irclog2html for #asterisk on 20051231

00:00.04[av]baniwhat i dont get is why someone doesnt make a 'dumbphone' which just makes the phone a literal asterisk extension
00:00.29groogs[av]bani: like an analog phone that connects to an fxs port? :P
00:00.30*** part/#asterisk JaredBluestein (
00:00.31ManxPower[av]bani, several have tried, all have failrf.
00:00.34Qwell[][av]bani: You mean like all of the softkeys asking asterisk what they should do?
00:00.44[av]baniasterisk drives the lcd, handles the keys, etc
00:00.50[av]banidrives the audio
00:00.54Qwell[]like sccp?
00:00.55groogsah.. well.. that would work too
00:01.00[av]banieven dumber i guess
00:01.08[av]baniis sccp pretty dumb?
00:01.12groogsbut i dunno if it would be any benefit to just having the phone do that stuff
00:01.12[TK]D-FenderThats what you call "digital key systems" and is against everything that * stands for!
00:01.23[av]baninot really, * stands for flexibility
00:01.26[TK]D-FenderAlso keep in mind the with SIP, the phone is KING, not the server.
00:01.42[av]baniyes, but what if you want * king :)
00:01.44groogsthe processing for being dumb is probably almost the same as just having the software in the phone ... and you don't rely on the server doing work
00:01.53Qwell[][av]bani: Then you buy ciscos, and use sccp :p
00:02.01[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : then you just want a different jailor, not freedom :)
00:02.03[av]baniwell see, then you could have * control the phone and make it do what you want if the firmware doesnt
00:02.12[av]baniwhich is the problem as it is now
00:02.17[av]banieg, your phone doesnt do xyz
00:02.30[av]baniwith *, you could make it do
00:02.49[av]baniinstead of now, sip, oh too bad you need to pay $30 extra for feature xyz
00:02.51ManxPower[av]bani, let us know when it ships.
00:03.07[av]banii wonder if thats what the mitel phones do
00:03.33ManxPower[av]bani, Both SCCP and MGCP pretty much use the model you are talking about.
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00:03.54[av]banidoes anyone except cisco use them
00:04.06Qwell[]there are very few non-cisco sccp phones
00:04.12[av]bani*'s support seems pretty limited for them too
00:04.25Qwell[][av]bani: No, * supports them very well now
00:04.51[av]banii think i checked around june of this year, and it was "works, mostly"
00:05.01Qwell[]yeah, mostly
00:05.04Qwell[]sip works...mostly
00:05.52[av]baniheh this ebay guy refuses to tell me who the vendor is
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00:05.57[av]bani"its made in taiwan"
00:07.59[av]baniused sccp ciscos seem pretty cheap
00:08.00groogsanyone tried this thing?
00:08.27Qwell[][av]bani: They've gone down a bit the last few months.  7970s can be had (new) for $500
00:08.33[av]banilooks like a pa168 clone
00:08.49[av]banino mention of price
00:08.50[TK]D-FenderQwell :Whatn can you do with the colour LCD?
00:08.59Qwell[][TK]D-Fender: bunch of sexy menu stuff
00:09.14[TK]D-FenderQwell : Live interactivity?
00:09.14Qwell[]I think it's got an idle menu too...not sure though
00:09.21Qwell[]yeah, sure
00:09.27Qwell[]it's touchscreen too...that's hot
00:09.32[TK]D-Fendergroogs : Looks like a cheap toy.
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00:09.51denonuse it to show realtime ping times to different points on your network :)
00:09.56groogsmaybe. that guy seemed to think it was okay
00:10.01[TK]D-FenderQwell : if it is realy controllable and possible to do video feeds, then I'd look at it seriously.
00:10.04groogsi've never heard of micronet before thuogh
00:10.09Qwell[]it won't do video :(
00:10.23[TK]D-FenderQwell : its validation for me is waning!
00:10.29denonqwell: sure it will .. just measured in seconds per frame, instead of fps
00:10.43Qwell[]denon: Well, sure...meta refresh on 1s intervals
00:10.48[av]banicolor lcd? touchscreen? what?
00:10.54[av]baniwhere? oO_ O_o _Oo
00:10.56Qwell[][av]bani 7970/7971
00:11.09Qwell[]denon: Have you done anything with that?
00:11.16denonqwell: Newp
00:11.25denonbet its doable though
00:11.30Qwell[]I'm sure it is
00:11.30denontoo bad it doesnt render flash <G>
00:11.36Qwell[]could probably sync it to audio too
00:11.46denonpoor man's video conf
00:11.50[av]bani7970... sexxy
00:11.51Qwell[]rtp can be streamed right to it
00:11.56Qwell[](and from it)
00:12.04[av]banistreaming pr0n
00:12.20Qwell[]somebody pay me, and I'll write a streaming pr0n server (1fps) for a 7970
00:12.28denoneh, nah
00:13.14[av]bani7971-ge, lol
00:13.15Qwell[][av]bani: oh, that's nothing, really
00:13.30Qwell[]gbit ethernet.
00:13.39[av]banigbe for a phone.. lol
00:13.49Qwell[]it's for the switch port
00:14.05Qwell[]desktop now has gbit
00:14.24Qwell[]there are also 7961g-ge and 7941g-ge
00:14.35[av]bani$500 :o
00:14.47Qwell[]yeah, the 7970 isn't expensive at all anymore
00:14.54Qwell[]it was up around $750 a few months ago
00:15.18denonbout time
00:15.23Qwell[]yeah, really
00:15.36denonon the gig-e i mean
00:15.45Qwell[]that too
00:15.59Qwell[]and the 7961 have lit line buttons too now
00:16.18Qwell[](7970 always had that)
00:16.30denonso it finally caught up with the $150 linksys :)
00:16.35Qwell[]yep :p
00:16.47mrdigitalanyone know the dlink model voip phone
00:16.51Nuggetwill the 7961 take the 79x0 sip firmware?
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00:17.02Qwell[]Nugget: I believe they're functionally the same
00:17.08Qwell[]don't quite me on that though
00:17.13*** join/#asterisk justinu (n=justinu@
00:17.14Qwell[]quote rather...
00:17.16*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
00:17.28NuggetDear Cisco: Qwell said it would work!
00:17.30Qwell[]in fact, isn't the 7940/7960 firmware the same?
00:17.31harryvvI called sixtel and on the second ring thay answered
00:17.35NuggetQwell[]: yes
00:17.41bkw__THAT WAS SO WORTH THE 3+ hours drive one way
00:17.55enzo123sup guys
00:18.04bkw__Brokeback Mountain.... GO SEE IT
00:18.05justinuthe theater is 6 hours away?
00:18.10[av]banioh heh
00:18.14justinuit's 5 minutes from my house
00:18.16harryvvthis is the first time i talked to a sixtel employee.
00:18.16enzo123brokeback mnt.. umm no thanks
00:18.18Qwell[]Nugget: Want me to check the cisco site, see if it says anything about that?
00:18.19bkw__its a 6 hour round trip
00:18.24[av]banibrokeback mountain... the movie driving conservatives up the wall
00:18.33*** join/#asterisk slak- (
00:18.39enzo123brokeback , humm
00:18.49Ariel_wow long drive for a movie
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00:18.55slak-hi guys, i noticed when joining MeetMe from a non-zaptel interface i get very distored sound..darth bvader effect
00:18.59slak-has anyone noticed this
00:19.00enzo123anyone using chan_bluetooth ?
00:19.03[av]banidarth vader, cool!
00:19.03harryvvhi Arial
00:19.07bkw__GO SEE IT
00:19.11slak-like very raspy
00:19.13Ariel_hello harryvv hope all is well
00:19.14tzafrir_laptopis there any way to mix two mono channels to stereo with sox?
00:19.22slak-when i call in via zaptel everything is fine
00:19.26slak-whats the problem?
00:19.29[av]banitzafrir, yes
00:19.39ManxPowerIs that what some people call "That Gay Cowboy Movie"?
00:19.41[av]banijust define two channels for the destination file
00:19.54Ariel_bkw_, I wish I could. But unless we get a baby sitter it's no movie until it gets to video for us
00:20.00slak-anyone have issues with MeetMe and aweful audio quality?
00:20.00tzafrir_laptop[av]bani, how? I can't find it in the man page
00:20.06ManxPowerslak-, your SIP phones is using 30ms frames instead of 20ms frames
00:20.10slak-jitter or i dont even know how to explain it
00:20.14[av]banioh, you mean chan1.wav chan2.wav -> stereo.wav ?
00:20.28[av]banii think you'd have to do that with 2 passes...
00:20.29slak-ManxPower: okay, i need to config this at the ATA level if i use sipira ATA for phone lines?
00:20.32bkw__Ariel_, it was worth the drive
00:20.38justinui've noticed that if two seperate people (RTP streams) come from the same IP, MeetMe sounds horrible
00:20.51[av]baninot sure how you'd do that, but i'm sure it's possible with sox
00:20.56[av]banisox does anything :D
00:21.02bkw__soxmix one.wav two.wav mixed.wav
00:21.09slak-ManxPower: 111/111            D          5060     OK (14 ms)
00:21.28ManxPowerslak-, Um, AUDIO FRAMES
00:21.33enzo123off the lan ?
00:21.41tzafrir_laptopso there isn't really a need for stereoize , right?
00:21.50slak-ManxPower: okay in meetme.conf i have audiobuffers=32
00:21.54slak-is that related?
00:22.02justinustereoize just makes something sound like it's in stereo, iirc
00:22.04ManxPowerON YOUR SIP PHONE.
00:22.05slak-i just added that and it didnt make any difference
00:22.08justinuadds some pan to a mono source
00:22.46ManxPowerI will not be any clearer.
00:22.51justinusettle down, bevais
00:22.57slak-im trying to find the setting in the ATA
00:23.53slak-SAS DLG Refresh Intvl
00:24.11tzafrir_laptopjustinu, this is not what the comment in the beginning of the source file says
00:24.23justinutzafrir_laptop: ok, i'm probably wrong
00:24.29[av]banimanx -> there are many decaffeinated brands on the market which are almost as tasty as the real thing!
00:25.09slak-Ugh i dont see any ATA settings to change the sip audio frame
00:25.26slak-RTP Packet Size:?
00:25.29[av]baniwhatever it takes to get manx to stop yelling at his keyboard
00:25.48slak-SIP Timer B:?
00:25.55justinurtp packet size
00:26.15ManxPower[av]bani, listening to what I say is a good start.
00:26.22slak-its set to 0.030.. ManxPower it needs to be 0.020?
00:26.33ManxPowerslak-, try it
00:26.44justinuyou can't force people to listen to you
00:26.53enzo123no one using chan_bluetooth ? I have it working as a AG to my SE phone ( can dial out from * ), but i cant get it to work as a HS. maybe im not peering my headset right to the usb adaptor.
00:27.00justinupeople just wanna hear themselves talk
00:27.01ManxPowerjustinu, correct.  I usually just put them on /ignore.
00:27.24[TK]D-FenderMy LED indicator changes are working nicely now :)
00:27.28Qwell[]Nugget: For the sccp firmware, it looks like it is different
00:27.31ManxPowerBut since slak's problem has been talked about on the mailing list several times....
00:27.42Qwell[]I'm not seeing any reference to a SIP 79x1
00:27.56ManxPowerI think there's even an open issue on bugs.digium.comf about it.
00:28.04slak-that fixes it
00:28.12slak-now is there a way to update multiple ata units at once
00:28.17justinuyeah, i know... i don't follow the mailing list that closely, because the format sucks
00:28.20justinuit should be a message board
00:28.29ManxPowerjustinu, no, a message board would suck.
00:28.33justinui like them
00:28.36justinumailing lists suck
00:28.40Tekmavenwow, the age old debate ;)
00:28.42enzo123use GMAIL
00:28.46justinui do
00:28.49TekmavenMailing Lists vs Newsgroups vs Forums
00:28.54ManxPowerthat's why I dont use any of the 3 or 4 asterisk related "forums" out there.
00:28.55slak-vs BLOGZ
00:28.59Qwell[]Tekmaven vs IRC
00:29.03*** join/#asterisk TheCops (
00:29.08TekmavenQwell: hey mate
00:29.08justinuto each is own
00:29.13[av]banifender -> 941 led?
00:29.13justinujabber vs irc
00:29.14Tekmavenremember me? i bothered you a few months ago :-P
00:29.27Qwell[]Tekmaven: I've not got a great memory really
00:29.31Tekmaventhats good
00:29.34ManxPowerI'll be happy to use a forum as soon as I filter the messages thru procmail.
00:29.35Tekmavennow i can bother you more ;)
00:29.51Tekmavenim about to format a dual proc machine i have
00:30.01Tekmaveninstall FC4 on it, and then the latest version of *
00:30.15enzo123can you guys bother each other in private ?
00:30.15[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Yes, the LED line keys.
00:30.22[av]banifender, leet, put up a wiki :)
00:30.22[TK]D-Fenderfor the SPA-941
00:30.24justinuenzo123: lol
00:30.40[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : nothing special, its all very clear in the manual...
00:30.53[av]banimade them show line status or something?
00:31.02[av]banior just made them do the KITT effect :)
00:31.16Tekmavenknight rider <3
00:31.29[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : jsut that I didn't like the defaults. (solid green when idle, solid red during calls).  I prefer the Polycom patterns by far so thats what I emulated.
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00:32.08[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : you can control how it uses the light in any given state, but you can't control the LED on a differnt line key than is being reported.
00:32.13ManxPowerI send messages with the following words in the subject to /dev/null: .*astcc.*, .*theft.*, .*gpl.*, .*clueccon.*, .*license.*, .*help.*, .*broadvoice.*, and many others
00:32.20[av]banifender, blah
00:32.24Qwell[]Adelphia for teh win!
00:32.31[TK]D-FenderSo if there is a call arriving on the 2nd line key, then thats the one whos activities you can control.
00:32.32Qwell[]Somebody is getting fired, I can smell it. :D
00:32.36TheCops[TK]D-Fender, hi :)
00:32.42[TK]D-FenderTheCops : hiya
00:32.56enzo123lol i like the *help
00:32.57Qwell[]"If you would like to have the check sent
00:32.58Qwell[]overnight delivery I would be happy to arrange that as well. Please let
00:32.58Qwell[]me know. I have personally overseen that the check has been scheduled
00:32.58Qwell[]for processing. Once again, I would like apologize for our error any
00:33.00TheCopsjustinu, hi
00:33.02ManxPoweroh and .*g729.* of ocurse.
00:33.04[av]banifender, does the spa-941 count an extension as a sip appearance?
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00:33.34[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : not sure I follow what you mean.
00:33.35TheCops[TK]D-Fender, how do you config ring volume on the phone ? I'm seraching in the admin guide but I dont find it
00:33.42ManxPowerenzo123, if someone is too lazy to do a decent Subject: then I'm too lazy to help them.
00:33.42enzo123ManxPower you should do @HOME too
00:33.48[av]bani1001@phone:5060  1002@phone:5060 etc
00:33.51[TK]D-FenderTheCops : On your IP 501?
00:34.02ManxPowerenzo123, I'm sure I do for several varients of what people call it.
00:34.06Qwell[]bbl...sorry for the paste.  it was supposed to be one line. :(
00:34.10TekmavenManxPower: and well, im having broadvoice problems :-P
00:34.17[TK]D-FenderTheCops : its in your provisioning files.  Read the admind guid and just search the PDF.
00:34.19ManxPowerTekmaven, Everyone does.
00:34.27Tekmaveni didnt for like 3 months
00:34.39Tekmavenand *now* all of a sudden, asterisk won't register with their sip
00:34.43[TK]D-Fender"volume" should come up only a few times.  each is configurable for memory / default levels.
00:34.52ManxPoweroh, I also filter out .*newbie.* and .*top.*post.*
00:35.05[av]banieg, can i get a spa-941 with 2 sip appearances, and use all 4 buttons as 'lines' for incoming/outgoing calls to the same single * box
00:35.23ManxPower[av]bani, no.
00:35.32[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Correct.  I use 1 reg with all for line keys.  So I can use it for 4 calls at a time.
00:35.38ManxPoweryou get 2 sip appearances you use 2 buttons
00:35.50[TK]D-FenderManxPower : ummmm, nope.
00:35.54ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, is the phone licensed for 2 or 4 lines?
00:36.17justinucurrent level3 outage notice:
00:36.33[TK]D-FenderYou dedicate a # of line keys per registration.  if you have more thant 1 line key per reg, the other receive new calls and can be used to place new calls.
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00:36.48twisted[asteria]justinu, i knew about that a lot earlier :P
00:36.55justinui just got an email from them
00:36.55ManxPoweron my SPA-841 I didn't even have the option in the web config to set up the 2nd two keys until I upgrqaded the license.
00:37.05[av]banifender, so you really only need >1 reg for talking to >1 * box
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00:37.07[TK]D-FenderManxPower : 2 lines (regs), but current firmware allows you to use all 4 line keys mixed amongst the regs (2 or 4 depending)
00:37.13twisted[asteria]justinu, yeah, i just got the email
00:37.16[av]baniif youre only talking to 1 * pbx, you only need 1 reg
00:37.17twisted[asteria]but heh..
00:37.23ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, that much be new.
00:37.29[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : thats what I do.  Also the same on my Polycom's at work.
00:37.44ManxPowerI use different regs per line key for many reasons.
00:37.55[TK]D-FenderManxPower : actually, not really.  they changed the firmware from the pre-release to the release version I think.
00:37.57Strom_Cmy understanding of the cisco was that each line key had to be a different registration
00:38.04ManxPowermostly so I can control which line the call comes in.
00:38.05Strom_Cmaybe I'm wrong :)
00:38.14[TK]D-FenderManxPower : Yeah there are reasons to multi-reg a phone.
00:38.36ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, I was referring to the SPA-841.  I assumed the 941 firmware worked similar.
00:38.36groogsManxPower: i heard they were doing the same to the 841 .. 2 regs, but all 4 line keys .. for 4 regs you buy the upgrade
00:38.46TheCops[TK]D-Fender, duh, voice.volume.persist.chassis
00:38.50justinutwisted: how did you find out earlier?
00:38.57justinugot customers in columbus?
00:38.58[TK]D-FenderManxPower : no, the 941 is a giant leap over its predecessor
00:39.16twisted[asteria]justinu, i got customers everywhere ;)
00:39.18[TK]D-FenderTheCops : All sorts of controllable levels & settings :)
00:39.19twisted[asteria]justinu, but yea
00:39.22Strom_Cwhat do you guys think of the 941?  I want to recommend it to my clients but I havent played with one yet
00:39.37ManxPowerStrom_C, it does not support PoE and only has 1 ethernet port.
00:39.43TheCops[TK]D-Fender there's a lot of configuration with polycom
00:39.45[TK]D-FenderStrom_C : I only recommend the 941 and Polycom's.  Each for different reasons.
00:39.48TheCopsmany possibilities
00:39.57[TK]D-FenderTheCops : Isn't it just sick? ;)
00:40.03anonymouz666The book Asterisk the Future of Telephony is very good
00:40.08harryvvhow far back does asterisk keep cdr records?
00:40.15groogsi'm still not totally sold on this PoE thing anyways
00:40.19justinui don't think we have anyone in columbus yet
00:40.27harryvvnot totally sold?????
00:40.27groogslike $800 for 8 port PoE switch ...
00:40.32[av]banifender, aside from construction, the gxp-2000 have any missing functionality?
00:40.34ManxPowergroogs, I like the ability to do PoE
00:40.42Strom_CPoE is nice if you have the money to throw at it
00:40.42justinulinksys des-1526 is like 500
00:40.45groogsit's cheaper to put UPS's at every desk .. AND it protects the pc too
00:40.45justinu24 port PoE
00:40.46harryvvgroogs where u get that number?
00:41.07groogsharryvv: out of my ass.. :) but they do seem very expensive
00:41.11[TK]D-FenderStrom_C : If you don't need an extra eth port, PoE, etc and you want to save a few bucks, the 941 is a great phone.  Otherwise I'd say go Polycom.
00:41.20[av]banijustiny -> WRONG! $400
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00:41.27justinuheh, cool
00:41.30harryvvgroogs, Vancouvr international just upgraded its phone system with hundreds of cisco ip phones that is POE
00:41.47Strom_C[TK]D-Fender, how does the 941 compare to the cisco 7960 in terms of usability and build quality?
00:41.48[TK]D-Fendergroogs : Very wrong!
00:41.51harryvvImagine what that cost
00:41.51ManxPowerWe try to do PoE for the corporate employees (about %20 of the people in the company), but contractors (the other %80) are on their own.
00:42.10groogsok :) these are better than the prices i saw before
00:42.17ManxPowerheck, contractors have to provide their own computer
00:42.19[TK]D-FenderStrom_C : The 941 is the same build quality.  Thats the major flaw of the 841.  the 941 is a baby-Cisco IMO
00:42.24justinuit seems like the DES1526 VLAN support sucks tho
00:42.25ManxPowergroogs, PoE is coming down in price.
00:42.27groogsdon't get me wrong .. i definately see the benefit
00:42.34justinui can't get it to handle TAGGING right
00:42.47ManxPowerWe only use PoE injectors.
00:42.48groogsjust when i first really evaluated switching to it (like 8 months ago) it wasn't worth the cost
00:43.02Strom_C[TK]D-Fender, awesome
00:43.09ManxPowerWe are standardizing on Cisco Cat 550x switches.
00:43.13[TK]D-FenderManxPower : I run my work off of 2 DES-1526's.  Quite happy, but then again they're on a dedicated LAN.
00:43.14groogsi had a couple spare PoE adapters (from wireless AP installs) that I put on our reception phones ..
00:43.14Strom_Cis it as easy to configure as the 7960?
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00:44.01[TK]D-FenderStrom_C : I don't have that much experience in provisioning them, but having read the manual for it I'd say yes.
00:44.02groogsManxPower: even those are stupidly expensive
00:44.04groogsfor what they do
00:44.14ManxPower96 ports on a Cisco switch for under $1,200.
00:44.28groogsand i'm STILL not even sure if they do what I think they do (check if the device is PoE capable before powering it)
00:44.40ManxPowergroogs, SO many people are replacing their 550x with newer stuff and sellig them on eBay
00:44.45justinuat least it has SNMP
00:44.53groogsManxPower: i meant injectors
00:44.54[TK]D-Fendergroogs : All 802.11af swithes auto-sense.
00:45.01ManxPowergroogs, Yes, those are.
00:45.04groogsokay thats good
00:45.05groogsManxPower: oh
00:45.10[TK]D-FenderOH, injectors... eek... dunno
00:45.41DarkhalfHowdy, I have vague asterisk questions that could be satisfied with vague answers.
00:45.48harryvvso for a office under 20 ports what would that cost per port for poe?
00:45.51ManxPowerDarkhalf, 42
00:45.52justinuthanks lilo
00:45.59justinuno one gives a fuck
00:46.06DarkhalfManxPower: Jesus, it worked.  Thanks!
00:46.23twisted[asteria]justinu, then set mode -w
00:46.26justinui know
00:46.28[TK]D-Fenderharryvv :
00:46.31justinujust lazy
00:46.41justinui'd rather complain, more fun
00:47.06[TK]D-FenderDarkhalf : whats the question?
00:47.11DarkhalfBut really, how would a beefy x86 machine with asterisk handle hosting and recording voicemails with custom messages scale?
00:47.31[TK]D-FenderDarkhalf : how big are you planning?
00:47.31groogs[TK]D-Fender: plus the extra cost of phones that support PoE
00:47.32DarkhalfI'm curious if it can handle say, a hundred catalogged users?  Five hundred thousands?
00:47.39harryvvthats a very good price
00:47.40Darkhalf(Not concurrently)
00:47.53DarkhalfEr, the first is a hundred thousand.  I've been drinking a little.
00:48.05*** part/#asterisk gorauskas (
00:48.12[TK]D-Fendergroogs : That too, but its part of the big picture so that you aren't buying extra powerbars, and can have them on a central UPS, etc.
00:48.31justinuhow many simulatenous users?
00:48.37TheCops[TK]D-Fender, what is your ring type on your polycom ? did you download one
00:48.50DarkhalfThat I can't predict.  I'm hoping I could get some vague ideas about that as well.
00:49.05DarkhalfThere'd be no transcoding, it'd be purely client to asterisk only.
00:49.08[TK]D-FenderTheCops : I ripped off the Cisco "24" ring-tone :)
00:49.10DarkhalfI'd imagine.
