irclog2html for #asterisk on 20051218

00:00.28anthmand you can change the volume of the file in the process
00:00.39linuxphilehow do I convert them into .ul files
00:00.55anthmif you have sox with mp3 support you can use sox
00:01.08*** join/#asterisk umay (
00:01.37anthmsox --help and look in the list of formats
00:01.42anthmthe last line out output
00:01.49linuxphilesweet thanks
00:02.50trixterI have 2 spare tickets to etel, does anyone want to go?  each ticket $200
00:03.59anthmif you have it you can say sox -c 1 track01.mp3 -t raw -r 8000 track01.ul vol .4
00:04.56anthmactually make that sox -c 1 track01.mp3 track01.ul vol .4
00:05.18anthmthe .4 means 40% of the orig vol so adjust to taste
00:06.37anthmif it's a stero mp3 move the c 1 to the other side to downsample the ul file
00:07.31anthmthen you stick all the ul files in a dir of your choice and add a [moh_files] to musiconhold.conf
00:07.37linuxphilegetting this error:  sox: recoverable frame level error (lost synchronization).
00:08.00anthmand add like default => /path/to/somedir
00:08.18anthmdoes your sox say it can do mp3?
00:08.30*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
00:08.40linuxphileread only
00:09.16Darwin35ok Ineed a odbc/mysql person willing to help foor a min
00:09.22*** join/#asterisk JCC_ (n=chatzill@
00:10.35Darwin35anyone have a ubdated ver of the app_dbodbc.c
00:10.46anthmi tried this on mrowl.mp3
00:10.48anthmsox mrowl.mp3 -c 1 mrowl.ul vol .4
00:10.53*** join/#asterisk dronolom (
00:10.57anthmand that got me a working ul file
00:11.00*** join/#asterisk Naturalblue (n=Kay@
00:11.17Naturalbluehi there
00:11.29dronolomhi ;)
00:11.29Naturalbluecan someone give us a hand with a problem im having
00:11.39dronolomlets share ;)
00:11.56Naturalbluemy system holds on to a call until i reboot
00:12.21Naturalblueonce a call comes in it rings but even if they hang up no other call will come in
00:12.27Naturalblueyep zaptel
00:12.31linuxphilethat worked to generate the .ul
00:12.48dronolomwhich version of the asterisk?
00:13.17Naturalblueusing 1.2.1 although its through A@H
00:13.27anthmok and i i described the rest above
00:13.34dronolomx100P clone?
00:13.52Naturalblueis it just cheap equipment
00:13.55dronolom;)) he-he had the same problem
00:13.58linuxphileanthm, my configuration file seems to formatted differently, I believe in an older version.
00:14.12Naturalblueso you fixed it
00:14.17dronolomI think it got resolved after I installed updates and recompiled zaptel
00:14.21linuxphileex: default =>  quietmp3:/usr/share/asterisk/mohmp3,-z
00:14.30Naturalblueupdates to centos
00:14.32dronolomit was 2 moth ago
00:14.43Naturalblueok i'll give it a go
00:14.59Naturalbluekernel error
00:15.01dronolomI had soem othe problems but a nightly reboot helps so far ;)
00:15.03Naturalblueand such
00:15.07dronolomyes it dit
00:15.21Naturalbluenice one i'll give that a try
00:15.36dronolomhere is another challedge if you want to listen
00:15.42anthmoh naturally
00:15.48anthmthey changed the name to native
00:16.18dronolomeverthing was ok yesterday (2 x100p, 10 extensions, simple voicemenu)
00:16.56dronolomnow I have no audio in or out on any ZAP channel (PSTN)
00:17.03anthmoh who knows what they did now
00:17.14Naturalbluebut voip works
00:17.23dronolomwhen I barge the channel on incoming call I hear everything is ok but called hears nothing
00:17.43linuxphileso it would look like default =>  native:/usr/share/asterisk/mohul
00:17.49Naturalbluehold on i think i had that before
00:18.01dronolomI am desperate
00:18.01Naturalbluejust trying to remeber
00:18.02anthmaparently they changed the syntaxx lately
00:18.09anthmwhat version of code are you using
00:18.16dronolomrunning on the backup now
00:18.21Naturalbluethose voip work
00:18.27linuxphilesearching now
00:18.27dronolomvoip work fine
00:18.54dronolomjust these little x100p, I am so cheap ;(
00:19.00Naturalbluei know what it was on my problem
00:19.09Naturalbluethe rxgain/txgain
00:19.27dronolomyes I plyed with those rx 2.0 tx -4.5
00:19.32Naturalbluei had to higher it considerably
00:19.42Naturalblueand then it worked
00:19.43*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
00:19.49linuxphileok is there way -v option to get the version?
00:19.58Naturalbluethen ichanged back to a lower number and it worked fine
00:20.05dronolomc it was the same before the problem, I am puzzled
00:20.13dronolomI c !!!
00:20.20dronolomgreat , I will try
00:20.21Naturalbluewhat resolved it then
00:20.36dronolomI have 1 more tip for you, 1 sec
00:20.42Naturalbluei cant say if that will fix it for you but give it a go
00:20.46linuxphileanthm: 1.0.9
00:20.49Naturalblueyep go ahead
00:21.08Naturalblueback in a mo, gotta get a beer
00:22.10dronolom"/etc/sysconfig/zaptel" comment all modules except fcfxo
00:22.37linuxphileanthm: ul's won't work with this version?
00:22.53anthmno it's way too out of date for anything decent
00:23.08tzangerwow I have possibly the saddest looking christmas tree out there
00:23.11Naturalbluethis is before rebuild
00:23.25dronolomat any time
00:23.32anthmcharlie brown one with 1 ornament?
00:23.41tzangerno...  that's not sad, that's a statement
00:23.43dronolomhow do you like * so far?
00:23.53tzangerthis is a misshapen treewith maybe 20 ornaments on it
00:23.54Naturalbluei like it a lot
00:24.17Naturalblueim trying to push it to my boss but if i cant have it bang on he'll tell me to f*ck off
00:24.17linuxphileI'll be planning an upgrade then. Thanks for your help.
00:24.43Naturalbluestill trying to get my head around the dialplan
00:24.48anthmyou may want to get him a bottle of booze in that case
00:24.54dronolomI am running a business on it, but it is not very dependable unless you watch it
00:25.08dronolomat least on my hardwae ;)
00:25.33Naturalbluea mate of mine was hopin that we could start one
00:25.54dronolomnever too late
00:25.59Naturalblueso far im 70% though
00:26.15Naturalblueits an excellent software
00:26.31Naturalblueim keeping my eye out on the fork as well though
00:26.40dronolomhow about callerid on your x100p clones
00:26.45Naturalblueprobably a sore note here
00:27.02Naturalbluei seem to not have any issues yet
00:27.20Naturalbluethey irish number come through but foreign dont
00:27.20dronolomwhat chipset?
00:27.39Naturalbluemd3200 i think
00:27.45dronolomthat is what i have ;)
00:27.47Naturalbluethe ambient chip
00:28.02*** join/#asterisk CoaxD (
00:28.07Naturalbluefucked up myself with getting the ep537 first
00:28.21Naturalblueworked my bollox off tryin to get that working
00:28.28CoaxDso, i'm familiar w/ cdrecord under linux w/ CDRom drives.. i've just bought a DVD drive and some media.  can i just make a .iso, only bigger? :)
00:28.30dronolomI feel you
00:28.36Naturalbluetil i found found out it didnt work
00:28.52Naturalblueseems it was a mistake on the intenet
00:28.59VxJasonxVCoaxD, an ISO doesn't care how big it is
00:29.00Naturalbluelearnt the hard way
00:29.05VxJasonxVi.e. ISOs aren't limited to CDs
00:29.06dronolomoh.. internet, internet
00:29.13CoaxDvxjasonxv: I knew this
00:29.18Naturalblueput me back in the bosses eyes a bit
00:29.20dronolomexperience is priceless
00:29.22*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
00:29.32CoaxDvxjasonxv: But burning, say, a 3.5gb iso onto a dvd is all i need to do?
00:29.38SedoroxCoaxD: you want growfs
00:29.42Sedoroxused for DVD's
00:29.49Naturalbluebut i reckon he'll smile on the other side of his face when im finished
00:29.51Sedorox9660 iso's are only make for 700megs
00:30.08Naturalblueyou havin trouble with calerid
00:30.12CoaxDSedorox: so what happens when i burn a 3.5gb iso? :)
00:30.28FuriousGeorgei installed asterisk in colinux, and i seem to be having some issues with netowkring between colinux, hostpc, and  lan
00:30.28dronolomout of 300 calls a day I get some PRIVATE calls
00:30.44Sedorox'iso' in itself is just the name of a cd data not on a cd pretty much...
00:30.45dronolomwhich are not private at all on the paralled regular modem
00:30.47FuriousGeorgerigistration keeps timing out
00:30.50Sedoroxif you burn it.. it should work
00:30.55Naturalblueare they actual private
00:30.58SedoroxI use dd to copy dvd's a lot.. and just name them .iso
00:31.02CoaxDSedorox: Indeed
00:31.05CoaxDsedorox: I see
00:31.06dronolomu know, know NO CID
00:31.15Naturalbluei wonder do they send a different signal
00:31.37Sedoroxmost programs look for .sio
00:31.42dronolomthere is another system with a regular modem which pickes up CID but * does not
00:31.42Naturalbluei think you can force someone to type in there number but that would be annoying to customers
00:31.46Sedoroxbut you can name it .mybutt if you want :p
00:31.46CoaxDsedorox: Gotcha
00:31.52CoaxDsedorox: of ocurse
00:31.54Naturalbluewhat system
00:31.56CoaxDsedorox: Just an image anyway
00:31.59Sedoroxstill gonna be the samr thing inside the file
00:32.00dronoloma PC
00:32.12Naturalbluei see
00:32.23dronolommay be rxgain again ')
00:32.30CoaxDsedorox: Excellent
00:32.34CoaxDsedorox: Tis what i wanted to hear
00:33.05Naturalblueso out of 300 callerid enabled calls how many dont turn up
00:33.42dronolomabout 5% but PC captures CID just fine and asterisk with x100p doesnt
00:34.10Naturalbluei wonder is it cheap equipment
00:34.23Naturalbluei have to use it til i can prove it
00:34.25dronolomI blame that all the time ;)
00:34.28CoaxDdronolom: Need to listen to FSK and tune rxgain
00:34.42*** join/#asterisk ApEtc (
00:34.42Naturalbluehey hey it aint a blame thing
00:34.44CoaxDdronolom: had to do that over here. once i did that, found out that rxgain was *way* too high
00:34.47Naturalblueboss wont fork out
00:34.55dronolomCoaxD: what should I hear?
00:35.02Naturalblueand over her equipment is about a 1/2 dearer
00:35.03CoaxDdronolom: You'll hear the beginning of a modem connect, kinda
00:35.10CoaxDdronolom: You'll understand once you hear it
00:35.40dronolomI can hear that but how to adjust properly?
00:35.49*** part/#asterisk darkskiez (
00:35.56CoaxDdronolom: /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
00:36.01Naturalblueyou getting hearing now
00:36.09CoaxDdronolom: Increase/decrease rxgain until it gives you what you want
00:36.23dronolomwhat is the minimum step?
00:36.28dronolom0.1? or 1.0
00:36.28CoaxDdronolom: It may make your phones quiet if rxgain is set low. You need to increase rxgain on the PHONES. not on the zapata interface.
00:36.37CoaxDdronolom: .5
00:36.56Naturalblueso the rxgain helped
00:37.04dronolomgreat, yes!
00:37.09Naturalbluei had to drop it down to 6.5
00:37.10dronolomstupid me ;)
00:37.17Naturalbluebut it caused echo
00:37.42Naturalblueth rx/tx level was a bastard to get
00:37.44Naturalblueyou using an ata
00:37.47dronolomecho, dont say that word ;)
00:38.01Naturalblueor an actual ip phone
00:38.14dronolomPAP2 + Actual phones + SIP phones
00:38.21Naturalbluewhat a bastard i have both an ata (cisco) and a grandtream
00:38.43Naturalbluethe atas are a nightmare with echo
00:38.54Naturalbluei actually think its the pstn phones though
00:39.01dronolomI am with you
00:39.07dronolomsame here
00:39.09Naturalblueread a lot on voip-info to help solve it
00:39.28dronolomtoo many adjustments and too many diffrent type of equipment
00:39.29Naturalblueexplains the whole reason for it
00:39.55Naturalblueits where i discovered the rxgain thing for fixing the no sound problem
00:40.16dronolomI am almost ready to transfer * to my hobby thing ;)
00:40.42Naturalbluehow do you mean
00:40.45dronolomhow about echo training, any luck?
00:40.57Naturalbluei had to change that repeatedly
00:41.19dronolomhave you reach any satisfactory results?
00:41.25Naturalbluelike i said t=voip-info had lots of info an d i found the answer/mix i need on it
00:41.57Naturalbluei did but i cant give you exact amounts as i reckon it depends on the network
00:42.03Naturalblueand country
00:42.08Naturalbluewhere you operating
00:42.11dronolomof course, I am just curious
00:42.18dronolomNJ, USA
00:42.39Naturalbluehold on and i'll see if i can find the links i used
00:43.17dronolomI am here all the time ;) /
00:43.26Naturalbluequick question
00:43.59Naturalbluein my sysconfig/zaptel all the modulkes seem remmed out # in front of all them
00:44.27dronolomunkomment your module
00:45.25Naturalbluei did, will that cause only it to be loaded
00:46.20dronolomand remember I am on 1.5@home+updates
00:46.25Naturalblueyou read\anything on this openpbx
00:46.35Naturalblueim on 2.*
00:46.49Naturalbluei like to update on a spare incase it fixes the problems
00:47.01dronolomalways a good idea
00:49.11*** join/#asterisk marc34323 (
00:49.21marc34323what is agi?
00:49.27Naturalbluemy yum update keeps fucking up on the kernel download
00:50.24Naturalbluegot it
00:50.35Naturalbluehd a bittorrent going on
00:50.43Naturalbluepaused it and everything ok
00:51.20Naturalblueover here we only have 2mb downloads
00:51.58dronolomNaturalblue, it was a pleasu, I need to go now, I hope to see you here again:)
00:53.01*** join/#asterisk ecd (
00:53.32*** join/#asterisk Mavantix (
00:57.28gnosys_hey folks, enabling automon in features.conf... has anyone done that?  i'm seeing behavior by asterisk that seems to differ from the docs in what I'm thinking is that when I enable this automon feature in features.conf, and when i have options wW defined in the Dial(exten,,wW) statement, and when I have the DYNAMIC_FEATURES=>automon in a [globals] context in extensions.conf, then when I'm in the middle of a phone conversation, i shou
00:58.14gnosys_is anybody using this feature?
00:58.36*** join/#asterisk AgiNamu (n=AgiNamu@
00:59.07*** join/#asterisk Bobacus_Bum (
00:59.35gnosys_AgiNamu, Bobacus_Bum, either of you using the automon feature from features.conf?
01:03.07*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
01:04.16gnosys_anybody here used the automon feature for one-touch recording with success?
01:06.00Bobacus_Bumnope, im still trying to sucessfully set up my cisco 7912g
01:06.11mog_homeanyone on googletalk?
01:06.16mog_homei need some friends for a test
01:06.19Bobacus_Bumits on the sccp firmware, and i can recieve calls, but i cant make them
01:06.22tzangerno I'm not
01:06.34denonmog_home: dont tell me you're writing chan_googletalk
01:06.59denonplease dont tell me that. . .
01:06.59AgiNamunever used automon...
01:06.59mog_homeheck no
01:06.59tzangerI have jabber but not on googletalk
01:07.02mog_homebut i still need friends and family
01:07.21denonmog_home: so you're just trolling for friends, nothing to do with googletalk? :)
01:07.30mog_homehas a lot to do with googletalk
01:07.38tzangeryeah I need friends too
01:07.39mog_homeim just not writing chan_google talk
01:08.28mog_homei have been writing res_xmpp
01:08.42mog_homebut google talk is just a bit diff. than a standard jabber 2 server
01:08.58denonthought it was compatible
01:09.07mog_homeit is
01:09.12mog_homebut they do a few little things
01:09.18mog_homethat need to be changed for what im doing
01:09.35mog_homeits 99.9 % the same
01:09.50AgiNamuhmm, if i want to make sure all my T1s are up, what's the best way? ZapShowChannels only shows alarm -- doesnt show if they are up.
01:10.05tzangergoogletalk *is* jabber
01:10.16mog_homebut its like j1 and t1
01:10.17tzangerit just does no s2s without you contacting them and getting them to authorize your server
01:10.28mog_homethey wrote their own sever just a bit diff.
01:10.42mog_homei can give you xmpp differences from a normal j2 server and theres
01:10.47mog_homenot much different though
01:11.21*** join/#asterisk alephcom (
01:11.29alephcomGreetings everyone
01:11.35tzangerwerd alephcom
01:11.40AgiNamuHi alephcom, welcome to #asterisk.
01:13.05mog_homeso i get m roster with one jabber user
01:13.09mog_homebut not another on gtalk
01:14.13Naturalbluehey there
01:14.54Naturalblueanyone any idea why when i get an incoming call my zaptel wont let go and i have to reboot to get in another
01:15.03tzangerfuck this
01:15.05tzangerI'm gonna drink
01:15.14Naturalblueim already
01:15.25tzangerdon't solve a fucking thing but that's alright
01:15.37Naturalbluetasty schofferhofer
01:15.48Naturalbluegood german weiss beer
01:15.52tzangerfuck beer
01:15.58tzangerand lots of it
01:16.11Naturalbluenever had the pleasure of rye
01:16.19Naturalbluei think
01:16.20tzangerrye is my favourite poison
01:16.24tzangercrown royal
01:16.32tzangernever did like jack much
01:16.47Naturalbluenot sure of either
01:17.08Naturalbluenever had them
01:26.01*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
01:43.07QwellYou've never had Jack?
01:43.53mog_homesprat could eat no fat?
01:45.51Bobacus_Bumhas anyone had any luck using the 7912g with the sccp firmware
01:46.03Bobacus_Bumim using the latest version of chan_sccp
01:46.07QwellBobacus_Bum: I've read success stories on the chan-sccp-users list
01:46.38Bobacus_Bumok, its just annoying being able to receive calls but not make them
01:46.57QwellBobacus_Bum: well, what happens when you try?
01:47.29Bobacus_Bumit says unknown number, and gives a fast busy tone
01:47.57QwellBobacus_Bum: got your dialplan setup right?  got the phone in the right context?
01:49.12Bobacus_Bumim mostly using the defaults in asterisk@home, ive added the config changes that are mentioned on, but still no luck
01:49.26QwellThere is your problem.
01:49.31Bobacus_Bumi figured
01:49.48Darwin35this make no sense why it not connecting
01:49.56*** join/#asterisk irieKEN (
01:50.03Bobacus_Bumive only had the phone for a few days, im waiting on cisco to send me my smartnet info, so i can download the sip firmware
01:50.18QwellBobacus_Bum: for the 7912?  does it HAVE SIP firmware?
01:50.34Qwellchan_sccp rocks either way
01:50.50QwellI use (and highly prefer) it on my 7960 at here and at work
01:53.01*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
01:53.09Bobacus_Bumyea, from what ive read its great, i would rather use sip, simple because that is what is Asterisk@home is more focused towards
01:53.27Qwellasterisk@home is for people who can't turn on their computers without help
01:55.02Darwin35*@H is pure shit
01:55.14Darwin35all those extra files it makess  and links
01:55.30Darwin35hell if you can fallow the dialplan your lucky
01:55.32Bobacus_Bumyea, it does seem pretty bloated
01:55.38Qwellit's extremely bloated
01:55.52Qwell*@h would be great...IF, it didn't include amp
01:56.22anonymouz666where I can find a good howto to IVR ?
01:56.29jboti guess wikis is
01:56.29Qwellanonymouz666: right there
01:56.42Darwin35ok who here is good  with odbc and willing to give a little help
01:57.42Darwin35trying to figure out why a new box wont connect to our existing setup
01:58.27rob0I need help turning on my computer
01:58.43rob0I try soft music ... whispering in its ear ...
01:59.07*** join/#asterisk loud (
01:59.16Darwin35take cord a and plug into socket b on back of the pc . take other end of cord a and shove it where the sun dont shine
01:59.41QwellDarwin35: Because you've got the wrong hostname
02:00.01Darwin35takke a fork and choev it into a power socket to complete circut
02:02.14Darwin35for all the host names.
02:03.56*** join/#asterisk gnosys_ (
02:13.06Darwin35man I love Circ-De Soule
02:13.18Darwin35on Bravo
02:15.22*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
02:16.54loudhow do you get internet
02:18.12Nuggetroll tide  :)
02:19.33ManxPowerloud, Right now Verizon 1XRTT internet with a PCMCIA card.
02:19.50ManxPowerShould be on DirecTV Sat internet by the ned of next week
02:20.31*** join/#asterisk nassy (
02:21.05Darwin35did you get the card to work on *nix or is it only windows
02:21.06loudi hope you keep verizon for voip.
02:21.10*** join/#asterisk Sebbbbb (
02:21.30ManxPowerROFL!  I'm not even going to TRY to do VoIP up here.
02:21.36ManxPowerDarwin35, Windows.
02:21.54ManxPowerMy linux workstation and linux servers are both in storage
02:22.14*** join/#asterisk xachen (
02:22.25Nuggetin storage beats underwater by a long ways.  :)
02:22.53Nuggetone hurricane and manx moves to the top of a mountain.  makes perfect sense.
02:23.02ManxPowerThis is a ping for
02:23.33SedoroxNugget: lol
02:23.38loudits ok, you will get twice as much over sat.
02:24.27ManxPowerloud, I'll use route maps in my Cisco router to send SSH over a dialup connection with low MTU/MRU and send everything else over the SAT.
02:25.03ManxPowerI'll have to evenutally decide on some kind of T-1 service, but the cheapest I've seen is $350/month for 384K Frame Relay to a customer and then get on the internet from there.
02:25.37ManxPowerI talked to the phone tech the other day.  I'm 11 miles from the CO
02:26.11Sedoroxnice run
02:26.34*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
02:27.16ManxPowerThere's a tower here with LOTs of microwave antennas so I don't even know if Bell has cables coming up here.
02:27.20*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
02:27.20ManxPowerThe power company does, of course.
02:32.12AgiNamusweet... nagios monitoring T1 status :D
02:33.53ManxPowerThe phone company says they are running a 25 pair cable.
02:34.56ManxPowerBut they are waiting for the power company to put in a pole.
02:35.03ManxPowerThis is a fairly remote location.
