irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060103

00:00.24TheCopnice setup
00:01.41flukeTheCop it is. I didn't get to do much except the physical install and local setup of the phones. (The phone uses ftp to fetch a config file. we did have to change a few settings for the phone to send correct dhcp options)
00:02.20TheCopyeah I have polycom phone
00:02.25flukeusing codec 711 though, no 729
00:02.53flukethey are nice phones. I just didn't feel like paying this much for phones for home..
00:02.53TheCopI'm using 729 for Dialup VoIP station
00:03.05*** join/#asterisk fraude (
00:03.47fraudehi yall
00:04.24*** join/#asterisk locid (
00:04.46fraudeNickServ REGISTER mircXS4freddy
00:05.50flukefraude, missing a / there :)
00:07.18*** join/#asterisk _Thor (
00:07.28_ThorHello everyone
00:08.47*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
00:09.10*** join/#asterisk xbmodder (i=nobody@unaffiliated/xbmodder)
00:09.17xbmodderwhy isn't my sipura registering?
00:09.24xbmoddersip show registry
00:09.24xbmodderHost                            Username       Refresh State        xbmodder           105 Registered
00:09.56ast_freakxbmodder, sip debug
00:10.45fraudeim quite new to this asterisk - PBX .. would you advise me to get meself a digium (staterskit) to connect thru a POTS-line?
00:10.48xbmodderI see a bunch of registers
00:11.16xbmodderast_freak, this is what happens on my sipura (after one digit) pauses and starts to BEEP
00:11.27flukefraude funny you ask this, I was asking myself the same question about 30 minutes ago (well, I've looked at it multiple times but still don't know what hardware to start with)
00:11.42xbmodderJan  2 17:07:00 SIP/2.0 200 OK^M Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-2ae259e4;received=^M From: sipura <sip:sipura@>;tag=9512537514b7287o0^M To: sipura <sip:sipura@>;tag=as7670afae^M Call-ID: a595f5ad-565575af@^M CSeq: 22 REGISTER^M User-Agent: Asterisk PBX^M Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY^M Max-Forwards: 70^M Expires: 60^M Contact: <sip:sipura@10.0.0
00:11.42xbmodder.210:5060>;expires=60^M Date: Tue, 03 Jan 2006 00:11:13 GMT^M Content-Length: 0
00:11.51xbmodderlast peice of info I get
00:11.58xbmodder10.0.0.210 is sipura
00:12.42fraudeit's a bit foggy, isn't it.  I would like to make a test-PBX.. but don't know how to exactly start :(
00:12.58SkramXWhat are you trying to do?
00:13.25fraudei would like to connect to some SIP-clients at 1st.
00:13.48fraude2nd I would like to connect to normal POTS-subscribers
00:14.13flukefraude have you got a linux (or other supported unix-like system) to install asterisk on?  you could start with a soft phone on either a windows or mac or linux machine
00:14.59xbmodderast_freak, it can recieve calls (I called it from console) but it can't put out calls :-|
00:14.59Kumbangguys, what is the debian package for svn
00:15.01flukeI mean, a machine that will be the linux _server_ and then a soft phone on a win/mac/linux _station_
00:15.38flukekumbang I haven't been on debian in a while but I guess    apt-cache search subversion   shall give you some good results
00:16.03fraudeuse aptitude
00:16.14*** join/#asterisk znoG (
00:16.22Kumbangok thanks
00:16.26xbmodderDoes anyone here know how to make it work?
00:16.48ast_freakxbmodder, what does your sip.conf entry for the sipura look like?
00:18.30xbmodder(*xx|[3469]11|0|00|[2-9]xxxxxx|1xxx[2-9]xxxxxxS0|xxxxxxxxxxxx.) < my sipura Dial Plan
00:18.52xbmodderast_freak, are the digits send to the PBX upon dialing
00:18.57xbmodderor does the ATA manage that?
00:19.11ast_freakDid you set the authuser in the sipura config?
00:19.47fraudei'd like to get a good asterisk tutorial .. B4 asking stupid questions in this channel.. Can anyone help?
00:21.01xbmodderast_freak, < my sipura settings
00:22.07xbmodderfraude, look at examples and
00:22.15flukefraude there's and
00:22.30xbmodderI have sucked down over 50MB of docs from voip-infp
00:23.18ast_freakxbmodder, sorry, I can't view your PDF quite right.
00:23.56_Thorhi, anyone knows how to unlock a dta-310?
00:24.33xbmodder and
00:24.36fraudegreat URL's folks.. thnx
00:25.40ast_freakxbmodder, in sip.conf, username=sipura is your Auth ID in sipura config.
00:26.02ast_freakOr you could just remove username=sipura from the sip.conf
00:26.39ast_freakthen try it
00:26.56fraudeNL - people here?
00:27.03*** join/#asterisk freezer (
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00:31.30_Thoranybody knows how to unlock a dta-310?
00:31.56*** join/#asterisk nick125 (n=nick@unaffiliated/nick125)
00:32.23xbmodderast_freak, nope
00:32.32nick125hey, i got a quick question: I'm looking for a provider that will terminate calls to the US/48 that will do it for under 1 cent a minute USD, any ideas?
00:32.39*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
00:33.50wunderkini forgot the name of a company i knew of out here.. havent used them yet but i met the ceo
00:34.07wunderkinthey are a couple racks next to me
00:34.49_ThorI will take this silence as a no
00:36.21xbmodder_Thor, sure
00:36.40_ThorThanks a lot
00:37.00xbmodder_Thor, I mean sure "take this silence as a no"
00:37.09_ThorI know
00:37.42_ThorI mean thanks a lot everybody
00:38.04xbmodder_Thor, welcome
00:38.09ast_freakxbmodder, what does your sip debug say now.  Do you have verbose set at 4
00:38.53*** join/#asterisk tina_ (
00:40.50xbmodderast_freak, it doesn't give any errors
00:41.20xbmodderJan  2 17:36:05 SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized^M Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-e1a04914;
00:41.20xbmodderreceived=^M From: sipura <sip:sipura@>;tag=fbc93c0d89a3e2cco0^M To: sipura <sip:sipura@10.0.0
00:41.20xbmodder.1>;tag=as6f6b071a^M Call-ID: 949b8bd1-3a3e35d8@^M CSeq: 21 REGISTER^M User-Agent: Asterisk PBX^M All
00:41.20xbmodderow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY^M Max-Forwards: 70^M Contact: <sip:sipura@10.0.
00:41.22xbmodder0.1>^M WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="asterisk", nonce="75d05b9f"^M Content-Length: 0^M ^M
00:41.26xbmoddermy sipura says that
00:43.19fraudethe O'reily "The future of telefony" PDF IS GREAT
00:43.39fraudethe foreword makes me very curious of the rest.
00:43.57implicitonly for those who are naieve enough to believe it
00:44.19JunK-Yhey implicit, sup man?
00:44.27fraudei've invented naievety
00:44.30Ariel_xbmodder, it says unauthorized
00:44.35implicitsup JunK-Y !
00:44.37implicithowa reu
00:44.44xbmodderAriel_, yeah, I noticed that afterwards
00:44.45*** join/#asterisk classicx (
00:44.52implicitfraude, i'm just kidding with you though
00:44.55implicithavn't seen it
00:45.31Ariel_hello JunK-Y hope all is well thing new year.... 2006 wow
00:45.49JunK-Yya, happy new year ariel, have a good one.
00:45.49fraudethis foreword is the evolution of Asterisk (even Linux) in a NUTS-shell..
00:46.10fraudei'll proceed reading.. see ya'll later
00:47.17*** join/#asterisk Darkhalf (
00:50.35*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
00:51.44ravenpiI saw some stuff a few minutes ago about people looking to start.  I won't try to point them toward hardware, but let me just say that the new O'Reilly Asterisk book explains things in a much more... cohesive way than the other available docs.  Super handy, and definitely worth the $$$ -- esp. since it can be had for free at ...
00:51.46ravenpi...(though I did buy it).
00:52.05*** join/#asterisk tetsuzan (n=rider@
00:52.47shmaltz~seen bweschke
00:52.50jbotbweschke is currently on #asterisk (1h 25m 17s)
00:59.57*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
01:00.01*** join/#asterisk tina (
01:00.31anonymouz666It takes a while to learn all Asterisk apps
01:00.36anonymouz666I must have patience
01:03.18*** join/#asterisk _cleric_ (
01:04.01flukeravenpi thanks for the info. I happen to have found the pdf about an hour ago and I also pointed the other beginner to the same page.. thanks a bunch! (I'll probably end up buying it too.. I own about 30 or 40 oreilly books....)
01:04.22anonymouz666Asterisk - The Future of Telephony?
01:04.25anonymouz666Very nice book
01:04.50Kumbangdoh, still d-channel wont bring to came UP
01:05.53Kumbangnot work for te110p
01:06.02ravenpiIt really is.  I've been doing telecom and Linux (but not together) for over ten years -- and just couldn't find docs to explain stooopid Asterisk-specific stuff to me.  A-TFoT, however, does a really good job.  *no longer feels entirely lame*
01:07.02brockj49464Any idea how to solve "Got SIP response 423 "Interval Too Brief" back from" with ZingoTel?
01:08.09*** join/#asterisk Weezey (n=ohno@
01:08.28Weezeywhy is SetAccount not a built-in function anymore?
01:08.52*** join/#asterisk OloBola (
01:08.55*** join/#asterisk GXTi (i=realme@freenode/developer/GXTi)
01:09.32wunderkinyou mean not an application, it is a function now
01:09.59*** join/#asterisk nereayfran82 (
01:10.43Weezeyan older cvs has SetAccount
01:10.52Weezeymy svn doesn't have it.
01:11.13wunderkinright.. it was deprecated
01:11.35Weezeywhat should I be using now?
01:12.46OloBolaany suggestions on how to get Fedora 3 to recognize my x100p clone (motorola 62802)? On boot it recognized new hardware and installed it as an unknown modem
01:13.19TheCopWhat's the most used echo cancellation module in zaptel for Quebec, Canada ?
01:13.24ast_freakxbmodder, does your console say that the sipura is registering yet?
01:13.44wunderkinWeezey, SetAccount has been deprecated in favor of the Set(CDR(accountcode)=account).
01:14.34Weezeyawesome, thanks.
01:14.36flukeTheCop I wish I knew too, I'm in Montreal..
01:15.06*** join/#asterisk Manolo (n=peroo@
01:15.27TheCopfluke, I'm using mark the default
01:15.33TheCopand I have some sometimes
01:15.44*** join/#asterisk nose2 (n=ircap8@
01:15.51*** join/#asterisk Thazza (n=me@
01:16.11flukewe've got echo at work, mostly calling 514 or 450, not long distance. afaik, we're using the cards without hardware echo cancel, and will probably be changing the cards soon...
01:16.13ThazzaHey all
01:16.19Weezeywunderkin: I'm gonna add that to the wiki.
01:16.37wunderkinyes its not on there yet
01:16.40*** join/#asterisk Cucurucho (n=peroo@
01:16.54nose2i am new with asterkisk i want know wath is the system requeriments
01:16.57ThazzaI have a problem, was wondering if someone could help.. I am having issues transfering calls i have made.. Yet incomming calls i can transfer to another device.
01:16.59TheCopfluke, tdm400 or PRI ?
01:17.28flukeTheCop: definitely all PRIs. not sure which card exactly :-/
01:17.29ast_freakThazza look at your options for Dial()
01:18.01ThazzaWhere would i find that ast_freak?
01:18.13ast_freaknose2: Depends on what you want to do.  Bottom line would be > 233 Mhz, 128 RAM, etc.
01:18.24Cucuruchocan anyone help me here: i want to direct all incoming calls from PSTN to the three FXO lines i got. I only have one working. so when there´s a call and the line is occupied, it does not transfer to the next open line, but it gets the busy tone instead
01:19.03ast_freakThazza, 'show application dial' in the console.
01:19.20*** join/#asterisk woodchuck (
01:19.29nose2thanks ast_freak asterisk work better in freebsd or linux?
01:19.34Thazzacool. thanks ast_freak.
01:19.48ast_freakCucurucho, you need to talk to your PSTN provider about that.  They set up the rollover on their end.
01:19.53ast_freakThazza, no prob.
01:20.12*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
01:20.15Thazzaast_freak. Where are the transfer options in the asterisk config files? stored.
01:20.26ast_freaknose2, I prefer Slackware linux, but other *nix works just as well from what I've heard.
01:20.59ast_freakThazza, extensions.conf  -- find the part of the dialplan that does the dialing, and change the option.
01:21.02Cucuruchoast_freak, no man there´s not the issue.. i just want to know how to config my asterisk, so that it takes incoming calls to the three extensions i want
01:21.04nose2thanks ast_freak :)
01:21.10flukenose2, ast_freak:  I guess it mostly depends on whether you use sip/iax only, or if you have pci cards.. (driver availability?)
01:21.38Thazzaast_freak: This is for outgoing dialing as well?
01:22.25CucuruchoI want to take my incoming calls from PSTN to three different extensions, so that no one that calls gets the busy tone.
01:23.27ast_freakBoy, you guys are working me hard today :)
01:23.57*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
01:23.59Thazzaast_freak.. Well when you are good.. You are worked hard. ;-)
01:24.41ast_freakCucurucho, check out how dial() works 'show application dial' - or - check out queues
01:24.50ast_freaknose2, You're welcome.
01:24.52CucuruchoHellooo any help with that please?
01:25.31*** join/#asterisk SwK (
01:26.05ast_freakThazza, extensions.conf handles all the dialplan unless you have something set up in extensions.ael
01:27.01Thazzaast_freak. Just out of interest.. (and yes i know it is junk) yet you wouldn't know where the transfer section would be in AMP.
01:27.17*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
01:28.16ast_freakSorry, can't help you with AMP or AAH.  I've never used them.
01:28.52ast_freakCucurucho, did you figure it out?
01:28.58CucuruchoOne more thing.. how can i config, what to dial, when i want to take a call from an extension different for whats ringing
01:29.32flukethanks everyone, good evening. going out for dinner!
01:30.24Cucuruchowith "show app dial" you mean?
01:30.36*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
01:30.42ast_freakCucurucho, I'm not sure I understood your question.
01:30.59*** join/#asterisk linagee (
01:31.21Cucuruchoast_freak, me neither
01:32.05ast_freakYou want calls to go to ext1, then ext2 if ext1 is busy, then ext3, etc.?
01:32.18Cucuruchoast_freak, EXACTLY
01:33.20_Sam--could use DIALSTATUS?
01:33.56ast_freakCucurucho, look at how dial works.  type 'show applicaton dial' in the console.  You can setup the dialplan to dial ext1, and if busy, it will go to a different priority.
01:34.52ast_freakCucurucho,  -- or -- you can set up a queue and put the extensions into the queue.
01:35.26Cucuruchoast_freak, i can setp the dialplan from what .conf file?? (THnx for answering all this noob shit)
01:36.12ast_freakCucurucho, extensions.conf
01:36.16*** join/#asterisk david-c (n=dcoulson@
01:39.04Cucuruchoast_freak, thnx
01:40.16hackeronhey, I'm trying to use DISA and I'm getting a dialtone, but as soon as I dial the first 2 numberso f the extension, asterisk just hangs up, any ideas?
01:40.27*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y_ (n=junky@
01:40.36*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
01:40.57*** join/#asterisk Cinen (
01:43.48*** part/#asterisk Cinen (
01:43.52*** join/#asterisk Cinen (
01:44.05*** join/#asterisk Lloydie-t (
01:45.19Lloydie-tHi I need some help trying to get realtime 'sippeers to work'
01:45.32Lloydie-tI get this error 'Realtime mapping for 'sippeers' found to engine 'res_sqlite', but the engine is not available'
01:45.55MikeJ[Laptop]is sqlite running?
01:46.50Lloydie-tI thought the library for sqlite was built into res_sqlite??
01:47.04MikeJ[Laptop]it may be
01:47.21NewSolebut does it not need a server to connect to
01:47.33MikeJ[Laptop]it may not...
01:47.39MikeJ[Laptop]you know what, he is right..
01:47.45MikeJ[Laptop]it opens the db directly..
01:48.00MikeJ[Laptop]pointed to a real db, tables set up?
01:48.15Lloydie-tI may be using the wrong engine name
01:48.41MikeJ[Laptop]I don't know res_sqlite well..
01:48.51MikeJ[Laptop]sorry :(
01:49.24NewSoleDam I wish these spam people would get thing right.....
01:49.41Lloydie-tNo problem, I'll google
01:49.54*** join/#asterisk KaBewM (
01:50.15NewSolethe Girlfriend keeps getting Penis Enlarment pills and I get online dating.....
01:50.45*** join/#asterisk Los415 (
01:50.51_Thorhackeron: codec problem, also... set dtmf to rfc2833
01:51.56Los415hey does anyone know how to extend the dialtime on a zap port
01:52.23Los415so it dosnt go to busy signal so fast if they dont hit the #'s fast enough
01:52.25*** join/#asterisk tengulre11 (n=tengulre@
01:52.26shmaltzLos415, Dial(zap/g1/numbwer,puttimehere)
01:52.55shmaltzLos415, Dial(zap/g1/wwnumber)
01:52.57shmaltzeach w gives a 500 ms pause
01:53.12hackeron_Thor: codec problem? -- It says requested ulaw accepted ulaw -- no transcoding errors what so ever
01:53.30_ThorNewsole: actually, I've read from reliable sources that the penis indeed can be enlarged
01:53.33hackeron_Thor: and I'm running asterisk -cvvvvv which is not reporting any errors
01:53.34*** join/#asterisk _DAW-LAPTOP (
01:54.06fugitivo_Thor: spam?
01:55.06_Thorhackeron: sorry, I have the exact same problem you have but I haven't been able to solve it... all I know is that it happens to me when I am using IAX, when using SIP, I don't have that problem
01:55.22_ThorFugitivo: no spam, real reliable source
01:55.32hackeron_Thor: ah, ok, I'll try using sip, thanks
01:55.56fugitivoisn't spam a real reliable source?
01:56.07*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
01:56.35_Thorhackeron: although it still beats the heck out of me why it doesn't work on IAX.  btw, ulaw/alaw problem is a codec problem
01:57.35hackeron_Thor: what ulaw/alaw problem?
01:57.49_Thorfugitivo: see my friend... it's a muscle right?, so you can grow any muscle, right?... all you need is to put it to do some weight lifting <g> <g>
01:59.09fugitivothat remembers me a movie i saw a while ago
01:59.33[av]banihm, can spa-3000 be configured by dhcp like hardphones can?
02:00.02_Thorhackeron: sorry, I forgot, but a few weeks ago when I was working on it, it had everything to do with the codec
02:00.04_Sam--[av] you test any external FXO gateways yet?  interested to know what works
02:00.43hackeron_Thor: so what do you recommend I use?
02:01.48*** join/#asterisk _Soul_ (
02:02.02_Sam--has anyone seen the 'knopsterisk' distribution?  (knoppix/asterisk)
02:02.38_Soul_just received a cisco 7940, and i'd like to try it out with our asterisk
02:02.58_Sam--go for it
02:03.12_Soul_i have theses files:
02:03.12_Soul_29-12-2005  16:06                14 OS79XX.TXT
02:03.13_Soul_29-12-2005  16:06           486,570 P0S3-06-2-00.bin
02:03.13_Soul_29-12-2005  16:06           486,974 P0S3-06-2-00.sbn
02:03.13_Soul_03-01-2006  01:44             1,454 SIPDefault.cnf
02:03.34_Soul_i think i configured the SipDefault.cnf well, and i was trying to serve them using tftp
02:03.52_Soul_the 7940 receives its ip address, and asks for the files. but then... :
02:04.21_Thorhackeron: use sip... I have to get it to work on iax asap, as soon as I do, I will send you a note
02:04.22hackeronwhat is required for WaitExten to accept a particular extension? -- It works for the default 1234 but not extensions I added. Any ideas?
02:04.42hackeron_Thor: thanks, its not urgent or anything, but thanks a bunch.
02:04.44_Soul_read request for OS79XX.TXT, ok
02:05.15_Soul_read request for POS3-06-.bin, failed
02:06.18_Soul_inside OS79XX.TXT i have just "P0S3-06-2-00", so why is he fetching POS3-06-.bin instead of POS3-06-2-00.bin ? is this a known bug ?
02:06.22slappingthey guys, I have a Sipura 300 with my asterisk set up and I am getting alot of dropped calls FXS/FXO.  Any ideas on what to check?
02:06.57_Soul_and if i rename POS3-06-2-00.bin to POS3-06-.bin, i get a "invalid file"
02:07.08_Soul_is this a known bug ?
02:09.15*** join/#asterisk vmlinuz (
02:09.24_DAW-LAPTOPhey everone
02:12.15Qwell_Soul_: You need to rename the file, AND change what is in the config
02:12.38Qwell_Soul_: So, for instance, in the case above, I'd do P0S30620.bin
02:12.49linlinyay I won my X100P FXO auction :)
02:12.51Qwelland change what's in the config to P0S30620
02:13.07Qwelllinlin: I wouldn't call that winning
02:13.41linlinwhy? shitty card i hear
02:13.53linlinok for single line home use though right?
02:13.58*** join/#asterisk SLiCKFX (
02:14.06_Soul_Qwell, ok, i changed the OS79XX.TXT contents to P0S306200, lets try
02:14.29Lloydie-tin the addons there is a directory to make the res_sqlite3, but it's failing
02:14.37Qwell_Soul_: It needs to be 8.3 format
02:14.54Lloydie-twith '/bin/sh: line 1: /usr/src/asterisk/contrib/scripts/astxs: No such file or directory'
02:14.57QwellP0S306200 is 9
02:15.09Lloydie-tCan I do anything about it?
02:15.33QwellLloydie-t: needs to grab astxs I guess..
02:15.38Qwelldrop it in that dir?
02:15.43*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=lisa@
02:15.47Qwell[hC]: y0
02:15.54[hC]sup qwell
02:16.05[hC]<- in costa rica now setting up a pbx :)
02:16.06_Soul_Qwell, renamed, lets see..
02:16.10Qwell[hC]: bastard
02:16.32_Soul_Qwell, if that works im gonna shoot myself in the head
02:16.38Qwell_Soul_: don't do that...
02:16.40*** part/#asterisk SwK (
02:16.42Qwell_Soul_: Just paypal me instead. D:
02:16.56_Soul_and then shoot update ;)
02:17.05[hC]whatcha trying to get working?
02:17.12Qwell[hC]: 7960 firmware...
02:17.18[hC]ahh.. thats fun
02:17.27[hC]i think ive seen just about every error message so far
02:17.28Qwellafter you've done it a few times, you know all the quirks, heh
02:17.30_Soul_Qwell, OS79XX.TXT requested ok
02:17.32[hC]and every workaround
02:17.51Qwell_Soul_: now it should grab that file, and all the lights will start flashing
02:17.53[hC]one fun thing, OS79XX.TXT is finicky about newline types
02:17.59*** join/#asterisk Thazza (n=me@
02:18.00_Soul_then: read request for file POS30620.bin: PEER RETURNS ERROR, aborting transfer
02:18.30[hC]you know its supposed to be P zero not P 'o' right?
02:18.39Lloydie-tI my problem is that I built my asterisk in 'asterisk-1.2', which my be why I can't build the res_sqlite
02:18.40Qwellyeah...that matters a great deal, heh
02:18.40_Soul_so the renaming worked, but now it does not like POS30620.bin
02:18.45QwellP0S, not POS
02:18.51Qwellie; it isn't a piece of shit :)
02:18.57Qwell(unless you spell it wrong)
02:19.09_Soul_pasted from the file itself: P0S30620
02:19.23[hC]ah so you just retyped it that last time
02:19.27[hC]cause that had an O in it
02:19.32_Soul_yes, my bad
02:19.53Qwellnot sure why it would be aborting it...
02:20.00QwellWhat firmware are you coming from?
02:20.03[hC]so your tftp server says that peer aborted,.  or your phone?
02:20.14_Soul_tftp server says that
02:20.19Qwelltry it again..
02:20.23_Soul_the phone only says upgrading software
02:20.47[hC]what tftp server are you using?
02:20.54[hC]path/permissions correct?
02:21.07Qwell[hC]: it's able to grab the OS79xx.txt just fine
02:21.16[hC]perms then? :)
02:21.22_Soul_tftpd32, unfortunatly. i«m much used to the tftpd on linux
02:21.23Qwellperhaps, on the .bin
02:21.30[hC]case sensitivity
02:21.54[hC]i guess if its on windows it wouldnt matter.
02:21.54QwellYou *DID* also rename the .sbn too, right? :)
02:22.08[hC]and the .loads
02:22.09_Soul_running with no security, the phone can access everything in the folder
02:22.17[hC]but the tftp server gives an access error,
02:22.25_Soul_i have no .loads, and the .sbn is renamed
02:22.27Qwell_Soul_: do you even have the .loans?
02:22.29[hC]unfortunately im not familiar with windows tftp server error messages
02:22.36*** join/#asterisk SwK (
02:22.40_Soul_i have no .loads
02:22.46[hC]actually i dont think you NEED .loads
02:22.51QwellWhy are you using 6.2 anyhow?  Isn't it up to like 7.3?
02:22.55Qwellor is that just sccp?
02:23.00[hC]its up there
02:23.09*** join/#asterisk Jzalae (
02:23.12[hC]but i know for sure that one of the 7.x releases (not sure if its 7.2 or 7.3) has weird issues
02:23.16[hC]with audio dropouts
02:23.20[hC]took me WEEKS to solve that.
02:23.20QwellThey *ALL* have weird issues. ;]
02:23.43Qwell7970 had a problem with getting caught in a reboot loop...that was uncool
02:23.44_Soul_i bought this refurbished phone, and a friend who has about 5 phones sent me these files. i dont even have an sccp license, the phone came with no licence
02:24.20Qwellwhat firmware is on it now?
02:24.24[hC]Qwell: i had that on mine too. forget what fixed it, but i got it eventually.
02:24.27_Soul_how can i tell ?
02:24.35Qwellcheck in settings
02:24.36[hC]in system info after the phone boots
02:24.45_Soul_the phone does not boot ;)
02:24.51Qwellso...none :p
02:24.54_Soul_i came with no license
02:24.55slappingtis there a log file in asterisk that shows dropped call details?
02:25.05Lloydie-tI had a look in my 'usr/src/asterisk-1.2/contrib/scripts' and the file astxs.
02:25.47Lloydie-tAm I going to have to rebuildd the whole thing in 'usr/src/asterisk' to get res_sqlite3 to work?
02:26.26Lloydie-tor maybe some clever --prefix?
02:26.34_Soul_i read somewhere that one needs to upgrade these phone to a certain firmware, before upgrading to the next one, is this true ?
02:26.45QwellLloydie-t: Just change the ASTDIR in the Makefile
02:26.47Qwell_Soul_: usually
02:27.01[hC]possibly, but the firmware you're using is fairly versatile from what ive seen so far
02:27.13_Soul_can the 6.2.0 not load because i dont have a sufficiently recent firmware ?
02:27.37_Soul_i dont know what to do, any suggestions ?
02:27.54[hC]unfortunately its difficult to debug those tftp messages because i dont know what they mean
02:28.07[hC]if you were using atftpd i would know
02:28.14Lloydie-thmmm, Qwell I'll give it a try. I no linux guru.
02:28.16[hC]it sounds though like its having a hard time finding the image you're asking for
02:28.38[hC]whats inside OS79XX.txt?
02:28.47[hC]paste it if you can
02:30.59[hC]so then youve also got P0S30620.bin and P0S30620.sbn in that same directory
02:31.06_Soul_just noticed that OS79XX.txt is dos formated, gonna try to convert it to unix format
02:31.13[hC]er, .sb2
02:31.21_Soul_[hC], yes
02:31.30[hC]i forget which is which
02:31.31Qwellis what he has, anyhow
02:31.32_Soul_[hC], i have .sbn, not .sb2
02:32.00_Soul_i think i can paste here the tftpd log, wait
02:32.09jbotrumour has it, pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
02:32.18*** join/#asterisk lrizzo (
02:32.32Qwelllrizzo: y0
02:32.46*** join/#asterisk stkn (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
02:33.28[hC]hrmm. i wonder if ive got this zapata.conf right
02:33.43Lloydie-tmore problems /usr/src/asterisk-1.2/contrib/scripts/astxs: Permission denied
02:34.01QwellLloydie-t: are you root?
02:34.17Lloydie-tI logged in as root
02:34.52Lloydie-tBTW that was make that brought that error
02:35.01_Soul_wait.. here's some update..
02:35.04Qwell_Soul_: tried another tftpd?
02:35.14_Soul_i changed the tftpd server, and now i can see:
02:35.31[hC]yeah that tftpd server seems bunk, the error is empty
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02:35.44_Soul_the file is transmited till about 80%, and the phone resets the transmission
02:35.51Lloydie-tShall I change the permissions
02:35.54Qwelltoo large a file?
02:36.07QwellI think that was one of the problems with older firmware
02:36.25_Soul_how to tell ? how to solve ?
02:36.48[hC]never dealt with that one yet
02:36.50[hC]how big is the file?
02:36.56_Soul_here's the log from the second tftpd server:
02:37.20*** part/#asterisk lrizzo (
02:37.23QwellI'd try a 5.x firmware
02:37.35Qwellor a newer sccp maybe
02:37.37_Soul_don't have the files, can anybody help ?
02:37.46_Soul_alas, dont have ANY files ;)
02:37.50[hC]I have a P0S30203.bin thats 124kb
02:38.03Qwell2.0.3 is OLD, heh
02:38.05_Soul_[hC], can i try that ?
02:38.13Qwellit's probably older than what you've got now :p
02:38.20_Soul_ugh, ok ;)
02:38.30[hC]im not sure but i think im using it on my phones
02:38.38[hC]and i dont think its 2.0.3
02:38.40Qwell-rw-r--r--  1 root root  128996 Dec  7 13:01 P00307020300.bin
02:38.41[hC]I think its just NAMED that.
02:39.06_Soul_this is like the chicken and the egg, cant have the firmware cos dont have the firmware
02:39.17QwellI bet that's why it says to go to a newer sccp first
02:39.36[hC]ah its 7.2
02:39.38[hC]not 2.3
02:39.47_Soul_hc, so should we try that ?
02:40.13Qwell_Soul_: is it the .bin or .sbn that's 475k?
02:40.29Qwell-rw-r--r--  1 root root  592222 Jul  5 19:55 P0S3-07-4-00.bin
02:40.33Qwellnm, heh
02:40.41_Soul_Qwell, both
02:42.01*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
02:42.15Flautohey people
02:42.18Flautohappy new year
02:42.25Flautoi was installing a2billing
02:42.25_Soul_i'm not really interested in the latest and greatest version, just a stable version that you guys use and approve
02:42.53Flautobut it does not seem that i can make it
02:43.02Flautois there anyone can give me a hand
02:45.27*** join/#asterisk Katty (
02:46.03cripitohi katty
02:46.38Kattytwisted: mew?
02:46.53Kattyi could actually use support on something /asterisk/ related for a change.
02:47.34Kattyhow weird is that.
02:51.16Ariel_Katty, hello how are you tonight?
02:51.35_Soul_hc, qwell ?
02:52.00*** join/#asterisk annonimous (i=annonimo@
02:52.17KattyAriel_: fine thanks...asterisk is giving me heartburn though
02:52.31Ariel_Katty, so what is the issue
02:53.07KattyAriel_: well, basically, we can recieve calls all day long...
02:53.19KattyAriel_: but when asterisk picks up, there's nothing but static.
02:53.48Ariel_zap/t1 pri??
02:54.02KattyAriel_: analog lines
02:54.27Ariel_ok are they connect to what card?
02:54.28KattyAriel_: i wish i just knew where to start.
02:54.43KattyAriel_: they're 4 port cards.
02:54.52KattyAriel_: and we have 8 ports total, on two cards.
02:55.14Ariel_ok they were working before correct
02:55.20Ariel_can you make outbound calls?
02:56.45Kattyi /think/ so, but i can't seem to pull up our company website or ssh to my box.
02:57.14Ariel_is there anyone there?
02:57.20KattyAriel_: i don't think we can, now that i think about it
02:57.27KattyAriel_: nah, it's closed down for the night.
02:57.47KattyAriel_: and all the complaints will come in at 7:30 >.<
02:57.48Ariel_you did not do any updates or changes have you?
02:58.12Kattynot that i can think of
02:59.00Ariel_7:30 am mountain time?
02:59.45*** join/#asterisk J4k3 (
03:00.27Kattycentral ;)
03:00.55Ariel_I would suggest you find a way to reboot it before then.
03:01.22Kattyoh, i have.
03:01.22Ariel_if you can attach a ananlog phone to the line to make sure it's not hthe actual line that is bad
03:01.40Kattyand i made sure that it was asterisk...plugged a regular phone into the lines
03:01.42Kattyworks fine
03:02.15Ariel_have you changed the lines around? could it be a bad module. I have seem them go bad
03:02.28Qwell_Soul_: ?
03:02.42brockj49464Anybody got a working config for Zingotel?
03:02.44KattyAriel_: a bad module?
03:02.47*** join/#asterisk locid (
03:02.57KattyAriel_: like a messed up driver, you mean?
03:03.09Ariel_Katty, the tdm400 board has 4 little modules
03:03.16Ariel_sometimes one can go bad
03:03.28locidis agents.conf needed in realtime config?
03:03.36Qwelllocid: only if you use agents
03:03.56annonimoushello, sorry, anybody here where can i found a good how to of asterisk? (i need to setit up with a spa 3000 (cause i dont have money for the trunk pci card =()
03:04.10jbotsomebody said wikis was
03:04.12Qwellannonimous: ^
03:04.20KattyAriel_: let me call in on another line
03:04.26jbotfrom memory, docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
03:04.26locidfor call queueing, i need agents, therefore agents.conf is needed?
03:04.36Qwelllocid: if you need agents, yes
03:04.58locidqwell: can you have call queuing without agents?
03:05.01Ariel_annonimous, the wiki is a good start also the
03:05.04Qwelllocid: sure
03:05.09*** join/#asterisk TaSo (
03:05.37annonimousAriel_ i see, thank you =D
03:05.37locidwho answers the calls?
03:05.41Qwelllocid: queue members
03:06.10lociddifference between queue members and agents?
