that bad, but yeah, with Atacomm's pricing, it is hard.  The 921 /922 look like a better place for Linksys to stay
21:01.56brad_mssw[av]bani: hmm, I paid $139 for my 941 and the 501 is $199.95
21:02.02[av]banibrad_mssw:  just before you accuse me :)
21:02.26[TK]D-Fenderbrad_mssw : Atacomm is CHEAP for polycom
21:02.28harryvvanyone here ever try the aastra phones?
21:02.29[av]baniwhere'd you get your 941 for $139 ?
21:02.30brockj49464blitzrage:  So how can I have it match the "incoming" (##########) ones but not the outgoing (ZingoTel*) since I do have type=user?
21:02.34brad_mssw[av]bani: for the polycom, and  for the 941
21:02.58[av]baniah, $10 rebate
21:03.24CazperBut I have heard people say that you will get more stable service with ATA like (SPA-300 and iaxy), can anyone here confirm this or is it just because people have bought cheap sip-phones?
21:03.27brad_mssw[av]bani: yeah, gotta do the rebate, but hell ... but atacom does have a damn good price on the 501, gee
21:03.44[av]banikinda regret your 941 now? :)
21:04.11[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : I know I do :)  sorta....
21:04.42[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : If I have to buy a SPIP anyways for my Polycom cert, then make that a "yes" :)
21:04.49[av]bani941 is missing dual 10/100, blf, browser, poe, etc
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21:05.14[TK]D-FenderCazper : ATA's work, so do hard phones.  Shit is shit regardless of format :)
21:05.43[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Not entirely true on BLF.  It just uses "shared" ext's which * doesn't support yet.
21:05.44FuriousGeorgefor some reason, iax2 show registry shows im timing out to the correct ip and the correct port, but iax2 show peer (box im timing out to) shows port 1030
21:05.45newbie-astany help with the message "floating  point exception"
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21:05.57FuriousGeorgewhich is the wrong port
21:05.57[TK]D-Fender[av]bani And the 501 doesn't HAVE the browser.
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21:06.31[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : 501 needs an adapter cable, and there is one now for the 941
21:06.58[av]bani501 nees an adapter cable for what?
21:07.16[av]baniwell, you can get power injectors for anything.
21:07.22FuriousGeorgemaybe i should ask this way:  why is this one particular asterisk box having such a hard time registering with this other one?
21:07.38[av]banithat's all the 501's injector is afaict
21:07.47[av]bania generic poe injector, like you can buy off the shelf anywhere
21:07.47[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : I'm not talking about needing an injector... it doesn't take power in on the Rj45!
21:08.08[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: yes
21:08.12[TK]D-Fenderit splits it out the the normal power jack
21:08.20iCEBrkrI remember when Shareware meant it was free..
21:08.21[av]baniwhich is exactly what i'm talking about
21:08.27[av]bania poe dongle pair
21:08.27iCEBrkrNot this bullshit 15day trial crap
21:08.45[av]banilike this
21:08.47justinufender: is that how the polycom PoE adaptor works?
21:09.17Hmmhesaysplaytones is not liking me one bit
21:09.43justinuHmmhesays: add a wait after it
21:09.53[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Don't mix up devices that ADD power to the line from ones that TAKE it from the line to split back to the phone...
21:10.05Hmmhesayswhy, its the last in the context
21:10.11Hmmhesayser.. last extension
21:10.12blitzrageSwK[Work]: are you around?
21:10.18CazperOn european sites i can only find IP 500, is there any big differenses between 500 and 501?
21:10.22justinuHmmhesays: because the dialplan doesn't block on playtones
21:10.31justinuHmmhesays: it just sets up a generator and returns
21:10.38silentfurycazper: 2x the memory
21:10.43Lathos42Cazper: The 501 has more memory, and is only certified for use in the US at the moment
21:10.50Hmmhesaysbut if its the last extension, then it returns and waits
21:11.01justinuHmmhesays: ok, then that should work
21:11.03[TK]D-FenderCazper : the 501 has more RAM.  thats the primary difference and is highly suggested given the growth of firmware images.
21:11.07Hmmhesaysyes indeedy
21:11.09silentfuryi like the linksys phones better than the polycom ones personally.
21:11.22justinuHmmhesays: what are you trying to do?
21:11.22[TK]D-Fendersilentfury : Got both?
21:11.31[av]banii'll wait till polycom does xml on the 501
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21:11.42[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : That would be "disruptive" .....
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21:11.46silentfuryI have polycom 301's at the office.
21:11.53Cazperok, guess I'll have to either wait for 501 or buy a 941 then ;)
21:12.05silentfuryand looking at the linksys ones purely from a) they are linksys b) the linksys/sipura design is much nicer.
21:12.15[TK]D-Fendersilentfury : Ok, compared to an IP301 I'm sure the 941 can seem better.
21:12.26Dr-Linuxjustinu pets
21:12.27Lathos42justinu: My 501 is plugged into a real switch.. it just needs the special cable that contains the PoE negotiation chips
21:12.40tasatis there a recommended way of detecting hangup and its position during a dialplan, or agi script?
21:12.50coolhpGood day all... Would anyone happen to be having some issues with MeetMe ? The beep sounds on joining and leave a conference bridge sounds horrible on my setup ... they sound extremely distorted (even corrupted).
21:12.55justinuLathos42: you have any details about that cable?
21:13.04[av]banianyone have an aastra 91xx ?
21:13.09justinui have some 501s id like to convert to 802.3af PoE
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21:13.46justinucoolhp: were you here earlier?
21:14.06coolhpI was in a hospital as a matter of fact.. .LOL
21:14.06[TK]D-Fendersilentfury : The best things like about the 941 is its cheaper, has 4 "lines" (simultaneous calls on keys), and the MWI (really nice).
21:14.18Lathos42justinu: They are polycom part #2200-11077-002, they're anywhere from $32-40 depending on where you get them
21:14.19justinucoolhp: ok, because someone else was here complaining of the exact same thing!
21:14.23tasatHi all, is there a recommended way of detecting hangup and its position during a dialplan, or agi script?
21:14.28justinuLathos42: bah, i want to find something cheaper!
21:14.34[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: the $20 is for more appearances only right?
21:14.39[av]banion the 941
21:15.02[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : For appearance yes.  for just multiple calls on 1/2 regs, no need.
21:15.05coolhpJustinu : Did that person happen to get it corrected ?
21:15.12Lathos42justinu: Yeah, the cost of entry on the 501 is not cheap.. that's why I just bought part # that includes the phone and PoE cable, but no power brick
21:15.31justinucoolhp: i don't think so... perhaps it's a new bug in ast
21:15.38justinutwo people having the same issue....
