irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060112

00:00.16RoyKManxPower: yes
00:00.20BasketCaseAriel_: I haven't touched the POTS port yet
00:00.29Lee619does * require registration for outoing calls or just incoming calls?
00:00.41BasketCaseAriel_: I meant to say the FXO port is not configured yet
00:00.43Ariel_Lee619, depends on service provider
00:00.44Powerkillsomeone use cdr_odbc with mysql ?
00:01.07*** join/#asterisk alephcom_ (
00:01.17ManxPower"Just say 'NO!' to POTS."  This message brought to you by the Partnership for an Analog Free Amerika.
00:01.17Darwin35ps2pdf is part of what port
00:01.20Lee619Ariel: Thank you.  Do you happen to know about FWD?
00:01.44Ariel_fwd does need registration
00:02.12Ariel_ManxPower, pots are needed in some cases, at least to get me out of hot water with 911 issues
00:00.16RoyKManxPower: yes
00:00.20BasketCaseAriel_: I haven't touched the POTS port yet
00:00.29Lee619does * require registration for outoing calls or just incoming calls?
00:00.41BasketCaseAriel_: I meant to say the FXO port is not configured yet
00:00.43Ariel_Lee619, depends on service provider
00:00.44Powerkillsomeone use cdr_odbc with mysql ?
00:01.07*** join/#asterisk alephcom_ (
00:01.17ManxPower"Just say 'NO!' to POTS."  This message brought to you by the Partnership for an Analog Free Amerika.
00:01.17Darwin35ps2pdf is part of what port
00:01.20Lee619Ariel: Thank you.  Do you happen to know about FWD?
00:01.44Ariel_fwd does need registration
00:02.12Ariel_ManxPower, pots are needed in some cases, at least to get me out of hot water with 911 issues
00:00.16RoyKManxPower: yes
00:00.20BasketCaseAriel_: I haven't touched the POTS port yet
00:00.29Lee619does * require registration for outoing calls or just incoming calls?
00:00.41BasketCaseAriel_: I meant to say the FXO port is not configured yet
00:00.43Ariel_Lee619, depends on service provider
00:00.44Powerkillsomeone use cdr_odbc with mysql ?
00:01.07*** join/#asterisk alephcom_ (
00:01.17ManxPower"Just say 'NO!' to POTS."  This message brought to you by the Partnership for an Analog Free Amerika.
00:01.17Darwin35ps2pdf is part of what port
00:01.20Lee619Ariel: Thank you.  Do you happen to know about FWD?
00:01.44Ariel_fwd does need registration
00:02.12Ariel_ManxPower, pots are needed in some cases, at least to get me out of hot water with 911 issues
00:00.16RoyKManxPower: yes
00:00.20BasketCaseAriel_: I haven't touched the POTS port yet
00:00.29Lee619does * require registration for outoing calls or just incoming calls?
00:00.41BasketCaseAriel_: I meant to say the FXO port is not configured yet
00:00.43Ariel_Lee619, depends on service provider
00:00.44Powerkillsomeone use cdr_odbc with mysql ?
00:01.07*** join/#asterisk alephcom_ (
00:01.17ManxPower"Just say 'NO!' to POTS."  This message brought to you by the Partnership for an Analog Free Amerika.
00:01.17Darwin35ps2pdf is part of what port
00:01.20Lee619Ariel: Thank you.  Do you happen to know about FWD?
00:01.44Ariel_fwd does need registration
00:02.12Ariel_ManxPower, pots are needed in some cases, at least to get me out of hot water with 911 issues
00:04.13blitzrageManxPower: lol -- thats my new MSN name :)
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00:16.35tzangerI'm watching the canadian political debates has the .rm
00:16.48tzangerrue_work: Well I am canadian
00:16.50rue_workthere just mud slining
00:16.56rue_workI know, me too
00:17.03Souldirty question:
00:17.31tzangerlayton sounds like he is selling insurance, the bloc shouldn't be in this debate whatsoever, and martin and harper just are different sides of the same coin.  ugh.
00:17.36Soulpicture a company with 2 geographical locations, one asterisk server in each location
00:17.44tzangerSoul: yeah
00:17.45rue_workI dispise polititions, especially when their throwing mud at each other trying to make it an election of who looks less worse
00:17.53tzangerrue_work: yep
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00:18.21Soulhow can a user from location A go work to location B, and still be reachable by the same sip url / company extension ?
00:18.27tzangerbasically the PC is shouting "We're not the Liberals!" the Libs are saying "Trust us this time, really" and the NDP is saying "Lookat me, Look at me!"
00:18.27rue_workSoul ours has three locations
00:18.50tzangerSoul: yesish.  :-)
00:18.55rue_workhehe yea...
00:18.56ManxPowerSoul, move the phone.
00:19.11Souli'd like the user to go from A to B, and just reprogram one of the ip phones with his login and password, and thats it. is this possible ?
00:19.31tzangerSoul: yes
00:19.35tzangerthat is entirely possible
00:19.42ManxPowerSoul, Why?  Just move the phone, let it register with the erver in the other location
00:19.58[TK]D-FenderSoul : plenty of ways.  have phone phones active at the same time, just have it so there's only 1 number that rings BOTH in your dial-plan.
00:19.59Soulbut location B has a different asterisk server! how does this work ? are the extensions/dialplan/sip profiles shared between the 2 asterisk servers ?
00:20.03*** join/#asterisk jyukes_ (
00:20.03rue_workok, who here is running an asterisk machine with voicemail and IVR?
00:20.06tzangerManxPower: I say fuck all that, log in as an agent.
00:20.14tzangerwe likely all are
00:20.34[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : Most of us, myself included.  Whats your question?
00:20.41rue_workwell, then you all have this problem
00:20.55rue_workWARNING[16724] file.c: File outage does not exist in any format
00:21.05rue_workcheck /var/log/asterisk/full
00:21.06ManxPowerSoul, Um, the phone doesn't register with the local server, the phone registers and users the REMOTE server
00:21.08[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : Thats just 1 sound file.....
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00:21.24[TK]D-FenderWho said it had to be there in the first place?
00:21.26rue_workright, I want to know if this is a normal problem
00:21.30watchyanyway to set a cisco 7960s volume from tftp config?
00:21.31Soul[TK]D-Fender, though of that, in fact i have 3 sip logins (sergio-pocketpc, sergio-cisco and sergio-notebook, which all ring when someone calls "sergio"), but with 2 asterisk servers wont there be dialing problems ?
00:21.41rue_workcause that sound file isn't provided with asterisk
00:22.04BeHappy_Soul, i think you can set-up a queue with the "ringall" policy
00:22.15[TK]D-FenderSoul : depends how you set it up.  Have the remote side take the call and ring the internal phone but WITHOUT doing an "answer" first
00:22.18tzangerSaying Java is nice because it works on all OS's is like saying that anal sex is nice because it works on all genders.
00:22.34BeHappy_but sincerely i dont know if the queue can go trough different servers
00:22.36SoulManxPower, hadn't thought of that, registering with the remote server, nice. but the phone connectivity will be lost if outside comms fail, isnt there a way to login in the local server ?
00:22.39[TK]D-FenderQueue's for that idea = BAD and wasteful.
00:22.56BeHappy_ockay, as not said :)
00:23.01ManxPowerSoul, yes, but that's more complicated
00:23.14rue_workso am I right about 'outage.gsm" ?
00:23.17Soulwatchy, yes, but sorry, don't have my cisco configs here
00:23.45watchythanks i'll see what i can find
00:23.53watchyi need a website with all the options
00:24.00[TK]D-FenderSoul : have the remote phone log into the server its BEHIND.  Place the call from server A to server B requesting an entry taht will dial the phone behind it.  thats all.
00:24.17tzangerholy hell are you STILL talking about outage.gsm?
00:24.19rue_workgrrr I have to ctrl-c windows every time I do a copy!!!! >:|
00:24.22Soulwatchy, google 4 it, and come back tomorrow if you find nothing, i'll share my configs
00:24.24tzangerfind / -name '*outage.gsm*'
00:24.27tzangersee where it is
00:24.31rue_worktzanger no, I'm talking about it again
00:24.35watchysoul: thank you
00:24.51rue_workand its NOT on ANY of out asterisk machines and its not in the archives on digium
00:24.58[TK]D-Fenderthere is no "outage.*" soud file included with *.
00:25.04Soul[TK]D-Fender, i'm sure you are right, but i did not understand ;)
00:25.21rue_workthere are NO files with 'outage' in the name on teh system
00:25.37Soullet's put some names in the cenario:
00:25.38tzangerrue_work: so where are you finding a reference to it?  I know I've never heard of it
00:25.47rue_workaccept the .gms file I'm taking from my voicemail with the word "the" recorded in it that I'm about to rename
00:25.55[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : And who said there should even BE a file named that coming with *?
00:26.01Souli am sip user "sergio", extension 1, and i usually work at location A
00:26.15Soullocation A has asterisk server A
00:26.30[TK]D-FenderSoul : I'll draw one up for you quick, hold on.
00:26.32*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
00:26.40rue_workteh * is whats known a as "wildcard" or "regular expression" its like a variable, it can represent any set of characters
00:26.48Soulsometimes i need to work for a week in location B. location B has asterisk server B
00:28.06inv_Arpneed a provider that will allow to make toll free calls for free... voipjet  charges regardless of the number called
00:28.10*** join/#asterisk sexy_girl (
00:28.21Souli'd like to drive to location B (i will NOT take an ip phone with me, location B has lots of them unused), configure one ip phone with my user/password (logged into asterisk server B), and be reachable by my usual "sergio@company" sip url, or the internal extension 1
00:28.25*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
00:28.33sexy_girl    <--take look my sexy pic and dont forget vote for it
00:28.35sexy_girl    <--take look my sexy pic and dont forget vote for it
00:28.47SedoroxI really wish a op could back those bots...
00:28.52*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
00:28.58SedoroxI still got the same one spamming me on join
00:29.02inv_Arphey mypic.exe doesnt run....
00:29.13Sedoroxwine ./mypix.exe
00:29.34BeHappy_once there was a guy that tried to run all the worms in wine
00:29.41BeHappy_(without success..)
00:29.46inv_ArpBeHappy_: hah
00:29.56rue_workwhat the hell, the system is outright not recording messages??????
00:30.02Sedoroxbut yea.. aNaSTaCia_geBeri Is sending me shit on join.....
00:30.13rue_workI do NOT understand this
00:30.13Souleverything is cool if the ip phone that i use registers itself with asterisk A server, but i'd like it to register with asterisk B, so i am available to location B users, even if comms fail at location A or B
00:30.26inv_Arpthses bots need to hit #windoze chan... they would have more success
00:30.28Sedoroxmy rommate actually has a seperate windows setup.. and plays with the viruses and shit in it
00:30.43[TK]D-FenderSoul :
00:30.44tzangerthat's what vmware is good for
00:30.47inv_ArpSedorox: yea might setup one in vmware
00:30.48tzangerrollback fs
00:30.56inv_Arptzanger: exactly
00:30.58tzangerI used one with some product developemtn
00:31.13rue_workI just directly dialed my mailbox and left a message, and it didn't record it, at all
00:31.16tzangerit was *great* because I was debugging the installer at the tiem
00:31.57[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : Pastebin your entire extensions.conf and lets take a look at what you're doing....
00:32.01inv_Arpneed a quick provider for toll free 8XX access
00:32.19inv_Arpdont feel like payin 1.2 cents per min for that
00:32.24rue_work[TK]D-Fender just retesting...
00:32.32[TK]D-Fenderinv_Arp : IAXTEL
00:32.33Soul[TK]D-Fender, oyur solution would work even if comms at site A or B fail ?
00:32.56[TK]D-FenderSoul : if comms go down, 102 won't ring, tahts all... the other 2 will.
00:32.57rue_workthis is strange, it just worked for two more tests
00:33.01Lee619is there any way to tell why registration fails?
00:33.07inv_Arp[TK]D-Fender: thx
00:33.16[TK]D-FenderSoul : no need to even REGISTER tot he other server.  you can let it pass as a "misc" call.
00:33.38Soulwhat is a misc call ?
00:34.06[TK]D-FenderSoul : An incoming call that is NOT from a registered user.
00:34.11ZeMMaDhow do i make asterisk answer immediately
00:34.11rue_workWHAT!??? I just watched it delete the message files!!????
00:34.13SoulAhrimanes, ok
00:34.26[TK]D-Fenderthe way i described mean yuo don't even have to worry about passwords betweent he servers
00:34.26rue_workmaybe because I only said one short word?
00:34.28ZeMMaDon my zap?
00:34.36Soultk, but your solution brings another interesting question
00:35.53Soulif i have 20 users at site A (1@company ... 20@company) and 20 users at site B (21@company ... 40@company), can i have 2 asterisk servers running as SIP SRV for the "company" domain ?
00:36.28Soulwhen someone in the internet dials 39@company, how does his phone know the it needs to contact asterisk B and not asterisk A ?
00:36.47*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
00:37.08Soulbasically what im talking about is somekind of distributed asterisk solution between sites A and B
00:38.42Soulof course i know about dns round robin, load balancers, etc.., but would i have to point the SRV record to one of the asterisk servers, and have him forward the call to the other asterisk server, if the call is for an extension >= 20 ?
00:39.32Soulsite B would be unavailable if site A would loose its comms to the internet
00:39.32[TK]D-FenderSoul : All in your dialplan.  In "A", do something like "exten => _20XX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:2}"
00:39.49Lee619interesting-- if i put in an invalid username/password for FWD, it shows a state of Rejected for iax2 show registry....
00:40.03Lee619but if i put in a valid username/password, it still shows a state of Rejected....
00:40.12Soultk, but then site B would be unavailable if site A would loose its comms to the internet, correct ?
00:40.12Darwin35got it
00:40.24watchyi aint having no luck finding a site with all config examples of a cisco 7960
00:40.26Lee619i'm SURE i'm using the right username/password, because i can log into using the username/password....
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00:40.53Lee619does anybody have any insights...?  i am behind NAT....
00:40.56[TK]D-FenderSoul : you could have it check to see if the dial failed, then fall back to a PSTN call or whatever else you felt like doing...
00:41.08Soultk, good point
00:41.27Soulwatchy, please wait
00:41.51watchyno prob
00:42.04watchydunno why i cant find any on google
00:42.40Soulwatchy, what do you want, again ? ;)
00:43.19inv_Arpjust added iaxtel for 8XX numbers ,   but my voipjeyt dial out is  "exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX"  wont that pick up the 800 numbers as well?
00:43.33Lee619maybe FWD is down?  :-)
00:43.40watchysoul: volume
00:43.52watchyi'd like to know them all but right now i'm intrested in volume
00:44.57Lee619giving up...  :-(
00:45.16Soulwatchy, start here:
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00:46.05watchyok cool
00:46.41watchythanks i found it
00:46.42watchyi love you
00:47.05watchywhats the volume called in it though
00:49.33inv_Arpjust added iaxtel for 8XX numbers ,   but my voipjet dial out is  "exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX"  wont that pick up the 800 numbers as well?
00:49.48watchywierd soul. i don't see one for volume
00:49.54Soulme neither ;)
00:50.11*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
00:50.18infinity1i have an odd problem where someone will be on the phone and suddenly i can hear them, but they can't hear me.
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00:50.18watchyyou sure it exist?
00:51.29*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
00:52.21cnet2hi, I asterisk answering my phone (s,1,Answer..), but i want asterisk to wait for me to dial an extension to tell himwhat to do, but even though i have a exten=>XXX,n,Dial(..,  asterisk won't wait for me to dial the numbers and just sends me a hangup.
00:53.42*** join/#asterisk chiardon (n=chiardon@
00:54.00Soulwatchy, sorry, got confused with dtmf volume level. no, never configured call volume level in my configs
00:55.44Soulthis should solve the problem we were talking about, right ?
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01:06.03[TK]D-Fendercnet2 : You need to set "autofallthrough=no"
01:06.16cnet2great thanks! jej
01:06.31chiardonWhats exactly "Notice 4709 . . .avoiding deadlock
01:06.49[TK]D-FenderSoul : You still need a path tot he other server.  That soludtion doesn't solve the lack of network connectivity.
01:07.34chiardon"Notice 4709  . . .avoiding deadlock"
01:07.38*** join/#asterisk annonimous (
01:07.39Soultk, i think it does, the loadbalancer "pings" both asterisk servers. even if A is down, B would still be available
01:07.56ManxPowerchiardon, it's a debugging message.  ignore it.
01:08.29Soulwhat i'm trying to find is if the loadbalancer is capable of sending >= 20 extensions to the B server, and the others to the A server
01:08.32*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
01:08.48[TK]D-FenderSoul : What are the odds that the LOCAL server is down?  Load balancing is good for things like termination servers.  if the server a phone is reg'd to goes dow so do all phones connected to it.
01:08.49chiardonbut it is showing just before the *Box Down
01:08.55Soulsomething like policy routing, if you understand network routing
01:08.59[TK]D-FenderSoul : Whats your real goal?  To bridge 2 offices?
01:09.11chiardonManpower Tnx
01:09.50chiardonManpower where you are?
01:09.50inv_Arpjust added iaxtel for 8XX numbers ,   but my voipjet dial out is  "exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX"  wont that pick up the 800 numbers as well?
01:10.03Soultk, no, connecting the 2 (or more) offices is trivial. i'm looking for the most redundant solution that i can build. if A fails, B must still be alive
01:10.09[TK]D-Fenderinv_Arp : Change your voipjet then.
01:10.16chiardonManpower UK?
01:10.49chiardonSomeone from western europe?
01:10.49ManxPowerI am in Alamaba
01:11.04inv_Arpok lets try regexp fashion
01:11.48Souli read something a few days ago, about some new asterisk solution that could make several asterisk servers behave as one, even that they would be distributed throughout the world. i cant find the url :(
01:12.07[TK]D-FenderSoul : Again though what is your goal?
01:12.26ManxPowerOne of my big fantasies is for two asterisk servers to act as one.
01:13.24Soultk, if i can create a "virtual" asterisk for the company, with the 2 real asterisk servers, then probably i could divert calls to each office using that virtual server. the virtual server could be in a redundant datacenter
01:13.35*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
01:13.56Soulif location A is down, location B would still get calls, forwarded by the datacenter
01:15.01[TK]D-FenderSoul : Thats a big undertaking and requires that the phones double-register or something and that all common resources (like VM) be shared somehow.  One idea might be that this is stored in a DB but that adds a central point of failure as well...
01:15.02*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
01:15.19[TK]D-FenderSoul: Do you really need this?
01:15.31Soultk, i can guarantee the datacenter wont fail, but not the offices
01:15.50Soultk, just brainstorming the best solution
01:16.24*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
01:16.48Soultk, something like sip reality:
01:16.54SoulSome unique features are:
01:17.14Soulthats the url i was looking for
01:18.34justinulooks like vaporware to me
01:18.45[TK]D-FenderSoul : But do you really NEED it?
01:19.14*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
01:19.53Soultk, everyone needs reliability. should i ask that to the 25 employees at site B, when they cant receive calls because site A is down ?
01:20.22Souljustinu, interested in building, not buying. just trying to figure how it works, IF if works
01:20.32[TK]D-FenderSoul : Does site B have no lines of their own?
01:20.49Soultk, just internet access
01:21.18Soulthe point is to forget about tdm and go voip all the way
01:21.57[TK]D-FenderSoul : If they only have internet access, and thats it, and the net goes down what on earth do you expect to do with that situation?  There is simply NO path to Site B.  period.  All the phones over there are dead in the water.
01:22.28Soultk, no, thats not the situation i was asking about
01:22.47Soulsite B should be fully operational even if site A was down
01:22.47[TK]D-FenderSoul : try again and make the sample as linear as possible
01:22.58Soultk: site B should be fully operational even if site A was down
01:22.59[TK]D-FenderSite "A" has the incoming lines, correct?
01:23.21Soultk, no incoming pstn lines, everything is voip
01:23.31Soulsite a has internet access, and site b also
01:23.41[TK]D-FenderSoul : Do both A & B have their own accounts?
01:23.44justinuyou can do stuff like that, but you need top grade IP connectivity
01:23.52Soulsite b must work even if site a is down, and the opposite
01:24.16Souljustinu, if i had that i would not worry about comms being down ;)
01:24.22Soultk, yes
01:24.28sivanaSoul: site a and b have *?
01:24.35Soulsivana, yes
01:24.58Soultk, the problem is that site a users must sometimes go work at site b, and the opposite
01:24.59sivanaI don't see the problem then
01:25.00[TK]D-FenderSoul : With a server on each side have its phones register to it, they are independant.  The only thing you could lose is access to resources at the other side.
01:25.28*** join/#asterisk ManxPowe (
01:25.29Soultk, yes, if they work as 2 standalone asterisk servers, BUT:
01:25.31[TK]D-FenderSoul : thats what forwarding your calls to the other server is for....
01:26.27Soultk, how can YOU, tk, call the sip url, if the sip srv record is JUST ONE of those asterisk servers ?
01:26.38fileo... m... g...
01:26.55*** join/#asterisk kino5 (
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01:27.28kino5how to forwad incoming call to extention?
01:27.41filewhy don't you just deploy SER in a cluster configuration for SIP components, use Asterisk for media and PSTN access, and then the phone can register anywhere and hell you can have two phones registered to the cluster
01:27.53Soulif the sip srv record is, located at site A, and site A is down, how can be reached if is usually forwarded by asterisk A to asterisk B (i'm a site B user) ?
01:28.13Soulfile ?
01:28.36Soulfile, im sure you are righ, but my head is slower than yours
01:29.47Soulquestion a) can you have multiple sip srv records for a domain, each one pointing to different asterisk servers, where different sip users are registered ?
01:29.47*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
01:30.09cnet2i've put "autofallthrough=no ", and still asterisk won't wait for me to dial an extension before hanging up
01:30.10Soulquestion b) if question a is NO, how can we provide an alternative solution ?
01:30.39*** join/#asterisk _DAW-LAPTOP (
01:30.41litageif you have 5 asterisk servers and 500 tenants, each with varying #s of extensions, should all tenants be on each asterisk server, or should the 500 tenants be split up amongst the asterisk servers?
01:31.28cnet2i've put WaitExten
01:31.34fileSoul: you can specify multiple ones, they're weighted and if one is down the sip UA will usually try the next one... that is, if they support SRV records
01:31.37Soullitage, if all the tenants are known by all asterisk servers, then everyone can register at the server on the location they are working on
01:32.13[TK]D-Fendercnet2 : Pastebin your extensions.conf
01:33.20cnet2what-s the paste bin url?
01:33.22*** join/#asterisk Skkip (n=Skipper@
01:33.47jboti heard pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
01:33.52Soulfile, ok, thats a good start for an answer to question a). but i suppose the multiple sip srv records point to different sip (asterisk) servers where EVERYONE is registered, correct ? i mean, with sip srv records you just can't say that the 1 2 and 3 users are registered with, and 4 5 and 6 users are registered with, correct ?
01:34.24*** join/#asterisk greendisease (n=jack@fedora/greendisease)
01:34.31fileSoul: you're not going to do load balancing and failover of stuff in the SIP protocol on the DNS layer... just no
01:35.09*** join/#asterisk EvilMetal (
01:35.37litageSoul: would each asterisk server not become sluggish though if the # of tenants significantly increased, say to 50,000?
01:36.18*** join/#asterisk chalco_lab (n=chatzill@pdpc/supporter/active/chalco)
01:36.20Soulstarting with that "no" assumption, then we must have ALL the users for ALL the offices in ALL the asterisk servers (that would take care of the romaing users situation). and then, we must have some way to forward the call to the proper asterisk server where the user is registered in that moment
01:36.28ptiggerdinecluster of asterisk server then
01:36.31litagefile: ?
01:36.32*** join/#asterisk jyukes (
01:36.39Soulotherwise, we could just.. dial all the asterisk servers, like tk said, correct ?
01:36.40filelitage: you wouldn't get that many on a box
01:37.14Soullitage, we're talking maximum 200 users offices
01:37.16fileSoul: I'll give you two hints for an idea I have in my idea... regexten, and DUNDi
01:37.24fileer in my head
01:37.30Soulfile, dont know the first
01:37.53fileSoul: it modifies the dialplan and adds a 1 priority with noop, so an extension becomes active upon registration
01:38.16Soulfile, you sip invite dns resolves sip servers to,, is down (office A is down)
01:38.34chalco_labhello all. this may not directly apply to asterisk, but hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. I'm trying to find out how a VOIP service provider interrconnects with the PSTN
01:38.55filechalco_lab: they're called telephone companies...
01:39.02fileor other VoIP carriers
01:39.03Soulthe call goes to, (location B), and asterisk B is configured to dial sergio@A, sergio@B and sergio@C at the same time
01:39.21*** join/#asterisk alephcom_ (
01:39.32[TK]D-Fendercnet2 : Ok where in there is your IVR that fails?
01:39.47cnet2the default context
01:40.05chalco_labfile: a client of mine wants to become a VOIP service provider, and I'm researching it for him
01:40.06cnet2it answers, and seems its waiting for exten, but when i press any number i get Invalid Extension
01:40.15Soulsergio@A will obviously not dial (A is down), sergio@B will not ring (sergio is not registered there, he is 300 miles away), sergio@C will ring, and voila, i will answer. is this feasible ?
01:40.24filechalco_lab: you get a connection to the regular phone network, a PRI or DS3 or whatever...
01:40.29filechalco_lab: from the telco
01:40.33enemy^xJust tried out Asterisk-IM with spark as client, Seems like I have to update the status message on my side to anything before the others see that I`m on the phone.... ?
01:40.57fileSoul: depends if you used voicemail because sergio@B has the potential to pick up if it does
01:41.07[TK]D-Fendercnet2 : exten => XXX,n,Dial(IAX2/powersol/${EXTEN})  is no good.  you need a priority 1!
01:41.11Soulfile, damn ;)
01:41.14chalco_labfile: thank you. that helps a lot
01:41.15[TK]D-Fenderexten => XXX,1,Dial(IAX2/powersol/${EXTEN})
01:41.32Soulfile, how to solve that ?
01:42.05fileSOul: I'm not going to solve all your problems for you
01:42.24cnet2[TK]D-Fender: ok i did that, but it stills won't let me dial more than 1 number
01:42.28Soulfile, ;)
01:43.03[TK]D-Fendercnet2 : And get rid of Waitexten, and add in exten => s,2,Set(TIMEOUT(response)=15)   and exten => s,3,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=3)
01:43.21[TK]D-FenderActually that should be : exten => _XXX,1,Dial(IAX2/powersol/${EXTEN})
01:43.26[TK]D-Fenderyuo forgot the "_" too....
01:43.45[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: another point for gxp2000: it can do intercom without having to use a separate autoanswer extension hack
01:43.51[TK]D-FenderOk, run with that for a bit, I'm off to watch a movie
01:43.56[av]banitoo bad the speakerphone is so bad :P
01:44.15Soulsomeking of "dynamic" dialplan, built with information from the multiple asterisk servers, would be great: "if sergio is registered at B or C dont enable his voicemail here"
01:44.15[TK]D-Fenderis the GXP any less of a hack than Poly really?
01:44.29[av]banipoly requires autoanswer extension? the gxp uses a hint
01:45.03[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : a hint?  Makes no sense, but will catch up later.
01:45.26[av]baniexten => 1234,1,SIPAddHeader(Call-Info: answer-after=0)
01:45.31[av]baniwell, an additional header
01:46.12kino5how to forwad incoming call to extention?
01:46.19*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
01:46.25kino5incoming call from PSTN line
01:46.42cnet2[TK]D-Fender: set command is not recognized.. :S
01:46.58|omni|anyone in 509 area code need a PSTN gate? putting a 7 chan PRI in our rack and just need to cover costs
01:47.28enemy^xanyone here tried the Asterisk-IM plugin?
01:52.08cnet2gotit, thanks
01:52.34litageSoul: you and i are trying to achieve the exact same thing. may i privmsg you?
01:55.56*** join/#asterisk kio (
01:58.06enemy^xis it possible to get the message stuff working in xten with asterisk? chan_sip.c:7283 receive_message: Received message to -....- gets dropped
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02:10.09litagefile: so if you have 1,000 tenants, each with varying #s of extensions, it's not feasible to put all tenants on each * box?
02:10.40justinutoo many simultaneous registers will crash asterisk :P
02:12.19litagejustinu: "too many" like 20 or 100 or 1000 simultaneous registrations?
02:12.42justinuaround 100, iirc
02:13.05Souljustinu, not here, not even close
02:13.10litagejustinu: if you split that into 2 groups of 50 registrations that occured consecutively, would things be peachy?
02:13.24justinuthe solution is to have your UA's register with SER
02:13.46justinusoul: what do you mean?
02:13.52justinusoul: you're not having that problem?
02:14.43Souljustinu, you mean 100 SIP REGISTER operations at the same time, or 100 users registered at the same time, (but the REGISTER operation happened before, at different times) ?
02:14.45*** join/#asterisk EvilMetal (
02:15.14justinu100 sip register operations
02:15.32Souljustinu, ah, sorry, never had that experience
02:15.36justinulike for example, if your link went down, and then came back up, all the UAs will register
02:15.58litagejustinu: i haven't read much on how SER works, but for registrations to take place with a SER box, SER would need to know the username and password for each party trying to register, right? and upstream * boxes also need to have that same registration information too, right?
02:16.13Souljustinu, correct, in that case we had that experience several times a day, for a month. no probs
02:16.59justinuthe * boxes just need to know the SIP AOR
02:17.06justinuonly the phones need the authentication info
02:17.27litagejustinu: SIP AOR?
02:17.33justinuSER can be setup to auth against a database
02:17.36justinuaddress of record
02:17.56Souljustinu, yes, ser is much better. also too complicated.
02:18.17justinuSER is very complicated at all
02:18.22justinumuch less so than asterisk
02:20.23Souljustinu, you mean ser is simple ?
02:20.52litagefile, justinu: so if you have 1,000+ tenants, each with varying #s of extensions, and use SER to handle registrations, is it feasible to put all tenants on each * box?
02:23.16inv_ArpQwell: around?
02:27.54watchyfor music on hold whats a good streamer to use
02:28.05watchyfor shoutcast?
02:28.35Soulwatchy, we're using mpg123
02:28.59watchynot workin for me g
02:29.07watchyHTTP request failed: 404 Resource Not Found
02:29.11Soulpick another stream, most of themdont work
02:29.14watchyany special flags you give it?
02:29.20watchyif you give it a url?
02:32.24*** part/#asterisk Prival (
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02:32.39*** part/#asterisk Prival (
02:33.58Soulno clue, not in the office right now
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02:37.58ObsidianXhey folks, if im trying to setup a soft-phone like Kiax or MozIAX to connect to asterisk to only receive calls would i choose friend, user, or peer
02:38.26ObsidianXi keep on getting "Inappropriate authentication received"
02:38.37marcus2that error has nthing to do with friend/user/peer tho
02:38.40*** join/#asterisk linlin (
02:39.02ObsidianXwhen i choose user it says "No registration for peer 'test'"
02:39.53ObsidianXalthough i have a section [test] with secret=pass etc...
02:40.01marcus2do you have auth=md5 ?
02:40.28ObsidianXi just added it and it still doesn't work
02:41.01ObsidianXmd5,plaintext,rsa doesn't work either
02:41.04*** join/#asterisk NDT (
02:47.51Nuggetmaybe "inappropriate" means you should put some clothes on or something.
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02:54.53hhoffmanhi, is anyone using zasterisk?
02:57.56ObsidianXNugget: heheh
02:58.06ObsidianXmarcus2: any ideas?
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03:02.43shmaltzanybody here running the following:
03:02.45shmaltzasterisk 1.2.1
03:02.48shmaltzand polycom?
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03:12.21Cyonwhos there?
03:12.41ObsidianX"No registration for peer" agh
03:12.44ObsidianXwhat does that mean :(
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03:13.46brockj49464Anybody have any GXP-2000 to sell?  Or reasons not to look at getting that phone?
03:13.53Qwellbrockj49464: because they suck
03:14.02Qwellespecially a used one...
03:14.09_Sam--i dont agree personally
03:14.17_Sam--i just installed 12 of them today for a real estate office
03:14.22brockj49464qwell: What exactly is weong with them?
03:14.26_Sam--for what they are...they are pretty good units.
03:14.29Qwell_Sam--: give them my condolences
03:14.47_Sam--i run my business on them, we have almost 20 people using them at my office as well
03:14.50brockj49464sam:  Can they do on-hook anouncements (paging)?
03:15.16_Sam--i thikn the newest beta firmware does that.
03:15.29_Sam--there is a wiki page about the phones that has some decent info
03:15.42_Sam--i dont know what else to compare them to for 85 bucks
03:15.54Qwell_Sam--: a GOOD headset, and a softphone
03:15.56_Sam--i am not saying you will love yours...but mine work fine for the role they are in
03:16.05_Sam--they blow away softphones
03:16.11_Sam--my sales guys switched from softphones to that
03:16.31_Sam--and we used good plantronics headsets
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03:16.44_Sam--i dont know what problems you had with the phones qwell
03:17.11_Sam--but ive dealt with their tech support as well which was refreshingly through to somoeone right away who helped me out
03:17.14brockj49464I am looking at them for home.  Trying to replace a pansonic kxtd1232 before it is worthless
03:17.28ObsidianXanybody know whats up with this error?
03:18.00_Sam--we are testing out the beta version of their newest firmware
03:18.06_Sam--and it seems pretty good for us
03:20.38brockj49464That is good that they seem to work.
03:20.49_Sam--ymmv based on your setup
03:21.08_Sam--all of my stuff ive been setting up is 100% pri or pstn type stuff
03:21.20_Sam--er 100% voip
03:21.39|omni|using remote gateways?
03:21.43Qwellrealestate agents get MAD when things don't work
03:21.58_Sam--well yeah , their asterisk box connects to an IAX provider
03:22.03_Sam--i guess that is a remote gateway....
03:22.15|omni|heh...I was just working on a system for a real estate office a couple weeks ago with someone
03:22.17_Sam--but the people assume the risks knowingly
03:22.18iCEBrkrdamnit this phone number
03:22.25iCEBrkrI got some fucker calling me twice a day
03:22.36Qwell_Sam--: So, you told them to only expect 90% uptime?
03:22.40iCEBrkrI think it's Walmarts telemarketing/survey group
03:22.50_Sam--ive been running 100% voip at my business for about 1.2 years...
03:22.56_Sam--our uptime is closer to 99% for our calls
03:23.03Qwell99% is unacceptable
03:23.09_Sam--maybe for some high end clients
03:23.14_Sam--but based on budgets
03:23.14Qwellfor anybody
03:23.22_Sam--they assume the risks
03:23.23iCEBrkrFive 9's!
03:23.25_Sam--they know
03:23.31_Sam--we talk about options
03:23.37_Sam--they choose based on cost you realize what that equates to?
03:23.39|omni|same on this side, but when I do a lot of forwarding (bounce exten to cell or whatever) I like low latency PSTN if possible
03:23.51Qwell1 hour every 4 days
03:23.59QwellThat is A LOT
03:24.04Qwellcompletely unacceptable
03:24.17_Sam--my shit works fine...i run a mail order business that over 10 mil a year in sales on it
03:24.21_Sam--and its acceptable just fine
03:24.32_Sam--you dont have to like it, thats fine
03:24.37_Sam--but people do
03:24.42Qwell_Sam--: So, what if UPS only delivered 4 days a week?
03:24.46iCEBrkrQwell: What if you have 72hrs downtime in the month of Dec?
03:24.47QwellYou'd be freaking pissed
03:24.51_Sam--my phones deliver 7 days a week
03:24.53QwelliCEBrkr: indeed
03:25.02_Sam--what is the difference between my PTP t1 and a PRI?
03:25.05iCEBrkrQwell: Your average doesn't hold water, is all I'm saying :P
03:25.08QwelliCEBrkr: on the 20th, 21st, and 22nd
03:25.25_Sam--so unless a route is down on my 8 homed provider...
03:25.30_Sam--the chances that i cant get there are pretty bad
03:25.32iCEBrkr...and hardware PBX's go dead a lot too..
03:25.33_Sam--my shit works.
03:25.44_Sam--call it as many times as you want..i'll give ya the number
03:26.03CyonHmmm, anyone here messed with getting faxing working?
03:26.38|omni|Sam...doing a similar setup here but putting a PRI into my rack
03:26.45_Sam--i started with a PRI
03:26.50_Sam--and switched to a PTP t1
03:27.04|omni|I have a PTP T1 from my rack to a client endpoint..but not here
03:27.10_Sam--and ive never regretted the decision
03:27.17|omni|low bandwidth for voice here
03:27.42shmaltzanybody here have an asterisk 1.2.1 system with a sipura and 2 polycom phones?
03:27.58brockj49464what exactly you trying to do with faxing?
03:28.36Cyonbrockj49464:  Get it working?  ;-)  I've tried the still beta t.38 patch, but unfortunately it's still buggy it would appear and I don't have the skill to update it
03:29.15Cyonbrockj49464:  So I jumped over to ser/openser, bypassing asterisk (I know, bad channel for that.) and tried to get sipura->ser->cisco working...
03:29.38brockj49464I am using g711u and seem to not have any problems for the 5 times I have used it this last week.
03:30.23Cyonbrockj49464:  Yeah, I've done ulaw; and can get it working 90%+ ; but I'm aiming for a solid 100%, or at least as close as possible
03:30.37CyonWhen the customer does hundreds; they really notice that percentage of failures
03:31.09*** join/#asterisk loud (
03:31.37Cyon_Vile mentioned he does Sipura->ser->cisco, with perfection so far is success rates, so I wanted to give that a try; or get other people's views on it
03:32.23brockj49464That is true.  My provider was where I was having problems when I used thier settinging on the ATA.  When I defaulted it and set it up to my * box I had no problems _so_ far.  Time will tell.  It also solved my Dish Network problem...
03:32.59Cyonbrockj49464:  What ATA do you have?  Just to ask...
03:33.04*** join/#asterisk Jameno123 (n=james@
03:33.21CyonBut yeah, I can get some really solid results; but it's just not consistent enough..unfortunately
03:33.48Jameno123anyone have a solution to that?
03:34.05Jameno123"inlining failed in call to '__t4_framer_interrupt': function body notavailable"
03:34.07brockj49464SPA-2100  Getting 2 more of them.  My plan is to start with cheap CID 2500 like phones and move to GXP-2000 as I get wiring and the phones.
03:34.29alephcom_I need an opinion from you all...   On a low end ($9.99 per month) hosted pbx, do you think the customer needs more than 1 auto attendant?
03:34.38Cyonalephcom_:  No.
03:34.39|omni|I'm liking the cisco 7960 for a work handset
03:34.53Jameno123|omni|, 7940G are great too
03:34.54|omni|I was on Zultys stuff before which is cool but these Ciscos are pretty nice
03:35.01shmaltznybody here have an asterisk 1.2.1 system with a sipura and 2 polycom phones?
03:35.03|omni|I haven't tried a 7940 yet
03:35.10Cyonshmaltz:  Sipura, but not polycom
03:35.14Jameno1237940/7960 same phone, just lesser phone "lines"
03:35.17Jameno123and cheaper price ;)
03:35.22shmaltzCyon, what other phones?
03:35.28|omni|not as many appearances
03:35.28Cyonshmaltz:  snom
03:35.30alephcom_Cyon:  Tks, my thoughts too.  I'm just designing an automated signup/management setup and I'm having lots of fun on the dialplan.
03:35.35|omni|how many does the 40 have.... 4?
03:35.45|omni|same XML mini-browser, etc.?
03:35.47shmaltzCyon, so you have snom, sipura, and 1.2.1?
03:35.50Jameno123|omni|, yes
03:35.54Jameno123same lcd, ect
03:35.59Cyonalephcom_:  Yeah, I've been working on the same, with the auto-attendant being the hardest for me by far
03:36.01|omni|I setup some cool little apps on our PBX for the phone
03:36.03Cyonshmaltz:  Yes
03:36.11Jameno123|omni|, any of them use the LCD?
03:36.15shmaltzCyon, more than one snom? or just one?
03:36.24|omni|yea, browse to the app in LCD and submit data
03:36.32|omni|just simple stuff testing out the Cisco XML layout
03:36.35Cyonshmaltz:  Just one for testing; have lots in stock for customers; why?
03:36.44Cyonshmaltz:  Just ask whatever it is
03:36.50|omni|enter zip and get weather info, or lookup directory info
03:36.58shmaltzCyon, I'm trying to test something, to see who has the bug: asteirsk, polycom, or sipura
03:37.01|omni|but the wheels are turning now
03:37.12Cyonbrockj49464:  I'll get it eventually, I'm just sure others have done it already
03:37.16Cyonshmaltz:  What bug?
03:37.19Jameno123|omni|, yea, i was looking on trying to figure out how to present customer order data
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03:37.28Jameno123cust calls in, the order# is shown on the phone when the agent answers
03:37.29shmaltzCyon, I have a problem with sipura asterisk 1.2.1 and polycoms, I know it's a bug, but I'm not sure who is at fault
03:37.52shmaltzCyon, when a polycom speaks with a sipura, and then does an attended xfer to anohter polycom, at the final stage there is only 1 way audio
03:38.09shmaltzthis is on a single flat network, 1 subnet
03:38.10anonymouz666hi... there is a caller in a queue.. I think its crashed because his wait time: (wait: -525351:-37, prio: 0)
03:38.11shmaltzno nat
03:38.16Jameno123the only way so far ive figured out is just to throw the order# in the callerid info heh
03:38.18anonymouz666how do I remove this one?
03:38.29Jameno123sooooooo - does anyone have a solution to that?
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03:38.41shmaltzif I change the sipura to canreinvite=no, then everything is ok, but another problem arises
03:38.59|omni|Jameno123:  like enter order number and get details?
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03:39.31shmaltzJameno123, what version of zap? and what version of kernel?
03:39.36|omni|pretty simple to write little apps, we've done a ton of web development in the past so I just  wrote a little PHP that dumps results to the Cisco XML elements and it works pretty well..pull from DB or whatever
03:39.45anonymouz666is it possible to remove callers crashed from a queue?
03:40.06Jameno123shmaltz, zap=latest, kernel=2.6.12(+patches)
03:40.12Cyonshmaltz:  Hmmm, beyond me
03:40.22Jameno123just freshly downloaded from SVN about an hour ago
03:40.26|omni|I'd like to play with some outlook integration
03:40.50shmaltzCyon, but if you could test this for me with the snoms then it would confirm that:
03:40.52shmaltz1. its not the sipuras,
03:40.53shmaltz2. It's not asterisk
03:41.12shmaltzJameno123, which one from svn? tags or trunk?
03:41.34Cyonshmaltz:  I can test it at the office tomorrow; but we used it extensively; only way it would replicate is if we did snom->sipura->snom
03:41.41Jameno123shmaltz, (gcc 4.0.1)
03:41.46Cyonshmaltz:  Other than that, we never ean into it
03:42.23Cyonshmaltz:  I'm generally here all day; just pm me any time and I'll get on it
03:42.31shmaltzCyon, also if I do canreinvite=no all is godd, so if you test it you will have to make sure that the rtp *always* gets reinvited
03:42.43shmaltzCyon, Thank you
03:42.43*** part/#asterisk alephcom_ (
03:42.46VeNoMouS_woah i forgot i left this on
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03:43.37Cyonshmaltz:  Easily; when I'm at the phones  :)
03:44.32Jameno123shmaltz: i have no zaptel cards  as well.
03:44.40Jameno123just trying to install ztdummy
03:44.50shmaltzJameno123, that shouldn't make a difference
03:44.58shmaltzthis problem is beyond me
03:45.42Jameno123static inline void __t4_framer_interrupt(struct t4 *wc, int span);
03:45.54Jameno123heh, no function body, as it says.
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03:47.57Jameno123kinda looks outta place, guess it needs moved up to the top of the file :( though im not a C expert, have no idea what im talking about.
03:49.35CyonHmmm, does anyone recall an issue where a call tries to use speex when neither side of the sip headers support it; and then it has no trnslation path and the call dies?
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03:50.49dilyi try to compile bristuff-0.3.0-PRE-1c
03:51.01dilybut when complie the zaphfc.ko i have strange  function undefined warning
03:51.31dilylike this: *** Warning: "zt_register" [/usr/src/bristuff/zaphfc/zaphfc.ko] undefined!
03:51.44dilyany idea?
03:51.59CyonNever looked at or tried that module
03:52.52dilyi try to install bristuff on many system/distributions but i have the some errors...
03:54.40ObsidianXhas anybody ever had an error when setting up IAX along the lines of "No registration for peer 'user'"?
03:56.30dilyanyone use bristuff?!?
03:56.41CyonActually, let me ask this way; what is speex (I know it's a codec) but how do I totally disable it everywhere?  lol
03:57.23CyonLike, why does asterisk say it's trying to be used when talking to the cisco...
03:57.48*** join/#asterisk tecnico (
03:59.21brockj49464cyon:  Do you disallow=all then allow what ones you want to use?
03:59.31Cyonbrockj49464:  absolutely
03:59.44CyonIt looks like cisco ignores it and tries to establish calls as speex
04:00.22CyonThe only one allowed in my sipuras is ulaw, the only one allowed in asterisk is ulaw, and the cisco has "codec g711ulaw" as well...
04:00.47CyonAnd yet:  [2006-01-11 17:52:24] WARNING[32704]: Unable to find a codec translation path from speex to ulaw
04:02.30hhoffmanis there a better tts then festival to use with asterisk?
04:03.55Cyon  <-- anyone have any ideas?
04:04.01Cyonhhoffman:  Not that I've seen
04:08.28*** join/#asterisk mud (
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04:11.45Jameno123Cyon, try "disallow=all"  "allow=ulaw"
04:11.59Jameno123hrm, nobody has any ideas about my issue?
04:13.17CyonJameno123:  Was done long ago
04:13.32CyonJameno123:  speex isn't even a protocol that asterisk has by default
04:14.18CyonJameno123:  Something is trying to use it, or makes asterisk think it is; yet cisco doesn't support that codec either it would appear, and my sipura is set to use g711, and pref. codec only.
04:14.27Cyonfile: Sorry, yes.
04:15.24hhoffmanfugitivo: thanks checking now
04:15.41Jameno123twisted[asteria], wakey wakey!
04:16.46hhoffmanfugitivo: are these voice compatible with festival?
04:17.00CyonJameno123:  I'm not a coder anymore; but can I see a pastebin of all the verbose/debug lines?
04:17.04fugitivohhoffman: no, it's closed source
04:17.07SwKjameno123 is from teh svn or from the 1.2.1 tarball?
04:17.18CyonJameno123:  So I can see which src files it is bouncing through
04:17.34SwKit looks like a bad check out from svn
04:17.55hhoffmanfugitivo: k, thx
04:17.57Jameno123SwK, svn, ive deleted and redownloaded twice now.
04:18.14SwKit looks like 1/2 and update to me
04:18.23hhoffmanah, but I'm guessing it's meant to work with * as they have digium links on their page
04:18.25SwKare you running head?
04:18.31SwK(or trunk now)
04:18.36Jameno123SwK, trunk
04:18.45Jameno123ive always ran CVS-HEAD
04:18.57CyonJameno123: Ah, I assumed it was the tgz download...
04:19.07SwKi did to til 1.2.X was released
04:19.17SwK1.0 was just to damned old and missing too many features
04:19.23*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
04:19.35QwellI run svn roots
04:19.37SwKI would try compiling the 1.2.1 zap sources from the tarball and see what happens
04:19.48Qwellmore features than trunk
04:20.59Jameno123will try
04:21.58*** join/#asterisk Hybrid (
04:22.26Jameno123SwK, yea, the "out of date" stuff, is what concerns me ;)
04:22.51SwKi wouldnt worry about it rightnow
04:24.36*** part/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
04:25.15tainted_how do i do E911 for a client?
04:25.32Jameno123SwK, waiting on the box to rebewt, i guess we'll see :)
04:25.35SwKvery carefully
04:25.44SwKtainted_ are you an ITSP?
04:25.57tainted_SwK it's for a client
04:26.04*** join/#asterisk Johnnie (n=john@pdpc/supporter/active/Johnnie)
04:26.15tainted_i don't normally do this kind of stuff
04:26.40CyonJameno123:  Reboot?  Why woyld you reboot?
04:28.41Jameno123Cyon, ;) kernel updates
04:28.50CyonJameno123:  Ah, ok.  :)
04:29.09Jameno123would be so nice to
04:29.17Jameno123cat newkernel > /proc/kcore
04:29.20Jameno123and not have to reboot ;)
04:29.25Jameno123but i dont think we'll see the day
04:29.28SkramXheh, it would.
04:29.31CyonI can't wait till we have dynamic kernel loading...
04:29.48CyonNah, it's doable; just the entire structure would have to be redone, and it'll be years...
04:29.55CyonBut it will happen eventually
04:30.03HybridAnybody have Mechwarrior 3?
04:31.42*** part/#asterisk Hybrid (
04:32.00Jameno123SwK, suggest using 1.2.1 [.tgz] completely or just zaptel?
04:34.40SwK1.2.1 zap shoudl work with trunk at this time,altho i'm not sure... 1.2.1 would probably be better for products as its a known quantity and its not missing much from trunk yet (unless there is something in trunk you really need)
04:36.24Jameno123swk it built properly ;) heh, it should run then
04:37.20fugitivoWIRING WIRING WIRING
04:38.09SwKit always gripes about g729
04:38.45*** join/#asterisk qhrisnd (
04:38.58qhrisndGood evening everyone :-)
04:38.59file[laptop]my cellphone bill is insane
04:39.48Jameno123SwK, hrm, should i rm -rf that and re-make install?
04:39.52[TK]D-FenderPerhaps its the 800# attached to it :)
04:40.04QwellJameno123: It's just a warning...ignore it if that was the only file
04:40.05file[laptop]wait for it people
04:40.13Qwellfile[laptop]: $938?
04:40.18file[laptop]invoice amount$1,603.26
04:40.19ObsidianXhow would i go about fixing the error "Inappropriate authentication received" when i try to connect an IAX client to *
04:40.21SwKyeah what qwell said
04:40.35rob0file[laptop]: have it committed :)
04:40.35Qwellfile[laptop]: how the hell did you manage that?
04:40.39SwKit always gribes about codec_729 cause you dont have the source for it
04:40.40*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
04:40.44file[laptop]we'll see.
04:40.45rob0I know well how he did it!!
04:40.48ManxPoweJust how DOES one get a $1,000 cell phone bill anyway?
04:40.51ManxPowefile, GO PREPAY!
04:41.02ManxPowerob0, all those phonesex phone calls?
04:41.10SwKis that CDN File?
04:41.12file[laptop]I just have the transaction on my account, I don't have the invoice online yet and my balance isn't adjusted yet
04:41.13rob0I saw him here, typing in IRC, while on the road
04:41.17file[laptop]SwK: yes
04:41.19file[laptop]rob0: yup
04:41.30file[laptop]they probably billed me for data, and backbilled me for past data usage
04:41.31fugitivofile[laptop]: $1600?????
04:41.33SwKfile: oh so its like a normal 100USD phone bill?
04:41.41ManxPoweAh.  Mine would be like $5,000 if I wasn't on the flat rate data plan
04:41.47file[laptop]I need to calculate how it got to that amount though
04:41.48file[laptop]it makes no sense
04:41.58Jameno123SwK, yea, it bitched about more, but im not pasting them all :) should i rm -rf the modules dir, and reinstall it all completely?
04:42.07Jameno123like 15 files are listed
04:42.13h3xdamn bid snipers
04:42.21xachenCanada data rates are bad for mobile providers
04:42.23h3xi accidently pasted a auction item number in where a price goes
04:42.26xachenthey will coin you easily $1/mbv
04:42.29h3xand i bid 5 million on an ATA device
04:42.40file[laptop]my regular bill is $60
04:42.40SwKjamesno123: probably want to get rid of them but not the g729 one
04:42.48SwKyou'll need it for g729
04:42.55Jameno123SwK, yea, i use g729, i know about it ;)
04:43.03file[laptop]so I used 100MB of data apparently
04:43.09Jameno123like you said, only because it wasnt compiled directly be the source
04:43.16fugitivofile[laptop]: don't pay it, that's insane
04:43.22xachendownloading porn onto your blackberry? :D
04:43.24file[laptop]fugitivo: I'm waiting for the bill.
04:43.26xachen:O rather
04:43.26|omni|Cingular did that to me a couple months ago but it was only $580 for data
04:43.27*** join/#asterisk sumonish (n=God@
04:43.32sumonishhi all
04:43.45|omni|I switched to the unlimited data account... a mere $20 more than I was paying already
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04:44.16file[laptop]I'm not overly thrilled, but I legitimately used it so if they billed it right... yeah
04:44.31file[laptop]life goes on
04:44.53file[laptop]so help me god if my mother opens my cellphone bill
04:45.10fugitivoheart attack
04:45.22sumonishi have an asterisk server which my boss has setup and left me with unfortunatly the CallerID is causeing an issue where when a call comes in it dumps the call i have the following issue in Myphp The $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] directive MUST be set in your configuration file! can someone tell my what it means and how to fix it??
04:45.29file[laptop]she's been nosey lately, she opened my credit card statement ahead of me while I was right in front of her
04:45.38file[laptop]and my rrsp notice
04:45.51file[laptop]it's like, "uh... I'm 19 here... get out of my finances"
04:45.53|omni|sumonish: , that's not your issue, that's just a setting in phpMyAdmin
04:45.58file[laptop]SwK: registered retirement savings plan
04:46.06|omni|you can edit
04:46.12SwKi guess thats cdn for 401k
04:46.13rob0file[laptop]: get a PO Box
04:46.27|omni|and set the full URL to phpMyAdmin (i.e. and that message will go away
04:46.39file[laptop]rob0: mmm I could
04:46.41rob0in USPS they're pretty cheap
04:46.41sumonishi edited the zapata.conf
04:46.51sumonishto turn of caller id is that right?
04:46.55sumonishi seems to work
04:46.55rob0I pay $18/year I think
04:47.05file[laptop]I believe it's $60 CAD/year here
04:47.24sumonishok omni
04:47.36rob0they cost more in cities, mine is in a tiny town
04:47.36SwKdamn did apple release enuff patches yesterday?
04:47.49MikeJ__file, so that's like one regular cell bill a year?
04:47.50rob0but Canada is no doubt different
04:48.04file[laptop]MikeJ__: more
04:48.12file[laptop]my regular cell bill is $60/mth total
04:48.50sumonishomni where is stored?
04:49.12Jameno123hrm, alright, seems to work :)
04:49.22Jameno123but didnt solve my problem/reason for upgrading
04:49.25Jameno1231st File Descriptor: -1
04:50.49Jameno123after it bridge's a call, it hangs and gives nothing.
04:51.03Jameno123service provider returning no data? or some other weird crapola?
04:51.30twisted[asteria]SwK, you sure you don't have that shit?
04:52.04qhrisndI need help with 2 things: 1) I need to find out how to create in my dial plan, a way to make an extension ring over to another extension when its busy. 2) I would like to know how to (if possible) route calls based upon caller id. Can anyone give me some tips?
04:52.27Qwelltwisted[asteria]: y0
04:52.44Qwelltwisted[asteria]: going to ETel?
04:53.01twisted[asteria]Qwell, no
04:53.03ManxPoweqhrisnd, See "show application dial" and the [macro-stdexten] section of extensions.conf.  Also see the Wiki and the Asterisk book.
04:53.08jboti heard docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
04:53.19Qwelltwisted[asteria]: shame..
04:53.26*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
04:53.37fugitivoqhrisnd: and DIALSTATUS
04:53.47qhrisndthank you
04:53.49twisted[asteria]Qwell, well, if I had known about it sooner, i might could have
04:55.51SwKtwisted I am sure
04:56.57*** join/#asterisk aless (
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04:57.11alesshi, which ports do i need to forward when using a nat?
04:57.18Qwellaless: which channel types?
04:58.20inv_Arpaless: any port you want
04:58.40alessim connecting two servers with iax
04:59.00Qwellaless: 4569
04:59.06*** part/#asterisk loud (
04:59.27*** join/#asterisk Evanrude (
05:00.04alessonly that one? arent any other services sending packets?
05:00.18ObsidianXnetstat -nap
05:00.20ObsidianXif you wanna find out
05:00.38ObsidianXcourse you'll have to look for asterisk processes :P
05:02.36SwKdamn it
05:03.53Jameno123blah blah blah! damn thing :( argh, why the heck doesnt this thing WORK!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
05:04.02Jameno123how can i determine where my problem is :(
05:04.31mogorman? Jameno123
05:04.32Jameno123i call from my cisco 7960 via sip to asterisk1, asterisk1 dials asterisk2, asterisk2 dials our provider.
05:04.35mogormancalm down....
05:04.52Jameno123asterisk1->asterisk2 = iax
05:04.56Jameno123asterisk2->provider = iax
05:05.08Jameno123if i do "iax2 show channels"  on asterisk2, it shows a "UP" bridged channel
05:05.22Jameno123yet, i see hear nothing
05:05.36mogormani see hear?
05:05.49Jameno123i see no errors, and hear nothing on the phone
05:05.56Jameno123if i hang up the phone
05:05.57mogormanis jitterbuffer on?
05:06.39Jameno123asterisk1 disconnects the call, but asterisk2 still thinks the call is in progress, and doesnt disconnect until it times out.
05:06.46*** part/#asterisk alephcom_ (
05:06.49Jameno123mogorman, which server? all of them?
05:07.00mogormanany of them?
05:07.07Jameno123this shit just started happening 3 days ago
05:07.11Jameno123its been fine "forever" :(
05:07.48Jameno123i dont know about my service provider
05:08.07mogormanhmm it sounds like a bug we have been working on
05:08.16Jameno123bug? heh
05:08.23Jameno123it just "mysteriously" happens?
05:08.46mogormandoes this happen if you turn off iax native transfer
05:08.47Jameno123heh, just magically started happening one day
05:09.09watchywhats the quick reset for a 7960?
05:09.40mogormanpull the plug ^_^
05:09.42Jameno123watchy, reboot?   (*+6+services)
05:09.50watchythanks brother
05:09.52Jameno123err settings
05:09.59Jameno123* 6 settings
05:10.02Jameno1231 of the two
05:10.12Qwellreal men **#**
05:10.24Jameno123mogorman: hrm.
05:10.31Jameno123i cant say ive ever done that before ;)
05:10.42QwellWhy did Cisco do **#** for the reboot on the sccp 7960?
05:10.47Jameno123let me go read some docs, or shed me some light :)
05:10.52QwellYou have to be in settings for it to work...
05:11.05Jameno123sccp, blah!
05:11.07Qwelland...what do you need to press to unlock the phone?  That's right...  **#
05:11.09mogormanid try turning off native transfer first
05:11.21Jameno123mogorman, thats what im reading docs to figure out how ;)
05:11.29QwellSo, if you want to unlock, and it didn't appear to work the first time...what do you do?  You press it again
05:11.41Qwelland in doing reboot the damn thing.  How stupid...
05:11.42Jameno123notransfer=no ?
05:12.04mogormanhmm i think so....
05:12.09mogormanid have to look it up sorry
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05:13.21Jameno123mogorman, nope, didnt help
05:13.42Jameno123i think junction networks is being a pain in my arse again :)
05:13.48mogormandid you turn it on all points and check it again
05:14.06Jameno123i turned it "off"
05:14.10Jameno123it should be "on" ?
05:14.22Jameno123i disabled it, on all servers, yet
05:14.38Jameno123err both*  well, the two i have access too, not my providers, of course.
05:14.51Jameno123i think its just a provider issue :(
05:15.05Jameno123ive never had any problems, and if i dial other phones on my asterisk server, i dont have problems.
05:15.08Jameno123so if i do
05:15.18Jameno123no problems, ever
05:15.35mogormanyeah probably
05:24.49Jameno123mogorman, ;) so stressful when you cant figure out why something is happening hehe
05:30.18*** join/#asterisk ThaZZa_Work (n=me@
05:32.21Jameno123whelp thanks guys for your help, ill go chew on the ear of my service provider tomorrow.
05:32.26litageif you have 1,000+ tenants, each with varying #s of extensions, and use SER to handle registrations, is it feasible to put all tenants on each * box?in a phone call [through *], if 1 person is talking and the other person is silent, are they both sending the same amount of voice data?
05:33.24mogormanyeah i understand Jameno123
05:33.50litagein a phone call [through *], if 1 person is talking and the other person is silent, are they both sending the same amount of voice data?
05:34.58Qwelllitage: Since * doesn't do VAD, yes
05:35.14jboti heard vad is Voice Activity Detection
05:36.21litageQwell: so the type (volume, pitch, etc) of audio/voice doesn't affect the amount of data transferred?
