irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060114

00:00.01*** join/#asterisk bjohnson_ (
00:00.08[av]bani"more convenient" does not equate to a problem
00:00.12*** join/#asterisk Himeko (
00:00.16Ikarus[av]bani: I also have a few rpm packages
00:00.29nextime[av]bani : i prefer deb package, but if you point the package manager question on dselect, you have to try apt, or better aptitude, or synaptics
00:00.30[av]banihence why i said personal preference
00:01.17[av]banithe fanatical elitism of debian users does get old though, sorta like the militant attitude of openbsd users
00:01.28[av]baniyou will use openbsd or they will ddos you into the ground
00:02.04*** part/#asterisk HeatHawk (
00:05.19Beirdogentoo users can be rabid idiots too
00:06.43nextimeso, you are talking about users culture and politics dreams or about packages tech specs?
00:07.23*** part/#asterisk bhickey (
00:08.39BeirdoI like having a packaging system
00:09.05Beirdoafter spending all day making Solaris packages by hand...  you learn to appreciate any system that makes life easier
00:09.05wasabi_Okay. I package Debian packages.
00:09.10wasabi_I have packaged RPM packages.
00:09.20wasabi_To say .deb's are harder to create than .rpms is massively inaccurate heh.
00:09.25nextimeBeirdo : well, i think that you must use the package system most closer to your need
00:09.29*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
00:10.01wasabi_Have you ever dealt with a 2400 line spec file.
00:10.02wasabi_My god.
00:10.13nextimefor me, is deb, for [av]bani is rpm, for others maybe are other packages, you need to find what is the best fori you :)
00:11.33Ikaruswasabi_: specfiles *shudder*
00:11.51wasabi_I was the first maintainer of Eclipse on Debian.
00:12.03wasabi_I can assure you, reading the RH spec file to figure out how they did it was not fun.
00:12.32nextimewasabi_ : are you talking about debian directory files? if yes, there are so many tools to help debian package developers than you don't need to write files by hand in most of cases, and anyway, most "complicated" file in packaging time can be a better use of the package after you finish to develop it
00:12.43wasabi_The files are plain text and easy to read.
00:12.47*** join/#asterisk calennert (
00:12.48wasabi_control is simple, changelog is simplier.
00:12.54wasabi_the rules file can build most stuff in 1 line.
00:12.58wasabi_And that's all you need.
00:13.09*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:13.24nextimewasabi_ : ok, i agree with you, sorry if i don't understand you first :)
00:13.26wasabi_The package database is in plain text.
00:13.32wasabi_Doesn't suffer from corruption.
00:13.39wasabi_(did RPM ever move off of *db?)
00:14.02Jameno123i wouldnt use that as an argument
00:14.21*** join/#asterisk backblue (
00:14.23Jameno123dd skip=300 bs=1024 count=1 if=/dev/zero of=package.database
00:14.24*** join/#asterisk niZon (
00:14.27Jameno123try to recover from that
00:14.45wasabi_Jameno123: there's a tool which will scan a dir of .deb files and rebuild the database from scratch based on which files are installed.
00:14.54wasabi_So as long as you have your .deb archive, or a CD.
00:14.56wasabi_You're golden.
00:15.02Jameno123so long "as" :)
00:15.12Jameno123but what about the 300 you downloaded
00:15.17Jameno123argument is moot
00:15.20Jameno123rpm --rebuild
00:15.21wasabi_You point the tool at the archive.
00:15.25wasabi_And it uses apt-file heh
00:15.35Jameno123just rebuild the database from the indexes
00:15.35wasabi_Yeah, dumb argument.
00:15.46Jameno123it offers some form of recovery ;)
00:15.50backblueanyone out there with dundi?
00:15.50Jameno123without complete regeneration.
00:16.35Jameno123i perfer urpmi from mandriva, rpm itself is blah
00:16.57Jameno123does the thing even auto-fetch dependancies yet?
00:17.00ManxPowerIt's SLEETING outside.
00:17.08ManxPowerThat's it, I'm moving to brazil
00:17.22Jameno123sleet where?
00:17.30rob0ouch, cold here but not sleet
00:17.45Jameno123cincinnati here, and its freaking not cold what so ever :(
00:17.55Jameno123jan. and its 40-60 degrees outside
00:17.57Jameno123its crazy
00:18.07nextimeManxPower : say "ciao" to a brazilian girl's ass for me when you hare in br please :)
00:18.08rob0Manx and I are in Alabama
00:18.09ManxPowerJameno123, Alabama
00:18.09ManxPowernear Birmingham
00:19.04rob0(I'm up on the TN line.)
00:19.27*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
00:19.27Peggerdoes any one know how you would connect asterisk to level3?
00:19.27wasabi_Anyways. Still looking for a solution? Is there none?
00:19.43wasabi_Just looking for somebody selling preconfigured asterisks boxes with some sort of pre-setup web interface to configure stuff.
00:20.08wasabi_And willing to support it, etc.
00:20.17Jameno123damn, well that answered that question
00:20.33Jameno123was gonna say, sure, ill build ya one, $15k!
00:20.40Jameno123but aint no support with it ;)
00:20.45wasabi_That's not that big of a price.
00:20.54wasabi_We just shelled out 20k over a year to a VoIP provider for their system.
00:21.08wasabi_It's fine, but I'd like more control over it, obviously.
00:21.40wasabi_You know what I mean. I'm lookingn for solution providers.
00:21.44wasabi_No recommendations?
00:21.46Jameno1231 your nutts, 2 sure ;)
00:22.02Jameno123nope not really personally
00:23.19_ThorPegger: do you mean that you want level-3 as your carrier provider?
00:23.49Pegger_Thor, may I pm you
00:24.06backblueanyone using dundi?
00:24.19nextimeJameno123 : 40-60 degrees F are about 10 C right?
00:24.37*** part/#asterisk CoffeeIV_ (
00:24.48*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
00:24.57Jameno12360 definiatly is
00:25.07Jameno12332 = 0
00:26.14nextimeyes, 32 = 0 but 1F != 1C
00:26.30Jameno12310C = 50F
00:26.57Jameno12316C = 60F
00:27.09nextimeok right, tnx
00:27.18wunderkinanyone know how long i should run patlooptest? :D
00:27.27nextime-3 C here...
00:27.45nextime( and -30 C where i was 2 days ago )
00:33.36*** part/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
00:43.23*** join/#asterisk telmich (i=telmich@gpm/telmich)
00:43.31*** join/#asterisk Zodiacal (
00:44.03Zodiacalanyone know why i can't get my sound card to work for paging features in asterisk? heres my problem with my logs..:
00:44.47Zodiacalerr, my logs arn't a problem, but i posted them about my problem :P
00:48.31*** join/#asterisk AgiNamu (n=AgiNamu@
00:48.32AgiNamuHi there
00:48.57telmichhow to start best to configure asterisk online for use with iax2?
00:49.22telmichI apt-get installed it on my debian system, which comes with many configuration files. any pointer to FM would help
00:49.57Peggertelmich, you have to set up iax.con then check to see if they are connecting to yor provider then set up the extensions.conf
00:49.58AgiNamu <-- what would the peer config look like to auth successfully with that?
00:50.23telmichPegger: provider? I want to have it stand alone
00:50.37telmichPegger: you mean iax.conf instead of .con, correct?
00:50.59Peggertelmich, what kind of phones soft hard if soft what kinds of platforms
00:51.19Qwelltelmich: first off, I'd recommend not using the debian packages.  compile from source
00:51.20telmichPegger: I only want Linux and windows softphones, which speak iax2
00:51.28telmichQwell: ok, will do so
00:51.39Qwelldo that before you do any configuration
00:51.45Qwell1.2 changes quite a bit
00:52.14Peggertelmich, well configure the iax phones in the iax.conf and then setup the dial plan same pretty much as before
00:52.14telmichwow, 10MiB source code
00:52.30telmichPegger: never did any asterisk before
00:53.01jbotsomebody said docs was probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
00:53.03jbotrumour has it, wikis is
00:53.29telmichQwell: thanks
00:54.02*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
00:55.03*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
00:55.42*** join/#asterisk justinu (
00:55.45AgiNamuFound user 'footel' Jan 14 00:52:51 NOTICE[6704]: chan_sip.c:10294 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user "5554441000" <sip:footel@>;tag=as10b2a171
00:55.52Peggertecnico, it is not that bad once you get ahold of it
00:56.06AgiNamuWhy is it trying to autehtnicate user "555444...." ? shouldnt it just see footel?
00:56.27telmichQwell: the README is pretty good to read
00:56.28PeggerAgiNamu,   not sure try changing it around
00:56.37Jameno123footel@ is the extension to ring
00:56.42AgiNamuive played with the fromuser, authuser, sendrpid trustrpid
00:58.34AgiNamufootel is what we have as fromuser authuser
00:58.36AgiNamuand username
00:59.06*** join/#asterisk argentas (n=martin@
01:00.36wunderkin[av]bani: hmm yeah their name servers don't respond, when i trace to their nameservers, i get to from LA to fremont, ca on XO :P
01:00.58*** join/#asterisk jahani (
01:01.28*** join/#asterisk Slackuser_ (n=FullT@
01:01.34Jameno123xo - nothing from toronto
01:02.16Jameno123xo - nothing from cincinnati (level3)
01:02.36Jameno123and nothing from new jersey ;)
01:02.40Jameno123id say they are pretty dead
01:03.52harryvvTrying to recall a regular user here who is a electrical engineer
01:05.24ChujiJameno123 : Yeah, my goddamn colo is at XO
01:05.44harryvvch, what do thay charge you for colocation?
01:05.51wunderkini was thinking about colo there, in phoenix.. getting an LD PRI through them too but they wanted too much
01:06.05wunderkinthey had a nice deal on power and space but you had to have a min commit for services
01:06.12ChujiIt's pretty cheap, I've got a rack and 10mb internet for 1k
01:06.26wunderkinwhat location
01:06.36harryvvChuji what are thay charging?
01:07.00ChujiI've got a 100mb metro ethernet circuit to them too
01:07.18ChujiHarry ^^^ 1k per month
01:07.26harryvvI mean, what are you doing with the service
01:07.30AgiNamuXO just quoted me $3000 for 10mbps lol
01:07.37*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
01:08.03harryvvChuji is this a bussiness?
01:08.06Chujiharryvv : Our corporate web presence (which is currently down right now) is with them
01:08.17harryvvbeb hosting
01:08.34harryvvI know of a site that charges 10 dollars a year
01:08.36ChujiYeah, I've got a handful of web servers and sql servers in a rack over there
01:08.44argentasanyone know what the current thinking is regarding TDMoE, is it still being developed/maintained or has it pretty much been deprecated in favour of IAX?
01:09.04*** join/#asterisk duvalin (
01:09.05wunderkinargentas, not being further developed
01:09.13harryvvI was looking at a local PC shop web site that originates here in vancouver. I come to find out there site is hosted by a isp on Christmas Island.
01:09.55Chujiharryvv : I've got some pretty complicated SQL processes. I need to have my own gear
01:10.10harryvvi see
01:10.29Chujinuh uh, Oracle
01:10.33*** join/#asterisk jebba (
01:10.48harryvvOracle bought out people soft
01:10.58*** join/#asterisk _4d4m_ (
01:11.04wunderkinthere are some people online here with * hostnames :P
01:11.25wunderkinmust not be completely broken then
01:11.34harryvvand people here were ticked off.
01:11.43argentaswunderkin, yeah, I thought that was probably the case, given the kernel badness issues with 2.6. 'tis a shame, cos in a purely PRI environment it makes passing ANI, CLID, and iSDN type and plan much simpler
01:12.20backblueanyone with realtime & nat? anyone with dundi protocol?
01:12.56wunderkinargentas, i was wanting to play with it too.. i saw something about a patch somewhere, probably on the wiki
01:13.30harryvvGot a chance...hopfuly of getting a brand new laptop for 500 dollars. Some company surplusses there hardware and its only 2-3 years old.
01:14.30argentaswunderkin, yep, the patch is here:
01:15.28argentasi've sucessfully applied it to several of my boxes (both 1.0 and 1.2), but i'm kinda reluctant to rely too much on tdmoe going forward if it's not going to be maintained
01:16.01wunderkinsome people say there isn't anything to maintain.. but i just spoke with kpfleming about it and he said theres some problems in it
01:16.05wunderkinbut i dont know what he said
01:19.12*** join/#asterisk pfn (
01:20.26telmichso, got asterisk installed from source, let's read some documentation you showed above
01:21.04argentaswith the patch, it's certainly working ok for me now. I've got a mesh with several boxes with quad E1 and 120 channels of TDMoE, and several boxes just dealing with the switching logic (tdmoe only)
01:22.03argentasi'm a bit unclear as to whether the kernel softirq kernel badness issue is a tdmoe bug, a kernel bug, or just a kernel policy change in recent 2.6 kernels
01:23.36justinuargentas: you're using tdome?
01:23.59*** join/#asterisk nside (
01:24.22*** join/#asterisk jahani (
01:25.39argentasyes, what i want to do gets rather complicated with IAX, or at least there's a lot more to consider with regard to passing network cli, presentation cli, and numbering type/plan etc.. whereas with tdmoe i can run euroisdn and everything just gets forwarded on seamlessly
01:25.40*** join/#asterisk kio (
01:26.16AgiNamuOK, SIP sucks. I'm willing to pay for someone to demonstrate how I make it not suck so much. (simple auth problems) :) MSG me
01:27.03justinuargentas: is it working out well for you?
01:27.09*** join/#asterisk bweschke (
01:27.22IkarusHow many people would be msg'ing AgiNamu now
01:27.40*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
01:27.46ravenpiSo, what's a good, free, softphone?
01:28.14AgiNamuIkarus not many :(
01:28.20argentasjustinu: seems to be.. only issue i've identified so far is that i seem to be transcoding between alaw on my E1s and ulaw on the tdmoe trunks, but i think that's just a config issue
01:28.42IkarusAgiNamu: shame, thought we had enough die hard capitalists here
01:29.01AgiNamufine, I wont pay! :)
01:29.16PeggerI would love to talk to any people who actully have a voip business setup up about how they are configured
01:29.49argentasand tbqh, i only noticed that cos i sent a single call back and forth 120 times between 3 boxes to test it (by which point the audio sounded horrible)
01:29.53IkarusAgiNamu: just toss thwe question in the channel for most chance
01:30.27justinuargentas: is asterisk involved in that problem?
01:30.43Ikarus120 times
01:33.34*** join/#asterisk dudes (
01:34.53argentasjustinu, it's not really an issue, i suspect i just need something in zapata.conf or zaptel.conf to tell it i want to use alaw on the tdmoe.
01:35.07*** join/#asterisk dudes (
01:36.01argentasand i've sucessfully bounced a single call back and forth between two boxes, utilising 120 channels of tdmoe and it worked fine, so i'm happy that tdmoe works for me now..
01:36.09*** join/#asterisk heath__ (
01:37.11argentasi'm just concerned whether there is the interest left in this (where most people now seem to be using IAX) for it to be a sage option to be using going forward (or whether it's just gonna end up being phased out completely)
01:37.38AgiNamu <--- The problem (a sip debug) <-- The configs
01:38.41*** join/#asterisk Vco (
01:41.16wunderkini haven't been able to get tdmoe to work personally
01:41.53jebbaHmm. Anyone know what's up with the Sipura 2100 and wireless?  I see no mention of it in the docs/specs, but in the configuration of it you can set ESSID/WEP, etc...
01:41.57wunderkincan you show me your zaptel and zapata conf? i must be doing something wrong there, i havent made any patches, what is that one patch for?
01:42.26wunderkinthere is not much in the way of tdmoe docs, the howto only shows 1 span
01:42.27*** join/#asterisk Aces1Up (
01:42.40wunderkini have a 4 port t1 card on both sides, then i want to add tdmoe on top of that
01:42.52argentasI worked on a 2 year project for a uk telco, developing a routing/billing platform for a commercial ss7 switch, and i'd like to try and do a similar sort of thing with a cluster of asterisk boxes. My plan is to use core cluster of asterisk boxes which deal with the switching/bridging/billing logic, and for these to communicate via tdmoe with gateway asterisk boxes which deal with E1s, T1s, SIP, IAX etc..
01:43.27argentassuch that expanding the system is just a case of adding additional 'border' boxes
01:43.38Aces1Upi have a little question, what does a sip termination and origination provider provide exactly?  just a place for your sip phones to connect to for a phone number?
01:44.12PeggerI would love to talk to any people who actully have a voip business setup up about how they are configured
01:44.45argentasAces1Up: yep, pretty much, origination will give you some pstn phone numbers routed to your sip address, termination will allow you to make calls from SIP to the PSTN
01:46.01[av]baniargentas -> have you checked into SER / sipX ?
01:46.05Aces1Uparg thanks, so basically they are the phone company provider for your sip phones.
01:46.38justinuargentas: thanks for the info re: TDMoE :)
01:46.43Aces1UpI suppose they charge per minute or are there flat rate plans on a per port basis..  unlimited calling plans.
01:46.56argentasPegger: I'm going down that route at the moment, my current business is predominetly fixed line telephony, and i've managed to move most of it off of proprietry switch platforms to asterisk over the past 6 months or so, next step is to start offering some VoIP services
01:47.11*** join/#asterisk klictel (
01:48.43argentasAces1Up: probably depends where you are, which country you want telephone numbers for and/or which destinations you want to be able to dial. certainly in the UK we have a range of providers offering a bit of both (per min and per month with inclusive calls type services)
01:52.04AgiNamuSo no takers on SIP auth issues? :(
01:52.08AgiNamuI'm willing to pay or not pay :D
01:52.41argentas[av]bani: I've looked at SER, but not sipX. biggest headache is NAT traversal cos there's no one-size-fits-all solution
01:53.10*** join/#asterisk tengulre11 (n=tengulre@
01:53.15*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
01:54.04IkarusMy answer, IPv6 and FAST, morons at the current large ISP's......
01:54.09*** join/#asterisk apardo (n=apardo@
01:54.15*** join/#asterisk kc5cqm_ (
01:54.20justinuIkarus: that would be very nice
01:54.32IkarusI am so pissed about dealing with NAT
01:54.42AgiNamuBe pissed at the designers of SIP
01:54.45kc5cqm_I like how IAX handles NAT
01:54.48IkarusAgiNamu: no, not SIP related
01:54.52tengulre11what's kind of chipset of X100P?
01:54.57justinuno, be pissed that we even neet crap like NAT
01:55.08IkarusAgiNamu: I never use SIP outside of my own network
01:55.08kc5cqm_ipv6 will make nat go away
01:55.09AgiNamuoh wow first time I've heard NAT being sworn at without SIP ;)
01:55.14kc5cqm_but it may take a decade to phase in...
01:55.18Ikarusjustinu: exactly the thing I am pissed at
01:55.36Peggerjustinu, if we did not have nat then isp would want to try and charge per device connected
01:55.39Ikarusjustinu: I have literally screemed at 2 ISP's over the phone at their reluctance at providing IPv6
01:56.04PeggerIkarus, did it hep
01:56.10justinupegger: interesting theory
01:56.13IkarusPegger: no
01:56.18IkarusPegger: bit it did make me feel better
01:56.40IkarusPegger: I called them a bunch of arrogant bastards that didn't give a single fuck about their customers
01:56.45AgiNamuPegger, meh, only crap ISPs.
01:56.50IkarusFelt great
01:56.55*** join/#asterisk Cyon (
01:57.14AgiNamudoes asterisk do ipv6 ?
01:57.19AgiNamuits been a while since i checked :)
01:57.22IkarusPegger: there is one customer ISP here providing IPv6 (/64 by default /48 on request)
01:57.36justinuhow many hosts does a /64 give you?
01:57.47PeggerIkarus, and which one is that
01:57.48Ikarusjustinu: 64 bits local
01:57.52IkarusPegger: XS4all
01:57.57Ikarusjustinu: so 2^64
01:58.03justinuwow, why would you need a /48 then?
01:58.05argentasI'm not entirely convinced IPv6 will make NAT go away.. a lot of people are using NAT to shield networks of machines from being on public IPs (even where they have the spare IPs)
01:58.12AgiNamujustinu , some fun new routing things
01:58.19kc5cqm_hopefully that'll be a user decision to make
01:58.20Ikarusjustinu: the minimal size of an Ethernet segment's assigned range is a /64
01:58.23AgiNamuargentas , yea, NAT forms a key part of defence.
01:58.39Ikarusargentas: you can also filter on the router
01:58.47PeggerIkarus, yaha they sound like they do some pretty neet stuff, I am guessing that they are able to keep managers / red tape to a minium which makes a big diffrence
01:58.49Ikarusjustinu: has to do with the autoconfiguration logic
01:58.56Nuggetusing nat as a security device is misguided at best.
01:59.02CyonFor some reason I really don't think a /64 is 2^64...
01:59.06AgiNamuNugget , tell that to cisco? :)
01:59.07IkarusCyon: it is
01:59.19*** part/#asterisk _Thor (
01:59.23Nuggetnat is routing, not security, and you shouldn't entertain the laziness of thought that allows people to view it as a security measure
01:59.27argentasIkarus: you can, but you have to ask how many average users would have the skills (and inclination) to do so.
01:59.27IkarusCyon: 64 bit host, 64 bit networking
01:59.30AgiNamucyon, it's 128 bits. the /64 leaves you with 64 bits left
01:59.50Ikarusargentas: so do it for them as they now do for NAT
02:00.21AgiNamuNugget quite agreed.
02:00.21justinuikarus: i really need to get up to speed on ipv6
02:00.21CyonSo when you use the ^ you are referring to "2 to the power of 64" ?
02:00.22Cyon*are not
02:00.22IkarusI am
02:00.22AgiNamuAlthought NAT can hide your topography, etc.
02:00.25Peggerwhen you get termination from one of the big carriers like xo or level3 what kind of protocal are you using sip, iax, or something else?
02:00.31AgiNamuwhich is a nice layer
02:00.40IkarusPegger: the problem is, XS4all only provides ADSL connections, while I have two remote office users on cable
02:00.44AgiNamuPegger almost all SIP. some H323. L3 is SIP only aFAIK
02:00.49tengulre11anybody know what's kind of chip of OEM X100P?
02:00.52IkarusPegger: SIP normally
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02:01.36IkarusCyon: if you have a /48 you have enough address space to assign multiple addresses to each grain of sand
02:01.42CyonWell bugger me; I'm wrong.  lol
02:02.12AgiNamuMaybe they will make a new RFC For SIP ipv6 tht will randomly allocate an IP per call
02:02.25*** join/#asterisk brockj49464 (n=brockj49@
02:02.26justinuikarus: do you have any good suggestion starting points for learning ipv6?
02:02.40CyonIkarus:  *nod*  I just had the progression of 2^X wrong; quickly did the math and it's 1.8 * 10^19 which right
02:02.41Ikarusjustinu: not really, I started a few years ago on 6bone
02:02.58CyonWell, rounding.  ;-)
02:03.01justinuis that ipv6 running on v4?
02:03.09Vcofor all the premisise equip that supports ipv6
02:03.56kc5cqm_I use voicepulse for IAX2 termination
02:04.01kc5cqm_they're reasonable
02:04.06Vcoon a cost/complexity vs benefits comparison, those isps were probaby sitting there giving you the finger having a good laugh at your ranting on the phone
02:04.34Ikarusjustinu: 6BONE was the experimental IPv6 backbone, it consisted of both native and tunneled links (I as a home user was even a router on that, BGP + public AS and everything) offers ipv6 tunnels to play with
02:04.54*** join/#asterisk gammacoder (
02:05.08Ikarusjustinu: 6BONE and the 3ffe::/16 space is being phased out in favor of the real network
02:05.51PeggerIkarus, how do you go about getting a  public AS number/
02:06.24IkarusPegger: usually an ISP, or if you are an ISP yourself, ARIN/RIPE/etc
02:06.38PeggerIkarus, how did you get yours
02:07.08IkarusPegger: 6BONE has/had their own range of AS's assigned by ARIN
02:07.37PeggerIkarus, can you still get them?
02:07.51Ikarus6BONE is being taken apart
02:08.06Peggerit would be nice it AS numbers where easier to get then you could set up some really great routing based on how close you are to the client
02:08.35IkarusPegger: AS is a 16 bit number
02:08.40Ikarus65536 possible
02:08.52PeggerIkarus, ok
02:09.16Peggeranyone know if it is possible to get more then 24 did on one t1 line and then just route the did based on the incomming did
02:09.36AgiNamuyo ucan get any number of DIDs on a an ISDN line
02:09.45AgiNamuits just a number in the Q.931 SETUP
02:09.46PeggerAgiNamu, humm interesting
02:09.51AgiNamui have a few hundred on one group
02:09.53IkarusPegger: But getting them from the number boys is pretty easy, just some mails, faxes, done
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02:09.55AgiNamuand hundred on another
02:10.06silentfuryhey, does anyone here have a polycom sip 301 phone ?
02:10.12AgiNamuitll be like 50 cents a DID or something like that usually
02:10.15PeggerIkarus, how much would say 10 or 100 cost?
02:10.27AgiNamuwe buy them for like $5 or $10 for a group of 20
02:10.35AgiNamu(with Qwest, for instance)
02:10.40PeggerAgiNamu, you are awsome you answered my question before i even had a change to finsh typing
02:10.47IkarusPegger: why on earth
02:10.55AgiNamusilentfury, I used to , but it sucked so much we got Cisco phones :)
02:11.13AgiNamuactullay, I had the polycom 501
02:11.20PeggerAgiNamu, you ever try sccp over nat?
02:11.26AgiNamuPegger using it right now
02:11.28AgiNamuno issues
02:11.32Peggerwith asterisk?
02:11.49AgiNamui dont know anything about SCCP
02:11.57AgiNamuexcept that it works a hell of a lot better than SIP for our office.
02:12.18silentfuryis there a known issue with Polycom phones and the fact they seem to a) lose registration and b) not register ?
02:12.21AgiNamuSIP is so hilariously funny...
02:12.34PeggerAgiNamu,  can i send you a few pm
02:12.47AgiNamuI love the whole idea of using UDP, of mixing different layers (lets put the layer3 IP data in our application headers!)
02:12.50AgiNamusure thing
02:12.58harryvvsilent, mine been okay
02:13.18[av]baninamu -> sounds like you'd love h323
02:13.35IkarusPegger: see message
02:14.19AgiNamu[av]bani haha yea I sure do :)
02:14.36AgiNamuAnyone going to the TMC IP tel conference in Ft Lauderdale this month?
02:14.51[av]banih323 is great, its like the X.25 guys rose from their graves and said "hey lets write a telco protocol using 1970s designs"
02:15.15argentassilentfury: I had a couple of IP4000 conference phones on eval from polycom and did experience some registration issues
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02:15.51argentasthey'd register reliably, but lose registration randomly
02:15.51silentfurywell, I'm using sipxchange.. but I figured I'd ask and see if it's a known problem since if it's having issues with sipxchange.. it'd probably have the same issue with asterisk.
02:16.01AgiNamuargentas yea me too :)
02:16.13silentfurywell, I managed to register two phones today. the third wouldn't register no matter how hard i tried.
02:16.42silentfurythen i rebooted the two phones and they lost their registration and i wasn't able to get it back.
02:18.00AgiNamusilentfury, we had like 10 of those phones and had so much trouble we just gave up and sent them all back
02:18.22Aces1Upagi have you had issues with any of the other polycom models?  501 / 601?
02:18.29silentfuryi'm using 301's.
02:18.34Aces1Upi'm sorry that was for silent fury.
