irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060110

00:00.01PsykickDrunkenHME: ActiveX control
00:00.10*** join/#asterisk Camisa (
00:00.40jbotrumour has it, amp is NOT supported here! people using it should join #amportal
00:00.41*** join/#asterisk FastJack (
00:00.47*** part/#asterisk [av]bani (n=[av]
00:01.24mog_workthat is awesome
00:01.25infinity1Psykick: what software are you using for im/presence?
00:02.09mog_workshould use astjab...
00:02.21Psykickcrappy firefly
00:02.36PsykickI like this iax web phone better
00:02.49Flautopsykick, what is iaxwebfone for?
00:03.01Flautowhat does it do?
00:03.33Psykickonce you've got it setup you can place calls using click2dial using your own DB of phone numbers
00:03.33*** join/#asterisk exstatica (
00:03.57PsykickYOU of course need to do the programming to get the numbers from the DB
00:04.07Psykickbut it takes care of all the telephony side of things for you
00:04.27Psykickincluding allocating which device to use for mic + speakers
00:04.28Flautonice, but it is too deep for me
00:04.43PsykickI'm using it in a PHP app I've put together
00:04.58Psykicknice simple click2dial company phone book
00:06.15*** join/#asterisk anon-troyb (
00:07.54*** join/#asterisk [Adamo] (n=adamo@
00:08.57*** part/#asterisk [Adamo] (n=adamo@
00:10.41*** join/#asterisk fndude (
00:10.55*** join/#asterisk jahani (
00:12.05*** join/#asterisk DovidB (
00:17.30*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
00:19.21*** join/#asterisk gnosys (
00:19.27ObsidianXhey folks, in the manual it describes EAGI as being able to send the incoming audio on "file descriptor three"... how would i go about accessing that
00:23.37*** join/#asterisk cnet2 (n=nada@
00:25.05cnet2hi, has anyone had problems installing the TDM2400p?  I have xorcom installation (debian + asterisk 1.0.9) and the digium wildcard is not recognized, and show this on lspci 'Ethernet controller: Unknown device d161:2400 (rev 11)'
00:26.00cnet2could it be irq conflicts?
00:30.43ObsidianXwhat kernel do you have
00:33.41Darwin35we regret to inform you but the asterisk project just had its plug pulled. tiiiime to grab what you can and run for it......
00:33.41ruud_orglspci unknown device just means the lspci program doesn't have the manufacturer id->name mapping for this particular card, doesn't mean anything about whether or not the kernel itself has appropriate drivers
00:33.58ruud_org(i.e. you can have a working card with unknown device shown up in lspci and vice versa)
00:37.20Darwin35O wit they just repluged asterisk in . all is ok
00:38.55*** join/#asterisk Jestre (
00:39.07Zodiacalanyone know if i need a fxo module for each line? so for one 4 port TDM400P card i would need 4 x100m pxo modules?
00:39.21Zodiacalpxo = fxo
00:39.32mog_workfor each analog line you want
00:39.43mog_workyou need an fxo to connect to pstn
00:39.56Zodiacaland if im using sip phones i woudn't need fxs right?
00:40.19Zodiacalfxs modules that is
00:40.23Zodiacali think i get it
00:40.26Zodiacalmog_work Thank You!
00:40.35mog_workyeah you dont need it
00:41.00*** join/#asterisk alephcom_ (
00:41.11alephcom_Hello everyone.
00:44.22*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
00:52.08Darwin35excuse me watch where your walking all these cables on the  floor lead to something
00:52.33justinuDarwin35: wtf?
00:52.40*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
00:53.36Darwin35wtf =wheres the fruit
00:53.58justinuare you like some semi-intelligent bot or something? :P
00:54.34CiberDarwin35 hi!
00:54.43Cibermaybe not
00:56.26Darwin35just having fun
00:56.41Darwin35letting the brain got semi mush and back again
00:56.54*** join/#asterisk warthawg (
00:56.58*** join/#asterisk Jick (
00:57.33warthawgcan anyone point me towards a sample [inbound] that just rings the phone and lets me answer it?
00:57.34Jickin my dialplan, how can I configure the timeout (t) extension to repeat the last message, rather than hang up on the caller?
00:57.36justinudarwin35: you ever said that to someone?
00:57.42justinu[16:52] Darwin35: excuse me watch where your walking all these cables on the  floor lead to something
00:58.22Darwin35eveeryday when I work in the noc
00:58.41DarkhalfA noc with cables on the floor?  Awesome-o.
00:58.46warthawgdoes the noc have raised flooring?
00:59.10justinureminds me of the phillipines telcom office at one wilshire
00:59.16justinufucking cables everywhere!
00:59.31DarkhalfIt's been a while since I've helped myself to cat5 spaghetti.
00:59.31warthawgin manilla?
00:59.35Darwin35yes but they run cabless across the floor to cross connect sometimes
01:03.34wunderkinwart, heh thats in LA
01:04.09wunderkinalmost got a house out there justin, we could have been neighbors :P
01:04.19Jickwhen I set my extensions.conf up, I temporarily set the timeout section to play just a gsm and hangup, but now it's time I change it to something helpful. How can I set it to repeat the last thing the user heard? Surely this is a popular function of the timeout extension...
01:04.22wunderkinand qwell.. and a few others im sure ;D
01:06.07Darwin35man 6pm and feel like 9
01:06.26justinuqwell lives about as far away from me as you can be, and still say you live in LA
01:06.30justinulike 70 miles or something
01:07.09Nuggetwhy would anyone want to be able to say that they live in LA?  :)
01:07.20justinui don't think anyone wants to
01:07.26justinuit's just where I live
01:07.54DarkhalfGo a hundred miles south.
01:08.06Darkhalf...And a bit east.
01:08.15*** join/#asterisk [av]bani (n=[av]
01:09.14[av]banihm, gxp2000 isnt as crappy as i thought it would be
01:09.30hardwireits not supposed to be crappy
01:09.38Darkhalfjustinu: Even more south.  But you got the right idea!
01:09.40[av]banifor $80 one doesnt expect much
01:09.52Ciberthat's good to hear
01:09.59Ciberi just ordered 12 of those lol
01:10.06*** join/#asterisk _DAW-LAPTOP (
01:10.21[av]banispeakerphone has serious echo, some volume issues with handset
01:10.22*** join/#asterisk kio (
01:10.25[av]banifunctionality wise seems ok
01:10.40justinuapparently the latest firmware solves that handset volume issue
01:10.47Darkhalfjustinu: I'm in the SD area, but the idea I was trying to convey was "away from LA".
01:11.10[av]banitoo bad the buttons on the side are only speed dial, not usable otherwise
01:11.41Cibernow if only i could stop asterisk from thinking my fxs channel is not an fxo
01:11.45[av]baniit also doesnt pick up timezone from dhcp
01:12.20justinuwell, i agree, that this city sucks
01:12.37justinui'm always getting it thrown in my face too, which doesn't help the situation :P
01:13.31Ciberi'm seriously thinking of throwing this damn server out the window
01:15.02*** join/#asterisk silentfury (
01:16.01Ciberyay finally fixed
01:16.04Ciberstupid thing
01:16.13justinunow throw it out the window
01:16.24Ciberwas close to
01:16.31Ciberwas driving me nuts all day
01:17.21Ciberzap identifier set as g0 was ringing my other extension even though it was a fxs not a fxo
01:17.45*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
01:17.45Ciberchanged it to 4 and it's now sending the damn calls to the fxo channel
01:18.17silentfuryi realize this is probably the wrong channel, but I'm looking for help with sipX..
01:18.23Ciberbeyond me why it's sending them to channel 1 when it's in group 1 not 0
01:19.42*** join/#asterisk inv_Arp (
01:20.03Cibergrrr now it's saying the person at ext 201 is unavailable
01:20.14Ciberi can make calls from it just fine
01:22.00Ciberahh there we go fixed
01:24.57*** join/#asterisk svenl (
01:25.28*** join/#asterisk silentfury_ (
01:29.20*** part/#asterisk silentfury_ (
01:32.47litageare there softphones that use g729?
01:35.09Jickdoes anyone know how I can set zaptel and wctdm to be modprobed on startup and ztcfg and asterisk to be launched on startup in CentOS v4.2?
01:35.30mog_worktype make config in both source trees
01:36.35*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
01:37.19svenlmmm, i just built the zaptel drivers on powerpc, with 2.6.15, and got : insmod: error inserting 'wctdm.ko': -1 Invalid module format
01:37.29svenlanyone seen that already ?
01:45.47*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
01:46.55*** part/#asterisk Jestre (
01:58.54*** join/#asterisk scolsuckz (n=scolsuck@
01:59.18*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
02:01.43*** join/#asterisk Pegger (
02:05.24*** join/#asterisk CoolAcid (n=jason@
02:09.55*** join/#asterisk Mavantix (
02:11.07Jickokay. i got zaptel and asterisk to stick service scripts in /etc/init.d by running make config and i can now add those scripts to the runlevels so they start on boot, but what about the wctdm kernel module? how do i configure that to start at boot?
02:14.13Mavantixanyone know why my outbound SIP line doesn't generate a "ringing noise" when it's calling out? It's dead silent, even though it does place the call. (
02:14.34MavantixIs there a dialplan command or something for this?
02:15.19*** join/#asterisk svenl_ (
02:15.31Mavantixor maybe more specifically, should I be using the Ringing() cmd? my dialout plan.
02:16.06*** join/#asterisk brockj49464 (n=brockj49@
02:17.39*** join/#asterisk zu (
02:17.43zuhy all
02:20.21*** join/#asterisk sigmounte_ (
02:21.24Mavantixdamn it, dial(,,r) is my answer. Thanks for listening to me ramble ;)
02:22.24*** join/#asterisk sigwerk (
02:23.57*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
02:24.11litagewhen testing codecs and trying to achieve "high quality" calls, what can be configured that affects call quality?
02:24.30justinuusually nothing
02:24.34justinupossible the rate
02:24.35*** join/#asterisk kart_179 (n=kart@
02:26.05litagethen how do you control the amount of jitter, echo cancellation, etc?
02:26.18*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
02:26.40zuhardware echo cancellation :)
02:26.50justinueyebeam has a omode you can run it in that will drop packets and add jitter
02:26.58justinuasterisk does too, on iax
02:28.41litageif you're only using sip and want to determine [a] which codec(s) work best for your situation, and [b] what "settings" for those codecs are best, what can you do?
02:29.12justinuif you were really serious, you'd buy some kind of RTP test generation software/hardware
02:29.18justinufrom somebody like ixia, i guess
02:29.21zuif you need to determine what codec you need to use you need to start with bandwidth requirements vs channels
02:29.34justinubut i'm not sure what you mean by "settings"
02:30.15*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
02:31.20litagejustinu: i'm not sure what i mean by "settings" either. i was under the impression that when you select a codec to use, you can configure them slightly so that they're better tailored for your needs
02:31.27litageis that incorrect?
02:31.49justinuas far as I know, the codecs have no real settings you can tweak
02:32.07justinuthere may be things like jitter buffers you can play with, but the codecs themselves expect a steady stream of packets
02:32.21zuthats what qos is for
02:32.42justinuyou can artificially induce things like jitter and packet loss to see how certain codecs sound in various network conditions
02:32.42zuchoosing the correct codec is just doing the bandwith/quality calc
02:32.48litageah i see
02:33.14zudo you want 30kbits a sec tx/rx or 300
02:33.22litagewithin asterisk, what can be "configured" to modify the amount of jitter, echo, and whatever else occurs?
02:33.35*** join/#asterisk awptix (
02:33.36zuor in the case of sip g729 53 kbits a sec tx/rc
02:33.47awptixHey guys, anyone know of a simple Asterisk Web GUI?
02:33.59awptixjust something to be able to check voicemail, etc. with
02:34.11mrdigitaldoes anyone have pics of there * Setup?
02:34.19mrdigitalawptix: yes
02:34.23[av]banisip is no fun with nat
02:34.26*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
02:34.28test34anyone using packet cable ?
02:34.41_Vileawptix: for alternatives
02:35.02awptixmrdigital: is that free?
02:35.06mrdigitalvoiceone yes
02:35.12Nugget  <-- pics.  the asterisk server is in there somewhere.
02:35.41mrdigitalnugget: your systems?
02:35.50mrdigitalever heard of a desk? :)
02:35.59NuggetI go in there about once every three months
02:36.27*** join/#asterisk NoVaZuR (
02:36.44mrdigitalwhat room is it?
02:36.49Nuggetmy server room
02:36.49NoVaZuRhi !
02:36.49mrdigitalServer room?
02:36.50awptixhmm... = nice domain :)
02:36.54mrdigitalwhat kinds of boxes
02:37.39Nuggetfrom left to right: quad xeon 450 linux, athlon something, linux, celeron openbsd, dual opteron freebsd, athlon freebsd.
02:37.57NoVaZuRis it possible with a IAX softphone, to call a SIP number like foo@domain ?
02:37.58mrdigitalwhat you use em for?
02:38.00Nuggetand a 6502 running atari dos.  :)
02:38.08Nuggetjust stuff
02:38.43file[desk]tastes like chicken
02:39.03mrdigitalnugget: can i pm>
02:39.11NuggetI don't know.  has it worked for you in the past?
02:39.25_Vilesee #irc for help
02:39.32mrdigitalno i mean can i pm you
02:39.38NuggetI have no idea.  try and see.
02:39.43mrdigitallol nm
02:39.53litagein terms of call/voice quality, what is configurable within asterisk?
02:40.07NuggetI dunno what irc network it is where people are expected to ask permission to pm first.  I've never been on it, that's for sure.
02:41.04lokofile[desk] you get a ticket?
02:41.09NuggetI need to take another photo.  there's a few more machines in there now.
02:42.05file[desk]loko: I'll talk on vr-oasis in a sec
02:42.39awptixNugget: some people tend to think that it's not polite to PM without permission
02:43.01awptixand in bad netizen practice.
02:43.31justinui think it's impolite for people i don't know to call me, but it doesn't stop them
02:44.21*** join/#asterisk hhoffman (n=hhoffman@tor/session/x-a2403a9a2fa4b146)
02:44.51*** part/#asterisk NoVaZuR (
02:45.05Nuggetyeah, I just don't know why people think there.
02:45.11Nuggetwhere is the place that's training people to think that?
02:45.21hhoffmanhi, I'm hooking up a payphone to a asterisk box and am wondering the best way to capture the tone generated when a coin is dropped. any ideas?
02:45.30justinumaybe it was qwell yelling at people for pm'ing him
02:45.40QwellWhat'd I miss?
02:46.10*** join/#asterisk Brixius (
02:49.28Qwellhere's the way I see it
02:49.36QwellIf you msg me, 2 things happen
02:49.45Qwell1) I get distracted, and can't help other people at the same time.
02:49.56Qwell2) Nobody benefits from my help, except the selfish ass who msg'd me
02:50.04zuQwell: you need a Qwell queueing system
02:50.17Qwellzu: I have one
02:50.21Qwellcash gets priority
02:50.38zuThats why I have a paypal account :)
02:50.51justinuqwell: i'm on your side, i think you have a right to yell at people for msg'ing you
02:51.40DrukenHMEwho's got toronto calling?
02:53.36litagewhat settings/configuration in asterisk can be used to control call/voice quality?
02:53.37justinuwhat do you need?
02:53.47justinulitage: you can chose the codec, that's it.
02:54.05litagejustinu: you can't do anything else within asterisk?
02:54.16litage[to modify call quality]
02:54.30wunderkin/msg justinu can u plz help me install asterisk@home k plz thx
02:55.04*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
02:55.06litagejustinu: what about the frame or sampling rate?
02:55.12justinuthat's handled by the codec
02:55.38Qwellrtp packetization
02:55.47Qwellthere is something on the tracker, to implement that
02:55.55litageQwell: tracker?
02:56.15justinuah, if you want asterisk to act as a TDM gateway, that might be handy
02:56.34justinubut if you're acting as a soft switch or simply rtp proxy, that's hadnled by the terminating devices
02:56.39*** join/#asterisk tengulre11 (n=tengulre@
02:58.04*** join/#asterisk nassy (
02:58.10justinuoh, and it'd be useful if asterisk is being used as a media server
02:58.32hhoffmancan anyone tell me how asterisk acts when a dmtf tone is sent over the fxo card after asterisk has answered the line?
02:58.59hhoffmaner, dtmf
03:01.13hhoffmanah, very good :-)
03:01.47*** join/#asterisk diego_br (
03:02.00DrukenHMEhhoffman: the fxo should just create the tone...
03:02.12*** join/#asterisk gnosys (
03:02.46drumkillawell, it recognizes it?
03:02.50drumkillai don't quite understand the question :)
03:03.20drumkillaand then the DTMF is passed on to whatever is currently handling the channel ...
03:03.41Qwelldrumkilla: asterisk is! :p
03:03.41hhoffmanDrunkeHME: I have a setup that is Payphone->CO->fxo->asterisk ... When I drop a coin in the payphone a tone is generated, I'd like asterisk to do something when that happens
03:03.48awptixNugget: it's kind of like someone calling you on the phone, uninvited, trying to pester you.
03:03.52drumkillait may be some application, or the channel may be bridged (in a call with another channel), so the dtmf event would just go across the bridge ...
03:04.36hhoffmandrumkilla: can I write an extension to do something with the tone?
03:04.47DrukenHMEyou need to get together with uhm,... shit.. who was that... Drray i think...
03:05.22drumkillahhoffman: yes
03:05.32DrukenHMEwell, the tones the phone makes, are for the co...
03:05.35justinusome guy was talking about interfaces for bell coin control
03:05.43*** join/#asterisk jef_ (
03:05.52DrukenHMEit tells the telco that you paid for the call... and they can connect you..
03:06.05hhoffmandrumkilla: ah! ok... so, if I'm at the console I'll presumably see what the tone translates to?
03:06.09DrukenHMEit's the OLD way of doing it
03:06.18justinuit's the cool way of doing it :P
03:06.26DrukenHMEi don't belive it's dtmf
03:06.32drumkillawait, this is an arbitrary tone?
03:06.33justinuright, it's not
03:06.47drumkillaok, then that will require code to be written ...
03:06.47justinuit's the bell coin control stuff real payphones use
03:07.04justinui bet spandsp/libsupertone can do it
03:07.07hhoffmancoin is 1700Hz+2200Hz
03:08.01*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
03:08.38DrukenHMEhhoffman: uhmm... i think you will find, diffrent tones....
03:08.52DrukenHMEone for .05, .10 and .25
03:08.58*** part/#asterisk gnosys (
03:09.32hhoffmanDrunkenHME: sorry... I should have clarified, this is for a quarter... that's all we are going to accept
03:09.47hhoffmanthis is for a research project, not a real life production setup :-)
03:10.14Qwellhigh rollers!
03:10.36DrukenHMEwas just pointing that out :)
03:10.44*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
03:10.56QwellI can only afford to test with nickels. :(
03:10.59DrukenHMEmy payment does it's own control
03:11.42hhoffmanhehe :-)
03:14.32DrukenHMEhas anyone actually gotten privacy manager to work?
03:19.28*** join/#asterisk ryansc (
03:25.31*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
03:26.06Brixiusanyone gotten cdr_odbc to work?
03:26.18DrukenHMEit works
03:26.28DrukenHMEjust don't ask me how... :) hehehehe been too damn long
03:26.42Corydon76-homeYeah, works fine
03:27.12Corydon76-homeAnyone gotten func_odbc to work?
03:27.17Brixiusarrrg, pain in the ass then.... well for me, although it would probably help if I knew how to test that unixODBC was installed properly...
03:27.39Corydon76-homeBrixius: isql db user pass
03:28.00Corydon76-homedb, of course, is the DSN that you configured in odbc.ini
03:28.15Corydon76-homeYou DID configure odbcinst.ini and odbc.ini, right?
03:28.22awptixdid it die in here?
03:28.36clyrradanyone here interested in setting up fax to email, willing to pay please PM me
03:30.03Brixiusya I setup odbcinst.ini and odbc.ini
03:30.12litagewhat can be done on a server (not necessarily within asterisk) to control call/voice quality?
03:31.24BrixiusI've installed myodbc and tested that I can connect to the database with mysql client from the * box and query it, so security is correct.
03:31.34wunderkinanyone here interested in violating lame patents.. hah..
03:32.00justinufax to email is patented?
03:32.15wunderkinya according to bkw hes gettin sued for it
03:32.32wunderkinlame lame lame
03:32.48justinuby jfax?
03:33.03wunderkinshrug, maybe
03:33.12DrukenHMEwuts func_odbc?
03:35.17clyrradCan anyone here setup fax to email on an Asterisk server?
03:36.34BrixiusCorydon76-home: I get '[ISQL]ERROR: Could not SQLConnect' when I try to connect using isql
03:36.46QwellCorydon76-home: I have. ;)
03:36.56Corydon76-homeWell, try adding -vv before the dsn
03:37.07Corydon76-homeand it'll probably tell you why
03:38.52sivanalol... wow... now they're opening private mail in the name of security
03:39.02sivanaamazing... nice privacy
03:40.29sivana"Customs and Border Protection is charged with making sure that terrorists and terrorists' weapons don't enter the country,"
03:40.37sivanakinda hard to put them in a letter and mail it
03:40.59sivanathat's funny
03:41.08sivanathe excuses they use to violate people's privacy
03:42.29sivanaI wish people cared more about government and keep them accountable
03:43.23hhoffmansigh, me too
03:44.00BrixiusI'm guessing that will be a topic of discussion at the Infragard meeting I'm supposed to goto tomorrow.
03:44.38*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
03:44.53sivanaI know there's a balance that needs to be struck.. but geez
03:45.15hhoffmanBrixius: not to mention:
03:45.25*** join/#asterisk ctooley (
03:46.03BrixiusI think they need to be kept accountable too.  And the police should be setting an example, not running stop signs and lights to get to lunch as I've seen them do.
03:47.00*** part/#asterisk ctooley (
03:47.41*** join/#asterisk brockj49464 (n=brockj49@
03:47.55shmaltzBrixius, how do you know that what you seen was for lunch?
03:48.24BrixiusBecause I was going to the same place and saw them at the counter ordering.
03:48.38justinuhow dare you question legal authority in a time of war!
03:48.48sivanatime of war
03:48.51sivanathat's funny
03:49.12awptix"This is Adam Charlie Four, we're in pursuit of a double cheeseburger and a 20oz coke. Over."
03:49.17justinuyou're either with us, or you're against us
03:49.17shmaltzBrixius, the call got cancelled on the way :P
03:49.40sivanajustinu: you're funny
03:49.41BrixiusIf it's official, have the lights on and be running code...
03:50.03justinusivana: the world changed on 9/11
03:50.24sivanamaybe... but most of it is just Bush
03:50.38shmaltzsivana, most of what is just bush?
03:50.38justinui'm just using the rhetoric
03:50.50justinubeing a good little mouthpiece
03:50.56shmaltzsivana, you not even American, so stfu
03:51.15justinuyeah, your opinion is not welcome
03:51.18sivanashmaltz: have you heard of the lumber disputes with Canada and US?
03:51.34BrixiusOk with isql -vv dsn un pw I get '[unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified'
03:51.37shmaltzsivana, I just want to see you ruthless canadaians react if the falls are destroyed
03:51.38sivanaI bet you say no
03:51.48shmaltzsivana, no, whats that?
03:51.51BrixiusI have it in /etc/odbc.ini
03:52.24justinuneed any wood?
03:52.27sivanasoftwood lumber dispute... you don't know because it's not on your news...
03:52.35sivanaonly the war on terrorism is on your news
03:52.38justinu"need any wood?" - george w. bush
03:52.49shmaltzBrixius, what do you have in odbc.ini? the 20 oz coke and burgers?
03:53.00Nuggetthe nuggets!
03:53.04shmaltzsivana, any urls?
03:53.16BrixiusI've put export ODBCINI=/etc/odbc.ini in the asterisk startup script and have it in my exports list on my shell prompt.
03:53.31Brixiussorry, this is back to the cdr_odbc issue I was having...
03:53.55justinuhey, stay on topic
03:54.01justinuthe candians and americans were fighting
03:54.04BrixiusCorydon76-home: Ok with isql -vv dsn un pw I get '[unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified'
03:54.06justinulets see who wins
03:54.13BrixiusCorydon76-home: I've put export ODBCINI=/etc/odbc.ini in the asterisk startup script and have it in my exports list on my shell prompt.
03:54.26shmaltzsivana, it rings a bell, it went down though I think
03:54.29sivanathe nafta tribunal already ruled in favor of Canada and the US is ignoring it
03:54.40Brixiussorry, took a hard left there...
03:54.53justinusivana: oh, we tend to ignore rulings that aren't in favor of us
03:54.57justinudeal with it
03:55.00sivanayou think :)
03:55.21justinuoceania, tis of thee!
03:55.51shmaltzthis explains it right
03:55.52Corydon76-homeBrixius: Use pastebin to paste the contents of your odbcinst.ini and odbc.ini files
03:55.56jbotsomebody said pb was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
03:56.13shmaltzsivana, nafta is only there to serve the bigger one, not the smaller one, dont kid yourself
03:56.28sivanaI know how the US works
03:57.22*** join/#asterisk licued (
03:58.32shmaltzsivana, it has nothing to do with the US, it has always been that way and will always stay that way, comitees and orgenizations are only there to serv the one in power, just consider this quote:
03:59.14justinuexcept that the USA is a federal republic :P
03:59.37*** join/#asterisk DrJones1 (
03:59.46shmaltzYou do not lead by hitting people over the head - that's assault, not leadership.