05:36.48Qwellafaik, no
05:38.30*** join/#asterisk Evanrude (
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05:38.35lo_technot AM, bro... louder doesnt mean bigger data :)
05:39.52Jameno123oh before i go
05:39.54Jameno123one more thing :)
05:40.26Jameno123WHen a user transfers a call, on a cisco ip phone (SIP), to another extension, why does the phone never receive anymore calls?
05:40.30Jameno123asterisk thinks its "busy"
05:40.31litagelo_tech: "not AM"?
05:40.42Jameno123litage, "its not AM (like radio)
05:41.02lo_techlitage: amplitude modulation...
05:41.21*** join/#asterisk Mavantix (
05:41.42Jameno123anyone have any idea what i possible am doing wrong?
05:41.42litageso if 2 people are using sip and g729, will each person's incoming and outgoing data and voice streams be fairly constant?
05:42.18Jameno123they used to transfer, and then receive more inbound calls
05:42.23Jameno123now the phones are staying busy
05:42.38Jameno123probably something todo with "tT" ? or canreinvite or something?
05:42.44Mavantixis there anyway to have asterisk IM me incoming call info, log messages, etc?
05:43.01lo_techall things being equal, without silence suppression or vad, yes... the bandwidth used will be equal for both parties, regardless of how loud or the amount of silence for each phone
05:43.03ManxPoweJameno123, sounds like you are using imcominglimit=1 or setgroup, etc
05:43.44ManxPoweJameno123, if so, this is a know issue, see the mailing list archives, there may be a fix or something.
05:44.01Jameno123ManxPowe: hrm, they do disable callwaiting, if callwaiting is enabled it rings fine.
05:44.16Jameno123as i thought, if you transfer your phone is released from the call?
05:44.23Jameno123i didnt think the phone 'bridged' the call.
05:44.56Jameno123ManxPowe, incominglimit is undefined in my sip.conf
05:45.19Jameno123and setgroup would be a no.
05:45.42Jameno123though, i dont specify "canreinvite"
05:45.46Jameno123in the sip.conf, so thats probably the issue?
05:46.44watchyanyway to set cisco volume in sipdefault?
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06:13.14littleballhello, i use E1/PRI, asterisk1.2.1. I got the following warning in the console:
06:13.15littleballJan 12 14:00:18 NOTICE[6681]: channel.c:2416 __ast_request_and_dial: Don't know what to do with control frame 15
06:13.21littleballwhat does it mean?
06:27.52wunderkinheh holy crap, the * messages log on my one server never has been rotated
06:29.10lo_technot so bad unless you
06:29.16lo_techare verbose, debug
06:30.52wunderkin22k lines since sept
06:31.16wunderkinverbose is set to 20 but i dont do much with it, just testing
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06:47.02chat_jokeyhello people
06:48.10chat_jokeyi am currently doing some asterisk sizing .. task is to support 150 incoming TDM lines and 175 outgoing lines .. with approximately 4000 extensions (mostly used only for intercom)
06:48.24chat_jokeyanyone can suggest me any pointers on the dimensioning of the same ?
06:48.43chat_jokeyi read up with .. but its kinda not clear ..
06:49.03chat_jokeyI am averaging about 400 - 500 odd extensions running from one asterisk box ..
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06:56.10welleshi all
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07:14.49welles[help] i try to install mpg123 on centos4 and it hints that :'decode_i586.s:44: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `push' ...' what's wrong? my machine is 64bit machine
07:25.25litageis H323 or SIP more NAT- and network-friendly?
07:25.58*** join/#asterisk af_ (
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07:34.49tzafrir_laptopwelles, use rawplayer, unless you want to stream music
07:36.58wellesrawplayer? ok,i have a try .it can replace mpg123 for music on hold on *?
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07:52.12Lee619good morning
07:56.27infinity1good nite
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08:14.16ObsidianXlitage: i read that IAX was NAT friendly
08:14.28ObsidianXlitage: i think it uses UDP
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08:18.27chat_jokeyany one can give pointers on clustering asterisk ?
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08:23.21bazzi'm trying to get asterick going, i've set up my extentions.conf file (i thought) but when i copy a .call file into the outgoing spool i get __ast_request_and_dial: Don't know what to do with control frame 15 and then attempt_thread: Call failed to go through, reason 3.  any ideas?
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08:24.09wellnghi all
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08:27.36koperniqschat_jokey: what kind of clustering?
08:30.01chat_jokeylike i want to have like 4000 extensions - something like IP Centrex
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08:30.41chat_jokeykoperniqs: trying to figure out how many extension a Dual XEON - 3.0Ghz, 4GRAM can handle ..
08:31.00chat_jokeybased on that wanna do some sizing ..
08:32.37koperniqschat_jokey: ther's a tool called sipsak ( that might help
08:39.26chat_jokeykoperniqs: lemme have a look
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08:44.24DHuangCan someone help me with SER + Asterisk?
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08:56.42Nico_Bdavhi all
08:57.09DHuanghi Nico... can you help me with SER + Asterisk?
08:57.10chat_jokeyhi DHuang even i am looking for similar stuff
08:57.21Nico_Bdavdoes anyone know a good T1->IP gateway, compatible with asterisk ?
08:57.39Nico_BdavDHuang, no sorry
08:57.42chat_jokeyNico_Bdav: are you looking for TDM hardware ?
08:58.00DHuangchat_jokey: I see... what I'm trying is to make SIP Client to call each other through SER + Asterisk
08:58.03chat_jokeyAsterisk itself can act as gateway !
08:58.09Nico_Bdavchat_jokey, i want to test asterisk on one site
08:58.43Nico_Bdavbut i want on another site which already have a PBX to convert T1 outlet to IP
08:59.16DHuangChat: kewl.. just tried a config and work now.. :-p
08:59.40chat_jokeyDHuang: i am trying to scale asterisk, so its suggested that one uses SER as SIP Proxy and enable it to throw SIP calls into Multiple Asterisk boxes, but i dont seem to find anything relevant online ... can anyone else help me on this ?
09:00.18DHuangChat: search fallover I think is on the original setup doc.
09:01.23chat_jokeyI have A@H here .. hmm
09:02.13DHuangDam... not working.. ;-(
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09:25.00DHuangChat: does your Asterisk do the registering or the SER?
09:25.06DHuangMorning there.
09:25.54DHuangI'm trying to figure out how to SER and register on Asterisk so it shows the right HOST IP for the client?
09:28.54*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
09:30.12*** join/#asterisk Curus (
09:30.41CurusIs it possible to dump all session variables from extensions.conf?
09:31.40CurusI tried with an AGI script, but I can only get one variable at a time, and only if I know the name
09:32.52*** join/#asterisk KriS83 (n=KriS@
09:33.43RoyKUser disconnected from queue %s while waiting their turn
09:33.53RoyKand noone are put into that queue
09:35.40*** part/#asterisk DHuang (
09:42.17RoyKargh. just upgraded to 1.2.x from 1.0 and now support centres are losing calls. after a while phones stop ringing. people still queueing up..
09:46.09*** join/#asterisk thazza (
09:46.24thazzaHey all
09:46.50*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
09:48.05CurusThere is no way to display all currently set variables in extensions.conf?
09:48.18RoyKseems like there's a fsckup somewhere in device state
09:48.31*** join/#asterisk Vyeperman (
09:48.44RoyKCurus: iirc it's quite easy to go through all _channel_ vars with an agi script
09:56.14JonR800any way to pass hints between two asterisk servers?  I suppose that's a job for SER.
09:56.20*** join/#asterisk oej (
09:58.38CurusChannel variables don't all get passed to AGI
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10:03.34RoyKzoa: ping
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10:17.38rikstaif i have a sangoma A101, when i install do i need the PRI or BRI use flags?
10:19.44rikstaok ta
10:19.54rikstafor euroisdn?
10:21.02af_how good is snom 320?
10:22.41*** join/#asterisk A-jay (n=quirc@
10:22.58Ahrimaneshey denmark is not mentioned, damnit
10:24.19koperniqsaf_: the display is small and it's relativly expensive
10:26.43*** join/#asterisk gvag11 (
10:26.48gvag11hi all
10:27.13RoyKkoperniqs: relativily, yes, unless you mention norway in that sentence
10:27.25gvag11i just moved to Asterisk 1.2.1 and i miss the CUT function, does somebody knows something ?
10:27.26RoyKthat was a bummer
10:27.40RoyKgvag11: read about asterisk variables
10:28.47zoaows, gvag11
10:29.23*** join/#asterisk fulgas (n=fulgas@
10:29.28zoayou need to use SET for it now
10:30.55gvag11zoa : ok ... so i use the SET(var=${CUT ... thanks a lot zoa ...
10:31.14gvag11royk : thanks ...
10:34.21af_mhh what phone is good to use with *?
10:34.28af_I used gs but not very satisfied
10:35.28*** join/#asterisk Beirdo (n=gjhurlbu@unaffiliated/beirdo)
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10:43.12iDunnois it just me...
10:43.31iDunnoor does it seem entirely insane that you end up in a queuing system when phoning a Telco
10:43.39iDunnothese people need more staff, ffs.
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10:52.13micolous_hey, i'm having some issues using meetme.  when i have a caller using the ilbc codec over a iax2 trunk, the sound from them is very jittery, yet they can hear me and other non-ilbc users fine... capturing the output from them, i see that there sound is breaking up... for about 0.02 seconds the sound is fine, then for 0.01 seconds there's no sound... and this goes on and on
10:52.33micolous_i'm using the ztdummy kernel module as my timing source
10:53.23micolous_i'm wondering if this is something wrong on my end, or a bug.  i've tweaked around with the jitterbuffer and that doesn't seem to help; and without the jitterbuffer it's even worse.  and it's asterisk 1.2.1
10:56.13*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (
10:57.46h3xits probably because the frame size is different on your codecs
10:58.08micolous_yeah, i noticed it doesn't effect ulaw at all
10:58.40micolous_but my friend using asterisk@home with meetme doesn't have this issue, and he's using the same codecs and upstream iax providers
10:58.56h3xwhat is he using for zaptel timing
10:59.04micolous_the dummy driver
10:59.20h3xa@h is prob a different version of asterisk right
10:59.29micolous_yeah, i think it might be 1.0
11:00.00h3xi seem to remember somebody else having a problem like this with 1.2
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11:04.58tzafrir_laptopasterisk@home is basically a sort of asterisk distribution
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11:05.12gvag11hi again ...
11:05.33*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
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11:06.28gvag11i changed the extension.conf and instead of CUT(VAR=... i put SET(Var=${CUT(... but still asterisk (1.2.1 stable) complains the CUT is not register  ... Any ideas ?
11:09.17micolous_tzafrir_laptop: yeah, i remember helping him set it up in september, so it would be running on asterisk 1.0
11:15.49gvag11i changed the extension.conf and instead of CUT(VAR=... i put SET(Var=${CUT(... but still asterisk (1.2.1 stable) complains the CUT is not register  ... Any ideas ?
11:23.11*** join/#asterisk hhoffman_ (n=hhoffman@tor/session/x-059aa9758068410e)
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11:27.20gvag11i changed the extension.conf and instead of CUT(VAR=... i put SET(Var=${CUT(... but still asterisk (1.2.1 stable) complains the CUT is not register  ... Any ideas ?
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00:00.16RoyKManxPower: yes
00:00.20BasketCaseAriel_: I haven't touched the POTS port yet
00:00.29Lee619does * require registration for outoing calls or just incoming calls?
00:00.41BasketCaseAriel_: I meant to say the FXO port is not configured yet
00:00.43Ariel_Lee619, depends on service provider
00:00.44Powerkillsomeone use cdr_odbc with mysql ?
00:01.07*** join/#asterisk alephcom_ (
00:01.17ManxPower"Just say 'NO!' to POTS."  This message brought to you by the Partnership for an Analog Free Amerika.
00:01.17Darwin35ps2pdf is part of what port
00:01.20Lee619Ariel: Thank you.  Do you happen to know about FWD?
00:01.44Ariel_fwd does need registration
00:02.12Ariel_ManxPower, pots are needed in some cases, at least to get me out of hot water with 911 issues
00:04.13blitzrageManxPower: lol -- thats my new MSN name :)
00:08.28*** part/#asterisk alephcom_ (
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00:16.35tzangerI'm watching the canadian political debates has the .rm
00:16.48tzangerrue_work: Well I am canadian
00:16.50rue_workthere just mud slining
00:16.56rue_workI know, me too
00:17.03Souldirty question:
00:17.31tzangerlayton sounds like he is selling insurance, the bloc shouldn't be in this debate whatsoever, and martin and harper just are different sides of the same coin.  ugh.
00:17.36Soulpicture a company with 2 geographical locations, one asterisk server in each location
00:17.44tzangerSoul: yeah
00:17.45rue_workI dispise polititions, especially when their throwing mud at each other trying to make it an election of who looks less worse
00:17.53tzangerrue_work: yep
00:18.14*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:18.21Soulhow can a user from location A go work to location B, and still be reachable by the same sip url / company extension ?
00:18.27tzangerbasically the PC is shouting "We're not the Liberals!" the Libs are saying "Trust us this time, really" and the NDP is saying "Lookat me, Look at me!"
00:18.27rue_workSoul ours has three locations
00:18.50tzangerSoul: yesish.  :-)
00:18.55rue_workhehe yea...
00:18.56ManxPowerSoul, move the phone.
00:19.11Souli'd like the user to go from A to B, and just reprogram one of the ip phones with his login and password, and thats it. is this possible ?
00:19.31tzangerSoul: yes
00:19.35tzangerthat is entirely possible
00:19.42ManxPowerSoul, Why?  Just move the phone, let it register with the erver in the other location
00:19.58[TK]D-FenderSoul : plenty of ways.  have phone phones active at the same time, just have it so there's only 1 number that rings BOTH in your dial-plan.
00:19.59Soulbut location B has a different asterisk server! how does this work ? are the extensions/dialplan/sip profiles shared between the 2 asterisk servers ?
00:20.03*** join/#asterisk jyukes_ (
00:20.03rue_workok, who here is running an asterisk machine with voicemail and IVR?
00:20.06tzangerManxPower: I say fuck all that, log in as an agent.
00:20.14tzangerwe likely all are
00:20.34[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : Most of us, myself included.  Whats your question?
00:20.41rue_workwell, then you all have this problem
00:20.55rue_workWARNING[16724] file.c: File outage does not exist in any format
00:21.05rue_workcheck /var/log/asterisk/full
00:21.06ManxPowerSoul, Um, the phone doesn't register with the local server, the phone registers and users the REMOTE server
00:21.08[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : Thats just 1 sound file.....
00:21.11*** join/#asterisk Lurr (
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00:21.24[TK]D-FenderWho said it had to be there in the first place?
00:21.26rue_workright, I want to know if this is a normal problem
00:21.30watchyanyway to set a cisco 7960s volume from tftp config?
00:21.31Soul[TK]D-Fender, though of that, in fact i have 3 sip logins (sergio-pocketpc, sergio-cisco and sergio-notebook, which all ring when someone calls "sergio"), but with 2 asterisk servers wont there be dialing problems ?
00:21.41rue_workcause that sound file isn't provided with asterisk
00:22.04BeHappy_Soul, i think you can set-up a queue with the "ringall" policy
00:22.15[TK]D-FenderSoul : depends how you set it up.  Have the remote side take the call and ring the internal phone but WITHOUT doing an "answer" first
00:22.18tzangerSaying Java is nice because it works on all OS's is like saying that anal sex is nice because it works on all genders.
00:22.34BeHappy_but sincerely i dont know if the queue can go trough different servers
00:22.36SoulManxPower, hadn't thought of that, registering with the remote server, nice. but the phone connectivity will be lost if outside comms fail, isnt there a way to login in the local server ?
00:22.39[TK]D-FenderQueue's for that idea = BAD and wasteful.
00:22.56BeHappy_ockay, as not said :)
00:23.01ManxPowerSoul, yes, but that's more complicated
00:23.14rue_workso am I right about 'outage.gsm" ?
00:23.17Soulwatchy, yes, but sorry, don't have my cisco configs here
00:23.45watchythanks i'll see what i can find
00:23.53watchyi need a website with all the options
00:24.00[TK]D-FenderSoul : have the remote phone log into the server its BEHIND.  Place the call from server A to server B requesting an entry taht will dial the phone behind it.  thats all.
00:24.17tzangerholy hell are you STILL talking about outage.gsm?
00:24.19rue_workgrrr I have to ctrl-c windows every time I do a copy!!!! >:|
00:24.22Soulwatchy, google 4 it, and come back tomorrow if you find nothing, i'll share my configs
00:24.24tzangerfind / -name '*outage.gsm*'
00:24.27tzangersee where it is
00:24.31rue_worktzanger no, I'm talking about it again
00:24.35watchysoul: thank you
00:24.51rue_workand its NOT on ANY of out asterisk machines and its not in the archives on digium
00:24.58[TK]D-Fenderthere is no "outage.*" soud file included with *.
00:25.04Soul[TK]D-Fender, i'm sure you are right, but i did not understand ;)
00:25.21rue_workthere are NO files with 'outage' in the name on teh system
00:25.37Soullet's put some names in the cenario:
00:25.38tzangerrue_work: so where are you finding a reference to it?  I know I've never heard of it
00:25.47rue_workaccept the .gms file I'm taking from my voicemail with the word "the" recorded in it that I'm about to rename
00:25.55[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : And who said there should even BE a file named that coming with *?
00:26.01Souli am sip user "sergio", extension 1, and i usually work at location A
00:26.15Soullocation A has asterisk server A
00:26.30[TK]D-FenderSoul : I'll draw one up for you quick, hold on.
00:26.32*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
00:26.40rue_workteh * is whats known a as "wildcard" or "regular expression" its like a variable, it can represent any set of characters
00:26.48Soulsometimes i need to work for a week in location B. location B has asterisk server B
00:28.06inv_Arpneed a provider that will allow to make toll free calls for free... voipjet  charges regardless of the number called
00:28.10*** join/#asterisk sexy_girl (
00:28.21Souli'd like to drive to location B (i will NOT take an ip phone with me, location B has lots of them unused), configure one ip phone with my user/password (logged into asterisk server B), and be reachable by my usual "sergio@company" sip url, or the internal extension 1
00:28.25*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
00:28.33sexy_girl    <--take look my sexy pic and dont forget vote for it
00:28.35sexy_girl    <--take look my sexy pic and dont forget vote for it
00:28.47SedoroxI really wish a op could back those bots...
00:28.52*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
00:28.58SedoroxI still got the same one spamming me on join
00:29.02inv_Arphey mypic.exe doesnt run....
00:29.13Sedoroxwine ./mypix.exe
00:29.34BeHappy_once there was a guy that tried to run all the worms in wine
00:29.41BeHappy_(without success..)
00:29.46inv_ArpBeHappy_: hah
00:29.56rue_workwhat the hell, the system is outright not recording messages??????
00:30.02Sedoroxbut yea.. aNaSTaCia_geBeri Is sending me shit on join.....
00:30.13rue_workI do NOT understand this
00:30.13Souleverything is cool if the ip phone that i use registers itself with asterisk A server, but i'd like it to register with asterisk B, so i am available to location B users, even if comms fail at location A or B
00:30.26inv_Arpthses bots need to hit #windoze chan... they would have more success
00:30.28Sedoroxmy rommate actually has a seperate windows setup.. and plays with the viruses and shit in it
00:30.43[TK]D-FenderSoul :
00:30.44tzangerthat's what vmware is good for
00:30.47inv_ArpSedorox: yea might setup one in vmware
00:30.48tzangerrollback fs
00:30.56inv_Arptzanger: exactly
00:30.58tzangerI used one with some product developemtn
00:31.13rue_workI just directly dialed my mailbox and left a message, and it didn't record it, at all
00:31.16tzangerit was *great* because I was debugging the installer at the tiem
00:31.57[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : Pastebin your entire extensions.conf and lets take a look at what you're doing....
00:32.01inv_Arpneed a quick provider for toll free 8XX access
00:32.19inv_Arpdont feel like payin 1.2 cents per min for that
00:32.24rue_work[TK]D-Fender just retesting...
00:32.32[TK]D-Fenderinv_Arp : IAXTEL
00:32.33Soul[TK]D-Fender, oyur solution would work even if comms at site A or B fail ?
00:32.56[TK]D-FenderSoul : if comms go down, 102 won't ring, tahts all... the other 2 will.
00:32.57rue_workthis is strange, it just worked for two more tests
00:33.01Lee619is there any way to tell why registration fails?
00:33.07inv_Arp[TK]D-Fender: thx
00:33.16[TK]D-FenderSoul : no need to even REGISTER tot he other server.  you can let it pass as a "misc" call.
00:33.38Soulwhat is a misc call ?
00:34.06[TK]D-FenderSoul : An incoming call that is NOT from a registered user.
00:34.11ZeMMaDhow do i make asterisk answer immediately
00:34.11rue_workWHAT!??? I just watched it delete the message files!!????
00:34.13SoulAhrimanes, ok
00:34.26[TK]D-Fenderthe way i described mean yuo don't even have to worry about passwords betweent he servers
00:34.26rue_workmaybe because I only said one short word?
00:34.28ZeMMaDon my zap?
00:34.36Soultk, but your solution brings another interesting question
00:35.53Soulif i have 20 users at site A (1@company ... 20@company) and 20 users at site B (21@company ... 40@company), can i have 2 asterisk servers running as SIP SRV for the "company" domain ?
00:36.28Soulwhen someone in the internet dials 39@company, how does his phone know the it needs to contact asterisk B and not asterisk A ?
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00:37.08Soulbasically what im talking about is somekind of distributed asterisk solution between sites A and B
00:38.42Soulof course i know about dns round robin, load balancers, etc.., but would i have to point the SRV record to one of the asterisk servers, and have him forward the call to the other asterisk server, if the call is for an extension >= 20 ?
00:39.32Soulsite B would be unavailable if site A would loose its comms to the internet
00:39.32[TK]D-FenderSoul : All in your dialplan.  In "A", do something like "exten => _20XX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:2}"
00:39.49Lee619interesting-- if i put in an invalid username/password for FWD, it shows a state of Rejected for iax2 show registry....
00:40.03Lee619but if i put in a valid username/password, it still shows a state of Rejected....
00:40.12Soultk, but then site B would be unavailable if site A would loose its comms to the internet, correct ?
00:40.12Darwin35got it
00:40.24watchyi aint having no luck finding a site with all config examples of a cisco 7960
00:40.26Lee619i'm SURE i'm using the right username/password, because i can log into using the username/password....
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00:40.53Lee619does anybody have any insights...?  i am behind NAT....
00:40.56[TK]D-FenderSoul : you could have it check to see if the dial failed, then fall back to a PSTN call or whatever else you felt like doing...
00:41.08Soultk, good point
00:41.27Soulwatchy, please wait
00:41.51watchyno prob
00:42.04watchydunno why i cant find any on google
00:42.40Soulwatchy, what do you want, again ? ;)
00:43.19inv_Arpjust added iaxtel for 8XX numbers ,   but my voipjeyt dial out is  "exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX"  wont that pick up the 800 numbers as well?
00:43.33Lee619maybe FWD is down?  :-)
00:43.40watchysoul: volume
00:43.52watchyi'd like to know them all but right now i'm intrested in volume
00:44.57Lee619giving up...  :-(
00:45.16Soulwatchy, start here:
00:45.27*** join/#asterisk DEGRE40 (n=For@
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00:46.05watchyok cool
00:46.41watchythanks i found it
00:46.42watchyi love you
00:47.05watchywhats the volume called in it though
00:49.33inv_Arpjust added iaxtel for 8XX numbers ,   but my voipjet dial out is  "exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX"  wont that pick up the 800 numbers as well?
00:49.48watchywierd soul. i don't see one for volume
00:49.54Soulme neither ;)
00:50.11*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
00:50.18infinity1i have an odd problem where someone will be on the phone and suddenly i can hear them, but they can't hear me.
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00:50.18watchyyou sure it exist?
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00:52.21cnet2hi, I asterisk answering my phone (s,1,Answer..), but i want asterisk to wait for me to dial an extension to tell himwhat to do, but even though i have a exten=>XXX,n,Dial(..,  asterisk won't wait for me to dial the numbers and just sends me a hangup.
00:53.42*** join/#asterisk chiardon (n=chiardon@
00:54.00Soulwatchy, sorry, got confused with dtmf volume level. no, never configured call volume level in my configs
00:55.44Soulthis should solve the problem we were talking about, right ?
00:56.38*** join/#asterisk chiardon (n=chiardon@
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01:06.03[TK]D-Fendercnet2 : You need to set "autofallthrough=no"
01:06.16cnet2great thanks! jej
01:06.31chiardonWhats exactly "Notice 4709 . . .avoiding deadlock
01:06.49[TK]D-FenderSoul : You still need a path tot he other server.  That soludtion doesn't solve the lack of network connectivity.
01:07.34chiardon"Notice 4709  . . .avoiding deadlock"
01:07.38*** join/#asterisk annonimous (
01:07.39Soultk, i think it does, the loadbalancer "pings" both asterisk servers. even if A is down, B would still be available
01:07.56ManxPowerchiardon, it's a debugging message.  ignore it.
01:08.29Soulwhat i'm trying to find is if the loadbalancer is capable of sending >= 20 extensions to the B server, and the others to the A server
01:08.32*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
01:08.48[TK]D-FenderSoul : What are the odds that the LOCAL server is down?  Load balancing is good for things like termination servers.  if the server a phone is reg'd to goes dow so do all phones connected to it.
01:08.49chiardonbut it is showing just before the *Box Down
01:08.55Soulsomething like policy routing, if you understand network routing
01:08.59[TK]D-FenderSoul : Whats your real goal?  To bridge 2 offices?
01:09.11chiardonManpower Tnx
01:09.50chiardonManpower where you are?
01:09.50inv_Arpjust added iaxtel for 8XX numbers ,   but my voipjet dial out is  "exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX"  wont that pick up the 800 numbers as well?
01:10.03Soultk, no, connecting the 2 (or more) offices is trivial. i'm looking for the most redundant solution that i can build. if A fails, B must still be alive
01:10.09[TK]D-Fenderinv_Arp : Change your voipjet then.
01:10.16chiardonManpower UK?
01:10.49chiardonSomeone from western europe?
01:10.49ManxPowerI am in Alamaba
01:11.04inv_Arpok lets try regexp fashion
01:11.48Souli read something a few days ago, about some new asterisk solution that could make several asterisk servers behave as one, even that they would be distributed throughout the world. i cant find the url :(
01:12.07[TK]D-FenderSoul : Again though what is your goal?
01:12.26ManxPowerOne of my big fantasies is for two asterisk servers to act as one.
01:13.24Soultk, if i can create a "virtual" asterisk for the company, with the 2 real asterisk servers, then probably i could divert calls to each office using that virtual server. the virtual server could be in a redundant datacenter
01:13.35*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
01:13.56Soulif location A is down, location B would still get calls, forwarded by the datacenter
01:15.01[TK]D-FenderSoul : Thats a big undertaking and requires that the phones double-register or something and that all common resources (like VM) be shared somehow.  One idea might be that this is stored in a DB but that adds a central point of failure as well...
01:15.02*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
01:15.19[TK]D-FenderSoul: Do you really need this?
01:15.31Soultk, i can guarantee the datacenter wont fail, but not the offices
01:15.50Soultk, just brainstorming the best solution
01:16.24*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
01:16.48Soultk, something like sip reality:
01:16.54SoulSome unique features are:
01:17.14Soulthats the url i was looking for
01:18.34justinulooks like vaporware to me
01:18.45[TK]D-FenderSoul : But do you really NEED it?
01:19.14*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
01:19.53Soultk, everyone needs reliability. should i ask that to the 25 employees at site B, when they cant receive calls because site A is down ?
01:20.22Souljustinu, interested in building, not buying. just trying to figure how it works, IF if works
01:20.32[TK]D-FenderSoul : Does site B have no lines of their own?
01:20.49Soultk, just internet access
01:21.18Soulthe point is to forget about tdm and go voip all the way
01:21.57[TK]D-FenderSoul : If they only have internet access, and thats it, and the net goes down what on earth do you expect to do with that situation?  There is simply NO path to Site B.  period.  All the phones over there are dead in the water.
01:22.28Soultk, no, thats not the situation i was asking about
01:22.47Soulsite B should be fully operational even if site A was down
01:22.47[TK]D-FenderSoul : try again and make the sample as linear as possible
01:22.58Soultk: site B should be fully operational even if site A was down
01:22.59[TK]D-FenderSite "A" has the incoming lines, correct?
01:23.21Soultk, no incoming pstn lines, everything is voip
01:23.31Soulsite a has internet access, and site b also
01:23.41[TK]D-FenderSoul : Do both A & B have their own accounts?
01:23.44justinuyou can do stuff like that, but you need top grade IP connectivity
01:23.52Soulsite b must work even if site a is down, and the opposite
01:24.16Souljustinu, if i had that i would not worry about comms being down ;)
01:24.22Soultk, yes
01:24.28sivanaSoul: site a and b have *?
01:24.35Soulsivana, yes
01:24.58Soultk, the problem is that site a users must sometimes go work at site b, and the opposite
01:24.59sivanaI don't see the problem then
01:25.00[TK]D-FenderSoul : With a server on each side have its phones register to it, they are independant.  The only thing you could lose is access to resources at the other side.
01:25.28*** join/#asterisk ManxPowe (
01:25.29Soultk, yes, if they work as 2 standalone asterisk servers, BUT:
01:25.31[TK]D-FenderSoul : thats what forwarding your calls to the other server is for....
01:26.27Soultk, how can YOU, tk, call the sip url, if the sip srv record is JUST ONE of those asterisk servers ?
01:26.38fileo... m... g...
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01:27.28kino5how to forwad incoming call to extention?
01:27.41filewhy don't you just deploy SER in a cluster configuration for SIP components, use Asterisk for media and PSTN access, and then the phone can register anywhere and hell you can have two phones registered to the cluster
01:27.53Soulif the sip srv record is, located at site A, and site A is down, how can be reached if is usually forwarded by asterisk A to asterisk B (i'm a site B user) ?
01:28.13Soulfile ?
01:28.36Soulfile, im sure you are righ, but my head is slower than yours
01:29.47Soulquestion a) can you have multiple sip srv records for a domain, each one pointing to different asterisk servers, where different sip users are registered ?
01:29.47*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
01:30.09cnet2i've put "autofallthrough=no ", and still asterisk won't wait for me to dial an extension before hanging up
01:30.10Soulquestion b) if question a is NO, how can we provide an alternative solution ?
01:30.39*** join/#asterisk _DAW-LAPTOP (
01:30.41litageif you have 5 asterisk servers and 500 tenants, each with varying #s of extensions, should all tenants be on each asterisk server, or should the 500 tenants be split up amongst the asterisk servers?
01:31.28cnet2i've put WaitExten
01:31.34fileSoul: you can specify multiple ones, they're weighted and if one is down the sip UA will usually try the next one... that is, if they support SRV records
01:31.37Soullitage, if all the tenants are known by all asterisk servers, then everyone can register at the server on the location they are working on
01:32.13[TK]D-Fendercnet2 : Pastebin your extensions.conf
01:33.20cnet2what-s the paste bin url?
01:33.22*** join/#asterisk Skkip (n=Skipper@
01:33.47jboti heard pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
01:33.52Soulfile, ok, thats a good start for an answer to question a). but i suppose the multiple sip srv records point to different sip (asterisk) servers where EVERYONE is registered, correct ? i mean, with sip srv records you just can't say that the 1 2 and 3 users are registered with, and 4 5 and 6 users are registered with, correct ?
01:34.24*** join/#asterisk greendisease (n=jack@fedora/greendisease)
01:34.31fileSoul: you're not going to do load balancing and failover of stuff in the SIP protocol on the DNS layer... just no
01:35.09*** join/#asterisk EvilMetal (
01:35.37litageSoul: would each asterisk server not become sluggish though if the # of tenants significantly increased, say to 50,000?
01:36.18*** join/#asterisk chalco_lab (n=chatzill@pdpc/supporter/active/chalco)
01:36.20Soulstarting with that "no" assumption, then we must have ALL the users for ALL the offices in ALL the asterisk servers (that would take care of the romaing users situation). and then, we must have some way to forward the call to the proper asterisk server where the user is registered in that moment
01:36.28ptiggerdinecluster of asterisk server then
01:36.31litagefile: ?
01:36.32*** join/#asterisk jyukes (
01:36.39Soulotherwise, we could just.. dial all the asterisk servers, like tk said, correct ?
01:36.40filelitage: you wouldn't get that many on a box
01:37.14Soullitage, we're talking maximum 200 users offices
01:37.16fileSoul: I'll give you two hints for an idea I have in my idea... regexten, and DUNDi
01:37.24fileer in my head
01:37.30Soulfile, dont know the first
01:37.53fileSoul: it modifies the dialplan and adds a 1 priority with noop, so an extension becomes active upon registration
01:38.16Soulfile, you sip invite dns resolves sip servers to,, is down (office A is down)
01:38.34chalco_labhello all. this may not directly apply to asterisk, but hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. I'm trying to find out how a VOIP service provider interrconnects with the PSTN
01:38.55filechalco_lab: they're called telephone companies...
01:39.02fileor other VoIP carriers
01:39.03Soulthe call goes to, (location B), and asterisk B is configured to dial sergio@A, sergio@B and sergio@C at the same time
01:39.21*** join/#asterisk alephcom_ (
01:39.32[TK]D-Fendercnet2 : Ok where in there is your IVR that fails?
01:39.47cnet2the default context
01:40.05chalco_labfile: a client of mine wants to become a VOIP service provider, and I'm researching it for him
01:40.06cnet2it answers, and seems its waiting for exten, but when i press any number i get Invalid Extension
01:40.15Soulsergio@A will obviously not dial (A is down), sergio@B will not ring (sergio is not registered there, he is 300 miles away), sergio@C will ring, and voila, i will answer. is this feasible ?
01:40.24filechalco_lab: you get a connection to the regular phone network, a PRI or DS3 or whatever...
01:40.29filechalco_lab: from the telco
01:40.33enemy^xJust tried out Asterisk-IM with spark as client, Seems like I have to update the status message on my side to anything before the others see that I`m on the phone.... ?
01:40.57fileSoul: depends if you used voicemail because sergio@B has the potential to pick up if it does
01:41.07[TK]D-Fendercnet2 : exten => XXX,n,Dial(IAX2/powersol/${EXTEN})  is no good.  you need a priority 1!
01:41.11Soulfile, damn ;)
01:41.14chalco_labfile: thank you. that helps a lot
01:41.15[TK]D-Fenderexten => XXX,1,Dial(IAX2/powersol/${EXTEN})
01:41.32Soulfile, how to solve that ?
01:42.05fileSOul: I'm not going to solve all your problems for you
01:42.24cnet2[TK]D-Fender: ok i did that, but it stills won't let me dial more than 1 number
01:42.28Soulfile, ;)
01:43.03[TK]D-Fendercnet2 : And get rid of Waitexten, and add in exten => s,2,Set(TIMEOUT(response)=15)   and exten => s,3,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=3)
01:43.21[TK]D-FenderActually that should be : exten => _XXX,1,Dial(IAX2/powersol/${EXTEN})
01:43.26[TK]D-Fenderyuo forgot the "_" too....
01:43.45[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: another point for gxp2000: it can do intercom without having to use a separate autoanswer extension hack
01:43.51[TK]D-FenderOk, run with that for a bit, I'm off to watch a movie
01:43.56[av]banitoo bad the speakerphone is so bad :P
01:44.15Soulsomeking of "dynamic" dialplan, built with information from the multiple asterisk servers, would be great: "if sergio is registered at B or C dont enable his voicemail here"
01:44.15[TK]D-Fenderis the GXP any less of a hack than Poly really?
01:44.29[av]banipoly requires autoanswer extension? the gxp uses a hint
01:45.03[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : a hint?  Makes no sense, but will catch up later.
01:45.26[av]baniexten => 1234,1,SIPAddHeader(Call-Info: answer-after=0)
01:45.31[av]baniwell, an additional header
01:46.12kino5how to forwad incoming call to extention?
01:46.19*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
01:46.25kino5incoming call from PSTN line
01:46.42cnet2[TK]D-Fender: set command is not recognized.. :S
01:46.58|omni|anyone in 509 area code need a PSTN gate? putting a 7 chan PRI in our rack and just need to cover costs
01:47.28enemy^xanyone here tried the Asterisk-IM plugin?
01:52.08cnet2gotit, thanks
01:52.34litageSoul: you and i are trying to achieve the exact same thing. may i privmsg you?
01:55.56*** join/#asterisk kio (
01:58.06enemy^xis it possible to get the message stuff working in xten with asterisk? chan_sip.c:7283 receive_message: Received message to -....- gets dropped
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02:10.09litagefile: so if you have 1,000 tenants, each with varying #s of extensions, it's not feasible to put all tenants on each * box?
02:10.40justinutoo many simultaneous registers will crash asterisk :P
02:12.19litagejustinu: "too many" like 20 or 100 or 1000 simultaneous registrations?
02:12.42justinuaround 100, iirc
02:13.05Souljustinu, not here, not even close
02:13.10litagejustinu: if you split that into 2 groups of 50 registrations that occured consecutively, would things be peachy?
02:13.24justinuthe solution is to have your UA's register with SER
02:13.46justinusoul: what do you mean?
02:13.52justinusoul: you're not having that problem?
02:14.43Souljustinu, you mean 100 SIP REGISTER operations at the same time, or 100 users registered at the same time, (but the REGISTER operation happened before, at different times) ?
02:14.45*** join/#asterisk EvilMetal (
02:15.14justinu100 sip register operations
02:15.32Souljustinu, ah, sorry, never had that experience
02:15.36justinulike for example, if your link went down, and then came back up, all the UAs will register
02:15.58litagejustinu: i haven't read much on how SER works, but for registrations to take place with a SER box, SER would need to know the username and password for each party trying to register, right? and upstream * boxes also need to have that same registration information too, right?
02:16.13Souljustinu, correct, in that case we had that experience several times a day, for a month. no probs
02:16.59justinuthe * boxes just need to know the SIP AOR
02:17.06justinuonly the phones need the authentication info
02:17.27litagejustinu: SIP AOR?
02:17.33justinuSER can be setup to auth against a database
02:17.36justinuaddress of record
02:17.56Souljustinu, yes, ser is much better. also too complicated.
02:18.17justinuSER is very complicated at all
02:18.22justinumuch less so than asterisk
02:20.23Souljustinu, you mean ser is simple ?
02:20.52litagefile, justinu: so if you have 1,000+ tenants, each with varying #s of extensions, and use SER to handle registrations, is it feasible to put all tenants on each * box?
02:23.16inv_ArpQwell: around?
02:27.54watchyfor music on hold whats a good streamer to use
02:28.05watchyfor shoutcast?
02:28.35Soulwatchy, we're using mpg123
02:28.59watchynot workin for me g
02:29.07watchyHTTP request failed: 404 Resource Not Found
02:29.11Soulpick another stream, most of themdont work
02:29.14watchyany special flags you give it?
02:29.20watchyif you give it a url?
02:32.24*** part/#asterisk Prival (
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02:32.39*** part/#asterisk Prival (
02:33.58Soulno clue, not in the office right now
02:35.47*** join/#asterisk smallb (
02:37.58ObsidianXhey folks, if im trying to setup a soft-phone like Kiax or MozIAX to connect to asterisk to only receive calls would i choose friend, user, or peer
02:38.26ObsidianXi keep on getting "Inappropriate authentication received"
02:38.37marcus2that error has nthing to do with friend/user/peer tho
02:38.40*** join/#asterisk linlin (
02:39.02ObsidianXwhen i choose user it says "No registration for peer 'test'"
02:39.53ObsidianXalthough i have a section [test] with secret=pass etc...
02:40.01marcus2do you have auth=md5 ?
02:40.28ObsidianXi just added it and it still doesn't work
02:41.01ObsidianXmd5,plaintext,rsa doesn't work either
02:41.04*** join/#asterisk NDT (
02:47.51Nuggetmaybe "inappropriate" means you should put some clothes on or something.
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02:54.53hhoffmanhi, is anyone using zasterisk?
02:57.56ObsidianXNugget: heheh
02:58.06ObsidianXmarcus2: any ideas?
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03:02.43shmaltzanybody here running the following:
03:02.45shmaltzasterisk 1.2.1
03:02.48shmaltzand polycom?
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03:12.21Cyonwhos there?
03:12.41ObsidianX"No registration for peer" agh
03:12.44ObsidianXwhat does that mean :(
03:13.27*** join/#asterisk mountie (
03:13.46brockj49464Anybody have any GXP-2000 to sell?  Or reasons not to look at getting that phone?
03:13.53Qwellbrockj49464: because they suck
03:14.02Qwellespecially a used one...
03:14.09_Sam--i dont agree personally
03:14.17_Sam--i just installed 12 of them today for a real estate office
03:14.22brockj49464qwell: What exactly is weong with them?
03:14.26_Sam--for what they are...they are pretty good units.
03:14.29Qwell_Sam--: give them my condolences
03:14.47_Sam--i run my business on them, we have almost 20 people using them at my office as well
03:14.50brockj49464sam:  Can they do on-hook anouncements (paging)?
03:15.16_Sam--i thikn the newest beta firmware does that.
03:15.29_Sam--there is a wiki page about the phones that has some decent info
03:15.42_Sam--i dont know what else to compare them to for 85 bucks
03:15.54Qwell_Sam--: a GOOD headset, and a softphone
03:15.56_Sam--i am not saying you will love yours...but mine work fine for the role they are in
03:16.05_Sam--they blow away softphones
03:16.11_Sam--my sales guys switched from softphones to that
03:16.31_Sam--and we used good plantronics headsets
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03:16.44_Sam--i dont know what problems you had with the phones qwell
03:17.11_Sam--but ive dealt with their tech support as well which was refreshingly through to somoeone right away who helped me out
03:17.14brockj49464I am looking at them for home.  Trying to replace a pansonic kxtd1232 before it is worthless
03:17.28ObsidianXanybody know whats up with this error?
03:18.00_Sam--we are testing out the beta version of their newest firmware
03:18.06_Sam--and it seems pretty good for us
03:20.38brockj49464That is good that they seem to work.
03:20.49_Sam--ymmv based on your setup
03:21.08_Sam--all of my stuff ive been setting up is 100% pri or pstn type stuff
03:21.20_Sam--er 100% voip
03:21.39|omni|using remote gateways?
03:21.43Qwellrealestate agents get MAD when things don't work
03:21.58_Sam--well yeah , their asterisk box connects to an IAX provider
03:22.03_Sam--i guess that is a remote gateway....
03:22.15|omni|heh...I was just working on a system for a real estate office a couple weeks ago with someone
03:22.17_Sam--but the people assume the risks knowingly
03:22.18iCEBrkrdamnit this phone number
03:22.25iCEBrkrI got some fucker calling me twice a day
03:22.36Qwell_Sam--: So, you told them to only expect 90% uptime?
03:22.40iCEBrkrI think it's Walmarts telemarketing/survey group
03:22.50_Sam--ive been running 100% voip at my business for about 1.2 years...
03:22.56_Sam--our uptime is closer to 99% for our calls
03:23.03Qwell99% is unacceptable
03:23.09_Sam--maybe for some high end clients
03:23.14_Sam--but based on budgets
03:23.14Qwellfor anybody
03:23.22_Sam--they assume the risks
03:23.23iCEBrkrFive 9's!
03:23.25_Sam--they know
03:23.31_Sam--we talk about options
03:23.37_Sam--they choose based on cost you realize what that equates to?
03:23.39|omni|same on this side, but when I do a lot of forwarding (bounce exten to cell or whatever) I like low latency PSTN if possible
03:23.51Qwell1 hour every 4 days
03:23.59QwellThat is A LOT
03:24.04Qwellcompletely unacceptable
03:24.17_Sam--my shit works fine...i run a mail order business that over 10 mil a year in sales on it
03:24.21_Sam--and its acceptable just fine
03:24.32_Sam--you dont have to like it, thats fine
03:24.37_Sam--but people do
03:24.42Qwell_Sam--: So, what if UPS only delivered 4 days a week?
03:24.46iCEBrkrQwell: What if you have 72hrs downtime in the month of Dec?
03:24.47QwellYou'd be freaking pissed
03:24.51_Sam--my phones deliver 7 days a week
03:24.53QwelliCEBrkr: indeed
03:25.02_Sam--what is the difference between my PTP t1 and a PRI?
03:25.05iCEBrkrQwell: Your average doesn't hold water, is all I'm saying :P
03:25.08QwelliCEBrkr: on the 20th, 21st, and 22nd
03:25.25_Sam--so unless a route is down on my 8 homed provider...
03:25.30_Sam--the chances that i cant get there are pretty bad
03:25.32iCEBrkr...and hardware PBX's go dead a lot too..
03:25.33_Sam--my shit works.
03:25.44_Sam--call it as many times as you want..i'll give ya the number
03:26.03CyonHmmm, anyone here messed with getting faxing working?
03:26.38|omni|Sam...doing a similar setup here but putting a PRI into my rack
03:26.45_Sam--i started with a PRI
03:26.50_Sam--and switched to a PTP t1
03:27.04|omni|I have a PTP T1 from my rack to a client endpoint..but not here
03:27.10_Sam--and ive never regretted the decision
03:27.17|omni|low bandwidth for voice here
03:27.42shmaltzanybody here have an asterisk 1.2.1 system with a sipura and 2 polycom phones?
03:27.58brockj49464what exactly you trying to do with faxing?
03:28.36Cyonbrockj49464:  Get it working?  ;-)  I've tried the still beta t.38 patch, but unfortunately it's still buggy it would appear and I don't have the skill to update it
03:29.15Cyonbrockj49464:  So I jumped over to ser/openser, bypassing asterisk (I know, bad channel for that.) and tried to get sipura->ser->cisco working...
03:29.38brockj49464I am using g711u and seem to not have any problems for the 5 times I have used it this last week.
03:30.23Cyonbrockj49464:  Yeah, I've done ulaw; and can get it working 90%+ ; but I'm aiming for a solid 100%, or at least as close as possible
03:30.37CyonWhen the customer does hundreds; they really notice that percentage of failures
03:31.09*** join/#asterisk loud (
03:31.37Cyon_Vile mentioned he does Sipura->ser->cisco, with perfection so far is success rates, so I wanted to give that a try; or get other people's views on it
03:32.23brockj49464That is true.  My provider was where I was having problems when I used thier settinging on the ATA.  When I defaulted it and set it up to my * box I had no problems _so_ far.  Time will tell.  It also solved my Dish Network problem...
03:32.59Cyonbrockj49464:  What ATA do you have?  Just to ask...
03:33.04*** join/#asterisk Jameno123 (n=james@
03:33.21CyonBut yeah, I can get some really solid results; but it's just not consistent enough..unfortunately
03:33.48Jameno123anyone have a solution to that?
03:34.05Jameno123"inlining failed in call to '__t4_framer_interrupt': function body notavailable"
03:34.07brockj49464SPA-2100  Getting 2 more of them.  My plan is to start with cheap CID 2500 like phones and move to GXP-2000 as I get wiring and the phones.
03:34.29alephcom_I need an opinion from you all...   On a low end ($9.99 per month) hosted pbx, do you think the customer needs more than 1 auto attendant?
03:34.38Cyonalephcom_:  No.
03:34.39|omni|I'm liking the cisco 7960 for a work handset
03:34.53Jameno123|omni|, 7940G are great too
03:34.54|omni|I was on Zultys stuff before which is cool but these Ciscos are pretty nice
03:35.01shmaltznybody here have an asterisk 1.2.1 system with a sipura and 2 polycom phones?
03:35.03|omni|I haven't tried a 7940 yet
03:35.10Cyonshmaltz:  Sipura, but not polycom
03:35.14Jameno1237940/7960 same phone, just lesser phone "lines"
03:35.17Jameno123and cheaper price ;)
03:35.22shmaltzCyon, what other phones?
03:35.28|omni|not as many appearances
03:35.28Cyonshmaltz:  snom
03:35.30alephcom_Cyon:  Tks, my thoughts too.  I'm just designing an automated signup/management setup and I'm having lots of fun on the dialplan.
03:35.35|omni|how many does the 40 have.... 4?
03:35.45|omni|same XML mini-browser, etc.?
03:35.47shmaltzCyon, so you have snom, sipura, and 1.2.1?
03:35.50Jameno123|omni|, yes
03:35.54Jameno123same lcd, ect
03:35.59Cyonalephcom_:  Yeah, I've been working on the same, with the auto-attendant being the hardest for me by far
03:36.01|omni|I setup some cool little apps on our PBX for the phone
03:36.03Cyonshmaltz:  Yes
03:36.11Jameno123|omni|, any of them use the LCD?
03:36.15shmaltzCyon, more than one snom? or just one?
03:36.24|omni|yea, browse to the app in LCD and submit data
03:36.32|omni|just simple stuff testing out the Cisco XML layout
03:36.35Cyonshmaltz:  Just one for testing; have lots in stock for customers; why?
03:36.44Cyonshmaltz:  Just ask whatever it is
03:36.50|omni|enter zip and get weather info, or lookup directory info
03:36.58shmaltzCyon, I'm trying to test something, to see who has the bug: asteirsk, polycom, or sipura
03:37.01|omni|but the wheels are turning now
03:37.12Cyonbrockj49464:  I'll get it eventually, I'm just sure others have done it already
03:37.16Cyonshmaltz:  What bug?
03:37.19Jameno123|omni|, yea, i was looking on trying to figure out how to present customer order data
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03:37.28Jameno123cust calls in, the order# is shown on the phone when the agent answers
03:37.29shmaltzCyon, I have a problem with sipura asterisk 1.2.1 and polycoms, I know it's a bug, but I'm not sure who is at fault
03:37.52shmaltzCyon, when a polycom speaks with a sipura, and then does an attended xfer to anohter polycom, at the final stage there is only 1 way audio
03:38.09shmaltzthis is on a single flat network, 1 subnet
03:38.10anonymouz666hi... there is a caller in a queue.. I think its crashed because his wait time: (wait: -525351:-37, prio: 0)
03:38.11shmaltzno nat
03:38.16Jameno123the only way so far ive figured out is just to throw the order# in the callerid info heh
03:38.18anonymouz666how do I remove this one?
03:38.29Jameno123sooooooo - does anyone have a solution to that?
03:38.40*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
03:38.41shmaltzif I change the sipura to canreinvite=no, then everything is ok, but another problem arises
03:38.59|omni|Jameno123:  like enter order number and get details?
03:39.08*** join/#asterisk HolyGod (
03:39.31shmaltzJameno123, what version of zap? and what version of kernel?
03:39.36|omni|pretty simple to write little apps, we've done a ton of web development in the past so I just  wrote a little PHP that dumps results to the Cisco XML elements and it works pretty well..pull from DB or whatever
03:39.45anonymouz666is it possible to remove callers crashed from a queue?
03:40.06Jameno123shmaltz, zap=latest, kernel=2.6.12(+patches)
03:40.12Cyonshmaltz:  Hmmm, beyond me
03:40.22Jameno123just freshly downloaded from SVN about an hour ago
03:40.26|omni|I'd like to play with some outlook integration
03:40.50shmaltzCyon, but if you could test this for me with the snoms then it would confirm that:
03:40.52shmaltz1. its not the sipuras,
03:40.53shmaltz2. It's not asterisk
03:41.12shmaltzJameno123, which one from svn? tags or trunk?
03:41.34Cyonshmaltz:  I can test it at the office tomorrow; but we used it extensively; only way it would replicate is if we did snom->sipura->snom
03:41.41Jameno123shmaltz, (gcc 4.0.1)
03:41.46Cyonshmaltz:  Other than that, we never ean into it
03:42.23Cyonshmaltz:  I'm generally here all day; just pm me any time and I'll get on it
03:42.31shmaltzCyon, also if I do canreinvite=no all is godd, so if you test it you will have to make sure that the rtp *always* gets reinvited
03:42.43shmaltzCyon, Thank you
03:42.43*** part/#asterisk alephcom_ (
03:42.46VeNoMouS_woah i forgot i left this on
03:42.56*** join/#asterisk alephcom_ (
03:43.37Cyonshmaltz:  Easily; when I'm at the phones  :)
03:44.32Jameno123shmaltz: i have no zaptel cards  as well.
03:44.40Jameno123just trying to install ztdummy
03:44.50shmaltzJameno123, that shouldn't make a difference
03:44.58shmaltzthis problem is beyond me
03:45.42Jameno123static inline void __t4_framer_interrupt(struct t4 *wc, int span);
03:45.54Jameno123heh, no function body, as it says.
03:46.04*** join/#asterisk dily (
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03:47.57Jameno123kinda looks outta place, guess it needs moved up to the top of the file :( though im not a C expert, have no idea what im talking about.
03:49.35CyonHmmm, does anyone recall an issue where a call tries to use speex when neither side of the sip headers support it; and then it has no trnslation path and the call dies?
03:50.09*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:50.49dilyi try to compile bristuff-0.3.0-PRE-1c
03:51.01dilybut when complie the zaphfc.ko i have strange  function undefined warning
03:51.31dilylike this: *** Warning: "zt_register" [/usr/src/bristuff/zaphfc/zaphfc.ko] undefined!
03:51.44dilyany idea?
03:51.59CyonNever looked at or tried that module
03:52.52dilyi try to install bristuff on many system/distributions but i have the some errors...
03:54.40ObsidianXhas anybody ever had an error when setting up IAX along the lines of "No registration for peer 'user'"?
03:56.30dilyanyone use bristuff?!?
03:56.41CyonActually, let me ask this way; what is speex (I know it's a codec) but how do I totally disable it everywhere?  lol
03:57.23CyonLike, why does asterisk say it's trying to be used when talking to the cisco...
03:57.48*** join/#asterisk tecnico (
03:59.21brockj49464cyon:  Do you disallow=all then allow what ones you want to use?
03:59.31Cyonbrockj49464:  absolutely
03:59.44CyonIt looks like cisco ignores it and tries to establish calls as speex
04:00.22CyonThe only one allowed in my sipuras is ulaw, the only one allowed in asterisk is ulaw, and the cisco has "codec g711ulaw" as well...
04:00.47CyonAnd yet:  [2006-01-11 17:52:24] WARNING[32704]: Unable to find a codec translation path from speex to ulaw
04:02.30hhoffmanis there a better tts then festival to use with asterisk?
04:03.55Cyon  <-- anyone have any ideas?
04:04.01Cyonhhoffman:  Not that I've seen
04:08.28*** join/#asterisk mud (
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04:11.45Jameno123Cyon, try "disallow=all"  "allow=ulaw"
04:11.59Jameno123hrm, nobody has any ideas about my issue?
04:13.17CyonJameno123:  Was done long ago
04:13.32CyonJameno123:  speex isn't even a protocol that asterisk has by default
04:14.18CyonJameno123:  Something is trying to use it, or makes asterisk think it is; yet cisco doesn't support that codec either it would appear, and my sipura is set to use g711, and pref. codec only.
04:14.27Cyonfile: Sorry, yes.
04:15.24hhoffmanfugitivo: thanks checking now
04:15.41Jameno123twisted[asteria], wakey wakey!
04:16.46hhoffmanfugitivo: are these voice compatible with festival?
04:17.00CyonJameno123:  I'm not a coder anymore; but can I see a pastebin of all the verbose/debug lines?
04:17.04fugitivohhoffman: no, it's closed source
04:17.07SwKjameno123 is from teh svn or from the 1.2.1 tarball?
04:17.18CyonJameno123:  So I can see which src files it is bouncing through
04:17.34SwKit looks like a bad check out from svn
04:17.55hhoffmanfugitivo: k, thx
04:17.57Jameno123SwK, svn, ive deleted and redownloaded twice now.
04:18.14SwKit looks like 1/2 and update to me
04:18.23hhoffmanah, but I'm guessing it's meant to work with * as they have digium links on their page
04:18.25SwKare you running head?
04:18.31SwK(or trunk now)
04:18.36Jameno123SwK, trunk
04:18.45Jameno123ive always ran CVS-HEAD
04:18.57CyonJameno123: Ah, I assumed it was the tgz download...
04:19.07SwKi did to til 1.2.X was released
04:19.17SwK1.0 was just to damned old and missing too many features
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04:19.35QwellI run svn roots
04:19.37SwKI would try compiling the 1.2.1 zap sources from the tarball and see what happens
04:19.48Qwellmore features than trunk
04:20.59Jameno123will try
04:21.58*** join/#asterisk Hybrid (
04:22.26Jameno123SwK, yea, the "out of date" stuff, is what concerns me ;)
04:22.51SwKi wouldnt worry about it rightnow
04:24.36*** part/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
04:25.15tainted_how do i do E911 for a client?
04:25.32Jameno123SwK, waiting on the box to rebewt, i guess we'll see :)
04:25.35SwKvery carefully
04:25.44SwKtainted_ are you an ITSP?
04:25.57tainted_SwK it's for a client
04:26.04*** join/#asterisk Johnnie (n=john@pdpc/supporter/active/Johnnie)
04:26.15tainted_i don't normally do this kind of stuff
04:26.40CyonJameno123:  Reboot?  Why woyld you reboot?
04:28.41Jameno123Cyon, ;) kernel updates
04:28.50CyonJameno123:  Ah, ok.  :)
04:29.09Jameno123would be so nice to
04:29.17Jameno123cat newkernel > /proc/kcore
04:29.20Jameno123and not have to reboot ;)
04:29.25Jameno123but i dont think we'll see the day
04:29.28SkramXheh, it would.
04:29.31CyonI can't wait till we have dynamic kernel loading...
04:29.48CyonNah, it's doable; just the entire structure would have to be redone, and it'll be years...
04:29.55CyonBut it will happen eventually
04:30.03HybridAnybody have Mechwarrior 3?
04:31.42*** part/#asterisk Hybrid (
04:32.00Jameno123SwK, suggest using 1.2.1 [.tgz] completely or just zaptel?
04:34.40SwK1.2.1 zap shoudl work with trunk at this time,altho i'm not sure... 1.2.1 would probably be better for products as its a known quantity and its not missing much from trunk yet (unless there is something in trunk you really need)
04:36.24Jameno123swk it built properly ;) heh, it should run then
04:37.20fugitivoWIRING WIRING WIRING
04:38.09SwKit always gripes about g729
04:38.45*** join/#asterisk qhrisnd (
04:38.58qhrisndGood evening everyone :-)
04:38.59file[laptop]my cellphone bill is insane
04:39.48Jameno123SwK, hrm, should i rm -rf that and re-make install?
04:39.52[TK]D-FenderPerhaps its the 800# attached to it :)
04:40.04QwellJameno123: It's just a warning...ignore it if that was the only file
04:40.05file[laptop]wait for it people
04:40.13Qwellfile[laptop]: $938?
04:40.18file[laptop]invoice amount$1,603.26
04:40.19ObsidianXhow would i go about fixing the error "Inappropriate authentication received" when i try to connect an IAX client to *
04:40.21SwKyeah what qwell said
04:40.35rob0file[laptop]: have it committed :)
04:40.35Qwellfile[laptop]: how the hell did you manage that?
04:40.39SwKit always gribes about codec_729 cause you dont have the source for it
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04:40.44file[laptop]we'll see.
04:40.45rob0I know well how he did it!!
04:40.48ManxPoweJust how DOES one get a $1,000 cell phone bill anyway?
04:40.51ManxPowefile, GO PREPAY!
04:41.02ManxPowerob0, all those phonesex phone calls?
04:41.10SwKis that CDN File?
04:41.12file[laptop]I just have the transaction on my account, I don't have the invoice online yet and my balance isn't adjusted yet
04:41.13rob0I saw him here, typing in IRC, while on the road
04:41.17file[laptop]SwK: yes
04:41.19file[laptop]rob0: yup
04:41.30file[laptop]they probably billed me for data, and backbilled me for past data usage
04:41.31fugitivofile[laptop]: $1600?????
04:41.33SwKfile: oh so its like a normal 100USD phone bill?
04:41.41ManxPoweAh.  Mine would be like $5,000 if I wasn't on the flat rate data plan
04:41.47file[laptop]I need to calculate how it got to that amount though
04:41.48file[laptop]it makes no sense
04:41.58Jameno123SwK, yea, it bitched about more, but im not pasting them all :) should i rm -rf the modules dir, and reinstall it all completely?
04:42.07Jameno123like 15 files are listed
04:42.13h3xdamn bid snipers
04:42.21xachenCanada data rates are bad for mobile providers
04:42.23h3xi accidently pasted a auction item number in where a price goes
04:42.26xachenthey will coin you easily $1/mbv
04:42.29h3xand i bid 5 million on an ATA device
04:42.40file[laptop]my regular bill is $60
04:42.40SwKjamesno123: probably want to get rid of them but not the g729 one
04:42.48SwKyou'll need it for g729
04:42.55Jameno123SwK, yea, i use g729, i know about it ;)
04:43.03file[laptop]so I used 100MB of data apparently
04:43.09Jameno123like you said, only because it wasnt compiled directly be the source
04:43.16fugitivofile[laptop]: don't pay it, that's insane
04:43.22xachendownloading porn onto your blackberry? :D
04:43.24file[laptop]fugitivo: I'm waiting for the bill.