00:49.10ManxPowerDarkhalf, Get a quote from Cisco and Nortel for these requirements.  Take the lower bid, reduce it by %50 and you have your budget for Asterisk computers, cards, and consulting fees.
00:49.17justinuuse erlang fomula to compute peak traffic
00:49.21[TK]D-Fenderand I have a collection of theme song ones :)
00:49.23groogs[TK]D-Fender: rofl. me too
00:49.36DarkhalfManxPower: I'm not a consultant.  I'm looking to bypass that crap.
00:49.57justinuwhere can I get that ringtone? :P
00:50.12[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : I could pass it to you.
00:50.18justinuthat'd be cool
00:50.30[TK]D-FenderPM me an FTP account to dump it on for you.
00:50.38justinuuhm, ftp...
00:50.49DarkhalfBut no vague ideas about what asterisk will do with this many users?
00:50.49[TK]D-FenderDon't make me e-mail it :)
00:51.03[TK]D-Fenderif you can support maybe
00:51.07justinutry it
00:51.10[TK]D-Fenderlemme grab it (from work server)
00:51.12groogsjustinu: ^^
00:51.19ManxPowerDarkhalf, Digium says a Dual Xeon server can handle two 4-Port T-1 cards.
00:51.31justinulemme try that
00:51.37ManxPowerI would not put more than 1 4-port T-1 card.
00:51.40DarkhalfI suppose I left out that this is purely voip.
00:51.56Tekmavenbleh, dell sucks
00:52.02[TK]D-FenderDarkhalf : what codec?
00:52.04DarkhalfSIP-based, no extra funky cards to terminate funky connections.
00:52.04Tekmaveni have this PowerEdge 1400 server, and it totally hates linux.
00:52.08justinui've benchmarked a single xeon 3.0 out at at least 200 simultaenous G729 calls
00:52.12harryvvmanx, know of a dell dual xeon server for sale minus ram and cpu.
00:52.24justinupure sip
00:52.27Strom_Cgod, my users are idiots.  I didn't put a second dial tone on "9" and then I got a dozen people panicking because "IT WON'T DIAL OUT!!"
00:52.36justinupeople suck
00:52.38harryvvits in a small pc surplus store in puyallup. It looks fairly recent.
00:52.45ManxPowerDarkhalf, I guess at that point you'd be limited by 1) network bandwidth 2) PCI bandwidth and 3) HD bandwidth
00:52.47Darkhalfjustinu: A-ha.  I can't recall what protocol I'd have to deal with, but will have to support a good deal of codecs.
00:53.10harryvvStrom, did you put instructions on the phones not to dial 9?
00:53.13justinuwell, if you're not laying down your messages in the native format, you'll be transcoding :)
00:53.18ManxPowerDarkhalf, But you should update your resume if you are planning on using an ITSP to catch the incoming calls.
00:53.25Strom_Charryvv, no, they're supposed to dial 9
00:53.25TekmavenFC4 installs fine, the machine reboots, and it says "Grub stage 2" or something, and then nothing happens :-X
00:53.26DarkhalfManxPower: Network isn't a problem, and the FSB's are all high.
00:53.53DarkhalfManxPower: Fast u320 scsi drives.
00:53.54Strom_Cthe old PBX had a different tone on 9; this one didn't have any tone on 9.  Why they wouldnt just keep dialing is beyond me
00:54.32justinutekmaven: try CentOS 4.2
00:55.03ManxPowerDarkhalf, The singles personals phone services are SO 1980s
00:55.20*** join/#asterisk Hue|Pub (
00:55.21DarkhalfMy addidas can kick your ass. :|
00:55.29[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : DCC incoming
00:55.36Strom_Csingles personals over the phone?  whatever happened to yelling at each other over a talkable busy signal? :D
00:55.38justinui see it, but it doesn't look like it's gonna work
00:55.44justinuit's my side
00:55.47[TK]D-FenderPM and email addy
00:55.55*** part/#asterisk Hue|Pub (
00:56.30Darkhalfjustinu: So it sounds like the goal wouldn't be attainable beyond a few hundred concurrent users.
00:56.49DarkhalfUnless I normalized the codec.
00:57.13justinuthat'd help, for sure
00:57.26justinubut, you know you can cluster them, right?
00:58.02justinugot it, thanks
00:58.32DarkhalfYes, but if it's going to take ten or twenty of them to handle this, I'm thinking of seeing if somethign like the sip express media server would work out better.
00:58.40[TK]D-FenderDarkhalf : Even normalizing the codec you would be transcoding from the voicemail GSM's, etc.
00:58.41*** join/#asterisk _Madar (
00:58.50DarkhalfDamn the transcoding.
00:58.52*** join/#asterisk illljay (
00:59.07[TK]D-FenderDarkhalf : thats the trouble I guess...
00:59.19ManxPowerUm, no.  If your calls come in GSM and you only allow GSM in voicemail.conf you should not be transcoding
00:59.39[TK]D-FenderManxPower : yes, but he's talking G729
00:59.49justinuhe can lay down vm in g729 too, can't he?
00:59.52ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, Oh!  the evil codec.
00:59.59illljayAnybody ever had this problem only on outbound calling w/ NuFone? Its been stumping me for days now:
00:59.59illljayWARNING[2304]: chan_iax2.c:5566 socket_read:      -- Call rejected by No authority found    IAX2/NuFone/4 is circuit-busy
01:00.01*** join/#asterisk Poincare (n=jefffnod@
01:00.14[TK]D-FenderThough that'd only be the prompts.  He could record the VM's themselves as G729
01:00.19ManxPowerI don't know if you can save voicemails in G729 format, but if you can't, it should not be too hard to write a patch
01:00.19Strom_CGSM is as evil as G.729, but in a different way
01:00.30Strom_Culaw ulaw ulaw!
01:00.31justinuhe can transcode the prompts to 729 also
01:00.34[TK]D-FenderGSM is a great option for a lot of stuff.
01:00.41TheCops[TK]D-Fender could you send me the wav for your ring ?!
01:01.00DarkhalfBut I'm running out of room. :|
01:01.04ManxPowerWhat is the show 24 about anyway?
01:01.07[TK]D-FenderTheCops : DCC incoming
01:01.17Strom_Cit's about people who use cisco ip phones
01:01.24justinua fictional counter terrorism unit
01:01.24[TK]D-FenderManxPower : what Strom_C said!
01:01.27Strom_Cthat's about as much as I've been able to figure out
01:01.33TheCops[TK]D-Fender, you are behind NAT ?
01:01.38[TK]D-FenderTheCops : yup
01:01.45[TK]D-FenderTheCops : PM me an e-mail addy
01:01.58TheCopsThanks [TK]D-Fender
01:02.14*** part/#asterisk twisty7867 (
01:02.36[TK]D-FenderVery private!
01:02.48ManxPowerI just realized I'm NOT behind NAT and forgot to re-enable my "firewall"
01:03.13*** join/#asterisk iq (
01:03.21DarkhalfWell, I'm glad I got some vague answers to my vague questions.  I'm going to go back to lurking now.
01:03.24DarkhalfMuchos tacos.
01:04.16[TK]D-Fendertaco... GRANDE.....
01:04.27[TK]D-FenderTheCops : sent
01:04.41Strom_Ctaco pescado
01:04.58TheCopslol you're email arrived in my junk section of MS Oultook
01:05.01TheCopsoutlook, sorry
01:05.11[TK]D-FenderMS OutHouse....
01:05.25[av]banifender, besides xml is the 941 missing any major functionality the polycom has?
01:05.33*** join/#asterisk Junaid (
01:05.54LostFrogok.. I am having real problems..
01:07.15justinuwhat's up?
01:07.16[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : doesn't have the extra Eth port, no PoE possible (extra $ needed on the on the 301/501), no idle image on screen.
01:07.44*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (n=junky@
01:07.55[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : I consider the 941 & 501 near par on each other, but the 501 costs  a bit more, but you get a bit more for it.
01:08.16TheCops[TK]D-Fender, you can only use remote ringer on polycom ? I mean, via HTTP or something
01:08.18[av]baniwhy s it so hard for them to release a 942....
01:08.33justinucan't compete with the 7960s, yo
01:08.34[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : its a toss-up.  If you were looking at a bigger deployment I'd say go Polycom.  If you want a nice phone for home I'd say SPA
01:08.37LostFrogSame problem that is listed on asterisk_guru for debian.
01:09.01[TK]D-FenderTheCops : I provision mine.  Not sure if it keeps it in memory if the provisioning server goes down...
01:09.18iqhi all
01:09.22[TK]D-Fenderwhat justinu said...
01:10.11[av]banifender, what you use for fxo... or are you all digital
01:10.20[TK]D-FenderThe 941 is nearly in a class to say "forget Cisco" (the 79xx series).
01:10.45justinuLevel 3 underlying carrier is experiencing an OC 48 outage. Root cause has been isolated to OC192 down on underlying carriers network. They are working to restore
01:10.49justinuOC192 outage? ouch.
01:11.01[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : I'm all Polycom / Sangoma at work, and all Sipura at home.  I'm on an SPA-3000 for FXS at home now.  I used to own a TDM22B
01:11.05LostFrogSounds expensive.
01:11.08[av]banisay hello to mr. beer and mr. backhoe
01:11.16[TK]D-FenderI also trunk from my work PRI back to home through SIP.
01:11.29Strom_CI think it's the "DAHHHH, I'M A SWITCHMAN DAAAHHH" problem
01:11.56[TK]D-Fendermy home line has a busy/no-answer transfer that forwards to a DID at work which gets routed through SIP right back home.
01:11.59dogtaniani'm having some real problems with getting a full-duplex SIP trunk through my NAT firewall
01:12.01*** join/#asterisk _Madar (
01:12.01justinufacilities that big usually aren't touch by the switch group
01:12.15Strom_Cyes, I know.  it was a joke.
01:12.20[av]baniguess their oc192 wasnt as redundant as they claimed it was
01:12.44*** part/#asterisk mogorman (
01:13.41[av]banifender, hows the spkphone quality 941 vs 501?
01:14.02[av]baniand does the 941 have any echo issues
01:14.17pifiuwhich is hte 941?
01:14.22pifiuand who's 192 is out? where?
01:14.36[av]baniover there
01:14.36justinulevel3's telco, i guess
01:14.44justinucolumbus ohio
01:14.51[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Crystal clear.
01:15.15*** join/#asterisk jack|ass (
01:15.35QbYDoes anyone know if you can use Authenticate() without the canned prompt?
01:15.35[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : I think the Polycom's speakerphone is a bit better. The 941 is crisp, perhaps too much at higher volumes, but its decent.  Good full-duplex though
01:15.37jack|assDoes anyone know if a Dialogic D/4 will work in linux?
01:16.04Corydon76-homeOnly if you buy the drivers from Dialogic
01:16.15benjkworks with Bayonne
01:16.18jack|assCorydon76-home: i have to buy the drivers?
01:16.23Corydon76-homeHowever, it may still not work with Asterisk
01:16.31[av]banifender, good to know
01:16.45Corydon76-homeYep, that's the rub about buying Dialogic hardware... the drivers are extra
01:16.54jack|assCorydon76-home: well i'm trying to get it to work with vgetty.  #linux folk suggested asking in here.
01:17.08jack|assCorydon76-home: bah, that's rediculous of them.
01:17.18Corydon76-homeDitto for Cisco hardware.  You have to pay extra for the firmware
01:17.28[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Polycom's are more mid-range, and very smooth.  I hear that Cisco is currently the best rated (on a desk phone), but I wouldn't buy one for it :)
01:18.02jack|assCorydon76-home: even for the low end?  I thought i had seen a downloadable redhat driver from intel's website.
01:18.08xkevI am a polycom fan, 601s all around
01:18.27pifiufender can you send me that file with polycom ringtones
01:18.39justinulol, what have I done?
01:18.52pifiuhey ariel!
01:18.59Corydon76-homejack|ass: for doing what, though?
01:19.03[av]banifender well, cisco is >2x as expensive, but somehow i doubt they are >2x better
01:19.16jack|assCorydon76-home: ugh, now that i look more closely, it does say i need an SLA. :(
01:19.24Strom_CI <3 my cisco 7960s
01:19.30xkevsox infile.wav -r 8000 -U -c 1 outfile.wav <- polycom ringtone, done.
01:19.32Ariel_cisco's are good phones. But I love my polycom better
01:19.46pifiuand firmware updates on ciscos can be hell
01:19.50[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : not quite so bad, but Polycom seems to beat Cisco for price / features ratio.  Wins every time...
01:19.54pifiuhey ariel
01:19.57Ariel_pifiu, your correct hell.
01:20.03xkevpolycom has some annoying bugs they've never fixed too
01:20.04pifiuits jp from miami
01:20.11pifiuwhat what what
01:20.12xkevnot prevalent, but still there
01:20.14LostFrogAll I want is a debian asterisk installation, is that too much to ask for?
01:20.16pifiunoooo their latest release is reallly good
01:20.21*** part/#asterisk QbY (
01:20.27[TK]D-Fenderxkev : an imperfect world.  I jsut feel that Polycom has the best balance for business phones.
01:20.30pifiuxkev like what problems?
01:20.38Ariel_pifiu, how are?
01:20.42xkevI am on latest now, presence behavior went back to 1.4.x, but random too
01:20.55Ariel_argh U-M game has my view....
01:20.57xkevlike picking up the phone changes back to 'online' rather than previous setting
01:21.07pifiuim doing good yourself?
01:21.11*** join/#asterisk trym_ (
01:21.16xkevheadset sidetone doesn't go away when blind transferring
01:21.19*** join/#asterisk ManxPowe (
01:21.20[av]banianyone used pa168(8) phones?
01:21.24xkev(though haven't tested if that's fixed yet)
01:21.26trym_why might I be getting 403 forbidden over contact limit ?
01:21.30[TK]D-Fenderpa168(8) = cheap junk
01:21.42pifiuxkev, i rather take the polycom over the cisco, but its a personal choice. I just find managing cisco phones in a business enviroment without cisco call manager a major pita
01:21.46xkevdepending on some very random to reproduce condition, a voicemail notice may cause the phone to start ringing forever
01:21.53xkevbut I'd still rather take polycom
01:21.55pifiufender can you send me that zip file of rings?
01:22.13xkevI use sql tables and config generation scripts in perl.  it works well.
01:22.15[av]banifender, nobodys built a decent pa168(8)?
01:22.26[av]baniits nice you can hack them :)
01:22.27pifiui guess
01:22.37[TK]D-Fenderxkev : I've had things like putting a voicemail call on hold go "sticky" etc as well... but I'd still never trade them in :)
01:22.37ManxPoweI wish I could find some decent ringtones -- like ones that actually RING.
01:22.47pifiujust too complicated imo for an average user
01:22.49Corydon76-homejack|ass: which D/4 board, anyway?
01:22.57[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : not that I've seen.  While cheap, so is the quality of the phones built on it.
01:23.07xkevmanx, I have an old bellringer phone tone
01:23.09jack|assCorydon76-home: um...  the voice/fax one, i believe.
01:23.16[TK]D-Fenderpifiu : guess your "average" sucks...
01:23.21xkevand plenty of video game tones, etc.
01:23.24Corydon76-homejack|ass: note that a large portion of Dialogic boards are only half-duplex
01:23.32pifiui guess fender ={
01:23.33xkevlike pacman dies, etc
01:23.41jack|assCorydon76-home: this is for use in an aswering machine.
01:23.41[TK]D-FenderManxPowe : Sample some then!
01:23.44jack|assvoicemail system
01:23.44[av]banifender, i guess as a programmer i feel some security in the fact i can program it to do what it want even if the vendor won't.
01:23.45Corydon76-homejack|ass: the D/41JCT-LS ?
01:23.56[av]baniso if someone built decent hardware around a pa168(8) that would be ideal
01:23.57[TK]D-FenderManxPowe : I think I'm going to rip off my old 50's Bell ring...
01:24.06ManxPowejack|ass, Digium lists the Digium boards that you can purchase Asterisk compatable drivers for at $10/channel
01:24.10Corydon76-homejack|ass: half duplex doesn't work too hot for voice applications
01:24.25xkevulaw-ring.wav <-done/done
01:24.36[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : true, but keep in mind you don't want to spend forever trying to tun a shit phonne into something decent.  Also their feature set blows.
01:24.50Corydon76-homeThat page lists all Dialogic equipment supported
01:25.03jack|assCorydon76-home: that might be it...  I don't have it in front of me (it's 30 miles away. :))
01:25.33ManxPoweJust remember, jack|ass, if you go with Dialogic nobody on this channel or the mailing lists will be able to help you with problems.
01:25.40Corydon76-homejack|ass: Like I said, if it's a half-duplex card, your best bet is to ebay it and buy a Digium card
01:25.48[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : An ideal which won't likely be realized.  the firmware just doesn't support ANY of the nice stuff like pixel LCD screens, extra codecs, etc...
01:25.50jack|assManxPowe: my choice on it was because we already had it.
01:25.54TheCops[TK]D-Fender, Each time I reboot the volume of the ringer come back to low
01:26.20ManxPowejack|ass, you could prolly eBay it and get enough money to buy a Digium or Sangoma board
01:26.26TheCopsvery weird
01:26.41ManxPoweTheCops, polycom?  Not weird.  It's documented.
01:26.46[av]banifender, they hacked in iax and other support... i dont really care about anything except 711 myself
01:26.53ManxPoweAs well as documented how to make it stick
01:27.06TheCopsManxPowe, that's what I'm searching since 1 hours :p
01:27.15[TK]D-FenderTheCops : look for the "volume.persist" family of features in sip.cfg
01:27.16ManxPoweTheCops, the admin manual
01:27.22TheCopsI know
01:27.29TheCops[TK]D-Fender, yeah, I set to 1
01:27.49jack|assManxPowe: i'll keep that in mind.
01:27.59[TK]D-FenderTheCops : there are multiple....
01:28.47ManxPowehandset volume persist, headset volume persist, chassis ringer volume presist, etc
01:29.07ManxPoweTheCops, did you confirm the phone actually downloaded the updated file?
01:29.11mrdigitalanyone here good with sql in *?
01:29.50TheCopsManxPowe, let me verify it
01:30.39Corydon76-homemrdigital: I highly recommend using func_odbc in trunk
01:30.56mrdigitalCorydon76-home: can i pm what i have to you?
01:30.59[TK]D-Fenderpifiu : PM
01:31.05Corydon76-homemrdigital: NO
01:31.21jbotmethinks pb is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try, or
01:31.21[av]banifender, too bad linksys wont do something like the wrt54gl
01:31.25[av]baniwith a phone
01:31.58[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : the GL actually got bad reviews... the earlier revision had more ram and were more functional :)
01:32.29justinuthere is no voice.volume.persist.chassis in my book
01:32.31[TK]D-Fender[av]bani : Who know what'll come next.  I jsut keep waiting for the next thing to hit the market...
01:32.35justinuis it something new in 1.6.3?
01:32.47*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
01:32.56[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : they can all be set as "sticky" going back to 1.5.x
01:33.06*** part/#asterisk trym_ (
01:33.21[av]banii guess spa-941 is a step in the right direction, as long as cisco doesnt terminate it with extreme prejudice for eating into 76xx sales
01:33.36xkevvoice.volume.persist.headset="1" voice.volume.persist.handset="1" to persist handset/headset. speakerphone is already set to persist.
01:33.53[TK]D-Fenderthere is one for RING as well IIRC...
01:34.10[TK]D-FenderOk, well I've got to be off for the night.  later all.
01:34.32Corydon76-homemrdigital: why are you using backslashes?
01:34.45Corydon76-homeor backticks, rather?
01:34.47justinuvoice.gain.rx.analog.ringer  maybe?
01:34.54VoIPMastaDoes anyone know if a call is recoreded in the CDR if it's started using the Dial application from within an AGI script?
01:35.44Corydon76-homemrdigital: and I would highly recommend using func_odbc in trunk.  It's fully compatible with 1.2
01:36.58QwellCorydon76-home: You get my email earlier? ;)
01:37.05Corydon76-homeQwell: yes
01:37.29mrdigitalcan you explain me func_odbc?
01:37.53*** part/#asterisk jack|ass (
01:38.28Corydon76-homeNo, but you can read the configs/func_odbc.conf.sample
01:38.45QwellCorydon76-home: is that insane, or what?
01:38.55TheCopsManxPowe, err my girlfriend did a modification via the phone, I rebooted the phone so the new config was uploaded on ftp, and he was using all the time this config by default
01:39.08Corydon76-homeQwell: No, that's sick.  You're insane.  ;-)
01:39.08TheCopsso all modification I did was not effective
01:39.14Qwellsame thing :p
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01:41.26*** part/#asterisk JaredBluestein (
01:43.06ManxPoweTheCops, Ah
01:43.49TheCopsManxPowe, I'm not very familiar with this kind of phone.. I got it yestearday
01:44.26ManxPoweTheCops, The more you use it the less you'll hate it.  Eventually you'll grow to love it, leave your wife, and marry it.
01:46.33TheCopsI'm already married with asterisk, she hate this software :P
01:47.30ManxPowe*grumble*  Looks like I'll have to make /var be 1GB in my installs from now on
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01:50.31justinuare those things that go on the claws?
01:50.40_Sam--can anyone recommend a good ~100ish case to build a solid state system in?
01:50.49_Sam--~100ish dollars i meant
01:51.15[av]banithe seller wont tell me who the vendor is ...
01:51.26*** join/#asterisk JaredBluestein (
01:51.33TheCopsManxPowe, hrmm, Now I keep the volume ringer, but when I reboot, it come back to low
01:51.45_Sam--you would want to put your phone system in the hands of a no name brand bought from ebay?
01:51.49justinuyeah, i have the same problem with my 601, cops
01:51.51_Sam--even if it had the brand name
01:51.57TheCopsjustinu, this is a 501
01:52.42ManxPowethe change it on the FTP server, then do a factory reset press and hold 468* until the display asks for a password, use "456" as the password and be sure to press the OK (or Enter) softkey
01:53.17*** part/#asterisk JaredBluestein (
01:53.27ManxPowethen watch the FTP server logs to make SURE the phone downloads it's config
01:53.46TheCopsI did a factory default
01:53.46_Sam--[av]bani:  when you get an external fxo let me know how it works
01:53.51_Sam--are you actually going to get one?
01:53.55TheCopswhat's the 468* tips ?
01:54.19ManxPowe468* does the factory reset.  I didn't know you could do it via the menu
01:54.39TheCopsyeah you can
01:55.01TheCopsI think this is a bug, if I can validate justinu said
01:55.15*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
01:55.52ManxPoweTheCops, I MAY have had the same problem.  What I did was just change the default ringer volume to what most people wanted.  We dont reboot the phones very often anyway
01:56.45TheCopsManxPowe, where can you change the default ringer volume ? I search in the admin guide...but nothing :/
01:56.58TheCopsI'm about testing voice.gain stuff
01:58.35ManxPoweTheCops, it's in the admin guide somewhere
01:59.01ManxPoweIt was 6-months ago when I set up the phone.
01:59.30*** part/#asterisk Poincare (n=jefffnod@
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02:02.03TheCopsManxPowe, can you copy/past your config ?
02:02.13ManxPoweTheCops, no.
02:02.23TheCopsok hehe
02:02.48ManxPoweRemind me after Jan 2 and I'll work on posting my EXACT configs without the actual IP addresses in it.
02:03.05ManxPoweBut I can't tell you WHICH option it is.  I set all the global stuff in sip.conf, etc.
02:03.27ManxPoweI guess I should go see if they have a campfire going.
02:03.29*** join/#asterisk kenrstone (
02:09.02pifiudid anyone get the files from fender?
02:09.05pifiuthe ringtones?
02:09.10TheCopsof cisco ?
02:10.47pifiuhe said i think he ripped them from cisco
02:10.52pifiubut it would be for the polycoms
02:11.00pifiui assume they are polycom compatible since hes such a poly whore
02:11.06pifiudid he send them to you?
02:14.41*** join/#asterisk Defraz_ (n=t0tal@
02:15.33benjkRoyK, you can call us by our nicknames or first names
02:15.56RoyKsomeone really had to ask on if "setting priority on asterisk processes really affects asterisk performance"
02:17.15*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
02:17.59Qwellack, it's the kitrich...RUN!
02:18.09RoyKthey're coming to take me away, haha
02:18.23SarahEmmltns qwell :)
02:19.23RoyKThey're coming to take me away, ha-haaa!!