03:59.48shmaltz-Dwight D. Eisenhower
04:00.04shmaltzjustinu, but it's still a democracy
04:00.05DrJones1if i buy a polycomm 301 from voipsupply
04:00.10DrJones1do i have to buy a seperate ac adapter?
04:00.35justinua federal republic with a long history of democractic ideals, perhaps
04:00.57Corydon76-homeBrixius: so you typed:  isql MySQL-asterisk user pass
04:01.09shmaltzDrJones1, no, it's included
04:01.20shmaltzCisco is the only one selling those seperate
04:01.26BrixiusCorydon76: yep
04:01.38justinuit's really an oligharchy
04:01.50justinuof corporations and special interest groups
04:01.52Corydon76-homeIs there actually a /usr/lib/ ?
04:02.05BrixiusCorydon76: I'm checking that now
04:02.35DrJones1can anyone recommend the best headset on voipsupply under 200$?
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04:03.16shmaltzDrJones1, with or without speakers?
04:03.21shmaltzyou want multi line?
04:03.25shmaltzsingle line?
04:03.27DrJones1no, just single line
04:03.32DrJones1without speakers, i suppose
04:03.37DrJones1the speakerphone will do just fine
04:03.38shmaltztry the Uniden UIP200
04:03.48*** join/#asterisk Shakh (i=Shakhruz@
04:03.57DrJones1that sip phone?
04:03.58Qwellmultiline headset with speakers?
04:03.59shmaltzthe only drawback with it is that it doesn't suppport auto answer
04:04.02DrJones1i was just looking for a headset
04:04.06shmaltzyes it's sip phone
04:04.19DrJones1i just want something to plug into my rj-12 plug on my cisco 7960
04:04.19shmaltzoh sorry
04:04.25DrJones1but something nice
04:04.28DrJones1something from voip
04:04.35Qwellwhy voipsupply?
04:04.38shmaltzI thought you wanted a phone
04:04.48DrJones1cause im already ordering polycomm 301 from them
04:04.51DrJones1and they did me right in the past
04:04.51justinubuy a plantronics, they're nice enough
04:04.54shmaltzthere are better places then voipsupply for headsets
04:05.08DrJones1will i save more than 15$ on a 130$ headset?
04:05.50shmaltzanybody know of any softphones with the the USB hardware that will do the transcoding on the hardware, and not on the host CPU?
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04:08.54BrixiusCorydon76: yep the library is there.
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04:11.28sivanahrm.. do you convert mp3 to ulaw (ul) ?
04:14.57BrixiusCorydon76: per the message it seems like it can't find the odbc.ini file for whatever reason.
04:15.04jbroomeshmaltz: received
04:15.07*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
04:18.47Qwellmogorman: Corydon76-home said no
04:19.09mogormanabout the bug
04:19.20shmaltzMy grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the hell she is.
04:19.22shmaltzEllen DeGeneres
04:19.37*** join/#asterisk NDT (
04:20.10NDTblah blah
04:20.21NDTHow is everyone on this fine and wonderful evening?
04:21.07*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
04:21.08Qwellshmaltz: She's walked around the globe 17 times
04:21.18shmaltzI don't know what to think:
04:21.59shmaltzQwell, not 17
04:22.22NDTheh...well thats a different news tio read there
04:22.33NDTerr to
04:24.17Qwellshmaltz: yes, now divide that by the radius of each
04:24.35Qwell(which is ~3963 miles)
04:24.39Qwellof Earth*
04:24.47shmaltzQwell, but earth is 24000 miles
04:25.23justinucircumferences of the equater
04:25.36Qwellheh, why was I doing radius?
04:25.36*** join/#asterisk dorphalsig (n=dorphals@
04:26.04NDTmaybe you were doing the financial thing again...and radius accounting?
04:26.35shmaltzcircumferences of the equater = 24 900.9261 miles
04:26.48dorphalsigok, after a roundtrip ... I still have the D-Channel problem
04:26.49Qwellokay, so almost 3 times :p
04:27.01dorphalsigJan  9 18:57:56 WARNING[24335] chan_zap.c: No D-channels available!  Using Primary channel 16 as D-channel anyway!
04:27.07shmaltzdorphalsig, where round trip around the world?
04:27.16dorphalsigshmaltz .. almost
04:27.16shmaltzdorphalsig, what dchannel problems?
04:27.19justinudorphalsig: there is no dchannel on a MFCR2 circuit :P
04:27.24NDTdorphalsig: heh...mine just started that too
04:27.32shmaltzthat means that the D channel is not up
04:27.40dorphalsigjustinu ... yeah it seems I dont have an MFCR2
04:27.42litagedoes a softphone/ip phone/ata do jitter buffering, or does asterisk do it?
04:27.46shmaltzdorphalsig, have you verified with your provider that its up?
04:27.49justinudorphalsig: lol
04:27.56dorphalsigshmaltz -> yes
04:28.02dorphalsigjustinu -> dont laugh!
04:28.19justinudorphalsig: i'm laughing because I wasted my time with you on the MFCR2 stuff :P
04:28.23dorphalsigjustinu -> The standard damn protocol here in south america is R2
04:28.41shmaltzdorphalsig, then configs are wrong, is it up and you get this message from time to time? or is it not up at all? what does pri show span n show?
04:28.44dorphalsigjustinu -> And the telco has no idea what is selling =S
04:28.52justinuso what is it?
04:29.08dorphalsigjustinu --> it works with PRI but I get the Dchan error
04:29.23justinuafter a while?
04:29.30dorphalsigshmaltz -> it works for a while then falls down, I restart zaptel and everything is nice again for a while
04:29.47shmaltzdorphalsig, what motherboard do yo have?
04:29.51NDTmine just goes through and first says no D channel available then says using 24 anyway...then says the D channel is up lol...and then works anyway
04:30.02shmaltzalso, I'm assuming its connected to telco and not to PBX
04:30.06justinui'd suspect a problem with the E1 layer, or possibly the zaptel hardware
04:30.31justinui guess there's no error counters in digium's software/hardware, so you can't easily look at the E1 performance
04:31.14dorphalsigI dunno
04:31.17NDTWhat other quadspan cards work well that are cheaper then digium? heh
04:31.42NDTThat 405 was $1260 we bought
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04:31.47dorphalsigNDT --> There are some spanish guys that cloned Digium's cards ... Dunno about performance/support but they are half price
04:31.48justinui dunno about price
04:31.49mogormansangoma is digium only competitor really
04:31.51justinubut they work
04:32.12dorphalsighey mogorman!
04:32.12mogormansangoma and digium are about same price
04:32.14*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
04:32.16mogormanhey dorphalsig
04:32.17[hC]oh.. thats it.. mog is fired for saying the s word.
04:32.26shmaltzI knew it
04:32.33mogormanmog is above the law
04:32.36dorphalsigshmaltz -> what?
04:32.37mogormanwtf whats with my nick
04:32.48shmaltzthat I'm disconnected and talking to dead air
04:32.59Nuggetmog mog bo-bog, banana-fana fo fog.
04:33.09mog_homeif i had a nickle...
04:33.22shmaltzanyhow, I didn't get any answers if you answered about the motherboard
04:33.27file[laptop]a Canadian nickle :P
04:33.32mog_homeoh lame
04:33.45mog_homewith the exchange im like out 3 cents
04:33.53mog_homenot to mention gas
04:34.10file[laptop]isn't it sad?
04:34.15NDTYeah what is it with Sangoma and Digium anyway? These two companies hate each other or something?
04:34.18shmaltzdorphalsig, what motherboard you using?
04:34.23mog_homebad blood ndt
04:34.25justinui don't think so
04:34.28mog_homeits long story
04:34.32justinuoh, i guess they do :P
04:34.51justinusangoma is french?
04:35.00justinuor is it just a french guy that answers the ir tech support line
04:35.14mog_homewhere are they file
04:35.33justinuontario is a big place
04:35.39file[laptop]what, you want the exact place?
04:35.47justinuyes, gps coordinates
04:35.49JunK-Ymissisauga, no?
04:35.51file[laptop]picky people
04:35.58NDTWe want a satellite picture of the exact building...
04:35.59[hC]mmm.. ham.
04:36.07JunK-YNDT: google earth!
04:36.09QwellJunK-Y: You on googletalk?
04:36.12NDThehe have it
04:36.16file[laptop]I'm hungry for pizza, but it's like 12:36AM...
04:36.31NDTI was looking down at my house in it yesterday
04:36.32justinuif you don't have pizza delivery at 12:30am, i pity you
04:36.35JunK-Yfile: then take froot loops!
04:36.36justinuand the place you live
04:36.43file[laptop]I have fruit loop bars
04:37.11file[laptop]ooh and a muffin
04:38.06shmaltzYeah I'm thirty-six, but on the show I'm thirty-two. Nobody wants to watch a thirty-six year old woman, so they decided to make me thirty-two. Much more appealing somehow.
04:38.08shmaltzEllen DeGeneres
04:38.08QwellJunK-Y: are my messages not going through?  I'm getting yours..
04:38.44Qwellmog_home: howdy
04:38.52file[laptop]Qwellish Qwell!
04:39.35shmaltzA fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.
04:39.37shmaltzWinston Churchill
04:39.43JunK-YQwell: nothing here... :(
04:39.51JunK-Yfeel free to msg me.
04:40.06*** join/#asterisk dtev001 (
04:40.16[hC]I would have been able to produce that alot faster if i werent on dialup right now :(
04:40.37dtev001hey there.. evening all.  anyone out there familiar with the odbc module for asterisk... I was wondering if the new 1.2 or 1.2.2 versions support calling mysql 5.0 stored procedures from the MYSQL() function in asterisk
04:40.59justinuright near an airport
04:41.01justinugreat, i can fly there
04:43.20_Sam--i think, but do not know for sure...if you are trying to interact with mysql aside from CDR/Realtime might be easiest to use php to interface with mysql and have asterisk call the php from agi or something
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04:44.08dtev001ok cause i need to update a web app from the ivr, and the php guys only want me to access via the stored procedures..
04:45.06_Sam--i dont understand but ok!
04:45.15_Sam--within the ivr menu you could call php at any step
04:45.21_Sam--and have it do wahtever you want to sql
04:45.36NDT[hC]: hehe...was afk a sec...good work
04:45.37_Sam--at least in my mind you could
04:45.41dtev001yeah... was trying to keep it in extension_custom.conf to keep them from messing w/my stuff :)
04:46.18_Sam--you could
04:46.23_Sam--well maybe
04:46.37_Sam--just include it
04:46.49_Sam--kapil> _Sam--: with newer kernels you can use "tmpfs" instead of a ramdisk. if you
04:46.53_Sam--errrr sorry
04:46.55_Sam--wrong paste
04:47.14*** join/#asterisk Dibbler__ (
04:47.19dtev001my concern was does the mysql add-on use a driver that will choke on calling a stored proc... cause stored proc's are a mysql 5.x thing
04:48.49Qwelldtev001: Can you write a view that calls the SP?
04:49.31dtev001i think so.. i have to check with them, i havent played with the bleeding edge mysql 5.x yet
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04:51.46_Sam--how long has asterisk been able to talk to mysql directly with MYSQL()?
04:51.55Qwell_Sam--: a while
04:52.04_Sam--i always used php to do what i needed
04:52.06dtev001and it works well/fast
04:52.11_Sam--yeah im seeing that now
04:52.13QwellI like func_odbc, heh
04:52.36dtev001maybe i will use perl and call it from exten this way they cant fudge with it
04:54.44_Sam--give me some real world examples of using mysql queries in a dialplan aside from doing comparisons on caller id?
04:56.17dtev001sure.. looking up a users account balance..
04:56.31_Sam--i see
04:56.57dtev001or recharging a calling card account
04:57.21litagedoes a softphone/ip phone/ata do jitter buffering, or does asterisk do it?
04:57.24dtev001i actually did one to read back a users stock portfolio
04:57.26_Sam--you do inserts into sql from asterisk?
04:57.44_Sam--like to recharge a calling card?
04:58.25_Sam--i guess the backend stuff that charges the cardholder and manages the account must write to the sql
04:58.37dtev001havent figured that out yet... sent the info to a perl script and did it from there
04:58.38_Sam--the asterisk is just a front end for entering digits
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04:59.09_Sam--interesting stuff
05:00.07trixter_Sam-- give me some real world examples of using mysql queries in a dialplan aside from doing comparisons on caller id?
05:00.11trixterdo you really want that?
05:00.19trixtergotta inystall mysql from addons but its easily possible
05:00.44_Sam--i do that now
05:01.04dtev001trixter -> you can do all sorts of stuff.. screen pop's for caller id's, account info queries, etc.
05:01.05_Sam--we modify caller id via php if the incoming caller id is in our database of customer info
05:01.34dtev001we use mysql() to look up do not call list as well
05:01.53trixterin ael2 format  MYSQL(Connect connid localhost username password database); MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} select * from mytable); MYSQL(Fetch fetchid ${resultid} col1 col2); ...
05:01.58*** join/#asterisk ecronin (
05:02.13dtev001prevent accidental calls to dnc people from sales people extensions. unless they are in our sugarcrm, then it lets em go..
05:02.20trixteryou asked from the dialplan didnt know you were refering to an agi or some external thing ...
05:02.26_Sam--trixter:  i just didnt know any real practical applications of needing to use sql queries in a dialplan..because i never had to..i was looking for examples of what people do with them
05:02.52trixterMYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} SELECT pattern\,route from routes where \'${phonenumber}\' like concat(pattern\,\'%\') and route != \'\' order by length(pattern) desc);
05:03.17trixterthere is my simple but practical example, I have about 467,000 routes in a database mapping country codes, prefixes, etc to specific providers and do LCR
05:03.25ecroninanyone here familiar with the zaptel driver?
05:03.35trixterecronin: no what is that?
05:03.43ecroninlike with its internals
05:04.01dtev001i have 3.6 million people in the NJ do not call list alone :)
05:04.15dtev001trixter & sam... here is an example
05:04.16trixterhow many are wireless?
05:04.21dtev001exten => s,7,MYSQL(Query resultid ${testdb} SELECT\ `phone`\ FROM\ `cc_card`\ WHERE\ `username`=\"${Secret}")
05:04.21dtev001exten => s,8,Noop(result1 ${resultid})
05:04.21dtev001exten => s,9,GotoIf($[empty${resultid} = empty]?30:10)
05:04.21dtev001exten => s,10,MYSQL(Fetch foundrow ${resultid} phone)
05:04.21dtev001exten => s,11,Noop(phone ${phone})
05:04.22dtev001exten => s,12,GotoIf($["${foundrow}" = "1"]?100:30
05:04.24dtev001exten => s,30,Playback(wrong-try-again-smarty)
05:04.26dtev001exten => s,31,Goto(testdb,s,3)
05:04.28dtev001exten => s,100,AGI(|You Are Current Balance is ${credit} dollars)
05:04.34jbotfrom memory, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
05:04.40trixterwireless is illegal to call regardless of DnC status per 47 CFR 64.1200 and 16 CFR 310
05:04.58_Sam--nice i should be copying some of these down :)
05:05.10dtev001doesnt stop people... i get calls on my cell
05:05.25_Sam--that gives me some ideas for my dotcom biz...
05:05.42_Sam--i could provide some more automated tools via tel
05:06.00trixterits illegal to do that with an automatic dialer unless you have prior written consent effectively
05:06.00dtev001sam: yeah its a WOW feature for customers :)
05:06.18ecroninI'd like to decode a non-standard DTMF tone, and I think from reading the driver that this is done in hardware on fxs...  anyone know if this is the case?
05:06.37dtev001trixter: there are exceptions, political surveys & collection calls are just 2
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05:06.48trixterbut regardless, the national DnC is $15,400/year despite the fact that anything the government creates aside from national security things is public domain and they cant sell ...  sigh
05:07.00trixterdtev001: not for mobiles just for the DnC
05:07.04dtev001i know we paid it
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05:07.23trixterI got it exempt becuase one of my customers didnt qualiufy to honor it but they wanted to :)
05:07.29trixterbut its illegal for me to share it, go figure
05:07.29dtev001trixter: i understand the fee.. someone has to pay those govt employees to maintain the list LOL
05:07.40dtev001trixter: yep me too..
05:07.54dtev001someone should sue under FIA (freedom of information act)
05:08.20trixterthe problem is that its a combo fcc and ftc thing, and the fcc is basicalyl an unconstitutional agency anyway
05:08.51trixterseperation of powers doctrine, yet the fcc has enforcement (executive) court (judicial) and rule making (legislative) departments
05:09.11dtev001trixter: yeah thats why i havent heard of anyone getting fined and actually paying it yet.
05:09.28trixterthen there is the interference with states rights against the 10th amendment and body of the constitution itself ...  basically they can only do something if it involves interstate and foreign commerce and a local telephone call doesnt generally
05:10.01dtev001here is a question... is there a way to stream live audio to your music on hold ?
05:10.08trixterso technically  the FCC doesnt have the power to pass any rules over that, nor does congress have any power to pass laws enabling the fcc to do that, but as long as people accept things like this they will continue
05:10.15trixterdtev001: yes
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05:10.23dtev001how ?
05:11.15trixteryou can specify a url for mpg123 instead of files, which is generally the easiest
05:11.20dtev001cool, now i just need to see if bloomberg or cnbc stream to a supported format :)
05:11.34trixterthat would be illegal
05:11.40trixterunless you buy a license of course
05:11.49dtev001we subscribe to it :)
05:11.59trixtersubscribe with redistribution rights?
05:12.16dtev001we have it working on a legacy phone system... it was one of the make or breaks for replacing with asterisk
05:12.22trixterwhen you use music or any content for MoH you are effectively redistributing
05:12.28trixterwhy you cant just rip a CD and stick it in there
05:12.38dtev001cause cnbc is live..
05:12.42mog_homethats why we give some away
05:12.48mog_homebecause it can get tricky
05:13.22trixteryeah there are a couple of royalty free sites out there, there are people that create their own content and distro it royalty free, BMG for a small-medium pbx would be like $200/year for its titles iirc
05:13.37dtev001seems the brokers think that customers like listening to it while they are on hold
05:13.46trixterbut anything roytaly free is perfectly fine ...  radio stations generally arent because they want you to pay to rebroadcast :/
05:14.08trixterMIT got an exemption for some of what they were doing becuase htey did have a license and tied it into their existing license ...  although there was a stink about em oding that
05:14.22dtev001trixter: yeah, we have some kind of arrangement already cause its been working for a while and I remember seeing a bill
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05:14.53trixterfor streaming media here is the really stupid part..  an average radio station pays like $0.02 per song they play to the label.  if that same radio station streams their broadcast they are expected to pay $0.05/song in addition!@#$!@$#!  that is messed up
05:15.30dtev001another question... has anyone used videophones with asterisk... any recommendations
05:15.36trixterthat may have changed, I know that many radio stations are starting to go back on and stream so aparently some lciensing settlements were reached it wasnt that long ago when most radio stations totally dropped their streams becuase of that
05:16.16mog_homeyes there is innomedia
05:16.23mog_homeand now grandstream dtev001
05:16.52dtev001mog_home: anything special to do on asterisk to make it work ?
05:17.16mog_homein sip.conf
05:17.43dtev001wow that's easy...
05:17.52dtev001any idea what ports it uses ?
05:17.55mog_homebut we cant transcode video
05:17.57mog_homeit uses rtp
05:17.59mog_homefor sip
05:18.21dtev001ok so my std firewall config will work..
05:18.26mog_homeand we support h.263 and soon h.264
05:18.36dtev001do both the phones have to be the same type (since we cant transcode)
05:20.17dtev001where do i configure moh again ?
05:20.58dtev001trixter: sorry i should say where do i configure moh to stream from a source (want to test)
05:22.08dtev001just change the mp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
05:22.17dtev001to mp3: websource ?
05:24.16trixteryeah why not
05:24.47trixtermp3:  or whatever should work cause its passed to mpg123
05:24.59trixtersome people have reported they need to specify an empty directory as well or it doesnt work
05:25.14trixterwell a directory with 1 0 byte file ..  I never had to but some people have said they did
05:26.07*** join/#asterisk Hmmmm (n=Hmmmm@
05:26.30dtev001i will try it tommorrow
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05:31.32mog_homehmm gnite
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05:52.26sivanahow would I convert this to the new CDR() function?  exten => s,1,GotoIf($[$ACCOUNTCODE != ""],s,gotac)
05:54.04Corydon76-homeThat doesn't work anyway
05:54.19sivanais the CDR(ACCOUNTCODE) still a variable
05:54.31sivanawhat do you mean
05:55.04sivanais it case sensitive?
05:55.12Corydon76-homeThe CDR is
05:55.32sivanaok, so all the names are lower case
05:55.33Corydon76-homeAll functions are all uppercase
05:55.51sivanaand the variable?
05:55.51Corydon76-homeActually, I think the keywords are all insensitive
05:56.10sivanaexten => s,1,GotoIf($[${CDR(accountcode)} != ""],s,gotac)
05:56.29sivanaso this should work?
05:58.05Corydon76-homeI'd use the other syntax, but yeah
05:58.23Corydon76-home$[foo${FOO} = foo]
05:58.25*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
05:58.43trixterit takes a pretty insensitive coder to disregard the 5th bit like that
05:58.53sivanawhat other syntax?
05:59.09Corydon76-homePrefixing both with a constant
05:59.13Corydon76-homeas in above
05:59.54sivanatrying to default the accountcode if it's blank
06:00.35sivanaand convert it all to the new formats
06:01.17Qwell$[${LEN(${FOO})} == 0]
06:01.35Qwellor, 1 =?
06:01.48Qwell-eq, heh
06:01.50Corydon76-homejust 1
06:01.58sivana$[${LEN(${ACCOUNTCODE})} == 0] ?
06:02.09Corydon76-homeJust a single =
06:02.15QwellGotoIf($[${LEN(${FOO})} = 0])
06:02.23sivanaso to check if there's something I can > 0 ?
06:02.29Qwell!= 0
06:02.33sivanaah :)
06:02.54sivanaso ${ACCOUNTCODE} is still valie
06:02.56Qwellcan ${LEN()} return -1?
06:02.59Qwellsivana: sure
06:03.09Corydon76-homeQwell: no
06:03.14sivanabut to set it, then I do CDR(accountcode) = blah
06:03.36Corydon76-homeYou don't have enough memory for LEN to return negative
06:03.38Qwelluse CDR() for both
06:03.51Corydon76-homesivana: yes
06:04.35sivanaJan 10 00:57:55 WARNING[1439]: pbx.c:1098 pbx_retrieve_variable: ${ACCOUNTCODE} is deprecated.  Please use ${CDR(accountcode)} instead.
06:05.24Corydon76-homeUh, is that your production machine?
06:05.25sivanaGotoIf($[${LEN(${CDR(accountcode)}})} !=0)
06:05.35Qwellgod that's ugl
06:05.38Corydon76-homeWhy are you using trunk for production?
06:05.45sivanacuz I like living on the edge :)
06:05.49Corydon76-homeYou should be using 1.2
06:05.58sivanaya, probably
06:05.59Qwell1.2 doesn't have func_odbc. ;)
06:06.05Corydon76-homeWe're about to break trunk.  Hard.
06:06.15sivanaok.. I won't update it again then :)
06:06.22Corydon76-homeNo, but func_odbc will compile in 1.2 just fine
06:06.29*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
06:06.40QwellI'll use 1.2 when I actually move to production, maybe
06:06.47QwellI watch the commits, so I'm good
06:06.51sivanaI'm actually provisioning a new box... so I'm trying to bring my confs up to snuff
06:07.11Qwell(and I dev at work, so...)
06:07.16Corydon76-homeYeah, those deprecated warnings are only in trunk, not 1.2
06:07.36Corydon76-homeThey'll continue to be there in 1.4
06:07.46sivanaso this would correct then?  GotoIf($[${LEN(${CDR(accountcode)}})} !=0)
06:07.47Qwellthen, whammo
06:07.49Corydon76-homeand removed for 1.6
06:07.54*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
06:08.04Qwellsivana: no
06:08.13Qwellgot an extra }
06:08.14sivanamissing closing ]
06:08.24Qwelland that
06:08.30Qwellremove the second }
06:08.40Qwelland put the ] after the 0
06:09.00sivanaso this would correct then?  GotoIf($[${LEN(${CDR(accountcode)})} !=0])
06:09.06Qwellshould be good
06:09.12sivanathat is ugly :)
06:09.21Corydon76-homeExcept that you don't have a target for your GotoIf
06:09.26jbotrumour has it, striplastdigit is ${EXTEN:0:$[${LEN(${EXTEN})} - 1]} , will remove the last digit from EXTEN, making 5551212 become 555121.  Change the "1" to remove more digits.
06:09.29QwellTHAT is ugly
06:09.31*** join/#asterisk watchy (
06:09.35watchyanyone seen "
06:09.43sivanaexten => s,1,GotoIf($[${LEN(${CDR(accountcode)})} !=0],s,gotac)
06:09.43Qwellwatchy: No, but I've seen '
06:09.47watchyanyone seen "Protocol Application Invalid" on a 7960?
