irclog2html for #asterisk on 20051209

00:00.05zmauveharryvv, do you have any pointer what I should search for?
00:00.31*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
00:00.48znoGharryvv: right, but a working configuration would help. Are you able to show me your zapata.conf?
00:01.40znoGharryvv: ?
00:01.52harryvvzmauve what does your company do?
00:02.02harryvvznoG I dont have your card.
00:02.12znoGharryvv: you have a Zaptel card?
00:02.56*** join/#asterisk cp5 (n=samy@
00:03.11*** join/#asterisk kiwnix (
00:03.43zmauvewe develop eyetrackers
00:04.54*** join/#asterisk docE (
00:04.59docE~seen damin
00:05.05jbotdamin is currently on #asterisk (3d 4h 14m 2s).  Has said a total of 10 messages.  Is idling for 1d 22h 36m 25s
00:05.21docEMy DTMF issue is fixed..
00:05.48zmauveharryvv, a tft screen which sees where you're watching we (among others) develop products for people with severe disabilities
00:06.04*** join/#asterisk bugz (
00:06.42harryvvthats great
00:08.05zmauveI have only worked there for about 5 months but it's cool, I mean it looks like a totally normal TFT screen, a normal user can't tell the difference between our eyetrackers and a normal monitor :)
00:08.59harryvvzmauve that can also help to free up hands
00:09.34harryvvsay a officer is looking at a licence plate it would display the RO on the computer screen without typing it in.
00:11.01zmauveat work we play a lot of quake3 with our eyes, you aim pretty quick with an eyetracker :)
00:11.38harryvvno kidding
00:11.39bwzbanyone can tell me what the heck is this annoying warning message in my *?  I just build 1.2.1, and I disable, as it does not seem to build it.
00:11.39bwzbDec  8 16:10:24 WARNING[32300]: format_wav.c:247 update_header: Unable to find our position
00:11.40bwzbDec  8 16:10:24 WARNING[32300]: format_wav_gsm.c:243 update_header: Unable to find our position
00:11.53harryvvzmauve, does this work on linux?
00:12.23harryvvCould it be possible to guide a robotic arm with this software?
00:12.34zmauveharryvv, we are working on embedded all the logic into the monitor and simulate a USB HID device, then it would work :)
00:13.35harryvvif you can make a robotic arm say pick up a glass with eye movement then you have the potential for a great device to help a quad
00:13.42zmauveharryvv, the eyetracker just computes screen coordinates, eye coordinates (rel to screen in x,y,z) as well as an 3d-angle, you can then do whatever you want with this :)
00:13.58*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (n=ircatjer@
00:14.00harryvvI see
00:14.10zmauvethe problem today is the price tag
00:14.20harryvvfor the software?
00:14.25*** join/#asterisk alephcom (n=alephcom@
00:14.38harryvvso the eye can act kind like a joystick in a way..
00:15.35zmauvethe price for the hardware
00:15.45zmauveis about $30k
00:15.49harryvvfor the robotic arm you mean
00:16.09zmauvethe eyetracker costs about $30k
00:16.27bugzzmauve: you could almost hire someone to do that job for less
00:17.17harryvvso lots of development time went into this then.
00:18.09zmauvethe biggest use for eyetracking is neurological analisis, disability stuff, psycho analisis and of course software and web interface validation as well as for marketing research (does this ad really work?)
00:18.38bugzit would work wonders for the porn industry
00:19.26zmauvewe showed a couple people some very well known ads (from Helly Hanses e.g.) and could pretty much conclude that while they (the ads) all caught the attention almost nobody looked at the logo of the company and therefore most ads were useless
00:19.36nextimeharryvv : do you know "openeeg"?
00:20.01nextimeit is better than moving your eye
00:20.32zmauveharryvv, when I add s,n,NoOp(${CALLERID}) to my dial plan I get this output in the asterisk console "-- Executing NoOp("Zap/4-1", "") in new stack", why is it empty?
00:21.39harryvvdo you have cid on your line?
00:21.50harryvvis that a part of your phone service?
00:22.50zmauveI don't know if I have callerid on my phone line, I kind of hoped everybody has this, I mean were in 2005 (soon 2006) aren't we? ;)
00:24.30harryvvzm, look at your phone bill
00:24.42harryvvif its not on there then no point troubelshooting this.
00:25.35bugzanyone know what the cause of garbling and chirping is when on a call?
00:25.46bugzit seems like any time the cpu gets interrupted theres a chirp
00:26.01bugzso for instance, if you are on a call and you do, say, ls -lR /
00:26.07bugzyou can hear anything but f490 j9j4-9snanw~-9g~jgjgw0gj
00:26.11bugzits wierd
00:26.17bugzyou might have heard it in some mp3's
00:26.34bugzit seems like a problem with voltage on the board itself
00:32.02zmauvehow do I get the number which is being called on Zap channel when in the "s" extension?
00:32.52*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
00:35.01*** join/#asterisk }btorch{ (n=kvirc@
00:36.04}btorch{hey guys i'm trying to record some audio using the Record command and i have set the format to be gsm but when i try to playback that file on another context i get an error saying its not the correct format
00:36.56zmauveharryvv, have a nice day!
00:38.46*** join/#asterisk anthm (
00:38.46*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
00:47.02nextimeanyone can tell me how good is ooh323 and g729 on HEAD?
00:47.13harryvvyea read on it
00:49.57*** join/#asterisk bugz (
00:50.06bugzdid anyone get that q about the chirping?
00:50.47tessierHow much are Cisco 7960's going for these days? Don't seem to be many on ebay.
00:50.53tessierI have a couple I am thinking about unloading.
00:51.25tessierOh...scroll down. I do see quite a few now. Looks like $200 used.
00:53.12nextimeuh oh, but now g729 is included in * ?
00:54.01nextimeok, no, isn't included
00:54.15nextimeshow codecs lie
00:54.41Corydon-wnextime: what the fuck are you talking about?
00:55.06Corydon-wG729 has NEVER been included in Asterisk
00:55.13Corydon-wIt's a purchaseable addon
00:55.52Corydon-wand it won't be included in Asterisk, either, until at least 2015
00:56.19nextimeCorydon-w: i know, show codecs show it and for a seconds i think to a false new better world
00:56.43Corydon-wshow codecs is informational only
00:57.24nextimeCorydon-w: yes, i've read the first line on the command output
00:57.27Corydon-wNote the disclaimer at the top of 'show codecs' which I inserted exactly because idiots thought it meant something.
00:57.44nextimethanks for idiot :)
00:59.08Corydon-wNote that you can turn off the disclaimer with export I_AM_NOT_AN_IDIOT=1
01:02.05*** join/#asterisk hhoffman (
01:02.53*** join/#asterisk jahani (
01:04.23*** join/#asterisk TurboBuG (
01:04.32TurboBuGhello everyone
01:04.55*** join/#asterisk kiwnix (
01:06.35*** join/#asterisk crash3m (i=crash3m@unaffiliated/crash3m)
01:07.34*** part/#asterisk crash3m (i=crash3m@unaffiliated/crash3m)
01:08.41TurboBuGI have a spa3k in a remote location nat is working fine for line 1and the also the pstn line.  I have one problem though the remote location has dyndns address. I recive calls perefectly fine and I can call fine, the one problem is when the ip changes in the remote location I have to reload so it can change the IP.
01:09.20*** join/#asterisk nesys (n=nesys@2001:1418:1a6:0:20d:93ff:fe28:3ef8)
01:09.35*** part/#asterisk nesys (n=nesys@2001:1418:1a6:0:20d:93ff:fe28:3ef8)
01:20.53twisted[asteria]TurboBuG, make the spa3k REGISTER to asterisk.
01:21.46TurboBuGtwisted[asteria] yeah line 1 regesters
01:22.07TurboBuGare you refering to the pstn?
01:22.09twisted[asteria]if it registers then you don't have to reload to change the IP.
01:23.52znoGis 1.2.1 a complete rewrite of Asterisk or just some parts?
01:24.22TurboBuGtwisted[asteria], I am trying it right now.. by the way does it matter if i am using the http athentication?
01:24.28JunK-YznoG: just fixed bugs from 1.2.0
01:24.34bkw__yo yo yo twisted
01:24.45twisted[asteria]bkw__, no kidding
01:24.53bkw__we have both been busy
01:25.08twisted[asteria]still am... taking a breather
01:25.17bkw__same here
01:25.22bkw__i'm in Maryland right now
01:25.23bwzbanyone knows what this error about?: format_wav_gsm.c:243 update_header: Unable to find our position
01:25.31bwzbI just build my * with 1.2.1
01:25.33bkw__chances are its a WARNING
01:25.34twisted[asteria]wtf are you in MD?
01:25.35bkw__and not an ERROR
01:25.58bkw__twisted about an hour away from our datacenter
01:26.01bkw__we are installing a new DB server
01:26.05bwzbbut it's annoying, and only happened when people leaving voicemail
01:26.08twisted[asteria]i was asking why, but you answered that too
01:26.28bkw__quad, Dual Core Opteron, 5tb array and 16 gigs of ram
01:26.42twisted[asteria]i could SOOOO play unreal on that thing nicely.
01:26.52bkw__our control panel will fly after this
01:27.17denonbkw_: you're doing 4 of those in a fault-tolerant cluster .. right?
01:27.18twisted[asteria]not to mention store all my pr0n
01:27.18bkw__it has 4x1000watt power supplies
01:27.18bwzbbkw__: not sure you know this error, it's causing me headache.
01:27.23twisted[asteria]and all the pr0n on the net
01:27.39bkw__bwzb, sox infile.wav -c 1 -r 8000 out.gsm
01:27.41bkw__live happy
01:28.09bwzbbkw__: what does this do?
01:28.18twisted[asteria]lets the magic smoke out
01:28.22twisted[asteria]speaking of smoke...
01:28.54bwzbbkw__: Do I run this program anywhere?
01:30.31bwzbbkw__: is infile.wav those input wav files that I need to convert to gsm?
01:31.54TurboBuGtwisted, do set "make call without reg"? currently set to yes
01:32.47znoGJunK-Y: i mean the 1.2.x series in general
01:34.50bkw__oh file
01:34.52bkw__where are you
01:36.33*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
01:41.40*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
01:42.27tengulreanybody active?
01:45.59tengulreare you use digium cards?
01:52.00harryvvi have
01:52.48tengulreanalog or digital?
01:53.12*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
01:53.22harryvvwell, asterisk does not work with normal digital phones. only tdm and voip
01:57.23*** part/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
01:59.28hhoffmando I need to worry about "Operating with different codecs 2[0x2 (gsm)] 4[0x4 (ulaw)] , can't native bridge..."
02:00.17*** join/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
02:00.44JTdoes anyone make adapters to connect a mobile telephone to an asterisk server?
02:01.10*** join/#asterisk jsolares (n=jsolares@
02:01.13zemmadare u referring to a SIP/GSM phone?/
02:01.55jsolaresi'm having a weird problem with sip and chanisavail, i have it in sip.conf to only allow one call at a time, however chanisavail says the channel is available even when there's a call in progress. any ideas?
02:04.07*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
02:06.21*** join/#asterisk klictel (
02:06.40flashbac1hey guys
02:06.53JTzemmad: no idea?
02:06.53flashbac1i really need some help...
02:07.04flashbac1i have asterisk running with realtime
02:07.29flashbac1and i keep getting this error msg:
02:07.30flashbac1Dec  8 21:03:05 WARNING[11188]: res_odbc.c:166 odbc_smart_execute: stmtDec  8 21:03:05 WARNING[11188]: res_odbc.c:172 odbc_smart_execute: SQL Execute returned an error -1: 42000: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Enterprise]Implicit conversion from datatype 'CHAR' to 'INT' is not allowed.  Use the CONVERT function to run this query.
02:07.47JTsounds straightforward
02:08.06flashbac1any ideas?
02:08.07JTi assume you'll need to enclose the query in CONVERT()
02:08.21JTbut read the sybase ASA reference manual
02:08.23flashbac1how do i do that in res_odbc.c?
02:08.29JToh umm
02:08.40JTare you sure what you're using supports sybase?
02:08.57flashbac1i'm using Sybase native odbc drivers
02:09.22flashbac1i just need to find where the stmt gets set so that i can do the CONVERT() thing
02:09.22fugitivothe message is clear
02:09.30fugitivothe field is int, and you're sending a char value
02:09.42flashbac1not me...asterisk is outputting this on the CLI
02:09.45fugitivochange the field to char type :)
02:09.55flashbac1but which field is that?
02:10.14fugitivowhat is that?
02:10.15flashbac1i keep getting that error msg over and over in the asterisk CLI
02:10.24jsolaresanyone know how can i send a progress indicator of 8 message with chan_zap with E1's?
02:10.29fugitivodo you use realtime?
02:10.30JTpacketsniff it
02:10.37JTread the sql
02:11.00*** join/#asterisk areski (
02:11.13fugitivoflashbac1: what do you do when you get that error?
02:11.14flashbac1its trying to update sipfriends table...but the only column there that's INT is the id column...
02:11.18*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
02:11.26flashbac1nothing...phones are registering...
02:11.27docESay can someone tell me what dtmfmode=auto exactly does?
02:11.47flashbac1chooses rfc2833 if not available uses inband
02:11.53fugitivoflashbac1: change it to char
02:12.00flashbac1the id column?
02:12.09flashbac1cant...has to be INT is AUTO_INCREMENT
02:12.11docECause I had one leg set to auto and the other to inband and its bitching about inband and rfc2833
02:12.16flashbac1its the primary key in the table
02:12.55flashbac1how can i make it output to the log the actual SQL statement?
02:13.04javarhi flashbacl
02:13.24javarwhat version of asterisk, are you working?
02:13.46flashbac1Sybase 12.5 ASE
02:13.46JTsee the error
02:14.04javaryou installed unixODBC?
02:14.09flashbac1and i'm using the native Sybase ODBC drivers for unixODBC
02:14.27javarat CLI> odbc show
02:14.59flashbac1Name: sybase>
02:14.59flashbac1DSN: SYBASE
02:14.59flashbac1Connected: yes
02:15.56flashbac1also this msg comes up right after the other one:
02:15.57flashbac1ec  8 21:15:14 WARNING[11283]: res_config_odbc.c:399 update_odbc: SQL Execute error!
02:15.57flashbac1[UPDATE sipfriends SET ipaddr=?, port=?, regseconds=?, username=?, fullcontact=? WHERE name=?]
02:16.27docEis that the syntax for sybase?
02:16.33*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
02:16.46flashbac1syntax is fine...
02:17.51*** join/#asterisk jahani (
02:18.39flashbac1i think asterisk is inserting something in '' when is not supposed to?
02:21.08JunK-Yyay, we have a new cat now!
02:21.13*** join/#asterisk znoG (
02:22.05docEnew cat?
02:22.19brookshirehow many do you got?
02:22.41docEI got 1 cat and dog and my cat beats up my dog
02:22.45JunK-Yjust 1!
02:23.26JunK-Yhes affraid like hell and hes above the bed now
02:23.40JunK-Yso his name: microsoft is a perfect fit for him!
02:23.52docEI named mine Asterisk
02:24.03JunK-Yasterisk sounds much better then a cat :)
02:24.03brookshireawh that's cute
02:24.33docEWell I didnt have any funky penguins around.. so I named the cat it..
02:25.41docEDoes CVS work for Asterisk 1.2 and Addons?
02:26.51brookshiresvn would be a great name for a kitty
02:27.11docEI couldnt get svn to download kept bitching about sighup's and I didnt send any to it..
02:27.29*** join/#asterisk ctooley (
02:27.34docEThis sucks.. I could only get about 9.5Mb worth of bandwidth from Digiums ftp site..
02:27.47brookshirethere are two of them
02:27.51orlokmy cat is called grep
02:27.53orlok<PROTECTED> and
02:28.35*** join/#asterisk Druken (
02:28.44docEbrookshire you work @ digium right?
02:31.25hhoffmanorlok: that's great :-)
02:31.43brookshireg2g.. lates :)
02:31.44orloki think our sip provider has just crapped out
02:31.48docEHave you heard anytthing about dCAP? I passed but have nothing to show for it..
02:31.52orloki can see port 5060udp reaching out one way only
02:31.53docEWho's your provider?
02:32.07orloka pretty new one, you woulent have heard of them i'd say :)
02:32.09*** join/#asterisk jimmy_deanPB (
02:32.14docETry me
02:32.28orlokits in another country too
02:32.48docEok in that case.. Try free .25c for trying it out.. good clear calls
02:32.50jimmy_deanPBCan anyone recommend the best VOIP provider for cheapest to best performance ratio in the U.S. that supports Asterisk?
02:33.09docE.0092 domestic termination US48
02:33.42jimmy_deanPBdocE: you suggesting that to me?
02:33.52justinuwhat about origination?
02:34.21docESoon.. Having some problems with origination provider.. Will be worked out tomorrow I hope
02:35.39DrukendocE: only NYC did's...
02:35.51docEand yes.. We do termination right now.. Will have more.. Not programmed yet until I get issues worked out
02:35.55docEThey also come with 911
02:36.05docEBut still working on the 911 routines
02:36.11jimmy_deanPBdocE: only New York terminations? Too bad I'm in Indy
02:36.21docEAnyone have a SPA3000 they could help me configure the FXO side?
02:36.34docEI have A-Z termination
02:36.38docEJust NYC DID's right now
02:36.54docEcheck out
02:36.57Drukenhow much for canadian termination ?? :)
02:36.58docEI think thats the URL
02:37.00*** join/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
02:37.18Druken?page=showrates :)
02:37.19*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
02:37.19docEWould have to look I dont know off the top of my head
02:37.30docEI coded it like 4 months ago
02:38.24Drukenya could have at least a sort by, so it's in alphabetical order
02:39.02docEShould be ordered by code
02:39.09Drukenit is...
02:39.10docEand I plan to.. working on too many other projects
02:39.33Drukenor have it like links at the top, to specify what you want to order by :)
02:39.47docELike I said.. I plan to.. Just havent done it yet..
02:39.55*** join/#asterisk test34 (n=test34@unaffiliated/test34)
02:39.59docEMaybe over my 2 week christmas vacation
02:40.15test34anyone ever tried the Arris TM402P MTA or the Scientific Atlanta WebSTAR DPX2203 ?
02:40.25*** join/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
02:40.30docENope.. Not me..
02:40.48docEanyone got a SPA3000 they care to share config information with me?
02:41.05jimmy_deanPBI've got a 2002
02:41.12jimmy_deanPBbut haven't configured it yet
02:41.25javarcopy the extensions?
02:41.43docEI need to configure the FXO (line) port
02:41.48docEcant figure it out for asterisk
02:42.03docEI wanna buy a TDM 1FXO/FXS card.. but cant afford it now..
02:42.11docEMaybe next month or something
02:42.23zemmadhas anyone connected asterisk to sip phone??
02:42.35zemmadcould i get some help in doing this
02:43.05docEum, dude.. everyone but jbot and you has done that
02:43.22Drukentdm is crap :(
02:43.35docEWell shit then.. someone help me with this one.. :)
02:43.44Drukenjbot: have you got a sip phone working yet?
02:44.12Drukenjbot, your dumb
02:44.17zemmaddocE, i'm tryin to get this done....i'm not seeing my client even connecting to sip phone
02:44.43DrukendocE: did you google the configs for a SPA3003 ?
02:44.50Drukener.. 3000
02:44.53*** join/#asterisk Insanity5 (
02:45.01docEyes nada.. worth while
02:45.16Drukenwut can't ya figure out?
02:45.31Drukeni've never even laid eyes on one, but i'm willing to give it a whirl :)
02:45.52docEHow to configure FXO port to ring to asterisk
02:46.30Drukenok, what kinda settings are there for the FXO ?
02:47.48docEfound a thing on voxiolla
02:47.58docElemme try this.. thanks drunk tho
02:53.49harryvvCanadians ringing up high-tech phones
02:54.06harryvvdont use voip in your advertising
02:54.23harryvvseems the word is getting associated with poor sound quality.
02:54.38harryvvheard that complaint from two other people.
02:54.53Drukeni use Broadband telephone service :)
02:55.02Drukenmust be vonage that's killing the voip :)
02:56.07harryvvRogers communications in canada is not including the term voip in its advertising.
02:56.43Drukenshit... i wish i could only spend 207 a month
02:56.44JTheh it's no wonder
02:56.53JTpeople use stingey codecs and wonder why it sounds like shit
02:56.59Drukenuhmm... rogers isn't even a voip player yet
02:57.23Drukenthey are doing "home phone" which is sprint's local telephone service
02:58.56*** part/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
02:59.23jimmy_deanPBcrap, stupid US government and the E911 ruling...why can't they stay out of people's lives?
02:59.39Qwelljimmy_deanPB: because the phone companies pay them not to?
02:59.41jimmy_deanPBI can't sign up for a VOIP provider because they don't offer E911 service in my area yet
02:59.56jimmy_deanPBI have 911 on my cell phone!
03:00.02denonyeah .. and that stupid Interstate Highway Syste.. why cant they keep off my land!
03:00.09*** join/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
03:00.21jimmy_deanPBwhy are they forcing me to have 911 or no service at all
03:00.33Qwellkinda funny if you think about it
03:00.39Qwellwithout service, you've not got 911 anyhow
03:00.43jimmy_deanPBit is!~
03:01.00denonjimmy_deanPB: because if they dont force companies, nobody will do it .. and our emergency system will be worthless
03:01.12denonnobody thinks about emergency services until they need em
03:01.19denonso its the govt's job to mandate it for our own good
03:01.28Drukenya know.. if they really took 911 seriously, no circuit would ever to cut, even if you had no phone, you would still get a dialtone and be able to dial 911
03:01.33Drukenbut i notice that doesn't happen
03:01.53denonthat didnt even make sense ..
03:02.11Drukenno circuit would ever BE cut
03:02.15Drukenthat better?
03:02.31denonthe govt can't stop you from renting a backhoe and wiping out ma bell
03:02.41denonthough they do have a service you can call to flag stuff out
03:02.46jimmy_deanPBso who do I sign up for?
03:02.52Drukeni don't mean that way.. i mean if you cancel your phone
03:02.53jimmy_deanPBdenon, worthless, hardly
03:02.59Drukenthey wouldn't disconnect the loop
03:03.03harryvvmake it simple and just include one pstn line in the pbx
03:03.18denonDruken: dunno, most residential loops still allow 911 even when they're disconnected
03:03.23denon911, operator, etc
03:03.33Drukenwell, not here...
03:03.43Drukenthey disconnect the loop if you don't have service
03:04.17denonhmm, qwest among others will give you a tone, and a message on how to get it reconnected
03:04.22denondial a number for customer service or something
03:04.45Drukenapparently bell canada plays by a diffrent set of rules
03:04.52denonoh, canada .. heh
03:05.50harryvvmy bell cell phone sucks
03:06.24Drukencell phones always allow 911, i know that much
03:06.30Drukenservice or no, you can dial 911
03:06.34denonright .. and why?
03:06.39denonbecause the cell companies are generous?
03:06.40harryvvall use gsm codec right?
03:06.42jimmy_deanPBso, I can't use it looks like, any other providers someone can suggest to me?
03:06.43Drukenfuct if i know
03:06.43denonor because it's mandated?
03:06.50denonit's mandated.
03:06.55denonI'm saying rules aren't a bad thing
03:07.06Drukeni never said they were...
03:07.15denonwell, someone was ..