04:43.26xachen:O rather
04:43.26|omni|Cingular did that to me a couple months ago but it was only $580 for data
04:43.27*** join/#asterisk sumonish (n=God@
04:43.32sumonishhi all
04:43.45|omni|I switched to the unlimited data account... a mere $20 more than I was paying already
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04:44.16file[laptop]I'm not overly thrilled, but I legitimately used it so if they billed it right... yeah
04:44.31file[laptop]life goes on
04:44.53file[laptop]so help me god if my mother opens my cellphone bill
04:45.10fugitivoheart attack
04:45.22sumonishi have an asterisk server which my boss has setup and left me with unfortunatly the CallerID is causeing an issue where when a call comes in it dumps the call i have the following issue in Myphp The $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] directive MUST be set in your configuration file! can someone tell my what it means and how to fix it??
04:45.29file[laptop]she's been nosey lately, she opened my credit card statement ahead of me while I was right in front of her
04:45.38file[laptop]and my rrsp notice
04:45.51file[laptop]it's like, "uh... I'm 19 here... get out of my finances"
04:45.53|omni|sumonish: , that's not your issue, that's just a setting in phpMyAdmin
04:45.58file[laptop]SwK: registered retirement savings plan
04:46.06|omni|you can edit
04:46.12SwKi guess thats cdn for 401k
04:46.13rob0file[laptop]: get a PO Box
04:46.27|omni|and set the full URL to phpMyAdmin (i.e. and that message will go away
04:46.39file[laptop]rob0: mmm I could
04:46.41rob0in USPS they're pretty cheap
04:46.41sumonishi edited the zapata.conf
04:46.51sumonishto turn of caller id is that right?
04:46.55sumonishi seems to work
04:46.55rob0I pay $18/year I think
04:47.05file[laptop]I believe it's $60 CAD/year here
04:47.24sumonishok omni
04:47.36rob0they cost more in cities, mine is in a tiny town
04:47.36SwKdamn did apple release enuff patches yesterday?
04:47.49MikeJ__file, so that's like one regular cell bill a year?
04:47.50rob0but Canada is no doubt different
04:48.04file[laptop]MikeJ__: more
04:48.12file[laptop]my regular cell bill is $60/mth total
04:48.50sumonishomni where is stored?
04:49.12Jameno123hrm, alright, seems to work :)
04:49.22Jameno123but didnt solve my problem/reason for upgrading
04:49.25Jameno1231st File Descriptor: -1
04:50.49Jameno123after it bridge's a call, it hangs and gives nothing.
04:51.03Jameno123service provider returning no data? or some other weird crapola?
04:51.30twisted[asteria]SwK, you sure you don't have that shit?
04:52.04qhrisndI need help with 2 things: 1) I need to find out how to create in my dial plan, a way to make an extension ring over to another extension when its busy. 2) I would like to know how to (if possible) route calls based upon caller id. Can anyone give me some tips?
04:52.27Qwelltwisted[asteria]: y0
04:52.44Qwelltwisted[asteria]: going to ETel?
04:53.01twisted[asteria]Qwell, no
04:53.03ManxPoweqhrisnd, See "show application dial" and the [macro-stdexten] section of extensions.conf.  Also see the Wiki and the Asterisk book.
04:53.08jboti heard docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
04:53.19Qwelltwisted[asteria]: shame..
04:53.26*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
04:53.37fugitivoqhrisnd: and DIALSTATUS
04:53.47qhrisndthank you
04:53.49twisted[asteria]Qwell, well, if I had known about it sooner, i might could have
04:55.51SwKtwisted I am sure
04:56.57*** join/#asterisk aless (
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04:57.11alesshi, which ports do i need to forward when using a nat?
04:57.18Qwellaless: which channel types?
04:58.20inv_Arpaless: any port you want
04:58.40alessim connecting two servers with iax
04:59.00Qwellaless: 4569
04:59.06*** part/#asterisk loud (
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05:00.04alessonly that one? arent any other services sending packets?
05:00.18ObsidianXnetstat -nap
05:00.20ObsidianXif you wanna find out
05:00.38ObsidianXcourse you'll have to look for asterisk processes :P
05:02.36SwKdamn it
05:03.53Jameno123blah blah blah! damn thing :( argh, why the heck doesnt this thing WORK!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
05:04.02Jameno123how can i determine where my problem is :(
05:04.31mogorman? Jameno123
05:04.32Jameno123i call from my cisco 7960 via sip to asterisk1, asterisk1 dials asterisk2, asterisk2 dials our provider.
05:04.35mogormancalm down....
05:04.52Jameno123asterisk1->asterisk2 = iax
05:04.56Jameno123asterisk2->provider = iax
05:05.08Jameno123if i do "iax2 show channels"  on asterisk2, it shows a "UP" bridged channel
05:05.22Jameno123yet, i see hear nothing
05:05.36mogormani see hear?
05:05.49Jameno123i see no errors, and hear nothing on the phone
05:05.56Jameno123if i hang up the phone
05:05.57mogormanis jitterbuffer on?
05:06.39Jameno123asterisk1 disconnects the call, but asterisk2 still thinks the call is in progress, and doesnt disconnect until it times out.
05:06.46*** part/#asterisk alephcom_ (
05:06.49Jameno123mogorman, which server? all of them?
05:07.00mogormanany of them?
05:07.07Jameno123this shit just started happening 3 days ago
05:07.11Jameno123its been fine "forever" :(
05:07.48Jameno123i dont know about my service provider
05:08.07mogormanhmm it sounds like a bug we have been working on
05:08.16Jameno123bug? heh
05:08.23Jameno123it just "mysteriously" happens?
05:08.46mogormandoes this happen if you turn off iax native transfer
05:08.47Jameno123heh, just magically started happening one day
05:09.09watchywhats the quick reset for a 7960?
05:09.40mogormanpull the plug ^_^
05:09.42Jameno123watchy, reboot?   (*+6+services)
05:09.50watchythanks brother
05:09.52Jameno123err settings
05:09.59Jameno123* 6 settings
05:10.02Jameno1231 of the two
05:10.12Qwellreal men **#**
05:10.24Jameno123mogorman: hrm.
05:10.31Jameno123i cant say ive ever done that before ;)
05:10.42QwellWhy did Cisco do **#** for the reboot on the sccp 7960?
05:10.47Jameno123let me go read some docs, or shed me some light :)
05:10.52QwellYou have to be in settings for it to work...
05:11.05Jameno123sccp, blah!
05:11.07Qwelland...what do you need to press to unlock the phone?  That's right...  **#
05:11.09mogormanid try turning off native transfer first
05:11.21Jameno123mogorman, thats what im reading docs to figure out how ;)
05:11.29QwellSo, if you want to unlock, and it didn't appear to work the first time...what do you do?  You press it again
05:11.41Qwelland in doing reboot the damn thing.  How stupid...
05:11.42Jameno123notransfer=no ?
05:12.04mogormanhmm i think so....
05:12.09mogormanid have to look it up sorry
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05:13.21Jameno123mogorman, nope, didnt help
05:13.42Jameno123i think junction networks is being a pain in my arse again :)
05:13.48mogormandid you turn it on all points and check it again
05:14.06Jameno123i turned it "off"
05:14.10Jameno123it should be "on" ?
05:14.22Jameno123i disabled it, on all servers, yet
05:14.38Jameno123err both*  well, the two i have access too, not my providers, of course.
05:14.51Jameno123i think its just a provider issue :(
05:15.05Jameno123ive never had any problems, and if i dial other phones on my asterisk server, i dont have problems.
05:15.08Jameno123so if i do
05:15.18Jameno123no problems, ever
05:15.35mogormanyeah probably
05:24.49Jameno123mogorman, ;) so stressful when you cant figure out why something is happening hehe
05:30.18*** join/#asterisk ThaZZa_Work (n=me@
05:32.21Jameno123whelp thanks guys for your help, ill go chew on the ear of my service provider tomorrow.
05:32.26litageif you have 1,000+ tenants, each with varying #s of extensions, and use SER to handle registrations, is it feasible to put all tenants on each * box?in a phone call [through *], if 1 person is talking and the other person is silent, are they both sending the same amount of voice data?
05:33.24mogormanyeah i understand Jameno123
05:33.50litagein a phone call [through *], if 1 person is talking and the other person is silent, are they both sending the same amount of voice data?
05:34.58Qwelllitage: Since * doesn't do VAD, yes
05:35.14jboti heard vad is Voice Activity Detection
05:36.21litageQwell: so the type (volume, pitch, etc) of audio/voice doesn't affect the amount of data transferred?
05:36.48Qwellafaik, no
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05:38.35lo_technot AM, bro... louder doesnt mean bigger data :)
05:39.52Jameno123oh before i go
05:39.54Jameno123one more thing :)
05:40.26Jameno123WHen a user transfers a call, on a cisco ip phone (SIP), to another extension, why does the phone never receive anymore calls?
05:40.30Jameno123asterisk thinks its "busy"
05:40.31litagelo_tech: "not AM"?
05:40.42Jameno123litage, "its not AM (like radio)
05:41.02lo_techlitage: amplitude modulation...
05:41.21*** join/#asterisk Mavantix (
05:41.42Jameno123anyone have any idea what i possible am doing wrong?
05:41.42litageso if 2 people are using sip and g729, will each person's incoming and outgoing data and voice streams be fairly constant?
05:42.18Jameno123they used to transfer, and then receive more inbound calls
05:42.23Jameno123now the phones are staying busy
05:42.38Jameno123probably something todo with "tT" ? or canreinvite or something?
05:42.44Mavantixis there anyway to have asterisk IM me incoming call info, log messages, etc?
05:43.01lo_techall things being equal, without silence suppression or vad, yes... the bandwidth used will be equal for both parties, regardless of how loud or the amount of silence for each phone
05:43.03ManxPoweJameno123, sounds like you are using imcominglimit=1 or setgroup, etc
05:43.44ManxPoweJameno123, if so, this is a know issue, see the mailing list archives, there may be a fix or something.
05:44.01Jameno123ManxPowe: hrm, they do disable callwaiting, if callwaiting is enabled it rings fine.
05:44.16Jameno123as i thought, if you transfer your phone is released from the call?
05:44.23Jameno123i didnt think the phone 'bridged' the call.
05:44.56Jameno123ManxPowe, incominglimit is undefined in my sip.conf
05:45.19Jameno123and setgroup would be a no.
05:45.42Jameno123though, i dont specify "canreinvite"
05:45.46Jameno123in the sip.conf, so thats probably the issue?
05:46.44watchyanyway to set cisco volume in sipdefault?
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06:13.14littleballhello, i use E1/PRI, asterisk1.2.1. I got the following warning in the console:
06:13.15littleballJan 12 14:00:18 NOTICE[6681]: channel.c:2416 __ast_request_and_dial: Don't know what to do with control frame 15
06:13.21littleballwhat does it mean?
06:27.52wunderkinheh holy crap, the * messages log on my one server never has been rotated
06:29.10lo_technot so bad unless you
06:29.16lo_techare verbose, debug
06:30.52wunderkin22k lines since sept
06:31.16wunderkinverbose is set to 20 but i dont do much with it, just testing
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06:47.02chat_jokeyhello people
06:48.10chat_jokeyi am currently doing some asterisk sizing .. task is to support 150 incoming TDM lines and 175 outgoing lines .. with approximately 4000 extensions (mostly used only for intercom)
06:48.24chat_jokeyanyone can suggest me any pointers on the dimensioning of the same ?
06:48.43chat_jokeyi read up with .. but its kinda not clear ..
06:49.03chat_jokeyI am averaging about 400 - 500 odd extensions running from one asterisk box ..
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06:56.10welleshi all
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07:14.49welles[help] i try to install mpg123 on centos4 and it hints that :'decode_i586.s:44: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `push' ...' what's wrong? my machine is 64bit machine
07:25.25litageis H323 or SIP more NAT- and network-friendly?
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07:34.49tzafrir_laptopwelles, use rawplayer, unless you want to stream music
07:36.58wellesrawplayer? ok,i have a try .it can replace mpg123 for music on hold on *?
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07:52.12Lee619good morning
07:56.27infinity1good nite
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08:14.16ObsidianXlitage: i read that IAX was NAT friendly
08:14.28ObsidianXlitage: i think it uses UDP
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08:18.27chat_jokeyany one can give pointers on clustering asterisk ?
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08:23.21bazzi'm trying to get asterick going, i've set up my extentions.conf file (i thought) but when i copy a .call file into the outgoing spool i get __ast_request_and_dial: Don't know what to do with control frame 15 and then attempt_thread: Call failed to go through, reason 3.  any ideas?
08:23.46*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
08:24.09wellnghi all
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08:27.36koperniqschat_jokey: what kind of clustering?
08:30.01chat_jokeylike i want to have like 4000 extensions - something like IP Centrex
08:30.17*** join/#asterisk Rawplayer (
08:30.41chat_jokeykoperniqs: trying to figure out how many extension a Dual XEON - 3.0Ghz, 4GRAM can handle ..
08:31.00chat_jokeybased on that wanna do some sizing ..
08:32.37koperniqschat_jokey: ther's a tool called sipsak ( that might help
08:39.26chat_jokeykoperniqs: lemme have a look
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08:44.24DHuangCan someone help me with SER + Asterisk?
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08:56.42Nico_Bdavhi all
08:57.09DHuanghi Nico... can you help me with SER + Asterisk?
08:57.10chat_jokeyhi DHuang even i am looking for similar stuff
08:57.21Nico_Bdavdoes anyone know a good T1->IP gateway, compatible with asterisk ?
08:57.39Nico_BdavDHuang, no sorry
08:57.42chat_jokeyNico_Bdav: are you looking for TDM hardware ?
08:58.00DHuangchat_jokey: I see... what I'm trying is to make SIP Client to call each other through SER + Asterisk
08:58.03chat_jokeyAsterisk itself can act as gateway !
08:58.09Nico_Bdavchat_jokey, i want to test asterisk on one site
08:58.43Nico_Bdavbut i want on another site which already have a PBX to convert T1 outlet to IP
08:59.16DHuangChat: kewl.. just tried a config and work now.. :-p
08:59.40chat_jokeyDHuang: i am trying to scale asterisk, so its suggested that one uses SER as SIP Proxy and enable it to throw SIP calls into Multiple Asterisk boxes, but i dont seem to find anything relevant online ... can anyone else help me on this ?
09:00.18DHuangChat: search fallover I think is on the original setup doc.
09:01.23chat_jokeyI have A@H here .. hmm
09:02.13DHuangDam... not working.. ;-(
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09:25.00DHuangChat: does your Asterisk do the registering or the SER?
09:25.06DHuangMorning there.
09:25.54DHuangI'm trying to figure out how to SER and register on Asterisk so it shows the right HOST IP for the client?
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09:30.41CurusIs it possible to dump all session variables from extensions.conf?
09:31.40CurusI tried with an AGI script, but I can only get one variable at a time, and only if I know the name
09:32.52*** join/#asterisk KriS83 (n=KriS@
09:33.43RoyKUser disconnected from queue %s while waiting their turn
09:33.53RoyKand noone are put into that queue
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09:42.17RoyKargh. just upgraded to 1.2.x from 1.0 and now support centres are losing calls. after a while phones stop ringing. people still queueing up..
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09:46.24thazzaHey all
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09:48.05CurusThere is no way to display all currently set variables in extensions.conf?
09:48.18RoyKseems like there's a fsckup somewhere in device state
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09:48.44RoyKCurus: iirc it's quite easy to go through all _channel_ vars with an agi script
09:56.14JonR800any way to pass hints between two asterisk servers?  I suppose that's a job for SER.
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09:58.38CurusChannel variables don't all get passed to AGI
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10:03.34RoyKzoa: ping
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10:17.38rikstaif i have a sangoma A101, when i install do i need the PRI or BRI use flags?
10:19.44rikstaok ta
10:19.54rikstafor euroisdn?
10:21.02af_how good is snom 320?
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10:22.58Ahrimaneshey denmark is not mentioned, damnit
10:24.19koperniqsaf_: the display is small and it's relativly expensive
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10:26.48gvag11hi all
10:27.13RoyKkoperniqs: relativily, yes, unless you mention norway in that sentence
10:27.25gvag11i just moved to Asterisk 1.2.1 and i miss the CUT function, does somebody knows something ?
10:27.26RoyKthat was a bummer
10:27.40RoyKgvag11: read about asterisk variables
10:28.47zoaows, gvag11
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10:29.28zoayou need to use SET for it now
10:30.55gvag11zoa : ok ... so i use the SET(var=${CUT ... thanks a lot zoa ...
10:31.14gvag11royk : thanks ...
10:34.21af_mhh what phone is good to use with *?
10:34.28af_I used gs but not very satisfied
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10:43.12iDunnois it just me...
10:43.31iDunnoor does it seem entirely insane that you end up in a queuing system when phoning a Telco
10:43.39iDunnothese people need more staff, ffs.
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10:52.13micolous_hey, i'm having some issues using meetme.  when i have a caller using the ilbc codec over a iax2 trunk, the sound from them is very jittery, yet they can hear me and other non-ilbc users fine... capturing the output from them, i see that there sound is breaking up... for about 0.02 seconds the sound is fine, then for 0.01 seconds there's no sound... and this goes on and on
10:52.33micolous_i'm using the ztdummy kernel module as my timing source
10:53.23micolous_i'm wondering if this is something wrong on my end, or a bug.  i've tweaked around with the jitterbuffer and that doesn't seem to help; and without the jitterbuffer it's even worse.  and it's asterisk 1.2.1
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10:57.46h3xits probably because the frame size is different on your codecs
10:58.08micolous_yeah, i noticed it doesn't effect ulaw at all
10:58.40micolous_but my friend using asterisk@home with meetme doesn't have this issue, and he's using the same codecs and upstream iax providers
10:58.56h3xwhat is he using for zaptel timing
10:59.04micolous_the dummy driver
10:59.20h3xa@h is prob a different version of asterisk right
10:59.29micolous_yeah, i think it might be 1.0
11:00.00h3xi seem to remember somebody else having a problem like this with 1.2
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11:04.58tzafrir_laptopasterisk@home is basically a sort of asterisk distribution
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11:05.12gvag11hi again ...
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11:06.28gvag11i changed the extension.conf and instead of CUT(VAR=... i put SET(Var=${CUT(... but still asterisk (1.2.1 stable) complains the CUT is not register  ... Any ideas ?
11:09.17micolous_tzafrir_laptop: yeah, i remember helping him set it up in september, so it would be running on asterisk 1.0
11:15.49gvag11i changed the extension.conf and instead of CUT(VAR=... i put SET(Var=${CUT(... but still asterisk (1.2.1 stable) complains the CUT is not register  ... Any ideas ?
11:23.11*** join/#asterisk hhoffman_ (n=hhoffman@tor/session/x-059aa9758068410e)
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11:27.20gvag11i changed the extension.conf and instead of CUT(VAR=... i put SET(Var=${CUT(... but still asterisk (1.2.1 stable) complains the CUT is not register  ... Any ideas ?
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11:38.16Reverendit's the end of the world!
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11:39.03Reverendanyone that uses voicepulse or other IAX2 DT provider, have an issue with there service, where after asterisk has been idle for some time, incomming calls no longer ring in?
11:40.56*** join/#asterisk aNaSTaCia_geBeri (n=FiaL@
11:41.26micolous_i had a similar issue with firefly/freshtel (au), Reverend
11:42.07micolous_it was rather annoying to setup, but i eventually kept it happy... i used qualify=no
11:44.29Reverendmicolous_ thank you, i'll try that
11:45.36micolous_but another (ugly) workaround is to have asterisk reload on a cron job every 10-15 minutes... i noticed it would come up after a reload or restart.
11:47.31Reverendmicolous_ yes, i noticed the same. and i did setup a cron job to do a restart every 20 mins, it is ugly
11:49.08micolous_well at least a reload doesn't cut off any active calls
11:49.32Reverendneither does "restart gracefully"
11:50.02Reverendbut if there is an active call when the job runs, it will wait until the call is over to restart, however while waiting for the call to end, no one can make outgoing calls
11:50.08Reverendand no other calls can come in
11:51.53*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
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11:57.06micolous_oh... i was always able to make outgoing calls, just the incoming would be an issue in my case
11:57.23micolous_other trunks worked
11:57.44Reverendyeh, outgoing calls wasn't a problem until i added the restart gracefully cron job
11:58.33cfhwhen i try to leave a messages on the voice mail asterisk say :
11:59.05cfhExecuting VoiceMail ...
11:59.23cfhand Playing 'vm-theperson'
11:59.44cfhand then dont wait and hangup
12:00.29micolous_does the asterisk user have write access to /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/?
12:02.16micolous_hmm... the other thing i'm thinking that could be the case is that the disk is full... other than that I'm out of ideas
12:03.24micolous_because they were the two main issues that arose when recording various things on asterisk
12:03.30micolous_for me
12:04.00cfhno the disk is free
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12:06.05micolous_it can't be the sound files, as asterisk will simply not play them and skip ahead if they're not found or they don't have access permissions
12:07.26cfhI try to reconfigure the sound
12:07.58BoRiSDoes anyone know if it is possible to get a toll free number for europe (that works in all of germany) that will allow me to pick up a phone in germany and call out through my toll free number without the persons phone who I am using gets billed for the call? (it costs money to call your neighbor in germany).
12:07.59muti've been having a lot of peers unavailable from qualify
12:08.00mutJan 12 07:06:14 NOTICE[26744]: chan_sip.c:10014 sip_poke_noanswer: Peer '9896853317' is now UNREACHABLE!  Last qualify: 31
12:08.02mutlike that
12:08.09muti can login to their ata right now though
12:08.17mutata says they're registered
12:08.25*** join/#asterisk flujan (
12:08.31flujanhi all
12:08.37mutwhy would their qualify packets just dissapear, qualify is set to 3000ms too
12:09.17flujanI'm new to asterisk and want to know which is the best hardware to buy and learn before I install it in my entire system.
12:09.30micolous_BoRiS: i'm not sure if they cover germany, but sipbroker has DID numbers for many international locations that allow you to call ~200 voip providers for the cost of a local phone call
12:09.37mutflujan: to do what?
12:09.39flujancould someone point some product to me?
12:09.47mutyou don't need any hardware but a pc to use asterisk
12:10.02flujanmut: and about the cards?
12:10.13mutwell if you plan on using a PRI
12:10.18mutor a phone
12:10.23mutor an ata
12:10.26flujanyes... we intent do use phone
12:10.43mutwhat is it you want to do
12:12.11flujanmut: I want to create a pbx with two points
12:12.15micolous_flujan: normally you would go and purchase access through a SIP or IAX-based VoIP provider, who would handle incoming calls for you, and allow you to make calls on the PSTN.  i don't own any VoIP hardware at all, I'm using software phones... however I may purchase a Sipura unit in the future (which is simply a small box you plug into the network and your phone and this allows you to use VoIP on any analogue telephone)
12:12.29flujanand this points communicating through digital phones
12:12.53mutwell, you plan on buying new phones too? and trunking out a single pri
12:13.14flujanbuying new phones. Actually we use analog ones. :D
12:13.29mutyou want to keep doing the ananlog thing?
12:13.40BoRiSmicolous: The biggest problem I am having is how to remove cost for the caller. If I setup a european toll free number and I have someon calling from a land line in germany. Does it cost them money on a per minute basis for them talking on the phone (It costs money to call even your neighbor)?
12:13.45flujanmicolous_: we will not use a VOIP provider
12:14.02flujanmicolous_: we will have our own lines. :) we have a E1 here
12:14.06mutyou're going to use what to connect to the PSTN?
12:14.07mutah ok
12:14.27sulexdo as5400/as5300 work fine with * and SIP?
12:14.40flujanmut: no, we will migrate to digital phones.
12:14.56mutso you'll probly just want to get a te110p card for the pri, and then for the phones just to SIP with a plycom phone
12:15.16mutcan go lower budget on the phones if you want tho
12:15.36micolous_BoRiS: well in the end, connecting calls over the PSTN costs someone money.  in australia, for a few months someone setup a toll free incoming number so you could call from any australian phone and get onto voip.  but that was changed to a 1300 number (untimed local call, anywhere in the country) due to the abuse it got
12:16.13flujanmut: to a initial environment... I want just a simple card to run tests and stuff
12:16.24micolous_you're likely to find people who can connect calls from the PSTN to VoIP on a tolled number, but without paying money, you're unlikely to get it toll free.
12:16.33mutjust get a sip phone of some sort
12:16.40flujanafter I have at least two points working as ramals inside the company we will expand this .
12:16.47mutwhen i initially setup everything
12:17.00muti first just used 2 xten softphones to play with the dialplan and user setup
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12:17.15mutno hardware investment other than the pc, which was vmware
12:17.36micolous_xten xlite and sjphone are good, free softphones
12:17.41BoRiSmicolous_: I dont mind paying the euro toll free number and minutes but I just don't want their telephone provider charging *them* on a per-minute rate for calling my toll free number.
12:17.42mutjust got for the softphone test
12:18.02BoRiS(on a land line)
12:18.03micolous_if you really want hardware, the sipura spa-2000 (now the linksys pap-2) is a nice unit, and costs just over 100$ (australian)
12:18.03gvag11i changed the extension.conf and instead of CUT(VAR=... i put SET(Var=${CUT(... but still asterisk (1.2.1 stable) complains the CUT is not register  ... Any ideas ?
12:18.57flujanmut: I'm afraid it works in softwares tests and not to hardware tests
12:19.12flujanmut: i will buy a machine and install asterisk
12:19.24flujanthen connect it with a Ip in my network ...
12:19.35mutif software works
12:19.38muthardware works too
12:19.49flujanafter that I get other two machines and start to talk...
12:19.52micolous_BoRiS: ah... I think a toll free number in germany would be free for callers in germany, but probably not other people in europe.  however I can't confirm this having no real knowledge of how the EU phone systems work and having never lived there.  but i would think you need one toll free number for each country you want to handle callers from
12:19.53flujanis it that simple?
12:20.04flujanmut: cool
12:20.07flujanthanks in advance
12:20.18flujanI will provide this right now...
12:20.24flujanSee you guys.
12:20.41zoagvag11: can you paste the exact error message ?
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12:23.34benjkmicolous_ you can get an international toll free number (country code 800)
12:24.00benjkrare and probably expensive (though I don't really know) but they do exist
12:24.11gvag11zoa i am afraid that not now cause i am reinstalling asterisk ... But it was like "... CUT not register" and with "show functions i can't see that...
12:24.19*** part/#asterisk da_didi (n=didi@wikipedia/MichaelDiederich)
12:25.36micolous_benjk: i didn't know about those... but yeah, they would cost a bucketload
12:26.03micolous_probably cheaper to have a local toll-free number in each country your company services
12:26.37benjkairlines often have those international 800 numbers
12:27.58micolous_well, their clients often move around between countries, so such an expense is justifable
12:28.41IkarusIf it is just for europe in the European telephone numberspace there is a toll-free catagory
12:30.10*** part/#asterisk cfh (n=luca@
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12:31.12Reverendanyone recommend a toll-free service that's better than Kall8 ?
12:31.15*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
12:31.22Reverenderm... not 'better' but cheaper?
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12:36.07gvag11zoa : after uninstall (rm) and install everything fine ... thanks
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12:44.05synthetiqim runnign asterisk on freebsd.....but port 5060 wont open... who knows is 4569 is...any idea why?
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12:53.34zapoteczgood morning
12:53.45zapoteczsome can help me with a mess ?
12:54.01zapoteczI'm tring from one week to do this extension
12:54.11zapoteczbut I really don't know what do for solve :(
12:54.20Reverendwhat's not working right?
12:54.25*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/cpm)
12:54.25chiardonno d-channel available. Using primary channel as d-channel anyway . . .some ideas about what happen here?TIA
12:54.35zapoteczi've to dial "*69*phonenumber#"
12:54.48zapoteczfrom a PRI zapata
12:54.59zapoteczbut asterisk take the # as "end of call"
12:55.09zapoteczand doesn't call my message box
12:55.55zapoteczI really don't know how to solve this :(
12:55.56*** part/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/cpm)
12:56.07zapoteczi've tried with a disa , and put the number from another phone
12:56.19zapoteczi've tried trough sip
12:56.19zapoteczbut nothing :(
12:58.42*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
12:59.18zapoteczi've tried with google
12:59.20zapoteczbut no answer
13:00.24*** join/#asterisk tdonahue (n=tdonahue@
13:00.25*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:03.17mutwhats your dialstring?
13:03.36zoazapotecz: did you try features.conf ?
13:03.56zapoteczi've to dial "*69*003905523552#"
13:04.21mutya but thats not what your dialplan says..
13:05.46zapoteczfeatures.conf only work in local
13:05.58zoathat i dont know
13:06.01zoai never used it
13:06.18zapoteczI do that
13:06.45zapoteczexten=> 555,1,dial(zap/g1/*69*003905523552#"
13:06.56zapoteczwith drive syntax
13:07.24zapoteczand I receive a "no one avaiable to answer"
13:07.43zapoteczi've tryed also with a "normal" pabx and the dialstring work
13:08.11zapoteczI suppose that asterisk recognize the final pound/hash as "stop dialstring buffering"
13:08.22zapoteczor in /etc/asterisk/zaptel.conf
13:08.37zapoteczin the format number
13:09.34*** join/#asterisk coppice (
13:09.37mutso why do you have * dialing a zap chan with that number if you want to access voicemail..
13:10.00zapoteczmhh but is a voicemail gived by the carrier
13:10.07zapotecznot the asterisk voicemail
13:10.18zapoteczis the phone provider that give this service
13:10.39zapoteczand all the "internal users" have this voicemail memo
13:10.46zapoteczis a big trouble for me :(
13:11.16zapoteczbut i've really no idea how to bypass this
13:12.09flujanhi all
13:12.24flujanI asked some time ago about cheap hardware to test asterisk
13:12.32BoRiShi coppice
13:12.34flujannow I return with the same question.
13:12.46flujanmi boss REALLY WANT HARDWARE...
13:13.12flujanI already said that we only need the computer and the softphone
13:13.24flujanand he still want to see hardware stuff
13:13.30flujanso, here I am.
13:13.32mutget an ata
13:13.40mutsipura 1001
13:13.41flujanmut: hi... me again!
13:13.49mutthey are like $60
13:14.17mutzapotecz: what happens when ya dial that then? instant hangup? or do ya hear anything?
13:14.30mutand can ya set verbose 5 and show me the output when ya call it
13:14.41zapoteczinstant hangup
13:14.49zapoteczand the answer
13:14.54zapotecz"no one avaiable"
13:15.00flujanmut: which ata
13:15.20mutsipura 1001
13:15.29mutzapotecz: can ya get me that debug output?
13:15.33mutpaste in there
13:15.59synthetiqim runnign asterisk on freebsd.....but port 5060 wont open... who knows is 4569 is...any idea why?
13:16.04gambolputtyIs call duration stored in a variable?
13:16.33[TK]D-Fenderflujan:  SPA-2002 $70 = 2 FXS ports.  Describe your setup : # lines (what kind), # of phones (how many need speakerphone, expected usage, etc)
13:17.05muti think his boss just wants to see some hardware phones working over voip
13:17.14mutthen they'll go for the good stuff
13:17.19mcquaidhello, i was trying to get asterisk to work with my voip provider (  so far i can make outgoing calls to pstn lines via voip but incoming calls have no audio in either direction
13:17.26mcquaidi can see the rtp traffic, but hear nothing.  I am running asterisk behind a firewall which i don't have access to.
13:17.42*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:17.50mutmcquaid: call them?
13:17.55mcquaidhowever, i can get the sip clients to directly connect to my voip provider and make/receive calls with full audio
13:17.58mcquaidcall who?
13:18.10mcquaiduh why?
13:18.11*** join/#asterisk jimmy_deanPB (
13:18.19mutcause it's your service provider
13:18.29mcquaidtheir service works fine as i just mentioned in other sip clients (linphone, twinklephone etc)
13:18.59mcquaidbut the way i got them to work is not by using nat or stun, but by using outboundproxy
13:19.03mcquaidotherwise they don't work either
13:19.22mcquaidasterisk seems to support outboundproxy but the documentation is pretty thin on this
13:19.54mcquaidit was in chan_sip2 last year, and most things have got promoted to chan_sip, and i see outboundproxy in the c code
13:20.12mcquaidbut using them in my sip.conf has no effect
13:20.13*** join/#asterisk nfi|ermes (n=ermsewrk@
13:20.22flujanmut: we want internal communication using ramals... this will be the first test
13:20.30mcquaidmut, why would you assume it's my provider?
13:20.44mutmcquaid: so i don't have to help ya ;)
13:20.48*** join/#asterisk jimmy_deanPB (
13:21.07mutbbmin gotta go start a pot of coffee
13:21.34mcquaidi've read a little about siproxd, is any one familar with siproxd? curious if it would help in this situation
13:23.18flujanextensions lines
13:23.32flujani dunno the english work for this
13:23.35flujanstrands maybe
13:29.30*** join/#asterisk Samoied (
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13:31.32Lathos42Good morning
13:32.13*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
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13:35.09mutflujan: what language is ramals?
13:37.07*** join/#asterisk warthawg (
13:39.19flujanmut: brazilian portuguese. :)
13:40.05mutah well
13:40.17mutbabelfish can only translate it to AS in dutch
13:40.22mutother than that it
13:40.25mutdoesn't translate
13:40.35flujanhold on
13:40.54mcquaidmut, do you have any suggestions on my issue?
13:40.59*** part/#asterisk micolous_ (
13:41.01mutyou're going to want to get some polycom phones if you want to test out a real world thing
13:41.32mutsomethin like these guys
13:43.00tdonahuegood morning all
13:43.30warthawgvoicemail doesn't seem to like my password
13:43.40mutyou don;t use any options in the dial string do ya?
13:43.45*** join/#asterisk nvrs (n=RUR@
13:43.48tdonahuedoes anyone use 1.2 on freebsd?  we are having issues getting it to bind to port 5060 for sip
13:43.49[TK]D-FenderConsiderably cheaper source for Polycom phones -
13:43.53mutand i asked for a verbose output of the dial
13:44.36*** join/#asterisk nvrs (n=RUR@
13:44.40mutthey're the same price..
13:45.06*** join/#asterisk mistral (
13:45.30[TK]D-Fendermut... look closer.  The Atacomm one is $113.  Its the same price when you get the PoE adapter INCLUDED.
13:45.51hackeronhey, I have a strange problem, all phones are  getting "invalid password" when the correct password is dialed for both meetme and voicemail - any ideas?
13:46.20*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
13:46.22*** join/#asterisk devoider (
13:46.28devoiderhi fellas
13:46.35*** join/#asterisk Mimmus (
13:47.04Mimmusto try most recent zaptel/pri, what CVS do I need to checkout?
13:47.11fugitivoatacomm doesn't accept credit cards??
13:47.21fugitivooh yes
13:48.11mutwhat ever happened to atacomm
13:48.11trixtersvn checkout zaptel-1.2
13:48.11trixtersvn checkout libpri-1.2
13:48.14[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : Pastebin your voicemail.conf context, and the extensions.conf entexs that call it.
13:48.17mutor is that you fender?
13:48.17trixterthat should be the most current SVN version
13:48.20Mimmusok, trixter, tahnk you
13:48.30[TK]D-Fenderis what me?
13:48.31flujanmut: sorry, my boss was here
13:48.43flujanmut: well, actually we have 3 E1 channels
13:48.51mutwow big company?
13:48.58devoiderdid someone ever experience missing field values while writing CDR-data? like an "empty" lastapp or dst field
13:48.58Mimmusif I have Sangoma, do I need to run wanpipe config before compiling CVS?
13:49.06flujanmut: and 140 internal telephones ( aka ramals :P )
13:49.08warthawgit looks to me like asterisk can understand my bt-101 fine for everything except voicemail, the console shows password entered is ''
13:49.26sivanaMimmus: you should read their docs, but I think you need to compile zaptel first
13:49.31hackeron[TK]D-Fender: it happens for meetme too, isnt extensions.conf probably to blame? --
13:49.34sivanathen recompile it after you run the wanpipe config
13:49.35mutand it's all analog right now?
13:49.37flujanand we want the the less expensive solution to use Asterisk
13:49.39mutthat SUCKS
13:49.47Mimmussivana: wanpipe driver install patches zaptel
13:49.53flujanit's all analog
13:50.04*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
13:50.11flujanwe want digital and we want the less expensive solution
13:50.20mutget those polycom poe phone
13:50.33[TK]D-FenderMimmus : You need to compile zaptel first, then wanpipe, then zaptel AGAIN.
13:50.35flujanmy boss wants me to try firts change the internal communication
13:50.49Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: ah, ok, I remember now... thanks
13:50.52flujanand later on test using the E1 channels
13:51.01flujanonly then we will migrate the entire system...
13:51.09[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : I need to see the extensions.conf part that calls it...
13:51.16sivanaMimmus: isn't that what I just said? :)
13:51.20flujanmut: So, I am here asking for help. :D
13:51.43Mimmussivana: yes yes, thank you again
13:51.44flujanmut we want first make two internal phones communicate throught asterisk
13:51.51*** join/#asterisk amir (n=amir@gentoo/developer/amir)
13:52.04warthawgdoes anyone have voicemail working on openwrt?
13:52.07sivanaMimmus: after you have zaptel/wanpipe installed, then do *
13:52.14hackeron[TK]D-Fender: < its the one you gave me, but I tried with VoicemailMain() too where it would also reject the password
13:52.17sivanaor libpri if you need it
13:52.37flujanmut: then making call using the throught the E1 channels to the world. :P
13:52.39Mimmussivana: do I need to recompile 'full' asterisk to try current CVS for zaptel/libpri?
13:52.48flujanmut: what did you suggest?
13:52.58mutflujan: get those polycom poe phones
13:53.01sivanaMimmus: not sure I understand
13:53.15muti can't believe ya use 3 e1's for 140 phones tho
13:53.19sivanaMimmus: you should have the same version of zaptel, libpri, asterisk
13:53.24muttelemarketing company or something
13:53.39Mimmussivana: I'm having problems with answer detection and I'd like to try current CVS of zaptel/libpri to solve the issue
13:53.52Mimmussivana: I have Asterisk 1.2.1
13:54.00sivanaMimmus: then you should stay with the same version for all
13:54.17flujanmut: thanks
13:54.20Mimmussivana: well, I understand
13:54.22[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : Heres the problem : exten => *98,2,VoicemailMain(${CALLERID(number)$}@default) its the extra $ before }
13:54.42flujanmut: is that correct?
13:54.45sivanaMimmus: if you want to do CVS zaptel/libpri and 1.2.1 asterisk, you run the risk of problems of new functions
13:54.55sivanaor changed code
13:55.19Mimmussivana: ok thanks, I didn't know it, I thought that zaptle/libpri was only 'drivers'
13:55.33sivanaMimmus: they are, but they work together
13:56.04hackeron[TK]D-Fender: what do you? - that looks like what I have in the pastebin
13:56.40mutwhats ya company do flujan?
13:56.59hackeron[TK]D-Fender: oh, I get it, I removed the $ -- but it still saying login incorrect
13:57.00Mimmussivana: does I need "TDMV DCHAN Native HDLC Support" in Sangoma conf?
13:57.02mcquaidmut, were you posting something to me that I missed?
13:57.05[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : you need to remove the extra $.  heres the corrected version : exten => *98,2,VoicemailMain(${CALLERID(number)}@default)
13:57.19mutmcquaid: ya.. still asking for that call dump
13:57.22sivanaMimmus: probably good idea, do you have a PRI?
13:57.26[TK]D-FenderMimmus : Yes, you want that done in hardware.
13:57.39Mimmussivana: yes, E1 PRI in Italy
13:57.43mcquaidah sorry didn't see that one sec
13:58.16hackeron[TK]D-Fender: still says login incorrect :( - I dial the pin, it then waits for a few seconds, then says incorrect. Do I need to dial # after the pin or something because it just waits no matter what I do and then says login incorrect
13:58.37devoideri am having trouble with empty values in the generated CDRs, like an empty "dst" field .. or lastapp, this should never happen .. but it does. any similar problems seen?
13:58.38flujanmut: it's a call center
13:58.56*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
13:58.56tzangerhackeron: turn on debugging and verify that you're seeing the dtmf digits you're pressing
13:58.57hackeron[TK]D-Fender: oh, I'm seeing  Incorrect password '' for user '7662' (context = default)
13:59.07muti guess that'de make sense then
13:59.09hackerontzanger: I'm not, its getting nothing
13:59.10flujanmut: work recruiting candidates to jobs in another companies... ( I hope I made myself clear ... )
13:59.25flujanmut: :)
13:59.32mutfind me a job
13:59.33muti could use one
13:59.40tzangerhackeron: using SIP?
13:59.44hackerontzanger: yes
13:59.45sivanahackeron: do you have inband or rfc selected?
13:59.57tzangerhackeron: using anything but ulaw/alaw?
13:59.57flujanmut: for sure... Where are you from? We just work in Brazil. :D
14:00.08mutusa heh
14:00.15hackeronsivana: on this phone nat=yes, tried on local phones too, didnt work
14:00.24hackeronsivana: I mean I can dial an exntension and it works fine
14:00.28Mimmussivana: have you idea why my asterisk doesn't detect answer with some rare numbers?
14:00.33[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : pastebin your phone def as well
14:00.37hackerontzanger: nope, its ulaw
14:00.37warthawghackeron:  what kind of phone, our problems sound similar
14:00.44tzangerhackeron: sounds like you're either using a compressed voice codec and inband (doesn't work) or you're expecting inband and the phone's sending rfc2833, or vice-versa
14:00.44mutwell maybe if ya find me something lucrative enough i'll move to brazil
14:00.46flujanmut: sorry... :(
14:00.47hackeronwarthawg: GXP-2000
14:01.01muti wouldn't mind moving for a few years
14:01.01sivanaMimmus: no :)
14:01.13mutsince i've never even been out of michigan before it'de be cool
14:01.17hackerontzanger: errr, I can make calls fine, to other phones behind NAT, and the echo test works
14:01.17warthawghackeron: i just solved my problem on grandstream
14:01.20hackerontzanger: and its ulaw
14:01.22flujanmut: for sure
14:01.25hackeronwarthawg: how?
14:01.30mutmcquaid: and the asterisk debug
14:01.39tzangerhackeron: you are not listening
14:01.42sivanahackeron: look in your sip.conf, what do you have for dtmf for that user
14:01.42flujanmut: I will go to irvine next summer! :)
14:01.43chiardonno d channels available.Using primary channel 16 as d channel anyway!What's the issue here?
14:01.43warthawgjust a sec  lstening to messages
14:01.49muti just wanted ya to set verbose 5
14:01.50mcquaidsorry how do i generate that?
14:01.51tzangerhackeron: making calls and echotest do not need dtmf
14:01.57mutand get the dialplan dump
14:02.05[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : We need to confirm your DTMF mode.  just because you can dial does not mean DTMF works while you're IN a call.
14:02.08tzangerhackeron: whatever you have selected for DTMF generation, switch it
14:02.09hackerontzanger: oh?
14:02.19[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : Pastebin your sip.conf
14:02.32sivanahehe and slow down and read :)
14:02.34Mimmusis there anyone on the earth who is able to debug PRI?
14:02.52warthawghackeron:  i went into the grandstream admin console and checked SIP/Info for the DTMF signalling
14:02.57hackeron[TK]D-Fender: I dont have dtmf there, let me just try that quickly
14:03.05tzangerMimmus: yep, what's the trouble
14:03.10MimmusItried also to ask for paid support at Digium but nope
14:03.20[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : "dtmfmode=rfc2833"
14:03.22tzangerMimmus: I find that *very* hard to believe
14:03.37Mimmustzanger: my * doesn't detect answer with some (rare) numbers, especially automatic responders
14:03.41warthawgnow it works, what i dont understand is why it understood extensions and outbound numbers just fine, but not vm password
14:04.00chiardonAre the Asterisk cards made with one of this chips?: *  HFC USB
14:04.04mutman is it more busy than usual this mornin or what
14:04.08Mimmustzanger: it rings indefinitely
14:04.36hackeron[TK]D-Fender: tzanger: warthawg: sivana: kick ass, that worked! - but you're saying if we switch to G726 or G729 it wont work anymore?
14:05.42tzangerMimmus: use pri debug to verify that your telco is sending back an answer.  many automatic responders are on PRIs themselves and do NOT answer the line to save toll charges (you can do this, you only get one-way audio)
14:05.43warthawghackeron:  i am a clueless noobie, i just kept hacking til it worked for me
14:06.31hackeronwarthawg: well, thats what hacking is all about -- going l33t stuff by accident :)
14:06.32tzangerhackeron: you will have DTMF working with any codec if you're using RFC2833.  Inband only works with ulaw/alaw
14:06.38Mimmustzanger: I tried to examine pri debug output but it is too difficult for normal people
14:06.41[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : the voice Codec in this case has nothing to do with how DTMF is passed.
14:06.52tzangerMimmus: just break it down
14:07.06warthawg[TK]D-Fender,   why does it decode dtmf elsewhere (extensions and phone numbers) but not in vm?
14:07.06tzangerwhat i tend to do is copy/paste it and then turn off line wrapping -- that seems to help
14:07.20[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : rfc2833 sends the DTMF *data* outside of teh voice stream and it inserted back in at the ENDPOINT.
14:07.29sivanatzanger: what dtmf do I use for wav?
14:07.30tzangerwarthawg: it's not decoding it.  when you dial iwth a sip phone it's not sending dtmf digits as audio, it's sending a text messgae to the * box with the #
14:07.42warthawgtzanger  ah, thanks
14:07.45Mimmustzanger: I don't understand well the meaning of "break it down".. sorry... my english is bad
14:07.48tzangersivana: seriously, go find a way for me to make piles of money with you rhard work.
14:08.00hackeron[TK]D-Fender: tzanger: what about DTMF via SIP INFO?
14:08.05[TK]D-Fenderwarthawg : because its your PHONE doing the dialing.  it doesn't need sound from its own keypad, you just push buttons!  Once you get to another device however you need to send IT the data somehow.
14:08.06tzangerMimmus: break it down == study it and try to understand the organization of it
14:08.10sivanatzanger: already working on it
14:08.22tzangerhackeron: that will work with compressed voice codecs too
14:08.34hackerontzanger: great, thanks!
14:08.36warthawg[TK]D-Fender, thanks.  who knew telephony was such a black art
14:08.40[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : SIP INFO can work as well, but use rfc2833 is you can.  its a question of what your phone can support.
14:08.53[TK]D-Fenderwarthawg : not that hard really...
14:09.10hackeron[TK]D-Fender: hmm, ok I will, thanks
14:09.14mcquaidmut, here's my dialplan and sip.conf
14:09.19tzangerwarthawg: wait until you play with PRI debugging, zapata echo and oddball hangup detection :-)
14:09.23warthawg[TK]D-Fender, i've learned more stuff about it in the past 3 days than in my entire life
14:09.26mcquaidmut, how do i generate the asterisk debug?
14:09.47mutasterisk -r
14:09.47Mimmustzanger: oh, well... there is a sad "!! < Unknown IE 1562 (len = 6)
14:09.47mutset verbose 5
14:09.47warthawgtzanger   not me!  :)
14:09.47mutthen dial the extension
14:09.47*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
14:09.51mutand a bunch of crap shows
14:09.53tzangerMimmus: ok, don't worry about that just yet but that is important
14:09.54jimbalcombis using rfc2833 instead of SIPinfo generally considered a better way to go?
14:10.30BoRiSgrandstream console?
14:10.40*** part/#asterisk flujan (
14:11.01mcquaidi've been running asterisk as: asterisk -vvvvc, when i try -r i get:
14:11.03Mimmustzanger: not important? ok, well. And "Progress Description: Inband information or appropriate pattern now available. (8) "
14:11.13mcquaidunable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?
14:11.14*** join/#asterisk umay (
14:11.24warthawgBoRis:  ip address of phone
14:11.25mcquaidasterisk is on the same box here
14:11.41Reverendmcquaid, asterisk isn't running, or is trying to close, or locked up
14:11.41BoRiSmcquaid: You need to start asterisk with safe_asterisk script to use asterisk -r
14:12.31warthawgCoolAcid, it is still working
14:12.40warthawgsorry, let me restate that
14:12.45jimbalcombBoRiS I don't believe that is exactly correct.
14:12.46warthawgcoolio, it is still working
14:13.08mcquaidok that worked
14:13.11mcquaiddoesn't list much though
14:13.21jimbalcombwarthawg: whats the scoop on switch the DTMF option?
14:13.49devoideri assume no one ever experienced trouble with his/her CDRs missing values ?!
14:14.11warthawgjimbalcomb,  it works with the phone set to either sip/info or rfc2833
14:14.45Cresl1nmimmus: I just responded to your bugnote
14:14.57*** join/#asterisk konfuzed (
14:15.09BoRiSThats normal
14:15.16*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
14:15.24Cresl1nmimmus: it's not a bug
14:15.26devoiderne is klar
14:15.28mutmcquaid: set verbose 5 then make the call
14:15.30BoRiSThats normal. Try dialing a number or type "sip show channels".
14:15.33mutit should output stuff
14:15.40MimmusCresl1n: I'm seeing... but how is it possible!!!
14:15.44mutmcquaid: type in the console 'set verbose 5'
14:15.45sivanatzanger: you busy on Sat/Sun?
14:15.57[TK]D-Fenderjimbalcomb : Both INFO and rfc2833 work out of band and I guess rate the same.  Its a question of picking on your phone supports.
14:15.58jimbalcombwarthawg: was there something that led you to switching?
14:16.04Cresl1nMimmus: it's pretty simple, some endpoints don't send CONNECT until really late into the call
14:16.20warthawgjimbalcomb:  it didn't work in the default setting
14:16.32MimmusCresl1n: in fact, it is a toll-free number of my telco. And is there no workaround?
14:16.32*** join/#asterisk javar (
14:16.35[TK]D-Fenderjimbalcomb : Sipura devices use INFO, so thats what I pick for them.  Most devices use rfc2833.  Cheap junk uses inband :)
14:16.42jimbalcombwathawg: ok, gotcha.
14:16.47Cresl1nmimmus: some companies (i.e. fedex) let you navigate their entire IVR before they send a connect
14:16.57Cresl1nmimmus: nope, nothing to get around it
14:17.05warthawgjimbalcomb, it started out set to in-audio
14:17.16MimmusCresl1n: but phone rings, I don't hear IVR
14:17.26javarsomebody know, how insert this line, exten => s,n,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=5) ,  on a table for ARA
14:17.31jimbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: ok, i am taking over an Asterisk admin position and am having trouble finding information about 'best practices' and the 'why'
14:17.40Cresl1nMimmus: if phone rings, it doesn't mean it's answered
14:18.00warthawgjimbalcomb,  should be an exciting job :)
14:18.03jimbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: is there reason to go with either given the phone supports both SIP and rfc?
14:18.10konfuzedjimbalcomb: 'why' what
14:18.34cypromiso/w 14
14:18.39MimmusCresl1n: I will be forced to remove my Asterisk!
14:18.49[TK]D-Fenderjimbalcomb : SIP is the general protocol, rfc2833 is a FEATURE describing how DTMF will be passed.
14:18.52jimbalcombwarthawg: yeah, I'm pretty freaked out. Spent the first two weeks restructure the networking and fixing the busted ass VLAN setup. now im dealing with all day long jitter, echo, and dropped call complaints.
14:18.55Cresl1nmimmus: what are you talking about?
14:19.08h3xcreslin: thats some bullshit
14:19.15h3xyou dotn have a 2 way audio path to send them DTMFs
14:19.18h3xuntil they supervise
14:19.23javarsomebody know, how insert this line, exten => s,n,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=5) ,  on a table for ARA
14:19.26MimmusCresl1n: if I have problems like this, surely someone will complain and I will be forced to remove Asterisk!
14:19.29h3xso you cant navigate anything until its fully answered
14:20.21zoah3x, whats the problem ?
14:20.35h3xCresl1n mimmus: some companies (i.e. fedex) let you navigate their entire IVR before they send a connect
14:20.35h3xCresl1n mimmus: nope, nothing to get around it
14:20.42warthawgok, as soon as i can figure out how to get the message indicate to light up on the bt-101, i am going to call this a wrap
14:20.43jimbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: ok, yeah i think i got just wording my question terribly. i was wondering if there is a reason to send DTMF via rfc2833 or SIPinfo?
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14:20.53zoah3x: you mean with early media ?
14:20.54Redfuryhi  all
14:21.02[TK]D-Fenderjimbalcomb : as opposed to inband?
14:21.12RedfuryI have configured Asterisk using Database,
14:21.25Cresl1nmimmus: I don't understand the problem.  You say it's ringing, and you're wondering why it's not reported as being answered...
14:21.34Redfuryand the peers are also picked fromthe db
14:21.54Redfurybut I am getting a Failure to Query the database warning
14:22.15MimmusCresl1n: (my english is very bad, sorry) I hear tone of call proceeding normally, remote IVR doesn't answer
14:22.18Redfurydoes any one have any idea as to what must be wrong..?
14:22.34BoRiSexten => 1,1,Answer() :-p
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14:22.57Cresl1nmimmus: if you hear the tone of call proceeding normally, and remote IVR doesn't answer, why are you expecting it to be in an answered state?
14:22.59jimbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: oh no, i've heard already that inband is sad just wondering which of those two is better, rfc2833 or SIPinfo?
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14:23.35MimmusCresl1n: because Asterisk doen't detect answer, if I use an analog phone, IVR ansers after first ring
14:23.46Reverendmcquaid what kind of info do you want to see?
14:24.00sivanaMimmus: how are you connected to PSTN?
14:24.11Mimmussivana: E1 PRI in Italy
14:24.15Cresl1nMimmus: that basically means you want to use your shiney new PRI as an analog line
14:24.31Cresl1nMimmus: kind of defeats the point of half of what people use PRIs for
14:24.31mcquaidReverend, mut wanted to see asterisk debug when I receive a call from my voip provider
14:24.56MimmusCresl1n: and what is the correct behaviour?
14:24.59Cresl1nMimmus: if so, that's simple, just do what BorIS said and do an Answer() on your line
14:25.11sivanaCresl1n: he's saying that when he uses the PRI, it doesn't detect the remote answer, but when he uses an analog on the same number, it answers
14:25.12Cresl1nMimmus: the correct behavior is how it is behaving
14:25.22Cresl1nsivana: that's wrong
14:25.31[TK]D-Fenderjimbalcomb : Equal.  there are multiple forms available because not every device supports either one.  Sipura devices don't seem to support rfc2833.  Since they use AVT & INFO, I chose INFO for my * side.  And things just work.  I don't believe ther is a "better" aspect of it
14:25.36Cresl1nsivana: that maybe what he's saying, but the problem is wrong
14:25.46tzangerh3x: how can you navigate their IVR without them answering?  You could receive their audio but you shouldn't be able to send anything (even keypad IEs) I thought
14:25.54konfuzedCresl1n: Mimmus is bummed that he can only get to the IVR when using the analog phone. When using other phones the IVR never picks up
14:26.03MimmusCresl1n: but it doesn't work! I don't understand :(
14:26.17sivanaMimmus: re-explain the problem
14:26.35Cresl1nMimmus: you're going to have to start over
14:26.43mutmcquaid: you sure thats not your voicemail system hanging up the call?
14:26.47Mimmussivana: my english is really a problem... sorry... konfuzed explained better
14:26.55konfuzedMimmus: also confirm if what I said is right or wrong or partly correct
14:27.20sivanabut I'm confused with phones then... * isn't a phone
14:27.49Mimmusphones connected to *
14:27.56Cresl1nMimmus: so tell me more about what konfuzed said
14:27.57mcquaidhmm, don't see how voicemail would be interferring
14:28.21RedfuryHey Anybody has answer to my problem in configuring asterisk with the database...
14:28.22jimbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: ok, that is exactly my wondering. thanks.
14:28.24Mimmusboth directly connected VoIP phones and analog phones connected to a legacy PBX downstream
14:28.27mcquaidmut, as i shown in my post, i took my local sip phone out of the equation and just tried to have asterisk play monkeys
14:28.33mcquaidit says it is but i hear nothing
14:29.08mutthe phone isn't behind a nat is it?
14:29.28MimmusCresl1n: I'm calling a toll-free number by my shiny VoIP phone connected to * and it never ansers
14:29.29mcquaidyes the phone and the asterisk box are both behind a nat
14:29.44mcquaidthe sip phone that is
14:30.01mutnothing inbetween tho?
14:30.08mcquaidbut as i mentioned, if i set up the sip phone to directly connect to my voip provider, i can make and receive calls
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14:30.23Cresl1nso you have a call from (VoIP phone) -> (Asterisk) -> (PRI-to-PSTN)?
14:30.24MimmusCresl1n: if I use a plain, old analog phone, remote IVR answers after 1 ring
14:30.34mcquaidand i don't need to enable stun or nat for them to work, just set up the outbound proxy
14:30.38MimmusCresl1n: exactly
14:31.10sivanaMimmus: you don't get something like -- Zap/21-1 answered SIP/VOC0081-2-2a57   in your * CLI?
14:31.13Cresl1nMimmus: and with (analog phone) -> (Asterisk) -> (PRI-to-PSTN) it works?
14:31.51MimmusCresl1n: no, I need to use a phone connected to a completely different line (no Asterisk in the path)
14:32.10Cresl1nMimmus: Ah.... that's interesting
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14:32.17mcquaidmut, would the debug of a working call (i.e. when i call my landline) help?
14:32.28Mimmussivana: no, I'm getting "    -- Zap/13-1 is proceeding passing it to SIP/232-6699"
14:32.37Mimmussivana: and "-- Zap/13-1 is making progress passing it to SIP/232-6699"
14:32.44mutit's more than likely some kinda nat problem i'de imagine
14:32.55mutcouldn't tell ya for sure tho
14:33.01Cresl1nMimmus: this maybe unrelated, but what version of asterisk/libpri are you running?
14:33.17MimmusCresl1n: Asterisk 1.2.1, now I'm downloading latest CVS
14:33.29mcquaidhmm, i'm sure it is, but with outbound proxy in the sip clients on their own, incoming/outgoing work
14:33.48mcquaidwithout nat or stun, so i was hoping if they can do it, asterisk should be able to as well
14:34.07mcquaidtried to find documentation on outboundproxy and outboundproxyport but it's thin
14:34.28mcquaidonly found info on most features being promoted to chan_sip from chan_sip2 last year
14:34.56mcquaidi also wondered if this would be a situation where siproxd would help
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14:35.30sivanaMimmus: does the asterisk and libpri version the same, right now?
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14:36.29Mimmussivana: until now, I'm using plain Asterisk 1.2.1
14:38.52mcquaidmut, i emailed olaf as he worked on outboundproxy, hoping he'd might want to get outbound proxy working as well as it does in sip clients on their own
14:39.25mcquaidbut haven't heard from him yet, i tried the asterisk-users forum as well
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14:39.38mcquaidmaybe i shoudl send this to the devel list...
14:40.15konfuzedok so mimmus' analog phone is the out side line which works fine calling into his 1800-DID number. But when picking up the VoIP Phone on his LAN, dialing the 1800-DID just keeps ringing.  Mimmus, if you just pick up your voip phone and punch in only an extension for another voip phone (plugged in or not plugged in) or dial 0, then does the IVR pickup
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14:41.28Mimmuskonfuzed: no no, to call this toll-free IVR I need to bypass Asterisk and use an old phone with a different line
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14:41.41konfuzedMimmus: right
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14:41.52Mimmuskonfuzed: problem is in Asterisk not detecting remote answer
14:41.58Cresl1nMimmus: have you tried taking out the 'r' flag in your dial, and see if you hear anything?
14:42.06Kattyhi lads.
14:42.38konfuzedMimmus: with the voip phone on your LAN can you get the IVR to pickup by calling an extension?
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14:43.19MimmusCresl1n: no, I will try in a moment
14:43.31ariel_hello everyone
14:43.35Kattyhewwo ariel_
14:43.47Mimmuskonfuzed: IVR is a PSTN number!
14:43.59ariel_Katty, hope your day will be great
14:44.05Kattyariel_: thanks, yours too :>
14:45.13devoiderendlich darf auch horst ins netz .. :o
14:45.27devoideroh wrogn # ;)
14:45.30zoaaaaarghl, im goin crazy here
14:45.32MimmusCresl1n: I already have 'r', I'm using 'TrwW'
14:45.33devoidererr wrong
14:45.46Cresl1nMimmus: take out the r
14:46.51MimmusCresl1n: ok, immediately
14:47.11konfuzedMimmus: [09:16:26] <Mimmus> Cresl1n: in fact, it is a toll-free number of my telco. And is there no workaround? - where did this toll free number come from? is that your DID setup on your asterisk box or what ??