02:18.49Aces1Upsilent you have a preference for a business ip phone?
02:19.05silentfuryheh, i'm new to the voip biz.. i've been literally thrown into the fire
02:19.15Aces1Upsilent yeh me too.
02:19.26silentfuryor jumped into the deep end without a life preserver
02:19.30NuggetI think you mean "figuratively"
02:19.41Aces1Uplol, heh, well least i'm waddling into the deeper water, with a small piece of wood to float on.
02:19.47silentfurymore or less. working for a voip company and not knowing much about voip.. yea..
02:19.47Nuggetotherise your employer must be pretty awful
02:20.02silentfurynot awful. just unorthodox.
02:20.13Ikarusargentas: cow-orker running BitTorrent
02:20.32silentfurythey want me to be the office manager.
02:20.36silentfuryand i'm 21.
02:20.40Nuggetand on fire
02:20.41silentfuryneedless to say
02:20.44silentfuryi'm still in shock.
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02:20.56rob0silentfury: if you're good you'll be an expert soon :)
02:21.05[TK]D-FenderAces1Up : Polycom is a great choice for business phones.  Very good quality.
02:21.07silentfuryassuming i don't drown.
02:21.21Aces1Uptdk yes that is what i have read, and have been providing them for clients.
02:21.29harryvvsilent, my step dad was the north west regional Music booking agent for big bands at the age of 16
02:21.32Ikarussilentfury: join the club
02:21.33Aces1Upalthough i have yet to install one..
02:21.40Ikarussilentfury: you are not the only one
02:21.41[TK]D-FenderAces1Up : I run 27 IP60x's at my office
02:21.55silentfuryi'm glad. I just wish i had a channel for help with sipxchange :)
02:22.07Aces1Uptkd you run them with asterisk i assume?
02:23.25harryvvoffice manager at 21...lucky break
02:23.34[av]banifender -> spa-941 vs cisco 7905g... who wins?
02:23.34[TK]D-FenderAces1Up : Naturally :)
02:23.36silentfuryi was kidding about the office manager bit btw. but maybe in a few years!
02:23.43silentfurygotcha ;)
02:24.08harryvvI was 21 and working on 9 million dollar helicopters. but of course, the goverment owned them :)
02:24.29[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Question is : wins at what, and for who?
02:24.32silentfuryso you're the guy we can blame about the Sea Kings!
02:24.54harryvvit was not a sea kinf
02:25.11[av]banifender, well afaict 7905 is 1:1 with spa-941, but it has additionally xml
02:25.12Aces1Uptkd mind if i pm you a few questions?
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02:25.53[av]banifor the same price
02:26.02[TK]D-FenderAces1Up : Go right ahead.
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02:26.24Ikarussilentfury: I am 21 and I am the network/telecoms manager of a company
02:26.27[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Perhaps you should add the price of the power cube for the price for the 7905G for a REAL WORLD comparison :)
02:26.34AgiNamuHey, out of interest, what are people using for 911 here?
02:26.44harryvvIkarus how big is the company?
02:27.04Ikarusharryvv: 30 desks currently
02:27.06[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Nice little colletion you've written up there though.  Link it in the WIKI
02:27.16[TK]D-Fenderheck, MOVE it to the WIKI....
02:27.18Ikarus(no idea about the number of people, but significantly more)
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02:29.00[av]banithe aastras look nice, too bad the display isnt pixels
02:29.11[av]banixml is a bit limited
02:29.17[av]baniwith only 3 lines :)
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02:29.53[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Yup, and the dependence on a provisioning server... :/
02:30.01harryvvmy truck is eating my money for pc hardware :)
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02:30.10[av]baniwhat, they have no nvram?
02:30.36AgiNamuI have an aastra, no server
02:30.45[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : So do add $40 for the power cubes for the applicable Cisco phones on your chart :)  That alters the "facts" a little closer to "truth"
02:30.54[av]banithe snom 360 would be WINNAR if it had xml
02:30.58harryvvive seen the aastra are thay as good as the polycom ip500?
02:31.14[TK]D-FenderAgiNamu : Really?  I'd heard differnt from a few others around, but if you've got one...
02:31.31[av]banithough this is cool:
02:31.48[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Yeah the 360 is a very interesting option, if only its screeen wasn't butt-ugly.  Not sure on the feeel of it though.
02:31.50[av]banieg, the snom 360 is linux based
02:31.56[av]banihackable :)
02:32.11[av]baniso even if snom doesnt add xml, end users might
02:32.28[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : if you're talking about usability / quality I'd say no chance.
02:32.50[av]banifender, for $219 i'm sure it feeels fine
02:33.02justinuthe aastra is very much like a nortel pbx phone
02:33.03[TK]D-FenderOh and yeah, you need a power supply for the 480i as well..... add that to your list :)
02:33.14justinusame company that made nortel's phones for them
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02:33.23[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : at $250 An IP 601 feels great ;)
02:33.35[av]baniit damn well better
02:34.04[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : And am I ever glad to be rid of them!  My company almost went BCM... *shudder*. They look / feel like crap
02:34.20AgiNamu[TK]D-Fender , yea its a low end aastra just for use to dial in to test asterisk
02:34.25[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Whats your take on the 7960G and up then?  Must perform MIRACLES!
02:34.29AgiNamuand we sure as hell dont do any provisioning server
02:34.40justinufender: never heard of BCM
02:35.09[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : Its the VoIP bastard hybrid of the Norstar series....
02:35.20AgiNamuthe Cisco phones feel and sound way better than the Polycoms ive tried
02:35.31harryvvanyone here from canada
02:35.34AgiNamuoh yea, and they worked reliably
02:35.35[TK]D-Fenderjust as bad as an 8x24 w/ web interface to the SAME CRAP MENU FUNTIONALITY!
02:35.40AgiNamuharryvv I'm Canadian...
02:35.48harryvvagi, living here?
02:35.52AgiNamulivign in Denver
02:35.56[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: slices, dices, does laundry too
02:36.10harryvvwhere from ?
02:37.30AgiNamuStratford Ontario
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02:37.41[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: 7912g has poe, so no psu \o/
02:37.57[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : and thats its downfall...
02:38.33[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : that model uses CISCO PoE, not eve 802.3af <- = screwed
02:39.13[TK]D-FenderSo unless you're spending $$$ on old Cisco PoE switches you're going to have to shell out 40$ more
02:39.18[TK]D-Fenderfor an adapter.
02:39.32[TK]D-FenderMAJOR catch.
02:39.36[TK]D-FenderAdd that to our table.
02:39.43telmichcan someone try to call me via iax2?
02:39.49harryvv40 dollars per port?
02:40.27[TK]D-FenderAastra 480i doesn't include power block either.  at $209 + $40 = $250.  Which is the same price as the IP 601 that comes WITH its own :)
02:40.54[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : Yup -
02:40.55telmichit would be as server, 'utest' as user and 'xtest' as passwort. my number is 666
02:41.01[av]bani480i does 802.3af though
02:42.19justinuyeah, any only 802.3af
02:42.20[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : True, but for those who don't have it (most home / small office users), thats more to spend.
02:47.30[TK]D-Fenderso, Aces1Up, what did you want to know?
02:47.32justinui'd probably recommend the ip601 over the 480i
02:48.19[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: heh, looks like the 480i's _only_ power source is 802.3af
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02:48.25[av]baniso you buy theirs, or your own
02:48.40[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : The bonus's weight in : Pixel display, more lines (good for presence, etc), expandable...
02:48.55[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : exactly.  Add to your page!
02:48.57justinufender: yep...
02:49.03Aces1Uptkd i sent you a couple pm's did you get them?
02:49.12[TK]D-FenderAces1Up : Nope!
02:49.17[TK]D-FenderAces1Up : try again
02:49.36[TK]D-FenderI jsut sent you one.
02:49.48Aces1Uphrmm guess i can't cause i'm not registreed.
02:49.59[TK]D-Fenderpossible, just ask in here
02:50.10*** part/#asterisk BillinMotion (
02:50.31Aces1Upjust wondering if you had a good suggestion on an origination and termination service.
02:50.42[av]bani9133i includes wallwart
02:51.14justinui'm trying to convince my people to resell level3 services to smaller guys
02:51.16[TK]D-FenderAces1Up : Not really.  I work with std telco termination.
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02:51.48Aces1Uptkd hrmm, ok..
02:51.50[av]banii think we're gonna skip traditional trunks and go with sip trunks from junction networks or teliax
02:51.55[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Yeah I looked at that one for a while.  Crap display, and I never liked Aastra's speakerphones that much. (Own a PT390 ADSI as well)
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02:53.26Aces1Upthanks tkd
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02:54.32[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: aware of any caveats with the snom 3xx?
02:55.06[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Another poing for the 941 over the 7905 is the 941 has a full speakerphone.
02:55.26bsdfreak - tune in for the pond -- off the hook :]
02:55.54[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: xml is _major_ though, i only use speakerphone for monitoring
02:55.55[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Nothing specific.  I think the display is fugly, but I don't know about the physical feel.  Good functionality list so it could be a winner.
02:56.07[av]banithat is, -5 for half duplex speakerphone, +1million for xml
02:56.13[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Depends for who as always.
02:56.26[av]baniwell yeah if you absolutely need FD sure, but otherwise, xml is huge
02:57.47justinubsdfreak: never got into drum n bass
02:57.48[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Depends what you'll use it for, but its a point.  One that you have to add $40 to power :)
02:58.39filecan someone remind me what I was doing? I forgot...
02:58.46[TK]D-FenderI'd like to try a Snom 360 though....
02:58.56justinui have one
02:59.06[av]banithe only thing the snom is missing is xml...
02:59.16justinui don't think snom has much of a jitter buffer
02:59.21[av]baniand snom caters to asterisk...
02:59.37[av]banilike grandstream does
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03:01.51[av]banithey have a xml button, but no xml implementation
03:02.03[av]bani+1 for intention and -1million for effort
03:02.05AgiNamuwell, night all
03:02.53justinui have all the high end phones except cisco
03:03.01justinuand the one I keep on my desk is the ip601
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03:05.16[TK]D-FenderSnom has a few statistical plusses : $200, PoE, lot of speed-dials w/ LED (presences), expandable (Cheap!), GSM (as an OPTION for thos wh need it), STUN ....
03:05.56justinuit's sound quality is nowhere near polycom tho
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03:06.14[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : Owning one I guess I'll have to take your word for ti.
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03:06.49justinuit just doesn't like jitter
03:08.13[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : Any news on the Poly 7-buddy HINT bug?
03:09.03justinuno, what's that all about?
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03:09.38[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : If you try to Buddy-watch with the att module, after 7 people it bugs out.
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03:10.17[TK]D-FenderPoly side apparently, which is why I might sooner suggest a Snom 360 for receptionist use.
03:10.20justinuahh, haven't gotten to play with the attendent module yet
03:10.43wunderkinerm, on my last call.. there were 5 dtmf blips where someone was talking and it thought there was dtmf.. i heard someone mention this on the list a few times
03:12.13wunderkinya, asterisk
03:12.40justinuwhere did the dtmf blips come from?
03:14.02wunderkinno one was pressing anything, i dont know.. i was talking to my provider and they said they havent had anyone else with that problem, but i think i have had other calls with that problem.. that was a sip-sip call, some of the others may have been through the pri
03:14.22CinenAnyone know of a working snmp module for monitoring asterisk 1.2.1?
03:14.23justinuis it talk off?
03:14.29justinuare you running inband dtmf?
03:15.14wunderkindont know what talk off is, inband for the sip phone, i have my provider set for rfc2833
03:15.44justinutalk off is when a DTMF recognizer falsely detects dtmf digits in spoken voice
03:15.44argentasCinen: was gonna ask that myself actually, the only one i have found doesn't seem to compile against 1.2
03:15.56wunderkinyeah i think so
03:16.11Cinenthe one from
03:16.33CinenI ran into the same problem with it
03:16.46justinuwunderkin: what's reporting seeing the digits... asterisk?
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03:18.00justinuwunderkin: change your phones to rfc2833, maybe
03:18.38justinuwhen you run inband->rfc2833, asterisk bridges in DSP code to recognize the inband digits, and converts them to RFC2833
03:18.43wunderkinok, this seems to have just started recently, i have upgraded several times so i dunno.. i've never had the problem when i called out before.. but most of our calling is um.. yeah ;)
03:19.34wunderkinill try that
03:20.14justinuthe asterisk DSP code may be falsely recognizing DTMF digits in the spoken voice coming from your IP phones, and converting it RFC2833
03:20.31justinuthen the PSTN gateway (your sip provider) will reinsert them when it goes back onto the PSTN
03:20.45justinulongshot explanation :)
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03:22.44wunderkinok thanks for the advice, ill give it a shot.. back to your favorite.. pri.. mark added support for remote loopup now! yey.. i tested between my 2 machines and they are fine, still having intermittant problems, waiting for broadwing to call me so we can further testing now.. we think it may be a problem with the wiring between the niu and me
03:23.17justinuyou're still having that problem?
03:23.43justinubtw, we have 3 DS3s of PRI with broadwing, and we just cancelled it
03:24.01xachenthats a lot of channels
03:24.03wunderkinyup, not as often.. just over 3 weeks ago i changed the card and cables between * and the patch panel.. but ive restarted * several times.. starting to creep up again
03:24.04justinuthat's 56 T1s
03:24.23justinusorry, make that 2 DS3s
03:25.25justinubroadwing took a good CLEC in our area (Focal) and ruined it
03:26.54[av]baniwhat you switching to then?
03:26.57xachen28 T1s to a DS3 huh?
03:26.58justinui could swear there's a way to look the NIU
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03:27.08justinuxachen: right, 672 DS0s
03:27.15DrJones1what is the best method for encypting an entire ntsc drive?
03:27.24xachenthats a crap load of calls
03:27.29wunderkinjustinu, yeah they can, that always tested fine.. and the tests they did to the patch panel were ok too but i'm not sure if they ran all patterns
03:27.31xachenHow does one intergate that into *?
03:28.06justinuwunderkin: yeah, you obviously need to do fairly intensive BERTs on those circuits
03:28.09wunderkinjustinu, they looked at the stats on the niu and their side was clean, all of the errors were from me
03:28.17justinuxachen: we weren't using the DS3s with *
03:28.27xachenaah :)
03:28.58wunderkinthey need to get bert and ernie in on this one
03:29.42wunderkinwoah, there it goes
03:29.45[av]banijustinu: what you switching to from broadwing then?
03:29.49wunderkinmaybe they are mucking with it
03:30.08wunderkinheh :)
03:30.22wunderkinapparantly they are having some problems today
03:30.58justinuXO... hugs and kisses?
03:30.59wunderkinmaybe they are testing to the niu now
03:31.04wunderkinhehe :)
03:31.08wunderkinfancy name eh
03:31.09[TK]D-FendereXtra Old? :)
03:32.03DrJones1anyone ever had to encrypt an entire ntsc hdd?
03:32.23wunderkininfringing on L3?
03:32.35tainted_is it possible to do sip registers on demand
03:32.46justinuwhat's an ntsc hdd?
03:32.52tainted_say i want to share a provider account between >1 asterisk box
03:33.59justinutainted: i don't think so, but i've wondered about it myself
03:34.02tainted_is my logic all wrong
03:34.25PeggerDrJones1, what is a ntsc hdd i know ntsc is National Television System Committee
03:34.28justinuno, but a real sip provider doesn't require you to register wth them to get calls
03:34.32tainted_or would i simply forward the call to the second server
03:34.47justinuyou might be able to register the 2nd machine with a lower priority
03:35.08tainted_so say machine 1 has the sip register
03:35.09justinui believe that's part of the SIP specification
03:35.13tainted_and when machine 2 wants to call out
03:35.16tainted_it calls machine 1
03:35.26tainted_would that be more elegant?
03:35.41justinuwell, usually you don't need to be registered to make outbound calls
03:35.53tainted_how about incoming
03:36.06[TK]D-Fendertainted- : Most places don't support shared appearances so you'd have to pipe server 1 into #2 to go out.
03:36.08justinuyeah, that's how the sip provider knows where to route the call
03:37.13tainted_i see
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03:38.25[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : Which server would you have an INCOMING call land on?
03:38.44justinui'd want it to route to the primary
03:38.56justinuthen route to the 2ndary if the primary isn't responding
03:39.01[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : sounds like you should just pipe A through B
03:39.09justinui'm pretty sure that SER can route calls like that.
03:39.18[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : provider may do the failover for you depending
03:39.29justinulevel3 does it for us like that
03:39.30[TK]D-Fenderunless SER is down.
03:39.33justinubut no registration
03:39.43justinuand SER can't go down... it's mission critical for us, and clustered :)
03:42.03QwellSo, who's gonna write me a SER-like program for sccp?  Open source...
03:42.17justinucan you proxy SCCP like SIP?
03:42.39justinuis there an RFC for SCCP?
03:42.47justinuor is it  closed
03:42.51Qwellprobably closed
03:42.52[TK]D-FenderI've got some great ocean-side property in Colorado to sell you if you do!
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04:04.52justinuthecops: ca va?
04:05.08TheCopstrès fatigué
04:05.32TheCopsEt toi
04:05.37TheCopsPassé une belle semaine
04:06.49TheCopsWhat`s the best place to get a dedicated server
04:07.11QwellTheCops: I like ev1
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04:07.19QwellThey've been pretty good to me
04:07.49justinuthecops: vous devriez vous reposer :)
04:08.04justinuif you've got the $$
04:08.08TheCopsjustinu, I have some money to get before monday ;)
04:08.38*** join/#asterisk jannic (n=jan@potemkin.hitnet.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
04:08.53justinubeaucoup de l'argent, j'espere ;)
04:09.17QwellSo, what is a good open source SIP softphone?
04:09.26Qwellfor Linux
04:09.27[TK]D-FenderGrace aux erreurs de mes copains au E-U il m'oblige d'annuler mes vacances pour la semain prochaine....
04:09.44TheCopsa ton travail
04:09.46justinui'd be nice to get SIP into GAIM, maybe
04:09.54justinui hear 2.0 has some SIMPLE support
04:10.03Qwelljustinu: there is phonegaim
04:10.05TheCops[TK]D-Fender, c'est sa travailler en informatique ;)
04:10.18*** join/#asterisk perlmonkee (
04:10.37perlmonkeeI'm having difficulty with my outgoing CallerID string
04:11.16justinufender: vous partez en vacance bientot?
04:11.30[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : they're doing that with GnomeMeeting and porting to windows too:)
04:11.41perlmonkeeit correctly reports my name, but substitutes whatever number I provide with SIP:asterisk@<local private ip address (eth0)>
04:11.58[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : but ince I already use GAIM, that be a big plus for me :)
04:12.25justinumarkster should get digium to help out with that :P
04:12.27perlmonkeeor, oddly, in one case, it used SIP:asterisk@<external IP address>
04:12.29TheCops[TK]D-Fender, When you expect to do a asterisk meet up
04:12.34perlmonkeewhen I'm telling it to use
04:12.46[av]baniNugget: nice swf :)
04:12.46[TK]D-FenderTheCops : Next week is pretty open
04:12.53perlmonkeecan anyone enlighten me?
04:12.57perlmonkeepoint me in the right direction perhaps?
04:13.41TheCops[TK]D-Fender, I'm normaly doing 60-70 hours of work so tell me when you know!
04:13.57justinuthecops: that's too much work
04:14.09TheCopsjustinu, that's the life
04:14.41*** join/#asterisk chandra (
04:14.44justinui'm lazy
04:15.20[TK]D-Fenderperlmonkee : Where does this occur?
04:15.47perlmonkee[TK]D-Fender: where does what occur?
04:15.54chandrahello all. I noticed a thread on sourceforge about using broad voice and dtfm settings and some of you folks responded to it. Does anyone know if the dtfm settings for inbound should be commented out or??
04:15.59justinuthecops: je prefere jour des jeux video :)
04:15.59[TK]D-Fenderyour callerid error.  whre/who sees it?
04:16.17perlmonkee[TK]D-Fender the recipient of the call is sent the bogus CallerID string
04:16.24TheCopsjustinu, I love working
04:16.33[TK]D-Fenderperlmonkee : What kind of call?
04:16.34justinui love to work also
04:16.34chandrathere wasnt really a resolution on sourceforge
04:16.41justinubut only when it's interesting work
04:17.01*** join/#asterisk Sluggo (
04:17.04TheCopsjustinu, hehe
04:17.07Nugget[av]bani: indeed  :)
04:17.13chandraany ideas??
04:17.29perlmonkee[TK]D-Fender a SIP call over the SipPhone network.
04:17.56[TK]D-Fenderperlmonkee : And Set(CALLERID() doesn't work?
04:18.17Sluggoanyone have a newer IAXy? I just got one today, have a question...
04:18.32mog_homei have one Sluggo
04:18.37perlmonkee[TK]D-Fender: just before executing the DIAL(), I execute:
04:18.38perlmonkeeexten => _6.,1,SetCallerID(5036495086)
04:18.38perlmonkeeexten => _6.,2,SetCIDName(Anthony Kepler)
04:18.55[TK]D-Fenderperlmonkee : What * ver?
04:19.06perlmonkeeHEAD from... 2 months ago.
04:19.12chandrahope someone could bring some resolution to this topic -
04:19.13justinuperlmonkee: do you have fromdomain= or fromuser= set in sip.conf?
04:19.17[TK]D-Fenderperlmonkee : Should use the new functions...
04:19.25perlmonkeeWhat are the new functions?
04:19.32perlmonkeejustinu: no, I do not.
04:19.51perlmonkeejustinu: I'm really hoping that they will be the answer to my problems, now that you mention them.
04:19.56[TK]D-Fenderperlmonkee : Set(CALLERID(name)=My Name) and Set(callerid(NUMBER)=1234567)
04:20.08[TK]D-Fendercap THE LAST ONE
04:20.20perlmonkeejustinu: despite my not knowing exactly what they do.
04:20.21[TK]D-Fenderfunctions are case sensitive IIRC
04:20.56perlmonkee[TK]D-Fender: Okay, I will try that - but this wont stop * from reporting me as 1234567@<IP address of ETH0, as opposed to ETH1>
04:21.28justinuSet(CALLERID(all) = My Name <1234>)
04:21.52justinuperlmonkee: oh, that could be a bug
04:22.12justinubut try using
04:22.21perlmonkeejustinu: I will try that right now, thanks.
04:23.04perlmonkeejustinu: I totally owe you a cookie.
04:23.10perlmonkeejustinu: That fixes it.
04:23.34perlmonkee[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for teaching me the new way of assigning CallerID portions, I will put this into use right away =D
04:25.39[TK]D-FenderGod I'm just bored.....
04:26.39justinuit's friday night
04:26.47justinushouldn't you be off partying?
04:27.09chandraill try again - For Broad Voice settings (in coming ) i am told that the dtfm settings are very sepcific to when using the digital receptionist. What are settings - auto or commented out?
04:27.31[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : I've past my partying prime have a GF (+ 5yr old daugher), and am going out for breakfast early tomorrow
04:28.03justinui know, i'm old too
04:28.07justinuno kids tho
04:28.26*** part/#asterisk rob314 (
04:28.34[TK]D-FenderHowever I've learned how to play 3 more Iron Maiden song tonight so its not a total write-off :)
04:28.37*** part/#asterisk Sluggo (
04:29.16mog_homethere always plenty of bugs
04:29.19mog_home228 of them
04:29.42[TK]D-Fendermog_home : I don't code much these days and don't know C
04:29.52justinui know C ;)
04:29.57justinuand a few other languages
04:29.58mog_homewell you could try some of the patches
04:30.06[TK]D-FenderIF U CN RD TS TN U CN PGM N C!
04:30.09perlmonkeeThere ya go, learn C, [TK]D-Fender - it only takes a couple of hours to get all the syntax.
04:30.21justinuthat's more like COBOL
04:30.31[TK]D-Fendermog_home, NO THANKS.. i'VE GONE COLD-TURKEY!
04:30.57mog_homeyour loss
04:31.16mog_homewhat happened to your keyboard
04:31.40*** join/#asterisk xbmodder (i=nobody@unaffiliated/xbmodder)
04:32.05perlmonkeeYou could play video games until your eyes bleed.
04:32.17justinuthat's what I do
04:32.23mog_homeman i have only had that happen once, my eyes bleed
04:32.28mog_homeand i had gotten hit
04:32.31mog_homepretty hard
04:32.41[TK]D-Fenderthere's an idea.  I like HL2 on widescreen :)
04:32.49justinutry battlefield 2
04:32.58[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : might if I had it...
04:33.03perlmonkeescrew the full version - the demo is the best map anyway.
04:33.22[TK]D-FenderI used to spends hours a day on FPS...
04:33.40justinucounterstrike is kinda fun, i'll play a few rounds with you if you have it
04:34.36[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : Nope, and never really played.  I was an AHL (Action:Half-Life) GOD once though. (Hit #1 /#2 on the old tracker site for HL)
04:34.38perlmonkeethe only FPS' I have access to are the Quake series, Tribes II, and Americas Army ... its a good thing Linux doesn't have more natively running FPS' or I would never get anything done.
04:35.28[TK]D-FenderCS Always felt kinda lame + the rampant cheating and idiots....
04:35.54justinuCS source is fun
04:36.07justinujust ignore the idiots
04:36.08fileI'M HYPER!!!
04:36.08[TK]D-FenderI occasionally log in for Diablo2 LOD or HL2 for just venting my spleen on bugs :)
04:36.21perlmonkeeoh and Soldier of Fortune, and that new-ish wolfenstein game, and Cube
04:36.42justinuamerica's army is a little too slow/difficult for me
04:37.56[TK]D-Fender"america's army is a little too slow" <- how true, but their "friendly-fire" skillz are m4d l33t! ;)
04:38.28[TK]D-FenderSorry... shameless cheap shot...
04:38.36[TK]D-Fenderi can resist anything...
04:38.39[TK]D-Fenderexcept temptation :D
04:39.18filehow tempting.
04:40.12shido6F.E.A.R. is pretty nice
04:40.28[TK]D-FenderPlaying D2 in a window now :)
04:40.30fileWHAT IS LOVE?!?
04:40.35filebaby don't hurt me no more
04:40.36[TK]D-Fenderf'n small :/
04:41.25trixterwithout R2 you gotta admit D2 is nothing
04:42.04justinufender: it's tough to ID people in that game, you gotta talk to each other, and report in a lot to keep track of the squads
04:42.43[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : I excel at that.  its also one of my earlier uses of VoIP :)
04:42.43*** join/#asterisk pigpen2 (
04:43.06trixterfile: are you talking about
04:43.07justinufender: then I'd like to be in your squad
04:43.26[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : AA is free right?
04:43.30filetrixter: if that URL worked, I'd give you bonus points - but it doesn't
04:43.48justinufender: yeah, i have it
04:44.15trixterahh I just pulled it out of my logs from a week or so ago, was that what you were talking about though?
04:44.24fileno, I'm listening to Haddaway
04:44.25trixtersince you seem to recognize the url
04:44.31trixterahh is playing some nice trance right now
04:47.30justinuthey have a 192kbps stream ;)
04:47.36fileI wish iTunes had such capability that I could transfer playback from one machine to another... either if I was listening to a stream, or using music sharing
04:48.17*** join/#asterisk xbmodder (i=nobody@unaffiliated/xbmodder)
04:48.21justinuitunes has some great stations in their "radio" library
04:48.35justinui wish i could get this stuff in my car
04:49.11filewhat I really want inside, is to be able to click a few things and my Mini instantly starts playing what I was listening to on my workstation, at the spot it left off at... but I'm dreaming!