03:07.24denonjimmy_whine I think
03:07.29Drukeni'm just saying, residential circuits should play by the same rules
03:07.36denonmove south :)
03:07.50jimmy_deanPBdenon, that's not my name :)
03:07.55Drukenuhmm.. no that's ok... i prefer canada :)
03:07.59jimmy_deanPBdenon, just because I'm mad at our government
03:08.27jimmy_deanPBbecause they don't like to defend individual freedom anymore
03:08.50denonto each his own
03:12.26*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
03:12.41ctooleyjimmy_deanPB, you might try Asterlink
03:12.53mog_homeor nufone ^_^
03:13.59*** join/#asterisk alephcom (n=alephcom@
03:18.34*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
03:20.18harryvvu purchaced it?
03:20.28harryvvokay what does that unit cost?
03:20.46jimmy_deanPBctooley, thanks!
03:20.54shmaltzharryvv, it costed more then an asterisk mini itx
03:21.06harryvvHow much per seat?
03:21.25shmaltzit's not per seat it's per port ~$500 for 2 ports
03:21.30harryvvper port
03:21.43harryvvthat does not include the phones?
03:21.43SkramXhi, harryvv
03:21.48harryvvhi sk
03:21.50shmaltzthe base system inclues 2 ports and costs ~$500
03:21.59CoaxDjesus christ $500 2 ports
03:22.03shmaltzharrryvv, of course not, not even the PBX
03:22.11ctooleyjimmy_deanPB, #asterlink has the guys that can help you out.  bkw_ and file[desk] are your friends. :)
03:22.11shmaltzit's just the VM
03:22.16harryvvSoo asterisk beats it out then.
03:22.23CoaxDum yea
03:22.27CoaxD@ $0.00
03:22.38*** join/#asterisk Syrus_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:22.53shmaltzharryvv, of course, but to intergrate with an existing panasonic, this is much cheaper, and easier
03:23.19jimmy_deanPBctooley, like how?
03:23.40*** join/#asterisk Syrus_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:24.02ctooleybkw_, and file[desk] work at Asterlink and #asterlink is a channel where you can ask questions.
03:24.10ctooleyif you went with Asterlink anyway
03:24.28jimmy_deanPBit doesn't seem like they have residential termination services
03:24.45ctooleyThe don't provide local DID's, no
03:24.46*** join/#asterisk Astinus (i=iBook@freenode/staff/gentoo.astinus)
03:25.09jimmy_deanPBthat's what I'm looking for
03:25.11ctooleyYou might email the folks at TXLink or CommPartners if you need someone with a large supply of local DIDs
03:25.37ctooleyTXLink doesn't have online signup but they have better standard rates than a lot of places
03:25.50jimmy_deanPBreally, and all of these places are good with Asterisk?
03:26.03ctooleyAnd they have recently merged with CommPartners who sponsor
03:26.10ctooleyjimmy_deanPB, yep
03:26.44jimmy_deanPBit's kinda hard looking for voip providers it seems
03:26.51harryvvThats a nifty name commpartners
03:26.55ctooleyTell TXLink that Chris Tooley at gNumber sent you.  They'll take good care of you and they're reliable
03:27.26jimmy_deanPBctooley, ok, excellent...I'll send them an email right now
03:27.28harryvvI need a company to sell me portable 604 area code numbers.
03:28.07ManxPowerI don't suppose anyone has installed a small formfactor / small power usage PC into their car to play MP3s?
03:28.07ctooleyThey had some reliability issues in the past, but the merger has given them the opportunity to make most of those go away.  Asterlink is a little quicker at doing stuff if you're just doing outbound though
03:28.09harryvvI mean a company that does portability and sell DIDs
03:28.23ManxPowerharryvv, tried Teliax?
03:28.26ctooleyharryvv, TXLink does that
03:28.34harryvvxo does also?
03:28.38ctooleyWe ordered 10,000 DIDs from them at one point
03:28.41ManxPowerA person from Teliax Support is on this channel often.
03:28.49SkramXYeah, I am also looking for just one DID.
03:28.52harryvvteliax ?
03:29.06SkramXThey are a VOIP Provider
03:29.12harryvvctcooley you mean teliax ?
03:29.14ctooleyI ordered mine from TXLink
03:29.26SkramXctooley: will txlink sell just one?
03:29.31ManxPoweror or something like that
03:29.42ctooleySkramX, I'm pretty sure they would
03:30.07ctooleyyou were looking for DIDs in 604?
03:30.33harryvvanything for vancouver bc
03:30.49ManxPowerSorry, I assumed 604 was USA.  Silly me!
03:30.53ctooleythey dont' have any current ones for 604 but BC shouldn't be an issue.
03:31.23jimmy_deanPBctooley, ok, I emailed the txlink guys
03:31.33SkramXctooley: are you a reseller?
03:31.42jimmy_deanPBctooley, by the way, know if they have any Indianapolis DIDs?
03:31.55ctooleySkramX, nope.  They have an interface for customers to provision your own.
03:32.06ctooleyyou can take up available and they'll charge you for them.
03:32.07ManxPowerctooley, You'll have trouble finding a carrier with "unlimited" inbound DIDs.
03:32.15ManxPowerWhy not get a toll free for the same per min cost.
03:32.40ctooleyManxPower, toll free isn't the same per minute cost I have
03:33.02ManxPowerctooley, with 10,000 DIDs it would not be 8-)
03:33.31ctooleyManxPower, if I have 10,000 DID's there's a reason I had the did's versus one toll free
03:33.42*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
03:33.53ManxPowerctooley, *nod*
03:34.00hhoffmanwhat is the dundi-e164 stuff in the example extensions.conf?
03:34.52ctooleyManxPower, Luckily for us the new product is all outbound calling so DID's aren't useful.
03:35.03hhoffmanTeliax has been good for me :-)
03:35.28ctooleyWe use one of our Toll Free numbers as CID but don't have to pay the much higher toll free connection rate.
03:35.36ManxPowerAll Internet Telcos suck.  Teliax is one of the ones that suck less.
03:36.07ctooleyWhich is why our servers are colo'd at the facilities with our providers. :)
03:36.27ctooleyWe use SIP interconnect to them but it's over a private GigE LAN
03:37.06ctooleyThe other little company I work on uses Internet service to Asterlink, but when we get a bit bigger I'll be asking them to let me ship them the server.
03:37.42ManxPowerI don't use a lot of VoIPoI (VoIP over Internet)
03:37.53ManxPowerMostly it's the local LAN or companu wide WAN
03:37.54ctooleyjimmy_deanPB, what are the area codes in Indy?
03:38.10SkramXWhere can I get free TTS.. I need to make a proof of concept system...
03:38.18harryvvneed 604 dids
03:38.45jimmy_deanPBctooley, 317 is the main one
03:39.10SkramXharryvv: how many?
03:39.19jbottts is, like, time to sleep
03:39.23ctooleyjimmy_deanPB, From their available did list 317:  25 available
03:39.30harryvvsk, no limit...dpends on how many i sell
03:39.35SkramXjbot: tts is also text to speech
03:39.36jbotSkramX: okay
03:39.37jimmy_deanPBctooley, where did you look that up at?
03:39.41jbotit has been said that tts is time to sleep, or text to speech
03:39.52SkramXshmaltz: better?
03:40.02shmaltzSkarmX, much :)
03:40.05jimmy_deanPBctooley, assuming their rates are good, they sound like the provider for me
03:40.25ctooleyjimmy_deanPB, once you are signed up with them they have a "VoIP Control" web interface.
03:40.33jimmy_deanPBvery nice
03:40.37jimmy_deanPBwhere are they out of?
03:41.03ctooleyjimmy_deanPB, Dallas, Las Vegas, New York, Chicago, a couple of other cities.
03:41.20shmaltzWhat a ride:
03:41.30jimmy_deanPBnot bad, though it sounds like there's a business opportunity to become a top VOIP provider in the Indy area
03:41.53ctooleyjimmy_deanPB, I wouldn't suggest it.
03:42.05jimmy_deanPBany particular reasons?
03:42.18jimmy_deanPBtoo crowded of a market?
03:42.41ctooleyjimmy_deanPB, All the little CLECs are scrambling to start providing SIP Termination/Origination and the big boys are already doing it (though you have to be big to be interesting)
03:42.44*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
03:42.57jimmy_deanPByeah, it sounds like it
03:43.13jimmy_deanPBlarge barriers to entry in other words
03:43.20ctooleyThey've got infrastructure and experience.  By the time you get your stuff working, you wont' have a market left to sell to
03:43.43jimmy_deanPBit'd be a fun venture nonetheless :)
03:43.49jimmy_deanPBI bet you could do it all with Asterisk
03:44.04ManxPowerDoing an ITSP is VERY much like starting an ISP.  i.e. you either have to install locall numbers or you have to pay a big carrier for numbers for DID.  If you just want to provide toll calling - well there are 50 billion of those companies around.
03:44.39jimmy_deanPBvery true
03:44.48ctooleyjimmy_deanPB, Asterisk isn't particularly well suited to running a CLEC and unless you know how to do the development, you're screwed.
03:45.14jimmy_deanPBhmm, so what would you use to run a CLEC?
03:45.22ctooleyjimmy_deanPB, and no offense met, but if you don't know the players in your market already... you're not ready to start a CLEC
03:45.23jimmy_deanPBcommercial stuff?
03:45.37jimmy_deanPBctooley, oh I won't do it, it was just a fun idea
03:45.50*** join/#asterisk konfuzed (
03:46.47ctooleyor  SER doing most of your call routing, using Asterisk for apps (voicemail, IVR, etc)
03:46.55*** join/#asterisk bjohnson_ (
03:47.51ManxPowerjimmy_deanPB, SER is software specially designed for SIP and only for SIP call routing.
03:48.45ManxPowerUnless you are a carrier you don't usually need to worry about SER
03:50.01dokhenchsip express router
03:50.59*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:51.01ManxPowerHas everyone here read the SECURITY file in the Asterisk source?  If not, you should do so right now.
03:51.24jimmy_deanPBthanks for your help ctooley and ManxPower
03:51.32ctooleyjimmy_deanPB, no problem
03:51.44*** join/#asterisk morale (
03:52.01jimmy_deanPBctooley, hopefully txlink can help me out tomorrow
03:52.50jimmy_deanPBanyway, night all
03:52.54ctooleyjimmy_deanPB, if they don't email you right back, give them a call in the morning.
03:53.14SkramXThey buy right from Level3
03:53.57ctooleySkramX, so do a lot of people.  We have a SIP Termination contract with Level3
03:54.48SkramXCool, Cool.
03:54.58SkramXI have an associate/frient who is working on getting one with them
03:55.00SkramXand some others
03:55.03ctooleyanyway... needsome sleep
03:55.08ctooleylater folks
03:55.12ManxPowerAs far as I can tell most companies with DIDs nationally buy from Level3
03:55.32ManxPowerI can't even get to but that's not suprizing. does have some local DIDs but I think that's only in Manitoba
03:56.07SkramXalephcom: what?
04:02.10alephcomI know that does have pstn connectivity but I'm not sure where all.  I think every other than Manitoba is level3 with them.
04:02.17dokhenchsilly question here, but how are blocks of numbers actually bought/sold? what is accessed to find out if a number is avail/inuse, what telco has it, etc? is this through telcordia?
04:07.53*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
04:09.32hhoffmanif I have something like "[internal] include => local" "[local] exten => _9215XXXXXX,1,Dial(${PSTNTRUNK}/${EXTEN:-1})" what do I need to do to carry across the context? I'm getting the error "request '92157727898@internal' does not exist"
04:10.56file[laptop]hhoffman: you do realize that the exten => line won't match that number?
04:11.03file[laptop]the number is one digit too long
04:13.05dokhench'92157727898@internal' does not exist" has too many digits to match.
04:13.51hhoffmandoesn't the -1 say to just take off the 9?
04:14.09SkramXThe United States foreign policy doctrines are a combination of Wilsonianism with a mix of both realism and hegemony. Through the .war on terror. and attempts to bring peace to the Middle East, the Wilsonianism aspect is evident.
04:14.09file[laptop]uh no
04:14.13file[laptop]${EXTEN:1} does that
04:14.19dokhench215-XXX-XXX != 215-772-7898
04:14.32alephcomThanks, SKramX :-)
04:14.35file[laptop]and that's for dialing out, it's not for pattern matching
04:14.40SkramXalephcom: no problem.
04:14.48file[laptop]see what dokhench said and you shall see...
04:14.49SkramXi can send you the rest of my paper later..
04:15.04*** join/#asterisk artmeister (
04:16.21distortionwow. 1260 gige ports
04:17.09*** join/#asterisk wasim (n=wasim@pdpc/supporter/active/wasim)
04:19.29dokhenchnanpa is the telco world equiv of iana (in north america), right?
04:19.49SkramXWTF, today I saw someone selling 360 DID's..
04:21.51artmeisteranybody here have much experience running asterisk on a virtual server?
04:22.04distortiondok: nanpa manages the number planning for north america- area code splits, nxx assignments- im not familiar with iana
04:22.08SkramXartmeister: i do! i do!
04:22.08dokhenchart: you mean user mode linux?
04:22.15heroinelike an user mode linux or a xen host ?
04:22.28SkramX rocks
04:22.41hhoffmanthanks guys, fixed it :-)
04:22.41dokhenchyou'll get interrupt problems if your virtual box isn't beefy enough.
04:22.47znoGanyone know why chan_modem is no longer built by default?
04:22.56SkramXit works great on my vpshost
04:22.57znoGwith asterisk 1.2.1
04:23.01SkramXi have a couple customers running asterisk
04:23.14artmeisterCool, I'll have to check that out. I'm running an installation on a godaddy vserver
04:23.44SkramXi bet they have that vpshost packed and latency like crazy
04:24.03artmeisterno, aroun 45 to 50 ms
04:24.12artmeistervery little jitter
04:24.47dokhenchbest bet is do go dedicated. isn't that much more monthly for something like a serverbeach box vs a uml box.
04:25.10artmeisteronly strange problem is that sometimes it takes really long to go from a single digit menu in one context to another....
04:25.26*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
04:25.45artmeisterwas wondering if it could be related to the time-slicing...
04:29.03*** join/#asterisk colinm_ (n=colol@VDSL-130-13-8-235.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
04:30.06*** part/#asterisk colinm_ (n=colol@VDSL-130-13-8-235.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
04:31.30ManxPowerznoG, because it never worked right anyway and has been depracated.
04:31.57ManxPowerznoG, You didn't read the UPGRADE.txt notes?
04:33.23znoGManxPower: yep just did and read' what it said :)
04:33.39znoGManxPower: i upgraded to 1.2.1 hoping the distinctive ring stuff was fixed, but doesn't look like it.
04:42.59sbingnerznoG: whats wrong w/ the distingtive rung stuff?
04:44.43znoGsbingner: when a call comes in, Asterisk doesn't wait a ring or two to determine the pattern, so it comes in with 0,0,0 every time
04:45.07Kattyhi lads.
04:45.15znoGat least the type of ring my provider sends me, at the start of the second ring you can see it rings 3 times quickly, where a normal ring is just a standard ring
04:45.31moralehas anyone setup postgresql+voicemail yet? that app_voicemail.c thing..
04:45.57*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
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04:53.31*** join/#asterisk salaud (
04:53.54*** join/#asterisk tclineks (
04:54.00salaudAnyone know if you can pass multiple e-mail addresses in the e-mail address field in voicemail.conf?
04:54.37tclinekssalaud: what happens when you try?
04:54.55*** join/#asterisk implicit (
04:55.00implicitanyone done http provisioning on grandstreams?
04:55.17salaudHaven't gone through all the testing yet.  Just curious to see if I could get a shortcircuit to a bunch of testing on a live system
04:55.31sbingnerznoG: I thought you could set asterisk to wait and it would work properly
04:55.52sbingnerproblem then is of course that you don't know it's ringing till like the 2nd or 3rd ring
04:56.10loudseparate them with commas.
04:57.03salaudloud: you talking to me about the commas?
04:57.50salaudloud: It looks like there is an <options> parameter behind the <pageremail>  ... How would you specify the <options> parameter... whatever that does?
04:58.20salaudloud: I mean if you just put a bunch of email addresses with commas... how would you specify <options>
04:58.32tclineksI'm using asterisk as my answering machine for voicemail -- I have an ht-286 ATA but haven't set it up yet (*horrible* quality with the thing currently) so I'm using my PSTN phone to catch calls before asterisk answers ( exten => s,1,Ringing : exten => s,2,Wait,10 : exten => s,3,Answer() )
04:59.11tclineksThe problem is that asterisk will pick up partway through a current call -- How can I have it detect the line state and not pick up if I have with my PSTN -- Is this possible?
04:59.46salaudloud: how would you specify the pager-email separately with e-mail addresses with commas?  I was thinking (since it's perl) maybe putting 'email1,email2' etc.
05:05.17*** join/#asterisk IronHelix (
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05:18.40*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
05:19.25kuku5I can't get the msg light to light on these cisco 7960
05:19.32kuku5Any suggestions?
05:19.50Qwellgot a mailbox= line in sip.conf?
05:20.10QwellGot any voicemail?
05:20.20kuku5of course
05:20.30kuku5bad copy
05:20.46Qwellwhat happens when you go into voicemailmain for 14?
05:20.51QwellDo you get messages?
05:20.57kuku5you have 20 messages
05:22.10kuku5what else
05:22.38QwellIt's registering properly and everything?
05:24.13kuku5no light
05:24.26kuku5no stutter ( after setting it on the phone )
05:24.34*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
05:26.59kuku5anyone ?
05:27.09mog_homeanyone ?
05:27.36*** join/#asterisk qw3rty (
05:28.31SkramXmog_home: lol
05:28.36qw3rtyfor voicemail and music on hold, what would crappy sound have to do with...  CPU, Memory, Disk or Audio Drivers?
05:29.07SkramXwell, if the cpu is tied up or there is no mememory free, then itll jitter, but thats more b/w
05:30.07qw3rtyI am running on a PIII 700Mhz with 256MB RAM and I get crappy audio... not a big deal as it's just for my house
05:30.45kuku5qqwell: bad context :)
05:30.51kuku5iin voicemail.conf
05:31.00kuku5the files were in the different folder.
05:31.04Qwellkuku5: yeah, having the right context helps
05:31.41kuku5you could press the messages button to get to it
05:31.48kuku5thats what got me confused :)
05:33.03*** join/#asterisk jahani2 (
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05:46.19litagewhat exactly is DUNDi?
05:46.39mog_homedynamic unified number discovery
05:49.12litagemog_home: what does that mean?
05:50.39*** join/#asterisk magic_1 (
05:51.13mog_homethink of it like enum
05:51.19mog_homewithout a verisign
05:51.22mog_homeits p2p
05:51.27mog_homeor like gnutella
05:52.51denonor al qeida
05:53.46litagedundi sounds awesome. it'd be nice to not have another megalomaniac company like verisign  =P
05:55.36Insanity5Is there a win32 client for asterisk that shows things like who's claling, helps you transfer calls, offers a phone directory, etc?  Kind of like "interaction client" for many commercial systems.
05:55.49denondozens of them
05:55.54denonhit the wiki
05:55.59Insanity5denon - win32?
05:56.08denonwindows-based, flash based
05:56.09denonyou name it
05:56.16Insanity5Now some switchboard manager, something aimed at the end user
05:56.18denonthere are so many that even I dont know them all .. so go google
05:56.20Insanity5win32 = not html/iexplorer
05:56.24denonthere are all of the above
05:56.30denonthere are native win32, running .net
05:57.53litagerather than list every client in sip.conf, etc., is it possible to tell asterisk to query a database to determine client information?
05:57.55Insanity5What was the wiki url?  Wasn't it like
05:58.52Insanity5yuck, google search :(
05:59.26*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linuxM (
05:59.37Insanity5denon - This is what I want:
05:59.45Insanity5denon - I don't need a sip client :)
06:00.04wasimlitage: yes, its called realtime
06:00.34denonInsanity5: I know exactly what you want
06:00.42denonand it exists.
06:00.48denonI opened that bounty a long, long time ago
06:00.55Insanity5What is one sample?  I can't believe a bounty would exist for it
06:01.10Insanity5Cause this google search is giving me pain :(
06:01.45mog_homebounty for waht
06:01.51Insanity5this looks ok, but the links are dead:
06:02.04Insanity5mog_home -
06:02.22mog_homei would need a windows box....
06:02.24jahani2how to configure outgoing call without prefix?
06:02.24mog_homeso no dice
06:02.55denonInsanity5: google for IpswitchBoard
06:03.40Insanity5yuck, gotta register to d/l :(
06:04.16denonuh heh
06:04.17denonyou're welcome
06:04.22wasimwhat do you expect for winblows
06:04.24Insanity5Just the job for
06:04.31Insanity5:) 2.0 required... beginning 20 some meg download.
06:05.34litagethanks wasim. looking up realtime now
06:09.38mog_homeew .net
06:11.31Insanity5The framework is quite annoying.
06:11.45Insanity5All the capabilities to be ported to linux, but of course ms never will :)
06:12.16*** join/#asterisk sekhmet_ (
06:14.24artmeistercan anone tell me how I can tell an application to ignore a specific charecter within the () ?
06:15.41wasimartmeister: :
06:16.07Qwellartmeister: explain
06:16.19wasimartmeister: and the ${EXTEN:1:-5} type ... readme.variables
06:16.31jahani2is that correct to make outgoing calls ? exten => _0XXXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@,20)
06:18.13artmeisterQwell: for example, if I had: exten => Voiecemail(sean@vmcontext)
06:18.16Insanity5How hard is the upgarde from a cvs-head build (slightly pre 1.2 final) to the current release?
06:18.31artmeisterthe voicemail app would think I wanted to use the 's' option
06:19.31QwellIt should only think it's option s, if it were something like
06:19.43Qwellbut, since there is no |...
06:19.52*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
06:20.17Qwellartmeister: what is happening?
06:21.05Qwellhmm, that's odd
06:21.12QwellI guess voicemail boxes can only be numeric
06:21.23Qwellbecause, yes, s1234 as a mailbox is valid
06:21.53artmeisterok, I have exten => 10,1,Record(/var/www/vhosts/${CALLERIDNUM}${ANSWEREDTIME}:wav)
06:22.22*** join/#asterisk AFK1 (n=itsme@
06:22.27artmeisterbut, when I try to record, there is a problem with the '.'
06:22.28AFK1hi all,,
06:22.57AFK1hey can anyone gimme a price idea for Digium 2400
06:23.06QwellWhat .?
06:23.06mog_homedepends how its configured
06:23.35AFK12400 card with 24 FXS ports?
06:23.37artmeisterQwell: the one in ''
06:24.27artmeisterI get an error message in the CLI: 8 23:20:00 WARNING[23170]: file.c:978 ast_writefile: No such format 'com/httpdocs/comments/4045201596:wav'
06:24.27artmeisterDec  8 23:20:00 WARNING[23170]: app_record.c:248 record_exec: Could not create file /var/www/vhosts/somedomain
06:27.50Qwellartmeister: Why are you doing :wav?
06:28.46artmeistergood question, I'm using an example in a book
06:29.05QwellThat was a smudge
06:29.20Qwellcoffee maybe
06:30.15*** join/#asterisk nagl (n=nagl@
06:30.21ManxPowerartmeister, Try exten => 10,1,Record("/var/www/vhosts/${CALLERIDNUM}${ANSWEREDTIME}":wav) or exten => 10,1,Record(/var/www/vhosts/somedomain\.com/httpdocs/comments/${CALLERIDNUM}${ANSWEREDTIME}:wav)
06:30.39QwellManxPower: It should check on the last .
06:30.52QwellSo, simply   /var/www/vhosts/${CALLERIDNUM}${ANSWEREDTIME}.wav
06:30.58ManxPowerQwell, It should not check any .  since you don't need an extension.