06:09.58DrJones1i have
06:09.59watchythe phone was working fine like 2months ago
06:10.01Corydon76-homesivana: change the first comma to a question mark
06:10.03DrJones1you have to steup the firmware
06:10.04DrJones1for some reason
06:10.06DrJones1no idea why
06:10.07watchyi just turned it on tonight to do some shit
06:10.11watchyand it gives that
06:10.19watchyDrJones1. got a website on what to do?
06:10.34sivanaCorydon76-home: darn.. all my macros had a comma
06:10.36sivanaGotoIf($[${LEN(${CDR(accountcode)})} !=0]?s,gotac)
06:10.42DrJones1watchy not really
06:10.50DrJones1just get lots of cisco firmwares
06:10.54DrJones1its in the cisco sdatabase
06:10.56DrJones1as a known problem
06:11.28watchywhys this thing gotta do this shit. it was working fine
06:12.16watchyi cant even get into the config on the damn phone
06:12.40sivanaso I don't use SET() anymore for it?
06:13.11Corydon76-homeYeah, you use Set
06:13.14Corydon76-homeJust not SetVar
06:16.24sivanaif accountcode is blank, it checks arg 2 to see if there is a value
06:16.56Qwellmissing a } on the second LEN
06:17.22*** join/#asterisk salmandr (
06:17.34sivanaright after the )
06:17.50watchyanyone able to point me where to get a 7960g sip image?
06:18.05sivanawatchy: I think you need to get it from Cisco?
06:18.23watchyi dunno
06:18.26watchyi just need it
06:18.36watchycan i console into this phone using a cisco cable?
06:18.43sivanaya, but I think you need to buy it from Cisco
06:18.53sivanacisco firmware isn't free
06:18.57watchywell i got sip image like 7.4
06:19.07watchybut i need teh image to reflash this fone
06:19.09watchyif its a bad flash
06:19.26sivanayou should be able to get it from your TAC account
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06:19.37watchyi rarely deal with cisco stuff
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06:19.41watchyso i sure aint got a tac acct
06:20.07sivananot sure what the cost is for a maint contract, but it's not expensive for voip firmware
06:20.23sivanathen you can download it as much as you want
06:20.32*** join/#asterisk Navman (n=icechat5@
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06:20.49watchyi'll just google till i find i t on some ftp
06:22.26harry8has anybody had any problems loading ztdummy on FC1?
06:22.42harry8when I load that module, I don't get the voice prompts
06:23.00harry8but when i remove it, it works fine, I don't have this problem in FC4
06:23.21harry8the reason i need ztdummy is for meetme()
06:24.21sivanathanks Qwell / Corydon76-home  for the help
06:27.00kuku5what is the best free windows soft phone ?
06:27.18sivanaI like xlite.. not sure if it's freely available anymore
06:29.11sivanaif not, let me know, I have it
06:29.21*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
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06:30.14watchyi think i fixed the phone sigmounte_
06:30.20watchyi did a factory reset
06:30.24CpuIDhey ppls, anyone ever come across * picking up calls on zaptel channels...but not actually picking them up? according to the * console its picking up and going through the IVR menu, yet all i hear on the handset calling from the other end is it still ringing
06:30.38CpuIDfirst time its ever come up here, seems quite disturbing
06:31.27watchyhmm ok maybe that didnt fix it
06:31.43watchyi need a dhcp server
06:34.34harry8are there any alternatives to ztdummy for a pure voip setup
06:35.31sivanaharry8: for timing?
06:35.51*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
06:36.09QwellThat *is* the alternative.
06:36.14sivanadoesn't 2.6 use USB or something
06:36.40sivanaI think for 2.4 you're stuck with ztdummy
06:36.59sivanaoh.. there's an astrtc hack somewhere...
06:37.00*** part/#asterisk Navman (n=icechat5@
06:37.01Qwellstill need ztdummy with 2.6
06:37.05sivanasomething like that
06:37.35harry8on fc1
06:37.50harry8when i use ztdummy, i get no sound from the voicemail or conference
06:38.07harry8of fc4 it works but the audio is choppy on SMP - works on non SMP
06:38.13Qwellvoicemail doesn't use a timer
06:38.25harry8i get no streaming
06:38.32QwellThen it's unrelated..
06:38.33sivanao ic... on 2.4, ztdummy uses USB
06:39.49harry8but then there is no sound
06:39.59harry8when I unload the ztdummy module
06:40.01harry8it works
06:40.09harry8rmmod ztdummy
06:42.01harry8interesting, i guess asterisk really needs to run on hardware not just virtual machines heheh
06:42.35harry8maybe that's why I'm getting choppy audio, since vmware the usb interface is emulated
06:43.26harry8oh well live and learn :p
06:45.16lilothere'll be a small server restart in a few moments; affected users, about 1,300
06:45.39Qwellokay, go ahead
06:46.00Qwellnot hang...dear lord
06:46.15*** join/#asterisk Jabroni (
06:48.14watchyimn going home
06:48.22watchyill fix this cisco phone tommorow or try
06:48.54watchythis protocol application invalid sucks
06:49.48*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
06:50.46Hmmmmim new to asterisk, can someone suggest a doc to help me get started with setting up an fc4 asterisk server?
06:50.54sivanagot I hate infomercials... they're so lame
06:51.04jbotdocs is, like, probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
06:51.17sivanastart here:
06:52.06*** join/#asterisk CANO-1982 (i=alejandr@
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06:58.11harry8is asterisk planning on supporting shared lines?
06:58.37drumkillaooh, Asterisk has AI?
07:02.32SkramXAsterisk is your daddy
07:03.48sivanawho's your daddy
07:04.17*** join/#asterisk tainted_ (
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07:05.06tainted_which companies to toll-free origination?
07:05.10sivanawe do
07:05.27SkramXsivana: uh, no ads in #asterisk, I thought
07:05.29tainted_sivana what price?
07:05.48sivanahe asked a question :)
07:05.51sivanaand we do :)
07:06.01sivanaso does Broadvoice, Nufone, Teliax, etc...
07:06.01SkramXsivana: yalls website isnt even up
07:06.09sivanawhat website? :p
07:06.42tainted_i'm looking for around 2-3/min
07:06.49sivanatry Nufone
07:06.55sivanathat's only US origin
07:07.11tainted_u guys don't do us only?
07:07.24sivanawe can, but the rate's the same
07:07.34tainted_what is that in USD
07:08.21sivanaabout .427
07:08.41sivanaif you only need US origin.. I'd use Nufone
07:09.39sivanasorry.. 0.0437
07:09.43sivanaack 427
07:10.27sivanaTeliax has it at Incoming Toll-free .029/min
07:10.42*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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07:10.42sivanaNufone has it a 0.02
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07:24.19CpuIDyep server reboots
07:24.58Peggerhey do most of the voip componies like nufone and other just buy a bunch of t1 lines
07:25.24Peggerand then the diffrent customers just share the diffrent lines
07:25.35Peggeror is there somethign that I am missing
07:26.14sivanawell... they probably have a limited number of trunk lines.. probably in groups of PRIs or DS3s
07:26.34Peggersivana, well yes they are limited by the numebr of lines that they have
07:26.46sivanaNufone I think has DS3s
07:26.55Peggerwhat about the international stuff
07:27.05sivanawhen you close a channel, it's available for someone else
07:27.06Peggerhow many lines is a ds3 3t1?
07:27.12sivananot sure.. it's a shit load
07:27.31Peggersivana i get the chanel closes and then somewone else can then use it
07:27.34*** join/#asterisk watchy- (
07:27.35sivanaI believe they route their international to their trunk provider
07:27.44sivanaNufone is all TDM
07:27.46watchy-man this damn protocol error is pissing me off
07:27.49sivanathey don't have any VoIP routes
07:27.50Peggersivana, who is their trunk provider?
07:28.15sivanaI'm not sure... they may use a couple..
07:28.36sivanabut it would be someone like Level 3 or Global Crossing or their called
07:28.37Peggersivana, what are some of them?
07:28.50Peggeroah ok
07:29.07sivanathey buy millions of minutes and then resell them
07:29.15Peggerwow that must be a complicated dialplan
07:29.27sivanaprobably not
07:29.41sivanaif you have 3 carriers.. then you only need to do a failover
07:30.14Peggerwell you have one context for all of the us and those calls go out on the ds3
07:30.29Peggerand then anything else goes out on the trunk right
07:30.40sivanads3 = trunk
07:30.51watchy-anyone know how to get console access to a 7960g
07:31.13Peggersivana oha ok well you dont think they have any pstn lines?
07:31.21sivanathat's it
07:31.28sivanads3 = trunk = pstn access
07:31.34Peggerwatchy  can i pm you
07:31.47watchy-go for it homie
07:31.57Peggersivana,  i get some of the terms confused they are so many
07:32.04sivanads3 = A carrier of 45 Mbps bandwidth. One DS3 channel can carry 28 DS1 channels.
07:32.07watchy-i wonder why this phone would work fine for like months then just not work
07:32.20sivana= 28 T-1 channels
07:32.45sivana= 672 voice circuits
07:33.02watchy-thats alot
07:33.26Peggerwow that is a lot of phone lines
07:33.47jbotsomebody said ds3 was 23 T1 channels, or 672 individual B channels.
07:33.58Peggerso how big a server woudl you need to be able to handle that much traffic??
07:34.09sivananot sure :)
07:34.11dudesis a DS3 28 T1's
07:34.24sivanaI think so... I think jbot is wrong
07:34.28sivanaor google is :)
07:34.29dudesI think so too
07:35.17dudes672/24 = 28
07:35.48sivanajbot, ds3 is 28 T1 channels, or 672 individual B channels.
07:35.49jbot...but ds3 is already something else...
07:35.56Peggersivana, so how redicilous a machine would you need to be able to handle 672 channels
07:36.06sivanaprobably more than  one :)
07:36.22sivanajbot, ds3 is 28 T1 channels, or 672 individual B channels.
07:36.24jbot...but ds3 is already something else...
07:36.29Peggersivana, well is a dS3 supsos to be one cable?
07:36.34jbotfrom memory, ds3 is 23 T1 channels, or 672 individual B channels.
07:36.46sivanaPegger: it's probably delivered over fiber
07:37.17Peggersivana, then how would you convert it to something that a digum card can understand
07:38.09wunderkinjbot, no a ds3 is 28 T1 channels, or 672 individual B channels.
07:38.10jbotokay, wunderkin
07:38.13sivanaI'm not sure.. I don't work with them.. I'm still at DS1 :)
07:38.19jbotextra, extra, read all about it, ds3 is 28 T1 channels, or 672 individual B channels.
07:38.24sivanaaah.. that's what I forgot
07:39.08Peggerso if it came in on fiber how would you make it so a digum card would be able to understand it ?
07:39.34wunderkindemux it to t1s, you are crazy to put a whole ds3 in one box anyway
07:39.42sivanait might be a BNC cable... and I'm sure you'll need another piece of equipment between your box and the card
07:40.43watchy-i hate cisco
07:41.11watchy-i hope they go bankrupt
07:41.56sivanacan't find a sip image?
07:42.02sivanait's only like $60 or something
07:42.08sivanaless than $100 I'm sure
07:42.32watchy-i need it right now
07:43.42*** join/#asterisk MatsK (n=mk@
07:43.49sivanait's a violation to give it out.. and most people respect their agreement with Cisco
07:44.00sivanaespecially for the money they pay :)
07:44.10*** join/#asterisk Fantasy (
07:44.27watchy-well i got 2 7960s
07:44.35watchy-ones broke cause cisco is a bunch of cock suckers
07:44.38sivanajust buy 1 maintenance agreement
07:44.38watchy-i just wanna fix it
07:44.54watchy-i dont mind buying shit
07:44.57Qwellsell it for cheap
07:44.58*** join/#asterisk Hakan (
07:45.00watchy-i just want firmware now to fix it
07:45.08watchy-i got stuff i gotta get done tommorow
07:45.13QwellI'll give you $100 for the broken 7960
07:46.01sivanathen you can take that and buy the TAC for the other one :)
07:46.11watchy-im rich i dont need $
07:46.14watchy-i just need firmware
07:46.20QwellThen give me the broken 7960, and quit bitching
07:46.27watchy-and i really doubt cisco will send me firmware in 5minutes
07:46.49sivanawell, you could call first thing tomorrow and ask for a rush
07:46.59Qwelland in 3 weeks, you'll have a working phone
07:47.02sivanaI personally doubt you'll find free firmware tonight
07:47.17watchy-id paypal a bitch $20 for it haha
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07:47.28watchy-jesus christ i just want my phone to work
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07:48.04watchy-it broke for no reason
07:48.07sivanaHe might help, but I doubt it
07:48.23watchy-yea i doubt it to since he dont exist
07:48.34QwellSo what, Christmas is a scam?
07:48.39Qwellgreat...just great
07:48.43QwellWhat's next, Santa is fake?
07:48.52sivanaand the tooth fairy... sorry
07:49.12watchy-yea christmas sucks
07:51.08sivanaalright.. I'm going to bed.. it's 2:50am and I need to be up in 3 hrs.. hehe
07:51.41watchy-im going to kill myselfd because cisco sucks
07:53.57jyukesyo who has cheapest DIDs right now?  XO, GlobalCrossing, Level3?
07:59.07*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (n=bkw_@
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08:02.30Peggerjyukes, how much do did ushilly cost from the big guys?
08:02.39Peggerlike xo and level3
08:03.48watchy-how the hell do i register to get sip software?
08:04.00Qwellwatchy-: get a support contract
08:04.33Qwelldunno, try like cdw
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08:05.21watchy-i wish i had a gun id shoot myself
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08:20.37PeggerGordo, i woudl not think so
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08:24.27GordoPegger: do you have anything you can chekc it against..?
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08:30.07Peggerso sip set up presently
08:30.16bsdfreakanyone know of a good program for windows that allows someone to use bluetooth to detect the presence of their cell phone and when it's not detected have asterisk (through the manager or otherwise) forward calls to that cell?
08:30.22Peggeri am trying to get it working at home behind  my firewall
08:30.43bsdfreakAsterisk Desktop Manager claimed to have this functionality, but it looks like the bluetooth plugin was removed
08:32.11Peggerthat would be neat to have for my linux box, somethign that jsut runs in the background
08:32.25*** join/#asterisk agh (n=agh@
08:32.29bsdfreakwell ADM used to do that for linux, too, evidently
08:32.52aghhi gays
08:33.00hugo-v6gd morning
08:33.05aghi have probelem can any bodey help my
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08:34.46aghi want config cisco with asterisk any body nows
08:35.46hugo-v6is it possible to adjust the sound-gains for sip-phones on asterisk?
08:36.12aghyes you can
08:36.25*** part/#asterisk startu_net (n=startu@
08:36.39aghyou must set codec for you probelem hugo-v6
08:37.25Mimmusis anyone in a good mood to suggest me some good low-cost IP phone?
08:38.00MimmusI tried a few of ATCom AT-320 but results are below expectations
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08:38.43aghany body nows how config cisco fxo with asterisk ?
08:39.57aghany body see my massege ?
08:41.31*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
08:42.01{zombie}agh: I see it
08:42.04hugo-v6agh: what do u mean? i set disallow=all \n allow=ulaw
08:43.19{zombie}agh: but you probably need to be a little more clear about exactly what you are trying to do.
08:43.44{zombie}have you seen this page?
08:44.41aghzombie: i see this link and set up but incomming csll from the psdn not route
08:47.13aghhugo-v6: see this link
08:49.51*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (
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08:54.58hugo-v6agh: i looked at this link already a few times, but looked again and cant find a option concerning my problem. may you bump my nose in it?
08:55.08QwellMy mission: Get 5-6 people in an IRC channel to switch to IAX/SIP from Skype...
08:55.12QwellThink it'll be difficult? :D
08:55.30zoayes it won't work
08:56.27IkarusHrm, my phone number just disappaered
08:56.58*** join/#asterisk potsboy (n=chrisg@
08:57.07aghhugo-v6:you must ajust the your phone codec
08:58.16hugo-v6agh: any suggestions? i use ulaw
08:59.05hugo-v6and we call via asterisk into pstn (via isdn)
08:59.48potsboyhey all, idea's on what cause this: WARNING[4467]: chan_zap.c:2282 pri_find_dchan: No D-channels available!  Using Primary channel 95 as D-channel anyway! ?
09:00.29*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
09:01.19*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
09:01.34Mimmusis grandstream budgetone 102 a good phone?
09:02.04Qwellnothing with the word "grandstream" is "good"
09:02.08Qwellnot in the slightest
09:02.22h3xthe atas probably arent as bad as the phones but they still sucks
09:02.25h3xsuck too
09:03.07Mimmussuggestion for another low-cost phone?
09:03.41aghany body can set cisco for incomming call to cisco ?
09:03.51aghto asterisk
09:03.59aghany body can set cisco for incomming call to asterisk pbx
09:04.13*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
09:04.20aghany body can set cisco for incomming call to asterisk pbx
09:04.21Qwellagh: try asking again.  I don't think everybody heard you the first 8 times
09:05.02MimmusI cannot propose an IP phone at 100 Euro ($) when an analog phone costs 20!
09:05.14QwellMimmus: then don't..
09:05.28Qwelltelephony isn't cheap
09:05.30aghqwell:whats you recommnad ?
09:05.35h3xanalog phones cost more coz of the adapter you need to use
09:05.36h3xsort of
09:05.39Qwellagh: I recommend you stop asking every 30 seconds
09:06.01hugo-v6Mimmus: the sipura phone is well too and doesnt cost that much. also got allnet a new phone (based on sipura)
09:06.32Mimmussipura... I will look...
09:06.52*** join/#asterisk dasuberdavid (
09:06.52h3xsipura is now cisco/linksys
09:07.02h3xlinksys 941 is a good phone
09:07.19hugo-v6aeh s/allnet/linksys/ damn
09:07.24hugo-v6i meant linksys
09:07.45hugo-v6but i still dont get it in .de
09:07.55h3xuse snom in .de
09:08.02aghqwell: stop man
09:08.04hugo-v6i _do_ use snom ;)
09:08.08hugo-v6the 190's
09:08.25*** join/#asterisk opus_ (
09:08.26QwellStop what?
09:08.28Mimmussnom is too expensive, 170Euro
09:08.42QwellMimmus: telephony ain't need to understand that
09:08.44nfi|ermesanyone knows what this can mean ?
09:08.44Mimmusthus sipura/cisco/linklsys is the same thing
09:08.46opus_how did asterisk 1.2.1 change music on hold .conf file in regards to classes?
09:08.47QwellGo price an Avaya or Nortel
09:08.54hugo-v6Mimmus: not in ek ;) and my last customer got them for about 120+taxes ;)
09:09.17hugo-v6does nortel now support sip?
09:09.24Qwellgot me
09:09.39Qwellbut their POS PBX will cost you tens of thousands for just a few lines
09:10.13MimmusQwell: ok, but an headphone+microphone works well and costs 2-3E!
09:10.27QwellThen do that
09:10.31Mimmushugo-v6: what's ek?
09:10.46Qwellbut, softphones cannot be passed as a telephony solution
09:10.58hugo-v6Mimmus: sorry was .de and means purchase price
09:12.15hugo-v6damn its sad that there is no tx/rx gain setting for sip
09:12.15Qwellhugo-v6: there don't need to be any
09:12.15Qwelljust raise/lower your volume
09:12.16MimmusQwell: of course. But I need tofind a good compromise cost/quality (as usual)
09:12.31QwellMimmus: quality stops at the door when you use crap hardware (grandstream) or softphones
09:12.51Mimmushugo-v6: I know that in germany there are good prices. I will look at germen online reseller
09:13.02hugo-v6Qwell: u mean lower mic volume?
09:13.04nfi|ermesanyone knows what this can mean ?
09:13.05Qwellhugo-v6: yes
09:13.24hugo-v6Mimmus: damn me i still dont sell online :/
09:13.25opus_spend more now, or spend even more later :)
09:13.32MimmusQwell: in fact, my Atcom sucks but my 1,5Euro headphones rocks!
09:13.40hugo-v6Qwell: hmmm ill try that. thanks for the hint
09:14.03Qwellhugo-v6: If you're getting echo on SIP, there is a big problem
09:15.41hugo-v6Qwell: i got an echo on all (snom) phones: the caller on the sip-phone hears himself realy loud. the called doesnt hear it but normal sound.
09:16.05Qwellwasn't there a firmware issue with the snoms, that caused echo?
09:16.14Qwellmight've been another phone
09:16.26hugo-v6wohoo nice bot :>
09:16.38*** join/#asterisk Simon- (i=byte@2001:4bd0:1000:1:2e0:4cff:feed:1cfb)
09:16.43RoyK~seen wasim
09:16.46jbotwasim <n=wasim@pdpc/supporter/active/wasim> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 5h 1m 27s ago, saying: 'hehe'.
09:17.23hugo-v6Qwell: the next thing ill do now is calling snom (beside that in rel. notes of one firmware they told they got echo cancellation now)
09:19.28Qwellbed time
09:19.37hugo-v6sleep well Qwell
09:20.01hugo-v6here its 10h20 am
09:20.27Mimmushugo-v6: eh eh, in Italy too
09:20.50hugo-v6Mimmus: since we got same timezone ;)
09:21.26hugo-v6so... i have to move my poor ass now to $customer.
09:21.29hugo-v6l8r ppl
09:32.34*** join/#asterisk [gfe]tHermO (n=[gfe]tHe@
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09:33.40Mimmusand what's about polycom?
09:34.37*** join/#asterisk lehel (n=ddd@
09:36.09Ikarushrm, getting the message zaphfc: empty HDLC frame or bad CRC received (framelen = 4, stat = 0xff)., anyone got an idea what setting other then signalling I would have to change (tried both bri_cpe and bri_cpe_ptmp)
09:36.21oejQwell: MOrning!
09:37.07kippihey died already?
09:38.35zoano it didnt afaik
09:38.36*** join/#asterisk nextime (
09:38.53oejzoa: Happy new Year!
09:38.58zoaprobably just some problems with the server
09:38.58kippiis there away to push text to my handsets? are there any bits of software that let you do this? I have Grandstream GXP-2000
09:39.00zoahey olle
09:39.09zoachestito nova godina
09:39.19oejzoa: Gott Nytt Ar!
09:40.11zoathat sounds like a disease!!!
09:40.34opus_musiconhold is suppose to play a mp3 infinitely right? -- so if it hangs up then there probably is a bug, eh?
09:41.02zoasounds like it yes
09:42.10Mimmuswhere can I look for problems when my conversations drop sometime for 0.5-1.0 sec?
09:42.24*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (n=darkskie@
09:42.50opus_mimmus zaptel timmer and asterisk doesn't work that well anyway
09:43.04opus_well:) if you use the asynchronous meetme patch:)
09:44.18opus_I wonder why that patch never made it into trunk? I tried patching that to 1.2.1 but ran into problems
09:45.00Mimmusopus_: any help? zttool gives me always 100%
09:45.21opus_Mimmus iax, sip, what are you doing when you get the drop?
09:46.15Mimmusopus_: sip at both ends or sip + PRI
09:46.51Mimmusopus_: it is only a brief drop but is not comfortable
09:46.57opus_mimmus, if it happeneds on pure sip then it is network problems. try checking the tos bit with 'tcpdump -i eth0 udp -vvvv'
09:47.15opus_mimmus check to make sure all your hardware gear is in full-duplex mode
09:47.30opus_mimmus make sure its 100% 802.1p compatible..
09:47.35*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
09:47.36Mimmusopus_: interesting... is tos bit a phone setting?
09:48.17*** join/#asterisk IronHelix (
09:48.50Mimmusopus_: I have TOS=0 on my phone
09:48.57opus_thats your problem
09:49.02opus_you want tos=0x18 atleast
09:49.29Mimmusopus_: but if I haven't QoS on my network do I need to set it anyway?
09:49.42opus_nope, there is no point.
09:50.48opus_unless you know how to send packets back into time
09:51.03opus_oej is working on a patch for it i bet
09:51.59Mimmusopus_: ok, I understand... but I think that my network is 'good' (100 Mbps full-switched, no cacaded switches, one-port for device, etc)
09:54.25opus_just look up the  model number and 802.1p in google
09:54.53*** join/#asterisk IronHelix (
09:55.05opus_anyone know a really good lame/sox script that can 'fix' my mp3 files?
09:59.39*** join/#asterisk viLeR (i=1000@
10:02.00*** join/#asterisk abatista (
10:04.37nfi|ermesanyone knows what this can mean ?
10:05.42opus_how do I create a RIFF file?
10:05.45*** join/#asterisk fourcheeze (n=rich@
10:07.28RoyKwtf is a riff file?
10:07.37MrChimpyrasterised iff
10:07.46MrChimpyor is it audio
10:07.47MrChimpyi forget
10:07.55iDunnoaudio, isn't it
10:07.55opus_i'm going to RIFF somebodies balls out
10:08.04RoyKa jazz riff
10:08.05MrChimpymy memory of them is back in the distant early 90s
10:08.06iDunnothough it might be a Rasterised TIFF
10:08.14MrChimpyyeah, it's audio :)
10:09.28Mimmusopus_: I'm looking at 802.1p... it doesn't seem too difficult to implement..
10:11.37*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
10:12.52opus_musiconhold doesn't like anything i'm giving it
10:14.47*** join/#asterisk vivekjj (i=1076@
10:15.46vivekjjhello everybody
10:15.57nfi|ermescan you help me to understand this debug  ?
10:16.23nfi|ermeswhat the hell is
10:16.33RoyKa generic nfi
10:16.59vivekjjcan anyone tell me how do I get sip calls comming from other servers
10:17.02RoyKor perhaps a wtf
10:17.26nfi|ermesnfi ? wtf ?