02:35.19AgiNamuwhyd you go there?
02:35.32ManxPowerAgiNamu, I have my reasons.  I like it up here.
02:35.35*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
02:35.44AgiNamuI can't wait till i can move.
02:35.51AgiNamufar awayu, up on a mountain somewhere
02:35.57AgiNamuwith a fireplace.
02:36.13AgiNamuand just relax with my kids...
02:36.14loudi live in top of a hill, fucking freezing now.
02:36.14RoyKzoa's jitterbuffer seems to work :)
02:36.19loudthink twice.
02:36.31AgiNamuas compared to sitting here at almost 8 on saturday monitoring stuff :P
02:36.37RoyKloud: been to norway?
02:36.41loudhehe no
02:36.47loudi'd like to though.
02:36.54RoyKtoo cold
02:37.18RoyKgood in the summer, though
02:37.20AgiNamuits freezing in our office. apparently they dont turn on the heat on weekends.
02:37.39RoyKAgiNamu: get a life! don't work in weekends
02:37.42AgiNamudenver is currently -12.2
02:37.52RoyK-12 what?
02:38.00RoyKthat's ok
02:38.09RoyK-30 is bad, though
02:38.11AgiNamunot when all you got is a 600Watt heater.
02:38.28RoyKand possibly bad isoation etc
02:38.32AgiNamuWe run 24/7... we always gotta have 1-4 people on staff.
02:38.57RoyKturn off the server room aircon
02:39.11AgiNamuyea, i could just start rendering stuff
02:39.17AgiNamurun some data cubes
02:39.20AgiNamuheat the place up :P
02:39.30AgiNamuactually, its warmer in the Level3 colospace.
02:39.54loudis it true that time warner is in beta phase with iax ?
02:39.59ManxPowerAgiNamu, I was on the hottub earlier
02:40.17AgiNamui only have a few switches and like 4 servers in my office. noisy as heck. but at least the real equipment is over in the cabinets at L3 :D
02:40.28AgiNamuManxPower ive done that! :D and i almost threw up after getting out
02:40.36RoyKouch. -7 expected next wednesday. in oslo. and it'd bloody humid here....
02:40.38ManxPowerAgiNamu, silly, get out sooner
02:41.13RoyKthat's like -20 out in the forest or something
02:41.34RoyKbut really. try out zoa's sip jitterbuffer
02:41.40RoyKor whatever jitterbuffer
02:41.50RoyKworks like a dream :)
02:42.07loudroy, url ?
02:42.18RoyKit's on mantis
02:42.36kuku5any nice apps for analysing call volument
02:42.43kuku5for execs to look at ?
02:43.06RoyKkuku5: SQL
02:43.12AgiNamukuku5, you could probably use MRTG
02:43.29AgiNamujust use asterisks manager to do status and see how many channels exist every X minutes
02:43.38AgiNamubut yea, RoyK's right: SQL :D
02:43.56AgiNamuRoyK is that your site?
02:43.59RoyKkuku5: there's an asterisk manager mrtg plugin there
02:44.02RoyKAgiNamu: yep
02:44.16AgiNamuRoyK haha - i just extended your check_asterisk script
02:44.21AgiNamuto check pri spans
02:44.27RoyKme have?
02:44.33AgiNamusure ill email it to ya
02:45.34RoyKmy boss was frightened by the thought of GPL
02:45.40RoyKgiving away source
02:45.42*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
02:45.55RoyKbut he's starting to understand it now
02:45.58*** join/#asterisk juice (
02:46.03RoyKgive some, get a lot more
02:47.38RoyKAgiNamu: thanks
02:56.55*** join/#asterisk EriSan (
03:10.23ManxPowerI don't suppose anyone here has run an AP and an ATA off a 12 volt car battery?
03:11.21smirli have
03:11.33smirlnot an ATA though
03:11.46smirlbut a laptop with a softphone
03:16.46*** join/#asterisk loud (
03:17.06denonManxPower: should work fine .. if its ~12v..
03:17.30denonManxPower: might want to put an inline cap in or something though
03:17.45Qwella whole AP for a little old ATA?
03:18.36ManxPowerQwell, Well, a Ethernet/WiFi Bridge.  Linksys has two models of them
03:18.51QwellManxPower: yeah, they work pretty well
03:19.10QwellManxPower: just...make sure they can properly negotiate 10mbit...
03:19.22Qwell10 half, that is
03:20.01smirlhey qwell... i'm using 1.0.7, how hard to upgrade to 1.2.1 ? Is there an upgrade procedure?
03:20.10Qwellsmirl: UPGRADE.txt
03:22.18ManxPowerHas everyone read the SECURITY document?  Of not, run, don't wank, to your nearest device to read it, and do so.
03:22.59*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (n=phil@
03:23.10asteriskmonkeyhey is anyone from digium on?
03:23.39Qwellasteriskmonkey: they lurk
03:24.12asteriskmonkeyok big important qustion then :)
03:24.48asteriskmonkeythe iaxy does the iaxy auto update when its still connected or does it need to reconnect to get the updated iaxy.bin and does the server need to be running a tftp server or does asterisk take care of it?
03:25.18loudsure, they are everywhere
03:25.50SkramXloud: we spoke on telephreak, ever get beave to do the installs.
03:26.39loudmark, no - not yet. i need to call him, finishing the box i'' dedicate for that :-)
03:26.42SkramXor anyone for that mtter.
03:26.54SkramXloud: You never contacted my guy, did you?
03:27.20loudno, never did.
03:27.27loudhows the crew
03:27.31SkramXOkay.. I know my guy does quality stuff.
03:27.39asteriskmonkeycan anyone answet that question on the iaxys?
03:27.44SkramXAlright, I have been very busy lately with
03:28.06SkramXare there any WiFi-IAX phones?
03:28.16loudnot that i know of.
03:30.01*** join/#asterisk [H]Bogusdata- (
03:30.03asteriskmonkeySkramX: im pushing some companys in asia to make one :)
03:30.37SkramXasteriskmonkey: Good!
03:30.58*** join/#asterisk pfn (
03:31.43asteriskmonkeywish some one could answer that questions though about the process of the iaxy.bin updates :(
03:34.00*** part/#asterisk [H]Bogusdata- (
03:36.10*** join/#asterisk revpsilocybe (
03:36.42revpsilocybecould someone help me asterisk@home v2.2 and a generic Intel 537 modem
03:36.46*** join/#asterisk jahani (
03:37.59mtghDo phones in germany use a rj11/12 jack?
03:47.23*** part/#asterisk mog_home (
03:51.20*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:51.48Nuggetmtgh:  <-- invaluable site
03:52.29*** join/#asterisk jahani2 (
04:01.13*** join/#asterisk ThePeopleGA (
04:01.44*** join/#asterisk Bushrat (
04:08.52*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
04:09.47Darwin35Wow double Circ De Soule tonight on bravo
04:12.32Darwin35AstriskMonkey  based  onthe pa1688 chip ?
04:13.37Darwin35why get a ixy whe you can get a iax ata thats openbased
04:15.34Darwin35the pa1688 chipset is great  multi protcals multi devicess
04:15.43Darwin35open design
04:20.03asteriskmonkeyi love ulaw it sounds mint :)
04:20.22Darwin35we areworking on speex
04:20.26asteriskmonkeyand i like to support digium in hopes of them bettering what we use for free :)
04:20.30Darwin35it souunds nice so far
04:21.06asteriskmonkeymmm have to play with that .. only used gsm, ulaw,alaw and annex
04:23.39Darwin35not touched annix and th speex drive for the pa 1688 seems to be taking off .
04:25.59*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
04:28.29asteriskmonkeydo you know much about the iaxy?
04:28.43asteriskmonkeyi am trying to find out how the iaxy.bin updates are pushed.
04:32.51Darwin35no I had 1 ixy and it died
04:32.57Darwin35over heated
04:33.20Darwin35then I found the pa168 based unit running iax and went that route
04:37.51Mavantixis there a way to make an extention you can dial to record sound files? something that would just name then incrementally would be good with the 1 to save, 2 to delete, 3 to try again type thing...
04:37.52asteriskmonkey? the new iaxys?
04:38.12Mavantixor is it just easy to leave them as a voice mail
04:38.14asteriskmonkeymavantix: sure :) thats easy
04:38.25asteriskmonkeyjust look on the voip-wiki lots of examples there
04:40.17revpsilocybecan anyone help me with a generic intel 537 modem?
04:42.23*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
04:43.10Mavantixasteriskmonkey: nice, thanks... I knew I should have checked the wiki.. but I thought I had an original idea. Doh!
04:46.27*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
04:46.32Qwellblitzrage: !
04:46.39blitzrageQwell: !
04:46.44blitzragewuz up?
04:46.48Qwellnot alot
04:47.52blitzragea lot*
04:48.11blitzragejust got back from Florida...
04:50.01Darwin35well I have a setup that records a file saves it then rename it to the prompt I chose
04:50.38*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
04:51.04Qwellblitzrage: cold?
04:51.42Darwin35its so cold out ven those who like the cold like me are indoors tonight
04:52.09Juggieits not that cold
04:52.18Juggieits barely below freezing in ottawa
04:52.20QwellJuggie: colder than FL, for sure
04:52.31QwellJuggie: <blitzrage> just got back from Florida...
04:52.42Darwin35Denver on the verg of the next iceage
04:58.07Darwin35nice for you
04:58.19Darwin35I dont do well in heat it makes me sleep
04:58.31*** join/#asterisk digime (i=digime@
04:58.39digimedoes anyone know about the "circa" phones (bought out by polycom)
04:58.40Darwin35I like it a 55/58
04:58.47digimei have an ip400 circa and have no idea how to configure it
04:59.22Darwin35is it a usb or hardwired phone
04:59.28digimehard IP phone
04:59.29Darwin35and have you googled it
04:59.37digimecan't find anything!! even voip info..
05:00.05Darwin35and have you tried to plug it in look at your router find if it uses dhcp and go to that ip
05:00.17Darwin35try to see if it has a web interface
05:01.18blitzrageQwell: its a balmy 0 centigrade out there -- thats not cold. 2 weeks in Florida isn't going to break 25 years of abuse :)
05:01.43Qwellblitzrage: heh
05:02.16Darwin35thats a polycom
05:02.20digimedarwin: yes we can get to the menu but we can't configure it
05:02.38digimeit won't let me flash it to a polycom BR.
05:02.56MstlyHrmlsdigime: what version BootROM is is it running?
05:03.20MstlyHrmlsyou can't update some older BootROMs straight to newer ones
05:03.24digimeEverything is locked.
05:04.36Darwin35trypassword admin
05:04.58blitzrageI really need to turn this Zaurus into a wireless voip phone
05:04.59digimeAnd other than that, I can't get into the menu or anything else once it is started.
05:05.14blitzrageneed to figure out how to get a headset into it since it only has one port
05:05.23Qwellblitzrage: bt?
05:05.38Qwellno bt at all for a headset?
05:05.38MstlyHrmlsdigime: reboot it, and pushed the "about" softkey when it's still in the bootrom
05:05.46blitzrageno -- its a Zaurus SL-5500
05:05.59MstlyHrmlsdigime: at the "x seconds until autoboot" screen
05:06.11Qwellblitzrage: what type of port has it got?
05:06.23digimeMstlyHrmls: thank you! stand by
05:07.29*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr (
05:07.51blitzrage3.5", but it has a mic and headphone in the same jack... so its hard to find a headset for it
05:08.48smirl3.5" holy crap that's huge
05:09.13Qwellsmirl: not for a disk
05:09.15iCEBrkrAll the girls say that
05:09.44smirlblitzrage are you aren't thinking 3.5mm ?
05:09.56blitzrageerrr... yah :)
05:09.58Qwellsmirl: It's a disk drive, which doubles as an audio jack
05:10.03*** join/#asterisk dooder (
05:10.09smirland are you sure it's not a 2.5mm ?
05:10.16Qwell2.5mm is tiny
05:10.17blitzrageits not a cell phone size.
05:10.26smirl2.5mm is the standard cell size
05:10.40blitzrageits not that size. Its the standard headphone jack size (iPod).
05:10.42dooderalright. I'm back at it. can someone help me setup broadvoice. I've followed the instructions on there website but I still can't register with them
05:10.56iCEBrkrdooder: the wiki has that shit
05:10.59smirlwell... it's not the size that counts, it's how you use it
05:11.14Qwellsmirl: I assure you, at 3.5", it matters
05:11.16iCEBrkrsmirl: Keep telling yourself that
05:11.27dooderiCEBrkr : the voip-info wiki ?
05:11.33iCEBrkrdooder, yupperdooo
05:11.58smirli still got a 5 1/4"
05:12.02smirlthe girls love it
05:12.06Qwellsmirl: yeah, but it's floppy
05:12.21iCEBrkrit's double-sided, double-density
05:12.27iCEBrkrawwwz yeah
05:12.42smirland it holds 360K...
05:13.19iCEBrkrmy roommate is getting laid, and I'm dork'n out on #asterisk
05:13.22iCEBrkrhow sad
05:13.34smirlgo join in
05:13.34QwelliCEBrkr: yeah, he's a sucker.  He should be jealous
05:13.47iCEBrkrsmirl: that actually came up. lol  she brought it up
05:14.30smirlok, my problems with * are diminishing. everytime i fix one thing it's something else now lol
05:14.33iCEBrkrSo, I'm sip'n on some Pino chill'n on the WiFi out here on the patio. Enjoying the light rain and 66 degee weather.
05:15.06iCEBrkrsmirl: cuz you're trying to do too much at once
05:15.15iCEBrkrget one thing working at a time and then tie it all together
05:15.37smirli've managed to get 2 way audio working now between the sip and both internal lan clients and clients connecting from across the net.
05:16.03*** join/#asterisk jahani (
05:16.10iCEBrkrMan, I should just go pass out
05:16.16smirlnow i've got the problem that a LAN phone can call a WAN phone and works fine, but if the WAN phone calls the LAN phone it goes right to voicemail
05:16.18iCEBrkrI'm hungover from last night and drinking more!!
05:16.35iCEBrkrsmirl: set verbose 9 at the CLI
05:17.04smirlVerbosity was 3 and is now 9
05:17.09iCEBrkrNow call
05:17.20iCEBrkrthe CLI will get all spammy
05:17.25smirli can't. my remote tester left
05:17.29smirlhe couldn't take it
05:17.31smirland logged off
05:17.36smirlnow i have no remote users to test for me
05:18.06smirlunless someone here can register a sip extension with me
05:18.23iCEBrkrThat requires work and I'd have to go inside and grab a phone
05:18.32smirlget eyebeam
05:18.47smirloh shit
05:18.49iCEBrkrI dunno about all that
05:18.52smirlis that commercial ware?
05:18.53iCEBrkrI'm a win98 machine
05:19.11iCEBrkrDell Latitude CP 233Mhz.. ROCK'n THE HOUSE
05:19.21smirllol, my tablet pc has the same processor
05:19.35iCEBrkrThis thing is a frankestien of laptops
05:19.52iCEBrkrIt's got parts from a CP and CPi and some other shit, Like I put a better screen on it
05:20.06iCEBrkrI found all these pieces parts on ebay for $20
05:20.13Darwin35break time
05:20.13smirli bought a fujitsu touchscreen tablet on ebay
05:20.21smirland i only use it with remote desktop
05:20.28smirlso i can control my uber desktop with it
05:20.30iCEBrkrThis is my hooptie laptop.  All I wanted it for was SSH
05:20.38jahaniwhen i try to install webmin module for asterisk i get this error
05:20.39jahaniFailed to install module from : Module webmin is missing a file
05:20.43jahanihow can i fix it?
05:20.45smirli rarely sit at my desk anymore
05:20.52dooderall the broadvoice configs I find on the net are different and none of them work. awesome
05:21.10iCEBrkrI wish all these Asterisk@home people would go somewhere else, not to be an ass...
05:21.54iCEBrkrIt's nice not to be trapped inside
05:22.01smirltrapped how?
05:22.06iCEBrkrI got the red xmas pimp lights on
05:22.21iCEBrkrour patio rocks
05:22.33smirlits cold outside here... like 0 degrees
05:22.38smirland there's a foot of snow on the ground
05:22.43iCEBrkrF snow
05:22.48iCEBrkrI'm done with that crap
05:22.50*** join/#asterisk cowboykitty (n=power@
05:23.06smirlso... go get a phone while i program an extension for you :-D
05:23.27smirli use x-lite softphone on my 233mhz 32mb win98 box
05:23.30smirland it works great
05:23.40iCEBrkrI'd have to get a mic
05:23.42iCEBrkrhang on
05:23.43smirlexcept that it's using 802.11b and there's some buffering issues
05:23.54iCEBrkrLemme go grab my cordless and I'll use my Sipura
05:24.03*** join/#asterisk irieKEN (
05:24.06smirlcool... i'll pm you
05:25.31irieKENHas anyone ever heard of a company called Circa?
05:26.02irieKENIt was taken over by Polycom around 2001 or so.
05:26.02smirlmy parents used to take me when i was a kid. i liked the clowns and the lions
05:26.19iCEBrkrhar har har
05:26.34MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: dude, you're the 2nd guy who's mentioned Circa tonight, what's up with that? :-)
05:26.51irieKENHehe:) It's probably my boss:)
05:27.07*** join/#asterisk _Madar (
05:27.26irieKENHe bought a Polycom IP500 lot off of ebay... and only 1 of them was an IP500:)
05:27.33*** join/#asterisk numbshot (n=numbshot@
05:27.47iCEBrkrI want a Polycom 501
05:27.55MstlyHrmlslet me guess, he got ip400s instead? :-)
05:27.56iCEBrkrbut I'm not shell'n oug $200
05:28.14irieKENAh, Mstly, you're the guy he sent me to talk to;)
05:28.35Qwellat 9pm on a Saturday?  jeez
05:28.49irieKENIn any case... this Circa needs to be flashed with Polycom 2.6.2 firmware:)
05:29.03irieKENI'm new with these things, so I can't really think of a way to trick it.
05:29.20QwellirieKEN: get a refund from the guy on ebay
05:29.45irieKENQwell, I'll throw that suggestion at my boss:)
05:29.53MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: to be honest, he should look at cramming them back into the e-bay guy, forcefully if need be
05:30.01Qwellyeah, totally
05:30.14MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: IP400s haven't been supported by polycom in years
05:30.19smirliCEBrkr: PMS
05:30.31irieKENMstly: The IP500 hasn't been either:)
05:30.33numbshotdoes anybody has been able to make a video call with eyebeam 1.1 and asterisk 1.2.1 using h.263?
05:30.56MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: heh, more so than the 400 :-)
05:31.01iCEBrkrsmirl: I still need the IP of your box
05:31.28iCEBrkrOtherwise my spa can't register
05:31.47MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: anyways, you'll need to find out what version of the BootROM they have on them
05:31.49irieKENMstly: Yep...
05:32.02irieKENMstly: There's only one Circa.
05:32.12MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: that'll tell you if you're mostly out of luck, or completely out of luck :-)
05:32.40irieKENLet me boot the thing up and see if my eyes are fast enough to catch the BR version:)
05:33.00MstlyHrmlshold down the 'About' key at the BR screen
05:33.59MstlyHrmlsthe Circa IP 400 == Polycom IP 400; the only difference is what sticker it has on the front
05:34.37irieKENAnd the firmware installed:)
05:35.00irieKENAnd the buttons are a bit different shape:)
05:35.03MstlyHrmlsyes, but you might be able to fix the firmware
05:35.21irieKENI'm hoping so:)
05:35.43irieKENI like the way that Polycom won't even admit to ever making the IP400;)
05:36.03irieKENI guess that they were really ashamed:P
05:36.39MstlyHrmlsYeah, well, it's got crap audio quality, which is what polycom touts the most
05:36.52QwellThey tout crap audio quality?
05:37.40irieKENHold on... it won't even boot without having a boot server:(
05:37.40MstlyHrmlspolycom touts *good* audio quality, so they hate to admit about the IP400, which is half-duplex at best
05:37.56MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: you don't have to have it boot
05:38.16MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: when you get to the "x seconds until autoboot" screen
05:38.18irieKENNo, it won't let me see the "about" screen until after it boots.
05:38.47irieKENHold on, it crashed.
05:39.10irieKEN"Welcome to Circa: 5 seconds to autoboot"
05:39.15MstlyHrmlspush about!
05:39.22irieKENThe options are "Boot and Setup":)
05:39.34MstlyHrmlsyou're screwed
05:39.48irieKENLet me get the boot server back up, so that I can at least see the about screen;)
05:40.07iCEBrkrspeaking of ebay
05:41.03iCEBrkr89 gsxr
05:41.07MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: I think you have a 1.x bootrom, which, unfortunately, you can't update to 2.x
05:42.10MstlyHrmlsyou *might* be able to wheedle something out of polycom that'll let you do it
05:42.30MstlyHrmlsbut I suspect they will either go "What's an IP 400"?
05:42.38MstlyHrmlsor just start laughing
05:42.42irieKENHehe... I held down about... it flashed the about screen about 10 times then crashed...
05:42.46irieKEN<--Gibberish on screen:)
05:43.11MstlyHrmlsheh, ok, what happens if you just press it once? :-)
05:43.28irieKENIt flashes for 1/10th of a second:)
05:44.02MstlyHrmls, I'm not sure what to suggest
05:44.17irieKENrebooted again... It's Build 05-Feb-01 20:11:15
05:44.17MstlyHrmlscan you get it to upload the logs to the FTP server?
05:44.29irieKENIt won't upload logs...
05:44.36irieKENIt will take down the 000000000.cfg file though.
05:44.56MstlyHrmlswell, it's *somewhat* functional then :-D
05:45.08irieKENIt doesnt' seem to have a webserver though.
05:45.14MstlyHrmlsno, it wouldn't
05:45.38MstlyHrmlsprobably not even if you could get it to boot and run an app
05:45.46MstlyHrmlsit's probably got H.323 on it
05:46.13irieKENI think that the last firmwares on the other IP400 was 1.4... and it took the 2.6.2 just fine:)
05:46.23irieKENJust didn't have a few of the features the IP500 did.
05:46.55MstlyHrmls05-Feb-01? damn, that's *definitely* 1.x then
05:46.55irieKENJust held down "about" again... it scrambled, but it came back a while later.
05:47.44*** join/#asterisk JonR800 (
05:48.20irieKENNow... any idea what would cause an IP400 to not even power up? Is there a fuse inside that is known to blow?:)
05:50.49SkramXwhat pastebin do most of you all use?
05:50.53*** part/#asterisk alephcom (
05:50.55doodercan someone show me a working broadvoice registration string if they have one please ?