06:31.24Qwellper show application record
06:31.49ManxPowerQwell, Um, different versions of record work differently.
06:31.54ManxPowerartmeister, what version of Asterisk?
06:32.11ManxPower1.0.9: Record(filename:format|silence[|maxduration][|option])
06:32.12QwellWith the error he's getting, it's clearly trying to use anything after the . as the format
06:32.34artmeisterI'm on 1.2
06:32.45artmeisterthe \ doesn't work
06:32.54ManxPower1.2:   Record(filename.format|silence[|maxduration][|options])
06:33.00Qwellmine should - if not, then it's a bug
06:33.06ManxPowerartmeister, "show application record"
06:33.10artmeisternor do 'text' ot `text` or "text"
06:33.43*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
06:33.43ManxPowerartmeister, report it on
06:34.39Qwelldidn't try mine? ;/
06:34.59artmeisterok, thanks. Just FYI... Should I typically be able to use quotes or \ to ignore charecters?
06:35.05artmeisterin other applications....
06:35.20artmeisteror rather FMI?
06:35.25ManxPowerartmeister, no, but it was worth a try 8-)
06:36.01artmeisterok, thans for the help on a newb question!
06:36.35ManxPowerartmeister, quick fix is ln -s /var/www/vhosts/ /var/www/vhosts/somedomain-com
06:36.51QwellI guarantee mine will work
06:36.56QwellIt's using strrchr
06:36.59ManxPowerthen exten => 10,1,Record(/var/www/vhosts/somedomain-com/httpdocs/comments/${CALLERIDNUM}${ANSWEREDTIME}:wav)
06:37.22artmeisterthanks, that's even better than the cron job I was about to write for moving these files....
06:37.24Qwellext = strrchr(filename, '.'); /* to support filename with a . in the filename, not format */
06:37.56ManxPowerartmeister, did you fix your exten line?
06:38.08ManxPowersince the format you were using is for older asterisk's
06:38.20QwellThat format will still work with 1.2
06:38.27Qwellhowever, not if there is a .
06:38.31ManxPowerQwell, Yesh - if there's not a .
06:38.37Qwellso, abc:wav would work, abc.def:wav would not
06:38.40Qwellabc.def.wav will
06:38.52ManxPowerReally, you should ALWAYS check "show application foo" to see command docs
06:43.58jahani2qlq parle francais?
06:44.11artmeisterManx: it works! Thanks for the pointers!
06:44.45ManxPower"show applications" is your friend
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07:08.25*** join/#asterisk rene- (n=rene-@
07:10.25rene-hello, does anyone know what the irc nick of kristian kielhofner is?
07:14.13*** join/#asterisk chibski (
07:16.17chibskiWith asterisk is there support for seamless transfer of active sip channels to a different server if the sip client has a lower latency to server A over server B?
07:20.42*** join/#asterisk lme (
07:20.54rene-chibski never heard of it
07:26.10*** part/#asterisk rene- (n=rene-@
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07:32.47rene-in an [1..4] scale how would you rate the reliability of an asterisk system that ran from an usb stick, cdrom, ata hd or scsi hd?
07:32.58rene-all other things being equal
07:35.11*** part/#asterisk rene- (n=rene-@
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07:46.24rene-does R2 (unicall) work over tdmoe?
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08:19.46salaudjahani2: je parle francais
08:20.06chapeaurougewith a name like that, no wonder
08:20.16salaudchapeaurouge: ;)
08:20.40salaudchapeaurouge: with a name like that, you probably do too...
08:20.55chapeaurougea little bit
08:23.05salaudjahani2: Il faut que je me tire... desole..
08:23.12salaudnight all
08:24.03lmenice example :)
08:24.28lmehow to promote french speaking worldwide
08:24.44chapeaurougeyea.. i like the way my gf do it better :-D
08:25.12lmeAudiard is dead...  !
08:26.49*** join/#asterisk indego (
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08:33.14lmewell !!!!
08:33.37lmegone to burn my ML110 server.... This one is like a piece of sh..
08:35.20*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
08:45.18sofhhello all
08:45.45sofhdid somebody try qualcomm CDMA phone(USB) with asterisk ?
08:48.44knight_anyone have a csv of country codes?
08:49.05knight_i gotta convert some voip csv rate sheets to a new csv for my billing system
08:49.36*** join/#asterisk EriSan (n=erisan@
08:50.40*** join/#asterisk KriS83 (n=KriS@
08:50.51KriS83Hello @ all
09:07.07*** join/#asterisk frix (
09:07.18frixgood morning.
09:09.07frixi have a strange problem. i use asterisk with isdn and i have connected a teledat 2ab which makes me use old analog telephones. everything works just fine, i can make internal and external calls from both phones
09:09.33iDunnodoesn't sound like a problem yet ;)
09:09.52frixbut as soon as i connect an isdn phone and add it to my config, every incoming call gets denied after one ring
09:10.02frixthere it is :)
09:11.47frixand the internal calls dont work either anymore
09:12.10frixsorry about my english, btw
09:17.22*** join/#asterisk id_root (n=Miranda@
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09:30.39heroinei'm upgrading from asterisk-1.0 to 1.2 .. but can't find the mysql support for voicemail in addonds-1.2 .. should i use the code from addons-1.0.x ?
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09:47.06mrtwisterheroine: yes, you need upgrade everything to 1.2
09:48.31knight_heh, writing utility scripts to reformat csv == boring!!!
09:55.16joelsolankihello all: anybody using cisco ata 186 with asterisk ...i m not getting clid in csv cdr. i get in the softphone xlite & hardware device linksys pap2 but not in cisco ata.
09:55.27joelsolankiis there any configuration for that in cisco ata ?
09:59.25joelsolankianyhints ?
09:59.35joelsolankiany body awake here ?
10:02.11*** join/#asterisk jaike (i=aa@
10:02.41joelsolankianybody knows asterisk + cisco ata config. i m not getting src while using cisco ata
10:03.17joelsolankiI need " SRC " in csc cdr but when using cisco ata 186 it is not getting. while using linksys pap2 it is working.
10:03.23joelsolankiany idea guys /
10:03.36lmeno sorry
10:03.47jaikeours work well...came with default config
10:04.04*** join/#asterisk newl (
10:06.28jaikeanyone know any sip/iax providers supporting g729? with rates around 1c/min, our company is doing 100,000mins a month expected to reach 300,000 by mid next year and were looking for a stable provider
10:08.18*** join/#asterisk Abbas (i=Abbas@
10:10.48knight_Salvage: 3747 => 6374752(Armenia - Mobile/Special Services => Philippines-Digitel)
10:10.58knight_lol, that's not quite the same country codes :)
10:11.23knight_guess my salvaging code needs manual confirmation :(
10:14.05*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
10:14.07joelsolankijaike : what is your cisco ata version. mine is 2.15
10:17.50veepster_guys, will I need any special hardware just to test asterisk out? or can I test basic functionality on any linux box?
10:19.31*** join/#asterisk Tili (
10:21.13veepster_and does it work on 2.6 linux kernel?
10:23.21lmeveepster_: at least, you should have an fxo interface
10:23.36lmeand yes it's working with 2.6
10:25.21*** join/#asterisk sofh (n=ok@
10:25.26sofhhello all..
10:25.29sofhhowz everybody..
10:25.48sofhi need some help..plz give me an idea if anybody can..
10:26.04sofhhow to integerate a CDMA(wireless) phone with asterisk ?
10:26.07*** join/#asterisk Junbug (
10:27.01knight_Salvage: 2449 => 24491(Angola - Mobile/Special Services => Angola-Mobile)
10:27.03knight_there we go!!!
10:27.44sofhanybody active there ...?
10:27.57knight_sofh, what are you trying to do?
10:28.45sofhi'ev a CDMA phone..its wireless both for data and voice
10:29.05sofhi want to integarate it with asterisk...
10:29.16knight_Be more specific... How do you want to integrate it?
10:29.19sofhmay be as FXS or FXO even ?
10:29.36knight_Your chances of doing that is unlikely.
10:30.07knight_You'd need atleast a way to get a dialtone via mic/headphone jack to use as an analog FXS
10:30.18knight_Or a custom USB driver
10:30.22knight_which is realllllly slim
10:30.36sofhbut its usb driver is installed in linux
10:30.47sofhit gets it automatically....
10:32.06knight_right, but that usb driver probably doesnt have audio in/out and phone control available easily
10:32.41knight_you could write a custom asterisk device module if that device makes a /dev/dsp* available, and some sort of control interface
10:32.54sofhi also notice it is installed as A MODEM voice modem is there..
10:33.13sofhits in dev like /dev/ttyACM0 as its usb interface
10:33.22knight_most phone's usb drivers allow you to control very little
10:33.50knight_what kind of phone is it?
10:33.52Tiliknight_: there are plenty of GSM to FXO devices available. there should be same for CDMA somewhere
10:34.01knight_Tili, are there?
10:34.03Tililike Nokia Premicell
10:34.07sofhit doesnt conatin any SIM card...
10:34.20sofhits axes telecom's CDMA phone
10:34.51Tiliknight: yeah plenty of those stuff. they have SIM cards. premicells take 2 cards. there was one with 4 sim cards with ISDN interface
10:35.06Tililet me check boookmarks
10:35.22sofhif it had some GSM phone..then i must find some GSM GW and interface card like E1 ..
10:35.34knight_right, but that's not an interface between a cell phone and asterisk
10:35.36knight_it's a cell phone itself
10:36.14sofhso now according to you..the nearest possiblity is to get the voice from CDMA via sound card ?
10:36.49knight_sofh, with an EXISTING cell phone device, yes
10:36.59knight_and even then, i'm not sure how you plan to do that
10:37.01Tiliwell if you want to use your own phone than its tough. but using wireless GW is easier
10:37.14knight_or how you plan to control the phone to dial, answer, etc
10:37.45sofhhmm..thats realy going kinda typical
10:38.28sofhi must forget it :(
10:38.59sofhactually in my area..CDMA is offering free calls (local) to other CDMA phone of same company
10:39.10sofhso i though if we can integarte CDMA phone with asterisk..everything is done then :)
10:39.16sofhbut this usb interface is ...just like..
10:39.36knight_sofh, get a CDMA to FXO interface like Tili mentioned
10:39.51knight_you wont be able to use your existing phone, but you can use this device which is a phone of its own
10:40.23sofhsorry i didn't get...would you please explain a little more ?
10:40.39Tilisofh: it would be tough to use your phone like that.
10:40.56sofhyeah i understand that...becasue of only usb interface is there..
10:41.16Tilisofh: there are devices that can take your SIM card and give you an FXO out interface which you can put into asterisk's TDM cards etc
10:41.26knight_some phones would work... like PDA phones and other smartphones
10:41.34*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
10:41.39knight_you could write/install a SIP server on it
10:42.07Tilianother way would be to get a CDMA to SIP gateway.
10:42.15Tiliknight_: you really hate sofh
10:43.01sofhnot realy Tili :P
10:43.16sofhany way thanks guys..
10:43.24sofhhope to get see you again..
10:43.33Tiliagain its same thing as Wireless GW but instead of FXO you use ethernet
10:43.49knight_it would be 100 times as expensive and time consuming
10:44.06knight_as the CDMA/GSM-to-FXO method
10:50.08knight_anyway, back to writing this rate card conversion code :)
10:50.15Tiliknight_: its not very expensive. its like 300 dollars from EBay. i once saw a premicell but didnt buy it as that project went bust also
10:50.34knight_Tili, ahh these are products that went bust?
10:50.38Tiliit had 2 sims
10:51.16Tiligood luck
10:51.36Tilino our project went bust. those devices are fine
10:52.03knight_I also cant imagine that most cell companies allow you to pass traffic commercially
10:52.07knight_i.e. reselling
11:00.12*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
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11:07.52frixsry, must ask once more...
11:08.57frixi have an teledat2 a/b connected to the hfc-s. if i plug in an isdn phone also, my analog phones dont work anymore. they get hungup immediately when i call them
11:09.23frixon internal as well as incoming calls
11:10.25*** join/#asterisk pif (
11:14.27*** join/#asterisk SoloFlyer (n=soloflye@
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11:14.49KriS83I have a stupid question... the number I dial is saved in ${EXTEN} in which var is the extension saved that I am calling from?
11:15.36SoloFlyerthe callid being displayed or the actual extension?
11:15.57KriS83the actual extension
11:16.04KriS83I want to set the callerid
11:16.19KriS83depending on the extension that is making the call
11:16.39SoloFlyeri see
11:17.52KriS83thats the answer? /w 7 ? meaning?
11:18.00SoloFlyerno thats not the answer
11:18.05SoloFlyerim looking it up
11:18.09SoloFlyergimme 5
11:18.13KriS83oh.. thanks
11:18.30SoloFlyeri cant remember it exactly but i have it
11:18.34SoloFlyeri think...
11:18.52SoloFlyerexntesions.conf it tooo biiigg!!!
11:19.24KriS83yeah same here
11:21.36KriS83And then another question... is it possible to ask for a input within a queue, else kick caller from queue? I know I can have it so that if a caller presses a key he is transfered to "content=" but I need it the otherway round basicly. If caller presses "$key[1-9] stay in queue
11:23.54SoloFlyerhave a inital que
11:24.03SoloFlyerif they press a button send them to the wait que
11:24.14KriS83hmm.. good point...
11:24.17SoloFlyerif they dont kickem out of que to reception
11:24.37SoloFlyeryou might be able to do what you asked but i dont know...
11:24.50KriS83Can I kick a caller if he is in the queue $X minutes?
11:25.15SoloFlyerbut i cant remember the command
11:25.22*** join/#asterisk nesys (n=nesys@2001:1418:1a6:0:20d:93ff:fe28:3ef8)
11:25.30KriS83hmm k... I'll checkup on that then
11:25.36pifany happy 1.2+misdn user around?
11:25.38KriS83the idea is good anyway.. thanks for that
11:27.25SoloFlyeractually its a bit of a work around... if i remember correctly
11:27.35SoloFlyeryou use timeout from something else...
11:29.35*** join/#asterisk Brumle (
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11:37.26*** join/#asterisk remibreval (
11:37.30remibrevalHello everyone
11:37.39remibrevalI have simple question about asterisk console
11:37.53remibrevalto debug I tap : asterisk -vvvvvvvr
11:38.01remibrevalI use sip debug and stuff like that
11:38.18remibrevalwhen all is OK, should I do something or is ok if I just log out ???
11:41.53*** join/#asterisk RENZ0T (i=renzo_ac@
11:51.39SoloFlyerKriS83: i cant find it
11:52.19SoloFlyeri cant find it anywhere... not on my boxes and not on the internet...
11:53.06SoloFlyerbut you could just setup special contexts for each user.. and then have that special context set a variable and the go to normal context
11:53.19SoloFlyeror you could write a patch :)
11:55.13remibrevalhow do you stop Asterisk ??!
11:55.26remibreval(without stopping computer)
11:55.36remibrevaland with a clean method ....
11:55.51remibrevaldo you have any idea ?
11:56.04*** join/#asterisk pooh_ (
11:57.05SoloFlyera little reading for you :)
11:57.23remibrevalarff, I'm stupid, I didn't find this topic on the wiki :-(
11:57.37SoloFlyerbut i think you are looking from stop now :)
11:58.23SoloFlyerit will be one of the stop commands anyway...
11:58.34*** join/#asterisk ful|work (n=fulgas@
11:58.55remibrevalyep exaclty
11:59.04remibrevalthanks it's what I was searching for
11:59.09remibrevalby the way, after using asterisk -vvvvvvvr
11:59.20remibrevalshould I do something before loging out
11:59.40SoloFlyerlike what...
11:59.42remibrevalI mean, I use aste -vvv... to debug, but when all is ok, I should put back verbosity to 1 ?
11:59.49remibrevaldoes it change perfs ?
11:59.56SoloFlyeroh no
12:00.13remibrevalOk, so I just log out and it's ok :-)
12:00.26remibrevalGreat great great :-)
12:00.49SoloFlyerthe -vvvvvvv only gives extra debugging information within the console
12:01.02SoloFlyeronce you close the console it doesnt matter
12:03.06remibrevaland asterisk just call the CLI... so when log out it's ok
12:03.41SoloFlyerlol... Stress less :)
12:04.12*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:06.26remibrevalexaclty !!!
12:07.39SoloFlyerKriS83:  ${callingexten}   <--- aparently
12:07.42*** part/#asterisk jaike (i=aa@
12:08.09remibrevalI go eat, see you !!!
12:09.21SoloFlyernm that is someone saying they would like that feature :)
12:14.02SoloFlyerit would be very easy to add the feature to asterisk...
12:14.19SoloFlyerbut i currently dont have the required carefactor...
12:14.20*** part/#asterisk RENZ0T (i=renzo_ac@
12:23.00expat_iainWhat is causing me to receive the messages
12:23.06expat_iain"Primary D-Channel on span 1 up"
12:23.13expat_iain...once per second on console??
12:23.25expat_iainIt's driving me nuts
12:24.08*** part/#asterisk nesys (n=nesys@2001:1418:1a6:0:20d:93ff:fe28:3ef8)
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12:27.39JunK-Yexpat_iain: u see all the bchannels resetting too?
12:27.55JunK-Yprolly ur resetinterval in ur zapata.conf
12:29.52KriS83SoloFlyer, I'll try that thx
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12:34.55SoloFlyercd Asteriskgeeks
12:35.12SoloFlyerarg wrong window :)
12:35.34*** part/#asterisk MatsK (
12:37.25gnosysAnybody here run Asterisk 1.0.9-r2 from portage on Gentoo?
12:37.27p1tst0phi, i have an asterisk box in a DMZ, behind a internet connection... i can connect IAX <--> IAX to my friends asterisk box in the states and get 2 way audio.. however, if my friend connects to my asterisk using X-Lite, we only get 1 way audio
12:37.52SoloFlyerxlite using sip...?
12:38.18p1tst0pYeh SoloFlyer, im assuming this is Nat issues.
12:38.21*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
12:38.56p1tst0pand if so, does that mean IAX doesnt get effected
12:38.58SoloFlyerwhich way is the one way audio?
12:39.17*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
12:39.20p1tst0phe can hear me, and im on the same lan as the ast box
12:39.32SoloFlyersip is very bad with nats
12:39.36SoloFlyeriax isnt
12:39.47p1tst0pwhats a good IAX client,
12:40.13SoloFlyertell sip its external ip
12:40.21SoloFlyertell asterisk its external ip
12:40.33SoloFlyertell asterisk its external SIP ip
12:40.36expat_iainJunk-Y: Nope, just the D channel
12:40.38SoloFlyeryay got it :)
12:40.40remi-eatingSoloFlyer, I have solved this with canreinvite=no
12:41.07remi-eatingthe only pb, is that with X-lite, when I'm on same lan, it works only if I have canreinvite=yes...
12:41.24remi-eatingSo I have to change th config in fuction i'm outside or inside the same lan...
12:41.46*** part/#asterisk _4d4m_ (
12:41.49SoloFlyerremi its because the asterisk box isnt putting the correct ip address in the sip packets
12:41.52p1tst0premi-eating, already got canreinvite=no set for the sip client
12:42.28*** join/#asterisk _4d4m_ (
12:42.32remibSoloFlyer, yep, but as far as I put nat=yes, it should do something more intellignent no ???
12:42.46p1tst0pSoloFlyer, do you mean set the bindaddr in sip.conf ?
12:42.54p1tst0pSoloFlyer, which is currently set to
12:43.03SoloFlyerno leave that at
12:43.15SoloFlyeris the asterisk box directly connected to the internet
12:43.15remibI can't understand why in remote lan (I mean, not lan of asterix) it ONLY works between 2 X-lite with canreinvite=yes, and no audio with canreinvite=no...
12:43.52p1tst0pSoloFlyer, the Ast box is in a DMZ
12:44.14SoloFlyergimme a sec
12:45.05p1tst0pno problem mate
12:45.47remibp1st0p, in sip.conf externip=your_public_IP
12:45.47remiblocalnet=your_lan_IP (I have
12:46.21sivanais now obselete with SVN HEAD?
12:46.50SoloFlyerset externip=232.321.32.321 or what ever yer external ip is
12:47.00SoloFlyerin sip.conf for his logon
12:47.11SoloFlyerand leave nat=yes :)
12:47.29p1tst0pok lets try this
12:47.57SoloFlyerno sorry
12:48.04SoloFlyerput it under the general config
12:48.14SoloFlyerunder general in sip config
12:48.20SoloFlyerand nat=yes in his config
12:48.24gnosysOk, so nobody runs Asterisk 1.0.9-r2 from portage on Gentoo......  Does anybody here run Asterisk on Gentoo at all?
12:48.32*** join/#asterisk MrEntropy (
12:48.36SoloFlyerDebian :)
12:48.46MrEntropywhat version of zaptel will compile under gcc 4.0.2? zaptel 1.0.10 does not
12:48.47p1tst0pgnosys mines on Gentoo
12:48.52p1tst0pfrom CVS mind
12:49.12gnosysp1st0p... do you do anything special in building in from CVS?
12:49.22gnosysbuilding *it*
12:49.38*** join/#asterisk Zach^^ (
12:49.53remibwhen canreinvite works well ? No chance behind NAT ?
12:50.08SoloFlyeri have no idea why canreinvite works for you lol
12:50.14blophum, i got this on some incoming calls on an fxo :-- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/4-1' NOTICE[6439]: chan_zap.c:6227 ss_thread: Got event 18 (Ring Begin)... NOTICE[6439]: callerid.c:322  callerid_feed: Caller*ID failed checksum NOTICE[6439]: chan_zap.c:6227 ss_thread: Got event 2 (Ring/Answered)... , any clue ?
12:50.16SoloFlyerthat isnt what canreinvite is ment to do :)
12:51.02Zach^^anyone here that can help me with voipjet?
12:51.04SoloFlyerlooks like asterisk doesnt like the caller*id it gets
12:51.16remibit should make a P2P connection no ??
12:51.24KriS83SoloFlyer, that was not it.. ${callingexten} is empty :(
12:51.35Romik_Zach^^: email they will 24 hours..
12:51.44SoloFlyerkris said about 5 lines after i said that
12:52.03Zach^^Romik_ i have and no reply 48hrs later
12:52.18Romik_zach: so wait...they answer.
12:52.28SoloFlyer(22:41:02) SoloFlyer: nm that is someone saying they would like that feature :)
12:52.44knight_voipjet hardly replies FAST :)
12:52.52Zach^^Romik_ i am getting all circuits busy when i try to dial out.... is that my problem or on there end?
12:53.00remibAt least, canre.. shoud try to make a P2P connection. But It should cancel if no signal (I mean, I would be great if it was like that, something like : canreinvite=try :-)
12:54.02SoloFlyerremib canreinvite will work if asterisk doesnt and both clients know their correct external ip but asterik doesnt know its correct external ip
12:54.21SoloFlyerbut its still not what canreinvite is suppose to be fore
12:54.50SoloFlyerits there to reduce latency induced by asterisk proxying the connection
12:54.57Romik_zach: i spend with them near $250 a week
12:55.17Romik_zach: i do not hear about  from them
12:55.38Romik_zach: about problem....we terminate all
12:55.48Romik_zach: all north american calls via them
12:56.04remibSolo, yep, both reduce latency and also footprint of your server no ? Because if you have several call via *, it could saturate it...
12:56.10remiband the bandwith...
12:57.26SoloFlyerproxying calls doesnt use many resources other than bandwidth.... unless it has to transcode or do something special with the stream
12:57.55SoloFlyerbut yeah it does reduce load on server :)
12:58.28SoloFlyerKriS83: are you there?