10:17.33jbothmm... nfi is No Fucking Idea
10:17.40vivekjjdo incomming calls comming from other sip servers land in sip.conf or iax.conf
10:17.48RoyK~wtf is wtf
10:17.53RoyK~wtf wtf
10:18.04RoyK~wtf nfi
10:18.15RoyK~lart nfi|ermes
10:18.29vivekjjscardinal: do incomming calls comming from other sip servers land in sip.conf or iax.conf
10:18.47RoyKvivekjj: all calls 'land' in extensions.conf
10:19.12RoyK(sip|iax|*).conf just define _where_ in extensions.conf they are handled
10:19.40vivekjjRoyK:  how do i tell my asterisk that the calls are comming from there, and how does it come to know where to land up in extensions.conf
10:19.47iDunnoincoming calls end up in extensions.conf :)
10:19.58iDunnobecause you've told it what context it's in, surely :P
10:20.08vivekjji will try it, thanks
10:20.23vivekjjthanks a lot
10:20.27*** part/#asterisk vivekjj (i=1076@
10:26.51*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
10:39.31saftsackoh well .... iaxcomm uses spandsp :(
10:41.15Mimmussaftsack: what's iaxcomm?
10:42.21zoawhat does it use spandsp for ?
10:42.36saftsackfor converting tiffs in dsps
10:42.39saftsackand on the other way
10:43.00zoabut iaxcomm is a softphone
10:43.40saftsackoh i meant iaxmodem
10:43.45zoaah :)
10:49.06*** join/#asterisk kio (
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11:00.39*** join/#asterisk oej (
11:02.21Mimmusis there any support for sip-over-tcp in Asterisk 1.2.x?
11:02.28*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
11:02.39saftsackis sip not always over tcp?
11:02.43saftsackor is it over udp?
11:02.57Mimmussaftsack: 'normally' is over udp
11:03.00zoasip is over tcp
11:03.03RoyKsip can run over both
11:03.05RoyKbut asterisk only supports sip over udp
11:03.05zoartp is over udp
11:03.09RoyKzoa: and udp...
11:03.09zoaeuh no
11:03.19zoaso both can be both actually
11:03.19RoyKzoa: asterisk only uses sip over udp
11:03.25zoayes correct
11:03.38zoaim sleeping
11:04.01zoamaybe because there are 5 people asking me things while im writing here
11:04.05RoyKzoa: btw, it looks like the sip jb is pretty stable...
11:04.11zoaroyk, told ya so :p
11:04.23zoawe did a few million calls through it
11:04.32RoyKzoa: so now the only problem is..... how stable is asterisk 1.2.....
11:04.38oejIs this in rtp or in channel?
11:04.40zoaless stable then the jitter buffer
11:04.43zoathis is in channel.c
11:04.44zoaim off
11:04.49zoawill be back in 1 hour
11:04.58RoyKlast time we tried upgrading, the server crashed after six hours
11:05.11*** join/#asterisk krstone (
11:06.53kippiis there away that someone could dial 6690 and it would route accross to an external number? exten => 6690,1,Dial(Zap/g1/(01010016690)) ?
11:08.22saftsackwhat are country codes and howto find my country code?
11:09.25*** join/#asterisk EvilRick (
11:09.50EvilRickanyne managed to gook up a UTstarcom 1000 wifi phoen to asterisk
11:09.58EvilRickmines giving me problems
11:11.21IkarusWith BRIstuff I am getting zaphfc: empty HDLC frame or bad CRC received (framelen = 4, stat=0xff) Is it possible that this is simply cable length + bad termination ?
11:16.22nfi|ermesi can t find the fix to this bug :
11:17.08nfi|ermesmarkester writes to have submitted this fixes, but i can t see where
11:17.41saftsack_Sam--, hi are you here?
11:20.12oejnfiermes: That was a long time ago, in 2003
11:21.06saftsacksomeone here has hylafax?
11:21.08nfi|ermesbut the problem is still there, in cvs version, download3ed few time ago
11:21.30oejnfiermes: File a bug report then. A lot has happened since then.
11:22.00*** join/#asterisk stkn (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
11:30.08trixtersaftsack what are country codes and howto find my country code? has a listing largely started by me, but no longer really maintained by me
11:30.25saftsacki think i have 49
11:30.39trixterthere is about 500k entries in the database that astbill has
11:30.42trixterand its not even complete
11:30.45saftsackis the country code the number, which is dialed before the number if i want to dial in my own country?
11:31.15trixtercountry code refers to the number that represents a given country..  44 is the UK 49 germany 1 is 17 countries (that is a mess)
11:31.26trixterhow you set up dialing depends on whether or not you need to dial it
11:31.28saftsackok so i did it right
11:31.58*** join/#asterisk apardo (
11:34.52saftsacktrixter, are you experienced with hylafax?
11:35.34*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
11:35.53saftsacki have hylafax here with 2 modems. one is connected to my tdm card and the other on my fax. howto show hylafax which modem is for dialing out and in and which one is for my fax device?
11:36.19trixterwhy do you have faxes in between your fax and tdm card?
11:36.32nfi|ermescan this adapter :  be considered a sip proxy ?
11:36.35trixteryou can lose potentially some functionality between your fax and the remote fax
11:36.50saftsacktrixter, what do you mean?
11:37.02saftsacki have a fax here connected with a modem to hylafax
11:37.10trixterby having the modems in between the features that are supported would ultimately be that of the modems
11:37.20trixterwhich may not be as robust as the actual faxes involved
11:37.23saftsackand the other modem is connected to asterisk which leads it to isdn
11:37.28trixterand most modems appear to have buggy firmware when it comes to faxing
11:37.42saftsackthat are fax modems
11:37.51trixterand you just plugged the phone jack of your fax machine into a modem?
11:38.16jbotforeign exchange office - type of port you need to connect a POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) line from your telco to a pbx
11:38.23jbotsomebody said fxs was foreign exchange system - or the type of port you need to connect a analog device (phone, fax machine) to a pbx
11:38.23saftsackdid that before but i hate spandsp
11:38.25saftsackbecause i want to archive all faxes
11:38.30trixterread what jbot said
11:38.46trixteryou plugged two fxo devices together they can only speak to an fxs device ...  that wont work
11:38.53trixterwhat generates dialtone?  the fax nor the modem will
11:39.08trixterwhat reads dtmf?  neither generally will
11:39.10saftsacki know what a fxs is and i connected my fax directly to it first and it worked
11:39.18trixteryou need to plug the fax into an fxs device
11:39.24saftsackhmm sure?
11:39.35saftsacki think so too
11:39.37trixteryour fax was able to signal to your modem that it was dialing and your modem was able to answer?
11:39.54saftsackdunno didnt try it
11:39.55trixterthose are pretty nnifty modems
11:40.01trixteryou just said you did
11:40.06trixtersaftsack i know what a fxs is and i connected my fax directly to it first and it worked
11:40.13saftsackyes that worked
11:40.22trixterwell how will two fxo devices talk to each other?
11:40.32saftsackdoesnt work
11:40.32trixtera modem and a fx machine are both fxo devices
11:40.40saftsacki know what you mean and i got it
11:40.45trixterso you cant do it that way no matter what you do with hylafx
11:40.51saftsackbut now is my question are there any fxs devices for hylafax?
11:42.27saftsacktrixter, ?
11:42.43trixterahh..  afaik no hylafax is designed to talk to modems
11:43.00trixteryou could fake it a little but it would take spandsp
11:43.01saftsacktalk to modems?
11:43.16saftsackso hylafax cant send faxes to a fax device?
11:43.16trixtereven iaxmodem uses spandsp - and that provides a suitable interface to hylafax
11:43.28trixterhow would it directly interface with the fax device?
11:44.23saftsackbut spandsp isnt stable
11:44.44*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (n=darkskie@
11:45.42trixterwhy isnt it?
11:45.44saftsackarent there any longer tested stable solutions for connecting a fax digitally to the computer?
11:46.15*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/active/sulex)
11:46.16saftsacktrixter, because many people said, that it doesnt run good on their asterisk
11:46.32trixterhow were they trying to run faxes?
11:46.39trixtera lot of people try to run it via voip and blame spandsp
11:46.50saftsackhumm ...
11:46.56trixterothers dont have enough cpu to properly run it and blame the software
11:47.06trixtermany people have used spandsp for a lot of faxes and generally they work
11:47.14trixterits not 100% but its really high
11:47.25trixtermost modems arent 100% either infact a lot of modems are worse than spandsp
11:48.08Ikaruswish there was some more info instead of source diving
11:48.10Ikarusah well
11:48.17saftsackbut would you youse spandsp for productive working?
11:49.33Ikarussaftsack: with the reliability of VoIP in not dropping anything, no
11:49.41saftsacki havent no voip
11:49.46saftsackhavent voip
11:49.52saftsackjust isdn
11:50.04Ikarussaftsack: then use hylafax + ISDN4Linux
11:50.33saftsackyes thought so too, but the only free ntba is used by my asterisk
11:50.41saftsackso it has to go over asterisk
11:51.04trixterspandsp does not reuqire voip
11:51.25trixterit never has required voip, infact documentation talks about how that is not a good thing
11:51.28saftsackyes i know and it works here without hylafax but i need hylafax for sending faxes from computers
11:51.40trixterinstead a fxs/fxo line or digital circuit (bri, pri, etc) should beu sed
11:51.54trixteryou can use iaxmodem to expose a modem interface to hylafax
11:52.11saftsackyes i same idea here
11:52.11trixteriaxmodem connects to asterisk via an iax2 channel, localhost is prefered, that way you can still use hylafax
11:52.18trixteriaxmodem uses spandsp for its dsp work
11:52.32trixterit even has a hylafax modem definition ready to go
11:52.40saftsackyes i know iaxmodem and i dismissed it before
11:52.44saftsackbut now ill give it a try
11:52.59trixterif you want to use hylafax you need to be able to use a modem
11:53.37trixterif you need ot use a modem you *either* have to do a bunch of switching internally to get the real fax machine to talk to your modem (ie fax->fxs->fxo->modem->hylafax) or use something like spandsp
11:53.41saftsackdoesnt iaxmodem simulates a modem for hylafax?
11:54.00trixterand for what you want it appears to be the better solution becuase you want hylafax
11:54.06*** part/#asterisk krstone (
11:54.21saftsackis a good thing?
11:55.29saftsacktrixter, so how can i send a fax into the telephone net? i doesnt think, that app_txfax works with a hfc card, or?
11:55.50Ikarussaftsack: it would work
11:56.04saftsackwould you recommend it?
11:56.07Ikarusconsidering that a fax is just a modem transmission (which can be transmitted easily over ISDN)
11:56.46Ikarussaftsack: I would suggest bypassing asterisk
11:57.33Ikarussaftsack: using ISDN4linux you can handle different inbound numbers with different applications and outbound is no issue at all
11:57.59saftsackbut there is a problem that is always there
11:58.09saftsackhowto connect the hardware fax to hylafax?
11:58.21*** join/#asterisk [gfe]tHermO (n=[gfe]tHe@
11:58.40Ikarussaftsack: err ?
11:58.43sulexwhat happened to I get connection refused, do you guys have a mirror URL or another source for docs? cheers
11:58.47Ikaruswhat do you want to do EXACTLY
11:58.50*** join/#asterisk Navman (n=icechat5@
11:59.09saftsacksend faxes from my hardware fax into the world and the computer here should save the faxes for archiving it
11:59.20saftsackthe computers should be able too to do this
11:59.24IkarusMay I say, GAH
11:59.31IkarusThat is one hell of a hack
11:59.40saftsackhell of a hack? what?
11:59.40IkarusAs in, not a pretty solution
12:00.20saftsackwhy? is there a better solution for archiving faxes?
12:00.50IkarusI would suggest using a scanner and a computer to fax and archive, instead of a hardware fax
12:01.01Ikarusbecause it reduces the number of modem connections that have to go right
12:01.21saftsackand howto dial then?
12:01.43Ikarussaftsack: write a small app for the computer to run to provide a dial thingy
12:01.46Ikaruspretty basic stuff
12:02.00*** part/#asterisk Navman (n=icechat5@
12:02.29saftsackyes but i want to use a fax because it runs easier
12:03.08zoasulex what are you looking for ?
12:03.08saftsackIkarus, do you know howto configure txfax?
12:03.44Ikarussaftsack: yes, but aslong as you don't know what the issues are with first trying to receive and then resend a fax, it would not be a wise choice to use that
12:04.08saftsackwhy? this would be the way i want to do it
12:05.20Ikarussaftsack: yes, and you are not a paying customer, so I would like you to make it easy for yourself and figure out for yourself what the problems are with faxing
12:05.39Ikarus(hint, Asterisk is more of a PROBLEM then a solution most likely)
12:05.49saftsackpaying customer?
12:06.19Ikarussaftsack: yes, as in, I am helping you for free
12:06.42zoa-> for the faxing
12:06.50Ikaruszoa: spandsp is unreliable
12:07.07saftsackyes thats nice :), but i have to use a hardwarefax :(
12:07.18Ikarussaftsack: which means I am not inclined to make everything as you say, as you would probably need me to maintain it
12:07.50saftsackwhat did i maintain?
12:07.53IkarusIt is possible to do using asterisk and spandsp, you would receive the fax on an FXO and send it out again on a FXS using spandsp in both cases
12:08.12zoathen use zaptel to send it to a hardware fax
12:08.19saftsackyes i did configure it already this way
12:08.20sulexzoa, I'm new to asterisk, I need to create an IVR that releases PIN codes for accessing websites. I want to know if asterisk is what I'm looking for or not. The point is that I don't like to make dumb questions and I would to get through all the doc first. That url is shown in the doc page of the website. Wondering why it refuses connections
12:08.29zoadont use spandsp for that
12:08.35zoajust accept it on the fxs and send it to the fxo
12:08.42saftsackbut i dont know if it runs stable
12:08.46zoasulex: yes
12:08.48zoait can do it
12:09.01zoaare you looking for the ebook ?
12:09.04saftsackand i dont know howto tell txfax that it should youse the misdn channel for send faxes
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12:10.48sulexzoa: last question and than I start immediatly to read. If I have a list of PINs, within a text file or another source like a mysqldb, can asterisk dinamically create the IVR prompt on its own or dow I have to handle the text2speech translation by some other software?
12:11.02sulex(apologies for my english)
12:11.04zoayou will need some text2speech translation
12:11.14zoabut that could be embedded in asterisk
12:11.22zoalike sphynx
12:11.34zoameaning asterisk cannot do it out of the box, but you can make it do it
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12:13.07sulexzoa: got it, thank you very much for your help. Hint for the chan: put the URL in the topic so nobody will ask the question I made about doc ;9
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12:13.14sulexheheh, thankyou again ;)
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12:16.55saftsackexten => s,2,Dial(misdn/1/${NUMMER})
12:16.55saftsackexten => s,3,txfax(${FAXFILE}|caller)
12:17.04saftsackthis doesnt work, but dont know why
12:22.45saftsackhow can i hangup and spawn another extension? Hangup and then Goto doesnt work :(
12:22.54fulgasgot a T405p and it gives me this error kernel: Unassigning channel 0/16!...anyone knows what's the issue?
12:29.35tzangersaftsack: that's because the dialplan doesn't move off the "dial" until AFTER the hangup
12:29.47saftsackyes but how to resolve that?
12:30.09tzangeryou need to use the M option or a callfile and dump the call into a context with txfax
12:30.42saftsackwhat does the M option do?
12:30.56tzangeryou need to think outside the box a little :-)  "
12:31.05tzangerer "How do I connect two parts of the dialplan together"
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12:31.39saftsacktzanger, german?
12:32.02tzangerI am of german descent but I don't speak or read it very well
12:32.18*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
12:32.46saftsacktzanger, so do howto to this now :) ?
12:33.04saftsackthe caller is a fax device
12:33.20tzangerhave you read up on the M option yet?
12:33.23saftsackand after rxfax it should hangup the fax and then txfax should send it into the world
12:33.36caio1982seems that Hakan and Fantasy are bots for porn spam/flood
12:33.41saftsacki dont think, that i need the M option
12:33.54tzangerwell you can also use a callfile but I doubt you want to do that
12:34.11saftsackok so ill read what the m option does do
12:34.23tzangerI didn't say m, I said M
12:35.50saftsackis M the option for soxmix?
12:35.58tzangerdid I fuck that up?
12:36.24caio1982lilo: maybe they can be klined or at least banned?
12:37.09tzangerM won't do what you want
12:37.10tzangertry G
12:37.22tzangerI've never used G though (mind you I've never used M either, which is why I thought it'd work) :-)
12:38.19tzangerM executes a macro, but the docs say it executes it BEFORE the answer.  G transfers both to a given part of the dialplan upon connect
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12:51.20saftsacktzanger, where to append such options?
12:51.48saftsackbecause there arent brackets in hangup for giving it options
12:51.51DrukenHMEtzanger: doesn't g allow continue after hangup ?
12:52.03saftsackyes and i want exactly that
12:52.11saftsackDruken, do you know how it works?
12:52.36DrukenHMEit's a dial option
12:53.37saftsackyes but hangup isnt a dial
12:54.13saftsackso how2 do this now?
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12:54.25DrukenHMEdon't know what ya want to do...
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12:55.11saftsacki want to hangup and then goto another context
12:55.31cj-rmI'm looking for some chimes and jingles to play to callers through asterisk.  Are there any freely available?
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12:56.15cj-rmpreferably quite short, certainly no longer than 5 seconds
12:56.33DrukenHMEsaftsack: well, i do belive hangup is just that, hangup and terminate....
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12:56.42saftsackDruken, hmm ok
12:56.49DrukenHMEnow if you make the caller hangup, then you can continue
12:57.13aghany body nows about asterisk cisco incoming psdn seting ?
12:57.15saftsackthe caller is a fax and the fax is received from rxfax in my extension
12:57.34saftsackand now i want to send the fax with txfax to the net but i want to hangup the fax first
12:59.07DrukenHMEdoesn't spandsp do that all on the fly?
12:59.20saftsacki doesnt think so
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12:59.36aghhow to route fxo psdn to asterisk
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13:06.29drraystupid crontab
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13:07.16saftsackcan i dial with asterisk as asterisk as a telephone? for example for just play a voice?
13:08.25[gfe]tHermOyes, you can.
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13:08.49saftsackyes :) with a call file or?
13:08.58[gfe]tHermOjust type 'dial <extension>@<context>' in the CLI
13:09.10saftsackand in the config?
13:09.39[gfe]tHermOu want to hear the file @your speaker or want asterisk to connect somewhere and play the file?
13:09.57aghhow to route fxo incomin to asterisk ?
13:10.32saftsacki doesnt want to do anything like this. i want to send a fax but i thought that its easier to explain if i send a sound
13:10.42saftsackin general i just want to create a call
13:10.48[gfe]tHermOah ok....
13:10.54saftsackbut without the telephones which are connected
13:11.05benjkdrop a call file into /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
13:11.14[TK]D-Fenderagh : You haven't described you situation.  What MODEL are you using?  What kind of "FXO"?  Details would help....
13:11.31saftsackbenjk, yes thought so too ;)
13:11.32[gfe]tHermOi guess the call file would be the best choice then...
13:11.33aghcisco 3660
13:12.37saftsackwhat channel should i set in the callfile?
13:12.37drraywith the two fxs card?
13:12.57saftsackfor sending a fax?
13:12.57aghno voice call only
13:14.30tzangerDrukenHME: no that's not what he wants, as far as I can tell.  He wants to call a fax machine and transmit a fax.
13:14.34tzangeryou can't use 'g' to do that
13:14.50tzangersaftsack: have you read the asterisk handbook?  It seems obvious that this is not the case
13:15.41saftsacktzafrir_laptop, im reading something over callfiles
13:15.50saftsacktzanger, but i dont know what you mean
13:15.52tzangercallfiles aren't quite how you want to do this, I don't think
13:15.59tzangerwhat's wrong with
13:16.06tzangerexten => s,1,TxFax(...)
13:16.10tzangerexten => s,2,Hangup
13:16.11tzangerand then
13:16.22kippion the grandstream is there away to send text to the phones?
13:16.27tzangerexten => 1234,1,Dial(...,,G[dofax,s,1])
13:17.00tzangeror rather G[dofax^s^1]
13:17.12saftsackyes ok i didnt know that i can call a context in a dialstrin
13:17.15saftsackthanks :)
13:17.28tzangersaftsack: if you read the help for Dial() you did know this :-)
13:17.40saftsackhumm, thats right ;)
13:18.11*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
13:19.38aghi have cisco 3660 with 4 port fxo and i want route incomming call to asterisk
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13:24.32drrayagh - via sip?
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13:24.48Mimmustzanger: is there a way to trap return code from TxFax?
13:25.17tzangerMimmus: no.
13:25.30tzangerif it sets a dialplan variable then you can use that
13:26.01kippihas anyone used the 4620SW phones with SIP?
13:26.20Mimmustzanger: I know an application (AsterFax) that is able to trap all error conditions via Manager API. How is this done?
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13:26.37tzangerMimmus: you'd have to look at the app, i am not familliar with itat all
13:27.42Mimmustzanger: ok, thanks. But is there not a way to trap erroro conditions from TxFax (destination BUSY/NOANSWER/etc)?
13:28.16tzanger?  TxFax does not handle BUSY/NOANSWEr/etc..  that's the job of Dial
13:28.49Mimmustzanger: uh? thus is incorrect to use directly TxFax?
13:29.04tzangerMimmus: how do you get TxFax to dial?
13:30.12Mimmustzanger: ah, I use a call file pointing to a context starting with TxFax
13:30.53tzangerMimmus: yes, but a callfile has two legs.  One to do the connecting, and one to dictate what's done with the connected channel.  txfax is in the latter.  the former has the Dial, and you handle ${DIALSTATUS} in there
13:31.29Mimmustzanger: can you give me some other suggestion? I'm struggling since many months!
13:31.34tzangerin other words, the context txfax is in does not get executed until the Dial() says the line is up and answered.
13:31.42tzangerMimmus: what exactly are you trying to do?
13:31.58Mimmustzanger: sending reliably a fax...
13:32.33tzangerover what
13:32.37saftsackJan 10 14:07:06 WARNING[9458]: app_dial.c:1143 dial_exec_full: Invalid timeout specified: 'G[faxoutgoing]'
13:32.38Mimmustzanger: PRI
13:33.04tzangersaftsack: please, take 30 seconds and examine your Dial() statement.  The error is obvious
13:33.05saftsackyou wrote [] brackets in your example but the readme says ()
13:34.11saftsackwhy should i examine my dialstring? the variable NUMMER exists
13:34.36Mimmustzanger: I'd like to trap all error conditions (max attempts/NOANSWER/BUSY/it is not a fax/etc)
13:34.59tzangeryou will not get "it is not a fax" as I said you cannot get the return code of txfax
13:35.20Mimmustzanger: ok but NOANSWER/BUSY/FAILED?
13:35.28tzangerMimmus: you do that in the context that has the Dial()
13:35.28saftsackexten => _9.,6,Dial(misdn/1/${NUMMER},G[faxoutgoing^s^1])
13:35.34tzangersaftsack: still not right
13:35.43saftsackround brackets?
13:35.48tzangerlook at the help for Dial(), paying special attention to its parameters
13:35.58Mimmustzanger: using a call file?
13:35.59tzangerDial can take 3 parameters
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13:36.08tzangermake sure you have them
13:36.17tzangerMimmus: *sigh*
13:36.22tzangerexten => s,1,Dial()
13:36.31tzangerexten => s,2,Goto(s-${DIALSTATUS})
13:36.43tzangerexten s-BUSY,1,NoOp(Line Was Busy)
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13:36.45saftsacktzanger, do you mean the timeout as the third option?
13:36.46Mimmustzanger: I'm very sorry :(
13:36.50bjohnsonjust send him to superdial
13:36.50tzangerexten s-BUSY,2,Hangup
13:36.56netzwerkgoettinhi there
13:37.06tzangerexten s-CONGESTION,1,NoOp(congestion)
13:37.12tzangerexten s-CONGESTION,2,Hangup
13:37.33Mimmustzanger: and does call file points to s,1 ?
13:38.18saftsackexten => _9.,6,Dial(misdn/1/${NUMMER},,G[faxoutgoing^s^1])
13:39.16tzangersaftsack: that looks a lot better
13:39.35tzangerMimmus: if that's what you need, yes.  :-)
13:39.43saftsackmaybe next time ill look better at the things if i think that its a tipeerror
13:40.02tzangersaftsack: you just need to slow down and really look at what you're asking Asteriskt o do
13:40.17saftsackyes that would maybe good
13:40.59tzangerI get the same way, which is why I'm trying to get you to stop following in those particular footsteps... They create a bad path :-)
13:41.13*** join/#asterisk }btorch{ (n=kvirc@
13:41.17rkiokohi guys
13:41.26}btorch{has anyone here setup asterisk with FWD ?
13:41.27rkiokohows sangoma compared to digium cards
13:41.29saftsackbut now i have another serious error. the telephone at the callered people rings very short and then all is stop
13:42.08netzwerkgoettinsaftsack: but it *does* ring - that's more than i can say ;)
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13:42.23saftsackdo you mean timeout?
13:42.38tzangerrkioko: about the same
13:42.52[TK]D-Fenderrkioko : Well.... compare the specs.  PCI interoperability, H/W echo can specs, IRQ sharing capabilities, platform dependence, etc.  What do you think?