04:49.28justinuthat'd be nice
04:51.27*** join/#asterisk pigpen2 (
04:53.11fileI refuse.
04:54.42fileyou make me so happpppppppy
04:54.58trixterwoo my free copy of voiphacks came today..  gotta see if there is anything at all interesting in there
04:55.19filedrumkilla: what'cha doin'
04:56.08[TK]D-Fenderfile : Today I finally got my cheap photocopied PowerPoint printout from Meet Asterisk :D
04:56.08drumkillaplaying with vmware ...
04:56.22file[TK]D-Fender:  hahahaha
04:56.32drumkillayay, Meet Asterisk!
04:56.37drumkillaare file and I in it?!
04:56.39file[TK]D-Fender: nice.
04:57.00fileeverytime you compile asterisk... a part of drumkilla and I die :( so think of us!
04:57.01[TK]D-Fenderdrumkilla : It was an excuse for me to get work to pay for me to chat with file, and JunK-Y in person :)
04:57.23drumkillaI have never been to a "Meet Asterisk" session
04:57.34filewe poked on people and companies in the back of the room while blitz was doing his thing
04:57.35mog_homewe should go drumkilla
04:57.38fileer poked = picked
04:57.41mog_homethat and we need to be dcaped
04:57.43filewow, dyslexic = me
04:57.58drumkillamog_home: totally
04:58.09mog_homebut with trenchcoats and shades
04:58.14mog_homein cognito
04:58.15filedrumkilla: have you gotten your muffin certification?
04:58.15drumkillai'm afraid i might not pass, haha
04:58.22drumkillanot yet
04:58.30mog_homematt and i were joking about it
04:58.46drumkillai'd do it if they let us ...
04:58.53filemog_home: I'll assume Cresl1n
04:59.04filemuahahaha, I rock
04:59.19justinufark, i need to gen this PBX machine
04:59.24justinuinstalling it at a customer's tomorow
04:59.27Jameno123file, you musta died then the other day
04:59.31drumkillamog_home: I figure, if we fail, then the test is flawed :)
04:59.42Jameno123asterisk wouldnt compile worth a darn ;) had to compile it like 3000 times to get it to wrok
04:59.54mog_homeif i failed i would never admit it
04:59.54filedrumkilla: ooh we need a developer's certification test!
04:59.55drumkillaJameno123: was the nublock on?
05:00.11file"Before you access a variable that can be accessed by another thread simultaneously... you?"
05:00.33drumkillabake a tray of muffins?
05:00.37mog_homea license to develope for asterisk
05:00.41fileooh good answer
05:01.14Jameno123drumkilla, stupid custom box  b/s ;)  it wasnt asterisks problem, thankyfully.
05:01.43justinucan you do a netboot install of CentOS without media?
05:01.46file"I have a license to code, now move aside sir!"
05:02.13file"I said move aside, or I will replace you with a very small shell script!"
05:02.15file"I mean it!!!"
05:03.02filedrumkilla: I'm tired :\
05:04.02file[laptop]therefore, here I am
05:04.55drumkillayou are so silly, file while.
05:05.05file[laptop]I'm under my cuddly wuddly white blanket
05:05.39*** join/#asterisk dudes (
05:09.51*** join/#asterisk xbmodder (i=nobody@unaffiliated/xbmodder)
05:10.49wunderkinjustinu, broadwing has been running tests over an hour and a half now.. will find out soon.. something..
05:13.43tainted_what's the best way to connect two asterisk boxes to each other?
05:13.49tainted_IAX or SIP
05:14.09[TK]D-FenderIAX :  reduces overhead, plus more call control
05:14.56file[laptop]IAX it up.
05:15.18tainted_any samples/tutorials out there?
05:15.28tainted_or is it as simple as defining users
05:15.36[TK]D-Fendertainted- : All over the Wiki
05:15.45file[laptop]and the web
05:15.46tainted_i'm staring at it
05:15.53tainted_what keywords should i be looking for
05:15.57tainted_peering asterisk?
05:17.17drumkillai hate the wiki ...
05:17.30drumkillaI wish the community would work together on something more in a book/tutorial format
05:17.37drumkillawork with the asteriskdocs guys
05:17.50drumkillaoh well ...
05:18.00Jameno123drumkilla, too hard to keep updated
05:18.09Jameno123at the pace things change :(
05:19.00drumkillawell, you would have a version that is current for the current release
05:19.09drumkillaand then you'd update the one for the next release as things are changed ...
05:19.25drumkillawe might even be able to put it in our svn
05:20.02Jameno123drumkilla, "man pages" :)
05:20.12Corydon76-homeOkay, but only if you write the documentation in TeX
05:20.33drumkillai was thinking docbook maybe :-p
05:20.41Corydon76-homeTeX isn't THAT difficult
05:20.48Corydon76-homeespecially if you use LaTeX
05:20.49drumkillaI kind of want to reorganize the doc/ directory into a format like that
05:20.56drumkillaso we can export it in pretty format and put it on the webs ite
05:21.04drumkillasince most of that is user documentation, anyway
05:21.08Corydon76-homeTeX is very pretty when rendered
05:21.17drumkillai haven't done my research yet ...
05:21.19drumkillaso I can't really say
05:21.28Jameno123write it in whatever format you want
05:21.41Jameno123for users usability though .pdf :(
05:21.45Jameno123or man pages
05:22.08drumkillaand we have talked about doing a lot with the way information about config options are stored ...
05:22.31drumkillawrite info about available options in one place, where it could be turned into useful docs, or generated into a header file that asterisk can use
05:22.33Corydon76-homeJameno123: well, the raw docs would be in TeX... you could certainly render that in PDF, though
05:22.46drumkillayeah, LaTeX would be fine
05:22.51drumkillai have wanted to learn that anyway ...
05:23.02Jameno123extensions.conf needs a "include_file" :(
05:23.06Corydon76-homedrumkilla: KDE?
05:23.11Jameno123my extensions.conf is horrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiible.
05:23.20[TK]D-FenderJameno123 : it HAS one
05:23.21drumkillaheh, you can already include files ...
05:23.22Corydon76-homeKile is a good TeX editor for KDE
05:23.26drumkillaoh yeah?
05:23.36drumkillaCorydon76-home: yeah, i'm running KDE now
05:23.41[TK]D-FenderJameno123 : #INCLUDE extensions_morecrap.conf
05:24.22Jameno123hehe, thats where that "book" :) would come in handy
05:24.32Jameno123people may actully be able to read it fully ;)
05:24.37jbotsomebody said thebook was Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under the Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
05:25.02Jameno123i was talking about drumkilla's statement
05:25.29drumkillayeah, well that's an amazing book
05:25.33Jameno123community working w/ asterdocs ;0
05:25.33*** join/#asterisk rkioko (n=rkioko@
05:25.39drumkillabut imagine if the whole community worked on it ...
05:26.11drumkillaso many ideas, so little time.
05:26.32[av]bania wiki doc would be better, since * is such a moving target
05:28.56drumkillathe wiki is full of duplicated, convoluted, unorganized, and incorrect information, unfortunately
05:29.16trixteryeah it is about as stable as your mate at 3am when the pubs close
05:29.38Corydon76-homeThat's what makes the Wiki so great
05:29.56[av]banidrumkilla: duplicated, convoluted, unorganized... sounds like * config files
05:30.09Corydon76-homeI know; I've had to alter the Wiki several times
05:30.09drumkillaha, burned!
05:30.30Corydon76-homeI need to update the Wiki with my current vim syntax file
05:31.23trixterwikis are generally against my religion
05:32.00[av]bani* needs a good overhaul, i mean really.. type=friend? wtf is that supposed to _mean_ ?
05:32.03[av]banii know what it does
05:32.27drumkilla[av]bani: we're always looking for more developers.
05:32.40[av]baniyou dont want me, really :)
05:32.50trixterdrumkilla: you work for digium?
05:33.01drumkillawell ... I'm a full time student, actually
05:33.02[av]banii'd prolly redo the whole config into lua
05:33.10Cresl1ndrumkilla: do you work for digium?
05:33.16drumkillabut my work on Asterisk is now sponsored by Digium, yes
05:33.16trixterI had a job when I was a full time student
05:33.22trixterthat fortran code wasnt conna port itself
05:33.36drumkillaCresl1n: !!!!!!!
05:33.56Cresl1ndrumkilla: !!!!!
05:34.18[av]bani* config smacks of feeping creaturism
05:35.31[TK]D-FenderWhile I can't code much these days I think I'll put up a few WIKI pages on REAL dial-plan samples without the 95% filler / psycho crap in the current one.  And another page to consolidate all the Polycom stuff.
05:36.02*** join/#asterisk EriSan (
05:37.31file[laptop]hrm, I have an idea
05:37.52Corydon76-homeThose things are dangerous
05:38.00file[laptop]I'll need to talk to Matt... but what about a wiki off of the asterisk daily news site for information and all that jazz
05:38.01*** join/#asterisk woot (n=woot@
05:38.40Corydon76-homeOnly if the Wiki is for developers only
05:39.04Corydon76-homeWe don't want it to compete with the pre-existing Wiki
05:39.07file[laptop]not a public wiki, but one maintained by people who are serious about it
05:39.36file[laptop]anyway - just a thought
05:39.49drumkillai'd rather have a community written book
05:39.57file[laptop]writing a book is hard :P and long
05:40.04file[laptop]and don't anybody make a joke out of that
05:40.23drumkillathe information in a book shouldn't be different than a wiki
05:40.27drumkillaexcept in a book, it's organized
05:40.27wunderkinno problem found :(
05:40.38file[laptop]drumkilla: exxxxxactly
05:40.39drumkillaand would likely be reviewed before it went in.
05:40.56file[laptop]but there's sites that will bring books even... if we reallllly wanted to
05:41.00file[laptop]er bring = print
05:41.24*** join/#asterisk pigpen2 (
05:41.51Corydon76-homehard and long?  How could anybody make a joke about that?
05:42.03[TK]D-Fenderfile : aren't the people who are "serious about it" informed enough to not need a Wiki?
05:42.04Corydon76-homeNow if it was full of seaman, it'd be a submarine!
05:43.33Cresl1nyeah, it takes a lot of discipline to write a book
05:43.44Cresl1nmost of the time is not appreciated either
05:43.45file[laptop][TK]D-Fender: an inevitable problem
05:43.46tainted_does anyone experience SIP channels that don't go away after a hangup?
05:43.58Cresl1noftentimes a thankless task
05:44.07Cresl1nespecially in OSS
05:44.18Corydon76-homeNah, I could write a book... however, for it to be a good book... that's another thing entirely
05:46.03drumkillawell, OSS in general is usually pretty thankless
05:46.19drumkillabut at the same time, we're lucky that we work with people that all are passionate about what they do
05:46.25*** join/#asterisk tant0 (
05:46.31file[laptop]imagine the deployments and companies using Asterisk...
05:46.38drumkillai try not to
05:46.41drumkillait messes with my head, heh
05:46.57file[laptop]I will say though, I have had a few people say thank you for stuff I've done
05:47.01file[laptop]which has made me happy, so it's all good
05:47.39Corydon76-homeThere we go, new vim syntax file:
05:48.27Corydon76-homeYou wouldn't believe how much time I've spent on that...
05:48.36file[laptop]a lot?
05:48.52Corydon76-homeOh yeah...
05:49.23Corydon76-homeProbably 3, 4 hours
05:49.42justinudrumkilla: that's true. the people I work with are like zombies
05:49.45justinudead to the world
05:49.53ManxPowerI think I am in need of an old unix guy.
05:50.01file[laptop]ManxPower: and a priest?
05:50.07Corydon76-homeManxPower: which system?
05:50.10ManxPowerOne of those that were around in the days of 110 and 300 baud.
05:50.37Corydon76-homeHave something against 40 baud?
05:50.45ManxPowerCorydon-w, my internet service is high latency.  I need tricks on doing things like local line editing, local echo, etc.
05:51.16[TK]D-FenderI fortunately bypassed 110 and started right at acoustic coupled 300 baud :) Zippy! (and matches my keyboard repeat rate so no bufferring needed!
05:51.46Corydon76-homelocal echo is going to cause all your chars to display twice
05:52.07ManxPowerCorydon-w, Um, yes, that's why I need an old unix guru.
05:52.11*** join/#asterisk xbmodder_ (
05:52.25ManxPowerturning off host echo is the solution, but I need as much local stuff done as I can.
05:52.41Corydon76-homeWell, you could probably do most of that with stty
05:52.58[TK]D-FenderOk, I'm fried and ready to pass out now...
05:53.01[TK]D-Fenderlater all
05:53.09rob0I was around in the days of 110 and 300 baud, but was not around computers.
05:53.11ManxPowerCorydon-w, *nod*  But someone with EXPERIENCE would help me get the most out of it.
05:53.38file[laptop]can someone translate baud to years please?
05:53.38ManxPowerI started out on Prime and DEC VAXen.
05:53.40ravenpiManxPower: what are you trying to do?  I used to be pretty good back in serial land.
05:53.44Corydon76-homeYeah, but for most of those people, they aren't on IRC
05:53.55justinuprime? neat-o
05:54.02tainted_can asterisk 1.2 register to a 1.0.7 machine?
05:54.02Corydon76-hometalk is good enough, damn it.  ;-)
05:54.04justinualways wanted to play with one of those
05:54.13tainted_i'm having problems getting them to register
05:54.16tainted_to each other
05:54.21rob0I'm a newbie in computing compared to most. Started in '92 on DOS.
05:54.30ManxPowerravenpi, Latency to all hosts I SSH into is at least 500ms, frequently 1000ms.  I need to do as much line editing and char echoing as I can do locally.
05:54.54Corydon76-homerob0:  I started in about 82 at the age of 6...
05:55.04ManxPowerI started with computers shortly after most people stopped doing that sort of thing.
05:55.08file[laptop]silly old people
05:55.14drumkillalol, I have been using linux for a little over 2 years :-p
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05:56.18Cresl1nit's like being at a bar!
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05:56.25Corydon76-homeAuntie Em!  Auntie Em!
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05:56.42Corydon76-homeThere's no place like home; there's no place like home...
05:57.06ManxPowerThere's no place like ~!
05:57.06Cresl1nit's not working!
05:57.06*** join/#asterisk dsfr (n=dsfr@pdpc/sponsor/digium/dsfr)
05:57.18Corydon76-homeAnd the image of mattf wearing heels suddenly comes up
05:57.28Corydon76-homeand lipstick
05:57.38Cresl1noh no you didn't :-)
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05:58.08Corydon76-homeWell, I had to complete the image... ;-)
05:58.14ManxPowerI vaguely remembr that VT102 would do local line editing
05:58.45justinuyou want ibm 3270 for high latency links
05:59.02ManxPowerWith host echo and local echo turned on LOL: this is thias  its ea sttest
05:59.04*** join/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
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06:00.17stacy_i got a question
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06:00.23stacy_can someone help me?
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06:00.28ravenpiI didn't think VT102 was that smart... but it's been a l-o-n-g time since I had one of those "fer-real" plugged into a VAX.  And 3270 would probably only talk to something IBM-ish.
06:00.30justinuno questions, only answers
06:00.30rob0"You've got questions. We've got blank stares. Radio Shack."
06:00.31tainted_how do i look into why an IAX2 registration failed?
06:00.43tainted_right now iax2 debug just shows REGREJ
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06:00.59ManxPowerravenpi, hence looking for an easy way to go good local line editing.
06:01.08file[laptop]yay here I am
06:01.29ManxPoweri.e. I don't want to be able to backspace over my prompt, which is what happens with local echo / no remote echo
06:01.37justinuravenpi: probably, but you can actually use ISPF over a bad link
06:02.09stacy_my question is: can i copy my settings etc/asterisk folder and overwrite my normal asterisk folder on a different linux its not the @home version to get my settings from my other asterisk server
06:02.23stacy_so i dont have to type everything up
06:02.47stacy_coz im trying to install vicidial
06:03.00ManxPowerI'm trying to start using a local editor that suportes editing remote files, so that would deal with editing.
06:03.21ManxPowerI suppose I should really just start using rexec over SSH
06:03.23rob0ManxPower: mc can edit over fish
06:03.39Corydon76-homestacy_: as long as it's the same version, yes
06:03.39ManxPowerrob0, is that English?
06:03.48Cresl1nfish rocks!
06:03.53Cresl1nI love fish://
06:04.00rob0fish: a shell-based filesystem emulator
06:04.15ManxPowerand MC?
06:04.27rob0GNU Midnight Commander
06:04.44ManxPowerI guess I could build a linux machine in my trailer.
06:04.45Corydon76-homeYes, fish:// rocks
06:05.37ManxPowermaybe in the trunk of my car, then just ssh into it from my laptop, then MC/fish over the Cell link...
06:05.38justinube a man, setup uucp
06:05.38Corydon76-homeCresl1n: shall I bring my dresses, heels, and makeup to the next Phreaknic?
06:05.51Cresl1nheh, no!
06:05.54Corydon76-homeCresl1n: see how good of a Dorothy you make?
06:05.57Cresl1nnone of that now
06:06.06ManxPowerI think my best bet is SSH with public keys from Cygwin
06:06.20Corydon76-homeI promise; I won't try to get you drunk...
06:06.23file[laptop]Cresl1n: what version of Colloquy do you use?
06:06.35ManxPowerWait!  Cresl1n is straight?
06:06.42file[laptop]ManxPower: yes, unfortunately
06:07.02ManxPowerfile[laptop], Wow, I just assumed he wasn't....
06:07.15file[laptop]ManxPower: I know
06:07.16Cresl1nfile: I don't know.  It's not giving me any hints
06:07.29file[laptop]Cresl1n: Colloquy -> About Colloquy
06:07.34ravenpiManxPower: an interesting link:  (Linux stuff is fairly far down.)
06:07.39file[laptop]Version <blah>
06:07.40ManxPowerHe was pretty sleep deprived the only times I've seen him.
06:07.50Corydon76-homeManxPower: 2QT2BSTR8?
06:07.56Cresl1n2.0 (v2D16)
06:08.03file[laptop]Cresl1n: mmm k
06:08.07justinuanyone ever done a RHEL kickstart network install?
06:08.10ManxPowerCorydon-w, no, that's blitzrage
06:08.22Corydon76-homeAh, yes, blitzrage...
06:08.27Corydon76-homePretty pretty blue eyes
06:08.38Cresl1nManxPower: hehe, oh yeah, was that in spain?
06:08.53ManxPowerCresl1n, Yes.
06:09.07Cresl1nManxPower: those were rough time ;-)
06:09.13Cresl1ntimes too :-)
06:09.26*** part/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
06:09.30ManxPowerWhen I first saw you I knew you either had been coding and not slept or were really stoned.
06:09.51Cresl1nManxPower: I think I didn't go to sleep the night before my talk
06:09.59Corydon76-homemattf doesn't get stoned... or drunk...
06:10.02ManxPowerCresl1n, *nod*
06:10.13Corydon76-homeor sex before marriage...
06:10.25drumkillaCresl1n r0x0rz my s0x0rz
06:10.35file[laptop]drumkilla: all night long?
06:10.43Cresl1naw, you guys rock :-)
06:10.45ManxPowerI took two sleeping pills the night before my talk, went to bed very early, and got up very early to finish up the notes.
06:10.47Corydon76-homeand despite all that, he's still an interesting guy...
06:11.03file[laptop]I think Cresl1n is coooooool
06:11.23ManxPowerCorydon-w, *shrug*  Anyone that can write libpri has a sexy brain.
06:12.35ManxPowerI just want to say "DirecTiVo ROCKS!"
06:12.40ManxPowertwo tuners!
06:12.40Corydon76-homeand now that the mutual admiration society has had it's say about mattf, we see how weirded out mattf has gotten...
06:12.47Cresl1nso hrm...
06:13.12Cresl1nif I have a call over an SS7 link, I should probably just pick the destination point code out of the dial sting
06:13.23Cresl1nthen use the dialplan for number routing
06:13.26file[laptop]make it random, more fun
06:13.34stacy_can anybody help me install vicidial with asterisk@home 1.2.1
06:13.35Cresl1nand for picking destination point codes
06:13.40stacy_can anybody help me install vicidial with asterisk@home 1.2.1
06:13.47liloall done
06:13.56Cresl1nlilo: Thanks!!!!
06:13.57ManxPowerCresl1n, Why not use a dialplan variable before running Dial?
06:13.58Corydon76-homelilo:  woohoo!
06:14.00file[laptop]lilo: and now, soup!
06:14.19drumkillai want some hot chocolate
06:14.24jbothmm... amp is NOT supported here! people using it should join #amportal
06:14.30file[laptop]drumkilla: well go get yourself some
06:14.34ManxPowerA@H isn't supported here either.
06:14.45rob0You expect lilo to serve grub?
06:15.01rob0(Stupid bootloader joke)
06:15.12ManxPowerIs is a DAMN COLD in Huntsville as it is here in Gadsden?
06:15.17Cresl1nstacy_: yeah, sorry, we're not big a@h fans
06:15.23Cresl1nManxPower: you're in gadsden?
06:15.36ManxPowerCresl1n, Steele, actually, but close enough to Gadsden.
06:15.44rob0Florence be cold.
06:15.45Corydon76-homeHurricane victim moved...
06:16.01Corydon76-homerob0: Florence, AL ?
06:16.03Cresl1nit's pretty cold
06:16.15ManxPowerCresl1n, I moved to the top of Chandler Mountian (it really should be called a mesa)
06:16.17file[laptop]it's unusually warm here, it has all the meteorologists confused
06:16.26Cresl1nManxPower: you should come hang out here sometime
06:16.26Corydon76-homerob0: know anybody who works at AWBC?
06:16.36ManxPowerCresl1n, I plan on it.
06:16.37Cresl1nManxPower: we're usually here on the weekends
06:16.47rob0awbc ... ?
06:17.06Corydon76-homeAmerican Wholesale Book
06:17.22Corydon76-homeaka the warehouse division of Booksamillion
06:17.26ManxPowerCresl1n, visiting Digium is on my TODO list.
06:17.56Corydon76-homerob0: I used to work for NetCentral, also a BAMM subsidiary
06:18.13rob0no I don't but once some of you Nashvillains asked if I could so some occasional work for you
06:18.20file[laptop]I wanna visit Digium tooooooo
06:18.37ManxPowerI expect to be driving to (near) New Orleans like every 4-6 weeks, so I'm not all that keen on yet more driving.
06:18.47ManxPowerMy next trip will be to Lafayette.
06:19.00Corydon76-homefile[laptop]: you can come visit me, and I'll drive you down to Digium...
06:19.14file[laptop]Corydon76-home: that's just asking for trouble
06:19.28Corydon76-homefile[laptop]: my middle name
06:19.46file[laptop]Cresl1n: tell Brooks I say hi
06:19.53ManxPower"file was so innocent before he spent the weekend with Corydon-w."
06:20.21file[laptop]Cresl1n: that was picture perfect
06:20.33Corydon76-homeInnocent as Ted Bundy...
06:21.28Corydon76-homeMe too.  I'm going to bed
06:21.32file[laptop]yes - your bed, not my bed
06:24.49ManxPowerHmm...$212 Birmingham/Lafayette.  That's not bad.
06:25.17justinucan you run an NFS client from behind a NAT?
06:25.25Cresl1nthanks file[laptop]
06:28.27wunderkinhey Cresl1n, can you describe to me what the debouncetime does? mark asked me to set that.. my carrier was asking about it too..
06:31.01wunderkini've had a problem with a couple pris going into red alarm for 5 sec and coming back up, very intermittant.. they say they never see anything happen on their side, so im hoping maybe this is what the problem is... they checked my niu and they are seeing unavailables or errors or something coming from my side
06:31.59wunderkinwhat im wondering is what is causing it to freak out, and if i set the debouncetime=100 like mark asked.. what will happen from now on.. if it has this freak attack.. am i going to loose calls?
06:32.39wunderkindoes it just think it lost something and decides no and resets itself? this gives it more time to recover itself? sorta maybe?
06:38.28justinudebounce is some kind of t1 electrical thing
06:38.31justinulayer 1
06:38.53justinui've never worked on a t1 board that let you set things like debounce timing
06:39.47ManxPowerAnd here I thought debounce was an analog thing to help with noisy hangups
06:40.07justinuyeah, it could be applied there too
06:40.37justinua debounce is a basic electronic circuit that filters out the voltage fluctuations when a switch opens or closes
06:40.55justinuit's not an atomic operation, so a sensitive device sees many "events" when a switch changes states
06:41.11justinuso you run it thru a debounce filter to stop that from happening
06:47.32wunderkink.. mark asked me to set that a few weeks ago but i guess i forgot about it :/   broadwing did testing to the niu and to * and didn't see any errors, 2 mins of 0s, 5 min of 1s, 40 min of quazi to each..
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07:08.04wasimi guess that makes up for the tendulkar run out ...
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07:20.42justinuwunderkin: they should leave the test up for at least 24 hours since it's an intermittant problem
07:22.26wunderkinwow.. ya.. shrug.. i think this may fix it but dunno
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07:35.05jerliquehow do i set the  time frame that asterisk registers itself to its SIP peers
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07:36.19drumkillawhere 'N' is the number of seconds between retries ...
07:36.38drumkillaif that is what you were asking :)
07:36.39justinuwhat happens if N is -1
07:38.11wasimyou loose a hdd
07:38.31drumkillait will yell at you for being an invalid value
07:38.34wasimthe most expensive one if an array :)
07:39.07drumkillaactually, it won't, it will just set it to the default value
07:39.11wasimsomehow drives know which contains the most valuable data
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07:45.13jerliquethanks - I had this set to 120s, but I keep getting  "SIP/2.0 423 Interval Too Brief"
07:45.35jerliqueand still the same set at 360s....
07:45.44Math`try 3600
07:46.18Math`I tried some WellTech ATA-S today, they default re-registration to 60 seconds, and the whole ata reboots instead of simply re-registring, dropping any active call
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07:47.19tainted_anyone know if broadvoice supports rfc2833?
07:48.23tainted_or if it's possible to change codecs midcall
07:52.03justinuit's possible, i believe, but I don't think many devices do it
07:52.57tainted_i've got some providers that use g729 and broadvoice uses ulaw
07:53.17tainted_and when the call is routed through bv, it complains about DTMF
07:56.49Math`try inband for ulaw
07:57.34Jameno123tainted "midcall" or like, when passing it onto another server?
07:58.39Jameno123you can transcode the call, yes "inbound = g729, out=ulaw", but not sure about changing it mid-call like, after the call is already established.
07:59.39tainted_Jameno123 it would be great to pass the call onto another server for transcoding
07:59.46tainted_but the incoming leg is g729
08:00.11tainted_so i don't know how to properly handle dtmf so it's recognized through the ulaw leg
08:02.37*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (
08:05.30justinug729 can't carry dtmf inband reliably, so use rfc2833
08:06.39dudesI set my dtmf to auto /w g729
08:06.42dudesthat seems to work good
08:08.56Math`auto tries to guess it
08:09.04Math`you can either use rfc2833 or sip info
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08:45.15cyberguys what is a class5 softphone
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08:50.47mazimphello, can anybody help me with this?
