irclog2html for #asterisk on 20051205

00:02.54S2AnGeLI think I will just configure that sipura 3000 again
00:03.01S2AnGeLseems easier
00:03.12asterboylinksys pap2 unlocking files now available at
00:03.23S2AnGeLI just sold mine
00:04.12asterboyebay has a ton of them
00:04.18asterboyand for $5
00:04.24*** part/#asterisk Mother (
00:04.26asterboycheapest fxs you'll ever get
00:07.39S2AnGeLcalm down its just  gives you access to some more features..  does not sound like its everything
00:07.47S2AnGeLalthough tell me how you make out
00:08.15S2AnGeLI await them to be reversed and run linux on them .. my dream of the perfect..  ata  coming soon
00:08.33S2AnGeLyou know and make em as popular as the wrt54gs
00:09.44*** join/#asterisk paryl (
00:10.44paryli just realized that all of the cho cancellation flags in zaptel.h are commented out in the CVS head
00:11.13parylam i looking in the wrong place?
00:11.25S2AnGeLmaybe they want to concentrate on othere things..
00:11.32S2AnGeLbe nice if they mentioned that
00:11.40S2AnGeLor maybe they cause lotsa trouble
00:12.08S2AnGeLI know I am no help I be quiet now
00:14.39*** join/#asterisk wundaboy (
00:16.47*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
00:19.05*** join/#asterisk killfill (
00:19.50killfillchannel  ctl  pseudo  timer
00:19.57killfillZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)
00:20.04*** join/#asterisk jpablo (
00:23.43Corydon76-homeYou probably have zaptel loaded, but no card driver
00:24.03*** join/#asterisk ptiggerdine (
00:24.32Corydon76-homeoops, wrong window
00:27.35dokhenchnp rather
00:27.42*** join/#asterisk Frawg (n=Frawg@unaffiliated/frawg)
00:30.03dogtanianFrawg :)
00:32.54*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
00:35.09dogtanianlol - oops thought you were a different Frawg from a different server. just realised you have different hosts tho :)
00:36.02xhelioxThought you were a dogtanian from a different server.. you have a totally different nick though.
00:37.30*** join/#asterisk m160858 (n=jsaenz@
00:37.38m160858hi everyone
00:37.44dogtanianyeah well - i don't normally bother to check hosts :)
00:38.07m160858i've this
00:38.17m160858but doesn't works ok
00:38.28m160858only ringing one extension
00:38.33m160858please i need help
00:39.17m160858somwbody can help me?
00:39.52SedoroxI _think_
00:40.00Sedoroxthat it times out on a call after 30 seconds..
00:40.04Sedoroxin which it'll goto the next one
00:40.08Sedoroxbut the wrap-up is 15..
00:40.20Sedoroxso the total length is reached before the next phone is rung
00:40.26Sedoroxagain.... this is a guess :p
00:41.16m160858my wrap-up would be 30 or more?
00:41.26m160858yes, NewSole
00:42.02m160858my wrap-up would be more?
00:42.17NewSoletry strategy = ringall
00:42.20SedoroxI would make timeout like... 15
00:42.22NewSolesee if that works
00:42.31Sedoroxand wrapup like 60...
00:42.39m160858doesn't wotk
00:42.47m160858already try
00:42.51Sedoroxbut you can do what newsole said too.. that'll ring all the phones at once instead of doing one.. then another.. then another
00:42.59Sedorox(don't forget to reload asterisk after a change)
00:43.05m160858i know
00:43.17NewSolein your sip peers
00:43.22m160858i try with the wrapup
00:43.28NewSoledo you have qualify =yes
00:45.24m160858of course
00:50.23*** join/#asterisk johngalt (
00:52.00jpabloanyone has tried running asterisk with all the low latency linux options ? does it improbes things?
00:52.27tzangerjpablo: no, if your system's that overloaded you need a bigger system
00:53.19m160858only ring two of my extensions
00:53.23[TK]D-Fenderm160858 : You need to set your queue to "strategy = rrmemory"
00:53.29jpabloi have a dual opteron for * so my sistem is not overloaded, but i wonder if still a minor tick time would help asterisk.
00:53.33m160858the others two doesn't ringing
00:53.48m160858i try this
00:53.56johngaltI just configured the asterisk demo and got the channels setup for a tdm400 card (1 fxo/1fxs)  the channels seem to work fine and I can call in and dial the phone extention and it's clear as a bell.  the voice prompts are so garbled as to be unintellagable however.  what should I look at to fix this?
00:54.00[TK]D-Fenderm160858 : and from the LAST time you asked us all about it, do the changes we suggest, RELOAD your config after doing it and PASTEBIN your CLI output after!
00:54.35[TK]D-Fenderjohngalt : is your card getting an unshared IRQ of its own?
00:54.51shido6what else are you running on your asterisk box johngalt ?
00:55.23johngaltsec, that would be proc/irq correct?
00:55.37johngaltjust asterisk on debian
00:55.58asterboydo a pastebin of your process list.
00:56.02m160858continues equal
00:56.19m160858show up this message in the CLI
00:56.28m160858Got SIP response 488 "Not Acceptable Here" back from XXX.XXX.XX.XX
00:56.29asterboy'top' is a great utility
00:56.45m160858when try to call to the third extension
00:56.55m160858what mean this message?
00:58.47jpablotzanger: so, don't you think a lower tick time will help * ?
00:59.36jpablotzanger: the system is not under heavy load, but ocacionally something gets the procs and you can hear (barely) paused sound.
00:59.54m160858this appairs on my CLI
01:00.12m160858please, help me ... i need work in this way
01:01.04tzangerjpablo: not really...  It's a possibility that a slightly increased tick can help but remember that every HZ increase also means higher system resource use when idle
01:01.09tzangerjust like revving an engine
01:01.14*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
01:02.31jpabloim not really concerned about resource use when idle, thoses servers are already sucking power like if there will be no tomorrow.
01:02.46jpabloi will try compiling with diferent settings ant try.
01:05.34johngaltseems to have an irq of it's own
01:06.03m160858this message is my problem
01:06.14m160858Got SIP response 488 "Not Acceptable Here" back from XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
01:06.25m160858SIP/2004-0699 is circuit-busy
01:06.39m160858what at mean?
01:07.36johngalt[TK]D-Fender: seems to not share an irq?  any other places to look?
01:08.11bkw__just a FYI guys Adam Hart was killed on Sept. 25th in a motorcycle accident.
01:08.50[TK]D-Fenderjohngalt : do "cat /proc/interrupts"
01:09.49[TK]D-Fenderm160858 : stop calling the queue back and let it switch agents a few times!
01:09.56johngalt[TK]D-Fender: only thing assigned to 209
01:10.24[TK]D-Fenderjohngalt : pastebin it.
01:11.13*** join/#asterisk emakris2 (
01:11.53Kattyhi lads.
01:13.09[TK]D-FenderNever know.... she's WAY too good with knives to brush off so lightly...
01:16.04m160858how i do that?
01:16.33m160858i need the calls works in queues
01:16.41m160858i don't understand
01:23.05johngaltwould an irq conflict cause everything to be garbled or just playback?
01:23.19[TK]D-Fenderm160858 : call the queue, stop hanging up so fast.  I want to see it calling the phones a FEW TIMES
01:24.30[TK]D-Fenderjohngalt : if the call is connected from FXO to FXS in that case the wires are bridged rather natively.  When prompts are played that when decoding to the line takes place
01:24.51m160858ok, but ..... that's will work in the same way
01:25.28johngaltso because it's on the same card it's clear?
01:25.32[TK]D-Fenderm160858 : it looks like one of your extensions is rejecting the call.  you need to look at that phone
01:25.51[TK]D-Fenderjohngalt : pretty much.  it just bridges the 2 ports.
01:26.34johngaltah, so other than irq conflict what else to look at?
01:28.02[TK]D-Fendernot too sure
01:28.10[TK]D-FenderCPU usage?
01:29.05johngaltlow, I think I pasted /proc loadadv with /proc interrupt output
01:29.30kuku5how do I put someone on hold if they are in a queue ?
01:30.25johngaltwill * play midi files for on hold music?
01:30.37*** join/#asterisk scud (
01:31.49kuku5[TK]D-Fender: if i have a queue, it rings, i pick up, how can i put them on hold
01:32.16kuku5( not on the phone - but on th system
01:36.35*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
01:37.05PBXtechis there a setting that makes 1.2 SIP talk to 1.03 SIP?
01:39.13jpabloanyone knows a good sip phone for linux ?
01:39.14Nuggetis there a setting that makes 1.2 sip not talk to 1.03 sip?
01:39.17jpablosoftphone ofcourse
01:39.35jpabloall the ones i keep trying are crap
01:39.44Nuggetall softphones are crap, linux or otherwise.