13:42.56tzangersaftsack: is something hanging up?
13:43.16tzanger[TK]D-Fender: the sangoma cards are not all that much better at sharing IRQs.
13:43.17saftsackno, thats the problem but i will retest with set verbose 7 now
13:43.37tzangerthe nextgen sangoma cards sound like they will have *killer* echo cancellation though
13:43.43netzwerkgoettinno i can't call out at all
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13:44.22rkiokois my main issue
13:44.44Mimmustzanger: thanks again, I will try...
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13:44.52rkiokowant to peer with someone and they require the gateway to support SS7
13:45.00[TK]D-Fendertzanger : Dunno about that.  None of the other listed incompatibilities (E1000, a number of Intel MB chipsets (7205 and others)), and then there is the raw portability (PCI voltage & platform)
13:45.56[TK]D-Fenderrkioko : Digium cards do't support SS&, but Sangoma's do.  Can anyone confirm on this?
13:46.01tzanger[TK]D-Fender: the TE405/406/410/411 and A104 use the exact same xilinx FPGA.  Digium decided to not put voltage translators on the part and made a 3.3v and 5v version.  Sangoma chose the wiser option IMO.
13:46.25tzanger[TK]D-Fender: IIRC the PCI incompatibilities on the Digium stuff has been VASTLY improved in the last 6 months
13:46.48rkiokowill asterisk support SS7 on sangoma cards fully
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13:47.20saftsacktzanger, maybe the fax does answer it but i dont know
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13:47.40saftsackno it does a hungup
13:47.46}btorch{does the extension at the end of a register => needs to be active ?
13:47.54saftsackthats the device where the hardware fax is connected
13:47.58}btorch{a real sip [extension] ?
13:48.25[TK]D-Fenderrkioko : Read this and follow some links :
13:48.42[TK]D-Fenderrkioko : Which seems to say Digium cards can do SS7.
13:49.02rkiokoyes, ive gone through it
13:49.36[TK]D-FenderAnd have you tried it?
13:49.47rkiokonot yet
13:50.08rkiokostill seeking info on the pros and cons of either
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13:52.40netzwerkgoettincan anyone please help me? am not able to call out via sip :(
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13:53.01[TK]D-Fendernetzwerkgoettin : Please describe the problem.
13:54.10netzwerkgoettinhave a pc with a hfc-s card, NTBA and ISDN phone connected
13:54.29netzwerkgoettinphone rings on incoming calls, can phone, no problems here
13:55.09saftsacktzanger, i think i need a callfile or something like this
13:55.16netzwerkgoettinbut asterisk acts my dialed digits as hangup
13:56.07saftsacktzanger, after rxfaxing the while i dial a number where the fax has to send but the faxdevice hangs up then i think
13:56.38netzwerkgoettini can configure my mailbox via #9xxx, too; all the keypad numbers with a leading # work
13:57.15Katty[TK]D-Fender: mew?
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13:59.43shmaltzgm e1
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14:01.21[TK]D-FenderKatty: mew.
14:01.45saftsackis there any option for the dialstring that asterisk ignores that the device on the dialers site hung up already?
14:02.50Katty[TK]D-Fender: your statement did not parse
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14:05.44saftsack[TK]D-Fender, do you know howto continue in an extension if the dialer hung up?
14:06.24*** join/#asterisk LostFrog (
14:08.16Kattysaftsack: just keep going with the next thing
14:08.37Kattysometimes i use congestion
14:08.39LostFrogIf I have 6 FXO lines I need to connect to *. Should I spend $500-600 for a Adit 600 CB (with the advantage of it being outside the PC and therefore less susceptible to crashing *), or a $837 for a TDM2402B (With the advantage of less problems with CallerID, Disconnect Supervision and Echo)?
14:08.39[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : Never tried.
14:09.09KattyLostFrog: whichever you value as more important.
14:09.22[TK]D-FenderLostFrog : Have you considered a lower port density setup?
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14:09.36LostFrog[TK]D-Fender: like two TDM400s?
14:09.44[TK]D-FenderYou could use 2 TDM400's, or 2 A102's
14:10.40[TK]D-FenderErr.. A200
14:11.06LostFrogFrom past experience, I hate TDM400s.
14:11.21netzwerkgoettinno one an idea?
14:11.45Kattynetzwerkgoettin: all four digits, starting with 9
14:11.49Drukeni'm with you LostFrog
14:11.58DrukenTDM400's SUCK BALLZ!
14:12.06KattyDruken: chill.
14:12.15[TK]D-FenderLostFrog : Did you factor in the T1 card?
14:12.15CANO-1982I have a problem loading the ztdummy module with my 2.6 kernel
14:12.20Drukenmorning Katty
14:12.21ZeeekI have two TDM400s. They work as designed I think
14:12.28darkskiezIm sick and tired of my tdm400 modules going dead until the module is reloaded
14:12.38[TK]D-FenderLostFrog : A200 looks pretty decent and cheaper for your setup :
14:12.42Zeeekwhat version of * ?
14:12.55CANO-1982everything in the compilation process went fine, but I just can?t load the module
14:12.56netzwerkgoettinkatty : i mean #9 as prefix for voicemail, followed by mas
14:12.59netzwerkgoettinmsn sorry
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14:13.15Kattynetzwerkgoettin: never tried.
14:13.18CANO-1982with asterisk 1.2
14:13.30netzwerkgoettini put a mp3 in an folder an can hear it by my phone using #100
14:13.38netzwerkgoettinbut i cannot dial out
14:14.33Drukenwell, who needs to dial out anyways
14:15.17netzwerkgoettinsometimes, i even want to make a call myself ;)
14:15.26LostFrogI guess I need to find a US source for that, [TK]D-Fender.
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14:15.59LostFrognetzwerkgoettin: 1-900?
14:16.18netzwerkgoettinLostFrog: what do you mean?
14:16.23Zeeeknetzwerkgoettin why can't you dial out? By what channel?
14:16.29LostFrognetzwerkgoettin: nm
14:16.36CANO-1982I have a problem loading the ztdummy module with my 2.6 kernel. Everything in the compilation process went fine, but I just can't load the module. I'm using Asterisk 1.2
14:16.47DrukenLostFrog: you need 6 FXO ?
14:16.54[TK]D-FenderLostFrog : I'm still looking for North America myself... Its the only place I've found a price for it at all and it seems to be on par with TDM400.
14:17.00LostFrogDruken: at the moment.
14:17.20netzwerkgoettindebug mode says accepting overlap voice call from '91' to '<unspecified>' on channel 0/2, span 1
14:17.25DrukenLostFrog: possibly more in the future?
14:17.27*** join/#asterisk Dandre (
14:17.33[TK]D-FenderLostFrog : Again : did you factor in the T1 card for your ADIT setup or do you have an extra port for it already?
14:17.34Dandrehello all,
14:17.58Zeeeknetzwerkgoettin what hardware are you trying to to talk to?
14:18.05netzwerkgoettinZeeek: asterisk acts my dialed digits as a hangup
14:18.30Zeeekand you put your config in pastebin ? Igf not now's the time
14:18.31LostFrog[TK]D-Fender: I already have a T1
14:18.36LostFrog[TK]D-Fender: I already have a T1 Digium card.
14:18.55netzwerkgoettinZeeek: try to call a sipgate number over sipgate
14:18.57Drukeni'd go with the channelbank option
14:19.09DandreI have 2 asterisk boxes and I would like to pickup a call to one extension of box 1 by one extension of box2. Is it doable?
14:19.33[TK]D-FenderDandre : Sure
14:19.46LostFrogDruken: That's what Im thinking, just making sure that I'm not making a strategic mistake.
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14:20.13saftsack[TK]D-Fender, how can i generate a call with asterisk without a dialfile?
14:20.15Zeeeknetzwerkgoettin put your extensions (the part with the dial command) in the pastebin
14:20.23jbotpastebin is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
14:20.23Drukenthe channel bank allows you to expand if needed, and from my experince the PRI cards are more stable then the TDM
14:20.35DandreI have put pickupgroup and callgroup on both sides but that doesn't seem to work
14:20.49[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : No experience with faxing or call-files.
14:21.08saftsack[TK]D-Fender, ok, thanks
14:21.21netzwerkgoettinthx a lot, will try...
14:21.25Zeeeknetzwerkgoettin figure out how to use pastebin, I'll be back in 30min :)
14:22.58*** join/#asterisk in-side (
14:23.01in-sideHi there
14:23.11Dandre[TK]D-Fender: I have put pickupgroup and callgroup on both sides but that doesn't seem to work. Is there anything else to do?
14:23.13in-sidedoes anybody here uses ser or asterisk with radius ?
14:23.21in-sidewhen I mean ser I mean openser
14:24.30*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
14:24.42[TK]D-FenderDandre : ActuallyI think I'd misread your question. I'm not sure...
14:25.30saftsackbut why :(
14:25.34saftsacktheres no reasons given
14:26.13[TK]D-FenderLostFrog : A102 averages out to about $600 USD for 6 FXO.  Mind you I'm sure its cheaper on this side of the Atlantic, but would ahve to find it for sale somewhere.
14:26.25in-sidesaftsack: turn on debug
14:26.31in-sideverbose debug
14:26.40*** join/#asterisk pif (
14:26.48[TK]D-FenderLostFrog : Might be that the ADIT is a better choice for you.
14:26.53saftsack*CLI> set verbose debug
14:26.53saftsackVerbosity is now OFF
14:27.07*** join/#asterisk ozwald (
14:27.17in-sideya but turn it on
14:28.04Kattyi need an austarlian sponser.
14:28.07LostFrogThanks all.
14:28.18Kattyaustralian, too.
14:29.16saftsack*CLI> set verbose debug
14:29.19saftsackis that right?
14:29.28ozwaldI recently setup a asterisk box.. and Ive been having fun tinkering around.. Im having trouble with some things tho..  Im not using a sip phone to dial out.. I want to use my did to dial in.. then I went it to put me on a inner extension so I can dial out.. I have been tinkering but I have had no luck yet... anyone have any ideas?
14:29.32iCEBrkrWHAT A WEEK!
14:29.36iCEBrkroh. wait. it's only tuesday. :-/
14:30.26in-sidefull => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose
14:30.32in-sideand set debug to full
14:31.00in-sideiCEBrkr: :s
14:31.32in-sidemy stupid openser ser just refuse to send any package for the radius server what hell
14:32.14*** join/#asterisk DrDeke (
14:32.19*** part/#asterisk [gfe]tHermO (n=[gfe]tHe@
14:32.43saftsackno debug output given to me :(
14:32.53saftsackbut i think its a real hungup
14:33.21ozwaldcan anyone give me ideas or possible a direction I should look in?
14:33.23saftsackmy asterisk gets a fax with rxfax from my hardwarefax. and then ill send it with txfax. howto generate an asterisk call now?
14:33.46in-sidesorry can't help you much I don't use zap channels in asterisk
14:34.09in-sidesaftsack: are you using it for FoiP?
14:34.16ozwaldin-side you know about voip n stuff/
14:34.16in-sideif so... good luck
14:34.29in-sideozwald: what is voip n stuff ?
14:34.31saftsackin-side, no for FoISDN
14:35.12ozwaldermm like connecting it to a pstn gateway.. dialing out from your box.. and dialing into it..
14:35.26in-sideozwald: try ..why ?
14:35.48*** join/#asterisk doughecka_ (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
14:36.15ozwalderm.. cause Im trying to figure out the extensions.. like making it so I can dial into my box.. switch to a inside extension and then use my box to dial out
14:36.36in-sideozwald: there are a plenty of tutorials to follow man
14:36.44in-sidebetter is to stick with one
14:37.03in-sideand you have asterisk book
14:37.12in-sidethat is a good resource and it is free
14:37.23*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
14:37.37in-sidesearch by Asterisk The Future of Telephony
14:40.30*** join/#asterisk svenna_ (
14:40.38saftsackaaaaahhhh nothing is working here
14:41.03saftsackafter rxfax all gets crap :( no dialing works
14:41.16saftsackrxfax ended well and then :/
14:42.34*** join/#asterisk morale (
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14:43.50saftsackis this an errormsg?
14:44.06DrDekeI don't believe so.
14:44.09DrDekeWell, i mean it depends :)
14:44.17DrDekeMy calls always do that when I hang them up.
14:44.22saftsackthis message comes everytime when i hang up
14:44.26saftsackyes, thats true
14:44.52DrDekei guess it does make one wonder what would make it exit non-non-zero :)
14:45.07saftsackare you experienced with macros?
14:45.16DrDekeNope, have never used them in *
14:45.29saftsackok, did you ever use callfiles?
14:45.43DrDekeI've played around with them but only in a very simple way
14:46.08saftsackok, so you dont know howto start them out of the extensions.conf?
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14:48.15DrDekeThe only way I would know to do that would be to make a System() call from the dialplan to make a copy of a callfile and move it into the Asterisk outgoing spool directory.
14:48.32saftsackhmm ok
14:48.47DrDekeI don't know if that's a good way to do it though, and I've never tried it.
14:49.25saftsacki think its a hard way :(
14:50.38saftsackbecause after sending the fax my faxdevice hangs up, what is right
14:50.57saftsackbut then i want to do a call for sending the fax into the net
14:51.02saftsackwith isdn
14:51.13tzangersaftsack: still on this?
14:51.26saftsacktzanger, yes
14:51.28tzangerwhat is the full "plan" ...
14:51.35tzangerperhaps I'm just misunderstanding something
14:51.46saftsacktzanger, ok ill comment it and give it to you
14:51.50DrDekeAhh, well, I don't know anything about how to send a fax with Asterisk :(
14:51.52saftsack2 seconds ...
14:52.09tzangerfile[desk]: around?
14:52.15tzangerfile[laptop]: around?
14:53.12MimmusDrDeke: eh eh, I'm not alone! tzanger will be furious
14:53.30*** join/#asterisk brockj49464 (
14:53.31DrDekelol; I must have missed something (?) :)
14:54.01MimmusDrDeke: step-by-step instructions by tzanger was not enough for me!
14:54.20DrDekeohhhh about fax?
14:55.40*** join/#asterisk jovan (
14:55.54MimmusDrDeke: yes, I'm currently still unable to trap all error conditions sending a fax
14:56.18DrDekeI have never even bothered with Asterisk+fax; I don't need it and it sounds like it would be irritating :)
14:56.39DrDeke(On the other hand, I don't NEED chan_bluetooth, and it is definitely irritating since I can't compile it, but I keep trying anyway... ;))
14:57.00saftsacktzanger, do you have an idea?
14:57.26}btorch{is there a FWD test number that we can try to see if it works ?
14:57.39*** join/#asterisk zyke (
14:57.52saftsackdo you mean me?
14:58.07*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
14:58.15tzangersaftsack: good
14:58.30tzangersaftsack: now in [raus] do something a little different
14:58.48saftsackwhat? :)
14:58.52tzangerexten _9.,1,Goto(faxrelay,${EXTEN},1)
14:58.59tzangerput your fax relaying in a different context
14:59.08tzangerand now move what you have for _9. into there
14:59.14tzangerand in [faxrelay] add this
14:59.44tzangerexten => h,1,Goto(faxout,s,1)
14:59.46tzangerand in your [faxout]
14:59.57saftsackok thanks :)
15:00.02tzangerexten => s,1,Dial(misdn/1/${NUMMER},,G[faxoutgoing^s^1])
15:00.10tzangerbasically the logic is as follows
15:00.17*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
15:00.18saftsackso just exten => _9.,1,Goto(faxrelay,${EXTEN},1) in my raus extension for fax?
15:00.29tzangerdialing 9+anything jumps to receive the fax
15:00.43tzangeryou need to jump to a different context because you will be using the special 'h' extension to postprocess the fax
15:00.54saftsackok :)
15:00.55tzangerthe h extension is where the dialplan goes on hangup
15:01.00saftsackso now testing
15:01.07tzangeryou need to jump to another context because you don't want to run it again when txfax hangs up
15:01.13saftsacktzanger, i searched for h for three days :)
15:01.15tzangerand faxout just sends the fax
15:01.16DrDekeNo, the "H" extension is where proprietary PBXes go when they die because they are evil.
15:01.19DrDeke(bow, bow, bow)
15:01.27saftsackyoure a god :)
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15:01.39tzangerno, I just have more experience with asterisk
15:01.53saftsackyes thats true ;)
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15:06.14mutis the only way to get an extention to show in the manager api to use an actaul extension for it?
15:06.32mutcause when calls are placed via a macro it shows s as the destination
15:06.37mutbut if i make some generic
15:06.55mutit will show
15:10.43Mimmusit seems that my * has some problem with (rare) automatic responders: it doesn't detect answer or hangup
15:10.59MimmusPSTN line is a E1 PRI (Italy). Any idea?
15:11.12*** join/#asterisk gugaiz (
15:11.31saftsack10538 root      15   0 32152 6964 4008 S 99.9  1.4   1:29.92 asterisk           asterisk runs loop ^^
15:11.40*** join/#asterisk RoyKa (n=roy@
15:13.12gugaizhi, I need integrate asterisk with raidus server, what are your recomendation?
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15:13.56gugaizor something that tell me, when call start and when call end
15:14.34harryvvnice, has had a major crash. no web site.
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15:15.46saftsacktzanger, hmm the h line doesnt work :(
15:15.50saftsackexten => h,1,NoOp("Hallo")
15:15.54RoyKaharryvv: works for me (tm)
15:16.03saftsacki see nothing like this on my console after the hangup
15:16.10*** join/#asterisk jahani (
15:16.27harryvvRoy? I even typed in the dns and nothing comes up.
15:16.30jahanipossible to start asterisk on 2 ports?
15:16.35jahani5060 and other
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15:17.16harryvvokay, its firefox
15:17.34harryvvhaving a issue with not bring up that site.
15:18.07saftsacktzanger, i telled crap. there was a hallo :)
15:18.10*** join/#asterisk mog_work (
15:21.30saftsackCC_RELEASE_COMPLETE|CONFIRM [TE] port:1
15:21.33saftsackwhat does that mean?
15:21.35netzwerkgoettincan anyone explain me the message "starting zap/2-1 at outgoing,<number>,1 failed so falling back to exten 's'
15:21.54saftsackes trifft sonst nichts zu
15:21.59saftsackohh english ^^
15:22.11jsharpYou're missing anything that matches <number> in your outgoing context?
15:22.40netzwerkgoettinthats crazy...
15:23.05jsharpThat's me.
15:23.26netzwerkgoettin(what will a woman get who cannot phone for several days ;) )
15:24.12netzwerkgoettinbut why should i write the outgoing number into my extensions.conf?
15:24.33*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (i=jwb@
15:24.57harryvvmabey a number change?
15:25.01*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (i=jwb@
15:25.08harryvvnetzwerkgoettin a number of reasons.
15:25.16}btorch{anyone can help me with a fwd registration using asterisk ?
15:25.24jsharpWhat do you have in your outgoing context in extensions.conf
15:25.35}btorch{I keep getting a failed to authenticate on register to
15:26.17netzwerkgoettinonly three columns
15:26.47netzwerkgoettinthe first sets the caller id, the second sets caller id name
15:26.51*** join/#asterisk nettie (
15:27.27jsharpShow me just one of the lines?
15:27.45netzwerkgoettin3.: _x./<my_sip_number>,3,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
15:28.02*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
15:29.28jsharpAre you sure you're setting your right CallerID on the call coming into Asterisk?  Try it without the /<my_sip_number>.
15:29.42nettieHi guys, I'm running the latest stable branch and having a problem with MP3Player.. when I try to play an mp3 file I get this error: Jan 10 16:25:30 NOTICE[18113]: app_mp3.c:108 timed_read: Poll timed out/errored out with 0. The system doesnt have any soundcard installed. Anyone know what could be wrong please? Thanx in advance.
15:30.12*** join/#asterisk pengyong (n=lala@
15:30.15harryvvwhy in the world are you playing mp3 player on a asterisk only system?
15:30.30Kattyharryvv: to annoy you.
15:30.37Kattyharryvv: why in the world do /you/ care?
15:31.08harryvvkatty, because its been stated that asterisk is to only run by its self..thats what makes it most reliable and stable.
15:31.10mog_workdo you have hw?
15:31.21Kattyharryvv: why don't you stop complaining.
15:31.27mog_workharyvv stop trolling
15:31.31Kattyharryvv: help him if you want, otherwise, why don't you keep your stupid comments to yourself.
15:31.34jsharpUhh.  Isn't he running app_mp3player?  Like, playing an MP3 to a channel?
15:31.45mog_workit is
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15:33.19nettieI wanted to play a few audio streams for a long time with different codecs to see how the system performs. I dont have many clients to test the box, so I thought it was a pretty interesting test to "load" it.
15:33.49mog_workdo you have hw nettie?
15:33.51harryvvkatty, not complaining but you need to listen more about the requirments to run asterisk.
15:33.55mog_workor ztdummy
15:34.00nettieit's a VPS
15:34.02Kattyharryvv: do i?
15:34.10Kattyharryvv: do you know how many time i hear people like you?
15:34.12Kattyharryvv: they don't help.
15:34.14jsharpUhoh.  Rumble in the bronx.
15:34.19Kattyharryvv: all they do is say lolzthatSUCKS
15:34.26Kattyharryvv: i know plenty, dear.
15:34.31Kattyharryvv: it's your attitude that's annoying me.
15:34.40nettiec'mon guys
15:34.46nettieI didnt want to start a war
15:34.54Kattynettie: it's not you that started this.
15:35.10nettieplease .. Katty I get this but at least I'm the cause
15:35.22Kattynettie: people have been doing this for ages. people come in asking for help, and instead of getting help, they just get a smack in the face. i'm sick of it.
15:35.33harryvvkatty, there is no attitude in this conversation. Its just a known fact to run asterisk as a telephony server you dont run anything else on it.
15:36.09Kattyharryvv: is that so eh?
15:36.14Kattyharryvv: a /known/ fact?
15:36.15nettieharryvv: well.. MP3Player is a feature of asterisk
15:36.26nettieit's not MY MP3PLAYER software
15:36.33Kattyharryvv: i'll just say whatever, and move on.
15:36.39[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : I run my internet gateway, samba, X + KDE for playback on my HDTV, and more on mine.....
15:36.40Kattyharryvv: think what you like.
15:36.49nettiemaybe I wasnt very deeep in the detail
15:36.54[TK]D-FenderOH and X-10 stuff.
15:36.59nettieI'm sorry for that
15:37.33nettiebut asterisk has a module to play them.. so I suppose to be in the right place.
15:39.14*** join/#asterisk nextime (
15:39.29cj-rmI have an asterisk context setup to Answer, wait 2 seconds, and then call playback to play a message.  I then copy a call file into the spool directory to dial out on one of our Zap FXO ports and connect to the context-extension.  Unfortunately Asterisk doesn't appear to wait for the dialing of the Zap channel to finish before starting playback.  Is there anyway to do this, besides having a large wait time?
15:39.58nettieanyway as stated before I really would like to play such mp3 streams from asterisk to see how the varius codec performs on the system which is a VPS with limited resources.. not having gazillions of SIP clients Ithink the approach to continously play audio stream could do the trick.
15:41.11nettieOf course most of time asterisk will only handle signalling but when it wil record messages on the voicemailboxes and do some IVR function the laod will definitely go up.
15:42.32*** join/#asterisk cnet2 (n=jjohn@
15:42.32cj-rmDoes anyone have any ideas on how to make asterisk wait until a call is answered before running the rest of the extension?
15:42.58wunderkincj-rm, sounds like an analog card
15:43.21cj-rmwunderkin: it is an analog card
15:43.35cj-rmwunderkin: any ideas on how to fix it?
15:43.51cj-rmwunderkin: it's a Digium TDM400P
15:45.01nettiemog_work: sorry I didnt see ur messages :) unfortunately no, and ztdummy is not compiled into the kernel and considering the nature of the system I can't add it myself.. the only thing I can do it request it and see if the VPS provide will compile it in the kernel.
15:45.04mog_workyou can try callprogress
15:45.07mog_workbut it doesnt always work
15:45.16wunderkini think there is an undocumented (at least in show apps) option c to dial, i think that the called person has to press # or something to acknowledge
15:45.22mog_workif im not mistaken you need a timing source for any mp3 playback
15:45.57wunderkinotherwise you can use the queue and acknowledgement from that, or maybe the findme
15:46.11wunderkinor use a dial macro
15:46.16[TK]D-Fendernettie : have you considered converting your MP3's to a more native format?
15:46.31mog_workyeah that will probably work tk
15:46.40mog_workbut for moh you will need timing source anyways
15:46.45nettiethanx for the idea TK
15:47.04*** part/#asterisk Dandre (
15:47.10[TK]D-Fendernettie : Its a freebie :)  Path of least resistance and all....
15:47.12mog_workyeah for just listening
15:47.20cj-rmwunderkin: I'm not using a call to dial though, I'm using a call file with Channel: Zap/3/9......... (where the ...'s are the relevant number).  Can I still pass in options like with Dial?
15:47.30nettieI didnt :p I just rished to figure out if there was some trick to do it :) eheh
15:47.50wunderkincj-rm, you'll have to use a local chan to dial then
15:49.18wunderkinwhy isn't dial option c documented in show apps? was it deprecated because of the dial macro? there *is* a dial option c right? i thought ive heard something like that mentioned before on the list at least
15:49.45cj-rmwunderkin: What are the show apps?