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14:47.42konfuzedthe removing r it was then
14:48.03konfuzedMimmus: still curious though, whats up with the toll free number
14:48.20MimmusCan I offer a pizza+beer to Cresl1n?
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14:49.10Cresl1nMimmus: heh, I can never turn down free food :-)
14:49.14Kattybeer :<
14:49.18Kattyless beer, more hugs.
14:49.21Kattythat's my moto.
14:49.31jimbalcombthats gross
14:49.31Kattyor possibly  motto...never can remember.
14:49.33Cresl1nKatty: mine too :-)
14:49.39MimmusCresl1n: but it would be a real italian pizza
14:49.52santoshri want to test dialing a remote sip server.. i found a list of public sip servers . how can one make a call to that
14:50.01konfuzedCresl1n: I cen get you greyhound bus tickets to go pick up your pizza
14:50.17jimbalcombsame day air shipping via UPS global
14:50.43jimbalcombit'd be the best $300 pizza you ever had
14:50.53konfuzedMimmus: still curious though, whats up with the toll free number
14:51.31Mimmuskonfuzed: what's the meaning of "whats up"?
14:51.47KattyMimmus: it's a basic greeting
14:51.49warthawgque tal
14:51.51santoshr<<  >> wwere a public sip server which says it does not require a registration.. how should i send a call t here
14:51.59warthawghey, vato, que paso
14:52.00Mimmusjimbalcomb: if I'm able to call UPS toll-free number now...
14:52.02KattyMimmus: the lazy How Are You, routine.
14:52.12konfuzedand a direct inquiry of what is happening with
14:52.26Kattypersonally i find it annoying
14:52.30Cresl1nMimmus: mmm.... I've never had italian pizza
14:52.39Cresl1nwhat's the difference?
14:52.47BeHappy_Cresl1n, dont get it in tuscany, if you want an advice :)
14:52.58Mimmuskonfuzed: clearly toll-free doesnt' answer if you supply a ringtone ('r')
14:52.58Cresl1nkonfuzed: heh, you're funny
14:52.59konfuzedwhat is up with the toll-free number you mentioned earlier. is it yours or in use some how ? Why was it mentioned
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14:53.24santoshrguys.. can some one give me some ideas please.
14:53.24MimmusCresl1n: pizza was born in Italy (Naples)!
14:53.47MimmusCresl1n: in USA you eat a surrogate!
14:53.51sivanaCresl1n: was the r causing * to ignore the other end?
14:53.57konfuzedMimmus: whos toll free number is it? yours or somebody elses?
14:54.08konfuzedis it a did on yout asterisk box
14:54.12Mimmuskonfuzed: somebody else, my telco
14:54.14Cresl1nsivana: basically
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14:54.34slak-hi, how can i tell which codec my sip connection is using
14:54.59Cresl1nsivana: The other end's IVR was starting before it sent the CONNECT, and with the r flag, asterisk sends locally generated ringback until the CONNECT message is received
14:55.00slak-im having a conference here using MeetMe and would like to make sure that i have enough bandwidth to support 5 partries
14:55.13Mimmussivana: yes
14:55.38Cresl1nsivana: ere go... it overrode the audio that the other end was sending
14:55.42konfuzedok good note on the machincations of the r flag
14:55.46santoshrhow to dial out a public sip server.
14:56.13sivanaI see
14:56.49konfuzedMimmus: do you have Local phone numbers as DID for incoming or just PSTn as in incoming phone number?
14:56.51MimmusCresl1n: very sad... 2 weeks for this...
14:57.07Mimmuskonfuzed: why this question?
14:57.31konfuzedto understand your layout
14:57.54MimmusCresl1n: just because I lazily cut&paste dialing options
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14:58.26Cresl1nMimmus: heh, you know what they say... you spend 90% of the time on 10% of  the problems
14:58.34konfuzedI have trouble with being left an incomplete picture because it is too KonFuZing
14:59.00MimmusCresl1n: beh, now it's time to go. Thank you again to this channel and especially to you, Cresl1n
14:59.12Cresl1nMimmus: no prob, good luck! :-)
14:59.24Mimmuswe are aplanning to replace two legacy Alcatel PBX (for 200 users in two sites)
14:59.26konfuzedthe same problem I have with how answered quetions can be like unsolved mysteries even when no longer such a big deal
14:59.30Mimmusand I have much to do
14:59.31konfuzedkinda like X-Files
14:59.37warthawgcan anyone tell me how to get message waiting indicator working on grandstream phone?
14:59.45slak-how does g726 compare to ulaw?
14:59.50slak-whats the bandwidth difference
15:00.01Cresl1nslak-: that's totally google'able
15:00.11{zombie}warthawg: there's no trick, just make sure you have the appropriate mailbox= statement in your sip.conf
15:00.11slak-okay well i guess its totally askable aswell has a bandwidth calculator
15:00.41{zombie}and make sure you are either putting your mailboxes under the [default] context in voicemail.conf, or specifying the context in your mailbox=
15:00.57trixteras far as bandwidth consumed there are variables.  sample size, trunking or no, ATM framing or no, pppoe?
15:01.27warthawg{zombie}  ok, thanks
15:01.29slak-which codec is ulaw...g7xx?
15:01.30konfuzedMimmus: So, do you have any DID's configured
15:01.49brad_msswslak-: g711
15:02.04Mimmuskonfuzed: yes
15:02.51konfuzedis that just a toll-free DID or local numbers too
15:03.34Mimmuskonfuzed: noooooo! It's a public number, not mine!
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15:04.29konfuzedi presume you mean the Toll-free vs local numbers and so that would complete the layout picture quite nicely. at least for me anyway
15:05.00Mimmuskonfuzed: ok, see you tomorrow, thanks
15:05.23konfuzedalways good to have a complete picture if possibly eh
15:05.26Ahrimanesanyone successfully get leds on snom phones to turn on and off from asterisk?
15:05.57malverian[work]Ahrimanes, Yes.
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15:06.33Ahrimanesmalverian[work]: hm have a dialplan example for that?
15:06.53[TK]D-Fendermalverian[work]  : how's that scheduler coming along
15:07.09[TK]D-FenderAhrimanes : exten => 1000,hint,SIP/1000
15:07.27[TK]D-FenderAhrimanes : exten => 1000,1,Dial(SIP/1000,20)
15:08.11Ahrimanes[TK]D-Fender: well, i have an agi application that adds/removes a phone from a queue and i'd like it to toggle the led light on the button i press to launch the script..
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15:08.55Ahrimanes[TK]D-Fender: so i set the button as a destination for 1000 right?
15:10.11[TK]D-FenderUmm, that you CAN'T do yet.  SIP Presence only works for devicestate, not just anything.
15:10.43Kattythat does not parse.
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15:11.08[TK]D-Fender  #6
15:11.25jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: Wouldn't sending DTMF as SIP INFO rather than RTP (rfc2833) essential be more reliable due to TCP rather than TCP?
15:11.31Katty[TK]D-Fender: don't do that.
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15:11.33[TK]D-FenderTypically used for over-presenting onesself
15:11.38Katty[TK]D-Fender: just be yourself.
15:11.44Katty[TK]D-Fender: like file.
15:11.46Ahrimanes[TK]D-Fender: hm not sure it qualifies as presence.. just toggling the led on a snom
15:11.59fileAsterisk doesn't use TCP for SIP
15:12.06[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : last I checked All of SIP & RTP were UDP....
15:12.15jbalcombfile ah
15:12.23[TK]D-FenderAhrimanes : Not sure if there's a way to toggle them with direct header info....
15:12.48jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: ah, hrmm.. how i can to that i dont know but i though it did. too many damn web pages with too many guessed at opinions..
15:12.54Ahrimanes[TK]D-Fender: well using devstate i have led in button 5 on my snom190 permanently on now.. but cant get it to turn off, hehe
15:13.31jbalcombAhrimanes perhaps poking it with a hot solder iron?
15:13.39[TK]D-FenderAhrimanes : reboot the phone.  Also keep in mind * wipes presences data every time you do "reload" in CLI
15:14.17Ahrimanes[TK]D-Fender: i pulled the power on the phone and did reload in cli and led is still on.. persistent bugger
15:14.28Ahrimanesjbalcomb: customer probably would not agree with that
15:14.37jbalcombAhrimanes: do you like that snom phone? if so, which modem and how much $$$?
15:14.55jbalcombAhrimanes: hrmm.. perhaps. just tell them its a built in incense burner
15:15.07Ahrimanesjbalcomb: i rather like it yes.. costs around $150 i guess.. only know the price in danish currency..
15:15.20[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Think Polycom ;)
15:15.58jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender haha.. yeah, we have several sipura, one polycom, and 100+ grandstreams
15:16.23jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender i don like the polycom so much yet
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15:17.18[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Which model, and what aspects of it?
15:18.32jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender not sure on the model. its too quiet. i have heard good things about them though and we do only have one.
15:18.53jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender additionally its in the computer room so its not getting used much
15:19.26jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender do you like the polycoms? a particular model?
15:20.17[TK]D-FenderI'm running an all-Polycom setup (26 x IP600, 1 x IP601).  Volumes are fine.  Is the the default volume thats a problem or the max being too low?
15:20.50[TK]D-FenderHow many line keys on yours? 6 little ones = IP60x, 3 big = IP50x, 2 small = IP30x
15:22.00fugitivois any way to have callprogress with sip?
15:25.19devoiderdammit ... wrong # once again
15:25.25Cresl1nfugitivo: like inband progress?
15:25.33devoiderill check back beeing more awake .. maybe tommorow :)
15:26.02fugitivoCresl1n: tone detection, answering machine, fax, busy, congestion, etc
15:26.17Cresl1nfugitivo: nope
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15:26.23fugitivono way to do that?
15:26.44Cresl1nfugitivo: have you ever used the zap callprogress code?
15:26.54fugitivono, can't use it in my country
15:26.55Cresl1nfugitivo: it's not too great
15:27.06Cresl1nfugitivo: so in essence, the answer is no
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15:27.19fugitivousing some kind of hack with backgrounddetect?
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15:27.31hackeroncan someone recommend a VoIP provider for backup that has unlimited data paths (or at least 8) on a pay as you go? (we are using teliax for main)
15:27.38Cresl1nfugitivo: with a LOT of hack
15:28.47coppiceIts really bad when the product has reached 1.2 and can't do simple tone detection :-)
15:29.01Cresl1ncoppice: hehe
15:29.13Cresl1ncoppice: good morning ot you too :-)
15:30.00Cresl1ncoppice: after all, it's ONLY simple tone detection, right? :-D
15:30.27coppiceit is. its pathetic that the software can't go a reasonable job
15:30.45Cresl1ncoppice: should only take five or ten minutes, just write a quick FFT algorithm, put a little glue in there, and wahlah!
15:31.07coppiceFFT is not the right starting point
15:32.33konfuzedcoppice: perhaps you can get the code together by the end of the day ;^)
15:32.36fugitivoa have a document from a provider describing each tone, who wants to code it? :)
15:32.37bkw_Cresl1n, thats a problem... many things in asterisk are done half ass and never gone back over and fixed correctly
15:33.08coppicekonfuzed: my code is GPL, so it cannot go into *
15:33.17Cresl1nbkw_: so we can either troll about it, or we can do something about it.....
15:33.44bkw_Cresl1n, I'm not trolling i'm just stating fact
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15:34.29konfuzedcoppice: well if you wrote GPL then asterisk could borrow it as free inclusion with *
15:34.31mog_workmmmm trolls
15:34.34coppiceCres11n: what's the point of doing something, when updates just sit and rot?
15:34.38bkw_konfuzed, WRONG
15:34.59Cresl1ncoppice: yeah, sorry about that.  We're working on getting better with that
15:35.03fugitivocoppice: did you code unicall?
15:35.07mog_workbrian why dont you help anthm and stop trolling....
15:35.13tzangerbkw_: well not exactly wrong...  the GPL version of asterisk could use it without problem.  but ABE and any of the commercial licensed versionsof * could not
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15:35.22bkw_it can't be in CVS at all
15:35.35mog_workesp as we dont do cvs
15:35.38tzangerbkw_: ?  why not?
15:35.39coppiceCres11n: its not just my stuff. *many* people complain their stuff ends up rotting. it seems to be the normal thing
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15:35.56tzangerGPL does not restrict where or what it is stored with, ONLY distribution
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15:36.02coppicefugitivo: unicall is mine
15:36.09mog_workit was 1.2 , look at how many bugs we are going through this month
15:36.10fugitivocoppice: nice work :)
15:36.13Cresl1ncoppice: yeah, we're realizing that and trying to work better to alliviate the problem
15:36.13anthmwho's that clip clapping on my bridge!
15:36.40konfuzedmmmm had a little chat last week or so (forget where) that basically confirmed you can take GPL code and close it as long as the source is 'offered' for free.
15:36.45mog_worki was just telling brian to not troll and actually get some work done with you anthm
15:36.46Cresl1ncoppice: it's a concern that we're becoming more and more aware of
15:36.53bkw_konfuzed, WRONG
15:37.02tzangerkonfuzed: well technically you're not closing it then, are you?
15:37.25mog_workyeah there are sketch people out there like that router guy
15:37.27konfuzedwell then I hope that conversation was here so that I dont have to go and correct some debian programmers or something like that
15:37.29mog_worksveasoft or whatever
15:37.36bkw_mog_work, anthm and I have done more for the asterisk code base than most people in the community
15:37.44mog_workno one is saying you havent
15:37.48konfuzedtzanger: well you can sell the binary
15:37.53mog_workbut you guys arent now, and some of us have work to do
15:38.00anthmumm hi
15:38.02tzangerbkw_: I don't think anyone is denying you that.  You and anthm are very, very good at this stuff
15:38.04anthmi have patches in there still
15:38.06fugitivohere we go again
15:38.07konfuzedas long as "Offering" the code as opposed to including the code
15:38.15coppicethis is truly amazing. dell normally rip off asians, but their new 30" LCD seems to be cheaper here than in the US :-\
15:38.20mog_worki know anthm, i guess my comment was more directed at bkw_
15:38.26tzangerkonfuzed: yes of course you can sell GPL binaries, but you must make the source available for free to anyone you distribute the binaries to.  that's the entire point of the GPL
15:38.34anthmwell to bring the conversation full circile
15:38.46anthmi was waiting for them to close to ever add any more
15:38.51anthmand it's been 8 months =D
15:38.56Cresl1nO. M. G. here we go again
15:39.01anthms'all i'm sayin'
15:39.04fugitivoCresl1n: :)
15:39.09konfuzedso why cant asterisk integrate some GPL pieces and make the code for those mods available
15:39.23mog_workhey i got a crazy idea, instead of complaining about old bugs
15:39.24bkw_konfuzed, because the code base can't be tainted
15:39.26mog_worklets go fix em
15:39.34mog_worki mean 242
15:39.38mog_workwe can work it down
15:39.40BoRiS'Ya'll jacked up and sheeeeeeeeet'
15:39.40bkw_if the asterisk codebase is tainted with pure GPL code then ABE and dual lic. wouldn't be possible.. along with g729
15:39.41coppiceI love this policy about "feature requests" If they can eb ignored for a few weeks, they get deleted. great scheme, that one
15:39.43tzangerkonfuzed: because ABE and the commercially-licensed copies of * cannot have that code in them, because the GPL parts "infect" the closed-source parts since they're linked
15:39.47konfuzedhm Id say that depends on perspective (more so from the programmers than mince of course)
15:39.49fugitivomog_work: yeah! callprogress for sip!
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15:40.48Cresl1ncoppice: I don't know if the "feature request" mechanism on the bug tracker is the right place for a lot of that stuff
15:40.51mog_worki thought sip had callprogress?
15:40.52zoacoppice, they dont even sell those in belgium yet :(
15:41.21coppicezoa: they don't ship until the 16th here
15:41.22fugitivomog_work: really? can i detect an answering machine, busy, congestion, etc?
15:41.31zoaits not on the sites
15:41.38mog_workbusy and congestion work with sip
15:41.50mog_workand there is a patch for generic answering machine detection
15:42.02Cresl1ncoppice: what's to motivate people to work on feature requests anyway... so if nobody want to work on it (i.e. not enough demand) they sit there and rot
15:42.18bkw_Cresl1n, just like patches
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15:42.29anthmi'm not bitching or anything and in fact i'll even tell you one more time for the record since you guys just said you were trying to fix the problem.  The issue lies with the whole idea where you burden the developer by making him guess how you guys want the code to be then sending it back for recoding after the fact instead of just spending 20 min to describe it the way you would like it to be ahead of time
15:42.29bkw_patch rot is the biggest killer of new features
15:42.34tzangerbkw_: do you not agree that Digium's gotten a LOT better with that in the last 3 months?
15:42.45tzangernobody is denying that it was very bad in the past
15:42.46Cresl1nbkw_: hey man, we're trying to get better at that
15:42.52coppicetzanger: no. it has got worse
15:43.08tzangerhowever Digium's taken steps to improve that.  If you can't at least admit that it's moving better (not perfect yet of course) then you're a lost cause.
15:43.12tzangercoppice: really?
15:43.16anthmalso small changes should just be done by the guy committing it and not bother sending it back for minimal alterations
15:43.28coppicetzanger: they seem to be casting into stone the things that were just vaguely wrong before
15:43.47zoai think there is a lack of interest from normal users
15:43.53zoathey are fast to send emails like make me this
15:44.03zoaand then you make it and nobody ever tests it
15:44.08konfuzedhhmmm theres always more than one way to do things. Perhaps an GPL project for the Tone Detection that end users can easily grab on their own seperately via ftp or cut and paste or something ;^)
15:44.26konfuzedit could have its own web page
15:44.36bkw_konfuzed, if you even think about offering up code without disclaiming it to digium you get yelled at and called all kinds of names.
15:44.51bkw_I have personally had first hand exp. with that.
15:44.57mog_workanalog tone detection is never gonna be awesome, its really hard and needs real dev.
15:45.00Cresl1nor somebody writes something that doesn't really belong in the public repository (for whatever reason) and they think that just because it went up there it should go in
15:45.14coppicemog_work: rubbish
15:45.24konfuzedi would say go ahead and disclaim that GPL code to digium
15:45.26bkw_Asterisk does too much as it is... It can't do any one thing very well.
15:45.27tzangercoppice: ?  casting into stone the things that were just vaguely wrong?
15:45.33bkw_konfuzed, NO
15:45.58coppicetzanger: instead of just doing things badly, they now seem to be firm policies
15:46.01Cresl1nbkw_: that's obviously incorrect logic
15:46.04anthmnaturally you are going to have daftly written patches but take coppice for instance trying to give you guys t38 for goodness sake and it's being nitpicked to death...
15:46.08konfuzedbkw_: obviously im missing something
15:46.20mog_workhey brian, i mean you are angry at asterisk and us, why do you even come in here?
15:46.22konfuzedit comes from not being a programmer my self
15:46.34sivanaI think we should just convert it all to win32 with wav
15:46.59tzangercoppice: I'm gonna convert you to win32 with wav
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15:47.19Cresl1nanthm: we don't put hardly anything in without nitpicking, stuff that I put in even is nit-picked
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15:47.26Cresl1nanthm: it's called peer review
15:47.32bkw_Cresl1n, but you guys totally nit-pick the wrong thing
15:47.35coppicetzanger: wav is perfectly good, as long as it isn't running on win32
15:47.44nguyepany1 use asterisk to connect to sunrocket?
15:47.56tzangernguyep: not me
15:48.30coppiceCres11n: if you had a lovely pristine codebase people might think nitpicking was OK. As it is.......
15:48.47Cresl1ncoppice: it has to get there somehow
15:48.59bkw_it should have been done right in the first place
15:49.01anthmpoints of view are easily skewed to help prove a point I suggest you go peer review the code already in there with the same scrutiny I bet you would reject just about every channel driver =D
15:49.04Cresl1ncoppice: so we can either try to make it better, or we could be apathetic
15:49.19tzangerbkw_: should've and could've are irrellavent.  I don't see openpbx as doing things the right way right out of the gate either
15:49.39bkw_tzanger, As you can tell I don't work on OpenPBX .. never really have.
15:50.03Cresl1ncoppice: but we realize that there are some problems with how things are done right now, and we'd like to try to make them better
15:50.11tzangerbkw_: actually I didn't know that, you were one of the biggest drivers behind it if memory serves (It often does not though)
15:50.20bkw_yes but I didn't code on it :P
15:50.24Cresl1ncoppice: so obviously, if you have suggestions for how to do so, then we would like to try to use them
15:50.33mog_workbkw seems to pop up quite a bit.....
15:50.35bkw_mog_work, cutting fat away isn't coding
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15:51.08bkw_Asterisk has so much fat it needs to be put on a diet :P
15:51.20konfuzedperhaps some one can confirm for me which OpenSource license it is that * is available under
15:51.29mog_workbig is beautiful ^_^
15:51.32sivanakonfuzed: it's dual licensed
15:51.37mog_workasterisk is GPL
15:51.45mog_workand is available for other licensing from digium
15:51.48Cresl1nbkw_: so you say that on one side, then you talk about the time that it take to get new feature patches in on the other... hrm.. makes a LOT of sense
15:51.49coppiceexcept when it isn't
15:51.53fugitivogpl2 sucks
15:51.57konfuzedhold on
15:52.07BoRiSwait for gpl revision 3
15:52.11BoRiScoming up soon
15:52.16fugitivoit'll suck
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15:52.17Beirdomeh, whatever
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15:52.50konfuzedif asterisk is available under GPL then whats wrong with someone else making a GPL tone detector or anythign else?
15:52.57mog_workyou coukld
15:53.13mog_workbut it wont be put into the main tree with out disclaiming
15:53.30sivanakonfuzed: disclaiming means that Digium can use it as they see fit
15:53.38bkw_aka sell it in ABE
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15:53.39anthmthe distro cannot contain anything they cannot completely sell to someone or it would invalidate the existing agreements
15:53.43konfuzedso does GPL doesnt it
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15:53.53coppicekonfuzed: * has no plug in type of scheme. anything external plays endless catchup
15:53.55Cresl1nbkw_: so what's wrong with that?
15:54.00sachsehi all
15:54.07Cresl1nbkw_: is it wrong for you to make money off of using Asterisk in your ITSP?
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15:54.14fugitivowhy not making a new snv or cvs tree with only 100% GPL code?
15:54.16james`My CID if i called another extention is correct, but if i call a context i have setup the CID always is "device" can any one shead some light on this?
15:54.25rainkidhow do you get the caller id of an incoming call?
15:54.33bkw_Cresl1n, Nope not at all.
15:54.42sachsehas some1 experience with asterisk and freenet in germany?
15:54.43Cresl1nbkw_: maybe you should be a little more fair with how you think
15:54.52anthmyou should not bother argueing moot points I am happy to hear them say they know there is a problem so I am gonna see what becomes of that before I dig up any more code.
15:55.52tzangerrainkid: ${CALLERID(all)} or variants.  "show function CALLERID"
15:56.56anthmbtw where is my svn branch did i get one?
15:57.18konfuzedok so makie it an external patch project that can then only be had manually by system operators . do at your own risk, unsupported and not in the main tree
15:57.34Cresl1nanthm: I didn't think we were under the impression that you wanted anything to do with asterisk anymore
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15:57.56anthmwhat a waste that would be i can practicly recite the api calls
15:58.16sivanacan I get one too, an svn branch, for my c# conversion
15:58.36sachseproblem: freenet asterisk 1.0.9 gentoo kernel 2.6.12-r6: outgoing calls works, incomming not. sipgate work in both directions. help?!
15:58.40Cresl1nand one for my J++ conversion too :-)
15:58.44coppicesivana: c# conversion? is this a religious thing? :-)
15:58.49rainkidthank s
15:59.05BoRiSc#=scary, j+=Very Nasty
15:59.09*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
16:00.01anthmI mean should I spend 2 years making asterisk do all this stuff then not use it or anything?
16:00.02Uther_Pwhat was wrong with C++ that ms had to go and screw it up?
16:00.17Uther_P(not there needs to be a specific reason for ms to screw something up)
16:00.18BoRiSc++ is good
16:00.26tzangeracutally I have heard from many people that C# is quite nice
16:00.29tzangerI've never used it myself
16:00.40MRH2hi does the zaptel echo can only work for the external  connected part of the call? SO you would still get echo on the asterisk side?
16:00.51coppiceC++ is so nasty, it would be hard for MS to actually wreck it :-)
16:01.02tzangerI like plain old C
16:01.03anthmI like C+0
16:01.04Cresl1nMRH2: it depends on how long the the echo tail is
16:01.06jbalcombMRH2: I believe so. Zapatel is just the Telco side
16:01.06tzangerpicking up python
16:01.22Cresl1nMRH2: generally it should only need to do it for the call side
16:01.23BoRiSI prefer C-3 (Cubed) :-p
16:01.28rkiokohi guys
16:01.31jbalcombQBASIC is best
16:01.41Uther_Pqb45 rocks
16:01.43lunkgorllas.bas = best game on the planet
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16:01.45BoRiSI actually Bought the Qbasic 4.5 box
16:01.46jbalcombdamn right
16:01.49tzangerlunk: hahaha
16:02.03Uther_Pdont forget nibbles.bas
16:02.10jbalcombhaha.. i remember gorillas from my first programming class in highschool
16:02.11BoRiSand that wonder PC speaker music
16:02.14coppiceMRH2: its the other way round.
16:02.16lunki chuck exploding bananas at little worms
16:02.25anthmI heard locksmith 2.0 is out now you can copy floppy disks.
16:02.40Uther_Pno way!
16:02.42lunkanthm: scotch tape has been around for years!
16:02.52PoWeRKiLLsomeone know about this error Jan 12 17:03:20 WARNING[9904]: chan_iax2.c:3732 iax2_trunk_queue: Maximum trunk data space exceeded to  ?
16:03.10coppicelunk: many countries have had similar tape for just as long
16:03.16tzangerPoWeRKiLL: you filled up your iax2 trunk
16:03.19tzangerhow many simultaneous calls?
16:03.34MRH2so echo can is for the person connected to the zaptel card only?
16:03.37Uther_Pespecially the scottish
16:03.45anthmthe cheater answer is to turn up the constants of max trunk space
16:03.56anthmat the top of chan_iax.c
16:04.16Uther_PMRH2: echo can wouldn't serve any purpose to anything but whats connected to the zaptel
16:04.32Uther_PMRH2:  voip isn't going to echo its packets :)
16:04.53Uther_Psidetone is a bitch
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16:05.11MRH2yes it certainly is
16:05.33PoWeRKiLLtzanger how I did that ?
16:05.41oli1234hello, ihave certain problems to load sipusers form a mysql table... is there anybody who could help me?
16:05.41coppiceMRH2: if you use a digital card, there will be no echo back to the caller. if you use an analogue card * cannot cancel the echo it causes, but it shouldn't really matter. the important thing is audio from an IP phone should not be reflected back to that phone. that is what will sound bad
16:05.43tzangerPoWeRKiLL: how many simultaneous calls were you trying to push through the trunk?
16:05.45MRH2wondering if it would be too long an echo to loop voip calls through zap? or even if it would be a good idea?
16:06.13tzangerMRH2: PRIs and CAS T1/E1s do not GENERATE echo.  Hoewver you can still GET echo on them
16:06.16PoWeRKiLLtzanger : usually I have 10 calls
16:06.25tzangerwhat codec?
16:06.41anthmlike i said turn up the constants
16:06.45PoWeRKiLLnow when 1 calls arrive i got this error
16:06.46Uther_Pvoip loopback across 15 hops == perfect guitar reverb
16:06.47anthmthey are very liberal
16:06.56tzangerUther_P: :-)
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16:07.04tzangeranthm: you mean conservative?
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16:07.19anthmi suppose i do
16:07.24coppiceUther_P: if you don't mind a 3.5kHz limited guitar :-)
16:07.43tzangercoppice: depends on the tune :-)
16:07.55oli1234I have certain problems to load sipusers form a mysql table... is there anybody who could help me? --> just contact me in private thx in advance
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16:08.14Uther_Pcoppice: sum it back to the original tone
16:08.24Uther_Pheh, pull it out of phase too
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16:09.17PoWeRKiLLtzanger any idea ?
16:09.39coppiceisn't it sad that after nearly 20 years of ISDN, which was supposed to bring us wideband voice, we still use narrow band for almost all VoIP?
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16:10.13sivanacoppice: why is that
16:10.13zukzukhey guys. does anybody, by chance, know a way to work around this problem: ?
16:10.19zukzuki'm experiencing the exact same thing
16:10.35tzangerPoWeRKiLL: did you listen to anthm
16:10.44MimmusI forgot nickname of a really valid guy who helped me a few minutes ago about a toll-free number not responding.... can anyone help me?
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16:10.55sivanaMimmus: Cresl1n
16:11.02Mimmusok, thanks
16:11.14PoWeRKiLLthanks anthm :)
16:11.22Uther_Pa really 'valid' guy
16:11.32anthm#define DEFAULT_TRUNKDATA   640 * 10
16:11.32anthm#define MAX_TRUNKDATA       640 * 200
16:11.40coppicesivana: because people tolerate any old crap, I guess. people like Skype, yet don't scream for wideband elsewhere
16:11.48anthmcrank those and recompile
16:11.53anthmnote it's a band aid
16:12.13sivanacoppice: who does wideband right now?
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16:12.41PoWeRKiLLanthm i have to change this #define TRUNK_CALL_START        0x4000 ?
16:12.50anthmi just pasted the 2
16:12.56coppiceskype is the only major user. a number of UMTS users have wideband - if they call another suitable UMTS user
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16:13.09DorphalsigI have an E1 link and a TE400 card, every few hours * issues this warning: No D-Channels found. Using Primary on channel 16 anyway
16:13.20coppiceanthm: 22kHz is a weird rate to use
16:13.29DorphalsigI have an E1 link and a TE400 card, every few hours * issues this warning: No D-Channels found. Using Primary on channel 16 anyway and then nothing works again untill I restart zaptel, could anybody give me a hand?
16:14.00anthmone leg was a soundcard
16:14.10anthmi could have done 16 and 32 also
16:14.18tzangerAll of my stuff is PSTN ended so wideband does absolutely dick-all for me
16:14.53anthmi'm concerned how to negotiate the wideband stuff seems like the rate in the sdp is only like a kinda sorta option
16:14.54coppicesoundcards are a pain for VoIP. their sampling rates don't lock to anything - include tx not locking to rx
16:15.29anthmiax doesnt seem to have any rate element
16:15.38anthmso that will be fun
16:15.51coppiceanthm: shouldn't be. if one end announces only 8kHz codecs, the other end certainly shouldn't choose something higher.
16:15.59MRH2thanks I am going to blame echo on the other party for the moment.
16:16.15sivanaSession Description Protocol   ?
16:16.16anthmwell that act of announcing the 16k codec is what i am wondering about
16:16.23sivanaSocial Democratic Part?
16:16.26coppiceIAX lacks a number of important things if it is to break into the big time.
16:16.42coppiceSession Dementing Protocol
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16:18.14anthmso at least it seems like spd has the concept of it but it's barely used so it's not likely it will be understood by much stuff
16:18.17coppiceThe CNG frame is useless. There is no proper allowance for sample rates. The text is not defined as being UTF-8. Various little odds and ends that nobody seems to care to sort out, but which will cripple it.
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16:18.21anthmsdp i mean
16:19.19Mimmussivana: now I have a different but seemingly related problem, can I try here or file a bug?
16:19.19coppiceI think there should be no problems with SDP. Things that don't understand the rates will not support the related codecs. It should sort itself out
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16:19.40anthmthat's what i'm hoping for
16:20.08DorphalsigI have an E1 link and a TE400 card, every few hours * issues this warning: No D-Channels found. Using Primary on channel 16 anyway and then nothing works again untill I restart zaptel, could anybody give me a hand?
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16:20.42jbalcombShould I be using uLaw or aLaw and what's the difference?
16:20.54coppiceI think it should fall into place a lot better than T.38 :-) The spec for that fails to tie a whole mass of things down.
16:21.05anthmi guess iax could send an IE with khz in it but that should be fun getting it accepted
16:21.30anthmthere is a bit of a difference between ulaw and alaw
16:22.05coppicejbalcomb: they won't talk to each other, but their quality is about the same
16:22.47jbalcombcoppice: is it correct that one is an american standard and the other is a european standard? if so, which is which?
16:23.19coppiceulaw = US, HK, Taiwan, Japan
16:23.20coppiceAlaw = the rest of humanity
16:23.31coppiceoh, i missed canada
16:23.39tzangerdon't worry, everyone does.  :-)
16:23.42Uther_Pits common
16:24.27jbalcombcoppice: excellent. i assume uLaw correlates to PCMU vocoder on my grandstream phones?
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16:24.52coppicequite a few phones call them PCMU and PCMA
16:25.11jbalcombexcellent. i think all executive decisions regarding our codec setup have been made.
16:25.17jbalcombthanks for the help yall
16:25.24Cresl1nanthm: IIRC, I think there's an IE for sample rate
16:25.38anthmoh that would be good
16:25.44Cresl1nanthm: (in IAX)
16:25.59Cresl1nI started working on wideband too, and that was one of the things mark mentioned to me
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16:26.20anthmexpressed in hz ?
16:26.33Cresl1nanthm: hrmm... not sure on that one
16:26.42jbalcombah snap, one more codec question. the grandstream codex FAQ is using kbps but the Cisco codec FAQ is using Kbps. is it kilobits or kilobytes that i should be thinking?
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16:28.15anthmyah i see unsigned short samprate; in iax2-parser.h
16:29.04Cresl1nanthm: cool, yeah, I thought there was one
16:29.06MimmusCresl1n: now I have a different but seemingly related problem, can I disturb you again or is there a better choice?
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16:32.22mog_workwoot 239!
16:32.33wunderkinoops, found 2 more bugs
16:32.36Cresl1nmog_work: yeppers
16:32.44Cresl1nMimmus: ???
16:33.11MimmusCresl1n: yes, I'm
16:33.15DorphalsigI have an E1 link and a TE400 card, every few hours * issues this warning: No D-Channels found. Using Primary on channel 16 anyway and then nothing works again untill I restart zaptel, could anybody give me a hand?
16:33.26anthmi wonder why it's unsigned short considering how stingy the rest of the lements are it could have been char since in khz the vals are all < 50
16:33.36MimmusCresl1n: different number and slightly different problem
16:33.45anthmat least it's there already
16:33.46MimmusCresl1n: but always an automatci responder
16:33.52Cresl1nanthm: so you could send 8600hz audio :-)
16:34.36Cresl1nanthm: here wait... so you can send 8633hz audio :-)
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16:35.41anthmhmm looks like there are hard constants for various rates in a bitmask
16:35.48*** join/#asterisk montag___ (
16:35.53anthm8 11 16 22 44 48
16:36.03montag___it's there a way to define custom greetings for every voicemail mailbox ?
16:36.17dos000anyone has idea about a cheap 2 port sip 2 pstn gateway ?
16:36.19aminorexoh that england had but one head so that i might strike it off
16:36.50wunderkinmontag___, yes i use the temp greeting for that
16:37.16*** join/#asterisk DFS (n=bwarner@
16:37.31DFSAnyone available for a dialplan question?
16:37.35montag___wunderkin: ?
16:37.45anthmaha so you must have the same bitmap on both sides and you actually send the unsigned version of that paticular constant not the desired speed
16:37.47Mimmusmontag___: if I remember well, hit '3' for special functions
16:38.02Cresl1nanthm: those are some funny sample rates
16:38.12DFSAnyone available for a dialplan question?
16:38.21montag___but i want to manage this file from filesystem, not from user dtmf interface
16:38.33{zombie}DFS: just ask the question, don't ask if you can ask
16:38.39{zombie}and please don't repeat yourself
16:38.48coppiceanthm: they miss an important one for telephony - 32
16:38.51Cresl1n8 16 32 and 48 should probably be in there
16:38.59Mimmusmontag___: they are under /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail
16:39.00anthmyah were is 32 ?
16:39.06wunderkinmontag___, funny thing.. they are saved on the filesystem.. so if you do it from the menu and look in the directory you will see how it works
16:39.10Cresl1nbut I don't know about the non even multiple choices
16:39.16DFSZombie>>I am trying to set up a dialplan where I can call other voip users on another asterisk server in a diff. network
16:39.22coppicethey miss 192 as well
16:39.36Cresl1noh yeah, and 384 too :-P
16:39.45coppicedon't be silly
16:40.18montag___wunderkin: ok, but you know the name for busy and unavailable files ?
16:40.20dily_anyone use bristuff?
16:40.31coppice192k, 24 bit 7.1 is bound to be de rigeur for audio conferencing this year
16:40.39wunderkinmontag___, you can research that the same way
16:40.42{zombie}DFS: Dial(IAX2/user:pass@remoteserver/XXXX)
16:40.51anthmso when you convert it to bits
16:40.57Cresl1ncoppice: ah, didn't realize that
16:41.09montag___ok thanks
16:41.23Mimmusmontag___: unavail.wav and busy.wav (.WAV too)
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16:41.46DFSZombie: Where do you place extentions.conf or in IAX?
16:42.12{zombie}you put that in your extensions.conf
16:42.19*** join/#asterisk ffs_04 (
16:42.37anthmnothing = 1
16:42.37anthm8k = 2
16:42.37anthm16k = 4
16:42.37anthm22k = 8
16:42.37anthm44k = 16
16:42.38anthm48k = 32
16:43.12anthmthe seem strikingly similar to just sending the rate you want rounded to nearest khz
16:43.18dos000anyone know a 2 port gw (not ata) that will allow phone<->ata<->internet<->gw<->pstn ?
16:43.42{zombie}DFS: would be good reading
16:44.09coppicei wonder what the difference between an ATA and a GW might be :-\
16:44.31dos000coppice, no fxo on the ata normally
16:44.42rue_work[TK]D-Fender you up?
16:44.49MimmusCresl1n: is it a good idea to open a bug on or is it better to wait here?
16:45.14coppicedos000: so you cook up your own terminology, and expect everyone to understand? :-\
16:45.28dos000coppice, even if you have an fxo interface you can only originate not terminate
16:45.34DFSzombie: Is there anything else I need to add? Just this statement with my info in extentions.conf?
16:45.55{zombie}DFS: I think you need to do a whole lot more reading...
16:46.07anthmwhat's the max val of unsigned short?
16:46.09{zombie}don't expect you can just throw random statements into your asterisk config files and make things wrk
16:47.10jbalcombone more codec question. the grandstream codex FAQ is using kbps but the Cisco codec FAQ is using Kbps. is it kilobits or kilobytes that i should be thinking?
16:47.17coppiceanthm: is this a trick question?
16:47.18Beirdoanthm: 2^16 - 1
16:47.35Uther_Pjbalcomb: bits
16:48.09anthmso too small to send hz
16:48.11Cresl1nMimmus: it's always better to verify here or on the mailing list that it's actually a bug before you post one (like earlier with the 'r' flag in the Dial command)
16:48.21anthmbut big enough to send rounded khz
16:48.23jbalcombUther_P: ah, most peculiar that Ciscos page would be incorrect. That certainly explains my confusion in the amount of traffic I'm seeing. Thank you.
16:48.34Uther_Pusually kilobytes per second is denoted as  k/s
16:48.41coppicethe maximum value of a short int is when it saves 2 bytes of memory and squeezes the product into a much cheaper MCU or DSP :-
16:49.04DorphalsigI have an E1 link and a TE400 card, every few hours * issues this warning: No D-Channels found. Using Primary on channel 16 anyway and then nothing works again untill I restart zaptel, could anybody give me a hand?
16:49.17MimmusCresl1n: this is correct. Now I try to explain (it isn't so simple)
16:49.27*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin|work (
16:49.33rue_workWARNING[19687] chan_iax2.c: Received mini frame before first full voice frame
16:49.36Dorphalsigbtw, checking my zaptel modules... I noticed I have wct4xxp and tor2 up
16:49.36anthmi'm trying to figure out why the iax code has the rates in a bitmask is there a condition where you can have 2 rates at once ?
16:49.38rue_workanyone know where that commes from?
16:49.42MimmusCresl1n: I have (PSTN PRI) -- Asterisk --- Alcatel PBX --- analog phones
16:49.47Uther_PI would like anyone to find somewhere where bps is used to denote bytes per second
16:49.49Dorphalsigshouldnt I just have one of them?
16:49.50coppicei remember once spending over a week getting one instruction out of a DSP loop :-\
16:49.55MimmusCresl1n: ans some VoIP phones directly connected to Asterisk
16:50.15anthmsince nothing uses it i was brainstorming other ways to send the rate in the constraints of the unsigned short it is declared as
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16:50.31coppiceanthm: of course. if a phone supports 8k and 16k you set two bits
16:50.43MimmusCresl1n: calling a number with automatci responder from analog phones doesn't work (NONSWER after two rings), from Voip phones works
16:51.04Cresl1ncoppice: that sounds like it could cause problems
16:51.05coppicedunno why the IE can't have a list of shorts with all the possible rates, though
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16:52.25Cresl1ncoppice: well, I take that back.  I guess it depends on how it 's used
16:52.40}btorch{when someone asks what voice standards * can support are they talking about the technology like SIP, GSM
16:53.07coppiceCres11n: its dumb trying to squeeze this down and loose flexibility. its only sent infrequently
16:54.04Cresl1ncoppice: you mean with doing it as a bit mask?
16:54.16Cresl1ncoppice: I think there's truth to that
16:54.27anthmyou can send several ie with the same name correct?
16:54.49anthmyou also have no way to tie which rate goes with which codec
16:54.58coppicewhy should you? an IE has variable length, so it can contain a list of things
16:55.02Cresl1nanthm: yeah, that's what I was concerned about
16:55.07_Sam--does any know if that cheap DLINK packet prioritizer recognizes IAX?
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16:55.29Cresl1nanthm: so if you blindly advertised 8 and 16, but you don't support 16 on all 16 capable codecs, that's a problem
16:56.14coppicewell, the whole rate concept is restrictive. take AMR WB for example. what is its rate?
16:57.51Cresl1ncoppice: yeah, I think that the way rates are done are going to have to be rethought
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16:57.58anthmmaybe send mutiple capability and mutiple rate per groups
16:58.15coppicei think specifying rates is a fundamentally bad idea. you should just specify the codecs. they defines their capabiliites
16:58.15anthmsend 1 cap with ulaw alaw then send 1 rate with 8 and 16
16:58.18anthmthen send the rest
16:58.23anthmand send a sigle 8
16:58.50nextimewath's the best ( as a stability and performance ) h323 channel, h323, oh323 or ooh323?
16:58.54coppiceanthm: just what about AMR WB? or speex? they can dynamically change their rates, to deal with congestion
16:59.20cfhis there a solution to config the fast numbers on asterisk server?
16:59.27anthmmaybe we should hack all the other codecs to be able to negotiate thier own rate
16:59.28watchy-im sitting here naked, i just took a shower
16:59.32watchy-i feel so sexy
16:59.56watchy-u sure
17:00.18anthmmaybe sdp over IE =D
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17:00.23rue_workas some of you may have noticed, I'm not verry farmiliar with asterisk. I'm currently trying to correct issues with a PSTN machine that kb1canobie assembled, who you may know of. I could really use some help going through teh errors on the system while I try to correct some issues that are making the people in the office really agitated (theyre damanding that the phone system be replaced completely) the first thing I want to resolv is the mos
17:00.33coppicea list of codecs, detailed enough to define the specific variants supported, should be a complete description
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17:01.22dos000coppice, still no idea about what i asked ?
17:01.44rue_workI also verrymch need to fix the voicemail, which keeps recording blank messages
17:01.58dos000rue_work, tow !
17:02.01buzzydHi All, anyone know how I can setup voicemail prompts instead of using the default american voiced ones when leaving voicemail messages
17:02.51rue_workbuzzyd the files you want to re-record are in the directory /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/
17:02.52Uther_Pbuzzyd:  eh?
17:02.59buzzydI would like my users to be able to set their own message but I can't see where to configure it
17:03.16Mimmusbuzzyd: language setting set also messages for voicemail but you need sounds file for your lang
17:03.17anthmenough of this dealing with issues that control the outcome of any success in the near future lets fix config issues
17:03.19rue_workbuzzyd if I understood you right
17:03.29buzzydrue_work that would change it for everyone though
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17:03.43rue_workbuzzyd sorry I misunderstood
17:03.46zapoteczhi all
17:03.54rue_workand I'm not verry farmiliar iwth asterisk
17:03.58Mimmusbuzzyd: and any user can record his/her message hitting '3'
17:03.58buzzydI just want it so each person can have their own message instead of playing a standard one for all
17:03.58zapoteczno one has used the patch for the bearer?
17:04.14masonfwhat are some possible causes for the message: Unable to open Asterisk database?
17:04.18rue_workdispite that I need to fix a number of issues on a system
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17:04.33rue_workwhich I could really use someone talking me though
17:04.35Mimmusmasonf: permissions?
17:05.05masonfIll try running as root....
17:05.06buzzydMimmus, anyway of doing it without using that app
17:05.30Mimmusbuzzyd: yes, record and save message under /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/...
17:05.46Mimmusmasonf: no no, usually Asterisk runs as asierisk user
17:05.54Mimmusmasonf: asterisk user
17:05.55masonfyeah its permissions... now I need to find what files it wants.
17:06.00rue_workin that context, does anyone know what 'outage' should sound like?
17:06.11buzzydmimmus: ok but how would I then link that to each account
17:06.16DFSzombie: Can you specifiy the host as an IP address when creating the REC server?
17:06.27dos000buzzyd, check out theese guys
17:06.36Mimmusbuzzyd: there is a directory for any extension under /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/...
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17:10.39buzzydThanks guys, I see it now ;)
17:11.04DFSzombie: when specifying the host on the REC server, can you use the IP address
17:11.13Mimmusbuzzyd: you are welcome
17:11.41Mimmushey people, even Mimmus is able to help someone!
17:12.29DFSmimmus:you familiar with configuring two asterisks to conduct calls between the two on two diff. networks?
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17:12.54MimmusDFS: using IAX?
17:13.08DFSyes...I've read the text on [REC_SERVER]
17:13.44DFSthis is where I'm confused....based on the site reading :
17:14.05DFSwhere the host is my.calling.server...example... can u use an IP address instead?
17:14.17MimmusDFS: yes, Ip is good
17:14.39DFSmimmus: thanks...wasn't for sure if it would still work...
17:15.15MimmusI'm not sure what context stands for
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17:17.17mockerI'm having a problem w/ Asterisk receiving faxes.  The tif files appear to be all crunched up into about 1 inch instead of looking like a normal fax page.
17:17.20mockerIs that normal?
17:17.24DFSmimmus: do you create a new secret for IAX or do you use the current secret for registering devices?
17:18.55*** join/#asterisk PupenoL (n=pupeno@
17:18.57MimmusDFS: secret is a 'password' between two peers
17:20.00DFSmimmus: correct..this password I have is different for each asterisk...which do I use..or do I create a new one
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17:22.21masonfany ideas what files would be giving be permissions issues Ive already checked /var/log /etc/asterisk /var/spool and /var/run
17:23.25fulgasstrace asterisk
17:23.47fulgasand check for the permissions problem
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17:24.36generalhanwhats up everyone ? !
17:24.41DFSmimmus: what is the [mycontext] ? What do you specify for that?
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17:26.24generalhancan anyone help me out with a compling problem im having with zaptel-1.2.1 ???
17:27.29MimmusDFS: I used the same on both servers
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17:28.16MimmusDFS: if you like, I can post my con on
17:29.25DFSmimmus: that would be great...this project is confusing
17:29.53MimmusDFS: just a moment...
17:32.30[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : Here
17:32.55*** join/#asterisk denon (
17:32.55*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
17:33.21[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : that last pastebin of yours is very wrong.  When you're back I'll help you fix it up
17:33.24watchyi got voicemail setup
17:33.27watchyhow do i access it?
17:34.16[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : set up an extension that your phones can dial like "exten => 1234,1,VoicemailMain"
17:34.33DFSmimmus: who will you post as
17:34.35MimmusDFS: here
17:34.37watchyso if i dial it from the actuall phone
17:34.41watchyit'll let me hear vM?
17:34.41DFSmimmus: thanks
17:35.09[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : that will bring you to the VM "main" where it'll ask you which VM box & password and then let you listen
17:35.21MimmusDFS: a small error, look here:
17:35.26watchyand using variables i can auto goto the box?
17:36.16[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : like this - "exten => *98,1,VoicemailMain(${CALLERID(num)}@default)
17:36.33watchyso whats *98? literally *98?
17:37.00[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : that will assume your phones callerid is the same as its VM box #.  You can script it up any which way you want like say "if its 555 then use box 222" or whatever
17:37.20[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : exactly like *98 (north american standard telco VM style)
17:37.22*** join/#asterisk PMantis (
17:37.26watchythats badass
17:37.34DFSmimmus: looking at the latest post...what factor do you decide which will be the REC server?
17:37.37[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, here, hold on, a gift for you...
17:37.43MimmusDFS: REC?
17:37.48DFSmimmus: receive
17:38.19PMantisHowdy! Are there any Asterisk supported phones that act like an operator phone (can see which extens are in use, etc)
17:38.31MimmusDFS: ah, it's a bidirectional trunnk (both peers)
17:38.52DFSmimmus: so you have to place this conf in both iax.conf in both servers?
17:38.59[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : here's a sample "features" context to add to your setup and include in your phone's main one.
17:39.24[TK]D-FenderPMantis : SNOM, Polycom using SIP, CISCO's with SCCP.
17:39.39trixterI think etel has some issues scheduling..  they give phil zimmerman 15 minutes to talk about voip security but give me 1 hour for click2call..  mine is really only 15 minutes of stuff, his should be at least 1 hour
17:39.40[TK]D-FenderPMantis : Also Grandstream GXP-2000
17:40.01MimmusDFS: yes
17:40.05PMantis[TK]D-Fender, Ok, I was looking to use a Grandstream, since it has paging capabilities in the latest firmware
17:40.10DFSmimmus: both servers must mirror each config then..
17:40.34watchytkd: thanks man
17:40.34DFSmimmus: of course inversing the info for the other...
17:40.42MimmusDFS: yes
17:40.49masonffor the record I need asterisk to be able to read write /usr/local/share/asterisk (problem solved thans mimus)
17:40.53[TK]D-FenderPMantis : plenty of ways do do paging on others.  Unless you're really short of cash I'd suggest going with the Polycom IP 601, or at least the SNOM 360.
17:40.54Mimmusbut I'm not a guru
17:41.27Mimmushow can I fetch last three chars from a var????? I forget it
17:42.39PMantis[TK]D-Fender, And it can show the status of a remote SIP extension? (I can't imagine how the setup works in *)
17:42.48idpromnutquestion: is there a listing (like a reference) of all dialplan functions/macros?
17:43.29*** part/#asterisk Curus (
17:43.35rue_workapp.c: No audio available on IAX2/astpbx-woodbay-3??  < - I think that has something to do with my voicemail audio problem
17:44.08[TK]D-FenderPMantis : yes, that is the exact point for it.
17:44.25DFSmimmus: do you set the type as user, friend or peer?
17:44.25PMantis[TK]D-Fender, Ok, I'll have to take your word for it. :)
17:44.39[TK]D-FenderPMantis : exten => 1000,hint,SIP/1000
17:44.44[TK]D-FenderPMantis : exten => 1000,1,Dial(SIP/1000,20)
17:44.50[TK]D-Fenderlike that in *
17:44.54[TK]D-Fenderthats all
17:44.57PMantishint? hmmmmm
17:45.05[TK]D-Fenderits a priority on the exten
17:45.07MimmusDFS: peer if they are peers!
17:45.32[TK]D-Fenderthen theres the setup on the phone istelf which varies between mfg's
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17:46.12DFSmimmus: just checking....
17:46.47rue_workhow can I tell which errors are actaully causing me problems?
17:47.07[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : Ok, first, whats not working to your satisfaction?
17:48.07rue_workwell, we keep haiving lose all the audio on voicemails
17:48.16rue_workit records long blank files
17:48.22PMantis[TK]D-Fender, Thanks, I found a wiki entry on voip-info
17:48.31watchydoes sjphone support voicemail?
17:48.33PMantis[TK]D-Fender, Makes more sense now.
17:48.52[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : Where are the calls coming in from?  If you leave a message directly from a phone connected to * do you get sound then?
17:49.10rue_workfor the most part, messages work
17:49.26[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : typically you don't let the SIP client do its own voicemail handling... you do it in the server.
17:49.28rue_workthese calls are comming in from a T1 to our PSTN machine
17:49.51[TK]D-Fenderrue do incoming calls have audio at all?
17:49.58watchyit does support voicemail
17:50.04watchyit just notified sjphone
17:50.26[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : So only in voicemail you lose all audio?
17:50.29rue_work[TK]D-Fender it happens intermittently
17:50.51rue_workthat voicemails comming in on the t1 have no audio
17:51.10[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : Well it would basically mean ALL CALLS on the T1 then.
17:51.36rue_workwere using it right now, all the calls are fine
17:51.40[TK]D-Fenderpastebin the CLI of a call coming in and trying to leave a VM.
17:51.56watchyhey tk: what do put in sip.conf to tell the phone its voicemail # so my VM button works?
17:52.09rue_worksorry, can you give me more detail on how to do that?
17:52.15[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : thats not sip.conf's job, thats a setting on your PHONE.
17:52.33rue_workso far, this seems to be limited to the voicemail
17:52.36justinuis fender singlehandedly helping 5 newbies at once again?
17:52.38watchyso i'd push that out with like sipdefault.cnf?
17:52.39[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : copy the CLI output of a call that is attempting to leave a VM and shove it in a pastebin.
17:53.14rue_work[TK]D-Fender from /var/log/asterisk/full ?
17:53.21[TK]D-FenderActually, only 3 this time :)
17:53.32[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : no from "asterisk -rvvvvvv"
17:54.08[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : so you'd set that to either *98 or *97[box] per the context I gave you
17:54.33[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : since all of my home uses 1 box I use *970 (box 0) on my SPA-941's VM key
17:54.44hardwireis there a good test suite for measuring rtp loss
17:54.58justinuhardwire: not really
17:55.13watchythanks tk
17:55.16hardwireI am trying to measure loss using icmp.. which most routers basically filter or throttle.
17:55.22justinuhardwire: you need to rely on RTCP which asterisk doesn't support, but there's a dodgy patch for
17:55.41hardwirejustinu: I was thinking they would just have to agree on a pattern. and measure loss with pattern matching.
17:56.14justinuRTCP is the answer
17:56.17hardwireor send chunks w/ a crc.. and just feather out the results.
17:56.33*** join/#asterisk detatch (
17:56.34hardwirejustinu: I just want to measure the loss.. not get around it.
17:56.45justinuyou should read about what RTCP does then
17:56.49justinuit's for instrumentation
17:57.13hardwireyou could use it uotside of asterisk I presume
17:57.25hardwirethats all I would need
17:57.37justinua lot of media gateways support RTCP
17:57.44detatchhey everybody
17:57.44justinuand most SIP phones do
17:58.05justinubecause people want to know what the QoS is like
17:58.25hardwireyou should write about it :)
17:58.48detatchcan someone answer a question about my 1.2.1 extensions.conf?
17:58.59*** join/#asterisk BladeRunner05 (n=feelme@
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17:59.15justinuhardwire: all you need to know:
17:59.29detatchim upgrading from 1.0.3 to 1.2.1
17:59.32[TK]D-Fender|AFKdetatch : Pastebin it, and ask your questions  I'll be back soon
17:59.32hardwireok the control protocol..
17:59.38jboti guess pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
17:59.38hardwiresame as rtp but + some
18:00.09*** join/#asterisk coolhp (
18:00.14justinuit's actually not the same as RTP
18:00.28justinuRTP is used for carrying time sensitive data (like voip packets)
18:00.35BladeRunner05I'm troubling installing astGUIclient + vicidial.... I'm getting error running:
18:00.41justinuRTCP is used to monitor the performance of the forward/backwards streams
18:00.50coolhpGood day all ! I was wondering : Which of the following is better/more advanced : chan_skinny, chan_sccp (from SF) or chan_sccp2 (from berlios) ?
18:01.19rue_workbut that is a bad example, because it worked
18:01.36*** join/#asterisk Simon- (
18:01.41DorphalsigI have an E1 link and a TE400 card, every few hours * issues this warning: No D-Channels found. Using Primary on channel 16 anyway and then nothing works again untill I restart zaptel, could anybody give me a hand?
18:01.49hardwirejustinu: I suppose one form of doing this is to send an rtp stream to an rtp echo server.
18:02.02BladeRunner05I'm troubling installing astGUIclient + vicidial.... I'm getting error running:  error is at
18:02.07justinuhardwire: yeah, but then you wouldn't know if the loss was on the forward stream or the backwards stream
18:02.17hardwirejustinu: sometimes I just don't want to know.
18:02.28justinuthen why bother with qos at all? :P
18:02.34hardwirebecause I love my customers.
18:02.47justinumost ATAs do RTCP also
18:02.55hardwireheh.. you could rtp a stream to one place.. then have it tcp the results back.
18:03.01Switchplacesmust go today 2 alienware area51-m 7700 notebooks. price 600 for 2.  message me if interested on msn at, aim at ogd443 or yahoo at thishastogotoday.  do have an auction set up on yahoo auctions for these.
18:03.17hardwirewhy is asterisk not on this RTCP bandwagon?
18:03.24hardwireI would assume it just comes with the territory
18:03.26detatchgo away
18:03.29justinuhardwire: that's a good question... i would ask digium that
18:03.36hardwireI think I will.
18:03.38hardwireAttn: Digium
18:03.43hardwireSubject: RTCP in asterisk
18:03.44NDTasterisk have anyway to determine if a human answered or an answering machine without interaction like pressing a number etc?
18:03.51DorphalsigI have an E1 link and a TE400 card, every few hours * issues this warning: No D-Channels found. Using Primary on channel 16 anyway and then nothing works again untill I restart zaptel, could anybody give me a hand?
18:03.54hardwireI have no idea what this really does.. can you implement it?
18:04.00NDTsome sort of positive call acceptance
18:04.30detatchI just upgraded from 1.0.3 to 1.2.1, we run a call center
18:04.38*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
18:04.52detatchi see a lot of messages in my /var/log/asterisk/messages about the timeout context in my extensions.conf
18:04.55justinuit's been on the digium bug tracker for over a year
18:05.03Kattyhi lads.
18:05.11detatchive posted a sample extension and the error in pastebin
18:05.27rob0afternoon Katty
18:05.32hardwirejustinu: heh
18:05.54hardwirenobody seems like they want to adopt the patch
18:06.02justinui made it work
18:06.14justinubut I haven't released it back
18:06.16KattyA-jay: please don't talk to me in private. it's rather annoying.
18:06.16*** join/#asterisk Simon-_ (
18:06.20KattyA-jay: instead, if you want help, talk in here.
18:06.43nextimeis it possible to detect the nature of address indicator from a incoming call on one of the 3 h323 channels available?
18:06.49lo_techno cyb0r the kat!
18:07.07hardwirejustinu: they don't like you not having a disclaimer!
18:07.13justinui know
18:07.18hardwireI have one on file there
18:07.22justinubut I'm not willing to sign my life away just yet
18:07.33hardwirejustinu: well its a patch.. for asterisk.
18:07.37Switchplacesmust go today 2 alienware area51-m 7700 notebooks. price 600 for 2.  message me if interested on msn at, aim at ogd443 or yahoo at thishastogotoday.  do have an auction set up on yahoo auctions for these.
18:07.41hardwirenot like you are going to apply it anywhere else.
18:07.47justinuthank you
18:07.49justinuwhoever did that
18:08.19justinuhardwire: if someone was actually willing to go over the code, i'd be more than happy to show them what's wrong and how to fix it, but no one seems to care.
18:08.21hardwireyou don't want the laptops?
18:08.29justinuso I don't care about posting the patch
18:08.33hardwirejustinu: yeh they would liekt o adopt more developers
18:08.46hardwiregive it to file.. file will eat anything.
18:08.54*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*@] by denon
18:08.55justinufile just ignores me
18:08.58denonI dont think it was a real kline
18:09.01denonI think it was just his quit msg
18:09.16hardwirefile is a snobby wobby knob sometimes..
18:09.36justinuagain, people don't want to work on it, i'm not gonna cram it down their throats
18:09.53hardwiredon't you know thats how shit gets done?
18:10.04justinui don't work like that
18:10.12hardwirethe most successfull people in the world spend their time on planes so they can go cram their crap down as many throats as possible.
18:10.18justinuif people are going to be insular, i'll just keep it to myself as well
18:10.43hardwirehyperlinks IVR sucks
18:11.08hardwireinsular is a good word of the day :)
18:11.23hardwireconcidering I work on an island.. or off island with people of an island.