01:40.11PBXtechi can talk 1.03 to 1.03 but not 1.2 to 1.03  (no audio) see the call progress thou
01:40.26killfillsome files does "use Asterisk::AGI;"
01:40.40killfilli should have a file called somwhere on the sistem, right?..
01:40.58*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
01:41.26killfillroot@switch:/# find / -iname
01:41.29killfillis this right?..
01:42.55*** part/#asterisk napkin (
01:44.32*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
01:44.58*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
01:45.16*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
01:48.16*** join/#asterisk yuvan_k (n=scowser8@
01:50.18killfillis there a special package for install asterisk-perl??
01:52.43shido6yeah - it may be called something else... :)
01:53.28shido6like asterisk-perl-0.08.tar.gz :)
01:53.38*** join/#asterisk znoG (
01:53.42*** join/#asterisk jcath (n=skycat@
01:57.08*** join/#asterisk sbingner (n=thanotos@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/sbingner)
01:57.12killfillhow fool.. all this time thinking that it was part of it.. :-p
01:57.25sbingner@seen jerjer
01:57.32sbingnerbleh what is it
02:01.05*** join/#asterisk h3x0r (n=h3xor@
02:04.16sbingner~seen jerjer
02:04.20jbotjerjer <n=JerJer@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 23d 18h 6m 49s ago, saying: 'not really a debian specific question, but someone here should know - Can i merge partitions in Linux?  like my / was created way too small and i would like to blow away another partiton and start over, but one issue is I am currently not ...
02:04.34sbingnerjeez, he doesnt hang out here anymore?
02:05.36shido6he's rewriting our billing system
02:05.39shido6and provisioning system
02:05.51shido6take 347
02:06.11shido6we lock him in a room on the grassy knowl
02:06.24shido6now I have to go look up the spelling
02:06.42*** join/#asterisk juice (
02:10.25[TK]D-Fenderkuku5 : what do you put a queue call on hold "in the system, not the phone"?
02:12.58*** join/#asterisk johngalt (
02:13.11jpablohas anyone tried integrating a voice regnition technology with * ?
02:13.27jpabloto create something like 411(?)-Tellme ?
02:14.21*** join/#asterisk |cleric| (
02:14.22[TK]D-Fenderjpablo : I'm not too sure how automated 411 is.. I think operators just listen to it while you're on hold to find the entry... its jsut to remove the ability for you to NAG and abuse them directly
02:14.41[TK]D-Fenderjpablo : But yeah, lookup "Sphinx" with regards to voice recognition.
02:14.58[TK]D-Fenderjpablo : I'm looking to do that myself for X-10 home control through *
02:15.59jpablo[TK]D-Fender: are you telling my there's someone listeting to all the crap i say in 411 ?
02:16.56jpablocrap ...
02:17.19*** join/#asterisk tartar (
02:18.07*** part/#asterisk tartar (
02:19.12jpabloi really was amazed with their service
02:19.55jpablowell, everything you can't solve with technology, you can solve with an infinity number of monkeys.
02:20.02[TK]D-Fenderyeah its soo smart... its practically HUMAN!
02:21.26tzangeryou can stare into the void all you like, just don't try to access it by index
02:21.36*** join/#asterisk hhoffman (n=hhoffman@tor/session/x-5a3f8478babb15ca)
02:21.53file[laptop]here, try to access it
02:21.55file[laptop]I dare you
02:22.23jpabloi wonder what 411 monkeys thought when i started yiling bad words in the phone.
02:22.53hhoffmanhi, I seem to be getting a lot of echo/feedback when I call from my iax client and bridge to my pstn line... any ideas how to stop this/
02:23.33file[laptop]oopsy daisy
02:24.50*** join/#asterisk truenorth (
02:26.06*** join/#asterisk froguz (
02:27.16kuku5[TK]D-Fender: I want to put a caller on hold so he appears on the "hold" list of ipswitchboard .. :)
02:27.27hhoffmanfroguz: change the runlevel numbers
02:27.28[TK]D-Fenderfroguz : change the scripts name and renumber mysql earlier
02:27.53[TK]D-Fenderkuku5 : well doing HOLD on the phone should do taht...
02:27.54jpablofroguz: not sure what centos is but in any system using sysv init changing the links in rcN.d/ should work, where N is your runlevel
02:28.01kuku5it doesnt
02:28.20ManxPowerDid that mISDN user ever figure out what he had setup wrong?
02:28.26froguzhhoffman, both services are runlevel 12345. what do i have to change to?
02:28.28hhoffmanon CentOS you should only change the chkconfig levels, not the name
02:28.31kuku5[TK]D-Fender: is there a piece of software that i can buy/download to handle this queue thing for me... so the secretary can just press buttons/
02:29.24hhoffmanfroguz: edit the file... you will see something like "chkconfig: 2345 9 92" the 9 is the start number and the 92 is the stop number... it's set to run in levels 2345
02:29.56[TK]D-Fenderkuku5 : what exactly do you want to change about its management?
02:30.27kuku5All I want is the secretary to be able to click on a call - to answer
02:30.37[TK]D-Fenderwhat kind of call?
02:30.43kuku5and then press a button ( appropriate extension's button ) to xfer the call
02:31.17[TK]D-Fenderkuku5 : lets start this over a bit.  Where is the caller at the point in time where you want the secretary to decide his fate?
02:31.35kuku5well start even earlier
02:31.40kuku540 phones (extensions
02:31.43kuku5all 7940
02:31.49kuku5secretary = 7960
02:31.51*** join/#asterisk brent21 (n=Brent21@
02:32.03[TK]D-FenderOUCH $ <- ok.. continue :)
02:32.19kuku5everyone has their own did - but a lot of people still call the main line
02:32.27kuku5which goes to extension 90 (secretary )
02:32.29jpablocrfap, that's a lot of money
02:32.37kuku5it was a nice setup :)
02:32.46kuku5but not that big.
02:32.49[TK]D-FenderI'm sure it is.  Just pricey... ok, continue :)
02:33.06kuku5now if 5 calls come in at a time
02:33.09kuku5its ok
02:33.31kuku5but if 5 come in, some of them are put on hold, then a few more call - the secretary doesnt even get to those calls.
02:34.14kuku5in an ideal world - we would press line 1 - say "please hold", go to the 2nd line - say "please hold", go to the 3rd line ......
02:34.15[TK]D-FenderWhat happens when they call the main line?  How do calls get to the secretary in the first place?  Immediately sent, or "0"'d?
02:34.23kuku5and then go back to the first line to handle the call
02:34.42kuku5it goes  8700,1,dial(sip/90 ... )
02:34.48brent21Hello, I am trying to load a TE110XP (T1 card) and a TDM (4 port FXO) card on one machine
02:34.57[TK]D-Fenderkuku5 : Not sure about the limitations of the 7960, but Polycom's can have a sick # of line keys for juggling these around
02:35.10brent21in /etc/zaptel.conf, should I create a span2 and put the FXO's underneath that?
02:35.12kuku5how many ?
02:36.01[TK]D-Fenderkuku5 : All of my IP 600's are configured for 6 lines, but I believe the attendant module will allow for those to be used for lines as well as buddies / and other shortcuts
02:36.15[TK]D-Fenderand can support multiple calls PER line key if I were to choose.
02:36.19kuku5can i xfer with 1 button?
02:36.26[TK]D-Fender(which I hate so I don't)
02:36.33kuku5or do i have to pres blndxfer , then the extension
02:36.34brent21when I attempt to modprobe wcte11xp, it complains on the first tdm port
02:36.41NewSolehow youd I configure /etc/zaptel.conf if I had 1 TDM400 and I wanted to use TDMoE
02:36.49[TK]D-Fenderkuku5 : 2 <- xfer, then a speed-dial key for the dest
02:37.07kuku5too many buttons
02:37.19[TK]D-FenderI have a 6-line phone setup with 2 x 14 key expansion modules.
02:37.26[TK]D-Fenderso... a LOT :)
02:37.30kuku5i just want to xfer the damn call with 1 button
02:37.31[TK]D-FenderI think 3 is the limit
02:37.53[TK]D-Fenderkuku5 : you have to indicate that you want to transfer the call....  EVERY systems makes you do that!
02:37.56[TK]D-Fenderso 2 buttons!
02:38.24kuku5not every
02:38.29kuku5you can make oen of them default
02:38.44file[desk]complain to the companies that make the phones then
02:38.45[TK]D-Fenderlike?  in what case does any system assume you want to transfer the current call when you press a speed dial?
02:39.25brent21Anoyne have any experience with an analog card and a T1 card in the same box here?
02:39.28[TK]D-Fenderkuku5 : which?  I had a norstar at work...