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21:15.51coolhpCould be... LOL
21:16.02CazperAnyone know if the 501 support european voltage (220)? good to know I where to buy one from the us..
21:16.09coolhpI'll try upgrading to 1.2.2
21:16.16De_Monhow should I be recording my menu system sound files?
21:16.29justinucoolhp: what are you running currently?
21:16.51[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon : Make a dial-plan script to do the recordings
21:16.59[av]baniwow, grandstream is really making moves on their firmware
21:17.05Lathos42I think everyone should just buy a IP601 with 3 expansion modules
21:17.15harryvvby default does "add extention" in the cli write the extention to the extentions.conf file? I created a custom context in extentions_additional.conf but the extention did not write it there but some where else.
21:17.24[TK]D-FenderLathos42 : Not until they fix the "7 buddies" bug....
21:17.34De_Mon[TK]D-Fender hmm intersting, I'll give it a shot
21:17.56[TK]D-FenderLathos42 : for receptionists it seems that I'd spring for a SNOM 260 + side caddy.  cheaper and apparently WORKS (which I think is a valuable feature)
21:18.05Lathos42[TK]D-Fender: 7 buddies?  I've not heard of that bug.. but I havent tried putting more than 7 buddies in ours yet
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21:18.16[av]banipolycom has problems with sidecar?
21:18.36[TK]D-FenderLathos42 : that bug sucks, trust me.  I'm running 2 modules right now and have restricted the "watch" ones because of its flakey nature
21:18.54[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : yes the "7 buddy" bug.  Its on Plycom's side so far.
21:19.03Lathos42[TK]D-Fender: What problem does it cause?
21:19.13[TK]D-FenderLathos42 : You can't watch more than 7
21:19.38astoriaIs polycom doing anything about it?
21:19.39[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: oh, i figured out the sipura xml config stuff. now i have a truly 100% 0-config setup. plug a new phone totally fresh out of the box and it picks up complete config totally automated :)
21:19.41[TK]D-Fenderit will do "wierd" stuff... like deciding WHICH amongsth the ones you've chosen to actually watch...
21:20.06[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Cool, would be appreciated if you send me your findings later.
21:20.38Lathos42Darn, it doesnt look like there's a fix for it in the 1.6.4 firmware
21:20.43[av]baniit requires dhcp and tftp as a helper, which gives the phone info to point at the xml
21:21.00[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : They are supposed to be capable of HTTP as well...
21:21.01[av]banidhcp to point it to tftp, where it picks up the url
21:21.16[av]baniit IS capable of http, which is how it picks up the config :)
21:21.24[TK]D-FenderLathos42 : Didn't know that 1.6.4 is out yet...
21:21.38[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : you just said TFTP though.
21:22.02[TK]D-FenderYou mean it uses TFTP to pickup the HTTP address?
21:22.12[av]baniyes, you need tftp to pick up the initial config. no way to do html via dhcp
21:22.18Lathos42[TK]D-Fender: I didnt either until I talked to someone at Polycom..  he sent it to me on a CD
21:22.41[av]banidhcp tells the phone its ip, and tells it a tftp server to pick up the initial config file spa-(model#).cfg
21:22.49[av]banithe spa.cfg has this and only this:
21:22.57[av]bani<flat-profile> <!-- Sipura SPA-3000 Configuration Parameters -->
21:23.02[av]baniand there you go
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21:23.10MstlyHrmlsI don't think the "7 buddy watch" bug will be fixed until the next major release
21:23.50[av]baniso the sipura is dhcp -> tftp -> http://bla.xml
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21:24.31[av]baniit only grabs tftp once, when its fresh out of the box unconfigured, to populate the provisioning url in the config menu
21:26.07Lathos42Of course, I also noticed a problem with the 1.6.3 and 1.6.4 firmware today..  It seems that its sending %23 instead of # when I use it in an extension
21:26.08[av]banianother nice thing, you an tell the sipuras to poll the url on a regular basis to automagically pick up new configs
21:26.23gaz00anyone using call parking on A@H?
21:28.36De_Mongaz00 try asking in THEIR irc channel
21:28.36[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Use it for just the 3000 or other models?
21:28.49[av]baniany sipura model
21:29.01[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Did you get full spec on the provisioning file?
21:29.02[av]banii'm using it for 3000 right now, which is the most complex config of any sipuras
21:29.03tasattrying again:  anyone have a good way of an agi detecting hangup during a script and when it happens?
21:29.14tasatI mean, where it happens
21:29.16[av]banidont have to, its 1:1 for the http menus :)
21:29.33[av]baniwhatever you read in the webinterface directly translates to xml :)
21:29.37[av]banivery easy
21:29.45[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : As in the field names match 100%
21:30.00[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : I will definately have to investigate.
21:31.03[av]baniso you can take a fresh out of the box sipura, plug it in, and its totally configured 100% automatically from top to bottom
21:31.06gaz00De_Mon: Didn't realize that there was one.   what channel is that?
21:31.13[av]banitotally pnp
21:31.16[av]banivery nice :)
21:31.25gaz00i'm having trouble with call parking.... thought that it was a general thing.
21:31.36gaz00i.e. i can't call someone, and then transfer them.
21:31.48[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Not to say that's unique though... I do the same with my Polycom's, but didn't need the web-server to do it :)
21:32.17[av]baniwebserver makes it more flexible
21:32.54[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Polycom can do HTTP, and HTTPS as well....
21:32.58*** join/#asterisk Coccyx (
21:33.16[av]banisipura wouldnt need http if it grabbed eg spa-941-$MACADDRESS.cfg from tftp
21:33.23[TK]D-FenderHTTPS is better than straight HTTP for the Sipuras
21:33.35[av]baniactually... i think you can tell it tftp for a provisioning url...
21:33.42Nuggetencryption, like education, is never a waste.  :)
21:33.45[av]banihavent tried it though
21:34.04[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : True, but tftp = very insecure and not good for versioning.
21:34.07[av]banisipura might be able to do https for provisioning url
21:34.13[av]banihavent tried that either
21:34.23[av]banisipura can do srtp though...
21:34.31Coccyxanyone have MWI working on GXP-2000s?  I can't seem to find any info anywhere on getting MWI to work with them.
21:34.43[av]baniCoccyx: mwi "just works'
21:34.45[TK]D-FenderCoccyx : theres a bunch of WIKI pages on it...
21:35.00Coccyxnot specifically about any issues with GXP-2000s and MWI...
21:35.01[av]banitheres no magic to it
21:35.07Coccyxit's not "just working" for me unfortunately
21:35.16Coccyxworks fine on the budgetones, but not the GXP-2000s
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21:35.48[av]baniwhat firmware?