15:51.43wunderkinshow appliction blah in the cli
15:51.44*** join/#asterisk bweschke (
15:52.27cj-rmwunderkin: ahh with ya :)
15:53.32cj-rmwunderkin: Should I just create a new unbound SIP channel to do this then?
15:54.38wunderkinwha? sip would work correctly but if you have to use an analog card then use a local channel, search for local channel in the wiki if you arent sure about it
15:54.52cj-rmwunderkin: ok, cool :)
15:55.10*** join/#asterisk anthm (
15:55.10*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
15:55.54cj-rmwunderkin: Splendid!  Thats exactly what I was wanting...
15:57.06watchy-anyone ever seen the error "protocol application invalid" on a 7960g
16:00.46netzwerkgoettinwhy get *every* number a ss-noservice-error? i don't understand :(
16:01.17*** join/#asterisk Weezey (n=ohno@
16:01.26Weezeyhow can I make an AGI timeout?
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16:03.21netzwerkgoettinIT WORKS
16:03.29netzwerkgoettini don't understand but it works!!!
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16:07.24*** part/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/cpm)
16:09.05}btorch{are the RTP ports udp or tcp ?
16:09.10}btorch{udp I assume ?
16:09.23}btorch{and so is the 5060 ?
16:10.17Kattyif you're going to open port 5060 for rtp stuff...
16:10.22Kattyyou need to open all the rtp ports too
16:10.32Kattyonly iax can work over a single port
16:10.45Kattyand that's udp 4569
16:11.09}btorch{I'm openned the ports on my pix but I used tcp instead of udp
16:11.26}btorch{trying to get asterisk to register to fwd
16:12.52anthmyou can pick a certian range in rtp.conf if you want
16:13.05anthmand only map that range
16:13.18watchy-i think my damn 7960s firmware just magically broke
16:14.06watchy-anyone know how to get a 7960g sip image so i can try to fix this phone
16:15.19Weezeydidn't you give me the 79XX firmware?
16:15.46watchy-i wish i had it i think my phones flash is bad
16:16.12watchy-i havent powered it on in about 2months and when i did now i get "protocol application invalid"
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16:20.45lo_techcould be a number of things... sloppy tftp hosting, general flash problems (image authen failed, nonexistent image, tftp errors, etc.)
16:21.01watchy-lo_tech: well it worked 2months ago
16:21.17watchy-soon as i pluged it lastnight it didnt work
16:21.54*** part/#asterisk Reverend (
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16:23.11watchy-i am guessing the firmware went bad in the flash
16:23.17watchy-but i dont have firmware to relash it
16:23.23lo_techvery rare
16:23.51watchy-its strange i cant even access the config in the phonee
16:25.26watchy-i can see it getting files off my tftp server. as soon as it gets it SIPMAC.cnf file
16:25.37watchy-it goes to protocol application invalid
16:28.29watchy-2006/01/10 16:28:13 UTC [3664/4080]: Read request for ./SIP000ED7485582.cnf; mode=octet, from
16:28.29watchy-2006/01/10 16:28:13 UTC [3664/4080]: Read request for ./SIP000ED7485582.cnf completed successfully. 3362 bytes sent to the client
16:30.54*** join/#asterisk voipjjs (
16:32.22watchy-i wonder why shit has to break for no reason
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16:34.00voipjjsGood morning.  I need to set up AAH tech support center, any takers?
16:35.20[TK]D-FenderAs in a tech support center USING AAH, or a tech support center SUPPORTING AAH?
16:35.39Qwell[TK]D-Fender: You *KNOW* it's the former. :)
16:35.46file[desk]either way just give up now
16:36.02[TK]D-FenderQwell : People are crazy... never under/overestimate them.
16:37.43voipjjsSupporting AAH, I have been chartered to set up a AAH support center.  The company has a good source of used computers.  An end user will be able to purchase a p3/p4, 512 meg, 20 gig HD, TDM4XX for around $670.  THis will include 1 hour of tech support
16:38.29file[desk]you WILL go insane
16:38.32file[desk]you realize this?
16:38.46Qwellwill go...already big difference
16:39.12[TK]D-FenderQwell : Sure there is.... its a question of how many people they take down with them :D
16:40.13file[desk]and, dependency hell strikes again
16:40.26xachenAAH *Shudders*
16:40.29pifhi, has anyone used an isdn phone with chan_capi's NT mode yet?
16:42.06voipjjsMy client is already setting up the VOIP network, 800 number and database call tracking via the web, etc.  The AAh ISO will be installed and working on the systems before being sent to customers.
16:42.46xachenthats just evil
16:42.51xachenthey will all be bringing them back
16:42.58xachenandy ou'll need lots of support ttechs
16:43.21file[desk]I won't even help people with AAH if they pay me
16:43.52xachenits justa  pain in the ass
16:43.55xachendoesn't even work good
16:44.00xachenI set it up for a client once
16:44.08xachenand decided afterwards just to manually config it
16:44.11brockj49464Anybody know of a "softmodem" for XP?
16:44.12xachenasterisk rather
16:44.33jsharpDoes AAH use the realtime database stuff or just a fancy config file writer?
16:44.43voipjjsRate of pay will be $50 an hour, in 15 minute blocks, per call
16:44.44Qwellit uses it's own BS database
16:44.59xachenYou'd be paying me $75 :)
16:45.03xachenif not +
16:45.20file[desk]voipjjs: all I can say is be prepared for pain
16:45.26*** join/#asterisk Astar (
16:45.52jsharpI had someone want me to write some external configuration scripts for AAH that didn't interfere with AAH's regular configurations.
16:47.11*** join/#asterisk `lyme (
16:47.22[TK]D-Fenderfile[desk] : But pain = $.
16:47.35*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
16:47.39[TK]D-Fenderthe long it takes to fix a problem the more money they make.
16:48.01Mimmusis there anyone who can help me with a difficlut problem on a E1 PRI line?
16:48.12[TK]D-Fenderfor $50/h I'd learn and support A@H :)
16:48.36eKo1Mimmus: what problem?
16:49.47MimmuseKo1: Asterisk doesn't detect answer for some (rare) numbers
16:49.58MimmuseKo1: especially automatic responders
16:50.19MimmuseKo1: it rings indefinitely
16:50.25*** join/#asterisk Los415 (
16:52.51*** join/#asterisk Ti-dan (n=eee@
16:52.58eKo1are you using callprogress = yes in zapata.conf?
16:53.09MimmuseKo1: no, it is a PRI/E1 line
16:53.17voipjjsIf anybody is interested in the tech position please send an email to
16:54.06*** join/#asterisk Speeder (n=psilva@
16:54.21eKo1Mimmus: give me a scenario where it rings indefinitely
16:54.27jsharpMaybe the far end isn't sending a correct answer supervision?
16:55.23*** join/#asterisk viLeR (i=1000@
16:55.34*** join/#asterisk AAAAA (n=sub@
16:56.01AAAAAHello everybody
16:56.05AAAAASomeone here ??
16:56.21MimmuseKo1: an italian telecom toll free number 803789
16:56.42Mimmusjsharp: surely but how can I detect this?
16:57.11AAAAAwhere can we have dids with unlimited incoming and multiple channels ??
16:57.29*** join/#asterisk manolo (n=manolo@
16:57.43jsharpYou can watch the PRI debug logs and see if they tell you anything.
16:57.52manoloHey how do i make my contact directory??
16:57.55kippiI have just got this error when making asterisk
16:57.56kippicollect2: ld returned 1 exit status
16:57.56kippimake[1]: *** [] Error 1
16:57.56kippimake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk/apps'
16:57.56kippimake: *** [subdirs] Error 1
16:57.57*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt_m (
16:58.10kippianyideas what is going on?
16:58.30jsharpNeed more lines above that to find out where the linker is esploding.
16:58.43Mimmusjsharp: of course but or I'm not able to see anything useful or I'm not in position to do it
16:58.58AAAAAare you doing your make install in /usr/src/asterisk/apps or /usr/src/asterisk/ directory ??
16:59.08manoloPlease i need this urgent! how do i make my directory in Asterisk???
16:59.19kippiusr/src/asterisk/ directory
16:59.27jsharpYou may have to talk with your PRI provider then, see if they can do any debugging for you.
16:59.52manolokippi, in CLI?
17:00.13Mimmusjsharp: aargh, with italian telco this is almost impossible
17:00.17*** part/#asterisk Ti-dan (n=eee@
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17:00.52jsharpkippi:  Are there lines above the "collect2: ld returned 1 exit status"?  Those are the lines that we'd need to see.
17:01.58*** join/#asterisk Simon- (i=byte@2001:4bd0:1000:1:2e0:4cff:feed:1cfb)
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17:03.00manolokippi, there is no such directory in CLI.. why is that??
17:03.02kippitrying it again
17:03.30AgiNamuAny switching experts around?
17:03.45AgiNamuI'm willing to pay $$$ for a few answers.
17:03.45AAAAA"Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue" what can be the trouble here ??
17:03.47NuggetI switched to macintosh in 2002!  ask me anything!  ;)
17:03.52kippijsharp: there is just loads and loads of compiler info, can't see collect2
17:03.58AgiNamuSpecifically, Q.931 and 5ESS :)
17:04.26*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
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17:07.19watchyanyone got 7960g firmware i can get now so i dont have to wait like 2 weeks to get a $8 cisco service agreement?
17:08.15eKo1AgiNamu: are these ss7 questions?
17:08.50*** part/#asterisk voipjjs (
17:09.23AAAAA"Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue"
17:09.44[TK]D-FenderAAAAA : Sounds like massive packet-loss
17:10.21saftsacktzanger, hi are you here?
17:10.24watchyi cant believe ciscos gonna make me wait days for $8
17:10.57AAAAAwell, how can this happen in a lan ??
17:11.26AAAAA[TK]D-Fender : well, how can this happen in a lan ??
17:11.56[TK]D-FenderAAAAA : What codecs, how many simultaneous calls, and what server specs?
17:11.56AgiNamueKo1, no its about why the 5ESS do in-band indications.
17:12.42Mimmusdoes anyone knows Sangoma card configuration?
17:12.51kippican anyone help me out?
17:12.57[TK]D-FenderMimmus : What do you need to know?
17:13.16Mimmussuggested (!) values for some parameters of wanpipe.conf file
17:13.20AAAAA[TK]D-Fender : This is asterisk 1.2.1 . We are using ulaw and something like 10/15 simulanuous calls... this is the same environement and was working with asterisk 1.0.7
17:13.32[TK]D-FenderMimmus : like?
17:14.28Mimmusframing, clock mode
17:14.29Mimmusok, framing=HDB3 in Italy
17:14.29MimmusFraming? CRC or not?
17:14.31MimmusClock? Normal or Master?
17:14.31[TK]D-FenderMimmus : Sorry, don't know EU standards :/
17:14.34AAAAAthis looks like something new with asterisk 1.2.1
17:14.46[TK]D-FenderMimmus : Typicall clocking is "normal" (from telco).
17:14.46jsharpClock should probably be normal.  CRC would depend on your provider.
17:15.21watchyi just bought my cisco smartnet agreement for my firmware for $12 from cdw
17:15.32watchycan someone now send me the firmware so i don't have to wait 2 weeks
17:15.38Mimmusjsharp: OK, CRC seems to work with my telco, it doesn't work with a legacy Alactel PBX
17:16.27*** join/#asterisk Uther_P (n=uther_p@
17:17.05pfnyes, e.g. context.xml for tomcat
17:17.12pfnor ibm-web-bnd.xmi for websphere
17:17.14*** join/#asterisk AlexCTI (
17:17.15pfnor whatever for weblogic
17:17.18pfnor resin, etc.
17:17.25pfndamn mis-tab
17:20.12*** join/#asterisk roulduke_ (
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17:20.35Mimmusare rxgain/txgain in zapata.conf % values or absolute values?
17:20.44*** join/#asterisk AAAAA (n=sub@
17:20.50AAAAAought my cisco smartnet agreement for my firmware for $12 from cdw
17:20.50AAAAA<watchy> can someone now send me the firmware so i don't have to wait 2 weeks
17:20.51AAAAA<Mimmus> jsharp: OK,
17:20.52AAAAAought my cisco smartnet agreement for my firmware for $12 from cdw
17:20.52AAAAA<watchy> can someone now send me the firmware so i don't have to wait 2 weeks
17:20.52AAAAA<Mimmus> jsharp: OK,
17:20.58AAAAAsorry guys
17:21.19Mimmusdenon: some hint for these?
17:21.25denonMimmus: 0.0
17:21.30denonand fix your line problems
17:21.43Mimmusdenon: Sangome support suggested me to 'increase' rxgain. How can I do?
17:21.52AAAAA"Dropping voice to exceptionally long queue" on IAX2 seems to be new in asterisk 1.2.1
17:22.01*** join/#asterisk sysdebug (n=sysdebug@
17:22.16Mimmusdenon: are they meaningful for PRI channels?
17:22.19denonif "Sangome" has a reason for you to increase rxgain, then they should tell you what it is
17:22.37denonmost installs do not need it, and if they do, its usually due to some other problem that should be fixed instead
17:22.44Mimmusdenon: Sangome (eh eh) suggested only this
17:23.16*** join/#asterisk brif8 (
17:23.52brif8hi all, is chanspy support in the CVS-Head 05/20/05 03:33:04 version and if not how can it be enabled?
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17:24.23AlexCTIHi, Anyone familiar with Xlite softphone? I can make outbound calls and the phone dial, but when the remote pick uo the phone get silence and the softphone too
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17:27.43hnupikhello, i'am doing a sip-h323 signalalling conversion, i'am thinking about using asterisk with asterisk-oh323 module for this purpose. Will then the whole call traffic (with datagrams containing the voice) have to go thru the asterisk server, or only the signaling? (i'am in a analysis phase so i'am thinking about this issue)
17:28.09saftsackexten => h,2,Goto(faxout,s,1)
17:28.09saftsackexten => s,1,Dial(Zap/1/*)
17:28.09*** join/#asterisk Skkip (n=Skipper@
17:28.21saftsackthis doesnt work the call is destroyed immediately, but why?
17:29.47watchyi wish i had a nuclear weapon so i could visit cisco
17:31.06watchyhow does anyone get anything done if ciscos gonna take 2 weeks to let me get a sip image
17:31.40[TK]D-Fenderwatchy : You sign up 2 weeks before you get your hands on your equipment :)
17:31.48Seldon1975On my Polycom 501/601s, when I go Menu > Features > Contact Directory > Add and add an entry I get a mesage 'Busy! Please Try Again!' on the phone's LCD and it fails to add the contact
17:31.56Seldon1975has anyone experienced this?
17:31.58*** join/#asterisk Samoied (n=Samoied@
17:32.01[TK]D-FenderAnd you wouldn't want to visit Cisco with a nuke... you'd want it delivered :D
17:32.07watchy[TK]D-Fender: my equip was working fine
17:32.19*** join/#asterisk thomastim (
17:32.23rkiokowhat gsm channel banks are recommended to work with digium /sangoma cards
17:32.25watchyi plug it in and i get some shit about application invalid
17:32.33file[desk]woot trouble ticket
17:32.42thomastimhey, who was the x-lite guy?
17:32.51*** join/#asterisk Luke-Jr (
17:33.06AlexCTIx-lite guy
17:33.08thomastimoh, sorry about that, machine has been flaking out lately
17:33.19thomastimi use x-lite as a SIP phone with asterisk
17:33.28thomastimdid someone answer your questions already?
17:33.31AlexCTIthat's what i'm try to do
17:33.41thomastimmaybe i can help
17:33.43AlexCTIno jet,
17:33.55AlexCTIthe issue that i have is i get silence after the call is cnnected
17:34.09thomastimyou're talking to someone else?
17:34.20thomastimare you going through a NAT/firewall?
17:34.44thomastimis the other party connected through one?
17:34.47AlexCTIa router
17:35.04thomastimcan you check your voicemail and so forth?
17:36.04rastacouettei ve a problem with my disa configuration someone know ?
17:37.30*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (n=phil@
17:37.43thomastimAlex, still there?
17:37.59thomastim...on another note
17:38.14thomastimis anyone here familiar with asterisk's internal functions?
17:38.18thomastimspecifically in file.c
17:38.25thomastimis there a reference somewhere?
17:40.31}btorch{has anyone gotten * to  connect to FWd over sip ?
17:41.41[TK]D-Fender}btorch{ : I have, whats the problem?
17:41.56saftsack[TK]D-Fender, hi do you have experiences with the h option?
17:42.00hnupikhas anyone experience with h323 and asterisk? does the oph323 support teleconferencing?
17:42.13thomastimD'OH! thanks drumkilla
17:42.14[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : not really, and you asked me earlier.
17:42.19drumkillathomastim: no problem
17:42.20saftsackbecause it doesnt work here, that the h option dials
17:42.32saftsackok i thought your answer was for the callfile
17:42.37brif8hi all, is chanspy support in the CVS-Head 05/20/05 03:33:04 version and if not how can it be enabled?
17:42.57drumkillayou seriously need to update
17:43.02drumkillavery, very badly
17:43.24*** join/#asterisk chapeaurouge (n=chap@
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17:45.06[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : For fax, callfile, AND "h" :)
17:45.15brif8yeah I agree, but it's a production server and I'm trying to convience management that it it way past due
17:45.25_Sam--sackman:  you faxing yet?
17:45.45drumkillabrif8: wanting chanspy is a good reason to update to 1.2
17:46.03brif81.2 the latest stable right ?
17:46.11blitzragelatest release , yes.
17:46.28brif8cool ok thanks I'll use that info. thanks guys
17:46.33blitzragewe don't call it "stable" anymore :D
17:46.53*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (
17:46.55brif8sure I haven't come across an unstable * anyway
17:47.35*** join/#asterisk Defraz (n=t0tal@
17:48.14}btorch{[TK]D-Fender: I keep getting a failed to authenticate and timeout NOTICe
17:48.53}btorch{[TK]D-Fender:  I have made several changes to my sip and extension files but nothing I have tried worked so far
17:49.08*** join/#asterisk jdv79 (
17:49.25}btorch{[TK]D-Fender: I can connect to the FWD using xten fine
17:50.34MstlyHrmlsSeldon1975: are you using TFTP & 1.6.3 or earlier?
17:50.59*** join/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
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17:51.04jdv79random question - does asterisk support silence suppression?
17:51.32[TK]D-Fender}btorch{ : Pastebin your sip.conf
17:51.38justinurandom answer - no
17:51.43_Sam--maybe cheapest and most effective way to make sure if there is a problem with the CF....just put another CF on hdb of same thing ....make grub on hdb which loads hda as root...and hda also has grub...if hda fails, you just pick different grub option to boot hdb....
17:51.55JunK-Yjdv79: after a record ? yes u can remove silence.
17:52.27jdv79JunK-Y, i don't follow you
17:52.32}btorch{[TK]D-Fender: I'm actually doing so now
17:52.56jdv79during a call is what i mean
17:53.12JunK-Ywhen u record, after u finished talking, u can remove silence (blank).
17:53.19JunK-Ythen i misunderstood the question :)
17:53.26JunK-Ythen its no.
17:53.27jdv79Juggie, thanks...:)
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18:01.11[TK]D-Fender}btorch{ : lookint at it
18:01.13*** join/#asterisk fndude (
18:01.24rastacouettesome one knows how we can cancel a call forwarded by disa ? before the correspondant answer
18:01.49}btorch{[TK]D-Fender: thanks
18:03.21trixter}btorch{ [TK]D-Fender: I keep getting a failed to authenticate and timeout NOTICe
18:03.25trixterfor every provider or only one?
18:03.50trixtertelepacket for example has for about a month now timed out a bunch on me, it appears to be their database server and not their actual system ...
18:03.57[TK]D-Fender}btorch{ : Your localnet is
18:04.03*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
18:04.04[TK]D-Fenderfor subnet mask.
18:04.18}btorch{[TK]D-Fender: yeah
18:09.10*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
18:09.10*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk 1.2.1 has been released! -//-
18:09.17thomastimpeople sell routers that don't accept a netmask?
18:09.52}btorch{[TK]D-Fender: yeah the numbers are right I have doubled checked it .. now I increased the register timout to see what happens
18:10.14[TK]D-Fender}btorch{ : Itsits not one of the 2, then I'm not sure what to say...
18:10.16NuggetI use an airport extreme which won't (easily) let you do NAT unless DHCP is also enabled.  You have to configure it by hand with SNMP if you want to do NAT without also DHCP.
18:10.30Nuggetit has no problem with whatever netmask I give it, though
18:10.47}btorch{[TK]D-Fender: what is strange is that on the * box I tried to use xten with the same config and it worked no NAT problem or authentication
18:10.54file[desk]Nugget: what flavor sauce do you recommend today?
18:11.22}btorch{* CLI sip show registry shows State= Auth.sent
18:11.29zykeis it possible to have 2 different IP addresses under host option in sip and iax.conf files?
18:12.21*** join/#asterisk jyukes_ (n=jameshot@
18:13.25fenlanderhi, does anyone know anything about the changes to Asterisk to support the new SPA-9000?
18:13.35}btorch{[TK]D-Fender: are you behind  a NAT ?
18:13.52*** join/#asterisk BriSch (
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18:16.01}btorch{[TK]D-Fender: hey now I got a new warnning saying probably a DNS error for registration to
18:16.29[TK]D-Fender}btorch{ : at work I am, at home, no
18:16.58*** join/#asterisk dash (
18:17.34dashHi. Someone want to help me understand some elements of asterisk's behaviour with SIP?
18:18.03nettiehey guys anyon know how to pass the language to festival? Using text2wave afaik doesnt support language option.. uhmm any idea please?
18:18.11dashI have a proxy registering with asterisk; when calls get routed to asterisk by the proxy, asterisk sends a 407
18:18.48dashmy proxy resends the INVITE with proxy auth info, and asterisk says "Ignoring this request" and replies with a 488
18:19.09dashand I have /no/ clue why. any ideas how to coax more information out of it?
18:19.13Dandananyone using spa 1001 with a fax machine?
18:19.15*** join/#asterisk EriSan (
18:19.18Dandani need some help... :/
18:19.25Dandanit gives me unknown codec 100
18:19.26justinudash: enable full logging in logger.conf
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18:19.48fndudeAre there any other options for this timing signal besides ztdummy and ztrtc? I am getting slooow echo filled playback from MOH....
18:19.49*** join/#asterisk antoni_ (n=antoni@
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18:19.59justinudash: but usually, 488 is a codec mismatch
18:20.37dashjustinu: it's not a codec mismatch: if I have my useragent register directly with asterisk (instead of through my proxy), it works
18:21.23*** join/#asterisk Ti-dan (n=eee@
18:21.45antoni_hello everybody, I want to start with asterisk, what distro is recommended?
18:21.54hnupikdoes anyone have a clue what this error could be? chan_oh323.c:3385 setup_h323_connection: Call 'ip$' invalid direction request
18:22.08justinudash: the other thing that'll cause 488 is if "Content-Type" is not "application/sdp"
18:22.25*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
18:22.37dashjustinu: Hmm
18:22.44dashno, that seems to be right, also
18:22.45justinui just looked over the code for you, and that's it
18:22.53justinuno other way to get 488 as a reply
18:23.02justinupastebin your sip debug, lets take a look
18:23.13dashjustinu: Huh, bizarre. Where's this at? i oughta take a look at it too
18:23.28*** join/#asterisk razu_ (n=razu@
18:23.41dashwell yeah obviously. which lines :)
18:23.51justinujust search for 488
18:23.58justinuit's kinda "all over the place" :P
18:24.06dashso i've noticed
18:24.07*** join/#asterisk fulgas (n=fulgas@
18:24.41justinuturn on full logging, and pastebin some of the output of the full log
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18:26.27justinuthat's just the sip debug... there's a way to get more verbose output
18:26.33justinutake a look at logger.conf
18:26.37dashall righty
18:26.49*** join/#asterisk PMantis_C (n=sswitzer@
18:27.25dashah, debug
18:29.24justinulooks like for whatever reason process_sdp() isn't happy
18:29.25PMantis_CMy wife is complaining about call quality, dropped calls, audio turning to one-way during a good call, etc. Best way to diagnose problems? Ethereal?
18:29.30justinuwe'll probably see why in the debug output
18:29.50justinuethereal can help you out
18:30.00justinuit has some RTP analysis stuff in it
18:30.01*** join/#asterisk FastJack (
18:30.10dashjustinu: yeah, but there's no RTP yet
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18:30.29dashjustinu: well if nothing else I can crank up gdb
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18:30.34PMantis_Cdogtanian: Dunno... it's cable, so shared in neighborhood
18:30.51dogtaniani'd guess at net conjection
18:30.52PMantis_Cjustinu: Anything in particular I should be watching?
18:30.55*** join/#asterisk [Mr_X] (i=mrx@
18:31.14justinurun a capture, load it into ethereal, and use the RTP Stream analysis
18:31.18dogtanianmaybe see what happens if you make calls at stupid'o'clock in teh morning
18:31.31PMantis_Cjustinu: run a capture with what?
18:31.35dashjustinu: oh heh, thought you were talking to me, never mind :)
18:31.47justinudash: i bet this is a problem with speex for some reason
18:31.48dashPMantis_C: ethereal does capturing too
18:32.01justinudash: try disallowing it
18:32.08PMantis_Cdash: No X on the Asterisk box. :)
18:32.14dashPMantis_C: so use tethereal
18:32.20dashor remote X ;-)
18:32.24justinuPMantis_C: use tetheral or tcpdumop
18:32.31*** join/#asterisk masonf (
18:32.37dashjustinu: OK, but I doubt it -- i enabled it in desperation when this started :)
18:32.39PMantis_Ctcpdump I know about...