02:39.50kuku5the smaller system
02:40.21*** part/#asterisk outtolunc (
02:40.24[TK]D-FenderI was on a Nostar 8x24... 15 years old... not much smaller... anyways, I think 2 keys to xfer is fair... just deal with that... is the rest ok with you conceptually though?
02:40.30kuku5if i cant do it on the phone - can I at least do it on the pc ?
02:41.02[TK]D-FenderPC would royally suck... ti'd take more steps and add dependancies to your setup.  Your secretary would CURSE your name...
02:41.17S2AnGeLso I have to recompile for this clone card to work??
02:41.21[TK]D-FenderHeck, you could just park your calls.... but again, its painful.
02:41.29kuku5paqrking ? fuck
02:41.33kuku5wiat for the number,
02:41.35[TK]D-FenderYeah.. DON'T :)
02:41.41kuku5then press the button to xfer
02:41.55[TK]D-FenderSo switch to a Polycom IP 601 + Attendant modules.
02:42.06kuku5cisco has them too
02:42.11[TK]D-FenderHave you tried the cisco attendant module?
02:42.14[TK]D-Fenderyeah :0
02:42.23h3x0rsnom 360
02:42.23kuku5i havent
02:42.25kuku5have you ?
02:42.25h3x0rwith sidecar
02:42.26[TK]D-Fendernot sure what it lets you do, but I'm sure its pretty smart too
02:42.47[TK]D-FenderNah, I'm a Polycom user at work, and Sipura @ home
02:43.08[TK]D-FenderLet me tell you though... those Polycoms are the best thing since cliced bread...
02:43.18shido6can you get the autoanswer function working?
02:43.45litageare there companies other than Digium and Sangoma that make FXO and FXS cards?
02:43.57dokhenchnot a big fan of the polycom.. functionality? sure.. tons of it. simplicity? gimme a grandstream.
02:44.31kuku5so im still fucked - b/c I have a second cleint with a 7940 as the secretary - and I need to solve the problem of answering calls from the pc
02:44.37jpablograndstreams are good, but they lack style
02:44.38kuku5using a mouse or something
02:44.41[TK]D-Fendershido6 : can be done, I'm in the process actually.
02:44.46[TK]D-Fendershido6 : it works.
02:45.03jpablowhat good is using voip if i have to use a crappy locking phone!
02:45.14[TK]D-Fenderdokhench : Yeah, but Grandstream feels like Fisher-Price junk.
02:45.40jpablo[TK]D-Fender: at least they changed the buttons in the new model.
02:45.48[TK]D-FenderFor simplicity I'd pick Sipura's so far, but it depends on the budget and need
02:45.49DrukenHMEjpablo: you don't need to use one, but i'm sure they would be alot cheaper
02:45.54jpabloalthought they still lock crappy.
02:46.04dokhenchso, what i need to do is take the grandstream guts and put em in a cisco/polycom box. :)
02:46.21killfillwired.. ive install apm, and the sip extensions are busy (they are not really) and when to try to use the pstn, i hear all-circuits-busy-now ..
02:46.23kuku5[TK]D-Fender:  I still have the answering problem...
02:46.57[TK]D-FenderWell.... like I said I don't know the particulars of the Cisco, but you do what you were asking with a 601 + AM
02:47.00jpablodokhench: or you can give grandstream to your users and use polycom and cisco yourself, just like me :P
02:47.11killfillwhat can i check?..
02:47.11dokhenchjpablo: hehehe :)
02:47.44kuku5[TK]D-Fender: cant I do it with ipswitchboard/
02:48.14[TK]D-Fenderkuku5 : not sure, but I know that it'd be even more pain for your secretary
02:48.27kuku5how is that
02:48.52*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
02:48.58[TK]D-Fendermuch more clicking, and I don't think you'd find it easy to sort of use it to "park" a call she's on to free a line./
02:49.21[TK]D-FenderYou want convenience.  realistically how many callsa at a time should this person be taking?
02:49.29kuku510 ?
02:49.34kuku5there is  person ;)
02:49.36[TK]D-Fenderhow big an office?
02:49.41kuku540 extensions
02:49.56[TK]D-Fenderand >6 people calling her at the same time?
02:50.06ManxPowerWhy don't people get DIDs?
02:50.07DrukenHME10 calls at once? fuck that...
02:50.11[TK]D-FenderMine is that size and we barely touch 2-3 calls
02:50.17*** join/#asterisk oej (n=Olle@
02:50.18kuku5ManxPower: they do get did's
02:50.22[TK]D-FenderDrukenHME : they HAVE did's!
02:50.27kuku5its a mortgage company
02:50.33[TK]D-FenderYour callers SUCK!
02:50.46kuku5[TK]D-Fender: not that many ... but still i wnat to have that option in case it does
02:50.51QwellBOO, mortgage companies!
02:50.52ManxPowerOh!  People involved in Real Estate are sick anyway.
02:50.57DrukenHMEso if they have did's what does that have todo with a secreatry?
02:50.59[TK]D-Fenderyou should change your IVR to make it "inconvenient to get a secretary.  or maybe put them in a Queue <------
02:51.04Qwellkuku5: Which one?
02:51.10ManxPowerkuku5, affiliated with Cendant?
02:51.13kuku5DrukenHME: they just got them.
02:51.27NewSolenyone use TDMoE
02:51.27ManxPowerkuku5, Good 8-)
02:52.08ManxPowerCendant rquires a 6 person, 2 hour conference call just to change an IP address on a VPN tunnel.
02:52.15Qwellkuku5: Which mortgage company? ;)
02:52.17ManxPowerWith people in THREE states.
02:52.25kuku5Qwell: in chicago :)
02:52.49Qwellyeah, which one :P
02:53.01CoaxDokay. okay. i cant even say it with a straight face.
02:53.15kuku5[TK]D-Fender: can i make a queue RING instead of play music on hold?
02:53.25[TK]D-Fenderkuku5 : yup.
02:53.38CoaxDmpg123 sound_of_phone_ringing.mp3
02:53.38[TK]D-Fenderbut that'd suck if they hear ringing for 3 minutes :)
02:53.50tzangerkuku5: yes but you have to be careful
02:53.58ManxPowerkuku5, Um, "show application queue"  Pay special attention to the "r" option.
02:54.10[TK]D-Fenderwhat ManxPower said :)
02:54.12tzangerI didn't know that
02:54.18tzangerI had to manually go kill the generator when using parking
02:54.21tzangerto keep the ringing going
02:54.56CoaxDit should be like. fucking completely illegal to answer after first ring but then generate ringing tones right away
02:55.08orlokI've got extensions configured in asterix, and i have SIP accounts at an upstream provider
02:55.25orloki'm just wondering how i make the two work together
02:55.26kuku5then how can I set this stupid ipswitchboard up with a queue then..
02:56.11*** join/#asterisk genmud (
02:56.18CoaxDkuku5: ANswer the call. Tell them you're putting them in a queue.  Then put them in the queue.l
02:57.11NewSoleanyone use TDMoE
02:57.11CoaxDkuku5: Problem is, if you answer the phone and then generate ring, the user has no way of knowing they're being charged
02:57.27[TK]D-Fenderkuku5 : You don't want you secretary running after IPSwitchboard, believe me...
02:57.28CoaxDkuku5: For the call
02:57.39kuku5CoaxD: makes sense
02:57.57kuku5[TK]D-Fender: why is that
02:58.17CoaxDkuku5 So if you pick up the phone, tell them they're being put into the queue, then, you can just play 'em some hold music and life'll be good. THEY get the chance to hang up if they want. and they know you picked up sothey know they're being charged for the call.  Everybody's happy.
02:58.46CoaxDkuku5: Of course, if enough operators are standing by, they wont be in the queue long. *lol*
02:59.15CoaxDQwell: You just try it buddy.  I'll pull out my LARGE TOOTHPICK and hit you for  100 POINTS
02:59.26[TK]D-Fenderkuku5 : I think they just want to answer calls, so give them a setup where each call rings in on its own phone-based line key and they can leave their computer doing normal task and not have to split computer focus.
02:59.49QwellCoaxD: :p
03:00.10kuku5[TK]D-Fender: what happens when the phone runs out of lines
03:00.18kuku5how do I make * put them in a queue
03:00.21CoaxDgod damn, these old stinkpads didnt have very good batlife
03:00.27tzangeryes I love my thinkpad
03:00.38CoaxDchrist. its an A22m.  damn thing should get 2 hours of battery. but NOoooo. 36 minutes.
03:00.49CoaxDtzanger: Oh, no doubt.  Thinkpads rule
03:01.01CoaxDMe personally, i'd rather have a Dell Latitude D610 over anything else, but..
