irclog2html for #asterisk on 20060101

00:00.04Qwell[]with eth0?  heh
00:00.16Strom_Ceth0 goes to 217
00:00.26Qwell[]Does eth1 work with the soundcard in?
00:00.56Strom_Ci thnk so
00:00.59Qwell[]erm, nm
00:01.15Qwell[]yeah, dunno...there shouldn't be any conflicts there
00:02.29Qwell[]tried swapping ports when the soundcard is in?
00:02.42Strom_C...the T1 card will only fit into one PCI slot
00:02.56gnosysDID: Direct Inward Dial?  Is that for when I want to have a phone number get routed to my Asterisk server via the Internet?
00:02.59Qwell[]tried moving the soundcard around?
00:03.24[TK]D-Fendergnosys : Or from a digital PSTN link like PRI
00:03.40Strom_CI could try swapping the sound card and the SCSI card, but the SCSI card has a cable on it that might not like that
00:03.52Qwell[]Strom_C: worth a shot.  pci is silly
00:04.10[TK]D-FenderDID is a phone number that targets a digital trunk.  ITSP's use them and route your calls in a simlar fashion.
00:04.25gnosysok.  Thanks, [TK]D-Fender.  Did you get my earlier private message about your comment on my sip.cfg?
00:04.45[TK]D-Fendergnosys : Yeah, still not luck?  Did you try changing the ring in the alert line?
00:04.57[TK]D-Fender<INTERNAL"Internal" se.rt.5.type="ring" se.rt.5.ringer="7" se.rt.5.callWait="6" se.rt.5.mod="1"/>
00:05.01gnosysFrom INTERNAL to Internal?
00:05.08[TK]D-FenderAnd that too.
00:05.08gnosysya.  I had already tried that...
00:05.20[TK]D-Fenderchange the combo and test it (after rebooting the phone of course)
00:05.27[TK]D-FenderAnd changed the ringer #?
00:05.45gnosysringer #... is that the se.rt.5.type=
00:05.54gnosysor .ringer
00:06.16gnosyswhat do you mean when you say "combo"  all of those settings?
00:06.28[TK]D-Fenderboth settings, the extensions, and the SIP.cfg tweak.
00:06.39[TK]D-Fenderpastebin that portion of your dialplan.
00:08.32[TK]D-Fendergnosys : What * ver?
00:09.08[TK]D-FenderSetvar is depreciated and there is a new function for setting SIP headers
00:09.59gnosysI fiddled with the .ringer setting (changed it from 2 to 7 for the Internal one), and the voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.value= (from Internal to INTERNAL and some others).  Nothing worked.  What does your sip.cfg look like?
00:10.15Qwell[]Setvar never had a value to begin with, so it can't have been depreciated
00:10.23gnosysWhat's the new func?
00:10.43gnosysStrange, because it worked for changing the ring pattern with the Cisco 79XX
00:10.56gnosysmaybe it's buggy?
00:11.15gnosysI pulled that off the wiki
00:11.25[TK]D-FenderAnd its "Set()" now
00:11.47Qwell[]Use the function :p
00:11.59gnosysare these function names case-sensitive?
00:12.12[TK]D-Fendergnosys : I never tried any of that stuff personally...
00:12.13Qwell[]function names are - applications aren't
00:12.41*** join/#asterisk thazza (
00:12.49gnosys[TK]D-Fender: you never tried getting distinctive rings to work with polycom?
00:14.15gnosysI know ManxPower has done it, but he says he doesn't recall how and doesn't have the time to spend looking through his config files.  Anybody else here got distinctive rings working with polycom phones?
00:14.31Qwell[]gnosys: probably SetSIPHeader, or whatever it is
00:14.35Strom_Cok, here goes with the SCSI and sound cards switched
00:14.37Qwell[]show applications like header
00:15.33Qwell[]that's the one
00:15.52gnosysI'll try that.  Thanks, Qwell[]
00:16.03*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
00:17.37gnosysCould I get some feedback on broadband VoIP providers like VoicePulse?  I use IAX2 with VoicePulse Connect! for outbound calls right now and am reasonably happy with them thus far (after a week of use), and am now considering renting a number for DID.  Just curious about the general satisfaction amongst users here with your providers, especially for DID.
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00:18.43Strom_Cwell, ok, now the spans all show green but i've got the audio problem on span 2 again.
00:19.11Qwell[]meh, a server doesn't need a soundcard anyways.
00:19.21Strom_Cthis one does - they have a paging system I need to hook into the PBX
00:19.38justinuwould he have these problems with a sangoma card?
00:19.58Strom_Cif I bought a sangoma card, mark spencer would no longer be my friend.
00:20.04Strom_Cso there goes that option :)
00:20.19tzangerwhat will the sangoma card give you the digium won't?
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00:20.31justinumaybe it would work right... i dunno
00:20.41tzangerdigium cards work just fine
00:20.42Qwell[]tzanger: a very large debit?
00:20.44IOscannerwell I have everything setup.  I would guess nat=yes doesn't work if the box is nat'ed
00:21.00tzangerthey are a little finickier on some systems, this is true, but the sangoma cards aren't perfect either
00:21.06tzangerI have both, and Mark's still my friend :-)
00:21.07Qwell[]IOscanner: well, it still needs the ports forwarded and the like
00:21.20justinui don't know mark, so I bought a sangoma
00:21.25Qwell[]justinu: :p
00:21.45IOscannerI have ports port forwarded from on the remote side
00:22.04IOscannerI will double check the local side
00:22.58asterboyanyone celebrating new year yet?
00:23.10*** join/#asterisk trixter (n=trixter@
00:23.12tzangerit's 7:20 here
00:23.16IOscannerstarted to get my drink on
00:23.18IOscanner6:23 here
00:23.23tzangerand I'm actually very tired, I am likely just going to sleep :-)
00:23.33tzangerI didn't know mark when I bought digium, justinu :-)
00:24.01justinuanyways, I haven't heard anyone complain about sangoma yet
00:24.02asterboyfollow the white rabbit
00:24.18Qwell[]heh, I heard a rant or two about Sangoma at Astricon
00:24.36justinui missed it
00:24.40tzangeranyway as I said both manufactuerers have decent cards that are very comparable
00:24.56RidgebackI;m going to make all my voip phones rng at midnight :)
00:24.57tzangerdigium's x100p and the early tdm cards had flaws
00:25.14tzangerI've never had problems with their T1 cards (T100P, TE410, TE405/6)
00:25.31Strom_Cmy TDM400P has been rock-solid
00:27.59IOscanneris there not a way to nat a single line on a cisco 7960 instead of all lines?
00:28.22justinuthe sipura's can do that :P
00:32.15*** join/#asterisk brockj49464 (n=brockj49@
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00:37.30gnosysAnybody here use DVIG?
00:38.04brockj49464Anybody know anything about zingotel or telasip?
00:38.15gnosysany favorites for VoIP providers, especially for DID?
00:40.35justinulevel3 :P
00:43.20Strom_Chm span 2 is just down permanently.  fails loopback and everything :/
00:44.00Strom_CRMA is a beautiful thing
00:44.09justinuput a piece of tape over span 2
00:44.10justinu"do not use"
00:44.16Strom_Cno, i'm going to RMA it
00:44.23Strom_Cpiece of tape my ass
00:44.28justinucouldn't afford the downtime to replace it
00:44.41Strom_CI can replace it when everyone's gone home for the evening
00:45.15justinui'm just lazy, i guess
00:46.35Strom_Clazy == bad
00:46.55justinulazy means things work without human intervention
00:50.40iDunnohappy new year, people :)
00:51.15*** join/#asterisk trixter (n=trixter@
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00:52.48xhelioxcrowd of doom?
00:54.44warthoganyone here have a working example of telnet connection to asterisk manager?   I can get it working manually with action: originate but when I try and use net::telnet I can only get it to logon, logoff to manager but the originate command gets ignored for unknown reasons at this point.
00:55.18Qwell[]whoever picked Dallas for Astricon 2006...good job, again. ;]
00:57.05iDunnoxheliox: that's the US, isn't it? a crowd of dooooom? ;)
00:57.55Fubsterwhen i start asterisk, i'm getting this error: WARNING[21231]: res_musiconhold.c:833 moh_register: Unable to open pseudo channel for timing...  Sound may be choppy.
00:58.26Fubsterthis never happened before i replaced the mohmp3s
00:58.40Fubsterwhat exactly does it mean, and how can i correct it?
00:58.41Strom_Care the new ones at the same bitrate as the old ones?
00:59.05*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
00:59.07Fubsterprobably not.. they're from my music collection
00:59.17justinuiDunno: it's raining here too
01:00.06drraywhy can't they do astricon in vegas?
01:00.20Qwell[]drray: petition them :p
01:00.44drrayno, it's retarded to do them in terrible places
01:01.02Qwell[]Dallas is a good place.  So was Anaheim
01:01.39drrayDallas is a shithole
01:02.39justinulol, agreed
01:03.20drrayand Anaheim is basically Dallas in LA
01:03.43Qwell[]Anaheim had a great dive bar, right up the street from the hotel. :p
01:04.29xhelioxThat's always critical.
01:04.33MikeJ[Laptop]what year is it?
01:04.40Qwell[]MikeJ[Laptop]: Where are you?
01:04.52MikeJ[Laptop]in my living room, next to the fire
01:04.57Qwell[]Which is located where?
01:05.02trixterin his house
01:05.04MikeJ[Laptop]on nadine
01:05.10xhelioxOn a street.
01:05.11Qwell[]in which neighborhood?
01:05.13xhelioxIn a neighborhood.
01:05.14MikeJ[Laptop]yeah.. what he said ^^^^
01:05.25*** join/#asterisk himalrana (n=himal@
01:05.29xhelioxWith other houses and people in the area.
01:05.33xhelioxProbably with a mailbox.
01:05.41trixterhe isnt here then
01:05.42MikeJ[Laptop]yes.. we have one of those...
01:05.43Qwell[]ahh, okay, I know the area
01:05.45Qwell[]it's 2005 there
01:05.48justinuit's 2005 here
01:05.51trixterno mailboxes (they dont deliver here) and not really other people
01:05.56xhelioxIt's 2005 anywhere that actually matters. ;)
01:06.05xhelioxAnd South America.
01:06.07thazzaIts truely 2007
01:06.20MikeJ[Laptop]what about you alaws... what year is it?
01:06.33Qwell[]silly new laws taking effect tonight
01:06.41Qwell[]kids need permission to get piercings.  heh
01:07.04xhelioxAww damn, that's going to put my part time piercing right out of business. :-/
01:07.06*** join/#asterisk J4k3 (i=j4k3@
01:07.07drrayI'm too old, I don't get piercings
01:07.44Fubsterso, do i have to change the bitrate to get my mohmp3s working? if so, what do i need to change it to? the voip-wiki makes a very vague reference to a format that may or may not cause a segmentation fault (?)...
01:07.46xhelioxYou don't need to be young to get piercings. Just cool. :)
01:07.55NuggetI see kids walking down the street with their face stapled shut, griping that they can't find a good job, and I just shake my head.
01:08.03drraythere is nothing cool about piercings
01:08.17Qwell[]drray: it is if you use stainless steel, and put it in the freezer
01:08.34NewSoledrray> it make a good holder to put leash on
01:08.36justinudrray: i'm with you
01:08.38drraynugget - I want to be different just like everyone else
01:09.09drrayI feel bad a bit, because I won't date women with piercings or tattoos
01:09.18drraywhich thins the herd a bit
01:09.20NewSolejust hook the dog leash to thier nose ring
01:09.42xhelioxdrray: Yeah, I'm sure that's what keeps you apart from the ladies. :)
01:09.48justinudrray: no tramp stamps?
01:09.56drrayno tramp stamps
01:09.58tzangertramp stamps?
01:10.01drrayno fat chicks
01:10.10justinutramp stamp is a tatoo above the ass
01:10.15drraynot that there is anything wrong with that
01:10.23justinuwhat if she has a tramp stamp, but you don't find out until you get her clothes off
01:10.25tzangermy ex wife has one of those
01:10.31drrayI'm just not fishing from that pier anymore
01:10.45justinutzanger: i can't believe you never heard that then
01:10.45NewSoleand ones below the ass is FDA Meat Aproval
01:10.48tzangerjustinu: nope
01:10.53tzangerit never did anything for me
01:11.11tzangerNewSole: hahahahah
01:11.15Fubsterbah, i'll deal with it some other time
01:11.17drrayit's like spray painting marble to me
01:11.28tzangerspray painting a marble?
01:11.40NewSole100% whore beef
01:11.52Fubstermarble, as in the very high quality stone that looks better unpainted
01:11.53justinui wouldn't walk out on a chick because of it, but I'd certainly never call her
01:12.20tzangerI've never seen a tattoo below the ass
01:12.29NewSoleInspected by Agent #12
01:12.32drrayI dated a girl who had her knee all marked up
01:12.33justinui've seen them on the ankles
01:12.36justinuthat's below the ass
01:12.39Fubsterbut i have to say, if someone had "100% USDA PRIME" stamped on their ass...
01:12.41Fubsteri'd call.
01:12.56tzangeryes on the ankles... I had a friend who had a rainbow trout (very small) on her ankle back in high school
01:12.58brockj49464Anyone make the MOH play thru a telephone and then generate a "normal" ring when a call comes in?  (think speakerphone for background music)
01:12.59Fubsterjust so i could get the picture, for no other reason
01:12.59tzangershe was pretty cool though
01:13.07*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
01:13.10drrayI'm not saying it's stupid, it just does nothing for me
01:13.17justinuit's stupid
01:13.36justinusimply because I don't like it :P
01:13.40tzangeryeah I would have to say that if someone had a tattoo of "100% USDA PRIME" on their ass I'd like ot get to know them
01:13.55NewSolepersonly I dont mind that law where kids have to get permision to get peirced
01:14.04tzangerme either
01:14.10Nugget  <-- tramp stamp
01:14.22drrayI think the only people who mind are underage (or the peircing pagoda owner)
01:14.23NewSolefriend of mine rund a pericing studio
01:14.25justinuwhat's fucked up is it has to be a law
01:14.45drrayyou'd think murder wouldn't have to be against the law
01:14.49drraywe have to have lawas
01:14.53NewSoleand he had 2 kids younger then 14 wanted to get cock rings
01:14.55iDunnois it?!
01:15.03iDunno14 kids?!
01:15.08drraycock rings
01:15.14NewSole14 years old
01:15.32Sedoroxprobably watching too manhy porn
01:15.33iDunno2 kids, 14, that wanted cock rings?! INSANITY!
01:15.36tzangerI'm sending that to my ex
01:15.39drraywe circumcise little boys because they can't keep foreskins clean, how are you going to keep metal clean?
01:16.02justinuSedorox: that's exactly what it is
01:16.15*** join/#asterisk mrdigital (
01:16.21Sedoroxbut still... owe....
01:16.27mrdigitalcan anyone recommend a good Asterisk GUI
01:16.32Sedoroxfor both getting it done.. and doing anything with it afterwards....
01:16.47*** join/#asterisk |omni| (
01:17.03|omni| asterisk chan
01:17.09tzangeractually no
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01:17.14tzangerwe're discussing tramp stamps and cock rings
01:17.18tzangernot necessarily on the same body
01:17.19drrayno asterisk spoken here
01:17.22NewSoleat that age all they really want ti for is an excuse to play with it
01:17.23|omni|awesome there too
01:17.27*** part/#asterisk mhnoyes_ (
01:17.30drraywe are being prudes
01:17.33drraywell, I am
01:17.38tzangerI never needed a reason to play with my cock
01:17.54|omni|just finished setting up a real estate office with 1.2.1 and a bunch of Cisco 7960s running chan_sccp2
01:17.55NewSoleteacher... may i please be excused.... my cock ring is stuck in my zipper
01:17.57|omni|working pretty well
01:18.28iDunnotzanger: you've watched "there's something about mary" recently, then ;)
01:18.41tzangeriDunno: no but I have to watch it now
01:18.48tzangerI watched the big lebowski last night
01:18.57tzangermy MSN says "and... I'd like my undies back please!"
01:19.05justinuthat movie rules
01:19.15tzangeryes it rocks
01:19.17justinubig lebowski, that is
01:19.21|omni|services browser on the 79xx phones is pretty cool
01:19.25tzangerit's soooooooooo funny
01:19.34justinumuch better than something about mary, imho
01:19.42tzangerbut I knew a real life mary
01:19.50justinui need to go watch that now, it's been a while
01:19.52tzangersat in front of me in algebra
01:20.11tzangershe spun around once and said "We should just run off and get married" -- if I'd have had one ounce of sense in my fucking head I'd have grabbed her hand and left
01:20.28drraylike the first guy who married britany spears
01:20.50tzangerabout 6 years after we graduated I called her up out of the blue and when she said hello the first thing I said was "Do you still want to run off and get married?"
01:20.59tzangerabout 3 or 4 seconds of silence and then "...andrew??"