21:35.56j0nI have a bunch of GXP-2000s and I haven't had any problems with MWI
21:36.00[TK]D-FenderCoccyx : what is your mailbox line in sip.conf for it?
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21:36.12CoccyxI just added the context
21:36.15Coccyxno difference
21:36.28[av]banithat should be all you need
21:36.36jbalcombthe people at verizon say they've never heard of a milliwat or 1000Hz tone test number :/
21:36.42[av]baniit 'just works' for me
21:36.54Coccyxjbalcomb: yeah, good luck finding those test numbers
21:37.01Coccyxyou basically have to know a local analog tech
21:37.05jbalcombdoes anyone have the T102/milliwatt/1000HZ tone test number for anyone?
21:37.21Coccyxyou need a local number... it won't help if it's outside your local CO
21:37.31Coccyxthey do exist though :)
21:37.37[av]baniwhats that, a calibration test?
21:37.37jbalcombCoccyx that is a pisser
21:37.40Coccyxflag down a local truck :)
21:37.56jbalcomb[av]bani it supposed to be the thing to do while adjusting your rxgain/txgain
21:38.03[av]baniah, makes sense
21:38.05iCEBrkrJan 19 16:32:06 WARNING[23069]: res_odbc.c:171 odbc_smart_execute: SQL Execute returned an error -1: 24000: [FreeTDS][SQL Server]Invalid cursor state (41)
21:38.08[av]banifor like echo and stuff?
21:38.17iCEBrkrIs this shit threaded??! Cuz it's not looking like it..
21:38.42jbalcomb[av]bani sort of. in theory getting the gain levels correct removes noise artifacts from the line and allows echo cancellation to work better
21:40.22[av]banigive your local lineman a gift. bribes work :)
21:40.22[av]bania box of cookies usually work, or in our case we keep 6-packs :)
21:40.31*** join/#asterisk Defraz_ (i=t0tal@
21:40.36[av]banione time we were sneaky... we recorded the line he was testing on and snagged the #'s that way :)
21:41.26[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : just change the phones ;)
21:41.44[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: have any spa-3000's?
21:42.01[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : yup
21:42.44[av]banihad any echo problems with them? default 0db voip->fxo is too hot afaik. lots of echo.
21:42.54[av]bani-4 and it eliminated all echo
21:43.34iCEBrkrCorydon-w: odbc_func stuff has a problem me things...
21:43.36iCEBrkrerr me thinks
21:43.42[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : I've gotten echo occasionally, but never messed with the settings on it
21:44.01[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Will look at one I'm home.  ALter all!
21:44.05jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender haha.. yeah, umm.. $200 x 120 ... while im in the middle of a $4,000+ proposal to add a T1 and upgrade our router..
21:44.27jbalcomboh well..
21:45.00iCEBrkrFuck fuck fuck
21:45.07jbalcomb[av]bani I'll have to consider that approach
21:45.17jbalcombiCEBrkr you have a potty mouth
21:46.05Corydon-wWhat problem is it that you think it has?
21:46.08iCEBrkrCorydon-w: I'm thinking there's some threading issues with the ODBC Function stuff.  If I drop 10 call files in outgoing and thse call files use a context that has a ODBC function call.. I get cursor errors
21:46.21Corydon-wAre you using SQL Server?
21:46.28iCEBrkrMS-SQL, sure.
21:46.37Corydon-wThere's your problem.
21:46.39[av]banijbalcomb: what approach, recording or bribery?
21:46.43rob0that explains the potty mouth too
21:46.46FuriousGeorgehere's what it is:  im registering with a box which is perceiving me with a random port 1030 (not 4569)  when that box in turn tries to register with me, it times out
21:46.51FuriousGeorgethese things must be related, no?
21:46.52iCEBrkrIf it wasn't offcial before, it's official now..
21:46.57iCEBrkrI F'N HATE MS-SQL
21:47.02Corydon-wTDS-connection based servers can ONLY have a SINGLE statement handle active at one time.
21:47.14Corydon-wIt's a protocol limitation.  Sybase is affected by it, too.
21:47.40jbalcomb[av]bani bribery :) my phreakin days are done until martial law kicks in
21:47.52iCEBrkrCorydon-w: So if I switch make it use MySQL will it solve this issue?
21:47.52Corydon-wThere is literally nothing that MS can do about the problem, short of changing the protocol.
21:48.01[av]baniFuriousGeorge: sounds like nat
21:48.09Corydon-wOr Postgres, for that matter
21:48.11iCEBrkrCorydon-w: Ok, at least I have that option
21:48.22justinums sql does suck
21:48.24Hmmhesaysok there is something seriously worng with this server
21:48.29Hmmhesaysits freaking outat 70 calls
21:48.45[av]banijbalcomb: just tell him you need a test # to resolve echo problems on your pbx. most are pretty sympathetic, esp. if they think they're talking to another techie
21:48.46FuriousGeorge[av]bani: there is nat between them, but im forwarding the ports and all correctly.  how can i control how i'm perceived by boxes i register with?
21:48.47Corydon-wWe're working on a long term solution, by letting res_odbc handle multiple connections per class
21:48.51Hmmhesaysi'll be ssh'd in and suddenly, bam, gone
21:48.54Motheranyone here use chan_bluetooth?
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21:48.58Corydon-wbut that's not ready yet
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21:49.12[av]baniFuriousGeorge: depends on the device, stun support on the client device helps a lot
21:49.16MotherI have it working with a Nokia N70, just the audio from the phone is not sent to Asterisk
21:49.37jbalcomb[av]bani 845-268-9960 seems to be what im looking for. what is the thinking behind it needing to be a local number?
21:49.38*** join/#asterisk NX_nico (
21:50.15FuriousGeorge[av]bani: im confused as to why, for whatever reason, out of 5 boxes logging into eachother, this one needs to be perceived on a different port.  im using ipcop gateways everywhere
21:50.49FuriousGeorgewhy should i use stun when i have no problems passing ports?
21:51.01[av]banijbalcomb: if you're going through multiple analogue conversions, is my guess
21:51.10[av]banibeing local sort of assures that won't happen
21:52.05jbalcomb[av]bani hrmm.. ok, well i'm going to give it a go because i'm feeling like all i need is steading noise to measure the gains.
21:52.12[av]baniis that a local # to you?
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21:53.11Motherso *nobody* here uses bluetooth at all?