03:06.19KattyAriel_: same static..
03:06.21Qwellagents suck.  queue members suck also
03:06.25Qwellqueue members suck less
03:06.33Qwelldynamic queue members suck the least
03:06.37Qwell(but have the most bugs...)
03:06.44KattyAriel_: if i give you our 800 number, will you give it a call it and listen to this static thing?
03:06.50Ariel_Katty, is that line on the same board?
03:07.01annonimousthanks everybody ill read it =D!
03:07.06KattyAriel_: hrmm
03:07.11KattyAriel_: now that i don't know
03:08.13*** join/#asterisk SwK_ (
03:08.18Ariel_Katty, when are you going to be there?
03:09.06KattyAriel_: tomorrow, around 8 central (=
03:09.31Ariel_ahh 30 minutes after the yelling starts
03:09.39Kattyi'll be there at 7:30
03:09.44Kattypeople start getting in around 8
03:09.58KattyAriel_: let's pretend my two numbers are on different boards.
03:10.12KattyAriel_: and there's horrid staticy stuff on both boards.
03:10.35Ariel_check irq's has the server rebooted?
03:10.56robl^PCI 2.2 compliant?
03:10.57Kattyi rebooted the server earlier today.
03:11.09Kattybut i'lll check what irqs they're on ariel
03:12.09robl^I've seen that happen also if the power supply was a little flakey and had some power fluctuations
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03:12.28Kattyk, robl^ (=
03:12.32Kattyi'll take a look at that too
03:14.32*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
03:17.12[hC]k gonna take off for a bit and go get dinner
03:17.19[hC]chow kids
03:17.32*** join/#asterisk monachoi (
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03:22.37ThazzaHey all.. I have a question.
03:22.52trixter  VoIPPowered Tech Brings ST:TNG Combadge Treknology to Workplaces  -- dear god there is no hope
03:24.36ThazzaEverytime i try and connect to my running asterisk server, i get the following message.
03:24.49ThazzaUnable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?)
03:24.59QwellThazza: does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?
03:25.08ThazzaYet if i do a ps -A asterisk is in the menu.
03:25.18QwellThazza: does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?
03:25.21SpaceBassanyone know of a provider (sip or iax) that allows setcalleridname ?
03:25.25QwellSpaceBass: none
03:25.33QwellSpaceBass: cidname is looked up at the remote end
03:25.38ThazzaQwell: Well yes and no.. there is a file called /var/run/asterisk.ctl yet the size is 0 bytes.
03:25.40*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
03:25.44SpaceBassQwell:  that explains a lot... thanks!
03:25.45QwellThazza: that's fine
03:25.58QwellThazza: what user are you trying to do this as?
03:26.06QwellThey need permission to that file (and others, no doubt)
03:26.40ThazzaQwell: well i am logged in as root, and trying to run asterisk -r and the /var/run/asterisk.ctl is owned and group by root.
03:27.01Lloydie-tI going to re-install *. someone mentioned a directory to delete before I do it
03:27.08Lloydie-tis it /usr/lib/asterisk/modules?
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03:27.39sylehappy new year!
03:27.45*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
03:27.48xbmodder_lappyanyone here have experience with asterisk and Sipura devices
03:28.12sylelloydie-t: yes , stupid that asterisk make install don;t replace with new ones to start with :)
03:28.46Qwellsyle: it does replace the new ones.  What it doesn't do, is delete old ones
03:28.46QwellIt can't possibly know which are third party, and which are it's own
03:28.55syleyou mean replace the old ones?
03:29.01*** part/#asterisk lrizzo (
03:29.02Lloydie-tThanks chaps
03:29.04QwellI mean delete the old ones
03:29.22*** join/#asterisk annonimous (i=annonimo@
03:29.39ThazzaQwell: any ideas on why it will not let me run?
03:29.39Qwellfor instance
03:29.49QwellThazza: nope...
03:30.14QwellThazza: You're sure asterisk is running properly?
03:30.52annonimoushello all
03:31.07sylei think your wrong
03:31.14sylecheck Makefile line 702
03:31.27Qwellokay, chan_modem was a bad choice
03:32.06*** join/#asterisk dd (
03:32.15QwellThat doesn't delete them.  it only displays them
03:32.31Qwelllike I said, it can't know which ones are thirdparty, and which are it's own
03:32.47Qwellit would be very bad to delete all of those files
03:33.07Qwellhowever, there is stuff in the works to deal with that
03:33.48syleholdon checking source code
03:34.06QwellI know for certain I'm right on this one. :)
03:34.17syleok yea it does replace old ones, but leaves third party ones alone warning you about them to be exact
03:34.28Qwellyes, that's what I said. :p
03:35.53*** join/#asterisk alephcom (
03:36.27syleok i just didn;t understand syle: it does replace the new ones. <--didn;t make any sense to me , you either replace old ones or don;t makes proper english sense to me :)
03:36.43Lloydie-tshould I compile asterisk-addons before asterisk?
03:37.09sylelloydie no
03:37.23sylehowever you should do zaptel and libpri first
03:37.34Qwelllibpri before zaptel before asterisk, everything else after
03:37.38sylesorry libpri then zaptel then asterisk then asterisk-addons in that order
03:37.44sylecauses less problems
03:38.40Lloydie-tOh i've done zaptel and then libpri, as per digium instructions on web
03:39.21syleif you want to know why, well libpri compiles some header files and zaptel attempts to use them, and if zaptel looking for the new libpri routines and if it don;t find them, compile error basically
03:39.55QwellLloydie-t: can you show me where on the instructions is says to do zaptel before libpri?
03:40.03QwellIf that is the case, I'll see about getting it corrected...
03:40.28ThazzaQwell: Sorry was looking at config.. Yet it is a live system running. answering calls, and making them fine.
03:41.06QwellThazza: is asterisk running as root?
03:41.14Lloydie-tI mean ''
03:41.51Qwellhmm, so it does
03:41.53sylehey qwell: ever heard of this, some other people on analog call me and cannot use dtmf from their systems to mine, this has happened to me with some doctors and dentists offices with their own pbx;s
03:42.08Qwellsyle: everything is analog?
03:42.11sylenormal analog callers don;t have a problem
03:42.35sylei use a rhino channel bank at home-> T1 card-> to my asterisk box at home
03:42.49QwellI think I have...lemme think
03:43.04*** join/#asterisk ManxPowe (
03:43.18Qwellokay, yeah...  in zapata.conf, try to set relaxdtmf=yes
03:44.10*** join/#asterisk emike240s (
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03:45.13sylealright tried it thanks
03:45.38sylebe nice if hospital/doctors etc could get through to me :)
03:47.51*** join/#asterisk jcims (
03:48.17Lloydie-thas anyone compiled asterisk-addons/res_sqlite3? I got a world of errors before I started this re-install
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03:51.07sylepastebin is your friend
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03:52.04sylehey qwell: also have another problem with calling walmart , my normal sequence is 3-1-1 to get electronics dept. , when it starts ringing finally and someone picks up, line disconnects on me
03:52.08syleever heard of that?
03:52.28syleworks usually after 5th try
03:52.47sylepisses me off cause their is no debugging on this, maybe i should call rhino lol
03:53.10Lloydie-tsyle, I'll try again once I have finished the install and paste if I get any problems
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03:53.38Qwellsyle: using callprogress?
03:53.47sylei checked that, nope
03:53.50QwellI hear it sucks
03:54.01Qwellbusydetect or anything?
03:54.32syleits commented out, i think it may be defaulting to yes, unsure
03:54.37Qwellno clue
03:55.11syleoww wait it is on
03:55.15syleon wrong asterisk box
03:55.35sylethat is off
03:55.52sylewell i;ll turn busydetect off see how that goes
03:55.57QwellI forget the exact reason, but I hear busydetect can cause problems
03:56.36*** join/#asterisk linagee (
04:00.02sylehmmm well i got through that time
04:00.13sylemaybe a fluke or maybe it worked
04:00.48sylei remember why i turned it on now, i was programming something before to detect answering machines and i need that on
04:00.55sylebut thanks
04:01.46sylei remember from my tests on that project though callprogress would actually cause random hangups on me for no i hear you on that one :)
04:03.13Lloydie-tbloody hell. first res_sqlite3 compile error 'make: execvp: /usr/src/asterisk/contrib/scripts/astxs: Permission denied'
04:03.52syleare you root?
04:04.31Lloydie-tI logged in as root
04:05.12sylei never heard of anyone using sqlite3 over mysql or postgres
04:05.56sylei think you need to paste more than that on pastebin
04:06.15syleif your root you should never have gotten permission denied so need more debugging info
04:06.51X-Robchmod 755 /usr/src/asterisk/contrib/scripts/astxs
04:07.03X-Robls -l /usr/src/asterisk/contrib/scripts/astxs even
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04:07.05syleyeah thats a good point
04:07.11syleit might not be executable
04:08.07syleyep xrob is right from your pastebin
04:08.40*** join/#asterisk Strom_C_ (i=strom@
04:09.06syleif that don;t work paste the first line from astxs
04:09.51syleunless its a c program :)
04:10.56*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@
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04:15.25Lloydie-tHmmm, I might have got there. not sure?? have a look chaps
04:18.16sylesays it installed fine
04:18.25*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
04:18.50Qwellaww, only one?  I see how it is
04:18.54mogormanso im not happy
04:18.57syleso anything new happen with asterisk in last 2 weeks i was away lol
04:18.57mogormani have work tommorrow
04:19.04Qwellshouldn't you be happy?
04:19.06syleyeah welcome back to work
04:19.10mogormansyle like you wouldnt believe
04:19.12Qwellare those 5 days finally up?
04:19.14mogormanyeah i am
04:19.20mogormanbut the whole getting dressed thin
04:19.23mogormanmajor downer
04:19.27syleor out of bed
04:19.29QwellMark makes you dress? :)
04:19.31mogormani have been in pajamas since thursday
04:19.35mogormanwell in clothes
04:19.37Qwelltsk, tsk, tsk...heh
04:19.39mogormanlike tshirt pants
04:19.47mogormanbut not real "work dressed"
04:19.59Qwellunless you've got "visitors"?
04:20.04syleyeah jeans are so uncomfortable hehe
04:20.07mogormannot even then
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04:20.21mogormanat least for people in my sector
04:20.21QwellI used to hate dressing up for work...
04:20.30mogormanyeah its annoying
04:20.33QwellI had to do that for about a year
04:20.41Kattyi rather like dressing up for work
04:20.44QwellThen I just gradually stopped
04:20.47sylei did it for a year and a half!
04:20.52QwellKatty: I'm sure you love it
04:20.52mogormanwell i have nothing against it
04:20.57mogormani just hate changing my routine
04:21.09Qwellmost women do... (yes, I'm generalizing...sorry)
04:21.24Kattyi do on special occasion, but in all reality, blue jeans are not soft.
04:21.28sylewoman should have to, we have to have something to drool over
04:21.49NewSoleor on
04:21.50Kattywe're not here for the sole purpose of entertaining males.
04:22.05sylereally? damn i got to tell my wife that she will be pleased
04:22.14Kattyyou get any male around me with that attitude and i'm ready to claw things.
04:22.16Qwellsyle: DON'T SPREAD IT AROUND!
04:22.21Qwellwtf are you thinking? :p
04:22.44Qwellokay, I'm done joking around with Katty today
04:22.48mogormansorry katty
04:23.03NewSoleoowwww claws...... cat scrach fever
04:23.03implicitKatty, and how about a female with that attitude?
04:23.08implicitKatty, sexist bitch
04:23.16syleyeah your kind of outnumbered no offence intended :)
04:23.16implicitKatty, better yet, cunt
04:23.38implicit(calling a girl cunt always makes them crazy)
04:23.38rob0and implicit means that in the nicest possible way, I'm sure :)
04:23.46implicitrob0, for sure
04:24.03sylei called my wife a cunt once, and i never heard the end of it, very bad thing to say to a woman :)
04:24.08mogormanlucky i dont have ops in this channel
04:24.14mogormanpeople would be getting kicked...
04:24.21impliciti know!
04:24.33mogormanheh like 1/6th of the people in asterisk-dev have ops
04:24.48rob0Hi Katty, how are you?
04:24.51sylei asked why this is, this is cause mom;s teach their daughters that is the worst possible word
04:24.53Qwell1 is chanserv, so more like 1/7 :p
04:24.54implicitmogorman, makes kicking quicker
04:25.13mogormani am quick to kick
04:25.23ManxPoweMy opinion is that, like many people on this channel, Katty can take offense a bit too easily, but she's pretty cool.
04:25.24impliciti know
04:25.42mogormanyeah true
04:25.43implicitManxPowe, yeah
04:25.50syleat least i admit i am wrong when i am, alot of people in here don't :)
04:25.53mogormani also just enjoy kicking
04:26.54syleso i guess nothing new in last couple weeks, everyone was to busy drinking to lol
04:26.55rob0I think Katty is offended this time
04:27.13rob0or plotting revenge
04:28.13sylenaw i think she spends 20 min reading emails :)
04:28.31idpromnutanybody have a link for a good PRI primer; preferrably wrt Asterisk, but I'll take what I can get :)
04:28.39rob0I just hope I'm here when she comes back
04:29.02jbotit has been said that wikis is
04:29.05Qwellidpromnut: should be something there
04:29.08mogormancisco docs idpromnut  if you want real pri info
04:29.10rob0this might be better then New Year's fireworks
04:29.15syleanyone get a xbox360 over holidays?
04:29.17jasonwolfe0u812can someone recomend a good softphone for use with IAX
04:29.18mogormanasterisk setup is like 5 min long
04:29.23idpromnutQwell: been through there; but I'll have another go :)
04:29.25Qwellsyle: yeah, I'm running asterisk on mine already
04:29.26mogormanwhat os jasonwolfe0u812
04:29.30rob0jasonwolfe0u812: KIAX
04:29.46ManxPoweAll Softphones suck!
04:29.53sylei been following the hacking project, they are comming along quite well, linux will be on it soon enough
04:29.57mogormaniaxphone jasonwolfe0u812
04:30.06mogormanreally syle
04:30.07Qwellsyle: I sure as hell wouldn't want to compile anything on it games
04:30.12mogormani havent heard anything of promise
04:30.41QwellI wonder...
04:30.43syleyeah they already got patches into the 2.4.x kernels for the filesystem on it
04:30.52QwellDo you think I could get away with naming a softphone "Micro"?
04:30.58Qwellpeople would call it the Micro softphone
04:31.07sylefatfx or something
04:31.17mogormanlol Qwell
04:31.19mogormanyou should do it
04:31.57Qwelluh oh
04:32.22*** join/#asterisk Darkhalf (
04:32.34QwellI read a post that started just like this
04:32.49mogormani love bash
04:32.50sylewell my biggest interest in xbox360 is getting rid of computer in my living room and making that a media center , somehow nfs mounting or samba all my movies from it
04:32.58mogormanevery now and then i benge on it
04:33.00Qwellmight've been qdb
04:33.38Qwellsomehow, her leaving reminded me of that :p
04:34.04mogormanheh that has happened with me and my woman
04:34.13mogormanbut she is only 2 min away
04:34.21mogormanso it was more of a shock when she nocked on door
04:34.23*** join/#asterisk Administrator (n=Administ@
04:34.48syleoww god , never live next to your girlfriend
04:34.53*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
04:34.55sylethats asking for trouble :)
04:35.11idpromnutQwell: yup, that would be my lady to the letter :)
04:35.14mogormani love my woman
04:35.32Dandani even sleep next to one :)
04:35.33*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
04:35.37sylewhat happens if you bring another one home and she comes over unexpected
04:35.40Dandannot talking about living :)
04:35.56*** join/#asterisk brockj49464 (n=brockj49@
04:36.01Administratori'm newbie
04:36.01riddleboxis there a way to test that when a voicemail is left, that you can see asterisk try to send the email out to the user?
04:36.07*** join/#asterisk litecode (
04:36.12mogormanwhy would i cheat on my woman?
04:36.16Qwellriddlebox: You want to see it try?
04:36.25Qwellmogorman: Why would you, or why would others?
04:36.32riddleboxQwell:for some reason it is not sending
04:36.32Qwell(I don't have an answer for either)
04:36.38idpromnutAdministrator: you know you should never log onto IRC as Administrator; people get their boxes hacked that way
04:36.43sylemogorman you have to be married at least 2 years with one before you can comment on a woman :)
04:37.15Administratoroh ya h to change
04:37.16mogormanwe are happily crazy as hell
04:37.23sylethats cause you don;t live together :)
04:37.44litecodeis there a stable/scalable/usable multiple parking lot system available someplace?
04:37.48litecodefor 1.2?
04:37.55syleno shit
04:38.12syleis she ever home?
04:38.13mnemonicoh okay
04:38.27Qwelllitecode: I think oej has a branch for something like that
04:38.29idpromnutsyle: she's sleeping in the next rrom as we speak
04:38.52idpromnutnah, you jest :)
04:39.28Mnemonichelo all i'm newbie
04:39.36impliciti know
04:39.37*** join/#asterisk brc_ (n=Brian@pdpc/supporter/basic/brc)
04:39.50brockj49464Anyone have Zingotel working with Asterisk?
04:40.24syle6 years and no kids
04:40.27sylesomething wrong there
04:40.37Mnemonicbye bye s U
04:42.03Nuggetwhat's wrong with not having kids?
04:42.08NuggetI'm never going to have any
04:42.19*** join/#asterisk Administrator (n=Administ@
04:42.21ManxPoweI'm never having kids either
04:42.28idpromnutsyle: I'm 26.  Gimme a bit of time ;)
04:42.43syleyeah i use to say that, but i go thoroughbred
04:42.57Nuggetfor me it's quite beyond "saying that".
04:43.03syleno raincoat for this stallion
04:43.05NuggetI've already taken the necessary precautions to prevent it.
04:43.46sylei use to to
04:43.52sylemy name is john doe
04:44.18QwellNugget: precautions?
04:44.22QwellNugget: Can I guess?
04:44.29Qwelluse asterisk? :)
04:44.48syleare you saying he has no life!
04:44.56Qwellsyle: I'm saying none of us do.
04:44.58ManxPowenone of us have lives.
04:45.00Nuggetnah, I got snipped a few years ago.  :)
04:45.06QwellNugget: eeps
04:45.10ManxPoweNugget, good for you.
04:45.12mogormani always liked the whats the best contraception
04:45.16mogormana woman laughing at you
04:45.28*** join/#asterisk Blankman (
04:45.31sylei use to think i did, but one dayi mentioned the mythtv box in my livingroom and got classified as a nerd hehe
04:45.34ManxPoweDoesn't help with STDs, but it's a good thing to do if you don't want kids.
04:45.37*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
04:45.52BlankmanHey guys.
04:45.58QwellBlankman: morning
04:45.59Nuggetyeah, it's quite a relief to have finally done it.
04:46.20Lloydie-tI did the res_sqlite3 wrong first time round. I should have done make before make install. got this problem
04:46.20Lloydie-tIn file included from res_sqlite.c:14:
04:46.20Lloydie-tIn file included from res_sqlite.c:28:
04:46.20Lloydie-tsqlite-3.2.8/sqlite3.h:1254: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype
04:46.21Lloydie-tmake: *** [] Error 255
04:46.24BlankmanHey Qwell ... not morning in est land yet ;-)
04:46.33QwellBlankman: yeah, I never do get it right
04:46.47syleasterisk omg, if i knew how much was involved before starting this, i don;t know if i would have done it, you have a 6 months of reading and playing to do to get out of newbie state
04:47.13Lloydie-tI meant
04:47.50BlankmanHey, I have a question. I am traveling all over targh ... the new kvirc doesn't do tab complete!
04:47.56sylewell 3 if you can program
04:47.57BlankmanI will be back :-)
04:48.03Blankmanopps :-)
04:49.04riddleboxQwell:I guess I will have to do more reading
04:49.06ManxPoweHe needs to switch to xChat
04:49.15sylexchat wtf
04:49.18*** join/#asterisk Blankman (
04:49.35BlankmanQwell: k. lets try that again :-)
04:49.43syleyou running linux as a client?
04:50.17Lloydie-tsyle 6 months! I might as well give up. I don't even know linux yet.
04:50.22sylelet me save you the heartache, windowsXP + securecrt + flashfxp , and you can still play games!
04:51.04syleowww man
04:51.14sylei would learn linux first
04:51.32sylemost people in here already been using linux for like 10 years
04:52.35sylemore stuff you install the more you learn it, so this is good exp for you to i guess
04:53.36Nuggetand eventually you'll learn that linux sucks and move on to freebsd.  :)
04:53.43Nuggetbut give it time.
04:53.57rob0Nugget, I haven't learned that yet :)
04:54.00syletill you realize the zaptel drivers suck for it and time is all it will ever be
04:54.01Lloydie-tgotta start somewhere and its is good for me to have a project to  help me learn
04:54.11QwellThen you'll realize that FreeBSD is overrated, and move back to BeOS
04:54.41sylei don;t know BeOS can compete with freebsd's ports collection :)
04:55.20QwellNugget: okay, I take back everything I said about BeOS
04:55.41Qwellbunch of ugly fellows :p
04:55.48Nuggetcan't argue with that ;)
04:55.52QwellEspecially that one on the left. ;)
04:56.01mogormanman beos was awesome
04:56.03sylei;ve never heard of beos
04:56.17sylewhat kind of operating system is that
04:56.21mogormani am kinda interested in what haiku people come up with
04:56.24Lloydie-tI got the red hat linux bible. What a pile of poo. not enough command line info
04:56.26mogormanit was a "media os"
04:56.27idpromnutwow, that goes back a couple of years.
04:56.30QwellI think that guy on the right is a little out of place...
04:56.33mogormanits posix compliant
04:56.46syleposix, well should run asterisk then :)
04:56.47mogormanbut it was really fast
04:56.47Blankmananyone have asterisk running on a laptop AND using iaxcomm to connect to it?
04:56.53mogormanprobably could
04:56.56Nuggetthe guy on the far right is the only one in the photo who was actually a be, inc. employee
04:56.59mogormanbut shouldnt
04:57.02mogormanits not a server os
04:57.04QwellNugget: odd
04:57.05mogormanits for workstations
04:57.10mogormanits all about being really fast
04:57.13*** part/#asterisk jcims (
04:57.27syleso the tcp stack is probably all misconfigured to hell to be a server default install
04:57.49mogormanso i couldnt tell you
04:57.55Blankmanmogorman: it wasn't that beos was fast ... it was that beos file system rocked!
04:58.12Blankmanmogorman: nothing like having a database for a filesystem :-)
04:58.14sylenew filesystem kewl
04:58.16mogormannothing was a bigger draw for me to beos than the responsiveness
04:58.19sylealways like trying new ones
04:58.23mogormanit just was blazingly fast
04:58.24*** join/#asterisk alephcom (
04:58.25*** part/#asterisk alephcom (
04:58.39mogormanwell it wasnt so much fast as when you clicked things they happened
04:58.40*** join/#asterisk alephcom (
04:58.44mogormanno wait time
04:58.47Lloydie-tany ideas on ?
04:58.49sylei like reiserfs for databases, XFS for speed, JFS for high speed deletes
04:58.52mogormanvery creative
04:58.56Blankmanmogorman: also there "widget" factory was better than the sup'd up Next factories :-)
04:59.07idpromnutsyle: check out HPFS+; metadata in the filesystem, and Apple is actually letting people populate it with their own metadata! :)
04:59.10QwellNugget: Wanna see a very scary looking Linux user?
04:59.12mogormanwell i like gtk widgets
04:59.20mogormani dont think anyone has ever done it better
04:59.21QwellI'd run if I saw this guy in a dark alley
04:59.39mogormanbut id love to see things get back to beos responsiveness
04:59.46syleapple fs's reminds me of hacking tivo's
04:59.49BlankmanSo no one dev'n on a laptop and a soft client?
04:59.52syleshould try it
05:00.00NuggetQwell: present company excepted?  :)
05:00.13Qwellsee msg
05:00.24mogormannah syle its oldddd
05:00.28mogormanwait for haiku
05:00.48mogormani think i will start running it with haiku and linux
05:00.53mogormanon my new laptop
05:01.25mogormangroup of people who are doing an oss beos
05:02.02_Soul_Qwell, pvt ?
05:02.10Qwell_Soul_: sure
05:02.38mogormanits pretty ambituos project
05:02.48mogormani imagine they will finish this year or the next
05:02.59mogormanor not finish
05:03.08_Soul_Qwell, did you see my pvt message ?
05:03.08mogormanbut have completely working system
05:03.37sylei think google is building their own fs as well, they have stated everyone could nfs mount their email space
05:04.31mogormanwhen did they let nfs?
05:04.45sylefor awhile now, i think i mounted it once or twice
05:04.55mogormangooglefs != nfs
05:04.56X-Robnfs? *boggle*
05:05.02X-Robhow incredibly insecure
05:05.16_Soul_Qwell, i'm not sure whats wrong with my pvt queries with you, can you try to send me a pvt message ?
05:05.21moraleits not nfs, he probably means a network file system of some sort.
05:05.28mogormanand letting people hack that out
05:05.39sylei mean network file system, custom client to mount it like nfs
05:05.40mogormanand supporting it are two very different things
05:06.45sylelots of google jobs lately
05:06.50sylei;lve noticed that
05:06.58*** join/#asterisk Snake-Eyes (n=blog@
05:07.17sylei was thinking of getting one so i could get their source code to search rating algorithm hehe
05:08.06mogormansyle?!?! you = crazy?
05:08.24Fubsteri think i might know what my audio problem is...
05:08.28syleif i had their source code to that i;d be a millionare within 6 months
05:08.52mogormanhmm sure
05:08.54Fubstermy ztdummy is "UNCONFIGURED", according to the alarms
05:09.24*** join/#asterisk venix (
05:09.26mogormanthats right fubster
05:09.43Fubsterso, that's not abnormal?
05:09.51Math`hey syle whats up
05:09.59sylehey man
05:10.04X-RobFubster, what is your audio problem?
05:10.13sylejust chatting, avoiding my c programming as long as i can :)
05:10.20BlankmanQwell: go to blank_issue for a sec, I want to review something with :-)
05:10.28Math`lol that was my next question, how's your addon?
05:10.37FubsterX-Rob- it's just all-arount terrible. extremly choppy, even when i dial a local exten and try to get it to play back something.
05:10.58X-Robsip phones?
05:11.00syleits doing everything it should now, i think the c program is around 2500 lines of code now, think i;ll finish it at 3000 with the new features
05:11.01Fubsterthis is with the standard prepackaged asterisk sounds
05:11.02Lloydie-tI think I might give up on the sqlite thing. I've got a headache, no sleep yet and got to go to work in an 2 hours in the UK
05:11.06FubsterX-Rob- i'm using x-ten
05:11.23Fubsterbut i called via IPKall thru FWD, and i have the same problem
05:11.34Fubsterfrom my cell
05:11.51sylei been thinking how to do crap with time.h to say lets do this rate on a call from 6am to 8pm and this rate on a call from 10pm -6am, biggest thing i been thinking about lately
05:12.16sylemaybe for or while loops to check time is in between
05:12.18sylenot sure yet
05:12.32X-RobFubster, I just msg'ed you an echo test dialplan. Try using that
05:12.41Fubsterwill do
05:12.43X-Robsee if the 'You are about to start an echo test' is lossy
05:13.08syleother than that man, i been pretty drunk last 2 weeks and had a good time
05:13.15Math`haha good stuff
05:13.21Fubsteralright, i will. thanks
05:13.40X-Robno, do that now, and tell me 8)
05:13.47X-Robthis is diagnostics part 1
05:13.56Math`I went raving on NYE, starting to do consulting for voip systems
05:14.21syleyeah same, i found a job other day online, sent me the NDA today to sign, see if i can get enough hours
05:14.55sylework from home asterisk setups basically
05:15.03Math`voipsupply charged 480$US shipping fees for 11 polycom 301
05:15.28FubsterX-Rob- it's still very slow and choppy
05:15.29Math`+ we expect border fees
05:15.47Math`thats.... the last time I deal with them
05:15.48sylethats nuts, can;t they put them all in the same box
05:15.58Math`they should
05:15.59X-RobFubster, OK. This now means it's your PC or your network (or, the asterisk box is overloaded?)
05:16.04Math`williamsglobal is reseller in Canada tho
05:16.08X-Robwhat distro and hardware?
05:16.13X-Rob(is your linux machine)
05:16.22Math`we'll stick to them, skipping border fees by the same occasion
05:16.51Fubsterit's a p4, 128mb with an X environment running gentoo
05:16.57X-Robwhat kernel?
05:16.57Fubsterwith the latest version of asterisk
05:17.09syleborder is just a pain to begin with, custom brokers, gst import numbers etc, if its not to much more money i usually buy from canada to
05:17.15X-Robno, specifically, which version?
05:17.20*** join/#asterisk sonic2wb (
05:17.46sonic2wbGood Evening Everyohne
05:17.50sonic2wbGood Evening Everyone
05:17.51X-Rob14, ok. Should be ok. However: Turn off X.
05:17.56X-RobProblem 1.
05:18.02Fubsteri'll try that
05:18.15Fubsterlet me see what top gives me before i do...
05:18.16X-RobThat _is_ a problem. X and Asterisk don't co-habit happily
05:18.34X-RobS'not top, it's your video interrupts.
05:18.45sonic2wbinit 3
05:18.48X-RobOr yea, init 3.
05:18.52Fubsteri'm running this under a shell with screen
05:19.03Fubsterso even though x is off, i'm still on
05:19.12X-RobX is off?
05:19.25X-Robps auxww | grep X > dev/null && echo No it isnt
05:19.26sylei run asterisk in screen session to
05:19.45X-Robps auxww | grep X > /dev/null && echo No it isnt
05:20.11X-Robuh. And that won't work either.
05:20.17X-Robps auxww | grep -v grep | grep X > /dev/null && echo No it isnt
05:20.22sonic2wbthere u go
05:20.23X-RobThere! Thats' actually accurate!
05:20.26inv_Arppgrep x
05:20.27sylefubster maybe you can tell me how to reconnect to screen session upon boot, i use /usr/bin/screen -L -d -m /bin/nice -n -19 /usr/sbin/asterisk -U asterisk -vvvgc ...but usually i have to kill it and restart it in a screen session again so i can keep connecting to it
05:20.52sylei think it has no tty, maybe the reason not sure
05:20.52sonic2wbwhy are u guys running asterisk in a screen?
05:21.09X-Robsonic2wb, if they have digium g729 licences, it needs a tty
05:21.10inv_Arpsonic2wb: I run th console in screen
05:21.28FubsterX-Rob- X is off
05:21.29rob0I used to do that but now I just use -r when I want a console
05:21.34Fubsterlet me call with my cell
05:21.46X-RobYou need to fix the local problems first
05:21.50Fubstersyle- when you reboot your sreen sessions are lost
05:21.59*** join/#asterisk __Soul__ (
05:22.01FubsterX-Rob- what do you mean?
05:22.06X-RobYou did an echo test
05:22.16sylei don;t think you understand what i said but ok :)
05:22.16Fubsterright, while X was running
05:22.28Fubstersyle- uh, maybe not...
05:22.28X-Robthat went from x-ten to asterisk and back again
05:22.32X-Robthat was broken
05:22.39sylethis runs from rc.local
05:22.40X-RobDo the echo test again without X
05:23.31sylei was wondering if maybe its as simple as executing a shell script with /bin/bash and starting screen, maybe i;d have a tty then
05:23.52Math`you need to run asterisk in a tty for 729?
05:24.34X-Robask digium.
05:24.40X-RobI'm sure it's a licencing thing.
05:24.43mogormanwhy are we asking digium?
05:24.52sonic2wbthis navite bridgeing thing asterisk does does it not do it with sip clients?
05:24.55FubsterX-Rob- i called my IPKall with my cell phone
05:24.56X-Robbecause it's their licence
05:24.59Fubsterand it's still doing it
05:25.09X-RobFub, well that's totally useless, you know?
05:25.10sonic2wbfub: what the problem?
05:25.26FubsterX-Rob- what do you mean?
05:25.32Fubsterit gave a warning: WARNING[14748]: chan_iax2.c:7535 socket_read: Received mini frame before first full voice frame
05:25.34X-RobWe have the problem down to three things. X-ten, your network, or your asterisk box
05:25.40X-Robwhy are you adding extra stuff into the mix?
05:25.50ManxPoweFubster, that message is more or less harmless.
05:25.55sonic2wbthats what i say
05:26.06FubsterX-Rob- uh, it just calls my box via FWD
05:26.14Fubsteri don't have a CLI softphone
05:26.18X-RobYes. But that's not broken.
05:26.23Fubsterunless you can dial from the asterisk CLI?
05:26.35X-RobAh. You don't have a windows box?
05:26.41Fubsterthis is it
05:26.47sonic2wbX-ten or SJPHONE
05:27.02sonic2wbek sorry for caps
05:27.08sonic2wbshift key stuck
05:27.11ManxPoweFubster, if you have a sound card installed and OSS or ALSA libs and headers installed when you build Asterisk, then the build process will enable the "dial" cli command
05:27.29X-RobOK. So you had x-ten on the same box as the asterisk and it was still droppy-outty
05:27.33X-Robsomething's fubar.
05:27.37X-Roband I don't have time to figure it out.
05:27.39syleanyone want to buy a TDM400P card 2 fxs + 2 fxo modules, let me know , i;ll give you a good deal on it
05:27.50ManxPowesyle, no thanks!!
05:27.55sonic2wbsyle pm me with price
05:28.06FubsterX-Rob- yeah
05:28.14X-RobGo install CentOS 4.2 or something and I may be able to help, but you'll need to find someone with a working gentoo box so you can check revisions and stuff.
05:28.21X-RobSorry 8-\
05:28.27sonic2wbFub i can help im on gentoo
05:28.49Fubsteri just did dial <exten>@context
05:28.54Fubsterand it's still laggy as all hell
05:28.58Fubsterthis is really weird...
05:29.16sonic2wbfub: processor and speed?
05:29.33FubsterIntel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.60GHz
05:29.49Fubster128mb of ram...
05:30.08sonic2wbwhat voip service?
05:30.25Fubsternone. i just use freeworlddialup
05:31.15sonic2wbare u behind a firewall?