01:21.15drraynow she weighs 300 pounds
01:21.16*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
01:21.21tzangerwe met up that night and while we didn't go get married she did get me to smoke a half pack of cigarettes
01:21.25tzangerhaha no she is still amazing
01:21.30harryvvtzanger hehe
01:21.33tzangershe has the same kind of voice that shania twain has
01:21.52tzangerThe thing I love about her voice is that you can hear her smile ... it sounds weird but it's awesome
01:21.54harryvvIs she a singer?
01:22.09tzangerjustinu: hahaha no no I'm not pining for her, she's just cool
01:22.19justinuyou fooled me
01:22.26harryvvHas tried to sing anything when she was around you?
01:22.59tzangerI've got someone who's convinced me that getting married isn't a fool's errand
01:23.06tzangerharryvv: she's sung around me yes
01:23.19justinui'm engaged
01:23.25justinumarried in april
01:23.32tzangerwow congrats :-)
01:23.34drrayjustinu - don't do it
01:23.40harryvvjustinu, found any issues yet between you and the wife?
01:23.46harryvvor future wife?
01:23.53drrayfuture ex wife
01:23.57justinuthe day we get married will be the 6th anniversary
01:23.59tzangerooh don't say that man
01:24.01harryvvyea no kidding
01:24.02tzangerthat's just too dark
01:24.06justinui've lived with her for 5 years
01:24.32harryvvme and my wife have some issues. But not going to get into it to much.
01:24.46justinuso far, she's been great
01:24.48iDunnotoo much, surely? ;)
01:24.54justinulets me be me
01:24.58harryvvas long as both of you have things in common
01:24.59iDunnojustinu: harryvv's wife?!
01:25.01justinulol yes
01:25.04NewSolewhat is the def of a Bachelor
01:25.07warthogafter you get married you findout what she pretended to like to get your attention.
01:25.12harryvvyes idunno my wife
01:25.13tzangerNewSole: dunno
01:25.38drrayWomen are like houses, cars and speedboats.. you are better off renting than buying
01:25.40warthogfunny enough, the pretending wears off....
01:25.42NewSoleBachelor = some poor slob who is cheating some woman out of alimony
01:25.49tzangerNewSole: hahaha
01:26.09justinuyou're better off renting that buying a house?
01:26.15justinui'm not taking your advice, man
01:26.20iDunnoNewSole: heh - and there was me thinking "Batchelor" meant some poor bastard that wasn't getting any, and was trying to get some...
01:26.33drrayI think you are far better renting than buying a house
01:26.43justinunot if you buy cheap
01:26.51harryvvdivorse = a woman who gets everything from the husband because the judge says so. I know of some sobering statistics as a result.
01:26.52justinumy housing costs are nothing now, compared to renting
01:26.53tzangernot if you buy at all
01:26.57drrayI bought my condo interest only for that reason
01:27.03justinuyou're crazy
01:27.14justinuremind me never to lend you money
01:27.20tzangeryou just piss your money away renting
01:27.41justinuif you buy at the top of the market, and can't stay in for 7+ years, you're an idiot
01:27.52drrayrenting is a fixed cost, you have to pay rent.. the money you waste is money you tie up in equity that earns zero percent
01:27.55tzangerwell yes, but that's common fucking sense
01:28.01justinunot for most people
01:28.07warthogjustinu, how much of the interest can you wright off with the tax man?
01:28.07justinuor else everyone would have houses
01:28.12tzangerI'm actually downsizing houses
01:28.14justinuwarthot: 100%
01:28.24warthogcool, not such a bad idea
01:28.34tzangerselling 1/2ac+house+barn and moving into a smaller house in the city
01:28.35drrayand interest only gives you a better tax break
01:28.36justinumy taxes would be insane if i didn't have a house
01:29.04justinui dunno, i'm sitting on property that's worth a lot more than I owe on it
01:29.06warthogjustinu, you are smart doing that, free rent.
01:29.11justinuso my situation is different than most, i guess
01:29.22drrayyou make money on a house by appreciation not how much of your money you have into it
01:29.35justinuit did appreciate
01:29.37justinua lot
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01:29.48drraythat's where you make money, not on equity payments
01:29.52warthogjustinu, can you write off all of the intrest even if it is an investment house?
01:29.55justinui plan on keeping the house
01:30.04justinuwarthog: not sure about that
01:30.11warthogwhere do you live?
01:30.38justinuprices tripled in 6 years
01:31.11warthogI have read about people who have over 30 houses on interest only loans and turn them over for capital gains only, as long as their income tax burden can support all the intrest
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01:31.32justinuyou could theoretically do it
01:31.44justinubut i think about longer term investments
01:31.45drraywhat kills you is the tax payment
01:31.46tzangerI need to figure out how to buy a house on a pittance
01:31.56drraytzanger - great credit
01:32.00justinutzanger: it can be done, as long as you can make your payments
01:32.06mrdigitalcan anyone figure out how to install voiceone?
01:32.08filetzanger: I did *not* steal your undies ... honest
01:32.10justinuthey have zero down loands and stuff
01:32.21warthogfyi, if anyone is interested, I have developed a high priority message vm app that calls your pager for alerts over the last 3 days.
01:32.22drrayafter you hit 680 you can get a NINA loan
01:32.29drrayno income no asset verfication loans
01:32.38justinuat what rate?
01:32.40tzangerdrray: no no, I'm trying to incorporate to keep my personal income low
01:33.01tzangerand since it's a new corp it is doubtfulI can buy the house through the corp
01:33.10drraytzanger - has a great section about credit
01:33.21drrayand business credit too
01:33.47MooingLemurI missed out on getting a house here in Phoenix at the really good time.
01:34.16MooingLemurbut at least now I have one.  $1600+ payment is quite a chunk though.
01:34.34warthogi am moving to sydney in 1 month, going to have to buy a house soon, prices are pretty high
01:34.34drrayartofcredit has a post on how to build up business credit
01:34.52justinuthat's like a 2 bedroom rent around here
01:34.54MooingLemurSydney's ridiculous.  Brisbane is too now so I hear.
01:35.06warthogdoubled in the last 3 years.
01:35.22MooingLemurPhoenix more than doubled in the last 3.
01:35.28tzangerywah but that won't last forever
01:35.35|omni|anyone know if there is a way to have asterisk return the IP address of registered SCCP devices? sccp show devices doesn't list the IP
01:35.37justinui'd never live in the desert
01:35.38tzangerI was originally going to sell and rent for a few years for the bubble to pop
01:35.50MooingLemurI love it here.  It was 70 degrees today :)
01:35.59warthogsame here!
01:36.02justinuit's great in december, but summer sucks
01:36.14drrayI was in tempe in 2000-June and like to have died
01:36.32MooingLemurBetter than California prices, and better than cold winters.
01:36.33warthoggotta live by the coast, need to surf!
01:36.36drrayall the people were like, you should come back in august when it is hot
01:36.44justinui was in singapore last february, and it was like an oven
01:36.59warthogdry or humid hot
01:37.08macTijnnewyear here :)
01:37.09justinuhumid, and strong equatorial sun
01:37.15MooingLemurYou really do get used to it.  And you just go from your A/C'ed house to car to office and back.
01:37.17justinunever been in a place that hot
01:37.26drrayI grew up in Texas and I'll never be able to move back after 10 years in seattle.. it's just too hot and humid there
01:37.30justinuMooingLemur: i don't want to live that way
01:37.52warthogit taked about 3 weeks to get used to the 110% humid and hot, as soon as it is ready to go away!
01:37.55justinui love hong kong too, i'd love to live there
01:37.59justinubut i dunno about that heat
01:38.06MooingLemurI don't like to live in a place where you go to your heated house to your FREEZING car, that finally gets warm enough as soon as you get to work.
01:38.18justinuMooingLemur: me neither
01:38.22justinuthat's why I live in LA
01:38.32justinunot too hot, not too cold
01:38.35warthogI onced lived through -40C for 6 weeks, never again.
01:38.48MooingLemurbut congested and pricy... another tradeoff :)
01:38.57justinuyeah, you can't go anywhere in LA
01:38.59warthogedmonton, that is colder....
01:39.11justinuit's cold here
01:39.14justinu57 degrees F
01:39.18MooingLemurI've been in -50F in my life.
01:39.18justinuthat's cold for LA
01:39.23warthogwe won the cup though, made it worth it.
01:39.32MooingLemurThe mercury was frozen.
01:39.55warthogmy car would not start plugged in....
01:39.56justinui've never been to canada, i should go soon
01:40.06MooingLemurI'd like to visit Vancouver
01:40.09justinume too
01:40.10MooingLemurin the Summer :)
01:40.18warthognice city but the grey sky kills you.
01:40.19MooingLemurI might take a road trip too.
01:40.31MooingLemurI haven't driven very far in my Prius.
01:40.41MooingLemurJust a lot of driving around here
01:40.43justinui'm taking a month off for my wedding
01:40.50justinugoing to nyc, japan, tahiti
01:40.55warthogas soon as I get to sydney I am getting a roadking, that should be fun.
01:41.11warthogall in one trip?
01:41.19justinuyeah, over a month
01:41.22warthoground the world ticket?
01:41.27justinunot really
01:41.32justinui'd need way more time for that
01:41.49MooingLemurI might take some time off next Boreal Summer/Austral Winter and go to Australia.
01:42.16warthogin 1 month you might forget what you do for a living and not remember when you get back!!!!
01:42.52justinuwarthog: what is a roadking?
01:43.01MooingLemurwe get 26 days of vacation a year where I work..
01:43.38MooingLemurI have 3 weeks left from this year.  But at least we get paid for up to that much if we don't use it.
01:43.54justinui say travel while you can
01:43.55warthogI had to take a year off for medical reasons (my son, pretty bad, but ok now) and I did forget what I do, when I got back to IT, i droped everything else and went straight to asterisk.
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01:45.11warthogno doubt, do it while you are young.
01:45.22warthogthen again when you are old...
01:46.07MooingLemurI know someone who just remarried at age 76, and left the country for the first time for his honeymoon.
01:46.44tzangerI wonder if I can't get a business mortgage backing it with my personal credit (I have great credit right now)
01:46.48warthogI might have done that if I had lived in a brothel all my life.
01:46.55justinui went to sydney, and thought it was a lot like LA
01:46.58tzangerthen quit my job and contract myself through my business
01:47.02tzangerto the company I worked for
01:47.11justinutzanger: i think you can do that
01:47.22tzangerI have to talk to my accountant.  :-)
01:47.25tzangerI'm in .ca too
01:47.28warthognever been to la other than the airport.
01:47.34justinuLA isn't anything special
01:47.37justinujust nice weather
01:47.42warthogwere in ca?
01:47.48tzangermidwestern ontario
01:48.00justinuis it -40F there too?
01:48.05warthogwas born in sarnia, but I don't admit that to too many
01:48.16MooingLemurspeaking of "midwest", Garrison Keillor is on the radio.
01:48.38justinuno idea what that is :P
01:48.44warthogor better known as chemical valley
01:48.48tzangerwarthog: :-)
01:49.15justinui was thinking of moving to antartica and being a pilot
01:49.27justinutaking research scientists to their bases
01:49.30warthoghope the money is good.
01:49.34justinuprobably not
01:49.39justinujust tired of the grind
01:49.43MooingLemurI'd like to go to a pole just to be able to cross the int'l date line at will, and stand in any time zone.
01:49.52warthogI am thinking of getting a chopper license for a part time job
01:49.59justinuexpensive to do
01:50.02drraytzanger - you can buy business mortgages (for offices and condos)
01:50.04*** join/#asterisk benjk (
01:50.37warthoghigh risk unless you can balance it out with MANY of them I would think...
01:50.56benjkhappy new year everyone
01:50.59drraywell, I think he was thinking of workspace
01:51.09warthog2 more hours for me!!!
01:51.16drraybut tying up equity in property is stupid (imo)
01:51.16justinu6 for us
01:51.22mrdigitalwarthog: have you heard of Voiceone?
01:51.23benjkyou're late :)
01:51.31drray6 plus hours for me
01:51.43warthognot yet, whas that?
01:51.49drrayI have a y2k6 problem at work that I have to fix at midnight
01:51.56mrdigitalits a COMPLETE web based interface to Asterisk
01:52.09mrdigitalbut the site is italian and the thing is in english
01:52.12warthogbeen using amp so far.
01:52.25mrdigitalwarthog: it does what amp doesnt do and what amp can do
01:52.27drrayit's amazing the barriers people will put in between them getting asterisk working
01:52.37benjkI doubt there can be any such thing as a *complete* web interface to Asterisk
01:52.51mrdigitalbenjk: want to see screenshots and features list?
01:52.58drrayI wrote some simple perl tools for bossman
01:53.18benjkunless its just a web based text editor for remote config files
01:53.19warthogtheir are no barriers if you can use cutom files, I have many unpeople that have to manage these systems, not just me.
01:53.25drrayasterisk does too many things ( some of which have not been invented yet) to have a complete GUI
01:53.31Strom_Cwell isnt that just lovely...the asterisk box suffered a catastrophic dual-hard-drive failure
01:53.43Strom_Ctoday is not my day :/
01:53.54drrayStrom - sounds like tomorrow wont be either
01:54.02justinustorm: told you you shoulda just put tape over the bad port
01:54.05warthogpeople who have a hard time pealing a banana and love windows.
01:54.09benjkmrdigital: does it support zeroconf?
01:54.13mrdigitaluser: root password: voiceone
01:54.16mrdigitalzeroconf is?
01:54.17justinuwartog: lol, unpeople
01:54.29benjkservice discovery
01:54.37justinuunpersons is what I called people who got fired at a company I used to work for
01:54.39benjkI don't think it does
01:54.46justinuyou were nnever allowed to speak of them again
01:54.49benjkdoes it support Woomera?
01:54.59mrdigitalcheck the demo out benjk
01:55.07warthogas soon as you demand windoes  you become an unperson to me.
01:55.08benjkjustinu: sounds like the mafia
01:55.27justinui run windows at home :(
01:55.34justinubut all my business critical shit is unix
01:55.37benjkmrdigital: the point is that it is *impossible* to be complete
01:55.55mrdigitalbenjk: can you figure out how to isntall this?
01:55.59warthogI have not run m$ windoes for about a year and I have never been happier
01:56.08mrdigitalwarthog: mac?
01:56.16justinui have a powerbook
01:56.28justinugood hacking box
01:56.36benjkI haven't run Windows for years
01:56.41warthoglinux, stinkpad, tiger is a bit tooo gui for me but I like the fact it is out there.
01:56.51Nuggetyay macs.
01:57.01Nuggetos x is only as gui as you want it to be.
01:57.04justinui need to run crap like nikon capture 4
01:57.12justinuwhich sucks on anything but the fastest macs
01:57.15benjkand I have never run Windows since 1995 for anything other than testing how a website looks when seen in a Windows browser
01:57.32benjkah yes, once I made screenshots of X-Lite under Virtual PC
01:57.59NuggetI keep windows around for IE and for Quicken, that's it.  I have a headless XP box in the server room and I use remote desktop to access it
01:58.14warthogI could only switch last year when enough apps showed up, like firefox, evolution, nvu, video editors, skype, armonk
01:58.26warthogthat were good enough
01:58.28Nuggetos x is the best of both worlds.  It's unix but it has fonts that don't suck and you can run msoffice.
01:58.34benjkI don't care anymore how my website looks on Windows
01:58.39benjkits their problem
01:58.45benjkthey can download Firefox
01:58.54Nuggetopenoffice is ncie in theory, but fails in practice.   for me, at least.
01:59.01drrayI play magic online, or I'd fire windos
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01:59.06benjkif they view it with IE and something looks weird, their loss
01:59.20warthogI love OOo, it works great for me, 2.0 is very slick.
01:59.28drraymagic the gathering
01:59.29justinuthe card game?
01:59.40*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
01:59.45justinuhaven't played that in a while
01:59.51drrayI never played the physical version
02:00.03drraybut I'm a junkie sometimes for the online version
02:00.05justinuhow much does it cost to play online?
02:00.14drrayonce you own your cards, nothing
02:00.22drrayotherwise, the same as real life
02:00.31drraythere is an economy to it
02:00.45drrayit's windows only
02:00.47warthognugget, you might want to take a look at a recent linux distro, I use opensuse10 and it is quite good, msfonts are part of the deal, it is very nice.
02:00.56justinui can do windows
02:01.03benjkjustinu: are you running * on OSX?
02:01.07justinui have
02:01.14drraythe best part of it is 100% rules enforcement
02:01.16Nuggetwhat makes you think I'm unfamiliar with recent linux?
02:01.29justinudrray: right, no arguments
02:01.35drraywell second best, 1st best is you don't have to smell your oposition
02:01.37Nuggetneither xfree86 or can do fonts right, it's not a linux issue at all.
02:01.59warthogyou put down linux fonts and oOO, I suspected that perhaps you have not worked daily with the latest and greatest desktop
02:02.02drrayI went to a pre-release (paper) and it stinks
02:02.20NuggetOOO still falls down if you have to share files with "real" office users.