18:32.51justinudash: try disabling all codecs except g711u
18:32.56dashethereal will read dumps in pretty much any format
18:32.57dashjustinu: OK.
18:32.58}btorch{has anyone gotten * to  connect to FWd over sip ?
18:33.09dash}btorch{: yeah, it's not hard
18:33.14}btorch{opps sorry fo that
18:33.22PMantis_C}btorch{: yeah.. example in extensions.conf
18:33.23*** part/#asterisk [Mr_X] (i=mrx@
18:33.26masonfany ideas why my reload command doesn't print anything
18:33.45dashmasonf: console verbosity is set too low?
18:33.57masonfshould it? I just upgraded? no lots of v's
18:33.58}btorch{well my doesn't I'm running sip debug now to see if I can figure out this mystery
18:34.01thomastimi get horrible stream quality on that
18:34.16PMantis_Cjustinu: So, with tcpdump, should I watch communications with a specific port, IP, etc ?
18:34.17masonfVerbosity is at least 7
18:34.17masonfvoip*CLI> reload
18:34.19thomastimall choppy with lots of dropout
18:34.27dashthomastim: sure, but it's easy to support :)
18:34.34*** join/#asterisk Weezey (n=ohno@
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18:34.39dashjustinu: Same results with just pcmu
18:34.41Weezeyanyone in the SPA9000 webinar?
18:34.45justinupmantis: use tcpdump to write an output file
18:34.59justinupmantis: tcpdump -s0 -w voip.cap
18:35.04dashPMantis_C: probably just all udp packets
18:35.10justinudash: ok, did you enable the debug output? let's look in /var/log/asterisk/full
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18:35.51dashjustinu: i'm not seeing any etra stuff in full
18:35.58PMantis_CGuess I could do that for a day, then ask my wife to write down times when things happen.
18:36.00dashjustinu: hmmm
18:36.15PMantis_CPerhaps I should combine this with a ping response log
18:36.25thomastimi have an asterisk internal functions question about playing streams. anyone familiar with the internal API?
18:36.35dashjustinu: logger.conf says: full => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose
18:37.07dashjustinu: but i'm not seeing anything
18:37.15justinuyeah... did you do a "logger reload"?
18:37.29dashjustinu: lemme try that
18:41.20}btorch{can some one pastebin a sip and extension config that works with FWD for me behind nat
18:41.21thomastimlet me try this from another angle: does anyone here support an *PBX in a locale where you aren't using english
18:43.15Nuggetmaybe you should just ask your real question.
18:43.53masonfis anyone running freebsd from ports?
18:44.01}btorch{is this correct ? To: <>
18:44.07Ti-danhello, with asterisk 1.2.1, how can I make my moh directory played randomly, it just plays sequentially (using mpg123)
18:44.13masonfis anyone running asterisk from freebsd ports?
18:44.21dash}btorch{: hmm, needs a localpart
18:44.21*** join/#asterisk SludgeMa_ (
18:44.57thomastimNugget: are you familiar with file streaming functions in asterisk?
18:44.57}btorch{that's what  I got with a sip debug on CLI though
18:45.03Nuggetmaybe you should just ask your real question.
18:45.10Nuggetinstead of trying to prequalify all of us first.
18:45.23Nuggetif someone knows, they'll help.
18:45.30Nuggetif not, it'll be in the logs for posterity
18:45.36dashjustinu: Nope, no good: no debug output after the second INVITE
18:46.16masonfReload will not print anything even with verbosity set above 7
18:46.17justinugdb for you, i guess then
18:46.35dashjustinu: Probably. Going to try comparing this to a client I know works first
18:46.39PMantis_Cjustinu: tried... tcpdump -s0 udp no data from inside the packet. Would this be necessary?
18:46.47masonfthis isn't that bad but niether does sip debug ip <hostname>
18:46.51dashjustinu: but thank you for your help, a sanity check on this stuff is always appreciated. :)
18:47.03justinudash: let us know what you find out
18:47.20justinupmantis: "no data from inside the packet"?
18:47.33dashjustinu: OK.
18:48.36PMantis_Cjustinu: It tells me:  TIMESTAMP IP ADDR:port > ADDR:port, UDP, length: blah
18:48.54justinupmantis: tcpdump output sucks, tell tcpdump to save it as a file with -w
18:49.04PMantis_Cjustinu: I assumed that to diagnose, someone would need to see what the packet contains
18:49.06justinuthen trnasfer that file to your workstation, and load it in ethereal
18:49.27PMantis_Cjustinu: Ok, I'll try that.. didn't know it would differ from command line to   -w
18:50.46Ti-danobiwanmikenolte : thank you
18:51.07PMantis_Cjustinu: Wow! What a difference in output. Thank you.
18:51.24justinuyeah, ethereal rules
18:52.01PMantis_Cjustinu: Hmmm
18:52.12mrdigital....this global thing is getting annoying
18:52.16tzanger*WOW* this is fucked up
18:52.22fulgasanyone knwos why a t405p end gives this error "Unassigning channel 3/6! " after ztcg -vvv
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19:00.40justinuPMantis_C: do the capture while wife is on the phone
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19:12.26zykeis it possible to have 2 different IP addresses under host option in sip and iax.conf files?
19:13.09bsdfreakanyone know of a good program for windows that allows someone to use bluetooth to detect the presence of their cell phone and when it's not detected have asterisk (through the manager or otherwise) forward calls to that cell?
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19:15.32cnet2what modules should i load to make the tdm2400 work?
19:15.35saftsacktzanger: are you here? :)
19:15.49saftsackcnet2: and then in documentations
19:15.53saftsackit is described there
19:16.03*** join/#asterisk dudes (
19:16.16cnet2saftsack thanks
19:17.07rastacouettesome one knows how we can cancel a call forwarded by disa ? before the correspondant answer
19:18.57tzangersaftsack: yes
19:18.59tzangerkind of though
19:19.13saftsackok because the h extension doesnt work :(
19:19.37saftsackexten => h,1,Wait(8) throws me out after just 2 seconds
19:19.59cnet2saftsack: the tdm2400p is relatively new card, it wasn't on the docs.. :S
19:20.09saftsackoh sry
19:20.17saftsackwhat is new? the p or what?
19:20.21cnet2anyone know about installation instrctions for the 2300 ?
19:20.27saftsacktzanger: do you have an idea?
19:20.31cnet2the new is 2400
19:20.40watchyi just bought sip firmware off ebay
19:20.42saftsackand what was the old one big one card=
19:20.47watchybeats waiting 2 weeks for cisco
19:21.21tzangersaftsack: what card?
19:21.29cnet2there's cards for T1, and cards for 4 ports  TDM4XX, but the TDM24 has 24 analog ports
19:21.42Zodiacaloh wow do i really save that much? look at the "You Save" its a negative:
19:21.44saftsacktzanger: the fax is connected over a tdm400
19:21.50saftsackwith zaptel
19:22.17tzangerand what's not waiting?
19:22.45*** part/#asterisk twisted[asteria] (n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted)
19:22.54saftsackyou said me to use the h extension and it didnt work so i thought to test, if h works at all
19:23.07saftsackso i did a simple exten => h,1,Wait(8)
19:23.33saftsackthen it starts to wait but after 1 second zap2-2 hangs up and kill the action
19:23.51*** part/#asterisk SludgeMa_ (
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19:26.23rayvdHowdy doody.
19:26.45saftsacktzanger: do you have an idea?
19:27.27*** join/#asterisk jahani2 (
19:27.56seele_Hi, i need help with this: my ring groups aren't working, i put some extens to a rign group, and they all get busy tone
19:29.02[TK]D-FenderZodiacal : That seems to be the NORMAL price actually.. maybe their list is wrong...
19:29.55*** part/#asterisk Ti-dan (n=eee@
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19:33.11watchythese new mac macbooks can run windows?
19:34.37Ivan_Stepaniukhi there
19:35.16cnet2i'm installing zaptel, i loaded the wcfxo module.  (the onlyone that did load, w/o errors), and with the ztcfg -v i get errors, when i change the zaptel.conf file.  ( i have a tdm2401, that's one  FXO module with 4 fxos)
19:36.14cnet2my lspci show a unknown Ethernet card, but i have been told, that doesn't matter
19:36.20Ivan_Stepaniukwhat is the error ztcfg gets?
19:36.39cnet2Ivan_Stepaniuk: ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: Invalid argument (22)
19:36.59jsharpYour zaptel.conf file is wrong.
19:37.05jsharpYou need to use FXS signalling on FXO cards.
19:37.16cnet2i've put fxsks=1-4
19:37.16jsharp"Oh.  Nevermind then.
19:37.59cnet2, i still think is something with the zaptel recognizing the card.. is there a way for me to check that?
19:38.00jsharpLook in your dmesg output
19:38.13jsharpand cat /proc/sys/zaptel (I think it is)
19:39.01lo_techzttool 4tw!
19:39.27*** join/#asterisk imagine (
19:39.32cnet2the zttool only shows the ZTDUMMY/1
19:39.47Ivan_Stepaniukno idea
19:40.01lo_techbad sign...lsmod says?
19:40.10jsharpIts not seeing your FXO modules, then.
19:40.14[TK]D-Fendercnet2 : That should be the WCTDM module you should be loading....
19:40.22cnet2it shows zaptel   wcfxo ztdummy
19:40.25imaginegood evening asterisk-users !
19:40.27[TK]D-Fendernot WCFXO, thats only for X100's
19:40.35*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
19:41.33Ivan_Stepaniuki have a question related to x100p, maybe someone know; its possible to make work more than one "Generic Clone Board" on the same box?
19:41.39cnet2i see...,  when i try to load the wctdm i get this 'wctdm: disagrees about version of symbol zt_receive'  (unknown symbol in module)
19:42.06jsharpSounds like you've got mismatched modules.
19:42.06Ivan_Stepaniukdo # modinfo wctdm
19:42.24Ivan_Stepaniukand see if all modules it depends on are loaded
19:42.41cnet2depends on zaptel only
19:42.47cnet2and zaptel is loaded :S
19:43.30*** join/#asterisk a1fa (n=a1fa@
19:43.36cnet2there's a module called (crc_ccitt) that depends on zaptel, could that be the new card?
19:43.36a1faanybody used that voice changer?
19:43.40cnet2new card module i mean
19:44.38a1fawhat are toll numbers in US?
19:45.04jsharp900 977
19:45.14lo_techany non-local number can incur a toll
19:45.14a1fathose are toll free
19:45.18justinuoh, toll free
19:45.23a1falo_tech : i have free longdistance
19:45.31file[desk]toll-free numbers can technically incur charges when dialed international too :D
19:46.38a1fai am about to apply that patch for voice changer
19:46.49a1faanybody had fun with that?
19:47.26Ivan_Stepaniukits possible to make work more than one of those x100p clone (ambient 3200) on the same box? zttool shows me three spans
19:47.50Ivan_Stepaniuk(i have 3 of these crapmodems in)
19:47.58[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : those #'s you provided were TOLL-FREE.
19:49.41*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (n=gambolpu@
19:49.46a1facan asterisk generate CNG?
19:51.39justinufender: and all this time, i had no idea :P
19:51.50Ivan_Stepaniuka1fa: i think no
19:51.59*** join/#asterisk Simon-_ (
19:52.15Ivan_Stepaniuk" Implement CNG, VAD and DTX - MustDie" is in
19:52.22Ivan_Stepaniukas a whishlit item
19:52.30Ivan_Stepaniukso i supose its not implemented
19:52.59Ivan_Stepaniukthere was a thread on the mailing list about cng a time ago
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19:53.44a1fait kind of bugs people
19:53.46a1fawhen you stop talking
19:53.49a1faand it stops transmiting
19:53.55a1faand they think you hung-up on them
19:54.05a1faand then they are like" HELLO ARE YOU STILL THERE"
19:54.23Ivan_Stepaniukyes, i dont know why its called "confort" noise
19:54.35*** join/#asterisk Kernel_core (
19:54.46a1fait should be called
19:54.56Ivan_Stepaniukmy english  is terrible, but there must be another word for that
19:55.08Ivan_Stepaniukyeee :)
19:55.14a1fawhere r u from
19:55.24dashIvan_Stepaniuk: thinking your NAT broke your voip /again/ is uncomfortable
19:55.33Kernel_coreIvan_Stepaniuk: Parooski Panimayte ? ;)
19:56.05Ivan_Stepaniukme too
19:56.20Ivan_Stepaniukits a small world =P
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19:58.05a1facheck that
19:58.33Ivan_Stepaniukche Buenos Aires?
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19:58.36dashjustinu: Interestingly, the latest release of asterisk does not send a 488, but it does say "Ignoring this INVITE request".
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20:00.49rastacouettesome one knows how we can cancel a call forwarded by disa ? before the correspondant answer
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20:05.23Vahangreetings, anyone has a full list of spa-3000/2100 xml variables or example .xml ? I'm looking for the PSTN / Caller ID variable names.
20:05.35Vahansomething like
20:06.11Speederhi, I'm having a problem setting my callerid. I'm Using Set(Callerid(num_extension)=name|num) and doesn't work.. Can u help?
20:07.50eKo1Speeder: first of all this ---> Set(Callerid(num_extension)=name|num) will never work
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20:11.32Vahanbtw, spa-941 rocks
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20:11.33Vahanhandsfree echo can problems are 95% gone
20:12.00Ivan_Stepaniuk"3 channels configured." :)
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20:14.28rastacouetteanyone has already configured a disa on asterisk ?
20:14.46saftsackrastacouette: what is disa?
20:14.55Hmmhesaysanyone ever had one install that makes you want to quit your job?
20:15.14watchyi have things that make me want to slit my throat in front of customers
20:15.25Ivan_StepaniukA feature on PBX's which allows an external caller access to the PBX and all of its features such as tie and watts lines by dialing in on the DISA trunk.
20:15.30watchyand thats a good day
20:15.41rastacouetteit is a remote acces on your asterisk to place a call of inside your asterisk to outside
20:15.44Ivan_Stepaniuk(thanks google)
20:16.03watchyi think i'm finnaly getting 7960g firmware
20:16.10watchymy friend has a cco acct with lots of access
20:16.22watchyi already paid cisco bitchs $12
20:16.27watchybut it will take 2 weeks to setup
20:16.48twisted[asteria]no it won't
20:16.57dashsaftsack: "direct inward system access"
20:16.59PMantis_C...and on tonight's news, a telephony consultant kills himself in front of customers. Experts ask if VoIP is worth the casualties.
20:17.17PMantis_Cwatchy: I couldnt' resist. :)
20:17.18Ivan_Stepaniukrastacouette, the way asterisk dial plan is configured, doing a disa is not doing so much
20:17.20twisted[asteria]Hmmhesays, to answer your question - every other day.
20:17.34dashPMantis_C: someone ought to sponsor some psychiatrists to investigate the effects of VoIP on mental health
20:17.54*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
20:17.57twisted[asteria]dash, that'd be hard, considering a lot of us are already crazy
20:18.01AstarIvan_Stepaniuk my problem is that when i call my asterisk & after i go outside with disa i cant cancel the call
20:18.11saftsackdash: oha ^^
20:18.11thomastimcompared to our existing PBX, Asterisk makes me want to quit my job and do Asterisk installs
20:18.13Astarit eternaly rings
20:18.20PMantis_Cdash: Or the effects on relationships... my wife is upset about calls dropping. I'm runngin tcpdump now to see if it catches anything.
20:18.32Ivan_Stepaniukyou mean, when you hang up the call still active?
20:18.41twisted[asteria]PMantis_C, solution: tell her not to talk so much :P
20:18.57dashtwisted[asteria]: well, mostly I am thinking of the day debugging this SIP stack I am writing pushed me far enough to change my nick to "z9hG4bK"
20:19.13PMantis_Ctwisted[asteria]: LOL, that'll go over well... Might I suggest, "Keeping a wife 101" ?  :-)
20:19.21Hmmhesaysi'm working with audiocodes right now, i swear this guy has to be a semi retarded half brother of the president or something
20:19.22twisted[asteria]PMantis_C, hah
20:19.23watchypraise the lord
20:19.29Hmmhesaysno farking way he got this job on his own
20:19.31watchyi have cisco 7960g firmware
20:19.34*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
20:19.47tzangerI need nonintrusive "alarm" noises... I've been told to implement "start of break/end of break" noises for the company.  ugh.
20:19.49twisted[asteria]Hmmhesays, you should talk to SwK
20:20.02*** join/#asterisk SexyKen (
20:20.06Hmmhesayshe familiar with audiocodes?
20:20.06dashjustinu: So it looks like what's happening is that my code doesn't increment the cseq when it resends the INVITE with auth
20:20.10twisted[asteria]Hmmhesays, *nods*
20:20.13dashjustinu: asterisk has a cow and ignores it
20:20.15SexyKenHey guys -- How can I use a standard cordless phone with my Asterisk server?
20:20.16justinudash: ahhhh
20:20.18Hmmhesaysspecifically the vxml engine?
20:20.25twisted[asteria]oooh okay, dunno about that
20:20.27twisted[asteria]lemme ask
20:20.34dashjustinu: so i fixed that and now it's mismatching the cseq on the acks :)
20:20.35PMantis_CSexyKen: Get an FXS card / or FSX device
20:20.36tzangerSexyKen: with an FXS port
20:20.43justinudash: heh
20:20.52VahanSexyKen: buy a FXS adapter such as Sipura SPA-1001 or SPA-3000
20:20.54SexyKenWell did I mention that the asterisk server is remotely located and is pure VOIP?
20:20.58Hmmhesaysthat would be a life saver, i'm going on vacation in 2 days and considering not coming back because of this
20:21.05PMantis_CSexyKen: Sorry, both abbreviations should be: FXS
20:21.07dashSexyKen: what vahan said, then
20:21.20twisted[asteria]Hmmhesays, sucks... apparently not.
20:21.25PMantis_CSexyKen: Or, IAXy, or TDM card, etc
20:21.43file[desk]Hmmhesays: !!!!!!!!
20:21.50*** join/#asterisk subzero (n=subzero@
20:21.53Hmmhesaysfile[desk] how are you?
20:21.59SexyKenIf the Asterisk server is remote and it's a pure VOIP solution I will need to use FXS adaptors?
20:22.00dashfile[desk]: does he work for you? ;)
20:22.08Hmmhesaysis anyone familiar with vxml in here?
20:22.12subzerohi all
20:22.14file[desk]Hmmhesays: great, you?
20:22.33dashSexyKen: get an iaxy or a sipura, get it to talk iax or sip to your asterisk server
20:22.46Hmmhesaysfile[desk] horrid
20:22.52*** join/#asterisk SwK[Work] (n=SwK@
20:22.54file[desk]Hmmhesays: whyfor horrid?
20:22.57subzerolooking for some help on setting up a pbx system with asterisk
20:23.14tzangersubzero: which PBX
20:23.16*** join/#asterisk brettnem (n=brettnem@
20:23.26SexyKenOkay that's pretty cool, bestbuy wouldn't carry this stuff, would they?
20:23.59VahanSexyKen: has them at the moment.
20:24.10Hmmhesaysfile[desk] install gone horribly wrong
20:24.16subzerotzanger, I found an example of a 8x16 PBX and looking at having a go at it
20:24.22PMantis_CI have IAXy's in stock as well
20:24.23Hmmhesaysand it came back to me cause no one is doing their freaking job
20:24.27tzangerdoesn't tell me anything
20:24.33tzangerand that's likely a KSU anyway, not a pBX :-)
20:26.23saftsacktzanger: so do you have an idea?
20:26.24subzerotzanger, one sec
20:26.42tzangersaftsack: no I missed the explanation
20:27.09justinuanyone know why the startup script included with asterisk would spawn 9 instances of the asterisk process?
20:27.17saftsackok. asterisk doesnt seems to do what i say ^^
20:27.20NDTWe have numbers pointed to our toll free...carrier sends the 10 digit dialed string...say...565455656...So the person dialed 565455656...I could read this in gnugk...but doing it like this... exten => 565455656,n,Dial(Zap/g1/5164585789) asterisk seems to only be seeing the toll free everytime
20:27.33saftsackit does h,1,something but it stops like all other things here :(
20:28.38NDTDNID seems to always show as toll free number rather then number dialed
20:28.43PMantis_CNDT: Do you have a line like this?:  exten => 565455656,1,something here   ?
20:29.00subzerotzanger, that's the site...
20:29.13NDTexten => 565455656,1,Dial(Zap/g1/5164585789) <---tried it like that...
20:29.24file[desk]but it's only applicable on PRIs and such
20:29.27*** part/#asterisk MeneMMateo (
20:29.36justinuwhy is the redhat asterisk init script spawning 9 copies of the asterisk process?
20:29.38NDTIt keeps reading 565455656 as the tollfree
20:30.03subzerotzanger, page 14
20:30.10NDTyet in gnugk it works
20:30.17PMantis_CNDT: Explain "reading as the tollfree"
20:31.03Speederthank's brad_mssw it's working
20:31.08}btorch{is this still valid on the latest * ? Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@fwd-outgoing ?
20:31.18}btorch{finally got the FWD to wrok
20:32.02NDTPMantis_C: ok...if I dialed 565 number...gnugk would show me callerid and the number that was dialed...asterisk I thought was supposed to read that DNID as default in a context like this: exten => 5654556565,1,Dial(Zap/g1/5164585789) is seeing 5654556565 as the 866 number instead
20:32.07tzangersaftsack: is your hangup dialplan trying to do anything that may require a channel to be up?
20:32.37tzangersubzero: ok
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20:33.14saftsacktzanger: it just do wait(8) for testing issues atm
20:33.16justinuwow, thanks for the help
20:33.28justinuyou hang around, help out tons of people's problems... when it's your turn... you get nothing
20:33.55*** join/#asterisk Katty (n=angela@
20:34.10Hmmhesaysok this pile of hell is not even trying to grab the vxml script
20:34.10NDTjustinu: Wish I could tell ya... 8)
20:34.27thomastimjustinu: perhaps it's because there are child processes that handle each connection
20:34.40saftsacktzanger: so it should imho work
20:34.49jbalcombIs there anyway to get Asterisk to log individual state changes on a call?
20:34.51*** join/#asterisk heymikeeh (n=me@
20:34.54thomastimjustinu: like how Apache starts a minimum number of daemons to listen to requests
20:35.00justinuthomastim: then why don't they appear when I start it manually?
20:35.15thomastimjustinu: because it takes resources to start more while under load
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20:35.41thomastimjustinu: i have no idea, because i just started it and about a dozen spawned
20:35.44tzangersaftsack: ok and?
20:35.45*** join/#asterisk Navman_Lap (n=icechat5@
20:36.06justinuthis is really my first time messing with redhat init scripts
20:36.09saftsackafter 2 seconds of waiting it breaks
20:36.12justinuand i'm already pisssed
20:36.13dashjustinu: It just keeps getting better. Now Asterisk is sending 503s when I send an ACK
20:36.20Hmmhesayswhat exactly does relaxdtmf do in sip.conf?
20:36.26thomastimjustinu: i'm not using a script. i'm just calling the binary
20:36.29NDTjustinu: like freebsd 4.9 shows like 20 postgresql processes for me...shows all teh child processes in the same damn list drives me nuts
20:36.33saftsackandd the channel hangs up
20:37.01[TK]D-FenderHmmhesays : lowers the detection threshold when you are using INBAND for DTMF.  useful for shitty connections.
20:37.04justinuobviously, i don't "get it"
20:37.12subzerotzanger: what hardware would I need for that kind of setup??
20:37.31tzangeris there no function that returns a timestamp anymore??
20:37.33*** join/#asterisk heymikeeh (n=me@
20:37.45[TK]D-Fender${TIMESTAMP} ?
20:37.53NDTjustinu: Think it all revolves around NPTL support somehow in redhat
20:37.58thomastimjustinu: is there a problem with it, or is it the fact that it's cluttering up your process list?
20:38.06tzangerahh strftime
20:38.20thomastimi'm using slackware and i get the same MCF of processes in the list
20:38.26tzangerwith fantastic help, ugh
20:38.31justinui dunno if there's a problem yet... but the fact that I see 9 different processes listening on UDP 5060 bugs me
20:38.39tzanger[TK]D-Fender: hmm that might be it
20:38.41tzangersubzero: do this
20:38.48thomastimjustinu: one for each connection. make sense?
20:38.50tzangerexten => s,1,NoOp(time is ${TIMESTAMP})
20:38.53tzangerexten => s,1,Wait(8)
20:38.58tzangerexten => s,3,NoOp(time is ${TIMESTAMP})
20:39.01NDTjustinu: Install webmin or something for a better visual on how those processes are
20:39.04tzanger(s,1, s,2 and s,3 of course)
20:39.12PMantis_CAnyone know what "BATTERY!" "NO BATTERY!" "RING!" "NO RING!" in my kernel log means?
20:39.22*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
20:39.22tzangersaftsack: of course the channel is hung up ... you won't get to 'h' until it is hung up
20:39.48NDTjustinu: I love looking at the list in webmin rather then console heh
20:40.02justinuthomastim: i understand how httpd works, but I dind't think asterisk forked itself like that.