21:53.31mog_worki have blueteeth
21:53.42mog_workbut my doctor is taking care of that for me
21:53.45Motherthat's from eating too many blueberries
21:54.03JMcAI use bluetooth on occasion, but not with asterisk
21:55.07*** join/#asterisk tainted_ (
21:55.14tainted_how would i do this scenario in a dialplan
21:55.16[av]banijbalcomb: bribery is fun. very 3rd-world feel to it
21:55.24[av]banibut strangely satisfying
21:55.27tainted_say a user is in areacode 555
21:55.36tainted_and they want to dial another user in the 555 areacode
21:55.45tainted_but they are used to not dialing 555
21:56.03tainted_how can i append 555 to the extension
21:56.07jbalcomb[av]bani indeed. worse come to worst im gonna call verizon and ask them what this number is for and then give me a local one please
21:56.21jbalcombtainted_ certainly
21:56.30tainted_i'd assume that i look for 7 digit extensions and add on the 555 and then DIAL provider?
21:56.41jbalcombtainted_ sounds right
21:56.49tainted_what would that look like
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21:57.12jbalcombtainted_ check on the wiki, some code is real good there
21:57.21tainted_what should i look for
21:57.27tainted_that wiki is pretty big
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22:07.20mraberrationDoes anyone know if asterisk supports the brooktrout tr1114 T1 card?
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22:10.14hanchiIs anyone familiar with the RUOK program, it calls elderly people at home to check on them, if there are a set # of unanswered calls, or push a key prompt is not answered correctly it issues an alert.
22:10.46mraberrationDoes asterisk support the brooktrout tr1034 t1 card? If no, how much is one of your digium cards that offers a t1 card that can split channels between asterisk and hylafax?
22:10.51hanchithe current RUOK program is windows based, and not stable, I want to try and replicate the service with an * box.
22:11.46detatchyou could probably do it with a well crafted dial-plan
22:12.12FuriousGeorgewhen you register=> to an iax2 friend, is there any way to control your perceived IP?  if not, what would cause it to use something other than 4569
22:13.00justinuFuriousGeorge: nat
22:13.38hanchiI think I have the dial plan down to make the calls and get the prompts and responses, but need a nudge in the right direction to generate the printed alerts to the dispatchers
22:13.53FuriousGeorgei dont understand how translating a request for to requires the port to be changed
22:14.32hanchii thought about storing the info with cdr to a mysql database, possibly an external app that reads the database for today and then generates a report
22:14.34azziehanchi, execute an external script to handle notifications, or write an AGI script
22:16.04FuriousGeorgethere are three other boxes this one is registered with, which are in turn all registered with eachother.  all of them are perceived on 4659
22:16.27Dr-Linuxexten => 0,1,Voicemail(5000)
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22:17.17Dr-Linuxi wanna add here 2 mailbox, 5000 and 5003,  if the caller leave message, message should go to both mailboxes ?
22:17.39Simon-FuriousGeorge: TCP uses 4 values to uniquely identify a connection, src ip+port and dst ip+port, if the external source ip and port are in use the nat router may automatically use a different source port even if the destination ip or port is different
22:17.48Dr-Linuxshould i just >> exten => 0,1,Voicemail(5000&5003)
22:17.58Dr-Linuxor not?
22:18.29FuriousGeorgeSimon-: would being perceived on a different port cause that perceiving box to try and register on the wrong one?
22:18.43FuriousGeorge(to the one it is perceiving :)
22:19.31Simon-afaik iax2 works fine with nat
22:19.39FuriousGeorgeiow box a is registering with box b and being perceived on 1030  when box b turns around and tries to register with a it times out
22:19.45FuriousGeorgei cant figure out why
22:20.02Simon-a is behind a nat firewall?
22:20.08FuriousGeorgeboth are
22:20.08Simon-behind nat*
22:20.20Simon-that's not fun
22:20.36Simon-what you should do is forward in port 4569 through the nat
22:20.47Simon-instead of assuming it will be set up that way by an outgoing connection
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22:21.11harry8is there a lot of work to upgrade from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2?
22:21.16harry8I haven't done an upgrade before
22:21.21Dr-LinuxSimon-: is this wrong? >> exten => 0,1,Voicemail(5000&5003)
22:21.23harry8do you just recompile the whole thing?
22:21.48Dr-Linuxi want the message should go to the bother mailboxes, 5000 and 5003?
22:21.53masonfwhats a good way to track down a "SIP/gizmo-08a9 is circuit-busy"
22:21.58FuriousGeorgeSimon-: all the boxes are forwarding 4569 just in case.  they can all register with eachother ok.  its just this one that is timing out to this other one
22:22.15FuriousGeorgei just trued manually setting port 4569 in the register=> of iax.conf and still timing out
22:22.17Simon-FuriousGeorge: then run tcpdump and check firewall logs to be sure it's being forwarded
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22:22.45FuriousGeorgeSimon-: if the port was being blocked would the other 3 boxes be able to register just fine with it
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22:22.48NewSolewhat was changed/added to Asterisk-1.2.2
22:23.06Simon-FuriousGeorge: what OS is your nat device running?
22:23.10javierI just bought an x100p card from  I got it to work but the caller ID is not working.  Do you have any Ideas
22:23.12FuriousGeorgeSimon-: linux
22:23.14Zodiacalanyone know why genzaptelconf didn't auto configure my fxs module? it found all of my fxo ones just fine..
22:23.15FuriousGeorgeits ipcop
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22:24.17FuriousGeorgeZodiacal: you sure youre not thinkking bay 1 is 4
22:24.28FuriousGeorgeand the ones working fins are on 2 and 3
22:24.29AndresHello, someone tell me about the DID, how does it work?? how do i put it on working. etc...
22:24.36Simon-FuriousGeorge: I would prefer to configure iptables manually myself. It is possible that an existing NAT connection setup has not yet expired
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22:24.58Zodiacalfuriousgeorge the fxs have to be on specific numbers on the card?
22:25.30FuriousGeorgeZodiacal: no, you asked why one wouldnt be detected, and i said because its on 1 and you think its on 4
22:25.46javierany one have experience with x100P fxo card?
22:25.52AndresHello, someone tell me about the DID, how does it work?? how do i put it on working. etc...
22:26.05jbothmm... did is Direct Inward Dialing
22:26.20FuriousGeorgeAndres: did = a phone number
22:26.29FuriousGeorgeto get it working you need a provider
22:26.41Zodiacalfuriousgeorge im just looking at the zapata-auto.conf and it only lists 6 fxo modules, but i have 1 fxs module too
22:27.01Andresso basically it directs calls from specific callers directly to an extension, so the caller doesnt have to dial the ext number.. is that right??
22:27.03FuriousGeorgeZodiacal: are you using a@h or something
22:27.40FuriousGeorgeAndres: im not sure what you mean.  a did is a phone number.  it means someone with a telephone can pick up a call, dial a number, nad if your asterisk is set up right, your phones ring
22:27.43pifiupolycom wh0res anyone?