05:31.48Fubsternot on this machine, but i have a linksys WRT54G that's firewalled
05:32.02Fubsteri'm doing all this on localhost though, so it shouldn't matter
05:32.08Fubsterall ports are forwarded
05:33.03ManxPoweYou need to do MUCH more than just forwarding ports if you want Asterisk to be behind NAT and use a SIP device (or server) that is outside the local network.
05:33.06ManxPoweSee the Wiki.
05:33.11jbotdocs is probably probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
05:34.03sonic2wbim going to say this but only from experince: SIP DONT WORK BEHIND FIREWAll EVEN if ports are fowarded, i just spent 2weeks trying to figure out my problem same as yours i moved my asterisk to outside of firewall and it works just fine
05:34.27Fubsteryour sound was all whacked up too?
05:34.35Fubsterhmm, let me try something...
05:34.39sonic2wbpeople sound like robots?
05:34.50Fubsteryeah, sort of
05:34.50ManxPoweCTRL-A DEL: The easy way to catch up on your asterisk-users mail.
05:34.51sylefirewalls work fine if your default rule is allow
05:34.58sylethen just deny the fags you want to
05:35.18ManxPowesonic2wb, SIP works just fine behind firewalls and NAT.  It's just rather more complicated to set up.
05:35.45sonic2wbManx i have done everything everyone said on here and in websites it just wouldnt work
05:35.52*** join/#asterisk linagee (
05:36.00sonic2wbput asterisk outside and it works like a charm
05:36.41ManxPowesonic2wb, I have personally run, in production: Asterisk behind NAT/firewall with a SIPura ATA that worked on the same LAN, outside the LAN on a public IP, and outside the LAN, behind another NAT router.
05:37.03syleProtocol Ports Service
05:37.03syleUDP 5060 SIP
05:37.03syleUDP 5036 IAX
05:37.03syleUDP 4569 IAX2
05:37.03syleUDP 20000 to 21000 RTP
05:37.24sonic2wbyep and for some ungodly reason mine wouldnt work
05:37.29ManxPoweIt took me about 10 mins to do it, but 1) I know Asterisk, 2) I know RTP issues with NAT, 3) I know my router, 4) I know IP.
05:37.31Fubsterwell i just put myself in the DMZ and shut off my router firewall
05:37.36Fubsterand it's still not working :\
05:37.39sonic2wbasterisk sip server behind nat, sip clinet behind nat
05:37.39*** join/#asterisk tengulre11 (n=tengulre@
05:37.50syleshould work, maybe sure your ports are right in rtp.conf for your rtp settings
05:37.51sonic2wbfub reinstall *
05:38.03Fubsteryeah i'm gonna do that.
05:38.09Fubsterthis is really weird
05:38.26ManxPoweHOWEVER, people that are just starting with VoIP should NOT run anything with NAT between devices.
05:38.37ManxPoweYou have a steep enough learning curve with Asterisk.
05:38.55sonic2wbAsterisk isnt that hard if you can read your ABC's
05:39.15Fubsteri get how it works and all, but just this audio problem...
05:39.25Fubsterit's baffling me
05:39.43ManxPoweFubster, you are not doing something only an idiot would do and have allow=all in sip.conf, do you?
05:40.00sonic2wbthats what i was typeing
05:40.23ManxPoweTop 10 Ways to Tell If Someone Is a Newbie:
05:40.29ManxPowe1) use of "r" option to dial
05:40.34ManxPowe2) allow=all
05:40.45ManxPowe3) tT options to Dial
05:40.45sonic2wbr to dail?
05:40.47FubsterManxPowe- nope
05:40.48ManxPoweany others
05:41.06Fubsterno, nothing like that
05:41.19Fubsterbesides, i've tried through both SIP and IAX2
05:41.27ManxPowe4) What is safe_asterisk
05:41.43sonic2wblol i was going to ask that
05:41.43ManxPowe5) Asks "How to I start Asterisk on boot?"
05:42.05ManxPowe6) "No Application MeetMe"
05:42.27sylewhat is a PRI
05:42.39sylewho is digium
05:42.47sonic2wbright manx we get the point but thats why we all are here right to help each other
05:43.00sylewhat is a DID
05:43.14X-Rob7) This is too hard, where do I buy the heroin around here?
05:43.21Fubsterhey guys, where is my phone number?
05:43.29ManxPoweX-Rob, I've asked that a time or two
05:43.42Fubster"too hard brb pot"
05:44.16ManxPoweHmm..I've owned my car for 2 months and already put 4,000 miles on it.
05:44.37sonic2wbyou must not drive much
05:45.10ManxPowesonic2wb, I currently live 10 miles from the nearest gas station, on the top of a mountian.
05:45.11QwellManxPowe: 0) I'm using Asterisk@Home, and ...
05:45.34QwellThat definitely trumps all the others.
05:45.38ManxPoweAlso the texas <-> alabama runs eat up the miles, as do the alabama <-> louisiana runs
05:45.38Qwellexcept maybe tT
05:45.39mogormanqwell wtf?
05:46.02sonic2wbmanx do u live where i do?
05:46.08QwellManxPowe: man, you drive like we do...
05:46.21ManxPoweQwell, before 2 months ago I never owned a car.
05:46.25mogormanqwell when / why did you go to dark side
05:46.33Fubsterwait, i just noticed something
05:46.43Fubsterwhat exactly is "flexible rate"?
05:46.46mogormanor are you kidding
05:46.53Fubstermight that have anything to do with it?
05:46.54ManxPoweFubster, that's a message from mpg123
05:46.57ManxPoweFubster, no.
05:47.31sonic2wbfub whats ur netstat -a say about ports
05:47.34ManxPowesonic2wb, I live on Chandler Mountian, about 50 miles NE of Birmingham AL
05:48.07QwellManxPowe: 8) Use of the default context
05:48.13ManxPoweIt's pretty nice up on the mountian
05:48.36Fubstersonic2wb- it doesn't mention asterisk
05:48.39Fubsteror sip, or IAX...
05:48.46ManxPoweQwell, we should actually write up a Top 10 List for this and post it to the mailinglists.
05:49.16QwellManxPowe: I'm game
05:49.34QwellI like your 1, 3, 6 at least
05:49.41ManxPoweQwell, I would have to care enough to make time.
05:50.00ManxPoweGADS having real broadband again is nice, even if its only for afew days.
05:50.07Fubsterwhatver i'll work on this tomorrow. night all
05:50.27sonic2wbMAnx: ah a southerner i live in West NC
05:50.48ManxPowesonic2wb, I'm a yankee, but have lived in the south for 13 or 14 years.
05:50.55Fubsterweird thing is, when i call my softphone from my cell phone, it gets a decent signal
05:50.57ManxPoweLived on the mississippi gulf coast until recently.
05:51.06Fubsternot the best, but not as bad as the played sounds
05:51.53_Soul_Qwell, thanks 4 all the help. the phone does not register with our asterisk, tought in the configuration i told him to
05:51.55Qwellooo, I got another one
05:52.00QwellManxPowe: 9) _.
05:52.17_Soul_the sip configuration is correct, but "register with proxy" is off, is this normal ?
05:52.34ManxPoweQwell, I'm about 40 miles north of New Orleans at the moment (Hammond, LA)
05:52.58ManxPoweOn a link with less than 800ms latency!
05:53.37Qwellnot too shabby
05:53.55*** join/#asterisk king_elephant (
05:54.09Qwell10) I bought an x100p off ebay, and...
05:54.58*** part/#asterisk king_elephant (
05:55.55sonic2wb11) What is linux
05:55.55ManxPoweQwell, 11) I can't spend any money.....
05:56.18Qwell11b) So I bought a gxp2000
05:56.29ManxPoweQwell, or any grandstream product.
05:56.44ManxPoweThis $50 phone I bought sucks!  I feel so ripped off!
05:56.56BlankmanYou guys are not nice ... ;-)
05:57.05Qwellhey, it's true :p
05:57.12sonic2wbim going to ask probilly a dumb question where can i get one of those intel chipset modems to hack to use as a fXO card?
05:57.21Qwellsonic2wb: see 10)
05:57.32infinity1ahhah ebay
05:57.32Qwellnot really :p
05:57.39sonic2wbnot ebay
05:57.46Qwellsonic2wb: That's about the only place
05:57.47infinity1just get a 400p
05:57.58sonic2wbebay = worse than satan
05:58.14sylesomeone told me other day amazon was better
05:58.16BlankmanYou can get a clone for less than you will pay for the modem :-)
05:58.17sylewhatever that means
05:59.06ManxPoweThe people that deserve not sympathy from me are the ones that go out and buy 50 Grandstream phones and deploy their first Asterisk server with them and then are amazed it doesn't work well.  They seem to get all miffed when I tell them they should have 1) read the mailing list posts about the products they are considering 2) order the top three make/models of phones they are considering, 3) deploy a TEST System and use inte
05:59.07ManxPowernal beta testers
05:59.28sonic2wbwhats the chances of someone writeing code for other chipsets?
05:59.36QwellI'm SO glad we have money to put behind our deployment
05:59.38ManxPowesonic2wb, nobody with the skills care.
05:59.47sonic2wbthats true
05:59.47infinity1ManxPowe: wow. thats big screw up.
06:00.22infinity1ManxPowe: i think what happens is people buy one gxp to test with and end up giving to their most hated user
06:00.28ManxPoweQwell, We tested Grandstream (just to see if they were as bad as everyone says -- they are), Zultys SIP2, Cisco 7905, Polycom IP 300, Cisco ATA, Sipura 841, Sipura ATA
06:00.44infinity1ManxPowe: no snom?
06:00.49ManxPoweinfinity1, no.
06:00.52Qwellwell, we're going with mostly 7960's, so...that will be very easy
06:01.00ManxPoweinfinity1, there were too many reports of firmware issues.
06:01.04sylewhats wrong with polycom?
06:01.14Qwellsyle: nothing, polycom is great
06:01.17infinity1ManxPowe: what did you go with?
06:01.17ManxPoweWe went with Polycom for phones, SIPura for ATAs
06:01.24BlankmanManxPowe: you do an iax testing?
06:01.30QwellManxPowe: Have you tried the SPA941?
06:01.32sonic2wbanyways good talking with everyone THanks Qwell for the advise, i may be back if i cant sleep
06:01.32sylehe said polycom 300 suck
06:01.37ManxPoweBlankman, Hmm?
06:01.50ManxPoweQwell, no, as I said we standardized on Polycom.
06:01.54Qwellsyle: he said the GS suck
06:01.56infinity1ManxPowe: i'm not sure if our next phone will be another polycom or a snom. i heard some good stuff about snom
06:02.30{zombie}the really good thing about snom is that if you have an issue with their firmware it's fixed within days
06:02.31ManxPoweOur first production Asterisk server went live 25 months ago.
06:02.36BlankmanJust wondering ... we have found anything better than the IAXy ... yet :-)
06:02.41sylei don;t like their licensing
06:02.42ManxPoweWe had about 6 - 9 months of testing before deloyment.
06:02.54ManxPoweBlankman, Oh, we tried the IAXy too.
06:03.04sylehow was that?
06:03.23BlankmanManxPowe: the old or new ones?
06:03.24ManxPoweThe Cisco and Polycom were the phones we liked and worked will for us.
06:03.51ManxPoweBlankman, like the 1st production run, but I feel the DESIGN of the IAXy is lacking.
06:03.57QwellManxPowe: If you ever do another rollout, you should revisit the cisco's with sccp...
06:04.09ManxPoweQwell, Sticking with Polycoms.
06:04.12SLiCKFXsup all what is a route considered... is it unlimited IAX termination to the specified area?
06:04.21ManxPoweI'm a big believer in picking a vendor and sticking with it.
06:04.32syleblah useless sip phones again, what have you tested as far as cordless/wifi sip phones, useful ones where you can walk around with them wirelessly
06:04.51ManxPoweSLiCKFX, Please speak english.
06:04.53SLiCKFXIm looking for steady access to Taiwan proper + cellular
06:04.56_Soul_Qwell, thanks 4 all the help. the phone does not register with our asterisk
06:05.12Qwell_Soul_: That's what the SIPmac.cnf is for
06:05.13BlankmanManxPowe: I don't disagree ... we will have an ATA that we are building out in Q4 we hope ... still waiting to figure out how we want to do the encryption though ...
06:05.13SLiCKFXi see people asking for routes to certain places
06:05.25ManxPowesyle, We expect to test our first SIP Wifi phone in about 3 years.
06:05.31*** part/#asterisk alephcom (
06:05.40_Soul_unlocked the settings menu, and filled the values ok, everything is correctly configured, but the phone does not reach the asterisk server
06:05.48ManxPoweSLiCKFX, mostly they ask on the asterisk-biz mailing lists, not here.
06:05.50infinity1ManxPowe: guess you won't be testing one then :)  probably a good idea
06:05.57syle3 years? i;ve seen about 6 on the market now, anyone played with any?
06:06.11Qwellsyle: I know twisted has one.  I think the Hitachi
06:06.14ManxPowesyle, I've yet to hear much good about any of them.
06:06.18SLiCKFXi know i was wondering if a route is usuable with IAX/Asterisk
06:06.30SLiCKFXand wondering exactly what a route consists of
06:06.53ManxPoweSLiCKFX, usually it means "can a carrier send telephone calls to place X"
06:07.30SLiCKFXare there alot of people providing termination other than sites
06:07.53sylealot don;t have websites
06:08.00Blankmannite all.
06:08.06*** part/#asterisk Blankman (
06:08.19sylealot prefer the old fashioned way, call them :)
06:10.21sylei'd be a good tester for that phone
06:10.29sonic2wb <-- wifi phone i dont know about thier phones but i use thier dsl equipment everyday and its very good
06:10.35syleIEEE 802.11b , i got a router for it, and xbox360 running
06:10.39sylecheck interference
06:11.38syleever since i switched my router/wireless/switches over to dlink i haven;t had one problem
06:11.55sylei;ve had problems with netgear and linksys for inteference and packetloss on wireless
06:12.12sonic2wbim haveing some probs with netgear atm too
06:12.45sylethe netgear one i had to reset all the time
06:12.49sylewas a pain
06:13.24syleeven ripped it open and install custom cooling system in it
06:13.26sylestill no go
06:14.10sonic2wbpower is trying to go out
06:14.15sylei use the dlink gamingrouter
06:14.17syleits called
06:14.24syleand use it as an accesspoint
06:15.04sonic2wbDAM IT
06:15.18sonic2wbsomeone must of hit a powerpole
06:15.24sylenone of my laptops have a problem with it, and they still ahve the wireless netgear G cards in them
06:15.54sonic2wbim useing a dlink G card with a netgear G router and i get droped packets etc..
06:16.46syleyeah well get a dlink gamingrouter and see if you still get them, otherwise i;d look for inteference, but i think its your netgear like i had
06:18.07sonic2wbsome nice wifi phones
06:18.39syleyeah sip phones won;t gain popularity until they can replace cordless phones
06:18.54sylewho the hell wants to be wired to their desk on a call
06:19.05sylehell i piss and talk to people lol
06:19.19sonic2wbive done worse
06:19.28sonic2wbi love my bluetooth headset
06:19.58sylewell if your exiting the other way i usually hit mute for that groan lol
06:19.59*** join/#asterisk chapeaurouge (n=chapeaur@
06:20.47syleone kewl wired sip phone i did see was from polycom
06:20.56sylewas like 1k for a speaker phone
06:21.04sylelooked pretty nice to
06:21.10sonic2wbi like this
06:21.16sonic2wblooks like a cellphone
06:21.43Math`nice one
06:22.18Math`is there any GSM/CDMA + 802.11-SIP  phones?
06:22.25Qwellsonic2wb: now if only it worked well...
06:22.30syle300 bucks eeks, i think you can buy a regular cell phone, a gsm adapter for asterisk and switch out your sim cards , prob make more sense
06:22.41Math`syle: lol
06:22.44QwellMath`: I don't know if any GSM providers would provision a phone they didn't sell you
06:22.48QwellCDMA, sure
06:22.53Qwellor, other way around? :P
06:22.54Math`syle: how much is a gsm adapter for asteisk?
06:22.57Qwellwhich one has the SIMs again?
06:23.00Math`Qwell: GSM has SIMs :P
06:23.08sylei think they were like 100-300 bucks
06:23.09Qwellwhat I said, reversed.  heh
06:23.15sylejust need a sim unlocked phone
06:23.21Math`you probably can provision it yourself
06:23.36Math`take the "free" phone they give you and get the subscriber ID out of it
06:23.41SLiCKFXdamn i got a SIP phone setup .. I can dial an ext. good but I thought having a "exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial" channel set in extensions would enable dialing 1 + area and number too call out normally... can someone help me out
06:23.47QwellMath`: yeah, maybe
06:23.48Math`now HOW to do it is the next storyu
06:24.06sylehere i will find link for you
06:24.21sylehere ya go
06:24.22Math`syle: 300$ for a GSM gateway?
06:24.34Math`arent they 1k$+?
06:25.44sylei know a few people in here implemented this
06:25.55sylethey switch out their sim cards when they get home
06:26.15*** join/#asterisk g0mb0 (
06:26.43sylethe future will be cell phones with voip capability for sure
06:27.07sylejust depends on pricing as usual lol
06:28.28Math`syle: can't you program the gsm gateway to use your gsm provider's sim?
06:28.52OloBolais it possible to route an incoming voip call through my x100p (to a local number). So a person call through my provider (nufone) then asterisk calls a local number and puts the caller through
06:30.11Math`is the x100p an fxo card?
06:30.31Math`then you can do it
06:30.38OloBolagreat, thanks
06:33.24SLiCKFXOloBola how are u trying to route people through your server... phone card style or just call forwarding
06:33.45SLiCKFXto a set number
06:35.14sylei am not sure math, if i get one i;ll let you know :)
06:35.28sylei don;t have a cell phone or i would
06:36.05OloBolaSLiCKFX: I just got my drivers working with my x100p. That is as far as I've gotten. I
06:36.19sylei;d probably get one of those sony erikson triband gsm phones unlocked if i did
06:36.36Qwellwhat is multiband?
06:36.45QwellI obviously don't know cell tech :p
06:36.51syleyou want triband
06:36.59syleor if your in the US it won;t work in europe
06:37.00QwellI've see dual, tri, I think quad
06:37.10syletheres no quad
06:37.17Qwellmaybe not then :p
06:37.24QwellWhat's it mean though?
06:37.46sylewhat most people do is they fly to europe, when they get off the plane they switch out their sim card with a european providers card
06:38.03syleand vice-versa
06:38.25Qwellwhat does that have to do with the bandedness?
06:38.27syleunless your rich then who cares pay more
06:38.32*** join/#asterisk [-- (
06:38.34Qwell(yes, I made that word up)
06:38.59Math`Qwell: GSM can work on multiple frequency sets, thease are called bands
06:39.01syleyou have to look at the history of gsm to know what they are
06:39.15QwellSo, thats only for gsm phones?
06:39.50sylei beleive sprint has been slowly switching over their network to the 3rd band like europes
06:39.56Qwellnow, what about modes?
06:40.01_Soul_err, anybody can help with this nasty 7940 ? the phone does not register itself with asterisk
06:40.03QwellI recall seeing "dualmode triband"
06:40.21_Soul_asterisk is working fine, i have about 100 xlite's registered there
06:40.59sylehave you tried the example config from voipinfo for that phone?
06:41.03_Soul_the 7940 SIP(mac).cnf was filled with the asterisk server's details, sip login and password
06:41.25_Soul_whe i go to the 7940 sip menu, all the settings are correct
06:41.32_Soul_but the phone does not register
06:42.01syleyou sure?
06:42.05syleyou checked debug logs?
06:42.19syleyou check ethernet cord works etc?
06:42.26Math`_Soul_: you tried sniffing traffic?
06:42.38_Soul_tailing /var/log/asterisk/full
06:42.40OloBolaSLiCKFX: Call forwarding! I re-read your question, silly me.
06:42.45sylewon;t have to, debug logs will show failed registered attempts
06:42.46_Soul_Math`, err, no
06:43.06_Soul_syle, yes, networking is fine, as i was able to upgrade its firmware
06:43.30_Soul_the 7940 allows several sip proxies:
06:43.43_Soul_unprovisioned proxy: backup
06:43.50_Soul_unprovisioned proxy: emergency
06:44.02sylethats kewl
06:44.26_Soul_but i only have one asterisk server ;)
06:44.26SLiCKFXOloBola it should be as east as setting exten => zap,1,Answer zap,2,DIAL
06:45.13Math`SLiCKFX: exten should be s, not zap
06:46.11syleyou mean tail /var/log/asterisk/debug
06:46.19syleif you have it enabled in logger.conf
06:46.25_Soul_err, i was tailing full
06:46.26SLiCKFXcoo yeah ive never messed with those cards
06:47.15SLiCKFXOloBola: got to register 1 sec.
06:49.54_Soul_any ideias ?
07:01.50xbmoddermy sipura is telling my asterisk box off:
07:01.51xbmodderYou have two OneLink lines both still under contract. One contract expires 03/07/2006 and the second expires 05/16/2006.
07:01.51xbmodderThe OneLink installation can take between 15 to 20 Business Days. If you're ready for the move, please give our Sales Team a call at 800.556.5829.
07:01.52xbmodderI hope this information is helpful to you. I will be placing this ticket into a pending customer response state. It will close automatically in 48 hours if you don?t have any additional questions.
07:01.57xbmodderMark J
07:01.59xbmodderOvernight Support
07:02.03xbmodderHours > 6pm - 5am PT Sat - Tues
07:02.07xbmoddercrap wrong e-mail
07:02.09xbmodderJan  2 23:55:17 SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized^M Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-4e5e44a0;
07:02.12xbmodderreceived=^M From: sipura <sip:sipura@>;tag=fbc93c0d89a3e2cco0^M To: sipura <sip:sipura@10.0.0
07:02.19xbmodder.1>;tag=as342f2931^M Call-ID: 949b8bd1-3a3e35d8@^M CSeq: 805 REGISTER^M User-Agent: Asterisk PBX^M Al
07:02.24xbmodderlow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY^M Max-Forwards: 70^M Contact: <sip:sipura@10.0
07:02.27xbmodder.0.1>^M WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="asterisk", nonce="1feee640"^M Content-Length: 0^M ^M
07:02.32jbotmethinks pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
07:02.42xbmodderQwell, sorry
07:04.13*** join/#asterisk SLiCKFX (
07:05.35xbmodder < log from SIPURA > asterisk
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07:15.27elvisthedjcan anyone tell me if it's possible to do a 3 way call from the console?
07:15.30elvisthedj(using alsa)
07:16.03drumkillaelvisthedj: using MeetMe, yes.
07:16.28elvisthedjwell, that won't work in my situation because i need dtmfs after the third party is called for an automated system
07:16.36elvisthedjthe dtmfs are supressed by meetme
07:17.09*** join/#asterisk woodchuck (
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07:17.51elvisthedjso, there is no command or series of commands on the cli that will let me make the call?
07:20.13Math`you could call the third party, send the dtmf, then transfer the call to the meetme conference
07:21.23elvisthedjthx.  that's a no go because it's not just a sequence.  it's an automated system that needs lots of input
07:21.54elvisthedji saw the bit of code in meetme that removes the dtmfs and tried to get rid of it, but no change..  the system still doesn't hear the digits
07:22.04elvisthedjthis wouldn't be a problem if my iaxy hadn't died :(
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07:24.00elvisthedjif anybody happens to get an idea, feel free to contribute :)  i'm still googling, but apparently the console isn't a popular method of making calls
07:24.05lehelhello.. and, happy new year
07:25.21elvisthedjlehel: hi lehel.  happy new year to you too :)
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07:37.43iPBXanyone know a softphone that runs on PS2 or XBOX?
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07:38.00pakipenguingood evening
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07:46.42sylemythtv as a frontend on xbox has a softphone
07:48.25sylenew colo's, rackable xbox360's hehe
07:48.33*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
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07:49.20NoRemorsehi, does psgw run on linux or [expletive]
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08:15.30jonathhmorning gentleman
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08:28.02iPBXZOMG Windows Rules!
08:29.01iPBXjk lol!
08:29.23iPBXSo I could use an Xbox 360 as a Sip termination!
08:29.51xbmodder_lappyiPBX, umm
08:29.53xbmodder_lappyXBOX1 yeah
08:29.57xbmodder_lappyxbox2, no
08:30.43*** join/#asterisk secure75 (
08:30.54iPBXwonder if a video softphone application could be made for xbox... or is there one already?
08:31.21*** join/#asterisk indego (
08:32.14syleread up
08:32.29iPBXyea, i see softphone... I'm talking video softphone
08:32.35webmindhaven't heard of it.. try google.. would be cool
08:32.45iPBXxbox have webcams for it?
08:32.54webmindxbox1 has usb hasn't it ?
08:33.00iPBXi dunno
08:33.01iPBXi don't have one
08:33.10*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
08:34.16iPBXmy sister has one, and my brother. I have an asterisk server, if it was possible to setup their xbox's to use it, they'd uh... shit there pants
08:34.38iPBXi think that's all they do is play xbox
08:35.06iPBX~weather kmwn
08:36.45webmindiPBX, well try and get linux on it first.. shouldn't be a problem.. then you can connect devices to it and run asterisk on it
08:40.14X-Robwebmind, xbox1's controllers are USB with a non-standard connector. You can buy adaptors for about $2
08:40.53webmindiPBX, there you go.. usb support.. therefor usb webcam support :)
08:42.32X-Robnote, no rtc circutry in xbox, so you have to use usb ztdummy (blech)
08:42.33OloBolaso.. exten => s,1,wait(1)
08:42.33OloBolaexten => s,2,Answer
08:43.04OloBolashould pickup my x100p line? I can dial out now, but it doesn't seem to pickup the incoming
08:51.33*** join/#asterisk skeffling (
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09:25.00Blackmore41hi neal
09:25.10Neal`Hi (2)
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10:19.28iPBXok here's my bizarre question for the day. can mpg123 play an mp3 stream?
10:19.55iPBXif so, how can i configure musiconhold.conf to play an mp3 stream
10:19.58iPBXinstead of files
10:30.05*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
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10:52.35pr0mipbx: search 'musiconhold' on
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10:53.35RoyKwtf is the -dev list being censored?
10:58.43tzafrir_laptopRoyK, have you verified you write from a subscribed address?
10:58.50*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
10:59.03OloBolacan I paypal someone 20 bucks or so to get my softphone to dial out through my x100p? The card is installed and should work.
10:59.11*** join/#asterisk Mimmus (
10:59.31OloBolaI'm just lost with this and tired of screwing around with it
10:59.56RoyKtzafrir_laptop: yes, several times
11:00.00Mimmus"Don't know what to do if second ROSE component is of type 0x6"
11:00.00Mimmus"!! Unknown IE 26 (cs6, Unknown Information Element)"
11:00.00MimmusWhat are these?
11:00.14MimmusI'm having these messages for every call
11:00.37RoyKtzafrir_laptop: yesterday, wrote from a subscribed address,, got held by moderator, re-registered with, got through, then, after a few hours, i did not get through anymore
11:00.59RoyKtzafrir_laptop: so i re-registered now with a new address and sent a small message about censorship
11:02.21chapeaurougeare there any phone like the polycom ip 500, but wireless?
11:02.53*** join/#asterisk ramtha (n=ramtha@
11:03.06ramthahi, is there a working AOC support in asterisk?
11:03.45X10ZIONanyone used Loquendo with Asterisk?
11:04.01tzafrir_laptopRoyK, got my email?
11:04.38RoyKanswered with three emails
11:05.10RoyKtzafrir_laptop: currently only is registered with -dev
11:05.20RoyKtzafrir_laptop: I can receive messages fine, but I can not post
11:06.46tzafrir_laptopRoyK, before posting such things to the whole list, have you tried contacting the moderator?
11:07.24tzafrir_laptopAnd ?
11:07.28RoyKno answer
11:08.21tzafrir_laptopIt would have looked better if you mentioned this fact in your post. That you don't waste the list reader's time before you tried simpler means.
11:09.16RoyKi forgot
11:09.31RoyKstill getting censored like that pisses me off
11:09.50RoyKi'm trying to something as rotten as sharing some software I've ported to 1.2
11:12.57zoayou are NOT getting censored
11:13.10zoai see all those emails
11:13.19zoathere is no moderator
11:13.58iDunnomaybe his spam filter caught it ;)
11:14.03zoaif a message does not go through, its because you used the wrong sender address
11:21.37Mimmusgood morning, does anyone know the meaning of this message:
11:21.40Mimmus"!! Unknown IE 26 (cs6, Unknown Information Element)"?
11:22.07RoyKzoa: strange thing those emails are not in the archives
11:22.07Mimmusperaphs something related to PRI signalling in Italy and not correctly implemented in libpri?
11:22.14*** join/#asterisk xianlp (n=xian_1@
11:22.37RoyKzoa: you see, the messages from my comes from different email addresses
11:24.17xianlphi there
11:24.48RoyKzoa: ?
11:27.37*** join/#asterisk amir (n=amir@gentoo/developer/amir)
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11:28.44nfi|ermesi can t login in the mailbox
11:29.14xianlpme too :)
11:29.38XIN01OZanyone here used Loquendo with Asterisk?
11:29.41nfi|ermesit says incorrect password
11:31.17*** join/#asterisk voipbox (n=voipbox@
11:32.14voipboxist hier irgendjemand mit skills
11:32.33xianlpwtf someone calls himself voipbox
11:33.53iDunnomaybe it's a box, with a voice in it, and it's someones IP?
11:34.16*** join/#asterisk _reDruM (
11:34.26Ahrimanesvoipbox: doch.. aber sprechen sie englisch bitte
11:34.47*** join/#asterisk agx (
11:34.52agxgood morning
11:35.06XIN01OZiDunno eitheir
11:35.52agxi can call from remote 100@Asterisk_IP but i cannot register myself as client.. i get into the logs: Jan  3 13:35:14 NOTICE[26979]: chan_sip.c:7708 handle_request: Registration from '<sip:gallo-sjphone@>' failed for ... any idea? it works when i'm onto the same net as the PBX
11:36.17*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
11:37.05nfi|ermes39 => 2345,XXXXXXX YYYYYY,,,attach=no|saycid=yes|envelope=yes|delete=no|nextaftercmd=yes
11:37.21*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
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11:40.03zoaroyk, you are paranoid
11:40.07RoyKzoa: not at all
11:40.18zoai've seen that message before
11:40.18RoyKzoa: I'm not coming through with the normal address
11:40.33zoai see them come through from the normal address
11:40.36RoyKzoa: I sent a message over a day ago and it still hasn't come through
11:40.47RoyKzoa: then why are they not in the archive?
11:40.48RoyKnot royk
11:40.53RoyKthat's a secondary address is the normal
11:41.04zoathats the one you are using normally, no ?
11:41.08RoyKzoa: so, no, I am not paranoid
11:41.17zoaive always seen royk is the normal. is a virtual
11:41.27RoyKzoa: I've never used that on the list
11:41.31RoyKbefore today
11:41.41RoyKand then I unregistered that from the list
11:42.07*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/cpm)
11:42.21RoyKzoa: please beleive this. just look through the archives if you don't beleive me....
11:43.04nfi|ermesanyone can help me to understand the reason why my voicemail say: incorrect password when it is not
11:43.12tzafrir_laptopRoyK, anyway, you can check if you're registered through the web interface
11:43.24RoyKtzafrir_laptop: I have
11:43.28RoyKtzafrir_laptop: Of course I have
11:44.36RoyKtzafrir_laptop: As I said: (a) I tried to send an email to the list from, got a message from moderator. (b) registered with, sent message, got through, (c) tried to send a reply to the initial thread from yesterday from, got a message from moderator, registered with, sent today's message, got through
11:44.43RoyKtzafrir_laptop: so I'm not paranoid
11:44.47RoyKtzafrir_laptop: not dreaming
11:44.54RoyKtzafrir_laptop: someone is censoring me
11:45.08RoyKfuck this
11:46.00OloBolaI agree, it's all about you!
11:48.10zoaroyk, nobody even reads those moderator messages
11:48.22zoawhy would they moderate you and leave all the junk pass through ? :p
11:50.35tzafrir_laptopRoyK, mind if I quote one of your paragraphs above in a reply mail? (it contains all of the email addresses you mentioned)
11:52.09OloBolaI tend to think it's all about me when it's really, really NOT about me. Keeps me warm at night.
11:53.52XIN01OZvoipbox do u speak english
11:54.06voipboxof course
11:54.20RoyKtzafrir_laptop: just do so
11:54.32RoyKzoa: I don't know
11:56.16XIN01OZtis good to have a voipbox around
11:56.38*** part/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/cpm)
11:56.48XIN01OZcheck msgz
11:59.42*** join/#asterisk pengyong (n=lala@
12:00.43agxQ: how do i can use my sip client when outside of the office? it say: failed registration into the logs; instead it works perfectly when inside the office LAN.
12:00.43XIN01OZim german and I cant speak it not even prolly if I tried
12:01.11zoawoher geht der bus ?
12:01.32voipboxyou are only 'half-german' so don't care :)
12:02.21*** join/#asterisk kio (
12:03.02XIN01OZwell my daughter is half-half so do i need know now?
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12:04.16voipboxhm, do you think to know it would be useful =?
12:04.47XIN01OZvery much so... we shall visit next year
12:05.13voipboxeverybody will understand english
12:05.22Ahrimanesno habla inglese
12:05.45*** join/#asterisk docelm0 (
12:05.55docelm0Whadup whadup!?!?!
12:06.02XIN01OZi did not expect that at all
12:06.36XIN01OZkind of a bummer
12:07.13XIN01OZeverybody in Germany will understand english
12:07.18voipboxyes shouldn't, but you will have a good time also without it - it's complex, so it would take you quite some time so learn it
12:07.49XIN01OZall the better then
12:08.17XIN01OZgood to know thanks
12:08.22voipboxdo you life in us ?
12:08.30*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (n=darkskie@
12:08.39XIN01OZyep u over there currently?
12:09.02voipboxno, had been there a few month ago
12:09.14XIN01OZah yeah where now
12:09.28docelm0Tampa Florida!   YAY!