02:02.21drraywhy can't people just use what they want?
02:02.30NuggetI agree that it's acceptable if you're just creating documents and printing them
02:02.42Nuggetand x11 can't do fonts well at all.
02:02.51Nuggetit doesn't support proper kerning
02:03.16drraylinux needs a framebuffer window manager
02:03.41justinucan I send them my phyiscal cards, and have them converted to electronic versions?
02:03.54Nuggetwindows and os x are a decade ahead of x11 when it comes to desktop fundamentals, and the gap is growing, not closing.
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02:04.20drrayX11 is great for networking of resources
02:04.28benjkjustinu: I have got app_cepstral working on OSX, now working on app_conference
02:04.36brockj49464did you see
02:04.37drraybut for I want to print and look at porn , X11 stinks
02:04.53brockj49464opps wrong tab
02:05.08MooingLemurdon't misspell oops.
02:05.10warthogperhaps if it is really that important, but speed and stability and all I need and more is here are more...
02:05.31justinubenjk: nice
02:05.44NuggetI thought that too, but then when I switched to os x I realized that I just didn't know what I was missing.  :)
02:06.01NuggetI was happy enough with linux on the desktop back when I didn't realize what os x could do
02:06.15Nuggetyou couldn't pay me to go back now, though
02:06.18warthogwhen they have a intel powerbook next year (2 hours away) I will get one and play.
02:06.22drrayI can't stand the finder.
02:06.30justinuyeah, i'm waiting for an intel powerbook myself
02:06.35justinubefore giving apple any more money
02:06.42justinuthe os 9 finder was a lot better
02:06.49justinuway more intuitive
02:06.50drrayjustinu - amen brother
02:06.52benjkI also hope to get MoH working
02:07.25benjkthen I will release a new installation package together with a bunch of new GUI front ends
02:07.55warthoglater guys, I gotta finish this voicemail modification.....   happy new year
02:08.00justinuyep, you too
02:08.07NuggetI run asterisk on my powerbook because it's easier to use IAX when I'm behind some cruddy hotel nat.
02:08.18drrayIf I can get windowsXP working on a powerbook, that would be awesome
02:08.23NuggetI use x-lite to talk to the local asterisk and then iax to get out to my main asterisk server
02:08.46warthogwhy not use a iax soft phone
02:09.01NuggetI haven't found one I like as much as x-lite
02:09.05warthogiaxclient with a frontend
02:09.19justinuxlite sucks
02:09.51justinuxlite especially sucks on OSX
02:09.53benjkNugget: -> "Localhost Gateway for X-Lite" ;)
02:09.58NewSoletick... tock.. tick.. tock... soon time to watch the clock...
02:10.22MooingLemursounds like that black and white show on GSN late at night
02:10.26MooingLemurbeat the clock
02:10.35benjkNugget: you can use Christian Draghici's LoudHush IAX softphone (Cocoa based)
02:10.46Nuggetoh, I don't think I've seen that one
02:11.00justinusomeone was telling me the gizmo phone works well on mac os
02:11.05justinubut i guess it's not unlockable
02:11.07benjkits 17 USD shareware, but a very nice Cocoa app
02:11.29benjkjustinu: yes it does, but only for gizmo
02:11.38benjkthe nicest softphone on OSX is LoudHush
02:11.56benjkalso, zoa told me they are working on a Mac version of Idefisk
02:12.06benjkyes, Christian is in RO makes some amazing women too
02:12.11justinui've been
02:12.14justinuodd place
02:12.21benjkI used to live in Bucharest, nice place
02:12.29justinuseemed strange to me
02:12.41justinuwent back to budapest, and thought "ok, i'm back in the real world"
02:12.54MooingLemurRomania makes me think of two things
02:13.13benjkHungary was always very Western even during the cold war
02:13.15tzangerthe woman I'm gonna marry is .ro
02:13.24MooingLemurDragostea Din Tei, and the lady that had the 160 pound tumor.
02:13.37justinui went all over, bucharest, sinia, brad, deva, kluj, etc.
02:13.52justinutzanger: from where?
02:14.01tzangerwell she's been in .ca 5 years
02:14.10justinuyeah, but where from in romanina
02:14.21tzangeroriginally from (I think) dorbeta tr-severn
02:14.25tzangerthat first word may be wrong
02:14.28justinuok, didn't go there
02:15.27justinui was always amazed at the number of people just standing around in romania
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02:15.50benjkjustinu: when have you been to RO ?
02:15.53benjkwhich year?
02:15.56justinuum, 2000
02:16.09justinui had some friends who worked for romtelecom
02:16.26benjkyou should have seen the place before 1997
02:16.42benjkbefore the two GSM mobile phone networks started
02:16.48justinuhow was it different?
02:16.56benjkI was part of the team building Connex
02:17.19benjkbefore it was very very poor, like it used to be in the cold war days
02:17.43benjkin the one year we and France Telecom built the GSM service, the place lightened up
02:18.03benjkit was the best education in market economics you can possibly get
02:18.24benjkwe hired about 1000 locals, France Telecom hired about 1000 locals
02:18.50benjkwe paid them salaries 5-10 times over the level that was usual
02:19.02benjkca 300-600 USD a month
02:19.11justinuthere's a lot of smart guys, but my friends told me the corruption of communism made everyone act like theives
02:19.26justinulike these girls I met, couldn't believe that pizza hut would deliver them a pizza
02:19.31benjkthis pumped money in the local economy and many many new small businesses sprung up
02:19.38justinuso they ordered one, and the guy came, and they just took the pizza and slamed the door in his face
02:19.42justinuthen laughed about it all night
02:20.01benjkalso it was impossible to get a telephone line, the average waiting period with Romtelecom was 12 years
02:20.30benjkwhen we launched prepaid mobile (my project) people could afford a phone
02:20.41justinusounds like a great project
02:20.46justinui'd love to be involved with something like that
02:21.01benjkwe sold a package, handset and SIM card with 25 USD credit for 100 USD
02:21.08justinunot wireless tho, i don't like wireless phones
02:21.26benjksoon people could open up businesses using the prepaid phones
02:21.37benjkand mobile phone stores also sprung up
02:22.09benjkwe even installed GSM payphones in villages that didn't have any telephone service at all
02:22.25justinudid you ever get a chance to go to that castle in sinia?
02:22.39benjkwe built our own microwave network all over RO so we wouldn't have to rely on Romtelecom for interconnecting cities and regions
02:23.10benjkour CEO was elected man of the year in 1997
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02:23.50benjkSinaia you mean
02:23.57justinuyeah... i can't spell in romanian
02:24.08smirlanybody here ever been in 2600 ?
02:24.17benjkyeah, lovely place
02:24.33benjkmultebine multumesc
02:24.59justinui spoke french to a catholic priest in deva, because he didn't understand english, and I didn't undestand romanian
02:25.07benjkthe language is rather easy to pick up if you speak Italian, Spanish or French
02:25.18justinugrammar seemed harder than french
02:26.07benjkI had to read Romanian tech documentation and I could read most of it -- it looked similar to French tech docs
02:26.26benjkthey even seem to have adopted those specially created French IT words
02:26.27justinui just remember that CO is "centrala telefonica"
02:26.45justinuyeah, they got a lot of their telco technology from Alcatel
02:27.07benjkthey got a lot of support from France during the cold war
02:27.29benjkthe local cars used to be Renault mods, licensed from Renault
02:27.38justinuyeah, the dacia
02:27.43benjknow its Hyundai
02:27.57benjkthe Koreans invested heavily in the place
02:27.58justinuhmm... it was still something like "automobili dacia" when I was there
02:28.12justinubut daewoo was big
02:28.14benjkah daewoo, yes
02:28.19benjknot Hyundai
02:28.38benjkmy wife was always assumed to be a "Koreana"
02:28.53justinuis she asian?
02:28.56benjkusually its the other way round, people think Koreans are Japanese
02:28.59benjkshe's Japanese
02:29.06justinubut romanian?
02:29.28benjkno I just worked there for about a year to help build Connex
02:29.30justinuoh ok
02:29.49justinuwas there still a shitload of stray dogs in bucharest?
02:29.55justinuroaming all over the place
02:30.01benjkbut my roots are Czech and my family name is a common name in Romania too
02:30.13benjkyeah the dogs
02:30.15justinui remember being at the piatsa univeristati
02:30.37justinuand they have this huge underground mall under the traffic circle
02:30.47justinubut they had just ripped out the escalators taking you down there
02:30.48benjkI had an apartment on Bulevardul Unirii
02:30.59justinuthey didn't bother covering up like they do here
02:31.07justinuit was just a mess of twisted rusted metal
02:31.12justinuleft out for everyone to see
02:31.34justinuand I remember seeing this most amazing 12th century castle in hunanduara
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02:31.49benjkwell, I presume this was just a matter of not having enough funds
02:31.52justinuright across the road from a shitty abandoned strip mining operation
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02:32.06justinuweird ass contrasts there in romania
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02:32.28justinui dig romanian food tho
02:32.33IRCFrEAKHi guys
02:32.34justinuand hungarian food
02:32.34benjkRomanians are not necessarily careless and the ones who are educated have excellent education
02:32.55justinui loved all those old soviet style buildings too
02:33.00justinulike the press building
02:33.06justinuand the "house of the people"
02:33.12benjkgive this country a bit of time and they will have a comeback
02:33.29benjkyeah that was just 200 yards down from my apartment
02:33.39benjkCasa Populurui
02:33.45justinuthat's a nice neighborhood
02:33.50benjkthe largest building in the world
02:33.55benjkby floorspace
02:33.57IRCFrEAKcan anybody give me a pointer with an asterisk configuration?
02:34.02benjklarger than the Pentagon
02:34.11tzangerbenjk: eh?
02:34.15justinuyou lived on that street that was designed all nice?
02:34.23justinuthe one that led all the way to the people house?
02:34.30benjkIRCFrEAK: ---> /etc/asterisk
02:34.37benjkthere's your pointer
02:34.50benjkyes, it's called Bulevardul Unirii
02:34.57IRCFrEAKthanks man yeah I found that one already
02:35.01justinuyeah, i remember that area... lots of huge billboards
02:35.04benjkI was given an apartment there by Connex
02:35.05justinua big ass traffic circle
02:35.25smirlIRCFrEAK I have a sec
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02:35.37benjktzanger: yes, it's bigger than the Pentagon by floorspace
02:35.42IRCFrEAKcheers smirl.
02:35.47justinuhappy new years
02:36.03coppiceits already faily old here
02:36.10benjkthe Pentagon is only bigger by ground area covered
02:36.15IRCFrEAKI have an x100p setup I am trying to get working
02:36.17justinuthat building is huge, and it's built up on a pedastal, so it looks even bigger
02:36.37IRCFrEAKthe zaptel module is loaded and the card is working properly
02:36.44coppicethe biggest building in the world by ground area is HK airport terminal building
02:36.57justinuyeah, that airport is great
02:36.59benjkit is bigger, but Pentagon is spread out over a lager area
02:37.18IRCFrEAKI resolved a port conflict with cyrus & asterisk seems to be set up correctly now
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02:37.33benjkcoppice, in that case Pentagon is not even biggest in any discipline anymore
02:37.43justinuit's a has been
02:38.00justinubunch of dumbasses in there anyways
02:38.09IRCFrEAKI can use a client to log into asterisk and it connects fine. But im not sure howto dial a call or if it is even setup properly to use the line
02:38.10benjkwell, not all of them
02:38.37benjkin fact, if you look at recent events, the Pentagon folks were more sane than the US government and all other agencies
02:38.52benjkCIA too of course
02:38.52justinui just meant the civillians
02:39.30IRCFrEAKchan_iax2.c:5026 register_verify: Empty registration from
02:39.30IRCFrEAKJan  1 13:38:53 NOTICE[12592]: chan_iax2.c:6796 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, request '0405490797@default' does not exist
02:40.00coppicethe pentagon didn't want these wars. their expectations were close to the messy reality. i'd say the pentagon has been surprisingly sane, unlike the cold war years
02:40.02IRCFrEAKthat is the error that I receive
02:40.05benjkdo you have a user [default] in iax.conf?
02:40.13IRCFrEAKDo I have to set up a group or something?
02:40.31tzangerbenjk: cool
02:41.48IRCFrEAKbenjk. Um.. no. I just followed some instructions that said to set up sip.conf
02:42.21smirlIRCFrEAK first off, have you gotten your zaptel config to load, ztcfg starts and exits cleanly?
02:42.42IRCFrEAKsmirl: Yes it does
02:42.47smirlIRCFrEAK have you configured /etc/zaptel.conf ?
02:43.02IRCFrEAKsmirl: yes
02:43.37IRCFrEAKI added fxsks=1 to the end
02:43.38robl^hrrmmm...  should I get a MacMini for another Asterisk server? :)
02:43.55smirlAnd you have the ports configured for kewl start and are set either as FXO or FXS? How many channels you sing again? Just 1 ?
02:45.24*** join/#asterisk toddf (
02:45.47smirlaren't you feeding dialtone into it?
02:46.49IRCFrEAKFeeding dialtone? I have the X100p connected to the phone line. Do I need another channel?
02:46.57smirlnext you need to configure zapata.conf in /etc/asterisk
02:47.12justinuwhat happened to our nice non-asterisk new years eve chat?
02:47.22smirlfxo/fxs I get the 2 confused when i'm high sorry
02:47.49smirlsomeone help me here... you plug a phone line into an fxo, don't you ?
02:47.58coppicenew year's eve is sooooo yesterday
02:48.03justinuquiet, you
02:48.42IRCFrEAKsmirl: lol. Yes zapata should be ok
02:49.07IRCFrEAKMaybe. I don't know
02:49.16IRCFrEAKWhat do I have to put in there again?
02:49.49smirlyou have to define the cahnnels... you found the woip-info wiki yet i hope
02:50.03IRCFrEAKYes I have
02:50.06IRCFrEAKchannel => 1
02:50.50IRCFrEAKI think I have just missed the crucial bit that connects a user to the fxo
02:51.03justinuok, i'm a nerd
02:51.09justinui just signed up for magic online
02:51.22Qwell[]yes, yes you are
02:51.30justinui remember playing it in high school
02:51.41justinuseemed like a decent way to pass the time
02:52.09NewSolevegastream> Looking back through the trace, the Vega detects the following digits in this order after the call is connected:"***2345678"
02:52.10NewSolevegastream> The Asterisk is not accepting the DTMF tones from the Vega, but I don't know why. We are sending the tones out base on the trace you sent me.
02:52.16NewSolecan someone please explain
02:52.30NewSoleexplain why that is
02:53.20Qwell[]NewSole: bad dtmfmode?  What technology is this?
02:53.23justinuplaying that game online seems like a lot more fun
02:53.37Qwell[]justinu: which one, the real one, where it actually costs money?
02:54.02justinudoes that one suck?
02:54.20NewSoleQwell[] Vega's are PRI Transcoders
02:54.32Qwell[]justinu: well, it costs money
02:54.43justinuit's just like buying the stupid cards for real
02:54.54Qwell[]and not just costs the same as real physical items
02:55.00Qwell[]so, yeah, it sucks :P
02:55.04justinuwhat did you do, make photocopies of the cards and play like that?
02:55.21smirlIRCFrEAK, now you need something in extensions.conf to make a dial plan
02:55.34NewSoleVega works well with REAL SIP Products..... but not fake SIP like Asterisk
02:55.46justinuthere's no REAL sip product
02:55.51Qwell[]NewSole: Then don't use Asterisk...
02:55.57smirlIRCFrEAK, under the heading [default]
02:56.00justinusip is an "evolving standard"
02:56.01Qwell[]but, like I said, check the dtmfmode
02:56.07slappingtgot my asterisk server up and have voicemail working.  Now for the hard part convincing my wife it was all worth while :)
02:56.33Qwell[]NewSole: does that match the vega?
02:56.41IRCFrEAKsmirl: yep
02:56.53smirldo you have anything there now?
02:57.07smirlIRCFrEAK do you have anything there now?
02:57.42IRCFrEAKsorry I have include => demo
02:57.56smirlok, gor incomming calls you need something like this:
02:58.01IRCFrEAKeverything else is commented out under default
02:58.17Qwell[]IRCFrEAK: good, don't use the default context
02:58.26justinumy wife is just happy to have the ctu ringtone on her phone
02:58.31justinushe thinks it's l337
02:58.35NewSolerfc2833 is a Std.... if Asterisk says its Supports the rfc2833 there a match should not be problem and besides if vega can talk to cisco and sipura... who use rfc2833 then why is not when I put dtmfmode=rfc2833 it should be rfc2833 mode
02:58.45smirlexten => _X,Dial(ZAP/1)
02:58.53Qwell[]NewSole: the cisco and sipura can use others as well, just like Asterisk can
02:58.58Qwell[]So, find out what the Vega is using
02:59.03justinuhey qwell: you don't have to pay sales tax on the cards in virtual magic :P
02:59.10smirlIRC Phdon't do that
02:59.26justinuasterisk supports rfc2833 just fine
02:59.35IRCFrEAKok got it
02:59.40smirlexten => _X,1,Dial(SIP/200)
02:59.49IRCFrEAKok done
03:00.03smirlnot the last line i said
03:00.17smirlreplace 200 with whatever your client extension is
03:00.27smirlfrom sip.conf
03:02.19SkramXAnyone used: ?