05:51.11jebbaHow would I find out what prefixes are local to another prefix?  Like how to I know which 1-NNN-NNN can dial 1-303-XXX-XXXX for free?
05:51.19SkramXdooder: I have a couple customers, but I think I just used the example on
05:51.22MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: there's BootROM firmware and application firmware, 1.4 would be the SIP app version, 2.6.2 would be the BootROM versions
05:51.27SkramXdooder: if you need personal help, contact me via pm
05:51.30SkramXSedorox: okay, thanks.
05:51.35SkramXJust curious..
05:51.57MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: as for the powering up, could be faulty powersupply, or it could just be fubared..
05:52.24irieKENMstly: No, our PSEs are all new.
05:52.53MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: probably a dead phone then
05:53.04irieKENAs for the firmware/SIP app situation: I upgraded them from whatever they were to 2.6.2 and 1.5.2 respectively.
05:53.25MstlyHrmlsand they worked? neat! :-)
05:53.28irieKENThat other IP400 had a firmware that was really old.
05:54.01irieKENThough, the IP400 generates a blank <html><body></body></html> page when you try to visit its webserver:)
05:54.16irieKENOther than that, everything is peachy (changed settings via boot server).
05:54.38MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: how long had the IP400 been booted before you tried hitting the webserver?
05:54.46irieKENAbout 10 minutes.
05:54.53irieKENThe webserver is running.
05:54.55MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: interesting
05:55.03irieKENIt just spits out "<html><body></body></html>" instead of anything useful:)
05:55.13irieKENWhich in your browser is just a blank page.
05:55.34MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: I will warn you, polycom never supported the SIP app on the IP 400
05:55.37irieKEN<-- Disregard the second comment; I know you know what you're doing:)
05:55.54irieKENMstly: Well, I made a call with it to test, and it worked.
05:57.17*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
05:57.24irieKENWell, seems like we got 2 working (well, 1 and a half) IP phones out of a batch of 4.
05:57.54MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: cool! Well, if you can live with 10BaseT and a crappy speakerphone, the IP 400 isn't that bad
05:58.11MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: the other two DOA?
05:58.15irieKENHey, it's better than the softphones that we're using now.
05:58.30irieKENOne's DOA, the other is that Circa (good as dead).
05:58.44MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: keep the Circa, it'll be a collectors item soon ;-)
05:58.55irieKENKind of like a Ford Pinto?;)
05:59.11irieKENNow, if you were going to buy a new IP phone, what would you get?:)
05:59.13MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: yeah, but with less fireball...
05:59.53irieKENI don't know about the "less fireball" bit... Who knows what old hardware will do:) (kind of like firing up that old AT computer you find in the loft... booom---smoke);)
06:00.08MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: haha, point
06:00.30MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: I'd get a 601 with an EM or two, but that's just me ;-)
06:00.45irieKENSo, Polycom is the way to go?
06:01.12[TK]D-FenderirieKEN : Often yes.
06:01.30MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: if you're looking for a good quality hardphone, it's Cisco or Polycom
06:01.30[TK]D-FenderirieKEN : Whats your deployment situation? (# phones and intended usage)
06:02.12irieKENAbout 10-15 phones for a virtual office ATM. Hopefully a full scale corporate deployment down the road.
06:02.42MstlyHrmls[TK]D-Fender: well, right now he has 1 working unit, an antique and two paperweights :-D
06:03.24[TK]D-FenderirieKEN : What kind of call-volume?  Need speakerphone?  Have a dedicated lan for your phones or need to chain in with pc?
06:03.41irieKENLOL!:) <-- Yep... Bought 4 IP500s off of Ebay, and got 1 IP500, 1 working IP400, 1 Dead one , and a Circa IP400:P
06:04.26irieKENDedicated LAN for phone, probably running 4 lines each.
06:04.46[TK]D-FenderI run a largely Polycom setup (26 x IP 600's) at my office.
06:04.54[TK]D-FenderirieKEN : Got / thinking about PoE?
06:05.05irieKENWe're running PoE ATM.
06:05.39irieKENYou like the 600s?:)
06:06.01[TK]D-FenderYes, definately GREAT phones.
06:06.22[TK]D-FenderI use the microbrowser on them a lot (idle & services), multi-line w/ presence)
06:06.56irieKENNow, if only we could afford them;)
06:07.35[TK]D-FenderirieKEN : Well the IP 500 is decent as well, but by the time you add on the PoE adapter its starts looking "iffy"
06:07.49irieKENHow so?
06:07.53SkramXis the owner of PASTEBIN.CA around? :)
06:08.27irieKENOut of curiosity... what would be the lowest cost units that this room would recommend?
06:08.28QwellSkramX: I haven't seen slepp in months
06:08.31[TK]D-Fenderjust interms of comparing the 501 to the 601.  With the 601 you get 3 more line keys, integrated PoE and the micro-browser.
06:08.40[TK]D-FenderAND the ability to get the AM's
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06:08.44SkramXQwell: hmmm.. slepp, eh?
06:09.01SkramXI was thinking about advertising on there..
06:09.04irieKENWhat's the difference between the integrated PoE, and the PoE system that the IP50 is running?
06:09.32irieKENJust plugged it into my PoE switch, and all is well with the IP500.
06:09.48[TK]D-FenderirieKEN : You need to buy a 40$ adapter to do PoE on the 30x and 50x.
06:10.14[TK]D-FenderFunny custom patch.  by the time you factor that into the price you have to think hard on the value of the other features.
06:10.28MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: you may have the adapter already then
06:10.57irieKENFender: Actually, we ordered a bunch of the custom patches too. THose are $5 a piece, and same with the 12v transformers for them.
06:11.27[TK]D-FenderGuess if you shop around or someone made a compatible one.  I jsut know the regulars cost.
06:12.19irieKENWell, for future reference, I got them from GBH, which is the supplier that Polycom recommended.
06:12.54MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: I think those might not be the PoE patch cables then
06:13.36[TK]D-FenderIts s special one that splits the incoming ethernet into ethernet & std power IIRC
06:13.50MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: the easy way to tell is, if there's an LED in them, they're PoE. if not, it's just a power-injector
06:14.03irieKENAh, we bought plain injectors then.
06:14.11irieKENThere's no power jack on the phones we have.
06:14.47MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: yeah, the IP 400/30x/50x came with the power injectors bundled, but you had to pay extra for the PoE cables
06:15.23irieKENI want a wifi IP phone!:)
06:15.44SkramXirieKEN: buy one..
06:16.11*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
06:16.18irieKENYep, working on that.
06:16.39irieKENOk, I'm done talking about phones for the night.
06:16.44[TK]D-FenderThe suck for the most-part unfortunately.
06:17.10[TK]D-FenderLow grade stuff, don't have web browsers to enable hot-spot access, poor battery life, etc.
06:17.30MstlyHrmlsare there any wifi IP phones that don't have battery lives measured in minutes?
06:18.09irieKENOther than a laptop?;)
06:18.41MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: hah, I can't put my laptop in my pocket :-)
06:18.48[TK]D-FenderI guess it depends on the functionality you want.  If its for a fixed location I'd say jsut go Cordless on an ATA.
06:19.21irieKENOk, then I need to buy an OQO:D
06:19.37smirlwhy does this happen? I get a 403 trying to dial an internal extension:
06:19.37smirl-- Executing Dial("SIP/202-b80d", "SIP/210") in new stack
06:19.38smirl-- Called 210
06:19.38smirl== No one is available to answer at this time
06:19.50irieKENOk, the girl is dragging me off to bed.
06:19.56irieKENNight, all:)
06:20.00MstlyHrmlsirieKEN: by all means, follow!
06:20.32[TK]D-Fendersmirl : DND?
06:20.49[TK]D-FenderDo Not Disturb
06:20.54benjkMstlyHrmls: UTStarcom F1000
06:21.57smirlnope DND is off
06:22.14MstlyHrmlsbenjk: have you had a chance to play around with one at all? what did you think?
06:22.17smirlany other ideas?
06:23.17benjkNo, I only just ordered one, but I have heard good feedback from others who have used it for a while
06:23.50MstlyHrmlsbenjk: hmm, maybe I'll have to see if I can get my paws on one
06:23.51`Sauronhum, annoying
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06:24.23`Sauronhum, weird
06:24.48benjkIn general, I trust UTStarcom more than any of the other manufacturers currently in the WiFi phone game, simply because UTStarcom have a wealth of experience in wireless phones and the others are all newcomers who have no prior experience at all
06:25.29benjkWell, NEC being the exception to the rule
06:25.37MstlyHrmlsbenjk: oh? wifi phones, or DECT?
06:26.04benjkbut their WiFi phone is really a fat and heavy cordless phone
06:26.23benjkUTStarcom have sold some 100 million mobile phones in China
06:26.36benjkand they are the battery life kings
06:26.54benjklike standby measured in weeks and talk time measured in days
06:27.27benjkThe WiFi phones won't be quite that efficient though
06:27.45benjkbecause TCP/IP is not the most suitable way to do wireless telephony
06:27.50MstlyHrmlsdear god, $575 for a 7920???
06:28.03benjkcertainly not the most efficient way
06:28.10MstlyHrmlsbenjk: no, not really
06:28.52benjkThe 7920 can only be configured through Windoze
06:29.26MstlyHrmlsactually, a regular cordless and an analog adapter *is* probably the best bet right now...
06:29.27benjkThat alone makes it a boycott-this-product-at-all-cost item
06:30.01*** join/#asterisk smoove (
06:30.18benjkif you are only interested in a cordless for your office or home, then maybe
06:31.13benjkbut a WiFi phone is more than that, it's both a cordless and a mobile phone (albeit with limited coverage)
06:33.01jebbaWhy does *  "Attempting native bridge of..."  if I have  "notransfer=yes" in iax.conf  ?
06:33.13MstlyHrmlsmobile phone, as in running of a CDMA/GSM network, or mobile as in you can use it when you're near any 802.11 AP?
06:33.46SkramXLets see how GoogleAd Words works..
06:33.46benjkmobile phone as in 'more mobility than cordless'
06:33.56SkramXanyone used them before
06:34.46benjkjebba: native bridge means no transcoding
06:35.51jebbabenjk, ah, gotcha. I thought that meant it's where it hands the call off. Duh. Thank you.
06:36.49smirl== Everyone is busy/congested at this time
06:36.57smirli feel congested
06:37.05smirlwhat's that mean though...
06:37.50benjkthis message can be misleading though
06:38.09benjkits the general "something is wrong on this connection" message
06:39.55smirli'm running into 2 problems. in 2 cases calling internal extensions, the extension on the LAN can call the extension on the outside, but the outside extension can't call the one on the LAN. and i get that busy/congested message. In 1 case, i just tested with iCEBrkr, it was the opposite, he could call me, but i could not call him, and my error message was == No one is available to answer at this time
06:40.36smirldoes this make any sense?
06:41.06smirlall 3 tries results on a 403 Forbidden
06:41.08benjkas I said, the message is a general "something is wrong" message
06:41.44smirli'm hoping someone else has experienced an issue similar to mine and can share their expertise on resolving the problem
06:41.53benjklooks like a NAT traversal problem
06:42.02smirlthat is also what i think.
06:42.13smirlbut do not know how to fix it
06:42.14benjkwell, don't use SIP and NAT
06:42.21benjkuse public IPs
06:42.31smirli have to use NAT. my ISP only gives 1 IP address
06:42.37smirland i share it with 4 pc's
06:42.40benjkthen use tunneling
06:42.53smirlalthough the server is programmed in the router as being in the DMZ
06:42.55benjkand if you can't do that, then use IAX
06:43.09benjkthat means nothing
06:43.19benjkSIP is only half the protocol
06:43.27smirlRTP being the other
06:43.32benjkthe other half is RTP
06:43.50benjkand it depends on the contents of the SIP messages how to route packets
06:43.52CoaxDsmirl: its 2 different protocols. its only half the mechanism.
06:44.14benjkwhich is not exactly in line with the TCP/IP paradigm
06:44.21smirlif it were my guess, i would say the SIP is working fine, it's an issue with RTP
06:44.34smirlall extensions can be called from the PSTN, dialing thru auto attendant
06:44.40smirlall extensions can call voicemail fine
06:44.44benjkwhere you should be able to send traffic to its destination by ONLY ever looking at the envelope, not the content
06:44.46smirlit's just these extension to extension issues
06:45.43smirlwhat's a good PPTP or IPSEC service for linux?
06:45.49smirlto accept incoming connections ?
06:45.56benjkyou have to force all your traffic through Asterisk, you cannot do P2P through the NAT to multiple destionations
06:46.16smirlhow do i force it to go thru the server ben_d
06:46.23smirlerm benjk
06:46.38CoaxDyou couldnt pay me enough to use ipsec
06:46.45smirllol, i hate ipsec too
06:46.48CoaxDall about the SSL now
06:46.56benjkPPTP is a MSFT bollocks brainfart
06:47.01CoaxDall the features, without all the hassles, so to speak
06:47.04benjkSSL is no good for VoIP
06:47.09[TK]D-FenderOpenVPN :)
06:47.14CoaxDbenjk: try that one again
06:47.22smirli've never heard of an SSL VPN :-p
06:47.27benjkOpenVPN is Linux only
06:47.38CoaxDbenjk: oh it is, is it?
06:47.41Nivexbenjk: wrong.  OpenVPN is Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.
06:47.47benjkis it now
06:47.51benjksince when
06:47.59CoaxDbenjk: been for a while now
06:48.31smirlbenjk, canreinvite=no is already set on all my sip peers
06:48.33CoaxDit is also very simple to set up PPP over SSH or something equally evil
06:48.33NivexI have run it as a client on all three platforms at work.
06:48.37smirlcan i make that a global setting
06:48.38benjkwell, I don't really understand your attitudes
06:49.05benjkon the one site you insist on SIP, which is a braindead piece of dog poo of atronomic proportions
06:49.10CoaxDbottom line is, ipsec sucks.  not that it doesnt WORK, but it sucks
06:49.12benjksimply because its IETF
06:49.31smirllol wait sorry to start an argument lol
06:49.57benjkon the other hand you have no problem using a non-standard VPN protocol
06:50.01Nivex"This is abuse.  Arguments are down the hall."
06:50.21benjkuse IAX if you must traverse a NAT
06:50.25smirlso if i've got canreinvite=no in all my peers, shouldn't all the RTP go thru the server? so why would there be any NAT issues...
06:50.32CoaxDi dont mean any particular ipsec client or anything
06:50.35benjkdon't use SIP just because it is IETF sanctioned
06:50.44CoaxDi just mean that the technology is a pain in the frickin ass to work with
06:50.53smirlbut all my phones are SIP phones :-p
06:51.16smirlso to do IAX, wouldn't i need new phones?
06:51.22CoaxDboycott sip! buy the nonexistant iax2 phones!
06:51.30benjkput an * server in each LAN and route all traffic between sites via IAX
06:51.41CoaxDbenjk: agreed.
06:51.41Qwellanybody know a number that will read you your callerid or ani?
06:51.52CoaxDqwell: build one
06:51.59smirlthat's not possible, going to have about 75 employee's connecting from around the world, working at home persay, or hotels
06:52.00QwellCoaxD: meh...heh
06:52.19CoaxDqwell: festival and about 3 exten's
06:52.27Qwellyeah, I know
06:52.31Qwelllazy though
06:52.57benjkespecially from Hotels, you should use IAX
06:53.03smirlit's not possible for us to use more than 1 asterisk server, but it's a good idea benjk if we only had a few lans to connect to.
06:53.14benjkbecause you have ZERO control over how the hotel LAN is set up
06:53.38benjkmany hotels have very very weird setups with all sorts of trouble sources for SIP
06:54.07CoaxDsooner than later nobody will actually give a fuck who owns the wire anymore.
06:54.10benjkAlso, don't these people have notebooks?
06:54.37benjkuse the notebook as a SIP-IAX gateway
06:54.44benjkvery easy to do
06:55.04smirlok, here's what has me confused. if i call my DID that rings autoattendant, and dial anyone's extension it works. any extension can call into voicemail and it works, the server basically has full working communications with all the extensions when it's a server->phone connection. The problem i'm having is phone->phone, and since canreinvite=no on all the programmed extensions, shouldn't all the phone->phone calls really be phone->server-
06:55.04CoaxDit would be very easy to embed * into something that is mass-releasable.  i.e. a machine that boots *, talks to a server to get its config via http, and voila
06:56.13benjksmirl: don't those people staying in Hotels have a notebook computer with them?
06:56.25smirlbenjk yes
06:56.35benjkso, what's the trouble then using IAX?
06:56.58smirlbecause i have hardphones too that are SIP
06:57.01smirli can't just get rid of SIP
06:57.15benjkwhy would you have to?
06:57.20smirlthe system needs to be fully SIP compliant
06:57.40CoaxDsmirl; doing iax2 to gateway the stuff isnt breaking sip compliancy
06:58.13CoaxDsmirl; but it WILL solve a lot of networking issues
06:58.28smirllol, so i gotta have everyone run CoLinux and * for windows on their laptops. AHHH NO.
06:58.41benjkyou can run Asterisk on Windoze
06:58.49benjkor MacOS X
06:59.00smirlit only runs on windows with CoLinux i thought
06:59.02benjkdepending on what kind of notebook they have
06:59.03smirlor vmware
06:59.27benjkit runs on Windows via the Cygwin API layer
06:59.40smirlok, i've used that build.
06:59.46smirlhad some problem with it
06:59.47smirland removed it
06:59.56benjkits ok as a SIP/IAX gateway
07:00.21benjknot as a server or PBX, but as a SIP/IAX gateway for one or two local SIP phones its ok
07:00.40benjkremove everything else other than chan_sip and chan_iax
07:00.58benjkediting your modules.conf
07:01.01smirlthrowing the baby out with the bathwater isn't a fix here... i just need to figure out what setting(s) are wrong and my problem will be fixed
07:01.17smirli'm not going to put up sip -> iax gateways everywhere
07:01.31smirli've got 75 employees that have their own computers and phones
07:01.33benjktrying to make SIP work in a multi NAT traversal environment IS throwing the baby out
07:01.50CoaxDokay, so farfone went from designing iax2 phones - to offering voip service?  i'm confused
07:01.59smirland i wouldn't trust half of them with trying to install and configure *
07:02.03benjkwe have been doing Asterisk for some time here
07:02.03MikeJ[Laptop]actually 1.2 compiles on cygwin, but there is still some sort of segfault when it runs that needs to be fixed
07:02.24MikeJ[Laptop]well.. it runs, you just can't send calls through.. ;)
07:02.29benjkand everybody when they are newbs, they come here and argue how it SHOULD be possible to solve all those issues
07:02.40benjkand everybody wastes oooooooodles of time on this
07:02.57benjkand for a variety of scenarios they get it working
07:02.58CoaxDbenjk: there's really no point in trying to solve nat traversal issues w/ sip
07:03.02smirli don't have access to their personal computers to install iax gateways.
07:03.10smirland i can't trust them to configure it themselves
07:03.15benjkbut it is never a proper solution that covers all scenarios
07:03.26MikeJ[Laptop]hmmm.. we need an iax gatekeeper
07:03.32CoaxDbenjk: better off creating a vpn server that runs remotely on tcp port 80 and tunnelling through it.
07:03.41smirlVPN i can do
07:03.43CoaxDbenjk: if iax2 just flat out isnt an option
07:03.46benjkso eventually, all those folks realise that its not a good idea and a waste of time
07:04.02smirlever heard of telrad?
07:04.08benjkthat's what separates the (VoIP) boys from the (VoIP) men
07:04.16smirlor nortel ?
07:04.24MikeJ[Laptop]the google voice protocol released a lib.. it should be able to handle nat for pretty much everything...
07:04.40benjkI have been competing against Nortel, Avaya and Cisco in third world markets
07:04.44benjkand they lost
07:05.08benjkbecause I used the (not so) secret IAX weapon
07:05.14smirli was a cheif engineer on their voip systems. I know all about NAT and the protocols, the compressors. I am however new to *. and I'm 100% sure that my problem is solely related to configuration
07:05.19smirlit's not a router problem
07:05.21smirlor a firewall issue
07:05.24smirlit's a * problem
07:05.38CoaxDmikej; it really isnt hard to handle nat.
07:05.52benjkif you have two end points behind NAT you will need to tunnel or use IAX
07:06.04CoaxDmikej: communicate on a single port. dont ask the remote system to make a connection to you.  Its REALLY not that hard.
07:06.23smirlok benjk, so why would i have the same problem if i had 2 phones with public IP's?
07:06.51CoaxDsmirl; bottom line, you cant rely on your users' networks being configured the way you want them to be
07:07.01CoaxDsmirl: if you do, you will have no end to your problems.
07:07.06benjkCoaxD: Amen to that
07:07.18smirlCoaxD, i realize this that's why i'm trying to make one that will work on *most* networks
07:07.22CoaxDsmirl; because just when you think you have it all figured out, you'll get thrown the curveball that makes you wonder why the hell you ever bothered
07:07.40benjksmirl: well, you may have other problems there, fair enough, but that doesn't change a thing
07:07.41CoaxDsmirl: what is 'most networks', to you?
07:07.50smirli understand that they aren't gauranteed to be at a hotel that has 3 nat routers chained together
07:08.15CoaxDsmirl: on the contrary. you can be pretty much assured that thats what you WILL find
07:08.21CoaxDsmirl; 3 BROKEN routers
07:08.39benjkso why waste your effort on something that is a botched bad hack of last century's telephony people's narrow thinking?
07:08.45CoaxDsmirl: one thing's for sure: at a hotel, tcp port 80's open.
07:09.13smirlmost networks to me is either, 1) the phone user has a Non-NAT, unfirewalled, public IP address, or 2) they are behind a NAT with a firewall that permits all outgoing connections
07:09.14benjkCoaxD: not really
07:09.26CoaxDbenjk: in most cases..
07:09.30benjkthey often have proxy servers and you have to change the port on your browser
07:09.36smirlin those 2 scenarios it will cover 97% of the connections the employee's will make
07:09.44CoaxDbenjk: :(
07:09.52CoaxDbenjk: most people wouldnt go through that, man..
07:10.11MikeJ[Laptop]night all
07:10.16benjkstill why waste your effort on a second rate or third rate excuse for a solution?
07:10.19CoaxDbenjk: automatic proxy detection would be the way to go, but that is GAY
07:10.28benjkbuilt a tunnel or use IAX gateway setups
07:10.33CoaxDbenjk; even less folks would allow any udp traffic whatsoever
07:10.59benjkIPsec works in just about every hotel
07:11.09benjkbecause most corporate folks rely on it
07:11.21CoaxDbenjk: i would be relying on it..  cisco vpn..