22:27.44AndresI already have my caller ID activated from PSTN
22:27.57pifiuwhy is it that after i deploy some polycom 501's when i try to dial it says URL CALL IS DISABLED
22:28.07FuriousGeorgeZodiacal: i just know how to set up my own zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
22:28.29javierCan someone help me with CallerID with an x100p card?
22:28.34Zodiacalfuriousgeorge, it says channel 7 and channel 8 inactive .. hrm, i'll try moving it to channel 8 and see if that fixes it
22:28.52FuriousGeorgeyou need a signalling=fxo_ks (for fxs) and a channel=X in zapata.conf
22:29.03MstlyHrmlspifiu: sounds like they're not registered
22:29.24FuriousGeorgeand you need a fxs_ks=(bay#) in zapata.conf
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22:29.32Zodiacalfuriousgeorge yeah that command is suposed to find that stuff automaticly and include the auto generated file to the zap file your talkin about
22:29.53Zodiacali can try adding it manualy :P
22:29.58FuriousGeorgeZodiacal: /look/ at the two files i just mentioned and see if you see something like that in them
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22:30.39FuriousGeorgeif you see include=> files referenced in those files, you gotta look there too
22:30.45Zodiacalfurousgeorge just the fxs_ks lines, for my fxo modules..
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22:31.17FuriousGeorgeyou need to tell it what bay its on in /etc/zaptel.conf, and you have to give it a channel in zapata.conf like i said above
22:31.21Dr-Linuxquestion, how to put a voicemail in two boxes? is this wrong? >> exten => 0,1,Voicemail(5000&5003)
22:31.41Zodiacalfuroiusgeorge ok ill try.. its just odd that the auto configuration tool didn't find it like it found the fxo modules..
22:32.16FuriousGeorgeZodiacal: my advice would be to write your own configs or you're at the mercy of the quality of the a@h config generator scripts
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22:32.51javierfuriousgeorge can you give me hand with my fxo card,  Caller ID coming in not working.
22:32.52Lotshey all sorry but i have a question not related to asterisk but considering you are all so smart i thought i would ask..  how do you find out who is hosting a certain domain name?  say how do i find out who is hosting that domain name?
22:32.53Zodiacalim new obvously and don't wanta make it blow up.. im slowy getting into writing my own dialplans tho... in time i can deal with hardware manualy :P
22:32.59Zodiacalfurousgeorge thank you!
22:33.19FuriousGeorgeDr-Linux: i didnt know you could do that, but when you call it in the dialplan dont you have to specify busy or unavailable (b5000 or u5000)
22:33.27danilomhi, to connect 2 analog pbx, with asterisk through internet, do i need 2 digium cards??
22:33.37FuriousGeorgejavier: do you have usecallerid=yes in zapata.conf
22:34.00FuriousGeorgeZodiacal: no prob
22:34.16javieryes, it is on.
22:34.16FuriousGeorgeLots: do a whois search on it
22:34.36FuriousGeorgedoes your phone company provide you with callerid service
22:34.44thazzaLots: Not that it is an * question at all.. You would look up the dns, do a whois search, or even sometimes just traceroute it
22:34.52AndresLets put it like this.. i want calls from specific numbers to be directed to specific extensions without having to hear the Digital recepcionist....
22:35.04AndresSomeone could help me with that??'
22:35.14javierYes if I plug in my reg. phone caller ID comes in.
22:35.24FuriousGeorgejavier: in other words, if you just put a regular telephone on the line with callerid does it work
22:35.34Dr-LinuxFuriousGeorge: yeah i know that, i don't want the caller to listen busy or unavailable words, its simple "leave the message followed by the pound key"
22:36.00Dr-Linuxso i just want a voicemail in multipal boxes
22:36.07FuriousGeorgeAndres: you need asterisk to answer the phone when it rings, realize where the call came from is significant, then do the right thing
22:36.27FuriousGeorgeAndres: stop being an a**hole
22:36.29pifiumstylyhrmls thats is true in fact
22:36.34pifiui just wanted to see if they were up and working
22:36.40pifiudidnt register them though, let me do that
22:36.49AndresFuriousGeorge, im asking how to make a dialplan for that
22:36.57thazzaAndres: Have you got callerid enabled?
22:36.57Andresor anythung
22:37.07Andresi have Caller ID On
22:37.10javierWhat do you think?
22:37.18Andresthazza,  yes
22:37.32jbotwell, docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
22:38.00thazzaAndres: you would use this command in your context: 1/12345678,1,Dofirstthing and so forth for 1/12345678,2
22:38.05FuriousGeorgejavier: thry putting callerid=asis right befoer the appropriate channel in zapata.conf
22:38.11FuriousGeorge(you said it was an fxo right)
22:38.34FuriousGeorgejavier: callerid=asreceived
22:38.38FuriousGeorgei meant
22:38.41javierwhat do you mean by asis, you mean type as is instead of Yes or leave it alone.
22:40.09thazzayet it would be more like s/1234567,1.. Ohh well. lol.
22:40.36javierYes it is an FXO, X100P
22:40.50FuriousGeorgedid you try callerid=asreceived yet?
22:41.10javierNo, let me try that.
22:41.23FuriousGeorgejavier are you in europe?  may also wanna try to change the cid signalling
22:42.07javierI am in the US.
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22:44.37FuriousGeorgei have a few other things i left in by default in zapata.conf
22:44.49pifiuwhere can i learn more about IAX2 and how to use it?
22:44.54javierwhat was that.
22:44.56FuriousGeorgecidsignalling=bell and cidstart=ring
22:45.02pifiuor better yet, can i explain my situation and tell me if that is whati need?
22:45.23FuriousGeorgepifiu: go ahead
22:45.27FuriousGeorgeill try
22:45.40*** part/#asterisk mkrufky (n=mk@
22:45.42pifiui have 2 locations. location 1 has the IAX2 registration with the provider. I want to pickup a phone from location 2 and have the local asterisk machine IAX with the one in store 1 to then dial the provider
22:45.45pifiudoes that make sense?
22:45.52FuriousGeorgejavier: and you gotta i think at least reload
22:46.26FuriousGeorgepifu to call out?
22:46.40pifiuand hmm to call in, i didnt think of that shit
22:47.08pifiubut to call out that works?
22:47.16pifiuor is that the ideal way?
22:47.22FuriousGeorgejust log your asterisk into the remote asterisk (iax2) will work fine
22:47.36javierI made the change and rebooted the server.  The call on FOP says UNKOWN
22:47.39FuriousGeorgeyou want to always call out from there?  or say only when you dial 9
22:48.07FuriousGeorgejavier: what does it say on your phone?
22:48.33FuriousGeorgepifiu: do you want all your calls to always go through the other box?