03:03.30IRCFrEAKok I'll give it a go
03:03.46Qwell[]smirl: You really shouldn't use default for anything
03:04.22smirlit's his first setup, and since his zapata.conf was already setup that way...
03:04.41smirli would expect he'll improve the dial plan beyond this ...
03:04.46Qwell[]well, if you teach him to use the default context, how will he ever learn?
03:04.55Qwell[]"They said it was okay to use on IRC, so I'll use it."
03:06.07smirlIRCFrEAK, the default context name is only used in examples and shouldn't be used for a deployed server.
03:06.26IRCFrEAKsmirl: cool, noted
03:06.29smirlIRCFrEAK you can use whatever name suits your taste...
03:06.40*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
03:06.46*** join/#asterisk bch (
03:06.59IRCFrEAKI am using iaxphone but I think I will try xlite. It is sip right?
03:08.00brockj49464when you setup xlite be sure to take out the dial prefix or else use it...Done that to myself too many times
03:08.15bchare there issues with using the AGI EXEC Playback in 1.0.9?
03:19.04De_MonQwell[] step 1, get it working. step 2, change it and make sure it still works. step 3 profit!
03:23.17mrdigitalanyone know what SoapUsername and soapPassword is?
03:24.09NewSoleivory soap or jerkins soap
03:24.48IRCFrEAKguys I keep getting this when logging in from xlite: chan_sip.c:10817 handle_request_register: Registration from '200 <sip:200@>' failed for '' - Username/auth name mismatch
03:25.16IRCFrEAK; Turn off silence suppression in X-Lite ("Transmit Silence"=YES)!
03:25.16IRCFrEAK; Note that Xlite sends NAT keep-alive packets, so qualify=yes is not needed
03:25.16IRCFrEAKregexten=200                  ; When they register, create extension 1234
03:25.18IRCFrEAKcallerid="Ed" <200>
03:25.18IRCFrEAKhost=dynamic                   ; This device needs to register
03:25.20IRCFrEAK;nat=yes                        ; X-Lite is behind a NAT router
03:25.21*** join/#asterisk J4k3 (
03:25.22IRCFrEAK;canreinvite=no                 ; Typically set to NO if behind NAT
03:25.26IRCFrEAKallow=gsm                      ; GSM consumes far less bandwidth than ulaw
03:25.26*** join/#asterisk alexhopper (
03:25.50fileIRCFrEAK: change [xlite1] to [200]
03:25.58fileand watch it work, and take away fromuser
03:26.04fileand go "oooh wow! it works!"
03:26.20fileand you have been debited $100 for flooding the channel
03:26.26fileThank you for choosing #asterisk
03:26.30fileDrive through!
03:26.41tzangerthank you come again
03:26.50NewSolePlease send your Visa number to kram
03:26.56filetzanger: I sold your undies on eBay!
03:27.05tzangerI hope you got market value
03:27.16tzangeryou sick bastard
03:27.22tzangeryou won't get super asterisk knowhow through my undies
03:27.27tzangeryou will get liver cancer from my undies
03:27.32dogtanianbum cancer
03:27.43NewSoleno I needed new rubber for sling shot
03:27.47file_I'm_ the person to extract knowledge from if you're looking for Asterisk stuff
03:27.48tzangerit's powerful shit, if you pardon the expression
03:27.50fileeveryone knows that
03:27.57d-techyou mean he'll lose his *ss
03:28.32dogtaniani was going to ask a question on here the other day... but in the end i just gave up and used an IAX trunk instead of a SIP trunk
03:28.40dogtanianalthough i still feel i've been beaten :/
03:28.57IRCFrEAKThanks file. That got it! applauds file
03:29.11fileIRCFrEAK: yeah, I'm psychic... imagine that
03:29.22dogtaniani was basicly betting half-duplex audio... i't's obvious a NAT problem but i cant solve it for love nor money
03:29.30dogtanian-betting +getting
03:29.59dogtaniandid DMZ and port-fwding and the works... but i was still defeated
03:30.22filenat=yes should work wonders, if Asterisk is behind NAT - then externip/externhost= and localnet
03:30.23IRCFrEAKDid some one mention something about switching off extensons on xlite?
03:30.37dogtanianyeup - tried all of those
03:30.42dogtanianmessed about with canreinvite too
03:30.48filethen you do a sip debug and rtp debug to see where asterisk is sending audio
03:32.12dogtaniani did sip dfebug and made sure all teh ports in teh dump were forwarded... but the prblem was that the audio being sent from the VOIP Provider wasn't getting past the nat... and i couldn't se why... in teh end i just forwarded ALL the ports... and still no luck
03:32.13NewSoleasterisk is sending audio to cyber hell
03:33.11dogtaniando most people use IAX in preference to SIP for trunks?
03:33.26dogtanianis there any disadvantage of using IAX instead of plain SIP?
03:33.59justinuoff to the new years festivities
03:34.08justinuhappy new year fellow telecom geeks
03:34.18*** part/#asterisk justinu (n=justinu@
03:35.40dogtanianthe problem is, sip debug probably won't show me where i'm going wrong... becasue surely asterisk won't know which port to expect the incoming rtp audio on?
03:35.48dogtanian...or is it prenegoiatated?
03:35.59brockj49464Well I will be saying that in about 90 minutes.  Anyone have a cool app like at the tone the time is that instead at the tone it is exactly x from the new year?
03:36.19dogtaniani've opened all teh ports that have been refrenced in documentation etc... and edited the rtp range... and made shure those ports are open
03:36.20*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
03:37.38dogtanianoh well... i suppose being pwnd by sip.conf isn't the worst thing that could happen
03:45.28benjkdogtanian: the only drawback of IAX is that there are less devices supporting it, but that doesn't matter much if you use it for hooking up two Asterisk boxes. Also, IAX has recently been submitted to IETF to become an official internet standard, so support by third parties is likely to increase as a result.
03:45.47*** join/#asterisk surfdue (i=tyler@unaffiliated/surfdue)
03:45.56surfdueand merry jello new years!
03:46.47brockj49464Happy new year in -74+ minutes
03:47.09dogtanianbenjk: heh - yeah IAX is only from my trunk at the moment. hopefuly if my cisco phones aren't lost in teh post, i'll be using sip for everything else
03:47.57*** join/#asterisk _DAW-LAPTOP (
03:48.47harryvvim sitting at years will come and go.
03:49.06*** join/#asterisk tye (
03:50.13harryvvI can say there is a good thing that has come out of my diesel and its a land cruiser. Very sought after vehicle up here. Its not the jeep style but the wagon. A fully resored 1984  bj-42 land cruiser can fetch up to $20,000 US
03:50.29harryvvso my year has been a okay one :)
03:50.49harryvvman its dead here
03:51.19coppicelet me guess - a full restore costs around $19,999 :-)
03:51.25*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:53.07*** join/#asterisk gopherspidey (
03:53.40harryvvyou can get them between 5-8k
03:55.00harryvvIts not often you can consider a vehicle a investment. Thay do hold there value. People look at my odomoter at 378km's and say "ohh you engine is now just broken in" These engines are tough and can if properly cared for go all the way to the million km mark.
03:56.05dogtanianvehicels suck
03:56.28dogtanianit's like burning money
03:56.35gopherspideyCan any one help with zaptel module problems? I just upgraded to the latest 1.2
03:57.03gopherspideyI am getting this in dmesg Freshmaker version: 71
03:57.03gopherspideyFreshmaker passed register test
03:57.03gopherspideyModule 0: Not installed
03:57.04gopherspideyModule 1: Not installed
03:57.04gopherspideyModule 2: Not installed
03:57.04gopherspideyModule 3: Not installed
03:57.06gopherspideywctdm: probe of 0000:00:0a.0 failed with error -5
03:57.23gopherspideyEven though I have 4 modules
03:57.29gopherspideyWhat am I missing
03:57.35*** join/#asterisk brettnem (n=brettnem@
03:57.51benjkdid you hook up the extra power cord to the card?
03:59.04harryvvdogtanian, yes in ways. my 3500 bls land cruiser gets 30 mpg
03:59.13benjkpower down, remove the card, remove and reinsert the modules and check that they have proper contact, stick the card back in and reboot
03:59.47gopherspideyBe back in a while.
03:59.50harryvvwhats the problem?
03:59.54gopherspideyBy the way thanks
03:59.58harryvvhis system is not working right?
04:05.54gopherspideysystem comming back up after reboot
04:06.43gopherspideyharryvv my tdm card is not reconizing the modules
04:08.30gopherspideybenjk, Same problem
04:11.00*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
04:17.48benjkin your zaptel directory, there should be two utilities ... wct4xxp-diag.c and ztdiag.c, try those
04:21.31infinity1is voxee dead?
04:22.03tzangernappy yew hear, everyone
04:22.25brockj49464Countdown is at 38 minutes for me.
04:22.34tzangeryeah I still have some time
04:23.01infinity1er has been down. hm
04:23.11surfduewhatsteh suggested asterisk gui?
04:23.14surfdueweb gui?
04:23.19infinity1surfdue: vi
04:24.31surfduegood choice
04:24.36surfdueim looking forsomething eh php based
04:24.46infinity1surfdue: ya. i'm just being a smart ass
04:24.52harryvvtzanger where are you again?
04:24.53surfdueor evena _web_ gui
04:24.54brockj49464I don't know how I got thru college without VI
04:25.11tzangerharryvv: midwestern ontario
04:25.11surfdueVI SUCKS.
04:25.15surfduepico or nano
04:25.21harryvvi use vi
04:25.30surfdueit is to complicated
04:25.32infinity1surfdue: careful, someone might bk you hahha :)
04:25.43surfduepico and nano is more microsoft (c) oriented
04:25.49harryvvyou only have to know a few commands in vi to use it
04:25.58tzangerheh I need to configure my mail client to say "Mail, motherfucker!" when I get mail
04:25.59surfdueehh never liked it
04:26.00surfdue.exit :P
04:26.02coppicebrockj49464: I used a simple strategy - vi wasn't written until after I left college :-)
04:26.12harryvvI need to learn more though
04:26.25surfdueanyways i see amp
04:26.29harryvvI really need to know grep more
04:26.31surfduewhich i dont really like
04:26.38brockj49464vi does have a learning curve to it and I don't know most of it.
04:27.01surfdueumi know of voiceone which looks good
04:27.15surfdue << click the british flag in the top right corner
04:27.28coppicedo regular expressions have a high fibre diet :-\
04:27.31tzanger"Do you want to see my itinerary?"  "Do you want to see my balls?"  HAHAHAHAHA
04:28.58harryvvsurfdude, you made that site?
04:29.20surfdueim looking to be a devloper
04:29.31surfduesince im a php and debian devloper
04:29.36surfduethey need a deb package ;P
04:32.46zwidoes anybody know if it's possible to get GXP2000's LEDs to light for a parked call? I've been looking into the hint stuff for this but it looks like hint's need a device.
04:33.29MooingLemurthat could be interesting
04:33.48surfdueanyone knowhow i can get the linksys phone adapter pap2 (aka vonagestart up kit) to work with my asterisk server?
04:35.07*** join/#asterisk madgoat (
04:38.18JunK-Ysurfdue: unlock it.
04:38.48surfdueplease if you can tell me pmme maybe
04:38.59surfduei have found one havnt tryed yet
04:39.21surfdueis there a way i can hook my lappy and adapter up via ethernet cable
04:39.30surfduenoton arouter or network
04:39.38surfdueand stilledit the web interface?
04:39.51surfduenot on a router **
04:39.59surfduesorry my keyboard is screwing up.
04:40.58surfduelike forsome reason I went into the automated phone menu for my adapter, and set a static ip etc, I couldnt reach from my computer becuase it said that there was no network cable connected
04:41.12surfdueis there a way I can override this?
04:42.15harryvvya, hook up the network cable
04:42.19surfduei did
04:42.35surfduefor some reason its saying tehre isnt one connected becuase it dosnt see the adapter as a router which it isnt
04:42.45surfduebut i want to force it so i can configure this thing
04:42.51surfduethey arent on the network
04:43.21*** join/#asterisk alexhopper (
04:43.42smirl17 minutes until 2006 for me and the rest of eastern america
04:44.04surfduehey alexhopper would you know how i can hook up this linksys voip adapter and my lappy via ethernet, my comp is saying there is nothing connected
04:44.19smirljust compiled our end of year web stats for our website . 40900671 hits in 2005
04:44.21mrdigitalsurfdue: your the guy who said to click the english flag?
04:44.22infinity1anyone having problems with voxee?
04:44.54surfdueya :P mrdigital the british flag
04:45.10mrdigitalim still having a problem
04:45.18alexhopperYou need to use a crossover cable
04:45.20mrdigitalSoapusername soapPassword?
04:45.33surfduealexhopper, what is this?
04:45.44surfdueisnt that a normal ethernetcable?
04:46.02mrdigitalsurfdue: no the wires are crossed
04:46.18mrdigitalsurfdue: theres 2 wirings
04:46.21surfduewhere can i get one?
04:46.26alexhopperTehre are different types of cat 5 cable, each has it's own use.
04:46.27mrdigitalStraight through and cross
04:46.39alexhopperCross is what you needs
04:46.52alexhopperToo much new years cheer *hiccup*
04:47.04*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/qwell)
04:47.26surfduespace shuttle-c multilan straitened verified patch cable
04:47.29surfduethats whati have :P
04:47.46surfduewhould radioshack have one?
04:48.39alexhopperThey sel all KINDS of electric goodies
04:48.49surfduei have a patch cable..
04:48.53mrdigitalsurfdue: yes Radioshack will have one
04:48.54surfdueitis a patchcable
04:48.59surfduethey arnt open..
04:49.08surfduewhy wontthis one work
04:49.15mrdigitalsurfdue: i make my own cables
04:49.17alexhopperIT'S NEW YEARS EVE!
04:49.22mrdigitali always have a 500ft spindel
04:49.26mrdigitalalexhopper: where are you
04:49.30mrdigitalits 11:50pm
04:49.33filebecause a crossover cable is for going between two devices, such as computers
04:49.36coppiceITS NEW YEARS DAY!
04:49.41filestraight through is to a router/hub/switch/whateva
04:49.44alexhopperi'm in the next time zone over, 12:47 here ;)
04:49.55mrdigitalso its been january stfor you
04:49.56surfduei have a patch cable
04:49.59mrdigitalfor 47 mins
04:49.59surfdueit says patch cable on it?
04:50.01alexhopperyup ;)
04:50.03coppice12:47PM here
04:50.07filesurfdue: wow, I never would have guessed
04:50.11fileyou've said it 4 times now :P
04:50.15surfduewhy wont it work still :P
04:50.22fileif it doesn't work, it's not going to work, so it's not a crossover cable
04:50.23mrdigitalsurfdue: theres two different patch cable
04:50.26mrdigitalStraight and Crossover
04:50.27alexhopperYou in the atlantic cppice
04:50.33fileso too bad
04:50.41surfdueim in atlanticcity.
04:50.43Exilescut your straight cable
04:50.50surfdueand do what?
04:50.51fileyes, rewire the straight through cable
04:50.54Exilesand rewire it to act as a crossover
04:51.15file...the cable
04:51.16mrdigitalExiles: how if he doesnt have a crimper or heads?
04:51.20Exilesthats what I did last time I was in a bind for a crossover
04:51.32filemrdigital: then he makes a bad problem even worse :)
04:51.33surfdueidont havemy tools
04:51.33coppicealexhopper: with that sense of geography you *have* to be american
04:51.37surfduehow can i do this?
04:51.43surfdueihave scissorstape
04:51.44Exilescut the wire leaving a foot cunt with the conector
04:51.49surfduescissors, tape, umm
04:51.51mrdigitalsurfdue: do you have rj45 heads
04:52.05mrdigitalok do this
04:52.06mrdigitalcut the heads
04:52.12Exilescut the wire leaving a foot if wire with the conector
04:52.12surfdueand 3 foot sterait wire
04:52.23filecoppice: alexhopper is _not_ American
04:52.26alexhopperI'm Canadian, my sense of Geography is much better than that of any american
04:52.32mrdigitalget the diagram for crosssover
04:52.34Exilesstript solder tape and play
04:52.36surfduehow can i be sure they are rj45
04:52.37mrdigitaland when you get the wires eright
04:52.45mrdigitalthey big or small?
04:52.51coppicealexhopper: and you still think its 12:47PM in the atlantic?
04:53.03surfduecan wetalk in pm mrdigital ?
04:53.04madgoatJust wondering if there are any good config programs for a nube. Are they the way to go or are they more trouble than they're worth?