07:11.31CoaxDbenjk: i dont lIKE it, but i run it
07:11.53benjkI use Wolverine, works like a charm
07:11.58CoaxD(i'm desktop support for a midsized company)
07:12.11CoaxDi manage the dept, i guess one would say. tho it isnt officially my title
07:12.19benjkand is even config compatible with the Cisco Pix
07:12.47CoaxDwe're starting to move into Cisco SecureDesktop
07:13.18benjkruns on 32MB of CompactFlash, no hard disk needed
07:13.29CoaxDbenjk: nice!
07:13.44benjkweb based configuration and ssh also
07:13.55benjkvery decent user interface
07:13.58benjkand rock solid
07:14.20CoaxDcant beat that
07:14.25CoaxDtrouble is, cant run any windows apps at the same time. lol
07:14.43benjkwell, you could if it was available as an OpenBSD distro too
07:14.58benjkwell, this one is an embedded VPN server
07:15.41benjkyou run this on an old PC in which you replace the HD with a CF/IDE adapter and a CompactFlash card
07:16.10benjkor you buy it as standalone hardware, about the size of a a small ethernet hub
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07:17.41benjkanyway, its either tunneling or IAX
07:18.44smirlmy phones support X-Tunnels and STUN, will either of those help?
07:20.41QwellLet me just say...I love nmap
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07:23.56Qwellbesides inmarsat, what would you guys say is often the most expensive country to call?
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07:26.59smirlfuck it, i'm installing PoPToP
07:27.49smirlmy hard phones do pptp and ipsec tunneling, but i think pptp will be easier for end users to configure.
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07:30.20benjkIsnt X-Tunnels is an Xten only thing
07:30.41smirlno, my polycom phones support it too
07:30.58benjkprobably under license from Xten then
07:31.54benjkbecause last time we asked Xten they wouldn't want let anyone use it other than through their servers or something like that
07:32.32benjkbut, hey, always good if vendors open up their stuff
07:33.07PakiPenguinxten is now counterpath?
07:33.15benjkQwell, I think the most expensive country to call (or be called from) is Nigeria
07:33.43PakiPenguinbenjk, whats the rate / minute?
07:33.52benjkalso known as The Fraudulent Banana Republic of Fraudulonia
07:34.13benjkPakiPenguin: it depends
07:34.23benjkit might be free
07:34.28QwellIsn't Easter Island up there?
07:34.31benjkit might cost you your life savings
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07:35.29katakefaloshello..i just purchased a Digium TE110P and put it in my machine with A@H i want to privode a digital pbx with a voice T1 does anyone know what my config would be like int the zapdata.conf or in the zapdata-auto.conf?
07:36.13benjkkatakefalos: if you use A@H, you probably don't need to know
07:38.28katakefaloswhy is that benjk?
07:39.19benjkbecause A@H uses AMP, which is a browser based setup utility
07:39.54benjkand if you edit your configs by hand nevertheless, AMP might overwrite them
07:40.09Inv_Arpkatakefalos: but if you have a prob , troubleshooting will be harder since setup was done seamlessly
07:40.16smirlAfganistan seems to be the most expensive to call
07:40.19smirlor Nauru
07:40.29katakefalosyes but i need to tell the te110p to be configured to give 24 fxs channels i need to do this manually in the conf files or not?
07:41.06benjksmirl: I don't think you will get defrauded as easily by calling Afghanistan or Nauru as you will with any activity that is remotely connected to Nigeria
07:41.17benjkI personally would not even send a letter to Nigeria
07:41.41smirli know a # in jamaica that charges $900 / min
07:41.51benjkbecause those guys have the criminal energy to find a way to rip you off
07:42.04Qwellsmirl: That's disturbing.
07:42.20PakiPenguinsmirl, give me that :)
07:42.26smirland jamiaca uses the "1" country code too
07:42.33benjktrust me, its not anywhere as disturbing as Nigeria
07:42.37smirland i think the area code even starts with 8
07:42.44smirlso it almost looks like a toll free #
07:42.59katakefaloshmmm seems no help here anyway i think its like: span=1,1,0,esf,b8zs
07:42.59katakefalosfxoks=1-12 # 12 FXS lines for ringing phones
07:42.59katakefalosfxsks=13-24 # 12 FXO lines for connecting phone lines, set this to 13-31 for E1
07:43.24smirlkatakefalos, just use a VPN or IAX2...
07:43.36katakefalosjust having fxsks=1-24  without the fxoks
07:43.42benjkkatakefalos: do you have a channel bank>
07:44.30PakiPenguinGoogle Web Accelerator version
07:44.31PakiPenguinWindows XP 5.1 :o :o <-- thats my work .  i just found out :o
07:45.01katakefalosthere is a digital pbz in that oficce and they used to have a voice T1 and i want to connect there a * box with the TE110P to provide the digital PBX with the chennels
07:46.23smirlread this:
07:46.25benjkyou want to connect the asterisk server to the T1 circuit or to the legacy PBX
07:46.35smirlit's about the 1-809# that charges $2454 per minute
07:47.26katakefalosto the legacy PBX wchich used to have a voice T1 connected to it
07:48.01katakefalosthey want to used te digitaal PBX with the phones that they have
07:48.31benjkok, in that case your setup depends on the setup of the T1 interface on that legacy PBX
07:49.01katakefalosbenjk> u mean signalink etc?
07:49.51benjkone side has to be the network, the other side the client
07:49.56katakefalosi just want to provide to the Legacy PBX 24 channels i guess u call it 24 FXO right?
07:50.59benjkok, so the asterisk server is going to the the CO for the legacy PBX
07:51.06katakefalosfrom the * box
07:53.17katakefaloshmmm so FXO its wrong i need to provide 24 FXS ports right?
07:53.54katakefaloslike having in the zapadata conf: fxoks=1-24 ?
07:54.10benjkyou probably want FXS signalling
07:54.26trixterso who all is going to ?
07:54.35trixterI want fxq signalling
07:54.49trixterquantum would be so much better :)
07:55.10benjkthe legacy PBX will be FXO so it uses FXS signaling
07:55.18benjkthe Asterisk side is the oppisite
07:56.09katakefalosok so i write fxoks=1-24  or fxks=1-24 in the zapdata conf?
07:59.06benjkasterisk is the office, provides FXS, using FXO signaling
07:59.54katakefalosok, anyway thanks for helping benjk, i guess i need to get a pro for this to configure
08:00.06katakefalosbut again thenk u very much for helping
08:00.18katakefalosthank :)
08:01.42*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
08:06.18*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
08:14.28*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
08:28.25*** join/#asterisk _Garry__ (
08:28.36_Garry__Morning *
08:34.25_Garry__Need a hint: "Dec 18 09:33:38 NOTICE[32253]: chan_sip.c:10817 handle_request_register: Registration from '<sip:garry@SERVERIP>' failed for 'CLIENTIP' - Username/auth name mismatch"
08:34.35trixteras a ETEL BOF speaker I cna get tickets for $200 (only 2 though) so if anyone wants to goto lemme know if you want a $200 ticket
08:34.47_Garry__(SERVERIP and CLIENTIP are the IPs of course ...)
08:34.50trixterlooks like the user or password is incorrect, have you verified they are correct?
08:35.06_Garry__yes ... set it to garry/garry to test ...
08:35.17trixterhave you reloaded after editing sip.conf for that?
08:35.31trixteror are you using realtime?
08:35.47trixterdid you reload?
08:35.50_Garry__(Client is "phoner")
08:35.55jboti heard pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
08:35.58_Garry__yes, just started fresh
08:36.23_Garry__(above is excerpt from sip.conf)
08:36.26trixterI have never seen that happen unless there is a credential mismatch
08:36.49trixterdid you try sip debug in the asterisk cli and see if anything pops up?
08:36.57_Garry__sec . ..
08:37.00trixteroh wait
08:37.05trixterlook at the context
08:37.11trixterthat is your username
08:37.17trixtertry with a username of 1
08:37.23trixtersee ifthat works
08:37.33trixterin your sip client that is
08:38.00numbshotdoes anybody has been able to make a video call with eyebeam 1.1 and asterisk 1.2.1 using h.263?
08:39.36trixter_Garry__: did a username of 1 in your sip client fix it?
08:39.49*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
08:40.36_Garry__seems so!
08:40.54_Garry__though the sip debug didn't really look that bad, either ...
08:43.34trixterwhatever the context name is in sip.conf is really the username
08:45.10_Garry__thought the [1] was the extension ... changed to garry, now the login works with that, too ...
08:46.27_Garry__I was looking for a sample config on how to set up asterisk to forward incoming calls on my first ISDN card to the ISDN-phone on my HFC isdn card ... anybody got a URL?
08:59.35*** join/#asterisk smirl (
08:59.39smirllol GREEAT another problem solved and another problem arises Rofl. I setup xtunnels server works GREAT. all calls go thru now... but CID always shows up as "device"
09:03.42*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
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09:27.10digulla*: Anyone with a Sipura 3000 online? I need some help with the dial plan
09:28.52*** join/#asterisk chapeaurouge (n=chap@
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09:44.02*** join/#asterisk ThumpClipr (
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09:52.25*** join/#asterisk _Vile (
09:53.22*** join/#asterisk flot (
09:53.25flothi all
09:58.22flotQ: I use loccal channel and i have problem. Config extensions.conf : [local]
09:58.22flotexten => 103,1,dial(local/1030@local/n)
09:58.22flotexten => 1030,1,Dial(H323/16017495xxxxxxx@mango_gate)
09:58.22flotIf I call 1030 - good, if call 103 - asterisk printed : Dec 18 12:52:39 WARNING[31718]: channel.c:2485 ast_request: No translator path exists for channel type local (native -1) to -2033408
09:58.22flotDec 18 12:52:39 NOTICE[31718]: app_dial.c:1110 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'local' (cause 0 - Unknown)
09:58.28*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
10:01.13ThumpCliprdamn damn anyone know why asterisk would not find some agi but not others in the same directory
10:01.23*** join/#asterisk freezer (
10:01.23ThumpCliprfind some but not
10:02.55*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
10:03.12tzafrir_laptopThumpClipr, define "find" and "not find"
10:03.38*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
10:03.42*** part/#asterisk darkskiez (
10:04.07ThumpCliprto find some and not others
10:05.07ThumpCliprto find and not
10:05.37ThumpCliprheh am i wrong
10:10.29*** join/#asterisk nitestarr (
10:10.40*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
10:34.33_Vileflot, you need to create the call group "local"
10:34.50_Vilehm sec
10:35.39_Vilethat 'local'
10:36.01_Vileneeds to reference something like "Zap/G1", in extensions.conf
10:36.22_Vileor SIP/xxxx....
10:37.13_VileThump, msg me some config for AGI's
10:37.17_Vileone for not showing
10:37.19_Vileone for showing
10:39.35_Vileor not
10:50.11*** join/#asterisk [Lamer] (i=Lamer@
10:51.41[Lamer]when dialing out from a ZAP channel, how do I know that the other side picks up the phone?
10:52.56flot_Vile, I [aaa]
10:52.56flot<flot> exten => 1030,1,Dial(H323/16017495... and [local] exten => 103,1,dial(local/1030@aaa/n)
10:53.24[Lamer]I just tried to send a recorded message but it does not wait for a caller to pick up the phone
10:53.45flot_Vile, no result...
10:53.53[Lamer]It plays nearly instantly
10:54.33ThumpCliprVile u around?
10:58.57[Lamer]sorry, not the caller, the person I called to actually
11:02.50*** join/#asterisk grimse (
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11:05.21_Vileflot, you can't use a context as a channel identifier
11:05.45_Vilewhich is your problem
11:06.35*** join/#asterisk coppice (
11:07.27_Vileyou use variables. So, you'd want to create a variable such as EX
11:08.48_Vileand dial(${EX-1030}..
11:09.00_Viles/you use/you can use
11:09.30_Vilethump, sec
11:10.09_VileLamer, you will experience that with call files....
11:10.47_Vilelook for "wake up call" on
11:11.11_Vilealso look at gnudial, I think
11:11.47_Vileok thump lemme look at ur msg
11:12.38*** join/#asterisk af_ (
11:16.19_Vilethump, if you want me to help, you have to be up as late as I am....
11:16.40*** join/#asterisk mcnobody (
11:18.42_Vileflot, I'm wrong, exten => 103,1,dial({$EX-1030.....
11:20.39_Vileno, I'm right, yeah... establish a variable for that extension within the calling context for 103, dial that variable, that variable should be a H323 channel...
11:21.39_VileThump, you have five minutes, bbi3
11:25.00flot_Vile, Dec 18 14:23:28 NOTICE[20735]: app_dial.c:1110 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'local' (cause 0 - Unknown)
11:25.50_Vileflot, you're still dialing the [local] context, stop that
11:26.23_Vileand dial a variable, or dial directly Dial(H323/16017495...
11:27.21flotexten => 1030,1,Dial(H323/160174954539439@mango_gate)
11:27.21flotexten => 1103,1,Dial(LOcal/1030@aaa/n)
11:27.21flotexten => 1104,1,Dial(H323/160179037400197@mango_gate)
11:27.36flotI include bbb into my context
11:27.55floti call 1104 but i not call 1103
11:29.21_Vilewhat context are you calling from?
11:29.46flotCan update to me an asterisk?
11:30.44*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
11:30.50flotinclude => bbb
11:31.15_Vileok, you tried to confuse me, try replacing "1103,1,Dial(LOcal/1030@aaa/n)" with "1103,1,Dial(H323/160174954539439@mango_gate)"
11:31.34_Vileyou cannot Dial a context.
11:31.51*** join/#asterisk SERGEUS (n=s@
11:31.53_Vilegood evening.
11:32.10_Vileguess it's morning now.
11:35.46*** join/#asterisk ssh (
11:37.02*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
11:39.09iDunnoit's morning here :)
11:39.19iDunnothough, I'm considering going back to sleep ;)
11:39.46flotexten => 1030,1,Dial(H323/160179037400197@mango_gate)
11:39.46flotexten => 1103,1,Dial(Local/1030@aaa/n)
11:39.46flotexten => 1104,1,Dial(H323/160179037400197@mango_gate)
11:39.57flotcall 1104 - very good
11:40.18flotDec 18 14:38:39 WARNING[29920]: channel.c:2666 ast_channel_make_compatible: No path to translate from H323/mango_gate-183(-2033408) to H323/ip$
11:40.20_Vileflot, you aren't listening to me.
11:40.49jboti heard pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
11:40.49flotcall 1103 - NOT very good
11:40.59flotDec 18 14:38:49 WARNING[29927]: channel.c:2485 ast_request: No translator path exists for channel type Local (native -1) to -2033408
11:40.59flotDec 18 14:38:49 NOTICE[29927]: app_dial.c:1110 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Local' (cause 0 - Unknown)
11:41.03_Vileyeah, use pastebin
11:41.09_Vileor msg me
11:41.09SERGEUS_Vile, is it codec issue?
11:41.21_Vileserg, at this point, I don't know.
11:41.39_Vilehis error was different earlier
11:41.45_Vileseems like it
11:41.49*** join/#asterisk nagl (n=nagl@
11:42.00tzafrir_laptopflot: you can't use that 'n' . It's simply wrong syntax.
11:42.12*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
11:42.23_VileI agree
11:42.43_Vileflot, use local/1030@aaa
11:43.03SERGEUShe said that he tryed that too :)
11:44.21_Vilewhat version of * are you using flot?
11:49.56flot_Vile, local/1030@aaa - The same
11:50.11flot_Vile, CVS (oktober 2005)
11:51.25flotTo me to update *?
11:51.50_Vilenot yet
11:54.48_Vileflot, go see that, good night.
11:55.15flot_Vile, sanks
12:00.59*** join/#asterisk Tili (
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12:12.45*** join/#asterisk edwar64896 (
12:16.24edwar64896anyone on?
12:36.51*** join/#asterisk festr_ (
12:37.16festr_is it possible with tdm400p ring all 4 ports in the same time?
12:37.37festr_and if i've 3 tdm400p and all 12 fxs is ringing all at once?
12:38.47tzafrir_laptopfestr_, sure
12:39.00tzafrir_laptopFXS ports or FXO ports?
12:39.50festr_tzafrir_laptop: FXS
12:40.01festr_tzafrir_laptop: there could be problem with power?
12:44.25_Vilefestr, explain: are you asking about a card problem -- or an extension ringing issue?
12:45.37_Vilethe card should not be at fault if all four lines ring in -- if all four lines cannot ring in, then it could bw HW. Doubtful.
12:46.00*** join/#asterisk jaike (i=aa@
12:46.49festr__Vile: i'm asking, if all 12 FXS port could ring all at once, there should (imho) be problem with amperage
12:46.57festr_s/port/ports :)
12:47.06*** part/#asterisk ssh (
12:48.58_VileI'd look at amp draw on a single ring, and adjust the backplane and PS accordingly
12:49.03*** join/#asterisk razu (
12:49.19_Vilemultiply by 12
12:49.47_Vilethey should be able to, if you have 3 tdm400p's in one box
12:49.59_Vilebut, grab a meter
12:50.04_Vilemake sure
12:51.14festr_yes, thats what i'm asking if there exists some specification about this. i dont want to rely on my tests and hope, it could work :)
12:52.26festr_in usually hw pbx, there is specific number, how much fxs can ring all at once
12:53.01_Vilenone that I know of, but you can test.
12:53.32*** join/#asterisk insomni (
12:53.36_Vilefestr, there shouldn't be a problem w/ 12FXS on one box
12:53.39_Vileringing at once
12:54.18_VileI can't guarantee, which is why I'd advise testing
12:54.22_Vilehi nug
12:54.25xhelioxfestr_: I think you're only going to get such an assurance from Digium.
12:55.44_Vileanyone familiar with chan_ss7?
12:56.12coppicewe haven't even heard of anyone trying it :-)
12:57.15_Vilethat was from coppice
12:57.37_Vileshit, I'm in the wrong channel
12:57.58xhelioxGet out of here, you OpenPBXer. ;)
12:58.05[Lamer]_Vile: Hi, again
12:58.45*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
12:59.34_Vilewhatcha need?
12:59.43[Lamer]_Vile: I am using X100P to make automatic dial outs
13:00.29[Lamer]_Vile: but it didn't wait for the other side to pick up the phone, it plays my recorded message instantly
13:00.52[Lamer]_Vile: you said about the "wake up call" in the wiki
13:01.47_Viledid you catch my second message after that?
13:01.50_Vileabout gnudial?
13:02.04[Lamer]_Vile: I also have that php script running here but can't see what it has to do with automatic dial-outs in ZAP channels
13:02.26_Vileare you using .call files?
13:02.47*** join/#asterisk gnosys_ (
13:02.57[Lamer]_Vile: yes, I place a file in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
13:03.36[Lamer]_Vile: I will go and read about gnudial now, should it be my solution?
13:04.22_Vileit should be your solution
13:04.52_Vileif you place call files in asterisk/outgoing, you will experience the problem you described.
13:13.07[Lamer]_Vile: r u still there?
13:13.34_Vilein a min I will be
13:14.50_Vilewhat do you want?
13:15.47[Lamer]_Vile: seems I can't find any info 'bout gnudial
13:16.09*** join/#asterisk heka (n=heka@
13:16.56_Vilemy bad, may have been gnudialer
13:17.41*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (n=jcolp@
13:18.09_Vilejoo copied me
13:19.15file[laptop]all lies
13:19.25_Vileno lies, I was here first!
13:19.36_Vileoh wait, maybe I wasn't
13:19.48_VileI was here first!
13:19.53file[laptop]your claim is useless
13:19.57file[laptop]therefore, you are useless
13:19.58file[laptop]and also insane
13:20.33_Vilelike a pigeon
13:21.04_Vilehey u know anything about chan_ss7?
13:22.11_Vilesigh, must I always wait?
13:23.58file[laptop]so, wazzup?
13:24.24_Vilenada, doing some research on the state of 'things' in the lnp capable world of *
13:24.30_Vilegot a metaswitch to play with
13:24.46_Vileand playing with * <-> voicemail
13:25.46_Vilegot a good patch for asterisk, can't remember who provided in here..
13:26.00_Vilegives routing capabilities on sip redirect
13:26.31_Vileu shit
13:27.07*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (n=jcolp@
13:27.57_Vileur connection sucks
13:28.26file[laptop]I'm on a cellphone.
13:28.35_Vileexplains everything
13:33.43*** join/#asterisk gnosys_ (
13:33.54gnosys_anybody here used the automon feature for one-touch recording with success?
13:34.01*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
13:41.22_Vileno, but when you figure it out, please lemme know,
13:41.40_Vilewhat problem are you having?
13:44.06*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
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14:47.50benjkhas anybody built app_cepstral recently ?
14:49.11*** join/#asterisk alrs (
14:57.23*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
14:58.20*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (n=phil@
14:58.39asteriskmonkeyis 1.2.1 available on cvs?
14:59.43[Lamer]asteriskmonkey: on svn
15:04.02nassyi think i misunderstood the meaning of a DID. i thought it was a phone number associated with a T1 PRI. i am looking at the hitchhikers guide to asterisk and they describe it as a way for an outside caller to dial a PBX extension. does mean that a DID need not be associated with a PRI and need not even be a phone number.
15:04.57*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
15:05.00asteriskmonkey<[Lamer]>: damn just downloaded svn 30meg tar!
15:05.20asteriskmonkeydid=direct inwared dial
15:07.29asteriskmonkeyanyone know how what 1.2.1 is like compared to 1.2?
15:07.58asteriskmonkeythen why a 1.2.1?
15:07.59docelmoI ran 1.2 for a bit then upgraded for bug fixes and such..
15:08.04asteriskmonkeyah :)
15:08.09asteriskmonkeyok bug fixes woo :)
15:08.15asteriskmonkeyanything to do with pri or iax stuff?
15:08.25docelmoHonestly I dont remember..
15:08.32PakiPenguindid anyone in here used asterisk 1.2.1 with quintim gateways?
15:08.35asteriskmonkeyis 1.2.1 good to go for production
15:08.54asteriskmonkeylong time ago ... mine was h.323
15:09.01docelmoI am running my house and office from it.
15:09.30docelmoAnd I am looking to build a couple products for clients from it.
15:09.38PakiPenguinhmms i see
15:09.55PakiPenguini used 1.2.1 in production ( upgraded from 1.0.9 ) and had nightmares
15:09.57docelmoJust have to watch for the changes.. like DB routinges are functions now not applications..
15:10.19docelmoCause you probably were not prepared for the upgrade
15:10.28*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
15:10.54PakiPenguindocelmo, it left hanged channels on my quintim gateways
15:11.02riddleboxQwell: are you around?
15:11.23docelmoH323 or SIP?