12:09.35voipboxwould like it better to be florida again
12:10.16XIN01OZmobile, al 1 hour away
12:10.44voipboxi wouldn't be that cold then :)
12:11.07XIN01OZ<--hasnt been in real cold yet
12:11.15voipboxgreat country, really miss the language and people
12:11.38docelm070 farenheit right now.  Gonna be a gorgeous day
12:11.50voipboxwe have a few degress (celsius) minus now - enjoy the sun :)
12:11.51agxQ: is there a real #asterisk channell ? this seems a fake one... O.o
12:12.04XIN01OZwill be going to Taiwan soon
12:12.05iDunnothis is a real channel. with real people.
12:12.10docelm0agx go sit in the corner..  Whats your issue
12:12.40agxi've problem refistering a sip client outside the PBX LAN
12:12.45*** join/#asterisk jalsot (
12:12.50XIN01OZlooking forward to all the voip equipment i should be able to get my hands on
12:12.51voipboxfor hollidays ?
12:13.43dpryoSomebody know of a sip-utility to initiate a connection to a user and then send an audiofile? (netcat for sip:)
12:13.55XIN01OZah no setting up server
12:14.20agxit works if i'm inside the LAN; but when outiside it doesnt... server log say: registration failed (i use auth/passwd)
12:14.30XIN01OZwhat holidays will be going on over there u know
12:14.54docelm0agx, does it work inside the lan?
12:15.04docelm0if it works inside and not out you probably have a nat issue..
12:15.20Ahrimanesthazza: i think it's a suppository
12:15.21agxwhen outside i can call extension like 10@EXTERNAL_IP
12:15.28agxbut registration fails
12:15.59XIN01OZhappy new year though.. will be first server .. only 1 line for friend
12:16.29docelm0there shouldnt be an issue inside or out.  I have a 100 station asterisk PBX at my office w/ 15 stations not in the local network and they work fine.
12:16.57agxwhat params you use for them inside sip.conf ?
12:17.11docelm0I dont use sip.conf.  I use realtime.
12:17.37docelm0I only use sip.conf for static end points.
12:17.47agxwhat is realtime? ^^
12:18.26NewSolejbot realtime
12:18.29jboti heard realtime is
12:18.35docelm0~wiki realtime
12:18.52*** join/#asterisk nextime (
12:18.55docelm0ahh they changed the bot on me..
12:18.59agxi use this in sip.conf: [gallo-sjphone] context=interni type=friend qualify=30000 username=gallo-sjphone secret=sjpass regexten=201 host=dynamic
12:19.23agxmaybe this work only when i'm inside the lan... and there is something i'm too noob to know :)))
12:19.27docelm0dude if you actually get 30seconds of lag on a sip phone you might as well give up
12:20.01docelm0How is your asterisk server config'd..  Do you have dual NIC's one with private and one with public IP?
12:20.08docelm0brb..  need sugar for cappuccino
12:20.38agxLAN <---> PBX on DMZ <--> PIX-FW <--> I*NET <--> Notebook
12:20.38Ahrimanesmm black coffee
12:20.58Ahrimaneshm pix making some fun then+
12:21.09XIN01OZu could most likely drink brew made from betel nuts
12:21.22RoyKagx: pix setup to do stateful SIP?
12:21.25RoyKthat's funny
12:21.31RoyKit can't handle double NAT iirc
12:22.00Ahrimanesyeah if pix is nat'ing external ip's to internal ip's on the dmz there'd be trouble
12:22.05ManxPoweThe best thing to do is disable the SIP NAT translations on the PIX.
12:22.13agxdunno, i just asked them to redirect 5060 and 10000-12000 from extIP to PbxDmxIP
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12:22.27agxand it works both calling from inside or from outside
12:22.30ruzawhere can i set permissions for wav files created in voicemail box ?
12:22.34Ahrimanesah nat it is..
12:22.39agxi can call directly from sip client 100@myIP
12:22.39ManxPoweruza, you don't.
12:22.48ruzaManxPowe: ?!
12:23.21agxthe only problem i had is with the registration (not the calls) when i'm outside
12:23.24ruzaManxPowe: how can i set vmail.cgi to have permissions to delete msgs in voicemail than ?
12:23.40ManxPoweruza, You have to run asterisk as the user vmail.cgi runs as.
12:23.57docelm0agx you have biggier issue if you can work from inside and not out.  What do you have setup for host in your sip.conf?
12:24.07ManxPoweruza, It's prolly covered on the Wiki
12:24.37docelm0Num Num..   Starbucks french vanilla Cappuccino..
12:24.40docelm0What a rush!
12:25.05ruzaManxPowe: where ?
12:25.11agxdocelm0: i've set all the sip client to use host=dynamic + username and secret password
12:25.48*** join/#asterisk guyee (
12:25.57agxcould it be an sjPhone bug maybe? i should test with a different program too?
12:25.58docelm0Then you should be good to go inside and out..
12:26.14ruzaManxPowe: maybe have apache user in asterisk group
12:26.15docelm0if your double nat'd that would keep the call from working not registering
12:26.27docelm0Apache?  What bout it?
12:26.45ruzadocelm0: vmail.cgi
12:26.51agxwell thanks, i'll do some more tests maybe turning sip debug on
12:27.03guyeeNE1 knows how to get caller ID work on outgoing connections with ooh323?
12:27.04docelm0What do you wanna know?
12:27.15agxlunch time, bye and thanks you very much
12:27.18docelm0Simplest way is to use make vmail something in the makefile
12:27.30Ahrimanesagx: well having nat on the dmz is a problem
12:27.33*** part/#asterisk agx (
12:27.56ruzadocelm0: i want to be able delete msgs from voicemail via web
12:28.06ruzaapache runs under user apache
12:28.28iDunnoor www-data
12:28.29ruzapermissions in /var/spool/asterisk are asterisk:asterisk
12:28.29pr0mruza: me too.  *stomp* *huff*
12:28.32iDunno(on debian)
12:28.43ruzaiDunno: doesnt matter
12:28.59ManxPoweruza, I'm sure the wiki has information on it.
12:29.00ruzaiDunno: just different group
12:29.05iDunnoerm - you could use cgiwrapd
12:29.07ruzaManxPowe: i cannot find it :)
12:29.18iDunnoand write a cgi that then runs as the asterisk yser.
12:29.21iDunnoerm - user.
12:30.01Ahrimanesthe dark side you seek
12:30.32ruzaiDunno: how ?
12:31.10ManxPoweruza, specifically
12:31.19iDunnoruza: cgiwrapd is (similar) to suexec.
12:32.55guyeehey guyz, am I the only one using ooh323? :)
12:33.36ManxPoweguyee, many people these days use the H323 channel driver in asterisk-addons
12:34.12*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:34.38jeffikguyee: I am using h.323
12:35.04guyeeyep. asterisk-addons-1.2.1/asterisk-ooh323c. that's what I try to use. and it's almost perfect... almost
12:35.20guyeei cannot get caller id work on outgoing calls
12:35.28ManxPoweguyee, the guy that maintains it is pretty good about bug fixes and stuff.
12:35.46ManxPoweguyee, ask on the mailing list, see if anyone else has had a similar problem.
12:36.48guyeeI'll have to... I just hoped that it's trivial enough to find the answer here :)
12:37.32jalsotis there a way to analyze IAX2 call streams? e.g. captured by ethereal [I mean, to see how many packets were lost, out of order, etc.]
12:37.53ManxPoweguyee, NOTHING with H323 is trivial
12:38.19ManxPowejalsot, since IAX2 is UDP, the OS won't have that info.
12:39.06guyeeManxPowe: I have to agree :)
12:39.10ManxPowejalsot, I dunno if ethereal can figure that out for IAX2 or not.  I seem to recall an IAX2 specific plugin it, but I don't know where.
12:40.38jalsotethereal can analyze IAX2 packets
12:40.50jalsotbut not the whole stream, as it is available for RTP
12:41.13jalsotI meant, a tool, which can check timestamps and from those information make a summary
12:41.38jalsotI can make it by hand, however it is a crazy task for 40 concurrent calls and 20ms frames
12:42.30jalsotbtw, we are experiencing problems on LAN with IAX2, so for this reason I would like to check if packets are arriving/going out right
12:43.05jalsotmaybe somebody can help in that issue?
12:43.49Ahrimanesjalsot: ?
12:43.55jalsotshow iax2 netstats shows ugly numbers as lost percentage when we go over about 30-40 concurrent calls (IAX2/g711a) on 100mbps LAN
12:44.35jalsotAhrimanes: isn't it what is integrated into ethereal?
12:44.43nfi|ermesi have had congestion
12:44.55nfi|ermesno sip extensions can log in
12:45.07Ahrimanesjalsot: not sure.. seems an addon
12:46.00ManxPowejalsot, double check the duplex mode the interfaces are in.
12:46.23*** join/#asterisk trixter (n=trixter@
12:46.29ManxPoweI had a problem where my Cisco router detected the wrong duplex on the port going to my DSL modem and something similar happend with only 2 calls.
12:47.11ManxPoweThe problem showed up as collisions on s (supposed to be) full duplex interface.  It's prolly not your problem, but it may be easier to check than trying to decode an IAX2 stream.
12:47.29jalsotthe toplogy: Catalyst 3548 has about 9-10 SMC switches connected to it and the asterisk server
12:47.46jalsotoperator stations with iax2 softphones are connected to those SMC switches
12:47.48ManxPowejalsot, EEEEWWWWW!
12:48.03jalsotunfortunately that's at one of our customer
12:48.12ManxPowejalsot, can you plug asterisk and most of the phones into the cat 3548?
12:48.23ManxPowei.e. eliminte the SMC switches from the mix?
12:48.28jalsotI said EHHH for SMC as well, but I have to argue to customer :(
12:48.37jalsotunfortunately they cannot :(
12:48.48pr0mwhat's a catalyst 3548?
12:49.16pr0mi take it that it does load balance well?
12:49.20newlthe customer is always right, even with they're wrong and when they realize they're wrong, you get extra money to fix.  It's a win win situation. 8)
12:49.27ManxPowejalsot, We are slowly getting rid of all our odd mixture of switches and moving to Cat 550x (cheap on eBay and will work for a long time.
12:49.29jalsotand of course, they say, the Call center is bad, because of choppy sound
12:49.44*** join/#asterisk pengyong (n=lala@
12:49.54ManxPowejalsot, Asterisk does not have a SIP jitterbuffer.
12:50.04ManxPoweCan you try turning on iax2 jitterbuffer?
12:50.15jalsotManxPowe: so you don't have good experiences with SMC or SMC like switches?
12:51.03jalsotright we have:
12:51.20ManxPowejalsot, I think SMC makes the Dell branded switches.  Our vendor convinced our MIS manager to buy two 48-port Dell switches.  Suddenly at random times people could not not connect to the Samba server.  power cycle the switches and they could connect again.
12:51.21jalsotother settings are the defaults
12:51.35ManxPoweReplaced with Cisco, the problem didn't happen again.
12:52.02coppiceManxPower: lots of switches do that when the power hiccups
12:52.29jalsotManxPowe: and what can be wrong with those switches?
12:52.50zoai have the same stuff with cheap 3com switches
12:53.02zoasometimes they just stop working for a while
12:53.03jalsotcustomer says: it must handle 80x60=4.8Mbps without any problems
12:53.33*** join/#asterisk ErMeS|Work (n=ermsewrk@
12:53.34coppiceyeah. *many* do this. I have a planet switch here behind a UPS, and it still does this
12:53.35jalsotthey cannot handle small packets? or what can be wrong?
12:53.44pr0mload balancing.  :)
12:54.00ManxPowejalsot, no idea, they are now on the junk pile and the MIS manager no longer argues with me when I tell them to use Cisco
12:54.05pr0msorry.  i'm quite partial to openbsd's altq in pf.
12:54.10jalsot50pps/call is about 3000pps for 60 calls, that doesn't seem to be so much
12:54.31ManxPowejalsot, best to check the specs on the switches.
12:54.36pr0munless they are coliding because they are not routed... they are switched.
12:54.45ManxPowejalsot, are these calls going between the same two Asterisk servers?
12:54.47pr0mmight need a router in the middle.
12:54.47jalsotI saw some thousands of pps in specs :(
12:55.00pr0mfor real-time apps?
12:55.14jalsotno, iax softphones with one central asterisk
12:55.31pr0mbig difference with real-time apps.  not just a regular network load
12:55.41jalsot[v1.2 r7406]
12:55.50pr0mpackets probably need to be prioritized.  are you running a vlan?
12:55.52ManxPowepr0m, I think he said they were getting lost packets, not just jitter
12:56.01jalsotso any idea how to argue to the customer?
12:56.20ManxPowejalsot, does the SMC tell you anything?
12:56.29ManxPoweI would think it would log SOMETHING.
12:56.48jalsotunfortunately they cannot believe that those switches are not suitable for such usage and pointing with fingers to asterisk :(
12:57.16ManxPowejalsot, the Asterisk server runs nothing else?
12:57.20pr0mmanxpowe: if latency due to collisions increases the buffer beyond max... then packets are dropped in real-time apps.
12:57.47ManxPowepr0m, *nod*  I already told him to check his duplex settings
12:57.51pr0mmanx: or if the packet arrives too late then it's dropped also.
12:57.56jalsotto be honest, they have usually SMC EZ6508TX, some D-Link D-Link DES-1016D and Ovislink FSH16T+
12:58.16*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:58.46jalsotManxPowe: it has monitoring and calls are going out on 2xTE110P
12:58.47pr0mwhat sort of netstats does the catalyst offer?
12:59.01ManxPowejalsot, there MUST be a PC that's experiencing the problem that can plug into the same switch as Asterisk?
12:59.12ManxPowejalsot, Monitoring would do it!
12:59.21ManxPoweare all calls being monitored?
12:59.22jalsotpr0m: unfortunately we don't have access to that switch, right waiting for some reports from them
13:00.15ManxPoweI wish the zaptel drivers could provide information on INTERRUPT jitter
13:00.38jalsotManxPowe: we didn't find any relation with client machines and calls going bad - just the amount of calls
13:00.42coppiceI wish they could provide any useful info
13:00.52jalsotManxPowe: yes, usually all calls are monitored with monitor
13:01.14ManxPowejalsot, have you tried turning off monitoring?
13:01.23jalsotrecorded calls have all great quality from the zap side
13:01.52pr0myou could try snorting icmp packets on a bridged switch port to see if anything "obvious" is going on.
13:02.01jalsotManxPowe: hmmm, I think not yet
13:02.03*** join/#asterisk brockj49464 (
13:02.05pr0mwait.  you said that you don't have "access" to the switch.
13:02.38ManxPowejalsot, SCSI or IDE or SATA for the interface for the hardd drive?
13:02.45mutilatorya know whats pathetic, 11-14% of our customers get lost carriers daily on dialup, we tried changing back to our portmasters because the lost carrier rate went down when we did that
13:02.47pr0mgood thing you used a $2 bill.  :-)
13:02.59mutilatorbut come to find out the portmasters are reporting lost carriers as user-request disconnects
13:03.02jalsotSATA drives with 3Ware 9500 RAID5
13:03.20mutilatorso our Total control boxes aren't junk like we thought
13:03.21ManxPowejalsot, Egads man!  You are not getting HDLC abort errors??????????????
13:04.06ManxPowejalsot, using onboard LAN or an addon card on the Asterisk server?
13:04.10jalsotManxPowe: didn't experienced
13:04.26pr0mhuh.  irq errors?
13:04.32jalsotManxPowe: it's a SuperMicro server with onboard Intel Etherexpress 1000
13:04.45jalsotIntel Corp. 82546GB Gigabit Ethernet Controller
13:05.01ManxPowejalsot, Try disableing the onboard lan and put in a PCI LAN card.
13:05.07ErMeS|WorkAMP d3eleted my configuration files !!!
13:05.14pr0mcould be....  what's top say about sysload on the asterisk server?  are there alot of irq-bound cpu cycles?
13:05.18ErMeS|Workhelp me to recover them please !!!
13:05.49jalsotManxPowe: hmmmm, could that help? why?
13:05.54ManxPoweErMeS|Work, We can't.  AMP has a specific method for making sure your whatever_custom.conf files are not deleted.  Since AMP is written by a 3rd party, we don't really know a lot about it here.
13:06.06pr0mhehe.  torment.
13:06.13ManxPowejalsot, it has helped many people.
13:07.13jalsotI will try...
13:07.17jalsotany other idea?
13:07.18ManxPowejalsot, Onboard devices frequently lock interrupts for a long time in order to improve performance.  That can prevent other things from happening like servicing Zaptel interrupts
13:07.40jalsotManxPowe: could using NAPI help?
13:08.01hackeronI'm trying to make all extensions available externally with this: 'exten => XXXX,3,Macro(stdexten,${EXTEN},20)' but I'm still hearing "invalid extension", what am I doing wrong?
13:08.16ManxPoweGraphics cards (onboard or addon) almost always do that.  So do some onboard LAN and onboard IDE and onboard SATA
13:08.20[TK]D-Fenderjalsot : I do believe you are using the dreaded E1000 driver for that onboard NIC.  Kill it if you know whats good for you....
13:08.36jalsotwhat do you think, what is more probable? SMC switches sucks vs. monitoring sucks vs. onboard NIC sucks?
13:08.56ManxPowejalsot, I have no idea.  Try the easiest things to change first.
13:08.58[TK]D-Fenderjalsot : The NIC is good, just that Digiums cards have a hissy-fit over them
13:09.08*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
13:09.26ManxPowe[TK]D-Fender, He's NOT getting HDLC issues, he's getting poor audio quality at about 30-40 calls
13:09.41coppicethe NIC is good, but its driver sucks
13:09.46[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : you forgot the "_" before your "XXXX".  Its required to indicate that its a pattern.
13:10.06newlall clone hardware sucks..always has, always will until they work out true Autoconfig[tm] and stop trying to have IRQ wars. :)
13:10.08ManxPoweI found another one for the Top Ten Newbie Questions/Issues!
13:10.23jalsotcoppice: is there a better driver? I checked intel side and there is bit newer driver
13:10.27[TK]D-Fendercoppice : I've never had a problem with it or anything in combination except Digium cards... Now ask me where I'd lay blame....
13:10.46pr0mbut without more info it seems like a crap shoot.
13:10.51ManxPowejalsot, you now have MANY things to check.
13:11.01coppicenewl: that isn't the problem. the driver hangs on to the interrupt and twiddles its thumbs blocking everything else
13:11.25pr0mmore info!
13:11.37pr0mhehe.  if all else fails look at the computer.
13:11.40newlcoppice: that'd be a poorly written driver then indeed.
13:11.40hackeron[TK]D-Fender: hmm, now it gives up after the first 2 digits
13:11.48coppicejalsot: if they have a newer driver they may have improved this.
13:12.01ManxPowejalsot, just for fun, run a ping from a PC with an IAX2 phone to the asterisk server (ping -t) and watch the jitter/latency/etc.  Remember many switches and routers give ICMP a low priority, but it might be interesting to see.
13:12.08[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : must be something else in your dial-plan
13:12.16pr0mmanxpowe: smart.
13:12.21jalsotcoppice: ok, I will check new driver - just from changelog didn't think it could help, but will try
13:12.22ManxPowehackeron, what devices are the calls coming in on?>
13:12.32[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : Pastebin the whole thing and I'll take a look.
13:12.36jbotsomebody said pb was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
13:12.37coppicein the zapata 1 days we had trouble with a 3-COM LAN card that did this. with most other LAN cards things ran cleanly. now intel are causing similar problems
13:13.06jalsotwhat NIC should I buy than?
13:13.14pr0mdon't spend money yet.
13:13.21pr0mneed more info!  blah!
13:13.27hackeronManxPowe: [TK]D-Fender:
13:13.35*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
13:13.36jalsotpr0m: what info do you need? :)
13:13.54pr0mtry manxpowe's suggestion.
13:14.02jalsotwhich one :)
13:14.03pr0mget some actual number to work with.
13:14.46pr0mping with equivalent voip packet sizes on the network from one of the softphone stations to the asterisk server.
13:14.59hackeronManxPowe: [TK]D-Fender: basically, I dial the incoming number, the system waits for extension, I give it the extension, I want the stdexten macro to run for the given extension
13:15.10pr0mcheck irq sysload on the asterisk server to see if the nic is binding up the cpu.
13:15.10[TK]D-Fenderhackeron :[stdexten]; should be written [macro-stdexten]
13:15.15jalsotconclusion: 1. Cisco switches in place of low-end SMC/D-link, 2. monitor off, 3. PCI NIC in place of onboad E1000, 4. NIC kernel driver upgrade
13:15.30[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : poorly defined macro kills the calling line...
13:15.51[TK]D-FenderOH, and #
13:15.52[TK]D-Fenderexten => _XXXX,3,Macro(stdexten,${EXTEN},20)
13:15.58pr0mi'd try the least expensive of those options first.
13:15.59jalsotpr0m: 17: 1470270398   34680848   IO-APIC-level  eth0
13:16.06[TK]D-FenderTRhat should be priority "1", not "3"
13:16.30jalsotthat's a Dual Xeon 2.8GHz
13:17.00[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : While you're at it you are letting people calling you dial OUT... *NOT HEALTHY*
13:17.27hackeron[TK]D-Fender: hmm, how do I stop that?
13:17.28pr0mhehe.  i did that when i first setup my extensions.
13:17.48pr0mbasically callthrough without DISA.  ;-P
13:18.35hackeron[TK]D-Fender: and what do you mean by #?
13:18.41[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : move that into another context.  make 1 context for your internal extensions (numbering them specifically), one for your outgoing, one for your phones (which INCLUDE internal + external), and one for your INBOUND calls (which will INCLUDE internal only)
13:18.58[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : The "#"'s were just cut and pasted from your pastebin, sorry.
13:19.34jalsotpr0m: procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- ----cpu----
13:20.17pr0mwaiting!?  hello?
13:20.27jalsotthat's all
13:20.40jalsotright there is no load on the server
13:20.44pr0mno.  i mean... "waiting" in cpu load.
13:20.53jalsotcustomer stopped all campaigns..
13:21.09pr0moh.  oops.
13:21.11jalsotyou mean uptime?
13:21.17hackeron[TK]D-Fender: also, I want all internal extensions available externally (except being able to dial out), any way to do that without naming each extension specifically?
13:21.18pr0mhehe.  i had the columns wrong. sorry.
13:21.26*** join/#asterisk Lloydie-t (
13:21.28pr0mlooks good. to me.  :)
13:21.42[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : use INCLUDE's like I mentioned.
13:21.56[TK]D-Fenderhackeron, list me your VALID extension #'s (phones)
13:22.08pr0mnot likely an irq problem if 'waiting' doesn't get saturated.
13:22.17Lloydie-tHi All
13:22.19[TK]D-Fender(XXXX) Allows bad #'s to be dialed
13:22.24*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
13:22.27jalsotpr0m: right there are no calls in that box
13:23.00pr0mok.  not very good example of average load then?
13:23.12Lloydie-tI am having problems with mysql realtime. I get the following error when I try to register a client
13:23.16Lloydie-tconfig.c:920 find_engine: Realtime mapping for 'sippeers' found to engine 'mysql', but the engine is not available
13:23.26hackeron[TK]D-Fender: at the moment there are 2, there will be 47 -- so far its 6272 and 7662.
13:23.27jalsotaverage load was always under 5.00
13:23.37Lloydie-tAny Ideas?
13:23.49jalsotI read somewhere that on dual CPU system untill 10 it can be ok
13:24.13jalsotManxPowe: thanks for help and ideas!
13:24.16[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : Any special reason for the wide range?  Matching 4 digits on a DID?
13:24.18pr0munder 5.00?   4.5 is kind stressed if you ask me.
13:24.33hackeron[TK]D-Fender: no, spells the person's name
13:24.36jalsotpr0m: yes, but it is just sometimes
13:24.42newlIf that's the case, my box is sweating bullets at 11.45 then. :D
13:24.47jalsotusually because lame [with nice 19]
13:24.48hackeron[TK]D-Fender: (or the first 4 characters of their name)
13:24.57coppicejalsot: OK for what? telephony need first rate responsiveness
13:24.57pr0mwell.  maybe.  i have a dual amd board... if i got the load over 4 then my terminal session started to lag.
13:25.31jalsotcoppice: I read that on
13:25.42coppiceand if a terminal session lags, voice has long since gone down the toilet
13:25.50pr0msheesh.  11.45.
13:26.10jalsotI guess, nice 19 does not help than
13:26.13coppicejalsot: oh sorry. my mistake. you went straight to the authoratative source :-)
13:26.29jalsotso I should eliminate LAME than
13:26.48jalsot[what was my plan, but crazy customer wants mp3 :( ]
13:26.54[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : gimme a sec, fixing it up for you.
13:27.08lesouvageI changed to isdn today. Should I connect a powersupply to the nt1 box to get a functioning isdn hfc connection or should there be another reason that the connection isn't working.  I paste some relevant info to . I'm without phone atthis moment so any hint is more than welcome.
13:27.19hackeron[TK]D-Fender: thanks for that, appreciate it!
13:27.36jalsotcoppice: do you think, mixmonitor with sox to GSM [wav49] would give similar voice quality than mp3?
13:27.47pr0mbrb.  postoffice bound.
13:28.05*** join/#asterisk tini (n=tini@
13:28.18tiniI have question concerning the voicemail service
13:28.42RoyKtini: ask the question, and someone might give you an answer.....
13:28.52tinihope so - thx royk
13:30.52tiniI configured the voicemail that it's possible to use it without password (otherwise the login is incorrect), but whatever I don't care about that - the problem is that I can real the VoiceMailMan but it doesn't react on my input, is there any configuration necessary ?
13:31.39tinihm, maybe it's my cisco phone, a 7960 ?
13:31.55*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (n=bernd@
13:32.03saftsackThe present kernel configuration has modules disabled.
13:32.11saftsackmisdn says this to me but its not true
13:32.13saftsackhowto fix it?
13:32.17*** join/#asterisk Lurr (
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13:32.40*** part/#asterisk Lurr (
13:33.17hackeron[TK]D-Fender: variable extension length will be great if possible btw :)
13:33.42*** join/#asterisk caryon (
13:35.12saftsackfixed it. i created a configfile
13:35.57[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : Merry Christmas ->
13:36.03*** join/#asterisk radar (
13:36.49hackeron[TK]D-Fender: heh, what a great present, exactly what I wanted :)
13:36.55radarmeetme.conf says conf=>1234, but the asterisk cli means: *CLI> meetme lock 1234 : Jan  3 13:34:41 NOTICE[22312]: app_meetme.c:2100 admin_exec: Conference Number not found
13:37.00[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : set your teliax accounts context to [incoming], and your phones to [myphones]
13:37.35jalsotpr0m: thanks for suggestions
13:37.49jalsotcoppice: thanks for ideas
13:38.26saftsacki hate suse
13:38.34saftsackalways 2.4 kernels here :(
13:39.01hackeron[TK]D-Fender: hmm, I thought autofallthrough=yes was the highly recommended option?
13:39.02ManxPowe> There is already a very good database for binary files,
13:39.02ManxPowe> > called "a filesystem"
13:39.02ManxPoweIs there any how-to for filesystem and Asterisk voicemail storage?
13:39.08[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : I run 2.4 on all my Slackware systems and everything runs absolutely perfectly.
13:39.17saftsackdo you have misdn?
13:39.40[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : Not IMO......
13:39.43radaranybody using MeetMe here?
13:39.53ManxPoweradar, yes
13:40.00[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : if that makes a difference (which I'm beginning to suspect), then no.
13:40.08radarManxPowe: can you help me? see question above
13:40.17saftsacki think that misdn just works on 2.6
13:40.39ManxPoweradar, no.  I don't static conference numbers
13:41.00hackeron[TK]D-Fender: hmm, any particular reason?
13:41.06radarManxPowe: you make dynamic channels?
13:41.14ManxPoweexten => 3302,1,MeetMe(,pdq)
13:41.32ManxPoweThat is all I have in addition to a /etc/asterisk/meetme.conf that contains only 1 line [rooms]
13:41.56radardo you create them directly in the asterisk cli?
13:42.13[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : I like controlling what happens on timeout & invalid extensions.  LIke being able to put a counter for # of failed attempts to prevent people war-dialing extensions, or from sitting around and wasteing money on 1-800 calls at our expense <-
13:42.33ManxPoweradar, If you do a "show application meetme" in the Asterisk CLI and read up on the p, d, and q options you'll understand exactly what I'm doing.
13:42.57hackeron[TK]D-Fender: ah, makes sense
13:43.14radarManxPowe: I can't find an example
13:43.18[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : AEL & autofallthrough, were someones "nice idea" that I have never understood the need for.  I see no added value for their existance.
13:43.37ManxPoweradar, did you do a "show application meetme" in the Asterisk CLI and read it?
13:43.45*** join/#asterisk kart_179 (
13:43.54radarManxPowe: sure
13:43.56ManxPowe[TK]D-Fender, I like the idea of AEL, but it seems to be pretty buggy.
13:44.03kart_179Who knows one softfone freeware or trial, that supports a g723 codec ?
13:44.17ManxPoweAnd you can load res_perl or res_js and pretty much do the same thing.
13:44.27ManxPowekart_179, none because G723.1 is patented.
13:44.42kart_179Oh cheat !!!
13:44.55saftsack[TK]D-Fender, make[2]: *** No rule to make target `modules'.  Stop.
13:45.03saftsackis this a kernel 2.4 issue?
13:45.04radarManxPowe: create a channel 1234: *CLI> meetme -d 1234 -pq
13:45.15ManxPoweAsterisk only supports G723.1 in "passthru" mode, which is pretty useless for most people.
13:45.25ManxPoweradar, What the hell are you doing?
13:45.34ManxPoweexten => 3302,1,MeetMe(,pdq)
13:45.36ManxPowein extensions.conf
13:45.39ManxPowethat's all you need.
13:46.03coppicewhy does anyone want G.723.1 these days?
13:46.27zoait sucks
13:46.42ManxPowecoppice, As far as I can tell the only reason is ignorance
13:46.44zoakart_179, xpro used to have it for a while
13:46.45[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : Beyond my experience, sorry :(
13:47.03saftsackdidnt get you sry
13:47.11coppiceits strange how many people fail to notice it sucks
13:47.13ManxPowethen dial 3302 to be connected to meetme and be prompted for a conference number to create
13:47.24ManxPowecoppice, Actually I don't think it sucks at all.
13:47.33[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : So, everything working with the new extensions.conf?
13:47.38coppicethen you have failed to notice too
13:48.04*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
13:48.48iCEBrkrugh, do I have to get back to work today???
13:48.55radarManxPowe: oh, ok, got it. but calling meetme still says No active MeetMe conferences. do I have to put a user into a conference, first?
13:49.05ManxPoweBut it didn't sound better or worse in any significant way to my untrained ear than G726, G729, or SpeeX
13:49.11*** join/#asterisk tdonahue (n=tdonahue@
13:49.13ManxPoweradar, no.
13:49.30coppiceManxPower: there. you did fail to notice its serious problem
13:49.32ManxPoweradar, if you are getting that message then you are not running meetme with the options I gave you.
13:49.40[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : maybe those morons have finished the job and its a bright and sunny day waiting for you!
13:49.43ManxPowecoppice, What's SO bad about it?
13:50.00pr0mjalsot: welcome. :)
13:50.03ManxPoweIsn't G723.1 what AT&T tried to market as "TrueVoice".
13:50.21iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: I have a feeling they had those T1's turned up, but they were in alarm cuz I didn't have'm plugged in or the card configured correctly, so they're probably in loopback
13:50.27coppiceManxPower: its the DSP Group that market it as TrueVoice
13:50.58[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : this auto-loopback is utter BS so they don't have to stare at a red light all the time!  Petty illusion of good service!
13:50.59ManxPowecoppice, It's either a different TrueVoice or AT&T licensed it.
13:51.15coppiceManxPower: it sounds nice. that isn't the problem. it makes everyone sound the same. that is the problem. identifying the speaker is very very hard
13:51.24iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: According to a few friends, a lot of telco's do that.
13:51.39coppiceit must be the same truevoice, as its a registered trade mark
13:51.41ManxPowecoppice, Ah.  So it sucks for weenies that have a fetish for conference calls and/or speaker phones?
13:51.49radarManxPowe: I put that into /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf: exten => 3308,1,MeetMe(,pdq);  and restarted asterisk. I also removed the old meetme.conf file, so that they don't confusing each other.
13:52.15coppiceit sucks when you pick up a call from your lover, and have to ask who it is. its a terrible codec
13:52.18ManxPowecoppice, AT&T tried to counter Sprint's "pin drop" marketing stuff with a TrueVoice marketing stuff
13:52.21[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : I somehow believe that.
13:52.32ManxPoweradar, and then you dial 3308?
13:52.45coppiceits main early use was for video conferencing, and it gets *really* confusing there
13:53.04ManxPoweBah!  Move someplace with Caller*ID 8-)
13:53.11coppicewhat's pin drop marketing?
13:53.17ManxPoweUnlike GSM, of course.
13:53.19radarManxPowe: yes, but nothing happens...
13:53.24hackeron[TK]D-Fender: Hey, sorry, just cleaning some other files, about to test now
13:53.29iCEBrkrcoppice: Don't you remember Sprints commercials?
13:53.30*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
13:53.38ManxPowecoppice, Sprint: We have a %100 fiber optic network!  Calls so clear you can hear a pin drop!"
13:53.40coppicei'm not american
13:53.42iCEBrkrcoppice: They provided so clear, you could hear a pin drop
13:53.50ManxPoweiCEBrkr, coppice lives in HK
13:53.56radarManxPowe: I don't even get a message in CLI
13:54.11coppiceSprint was the only digital network at that time with low quality
13:54.44hackeron[TK]D-Fender: hmm, many errors:
13:55.31ManxPowerad you should get something like this:
13:56.10radarhm damn
13:56.34ManxPowethe Zap/1-1 will be different, depending on what you are using to place the call
13:57.11*** join/#asterisk Modcuts (
13:57.17[TK]D-Fenderhac : oops.  its unchanged from the pastebin still?
13:57.42iCEBrkrWell, I guess I'll do the mindless job of building/installing this server.
13:57.47iCEBrkrI really don't feel like code today.
13:58.01[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : Oh, and what Tech are your phones?
13:58.23iCEBrkr...and then maybe I can reconfigure this Sangoma card and get the T1s up and running today
13:58.31hackeron[TK]D-Fender: SIP, added it already :) -- but I dont have the recorded welcome messages or anything. Any defaults I can use?
13:58.42iCEBrkrHrrrm, too ambitious sounding.