22:49.02javierthe hone says UNKNOWN
22:49.11FuriousGeorgemaybe the number calling you isnt listed
22:49.22FuriousGeorgefor some reason mine alsways says "asterisk" with unlisted numbers
22:49.54pifiugeorge, not necessarily as it seems like more possibility or leading to more downtime if a problem were to arise?
22:50.06pifiubut im not sure if my provider supports multiple IAX registrations
22:50.16pifiuis that even possible?
22:50.24*** join/#asterisk Bl4ziN (
22:50.50FuriousGeorgeso when you dial 8 for instance 81NXXNXXXXXX,1,dial(iax2/otherbox/{$EXTEN:1}
22:51.05pifiuwell i was thinking to always make it so it dials out fo the other box
22:51.08FuriousGeorgeand on otherbox put registering box in a context where it can call out
22:51.11*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
22:51.16pifiui usually never make it dial 9 or 8 or w/e
22:51.18Bl4ziNall :)
22:52.03FuriousGeorgepifiu: just start wrioting the dialplan and it will start making sense.  if you always wanna call out through that box to take advantage of cheap calls that will work fine (if enough bandwidth and low latency)
22:52.27rajivknight_: ping
22:52.29javierCould it be that the fx0 card picks up the line too late.
22:52.35FuriousGeorgeyou can even do a chanisavail, and if its not use pots to call
22:52.40javierand misses the caller ID info.
22:52.41pifiuyes the latency is beauitiful, i have same provider on both locations and so max ping ever is 18ms
22:52.58FuriousGeorgejavier: i use wait(3) and it always gets the cid
22:53.03pifiubandwidth is what i think might be a problem
22:53.14FuriousGeorgegsm will probably work with less quality
22:53.27pifiuis it common for providers to support multiple IAX2 registrations at once?
22:53.51javierwhere do I see or set the wait(3)
22:53.52pifiuours requires a username and password
22:53.54FuriousGeorgeyoull sound like your on a cell.  make a [box] type=friend context=ougoingcallers entry on remote box and make register=> on your box
22:54.08FuriousGeorgepifiu: that wont matter
22:54.24pifiuso i should be able to register from 2 different machines both at the same time?
22:54.39FuriousGeorgeyour box will be making two simultaneous calls, but only logged in once.  why wouldnt they let you do it, they can bill you twice
22:55.08FuriousGeorgepifiu: you register local box to remote box, remote box to iaxprovider
22:55.24FuriousGeorgeand you configure your dialplan to send numbers you dial to remotebox
22:55.35FuriousGeorgeand you configure remote box to dial that number for you when you say so'
22:56.18De_Monhow do I get a list of the users who are registered? sip show registry isn't doin' it
22:56.22*** join/#asterisk Dorphalsig (n=chiardon@
22:56.26FuriousGeorgesip show peers
22:56.53pifiuoh george, i wanted to register IAX2 twice, one from each machine with just one account
22:56.56Dorphalsigin zapata.conf ... if I want to signal a channel as fxs how would I do it?
22:57.04pifiuwould be easier, since no waste of bandwidth
22:57.09Dorphalsigchannel => 100
22:57.27De_MonFuriousGeorge my hero!
22:57.36FuriousGeorgepifiu: iax may automatically do whats called a reinvite in that case
22:57.38Dorphalsigbecause if I say channel =>100 and then I say signalling=fxs I would be doing nothing ...
22:57.52FuriousGeorgeDe_Mon: why?
22:58.02pifiugo easy on me george, im a newbie but willing to learn
22:58.02Dorphalsig(yes its a stupid question, but its a discussion I'm having on * config files)
22:58.17pifiuso its actually impossible to register twice both at the same time in both different locations
22:58.27FuriousGeorgesignalling for an fxs would be signalling=fxo_ks or (ls)
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22:58.35Dorphalsigyes yes
22:58.36FuriousGeorgechannel=> 10
22:58.52DorphalsigFuriousGeorge --> But signalling goes first and THEN goes the channel definition... right?
22:59.01FuriousGeorgereinvite means it will do the right thing with the bandwidth
22:59.08FuriousGeorgeDorphalsig: thats how i do it :)
22:59.17De_MonFuriousGeorge i've been trying to figure that out for the past 10 min tryin different stuff without success
22:59.37*** join/#asterisk burtonez (
22:59.39FuriousGeorgefigure what out?
22:59.43*** join/#asterisk Zodiacal- (
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23:00.09Dorphalsiganother questionl...
23:00.19javierFuriousGeorge, what else do you want me to try.
23:00.50FuriousGeorgejavier: to be honest i thought of everything i could.  cidsignalling=bell cidstart=ring usecallerid=yes callerid=asreceived
23:00.53FuriousGeorgethats what i use and it works
23:01.10DorphalsigIf I want to allow a specific channel to make outbound calls, I signal it fxo, and if I dont want them to make outbound calls I signal it fxs
23:01.26javierlet me try out the cidsignal=bell
23:02.05*** join/#asterisk Libila (
23:02.33FuriousGeorgeDorphalsig: well, actually if you signal it wrong it just wont work.  fxo connect to your phone company fxs connect to your phones
23:02.55*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
23:03.55LibilaI'm trying to add a trunk, so I'm looking in the VIOP Service Providers to see what settings I should choose. I have a digium FX0 card coming in the mail, but my ip phones came already so I just wanted to test them out, I'm not sure what to look under
23:04.28LibilaVOIP Service Providers page*
23:05.43DorphalsigFuriousGeorge, --> So signalling and permission to make outbound calls are completely different things?
23:06.15*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
23:06.49FuriousGeorgeDorphalsig: yeah.  permission to make outbound calls depend on the context you put the user in.  you may have a context called outbound callers at the top of the higherarchy, and within that you include other contexts like internal callers emergency callers (hopefully everyone)
23:08.06pifiui still dont understand the reinvite feature
23:08.44*** join/#asterisk IQ (
23:08.57IQhi all
23:09.04Math`pifiu: RTP stream normally go thru asterisk, reinvite asks both parties to have the RTP stream go between each other directly
23:09.13Math`instead of having to go through asterisk
23:09.26FuriousGeorgeDorphalsig: think of it this way, you put callers in contexts in your configs describing what they do to keep it easy.  so the boss is in context = outbound_callers in zapata.conf.  in [outbound_callers] you include=>international_calls,toll_calls,local_calls,internal_calls,emergency_calls,parked_calls
23:09.51FuriousGeorgethe receptionist on the other hand would belong to internal_callers, and her context wouldnt include international calls, or toll calls
23:10.08FuriousGeorgepifiu: a reinvite just means it wont do what you are afraid it will do with the bnadwidth
23:10.31FuriousGeorgeit will go from point a to c instead of a to b to c
23:10.45DorphalsigFuriousGeorge, --> May I priv you?