15:12.25PakiPenguinH323 and SIP both
15:13.20docelmoWhat are your quintim's? H323 or SIP?
15:13.45Darwin35whare the current pearl-asterisk is it still 0.8
15:13.58Darwin35or is there a newer version
15:14.11docelmodont use perl
15:14.57PakiPenguindocelmo,  h323
15:15.06PakiPenguinand one on sip too
15:20.56asteriskmonkeyis there any major worries i should be aware of from going 1.0.9 to 1.2.1?
15:22.37Darwin351.2.1 no major issues
15:22.42Darwin35that we have found yet
15:23.07PakiPenguinasteriskmonkey, if i were you , i'd first test it out on a test system
15:34.58*** join/#asterisk gnosys_ (
15:39.18tzafrir_laptopasterisk-perl . and it is 0.0.8
15:39.41tzafrir_laptoppractically undeveloped
15:40.58*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
15:47.56asteriskmonkeygah there is not zconfig.h in zaptel in 1.2.1.. where do i change the echo canellor now
15:48.54*** join/#asterisk nesys (
15:48.57nesyshi folks
15:49.04nesyssomeone using asterisk@home?
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15:51.01asteriskmonkeywhere do i change my echo canceller now that there is no zconfig.h in the svn version :P
15:54.30*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
15:54.52RoyK~seen zoa
15:54.55jbotzoa <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 6h 4m 38s ago, saying: ':p'.
16:00.41asteriskmonkeywhere do i change my echo cancellor?
16:00.49asteriskmonkeyi cant find zconfig.h in the 1.2.1 version
16:06.16asteriskmonkeyno one?
16:06.24asteriskmonkeydamn it this channel is useless today
16:06.45*** join/#asterisk testmachine (
16:07.06rob0nesys: asterisk@home is rather poorly regarded here :)
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16:08.14tzangerasteriskmonkey: it's in zconfig.h
16:08.25tzangerwhichis in the zaptel tree, not the asterisk tree
16:11.05asteriskmonkeyim in zaptel tree :(
16:11.31asteriskmonkeyand there is no zconfig.h :( its 1.2.1 from svn
16:13.07tzangerI have it in TRUNK
16:14.11*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
16:14.25rob0isn't zconfig.h generated by configure or something?
16:15.32rob0from tarball: -rw-r--r--  1 rob0 users 3926 2005-11-29 12:42 zconfig.h
16:16.03asteriskmonkeymmm i downloaded from trunk
16:16.27benjkanybody used cepstral?
16:16.28asteriskmonkeysvn checkout zaptel?
16:17.57asteriskmonkeytzanger: i deleted and reloaded.. its back :D
16:18.07asteriskmonkeytzanger: someone must have been working on it maybe/
16:18.12tzangercould have beenyes
16:22.10asteriskmonkeytzanger: im goign to upgrade my 1.0.9 to 1.2.1 now :) is mg2 same as kb1?
16:22.31tzangerof course not
16:22.39tzangerif MG2 was the same as KB1 it would be called KB1
16:22.46asteriskmonkeythought it was a modded version of kb1
16:24.05asteriskmonkeywhat echo can are you using? mg2 or kb1?
16:25.07*** join/#asterisk pengyong (n=lala@
16:25.12asteriskmonkeytzanger: you use kb1 or mg2?
16:25.25tzangeryes KB1 is a modded MARK2, MG2 is a modded KB1
16:25.40pengyongwill asterisk support reinvite when i Dial with a L option?
16:26.47*** join/#asterisk basta (n=basta@
16:27.21asteriskmonkeymg2 it is then :D
16:29.22riddleboxdoes anyone run asterisk on mandriva?
16:31.03*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (n=jcolp@
16:31.49asteriskmonkeydid along time ago.. i used centos :)
16:31.58asteriskmonkeysorry i use centos now :)
16:32.18file[laptop]bumpy highway
16:32.46tzangerfile[laptop]: heh
16:32.51tzangerwhere are you off to, anyway
16:33.08file[laptop]thank god
16:33.47*** join/#asterisk bangawanga (
16:33.55bangawangahello guys !
16:34.36bangawangacan anybody tell me how to connect a snom360 to asterisk running on port 5062??
16:34.55file[laptop]with a cable.
16:35.20bangawangaso far, so good :-) thats how i started!
16:35.58*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
16:36.44bangawangai cant find the option for changing the destination sip port, does anybody know if this is possible?
16:39.02tzafrir_laptopbangawanga, port=5062 in the relevant section of sip.conf?
16:39.34rob0no, that's what already has been done. The question concerns configuring the snom360.
16:41.10bangawangathats right, i configured sip.conf to use 5062, if i change i have to reconfigure all my other phones, makes me nervous
16:42.10PakiPenguinno .. just use iptables to map ports
16:43.57bangawangahmm, i also use ser running on 5060 on the same box, therefore changing snom should be the easiest way, i thought
16:48.15*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
16:48.38rob0if it's Linux/iptables you could indeed REDIRECT the 5060/udp from certain IP's to 5062.
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16:54.59TheCopshe have ser running on the same host
16:58.28bangawangathats the matter
17:01.07rob0I said, "from certain IP's" ... not just remapping all 5060 to 5062.
17:02.05rob0some phones will need to connect to the 5062 instance. Group them all in one subnet and use a source designation in the rule.
17:02.39ManxPowerIf you really need SER then you can afford a 2nd box.
17:02.59rob0that too :)
17:03.21ManxPowerIf you can't afford a 2nd box, then I doubt you REALLY need SEr.
17:05.53rob0astman / gastman: can those be used to forward calls from one extension to another? I didn't have libnewt so I can't try it for myself easily.
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17:06.20rob0I read the wiki pages about manager functions, and it doesn't sound like it will do that.
17:06.32ManxPowerrob0, neither of those have been updated in years
17:07.08rob0I guess what I want is some kind of operator switchpanel
17:07.22ManxPowerFlash Operator Panel aka FOP
17:07.29rob0ty, will check it out
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17:09.47dooderthe Broadvoice password for the register string is the same as you use to log into your account via the web interface rigt ?
17:11.11bangawangai need ser to connect the live communication server clients to the asterisk box. ser just translates sip tcp<->udp
17:11.32ManxPowerbangawanga, then get a second machine.
17:11.36bangawangatherefore i need ser, this is the only way i know to solve this problem
17:11.54ManxPowerIf you can afford Live Commuinications Server, then you can afford another machine. 8-)
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17:12.50bangawangaof course, i am just working here in a demo environment. in our business we have different machines avail, it is virtualized
17:21.39ManxPowerLOL!  Yeah, running VoIP in a virtual machine will work great.
17:22.52ManxPowerI bet you're going to install a Digium card too, huh?
17:22.55rob0looks like FOP won't do call forwarding ... looks like I have to do ODBC.
17:23.05rob0a virtual Digium card! :)
17:23.23wunderkindooder: no, login to the account and view the sip configuration
17:24.19dooderwunderkin : what section is that under ?
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17:24.59bangawangaso, back again now
17:25.30bangawangavirtualizing ser is ok!
17:25.43ManxPowerDoes anyone have experience with getting permission to put wireless equipment on a power company owned pole that is on private property and have permission from the owner of the land.?
17:26.31TheCopsManxPower, that cost VERY expensive in canada Alabama, USA
17:27.38TheCopsok, I dont know, in canada more you have a long distance cable, less you pay for each pole
17:28.01TheCopsand normaly this is $/pole/month
17:28.09ManxPowerThe owner of this land did not have to pay for the pole to be installed.
17:28.22ManxPowerThe power company is installing a new pole to a location that needs power.
17:28.54ManxPoweri.e. the pole is there for power and telephone service.  We just want to put a WiFi bridge on the pole.
17:29.14[TK]D-FenderManxPower : Actually the poles are owned either by Bell or Hydro-Quebec (in our case) in mixed proportion and there is a NORMINAL rent associated with their collective upkeep.
17:29.40ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, Define "nominal".
17:29.55TheCopsbetween 20 and 50$ each pole by month
17:29.59TheCopsdepend on the distance
17:30.10ManxPowerTheCops, distance from what?
17:30.27TheCopsIn your case, you dont have distance..normaly it is used for cable
17:30.33TheCopsyou will use only 1 pole
17:31.18TheCops[TK]D-Fender, did you have some WAN project too ? :P
17:31.54ManxPowerWe are trying to provide WiFi for a campground.
17:31.59ManxPowerA newly opened campground.
17:32.27dooderyay. i'm registered.
17:33.01doodernow I just need to figure out how to make extentions
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17:34.44dooderis it lame if I go back to AAH ?
17:35.30ManxPowerSo the question becomes do we rent space on the power / telephone pole or do we buy something like this and put up our own tower
17:35.59dooderthen you can charge people to use your tower :)
17:36.06ManxPowerdocelm0, It's not lame if you are a sales person.  For everyone else it's lame.
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17:36.31ManxPowerdocelm0, Um, it's 10 miles to the nearest store.  I kind of doubt a lot of people will be wanting to use the tower.
17:37.26*** join/#asterisk shanky (i=jramirez@
17:37.34shankyhi, good afternoon
17:37.39shankya simple question
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17:38.16shankyif I do some changes in zapata.conf is enough reloading asterisk or do I need to restart it completely, unloadind/loading kernel modules?
17:39.26dooderthis pbx stuff is fun when it works. otherwise its just fustrating and makes me want to cry
17:39.36ManxPowershanky, /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf?
17:40.00shankyManxPower: yes
17:40.09ManxPowershanky, using 1.2.x?
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17:40.38shankyManxPower: no 1.0.9
17:41.14rob0ManxPower: did you call the power utility and ask?
17:41.24ManxPowershanky, then you have to either stop and then start Asterisk or issue a unload and then a load
17:41.32ManxPowerYou can't do this with any active zap channels
17:41.39ManxPowerrob0, I'm seatrching their web site first
17:41.56shankyManxPower: ok, thanks
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17:42.39rob0Bellsouth uses electric poles around here (Laud. Co. AL)
17:43.14rob0but I bet they pay the utility.
17:43.39ManxPowerrob0, Alabama Power is the local power company?
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17:44.47rob0here it's Florence Util., mismanaged by the city. :(
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17:49.04ManxPowerrob0, the problem is, of course, that it will prolly take me a day to reach someone that actually knows anything.
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17:50.36MikeJ[Laptop]ManxPower, are there any lightpoles or somthing in the campground that they own?
17:51.00ManxPowerMikeJ[Laptop], that the camoground owns?  not really
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17:51.16MikeJ[Laptop]like streetlamp type things?
17:51.23ManxPowerHence my wondering if it's better to put up our own tower or lease space from the power company pole.
17:51.39ManxPowerMikeJ[Laptop], Um, I don't think there are any street lights on this mountian.
17:51.57ManxPowerYou realize that the campground is 1/4 miles from the nearest road, right?
17:52.38ManxPowerThere is no centrally located tree.
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17:52.53MikeJ[Laptop]cable between trees?
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17:52.59ManxPoweranyway, I'm interesting in providing wifi service, not microwaving tree leaves
17:53.18ManxPowerMikeJ[Laptop], We will run the cable under ground.  We need  a place for the ANTENNA
17:53.40MikeJ[Laptop]yes, run between trees
17:53.47MikeJ[Laptop]hang it...
17:53.55ManxPowerMikeJ[Laptop], not an option.
17:54.01MikeJ[Laptop]but fun!!!!
17:54.30ManxPowerBig open field.  the only thing in the field will be a power pole that the power company will be installing in a week or two and that the telephone company will attache their cables to as well.
17:54.37ManxPowerthe power pole will be in the center of the field.
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17:55.07ManxPowerThe campground will run water, power, and sewer underground.  At the same time I exepct to put in cat5
17:55.30ManxPowerI guess the answer to my question is a collective "I don't know" from the channel, eh?
17:56.05MikeJ[Laptop]the answer is, typically, you rent space from the power company on those...
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17:56.30ManxPowerMikeJ[Laptop], Yeah. But my question was "how much should it cost?"
17:56.32MikeJ[Laptop]best way to figure it out is to talk w/ whoever is project managing at the power company w/ the property owner
17:56.53ManxPowerMikeJ[Laptop], *nod*  Now that I'm living on site that will be easier.
17:57.02MikeJ[Laptop]if the campground is getting the pole all for them, they should be able to negotiate on your behalf..
17:57.25MikeJ[Laptop]perhaps they just say, hey.. and we are going to stick an antenna up there.... and your going to let us.
17:57.36ManxPowerMikeJ[Laptop], I guess so, but the power company could easily say "we are putting this in for free.  shut up or we'll charge you"
17:57.45PakiPenguinManxPower, mounting it fromt eh powercompany pole , wont the power lines interfere with the wireless?
17:58.08ManxPowerPakiPenguin, no.
17:58.13*** join/#asterisk dwmw2_gone_ ( "should not"
17:58.34PakiPenguinManxPower, what freq. band? are these distribution lines? or transmission ?
17:58.49MikeJ[Laptop]ok.. of to eat
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18:03.20SkramXanyone seen ctoole around?
18:03.28SkramXanyone seen ctooley around?
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18:08.28rob0this is Chandler Mtn?
18:08.44wunderkindwmw2_gone_, stop flooding
18:10.31doodersweet. I got outbound calling working. inbound doest seem to work though
18:11.11SkramXdooder: via BW?
18:11.39SkramXCall their support, I know someone who works there, who runs his broadvoice off of a VPS account he has with us/
18:12.45dooderits cool. I think I should just need to setup another context or something. I'll figure it out
18:13.20wunderkinthey aren't going to help you
18:13.56rob0what's the best origination/termination choice for a home/small business?
18:18.26*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
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18:23.32SkramXrob0: looking for unlimited or pay per minute?
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18:23.46SkramXwunderkin: why do you say that?
18:24.46dooderI have the context configured but when I call the number I just get an available message from BV. It should ring on ext 200 according to my dail plan
18:26.21dooderthe asterisk box is behind a nat and I have ports 5060-5070 TCP/UDP forwarding to the box as well as 10000-20000 UDP
18:26.55rob0pay per minute would be okay, unlimited would be nice if not too expensive ... I was looking at asterlink, and that's a toll-free number? Cool!
18:27.27SkramXrob0: I use asterlink for incoming 800, they are great
18:27.43SkramXI havent heard great things about their outgoing/termination service
18:27.48SkramXVoipJet is 1.3c a minute.
18:28.15rob0oh and definitely not Paypal :( ... no paypal here.
18:28.39SkramXwhat's wrong with paypal?
18:28.57SkramXi thunk voipjet takes CC's as well.
18:29.20rob0I've had money stolen by them. We don't trust them with bank account info.
18:29.38rob0CC is fine.
18:30.02SkramXi say try voipjet.
18:30.22rob0k, thx. And maybe asterlink for inbound?
18:31.01SkramXrob0: Yes, if you need an 800 number;
18:31.10SkramXthey dont do US/Local DIDs as of yet.
18:31.22SkramXUnless they started in the last week and i wasnt notified
18:35.28dooderif I change the broadvoice context to something that doesn't exist it throws an error when the incoming call arrives so I think the traffic is getting to my box
18:37.47rob0there wouldn't be a local DID in my area anyway. 800/866/877/888 is better for me.
18:38.01*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
18:38.11SkramXrob0: okay..
18:38.17SkramXWhat NPA are you in?
18:45.01*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
18:45.28rob0like, area code? I'm in 0x100 (but not local to Huntsville/Digium)
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18:46.07rob0NW Alabama
18:47.58SkramXfile[laptop]: any plans for local DIDs?
18:48.12SkramXI just want to know if we should be patient or look elsewhere..
18:52.27file[laptop]SkramX: no, not actively
18:52.29file[laptop]BoRiS: !!!!!!
18:52.44file[laptop]BoRiS: once a whore?
18:53.29RoyK~seen zoa
18:53.36jbotzoa <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 9h 3m 19s ago, saying: ':p'.
18:53.40BoRiSfile: Allllllllllllways a whooooore!
18:53.47file[laptop]BoRiS: exactly.
18:54.29rob0how sweet
18:54.32file[laptop]BoRiS: I'm in a car with my parents, driving on a highway to home... it's a pleasant experience ... not!
18:55.08SkramXfile[laptop]: alright.. we really are looking for a VoIP company that is constantly developing new technologies and services.. we like you (asterlink) the most so far.. but there hasnt been too much progress for whatever reasons..
18:55.27file[laptop]SkramX: if we do local DIDs we potentially have to do E911
18:55.47file[laptop]I mean, we have DIDs in California off a circuit with a carrier down there... but we only use those for faxing, so no E911 issues
18:56.31rob0Officer Friday: "Just the fax, ma'am."
18:56.45file[laptop]that was bad
18:56.48file[laptop]very very bad
18:57.20SkramXfile[laptop]: Okay
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18:57.30SkramXrob0: lol
18:57.47SkramXDo you all provide voip fax service, or is that just internal for you all, file[laptop]
18:57.55file[laptop]very good.
18:58.32file[laptop]we provide it... if I attach a service to your account, you can do it
18:59.14file[laptop]sorry for the laggy response, I lost  digital service and had to relocate the cellphone
18:59.33SkramXfile[laptop]: so how would such a fax service work?
18:59.44file[laptop]what do you mean?
18:59.46SkramXwe need a fax line, but how do you handle it
18:59.49file[laptop]on Asterlink?
19:00.03SkramXlike would it email us the faxes, or you would just route the call to our asterisk box and we connect a fax..
19:00.09file[laptop]the web interface allows you to upload and send faxes, there's also a Windows driver, plus email2fax
19:00.15file[laptop]for inbound it receives the fax and emails it to you
19:00.16SkramXcan this be done with the 800? is the sip quality good enough?
19:00.18file[laptop]plus archives it on our side
19:00.26SkramXfile[laptop]: costs?
19:00.38file[laptop]I'd have to look when I get home... but it's just a per monthly fee
19:00.53SkramXand is this availible on toll free or just the local Cali #'s?
19:00.59SkramXfile[laptop]: okay. email ?
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19:01.02file[laptop]on tollfree
19:01.17file[laptop]I probably won't remember, send me an e-mail though at and I'll e-mail you back
19:01.46SkramXhaha, okay..
19:01.53file[laptop]an Extreme account is needed though, since you have to put in a fake ringback so it detects the fax
19:01.59SkramXI wil email or just catch you on later..
19:02.04SkramXi have the extreme acct
19:02.10file[laptop]good good
19:02.14SkramXit fucked up the routing to asterisk but ill look into it to see.
19:02.26SkramXwould we have to buy another 800 for 1.95 + the fax monthly fee?
19:02.41file[laptop]no you can do it on your existing toll-free
19:02.57file[laptop]you put in a fake ringback which lasts about 5 seconds, if it detects the fax - it receives it and emails/archives
19:03.01file[laptop]otherwise it sends it to you
19:03.10SkramXright on
19:05.05file[laptop]oh god these bumps and holes in the road are horrible
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19:06.22rob0I wasn't clear on the "Connect" vs. "Extreme" ... looks like the rates are the same but maybe Extreme is more flexible / forwards to PSTN on VOIP failure?
19:06.45file[laptop]Extreme allows you to configure how we generate the dialplan for your number on our side
19:06.58file[laptop]so you can say, "try this via VoIP, then this server, then this via PSTN, and finally voicemail"
19:07.08rob0ah good
19:07.36rob0I'm going to get some more customers for you :)
19:07.52file[laptop]and if you really want to experiment, you could make your PBX on our server...
19:08.55file[laptop]home home all I wanna be is home
19:09.20SkramXhome? whats that?
19:09.31file[laptop]the place where I have high speed and a VoIP phone
19:09.47SkramXYou on GPRS or what?
19:09.54file[laptop]CDMA 1X
19:10.01file[laptop]it's faster/less laggier then the GPRS from Rogers
19:10.17file[laptop]so my connection is this: Telus -> Motorola V710 -> Bluetooth -> Powerbook
19:10.31file[laptop]huge bumps
19:11.01Qwellfile[laptop]: make a pbx on your server?
19:11.23SkramXYou all are offering hosted * boxes, right?
19:11.41SkramX !!
19:11.47file[laptop]you can use the web interface to make the "Welcome to blah blah" "Press 1 for sales" stuff
19:11.50file[laptop]on our side
19:12.39file[laptop]I've got about 360ms of lag...
19:12.45file[laptop]so not toooo bad
19:14.27SkramXconsidering you are on the highway or whatever, thats damn good.
19:14.52SkramXi cant get my phone to work with my laptop for a modem, if i could, i would get the unlimited data plan.
19:15.15SkramXfile[laptop]: I assume you run windows?
19:15.17file[laptop]this was insanely easy
19:15.22file[laptop]SkramX: no, I have a Mac
19:15.34file[laptop]it runs OSX.
19:16.04shankyfile[laptop]: how do you measure the lag?
19:16.08SkramXfile[laptop]: Oh... well my moto v180 wont work in linux
19:16.22SkramXi was ablwe to browse files but couldnt use data usage
19:16.34QwellSkramX: 9 seconds, not bad
19:16.47SkramXi was just playing, i received it a while back
19:17.29SkramX*violently bangs
19:17.37file[laptop]ooh violent
19:17.48SkramXwhat? do you like it violent?
19:17.50file[laptop]that's hot
19:18.01file[laptop]don't correct me
19:18.07file[laptop]or I'll turn you into a potato
19:18.14file[laptop]and bake you
19:18.23SkramXmash me up, baby.
19:18.49SkramXoooh yes.
19:19.49file[laptop]Current location: Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada
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19:21.37rob0OMG, and you're headed home to Michigan?
19:21.55file[laptop]but someone's been doing their research!
19:22.01rob0(I was guessing based on the whois, yes :) )
19:22.09[TK]D-FenderDon't worry, I fell in the same trap :)
19:22.09file[laptop]I live in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada
19:22.21Qwellfile[laptop]: why you so far from home?
19:22.35file[laptop]I don't live in, 'nor have I been to, MI
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19:23.09SkramX <-- LOL
19:23.24file[laptop][TK]D-Fender: tele-prompt!
19:24.00file[laptop]soon going to be in New Brunswick
19:24.10SkramXrob0: where in Texas?
19:24.14file[laptop]out of Nova Scotia...
19:24.16SkramXATX, Represent.
19:24.20Qwellfile[laptop]: yay!
19:24.23file[laptop]In New Brunswick...
19:24.31file[laptop]...wait for it
19:24.59Qwellfile[laptop]: woah, were you in the void for a minute there?
19:25.02SkramXrob0: Cool, Cool..
19:25.04file[laptop]Qwell: yeah
19:25.12Qwellsilly canadia
19:25.17file[laptop]Qwell: and radar guns are not allowed fyi
19:25.22SkramXI have some friends up there... thats where my server is too, so dont burn up DFW, okay rob0 ?