13:58.58radarManxPowe: oh, now my client says 404, file not found (x-lite). :-)
13:59.18hackeron[TK]D-Fender: also, its outgoing, not outbound in the myphones include :)
13:59.47ManxPoweI GUESS I should brave traffic and head to a client site.
13:59.53*** join/#asterisk brimston1 (
14:00.31[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : here, add this whole context on the end and include it in [myphones} -
14:00.41[TK]D-Fenderhackeron ;: DETAILS!
14:01.08[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : In there is a little recording macro so you can make your own ones.
14:01.34*** join/#asterisk brockj49464_ (
14:02.05hackeron[TK]D-Fender: hmm: Jan  3 04:02:09 WARNING[8533]: pbx.c:4764 ast_add_extension2: Unable to register extension 's-BUSY', priority 2 in 'macro-stdexten', already in us
14:03.04ManxPowehackeron, that's a pretty obvious message.
14:03.25radarManxPowe: any other idea?
14:03.28ManxPowepoints you to EXACTLY what the problem is, and even where to look.
14:03.38ManxPoweradar, I'm sorry, I do not have time to teach you Asterisk.
14:04.02ManxPoweyou have two exten => s-BUSY,2
14:04.11ManxPowethat was for hackeron
14:04.21[TK]D-Fenderhack, maybe another oops...
14:04.51[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : they should be 1,2,3, in order in that macro... forgot to fix that from a sample I gave someone else...
14:05.03[TK]D-FenderCheck busy & unavail
14:05.19[TK]D-Fenderrenumber that and you'll be OK.
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14:06.07Cresl1nooh... haven't been in here for a while
14:08.39[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : And you added the SIP/ in the line that CALLS the macro STDEXTEN, right?
14:09.02[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : (if you do it there you can use the macro for multiple tech's)
14:09.13*** part/#asterisk radar (
14:09.21hackeron[TK]D-Fender: yes, just plugging in a phone here in the UK to test, other phone in the US and no one there yet :)
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14:09.33hackeron[TK]D-Fender: multiple tech's?
14:09.58[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : Ok, fire away.  and use the *40 section to make your prompts (including the one it uses itself ) and move them into the proper folder
14:10.14[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : in case you add IAX2 or ZAP extensions to your PBX
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14:16.08saftsackcomparison between signed and unsigned
14:16.15saftsackim getting thsi warning all the time
14:16.18saftsackwhat does it mean?
14:16.37Ahrimanesdifferent types og integers
14:17.02saftsackthat means? because here on my kernel compilation i get tons of this errors
14:22.00hackeron[TK]D-Fender: hmm, I dial *40, say something, hit # and nothing happens.. the connection is active and I can see  Executing Record("SIP/7662-2117", "/tmp/asterisk-recording:ulaw") in new stack but how do I terminate recording?
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14:23.34santoshrusing sip and asterisk 1.2
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14:24.28[TK]D-Fendersantoshr : as in dial directly in extensions.conf?
14:24.54[TK]D-FenderIIRC you aren't supposed to call an agent directly like that.
14:25.20[TK]D-Fenderits only for use by Queue's and gets redirected to the context used in your queue def which could point ANYWHERE
14:26.12[TK]D-FenderWhy would you ever want to call an agent directly throug that?
14:27.46santoshrthen how do i open the channel
14:28.29Whisknot tried it post 1.2 but i should work i think
14:28.30[TK]D-Fendersantoshr : What do you mean open the channel?  Those phones should have noral Dial lines leading to their tech/name.
14:28.39Whiskmake sure you've got the agent defined/logged in properly
14:28.44[TK]D-FenderThe question again is WHY?
14:29.14Whiskit's useful if you have e.g. people using agentcallbacklogin and logging in on different phones
14:29.22[TK]D-FenderTypically any agent you have should have another NORMAL way of dialing their exte.
14:29.25Whiskyou can tie a ddi into their agent login
14:29.49[TK]D-FenderWhisk : but he's talking about using it DIRECTLY.  Not as being called by the app_queue
14:29.49santoshrWhisk: we are using agentcallbacklogin..
14:30.03Whiski know [TK]D-Fender
14:30.08[TK]D-FenderWhisk : ok, thats valid.  Wierd, but valid.
14:30.12Whiskheh :)
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14:30.30santoshrwht woudl app_dial not dial
14:30.39[TK]D-Fendersantoshr : So... can't help you there :) sorry....
14:30.48Whiskcheck that your agents are logged in then and that you're specifying the right agent details etc
14:31.02santoshryeah Whisk double checked tht..
14:31.58Whiskand you are dialling AGENT/agentid?
14:33.22santoshrif dial the extension on which agent logged on.. it goes thru.. but the agent id .. it wont..
14:33.28Whiskand if you do show agents they're logged on etc?
14:35.08santoshryeah it does say tht the agent is avaialabe
14:36.20santoshrWhisk: .........
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14:38.58[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : So, up and running?
14:39.35Whisksantoshr - i've just tried it on a post 1.2 install and it works fine
14:39.38hackeron[TK]D-Fender: not yet, something up with phone, wont let me change user login/password.. Its a grandstream GXP-2000 - such a pos
14:39.40Whiski'd check for something silly
14:40.20[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : Grandsuck strikes again!
14:40.55hackeron[TK]D-Fender: not very good phones, eh? :)
14:41.16santoshragents.conf has only one agent as o fnow.. supposedly 12 and in extensions.conf thr a exten to call agenttcallbacklogin ---> it logs in when i try to do so
14:42.21saftsackhugo-v6, hi
14:44.22Whiskwhat's your dial line look like
14:44.28santoshri get this when i am dialing <<<<<<<<<<<Dial("Local/12@default-e07f,2", "Agent/12") >>>>>>>>
14:45.00santoshrexten => 11,n,AgentCallbackLogin
14:45.01santoshrexten => 12,1,Dial(Agent/12)
14:46.39santoshrand in agents.conf agent => 12,12,x
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14:47.20Whiskyou're not logging in as 12 are you?
14:47.29santoshryes ?
14:47.41Whiskthat's gonna cause some wierd loop then
14:48.05Whiskcos the agent channel will call 12 which calls the agent channel etc
14:48.38hackeron[TK]D-Fender: hmm, I see "IAX2/teliax-2 stopped sounds" when I dial a number and I cant hear the person on the other end, I also see  Spawn extension (myphones, 12127867577, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/7662-542f' -- any ideas?
14:49.12zoahey santoshr: you are the same who posted this to the asteriskguru forum ?
14:49.56santoshrya a collegue .. of mine..
14:50.12zoawhen we have some time i'll have a go
14:50.23santoshrohhh common..
14:51.06[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : Pastebin the whole call
14:52.17hackeron[TK]D-Fender: wait, sorry, missed the last line
14:53.13[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : No menu at all!
14:53.23hackeron[TK]D-Fender: no, I'm ringing from phone to someone
14:53.25Whisksantoshr - stick your extensions.conf /agents.conf and the cli for the call in pastebin and i'll have a look - it should be pretty simple to get it working
14:53.41santoshrok wait..
14:53.56[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : Don't think we configured that phone # in [incoming], did we?
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14:54.23hackeron[TK]D-Fender: thats not incoming, I'm dialing a number from the phone
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14:54.38[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : you are dialing OUT on teliax <-
14:55.09[TK]D-FenderSo where does that # lead to?
14:55.25hackeron[TK]D-Fender: analog phone in old office
14:55.33[TK]D-FenderOn an analog line?
14:55.44hackeron[TK]D-Fender: the phone rings, someone picks it up, I cant hear them, they cant hear me
14:55.55[TK]D-FenderAH, sound issues
14:56.09[TK]D-Fenderis your sever behind NAT?
14:56.17hackeronserver isnt, phones are
14:56.54[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : Hmmmm, this is also IAX2 which is less susceptable to NAT problems....
14:57.14[TK]D-Fendercan you get audio to any number?
14:57.19asteriskmonkeyi had a recent issue with iaxys like the one your talking about
14:57.32WhiskWhat extension are you logged on as?
14:57.51asteriskmonkeythe problem was odd since its supposed to automatically traverse nat, resetting the cable/dsl router fixed the issue.. odd eh?
14:58.10Whiski think you're looping it
14:58.28[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : Tried from multiple phones on your side or did some quality testing with your current one to prove that audio is fine on it?
14:58.32WhiskDial(Agent/12) calls the channel that agent 12 is logged onto
14:58.33hackeron[TK]D-Fender: so far, no -- I was able to before. Let me just revert my sip.conf file - I changed some stuff there :)
14:58.49santoshri am loged in as agent 12 on extension 13
14:58.58Whiskthat needs to be a static extension, otherwise you'll just go round in circles
14:59.02*** join/#asterisk sonic2wb (
14:59.16sonic2wbGood Morning
14:59.22santoshrstatic extension
14:59.26Whiskyou need an exten => 12,1,Dial(SIP/64) and to log on as 12
14:59.53Whiskstatic as in not dialling an agent
15:00.21santoshrbut wouldnt dial channel SIP. ?
15:00.56santoshrand call 64.. irrespective of whr 12 logged on as ?
15:01.15Whiskit would if you dial extension 12
15:01.39Whiskbut you're dialling 13 and the agent channel is forwarding it onto 12 (or wherever the agent is logged onto)
15:02.11santoshrbut Whisk 12 is the agentID
15:02.55hackeron[TK]D-Fender: hmm, reverted config, no sound what so ever
15:03.03Whiskmaybe 12 was a bad number for me to choose
15:03.13[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : ugh.  Does phone -> phone work?
15:03.39Whiskwhat i'm saying is that the agent must be logged on with an extension that points to a device, not the agent
15:04.21Hmmhesaysahh i love it when work screws me out of diner
15:04.26Hmmhesays*dinero even
15:04.29hackeron[TK]D-Fender: yes, phoning phone works
15:04.50[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : Sounds like an ITSP problem then.
15:05.38santoshrno.. Whisk i dint get it..i am a little new to this.. can u please exemplify.. i would be grateul
15:05.49hackeron[TK]D-Fender: well, phoning phone's own extension rings the extension, but I cant hear myself or anything, let me get another phone, brb
15:06.03Whiskheh, sorry i'm not explaining this very well
15:06.30hugo-v6hiho saftsack
15:07.26Whiskwhen you dial 13, it dials Agent/12, Asterisk then looks up where agent 12 is logged into, which in your case is extension 13@default.  13 then dials agent/12 which goes back to the beginning
15:08.18hugo-v6q: i got bad echoes between * and sip-phones. i hear myself _really_ loud. is there a echocancelation which i could enable?
15:08.47santoshrok.. but if  I dial say (sip/64) then it would dial 64 irrespective of where 12 logged in
15:09.21saftsackhugo-v6, was it possible to apply the misdn patch to asterisk 1.2.1 too?
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15:10.28hackeron[TK]D-Fender: no, I cant hear a thing if I phone an internal phone
15:10.32hugo-v6saftsack: still not tried. but got no problems without it
15:10.46hugo-v6at least here in the buero
15:11.58saftsackok because i will patch it soon if this server is running here ;)
15:13.32hugo-v6saftsack: well  then tell me if the patch could be applied ;) thought u got the setup running?
15:13.35Whisksantoshr - look at - that's my config for this
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15:13.52saftsackhugo-v6, ok i will
15:13.55saftsackis the patch big?
15:14.12hugo-v6saftsack: nope. aprox 10-20 lines
15:14.25agxback... seems the problem is about the STUN server; anyone know a STUN server that will work 100% sure ?
15:14.36[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : Guess you need to fix things on the inside then...
15:14.59saftsackok so i can patch from hand if the patchfile isnt good for asterisk 1.2.1
15:15.10hackeron[TK]D-Fender: hmm, wonder what was changed as I could talk on the phones before, hmmm
15:15.12saftsackor do you think a phone call to beronet would help?
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15:16.56santoshrbut Whisk would tht restrict agent 24 to log on only and only on device ed-1 ?
15:17.03santoshri mena wouldnt
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15:17.47[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : pastebin your sip.conf
15:17.53hackeron[TK]D-Fender: I've disabled both alsa and oss, could that have affected it?
15:18.26[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : should have no impact
15:18.32santoshryeah/.. sorry.. kinda got wht u were tyring to say..
15:18.39hugo-v6saftsack: concerning what? the patch? no dont think so. but if u want i can ask. i think ill call them tomorrow
15:18.40santoshrhold i will just be back.. trying wht u said
15:18.55saftsackok that would be nice :)
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15:19.54agxQ: any public STUN server i can use that is currently working? should work
15:19.54agxAhrimanes: thx
15:20.31hackeron[TK]D-Fender: yes, no effect :(
15:21.16hackeron[TK]D-Fender: I trid to remove the nat=Yes also btw
15:21.39RoyKimho nat should be =yes
15:21.54hackeronRoyK: both in [general] and per extension?
15:21.59RoyKit only stops asterisk from caring about the IP in the SDP
15:22.25RoyKwhat's important, if not using a bunch of proxies etc, is not what's in the SDP, but what IP that is connecting
15:22.55RoyKusing layer 3 addresses inside layer 7 packets is outright stupid
15:23.17RoyKIP addr inside SDP in ISP
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15:23.54hugo-v6noone a hint or link to echocancelation with sip-phones?
15:24.33RoyKhugo-v6: most ATAs and sip phones have echo cancellation
15:24.42Ahrimanesecho usually only happens at pstn connections
15:24.56RoyKoutgoing echo cancellation should be done in zaptel or hardware
15:27.21hugo-v6royk: the phones should (at least with newfirmware) but there are still heavy echoes. i hear myself terribly loud. (the called party doesnt recognized it)
15:27.42hugo-v6and only sometimes. not with every call i make
15:27.46hackeron[TK]D-Fender: any ideas?
15:27.55santoshrhey Whisk.. got things to work  thanks alot.
15:28.04santoshrbut hey i stil have a small issue..
15:28.04Whiskheh nps :)
15:28.06RoyKhugo-v6: what clients?
15:28.22hugo-v6RoyK: snom 190 phones
15:28.30RoyKno idea, then
15:28.35hackeron[TK]D-Fender: PS, in case I havent mentioned it, the phones are behind a NAT in london, the server is in new york (not behind a NAT)
15:28.44hugo-v6no problem. thank you anyway.
15:28.57hugo-v6but echo cancellation from * side doesnt exist?
15:29.30Ahrimanesthere's some options.. but hw is your best bet
15:29.38[TK]D-Fenderhack, remove the externip from the phone config, set "canreinvite=no", set the "dtmfmode=rfc2833", and "nat=no"
15:30.47hackeron[TK]D-Fender: in [general] or per extension?
15:30.50hugo-v6phone doesnt get any options concerning echo cancellation
15:30.56santoshrin ur case wht if u wanted 243 and  24 be the sames digits.. meaning i log in as 243 and if some one dials 243 it rings 243
15:31.06[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : and change the context in general to [incoming], and set the context in EACH phone to [myphones]
15:31.19[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : the first batch was in the phone setups.
15:31.30Cresl1nhugo-v6: there isn't any echo cancellation done on IP to IP calls
15:32.08WhiskWell, you can't really do that - unless you have different contexts i spose
15:32.43WhiskWhat i've done is had the phone as e.g. 240 and the agent dial as 24
15:32.50Whiskso agent logs in as exten 240
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15:33.01hugo-v6Cresl1n: this happens on ip-phones when calling into pstn. but on pstn-side i have echo-cancellation which works. beside the problem that i hear me on the sip-phone loud as hell sometimes
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15:33.32hackeron[TK]D-Fender: ok, so like this?
15:33.45saftsacksame prolbem here. on beginning calls i can hear myself too on the sip side
15:33.51Cresl1nhugo-v6: what version of * are you using?
15:33.53santoshrok.. wht i wanted to do was remove the option of informing asterisk tht i am on this device.
15:34.04saftsackim telephoning with a budge tel 101 with alaw
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15:34.59ModcutsIf you are trying to make a call with x-lite via asterisk and you get "All circits are currently busy, please try again later" at what point is the call failing?
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15:35.07Whiskwell, you can pass the extension to log in on as an option to agentcallbacklogin
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15:35.16hugo-v6Cresl1n: its 1.0.9
15:35.20santoshrso the agentid becomes the extension
15:35.35zoahey ho cresleke
15:35.42santoshrbut hten there would be the same issue of dial tht i was facing.. correct
15:35.57santoshrit would go into a loop
15:36.06Whiskwell, you'd still be logged in as e.g. 240, but you wouldn't ever know about it
15:36.10cnet2hi, I have a digium card with 2Fxo and 2Fxs.  I installed Asterisk@home, and configured it so that when i get a call from the pstn(fxo), it rings one of the extensions fxs.  But for some reason there's a delay from the moment the call comes to the ringing of the extension of about 6 seconds, why can this be?
15:36.46Whiskbut obviously you'd loose the ability to log in at a different location
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15:37.50Whisklet me show you a pastebin
15:38.18santoshrso tht would be soved if agentiD and the exten ur loggin into are the same.. but then how do u dial.. tht agent.. ?
15:38.21santoshryeah ok
15:38.28saftsackbuild -> /usr/src/linux-2.6.8-24-obj/i386/default
15:38.35saftsackthis folder doesnt exist :(
15:38.36hackeron[TK]D-Fender: that configuration in the pastebin won't work :(
15:38.41saftsackhowto correct the link?
15:39.07Cresl1nhugo-v6: don't use 1.0.9
15:39.23Cresl1nhugo-v6: try it with 1.2 (zaptel and asterisk)
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15:40.39Whisksantoshr - look at
15:40.43hugo-v6zaptel is no option here. because .de and ISDN :) i use mISDN. and there has nothing changed as far as i see,
15:41.01[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : what are your 2 phones anda re they both local to the server?
15:41.06Cresl1nhugo-v6: Oh.... if you're using mISDN, I don't know
15:41.13Cresl1nhugo-v6: your mileage may vary
15:41.14hackeron[TK]D-Fender: no, they are in london, server is in new york
15:41.21hackeron[TK]D-Fender: phones are behind a nat, server isnt
15:41.27[TK]D-Fenderare the phones behind nat where they are?
15:41.34Cresl1nhugo-v6: there have been a lot of changes in zaptel and chan_zap for echo issues since 1.0.9
15:41.38hackeron[TK]D-Fender: yes, the phones are behind a nat
15:42.13[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : ok, then add nat=yes on the phones, qualify=yes as well.
15:42.25hugo-v6Cresl1n: i would love to hear something from the misdn ppl ;)
15:42.40hackeron[TK]D-Fender: and leave host=dynamic, right?
15:42.45[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : yup
15:42.51santoshrWhisk:  but then u have to have the same number of devices as the number of agents.. which would hugely remove scalability in my case
15:42.56trymnotepad > asterisk
15:43.09saftsackwhere points the link in /lib/modules/KERNELVERSION/build ???
15:43.22hugo-v6santoshr: /usr/src/linux
15:43.41santoshrhugo-v6: wht
15:44.04hugo-v6santoshr: sorry, wrong nick
15:44.22hugo-v6saftsack: s.o.
15:44.51saftsackthanks so its correct who i did
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15:44.56_Sam--how do i use the voicemail 'directory' command in extension.conf to have it play back the voicemailbox greetings of the voicemail users rather than have it ask for the first three letters of the last name
15:45.01saftsackbut it doenst work :(
15:45.21hugo-v6saftsack: this should normaly set from ur kernel-install
15:45.27hugo-v6aehrm modules isntall
15:45.45saftsackyes i installed the kernel sources later
15:45.50saftsack(suse) *duck*
15:46.02hackeron[TK]D-Fender: no sound :'(
15:46.05Modcutsi just what to know what throws the "all circuits are currently busy" back when trying to ring a outside number?
15:46.05hugo-v6use debian
15:46.22saftsackim using debian on all my systems but here is a buero what isnt mine
15:46.35_Sam--Modcuts:  probably your voip provider doesnt have enough capacity
15:46.52_Sam--what you using to call the outside world? VOIP or PSTN?
15:48.04saftsack/bin/sh: scripts/basic/fixdep: No such file or directory
15:48.04[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : repastebin
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15:48.31saftsackls /usr/src/linux/scripts/basic/ shows me fixdep.c
15:48.36docelm0Hay [TK]D-Fender got a question for ya..  You got a sec?
15:48.46hackeron[TK]D-Fender: oh, I'm seeing notices like Jan  3 05:49:19 NOTICE[10028]: chan_sip.c:11328 sip_poke_noanswer: Peer '6272' is now UNREACHABLE!  Last qualify:
15:48.48santoshrWhisk: dude any ideas ?
15:49.05*** join/#asterisk __a (n=__a@
15:49.10[TK]D-Fenderdocelm0 : fire away
15:49.20trymnot being able to reach something sucks
15:49.21Modcutstrying to use voiptalk
15:49.27[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : not a good sign.  Reboot the phone's while you're at it...
15:49.29__aguys, can asterisk register to multiple remote SIP proxies?
15:49.56docelm0How many calls do you think asterisk could handle with a dual 3.2 and 2gb ram.  Signaling only.   No RTP transcoding.. Etc..
15:50.00__asimultaneously i mean, like multiple register lines in sip.conf
15:50.04Whiskwell, you wouldn't have to have the same number of devices, but you would have to have the same number of extensions, which would be a hardship
15:50.27Whiskbecause there's no reason you can't have an exten => 2X0,blah
15:50.32*** part/#asterisk secure75 (
15:50.33Whisk_2X0 even
15:50.59[TK]D-Fenderdocelm0 : What interfaces?
15:51.01hackeron[TK]D-Fender: also seeing Jan  3 05:51:21 WARNING[10067]: pbx.c:2405 __ast_pbx_run: Timeout, but no rule 't' in context 'myphones' but I guess thats not too important
15:51.28Modcutsi have setup the trunk and the call routing i seems to work just gives me that, do you think it's the voip provider not asterisk?
15:51.31[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : that shouldn't happen at ALL....
15:51.46[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : did you reboot the phones and watch them reregister?
15:51.53hugo-v6saftsack: i dont know how u get such problems... nevver occured here. try a distribution (not a sandbox for kids) and vanilla kernel. u got lots of strange errors in the past. belive thats suse-specific
15:51.53santoshrno Whisk were are u going to with tht  .
15:52.17__a[TK]D-Fender: do you know if it's possible to make asterisk to register to multiple proxies simultaneously?
15:52.27saftsackhugo-v6, yes i know that thats strange but i have to use suse
15:52.33saftsackbut ill get a vanilla now
15:52.33hackeron[TK]D-Fender: I see Jan  3 05:52:56 NOTICE[10101]: chan_sip.c:11328 sip_poke_noanswer: Peer '7662' is now UNREACHABLE!  Last qualify: 0 when I reboot the phones
15:52.35docelm0SIP only
15:52.39Whisknot sure what you mean santoshr - perhaps you better explain exactly what you're trying to do
15:53.09[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : Hmmm
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15:53.17[TK]D-Fender__a : Sure
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15:53.43__a[TK]D-Fender: any hints?
15:53.51[TK]D-Fenderdocelm0 : RTP pass-through or re-invite?
15:54.20hugo-v6saftsack: poor man. nobody should have to use suse
15:54.30[TK]D-Fender__a : Hints on what?  Just do a "register => " for each service you want * to connect to and set up the incoming contexts.
15:54.32saftsacksay this to my dad
15:54.36santoshrok.. c in the current scenario thr are three parameters... agentid, pass, and the physical exten on which the user is loggin into.. wht i want is tht the agentid and the [hy exten be the same so tht it can be pased as a parameter to agentcallback .. but then how do i dial..?
15:54.37docelm0Asterisk will only be doing the Signaling..
15:54.57hugo-v6saftsack: say to him. i wont do it with that crap of a distri
15:55.00[TK]D-Fenderdocelm0 : Dunno... thousands?  Doesn't sound like much overhead at all.  What service is * actually performing?
15:55.04__a[TK]D-Fender: you mean it's possible to have multiple register lines?
15:55.14docelm0Load balancing
15:55.29[TK]D-Fenderdocelm0 : Keeping in mind * doesn't scale well in general.  Sounds like you might want to use SER or something in front.
15:55.33saftsacki said him that we need a 4 port isdn card and not 4x 1port cards but he doesnt believe ... ^^ that will be fun
15:55.35[TK]D-Fender__a : Hell yeah.
15:55.43hackeron[TK]D-Fender: a google suggests grandstream phones have a problem with qualify=yes?
15:55.46docelm0SER isnt doing the job. Its creating headaches for me cause when it gets a CANCEL it drops the cancel to the wrong machine not the machine that should get it.
15:55.50docelm0I know asterisk wouldnt do this.
15:55.56__a[TK]D-Fender: COOL!
15:56.08[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : if thats the case then you may be in trouble... not sure what to suggest....
15:56.12docelm0And I dont really need to scale that much..  Im hopeing for about 500 calls total (1000 channels)
15:56.12zoagrandstream phones have a problem with everything
15:56.25_Sam--i like my grandstream gxp200s
15:56.35[TK]D-Fenderdocelm0 : Could work I guess....
15:56.35_Sam--no problems with them on my stuff
15:56.42docelm0_Sam--, I have 50 of them
15:56.51_Sam--i have only 15
15:56.58_Sam--ocassionally they will lock up
15:56.59hackeron_Sam--: thats the ones we're using. Any chance I can have a look at your configuration?
15:56.59[TK]D-Fenderdocelm0 : Scripts your configs for anti-carpal-tunnel !
15:57.04_Sam--but i cant complain
15:57.10_Sam--what is your problem with them?
15:58.01docelm0anti what?   huh?
15:58.04hackeron_Sam--: I can phone and accept calls but there's no sound coming in or out
15:58.24zoanat problem, nat problem, nat problem
15:58.25docelm0hackeron, check NAT/Stund
15:58.30docelm0err Stun
15:58.52_Sam--zoa:  how do i make the voicemail 'directory' command play back user greetings instead of asking for first 3 digits of last name
15:59.01hackerondocelm0: they were working before without stund - not sure what I changed to stop them working :(
15:59.04[TK]D-Fenderdocelm0 : "carpal-tunnel-syndrome"  Also known as RSI (repetative stress injury).  sounds like you're setup is large enough to cause cramps :)
15:59.19*** join/#asterisk dasuberdavid (
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15:59.28santoshrWhisk: dude...u around
15:59.39docelm0Well just until the customer base is more stable then we will be moving to a more commercial application asterisk will be a stepping stone for right now
15:59.55alvariuxanybody can help with my voicemail
16:00.01hugo-v6how can i increase asterisk logging?
16:00.09ast_freakalvariux, what's wrong with it?
16:00.12docelm0hugo-v6, logger.conf
16:00.23hugo-v6thank you docelm0
16:00.33santoshrWhisk: >>> ok.. c in the current scenario thr are three parameters... agentid, pass, and the physical exten on which the user is loggin into.. wht i want is tht the agentid and the [hy exten be the same so tht it can be pased as a parameter to agentcallback .. but then how do i dial..? <<<<
16:00.45alvariuxi can record messages but when i try to check it i havin a segmentation fault /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk: line 42:  2296 Segmentation fault      ${ASTSBINDIR}/asterisk ${CLIARGS} ${ASTARGS} >&/dev/${TTY} </dev/${TTY}
16:01.19ast_freakalvariux, what version are you using?
16:01.57zoasam, i dont know if thats possible
16:02.15_Sam--so if the caller doesnt know the person's last name, they cant find out their voicemailbox?
16:02.21ast_freakalvariux, how about some verbose info from the console while this is happening?
16:02.32Whiskyou dont santoshr
16:02.43zoawant us to have a look at it tomorrow ?
16:02.46Whiskhave the physical extension as agentid + something
16:02.46_Sam--i could just make a "background" to play it
16:02.54alvariuxExecuting VoiceMailMain("SIP/102-a522", "") in new stack
16:02.54_Sam--and have it do the right things via menuing
16:02.56Whiskand strip the something off to pass to the agentcallbacklogin
16:03.19alvariuxast_freak when i type the mailbox happens that
16:03.30zoasam, true
16:03.47ast_freakalvariux, when you type the first digit, or a couple?
16:04.04alvariuxi think the whole mailbox
16:04.11alvariuxthat would be 102
16:04.21saftsackthe vanilla kernel. some piece linux in my suse system *gg*
16:04.29ast_freakalvariux, Change the language back to en and see what happens.
16:04.49*** join/#asterisk manolo (n=manolo@
16:05.19hugo-v6saftsack: if ou use patches like misdn neverever try to use an suse-kernel
16:05.41saftsackok :)
16:05.48manoloHi pals, got new trouble today:
16:05.59hugo-v6i never use distro kernels. i dont use debian-kernels either
16:06.14saftsackyou dont have to say that to me ;)
16:06.18saftsacki do that too, at home
16:06.24fugitivohugo-v6: i don't use distros
16:06.55saftsackalfs or normal lfs?
16:07.09fugitivonormal lfs
16:07.14alvariuxast_freak is the same -- SIP Seeding peer from astdb: '102' at 102@ for 3600
16:07.14alvariuxbisteck*CLI> /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk: line 42:  2332 Segmentation fault      ${ASTSBINDIR}/asterisk ${CLIARGS} ${ASTARGS} >&/dev/${TTY} </dev/${TTY}
16:07.16alvariuxAsterisk ended with exit status 139
16:07.18saftsackfugitivo, do you have automated update scripts?
16:07.18alvariuxAsterisk exited on signal 11.
16:07.20fugitivowith some modifications
16:07.20[TK]D-FenderWhat's "alfs"?
16:07.28saftsackautomated lfs
16:07.35hugo-v6fugitivo: too much work ;) debian works fine for me. but the kernels not ;)
16:07.39saftsackit is a script set for installing lfs without a hand on the tastature
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16:07.50fugitivosaftsack: what's the fun of that? :)
16:07.57[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : a quick build script?  I've been thinking about LFS for a while coming from Slackware....
16:07.59manoloI have two TDM4000 with 3 FXO and 5 FXS, in total, I got my outcoming calls getting out of the three FXO all right, but, my incoming calls are only getting by one FXO.. so it gets busy tone
16:08.00fugitivoi cut it to fit a 128mb compact flash
16:08.02ast_freakalvariux, sorry, this is beyond me. :^(
16:08.04saftsackfugitivo, do you mean alfs or update script?
16:08.11fugitivosaftsack: alfs
16:08.17saftsack[TK]D-Fender, i had lfs and it was the fastest system ever :)
16:08.22saftsackill give it a try too :)
16:08.33alvariuxast_freak thanks
16:08.34saftsackfugitivo, yes thats true but sometimes for lazy people :)
16:08.58[TK]D-FenderI don't care about "fastest".  I care about stable, reliable, SANE, and hopefully "convenient".  A tough request I know.
16:09.16[TK]D-FenderI may be better off with a Debian varient....
16:09.20fugitivo[TK]D-Fender: it's fast and stable, no crap inside
16:09.51hugo-v6d-fender: knoppix *duck&run*
16:10.04ErMeS|WorkDEBUG[1479] chan_sip.c: That's odd...  Got a response on a call we dont know about.
16:10.20[TK]D-Fenderhugo-v6 : Ummm, I found it reather ugly.  ANd I'd rather use a distro with all the devel stuff included.
16:10.31fugitivosaftsack: for updates, i have a host system, compile everything there, then a script will copy the files to the servers
16:10.32ErMeS|WorkNOTICE[1479] pbx.c: Cannot find extension context 'from-internal'
16:10.41iCEBrkrThat's simple
16:10.49saftsackfugitivo, do you have a serverpark? :)
16:11.05*** join/#asterisk swm_ (
16:11.09fugitivosaftsack: what do you mean with serverpack?
16:11.21saftsackare you an admin in company?
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16:11.47hugo-v6d-fender: was a joke ;) i would never recommend that unless u need a linux on a hw u dont know (ie gf new pc)
16:11.56fugitivoyes, and i have several servers in other companies
16:12.21[TK]D-Fenderhugo-v6 : I'd rather use Mepis :)
16:12.36hugo-v6swm: damn.. would love to smoke one too now
16:12.44saftsackfugitivo, cool :)
16:12.45iCEBrkrswm_: Obviously you got money to throw away.
16:12.52saftsackthat would be a good jo
16:12.57manoloAlso, when i dial my own number. from inside extensions.. the main incoming route gets blocked, like in some kind of "loop"
16:12.59hugo-v6thx swm :)
16:13.16alvariuxanybody can help me with my voicemail
16:13.41manoloSo in order to override that i have to unplug the line directly from the cards.
16:14.31*** part/#asterisk __a (n=__a@
16:14.32hugo-v6swm: when they are ready leave me a msg :p
16:14.37manoloHello any help with that, please anyone readn my previous posts
16:14.40[TK]D-Fenderhugo-v6 : Never heard of?  Its a very popular Debian derivative that runs the std repos, etc and installs from a live CD at the same time.  Its very highly rated on Distrowatch
16:15.05hugo-v6d-fender never heared of. but ill have a look atm
16:15.36swm_I think digium needs to create a feature request board and put requested features on it so people can say I want asterisk to do this and that and everyone vote so we can focus the development of asterisk :)
16:16.04[TK]D-Fenderhugo-v6 : its #5 on Distrowatch - 5  MEPIS  939
16:16.16*** join/#asterisk benjk (
16:16.33swm_So the more people that vote for certian features will increase the value of the feature thus digium could create some kind of credit program for whoever developes the feature and in return give the developer credits :)
16:17.26[TK]D-Fenderswm_ : A horse built by commitee......*shudder*.  Not sure it'd work with an animal like *...
16:18.12swm_never know till you try!
16:18.43hugo-v6ubuntu on 1st place suse on 3rd... what a world
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16:19.22Cresl1nswm_: that's kind of what the bounty board is for
16:20.10swm_yeah but ... Digium could give people credits instead and they could get free t-shirts tdm cards if they work for 10 years making code heh and stuff lol
16:20.29[TK]D-Fenderhugo-v6 : SUSE lost their following when Novell took over... and Ubuntu is good for newbs which have us outnumbered :)
16:20.33eKo1that'll happen
16:20.48[TK]D-FenderI like certain parts of Ubuntu, but without a normal root account I feel like an idiot!
16:21.34[TK]D-FenderSo for now I'm stuck with Slack....
16:21.51fugitivoubuntu is crap
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16:22.36fugitivo[TK]D-Fender: why you want to move from slack?