08:50.47mazimpWith *1.2.1 on Debian Sarge the entire System freezes, when voicemail tries to send an emai notification
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08:51.06wasimlol, last 10 overs, 106 runs ... in a test match :) go afridi
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08:54.19trixtermazimp: what exactly is being executed?  maybe that is the rpoblem...  the entire system shouldnt freeze from a userspace app which makes that interesting.  I have used both sarge and etch with no problems
08:55.11nextimeexpecially from a userspace app that run as user != from root
08:55.57trixterroot by default doesnt have as much power as the kernel, so even root based apps shouldnt be able to lock the system it generally is something in the kernel that does that
08:56.12trixteralthough some of those calls lower their protection when called from root not all of them do
08:56.34mazimptrixter: unfotunately asterisk runs as root cause it has problems creating its .pid file otherwise, the problem occurs, just after a voicmail is recorded and only if I want to have an email notification
08:57.10trixteryeah I edited stuff so that it does /var/run/asterisk and tosses everything in there (pid and ctl file) and that is owned by  the asterisk user
08:57.26nextimemazimp : run asterisk as user asterisk, you can make /var/run/asterisk, chown asterisk /var/run/asterisk, and setup the pidfile to be create on /var/run/asterisk
08:57.47trixtermake sure you chown -R asterisk /dev/zap or whatever
08:58.00mazimpnexttime: that didn't help for me, * still complains about the pid file
08:58.05trixterthat is the other problem becuase people normally dont properly configure their systems rather than make that occur its run as root to make it easy
08:58.18trixterdid you edit asterisk.conf to look in the new place?
08:58.52trixterkeep in mind that the default is for /var/run which is owned by root non-sticky which means that you cant create a new one without being root, and if you dont own the old one you cant delete it
08:59.19trixterthat may not fix your problem, I am thinking it might be something else..
08:59.43mazimptrixter: my asterisk.conf says: astrundir => /var/run/asterisk
08:59.53nextimemazzimp: anyway, this isn't the solution for your problem, normally the kernel can't freeze for asterisk, root or normal user.
09:00.30nextimewe are in two to say the same thing, ok, i come back to my work on console.
09:04.36mazimptrixter: asterisk still wants to create its file under /var/run/
09:06.42nextimemazimp : try to look in /etc/init.d/asterisk
09:07.28mazimpnextime: the script calls: start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile "$PIDFILE" --exec $DAEMON -- $PARAMS
09:07.45mazimpnextime: $PIDFILE is set to the new dir
09:07.50nextimemazimp : so, set the PIDFILE var to /var/run/asterisk/
09:09.54nextimewith this line start-stop-daemon run asterisk as root
09:10.24mazimpnext: ok, so I shouldn't use it at all?
09:10.49nextimewait, i chek my asterisk init file
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09:12.31nextimemazimp : asterisk when you do a /etc/init.d/asterisk start run as root or asterisk?
09:14.41mazimpnextime: at the moment, I'm calling it as root
09:14.53mazimpnextime: so sould I do a sudo?
09:15.46nextimemazimp : no, when the system boot it call /etc/init.d/asterisk as root, asterisk as to be run as unprivileged user by start-stop-daemon
09:16.06wasim350 in 54 overs :)
09:16.09nextimemazimp : so, add a --chuid asterisk to the start-stop-daemon line
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09:17.59mazimpnextime: didn't help either - output:
09:18.04mazimpnextime /etc/init.d/asterisk start
09:18.04mazimpStarting Asterisk PBX: Unable to set high priority
09:18.04mazimpUnable to open pid file '/var/run/': Permission denied
09:18.53nextimemazimp : mumble, are you sure that PIDFILE var is set to the right path?
09:19.09trixterit takes root to change the priority
09:19.14mazimpnextime: yes, absolutely, did a echo $PIDFILE just before the call
09:20.13trixterits my understanding that start-stop-daemon is seperate from asterisk in terms of creating the pid file
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09:21.39mazimptrixter: so it sould create the pid in /var/run/asterisk/ if I provide this option, right?  but it doesn't.
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09:22.10nextimemazimp : if you try to run asterisk from shell directly without the init script, with a simple su -c "asterisk -nc" asterisk, it work?
09:23.22nextimemaybe your init script run safe_asterisk and not asterisk directly, so, pid file and user is set on the safe_asterisk script and not in the init file
09:24.05mazimpnextime: starting on command line doesn't work either, return status=1 no output
09:24.11nextime( i use a self-made debian init script, not the one that come with precompiled asterisk debian package )
09:24.23mazimpnextime: me too
09:25.35nextimemazimp : ok, come back to start. are you using zap devices?
09:25.38mazimpnextime: but it really runs /usr/sbin/asterisk
09:26.13mazimpnextime: compiled asterisk with bristuff and using a hfc and a cpi card
09:26.19mazimpcpi = capi
09:26.32nextimeok, are the devices owned by asterisk?
09:27.20mazimpnextime: capi: yes, hfc: what dev-file should I search for?
09:28.06nextimemazimp : i can't remember, i don't have any hfc, isn't /dev/zap/* ?
09:28.30robinOK, so ... for faxreceive, I think I have that wiorking, I just need the fax.php agi script .. any ideas where it is found?
09:29.16nextimemazimp : you can try with su -c "asterisk -nvvvc" asterisk, you shuld look at the output where exactly fail to start
09:29.32mazimpnextime: right - these were owned by root, so I'll change the group to dialout where asterisk is member, right?
09:30.07mazimpnextime: su -c "asterisk -nvvvc" asterisk didn't produce any output
09:30.52nextimemazimp : try su -c "/usr/sbin/asterisk -nvvvc" asterisk
09:31.14mazimpnextime: same problem
09:32.16nextimeno output at all?
09:32.48mazimpnextime: no output, just returncode 1
09:33.26nextimemazimp : have you /bin/false as the asterisk user system shell?
09:34.25nextimeif yes, try to change it to /bin/bash ( only for test )
09:35.00mazimpnextime: just give me a hint what file to edit (using LDAP for the ordinary users)
09:36.03nextimemazimp : if asterisk user is on ldap you must change it on ldap, if the * user is in /etc/passwd you must change it on /etc/passwd
09:36.52mazimpnextime: ok - changed it in /etc/passwd
09:37.12nextimemazimp : ok, now su -c "/usr/sbin/asterisk -nvvvc" asterisk
09:37.19mazimpnextime: now it start with warnings on the zap-module, just checking the permissions
09:37.58nextimemazimp : ok, but it start and run correctly?
09:38.32mazimpnextime: fails on opening /dev/zap/channel, but this file is readable by dialout group
09:38.47nextimemazimp : chown -R asterisk.asterisk /dev/zap/
09:39.02nextimeit must be readable and writable by asterisk
09:39.58mazimpnextime: ok - asterisk is starting
09:40.20nextimemazimp : good, so, now you must check if the pid file is in the right path
09:40.32nextimeif yes, the problem is on the init script
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09:42.13mazimpnextime: there's no pid in both dir's - is that possible?
09:42.41nextimemazimp : if you are check the path where asterisk is running it sound impossible
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09:43.48robinOK, so ... for faxreceive, I think I have that wiorking, I just need the fax.php agi script .. any ideas where it is found?
09:44.34mazimpnextime: I searched for /var/run/ and for /var/run/asterisk/ - nothing
09:45.04Hali_303Hi! I'm a student developing linux hardwares. What I would like to ask from you, is that would you consider buying the following equipment for $250? It is basically a 4-port FXS (5REN on each port, that means on each port you can connect 5 analog phones, and they will ring together), it has a 5th port a GSM gateway (you can put you own SIM card in it), and you can connect this device to the PC using an USB connection (not ethernet, so the d
09:45.09nextimemazimp : mumble, can i see your /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf ? ( in query, don't flood on channel )
09:45.37Hali_303(the device is obviously not ready yet, I'm just interested if it gives good price/value for you)
09:45.50mazimpnextime: will send it in a personal message, ok?
09:46.08nextimemazimp : yes, query == private message :)
09:46.50nextimemazimp : ok it seem to be right. so, check the permission for /var/run/asterisk, is owned by asterisk?
09:48.11mazimpnextime: yes
09:48.12nextimeHali_303 : it seem to be expansive to me, but i think that for a end user market is a reasonable price
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09:48.43nextimemazimp : are you check the location of pidfile while asterisk is running?
09:48.56mazimpnextime: yes
09:49.11nextimeso, it *must* be in /var/run/asterisk :|
09:49.26Hali_303nextime: according to voip-supply, the cheapest 4 port FXS is $320, however that has ethernet, and is a stand alone device
09:50.12mazimpnextime: /var/run/asterisk/ is empty there is just an /var/run/asterisk.ctl owned by root
09:50.13Hali_303nextime: but for half the price maybe ppl are interested in a non-standalone device..
09:52.57nextimemazimp : is asterisk running as asterisk user?
09:53.42nextimeHali_303 : your device is thinked to wich market? b2b or end user?
09:54.25mazimpnextime: yes
09:55.17nextimeHali_303 : anyway, i'm in EU not in US, so, maybe prices are different ( in EU we use many chinese hw that is very cheap )
09:55.40nextimemazimp : it's very strange...
09:56.19nextimemazimp : look on query
09:57.24Hali_303nextime: basically for businesses, who need to have a mini call center running in minutes.. they just plug in the device, put the GSM SIM into it and you can have four normal telephones ready to be called by clients
09:58.06Hali_303and you are also reachable over the internet using SIP
09:58.51nextimeHali_303 : oh, sorry for my mistake, i was thinking about fxs ports but not about gsm sim slot, so, 4 fxs + a gsm sim slot for 250 USD is a reasonable price
09:59.13Hali_303do you think that there is need for such a concept?
09:59.51nextimeHali_303 : not for me personally, but i think that is a device that can have market, yes
10:00.07nextimefor small office expecially
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10:03.34Hali_303yes, that would be the market mainly ;) and if the company grows, you just plug in another of this device, and you have an additional GSM and more lines. the reason I think USB is a better choice than ethernet is that you need a PC running anyways, since it holds voice mail, records conversations and this would be pretty expensive to do in a stand alone device without a hard disk
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10:06.37nextimeHali_303 : ethernet is more scalable that usb, but this isn't a issue on a small office tha can be 10/15 phones, not 150 or so on, so, a usb device is enought
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10:14.33Hali_303yes, true. USB2 itself would be enough for 150 lines, however the PC would not be able to transcode such an ammount of data, I guess they are using DSP and FPGA chips for that in high density FXS devices, but anyways 150 lines is hardcore category ;)
10:14.49trixterI gotta say that voip hacks by oreilly (released dec 2005) is really not that good, and had I paid I would be upset that I wasted money, since it was free I still somehow feel taken by it, but ...
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10:21.19inv_Arptrixter: its free?
10:22.43trixterthey sent it to me free
10:22.46trixternormally its not
10:22.54trixterI dont really recommend it though
10:22.59inv_Arpoh ok
10:23.51Hali_303you can read a few chapters on their homepage
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10:24.38trixterif you have 2 months or more asterisk experience the asterisk specific stuff (of which there isnt that much) wont be of value, if you have at least 5 months general voip experience there wont be anything in there for you, aside from a couple sections on phone lines and that is so basic that it takes 1 hour to learn everything covered
10:24.44trixterin short if you know nothing, get the book, it ight give you ideas if you already know a little its a waste
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10:31.40Hali_303have to go
10:31.54Hali_303nextime: thx for the infos!
10:32.11*** part/#asterisk Hali_303 (
10:43.20robinOK, agi debugging is doing my head in .. I have verbosity at 6, am printing to STDERR, but nothing is showing on the console
10:47.36telmichgood morning
10:47.55robinbah. running the agi from the commans line, it works, and writes to a log file, its chmod 755, and asterisk claims to be running it as show in agi debug on theconsole, but .. its not.
10:48.07telmichthanks for the good documentation guys, I just needed 30 minutes to get asterisk running from source under a rsbac-linux system
10:48.29telmichcould someone recommened a document about linking asterisk servers together to make a bigger network?
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12:00.50trixter  Free VOIPUSB Phone
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12:03.16xhelioxI'm still waiting on my Vonage rebate.
12:03.19xhelioxFrom over a year ago.
12:04.23xhelioxgood morning/afternoon/evening #asterisk :
12:04.49trixterarent the terms on that 60 days with vonage before refund?
12:04.54trixteraka a 'float'
12:05.53xhelioxI was with them for 6 months.
12:06.08xhelioxI canceled because I never got my $89 rebate they said I'd get within 90 days.
12:06.23xhelioxI was even sick enough to subscribe to their "soft phone" service. *shakes head*
12:06.34xhelioxThank god for Teliax.
12:09.40robinI need to fond a good sip/iax termination for .ch, or possibly france
12:14.22trixterfinera family of providers typically give you access to those, cant beat the price and
12:15.21trixterthey also do and a bunch of other companies, they have quite a few customers so its not anything new per se, although I think is their newest
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12:55.24hackeronSeems if I want to use G.729 in asterisk, I have to re-record all the sounds? -- I just see could not transcode between GSM and G.729 - is there a way around it?
12:57.08xhelioxI suspect that's because you do not have any g729a licenses installed.
12:57.27xhelioxg729a with Asterisk only works without licenses if you use pass thru, I believe.
12:58.23hackeronxheliox: pass thru?
12:59.08xhelioxSIP Device -> Asterisk -> SIP Device, for example.
12:59.44hackeronxheliox: say I want to use G729 for Asterisk -> PSTN and G.711 (ulaw) for Local SIP phones -> Asterisk?
13:00.43xhelioxTHen you'd need g729a licenses.
13:00.49xhelioxThey're $10 per channel, you can get them from
13:01.30hackeronxheliox: ah, ok, and then it will transcode? -- also, will AMD64 3500+ have enough power to transcode 25 channels?
13:02.09hackeronand do you think its worth it to replace gsm?
13:02.14xhelioxYes. And I'm not certain about the specs, but you _should_ be okay.
13:03.02xhelioxWell, I guess there's no harm in having each sound file in your native format, I presume that would prevent some need to transcode. Though I'm by no means the expert around here.
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13:07.17Kernel_corehi all
13:07.28Kernel_coreanobody familiar with astbill ?
13:09.27trixterthat may be the wrong url, its starting to look like it
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13:12.09trixter  that is the one I meant
13:14.47xhelioxtrixter: What are those?
13:15.43trixterthe compiled patched versions of the iuntel IPP stuff for g729 and g723 codecs
13:15.50trixterwhat else do they look like?
13:17.40xhelioxwhat's the patch for?
13:18.32trixterto make them asterisk compatible
13:19.05xhelioxhow are they different than the ones on digium's ftp site?
13:21.46trixterbiggest difference is they dont look for a license
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13:22.39tzafrir_homewell, but running them is still illegal, isn't it?
13:23.24trixterif you are running them in your own home under the terms for which the intel code was originally given out (ie non commercial personal use etc) then they are legal even in the US
13:23.25tzafrir_homeregardless of the patent issue: what about the intel  code?
13:23.26Kernel_coretzafrir_home: where is your location ?
13:23.45trixterthe intel code is free for the download if you agree to use it for personal non commerical purposes
13:24.05tzafrir_homenon-commercial is worthless for a PBX
13:24.11trixteras such if you follow that license you wouldnt be infringing upon the codec code since that is where the real work of the codec came from
13:24.16trixterthat depends
13:24.23robinooh, now there is a shite website ..
13:24.31robinor should that be webshite
13:24.38tzafrir_homenon-commercvial means that it may be useful for internal testing, but nothing more
13:24.54trixterand it would only be a license issue both for the intel stuff (which wouldnt have a per seat cost and would be cheaper in larger installations -- although read the lciense) and the itu fee for 729 would be on top of that
13:25.02robinI dont suppose anyone here works for voipgate?
13:25.15trixtertzafrir_home: and development pre-sales
13:25.28trixterthat is also allowed and infact the largest intent of the intel code
13:25.55tzafrir_homenot to mention that their build system is yucky
13:26.19tzafrir_homeyou have to use intel's build system to build those
13:26.31trixterI have heard rumors that the codec licensing fee is closer to $2 but those are unconfirmed, and now the rules have changed since I heard that so I dont know..  which means that if you were to pay off intel ($150 for redistribution in a commercial environment - unlimited copies iirc) and the $2/seat license you couldsell em for $3 and still turn a profit
13:27.12trixterthe gpl doesnt technically apply to the patch file becuase it relies 100% on the intel code and according to the FSF you cant have a dependancy on commercial non gpl compatible code like that (although that is a questionable issue given the wording of the gpl)
13:27.43trixterI guess I should say its against the FSF interpretation and their faq but not the actual wording of the gpl ...
13:28.45trixtertzafrir_home: yeah well if someone wanted to they could use that commercially, that was the point I was getting at, and not every country honors the type of patent that g729 is patented under, because they allow you to patent your implementation but not a general concept of it
13:29.01robinsigh. I REALLY wish someone from was on this channel ...
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13:29.18robinthen I could direct my abuse at them :(
13:29.22trixterso it varies as to whether or not its legal to use and all that..  I also dont know the terms of the intel contract other than its free for some uses paid for others which largely revolve around redistribution for compensation
13:30.48tzafrir_homein short, I try to avoid g729 and g723 if I can
13:32.39trixterI am more of a choice guy I try to give people choices :)
13:33.05robinso ... would anyone care to suggest a good sip->pstn service in .eu?
13:33.22robinI only need outgoing ...
13:35.05xhelioxSo it's fair to say that Digium makes a healthy profit off of g729a licenses?
13:35.25trixterI dont know how healthy it is
13:35.42xhelioxWell, let's say 500% is healthy :P
13:35.50tzafrir_homexheliox:  would you rather have only the alternative?
13:35.52trixterto make *any* profit they have to sell more licenses than their costs to write the codecs, manage the license servers, pay their fees to whomever, etc
13:36.01trixterbut even if they sell one they can lose money
13:36.10trixterthey have to sell a certain quantity before they see any profit
13:36.24xhelioxfair enough.
13:36.58xhelioxand the only reason I ask, if because I've always felt that buying g729a licenses was a good way of supporting Digium.
13:37.06xhelioxAnd from what I gather from what's been said this morning, that's true?
13:37.10trixternow if they sell 1M licenses a year and sustain that sales, then yes it would be a healthy profit, however I dont see them coming close and becuase its not an annual license afaik any sales they get this year they w ont duplicate next year
13:37.39trixterit can help however working as an unpaid developer would support them too
13:37.54trixterbecause code that is submitted and disclaimed they sell in their commercial version of asterisk (ABE or asterisk buysiness edition)
13:38.16xhelioxYeah, I'm not doing that for two reasons, and that's one of them. ;)
13:38.37xhelioxThe other reason is far more dire, I can't code for shit.
13:38.41trixterI somehow think that the coding resources that are provided for free (and support services such as bug marshalls, etc) would end up saving them a whole lot more money than buying a couple of licenses for g729
13:39.00trixteryou dont have to be a coder to work for them for free
13:39.18trixterthey have some QA/bug related jobs that dont involve coding
13:39.40trixterso you can get a job that pays nothing, not even official employee status and support them that way if you want
13:39.58xhelioxsuper. :P
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13:40.06trixterif you were to work for them as a tech writer for free that would save them a ton because those guys often get like $90/hr
13:40.16xhelioxI'll just be a loyal customer and guy their not so great hardware, and codecs.. thanks though.
13:41.14xhelioxAnd when I say loyal..
13:41.20xhelioxI mean loyal until something better comes around. ;)
13:41.41xhelioxWhich I'm not holding my breath on.
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13:43.52trixtertherei s stuff on the horizon, right now asterisk, opbx, and anything that came from those are working to be gpl compliant (technically no one has the right to distribute or use asterisk/opbx)
13:44.25trixterbut there are other projects as well, cisco backs (I havent looked at vocal at all) gnu has bayonne, and there are a few others
13:44.50trixterI dont know if any are better or worse more or less functional although I do plan on looking at them at some point to see
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13:45.21xhelioxSure, but I still see it being years before anything is truly viable in the sense that Asterisk is. Or at least that's my amateur opinion.
13:45.35xhelioxMaybe openpbx.
13:45.59trixtermaybe sofa it all depends
13:46.18trixterand it doesnt matter if it supports X features so long as it supports the features you want in the way you want them
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14:04.54trixterup in washington state they are up on their 37th day of rain
14:05.03trixterthat is almost moah/gilgamesh quantity
14:05.08trixterer noah
14:05.57telmichis there some effort to build a internet connected voip community vith asterisk?
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14:07.35RoyKtrixter: ouch. sounds sad
14:11.00srtis there a way to pass a newline char to an app from the dialplan?
14:13.37trixtertelmich: largely there are little groups here and there and some large groups that are more disconnected than connected..  afaik there are no direct connections to everyone everywhere guessi t all depends on how you define 'community';
14:14.17trixtersrt: maybe, let me try something I think will work, although the question becomes which app and why?  becuase not all apps would appreciate a newline
14:15.06srttrixter: its for app_userevent to handle multiple attributes
14:15.41srtapp_userevent doesnt do any real parsing of the args and just copies the stuff to the manager event
14:15.50trixterit seems that the parser doesnt pass \n like it should however if you do pass a \n and use that string within a printf or similar it will work
14:15.59telmichtrixter: hrm, ok
14:16.03srtmaybe the right solution would be to fix app_userevent but passing a nl char would be a quick workaround
14:16.30trixterwell you can send a \n to it, a sprintf on the string into a new string would translate those
14:17.07srthow do i do that? if i pass \n i receive n and if i pass \\n i receive \n (literally)
14:17.58trixteryes and if a string contains \n in it when passed to sprintf it will translate it
14:18.24trixterhowever I am unsure exactly where you expect this to occur, is it within asterisk or within your app?
14:18.31srtseems like the config parser eats the \ if its not followed by a known quote char like [ ] $ " \ .
14:19.10RoyKIKEA on a saturday inherits a stress factor that exceeds most other things in life
14:19.23srtfrom the dialplan
14:19.26srtexten => 8765,n,UserEvent(NewCall|property1: ${EXTEN}\npropery2: ${CALLERID})
14:20.12backblueanyone with dundi or realtime & nat?
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14:20.44trixteryou have to escape the \ to make it pass ie \\
14:21.57telmichRoyK: interesting, I was today morning thinking whether I should go there
14:22.08srt\n results in property1: 8765npropery2: "xxx" <1310>
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14:22.15srtand \\n results in property1: 8765\npropery2: "xxx" <1310>
14:22.29trixterright the string with the \n needs to be parsed as described above
14:22.41trixterI dont understand exactly where you want it to be parsed though, you never answered that
14:22.48RoyKtelmich: my gf and another friend made me go there
14:23.12telmichRoyK: HRHR
14:23.19trixterif you want it within app_userevent you are going to have to add that code and potentially make your system incompatible with others, if you want it within your manager tool then its easier
14:23.36telmichwhoever wrote documentation in, the information there is pretty good
14:23.51srttrixter: i would like to have in app_userevent
14:23.54RoyKtelmich: lots of people write there. it's a wiki
14:24.01srtbut that would require a patch for asterisk
14:24.09trixterits potentially not a good idea to be able to insert newlines into the manager output since data is seperated by newlines and that can cause breakage depending on where you getthe data from
14:24.13srtif i dont manage to pass the newline to app_userevent
14:24.22telmichRoyK: I know, but there are also wikis with useless information
14:24.30RoyKof course
14:24.39RoyKthe internet is full of bulllshit
14:24.42RoyKand useful info
14:24.43telmichbtw, is it possible to send the clients a list of registrated iax2 users?
14:24.46srti want that the void *data buffer passed to userevent_exec contains a newline char
14:24.53srtand not a "\n" string
14:24.56RoyKvoip-info also has it's BS pages
14:25.02srtum a "\\n" string
14:25.18srti only get either "n" or "\\n" there
14:25.19trixtersrt: do you know how sprintf works?  I have explained how to do that in a very easy fashion
14:25.31RoyKperl -e 's/\\n/\n/gm'
14:25.48srtyes i know how to fix it easily
14:26.08srtbut my question is: is it possible without a modification of asterisk source code?
14:26.26RoyKis  there a problem modifying asterisk source code?
14:26.33RoyKit shouldn't be that hard to add a \n
14:26.46srtdefine problem ;)
14:27.00RoyK~wtf problem
14:27.09srtits not a problem but its a hassle to get someone to include in the official trunk
14:27.19srtplus its not in 1.2 then ;)
14:27.39RoyKthen have your own tree/trunk/branch
14:27.56RoyKmost people seriously using asterisk do that
14:28.05RoyKsince it takes for ever to get things into the trunk or 1.2
14:28.24srtyes would be fine for me but not for others using my framework
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14:29.07RoyKwtf? a fake viking?
14:30.08srti just thought there might be an easy way to put a newline into the dialplan...
14:30.44srti could set an environment variable to a newline and use ${ENV(NEWLINE)} ;)
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14:32.09trixtersrt but my question is: is it possible without a modification of asterisk source code?
14:32.13trixteryes I told you how earlier
14:32.33srttrixter: that doesnt work. try it if you dont mind.
14:32.46trixterwhere is it needed to be processed?  what tool is reading that data that needs the 2 lines?
14:33.08trixterok its clear now that you really want to refuse to read anything I have said so far, so I am done with this
14:33.13trixterscroll up in you want the answer
14:33.54trixter~lart royk
14:34.03RoyK~lart trixter
14:34.21svenna_hi all
14:34.33svenna_i finaly got it all to work
14:34.41srttrixter: i need it in the output on the manager api
14:34.50srti dont care where its done in asterisk
14:35.12srtits just that the config or dialplan parser or whatever eats the \
14:35.28srtso i either get "n" or "\\n" but never "\n" as i said above.
14:36.03trixterwhy do you need it in the output of the manager api?  why not in what reads from the manager api as I said earlier
14:36.21trixterand that way your custom thing exists only in your manager otol not in asterisk itself
14:36.31svenna_ive got a isdn line going in and a pbx on a zap channel intern - but all of a sudden i cant see the callerid anymore? wjat could be happend? do i have to configure anything to transfer callerids to the internal dvice?
14:37.12srttrixter: yep thats possible - but not nice.
14:37.12trixterdial has an option to send the original caller id iirc
14:38.02srtill build a patch for app_userevent to support multiple properties and see if it gets accepted
14:38.02svenna_ah ok, ill look for that- thx!
14:38.07srtthanks for your help
14:38.10trixtersrt: it would be far easier than expecting people to patch their asterisk distro to use your tool, if you are that concerned about it make a userevent2 app that supports this
14:38.31trixterI doubt it would get accepted it gives control potentially to other things to break the manager interface
14:38.37trixterthink sendmail 8.6.9 vuln
14:39.22trixteryes that is a multi year old vuln (1997 or so) but it was a newline that was inserted where it shouldnt be because something relied on  the fact that newlines werent sent via some service (ident specifically)
14:40.00trixterwhile ident is likely to not be an issue in this particular case, someone somewhere might send data somehow that is put in a userevent
14:40.17srti think app_userevent should work like this: UserEvent(NewCall|property1: ${EXTEN}|propery2: ${CALLERID}|...)
14:40.26srtwithout any user having to care about newlines or stuff
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14:40.37trixterand that data can be corrupted, which can do weird things to the manager app that is running, and may even cause other things to happen that were totally unexpected
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14:41.28trixterso if it supports newlines and I pass caller id from a malicious server I cant send my own events
14:41.30srtof course it will break thinks if ppl except | to be passed to the manager api
14:41.56trixterbecuase the seperator is really just a blank line..  what if I send as my caller id   123\n\n<new event here>\n\n
14:41.59srtbut thats against the spec anyway as und unquoted | should be treated as a parameter delimiter
14:42.37trixteror whatever even if it is a | if it gets translated to a \n that has the same effect to the tool that connects to the manager interface
14:43.26*** part/#asterisk EmerixeN (
14:43.38srtif its in user data it is not treated as delimiter
14:44.00srtwhat i want to do is to fix app_userevent to use the normal parsing functions of asterisk for parameters
14:44.05trixterhow does app_userevent know?  ${CALLERID} is expanded first
14:44.17trixterahh ok I think I understand now
14:44.35trixteryou want a va args thing rather than a single string that gets parsed later
14:44.55*** join/#asterisk Skkip (n=Skipper@
14:45.08trixterthat *might* get accepted if you disclaim so it can be sold for proifit
14:45.12trixterer profit
14:45.25srtyep its not my first patch...