12:59.26remibIf I have 2 remote LAN, I should put 2 asterisk box so ??
12:59.33p1tst0pSoloFlyer still one way audio. hm
12:59.46knight_iax2 iax2 iax2
13:00.10SoloFlyerknight yes but he wants to support sip aswell
13:00.18remibp1tst0p, use SIP DEBUG and pastebin it...
13:00.31knight_then he needs either a public IP, or a SIP Proxy
13:00.39knight_siproxyd works great
13:00.45knight_for outbound sip
13:00.53knight_over nat
13:00.54p1tst0pSoloFlyer, sorted it
13:01.00knight_but siproxyd needs to be outside the nat
13:01.07SoloFlyerknight stop
13:01.08knight_on the firewall
13:01.28*** join/#asterisk amir_ (n=amir@gentoo/developer/amir)
13:01.50remibAnt STUN ?
13:01.57p1tst0pSoloFlyer, it was the localnet= that someone previousley suggested !
13:02.06KriS83SoloFlyer, yes I'm here
13:02.12Ahrimanesis there any way to control what asterisk does when a # is sent via dtmf?
13:02.13knight_Sorry, didn't mean to steal your fire.
13:02.41SoloFlyerno you were just stating the obvious, it was annoying
13:03.08knight_About 10 lines up you were stating the obvious too. This guy needs to read the damn Wiki.
13:05.19blopdoes 'astagidir => /usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin' (asterisk.conf) still works in 1.2 ? it seems to be ignored
13:06.20remibDo you think Stun is a good solution for Nat pb ? or Iax2 is more elegant (if supported by phone)
13:06.56Ahrimanesstun is much more widespread.. and works well
13:07.37SoloFlyeriax2 wrox
13:07.58SoloFlyerbut sip is more widespread
13:07.59Ahrimanesno doubt, but a real shortage on phones supporting it
13:08.34remibyep oki :)
13:08.46SoloFlyereveryone that supports iax2 supports sip (it it feels like it anyway)
13:09.33*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
13:09.44remibyep, but the opposite is not true !!
13:10.15SoloFlyerwell technically.. its morning here
13:10.24knight_here too
13:10.43fugitivowhay are you doing awake?
13:11.33knight_making a lot of progress on some code i'm writing
13:11.39knight_otherwise normally i'm in bed
13:11.56remibOk, thanks. It is more clear now for me
13:12.34SoloFlyerthey need to make sip2...
13:12.59SoloFlyerNAT friendly :)
13:13.18knight_funny that you say that, some broken code in astbill tried to access SIP2/
13:13.40fugitivonice :)
13:13.52knight_hah yeah
13:14.08*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
13:14.47SoloFlyeri think i mean SIP3
13:15.10remibwell in france it is 2 PM
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13:15.44lme3 hours to go !
13:16.37remibLOL :
13:17.05SoloFlyerok SIP4 ?
13:18.20*** join/#asterisk amir_ (n=amir@gentoo/developer/amir)
13:18.52SoloFlyeri cant belive that they hardcoded ip addresses into sip
13:19.06SoloFlyerits such and amature thing to do
13:21.12fugitivowhat do you mean with ip addresses into sip?
13:21.29heroineI'm looking throught asterisk-1.2 for voicemail mysql support but from what i can understand it seems that mysql support moved to an odbc support .. is that right .. ? or i miss understanding something ?
13:21.51SoloFlyersip packets have the source/destination ip addresses in the packet data
13:22.07KriS83heroine, I'd say it's RealTime support
13:22.15KriS83Search for REaltime and voicemail
13:22.28*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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13:24.26heroineKriS83: thanx for the tip . will take a look at that
13:31.43*** part/#asterisk SoloFlyer (n=soloflye@
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13:34.13docelmoGood Moring #asterisk!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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13:35.01docelmoor not.
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13:42.22MassiveBluegood morning, my local time is 14:42 :)
13:46.23*** join/#asterisk amir_ (n=amir@gentoo/developer/amir)
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13:51.43docelmoHay bub..  it might be almost 3pm your time but its almost 9am GMT-5 here
13:52.55*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
13:53.46*** join/#asterisk postwait (
13:53.56postwaitAnyone here use voipjet?
13:54.18postwaitI have an old IP in my asterisk set up and it no longer works.
13:54.35postwaitLooking for voipjet's new york IP address and cant' find it online
13:54.46*** join/#asterisk locksy (
13:55.17*** join/#asterisk Spacebar (
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13:55.42Spacebarhmm anybody can answer newbie queue question? :)
13:56.16SpacebarI'm trying to use queue without Agents (adding dynamic members directly)
13:56.46Spacebarbut this way it distributes second calls to members
13:56.58Spacebari.e. second call is ringing while 1st in progress
13:57.20[TK]D-FenderHmmm, seems to be a problem with knowing if an agent is on the phone already
13:57.35[TK]D-Fenderusing a call-back context right?
13:57.53Spacebar[TK]D-Fender: no. I'm not using agent channel at all
13:58.09[TK]D-Fenderhow does it add?  Direct tech/#?
13:58.17postwaitpooh_: That IP no workie for me.
13:58.21Spacebari'm using "add queue member IAX2/310 to call01"
13:58.28postwaitThat's what I had...  it went silent about 6 days ago.
13:58.41[TK]D-FenderSpacebar : ok, something I haven't tried yet.. sorry :/
13:58.48postwaitI've been crawling mailing lists and found:
13:58.55postwaitwhich works and has 20ms of latency for me.
13:59.03postwaitJust want to sanity check it...
13:59.05Spacebarshow queues say "In use" on that members so it detects it as in use
13:59.46docelmopostwait, its on their site
13:59.56*** join/#asterisk synthetiq (n=roger@
14:00.07Spacebarbut inside app_queue.c there are some obfuscated logic containing "stillgoing" parameter
14:00.21Zach^^how can i make an extension fwd to and outside line?
14:01.27znoGpostwait: i'm using for voipjet
14:02.54KattyznoG: exten => extensionyouwanttouse,1,Dial(Zap/g1/wwSomethingPhoneNumber)
14:03.10Zach^^and someone help me setup voipjet with amp?
14:03.13Katty^ Zach^^
14:04.18KattyZach^^: see above.
14:04.27KattyZach^^: accidently went to znoG
14:05.15Zach^^Katty but i need to get voipjet to work first....
14:05.28KattyZach^^: then copy down that line and get back to it later.
14:05.41KattyZach^^: if you didn't want it, you shouldn't have asked for it.
14:06.08Zach^^when i try to dialout i get the error all circuits arebusy
14:08.33lmeanybody with junghanns's cards experience here ?
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14:08.55KriS83lme, I have some.. but I wouldn't call it "experiance" :)
14:09.27lmekris83 : got problems with quadbri and layer 1 activation here...
14:09.52KriS83I have 2 quadBRI setup and running
14:09.58lmeI can pass & receive calls, but layer one always goes down between calls
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14:11.55KriS83lme, I'm new to Asterisk, so I guess I'm no good help...
14:12.08KriS83I'm fighting myself thru also
14:12.47iCEBrkrKriS83: worthless!!
14:13.01docelmoCan one restart udev w/o rebooting?
14:13.12bkw__hup it
14:13.19iCEBrkrdocelmo: I just rerun udevstart
14:13.27bkw__or that :P
14:13.31KriS83iCEBrkr, huh?
14:13.45iCEBrkrKriS83: I was give'n ya shit :P
14:13.47docelmoIm running Redhat tho
14:13.50tzafrir_laptopKriS83, what distro?
14:13.59KriS83tzafrir_laptop, CentOS
14:14.16iCEBrkrdocelmo: So? udevstart should still be an executable.
14:14.23iCEBrkrdocelmo: It looks SuSE like, I know.
14:14.51KriS83I tried Debian, but seems the BriStuff don't like Debian.
14:15.32docelmoKickass dude..
14:15.51lmekris83 : which version of bristuff r u using ?
14:15.51iCEBrkrdocelmo: you mean I actually helped you with something for a change?
14:16.06KriS83lme, latest available
14:16.11*** join/#asterisk amir_ (n=amir@gentoo/developer/amir)
14:16.15KriS83for * 1.2.0
14:16.18iDunnothe debian version of asterisk in sarge has the bristuff in it already.
14:16.28iDunnobut that's 1.0.7 rather than 1.2.0
14:16.42iDunnothere's 1.2.0 in debian unstable, not checked if that's bristuff'd
14:17.23docelmoMore or less..  Now that your head will swell..
14:17.35iCEBrkrdocelmo: haha, naww man, I ain't like that
14:17.35docelmoZtdummy now workS!!!
14:17.44*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
14:18.33lmekris83: 0.3.0-PRE-1c
14:18.46docelmoif it only wasnt december I would have my TDM11B for my house..
14:18.52docelmoohh hay Katty..  Whats shaking?
14:18.52*** join/#asterisk lehel (n=lehel@
14:19.08lmeKriS83: and got no problems with your layer1 ? it's seems that mine looks like a yoyo
14:21.00docelmoall good..   Im just recompiling Asterisk for the Zaptel options..   I just wish I could get my damn SPA3000 to work correctly..  Inbound works of all things..  But I cant make a call out..  Keeps bitching about authentication..  Zaptel cards are SO much easier to install
14:21.01*** join/#asterisk kimosabe (n=kimosabe@
14:21.05KriS83lme, nop
14:21.25docelmoAnyone wanna buy a SPA2000 and 3000 and help me fund my move towards a TDM411B?
14:21.27lmekris83: damn... WHich signalling r u using to connect to your telco ?
14:21.52iCEBrkrdocelmo: No thanks. I got SPAs coming out my ass..
14:21.54lmei must put pri_cpe_ptmp here. But it's sounds funny to me to do multipoint...
14:22.11KriS83lme, signalling = bri_cpe_ptmp
14:22.20lmewell... :)
14:22.29docelmoNo.. you.. Anyone..  :)
14:22.55kimosabedoes any one know what 30 did cost with t-1 for resels of phone numbers
14:23.36iCEBrkrdocelmo: Thing is, I'm not sure how it all happened.  I have 4 SPA2000's and I really only need 1.
14:24.16iCEBrkrOh geesh
14:24.20*** join/#asterisk javar (n=javar@
14:25.18docelmoI wanna get my TDM board for my house then I will be happy as HELL!
14:25.30KriS83lme, works? :)
14:25.53lmekris83 : no... I doesn't understant errors message....
14:26.11lmeKriS83: qozap: not re-activating layer1 span 0
14:26.39lmeKriS83: and... according to my zap config, my first span is 1....
14:26.47kimosabesip device 1 conects to asterisk box then asterisk box is always connected to iconnect acounnt registered and all i dial 9 then the number i wish 2 dial it says on comand line interface dialing then all it does is hang up and fast bussy
14:26.56[TK]D-Fenderdocelm0 : pastebin your sip & extensions and I might be able to help you with that...
14:27.05lmeKriS83: if i receive a call, layer 1 span 0 goes up....
14:27.33znoGkimosabe: which country are you from?
14:27.38lmeKriS83: gonna shot myself and buy 100 analogs phones with 100 analogs lines from my telco
14:27.55znoGkimosabe: ya me parecía, no entendí del todo lo que quisiste decir. Cual es el problema?
14:28.41*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
14:28.55docelmoI think the problem is in the SPA3000 but ok I will do it here in a sec..   In a conference now
14:29.16kimosabeznog i have a sipura that makes calls amongstmy other sipuras with no problem i have an iconnect acount configured in my asterisk box i want for my sipuras 2 take that acount from iconnect and use it
14:29.29zigmanwhat ? ;)
14:29.38javarhola znoG
14:30.01lmenothing, that was my head hitting my keyboard...
14:30.39znoGkimosabe: so you just need to configure your extensions.conf to do so
14:30.57kimosabelet me paste bin what i have in my extensions.conf
14:32.03MassiveBluei get the following error when im calling from a misdn-channel to an iax2-channel "Dec 9 15:26:38 NOTICE[5760]: channel.c:1903 ast_read: Dropping incompatible voice frame on IAX2/4939329-3 of format alaw since our native format has changed to ulaw"
14:33.06znoGkimosabe: into a pastebin, I hope. :)
14:33.08*** join/#asterisk paryl (
14:33.11MassiveBluesry, i mean "from a CAPI-Channel"
14:33.28paryloh what a beautiful morning
14:34.40Spacebar[TK]D-Fender: well, Agent channel is strictly one-call (it gets busy when talking) while IAX2 just marked as "in use"
14:34.53parylis there a way to automatically log an agent out of a queue if they don't answer a call?
14:35.21paryli thought a read about it a long time ago, but i can't find anything about it
14:35.45Spacebar[TK]D-Fender: but the problem stays when I transfer from agent to other extension I must do this via transfer channel too
14:36.33*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
14:36.39znoGkimosabe: you probably want EXTEN:1, not EXTEN-1
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14:37.47[TK]D-FenderSpacebar : ok you are clearly working way out of my league :)
14:37.57kimosabeok but EXTEN:1 must i declare it ?
14:37.59KriS83Could someone help me on this problem: Asterisk wants to forward me to the extension ${EXTEN} in [outbound]... and I don't know why :(
14:38.16znoGkimosabe: no.
14:38.33*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
14:38.50Spacebar[TK]D-Fender: ;(
14:38.59kimosabeznog thanks
14:39.09KattyznoG: you remind me of eggnog.
14:39.16KriS83All I want to do is achive that the caller from the Phone 069.... is connected to the extension he/she dialed, but with the CallerID given...
14:40.21*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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14:41.41gnosysrecommendations on the best economy-to-mid-price-range hardware SIP phones for working with asterisk?  I like my two Cisco 7960's thus far, but I only need that much functionality in a SIP phone for two desktops, whereas I need at least two other phones, maybe as many as 7 or 8 other economical phones, but want to make sure they work well with asterisk and have good firmware and configuration support.  Thoughts?
14:41.55[TK]D-FenderKriS83 : whats with the "/06941903117" ?
14:42.01Katty[TK]D-Fender: hi!
14:42.10Flautohey guys, when i make update under cvs, do i have to reconpile and install astersk and zaptel and libpri?
14:42.23[TK]D-FenderKatty : y0
14:42.56[TK]D-Fendergnosys : Need PoE?  2nd lan port?
14:43.19gnosysFender: huh?  Need phones...
14:43.28Kattygnosys: what type of phones.
14:43.38Kattygnosys: power over ethernet...
14:43.51Kattygnosys: second lan port is very handy if you've got computers nearby
14:43.54[TK]D-Fendergnosys : I'm talking about specifig functionality. Are they to be plugged inline with a pc?  use PoE or a power brick, etc..
14:43.56gnosysdon't need PoE (thanks for elaborating on that)
14:44.08KriS83[TK]D-Fender, Thats to explictly say this extension is for the phone 06941903117
14:44.14gnosysyes, 2nd lan port would be nice then...
14:44.14Kattygnosys: 2nd lan port is a bit like a fax....line into fax, line out from fax to something else.
14:44.23[TK]D-FenderI like my SPA-941.  Polycom 501 is also a very good bet for you
14:45.20KriS83But if I call that extension, it wants to transfer me to exten => ${EXTEN}... but I can't create an extension for every phonecall I want to make :)
14:45.23*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
14:45.42gnosysPolycom 501 for me?
14:45.52gnosysOk.  Thanks.
14:45.55Kattygnosys: those are nice ones :>
14:46.05Kattygnosys: with ulaw 8mono for ringtones :>
14:46.07[TK]D-Fender601 > realllllyy nice phone
14:46.16gnosysAre they pricey?  I'm on a budget for these phones.  My 7960's were my high-end phones.
14:46.17Kattygnosys: we have polycom 500s here (=
14:46.26Kattygnosys: voip-supply has a price for you
14:46.28[TK]D-FenderKatty : I ripped off the Cisco "24" one for mine :)
14:46.36Kattygnosys: i mean
14:49.55iCEBrkrIs it time to go home yet?
14:50.05[TK]D-Fendergnosys : 501's can be had for +/- $170
14:50.27*** join/#asterisk DrDeke (
14:50.50gnosys[browsing] Hmmm... Looks like the 501 has way more functionality than I need for these phones... looks like it's a similar phone to the 7960...  how does the 301 work with asterisk?  I prolly only need 1-3 lines at most and limited functionality for these phones.
14:51.24}btorch{is there a festival example config file somewhere in the festival install ?
14:51.27}btorch{I can't find it
14:51.56gnosysare those wall- and desk-mount?
14:52.28gnosysthanks for the pointer Fender
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14:54.00mesfetHi. I'm trying a HFC isdn card with mISDN + asterisk... callings are working, but with NO AUDIO. Some ideas about?
14:54.36gnosysHey, how does PoE work anyway?  Do I need a special switch that sends the power and data over ethernet?  And aside from that, it's the same as any other switch?  Are there limitations on cable-type and cable-length?  Pointers to reading material on this?
14:55.46[TK]D-Fendergnosys : You need a special switch or a PoE injector which plugs in-line.  I never suggest injectors unless you only need a FEW ports
14:56.02[TK]D-FenderApparently cat5+ works just fine
14:56.18[TK]D-FenderLook at the D-Link DES-1526
14:57.04[TK]D-Fendergnosys : the price diff betweent he 301 and 501 isn't much, but the functionality gai is HUGE.
14:57.06gnosysMy setup now has both server computers and client computers and ip phones plugged into a basic dumb D-Link switch.  could I do the same if I had a special switch?  the power over ethernet wouldn't cause problems for the computers?
14:57.50[TK]D-Fendergnosys : PoE (802.11af) auto-detects if the plugged device wants power and only provides if it does
14:58.33[TK]D-Fender301 has no speaker-phone, and a much more limited feature set (2 calls, etc).
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14:59.10[TK]D-FenderAlmost too low end to consider unless you're going all polycom in a bigger layout and need several budget phones.  What are they going to be used for?
14:59.41gnosysgood points Fender
15:00.03[TK]D-Fender802.3af... my bad...
15:00.30DrDekeMan, 802.11af would be sweet ;). Power over Wireless Ethernet!
15:00.34gnosysthey'd be used for very short, one-on-one conversations, never a conference call.
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15:01.02gnosysDrDeke: I think they have that already... it's called a microwave oven!  ;-)
15:01.07DrDekelol yea
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15:01.56[TK]D-Fendergnosys : well.... I'd still say either the 501 or SPA-941.  the 941 is really nice....
15:02.07[TK]D-Fenderand will save you a little bit
15:02.23gnosysSo, am I unlikely then to get below a $100 price point on a budget SIP phone?  Looks that way from what I'm hearing.
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15:02.45DrDekegnosys: You can definitely get a budgetone 101 or 102 for less than $100, but the question is, even though you can do that; would you really want to?
15:03.05[TK]D-Fender"Just say no! (to BarbieTones!)"
15:03.23[TK]D-FenderGS = SUCK
15:03.25gnosysWell, I don't need much functionality... maybe only one line even...
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15:03.42blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: amen!
15:04.07[TK]D-FenderI'd suggest a 301 over any GS.
15:04.09gnosysok.. good2know
15:04.38blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: aye -- or Sipura (or, the new Cisco/Linksys (which is a Sipura repackaged)) looks really good -- only $150
15:05.16[TK]D-Fender[10:01] <[TK]D-Fender> gnosys : well.... I'd still say either the 501 or SPA-941.  the 941 is really nice....
15:05.21gnosyshow do i get firmware and config files and docs?  with the cisco 7960's, i bought them new on eBay and was bummed to learn that I had to pay extra for a license from Cisco to get the firmware upgrades and config files.
15:05.24[TK]D-FenderI own one :)
15:05.52[TK]D-FenderPolycom firmware = free.  They are like Cisco -  the BS :D
15:06.16gnosysmy cisco firmware wasn't free....
15:06.19[TK]D-FenderCisco = Licensed costly gear
15:06.34gnosysnot so for polycom?
15:06.34blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: free? I guess if you buy new... but it seems like a bitch to find (from Polycom -- you can find it on websites by searching google)
15:06.35[TK]D-Fendergnosys : I was talking about Polycom, sorry
15:07.11[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : its just that Polycom doesn't shove it on their website, they want you to go through a reseller (they don't want the hassle)
15:07.14lehel[TK]D-Fender, i wondered a solution would be between two eu countries, 2 * server, routed through iax2, with isdn cards, like fritz! and a tdm card?
15:07.23blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: gotcha
15:07.51bjohnson_If these remind you of yourself, it's a good bet you are an engineer.
15:07.56bjohnson_- At Christmas, it goes without saying that you will be the one to
15:07.56bjohnson_find the burnt-out bulb in the string.
15:07.57[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : I have 4 SIP application version files here and 3 Bootrom :)
15:08.06bjohnson_- The salespeople at Circuit City can't answer any of your questions.
15:08.11[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : Happy to pass your way if you need.
15:08.18bjohnson_- You bought your wife a new CD ROM for her birthday.
15:08.27bjohnson_- You can quote scenes from any Monty Python movie.
15:08.39blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: coolio -- I need to get my phone to boot off my tftp (again -- HD crashed after I got it working ;)) and the dialplan in the phone is f00ked (dials immediately when I dial 151)
15:08.47bjohnson_- You have ever saved the power cord from a broken appliance.
15:08.48blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: please so! I have the IP500
15:08.54bjohnson_- You have more friends on the Internet than in real life.
15:09.01lehelany hint?
15:09.11[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : tftp = suck, ftp = good
15:09.13jbotDocumentation can be found at or or or or
15:09.15jbotsomebody said docs was probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or
15:09.15DrDekegnosys: I had a BT102 for a while, but my cousin's wife demanded that I sell it to her so she can call her friends and family in Peru, Italy and Germany on the cheap. It "worked" but I was not overly impressed with it. It didn't actually crash on me like I have heard from some people, but it acts kind of flaky.
15:09.18jbotmailinglist is, like, Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at
15:09.27bjohnson_- You're in the back seat of your car, she's looking wistfully at the
15:09.27bjohnson_moon, and you're trying to locate a geosynchronous satellite.
15:09.30[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : What SIP version do you want?
15:09.39blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: whatever you recommend :)
15:09.40bjohnson_- You've ever tried to repair a $5 radio.
15:09.49bjohnson_that pretty much describes me
15:09.53gnosysthanks for that anecdote, DrDeke, about the BT102
15:10.18blitzragesince we're flooding docs anyways... :)
15:10.19jbotextra, extra, read all about it, thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under the Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
15:10.24MeatyHow can i change voicemail.conf for do not send email nofication on voicemail message ?
15:10.50anglerMeaty, remove the email address
15:11.18azziewhere can I get original .wav sounds from *, not .gsm ? need to recompress them to a different codec and not loose quality...
15:11.27blitzrageazzie: don't exist
15:11.29Meaty:S angler. ..  Thx
15:11.58lehela solution would be between two locations, 2 * server, routed through iax2, with isdn cards, like fritz! and a tdm card?
15:12.07azzieblitzrage, okey... so i gotta redo it from different prompts like cisco or quintum... thanks
15:13.03*** join/#asterisk stkn (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
15:15.50gnosys[TK]D-Fender: is that Polycom firmware you're talking with blitzrage about?  for the 501?  If it can be had through the "fair-use" clause here, then maybe it's not so bad that the firmware isn't free...  which version do you like for the 501?  maybe I'll pick up some of the 501's after all...
15:17.09Flautoanyone has any idea about web voicemail. i had no problem with it when i was using mandriva 2005 now, i use mandriva 2006, when i make webvmail, it seems working but i can not access it on the web, it is telling me server error
15:17.12Flautoany idea?