19:25.34file[laptop]my servers are in SJC
19:25.35rob0you can count on me sir! :)
19:25.38Qwellfile[laptop]: in the void you can go 400kph?
19:25.43file[laptop]so, don't blow up that
19:25.44SkramXfile[laptop]: SJC?
19:25.46file[laptop]Qwell: no, 120
19:25.49file[laptop]San Jose California
19:25.54file[laptop]my personal ones are there.
19:25.56SkramXI need to get a backup server for our customers.. are all in DFW...
19:26.11Qwellit's all about having servers in texas
19:26.17Qwellthey're bigger there, you know
19:26.26SkramXim afraid texas is going to blow or have a power outage
19:26.29file[laptop]strangely I'm still roaming on my cellphone O.o
19:26.36file[laptop]despite being back in NB
19:26.38SkramXI was born in NYC, but live in TX... do I still count as bigger?
19:26.54file[laptop]SkramX: I bet you're huge where it counts
19:26.59file[laptop]or not.
19:26.59rob0New York City? Get a rope. ;)
19:27.01SkramXThanks, Thilly.
19:27.14SkramXrob0: LOL.. Upstate NY, but lived in NYC for a bit.
19:27.29SkramXIm just kicking it in Austin, TX now.. trying to get out of HS.
19:28.03file[laptop]I finished HS in June... and it was the happiest ending ever after
19:28.28rob0wow, you're a young'un then!
19:29.28QwellSkramX: yeah, me neither.
19:29.30Qwelland I'm 23
19:29.35rob0ugh, I hate schools
19:29.36SkramXits all good.
19:29.40file[laptop]I gave up on HS in 10th grade I think... and stopped trying, but I still got decent marks
19:29.42SkramXIm going to finish though..
19:29.49file[laptop]and when I graduated my teachers told me University/College was a waste of my time
19:29.52Qwellfile[laptop]: When I gave up, I stopped going :p
19:29.58rob0file[laptop]: I agree
19:30.06SkramXWell, this semester i did really bad.. been doing a lot of voip and linux stuff lately
19:30.10SkramXNeed to focus up.
19:30.14SkramXI am passing Comp Sci :)
19:30.23QwellYou have comp sci in HS?
19:30.41SkramXI am in CompSci AP I... Its java, icky.
19:30.47file[laptop]my comp sci involved me complaining about how poorly designed the Win32 API was, and how I found ways to get around it
19:30.52SkramXI prefer perl/php.. but I am learning Java.
19:31.17SkramXI need an internship this summer.. last year's sucked@
19:31.27file[laptop]like wanting to use the up/down keys in an application, I took the drastic approach and rewrote the internal handler
19:31.37SkramXcool, cool.
19:32.27file[laptop]alas, only 34 minutes left of battery on my laptop
19:32.36Qwellfile[laptop]: need a car charger
19:32.56file[laptop]and about 10 UPSes in the trunk, solar powered
19:33.34Qwelljust get a hybrid car, connect it to the battery
19:33.41file[laptop]that's cheating
19:33.42QwellYou'll use more gas than normal, but...
19:34.05SkramX thinking about that so i can use it in bed.. LOL
19:34.20*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
19:34.32file[laptop]contemplating maybe a bike..
19:34.41SkramXsaftsack: Hi.
19:34.45SkramXfile[laptop]: fun.
19:34.52*** join/#asterisk E|nyPRI_ (
19:34.54SkramXwhats the age for driving in CAnaada?
19:35.08file[laptop]16 for graduated level 1, which is like your learner's permit
19:35.08saftsackis it possible to save faxes from an analog faxdevice as a picturefile?
19:35.30SkramXhave fun..
19:35.44file[laptop]then you can get level 2 6 months after if you go to a driver's school
19:35.49saftsackvery funny ^^
19:35.49file[laptop]then 2 years later you get a regular class 5
19:36.02file[laptop]saftsack: what type of file?
19:36.02Qwellno class 4?
19:36.03E|nyPRI_Hi.  I upgraded to asterisk 1.2, and people cannot get voicemail now.  it does not detecct their DTMF for the password.  Any iedas?
19:36.12file[laptop]Qwell: I forget what class 4 is
19:36.18saftsackfile[desk], imagefile like tif oder jpeg
19:36.21QwellE|nyPRI_: 1.2.1?
19:36.27E|nyPRI_actually 1.2.
19:36.31file[laptop]saftsack: tif is what it's saved as normally
19:36.38rob0I use AC inverters in the car. But I don't have cellular ...
19:36.41saftsackfile[desk], yes?
19:36.42E|nyPRI_whatever was on the digium site as 1.2 before they placed 1.2.1 there
19:36.53E|nyPRI_yes. 1.2.0
19:36.53saftsackfile[desk], yes by incoming faxes
19:37.07E|nyPRI_it only seems to recognize inband dtmf for voicemailadmin
19:37.11file[laptop]saftsack: it's possible yes... if you use rxfax to receive a fax, it spits out a tiff
19:37.11QwellI don't think the searchcontexts stuff was added until 1.2.1...
19:37.12saftsackbut if if i send a fax from my analog fax device to someone else i want to save it as tif
19:37.20QwellE|nyPRI_: it just won't detect dtmf at all?
19:37.22file[laptop]saftsack: ah, then no... not easily
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19:37.38E|nyPRI_qwell; on pstn -> zap -> voicemail admin, yes.  but not from any ATA's with rfc2833
19:37.50saftsackfile[desk], really?
19:38.01file[laptop]saftsack: yes... really...
19:38.07QwellE|nyPRI_: when you change the dtmfmode, are you changing it on the device also?
19:38.20saftsackhmm is there any possibility to do that?
19:38.24E|nyPRI_Well, I dont want to change it on the devices, because they are deployed.
19:38.25SkramX[under_desgrr, it doesnt all fit, LOL
19:38.28saftsackmaybe an digital fax?
19:38.31E|nyPRI_its not really possible.
19:38.32QwellE|nyPRI_: You have to change it on both
19:38.41Qwellotherwise, you're stuck with whatever the device is using
19:38.48Qwellthey *must* be the same
19:39.02file[laptop]saftsack: you could theoretically record the audio that the two fax machines make, and feed it to an app in spandsp that spits out a tiff
19:39.02E|nyPRI_... understood.  Just curious why its broken now.
19:39.08E|nyPRI_when it worked for a year before this
19:39.42saftsackfile[desk], ok :(
19:39.46SkramXthe world is falling apart!
19:39.49saftsackare there any digital faxes?
19:39.57file[laptop]saftsack: well, what do you mean by digital faxes?
19:40.17Qwellfaxes over a pri would be digital, technically
19:40.18saftsacka digital fax device, that sends the scanned page as a tiff to the * server
19:40.29saftsackyes a fax over a pri would be nice
19:40.42E|nyPRI_so, an ATA configured with RFC2833 dtmf, and the asterisk peer with RFC2833, any reason why voicemailadmin wont detect the DTMF?
19:40.54QwellE|nyPRI_: none that I know of...
19:41.00file[laptop]saftsack: I'm not even going to touch that or go further...
19:41.08shankyhi, again
19:41.10Qwelloh, wait
19:41.14QwellE|nyPRI_: What codec?
19:41.20E|nyPRI_uhm... g729 or g711
19:41.20saftsackbut if i send a fax with my analog fax to my fxs card it must be decoded if it will go over isdn or?
19:41.24Qwellah hah
19:41.25saftsackfile[desk], what do you mean?
19:41.26shankyI'm having some echo problems using a voip provider
19:41.31file[laptop]saftsack: it's just audio
19:41.39QwellE|nyPRI_: I highly recommend upgrading to 1.2 branch from subversion
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19:41.59saftsackQwell, ok a fax over pri is always digital?
19:42.05blitzragequestion :)
19:42.11file[laptop]blitzrage: answer :)
19:42.17blitzragein screen: is there a way to force all users attached to a screen session to switch windows when the main controlling user switches?
19:42.19Qwellsaftsack: pri is always digital
19:42.27blitzragefile[laptop]: lol
19:42.41rob0not AFAIK
19:42.57saftsackQwell, do you know any * plugins that can archive faxes which are going out from a pri fax?
19:43.05rob0blitzrage: you could exit the shell in that window :)
19:43.12Qwellsaftsack: no, I don't do fax...or pri
19:43.19saftsackok thank you
19:43.32file[laptop]saftsack: it's not digital that you're thinking, Qwell means the audio is sent digitally
19:43.34saftsackfile[laptop], do you think, that its hard to decode audio to tiff?
19:43.39saftsackooooh ok
19:43.53file[laptop]there's a spandsp application that takes in audio, and trys to get a tiff of the fax out
19:44.02file[laptop]it may or may not work
19:44.03saftsackthat sounds nice :)
19:44.09saftsackwhat is spandsp?
19:44.15file[laptop]great, mother is speeding...
19:44.26file[laptop]saftsack: software based DSP, can be used for a software fax implementation with asterisk
19:44.34saftsack:) ok thanks
19:44.50file[laptop]created by Steve Underwood, master of DSPs
19:44.53[TK]D-Fenderfile[laptop] : Whats our dea of speeding?
19:45.04file[laptop][TK]D-Fender: 140km/hr on 110km/hr patch
19:45.33blitzragerob0: sucks... I'm trying to use screen as a teaching tool
19:45.46[TK]D-FenderYeah, thats about the limit... anything more would be asking for a nasty ticket
19:45.49*** join/#asterisk Jick (
19:45.53Jickhey guys
19:45.57Qwellblitzrage: heh, you want to do it uber hackish?
19:45.59Jickanyone around? I have a quick zaptel question.
19:46.02Qwellblitzrage: run screen...IN screen.
19:46.05file[laptop]the limit here is +10km/hr, anything above and the cops go after you
19:46.09file[laptop]...not that I would know first hand
19:46.32SkramXUTStarCom F1000 <== good phone?
19:46.45file[laptop]SkramX: wait for the F3000
19:46.46Qwellblitzrage: Then they would connect to the outer screen, and the inner screen is what you would control
19:47.04SkramXF2000 out
19:47.04file[laptop]the stuff went into  the FCC a week ago for it, looks like a very good phone... that it's going to be
19:47.07QwellI assume that'd work anyhow
19:47.14SkramXwhat is the best thtas out right now?
19:47.18JickI installed Asterisk, Zaptel, and Libpri from source on an Ubuntu Breezy machine, but after compiling them all and 'make install'ing them, i can't modprobe the wctdm drivers - they're not found.
19:47.20QwellSkramX: cisco 7970 :p
19:47.20saftsackfile[laptop], do you know someone who did such things before?
19:47.26file[laptop]saftsack: no
19:47.33file[laptop]19 minutes and I'm gone
19:47.49QwellJick: What version of zaptel?
19:47.55dokhenchblitzrage: use kibitz.
19:48.08JickQwell: zaptel v1.2.1
19:48.24shankyI'm having some echo problems using a voip provider, I'm only have 25ms of lag
19:48.25*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@
19:48.33frenzyhey all
19:48.35QwellJick: you're sure you ran `make install` for the zaptel source?
19:48.51frenzyI have this issue with my *
19:49.02rob0Jick: try "depmod -a"
19:49.10JickQwell: I'm positive. I even went back and did it again to make sure.
19:49.23saftsackfile[laptop], so i have to install spandsp and everytime i send a fax i have to send it to myself to so that spandsp thinks, that is an incominc fax?
19:49.53file[laptop]saftsack: I have no clue how to do what you want off the top of my head, I've told you what I know
19:49.54frenzyafter starting * and couple hours.. I dont get sip calls extenally
19:49.59file[laptop]use that knowledge to figure out a gameplan and try it
19:50.36dokhenchjick: "find / -name wctdm.ko -print" put a copy of it in your modules dir. along with zaptel, etc..
19:50.42frenzythe call does come in but * doesnt ring the SIP
19:50.57frenzyhave to reload for it to call
19:51.09saftsackfile[laptop], ok
19:51.17frenzyhowever doing SIP to SIP locally works
19:51.19frenzyamd on 1.2.1
19:52.20*** join/#asterisk Weezey (n=ohno@
19:52.33Jickdokhench: the two results returned by that were "/lib/modules/2.6.12/misc/wctdm.ko" and "/usr/src/zaptel-1.2.1/wctdm.ko"
19:52.47QwellJick: Are you on 2.6.12?
19:52.48Weezeycan you really not have a static config and a realtime config for one item?
19:52.58QwellWeezey: define item
19:53.05dooderi'm installing AAH l33tness be damned
19:53.13dokhenchjick: what does "uname -a" report?
19:53.15dooderI just want something that works
19:53.25JickDokhench: Linux asterisk 2.6.12-9-386 #1 Mon Oct 10 13:14:36 BST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
19:53.39Weezeylike an extensions.conf as static table (for my switch statements) and realtime for extensions that those switch statements go to
19:53.55JickDokhench, Qwell: so, yeah, i'm on 2.6.12
19:54.24QwellJick: You're on 2.6.12-9-386, actually
19:54.38dokhenchjick: you ar eon 2.6.12-9-386.. your mods are in 2.6.12... there the problem.
19:55.03JickDokhench, Qwell: ahhhh, I see
19:55.45JickDokhench, Qwell: how is that changable, then?
19:55.57JickDokhench, Qwell: new symbolic link, perhaps?
19:55.58Qwellit gets KVERS from uname -r
19:56.16rob0ln, or just mv, and then depmod -a
19:56.41Qwellnah, it doesn't use the symlink
19:56.53rob0I think it gets the version from the source directory
19:57.04rob0because I had exactly the same thing happen
19:57.04QwellKVERS:=$(shell uname -r)
19:57.18QwellJick: What exactly does `uname -r` return?
19:57.23Qwelldoes it give the full -9-386?
19:57.33Qwellit would be funky if it didn't, but possible
19:58.04rob0My running kernel has extraversion information, but my source tree was just plain 2.6.12
19:58.08JickQwell: uname -r yields "2.6.12-9-386"
19:58.14Qwellvery odd
19:58.36Jickwhat would i need to rename to fix that then?
19:58.40rob0I just mv'ed the 2.6.12 modules to the proper place and they work fine
19:58.50frenzydoes asterisk have issues with transcoding ?
19:58.53dokhenchjick: cd /lib/modules/2.6.12/misc/; cp -a wctdm zaptel wcfxo /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/misc/ ; depmod -ae; modprobe crc-ccitt; modprobe zaptel; modprobe wctdm
19:58.57frenzyI get frquent cpu hoggs
19:59.02Qwellthat's unclean
19:59.30QwellYou need to figure out why it's getting 2.6.12
19:59.49E|nyPRI_anyone running H323 in production with asterisk and bridgng H323 -> ZAP ?
19:59.58Jicki got an error running that command, dokhench
20:00.08dokhenchjick: where at?
20:00.20rob0the cp
20:00.21Jicki can't paste it here because the IRC client will split each line into a new message and spam the channel
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20:00.43rob0you left off the .ko
20:00.43JickQwell, Dokhench: i'll send it to you both
20:00.53dokhenchjick: cd /lib/modules/2.6.12/misc/; cp -a wctdm.ko zaptel.ko wcfxo.ko /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/misc/ ; depmod -ae; modprobe crc-ccitt; modprobe zaptel; modprobe wctdm
20:01.04rob0that looks better
20:01.48rob0wouldn't "modprobe wctdm" pull in crc-ccitt and zaptel ?
20:01.54Qwellrob0: yeah
20:02.33dokhenchrob0: it should, but it should have installed to the right place to begin with also. :)
20:03.03rob0like I said, I had exactly the same thing happen
20:03.12Qwellchances are, he doesn't  have the kernel-headers
20:03.18dokhenchwhat distro is this jick,rob0?
20:03.31rob0Jick said ubuntu
20:03.34Jickmy distro is Ubuntu Breezy
20:03.45QwellJick: apt-get install kernel-headers
20:03.50Jickand yeah, i used aptitude to get the kernel headers for 2.6.12-9
20:04.04rob0Mine's not really a distro issue, it happened because I built my kernel on a different machine, and didn't have the Makefile here
20:04.06salviadudhow do i know i got kernel headers?
20:04.08JickQwell, yeah, i have both
20:04.23QwellJick: so /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/build exists?
20:04.33salviadudi downloaded a kernel from and compiled it
20:04.45Qwellsalviadud: if that's the kernel you're running, you're fine
20:04.59JickQwell: yep. I have files in that folder.
20:05.18QwellJick: ln -l it.  WITHOUT a / at the end.  where is it linked to?
20:05.25Qwellls -l, sorry
20:06.22JickQwell: each file seems to be going to the ../linux-headers-2.6.12-9/<filename> folder
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20:06.54QwellWITHOUT the / at the end
20:07.21QwellThat matters a great deal
20:07.35Qwell(which is why I emphisized it the first time)
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20:08.15SkramXnature is on the other line (bathroom break)
20:09.17rob0where at?
20:09.21JickQwell: so you want me to change the /lib/modules/build link?
20:09.27Qwellno, I want you to ls -l it
20:09.49Jicki went up a directory and did ls -l and for the build directory, it shows "build -> /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.12-9-386"
20:10.02QwellThank you
20:10.36rob0doesn't the zaptel build default to /usr/src/linux-2.6 ?
20:11.08rob0it said to make that as a symlink to the source directory, I thought
20:11.31SkramXdokhench: where are you? how much would you pay :)
20:11.40*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
20:11.44SkramXIm a young'ster..
20:11.58dokhench<------- nashville, tn
20:12.02rob0I might do it (and bring my kids to help ;) )
20:12.02QwellJick: echo $KVERS
20:12.05QwellWhat does that say?
20:12.13rob0hey that's not far for me :)
20:12.39dokhenchwhere you at rob0?
20:13.09rob0state line near St. Joseph TN / Florence AL
20:13.32salviaduddoes someone here own a sipura 3000?
20:13.36Qwellfile[desk]: ack!
20:13.45rob0congrats file[desk]!
20:13.51file[desk]and cold
20:13.52file[desk]oh so cold
20:13.54QwellJick: ?
20:13.58file[desk]but, I have TV!
20:14.12JickQwell: it didn't echo anything
20:14.27Qwellexport | grep KVERS
20:14.39JickQwell: still nothing
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20:14.50Qwellfile[desk]: fix it!
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20:15.52JickQwell: what's hte KVERS environmental variable?
20:15.55QwellThe only reason it should be putting the modules elsewhere, is if that KVERS var is being set
20:16.48Jickperhaps I could set that to what it should be?
20:17.09Jickthat is, to redirect it to the proper folder...
20:17.14Qwellcould try
20:17.23QwellKVERS="2.6.12-9-386" make
20:17.27Qwellor something :P
20:19.05Qwellyeah, that appears to work here
20:20.11Jickcompiling it now with that
20:20.15[TK]D-Fendersalviadud : I do.
20:20.34QwellJick: do the same thing for the make install
20:20.39salviadudhave you had any luck!?
20:20.50salviadudi got it connected to FWD
20:21.02JickQwell: hmmm
20:21.06salviadudand i want to make use of the fxo port
20:21.17salviadudthats why i turn to asterisk...
20:21.26JickQwell: I set the KVERS variable before both make and make install and modprobe still can't find it
20:21.26salviadudvoicemail and the works...
20:21.42QwellJick: during the make install, does it say where its putting the files?
20:22.07salviadudhow's your setup?
20:22.15[TK]D-Fendersalviadud : I use mine as an FXO gateway and FXS ATA.  It doesn't connect to anything except my * server.  My * server connects to the other resources.
20:22.33[TK]D-Fender(FWD, SIP truck at work, etc)
20:23.27salviadudcould you please take a screenshot of Line1 parameters
20:23.43salviadudi don't understand my dialplan at all
20:25.06JickQwell: okay, check out
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20:25.40QwellIt's totally putting them in the right place
20:26.19salviadudand another thing, the PSTN to VOIP Gateway, do I need to answer yes if i want calls from the pstn line to ring on line 1, or do I only need the pstn ring thru line 1 enabled?
20:26.34QwellJick: ls -l /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/misc
20:26.37QwellDoes that dir exist?
20:27.09JickQwell: nope
20:27.14Qwellmake it
20:27.27Jickk. where should I point it to?
20:27.38Qwellnowhere, just mkdir
20:27.44QwellJick: mkdir /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/misc
20:27.48Jickahh, okay. done
20:27.51Qwellnow make install
20:28.30Jickshould i make clean zaptel before i make install so it doesn't use that same environmental variable set last time?
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20:29.00JickQwell: woah. okay...
20:29.01Qwellrunning the command on one line like that makes it temporary
20:29.04*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
20:29.13[TK]D-Fendersalviadud : Line 1?  The ATA?  not the FXO?
20:29.17JickQwell: i did make install, and tried to modprobe wctdm, and got some interesting output
20:29.23Jicki'll upload it, sec works
20:29.29Qwellyou just need to fix your config now
20:30.00salviadudyeah, thats right the ATA
20:30.18salviadudi still can't get the pstn line to ring thru line 1...
20:30.21salviadudits a mistery...
20:31.24JickQwell: ahh, awesome
20:31.48JickQwell: do you mind if i send you a private msg?
20:31.57Qwellonly if you've got money for me. ;]
20:32.12salviadudyeah, its all about the benitos!
20:32.29salviadudyou see, in my country.  we got Benito Juarez on our bills
20:33.44JickQwell: sorry, all i have to offer are these couple dozen naked women I have lying around...
20:35.49JickQwell: so let me make sure I have this straight...
20:36.09JickQwell: I need to make the process repeatable, so I have to understand what we just did to fix this...
20:36.38JickQwell: basically, making the /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/misc folder did it?
20:38.10[TK]D-FenderSal why would you WANT it to ring through line1?  The usualy point for getting one of these it to have the FXO lead to *, not just an analog phone on the end.
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20:38.40QwellJick: pretty much
20:38.52QwellJick: I thought install -D did that, but...I guess not
20:39.06Jickhmm, okay
20:39.18salviadudyou see, im a newbie!
20:39.28salviadudi can't get asterisk to work yet...
20:39.39salviadudand my line 1 config is setup for fwd
20:39.43salviadudthe ideal setup would be
20:39.47salviadudasterisk on fwd
20:40.15Jickby the way, just to make sure, these are the two lines of the modprobe error message I get when trying to modprobe it now... "FATAL: Error inserting wctdm (/lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/wctdm.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)"     and just below it     "FATAL: Error running install command for wctdm"
20:40.26salviadudand voicemail, so if someone calls from the pstn line, it would get redirected to *
20:40.46salviadudin that case, could i please take a look at your sip.conf file?