04:53.07alexhopperIt's 12:47 am, here in the atlantic time zone
04:53.17filehe misread PM for AM
04:53.45alexhopperwoops, my bad
04:54.37Qwell[]file: Do they have flying cars in 2006?
04:54.47fileQwell[]: yup, with rockets!
04:54.48Qwell[]you've been there for almost an hour now
04:54.56fileand we have transporters
04:55.04Qwell[]matter transporters?
04:55.10fileQwell[]: exactly
04:55.17fileand even... kindamatter transporters
04:55.26alexhopperthey dont have antimatter transporters
04:55.27surfduedoes wawa have crossover cables?
04:55.28Qwell[]any doesn'tmatter transporters?
04:55.32alexhopperthats on tuesday
04:55.39Qwell[]surfdue: get some scissors, and make one
04:55.40surfduethey are the only peoplei know 24/7
04:55.44surfduedoes walmart have it?
04:55.47coppiceflying cars? you mean those american junk heaps that can't grip the road properly?
04:55.48Qwell[]I made a crossover phone cord like that :p
04:55.49surfdueerr k
04:55.55surfduei need noobinstructions
04:55.59Qwell[]scissors and teeth...  you can make any type of cable
04:56.26alexhopperI've done that in the theatre with a light wire carrying 4000 volts
04:56.38madgoatOh & smirl thanks alot for your help from IRCFrEAK.
04:56.40Qwell[]I bet you turned off the power first.  sissy
04:56.51alexhoppercouldent, show was in progress
04:57.08coppiceits better if you don't turn off the power - built in arc welding
04:58.35alexhopperAnd I'm still here ;) I also remove components of my puter while it's running, cause THATS safe
04:58.53*** join/#asterisk _Madar (
05:01.57brockj49464happy new year in est
05:02.02alexhopperI wonce hooked speakers up using phone cable
05:02.04surfdueHAPPY NY1
05:02.07surfdueTHE BALL DROPPED
05:02.10surfduemine havnt yet :(
05:02.21alexhopperThat explains it
05:02.26surfduerofl.. jk
05:02.27alexhopperJust kidding :p
05:02.37alexhopperHow old are you?
05:02.43surfdueok nowcrossover cablwe
05:03.11alexhopperHow old are you?
05:03.12surfduewhat do i need to do this?
05:03.31alexhopperfile: you were closer
05:03.32Qwell[]surfdue: crimpers
05:03.51alexhoppergoogle is your friend
05:03.58alexhopperyou can find instructions there
05:04.42surfduei dont have any crimpers
05:04.47surfduewhatcan iuse inplace ofit
05:04.56asterboygoogle is your friend...hmmmm google=AOL
05:05.02Qwell[]small screwdriver
05:05.15Qwell[]You have to really know what you're doing though
05:05.21junbugomg, im sill home
05:05.22mrdigitalsurfdue: use a flat head
05:06.56Qwell[]you need the ends also...
05:07.05mogormanman i need a newer computer
05:07.21Qwell[]mogorman: What do you have now?
05:07.32mogormana 6 year old ukranian laptop
05:07.41mogorman497mhz of glory
05:07.46dogtanianhave you heard about Putin's New Year gift to Ukrane in a few hours
05:07.48brockj49464Does it have a 2k6 bug?
05:07.49dogtanianhe's cutting off the countries gas supply
05:07.53dogtanianand it's about minus infinity degrees there
05:08.03mogormanits a ukranian knock off company
05:08.09mogormanit was my dads old one
05:08.18mogormanand his office bought some cheapo ones
05:08.20Krillnew years eh
05:08.37Krillall over this side of the globe
05:08.48mogormanmy mac mini is much faster
05:08.52mogormanbut i tend  to not use is
05:08.56mogormaner it
05:08.57rob0usually warmer in Ukraine than in Russia, especially the Arctic parts :)
05:09.08mogormanwell i dont have a good computer chair
05:09.16mogormanso its not very comfortable to sit and work at
05:09.20surfduei have to cut one of the rj45 heads off
05:09.23surfduetake it apart
05:09.25Qwell[]$ computer chair < $ new computer
05:09.29surfdueand move the wires around and reinstall it
05:09.32Qwell[]surfdue: no
05:09.37mogormanactually i got a new laptop for 11 bucks
05:09.41Qwell[]Once it's crimped, it's unusable
05:09.43Qwell[]mogorman: eh?
05:09.47mrdigitalwhat Qwell said
05:09.55mogormanyeah i got a used one from my sister
05:09.56Qwell[]surfdue: You can't reuse them
05:09.58mrdigitalsurfdue: you cant reuse the head
05:09.59filesurfdue: the moral of the story is... give up tonight
05:09.59mogormanits only 3 years old
05:10.09Qwell[]Why $11?
05:10.11surfdueoh i need to get a set?
05:10.13madgoatasterisk seems to keep hold of the line even after the caller has hung up. It seems to still be playing the message back. Is this normal?
05:10.16surfdueplain ones
05:10.19mrdigitalsurfdue: goto radioshack monday
05:10.21mogormani had to get her a new power adapter for it
05:10.23filemadgoat: analog?
05:10.31mogormanso she could get her files off of it
05:10.32surfdueim ganna jam the wires into my pc!
05:10.34madgoatYes analog
05:10.51filemadgoat: no disconnect supervision then, so asterisk doesn't know it was hung up
05:10.55alexhoppersurfdue: Your not me, that wont work
05:11.21madgoatdisconect supervision? How do I configure that?
05:11.22surfduecan i use like an icecube
05:11.26surfduewhat can iuse
05:11.33Qwell[]surfdue: crimpers
05:11.40surfdueto make a temp FAKE rj45 head
05:11.44filemadgoat: it's something you get from your telephone company, it's a signal that the call was hung up... your line doesn't have that probably
05:12.56fileyou can try using busydetect
05:12.57surfduecan i cahnge a phonewire
05:13.05surfduecan i open the already crimped thing :P
05:13.07mrdigitalsurfdue: no same type of heads
05:13.27surfduecan i open the head already closed
05:13.29mrdigitalsurfdue: just wait until monday
05:13.40mrdigitalif you keep asking the same thing over and over it will piss us off
05:13.42madgoatbusy detect... I'll give it a try. Which config file?
05:13.43surfduecommon im desprite
05:13.45surfdueihave wood here
05:13.54filemadgoat: read this
05:14.02surfdueradioshack is 24/7
05:14.13alexhoppernot tonite
05:14.17Qwell[]It's closed on 1/1
05:14.26alexhopperTRUST me, I will be FLABBERGASTED
05:14.29alexhopperIt's NEW YEARS
05:14.30mrdigitalradioshacks here close
05:14.35alexhopperIt's a stat holliday
05:14.37filemadgoat: zapata.conf is where you edit it, busydetect=yes and busycount=3 probably...
05:14.38mrdigitalat 5pm
05:14.47mrdigitalall the time
05:15.37mogorman45 minutes left in this year
05:15.42mogormanat least for central peoples
05:15.51brockj49464does line polarity effect supervision?
05:16.25alexhoppersurfdue: Why are you so anxious to get a crossover cable?
05:16.37surfdueim flying to florida
05:16.50Qwell[]not even close
05:16.57mrdigitalalexhopper: he needs a crosssover so he can surf porn at the hotel maybe
05:16.59Qwell[]still wrong
05:17.11madgoatfile: Cheers. Thanks
05:17.20filebrockj49464: all I know is to signal a disconnect they do a momentary voltage drop
05:17.21alexhopperin canada, it's tommorow :p
05:17.42alexhopperin my head anyway
05:18.23alexhoppersurfdue: What do you need to hook up to your laptop?
05:18.40surfduemy linksys voip adapter
05:19.14surfduei want to "upgrade" the firmware to "unlock" it tobring with me
05:19.28surfdueall i want is to get to the gui?
05:19.32surfdueweb gui
05:19.42filegive... up... now...
05:19.53surfduef _ i _ l _e
05:19.56xachen<< installing dspam
05:20.28alexhopperDont be cheap, buy a real voip phone...
05:20.36alexhoppertrust me...I's worth it
05:20.57alexhopperThe speaker phones are amazing, right file?
05:21.07mrdigitalthe dlink phone good?
05:21.45Qwell[]Nobody invited Qwell. :(
05:24.02*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
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05:50.52Qwell[]slow night...
05:51.09PakiPenguinyup yup
05:56.22[alexhopper]surfdue: did you get to Radio Shack ?
05:57.31surfduetolate i dontwanna go
05:57.39surfduethanks foryour help though
05:58.34[alexhopper]no problem
06:02.54[alexhopper]CAn't decide on a name?
06:04.35harryvvooops! i wonder if this was asterisk involved in this story. most likly not :)
06:04.52harryvvI read this story and think if timmed call files.
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06:38.34gopherspideyWhat voip hardphone do people recomend?
06:38.52Qwell[]cisco, polycom..
06:39.38gopherspideyI heard that polycom are difficult to configure.
06:40.29gopherspideyare Polycomm's SIP based?
06:40.48Qwell[]yeah.  there are some that aren't though
06:44.50Assidheya Qwell[]
06:44.57Qwell[]Assid: hi
06:45.01Assidhows you
06:45.05Assidwhat the hell you doing at home?
06:45.05Qwell[]mes good
06:45.10Qwell[]I'm not at home
06:45.26Assid? times square ?
06:45.30Assidmovie theatre?
06:45.41Assidbottom line.. WHY ARENT YOU PARTYING YOUR BUMM OFF
06:45.48Qwell[]who says I'm not?
06:46.05Assidyour here..
06:46.10Qwell[]So are you
06:46.20Assidits noon here
06:46.25Assidoh wait
06:46.26Qwell[]It's 10 here
06:46.33Assidwhere are you?
06:46.37thazzaIts 5:46pm here.
06:47.10Assidwhere the hell are you??
06:47.20Qwell[]downtown Long Beach, CA
06:49.01*** join/#asterisk backblue_ (
06:49.51Qwell[]Wrong CA
06:50.54Qwell[]CA and LA are far too confusing of abbreviations
06:56.00Assidactually shoulda known from Long beach
07:12.27*** join/#asterisk cricalixwood (
07:12.49cricalixwoodHappy New Year to All
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07:16.32cricalixwoodHappy New Year nswint
07:16.40nswintHappy New Year
07:17.32cricalixwoodSitting here drinking my first coffee for the new year - starting off right!
07:18.08nswinthas anyone tried any wifi dongles or power over ethernet adaptors on any ip phones?
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08:20.07asterboyhappy new year!
08:20.20asterboygoogle's new year logo sucks btw
08:21.21swm_Happy New Year
08:25.28*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
08:26.56Qwell[]So, here's the first thing I've learned this year...
08:27.06Qwell[]public fireworks "displays" + fog = extremely pointless
08:27.20Qwell[]All you get is noise, heh
08:29.57drumkilladriving in the fog sucks too
08:30.00drumkillai just did that, heh
08:30.11Qwell[]my wife is doing so currently
08:31.03drumkillano fun
08:31.24Qwell[]I'll not update my previous statement
08:31.41Qwell[]All you get is noise, and car alarms, heh
08:36.30*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
08:40.53newland barking dogs
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08:48.23Fubsterhappy new year mofoz
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09:05.29IOscannerhappy new years
09:05.36Fremanhey guys - happy enw year
09:06.17FremanI've got an issue with my provider/asterisk... every now and then for whatever reason my provider goes "unreachable" - and I think asterisk eventualy gives up trying to reach them... this is an IAX channel.
09:06.47FremanIf I log into asterisk and type reload it all works fine again, but unless I do, I can't make calls over that channel
09:06.59FremanAnyway I can get asterisk to check and correct this behaviour it's self?
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09:15.37FremanI suppose I could script the call to perform a reload if it fails the first time... is there a way to just reset a channel without reloading the whole config?
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11:46.00lenne_dkOff-topic: If an US microwave oven is rated 1250W, is it what it consume or what it heat?
11:46.20lenne_dkIn EU, most oven heat 700-800W
11:48.01[wiebel]normaly the indication is what it consumes
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11:55.12lenne_dkSo a 1250W oven may heat 1000W.
11:58.10*** join/#asterisk gnosys (
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12:07.58gnosyshi all. anybody awake here?
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12:12.49coppicedepends where here is. there's someone awake here
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12:23.32gnosyshere being defined as #asterisk
12:23.59gnosysanybody here use an IAX2 provider for DID that you can comment on regarding quality, satisfaction, etc.
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12:30.40gnosysATA is an acronym which stands for many things.  In the context of using Asterisk, what is/are the most common interpretation(s)?  Analog Telephone Adapter?  Analog Terminal Adapter?  Other?
12:30.55*** join/#asterisk brockj49464 (n=brockj49@
12:31.32coppiceAnalog Terminal Adapter - a device which dies? :-)
12:32.51gnosysAnybody know who Digium gets their IAX2 service from?
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12:34.06coppicethat would be year 2600
12:35.02drrayea sports does not agree with you as they have NFL2k5
12:35.32coppiceis a 4k7 ohm resistor a 4007 ohm resistor. sports people are too dumb to count
12:36.16drraysorry I'm to busy to argue just to argue with you
12:36.24drrayer, too
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13:07.50gnosys_Is development with gnophone still active?  At, I see no News activity since April 2002.  Is that also representative of development on the software?
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13:36.33coppicethis project is not more. it ceased to be. it's shrugge off its mortal coil and gone to meet its maker. if they hadn't nailed it to the web site, it would be pushing up the daisies.
13:37.34gnosyscoppice: you mean gnophone?
13:38.55coppicecould be
13:39.11tuxinator_linuxMMark said there would be no more development with gnophone, someone is free to pick it up and work on it.
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13:40.48gnosyswhat about iaxtel.  is that still an active service?  there are indications on the website that hint that it may not be, but I'm not sure if that's short-term associated with the New Year holiday or if it's been that way for a long time.
13:45.11robl^gnophone only works with IAX nor IAX2, if I remember correctly
13:46.25robl^er... NOT IAX2
13:46.46gnosysDoes anyone know if is still an active service?  Copyright dates on the website of 1999-2003 and comments of "The IAXTel Server is currently under maintenance." make me wonder.
13:47.28*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
13:48.10robl^I know a new IAXtel server went online in late 2004.. but I don't know the current status
13:48.11*** join/#asterisk brockj49464 (n=brockj49@
13:49.07gnosysanyone here use ?
13:53.30gnosyswhat does it mean for a VoIP provider to "provide local number origination and termination?
13:53.48eivindtrHi all. Does anyone know how to set up a sip protocol handler and a softphone on a windows-desktop? What softphones support this?
13:54.05gnosysX-Lite has a SIP client for Windows. I think.  Use Google.
13:54.54eivindtrgnosys: Not just a client, a URL handler, so a webpage may include something like <a href="sip:me@somewhere">call me</a>
13:55.22gnosysNot sure, but I think that might work with x-lite.
13:55.37robl^also.. the Snom 360 Soft phone works rather well..  esp if you use Snoom hardware phones as well..
13:55.57eivindtrgnosys: I didn't make it, Firefox claims "protocol not registered"...
13:56.24gnosysprolly needs some extra configuration of the browser.
13:56.29benjkyou'll have to register X-Lite as a helper application for the sip URL scheme in your web browser
13:57.15gnosyssnom 360 only runs on windows, right?
13:57.32robl^at the moment.  there is a Linux version in development
13:57.59eivindtrgnosys and benjk: yes, but it still requires that the softphone (allready running) will accept another launch with a URL parameter..
13:58.57robl^the nice thing about it, at least for me, its almost identical to Snom 360 hard ohines.. configuration is the same.  same firmware.. no re-training for its use.    My hardware phones are also Snoms now
13:59.50gnosysrobl^: have you done any comparison of your Snom hardware phones with Polycom or Cisco products?  Just curious.
14:01.44robl^gnosys: I *had* Cisco.  Got rid of them.  Snom 360 supports 12 lines (vs 6 in a Cisco 7960).  Snom has backlighting on the LCD, support for custom ringtones PER line.  Snom allows  for SIP Subscribe/Notify (line / phone status)
14:02.16gnosysSo it sounds like you're much happier with the Snoms, huh?
14:02.39robl^Its easier to get firmware for Snoms..  no need for a license fee and SmartNet Subscription.  snom can eaily be configured with a web browser.
14:02.51coppicebut the ciscos have the advantage of nasty looking silver paint that wears off easily
14:03.19gnosysHow's the price comparison for Snom vs. Cisco 7960?
14:03.37coppicei think any appliance with EULA deserves to be rejected
14:04.08newlThose toasters really come with some unbelieveable ones I tell ya!
14:04.30robl^hahah!  Ciscos have 2 advantages over Snom.  XML applications (in development for the Snom 5.x firmware) and a larger LCD display
14:04.34coppicedon't laugh. A BMW now comes with one
14:05.24fugitivorobl^: now describe the disadvantages (ex: licenses)
14:05.28coppicemanufacturers are trying to create a world where we no longer actually buy anything
14:05.39drrayjust services
14:05.39robl^Snom 360s are about $100 or so less than a Cisco 7960..  but Snoms include the power brick ($35 extra for Cisco).