14:45.43trixterahh so you work for free
14:45.57trixterin that case I have some code that needs to be written, always looking for people that work for free
14:48.53srtasterisk/digium helps me get things done so i am happy to give back
14:54.00viking78Hello all! Was anyone here envolved with or used the 2B transfer feature in libpri?
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15:02.18trixterI might actually write a gsm integrator to asterisk that currently no one has, not sure yet..  someone wants me to make some gsm test equipment and 90% of the code would be the same to actually make asterisk work as a mobile cell tower (ie BTS)
15:03.11trixterthere are also some potentials for people to use the european freqs at very low power in america ...  1800MHz iirc has some overlapping slots that are allowed for low power unlicensed use
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15:17.56svenna_i found it (f)orce (o)ld callerid is the key to heaven :-)
15:18.10svenna_thanks again trixter
15:18.12telmichJan 14 16:17:09 WARNING[4504]: chan_iax2.c:6970 socket_read: Call rejected by No authority found
15:18.19telmichwhat's wrong when getting this message?
15:18.33telmichwe've a friend definition on both sides
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15:18.46telmichpermit= and host=dynamic
15:19.16chiardonsomeone from europe here now!
15:19.21telmichyes :)
15:19.31chiardonHi telmich
15:19.55chiardonI'm having problems with the euroisdn signalig
15:20.15chiardontelmich could you give me a hand on that?
15:20.17telmichchiardon: oh, I use VoIP only
15:20.28chiardonhoooooooo . . .txn
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15:20.58chiardonsantiago  . . .where are you??
15:23.13chiardonhi santiago
15:23.36santiagohi chiardon
15:23.47santiagochiardon, I'm in Colombia
15:24.34chiardonsantiago do you have some experience with the euroisdn signaling?
15:26.33chiardonSantiago . . .it means a PRI signaling, framing and coding
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15:30.26*** join/#asterisk Rev3939493 (
15:30.28Rev3939493hi all
15:30.34chiardonsantiago  . .what kind of signalign use the isdn-PRI in Colombia??
15:30.53Rev3939493anyone using GrandStream GXP-2000 have a problem transferring and conferencing ?
15:31.25Rev3939493i got a new GXP-2000 yesterday as a Demo... it's all configured and works fine all except if i try to transfer or conference, it just drops the call
15:31.48benjkAsterisk 1.0.10 is now GPL clean on OSX
15:32.15BeHappy_what were the parts non-gpl?
15:32.18benjkwell as far as all *known* GPL issues are concerned at least
15:32.32Rev3939493i have call 1 active, someone calls in on line 2, i hold line 1, answer line 2, press conference, it says (Press the Line to conference with), when I press Line 1, it drops line 1.
15:33.08benjkalso Digium's GPL key checking thing is not compliant with section 7 of the GPL
15:33.18benjkbut I removed that completely
15:33.26trixterwell sec 7 in relation to sections 2-3
15:33.52benjkfurther the welcome message is now compliant
15:34.04trixterRev3939493: I dont have that problem with my gxp ...  dunno what is going on there
15:34.31Rev3939493trixter, let me try and collect some debug from *
15:34.47trixteruse pastebin for that not here...   just a FYI
15:35.31trixter  Free VOIPUSB Phone  -- since there are ne wpeople now..  it looks like a POS, its a mail in rebate, there is likely to be shipping, but ...
15:35.56santiagochiardon, mmm, I really depends on the provider, you have to ask your telco for the kind of signalling of their E1s
15:37.25trixterbenjk: licensing (which is being worked on in SVN but you arent using that) is also unclear, since there is some lgpl, bsd, apache 1 disclaimed (effectively the same as the netbsd license, but granted for asterisk), and gpl and all that ...  however the program when distributed as a whole falls under an umbrella gpl - some components when seperate fall out of the gpl into their respective less restrictive licenses
15:38.03trixterbut I dont think that is a gpl requirement to properly state what all the licenses are since its an umbrella license (I dont recall a clause offhand that states you have to)
15:38.57trixterits just a nice thing to do
15:39.31Rev3939493can someone see what's wrong here?
15:41.47chiardonsantiago . .hummmmmm . .you have some knowledge with d-channel related?
15:41.48benjkI am working on a 'show license all" command
15:42.19benjkthat will display all the licenses involved
15:42.34benjklikewise 'show copyright all"
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15:46.38trixterthat is gonna require a change to each module and make it not compatible with anyting other than your fork :/
15:47.05trixterwhile thatisnt a bad thing considering  the specialized nature of your fork (osX) I generally dontl ike doing that (personal thing)
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15:47.55Rev3939493ok i found the exact error when conferencing:
15:48.02Rev3939493anyone recognize that?
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15:50.17trixterRev3939493: did you see chan_sip.c:3588 process_sdp: No compatible codecs!   or something else?
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15:51.04trixterI have seen that when asterisk cant negotiate with a phone for a codec for example..  where the phone has its list ofallowed and asterisk has its list and there are no two the same
15:51.17littleallhello, is it possible to play two sound files currently on the same channel?
15:51.23trixtertry allow=all in asterisk or at least configure your phone to use something that is allowed
15:51.48trixterlittleall: it will sound bad if you do generally ...  why do you want to mix 2 ?
15:52.13littleallhow to mix?
15:52.30trixterI think I asked why
15:52.36trixterbecause sometimes its not the right answer
15:52.48trixteryou could use sox to mix it and stream the data
15:53.05littleallbecause i want to play the voice prompt with a music background
15:53.07trixtervia an agi for example, I just am skeptical if you really want to do that
15:54.01trixterthat would be a lot of overhead to mix all that for each caller, a cheat would be to toss the caller into a meetme and bridge in a context that has the ivr to the same meetme
15:54.05littleallsox mix and stream data is time consuming, it is not suitable used under the context of agi
15:54.13trixterI think it would be distracting though :/
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15:54.36Rev3939493there is a SIP debug
15:54.46littleallbecaue in my case, the prompt voice and background music are dynamically changeable
15:55.00chiardonsomeone fro western europe//
15:55.14trixterFound description format PCMU
15:55.14trixterFound description format PCMA
15:55.14Rev3939493i do not have any codecs turned off on the phone. and * is set to allow g729 and GSM on the extension. VoicePulse uses ulaw
15:55.21trixterRev3939493: do you allow ulaw or alaw for those phones?
15:55.31Rev3939493G729 / GSM
15:55.43littlealli am wondering whether it is possible to use one background() to play the background music and then playback () to play the voice prompt
15:55.45trixterlemme look again
15:56.11Rev3939493the extension is only allowed g729 or GSM. but incomming calls from IAX voicepulse are ulaw.
15:56.14trixterlittleall: maybe, although I am not sure that it will work the way you want, you can always try :)
15:56.33Rev3939493i'm expecting * to do the transcoding
15:57.04Rev3939493"SIP/2.0 488 Not acceptable here"
15:57.04trixterRev3939493: its looking like its trying to get the phone to use ulaw or alaw
15:57.11trixtertry enabling that in the phone and see if it works
15:57.15Rev3939493ok let me try that
15:57.32trixteriirc you dont have to reboot for that change even though the web tool says you do, but you might
15:57.38trixtersome stuff on the phone you dont even though it says you do
15:57.55trixterI use gsutil (modded to support the gxp2000 properly of course) so I config it via CLI
15:58.11trixtermercedes is pimping their 75mpg car
15:58.18trixterits WAY better than the VW 300mpg car
15:58.34trixterfor example its a 2 side by side seat instead of tandem
15:58.59trixterthey modeled it after a fish 'box fish' specifically
15:59.28trixter75 mpg isnt bad, given that hybrids afaik arent up there yet
15:59.41trixterfor you metric people 3.8l == 1 US gallon
16:03.17Rev3939493ok trixter, it works now, after allow=ulaw and allow=alaw . but strangely the phone still says it's using G729 for the conference
16:06.13trixtersounds liek a sip negotiation bug then
16:06.43trixtereither that or its really using ulaw and doesnt switch once the call is bridged..  did you confirm (via sip show channels) that its not using [u|a]law?
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16:07.35Rev3939493no9, not yety
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16:19.51telmichWhy can an incoming asterisk server NOT register, if the type=user?
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16:20.39Chiardonsomeone from europe now?
16:21.40SkramXHi all
16:22.25ChiardonHi SkramX
16:23.45trixterthe mailing lists are busy this morning and generally its actually useful stuff
16:24.13[TK]D-Fendertelmich : Perhaps you should look at the debug of the register ATTEMPT.
16:24.54telmich[TK]D-Fender: I am now less confused
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16:25.20[TK]D-Fendertelmich : Ok, so whats the current suspect?
16:26.08telmich[TK]D-Fender: no problem anymore, incoming and outgoing calls do fine
16:27.27Chiardonsomeone from western europe now???
16:27.54telmich[TK]D-Fender: no. I do not really understand, which entry to use if someone wants to 'register' to me
16:28.40telmich[TK]D-Fender: If I want to make calls to another server, I use locally a peer definition and remote a user
16:30.43[TK]D-FenderSo you are an "extension" on their system?
16:30.55[TK]D-FenderFirst of all, SIP or IAX?
16:31.13*** join/#asterisk urs (
16:31.16[TK]D-FenderHmmm... i've never actually used IAX for trunking before...
16:31.22telmich[TK]D-Fender: I try to connect to urs
16:31.36[TK]D-Fendertelmich : won't get you far yet,
16:31.40telmich[TK]D-Fender: we have some connections, but we are not sure how registration and calling relate together
16:32.09ursIt's quite confusing, which passwords in iax.conf are responsible for what
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16:32.43ursthe username and passwort I supply in a peer-entry... is used for the opposite side to register with me?
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16:32.56ursor for me calling the opposite side?
16:33.05trixterpasswords are optional in iax as I understand it..  if not specified it will match against any passwordless account, if a username isnt specified it will match the password against all accounts
16:33.13trixtermakes dictionary attacks easier at least
16:33.15ursbut we'd like to use passwords. :)
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16:33.49[TK]D-Fendertelmich : Looks easy enough
16:33.51trixterguest is a special user that is given weight if there is no password specified however
16:34.27[TK]D-Fenderthis page really does say it all..
16:34.33trixterurs: well make sure you choose passwords well cause if you use a dictionary password it can be guessed without knowing the username and calls can be placed as that user potentially ...  bad mojo
16:34.51trixter[TK]D-Fender: hey that is in the voip hacks book be oreilly!
16:34.51urs[TK]D-Fender: Ok, we were looking at
16:34.59trixterthat is such a waste of a book :/
16:35.15telmich[TK]D-Fender: we read that
16:35.19trixter*nothing* new or novel in there and nothing really of value except to an ABSOLUTE n00b to voip in general
16:35.24[TK]D-Fendertrixter, which book?  TFOT?
16:35.42[TK]D-Fendertrixter : the forward says it IS for people who are new to *!
16:35.44trixter'voip hacks' by oreilly
16:35.49trixterreleased dec 2005
16:36.04trixtergot my free copy yesterday to review and um I feel bad putting that review up but its a horrible useless book
16:36.07[TK]D-Fendertrixter : Same stuff.. most books are for people who have to see it in print before they try anything...
16:36.12trixtereven though I got it free I somehow feel bad for having it
16:36.30[TK]D-FenderI'm going to make a completely new dialplan page for the WIKI to strighen out newbs...
16:36.32trixterwell the hacks series by oreilly is generally good
16:37.03[TK]D-Fendertelmich : In that page, just use the 1st sample....
16:37.09trixterthere is at least something in there that is useful, but this is questionable at having any value, becuase hacks imply that you know at least a little and I think that it really is for such a small market group, those that know what voip is but never used it
16:37.21[TK]D-Fendertelmich : dead easy.  Just implement it mirror image on the other server
16:37.36telmich[TK]D-Fender: mo
16:37.40trixterI think hack #5 is connecting to a voip provider that is BYOD (not with asterisk specifically but with *anything*)
16:37.59trixteranother hack is getting a sipura ATA with FXO and using that to connect your phone line to voip stuff
16:38.02[TK]D-Fendertrixter : Book sounds really worthless...
16:38.06trixterthey classify that as a hack!
16:38.15[TK]D-Fendertrixter : Thats the SPA-3000
16:38.19[TK]D-Fender's entire poitn!
16:38.32trixterit cant be else that wouldnt be a hack :P
16:38.51[TK]D-FenderI can't be otherwise someone would be wasting money on a book!
16:39.21trixterthe book is full of stuff like that and really nothing of value :/
16:39.33telmich[TK]D-Fender: method1 runs, but without registration from REC_SERVER to sending server
16:39.35trixterI give it 2 packets down
16:40.04*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
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16:40.54[TK]D-Fendertelmich : Correct, it is a REG-less method that is authenticated at the point of placing the call.  Simple.  I like it :)
16:41.25[TK]D-Fendertrixter : 2 packets down?  More like 2 packets LOST
16:42.04[TK]D-FenderI printed TFOT just as a refernce in case the WIKI goes down :)  I'd like to mirror it at fixed points in time though for local browseing.
16:42.41*** join/#asterisk Scp2004- (n=afoon@
16:48.12Scp2004-anyone here from brazil??
16:48.18telmichwhat means 'trunk=yes' below a type=user specification in iax.conf
16:48.23Chiardonhow can I compile only the Tor2 driver whitout wct4xxp?
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16:49.27Chiardonor can i work with the first generation Digium card with both?
16:49.31[TK]D-Fendertelmich : That means that if you place multiple calls over that same connection at a time it will combine the voice stream and share a common header overhead.
16:50.08[TK]D-Fendertelmich : Look halfway down this page to see the scaling benifits :
16:50.44*** join/#asterisk zloc (
16:54.26telmichexten => _23XXX,1,Dial(IAX2/raus-urs/${EXTEN:2},30,r)
16:54.33telmichand raus-urs ist type=peer
16:54.48telmichbut I still can connect to the host. without any register argument.
16:54.52telmichwhy does that work?
16:55.04ursWe've got host=dynamic entries on both sides
16:55.16telmichand no registration, nowhere
16:55.26ursthe ip or hostname appear nowhere in the conif
16:55.35ursbut connecting works
16:55.43telmichit should not work, but we speak together
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16:59.09[TK]D-Fendertelmich : Thats because the connection credentials are passed along with the call being placed and has a matching entry.  there is no registration because it is a ONE-WAY call.
16:59.30ChiardonI', treing to put the Tor2 module up . . but impossible...what could be happen?
16:59.49[TK]D-Fendertelmich : That means that the other side can't use that link to pass other calls and needs to be set up in a mirror image.
17:00.32*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
17:00.42[TK]D-Fenderso its not a "permanent" link that tries to register all the time.  it is invoked on demand only.
17:01.38svenna_my asterisk is a sip client - how can i force to use gsm, not alaw? or: where do i put disallow / allow? in general an my outgoining ext dont care about it...
17:01.59[TK]D-FenderThis means if one of the server's IP is dynamic and doesn't have a dynamic DNS service that this isn't a great idea.  But if both are fixed it mean you don't have to worry about tons of registration attempts.  It'll just initiat a connection when an actual call is being placed.
17:02.18telmichhrm, method3 in the example does not work
17:02.20[TK]D-Fendersvenna_ : In the client section.
17:03.50[TK]D-Fendersvenna_ : What service are you connecting to using GSM?
17:04.22svenna_hmmm - i dont know, if there is a client section in my case... im using standart isdn phones on an NT hfc isdncard
17:04.44svenna_when a call goes out - it connects to sip-provider
17:05.16svenna_therefor ive got an sipproviper-out section in sip.conf
17:05.33svenna_i set it there, but it still uses alaw...
17:05.53[TK]D-Fendersvenna_ : GSM has nothing to do with your PSTN link, only your VoIP ones....
17:06.33[TK]D-Fendersvenna_ : I don't know too many SIP providers that SUPPORT GSM.  Are you sure yours does?
17:07.00svenna_thats probably it ;-)
17:07.11svenna_ok, ithought they all do :-)
17:07.25[TK]D-FenderVERY few devices support it.
17:07.27svenna_ok, i try to find out :)
17:07.30lesouvageThe m parameter (music instead of hearing the ringing) using the Dial command stops suddenly working.  The music on hold itself still working. I can't find out what I have messed up. Any suggestions?
17:07.53[TK]D-FenderMany OSS-firmware based phones do, and * naturally
17:08.24[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage : Does it stop in the middle or does it not work at all any more?
17:08.28svenna_ok, so what codec should i use? i try to waste litte bandwidth...
17:09.08lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: it doesn't work at all anymore, while it works for month.
17:09.13[TK]D-Fendersvenna_ : depends on their options.  G.729 is a good choice but needs to be licensed.
17:09.26[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage : Upgraded * recently?
17:09.35lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: yes
17:09.38svenna_ok, i go and look for, whats supportet
17:09.44svenna_thanks alot!
17:09.50[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage : Paste your dial command as you use it now.
17:10.22r_evolutionD-Fender seems to be the man of the hour... I'm still trying to figure out what's going on with my issue while trying to lurk and learn ;)
17:10.28r_evolutionwell... man or woman =\
17:11.26lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: exten => s,4,Dial(SIP/502&SIP/501,20,m)
17:12.01lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: This is in the context that handles the incoming calls
17:12.08[TK]D-Fenderr_evolution : I help where I can..
17:12.22r_evolutioni noticed. I'm sure everyone appreciates it... even if it's not always said.
17:12.29[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage : do you see it trying to initiate MOH in CLI?
17:12.57lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: evrything looks like it should work and playing a file with silence, but it isn't.
17:12.59[TK]D-Fenderr_evolution : Whats your issue?
17:13.18[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage : and it works with normal use?
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17:13.50lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: Ik made an extension with musiconhold and when I call that extension I hear the music.
17:13.52r_evolutiontrying to work with entice softswitch... which keeps seeming to be impossible... but everyone else can't get it to register... I've gotten it to register... but it keeps rejecting the call w/ a 400 error... so i'm still digging and reading ;)
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17:14.53lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: I will try realy onhold now, I haven't done the obvious.
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17:15.41lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: that works fine
17:16.20lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: It isn't a real problem but I can't stand it that it isn't working anymore.
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17:18.16[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage : Did you try and set your ring time to 100 seconds and see how it reacts?
17:18.45[TK]D-Fenderr_evolution : Is it regecting incoming, outgoing, or both?
17:18.56lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: No I haven't
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17:20.22r_evolutionrejecting outgoing w/ 400
17:20.29r_evolutionrejecting incoming w/ no compatible codec
17:21.14[TK]D-Fenderr_evolution : fix the codec part first.... thats a "must"
17:21.24r_evolutionwell there's the confusion...
17:21.29[TK]D-Fenderr_evolution : Let me guess... G.729 only?
17:21.34r_evolutionnegative sir.
17:21.40r_evolutionit's my company :)
17:21.45r_evolutionso i have access to the switch
17:21.51r_evolutionand they're SUPPOSED to be ulaw
17:22.20r_evolutionfrom what they keep telling us... and to that end, all our distributed ATAs are set w ulaw as the primary
17:22.28r_evolutionand that's why i'm like O_o about the codec
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17:22.45pb__Is it safe to use bristuff's app_pickup.c without the rest of the bristuff patch?  It seems to be working okay at the moment, but I wasn't sure if there are any subtle dependencies.
17:23.17r_evolutionit's such a puzzle to me that i'm actually at work on saturday :-\ (i.e. my day off) in order to tinker with it
17:23.23r_evolutionlast night it wasn
17:23.37lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: strange thing happens, I got, after long time ringing, a message from my cellphone telco that maybe the phone has been switched off. This is cli output:  Started music on hold, class 'default', on Zap/2-1
17:23.47r_evolutionwasn't even registering...
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17:24.29r_evolutionbut i moved it in front of all firewalls... set the localnet... allowed gsm,ulaw and alaw (in sip.conf)... set the port... made it insecure=very...
17:24.48r_evolutionset the host... set the fromdomain... etc
17:24.57r_evolutionso NOW it registers... and i see it in the switch
17:24.57[TK]D-Fenderr_evolution : Maybe its using ULAW but the codec descriptor isn't right on the switch
17:25.01r_evolutionand that makes me go :-D
17:25.19r_evolutionhmm... a complete possibility...
17:25.35r_evolutionin all honesty, i'm not very into the people running our switch... for more than a few reasons
17:26.44svenna_[TK]D-Fender : it sees like my provider just supports alaw and ulaw... :-(
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17:28.57r_evolutioni'd be ecstatic if this provider properly passed the ulaw apparently...
17:29.29[TK]D-Fendersvenna_ : I doubt that...  I'm sure they support G.729 as well...
17:30.08r_evolution^i echo that statement...
17:30.33lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: Maybe it's because of the update I did a couple of days ago. It's not the kind of function that will be missed by a lot of persons. I'm running Xorcom. I will the Xorcom guys let it know.
17:30.34[TK]D-FenderNo provider wants to eat up their bandwidth on G.711 just for you :)
17:30.49r_evolutionsee the catch is [TK] is that we DO have MANY working ATAs out in general use
17:30.59r_evolutionthat are supposedly on ulaw
17:31.12[TK]D-Fenderr_evolution : I'm sure its the switch...
17:31.22r_evolutionnow admittedly... they're not the best ATAs (UT Starcom/Azatel -- same box different plastic cover)... but they're working =\
17:31.25[TK]D-Fenderr_evolution : just a question of where and why
17:31.44svenna_[TK]D-Fender : i tried it: * said there is no way to translate between zap and sip
17:31.45r_evolutionYeah... a big question... given that i'm trying to replace the dying pbx in this company with *
17:31.47Scp2004-hey guys how to open the port 5060??
17:32.31[TK]D-Fendersvenna_ : Thats beacuse YOU don't have G.729 licensed.  Go to and buy a license for it
17:32.43svenna_ahhhh :-) i see
17:33.00[TK]D-Fenderr_evolution : Does youswitch give any in depth parameters for codec selection?
17:33.09r_evolutionsee b/c when I provide the termination on an analog line with a TDM02B... i can call from all over the office and term on the line... both in and out... using FWD I can call... so yeah i'm def leaning towards your switch theory [TK] (at least on the codec)
17:33.17*** part/#asterisk urs (
17:33.18lesouvageScp2004: Normally using the webinterface to your firewall/router and open the port.
17:33.31r_evolutionNot sure. I' have to get the guy who toys with it the most to check on that one... and he's not coming in here on a saturday... family and all that
17:33.59[TK]D-Fenderr_evolution you don't have direct access to it?
17:34.48Scp2004-[lesouvage] but what have i to do to open the port using the linux console?
17:35.23lesouvageScp2004: You mean on the asterisk server itself?
17:35.23r_evolutionnah i do have access to the switch, but I'm not as familiar with it as he is
17:35.25[TK]D-FenderScp2004- : What distro are you using?
17:35.32r_evolutionand no i dont have physical access
17:35.37[TK]D-Fenderr_evolution : What kind of mgmt interface?
17:36.00r_evolutionEmergent Network
17:36.03[TK]D-Fenderr_evolution : I meant any kind of direct control (web, telnet, etc).
17:36.16M-I-A-the telco 1004hz test tone, can that be heard by the human ear?
17:36.23Scp2004-[[TK]D-Fender] what is distro?
17:36.35[TK]D-FenderJust go cruising in it!  Make sure the codec desc is PCMU for ULAW
17:36.48r_evolutionI could go into a dissertation of how effed up this entire solution is [TK]... but i have to go home at some point ;x
17:36.52[TK]D-FenderScp2004- : If you don't know what means you're in real trouble...
17:36.57r_evolutionscp distro is the flavor of *nix you installed...
17:37.16r_evolutionFedora, Debian, SUSE, eetc etc etc
17:37.24[TK]D-FenderFedora Core, Debian, RHEL, CentOS, Slackware, Gentoo, etc....
17:37.25Scp2004-wow :)
17:37.31r_evolution<---not about to list all flavors... again i have to go home at some point
17:37.37Scp2004-Im using ubuntu
17:37.54[TK]D-Fenderr_evolution : c'mon.. the delusions are what lets us sleep at night :)
17:38.05r_evolutionok... are you trying to open the ports in your hardware firewall... orrr iptables?
17:38.16r_evolutionhaha... delusions... they're what send me running from the office some days
17:38.37[TK]D-FenderScp2004- : You've got a firewall control panel in there somewhere.  But as I've read it leaves the doors wide open by DEFAULT so you dshouldn't even have to be asking that question.
17:38.37r_evolutionever tried to configure an entire * server with people on your back constantly to install a network printer
17:38.43Scp2004-i dont have a hardware firewall
17:38.51[TK]D-Fenderr_evolution : thats my job description :)
17:38.53r_evolutiongo into /etc
17:39.12r_evolutiontry editing the hosts.allow and see if that helps :)
17:39.38Scp2004-ok but what file have I to edit?
17:40.15r_evolutionyou could also try turning off iptables
17:40.21r_evolutionto see if that's really the problem
17:40.39r_evolutionhey TK... it's only part of my job function
17:40.43r_evolutionmy job function = IT
17:40.46r_evolutionoh we need a graphic
17:40.50r_evolutionwe need a website
17:40.56r_evolutionwe need a freaking powerpoint presentation
17:41.01[TK]D-Fenderr_evolution : Yeah.. I solve the "any" key and "my numbers don't work" problems too :)
17:41.05r_evolutionsome days... i need a darvocet
17:41.17r_evolutionmy favorite quotes include
17:41.20r_evolution"are you busy"
17:41.32r_evolutionwhile my face is nearly mashed against the screen with lines of code in front of me
17:41.38r_evolutionand im BLATANTLY ignoring them
17:41.44r_evolution"Are you on the phone"
17:41.50r_evolutionwhile i'm holding a handset to my head and speaking...
17:42.18rob0I know you're faking that call, I saw your * logs!
17:42.21[TK]D-FenderScp2004- : You are not directly connected to the net on that PC are you?  Your open port list looks insane...
17:42.37[TK]D-FenderYou are proxy'd or NAT'd somewhere...
17:42.38*** part/#asterisk Scp2004- (n=afoon@
17:42.42lesouvageScp2004: Do you just want to start with Asterisk to see whant it is?
17:43.00r_evolutionHey scp... try /sbin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i ppp0 -p tcp --dport $pt -j DNAT --to-destination
17:43.02lesouvageto late for Scp2004
17:43.08r_evolutionhahah @ rob
17:43.13r_evolutionno one sees my logs :-D
17:43.18r_evolutionMY BOX
17:43.22r_evolutionMY LOGS... back off ;)
17:43.34[TK]D-FenderLook what he had open :
17:44.05*** join/#asterisk _cleric_ (
17:44.53rob0only 3 ports open ... unless your ISP is blocking the SMB/CIFS ports
17:45.02rob0Comcast does.
17:45.17[TK]D-FenderHe was behind squid (yeah right on Ubuntu),
17:45.29[TK]D-FenderStill filtered
17:45.38[TK]D-FenderWIERD list
17:45.48[TK]D-Fenderhe's gone, so who cares...