18:13.00Kattyrob0: allo (=
18:14.01*** join/#asterisk Dibbler_ (
18:14.12justinuwhich island?
18:14.20hardwirest paul island ak
18:14.54hardwirethe people of the world should comply with me putting them on hold when waiting to connect to them
18:15.18*** join/#asterisk Bakermd (
00:00.16RoyKManxPower: yes
00:00.20BasketCaseAriel_: I haven't touched the POTS port yet
00:00.29Lee619does * require registration for outoing calls or just incoming calls?
00:00.41BasketCaseAriel_: I meant to say the FXO port is not configured yet
00:00.43Ariel_Lee619, depends on service provider
00:00.44Powerkillsomeone use cdr_odbc with mysql ?
00:01.07*** join/#asterisk alephcom_ (
00:01.17ManxPower"Just say 'NO!' to POTS."  This message brought to you by the Partnership for an Analog Free Amerika.
00:01.17Darwin35ps2pdf is part of what port
00:01.20Lee619Ariel: Thank you.  Do you happen to know about FWD?
00:01.44Ariel_fwd does need registration
00:02.12Ariel_ManxPower, pots are needed in some cases, at least to get me out of hot water with 911 issues
00:04.13blitzrageManxPower: lol -- thats my new MSN name :)
00:08.28*** part/#asterisk alephcom_ (
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00:16.35tzangerI'm watching the canadian political debates has the .rm
00:16.48tzangerrue_work: Well I am canadian
00:16.50rue_workthere just mud slining
00:16.56rue_workI know, me too
00:17.03Souldirty question:
00:17.31tzangerlayton sounds like he is selling insurance, the bloc shouldn't be in this debate whatsoever, and martin and harper just are different sides of the same coin.  ugh.
00:17.36Soulpicture a company with 2 geographical locations, one asterisk server in each location
00:17.44tzangerSoul: yeah
00:17.45rue_workI dispise polititions, especially when their throwing mud at each other trying to make it an election of who looks less worse
00:17.53tzangerrue_work: yep
00:18.14*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:18.21Soulhow can a user from location A go work to location B, and still be reachable by the same sip url / company extension ?
00:18.27tzangerbasically the PC is shouting "We're not the Liberals!" the Libs are saying "Trust us this time, really" and the NDP is saying "Lookat me, Look at me!"
00:18.27rue_workSoul ours has three locations
00:18.50tzangerSoul: yesish.  :-)
00:18.55rue_workhehe yea...
00:18.56ManxPowerSoul, move the phone.
00:19.11Souli'd like the user to go from A to B, and just reprogram one of the ip phones with his login and password, and thats it. is this possible ?
00:19.31tzangerSoul: yes
00:19.35tzangerthat is entirely possible
00:19.42ManxPowerSoul, Why?  Just move the phone, let it register with the erver in the other location
00:19.58[TK]D-FenderSoul : plenty of ways.  have phone phones active at the same time, just have it so there's only 1 number that rings BOTH in your dial-plan.
00:19.59Soulbut location B has a different asterisk server! how does this work ? are the extensions/dialplan/sip profiles shared between the 2 asterisk servers ?
00:20.03*** join/#asterisk jyukes_ (
00:20.03rue_workok, who here is running an asterisk machine with voicemail and IVR?
00:20.06tzangerManxPower: I say fuck all that, log in as an agent.
00:20.14tzangerwe likely all are
00:20.34[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : Most of us, myself included.  Whats your question?
00:20.41rue_workwell, then you all have this problem
00:20.55rue_workWARNING[16724] file.c: File outage does not exist in any format
00:21.05rue_workcheck /var/log/asterisk/full
00:21.06ManxPowerSoul, Um, the phone doesn't register with the local server, the phone registers and users the REMOTE server
00:21.08[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : Thats just 1 sound file.....
00:21.11*** join/#asterisk Lurr (
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00:21.24[TK]D-FenderWho said it had to be there in the first place?
00:21.26rue_workright, I want to know if this is a normal problem
00:21.30watchyanyway to set a cisco 7960s volume from tftp config?
00:21.31Soul[TK]D-Fender, though of that, in fact i have 3 sip logins (sergio-pocketpc, sergio-cisco and sergio-notebook, which all ring when someone calls "sergio"), but with 2 asterisk servers wont there be dialing problems ?
00:21.41rue_workcause that sound file isn't provided with asterisk
00:22.04BeHappy_Soul, i think you can set-up a queue with the "ringall" policy
00:22.15[TK]D-FenderSoul : depends how you set it up.  Have the remote side take the call and ring the internal phone but WITHOUT doing an "answer" first
00:22.18tzangerSaying Java is nice because it works on all OS's is like saying that anal sex is nice because it works on all genders.
00:22.34BeHappy_but sincerely i dont know if the queue can go trough different servers
00:22.36SoulManxPower, hadn't thought of that, registering with the remote server, nice. but the phone connectivity will be lost if outside comms fail, isnt there a way to login in the local server ?
00:22.39[TK]D-FenderQueue's for that idea = BAD and wasteful.
00:22.56BeHappy_ockay, as not said :)
00:23.01ManxPowerSoul, yes, but that's more complicated
00:23.14rue_workso am I right about 'outage.gsm" ?
00:23.17Soulwatchy, yes, but sorry, don't have my cisco configs here
00:23.45watchythanks i'll see what i can find
00:23.53watchyi need a website with all the options
00:24.00[TK]D-FenderSoul : have the remote phone log into the server its BEHIND.  Place the call from server A to server B requesting an entry taht will dial the phone behind it.  thats all.
00:24.17tzangerholy hell are you STILL talking about outage.gsm?
00:24.19rue_workgrrr I have to ctrl-c windows every time I do a copy!!!! >:|
00:24.22Soulwatchy, google 4 it, and come back tomorrow if you find nothing, i'll share my configs
00:24.24tzangerfind / -name '*outage.gsm*'
00:24.27tzangersee where it is
00:24.31rue_worktzanger no, I'm talking about it again
00:24.35watchysoul: thank you
00:24.51rue_workand its NOT on ANY of out asterisk machines and its not in the archives on digium
00:24.58[TK]D-Fenderthere is no "outage.*" soud file included with *.
00:25.04Soul[TK]D-Fender, i'm sure you are right, but i did not understand ;)
00:25.21rue_workthere are NO files with 'outage' in the name on teh system
00:25.37Soullet's put some names in the cenario:
00:25.38tzangerrue_work: so where are you finding a reference to it?  I know I've never heard of it
00:25.47rue_workaccept the .gms file I'm taking from my voicemail with the word "the" recorded in it that I'm about to rename
00:25.55[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : And who said there should even BE a file named that coming with *?
00:26.01Souli am sip user "sergio", extension 1, and i usually work at location A
00:26.15Soullocation A has asterisk server A
00:26.30[TK]D-FenderSoul : I'll draw one up for you quick, hold on.
00:26.32*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
00:26.40rue_workteh * is whats known a as "wildcard" or "regular expression" its like a variable, it can represent any set of characters
00:26.48Soulsometimes i need to work for a week in location B. location B has asterisk server B
00:28.06inv_Arpneed a provider that will allow to make toll free calls for free... voipjet  charges regardless of the number called
00:28.10*** join/#asterisk sexy_girl (
00:28.21Souli'd like to drive to location B (i will NOT take an ip phone with me, location B has lots of them unused), configure one ip phone with my user/password (logged into asterisk server B), and be reachable by my usual "sergio@company" sip url, or the internal extension 1
00:28.25*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
00:28.33sexy_girl    <--take look my sexy pic and dont forget vote for it
00:28.35sexy_girl    <--take look my sexy pic and dont forget vote for it
00:28.47SedoroxI really wish a op could back those bots...
00:28.52*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
00:28.58SedoroxI still got the same one spamming me on join
00:29.02inv_Arphey mypic.exe doesnt run....
00:29.13Sedoroxwine ./mypix.exe
00:29.34BeHappy_once there was a guy that tried to run all the worms in wine
00:29.41BeHappy_(without success..)
00:29.46inv_ArpBeHappy_: hah
00:29.56rue_workwhat the hell, the system is outright not recording messages??????
00:30.02Sedoroxbut yea.. aNaSTaCia_geBeri Is sending me shit on join.....
00:30.13rue_workI do NOT understand this
00:30.13Souleverything is cool if the ip phone that i use registers itself with asterisk A server, but i'd like it to register with asterisk B, so i am available to location B users, even if comms fail at location A or B
00:30.26inv_Arpthses bots need to hit #windoze chan... they would have more success
00:30.28Sedoroxmy rommate actually has a seperate windows setup.. and plays with the viruses and shit in it
00:30.43[TK]D-FenderSoul :
00:30.44tzangerthat's what vmware is good for
00:30.47inv_ArpSedorox: yea might setup one in vmware
00:30.48tzangerrollback fs
00:30.56inv_Arptzanger: exactly
00:30.58tzangerI used one with some product developemtn
00:31.13rue_workI just directly dialed my mailbox and left a message, and it didn't record it, at all
00:31.16tzangerit was *great* because I was debugging the installer at the tiem
00:31.57[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : Pastebin your entire extensions.conf and lets take a look at what you're doing....
00:32.01inv_Arpneed a quick provider for toll free 8XX access
00:32.19inv_Arpdont feel like payin 1.2 cents per min for that
00:32.24rue_work[TK]D-Fender just retesting...
00:32.32[TK]D-Fenderinv_Arp : IAXTEL
00:32.33Soul[TK]D-Fender, oyur solution would work even if comms at site A or B fail ?
00:32.56[TK]D-FenderSoul : if comms go down, 102 won't ring, tahts all... the other 2 will.
00:32.57rue_workthis is strange, it just worked for two more tests
00:33.01Lee619is there any way to tell why registration fails?
00:33.07inv_Arp[TK]D-Fender: thx
00:33.16[TK]D-FenderSoul : no need to even REGISTER tot he other server.  you can let it pass as a "misc" call.
00:33.38Soulwhat is a misc call ?
00:34.06[TK]D-FenderSoul : An incoming call that is NOT from a registered user.
00:34.11ZeMMaDhow do i make asterisk answer immediately
00:34.11rue_workWHAT!??? I just watched it delete the message files!!????
00:34.13SoulAhrimanes, ok
00:34.26[TK]D-Fenderthe way i described mean yuo don't even have to worry about passwords betweent he servers
00:34.26rue_workmaybe because I only said one short word?
00:34.28ZeMMaDon my zap?
00:34.36Soultk, but your solution brings another interesting question
00:35.53Soulif i have 20 users at site A (1@company ... 20@company) and 20 users at site B (21@company ... 40@company), can i have 2 asterisk servers running as SIP SRV for the "company" domain ?
00:36.28Soulwhen someone in the internet dials 39@company, how does his phone know the it needs to contact asterisk B and not asterisk A ?
00:36.47*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
00:37.08Soulbasically what im talking about is somekind of distributed asterisk solution between sites A and B
00:38.42Soulof course i know about dns round robin, load balancers, etc.., but would i have to point the SRV record to one of the asterisk servers, and have him forward the call to the other asterisk server, if the call is for an extension >= 20 ?
00:39.32Soulsite B would be unavailable if site A would loose its comms to the internet
00:39.32[TK]D-FenderSoul : All in your dialplan.  In "A", do something like "exten => _20XX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:2}"
00:39.49Lee619interesting-- if i put in an invalid username/password for FWD, it shows a state of Rejected for iax2 show registry....
00:40.03Lee619but if i put in a valid username/password, it still shows a state of Rejected....
00:40.12Soultk, but then site B would be unavailable if site A would loose its comms to the internet, correct ?
00:40.12Darwin35got it
00:40.24watchyi aint having no luck finding a site with all config examples of a cisco 7960
00:40.26Lee619i'm SURE i'm using the right username/password, because i can log into using the username/password....
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00:40.53Lee619does anybody have any insights...?  i am behind NAT....
00:40.56[TK]D-FenderSoul : you could have it check to see if the dial failed, then fall back to a PSTN call or whatever else you felt like doing...
00:41.08Soultk, good point
00:41.27Soulwatchy, please wait
00:41.51watchyno prob
00:42.04watchydunno why i cant find any on google
00:42.40Soulwatchy, what do you want, again ? ;)
00:43.19inv_Arpjust added iaxtel for 8XX numbers ,   but my voipjeyt dial out is  "exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX"  wont that pick up the 800 numbers as well?
00:43.33Lee619maybe FWD is down?  :-)
00:43.40watchysoul: volume
00:43.52watchyi'd like to know them all but right now i'm intrested in volume
00:44.57Lee619giving up...  :-(
00:45.16Soulwatchy, start here:
00:45.27*** join/#asterisk DEGRE40 (n=For@
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00:46.05watchyok cool
00:46.41watchythanks i found it
00:46.42watchyi love you
00:47.05watchywhats the volume called in it though
00:49.33inv_Arpjust added iaxtel for 8XX numbers ,   but my voipjet dial out is  "exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX"  wont that pick up the 800 numbers as well?
00:49.48watchywierd soul. i don't see one for volume
00:49.54Soulme neither ;)
00:50.11*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
00:50.18infinity1i have an odd problem where someone will be on the phone and suddenly i can hear them, but they can't hear me.
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00:50.18watchyyou sure it exist?
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00:52.21cnet2hi, I asterisk answering my phone (s,1,Answer..), but i want asterisk to wait for me to dial an extension to tell himwhat to do, but even though i have a exten=>XXX,n,Dial(..,  asterisk won't wait for me to dial the numbers and just sends me a hangup.
00:53.42*** join/#asterisk chiardon (n=chiardon@
00:54.00Soulwatchy, sorry, got confused with dtmf volume level. no, never configured call volume level in my configs
00:55.44Soulthis should solve the problem we were talking about, right ?
00:56.38*** join/#asterisk chiardon (n=chiardon@
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01:06.03[TK]D-Fendercnet2 : You need to set "autofallthrough=no"
01:06.16cnet2great thanks! jej
01:06.31chiardonWhats exactly "Notice 4709 . . .avoiding deadlock
01:06.49[TK]D-FenderSoul : You still need a path tot he other server.  That soludtion doesn't solve the lack of network connectivity.
01:07.34chiardon"Notice 4709  . . .avoiding deadlock"
01:07.38*** join/#asterisk annonimous (
01:07.39Soultk, i think it does, the loadbalancer "pings" both asterisk servers. even if A is down, B would still be available
01:07.56ManxPowerchiardon, it's a debugging message.  ignore it.
01:08.29Soulwhat i'm trying to find is if the loadbalancer is capable of sending >= 20 extensions to the B server, and the others to the A server
01:08.32*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
01:08.48[TK]D-FenderSoul : What are the odds that the LOCAL server is down?  Load balancing is good for things like termination servers.  if the server a phone is reg'd to goes dow so do all phones connected to it.
01:08.49chiardonbut it is showing just before the *Box Down
01:08.55Soulsomething like policy routing, if you understand network routing
01:08.59[TK]D-FenderSoul : Whats your real goal?  To bridge 2 offices?
01:09.11chiardonManpower Tnx
01:09.50chiardonManpower where you are?
01:09.50inv_Arpjust added iaxtel for 8XX numbers ,   but my voipjet dial out is  "exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX"  wont that pick up the 800 numbers as well?
01:10.03Soultk, no, connecting the 2 (or more) offices is trivial. i'm looking for the most redundant solution that i can build. if A fails, B must still be alive
01:10.09[TK]D-Fenderinv_Arp : Change your voipjet then.
01:10.16chiardonManpower UK?
01:10.49chiardonSomeone from western europe?
01:10.49ManxPowerI am in Alamaba
01:11.04inv_Arpok lets try regexp fashion
01:11.48Souli read something a few days ago, about some new asterisk solution that could make several asterisk servers behave as one, even that they would be distributed throughout the world. i cant find the url :(
01:12.07[TK]D-FenderSoul : Again though what is your goal?
01:12.26ManxPowerOne of my big fantasies is for two asterisk servers to act as one.
01:13.24Soultk, if i can create a "virtual" asterisk for the company, with the 2 real asterisk servers, then probably i could divert calls to each office using that virtual server. the virtual server could be in a redundant datacenter
01:13.35*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
01:13.56Soulif location A is down, location B would still get calls, forwarded by the datacenter
01:15.01[TK]D-FenderSoul : Thats a big undertaking and requires that the phones double-register or something and that all common resources (like VM) be shared somehow.  One idea might be that this is stored in a DB but that adds a central point of failure as well...
01:15.02*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
01:15.19[TK]D-FenderSoul: Do you really need this?
01:15.31Soultk, i can guarantee the datacenter wont fail, but not the offices
01:15.50Soultk, just brainstorming the best solution
01:16.24*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
01:16.48Soultk, something like sip reality:
01:16.54SoulSome unique features are:
01:17.14Soulthats the url i was looking for
01:18.34justinulooks like vaporware to me
01:18.45[TK]D-FenderSoul : But do you really NEED it?
01:19.14*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
01:19.53Soultk, everyone needs reliability. should i ask that to the 25 employees at site B, when they cant receive calls because site A is down ?
01:20.22Souljustinu, interested in building, not buying. just trying to figure how it works, IF if works
01:20.32[TK]D-FenderSoul : Does site B have no lines of their own?
01:20.49Soultk, just internet access
01:21.18Soulthe point is to forget about tdm and go voip all the way
01:21.57[TK]D-FenderSoul : If they only have internet access, and thats it, and the net goes down what on earth do you expect to do with that situation?  There is simply NO path to Site B.  period.  All the phones over there are dead in the water.
01:22.28Soultk, no, thats not the situation i was asking about
01:22.47Soulsite B should be fully operational even if site A was down
01:22.47[TK]D-FenderSoul : try again and make the sample as linear as possible
01:22.58Soultk: site B should be fully operational even if site A was down
01:22.59[TK]D-FenderSite "A" has the incoming lines, correct?
01:23.21Soultk, no incoming pstn lines, everything is voip
01:23.31Soulsite a has internet access, and site b also
01:23.41[TK]D-FenderSoul : Do both A & B have their own accounts?
01:23.44justinuyou can do stuff like that, but you need top grade IP connectivity
01:23.52Soulsite b must work even if site a is down, and the opposite
01:24.16Souljustinu, if i had that i would not worry about comms being down ;)
01:24.22Soultk, yes
01:24.28sivanaSoul: site a and b have *?
01:24.35Soulsivana, yes
01:24.58Soultk, the problem is that site a users must sometimes go work at site b, and the opposite
01:24.59sivanaI don't see the problem then
01:25.00[TK]D-FenderSoul : With a server on each side have its phones register to it, they are independant.  The only thing you could lose is access to resources at the other side.
01:25.28*** join/#asterisk ManxPowe (
01:25.29Soultk, yes, if they work as 2 standalone asterisk servers, BUT:
01:25.31[TK]D-FenderSoul : thats what forwarding your calls to the other server is for....
01:26.27Soultk, how can YOU, tk, call the sip url, if the sip srv record is JUST ONE of those asterisk servers ?
01:26.38fileo... m... g...
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01:27.28kino5how to forwad incoming call to extention?
01:27.41filewhy don't you just deploy SER in a cluster configuration for SIP components, use Asterisk for media and PSTN access, and then the phone can register anywhere and hell you can have two phones registered to the cluster
01:27.53Soulif the sip srv record is, located at site A, and site A is down, how can be reached if is usually forwarded by asterisk A to asterisk B (i'm a site B user) ?
01:28.13Soulfile ?
01:28.36Soulfile, im sure you are righ, but my head is slower than yours
01:29.47Soulquestion a) can you have multiple sip srv records for a domain, each one pointing to different asterisk servers, where different sip users are registered ?
01:29.47*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
01:30.09cnet2i've put "autofallthrough=no ", and still asterisk won't wait for me to dial an extension before hanging up
01:30.10Soulquestion b) if question a is NO, how can we provide an alternative solution ?
01:30.39*** join/#asterisk _DAW-LAPTOP (
01:30.41litageif you have 5 asterisk servers and 500 tenants, each with varying #s of extensions, should all tenants be on each asterisk server, or should the 500 tenants be split up amongst the asterisk servers?
01:31.28cnet2i've put WaitExten
01:31.34fileSoul: you can specify multiple ones, they're weighted and if one is down the sip UA will usually try the next one... that is, if they support SRV records
01:31.37Soullitage, if all the tenants are known by all asterisk servers, then everyone can register at the server on the location they are working on
01:32.13[TK]D-Fendercnet2 : Pastebin your extensions.conf
01:33.20cnet2what-s the paste bin url?
01:33.22*** join/#asterisk Skkip (n=Skipper@
01:33.47jboti heard pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
01:33.52Soulfile, ok, thats a good start for an answer to question a). but i suppose the multiple sip srv records point to different sip (asterisk) servers where EVERYONE is registered, correct ? i mean, with sip srv records you just can't say that the 1 2 and 3 users are registered with, and 4 5 and 6 users are registered with, correct ?
01:34.24*** join/#asterisk greendisease (n=jack@fedora/greendisease)
01:34.31fileSoul: you're not going to do load balancing and failover of stuff in the SIP protocol on the DNS layer... just no
01:35.09*** join/#asterisk EvilMetal (
01:35.37litageSoul: would each asterisk server not become sluggish though if the # of tenants significantly increased, say to 50,000?
01:36.18*** join/#asterisk chalco_lab (n=chatzill@pdpc/supporter/active/chalco)
01:36.20Soulstarting with that "no" assumption, then we must have ALL the users for ALL the offices in ALL the asterisk servers (that would take care of the romaing users situation). and then, we must have some way to forward the call to the proper asterisk server where the user is registered in that moment
01:36.28ptiggerdinecluster of asterisk server then
01:36.31litagefile: ?
01:36.32*** join/#asterisk jyukes (
01:36.39Soulotherwise, we could just.. dial all the asterisk servers, like tk said, correct ?
01:36.40filelitage: you wouldn't get that many on a box
01:37.14Soullitage, we're talking maximum 200 users offices
01:37.16fileSoul: I'll give you two hints for an idea I have in my idea... regexten, and DUNDi
01:37.24fileer in my head
01:37.30Soulfile, dont know the first
01:37.53fileSoul: it modifies the dialplan and adds a 1 priority with noop, so an extension becomes active upon registration
01:38.16Soulfile, you sip invite dns resolves sip servers to,, is down (office A is down)
01:38.34chalco_labhello all. this may not directly apply to asterisk, but hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. I'm trying to find out how a VOIP service provider interrconnects with the PSTN
01:38.55filechalco_lab: they're called telephone companies...
01:39.02fileor other VoIP carriers
01:39.03Soulthe call goes to, (location B), and asterisk B is configured to dial sergio@A, sergio@B and sergio@C at the same time
01:39.21*** join/#asterisk alephcom_ (
01:39.32[TK]D-Fendercnet2 : Ok where in there is your IVR that fails?
01:39.47cnet2the default context
01:40.05chalco_labfile: a client of mine wants to become a VOIP service provider, and I'm researching it for him
01:40.06cnet2it answers, and seems its waiting for exten, but when i press any number i get Invalid Extension
01:40.15Soulsergio@A will obviously not dial (A is down), sergio@B will not ring (sergio is not registered there, he is 300 miles away), sergio@C will ring, and voila, i will answer. is this feasible ?
01:40.24filechalco_lab: you get a connection to the regular phone network, a PRI or DS3 or whatever...
01:40.29filechalco_lab: from the telco
01:40.33enemy^xJust tried out Asterisk-IM with spark as client, Seems like I have to update the status message on my side to anything before the others see that I`m on the phone.... ?
01:40.57fileSoul: depends if you used voicemail because sergio@B has the potential to pick up if it does
01:41.07[TK]D-Fendercnet2 : exten => XXX,n,Dial(IAX2/powersol/${EXTEN})  is no good.  you need a priority 1!
01:41.11Soulfile, damn ;)
01:41.14chalco_labfile: thank you. that helps a lot
01:41.15[TK]D-Fenderexten => XXX,1,Dial(IAX2/powersol/${EXTEN})
01:41.32Soulfile, how to solve that ?
01:42.05fileSOul: I'm not going to solve all your problems for you
01:42.24cnet2[TK]D-Fender: ok i did that, but it stills won't let me dial more than 1 number
01:42.28Soulfile, ;)
01:43.03[TK]D-Fendercnet2 : And get rid of Waitexten, and add in exten => s,2,Set(TIMEOUT(response)=15)   and exten => s,3,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=3)
01:43.21[TK]D-FenderActually that should be : exten => _XXX,1,Dial(IAX2/powersol/${EXTEN})
01:43.26[TK]D-Fenderyuo forgot the "_" too....
01:43.45[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: another point for gxp2000: it can do intercom without having to use a separate autoanswer extension hack
01:43.51[TK]D-FenderOk, run with that for a bit, I'm off to watch a movie
01:43.56[av]banitoo bad the speakerphone is so bad :P
01:44.15Soulsomeking of "dynamic" dialplan, built with information from the multiple asterisk servers, would be great: "if sergio is registered at B or C dont enable his voicemail here"
01:44.15[TK]D-Fenderis the GXP any less of a hack than Poly really?
01:44.29[av]banipoly requires autoanswer extension? the gxp uses a hint
01:45.03[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : a hint?  Makes no sense, but will catch up later.
01:45.26[av]baniexten => 1234,1,SIPAddHeader(Call-Info: answer-after=0)
01:45.31[av]baniwell, an additional header
01:46.12kino5how to forwad incoming call to extention?
01:46.19*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
01:46.25kino5incoming call from PSTN line
01:46.42cnet2[TK]D-Fender: set command is not recognized.. :S
01:46.58|omni|anyone in 509 area code need a PSTN gate? putting a 7 chan PRI in our rack and just need to cover costs
01:47.28enemy^xanyone here tried the Asterisk-IM plugin?
01:52.08cnet2gotit, thanks
01:52.34litageSoul: you and i are trying to achieve the exact same thing. may i privmsg you?
01:55.56*** join/#asterisk kio (
01:58.06enemy^xis it possible to get the message stuff working in xten with asterisk? chan_sip.c:7283 receive_message: Received message to -....- gets dropped
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02:10.09litagefile: so if you have 1,000 tenants, each with varying #s of extensions, it's not feasible to put all tenants on each * box?
02:10.40justinutoo many simultaneous registers will crash asterisk :P
02:12.19litagejustinu: "too many" like 20 or 100 or 1000 simultaneous registrations?
02:12.42justinuaround 100, iirc
02:13.05Souljustinu, not here, not even close
02:13.10litagejustinu: if you split that into 2 groups of 50 registrations that occured consecutively, would things be peachy?
02:13.24justinuthe solution is to have your UA's register with SER
02:13.46justinusoul: what do you mean?
02:13.52justinusoul: you're not having that problem?
02:14.43Souljustinu, you mean 100 SIP REGISTER operations at the same time, or 100 users registered at the same time, (but the REGISTER operation happened before, at different times) ?
02:14.45*** join/#asterisk EvilMetal (
02:15.14justinu100 sip register operations
02:15.32Souljustinu, ah, sorry, never had that experience
02:15.36justinulike for example, if your link went down, and then came back up, all the UAs will register
02:15.58litagejustinu: i haven't read much on how SER works, but for registrations to take place with a SER box, SER would need to know the username and password for each party trying to register, right? and upstream * boxes also need to have that same registration information too, right?
02:16.13Souljustinu, correct, in that case we had that experience several times a day, for a month. no probs
02:16.59justinuthe * boxes just need to know the SIP AOR
02:17.06justinuonly the phones need the authentication info
02:17.27litagejustinu: SIP AOR?
02:17.33justinuSER can be setup to auth against a database
02:17.36justinuaddress of record
02:17.56Souljustinu, yes, ser is much better. also too complicated.
02:18.17justinuSER is very complicated at all
02:18.22justinumuch less so than asterisk
02:20.23Souljustinu, you mean ser is simple ?
02:20.52litagefile, justinu: so if you have 1,000+ tenants, each with varying #s of extensions, and use SER to handle registrations, is it feasible to put all tenants on each * box?
02:23.16inv_ArpQwell: around?
02:27.54watchyfor music on hold whats a good streamer to use
02:28.05watchyfor shoutcast?
02:28.35Soulwatchy, we're using mpg123
02:28.59watchynot workin for me g
02:29.07watchyHTTP request failed: 404 Resource Not Found
02:29.11Soulpick another stream, most of themdont work
02:29.14watchyany special flags you give it?
02:29.20watchyif you give it a url?
02:32.24*** part/#asterisk Prival (
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02:32.39*** part/#asterisk Prival (
02:33.58Soulno clue, not in the office right now
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02:37.58ObsidianXhey folks, if im trying to setup a soft-phone like Kiax or MozIAX to connect to asterisk to only receive calls would i choose friend, user, or peer
02:38.26ObsidianXi keep on getting "Inappropriate authentication received"
02:38.37marcus2that error has nthing to do with friend/user/peer tho
02:38.40*** join/#asterisk linlin (
02:39.02ObsidianXwhen i choose user it says "No registration for peer 'test'"
02:39.53ObsidianXalthough i have a section [test] with secret=pass etc...
02:40.01marcus2do you have auth=md5 ?
02:40.28ObsidianXi just added it and it still doesn't work
02:41.01ObsidianXmd5,plaintext,rsa doesn't work either
02:41.04*** join/#asterisk NDT (
02:47.51Nuggetmaybe "inappropriate" means you should put some clothes on or something.
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02:54.53hhoffmanhi, is anyone using zasterisk?
02:57.56ObsidianXNugget: heheh
02:58.06ObsidianXmarcus2: any ideas?
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03:02.43shmaltzanybody here running the following:
03:02.45shmaltzasterisk 1.2.1
03:02.48shmaltzand polycom?
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03:12.21Cyonwhos there?
03:12.41ObsidianX"No registration for peer" agh
03:12.44ObsidianXwhat does that mean :(
03:13.27*** join/#asterisk mountie (
03:13.46brockj49464Anybody have any GXP-2000 to sell?  Or reasons not to look at getting that phone?
03:13.53Qwellbrockj49464: because they suck
03:14.02Qwellespecially a used one...
03:14.09_Sam--i dont agree personally
03:14.17_Sam--i just installed 12 of them today for a real estate office
03:14.22brockj49464qwell: What exactly is weong with them?
03:14.26_Sam--for what they are...they are pretty good units.
03:14.29Qwell_Sam--: give them my condolences
03:14.47_Sam--i run my business on them, we have almost 20 people using them at my office as well
03:14.50brockj49464sam:  Can they do on-hook anouncements (paging)?
03:15.16_Sam--i thikn the newest beta firmware does that.
03:15.29_Sam--there is a wiki page about the phones that has some decent info
03:15.42_Sam--i dont know what else to compare them to for 85 bucks
03:15.54Qwell_Sam--: a GOOD headset, and a softphone
03:15.56_Sam--i am not saying you will love yours...but mine work fine for the role they are in
03:16.05_Sam--they blow away softphones
03:16.11_Sam--my sales guys switched from softphones to that
03:16.31_Sam--and we used good plantronics headsets
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03:16.44_Sam--i dont know what problems you had with the phones qwell
03:17.11_Sam--but ive dealt with their tech support as well which was refreshingly through to somoeone right away who helped me out
03:17.14brockj49464I am looking at them for home.  Trying to replace a pansonic kxtd1232 before it is worthless
03:17.28ObsidianXanybody know whats up with this error?
03:18.00_Sam--we are testing out the beta version of their newest firmware
03:18.06_Sam--and it seems pretty good for us
03:20.38brockj49464That is good that they seem to work.
03:20.49_Sam--ymmv based on your setup
03:21.08_Sam--all of my stuff ive been setting up is 100% pri or pstn type stuff
03:21.20_Sam--er 100% voip
03:21.39|omni|using remote gateways?
03:21.43Qwellrealestate agents get MAD when things don't work
03:21.58_Sam--well yeah , their asterisk box connects to an IAX provider
03:22.03_Sam--i guess that is a remote gateway....
03:22.15|omni|heh...I was just working on a system for a real estate office a couple weeks ago with someone
03:22.17_Sam--but the people assume the risks knowingly
03:22.18iCEBrkrdamnit this phone number
03:22.25iCEBrkrI got some fucker calling me twice a day
03:22.36Qwell_Sam--: So, you told them to only expect 90% uptime?
03:22.40iCEBrkrI think it's Walmarts telemarketing/survey group
03:22.50_Sam--ive been running 100% voip at my business for about 1.2 years...
03:22.56_Sam--our uptime is closer to 99% for our calls
03:23.03Qwell99% is unacceptable
03:23.09_Sam--maybe for some high end clients
03:23.14_Sam--but based on budgets
03:23.14Qwellfor anybody
03:23.22_Sam--they assume the risks
03:23.23iCEBrkrFive 9's!
03:23.25_Sam--they know
03:23.31_Sam--we talk about options
03:23.37_Sam--they choose based on cost you realize what that equates to?
03:23.39|omni|same on this side, but when I do a lot of forwarding (bounce exten to cell or whatever) I like low latency PSTN if possible
03:23.51Qwell1 hour every 4 days
03:23.59QwellThat is A LOT
03:24.04Qwellcompletely unacceptable
03:24.17_Sam--my shit works fine...i run a mail order business that over 10 mil a year in sales on it
03:24.21_Sam--and its acceptable just fine
03:24.32_Sam--you dont have to like it, thats fine
03:24.37_Sam--but people do
03:24.42Qwell_Sam--: So, what if UPS only delivered 4 days a week?
03:24.46iCEBrkrQwell: What if you have 72hrs downtime in the month of Dec?
03:24.47QwellYou'd be freaking pissed
03:24.51_Sam--my phones deliver 7 days a week
03:24.53QwelliCEBrkr: indeed
03:25.02_Sam--what is the difference between my PTP t1 and a PRI?
03:25.05iCEBrkrQwell: Your average doesn't hold water, is all I'm saying :P
03:25.08QwelliCEBrkr: on the 20th, 21st, and 22nd
03:25.25_Sam--so unless a route is down on my 8 homed provider...
03:25.30_Sam--the chances that i cant get there are pretty bad
03:25.32iCEBrkr...and hardware PBX's go dead a lot too..
03:25.33_Sam--my shit works.
03:25.44_Sam--call it as many times as you want..i'll give ya the number
03:26.03CyonHmmm, anyone here messed with getting faxing working?
03:26.38|omni|Sam...doing a similar setup here but putting a PRI into my rack
03:26.45_Sam--i started with a PRI
03:26.50_Sam--and switched to a PTP t1
03:27.04|omni|I have a PTP T1 from my rack to a client endpoint..but not here
03:27.10_Sam--and ive never regretted the decision
03:27.17|omni|low bandwidth for voice here
03:27.42shmaltzanybody here have an asterisk 1.2.1 system with a sipura and 2 polycom phones?
03:27.58brockj49464what exactly you trying to do with faxing?
03:28.36Cyonbrockj49464:  Get it working?  ;-)  I've tried the still beta t.38 patch, but unfortunately it's still buggy it would appear and I don't have the skill to update it
03:29.15Cyonbrockj49464:  So I jumped over to ser/openser, bypassing asterisk (I know, bad channel for that.) and tried to get sipura->ser->cisco working...
03:29.38brockj49464I am using g711u and seem to not have any problems for the 5 times I have used it this last week.
03:30.23Cyonbrockj49464:  Yeah, I've done ulaw; and can get it working 90%+ ; but I'm aiming for a solid 100%, or at least as close as possible
03:30.37CyonWhen the customer does hundreds; they really notice that percentage of failures
03:31.09*** join/#asterisk loud (
03:31.37Cyon_Vile mentioned he does Sipura->ser->cisco, with perfection so far is success rates, so I wanted to give that a try; or get other people's views on it
03:32.23brockj49464That is true.  My provider was where I was having problems when I used thier settinging on the ATA.  When I defaulted it and set it up to my * box I had no problems _so_ far.  Time will tell.  It also solved my Dish Network problem...
03:32.59Cyonbrockj49464:  What ATA do you have?  Just to ask...
03:33.04*** join/#asterisk Jameno123 (n=james@
03:33.21CyonBut yeah, I can get some really solid results; but it's just not consistent enough..unfortunately
03:33.48Jameno123anyone have a solution to that?
03:34.05Jameno123"inlining failed in call to '__t4_framer_interrupt': function body notavailable"
03:34.07brockj49464SPA-2100  Getting 2 more of them.  My plan is to start with cheap CID 2500 like phones and move to GXP-2000 as I get wiring and the phones.
03:34.29alephcom_I need an opinion from you all...   On a low end ($9.99 per month) hosted pbx, do you think the customer needs more than 1 auto attendant?
03:34.38Cyonalephcom_:  No.
03:34.39|omni|I'm liking the cisco 7960 for a work handset
03:34.53Jameno123|omni|, 7940G are great too
03:34.54|omni|I was on Zultys stuff before which is cool but these Ciscos are pretty nice
03:35.01shmaltznybody here have an asterisk 1.2.1 system with a sipura and 2 polycom phones?
03:35.03|omni|I haven't tried a 7940 yet
03:35.10Cyonshmaltz:  Sipura, but not polycom
03:35.14Jameno1237940/7960 same phone, just lesser phone "lines"
03:35.17Jameno123and cheaper price ;)
03:35.22shmaltzCyon, what other phones?
03:35.28|omni|not as many appearances
03:35.28Cyonshmaltz:  snom
03:35.30alephcom_Cyon:  Tks, my thoughts too.  I'm just designing an automated signup/management setup and I'm having lots of fun on the dialplan.
03:35.35|omni|how many does the 40 have.... 4?
03:35.45|omni|same XML mini-browser, etc.?
03:35.47shmaltzCyon, so you have snom, sipura, and 1.2.1?
03:35.50Jameno123|omni|, yes
03:35.54Jameno123same lcd, ect
03:35.59Cyonalephcom_:  Yeah, I've been working on the same, with the auto-attendant being the hardest for me by far
03:36.01|omni|I setup some cool little apps on our PBX for the phone
03:36.03Cyonshmaltz:  Yes
03:36.11Jameno123|omni|, any of them use the LCD?
03:36.15shmaltzCyon, more than one snom? or just one?
03:36.24|omni|yea, browse to the app in LCD and submit data
03:36.32|omni|just simple stuff testing out the Cisco XML layout
03:36.35Cyonshmaltz:  Just one for testing; have lots in stock for customers; why?
03:36.44Cyonshmaltz:  Just ask whatever it is
03:36.50|omni|enter zip and get weather info, or lookup directory info
03:36.58shmaltzCyon, I'm trying to test something, to see who has the bug: asteirsk, polycom, or sipura
03:37.01|omni|but the wheels are turning now
03:37.12Cyonbrockj49464:  I'll get it eventually, I'm just sure others have done it already
03:37.16Cyonshmaltz:  What bug?
03:37.19Jameno123|omni|, yea, i was looking on trying to figure out how to present customer order data
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03:37.28Jameno123cust calls in, the order# is shown on the phone when the agent answers
03:37.29shmaltzCyon, I have a problem with sipura asterisk 1.2.1 and polycoms, I know it's a bug, but I'm not sure who is at fault
03:37.52shmaltzCyon, when a polycom speaks with a sipura, and then does an attended xfer to anohter polycom, at the final stage there is only 1 way audio
03:38.09shmaltzthis is on a single flat network, 1 subnet
03:38.10anonymouz666hi... there is a caller in a queue.. I think its crashed because his wait time: (wait: -525351:-37, prio: 0)
03:38.11shmaltzno nat
03:38.16Jameno123the only way so far ive figured out is just to throw the order# in the callerid info heh
03:38.18anonymouz666how do I remove this one?
03:38.29Jameno123sooooooo - does anyone have a solution to that?
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03:38.41shmaltzif I change the sipura to canreinvite=no, then everything is ok, but another problem arises
03:38.59|omni|Jameno123:  like enter order number and get details?
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03:39.31shmaltzJameno123, what version of zap? and what version of kernel?
03:39.36|omni|pretty simple to write little apps, we've done a ton of web development in the past so I just  wrote a little PHP that dumps results to the Cisco XML elements and it works pretty well..pull from DB or whatever
03:39.45anonymouz666is it possible to remove callers crashed from a queue?
03:40.06Jameno123shmaltz, zap=latest, kernel=2.6.12(+patches)
03:40.12Cyonshmaltz:  Hmmm, beyond me
03:40.22Jameno123just freshly downloaded from SVN about an hour ago
03:40.26|omni|I'd like to play with some outlook integration
03:40.50shmaltzCyon, but if you could test this for me with the snoms then it would confirm that:
03:40.52shmaltz1. its not the sipuras,
03:40.53shmaltz2. It's not asterisk
03:41.12shmaltzJameno123, which one from svn? tags or trunk?
03:41.34Cyonshmaltz:  I can test it at the office tomorrow; but we used it extensively; only way it would replicate is if we did snom->sipura->snom
03:41.41Jameno123shmaltz, (gcc 4.0.1)
03:41.46Cyonshmaltz:  Other than that, we never ean into it
03:42.23Cyonshmaltz:  I'm generally here all day; just pm me any time and I'll get on it
03:42.31shmaltzCyon, also if I do canreinvite=no all is godd, so if you test it you will have to make sure that the rtp *always* gets reinvited
03:42.43shmaltzCyon, Thank you
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03:42.46VeNoMouS_woah i forgot i left this on
03:42.56*** join/#asterisk alephcom_ (
03:43.37Cyonshmaltz:  Easily; when I'm at the phones  :)
03:44.32Jameno123shmaltz: i have no zaptel cards  as well.
03:44.40Jameno123just trying to install ztdummy
03:44.50shmaltzJameno123, that shouldn't make a difference
03:44.58shmaltzthis problem is beyond me
03:45.42Jameno123static inline void __t4_framer_interrupt(struct t4 *wc, int span);
03:45.54Jameno123heh, no function body, as it says.
03:46.04*** join/#asterisk dily (
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03:47.57Jameno123kinda looks outta place, guess it needs moved up to the top of the file :( though im not a C expert, have no idea what im talking about.
03:49.35CyonHmmm, does anyone recall an issue where a call tries to use speex when neither side of the sip headers support it; and then it has no trnslation path and the call dies?
03:50.09*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:50.49dilyi try to compile bristuff-0.3.0-PRE-1c
03:51.01dilybut when complie the zaphfc.ko i have strange  function undefined warning
03:51.31dilylike this: *** Warning: "zt_register" [/usr/src/bristuff/zaphfc/zaphfc.ko] undefined!
03:51.44dilyany idea?
03:51.59CyonNever looked at or tried that module
03:52.52dilyi try to install bristuff on many system/distributions but i have the some errors...
03:54.40ObsidianXhas anybody ever had an error when setting up IAX along the lines of "No registration for peer 'user'"?
03:56.30dilyanyone use bristuff?!?
03:56.41CyonActually, let me ask this way; what is speex (I know it's a codec) but how do I totally disable it everywhere?  lol
03:57.23CyonLike, why does asterisk say it's trying to be used when talking to the cisco...
03:57.48*** join/#asterisk tecnico (
03:59.21brockj49464cyon:  Do you disallow=all then allow what ones you want to use?
03:59.31Cyonbrockj49464:  absolutely
03:59.44CyonIt looks like cisco ignores it and tries to establish calls as speex
04:00.22CyonThe only one allowed in my sipuras is ulaw, the only one allowed in asterisk is ulaw, and the cisco has "codec g711ulaw" as well...
04:00.47CyonAnd yet:  [2006-01-11 17:52:24] WARNING[32704]: Unable to find a codec translation path from speex to ulaw
04:02.30hhoffmanis there a better tts then festival to use with asterisk?
04:03.55Cyon  <-- anyone have any ideas?
04:04.01Cyonhhoffman:  Not that I've seen
04:08.28*** join/#asterisk mud (
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04:11.45Jameno123Cyon, try "disallow=all"  "allow=ulaw"
04:11.59Jameno123hrm, nobody has any ideas about my issue?
04:13.17CyonJameno123:  Was done long ago
04:13.32CyonJameno123:  speex isn't even a protocol that asterisk has by default
04:14.18CyonJameno123:  Something is trying to use it, or makes asterisk think it is; yet cisco doesn't support that codec either it would appear, and my sipura is set to use g711, and pref. codec only.
04:14.27Cyonfile: Sorry, yes.
04:15.24hhoffmanfugitivo: thanks checking now
04:15.41Jameno123twisted[asteria], wakey wakey!
04:16.46hhoffmanfugitivo: are these voice compatible with festival?
04:17.00CyonJameno123:  I'm not a coder anymore; but can I see a pastebin of all the verbose/debug lines?
04:17.04fugitivohhoffman: no, it's closed source
04:17.07SwKjameno123 is from teh svn or from the 1.2.1 tarball?
04:17.18CyonJameno123:  So I can see which src files it is bouncing through
04:17.34SwKit looks like a bad check out from svn
04:17.55hhoffmanfugitivo: k, thx
04:17.57Jameno123SwK, svn, ive deleted and redownloaded twice now.
04:18.14SwKit looks like 1/2 and update to me
04:18.23hhoffmanah, but I'm guessing it's meant to work with * as they have digium links on their page
04:18.25SwKare you running head?
04:18.31SwK(or trunk now)
04:18.36Jameno123SwK, trunk
04:18.45Jameno123ive always ran CVS-HEAD
04:18.57CyonJameno123: Ah, I assumed it was the tgz download...
04:19.07SwKi did to til 1.2.X was released
04:19.17SwK1.0 was just to damned old and missing too many features
04:19.23*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
04:19.35QwellI run svn roots
04:19.37SwKI would try compiling the 1.2.1 zap sources from the tarball and see what happens
04:19.48Qwellmore features than trunk
04:20.59Jameno123will try
04:21.58*** join/#asterisk Hybrid (
04:22.26Jameno123SwK, yea, the "out of date" stuff, is what concerns me ;)
04:22.51SwKi wouldnt worry about it rightnow
04:24.36*** part/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
04:25.15tainted_how do i do E911 for a client?
04:25.32Jameno123SwK, waiting on the box to rebewt, i guess we'll see :)
04:25.35SwKvery carefully
04:25.44SwKtainted_ are you an ITSP?
04:25.57tainted_SwK it's for a client
04:26.04*** join/#asterisk Johnnie (n=john@pdpc/supporter/active/Johnnie)
04:26.15tainted_i don't normally do this kind of stuff
04:26.40CyonJameno123:  Reboot?  Why woyld you reboot?
04:28.41Jameno123Cyon, ;) kernel updates
04:28.50CyonJameno123:  Ah, ok.  :)
04:29.09Jameno123would be so nice to
04:29.17Jameno123cat newkernel > /proc/kcore
04:29.20Jameno123and not have to reboot ;)
04:29.25Jameno123but i dont think we'll see the day
04:29.28SkramXheh, it would.
04:29.31CyonI can't wait till we have dynamic kernel loading...
04:29.48CyonNah, it's doable; just the entire structure would have to be redone, and it'll be years...
04:29.55CyonBut it will happen eventually
04:30.03HybridAnybody have Mechwarrior 3?
04:31.42*** part/#asterisk Hybrid (
04:32.00Jameno123SwK, suggest using 1.2.1 [.tgz] completely or just zaptel?
04:34.40SwK1.2.1 zap shoudl work with trunk at this time,altho i'm not sure... 1.2.1 would probably be better for products as its a known quantity and its not missing much from trunk yet (unless there is something in trunk you really need)
04:36.24Jameno123swk it built properly ;) heh, it should run then
04:37.20fugitivoWIRING WIRING WIRING
04:38.09SwKit always gripes about g729
04:38.45*** join/#asterisk qhrisnd (
04:38.58qhrisndGood evening everyone :-)
04:38.59file[laptop]my cellphone bill is insane
04:39.48Jameno123SwK, hrm, should i rm -rf that and re-make install?
04:39.52[TK]D-FenderPerhaps its the 800# attached to it :)
04:40.04QwellJameno123: It's just a warning...ignore it if that was the only file
04:40.05file[laptop]wait for it people
04:40.13Qwellfile[laptop]: $938?
04:40.18file[laptop]invoice amount$1,603.26
04:40.19ObsidianXhow would i go about fixing the error "Inappropriate authentication received" when i try to connect an IAX client to *
04:40.21SwKyeah what qwell said
04:40.35rob0file[laptop]: have it committed :)
04:40.35Qwellfile[laptop]: how the hell did you manage that?
04:40.39SwKit always gribes about codec_729 cause you dont have the source for it
04:40.40*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
04:40.44file[laptop]we'll see.
04:40.45rob0I know well how he did it!!
04:40.48ManxPoweJust how DOES one get a $1,000 cell phone bill anyway?
04:40.51ManxPowefile, GO PREPAY!
04:41.02ManxPowerob0, all those phonesex phone calls?
04:41.10SwKis that CDN File?
04:41.12file[laptop]I just have the transaction on my account, I don't have the invoice online yet and my balance isn't adjusted yet
04:41.13rob0I saw him here, typing in IRC, while on the road
04:41.17file[laptop]SwK: yes
04:41.19file[laptop]rob0: yup
04:41.30file[laptop]they probably billed me for data, and backbilled me for past data usage
04:41.31fugitivofile[laptop]: $1600?????
04:41.33SwKfile: oh so its like a normal 100USD phone bill?
04:41.41ManxPoweAh.  Mine would be like $5,000 if I wasn't on the flat rate data plan
04:41.47file[laptop]I need to calculate how it got to that amount though
04:41.48file[laptop]it makes no sense
04:41.58Jameno123SwK, yea, it bitched about more, but im not pasting them all :) should i rm -rf the modules dir, and reinstall it all completely?
04:42.07Jameno123like 15 files are listed
04:42.13h3xdamn bid snipers
04:42.21xachenCanada data rates are bad for mobile providers
04:42.23h3xi accidently pasted a auction item number in where a price goes
04:42.26xachenthey will coin you easily $1/mbv
04:42.29h3xand i bid 5 million on an ATA device
04:42.40file[laptop]my regular bill is $60
04:42.40SwKjamesno123: probably want to get rid of them but not the g729 one
04:42.48SwKyou'll need it for g729
04:42.55Jameno123SwK, yea, i use g729, i know about it ;)
04:43.03file[laptop]so I used 100MB of data apparently
04:43.09Jameno123like you said, only because it wasnt compiled directly be the source
04:43.16fugitivofile[laptop]: don't pay it, that's insane
04:43.22xachendownloading porn onto your blackberry? :D
04:43.24file[laptop]fugitivo: I'm waiting for the bill.
04:43.26xachen:O rather
04:43.26|omni|Cingular did that to me a couple months ago but it was only $580 for data
04:43.27*** join/#asterisk sumonish (n=God@
04:43.32sumonishhi all
04:43.45|omni|I switched to the unlimited data account... a mere $20 more than I was paying already
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04:44.16file[laptop]I'm not overly thrilled, but I legitimately used it so if they billed it right... yeah
04:44.31file[laptop]life goes on
04:44.53file[laptop]so help me god if my mother opens my cellphone bill
04:45.10fugitivoheart attack
04:45.22sumonishi have an asterisk server which my boss has setup and left me with unfortunatly the CallerID is causeing an issue where when a call comes in it dumps the call i have the following issue in Myphp The $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] directive MUST be set in your configuration file! can someone tell my what it means and how to fix it??
04:45.29file[laptop]she's been nosey lately, she opened my credit card statement ahead of me while I was right in front of her
04:45.38file[laptop]and my rrsp notice
04:45.51file[laptop]it's like, "uh... I'm 19 here... get out of my finances"
04:45.53|omni|sumonish: , that's not your issue, that's just a setting in phpMyAdmin
04:45.58file[laptop]SwK: registered retirement savings plan
04:46.06|omni|you can edit
04:46.12SwKi guess thats cdn for 401k
04:46.13rob0file[laptop]: get a PO Box
04:46.27|omni|and set the full URL to phpMyAdmin (i.e. and that message will go away
04:46.39file[laptop]rob0: mmm I could
04:46.41rob0in USPS they're pretty cheap
04:46.41sumonishi edited the zapata.conf
04:46.51sumonishto turn of caller id is that right?
04:46.55sumonishi seems to work
04:46.55rob0I pay $18/year I think
04:47.05file[laptop]I believe it's $60 CAD/year here
04:47.24sumonishok omni
04:47.36rob0they cost more in cities, mine is in a tiny town
04:47.36SwKdamn did apple release enuff patches yesterday?
04:47.49MikeJ__file, so that's like one regular cell bill a year?
04:47.50rob0but Canada is no doubt different
04:48.04file[laptop]MikeJ__: more
04:48.12file[laptop]my regular cell bill is $60/mth total
04:48.50sumonishomni where is stored?
04:49.12Jameno123hrm, alright, seems to work :)
04:49.22Jameno123but didnt solve my problem/reason for upgrading
04:49.25Jameno1231st File Descriptor: -1
04:50.49Jameno123after it bridge's a call, it hangs and gives nothing.
04:51.03Jameno123service provider returning no data? or some other weird crapola?
04:51.30twisted[asteria]SwK, you sure you don't have that shit?
04:52.04qhrisndI need help with 2 things: 1) I need to find out how to create in my dial plan, a way to make an extension ring over to another extension when its busy. 2) I would like to know how to (if possible) route calls based upon caller id. Can anyone give me some tips?
04:52.27Qwelltwisted[asteria]: y0
04:52.44Qwelltwisted[asteria]: going to ETel?
04:53.01twisted[asteria]Qwell, no
04:53.03ManxPoweqhrisnd, See "show application dial" and the [macro-stdexten] section of extensions.conf.  Also see the Wiki and the Asterisk book.
04:53.08jboti heard docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
04:53.19Qwelltwisted[asteria]: shame..
04:53.26*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
04:53.37fugitivoqhrisnd: and DIALSTATUS
04:53.47qhrisndthank you
04:53.49twisted[asteria]Qwell, well, if I had known about it sooner, i might could have
04:55.51SwKtwisted I am sure
04:56.57*** join/#asterisk aless (
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04:57.11alesshi, which ports do i need to forward when using a nat?
04:57.18Qwellaless: which channel types?
04:58.20inv_Arpaless: any port you want
04:58.40alessim connecting two servers with iax
04:59.00Qwellaless: 4569
04:59.06*** part/#asterisk loud (
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05:00.04alessonly that one? arent any other services sending packets?
05:00.18ObsidianXnetstat -nap
05:00.20ObsidianXif you wanna find out
05:00.38ObsidianXcourse you'll have to look for asterisk processes :P
05:02.36SwKdamn it
05:03.53Jameno123blah blah blah! damn thing :( argh, why the heck doesnt this thing WORK!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
05:04.02Jameno123how can i determine where my problem is :(
05:04.31mogorman? Jameno123
05:04.32Jameno123i call from my cisco 7960 via sip to asterisk1, asterisk1 dials asterisk2, asterisk2 dials our provider.
05:04.35mogormancalm down....
05:04.52Jameno123asterisk1->asterisk2 = iax
05:04.56Jameno123asterisk2->provider = iax
05:05.08Jameno123if i do "iax2 show channels"  on asterisk2, it shows a "UP" bridged channel
05:05.22Jameno123yet, i see hear nothing
05:05.36mogormani see hear?
05:05.49Jameno123i see no errors, and hear nothing on the phone
05:05.56Jameno123if i hang up the phone
05:05.57mogormanis jitterbuffer on?
05:06.39Jameno123asterisk1 disconnects the call, but asterisk2 still thinks the call is in progress, and doesnt disconnect until it times out.
05:06.46*** part/#asterisk alephcom_ (
05:06.49Jameno123mogorman, which server? all of them?
05:07.00mogormanany of them?
05:07.07Jameno123this shit just started happening 3 days ago
05:07.11Jameno123its been fine "forever" :(
05:07.48Jameno123i dont know about my service provider
05:08.07mogormanhmm it sounds like a bug we have been working on
05:08.16Jameno123bug? heh
05:08.23Jameno123it just "mysteriously" happens?
05:08.46mogormandoes this happen if you turn off iax native transfer
05:08.47Jameno123heh, just magically started happening one day
05:09.09watchywhats the quick reset for a 7960?
05:09.40mogormanpull the plug ^_^
05:09.42Jameno123watchy, reboot?   (*+6+services)
05:09.50watchythanks brother
05:09.52Jameno123err settings
05:09.59Jameno123* 6 settings
05:10.02Jameno1231 of the two
05:10.12Qwellreal men **#**
05:10.24Jameno123mogorman: hrm.
05:10.31Jameno123i cant say ive ever done that before ;)
05:10.42QwellWhy did Cisco do **#** for the reboot on the sccp 7960?
05:10.47Jameno123let me go read some docs, or shed me some light :)
05:10.52QwellYou have to be in settings for it to work...
05:11.05Jameno123sccp, blah!
05:11.07Qwelland...what do you need to press to unlock the phone?  That's right...  **#
05:11.09mogormanid try turning off native transfer first
05:11.21Jameno123mogorman, thats what im reading docs to figure out how ;)
05:11.29QwellSo, if you want to unlock, and it didn't appear to work the first time...what do you do?  You press it again
05:11.41Qwelland in doing reboot the damn thing.  How stupid...
05:11.42Jameno123notransfer=no ?
05:12.04mogormanhmm i think so....
05:12.09mogormanid have to look it up sorry
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05:13.21Jameno123mogorman, nope, didnt help
05:13.42Jameno123i think junction networks is being a pain in my arse again :)
05:13.48mogormandid you turn it on all points and check it again
05:14.06Jameno123i turned it "off"
05:14.10Jameno123it should be "on" ?
05:14.22Jameno123i disabled it, on all servers, yet
05:14.38Jameno123err both*  well, the two i have access too, not my providers, of course.
05:14.51Jameno123i think its just a provider issue :(
05:15.05Jameno123ive never had any problems, and if i dial other phones on my asterisk server, i dont have problems.
05:15.08Jameno123so if i do
05:15.18Jameno123no problems, ever
05:15.35mogormanyeah probably
05:24.49Jameno123mogorman, ;) so stressful when you cant figure out why something is happening hehe
05:30.18*** join/#asterisk ThaZZa_Work (n=me@
05:32.21Jameno123whelp thanks guys for your help, ill go chew on the ear of my service provider tomorrow.
05:32.26litageif you have 1,000+ tenants, each with varying #s of extensions, and use SER to handle registrations, is it feasible to put all tenants on each * box?in a phone call [through *], if 1 person is talking and the other person is silent, are they both sending the same amount of voice data?
05:33.24mogormanyeah i understand Jameno123
05:33.50litagein a phone call [through *], if 1 person is talking and the other person is silent, are they both sending the same amount of voice data?
05:34.58Qwelllitage: Since * doesn't do VAD, yes
05:35.14jboti heard vad is Voice Activity Detection
05:36.21litageQwell: so the type (volume, pitch, etc) of audio/voice doesn't affect the amount of data transferred?
05:36.48Qwellafaik, no
05:38.30*** join/#asterisk Evanrude (
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05:38.35lo_technot AM, bro... louder doesnt mean bigger data :)
05:39.52Jameno123oh before i go
05:39.54Jameno123one more thing :)
05:40.26Jameno123WHen a user transfers a call, on a cisco ip phone (SIP), to another extension, why does the phone never receive anymore calls?
05:40.30Jameno123asterisk thinks its "busy"
05:40.31litagelo_tech: "not AM"?
05:40.42Jameno123litage, "its not AM (like radio)
05:41.02lo_techlitage: amplitude modulation...
05:41.21*** join/#asterisk Mavantix (
05:41.42Jameno123anyone have any idea what i possible am doing wrong?
05:41.42litageso if 2 people are using sip and g729, will each person's incoming and outgoing data and voice streams be fairly constant?
05:42.18Jameno123they used to transfer, and then receive more inbound calls
05:42.23Jameno123now the phones are staying busy
05:42.38Jameno123probably something todo with "tT" ? or canreinvite or something?
05:42.44Mavantixis there anyway to have asterisk IM me incoming call info, log messages, etc?
05:43.01lo_techall things being equal, without silence suppression or vad, yes... the bandwidth used will be equal for both parties, regardless of how loud or the amount of silence for each phone
05:43.03ManxPoweJameno123, sounds like you are using imcominglimit=1 or setgroup, etc
05:43.44ManxPoweJameno123, if so, this is a know issue, see the mailing list archives, there may be a fix or something.
05:44.01Jameno123ManxPowe: hrm, they do disable callwaiting, if callwaiting is enabled it rings fine.
05:44.16Jameno123as i thought, if you transfer your phone is released from the call?
05:44.23Jameno123i didnt think the phone 'bridged' the call.
05:44.56Jameno123ManxPowe, incominglimit is undefined in my sip.conf
05:45.19Jameno123and setgroup would be a no.
05:45.42Jameno123though, i dont specify "canreinvite"
05:45.46Jameno123in the sip.conf, so thats probably the issue?
05:46.44watchyanyway to set cisco volume in sipdefault?