03:01.24CoaxDI have a couple T20's, A22m's, A30's, etc
03:01.39litagedoes Sangoma make FXO and FXS cards?
03:02.22[TK]D-Fenderkuku5 : VOICEMAIL or queue.
03:02.58tzangerI have a T30 here
03:03.01tzangerI want an A30
03:03.04tzangerI think that's the one
03:03.07[TK]D-FenderThink about it... how much effort do you put into planning a secretay getting 1/4 of the number of calls as you have ext's?!?!
03:03.22tzanger1280x1024 14.1 or 15" screen
03:03.28[TK]D-FenderUse the Directory feature.  or SOMETHING
03:03.32Qwellkuku5: Maybe when we're done, we'll sell you our solution. :p
03:04.31CoaxDtzanger: Got a nice X40 at work. gotta ship it out tho. :/
03:04.36*** part/#asterisk brent21 (n=Brent21@
03:04.42CoaxDtzanger: That thing reminds me of the old Sony Vaio 505TR's
03:04.45tzangerCoaxD: hehe
03:04.49CoaxDtzanger: altho the vaio was smaller
03:05.25CoaxDtzanger: I like thinkpads.  Trouble is, today, they cost 2x what anything else costs
03:05.38CoaxDtzanger: Granted, there's a reason for that, but that reason isnt really reason ENOUGH to spend the extra $$
03:06.23CoaxDtzanger: (I work for a large, very spread out corp.  Our users put glass in buildings.  Not compute things.)
03:06.55tzanger:-)  this little p4m does quite well
03:07.11CoaxDtzanger: It was actually rather interesting, getting to know the general population at the corp.  You don't ask them to open internet explorer.  You tell 'em to click on the internet.
03:07.21CoaxDtzanger: just a different dialect is all. :)
03:07.35CoaxDtzanger: Had one guy who every damn time he'd call me - he'd be pissed as hell
03:07.41CoaxDtzanger: "MY SHIT DONT WOKR! MAKE IT WORK!#$'
03:07.59CoaxDtzanger: Finally, i got sick of it. I said.. "How about you quit worrying about how some stupid thing on your machine isnt working, and GO PUT GLASS IN BUILDINGS!#$"
03:08.23CoaxDtzanger: He laughed mercilessly and said "Heh. Aint that the truth.  I *would*, but this god damn machine wont let me!"
03:08.43CoaxDtzanger: I hooked him right up, then. *lol*
03:09.14CoaxDyeah, it was good stuff. *lol*
03:10.41[TK]D-FenderAsterisk Db question : if you write to a key-pair already in existance, its just overwrites, correct?
03:10.47ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, it should
03:11.26[TK]D-FenderI'm about to seriously mangle my dialplan to configure all exts through it so I'd better be sure :)
03:12.01dandandid anyone buy that and reflashed?
03:12.27Qwelldandan: can it be flashed?
03:13.21dandanand here
03:17.25*** join/#asterisk robl^ (
03:22.52*** join/#asterisk XARiUS (
03:23.02XARiUSoi, anyone got a minute for some 7960 help? :)
03:23.15XARiUSer 7940, more specifically, not that it matters.:)
03:23.29mog_homeqwell save the day
03:23.32*** join/#asterisk TheCops (
03:23.56TheCopsAsterisk rocks!
03:24.12XARiUSyes, it does. :)
03:24.30mog_homeare you using skinny xarius or sio
03:24.33mog_homesip *
03:24.40XARiUSwell, just need help upgrading the loads..
03:24.52XARiUSthis damn phone shipped with CCM and I can't get any of the SIP loads to take..
03:24.55XARiUSso I'm sorta stuck =/
03:25.01mog_homeusing tftp?
03:25.11XARiUSI've got 7.4 and 7.5 from my vendor, but it came with CCM 303
03:25.22XARiUSthe phone keeps throwing "DISK FULL" errors =/
03:25.26XARiUStrying to load up 7.4 or 7.5
03:25.47mog_homeqwell[] is the cisco phone master.  I am not familiar with said error
03:25.55XARiUSI've got the full POS loads for 7.4 and 7.5, it's grabbing the correct files and all..
03:26.01Qwelldisk full?
03:26.05hhoffmanis there a way to change context based upon a password that is entered?
03:26.08twistedyou're going to have to step it up
03:26.08XARiUSI'm afraid it's one of those "you must go from this version to this version to this version.." etc.. issues..
03:26.13XARiUSQwell, yep..
03:26.23XARiUSCCM 303 on it by factory, trying to get SIP 7.4/7.5 on it
03:26.26twistedXARiUS, it is.  have fun with that.
03:26.30XARiUSbleh damnit
03:26.44Qwelltwisted: zomg!
03:27.03XARiUSsooo.... does anyone know the proper steps.. and willing to share some CCM/SIP loads to accomplish it? lol
03:27.05*** join/#asterisk bch1 (
03:27.56orloki've managed it
03:28.09Qwellcisco firmware upgrade matrix
03:28.11orlokwhat sort of phone? i've done a cisco 7940
03:28.12bch1is there an easy way to reload asterisk when you're not logged in as root, or do I need to recompile to be able to do that
03:28.13Qwellgoogle that
03:28.15XARiUSit's a 7940.
03:28.34orlokXARiUS: hmm, you need a dhcp server and tftp server, easiest if they are on the same system
03:28.41XARiUSyep no worries, I'm all set on that side
03:28.43XARiUSgot the tftp and dhcp
03:28.45orloki tcpdump'd the tftp session so i could see what it was requesting
03:28.48XARiUSruns off my * box. :)
03:29.02twistedorlok, his problem is a bit further along than that ;)
03:29.16Qwellgoogle the matrix...
03:29.19XARiUSI'm really shocked they ship phones that won't upgrade.. thats just, shitty.
03:29.22Qwellit'll give you the steps
03:29.23[TK]D-Fenderhhoffman : I think your have to have everyone in a context with "_." captured and evaluate eveyones rights in it and then do Dial(Local/${EXTEN}@${vaiablecontext})
03:29.29twistedXARiUS, they will upgrade
03:29.31[TK]D-Fenderpainful to say the least
03:29.36XARiUSwell, not painlessly. :)
03:29.39twistedXARiUS, you just have to go on a painful route ;)
03:29.49hhoffman[TK]D-Fender: Ah! that would make sense... thanks :-)
03:29.56Qwellit is painless...
03:30.08twistedbtw, Qwell is into S&M
03:30.17Qwelladd all the files to the tftp, two reboots later...bam
03:30.30Qwelltwisted: mmhmm
03:30.32orlokHow do i tell asterisk that outgoing calls goi out via a sip account with upstream?
03:30.49XARiUSwell yeah, my problem is getting the files I think
03:31.00*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
03:31.01QwellXARiUS: get a smartnet account
03:31.01twistedQwell, that's not entirely true.  older versions of the sccp image require bunches of changes, reboots, file movements, etc.
03:31.16hhoffmanorlok: create a context for outgoing calls then dial the sip within that
03:31.18Qwelltwisted: I've gone 3.x to 7.0.x
03:31.25Qwellsccp > sccp
03:32.38XARiUSyeah I need an account.
03:32.42XARiUSshoulda gotten one ages ago.
03:33.14*** join/#asterisk jpablo (
03:33.50jpabloi wonder what channel is better, the normal #asterisk or -unregistered
03:34.28[TK]D-Fenderjpablo : HINT : here's where people who want to really talk about * and not bot around hang out ;)
03:35.02*** join/#asterisk Primer (
03:35.12mog_homehow many people are in unregistered these days
03:35.58PrimerSeems that my asterisk using ztdummy is all poppy and crackly as if it's dropping packets, yet I know it's not
03:36.16NuggetI get dumped in there whenever freenode has an aneurysm and kicks me off.
03:36.27jpablo102 in -unregistered
03:36.40jpabloalmost 300 here
03:36.42PrimerI used to use zaprtc before, so...which is supposed to be better when you don't have a real zaptel timing source?
03:36.49Primerzaprtc or ztdummy?
03:38.06jpabloPrimer: well, maybe if ztdummy is giving you poppy sound and zaprtc did not zaprtc is better.
03:38.18CoaxDPrimer; Buy a little X100P clone. life's good.
03:39.17PrimerCoaxD: fag
03:39.26PrimerI actually have one...
03:39.57CoaxDso why aint you using it? :)
03:40.49Primerit's on a different box
03:41.28CoaxDah. need another one then
03:42.04CoaxDshit i got a couple i aint usin i think
03:42.17CoaxDnot that they're expensive or anything
03:44.35CoaxDGod damnit. KLR wont log in properly.
03:45.54S2AnGeL    you guys see the linux sip/Cell phone Wifi.. nice nice nice....