15:17.41*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
15:18.20Flautowhen i look at the file under /var/www/cgi-bin, it is red
15:21.32gnosysI've noticed that the book, TFOT, is a tad out of date on some points... is the webvmail still a good make target with fully functional software installed?  I haven't seen it discussed except in the book, TFOT.
15:21.45gnosysI mean in 1.2.1?
15:22.24[TK]D-Fendergnosys : the firmware IS free, its jsut the Polycom doesn't want you bugging them DIRECTLY for it.
15:22.40gnosysso how do you get it then?
15:23.02[TK]D-Fendergnosys : exactly or anyone else who has it.  You ARE entitled to it, its jsut they don't want the effort.
15:23.18gnosysoh, i see... that is different from cisco...
15:23.27DrDekeIn other words get a cheap VoIP account and keep calling them and yelling until they give it to you? :)
15:23.49[TK]D-Fendergnosys : they entire difference.  Cisco - BS :)
15:24.01gnosysBS?  Bullshit?
15:24.25DrDekeOh hey speaking of VoIP... (Imagine that!): Are there any free-of-charge SIP or IAX clients for PocketPC/WindowsMobile?
15:24.39Flautoanyone would help me with the webvmail?
15:24.52gnosysanyone here using webvmail with a recent * version?
15:25.35mog_homemake webvmail
15:25.35Flautomog, i did
15:25.35Flautobut it is not working
15:25.35gnosyswhat version of * are you using Flauto?
15:25.39Flautoi am using cvs and just made an update
15:25.48mesfetFlauto, look at apache logs.
15:26.01mesfetFlauto, you'll need to permit cgi-bin from that directory
15:26.13mog_homethat and do you have perl-suid
15:26.21mishehucvs-head means that you give asterisk head.
15:26.47[TK]D-Fender[10:24] <gnosys> BS?  Bullshit? <- INDEED
15:26.51Flautohow can i do it
15:27.00gnosysi thought they were using Subversion rather than CVS.
15:27.23af_which way I can run asterisk and samba in the same pc?
15:27.53gnosys[TK]D-Fender, are you saying that you think Cisco's products are bullshit or that they policy about their software is bullshit?  Just curious.  I'm pretty happy with my 7960 phones, but I don't have much experience with SIP hardware phones so...
15:28.12*** part/#asterisk pooh_ (
15:28.57DrDekegnosys: Not that you asked me, but of the Cisco products I have used (no VoIP), the products have worked extremely well, but the software/firmware/updates/etc have been extremely annoying and difficult to set up, and even more annoying and difficult to acquire.
15:29.17gnosysthat's been my experience (though limited) also
15:29.42[TK]D-Fendergnosys : Hardware = good, plicy = suck
15:29.59gnosysI get the general impression that Polycom is very highly regarded on both counts in here though.  True?
15:30.20gnosysWould anyone say that it's perhaps the most popular SIP phone for use with *?
15:30.45Nuggetdo you really care what's the most popular, or do you care what's best?  :)
15:30.57Nuggetthe honda civic is a "popular" car.
15:31.06gnosysbest of course, but in here, i suspect best ~= most popular... no?
15:31.10DrDekeDo you want it done fast, or do you want it done right? I JUST WANT IT DONE... DAMN! MY PHONES!
15:31.12mog_homemmm honda civic
15:31.18[TK]D-Fendergnosys : Fair assessment.  I've worked with 50x & 60x Polycom's and run 26 60x's here
15:31.31[TK]D-FenderRock solid phones and very flexible
15:31.47gnosysok.  good2know
15:31.59gnosyscan i wall-mount the 501s?
15:32.10*** part/#asterisk lme (
15:32.12[TK]D-Fendergnosys : I'd say that with Polycom's new acceptance of * as a platform, their $/value is very good.  its makes a good combo for business use.
15:32.41synthetiqanyone know if ser config can be reloaded with out restarting ser?
15:32.48Flautomesfet, did you see my message?
15:33.18[TK]D-Fendergnosys : NOt sure about the wall mounting.. there'd have to be a special-order part to allow that from what I see in the frame
15:34.16*** join/#asterisk hugov6 (
15:34.30[TK]D-FenderI bought Uniden UIP-200's for that here (higher risk of being vandalized and I wanted to minimize the liability too)
15:34.46[TK]D-FenderBut I wouldn't recommend them for anything else.
15:34.57ManxPowerThe polycom phones can be wall mounted.
15:35.09ManxPoweryou flip around the stand for wall mount
15:35.12gnosysManxPower: need special hardware?
15:35.17ManxPowergnosys, no
15:35.24[TK]D-FenderManxPower : It's not apparent when I look at mine and I didn't get any plates to support it.
15:35.42ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, take off the plastic base, rotate 180 degrees.
15:35.50ManxPowerIt should be in the quickstart guide.
15:36.38hugov6q: i have to match on extension 12340 and extension 123412 123499 and so on. now i tried _1234XX (wont match on 12340) and _1234. (wont match on 123412/99) i dont get it working with both. got someone a hint?
15:37.05gnosysWhat's the general consensus in here about getting SIP phones from ebay vendors?  Bad?  Ok?  I did this once for my two 7960 phones and had no problems, but if I want the Polycom firmware, maybe I need to go to a licensed reseller?
15:37.21[TK]D-FenderManxPower : not on a 60x.... maybe the 50x.....
15:37.37ManxPower_1234X will match any 5 digit extension starting with 1234
15:37.39[TK]D-Fendergnosys : I'd be happy to pass mine on to you.
15:37.57gnosysthanks [TK]D-Fender
15:38.08hugov6ManxPower: it has to match 5-6 digit extensions
15:38.22*** join/#asterisk rajiv (n=irc@gentoo/developer/rajiv)
15:38.27ManxPowerhugo-v6, well that's not going to work well.
15:38.28[TK]D-Fenderhugo-v6 : _1234.
15:38.59hugov6tkd-fender: wont match on 123499 for example
15:39.09ManxPoweryes, _1234. will work, but if you are on Zap you'll have to wait for a timeout.
15:39.12hugov6tkd: already tried that
15:39.13*** join/#asterisk azid (
15:39.26hugov6ManxPower: it wont work here
15:39.33ManxPowerhugo-v6, _1234. will match any length starting with 1234
15:39.40ManxPowerhugo-v6, then you are doing something else wrong.
15:39.44hugov6ManxPower: wher i can set the timeout
15:39.55ManxPowerhugo-v6, "show application DigitTimeout
15:39.58leheli want to use some analog phones to connect to PSTN, if not TDM what else?
15:40.05*** part/#asterisk MaD-DaRiUs (
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15:41.04af_I mean, if samba is running, voice is chopping
15:41.22ManxPoweraf_, That's not suprizing.
15:41.45af_ManxPower, I guess there is some way to do it
15:41.53af_like use some of 2.6
15:42.10af_I am wondering if there is some I could read for
15:42.20hugov6pastebin is slow for me atm *wait*
15:43.05ManxPoweraf_, You can't change reality by wishing really hard.
15:44.42hugov6ManxPower: btw: concerning af_'s question. i want to run asterisk and samba on the same machine too, whats the problem befor i encounter it?
15:44.43*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
15:44.56af_it's just that asterisk must be prioritized some way different that samba
15:45.11manyrenice -19
15:45.39iCEBrkrGet a real machine, geesh :P
15:46.12iCEBrkrI have web, mail, ftp running on my Asterisk box, I don't have issues.
15:46.24iCEBrkrmodel name      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1300MHz
15:47.54[TK]D-FenderI run X (KDE), Samba, *, and plenty more on my AMD2000+ box without any problems....
15:49.11funxionapt-cache search make
15:49.21funxionwrong screen
15:50.29funxionits gcc no
15:50.32hugov6iCEBrkr: well then it should work on the p4 3ghz cpu with 2mb cache.
15:51.09*** join/#asterisk sysdebug (n=sysdebug@
15:51.26hugov6back to my problem. i tried _1234X. a few mins ago. wont work also. now im trying this digittimeout
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15:53.39gnosyshey, if i missed it then i apologize, but are folks using webvmail with 1.2.1 ?  is it fully functional?
15:54.19fugitivowhat is webvmail?
15:55.15heroinewebvmail is a cgi script distributed with asterisk to allow user to retreive their voicemail messages throught a webserver
15:55.16xhelioxWeb access to your voice mail.
15:55.37heroine(and was found vulnerable to some security issue recently)
15:55.57fugitivodistributed with asterisk? where is it?
15:56.13heroinedon't know .. :)
15:56.33Nuggetit's in ./contrib/scripts/
15:56.51fugitivoNugget: thanks
15:57.07fugitivoi don't have it
15:57.12fugitivodoes it come with 1.2 ?
15:57.12Nuggetit's called vmail.cgi
15:57.21fugitivoi see it :)
15:57.49paryli set a timeout in queues.conf, but use "Queue(4|t|||20)" in extensions.conf, will it use the timeout in the dial string or the conf file?
16:00.03[TK]D-Fenderparyl : in queues.conf thats the timeout before trying other agents when the first doesn't answer.  in Extensions that limits the max time in queue PERIOD
16:00.15[TK]D-FenderGood for kicking people out after a while to leave VM.
16:00.17*** join/#asterisk NDT (
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16:00.39parylaha... that makes sense :)
16:00.49gnosysso are folks in here using webvmail?  is it still vulnerable to the security issue?  do folks like it?
16:01.56xhelioxYes. Probably. And ]I love it.
16:02.36gnosysare you using 1.2.1?  1.2?
16:02.44parylthough... did anyone see my question earlier about automatically logging off an agent who doesn't answer?
16:02.48parylis that possible?
16:02.56NDTHey guys...question...We toll free number for a trunk group...We have a bunch of numbers pointed to the toll free...The carrier we get the numbers from turns a sig data field on their end to yes so we can read the dialed number 10 digit string (Billing this way by matching number to account) Is there anyway in asterisk for me to read this 10 didgit string sent without a gatekeeper?
16:03.36gnosysxheliox: what version of * are you using?
16:03.58*** join/#asterisk Seldon1975 (
16:04.09gnosysanybody else care to comment on webvmail ?
16:05.01*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
16:05.04fugitivognosys: i'm trying to make it work
16:05.58gnosyswhat distribution are you using?  TFOT claims that it will only work with Redhat unless you modify the make file.  Just curious.  What about you xheliox?  What distro?
16:06.14fugitivoi'm using a home made distro
16:06.32hugov6if this wont work soon ill got a gun and go to beronet to kill ppl.
16:06.52hugov6many: save the beronet ppl, try to support me ;))
16:08.01gnosysxheliox: what linux distribution are you running your webvmail on?
16:08.25*** join/#asterisk Samoied (
16:11.00[TK]D-Fendermany : Already have... twice :)
16:11.09coppicemany: is this a brokerage thing? :-)
16:11.20manyhugo just asked me to support beronet.
16:11.31manyso.. i fled in another direction :-P
16:11.53hugov6many: grrr ;)
16:12.36hugov6many: u dont have to support them, only saving them would be enough or ill go and do some assassination
16:12.52manyso, 'sup?
16:13.01Seldon1975this is odd - my system was all set up so that dialling 1111 would play the tt-weasels file, but I rebooted and now when I dial 1111 the message 'Playing tt-weasels' still comes up in the * console, but it stalls there and doesnt play the file
16:13.26[TK]D-FenderSeldon1975 : Pastebin your extensions.conf
16:13.35*** join/#asterisk arguile (n=arguile@
16:14.37Seldon1975Fender ok - 1 sec
16:15.17*** join/#asterisk jaiger (
16:17.41[TK]D-Fenderlooks good... maybe its your phone setup.
16:18.51*** join/#asterisk rking (
16:19.00Seldon1975the odd thing is this whole setup has been working for a couple of days
16:19.15Seldon1975ive been calling between extensions without problems
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16:19.56Seldon1975could you check that paste again - I readded the lines for other extensions that I had deleted originally - could they be interfering?
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16:21.48[TK]D-FenderSeldon1975 : nothing to recheck you need to give me the new #
16:21.59Darwin35 I need help with converting from astdb to odbc/postgress
16:22.19Darwin35not sure I got it right
16:22.28[TK]D-FenderI see it... it still looks good
16:23.12Seldon1975thaks D
16:23.23Seldon1975how frustrating
16:23.30[TK]D-FenderDarwin35 : Looks a lot like my STDEXTEN :D
16:24.14Darwin35I wrote this one but at thepoint I am moving to odbc from astdb and I dont think I got it right
16:26.01[TK]D-FenderI didn't think ODBC sould use DB1 style stuff... thought it was only SQL
16:27.51Darwin35it uses odbcput get and del
16:28.03Darwin35but making all the right calls
16:28.45jeffikhello all: have some questions about mandrake iso discs
16:28.52Darwin35burn it
16:28.58Darwin35use it as a coaster
16:29.10Darwin35wall art
16:29.40jeffikDarwin35: wny?
16:30.37Darwin35so I would say use centos for asterisk if yo use linux
16:30.45Darwin35else use FreeBSD
16:31.10jeffikDarwin35: i am new to linux, what i want to do is control traffic on a shared wifi router
16:31.58Darwin35everything we have is fbsd based
16:34.09jeffikDarwin35: fbsd?
16:34.53loudthat might explain why teliax has better service than the rest.
16:35.12Darwin35How did you figure out thats where I worked
16:35.21*** join/#asterisk Ayano (
16:35.27loudrockynet. i exchange emails the whole day with david.
16:35.27Darwin35I am the tech/noc monkey
16:35.35loudcool :)
16:35.46h3x0rsome asshole emailed me asking if they could switch over from teliax
16:35.50Zach^^is there a voip company that allows free tolfree calls?
16:35.51h3x0rand they are in some bum fuck egypt place
16:36.00h3x0rand im like, well it wouldnt be much different coz we use level3 dids here too
16:36.02h3x0rso get lost
16:36.04*** join/#asterisk nagl (n=nagl@
16:36.11Zach^^outbound calls that is
16:36.46Darwin35I stand by the company I work for . we are about stabilty not options and addons
16:36.55Darwin35but we are adding features
16:36.59Darwin35as we go
16:37.19h3x0rare you guys using ser or asterisk?
16:37.35loudi can compare teliax with my 8 pris easily.
16:37.37h3x0rb2bua on the did's?
16:38.11h3x0ri bet this guy was trying to run g.711 on his dialup
16:38.30loudthe egyptian
16:38.51Darwin35brb call
16:38.53*** join/#asterisk dalabera (n=dalabera@
16:39.00dalaberaheelo guys
16:39.30Seldon1975D-Fender hmm I just rebooted my machine and now Weasels is back
16:39.33Seldon1975not sure what was wrong
16:40.12dalaberaIs there any way to passthrough the disconnect or unallocated messages tones to the caller when using ISDN EI
16:41.16KranZweasels have eaten our phone system
16:41.38iDunnoyou need to get the badgers in to eat the weasels.
16:41.53[TK]D-FenderSeldon1975 : Why do you keep rebooting?
16:42.07file[laptop]VoIP with Vonage!
16:42.14[TK]D-FenderThe most * should even need is a "restart now"
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16:43.05brad_msswyeah, switched from vonage to teliax ... far fewer issues
16:43.13*** part/#asterisk Ayano (
16:43.14brad_msswthough vonage wouldn't let us go direct sip into * ...
16:43.30brad_mssweven with their business plus plans
16:44.03dalaberaI'm using E1 euroisdn and when calling certain numbers I got disconnected instead of hearing the message over the phone
16:44.22[TK]D-Fenderfile[laptop] : just left you VM :D
16:44.22dalaberais there any way to deactivate this ?
16:44.28file[laptop][TK]D-Fender: oh no!
16:44.40[TK]D-FenderRouted from work - home - you :D
16:44.54Darwin35brb have to go blow up a efax server
16:44.56[TK]D-FenderAll SIP :D
16:46.50file[desk][TK]D-Fender: 8223!
16:47.01[TK]D-FenderMy work ext #
16:47.29file[desk]now you should route it back the other way!
16:47.56*** join/#asterisk Math` (
16:48.09[TK]D-FenderI register from home to work as an ext here.  My home phone forwards on busy/noanswer to a work DID which then calls my reg through SIP.
16:48.13DrDekeDoes anyone know of a free-of-charge SIP or IAX client for PocketPC or Windows Mobile?
16:48.33file[desk]so what will happen if I call your home ext?
16:48.42[TK]D-Fenderfile[desk] : I don't give people calling my home the ability to call work #'s, just home ones... and accidentally, YOU :)
16:48.59[TK]D-FenderYou'd jsut get VM
16:49.06[TK]D-Fendermaybe I can add you...
16:49.35Darwin35and the no speak english calls come rolling in
16:50.45brad_msswDarwin35: how many of you are there over there ... on the live support, i've only ever gotten david and richard
16:51.04brad_msswand I take it david is like the main guy or something
16:51.34[TK]D-Fenderfile[laptop] : try now :)
16:52.12file[desk][TK]D-Fender: k lemme look and add this here
16:54.11*** part/#asterisk mog_home (
16:54.30Darwin35I am richard
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16:54.59Darwin35David is the boss
16:55.28loudi wonder how do you manage that, people not speaking english and all
16:55.29file[desk]and I made up my mind... I'm wasting all my time... here I go again
16:55.33*** part/#asterisk DrDeke (
16:55.36Darwin35we are here in the office and we have other that work remote
16:55.37*** join/#asterisk DrDeke (
16:56.06file[desk]I was born to walk alone...
16:58.41g__[TK]D-Fender, are you around?
16:59.35g__[TK]D-Fender, I heard a rumour you're familiar with the polycom sip phones..
16:59.50Darwin35we take the outback the noc to the learn english 101 room. and enroll them for a 6 week class
16:59.56[TK]D-Fenderg__ : that I am
17:00.30g__[TK]D-Fender: we're having a problem with * agents transfering calls using their polycom phones.. 50% of the time their callers get lost as soon as they push the 'transfer' button.. got any ideas what might be happening?
17:01.16jaigerg__, what do the * logs/console say?
17:01.48*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
17:01.54jaigerg__, we have polycom phones (over a year) with no transfer problems
17:01.56[TK]D-Fendernot a clue....
17:02.39jaiger[TK]D-Fender, do you recommend the latest polycom firmwares with *?  I'm still using 1.3.1 but want to upgrade
17:03.15g__Jaiger: not much.  I've compared the console logs of working transfers to broken transfers and there's no difference what soever.
17:04.00g__Specifically, it's only happening when our technicians attempt to transfer a call they answered from the queue.
17:04.10jaigerg__, does it affect all phones or stay with one phone?  does it follow a network port?  etc
17:04.10g__Transfers in general seem to work ok.
17:04.21[TK]D-Fender1.3.1?! OMG, 1.5.2 suggested...
17:04.39jaigerhmm, we have some queues but most calls come in 'regular'
17:04.45g__jaiger: we've seen it happen on several different phones.
17:05.07g__Speficially, it's a queue call answered by an Agent channel.
17:05.11Darwin35 I still need help changing toodbc ...
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17:05.35g__We used to do without agents, and the problem only surphaced after the change.
17:06.21g__Does anyone know what happens when you push the "transfer" button on a Polycom phone?  I presume it puts the caller on hold and makes another outgoing call.
17:06.29*** join/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
17:07.03g__jaiger: we're running 1.5.3.. it's ok.
17:08.27jaigerg__, I thought 'transfer' was handled internally to the Polycom phone
17:09.12funxionanyone know why I would get a segmentation fault while making?
17:09.19g__jaiger: I think you're right.  But * has to do something to provide the hold music.
17:09.50g__And the first sign a transfer is going to fail is the caller gets silence instead of hold music.
17:09.50funxionchan_sip.c:5484: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault
17:10.16jaigerg__, hmm, is there a problem with your hold music?
17:11.24g__jaiger: I don't think so.  It would be worth looking at except the caller is then left off-hook talking to no one until they hang up.
17:11.51g__.. I mean it suggests something else is happening.
17:12.05jaigeranything in dmesg say indicating a problem spawning your hold-music process (out of mem, etc)?
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17:12.32jaigeror syslog, daemon.log etc
17:12.37g__Nothing since the last system boot..
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17:14.48g__I double-checked daemon.log and syslog.. good thought though.
17:15.32jaigerhow does the cpu/memory/disk look when it happens (eg. cpu spike, heavy swapping)
17:16.25g__The machine has plenty of memory, and the cpu usage appears pretty constant.  Also, other phone calls aren't interrupted...
17:17.23g__Does anyone know who maintains the Agent channel?
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17:21.44KranZhey g__
17:21.52KranZyou gettin your ?s answered?
17:21.56g__Hey KranZ.. how are you today?
17:22.07KranZwarmer, its only 34
17:22.51g__Not bad.. it must be -5 or -10 here.
17:23.17g__Anyways, I'm begining to think it's not likely a polycom problem..
17:23.33[TK]D-FenderUpgrade the firmware...
17:23.36g__My gut feeling is it's the agent code itself.. do you know who maintains that?
17:23.53ManxPowerg__, You are having problems with Agents transfering?
17:23.55g__[TK]D-Fender: we have allready.. to 1.5.3.
17:24.09ManxPowerg__, using AgentCallbackLogin?
17:24.27ManxPowerThat's been a problem for at least 6 months.  Report it as a bug.
17:24.38ManxPowerWe stopped using AgentCallbackLogin because of this issue.
17:24.39g__I'm surprised no one else has..
17:25.14ManxPowerg__, AgentCallbacklogin sucks.  There are frequently work arounds so you don't have to use it.
17:25.45g__Thanks ManxPower.. I'll file a bug report now.
17:25.50ManxPowerWe don't use it.  We use Queues with member= rather than agent=
17:26.20ManxPowerthe member= sends the call to a line on the phone that is not used for other things.  The user can put that line in DND if they don't want to get queue calls.
17:26.20g__We used to not use agents, but we got tired of getting phone calls while allready on the phone with a customer.
17:26.28jaigeryeah, we don't login to our queues
17:27.01jaigerand we have dedicated 'queue' lines registered on all phones
17:27.24g__I wish we could do that..
17:27.52g__How do you get them to avoid rining people's desk phones of people who aren't there?
17:28.36jaigerthe downside seems to be "60 missed calls" as it seems that each queue ring is a new call
17:28.59jaigerplus that, phones for people who aren't in still ring the queue line
17:29.10*** join/#asterisk Kokey (n=Kokey@
17:29.53jaigermy partner didn't want to bother with logging in to the queues, figured it would never happen
17:30.12jaigerso this is our "always logged in" queue
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17:30.18generalhanwhats going on everyone ?
17:30.21g__Interesting.  Would it be nice if the polycom's agent support was supported by *?
17:31.46generalhani have a question for anyone who has used the monitor function ... my calls going to 2 different extensions (and only those 2) are being recorded on 2 seperate channels, an "in.wav" and an "out.wav. where i can only hear my employee on the out.wav, and the caller on the in.wav. any idea why it would be recording them like this ?
17:31.51generalhananyone ever seen this before ?
17:31.54[TK]D-Fenderg__ : yup.. I'm not holding my breath though.  I have been in direct contact with Polycom's programming division and maybe can work something out....
17:31.58af_I guess I can run samba and asterisk in 2.6
17:33.47g__[TK]D-Fender: On the other hand, I'd prefer Polycom fix basic functionality.  Do you have as many problems as we do configuring new phones for use?  I find they have to be rebooted several times before they pick up their configuration properly.  If you're trying to use specific ringtones and graphics, you'll need to reboot even more.
17:34.58*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
17:35.10af_I guess that 2.6 do some to assign cpu slices to processes that needs it
17:35.37MstlyHrmlsg__: what protocol are you using?