02:19.23RoyKThey're coming to take me away, ho-ho, hee-hee, ha-haaa
02:19.23RoyKTo the funny farm. Where life is beautiful all the time and I'll be
02:19.23RoyKhappy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats and they're
02:19.23RoyKcoming to take me away, ha-haaa!!!!!
02:19.26Tekmavendoes the standard asterisk gzip contain everything i need to compile/use asterisk? or do i need to get the stuff like zaptel, etc
02:19.52benjkRoyK: I hope this isn't contagious
02:19.53SarahEmmwhat hardware are you using asterisk with?
02:20.17RoyKTekmaven: you need to compile it, yes
02:20.24Tekmavennot what im asking
02:20.29Tekmavendoes it come with zaptel, etc?
02:20.34Tekmavenor do i need to download that seperately/
02:21.38trymnow.. 403 forbidden.. over contact limit
02:21.45trymwhat the hell is that supposed to mean..
02:21.52trymfirst contestant.. royk
02:22.13QwellTekmaven: You need to download it also
02:22.13SarahEmmTekmaven: last i checked, seperately.
02:23.02RoyKtrym: perca fluviatilis er jo som kjent Abbor
02:23.10trymwhere have perca fluviatilis been all my life
02:23.22trymAbbor ja.. mm
02:23.36RoyKrutilus rutilus er jo som kjent Mort
02:23.43RoyKet cetera
02:23.55trymglad jeg nå kan noen latinske navn på fisk ;)
02:24.16trymblir enklere neste gang jeg skal handle ;)
02:24.49RoyKaure, evt
02:25.45*** join/#asterisk firestrm (
02:25.50TheCopspifiu, I have it
02:25.58TheCopsgive me your email addy and I'll send it to you
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02:27.13SarahEmmanyone here ever touched the insides of fskmodem.c?
02:29.10*** join/#asterisk BugKham (i=BugKham@
02:29.56SarahEmmi'm *still* finding issues with *'s TTY support... looks like issues in the actual modem code now... i get the first ~20chars fine, then it gets trashed...
02:30.01SarahEmmthat's pretty icky code for me tho heh.
02:30.17BugKhamdoes the Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN}) have return status?
02:30.45QwellBugKham: DIALSTATUS
02:30.49Qwellshow application dial
02:31.04firestrmdoes anyone know what this means Call rejected by No authority found. oh what steps i should take to look into it further?
02:31.20BugKhamQwell: thanks
02:32.14firestrmeverything was running stable for over a year, them wammo, i get this..
02:33.04SarahEmmhave you talked to whoever is
02:33.59firestrmSarahEmm, nufone? yes, jerjer checked my account, it was ok, it then started working again for about 3 days, now its down again
02:34.39firestrmim just trying to figure out where its braking down before i go accuse nufone..
02:35.53SarahEmmyou've changed nothing on your end? no configfile changes, no * upgrades?
02:36.02*** part/#asterisk achtungar (n=achtunga@tor/session/x-9dbf362faf45d61d)
02:39.16Qwelland you've got enough money on the account to cover a long call?
02:45.49*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
02:46.09*** join/#asterisk Defraz (i=t0tal@
02:46.29mogormanwhats up my friends
02:46.30Qwellooohhhhh mog....where are you?
02:46.33Qwelloh, there you are :p
02:47.09mogormani am there
02:47.10mogormanand here
02:53.42mogormanhey anyone around want to do an expirement for old mog?
02:54.03QwellWhat do I need to expire?
02:54.19mogormani want someone to monitor a call for 10 or 15 minutes in pcm format
02:54.29mogormanand then convert it to gsm
02:54.35mogormanand tell me if there are pops in it
02:54.58Qwellwould if I had more time tonight..
02:55.07mogormanno worries
02:55.09pifiuanyone else have some cool ring tones for polycoms?
02:55.47*** join/#asterisk SwK (
02:55.51firestrmheh.. jerjer (master jedi) fixed problem :)
02:56.26SarahEmmwhat was the issue?
02:58.10firestrmSarahEmm, im not sure, he looked at my account and bang, it was working.. he told me he changed nothing, so he must have used "the force"
02:58.31Qwellfirestrm: yeah, JerJer does that sometimes
02:58.39Qwelljust kinda...wills things working
02:59.00firestrmQwell jerjer= master jedi :) and great service too
02:59.40firestrmQwell, now if only he could sell me a DID in my area code.. all would be great!
02:59.54Qwelloh, he COULD sell you one...
03:00.00Qwellbut then he'd have to kill you
03:00.20firestrmTELLUS is killing me.. so whats the diff?
03:01.05SarahEmmwhat area code firestrm?
03:01.12firestrm250 victoria
03:01.56tzangerSarahEmm: following me around again?
03:02.11firestrmi did come across a company that would sell me one for somthing like $5.00/mo + .001/ min.. but i lost the link (computer crash)
03:02.26tzangerprobably a number of htem
03:02.31tzanger250 would be fairly popular
03:02.55firestrmtzanger, lots but all want to sell me a package..
03:03.00SarahEmmtzanger: heh nope
03:03.04tzangerI tend to stay away from the cheapest of the cheap is 1.1c/min which is plenty low for my use
03:03.39tzangernufone's us1.95c/min for termination... again plenty low for what I use
03:03.57tzangerand I can get better rates if I can committ to some ungodly number of minutes per month
03:04.05tzangerI think I use tha tmany minutes in 6 months at current usage :-)
03:04.24Qwelltzanger: Just use 6 times as much, so you can get the good rate
03:04.30tzangerQwell: hehe
03:05.21tzangerkind of misses the point of cheap rates :-)
03:05.25firestrmtzanger, will sell just the did, or is it bundled with long distance?
03:05.33tzangerfirestrm: just the did
03:05.42tzangeryou get ld in it, but if you don't use it, it doesn't cost you anything
03:05.55firestrmtzanger, AWESOME.. hows their quality?
03:06.00tzangerfirestrm: *excellent*
03:06.13tzangerthey are they *only* provider I have ever come across in the last 2.5 years that is proactive
03:06.27tzangerplanned outages and changes are announced well before they happen
03:06.32*** join/#asterisk _Madar (
03:06.47tzangerunplanned outages are explained (or at least good stories told) -- I tend to believe these guys though
03:06.56tzangeremail support is generally within 24h
03:07.18tzangersupport's also pretty friendly and the accounting dept is too
03:07.38QwellVonage used to have good email support
03:07.43QwellI saw it first hand
03:07.46firestrmtzanger, works for me :).. my roommate is moving out, and its his landline, but i'll be dammed if im going to do business with telus..
03:07.49tzangertheir on-net termination is 1.1c/min (CAD) but their off-net rates are too high for me to use for anything but emergency
03:07.54tzangermy PRI LD rates are almost cheaper
03:07.58Strom_Chere's a dumb question: am I supposed to see all my PRI's B-channels randomly restarting?
03:08.03tzangerfirestrm: hehe
03:08.10tzangerStrom_C: they aren't randomly restarting
03:08.15tzangerevery 60 minutes you will see it by default
03:08.30tzangeryou can change or disable it in the zapata.conf, where it's documented
03:09.08tzangerwhat I would like to know, Strom_C, is you are able to send caller ID # out your PRI, and who the carrier is
03:09.22tzangerI used ot be able to but I'm working on an issue where that's stopped within the last month or so
03:09.29Strom_Cah.  god bless AMP for taking all the documentation out of the configuration files.  last time I ever let the client specify AMP :/
03:09.35firestrmtzanger. ohhh they also do colo.. well then this is interesting..
03:09.49Strom_Ctzanger, I certainly am.  The carrier is SBC California
03:10.07fileStrommy Boy!
03:10.10tzangerworking with digium on it too, we have verified the telco is receiving the IE correctly, so current guess is that the DMS100 got a software update recently
03:10.27tzangeras we're seeing this on more than one switch and in antoher country even
03:10.29Strom_Ctzanger, what kind of signaling does your PRI use?  who is your telco?
03:10.35tzangerni2, bell canada
03:10.42tzangerworked for 2.5 years
03:11.04tzangerI'm not the only one who's seeing this and it broke for both of us around the same time
03:11.15tzangerwe're both on DMS100s
03:11.18firestrmtzanger, but they DONT do 250 Victoria.. cry.sob.. it was looking soo good..
03:11.25tzangerfirestrm: damn
03:11.33tzangerfirestrm: stay *away* from sixtel/
03:11.45firestrmya ive heard..
03:11.49tzangereverything I said about unlimitel is opposite
03:12.10filethis pepsi is burning my tongue
03:12.11firestrmive read the forum horror stories..
03:12.14tzangerthey *do* work most of hte time but it's impossible talking to anyone there
03:12.19tzangerfirestrm: drink coke
03:12.30tzanger12h my kids go back to their mom
03:12.58tzangerbarqs is good
03:13.01tzangerbut nasty to mix with rye
03:13.03*** join/#asterisk kio (
03:13.24blitzragetzanger: aye
03:13.27Strom_Ccongrats, firestrm
03:13.28Qwellfirestrm: Merry Christmas :p
03:13.31tzangerfirestrm: wow congrats!
03:13.32fileStrom_C: I confirmed that number you wanted got sent out :)
03:13.37fileStrom_C: so we'll see if we get it
03:13.47*** join/#asterisk coppice (
03:14.23tzangerfirestrm: the best piece of advice I can give is that kids are damn near impossible to break..  You can screw up pretty bad and recover so don't stress any of that.  just love 'em unconditionally and do your best and they'll turn out great
03:14.46blitzrageor they'll turn out like tzanger -- one or the other
03:14.48Strom_C"hi, I broke my kid...can I do an exchange?"
03:14.53fileblitzrage: !!!
03:15.06tzangerblitzrage: oohhh
03:15.11blitzragetzanger: burn :)
03:15.15blitzragefile: !!!
03:15.22tzangerStrom_C: I used to tell people that I had a year before the warranty on my kids expired
03:15.37JonR800No exchanges, but I hear they fetch a pretty penny on the black market.
03:15.47firestrmtzanger, thanks.. im terrified of even holding babies.. im afrade im gonna break the,..
03:16.02firestrmtheir just so fragile..
03:16.15filewho stole my moho
03:16.15blitzragenah... kids are tough
03:16.17fileer mojo
03:16.18firestrmand im a big huge gorilla
03:17.06tzangerfirestrm: nope they are almost impossible to break.  my kids LOVE being "manhandled" by me, especially when they were tiny.  gentle roughness just made them laugh and giggle so much they drooled because they couldn't close their mouths
03:17.53fileblitzrage: UNVEIL THE TIME PORTAL!
03:18.04tzangerJonR800: :-)  I used to make the little old ladies in front or behind me at the supermarket checkout laugh when I'd tell them there's a special on little ones down Aisle 3 and if they hurried there were still a couple cute ones left (my kids always liked sitting in the shopping cart)
03:18.05*** join/#asterisk webmind_ (
03:18.20blitzrageand let them experience the world -- don't be too strict with them -- I hate when parents do that
03:18.22coppicefirestrm: when my son was born at 895g, touching him was truly terrifying
03:18.23tzangerwho am I kidding, they would still love to do that if I let 'em
03:18.34blitzragefile: lol!
03:18.49JonR800tzanger: haha
03:21.09bkw_OMG blitzrage
03:21.13tzangerbkw_: who are you riding?
03:21.32blitzragebkw_: what'd I do?!
03:21.46bkw_Ok in case you guys missed it.. Brokeback Mountain ROCKS
03:21.56Strom_CI still want to go see that
03:21.56Qwellbkw_: bareback what?
03:22.04tzangerblitzrage: I agree.  totally...  there ta'int nothing wrong with getting dirty, eating mud or bugs, feeling dog poop or any of that...  curiosity is best fed
03:22.06blitzrageQwell: hoi!
03:22.08Strom_CQwell, that joke is already old :)
03:22.12firestrmcoppice, my fear of breaking is a big part of why we waited 8 years to have kids.. finances would be another..
03:22.13QwellStrom_C: yeah
03:22.28Qwellblitzrage: I know a guy named Hoi.
03:22.31tzangerfirestrm: yeah finances are always bad.  :-)
03:22.34Qwellblitzrage: He's a dick.
03:22.45Qwellno, seriously
03:22.52coppicefirestrm: after the first few months, when the big hole in the top of their skull closes, kids are amazingly robust
03:22.53blitzrageQwell: chicks must love him then
03:22.56fileyou named your dick hoi>
03:23.09blitzragefile: lol!
03:23.27QwellHoi Taing...dipshit owns an ISP in Australia
03:23.36Qwella real asshole...
03:23.39bkw_got my passport too
03:23.42bkw_and its correct this time
03:23.56firestrmtzanger, well finally for the first time in our lives, my wife and i have good jobs with good/major companies.. so its the first time we have felt stable enough to have kids, IT  and research work is hell on stability
03:24.01Qwell(has a WIDE open Asterisk box on his network...)
03:24.25Qwell(uses the default context for international calls...)
03:24.40blitzragewow... its like an asterisk alumni reunion in here tonight
03:24.40mogormanyou let calls out of qwellstonia?
03:24.50Qwellmogorman: no, only in
03:24.51tzangerfirestrm: I knocked my ex-wife up (she was not my wife yet at that time)... I've always had a pretty kick-ass job though.. .since I was 19.
03:24.57firestrmbkw_, ive go to go deal with the passport ting too.. im taking my wife to roatan to celebrate (and have one last good time for the next 18 years)
03:25.05tzangerfirestrm: but really... there is no "right" time to have kids... there are some very wrong times to have them though
03:25.18mogormannow is the right time tzanger
03:25.41blitzrageI'm not going to have kids
03:25.45tzangerthis one death cab for cutie song rocks
03:25.46firestrmblitzrage, ya no kidding.. must be a newyear think
03:25.46blitzrageat least not on purpose
03:25.52mogormanhey bkw_ you get me that info
03:25.54tzangerblitzrage: gonna follow in my footsteps then?
03:25.56jontowcongrats, firestrm.. ;)  my lady and i are due with our first in early may 2006
03:26.01blitzragetzanger: hopefully not :)
03:26.01tzangerblitzrage: just don't step in that last one I did... eep
03:26.06coppiceblitzrage: neither am I. I let my wife do it
03:26.06mogormannot suprised leif if i was you i wouldnt have kids either
03:26.16Qwell^ ha
03:26.24blitzrageyou're all smart asses
03:26.34fileblitzrage: c'mon, you know you love us!
03:26.34Qwellblitzrage: Don't feel bad.  Just think, _I_ have one
03:26.42tzangermogorman: hahaha
03:26.46blitzrageQwell: really? crazy
03:26.47QwellIf I can...well...yeah
03:26.51tzangerI'd love a dozen kids if I could afford it
03:26.59blitzragewell, I'm sure I COULD have kids... just don't want any
03:27.00tzangermy ex said I'd have to take on another wife or two
03:27.01coppicemogorman: hey, my two happen to be 6 and 8 right now
03:27.03tzangerworking on #2 now :-)
03:27.06mogormanor be a teacher
03:27.08bkw_blitzrage, haha
03:27.22Qwellit's funny though
03:27.30blitzrageI'm just too selfish with my time
03:27.34rob0I have one 7, one 8, one 16, one 21.
03:27.36tzangerblitzrage: download "death cab for cuite - lack of color"
03:27.40blitzragemy friends have kids... I just don't dig'em
03:27.43tzangermine are 6 and 4.5
03:27.49coppicetzanger: what *right* now?
03:27.51mogormankids rock blitzrage
03:27.52tzangerI've always always loved kids though
03:27.56mogormanthey are like little slaves
03:27.58tzangercoppice: ?
03:27.59bkw_ya just ask MJ
03:28.00blitzrageactually... kids are cool once they hit about 11
03:28.00mogormancut the grass
03:28.01Strom_CI've got five kids, and none of them actually exist
03:28.05mogormando the dishes
03:28.13bkw_Strom_C, OMG ltns
03:28.15QwellStrom_C: That might be the way to go right there...
03:28.19mogormanand after you have enough they take care of themselves
03:28.21blitzrageI used to coach kids soccer for 7 years, taught swimming for 5
03:28.23Strom_Cor, alternatively, they're all in my trash can
03:28.27Qwellimaginary kids and an imaginary wife
03:28.31Strom_Chey bkw_!
03:28.43tzangerblitzrage: nah, they're *AWESOME* at about 2-5 and then again briefly around 9-12 and then the rest is entirely up to random elements
03:28.44blitzrageI've had several girls tell me I'm great with kids... just not into it
03:28.46firestrmtzanger.. the thing is, i do have one kid allready.. but save 10 min holding her in the hospital before they took her away.. i havent seen her in allmost 18 years..
03:28.56blitzragetzanger: I don't know... I find them annoying...
03:28.57tzangerfirestrm: ?
03:29.06rob0oh I'm very sorry firestrm
03:29.15firestrmi was 16, my gf was 15..
03:29.34tzangermogorman: agreed.  mine love to help... I'm not a fool though I know the "dad's a hero" stage doesn't last very long and I'm preparing to weather the "Dad's an asshole" stage
03:29.36blitzrageand I'm too selfish with my time -- I like just being able to pick up and go somewhere without any warning
03:29.38tzangerfirestrm: ouch
03:29.39firestrmso this is kinda my do-over..
03:29.46*** join/#asterisk jasonwolfe0u812 (
03:29.51firestrmi hope i dont screw it up...
03:29.52mogormanheh its pretty cool when they get over that tzanger
03:29.56mogormanmy dad is happy i got over mine
03:30.02mogormantook 20 years
03:30.04mogormanbut it happens
03:30.10file[laptop]silly old people
03:30.18tzangermogorman: yeah... the problem is that my dad really is an asshole a good 50% of the time
03:30.23file[laptop]mogorman: Matt!
03:30.29coppicei'm preparing for the daughter doesn't want to bath with daddy stage right now :-(
03:31.00tzangercoppice: :-)  I just dump mine in the tub together and the fightin gthat ensues generally washes them without much intervention
03:31.09rob0she the 6 or 8-y-o coppice?
03:31.13mogormanlol thats how i remeber it tzafrir_laptop
03:31.16mogormanerr tzanger
03:31.20tzangermogorman: :-)
03:31.20mogormandamn tab completion
03:31.35tzangerI don't give a shit if there is water everywhere in the room but if I step in a puddle there's hell to pay
03:31.49tzangerI absolutely HATE wet feet when I'm otherwise nice and warm and dry
03:31.51firestrmi had my 8 yo niece over for the last week.. man was that fun.. its great when their that age...
03:32.04*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (i=linux@
03:32.17rob0yes mine are a lot of fun
03:32.23firestrmits the 2:00 am feedings and the wiping bums i dread..
03:32.37mogormanim just not going to do that firestrm
03:32.43mogormani have a good southern woman
03:32.43L|NUXhello all
03:32.45blitzragespeaking of daughters.. anyone have a cute 24 y/o daughter they want to hook me up with? :)
03:32.47L|NUXcan some one help me with
03:32.49L|NUXi have account there
03:32.54L|NUXand i am try to bind it into my *
03:32.56L|NUXbut its not working
03:33.00tzangerfirestrm: I never ever minded changing dirty diapers.  in fact I rather enjoyed experimenting with the input to see what colour I could change the output
03:33.03file[laptop]blitzrage: poor you, never give up...
03:33.08SarahEmmlol Corydon76-home.
03:33.10L|NUXtried this example
03:33.13mogormanlol tzafrir_laptop
03:33.15Strom_CL|NUX, you need to add whipped cream
03:33.16mogormandamn it
03:33.17firestrmtzanger rotfl
03:33.25mogormantzanger you need to change your nick
03:33.29mogormanor get them to fix xchat
03:33.31L|NUXStrom_C : what ?
03:33.35tzangerparticuarly interesting was Joshua's 2nd birthday... blue birthday cake...  that kid had baby blue shit... I shit you not
03:33.39tzangerI've never seen anything like it
03:33.39rob0couple days ago, in Montgomery AL, we were at the judicial bldg, the one where Roy Moore got fired. A stranger walks by and my kid says to her, "Welcome to the capital of Alabama!"
03:33.52tzangermogorman: hahaha
03:34.00mogormanlol rob0
03:34.25jasonwolfe0u812I really need some help with my digium TDM400 card and asterisk not detecting an answer on an outbound dial.  Any direction would be helpful
03:34.25tzangerI mean I've seen every shade of brown, a good selection of greens, black, a few orange and yellows... but baby blue is just not a colour that should be produced by an anus
03:34.30blitzragefile[laptop]: heh... yah... hard to pick up women from my bedroom :)
03:34.50tzangerjasonwolfe0u812: "detecting answer of an OUTBOUND call" ??  it's an analog line, there is no indication given by the telco
03:34.55file[laptop]blitzrage: hrm, online dating services! :P
03:34.55rob0they had a lot of amusing questions for the docent at the Capitol, too.
03:34.56L|NUXcan any one help me with this ?
03:35.00firestrmtzanger, rotflmao.. ohh it hurts...
03:35.08mogormanheh tzanger i had neon orange when i had to get my hernia operation
03:35.26tzangeroh I wasn't talking about myself
03:35.48mogormani realize
03:35.50jasonwolfe0u812that's what I was afraid of... is there a workaround to detect when someone says hello?
03:35.52mogormani was 5
03:35.53firestrmtzanger, any multicolor.. like neploitan?
03:36.03Strom_Cjasonwolfe0u812, why do youy care when the line supervises?
03:36.04tzangerI've only had surgery once and that was on my gums...
03:36.15tzangerjasonwolfe0u812: no.  why do you need this?
03:36.20Strom_Cif you really want answer supervision on your analog lines, order it from the telco
03:36.28tzangerStrom_C: if it's available
03:36.41tzangeractually jasonwolfe0u812 you *can* with a Dial() option that requires the user to hit a key to acknowledge the call
03:36.47tzangermogorman: ahh okay
03:36.47file[laptop]I've had 3 surgeries... tubes in my ear drums twice, and repair on my eardrum when the stupid doctor pulled one of the tubes out and it left a holle
03:36.57file[laptop]er hole
03:37.10*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
03:37.11Strom_Cfile[laptop], I've had both my eardrums replaced completely!  I WIN!
03:37.12mogormanman everyone in my family had tubes in ears when we were little
03:37.18mogormani think everyone gets ear infections
03:37.25tzangeractually I had one when I was about a week old to drain a gland in my neck that wasn't draining... still hvae that (kind of cool) scar
03:37.27file[laptop]I haven't had any in awhile
03:37.32tzangernope I've never ever had one
03:37.33blitzragemogorman: yah... they don't really do that anymore either
03:37.49mogormani hear it was insanely painful
03:37.56mogormanbut i dont remeber it
03:37.58blitzrageyah... I don't think its good for you either
03:38.04tzangerfirestrm: no neopolitan but I've had multicolour
03:38.05coppiceyou all seem to have defect rates microsoft would be proud of :-)
03:38.10tzangercarrots don't seem to digest well
03:38.10rob0yeah, you were a medical guinea pig. So was I, they did tonsillectomies in my day.
03:38.14tzangercoppice: hahaha
03:38.17jasonwolfe0u812so this is something that I can get?  I apologize for being such a newbie but I'm a little lost here.  I need to make an make an outbound call and play a file when the user I can order answer supervision?  why does it appear to work sometimes?
03:38.32Strom_Cjasonwolfe0u812, wait wait wait
03:38.39file[laptop]I've had my adnoids... however you spell it... out
03:38.39Strom_Cyou're calling people with RECORDINGS?
03:38.46blitzragenever really had anything major wrong with me... no tubes, never had tonsils out, never broke anything....
03:38.54tzangerjasonwolfe0u812: there is no answer supervision on analog lines unless it's very very unique and specific to the telco and you can convince zaptel to look for it
03:38.57firestrmStrom_C, how about leg turned to hamburger at age 19, little trip to iraq..
03:38.59file[laptop]blitzrage: that's because you're perfect and cute
03:39.13tzangerjasonwolfe0u812: you can, otherwise use the dial() command option that requires the callee to press a digit to acknowledge
03:39.19SarahEmmhehee.. ltns file :0
03:39.21blitzrageummm... I'm not cute anymore -- I've gained 20 lbs in 4 months :)
03:39.27tzangerblitzrage: you were never cute
03:39.29file[laptop]blitzrage: pfft still good
03:39.31blitzragetzanger: lol!