03:46.15QwellS2AnGeL: there are a few
03:46.19S2AnGeLSoaxD,Primer  did you recompile to get that card to work?
03:46.37PrimerI've used it before...Intel 537
03:46.37S2AnGeLdoes it work on nextel or the canadian telus company networks?
03:46.39Primerworked fine
03:46.52S2AnGeLso do I have to compile.. with some changes made to src
03:47.14S2AnGeLI never done it before.. everything has just been sip and dial plans
03:47.17S2AnGeLwith me
03:47.45S2AnGeLI need a link or something.. I have to have this working for the morning ugh
03:48.18S2AnGeLsec I go shutdown my phone server and pull card to look at chipset
03:50.28XARiUSman this cisco upgrade matrix reads like shit.
03:50.38*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:50.41XARiUSgiving me a headache!
03:52.24XARiUSaccording to the matrix, it says that you CAN do it in one step =/
03:53.54jpabloXARiUS: cisco sucks
03:54.18S2AnGeLok.. I have a ambient md3200
03:54.42XARiUSdoes anyone at least have a Default.cnf.xml file they can share?
03:54.48XARiUSapparently thats whats needed to do the one setup upgrade
03:54.58XARiUSerrr one step upgrade.
03:55.05*** join/#asterisk pygrammer (
03:55.20pygrammerWould anyone be able to tell me why Festival isn't working with Debian/Ubuntu?
03:55.41pygrammerIt worked before, once, while testing... but now it just disconnects the caller
03:57.02S2AnGeLugh been runing debian for a long while.. 4 years.. and just loaded ubuntu and I gotta tell you there is something messed about it..  that I hope they fix soon cause  it looks poromising    ..   I hate it when people try to make things easier for people before its ready to be easier.. i dunno if that makes sence
03:57.13S2AnGeLI have not slept much in last few days
03:57.17pygrammernot really :P
03:59.52*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
03:59.59jpabloS2AnGeL: pci cards suck
04:00.05jpabloS2AnGeL: get a sipura 3000
04:00.26pygrammerany advice for me? festival on debian?
04:00.41pygrammeri heard a voice once, but now it just accepts a connection and disconnects it immediately after
04:01.22jpablono clue
04:01.29S2AnGeLjpablo I have 3 sipura 3000's
04:01.41S2AnGeLI am not happy with them
04:01.48S2AnGeLgreat ata's
04:01.49jpablouh, why ?
04:01.57S2AnGeLand yes they work..
04:02.24*** join/#asterisk SwK (
04:02.44S2AnGeLit comes down to when you have quite a few calls a day to them.. they are laggy..   drop calls..  echo problems here and there..    some times they do not even answer the phone
04:03.01benjkSPA3K suxx ballz
04:03.05S2AnGeLI need something more reliable.. I am starting to think I need to invest into a decent digium card
04:03.34S2AnGeLdon't get me wrong..  from what I am reading .. these sipuras are better then the cheep 100 clone digium cards
04:04.00benjknot in my experience
04:04.14S2AnGeLanyone  know where I can get a 2 line fxo card  digium (not intel chipset ) cheep..
04:04.22S2AnGeLheck not even sure what it is I need yet
04:05.02drumkillafor 2 fxo ports, you want the TDM02B
04:05.04S2AnGeLwell then what do I do to the 4 cards I just bougt on ebay.. do I make some changes to the code and compile or is there some trick  to get them to work..
04:05.16S2AnGeLthanks for the tip drumkilla
04:05.21jpabloS2AnGeL: just use them like x100ps
04:05.40S2AnGeLhow do I do that ?
04:06.49jpablofirst google hit
04:06.55*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
04:07.11jpablowhen searching for installing x100p
04:07.23S2AnGeLjwhat was your keywords you used for googleing
04:07.53jpabloinstalling x100p
04:10.22jpabloS2AnGeL: when in doubt, search in the wiki
04:12.17jpablonow when i have a problem i call 411 and tell them what it is, now that i know there's someone listeting it make me feel good :-P.
04:13.10rajivjpablo: try the fwd party line instead
04:13.58jpablobut, there they may have opinions
04:14.02jpabloi prefer 411
04:14.16jpabloi would use the echo test extension, but i have my own voice
04:14.29jpabloi hate
04:14.56pygrammertrying to figure out festival is impossible :(
04:15.06pygrammerit just disconnects and hangs up the caller
04:15.06jpablopygrammer: yes, you are correct.
04:15.21pygrammerclient(1) Sun Dec  4 23:53:57 2005 : accepted from localhost.localdomain
04:15.22pygrammerclient(1) Sun Dec  4 23:53:57 2005 : disconnected
04:15.37jpablopygrammer: what the log says, did you try to running it manually, or connecting manually, to see if there's a error message?
04:15.43implicitpygrammer, festival is a piece of crap
04:16.02robl^use festival or cepstral.. easier to dump to a temp file then play back the result..  I have had no success with use the Festival() command
04:16.21implicitrobl^, hell yeah
04:16.24pygrammerjpablo: how do you connect manually? just run /usr/bin/festival?
04:16.27implicitrobl^, that is a shitty soln though
04:16.31implicitcepstral is cool
04:16.35implicitbut a real voice is best
04:16.37jpablopygrammer: not sure ...
04:16.47impliciti decided the best way to do it is just to record a real voice as much as possible
04:16.54jpablopygrammer: telnet ?
04:16.55implicitand have real recordings of all common words
04:16.56pygrammerimplicit: would I have more luck with cepstral?
04:17.01implicit& phrases
04:17.03implicitpygrammer, for ure
04:17.14pygrammerimplicit: how would i interface it with *?
04:17.19implicitpygrammer, are you a python man?
04:17.20impliciti love python
04:17.29pygrammerlook at my alias :D
04:17.42robl^implicit: cepstral / or festival has its uses.. for example...  I have a script that reads a news headline summary...  since its somethign that changes maybe 30 times a day and pulled from a remote webserver, cepstral is better than a real voice
04:17.53implicitrobl^, who the FUCK woudl want to listen to that?
04:18.16implicitrobl^, i would go insane if i had to listen to that kind of bullshit from an automated voice
04:18.22impliciti would go to the datacenter and beat the server with a bat
04:18.28implicitif you fucking tried to make me listen to that shit
04:18.31implicit30 times a day
04:18.32implicitfuck that
04:18.48robl^implicit: yeah.  well.. it wasn't my idea or decisions.. I was just the one in charge of implimenting it :)
04:18.48implicitif you would have said the email example i would have gone insane
04:18.49pygrammerimplicit: uh...isn't cepstral commercial?
04:18.55implicitwho the fuck wants to listen to email over the phone :)
04:19.21robl^cepstral is a commercial version of festival.. but for $30 and the voices are MUCH better than those that come with festival
04:19.35implicitdon't worry its better than festival
04:19.59implicitpygrammer, and I know at your salary the cost of that is about 5min of work after taxes
04:20.00pygrammerthe voices aren't my problem -- i can't playback anything to the caller
04:20.04pygrammeri need to figure that out first
04:20.15pygrammerimplicit: haha
04:20.18pygrammerimplicit: i wish ;)
04:20.26implicitpygrammer, don't worry man
04:20.33implicitpygrammer, i saw you in a dream, you were making a lot
04:20.40implicitif it didn't happen yet it is about to
04:20.45pygrammerwhoa, thanks :)
04:20.45impliciti am fucking psychic
04:20.48pygrammeri can tell
04:20.53implicitwhen i see shit in my dreams
04:20.56twistedrobl^, cepstral is not a commercial version of festival
04:21.01twistedthey are two different animals completely
04:21.10implicittwisted: good catch
04:21.47robl^*if* you *need* text to speech, cepstral is better..  just use system() to run the cepstral program...  then playback(/tmp/some_temp.wav)
04:21.55twistedrobl^, no way man
04:22.09twistedjust use the cepstral app I gave to them to disseminate with the application ;)
04:22.35twistedhi file[somewhere]
04:22.36Corydon76-homeI thought cepstral was based upon the same research done for festival
04:22.44file[laptop]somewhere = bed
04:22.50Corydon76-homewhich explained why you could use cepstral voices with festival...
04:23.06robl^twisted: oh??  hrmm.. according to the oreily book on Asterisk, it said they were related..  but.. I  don't believe everything I read :)
04:23.11twistedthey're all just pitches and frequencies
04:23.13implicitrobl^, fuck oreilly
04:23.24robl^O'reily is not my type. :)
04:23.27twistedi can't really remember what they're called (there's a techincal name for them) that are generated to produce the sounds
04:23.44implicittwisted: speakers?
04:23.51twistedimplicit, no, not speakers.