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06:13.14littleballhello, i use E1/PRI, asterisk1.2.1. I got the following warning in the console:
06:13.15littleballJan 12 14:00:18 NOTICE[6681]: channel.c:2416 __ast_request_and_dial: Don't know what to do with control frame 15
06:13.21littleballwhat does it mean?
06:27.52wunderkinheh holy crap, the * messages log on my one server never has been rotated
06:29.10lo_technot so bad unless you
06:29.16lo_techare verbose, debug
06:30.52wunderkin22k lines since sept
06:31.16wunderkinverbose is set to 20 but i dont do much with it, just testing
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06:47.02chat_jokeyhello people
06:48.10chat_jokeyi am currently doing some asterisk sizing .. task is to support 150 incoming TDM lines and 175 outgoing lines .. with approximately 4000 extensions (mostly used only for intercom)
06:48.24chat_jokeyanyone can suggest me any pointers on the dimensioning of the same ?
06:48.43chat_jokeyi read up with .. but its kinda not clear ..
06:49.03chat_jokeyI am averaging about 400 - 500 odd extensions running from one asterisk box ..
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06:56.10welleshi all
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07:14.49welles[help] i try to install mpg123 on centos4 and it hints that :'decode_i586.s:44: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `push' ...' what's wrong? my machine is 64bit machine
07:25.25litageis H323 or SIP more NAT- and network-friendly?
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07:34.49tzafrir_laptopwelles, use rawplayer, unless you want to stream music
07:36.58wellesrawplayer? ok,i have a try .it can replace mpg123 for music on hold on *?
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07:52.12Lee619good morning
07:56.27infinity1good nite
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08:14.16ObsidianXlitage: i read that IAX was NAT friendly
08:14.28ObsidianXlitage: i think it uses UDP
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08:18.27chat_jokeyany one can give pointers on clustering asterisk ?
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08:23.21bazzi'm trying to get asterick going, i've set up my extentions.conf file (i thought) but when i copy a .call file into the outgoing spool i get __ast_request_and_dial: Don't know what to do with control frame 15 and then attempt_thread: Call failed to go through, reason 3.  any ideas?
08:23.46*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
08:24.09wellnghi all
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08:27.36koperniqschat_jokey: what kind of clustering?
08:30.01chat_jokeylike i want to have like 4000 extensions - something like IP Centrex
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08:30.41chat_jokeykoperniqs: trying to figure out how many extension a Dual XEON - 3.0Ghz, 4GRAM can handle ..
08:31.00chat_jokeybased on that wanna do some sizing ..
08:32.37koperniqschat_jokey: ther's a tool called sipsak ( that might help
08:39.26chat_jokeykoperniqs: lemme have a look
08:41.11*** join/#asterisk welles (n=welles@
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08:44.24DHuangCan someone help me with SER + Asterisk?
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08:56.42Nico_Bdavhi all
08:57.09DHuanghi Nico... can you help me with SER + Asterisk?
08:57.10chat_jokeyhi DHuang even i am looking for similar stuff
08:57.21Nico_Bdavdoes anyone know a good T1->IP gateway, compatible with asterisk ?
08:57.39Nico_BdavDHuang, no sorry
08:57.42chat_jokeyNico_Bdav: are you looking for TDM hardware ?
08:58.00DHuangchat_jokey: I see... what I'm trying is to make SIP Client to call each other through SER + Asterisk
08:58.03chat_jokeyAsterisk itself can act as gateway !
08:58.09Nico_Bdavchat_jokey, i want to test asterisk on one site
08:58.43Nico_Bdavbut i want on another site which already have a PBX to convert T1 outlet to IP
08:59.16DHuangChat: kewl.. just tried a config and work now.. :-p
08:59.40chat_jokeyDHuang: i am trying to scale asterisk, so its suggested that one uses SER as SIP Proxy and enable it to throw SIP calls into Multiple Asterisk boxes, but i dont seem to find anything relevant online ... can anyone else help me on this ?
09:00.18DHuangChat: search fallover I think is on the original setup doc.
09:01.23chat_jokeyI have A@H here .. hmm
09:02.13DHuangDam... not working.. ;-(
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09:25.00DHuangChat: does your Asterisk do the registering or the SER?
09:25.06DHuangMorning there.
09:25.54DHuangI'm trying to figure out how to SER and register on Asterisk so it shows the right HOST IP for the client?
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09:30.41CurusIs it possible to dump all session variables from extensions.conf?
09:31.40CurusI tried with an AGI script, but I can only get one variable at a time, and only if I know the name
09:32.52*** join/#asterisk KriS83 (n=KriS@
09:33.43RoyKUser disconnected from queue %s while waiting their turn
09:33.53RoyKand noone are put into that queue
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09:42.17RoyKargh. just upgraded to 1.2.x from 1.0 and now support centres are losing calls. after a while phones stop ringing. people still queueing up..
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09:46.24thazzaHey all
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09:48.05CurusThere is no way to display all currently set variables in extensions.conf?
09:48.18RoyKseems like there's a fsckup somewhere in device state
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09:48.44RoyKCurus: iirc it's quite easy to go through all _channel_ vars with an agi script
09:56.14JonR800any way to pass hints between two asterisk servers?  I suppose that's a job for SER.
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09:58.38CurusChannel variables don't all get passed to AGI
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10:03.34RoyKzoa: ping
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10:17.38rikstaif i have a sangoma A101, when i install do i need the PRI or BRI use flags?
10:19.44rikstaok ta
10:19.54rikstafor euroisdn?
10:21.02af_how good is snom 320?
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10:22.58Ahrimaneshey denmark is not mentioned, damnit
10:24.19koperniqsaf_: the display is small and it's relativly expensive
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10:26.48gvag11hi all
10:27.13RoyKkoperniqs: relativily, yes, unless you mention norway in that sentence
10:27.25gvag11i just moved to Asterisk 1.2.1 and i miss the CUT function, does somebody knows something ?
10:27.26RoyKthat was a bummer
10:27.40RoyKgvag11: read about asterisk variables
10:28.47zoaows, gvag11
10:29.23*** join/#asterisk fulgas (n=fulgas@
10:29.28zoayou need to use SET for it now
10:30.55gvag11zoa : ok ... so i use the SET(var=${CUT ... thanks a lot zoa ...
10:31.14gvag11royk : thanks ...
10:34.21af_mhh what phone is good to use with *?
10:34.28af_I used gs but not very satisfied
10:35.28*** join/#asterisk Beirdo (n=gjhurlbu@unaffiliated/beirdo)
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10:43.12iDunnois it just me...
10:43.31iDunnoor does it seem entirely insane that you end up in a queuing system when phoning a Telco
10:43.39iDunnothese people need more staff, ffs.
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10:52.13micolous_hey, i'm having some issues using meetme.  when i have a caller using the ilbc codec over a iax2 trunk, the sound from them is very jittery, yet they can hear me and other non-ilbc users fine... capturing the output from them, i see that there sound is breaking up... for about 0.02 seconds the sound is fine, then for 0.01 seconds there's no sound... and this goes on and on
10:52.33micolous_i'm using the ztdummy kernel module as my timing source
10:53.23micolous_i'm wondering if this is something wrong on my end, or a bug.  i've tweaked around with the jitterbuffer and that doesn't seem to help; and without the jitterbuffer it's even worse.  and it's asterisk 1.2.1
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10:57.46h3xits probably because the frame size is different on your codecs
10:58.08micolous_yeah, i noticed it doesn't effect ulaw at all
10:58.40micolous_but my friend using asterisk@home with meetme doesn't have this issue, and he's using the same codecs and upstream iax providers
10:58.56h3xwhat is he using for zaptel timing
10:59.04micolous_the dummy driver
10:59.20h3xa@h is prob a different version of asterisk right
10:59.29micolous_yeah, i think it might be 1.0
11:00.00h3xi seem to remember somebody else having a problem like this with 1.2
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11:04.58tzafrir_laptopasterisk@home is basically a sort of asterisk distribution
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11:05.12gvag11hi again ...
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11:06.28gvag11i changed the extension.conf and instead of CUT(VAR=... i put SET(Var=${CUT(... but still asterisk (1.2.1 stable) complains the CUT is not register  ... Any ideas ?
11:09.17micolous_tzafrir_laptop: yeah, i remember helping him set it up in september, so it would be running on asterisk 1.0
11:15.49gvag11i changed the extension.conf and instead of CUT(VAR=... i put SET(Var=${CUT(... but still asterisk (1.2.1 stable) complains the CUT is not register  ... Any ideas ?
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11:27.20gvag11i changed the extension.conf and instead of CUT(VAR=... i put SET(Var=${CUT(... but still asterisk (1.2.1 stable) complains the CUT is not register  ... Any ideas ?
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11:38.16Reverendit's the end of the world!
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11:39.03Reverendanyone that uses voicepulse or other IAX2 DT provider, have an issue with there service, where after asterisk has been idle for some time, incomming calls no longer ring in?
11:40.56*** join/#asterisk aNaSTaCia_geBeri (n=FiaL@
11:41.26micolous_i had a similar issue with firefly/freshtel (au), Reverend
11:42.07micolous_it was rather annoying to setup, but i eventually kept it happy... i used qualify=no
11:44.29Reverendmicolous_ thank you, i'll try that
11:45.36micolous_but another (ugly) workaround is to have asterisk reload on a cron job every 10-15 minutes... i noticed it would come up after a reload or restart.
11:47.31Reverendmicolous_ yes, i noticed the same. and i did setup a cron job to do a restart every 20 mins, it is ugly
11:49.08micolous_well at least a reload doesn't cut off any active calls
11:49.32Reverendneither does "restart gracefully"
11:50.02Reverendbut if there is an active call when the job runs, it will wait until the call is over to restart, however while waiting for the call to end, no one can make outgoing calls
11:50.08Reverendand no other calls can come in
11:51.53*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
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11:57.06micolous_oh... i was always able to make outgoing calls, just the incoming would be an issue in my case
11:57.23micolous_other trunks worked
11:57.44Reverendyeh, outgoing calls wasn't a problem until i added the restart gracefully cron job
11:58.33cfhwhen i try to leave a messages on the voice mail asterisk say :
11:59.05cfhExecuting VoiceMail ...
11:59.23cfhand Playing 'vm-theperson'
11:59.44cfhand then dont wait and hangup
12:00.29micolous_does the asterisk user have write access to /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/?
12:02.16micolous_hmm... the other thing i'm thinking that could be the case is that the disk is full... other than that I'm out of ideas
12:03.24micolous_because they were the two main issues that arose when recording various things on asterisk
12:03.30micolous_for me
12:04.00cfhno the disk is free
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12:06.05micolous_it can't be the sound files, as asterisk will simply not play them and skip ahead if they're not found or they don't have access permissions
12:07.26cfhI try to reconfigure the sound
12:07.58BoRiSDoes anyone know if it is possible to get a toll free number for europe (that works in all of germany) that will allow me to pick up a phone in germany and call out through my toll free number without the persons phone who I am using gets billed for the call? (it costs money to call your neighbor in germany).
12:07.59muti've been having a lot of peers unavailable from qualify
12:08.00mutJan 12 07:06:14 NOTICE[26744]: chan_sip.c:10014 sip_poke_noanswer: Peer '9896853317' is now UNREACHABLE!  Last qualify: 31
12:08.02mutlike that
12:08.09muti can login to their ata right now though
12:08.17mutata says they're registered
12:08.25*** join/#asterisk flujan (
12:08.31flujanhi all
12:08.37mutwhy would their qualify packets just dissapear, qualify is set to 3000ms too
12:09.17flujanI'm new to asterisk and want to know which is the best hardware to buy and learn before I install it in my entire system.
12:09.30micolous_BoRiS: i'm not sure if they cover germany, but sipbroker has DID numbers for many international locations that allow you to call ~200 voip providers for the cost of a local phone call
12:09.37mutflujan: to do what?
12:09.39flujancould someone point some product to me?
12:09.47mutyou don't need any hardware but a pc to use asterisk
12:10.02flujanmut: and about the cards?
12:10.13mutwell if you plan on using a PRI
12:10.18mutor a phone
12:10.23mutor an ata
12:10.26flujanyes... we intent do use phone
12:10.43mutwhat is it you want to do
12:12.11flujanmut: I want to create a pbx with two points
12:12.15micolous_flujan: normally you would go and purchase access through a SIP or IAX-based VoIP provider, who would handle incoming calls for you, and allow you to make calls on the PSTN.  i don't own any VoIP hardware at all, I'm using software phones... however I may purchase a Sipura unit in the future (which is simply a small box you plug into the network and your phone and this allows you to use VoIP on any analogue telephone)
12:12.29flujanand this points communicating through digital phones
12:12.53mutwell, you plan on buying new phones too? and trunking out a single pri
12:13.14flujanbuying new phones. Actually we use analog ones. :D
12:13.29mutyou want to keep doing the ananlog thing?
12:13.40BoRiSmicolous: The biggest problem I am having is how to remove cost for the caller. If I setup a european toll free number and I have someon calling from a land line in germany. Does it cost them money on a per minute basis for them talking on the phone (It costs money to call even your neighbor)?
12:13.45flujanmicolous_: we will not use a VOIP provider
12:14.02flujanmicolous_: we will have our own lines. :) we have a E1 here
12:14.06mutyou're going to use what to connect to the PSTN?
12:14.07mutah ok
12:14.27sulexdo as5400/as5300 work fine with * and SIP?
12:14.40flujanmut: no, we will migrate to digital phones.
12:14.56mutso you'll probly just want to get a te110p card for the pri, and then for the phones just to SIP with a plycom phone
12:15.16mutcan go lower budget on the phones if you want tho
12:15.36micolous_BoRiS: well in the end, connecting calls over the PSTN costs someone money.  in australia, for a few months someone setup a toll free incoming number so you could call from any australian phone and get onto voip.  but that was changed to a 1300 number (untimed local call, anywhere in the country) due to the abuse it got
12:16.13flujanmut: to a initial environment... I want just a simple card to run tests and stuff
12:16.24micolous_you're likely to find people who can connect calls from the PSTN to VoIP on a tolled number, but without paying money, you're unlikely to get it toll free.
12:16.33mutjust get a sip phone of some sort
12:16.40flujanafter I have at least two points working as ramals inside the company we will expand this .
12:16.47mutwhen i initially setup everything
12:17.00muti first just used 2 xten softphones to play with the dialplan and user setup
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12:17.15mutno hardware investment other than the pc, which was vmware
12:17.36micolous_xten xlite and sjphone are good, free softphones
12:17.41BoRiSmicolous_: I dont mind paying the euro toll free number and minutes but I just don't want their telephone provider charging *them* on a per-minute rate for calling my toll free number.
12:17.42mutjust got for the softphone test
12:18.02BoRiS(on a land line)
12:18.03micolous_if you really want hardware, the sipura spa-2000 (now the linksys pap-2) is a nice unit, and costs just over 100$ (australian)
12:18.03gvag11i changed the extension.conf and instead of CUT(VAR=... i put SET(Var=${CUT(... but still asterisk (1.2.1 stable) complains the CUT is not register  ... Any ideas ?
12:18.57flujanmut: I'm afraid it works in softwares tests and not to hardware tests
12:19.12flujanmut: i will buy a machine and install asterisk
12:19.24flujanthen connect it with a Ip in my network ...
12:19.35mutif software works
12:19.38muthardware works too
12:19.49flujanafter that I get other two machines and start to talk...
12:19.52micolous_BoRiS: ah... I think a toll free number in germany would be free for callers in germany, but probably not other people in europe.  however I can't confirm this having no real knowledge of how the EU phone systems work and having never lived there.  but i would think you need one toll free number for each country you want to handle callers from
12:19.53flujanis it that simple?
12:20.04flujanmut: cool
12:20.07flujanthanks in advance
12:20.18flujanI will provide this right now...
12:20.24flujanSee you guys.
12:20.41zoagvag11: can you paste the exact error message ?
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12:23.34benjkmicolous_ you can get an international toll free number (country code 800)
12:24.00benjkrare and probably expensive (though I don't really know) but they do exist
12:24.11gvag11zoa i am afraid that not now cause i am reinstalling asterisk ... But it was like "... CUT not register" and with "show functions i can't see that...
12:24.19*** part/#asterisk da_didi (n=didi@wikipedia/MichaelDiederich)
12:25.36micolous_benjk: i didn't know about those... but yeah, they would cost a bucketload
12:26.03micolous_probably cheaper to have a local toll-free number in each country your company services
12:26.37benjkairlines often have those international 800 numbers
12:27.58micolous_well, their clients often move around between countries, so such an expense is justifable
12:28.41IkarusIf it is just for europe in the European telephone numberspace there is a toll-free catagory
12:30.10*** part/#asterisk cfh (n=luca@
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12:31.12Reverendanyone recommend a toll-free service that's better than Kall8 ?
12:31.15*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
12:31.22Reverenderm... not 'better' but cheaper?
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12:36.07gvag11zoa : after uninstall (rm) and install everything fine ... thanks
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12:44.05synthetiqim runnign asterisk on freebsd.....but port 5060 wont open... who knows is 4569 is...any idea why?
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12:53.34zapoteczgood morning
12:53.45zapoteczsome can help me with a mess ?
12:54.01zapoteczI'm tring from one week to do this extension
12:54.11zapoteczbut I really don't know what do for solve :(
12:54.20Reverendwhat's not working right?
12:54.25*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/cpm)
12:54.25chiardonno d-channel available. Using primary channel as d-channel anyway . . .some ideas about what happen here?TIA
12:54.35zapoteczi've to dial "*69*phonenumber#"
12:54.48zapoteczfrom a PRI zapata
12:54.59zapoteczbut asterisk take the # as "end of call"
12:55.09zapoteczand doesn't call my message box
12:55.55zapoteczI really don't know how to solve this :(
12:55.56*** part/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/cpm)
12:56.07zapoteczi've tried with a disa , and put the number from another phone
12:56.19zapoteczi've tried trough sip
12:56.19zapoteczbut nothing :(
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12:59.18zapoteczi've tried with google
12:59.20zapoteczbut no answer
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13:03.17mutwhats your dialstring?
13:03.36zoazapotecz: did you try features.conf ?
13:03.56zapoteczi've to dial "*69*003905523552#"
13:04.21mutya but thats not what your dialplan says..
13:05.46zapoteczfeatures.conf only work in local
13:05.58zoathat i dont know
13:06.01zoai never used it
13:06.18zapoteczI do that
13:06.45zapoteczexten=> 555,1,dial(zap/g1/*69*003905523552#"
13:06.56zapoteczwith drive syntax
13:07.24zapoteczand I receive a "no one avaiable to answer"
13:07.43zapoteczi've tryed also with a "normal" pabx and the dialstring work
13:08.11zapoteczI suppose that asterisk recognize the final pound/hash as "stop dialstring buffering"
13:08.22zapoteczor in /etc/asterisk/zaptel.conf
13:08.37zapoteczin the format number
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13:09.37mutso why do you have * dialing a zap chan with that number if you want to access voicemail..
13:10.00zapoteczmhh but is a voicemail gived by the carrier
13:10.07zapotecznot the asterisk voicemail
13:10.18zapoteczis the phone provider that give this service
13:10.39zapoteczand all the "internal users" have this voicemail memo
13:10.46zapoteczis a big trouble for me :(
13:11.16zapoteczbut i've really no idea how to bypass this
13:12.09flujanhi all
13:12.24flujanI asked some time ago about cheap hardware to test asterisk
13:12.32BoRiShi coppice
13:12.34flujannow I return with the same question.
13:12.46flujanmi boss REALLY WANT HARDWARE...
13:13.12flujanI already said that we only need the computer and the softphone
13:13.24flujanand he still want to see hardware stuff
13:13.30flujanso, here I am.
13:13.32mutget an ata
13:13.40mutsipura 1001
13:13.41flujanmut: hi... me again!
13:13.49mutthey are like $60
13:14.17mutzapotecz: what happens when ya dial that then? instant hangup? or do ya hear anything?
13:14.30mutand can ya set verbose 5 and show me the output when ya call it
13:14.41zapoteczinstant hangup
13:14.49zapoteczand the answer
13:14.54zapotecz"no one avaiable"
13:15.00flujanmut: which ata
13:15.20mutsipura 1001
13:15.29mutzapotecz: can ya get me that debug output?
13:15.33mutpaste in there
13:15.59synthetiqim runnign asterisk on freebsd.....but port 5060 wont open... who knows is 4569 is...any idea why?
13:16.04gambolputtyIs call duration stored in a variable?
13:16.33[TK]D-Fenderflujan:  SPA-2002 $70 = 2 FXS ports.  Describe your setup : # lines (what kind), # of phones (how many need speakerphone, expected usage, etc)
13:17.05muti think his boss just wants to see some hardware phones working over voip
13:17.14mutthen they'll go for the good stuff
13:17.19mcquaidhello, i was trying to get asterisk to work with my voip provider (  so far i can make outgoing calls to pstn lines via voip but incoming calls have no audio in either direction
13:17.26mcquaidi can see the rtp traffic, but hear nothing.  I am running asterisk behind a firewall which i don't have access to.
13:17.42*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:17.50mutmcquaid: call them?
13:17.55mcquaidhowever, i can get the sip clients to directly connect to my voip provider and make/receive calls with full audio
13:17.58mcquaidcall who?
13:18.10mcquaiduh why?
13:18.11*** join/#asterisk jimmy_deanPB (
13:18.19mutcause it's your service provider
13:18.29mcquaidtheir service works fine as i just mentioned in other sip clients (linphone, twinklephone etc)
13:18.59mcquaidbut the way i got them to work is not by using nat or stun, but by using outboundproxy
13:19.03mcquaidotherwise they don't work either
13:19.22mcquaidasterisk seems to support outboundproxy but the documentation is pretty thin on this
13:19.54mcquaidit was in chan_sip2 last year, and most things have got promoted to chan_sip, and i see outboundproxy in the c code
13:20.12mcquaidbut using them in my sip.conf has no effect
13:20.13*** join/#asterisk nfi|ermes (n=ermsewrk@
13:20.22flujanmut: we want internal communication using ramals... this will be the first test
13:20.30mcquaidmut, why would you assume it's my provider?
13:20.44mutmcquaid: so i don't have to help ya ;)
13:20.48*** join/#asterisk jimmy_deanPB (
13:21.07mutbbmin gotta go start a pot of coffee
13:21.34mcquaidi've read a little about siproxd, is any one familar with siproxd? curious if it would help in this situation
13:23.18flujanextensions lines
13:23.32flujani dunno the english work for this
13:23.35flujanstrands maybe
13:29.30*** join/#asterisk Samoied (
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13:31.32Lathos42Good morning
13:32.13*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
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13:35.09mutflujan: what language is ramals?
13:37.07*** join/#asterisk warthawg (
13:39.19flujanmut: brazilian portuguese. :)
13:40.05mutah well
13:40.17mutbabelfish can only translate it to AS in dutch
13:40.22mutother than that it
13:40.25mutdoesn't translate
13:40.35flujanhold on
13:40.54mcquaidmut, do you have any suggestions on my issue?
13:40.59*** part/#asterisk micolous_ (
13:41.01mutyou're going to want to get some polycom phones if you want to test out a real world thing
13:41.32mutsomethin like these guys
13:43.00tdonahuegood morning all
13:43.30warthawgvoicemail doesn't seem to like my password
13:43.40mutyou don;t use any options in the dial string do ya?
13:43.45*** join/#asterisk nvrs (n=RUR@
13:43.48tdonahuedoes anyone use 1.2 on freebsd?  we are having issues getting it to bind to port 5060 for sip
13:43.49[TK]D-FenderConsiderably cheaper source for Polycom phones -
13:43.53mutand i asked for a verbose output of the dial
13:44.36*** join/#asterisk nvrs (n=RUR@
13:44.40mutthey're the same price..
13:45.06*** join/#asterisk mistral (
13:45.30[TK]D-Fendermut... look closer.  The Atacomm one is $113.  Its the same price when you get the PoE adapter INCLUDED.
13:45.51hackeronhey, I have a strange problem, all phones are  getting "invalid password" when the correct password is dialed for both meetme and voicemail - any ideas?
13:46.20*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
13:46.22*** join/#asterisk devoider (
13:46.28devoiderhi fellas
13:46.35*** join/#asterisk Mimmus (
13:47.04Mimmusto try most recent zaptel/pri, what CVS do I need to checkout?
13:47.11fugitivoatacomm doesn't accept credit cards??
13:47.21fugitivooh yes
13:48.11mutwhat ever happened to atacomm
13:48.11trixtersvn checkout zaptel-1.2
13:48.11trixtersvn checkout libpri-1.2
13:48.14[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : Pastebin your voicemail.conf context, and the extensions.conf entexs that call it.
13:48.17mutor is that you fender?
13:48.17trixterthat should be the most current SVN version
13:48.20Mimmusok, trixter, tahnk you
13:48.30[TK]D-Fenderis what me?
13:48.31flujanmut: sorry, my boss was here
13:48.43flujanmut: well, actually we have 3 E1 channels
13:48.51mutwow big company?
13:48.58devoiderdid someone ever experience missing field values while writing CDR-data? like an "empty" lastapp or dst field
13:48.58Mimmusif I have Sangoma, do I need to run wanpipe config before compiling CVS?
13:49.06flujanmut: and 140 internal telephones ( aka ramals :P )
13:49.08warthawgit looks to me like asterisk can understand my bt-101 fine for everything except voicemail, the console shows password entered is ''
13:49.26sivanaMimmus: you should read their docs, but I think you need to compile zaptel first
13:49.31hackeron[TK]D-Fender: it happens for meetme too, isnt extensions.conf probably to blame? --
13:49.34sivanathen recompile it after you run the wanpipe config
13:49.35mutand it's all analog right now?
13:49.37flujanand we want the the less expensive solution to use Asterisk
13:49.39mutthat SUCKS
13:49.47Mimmussivana: wanpipe driver install patches zaptel
13:49.53flujanit's all analog
13:50.04*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
13:50.11flujanwe want digital and we want the less expensive solution
13:50.20mutget those polycom poe phone
13:50.33[TK]D-FenderMimmus : You need to compile zaptel first, then wanpipe, then zaptel AGAIN.
13:50.35flujanmy boss wants me to try firts change the internal communication
13:50.49Mimmus[TK]D-Fender: ah, ok, I remember now... thanks
13:50.52flujanand later on test using the E1 channels
13:51.01flujanonly then we will migrate the entire system...
13:51.09[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : I need to see the extensions.conf part that calls it...
13:51.16sivanaMimmus: isn't that what I just said? :)
13:51.20flujanmut: So, I am here asking for help. :D
13:51.43Mimmussivana: yes yes, thank you again
13:51.44flujanmut we want first make two internal phones communicate throught asterisk
13:51.51*** join/#asterisk amir (n=amir@gentoo/developer/amir)
13:52.04warthawgdoes anyone have voicemail working on openwrt?
13:52.07sivanaMimmus: after you have zaptel/wanpipe installed, then do *
13:52.14hackeron[TK]D-Fender: < its the one you gave me, but I tried with VoicemailMain() too where it would also reject the password
13:52.17sivanaor libpri if you need it
13:52.37flujanmut: then making call using the throught the E1 channels to the world. :P
13:52.39Mimmussivana: do I need to recompile 'full' asterisk to try current CVS for zaptel/libpri?
13:52.48flujanmut: what did you suggest?
13:52.58mutflujan: get those polycom poe phones
13:53.01sivanaMimmus: not sure I understand
13:53.15muti can't believe ya use 3 e1's for 140 phones tho
13:53.19sivanaMimmus: you should have the same version of zaptel, libpri, asterisk
13:53.24muttelemarketing company or something
13:53.39Mimmussivana: I'm having problems with answer detection and I'd like to try current CVS of zaptel/libpri to solve the issue
13:53.52Mimmussivana: I have Asterisk 1.2.1
13:54.00sivanaMimmus: then you should stay with the same version for all
13:54.17flujanmut: thanks
13:54.20Mimmussivana: well, I understand
13:54.22[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : Heres the problem : exten => *98,2,VoicemailMain(${CALLERID(number)$}@default) its the extra $ before }
13:54.42flujanmut: is that correct?
13:54.45sivanaMimmus: if you want to do CVS zaptel/libpri and 1.2.1 asterisk, you run the risk of problems of new functions
13:54.55sivanaor changed code
13:55.19Mimmussivana: ok thanks, I didn't know it, I thought that zaptle/libpri was only 'drivers'
13:55.33sivanaMimmus: they are, but they work together
13:56.04hackeron[TK]D-Fender: what do you? - that looks like what I have in the pastebin
13:56.40mutwhats ya company do flujan?
13:56.59hackeron[TK]D-Fender: oh, I get it, I removed the $ -- but it still saying login incorrect
13:57.00Mimmussivana: does I need "TDMV DCHAN Native HDLC Support" in Sangoma conf?
13:57.02mcquaidmut, were you posting something to me that I missed?
13:57.05[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : you need to remove the extra $.  heres the corrected version : exten => *98,2,VoicemailMain(${CALLERID(number)}@default)
13:57.19mutmcquaid: ya.. still asking for that call dump
13:57.22sivanaMimmus: probably good idea, do you have a PRI?
13:57.26[TK]D-FenderMimmus : Yes, you want that done in hardware.
13:57.39Mimmussivana: yes, E1 PRI in Italy
13:57.43mcquaidah sorry didn't see that one sec
13:58.16hackeron[TK]D-Fender: still says login incorrect :( - I dial the pin, it then waits for a few seconds, then says incorrect. Do I need to dial # after the pin or something because it just waits no matter what I do and then says login incorrect
13:58.37devoideri am having trouble with empty values in the generated CDRs, like an empty "dst" field .. or lastapp, this should never happen .. but it does. any similar problems seen?
13:58.38flujanmut: it's a call center
13:58.56*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
13:58.56tzangerhackeron: turn on debugging and verify that you're seeing the dtmf digits you're pressing
13:58.57hackeron[TK]D-Fender: oh, I'm seeing  Incorrect password '' for user '7662' (context = default)
13:59.07muti guess that'de make sense then
13:59.09hackerontzanger: I'm not, its getting nothing
13:59.10flujanmut: work recruiting candidates to jobs in another companies... ( I hope I made myself clear ... )
13:59.25flujanmut: :)
13:59.32mutfind me a job
13:59.33muti could use one
13:59.40tzangerhackeron: using SIP?
13:59.44hackerontzanger: yes
13:59.45sivanahackeron: do you have inband or rfc selected?
13:59.57tzangerhackeron: using anything but ulaw/alaw?
13:59.57flujanmut: for sure... Where are you from? We just work in Brazil. :D
14:00.08mutusa heh
14:00.15hackeronsivana: on this phone nat=yes, tried on local phones too, didnt work
14:00.24hackeronsivana: I mean I can dial an exntension and it works fine
14:00.28Mimmussivana: have you idea why my asterisk doesn't detect answer with some rare numbers?
14:00.33[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : pastebin your phone def as well
14:00.37hackerontzanger: nope, its ulaw
14:00.37warthawghackeron:  what kind of phone, our problems sound similar
14:00.44tzangerhackeron: sounds like you're either using a compressed voice codec and inband (doesn't work) or you're expecting inband and the phone's sending rfc2833, or vice-versa
14:00.44mutwell maybe if ya find me something lucrative enough i'll move to brazil
14:00.46flujanmut: sorry... :(
14:00.47hackeronwarthawg: GXP-2000
14:01.01muti wouldn't mind moving for a few years
14:01.01sivanaMimmus: no :)
14:01.13mutsince i've never even been out of michigan before it'de be cool
14:01.17hackerontzanger: errr, I can make calls fine, to other phones behind NAT, and the echo test works
14:01.17warthawghackeron: i just solved my problem on grandstream
14:01.20hackerontzanger: and its ulaw
14:01.22flujanmut: for sure
14:01.25hackeronwarthawg: how?
14:01.30mutmcquaid: and the asterisk debug
14:01.39tzangerhackeron: you are not listening
14:01.42sivanahackeron: look in your sip.conf, what do you have for dtmf for that user
14:01.42flujanmut: I will go to irvine next summer! :)
14:01.43chiardonno d channels available.Using primary channel 16 as d channel anyway!What's the issue here?
14:01.43warthawgjust a sec  lstening to messages
14:01.49muti just wanted ya to set verbose 5
14:01.50mcquaidsorry how do i generate that?
14:01.51tzangerhackeron: making calls and echotest do not need dtmf
14:01.57mutand get the dialplan dump
14:02.05[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : We need to confirm your DTMF mode.  just because you can dial does not mean DTMF works while you're IN a call.
14:02.08tzangerhackeron: whatever you have selected for DTMF generation, switch it
14:02.09hackerontzanger: oh?
14:02.19[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : Pastebin your sip.conf
14:02.32sivanahehe and slow down and read :)
14:02.34Mimmusis there anyone on the earth who is able to debug PRI?
14:02.52warthawghackeron:  i went into the grandstream admin console and checked SIP/Info for the DTMF signalling
14:02.57hackeron[TK]D-Fender: I dont have dtmf there, let me just try that quickly
14:03.05tzangerMimmus: yep, what's the trouble
14:03.10MimmusItried also to ask for paid support at Digium but nope
14:03.20[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : "dtmfmode=rfc2833"
14:03.22tzangerMimmus: I find that *very* hard to believe
14:03.37Mimmustzanger: my * doesn't detect answer with some (rare) numbers, especially automatic responders
14:03.41warthawgnow it works, what i dont understand is why it understood extensions and outbound numbers just fine, but not vm password
14:04.00chiardonAre the Asterisk cards made with one of this chips?: *  HFC USB
14:04.04mutman is it more busy than usual this mornin or what
14:04.08Mimmustzanger: it rings indefinitely
14:04.36hackeron[TK]D-Fender: tzanger: warthawg: sivana: kick ass, that worked! - but you're saying if we switch to G726 or G729 it wont work anymore?
14:05.42tzangerMimmus: use pri debug to verify that your telco is sending back an answer.  many automatic responders are on PRIs themselves and do NOT answer the line to save toll charges (you can do this, you only get one-way audio)
14:05.43warthawghackeron:  i am a clueless noobie, i just kept hacking til it worked for me
14:06.31hackeronwarthawg: well, thats what hacking is all about -- going l33t stuff by accident :)
14:06.32tzangerhackeron: you will have DTMF working with any codec if you're using RFC2833.  Inband only works with ulaw/alaw
14:06.38Mimmustzanger: I tried to examine pri debug output but it is too difficult for normal people
14:06.41[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : the voice Codec in this case has nothing to do with how DTMF is passed.
14:06.52tzangerMimmus: just break it down
14:07.06warthawg[TK]D-Fender,   why does it decode dtmf elsewhere (extensions and phone numbers) but not in vm?
14:07.06tzangerwhat i tend to do is copy/paste it and then turn off line wrapping -- that seems to help
14:07.20[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : rfc2833 sends the DTMF *data* outside of teh voice stream and it inserted back in at the ENDPOINT.
14:07.29sivanatzanger: what dtmf do I use for wav?
14:07.30tzangerwarthawg: it's not decoding it.  when you dial iwth a sip phone it's not sending dtmf digits as audio, it's sending a text messgae to the * box with the #
14:07.42warthawgtzanger  ah, thanks
14:07.45Mimmustzanger: I don't understand well the meaning of "break it down".. sorry... my english is bad
14:07.48tzangersivana: seriously, go find a way for me to make piles of money with you rhard work.
14:08.00hackeron[TK]D-Fender: tzanger: what about DTMF via SIP INFO?
14:08.05[TK]D-Fenderwarthawg : because its your PHONE doing the dialing.  it doesn't need sound from its own keypad, you just push buttons!  Once you get to another device however you need to send IT the data somehow.
14:08.06tzangerMimmus: break it down == study it and try to understand the organization of it
14:08.10sivanatzanger: already working on it
14:08.22tzangerhackeron: that will work with compressed voice codecs too
14:08.34hackerontzanger: great, thanks!
14:08.36warthawg[TK]D-Fender, thanks.  who knew telephony was such a black art
14:08.40[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : SIP INFO can work as well, but use rfc2833 is you can.  its a question of what your phone can support.
14:08.53[TK]D-Fenderwarthawg : not that hard really...
14:09.10hackeron[TK]D-Fender: hmm, ok I will, thanks
14:09.14mcquaidmut, here's my dialplan and sip.conf
14:09.19tzangerwarthawg: wait until you play with PRI debugging, zapata echo and oddball hangup detection :-)
14:09.23warthawg[TK]D-Fender, i've learned more stuff about it in the past 3 days than in my entire life
14:09.26mcquaidmut, how do i generate the asterisk debug?
14:09.47mutasterisk -r
14:09.47Mimmustzanger: oh, well... there is a sad "!! < Unknown IE 1562 (len = 6)
14:09.47mutset verbose 5
14:09.47warthawgtzanger   not me!  :)
14:09.47mutthen dial the extension
14:09.47*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
14:09.51mutand a bunch of crap shows
14:09.53tzangerMimmus: ok, don't worry about that just yet but that is important
14:09.54jimbalcombis using rfc2833 instead of SIPinfo generally considered a better way to go?
14:10.30BoRiSgrandstream console?
14:10.40*** part/#asterisk flujan (
14:11.01mcquaidi've been running asterisk as: asterisk -vvvvc, when i try -r i get:
14:11.03Mimmustzanger: not important? ok, well. And "Progress Description: Inband information or appropriate pattern now available. (8) "
14:11.13mcquaidunable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?
14:11.14*** join/#asterisk umay (
14:11.24warthawgBoRis:  ip address of phone
14:11.25mcquaidasterisk is on the same box here
14:11.41Reverendmcquaid, asterisk isn't running, or is trying to close, or locked up
14:11.41BoRiSmcquaid: You need to start asterisk with safe_asterisk script to use asterisk -r
14:12.31warthawgCoolAcid, it is still working
14:12.40warthawgsorry, let me restate that
14:12.45jimbalcombBoRiS I don't believe that is exactly correct.
14:12.46warthawgcoolio, it is still working
14:13.08mcquaidok that worked
14:13.11mcquaiddoesn't list much though
14:13.21jimbalcombwarthawg: whats the scoop on switch the DTMF option?
14:13.49devoideri assume no one ever experienced trouble with his/her CDRs missing values ?!
14:14.11warthawgjimbalcomb,  it works with the phone set to either sip/info or rfc2833
14:14.45Cresl1nmimmus: I just responded to your bugnote
14:14.57*** join/#asterisk konfuzed (
14:15.09BoRiSThats normal
14:15.16*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
14:15.24Cresl1nmimmus: it's not a bug
14:15.26devoiderne is klar
14:15.28mutmcquaid: set verbose 5 then make the call
14:15.30BoRiSThats normal. Try dialing a number or type "sip show channels".
14:15.33mutit should output stuff
14:15.40MimmusCresl1n: I'm seeing... but how is it possible!!!
14:15.44mutmcquaid: type in the console 'set verbose 5'
14:15.45sivanatzanger: you busy on Sat/Sun?
14:15.57[TK]D-Fenderjimbalcomb : Both INFO and rfc2833 work out of band and I guess rate the same.  Its a question of picking on your phone supports.
14:15.58jimbalcombwarthawg: was there something that led you to switching?
14:16.04Cresl1nMimmus: it's pretty simple, some endpoints don't send CONNECT until really late into the call
14:16.20warthawgjimbalcomb:  it didn't work in the default setting
14:16.32MimmusCresl1n: in fact, it is a toll-free number of my telco. And is there no workaround?
14:16.32*** join/#asterisk javar (
14:16.35[TK]D-Fenderjimbalcomb : Sipura devices use INFO, so thats what I pick for them.  Most devices use rfc2833.  Cheap junk uses inband :)
14:16.42jimbalcombwathawg: ok, gotcha.
14:16.47Cresl1nmimmus: some companies (i.e. fedex) let you navigate their entire IVR before they send a connect
14:16.57Cresl1nmimmus: nope, nothing to get around it
14:17.05warthawgjimbalcomb, it started out set to in-audio
14:17.16MimmusCresl1n: but phone rings, I don't hear IVR
14:17.26javarsomebody know, how insert this line, exten => s,n,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=5) ,  on a table for ARA
14:17.31jimbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: ok, i am taking over an Asterisk admin position and am having trouble finding information about 'best practices' and the 'why'
14:17.40Cresl1nMimmus: if phone rings, it doesn't mean it's answered
14:18.00warthawgjimbalcomb,  should be an exciting job :)
14:18.03jimbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: is there reason to go with either given the phone supports both SIP and rfc?
14:18.10konfuzedjimbalcomb: 'why' what
14:18.34cypromiso/w 14
14:18.39MimmusCresl1n: I will be forced to remove my Asterisk!
14:18.49[TK]D-Fenderjimbalcomb : SIP is the general protocol, rfc2833 is a FEATURE describing how DTMF will be passed.
14:18.52jimbalcombwarthawg: yeah, I'm pretty freaked out. Spent the first two weeks restructure the networking and fixing the busted ass VLAN setup. now im dealing with all day long jitter, echo, and dropped call complaints.
14:18.55Cresl1nmimmus: what are you talking about?
14:19.08h3xcreslin: thats some bullshit
14:19.15h3xyou dotn have a 2 way audio path to send them DTMFs
14:19.18h3xuntil they supervise
14:19.23javarsomebody know, how insert this line, exten => s,n,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=5) ,  on a table for ARA
14:19.26MimmusCresl1n: if I have problems like this, surely someone will complain and I will be forced to remove Asterisk!
14:19.29h3xso you cant navigate anything until its fully answered
14:20.21zoah3x, whats the problem ?
14:20.35h3xCresl1n mimmus: some companies (i.e. fedex) let you navigate their entire IVR before they send a connect
14:20.35h3xCresl1n mimmus: nope, nothing to get around it
14:20.42warthawgok, as soon as i can figure out how to get the message indicate to light up on the bt-101, i am going to call this a wrap
14:20.43jimbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: ok, yeah i think i got just wording my question terribly. i was wondering if there is a reason to send DTMF via rfc2833 or SIPinfo?
14:20.45*** join/#asterisk Redfury (n=bharatsa@
14:20.53zoah3x: you mean with early media ?
14:20.54Redfuryhi  all
14:21.02[TK]D-Fenderjimbalcomb : as opposed to inband?
14:21.12RedfuryI have configured Asterisk using Database,
14:21.25Cresl1nmimmus: I don't understand the problem.  You say it's ringing, and you're wondering why it's not reported as being answered...
14:21.34Redfuryand the peers are also picked fromthe db
14:21.54Redfurybut I am getting a Failure to Query the database warning
14:22.15MimmusCresl1n: (my english is very bad, sorry) I hear tone of call proceeding normally, remote IVR doesn't answer
14:22.18Redfurydoes any one have any idea as to what must be wrong..?
14:22.34BoRiSexten => 1,1,Answer() :-p
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14:22.57Cresl1nmimmus: if you hear the tone of call proceeding normally, and remote IVR doesn't answer, why are you expecting it to be in an answered state?
14:22.59jimbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: oh no, i've heard already that inband is sad just wondering which of those two is better, rfc2833 or SIPinfo?
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14:23.35MimmusCresl1n: because Asterisk doen't detect answer, if I use an analog phone, IVR ansers after first ring
14:23.46Reverendmcquaid what kind of info do you want to see?
14:24.00sivanaMimmus: how are you connected to PSTN?
14:24.11Mimmussivana: E1 PRI in Italy
14:24.15Cresl1nMimmus: that basically means you want to use your shiney new PRI as an analog line
14:24.31Cresl1nMimmus: kind of defeats the point of half of what people use PRIs for
14:24.31mcquaidReverend, mut wanted to see asterisk debug when I receive a call from my voip provider
14:24.56MimmusCresl1n: and what is the correct behaviour?
14:24.59Cresl1nMimmus: if so, that's simple, just do what BorIS said and do an Answer() on your line
14:25.11sivanaCresl1n: he's saying that when he uses the PRI, it doesn't detect the remote answer, but when he uses an analog on the same number, it answers
14:25.12Cresl1nMimmus: the correct behavior is how it is behaving
14:25.22Cresl1nsivana: that's wrong
14:25.31[TK]D-Fenderjimbalcomb : Equal.  there are multiple forms available because not every device supports either one.  Sipura devices don't seem to support rfc2833.  Since they use AVT & INFO, I chose INFO for my * side.  And things just work.  I don't believe ther is a "better" aspect of it
14:25.36Cresl1nsivana: that maybe what he's saying, but the problem is wrong
14:25.46tzangerh3x: how can you navigate their IVR without them answering?  You could receive their audio but you shouldn't be able to send anything (even keypad IEs) I thought
14:25.54konfuzedCresl1n: Mimmus is bummed that he can only get to the IVR when using the analog phone. When using other phones the IVR never picks up
14:26.03MimmusCresl1n: but it doesn't work! I don't understand :(
14:26.17sivanaMimmus: re-explain the problem
14:26.35Cresl1nMimmus: you're going to have to start over
14:26.43mutmcquaid: you sure thats not your voicemail system hanging up the call?
14:26.47Mimmussivana: my english is really a problem... sorry... konfuzed explained better
14:26.55konfuzedMimmus: also confirm if what I said is right or wrong or partly correct
14:27.20sivanabut I'm confused with phones then... * isn't a phone
14:27.49Mimmusphones connected to *
14:27.56Cresl1nMimmus: so tell me more about what konfuzed said
14:27.57mcquaidhmm, don't see how voicemail would be interferring
14:28.21RedfuryHey Anybody has answer to my problem in configuring asterisk with the database...
14:28.22jimbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: ok, that is exactly my wondering. thanks.
14:28.24Mimmusboth directly connected VoIP phones and analog phones connected to a legacy PBX downstream
14:28.27mcquaidmut, as i shown in my post, i took my local sip phone out of the equation and just tried to have asterisk play monkeys
14:28.33mcquaidit says it is but i hear nothing
14:29.08mutthe phone isn't behind a nat is it?
14:29.28MimmusCresl1n: I'm calling a toll-free number by my shiny VoIP phone connected to * and it never ansers
14:29.29mcquaidyes the phone and the asterisk box are both behind a nat
14:29.44mcquaidthe sip phone that is
14:30.01mutnothing inbetween tho?
14:30.08mcquaidbut as i mentioned, if i set up the sip phone to directly connect to my voip provider, i can make and receive calls
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14:30.23Cresl1nso you have a call from (VoIP phone) -> (Asterisk) -> (PRI-to-PSTN)?
14:30.24MimmusCresl1n: if I use a plain, old analog phone, remote IVR answers after 1 ring
14:30.34mcquaidand i don't need to enable stun or nat for them to work, just set up the outbound proxy
14:30.38MimmusCresl1n: exactly
14:31.10sivanaMimmus: you don't get something like -- Zap/21-1 answered SIP/VOC0081-2-2a57   in your * CLI?
14:31.13Cresl1nMimmus: and with (analog phone) -> (Asterisk) -> (PRI-to-PSTN) it works?
14:31.51MimmusCresl1n: no, I need to use a phone connected to a completely different line (no Asterisk in the path)
14:32.10Cresl1nMimmus: Ah.... that's interesting
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14:32.17mcquaidmut, would the debug of a working call (i.e. when i call my landline) help?
14:32.28Mimmussivana: no, I'm getting "    -- Zap/13-1 is proceeding passing it to SIP/232-6699"
14:32.37Mimmussivana: and "-- Zap/13-1 is making progress passing it to SIP/232-6699"
14:32.44mutit's more than likely some kinda nat problem i'de imagine
14:32.55mutcouldn't tell ya for sure tho
14:33.01Cresl1nMimmus: this maybe unrelated, but what version of asterisk/libpri are you running?
14:33.17MimmusCresl1n: Asterisk 1.2.1, now I'm downloading latest CVS
14:33.29mcquaidhmm, i'm sure it is, but with outbound proxy in the sip clients on their own, incoming/outgoing work
14:33.48mcquaidwithout nat or stun, so i was hoping if they can do it, asterisk should be able to as well
14:34.07mcquaidtried to find documentation on outboundproxy and outboundproxyport but it's thin
14:34.28mcquaidonly found info on most features being promoted to chan_sip from chan_sip2 last year
14:34.56mcquaidi also wondered if this would be a situation where siproxd would help
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14:35.30sivanaMimmus: does the asterisk and libpri version the same, right now?
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14:36.29Mimmussivana: until now, I'm using plain Asterisk 1.2.1
14:38.52mcquaidmut, i emailed olaf as he worked on outboundproxy, hoping he'd might want to get outbound proxy working as well as it does in sip clients on their own
14:39.25mcquaidbut haven't heard from him yet, i tried the asterisk-users forum as well
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14:39.38mcquaidmaybe i shoudl send this to the devel list...
14:40.15konfuzedok so mimmus' analog phone is the out side line which works fine calling into his 1800-DID number. But when picking up the VoIP Phone on his LAN, dialing the 1800-DID just keeps ringing.  Mimmus, if you just pick up your voip phone and punch in only an extension for another voip phone (plugged in or not plugged in) or dial 0, then does the IVR pickup
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14:41.28Mimmuskonfuzed: no no, to call this toll-free IVR I need to bypass Asterisk and use an old phone with a different line
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14:41.41konfuzedMimmus: right
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14:41.52Mimmuskonfuzed: problem is in Asterisk not detecting remote answer
14:41.58Cresl1nMimmus: have you tried taking out the 'r' flag in your dial, and see if you hear anything?
14:42.06Kattyhi lads.
14:42.38konfuzedMimmus: with the voip phone on your LAN can you get the IVR to pickup by calling an extension?
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14:43.19MimmusCresl1n: no, I will try in a moment
14:43.31ariel_hello everyone
14:43.35Kattyhewwo ariel_
14:43.47Mimmuskonfuzed: IVR is a PSTN number!
14:43.59ariel_Katty, hope your day will be great
14:44.05Kattyariel_: thanks, yours too :>
14:45.13devoiderendlich darf auch horst ins netz .. :o
14:45.27devoideroh wrogn # ;)
14:45.30zoaaaaarghl, im goin crazy here
14:45.32MimmusCresl1n: I already have 'r', I'm using 'TrwW'
14:45.33devoidererr wrong
14:45.46Cresl1nMimmus: take out the r
14:46.51MimmusCresl1n: ok, immediately
14:47.11konfuzedMimmus: [09:16:26] <Mimmus> Cresl1n: in fact, it is a toll-free number of my telco. And is there no workaround? - where did this toll free number come from? is that your DID setup on your asterisk box or what ??
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14:47.42konfuzedthe removing r it was then
14:48.03konfuzedMimmus: still curious though, whats up with the toll free number
14:48.20MimmusCan I offer a pizza+beer to Cresl1n?
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14:49.10Cresl1nMimmus: heh, I can never turn down free food :-)
14:49.14Kattybeer :<
14:49.18Kattyless beer, more hugs.
14:49.21Kattythat's my moto.
14:49.31jimbalcombthats gross
14:49.31Kattyor possibly  motto...never can remember.
14:49.33Cresl1nKatty: mine too :-)
14:49.39MimmusCresl1n: but it would be a real italian pizza
14:49.52santoshri want to test dialing a remote sip server.. i found a list of public sip servers . how can one make a call to that
14:50.01konfuzedCresl1n: I cen get you greyhound bus tickets to go pick up your pizza
14:50.17jimbalcombsame day air shipping via UPS global
14:50.43jimbalcombit'd be the best $300 pizza you ever had
14:50.53konfuzedMimmus: still curious though, whats up with the toll free number
14:51.31Mimmuskonfuzed: what's the meaning of "whats up"?
14:51.47KattyMimmus: it's a basic greeting
14:51.49warthawgque tal
14:51.51santoshr<<  >> wwere a public sip server which says it does not require a registration.. how should i send a call t here
14:51.59warthawghey, vato, que paso
14:52.00Mimmusjimbalcomb: if I'm able to call UPS toll-free number now...
14:52.02KattyMimmus: the lazy How Are You, routine.
14:52.12konfuzedand a direct inquiry of what is happening with
14:52.26Kattypersonally i find it annoying
14:52.30Cresl1nMimmus: mmm.... I've never had italian pizza
14:52.39Cresl1nwhat's the difference?
14:52.47BeHappy_Cresl1n, dont get it in tuscany, if you want an advice :)
14:52.58Mimmuskonfuzed: clearly toll-free doesnt' answer if you supply a ringtone ('r')
14:52.58Cresl1nkonfuzed: heh, you're funny
14:52.59konfuzedwhat is up with the toll-free number you mentioned earlier. is it yours or in use some how ? Why was it mentioned
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14:53.24santoshrguys.. can some one give me some ideas please.
14:53.24MimmusCresl1n: pizza was born in Italy (Naples)!
14:53.47MimmusCresl1n: in USA you eat a surrogate!
14:53.51sivanaCresl1n: was the r causing * to ignore the other end?
14:53.57konfuzedMimmus: whos toll free number is it? yours or somebody elses?
14:54.08konfuzedis it a did on yout asterisk box
14:54.12Mimmuskonfuzed: somebody else, my telco
14:54.14Cresl1nsivana: basically
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14:54.34slak-hi, how can i tell which codec my sip connection is using
14:54.59Cresl1nsivana: The other end's IVR was starting before it sent the CONNECT, and with the r flag, asterisk sends locally generated ringback until the CONNECT message is received
14:55.00slak-im having a conference here using MeetMe and would like to make sure that i have enough bandwidth to support 5 partries
14:55.13Mimmussivana: yes
14:55.38Cresl1nsivana: ere go... it overrode the audio that the other end was sending
14:55.42konfuzedok good note on the machincations of the r flag
14:55.46santoshrhow to dial out a public sip server.
14:56.13sivanaI see
14:56.49konfuzedMimmus: do you have Local phone numbers as DID for incoming or just PSTn as in incoming phone number?
14:56.51MimmusCresl1n: very sad... 2 weeks for this...
14:57.07Mimmuskonfuzed: why this question?
14:57.31konfuzedto understand your layout
14:57.54MimmusCresl1n: just because I lazily cut&paste dialing options
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14:58.26Cresl1nMimmus: heh, you know what they say... you spend 90% of the time on 10% of  the problems
14:58.34konfuzedI have trouble with being left an incomplete picture because it is too KonFuZing
14:59.00MimmusCresl1n: beh, now it's time to go. Thank you again to this channel and especially to you, Cresl1n
14:59.12Cresl1nMimmus: no prob, good luck! :-)
14:59.24Mimmuswe are aplanning to replace two legacy Alcatel PBX (for 200 users in two sites)
14:59.26konfuzedthe same problem I have with how answered quetions can be like unsolved mysteries even when no longer such a big deal
14:59.30Mimmusand I have much to do
14:59.31konfuzedkinda like X-Files
14:59.37warthawgcan anyone tell me how to get message waiting indicator working on grandstream phone?
14:59.45slak-how does g726 compare to ulaw?
14:59.50slak-whats the bandwidth difference
15:00.01Cresl1nslak-: that's totally google'able
15:00.11{zombie}warthawg: there's no trick, just make sure you have the appropriate mailbox= statement in your sip.conf
15:00.11slak-okay well i guess its totally askable aswell has a bandwidth calculator
15:00.41{zombie}and make sure you are either putting your mailboxes under the [default] context in voicemail.conf, or specifying the context in your mailbox=
15:00.57trixteras far as bandwidth consumed there are variables.  sample size, trunking or no, ATM framing or no, pppoe?
15:01.27warthawg{zombie}  ok, thanks
15:01.29slak-which codec is ulaw...g7xx?
15:01.30konfuzedMimmus: So, do you have any DID's configured
15:01.49brad_msswslak-: g711
15:02.04Mimmuskonfuzed: yes
15:02.51konfuzedis that just a toll-free DID or local numbers too
15:03.34Mimmuskonfuzed: noooooo! It's a public number, not mine!
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15:04.29konfuzedi presume you mean the Toll-free vs local numbers and so that would complete the layout picture quite nicely. at least for me anyway
15:05.00Mimmuskonfuzed: ok, see you tomorrow, thanks
15:05.23konfuzedalways good to have a complete picture if possibly eh
15:05.26Ahrimanesanyone successfully get leds on snom phones to turn on and off from asterisk?
15:05.57malverian[work]Ahrimanes, Yes.
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15:06.33Ahrimanesmalverian[work]: hm have a dialplan example for that?
15:06.53[TK]D-Fendermalverian[work]  : how's that scheduler coming along
15:07.09[TK]D-FenderAhrimanes : exten => 1000,hint,SIP/1000
15:07.27[TK]D-FenderAhrimanes : exten => 1000,1,Dial(SIP/1000,20)
15:08.11Ahrimanes[TK]D-Fender: well, i have an agi application that adds/removes a phone from a queue and i'd like it to toggle the led light on the button i press to launch the script..
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15:08.55Ahrimanes[TK]D-Fender: so i set the button as a destination for 1000 right?
15:10.11[TK]D-FenderUmm, that you CAN'T do yet.  SIP Presence only works for devicestate, not just anything.
15:10.43Kattythat does not parse.
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15:11.08[TK]D-Fender  #6
15:11.25jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: Wouldn't sending DTMF as SIP INFO rather than RTP (rfc2833) essential be more reliable due to TCP rather than TCP?
15:11.31Katty[TK]D-Fender: don't do that.
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15:11.33[TK]D-FenderTypically used for over-presenting onesself
15:11.38Katty[TK]D-Fender: just be yourself.
15:11.44Katty[TK]D-Fender: like file.
15:11.46Ahrimanes[TK]D-Fender: hm not sure it qualifies as presence.. just toggling the led on a snom
15:11.59fileAsterisk doesn't use TCP for SIP
15:12.06[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : last I checked All of SIP & RTP were UDP....
15:12.15jbalcombfile ah
15:12.23[TK]D-FenderAhrimanes : Not sure if there's a way to toggle them with direct header info....
15:12.48jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender: ah, hrmm.. how i can to that i dont know but i though it did. too many damn web pages with too many guessed at opinions..
15:12.54Ahrimanes[TK]D-Fender: well using devstate i have led in button 5 on my snom190 permanently on now.. but cant get it to turn off, hehe
15:13.31jbalcombAhrimanes perhaps poking it with a hot solder iron?
15:13.39[TK]D-FenderAhrimanes : reboot the phone.  Also keep in mind * wipes presences data every time you do "reload" in CLI
15:14.17Ahrimanes[TK]D-Fender: i pulled the power on the phone and did reload in cli and led is still on.. persistent bugger
15:14.28Ahrimanesjbalcomb: customer probably would not agree with that
15:14.37jbalcombAhrimanes: do you like that snom phone? if so, which modem and how much $$$?
15:14.55jbalcombAhrimanes: hrmm.. perhaps. just tell them its a built in incense burner
15:15.07Ahrimanesjbalcomb: i rather like it yes.. costs around $150 i guess.. only know the price in danish currency..
15:15.20[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Think Polycom ;)
15:15.58jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender haha.. yeah, we have several sipura, one polycom, and 100+ grandstreams
15:16.23jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender i don like the polycom so much yet
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15:17.18[TK]D-Fenderjbalcomb : Which model, and what aspects of it?
15:18.32jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender not sure on the model. its too quiet. i have heard good things about them though and we do only have one.
15:18.53jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender additionally its in the computer room so its not getting used much
15:19.26jbalcomb[TK]D-Fender do you like the polycoms? a particular model?
15:20.17[TK]D-FenderI'm running an all-Polycom setup (26 x IP600, 1 x IP601).  Volumes are fine.  Is the the default volume thats a problem or the max being too low?
15:20.50[TK]D-FenderHow many line keys on yours? 6 little ones = IP60x, 3 big = IP50x, 2 small = IP30x
15:22.00fugitivois any way to have callprogress with sip?
15:25.19devoiderdammit ... wrong # once again
15:25.25Cresl1nfugitivo: like inband progress?
15:25.33devoiderill check back beeing more awake .. maybe tommorow :)
15:26.02fugitivoCresl1n: tone detection, answering machine, fax, busy, congestion, etc
15:26.17Cresl1nfugitivo: nope
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15:26.23fugitivono way to do that?
15:26.44Cresl1nfugitivo: have you ever used the zap callprogress code?
15:26.54fugitivono, can't use it in my country
15:26.55Cresl1nfugitivo: it's not too great
15:27.06Cresl1nfugitivo: so in essence, the answer is no
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15:27.19fugitivousing some kind of hack with backgrounddetect?
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15:27.31hackeroncan someone recommend a VoIP provider for backup that has unlimited data paths (or at least 8) on a pay as you go? (we are using teliax for main)
15:27.38Cresl1nfugitivo: with a LOT of hack
15:28.47coppiceIts really bad when the product has reached 1.2 and can't do simple tone detection :-)
15:29.01Cresl1ncoppice: hehe
15:29.13Cresl1ncoppice: good morning ot you too :-)
15:30.00Cresl1ncoppice: after all, it's ONLY simple tone detection, right? :-D
15:30.27coppiceit is. its pathetic that the software can't go a reasonable job
15:30.45Cresl1ncoppice: should only take five or ten minutes, just write a quick FFT algorithm, put a little glue in there, and wahlah!