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23:12.33[av]banianyone here have cisco 7912g or 7940g ?
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23:18.44conveyAnyone know SER here?
23:19.25shmaltzconvey, try #SER
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23:19.46conveyschmaltz: I did, channel is pretty dead :(
23:20.18pifiufurious let me ask you something
23:20.32pifiuforget what i said earlier this is somewhat in regards to that but just start from scratch
23:20.41fugitivoanyone connected asterisk with a meridian 1?
23:20.42pifiuwould a VPN in between both locations be of any good for asterisk?
23:21.02Math`pifiu: if it bypasses NAT, why not?
23:21.13NuggetNAT blows goats.
23:21.25pifiuwell but its not necessary correct?
23:21.28pifiufor example say this
23:21.41pifiui want to pickup a phone in location one and dial a desk in location 2 by just dialing the extension
23:21.56pifiuwould i necessarily need a vpn to accomplish that or asterisk can do this on its own?
23:22.10Math`asterisk can do that on its own
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23:22.31pifiuany particular reason for picking one over the other?
23:22.40pifiui assume using asterisk direct leaves less room for failure of the vpn?
23:22.52fugitivopifiu: vpn = virtual private network
23:23.04fugitivoone thing has nothing to do with the other
23:23.10fugitivoyou can use asterisk inside a vpn or not
23:23.39pifiuok i just figured in order for both asterisk machines to talk to each other with a straighter route making a vpn would be better
23:23.45fugitivopifiu: ask yourself, do you want a point-to-point network or encrypt the data between the asterisks?
23:23.57fugitivothen use a vpn
23:24.06fugitivoif you don't care about that, don't use a vpn
23:24.17pifiudont care about encryption for now
23:24.30Math`talking about encryption, is it planned?
23:24.49fugitivopifiu: ok, then you can do that easily with iax2 between servers
23:24.52h3xthere are voip encryption standards you are better off using
23:25.05pifiunow george and you guys are going to kill me, but ill do it myself and just have some questions sometimes
23:25.13pifiuwhere can i learn how to implement IAX2? and is it hard?
23:25.25jboti heard docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
23:25.41pifiushoudl take 2 seconds to do?
23:25.58fugitivoonce you know how to do it, it'll not take you more than 1 minute
23:25.59Math`it all depends on who does it
23:26.20*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
23:26.29NewSolesetting up iax2 is easy... its the dial plans that can be fun
23:26.33h3xlike SRTP
23:26.46fugitivofor the dialplan you can use switch, i love that command
23:26.48Math`NewSole: DUNDi
23:27.05Math`or a simple switch for just 2 servers
23:27.05pifiuoh boy so im in for a couple of hours as a newbie
23:27.17pifiufor now i just want to dial an extension in the other location and thats it
23:27.26pifiupoint to point via extension to get started
23:27.34fugitivopifiu: start with iax2 authentication, then switch in your dialplan
23:27.40fugitivopifiu: that'll do it
23:27.54pifiuok ill be on here for a while, il ask you guys questions i guess eventually
23:27.57pifiuwiki good help?
23:28.05fugitivopifiu: yes
23:28.12fugitivopifiu: paypal is good help too
23:28.13Kattyhi lads.
23:28.31pifiulol well want to learn a little
23:28.35fugitivohi katty
23:28.40pifiueventually il get the hand of it
23:29.05*** join/#asterisk _cleric_ (
23:29.12twisted[asteria]i love late afternoon office visits
23:29.33twisted[asteria]these two cats just wandered in the front door
23:29.50FuriousGeorgepifiu: in order to "implement iax" you need to "implement asterisk" and understand how it connects to other computers or devices
23:30.07pifiui managed to get asterisk to work
23:30.10FuriousGeorgewe can talk about it all day, in the end you gotta try to set it up
23:30.16FuriousGeorgeso what are we still conused about
23:30.17pifiui will
23:30.30pifiui have always messed with a preconfigured asterisk machine
23:30.35pifiunever done the whole registration part
23:30.35NewSoleman I wish I was that luck to get pussy at my front door
23:30.54FuriousGeorgeyou gotta register your box with remote box, remote box will register with iaxprovider, voila
23:31.41pifiududeee i dont even know which file i need to edit, i guess ill start off at the wiki for that
23:32.09fugitivopifiu: iax.conf
23:32.17fugitivopifiu: but yes, start reading the docs
23:32.25FuriousGeorgenone of us were born knowing how to write a dialplan and register one box with another
23:32.35FuriousGeorgewiki is where you should be at this point
23:32.55shmaltzanybody ever played around with this:
23:33.28pifiui appreciate the help guy
23:33.33pifiuand girls?
23:33.34*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
23:34.04fugitivoshmaltz: #$!#$%!@#4
23:34.12fugitivoshmaltz: i like how she moves with the mouse
23:34.17fugitivobut it doesn't answer my questions :(
23:34.29shmaltzI know she is very stupid
23:34.35FuriousGeorgehey shmaltz
23:34.45shmaltzhi FuriousGeorge
23:35.36lesouvageIs there an easy way to check before using the PlayBack application if the .gsm  file really exist.
23:37.17Libilado I need to setup a trunk to talk between my two LAN ip phones?
23:37.37shmaltzLibila, define trunk
23:38.12*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
23:38.23fugitivoLibila: err, your two LAN ip phones should be extensions
23:38.31FuriousGeorgeshmaltz: oooh  oooh  i know:  its an elephants nose
23:38.36Libilashmaltz: I wish I could, I'm just going through the asterisk@home setup and it's having me make a trunk, although the information on the AMP page doesn't look familiar at all.
23:38.54jbotamp is probably NOT supported here! people using it should join #amportal
23:38.54shmaltzLibila, Asterisk is NOT asterisk at home
23:38.55FuriousGeorgeasterisk@home needs a freenode channel
23:39.09fugitivoFuriousGeorge: #amportal
23:39.17Libilashmaltz: Yeah, asterisk at home is CentOS that comes with asterisk.
23:39.33denonFuriousGeorge: it used to have one .. was kinda empty
23:39.46fugitivoLibila: but it uses AMP, a web administrator that is not asterisk
23:39.51Dr-LinuxFuriousGeorge: what you think about AMP, is is reliable and good ?
23:40.10FuriousGeorgethe lifecycle of an a@h user usually involves stopping in here at some point and asking why his auto generation scripts arent doing what they want it to do
23:40.12Libilafugitivo: ohhhh....