16:22.39hugo-v6d-fender: well im searching for a lightweight distro for my gf's old box... maybe ill give ubuntu a try
16:22.51saftsacktake lfs :)
16:23.06hugo-v6no way. she have to use it ;)
16:23.15saftsackok ... ^
16:23.18ErMeS|WorkNOTICE[1479] pbx.c: Cannot find extension context ....
16:23.27saftsackthe waf is a important thing
16:23.36fugitivohugo-v6: knoppix
16:24.08hugo-v6fugitivo: nope. ill think shell get damn small linux
16:24.41[TK]D-Fenderfugitivo : I need to learn SysV init's, I'd like to be able to use more standard packaging for the "boring" stuff (like GUI & related tools).
16:24.47fugitivohugo-v6: whhy not?
16:24.55hugo-v6but i have to find a webcam solution for her, so we can do a lil bit of cam-chat :p
16:25.04[TK]D-Fenderfugitivo : which is why I think I may be best served by a Debian derivative.
16:25.10hugo-v6fugitivo: to much hdd-space wasted.
16:25.11fugitivo[TK]D-Fender: "packaging" is not standard
16:25.24[TK]D-Fenderhugo-v6 : Ubuntu is NOT light :)
16:25.26fugitivohugo-v6: it's only a cd
16:25.45[TK]D-FenderSLAX is light :)
16:26.00hugo-v6fugitivo: i knw. i have it here. but dsl will use only a 13 or less of knoppix.
16:26.23fugitivohugo-v6: then install lfs with the packages you need :)
16:26.42hugo-v6d-fender: saw that and have a look on dsl now ;)
16:27.09hugo-v6fugitivo: too much work. but maybe this alfs will do it.
16:27.21*** join/#asterisk freestyle_networ (n=chatzill@
16:27.53fugitivohugo-v6: or go with gentoo
16:28.03fugitivohugo-v6: just emerge what you need
16:28.06[TK]D-FenderDSL?  As in Damn Small Linux?  Cute but... ICK.  WOuld never use it installed on a desktop, only as a portable OS.
16:28.35ManxPowerI don't suppose anyone has Polycom SIP 1.6.3?  there's a feature in there I want to use.
16:28.35hugo-v6well... now im going to get cigarettes and when im back a drink
16:28.36tzafrir_laptopWhat's that "old" box?
16:28.37freestyle_networanyone here knowledgeable on ztdummy?
16:28.39fugitivohugo-v6: if it's for your gf, install something like knoppix, not dsl
16:28.49[TK]D-FenderManxPower : I do.
16:28.54tzafrir_laptopUbntu means gnome, with very little light-wieght alternatives
16:29.04ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, can you send?  If so, what's the best way?
16:29.06hugo-v6fugitivo: she got an old desktop of mine. that thing would compile on gentoo over a month i guess
16:29.11[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop : XFCE :)
16:29.22[TK]D-FenderManxPower : DCC or FTP.
16:29.32tzafrir_laptopKnoppix (or any live CD) means wasting precious memory on a ramdisk.
16:29.42hugo-v6fugitivo: well ill give a few a try and she should choose the one she likes
16:29.45ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, can you put it somewhere I can grab it from?
16:30.06seele_[TK]D-Fender, to get a normal root account in ubuntu try this: sudo passwd root
16:30.16ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, have you used this feature " 12761: Added support for setting flash parameters from configuration file"
16:30.19*** join/#asterisk Seldon1975 (
16:30.55zoayes ErMeS|Work ?
16:31.00hackeronI dont get it, I have nat=yes and externip=theip for extensions, but I still have no audio incoming or outgoing -- If I connect same phone to a voip provider, it works just fine. Any idea what could be wrong? (the phones behind a NAT, the asterisk server isnt)
16:31.05[TK]D-FenderManxPower : Never heard of.  Whats it for?
16:31.18ErMeS|Workcontext "must" be in extensions.con or it can be also in another file and in extensions.conf : #include another_file ?
16:31.30ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, Sounds like I can enable CDP via a config file on the server, which would ROCK
16:31.39ManxPowerhackeron, and you have localnet= too.
16:31.44ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, VLAN auto discovery
16:31.52Seldon1975has anyone here actually observed the Comedian mail terminating  voicemail recording after {maxmessage}
16:32.01Seldon1975it doesnt seem to be working at my site
16:32.04zoaErMeS|Work: you can also include it, yes
16:32.05[TK]D-FenderManxPower : Hosting it for you now.  It'll be mounted in a few...
16:32.13hackeronManxPower: how's that going to help? the phones are not on the local network
16:32.13ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, Thanks!
16:32.37ManxPowerhackeron, Huh?  localnet= tells asterisk what the local network is, anything not local it will do special NAT for.
16:32.58ErMeS|Worki included but it doesn t work
16:33.06ManxPowerworks with externip=  (which should be the public IP of the nat router asterisk is connected to)
16:33.58ManxPowerEriSan, #include merges the files BEFORE extensions.conf is processed.
16:34.07ManxPowerJUST like a compiler does.
16:34.38_Sam--i dont use it...but is AMP fully featured enough to configure a relatively complex pbx?
16:34.54hackeronManxPower: hmm, that worked! -- its very, very crackely, but I can hear stuff, thanks!
16:34.57_Sam--or it is still easier to do some things by hand?
16:35.10EriSanManxPower, guess you meant ErMeS|Work
16:35.34ManxPowerEriSan, Ya'll are just a sea of newbies to me.
16:36.20manolohey, whats the key for taking an outside call thats ringing in another extension??
16:36.30docelm0Who you callin a newb
16:36.31wasimpickup groups
16:36.41manoloPhone 1 is ringing and i want to take that call from Phone 2?
16:36.56santoshrWhisk: we did something like this.. problem solved..  AgentCallbackLogin(${test},,${CALLERIDNUM}@testing)
16:36.58zoa_Sam--, amp can do most of it
16:37.08zoabut i dont like it
16:37.15santoshrso the agent can login from any device.
16:37.17ManxPowermanolo, see "pickup" in the Wiki
16:37.21_Sam--me either, its not intuitive at all
16:37.46g__Question: was echo cancellation improved between 1.0.9 and 1.2.x?
16:37.48_Sam--i think there should be an initial "wizard" type process to setup the first time
16:38.20*** part/#asterisk santoshr (i=1063@
16:38.21g__Followup question: does a hardware echo canceller work better than the software one?
16:38.44wasimg__: they are all software!
16:39.07g__microcode on a dsp?
16:39.32fugitivowasim: that's not true
16:39.32*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
16:39.47fugitivogood hardware has echocan :)
16:40.11Strom_Cis there a zaptel command-line utility that will tell me the alarm status on the four T1 spans?
16:40.14benjkwasim: if you drill the two wires together an create a shortcut, that'll be a haardware echo canceller
16:40.21g__fugitivo: but is hardware echocan better than software echocan, or is just easier on your cpu cycles?
16:40.24saftsackmake oldconfig on a suse system is a horror
16:40.39wasimbenjk: i was just thinking on how it would work on a tincan with string protocol :)
16:40.47fugitivog__: hardware is always better than software
16:40.54saftsackcompiling started 30minutes ago
16:40.57saftsackon a fast system
16:41.00benjkit will cancel the signal too, but anyway ...
16:41.30fugitivoStrom_C: zap show status from the cli
16:41.49g__fugitivo: is there a good reason for that?  I'm all in favour of dedicated and specialized hardware, though..
16:42.10[TK]D-Fenderg__ : What kind of interface are you looking to use?
16:43.35Strom_Cshould the zaptel card automatically respond to a request for a loopback?  SBC is trying to run a test on my circuit and they're claiming my CSU isn't responding to a loopback test...
16:44.21g__We're using a Wildcard TE110P and we're having occational echo problems.. trying to decide if buying a TE411P would solve the problem..
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16:44.54Seldon1975has anyone here actually observed the Comedian mail terminating  voicemail recording after {maxmessage}; it seems not to be working at my site; maxmessage=600 but someone left a 28 minute message
16:44.58[TK]D-Fenderg__ : how many ports do you need?
16:45.06iDunno63.5 million.
16:45.07g__Just 1, right now.
16:45.54[TK]D-Fenderg__ : If it had been more I'd say jump right over to the Sangoma A104d.  I haven't heard echo but ONCE since its install. (which I'm sure was HIS fault :))
16:46.03DrukenSeldon1975: how in hell does someone leave a 28 min message?
16:46.19[TK]D-Fenderg__ : They will be coming out with lower density versions soon though.
16:46.30Strom_CI've had no echo problems with my TE406P
16:46.44Seldon1975Druken: well I assume that the line just stayed up
16:46.54Seldon1975Druken: because * didnt hang up the line
16:47.10DrukenSeldon1975: well, it should term the recording after 3-5 seconds of silence
16:47.23Seldon1975yes, it should
16:47.30Seldon1975it seems not to do so
16:47.36g__[TK]D-Fender: did you notice a difference switching from software-only echocan to hardware?  I mean, we noticed a huge difference going from analogue to digital.. but there's still that residual problem.
16:47.38Seldon1975has anyone else observed such an issue?
16:47.44Drukenperhaps you have noisy lines?
16:48.04fileno matter how many times I say "Colp - P as in Peter" nobody can get my last name right over the phone
16:48.18Seldon1975Druken: do you mean so that the silence period wasnt detected?  It should still have terminated after 10 minutes, no?
16:48.55[TK]D-Fenderg__ : the S/W one royall sucked ass for me and running it in hardware on my A104d there isn't *ANY*
16:48.56DrukenSeldon1975: probably.. did you RESTART after you changed the config?
16:49.02_Sam--manx did you get the dtivo on ebay?
16:49.19Seldon1975Druken: yes, the box itself has even been restarted several times
16:50.00Seldon1975Druken: I think there's a (possibly hardware) problem which prevents the card from hanging up the line
16:50.12_Sam--you have to replace the hard drive in your new tivo with a hacked one...(or hack the one in there, but thats riskier)....then all your tv recordings are unencrypted mpg, and you have TCP/IP and can transfer them / play them from the tivo to other devices
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16:50.31DrukenSeldon1975: what kinda hardware?
16:50.56Seldon1975Druken: its one of the new TDM2400E cards with 2 quad FXO modules and two Quad FXS
16:51.23Drukenoh well shit.... i'm glad SOMEONE has money....
16:51.55Seldon1975Druken: lol
16:52.22Seldon1975Druken: I was really just wondering if others had seen the voicemail program successfully hang up so I can dismiss that software as a possible culprit
16:52.38Seldon1975i mean hang up after the timeout
16:52.42Seldon1975it's not a known issue?
16:52.44Drukenwell, i personally have never played with it...
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16:53.08Drukeni hate timed messages... course, i hate 20 - 40 second timed messages...
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16:54.00freestyle_networanyone work with timming devices for conference calling?
16:54.47ErMeS|Workwhichever context i write in sip.conf ... it goes on to tell... cannot fin context ....
16:54.56cnet2when i make a call to my asterisk box, through the zaptel fxo.. if i get no answer and hangup, the zaptel idles.. what can this be?
16:55.17zoaErMeS|Work: then there is some typo in the config file
16:55.22cnet2i'm using asterisk@home
16:55.27zoaread the thing i sent you again
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16:56.23cnet2me ?
16:56.33alvariuxast_freak have you used voicemail with realtime asterisk?
16:56.53ErMeS|Worki read it a lot of times
16:57.09ErMeS|Workthis time i spent it to find out somethiung wrong
16:57.27zoastart with the default config
16:57.51cnet2zoa: talk'n to me ? jeje :S
16:58.03zoahmm no
16:58.11zoait was to ErMeS|Work
16:59.36alvariuxanybody have you used voicemail with realtime asterisk?
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17:08.16g__Do you know what Sangoma's more expensive than Digium?
17:08.30*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (i=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
17:08.34g__(That was for  [TK]D-Fender)
17:08.38PakiPenguinis the svn repos. down?
17:08.48LoRezg__: they have DSPs on board
17:08.54PakiPenguini am getting this  svn checkout asterisk-1.2
17:08.54PakiPenguinsvn: Caught signal
17:09.05ast_freakalvariux, no sir.
17:09.22PakiPenguincan i download the code from somewhere else?
17:09.30g__LoRez: why? (Or why doesn't Digium's cards have them?)
17:10.04LoRezg__: digium's cards don't have them because it handles all that in software.  makes the cards cheaper.
17:10.16alvariuxast_freak i found the problem, is not getting the mailbox
17:10.29alvariuxif i have a static conf in voicemail.conf it works
17:10.38alvariuxbut im using realtime asterisk
17:11.06[TK]D-Fenderg__ : Thats because Sangoma's use a real DSP and its specs DESTROY Digium's (look at the taps/channels rate).  Also Sangoma cards work on either PCI voltage, and play nicely with interrupts and do a lot more in hardware.
17:11.27justinusangoma cards aren't much more
17:11.30justinui think mine was 25 bucksm ore
17:11.30[TK]D-Fenderg__ : And run on Windows as well.
17:11.42g__That's a feature?
17:12.18[TK]D-Fenderg__ : YES.  As much as I love Linux and *, I don't want my hardware to "own" me.  EVER.
17:13.07g__Oh, I'm all for that..
17:13.10PakiPenguinjustinu, where did you get your sangoma card from?
17:13.46g__Perhaps you ment "And it runs on FreeBSD as well".
17:13.54justinui bought mine from atacomm, iirc
17:14.05[TK]D-Fenderg__ : that too, but it has native Windows drivers as well.
17:15.31[TK]D-Fender(not that I've had any reason to use it)
17:15.44freestyle_networWe had good luck with Sangoma before moving to DS's ..we found that they start to loose timing over 3 PRI's with a dual xeon
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17:15.58justinui just got an email from
17:16.09justinuapparently the new FWD client will support SIP and IAX
17:16.24g__What do you mean by "loose timing"?
17:16.37asterisk99anyone here using the Digium IAXy phone adapter? I am having a wierd sound problem with mine
17:16.40Strom_Ci think he means "lose timing"
17:16.47freestyle_networstart to get call artifacts,an IRQ issue
17:16.54Strom_Cremember kids, loose and lose are TWO DIFFERENT WORDS
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17:17.13freestyle_networbut yeah, Sangoma hands down if your doing PRI's ... i wouldnt recommend their new DS3 card, i would never be that brave
17:17.55justinuthat doesn't sound right
17:17.55[TK]D-Fenderfreestyle_networ : that and its not cahnnelized for voice IIRC
17:17.57g__I suppose it depends what kind of Xeons..
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17:18.20freestyle_networwe had echo cancellation turned on, which beats up the server good
17:18.39freestyle_networthey were dual xeons, its really a function of interupts not CPU bandwidth
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17:18.51Strom_Cdo the sangomas do hardware echo cancellation?
17:19.10[hC]Strom_C: yup, 128ms
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17:19.12freestyle_networg__ yeah it hangled it, anything past 3 PRI's was uncharted territory for call quality
17:19.44[hC]Anyone using Linksys SPA-941's in here?
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17:20.04g__Ok.. thanks for the feedback.  Sounds like it's worth the extra $$
17:20.05freestyle_networyes they do, we were involved in testing their new drivers that moved echo cancellation from zaptel to their WANPipe drivers, i would recmmonend them over Digium crap anyday, they actually give you support techs that give a crap
17:20.17shodan25$ per fxs, is it there yet ?
17:20.18g__I'll see what I can swing.
17:20.36rajiv|workanyone here using T1 and/or TE110P with * ?
17:20.41freestyle_networYeah Digium is happy too help and get user feedback
17:20.43[hC]I quite like my sangoma a102u
17:20.46justinudigium doesn't give a crap? say it isn't so
17:20.47freestyle_networoops, Sangoma i meant!
17:21.09freestyle_networyeah dont get me started on Digium ..we only use  * now for Voicemail and conference calling
17:21.28rajiv|worki am looking to setup a new site with asterisk. they have 4 analog lines and dsl service now. would it be easier to move them to T1 service and do everything through a linux box ?
17:21.36[hC]what do you use for call routing and sip registration?
17:21.53justinujust going to astricon and trying to talk to them, i could tell they didn't give a crap
17:22.07justinuat least I learned quickly who NOT to call for help :)
17:22.29freestyle_networwe were using SER ..but have recerntly moved to a 7th generation carrier grade switch ...Metaswitch, 12 DS3 capability
17:22.35shodanwhat's the cheapest per fxs in the 5-10-20 port range ?
17:22.56justinufreestyle_networ: sounds expensive
17:23.17PakiPenguinfreestyle_networ, which vendor?
17:23.17[hC]freestyle_networ: ah.. presumably you actually need that much thruput :)
17:23.38[hC]i looked at ser and it looked like a config nightmare
17:23.48justinuser is actually pretty simple
17:23.56[hC]then again I probably could have taken a better look.
17:23.56freestyle_networwere a new VoIP emerging Wholesale VoIP carrier here in Edmonton, Alberta ... we have 1 DS3 now with full SS7 links we actually have alot of * people peering with us for 800, DID's,etc
17:24.06shodandon't answer all at once now ;)
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17:24.21ast_freakalvariux, interesting.  Yes, I haven't had much time to play with realtime yet.  Hoping to do so in the future.
17:24.52freestyle_networjustinu, SER Is simple ..somtimes looses its brains ..not suitable for tru 24/7 in my opnion ....try openser as well
17:25.17justinufreestyle_networ: yeah, i'm running openser
17:25.55ResidenteEhia all, this an offtopic but asterisk related question: when use a h323 or SIP gatekeeper all communications pass through server?
17:26.24shodanor ... what's the cheapest in wifi phones ?
17:26.27[TK]D-Fender[hC] : I own one.
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17:26.59[hC][TK]D-Fender played with it much?
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17:27.21freestyle_networPakiPenguin, vendor is Metaswitch ..our upstream provider is YellowStream ..ahem .. i mean Allstream
17:27.22rajiv|workso if i plug a T1 line into a te110p can i have * handle the voice channels and linux ip tables or something handl the data lines ?
17:27.36[hC]We use allstream too
17:27.41PakiPenguini see :p
17:27.42[hC]They are a bit of a hassle to deal with.
17:27.48freestyle_networhC, u have no idea
17:27.49[TK]D-Fender[hC] : A fair bit, whats your question?
17:28.06freestyle_networhC, major beuracracy there ....they are laying off 25% of their staff actually, big shake ups
17:28.07[hC]They gave us great PRI rates, but for fucks sake, getting our billing sorted out, or number porting, anything, takes ages.
17:28.25[hC]i put in a number port request a month ago
17:28.28[hC]still havent heard back
17:28.30[TK]D-Fender[hC] : AllStream as a carrier?
17:28.32freestyle_networhC, oh are you having fun with the order rejects for Number ports too???? :P
17:28.56freestyle_networhC, yeah this realted to all the layoffs right now we think, no one their gives a fuck right now
17:29.07shodanam I transparent or something ?! jeez !
17:29.18[TK]D-Fendererrr, freestyle_networ : that last one was for you...
17:29.30justinushodan: no one knows the answer to your question, or feels like talking about it now
17:29.34justinuit's just the way IRC is
17:29.40[hC]freestyle_networ yeah actually my rep is moving from vancouver to edmonton, and he hasnt got back to me on SHIT, and now im dealing with another guy whos taking over the account who hasnt contacted me once.
17:29.46freestyle_networyep they are a carrrier here in Canada, they used to be ALlstream Canada, MTS bought them out and started Allstream
17:30.07justinui've been working with level3 on wholsale sip origination/termination
17:30.09justinuso far so good
17:30.09[TK]D-Fenderfreestyle_networ : I use them in Montreal here.  I HATE them now....
17:30.10freestyle_networhC, who is your rep?
17:30.11Strom_Coh boy oh boy, Manitoba Telephone
17:30.15[hC]freestyle_networ: not to mention they promised us particular rates but never reflected it on our bills. dealing with getting that resolved has taken over 50 hours i'd bet
17:30.30[hC]freestyle_networ: the one that just moved is Gerry Peterson, the one we just received is Scott Lockey
17:30.30freestyle_networhC, dude thats just telco, they all suck
17:30.42[hC]I thought allstream used to be at&tcanada
17:30.43freestyle_networhC, yep we know SCott, hes a good shit
17:30.49[TK]D-FenderAllstream has &^%ed up EVERY SINGLE ORDER I've ever placed with them one way or another.
17:30.51[hC]Scott seems better than gerry
17:30.56[hC]but getting ahold of him is still fuckin hard.
17:31.09shodanjustinu, I'd have thought that the price per fxs and per wifi phone would be something everyone knows here , kinda like the price of gas or milk
17:31.12[hC]just curious, since i cant get a single answer out of these guys...
17:31.15freestyle_networhC, yep he is better
17:31.21[TK]D-Fender[hC] : They were previously AT&T Canada
17:31.32justinushodon: some of us don't work in that "area"
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17:31.41[TK]D-Fendershodan : What densities?
17:31.42rajiv|workshodan: perhaps ?
17:31.53[hC]is it easier for me, for number porting, to contact someone OTHER than scott? Ive been contacting him, and then i dont even know how long its supposed to take, or how to check on it... Ive put in 3 requests so far, and none have completed, and my customers are getting suspicious.
17:32.13freestyle_networhC, yeah hang tight, the shake ups are just happening this month ....they just canned the sales manager at Edmonton and their isnt anymore here ...were actually the 4th biggest allstream reseller in Canada and are trying to take over their edmonton base :D
17:32.17justinuhc: sounds like you need to be more of a pain in the ass
17:32.26shodan[TK]D-Fender, low , 5-10-20 fxs ports  in the dirt cheap rough edge chinese made kind
17:32.27jasonwolfe0u812anyone know if I will get answer supervision if I user an IAX server to terminate voip calls into a pstn so that my script will wait to fire
17:32.31[hC]justinu: i have been, trust me.
17:32.41freestyle_networhC, screaming and yelling often doesnt do shit to telecom process
17:32.52justinuprogram one of your switches to spam all the reps with calls until they call you back :)
17:33.02justinuon the hour, every hour :)
17:33.07[hC]I just contacted their boss, bo, and expressed concern and threatened to look for another carrier.
17:33.08freestyle_networhC, but out of all of them ALlstream is the most forward thinking here in Canada, they are still the only ones offering VoIP PRI's e911
17:33.28shodanrajiv|work, I'll take a look thanks
17:33.28justinuwhat's a VoIP PRI?
17:33.30freestyle_networhC, we save your breath on that, they get that me on this
17:33.42freestyle_networjstinu, its a PRI with 911 ability
17:33.48[hC]yeah. i just have standard pri from them, in peer1 downtown vancouver. we just direct cross connect to them on the meetme floor
17:33.52freestyle_networor should is say e911
17:33.55justinuhow does that make it VoIP?
17:34.00justinuyeah, makes more sense :)
17:34.04freestyle_networthats what they call it
17:34.06Drukenit's not voip
17:34.21freestyle_networwe actually do sell true VoIP PRI's, you peer to use for 24 channels
17:34.22Beirdo9428m 26s of calls in December
17:34.24Drukenit's a voip carriers pri.. that allows entry into the 911 system
17:34.26freestyle_networSIP only of course
17:34.28[TK]D-Fendershodan : The lowest I've seen is aroun $100USD / port once you hit 4 ports. (Clipcomm occasionally drops to 87.5/port)
17:34.40justinudruken: canada 911 only?
17:34.57[hC]freestyle_networ: so, about numer ports. is there a different department i can contact to get stuff done quicker? or how long is that junk normally supposed to take? I dont really care how long it does take as long as i can tell my customers something consistent.
17:34.59freestyle_networyeah, Allstream is canada only ..and only major centers from what i hear if you live in the sticks, u wont get e911
17:35.07[hC]if i tell them 2 weeks and it takes 5, i look like a dumbass.
17:35.07[TK]D-Fender[hC] : What was your question about SPA-941's?
17:35.16Drukenjustinu: you add address entries for your assigned did's
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17:35.29freestyle_networhC, u know u should talk with our Pres, he know how to menuever thru Allstream much better
17:35.44[hC][TK]D-Fender: sorry, got wrapped up in this convo here... :) Two things.. first of all, is it possible to do speed dials on the line buttons like you can on the 7940's? and secondly, what does their 'shared line appearance' actually do?
17:35.56shodan[TK]D-Fender, yikes ! I was eyeballing the Cisco MC3810 since they are 5 fxs 1 fxo and they go for about 200$usd+ship on ebay
17:36.33*** part/#asterisk ResidenteE (i=Angel200@
17:36.38[TK]D-Fender[hC] : Doesn't look like so far, and  * doesn't support "Shared Apperances" yet.  Thats like being able to register in 2 places at once.
17:36.39*** join/#asterisk Mo (
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17:36.47gniretar_workhi everyone
17:37.09shodanI'm still kinda in shock that they're not in the 10/20$usd per fxs shipped for "dumb" modules considering how little it takes to make a fxs
17:37.10[TK]D-Fendershodan : could work, but I don't know its standards and there is the question of support...
17:37.10freestyle_networDruken, yeah its Paul , who dat?
17:37.21Druken[TK]D-Fender: shared apperances would be an addition to asterisk
17:37.30[hC][TK]D-Fender: I figured thats what it was, but they called it 'their technology' so i thought maybe they'd done something special.
17:37.31Drukenfreestyle_networ: James
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17:37.41gniretar_workso i know how to route calls based on number called (exten=>) but how to i do it based on calling number.  There is a person who keeps calling us and i'd rather have a message played when they call then ahve it ring my phone
17:37.44[TK]D-FenderDruken : A nice one at that given how many devices support it.
17:38.01shodan[TK]D-Fender, yeah, I'll do my homework first , worst case I'll just bite the bullet and build a bunch from scratch
17:38.05Druken[TK]D-Fender: agreed
17:38.07gniretar_workor better yet, i'd like to have then redirected to my fax machine
17:38.12fugitivogniretar_work: look for "exgirlfriend" feature
17:38.22[TK]D-Fendergniretar_work : GotoIF based on CALLERID(num)
17:38.25justinushodan: lol, this is telecom... take whatever it should cost, and multiply by 10!
17:38.39agxI can register to my VoIP provider from home, but cannot register another PBX i've putted online into the office. Asterisk 1.0.7-BRIstuffed-0.2.0-RC7k: NOTICE: chan_sip.c:7708 handle_request: Registration from '<sip:gallo-shphone@>' failed for 'MY_PUBLIC_NATTED_IP'
17:38.43[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : Not since commodity SIP (mostly)
17:38.52justinuit's certainly helped things
17:38.53freestyle_networanyone here know if the 2.6 is better for timming versus 2.4 kernel with ztdummy? we seem to hit a wall with conferecing at 250 channels with a 2.4 kernel and ztdummy
17:38.56justinubut we're not there yet
17:39.04shodanjustinu, yup !
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17:39.12fugitivofreestyle_networ: it should
17:39.16freestyle_networDruken, James ...wassup!
17:39.31justinuwhen I started working in telecom, a 16 span T1 card for the switches I was using was $35,000
17:39.35[hC]2.6 seems much better.
17:39.42Drukenfreestyle_networ: not much... how in hell are you getting 250 channels into a meetme?
17:39.44freestyle_networfigutivo, wondering how many extra channels could be squeezed out with that ...our bottle neck is timming, not CPU load
17:40.00Drukenam i to assume the ds3 is fully active now?
17:40.10freestyle_networDruken, not using meetme ;) ...actually meetme got up to 600 in one room ...crappy voice quality though :P
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17:40.16fugitivofreestyle_networ: like Druken said, how in the hell are you getting so many channels into meetme? :)
17:40.21freestyle_networDruken, it is!
17:40.35*** join/#asterisk ELE_VV_MSN (n=bdcfl@
17:40.43Drukengot the ranges now? or still for just edmonton and calgary?
17:40.50ELE_VV_MSNhi people
17:40.58cnet2why is it that asterisk has a 7+sec delay from the moment i instruct a call and the moment the phone starts ringing
17:41.03freestyle_networDruken, yes u will b ported ;) ..we have 905 and 416 up as well ..sorry no 750 ...always forget about Berry, Ontario ;)
17:41.21[TK]D-Fenderfreestyle_networ : you work for a VoIP termination co?
17:41.25Drukenand it's 705 :)
17:41.30freestyle_networDruken, we have 604,780,403,905,416  right now
17:41.37freestyle_networoops, sorry
17:41.43justinuhow many area codes does canada have?
17:41.48Drukenshould have parts of 519 as well
17:41.49[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : quite a lot.
17:41.57justinuprobably about as many as california
17:42.05justinu40 or so?
17:42.11[hC]more than that, i think.
17:42.34[hC]maybe not.. im not sure.
17:42.37justinuback in the days, i remember when they had only one or 2 for each province
17:42.42ELE_VV_MSNanyone here have some sample about how to configure an FXS??
17:42.44justinuit was easy to route
17:42.51Drukenshit, toronto has 4....
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17:43.11Druken416, 905, 647, 249
17:43.19[hC]vancouver has 2, northern bc and the island have another
17:43.35asteriskmonkeywhats this about toronto area codes?
17:43.45justinui think LA has about 10
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17:43.50justinuin a 100 mile radius
17:43.53[TK]D-FenderMontreal (metropolitain area) has 2 so far, and is about to get a 3rd.
17:44.09Druken514 and i forget the other...
17:44.17justinuthere was a big expansion in the middle 90s
17:44.24[TK]D-FenderAnd we're getting another this year
17:44.31asteriskmonkeyis there anyone here with a pri that wants to setup a dundi network :)
17:44.32[hC]i just wish they took the fucking 16 or so rate centers out of vancouver
17:44.36[hC]and made it one.
17:44.40Strom_Clos angeles has.....  213 323 310 818 805 562 714 949 626 909 951 424
17:44.41[hC]number. porting. hell.
17:44.48asteriskmonkeyis there any public dundi networks people can join?
17:44.52justinu12 now, then :)
17:45.03justinu951 and 424 are new to me
17:45.10Drukeni'm waiting for the cellular numbers to become public
17:45.10Strom_Coh, i forgot 661 and 760
17:45.26Strom_C951 is a split from 909, 424 is the new 310 overlay code
17:45.41ELE_VV_MSNwho have a sample code about how to use an FXS port??
17:46.01Drukenfreestyle_networ: what do you mean i'll be ported? to the ds3? you guys getting rid of the pri ?
17:46.02justinuany of you guys use jabber?
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17:46.17Drukenuse to
17:46.45agalloDid i done something wrong inside sip.conf ?  I can register to my VoIP provider from home, but cannot register another PBX i've putted online into the office. NOTICE: chan_sip.c:7708 handle_request: Registration from '<sip:gallo-shphone@>' failed for 'MY_PUBLIC_NATTED_IP'
17:46.45justinujabber confernece rooms are so far ahead of IRC, it's sick
17:46.50[TK]D-FenderELE_VV_MSN : What kind of interface?
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17:47.00gniretar_workjustinu: I use it all the time, GTalk :-D
17:47.10justinugoogletalk sucks tho.
17:47.12Mohrm, anyone got a few minutes to spare?
17:47.18justinuthey don't allow s2s connections
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17:47.24[hC]agallo: just a thought, but do you have "my_public_natted_ip" listed in host= in sip.conf?
17:47.25gniretar_workjustinu: its new, it will catch up
17:47.29seele_Hi, does anyone knows, why when i make a call from an extension to my own PBX. it makes some kind of a "loop", so that no more calls are recieved or made, even when hanging up
17:47.44Dandanhey all
17:47.53Dandancan't get parking calls announced on gxp-2000
17:47.55Dandanany ideas?
17:48.05Dandanafter i transfer to 700 it hangs up
17:48.10gniretar_workseele_: I'm an asterisk noob but i'd say u should look at what the debug console says and post it
17:48.17agallo[hC]: no in sip.conf i use host=dynamic
17:49.54ELE_VV_MSN\nick CPC-BR
17:50.51gniretar_workhow do i stack conditions on gotoif?
17:50.58gniretar_workis it possable?
17:51.57CPC-BRanyone here speak portuguese???
17:52.24cnet2i speak spanish, i could probably help you
17:52.42JunK-Ygniretar_work: show application Gosub ?
17:53.16[TK]D-Fendergniretar_work : using the IF function, yes.
17:53.55[TK]D-Fendergniretar_work : although I find it easier to just execute multiple tests in sequence.
17:54.03[TK]D-Fendergniretar_work : how complex?
17:54.13gniretar_worktoo complex
17:54.18gniretar_worki found a better way to do it
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17:54.33gniretar_workthx tho.  I relocated the statement so i only need 1 conidtion
17:54.40justinuword, implicit
17:54.58agallothis is my client config in sip.conf: [agallo] context=interni type=friend username=agallo secret=agallo regexten=201 host=dynamic canreinvite=no qualify=yes nat=yes ... this work if i'm inside LAN not if i'm connected from another office
17:55.34*** join/#asterisk Kernel_Core (
17:55.40Kernel_Corehi all ..
17:55.41Drukenagallo: what's in your global ?
17:55.50Drukenand uhmm... use a pastebin
17:55.53agalloDruken: just a second
17:56.39agalloDruken: nat=yes externip=PBX_PUBLIC_IP localnet=192...ecc/255...eccc
17:56.52Drukenlookie there....
17:57.16Drukenhow bout ya set that to your ip
17:57.41Kernel_CoreI have 2 asterisk server , server A is behiend NAT , Server B has Public IP , both servers are connected through IAX (with register.... command in iax.conf) when I want to generate a call from B Server to A Server I get this error " Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach 's@'
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17:58.29Strom_Cis there any way to run "zap show status" from the command line?
17:58.30DrukenKernel_Core: might wana tell it what context
17:59.05JunK-YStrom_C: huh? from the CLI: sure, just type it :)
17:59.05dalaberaasterisk -rx zap show status
17:59.16iDunnoasterisk -rx "zap... dammit beaten to it.
17:59.21CPC-BRI have to make a call using an FXS port...but I don't an FXS board...I have just to signilize this it possible?? the asterisk server have just to show that the calling was made...have to generate an txt file or something like that
17:59.21agalloDruken: sorry i forget to mention that PBX receive data thru port forwarding; so nat=yes and externip=PUBLIC_IP_OF_FIREWALL
17:59.40Kernel_CoreDruken: I defined in general segment of iax.conf "context =>loc110"
17:59.44Kernel_Coreis it right ?