03:39.38blitzragefair enough :)
03:39.40jasonwolfe0u812it's a click to call sort of thing where I am dialing a person and giving requested information before conecting them with an agent.
03:39.56tzangerjasonwolfe0u812: you own't get that with analog lines
03:39.57tzangeruse a PRI
03:39.58file[laptop]if you want reliable call progress detection, you don't go for analog... just don't
03:40.05Strom_Cjasonwolfe0u812, use a PRI or an IP carrier
03:40.25firestrmfile[laptop], i agree,its never worked for me..
03:40.40jasonwolfe0u812I will be using PRI when I build the real system, but I'm making a demo on two POTS lines with TDM400
03:40.41coppicetzanger: depends where he is. some people get full supervision on analogue lines
03:40.47tzangerjasonwolfe0u812: wont' work.  :-)
03:40.55tzangercoppice: does zaptel detect any of it?
03:41.26coppicei saw patches this week to fix aspects of that, so I guess it does
03:41.35[av]banidont quite understand why telcos charge 3x as much for PRI as for analogue lines, then whine that theyre running out of copper...
03:41.43mogormancallprogress has kinda worked for a long time but not always
03:41.44firestrmcoppice, not here... telus.. full supervision.. ummm devide by zero error sums it up best..
03:41.47tzanger[av]bani: because they can :-)
03:41.58jasonwolfe0u812so I have heard that It wont be a probmen when I move to PRI, but I need a solution for the demo
03:42.00tzangertelus won't give you answre supervision on analog lines
03:42.02ManxPowe[av]bani, because they can.
03:42.05tzangerno canadian carrier will IIRC
03:42.14[av]baniits just funny that they complain about problems of their own making
03:42.24ManxPowetzanger, You and I think too much alike
03:42.24firestrmactually divide by zero sums up telus's collective iq quite well
03:42.24blitzrageManxPowe: missing an 'r' :)
03:42.30*** join/#asterisk M-I-A (
03:42.32coppicetzanger: it varies a lot from country to country (or maybe telco to telco)
03:42.34tzangerManxPowe: I refuse to admit that :-)
03:42.37ManxPowerHiya, blitzrage
03:42.49blitzrageManxPowe: are you really that against the 'r' flag in dial()? :)
03:42.55blitzrageManxPower: how goes
03:42.57tzangerhmm I've not had much trouble with telus but only dealt with them on a mobile role
03:43.02[av]banithe ilecs will be the last to figure out voip
03:43.05ManxPowerblitzrage, YES!
03:43.06tzangerblitzrage: 'r' in dial is eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil
03:43.07[av]banithen they'll whine about that too
03:43.16ManxPowerblitzrage, I found a new way up the mountian today.
03:43.16mogormani agreee with tzanger
03:43.25tzangerI use it in one and only one occassion
03:43.26mogormanits very very very very very very very very rarely needed
03:43.32jasonwolfe0u812I need to go look that up I guess(the r flag) if this is a posible solution,... again, it's ust for the demo
03:43.39ManxPowertzanger, and it involves cell phones, right?
03:43.41tzangerwhen I call my cell phone and don't want them to hear the "the cell you are calling is turned off"
03:43.46tzangerManxPower: yepper
03:43.50firestrmtzanger, oh just try to deal with them on a lease line.. or even worse.. a fiber connection.. get the vasiline.. you'll need it..
03:43.57ManxPowertzanger, The exact same thing I use it form
03:43.58coppice[av]bani: whining has proven a very successful strategy for them - mixed with a little cash
03:44.15M-I-AHi everyone, I'm having a little trouble with a TDM2401E. Does anyone have any experience with one of these new cards?
03:44.17tzangerfirestrm: I'm in Bell Canada's Tier 4 pricing group - the official "we don't even use the lube" rate group
03:44.27Strom_CI got a pretty screaming deal on the PRI I ordered for my client from SBC
03:44.46tzanger$55/B + $700 for the D + a host of miscellaneous small nickle and dime charges for 911 and so on
03:44.47file[laptop]Strom_C: I've listened to all your payphone records but I want moreeeee >.<
03:44.50firestrmtzanger lol..
03:44.55file[laptop]er records = recordings
03:45.10file[laptop]I am _not_ awake
03:45.16Strom_Ctzanger, ouch.  My PRI cost like $250 a month, total
03:45.20Strom_Cplus usage
03:45.27tzangerStrom_C: bleh.  :-(
03:45.29ManxPowerStrom_C, usage?
03:45.30file[laptop]ManxPower: meh
03:45.32firestrmtzanger, we use telus on lease line for RCMP/Fire repeaters.. lots of fun..
03:45.37Strom_Cper-minute charges for outbound calls
03:45.49ManxPowerStrom_C, That's why it's so cheap.
03:45.54tzangerStrom_C: I mean I *am* in a town of 5300 people, but nobody else... not AT&T/Allstream, not Telus, not ANYONE else would even return our calls
03:45.55Strom_Cit's a few cents a minute
03:46.00ManxPowerWe don't pay for usage, and I doubt tzanger does either
03:46.02[av]banicoppice: dunno, i dont count criminal fraud convictions and ch11 bankruptcies as successful :)
03:46.11tzangerStrom_C: I don't mind per-minute for outbound (LD-only PRI) at all.
03:46.20[av]banibut then maybe your metric of success is different than mine :)
03:46.26tzangerno I don't, only LD
03:46.50M-I-ANo dice?
03:46.52tzangerI'd give up free local calls for cheaper PRI though.  our patterns are distinctly weighed to incoming
03:47.26firestrmi'd give just about anything to get a DID in victoria..
03:47.34coppice[av]bani: not everyone can play the game properly. a lot got very rich in the same game :-)
03:47.36firestrmthats not sixtel that is..
03:48.26blitzrageI wonder how much it'd be to put aPRI in Sarnia...
03:48.54firestrmblitzrage, here its 600/mo + $2.00 per DID
03:49.03blitzragefirestrm: where is here?
03:49.09blitzragetzanger: how much do you pay?
03:49.09firestrmVictoria bc
03:49.09tzangerblitzrage: not bad
03:49.16blitzragefirestrm: hrmmmm... thats not bad
03:49.26tzangerblitzrage: $55/B+$700/D+miscellaneous nickle and dime
03:49.29M-I-ACheck check one two check.   is this thing on
03:49.33blitzragetzanger: oh yah.. you just said that :)
03:49.37firestrmive been told.. its good.. telus wants $1800.00 for the same
03:49.39tzangerM-I-A: we hear ya
03:49.41Strom_Coh, I forgot to mention that the SBC package includes 20 DIDs
03:49.56tzangerStrom_C: yeah the Bell has 30 dids included
03:50.03file[laptop]now I'm a believer
03:50.09file[laptop]without a trace... of doubt on my mind!
03:50.10tzangerfile[laptop]: listening to the monkees?
03:50.15file[laptop]tzanger: Austin Powers
03:50.18tzangerfile[laptop]: yep
03:50.19firestrmbut navigata is $600.00 in victoria..
03:50.25Himekotelus charges us more fre our 15 lines than we could get a pri for
03:50.47tzangerfirestrm: just tell telus you've got several competing bids and ask if they're serious about getting your business
03:50.51firestrmHimeko, where are you..
03:51.12firestrmHimeko, navigata is your friend..
03:51.16*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:51.17tzangerwow the canadians are invading
03:51.26tzangerBC, AB, ON, PQ, NB
03:51.28rob0let's surrender now
03:51.43firestrmtzanger.. ya, but i would rather deal with someone who gives the streight deal first, rather than having to dick around..
03:51.55SarahEmmwho here is pq?
03:51.55tzangerfirestrm: yep I do too
03:51.57file[laptop]HEIL CANUHDUH!
03:52.01tzangerJunK-Y is from PQ
03:52.08SarahEmmahh cool
03:52.09tzangerthere's a couple others too I can't think of their names offhand
03:52.12drraypeople who put codiene in aspirin are ok in my book
03:52.18M-I-Azt_open: Unable to specify channel 1: No such device ...  zttool says alarms OK..  ztcfg -vv says chan 01: FXS kewlstart (default)
03:52.22tzangerdrray: :-) you can get it w/o perscription too
03:52.29tzangerjust go to the pharmacist and ask for a bottle of AC&Cs
03:52.30SarahEmmheh, and bell thinks i'm in PQ :)
03:52.38drrayI know, I've gone to london's drug in BC
03:52.46tzangerSarahEmm: nah, my bro says the DNS reverse mappings for all the HSE accounts are buggered beyond belief
03:52.49blitzrageMoc is from Quebec
03:52.55firestrmbrb, have to check on bread in oven (my wife loves it when i make her fresh bread from scratch)
03:52.57Himekois there somethign wierd about mayo on a burger?
03:53.05tzangerHimeko: ask an american :-)
03:53.07blitzragemayo on everything!
03:53.12blitzrageand white vinegar!
03:53.16SarahEmmtzanger: muchly, yeah. i move around between various locations in ON and PQ :)
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03:53.19drraymayo goes bad, and in the south it's hot, so mayo is not trusted
03:53.24blitzragemayo on freedom fries... mmmmm
03:53.32rob0US Burger Kings use mayo by default on whoppers
03:53.51drrayyeah, you have to ask for a mustard whopper
03:53.52coppicemaoist burgers?
03:53.57file[laptop]bkw__: look at the backend in my work directory and tell you if that's just not easy, simple, and cute now :P
03:53.57tzangerus burger kings rock because you can order a whopper at 7am
03:54.01file[laptop]er tell me
03:54.08Himekocan't stand mustard
03:54.12blitzrageme either
03:54.16Himekowhoppers come just right
03:54.20tzangerdrray: do they trust milk and cheese?
03:54.33firestrmwhat got me was in the USA they dont put any sugar in the ice tea.. yuck!!
03:54.34tzangergotta love steamed hamburger patty 10 seconds on the grill
03:54.34drraya lot of people don't drink enough milk
03:54.35file[laptop]I have only gone to burger king three times in my entire life time
03:54.42tzangerfirestrm: that's the best
03:54.47tzangerthat's true iced tea
03:54.54SarahEmmfirestrm: i like it that way :)
03:54.56tzangermy mom used to make a pot of tea and put it in the fridge for REAL iced tea
03:55.03rob0oh man, here in the south they serve "sweet tea" with tons of sugar.
03:55.04SarahEmmerr oops
03:55.10firestrmim with rob0
03:55.16drraysweet tea is kind of nasty
03:55.19SarahEmmtzanger: i do that :) earl grey iced tea is great :)
03:55.21tzangerI like both sweet and "normal" iced teas
03:55.30TheCopsSomeone know where to find some wav files ringtone for polycom?
03:55.34firestrmsunbrewed tea is the best..
03:55.37tzangerTheCops: I don't
03:55.39tzangerTheCops: you from PQ?
03:55.45file[laptop]AsteriskAfterHours(tm) is now open
03:55.49file[laptop]What will everyone have to drink?
03:55.54[av]banifive alive
03:56.01tzangerfirestrm: double rye and coke, no fucking lime or straw
03:56.06rob0It's like "coffee" in NYC. "Reg'lar" means double cream, double sugar. I got caught on that once.
03:56.07tzangerer file[laptop]
03:56.13SarahEmmcarbonated water with lemon :)
03:56.15M-I-Ahash brownie
03:56.18tzangerrob0: ouch... tha'ts a double-double at timmy's
03:56.24file[laptop]well - I'm not the bar tender, so pfft
03:56.24TheCopstzanger yeah
03:56.26tzangera regular is one cream/sugar at tiimmy's
03:56.27file[laptop]help yourselves!
03:56.35tzangeraha see I knew there was another Quebecois in here
03:56.36*** join/#asterisk nesys (
03:56.36firestrmim with M-I-A
03:56.44tzanger22:55 < file[laptop]> What will everyone have to drink?
03:56.46tzangeryes you are
03:56.47TheCopswhy that ?! :P
03:56.51file[laptop]tzanger: I quit.
03:56.52blitzragefile[laptop]: get me the same thing tzanger is having
03:56.58file[laptop]the pay was horrible
03:56.59tzangerTheCops: I was just saying the canadians are invading :-)
03:57.10tzangerwe've got a good number of provinces in here
03:57.11ManxPowertzanger, and it's about dam time!
03:57.19file[laptop]HEIL CANUHDUH!
03:57.20tzangerfile[laptop]: yes, but all the drinks you can hold down
03:57.24file[laptop]YOU WILL COMPLY!
03:57.34ManxPowerWhat else would they do on these cold Canadian winter nights?
03:57.36M-I-AI'm picking up my igloo and moving south!!
03:57.40tzangerfile[laptop]: no
03:57.44TheCopsSecup, [tk]-fender, me, you, there's many people from quebec i guess.
03:57.48tzangerfile[laptop]: YOU WILL COMPLY, OR WE WILL ASK YOU POLITELY AGAIN!
03:57.51file[laptop]ManxPower: to quote this movie, "get it on"
03:57.57ManxPowerrob0, where in AL are you?
03:58.01rob0y'all take over now
03:58.02file[laptop]rob0: uh we don't want that state
03:58.04tzangerM-I-A: it will get lighter as you travel
03:58.12blitzragefile[laptop]: we don't want any of the states :)
03:58.22rob0near Florence.
03:58.25file[laptop]I wouldn't mind California
03:58.25blitzrageactually... maybe California... it was pretty cool....
03:58.28tzangerTheCops: moc, JunK-Y , who else
03:58.33file[laptop]blitzrage: LOL
03:58.36blitzragefile[laptop]: :)
03:58.43ManxPowerrob0, I don't know where that is.  I'm now living about 50 miles NE of birmmingham
03:58.59TheCopstzanger I know few person in real life, they dont go on IRC.
03:59.07TheCopsasterisk is totaly a revolution
03:59.10rob0NW corner, I'm actually closer to TN than to Florence
03:59.16file[laptop]great my e-mail is broken
03:59.20file[laptop]all your fault
03:59.26M-I-ADoes any * talk go on in this chan?  =)
03:59.32SarahEmmM-I-A: once in awhile.
03:59.32file[laptop]M-I-A: it's a Friday night.
03:59.35ManxPowerrob0, Ah, so in the general region of Huntaville?
03:59.42file[laptop]tzanger: harder!
03:59.43M-I-Aor is * a cover up for something big  :)
03:59.48SarahEmmM-I-A: i'd talk about it, but nobody here uses the same part of * that i do, so i'm not sure it'd help :)
04:00.02tzangerSarahEmm: :-)
04:00.11rob0ManxPower: we were just in MGM this week ... and hey M-I-A: I used VoIP with my * server at home ;)
04:00.30file[laptop]Asterisk: Doing naughty things to otherwise good phones.
04:01.09M-I-AEveryones a joker tonight  :)  lol   I should have just turned on XM channel 150 instead of irc #asterisk
04:01.16SkramXAnyone use SIP on their PocketPC? SJPhone only works on 2003, i have 2002...
04:01.18blitzragewhy am I being smacked around?
04:01.24rob0I'm a bit more than an hour from Huntsville
04:01.38file[laptop]blitzrage: you broke my e-mail
04:01.40rob0but I'm in area code 0x100 ;)
04:01.45M-I-Ahuntsville ontario?
04:02.07SarahEmmi do SkramX. i use xten's ppc one
04:02.12SarahEmmi don't know about 'use'
04:02.15SarahEmmi have it installed
04:02.22SarahEmmi almost never communicate by voice anymore tho so.. mew.
04:02.26SarahEmmit works tho :)
04:02.39SkramXSarahEmm: ill try it
04:02.43rob0M-I-A: possibly so, now that I have surrendered to Canada. Perhaps Ontario will annex us.
04:02.49SarahEmmmine's ppc2003SE tho
04:02.55ManxPowerrob0, we can only hope.
04:03.03trixterSkramX: I have used both sjphone and xten..  I paid for xten becuase it has much better echo control, although there are newer versions of sjphone so maybe that changed
04:03.15trixterI have a h5500 btw
04:03.22M-I-AI'm heading to the rock ridge tubing next week!! yeehaw
04:03.26rob0hey, Alabama has the best politicians money can buy.
04:03.38SkramXi dont want to pay :(
04:03.43ManxPowerrob0, I thought that was Louisiana.
04:04.09rob0naw, Loozyanna is second-best
04:04.37SarahEmmfleeing.... TO the USA?
04:04.43M-I-AI knew I should not have bought this TDM2400 card... It's just way to new...  there is no support for it anywhere
04:04.49rob0yes, very odd
04:04.57mogormanwhat M-I-A
04:05.04firestrmthe lieberals han have my handguns when they pry them from my cold dead bullett riddled hands
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04:05.29M-I-Amogorman: you have one?
04:05.46rob0that's one freedom that still partially exists in the USA
04:05.57mogormani actually keep one around just to beat people with
04:06.10M-I-Ayeah its a pretty long card
04:06.17mogormanits my clue stick
04:06.27rob0oh is that the full-length monster?
04:06.31mogormanand my stable stick
04:06.32M-I-Ait would probably flex night.. could use it as a sling shot
04:06.36mogormani hit things and make them stable
04:06.41M-I-Anight = nice
04:06.49mogormannah mia its fully popultated
04:07.22firestrmcool im talking on irc and copying CW from Qutar at the same time :)
04:08.12M-I-Aany reason zttool and ztcfg see the card and everything looks great except when launching * it dumps with zt_open: Unable to specify channel 1: No such device
04:08.29mogormanwhats dmesg say M-I-A
04:08.59blitzragefirestrm: yah.. the liberals keep shooting themselves in the foot...
04:09.16Corydon76-homeMost usual problem with the analog boards is that someone forgot to plug in the molex connector
04:09.19rob0gosh, you're so helpful mogorman! Tell kram to give you a raise.
04:09.32mogormanits my last few days in support
04:09.39tzangerholy shit
04:09.42tzangerI remembered that number
04:09.42mogormanfor the next 26 hours
04:09.43Corydon76-homemogorman: you're retiring?
04:09.44blitzrageanyone have a recommendation for some new music albums?
04:09.53firestrmblitzrage, ya like the criminals are gonna stop because the gun aint registered..
04:09.55mogormangetting out of support into other crap
04:10.09tzangerI'd like to see the death sentence for gun crimes
04:10.16coppicetzanger: i'll take your word. i only remember the first 4 digits :-)
04:10.16tzangerfiring squad, of course.
04:10.22mogormanno death penalty
04:10.24pakipenguincan anyone do some testing withme , i need to check if call back works okay, i n eed some number to call
04:10.27firestrmblitzrage, if anything i think its getting worse becuse the criminals have less to fear, because the population has been effectivly disarmed..
04:10.28blitzragefirestrm: no shit -- thats about the dumbest thing they've done since spending too much money on the gun registry
04:10.36mogormanid much rather see death penatly for enron employees
04:10.43tzangermogorman: yes, that too
04:10.47mogormanbut im not for it either way
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04:10.54blitzragefirestrm: yah -- and law abiding citizens don't shoot people with their registered guns
04:10.55mogormani think that is so messed up
04:11.07mogormanthat one accontant is only going for 7 years
04:11.14mogormani hope someone give him the shiv....
04:11.51M-I-Amogorman: chan_zap.c:920 zt_open: Unable to specify channel 1: No such device   ||  chan_zap.c:6856 mkintf: Unable to open channel 1: no such device here = 0, tmp->channel = 1, channel = 1
04:12.12mogormanyeah mia that sounds odd , whats dmesg say?
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04:12.22firestrmblitzrage, i cant even shot my handgun on my own property.. i have to go to a registered range..
04:12.29firestrmits totally retarded..
04:12.49coppiceM-I-A what does your /proc/zaptel/?? file say?
04:12.55blitzragefirestrm: yeppers, same problem here :)
04:13.06M-I-Ano errors.. what part would you like me to write in the channel here?
04:13.17blitzragefirestrm: although my neighbours behind me would probably not like me shooting in their direction :)
04:13.19mogormancan i get into box mia
04:13.24mogormani bet i can figure it out in a min
04:13.27M-I-Aits behind a firewall
04:13.27mogormanif i can look at it
04:13.38mogormancant punch 22 through?
04:13.39coppiceM-I-A: out it all in pastebin
04:14.04mogormanor i can give you my ip M-I-A
04:14.38firestrmblitzrage, my parents have a farm out in the middle of nowhere.. i can be arrested for plinking with my handgun on private property..
04:14.59M-I-A1 sec
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04:15.39blitzragefirestrm: yah... its totally stupid -- I remember going out to the gravel put with my Dad and his friend (he was a local police officer) and shooting guns when I was a kid. THATS how you teach a child to respect guns.
04:16.09blitzrageThose of us who use guns for sport are not the ones who should be punished.
04:16.19mogormanor you know blitzrage  just not have guns...
04:16.44LostFroghehehe.. POSTAL!! lol
04:17.38firestrmblitzrage, gun safety was manditory in my school in grade 7.. too many farm kids getting themselves shot accidently
04:18.06mogormanthats how i plan to do it
04:18.24M-I-Acoppice: /proc/zaptel/1  says  Span 1: WCTDM/0 "Wildcard TDM2400P Prototype Board 1"    |  1 WCTDM/0/0 FXSKS | 2 WCTDM/0/1 FXSKS | 3 WCTDM/0/2 FXSKS | 4 WCTDM/0/3 FXSKS
04:18.30blitzrageMy father has willingly spent all the money the gov't has asked him to in order to register his guns, obtain his permits, take the required courses, etc... etc... -- if the gov't says he can no longer have them, he should get a full reimbursment for that
04:19.10firestrmblitzrage, well there was another government that did exactly the same thing as canada.. play for play... i think they spoke german..
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04:19.48blitzrageplus they are collectors items to me and have sentimental value, like the time I spent with my father when I was a child and expect to inherit all his guns
04:19.58firestrma disarmed population is much easier to dictate too..
04:19.58coppiceM-I-A: that seems to confirm everything is configured OK. channel 1 should definitely work, unless the driver has a bug
04:20.00tzangernow THAT is a scary thought
04:20.11tzangerblitzrage with guns
04:20.22M-I-Amogorman I have to register on this irc server to do private msg's.. hold on
04:20.25blitzrageI made bullets in my basement for my 10th birthday party :)
04:20.37tzangerand they call ME a hick... heh
04:20.38mogormanoh okies...
04:20.57blitzragetzanger: heh, I'm from a town of < 5300 :)
04:21.19blitzragetzanger: yer city folk to me
04:21.34tzangeryeah we have more than three teeth
04:21.45tzangerand I don't call my wife 'cuz'
04:22.05blitzrage.45 colt, .44 magnum w/ red dot scope :)
04:22.21blitzrageand I don't like to hunt, let alone kill people :)
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04:22.29shido6I keep the SOCOM under the couch
04:22.36firestrmblitzrage, we need to get together some time to "ventilate" some targets..
04:22.46blitzrageand I don't have them for protection -- but I do enjoy target shooting
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04:23.01justinucheap, reliable, powerful
04:23.05justinuask the marines
04:23.09tzangermy mentor's mentor was Kalashnikov
04:23.18blitzragefirestrm: aye
04:23.30tzangernot because the gun was super accurate or anything but rather because it was so damned practical
04:23.43tzangerit was a damn good service weapon
04:23.47firestrmblitzrage, i have no choice but to hunt.. im alergic to most farmed meat.. only other option is to fo vegi.. but im not a nice person on vegi..
04:23.53justinukalashnikov put himself out of business with that gun, basically
04:24.12tzangerit could get dragged through muck and still fire without jamming.  If you bent the barrel you could find any old machinist to get another made
04:24.31tzangerit wasn't the best of the best, no, but it simply worked and worked damn well for its designed purpose
04:25.07tzangerThat's a completely unfair allegation. I'm sure that very few members of the RIAA eat babies on a regular basis.
04:25.24blitzragefirestrm: thats fine... if you hunt for the sake of food you're probably healthier for it and make better use of the animal
04:26.16blitzragetzanger: yah -- it was reliable in combat, and thats key in war
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04:27.05coppicetzanger: they don't eat them. they feed them into a kind of sausage machine that turns them into standardised one hit wonders
04:27.12soundguyHi. Can someone please tell me what this error is when I start asterisk using safe_asterisk, "Asterisk died with code 127"
04:27.31soundguyIt works fine starting it normally
04:27.43blitzragehave you ever wondered what chemical cigarette companies use to make menthol cigarettes taste like mint when they burn? Because mint leaves certainly don't taste like that when you burn them....