23:40.15fugitivoLibila: asterisk configuration is made using flat text files
23:40.19shmaltzLibila, no you didn't understand what I said, so I'm goign to tell it you again, asterisk at home is NOT asterisk
23:40.24FuriousGeorgeDr-Linux: is that the configurator generator
23:41.07fugitivosome people still thinks a "user" should have the oportunity to use a web interface for asterisk
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23:41.46FuriousGeorgeDr-Linux: i guess it is, to answer your question:  ever since shmaltz showed me how to use asxterisk last year ive been using my own configs
23:41.55Dr-LinuxFuriousGeorge: AMP (Asterisk managment portal)
23:42.21shmaltzFuriousGeorge, did I?
23:42.25shmaltzwhen was that?
23:42.34FuriousGeorgeDr-Linux: yeah i remember now.  ive read it can do a lot but not all of what someone can do writing their own dialplan.
23:42.43Dr-LinuxFuriousGeorge: i never use AMP, but want to know if its good to use or not
23:42.56shmaltzI do remember having a long /msg with you, so I guess I can take the credit :P
23:43.14fugitivoDr-Linux: for what i've seen, it'll fill your config files with macros making debug almost impossible
23:43.16Dr-LinuxFuriousGeorge: if i install it, will it takeover my existing dialplans?
23:43.17FuriousGeorgeshmaltz: you helped me get my 1st peer connected to my first sip provider
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23:43.22FuriousGeorgequell helped a bit too
23:43.33shmaltzquell? you mean Qwell
23:43.36FuriousGeorgei do
23:44.06Dr-Linuxfugitivo: yeah, whats why i dont use it,
23:44.13lesouvageI wrote a routine I can use to easily make the voiceprompts I need using a loop. The first time used there is no recording yet so I want to play a  message like "no recording yet". That's why I need a check for the existence of the file.  If it's not there the routine should play the "no recording yet" message.
23:44.32shmaltz~seen blitzrage?
23:44.39jbotblitzrage is currently on #asterisk-doc (8d 3h 57m 2s) #asterisk (8d 3h 57m 2s). Has said a total of 384 messages. Is idling for 55m 45s, last said: 'jsmith: you were included ;)'.
23:44.40Dr-Linuxanybody ever use/seen products?
23:44.40fugitivolesouvage: a system call, then a gotoif?
23:44.48*** join/#asterisk zahid (
23:44.50FuriousGeorgeshmaltz: so now, in return, ill occasionally field a new question so you dont gotta :)
23:45.09zahidhello all
23:45.12lesouvagefugitivo: yes but I can't find out what system call. I googled but I didn't find the answer.
23:45.14FuriousGeorge*newb question
23:45.27shmaltzty FuriousGeorge
23:45.30shmaltzhello zahid
23:45.41*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
23:46.09zahidi'm having trouble registering asterisk with another using sip
23:46.10FuriousGeorgeso i was a bit surprised to see that chanisavail comes back as no for a pots call that is busy
23:46.20fugitivolesouvage: show application system
23:46.26Dr-Linuxzahid: where from you?
23:46.46zahidDr-Linux, NY
23:46.57blitzrageshmaltz: ?
23:47.03fugitivolesouvage: it seems you don't need the gotoif
23:47.25cyburdineanyone ever have a modprobe wcfxo cause your system to literally crash?
23:47.27shmaltzbug 3974, you can open it again, I can reproduce it on 1.2.2
23:47.35fugitivocyburdine: no
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23:47.45lesouvagefugitivo: you mean on pastebin
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23:47.51Dr-Linuxcyburdine: yep
23:47.54fugitivolesouvage: hm?
23:48.00fugitivolesouvage: show application system on your cli
23:48.04aldsfcan someone direct me at some good docs for a beginner?
23:48.09cyburdinejust grabbed latest zaptel from cvs
23:48.12jbotdocs is, like, probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
23:48.14cyburdineinstalled and boom
23:48.15zahidneed to register =>  but registration seems to be going to
23:48.30fugitivocyburdine: well, cvs could be broken
23:48.34aldsffugitivo tnx
23:48.47fugitivocyburdine: that's why it's cvs :)
23:48.52cyburdineyeah.. but I want to cvs because the previous version did the same
23:49.08fugitivothen it could be another problem
23:49.14cyburdinewhere could I find a stable version?
23:49.24cyburdineof zaptel and libpri?
23:49.31fugitivo1.2.1 is stable for me
23:49.36fugitivodidn't try 1.2.2 yet
23:49.45fugitivowhat kernel are you using?
23:49.51cyburdinehang a sec
23:50.58lesouvagefugitivo: what should I execute to get a -1 return so I know the file doesn't exist (I can try a cp, I think that should work)
23:51.00fugitivohow is it crashing, do you get any error msg?
23:51.20cyburdineI modeprobe zaptel  no problem
23:51.24fugitivolesouvage: you could do a script that returns true or false or -1
23:51.31cyburdinelsmod shows zaptel loaded...
23:51.43cyburdinethen modprobe wcfxo... and it literally hangs
23:51.52fugitivojust modprobe wcfxo
23:51.55cyburdinethe entire system
23:51.56fugitivonot zaptel
23:52.06fugitivomodprobe will load all the necesary modules
23:52.09cyburdineI think I tried that...
23:52.19Dr-Linuxcyburdine: try >>  /sbin/ztcfg -vv
23:52.20fugitivothat's the correct way
23:52.41cyburdinelemme run over and kick the machine to get it backup...
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23:54.52X-Fileshello ! why i can't see users online in Windows Messenger 5.1 ? i connecting to asterisk protocol SIP and can call to users manual...
23:55.34FuriousGeorgeDr-Linux: to answer your question a bit late, i dont know if AMP will take over your dialplan cuz i have never used it, i concur that every dialplan i have seen it make is a pain to follow, and i wouldnt recommend you use it b/c i think ur smart enough to make a nice concise dialplan that will be easy for you to and us to understand, with some practice
23:56.00De_Monwith some practice...
23:56.15De_Monthats all it takes?
23:56.31FuriousGeorgei used a bunch of weed too but i dont know if it was required :)
23:56.40fugitivoreading of course
23:57.05fugitivothe guy who wrote AMP used a lot of weed...
23:57.11zahidcan someone help me with sip register command.  register ==> user:pw@host:9000, still comes up as host
23:57.43FuriousGeorgeamp aside, he must be an ok guy
23:57.43_Sam--i do think if you install amp it overwrites any existing conf
23:57.58fugitivozahid: what's the problem with that?
23:58.05cyburdinehrmm that might explain it...  ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address
23:59.23zahidfugitivo: server i'm trying to register is NOT listening on 5060 and register continues to retransmit.  in sip debug is shows that messages are going to server:5060 and not the port i use in REGISTER line

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.