04:23.52Corydon76-hometwisted: yeah, but given two different sets of research, it's unlikely they're going to turn out exactly the same format
04:24.11Corydon76-homeunless they're related
04:24.13*** join/#asterisk gcortes (n=gcortes@
04:24.28twistedCorydon76-home, there's actually variety of methods, and some projects *gasp* use the same methods
04:24.34robl^related or not..  Cepstral sounds much better :)
04:24.44Corydon76-hometwisted: yeah, but same file format?
04:25.08Corydon76-hometwisted: that's like MS Word and Corel Wordperfect using the same fileformat.  Highly unlikely.
04:25.24twistedCorydon76-home, i've never seen an instance where festival used the voices from cepstral.
04:25.52Corydon76-hometwisted: it was in the mailing list archives
04:26.01file[laptop]ooh a however
04:26.01twistedcepstral offers a script to CONVERT them
04:26.56Corydon76-homeI'll see your hexagon and raise you to an octagon
04:27.42SedoroxI'll see the hex and oct.. and raise you a peta
04:28.06robl^people for the ethical treatment of asterisk
04:28.25pygrammerhrm. so i used "text2wave" to generate a wav file
04:28.29pygrammeri downloaded it from the server
04:28.32pygrammerand i don't hear anything
04:28.42pygrammerso festival just isn't generating it properly
04:29.38orloki keep getting unauthorised in response to my sip registration requests
04:29.46*** join/#asterisk chrislwade (
04:29.51twistedi did some work with cepstral earlier in the year
04:29.52robl^pygrammer:  text2wave -scale 1.5 -F 80000 -o /tmp/my_sound.wav
04:29.54pygrammernever mind, it is generating something
04:30.05twistedthey're VERY open to the linux community
04:30.14robl^errr.. 8000 even
04:30.19Sedoroxtwisted: did you get the smartjack?
04:30.33twistedSedorox, i did :)
04:30.47Sedoroxwill it work? :p
04:30.54Sedoroxfor what you wanted it for that is
04:30.57twistedi believe so, yes
04:31.17Sedoroxkk :)
04:31.34pygrammerso, where are sounds stored and accessible to asterisk
04:31.37pygrammerby default, that is
04:31.44Sedoroxsorry I was a day or two late shipping.. the one day my car wouldn't start.. then I got it like 30 mins before the post office closed the following :p
04:31.46Primerso I thought zaprtc was "old school"...what's the story? If I don't have a real hardware based zaptel timing source, what _should_ I be using? ztdummy or zaprtc?
04:32.05jpablosomewant should write an asterisk app that does text to speach trought the cepstral demo page :P
04:33.11pygrammeralso, is the default "riff" format for text2wave ok for playing over the phone?
04:33.17pygrammeror should i use ulaw?
04:37.10*** join/#asterisk _Madar (
04:37.34robl^pygrammer:  use this "text2wave -scale 1.5 -F 8000 -o /tmp/my_sound.wav"  asterisk will play it.
04:38.07*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
04:38.13pygrammerrobl^: and then, in extensions.conf, Playback(/tmp/my_sound.wav)?
04:39.00bch1is there an easy way to reload the dialplan from a php script, once I use festival to generate a new file, but want it listenable from an extension?
04:39.26bch1while not logged in as root
04:39.27robl^pygrammer: playback(/tmp/my_sound)  you don't need the ".wav"
04:39.36jpablobch1: asterisk -r -x extensions reload
04:39.43jpablowith quotes or something
04:39.51jpabloor use the realtime config
04:40.21jpabloor just use a patter that calls an agi script
04:40.21bch1I'm getting the asterisk command not found
04:40.35pygrammerah, there, robl^
04:40.37pygrammerthanks :D
04:40.42jpabloyou need access to a socket somewhere
04:40.47pygrammertoo bad the Festival() command doesn't work
04:40.49pygrammerwhat a bummer
04:41.00Primerbah, seems that zaprtc isn't part of zaptel
04:42.00bch1how do I get access to a socket, sorry a little new to linux
04:42.00robl^pygrammer:  you can do similar with cepstral.. just the command anme and arguments are a bit different.. same idea though
04:42.42pygrammerrobl^: cool
04:43.08robl^anyway.. bedtime!
04:43.19robl^I have to be awake in 6 hours
04:43.21jpablobch1: ahumm, why don't you use realtime configuration, reloading and mofiying extensions.conf dinamically is kind of sick
04:43.27pygrammersupposed to snow  tomorrow
04:43.36pygrammerhopefully that translates into no school
04:43.57robl^g'nite everyone
04:44.24jpablopuff, in my time we didn't needed snow to skip school, a little rain would be enough
04:44.43file[laptop]you mean a flood?
04:45.46jpablojust anything falling from the sky, we didn't really liked school
04:47.01joelsolankiI am stuck up at load balancing issue. :( i m using sip.conf in asterisk ..users get registered at ser and ser forward request to asterisk. but my server cant handle more than 20 calls. so i want load balancing. so  I have 2 asterisk server and 1 ser proxy. all users gets registered on ser proxy and it gets forwards on 1 asterisk server. but i want some load balancing so i can sue both of my 2 asterisk server.
04:47.26joelsolankiright now only 1 asterisk server is in use. as i dont have any idea how to load balance calls.
04:47.36joelsolankiany body please give me suggestion ?
04:49.42joelsolankijpablo: went to it. but not able to find the appropriate answer.
04:49.55joelsolankiwhat do i use ? DNS SRV ?
04:50.33jpablono clue, ser really scares me :-P
04:50.52jpabloif you are lucky there will be some
04:51.15jpabloif there isnot, you will need to write a program/config for ser ..
04:51.51*** join/#asterisk marc32422 (
04:51.54joelsolankiok can asterisk itself do load balancing ? means if it reaches 20 calls then he forward other calls to other asterisk server.
04:52.26jpablowhere the calls are coming from ?
04:52.45joelsolankiser proxy. it is outbound calls.
04:53.37jpablothere's a parameter in the sip peer configuration
04:53.40joelsolankiser proxy forward calls to 1-asterisk server. I have other asterisk server too. but how do i load balance and forward the calls there.
04:53.43jpablocalllimit or something, set it to 20
04:53.56jpablono, that would not work
04:54.16jpabloyou could do something in the dialplan with variables and stuff, not clean stuff thought
04:54.56joelsolankiok so where should i look ? dialplan
04:55.31*** join/#asterisk slayer192 (n=chrisc@
04:55.40jpablono, that solution would suck, ser should have a load balancing solution
04:58.07*** join/#asterisk g0mb0 (
04:58.31joelsolankioh ok let me find out.
04:58.47jpablothere's a sip load balancer in
04:58.56jpablonever used it thought
04:59.46joelsolankioh went to that. havent got people using it.  i will try though
05:00.44mog_homei thought vovida was dead
05:01.07jpabloso, load balancing is one of that things everybody talks about, but nobody knows how to do :P
05:01.53jpablomog_home: then help the poor man :-P
05:01.57joelsolankiyes but lot of people does the load balancing here. i know that.
05:02.24mog_homeload balancing with sip use ser to front end asterisk boxes
05:02.29mog_homebut i dont do load balancing that way
05:02.42mog_homei figure out how to do is many calls on one asterisk box as possible
05:02.44joelsolankihow do u do ?
05:02.47mog_homethen i get another asterisk box
05:03.32marc32422i get: WARNING[21585]: app_voicemail.c:2000 messagecount: SQL Alloc Handle failed!
05:03.40joelsolankiso u dont do load balancing  ?
05:03.40marc32422what is not working?
05:03.58mog_homethat is load balancing
05:04.09mog_homei think spreading the same load over several machines is bad
05:04.13mog_homeas you never know your max
05:04.19mog_homei mean you can estimate it
05:04.21mog_homebut you cant be sure
05:04.23mog_homei know
05:04.31mog_homei can push 400 calls over x box
05:04.35mog_homeso i keep it at that limit
05:04.41QwellYou run * on your xbox?
05:04.49twistedi ran * on my xbox for awhile
05:04.58twistedbut i don't believe it will handle >400 calls
05:05.06QwellThe new on could
05:05.06twistedor even =400
05:05.16twistedQwell, IF it powers up :P
05:05.16mog_homebut the dual xeon box in the lab
05:05.21mog_homecan handle more than 400
05:05.30Qwell400 of what tech, sip?
05:05.57*** join/#asterisk JT (
05:06.23file[laptop]do I go to sleep? meh... nah
05:06.25mog_homesip with audio path going through
05:06.29mog_homedoing playbacks
05:06.49twistedfile[*], you do too
05:06.58QwellI wonder how many calls I could get with sccp
05:06.58twistedfile[*] you go to sleep on the phone, too
05:07.08mog_homeprobably in that ballpark
05:07.13file[laptop]twisted: minor detail
05:07.31Qwellmog_home: what if I were to do it in another ballpark?