14:06.36coppicethe cisco price is extremely variable. what is that $100 figure based on
14:06.55robl^Also, Snom officially endorses and provides support for Asterisk.  There are asterisk notes and configuration tips on their website.  For cisco, SIP support is an afterthought.  They want people to use SCCP and CallManager
14:07.37*** join/#asterisk H202 (
14:07.54gnosysrobl^:  Really!  Are there any other IP telephones that support Asterisk?  I didn't know there were any!
14:07.55robl^Coppice..  Lets say that price is based on Atacomm's online store.  They sell BOTH Cisco and Snom.  Their price shows that Snom is being sold for $100 less
14:08.53fugitivowhy are you comparing snom with cisco and not for example polycom with snom or cisco or grandstream or whatever?
14:08.59coppicei really hate the cisco handset. never tried the snom, though
14:09.36robl^fugitivo: because gnosys asked about them.. and I have not used Polycom.  I am comparing the 2 that I have personally used
14:10.06drrayI've not tried the snom or the poly, but I love my cisco 7960
14:10.27robl^Atacomm sells Cisco 7960 for $339 and Snom 360 for $199
14:10.58fugitivohow much for polycom 601?
14:11.01*** join/#asterisk brockj49464 (n=brockj49@
14:11.06robl^Cisco hasn't added ANY new fueatures to the SIP firmware in ages.  nothing but bug fixes for some time now.
14:11.46drrayI want a 7970
14:11.57gnosysI think the mere fact that Snom supports asterisk is a very big plus for their phones.  Are there any other phones that do this officially?
14:12.14fugitivowhat do you mean with supporting asterisk?
14:12.25fugitivoit works with iax2?
14:12.29robl^7970 looks nice.. but only supports SCCP..  and SCCP is quite as well supported as SIP under Asterisk, at the moemnt
14:12.40drrayI know that when I was demo'ing asterisk for my boss and his boss, they recognized cisco and that helped sell it to them
14:13.02drrayI'm willing to do sccp on the 7970 to get xml scripting
14:13.10coppicerobl^: I don't find that an entirely positive endorsement :-)
14:13.58*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
14:14.01robl^fugitivo: Snom provides tech support for users who wish to use Asterisk with their phones.  They endorse it.  They also try to ensure compatibility with their device and Asterisk.
14:14.55drrayhow does that make it more compatible than say cisco? or even grandstream?
14:15.52fugitivorobl^: that's nice
14:16.03gnosysfugitivo: robl^ mentioned that Snom officially supports the use of Asterisk with their phones.  I was surprised by that because I was not aware that any phone mfgr did this.  When I peeked at their website, I found this:
14:16.24gnosysThat's the only company I know of that support's Asterisk with their phones.
14:17.56gnosysdoes anyone else know of any other phone mfgr that officially supports the use of their products with Asterisk?
14:19.07drrayasterisk uses an rfc for sip, and brand X uses the same rfc..
14:20.01gnosysrobl^: can the snom360 be wall-mounted?  does it ship with the accessories to do so or are they an extra purchase?
14:20.54robl^drray: its like HTML.  there is a spec for it...  but if you view a page in Internet Explorer vs FireFox, you sometimes get different results.  Some vendors comply with protocol standards better than others.  You may or may not get the expected results.
14:21.07gnosysdrray: yes, but it's one thing to say that (rfc and so on) and quite another for the company to officially support the use of their product with a different PBX than their own.
14:21.13robl^they can be wall mounted if you don't use the sidecar
14:22.02robl^they have enery thing you need for wall mounting
14:23.00gnosysnice.  wish i had known that before i bought my polycom phones.
14:23.03robl^again people are free to use whatever they want.. I am just talking about why *I* made teh decision to switch.
14:23.31gnosyswhat about distinctive ring programming with asterisk and snom phones?  have you done that  robl^?
14:24.47robl^easy stuff.. just add an extra line to the dialplan..   point it to a wav file on a webserver..  send the dial command.. and it uses that wav file for the ringtone of that call.
14:25.22coppicesnoms and polycoms both suffer from no echo suppression in the handset. if someone a little hard of hearing uses one, and turns up the volume, the person at the other end is far from happy.
14:26.29gnosyscoppice: I haven't seen that with my polycoms, but I've only been using them for about a week now.
14:26.33coppicetoo many high end phones are skimping on this
14:27.07gnosysrobl^: prolly a dumb question, but the snoms do have a speakerphone right?
14:27.13robl^no echo problems either with my Snoms.
14:27.32coppicedo you actually turn up the volume?
14:27.41gnosysI have with my polycom
14:28.12robl^the grandstream BT101 has HORRIBLE echo when using the speakerphone.   but my fleet of 10 Snom 360s have seen no echo problem.
14:28.42robl^one of my users keep the volume up to the highest level as well
14:29.15tzafrir_laptopdoes busydetect in zapata.conf have any effect on FXS channels?
14:30.01gnosysrobl^: what VoIP service do you use beyond the LAN at this site?  VoicePulse?  VoipJet?  other?
14:30.40robl^I use a combination of NuFone, TelIAX, and GalaxyVoice
14:30.59gnosysYou use IAX2 for all of them or SIP for some?
14:31.24robl^IAX@ for NuFone and TelIAX..  SIP for GalaxyVoice
14:31.51gnosysIs that becausee GalaxyVoice doesn't do IAX?
14:32.08*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
14:32.37coppiceGalaxyVoice sounds like a company that should have some serious latency issues :-)
14:32.46robl^gnosys: right.  they only do SIP.       I  may be canceling it and moving the DID to TelIAX
14:33.11robl^coppice:  talk about "long distance"  :)
14:33.15gnosysDo you have a DID number with NuFone at all?
14:34.05robl^I have 3 toll-free DIDs with NuFone.  TelIAX provides my non-toll free DIDs, except for 1 with GalaxyVoice
14:34.44gnosysAre you happy with NuFone and TelIAX for the DID numbers?  Price, quality, etc.?
14:34.52gnosyssound quality i mean
14:34.57gnosyscustomer service
14:35.28robl^gnosys: for my needs, yes.  I think it all depends on call volume, bandwidth, etc.  but for me, it is a good match
14:36.23gnosysDo you ever (or perhaps rarely) have problems with incoming calls?
14:37.27robl^I have 768K/768K SDSL for my VoIP service.    Only rarely do I have problems with incoming calls. I will usually get an email about some sorta outage if there is a problem.
14:38.36robl^for example, with NuFone they can configure a failover number.  if they can't route the call via IAX2 to my server, the call will be forwarded to another number
14:39.33gnosysI think I'll try signing up with TelIAX and NuFone for outbound calls.  There's no way to have a combination of providers for inbound calls is there?  I'm thinking that maybe there might be some way that a single number accepted calls from two different providers, but that's probably not possible or at least practical.
14:41.12robl^keep in mind, I have low call volume.  Maybe 20-30 calls a day.  No "call center".
14:42.51gnosysI expect I'll have even less than that.
14:43.29gnosysIf you were planning for higher call volume, say, 50-100 calls per day, what would you change?  the connection speed?  the service provider?  both?  other?
14:44.26[TK]D-FenderBalance connection speed based on simultaneous calls.
14:44.46robl^depends on really the concurrent call count as well..  :)  rarely do we have more than 4 concurrent calls to/from the outside.
14:45.26[TK]D-FenderAt 8kbps at G.711 that be 32kbps
14:46.25robl^g711??  umm.. thats full rate... 64kbps + overhead
14:46.39robl^per call
14:46.53*** join/#asterisk sigmounte (
14:46.58[TK]D-FenderThen factor in what codec will be used (often G.729a which is much lighter)
14:48.36*** join/#asterisk eivindtr (
14:48.42robl^right.. but with g729, it taxes the CPU quite a bit more.. so the server has to work harder..  most calls are ulaw..  though we use g729 for  remote phone
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15:01.13gnosysrobl^: with your TelIAX account, which of their packaged service plans are you using?  pay as you go?  corporate?
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15:02.22robl^gnosys: I have the pay as you go, as my call volume doesn't justify the other plans
15:02.36gnosysi c
15:04.29gnosysrobl^: I'm reading through the NuFone account terms.  You said you have (at least one) 800 number through them, is that right?
15:06.22robl^gnosys: yes. I have 3 toll-free numbers.. my account is quite old.  I think that billing terms are different now for new users
15:07.19robl^gnosys: My monthly bill with TelIAX is less than $30.. usually more like $25
15:07.47gnosysHow exactly does that work?  Is the toll-free line a line in-and-of itself or does it just take calls and pass them to one of the other incoming lines?  If the former, that seems very inexpensive.  VoicePulse charges $11.00 / month for a DID number, and it's not toll-free.
15:08.17gnosysNuFone says: "and US48 Toll-Free numbers for $2.50 a month plus 2.0 cents per minute"
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15:08.40robl^the toll-free DIDs are just forwarded via IAX2 from NuFone directly to  my server...  just like any other DID
15:09.36gnosysIs that price uncommonly low?  What am I missing that VoicePulse would charge more than 4 times that price for a non-toll-free DID line?
15:09.50robl^inbound calls are dumped to a context..  then based upon the DID number get a "Goto" to other contexts for call handling
15:11.47robl^VoicePulse charges a lot for very little, in my opinion.    NuFone assume that yer call volume (per minute charges) will compensate for the lower per DID charge
15:14.00robl^at least, that is my understanding
15:17.16gnosysDo you have non-toll-free DID numbers from NuFone in addition to the toll-free ones?  If their toll-free lines are only $2.50/month, I'm wondering what their non-toll-free lines go for.  They say that they are $7.50/month in Michigan (would that be without any per-minute charges?).  Does that imply (I wonder) that they only offer toll-free lines outside of Michigan, and don't have any non-toll-free DIDs to offer outside there?
15:18.03robl^I only use NuFone for toll-free and a backup for outbound
15:18.29gnosysIt looks like they actually run Asterisk themselves.  Is that right?
15:18.53gnosysAre there other options for providing IAX2 service than with *?
15:19.46robl^gnosys: one of the owners of NuFone is an active Asterisk developer
15:20.08RoyKgnosys: yate supports iax2
15:20.35RoyKrobl^: you mean jerjer?
15:20.46robl^RoyK: yeah
15:21.06gnosysIAX is apparently a trademark of Digium.  Was the protocol invented by them?
15:21.12robl^he is *still* active, right?
15:21.13RoyK'active asterisk developer' isn't really what he is imhoyes
15:21.30RoyKgnosys: inter asterisk exchange
15:22.14RoyKrobl^: jerjer has only written some of chan_h323, not really a lot
15:22.27RoyKrobl^: do a grep -ri jeremy in the asterisk tree :P
15:22.41gnosysSo, does that imply that any IAX2 provider is doing so with asterisk? (or perhaps yate?)
15:23.01gnosysIOW, only open source implementations?
15:23.41RoyKgnosys: why?
15:24.21gnosysWell, I'm researching options for a DID myself, and I've learned enough about SIP and IAX2 to know that IAX2 is vastly preferable to SIP.
15:25.07RoyKthere are pros and cons for both sip and iax2
15:25.09gnosysI'm trying to get quality vs. price comparisons for a range of providers.  I think I'm getting ready to go with robl^'s solution: NuFone and TelIAX
15:25.19RoyKiax2 is better implemented in * than sip
15:25.34RoyKand sip has problems with nat
15:25.59RoyKsearch the asteirsk mailing lists about nufone and support
15:26.07RoyKiirc they suck
15:26.19gnosysfor support?
15:26.27RoyKUS DIDs?
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15:28.54gnosysgenerally, for a DID, does the company charge a flat rate per month as well as per-minute charges that come in over that line or just the flat rate?  I know NuFone sells toll-free DIDs at 2.50/month plus $.02 per-minute, but I'm curious about non-toll-free numbers.
15:29.50tzangergnosys: you can get it both ways
15:29.51RoyKi really have no idea about the US market
15:29.57tzangerpersonally I prefer cheap cheap DIDs and per-minute on incoming
15:30.03tzangerjust like I prefer per-minute on outgoing
15:30.15tzangerit's rare that I run up $30 worth of calls a month
15:31.40gnosystzanger: I don't want to compromise on quality of the sound/service for a DID, but with that in mind, what would you say is a "cheap cheap" price for a DID?  NuFone is the lowest I've seen at $2.50 / month plus $0.02 per minute and that seems pretty good to me, but that's after having reviewed a limited number of providers.
15:31.57tzangeryeah $2-$3 range is what I consider "cheap cheap"
15:32.06gnosysDo you use NuFone?
15:32.16tzangerthey're my primary termination provider
15:32.23tzangerused them for the last 2.5 years approx.
15:32.35gnosyshappy with 'em?  overall?  customer service?  quality?
15:33.29tzangervery happy with them.  customer service is a bit of a bitch but honestly I've only needed it a couple of times over that 2.5 years and it's always been my end that has the trouble.
15:34.08tzangerJerjer himself has spent a number of hours with me personally working on tracking down IAX2 bugs.  The only ohter provider which has done that for me has been Asterlink.
15:34.15tzanger(that's bkw and anthm's company)
15:34.18tzangerand file's too I think
15:34.54RoyKi thought jerjer was only in on the h323 part
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15:35.02tzangerThey are also very good but I cannot for the life of me use qualify with them.  The calls sound fine but the qualify messages drive me right fucking nuts
15:35.11tzangerRoyK: nope
15:35.32gnosyscan't use qualify with who?  Asterlink?
15:35.37gnosysor file's?
15:35.46gnosyswhere's file's website?
15:35.48tzangerfile/anthm/bkw work for/own (not sure which) asterlink
15:35.51RoyKi can't use qualify with fscking LAN clients
15:35.57robl^I've not had much trouble with NuFone support.  Keep in mind they are a small outfit.  Don't expect 500 live-operators waiting for your call.     They are minimalistic.  But, the few times I have needed support, I sent emails and got a response within a couple hours, depending on time of day.  I have been with them since before they really went public
15:36.14tzangerrobl^: same here
15:36.43RoyKwhere is the nufone price list?
15:36.48tzangerI also use unlimitel for their on-net termination since it's CAD$0.011/min.  Nufone/Asterlink/prettymcuheveryoneelse is USD$0.0195
15:36.57tzangerRoyK: check their website
15:37.05RoyKtzanger: didn't find anything there
15:37.45tzangerRoyK: hmm you're right
15:37.47tzangerit *was* on there
15:38.03gnosysThe only thing I found was their main page...  there should be more, tzanger?
15:38.07tzangerbasically USD$0.0195/min US48+Canada
15:38.11robl^they are re-doing their website again..
15:38.19tzangeror is it $0.02 US48 and $0.0195 Canada
15:38.36tzangergnosys: not really no; as robl^ said, they are very minimalistic.
15:39.28gnosysWell thanks, you guys.
15:39.44gnosysI think I've decided on a toll-free DID with NuFone.
15:40.01RoyKwtf is US48?
15:40.24robl^RoyK: all of US except Alaska and Hawaii
15:40.46benjkand except Canada!!!
15:40.59robl^Canada is NOT US :)
15:41.14JunK-Yalaska is a bit far from US vs the canada :P
15:41.28benjkit is nevertheless quite silly that Canadians cannot call 1-866 numbers
15:41.42robl^Alaska is the forgotten state.   ;)
15:41.47JunK-Ybenjk: we can call 1-866 numbers.
15:41.49benjkno matter what they do - even if they are happy to pay
15:41.58JunK-Yrobl^: no, the frozen state ;)
15:41.59benjknot all of them
15:42.22benjkif its is a Canadian 1-866 number, yes
15:42.27JunK-Ysame thing for 800, 900 numbers.
15:42.29tzangerbenjk: it depends ENTIRELY on the "owner" of the number
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15:42.39benjkit depends on the provider
15:42.42tzangeryou can order tollfree as US48, US+Canada, US+Mexico, US+Canada+Mexico, etc.
15:42.47NewSolewe can call any 866 num
15:42.55robl^on the provider and agreed rates
15:42.56benjkNewSole: not correct
15:43.08tzangerNewSole: we have an 800 and 877 number that is only available in Canada; you can't call it from the US
15:43.17tzangerbenjk: it *is* correct
15:43.35tzangerwe can call any tollfree number that is "allowed" to accept calls from Canada
15:43.36benjkNewSole is not correct
15:43.49tzangerbenjk: honestly do not argue things you do not understand.
15:44.05jbroomewhat fun is that?
15:44.07benjkthere are 1-866 numbers which cannot be called depeding on which NANPA area you're in
15:44.14tzangerI think the toll free restrictions are actually on an area-code basis.  I can order my 800# to not accept calls from 519, for instance
15:44.15JunK-Ytzanger: happy new year man.
15:44.33robl^there are US toll free numbers that can only be called from certain regions of the US.  (not as common, but they do exist)
15:44.35benjkyes, but he said *any*
15:44.35tzangerbenjk: exactly, but we can call any 800/866/877/888 number that is allowed to accept calls from our area code
15:44.42tzangerbenjk: you're being a fucking pedant again
15:44.49benjkand any means every single one
15:44.49tzangerJunK-Y: et tu.  :-)
15:45.06benjkI am eh?