04:28.01tzangerblitzrage: uh, isn't the chemical "menthol" ?
04:28.09mogormani thought so to tzanger
04:28.25blitzragetzanger: menthol is a chemical? crazy...
04:28.43mogormani still cant believe people smoke
04:28.53tzangerwhen I drink enough I start to crave a cigarette
04:28.59blitzrageyah... cigarettes are terrible -- I can't smoke them anymore
04:29.01drrayI like smoking
04:29.04tzangerbut I always, always, always remember why I don't smoke in the morning and for the next few days
04:29.05drrayI don't do it anymore
04:29.10tzangerfeels like my head's a marble in a vise
04:29.11blitzragetzanger: me too, but it makes me feel sick now
04:29.13mogormanim not saying smoking doesnt feel good
04:29.19blitzragetzanger: that too
04:29.19drraybut I love the taste of a good smoke
04:29.20tzangerI do enjoy a good cigar now and again though
04:29.24mogormanbut i would think as its been known its really bad for you
04:29.26mogormanfor a long time
04:29.33mogormanthey wouldnt get as many new users
04:29.34drraycheeseburgers are bad for you
04:29.35justinuso what?
04:29.39mogormannot to mentions its fucking expensive
04:29.39drraydrinking is bad for you
04:29.42justinulots of stuff is bad for you
04:29.51mogormanone cigarette is far more worse than one cheeseburger
04:29.58blitzragemogorman: most new users are under the age of 17... if you don't start smoking by 20... its highly unlikely you ever will start
04:30.03drrayone cigarette will not do anything for you
04:30.15mogormanlol drray
04:30.17justinui started smoking after age 20
04:30.31mogormanit doesnt do a lot
04:30.34mogormanlike ads say
04:30.40mogormanbut it does f it up
04:30.41coppicemany people smoke a few days after death :-)
04:30.43dudesSo smoking 2 packs a day and drinking at least half a liter of whisky is bad
04:30.59mogormandrinking is bad too
04:31.00tzangerok everyone
04:31.03mogormani dont do that either
04:31.12tzangercoppice: :-)
04:31.23mogormanheh coppice
04:31.39blitzrageyah... I don't drink or smoke....
04:31.45tzangerreminds me of the joke about the guy who fell into a vat of whiskey.  He fought off help for 10 minuts before finally drowning.  They cremated him and he burned for 4 days
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04:32.14drrayall things in moderation are fine
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04:32.28dudesI figure if everything we did was good for us, we may as well just kill ourselves now.
04:32.33mogormanno smoking in moderation is bad
04:32.43mogormanlol dudes
04:32.53mogormancheeseburgers from time to time are not unhealthy
04:32.55drraysmoking in moderation is no worse statistically than driving a car
04:33.01dudesPlus, drinking and smoking takes the worst years off your life.
04:33.09mogormanthats not true drray
04:33.12coppicetzanger: that's like the story of the Duke of somewhere who drowned in a vat of marmsey. was is murder or accidental suicide? :-)
04:33.15mogormanlol dudes
04:33.16justinuwho wants to be 80 anyways?
04:33.21mogormanit just makes em come earlier
04:33.25tzangerwhat's marmsey?
04:33.27drraylots of 79 year olds
04:33.35justinulife sucks
04:33.38justinuwhy prolong it?
04:33.39blitzrage120 is our nature life span
04:33.40drray100 years of listening to coppice.. .
04:33.45dudesMy grandma was like 90 some
04:33.53mogorman120 is just what is now
04:33.59gefriendHola... Does anyone know if PIN Number work with MeetMe in 1.0.7?
04:34.00drraya bacon flavored smoke
04:34.06dudesand that poor women didn't even know who anyone was unless she looked at her picture albumn
04:34.09mogormani figure most peole will live to 150 these days
04:34.19tzangera nevermind?  I didn't know those were flammable
04:34.20justinunot me
04:34.23justinublitz: that's fun too
04:34.55blitzragemogorman: I figure we'll eventually live forever once we figure out how to move our thought processes outside of these fragile bodies
04:35.12blitzragenow the real question is -- can a human mind actually live forever without going insane
04:35.20tzangerperfect example
04:35.26tzangerDear customer,
04:35.26tzangerHere?s a note of scheduled downtime for our Toronto POP. The outage is schedule for tonight 00:00 to 4:00,
04:35.30dudesmogorman - my mom had a friend who only ate healthy, jogged every day, never smoked or drank
04:35.37dudesshe died before she was even 40
04:35.41drrayI think the limits that death place on us are actually good for society
04:35.49mogormanit happens
04:35.55blitzragesame here
04:35.59dudesI figure god has a target on our heads ... so live and enjoy
04:36.01mogormanbut so does getting hit by a bus
04:36.06mogormanbut im not gonna walk in front of them
04:36.07tzangerMy 25 year old friend died from cancer a few years ago :-(
04:36.10mogormanat least on purpose
04:36.11blitzragedon't even get me started on god being a factor
04:36.18justinutzanger: that's rough
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04:36.49drraythe reason that lifespans are longer on average are because western civilization has knocked down the numbers of children kicking off by imunizations..
04:36.53mogormanthats like saying i someone get shot so im gonna play russian roullete
04:37.25dudesCrash test dummies - at my funeral says it all I think
04:37.43drraydudes - I don't care that you don't mind?
04:38.06dudesdrray - huh?
04:38.09blitzrageI wouldn't mind living forever -- civilization interests me greatly
04:38.13drraya song of theirs
04:38.23blitzrageespecially since I don't believe in life after death
04:38.48coppicedrray: actually, civil engineering is the main reason we live longer. medicine has helped surprisingly little
04:39.40tzangercoppice: water treatment and septic systems?
04:40.07dudesnot to mention horses and buggies
04:40.08tzangerand most importantly, keeping the two separate?
04:40.11blitzragetoo bad we're reversing the advantages by dumping chemicals into the water
04:40.18justinui want to buy a miniature horse
04:40.34ManxPowerjustinu, wait 10 years, you can order one custom made.
04:40.41justinui want one now
04:40.51justinui need to find out if it's legal here
04:41.10dudesI want a monkey
04:41.10drrayI'd wait for them to actually clone something first
04:41.17ManxPowerYou realize that all a horse is, is a machine to turn horse food into horse shit, right?
04:41.28justinubut it's cute
04:41.30tzangerManxPower: yes but that's where we get horse power
04:41.41tzangerone of the highschool teachers here breeds minitature horeses
04:42.03blitzragewhat about miniature whoreses?
04:42.04justinui wonder what he charges for them
04:42.33justinui'd pay to have my cat cloned
04:42.43tzangerI wouldn't
04:42.48tzangerthis guy farts something awful
04:42.51justinu*BUT* only if they can edit out the puke gene
04:43.06drrayI'd like to see them vat grow meat so I could get a steak without getting dirty looks
04:43.12coppiceblitzrage: what are you looking for? a handy pocket sized hooker?
04:43.18justinudrray: it'll happen
04:43.21blitzragecoppice: lol!
04:43.29drrayI think coppice is on to something there
04:43.31tzangerdrray: I like the signs that say "I'm eating three times the meat I'd normally eat for every vegetarian that complains"
04:43.48tzangercoppice: nah he wants an eight inch pianist
04:43.59drrayI eat less meat as I get older (just don't want it as often)
04:44.36JonR800it's called declining testosterone
04:44.46ManxPowerI can eat meat as long as I keep the image of a slaughter house out of my mind.
04:44.51drraythank god for that
04:44.59tzangerManxPower: hmm doesn't bother me in the slightest
04:45.03drrayI'll never take a pill to make me hornier
04:45.14tzangerkill chickens and eat them the same night
04:45.17JonR800less sex, less meat, less anger
04:45.22drraymore money
04:45.26JonR800that too
04:45.27tzangeror eat while watching surgeries on tv
04:45.34linlinim eating cheese with bacon BUILT IN!!
04:45.50justinuhey jon
04:45.52ManxPowertzanger, I suspect I could do that too.
04:45.57JonR800sup justinu
04:46.00coppiceI thought it was more sex, less anger.
04:46.03ManxPowerThe watching surgeries.
04:46.27blitzragetzanger: you do that too?
04:46.29JonR800coppice: that's the midlife crisis stage.. not sure who's at that
04:46.29ManxPowerI have learned not to eat dinner during the first 15 mins of CSI.
04:46.30drrayI don't get the 18 year olds taking viagra
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04:46.46tzangerManxPower: that stuff just doesn't bother me
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04:46.54dudesdrray - that's messed up
04:46.58coppiceJonR800: all I know is no sex really pisses me off
04:46.58justinui just bought an s2000, does that count?
04:47.12blitzragecoppice: lol
04:47.33JonR800coppice: agreed.
04:47.57tzangercoppice: amen
04:48.19JonR800justinu: i think that counts, once you leave the crisis, i'll buy it off you ;)
04:48.41shido6is there a turbo on the s2k /
04:48.57dudeswhat's s2k
04:49.18shido6blower/supercharger ?
04:49.24justinuno, mine's stock
04:49.26shido6body kit?
04:49.33justinui like it how it is
04:49.37shido6dood - did you swap out the radio ?
04:49.40justinutop always down, too
04:49.45justinuno, it's stock too... i don't use it
04:49.54justinui listen to the engine
04:50.08dudesI hate loud cars
04:50.10shido6and sell it
04:50.17justinui like it
04:50.21shido6it doesnt have to be loud, dudes
04:50.25mogormani have like 20 bucks
04:50.27dudesno shit
04:50.48shido6dynamat and a decent muffler will take care of that
04:50.50blitzragedude... that car is stocked!
04:50.55blitzrageits stocked out!
04:51.08dudesMy trep is stock
04:51.13dudesso is my cutlass
04:51.25blitzragemy 84 Cutlass Supreme Brougham is stock
04:51.33dudesI got a 73' GMC that is though
04:51.38dudesbut it only has 86K on body
04:51.45justinulol, brougham is da shizzle
04:51.52blitzrageI love that car -- its pimpin'
04:52.13dudesMy trep has a huge backseat
04:52.17blitzrageif I get it restored, I'm recovering the seats in velvet
04:52.37blitzragebackseat in the bougham is awesome -- its like a couch back there
04:52.38dudesWomen compliment it from time to time
04:52.50blitzragedudes: lol -- ditto
04:52.59ManxPowerdudes, "My, what a big back seat you have!"?
04:52.59coppiceblitzrage: you sound like a candidate for pimp my wheels
04:53.09justinumy car has no back seat
04:53.14dudesI normally try it as a pickup line
04:53.20dudesHey, I got a HUGE backseat
04:53.25blitzragecoppice: I hate that show -- pure cosmetics...
04:53.44blitzragenow Overhaulin' -- different story
04:53.46ManxPowerMy car is nice, boring, and reliable
04:54.04dudesI have three to pick up where one fucks up
04:54.06blitzrageI don't even drive anymore -- going to get a motorcycle this summer I think though
04:54.11dudesBut my trep is a beast (except a tranny)
04:54.21justinui used to have a gsx600
04:54.23justinuthat was fun
04:54.28coppicei like living in a place where nobody has a car
04:54.43blitzragewow... this channel has gone from kids, to guns, to cars tonight :)
04:55.01ManxPowercoppice, I got my first car about 2 months ago.  Sort of need one now.
04:55.02dudesGlad I missed the kids talk
04:55.06ManxPowerIt's 10 miles to the nearest store.
04:55.19blitzragepfft.. you can run 10 miles in less than an hour :)
04:55.20justinui'd love to not need a car
04:55.27coppiceblitzrage: you never know. we might even discuss telecoms
04:55.31justinubut driving in a roadster is fun, even you if you need a hat and scarf
04:55.42blitzragecoppice: oh yah... we discussed PRI's for about 15 mins earlier :)
04:55.50coppicejustinu: move here. :-)
04:56.00justinuwhere's here?
04:56.25coppicediscovery bay, HK. a town with no cars
04:56.40ManxPowercoppice, they are not allowed?
04:57.07justinuoh, cool. i was in kowloon earlier this year
04:57.14coppiceyou get here through a tunnel or by ferry. private cars are not allowed through
04:57.25justinuloved kowloon
04:58.00SarahEmmanyone here know of anyone else that uses *'s TTY functionality? i find it hard to beleive i'm the *only* one...
04:58.09coppicecars are optional, but undesirable, in kowloon. here they just aren't allowed
04:58.31trixterits the inverse here
04:58.32justinunext time i'm over, i'll ring you up :P
04:59.00trixternearest grocery, gas station, whatever 10 miles..  there is a bus stop there but you have to call ahead and schedule it and if they dont make it oh well try again tomorrow
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05:00.50blitzragealright... off to bed -- big day of celebrating new years tomorrow :)
05:00.54Mat_altHey all!
05:00.57*** join/#asterisk PManti1 (
05:01.14Mat_altAnyone around that may be able to help?
05:01.33justinu100 bucks an hour ;)
05:01.40PManti1I getting a bunch of these errors in my log every day:
05:01.41PManti1Power alarm on module 4, resetting!
05:02.53SarahEmmwhich log, PManti1? what card/device?
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05:03.48PManti1SarahEmm: /ver/log/messages  from a TDM400 device. I have 2 cards in the server
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05:04.26SarahEmmyou have the molex connected i assume?
05:05.44PManti1SarahEmm: LOL yeah, absolutely. This server is my only source of phone service in my house.
05:06.09SarahEmmfrom a quick google it looks like a lot of people get them, and they're fairly normal
05:06.09justinumaybe your PSU is eating it
05:06.12SarahEmmare they causing issues?
05:07.02PManti1Well, my wife is loosing calls
05:07.47justinurun for the hills
05:08.07SarahEmmare you sure it's related? is she losing calls at the times the events are in the log?
05:08.44PManti1out of nowhere, the calls are dropping, or... sometimes, the calls don't disconnect, but she looses audio in one direction
05:09.33PManti1SarahEmm: I don't know for sure... but my daughter also looses MOH during the night.
05:10.00SarahEmmit may be completely unrelated tho...
05:10.09SarahEmmany possibility to see if they're at the same times?
05:10.17SarahEmmhave you talked to digium yet?
05:11.00PManti1SarahEmm: She's slept to music since she was born... we wore out a few CD players. MOH has been the no-moving-parts solution. heh
05:11.09PManti1SarahEmm: No, haven't called Digium
05:11.28ManxPowerPManti1, are you using callprogress=yes or busydetect=yes
05:11.47PManti1ManxPower: in zapata?
05:11.53ManxPowerThey should both be renamed randomlydisconnectmycalls=yes
05:12.07ManxPowerPManti1, correct
05:12.49coppiceyou'd think someone would find that a problem and fix it :-)
05:12.51SarahEmmlol ManxPower
05:13.04SarahEmmthere's no easy way to do CPD on POTS lines coppice.
05:13.18ManxPowercoppice, you're one of the few people around that is actually qualified to try to fix it.
05:13.26coppicethere is no clean and efficient way
05:13.26SarahEmmcoppice: how?
05:13.30SarahEmm*nods* :)
05:13.42SarahEmmis there any way other than tone detection?
05:13.56ManxPowercoppice, how much would it cost to have you try to fix it?
05:14.05coppicereliable disconnect is entirely possible, through reliable answer detect is not
05:14.14SarahEmmoh, sure
05:14.25SarahEmmif your telco does disconnect supervision it's just an electrical thing :)
05:15.08coppicedisconnect on tone can be 100% reliable
05:15.47SarahEmmoh? but it's inband.. that tone played during the call would cause a hangup
05:16.15PManti1ManxPower: I did have busydetect on... but I ONLY have FXS ports.
05:16.29ManxPowerPManti1, turn it off
05:16.38PManti1ManxPower: I did. :)
05:16.45ManxPowerand restarted Asterisk?
05:17.19ManxPowerPManti1, what version of Asterisk?
05:17.28PManti1Is zapata part of the reload ?
05:17.45ManxPowerPManti1, 1.2.x should reload correctly  for that
05:17.51ManxPowerbut if you want to be sure, stop and start
05:17.59ManxPoweror unload / load
05:18.18coppiceok, then 99.999% reliably if you want to be more precise. nothing like busy tone ever ocurs in a real call
05:18.38PManti1That would disconnect my daughter's MOH. :)
05:19.03ManxPowerPManti1, is the MoH stopped or is the call simply terminated?
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05:19.46ManxPowerI guess I should walk the dogbeast and get to bed soon
05:21.33mogormanheh that would be an awaesome feature ManxPower
05:21.35mogormanbut it should be in res_features.conf
05:21.50PManti1ManxPower: I have a few reliability problems... some disconnected calls, and sometimes MOH stops on my daughter's line, no tones, just dead
05:22.12SarahEmmis it MOH stopping, or the call itself dropping?
05:23.46PManti1SarahEmm: I'm not sure there's a difference here. It's a local Zaptel FXS port. No "beep, beep, beep", no dialtone, etc.. we just go in her room at night to check on her, and notice there's no music.
05:24.13PManti1So, no way for us to know when it stopped.
05:24.43SarahEmmhave you tried turning up the * verbosity?
05:24.53SarahEmmthen checking asterisk's logs in the morning to see what happened?
05:25.23SarahEmmor set verbose <#> in the cli
05:25.33SarahEmmi'm not sure what those 'd's are for... the 'v's are verbosity yeah
05:25.44SarahEmmi've been out of the * world for a few months so i may not be completely up to date :)
05:26.29PManti1SarahEmm: debug?
05:26.40coppiceSarahEmm: all the main problems are still there. you just need to catch up on the new ones :-)
05:27.17SarahEmmi'm about to dig into code again :/
05:27.44PManti1What's a good verbosity level?
05:27.51PManti15, 50, 500?
05:28.07SarahEmm50 or above i'm fairly sure is the same :)
05:28.13ManxPowerPManti1, 3
05:28.15SarahEmmpersonally i'd set 99
05:28.19SarahEmmbut i'm weird
05:28.26PManti1Ugh, broadvoice seems to really suck
05:28.29SarahEmmcoppice: hopefully there are no new ones in the areas i work on :)
05:28.49PManti1*CLI> set verbose 99
05:28.49PManti1Verbosity was 17 and is now 99
05:29.10coppiceSarahEmm: its good to live in hope
05:29.14PManti1I didn't know Asterisk logged to a file
05:29.19SarahEmmcoppice: lol.
05:29.45SarahEmmcoppice: i don't think anyone else uses this area, nor do any other developers directly work on it :) so i'm likely safe-ish
05:29.52SarahEmmexcept nobody tests it after changes in realted areas wither
05:30.02PManti1neat, /var/log/asterisk/messages
05:30.19PManti16mb file!!
05:31.21coppiceSarahEmm: that probably means your bit will now be totally incompatible with the rest :-)
05:31.37SarahEmmhopefully not :)
05:31.44SarahEmmi'm already tempted to just buy a hardware device and forget about this :P
05:31.50SarahEmmevery time i try to use it there's more bugs to fix
05:32.14PManti1SarahEmm: Bugs? This doesn't give me warm fuzzies about recommending * to clients.
05:32.39coppiceyou haven't seen the bugs in a typical VoIP hardware device, then
05:32.47SarahEmmPManti1: it's not a commonly used bit of code. if you're using * for voice comms, this is unrelated.
05:32.56SarahEmmcoppice: heh.
05:33.24PManti1SarahEmm: Wheeew
05:34.11SarahEmmi've yet to find a single other person using this code.
05:34.20SarahEmmlots of people have been emailing me to ask me to fix it and document it tho.
05:34.22SarahEmmi wish i had time.
05:34.35coppicewhat is it you use?
05:34.59SarahEmmthe TTY end of things
05:35.07SarahEmm* has theoretical support
05:35.26coppiceTTY? you mean the stuff for the deaf?
05:35.29PManti1SarahEmm: Ok, I have to ask... *what* is this code for?? :)
05:35.37SarahEmmPManti1: TTY communication.
05:35.52SarahEmmcoppice: *nods* (among other groups)
05:36.27PManti1Ahh, ok
05:36.45coppicethat's really messy in *. I have a clean implementation of TDD, which should soon be properly available to the world.
05:36.50PManti1wibbles ? heh
05:37.04SarahEmmcoppice: yeah. i've been fixing random bugs in it for awhile and it's still not reliably working.
05:37.10SarahEmmcoppice: implementation in *? or what?
05:38.51coppicenot actually in *, as my code is GPL. it works with *, though
05:39.55SarahEmmi'd *love* to be able to use that.
05:40.05SarahEmmany ETA? ;)
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05:43.57SarahEmmcoppice: okay :)
05:44.25SarahEmmPMantis: if it does come out, yeah. for a long time i've wanted to be able to set up an IP -> TTY gateway so i can make calls from within or outside the house via IP interfaces instead of relying on hardware TTYs :)
05:44.41SarahEmmso far i've been working on * for months and still don't have the TTY stuff reliable tho
05:44.50*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
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05:49.56coppicewhat interfaces do you use? analogue, PRI, etc?
05:50.04*** part/#asterisk JerJer (
05:50.32SarahEmmone IAX2 one POTS
06:11.45*** join/#asterisk _Madar (
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06:16.39mrdigitalis anyone in here likes to write stuff all the time?
06:17.10SarahEmm'write stuff'?
06:17.18*** join/#asterisk gdsm (
06:18.21LostFrogI like to write manifestos.
06:18.55LostFrogDoes that count?
06:19.29coppicecode? documentation? works of fiction (project schedules)?
06:20.07*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
06:20.16LostFrogEwww.. Not project schedules.
06:20.36LostFrogThat's like work, that is.
06:23.03coppiceStephen King should be a wizz with project schedules - lots of scary stuff, which is completely unreal, and totally forgetable
06:25.33Beirdoand often involves killing the boss?
06:27.38SarahEmmBeirdo! ltos!
06:27.51Beirdoheya, SarahEmm
06:27.55Beirdoyou are EVIL! :)
06:28.02SarahEmmpuzzlepirates still?
06:28.11Beirdowe own one of every stall on DN on Viridian
06:28.18Beirdoand one on Terra
06:28.27SarahEmmsorry! ;)
06:28.31Beirdono prob
06:28.33Beirdoit's fun
06:28.46Beirdoand I have 2 sloops and a merch brig
06:28.56soundguywhat is error 127?
06:29.03soundguy(when starting safe_asterisk)
06:29.03Beirdomy fiancee has a sloop and a cutter, her brother a sloop and a war brig
06:29.10Beirdowe are just a bit addicted
06:29.35SarahEmmpaste the full error soundguy?
06:30.42Beirdoit's fun, but tiring
06:30.42Beirdoour weavery has 5 KB in it now...
06:30.49soundguyAsterisk died with code 127.
06:31.03soundguyAutomatically restarting Asterisk.
06:31.07soundguythen just goes around in circles
06:31.13soundguywhen i start it normally it is fine
06:31.17*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linuxM (
06:31.19SarahEmmwhat's in the * log?
06:31.55soundguywhat one?
06:32.01SarahEmmerr.. the asterisk log
06:32.08soundguytheres about 4 :P
06:32.15mogorman|gnite my friends
06:32.16*** part/#asterisk mogorman (
06:32.18SarahEmmwell, you've checked all for errors?
06:32.26soundguydoesnt put anything in it
06:32.30soundguyin messages
06:32.36SarahEmmahh :/
06:32.40soundguyjust stuff from when i started previously
06:33.30mrdigitalLostFrog: pm?
06:34.27Tekmavengosh, i love asterisk
06:34.30*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
06:34.36soundguyany ideas?
06:35.49linlinwhat are some options i have for putting someone on hold if im using a phone with no hold button
06:36.30mrdigitallinlin: theres a button like *4 or something can be pressed to put on hold
06:36.31linlinthey are not IP phones, they are phones plugged into sipura SPA2000's, so they cant really send much signals to asterisk other than DTMF tones im assuming
06:36.37linlinhm ok
06:36.59linlinthats setup by default?
06:37.12mrdigitali dunno
06:37.19mrdigitalSarahEmm: pm?
06:40.19SarahEmmPM About what?
06:42.28mrdigitalan opinion
06:48.35TekmavenDec 31 01:47:56 NOTICE[30185]: chan_iax2.c:7243 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, requested/capability 0x4/0x24 incompatible with our capability 0xff03.