15:31.07coppiceFFT is not the right starting point
15:32.33konfuzedcoppice: perhaps you can get the code together by the end of the day ;^)
15:32.36fugitivoa have a document from a provider describing each tone, who wants to code it? :)
15:32.37bkw_Cresl1n, thats a problem... many things in asterisk are done half ass and never gone back over and fixed correctly
15:33.08coppicekonfuzed: my code is GPL, so it cannot go into *
15:33.17Cresl1nbkw_: so we can either troll about it, or we can do something about it.....
15:33.44bkw_Cresl1n, I'm not trolling i'm just stating fact
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15:34.29konfuzedcoppice: well if you wrote GPL then asterisk could borrow it as free inclusion with *
15:34.31mog_workmmmm trolls
15:34.34coppiceCres11n: what's the point of doing something, when updates just sit and rot?
15:34.38bkw_konfuzed, WRONG
15:34.59Cresl1ncoppice: yeah, sorry about that.  We're working on getting better with that
15:35.03fugitivocoppice: did you code unicall?
15:35.07mog_workbrian why dont you help anthm and stop trolling....
15:35.13tzangerbkw_: well not exactly wrong...  the GPL version of asterisk could use it without problem.  but ABE and any of the commercial licensed versionsof * could not
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15:35.22bkw_it can't be in CVS at all
15:35.35mog_workesp as we dont do cvs
15:35.38tzangerbkw_: ?  why not?
15:35.39coppiceCres11n: its not just my stuff. *many* people complain their stuff ends up rotting. it seems to be the normal thing
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15:35.56tzangerGPL does not restrict where or what it is stored with, ONLY distribution
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15:36.02coppicefugitivo: unicall is mine
15:36.09mog_workit was 1.2 , look at how many bugs we are going through this month
15:36.10fugitivocoppice: nice work :)
15:36.13Cresl1ncoppice: yeah, we're realizing that and trying to work better to alliviate the problem
15:36.13anthmwho's that clip clapping on my bridge!
15:36.40konfuzedmmmm had a little chat last week or so (forget where) that basically confirmed you can take GPL code and close it as long as the source is 'offered' for free.
15:36.45mog_worki was just telling brian to not troll and actually get some work done with you anthm
15:36.46Cresl1ncoppice: it's a concern that we're becoming more and more aware of
15:36.53bkw_konfuzed, WRONG
15:37.02tzangerkonfuzed: well technically you're not closing it then, are you?
15:37.25mog_workyeah there are sketch people out there like that router guy
15:37.27konfuzedwell then I hope that conversation was here so that I dont have to go and correct some debian programmers or something like that
15:37.29mog_worksveasoft or whatever
15:37.36bkw_mog_work, anthm and I have done more for the asterisk code base than most people in the community
15:37.44mog_workno one is saying you havent
15:37.48konfuzedtzanger: well you can sell the binary
15:37.53mog_workbut you guys arent now, and some of us have work to do
15:38.00anthmumm hi
15:38.02tzangerbkw_: I don't think anyone is denying you that.  You and anthm are very, very good at this stuff
15:38.04anthmi have patches in there still
15:38.06fugitivohere we go again
15:38.07konfuzedas long as "Offering" the code as opposed to including the code
15:38.15coppicethis is truly amazing. dell normally rip off asians, but their new 30" LCD seems to be cheaper here than in the US :-\
15:38.20mog_worki know anthm, i guess my comment was more directed at bkw_
15:38.26tzangerkonfuzed: yes of course you can sell GPL binaries, but you must make the source available for free to anyone you distribute the binaries to.  that's the entire point of the GPL
15:38.34anthmwell to bring the conversation full circile
15:38.46anthmi was waiting for them to close to ever add any more
15:38.51anthmand it's been 8 months =D
15:38.56Cresl1nO. M. G. here we go again
15:39.01anthms'all i'm sayin'
15:39.04fugitivoCresl1n: :)
15:39.09konfuzedso why cant asterisk integrate some GPL pieces and make the code for those mods available
15:39.23mog_workhey i got a crazy idea, instead of complaining about old bugs
15:39.24bkw_konfuzed, because the code base can't be tainted
15:39.26mog_worklets go fix em
15:39.34mog_worki mean 242
15:39.38mog_workwe can work it down
15:39.40BoRiS'Ya'll jacked up and sheeeeeeeeet'
15:39.40bkw_if the asterisk codebase is tainted with pure GPL code then ABE and dual lic. wouldn't be possible.. along with g729
15:39.41coppiceI love this policy about "feature requests" If they can eb ignored for a few weeks, they get deleted. great scheme, that one
15:39.43tzangerkonfuzed: because ABE and the commercially-licensed copies of * cannot have that code in them, because the GPL parts "infect" the closed-source parts since they're linked
15:39.47konfuzedhm Id say that depends on perspective (more so from the programmers than mince of course)
15:39.49fugitivomog_work: yeah! callprogress for sip!
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15:40.48Cresl1ncoppice: I don't know if the "feature request" mechanism on the bug tracker is the right place for a lot of that stuff
15:40.51mog_worki thought sip had callprogress?
15:40.52zoacoppice, they dont even sell those in belgium yet :(
15:41.21coppicezoa: they don't ship until the 16th here
15:41.22fugitivomog_work: really? can i detect an answering machine, busy, congestion, etc?
15:41.31zoaits not on the sites
15:41.38mog_workbusy and congestion work with sip
15:41.50mog_workand there is a patch for generic answering machine detection
15:42.02Cresl1ncoppice: what's to motivate people to work on feature requests anyway... so if nobody want to work on it (i.e. not enough demand) they sit there and rot
15:42.18bkw_Cresl1n, just like patches
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15:42.29anthmi'm not bitching or anything and in fact i'll even tell you one more time for the record since you guys just said you were trying to fix the problem.  The issue lies with the whole idea where you burden the developer by making him guess how you guys want the code to be then sending it back for recoding after the fact instead of just spending 20 min to describe it the way you would like it to be ahead of time
15:42.29bkw_patch rot is the biggest killer of new features
15:42.34tzangerbkw_: do you not agree that Digium's gotten a LOT better with that in the last 3 months?
15:42.45tzangernobody is denying that it was very bad in the past
15:42.46Cresl1nbkw_: hey man, we're trying to get better at that
15:42.52coppicetzanger: no. it has got worse
15:43.08tzangerhowever Digium's taken steps to improve that.  If you can't at least admit that it's moving better (not perfect yet of course) then you're a lost cause.
15:43.12tzangercoppice: really?
15:43.16anthmalso small changes should just be done by the guy committing it and not bother sending it back for minimal alterations
15:43.28coppicetzanger: they seem to be casting into stone the things that were just vaguely wrong before
15:43.47zoai think there is a lack of interest from normal users
15:43.53zoathey are fast to send emails like make me this
15:44.03zoaand then you make it and nobody ever tests it
15:44.08konfuzedhhmmm theres always more than one way to do things. Perhaps an GPL project for the Tone Detection that end users can easily grab on their own seperately via ftp or cut and paste or something ;^)
15:44.26konfuzedit could have its own web page
15:44.36bkw_konfuzed, if you even think about offering up code without disclaiming it to digium you get yelled at and called all kinds of names.
15:44.51bkw_I have personally had first hand exp. with that.
15:44.57mog_workanalog tone detection is never gonna be awesome, its really hard and needs real dev.
15:45.00Cresl1nor somebody writes something that doesn't really belong in the public repository (for whatever reason) and they think that just because it went up there it should go in
15:45.14coppicemog_work: rubbish
15:45.24konfuzedi would say go ahead and disclaim that GPL code to digium
15:45.26bkw_Asterisk does too much as it is... It can't do any one thing very well.
15:45.27tzangercoppice: ?  casting into stone the things that were just vaguely wrong?
15:45.33bkw_konfuzed, NO
15:45.58coppicetzanger: instead of just doing things badly, they now seem to be firm policies
15:46.01Cresl1nbkw_: that's obviously incorrect logic
15:46.04anthmnaturally you are going to have daftly written patches but take coppice for instance trying to give you guys t38 for goodness sake and it's being nitpicked to death...
15:46.08konfuzedbkw_: obviously im missing something
15:46.20mog_workhey brian, i mean you are angry at asterisk and us, why do you even come in here?
15:46.22konfuzedit comes from not being a programmer my self
15:46.34sivanaI think we should just convert it all to win32 with wav
15:46.59tzangercoppice: I'm gonna convert you to win32 with wav
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15:47.19Cresl1nanthm: we don't put hardly anything in without nitpicking, stuff that I put in even is nit-picked
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15:47.26Cresl1nanthm: it's called peer review
15:47.32bkw_Cresl1n, but you guys totally nit-pick the wrong thing
15:47.35coppicetzanger: wav is perfectly good, as long as it isn't running on win32
15:47.44nguyepany1 use asterisk to connect to sunrocket?
15:47.56tzangernguyep: not me
15:48.30coppiceCres11n: if you had a lovely pristine codebase people might think nitpicking was OK. As it is.......
15:48.47Cresl1ncoppice: it has to get there somehow
15:48.59bkw_it should have been done right in the first place
15:49.01anthmpoints of view are easily skewed to help prove a point I suggest you go peer review the code already in there with the same scrutiny I bet you would reject just about every channel driver =D
15:49.04Cresl1ncoppice: so we can either try to make it better, or we could be apathetic
15:49.19tzangerbkw_: should've and could've are irrellavent.  I don't see openpbx as doing things the right way right out of the gate either
15:49.39bkw_tzanger, As you can tell I don't work on OpenPBX .. never really have.
15:50.03Cresl1ncoppice: but we realize that there are some problems with how things are done right now, and we'd like to try to make them better
15:50.11tzangerbkw_: actually I didn't know that, you were one of the biggest drivers behind it if memory serves (It often does not though)
15:50.20bkw_yes but I didn't code on it :P
15:50.24Cresl1ncoppice: so obviously, if you have suggestions for how to do so, then we would like to try to use them
15:50.33mog_workbkw seems to pop up quite a bit.....
15:50.35bkw_mog_work, cutting fat away isn't coding
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15:51.08bkw_Asterisk has so much fat it needs to be put on a diet :P
15:51.20konfuzedperhaps some one can confirm for me which OpenSource license it is that * is available under
15:51.29mog_workbig is beautiful ^_^
15:51.32sivanakonfuzed: it's dual licensed
15:51.37mog_workasterisk is GPL
15:51.45mog_workand is available for other licensing from digium
15:51.48Cresl1nbkw_: so you say that on one side, then you talk about the time that it take to get new feature patches in on the other... hrm.. makes a LOT of sense
15:51.49coppiceexcept when it isn't
15:51.53fugitivogpl2 sucks
15:51.57konfuzedhold on
15:52.07BoRiSwait for gpl revision 3
15:52.11BoRiScoming up soon
15:52.16fugitivoit'll suck
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15:52.17Beirdomeh, whatever
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15:52.50konfuzedif asterisk is available under GPL then whats wrong with someone else making a GPL tone detector or anythign else?
15:52.57mog_workyou coukld
15:53.13mog_workbut it wont be put into the main tree with out disclaiming
15:53.30sivanakonfuzed: disclaiming means that Digium can use it as they see fit
15:53.38bkw_aka sell it in ABE
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15:53.39anthmthe distro cannot contain anything they cannot completely sell to someone or it would invalidate the existing agreements
15:53.43konfuzedso does GPL doesnt it
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15:53.53coppicekonfuzed: * has no plug in type of scheme. anything external plays endless catchup
15:53.55Cresl1nbkw_: so what's wrong with that?
15:54.00sachsehi all
15:54.07Cresl1nbkw_: is it wrong for you to make money off of using Asterisk in your ITSP?
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15:54.14fugitivowhy not making a new snv or cvs tree with only 100% GPL code?
15:54.16james`My CID if i called another extention is correct, but if i call a context i have setup the CID always is "device" can any one shead some light on this?
15:54.25rainkidhow do you get the caller id of an incoming call?
15:54.33bkw_Cresl1n, Nope not at all.
15:54.42sachsehas some1 experience with asterisk and freenet in germany?
15:54.43Cresl1nbkw_: maybe you should be a little more fair with how you think
15:54.52anthmyou should not bother argueing moot points I am happy to hear them say they know there is a problem so I am gonna see what becomes of that before I dig up any more code.
15:55.52tzangerrainkid: ${CALLERID(all)} or variants.  "show function CALLERID"
15:56.56anthmbtw where is my svn branch did i get one?
15:57.18konfuzedok so makie it an external patch project that can then only be had manually by system operators . do at your own risk, unsupported and not in the main tree
15:57.34Cresl1nanthm: I didn't think we were under the impression that you wanted anything to do with asterisk anymore
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15:57.56anthmwhat a waste that would be i can practicly recite the api calls
15:58.16sivanacan I get one too, an svn branch, for my c# conversion
15:58.36sachseproblem: freenet asterisk 1.0.9 gentoo kernel 2.6.12-r6: outgoing calls works, incomming not. sipgate work in both directions. help?!
15:58.40Cresl1nand one for my J++ conversion too :-)
15:58.44coppicesivana: c# conversion? is this a religious thing? :-)
15:58.49rainkidthank s
15:59.05BoRiSc#=scary, j+=Very Nasty
15:59.09*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
16:00.01anthmI mean should I spend 2 years making asterisk do all this stuff then not use it or anything?
16:00.02Uther_Pwhat was wrong with C++ that ms had to go and screw it up?
16:00.17Uther_P(not there needs to be a specific reason for ms to screw something up)
16:00.18BoRiSc++ is good
16:00.26tzangeracutally I have heard from many people that C# is quite nice
16:00.29tzangerI've never used it myself
16:00.40MRH2hi does the zaptel echo can only work for the external  connected part of the call? SO you would still get echo on the asterisk side?
16:00.51coppiceC++ is so nasty, it would be hard for MS to actually wreck it :-)
16:01.02tzangerI like plain old C
16:01.03anthmI like C+0
16:01.04Cresl1nMRH2: it depends on how long the the echo tail is
16:01.06jbalcombMRH2: I believe so. Zapatel is just the Telco side
16:01.06tzangerpicking up python
16:01.22Cresl1nMRH2: generally it should only need to do it for the call side
16:01.23BoRiSI prefer C-3 (Cubed) :-p
16:01.28rkiokohi guys
16:01.31jbalcombQBASIC is best
16:01.41Uther_Pqb45 rocks
16:01.43lunkgorllas.bas = best game on the planet
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16:01.45BoRiSI actually Bought the Qbasic 4.5 box
16:01.46jbalcombdamn right
16:01.49tzangerlunk: hahaha
16:02.03Uther_Pdont forget nibbles.bas
16:02.10jbalcombhaha.. i remember gorillas from my first programming class in highschool
16:02.11BoRiSand that wonder PC speaker music
16:02.14coppiceMRH2: its the other way round.
16:02.16lunki chuck exploding bananas at little worms
16:02.25anthmI heard locksmith 2.0 is out now you can copy floppy disks.
16:02.40Uther_Pno way!
16:02.42lunkanthm: scotch tape has been around for years!
16:02.52PoWeRKiLLsomeone know about this error Jan 12 17:03:20 WARNING[9904]: chan_iax2.c:3732 iax2_trunk_queue: Maximum trunk data space exceeded to  ?
16:03.10coppicelunk: many countries have had similar tape for just as long
16:03.16tzangerPoWeRKiLL: you filled up your iax2 trunk
16:03.19tzangerhow many simultaneous calls?
16:03.34MRH2so echo can is for the person connected to the zaptel card only?
16:03.37Uther_Pespecially the scottish
16:03.45anthmthe cheater answer is to turn up the constants of max trunk space
16:03.56anthmat the top of chan_iax.c
16:04.16Uther_PMRH2: echo can wouldn't serve any purpose to anything but whats connected to the zaptel
16:04.32Uther_PMRH2:  voip isn't going to echo its packets :)
16:04.53Uther_Psidetone is a bitch
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16:05.11MRH2yes it certainly is
16:05.33PoWeRKiLLtzanger how I did that ?
16:05.41oli1234hello, ihave certain problems to load sipusers form a mysql table... is there anybody who could help me?
16:05.41coppiceMRH2: if you use a digital card, there will be no echo back to the caller. if you use an analogue card * cannot cancel the echo it causes, but it shouldn't really matter. the important thing is audio from an IP phone should not be reflected back to that phone. that is what will sound bad
16:05.43tzangerPoWeRKiLL: how many simultaneous calls were you trying to push through the trunk?
16:05.45MRH2wondering if it would be too long an echo to loop voip calls through zap? or even if it would be a good idea?
16:06.13tzangerMRH2: PRIs and CAS T1/E1s do not GENERATE echo.  Hoewver you can still GET echo on them
16:06.16PoWeRKiLLtzanger : usually I have 10 calls
16:06.25tzangerwhat codec?
16:06.41anthmlike i said turn up the constants
16:06.45PoWeRKiLLnow when 1 calls arrive i got this error
16:06.46Uther_Pvoip loopback across 15 hops == perfect guitar reverb
16:06.47anthmthey are very liberal
16:06.56tzangerUther_P: :-)
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16:07.04tzangeranthm: you mean conservative?
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16:07.19anthmi suppose i do
16:07.24coppiceUther_P: if you don't mind a 3.5kHz limited guitar :-)
16:07.43tzangercoppice: depends on the tune :-)
16:07.55oli1234I have certain problems to load sipusers form a mysql table... is there anybody who could help me? --> just contact me in private thx in advance
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16:08.14Uther_Pcoppice: sum it back to the original tone
16:08.24Uther_Pheh, pull it out of phase too
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16:09.17PoWeRKiLLtzanger any idea ?
16:09.39coppiceisn't it sad that after nearly 20 years of ISDN, which was supposed to bring us wideband voice, we still use narrow band for almost all VoIP?
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16:10.13sivanacoppice: why is that
16:10.13zukzukhey guys. does anybody, by chance, know a way to work around this problem: ?
16:10.19zukzuki'm experiencing the exact same thing
16:10.35tzangerPoWeRKiLL: did you listen to anthm
16:10.44MimmusI forgot nickname of a really valid guy who helped me a few minutes ago about a toll-free number not responding.... can anyone help me?
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16:10.55sivanaMimmus: Cresl1n
16:11.02Mimmusok, thanks
16:11.14PoWeRKiLLthanks anthm :)
16:11.22Uther_Pa really 'valid' guy
16:11.32anthm#define DEFAULT_TRUNKDATA   640 * 10
16:11.32anthm#define MAX_TRUNKDATA       640 * 200
16:11.40coppicesivana: because people tolerate any old crap, I guess. people like Skype, yet don't scream for wideband elsewhere
16:11.48anthmcrank those and recompile
16:11.53anthmnote it's a band aid
16:12.13sivanacoppice: who does wideband right now?
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16:12.41PoWeRKiLLanthm i have to change this #define TRUNK_CALL_START        0x4000 ?
16:12.50anthmi just pasted the 2
16:12.56coppiceskype is the only major user. a number of UMTS users have wideband - if they call another suitable UMTS user
16:13.06*** part/#asterisk Lurr (
16:13.09DorphalsigI have an E1 link and a TE400 card, every few hours * issues this warning: No D-Channels found. Using Primary on channel 16 anyway
16:13.20coppiceanthm: 22kHz is a weird rate to use
16:13.29DorphalsigI have an E1 link and a TE400 card, every few hours * issues this warning: No D-Channels found. Using Primary on channel 16 anyway and then nothing works again untill I restart zaptel, could anybody give me a hand?
16:14.00anthmone leg was a soundcard
16:14.10anthmi could have done 16 and 32 also
16:14.18tzangerAll of my stuff is PSTN ended so wideband does absolutely dick-all for me
16:14.53anthmi'm concerned how to negotiate the wideband stuff seems like the rate in the sdp is only like a kinda sorta option
16:14.54coppicesoundcards are a pain for VoIP. their sampling rates don't lock to anything - include tx not locking to rx
16:15.29anthmiax doesnt seem to have any rate element
16:15.38anthmso that will be fun
16:15.51coppiceanthm: shouldn't be. if one end announces only 8kHz codecs, the other end certainly shouldn't choose something higher.
16:15.59MRH2thanks I am going to blame echo on the other party for the moment.
16:16.15sivanaSession Description Protocol   ?
16:16.16anthmwell that act of announcing the 16k codec is what i am wondering about
16:16.23sivanaSocial Democratic Part?
16:16.26coppiceIAX lacks a number of important things if it is to break into the big time.
16:16.42coppiceSession Dementing Protocol
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16:18.14anthmso at least it seems like spd has the concept of it but it's barely used so it's not likely it will be understood by much stuff
16:18.17coppiceThe CNG frame is useless. There is no proper allowance for sample rates. The text is not defined as being UTF-8. Various little odds and ends that nobody seems to care to sort out, but which will cripple it.
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16:18.21anthmsdp i mean
16:19.19Mimmussivana: now I have a different but seemingly related problem, can I try here or file a bug?
16:19.19coppiceI think there should be no problems with SDP. Things that don't understand the rates will not support the related codecs. It should sort itself out
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16:19.40anthmthat's what i'm hoping for
16:20.08DorphalsigI have an E1 link and a TE400 card, every few hours * issues this warning: No D-Channels found. Using Primary on channel 16 anyway and then nothing works again untill I restart zaptel, could anybody give me a hand?
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16:20.42jbalcombShould I be using uLaw or aLaw and what's the difference?
16:20.54coppiceI think it should fall into place a lot better than T.38 :-) The spec for that fails to tie a whole mass of things down.
16:21.05anthmi guess iax could send an IE with khz in it but that should be fun getting it accepted
16:21.30anthmthere is a bit of a difference between ulaw and alaw
16:22.05coppicejbalcomb: they won't talk to each other, but their quality is about the same
16:22.47jbalcombcoppice: is it correct that one is an american standard and the other is a european standard? if so, which is which?
16:23.19coppiceulaw = US, HK, Taiwan, Japan
16:23.20coppiceAlaw = the rest of humanity
16:23.31coppiceoh, i missed canada
16:23.39tzangerdon't worry, everyone does.  :-)
16:23.42Uther_Pits common
16:24.27jbalcombcoppice: excellent. i assume uLaw correlates to PCMU vocoder on my grandstream phones?
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16:24.52coppicequite a few phones call them PCMU and PCMA
16:25.11jbalcombexcellent. i think all executive decisions regarding our codec setup have been made.
16:25.17jbalcombthanks for the help yall
16:25.24Cresl1nanthm: IIRC, I think there's an IE for sample rate
16:25.38anthmoh that would be good
16:25.44Cresl1nanthm: (in IAX)
16:25.59Cresl1nI started working on wideband too, and that was one of the things mark mentioned to me
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16:26.20anthmexpressed in hz ?
16:26.33Cresl1nanthm: hrmm... not sure on that one
16:26.42jbalcombah snap, one more codec question. the grandstream codex FAQ is using kbps but the Cisco codec FAQ is using Kbps. is it kilobits or kilobytes that i should be thinking?
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16:28.15anthmyah i see unsigned short samprate; in iax2-parser.h
16:29.04Cresl1nanthm: cool, yeah, I thought there was one
16:29.06MimmusCresl1n: now I have a different but seemingly related problem, can I disturb you again or is there a better choice?
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16:32.22mog_workwoot 239!
16:32.33wunderkinoops, found 2 more bugs
16:32.36Cresl1nmog_work: yeppers
16:32.44Cresl1nMimmus: ???
16:33.11MimmusCresl1n: yes, I'm
16:33.15DorphalsigI have an E1 link and a TE400 card, every few hours * issues this warning: No D-Channels found. Using Primary on channel 16 anyway and then nothing works again untill I restart zaptel, could anybody give me a hand?
16:33.26anthmi wonder why it's unsigned short considering how stingy the rest of the lements are it could have been char since in khz the vals are all < 50
16:33.36MimmusCresl1n: different number and slightly different problem
16:33.45anthmat least it's there already
16:33.46MimmusCresl1n: but always an automatci responder
16:33.52Cresl1nanthm: so you could send 8600hz audio :-)
16:34.36Cresl1nanthm: here wait... so you can send 8633hz audio :-)
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16:35.41anthmhmm looks like there are hard constants for various rates in a bitmask
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16:35.53anthm8 11 16 22 44 48
16:36.03montag___it's there a way to define custom greetings for every voicemail mailbox ?
16:36.17dos000anyone has idea about a cheap 2 port sip 2 pstn gateway ?
16:36.19aminorexoh that england had but one head so that i might strike it off
16:36.50wunderkinmontag___, yes i use the temp greeting for that
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16:37.31DFSAnyone available for a dialplan question?
16:37.35montag___wunderkin: ?
16:37.45anthmaha so you must have the same bitmap on both sides and you actually send the unsigned version of that paticular constant not the desired speed
16:37.47Mimmusmontag___: if I remember well, hit '3' for special functions
16:38.02Cresl1nanthm: those are some funny sample rates
16:38.12DFSAnyone available for a dialplan question?
16:38.21montag___but i want to manage this file from filesystem, not from user dtmf interface
16:38.33{zombie}DFS: just ask the question, don't ask if you can ask
16:38.39{zombie}and please don't repeat yourself
16:38.48coppiceanthm: they miss an important one for telephony - 32
16:38.51Cresl1n8 16 32 and 48 should probably be in there
16:38.59Mimmusmontag___: they are under /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail
16:39.00anthmyah were is 32 ?
16:39.06wunderkinmontag___, funny thing.. they are saved on the filesystem.. so if you do it from the menu and look in the directory you will see how it works
16:39.10Cresl1nbut I don't know about the non even multiple choices
16:39.16DFSZombie>>I am trying to set up a dialplan where I can call other voip users on another asterisk server in a diff. network
16:39.22coppicethey miss 192 as well
16:39.36Cresl1noh yeah, and 384 too :-P
16:39.45coppicedon't be silly
16:40.18montag___wunderkin: ok, but you know the name for busy and unavailable files ?
16:40.20dily_anyone use bristuff?
16:40.31coppice192k, 24 bit 7.1 is bound to be de rigeur for audio conferencing this year
16:40.39wunderkinmontag___, you can research that the same way
16:40.42{zombie}DFS: Dial(IAX2/user:pass@remoteserver/XXXX)
16:40.51anthmso when you convert it to bits
16:40.57Cresl1ncoppice: ah, didn't realize that
16:41.09montag___ok thanks
16:41.23Mimmusmontag___: unavail.wav and busy.wav (.WAV too)
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16:41.46DFSZombie: Where do you place extentions.conf or in IAX?
16:42.12{zombie}you put that in your extensions.conf
16:42.19*** join/#asterisk ffs_04 (
16:42.37anthmnothing = 1
16:42.37anthm8k = 2
16:42.37anthm16k = 4
16:42.37anthm22k = 8
16:42.37anthm44k = 16
16:42.38anthm48k = 32
16:43.12anthmthe seem strikingly similar to just sending the rate you want rounded to nearest khz
16:43.18dos000anyone know a 2 port gw (not ata) that will allow phone<->ata<->internet<->gw<->pstn ?
16:43.42{zombie}DFS: would be good reading
16:44.09coppicei wonder what the difference between an ATA and a GW might be :-\
16:44.31dos000coppice, no fxo on the ata normally
16:44.42rue_work[TK]D-Fender you up?
16:44.49MimmusCresl1n: is it a good idea to open a bug on or is it better to wait here?
16:45.14coppicedos000: so you cook up your own terminology, and expect everyone to understand? :-\
16:45.28dos000coppice, even if you have an fxo interface you can only originate not terminate
16:45.34DFSzombie: Is there anything else I need to add? Just this statement with my info in extentions.conf?
16:45.55{zombie}DFS: I think you need to do a whole lot more reading...
16:46.07anthmwhat's the max val of unsigned short?
16:46.09{zombie}don't expect you can just throw random statements into your asterisk config files and make things wrk
16:47.10jbalcombone more codec question. the grandstream codex FAQ is using kbps but the Cisco codec FAQ is using Kbps. is it kilobits or kilobytes that i should be thinking?
16:47.17coppiceanthm: is this a trick question?
16:47.18Beirdoanthm: 2^16 - 1
16:47.35Uther_Pjbalcomb: bits
16:48.09anthmso too small to send hz
16:48.11Cresl1nMimmus: it's always better to verify here or on the mailing list that it's actually a bug before you post one (like earlier with the 'r' flag in the Dial command)
16:48.21anthmbut big enough to send rounded khz
16:48.23jbalcombUther_P: ah, most peculiar that Ciscos page would be incorrect. That certainly explains my confusion in the amount of traffic I'm seeing. Thank you.
16:48.34Uther_Pusually kilobytes per second is denoted as  k/s
16:48.41coppicethe maximum value of a short int is when it saves 2 bytes of memory and squeezes the product into a much cheaper MCU or DSP :-
16:49.04DorphalsigI have an E1 link and a TE400 card, every few hours * issues this warning: No D-Channels found. Using Primary on channel 16 anyway and then nothing works again untill I restart zaptel, could anybody give me a hand?
16:49.17MimmusCresl1n: this is correct. Now I try to explain (it isn't so simple)
16:49.27*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin|work (
16:49.33rue_workWARNING[19687] chan_iax2.c: Received mini frame before first full voice frame
16:49.36Dorphalsigbtw, checking my zaptel modules... I noticed I have wct4xxp and tor2 up
16:49.36anthmi'm trying to figure out why the iax code has the rates in a bitmask is there a condition where you can have 2 rates at once ?
16:49.38rue_workanyone know where that commes from?
16:49.42MimmusCresl1n: I have (PSTN PRI) -- Asterisk --- Alcatel PBX --- analog phones
16:49.47Uther_PI would like anyone to find somewhere where bps is used to denote bytes per second
16:49.49Dorphalsigshouldnt I just have one of them?
16:49.50coppicei remember once spending over a week getting one instruction out of a DSP loop :-\
16:49.55MimmusCresl1n: ans some VoIP phones directly connected to Asterisk
16:50.15anthmsince nothing uses it i was brainstorming other ways to send the rate in the constraints of the unsigned short it is declared as
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16:50.31coppiceanthm: of course. if a phone supports 8k and 16k you set two bits
16:50.43MimmusCresl1n: calling a number with automatci responder from analog phones doesn't work (NONSWER after two rings), from Voip phones works
16:51.04Cresl1ncoppice: that sounds like it could cause problems
16:51.05coppicedunno why the IE can't have a list of shorts with all the possible rates, though
16:51.43*** join/#asterisk }btorch{ (n=kvirc@
16:52.25Cresl1ncoppice: well, I take that back.  I guess it depends on how it 's used
16:52.40}btorch{when someone asks what voice standards * can support are they talking about the technology like SIP, GSM
16:53.07coppiceCres11n: its dumb trying to squeeze this down and loose flexibility. its only sent infrequently
16:54.04Cresl1ncoppice: you mean with doing it as a bit mask?
16:54.16Cresl1ncoppice: I think there's truth to that
16:54.27anthmyou can send several ie with the same name correct?
16:54.49anthmyou also have no way to tie which rate goes with which codec
16:54.58coppicewhy should you? an IE has variable length, so it can contain a list of things
16:55.02Cresl1nanthm: yeah, that's what I was concerned about
16:55.07_Sam--does any know if that cheap DLINK packet prioritizer recognizes IAX?
16:55.19*** join/#asterisk spunz_ (
16:55.29Cresl1nanthm: so if you blindly advertised 8 and 16, but you don't support 16 on all 16 capable codecs, that's a problem
16:56.14coppicewell, the whole rate concept is restrictive. take AMR WB for example. what is its rate?
16:57.51Cresl1ncoppice: yeah, I think that the way rates are done are going to have to be rethought
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16:57.58anthmmaybe send mutiple capability and mutiple rate per groups
16:58.15coppicei think specifying rates is a fundamentally bad idea. you should just specify the codecs. they defines their capabiliites
16:58.15anthmsend 1 cap with ulaw alaw then send 1 rate with 8 and 16
16:58.18anthmthen send the rest
16:58.23anthmand send a sigle 8
16:58.50nextimewath's the best ( as a stability and performance ) h323 channel, h323, oh323 or ooh323?
16:58.54coppiceanthm: just what about AMR WB? or speex? they can dynamically change their rates, to deal with congestion
16:59.20cfhis there a solution to config the fast numbers on asterisk server?
16:59.27anthmmaybe we should hack all the other codecs to be able to negotiate thier own rate
16:59.28watchy-im sitting here naked, i just took a shower
16:59.32watchy-i feel so sexy
16:59.56watchy-u sure
17:00.18anthmmaybe sdp over IE =D
17:00.22*** join/#asterisk zapotecz (n=surfer@
17:00.23rue_workas some of you may have noticed, I'm not verry farmiliar with asterisk. I'm currently trying to correct issues with a PSTN machine that kb1canobie assembled, who you may know of. I could really use some help going through teh errors on the system while I try to correct some issues that are making the people in the office really agitated (theyre damanding that the phone system be replaced completely) the first thing I want to resolv is the mos
17:00.33coppicea list of codecs, detailed enough to define the specific variants supported, should be a complete description
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17:01.22dos000coppice, still no idea about what i asked ?
17:01.44rue_workI also verrymch need to fix the voicemail, which keeps recording blank messages
17:01.58dos000rue_work, tow !
17:02.01buzzydHi All, anyone know how I can setup voicemail prompts instead of using the default american voiced ones when leaving voicemail messages
17:02.51rue_workbuzzyd the files you want to re-record are in the directory /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/
17:02.52Uther_Pbuzzyd:  eh?
17:02.59buzzydI would like my users to be able to set their own message but I can't see where to configure it
17:03.16Mimmusbuzzyd: language setting set also messages for voicemail but you need sounds file for your lang
17:03.17anthmenough of this dealing with issues that control the outcome of any success in the near future lets fix config issues
17:03.19rue_workbuzzyd if I understood you right
17:03.29buzzydrue_work that would change it for everyone though
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17:03.43rue_workbuzzyd sorry I misunderstood
17:03.46zapoteczhi all
17:03.54rue_workand I'm not verry farmiliar iwth asterisk
17:03.58Mimmusbuzzyd: and any user can record his/her message hitting '3'
17:03.58buzzydI just want it so each person can have their own message instead of playing a standard one for all
17:03.58zapoteczno one has used the patch for the bearer?
17:04.14masonfwhat are some possible causes for the message: Unable to open Asterisk database?
17:04.18rue_workdispite that I need to fix a number of issues on a system
17:04.20*** join/#asterisk psk (
17:04.33rue_workwhich I could really use someone talking me though
17:04.35Mimmusmasonf: permissions?
17:05.05masonfIll try running as root....
17:05.06buzzydMimmus, anyway of doing it without using that app
17:05.30Mimmusbuzzyd: yes, record and save message under /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/...
17:05.46Mimmusmasonf: no no, usually Asterisk runs as asierisk user
17:05.54Mimmusmasonf: asterisk user
17:05.55masonfyeah its permissions... now I need to find what files it wants.
17:06.00rue_workin that context, does anyone know what 'outage' should sound like?
17:06.11buzzydmimmus: ok but how would I then link that to each account
17:06.16DFSzombie: Can you specifiy the host as an IP address when creating the REC server?
17:06.27dos000buzzyd, check out theese guys
17:06.36Mimmusbuzzyd: there is a directory for any extension under /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/...
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17:10.39buzzydThanks guys, I see it now ;)
17:11.04DFSzombie: when specifying the host on the REC server, can you use the IP address
17:11.13Mimmusbuzzyd: you are welcome
17:11.41Mimmushey people, even Mimmus is able to help someone!
17:12.29DFSmimmus:you familiar with configuring two asterisks to conduct calls between the two on two diff. networks?
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17:12.54MimmusDFS: using IAX?
17:13.08DFSyes...I've read the text on [REC_SERVER]
17:13.44DFSthis is where I'm confused....based on the site reading :
17:14.05DFSwhere the host is my.calling.server...example... can u use an IP address instead?
17:14.17MimmusDFS: yes, Ip is good
17:14.39DFSmimmus: thanks...wasn't for sure if it would still work...
17:15.15MimmusI'm not sure what context stands for
17:15.44*** join/#asterisk roulduke_ (
17:17.17mockerI'm having a problem w/ Asterisk receiving faxes.  The tif files appear to be all crunched up into about 1 inch instead of looking like a normal fax page.
17:17.20mockerIs that normal?
17:17.24DFSmimmus: do you create a new secret for IAX or do you use the current secret for registering devices?
17:18.55*** join/#asterisk PupenoL (n=pupeno@
17:18.57MimmusDFS: secret is a 'password' between two peers
17:20.00DFSmimmus: correct..this password I have is different for each asterisk...which do I use..or do I create a new one
17:21.59*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
17:22.21masonfany ideas what files would be giving be permissions issues Ive already checked /var/log /etc/asterisk /var/spool and /var/run
17:23.25fulgasstrace asterisk
17:23.47fulgasand check for the permissions problem
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17:24.36generalhanwhats up everyone ? !
17:24.41DFSmimmus: what is the [mycontext] ? What do you specify for that?
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17:26.24generalhancan anyone help me out with a compling problem im having with zaptel-1.2.1 ???
17:27.29MimmusDFS: I used the same on both servers
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17:28.16MimmusDFS: if you like, I can post my con on
17:29.25DFSmimmus: that would be great...this project is confusing
17:29.53MimmusDFS: just a moment...
17:32.30[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : Here
17:32.55*** join/#asterisk denon (
17:32.55*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
17:33.21[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : that last pastebin of yours is very wrong.  When you're back I'll help you fix it up
17:33.24watchyi got voicemail setup
17:33.27watchyhow do i access it?
17:34.16[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : set up an extension that your phones can dial like "exten => 1234,1,VoicemailMain"
17:34.33DFSmimmus: who will you post as
17:34.35MimmusDFS: here
17:34.37watchyso if i dial it from the actuall phone
17:34.41watchyit'll let me hear vM?
17:34.41DFSmimmus: thanks
17:35.09[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : that will bring you to the VM "main" where it'll ask you which VM box & password and then let you listen
17:35.21MimmusDFS: a small error, look here:
17:35.26watchyand using variables i can auto goto the box?
17:36.16[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : like this - "exten => *98,1,VoicemailMain(${CALLERID(num)}@default)
17:36.33watchyso whats *98? literally *98?
17:37.00[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : that will assume your phones callerid is the same as its VM box #.  You can script it up any which way you want like say "if its 555 then use box 222" or whatever
17:37.20[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : exactly like *98 (north american standard telco VM style)
17:37.22*** join/#asterisk PMantis (
17:37.26watchythats badass
17:37.34DFSmimmus: looking at the latest post...what factor do you decide which will be the REC server?
17:37.37[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, here, hold on, a gift for you...
17:37.43MimmusDFS: REC?
17:37.48DFSmimmus: receive
17:38.19PMantisHowdy! Are there any Asterisk supported phones that act like an operator phone (can see which extens are in use, etc)
17:38.31MimmusDFS: ah, it's a bidirectional trunnk (both peers)
17:38.52DFSmimmus: so you have to place this conf in both iax.conf in both servers?
17:38.59[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : here's a sample "features" context to add to your setup and include in your phone's main one.
17:39.24[TK]D-FenderPMantis : SNOM, Polycom using SIP, CISCO's with SCCP.
17:39.39trixterI think etel has some issues scheduling..  they give phil zimmerman 15 minutes to talk about voip security but give me 1 hour for click2call..  mine is really only 15 minutes of stuff, his should be at least 1 hour
17:39.40[TK]D-FenderPMantis : Also Grandstream GXP-2000
17:40.01MimmusDFS: yes
17:40.05PMantis[TK]D-Fender, Ok, I was looking to use a Grandstream, since it has paging capabilities in the latest firmware
17:40.10DFSmimmus: both servers must mirror each config then..
17:40.34watchytkd: thanks man
17:40.34DFSmimmus: of course inversing the info for the other...
17:40.42MimmusDFS: yes
17:40.49masonffor the record I need asterisk to be able to read write /usr/local/share/asterisk (problem solved thans mimus)
17:40.53[TK]D-FenderPMantis : plenty of ways do do paging on others.  Unless you're really short of cash I'd suggest going with the Polycom IP 601, or at least the SNOM 360.
17:40.54Mimmusbut I'm not a guru
17:41.27Mimmushow can I fetch last three chars from a var????? I forget it
17:42.39PMantis[TK]D-Fender, And it can show the status of a remote SIP extension? (I can't imagine how the setup works in *)
17:42.48idpromnutquestion: is there a listing (like a reference) of all dialplan functions/macros?
17:43.29*** part/#asterisk Curus (
17:43.35rue_workapp.c: No audio available on IAX2/astpbx-woodbay-3??  < - I think that has something to do with my voicemail audio problem
17:44.08[TK]D-FenderPMantis : yes, that is the exact point for it.
17:44.25DFSmimmus: do you set the type as user, friend or peer?
17:44.25PMantis[TK]D-Fender, Ok, I'll have to take your word for it. :)
17:44.39[TK]D-FenderPMantis : exten => 1000,hint,SIP/1000
17:44.44[TK]D-FenderPMantis : exten => 1000,1,Dial(SIP/1000,20)
17:44.50[TK]D-Fenderlike that in *
17:44.54[TK]D-Fenderthats all
17:44.57PMantishint? hmmmmm
17:45.05[TK]D-Fenderits a priority on the exten
17:45.07MimmusDFS: peer if they are peers!
17:45.32[TK]D-Fenderthen theres the setup on the phone istelf which varies between mfg's
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17:46.12DFSmimmus: just checking....
17:46.47rue_workhow can I tell which errors are actaully causing me problems?
17:47.07[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : Ok, first, whats not working to your satisfaction?
17:48.07rue_workwell, we keep haiving lose all the audio on voicemails
17:48.16rue_workit records long blank files
17:48.22PMantis[TK]D-Fender, Thanks, I found a wiki entry on voip-info
17:48.31watchydoes sjphone support voicemail?
17:48.33PMantis[TK]D-Fender, Makes more sense now.
17:48.52[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : Where are the calls coming in from?  If you leave a message directly from a phone connected to * do you get sound then?
17:49.10rue_workfor the most part, messages work
17:49.26[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : typically you don't let the SIP client do its own voicemail handling... you do it in the server.
17:49.28rue_workthese calls are comming in from a T1 to our PSTN machine
17:49.51[TK]D-Fenderrue do incoming calls have audio at all?
17:49.58watchyit does support voicemail
17:50.04watchyit just notified sjphone
17:50.26[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : So only in voicemail you lose all audio?
17:50.29rue_work[TK]D-Fender it happens intermittently
17:50.51rue_workthat voicemails comming in on the t1 have no audio
17:51.10[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : Well it would basically mean ALL CALLS on the T1 then.
17:51.36rue_workwere using it right now, all the calls are fine
17:51.40[TK]D-Fenderpastebin the CLI of a call coming in and trying to leave a VM.
17:51.56watchyhey tk: what do put in sip.conf to tell the phone its voicemail # so my VM button works?
17:52.09rue_worksorry, can you give me more detail on how to do that?
17:52.15[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : thats not sip.conf's job, thats a setting on your PHONE.
17:52.33rue_workso far, this seems to be limited to the voicemail
17:52.36justinuis fender singlehandedly helping 5 newbies at once again?
17:52.38watchyso i'd push that out with like sipdefault.cnf?
17:52.39[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : copy the CLI output of a call that is attempting to leave a VM and shove it in a pastebin.
17:53.14rue_work[TK]D-Fender from /var/log/asterisk/full ?
17:53.21[TK]D-FenderActually, only 3 this time :)
17:53.32[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : no from "asterisk -rvvvvvv"
17:54.08[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : so you'd set that to either *98 or *97[box] per the context I gave you
17:54.33[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : since all of my home uses 1 box I use *970 (box 0) on my SPA-941's VM key
17:54.44hardwireis there a good test suite for measuring rtp loss
17:54.58justinuhardwire: not really
17:55.13watchythanks tk
17:55.16hardwireI am trying to measure loss using icmp.. which most routers basically filter or throttle.
17:55.22justinuhardwire: you need to rely on RTCP which asterisk doesn't support, but there's a dodgy patch for
17:55.41hardwirejustinu: I was thinking they would just have to agree on a pattern. and measure loss with pattern matching.
17:56.14justinuRTCP is the answer
17:56.17hardwireor send chunks w/ a crc.. and just feather out the results.
17:56.33*** join/#asterisk detatch (
17:56.34hardwirejustinu: I just want to measure the loss.. not get around it.
17:56.45justinuyou should read about what RTCP does then
17:56.49justinuit's for instrumentation
17:57.13hardwireyou could use it uotside of asterisk I presume
17:57.25hardwirethats all I would need
17:57.37justinua lot of media gateways support RTCP
17:57.44detatchhey everybody
17:57.44justinuand most SIP phones do
17:58.05justinubecause people want to know what the QoS is like
17:58.25hardwireyou should write about it :)
17:58.48detatchcan someone answer a question about my 1.2.1 extensions.conf?
17:58.59*** join/#asterisk BladeRunner05 (n=feelme@
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17:59.15justinuhardwire: all you need to know:
17:59.29detatchim upgrading from 1.0.3 to 1.2.1
17:59.32[TK]D-Fender|AFKdetatch : Pastebin it, and ask your questions  I'll be back soon
17:59.32hardwireok the control protocol..
17:59.38jboti guess pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
17:59.38hardwiresame as rtp but + some
18:00.09*** join/#asterisk coolhp (
18:00.14justinuit's actually not the same as RTP
18:00.28justinuRTP is used for carrying time sensitive data (like voip packets)
18:00.35BladeRunner05I'm troubling installing astGUIclient + vicidial.... I'm getting error running:
18:00.41justinuRTCP is used to monitor the performance of the forward/backwards streams
18:00.50coolhpGood day all ! I was wondering : Which of the following is better/more advanced : chan_skinny, chan_sccp (from SF) or chan_sccp2 (from berlios) ?
18:01.19rue_workbut that is a bad example, because it worked
18:01.36*** join/#asterisk Simon- (
18:01.41DorphalsigI have an E1 link and a TE400 card, every few hours * issues this warning: No D-Channels found. Using Primary on channel 16 anyway and then nothing works again untill I restart zaptel, could anybody give me a hand?
18:01.49hardwirejustinu: I suppose one form of doing this is to send an rtp stream to an rtp echo server.
18:02.02BladeRunner05I'm troubling installing astGUIclient + vicidial.... I'm getting error running:  error is at
18:02.07justinuhardwire: yeah, but then you wouldn't know if the loss was on the forward stream or the backwards stream
18:02.17hardwirejustinu: sometimes I just don't want to know.
18:02.28justinuthen why bother with qos at all? :P
18:02.34hardwirebecause I love my customers.
18:02.47justinumost ATAs do RTCP also
18:02.55hardwireheh.. you could rtp a stream to one place.. then have it tcp the results back.
18:03.01Switchplacesmust go today 2 alienware area51-m 7700 notebooks. price 600 for 2.  message me if interested on msn at, aim at ogd443 or yahoo at thishastogotoday.  do have an auction set up on yahoo auctions for these.
18:03.17hardwirewhy is asterisk not on this RTCP bandwagon?
18:03.24hardwireI would assume it just comes with the territory
18:03.26detatchgo away
18:03.29justinuhardwire: that's a good question... i would ask digium that
18:03.36hardwireI think I will.
18:03.38hardwireAttn: Digium
18:03.43hardwireSubject: RTCP in asterisk
18:03.44NDTasterisk have anyway to determine if a human answered or an answering machine without interaction like pressing a number etc?
18:03.51DorphalsigI have an E1 link and a TE400 card, every few hours * issues this warning: No D-Channels found. Using Primary on channel 16 anyway and then nothing works again untill I restart zaptel, could anybody give me a hand?
18:03.54hardwireI have no idea what this really does.. can you implement it?
18:04.00NDTsome sort of positive call acceptance
18:04.30detatchI just upgraded from 1.0.3 to 1.2.1, we run a call center
18:04.38*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
18:04.52detatchi see a lot of messages in my /var/log/asterisk/messages about the timeout context in my extensions.conf
18:04.55justinuit's been on the digium bug tracker for over a year
18:05.03Kattyhi lads.
18:05.11detatchive posted a sample extension and the error in pastebin
18:05.27rob0afternoon Katty
18:05.32hardwirejustinu: heh
18:05.54hardwirenobody seems like they want to adopt the patch
18:06.02justinui made it work
18:06.14justinubut I haven't released it back
18:06.16KattyA-jay: please don't talk to me in private. it's rather annoying.
18:06.16*** join/#asterisk Simon-_ (
18:06.20KattyA-jay: instead, if you want help, talk in here.
18:06.43nextimeis it possible to detect the nature of address indicator from a incoming call on one of the 3 h323 channels available?
18:06.49lo_techno cyb0r the kat!
18:07.07hardwirejustinu: they don't like you not having a disclaimer!
18:07.13justinui know
18:07.18hardwireI have one on file there
18:07.22justinubut I'm not willing to sign my life away just yet
18:07.33hardwirejustinu: well its a patch.. for asterisk.
18:07.37Switchplacesmust go today 2 alienware area51-m 7700 notebooks. price 600 for 2.  message me if interested on msn at, aim at ogd443 or yahoo at thishastogotoday.  do have an auction set up on yahoo auctions for these.
18:07.41hardwirenot like you are going to apply it anywhere else.
18:07.47justinuthank you
18:07.49justinuwhoever did that
18:08.19justinuhardwire: if someone was actually willing to go over the code, i'd be more than happy to show them what's wrong and how to fix it, but no one seems to care.
18:08.21hardwireyou don't want the laptops?
18:08.29justinuso I don't care about posting the patch
18:08.33hardwirejustinu: yeh they would liekt o adopt more developers
18:08.46hardwiregive it to file.. file will eat anything.
18:08.54*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*@] by denon
18:08.55justinufile just ignores me
18:08.58denonI dont think it was a real kline
18:09.01denonI think it was just his quit msg
18:09.16hardwirefile is a snobby wobby knob sometimes..
18:09.36justinuagain, people don't want to work on it, i'm not gonna cram it down their throats
18:09.53hardwiredon't you know thats how shit gets done?
18:10.04justinui don't work like that
18:10.12hardwirethe most successfull people in the world spend their time on planes so they can go cram their crap down as many throats as possible.
18:10.18justinuif people are going to be insular, i'll just keep it to myself as well
18:10.43hardwirehyperlinks IVR sucks
18:11.08hardwireinsular is a good word of the day :)
18:11.23hardwireconcidering I work on an island.. or off island with people of an island.
18:13.00Kattyrob0: allo (=
18:14.01*** join/#asterisk Dibbler_ (
18:14.12justinuwhich island?
18:14.20hardwirest paul island ak
18:14.54hardwirethe people of the world should comply with me putting them on hold when waiting to connect to them
18:15.18*** join/#asterisk Bakermd (
18:15.25rue_work  <- this error dosn't look good either
18:15.30Mimmuswhere can I look if Asterisk doesn't correctly bridge a call?
18:15.39*** join/#asterisk Lurr (
18:15.49*** part/#asterisk Lurr (
18:16.34hardwireMimmus: maybe the lost packets under the bridge know the answers.
18:16.50generalhanWhen i try to compile asterisk 1.2.1 (after compiling libpri and zaptel) im getting this error ::  collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [asterisk] Error 1 :: anyone know whats going on ?
18:17.01*** join/#asterisk nside (
18:17.05rue_worklinker error?
18:18.02nsideanyone here played with libiaxclient?
18:18.03Mimmushardwire: only with a number!!!
18:18.34hardwireyou are a crazy little man.
18:18.36mutalo hardwire
18:18.54Mimmushardwire: I have (PRI) -- Asterisk -- Alcatel PBX --- analog phones
18:19.07hardwireMimmus: I am not going to know the answer..
18:19.35Mimmusdont' worry,hardwire
18:19.46MimmusI try anyway...
18:20.06Mimmusanalog phones are unable to call a number (an automatic responder)
18:20.16Mimmusvoip phones, directlyconnected to Asterisk, yes!
18:20.41[TK]D-Fender|AFKdetatch : I didn't see taht pastebin of your extensions.conf so I can help you out...
18:20.41Mimmusrest of the world works!
18:20.51DorphalsigI have an E1 link and a TE400 card, every few hours * issues this warning: No D-Channels found. Using Primary on channel 16 anyway and then nothing works again untill I restart zaptel, could anybody give me a hand?
18:21.02*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
18:21.51Mimmuscan be echocancel=800?
18:23.01*** join/#asterisk |omni| (n=rob@
18:23.13detatchi just posted it
18:23.18*** part/#asterisk nside (
18:23.45[TK]D-Fenderdetatch : paste the link here please...
18:23.53detatchbut you know what i think i just figured it out
18:24.23[TK]D-Fenderdetatch : you have 2 exten entries for t in there!
18:24.24detatchits because ive got two t,1
18:24.35detatchit should work if i did t,2 right
18:25.12[TK]D-Fendermight be a good idea.  mind you I have no idea what you do in those macro's...
18:25.42detatchbasically play a greetin message "press one for tech support, 2 for blah" and then macro systatus gives a network status and dumps into a queue
18:25.43[TK]D-Fenderdetatch : Maybe pastebin more of your setup.  I think there might be some optimising to do...
18:26.02rue_work[TK]D-Fender that look suspicious to you? The voicemail I did worked, so the data will be no good t you but this clip was somemthing I saw going by, there were no files int eh users voicemail directory
18:26.40Mimmusdoes anyone know look at 'pri debug' output to find why * fails to call a number?
18:26.42rue_workline 20 is what I'm wondering about
18:26.53[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : Can you try again without the exdcessive debug?
18:27.05detatchTk, thanks, i feel like such an ass
18:27.21rue_work[TK]D-Fender this is an intermittent problem, I cant just make it happen
18:27.38detatchTK, the funny thing is 1.0.3 didnt mind a dialplan like that at all
18:27.38[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : No decetable pattern to it?
18:27.42*** join/#asterisk Simon- (
18:27.47rue_work[TK]D-Fender no
18:28.18mutanyone here much of a cisco pix expert?
18:30.32[TK]D-FenderUmm... Wiki seem down for everyone?
18:31.30*** join/#asterisk Seggy (
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18:32.25MimmusCresl1n: here?
18:32.33detatchseems so
18:35.53Mimmusdetatch: uh?
18:36.22Mimmusdetatch: same person!
18:36.41detatchyou lost me
18:37.06MimmusI lost myself too.. here it's 19:37
18:37.28*** join/#asterisk Lurr (
18:38.06detatchtoo early for me
18:38.12*** part/#asterisk Lurr (
18:38.26*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
18:38.39Mimmusdetatch: any residual chance to got some help?
18:38.49*** join/#asterisk dwildes (n=dwildes@
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18:39.13detatchwhat cha got
18:39.22Mimmusget !
18:39.26hardwireanybody use this?
18:39.57justinuno, but that stuff looks hot
18:40.41hardwireits cute
18:40.58*** join/#asterisk evilrabbi (i=evilrabb@
18:41.14evilrabbihas anyone here used AMP?
18:41.43DFSmimmus: the peer to peer worked!!
18:41.54*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
18:41.56MimmusDFS: well, I'm happy
18:42.08DFSmimmus: thanks for the assistance
18:42.47MimmusDFS: I'm happy to receive (99%) and give (1%) help
18:43.06detatcharent we all?
18:43.26rob0my ratio tends to differ quite a bit ... but not in this channel. :)
18:43.49fndudeIs there a test number I can dial for pots that will give me my originating number?
18:44.15Mimmusdetatch: you can still have a chance to improve looking at
18:44.27Mimmusand find why this call is not answered!
18:44.56evilrabbifndude yeah
18:46.02[TK]D-Fenderevilrabbi : Please try #amportal
18:46.41*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
18:47.14[TK]D-FenderI tend to give (95%) and get (%5) here
18:47.51*** join/#asterisk Defraz (n=t0tal@
18:48.02evilrabbifndude they number doesn't work anymore
18:48.19evilrabbigoto somethingl ike
18:48.21evilrabbithey should have one
18:48.43[TK]D-Fenderfndude : call someone with callerID.
18:49.53evilrabbibtw [TK]D-Fender  thank you =)
18:50.41*** join/#asterisk quiardon (n=chiardon@
18:52.30fndudeFender: yeah I tried that I am getting 'unknown'.
18:54.34fndudeHeh sux. I finally understand asterisk and can use it, now I am having to figure out the pots side to the mess. Go figure.
18:54.57[TK]D-Fenderfndude : unknonw name, number or both?
18:55.25fndude[TK]D-Fender: unknown.
18:55.38*** join/#asterisk elvisthedj (
18:56.01[TK]D-Fenderfndude : try 514-940-8223.  I'll see if I can see it on my end
18:56.29[TK]D-Fenderguess you're blocked
18:56.31elvisthedjok, i'm ready to paypal somebody to get this cisco 7940 working :)
18:56.41elvisthedjsomebody name your price
18:56.53[TK]D-Fenderfndude : call your telco and have them ID the line.
18:56.55fndude[TK]D-Fender: thx anyway.
18:57.22evilrabbielvisthedj have you updated the firmware yet?
18:58.59Mimmusit's 20:00, I'm dead, bye
18:59.34Kattywhat's it mean when traceroute just gives you *s?
18:59.37Kattylike 1. * * *
18:59.40fndude[TK]D-Fender: well the lowdown is, I tried to get termination to DID yesterday, some how the provider used my cell # . After the confusion, they told me that they had not gotten a new number, and were waiting for some reason. Is it that hard to get or change these numbers?
18:59.41*** join/#asterisk Cinen-Alt (n=Cinen@
18:59.53elvisthedjKatty, maybe icmp is blocked for you?
18:59.58Mimmusthanks again to all, especially Cresl1n
19:00.02elvisthedjKatty, can you ping things?
19:00.02Kattyelvisthedj: huh?
19:00.08Kattymister fender.
19:00.15Kattywhat do *s mean in traceroute?
19:00.23justinuno response
19:00.28*** join/#asterisk _Sam-- (
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19:03.39jhiverhi all
19:03.51*** join/#asterisk `Sauron ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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19:04.10jhiveris anybody using Asterisk in combination with SER? I am trying to forward * calls to phones registered to SER without much success
19:04.43jhiverit goes
19:04.45jhiverExecuting Dial("Zap/3-1", "SIP/") in new stack
19:04.49jhiverwhich is fine
19:04.59_Sam--i asked earlier and apologize if someone asnwered..i didnt see...but does this cheap D-link packet prioritizer recognize IAX so that it can prioritize it?
19:05.03jhiverbut then it says "Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"0" <sip:0@>;tag=as13a66c99'"
19:05.03*** join/#asterisk twisted[asteria] (n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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19:05.36rue_work[TK]D-Fender I'm trying to find things that might point to the source of the problems...
19:05.39*** join/#asterisk Cinen-Alt (
19:08.36*** join/#asterisk bhickey_ (n=chatzill@
19:09.30PoWeRKiLLif I have 3 asterisk box logging cdr to a central mysql server what is the probabilty to get same uniqueid ?
19:09.33*** part/#asterisk secure75 (
19:10.08*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_home (
19:10.09jhiverPoWeRKill, depends what "uniqueid" are you referring to?
19:10.15*** part/#asterisk PMantis (
19:11.59jhiverdamn this chan is dead
19:13.08watchylets hug
19:13.21jhiver(Asterisk | Emacs| Gnome | PHP) is (Better than| Worse than | Blows the socks of) (OpenPBX | Vi | KDE | Perl)!
19:13.33jhiverwelcome to the _META_TROLL_
19:13.36Nuggetyou forgot mysql | postgresql.
19:13.41jhiverdamn :)
19:14.02rob0are those indexed arrays?
19:14.14docelm0my dCAP plaque arrived today!!!!
19:14.28*** join/#asterisk Paol1 (n=paolo@
19:14.39docelm0say was 1.2 released before or after astricon?
19:15.00rob0can you say, for instance, "Asterisk is Blows the socks of Perl"?
19:15.54[TK]D-FenderApples > Oranges
19:16.02*** part/#asterisk Paol1 (n=paolo@
19:16.27jhiveryeah why not
19:16.36jhiveryou _can_ say it, doesn't mean it has to make sense :)
19:16.37rob0Oranges is Blows the socks of Apples
19:16.48NuggetI quit smoking 8 years, 8 months, 1 week, 18 hours, 16 minutes, and 47 seconds ago.  During that time, I would have smoked 69,764 cigarettes. (That's like smoking a 3.30 mile-long cigarette)  By quitting, I've saved $12,208.70! (That's 9 Apple 23" Cinema Displays and change) I've avoided inhaling 1.81 kg of tar, 111 grams of nicotine, and 1.12 kg of carbon monoxide.
19:16.50rob0true, if it made sense it might not be a good troll
19:17.09*** part/#asterisk pigpen (
19:17.59tzafrir_home1.2 was released awy after astricon
19:18.15docelm0I have to take the damn test again..