17:35.51g__ManxPower: what category should I make it?  "ACD"?
17:36.07g__SIP, IAX2, tcp/ip..
17:36.29MstlyHrmlsg__: heh, for the polycom configuring...
17:37.03g__Oh, ftp with proftpd.
17:37.16jaigerg__, I don't have too many problems configuring a phone for the first time but I don't use custom graphics or ring tones either.  I boot 2 or 3 times
17:38.03MstlyHrmlsg__: what BootROM/App version?
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17:38.15g__I'm using 1.5.3 and the old bootrom.
17:38.32g__We don't yet have a need for the new bootrom..
17:39.32MstlyHrmlsinteresting. I've seen that once and a while with a similar setup, but not constantly. Course I only use a few ringtones and no custom graphics
17:42.07[TK]D-Fenderg__ : new phones are never a problem.  I jsut copy & paste the 2 config files, change the ID & password & MicroBrowser target and come back in 5 minutes.  Boot-rom, SIP and config refresh done and ready to use
17:42.24KranZis there a progressinband equivalent for mgcp?
17:42.33g__By "new phone" do you mean the 501 serries?
17:42.54jaiger[TK]D-Fender, that sounds about what I do
17:44.07*** join/#asterisk jhiver (
17:44.11jhiver~seen Zeek
17:44.15jbotzeek <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 286d 10h 50m 28s ago, saying: 'does anybody here use firefly?'.
17:44.34[TK]D-Fenderg__ : I use 60x exclusively here
17:44.47*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
17:45.38jaigerg__, I've used 60x, 50x and 30x
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17:46.20shmaltzI'd rather eat it:
17:46.39g__I ment 500 vs. 501.
17:47.17g__[TK]D-Fender: Nice.. I wouldn't mind a 601 with an expansion panel myself.
17:48.26shmaltzI like  that liitle new feature from gmail, with the rss on top
17:48.38shmaltzit advertises every few minutes
17:49.54g__ManxPower: can I quote you in the bug report?
17:50.10shmaltzg___, what bug?
17:50.15ManxPowerg__, if you want to, but I can't test any fixes.
17:50.22ManxPowerg__, you should ask on the mailinglist too.
17:51.01g__ManxPower: Of course.. but that you observed it might lend credability to me because it supports the existance of the bug.
17:51.19g__I promise I won't quote you as saying "AgentCallbacklogin is crap"
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17:53.39g__ManxPower: I was just about to quote this guy called "Eric Wieling" from the mailing list as well..
17:53.49ManxPower8-)  That would be me.
17:53.58g__Thanks for replying to my email the other day :)
17:54.12ManxPowerwhich one was that?
17:54.27ManxPowerSame issue?
17:54.27g__The one that asked if you'd reported it as a bug yet..
17:55.07shmaltzinteresting, I guess someone will put up a bounty for this:
17:56.19ManxPowerI thought BBN was bought by GE Networks, which was bought by Sprint, which was bought by UUNet
17:57.59shmaltzsprint is owned by uunet?
17:58.16g__shmaltz: the AgentCallbacklogin transfer-call bug we've been discussing.
17:58.31shmaltzg__, I realized
17:59.57generalhancan anyone refer me to some place that has a macro script for the soxmix command? my recordings are getting stuck in the "*-in.wav" and "*-out.wav" and they wont combine anymore. i need to find a way to force this to happen ? any one have any suggestions ?
18:00.28pifyou don't need somix, use 'm' in monitor()
18:00.46generalhani have the ",m" in my monitor call
18:00.51g__Done!  Bug 0005962..
18:00.53KranZuunet is owned by sprint
18:00.54generalhanits not working on 2 of my extensions
18:01.11KranZno MCI owned UUNET
18:01.18KranZi think verizon bought MCI
18:01.19pifbecause of spaces in filenames
18:01.35piffix that
18:01.37g__MCI still ownz uunet.
18:01.49g__I know because I had to call them recently and gave up.
18:01.52generalhanwell i have the monitor() being called extaly the same way as in all 30 of my extensions, and only 2 of them arent combining
18:01.56KranZyeah -owned
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18:04.09generalhanpif: there is my extensions.conf for those 2 extensions, it is set up the same way all my others are and they work fine, could you take a look and tell me if you notice anything out of place ?
18:05.25KranZthe space
18:05.27KranZincomming/ ${EXTEN}-${TIMESTAMP}
18:05.37*** part/#asterisk cpatry (n=grepmoo@
18:05.38[TK]D-FenderSPACE in there
18:05.40generalhanCRAP! how come that works on the others and not on this one
18:05.44generalhanthese 2 rather
18:05.52KranZany reason you have the space?
18:05.58generalhanall the other 28 work fine ...
18:06.14pifgeneralhan : yes, space in filename
18:06.17generalhanwell there WAS a reason for the space for my external DB that was pulling these, wanted the space in there
18:06.24KranZyou could prolly do some _7XXX extensions and combine them
18:06.30[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : those extens are SCREAMING to be macro'd
18:06.40file[desk]I'm the master today! The master of fixing problems!
18:06.40generalhanill fix it and see if that changes anything
18:06.41pifgeneralhan : you need macros
18:06.51pifof course it will fix it
18:06.57generalhanim not really familiar wiht macros
18:07.01Nuggetobviously  :)
18:07.17generalhanwhat do you mean "of course it will fix it" ? 28 of my 30 extensions are set up this EXACT way and they all work fine
18:07.18pifwithout even seeing your code I told you "space in filename"
18:07.22[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : Here, have some pain :D
18:07.40Nuggetwhile we're piling on, you also misspelled "incoming"
18:07.41[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : A quick mod or 30 and it'll record too :D
18:08.10*** join/#asterisk drbrown (
18:08.16generalhanNugget: LOL i know about that .. i have an "incoming" and an "incomming"
18:08.47pifI have an "incommmming" for HBs
18:08.48drbrownhas anyone had any problems routing sip over an openvpn connection, the phone rings, I can pickup, but cannot transmit voice
18:09.00generalhan[TK]: OMG .. i cant do that stuff ! HAHAHAHA
18:09.03brad_msswhmm, my extensions.conf is 16k
18:09.09drbrowncould this be an rtp prob????
18:09.26[TK]D-Fenderbrad_mssw : how much is "filler" though?
18:09.54brad_mssw[TK]D-Fender: heh, not much ... i'm bad about commenting
18:09.58[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : Check the WIKI for the stdexten macro sample and base yours on that.
18:10.15brad_mssw[TK]D-Fender: unless you're meaning 20k lines ... then no, i'm not close to that ... 20kbytes, yes
18:10.22[TK]D-Fenderbrad_mssw : I'm ok with commenting, but minimally.  I tend to write stuff that explains itself.
18:10.24generalhan[TK]: thanks ! ill check it out (dont know if i can learn this stuff that quickly though) LOL.
18:10.49brad_msswneed to move to AEL though ....
18:10.56pifgeneralhan : the time you spend debugging redundant code would be better spent on macros
18:11.02[TK]D-Fenderbrad_mssw : Actuall its only 12.8k... its just that docelm0 here always pokes fun at me about it even being that big...
18:11.14pifredundant == bugs
18:11.24[TK]D-FenderAEL = waste.  Nothing you can't do in std extensions.conf and thats what it gets parsed itno anyways.
18:11.28shmaltzbrad_mssw, why AEL, whats wrong with plain old extensions.conf?
18:11.32generalhanpif -- and everyone: i agree with you, its just that i have a ton on my plate right now that my boss is riding me about, i just dont know if i have time to figure this all out right now
18:11.39generalhanbut ill definately take a look
18:11.42brad_msswshmaltz: i prefer actual structured code
18:11.50brad_msswshmaltz: easier to read
18:12.03shmaltzbrad_mssw, and extensions.conf? that's not structured?
18:12.11shmaltzhow so?
18:12.25brad_msswshmaltz: yeah, it's structured, like basica is structured
18:12.26[TK]D-Fenderit only LOOKS like structured code.... seen any "GOTO"'s in there? ;)
18:12.27pifI went the AEL route but went back
18:12.41brad_msswshmaltz: numbering everything and crap
18:12.49pifit's all converted back to standard crap by *
18:13.05[TK]D-FenderI though about it till I learned that it only gets parsed back and doesn't offer any new functionailty, just syntax and I"m ok with extensions.conf
18:13.08shmaltzbrad_mssw, u dont' have to number anymore, you can use n
18:13.28brad_msswshmaltz: heh, yeah, still on 1.0.x though ... plan on going 1.2.1 this weekend when no one is using the phones
18:13.29pifthe 'n' prio is nice in 1.2
18:14.05shmaltzanybody tried their echocans?
18:15.05[TK]D-Fendershmaltz : over what kind of tech?
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18:15.22shmaltz[TK]D-Fender, tellabs
18:15.36[TK]D-Fenderin-line T1?
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18:19.32generalhanim looking at the wiki for the stdexten macro ... where are ${ARG1} and ${DIALSTATUS} defined ? or are the preset variables ?
18:19.47generalhanor are they preset rather
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18:20.39[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : ${ARG[number}} referes to parameters you PASS to your macro. ${DIALSTATUS} is set by the DIAL command after it executes automatically.
18:20.44m160858i need to record the incoming calls
18:21.03m160858this option record_out=Always, is ok?
18:21.07generalhan[TK]: so they ARE pre determined before i call on them. yes ?
18:21.18generalhanwell for DIALSTATUS anyway
18:21.29johnnyqHello I was wondering if someone could help me with finding a solution that will dial a bunch of number and play a prerecrded message, something that will auth via SIP would be great
18:21.30[TK]D-Fenderso - exten => 1234,1,Macro(mymacroname,param1,param2,param3,......)
18:22.01[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan : You call your macro and PASS it the details and it will process based on those.
18:22.18generalhanlol ... ok, still need more research i think ! LOL
18:22.29[TK]D-FenderNot too much, just look at how STDEXT is called.
18:23.03pifgeneralhan : normally you pass nothing to stdexten and use ${MACRO_EXTEN} inside
18:23.14pifwhich is the EXTEN you come from
18:23.18generalhan[TK]: and your [macro-stdexten] context is defined in extensions.conf ?
18:23.40[TK]D-Fenderthis is a sample you would add to extensions.conf
18:23.49generalhanyea thats what im looking at now ! lol
18:23.55Seldon1975NOTICE[3314] app_dial.c:1010 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 17 - user busy)
18:24.01Seldon1975can someone tell me what this means
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18:24.08Seldon1975it happens when I try to dial out
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18:24.36pifSeldon1975 : what does "zap show channels" say?
18:24.50[TK]D-Fenderand you would call it like "exten => _7xxx,1,Macro(STDEXTEN,SIP/${EXTEN},${EXTEN}) for an extension to dial its SIP device and use thew same # for the voicemail box
18:25.42Seldon1975all channels blank
18:25.42haribolesomeone: how do I execute an agi after hangup, saw that it can be done use h,1,AGI, but I am using 800xxxxxx,7,hangup
18:25.45file[desk]all your pbx are belong to... ME!
18:25.56*** part/#asterisk m160858 (n=jsaenz@
18:26.05[TK]D-Fendertake off every zig!
18:26.43Seldon1975all your base
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18:29.08generalhanpif / [TK]: will these macros help my monitor() ?? cause taking the space out of there didnt solve anything. it is still being recorded into two files
18:31.15[TK]D-Fendermissing SOXMIX maybe...
18:36.22zoasomebody go test the jitter buffer!
18:37.19generalhan[TK]: but SOXMIX is doing its thing on 28/30 extensions, why would it just pick these two ?
18:37.39[TK]D-FenderBad path?
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18:43.55Seldon1975inh my dialplan
18:43.58Seldon1975if i have:
18:44.02*** part/#asterisk johnnyq (
18:44.42Seldon1975and I dial 94162722222
18:44.57Seldon1975should asterisk call 4162722222
18:45.07Seldon1975ie: missing out the first digit (9)
18:45.21Seldon1975becasue it seems to be including the 9 when it dials out
18:45.40azzieit should
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18:48.53Seldon1975any ides for me to try?
18:50.25[TK]D-FenderUPPERCASE <-----
18:50.30[TK]D-Fenderit is case sensitive
18:50.41[TK]D-FenderAnd add the $ you are missing.
18:50.48funxionanyone know why I would get segmentation fault when trying to compile *
18:50.58Seldon1975ok thanks D-Fender
18:51.03funxionI've never had these probs b4
18:51.14[TK]D-FenderAnd why use /24 sepcifically?
18:51.31[TK]D-FenderYou're on a PRI right?
18:51.45funxionits an ARM9 processor
18:51.47Darwin35so anyone going to proof read and point to me what I did wrong yet ?
18:51.51funxionwould that make a diff?
18:51.53Darwin35 I still need help changing toodbc ...
18:52.57funxionIn file included from aestab.c:42:
18:52.57funxionaesopt.h:992: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault
18:53.34Corydon-wDarwin35: since when was ODBCget a function?
18:55.07Corydon-wand third priority doesn't make any sense
18:56.07Corydon-wYou're using functions that aren't part of Asterisk, and you think we should be able to tell you what you're doing wrong?
18:56.26*** join/#asterisk ard (n=ard@2001:7b8:32d:0:20c:6eff:fe18:d11f)
18:57.49Corydon-wfunxion: you have bad memory
18:58.03Corydon-wfunxion: or another hardware fault
18:58.13file[desk]if you're getting segmentation faults with your compiler, it's not the fault of asterisk...
18:58.15Corydon-woverheating is another possibility
18:58.21funxionthe box functions perfectly otherwise
18:58.29funxionits a flash absed debian box
18:58.43file[desk]ever hear of cross compiling?
18:58.49Corydon-wYeah, things that tax the memory and CPU tend to expose problems like that
18:58.55Romik_anybody uses ldap with asterisk?
18:59.36funxionboth of you
18:59.42waddyisdn -> Bri Card -> Aterisk --- Should the card be in TE or NT mode?
18:59.50Corydon-wMost operations don't stress either memory or the CPU
19:00.05Seldon1975D-Fender, I have exten=>_9.,1,Dial(Zap/24/${EXTEN:1})
19:00.12Seldon1975and its still including the 9 when it dials out
19:00.21Seldon1975my bad
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19:13.15Darwin35its listed inthe wiki
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19:14.42Darwin35it works fine with astdb
19:14.55Darwin35but just moving to odbc is changing things
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19:21.32kredfordgood afternoon
19:22.12kredfordI am a new user to asterisk and have download and installed on suse 10.0
19:22.46kredfordif anyone can help me with a zaptel issue I would appricate it
19:22.54[TK]D-FenderWhats the issue?
19:23.25*** part/#asterisk eye69 (
19:24.05*** join/#asterisk YoMama (
19:25.04YoMamaso...i got a tricky one for people...if I'm using CFIM/CFBS, is there a way to get a BLF to light up when the phone is forwarded?
19:25.09YoMamahow sweet would that be?
19:25.36kredfordIt worked that time sorry..
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19:27.26kredfordbut If I can move to theory I have a sip ata which I want to attached..  I shouldn't need the zaptel module
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19:29.31YoMamacan i call a macro from a macro?
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19:36.46burnproofhi, good day guys :)
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19:37.13burnproofhas anyone alive out there, can i ask a few question please
19:37.23azopDoes asterisk support Vonage without purchasing a 'softphone' account?
19:37.54[TK]D-FenderYoMama : macro to macro?  sure
19:38.04[TK]D-FenderJust remember they jump back like a stack
19:38.21burnproofhow can i accept inconming call coming from internet / another asterisk server
19:38.30[TK]D-Fenderazop : If you know what the connection details are for the account, sure
19:38.47azop[TK]D-Fender: would this be public information? :P
19:38.48YoMamawhat exactly is callback voicemail?
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19:38.52[TK]D-Fenderburnproof : Depends what the calling side uses
19:39.21burnproof[TK]D-Fender: e.g another asterisk server ?
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19:40.06[TK]D-Fenderazop : Vonage tends to lock their ATA's and NOT want to give it out.
19:40.40[TK]D-Fenderburnproof : Several ways to do it.  SIP / IAX (with / without registrations)
19:41.04burnproof[TK]D-Fender: i prefer it via sip with registration of course :)
19:41.15[TK]D-FenderMy home server connects to my work as though it ws a phone in the work server.
19:41.24[TK]D-Fenderthats 1 easy way.
19:41.36[TK]D-Fender* > * is what IAX is good for.
19:42.27burnproof[TK]D-Fender: oic
19:43.06[TK]D-Fenderlook up "dual servers" on the WIKI.  its what I did.
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19:43.34burnproof[TK]D-Fender: i'll dig into it thanks bro.
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19:45.17YoMamaFender: any ideas of how to get a BLF indicator to go off when someone has forwarded their phone?
19:46.13[TK]D-FenderHow is the forwarding enabled?
19:46.20[TK]D-FenderDialplan or on the phone?
19:47.26YoMamai have a GXP-2000
19:47.35YoMamathere's no forwarding feature on the i'd have to do it from the dialplan
19:47.43YoMamawhich means for a light to light up on this'd have to use BLF
19:47.58[TK]D-FenderBLF = no-go, but you could use MWI....
19:48.07zapahi all iam having troubles with a norstart and asterisk with e&m W any clue  WARNING[21966]: chan_zap.c:5351 ss_thread: getdtmf on channel 2:  takes to long to hear a simulated dial tone
19:50.12YoMamaTKD-Fender: hmmm
19:50.56YoMamaFender: how do i manually trigger MWI?  and could i make it solid light for forward and blinking for an actual MWI?
19:51.41[TK]D-FenderYou can only basically fake having a message, not how the phone will react to it.
19:51.57[TK]D-Fenderunless there is some sort of SIP header message youcan pass a GS
19:52.35YoMamaor maybe use this big honkin' screen they got on here
19:52.43justinui think that GXP2000 supports BLF's with a beta firmware
19:52.50YoMamajustinu: it does
19:53.13justinubut you'd have to modify the * code that sends out the notifies to the phone
19:53.20justinuto hook into the call forwarding status in the dialplan
19:53.24justinuwhich seems pretty fubar'd
19:54.58YoMamait's just be nice to give people an indication that their call has been forwarded
19:55.06YoMamaerr..that their extension has been
19:55.08justinuyeah, i get what you're after
19:55.16justinuyou could certainly do it
19:55.18YoMamasame with DND
19:55.31YoMamamost traditional PBXes have lights for DND and forwarded extension
19:55.40justinuyeah... it's just that the gxp2000 kinda sucks
19:55.45justinunot enough features
19:56.02YoMamawell, hopefully GS comes out with some fancier firmware
19:56.14YoMamait's got a huge display...lots of buttons...should be able to do lots with it
19:56.27YoMamaalthough..i'll have to say they made one really fatal mistake in it already..that's irreversible
19:56.32YoMamaand makes it pretty useless as a business phone
19:56.35justinui wanted a gxp-2000 that ran sipura firmware
19:56.40YoMamaif the headset is plugged in, the phone won't ring thru the speaker
19:56.52YoMamaand it's hardware
19:56.58justinuwow, that sucks
19:57.01YoMamayes it does
19:57.17[TK]D-FenderYoMama : I just tested the MWI method on my polycom's.  Works well.
19:57.23YoMamaso think about it in a call one would hear their phoen ring unless they were a) wearing their headsets or b) had the headset disconnected
19:57.38[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : Get an SPA-941 :)
19:57.42YoMamaFender: but u can't tell if you have voicemail or a forwarded phone
19:57.51justinuyeah, but 941 is 150 bucks
19:58.00justinugxp2000 is 85 bucks
19:58.02[TK]D-FenderI bought one... very nice
19:58.13[TK]D-FenderGXP = fit for Ken & Barbie
19:58.16YoMamajustinu: yup...that's how much i paid for my's not bad...there are just some big missing features
19:58.22[TK]D-FenderYou do get what you pay for.
19:58.27YoMamayep u do
19:59.20justinui've tried about all of them except the new 941
19:59.30*** join/#asterisk Sp14t (
19:59.40justinugot a snom 360, aastra 480, polycom 501/601, 841, etc....
20:00.34Sp14tcan you dial directly to a IP address on cisco phones?
20:00.40[TK]D-FenderThe 941 = Baby Cisco.  Can be provisioned multiple ways, with Sipura's great web interface for those who want that.  Best of all worlds in that sense.  Poly / Cisco has a better speakerphone, but its better than most of the rest and that handset is great
20:01.01justinui'm really impressed with the sipura software
20:01.10justinusuper customizable
20:01.16justinugreat hacker phone
20:01.59YoMamawhen a phone is on returns the call as unavailable?
20:02.14YoMamaas if it had rung and no one answered?
20:02.28justinufender: you have polycoms?
20:03.51[TK]D-FenderYoMama : depends on the phone and its config
20:04.06[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : yup, 600/601's here
20:04.31YoMamaFender: ah..figured it out...i didn't have n+101 setup so it just went to n+1
20:04.33YoMamaworks now
20:04.45justinufender: no 501s? i was gonna ask you if you knew how to get the 501's working over PoE without having to buy that 40 dollar adapter
20:05.19[TK]D-Fenderyou need an adapter.  I'm sure its possible to make on, but for the ahssle thats why they charge 40$
20:05.30justinudo you have any technical details?
20:05.49justinubecause I found some adapters to make cisco 7960s work with standard 802.3af PoE
20:05.50[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : nope, but I'm sure its not hard...
20:05.53justinuand they're only 20 bucks
20:06.00[TK]D-Fenderthere may be aftermarket ones...
20:06.43[TK]D-FenderI got 600's because I wanted PoE and for the differnce in price from the 500 it isn't much.  And that payed for the microbrowser :D
20:06.57*** join/#asterisk batphone (n=batphone@
20:06.59justinueven tho they're awesome
20:07.16batphonei need a mobo that can handle four 4 port pri cards!
20:07.37batphoneits hard to find one that can handle all the transcoding w/o blips and chirps
20:07.38[TK]D-Fenderbatphone : Digium recommends no more than 2 period.
20:07.45justinuyomama: FYI, polycom returns "486 busy here" when DND is set.
20:07.51mog_work3 with echo can
20:07.55harryvvI know that its best to use only one port for a pri card but has anyone tried more then one port without irq conflicts?
20:07.55mog_workand good box
20:08.00mog_workbut why do that
20:08.00batphone[TK]D-Fender, its been done with 6
20:08.02mog_workjust get another box
20:08.03[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : I believe even that is configurable....
20:08.05batphonei just need to know what mobo
20:08.16justinufender: i wouldn't doubt it... the polycom config is pretty big
20:08.19mog_workwhy not get two boxes batphone
20:08.19justinubut, on that topic!
20:08.20YoMamajustinu: the GXPs do too..i just wish there was a way to "indicate" immediate call forwarding
20:08.25batphoneharryvv, i have a box running with 4 w/o irq conflicts
20:08.26mog_workfailover is good
20:08.36batphonemog_work, fractional ds3 from AT&T wont allow it
20:08.45harryvvbatphone how many ports is it running?
20:08.47batphonewe have to terminate it in one box to make a long story short
20:08.47justinufender: do you know if there's an easy way to make polycom play a reorder tone when the far end hangs up? my users complain that they can't tell when someone hangs up on them (too lazy to look at the display) there anyway to set an extension as "in use" through the dialplan without actually using it?
20:08.51mog_workyeah i hear that
20:08.54justinu"but the old system did it!"
20:08.55batphone16 ports total, 16 T1's..
20:09.01[TK]D-FenderYoMama : GS's dev team seem open to suggestions for firmware updates...
20:09.03mog_workwell you can do it batphone
20:09.09mog_workits just not easy
20:09.19harryvvbatphone what kind of biz are you running?