15:45.10benjkhow about him
15:45.24JunK-Yet tu is prolly toi aussi :)
15:45.29NewSolebenjk>.. I can call any one I want All I have to do is change my caller ID Number
15:45.36tzangerJunK-Y: I never was very good at French.  :-)
15:45.39tzafrir_laptopagain, does busydetect in zapata.conf have any effect on FXS channels?
15:45.40benjkhe said *any* even though it was clear from context that there are providers through which numbers are restricted
15:46.02JunK-Ytzanger: that's what my ex-gf said too :P
15:46.06RoyKtzanger: interesting... my price to US is .0204
15:46.10RoyKterminated in .lt
15:46.19tzangerRoyK: interesting
15:46.28RoyKthat's all of US
15:46.32JunK-Ytzafrir_laptop: i dunno
15:46.36NewSoleour price is 0.015
15:46.48RoyKNewSole: terminating where?
15:46.52NewSoleeven cheaper on bulk
15:47.15tzafrir_laptopJunK-Y, you mean I actually have to check the source?
15:47.23robl^oh yeah.. I pay.. 3.141562635 cents per min ;)
15:47.24NewSolenorth america all 50 states and canada too
15:47.55tzangerrobl^: that's not quite pi :-)  3.14157429...  I forget the rest :-)
15:48.14robl^darn!  my pi calculator is broken
15:48.24RoyKNewSole: what provider is this?
15:48.36H202tzanger: you are wrong, too   :-)
15:48.50NewSoleus... virttel
15:48.54tzangermy pi calculator is in the cutlery drawer...  it can divide and subtract pi amazingly well :-)
15:49.16tzangerH202: I thought the first 9 digits were 3.14157429
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15:50.32robl^I have a toll free number that just works between my office and the one down the hall.. :  not exactly useful, but keeps Christine from calling the Home Shopping Network while she is working
15:52.04*** join/#asterisk sigmounte (
15:52.12tzangerNewSole: I *still* don't understand your username/peer combinations... 5324982500000320400043204006534200@virttell...  heh
15:52.14frenzycan someone tell me what is used for
15:52.31frenzymy bad
15:52.34robl^loads the ulaw codec
15:53.03JunK-Yto record in ulaw? ; Raw uLaw 8khz Audio support (PCM)
15:53.36JunK-Ydo a show file formats
15:53.37NewSoledifferent code types for different connection types
15:53.39*** part/#asterisk darkskiez (
15:54.15frenzybut format_X is used for recording ?
15:54.32JunK-Yunload it, u will see that format will be gone from the list.
15:54.48JunK-Ynot just to record, to play too
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15:59.53JunK-Yits to load the chan_local, pretty clear?
16:00.07JunK-Yshow channeltypes, if u unload it, it will disapear from that list.
16:01.00*** join/#asterisk cricalixwood (
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16:04.48frenzyI'm facing frequent load issues
16:04.59*** part/#asterisk mhnoyes (
16:05.06frenzy99.9% cpu loads
16:06.08frenzyis there a bash command that can be used to restart asterisk in grace mode (when no active voice channels)
16:06.26JunK-Yfrenzy: restart when convenient
16:06.47tzafrir_laptopasterisk -rx 'restart when convenient'
16:06.48JunK-Yand you should give a quick look on
16:07.02*** join/#asterisk k31th (
16:08.19frenzyI belive the load is caused by heavy transcoding
16:09.40frenzyI'm not getting a verbose output
16:09.51frenzylike I do when /usr/sbin/asterisk -rx reload
16:10.36*** part/#asterisk tartar (
16:10.42JunK-Ythats normal
16:11.02frenzyshould the ' be included?
16:11.10JunK-Yjust : /usr/sbin/asterisk -rx 'show uptime'  u will see it restarting at a moment or another.
16:14.06frenzydoes restarting really bang down asterisk and start up fresh?
16:14.53frenzyafter restarting I saw two asterisk processes each 50%
16:15.26JunK-Yits probably due an mpg123 process no?
16:15.37JunK-Ykillall -9 mpg123
16:16.06frenzympg doenst exist
16:16.12frenzyand MOH is disabled
16:16.34JunK-Ywhich * ?
16:17.14JunK-Yeven at 0 calls, its returns at 99.9% cpu load?
16:18.56frenzycouple hours after and and calls later whether 5 calls or 0 calls
16:19.29frenzynever mind I think the restart will do the trick..
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16:30.38gushiHey all.  Basic stupid question -- how do you do a transfer to another extension in *?
16:32.05gushiI'm using phones (grandstream) that do not have dedicated transfer buttons.
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16:41.34JunK-Ygushi: dial with t or T
16:43.07gushino, I mean from a handset.
16:45.06JunK-Yur handset is link to a keypad, no?
16:47.29*** join/#asterisk af_ (
16:48.57gushiYes, but where's the "t" on your standard dtmf handset?
16:50.40mistralhum anyone know of a way to reset ip_conntrack table in linux ?
16:50.50gushior let's say I was using an ATA186, how would I do a transfer with that?
16:52.54JunK-Ygushi: show application dial
16:53.01JunK-Yand read the t and T options.
16:54.27gushiSo look for the feature in features.conf
16:56.49*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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17:03.54frenzywhat does safe_asterisk do?
17:04.10ManxPowerfrenzy, it's a shell script.  read it
17:04.55JunK-YManxPower: just as curiosity which Rev do u use for ur polycom in production?
17:05.31ManxPowerJunK-Y, I'd have to look, but I think it is 1.6.2
17:07.48ManxPowerNope.  User-Agent: PolycomSoundPointIP-SPIP_300-UA/
17:08.07*** join/#asterisk Cyberchen (
17:08.52ManxPowerI THINK I read the 1.6 release notes and didn't see anything that would be a required upgrade for us.
17:09.16JunK-Yive 1.5.2 too on my personnal polycom.
17:09.40RoyK~seen zoa
17:09.44jbotzoa is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 22 messages.  Is idling for 1d 3h 41m 2s
17:09.44ManxPowerI've been unable to get the 3.x bootrom to load on my polycoms.
17:09.45*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
17:11.26JunK-Ystill have 2.6.1
17:12.57*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
17:14.30TheCopsManxPower, freedomphones is very nice for firmware, I did backup of all files, polycom own!
17:15.09ManxPowerJunK-Y, The latest 1.6.x series looks like it has some useful features added.
17:15.50ManxPower1.5.2 was a required upgrade for us because of the ability to disable call waiting in that release
17:21.19*** join/#asterisk amir (
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17:23.10phonetalkhello everybody
17:24.47ManxPowerBTW, how many inches in 1U (as in rack space)?
17:25.07ManxPowerI thought it was 1" for some reason, but I don't think that's correct.
17:26.10*** join/#asterisk nain (n=nain@
17:26.14NewSole1 1/4
17:26.57nainHi Everybody
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17:53.06gnosysrobl^ you still here?
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17:53.38gnosysanybody here use NuFone for a DID?
17:54.04ManxPowergnosys, I have two DIDs from Nufone.
17:54.22ManxPowerNufone has tollfree DIDs and Mich DIDs.
17:54.50gnosysDoes obtaining them require a human or is there an automated way to get them?  I just signed up with them and don't see a way to buy a DID on the website...
17:55.12*** join/#asterisk nain (n=nain@
17:55.25nainHi every body
17:55.26ManxPowergnosys, their interface is...interesting.  If I recall correctly, you can buy a DID via your portal on their web site.
17:55.54gnosyshmmm... i don't see one.  i see account data, but nothing else.
17:56.40p0g0_hi-would this be an appropriate place to ask about a spandsp patch failing while trying to build asterisk-1.2.1 and AMP?
17:56.42gnosysDoh... I found it.
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17:58.40smirlp0g0_, yea probably would be.
17:58.55smirlunless there's a spanDSP irc channel lol
17:59.25nainIs there a way that i can store each caller message in it's own mail box using 1800 number ?
18:00.11smirla new mailbox for each new caller?
18:00.34p0g0_smirl: the makefile.rej  indicates that should be getting replaced by and
18:00.51Cyberchenp0g0_ no way ... i tryd the same .. 2 days a go ..
18:01.12p0g0_smirl: simply put, if I don't care about faxing, I can ignore this safely, can't I... or at least deal with it later?
18:01.15Cyberchenp0g0_ if you make the changes manual to the makefile ... the build fails with .. missing seperator ...
18:01.26nainsmirl: Actually the senerio is that user is calling from 1800 number and identify by Authenticate application after all i wanted to store each caller in it's own mailbox
18:03.09p0g0_Cyberchen: that rings a bell...I saw a one liner somewhere that indicated a missing uhmm comma or semi-colon, but I paid it no mind..I might be able to dig it up & see it if pertains to this
18:03.58p0g0_Cyberchen: would it be good advice to undo that patch and carry on without it?  Faxing is pretty far down the list.
18:04.16Cyberchenworks great without the patch
18:04.18Cyberchenor not
18:04.27Cyberchenbut the fax stuff is not a problem
18:04.42Cyberchenyou can forget the patch and just disable the fax stuff at amp
18:05.21nainUser is calling from 1800 number and i wanted to store each caller in it's own mailbox how's it's possible?
18:05.27Cyberchen* 1.2.1 + latest amp .. but i have problems :(
18:05.52gnosysanyone here use VoipJet?
18:05.54p0g0_Cyberchen: I'll do that.   If "faxing isn't the problem", idle curiousity drives me enquire, what is?
18:05.54Cyberchenp0g0_ but dont worry, i had all working in the past without the spandsp patch on it
18:06.10p0g0_ok . What me worry...
18:06.24gnosysCyberchen, I just noticed you said you use amp.  Do you like it (in general... aside from your problems)?
18:06.38Cyberchenits endles cool
18:06.46Cyberchen... if it works :)
18:07.06Cyberchenyou can do all the base stuff you need with it
18:07.22Cyberchenall the daily shit .. like adding users and so .. or trunks .. or or or
18:07.30Cyberchenand .. you can still hardcode your stuff
18:07.57Cyberchenits really nice .. but since i tryd to update .. i really having problems to get it to work
18:07.58nainAnyone Voicemail expert
18:08.48Cyberchengnosys why do you ask?
18:10.16gnosysI'm thinking of trying amp, just curious about other folks who are using it.
18:10.33p0g0_Cyberchen: that update would be to asterisk 1.2.1 ?  From 1.2.0?  Or prior?
18:10.49Cyberchenp0g0_ dont ask me ..
18:10.54p0g0_ok sorry
18:11.00Cyberchenp0g0_ from * 0.9  ... ;)
18:11.03Cyberchenor something
18:11.08Cyberchenor 1.0 ?
18:11.13Cyberchenp0g0_ cant remember ...
18:11.35Cyberchenp0g0_ im trying now since 3 weeks to get it running ...
18:11.38mrdigitalgnosys: can i show you a better asterisk webgui then amp
18:11.52Cyberchenmrdigital ... url? click the english flag on the upper right
18:12.57gnosysmrdigital, just out of curiosity, what's your connection to it?  happy user?  author?  investor?  ;-)
18:13.31gnosysis there an english language version... i'm working on learning italian, but not there yet.
18:13.44mrdigitalgnosys: click on the british flag on the upper right
18:13.53mrdigitalthats the english version
18:13.53Cyberchenlooks really cool
18:13.56gnosysah.  thanks.
18:13.59mrdigitali am stuck on installing it tho
18:14.04Cyberchenmrdigital thx2!
18:14.28mrdigitalCyberchen: let me know what you come up with im stuck at one part
18:14.38Cyberchenwhat part?
18:14.50Cyberchenno .. have to go and eat something ... bbl
18:17.00mrdigitalAn error occurred while the WSDL was being accessed: wsdl error: HTTP ERROR: Couldn't open socket connection to server http://root:voiceone@localhost/voiceone_webservices/server.php?wsdl, Error (13): Permission denied
18:17.19*** join/#asterisk wasim (n=wasim@pdpc/supporter/active/wasim)
18:17.57Cyberchenmrdigital try to chmod everything ;)
18:18.39gnosysmrdigital, you've tried amp?
18:18.52*** join/#asterisk Fantasy (
18:19.39mrdigitalmaybe im running the script as root?
18:19.43mrdigitaldoes apache have a user?
18:20.32tzafrir_laptopyou try to authenticate to apache as root. Are you sure this is needed?
18:21.00tzafrir_laptopapache typically does not authenticate from system accounts
18:22.14mrdigitali get permission denied
18:23.46mrdigitalwhats a SoapUsername and SoapPassword>
18:25.38*** join/#asterisk trym (
18:25.39p0g0_Soap Is an MS object broker protocol I think... I have no idea about it's use here.
18:27.14mrdigitalSoapusername and password must the be the same as htaccessusername and password in /voiceone_services/config/cfg.php
18:27.18tzafrir_laptopp0g0_, not only MS. Have you ever tried soup?
18:27.48tzafrir_laptopShould probably taste better than soap
18:27.50p0g0_assuming you don't mean the edible stuff.
18:29.06Martzhow do I switch my configuration to mysql? I think it is over ridding my using the config files..
18:29.36*** join/#asterisk gnosys (
18:30.21Martzis that just for queues?
18:30.23Martzor for everything?
18:30.44Martzbecause my extensions from mysql do not show up when I type "show dialplan"
18:31.05Martzshould they show up there then? if I create ext 501 for example
18:31.29Corydon76-homeYour extensions can only come from a single place
18:32.02Corydon76-homeEither mysql or the config file... pick on
18:32.28Martzim trying to get this going with AMP.. but anything I do via the web interface I cant see on the console.. I can see it making connections and it will reload.. but I dont see the changes I have put in... and it doesnt write anything out from the mysql database to the config files - which I assume is correct?
18:32.53Corydon76-homeOh, you're using AMP
18:33.04Corydon76-homeAsk on the AMP mailing list
18:33.35Martzthanks anyway :)
18:33.56Martzim guessing its a problem with Asterisk still using the config files rather than the mysql config though
18:33.58Corydon76-homeAsk the people whose code it is
18:34.07Martzrather than the AMP side of things
18:37.40tzafrir_laptopMartz, if you're trying to hack AMP, consider dumping it and starting from scratch. AMP is complicated and difficult to figure out.
18:37.54Martzjust trying to get it working =)
18:38.00Martzis there a better manager?
18:38.16Martzi'll stick with nano ;)
18:38.31Martzi got some basic stuff up and running without a manager
18:38.43Martzwhich was a sip peer
18:38.43tzafrir_laptopFor instance: try changing the number of an extension
18:39.29tzafrir_laptopnano has lousy undo. emacs and vi are much better there.
18:40.24*** join/#asterisk _cleric_ (
18:40.38Martzyeah, im sure it is much more powerful
18:40.44Martzi just dont need it
18:41.17tzafrir_laptopAnyway, you were saying?
18:41.31Martznm, im starting over
18:41.37MartzAMP just got deleted
18:42.33*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/qwell)
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18:52.03trymis there any way of making a SIP/ entry in queues unavailible? Or do I have to make it an agent.. and do logoff ?
18:52.39Qwell[]Not sure if you can, but you might be able to pause a static member
18:55.09*** join/#asterisk iPBX (
18:55.20iPBXOk, new name folks, this one should be more permanent
18:55.34trymQwell[], pausing would be great.. any idae how ?
18:55.53Qwell[]from the dialplan
18:56.26*** join/#asterisk kio (
18:56.28iPBX~weather KMWN
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19:07.32RoyK~weather oslo
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19:13.00RoyKis this interesting or are there other works in progress that are better?
19:13.21_Sam--i know there is no real answer to this....but for residential customers, what is general concensus of who is the best provider?
19:13.27*** join/#asterisk pb_ (n=pb@2002:5168:d214:1:a00:1fff:fe06:93c)
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19:16.56ionixAny suggestion for a Text to Speech program/website? It doesn't need to be real-time. The one that I think is best is ATT's research lab but maybe there is a better one out there.
19:18.01*** join/#asterisk JaredBluestein (
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19:21.41hhrpim having problems with installing OH323 channel on bsd 5.4
19:22.00hhrpafter trying to Make Pwlib its giving errors
19:22.06hhrpanyone has similar experience?
19:22.15hhrpMakefile", line 185: Need an operator
19:22.15hhrp"make/ptlib.mak", line 37: Need an operator
19:22.15hhrp"make/ptlib.mak", line 39: Need an operator
19:23.40hhrpits like when i type export
19:23.44mrdigitalcan ayone here do flash?
19:23.54hhrpit says incorrect command
19:26.45bkw__gmake vs make?
19:26.56bkw__i'm sure on bsd you need to use gmake right?
19:27.08Qwell[]indeed you do
19:27.42rob0"Need an operator" isn't talking about someone at the PBX switchboard, huh? ;)
19:31.35*** join/#asterisk justinu (n=justinu@
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19:40.37gnosysanybody here use VoipJet?