20:40.50docelmoanyone know if canreinvite= in SIP.conf can be changed on the fly from the dialplan?
20:40.52QwellJick: yeah, you need to fix up the config
20:41.03Jickgreat. thanks Qwell. you've been invaluable  :)
20:41.05Qwelldocelm0: sip header maybe?
20:41.18Qwellinvaluable? :(
20:41.33Qwelldocelmo: You might be able to set some kind of sip header...I don't know much about sip
20:41.53salviadudand the reason i ask for a screenshot of line 1, is because i have no idea what to change so i can connect to *
20:42.02docelmoCause by default canreinvite=no but there is 1 client I need to make it canreinvite=yes
20:42.21salviadudi have read some documentation, i guess i'd feel more confident if i saw an example
20:44.39JickUh oh... no /dev/zap device
20:44.52QwellJick: README.udev
20:45.13Jickcool. thanks
20:45.16RoyKis there a way to stop asterisk from intercepting # in a SIP call?
20:45.31QwellRoyK: the dtmf #?
20:46.00RoyKa customer wants to use # for something else than being intercepted by *
20:50.06[TK]D-Fendersalviadud : What you need to fill in is PROXY (with * server IP). USER ID, PASSWORD, USE AUTHID = NO, DTMF=INFO.  And put those settings into sip.conf after.
20:50.14*** part/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
20:51.14salviadudSo, basically, all i need is the * proxy settings to connect to asterisk
20:51.27salviadudand in sip.conf i would apply all the FWD info?
20:51.48*** join/#asterisk JakBeatZ (n=JakBeatZ@
20:52.12[TK]D-FenderThere is a quick guid of FWD on the WIKI which should get you up adn running in 5 minutes flat.
20:52.21saftsack[TK]D-Fender, you are an expert so heres my question. if have an analog fax and i want to archive all outgoing faxes. so it would be smart to send the faxes which are sended from my faxdevice out to the * server too, which gets the faxes as incoming faxes. would that be possible?
20:54.10*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (n=jwb@
20:54.10JakBeatZCan called number be recognized by asterisk?  Is there a variable for called number or something?
20:54.27QwellJakBeatZ: ${EXTEN}
20:54.45[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : I am far from considering myself an expert.  However * + fax = TROUBLE in my experience.  However an idea to investigate is use SpanDSP to receive the fax, store it and then have it do the ACTUAL transmission (TXFax) in place of the analog machine.  So its ANOLOG FAX -> * (SpanDSP) &ARCHIVE& -> TXFax.
20:55.15saftsackok thanks :)
20:55.21saftsackis spandsp buggy or what?
20:55.33[TK]D-FenderI have a lot of well *intentioned* ideas that don't always pan out :)
20:55.48[TK]D-Fendersaftsack : Shaky reliability for em anyways.
20:56.22saftsackthat sucks
20:56.30EquinoxHow does one get a list of call feature codes in asterisk?(like how to transfer a call)
20:56.39JakBeatZQwell:  That will work from PSTN too?  (that's what I was referring to initially)(assuming telco supports RDNIS)
20:56.43QwellEquinox: features.conf
20:56.58QwellJakBeatZ: that usually comes in at s.  I don't know.
20:57.06QwellI imagine if you had a PRI it'd be easy
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20:57.23JakBeatZwould it be passed from PRI over IAX?
20:58.01EquinoxQwell- Cool.  Thanks :)
20:58.12Qwelltelco>pri>asterisk>iax>asterisk ?
20:58.23[TK]D-FenderEquinox : Not necessarily a valid question as far as * is concerned.  Much of the common PBX functionality is in fact triggered by tthe phone itself.
20:58.29QwellJakBeatZ: If your dialplan is setup right, sure
20:58.48Equinox[TK]D-Fender- Yes.. And on my polycom it's easy.. But on my sipura it isn't so obvious.
20:58.56JakBeatZOk..  I'll have to mess with it.
20:59.06[TK]D-FenderEquinox : What Sipura model?  My SPA-941 is obvious.
20:59.19EquinoxMaybe I need to look through the config screens again
20:59.42[TK]D-FenderEquinox : Downlad the user guide from their site.  The ATA itself has a full list of features NOT CONTROLLED BY * <-
21:00.03[TK]D-FenderAnd you wouldn't WANT * to but in when it offers it to you the way that it does.  And its well documented.
21:00.04salviadudits... too big
21:00.19Qwellsalviadud: Superman?
21:00.32salviadudno, the sipura 3000 documentation file...
21:00.35salviadudtoo big
21:00.47[TK]D-FenderI printed it out... its not that bad.  there's a handful of sequential pages which VERY clearly describes exactly how to do all the normal stuff like tranfers, conference, etc.
21:01.06[TK]D-Fender150 pages, big deal.  its well layed out.
21:01.20salviadudyes, i agree, this thing does lotsa stuff
21:01.31salviadudstill, i haven't digested it all
21:01.52[TK]D-FenderJust read the PDF.  its a few pages for what you're looking for.
21:01.56Weezey[TK]D-Fender: how is the 941?
21:01.58salviaduddo you know how to transfer incoming calls from the pstn line to *?
21:02.22smirlYay, all my * stuff is working excellent now. WOOHOO This is awesome
21:02.23asteriskmonkeyare you using a pri
21:02.23[TK]D-Fender941 is a GREAT little phone.  A tough call between it and the Polycom IP 500 though.  for a little extra you get some nice stuff....
21:02.35salviadudno, im using a sipura 3000
21:02.39[TK]D-Fendersalviadud : Thats what I do with my 3000.
21:02.59asteriskmonkeyim upgrading from 1.0.9 to 1.2.1 is there any gotchas i should know about?
21:03.02Weezey[TK]D-Fender: have you ever used the 841?  I have a couple of those but the quality's not great
21:03.13Weezey(compared to my ciscos)
21:03.20salviadudi believe you activated the pstn-voip gateway?
21:03.20[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey : Quite a few deprecated variables & functions.
21:03.55[TK]D-FenderWeezey : The 941 is a baby-cisco and all of the crappy mfg standards are gone.
21:04.04salviadudit be pretty cool if you just did the same config as you did in line1
21:04.08salviadudif thats the case...
21:04.20[TK]D-FenderGreat button layout., decent screen, 2 regs / 4 line keyes (mix & match as you will).
21:04.33salviadudthen most the transfering is in fact done in * Fender, is that right?
21:04.36asteriskmonkey[TK]D-Fender: when they say depreciated , does that mean they still work? or has to be rewritten at that point
21:04.40[TK]D-Fendersalviadud : I run my PSTN gateway both ways (in/out).  works well.
21:05.14[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey : No I mean GONE.  DBPut, DBGet, the old callerID stuff (IIRC), and a bunch more.  read the WIKI for a proper list.
21:05.30rob0I think I found a document about upgrading by searching the wiki for "upgrading".
21:05.50[TK]D-FenderThe use of auto-fallthough (JUNK), no more priority jumpping by default (GOOD thing)
21:05.55WeezeyI'm setting up realtime with mysql and I keep getting: Unable to select database: asterisk. Still Connected.  but my res_mysql.conf is set to "asterisk_db" not asterisk.
21:06.49asteriskmonkey[TK]D-Fender: im about to rollout the upgrade .. if i get stuck on some stuff would you mind helping?
21:07.08[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey : np
21:07.09Weezeynever mind.  I got it
21:07.10asteriskmonkeyalso ... when makeing and installing is there an easyway to install it as user asterisk?
21:07.23[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey : no idea.  I suck at Linux :D
21:07.30asteriskmonkeyme too :P
21:07.43asteriskmonkeyi usually just chmod after :D
21:07.57[TK]D-FenderI killed my server 2 weeks ago with a -R'd CHMOD :D
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21:08.39[TK]D-FenderYeah I started like that and got more pissed at my stupidity for not realizing I was a path lower than I though :(
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21:09.04WeezeyI've done that with chown in /home instead of in the user's dir.
21:09.08salviadudwhat distro are you using fender?
21:09.11Jickokay, so the /usr/src/zaptel-1.2.1/README.udev readme file mentioned adding the zap rules to /etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev.rules, which I did and it still didn't create the /dev/zap device. I then went into the /etc/udev/udev.rules file to add them in there, but there were already Zaptel rules in there
21:09.27[TK]D-Fendersalviadud : Slackware 10.2 (@ current)
21:09.34salviadudme too man!
21:10.57Jicksalviadud, you're having this same problem?
21:10.57salviadudcustom kernel and everything
21:10.57[TK]D-FenderI'm stock :)
21:10.57salviadudactually its 10.1 on this box, i got 10.2 on another
21:10.58[TK]D-Fendersalviadud : Just load up swaret on it and its all the same afterwards.
21:10.58salviadudyou trust swaret?
21:11.15salviadudim psychotic with the packaging systems, i usually compile from source, and use checkinstall
21:11.29[TK]D-Fenderyup, as long as it keeps away from my kernel (which it does by deafult) its been 100% with me for the past 2 years.
21:11.33asteriskmonkeydo i have to shutdown my asterisk before i start the asterisk 1.2.1 build?
21:12.09salviadudare you using wine to run mIRC
21:12.10[TK]D-Fendersalviadud : remember that the nature of anything built for Slack is that you can pretty much trust it out of the box. Of the few programs I compile from source * is the highest
21:12.22[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey : YES
21:12.27*** part/#asterisk zagaya971 (
21:12.31[TK]D-FenderI'm on my WinXP BOX :)
21:12.39asteriskmonkeyme to ssh all the way
21:12.44[TK]D-FenderI jsut use Slack on my * server and gateway.
21:12.59salviadudslack is very good
21:13.07salviaduddoesn't give me any trouble
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21:13.43Jickdoes anyone know what may be causing my /dev/zap device not to show up if it's explicitly referred to in the /etc/udev/udev.rules file?
21:14.08salviadudis rc.udev exectuable?
21:14.09[TK]D-Fendersame here.  I just wish it was a little friendlier in the packaging dept.  I'd love a Slack/Deb mix.
21:14.19[TK]D-FenderMine?  Think so....
21:15.43salviadudi was telling jick, he
21:15.57salviadudstill, its good to know.  that file is not executable by default
21:16.04salviadudyou need to do a chmod +x
21:16.22Jicksalviadud: i did a "locate rc.udev" and it didn't find any files with that name...
21:16.28gnosys_i have intermittent SIP channel failures (with no config file changes) in 1.2.1 that take the form of an error in the console: Dec 18 20:07:36 NOTICE[30057]: app_dial.c:1010 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination).  Anybody here seen this?
21:16.35salviadudJick, what distro are you running?
21:16.41JickUbuntu Breezy
21:17.13salviadudoh... do you know where your initialization scripts are?
21:17.38Jickdo you mean like /etc/init.d/?
21:17.53Jickthere's an udev script in that folder...
21:18.15salviadudis it exectuable?
21:18.23Jickyep. executable
21:18.31salviadudwow, i mispelled it..
21:18.34Jicki even restarting udev and it still doesn't show up
21:18.35salviadudif it is
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21:18.39salviadudthen, something else is wrong
21:18.45Jickerr, restarted*
21:19.05salviadudand i guess i don't know ubuntu
21:19.10asteriskmonkeyanyone know the fedore core 2 os good?
21:19.20Mr-packeti'm looking for some kind of add-on that will allow me to record all calls on the wire.. anyone got a suggestion
21:19.32Jickwhat distro would you all suggest using for Asterisk? I'm pretty lenient
21:20.04asteriskmonkeyMr-packet , just add it as a macro to your dial plans
21:20.22rob0choose what distro suits you best, any of them can work
21:21.30Jickwell, I just moved to Ubuntu from Debian because with Debian I was having hell
21:22.28drrayMr-Packet, just use the record application?
21:22.42salviadudor debian
21:22.50drrayI'm loving Ubuntu
21:23.10drrayI still use FC for my servers, just because of the fact, they still work
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21:24.01Mr-packeti have seen some other software that sniffs the wire and records calls, completly independantly of the pabx
21:24.42drrayoh, sip etherreal?
21:25.00Mr-packetdrray: kinda like that
21:25.26Mr-packetbut it will reassemble the calls, and convert them to mp3 or wavs or something
21:25.27Jickdrray, did you get asterisk installed on ubuntu?
21:25.37drrayJick - no
21:25.44drrayJick - I'm still using FC
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21:26.08Jickdrray: do you know if FC requires all four discs?
21:26.20drrayFC just requires the 1st disc
21:26.23Jickdrray: or is it possible to do a minimal install with only the first, like with Mandriva?
21:26.26drraydo a minimal install
21:26.28Jickahh, great
21:26.29asteriskmonkeymy gosh
21:26.32drrayno X
21:26.36asteriskmonkeyi get a shit load of this :
21:26.36asteriskmonkeyzaptel.c:6438: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
21:26.42asteriskmonkeyand it dosnt compile
21:26.45asteriskmonkeyanyone know why?
21:29.56*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
21:29.59Jickare you on debian asteriskmoney?
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21:30.46cjkhi, there is X and Z in dialplan etc... for numbers. is there anything which also matches character wildcards?
21:31.38MRH2prob a dumb question coming up....
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21:32.06rob0dumb question alert! TAKE COVER IMMEDIATELY!!
21:32.19MRH2are there recordings of allison saying the months of the year somewhere?
21:32.26MRH2there u go
21:32.29Qwellgood question
21:32.50Qwellhmm...there isn't any in asterisk-sounds
21:33.03QwellMRH2: pay her to make some, and submit them to the bug tracker
21:33.16rob0they are there
21:33.23Qwellrob0: where?
21:33.36rob0that's "December"
21:33.39Qwellahh, mon...hmm
21:33.42Qwell11 is December? :)
21:33.48rob00 is January
21:33.50drrayhow is mon-11 december?
21:33.52asteriskmonkeyjick: no centos
21:34.03[hC]how intuitive.
21:34.12Qwell[hC]: yeah :p
21:34.13drraycounting from 0 to 11
21:34.19drraystupid nerds
21:34.23Qwellsilly 12th month adventists! :)
21:34.47Qwellthere is a city here in CA...Loma Linda
21:34.59QwellThere is a VERY ratio of 7th day adventists there
21:35.00gnosys_advice on troubleshooting intermittent problems with the Cisco 7960?  The phone works fine after booting up, but after a certain period of time, the * server can no longer contact it, claiming routing problems (but nothing changed)
21:35.09QwellLoma Linda is the only city in America where they deliver mail on Sunday
21:35.12gnosys_only a reboot fixes it...
21:35.24Qwellvery high ratio*
21:35.44rob0USPS being a national company, I doubt the Sunday delivery thing.
21:35.51asteriskmonkeymy zaptel wont compile
21:35.57Qwellwell, no, I know for sure they deliver on Sunday there
21:35.58asteriskmonkeymaybe i should go to 1.2
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21:36.17Qwellbut, supposedly it's the only city in the US that does that
21:36.29QwellThey deliver on Sunday instead of Saturday
21:36.30drraydo they skip a different day?
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21:37.04QwellSaturday is their holy day I guess
21:37.52Qwellanyhow, just thought I'd share that :P
21:37.52ManxPowerAs y'all can see, I got the WiFi-Satallite link working.
21:38.00QwellManxPower: excellent, how's it working?
21:38.19ManxPowerQwell, I have just enough wifi signal to work.
21:38.25QwellManxPower: good enough
21:38.38Qwellmuch/any packet loss?
21:38.53ManxPowerThe owners are moving the satallite stuff to the campground clubhouse which is much more centrally located, rather than their house which is on the edge of the property
21:39.02asteriskmonkeylinux dummies question.. once you have updated a kernal do you have to reboot for it to take effect
21:39.07rob0is this Chandler Mtn?
21:39.08Qwellasteriskmonkey: yes
21:39.09salviadudhey guys, if my ip address changes constantly what do i put in the externip option???
21:39.23Qwellsalviadud: You could get one of those free dns services, and use externhost
21:39.23salviadudis ok?
21:39.27ManxPowerQwell, %5 or so
21:39.34QwellManxPower: not horrible
21:39.39ManxPowerShould be close to %0 when the move to the clubhouse happens
21:40.09Qwell<ManxPower> Shuldbe close t %0 when the mve to the cluhouse hapns
21:40.37Qwellsalviadud: externhost works great.
21:40.49salviadudis that a prog?
21:40.49Qwellsalviadud: try like or whatever it is
21:40.58Qwellno-ip? - free dns service
21:41.13salviadudi get it, its a domain name for my constantly changing ip
21:41.26QwellThen you could just get their program, and use
21:41.51salviadudinstead of using externip, i use externhost
21:42.02salviadudthats an option in sip.conf ?
21:42.03Qwelland whenever it needs it, it'll just look it up
21:42.08salviadudi haven't seen it...
21:42.09QwellI believe so, in 1.2 or later
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21:42.43Qwellsalviadud: and also set externrefresh if needed
21:42.45ManxPowerAs you can see there are a few kinks to work out.
21:42.54QwellManxPower: just a few
21:42.58Qwell<ManxPower> Shuldbe close t %0 when the mve to the cluhouse hapns
21:43.17ManxPowerQwell, I think a tree is swaying too much into the signal at times.
21:43.22Qwelland no, the latter didn't actually happen, heh
21:43.31salviadudbut whats the sites name?
21:43.46gnosys_Cisco 7960 phone with 1.2.1, seems to be that the phone becomes unreachable from time to time.  Seems to happen more often but for a shorter duration when the phone has a registration expiration time of 60 seconds, less often but for a longer duration when the phone registration expiration time is at 3600 seconds.  I'm trying 180 secs now... anybody got a recommended value for this?
21:43.53ManxPowerI never used to HATE trees.
21:44.14Assidheya ManxPower; Qwell
21:44.15QwellManxPower: chop it down and use trunk
21:44.53riddleboxQwell:do you remeber me from yesterday?
21:45.00Qwellriddlebox: sure
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21:46.39asteriskmonkeyhow long does a centos box usually take to come back online?
21:46.52MRH2thanks all l8r
21:46.52Qwellasteriskmonkey: depends on the machine
21:47.01Qwell2 minutes, or 2 hours
21:47.04asteriskmonkeyno xwindows just a base system :P ok
21:47.11Qwellon my router...probably 2 days
21:47.24Qwellit also really depends on what loads at boot, and what init you've got.
21:47.28asteriskmonkeyi rebooted via ssh to a box 60k awawy :P
21:47.34QwellYou put runit on there, and it could be as low as...20 seconds
21:47.37asteriskmonkeyits just asterisk only
21:48.01riddleboxQwell: I installed asterisk on my laptop copied my conf files over, and everything works on the laptop, so I figure I have to reinstall asterisk on my main machine
21:48.03asteriskmonkeyoh shit.. might want a keyboard plugged in .. doh!
21:48.29Qwell"Keyboard not detected.  Press F1 to continue."
21:48.35QwellThat is the stupidest error message ever
21:48.54Qwell"Video could not be initialized.  Press F1 to continue."
21:50.31asteriskmonkeyoh crap :P system came back up but asterisk wont start now
21:50.41Qwellzaptel loaded?
21:50.47drraywhat is the asterisk erorr?
21:50.52asteriskmonkeyno error
21:50.53salviadudhey, i just did a no-ip account
21:50.55drrayasterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvc
21:50.56asteriskmonkeyjust dowsnt load
21:51.10salviadudi don't know what to do if my ip changes...
21:51.11salviaduddo you know?
21:51.12asteriskmonkeyah lots of errors
21:51.18drraythe last one
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21:51.56asteriskmonkeyits seems to crap at [] => (Zapata Telephony w/PRI)
21:52.04asteriskmonkey== Unregistered channel type 'Tor'
21:52.25drraydid you load zaptel, your card kernel module, and ztcfg -vv
21:52.33salviadudsomething about a dynamic update client...
21:52.41salviadudwould that run on linux?
21:52.41asteriskmonkeydo i have to reload it after restart?
21:52.58asteriskmonkeyso do i have to probe it then or just ztcfg?
21:53.21drraydepends  if the odules autoload
21:53.31drrayI don't botyher to autoload my modules
21:53.57asteriskmonkeyoh damn modprobe wcte11xp results in modprobe: Can't locate module wcte11xp
21:54.17Qwellasteriskmonkey: you just upgraded your kernel, didn't you?  DIDN'T YOU?!
21:54.20QwellDON'T LIE
21:54.24asteriskmonkeyyes i did
21:54.32Qwellasteriskmonkey: heh, go into the zaptel source, and make install
21:54.34drrayupgrade your kernl,make clean asterisk
21:54.36drrayand zaptel
21:54.40drraydo all of it
21:54.53asteriskmonkeyah damn it
21:55.05asteriskmonkeyok here i go to 1.2 then .. 1.2.1 didnt comile for me
21:55.06drrayyou don't need to grab new copies
21:55.23asteriskmonkeyyes i bombed my old ones to get new src already though
21:55.27salviadudare you sure the externhost option exist, i can't find it on the sip.conf example...
21:55.35Qwellsalviadud: in 1.2
21:55.42salviadudyeah, i got 1.2.1
21:55.51QwellThen it's there
21:55.54Qwelllook in the sample config
21:56.06salviadudalright... let me see
21:56.32Qwellthis IS sip, right?
21:56.40QwellI know for sure sip has it...not sure about the others
21:57.00salviadudyou are correct!
21:57.10salviadudthanx qwell
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21:58.57QwellSo, I've realized something
21:58.59QwellNOBODY read the SECURITY file
21:59.31Qwellany of you who haven't...are idiots, and should do so immediately.
21:59.46Qwellno offense or anything...just don't want to see you guys get screwed :p
22:00.20drrayQwell is not a fan of natural selection
22:00.28Qwellno, I am
22:00.31QwellDarwin <3
22:00.32asteriskmonkeyah shit .. again my zaptel directory dosnt have a zconfig.h..
22:00.38asteriskmonkeygo back to cvs already :P
22:01.18Qwellasteriskmonkey: touch it into existance
22:01.37asteriskmonkeyqwell: im a bit linux newb , can you tell me how to do that please
22:01.49drraytouch blah.txt
22:01.52drraycreates a file
22:02.00Qwelltouch zconfig.h, yeah
22:02.07asteriskmonkeybut it will be empty?
22:02.21asteriskmonkeyi dont want it to be empty
22:03.20asteriskmonkeydid you guys get the zaptel 1.2 without a zconfig.h?
22:03.29salviadudim gonna go eat some tacos
22:03.33salviadudtalk to ya later guys
22:03.33QwellI thought it created it
22:03.35drraymmmm.. tacos
22:03.47salviadudyeah, cause im mexican
22:03.49asteriskmonkeyqwell : using svn :( no it dost down it
22:03.55drrayI eat tacos
22:03.59drrayI'm a whitey
22:03.59salviadudand i live in good ol' mexico
22:04.03Qwellasteriskmonkey: no, I mean, during the make process...