19:18.44Zodiacalanyone know if cisco 7900 serise phones work well with sip & *? the forth paragraph on this page titled "Note:" seems to say other wise...
19:19.03tzafrir_homeanybody heard anything about asterisk and libjingle (googletalk)?
19:19.13Nuggetthe cisco sip firmware isn't quite as fancy as the native firmware, but the phones work just fine with asterisk.
19:19.37Zodiacalnagget not as fancy?
19:19.51Zodiacalnagget can they still grab xml?
19:20.01marcus2meetme works great for us with zap channels
19:20.05Nuggetyes, but not all the stuff that the SCCP firmware can.
19:20.09Nuggetand you can't push XML to the phone
19:20.13marcus2but when we start adding iax2 channels, theres all sorts of echo and wierd shit
19:20.28tzafrir_homemog_work, hmm, how about HURD?
19:21.57Zodiacalnugget which brand would you recomend?
19:22.01Zodiacalnugget polycom?
19:22.19mog_workmmm polycom
19:22.25NuggetI have 7960's, personally, but lots of people I respect favor the polycoms.
19:22.29Nuggetavoid grandstream.
19:22.30justinummm, chicken nuggets
19:23.02rue_worktzafrir_home hu me?
19:23.11watchyi only have 2 7960s but i like them
19:23.16watchyi havent tried a poly
19:23.26[TK]D-FenderZodiacal : How many phones do you need?  How many need speakerphone?  How many "receptionist" type phones?
19:23.31dogtanianZodiacal: 7960 works excellently with SIP
19:23.44dogtanianZodiacal: and *
19:23.55watchyyea it does
19:24.04[TK]D-FenderPolycom is noticably cheaper than Cisco for the same class of phones.
19:24.07Zodiacal[td]d-fender i was planing to get six 7960's and four 7912's
19:24.17justinuany polycom isn't quite so nazi about firmware
19:24.23rue_work[TK]D-Fender I didn't show you teh extentions file did I?
19:24.30dogtanianyeah - same here... i went straight to buying 2x 7960's and i don't regret it at all
19:24.32Zodiacalim new to asterisk obvously, does asterisk support SCCP very well?
19:24.35*** part/#asterisk Mystique (
19:24.46justinuask qwell about sccp :P
19:24.51[TK]D-FenderZodiacal : Then I'd say get IP601's instead of 7960's, and IP301's instead of 7912's and save a lot of $
19:25.03Nuggetyou'll definitely be swimming upstream if you want to give SCCP a go with asterisk.
19:25.04watchyi'm using 7960s to learn *
19:25.15[TK]D-Fenderrue_work : no, and you never gave me CLI output WITHOUT the excess debugging.
19:25.29*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
19:25.31Strom_CI use the 7960s with SIP firmware without problems
19:25.33rue_workok, let me start with extentions.conf
19:26.03watchyi had alot of probs with my 7960. You can fuck it up if you tell it a image file in the .cnf and you aint got it
19:26.11watchyi didnt have sip images to fix my phone either
19:26.19watchyi finnaly got them though
19:26.37Zodiacalstrom_c have you used xml a lot with it? i would like to program dynamic content for it..
19:26.53*** part/#asterisk Samoied (
19:27.15[TK]D-Fender7912G = $210, IP300 = $114.  7960G = $340, IP601 = $250.  Easy choice.
19:27.22dogtanianthe cisco 79xx's are a bit of a pig about upgrading their firmware... you normally have to upgrade version-by-version
19:27.24Strom_CI use it just as a high-quality digital desk set
19:27.29Zodiacaltkd-fender not really my money :P
19:27.38justinuthe ip601 is gets an A+ in my book
19:27.39brad_msswanyone have a recommended voip supplier that provides iax access ?
19:27.42justinuthe speakerphone is just magic
19:27.43Zodiacaltkd-fender i just want the best features...
19:27.50[TK]D-FenderZodiacal : Well also not so much a PITA to get firmware either :)
19:28.13[TK]D-FenderZodiacal : Features-wise they are near-par.  Both great phones.
19:28.21justinufeaturewise, i don't think cisco has anything on polycom
19:28.21Zodiacaltkd-fender yeah i have read that about it.. but i think i have access to the firmware... well i'll know in a few days
19:28.37*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
19:28.54Zodiacalthat one comment on that wiki posted a few mins ago makes me nervous. talks about xml time outs and not being able to create sip soft keys...
19:29.10[TK]D-FenderZodiacal : Other thing is the Cisco's were designed for Cisco pre-std PoE and don't include a wall adapter all the time.  The exact opposite for Polycom.
19:29.24justinuonly the 601
19:29.31Zodiacalyeah i was going to get a poe switch.. ~350..
19:29.34justinube careful, the 501 is cisco CDP
19:29.47justinunot 802.3af PoE
19:29.51[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : huh?!
19:30.04[TK]D-FenderIP 501 = 802.3af....
19:30.07justinuthe 501 out of the box won't work with a PoE switch
19:30.12justinuyou need a special cable
19:30.16Zodiacaljustinu cisco's arn't 802.3af?
19:30.25justinuyou need a converter
19:30.26Zodiacalthat sucks
19:30.29justinuit does
19:30.45[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : correct you need an adapter cable, but with it you do get 802.3af.  Cisco you're STUCK with pre-802.3af standard
19:30.56Zodiacalcisco's wall adapters are about 30bux (3rd party)
19:31.22justinufender: actually, i think the same adaptors work on the ip501 and cisco 7960
19:31.23[TK]D-FenderCisco = good | != cheap :D
19:31.27Zodiacaltk-dender know what that cable is called?
19:31.54[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : SOME releases of the 7960G were dual-compliant, but only the more recent stuff.  the 7912 = DOA
19:31.58Zodiacali see the $ u are talking about now..
19:32.01Zodiacalextra power cables etc..
19:32.04[TK]D-FenderZodiacal : which cable?
19:32.14Zodiacal[TK]D-Fender> justinu : correct you need an adapter cable, but with it you do get 802.3af.  Cisco you're STUCK with pre-802.3af standard
19:32.18*** join/#asterisk enemy^x (n=null@
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19:32.30[TK]D-FenderZodiacal : here, check this out
19:32.38enemy^xI was disconnected in case someone answered my last q
19:32.58justinuif you want to use 802.3af with cisco, check into these:
19:33.04rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender you get that pastebin?
19:33.07[TK]D-FenderYou'd only need a PoE cable for IP301/501 and Atacom hasa great deal on the 301 with it.
19:33.19[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr :nope
19:33.28[TK]D-Fendererrr.. yes!
19:33.28*** join/#asterisk chiardon (n=chiardon@
19:33.43rue_mohrok, sorry, not that I dont trust anyone but :)
19:34.27chiardonnothing about our unavailable D channel problem? we are having a big comunications emergency!!
19:35.15*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
19:36.12gambolputtyIs Unix time in a variable at all in *?
19:37.59chiardonShould I do somwe IRQs set ups to manage or compensate some timming inconsitencies between card and hdsl modem from an E!???
19:38.37*** join/#asterisk _di (
19:38.58justinuchiadron: timing is likely your problem, but I'm not experienced in solving issues like that with your specific T1 board
19:39.02*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
19:39.21brad_msswanyone have any experience with vonwordwide (aka VON) ?
19:40.15chiardonExquse .. E1 board!!
19:40.29justinuor E1 board
19:41.01*** join/#asterisk BladeRunner05 (
19:41.43chiardonjustiniy . . .tring to do some IRQs modificaytions on the CPU Bios could help to compensate the timmings unsincronized??
19:41.55justinuit's certainly possible, yes
19:41.58*** join/#asterisk _di (
19:42.55chiardonwhat irq should be assinged?
19:43.40justinuchiardon: paste /proc/interrupts
19:44.03justinumake sure e1 card module isn't sharing irq with anything else
19:44.14brad_msswanyone using broadvoice, and knows how many simultaneous calls they allow on an account?
19:44.20justinuone, i think
19:45.12elvisthedjok, we'll start the bidding at 10 bucks for somebody to help me upgrade this 7940 firmware..  (paypal required) .. 10 bucks.. anybody?
19:45.14_dihi guys, i have one problem, just installed new asterisk , with sample confs. i have lill problem with sip, it dont want to work. asterisk is loading normally, without any warnings, but it dont bind on default sip port e.g. 5060
19:45.34justinuelvisthedj: i'd help you, but dunno about cisco specifics
19:45.38justinuonly polycom
19:46.00chiardonI cant see the damn card :(
19:46.10elvisthedjjustinu, I'd pay cisco instead of someone on the asterisk channel.. but i hate cisco.. specifically
19:46.23*** join/#asterisk Meaty (
19:46.33justinuchiardon: paste cat /proc/interrupts
19:47.27*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (n=timr@
19:47.39elvisthedji'll throw this out in case there are some cisco folk looking ..  7940 - bought off of ebay - want to either update sccp or change to sip.. don't care.
19:47.53*** join/#asterisk MstlyHrmls (
19:48.35elvisthedjphone asks tftp for sep<mac> file.. (get's it).. then asks for 7960-font.xml .. then loops.  never asks for a load or the os79xx.txt file
19:49.05justinuchiardon: zaptel loaded?
19:49.06*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
19:49.30brad_msswanyone have a recommended iax or sip provider ?
19:49.32chiardontrying to...
19:49.56elvisthedjbrad_mssw, I use teliax and junctionnetworks for iax .. broadvoice for sip
19:49.56brad_msswneed to be able to have 10+ simultaneous calls active
19:50.10elvisthedjbrad_mssw, then scratch broadvoice for sip
19:50.12brad_msswelvisthedj: we're using teliax now, it's not working right anymore ...
19:50.24brad_msswelvisthedj: latency has shot through the roof
19:50.34brad_msswelvisthedj: 70+ms
19:50.39elvisthedjbrad_mssw, weird.. i haven't had problems (i just tried to tab complete the word problems .. wow)
19:50.43justinu70ms isn't usually a problem
19:50.43chiardontrying to load it
19:51.11brad_msswjustinu: yeah, 70ms at best ... and we try to fax over it ... when they were around 50ms, it was fine
19:51.19justinuah, fax
19:51.25elvisthedjbrad_mssw, have you looked at junctionnetworks?  i've never checked into that number of simultaneous channels, but i've had good service
19:51.26brad_msswjustinu: dropped calls and choppyness lately though too
19:51.26justinuyou need basically ethernet for fax to work right
19:51.35brad_msswelvisthedj: never heard of junctionnetworks
19:51.41justinujunction seems good
19:51.53brad_msswjustinu: yeah, don't do much faxing, i'd be happy with 50% success rate
19:52.06elvisthedjok..  The bounty is up to 20 bucks.  I have all the bin files,so you don't have to send me anything "illegal"..  just help get the files on the phone
19:52.07brad_msswjustinu: we were at around 90% ... now we're at 2%
19:53.01justinubrad_mssw: a lot of these smaller voip providers seem to have these problems
19:53.04brad_msswelvisthedj: do you have an ip for their iax gateway I can ping to see latency ?
19:53.16dpryoWhen I originate an outbound call through the asterisk manager, that is connected to a local extension (AGI-script), how do I get the 'called number'?
19:53.18brad_msswelvisthedj: or hostname
19:53.30brad_msswjustinu: how big is junctionnetworks? any clue?
19:53.41elvisthedjbrad_mssw, i'm not in the right spot :(  i'm looking on their site
19:53.53justinubrad: no idea
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19:54.07elvisthedjbrad_mssw, hang on.. i'll just login and get the setup stuff
19:54.09*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop ( it looks like
19:54.25elvisthedjbrad_mssw, sounds right :0
19:54.35rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender ?
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19:55.48[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr : yeah?  I responded in PM
19:56.04rue_mohrdid you remember to register your nick or log in first?
19:56.32rue_mohrI didn't get the answer....
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19:56.53rue_mohrthere we go
19:56.55elvisthedjbrad_mssw, sip proxy is  .. trunk is
19:56.55[TK]D-FenderJust repasted
19:57.19brad_msswelvisthedj: about 44ms
19:57.57*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
19:59.47elvisthedj21 dollars now people..  Help me turn this piece of plastic into a 7940
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20:00.56watchywhat you offering $ for?
20:01.10tzangerI have the HS850 now (had an HS810 and the treo-branded bt headset)
20:01.22_diest' russike?
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20:02.16dos000anyone knows an ATA that allows forwarding an inbound call from the internet via the fxo port ?
20:02.56[TK]D-Fenderdos000 : SPA-3000
20:03.17dos000[TK]D-Fender, nice .. even linksys then ?
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20:05.15[TK]D-Fenderdos000 : Sipura = Linksys now.
20:05.41watchyi love chickens
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20:06.12dos000[TK]D-Fender, do you know which linksys part/serial number corresponds to sipura 3000 ? this is awsome
20:06.31[TK]D-Fenderdos000 : Its not listed on their site.  What do you want to know?
20:06.49[TK]D-FenderIts still only on under the model number.
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20:07.30dos000[TK]D-Fender, i just need to know if linksys already integrated the sipura voip to fxo rounting in their product. Most probably sipura will disapear soon.
20:07.40_did000ds who can help me with muh asterisk ? it dont want  make sip proxy for me :(
20:08.29blitzrageasterisk isn't a proxy...
20:08.34zoaits not  sip proxy
20:08.40blitzrageits a b2bua
20:08.41_diwithout difference
20:08.42zoai might be a little drunk, but i stil now that
20:08.51blitzrageback to back user agent
20:08.57*** join/#asterisk Chert (n=email@
20:09.05dos000asterisk will soon make its own genre !
20:09.18_dii just want to have connection between 2 soft phones
20:09.24_divia sip
20:09.32jbotdocs is, like, probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
20:10.00*** part/#asterisk Chert (n=email@
20:10.04wunderkin~seen lrizzo
20:10.26jbotlrizzo <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 4d 2h 18m 29s ago, saying: 'ping... any autoconf guru around here ?'.
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20:10.26_diblitzrage, i dont need docs
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20:10.28_dii have it
20:10.41dos000_di, checkout
20:10.42blitzrageok, then what is your specific question?
20:10.57_diasterisk dont binds to port
20:11.07backblueei ppl, anyone working with asterisk clustering?
20:11.21blitzragebackblue: yah, a bit
20:11.28_dibut all configs are ok
20:11.37_diand asterisk is loading normally
20:11.53backblueblitzrage: how do you merge the info bettewen 2 asterisk servers?
20:11.59[TK]D-Fenderdos000 : the only Sipura/Linksys with FXO is the SPA-3000
20:12.11blitzragebackblue: DUNDi
20:12.20backblue?? dundi
20:12.30justinuhow come no one ever talks about dundi in here?
20:12.36blitzragebecause there is a #dundi
20:12.42blitzrageand not many people use it
20:12.54dos000_di, do yoirsefl a favor, instal *@home to a separate machine and try copying and pasting the config files which are accessible from a web interface
20:13.08blitzrageI just came up with a new topology which will basically allow me to use asterisk a faux sip proxy :)
20:13.16blitzrageas a*
20:13.29justinuwhy would you want to do that?
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20:13.42justinu(out of curiosity)
20:13.44dos000[TK]D-Fender, thanks for the info
20:14.30backblueblitzrage: can you have 2 asterisks servers with the same userlist (realtime,or whatever) and call from one server, to other?
20:14.33fugitivoanyone is using MachineDetect() ?
20:14.35zoahey ho Cresl1n
20:14.39zoahey ho BladeRunner05
20:15.37bhickey_dos000 : Grandstream 488 will do the same and can be got a bit cheaper than the Sipura 3000
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20:16.55_didos000, i dont need @home ver. , the goal is connect asterisk and mvts
20:17.06Nivexbhickey_: interesting.  I'd heard that the spa-3000 had some overheat problems.  Any problems with your 488?
20:17.26_dibut first of all i need to now how i can do simple things, and how i can solve simple problems
20:18.01blitzragezoa: y0!
20:18.08blitzragebackblue: basically, this is what I do
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20:19.06[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : got your Poly running yet? ;)
20:19.26bhickey_Nivex: I haven't come across anything disturbing yet
20:19.28Renacoranybody ever seen "Don't know what to do if second ROSE component is of type 0x6" ??
20:19.30blitzragebackblue: I have a script which pulls all my data from a postgreSQL database. This script then creates the flatfiles and reloads asterisk. This happens every 5 mins (I don't use realtime, but you could). Then, when a call comes in on one of the Asterisk servers, it asks the other boxes where the final destination is.
20:19.42mog_workyes Renacor
20:20.00mog_workit means that some piece of information is not supported by our pri stack
20:20.05mog_workit wont cause a dropped call
20:20.13[av]bani[TK]D-Fender: only the polycom 601 has the browser right? the 501 and 301 have no xml/xhtml/etc
20:20.14mog_workjust means we are getting info we dont understand
20:20.23[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : correct
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20:20.49[av]banieven the $149 cisco 7905g has xml support :<
20:20.51blitzragebackblue: Then a box replies with a destination, and the call gets sent there. You could also mix in some GROUP_COUNT stuff to limit the number of calls on a box, so that if it has too many, then it doesn't reply to the DUNDi lookup
20:20.53backblueblitzrage: can we talk in private? i need real help.
20:21.09blitzragebackblue: sorry, thats all the info I can give you -- I'm developing it myself and can't really tell you any more :)
20:21.32blitzrageplus I have to go to the bank so I can get someone to pay me a nice big invoice :)
20:21.41[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Yeah, but is a 6-line phone w/ possibly side caddy, supporting 802.3af and not a PITA to get firmware for? :)
20:21.47blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: no -- I lost the power adapter for my poly :(  know where I can find one cheap?
20:22.02[av]baniwell, the aastra 91xx supports xml also...
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20:22.17blitzrageRenacor: I've seen them -- you can safely ignore them. Nothing bad happened when I did on my PRIs
20:22.22[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : its a common adapter.  I'm sure you could grab a multi-volt one and it'll work...
20:22.37[av]banijust disappointed that the 501 doesnt support it at least
20:22.44blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: yah... I looked for one at Radioshack/The Source and they were like 30+ dollars
20:22.44[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Thats XML for the CONFIGS.  the 91xx don't have full pixel screen....
20:22.45backblueblitzrage: i dont want you to tell me your implementation, i have a big problem that is "non-fixed users" i have 2 asterisk the user exists on both asterisk, but they have together to know in which asterisk is the user registered, because user CAN/SHOULD register on both, and make calls.
20:22.55justinuthe aastra's are nice phones
20:22.58justinui have a 480i
20:23.16[av]banifender -> no, it explicitly has xml browser support... no graphics of course, but text...
20:23.20blitzragebackblue: I'll give you a hint -- regexten and regcontext -- you're trying to do the exact same thing I am, but I don't want to give any more info :)
20:23.29[TK]D-Fenderaasta = bleh.  Last I checked you NEEDED a provisioning server and had to buy a power supply if you weren't using PoE.
20:23.38justinublitz: how come?
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20:23.43[av]baniits limiting yeah,b ut better than nothing
20:24.04justinufender: not true anymore about provisioning, but they don't come with any power supply, yes
20:24.07backblueblitzrage: ok, tks for the clues, i will have this working, in the next week, i hope, even if i have to code asterisk to do the clustering stuff all by himself.
20:24.15justinuaastra has a nice web interface now
20:24.16tzangerhmm... any of you guys have any suggestions for minimizing realtor fees/commissions on the sale of a house?
20:24.16[av]baniand it also support BLF... polycom still doesnt?
20:24.18Renacorblitzrage: thanks
20:24.21tzanger(totally OT but I do use * at home, heh)
20:24.28blitzragewhen a user registers to a box (could be any of them), regexten will place a NoOp() for that extension in a context. Use that context as the advertisment context in dundi.conf, and the box with the client registered will be the one that replies in your dundi network
20:24.36justinutzanger: negotiate
20:24.37[av]banii couldnt find anything about BLF in polycom other than "maybe in the future, but dont hold your breath"
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20:24.44tzangerjustinu: well that's what I am planning on doing
20:24.47bhickey_Hello. Anyone using SIP -> GSM gateway devices? Using SIP ATA's with FXO ports & GSM gateways seems to take forever to connect (average 14-19 seconds)
20:24.54svenna_hi all
20:24.58blitzragebackblue: do yu program in C? If you do, I can help you if you can help me
20:25.11justinutzanger: as far as any specific negotiations points, i'm not sure... maybe there's some message boards about it?
20:25.13kink0bhickey_, yes, that takes a time
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20:25.22dos000bhickey_, what gsm GW ?
20:25.23blitzrageI need a small change to the code, but I haven't had time to figure it out -- but it should be a simple change
20:25.30[av]banithe big pixel screen in the grandstream 2000 is just screaming for xml/xhtml support
20:25.33[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : BLF?  As in for presence?
20:25.48tzangerjustinu: *nods* I was heading there but thought I'd ask those here who may know
20:25.51kink0bhickey_, I am actually ussing sound card -> mobile phone , AT commands
20:25.56bhickey_dos300: Nokia 22 on both Sipura 3000 & Grandstream 488's so far
20:25.56svenna_how can i get the phonenumber, tht calls in? i tried to mess with CALLERID but id didnt work...
20:26.00zippp?nufone problems?
20:26.03kink0and gsm network takes a while to send the ring
20:26.17[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Poly does presence already, and I use it myself...
20:26.19justinutzanger: i was under the impression that most of these guys were paid in redbull, so i'm not sure why you ask here ;)
20:26.22[av]banifender, busy lamp field, eg using eg the leds next to your speed dial buttons to show status of other extensions
20:26.38tzangerjustinu: :-)
20:26.39[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : The do that already....
20:26.41bhickey_kink0: now that's just showing off ;)
20:26.45[av]banii couldnt find BLF info in the polycom documentation
20:26.45blitzragebackblue: I sent you a PM -- get back to me when you have a chance
20:26.46tzangersomeone else just have stutter audio to nufone/
20:26.57zippptzanger, yea
20:27.05tzangerzippp: cool so it *does* happen on occassion :-)
20:27.09[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Funny I see it in all the SIP admin guides....
20:27.10svenna_hasnt anybody ab idea?
20:27.15zipppseems they say , "yes we are working on it" on the nufone login page
20:27.17[av]banifender, page?
20:27.18elvisthedjCurrent bid.. 22 dollars for help upgrading firmware on cisco 7940 :D  (paypal account req'd)
20:27.22tzangerzippp: hahah really
20:27.36kink0bhickey_, but I think there no manner to avoid this time, since is about the same as when I dial manually from a mobile terminal phone
20:27.42tzangeroh yeah that is not for that though
20:27.45[av]banii did a search for BLF and acrobat said no joy
20:27.48tzangerthat's just working on the new members interface
20:27.51[av]banialso busy lamp
20:27.52tzangerI've seen it, it is *sweet*
20:27.53elvisthedjiaxy is fried.. firmware on my 7940 is too old to connect to chan_sccp
20:28.09kink0bhickey_, how much channels are you ussing ?
20:28.27[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : SIP 1.5 Admin Guide, section 3.4.1
20:28.30zipppso you are having stutter problems also?
20:28.47[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : BLF is not the proper term in SIP.  *PRESENCE*
20:28.52bhickey_kink0: the GSM Gateway setup seems to be contrinuting a minimum of 6-8 seconds extra. Just testin on 1-2 channels at the moment
20:29.02[TK]D-FenderAnd thatnk you thats a reason I bought these :)
20:29.15tzangerwow nufone's actually having connectivity issues
20:29.19tzangerI didn't think I'd ever see the day
20:29.23zipppthought so
20:29.27zipppterrible here
20:29.38kink0bhickey_, ok, I am testing with about 2 channels also, but I was seeking for some audio USB devices to add a lot of channels
20:29.46[av]banifender, presence might be the techincal term, everyone from aastra to zyxel use BLF because its a term coming from analogue phones i guess
20:30.05[av]banisoits a term telco people are familiar with for 40 years
20:30.05tzangerbah and a codec error with asterlink
20:30.20[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : You can do XML like you showed for the 480i on the 60x as well...
20:30.59[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Oh well!  Aastra was in the analog game long before VoIP and I guess decided to hang onto it...
20:31.02[av]banitoo bad the 501 cant :<
20:31.02justinui'm not advocating aastra over polycom, i'm just saying aastra's are nice too
20:31.30[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : But look what you get for $250 out of an IP 601!
20:31.49[av]baniwell, the 501 seems like not a good deal compared to the aastra 91xx's
20:32.07[av]baniwhich give you xml support, and a backlit screen...
20:32.13[av]banifor the same price
20:32.16[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : Yes in its way, but you lost the full graphics screen, etc on it and a number of other quirks
20:32.30bhickey_kink0: Current call setup times are just too long. I was thinking I might have to try a Digium FXO card next or go for a proper SIP -> GSM device like the Voiceblue think from
20:32.41justinufender: true about graphics, but not sure about quirks
20:32.58kink0bhickey_, yes, just today I have ordered a Stargate from 2N too
20:33.02[av]bani7905g does graphics xml.. heh
20:33.06ravenpiSo, what's the "one true SIP soft client" for 'doze?
20:33.23kink0but I still my develoment ussing cheap sound cards and free mobile terminals, that at the moment are working fine.
20:34.21[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : 91xx = ugly screen, no MGCP dial-plan, not sure on audio quality for comparison but I'd bet on Poly...
20:34.30kink0anywise times I think will be about the same, ussing sound cards and AT interface to mobile, Digium FXO to a docking, or Stargate
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20:34.42bhickey_kink0: That Stargate looks like some beast alright.
20:35.04[av]banifrom what i can tell, aastra has great audio ... comes from being in the business for decades?
20:35.05kink0yes, I prefered 2N, even others are a bit cheap, like Valiant or so
20:35.36kink0I see the time to deliver a call is there always due to the GSM network routing process
20:36.01[av]banitis a pity the spa-941 doesnt do xml. would be a killer deal if it did
20:36.17[av]baniit seems linksys does not want to sell the spa-941 though.
20:36.23bhickey_kink0: Thanks, I'll try the FXO card route next anyway and see what effect  that has on call setup times.
20:36.23kink0bhickey_, where are you from ? ( I think GSM gateways are not very ussual in USA )
20:36.33[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Yeah the SPA-941 could do a fair bit better I find. I might rather have chosen an IP501 for home instead...
20:36.38fugitivokink0: are you using 2n gsm gateways?
20:36.50kink0fugitivo, I just ordered, not arrives yet.
20:36.57fugitivosip gsm gateway?
20:37.06[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Still a nice phone, but the 20$ difference makes it hard
20:37.06[av]banifender, seen the linksys phm1200 ?
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20:37.18[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Yeah... PROPRIETARY.  ick
20:37.18kink0fugitivo, no, I ordered a PRI interface, since I have a digium PRI card yet.
20:37.24zoathe best looking phone for the moment is the thomson
20:37.33SimonRhas anyone seen problems with zombie AGI processes?
20:37.33kink0fugitivo, and I pretend to use Asterisk begin the 2N
20:37.34[TK]D-FenderPHM isn't straigh SIP.
20:37.42fugitivokink0: how much is that one? i know the sip gsm gateway is like 900 euros
20:37.51[TK]D-Fenderits made ONLY for their specialized boxes
20:37.53[av]baniOperation of a PHM1200 IP phone requires the installation, configuration and operation of one Linksys One services router (such as the SVR3000) at the same site.
20:37.57[av]baniahaha.. thats super.
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20:38.08[TK]D-FenderI prefer the term "craptastic".
20:38.13[av]banithey are sooo screwing themselves on that
20:38.31kink0fugitivo, a complete 32 channels , including voIP card, antenna spliter, two external yagi anntenas is about 16000 Euro ( 18000 USD )
20:38.39[av]baniif its a nice enough phone i'm sure someone will RE it like they did with cisco's skinny protocol
20:38.44[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : I doubt that.  They're just losing the hobbyists and gaining the turnkey people.
20:38.52zoai can make it cheaper
20:38.54fugitivokink0: wow
20:39.00bhickey_fugitivo: what model is that for 900 euro and where are you getting that price?
20:39.02[av]banisvr3000 doesnt strike me as exactly turnkey
20:39.09kink0fugitivo, well, the same from Teles is 22,000 Euro
20:39.15zoai can build 32 channels for a lot less then 16000 euro
20:39.20zoanot buy, build
20:39.20kink0and the "same" from Valiant is about 12000 Euro
20:39.27fugitivobhickey_: the regular sip gsm gateway from 2n, i met them here in argentina at expocomm, they give us that price
20:39.48[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Linksys is basically making a cheaper CallManager setup now.  Unless its compliant I wouldn't touch it personally.
20:39.59kink0fugitivo, did you meet Mr. Michael from 2N at Argentina about two months ago ?
20:40.29fugitivokink0: i don't remember his name... let me see if i find his card
20:40.53[av]baniwell they could do ok if it doesnt suck, i mean look at mitel and their proprietary stuff. they do ok i guess
20:40.56bhickey_fugitivo : That's less than half the trade price they quoted me for a 2-channel Voiceblue Lite ???
20:41.24fugitivokink0: Jan Matejcek and Michal Kratochvil  (weird names)
20:41.25kink0bhickey_, voiceblue is a very little to do any serious traffic
20:41.37kink0yes , Michal
20:41.49kink0or Michael in english :)
20:42.03bhickey_kink0: yes I know but 4 channels will be enough to prove the concept for now
20:42.38[av]baniif grandstream puts some kind of browser support into the gxp that would be sooo awesome
20:42.38kink0bhickey_, all is depending what SIM plans you buy, or if you need to swap perididally SIMs
20:42.39fugitivobhickey_: i think it was a single or dual channel, can't remember
20:42.45[av]banithe lcd is largely a gimmick otherwise
20:43.08fugitivokink0: they travel around the globe, lucky guys :)
20:43.16kink0bhickey_, think this... before to buy a Blue: A 2N basic Stargate with 2 or 4 channels will cost about 2500
20:43.40kink0fugitivo, yes, when he come back from Argentina goes to SIMO at Madrid, fews days later.
20:44.19fugitivoare you in madrid/
20:44.38[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Yeah, the GXP with some tweaking and another 50$ worth of better materials would be a serious phone.
20:44.43kink0no, I am at south Spain, not exactly Madrid now.
20:44.56[TK]D-FenderThe problems on it are pretty wild though. (range)
20:45.08bhickey_kink0: 4 channels will help bring a 10k bill down by about 4.5k or so
20:45.26fugitivothat's a LOT
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20:46.02kink0bhickey_, yes, if you use i.e. a Digium PRI and a basic Stargate, you are near the same price as ussing Blue, but you have a high scalability
20:46.20bhickey_fugitivo: yes it's replacing landline -> mobile calls which cost a lot here with mobile -> mobile calls on the same network
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20:46.40kink0bhickey_, where are you from ?
20:47.15bhickey_kink0: thanks I must have another look at all the 2n product line. It's been a while since I checked them out.
20:47.28bhickey_kink0 : IN ireland
20:47.30fugitivobhickey_: here we have corporate mobile plans, all calls between company's mobiles are free, imagine that
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20:48.04l2traceis anyone using a fax behind a sipura 2002 ?
20:48.33kink0fugitivo, yes, here also are free mobile calls inside a group, but that is not very valid to sell minutes
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20:48.37bhickey_fugitivo : same here  but you've got to pay extra per month per mobile for the privilege. When you've got 50 phones that adds up to about 1000 euro amount for all thise "free" calls
20:48.53kink0and we at the company no are many people spoken at mobile phones between us !!
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20:49.34chiardonzt spanconfig failed on span1 no such device or address (6) . . .whats the problem
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20:51.17kink0I am planning to connect a lot of audio Alsa-OSS interfaces to the PC, but last try ussing Creative did not susscess
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20:52.16Kattyanyone framilier with the windows registry?
20:52.29evilrabbiwhere would I look for information on routing calls by what interface the call was received on?
20:52.54Katty[TK]D-Fender: mew?
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20:53.57[TK]D-FenderKatty: mew.
20:54.14rmdoes anyone know if asterisk supports TDMoIP?
20:54.16Katty[TK]D-Fender: are you any good at windowsy snooping?
20:54.35*** join/#asterisk Jzalae (
20:54.36[TK]D-FenderKatty: marginally (and a small one at that).  Ask away....
20:54.42detatchyes it does
20:54.43rmi see stuff about TDMoE but not IP
20:54.52rmdetatch: can you point me to more info?
20:54.58rmbut not ip?
20:55.00detatchdunno about overip
20:55.03generalhanWhen i try to compile asterisk 1.2.1 (after compiling libpri and zaptel) im getting this error ::  collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [asterisk] Error 1 :: anyone know whats going on ?
20:55.11Katty[TK]D-Fender: i'm writing an auditing batch script. copying the index.dat file...along with reg query information about typedurls and recently searched keywords, etc.
20:55.18Katty[TK]D-Fender: have any more neat things to make a note of?
20:55.18rmdetatch: thanks
20:55.21fugitivogeneralhan: that's not the error
20:55.27detatchand this is not pastebin
20:55.47[TK]D-FenderKatty: Sorry, out of my league there...
20:55.55generalhanfugitivo: what do you mean thats not the error ?
20:55.57Katty[TK]D-Fender: k'then (=
20:56.16fugitivogeneralhan: that's the message that there's an error, not the error itself
20:56.39*** join/#asterisk javar (
20:56.42generalhani see ... and where is the actual error ?
20:56.56generalhancause i need to get this working !
20:57.00fugitivobefore that
20:58.43generalhanfugitivo: do you have a second to look at the error im getting? im sure its something simple and im just being retarded:
20:59.16*** join/#asterisk _mistral (
20:59.30fugitivothat;s the error
20:59.48generalhanlol i saw that ! once you said it was before it, i just dont know what exactly lssl is let a lone where to find it
20:59.51zoaapt-get install libssl-dev
21:00.21fugitivossl libs and headers
21:00.23fugitivoyou need that
21:01.36*** part/#asterisk bhickey_ (n=chatzill@
21:01.52generalhanthanks guys
21:02.08generalhanwhat is the apt-get, the only one that i have used is yum
21:02.17fugitivouse yum
21:02.20fugitivoapt-get is for debian
21:02.24*** part/#asterisk jets (
21:02.40generalhani did yum ssl libssl-dev ssl-dev. what is it ?
21:02.55fugitivoi think libssl-dev will be enough
21:03.33generalhanfugitivo: it says no match for argument: libssl-dev
21:04.20fugitivogeneralhan: i don't know yum, maybe you need to do "yum install packagename" ?
21:04.29*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
21:04.34fugitivoyum search package ?
21:04.43generalhani did "yum install libssl-dev" and it came back with "no match"
21:04.54fugitivodo you have any way to search the package name?
21:05.11generalhanyum search
21:05.15*** join/#asterisk Seldon19751 (n=someone@
21:05.23fugitivoyum search ssl
21:05.24mog_workhey anoyone know how to add files to bootable iso
21:05.27mog_workand reburn it?
21:05.50Seldon19751Hello; can someone tell me what I need to do with Asterisk to enable users to enter Speed Dial entries from their Polycom 501s
21:06.02fugitivomog_work: mounting it?
21:06.17mog_workcan you remount rw and just write and reburn?
21:06.24fugitivono idea :)
21:06.39fugitivotry it
21:07.14*** join/#asterisk Dark_ (n=t7DS@
21:07.18fugitivois any way to specify the filename for automon?
21:07.19*** part/#asterisk Dark_ (n=t7DS@
21:08.24dos000mog_work,  mount -o loop -t iso9660 filename.iso /mnt/iso
21:08.28[TK]D-FenderSeldon1975 : Speed dial entries on Polycom phones have nothing to do with *
21:08.57Seldon19751D-Fender: oh
21:08.59[TK]D-FenderSeldon1975 : A phone dials what a phone wants to dial.
21:09.28generalhanfugitivo: thanks for the help ... it turned out to be "yum install openssl-devel"
21:09.37Seldon19751D-Fender: when users try to enter speed dials on their PC501s the phone flashes up a message 'Busy! Try Again Later' and does nothing
21:09.37fugitivogeneralhan: ok :)
21:09.42*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
21:10.00Seldon19751Anyone here using Polycom 501s?
21:10.22Kattyi'm using 500s
21:10.43Kattywhat seems to be your major malfuntion, Seldon19751?
21:10.44rue_mohrJan 12 13:09:22 WARNING[19687]: chan_iax2.c:7487 socket_read: Received mini frame before first full voice frame
21:10.48[TK]D-FenderSeldon1975 : Sounds like the dial-plan on your phone isn't what you want it to be then.
21:10.52Seldon19751when users try to enter speed dials on their PC501s the phone flashes up a message 'Busy! Try Again Later' and does nothing
21:10.57rue_mohrcould that cause missing audio data?
21:11.08Seldon19751Katty: have you entered Speed Dials into your Contact List?
21:11.14*** join/#asterisk krustyclown (n=hmm@
21:11.15KattySeldon19751: yes.
21:11.39Seldon19751D-Fender: hang on - dialplan?  I thought you said it had nothing to do with Asterisk
21:11.49[TK]D-FenderSeldon1975 : The Polycom'
21:11.51*** join/#asterisk redman (
21:11.55[TK]D-Fenders MGCP dial-plan.
21:11.57[TK]D-Fendernot *
21:12.03Seldon19751D-Fender oooh
21:12.08Seldon19751D-Fender: thanks
21:12.33[TK]D-FenderSeldon1975 : What exactly are you trying to do?  Who's speed-dial?  A contact in your IP501 directory?  Or an * extensions.conf speedial?
21:13.31Seldon19751D-Fender, Katty: well (speed dials aside for the moment) I get the error when I go to Menu > Features > Contact Directory > Add
21:13.33KattySeldon19751: can i see your speed dial thingy in extenions?
21:13.33mog_workthat wont mount it rw
21:14.00Seldon19751Katty: extensions.conf?
21:14.02KattySeldon19751: what's the cli say, exactly, when you dial..pastebin?
21:14.36Seldon19751'Busy! Please Try Again..'
21:14.41KattySeldon19751: i need the whole thing (=
21:15.23[TK]D-FenderSeldon1975 : WHATS THE ERROR?
21:15.26Seldon19751Katty: Sorry for being dense; I'm not really sure what you're after
21:15.31*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
21:15.40KattySeldon19751: i want to see the exact steps asterisk is taking when it dials.
21:15.49Seldon19751I'm not dialling yet
21:15.56Seldon19751im just on the Polycom Handset
21:15.56[TK]D-FenderKatty : I'm thinking the problem is all polycom setup related...
21:16.12Seldon19751On the handset itself I'm trying to add a Contact
21:16.13[TK]D-FenderSeldon1975 : SO you go to add a contact, THEN what?
21:16.33Seldon19751When I press 'Add' it brings up a message saying 'Busy! Please Try Again..'
21:16.52Seldon19751and goes back to the Directory listing (which is empty)
21:16.56[TK]D-FenderSeldon1975 :  What SIP/ Bootrom you running on it?
21:17.15[TK]D-FenderSeldon1975 : And your problem definately has nothing to do with *
21:17.43*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
21:17.45[TK]D-FenderI'd bet on "out of memory" or a provisioning problem.
21:18.10Seldon19751BootBlock: 2.5.0; Bootrom; SIP.ld Version:
21:18.40[TK]D-FenderSeldon1975 : You provisioning the phones?
21:18.50Seldon19751D-Fender: yes
21:18.54Seldon19751D-Fender: using TFTP
21:19.24Seldon19751Katty: thanks - that looks relevent
21:19.32Seldon19751Katty: I'll read the whole thing
21:20.30*** join/#asterisk delox99 (
21:21.06delox99hi all
21:21.28Seldon19751So it looks like I have to roll back the PC501's firmware
21:21.29*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt_m (
21:21.32delox99anyone knows whats an aproximate ratio on calling cards usage
21:21.34Seldon19751that hurts
21:22.00delox99like if i sell 1800 cards, how many phone lines will i be using?
21:22.01*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
21:22.42Seldon19751D-Fender, Katty: if I roll back the sip.ld to Sip, I guess I have to simultaneously roll back the Bootrom?
21:22.50[TK]D-FenderSeldon1975 : Roll forward to 1.6.2
21:22.58[TK]D-Fenderyou don't want to go backwards...
21:23.01KattySeldon19751: what happens if you disconnect the phone from the server?
21:23.08KattySeldon19751: and then try to add the contact?
21:23.23KattySeldon19751: does it still screw up?
21:25.52Seldon19751ill try it
21:26.39brad_msswany recommendations for sip or iax providers, other than teliax or junction networks ?
21:27.21*** join/#asterisk M-I-A- (
21:27.30brad_msswfugitivo: any experience with them ?
21:27.51fugitivoit works
21:27.56Seldon19751D-Fender, Katty: also is there a specific way to set up speed dials on Asterisk too?  I searched for sdpeed dial at voip-info but all I got was
21:28.22brad_msswfugitivo: have a proxy address I can do a traceroute on for them by any chance ?
21:28.42fugitivohold on
21:28.43KattySeldon19751: sure, but it's a global speed dial thing.
21:28.44[TK]D-FenderSeldon1975 : Its basic dial-plan stuff... c'mon...
21:28.51KattySeldon19751: like anyone can dial 5490 and it will dial a number.
21:29.03KattySeldon19751: works just like an extension.
21:29.11Seldon19751I was just checking
21:29.24[TK]D-Fenderexten => 11,1,Dial(ZAP/G1/areallylongnumber,20) <- theres a speed-dial...
21:29.38[TK]D-Fender11 = a reallylongnumber!
21:29.41Seldon19751also, I tried adding a contact when the phone was off the network and it still fails
21:30.02Seldon19751ok D-Fender thanks - I was just wondering if there was any specific functionality
21:30.05fugitivobrad_mssw: (sip) (iax)
21:30.21brad_msswfugitivo: thanks
21:30.50[TK]D-Fenderok, off home, later all
21:31.09Kattybyebye fender.
21:31.09brad_msswfugitivo: iax gateways don't resolve
21:31.52fugitivobrad_mssw: my mistake
21:32.06fugitivobrad_mssw: and
21:32.12brad_msswahh, thanks
21:33.24RoyKzoa: PING
21:33.53rue_mohrgee, we have 10 digits here to our neighbour
21:34.08rue_mohr11 if its long distance to them
21:34.21RoyK8 digits to all of norway.......
21:34.24*** join/#asterisk tdonahue (n=tdonahue@
21:35.01fugitivo8 here too
21:35.08RoyKfugitivo: where?
21:35.26RoyKi thought you had loads of people there....
21:35.51fugitivowell, not 8 for all of Argentina :)
21:36.06fugitivoif you call long distance it's 3 more
21:36.10rue_mohrwe used to be 7 for local calls, I dont think telus tried hard when splitting area codes
21:36.42RoyKin .no it's 8
21:37.22fugitivohow do you know when it's a long distance call?
21:37.55RoyKzoa: ?
21:38.08*** join/#asterisk _zigo__ (
21:41.45*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y_ (n=junky@
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21:43.46l2tracecan anyone offer me some advice on getting asterisk to do realtime from a mysql db ?
21:43.53docelm0Check the wiki
21:43.57docelm0take to long to explain
21:43.57l2tracei have
21:44.00Seldon19751D-Fender, Katty: sorry just one more small question; can the PC501's, PC601s and PC301s use the same sip.ld?
21:44.06docelm0what kinda realtime?
21:44.09l2traceit connects
21:44.32l2tracesippeers is not querying the table
21:44.43docelm0have you turned on Debug?
21:44.43fugitivol2trace: my advice is not to use mysql
21:44.46fugitivoit's evil
21:44.51docelm0What does it say?
21:44.57docelm0is there an issue with the query..
21:45.02docelm0PostGres blows..
21:45.03l2tracethere is no query
21:45.12l2tracethere is a connection
21:45.14l2traceon a reload
21:45.15docelm0What version are you using of asterisk?
21:45.16rue_mohrdoes not!
21:45.33fugitivoPosgreSQL rocks
21:45.45docelm0I will stick with MySQL 5
21:45.46l2traceSsterisk SVN-trunk-r7230 built by root
21:45.48l2traceAsterisk SVN-trunk-r7230 built by root
21:45.52fugitivoblows your mysql 5
21:45.58docelm0ohh baby
21:46.02docelm0Is that head?
21:46.04docelm0or 1.2?
21:46.16docelm0If its head it may be broke..  I am using 1.2
21:46.25docelm0Check for information
21:46.38l2tracethat may be
21:49.54george435What are the sipura 3000 pstn(tab) settings to make the Systm episode with Todd Long work. I can get the line 1 to work through , but cannot get the telco line to answer with anything execept a fast busy?
21:53.17george435Sorry, that should have been the Systm episode with John Todd
21:55.11evilrabbiPosition 6 - Spanning-Tree Protocol Posture
21:58.40*** join/#asterisk copantl (n=galel@
21:59.58copantlline 49: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl' zaptel.
21:59.58rue_mohrheh, I said the same thing
22:00.04*** join/#asterisk derka (
22:00.45l2tracenice everyone at borders likes it
22:01.52copantli got this erron when i tried to run ztcfg -vv
22:02.06copantlline 49: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
22:02.15rue_mohrare you root when you run it?
22:02.34rue_mohrif you do ls /dev/zap/*   what do you get?
22:02.41evilrabbiis an agi required for me to route traffic based on what channel it came in on?
22:02.53rue_mohrwhats an agi?
22:03.07evilrabbia script for asterisk
22:03.19copantla lot of /dev/zap/1............190
22:03.22rue_mohrthen I think the answer is no
22:03.31rue_mohrcopantl good, is ther a ctrl?
22:03.36rue_mohrer ctl?
22:03.37evilrabbiagi means asterisk gateway interface
22:03.48copantl/dev/zap/ctl   yes
22:04.12copantlctrl no
22:04.14rue_mohrcopantl try   cat /dev/zap/ctl  see if it gives you an error
22:04.42*** join/#asterisk Burgwork (
22:04.59copantlcat: /dev/zap/ctl: No such device or address
22:05.13copantli got a te110p
22:05.15Burgworkcan I make an asterisk<-->asterisk call ring a different ring tone to an inbound call?
22:06.20copantlquestion.... if i upgrade my kernel i have to upgrade my asterisk or only the zaptel?
22:06.30fugitivo*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x00007fffff932945 ***
22:06.41tzangerfugitivo: nice
22:07.55copantlrue_mohr: cat: /dev/zap/ctl: No such device or address
22:08.26rue_mohrcopantl there's your problem driver
22:08.30rue_mohrcopantl lsmod   ?
22:09.37ManxPowercopantl, if you upgrade your kernel you must REINSTALL zaptel
22:09.39l2tracewith realtime config will sip show peers execute a select on the sippeers table without anyone registered ?
22:09.44*** join/#asterisk Iva1 (
22:09.54copantli  did it
22:10.08*** part/#asterisk Iva1 (
22:11.26rue_mohrcopantl did you need to insert your module?
22:11.36copantli did  modprobe wcte11xp
22:12.05copantlFATAL: Module wcte11xp not found.
22:12.34rue_mohrmodprobe foo
22:12.38rue_mohrnot insmod
22:13.12copantlright i did that
22:13.28*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
22:15.13copantlwhat can be wrong?
22:15.53copantli use the debian packages for zaptel and asterisk
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22:19.55rkiokoneed advice
22:19.55rue_mohralso look in /lib/modules/{kernel-version}/* for your driver
22:20.07rkiokoneed to terminate to pstn
22:20.14rue_mohrsorry, I'm really just here to ask * questions
22:20.23rkiokoand considering sangoma + asterisk
22:20.31rkiokoor as5300
22:20.55rkiokowe need to around 100 concurrent calls
22:21.07rkiokoto pstn
22:21.09*** part/#asterisk jimmy_deanPB (
22:21.09rue_mohrremember that a T1 only carries 24
22:21.15rkiokowill asterisk support that
22:21.17rkiokoon E1
22:21.44rkiokoor should i go with the as5300
22:21.48rue_mohrno idea, we onyl have enough T1's going in to generate 48 concurrent calls
22:21.54rkiokoreliability is a key issue
22:22.16rue_mohrknow what your doing, build carefully, and maintain
22:22.28rue_mohrunlike us who implemented it in 2 days
22:22.40rue_mohrand have had no time to maintiain it
22:22.45rue_mohror test it properly
22:22.55rue_mohrwe have ANGRY users
22:23.19rkiokoservice delivery is of utmost importance
22:23.21rue_mohrto the point where they have stated that asterisk is cr** and demand that the whole thing be replaced
22:23.30rkiokoreliable service
22:23.34mswrue_mohr: oh no
22:23.41rue_mohrits already too late
22:23.43*** join/#asterisk gammacoder (
22:23.48rkiokosorry about that
22:23.49mswrue_mohr: :-(
22:24.04rue_mohreverytime a user has ANY kind of call problem (be it our system or not) they get irate
22:24.37tainted-well they expect POTS reliability
22:24.54rue_mohrright now I'm being beat on for voicemail problems, but I'm having a lot of trouble getting help
22:25.22*** join/#asterisk fourcheeze (
22:25.45tainted-what kind of problems?
22:26.05rkiokoi need feedback from someone who has done stress tests on second generation digium
22:26.07rue_mohrwell, some of the voicemails left by external callers have no audio
22:26.15rkiokoor sango a104d
22:26.20rkiokosorry sangoma
22:26.36tainted-what codec
22:26.37rkiokowith all 4 e1/t1
22:26.57rue_mohrtainted_ g723
22:27.13gammacoderanyone had an asterisk install doesn't produce any sound for VM prompts or Digial Receptionist?
22:27.35rue_mohrgammacoder do you have .gsm files in....
22:28.06*** join/#asterisk nagl (
22:28.16rue_mohrI suspect your have a permissions problem or need
22:29.08[av]banican you set different iptos for rtp and sip?
22:29.09gammacoderrue_mohr: I have /usr/src/asterisk/codecs/gsm
22:29.09rue_mohrplease tell me if I'm right, cause I dont know if I am...
22:29.25[av]banisip.conf has tos= but what about rtp.conf? same?
22:29.48rue_mohrgammacoder no, I'm pretty sure you need a while bunch (about 778) of files in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/
22:30.12gammacoderrue_molu: and I have /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
22:30.24gammacodersorry for the confusion
22:30.28rue_mohrtainted- might you be able to help me diagnose my problems?
22:30.39rue_mohrgammacoder are there files in it? what are the permissions?
22:31.09gammacodertons of files 644 permissions for asterisk:asterisk
22:31.11copantlrue_mohr: any idea?
22:31.34*** join/#asterisk wwalker (n=wwalker@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/wwalker)
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22:32.15gammacoderthis is on an Asterisk@Home 2.2 install by the way
22:32.22rue_mohr.gsm files?
22:32.26rue_mohrcopantl which?
22:32.39*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
22:32.43wwalkerI've found online (asterisk mailing list archive) that a Polycom IP500 will accet the MAC adddress as the admin password.  I've tried this multiple times.  anyone know how to do this?  how many digits?
22:32.47gammacoderyes - gsm files
22:32.59*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
22:33.40gammacoderhmmm - no on hold music either
22:33.47tainted-could be audio codec issues
22:33.54tainted-have u tried different codecs? rue_mohr
22:34.24gammacoderi did recently upgrade processors - do the codecs/timing sources get bothered by processor changes?
22:34.34rue_mohrif it was a codec issue, do you know what errors or messages I might se in teh logs?
22:34.47azziegood evening. can a guru tell me whether "Trying" SIP message should contain Max-Forwards header or not ?
22:35.19gammacoderi see no errors in the /var/log/asterisk/full - and see the normal progression of attempting to play throught the voicemail greetings
22:35.52rue_mohrWARNING[784]: file.c:583 ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame
22:35.54rue_mohrWARNING[16560]: app_voicemail.c:4946 vm_authenticate: Couldn't read username
22:35.54rue_mohrNOTICE[19687]: chan_iax2.c:7150 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, request '6882@process-routing' does not exist
22:35.58rue_mohranything like those?
22:36.52l2tracedoes Binding sipusers to mysql/Asterisk/SipPeers
22:37.10l2tracemean that it is using the table SipPeers
22:37.24gammacoderno signs of 784, 16560, or 19687 anywhere
22:38.28*** join/#asterisk Lee619 (
22:39.12Lee619anybody home?
22:40.51Lee619i figured out my FWD problem...
22:41.03Lee619turns out the reason that it wouldn't register was an FWD problem....
22:41.09*** part/#asterisk george435 (
22:41.30Lee619it's supposed to take 20 minutes for FWD to become IAX enabled once selected on the FWD website...
22:41.36Lee619but it now takes more then 24 hours....
22:41.53Lee619took almost 2 days for my FWD number to become IAX enabled... geesh
22:42.06Lee619anyhow... it now registers...
22:42.19Lee619thanks to all who provided suggestions yesterday...  :)
22:44.10*** join/#asterisk DaPrivateer (i=Privatee@CRIMSON.OFF-HOURS.COM)
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22:52.14rue_mohris there a GOOD site for debugging * ?
22:52.28rue_mohrI'm finding more questions than answers
22:52.49rue_mohrand every few min...
22:52.50*** join/#asterisk dcoulson (n=dcoulson@
22:53.44rue_mohrminutes, I have users calling me with more voicemails that have no audio
22:53.52rue_mohr(that was one jsut now)
22:54.23gammacoderi haven't found anything better than and - but they don't really qualify as good
22:55.09rue_mohr:( I was hoping people would be a little better here, but I'm not feeling the love
22:56.08*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
22:56.36kink0there anyway to send something like answer(channel)   ?
22:57.16rue_mohrsorry, I have no idea
22:57.53rue_mohrhmm, what I need is a utility to reprocess logs into some sort of call history chart
22:58.09*** join/#asterisk fifer (n=sirfifer@
22:58.11rue_mohrand some sort of state engine...
22:58.44rue_mohrquestion that I'm sure one fo you knows the answser on
22:58.56fiferI've been going through a much more dificult than it shoudl be installation of AMP (not something I blame on AMP)
22:59.07Burgworkcan I make an asterisk<-->asterisk call ring a different ring tone to an inbound call?
22:59.08rue_mohrin the full log, does Jan 12 14:58:01 DEBUG[6999]:   the [#] represent a uniq call thread?
22:59.28fiferI have finaly taken care of all the dependancies and most of the installation steps, but I have run into a problem with the actual amp install script
22:59.45fiferAnyone here able to tackle taht?
22:59.48rue_mohrfifer sorry, I have no idea
23:00.09fiferactual error:  /usr/bin/php: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbo
23:00.22fiferkrb5 is one of the packages I updated/added
23:00.32fiferinstalled fine (apeard to)
23:00.34gammacoderfifer: not sure
23:00.39rue_mohrfifer tried #php?
23:00.47rue_mohror #apache?
23:00.51fiferrue_mohr: good idea
23:01.08rue_mohrthey might not know asteresk, but may be able to give you generic help on those
23:01.37rue_mohrin the full log, does Jan 12 14:58:01 DEBUG[6999]:   the [#] represent a uniq call thread?
23:01.56gammacoderrue_mohr: I'm a novice - not sure
23:02.22rue_mohrheh, how long you been working with it?
23:03.13gammacoderabout 3 months
23:03.24rue_mohrstead or on and off?
23:04.02*** join/#asterisk outofjungle (n=outofjun@
23:04.52enemy^xcan someone tell me how to get the presence working within xten phone? Do I need to put ser into my system to make it work or can it be done within asterisk=?
23:04.56gammacoderi have 1 smallbiz with ~10 users in production, another with ~25 users close to rollout, and a thrid with ~10 users about to start
23:05.38gammacoderbut my time has been roughly 10 hours a week
23:06.05rue_mohrsounds like your still more experianced than me...
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23:06.34gammacoderi'm no guru
23:07.07rob0rue_mohr: probably the PID, I would guess
23:07.14rue_mohrI'm the one working on fixing up some problems in a system the great kb1canobe built, something about water and over my head, I know linux, which is a start
23:07.37rue_mohrrob0 can you give me any hints to help me trace the life of a call in the logs?
23:08.28rob0I could look at my own logs and see ...
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23:09.24gammacoderrue_mohr: I've had the same issue decyphering the logs to find an individual call thread
23:10.33rob0... no, I don't know much about it. Does the wiki have anything?
23:10.50rue_mohrit would be nice if there were state machine 'thread' identities in the logs, maybe its time for a patch
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23:11.19rue_mohrwhich is funny, cause it would probably be easier for me to do that than the missing audio probelm I'm working on
23:12.49detatchhey can someone tell me what the extensions.ael is for in 1.2.1?
23:14.25fifernew language for dialplans
23:14.39fiferAEL is more like a simple programing language
23:15.00fiferextensions.ael is the AEL replacement/augmentation of the old extensions.conf
23:15.16fiferyou can have both (hav'nt tried myself)
23:15.21gammacoderis there any easy way to read / write to the asterisk db from the command line?
23:15.36detatchfifer: is there a way to have asterisk not load it?
23:15.54detatchotherwise i get warning errors in the cli when its not there, of course
23:16.07fiferJust leave it alone.
23:16.39fiferIf you have a new Asterisk install and did a make samples, you WILL have a extensions.ael, but you do not need to do anything with it unless you need/want to.
23:20.28*** join/#asterisk pembajak_sejati (i=budi@
23:21.09wwalkerWhat would the terms to look for be for this.  I want to be able to "announce" a call that is being forwarded in house via that phones (IP 500) speaker.
23:22.43ObsidianXhow does asterisk get its MD5 hash?
23:23.02gammacoderwwalker: search about auto-answer
23:23.19ObsidianXi put one thing into the config, and the error in the console "hash != hash" neither hashes are what i've made
23:23.28wwalkergammacoder thx!
23:24.12ObsidianXwow yeah, and the hash changes every time i try and login
23:24.13*** join/#asterisk Slackuser_ (n=FullT@
23:24.31gammacoderwwalker: to enable the speaker on a Grandstream GXP-2000 w/ firmware or greater (for instance) you'd do a SIPAddHeader(Call-Info: answer-after=0)
23:25.08wwalkergammacoder thx
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23:27.46shmaltzanybody here has the latest cisco firmware for 7960?
23:28.04pembajak_sejatihi is it possible to do like this:
23:28.06*** join/#asterisk Skkip (n=Skipper@
23:28.10pembajak_sejatiexten => 55317,1,dial(SIP/hakan)
23:28.10pembajak_sejatiexten => 317,1,dial(SIP/hakan)
23:28.10pembajak_sejatiexten => 317,2,dial(SIP/55317)
23:29.09pembajak_sejatimaybe dial(SIP/55317) is not valid, how to dial 55317?
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23:32.07FarrisGCan anyone help me figure out why we're no longer sending caller ID info correctly? I'm kind of a noob, and SBC tells me it's all setup correctly on their end.
23:32.49gammacoderis SBC specifying the Caller ID, or are they passing through whatever you specify?
23:33.12FarrisGgammacoder: SBC is specifying
23:33.21gammacoderthen it appears to be their issue
23:33.45gammacodermy telco passes whatever I specify
23:33.56FarrisGgammacoder: Where do you specify it? Maybe they're lying
23:34.57gammacoderin AMP it is in each extension configuration, under "outbound callerid"
23:35.11FarrisGgammacoder: Ahh... I don't use AMP
23:36.54gammacoderOK - make sure you've got entries in one of the extensions.conf files like this:
23:37.07gammacoderECIDxxxx = xxx-xxx-xxxx
23:37.27gammacoderwhere ECID[extenstion] = caller id number
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23:37.50FarrisGI have no ECID entries
23:38.12gammacoderperhaps you should *wink*
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23:41.03FarrisGgammacoder: Do I need one of those for each extension, or can I somehow set it globally?
23:42.00gammacoderi've got them for each extension - not sure if you can set it globally
23:43.26gammacoderFarrisG: apparently you can set them per trunk. Like:     OUTCID_1 = 123-456-7890
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23:51.38FarrisGgammacoder: is that set in extensions.conf, too?
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23:52.09gammacoderFarrisG: yep - for me its in extensions_additional.conf
23:52.41[TK]D-FenderOh joy... I hear an AMP in the air!
23:54.23copantlok, i reinstalled my zaptel and the module is recognice, i did a lsmod and it's there ..cte11xp
23:54.58copantlbut i saw the E1 led and is off!!
23:55.33copantlwhat can be possible wrong?'
23:57.07gammacodercopantl: is you physical wiring correct - I was bitten by the need for a T1 crossover cable at that point in my install
23:57.49copantlit was working, i just made a reintallation
23:57.50*** join/#asterisk rue_work (
23:58.38rue_work:/ something int eh system kills dialtones from the audio steams, this dosn't help me use the only modem I can access to debug incomming voicemail problems
23:58.56copantlcan be a fisical problem?
23:58.59rue_workmakes me wish I was able to find a modem that voice worked on
23:59.40rue_workhave to find a external one though cause they are all winmodems with no linux support for vioce functions
23:59.48*** join/#asterisk Pzykotic (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.