20:40.19justinuand I can't understand why when I start it from the shell, it only spawns one process
20:40.22thomastimjustinu: well i didn't notice until you mentioned it. :>
20:40.31justinubut when I start it from the script, it spawns 9
20:40.34thomastimoh, i see
20:40.52thomastimyou're just doing "asterisk" from the command line?
20:40.57thomastimand it only spawns one?
20:40.59dashjustinu: sure those aren't threads? linux assigns pid numbers to threads
20:41.00NDTjustinu: it's fedora core 4 I see what you are saying...but in centos I don't heh
20:41.10justinui'm running centos
20:41.13dash'cause it's always done that for me
20:41.29watchywhat needs to be put in isc bind to specify tftp server?
20:41.35justinui guess they're threads, but on another box which is actually doing stuff right now, there's only one process
20:41.54subzerotzanger, do what??
20:42.01tzangerer not subzero, saftsack
20:42.37PMantis_COn Gentoo, ps -e | grep asterisk shows 22 processes. Some MOH
20:42.50justinuok, i guess i won't let it bother me
20:43.06justinuthx guys
20:43.15Hmmhesaysthese freaking phones are sending dtmf that is slighty off in frequency
20:43.31*** join/#asterisk q2ZvR6jR (
20:43.31Hmmhesaysin a 50/50 ms cadence
20:46.32NDTjustinu: Heh look at the fedora core 4 one:
20:46.36*** join/#asterisk forhans (n=afarhan_@
20:46.36NDTcentos I see one lol
20:46.46justinuweird stuff
20:46.58docelm0I use CentOS 4.2 on 20 Machines running asterisk
20:47.04docelm0its my flavor of choice..
20:47.05justinuyeah, i'm on centos 4.2
20:47.06thomastimmaybe it's an option for ps that's spec-ced in the shell profile?
20:47.08forhanshello all, where do the developers hang out?
20:47.08*** part/#asterisk opus_ (
20:47.10justinuso far so good
20:47.21justinuthomastim: same user, same shell
20:47.35docelm0uDEV through me tho..  Didnt know it used uDEV when I was setting up my TDM card..
20:47.56watchywhat needs to be put in isc dhcp to specify tftp server?
20:48.14subzerotzanger: I have a AMD 2000MHz System to start with, the phones are not a prob. is there any other hardware I need to get???
20:48.36Nuggetbuy a new macbook pro.  :)
20:48.38tzangerdo you plan on interfacing to PSTN?
20:48.57tzangerwatchy: as DHCP or BOOTP
20:49.10watchydhcp. I just wanna tell my phone a TFTP server
20:50.38subzerotzanger: yes I have five lines from the telephone company already.
20:51.13tzangersubzero: well you'll need some way to hook that up (FXO ports) -- TDM404 will do 4 of 'em.
20:52.14*** part/#asterisk forhans (n=afarhan_@
20:53.42subzerotzanger: thank alot
20:53.56tzangerwatchy: I don't see it in dhcpd.conf, you may just have to give it an option # based on the RFC
20:54.08watchyi found it
20:54.19}btorch{what do you call the last four digits on a phone ? DID ?
20:54.24watchyhow god damn simple
20:55.47tzanger}btorch{: no, exchange
20:55.47thomastimwatch it be a deprecated option now lol
20:55.50tzangerer no not exchange
20:55.52tzangerjust number
20:55.56NDTDID is direct inward dialing heh
20:56.05NDTmy problem atm
20:56.15}btorch{which is what the whole number (DID) ?
20:56.57NDTarea code + prefix + suffix isnt it?
20:57.22malverian[work][TK]D-Fender, I ended up using the idea you mentioned, it worked well :)
20:57.30malverian[work][TK]D-Fender, I probably should make a wiki entry for this :-P
20:57.33tzangerarea code + prefix + exchange, maybe that is what it's called
20:57.45tzangerI thought exchagne was the 3 digits before the number htough
20:57.47malverian[work][TK]D-Fender, I really should have done it as an AGI though ;)
20:57.58tzangeri.e. 5192915112 519 = area code, 291 = exchange, 5112 = number
20:58.39justinulast 4 digits is called the extension :)
20:59.05NDTjustinu: Good work! you win!
20:59.13justinuwhat's my prize?
20:59.21justinugimme gimme
20:59.22tzangerswift kick in the ass?
20:59.28NDTI dunno...maybe you will get to answer more of my dumb questions? 8)
20:59.49*** join/#asterisk Skkip (n=Skipper@
21:00.46malverian[work][TK]D-Fender, Check out the function I made to check for schedule holidays :-P
21:01.05malverian[work]Sexy ;)
21:01.16asterboyJust received another Polycom IP 500 phone...there are some interesting differences between other IP 500s.
21:02.03antoni_What Softphone can I do with asterisk, for test
21:02.32asterboyA battery compartment, no jumper pins, no rubber insert top left corner and expansion slot at left.
21:02.59justinuasterboy: that sounds like a 601
21:03.03antoni_thomastim, tnx
21:03.17*** join/#asterisk Falle (i=falstaf@
21:03.17asterboyPolycom must have been making reservations in the form factor to accomodate future options.
21:03.35asterboycould be a 601 mold.
21:03.43*** join/#asterisk fndude (
21:03.44Vahananyone by any chance got an example .xml for provisioning sipura 2100 or 3000?
21:05.00watchyYES MY PHONE IS FIXED
21:05.26watchywhos ready for some hot man on man love now
21:06.04asterboywell the only difference between a man and a woman is 1 molecule.
21:06.04*** join/#asterisk sese1 (
21:06.13watchylets do it then
21:06.20iDunnolet's fall in love?
21:06.31asterboykeep it in the family?
21:06.33watchyi'm down
21:06.38watchyare you pretty
21:06.42asterboyI'm up
21:06.57iDunnono, definately boggles.
21:06.58rob0boys will be boys
21:07.19watchyi still dunno what was up with my phone
21:07.32watchybut i got the 7960g firmware and it fixed it
21:08.08*** join/#asterisk Naturalblue (n=Kay@
21:08.32antoni_where I can find the basic configuration for asterisk
21:08.49antoni_Im testing with the windows version, but I will move to linux
21:08.59watchyshould i run 7.4 or 7.5
21:09.03watchyon my 7960?
21:09.07*** part/#asterisk dash (
21:10.33*** join/#asterisk SenorAmor (
21:10.35antoni_thomastim, can you give me a tutorial for starting up.... and basic configuration
21:10.40thomastimantoni_: i started with "phase one" of this guide
21:10.48thomastimantoni_: you read my mind
21:10.51thomastimha ha
21:10.56SenorAmorHello all.  I'm having a driver issue.  Is it ok to ask questions in here or should I email someone instead?
21:11.06antoni_thomastim, jeje, thank you hehe
21:11.07thomastimantoni_: it's just a simple SIP phone set-up
21:11.49antoni_thomastim, I use x-lite before, but Im installing asterisk, what do I do in asterisk?
21:12.11antoni_thomastim, Im lookin on the sample setup, I got it
21:12.38thomastimantoni_: is this a complete new asterisk install? if so, the guide will help you set up two extensions so you can test it.
21:13.47antoni_thomastim, ok tnx
21:14.16watchypraise allah
21:14.22NDTHmmm how would you write in the dialplan if ${RDNIS} = 6092911315 then dial such and such? So it would work like this? exten => 6092911315,1,Dial(Zap/g1/8003825630)
21:14.40*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
21:15.02NDThehe I pointed the extension to a sex line to test it ROFL
21:15.29watchydid you get laid
21:15.38NDTnah...she dumped me 8(
21:15.49watchyill date you
21:15.55asterboythere is always masturbation
21:16.11watchyor animals
21:16.19asterboyof furniture
21:16.24NDTno barnyard babes
21:16.31watchyrape is just another word for guranteed sex
21:16.34lesouvageasterboy: you mean with a set of callfiles and a vibrating celphone or something like that?
21:16.43asterboyIt puts the lotion on its skin...or it gets the hose again!
21:17.01NDTI thought rape was just another name for 20yrs?
21:17.17}btorch{how come when dialing sending calls to the FWD through * sometimes I keep getting "that option is invalid" if I retry then it works
21:18.00asterboywhat sick God would put sex organs next to waste outlets?
21:18.38justinu"you said rape twice"
21:18.42justinu"i like rape"
21:18.45asterboyso much for "intelligent design".
21:19.12asterboyI've always told women if they want to stop a rape...just shit yourself.
21:19.31justinui dunno if that would be a garaunteed stop
21:19.35justinusome sick fucks out there
21:19.35*** part/#asterisk Naturalblue (n=Kay@
21:20.41eKo1and what if you just went
21:21.10[av]baniif this is intelligent design, then god is one sick motherfucker
21:21.32asterboythat has to be the conclusion.
21:22.57NDTheh can you use IF statements in a dialplan?
21:23.18asterboysurely there is a better deisgn...albeit nature is taking the most efficient method of developing organs with multi purpose...I just don't like it at all.
21:23.57asterboyand for cleanliness sakes...girls should wipe from front to back!
21:24.58NDTasterboy: Admit it...theres a lot of em so hot out there you don't care how they wipe LOL
21:25.16justinuyou know eyebeam doesn't support early media? what a piece of shit!
21:25.43asterboyI guess I could always breath through my mouth.
21:25.53asterboyout of site out of mind.
21:26.10justinuyou eventually learn to breath thru your ears
21:26.16asterboyuntil of course you hit a chunk...say of some undigested corn covers.
21:27.21asterboyits all about communication.
21:27.24eKo1talk about off topic
21:27.37eKo1yes, and * is about communication
21:27.55NDT* Now talking in #asterisksickbastards
21:28.35NDT* Now talking in #asteriskcorncovers
21:28.39NDTthats better
21:31.33[TK]D-FenderNDT : Yes you can use IF statements in the dialplan (GotoIF)
21:32.41*** part/#asterisk PMantis_C (n=sswitzer@
21:34.50NDT[TK]D-Fender: ahh thanks 8)
21:36.20saftsackGotoIF rocks
21:36.38*** join/#asterisk jyukes (
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21:47.28justinuturns out the early media problem with eyebeam was solved, if anyone cares
21:49.45NDTOK...I seem to have the syntax wrong here: exten => 5551212121,1,GotoIf($["${RDNIS}" = "4665664525"])DIAL(Zap/g1/4568798555)
21:50.10tzangeryeah you really have that wrong :-)
21:50.18tzangershow application gotoif
21:52.03NDTahh..duh see it now...
21:53.01sshadowhi all, is it possible with * realtime extensions to use the goto ? for example: in context default i have goto(ivr|999|1) and i have a record for the extension 999 in the ivr context. I'm ending up with the following err: Channel 'SIP/realtime-6a2c' sent into invalid extension '999' in context 'ivr', but no invalid handler. What am i missing?
21:54.10Kattywhat's a program to unrar something?
21:54.55QuAd|Haudraufarf :/
21:55.09QuAd|Haudrauffor windows try winrar for example
21:55.13Kattyunrar is not in my apt-cache search.
21:55.19Kattyand i'm lazy.
21:55.24thomastimit's not open source
21:55.26QuAd|Haudraufthen try rar in debian apt-get install
21:55.40QuAd|Haudrauflater on cli, use: rar x myrarfile.rar
21:55.47*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
21:56.22Kattyi see.
21:56.32Kattytzanger: do you know of any open source unrarers?
21:56.41QuAd|Haudraufon my gentoo, i found rar and unrar
21:56.50thomastimKatty: no, it's patented or something
21:56.55tzangerKatty: I read that as underwear
21:56.58QuAd|Haudraufso, since gentoo compiles all those stuff, rar must be opensourced
21:57.01tzangerKatty: but no, there is just rarlabs unrar
21:57.04thomastimKatty: you'll have to d/l it and manually install it as root
21:57.07tzangerbut rar is stupid anyway just use gzip/bzip2
21:57.22justinurar is for the l337hax0rs
21:57.33tzangerI never understood it
21:57.34Kattytzanger: that's not going to happen.
21:57.39Kattytzanger: it wasn't my file to start with.
21:57.40tzangerlet's rar up a zip file with an iso in it
21:57.48Kattytzanger: but those types of comments aren't what i'm looking for anyway
21:58.01QuAd|Haudraufokay, rar is not opensourced :(
21:58.06QuAd|Haudraufjust looked after it
21:58.13QuAd|Haudraufstupid RAR license
21:58.33*** join/#asterisk Naturalblue (n=Kay@
21:58.38Kattyi'll just move it to the windows box and use winrar on it.
21:58.49tzangerKatty: why not just download the linux rar app?
21:58.51Kattygotta burn it anyway
21:59.01Kattytzanger: because this machine doesn't have a burner anyway
21:59.04Kattytzanger: and the other one does
21:59.13Kattytzanger: AND the other one also has winrar
21:59.18Kattytzanger: can you say l a z y
21:59.30tzangerKatty: ell ay zed why?
21:59.38*** part/#asterisk Naturalblue (n=Kay@
21:59.43KattyNDT: thank you for your input, however the problem has already been addressed (=
22:00.02thomastimKatty i'll just move it to the windows box and use winrar on it. LOL
22:00.10thomastimthere's one way to do it
22:00.18*** join/#asterisk kpettit_ (
22:00.37kpettit_is there anyway to change the default timeout for sip registration?
22:01.01*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
22:01.02kpettit_maxexpirey dsoent' seem to do the trick
22:01.03Kattytzanger: i think the question is why not.
22:01.11Kattytzanger: that's the whole point of boxes.
22:01.14zykeis it possible to have 2 different IP addresses under host option in sip and iax.conf files?
22:01.51DaveCanoeOK... is this ever so possibly the forum to ask a relatively complicated agi question?
22:02.08thomastimzyke: the 'dynamic' property isn't acceptable?
22:02.16Sedoroxtwisted[asteria]: delayed.. but I got the same spam again
22:02.45DaveCanoeMy question is: after I EXEC a DIAL command, is there a way that I can regain control of the call (to dial a different number) ?
22:03.00Sedorox[17:01] <aNaSTaCia_geBeri> <link removed> Free Porno Videos
22:03.02NDTtzanger: Hehe...when you said lets rar up a zip file with an iso in it...reminded me of something I downloaded once...split with ACE, then zip, then rar'd LOL
22:03.02Sedoroxyay for join spam
22:03.29zykethomastim:  i have someone who will be sending calls from 2 different boxes and I was wondering if there was a way to create just one entry for his account
22:03.33DaveCanoeI've tried this with 1.0.9 and python as the AGI.  Python happily sends the command, but asterisk doesn't appear to see it until after the call completes.
22:03.51justinupostgres errors rock:  Reason: ERROR:  permission denied for relation cdr
22:04.00DaveCanoeA related question is that when a call is ended for L() reasons, why can't I send it somewhere else.
22:04.10justinupermission denied for relation... ouch
22:04.19*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
22:04.46tzangerblah the OSS version of Qt/Win is for Mingw
22:04.49tzangermakes sense I guess
22:04.56tzangerI'll use MSVC though I think
22:05.01NDTjustinu: Shhhhh....your gonna start a DB debate again lol
22:05.11justinuming was the emporer in the movie flash gorden
22:05.16justinuhe ruled
22:05.29rayvdgordon from sesame street?
22:07.17ManxPower"It's not that I don't care.  Well, actually I don't care, but I get paid to fix problems."
22:07.18justinuNDT: everyone here knows postgres is the only true open source RDBMS :P
22:07.21thomastimzyke: as far as the documentation for sip.conf tells me, you can only specify one IP address. However, you can specify host=dynamic also with a defaultip=x.x.x.x option
22:07.36NDTNow back on the subject of corn covers..err..I mean asterisk...ahh nm sidetracked
22:08.17*** join/#asterisk [}btorch] (n=kvirc@
22:08.24zykethomastim: i think i saw somewhere you can specify an IP range but i'm not sure if that applied to sip.conf
22:08.49QuAd|Haudraufhm, if i were to ask for a nice asterisk webgui and you only had one word to say, which one would it be? :)
22:09.11NDTjustinu: You did it...your trying to start stuff in here..get the natives restless...
22:09.34justinuNDT: stirring the shit is always fun
22:09.39tzangerQuAd|Haudrauf: RollYerOwn
22:09.54DaveCanoe(and then solve the halting problem)
22:10.29*** part/#asterisk sshadow (
22:11.02NDTjustinu: We still use postgres...but for what I am doing now using MySQL...What the heck was that database I saw advertised in a linux magazine with a cheetah? cache or something...what the hell is that one?
22:11.48justinucache has been around for a while
22:12.34NDTI just recalled that one after remembering magazine advertisement from like a year ago
22:12.36*** join/#asterisk Daouid (
22:12.53NDTif I recall though it was rather pricey
22:12.59justinuyeah, very
22:13.05thomastimzyke: I tried to specify a range, e.g., but it immediately turns me over to the unavailable message. my guess is that it can only be the keyword 'dynamic', and actual resolvable host/domain pair, or an IP address
22:16.29justinuthomastim: unfortunately
22:16.45*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
22:16.50thomastimyou should have said something before :p
22:17.11justinui was too busy bitching at you guys for not helping figure out why the damn init script spawns so many processes
22:17.22thomastimit's magic
22:17.25M-I-A-How do I set certain channels on my TDM to not Answer() only have them dial out?
22:17.30thomastimi'm going with the multi-thread explanation
22:17.44*** join/#asterisk backblue (
22:17.58eKo1M-I-A-: change their context to something that has a Hangup
22:18.01justinuthomastim: i think you're right... and I also thing is has something to do with the fact that init is what spawns the processes when I uise the init script
22:18.22justinuppid is 1
22:18.28thomastimjustinu: init scripts are usually pretty straightforward. what's it say inside?
22:18.36justinuwell, it's all this redhat crap
22:18.37M-I-A-eKo1 will that pickup the line then hang it up?
22:18.38justinuto make it pretty
22:18.49thomastimwell what's under start:
22:18.55eKo1M-I-A-: nope
22:19.04M-I-A-eKo1 ok cool thanks!!
22:19.08Daouidhi, anybody could please help me resolving this one: Asterisk + HFC-s in NT mode + mISDN gives me clicks on the line with or without an NTBA (resistor for termination) PLZ Help thx a lot
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22:23.43zykethomastim: i guess i will need to create 2 entries in the sip.conf for the 2 IPs
22:24.50justinui know enough about shell scripts to see it's not looping or anything, so it must be threads
22:25.17trixterwhee looks like I will be getting a donation of the libisup ss7 stack for the :)
22:25.37justinui still need sip-t
22:28.28*** part/#asterisk Ivan_Stepaniuk (n=istepani@
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22:32.34Psykickhey guys is there a way for an announcement to be played when someone calls in notifying them that we cannot take their call and after a given timeout places them in a queue?
22:32.39*** join/#asterisk kippi1 (
22:33.06kippi1I have just installed asterisk, when I ring the number I get a busy tone, anyideas? using a TE110p
22:33.28AhrimanesPsykick: normal dialplan.. call times out, instead of voicemail insert Playback(accouncement) and the Queue()
22:35.36kippi1think i know why
22:37.40justinukippi1: if you seriously want people to help you, you'll need to provide a lot more information than that.
22:38.03Ahrimaneshehe, that was way too much work it would seem
22:38.07justinuof course
22:42.17*** join/#asterisk ToTo (
22:42.19Psykickerr .. yah?
22:42.28Daouidanybody knows an answer to my previously posted problem  PLZ ??
22:43.14Zodiacalanyone know what cisco sip phone License's for? do i need them if i use asterisk?
22:43.18*** join/#asterisk brc_ (n=brian@pdpc/supporter/basic/brc)
22:43.26Zodiacalare for.. even
22:43.55Zodiacalis it a license for using their sip firmware or somthing?
22:44.01Daouidzodiacal: if u need to dl the firmware yes
22:44.17Daouidzodiacal: it includes access to cco
22:44.17Zodiacalgeez they charge for firmware..
22:44.20*** part/#asterisk mkrufky (n=mk@
22:44.55Zodiacalits probably better to get them with the phone? or if i get a cisco account then i can download many versions for my phone?
22:45.05Zodiacalor is it like once per download i have to pay?
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22:45.20Zodiacaland i can't use one download on many phones right?
22:45.44Daouidzodiacal: not sure but it should be a 1 year contract
22:46.14Zodiacaldo all sip phone companies do this?
22:46.19Zodiacalor just cisco
22:46.30Daouidyou can install the firmware on any phone, but the license legally authorizes you to use the phone
22:46.37Daouidfor which you paid for...
22:46.43*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
22:46.47Daouidno, other companies offer the firmware
22:47.22Daouidi think avaya, budgetone, snom (elmeg) etc... do have free firmwares for sip
22:47.45Zodiacalbut will those work on cisco phones?
22:47.50*** join/#asterisk Simon- (
22:48.05justinuhah no
22:48.11Daouidno, I think I was not clear; the companies issue firmwares for their own phones only
22:48.28ManxPowerZodiacal, Cisco is the only company I'm aware of that makes you pay for the firmware.
22:48.30Zodiacali had to take a chance and ask
22:48.42ManxPowerThis is one of the reasons we did not use Cisco.
22:49.00ManxPowerCisco phones also do not come with a power supply.  That's the other reason we didn't go with them
22:49.08DaveCanoecisco makes you pay for firmware for most of their products.  It's a company wide thing.
22:49.16Zodiacalis the firmware serialized so it can ditect mutiple phones with the same firmware?
22:49.21Zodiacaljust curious
22:49.23ManxPowerZodiacal, no.
22:49.25Daouidbut they offer power over ethernet (varying standard following model)
22:49.28DaveCanoeMy question is: after I EXEC a DIAL command, is there a way that I can regain control of the call (to dial a different number) ?
22:50.06*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
22:50.07DaveCanoecisco doesn't _enforce_ it's licencing.  But anyone who would even consider not being up-to-date in their licencing isn't a target cisco client.  Rather arrogant, really.
22:50.34DaouidDaveCanoe : yes, I think can use the dundi command
22:50.36Zodiacalwunderkin , daouid, manxpower Thank You! i might not go with cisco then..
22:50.46ManxPowerZodiacal, we use polycom
22:50.57DaouidCisco is for fortune 500 :)
22:51.39dudesThe school here uses Cisco
22:51.47DaouidI have heard that avaya is very good but it's rather expensive...
22:52.31DaveCanoe"dundi" ... the onlyi dundi command is "dundlookup" ... which doesn't seem to dial at all.
22:53.49Daouidmy mistake : is it DISA :
22:54.23ManxPowerDaveCanoe, the best I've done is to not dial in an AGI
22:55.28DaveCanoeDISA is for letting an outside caller dial.
22:55.54DaveCanoemanx: OK.  so I use my AGI to set variables and then use the asterisk extension language to dial?
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22:56.10DaveCanoeMy last test of that didn't work.
22:56.19DaveCanoetesting again.
22:56.56antoni_DISA feature (Direct Inwards Services Access).
22:57.16Daouidas I told him... I think it's usable inside
22:57.36Daouidjust like any command, you put it in a dialplan
22:57.45Daouidsorry for my english
22:58.24DaouidI hope I remember well enough but I might be wrong :)
22:58.38DaveCanoeYeah... so I put two back to back dial commands.  First one with an L(20000) and second with no limit.  the end of the first dial command destroys the call ---- ie: the 2nd dial doesn run.
22:59.12Seldon1975Hi guys - little help with my dialplan?  when the office is closed calls are routed here; I want callers to be able to press 1 to leave a voicemail message, but if they are silent I want to hang up on them.  At the moment it seem that when the timeout occurs while listening for the '1' digit, execution goes back to the first priority of this context
22:59.14ruud_orgeven if you specify the g option?
22:59.18Daouidwhat do you want to do exactly ?
23:00.05DaveCanoeretested with 'g' option.  same failure.
23:01.02DaveCanoeBasically, I want the ability to redirect a call.  The user prepays.  When their account is low (in the background) I charge their credit card.  If this fails, I want to redirect the call to an operator.
23:02.15DaveCanoe... the problem is that I can't see an outside of asterisk (where the knowledge of credit cards lie) way of redirecting a call once it's in progress.  the L() option "almost" works --- it even lets you play an audio file, but in the end it fails because you can't redirect the call after the L() audio plays.
23:03.40badboyzisnt there an option, like M that executes a macro
23:04.20badboyzM(x): Executes the macro (x) upon connect of the call (i.e. when the called party answers)
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23:05.07DaveCanoeI want to do things when the call ends, however.
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23:09.37DaouidAnybody got some isdn knowledge so??
23:09.57DaveCanoeok... that has a really odd result.
23:11.28DaveCanoefirst I execute Dial(iax2/blah/blah/L(20000)gM(tryit)).  Macro-tryit executes a Wait(10) followed by another Dial.
23:11.59DaveCanoeIf leg one is caller, the first dial generates leg2, the destination.  Then the macro's dial generates leg3 attached to leg2 (leg1 dies).
23:12.38DaveCanoeSo the M() almost does it, but the problem with M() is that it reverses the roles of everyone before it does it's work.
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23:14.42jpabloHi, anyone can recommend a GSM gateway?
23:15.00jpablothe 2N VoiceBlue looks nice, but i can't find it anywhere
23:19.12DaouidDoes the word isdn scare people around here ??
23:20.03Nuggetanyone want to buy an idsl router?  :)
23:20.15iDunnoDaouid: damned well terrifies me :)
23:20.23justinuhow many g729 transcodes do people think a xeon 3.0 can handle?
23:20.39DaouidPLZ ;)
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