19:41.32*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
19:47.31drrayI have a voipjet test account
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19:53.59RoyK~seen zoa
19:54.03jbotzoa is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 22 messages.  Is idling for 1d 6h 25m 21s
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20:06.51slappingtne1 have time for a question about connecting 2 linksys switches togehter?
20:14.11IronHelixits easy- just connect them with a ethernet cable
20:14.14*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
20:14.30IronHelixif they dont have auto-mdiX then hook the Uplink port of one to a non-uplink port on the other
20:14.38IronHelixremember, the last port and uplink are ususally the same
20:14.59IronHelixso if you have 1 2 3 4 5 Uplink, then you can only use 5 or uplink at the same time (not both)
20:15.22IronHelixUplink is just a port that's wired differently
20:15.42IronHelixyou can also use a crossover cable and plug any of the two same kinds of ports to each other
20:15.58IronHelixie (normalport) -> xover cable -> (normalport)
20:16.09*** join/#asterisk razu_ (
20:16.10IronHelixor (uplinkport) -> normal cable -> normalport
20:16.45IronHelixunless either/both of the switches support 'auto mdi/mdi-x' (auto crossover), in which case just connect any port to any other port with any kind of cable and it will work automatically
20:17.18*** join/#asterisk gnosys (
20:17.32hhrpi forgot gmake
20:17.33ManxPower"IronHelix Investigations: We help the helpless!"
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20:28.46trymhow can I prevent asterisk from making the ringing sound itself.. and just pass through what is actually being sent from my sip provider?
20:30.53ManxPowertrym, don't use the "r" option.
20:31.18ManxPowerHowever, since in SIP ringing is sent as a MESSAGE rather than as AUDIO....
20:31.25*** join/#asterisk meebey (
20:32.26*** join/#asterisk Wikipedia-Gast42 (
20:33.20meebeyI installed chan-capi-cm 0.6.2 with asterisk 1.2.1 and I get the following when I do a call over my avm fritz card: Jan  1 21:32:48 WARNING[6368]: channel.c:784 channel_find_locked: Avoided initial deadlock for '0x8133078', 10 retries!
20:33.22Wikipedia-Gast42hooray hooray, this is a wonderful day for i found my cow
20:33.26*** part/#asterisk Wikipedia-Gast42 (
20:33.37trymManxPower: ahhh .. retarded me
20:33.41iPBXhe found his COW!
20:34.13ManxPowermeebey, it should be a harmless message.
20:34.39meebeymaybe then I use the wrong name of the CAPI channel
20:34.52meebeyI use CAPI/... is that still right?
20:35.05meebeysince I called the card ISDN1 in the capi.conf I used chan capi 0.3.5 before
20:35.16justinuyou can send inband tones with sip
20:35.20justinui do it all the time
20:35.52meebeythe call gets rejected after that message with:
20:35.57ManxPowerjustinu, Yes, but you have to control both ends of the link.,
20:36.05justinuhow so?
20:36.21meebeyisnt that valid anymore?
20:36.28ManxPowerjustinu, how are you going to get inband tones from your provider?
20:36.35justinuif you get an inbound call, and send a 183 progress, the other end should at least cut the audio path one way
20:36.50justinuoh, i just asked mine for it
20:37.05ManxPowerjustinu, I assumed he was referring to an outbound call via a provider.
20:37.14ManxPowerGranted, he didn't actually say much useful.
20:37.15justinui see, i didn't read it
20:37.17meebeyhm I think I found it, CAPI/ISDN1/... I want
20:38.06ManxPowerI guess I really should try to do laundry today.
20:38.09meebeyseems to work again :)
20:38.23justinuManxPower: too much excitement
20:38.25meebeythats what happens when you jump from 0.3.5 to 0.6.2 :)
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21:02.07trymI want to give a caller waiting in a queue, the option to leave a message or continue holding.. after a certain time. Any links to a documents describing this ?
21:03.35*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=lynx@
21:04.33[TK]D-Fendertrym : use the timout feature on the diaplan line calling the Queue.
21:05.13trymah sweet..
21:05.27trymdidnt know it had a timeout.. and I guess I was to lazy to check ;)
21:06.10[TK]D-Fenderits Queue(thequeue|||300) or so for 300s (5mins max) before quiting back to the dialplan to be able to leave voicemail.
21:06.39[TK]D-FenderI think taht since you can give them the option to leave voicemail when THEY feel like it that this should not really be used for taht purpose though.
21:07.35trymis there a way to detect that there are no availible agents/phones to answer the queue?
21:08.00[TK]D-Fenderdepends on when, and how I guess.
21:08.03[TK]D-FenderWhats your goal?
21:08.14rob0"Your call is important to us, but not so much that we would actually hire enough people to answer it."
21:08.33trymwell more like, when everyone has left for the day
21:08.40trymbut I dont want to set a fixed time
21:08.43rob0noon ;)
21:08.49trymbecause people might be here a few hours closing time
21:08.57[TK]D-FenderThe are 2 flag in the queue def for "joinwhenempty" and "leaveempty"
21:09.17trymah true..
21:09.44[TK]D-Fendertrym : use the * DB to set a value that you will check before letting callers into the queu in the first place.  thats the easiest way to have flexible queue hours.
21:09.55trymsounds good
21:09.56trymthanks :)
21:10.44*** join/#asterisk frenzy_ (n=frenzy@
21:11.11[TK]D-Fenderhowevere you will pass on responsibility to your agents to shut down the queue and not leave customers hanging
21:11.30[TK]D-Fendermaybe the best way is a hybrid time / variable shutdown. (safeguard)
21:13.08trymyeah.. that would be optimal
21:23.03*** join/#asterisk backblue (
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22:15.54rob0(that about covers it I guess)
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22:18.08RoyK~seen Katty
22:18.18jbotkatty is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 108 messages.  Is idling for 2d 50m 12s
22:20.25meebeyI dont get a ring signal anymore, is that a setting in asterisk?
22:20.54meebeywhen I make a call, it doesn't make any sounds till he otherside picks up
22:21.30JunK-Ymouhaahha @royk
22:22.53Fubsterin regards to music on hold, what is the best bitrate for the mp3s, so i don't get WARNING[7696]: res_musiconhold.c:833 moh_register: Unable to open pseudo channel for timing...  Sound may be choppy.
22:23.13Qwell[]Fubster: That error is because you don't have a timing source
22:23.20Qwell[]such as a zap card, or ztdummy
22:23.31meebeyno support for RTC?
22:23.38Qwell[]I didn't think MoH needed timing, but...
22:23.41Qwell[]meebey: through ztdummy
22:23.58Fubsteri forgot to modprobe it
22:25.10*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
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22:54.02JunK-Ysomeone familiar with chan_phone here?
22:55.25*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
22:55.39Strom_Chappy catsex!  I mean new year!
22:57.58*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=lisa@
22:58.15[hC]Anyone here know where i should start poking around to get asterisk working on an embedded system like a soekris?
22:58.42[hC]Guess the wiki has some info...
22:59.18RoyK[hC]: there was an 'asterisk embedded' project some time back
23:02.45*** join/#asterisk roulduke_ (
23:02.46[hC]Im looking for something powerful enough to run a small office with an x100p or tdm400p sized card that allows more than one fxo port. im trying to eliminate moving parts (fans, hard drives) in my client installs
23:03.13[hC]ive read some reviews on asterisk on the soekris net4801 and it seems a little sketchy
23:03.20tzangerembedded asterisk really isn't all that strange
23:04.02RoyKjust compile asterisk for ulibc
23:04.05[hC]I would try it out on gumstix, except i need at least one fxo port.
23:04.10tzanger[hC]: via epia may do it if you're not going hog-wild with options, use hw echo cans and ulaw.  :-)
23:04.31tzanger[hC]: yes, that's embedded
23:04.43tzangermy embedded asterisk is on Blackfin BF533
23:04.46RoyK[hC]: how large a system?
23:04.56[hC]currently i do ulaw to the phones, and then either g729 or speex (still undecided) to a master * box for routing, rather than putting pri onsite per client
23:05.04tzangerI need to look at it a little more though, Asterisk does run on uClinux and uClibc
23:05.07tzangerbut still
23:05.09[hC]RoyK: 15-40 phones usually.
23:05.20tzanger[hC]: you won't get away with much if you're using g729...  that's quite processor intense
23:05.27RoyK[hC]: i mean what sort of 'embedded' hardware?
23:05.30[hC]tzanger: yeah..
23:05.53tzangerI was going ot use OMAP and do all the echocan and whatnot on the DSP side but those chips are soooooooooooo expensive
23:06.11tzangerTI has some other chips that are more suited for VOIP but I have a BF533 eval board so that's what I'm running with
23:06.11[hC]RoyK: I havent decided. Right now i put dell pc's onsite for clients, but im trying to eliminate the moving parts and scale it down, so that I can mount it on telco boards and not have to worry about fans dying
23:06.49*** join/#asterisk tetsuzan (n=rider@
23:06.53[hC]obviously I could run g729 to the phones themselves as well, and avoid the transcode, but people occasionally complain that g729 sounds too 'cell phone'y
23:06.58tzangerit's geared more toward video but that just means lots of power for audio :-)
23:07.17tzanger[hC]: if your call is coming in g729 having ulaw to the phone ain't gonna help anything
23:07.23*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
23:07.26JunK-Yjust as curiosity, which soft phones u guys using?
23:07.39[hC]tzanger: right which is why i was considering doing g729 to the phones as well
23:07.48[hC]tzanger: all calls go in and out over IAX
23:07.50tetsuzanX PRO
23:07.54[hC]tzanger: not PRI or anything.
23:07.54saftsackis it possible to install 4 hfc singleportcards and a 4 port fxs wildcard without getting an echo?
23:08.11RoyKsaftsack: it's possible to try.....
23:08.23saftsackRoyK, do you have experiences with such a setup?
23:08.34RoyKsaftsack: but I beleive perhaps getting a quad bri from might be a little bit better....
23:09.01RoyKthe hfc pci cards you get for EUR 10 generates a hell of a lot of interrupts
23:09.46tzanger[hC]: still, if you have g729 in the path your call quality won't ever be much better than g729
23:09.52*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr (
23:10.31saftsackRoyK, i have a 4 port beronet card in another pc but it is very expensive
23:10.49[hC]tzanger: right... sorry i thought you were referring to the transcoding power. I was ALSO contemplating removing g729 altogether (right now i am testing ulaw to the phones and speex to the IAX peer) to see if i can gain some quality and not sacrifice as much bandiwdth as ulaw wants.
23:10.54tzanger"you don't need to be a millionaire to do nothing... look at my cousin... he's broke and he don't do shit"  :-)
23:10.57saftsackyes i know that there a a lot of irq issues but maybe someone has some experiences
23:11.26tzanger[hC]: I like gsm quite a bit
23:11.28tzangerno complaints
23:11.32tzangerg729 and ilbc get complaints
23:12.16[hC]in my tests so far gsm has sounded the worst,...
23:12.43tzanger:-)  It's amazing how everyone has differing opinions on the codec
23:12.48*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
23:12.50tzangerIIRC ManxPower *hates* gsm
23:13.04mrdigitalis anyone here good with photoshop?
23:13.25Strom_Chi again
23:13.42tzangerdefinitely not me
23:13.48[hC]hmm. the epia boards look ok
23:13.51tzangerI couldn't photoshop my way out of a paper bag
23:15.10Strom_Cnow this is odd - ztcfg complains that nothing is right with my FXO interfaces on my TDM400P
23:15.21tzangerStrom_C: eh?
23:16.22Strom_CI've got a quad-span T1 card on channels 1-96 and then a TDM400P with two FXO ports for failover in case the PRI goes down.  ztcfg configures all 98 channels, but ZT_CHANCONFIG fails with "invalid argument" for 97 and 98
23:17.08*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
23:17.08*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk 1.2.1 has been released! -//-
23:17.36saftsackit is just possible to put one telephone on each fxs module, right?
23:18.09*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
23:18.09*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk 1.2.1 has been released! -//-
23:18.15tzangerpastebin your dmesg output please
23:18.19Strom_Csaftsack, you can put more than one phone, but they share the same extnsion and whatnot
23:18.22Strom_Ctzanger, ok
23:18.55Strom_Cactually, let me reboot and get a fresh dmesg since i've been screwing with this a while
23:20.40saftsackStrom_C, can i telephone with both telephones in the same time?
23:22.15Strom_Cno, saftsack, they're the same line
23:22.25Strom_Cunless you want both to talk to the same person at the same time
23:23.39saftsackgot it thank you :)
23:23.49saftsackbut faxin works without problems on fxs cards?
23:23.55*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
23:25.23brockj49464dumb question here as I think I know the answer, does asterisk support the Internet Phone Jack card?  It seems like they were trying to and have stopped.  I assume the same with voice modems?
23:25.34SarahEmm'faxing' and 'without problems' don't belong in the same phrase :)
23:29.00tzangerStrom_C: oh that's easy
23:29.09tzangeryou have a TE4xx, but you did not load the wctdm driver
23:30.00Strom_CI did load the wctdm driver
23:30.07tzangerI don't see that
23:30.26Strom_Cwell then modprobe must be fucked, because I quite definitely typed "modprobe wctdm" :)
23:30.59RoyKStrom_C: check dmesg
23:31.25tzangerRoyK: I'm looking at his dmesg
23:31.37RoyKperhaps there's a small dæmon in your OS that just unloads modules for fun :)
23:32.41mrdigitalSarahEmm: hows ur new years
23:33.33SarahEmmexcellent :)
23:33.40*** join/#asterisk kenrston1 (
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23:33.54mrdigitalget drunk and partyed?
23:33.57SarahEmmspent newyears with my gf, been working so far today.. off at 2300
23:34.45*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
23:35.06Strom_Ctzanger, I quite definitely have the wctdm module loaded now and ztcfg still fails
23:35.15tzangerStrom_C: show me
23:35.20tzangerdo this:
23:35.25SarahEmmmrdigital: girlfriend. and i don't drink. :)
23:35.25tzangerrmmod wctdm wct4xxp zaptel
23:35.26tzangerdmesg -c
23:35.38tzangerthen modprobe wct4xxp and modprobe wctdm and dmesg -c
23:35.46tzangerpastebin the second one
23:36.44Strom_Cwhen I do the rmmod, it claims wctdm isn't in /proc/modules
23:37.03tzangerStrom_C: that tells me that wctdm did NOT load
23:37.11*** join/#asterisk _cleric_ (
23:37.12tzangerbut yes, continue with the plan
23:37.55Strom_Cmodprobe showed wctdm as being loaded
23:38.05Strom_Cnot modprobe :)
23:38.55tzangerex... ex...excuseme... I .. I believe... believe you have my ... my stapler..?
23:40.04Strom_Csorry, I sent you the wrong dmesg
23:40.21Strom_C is after modprobe wct4xxp and then wctdm
23:41.33tzangerhmm okay I see it load there
23:41.37tzangerand lsmod shows it there?
23:42.44tzangerwhat's ztcfg -v say? it works
23:43.52Strom_Cwhat the hell :/
23:44.21tzangerwell the rmmod wctdm saying wctdm wasn't loaded means it wasn't there :-)
23:44.44Strom_Cbut lsmod showed it as being loaded
23:45.26RoyKseems your kernel is fscked :)
23:47.22NuggetLinux is poo.
23:48.39brockj49464mrdigital:  did you get voiceone working?
23:49.49A500mghello all
23:50.08A500mgi have a problem :)
23:50.20A500mgi've an x100p clone
23:50.45A500mgsince 3 months, all works good
23:50.54A500mg(i'm french, sorry for my english)
23:51.18A500mgbut after a reinstall of debian, and asterisk
23:51.33A500mgi've a terrible echo when i use le zap channel
23:51.34*** part/#asterisk darkskie1 (
23:51.45A500mgi hear my voice when i speak
23:52.50A500mgi ve try to modify zapata.conf, with many options, but nothing, always this "voice return"
23:53.10A500mgi've reinstall asterisk, zaptel, etc...
23:53.46A500mgand the sound quality is bad, with parazites...
23:54.24RoyKNugget: ?
23:54.37A500mgcan the x100p be defective?
23:55.09riddleboxI am using the WRT54G linksys router, I can turn QoS on, should I do it by ports on the router, or by specific ports like 5060?
23:55.32SarahEmmA500mg: it worked without echo, *then* started echoing
23:58.18*** join/#asterisk morale (
23:58.24SarahEmmwhat changed?
23:58.32A500mgthe problem
23:58.41A500mg(one moment i traduce :) )
23:59.09A500mgI rather do not know if I can call that a "echo", a return of voice
23:59.32SarahEmmerr.. right...
23:59.45slappingtne1 have time to help me with a networking question
23:59.49SarahEmmbut what changed when the echo started? upgrade of asterisk? new card added to the box? phone service change?
23:59.49A500mgThe problem appeared after a reinstalment identical to the preceding one, with the same configurations
23:59.50SarahEmmsure slappingt.

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