17:46.17lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: the lisings of this forum are on the internet.
17:46.31rob0[TK]D-Fender: try some finger queries :)
17:46.59r_evolutionim just afraid when someone says "What's your distro" and the person replies "what's a distro?"
17:48.12*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
17:50.02r_evolutiontime-outs... :\
17:50.03[TK]D-FenderI know so very little about linux IMO yet I'm running Slackware jsut fine and find it EASIER at CLI than everything else.  I like the install process better, using LILO, and always having the std dev libraries and not having to compile EVERYTHING.
17:50.07*** join/#asterisk ckruetze (
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17:50.41r_evolutionI'm going to second [TK]... i'm not exactly NEW but i'm far from experienced... and I'm diggin on debian right now
17:50.43[TK]D-FenderI'd appreciate Debian more if it were more compact (14 CD's!) and offered me LILO by default
17:50.56r_evolutionit started on RH... went to SUSE and fell in love with debian
17:51.00QwellI'd appreciate debian more if it didn't suck! :p
17:51.02r_evolutionnah it's not really 14 CDs D-Fen
17:51.07trixter[TK]D-Fender: mine was less than a full CD and offered grub
17:51.10[TK]D-FenderI just finished DL'ing it and I don't even think I have enough CD's to burn it all...
17:51.11trixterwhat version?
17:51.25r_evolutionjust use the first CD
17:51.30[TK]D-Fendertrixter : 3.1 Sarge
17:51.34r_evolutioninstall a base-system...
17:51.36trixterahh I do etch iirc
17:51.37Qwell120mb iso
17:51.38r_evolutionexactly ^
17:51.44r_evolutionapt-get install <package>
17:51.46Qwellor just use gentoo
17:51.58[TK]D-FenderLets just say I want all the basic stuf I get with Slackware in 2 disks.
17:52.00trixterthink my installer is etch anyway, mini iso and get whatever I need off the network by the time you get the CDs there are updates
17:52.00r_evolutionto hell with the whole "let's install everything on the planet"
17:52.14[TK]D-FenderI don't always want to grab from the net just to insall X11 and a DM.
17:52.21trixterthere is a 5MB debian installer iirc
17:52.25trixterhea net has one
17:52.39trixterit might be smaller, but I am not sure, I know they havea 5MB one
17:52.41r_evolutionSee now this is like religious debates
17:52.51r_evolution"So which distro do YOU prefer?"
17:52.56r_evolution*lightning cracks the sky*
17:53.05trixterI thought it was talking about options within a specific distro
17:53.08[TK]D-FenderI'm not knocking Debian, its my personal tastes + ignorance.  No slander there...
17:53.29[TK]D-FenderAnd fueled by my lazyness of course :)
17:53.37Qwell[TK]D-Fender: be glad you've never had to touch the bastardization that was dselect
17:53.55r_evolutioni know :-D I'm just saying it's almost a topic that ends up in hours of discussion
17:53.56[TK]D-FenderQwell : quick explanation?
17:53.56Qwellhorrible package chooser thing
17:54.20Qwellit tried to manage deps...but it failed miserably
17:54.25[TK]D-FenderQwell : dselect is like Synaptic?  or a differnt kind of app?
17:54.29trixterI dont trust distros that dont come stock with vi or ftp but  takes 1.2GB on my drive
17:54.48trixterdselect is what apt-get calls indirectly
17:54.55QwellSo, you'd choose a package, and it would say like "Yeah, you need these 8 packages also" "okay, sure, select those" "okay, I lied.  those 8 can't use them, because they conflict with each other"
17:55.01[TK]D-Fendertrixter : Debian doesn't come with FTP by default!?
17:55.49trixterand what the installer uses to do use type installs (workstation, development, etc)
17:55.49QwellThen you'd just kinda go "wtf?!"
17:55.49r_evolutionhaha @ qwell
17:55.49trixter[TK]D-Fender: no the gentoo distro I got didnt come with ftp or vi but took 1.2GB
17:55.49r_evolution"okay i lied!"
17:56.04Qwelltrixter: gentoo doesn't "come with" anything
17:56.18r_evolutionI never actually tried to use the package management system... i got stupid/brave enough to try to manually select packages with debian one time
17:56.22r_evolutionand the interface was ...
17:56.23trixterbut anyway, with dselect its not that bad now, and it is the backend to install stuff in debian, so in effect you do use it you just dont see it, it has an ncurses interface to sellect stuff
17:56.23r_evolutionnot pleasant
17:56.30Qwellsure, you'll have the needed stuff in the base stage 1 install
17:56.34trixterI dont like it personally, rather use apt-get
17:56.39r_evolutionme too ^
17:56.50trixterQwell: it came with 1.2GB so it had to come with 'something'
17:57.05Qwell`emerge world` doesn't give you 1.2gb
17:57.11r_evolutionit makes things a lot quicker b/c all you have to do is apt-get <command> <package>
17:57.11Qwellerm, system
17:57.16trixterI couldnt even find a reasonable editor to set up portage to get vi or ftp
17:57.21trixterso I nuked it
17:57.42trixterI couldnt emerge cause that wasnt configured in this distro
17:57.46trixterit wsa the colinux one
17:58.06SkkipDoes someone have a good rollover dial plan? i.e. one voip provider goes down then the call will go out the voip provider.
17:58.09*** join/#asterisk justinu (
17:58.11[TK]D-FenderWTF is "callbook" (TCP 2000)?
17:58.14SkkipRight now I have one provider listed under another, but I'm not sure that's the proper way to do it.
17:58.29Qwellis tcp 2000
17:58.33[TK]D-FenderQwell : thanks!
17:58.48trixterSkkip: I use routing tables in mysql, and look that up from within my ael based dialplan and use a while loop to enumerate through all of the routes until the call goes through
17:59.15trixterSkkip: that should work ...  there is no 'proper' way because most situations are different enough
17:59.44*** join/#asterisk pifiu (n=myassisb@
17:59.53trixtermy situation uses not just failover but also LCR, so its a little more than what you are looking for
18:00.05SkkipI see
18:00.30trixtergah I was gonna look something up and now I cant remember
18:00.54r_evolutiondoesnt it suck when that happens...
18:01.17r_evolutionwhen you're like oo! oo! then by the time you get around to doing it... you've forgotten what it was
18:01.25r_evolutionit's been stolen by the ubiquitous THEY
18:01.53trixteroh wow cnn just claled alitos wife a liar
18:01.55trixterfor crying
18:02.00trixterI smell a lawsuit
18:02.11SkkipTrix, You use the LCR more for country code lookups? ( Iguess I ass-u-me ur in the US).
18:07.00r_evolutioneverybody smile -
18:07.15r_evolutionand no that is not me... i am NOT female... just a friend and it always makes me go :-D
18:08.41*** join/#asterisk RaYmAn-Bx (
18:09.02Corydon76-homeGreat... soft porn on the #asterisk channel
18:09.24r_evolutionpsst. now pretend you dont like soft porn :)
18:11.46r_evolutionbe honest... it's always nice to go home and lay down between a set of breasts and not care about anything else
18:13.28r_evolutionwell unless you're a female i suppose =\... but even still
18:14.02Corydon76-homeYeah, but I prefer gay porn
18:14.07rob0even females are born wanting the comfort of breasts :)
18:14.51QwellCorydon76-home: most guys do...just...slightly different :p
18:15.20Strom_Call cock, all the time!
18:15.26*** join/#asterisk Oryn (
18:15.47Qwellr_evolution: see what you started? :P
18:15.55r_evolutionyes :-D
18:16.06Corydon76-homeWhat did Ron White say about this?  "All men are slightly gay... and I can prove it..."
18:16.08pifiuwasup everyone
18:16.31QwellCorydon76-home: dunno, what did he say?
18:16.39r_evolutionhey i say that same thing about females :)
18:16.49r_evolutionall women have the potential to be bi
18:16.49Oryncan anyone tell me if there is a fifo that moh uses? I tried to use madplay for moh and I get no sound when on hold. I put back the settings and stings still dont work :(
18:16.57r_evolutionit just varies from one to another how much alochol that requires
18:16.59Corydon76-home"If you're watching straight porn, do you want to see a guy with a small, flaccid penis?"
18:17.10r_evolutionhahahaha cory
18:17.13QwellCorydon76-home: :P
18:17.19pifiuwtf flacid penises in the asterisk channel
18:17.23justinur_evolution: MDMA often produces more interesting results
18:17.24Corydon76-home"No, I want to see a big, hard... I did not know that about myself..."
18:17.26r_evolutionno i want to a big hard throbbing coo OH MY GOD!
18:17.40pifiucan someone help me out with voicemail notification?
18:17.43r_evolutionnah justin... i'm so past the candy raver stage
18:17.47Qwellpifiu: ask away...if you dare
18:18.20r_evolutionhaha @ qwell
18:18.29justinur_evolution: i learned all sorts of interesting things about my fiance with it... :P
18:18.32r_evolutionyou see what i bring to a channel... absolute chaos
18:18.58r_evolutionpsst i learned all sorts of interesting things about myself with several loads of lsd :-\
18:19.09pifiuok couple of questions about it
18:19.14Corydon76-homeYour face is melting...
18:19.23pifiuis it possible to set 2 email's for notification of one mailbox?
18:19.24*** join/#asterisk troyb (
18:19.31r_evolutionnah... but i did stand on top of a drink machine at 4 A.M. once
18:19.40pifiuor better yet the word "multiple" email addresses for voicemail notification?
18:19.48Qwellpifiu: I imagine you could seperate them with a semicolon
18:19.48Corydon76-homepifiu: no, but if you use an alias file, you can break it out at that point
18:19.57pifiuhmm cuz here is what i find funny
18:20.01Qwellas long as your sendmail supports it?  dunno
18:20.05r_evolutionthat was kind of my idea Qwell...
18:20.05Corydon76-homeSee /etc/mail/aliases
18:20.13pifiuwait wait but let me tell you something
18:20.19pifiui have it setup like this in voicemail.conf
18:20.24r_evolutionoh oh tell us! ;)
18:20.36Corydon76-homeBasically you're sending the email to a distribution list, and the list sends it to multiple people
18:20.48pifiu210 => 12345,Someone,,
18:20.55pifiuand it sends it to the second but not the first
18:20.59Qwellcommas seperate values
18:21.04Corydon76-homeYeah, the first email address is for a PAGER
18:21.10r_evolutiontry the semicolon idea
18:21.25Corydon76-homesemicolon won't work... semicolon delimits a COMMENT
18:21.26pifiuinstead of comma?
18:21.26QwellCorydon76-home: second?
18:21.31pifiuthats true
18:21.35Qwellescape it maybe?  dunno
18:21.47r_evolutionvery true cory
18:21.53pifiuwell its not exactly a distribution list, its just my laptop email and then the other my cellphone
18:21.53Corydon76-homeNo, the only way to do this is to use the mail alias file
18:21.59pifiui just want to do the same for everyone here
18:22.13pifiuok and can someone guide me through that please?
18:22.21Corydon76-homeFor example, one of the emails on my home system goes to jeff@localhost
18:22.44Corydon76-homeand then /etc/mail/aliases sends user jeff email to multiple email addresses
18:22.51r_evolutionsee what you guys did... i wasn't paying attention to what i was doing... thought i was still in * CLI and was like "exit"
18:23.03justinustop now :P
18:23.07pifiuok cory stay with me as i look through this
18:23.09pifiugive me a minute
18:23.11r_evolutionnext thing i know logout... have to log back in etc etc
18:23.15Corydon76-homepifiu: what MTA are you using?
18:23.43Nuggettranslation: sendmail  :)
18:23.45justinusendmail is an MTA
18:23.46Corydon76-homesendmail, postfix, qmail, etc?
18:23.50pifiui have a /var/mail/ but not an alias
18:23.52pifiui think sendmail
18:23.54pifiuhow can i check?
18:24.02Corydon76-homeps auxwww |grep mail
18:24.05Math`check /etc/aliases
18:24.10r_evolutiondefinitely time for some dead kenedys
18:24.18r_evolutioneff it
18:24.21Corydon76-homeYour alias file is going to be either /etc/mail/aliases or /etc/aliases
18:24.24ckruetzeHi, can anybody explain me the differences between switches and eswitches in AEL2 ?
18:24.35Corydon76-homeEdit that file, then run newaliases
18:24.36pifiusendmail im using
18:24.47pifiuok its not the first so let me check the seocnd
18:24.53Math`ckruetze: eswitches are to reference a dialplan using, lets say, IAX2 on another context on another server
18:25.03Math`switches are to use stuff like dundi
18:25.04pifiuyes its the second
18:25.23ckruetzeMath` Thanks
18:25.31Corydon76-homeThe file is in a very simple format:  username: email1,email2,email3
18:26.10pifiuit says for example
18:26.16pifiuingres: root
18:26.20pifiusystem: root
18:26.25Corydon76-homeYeah, those are system aliases
18:26.26pifiusupport: postmaster
18:26.33pifiuok so how would i do this?
18:26.39Corydon76-homeSee above
18:27.12Corydon76-homeFor example:  pifiu:,
18:27.22pifiuok let me try it
18:27.33*** join/#asterisk Cybertoy (
18:27.36Corydon76-homeYou must run 'newaliases' after editing the file, however
18:27.42*** join/#asterisk Chiardon (n=pirch@
18:27.44pifiuok stay with me lol i want to try this
18:28.01Corydon76-homeand then set pifiu@localhost in voicemail.conf
18:28.02pifiudoesnt matter where i put myself in that list right?
18:28.05pifiutop or bottom?
18:28.07*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
18:30.06ChiardonI have a first generation TE400P card . .I try to use tor2 module in zaptel, but I get an error saying that no card was found on span1
18:31.00Corydon76-homeWell, no card was detected
18:31.04Chiardonhowever when I use the  WCT4XXP module it works fine,  but it starts to show every two hours or so a no D-Channel found error and everything dies
18:31.22Corydon76-homeThen you don't have a T400P
18:31.32Corydon76-homeYou probably have a TE405P or TE410P
18:31.52Chiardon(and I do lsmod and I get a Xilinx  comm card)
18:32.03*** join/#asterisk xheliox (n=jeff@pdpc/supporter/active/xheliox)
18:32.05Corydon76-homeYeah, that's the PCI interface
18:32.38pifiuok so basically now in voicemail.conf do i put just pifiu or pifiu@localhost?
18:32.47pifiuok nevermind localhost
18:33.53pifiuok testing...
18:34.06justinuchiadron: what happens when you do a "zap show status"
18:34.24justinuare there any BPVs or CRC errors on your span?
18:36.04M-I-A-Has anyone experienced a problem where the Rx audio goes to 0 when someone is talking? Here is my setup SIP hardphone <-> Internal 10/100 Switch <-> Asterisk <-> TDM400P <-> PSTN..  Now when using ztmonitor -vv I am watching the rx and tx as i am having a conversation and when I speak the tx goes up and the rx goes to 0.. causes and very awful conversation..  Anyone have a suggestion?
18:36.05Chiardonnooooooooopppp . .totally sure that we have first generation but the Tor 2 module never goes up . .only  goes up wct4XXp
18:36.45pifiuok here is what happened
18:36.48[TK]D-FenderCorydon-w : I've never actually used mail on Linux before.  Do things like the Fax->email & voicemail.conf's use of voicemail require configuration of sendmail if all I want to use it for is just to send things?
18:37.25pifiuok i received the notification on my cell, but not on my email still
18:37.37shido6give it some time.
18:37.38Chiardonjustinu . . in the span1 all in 0  . . no errors in all spans!
18:37.39pifiubasically the same thing
18:37.49pifiuit shouldnt take that long
18:37.59pifiuif anything i think the email should be faster than the text message right?
18:38.16*** join/#asterisk Simon- (
18:39.38Corydon76-home[TK]D-Fender: depends upon how you installed sendmail
18:39.42Chiardonquestion can a TE400P card works well with the wct4xxp module . . instead tor 2??
18:39.54Corydon76-homeMost Linux distros preset sendmail to work when you install
18:40.06[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-home : I've got a default install of it from Slackware 10.2 and never so much as touched it before.
18:40.10Corydon76-homebut if you install from source, you'll need to configure
18:40.13*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (n=PoWeRKiL@
18:40.23justinuchiardon: how about if you check that command AFTER your Dchannel fails?
18:40.26Corydon76-home[TK]D-Fender: yep, should work out of the box
18:40.28[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-home : Its executable, but isn't daemonized
18:40.37M-I-A-Any digium tech's here today?
18:40.54Corydon76-home[TK]D-Fender: dunno... my Slackware box has sendmail running in the background
18:40.55[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-home : So I suppose I could just give a shot then with VM -> e-mail....
18:41.06Corydon76-homeCould, yes
18:41.09[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-home : I disabled mine from loading on boot.
18:41.16Chiardonjustinu . .waiting to d channel down
18:41.21Corydon76-home[TK]D-Fender: ah, you might want to have it running
18:41.24justinuchiardon: ok ;)
18:41.25Chiardonhave u got msn?
18:41.33[TK]D-Fenderas it is I'm trying to crack down on open ports and can't kill BOOTPS (due to dhcpd) yet...
18:41.41Chiardonjust to bug you over there ;)
18:41.52Corydon76-home[TK]D-Fender: why not just block incoming connections on port 25?
18:42.00justinuwho me?
18:42.04justinuyou can contact me on jabber
18:42.10Nuggetyay jabber.
18:42.13justinui don't use proprietary IM systems :P
18:42.22[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-home : My IPtables setup is pretty sad.... I haven't put in the learning time i should have...
18:42.26Nivexi wish I could convince some of my friends of that
18:42.29Nuggetlooks like google talk may actually be opening up for real soon, too.
18:42.32Nivexthey still like AIM
18:42.36justinunugget: yay!!
18:42.42Nuggetso soon we can tell all the mouthbreathers to use google talk  :)
18:43.06justinumy jabber id is for whoever wants it
18:43.08Corydon76-home[TK]D-Fender: iptables -A INPUT -m tcp -p tcp --dport 25 -j DROP
18:43.08[TK]D-FenderNugget : No... there's still Skype for the "wannabe"'s out there...
18:43.40Chiardonlooking for jabber
18:43.48[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-home : that allows establish connections to continue right?
18:44.01Corydon76-home[TK]D-Fender: no
18:45.06[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-home : think I see... outgoing connection are ALWAYS considered in the "OUTPUT" chain then?
18:45.22[TK]D-FenderConnection direction, not PACKET direction?
18:45.30Corydon76-home[TK]D-Fender: tcp connections need packets to flow in both directions
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18:45.48Corydon76-home[TK]D-Fender: so if you block one direction, you'll never get a TCP connection on that port
18:46.07Corydon76-home[TK]D-Fender: besides, outgoing email doesn't use port 25 to transmit
18:46.07[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-home : so what you pasted just stops incoming connections, not outgoing.
18:46.09justinuchiadron: download a jabber client... you can use GAIM. register an account with
18:46.20Corydon76-home[TK]D-Fender: correct
18:46.27*** part/#asterisk alephcom (
18:46.30[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-home : Thanks for the quicky primer...
18:46.37pifiuhey cory i still cant get the email notification to work =(
18:46.39[TK]D-Fendergoing to look at my sendmail.conf
18:47.20Corydon76-homepifiu: you'll have to tweak on sendmail, probably, then
18:47.35Corydon76-homeyou mean
18:48.15Corydon76-homeI really wouldn't recommend editing edit and rebuild the cf from there
18:48.19rob0<== allergic to
18:48.41r_evolution<=== allergic to rob0 isn't impossible... just not recommended for newbies
18:49.09pifiumodifying it?
18:49.16pifiulol i hope i didnt break anything
18:49.32[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-home : I vaguely remember there being a "compiler" for the cf file...
18:49.44Corydon76-home[TK]D-Fender: yeah, m4
18:49.51justinum4 rocks
18:49.52pifiui had it working fine but just want to mess with this dual notification
18:50.06[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-home : damn I can't even find my
18:50.15Corydon76-home[TK]D-Fender: /etc/mail ?
18:50.34*** join/#asterisk miguellinux (n=miguel@
18:51.14r_evolution<===also allergic to our switch not sending my test calls to my * properly... :-\
18:51.28[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-home : Ok, there it is, thanks.  I'll stop asking about sendmail now and jsut stop reading.  You suspect it'll work for sending VM's "out of the box" and by blocking port 25 that should get me running "safe" quick?
18:52.06justinumy cat is harrasing me
18:52.08trixterclose that regexp and jbot will repeat what you said with the correction :P
18:52.25iDunnoI'd replace sendmail with exim or postfix and actually have a config that can be read.
18:52.25pifiuhey cory let me ask you something else then
18:52.33r_evolutionif it makes you feel any better justin.. your cat is harrasing me too
18:52.36pifiuhow do i modify the way the message looks when it gets received?
18:52.44justinur_evolution: it's going to start sneezing on you now
18:52.56r_evolutioncat snot.
18:53.02pifiulike the "from" because right now it says from root@localhost.locadomain
18:53.07pifiupeople are likw wtf is root?
18:53.18[TK]D-FenderiDunno : I would if I understood any MTA and CARED :)  I just want a program to send my VM's, faxes, and anything else I want to relay by scripts
18:53.22justinuthe root of all evil
18:53.56iDunnoerm - just use a small relay daemon then that talks to a real mailserver?
18:53.58trixterif absolute power corrupts absolutly why is my kernel not corrupted?
18:54.02iDunnolike, oh ssmtp?
18:54.27justinutrixter: your kernel probably is corrupted, it's just hiding it from you
18:54.36Nuggetyay starttls and smtp/ssl
18:54.39r_evolutionno kidding... trick ones they are...
18:54.46trixterits hiding it quite well because its not crashing anything
18:54.46[TK]D-FenderiDunno : could be... I'm not knowledgeabl as to whats out there for this.
18:54.52r_evolutionyour kernel is probably also in league with the ubiquitous "THEY"
18:55.02justinutrixter: the most corrupted ones tend to pull it off pretty well ;)
18:55.13Chiardonjustinu --> Just fell down... no D-channel.. and I get 0 bviol, 0 CRC and I get an "OK" status on allc onnected spans
18:55.23Cresl1nand finding one is almost like a mole hunt
18:56.22justinuchiardon: wow... you've got a strange problem, for sure.
18:57.10ChiardonI know ... what do you think could be?
18:57.24*** join/#asterisk Naturalblue (n=Kay@
18:57.32ChiardonDo you think this could be something related with me not able to use tor2 module?
18:58.06justinuchiardon: no ideal really... i'm thinking that you should probably turn on "pri intense debug", and wait until the D channel goes down. Then have someone at Digium take a look at it for you. Maybe they can shed some light.
18:58.38*** join/#asterisk sigmounte (
18:58.43miguellinuxhi, somebody can dial me to my FWD account to test my asterisk?
18:58.54r_evolutionwhats your number miguel?
18:59.11Chiardonjustinu --> I get however a notice on my cli...
18:59.14miguellinuxhi r_evolution 456242
18:59.45pifiucory are you still there?
18:59.49ChiardonNotice: PRI got event: HDLC but FCS (8) on primary channel of span 1
18:59.52trixterwow 800-free-411 answered then told me all circuits are busy, never heard that error before, guess its getting more popular since they do connect your call for free
18:59.57r_evolutionspanish IVR?
19:00.00trixterat least if you pass cid
19:00.02ChiardonChan under Zap.c:8171 PRI Under the channel
19:00.02r_evolution<---doesnt speak spanish fluently
19:00.16r_evolution<---pressed one
19:00.17r_evolutionring ring ring
19:00.18Jedirl<---- is spanish
19:00.18*** join/#asterisk ghento2 (
19:00.19miguellinuxr_evolution, yes... thanks can you dial 46 when you get the IVR
19:00.30justinuchiardon: ask the digium guys if that means anything to them?
19:00.40Chiardon*BAD FCS
19:00.49ChiardonAny Digium Guys here?
19:01.29ghento2Hi folks.  I'm having trouble with Record().  If someone reaches that point in my extensions, and ends their message with #, it moves on to the next exten => (which is a systemc all that moves the .wav file).  However, if I just hang up the phone, that next exten => System() is skipped
19:02.36miguellinuxr_evolution, thanks... where you are?
19:02.44r_evolutionVirginia... USA
19:02.56miguellinuxr_evolution, great.. Lima, Peru
19:03.04pifiuwow wtf now, it sends the notifications as a picture message
19:03.07r_evolutionah. excellent :)
19:03.30r_evolutionThe only reason I even signed up for FWD to be honest is just to test my own settings on my * box to make sure I wasn't messing something up when trying to connect to our switch
19:03.36r_evolutionobviously i'm not ;x
19:04.31miguellinuxr_evolution, I would recommed to you my friends restaurant in Arlington, but I don't the name.. yet... heheeh,
19:04.47Cresl1nghento2: do it in the h extension
19:04.53ChiardonSome idea about this: PRI got event: HDLC bad FCS (8) on primary channel of span 1 . . . Chan under Zap.c:8171 PRI Under the channel
19:05.06justinuchiardon: check this out:
19:05.20r_evolutionahh... I'm always in the mood for good food :-D
19:05.56ghento2Cresl1n, thanks! will look into that
19:06.05justinuchiardon: bad FCS means that the HDLC frame was discarded
19:06.08justinubecause it was corrupt
19:06.26miguellinuxr_evolution, how you will connect your * to the PSTN?
19:06.27r_evolutionso is your cat justin
19:06.38justinuwith PRI, your D-channel runs on top of HDLC layer
19:06.38r_evolutionright now I'm using a TDM02B
19:06.49justinuso if HDLC isn't transporting data correctly, the D channel goes down.
19:07.15r_evolutionI'm working on making * register with our switch in order to provide a full voip connection down to the termination
19:07.21justinugenerally, if you're getting HDLC errors, you either have a phsyical problem with the T1/E1 span, or there's some kind of problem with your hardware not being able to keep up, perhaps
19:07.25r_evolutionbut the switch isn't cooperating... at all... :-\
19:07.57justinuwhat kind of switch
19:08.22r_evolutioni.e. ENTICE Softswitch
19:08.35r_evolutionI can register... but calls both ways are failing
19:08.39pifiuin email notification can someone let me know why possible now my voicemail notification is coming in as a picture message instead of a sms message?
19:08.48justinuwhat response are they giving you when they fail?
19:08.57r_evolutionincoming failing with no compatible codec..... outgoing failing with error 400
19:09.17r_evolutionthe incoming is irking b/c it's SUPPOSED to be Gulaw
19:09.21r_evolutionerm ulaw*
19:09.41justinuif you wanna paste the SIP debug, i'll take a look at them
19:09.46justinusee if I can grok any problems
19:09.58r_evolution[TK] and I were thinking it may be a problem in the switch... in which case i have to wait till monday i.e. when the switch monkeys get back in
19:10.18ghento2hrm, not %d doesn't seem to be incrementing
19:10.21r_evolutionsure give me a second to finish what im doing and ill do that in a PM
19:10.31r_evolutionthx btw
19:10.51[TK]D-Fender|AFKjustinu : Bad codec.  I'm suspecting the descriptor doesn't match
19:11.06miguellinuxand using a provider instead your own switch?
19:11.10*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
19:11.18r_evolutioncorrect miguel
19:16.25*** join/#asterisk Naturalblue (n=Kay@
19:16.26*** join/#asterisk Reverend (
19:16.41Reverendhi all
19:17.02miguellinuxr_evolution, if it is not too much inconvinient, how much is fair to pay for PSTN termination and reception? in cents per minute?