06:49.00Tekmaventhat is Asterisk 1.2.1 connecting to an IAXy
06:49.17justinuget rid of the iaxy
06:49.39benjkprobably incompatible codecs
06:50.41Tekmaventhree months ago, you guys reccomended going with the iaxy
06:50.41Tekmavenover the sshit $50 thing i was going to buy
06:50.59benjkIAXy is ok
06:51.03justinume? i would never have said such a thing
06:51.13drrayI like the Iaxy
06:51.33justinuwhat kind of an internet device doesn't have a DNS client?
06:52.13drraymy Iaxy has been bulletproof the past 8 months that it's been driving a payphone
06:52.24benjkthe IAXy is also desperately in need of zeroconf
06:52.31Tekmavensweet, it was a codec problem
06:52.52drrayI wish they'd expand teh Iaxy
06:52.57benjkbut once you've set it up, it's solid
06:52.59drraymarry it with a router
06:52.59justinudrray: i just hope your pbx IP doesn't change :P
06:53.53Tekmavenyeahg, thats crappy
06:54.01Tekmaventhe iaxy should be able to do hostname resolution
06:54.16drraymy iaxy is behind a firewall/router the pbx ip will always be
06:54.22benjkit should also be able to do link-local addresses
06:54.50Tekmavenwell, for what it is, its pretty good
06:54.51mrdigitalhas anyone installed Asterisk on a linksys router?
06:55.07Tekmavenactually, one problem i have is that its volume is too loud
06:55.09Tekmavenand i cant lower it
06:55.10benjkand it should probably advertise itself with a browser based setup service
06:55.13drrayhas anyone got the fxs ports working under OpenWRT yet?
06:55.16Tekmaveni dotn know how to?
06:57.15drrayyou understand an IAxy has a tiny amount of space for firmware?
06:58.40coppicedrray: does openwrt run on boxes with the FXS ports?
06:58.44justinudns is a pretty lightweight protocol to implement
06:59.29Tekmavenmaybe it should have a little more ;)
06:59.29Tekmavenanyways guys, im going to pack it in
07:00.16drraycoppice  - I dunno, that's what I was asking
07:00.53coppiceare they still only selling those boxes through voip providers?
07:15.00*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/qwell)
07:25.27yxawhat's wrong with iaxy? although i feel they should include gsm
07:26.18Qwell[]iaxy is decent
07:26.46coppicethe iaxy hardware cannot do gsm
07:27.18yxathen i guess its still decent
07:27.44Qwell[]It's not the worst VoIP device, by any stretch of the imagination
07:27.51Qwell[]That award goes to Grandstream...
07:28.12coppicethere are far worse things than grandstream
07:28.32Qwell[]coppice: I meant besides highly proprietary solutions (ala Nortel)
07:29.05coppiceby general industry standards grandstream are pretty good
07:29.18Qwell[]simply because they can actually boot?
07:29.37Qwell[]and heaven forbid, complete a call?
07:29.38coppicewell, that puts them ahead of some stuff
07:29.48Qwell[]I suppose so
07:30.45coppicepeople seem to find their T.38 works. there are plenty of things now with say the do T.38 which do not even contain any form of T.38 implementation
07:33.26coppiceI have a planet VP160 which won an award for its FAX support, and has t.38 all over the box. it doesn't do t.38
07:34.36drraythe grandstream works for what you pay for it
07:35.22drrayI'd dare say the budgetone 101 outperforms any 802.11b wifi phone
07:36.20drraywhich is a damn shame
07:38.11Qwell[]Are there any voip fax machines?
07:38.50*** join/#asterisk zmi (
07:39.03zmiis there a way to use the same inbound DID for Fax and Voice correctly?
07:39.14zmiand whats the variable or whatnot to change codecs on the fly in the middle of a call?
07:39.27Qwell[]zmi: You can't change codecs mid call
07:39.36zmii thought there was a way to do it
07:39.53zmiis tehre a way say i forwarded my cell to my * server, can i just send it right back?
07:39.58coppiceQwell: there are a number of high end fax machines with an RJ45. they tend not to obey standards properly, though
07:39.59zmiif i dont wanna answer the specific number?
07:40.50Qwell[]coppice: lame
07:41.16zmii couldve swore i saw a codec change on the fly
07:41.17*** part/#asterisk justinu (n=justinu@
07:41.21zmibesides what i read when i do playback etc
07:41.35zmior maybe its just the servers codec trans eh?
07:41.41Qwell[]That's transcoding
07:42.15coppicezmi: codecs can change on the fly in some circumstances. SIP reinvites can do that
07:42.33Qwell[]That isn't really "on the fly" though.  That's practically a whole new call.
07:43.18zmia sip reinvite
07:43.29zmiwould it be decently possible to do a reinvite to myself to get a fax?
07:43.33zmichange from one to g711>
07:43.49zmi(i control the above isp also before my own set)
07:44.05coppiceQwell: its how FAX calls change to T.38.
07:44.20Qwell[]I suppose so
07:44.43zmihow do i detect if its fax in the first place?
07:44.49zmii know i need to use h323 and t38modem
07:45.59[av]baniwhich is the best for fax support in *? spandsp or that iaxmodem thingy?
07:46.19zmiyeah im curious too
07:47.05*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linuxM (
07:47.09coppice[av]bani: that iaxmodem thingy also uses spandsp. which is best depends on what you are trying to do.
07:47.41[av]banireliable fax reception ;)
07:49.02Qwell[][av]bani: Get a dedicated analog fax line
07:49.19[av]banithen whats the point of spandsp and iaxmodem :P
07:49.28coppiceiaxmodem lets you use spandsp's modems to interface with hylafax. spandsp used with app_rxfax or app_txfax is a standalone fax machine. reliability really depends on getting you system working properly, and not on these apps at all
07:49.50Qwell[][av]bani: well, how "reliable" do you want it to be?
07:50.04coppicethousands of people use spandsp for high volume faxing. only a few use iaxmodem, as its fairly new
07:50.28coppicelarge numbers of people complain about spandsp, because their setup is broken
07:51.12coppicestrangely, some of those keep installing every new update to spandsp, like it might magically fix their broken setup
07:51.14[av]baniso i guess the question is, is hylafax or app_rxfax more reliabnle
07:52.42coppiceI just said. the reliability is an issue of your installation of * itself being OK. hylafax has more features than spandsp right now. reliability should be about the same
07:52.44[av]banihylafax works pretty well with real faxmodems...
07:53.44coppicehylafax world pretty well with iaxmodem. the main developer of hylafax is using it
07:54.15coppiceactually, he is the one who wrote iaxmodem to make use of spandsp for this
07:54.54coppiceand his main motivation is because the hardware fax modems cause him so much trouble
07:57.36*** join/#asterisk licued (
07:59.13zmiany asterisk workers here?
07:59.23zmimay have f0ond a bug that gave me anotehr companies DID
07:59.35zmii just emailed support
07:59.44Corydon76-homeFile a bug report
08:00.07zmiits more or less like i dont want that DID i ordered to be someone elses therefore they lose some calls
08:00.14zmiso was trying to find someoen awake
08:00.15Qwell[]Sounds like an issue with the provider
08:00.18zmibut will do that
08:00.40zmiwell awhile back they manually removed a DID to fix something on my acct. and i just for the first time re-ordered
08:00.47zmii think its just an issue because the old one doesnt exist
08:00.51Corydon76-homeYeah, it does sound like an issue with the provider
08:00.51Qwell[]Who is "they"?
08:01.14zmierr im so sorry
08:01.20zmii completely forgot to mention this hehe
08:02.02Qwell[]not really a "bug" either
08:02.06coppiceI guess "they" is the "they" who causes everyone's troubles.
08:02.07Qwell[]more of a "oops, we gave you an old DID"
08:02.57pakipenguinhey wasim
08:03.00pakipenguingood morning :)
08:03.03pakipenguingood afternoon even
08:03.50zmiim sure its not a bug but
08:04.01zmii'd like them to not let it go throug the system whenever the DB updates, or provisions automatically
08:04.13zmior whatnot, the possibility of someone losing some business calls over it
08:04.33zmiqwell: oh so its a old did?
08:04.42Corydon76-homeDefinitely not a bug in Asterisk
08:05.12Qwell[]zmi: completely unrelated to Asterisk
08:05.22zmino prob im very sorry
08:05.25zmivery very just tirted
08:05.29zmiabout to drive a long way too
08:05.35zmiwont happen again :-D
08:05.41zmii just know some developers are in here sometimes
08:05.47zmior staff of nuf
08:05.53Qwell[]not a developer issue either...
08:06.05Corydon76-homeWell, this developer is going to bed
08:06.08zmii know )
08:06.11zmiim not saying it is
08:06.19zmiim just saying i was just curious if someone was gonna be missing that did
08:06.21Qwell[]this developer is eating a taco...mmm
08:06.23zmithats all....
08:07.20zmithanks though :)
08:13.29*** join/#asterisk _Madar (
08:24.33benjkdrray: IAXy has no less amount of firmware than a device called SitePlayer which uses the same microcontroller and that one has a DNS resolver, Zeroconf link-local addressing and service advertising and a web server built in. The DNS and Zeroconf part is 2KBytes of code.
08:26.25benjkThe developer of the SitePlayer firmware had offered to write the Zeroconf bits for the IAXy and Digium said there was still 2K available in the ROM. However, they didn't think that service discovery was anything of interest.
08:26.33Nuggetyay zeroconf.
08:28.40benjkwe offered to write a configuration front end that would find the IAXy via Zeroconf and edit/manage settings from a GUI without even requiring a web server. I still have the prototype and screenshots on my harddisk. Still Digium didn't like the idea of service discovery.
08:35.03*** join/#asterisk spunz_ (
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08:38.11[av]banianyone know a ups vendor which doesnt suck?
08:38.48*** join/#asterisk oej (
08:44.37benjkdefine suck
08:46.07*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
08:56.12[av]banias in, doesnt die 30 days after being returned from RMA
08:56.21[av]banifor failing 30 days after purchase
09:03.55*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
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09:16.23himalranahello all!
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09:31.08RoyKmorning, morons
09:35.31himalranahi all
09:35.50himalranai want asterisk to do video confrencing
09:36.04himalranai m currently workin on it
09:36.08RoyKi beleive that should work
09:36.18Strom_Chimalrana, google for "Bell System Picturephone"
09:36.26RoyKof course, depending on protocol.....
09:36.36Strom_Calso throw the words "astouding commercial failure" in there
09:36.40Strom_Crepeat as necessary
09:37.13himalranai m testing with the  xten phone
09:38.08RoyKor just google for 'miserable failure'
09:38.13himalranacurrently  asterisk supports the only the video phone in the passthrough  mode
09:38.29himalranabut i want do more from asterisk
09:38.40himalranai m usin asterisk1.2.1
09:39.20RoyKyou prolly need to rewrite app_conference, then
09:41.14himalranayes this is my target
09:41.55himalranai m currently trying to stream the video file (h263) to asterisk..
09:42.19RoyKto? not from?
09:42.37RoyKhimalrana: add inn libavcodec aslo, so you can do transcoding :)
09:43.11RoyKthat'll never go into the asterisk codebase because of the asterisk license BS, but it should be a nice thing for stuff like openpbx
09:43.59RoyKor an addon package for *
09:52.28*** join/#asterisk http (
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10:15.00RoyKmorning has BROOOOOOKEEEEEEEN
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10:16.40coppiceits probably due to a bug in its software. file a bug report at
10:24.34dudeswhat is morning
10:26.57coppicethe bit between going to bed and getting up for lunch
10:28.30dudesI gotta wait til breakfast
10:28.42dudesso I can sleep in my bed
10:29.52*** join/#asterisk pakipenguin (n=Junaid@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
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10:43.52flothi all
10:46.54flotI use realtime. In extensions.conf I include swtch => Realtime/abc@extensions. If exten = '123' - it is work. But if exten = '123/456' - not work :(
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12:30.19BugKhamany knows if DIALSTATUS works with a POTS line
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12:54.04TheCopsBugKham, on a zap channel ?
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13:16.35rhillafternoon all
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13:28.30zoahey ho oej
13:28.34zoamerry xmas to you too
13:28.40zoaand happy hanoeka
13:31.17oejmerry xmas!
13:31.26oejAn happy new year, zoa
13:31.53oelewapperkemerry christmas & happy newyear to all
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15:08.39znoGwow, didn't know you could do attended transfers with Asterisk
15:10.26cricalixwoodI'm having terrible echo troubles with an X100P clone in the UK. I've read that there may be a problem because of the impedance differences. Has anyone got such a clone to work satisfactorily in the UK? to work
15:15.44*** join/#asterisk gnosys (
15:16.52ManxPowercricalixwood, It's a hardware issue, there is no workaround that I know of.
15:17.18ManxPowerI assume you searched the mailing list archives as well?
15:20.47fugitivocricalixwood: set echocancel=64 echocancelwhenbridged=yes and echotraining=800, adjust rxgain and txgain and pray
15:22.42xhelioxAnyone have any thoughts as to why the Mp3Player() will only wrong for a 30 to 45 seconds and then die? Both streams and local mp3 files?
15:22.51*** join/#asterisk TRIMI` (i=click@
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15:31.48ZeeekChotaire ?
15:32.55*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=icechat5@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
15:33.00cricalixwoodmanxpower: yeah I figured so
15:33.14cricalixwoodfugitivo: I tried all those and more! No luck.
15:34.32cricalixwoodAnd praying did not help either....
15:34.55ManxPowerit never does
15:35.41cricalixwoodI was going to go down the Sipura 3000 route - anyone had good experiences with that box (or Grandstream 488)?
15:38.29ManxPowercricalixwood, Sipura has a history of making very good ATAs.  Grandstream has a history of making products with...issues.
15:39.24fugitivocricalixwood: i have one of those x100p clones at home, and i couldn't remove the echo completely
15:39.32cricalixwoodI have used the 2000 at work - we had about 30 of them. Only one ever failed, and distributor replaced it immediately no hassle. But I've not played with the 3000.
15:40.09ManxPowerI used a 3000 in the USA.  Making the  FXO ports work the way I wanted it to was somewhat complicated.  You can do it one of several ways
15:40.41*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
15:40.42cricalixwoodfugitivo: If I get the echo down to a reasonable level I would not find, but the echo is louder than the audio from the far end! And txgain/rxgain did not seem to make much difference.
15:41.05cricalixwoodYeah, I understand that the setup is a minor pain, but once done its ok.
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15:50.17cricalixwoodHappy New Year to All, gotta go out now.
15:51.21*** part/#asterisk TRIMI` (i=click@
15:52.35jahaniwhat mean useragent?
15:52.38gnosysI've just noticed some interesting warnings in my console and wondered if someone could comment on some of them.  In particular, I have a warning about ignoring hanguponpolarityswitch which is not what i want.  I've enabled it in zapata.conf which is probably what's prompting the warning, but I'm not sure why.  Do I need to enable it before compiling if I want to use it?
15:52.43gnosysthis is 1.2.1
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16:03.15ManxPowergnosys, is this after a reload?
16:04.07ManxPowersome zap options cannot be changed with a reload.  you have to unload / load or stop and start Asterisk.
16:04.22ManxPowerYou also have a typoe in your extensions.conf as indicated by all the errors
16:04.38gnosysOh, I've restarted * several times since making this change to zapata.conf.
16:04.54gnosysTypo, huh?  <looking...>
16:05.16ManxPowerdo the unload and load and see if you still see the messages about ignoreing those three options
16:05.31ManxPowergnosys, BTW, what card do you have?
16:05.34*** join/#asterisk kenrstone (
16:05.53ManxPowerjahani, User Agent == Device
16:05.59ManxPowergnosys, where are you located?
16:06.01gnosysWhat's making you see a typo?  Lines 4 and 5?
16:06.27ManxPowergnosys, almost all telcos in the use use battery drop to signal hangup, not polarity reversal.
16:06.53ManxPowergnosys, lines 4 5 and 6
16:06.56gnosysso I don't need hanguponpolarityswitch=yes in zapata.conf?
16:07.02ManxPowergnosys, correct
16:07.34gnosysBut * isn't hanging up when the caller hangs up... causing problems for me... what setting to fix this then?
16:08.02ManxPowergnosys, what telco do you have?
16:08.13gnosysverizon provides the zap lines
16:08.16ManxPowergnosys, it SHOULD work by default.
16:08.33ManxPowerput your /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf on pastebin
16:08.59gnosysit wasn't tho... someone suggested the hanguponpolarityswitch so i did it, but then i notieced the warning... wonder why it's getting ignored... but if i don't need it...
16:11.50gnosysI think I may see at least one problem.
16:12.21gnosysI don't think I have a context named "default" in extensions.conf.  Maybe I need to change that to context=incoming
16:13.22gnosysManxPower, do you have polycom phones?  Was it you that I was talking to recently here about distinctive rings?
16:13.42ManxPowergnosys, many of the options you have don't apply to FXO ports
16:14.22ManxPowergnosys, I thought you said you had 4 FXO ports
16:14.27gnosysI think I used TFOT and the sample file to make that.  I'll read some more on my options and eliminate those that are inapplicable.
16:14.39gnosysRight.  All telephone lines.  No Zap telephones.
16:15.35gnosysI use fxs signalling right?
16:15.42gnosyswith fxo ports?
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16:17.14ManxPowernow put your /etc/zaptel.conf on pastebin
16:17.59gnosysok.  But what's your pastebin?  Your zapata.conf?
16:18.05gnosysWhat mine should be?
16:18.14ManxPowernormast, the pastebin is YOUR zapata.conf fixed.
16:18.42ManxPowerremoved the stuff that doesn't apply to fxo lines, cleaned it up, removed duplicate functionality, tuned the echo cancel settings, etc
16:19.58gnosysManx, 485403 is not to me?  It's to normast?
16:21.25ManxPowergnosys, no it was for you but xChat replaced "no,  with "ormast, "
16:22.02ManxPowergnosys, I'm assuming you have phone lines connected to all 4 ports
16:22.48gnosysonly 2 right now
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16:24.10bastais someone using pyastre ?
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16:24.33gnosysok.  Thanks ManxPower.  Does my zaptel.conf look ok?
16:26.09gnosysManxPower, do you use Polycom phones?
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16:31.44ManxPowergnosys, Yes, I use Polycom phones, no I don't have time to help you with then.
16:32.12ManxPowergnosys, well you are only specifying ports 1-2 if you have 4 ports and 4 phone lines then you need to specify ports 1-4 like I changed
16:32.35gnosysthanks Manx
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16:34.12gefriendDoes anyone know if PIN numbers in MeetMe Conferences SHOULD work in 1.0.7... It just keeps prompting me that the pin is invalid if one is specified...
16:35.30ManxPowergefriend, Is it documented in the 1.0.7 meetme.conf.sample?
16:36.36ManxPoweris it documented in "show application meetme" on your 1.0.7 box?
16:37.05gefriendManxPower, It does show in the samples... I'll check the apps..
16:37.13ManxPowerthen it's supported
16:38.22gefriendThanks.  It's there.  I just didn't want to beat my head off the wall if I had my versions crossed.. ;)  I'll be upgrading to 1.2 in the next couple of weeks, but it looked like it should work.
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16:55.52slappingtdoes anyone have a pointer on increasing the record volume of voicemail wav files the caller leaves?
16:57.13ManxPowerslappingt, it's a known issue that nobody is interested in fixing.  Use a differnet formail format
16:58.08slappingtManxPower any suggestions on format?
16:58.12TheCopsManxPower, I found the value to change for the ringer, all the phone is working great :) Thanks for your help yestearday
16:58.23ManxPowerslappingt, GSM is OK
16:58.29ManxPowerTheCops, no problem
16:58.45slappingtI will try that.
16:58.46ManxPowerslappingt, WAV49 might be OK as well, I don't know
16:58.48wunderkinif you are using head, there is an option for gain on voicemail
16:59.26ManxPowerwunderkin, There is no CVS-HEAD anymore.
16:59.37ManxPowerThere is SVN trunks and branches
16:59.37wunderkinyou know what i mean
16:59.53wunderkinit may be on 1.2 or 1.2.1 im not sure
16:59.55SarahEmmwow, i've been away too long
16:59.57ManxPowerwunderkin, which specific branch or trunk?
17:00.02SarahEmm* switched to svn/
17:00.17wunderkinyeah sarah, and yes you have been gone too long ;D
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17:00.50SarahEmmonce coppice has working TTY/TDD code i'll get back into * coding ;o)
17:00.59wunderkinwell im on the 1.2 release branch or whatever its called and its in there
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17:01.10wunderkini think its been in a little while
17:02.36bastais someone using pyastre ?
17:03.26SarahEmmwundaboy: what has?
17:03.30SarahEmmerr that was for wunderkin
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17:10.13wunderkintty? *pat pat a coding spot for sarah next to him*
17:10.47SarahEmmwunderkin: it's in there, but it's extremely buggy and unreliable right now.
17:11.10SarahEmmit's not usable in production (where 'production' is my house) yet.
17:11.31znoGgod damn meetme
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17:14.21znoGreal crackly sometimes
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17:16.31ManxPowerznoG, but only with SIP?
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17:20.07znoGManxPower: this time with SIP.. i'm dialing with SIP, the other 2 parties with IAX
17:20.22znoGlast time I dialed in through Zap to Asterisk, the other 2 parties with IAX
17:20.27ManxPowerznoG, are the SIP devices SIPura?
17:21.09znoGin this particular case, yes, last time it wasn't and had the same issue, but again it was using SIP.
17:21.57znoGso you think it might be a SIP issue?
17:22.03ManxPowerMeetMe can only handle audio packets that contain 20ms of audio.  Some SIP devices, including the SIPura default to 30ma of audio per packet, which does not work well with MeetMe
17:22.18znoGahh so best to go with IAX
17:22.31ManxPowernaw, just change the ms of audio per packet on the SIP device.
17:22.42znoGmind you it doesn't always do it
17:22.43znoGonly sometimes
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17:23.07ManxPowerznoG, this might not be YOUR problem, but it's at least something to check
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17:25.58dwmw2_goneslappingt: I use OGG, which works nicely.
17:27.28slappingtdwmw2_gone I will give that a try
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17:28.27slappingtso in voicemail.conf I would do this format=ogg|wav|wav49  ?
17:29.53dwmw2_gonesomething like that, yes.
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17:35.15zwihey all...I've been trying to figure out how to do hints with a GXP200 and call parking...basically so I can have LEDs light when a call goes to park. I've seen a couple of messages posted but no responses. Can anybody tell me if this is even possible with hinting or am I going about it wrong?
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18:14.17tainted_what is RTP Read too short?
18:14.47tainted_seems to be dropping my calls after a few lines of this error
18:14.59harryvvsixtel is bussy :)
18:15.28gnosysAnybody here besides ManxPower that has distinctive rings on Polycom 501 phones working?  Thus far in my googling of the mailing list archive and the rest of the web, I've found that the sip.cfg file in the Polycom phone setup may be relevant, with the settings of voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.value= and ringType se.rt.enabled= and maybe some others, but despite much experimentation, I've yet to hit upon the combination of settings that actually gets me a
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18:17.14SarahEmmhiya SLiCKFX
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18:18.42SLiCKFXhavin fun- asterisk is seeemingly limitless
18:19.18harryvvlook up belcor
18:19.38harryvvit also may be in the polycom sip.cfg
18:20.03gnosysthat's what I'm referring to above harryvv
18:20.23harryvvask Ariel when he comes here...which may not be today but ask him anyway.
18:20.26SLiCKFXhow r u SarahEmm
18:20.49gnosysok.  thanks harryvv
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18:23.43gnosysAriel_ you here?  Is that an alias for Ariel as I suspect?
18:26.00harryvvhe usually goes by Ariel
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18:30.36[TK]D-Fendergnosys : Ware you setting the SIP header info before you dial?
18:32.06SarahEmmSLiCKFX: i'm okie.
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18:34.19gnosysIn *?  If you're talking about the _ALERT_INFO variable, then yes.  I set it with this in extensions.conf: SetVar(_ALERT_INFO=INTERNAL).  This works for changing the ring pattern on my Cisco phones, but not on the Polycom phones (in spite of changing the sip.cfg settings above).
18:35.52[TK]D-Fenderpastebin your sip.cfg
18:37.13gnosysok.  hold on a sec.
18:41.07gnosysIt's pretty fat...  I don't think there's anything sensitive in there like passwords is there?
18:41.32[TK]D-FenderShouldn't be.  Those should be in you phonexxx.cfg
18:43.13[TK]D-FenderNot working so well...