20:09.27batphonecall center
20:09.37harryvvthats good how long now?
20:09.48coppiceunlike most of the phone makers, GS actually control their own software, so they can add stuff easily
20:09.51batphoneharryvv, like 6 months
20:09.51YoMamaFender: apparently...i've been paying close attention to the wiki on the GXP...lots of activity
20:10.00batphoneharryvv, we just need to start rolling with it
20:10.01harryvvpatphone no issues yet?
20:10.11harryvvbatphone so it was a test box then
20:10.13batphoneharryvv, just this, our other boxes with 2 and 3 cards work fine
20:10.28YoMamau could use BLF if you could "trick" the asterisk box into marking an extension as in use and then setting one of the BLF indicators to use that extension as an indication of call forward
20:10.47batphoneharryvv, no we have 4 others but we want to consolidate them into 2 boxes so we can fill up a single rack with a PBX capable of running a small city
20:10.48harryvvso thats 23x16 which is 368 ports
20:10.55YoMamathe question there a command to mark an extension as in use?
20:10.59batphone393 total..yes
20:11.10justinuYoMama: yeah, of course
20:11.16YoMamajustinu: what's that?
20:11.17justinuoh, you mean from the dialplan?
20:11.22YoMamajustinu: yeah
20:11.23justinui was thinking at the code level
20:11.34harryvvhow did u get 383
20:11.38YoMamajustinu: i'm just learning asterisk..when i know a bit more...i'll help with the code :)
20:11.48justinuYoMama: I could be wrong, but I'm betting that you'll need to modify the source to do what you want
20:11.57justinudo you know C?
20:12.02harryvvwhat codec are you using batphone?
20:12.10YoMamajustinu: i've known C since i was 13..(I'm 32 now)
20:12.16YoMamamaybe 14
20:12.18batphone1 sec
20:12.29justinuYoMama: ditto (except i'm 29)
20:12.33YoMamai just don't like driver development..but i'm real good at apps
20:12.57batphoneno codec
20:12.58justinuasterisk is kinda of a mess, but you'll eventually come to terms with the "structure"
20:13.07batphonein 1 zap channel and out the other
20:13.10batphoneplays gsm..
20:13.14batphoneno RTP traffic
20:13.23harryvvmm whats the compression of gsm anyone?
20:13.32batphoneno voip communication, all tdm
20:13.35harryvvwhat bandwith? i know its used alot on phone
20:13.38YoMamaone thing i still gotta debug is why i cannot hear my * server play the AA message when i call in thru my sip proxy
20:14.01harryvvbatphone all tdm I see
20:14.03YoMamaif it were a firewall'd be able to hear the message..but u wouldn't be able to respond...not the other way aroudn..whcih is what's happening
20:14.19harryvvsince when do call centers use ordinary phones?
20:14.31justinuYoMama: not necissarily
20:15.06[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : define "ordinary"
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20:15.26harryvvTK, tdm as ordinary tdm phones like what everyone has.
20:15.36justinuPOTS phone
20:15.40YoMamajustinu: well, something weird is going on
20:15.41harryvvsame thing
20:15.41justinuis a better term
20:15.51[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : And why not?  Agents don't necessarily need much of anything special.  A call is a call is a call...
20:15.54justinuYoMama: we could get into debugging it
20:15.56YoMama*sigh*...good ol' debug sip time
20:16.08harryvvyea probebly tru
20:16.14[TK]D-FenderVERY true
20:16.35[TK]D-FenderMy guys are just spectacularly overequiped now :)
20:16.38YoMamajustinu: maybe later :)....i never call into the sip proxy so if it's big deal...but i'll wanna fix it one day just so i know what the solution is
20:16.42[TK]D-FenderIP 600's the lot of them!
20:16.59YoMamathe weird thing is..when the sip proxy functions as a works great
20:17.04*** join/#asterisk splatone (
20:17.30[TK]D-Fender1 reg, 1 line key, 1 call per key, 2 speed dials for PAUSE/UNPAUSE, 3 buddy-watched presence line keeps for their neighbours.
20:17.43[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : no thanks :D
20:17.53justinuthose lusers would never know
20:18.11*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
20:18.15[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : sure they would!  I make extensive use of the MicroBrowser!
20:18.15Nugget  <-- check out the aircraft type
20:18.22[TK]D-FenderSPECIFCALLY for my call center!
20:18.36justinunugget: you a pilot?
20:18.58Nuggetstudent pilot, so no, not really.  :)
20:19.16justinucool, it's well worth it
20:19.33*** join/#asterisk synthetiq (n=roger@
20:19.34NuggetI'm enjoying it.  I've got about 40 hours
20:19.47justinui've got a single/multi engine cert
20:19.53justinuworking on Instrument rating
20:19.55Nuggetifr yet?
20:20.22*** join/#asterisk kink0 (n=k@
20:20.25kink0buenas noches
20:20.28Nuggetit's really not very useful without the instrument rating
20:20.40justinutrue, but IFR is a totally different thing
20:20.55kink0somebody knows about some hardware to take PRI E1 in one side, and 30 BRI on the other side ?
20:20.56Nuggetseveral of my friends have gone on to get their instrument rating.
20:20.57batphonehow does linux work on dual core p4?
20:20.59NuggetI'm just a slacker.  :)
20:21.19[TK]D-FenderI'm a Slacker :)
20:21.30justinukink0: i remembe ra while back, there was channel banks that would take PRI and break it out into BRI
20:21.59justinubut the format of the PRI was slightly funky
20:22.19kink0justinu, yes, that is what I am seeking, because I bougth quad T1/E1 from digium, and now I need to connect to BRI ports
20:22.34justinumost of us here are in north america
20:22.38justinuso we dunno much about BRI
20:23.08harryvvbatphone any echo problems?
20:23.25batphonenot that i am aware of
20:23.32harryvvsounds good
20:23.32*** join/#asterisk m160858 (n=jsaenz@
20:23.37batphoneharryvv, it turns out that this particular box will be doing transcoding after all
20:23.39m160858hi everyone
20:23.46harryvvi see
20:23.54Seldon1975are there examples of dialplans set up so that callers from outside get a recording "Welcome,..." and then can dial an extension number?
20:23.59m160858i want to know how record the calls out
20:24.15harryvvThere is a local city hall that has constant problems with its nortel networks voip system. going down or echo or other problems.
20:25.24jake1932take your pick
20:26.49[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : OUCH on the $ for that channel bank...
20:26.59*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
20:27.06justinuyeah, BRI stuff is $$$
20:27.08jake1932i wonder what the markup is on those things
20:27.14justinubut that was just the first hit on google
20:27.16[TK]D-FenderI used to have echo.... that really sucked... not not anymore :)  Life is good..
20:27.46jake1932..good ... goood.. damnit
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20:28.39jake1932[TK]D-Fender: completely gone?
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20:28.54eKo1quick ?: what is the purpose of sip_notify?
20:29.07justinuto reboot your phones
20:29.10justinuresync configs
20:29.13jake1932not quick enough
20:29.13*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (
20:29.18[TK]D-Fenderjake1932 : OBLITERATED :)
20:29.30justinu[12:29] justinu: to reboot your phones
20:29.30justinu[12:29] jake1932: lol
20:29.30justinu[12:29] justinu: resync configs
20:29.30[TK]D-FenderI think once in the past month.
20:29.42justinufender: what was your echo problem?
20:29.58m160858i did it, but doesn't work
20:29.59[TK]D-Fenderjake1932 : only on ATA's
20:30.06[TK]D-FenderRunning PRI in.
20:30.19jake1932what did it?
20:30.34harryvvokay what is the reason that cidcw would not be working on my system?
20:30.43[TK]D-Fenderjake1932 : My new card :D
20:30.54jake1932xmas present?
20:31.15harryvvhas anyone had issues with cidcw not working on a asterisk system?:
20:31.36harryvvtk, not not support digium?
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20:32.07splatoneis the cisco phones the only ones with the xml interface?
20:32.16justinupolycom uses xml also
20:32.49[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : I had 2 TE405P's each being unable to synch with the telco's clock, with constant frame slips, horrible echo, and caused problems with my Intel NIC's.  It got to a point where I sad "&^% that..."
20:32.53splatoneso you can pull a directory listing on them?
20:32.58m160858i did this
20:33.02m160858but doesn't works
20:33.18justinufender: i bought an A101u for a client
20:33.23justinuyou think i'll have those issues with that card?
20:33.33jake1932m160858: you did what?  there are several options
20:33.36harryvvtkfender okay so this is a totally different company then.
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20:33.52[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : Doubt it highly.  I also run a Sangoma S518 ADSL card at home on the same WanPipe driver.  Its gold...
20:33.57m160858for web, ln -s /var/spool/asterisk/monitor /var/www/html/recordings/monitor
20:34.02justinufender: ok, i hope so
20:34.07YoMamawho does the absolute cheapest SIP proxy for both inbound/outbound in the US?
20:34.29justinui specifically bought the Sangoma because of people complaining about the digium cards
20:34.33m160858into sip.conf ... add the follow option
20:34.36m160858record_out=Always ..
20:34.37[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : Its just a few more little steps at the beginning, but after that its "set & forget"
20:34.47harryvvnormally a fast busy signal on a DID is indicative of problems within the voip service?
20:34.52justinuyeah, i took a look at the sangoma install instructions ,seemed easy enough
20:34.58[TK]D-FenderAnd No IRQ problems or PCI voltage concerns, etc...
20:34.58parylthis isn't making sense.  i have timeout=10 in queues.conf and timeout=15 in agents.conf... once a queue starts ringing an extension, it neither times out or logs the agent off.
20:35.05Seldon1975are there examples of dialplans set up so that callers from outside get a recording "Welcome,..." and then can dial an extension number?
20:35.12[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : I"m a schmuck and I figured it all out.
20:35.22[TK]D-Fenderand their tech support is GODLY.
20:35.29justinufender: well, you were probably one of the guys that convinced me
20:35.45funxionI have had no problems with digium cards at all
20:35.53jake1932m160858: why didn't you just use Monitor?
20:35.55[TK]D-Fenderfunxion : more power to you...
20:35.57justinui've heard some people have zero problems with digium
20:36.05justinuand some people obviously do have problems with digium
20:36.08*** join/#asterisk bleck (
20:36.12justinubut I have yet to hear anyone complain about problems with Sangoma.
20:36.34mog_workill complain....
20:36.36m160858like this exten => _1XXXXXXXXXX,4,Monitor(gsm, ${EXTEN}) ?
20:36.43justinumog_work: go ahead :P
20:36.44m160858i try, but nothing yet
20:36.56[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : And Sangoma has been in the business far longer and their stuff is multi-platform as well.  I support commodity telcom in all aspects.
20:37.04jake1932m160858: does it say it's monitoring?
20:37.04justinuFender: i'm with you there
20:37.05mog_workthey knock asterisk
20:37.10mog_workthats not cool in my book
20:37.14mog_workbut meh
20:37.20justinubias :)
20:37.25justinuit's normal
20:37.52bleckI am trying to get MWI working from asterisk to callmanager express, and i have put in callmanager express's telephony section "mwi sip-server unsolicited", but it still says this (sip debug on asterisk) Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist
20:38.03[TK]D-FenderThe best part of my entire VoIP setup at the office is no 1 piece of hardware owns my ass....  EVERYTHING is replacable here.
20:38.19justinudo you have spares?
20:38.36justinui don't even get to work near my equipment... it's 45 miles away
20:38.37[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : as in spares for every important piece?
20:38.52[TK]D-Fenderlike T1 cards, extra phones, etc?
20:38.58splatonehas anyone seen or used a cellphone with a sip softphone on it w/ wifi.  Im looking at purchasing a couple of phones and wondering if this is possible.
20:39.03justinuyeah, or standby servers
20:39.15[TK]D-Fendereverything except the card, but I still have my TE405P handy which my vendor didn't pick upyet
20:39.29[TK]D-Fenderno standby.  Im prepparing for "Plan B"
20:39.31bleckit is annoying, as this page explains the error, and says to put in that line in the telephony section of callmanager and it should work ->
20:39.32justinusplatone: they have that kind of thing in Asia
20:39.49harryvvsplatone, if the cell phone has wifi capability and allows you to install third party voip software its possible.
20:39.57justinuFender: I set up a load balancing SER proxy in from of my * machines (media servers)
20:40.05splatonewould the quality suck because its a softphone?
20:40.13harryvvnot really
20:40.18bleckanyone got mwi working through cisco equip?
20:40.18harryvvat least on a pc
20:40.28[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : I'm a liux hack, for which keeping this system running is only part of my job.  I'm not "there' yet...
20:40.30blecks/cisco/cisco callmanager/
20:40.52m160858no, i try to use cmd monitor
20:40.55[TK]D-FenderLinux*  I know very little, but succeed at a lot surprisingly still
20:41.05splatonewe are looking at getting a couple of these
20:41.14m160858i try too, to record from de web
20:41.18justinuFender: that's because it's intuitive :P
20:41.27m160858and doesn't record
20:41.59jake1932m160858: any error when you run the Monitor cmd?
20:42.08[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : not sure about that... I'll chalk it up to me just being "lucky"
20:42.11jake1932in the CLI?
20:42.48justinuanyways, ser makes load balancing super easy
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20:42.57KranZjustinu: indeed
20:42.58m160858any error
20:43.04justinuso if you ever want to do such, look into it
20:43.13KranZjustinu: are your * boxes on a private lan?
20:43.15m160858just doesn't record
20:43.32justinukranz: yeah, but the SER proxies are on public IPs
20:43.33[TK]D-Fenderjustinu : my company runs ScopServ's GUI (the only way I could convince them here) and I am preparing a backup plan in case it "dies" on me somehow.  Thats my backup plan.  New HD w Slackware, *, and enough to keep this place running as close to identically as possible.
20:43.39justinuthey live outside the firewall
20:43.49KranZjustinu: as they should
20:43.49[TK]D-FenderI should learn SER sometime....
20:44.00[TK]D-Fenderor something like it.
20:44.07justinui tried to get SER working on private IPs too
20:44.13justinubut it's not ready for that yet
20:44.15KranZSER is easier
20:44.36justinui've also got SER doing SIP TCP to UDP proxy, since * only speaks UDP
20:44.59KranZwhat uses tcp?
20:45.18m160858i have to install .. some soft extra ?
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20:46.17p1tst0pam i able to send notification of voicemail to X-Lite client?
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20:48.17[TK]D-Fenderp1tst0p : As in MWI?
20:48.29Seldon1975can someone tell me where to find a Festival RPM?
20:48.32p1tst0p[TK]D-Fender, yep mate WMI
20:48.52azziewhat is this codec? rtpmap: 13 CN/8000
20:49.06[TK]D-Fenderp1tst0p : does that already...
20:49.10p1tst0pi have a friend that uses xlite to my ast box, i wanted to let him know when he had voicemail
20:49.25Seldon1975Kranz well if theres an easier way to install it...
20:49.34[TK]D-Fenderp1tst0p : make sure his mailbox is indicated in sip.conf
20:49.38harryvvI wonder if i can get away with selling some voip connections though my cable :)
20:50.13Seldon1975anyone know an open SNTP server?
20:50.19harryvvim in canada
20:50.45harryvvTK, obviosly I probebly cannot unless its only for long distance service.
20:51.21harryvvWhat would cause fast bussys on my DID ?
20:51.24p1tst0pTK, i dont suppose you know if the WMI works for avaya 4602IP phones do you !
20:51.32harryvvCalling the DID number I get fast bussys
20:51.36kavitI have a X100p clone, after making a call the cpu usage shoots up... is this normal?
20:52.37[TK]D-Fenderp1tst0p : not a clue on Avaya
20:52.44Seldon1975anyone know an open SNTP server?
20:52.53Seldon1975anyone know where to get a Festival RPM?
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20:53.15Seldon1975simple network time server
20:53.47[TK]D-FenderNTPD <-
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20:54.26eKo1quick ?: what is the purpose of sip_notify?
20:54.29Seldon1975open servers?
20:54.35test34Seldon1975, type: time server in google
20:54.40Seldon1975my Polycom needs a SNTP server
20:54.45*** part/#asterisk m160858 (n=jsaenz@
20:55.27Seldon1975not NTPD
20:55.31[TK]D-FenderSeldon1975 : Just point them to <-
20:55.39Seldon1975ok thanks
20:55.47[TK]D-Fenderntpd is a NTP daemon...
20:55.55[TK]D-Fenderif you want to do it internally.
20:56.02[TK]D-Fenderand yes BOTH work.
20:56.40YoMamaanyone here use fwdOUT?
20:57.18jboti heard docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or
20:57.24jboti guess mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at
20:57.36YoMamaManx: hey
20:58.02YoMamai  haven't even tried setting it just sounds like a cool concept..i'm wondering if it is actually practical
20:58.55KranZwhat cisco phones are anyone using?
20:59.28paryli asked this above... does anyone have any ideas? : i have timeout=10 in queues.conf and timeout=15 in agents.conf... once a queue starts ringing an extension, it neither times out or logs the agent off.
20:59.53ManxPowerKranZ, Polycom
21:00.03p1tst0pTK, setting the mailbox in sip.conf for the avaya phone doesnt indicate the WMI... Oddnes.
21:00.06parylactually.. the second one is autologoff = 15
21:00.15[TK]D-Fenderparyl : there's another option that kicks out agents who don't answer.  Those options only control how long till it tries the next guy...
21:00.29[TK]D-Fenderp1tst0p : Using SIP?
21:00.35p1tst0p[TK]D-Fender yup
21:00.52[TK]D-Fenderp1tst0p : Can't speak for them... largely propriety BS...
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21:01.36paryl[TK]D-Fender: yeah, i meant autologoff.  but timeout doesn't seem to be working.  the call comes out of moh, starts ringing the extension, and just rings indefinitely
21:01.51p1tst0p[TK]D-Fender, ya, i work with avaya pbx's.... i re imaged this 4602 to be sip compatable.. only thing i dont see working is WMI.
21:02.05SeanSmith44502Is there any reason I would get a bunch of static when calling a FXO port from a FXS on the same card...Asterisk says it is a "Native Bridge"
21:02.34ManxPowerSeanSmith44502, native bridge has nothing to do with your problem.  Call Digium, you may have a bad port or module.
21:03.04SeanSmith44502ManxPower even though FXS to SIP is fine and SIP to FXO is fine?
21:03.12ManxPowerSeanSmith44502, Correct.
21:03.16Kattyif the /entire/ conversation is echoy, which value do i need to change?
21:03.18Kattytx or rx?
21:03.27ManxPowerKatty, tx in the direction of the PSTN
21:03.43ManxPoweralso echocancel=yes and echotraining-900
21:03.49ManxPower=900 that is
21:04.06SeanSmith44502ManxPower....Do you know if it is possible to break into a bridged call?
21:04.18ManxPowerSeanSmith44502, Define "break into".
21:04.21[TK]D-FenderSeanSmith44502 : ZapBarge
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21:05.12KranZSeanSmith44502: sure, i've done it
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21:05.35ManxPowerIf you mean "connect to the call to listen and talk" the answer is "no"
21:05.40P4C0hello guys
21:05.40SeanSmith44502ManxPower...I have my system configured PTSN->Panasonic 624 PBX->Asterisk....when call comes in asterisk sends to SIP channel....SIP user answers the phone but would like to transfer to another user on the PBX.
21:05.46ManxPowerIF you mean "listen to the call without being able to talk" then the answer is yesd
21:06.16ManxPowerSeanSmith44502, then you press the TRANSFER button on your SIP device.
21:06.27ManxPowerCheck the docs for your SIP device, of course.
21:06.43ManxPowerAnd that is not called "break into" thats called "transferring"
21:07.51SeanSmith44502ManxPower...when hitting transfer on my SIP device (Grandstream b101...i know....not the best choice) I cannot seem to get it to work.
21:08.02P4C0hello guys I'm planning to put an asterisk server inside a nat.. (I have access to the nat/firewall device) I have read on asteriskguru and similar about nat issue with asterisk but I'm not sure what ports should I redirect or open? any urls or suggestions will be appreciated
21:08.21SeanSmith44502ManxPower...I need to have the ZAP FXO Send a flash and then dial the 3 digit extn and hangup.
21:09.13[TK]D-FenderP4C0 : Forward UDP 5060, 10000-20000 to your box, add your public ip to "externip" in sip.conf and configure "localnet" there too.
21:09.44KattyManxPower: i think i'll keep my echocancel=64 (=
21:09.46bsdfreakanyone here have a sipura 3000 answering pstn calls?
21:10.00[TK]D-Fenderbsdfreak : I do.
21:10.15bsdfreakhave you ever had someone on the other end say something and the sipura thought the vocal was a dtmf tone and echoed it?
21:10.42P4C0[TK]D-Fender, and that's all?
21:10.47[TK]D-Fendernope, can't say that I have, though I haven't gotten that much PSTN use out of mine yet
21:10.54bsdfreakoh ok
21:10.57[TK]D-FenderP4C0 : Thats pretty much it,.
21:11.09P4C0[TK]D-Fender, all udp no tcp?
21:11.32bsdfreakwell guess i'll have to figure that out
21:11.49bsdfreaki know it's the sipura doing it tho
21:12.17[TK]D-FenderI think theres an option in there to tweak the DTMF sensitivity or something like that...
21:12.41bsdfreakgood call
21:13.40[TK]D-FenderP4C0: not for SIP
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21:14.12P4C0[TK]D-Fender, thanks, what about stun server? do I need that?
21:16.46KranZP4C0: doesnt hurt
21:23.20[TK]D-Fenderno need.
21:23.42[TK]D-FenderIt CAN help in certain cases but * doesn't do STUN
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21:31.18KranZthey made a channelized ds3 card yet?
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21:32.05KranZ./slap dmwaters
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21:32.07batphone[TK]D-Fender, i dont see much more than 4 port PRI
21:32.07[TK]D-FenderBut not channelized yet... from what it appears
21:32.07KranZhas anyone put more than 2 quad t1 cards in a box?
21:32.07KranZon the same bus
21:32.08batphoneKranZ, ive put 4
21:32.08KranZ4 quads?
21:32.08batphonewith some success.. i have a flaky mobo though
21:32.08jimmy_deanPBI have an incoming Zap channel for an analog line that is behaving weirdly. I call from my cell phone to the Zap line, I see it coming in on the Asterisk console verbose view, it seems to answer and follows my dialplan perfectly, but I don't hear any of what I should on my cell phone - it actually keeps ringing on my cell phone side almost like Asterisk forgot to answer...yet "Answer" is clearly being executed
21:32.08jimmy_deanPBAny thoughts?
21:32.08*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
21:32.09KranZno irq/bus issues with slips and timing?
21:32.09batphoneKranZ, it took about 2 days to iron out the irq thing
21:32.09trixteris the owner of here?  I forgot who you were :/
21:32.09batphoneKranZ, i disabled APIC in the bios and set one of the card slots to be reserved
21:32.09batphoneKranZ, otherwise it would try to share an irq with another card
21:32.10KranZi've had issues where the onboard sata would steal bw from the quad card
21:32.10[TK]D-FenderIRQ problems?  Voltage problems? not in my world :D
21:32.10KranZcaused HDLC (6) aborts and slips
21:32.10batphoneKranZ, where are you seeing that?
21:32.10[TK]D-Fenderok, time to get the heck outta here.. bbiab
21:32.10KranZthen i got a pci sata controller with the same chip as the onboard one and moved the raid to that card
21:32.10KranZfixed the problems
21:32.10batphone[TK]D-Fender, digium tech told me that the 4 port cards consume 2 watts
21:32.10batphoneKranZ, what mobo???