19:17.22justinumaybe 2-3 cents if your volume is low
19:18.05miguellinuxok.. but.. is still expensive... comparing with voipjet...
19:18.13*** join/#asterisk aNaSTaCia_geBeri (n=PTLiNk@
19:18.25justinuwholesale rates are near 1/3rd of a cent
19:18.36justinuto 2 cents, depending on where you call
19:18.50pifiuhow can I check in the CLI to see if someone is using the phone before i reload asterisk?
19:18.55pifiuim using IAX
19:18.57miguellinuxwhich provider do you recommed?  with IAX, GSM codecs...
19:19.25miguellinuxpifiu, you can type  show iax2 channels
19:19.36justinuor just show channels
19:19.49wunderkinmv /dev/justinu/cheap-minutes /dev/me
19:19.50justinumiguellinux: maybe junctionnetworks
19:20.17justinuwunderkin: i'm trying to get my people to offer that service
19:20.30wunderkinhave your people call my people and we'll have lunch.. haha.. :P
19:20.46miguellinuxsomething like
19:21.00miguellinuxwith comparsion charts
19:21.00pifiuok perfect
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19:21.29Reverendi have 3 licenses for g729 from digium... if all 3 are in use, the calls fail instead of going to a different codec? can this be fixed without having to buy a more licenses for g729a?
19:21.58Reverendi would like it to go to gsm if all 3 g729 licenses are used
19:22.10justinui don't think the codec negotiation is that advanced, but I may be wrong
19:22.19mog_homeit isnt unfortunately
19:22.30Reverendi have allow g729, gsm, ulaw, alaw...
19:22.36Reverendthats a bummer
19:22.51mog_homebut its only software
19:22.55mog_homesomeone could make it happen
19:22.58mog_homeit just doesnt now
19:23.01Reverendwell, dangit, someone here fix it !
19:23.19mog_homei dont think that is best way to make it happen....
19:23.26justinumog: that does seem like it would be a fairly easy patch
19:23.35Reverendi was kidding, lol
19:23.53mog_homeno it wouldnt justinu
19:24.03mog_homebut like all things happen in time
19:24.04justinucheck the number of remaining g729 licenses remaining before offering g729 as a codec
19:24.31justinumog: it wouldn't be an easy patch?
19:24.59mog_homei dont think there is right now any easy way to do that
19:25.01mog_homeerr wait
19:25.04mog_homethere is
19:25.31mog_homewell it wouldnt take that long, but /me isnt doing it today
19:25.31Reverendcan i just hack my licenses to have unlimited?
19:25.37mog_homeyou could
19:25.43mog_homebut you would be stealing from me
19:25.48mog_homeand that makes me a sad panda
19:26.03pifiuis there any other file that lets you edit what comes up in email notification? for some odd reason the message i am getting does not match whats on voicemail.conf
19:26.04justinur_evolution: problems with my pm's
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19:26.31mog_homeyou might have a syntax error pifiu
19:26.50Reverendmog_home, who are you?
19:26.53justinumog: isn't it actually stealing from the g729 "patent holder"?
19:27.03justinuunless you're that patent holder
19:27.06mog_homeif digium get sued
19:27.11justinuyes, of course
19:27.19mog_homebecause we didnt uphold our end of licensing agreement
19:27.22mog_homeim out of work
19:27.31Reverendmog_home are you with digium?
19:27.38mog_homeyes Reverend
19:27.44Reverendah kewl
19:27.55pifiumog home, where can i check that?
19:28.09justinur_evolution: you there?
19:28.17mog_homethe voicemail.conf, valid syntax is in voicemail.conf.sample
19:29.10r_evolutionyeah im just on a few different systems :)
19:29.10*** join/#asterisk ke4qqq (
19:30.30pifiui dont seem to have a voicemail.conf.sample
19:30.32justinuwhat do you all you linuxheads recommend for a journaling filesystem?
19:30.47mog_homegood old stable ext3
19:30.48justinui don't want to have to fsck on this box if it shutdowns suddently
19:31.02mog_homepifiu its in your asterisk source under configs
19:31.08justinuis ext3 journaling?
19:31.54justinuby default?
19:31.59mog_homeext2 is not
19:32.05pifiuhmm ok sorry mog im getting the hand of this, let me check
19:32.11mog_homeno problem
19:32.13justinui liked xfs back when I used to run IRIX
19:32.51justinuis there a way I can deliberatly test ext3's resilience to unclean shutdowns?
19:32.58justinubesides just pulling the plug on the box
19:33.29mog_homei have never had an ext3 die on me
19:33.34mog_homei had xfs once back in 99
19:33.39mog_homehavent trusted it sense
19:33.46justinuit's never needed an fsck to mount in read/write mode?
19:33.49mog_homebut ext3 isnt fastes but it wont ever crap out on you
19:34.02mog_homewell after 30 mounts or whatever it reccomends one
19:34.06mog_homebut you never need one
19:34.38justinuso you're telling me that if I stay with ext3, there's very little chance this machine will fail to start in multi-user mode?
19:34.53justinuok, cool
19:34.57mog_homei have only had it happen once
19:35.02mog_homeand it was a bad cmos battery
19:35.02justinui'm a solaris guy
19:35.08mog_homeonce i got it all fixed it was fine
19:35.14mog_homeyeah ext3 is the rockbead
19:35.17mog_homeerr bed
19:35.22justinugetting back into linux again after 10 years
19:35.30mog_homexfs and reiserfs are newer stuff thats better b
19:35.37mog_homebut i only trust ext3 myself
19:36.03mog_homei mean they are faster but ext3 always boots
19:36.17mog_homeand if journalling some how gets messed up you can mount ext3 as ext2 raw
19:36.30mog_homewhich means no matter what you can get the data off
19:36.55mog_homeaside from beating drive with a hammer
19:37.15mog_homereally msw i would have assumed you guys to be reiser
19:37.28justinuanyone else have any opinions on this?
19:37.29mog_homeyou guys usually are on cutting edge
19:37.34justinuext3 vs. reiser vs. xfs
19:37.38mswmog_home: no way
19:38.53mswmog_home: not after working with sct and seeing the rigorous work that sct et al do on ext3
19:40.00*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
19:40.22mog_homewhat kind of nick is r0d3nt|m ....
19:40.57*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
19:40.59dogtanianan annoying one
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19:42.01viperdudeanyone around to help me with a voicemail problem?
19:42.13justinui think i'll write a simple shell script to write a bunch of files to the filesystem, and start pulling the power cord while it's running.
19:42.27justinutest out ex3's resilience to unclean shutdowns.
19:42.47r0d3nt|myou mean lack of...
19:43.08iDunnosounds like insanity to me :)
19:43.09justinuso the r0dent isn't a fan of ext3?
19:43.24justinuiDunno: i asked you to chime in
19:43.40r0d3nt|mmog_home, EAD (tm)
19:43.41iDunnodid you?
19:43.42*** join/#asterisk h4mm3r` (
19:43.51justinu[11:37] justinu: anyone else have any opinions on this?
19:43.57justinu[11:37] justinu: ext3 vs. reiser vs. xfs
19:44.04justinuyou're included in "anyone else" :P
19:44.05iDunnoahh - missed that ;)
19:44.06r0d3nt|mthose lines didn't make it...
19:44.20r0d3nt|msomeone has some packetloss.
19:44.28iDunnoI've had some bad luck with ext3, and xfs has been far more forgiving for me.
19:44.28justinuum, it was before you joined.
19:45.04Chiardonjustinu . . it looks the same problem . . and we are going for the same solution rigth now . . just chanching the *Box server!!
19:45.11iDunnoit probably wasn't, I just didn't go that far back in scroll back ;)
19:45.17justinuchiardon: hardware problems suck :(
19:45.30justinuidunno: no, before r0dent joined i think
19:45.50justinuso I have mog voting against xfs, and Idunno voting against ext3
19:45.50iDunnoerm - ahh.
19:45.57justinuwhat to do, what to do....
19:45.58QwellI vote against both
19:46.09justinuand what does the mighty qwell suggest?
19:46.12mog_homewhat Qwell
19:46.16iDunnoI think that everyone will agree that reiserfs is just evil and wrong and shouldn'tbe used at all ;)
19:46.19mog_homehow can you go against ext3
19:46.24Qwellmog_home: I can't :p
19:46.26mog_homeyes iDunno
19:46.36justinuqwell: you said you vote against both
19:46.40justinuthen you say xfs
19:46.45Qwelljustinu: uh huh
19:46.46mog_homeext3 is the bedrock of filesystems
19:46.51iDunnomog_home: having had ext3 drop everything in lost+found at me on more than one occassion, I don't trust it ;)
19:47.00justinuqwell: would you mind clarifying that?
19:47.02Qwellreal men use fat12 as their / partition
19:47.08Qwelljustinu: humor
19:47.13justinuheh, ok
19:47.42mog_homei have never had any problem with ext3
19:47.51mog_homei did however have xfs eat a partition once
19:48.04justinuis there a way to convert from ext3 to xfs, or is it reinstall time?
19:48.11iDunnomog_home: yeah - xfs has stabalised rather a lot over the last couple of years, though.
19:48.26sulexlast mainly
19:48.32r_evolutionhey justin
19:48.34r_evolutionyou getting my PMs?
19:48.38r_evolutioneverything works now ;x
19:48.48*** join/#asterisk Math` (
19:48.50pifiumog dude this shit is confusing++
19:49.55M-I-A-Hey mog_home!
19:50.03r_evolutionyeah yeah... i deserve it
19:50.31justinucodec mismatches can be frustrating for the * n00b ;)
19:50.32M-I-A-mog I have done some more investigating
19:50.35Qwelljustinu: come buy me lunch today :p
19:50.40justinuqwell: why?
19:50.44Qwellumm, dunno
19:50.50r_evolutionno kidding... especially when it was SUPPOSED to be ulaw
19:50.54justinui was supposed to go to long beach to install this PBX
19:51.00justinubut the d00d flaked on me, i guess
19:51.04Qwellwhere at in LB?
19:51.12justinuright at the catalina ferry terminal
19:51.17r_evolutioni'd go install it anyway... and charge double for having to break into the office
19:51.22Qwellso, downtown?
19:51.32justinuyeah, right in the marina there
19:51.42justinugolden shore dr.
19:51.49Qwellby the vincent thomas?
19:51.59justinua little further south
19:52.09justinuyou need to cross over both those big bridges
19:52.24justinuit's like right near the queen mary
19:52.31Qwellyeah, okay
19:52.54Qwellit's funny how we use something that's in the water as a marker :p
19:53.27Qwellso...go smack him :p
19:53.38QwellI'm with r_evolution
19:53.52justinutheir t1 isn't even installed yet
19:53.53r_evolutionsee i have good ideas
19:54.00r_evolutioninstall it
19:54.08r_evolutioneither that... or just set everything up
19:54.09r_evolutionand be like
19:54.11justinuwe're waiting for silly verizon to get their shit together.
19:54.12r_evolutionit should work
19:54.18r_evolutionthat's double for making me break into your office
19:54.26r_evolutionanother XXXXX for the lawyer fees
19:54.28h3xjfs !!!
19:54.38r_evolutionand ANOTHER 1000$ for my not being able to test it because you werent ready!
19:54.49justinuw00h00 another vote for something other than ext3
19:55.02h3xactualyl i started using xfs on irix back in 95 or so
19:55.09pifiuyou see this is why i dont understand this voicemai.conf
19:55.14justinuyeah... it was teh shizzle back then
19:55.19pifiuin the sample it has exactly what i want, yet it doesnt work
19:55.19pifiu;4200 => 9855,Mark Spencer,,,attach=no||tz=central|maxmsg=10
19:55.21h3xits always been really stable
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19:55.35justinuirix was sure a nice unix to work on
19:55.36pifiuhe has a desktop email and a cellphone notification
19:55.39justinugreat admin tools
19:55.43justinurock solid
19:55.45h3xyeah it was so pretty
19:55.50h3xbut it was like a hot girlfriend
19:55.50justinutotally insecure tho :P
19:56.14viperdudehi are there any sipgate users here?
19:56.14h3xprobably molested by its father as a child
19:56.15h3xyou know
19:56.17r0d3ntsounds like you're dating the wrong hot girls.
19:57.19r_evolutionwho dates these days? :-\
19:57.24r_evolutionyou go out
19:57.25r_evolutionyou get laid
19:57.27r_evolutionyou say
19:57.30r_evolutionGET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE
19:57.33r_evolutionand you roll on
19:57.37h3xwhat do you say if you are at her house
19:57.38r0d3ntnice gentlemen.
19:57.44r_evolutionyou sneak out quietly
19:57.48h3xoh yeah
19:57.53r_evolutionyou know... the mornings where you wake up
19:57.54r_evolutionand say
19:57.58r_evolutionfuck... i drank too much
19:57.59justinui'm engaged, so that shit's over for me
19:57.59r_evolution*roll over*
19:58.01r_evolutionOH SHIT!!
19:58.12r_evolution*grab pants... shirt... shoes... keys... wallet... cell... etc.*
19:58.15h3xjustinu: Nah that just means you have to be more sneaky now
19:58.19r0d3ntand you have 2 tons of fun sitting next to you...
19:58.31r_evolutionnegative... i retain SOME standards even when im drunk
19:58.35RaYmAn-Bxviperdude: I use it..when it works..It's been rather crap lately
19:58.38r_evolutionjust the whole sanity standard flies out the window
19:58.41justinuh3x: actually, i think it's part of the prenup that I get to cheat no more than 3 times, or something :P
19:58.58r_evolutionhence why I ended up with a girl who later jumped me for not talking to her for two weeks
19:59.03r_evolutionafter we only slept together like... twice
19:59.11r_evolutionand she SO initiated the first time
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19:59.21r_evolutionthen three weeks later
19:59.29justinuprobably feeling guilty for being such a h0
19:59.31r_evolutionbam. YOU &#@*^$ ILL #()$*# KILL YOU!! *punch punch*
19:59.49r_evolutiontoo bad she didnt feel guilty for punching me =\
19:59.50r0d3ntisnt this #asterisk ?
19:59.55r0d3nti had no idea it was #emo
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20:00.50r_evolutionemo song.
20:00.52r_evolution'nuf said
20:01.07h3xall of this shit because of irix.
20:02.02M-I-A-anyone wanna help me with a TDM400p question?
20:02.07r_evolutioneh. I take it you missed the porn convo and the idea that all men are some what gay
20:02.31r_evolutionask M-I-A... someone is bound to have your answer
20:02.33h3xdude, i worked a booth at a porn convention
20:02.44h3xback in like 2001
20:02.49r_evolutionyou're so my hero.
20:03.14M-I-A-r_evolution - Here is my setup SIP hardphone <-> Internal 10/100 Switch <-> Asterisk <-> TDM400P <-> PSTN..  Now when using ztmonitor -vv I am watching the rx and tx as i am having a conversation and when I speak the tx goes up and the rx goes to 0.. causes and very awful conversation..  Anyone have a suggestion?
20:03.27h3xyeah this company i was working for, well i got the task of running the big ass canvas printer
20:03.33h3xand i got black ink all over my hand
20:03.59h3xi ended up fingering this chick later and she woke up with a black pussy
20:04.01h3xthat ruled
20:04.01r_evolutionyeah... you asked that earlier... that's still a good one... i don't know the answer...
20:04.39M-I-A-At least it's a good question i guess  :) hehhe
20:04.55r_evolutionno doubt... have you called digium? or checked with one of their guys?
20:04.59r_evolutionwhere did you get the card?
20:05.00justinuthis looks nice:
20:05.25M-I-A-does the same thing with two different cards...
20:05.41M-I-A-TDM400p and TDM2400
20:07.34*** join/#asterisk Lots (
20:08.09Lotshey all I was just curious what flavor of linux does asterisk work the best on?  or are they all about the same?
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20:08.28r_evolutionhere comes... the distro debate.
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20:08.41sulexlol, debian++
20:08.45justinucentos :P
20:08.53M-I-A-this chan should have a bot that could play back a previous debate... lol
20:08.57Lotswell i'm fairly familiar with debian, so just curious if i should just go with that.
20:08.59r_evolutionit's like... DEBIAN!! *smack smack* GENTOO!! *SMACK SMACK* centos! *smack smack*
20:09.05r_evolutioni'm using debian lots.
20:09.09r_evolutionthat sounds weird
20:09.18r_evolutionI'm using Debian. Lots. Try that.
20:09.35justinudebian seemed neat about 5 years ago.... haven't kept up tho
20:09.37Lotsr-eveloution did you have to compile it or does debian have a package for asterisk?
20:09.43r_evolutioni compiled it
20:09.45M-I-A-lots: centos works for me
20:09.47r_evolutioni think it DOES have a package
20:09.54r_evolutionbut it's not a big ordeal
20:09.55justinuyou really oughta build it yourself
20:09.58r_evolutionto go with the compile
20:10.03justinuit doesn't long
20:10.10Lotsr_evolution, cool what do u use asterisk for?
20:10.14justinuunless you're using a 60MHz Pentium
20:10.19r_evolution;x justin
20:10.44r_evolutionit's going to be a replacement for the existing pbx in the office i feel like i live in
20:10.59r_evolutioncut down costs about $6,000 per month
20:11.14lesouvageIs it possible to run two asterisk servers with each its own FWD account onfigured within  one lan?
20:11.16r_evolutionnot to mention the whole thing of buying a badly needed new pbx for... oh say 20Gs
20:11.18Lotsr_eveloution will you office just be using a sip termination / orgination service?
20:11.30justinur_evolution: what are you replacing?
20:11.33r_evolutionnah we have our own switch
20:11.35r_evolutionuhhh Comdial?
20:11.37lesouvageAns have the fwd accounts both up and running.
20:12.05Lotsr_evolution have you had much experience with termination / origination services? are they pretty reliable?
20:12.06justinui'm considering getting into the IP Centrex business.
20:12.21r_evolutionno i have not Lots... but I don't believe in having just one method
20:12.29r_evolutionhence the reason we plan to keep one of our Voice T1s
20:12.34r_evolutionand install a digital card in the * box
20:12.46justinubtw, rocks
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20:12.53r_evolutionin case the switch DOES go down...
20:12.57justinufind it under the electronica category in iTunes radio
20:12.58r_evolutionthen we still have 24 channels
20:13.14r_evolutionaw i like justin more now... just because he said electronica and not techno
20:13.18Lotsevolution cool, i've been hooking my clients up with hosted ip-pbx solutions, those have worked well, but i think i could make some extra cash by integrating a asterisk pbx abd a termination/origination service.
20:13.27justinuthis is a "trance" feed
20:13.33r_evolution:( trance :(
20:13.37justinu192kbps tho
20:13.39r_evolution:-D jungle :-D
20:13.46justinui never got into jungle much
20:13.59justinualways liked stuff with lots of vocal hooks
20:14.04justinulike PvD
20:14.17r_evolutionever listened to Infusion?
20:14.23Lotshas anyone used that asterisk windows port?  i forgot the name of it..
20:14.24justinunot knowingly
20:14.29r_evolutionProgressive... one of the only progressive groups i can dig on
20:14.42r_evolutionmy ex got me into them b/c her new boy is a progressive DJ
20:14.54r_evolutionwhich is funny b/c she went from me who is all jungle and gabber ... to a guy who is all aboutprogressive
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20:15.04r_evolutionuhh you use slsk justin?
20:15.26justinushould I?
20:15.31Chiardonjustinu . . . Hi
20:15.33r_evolutionif you DL mp3s...
20:15.47justinui'm an MP3 snob
20:15.51justinui only want high bitrate stuff
20:16.02r_evolutionwell slsk shows the bitrate
20:16.02justinu192kbps is like the bare minimum
20:16.07r_evolutionand i've got a few FLACs so...
20:16.08justinu192kbps VBR is pretty decent
20:16.24r_evolution192 is the min allowed
20:16.25r_evolutiontorrent site
20:16.40r_evolutionusually I go for 192 - 256
20:16.44r_evolutiona few FLAC albums
20:16.58justinuuh-oh is temporarily offline (both site and tracker).
20:17.01justinuWhen the site returns, sadly there will be some data loss, possibly substantial.
20:17.36justinuChiardon: what's up?
20:18.33SedoroxHas anyone used a Blackberry 7270 with asterisk yet?
20:18.45justinuqwell: how far are you from LBC?
20:18.52Qwelljustinu: ~25 miles
20:19.00justinumaybe lunch tomorow?
20:19.09justinui'll probably be down that way
20:19.10QwellI don't drive, heh
20:19.24justinuwhat city is it exactly that I'd be picking you up in?
20:19.27r_evolution<---doesnt drive either :(
20:19.37justinuhow can you live in LA and not drive?
20:19.40Qwelljustinu: another time perhaps.  gonna be busy before ETel
20:19.46justinuyeah yeah
20:19.47Qwelljustinu: wouldn't YOU like to know? ;]
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20:19.54justinuwell, i think it's covina
20:20.04QwellEast West Covina, according to the pennysaver
20:20.17h3xhow can you live in LA, drive, and not get in a wreck ?
20:20.23Qwellyeah...I thought that was funny too.  We just moved here, and got one the other day
20:20.29justinui've managed to avoid them for 10+ years
20:20.44Qwelljustinu: but really wife drives. :p
20:20.44h3xteflon coated car?
20:20.58justinuno, i just know how to drive properly
20:21.10h3xit aint you thats the problem
20:21.12h3xits all the other crazy people
20:21.13justinui used to ride motorcycles too, and you learn how to be very cautious
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20:21.25justinuyeah, no kidding...
20:21.25QwellI need to get a motorcycle
20:21.41justinuyou live enough outside the city that you could probably really enjoy one
20:22.04Qwellit'd be just to avoid traffic
20:22.11justinuoh, be careful then
20:22.12Qwellyou probably know, but traffic is just horrible
20:22.17justinuriding in the city is dangerous
20:22.25QwellI work 11 miles away...  right down the 10 fwy the whole way
20:22.32Qwell45-60 minutes to get home some nights
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20:22.42Qwellwhether I take the fwy or side streets
20:22.43justinuheh, my commute is about 9 minutes, and it can take 45 minutes as well
20:22.55justinubut luckily i have to go in once a week tops
20:25.10inv_ArpQwell: *nix administrator?
20:25.18Qwellinv_Arp: not even close
20:25.33justinul337 c0d3r
20:25.34inv_Arpi didnt even knew you worked
20:25.37QwellWindows programmer :p
20:25.50justinui once wrote some win32 apps
20:25.57Qwellbut, I'm doing mostly * at work now
20:26.06justinuthat's about all I can remember
20:26.09r_evolutionqwell!! heretic :(
20:26.15Qwellr_evolution: it pays the bills
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20:26.33r_evolutionthat's what a friend of mine says when i give him shit for using windows and etc
20:26.39inv_Arpwheres the Qwell [work]  tag
20:26.44r_evolution"Your OS may work better... my OS pays more"
20:26.51Qwellinv_Arp: [] is multiple things
20:26.53justinutell him to be a man and learn java
20:27.07QwellQwell[LB], Qwell[work], Qwell[bathroom]
20:27.08r_evolutionhaha why? he's getting like 10Gs a month now
20:27.24r_evolutionmy ex is learning java for her first language
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20:27.33justinur_evolution: it's not worth the extra money, even if you did end up making more
20:27.37Qwelljustinu: should have actually setup that PBX in LB a few weeks ago...I was down there every weekend
20:27.41r_evolutionwhen we were together... she wanted to be in Commerce...
20:27.43justinujava is not the best idea for your first language
20:27.46r_evolutionnow she wants to geek out
20:28.02r_evolutioneh. she's doing alright... her current boy and I field a lot of various questions
20:28.09r_evolutionhe's trying to get her off windoze...
20:28.17justinui think java can make you sloppy
20:28.19justinulike perl
20:28.22r_evolutioni think he's leaning towards fedora tho... i'm like DEBIN DEBIAN!
20:28.37justinuyou end up writing bad code, and making the language itself look bad
20:28.53QwellI had to port some ungodly ugly perl a few months ago...ugh
20:28.53r_evolutioneh. I think it's just in learning to be efficient
20:29.11iDunnofedora is just wrong.
20:29.18Qwelltook those SOBs like 4 hours to run these scripts...when I got done, it took about 12 minutes to run
20:29.21iDunnono one should use it. it is the spawn of satan.
20:29.37r_evolutioniDunno = my new best friend
20:29.37iDunnoas is centos, that's the spawn of satan too.
20:29.38r_evolution<iDunno> fedora is just wrong.
20:29.50justinuwhat's wrong with CentOS?
20:30.09justinuconvince me to install another distro on this PBX :P
20:30.24iDunnoit's an rpm based distro, it's got subtle irritating issues, and it pisses me off ;)
20:30.48justinui can still compile code on it
20:30.51iDunnothey need java to compile...
20:31.09iDunnojava on centos *properly* is an annoying amount of work.
20:31.14Cresl1njustinu: it's redhat, that's what's wrong
20:31.29iDunnoalso: building rpms is evil.
20:31.31Cresl1njustinu: and usually when people run centos, it means they're running asterisk at home
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20:31.51Cresl1njustinu: which is another source of headaches
20:34.06iDunnogive 'em back!
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20:37.36r_evolutionthas right... love the udp!!!
20:38.16justinui dunno, i haven't had any issues with CentOS yet
20:38.25Sedoroxwould ulaw <-> g729 cause some jumpyness in the call?
20:38.26justinuUDP sucks, SCTP is the future
20:38.31Sedoroxor htink it could be wifi
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20:42.52ke4qqqhey guys, can anyone help me with a te210p problem
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20:44.06Qwellke4qqq: ask away
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20:45.49ke4qqqQwell: installed per the Digium/wiki docs, all of the alarms go off on both the te210p, and the telcos end, and yet nothing is getting I have missed something simple, I think.....
20:46.51justinuso I found a filesystem stress tester
20:47.05Qwelljustinu: dd?
20:47.05watchycan you set a default ring for a 7960?
20:47.07justinui'm gonna stress each type of fs, and pull the plug on the box a few times
20:47.13Qwellwatchy: yes, in the settings I think
20:47.23justinufind out which one takes the most abuse :)
20:47.37justinuke4qqq: E&M Wink start?
20:47.37Qwelljustinu: fyi...that won't be a good test
20:47.42justinuwhy not?
20:47.49QwellIf you're gonna pull the power anywhere, pull it directly from the drive
20:48.02Qwelland honestly, even that won't be as good as you'd imagine
20:48.03justinumakes sense.
20:48.11Qwellthink of it this way
20:48.21QwellThe drive will still be spinning when you do that
20:48.32Qwelleverything in the cache...will likely be able to pushed through, even after the power is gone
20:48.45Qwellwhy?  because most drives can pull power from the spinning platters
20:48.48justinuthey actually can work even after the power is cut?
20:48.53h3xholy shit now theres 2x2mb cache pentium Ds
20:48.54Qwellfor a second, yes
20:48.54justinui had no idea
20:49.00justinuthat's impressive
20:49.08QwellI mean...don't expect it to still write 50gb
20:49.13Qwellbut, a few k...yeah, no problem
20:49.19h3xand they dont cost much more than 2x1mb
20:49.35justinubut if it had an 8meg cache, it could maybe empty the whole thing in a second
20:49.37Qwelljustinu: I don't recall where I heard that, but he was pretty adament that it was true
20:49.39SedoroxI wish I knew if this as wifi.. or codec problemn :p
20:49.41Qwelljustinu: if that
20:51.06watchyi cant find the setting to set default ring in these docs
20:51.27justinucurrently writing 139MB/sec
20:51.36justinuor reading/writing
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20:52.37justinuke4qqq: ?