18:43.17[TK]D-FenderAH there it is
18:43.38[TK]D-Fendernope, truncated.... its too big
18:43.58gnosysthere it is?  sounds promising...
18:44.02trixterdoes anyone have a gxp2000 installed now?  having an odd problem it wont sync to an ntp server today, and someone else un -users said theirs wouldnt either, the only person that said theirs would does it locally instead of not on the local network..  just curious if anyone else had that problem
18:44.05gnosyswhat do you see?
18:44.25[TK]D-FenderOnly the first half of the alert type.
18:45.12file[laptop][TK]D-Fender: my passport finally got processed yesterday, yay!
18:48.13gnosys[TK]D-Fender, should I post the two segments of sip.cfg that I think are relevant?
18:48.26[TK]D-FenderNah, jsut email the whole file
18:48.27gnosysthat would fit no prob...
18:48.41file[laptop][TK]D-Fender is a master with Polycom-like phones
18:49.10[TK]D-FenderNah, just curiously lucky :)
18:50.00file[laptop]only curiously?
18:50.09[TK]D-FenderAren'y you piqued? :)
18:51.04file[laptop]quiet you
18:53.18file[laptop][TK]D-Fender: don't make me throw a muffin at you
18:54.16file[laptop]did you buy it on eBay?
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18:59.45[TK]D-Fendergnosys : Looking at it now
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19:01.57gnosysthanks TK
19:08.04ManxPowerI wonder if there's any DSL-type equipment that can go 20 miles without a repeater on a dry pair
19:08.30[TK]D-Fendergnosys : What SIP ver you running on it?
19:08.46[TK]D-FenderManxPower : Max was 5 last I recall...
19:08.52[TK]D-FenderEven that was shaky
19:09.05ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, that's standard DSL isn't it?
19:09.09SarahEmmyou can do a T1 to... what, 4 without a repeater?
19:09.12SarahEmmsomething like that
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19:09.21ManxPowerParadyne's MVL stuff was supposed to do that 10 years ago
19:09.45ManxPowerSarahEmm, T-1s are usually delivered these days via SDSL and the max without a repeater is about 18,000 ft
19:10.09ManxPowerI suppose my only real option is a T-1 to the ISP
19:10.19denonManxPower: you mean, those cheap crap "T1s" they sell to small businesses
19:10.26ManxPowerdenon, no.
19:10.31SarahEmmdepends where you live too..
19:10.40denonif I ordered a new circuit from qwest and they brought out some sdsl with atm crap .. they'd get sued
19:10.43SarahEmmbut yeah, a lot are delivered on HDSL here
19:11.03SarahEmmdenon: almost all of them here are delivered that way now. they supply converters on either end to turn it back into a T1 for the last 1m :)
19:11.18ManxPowerThe expensive T-1s they sell to anyone thats willing to pay for them.  Shine a flashlight thru the smokey plastic on the front of the smartjack and chances you'll either see "Pargain SDSL" or "Westel SDSL"
19:11.33ManxPowerdenon, no, not SDSL over ATM
19:12.17ManxPowerThey work just like the old style T-1s but need a repeater every 18,000ft instead of every 1,800 ft
19:12.18denonI wonder if qwest isnt doing that ..
19:12.33ManxPowerstill point to point, channelizedc, etc
19:12.41denonIve not seen it on any of the westel boxes Ive used recently
19:13.00ManxPowerdenon, behind the smokey front plastic panel?
19:13.12denonbut you're probably right .. I thought you were talkin that atm over dsl crap ..
19:13.16ManxPowerdenon, what do you see behind it
19:13.22denonlike you see these Internet companies selling .. "T1"
19:13.35denonwhen its really just 1.5Mbps or less dsl
19:13.54ManxPowerdenon, but they can't go over 18,000 from the CO, right?
19:14.03ManxPowerI live 11 miles from my CO
19:14.08denonManxPower: not sure on the distance .. we never deal with that stuff
19:15.21ManxPowerdenon, its because the ISPs only have to pay standard DSL wholesale rate for the service to the Bell, if they had a real t-1 they would pay something like 10x more.
19:15.28ManxPowerOK, maybe 4x more
19:16.04denonManxPower: or you can put voice services over it ..
19:16.08denonand call it an emergency line :)
19:16.14denonand tarriff it accordingly
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19:16.42[TK]D-Fendergnosys : Your setup looks OK.  But your setvar was in all-caps.  Make it "Internal"
19:17.05[TK]D-Fendernot "INTERNAL"
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19:25.14ManxPowerdenon, We installed dry pairs ($30/month) and put *DSL on it like 7 years ago.
19:25.26ManxPowerHmm..prolly closer to 8 years ago
19:25.27_Sam--"alarm circuits"
19:25.40ManxPowerback when DSL modems cost $400/each
19:26.11ManxPowerI spent like 2 weeks reading bellsouth tarrifs and doing research
19:26.21_Sam--they dont like to provide those circuits
19:27.22ManxPower_Sam--, Yes, but we ordered by USOC so there was NO excuse to not install the right line.  Also this was long before BellSouth even announced their DSL service
19:28.07_Sam--im familiar with it...i had bell atlantic run a few dry pair for me around 96-97 and did the same thing.  i used to have a retail location and i said i was running an alarm system
19:28.20ManxPowerThe first time we ordered out rep basically said "What the hell is that?" and we said "Just order it, let us worry about the rest."
19:28.36trixterNJ bell liked to put bridging clips and such on those lines to drop their quality cause they wanted to push their isdn stuff since they invested so much into that just prior
19:28.59ManxPowerThe USOCs we ordered were for some specific type of AT&T remote phone.
19:29.01trixterbasically you couldnt count on a circuit working about 7-8 years ago in NJ
19:29.29_Sam--i had a few point to point t1s in south jersey 7-8 years ago..they worked fine
19:29.43_Sam--bell atlantic
19:29.46trixterthat isnt a dry line
19:29.47ManxPowerHeck, even our installer said once or twice "IF this was for voice I'd leave it as is, but since I know you are running data over this circuit, I'll find a better pair for you"
19:29.56_Sam--no, i thought you just mean any lines in general!
19:30.08trixterno talking about doing dsl before the telco provided it
19:30.17trixterwhich was in response to what manx said about that :)
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19:30.37ManxPowerI have been unable to find ANY CLEC that serves my address.
19:30.43trixterwe had several T1s and other circuits no problem, but they wanted to hose dsl and try to force people to use isdn for the longest time
19:30.44ManxPowerwhich really sucks
19:30.52_Sam--on a totally different note, i have been going around in circles for a about a week....which will fail fisrt -- a hard drive or a compact flash card.
19:31.04trixtera CF card likely is going to last 20 years
19:31.16_Sam--ok then
19:31.29ManxPower_Sam--, comparing the MTBF might he a good STARTING point
19:31.38linageeimage the CF card so you can always reimage it. :)
19:31.39trixterwear leveling -- assuming you dont reflash it 150 times a day for 20 years - you will likely see way more than 20 but the box its connected to odds are wont last that long so ...
19:31.42_Sam--i havent found many MTBF specs on cd cards
19:31.43linagee(er, you can always replace it)
19:32.02_Sam--er on cf cards
19:32.05trixterif it has 1M writes, that is baout 125-150/day for 20 years
19:32.06ManxPower_Sam--, prolly because the MTBF depends on the number of writes you do
19:32.15_Sam--my sata drive has mtbf like 10 years
19:32.17linageetrixter: what if the box has no moving parts? :)
19:32.27trixterwear leveling will help to spread the writes out so you can write smaller files than a full flash which makes it last even longer
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19:32.43trixterlinagee: odds are you will not want to be using it in 20 years regardless
19:32.45ManxPower_Sam--, Does it have a 10 yr warrenty?
19:32.48_Sam--does reading from the CF card age it just the same as writing to it?
19:32.51_Sam--ManxPower:  5
19:32.55ManxPowerI guess I should take trixter off /ignore 8-)
19:32.56trixterand bad power is worse on computers (especially the power supply) than moving parts
19:33.01linageetrixter: you don't think they will make a newer version of pfsense in 20 years? :)
19:33.13ManxPower_Sam--, my new 300GB drive also has a 5yr warrenty
19:33.17linageeSarahEmm: raid 5. :)
19:33.39ManxPowerSarahEmm, Stop buying your drives from eMachines
19:33.49SarahEmmlinagee: i am on raid-5.
19:33.57SarahEmmlinagee: i didn't say i lost data. just had failed drives :)
19:34.03linageeSarahEmm: be glad. :P
19:34.05trixterlong runs of power, bad grounds, etc all damage switching power supplies more ...  I have a paper on building a data center (focused on the costs of doing it) which goes into some of the specifics on line harmonics, distortion, etc
19:34.06SarahEmmManxPower: no, but i quit buying maxtors and started buying seagates.
19:34.11SarahEmmhaven't had any seagates fail yet.
19:34.12linageeSarahEmm: losing data costs more than losing drives. :P
19:34.16SarahEmmagreed linagee.
19:34.20linageeSarahEmm: scsi seagates?
19:34.23trixtermy site if anyone is interested in
19:34.24SarahEmmnaw, it's all sata
19:34.27ManxPowerSarahEmm, I buy the drives with the longest warrenties.
19:34.43SarahEmmthat's one reason i switched to seagate
19:34.45ManxPowerI figure if they will warrenty a drive for X amount of time, they expect most of them to last at least that long
19:34.47SarahEmm5yr vs. 1 for maxtor
19:34.49linageeSarahEmm: software linux raid?
19:34.49rob0great domain name trixter :)
19:34.55trixterI like it :)
19:34.57SarahEmmyep linagee :)
19:34.59SarahEmmworks well
19:35.00ManxPowermaxtor used to have the longest warrenties
19:35.18linageeSarahEmm: but you're a gurl. gurls aren't supposed to like software linux raid arrays and stuff like that!
19:35.38SarahEmmsoftware raid works well and is cheap tho! :)
19:35.48_Sam--in general, for booting, most of the CF cards are meant to be booted from the IDE adapter?
19:35.58[TK]D-FenderNobody is supposed to like software RAID arrays!  Defeats the reliability!
19:35.59_Sam--like you get a CF IDE adapter?
19:36.17[TK]D-Fender3ware = not always the fastest, but a very safe bet
19:36.31SarahEmm[TK]D-Fender: how so?
19:36.35_Sam--linagee:  what device is the cfcard booting in?
19:36.40SarahEmm[TK]D-Fender: if the card fails, i drop in any other cheap SATA card and i'm back up.
19:36.44linagee[TK]D-Fender: 3ware = stuck buying 3ware. :)
19:36.45ManxPowerrob0, you mean 3Ware "kill any chanc of my Digium T-1/E-1 card working" RAID
19:36.48SarahEmmif the whole box fails, i drop the drives in another box and i'm up and running again.
19:36.49trixter_Sam--: that is one way..  you can have a system that doesnt use ide to get to the card, but that is often more rare cause ide is so cheap
19:36.51SarahEmmhow is that less reliable?
19:37.09linagee_Sam--: it's some doohickey that has a PCI header but connects CF card to IDE
19:37.19linagee_Sam--: found it online from ebay. :)
19:37.21_Sam--yeah i cant get my cf to boot from USB
19:37.28_Sam--im waiting on those adapters to IDE
19:37.37_Sam--i can boot a USB flash drive
19:37.42_Sam--but not a cf card
19:37.43linagee_Sam--: took me like 2 weeks. it came from another country! lol
19:37.44[TK]D-FenderThings can go wrong with Software.  Incomplete commits, thread de-synch, into-writing crashing etc.  Most controllers batch things up and work in a more reliable manner.  I'd just NEVER trust sofware to the job
19:38.10SarahEmm[TK]D-Fender: okay. and i'd trust software more :)
19:38.10linagee_Sam--: i wouldn't want to boot off USB. lets just say i've had many problems with USB. ;-)
19:38.21[TK]D-Fenderlinagee : Maybe, but how often would a controller fail?  What about processor load, etc?
19:38.30_Sam--thank you for the tip...i was considering giving up on the CF and just switching to USB flash drive
19:38.35linagee_Sam--: once i tried to make a firewire raid 5 array, then i tried USB. they both paniced linux when i just pulled off a drive at random.
19:38.38trixterthe power is out :/  wonder when its going to come back on..  although it doesnt matter a whole lot because of the generator, but still
19:38.46trixterthe generator isnt as quiet as the power company
19:38.55linagee[TK]D-Fender: controller cards fail. i see it every day. ;-)
19:39.07trixterlinagee: try a ipod raid array (someone did that and documented it)
19:39.10linagee[TK]D-Fender: mine can fail too, but what mobo doesn't have IDE? ;-)
19:39.12MooingLemurI only use linux software raid (mirroring only)
19:39.14_Sam--i run an adaptec raid card
19:39.15justinui just lost a hardware raid 1
19:39.19justinuwasn't rebuildable either
19:39.43gnosys[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for the feedback, but I tried, "Internal" first and that didn't work either.  Sorry I've been away from the computer for a bit.
19:39.51linageetrixter: as i said, firewire and USB are very bad for software raid. if you pull off stuff, everything panics. sometimes, connectors will be lose or it will decide to reset the bus randomly.
19:39.55rob0ManxPower: really? Why would 3ware kill a Digium card?
19:40.02rob0I hadn't heard that
19:40.15ManxPowerrob0, excessive interrupt latency caused HDLC errors
19:40.27linageeSarahEmm: latency is pretty bad on IDE arrays, but block transfers are good. :)
19:40.30ManxPowersearch on 3ware HDLC or RAID HDLC
19:40.36rob0would it be a problem with a TDM400?
19:40.54_Sam--does anyone use a "fanless" cpu cooler?
19:40.55[TK]D-FenderA slight breeze causes Digium cards to freak :)
19:41.17ManxPowerthe card locks interrupts for a long time to improve thruput
19:42.26ManxPowersame thing graphics cards so, some onboard LAN also do that, as do some IDE or SATA controllers
19:42.37linageeManxPower: bus mastering?
19:43.08ManxPowerlinagee, no idea
19:43.10rob0<== wants to build a new server soon, and wants it done right
19:43.27[TK]D-FenderSangoma + 3Ware :)
19:43.28linageerob0: pci express and pci express raid cards. :)
19:44.04rob0I was planning a 3ware SATA RAID, but it has to cohabitate with a TDM400 and an X100P.
19:44.32ManxPowerrob0, That will prolly work
19:44.39ManxPowersince neither of those cards are T-1/E-1 cards
19:44.42linageedell should make a server with hot swap ide bays in the front instead of hot swap SCSI bays. :)
19:44.45linageethat would rule
19:45.28trixterI liked the winchester array we had
19:45.35linageewinchester array?
19:45.41trixtergranted it was only 10GB scsi butthis was also many years ago
19:45.51SarahEmmx100p for fax?
19:45.55trixter19 inch rack with hot swap scsi hardware raid array
19:46.06trixterlike emc but you can opt out of service if you want
19:46.12trixterand it was WAY cheaper than emc
19:46.25linageetrixter: but emc rules...
19:46.28trixterdual ported dual server so we could auto failover
19:46.38rob0my x100p is the trunk connection to the PSTN
19:47.15trixterI have done faxes with an x100p
19:47.16rob0right now I have the TDM400 in a different box, they chat IAX2 back and forth
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20:20.48AyanoDoes anyone know where I can get nvfaxdetect?  Thier sight seems to be down right now...
20:22.09dudesI think you e-mail the guy or someone may have a copy
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20:25.42Manolohello, anoyne knows how to fix this issue:
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20:26.22Manolomy voicemail for any extensions records the busy tone from PSTN calls the moment they hangup after the message is finished
20:26.38justinuyum tum tummy tum tay
20:26.43Lloydie-tI need a little help with realtime
20:26.57Igbothom_III1 second per second
20:27.05Igbothom_IIILloydie-t; does that help?  ;)
20:27.11dudesI still gotta clean up after lastnight
20:27.18Igbothom_IIII stayed in, and am now awake!
20:27.19Manolohello... anyone knows this prolem??
20:27.23bkw__you do realize monday is still a federal holiday
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20:27.38Lloydie-tCan I usr res_sqlite as to connect to an sqlite database
20:27.48bkw__Lloydie-t, yes thats the point of it
20:28.08ManoloMy voicemails are recording the busy tone after the message is finished.
20:28.20Lloydie-tI was not sure as all docs seem to talk about using it as cdr
20:28.33bkw__Manolo, sounds like you need hangup detection
20:28.35bkw__Lloydie-t, it does both
20:28.59Manolohow do i make asterisk to reconoigize the busy tone from PSTN as the finish ¨Signal¨
20:29.08bkw__go google
20:29.09Manolobkw_ yes how do i do that?
20:29.14bkw__google can tell you
20:29.29Manolobkw_ nice answer
20:29.31bkw__this has been talked about till i'm just blue in the face
20:29.37Lloydie-tin that case do I need to change any thing in the current default res_sqlite file to make it work?
20:29.38bkw__no its a simple answer that is very easy to find
20:29.42Manolobkw_no offense
20:29.52bkw__you can use busydetect
20:30.03bkw__Lloydie-t, no just try it
20:30.05Manolobkw_in google busydetect
20:30.10bkw__you can do sql from the cli too
20:30.36trixterI do sql from the cli too..  although I use a different cli than 'asterisk -r' :P
20:32.55Lloydie-tI take it the db file I use is under [switch] (ie dbfile => asterisk) ?
20:33.14Manoloif i put th pRimary DNS of a Polycom as the Router instead of the Asterisk,what are the consequencies??
20:33.58justinuuh what?
20:34.07justinuyou can use any DNS, as long as it works
20:35.02Manoloi think that error is rendering my Poly's 501 unable to recieve calls, and able to make them.
20:35.26justinuthat's a registration error
20:36.08SarahEmmManolo: you should point DNS to any valid DNS server.  * isn't a DNS server, so unless you're also running bind or whatever on the * box, that won't work
20:38.40harryvvSarahEmm you have used bind alot?
20:38.40ManoloJust my phones are registered but only in DCHP enabled.. and also they ring from and incoming call but then, there´s no communication at all once you pick it up
20:38.40justinumanolo: that sounds like a NAT problem
20:39.22*** join/#asterisk Strom_C_ (i=strom@
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20:40.12Strom_Cok - my T1 card has just gone bonkers on me
20:40.43xhelioxIf you're ok with it, so are we
20:41.38Strom_Canyway, the modules seem to load without complaint, I run ztcfg without problems, asterisk loads, but spans 1 and 2 still flash red and asterisk will not talk to them
20:42.23Strom_Cspan 3 goes green
20:42.36Strom_Cand the channel banks on spans 2 and 3 get sync...
20:43.44SarahEmmharryvv: a fair amount, yeah.
20:45.12ManxPowerStrom_C, what does zttool say?
20:45.52Strom_CI'll run it once the system comes back up
20:46.08ManxPowerjustinu, or an allow=all problem
20:46.56justinuthat to
20:47.13justinubut then usually it'll hang up the call
20:51.16harryvvwho has experaince with asterisk and sms capabilities?
20:51.43dudesHow's that going for ya
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20:52.24harryvvdudes, im really looking into it.
20:52.37Strom_CManxPower, zttool isn't compiled
20:52.48dudesI'll probably play with next week
20:52.49harryvvI really dont think the sms capabilities of asterisk has really been explored but enough people.
20:52.50ManxPowerStrom_C, install newt-devel and revuild zaptel
20:52.55dudesbut this weekend is about getting drunk and having fun
20:53.11Manolojustinu,why a nat problem?
20:53.36justinubecause nat breaks sip
20:53.41justinuunless you set it up right
20:56.14Strom_CManxPower: span 1 and 2 are red, 3 green, 4 unconfigured
20:56.46ManxPowerStrom_C, what is connected to span 1 and 2
20:56.58LostFrogWhat is embarrasing is that I forgot how to dial out on a zap device. :)
20:57.03Strom_Cspan 1 is the PRI, span 2 is the first channel bank, span 3 is the second
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20:57.43ManxPowerStrom_C, Red usually means "there is no line detected", i.e. a cable problem, a hardware problem with the other end, or a T-1 problem
20:58.14Strom_Cthat shouldn't be the case; they were working fine before we brought the system down
20:59.33Strom_Cand what's weird is that despite the alarm on span 2, the channel bank on the other side of the T1 syncs up just fine
21:01.00justinuthat means that the channel bank sees the signal from your t1 card
21:01.06justinubut the t1 card sees nothing from the channel bank
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21:01.27Strom_Cmaybe my cables broke?
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21:01.34justinucertainly something to check
21:02.29justinuyour T1 card should be sending yellow alarm tho
21:02.37justinunot a normal framed T1 signal
21:03.03Strom_Cdo the T1 cards ever do this because of an IRQ conflict?
21:03.35justinunot sure of that, I have no experience with the digium hardware
21:03.47justinui used dialogic (way back when) and excel switching T1 equipment
21:03.52justinuCAC ds3 muxes, etc.
21:04.02justinueven some DMS stuff :)
21:04.06justinubut never digium
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21:10.04harryvvStrom, digium recomendeds only one card per server even though there are people here have done two or more.
21:10.41Strom_Charryvv, this is my only card
21:10.54harryvvI see
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21:15.26wipeout_hey, anyone awake with a grandstream gxp-2000?
21:16.08wipeout_having a problem where it refuses to send the # tone, even though it's configured to
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21:20.43harryvvWhat is the excepted call quality norm for the general public when using a codec? gms can sound pretty robotic and i hear complaints about it.
21:20.59justinuanyone using a cell phone is plenty used to gsm
21:21.38harryvvprobebly true
21:22.34Jugiecell phones have lowered the expected call quality
21:22.35Strom_Cyou know, I don't think it's the cables
21:22.39Jugiegod love em :P
21:22.45justinujuggie: true dat
21:22.51Strom_CI plugged span 2's cable into span 3 and span 3 goes green
21:23.07Strom_CI plug span 3's cable into span 2...still red
21:23.28Strom_Csame type of channel bank on the other end of both T1s
21:23.29SarahEmmJuggie: depends.. most people certainly complain when you have cell quality on 'landlines'
21:24.09harryvvI suspect thay would complain
21:24.52harryvvIm just wonder at what point up the bandwith scale what can be used where thay dont complain. Ive been happy with ulaw but does not allow much room for other channels.
21:25.04harryvvAlot of channels that is.
21:29.45Lloydie-tCan I download *1.2.1 and just overwrite my old * install or is there a way to un install?
21:30.09Qwell[]Lloydie-t: You need to remove /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/* first
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21:30.36Lloydie-tThanks for that
21:30.37ManxPowerLloydie-t, when you make install on 1.2.x it will tell you what modules may have to be removed.
21:31.00*** part/#asterisk suseboy (
21:31.01ManxPowerif you don't have any non-standard modules then just do what Qwell said.
21:32.28Lloydie-tI done an make upgrade early which mentioned something about or sumut like that
21:32.48Lloydie-twould that be a problem?
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21:34.28ManxPowerI have no idea. is NOT somthing I've ever heard of
21:34.44Strom_Cok, I took out the sound card and the T1 card works fine now
21:34.50Strom_Cwhat the hell
21:34.59justinuscore another one for digium
21:35.00Qwell[]Strom_C: ints
21:35.04Lloydie-tI'll just do waht Qwell said
21:39.05Lloydie-tsorry Qwell[]
21:39.05*** join/#asterisk miguellinux (n=miguelli@ everyting works except for span 2 on my card
21:50.39Strom_Cinstead of getting dial tone, extensions off that span get that whiny bit-robbed sound
21:51.29ManxPowerStrom_C, cat /proc/interrupts
21:51.41Strom_CI took out the sound card
21:51.44Strom_Cspans 1 and 3 work fine
21:52.04Strom_C233:     530600   IO-APIC-level  wct4xxp
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21:54.35Strom_Cthe console shows the channel going off hook and on hook again when I pick up and hang up a phone connected to that channel bank
21:55.55Strom_CI can also dial out despite the fact that there's no backward audio path
21:56.03Strom_Cwhat the hell?