21:32.53jimmy_deanPBAnyone have thoughts on the Zap channel weirdness?
21:32.54KranZthe 1 32bit port shares the same bus as the onboard sata controller
21:33.42KranZmy next t1 card purchase will be a 64bit card
21:33.42batphoneKranZ, ahh but no gigabit NIC
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21:33.43KranZactually, 2 gbit and 1 10/100
21:34.28batphoneKranZ, what kind of bios? might try reserving that slot if possible
21:34.55KranZbatphone: problem's resolved
21:34.55KranZits a bus issue
21:34.55KranZnot an irq
21:34.55batphonewhat did you do to change the bus?
21:35.40KranZbought a pci sata card w/ the same chipset as the onboard
21:35.40KranZdisabled the onboard sata
21:35.40batphoneso you are _not_ sharing interrupts now?
21:35.40KranZi never was
21:35.40batphoneive been awake for 2 days...
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21:36.07KranZthe sata was robbing bandwidth on the bus
21:36.33batphonei see
21:36.33batphonei was getting chirps and garbling on calls
21:37.02KranZthis is a normal occurance, but the t1 cards are realtime cards and cant wait like a nic card
21:37.02jimmy_deanPBSo it the Zap/3 channel is being answered by *, yet you wouldn't know this from the cell phone keeps on ringing. On *'s side, it looks like it thinks it's answered and everything
21:37.02batphonei couldnt tell what was going on though
21:37.02KranZmy spans would drop if i had heavy disk activity
21:37.03KranZespecially when i ran hdparm -Tt /dev/sda
21:37.26KranZgame over at that point
21:37.26batphonei was doing ls -lR /
21:37.26batphonethat would pretty much kill zaptel
21:37.37KranZit did
21:37.39batphonebut in a big box like that its the equivalent of having lots of calls
21:37.53batphonemy deal is this: when i would ls -lsR /proc i would get the same thing
21:37.53batphonethis is not disk activity
21:38.00batphonei wouldnt think
21:38.08KranZyou still have the prob?
21:38.25KranZtry hdparm -tT /dev/yourharddisk
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21:38.29batphoneim ordering one of those boards right now
21:38.37KranZdoes a read test
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21:39.40batphoneKranZ, do you use te405p?
21:39.49bleckgah! I just can't figure this out.
21:39.50batphonethese are 32  bit cards you have right?
21:40.20bleckhow do you show debug info in IOS?
21:40.45batphoneKranZ, i cant really experiment on it right now
21:40.47blecki've done "debug ccsip messages" but nothing appears.
21:40.54batphonekranz its in production
21:41.00batphoneminus a card
21:41.05blecki've done debug ccsip <most options>
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21:41.31bleckwhats goin on with this channel?
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21:42.04batphonebleck, fw upgrades
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21:42.34kavitmy X100P clone card is acting up i get a FXO PCI MASTER ABORT errors, google and mailing list tell me nothing, may I please get some assistance or a link if someone has encountered this problem before
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21:43.44bsdfreakholy crapola
21:43.53batphoneyeah ahah
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22:02.08scubasteveCan someone tell me what the purpose of ASTERISK_GPL_KEY is?
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22:02.55phifliok i rebooted my boxs out of tyhe blue and now when i do AEL reload it says
22:02.55phifliit cannot merge contexts
22:03.00phiflior contexts cannot be merged, wtf?
22:03.09phifliits like after my macros at the top it stops loading AEL completely
22:04.28phifliand my main incoming-did context won't get loaded
22:04.40phifliwhats the deal with that????
22:04.53*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
22:05.06phiflissays "Requested contexts didn't get merged"
22:05.51SkramXJust wanted to let you know you were just left a 0:03 long message (number 4)
22:05.59SkramXin mailbox 0 from local
22:05.59SkramXfrom "local"?
22:06.22phiflihey how are you
22:06.26phiflisorry having some serious issues
22:06.30phifliafter they are fixewd sure
22:06.40SkramXphifli: whats your porblems?
22:06.54phiflimy AEL wont interpret
22:07.00phiflisays requested contexts cannot be merged
22:07.05phifliafter it loads the macros from the top
22:07.11SkramXhmm I havent messed with AEL.
22:07.11phifliit never had a problem but i decided to reboot
22:07.28phiflii need thi sfixed ASAP!
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22:07.47SkramXphifli: ill research
22:08.06phiflithanks so much so will i
22:08.13_Sam--does the 't' timeout rule in extensions apply if all channels are busy?  for example if i have an extension  dial SIP/1 & SIP/2, if they are both busy what rule would i use to specify what to do?
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22:09.30ManxPowerphifli, check to see if it's a known issue, also search the mailinglist archive
22:09.43ManxPower_Sam--, no.
22:09.44SkramX_Sam--: I think you would just put a exten => witht he next s,#,
22:09.59SkramXt is if it timesout, like it does not receive input or whatnot
22:10.10Dr-Linuxexten => 4444,1,Wait(2)
22:10.10Dr-Linuxexten => 4444,2,directory(default)
22:10.19ManxPowerexten => t is called when Asterisk is waiting for an extension in an IVR (WaitExten, Background, Playback, etc).
22:10.22SkramXDr-Linux: Yes?
22:10.35Dr-Linuxwhen i dial 4444  its say "welcome message" but i can't heard first work
22:10.49ManxPowerDr-Linux, answer, then wait, then the rest
22:11.20Dr-Linuxoo, Answer(what-here?) ?
22:11.22Dr-Linuxor nothing?
22:11.36ManxPowerexten => 4444,1,Answer
22:12.32_Sam--so if i use something like this... exten => 1234 1,Dial(sip/1&SIP/2) do i implement the 's' rule ?
22:12.36_Sam--i understand the t rules
22:12.37_Sam--and use them
22:13.12Flautois anyone using jajah?
22:13.43_Sam--just put in s rule in for the same context as the 1234 extension?
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22:14.21phifliael won't finish loading after my madcros. says requested contexts cannot be merge
22:14.24phiflithis is very odd
22:14.34Seldon19751can someone tell me how to set up extensions.conf so incoming callers hear a welcome message and then can dial an extension?
22:14.44Dr-LinuxManxPower: thanks its working fine now,
22:14.45Dr-Linuxexten => 4444,1,Answer
22:14.45Dr-Linuxexten => 4444,2,Wait(2)
22:14.45Dr-Linuxexten => 4444,3,directory(default)
22:14.48Dr-Linuxits all
22:14.59ManxPowerWait(.5) should be enough.
22:15.41Dr-LinuxManxPower: should i add anything in last,  like 4444,4,Hangup(congestion)
22:15.44_Sam--Seldon19751:  Backgroun(messageyouwntopla)
22:16.23ManxPowerexten => 4444,4,1,Congestion(15)
22:16.32ManxPowerexten => 4444,4,Congestion(15)
22:16.52ManxPowerI'm assuming you are running 1.2, Dr-Linux
22:16.58Seldon19751Sam: ok, then what
22:17.06Dr-LinuxManxPower: yes, how you know?
22:17.15Seldon19751fo them to dial an exxtension
22:17.17_Sam--then some pattern matching works good
22:17.26ManxPowerDr-Linux, I don't, but I don't think Congestion supports a timeout on 1.0
22:17.31_Sam--exten =>  _XXX Dial($exten) or something like that
22:17.32Seldon19751all my extensions are 200-299
22:17.46Dr-LinuxManxPower: i dont' know much about this call by name feature,
22:18.02Dr-LinuxManxPower: ooo i didn't know that
22:18.06_Sam--sledon:  an exmple of how i do it (sorry for paste)
22:18.06_Sam--exten => s,1,Wait,1
22:18.07_Sam--exten => s,2,Answer
22:18.07_Sam--exten => s,3,DigitTimeout,5
22:18.07_Sam--exten => s,4,ResponseTimeout,9
22:18.07_Sam--exten => s,5,Wait,1
22:18.08_Sam--exten => s,6,BackGround(closed)  ; First IVR menuing waits for input
22:18.10_Sam--#exten => s,6,BackGround(salesmeeting)  ; First IVR menuing waits for input
22:18.18_Sam--exten => _XXX,1,Goto(default,${EXTEN},1)
22:18.48Dr-LinuxManxPower: so what you suggest , i should use this congestion option in last pirority or not?
22:19.11_Sam--you will probably want these in there too:
22:19.11_Sam--exten => t,1,Hangup
22:19.11_Sam--exten => _XXX,1,Goto(default,${EXTEN},1)
22:19.11_Sam--exten => i,1,Playback(invalid)
22:19.11_Sam--exten => i,2,Goto(closed,s,3)
22:19.27_Sam--something that handles invalid extensions and timeouts
22:19.56phiflianyone have any ideas/issues with AEL?
22:20.07phiflii rebooted and now when i run asterisk it wont load my context.. says it cannot be merged wtf
22:21.16Seldon19751sam: thanks
22:21.21phiflii wonder if its a memmory issue
22:21.28_Sam--sure thing, good luck
22:25.36_Sam--ManxPower :  what does the 's' rules represent...what does the s mean
22:25.44_Sam--i know, t, i, but not what s means
22:25.55Dr-Linuxs = begin
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22:27.18_Sam--so you could use this syntax:  exten => 1234,s,1 Dial(blah/sip)...or it has to be exten => s,1,Dial(blah/sip)
22:27.39_Sam--because im not following how i would use the s rule in a context that has multiple DIDs
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22:27.45Dr-Linuxphifli: did you check you all logs files? i.e  system log?  "dmesg" * logs, inttrups etc, ?
22:28.25Dr-Linux_Sam--: your 2nd choice looks fine
22:28.43phifliit just stops after loading modules
22:28.46phifliwheh i take modules out..
22:28.57phifliit says requested contexts cannot be merged
22:29.02phiflithats in pbx.c
22:29.27phifliwonder what that is
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22:30.28Dr-Linuxsave your data backup
22:30.40ManxPowerexten => s is NOT a "catchall" it's more of a "catch nothing" i.e. it only catches calls that have no destination info.  A "catchall" would be exten => _.  but that would catch extensions that are not numbers (like o, i, t, T, h, etc).  A catch all number extensions would be something like exten => _X.
22:30.43ManxPowerFrom a posting to the mailinglist
22:30.46Dr-Linuxand try to recompile
22:31.03ManxPowerWhen a call comes into Asterisk (PSTN, VoIP, etc) and call has NO information as to what extension to route to then Asterisk will try sending the call to extension => s
22:31.03ManxPowerIn practice this only happens if you have a voice T-1 (Not PRI) with no DIDs, or if you have an analog FXO port.
22:31.08ManxPowerAlso from a mailinglist post
22:32.59Dr-LinuxManxPower: should i use "hangup" after the congestion?
22:33.10Dr-Linuxbcoz its still connected after the congestion,
22:33.11phifliwonder what that is
22:33.34Dr-Linuxexten => 4444,1,Answer
22:33.34Dr-Linuxexten => 4444,2,Wait(.5)
22:33.34Dr-Linuxexten => 4444,3,directory(default)
22:33.34Dr-Linuxexten => 4444,4,Congestion(15)
22:33.35ManxPowerDr-Linux, no.  See "show application congestion"  Pay special attention as to what the timeout does.
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22:33.42phifliso in other words
22:33.44phifliim doing something wrong?
22:33.48phiflior him?
22:33.58ManxPowerphifli, I'll bet your problem is a typoe
22:34.00phiflimy shit worked fine till i rebooted
22:34.08phiflithen i had to startup mysql
22:34.10phiflito get it going
22:34.17ManxPowerphifli, did you do a reload the last time you made a change?
22:34.18phiflinow i realize ael reload wont go past macros
22:34.25_Sam--manx thanks.
22:34.44phifliim loading from a backup tho
22:34.46Dr-Linuxreboot is never a solution using linux,
22:35.07phiflii didnt add things to boot yet on purpose
22:35.11phifliin fedora
22:35.30Dr-Linuxyou are using FC ?
22:35.41phiflii sue *
22:35.45ManxPowerphifli, What is the EXACT error message?
22:37.04phiflithat requested contedxts cannot be merged
22:37.16phiflisec now im having issues connewcting to my box grr
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22:38.18ManxPowerphifli, so if I do a source code search for "that requested contedxts cannot be merged" I would get a hit?
22:38.27ManxPowerPerhaps you can just PASTE the error message?
22:39.07*** join/#asterisk The-Dark (
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22:39.25phifliyeah if i can get to the config again
22:39.28phifliits in pbx./c
22:39.32phifliand yes its the OHNLY hit
22:39.38phiflisearch for cannot be merged
22:39.47phiflilasttmp i think might be the prob
22:40.30ManxPower[root@fs-1 asterisk-1.2.0-rc2]# grep -r "cannot be merged" *
22:40.30ManxPower[root@fs-1 asterisk-1.2.0-rc2]#
22:40.50ManxPowerWithout the exact text of the error message I cannot help you.
22:40.57The-Darkmaybe someone could help me?
22:40.57p1tst0pwhat would i use, to set my phone to busy mode, so no one can call me.. like say, a send to voicemail or something.
22:41.36Seldon19751with the Record() function, how do you end the recording from the handset?
22:41.51The-Darki have some probs with zaphfc and a gigaset 1054isdn
22:42.05ManxPowerSeldon19751, You are an idiot if you do not check for that information in "show application record"
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22:43.00Seldon19751thx for the abuse
22:43.01phiflilook for merg in pbx.c
22:44.37Seldon19751"show application record" tells me it's #, but this seemed not to work
22:44.43Seldon19751ill try again
22:45.14The-Darkis there someone havin time to help me?
22:45.38Seldon19751The-Dark if you're a novice don't risk asking Manx
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22:45.57phifliis there ahny way to compile my shit into a normal extensions file fom AEL
22:45.59phifliand dump it
22:46.04phiflii dont wan tthis shit happening again later
22:47.06The-Darkno i'm not a novice...
22:47.21The-Darkmy asterisk workin fine
22:47.32The-Darkbut not with a gigaset
22:49.53The-Darkso my prob is that the mobile handsets only rings once and asterisk says zap is busy
22:50.36The-Darkthe reverse way works fine, calling a analog handset from mobile set
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22:52.22The-Darkno ideas?
22:54.40Dr-Linuxanyone tell me please, what does this error mean?
22:54.41Dr-LinuxDec  9 14:48:14 WARNING[12671]: chan_sip.c:1064 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0xb74ce9d8 (len 435) to returned 5060: Operation not permitted
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22:59.51The-Darkcan noone help me?
22:59.52SkramXctooley around?
23:01.10Darwin35no everyone in here is beyond help
23:02.11SkramXThe-Dark: what do you need?
23:03.09Darwin35a life awife and three head of sheep 2 cows and a hog for breeding
23:03.10The-Darki've postet above, i have probs to get a gigaset workin with zaphfc in NT
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23:04.12The-Darkmy ta-33 works fine at internal s0 (the hfc)
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23:04.42The-Darkbut my gigaset rings once and asterisk says zap busy
23:05.15[hC]hey if i make update from a cvs head tree, will it still be up to date with svn? or do i have to actually go get a new svn checkout altogether?
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23:05.34The-Darka call form gigaset to ta-33 analog handset works
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23:06.38The-Darkbut not the reverse way (only one ring then busy)
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23:07.02hardwireyou monkey lovin squid munchers!
23:08.11Drukenhmm... that don't look right...
23:08.27hardwiregelulose :)
23:08.53hardwireyou cattle rattling corn farmer.
23:09.14tzangermonkey-lovin' squid muncher
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23:09.41hardwireI hate my life.. SHOOT ME!
23:10.05hardwirehe wasted around $6k this month
23:10.11docelm0Whats cookin?
23:10.20tzangersquid apparently
23:10.34hardwireso this italian place around here (Anchorage) has amazing calamari
23:10.40docelm0huh?  6K?  On what?
23:10.42hardwirehe never reuses the oil he pan fries it in
23:11.35hardwiredocelm0: well.. he wanted to interface 4 analog phones to a PBX that we are going to replace soon because none of its functinos work.. only the hunt groups.
23:11.43hardwireso he bought 4 $480 ATA's for it
23:11.51hardwirevs just putting those phones on the 4 lines coming into the pbx.
23:11.59tzangerwhat ata is $480?
23:12.21hardwireactually.. some engenius tech nortel -> analog converter
23:12.23tzangerdigitla telepnone adaptor?
23:12.32tzangerI have a telebridge hooked up to my norstar
23:12.46hardwireand then he squandered all this money on this wireless phone system.. to put on top of those 4 lines.
23:12.49tzangerDMS"Dec 9 6:11 pm   "
23:12.49hardwireand.. we already have one.
23:13.00*** join/#asterisk m160858 (n=jsaenz@
23:13.00hardwirehe is just throwing money away at this point
23:13.07hardwirefirst off.. by going from pots to pbx to pots
23:13.12hardwirewhen pots to phone will work just fine
23:13.27hardwirethen making double purchases
23:13.34m160858i've a member on the queues
23:14.03m160858how can i do to recording wav file with the name of the member?
23:14.07m160858what VAR
23:15.04hardwiretzanger: it just make me crazy
23:15.08hardwire!!! CRAZY !!!
23:15.34hardwireesp when I just spent so much money making an asterisk PBX that goes in place of this pbx he is trying to interface $1800 in hardware too.
23:15.39hardwirethats more than the damn * box.
23:15.48hardwireYOU HEAR ME!
23:16.01fileget ahold of yourself
23:16.03hardwireI can't
23:16.31hardwireany formulation of sense I make, and then speak only seems to effect people that have a slight understanding of what I want.
23:16.40hardwireand this guy.. its all mumble jumped before his brain gets ahold of it.
23:16.44The-Darkstill waitn
23:16.52hardwirein The-Dark ?
23:17.42m160858hello? i've 8 extensions ... then using the same number for call out
23:18.23m160858i want to record the calls out, but i can't record a wav file for member of my queue
23:19.36m160858what var i should use
23:19.40The-Darkno ideas?
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23:25.30m160858no ideas?
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23:28.08p1tst0phow does one turn on *78 / *79 DND service ?
23:28.50m160858I want to record the ougoing calls by each member of my queues, somebody have some idea?
23:30.20m160858it seems that Fridays all go away of party
23:30.25CleanerXp1tst0p, depends on the kind of phone you use
23:31.03CleanerXp1tst0p, normally the phones should implement that
23:31.28CleanerXp1tst0p, so you need to configure them to act upon these numbers
23:32.18*** part/#asterisk UyCaRumBa (n=administ@
23:33.04p1tst0pCleanerX, hmm i wanna use DND on my X-Lite, and my Avaya 4602 hard phone
23:33.22[hC]man, iax2 seems to be VERY sensitive to one way audio problems
23:34.18[hC]Im almost debating using sip to interconnect sites instead
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23:36.29bsdfreaki only use iax2 if sip fails
23:37.22[hC]yeah.. plus sip will allow me to do RTP bridging, without harming my billing data
23:37.42[hC]cause i dont even see iax error messages as to why this happens 'sometimes'
23:38.19[hC]hmm.. i dont suppose anyone runs t1/e1 cards by the company whos name i shall not mention, on asterisk 1.2?
23:39.57m160858somebody help me?
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23:43.52|Vulture|Anyone know how to deal with a large number of AGI scripts in the <defunct> state?
23:44.29*** join/#asterisk dsfr (n=dsfr@pdpc/sponsor/digium/dsfr)
23:44.40Qwell|Vulture|: Don't let them get that way. :)
23:44.45GXTirestart asterisk
23:45.01|Vulture|Qwell: is there a trick to writing the script? adding some sort of timeout?
23:45.02QwellThey're probably not returning, or returning poorly
23:45.14GXTiyoud expect asterisk would reap them properly
23:45.25GXTiits poor design on its part, not necessarily yours
23:45.54|Vulture|oh well there goes like 6 month uptime heheh
23:45.57QwellI'd disagree with that.  If you have a crappy script...asterisk shouldn't know/care...
23:46.35QwellIf I may draw an analogy: You write a poor C program with infinite loops, and memory leaks, and the like
23:46.43QwellIs it gcc's job to fix it for you?  Absolutely not.
23:47.33|Vulture|its strange another box with the same agi script has a 4 month uptime with no runaway procs
23:48.19QwellThat isn't so abnormal.  If it's doing something with libraries that are different, or perhaps a file is missing...I don't know
23:48.30*** join/#asterisk nvrs (
23:49.22|Vulture|yea I guess its good ol debug time
23:50.47*** join/#asterisk slayer192 (n=Blah@
23:51.14bsdfreakiax is really sensitive to high loads too evidently
23:51.26Qwellbsdfreak: it's kind of a known issue
23:51.35[hC]sup qwell
23:51.39Qwell[hC]: y0
23:51.43Qwell<-- at work
23:51.59[hC]Qwell: <-- at work at home.. i moved back to vancouver... after living in miami for a few years, i am FREEZING right now
23:52.06Qwellhaha, sucker
23:52.31[hC]its 38 degrees F right now
23:52.37Qwelloh, that's nothing
23:52.43[hC]yeah its not horrible
23:52.44Qwellthough...from miami...yeah
23:52.48[hC]not warm either
23:52.54QwellI'd bitch too if it were < 60F :p
23:52.58[hC]im going to costa rica to do an asterisk install in jan tho
23:53.07Qwellneed help? ;]
23:53.23[hC]i used to live there, gonna go visit my gf, and her office is moving into a new building so we're gonna contract them out
23:53.26Drukeni could do with a little costa
23:53.34shido6rararar rico
23:53.41Qwellused to live in costa rica?  you get around...
23:53.46|Vulture|hmm thats not good... when you boot a system and just see "GRUB" that usually means that grub is currupt and needs to be reinstalled correct?
23:53.48shido6so do the viri
23:53.50[hC]yeah i travelled a bit the last 3-4 years..
23:54.32[hC]so i got my osx86 box working basically 100%, but now im gonna upgrade to 10.4.3 which is supposedly alot better.. we'll see
23:54.53[hC]the issues i have right now are very minimal
23:55.24slayer192yum osx86
23:55.32Qwellyum install osx86?
23:55.47Drukenangler: what kinda hookup ?? i hear prositutes are inexpensive there...
23:55.51slayer192naaa... apt-get
23:56.12Qwellyum works better across platforms
23:56.21anglerDruken, lol... i need voip account to dial locally in germany  :)
23:56.42Drukenjust need termination ?
23:56.57slayer192it's been a while since I've played with yum, I hear it has gotten  better
23:57.18Qwellyum is okay.  I like it on my sparc.  I'd use apt over yum on x86 though
23:57.32anglerDruken, termination and origination...
23:57.34bsdfreakqwell: yes I know it is
23:57.40bsdfreakthat's why I'm avoiding iax2 unless I can't.
23:57.47Qwellbsdfreak: use sccp :P
23:57.52bsdfreakwhat is sccp
23:58.07QwellI <3 sccp
23:58.08MstlyHrmlsMorse Code...
23:58.13bsdfreaki don't have a cisco phone or ata
23:58.18Qwellget one
23:58.22[hC]yeah i think im going to install 1.2.1 across the board rather than running various svn trunk releases, and move my interconnects to sip instead of iax2
23:58.29[hC]iax2 has too many load/one way audio problems it seems
23:58.34[hC]and not always reproducable
23:58.38[hC]very frustrating
23:58.43Qwellone way audio on iax?  never seen that
23:58.57bsdfreaki have
23:58.59bsdfreakbut rarely
23:59.08[hC]yeah i get it sometimes when i have a call come into one * box, forward to another via iax2, then back to the first * box via iax2 again then out pstn
23:59.22[hC]if i dont use iax2, it works fine

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