05:07.34Qwellsay, Angel stadium?
05:07.42twisted2 calls.
05:07.44*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
05:07.52riddleboxis anyone running asterisk on debian?
05:08.00twistedriddlebox, no, nobody.
05:08.07drumkillanot a single one.
05:08.20mog_homehrmm 10000000
05:08.25riddleboxI am just trying to figure out how to use the package asterisk-gtk-console
05:08.41drumkillaooh, i wonder if that still works
05:08.44joelsolankihello can anybody tell me how do load balance in asterisk :( :( :( ?
05:08.46twisteddrumkilla, last I checked, it did.
05:09.03twistedbut of course, it wasn't packaged, it was from cvs :)
05:09.29mog_homeuse ser joelsolanki but it is a fairly complicated thing
05:09.34riddleboxI guess no one uses that package?
05:09.46twistedoh no
05:09.50joelsolankiok i will look in to ser for load balancing.
05:09.50mog_hometheir are several consultants here who could help you out
05:09.53twistedfile is aboot to pass out
05:10.00file[laptop]nah just nothing on
05:10.39twistednext is gangs of new york
05:12.03*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog_home] by drumkilla
05:12.10*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog_home] by twisted
05:12.10file[laptop]stupid feathers stabbing me
05:12.39file[laptop]yay go mog_home go
05:13.37mog_homeim a mod
05:13.51file[laptop]first a channel op... next an irc op!
05:14.11mog_homebut this is pretty nifty
05:14.38mog_hometwisted or drumkilla is this done in chanserv
05:14.42mog_homeor when i log out its gone
05:14.50twistedno, gotta talk to kram bout that
05:15.12file[laptop]and sell your soul
05:15.19twistedto zeh devil!
05:15.24Qwellhe works for Digium.  He already has. :D
05:15.51file[laptop]I bet Digium is actually a front for an underground soul buying/selling system
05:15.51twistedin 10 more minutes the delivery driver's tip goes down to $2
05:16.05Qwelltwisted: from $2.50?
05:16.06file[laptop]twisted: pizza pizza?
05:16.08*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
05:16.13twistedQwell, no, from the initial $8
05:16.20QwellThat late?
05:16.36twistedno, i just base it off distance and total $ spent
05:16.36mog_homei keep it in a box of tictacs next to my motivation....
05:16.45file[laptop]mog_home: ooh
05:16.48twistedthe store is less than 3 miles away, i spent $12.50
05:16.57twistedso if they deliver it within 15 minutes, it's $8
05:17.02file[laptop]this concept of miles confuses and infuriates me
05:17.04twistedwithin 30 minutes it's $4
05:17.12twistedand within 45 it's $2
05:17.32Qwelltwisted: You make tipping too complex
05:17.44mog_homei tip well for everything but pizza
05:17.48twistedQwell, i might up it depending
05:17.55twistedbut pizza delivery guys have it easy
05:17.58Qwelltwisted: if she's got?
05:18.44mog_homepizza delivery people are never hot
05:18.45twistedi have yet to see a hot delivery pizza girl
05:18.47mog_homeif they were
05:18.55mog_homethey would work in the pizza place with the manager
05:19.00mog_homeso he could ogle
05:19.09Qwellalright, so, one time...
05:19.11twistedi've seen plenty of hot dominos/pizza hut/etc chicks
05:19.15twistedbut they stay in the store
05:19.17QwellI was in Palm Springs, at a Motel 6, right
05:19.25twistedwith the pedophile manager
05:19.27QwellMy wife and I ordered pizza from a Pizza Hut right around the corner
05:19.35mog_homelike when i worked at mcds
05:19.47Qwelldelivery lady came, and I gave her like $5
05:19.59Qwellwell...I was going to give her $5 anyhow
05:20.11Qwellshe left before I had the chance
05:20.20twistedQwell, see, if the store was 5 miles away, it'd be $8 for this purchase for the first 20-25 minutes
05:20.22QwellI look at my bank statement a few days later...
05:20.32Qwellbitch added her own tip onto the receipt
05:20.56mog_homelol qwell
05:21.02twistedyeah, thats when you prosecute
05:21.03mog_homei always worry about that stuff
05:21.04Assidhow much did she add?
05:21.05QwellI still never got my money back...
05:21.08twistedit's called forgery, and petty theft
05:21.08QwellJust free pizzas
05:21.08mog_homeyou give your cc everywhere
05:21.12QwellAssid: like $20
05:21.19Primertwisted: you're a regular here...tell me, please: ztdummy or zaprtc?
05:21.20*** join/#asterisk froguz (
05:21.23twistednot to mention fraud
05:21.26Assidalways order pizza on cash
05:21.29QwellI made many multiple calls to Pizza Hut HQ
05:21.30twistedPrimer, i don't know your hardware.
05:21.39Primerno hardware timing source
05:21.42QwellThey kept mailing me coupons for free pizza
05:21.51Primerold dual PIII 850, 1G ram
05:21.54Qwellnever got the call from the district manager I promised...
05:22.00twistedPrimer, ztdummy
05:22.01Primerasterisk for just a few people, like 10 at most
05:22.02Assiddid you recover 20 bucks worth of free pizzas?
05:22.05Qwellevery time I called to bitch about not getting a call, they'd send a new receipt
05:22.10Primerhrmm, I'm experiencing "stuttering"
05:22.10QwellAssid: yeah, but that isn't the point
05:22.19Qwellerm, new coupon
05:22.20mog_homeyou should demand free pizza
05:22.25Primerand I thought it was due to ztdummy...but I guess I should look for another cause...thanks
05:22.27mog_homeperpetual pizza
05:22.32Qwellmog_home: heh
05:22.35froguzupon reboot i get Waiting for zap to come online ...Error: missing /dev/zap!
05:22.36twistedi'm willing to bet that's due to bandwidth consumption
05:22.42Qwellit's funny though...
05:22.43mog_homei have a friend
05:22.48Qwellthe coupons all had the same code
05:22.50mog_homewhose grandma owns krispe kreme
05:22.53mog_homehe has a card
05:22.53twistedor, processor load
05:22.57froguzi'm using CentOS 4.2
05:22.58mog_homethat gets him free donughts
05:23.02twistedmog_home, can you get me free doughnuts?
05:23.04Qwellwe called in our order one time, and told them the coupon code...
05:23.08mog_homehe could
05:23.12Qwellthe delivery guy didn't ask for the coupon
05:23.17froguzi've allready done what README.udev says
05:23.17twistedQwell, most don't
05:23.17Qwellwe gave it to him anyways though...
05:23.34twistedQwell, they're usually like "use it again"... the code is the magic key...
05:23.34Qwellgod, I'm trying to remember that code was stupid and 2 chars
05:23.51QwellCS?  something related to customer service.
05:24.02froguzand i've change the TMOUT=10 to 20 on /etc/rc.d/init.d/zaptel
05:24.17mog_homethey never care
05:24.30mog_homeif you give em cupon they will just throw away
05:24.47JTjust make up a meal deal that you want
05:25.08twistedJT, if you do that, they WILL want the coupon :)
05:25.34JTtwisted: not in my experience
05:25.42JTyou don't make anything ridiculous up
05:25.45mog_homeas long as its not pizza for a dollar
05:25.49*** join/#asterisk pengyong (n=lala@
05:27.22froguzi'm missed, why do am i getting that "missing /dev/zap" error?
05:27.23twistedfood's here
05:27.28twistedhe gets his $4
05:27.49twistedbecause he got stuck at the gate :P
05:28.07Qwellhis problem :p
05:28.58twistedwell actually
05:29.03twistedit wasn't his problem
05:29.27twistedit was because the gate wasn't accepting the "delivery guy" code
05:29.34Qwellsure, sure
05:29.36asterboyjust picked up 2 polycom IP 500 phones for $95 each
05:29.42twistedi saw him on tv man
05:29.46*** join/#asterisk J4k3 (
05:29.46Qwelllikely story
05:29.57twistedchannel 11 is the gate cam
05:30.06dudesHow can you change CallerIdName of an incoming call.  Cause when I try and to Set it, it stays the same as the ANI provided from the incoming call.
05:32.26Primertwisted: my machine is idle, on a multihomed network (3 full ds3's)
05:32.40Primer100 mb switched full duplex
05:32.46asterboydudes, does this help?
05:32.50*** part/#asterisk chrislwade (
05:32.58froguzsomebody know how to fix the Error: missing /dev/zap! problem???
05:33.00twistedPrimer, and you're getting stuttering on what exactly?
05:33.31asterboyfoguz, are you running udev?
05:33.50froguzi've allready done what README.udev says
05:33.52asterboygoto /dev
05:34.02froguzand then?