18:00.04Drukenwell, it's right... but it doesn't seem to be using it
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18:00.18Mowhere can I get more information about asterisk's professional solutions?
18:00.24Drukenagallo: ya still need to set the ip
18:00.34JunK-YMo: its called Business Edition.
18:00.37Kernel_Coreexten => _XXXXX.,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN})
18:00.37Kernel_Coreexten =>  _XXXXX.,2,Congestion
18:00.38agalloDruken: what do you mean? :)))
18:00.54JunK-Yjust see their website.
18:00.56Drukenwhat is your public ip ?
18:01.21ManxPower*SCREAM*  I need to do Polycom BLF today.
18:01.24Kernel_CoreDruken: when I directly connect to "A" Server I can place call with this context ....
18:01.25ManxPowerEvil users.
18:01.30agalloDruken: FW is on it port forwards UDP ports to net
18:02.10*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
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18:02.24dalaberaguys quick question, I have installed a new server for *, don't want to use MOH because the problems it carries, can I use a wav to playback continously for incoming calls to queue?
18:02.34Drukenagallo: so? that's a forward for incoming packets, asterisk needs to know what ip it's sending from...
18:02.36SpaceBassanyone know who the user should be for files in my /tftpboot dir (asterisk@home)
18:02.37Kernel_CoreDruken: it seems something is wrong , asterisk which is running in "A" Server , can't get incomming call and fw it to one of it's ZAP interfaces....
18:02.39fugitivodalabera: what problems?
18:03.10iCEBrkrMOH has problems?
18:03.11agalloDruken: indeeed :))) externip=FirewallIP_on_80.0.0.0_network
18:03.35Drukenremember it must be the PUBLIC address
18:03.48agalloDruken: i'm saying :) it is a public address
18:03.51BeirdoiCEBrkr: there are potential copyright issues with MOH usage, but I don't know if that's what he means :)
18:03.58fugitivoiCEBrkr: that's new for me
18:04.00dalaberalet's say I have 15 calls on hold, I've seems that * start to slow down, the processor goes up, and besides new problems arises
18:04.06iCEBrkrBeirdo: Oh please...
18:04.07*** join/#asterisk NDT (
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18:04.19agalloDruken: i get this error when registering only from remote (outside lan) NOTICE: chan_sip.c:7708 handle_request: Registration from '<sip:gallo-shphone@>' failed for 'MY_PUBLIC_NATTED_IP'
18:04.21dalaberawhen using mpg123
18:04.29xachenuse madplay :)
18:04.31xachenits so much better
18:04.37BeirdoiCEBrkr: it depends on how you choose to use it, but there are potential issues with broadcasting, blah blah blah
18:04.40iCEBrkrdalabera: There's some sort of native MoH now with doesn't use mpg123
18:04.40fugitivodalabera: use native moh so you don't need extra programs
18:04.44Beirdowe tend to ignore it, but it's there
18:04.53[TK]D-FenderCPC-BR : What is your FXS using? (hardware)
18:04.55xachenand you can get royalty free mp3 music for MOH
18:05.08dalaberaNative Moh, let me check that out.... :-)
18:05.11iCEBrkrBeirdo: Whatever, I'll whip out the ol' keyboard and compose my own MoH.
18:05.26iCEBrkrBeirdo: Then I'll sue myself for using copyrighted material.
18:05.27fugitivodalabera: 1.2.x addons only
18:05.35Beirdoas long as it's not like Ross from Friends :)
18:05.53dalaberacool thanks
18:05.54[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : I had a few classical guitar bits of mine on my company's MOH till I found some freebies :)
18:06.07dalaberathanks god I got it installed!!
18:06.37iCEBrkrThere's actually some good S3Ms and MOD's out there that aren't too bad.. Believe it or not they don't sound like Nintendo 64 crap
18:07.46fugitivoanyone know skaven?
18:07.49iCEBrkrHell, fire up Acid DJ and loop some sound bites. :)
18:07.50CPC-BR[[TK]D-Fender] no one. I really need an FXS hardware?
18:07.56*** join/#asterisk _DAW (
18:08.19fugitivothe old future crew scene group :)
18:08.27iCEBrkrfugitivo: Rock'on!! Purple Motion
18:08.40iCEBrkrPurple Motion STILL composes some good stuff
18:08.47fugitivoskaven too!
18:08.52[hC]iCEBrkr: you suck!
18:08.54CPC-BR[[TK]D-Fender] I just want to simulate this calling
18:08.56iCEBrkr[hC]: You mom.
18:09.07[TK]D-FenderCPC-BR : well you said you had an FXS problem.  That REQUIRES hardware for it to be a problem :)
18:09.13iCEBrkr[hC]: :P
18:09.21CPC-BR[[TK]D-Fender] :)
18:09.42iCEBrkr[hC]: How aboot ya fetch me some Molsen, eh?
18:09.49*** join/#asterisk fulco (
18:10.03_DAWCould somehone here help me with the proper use of the VMCOUNT() function?
18:10.18[TK]D-FenderCPC-BR : Just make an extension that leads to where your calls will land.
18:11.52CPC-BR[[TK]D-Fender] I want that the * server show something to prove that the calling was make...did u understand?
18:12.05*** join/#asterisk chapeaurouge (n=chapeaur@
18:13.17[TK]D-FenderYou are trying to simulate an incoming call on an interface you don't have.  just set it up so you can dial the exten that is your incoming context and thats it.
18:15.05SpaceBassany hot tops for a nasty phone fuck?
18:15.27justinunasty phone fuck? lol
18:15.35CPC-BR[[TK]D-Fender] man my english is not very good :) ... but I'm not sure that I'm trying to simulate an incoming call.
18:15.42[TK]D-FenderGet a Grandstream... you'll really be fucked then!
18:16.23SpaceBassand that folks is why you don't walk away from you keybard
18:16.23BeirdoOMG, I spent 18h on the phone already this month?!
18:16.24CPC-BR[[TK]D-Fender] i want to do the following situation - PC1 -> *Server -> PSTN
18:16.56[TK]D-FenderCPC-BR : do you have PC -> * working right? (audio both ways, dial plan setup)
18:16.58SpaceBassi leave for 15 minutes and my so call friends have pulled up p0rn all over my computer and done lord knows what else
18:17.09Beirdosent pr0n to the boss?
18:17.26Beirdothis is why ya lock the kybard
18:17.34SpaceBassI'm usually religious about it...
18:17.38SpaceBasspayback will be a bitch
18:17.44CPC-BR[[TK]D-Fender] yeap
18:18.56CPC-BR[[TK]D-Fender] i already configure the * server to link 2 PCs at the same lan. PC1 -> *server -> PC2 (this situations is workin perfectly)
18:19.09hackeron[TK]D-Fender: not sure if you saw my message above, but I got it working! - WOOPEE!!!! - ManxPower helped me out by suggesting localnet= which made it spring into life.
18:19.27ManxPowerhackeron, its all documented in the Wiki
18:19.28hackeron[TK]D-Fender: thanks for all your help, its working lovely :)
18:19.33[TK]D-FenderCPC-BR : ok, so you need help setting up a land line?
18:19.41[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : Good to hear!
18:19.55[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : Yeah you kinda need that :)
18:20.00hackeronManxPower: the wiki is quite big, but you're right, I should read the documentation better. Thanks for all your help!
18:20.10asterisk99anyone hear of  a problem where the "Comedian" of "Comedian Mail" announcement being replaced with a "beep"????
18:20.18CPC-BR[[TK]D-Fender] yeap
18:21.09asterisk99(English majors can refrain from commenting on my improper use of the Queen's English)
18:22.09[TK]D-FenderCPC-BR : What are you using to access the PSTN?
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18:22.44develanybody here using an allied telesyn branded ATA against asterisk SIP?
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18:24.09ManxPowerAny parking gurus here?
18:24.10E|nyPRI_Hi. even.
18:24.24astnebhi, can someone help me with a digium card issue?
18:24.28E|nyPRI_Does anyone know how to set the hangup code=34 on the nufone h323 driver?
18:24.35*** part/#asterisk agallo (
18:24.58DrukenManxPower: get valet parking :)
18:25.06CPC-BR[[TK]D-Fender] i dont want to access the PSTN because I dont have an FXS hardware. I just want the * server generate some information to prove that its is possible..but without an FXS hardware...i dont want to complete de calling..did u understand?
18:25.21astnebthe problem is that i have a tdm400p and when i dial out in the CDR shows as answered all the time, even if the call didn't went through
18:25.29ManxPowerDruken, I suppose I could spend a day getting it into my build process.
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18:25.40ManxPowerAhrimanes, so there are no parking gurus here.
18:26.45rajiv|workCPC-BR: it is possible bc all of us with TDM cards do it. but it would be hard to get * to place a PSTN call without the hardware
18:26.55[TK]D-FenderCPC-BR : just create a dial pattern and playback the number to test it.
18:26.56DrukenManxPower: what is messing you up ?
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18:27.40[TK]D-FenderCPC-BR : like "exten => _9x.,1,Answer", "exten _9x.,2,Playdigits(${EXTEN:1})"
18:27.45kippi1can someone have a look at this please
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18:28.23ManxPowerDruken, when a parked call times out in 1.2 it goes to:
18:28.50ManxPowerI sort of assumed I would have a little better control over this.  In 1.0.x it always timed out to exten s
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18:29.25Drukenwhen it times out, it should go back to the device that parked it
18:29.36CPC-BR[[TK]D-Fender] ok man...i'll try to do that..thx
18:30.07[TK]D-FenderCPC-BR : Trust us, thousands of people use * with PSTN all over the world.  It works.
18:30.09*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
18:30.43ManxPowerI think I just crashed Asterisk
18:31.00CPC-BR[[TK]D-Fender] I know, but they do not use without an FXS hardware :)
18:31.03[TK]D-FenderManxPower : suckcess!
18:31.34[TK]D-FenderCPC-BR : Some use a VoIP provider to lead to the PSTN.  Either way you're just "faking" it.
18:32.20CPC-BRVoIP provider?? what do u mean with it?
18:33.00[TK]D-FenderCPC-BR : a company that will sell you a phone number and route calls to/from your server using it over SIP/IAX2.
18:33.13kippi1can anyone help with my outdialing error?
18:33.45xachenHow do I get native MOH to work?
18:33.50xacheni have 1.2.0
18:34.09astnebthe problem is that i have a tdm400p and when i dial out in the CDR shows as answered all the time, even if the call didn't went through
18:35.04CPC-BR[[TK]D-Fender] could u tell me some companies name?
18:35.16jbotrumour has it, mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at, or and there is also the Macintosh Asterisk mailing list at
18:35.29*** part/#asterisk twisty7867 (
18:36.10[TK]D-FenderCPC-BR : Check the WIKI, there are dozens of them...
18:36.26CPC-BR[[TK]D-Fender] ok
18:36.48CPC-BR[[TK]D-Fender] thx very much :)
18:36.55Drukenastneb: live with it... welcome to analog, only way to even remotely fix it is callprogress=yes in zapata.conf and i don't reccomend it
18:37.37Drukenor do what i do, and only use the analog lines for incoming, send everything out a voip carrier
18:38.09justinuyeah, i guess there's no way to do real answer supervision on a 2 wire line
18:39.03astnebDruken: whats the problem with callprogress=yes?
18:39.10justinuunreliable, number 1
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18:39.28justinuprobably requires a lot more CPU resources
18:39.34tainted_any wiring gurus here?
18:39.52tainted_i've got a client who wants to get rid of her landline completely at her HOME
18:40.03tainted_she's got around 10 phones total around the house
18:40.10Drukenastneb: doesn't work worth a shit... sometimes it continues to ring even after they have answered
18:40.12tainted_and chose to go with an ATA
18:40.24ManxPowerHas anyone gotten RPID stuff working with Polycom
18:40.29justinuManxPower: yes
18:40.32Drukentainted_: simple... plug an ata into the demarc
18:40.36tainted_should i just drop the ATA into the phonebox outside the house?
18:40.44astnebDrunken: thx
18:40.51justinutainted_: more than likely, yes, but it should be protected from the elements
18:41.04xachenmushc beter :)
18:41.10xachengot Native MOH working with .raw files
18:41.12[TK]D-Fendertainted_ : you should be able to trace to the demarc point inside the house and cut off the telco there and insert the ATA
18:41.12justinutainted_: make sure you disconnect the CO pair from the house wiring too
18:41.12tainted_it's hard to get electricity and ethernet out to the box
18:41.14Drukentainted_: make a new box inside the basement
18:41.21kippi1i am really pulling my hair out here!! i am so close to getting a working PBX but so far at the same time!! can anyone shed any light on my problem?
18:41.30tainted_i guess i could create a PoE breakout box.. but is there a better way?
18:41.33ManxPowerjustinu, I endabled sendrpid and trustrpid in sip.conf [general].  anything else I need to do.  It's not well documented.
18:41.45justinuManxPower: what exactly do you want to accomplish?
18:42.12ManxPowerjustinu, When I call Robert Dobbs's SIP phone on my Asterisk server from another SIP phone, I want the To: Robert Dobbs
18:42.14tainted_[TK]D-Fender is the demarc point the phonebox outside the house?
18:42.25justinuManxPower: ahhh... i had to write a patch to do it.
18:42.32justinuasterisk won't do that right now.
18:42.33*** join/#asterisk kuku5 (
18:42.41kuku5How do I reload sip.conf without restarting * ?
18:42.45ManxPowerjustinu, Just what DOES asterisk do with RPID?
18:42.57ManxPowerkuku5, "reload"
18:42.57tainted_[TK]D-Fender if the PSTN is not providing service, do they still send voltage down the copper?
18:43.02ManxPoweror reload
18:43.09justinuManxPower: the reason you don't get To:Robert Dobbs, is because * needs to send RPID to the CALLING phone with the 183 progress or 180 ringing
18:43.16justinu* doesn't do that in stock form
18:43.24tainted_[TK]D-Fender b/c i was thinking of just plugging the ATA into a spare phone jack and making that the new demarc point
18:43.26ManxPowerjustinu, So what GOES Asterisk's RPID stuff so?
18:43.27justinuall asterisk does with RPID is puts it in the invite
18:43.33[TK]D-Fendertainted_ : Don't risk it.... it'll FRY something when you least expect it.
18:43.37justinuso when you call out, it shows who made the call
18:43.39ManxPowerjustinu, what is the effect of that?
18:43.48justinuRPID is sip's caller id
18:43.51[TK]D-Fendertainted_ : you can do that, just make SURE the outside is cut off.
18:44.02justinuManxPower: what you're talking about is 'connected party id'
18:44.17tainted_or i could disable the voltage pins from the ATA
18:44.22Drukentainted_: make sure the ata can support that many phones too... :)
18:44.39justinuRPID in outbound invite == calling party id
18:44.39ManxPowerjustinu, Ah!  So there's really no functional difference, since Asterisk will accept the callerid info from the calling phone anyway.
18:44.45tainted_Druken why not? it's just one single line
18:44.49[TK]D-Fendertainted_ : so much easier to just find where it comes in.  usually they set up a terminal which is easy to disconnect.
18:44.50justinuRPID in 180/182 == connected party id
18:44.50kippi1is there away i can make sure there isn't a fault with my lines using asterisk? and to make sure everything is configed
18:44.53tainted_sharing one dialtone
18:44.53rob0J. Robert Dobbs? J.R. "Bob" Dobbs?
18:45.03Drukentainted_: 1 line... but 10 phones...
18:45.08ManxPowerjustinu, so, as far as I can tell rpid does nothing useful.
18:45.18[TK]D-Fendertainted_ : Oh, and watch out for REN's....
18:45.20tainted_Druken do u mean the power draw?
18:45.21ManxPowerrob0, Slack Rules!  Hail Eris!
18:45.25justinuManxPower: the problem arises when you get connected to someone you didn't call by way of call forwding or order dialplan issues
18:45.39Drukentainted_: yeah
18:45.40tainted_[TK]D-Fender how do u get the cat5 & power out to the demarc tho?
18:45.42justinuManxPower: but at this stage, no, RPID does nothing for you
18:45.47ManxPowerjustinu, I understand why it's not working the way I thought it would.
18:45.48rob0Today is Pungenday, the 3rd day of Chaos in the YOLD 3172
18:45.52[TK]D-Fendertainted_ : A really big drill :D
18:45.56tainted_[TK]D-Fender you just draw cable out?
18:45.57E|nyPRI_Does anyone know how to set the hangup code=34 on the nufone h323 driver?
18:45.58ManxPowerI just can't see ANY usefullness for it.
18:45.59justinuasterisk RPID support is basically for dealing with VoIP termination providers.
18:46.04Drukentainted_: i think the linksys will do upto 8 phones...
18:46.06justinuwho need it.
18:46.14[TK]D-FenderI mean demarc within the house.  its on the INSIDE before splitting off.
18:46.19*** join/#asterisk pegger (
18:46.19ManxPowerjustinu, thanks
18:46.27[TK]D-Fenderand yeah just draw cable.
18:46.27justinubut I wrote a patch that makes * send RPID in 183/180 ringing so you can see who you're connected with.
18:46.30ManxPowerjustinu, can you send my your calling party id patch?
18:46.35tainted_Druken i've got a grandstream 488
18:46.45ManxPowerI'll add it to my Asterisk+BTEL stuff.
18:46.50justinuManxPower: yeah, i'll have to diff it
18:46.56[TK]D-Fendertainted_ : ICK!  Grandsuck!
18:47.00tainted_hmm.. might need to outsouce this electrical stuff
18:47.14[TK]D-FenderAnd if you diconnect the demarc you can plug your ATA wherever else you feel like actually....
18:47.18ManxPowerjustinu, you didn't put in the bug tracker or send it off to OpenPBX did you?
18:47.22Drukentainted_: dunno about that one..., but think about it.. the ata has to RING all those damn phones at the same time
18:47.23justinuManxPower: it isn't very heavily tested yet
18:47.28dalaberaAbout using Native MOH, do I have to convert my mp3 to raw format for best performance?
18:47.33justinuManxPower: not yet, no one seemed interested, and I got sick of talking about it :)
18:47.40justinuon the digium or openpbx side
18:47.42tainted_Druken good point
18:47.56tainted_but most of the phones have power supplies as well
18:48.07tainted_the ATA just has to send voltage down the line
18:48.15xachenwhat is the diff between Asterisk and OpenPBX?
18:48.23justinuforks of the same project
18:48.39justinuas to the actuall differences, i'm not even sure yet
18:48.45ManxPowerxachen, That is about the same as asking "What's the difference between the USA and the Soviet Union" -- in 1963
18:48.48justinuopenpbx has an autoconf based build system
18:49.23tainted_Druken is there a device that could regulate the power draw if the ATA doesn't support 10 phones?
18:49.24xachenBut OpenPBX is prtetty much Asterisk isn't it?
18:49.28xbmodder_lappyI am hungry
18:49.44justinutainted_: no, i think you just need a heavier duty ATA
18:49.52peggerI am having issues with my iax2, I know it runs on udp 4569 but when i tcpdump udp all I get is ntp stuff no aix stuff, and I am even do iax2 reload and nothing shows up, what is going on, I am using    SVN-branch-1.2-r7709M
18:50.10*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
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18:50.28anonymouz666echo "SOFT HANGUP $agi_channel"
18:50.29Drukentainted_: perhaps a booster? or a small amp? hehe goto your local radio shack
18:50.31anonymouz666is this correct?
18:50.32tainted_justinu what's a heavier ATA
18:50.37anonymouz666I just can't hangup the channel
18:50.48anonymouz666from AGI
18:51.08peggerany ideas?
18:51.48justinutainted: i'm not sure what the max REN is on them, have you looked into that?
18:51.48rob0why did they fork openpbx?
18:51.57anonymouz666anyone in here use soft hangup in AGI scripts?
18:52.03justinurob0: tired of digium not paying attention to them, i think
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18:52.55anonymouz666I can hangup the channel from CLI, but I can't from AGI
18:53.04anonymouz666echo "SOFT HANGUP $agi_channel"
18:53.08anonymouz666I am using this
18:53.17rob0the site is NOT impressive.
18:53.48justinuthere's a lot of sharp guys working on opbx
18:53.52ManxPowerI may have to disable call parking in Asterisk
18:54.00justinui wouldn't write it off so quickly.
18:54.39ManxPowerThere seems to no way to control where a parked call times out to.
18:54.44*** join/#asterisk doughecka_ (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
18:55.27rob0I'm not writing it off, but I'm not ready to switch, either. :)
18:55.27kuku5How do I reload music on hold file?
18:55.42justinurob0: understandable, but keep your eye on it :)
18:55.43DrukenManxPower: did you try a timeout inside the parkedcalls context?
18:56.30ManxPowerDruken, nope.  Normally that's configured in features.conf
18:56.43*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (i=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
18:56.53Drukenworth a shot no?
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18:57.50dalaberaQuick Question About using Native MOH, do I have to convert my mp3 to raw format for best performance?
18:58.21xachenerm its best :)
18:58.32xachenotherwise your running processes to convert from mp3 to raw anyways
18:58.38xachenits just so much easier to convert to raw in the first start
18:58.55xachenteachs you there
19:00.02dalaberathank you, man, there should be thousand of guys like you.....
19:00.42Drukenthere are....
19:00.51Drukenjust most of them are also assholes...
19:01.06dalaberawait... don't be nasty...
19:01.11justinu<- definite asshole
19:01.17xachenfile called me an asshole the first time he saw me :P
19:01.41Drukencan't ya feel the love?
19:01.44xachenhe didn't notice my IRC client crapped out and thought I was being rude for askinga  question on join haha
19:01.54xachenwhen I was ther 30 seconds before ^_^
19:04.24hackeronI'm trying to set up meetme but I cant find any information about how to install the thing. Changelog shows its included with asterisk but when I try to use it I see Jan  3 09:01:12 WARNING[11819]: pbx.c:1690 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'meetme' for extension - any ideas?
19:04.46filexachen: did not!
19:04.54filehackeron: do you have a zaptel timing source?
19:06.15hackeronfile: no, says I dont need one
19:06.39filewhere does it say that?
19:07.03fileit says you need timing for two things: meetme and IAX2 trunking
19:07.11fileit also says if you don't have zaptel hardware, you have 3 options
19:07.24ManxPowerhackeron, you have to have zaptel installed when you build Asterisk.  then listen to what file says
19:08.20hackeronManxPower: it says I have 3 options, one of them is zaptel, I dont have zaptel
19:08.43[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : You need to compile Zaptel to get ZTDummy even if you aren't planning on using Zaptel hardware.
19:08.57ManxPowerhackeron, you have to have the zaptel DRIVERS installed, even if you don't have the hardware
19:09.04[TK]D-FenderCompile ZAptel, then recompile *
19:09.16Drukenztdummy == Zap Tel Dummy
19:09.39hackeron[TK]D-Fender: ManxPower: oh? -- hmm, ok.
19:11.29fileDJ Doboy!
19:15.16*** join/#asterisk rva (n=Miranda@
19:15.37NDTis zttool realtime? Or only shows you status at the moment you run it?
19:16.00rvahi guys...does anyone know a reliable termination provider that offers unlimited call plans?
19:16.29peggerI am having issues with my iax2, I know it runs on udp 4569 but when i tcpdump udp all I get is ntp stuff no aix stuff, and I am even do iax2 reload and nothing shows up, what is going on, I am using    SVN-branch-1.2-r7709M
19:16.33wunderkinrva, heh.. no one
19:16.37mistrali though most places are unlimited (other than the fact they charge you)
19:16.42brad_msswrva: no, not 'unlimited'
19:16.53brad_msswrva: 'unlimited' is usually a scam anyhow
19:16.55kippi1whats the uk protocols for ISDN
19:16.58Drukentermination to where?
19:17.08rvaDruken:  brazil
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19:17.20Drukennewp, don't know of one
19:18.00rvathere is this that offers unlimited works...i used it
19:18.04rvabut it is not that reliable
19:18.10rvasometimes the calls are not finished
19:18.28hackeronManxPower: [TK]D-Fender: argh, I compiled it, but it says Invalid module format when I try to insmod :(
19:19.10[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : Hmmm, maybe someone else here could help you with that one.  It should work "out of the box" if you've got the std devel stuff
19:19.33hackeron[TK]D-Fender: well, its a kernel module, right?
19:19.45hackeronand I compiled 1.2.1
19:20.00*** join/#asterisk tsume (n=tsume@
19:20.34tsumeis there a way to have my users available in the calling pool automatically without loggin in? or a way to automatically have asterisk log certain users in on boot?
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19:24.32[TK]D-Fenderhackeron : yes, but it should compile and install by itself
19:25.02tsumewell nevermind. I'll just dial the phones from the server :)
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19:40.30azzieis there a way to debug DTMF events in * ?
19:41.06azzieon SIP channel
19:43.16xachenDoes anybdoy happen to knowof a consol player (so I can link it into Asterisk) that supports MMS?
19:43.49peggerwhat is a consol player?
19:43.58xachena CLI player rather :P
19:44.37xachenthx :)
19:50.13*** join/#asterisk asterisk99 (
19:50.41asterisk99anyone experience any sound problmes with IAXy (soft/hardphones)???
19:51.10Drukenhas anyone else gotten some god damn outgoing ivr based questionare about a presence in iraq?
19:51.28*** join/#asterisk chapeaurouge (n=chap@
19:55.13iCEBrkrxachen: what the heck ya trying to do now??
19:57.17asteriskmonkeyasterisk99: i have lots of experince with the iaxys
19:58.40asterisk99asteriskmonkey: kewl!!! I have a weird problem with VoiceMailMain().... the users hear <BEEP>-mail instead of "Comedian Mail"
19:59.02asterisk99asteriskmonkey: This happens no matter how much Wait() I put in
19:59.18xachenI'm trying to stream MMS into my *
19:59.22xachento play the local radio station
19:59.43*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
19:59.53Drukenuse a radio, line in and dsp :)
20:00.25Drukenbe nice to your damn radio station, save their bandwidth
20:00.40asteriskmonkeyasterisk99: your using asterisk@home arnt you!
20:00.56xachenproblem is
20:00.57*** join/#asterisk cool4ever2 (
20:00.58asterisk99asteriskmonkey: No - the full-bore *
20:01.01xachenPBX isn't in radio range :P
20:01.12xachenits only a few thousand miles from the tower
20:01.27Drukenthen it's not a LOCAL radio station :)
20:01.30asteriskmonkeyasterisk99: what version 1.2.1?
20:01.43xachenlol it is :)
20:01.45*** join/#asterisk twisty7867 (
20:01.49xachenits just its cheaper to colo my server out of Canada
20:01.51asteriskmonkeyasterisk99: stable or head?
20:02.04Drukenxachen: what radio station?
20:02.07asterisk99asteriskmonkey: CVS-v1-0-10/18/05
20:02.39xachenits local customers mainly
20:02.40Drukenasteriskmonkey: how sick? like your moms basement kinda sick?
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20:02.56asteriskmonkeylike 151 front street on the backbone sick :D
20:02.58Drukenwtf is waynefm... isn't that northbay?
20:03.13asteriskmonkeyasterisk99: this problem is recent since you moved from 1.0.9?
20:03.15xachenerm no :)
20:03.23xachenI live in Alberta
20:03.24asterisk99asteriskmonkey: 151 front is no small potatoes colo
20:03.26xachenif that wil answer all those questins
20:03.36xachen151 front is the premier colo centre in Canada
20:03.37Drukenoh.. alberta ways
20:03.47iCEBrkrxachen: You're wasting your time, CPU and bandwidth trying to do that.
20:03.52Druken151 is a pain in my ass :)
20:03.54asteriskmonkeyme < has 5 cages with 5 redundant connections and torix connection :)
20:03.58asterisk99asteriskmonkey: dunno - I never used 1.0.9
20:04.09xachenevil Nistor :p
20:04.12asteriskmonkeyhey now
20:04.20asteriskmonkeyhe works for rogers you know :P
20:04.24xachenyeah :(
20:04.37iCEBrkrDing, 3pm.. Nap time
20:04.38xachenI know Myles for the most part form 151 front
20:04.39xachenthats it
20:05.18shido6who works for rogers?
20:05.35asteriskmonkeynistor :P does nm
20:06.09*** join/#asterisk Ayano (
20:06.20asteriskmonkeyasterisk99: upgrade to head :D
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20:06.45AyanoI just got nvfaxdetect working and it is sending my faxes.  How do I change the formatting of the e-mail that it sends?
20:07.39*** join/#asterisk rob0 (
20:07.56asterisk99asteriskmonkey: Is that a known problem with IAXy?
20:08.23peggerwhy would I not see any udp packets comming out of my asterisk box when I do tcpdump udp???
20:09.07asteriskmonkeyasterisk99: only heard of it on some dody compiles of aah
20:09.32peggerjustinu, but I am running tcpdump on the box that asterisk is on shouldent I see udp packets at least trying to get out
20:09.33asterisk99asteriskmonkey: dody? aah?
20:09.42asteriskmonkeyasterisk99: upgrade to head and see if problem still persists if so let me know ill report it as a bug after some further testing
20:09.49asteriskmonkeyaah=asterisk at home
20:09.54justinupegger: i thoughtt hat tcpdump shows packets on the wire
20:10.31justinui'm not sure anymore tho
20:10.48justinuanyone care to commend?
20:11.06peggerjustinu, yes it shows ethernet packets on eth0 or what ever device you specify,  but I woudl think that I would see packets on their way to  my router
20:11.17peggeranyone elase have any idea
20:12.12*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
20:12.19justinupegger: what does iptables -L say?
20:12.34peggeronse sec let me log into the firewall
20:12.46asteriskmonkeyasterisk99: if you asterisk -vvvvvvr you should see what happens when you call your voicemail
20:13.21asterisk99asteriskmonkey: I looked ... no diff (no error msgs) between SIP and IAXy
20:14.01justinupegger: i mean on your * box
20:14.10asteriskmonkeyasterisk99: your not looking for error messages your looking for what happens.. does it go to vm and play a file etc..
20:14.25peggerjustinu, ther is no iptables on the actual box only on the router/firewall
20:15.15peggerjustinu, well there are iptables but they are not doing anything
20:15.17*** join/#asterisk P4C0 (n=ash@
20:15.23asterisk99asteriskmonkey:  I see it executing "VoiceMailMain ", but the prompts/ketstrokes are not in the CLI log
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20:15.36P4C0hello guys, where can I find the complete documentation about register command?? I can't find it in the wiki
20:15.42asteriskmonkeyasterisk99: do asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvr
20:15.53[av]baniasterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvr
20:15.57asteriskmonkeyyou wont see keystokes just numbers dialed and whats happening
20:16.00asteriskmonkeywhere does it stop
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20:16.11[av]baniit nevar stops
20:16.28peggerjustinu, any ideas?
20:16.47P4C0r or c?
20:17.06Drukenpfft, don't use -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv, go into the cli, and set verbose ##
20:17.23*** join/#asterisk Mrdigital-Work (
20:17.31Mrdigital-Workcan anyone recommend a 1 port pstn card?
20:17.34P4C0where can I find documentation about register command?
20:17.37Mrdigital-Workfor use  with asterisk
20:18.15Drukenx100p for a single analog pots line
20:18.33Mrdigital-Workx100p clone cards good?
20:18.42peggerP4C0, >
20:19.01*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
20:19.14asterisk99asteriskmonkey:  Hmmm... -- Executing VoiceMailMain("IAX2/IAXSOFT1@IAXSOFT1/4", "300@2") in new stack ... 2006-01-03 15:10:30 WARNING[19432]: file.c:550 ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame
20:19.15*** join/#asterisk J4k3 (i=j4k3@
20:19.24DrukenMrdigital-Work" well, since digium no longer makes the x100p, it's about your only option
20:19.51Mrdigital-Workthanks Druken
20:20.03P4C0pegger, thanks
20:20.04memici does
20:20.04Mrdigital-Workhow much did x100p retail?
20:20.46Drukenbout 99usd
20:20.52ravenpiPlug it into Froogle.  <$100
20:20.58P4C0pegger, nothing
20:21.11peggerP4C0, what?
20:21.17asteriskmonkeyasterisk99: looks like mangeled asterisk upgrade and recompile :)
20:21.33P4C0pegger, register command
20:22.08peggerthe whole orielly asterisk book in pdf version
20:22.20P4C0pegger, ok, thanks :D
20:23.47[TK]D-FenderSangoma voice T3! "Also in this product line is our T3/E3 cards, with full voice support coming in the first quarter of 06."
20:23.56*** join/#asterisk file (
20:24.40eKo1t3 cards...yummy
20:26.21asteriskmonkeywish digium would come out with a t3 card
20:26.29asteriskmonkeysangoma .. wanpipe all the way :D
20:26.29RoyKeKo1: wtf would you want a t3 card for?
20:26.52asteriskmonkeyfor when you run out of pci slots for pri, that and a single t3 is cheaper than a shit load of t1's
20:27.03RoyKif you _purchase_ an asterisk license, it's not meant to support > 4 PRI anyway
20:27.07eKo1what else? connect to the pstn and route calls
20:27.10RoyKor E1
20:27.30Drukends3 cards for asterisk ?
20:27.34Drukenewhh baby
20:27.39RoyKDruken: I beleive they exist
20:27.45RoyKDruken: but I wouldn't touch them
20:27.53mog_workno ds3 for asterisk today
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20:28.11Drukeni dunno if i'd trust a single server for an entire ds3....
20:28.13RoyKDruken: since more servers with 4 or 8 T1/E1 cards will be better, safer and possibly cheaper
20:28.16Drukenbut that's me
20:28.22RoyKmy point
20:28.36RoyKhow many T1s are there in a T3?
20:28.41peggerthe computer will just be overloaded with 8 t1 lines
20:28.42RoyKT3 == DS3, rite?
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20:29.10RoyK17 E1s in an E3
20:29.21RoyKmeaning 510 Bchans
20:29.25RoyKwithout ss7
20:29.31asteriskmonkeyt3 to ds3 is as t1 is to pri
20:29.59peggerwhat is the diffrence between isdn and idsn pri
20:30.05RoyKisdn is a lot
20:30.09eKo1you mean bri and pri
20:30.12Drukenwell, technically a t1 is a ds1
20:30.23RoyKisdn pri is US isdn over a T1, 42B+D
20:30.24Drukenand pri is the primary rate interface :)
20:30.39asteriskmonkeypri is a digital layer that sits ontop a t1 technically :P
20:30.39[av]banier... there are 30 T1s in a T3
20:30.42eKo1isdn pri can go over e1 too
20:30.59peggerso then what is the diffrence between isdn and t1
20:30.59RoyK[TK]D-Fender: ?