21:56.21justinuloopback to isolate the problem
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21:57.02Strom_Cjustinu - ok - walk me through that
21:57.24Strom_CI can also call the extension off the card, which rings
21:57.38justinuloop the problem channel back back to your t1 card
21:58.09justinuchannel bank
21:58.19Strom_Cthe problem is not the channel bank
21:58.27Strom_Cthe problem is the span on the card itself
21:58.36justinuthen loop the t1 card back to the channel bank
21:58.56justinugot me
21:59.12Strom_Csome help you are ;)
21:59.21justinutold ya, i don't do digium cards
21:59.31justinuyou could use a loopback plug if you have one
21:59.50Strom_CI could make one, theoretically
22:00.16justinuyou could also try configuring the 4th port on your t1 card, and plug the problem span into that.
22:00.43Strom_Cwhat would that accomplish, exactly?
22:01.02justinuif you suspect some kind of hardware problem on your 2nd port, it might isolate it
22:02.33justinuPRI channel bank?
22:02.42Strom_Cstraight T1
22:02.48justinuE&M wink?
22:02.50Strom_Cthe PRI comes in from the telco
22:02.56Strom_CFXO loopstart
22:03.19justinuso the channelbank TX makes it to the digium RX ok
22:03.27justinubut digium TX not making it to channel bank RX
22:03.29Strom_CPRI on span 1, 43 stations on two channel banks on spans 2-3
22:03.45justinuso you can't place calls to the phones either, right?
22:03.50Strom_CI can place calls
22:03.56Strom_Ccaller ID doesnt go through, but I can place calls
22:04.05justinuyou can call to the phone, and from the phone?
22:04.14Strom_Cand I can hear the called party just fine
22:04.22Strom_Cbut the called party just hears "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
22:04.30justinuwell, that implies that the RB signalling on the digium TX is making it tot he channel bank
22:04.41justinuotherwise, the phone shouldn't ring
22:04.46justinurobbed bit
22:05.09justinustrange stuff
22:05.09Strom_Cvery weird
22:05.20tzangerStrom_C: odd
22:05.22justinubut you should be able to isolate the problems with loopbacks
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22:09.15IOscannerIs there a way to register a cisco 7950 to two PBX units?  I have extensions on two different PBX units can this be done?
22:09.35IOscannersorry 7960
22:09.40justinuyeah, you can do that
22:09.45Qwell[]sure, it's got 6 lines
22:09.50IOscannerhow from SIP.cnf files
22:09.54IOscanneryep lots of lines
22:10.17Qwell[]just make lines 1 and 2 register to different boxs
22:10.23IOscannerit doesn't seem to register outbound proxy for that extension
22:10.25Strom_Cis Digium support open today?
22:10.44IOscanneris there an outbound4_proxy:; option?
22:10.51justinudon't need outbound proxy to be set
22:11.15IOscannerI have proxy4_address:; set
22:11.27IOscannerand the line4_name:
22:11.35Qwell[]yeah, just set those, and it should work fine
22:12.02IOscannerline4_shortname line4_displayname: line4_authname and line4_password: set
22:12.11Strom_CQwell[]: you got any experience with weirdo T1 issues?
22:12.18IOscannerand I have nat_enable: 1; and the nat address set
22:12.58ManxPowerIOscanner, If you have nat=yes in sip.conf then DO NOT set any NAT options on the device, except for NAT Keepalive
22:13.10IOscannerah cool
22:13.13IOscannerthat must be it
22:13.27IOscanneris there a NAT keepalive option for the *.cnf file?
22:13.45ManxPowerYou know the old saying: Two NATs always make a wrong.
22:13.49justinujust turn it off, and use qualify
22:14.07ManxPoweryou don't even need qualify if the device has a nat keepalive option.
22:14.15justinuyeah, not sure if the cisco does
22:14.16ManxPowerPersonally I never set it on the device and use qualify.
22:14.30justinuit's ok to have both sides doing nat keepalives
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22:14.59Qwell[]ManxPower: happen to have that definition?
22:15.13justinuringer equivalent number
22:15.26ManxPowerQwell, Not off hand.  ringer equivalency number
22:15.27Strom_Cdo you have experience with bizarro T1 issues?
22:15.32fileStrom_C: nope
22:15.41justinuliars, all of them
22:15.44ManxPowereach phone has a REN.  All RENs on a line cannot add up to more than X
22:15.53fileor else the world explodes
22:15.54Qwell[]ManxPower: where X is the REN on the FXS?
22:15.58fileand that's bad
22:16.00*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@
22:16.07frenzyhey folks
22:16.10ManxPowerwhere X is something I would have to look up.  Modern phones have such a low REN that it's not usually important anymore
22:16.30justinui think it's 40
22:16.36Strom_Cno, typically it's 5
22:16.43ManxPower5 sounds more like it.
22:16.47justinuguess so
22:16.50frenzyI'm using fedora core three... all emails generated from php are sent out at
22:16.52Strom_Cyou typically can't have more than 3-5 WECo 500/2500 sets on a line
22:16.54frenzywhere do I change this?
22:16.58ManxPowermy phones have a REN of 0 or 0.1 or sometrhing like that
22:17.12Strom_CManxPower, do you have any idea what might be causing my T1 problem?
22:17.17Qwell[]Where can you find out the REN of a phone?
22:17.26Strom_CQwell[], it should be on the bottom of the phone
22:17.27justinuusually it's on the bottom
22:17.28ManxPowerQwell, look on the bottom
22:17.37ManxPowerStrom_C, not really.
22:17.47justinuwhy do my polycoms have no REN on the bottom? :P
22:17.52ManxPowerMostly T-1s either just work or they just don't.  If they don't it's usually a telco problem.
22:18.01Strom_CManxPower, this is not a telco T1
22:18.05ManxPowerjustinu, because Polycoms are not analog FXS
22:18.12Strom_Cit goes from my digium card to my channel bank
22:18.22ManxPowerStrom_C, did it ever work?
22:18.26Strom_Cit worked this morning
22:18.29justinuManxPower: really? :P
22:18.33ManxPowerStrom_C, then I can't help you.
22:18.45justinuactually, i do have a polycom phone with an REN
22:18.59justinuPOTS speakerphone
22:19.00ManxPowerfor Asterisk<->Adtran CB, either it works right away or I wired up the cable wrong.
22:19.21ManxPowersince you need a Crossover T-1 cable for that
22:19.30justinui tried tellin him to use loopbacks to isolate the problem, but he didn't listen
22:19.31Strom_Cyeah, but the weirdo thing is that I haven't changed any of the hardware between the card and the channel bank
22:19.39Strom_Cjustinu, because I don't know how to do that
22:19.49justinuthat's how it's done
22:19.50Strom_Cand you don't know how to walk me through it :)
22:19.54ManxPowerStrom_C, the diagrams are on the Wiki
22:20.03Strom_CManxPower, the cables WORKED ALL LAST WEEK
22:20.10Strom_Cthey're the same cables
22:20.11justinushit happens
22:20.13Strom_Csame card
22:20.17ManxPowerStrom_C, I was referring to the loopback cableing
22:20.19Qwell[]Do you guys see anything obviously wrong with this (modified) diagram?
22:20.20Strom_Csame channel banks
22:20.35Strom_CManxPower - ok...can you help me with the loopback test if I make the cable?
22:21.00Qwell[]It started out as how to enable Skype for your whole house...I kinda changed it, for asterisk (and Skype)
22:21.01justinuthere's not much to do
22:21.03ManxPowerQwell, other than the obvious mistake of having "Asterisk" and "Skype" in rh same URL>
22:21.05justinueither it comes up, or it doesn't
22:21.08Qwell[]ManxPower: :p
22:21.23Strom_Coh im just testing to see whether it goes green?
22:21.42Strom_Coh, well why didnt you just say that in the first place? :/
22:22.02justinui assume people will ask if they don't understand
22:22.24tzangerT1 loopback is 1->4, 2->5
22:22.25Strom_Csorry, I thought "I don't know how to do that" was fairly synonymous with "I don't understand" :)
22:22.32tzangeryes pairs 1 and 3 sorry I misread that
22:22.40tzangerer pairs 1 and 2 sorry
22:22.41justinui don't know how to tell a digium t1 card to loopback
22:22.56justinubut I know how to isolate a failed T1 with loopbacks
22:22.59tzangerpair 1 is is the middle pair, pair 2 is the leftmost one with the jack pins facing you and the tab pointing down
22:23.23tzangerethernet uses pairs 2 and 3
22:23.31tzangerpair 3 is the one straddling the centermost pins (4&5)
22:23.56ManxPowerStrom_C, do this.  take the Asterisk<->channel bank cable and plug it between two asterisk ports
22:24.01ManxPowerthe ports should go green.
22:24.24Strom_CI'm used to telco wiring, where pair 1 is the center, pair 2 straddles it but with polarity reversed, pair 3 is leftmost, pair 4 is rightmost
22:24.36Strom_Cokm hang on
22:24.36ManxPowerif they don't you have either a cable problem (which is common -- the crimp is marginal and moving the cable breaks the marginal contacts)
22:24.37IOscannerwell it still is not registering from the cisco 7960
22:24.48ManxPoweror a card/computer problem, you can then eliminate the CB from the troubleshooting.
22:24.50Strom_Ccan I just loop the single port to itself?
22:24.59Strom_Cagain, I don't think it's the channel bank
22:25.16justinuyour loopback cable will allow you to loop the port back to itself
22:25.22justinuit should go green if all is well
22:25.25ManxPowerStrom_C, yes, you can loop just a single port with a loopback connector, but I've not done that very often.
22:25.54Strom_Cok, heres whats going on
22:26.05Strom_Cspan 2 (the bad one) stays red, span 3 (the good one) goes yellow
22:26.07IOscannerI have the proxy4_address:; set, but it is not even trying to register to the proxy
22:26.22justinushould go yellow for a few secs, then green
22:26.31Strom_Clet me look again
22:26.51ManxPowerIOscanner, can you ping the phone from the server?
22:26.53Strom_Cnope, still yellow / red
22:26.57IOscannerit is trying to use the default proxy of the local pbx
22:27.13justinuok, so that means that port 3 cannot see an RX signal from port 2
22:27.16ManxPowerIOscanner, I believe proxy is for OUTGOING CALLS.
22:27.17IOscannerI have one local PBX server and one remote server
22:27.21ManxPoweryou still have to tell the phone to REGISTER
22:27.24justinuso it's sending a YELLOW alarm
22:27.49IOscannercorrect I need to be able to make and receive calls on the one extension from the remote PBX
22:28.05IOscannerit is trying to register with the local PBX.  I can see it when I try to make a call.
22:29.08Strom_Cjustinu, do you have any idea what might be causing the problem, given that the card was working just fine until this morning?
22:29.20justinuhow's that loopback cable coming? :)
22:29.24ManxPowerStrom_C, maybe it just blew up.
22:29.30justinuit sounds like port 2 is fubard, man
22:29.43Strom_Clet me try looping the port back to itself
22:29.59ManxPowerAll I can suggest is a power off and power on and try reseating the card.
22:30.42Qwell[]somebody should make a T1 loopback connector
22:30.44Lloydie-tI am trying to svn asterisk-sounds but can't find one for ver 1.2, do I just use the one in 1.0?
22:30.49Qwell[]similar to the ethernet ones
22:30.55justinuQwell: i have a whole drawer full of them
22:31.03Qwell[]Lloydie-t: use trunk
22:31.12Qwell[]There is no 1.2 branch for asterisk-sounds
22:31.30Qwell[]Lloydie-t: There IS a tag for 1.2.1 though
22:31.37justinubantam loopbacks, rj45 loopbacks
22:31.48justinuDS3 bnc loopbacks
22:31.55Lloydie-tI'll give the 1.2.1 a try
22:32.04Qwell[]Lloydie-t: tags/1.2.1
22:33.10Strom_Calright, it's loopback time!
22:33.37justinuwhy'd he have to leave to do that?
22:33.46Qwell[]He didn't
22:33.51justinustrange guy
22:33.54Lloydie-tah ha. thanks Qwell[].
22:34.16Strom_Cim still here
22:34.25Strom_Cok, now this is odd
22:34.32Strom_Cwhen I do a loopback test, both ports go green
22:34.33justinumy irc client is kinda funky
22:34.51justinuboth ports?
22:34.58justinuwhich ports?
22:34.59Strom_Cindividual loopback
22:35.01Strom_C2 and 3
22:35.03justinuoh, ok
22:35.14justinubut when you plug 2 into 3 with a xover cable, it doesn't work?
22:35.17justinubad cable then
22:35.29Strom_Cim going to make another xover cable to connect them together just to make sure the one I used isn't fucked
22:37.13justinutry plugging your LB cable into the channel bank, just for fuck's sake
22:37.44Strom_Ci seriously doubt its the channel banks, because if i put either bank into span 3, it works
22:37.56IOscannerfound it
22:38.06IOscanneryou can't have outbound_proxy:; set
22:38.19justinuyeah, told you that you didnt' need that.
22:38.27IOscannerit overrides the proxy1_address
22:38.28Fubsterhey strom
22:38.31IOscannercool thenks
22:38.42Strom_Chi fubster
22:39.28Fubsteri'm trying to wrap my head around asterisk, it's pretty difficult. asterisk: the future of telephony (print book) is somewhat confusing. i'll get it, though :)
22:40.55*** join/#asterisk deb_user (
22:41.31deb_userquestion: will it affect anything if I install zaptel after I install asterisk?
22:41.41justinucertain things won't get built
22:41.44justinulike app_meetme
22:42.20jbotextra, extra, read all about it, docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or, or
22:42.31ManxPowerFubster, is that the one fro O'Reilly?
22:42.50jbotextra, extra, read all about it, mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at, or and there is also the Macintosh Asterisk mailing list at
22:43.05Qwell[]ManxPower: it is
22:43.15Qwell[]the one blitzrage and friends wrote
22:43.41ManxPowerQwell, I can never remember which is the good one (blitzrage and friends) and which one is crappy (the yellow one)
22:43.59Strom_Cok, my first loopback cable was bad
22:44.06Strom_Cif I loop them together, they go green
22:44.10deb_userjustin: can I add a Digium Wildcard AFTER install both asterisk and zaptel?
22:44.27justinustrom_c: so then the digium card seems fine
22:44.28deb_userso the hardware doesn't have to be installed on the machine first?
22:44.32justinudeb_user: nope
22:44.44FubsterManxPower- yes
22:45.03deb_userjustinu: its little things like that that can save a lot of time and frustration in the long run; thanks for your reply
22:45.50Fubsterit's a bit confusing, they give configuration examples without explaining them, and make duplicate contexts in the same config file without warning
22:46.03Strom_Cstill no audio path from span 2 to the channel bank though
22:46.24justinulights are all green now?
22:47.45justinunot sure what to tell you at this point
22:48.00justinunot that familiar with the FXO loopstart signalling on T1s
22:48.12justinuonly really dealt with PRI and E&M wink
22:48.13Strom_Cwhats weird is that 2 and 3 are configured identically
22:48.23Strom_Cthe PRI works, 3 works, 2 is fucked
22:49.00shido6d one at a time
22:49.22shido6configure them one at a time
22:49.35shido6make sure the timing is right on each
22:49.45Strom_Cshido6, they worked all last week
22:49.51ManxPowerHere at #asterisk we do things the old fashioned way: One D-channel at a time
22:49.59justinuthat's what everyone says
22:50.02justinuit worked fine yesterday
22:50.04shido6then kill or make a meal of the gremlin jumping rope with yorur cables
22:50.19shido6and ask if there is an intern handling your account
22:50.19justinuit worked fine until you touched it
22:50.46Strom_Cwell the weird thing is if I plug this channel bank into span 3, I get dial tone
22:51.03justinuand the config for spans 2,3 is identical in zapata
22:51.06Strom_Cand if I plug the other channel bank into span 2, I get the whining
22:51.11Strom_Cyes, the config is absolutely identical
22:51.14justinuso again, can we just try span 4?
22:51.15ManxPowerStrom_C, what Make/Model of channel bank?
22:51.21justinujust for fuck's sake, ya know
22:51.45Qwell[]Strom_C: Come pick me up, I'll help you out. :p
22:51.56Strom_CManxPower, Adtran total access 624
22:52.12Strom_Cyeah, lemme turn up 4...
22:52.13ManxPowerAt this point my only advice is to take a bong hit and hope things start to make sense.
22:52.29justinuamazingly enough, sometimes it works
22:52.39shido6on the left hand side
22:52.43jbroomeon the lef... damn
22:52.55Strom_Cpass the cutchie on the left hand side
22:52.56Strom_Cetc etc
22:53.00Strom_Cdont you remember the 80s? :)
22:53.04justinudutchie on the left
22:53.07justinucoochie on the right
22:53.20Strom_Ccutchie (pot pipe), not coocie (vagina)
22:53.49IOscanneris there a way to tell nat:1; and nat_address:; is only for one extension.  I can't get it to work with out it.  It then breaks the local PBX extensions
22:53.50justinui'd never heard that term used outside that song
22:53.57IOscannerfor cisco 7960
22:54.37Strom_Cthe record company made them change it to dutchie, which is like a cooking pot or something
22:54.44shido6rephrase, IOscanner
22:55.19justinuStrom_C: were you the one who's wife was complaing about the phones being out?
22:55.38Qwell[]justinu: Strom_C is the one with the payphone outside the kitchen. :p
22:55.56justinuthat's a brilliant idea
22:56.08justinumy wife would love that
22:56.15IOscannerI have one extension on a cisco 7960 connects to a remote PBX.  It works if I put nat:1; and nat_address:; into the phones cnf file.  But then it breaks the local extensions. and doesn't work if I don't have the nat* options in the cnf file
22:56.33Qwell[]IOscanner: Don't put nat in the phone config.  Let the PBX handle it
22:56.45*** join/#asterisk roulduke_ (
22:57.00justinuIOscanner: right, does your sip.conf have nat=yes set for the peer?
22:57.10IOscannerI tried and it doesn't seem to work
22:57.54IOscanneryes I have nat= yes for that peer on the remote pbx
22:58.20Qwell[]IOscanner: Is the asterisk box behind NAT?
22:58.26Qwell[]A DIFFERENT NAT than the phone...
22:58.34IOscannerlet me drop it again and see what sip peer shows
22:58.43justinudrop that bitch
22:59.01justinujust to be clear: turn off nat on the phone
22:59.05Strom_Cnow asterisk is crashing with:
22:59.06Strom_COuch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
22:59.07justinuturn on nat in sip.conf
22:59.15IOscanneryes asterisk is behind nat on the remote end with portfw
22:59.35justinuStrom_C: use -vvvvc
22:59.37justinuto start
22:59.40justinusee why it dies
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22:59.54Strom_Cwait, I made a dumb mistake
22:59.58justinuand stop dropping the cutchie
23:00.04justinua broken pipe is useless
23:00.07jebbaanyone here used RAGI?  (Ruby on Rails + Asterisk)
23:00.23justinusounds way too cutting edge for me
23:01.50IOscanneryep confirmed I ahve nat=yes on that extension
23:02.38Strom_Cok, justinu...if I move the extension on span 2 to span 4 and plug the channel bank into that, it works
23:03.07Strom_Cso something's screwy with span 2
23:03.28justinuyeah, sounds like it... i'd talk to digium about their funky card
23:04.00Lloydie-tgetting error when trying to start '/usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory' any ideas?
23:06.27IOscannerwill nat=yes work for a nated asterisk
23:06.36IOscannerit doesn't seem to
23:09.23trixterdo you have externip and localnet defined?
23:10.06IOscanneryes in the remote PBX
23:10.26*** part/#asterisk deb_user (
23:11.27trixteris your local one natted?
23:11.29Qwell[]Are they on different NATs?
23:11.54trixteryou have to have nat configured for each box that does nat, not just one, unless only one is natted
23:13.43*** join/#asterisk JaredBluestein (
23:16.57Strom_CI reseated the card and it works fine now
23:16.59Strom_CWHAT THE FUCK
23:17.11justinupci hardware sucks
23:17.12Qwell[]gotta love pci
23:17.19Strom_Cthank god these things are designed to be durable
23:18.20*** join/#asterisk ms345 (
23:19.36Fubsteryeah i feel like an idiot. i have spent days trying to figure out why i was getting call not approved errors in x-lite, then i figure out that when i told it not to have prefix dial digits, it didn't listen
23:19.55*** part/#asterisk JaredBluestein (
23:21.28file[laptop]Qwell[]: @#%!#$@%
23:23.18*** join/#asterisk KaBewM (n=DA-MAN@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:427b)
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23:24.08Strom_Cdo any of you have a phone with caller ID name display?  I need to test my outgoing service to make sure it shows up correctly
23:24.25Qwell[]I do at home...
23:24.27justinua sip phone?
23:24.32justinuor PSTN?
23:24.35Strom_Csomething that will receive name
23:24.42justinuit probably won't pass over the PSTN
23:24.46Strom_Cpreferably PSTN,  but SIP will do if it shows name on inbound from PSTN
23:24.50Strom_Cno, this is my PRI trunk :)
23:25.06Strom_CI need to see whether SBC munged up the name during the cutover
23:25.10justinuyeah, but it still has to go from LEC->IXC->LEC again
23:25.19Strom_Cbetter than nothing
23:25.35justinu/msg strom_c try 818-584-2305
23:25.46justinuthat's nice
23:25.48Strom_Chah, i'm in 310, so its not going via IXC
23:25.59Strom_Cone moment
23:26.01Qwell[]"<justinu> hmm, it shows North Antara"
23:26.24justinuno name
23:26.37justinuthat's level3 sip origination
23:26.42Strom_Cnumber show up ok?
23:26.58Strom_Cdo you have a POTS line in 818?
23:27.50justinuthat one says "out of area"
23:28.03Strom_CVZ or SBC?
23:28.14justinuoh, actually, i forgot, that's not pots at all
23:28.20justinui have no POTS anymore
23:28.23justinudisconnected everything
23:28.32Qwell[]justinu: I know a guy that can get you some
23:28.56justinugot that covered as well
23:33.04*** join/#asterisk cbrian (
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23:34.18IOscannerCan you not nat=yes on a remote asterisk box that is being nat'ed with portfw.  I have externip and localnet setup on the remote PBX
23:34.59IOscannerI have nat=yes on the extension on the remote PBX.  My 7960 phone is in a nat'ed network remote from the remote PBX.
23:50.19*** join/#asterisk joat (
23:53.06[TK]D-FenderIOscanner : make sure to use "canreinvite=no" for your phones.
23:54.57IOscannercorrect canreinvite=no
23:55.16Qwell[]IOscanner: What actually happens?
23:55.21Qwell[]Does it just not register?
23:55.37IOscannersip debug peer show the private ip of the phone on my network instead of the public ip of my gateway
23:55.39NewSolegot a real screwey one for you guys... sip based problem...... we can call in from PSTN => SIP and use DTMF tones..... but on Same System we can not user DTMF if We go SIP => PSTN..... any ideas
23:55.59IOscannerIf I turn on nat_enable it works fine, but I can't use my local extensions
23:56.08IOscannerI have nat=yes on the remote extension
23:56.34IOscannerbut my remote asterisk box is nat'ed and has externip and localnet set.
23:57.08Strom_Cit's rapidly becoming apparent that the T1 card and the sound card don't want to play together
23:57.22Qwell[]Strom_C: cat /proc/interrupts
23:57.50Strom_C169:          0   IO-APIC-level  uhci_hcd
23:57.51Strom_C177:          0   IO-APIC-level  uhci_hcd
23:57.53Strom_C185:          0   IO-APIC-level  libata, uhci_hcd
23:57.55Strom_C193:          0   IO-APIC-level  ehci_hcd
23:57.57Strom_C201:         29   IO-APIC-level  ioc0
23:58.00Strom_C209:       2797   IO-APIC-level  megaraid
23:58.01Strom_C225:        978   IO-APIC-level  eth0
23:58.03Strom_C233:        116   IO-APIC-level  eth1
23:58.05Strom_CNMI:          0
23:58.07Strom_CLOC:     212146
23:58.09Strom_CERR:          0
23:58.11Strom_CMIS:          0
23:58.16Qwell[]little much :p
23:58.17Strom_Cthat should all have gone into a PM
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23:58.31Qwell[]yeah, no irq sharing
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23:58.39Qwell[]Is that with the soundcard in?
23:58.43Strom_Cyeah, but the T1 card fails miserably with the soundcard in
23:59.11Strom_Cwhen i take the soundcard out, the T1 card gets pushed to interrupt 233
23:59.43Qwell[]with eth1?
23:59.48Strom_Cno, on its own
23:59.51IOscannerso any have any ideas if what I am doing will work?
23:59.52Strom_Ceth1 goes to 225

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