22:04.04Qwelllemme check
22:04.13salviadudblanquillo! como huevillo
22:04.19asteriskmonkeyno... it should be there stock as thats where you set the echo can
22:04.20salviadudyes whitey, you know of good food
22:04.27Qwellhmm, dunno
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22:07.36asteriskmonkeywould cvs checkout zaptel
22:07.44asteriskmonkeyget me the latest zaptel or 1.0.9?
22:08.03Qwellzconfig.h is in zaptel svn
22:08.30asteriskmonkeybut not in zaptel-1.2 svn
22:08.41Qwelllemme see
22:08.49asteriskmonkeysvn checkout zaptel-1.2
22:09.24Qwelltaking a minute to ls...
22:09.37Qwellyeah, it's there
22:09.50Qwellsvn up zconfig.h
22:10.02asteriskmonkeywhat the heck then... why isnt  svn checkout zaptel-1.2 getting everything?
22:10.12asteriskmonkeyis there a differnt command i should run?
22:10.30Qwellwait, yes
22:10.45Qwellsvn co zaptel-1.2
22:10.52QwellWhy would you get asterisk and call it zaptel?
22:11.20asteriskmonkeythast on the asterisk website as the method
22:11.26Qwellfor asterisk
22:11.31Qwellgot a link?
22:11.59asteriskmonkeyyes its on the download page...oops im an idiot :P
22:12.04Qwellyes you are :P
22:12.20asteriskmonkeyits sunday i have to go back to the real job tommmmorow .... dreading it...
22:13.26dogtanianasterisk monkey: i'm sure it'll be fine
22:13.33dogtanianfirst day is always a bit strange
22:13.52dogtanianwhat sorta job?
22:14.06asteriskmonkeyi am digium support :P at a distro woo
22:14.16dogtaniancool :)
22:14.30dogtanianme too
22:14.35asteriskmonkeywhat company
22:14.48dogtaniana big bank
22:14.50dogtanianin the UK :)
22:15.01Qwellugh, banks
22:15.07Qwelldogtanian: You have my sympathies
22:15.13dogtaniancorporate client accounts and stuff like that
22:15.17asteriskmonkeyhey its a good sign when bank are using asterisk
22:15.25dogtanianthey're not
22:15.30Qwellmine is. :D
22:15.33Qwellor, will be soon...
22:15.44dogtanianmine are just about to convert over to IP phones
22:15.54dogtanianalthough it's prolly gonna be a disaster
22:15.57Qwelldogtanian: so is ours.  we're trying to subvert the process though
22:16.01dogtanianthey don't know what they're getting in to
22:16.12dogtanianwe subcontract to IBM
22:16.32dogtanianour IT and Ops dept are pretty incompetant
22:16.43Qwelldogtanian: man, sounds like you work for my bank :P
22:16.49dogtanianthey can't even get windows security right
22:16.52QwellThey must be related. ;]
22:16.57QwellOr...maybe all banks are like that. ;]
22:17.09dogtanianare you in the US?
22:17.12QwellI am
22:17.25dogtanianand you work in teh IT dept?
22:17.29Qwellhell no
22:17.38QwellI work for the mortgage side, doing IT.  heh
22:17.46Qwellwe subvert the whole process...
22:17.48dogtanianis it a big bank?
22:17.59dogtaniani can prolly guess then ;)
22:18.25dogtanianthe implementation where i am is going to be a disaster
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22:18.38Jickdoes anyone know what may be causing my /dev/zap device not to show up if it's explicitly referred to in the /etc/udev/udev.rules file?
22:18.42Qwellaren't ALL implementations at a bank a disaster?
22:18.54QwellJick: might need to reload udev or something
22:19.00dogtanianyeah - to many project managers and not enough experts
22:19.10Qwelldogtanian: be many times have they started a project, spent MILLIONS of dollars on it...
22:19.12Qwellthen just scrapped it
22:19.16JickQwell: i've tried doing "/etc/init.d/udev restart"
22:19.23dogtaniani see it every day
22:19.27Qwellyeah, you know what I'm talking about then :p
22:19.54dogtaniani used to point things like this out to senior managers during meetings.. but now i just don't waste my breath
22:19.58tasatAGI problem: trying deadagi(agi://
22:20.05Qwellno point
22:20.12tasatAGI invokes, but the remote server reports "agi_network: yes"
22:20.16tasatas the command
22:20.42dogtanianthey're still implementing enhanced-functionality modules to systems that they're already decided to scap
22:21.38dogtaniani don't know what they're going to do about security for these IP phones
22:21.52Qwellsecurity?  psh! :)
22:21.56dogtanianconsidering that there they're rolling-in wireless clouds too
22:22.28tasatLooking for help: why when AGI calls remote webserver script, the server reports getting the command "agi_network: yes"
22:22.35tasatinstead of the script name?
22:22.49dogtaniani can just imagine somebody sitting on a bench outside the M&A building using VOMIT to listen-in
22:24.00dogtanianmergers and acquisitions
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22:24.49dogtanianwhereabouts in teh US are you?
22:25.07dogtanianah :)
22:25.10dogtanianwe have an office there
22:25.15dogtanianonly a small one tho
22:25.22Qwella UK bank has an office here?  how very odd
22:25.26JickQwell: do you think it may be a kernel issue of mine? I read that Asterisk recommends the 2.4 kernel...
22:25.30Qwellthough, I guess maybe not...we probably have some there
22:25.38QwellJick: 2.6 works great
22:25.48dogtanianyeah - i think it's wealth management stuff.. all the money market stuff goes through NY
22:27.46dogtaniani personally reckon it's too early to use IP phone solutions for mission-critical operations
22:28.01Qwelldogtanian: I beg to differ
22:28.05dogtanianwe have enough of a problem with computer-based IP traffic
22:28.09Nuggetvoip is fine.  voip over the internet is not something I'd want to rely on.
22:28.17Qwelldogtanian: the trouble, is the implementors
22:28.26dogtanianyeah - i agree with you there
22:28.56Qwellpeople who don't read the SECURITY file
22:29.26dogtanianthe trouble is... pretty much all of our IT is done by contractors nowadays
22:29.38dogtanianand they have a happit ov botching solutions
22:29.48dogtanian..since they're not real stakeholders
22:29.55Qwelldogtanian: a guy in IT was telling me a story once...
22:29.57tasatCould someone help with an AGI question?
22:30.14QwellOne day, both of our outbound firewalls went down, which everybody in the bank uses
22:30.37Qwellturns out, they had contractors come in and install those two...  They were in the same server room, in racks right next to each other or something
22:30.51Qwellboth had dual redundant power, etc, etc, was all done right
22:31.05QwellEXCEPT...all 6 cables, were plugged into the same power strip
22:31.10tasatThe remote server reports getting a command "agi_network: yes" which is not the right one, and not even a command
22:31.16QwellI don't think I need to continue
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22:31.43Qwellactually, no, it was 6 different power strips or something
22:31.49QwellThey just all went into one outlet though
22:31.53dogtanianbut on the same circuit
22:32.05dogtaniankinda defeats the point of Redundancy
22:32.11Qwellwell, not even the same circuit.  They all went into the same outlet
22:34.45dogtaniani just worry about a similar problem with IP phones
22:35.04dogtanianit's bound to be implemenetd incompetantly
22:35.39dogtanianif certain department's phone lines have teomorary problems, it could be disasterous
22:35.54[TK]D-FenderSeperate LAN for VoIP, PoE w/ UPS' and you're set.
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22:36.01dogtaniancould cost us millions if there isn't an adequate back up plan
22:36.07shmaltzI guess the list is down
22:36.18jbotone warez list being sent
22:36.24dogtaniannahh - they're bound to use the same lan for Voip and Lan
22:36.54dogtanianhave there been any reports of Voip phone firmware worms yet?
22:37.04dogtanianit's only a matter of time until they appear
22:38.20dogtanianimagine having a few thousand cisco phones with corrupt firmware
22:39.55br00ksh1r3dogtanian: you can mass update thousands of cisco phones with one program :)
22:40.04asteriskmonkeyah damnit now on 1.2 cant start it either its saying Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
22:40.17dogtanianthat's the problem :/
22:40.18Qwellasteriskmonkey: asterisk -vvvvvvvc, see what errors it gives
22:40.32JickQwell: to create the /dev/zap device, do you have to have first modprobed the zaptel kernel module?
22:40.41QwellJick: I would imagine so
22:41.08asteriskmonkeyi modprobed it
22:41.28JickQwell: hmmm, my system can't find the zaptel device
22:41.36QwellJick: You can't modprobe zaptel?
22:41.48asteriskmonkeyhow to i check if its in memmory cat /dev/int
22:41.51JickQwell: nope, not found
22:43.33asteriskmonkeyhow can i tell if its loaded the zaptel driver i modprobed it and it came back with just the cli..
22:44.18Qwellasteriskmonkey: lsmod
22:44.24Qwellno output on modprobe is good
22:44.53br00ksh1r3dmesg is also good
22:45.06Qwelldmesg is for wimps
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22:45.14asteriskmonkeydmesg is for statup :P
22:45.15Qwelllike lilo here
22:46.03asteriskmonkeycan someone check this please
22:46.15asteriskmonkeyits my lsmod output
22:46.33Qwellasteriskmonkey: looks fine
22:46.51asteriskmonkeymmm so whys my slut of asterisk not starting mmm
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22:47.15asteriskmonkeylast lines are Asterisk Dynamic Loader Starting:
22:47.17Qwellasteriskmonkey: asterisk -vvvvvc, find out what errors it spits
22:47.26Qwellnoload => in modules.conf that is
22:47.39franxhi, im reading asterisks handbook but i cant underestand what's the register for in sip.conf
22:49.46asteriskmonkeydamn it its still loading it .. here is my modules.conf
22:50.16Qwellasteriskmonkey: heh, read through it
22:50.21Qwellsee if you can spot the problem
22:51.00asteriskmonkeydoh!... sorry just ready through it... i get edge when i just bodged the production server :)
22:51.44asteriskmonkeyno its is there a way of saying all modem :) ?
22:51.52Qwellrm them
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22:51.59file[desk]rm -rf is thoust friend
22:52.00QwellI believe those were removed recently.
22:52.08file[desk]recently meaning months ago
22:55.14asteriskmonkeyqwell: a little more intersting now... got to my first B-channel 0/1 successfully restarted on span 1
22:55.17asteriskmonkeythen it dies
22:55.25QwellI've never done PRI
22:56.24asteriskmonkeycould it be something to do with my extensions or some new fmt of conf file now? or is it soemthing to do with that zaptel driver
22:58.49asteriskmonkeytook of autoload now it starts
23:01.32Qwellasteriskmonkey: it's best to just remove all the modules in there every time you're going to make install
23:01.40Qwellin fact, there is talk of the Makefile automatically doing that in the future
23:01.53Qwell(which is going to be really cool)
23:02.52nesysnewbie question: which is the best distro for asterisk? fedora? debian? gentoo?
23:02.59Qwellnesys: whatever you know
23:03.12asteriskmonkeyqwell: load give me unable to load module...
23:03.18asteriskmonkeyany ideas
23:03.23Qwellasteriskmonkey: yeah, you took off autoload :P
23:03.33Qwellmodules require other modules
23:03.35asteriskmonkeyyes, it wouldnt start with atoload
23:03.36nesysQwell I see, but the devel is over fedora? or anything else?
23:03.45Qwellnesys: doesn't matter
23:04.00Qwellasteriskmonkey: because you need to remove the old modules from /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
23:04.08Qwellrm /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/*
23:04.14Qwellthen make install again
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23:05.32asteriskmonkeyso make what the asterisk-addons?
23:05.47Qwellif you need those, make install those again also
23:06.03JickDoes anyone have any suggestions as to how one would making the zaptel kernel module visible to modprobe?
23:06.18asteriskmonkeyare the modules a part of the zaptel and libpri ?
23:06.25asteriskmonkeyand the make didnt update properly?
23:08.20asteriskmonkeyqwell... what src tree do i have to recompile for the modules
23:10.38Jickasteriskmoney: yeah, the modules are the normal modules that are supposed to be installed along with zaptel
23:10.50Qwellasteriskmonkey: which modules?  kernel modules?
23:11.14Jickafter doing a make install though they still aren't found by modprobe
23:11.21asteriskmonkeyqwell: the modules that live in  /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
23:11.26QwellJick: I thought they were being found?  What happened?
23:11.34Qwellasteriskmonkey: asterisk, asterisk-addons, any third party stuff
23:11.44Qwelljust run a make install in those dirs
23:14.35jahanihow to configure carrier route in asterisk? exemple i have 2 account voip 1 in france and 1 in usa so when i put number 0033 he connect to france carrer and when i type 001 he call from usa carrer ?
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23:16.16asteriskmonkeyok cool thanks qwell.. i will make a big NOTE of DELETE YOUR OLD MODULES DIRECTEROY BEFORE GOING TO 1.2
23:16.27Qwellasteriskmonkey: before every upgrade..
23:17.18asteriskmonkeyfor further linux server love.. DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO TURN OF USB ??? its a shell system and should not have usb on.. i took it out in the bios but still loads in centos :P
23:17.43rob0disable hotplug
23:17.50fugitivoasteriskmonkey: recompile without usb support
23:17.54fugitivoasteriskmonkey: (kernel)
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23:20.57Qwelljust remove the usb stuff from hotplug or whatever
23:21.06Qwellmodule autoload
23:22.59asteriskmonkeyrob0: sorry im not that linux savy how do you disable hotplug
23:24.19rob0your distro might have an easy way to do it, and google for "proc hotplug" and you might find the hard way
23:24.46Qwellchkconfig for centos
23:25.01Qwellthats a little excessive though
23:25.24rob0maybe "echo /bin/true > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug"
23:26.34JickQwell: yeah, i got the wctdm modules installed but I need to get the zaptel modules installed to see the /dev/zap
23:27.04asteriskmonkeyits ok i see no use when using chkconfig.. im just overly paranoid as i know last time i checked the interupts i saw the usb was sharing the same irq as the digium card, and as we knoe digium cards are irq pigs :)
23:27.12nesysg729 codec binary works on freebsd 5.4 too?
23:27.30asteriskmonkeynesys: yep
23:27.48nesysasteriskmonkey you work with freebsd'
23:27.49asteriskmonkeynesys: only thing i have found on freebsd that is not upto snuff was zaptel pri support
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23:28.02asteriskmonkeynesys: i love freebsd over all *nix
23:28.11nesys:) me too :)
23:28.22asteriskmonkeyi have a 1.0.9 running some hacked g729's :)
23:28.38nesysg729 for 5.2?
23:28.38asteriskmonkeyjust a test box :) for sphynix development though
23:29.01asteriskmonkeysec let me see what kernal im at
23:29.01nesysyou use the codec unsupported for 5.2?
23:30.07nesysyes, but codec binary is for 5.2.1, isnt'it?
23:30.14nesysno problems?
23:30.37asteriskmonkeyi grabbed hacked source :) no problems atm..
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23:30.49asteriskmonkeybut then again i havnt put any large volume through it :P
23:31.19asteriskmonkeyfreeBSD is a bit** most of the times because you have to change the make info
23:31.38JickGuys, this bug is killing me... can anyone offer a suggestion for making my /dev/zap device show up?
23:31.46SkramX( file[desk] || file[laptop] ) == [home]
23:32.12asteriskmonkeyjick: modprobe device... where device is whatever is in list ie wct1xxp
23:32.41Jickwell, when i modprobe wctdm, it says it can't find the /dev/zap device
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23:32.49Qwellchicken and the egg
23:32.54Jick"FATAL: Error inserting wctdm (/lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/wctdm.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)"
23:33.21QwellJick: see dmesg
23:34.59JickQwell, asteriskmonkey: that's the dmesg error output
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23:37.46Jickroot@asterisk:/etc/init.d# ls /dev/zap \ ls: /dev/zap: No such file or directory
23:38.13QwellJick: have you tried rebooting?  udev might be a little silly
23:38.23JickQwell: yep, several times.
23:38.24Qwelland yes, I realize the stupidity of what I just said
23:38.32Qwelland udev isn't pick it up at all?
23:38.55Jicknope. and it's even mentioned in the /etc/udev/udev.rules file
23:39.39Qwellare you sure it's reading udev.rules?
23:39.59JickQwell: nope. How would I determine something like that?
23:40.18Qwellgot me.  check the udev config maybe
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23:41.07Jickokay, i'll see if i can find something in there about it
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23:42.37blitzrageudev is a bitch sometimes
23:42.46blitzrageI've gotten it working lots of times, and sometimes it just doesn't like it
23:43.25blitzrageJick: try not putting the configs in the 50-* level of the udev files -- create a new 60-* level for the permissions and rules files then reboot
23:43.45Qwellblitzrage: his aren't even in 50-
23:43.53blitzrageoh I see
23:43.56blitzragethats a bitch then :)
23:44.16Qwellfile[laptop]: Fix my problem yet?! :D
23:44.26Jickman...  :(
23:44.37file[laptop]Qwell: bastard :P
23:44.39blitzrageI found a really cool app for my Zaurus -- it might make it fun to use again...
23:44.48blitzrageor, *gasp* even practical
23:44.49Qwellfile[laptop]: but really though...heh.  I can't login
23:45.01Jickokay, screw Ubuntu
23:45.03asteriskmonkeyanyoen played with that wifi wip 5000 phone?
23:45.06Jicki'm going to install Fedora
23:45.07file[laptop]I can't touch that stuff Qwell
23:45.07asteriskmonkeyits cool as heck :D
23:45.14asteriskmonkeyJick: go centos :D
23:45.23blitzrageJick: CentOS :)
23:45.27file[laptop]and sadly it works for everyone else :\
23:45.30Qwellfile[laptop]: it's odd that its only the one ns...I think gtei hates you guys
23:45.31Jickasteriskmoney: perhaps if fedora doesn't work
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23:45.45Jickis there any special reason why CentOS is a better Asterisk OS?
23:45.49Qwellbut...  I can hit just fine - whats up with that?
23:45.51asteriskmonkeyits life cycle is way to damn short
23:46.09QwellJick: not really
23:46.11blitzrageprobably not... but I just have a disregard towards Fedora.
23:46.15asteriskmonkeycentos is the commercial freeware version of linuix redhat enterprise..
23:46.16QwellJick: whatever you know
23:46.33file[laptop]Qwell: different nameservers
23:46.34blitzrageI like CentOS because its basically RHEL with a name change
23:46.44file[laptop]one is the old system that I don't dare touch, the other is stuff I dare touch
23:46.44Qwellfile[laptop]: that
23:46.47Qwells probably it
23:46.56blitzrageand I use the server disk -- so it really has no gui :)
23:47.05Jicki thought Fedora was RHEL more open sourced, no?
23:47.06Weezeywhy don't I have a /var/log/asterisk/debug
23:47.09asteriskmonkeyno gui is the only way to go imo
23:47.10QwellJick: no
23:47.15QwellRHEL is open source
23:47.26themikester60alright, I'd just like to know what distros everyone suggests, and please only list ones you know work with asterisk or have in the past
23:47.27asteriskmonkeyif you want a good asterisk sever get centos and run only cli .. no x
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23:47.34blitzrageFedora is a different branch entirely
23:47.42themikester60whats wrong with Fedora?
23:47.43file[laptop]blitzrage: how is Leif doing?
23:47.44QwellFedora eventually becomes RHEL
23:47.49blitzrageits basically the latest and greatest -- fine for desktops, bad for servers
23:47.53asteriskmonkeyFedora has its ups and downs but generally it sucks balls
23:48.00blitzragefile[laptop]: not bad... tired
23:48.00Qwellit's the proving grounds
23:48.09file[laptop]blitzrage: same here, sleep is gooooood
23:48.10blitzrageexactly -- hence my reluctance to use it in a server :)
23:48.17asteriskmonkeyfedoras life cycle is to short.. its a desktop os not a server os
23:48.19blitzragebut I used it on my laptop and it was fine
23:48.39Jickcan a minimal CentOS be installed from one disc?
23:48.43asteriskmonkeyforsure i use mandriva on my laptop :)
23:48.49blitzrageget the server CD
23:48.55Qwellmeh, it's all about gentoo or debian (which I dislike)
23:48.58blitzrageand the 4 disk version can be too if you select minimal
23:49.03asteriskmonkeyas much as we hate asterisk@home is uses centos and 1 cd :D
23:49.07blitzrageI dislike both of those greatly
23:49.16blitzrageCentOS is just too damn easy, and its reliable
23:49.18QwellI can't stand debian
23:49.22NuggetLinux is poo.
23:49.25blitzrageso fuck making it any more complex than need be
23:49.28blitzrageNugget: lol
23:49.30QwellNugget: :P
23:49.34blitzrageQwell: I can't stand it either
23:49.40QwellI loves me some gentoo though
23:49.57blitzragedare I say "fuck gentoo"?
23:50.01NewSoleblitzrage.... u got a sec
23:50.02blitzragedare I?!
23:50.02Qwellyou may
23:50.03asteriskmonkeyi love anything with a ports tree :D
23:50.17blitzragenah... its too abrasive for this channel. I'll keep it to myself
23:50.21Weezeyasteriskmonkey: like FreeBSD?
23:50.23QwellDoes asterisk run on beos yet?
23:50.26blitzrageNewSole: depends... seconds -- yes, minutes, no :)
23:50.29asteriskmonkeyBSD for the win
23:52.43*** part/#asterisk themikester60 (
23:53.52blitzragefile[laptop]: did you have an SL5500?
23:54.17blitzrageor anyone else for that matter? I'm trying to figure out how I can get a headset in it
23:54.42file[laptop]I had one yes, long ago
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23:55.03blitzragefile[laptop]: did you ever figure out how to add a headset to it? (mic and speaker)
23:55.07sergiovelhi everyone
23:55.12file[laptop]er no
23:55.24blitzragehow the heck did you hit x and n at the same time? :)
23:55.51file[laptop]wouldn't you like to know.
23:56.08blitzragewell when you say it like that...
23:56.12blitzragenope :)
23:56.50sergioveljust a quick one guys...does anyone know if Voipjet supports Iax2 trunking?
23:57.04blitzrageno, but mixnetworks does :)
23:57.09blitzrageyes -- I work for Mix
23:57.31blitzrageadd a .com to that first name
23:58.33sergiovelthanks...I thought Voipjet did...anyways thanks for the tip
23:58.44sergiovelI will give it a try
23:58.46blitzragenp :)
23:59.51file[laptop]full of mind altering drugs, drugs that encourage people to watch Mythbusters!

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