20:31.06eKo1t1 is a carrier system
20:31.14RoyKpegger: what's the difference between a sofa and an apple?
20:31.14eKo1isdn is a digital telephony standard
20:31.28peggerso t1 uses isdn
20:31.34DrukenRoyK: nothing... they can both be green or red
20:31.35P4C0is there a way to register into a sip provider without the register command?? they guys of my voip provider said that I don't need to register... but I don't know how to deal with that... does anyone know an example about this?
20:31.38RoyKyou can run isdn on top of a t1
20:31.39justinu28 DS1s on a DS3
20:31.40[av]banitelco people usually say T3 when they mean channelized, and DS3 when they mean unchannelized (eg atm)
20:31.40RoyKor an e1
20:31.43justinunot 30
20:31.48[TK]D-FenderRoyK : ?
20:32.15justinuT3 is actually referring to a physical standard, cables, connectors, etc.
20:32.19justinuDS3 is just the data rate
20:32.25[av]baniand framing...
20:32.56RoyKand colour
20:33.03[av]baniInterface ATM1/0 is up
20:33.03[av]baniHardware is ENHANCED ATM PA - DS3 (45000Kbps)
20:33.03[av]baniFramer is PMC PM7345 S/UNI-PDH, SAR is LSI ATMIZER II
20:33.03[av]baniFirmware rev: G153, Framer rev: 1, ATMIZER II rev: 3
20:33.16RoyKwhat colour?
20:33.30RoyKshould be red
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20:39.51paryli've had nothing but issues with agents and queues... i can't get autologoff or timeout to work correctly
20:40.13*** join/#asterisk rculp (n=rculp@
20:40.40rculpis anyone familiar with the directory function?
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20:41.18shido6looking for voicemail.conf?
20:41.45rculpwell, I got it successfully doing that
20:41.50rculpbut get an error
20:41.53rculpwhen it attempts to dial
20:42.00rculpI know I missed something simple
20:42.05rculplet me pastebin the error
20:42.07shido6to dial what...
20:42.44rculpthe extension they find via directory
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20:43.03rculpexten => 5,1,Directory(default,incoming,f)
20:43.09rculpis what I have in my extensions.conf
20:43.24rculpand I have all extensions under the internal context
20:43.32rculpwhich is included under incoming
20:43.55rculpso I think there is just one thing I'm missing
20:44.01rculplooking in the wiki
20:44.48*** join/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
20:45.12javarCan anybody help with the algorithm to extract the country and city from a call detail record?
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20:46.04Mrdigital-Work can this be used with analog phones and asterisk?
20:48.31[TK]D-FenderMrdigital-Work : If its unlocked, yes.  Pray they aren't mistaken about that and expect the price to go up.
20:49.06javarCan anybody help with the algorithm to extract the country and city from a call detail record?
20:49.40[TK]D-FenderMrdigital-Work, I'd suggest you just go and buy an SPA-2002 and be sure of it.
20:50.22[TK]D-FenderMrdigital-Work : Also note their terms "* Standard Flat Rate Shipping Service:  US $14.99 "
20:51.19*** join/#asterisk Tili (
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20:52.39asteriskmonkeyive got the linksys pap2 unlock hack
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20:52.55justinugive me an RTP300 unlock, and i'll be impressed
20:53.06asteriskmonkeyyes rewrites the pap2 bios so you can use it on any provider and asterisk
20:53.27asteriskmonkeyjustinu: give me an rtp300 and a couple weeks :)
20:53.36Mrdigital-Workcan you plug a splitter in the fxs adapter?
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20:53.53asteriskmonkeyMrdigital-Work sure but you still only get 1 channel
20:53.59Mrdigital-Work1 chanel?
20:54.20Mrdigital-Workyou cant call other phones
20:54.20asteriskmonkeywell if its an fxs port and you put a splitter on it its like splitting a single line phone
20:54.30JSinglehey, is there a way to use asterisk and an old modem with a phone to make voip calls?
20:54.38Mrdigital-Workthere was
20:54.47Mrdigital-Workthey removed it in 1.2
20:54.52asteriskmonkeyinfact certain old modems are used to make the x100p
20:55.11asteriskmonkeyreally gone in 1.2?
20:55.17Mrdigital-Workchanspy is out
20:55.24JSingleis there a tut that tells you how to do this
20:55.27Mrdigital-Workasteriskmonkey? make?
20:55.27asteriskmonkeymmm probably just have to fuss with if .c files and recompile em
20:56.03asteriskmonkeyMrdigital-Work: yes a few older modems had 2 specific chipsets which you could flash to show up as x100ps
20:56.13asteriskmonkeythere is a link on the voip wiki somewhere about that
20:56.16Mrdigital-Workdo you know the chipset?
20:56.24Mrdigital-Workcan i just get a FXS Card?
20:56.27JSingleno i dont
20:56.30asteriskmonkeycant remeber of hand searcht the voip wikick
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20:56.46asteriskmonkeyMrdigital-Work just use an iaxy thats a simple fxs
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20:57.18g__it's the ISP, not us.
20:57.56g__That's a good one.. I should go make kids or something.
20:58.12asteriskmonkeyg__ check if its transmitting in full duplex or half
20:58.43*** part/#asterisk Naturalblue (n=Kay@
20:58.46g__Again, it's the ISP: I think the line's being shared with someone else in the building.
20:58.50Mrdigital-Workthats the clones
20:59.13g__Actually, I *know* someone else in the building also has fibre..
20:59.23asteriskmonkeywell take it up with the isp :D
20:59.53[TK]D-FenderMrdigital-Work : If you wan FXS that'd be either a TDM400P or an external ATA.
21:00.08g__Good idea.  Am I still allowed to grumble on the channel?
21:00.27ast_freakg__: no.
21:00.46asteriskmonkeythe TDM400P you can load up with up to 4 daugther boards wither fxo/fxs or any combo there of
21:01.29g__ast_freak can be cruel when he's sober..
21:06.34*** part/#asterisk Splas (i=jwb@
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21:09.24[TK]D-FenderThough for the money (and functionality) Id much sooner suggest Sipura ATA's
21:09.36*** join/#asterisk Martz (n=martz@
21:10.22xhelioxAnyone have any advice on this issue... making a call, IAX2 to Zap, there seems to be an annoying hiss whenever the call connects to Zap. It's fine if I call Zap to Zap on the same box.
21:10.24xhelioxAny thoughts?
21:11.43Mrdigital-Workasteriskmonkey: can ihave the pap2 hack?
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21:15.57Mrdigital-Workcan i setup the phones to connect to a asterisk box over the internet/
21:16.19*** join/#asterisk rene- (n=rene-@
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21:17.30mcquaidhello, i haven't used asterisk yet, well i havent' even installed it yet but here's what i'm looking for
21:18.18mcquaidi have a voip provider which service quality is acceptable but they have a voicemail option that encodes the voicemail and then emails it to an acct
21:18.45rene-Hey all, i am doing some research about large profile asterisk installations, i ve gone tru both the wiki and the web pages but the names of the companies involved in the case studies are not very well known, does anyone know about large asterisk installations for high profile costumers and would like to talk about it?
21:19.05mcquaidhowever for whatever reason, there voicemail quailty is horrible so waht i want to do is record the voicemail locally and intercept the call before it goes to their vociemail server
21:19.06[hC]doh.. so, how do i solve this double ring problem? :P when i dial out my pri, i get ringing from asterisk, as well as ringing from the pri i think. I remember reading about this, but i forget the solution
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21:19.14[hC]something about telling asterisk not to send ringing?
21:19.39rene-you just have to take out the 'r' in your dial statement
21:19.41mcquaidso this is just for using with one sip acct, not managing a phone network or anything just for personal use on the one box
21:20.04mcquaidwould asterisk be appropriate for this? and what are the requirements of the voip client to interface with asterisk?
21:20.06*** part/#asterisk Chonlada (
21:20.39iCEBrkrmcquaid: asterisk would be overkill, but people like me do it anyhow :)
21:21.05mcquaidya i thought it would be overkill, but haven't found any other option for voicemail recording with voip
21:21.15mcquaidno client i know of anyways has built in voice recording
21:21.40mcquaidcan any voip/sip client interface with asterisk such as twinkle linphone?
21:22.01mcquaidand would asterisk run fine on the same box as the sip client?
21:22.20[TK]D-Fendermcquaid : X-Pro / eyeBeam does VM in its softphone.
21:22.21iCEBrkrmcquaid: sure
21:23.08mcquaid[TK]D-Fender, thx for the suggestions, i'll look into those clients, hopefully they'll run in wine
21:23.26iCEBrkrThere's always some one who can't just do things the normal way.
21:23.32mcquaidiCEBrkr, is this a daunting task to set up asterisk for one local client and just to record voicemail?
21:23.54mcquaid[TK]D-Fender, are both those free?
21:24.01iCEBrkrmcquaid: for what you described, it's entirely too much work for what you wanna do :)
21:24.35[TK]D-Fendermcquaid : NEITHER
21:24.36mcquaidheh, ya i thought it might but i might not have any other option
21:24.36iCEBrkrmcquaid: If you're hardcore about wanting to learn VoIP and do more than just voicemail... sure it'd be worth the hassle.
21:24.45mcquaidand besides, might be kinda fun
21:25.09mcquaidalso, i assume once it's set up i do neat things like customized greetings based on called id etc
21:26.39mcquaidok, so just to make sure this is possible, can any sip client work with asterisk? or are there special requirements of the sip client software?
21:27.23mcquaidmy favourite so far linux wise is twinklephone
21:28.08*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
21:28.15hardwireI should mirror voip-info
21:28.36iCEBrkrmcquaid: If it speaks SIP then it's highly likely to work with Asterisk.
21:28.47freestyle_networany conferencing gurus in the house?
21:31.05mcquaidiCEBrkr, thx, how resource hungry is asterisk in managing just one acct on the same box?
21:31.28iCEBrkrit's not
21:31.53mcquaidi guess i should get ready to start pulling my hair out and try and set this up ;)
21:31.58iCEBrkrI run it on my 1.3Ghz machine that is also my web, mail, teamspeak and mysql server
21:32.07iCEBrkrmcquaid: Just install it.. Don't be scared to try things.
21:32.30mcquaidok, but again this box is my desktop as well, thats why i asked
21:32.41iCEBrkrSo it's your desktop...
21:33.03iCEBrkrYou think this is some sort of bloated windows application?
21:33.42iCEBrkrI've been testing on a 700mhz AMD machine with 512megs of ram for the past 3 months... It works just fine-- even doing VoIP
21:35.04*** join/#asterisk CPC-BR (n=bdcfl@
21:35.19eKo1i have asterisk 1.0 and 1.2 running
21:35.27eKo1postgres 7.4 and 8.1 running
21:35.35eKo1apache 1.3 and 2 running
21:35.40eKo1all on my desktop machine
21:35.59iCEBrkrHey, how about you make it even MORE complex and install a few versions of MySQL
21:36.02eKo1it has 512 mb of ram
21:36.04Ayanodoes anyone know where I can change the from e-mail addresses on outgoing faxes?
21:36.16eKo1actually, i have mysql also
21:36.25*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
21:36.47lunkeKo1: if you aren't in KDE, you just aren't cool.
21:36.52iCEBrkreKo1: All that really sounds like the intelligent way to do things...
21:37.07eKo1no no no
21:37.16lunkwell you have to use that swap space!
21:37.23lunkall of it ;)
21:37.44CPC-BRhelo everyone, I have a problem to connect 2 * servers using SIP. The follow error is presented (== Everyone is busy/congested at this time)
21:37.55CPC-BRwho know how to solve this problem??
21:38.00*** join/#asterisk oej (
21:38.03eKo1well, someone is busy
21:38.08eKo1big deal
21:38.35eKo1i get that all that time when someone tries to place a call to a busy line
21:39.02*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=implicit@
21:39.05eKo1oh, you could also be getting it because the configuration is bad
21:39.24iCEBrkreKo1: That's pretty helpful
21:39.25eKo1like say the host= part in the sip.conf
21:39.35eKo1is wack
21:39.41*** part/#asterisk rene- (n=rene-@
21:39.43iCEBrkrThanks for stating the obvious :)
21:39.59eKo1yep, most problems have obvious solutions
21:40.04CPC-BRok but what could be bad??
21:40.27iCEBrkreKo1: I wouldn't say that... I'd say something like "Most problems have solutions that can be found on the Wiki"
21:41.47*** part/#asterisk rculp (n=rculp@
21:42.14Hmmhesaysanyone subscribed to the dev list got the playdialtone patch?
21:43.07CPC-BRdo u have the url?
21:43.17jbotextra, extra, read all about it, docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
21:43.56*** join/#asterisk _-_ (
21:44.49*** part/#asterisk SugarGuest604 (
21:45.26CPC-BRhey guys when have I to use "insecure"??
21:45.36*** join/#asterisk prh (n=paul@
21:45.47justinuwhen the peer doesn't feel like doing a proxy authentication
21:46.18CPC-BRcould u explain better??
21:46.23justinunot really
21:46.41CPC-BRor in a dif. way :)
21:46.42justinuit means that the other side doesn't feel like authenticating with *
21:46.58justinuso * just accepts its calls
21:47.55CPC-BRcould u see the entire error in pvt??
21:48.21CPC-BRI'm becomin crazy with this error n I need to solve it quickly :)
21:49.17*** join/#asterisk Gordo (
21:51.47CPC-BRwhat does the folowing error means?? create_addr: No such
21:52.26CPC-BRwhat does the folowing error means??
21:52.26CPC-BR"SIP/AsteriskA:AsteriskA@") in new stack
21:52.27CPC-BRDec 13 22:46:57 WARNING[8767]: chan_sip.c:1398 create_addr: No such
21:52.27CPC-BRDec 13 22:46:57 NOTICE[8767]: app_dial.c:759 dial_exec: Unable to
21:52.29CPC-BRcreate channel of type 'SIP'
21:52.31CPC-BR== Everyone is busy/congested at this time
21:54.34eKo1i knew it, it is a host= problem
21:54.53*** join/#asterisk CPC-BR (n=bdcfl@
22:00.00Mrdigital-Workwhat was eKo1
22:02.51[hC]I'm getting this double-ringing issue when dialing out my pri, yet i dont have the 'r' option passed tr dial.
22:03.01[hC]seems to only happen on particular types of sip phones, too...
22:04.08[hC]oh wait. maybe i do.
22:04.12*** join/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
22:04.45[hC]hmm. nope. only when dialing internal extensions.
22:04.45[hC]wtf mate.
22:04.46*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
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22:10.02CPC-BRis easy to link 2 * servers using SIP? and how to do that??
22:10.27*** join/#asterisk P4C0 (n=ash@
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22:12.12P4C0hello guys, is there a way to force asterisk to use an ip address as his address?? I'm inside a private lan, but my gateway is forwarding the ports to my private ip address, how can I give the public address to asterisk so he take it as his address? externip= dosen't seem to work
22:12.41Nuggetexternip is how you do that.
22:12.45*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
22:13.31trixterdid you *also* set localnet?
22:13.35CoaxDP4C0: You really shouldnt do that
22:13.35trixteryou need both
22:13.44P4C0Nugget, in the general context? (in sip.conf?) do I need to set localnet? or nat?
22:13.49P4C0CoaxD, why?
22:14.00CoaxDP4C0: If the address is NAT, give it the nat address. not the public
22:14.08CoaxDP4C0: it can cause arp problems.
22:14.42CoaxDP4C0: (The external interface knows about the external addresses. the internal interface knows about internal addresses.  You cant just ifconfig the public address internally.)
22:15.13P4C0CoaxD, so, how should I do it?
22:15.42CoaxDP4C0: You should A) put * outside the firewall, or B) ifconfig the private static address and blindly forward everything on the public to everything on the internal
22:16.04CoaxDP4C0: but that does kinda break the need for asterisk on the internal net anyway
22:16.07P4C0CoaxD, A is not an option (I only have 1 public ip address)
22:16.32CoaxDP4C0: Ahhhhh. i see. Well, option B is the way you'd do it
22:16.36P4C0CoaxD, I didn't get the option B...
22:16.40CoaxDP4C0: Uh
22:16.52CoaxDP4C0: You just cant ifconfig the external IP when plugged into the internal network, man
22:17.05*** join/#asterisk pablasso (
22:17.07CoaxDP4C0: You need to ifconfig the internal IP and portforward everything to it from the public - via your firewall
22:17.14pablassohi people
22:17.26P4C0CoaxD, what do you mean by ifconfig the internal ip ?
22:17.42pablassoany of you have used chanspy? or something else recommended to be able to record calls?
22:17.48Hmmhesaysnothing like manually patching stuff in
22:17.49CoaxDP4C0: You need to go back to tcp/ip school, man :)
22:17.51P4C0CoaxD, with my firewall I have port 5060 and 10000 to 10500 forwared to my private ip address
22:18.03CoaxDp4c0: Okay. well, thats not what you asked
22:18.10P4C0CoaxD, no, I just don't understand what you are trying to say
22:18.28CoaxDp4c0: Ahhh, I see exactly what you meant
22:18.32CoaxDp4c0: nat=yes
22:18.35CoaxDp4c0: That'll do it
22:18.40*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
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22:19.07P4C0CoaxD, ok, but then I have to put nat=yes and also externip and localnet? or only nat=yes?that in the general context right?
22:19.50pablassoor anyone knows if ChanSpy works on asterisk 1.2?
22:20.23P4C0CoaxD, ?
22:21.00CoaxDp4c0: I've never actually had to do anything other than nat=yes
22:21.08P4C0CoaxD, thanks
22:21.17*** join/#asterisk CPC-BR (n=bdcfl@
22:21.37CoaxDmake sure those things are set
22:21.40CoaxDand you should be all good
22:21.58CoaxD(thats in sip.conf)
22:22.19*** join/#asterisk swm__ (
22:22.34P4C0CoaxD, thanks
22:22.51ManxPowerexternip and localnet is only if ASTERISK is behind NAT
22:23.03[hC]you may need externip and localnet as well if asterisk is advertising itself as the internal IP
22:23.25swm__Wow a nice irc client ...
22:23.29[hC]therefore the remote clients are trying to answer to your internal address
22:23.42[hC]externip rewrites the ip in the SIP header so that they reply to the correct address
22:24.09*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
22:24.14ManxPowerpablasso, "show applications like monnitor" in the asterisk CLI
22:24.26[hC]So, anyone seen a double-ring issue going SIP->IAX->PRI when you DONT specify 'r' as an argument to Dial() ?
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22:25.31P4C0what does the qualify means?
22:25.46*** part/#asterisk Da-TimE-BoMB (
22:26.17[hC]qualify=yes means that it will check the latency of the peer, and if it exceeds a certain amount, mark it as unreachable
22:26.22[hC]I think the default is 2000 or something
22:26.35[hC]if you set qualify=500 for example, if it exceeded 500ms it would mark it as unreachable
22:26.48[hC]also, using sip show peers, it will show you the current ms latency, as opposed to saying 'Unmonitored'
22:27.17*** join/#asterisk calennert (
22:28.03P4C0[hC], thanks
22:30.14[hC]no problem.
22:33.12pablassoManxPower, i use monitor already, but since i want to record a call wich has already started, i think i need something like ChanSpy to be able to record it? or theres another way i could do that?
22:33.39distortion[hc] does qualify=yes use icmp?
22:33.52xhelioxdistortion: No.
22:34.09*** join/#asterisk asterboy (
22:35.01distortionso, ideally it should qualify the sip ip/port that a peer is registered on right?
22:35.05ManxPowerpablasso, no.  see features.conf.sample in the src/asterisk/configs/ directory
22:35.37[hC]distortion: it sends its qualifies via the sip ip/port the peer is connected on yes.
22:35.52ManxPowerdistortion, qualify=yes makes Asterisk send a SIP OPTIONS packet to the SIP device, the SIP device responds and asterisk measures the time it takes.
22:35.52Cyberchenis there someone out there who uses bristuff+AMP ?
22:36.14*** join/#asterisk seele_ (n=seele@
22:36.30pablassoMaxxPower, ill take a look at it, thank you
22:36.39seele_please help with gnugk
22:36.42distortionthx guys.
22:36.46P4C0ok, that was weird... I need help...
22:37.14seele_some channel for gnugk or oh323
22:37.36P4C0I just called my sip provider asking about one problem that i have with the re-register, and they just said ok, comment the registry line... I can accept calls and make them without registering... how is that possible!?
22:37.40ManxPowerseele_, The H323 channel driver included in asterisk-addons is not good for you.
22:37.59ManxPowerP4C0, it isn't once your IP address changes.
22:38.08[av]banichan_h323 is no good, yep
22:38.13[av]banineed oh323 :/
22:38.41P4C0ManxPower, sorry?
22:38.43*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
22:38.52seele_[av]bani, yes oh323 channel please
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22:40.35asterisk99anyone know how to turn ADSI signals to IAXy phones off??
22:40.51seele_ManxPower, yes I install it but i need some hep with the configuration
22:42.02asterboyWhat is the policy for jbot additions/corrections? Is it being administrated by ops only?
22:42.09justinuanyone can do it
22:42.21asterboywhat is the syntax?
22:42.31jbotjbot is, like, only marginally useful at best, or a silly little bugger
22:42.38*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
22:42.55justinujbot, asterboy is a guy who wants to figure out how to use you
22:42.57jbotjustinu: okay
22:43.02jbot[asterboy] a guy who wants to figure out how to use you
22:43.07*** join/#asterisk Muiz (
22:43.15Hmmhesaysanyone know what this changed to? pbx.c: In function `__ast_pbx_run':
22:43.15Hmmhesayspbx.c:2366: error: structure has no member named `writeinterrupt'
22:43.17*** part/#asterisk Muiz (
22:43.17asterboythanks! :P
22:43.29justinujob, no, asterboy is a guy who now knows how to use you
22:43.42justinujbot,  has there been any thing new on adding payloads to control frames in the past month or so?
22:43.50justinujbot, no, asterboy is a guy who now knows how to use you
22:43.52jbotjustinu: okay
22:43.57jbot[asterboy] a guy who now knows how to use you
22:44.06justinuhah, you get the idea
22:44.19*** join/#asterisk saitech (n=admin@
22:45.01justinuHmmhesays: sounds like a possible bug
22:45.03saitechcan anyone tell me, how to do call limiting for an agent/sippeer in a queue? It doesnt function with call-limit(incominglimit) in asterisk 1.2.1 but it did in asterisk 1.0.7
22:45.13justinuHmmhesays: what circumstances are you getting that in?
22:45.35*** part/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
22:46.31Hmmhesaysi'm assuming waitinterrupt changed to someting else, cause i patched 1.21 with an old patch that makes dialtone stop playing when the first digit is recieved
22:46.56justinuHmmhesays: oh, in that case... not sure what to tell you
22:47.00*** join/#asterisk ejr (
22:47.08justinumaybe one of the devlopers can help you
22:47.19justinuor post it on mantis ask for a new patch?
22:47.28Hmmhesays+if (c->writeinterrupt)
22:47.52Hmmhesaysthose are the lines that get patched into pbx.c ast_deactive_generator seems to be a valid function
22:48.05justinuyeah, obviously writeinterrupt is gone
22:48.19Hmmhesaysbut what did it get replaced with
22:48.26*** join/#asterisk thazza (
22:49.55saitechcan anyone tell me, how to do call limiting for an agent/sippeer in a queue? It doesnt function with call-limit(incominglimit) in asterisk 1.2.1 but it did in asterisk 1.0.7. Is it possible with GROUPCOUNT() ?
22:52.44*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
22:53.11Dr-Linuxfrom where can i edit/change the voicemail messages ?
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22:55.51distortionsaitech: try:
22:56.01Dr-Linuxfrom where can i edit/change the voicemail messages ?
22:56.08distortionthere are several options there, let me know if you get it to work
22:56.16*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=implicit@
22:56.26pablassoManxpower, i already saw the features.conf.sample but didnt saw anything useful on it to be able to record a call that is already bridged... or i misunderstood?
22:57.38wunderkinmanually record it, you are the one on the call?
22:57.46distortionDr: be more specific, voicemail greeting messages or actual voicemails?
22:58.36*** join/#asterisk roulduke_ (
22:58.43ejrHello all.  Quick question.   To get 1.2.1 from SVN.  Do I use the 'svn checkout asterisk-1.2' command?
22:59.17malverian[work]I have a reproducible crash with Asterisk-1.2.1 here
23:03.04*** join/#asterisk _cleric_ (
23:03.19justinumalverian[work]: what's going on?
23:04.01malverian[work]We have a buggy soft phone that causes the server to crash.. when trying to delete a non-existant scheduled event.
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23:04.56ManxPowerpablasso, it's not in 1.0, only in 1.2
23:05.12ManxPowerspecifically the one touch record.  It's also been discussed on the mailing list in the past 2 months
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23:06.36pablassoManxPower, thanks im gonna try with it
23:07.57[hC]malverian[work]: enter it on, it will get attention within an hour or two
23:08.14*** join/#asterisk fulco (
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23:09.30JSingleForeign Exchange Station And Foreign Exchange Office????
23:09.52justinui always thought it was foreign exchange subscriber, but ok :)
23:10.49*** part/#asterisk nesys (n=nesys@2001:1418:1a6:0:20d:93ff:fe28:3ef8)
23:11.06Dr-Linuxdistortion: actual message, like when press 9999 it says "password" i wanna change this password voice file? from where can i change it?
23:11.17JSingleOk, But If I Have A Modem In My Computer What One Is It Or CAn A Modem Do Both ?
23:12.33BeirdoLet's Capitalize Every Word...
23:12.38Beirdois this a song title?
23:12.42justinuDr-Linux: ls -l /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/vm*
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23:12.55Beirdoyour modem is a modem
23:13.13asterisk99Are there any Asterisk source code gurus here? :)
23:13.17Beirdoin very specific cases, some modems can be used as FXO interfaces
23:13.29Beirdobut not many of them, and it doesn't always work well
23:13.36JSingleyes but if i want to connect a phone for voip i heard i can do it with a modem?
23:13.55Dr-Linuxooo okey justinu thanks let me check
23:14.02justinusomething like that
23:16.00Dr-Linuxjustinu: i wanna change this message: when it says "password" after pressing 9999
23:16.00Dr-Linuxi want it like "please enter your password"
23:16.02Dr-Linuxso i can't find this "password" vm
23:16.02justinuyou see the file called vm-password.gsm?
23:16.09justinui bet you 20 bucks that's the prompt
23:16.39justinuls -l /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/vm-password.gsm
23:17.00Dr-Linuxits not there
23:17.10justinuthat's where it is on my box
23:17.34distortiondr: run "updatedb" then "locate vm-password"
23:17.56freestyle_networanyone know of any benefits to using a hardware timmer (xp100 lets say) versus ztdummy ?
23:18.54Dr-Linuxjustinu: thanks dude i just got it .. but all i need now .. to find "please enter your password" message :)
23:19.22justinuDr-Linux: yeah, you'll have to record it yourself, or find it somehow
23:19.28iDunnoor look in /usr/share/asterisk/sounds
23:19.41iDunnoand you can pay for it from "the voice" :)
23:19.52iDunnoit's linked from digiums site.
23:21.25*** join/#asterisk alephcom (
23:21.36Dr-Linuxjustinu: please-enter-your.gsm .. i don't know what it says
23:21.46justinuplay it
23:25.35malverian[work][hC], Double free == stack corruption == no backtrace
23:26.29*** join/#asterisk FuLg0r3 (
23:28.25justinumalverian[work]: which softphone is causing the trouble?
23:28.44jalsotdoes anybody use speex compiled with SSE? I'm getting segmentation fault
23:28.51jalsotprobably I'm doing something wrong...
23:29.04malverian[work]justinu, One we created inhouse.
23:29.10malverian[work]justinu, I can provide a binary however.
23:29.24malverian[work]justinu, It's for win32 only, but I'm able to reproduce the crash with wine.
23:29.51justinuif you're getting a crash on destroying call id, it must be trying to free a null pointer or something
23:30.33justinucan you paste the output from sip debug?
23:31.56*** join/#asterisk linlin (i=linlin@
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23:32.47[hC]does anyone have any ideas on solving double-ringing issues when the 'r' argument is NOT being passed to Dial()?
23:33.02*** join/#asterisk P4C0 (n=ash@
23:33.13justinuhc, could probably work that out also
23:33.44[hC]It seems to only happen when the calls go out the PRI.. as in, asterisk is generating ring, and so is the pri... strangely enough it only seems to happen on certain phones as well.
23:33.59[hC]I do.
23:34.04justinuwhat's the other side of the call?
23:34.14P4C0hello guys one question, if the person in one extension is talking with the outside world, and another person (inside) dial his/her extension it gets a busy tone, isn't it possible to pass the call? so the person can put on hold the outside call and pickup the inside call then unhold the outside call??
23:34.19[hC]SIP -> IAX -> PSTN PRI
23:34.40NewSoleno [hc] this is a possible investor that came to us
23:34.41justinuSIP -> * -> IAX -> * -> PRI?
23:34.49[hC]P4C0: if the phone you are dialing supports call waiting, yes.
23:34.54[hC]justinu yep.
23:35.09P4C0[hC], so it's a client stuff not asterisk?
23:35.16justinuhmm... IAX is certainly not my strong point
23:35.18[hC]P4C0: you can do it even if it doesnt, i suppose.
23:35.27[hC]i dont think its iax.
23:35.50[hC]Its either that under certain circumstances, * doesnt see proper call progress,
23:35.51P4C0it supposed to support it, but I'm not sure if maybe i did something to prevent it...
23:35.54justinucall comes in on PRI, and you forward to SIP phone, causing double ring?
23:35.57[hC]or i simply have to turn off ringing on the PRI
23:36.03[hC]no, dial out from SIP phone to PRI
23:36.29[hC]I should check, its possible that it happens on every call, not just pri calls... but i dont think so.
23:36.30De_Monin sip.conf if no username is defined is the [section heading] used instead?
23:36.33justinuhow about an iax2 debug trace of the outbound call?
23:36.41[hC]De_Mon: yes.
23:37.06[hC]justinu: I could probably grab one of those. have to do it tomorrow though unfortunately
23:37.09De_Mon[hC] if their different, I should be able to register with the username right...?
23:37.29[hC]De_Mon: the username= takes precedence i believe, yes.
23:37.49justinuhC, when you say turn ringing off on the pri, what do you mean?
23:38.03[hC]justinu: make the PRI not generate ringing tones when you place a call over it.
23:38.09[hC]in zaptel, or something.
23:38.19[hC]not even sure if thats viable.
23:38.25[hC]just a thought.
23:38.31justinuIME, the far end CO always provides ringback tone on all outbound calls
23:38.42justinuso perhaps you can turn off the ring generator in *?
23:38.46slappingtdoes anyone have a sipura 3000 connected to several copper wire phones?
23:39.01[hC]well, its supposed to determine if it needs ringing on its own, unless you specify 'r' to force it
23:39.06|omni|only double ring out the Zap channel and not in?
23:39.11[hC]which leads me to believe the progress detection is not working
23:39.25justinuhC: i know a thing or two about pri (q931)
23:39.31[hC]|omni|: I presume, my inbound calls get answered before i even hear a ring
23:39.38justinuso theoretically with the right info, it's solvable
23:39.41|omni|oh, asterisk is answering
23:40.17[hC]It doesnt seem to happen on my 7960, yet it does on my linksys spa-941
23:40.17|omni|bounce to an internal (not zap) extension for a minute and see if you get the same
23:40.28De_Mon[hC] as far as I can tell [section name] takes president on v1.2.1
23:40.35[hC]|omni|: you mean dial a locally connected extension?
23:40.45[hC]sip -> sip
23:41.01jalsotanybody experiencing asterisk crash on loading speex compiled with SSE?
23:41.03[hC]that does not generate double-ring, no. even when i dial another server via IAX
23:41.07|omni|yea, bouce one if your incoming Zap channels to one of your internal extensions on the bad phone and see if you get double ring
23:41.19[hC]ah i see.
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23:41.23[hC]I could try that
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23:41.43[hC]If i do get double ring, what does that indicate?
23:41.55[hC]I wont be able to test it from where i am at the moment :/
23:41.59justinuit says that both * and the far end CO are generating ring tone on the same channel
23:42.03|omni|not possible that it's the ringtone on the phone?
23:42.17*** join/#asterisk J4k3_ (i=j4k3@
23:42.20asterisk99Are there any Asterisk source code gurus here? :)
23:42.37[hC]|omni|: its quite possible, i suppose, if the phone generates its own ring. Strange though that it doesnt happen on sip->*->sip calls, just anything that terminates on pri
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23:42.51|omni|I know I can set two separate tones on two different 7960s and get a similar result, when asterisk is only ringing once
23:43.13|omni|ya..weird..   just ideas
23:47.22`lymecan asterisk anwser calls from a direct line (no dail tone, you pickup and it just dails straight out to the other party) as well as initialize connections on this same line
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23:49.27ejrHi all.  I just updated to 1.2, and I'm seeing some strange behaviour!  I'm getting an intermittent "runaway asterisk process".  When this happens I see the processor and memory consumption max out.
23:50.02ejrI just saw it when a IAX call was leaving a voicemail message.....
23:50.15*** part/#asterisk twisty7867 (
23:50.27AyanoOkay, I have the incoming fax working, and I'm trying to change the from address on the e-mail that it sends, does anyone know how?
23:54.55*** join/#asterisk Pegger (
23:58.17mishehuAyano: depends on what you're using to receive the fax.  I use a custom php script, and we just pass the script the email address...
23:58.35Peggerwhen I restart asterisk should I see upd traffic going across the wire
23:58.49*** join/#asterisk jhelm (
23:59.11ravenpiYou can change the sender's e-mail address a bunch of ways, depending on how you're sending the mail.  With Exim, for example, you can use (as root or the exim user) the "-f" flag to set the sender.  Or you can write a script.  Etc.
23:59.21jhelmi was wondering if someone could help me with a problem with my uniden uip200's
23:59.27justinupegger: what happens when you say "iax2 debug" at the CLI?
23:59.35jhelmthey are registering with the asterisk server, but are not able to call anything

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