20:53.42watchywhen a call comes in how would you ring more then 1 phone?
20:55.10r_evolutionin a queue watchy?
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20:55.42r_evolutionok well... im so going home
20:55.54r_evolutionJUSTIN... i appreciate your help... ill be back to waste mad amounts of time monday
20:55.57r_evolutionat least this way i can say
20:55.59r_evolutionLOOK see
20:56.02r_evolutionmeans im working
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21:01.40watchyjustinu: thanks thats cool
21:04.32Qwelljustinu: so, yeah...140mb/s.  now divide that by 8mb, and you'll see it only takes a fraction of a second to flush the cache
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21:09.31justinuqwell: know anything about SMART?
21:09.36Qwellvery little
21:09.40QwellI just know it's annoying :p
21:09.51badboyzon a polycom phone, if i want to register other phonenumbers as speeddials on the screen, where do i add that?
21:09.51justinuhow so?
21:10.06justinuin the phone directory
21:10.10Qwelljustinu: if a drive is failing, or if the MB thinks it is...
21:10.10badboyzthe xml?
21:10.21justinubadboyz: yes, or via the interface on the phone itself
21:10.30badboyzjustinu: kk, ty
21:10.32QwellI've seen it flat out wrong on multiple occasions
21:10.39justinuqwell: hmm
21:10.46justinudoes it cause problems in those cases?
21:11.05Qwellit usually just says "Your drive is failing.  Press F1 to continue booting."
21:11.13justinuoh, that's a bios check
21:11.16Qwellor like "S.M.A.R.T. detected HD failure."
21:11.21Qwellsomething like that
21:11.31justinui'll turn smart off in the bios
21:11.38justinuthe OS runs it's own SMART daemon
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21:16.40badboyzjustinu: whats the name of hte .xml file for all users?
21:16.46badboyzi want a global buddy list
21:16.53justinusomethign like 0000000000_directory.xml
21:16.56badboyzis it like 000000000-directory?
21:17.03badboyzso the 000 tells it for all phones to use it?
21:17.10badboyzahh ty again :)
21:17.15justinuonly if they have no directory already tho
21:17.28justinuit's like a "seed"
21:17.28badboyzso if i want per phone, just sub 000 for the mac addy?
21:17.37justinui believe so
21:17.40badboyzkk ty
21:17.58justinuif the user updates it locally, the phone writes the new directory to that file. i think.
21:18.40justinuqwell: well, so far smartd sucks
21:18.49justinui pulled the ribbon cable off the drive, and not a peep :P
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21:22.32wasimits raining in lahore, which means the ball will swing tomorrow
21:23.09wasimindia @ pk , first test, 3rd day
21:23.28wasimindia need 400+ to avoid follow on :)
21:23.47justinui remember watching that on TV in hong kong
21:23.51justinuhad no idea what was going on!
21:23.57justinubut I know games can last days
21:24.11wasim5 day test, 3 test series
21:24.51wasimpk is a vastly improved team
21:30.54justinuwhat does "ball will swing" mean?
21:33.15badboyzanyone successfully got a polycom to display an idle image?
21:33.32justinuhaven't tried that yet...
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21:34.12badboyzthe buddy thing worked perfect btw
21:34.16*** join/#asterisk NoVaZuR (
21:34.20badboyzand the mac-directory overrides the 000-directory
21:34.22badboyztried it both ways
21:35.20NoVaZuRI've got a problem (exactly 2) with my new x100p I just received. No hangup detection at all. I don't know what to try now.
21:35.49justinuyou using kewlstart?
21:36.16NoVaZuRI posted all details here :
21:36.42NoVaZuRall details I thought important...
21:37.01NoVaZuRjustinu: your question was for me ?
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21:40.08justinuyeah, i dunno much about those x100p's
21:40.24justinui just know that kewlstart is for some kinda disconnect supervision
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21:41.10NoVaZuRbut, I don't have choice... tried others but error each time
21:41.21NoVaZuRnobody to help me here ?
21:41.36rob0there are some pages about disconnect supervision on the wiki.
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21:42.18NoVaZuRrob0: I read a lot already, tried a lot of things, but now, it seems i need someone to make step by step some checks
21:43.09badboyzcan you dial an extension from the CLI?
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21:43.26NoVaZuRbadboyz: never tried that...
21:43.48NoVaZuRbadboyz: but I can call from my iax softphone (kiax)
21:44.02rob0one thing I saw suggested was to call the telco and ask about disconnect supervision.
21:44.04badboyzi just wanna b able to ring an extension, see if its working
21:44.14NoVaZuRbadboyz: the problem is about incoming calls, when they hangup, * never see it
21:44.53NoVaZuRbadboyz: you want me to test that ? (sorry, my english is not very good) What to do exactly ?
21:45.13badboyzNoVaZuR: sorry my question was generic, i wasnt asking it based upon your situation , sorry
21:45.25NoVaZuRbadboyz: ah !
21:46.09NoVaZuRseems I won't have more help here :-(
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21:48.19justinuNoVaZuR: it's kinda dead at the moment
21:48.25justinuhang out, you'll eventually get some help
21:49.06badboyzNoVaZuR: yea, just chill for awhile, people wake up at random times, just ask your question again in 30 minutes or so
21:49.38M-I-A--Could someone try something on there TDM400p for me, so I know if i'm going crazy for no reason or not?
21:49.59NoVaZuRok, thanks you guys... I'll still looking for a solution, on my way
21:50.51NoVaZuRAnd, just another question, if I want to buy a good digium FXO card, where to buy it with good price about you ?
21:51.09justinunovazur: consider perhapds a sipura SPA-3000
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21:51.13justinuas well as a digium card.
21:51.35NoVaZuRah, I don't know that.
21:52.38QwellM-I-A-: only if you ask...
21:53.19M-I-A--Qwell I just need someone to run ztmonitor -vv on a channel they are having a conversation on
21:54.44M-I-A--and see if the rx drop's to 0 while talking (tx is high)
21:57.01M-I-A--I created a small noise on the pstn side so the rx was at like 300 - 400 constant.. then I talk on the sip phone so the tx goes to like 0 - 3000 and boom the rx goes to 0 and the earpiece cuts out on my sip phone
21:58.55M-I-A-do you have time to try that Qwell?
21:59.04M-I-A-or anyone else for that matter  :)
21:59.28Qwellno phone plugged into mine
22:00.02M-I-A-I don't want anyone to feel bad if they are watching the news tonight and see "Man jumped off bridged because of * server"  :)
22:00.21Qwellwe won't feel bad :)
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22:04.39ManxPowerMy new TiVo things I'm some sort of interior designer wannabe.
22:04.54Qwell"My tivo thinks I'm gay!"
22:06.09QwellI can't remember what that was from...some tv show
22:07.51Qwellahh, King of Queens
22:09.05Nuggetmy new tivo was 100% cooking shows for the first month.
22:10.04M-I-A-besides zapata.conf and zaptel.conf and zconfig.h are there any other files for the digium TDM cards that have user configurable options in them??
22:11.27M-I-A-I got to be missing something...  I'm either the only one having this problem or everyone else lives with the horrible conversations through the TDM card...
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22:14.52linuxphileAnyone compiled the zaptel drivers on Ubuntu?
22:16.01M-I-A-linuxphile: nope
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22:17.02ManxPowerM-I-A-, What is the problem?
22:17.53M-I-A-manxPower - the receive audio cuts out when talking through the TDM400p
22:18.22M-I-A-Now when using ztmonitor -vv I am watching the rx and tx as i am having a conversation and when I speak the tx goes up and the rx goes to 0.. causes and very awful conversation..
22:18.31ManxPowerM-I-A-, Sounds like you have agressive echo can enabled.
22:18.43inv_Arplinuxphile: what error{s} ya get?
22:19.02M-I-A-double triple checked and also mogorman logged into my box and checked
22:19.08ManxPowerM-I-A-, You are not using a speakerphone, are you?
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22:19.25M-I-A-nope Aastra 9133i hardphone using handset
22:19.31ManxPowerM-I-A-, cat /proc/interrupts shows NOTHING sharing the IRQ with the TDM card?
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22:19.47M-I-A-manxpower - correct
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22:20.02Qwelllinuxphile: there is a list of packages you need to install on the wiki
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22:20.51ManxPowerM-I-A-, your problem is VERY uncommon.
22:20.58ManxPowerM-I-A-, Can you try a different phone?
22:21.14M-I-A-iaxy and dlink DPH-140s
22:21.25ManxPowerM-I-A-, they all do that?
22:21.27_Thorhello everyone
22:21.36M-I-A-manxpower - correct
22:21.47ManxPowerM-I-A-, Weird.
22:22.17M-I-A-very  :(
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22:22.42jbotsomebody said pb was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
22:22.59M-I-A-NMI:          0
22:23.00M-I-A-ERR:          0
22:23.29M-I-A-i even made sure it was a lower irq than the nic
22:24.14merc_jedihello newbie here...I have some questions about conecting from an x-ten softphone to a remote asterisk box which is behind a firewall. By the way  The ports have been forwarded to an internal asterisk box. What do I need do within the X-ten or AMP setup?
22:24.39[TK]D-Fendermerc_jedi : Try #amportal
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22:25.59_ThorAnyone has tried passing a parameter from one * box to another, on an IAX-to-IAX call?
22:26.10[TK]D-FenderNow if you were using straight * I'd have been able to give you the answer as fast as that referral :)
22:27.14merc_jedi[TK]D-Fender:sorry that amportal a channel or a command line that I need to type
22:27.36M-I-A-ManxPower do you have a TDM card in a test box you could try this situation out on?
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22:28.13ManxPowerM-I-A-, I have had, over the past 3 years, almost 10 Asterisk boxes with TDM cards in them and have never had this problem.
22:28.27ManxPowerI've had OTHER problems, but not the one you have described.
22:28.37*** part/#asterisk merc_jedi (
22:29.24M-I-A-It has to be the way i am setuping something up because i have two different box's and they both do it at two different locations (different telco lines)
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22:30.39linuxphileQwell: what wiki were you referring too specifically?
22:31.21justinuif rx audio level goes to zero when you talk, that's the telco's fault
22:31.26justinuyou can't control what you receive
22:31.27merc_jedisorry for the redudandt question..people seem to be asleep on amportal.. wondering about setup of an external xten phone to a firewalled asterisk box. can someone help out?
22:32.43jbotsomebody said wikis was
22:33.13M-I-A-justinu - I wish it was the telcos fault, but i have tested it with regular phones playing music on both ends of the phone and it is a full duplex conversation
22:33.36merc_jediany help??
22:34.09M-I-A-merc_jedi is it not connecting? do you get a error msg?
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22:35.24merc_jediM-I-A: the phone basically looks like its trying to login with the appropriate credentials which I tested internally ( worked fine) but fails externally. I have set up port forwarding to my internal box (udp ports).
22:36.05justinuMIA: is that a tdm2400 card?
22:36.25M-I-A-justinu yes
22:36.36justinuok, i thought you were on a digital trunk
22:36.43merc_jediM-I-A: im sort of  newb. So is there log that I can check to see if there has been an attempt to connect?
22:36.48justinuanalog has some weird issues that I prefer to avoid ;)
22:37.41merc_jediim not sure if STUN is going to solve the problem either..
22:37.52NoVaZuRHow to know what I have to use gx, lx, kx ?
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22:38.11justinuNoVaZuR: is it analog?
22:38.13M-I-A-merc_jedi what firewall are you using?
22:38.24NoVaZuRJuggie: yes
22:38.30merc_jediits a sme-server with udp portforwarding
22:38.31NoVaZuRjustinu: yes
22:39.04justinuNoVaZuR: probably loop start or kewlstart then
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22:39.13justinuground start isn't common in residential places
22:39.21justinubut it could be GS, theoretically
22:39.40NoVaZuRtried with kx and gx both in zaptel.conf and zapata.conf, and for each, it never hangup
22:39.49NoVaZuRjustinu: tried with kx and gx both in zaptel.conf and zapata.conf, and for each, it never hangup
22:39.57justinuNoVaZuR; what country you from?
22:40.05merc_jediM-I-A:any ideas??
22:40.07justinuor, where do you live currently?
22:40.08NoVaZuRjustinu: sorry, not gx but lx
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22:40.18M-I-A-merc_jedi did you use the sample sip.conf file?
22:40.23NoVaZuRjustinu: Martinique, but it is French, with France Telecom
22:40.35justinui bet your country uses a tone to signal disconnect
22:40.45justinuand not a short drop in loop current, like us
22:40.58linuxphilehow can I look at the cards before they are loaded via modprobe
22:41.01NoVaZuRjustinu: surely, and it is configurable somewhere ?
22:41.05Ariel_hello everyone
22:41.07justinuNoVaZuR: i believe so
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22:41.16Ariel_use the contry code your in
22:41.18NoVaZuRjustinu: but you don't know more ? :-(
22:41.41NoVaZuRAriel_: me ?
22:41.50justinuNoVaZuR: callprogress=yes in zapata.conf?
22:41.51Ariel_NoVaZuR, look on the for your country's zaptel settings
22:42.10linuxphileI am getting the following when I try to do a modprobe wcfxo: FATAL: Module wcfxo not found.
22:42.10linuxphileFATAL: Error running install command for wcfxo
22:42.10NoVaZuRjustinu: I can try, but, kx or lx ?
22:42.30NoVaZuRAriel_: I don't finish to look everywhere
22:42.30merc_jediM-I-A: its an @home config so Ill look though it. there is a sample there??
22:42.45Ariel_linuxphile, do you have an fxo or fxs module green or red
22:43.17NoVaZuRjustinu: I'll try that now... One minute
22:43.31Ariel_merc_jedi, there is a channel here called #amportal that might help out more with a@h or amp setups
22:43.45linuxphileAriel_: I believe I have an fxo, and I'm not sure what you are referring to with green or red
22:43.54justinuNoVaZuR: also try "busydetect=yes" if that doesn't work.
22:44.01merc_jediM-I-A: yes I set that up....sip.conf... thats how I got the incoming broadvoice to work...
22:44.02Ariel_linuxphile, what card are you using
22:44.14justinuNoVaZuR: but only use one, or the other. not both!
22:44.20NoVaZuRjustinu: already tried that... But I can't try all combination
22:44.24merc_jediAriel_: tried to formulate same question..and everyone is asleep on amportal
22:44.43justinuNoVaZuR: if I call you, and hang up on you on a normal phone line, what do you hear?
22:44.43Ariel_merc_jedi, bv works fine there is settings for you to set it up via amp's config setup
22:45.06NoVaZuRjustinu: out from asterisk ?
22:45.19justinuNoVaZuR: no, if I call you without asterisk invovled at all
22:45.22Ariel_tdm400p has modules you plug in some red some green he red are fxo's and the green ones are fxs
22:45.36justinuNoVaZuR: do you hear a busy signal after I hang up?
22:45.39merc_jediAriel_: yes I have bv working fine..this for an external xten pone connection
22:45.41NoVaZuRNoVaZuR: ok, so I can hear biiiippp biiippp biiippp
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22:45.57NoVaZuRjustinu: normaly yes
22:45.59justinuis that the same sound as you hear if you dial a busy number?
22:46.00Ariel_merc_jedi, xten works fine with there default settings I use them all the time
22:46.21NoVaZuRjustinu: good question, I don't know
22:46.28justinuNoVaZuR: can you find out?
22:46.29merc_jediAriel _: Im using xten from outside of my firewall.
22:46.47NoVaZuRjustinu: I'll try... can I call my own number to test busy tone ?
22:46.58copantlhowto configurate a te400p on zapata.conf
22:46.58justinunot sure
22:47.13Ariel_merc_jedi, did you setup port forwarding on your router
22:47.32Ariel_you can also use a public stun server like it's free to use.
22:47.34NoVaZuRjustinu: so i need someone to test with me...
22:47.41merc_jediAriel_: Ive gone through and forwaded the ports
22:47.59justinuNoVaZuR: maybe. i can call numbers for you from overseas, but i dunno if that will help
22:48.02merc_jediAriel_: it appears so..otherwise bv would fail too right??
22:48.26Ariel_bv registers and when it registers with the outside service it opens the ports
22:48.27NoVaZuRjustinu: thank you, but it's surely better I test with someone localy
22:48.51Ariel_most fw/routers allow outbound and keeps it alive. But your looking an registration inbound
22:48.54NoVaZuRjustinu: give me 5 mn to find someone
22:49.08Ariel_5060 is needed to be forwarded udp not tcp
22:49.29justinuNoVaZuR: k
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22:49.58merc_jediAriel_: ahhhh basically...I used sm-server to forward those ports...but when giving a netstat-ln I dont necessarily see the open udp ports.
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22:51.09merc_jediAriel: I wonder even if those ports are forwarded, I need to open the port itself up on the firewall.
22:51.30NoVaZuRjustinu: not same tone !!
22:51.36Ariel_what firewall are you using?
22:51.45justinuNoVaZuR: ok, it still might work tho
22:51.50merc_jediAriel_: sme server 2.X
22:51.51justinutry busydetect=yes
22:52.01NoVaZuRjustinu: allready tried with it
22:52.04merc_jediAriel: distro
22:52.11NoVaZuRjustinu: did you see my conf ?
22:52.18justinuNoVaZuR: no
22:52.21NoVaZuRjustinu: possible in pv ?
22:52.33justinuoh, pastebin it
22:52.39justinubut yeah, ok
22:52.44Ariel_merc_jedi, ok I have not used that one. But I have used monowall and ipcop which both work great.
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22:53.34merc_jediAriel_ :  What is the quick way to check if the ports are open...
22:53.58NoVaZuRjustinu: can you see me in private window ?
22:54.18filethere's this one song in the Hackers movie that isn't on the soundtrack, that I wanttttttttt
22:54.43Ariel_hackers movie was a great one
22:55.00NoVaZuRjustinu: my conf was posted here :
22:55.02fileit's when they were in the apartment solving the garbage file thing...
22:55.13fugitivoyes, it was a "real" movie
22:55.29merc_jediAriel_:  Hey..thanks a lot...I will check few things and get back...
22:55.37Ariel_I like the pool at the end best....
22:55.47Ariel_merc_jedi, good luck
22:55.56fugitivoi like when he dreams whith angelina...
22:56.06Ariel_fugitivo, how is the weather down south?
22:56.06merc_jediM-I-A : Thanks for your help...
22:56.27Ariel_miss lips
22:56.39fugitivoAriel_: lot of rain last days, clear skies today, nice temperature
22:57.16Ariel_great to hear it.  We got clear skys cool to cold wind is coming donw tonight.  Need to see if my heater was fixed.
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23:01.04fugitivoi don't want high temperatures again, i'll need to buy an AC
23:05.27Ariel_Our A/C works great we normally don't have heaters here. But I had the one in our unit fixed this week.  My baby did not like it too cold, and if it gets below 65 here we think it's freezing.
23:08.21M-I-A-65  ha it was 0 here the other day
23:08.48pifiuhey ariel wasup
23:09.07pifiuits jp here in miami
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23:10.06NoVaZuRis there someone here to help me for hangup detection with x100p clone, in France ?
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23:11.45fugitivoNoVaZuR: yes, buy a tdm400p
23:11.47M-I-A-NoVaZuR everywhere i read there are problems with hangup detection with the x100p's do you have access to a TDM400p that you could test out?
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23:12.10justinuc'est un problemme avec le hardware :P
23:12.40Ariel_pifiu, how are you
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23:13.51[TK]D-Fenderil-ce trouve entre les oreilles ;)
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23:14.48justinuhey fender, is there a way to enable some kind of disconnect supervision tone on the polycoms?
23:15.27[TK]D-FenderWhen SIP says buhbye, so does Polycom :)  End of story.
23:15.59ManxPowerjustinu, Anything that uses OOB signaling does not need inband disnaling.
23:16.08ManxPowersignaling too.
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23:16.35justinumy users complain they can't tell when people hang up on them
23:16.42justinu"but our old pbx did it"
23:17.16[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : it gives you discomfort noise removal and the lights go dark!
23:17.16file[laptop]ohhhhhh how standard
23:17.51Ariel_justinu, use the h, option and play them a congestion
23:18.02justinuhey... they're lusers, what can you do?
23:18.11[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : SPA-941 give me an annoying re-order tone when the other side hansg up.
23:18.16justinuariel: i couldn't get that to work
23:18.22justinufender: yeah, the gxp's do it also
23:18.29justinuit's optional on the gxps
23:18.32Ariel_hummm why not works great fo rme
23:18.39[TK]D-FenderAs soon as I can find a way to kill that on my 941 its gone
23:18.42justinuariel: what phones?
23:18.44Ariel_fo rme/for me
23:19.05[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : Ariel_'s idae for 'h' sounds good...
23:19.06Ariel_polycom's, Sipura, it's a setting in your dialing rules and macro's you use to do the dialing
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23:19.23pifiuariel, im doing great how about yourself?
23:19.25Ariel_it's not a phone thing but rules
23:19.32pifiumy setup seems to be working awesome!
23:19.34edgenethi all
23:19.47justinuariel: care to show me that macro?
23:19.48pifiuafter many months of trying all sorts fo different things
23:19.51Ariel_pifiu, ok. but about to go nuts over the customer you gave me....
23:20.00pifiuwhat happened?
23:20.31edgenetdoes anyone know how to do ACD (Average Call Duration) and ASR (Average Call duration) with * ?
23:20.47edgenetACD & ASR routing
23:21.06justinuACD is automatic call distribution
23:21.11jbotfrom memory, acd is All Cats Down, a Jazz term used when the musicians are passed out drunk (props to ManxPower)
23:21.43edgenetACD -> Average Call Duration
23:21.58wunderkinif you say so
23:22.38[TK]D-FenderAutomatic Call Distribution <-
23:23.01justinuspeaking of ACD
23:23.02wunderkinedgenet, check the queue_log
23:23.18[TK]D-Fenderedgenet : how is ASR = "ASR (Average Call duration)"
23:23.19justinui need to setup a simple ACD with like 4  people
23:23.25file[laptop]average success rate?
23:23.27justinusome people haveSIP phones
23:23.29edgenetnot really ...want to route calls to an extention depending on the previous call durations
23:23.30justinusome are on PSTN
23:23.33justinuis it possible?
23:23.37[TK]D-FenderAnother Stupid Report!
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23:25.09Ariel_justinu, I use the default macro that comes with asterisk extensions.conf.samples
23:25.54[TK]D-Fenderedgenet : Sounds like you need to write an AGI script to track all of that
23:26.08justinuariel: hmph, ok i'll look at that again, i guess
23:26.24edgenetany help Fender ?
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23:27.37[TK]D-Fenderedgenet : you'll need to do some custom programming.
23:27.49wunderkinjustinu, yeah there are a few ways to do it..
23:29.14justinuagentcallbacklogin seems to be something I want to use
23:29.33wunderkinthat or if you dont want them to login you can use static members, member => SIP/blah, etc
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23:30.31justinuthat means they're always "online"? static?
23:32.04[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : There are benifits to static, like if they are on the phone and can't accept another call (call-waiting or multi-line, etc)  it won't waste an attempt dialing a busy agent.
23:32.30wunderkinif they dont login or dont use pqm
23:32.38wunderkiner no just pqm
23:32.41[TK]D-FenderAgenCallbackLogin is good if your agents change desks a lot or you want to do other scripted things as you dial them (like CRM screen-pops, etc)
23:32.43justinui know nothing about this ACD stuff, but I'm trying to set up a small demo
23:33.24justinufender: can you do anything with the softkeys on a 501 to do login/logout?
23:33.35justinuand reflect the status on the display?
23:33.47wunderkinbj committed something to have to do with that stuff but i dunno what it was for
23:34.14pifiuhow do i change the gateway address on a linux machine?
23:34.24pifiui figured out the IP and bcast, but not the gateway
23:34.42justinuroute add default gw <ipaddr>
23:35.04[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : not with the softkeys really.  there is an ACD login/out thing with Polycom but theres no doc's on what it does
23:35.12pifiubut that would ADD or REPLACE the current one?
23:35.32justinupifiu: delete the old one first... route del default <ipaddr>
23:35.37justinui can't remember if you need the "gw" or not
23:35.43justinuit's different on every unix
23:35.47[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : Status on display can be done a number of ways : XML on 60x, or manipulated IDLE image on 50x
23:35.58justinufender: ahh
23:36.09rabelaisis there a way to transfer someone into a conference room from a current call??
23:36.10justinupifiu: look at the route command
23:36.25pifiuok thanks
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23:36.50justinuon fedora, just edit /etc/sysconfig/network
23:36.57justinuand /etc/init.d/network restart
23:37.27[TK]D-Fenderrabelais : Yes, just have an exten that dumps in conference w/o a password and transfer it
23:37.43rabelais[TK]D-Fender: ah, I see...thank you
23:37.54pifiuok thanks justinu
23:38.32pifiui think when i restarted the service it just took it down instead of restart it
23:40.08justinuum, this isn't a remote box is it?
23:41.47pifiuno its right here next to me
23:41.51pifiuactually look at what happens
23:42.00pifiuwhen i set the ifconfig to an address
23:42.14pifiui then change the gway in the sysconfig/network and restart the service it goes back to the original IP
23:42.22pifiuthe gway is changed but the ifconfig wont stay the same
23:42.27pifiuwont change i mean
23:42.33pifiuit changes, but when i restart the service it goes back
23:42.49justinuedit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
23:43.00justinuput the right IP in there
23:44.20fugitivoNeoload is great
23:44.49pifiudo i have to restart the service on it
23:45.24justinuafter you change the file, yes
23:46.31fugitivodamn, it's expensive
23:46.39pifiuwow ok just kill me now
23:47.02pifiugway changed, ip changed now i try to ping for example google and it says "ping: unknown host"
23:47.08pifiu=P wonderful
23:47.26justinudns probably isn't setup
23:47.41pifiuall of this should be though but ok
23:47.42justinucan you ping
23:47.46pifiuthats my DNS lol
23:47.55pifiulet me see
23:47.59justinuit's just an easy IP to remember
23:48.10pifiuno it says connect: network is unreachable
23:48.28pifiuyet im connected via ssh right now
23:48.35justinuok, then the gateway is likely to be incorrect
23:49.03justinugateway affects only connects that need to cross a router, if it's on the LAN, you don't need it
23:49.05pifiuok im looking into that file and i have all 3 dns setup, i guess it keeps trying touse the main one
23:49.13pifiuyeah i know
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23:49.28pifiuim just saying that error it gives me makes it seem like the network card for it doesnt work
23:49.40pifiuand this is odd becasue on DNS it should use the second or third of the first doesnt work
23:50.07pifiuhow do i restart that service? /etc/init.d/resolv restart?
23:50.15justinuno, you don't need to
23:50.18justinuediting the file is good enough
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23:50.28pifiuthats odd isnt it? you would think you would?
23:50.36Corydon76-homeIt isn't a service; it's a library
23:50.55pifiuwow no still says connect: network unreachable
23:51.21justinuyou have an IP routing problem, not a DNS problem
23:51.24Corydon76-homeNo default route, perhaps?
23:52.02justinuget leyer 3 up, and the applications will work ;)
23:52.10pifiuoh i think its the bcast is fucked up
23:52.11pifiuone second
23:52.21justinuprobably your subnet mask
23:52.25justinuif anything
23:53.53pifiuwhat is the difference in between restarting a service and reloading one?
23:54.17pifiugot it justin
23:54.42pifiui appreciate the help
23:54.49pifiuill just isntall webmin that way its easier to change after
23:56.26justinuooh, you can make the polycom play 16bit 16kHz samples
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