05:34.03asterboyis there a zap directory?
05:34.25froguzi don't know.. i'll have to reboot to tell you that
05:34.39froguzbut what do i have to do in case it isn't there?
05:34.58asterboydo whatever...but find out if that directory exists first...there should be some files inside.
05:35.28asterboyif it isn't then you've missed something like loading a kernel mod
05:35.37twistedfroguz, if it doesn't exist but you have files like zapctl in the /dev dir, then you missed something in the instructions
05:36.24froguzmmmm, i'm going there to see what i find.
05:36.33asterboyalso, what os are you?
05:36.33froguzbe right back
05:36.39froguzcentos 4.2
05:36.54froguzis RH enterprise based
05:36.57asterboyis that the *@home
05:37.09froguznot a@h
05:37.17froguzi've build it myself
05:37.50froguzi'll be back in 5 minutes
05:37.51*** join/#asterisk rking (
05:37.56kuku5Anyone used ipswitchboard with queues?
05:38.56asterboyalso, what is in this directory? /etc/udev/rules.d
05:39.15twistedhes gone
05:39.47asterboyAnyone here using Polycom IP 500?
05:42.53asterboydon't all answer at once.
05:42.55*** join/#asterisk chapeaurouge (n=chap@
05:43.13Qwellno answer == answer of no
05:43.28twistedsux when you run into ninjas in the desert
05:44.13asterboyok...anyone using Polycom 300/301 500/501 ?
05:44.24asterboymaybe better chance :P
05:44.40twistedhow about 601?
05:45.05infinity1501 here
05:45.18asterboywish I had one, but I put my budget towards 2 500s so I could get 6 lines over 2 phones.
05:46.29asterboyinfinity1, have you experienced any of the reports here?
05:46.53asterboyAlso, what version of SIP and BootROM are you using?
05:47.58*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
05:48.02infinity1asterboy: most of those i haven never seen
05:48.09Qwelltwisted: Know of any good cisco resellers?
05:48.19Qwellif not, you will soon :D
05:48.25infinity1i've had this phone for about 6 months. nlocked up once.
05:48.29asterboyebay is an excellent Cisco reseller :P
05:48.36moralewhat would 10Mbit be equal to in Kilobytes?... 10000000 / 8 ?
05:48.50moraleactually in just bytes..
05:49.03Qwellin just bytes?
05:49.06Ikarusasterboy: just that you still need a maintainence contract with Cisco to get firmware updates
05:49.11Qwell(1024*1024*1024) / 8
05:49.37asterboyikarus, that is just rediculous...thats why I won't ever be buying Cisco
05:49.52kuku5is it illegal to do the updates without the contract/
05:49.57infinity1bootrom 2.6.1
05:49.58asterboywhat a joke
05:49.59twistedasterboy, it's $8/yr
05:50.00Qwellyes, copyright infringement
05:50.01twistednot a big dea.
05:50.08infinity1v 1.5.2
05:50.10kuku5per phone?
05:50.12asterboystill, its paperwork
05:50.13Qwellper phone
05:50.14Dulakwell unless you are on t1, why pay for cisco when foundry gives you more bang for the buck?
05:50.22QwellDulak: cisco phones
05:50.33IkarusDulak: Cisco gear saves time
05:50.33kuku5t1 is not fast...
05:50.34asterboyDulak, exactly
05:50.39Dulakoh I never get those firmwares from cisco anyways
05:50.53asterboythey'll be posted somewhere
05:50.54Dulakjust find out the file name and google for it
05:51.01IkarusDulak: heh, I have a single account among I think 20 sysadmins at different companies
05:51.01DulakThat's what I do
05:51.19Dulaksomebody always reposts that stuff
05:51.21Qwellsweet, $10k for me :D
05:51.34kuku5bsa gives awards/
05:51.48IkarusQwell: well, technicly it is only one company
05:51.49Qwellthey bribe you to report people :P
05:51.55IkarusQwell: we just work at different companies
05:52.15Ikarus(a company that solely exists to license stuff like this, but still)
05:52.46*** join/#asterisk Dibbler_ (
05:52.59asterboyinfinity1, thanks for the info...I'm going to try the SIP 1.5.x on the IP 500...guess its possible with BootROM 2.x
05:53.16asterboyjust wanted to find out if anyone else has done this here.
05:55.02asterboyinfinity1, was the freezeup due to network traffic?
05:55.05*** join/#asterisk froguz (
05:55.16froguzdamn! i'm missed
05:55.30froguzthere's no /dev/file
05:55.53froguzjust zapchannel, zapctl, zappseudo and zaptimer
05:55.57asterboydo a pastebin of what you have in /etc/udev/rules.d
05:56.05twistedfroguz, then your ruleset is wrong
05:56.13asterboydollars to donuts, something is missing.
05:56.19Qwellmorale: oh, * 10
05:57.04twistedooh look
05:57.07infinity1asterboy: no
05:57.08asterboyalso, pastebin /proc/interrupts and modules
05:57.15froguzbut i've copied exactly what README.udev says on /etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev.rules
05:57.25asterboyinfinity1, do you know what cuased the freeze?
05:58.23asterboystill, do the pastebin
05:58.28asterboyof EVERYTHING
05:58.41twistedsnow AND rain
05:58.43twistedhow bizzare.
05:59.05asterboysure isn't bizzare where I live.
05:59.15twistedno, not sleet
05:59.26twistedasterboy, i live in alabama
05:59.46asterboyI'm Canadian eh!
06:00.00asterboyWe are all terrorists here.
06:00.02froguzfine, i'm going to reboot again and the i'll show you my pastebins
06:00.02twisteddeep south vs. northern continent
06:00.09benjksweet home Alabama, where skies are so blue
06:00.15DulakThey fix the 7970s yet?
06:00.18twistedbenjk, or black, as the case today.
06:00.30asterboyactually we live in igloos and sniff gas
06:00.39twistedasterboy, yeah, i know that
06:01.00asterboydam those gas price increases
06:01.17twistedasterboy, i've had that confirmed by a few canadadians
06:01.20Dulakanybody know if the 7970 is working now?
06:01.43benjktwisted: that's too bad
06:02.07benjkcan't even get Lynyrd Skynyrd to write another chorus for that
06:02.40benjkthose poor guys went down with their jet
06:04.51QwellDulak: I use the 7970 with chan_sccp from
06:05.16Dulakthey never fixed it with SIP then?
06:05.26QwellCisco hasn't supplied SIP firmware for it
06:05.32Dulakjeez, cisco is really slackin, that was 2 years ago I had that problem
06:05.43Qwellit works great with sccp
06:05.52asterboyOh I did have a good laugh when a Canadian VOIP supplier asked me for Polycom certification.
06:05.53twistedi thought the 7970 came out last year
06:06.00twistedor this year
06:06.07Qwellnah, year and a half at least
06:06.13twistedtime flys
06:06.24asterboyI said, "Ya, I have certification, it's called eBay!"
06:06.39twistedi'm out
06:06.53twistedgonna watch the rest of flight of the phoenix, then pop in gangs of new york and sleep
06:07.24asterboyyeouch...with those crappy scripts, you'll be asleep before the gangs of new york
06:07.42asterboypop in Serentiy
06:07.55asterboynow that movie kicked as.
06:08.34DulakI was sorry to see it do so crappy in the box office, it was a great movie
06:09.00asterboyI particularily liked the consistency of the script...refreshing to see
06:09.32asterboyall characters stayed within their roles...then came the special effects. A+
06:09.52DulakI'm eagerly awaiting it's release on dvd, to put it next to my Firefly dvds
06:10.48asterboyIts one of the few DVD I will buy to show my support for good movies.
06:11.01JTasterboy: did they like your certification?
06:12.11asterboyWhy limit your customer base? Cause you "think" you'll get better customers? Dell should do this with computers.
06:13.36asterboybbl...time to watch "Just Friends"
06:13.45*** join/#asterisk froguz (
06:14.13*** join/#asterisk MaD-DaRiUs ( where is your card?
06:14.53asterboyI don't see it in interrupts...therefore, no wonder udev won't give you a zap dir
06:15.24asterboyGuess you'll be playing with slots...try moving the card around, AFTER you take out EVERY non-essential card.
06:15.26froguzi don't have any card installed :S
06:15.56asterboyare you compiling to just use SIP and IAX?
06:16.05froguzis normal to get that error without a card?
06:16.13asterboyI'd say...
06:16.14froguzyep, just sip by now
06:16.28asterboyyou don't need those lines in udev then
06:16.47asterboyok...I'm movie off to movie night with the wifey
06:16.54froguzi haven't sleep for a fucking error message that is normal
06:17.01asterboythe guys in here can help you now.
06:17.03Dulaktehre is no dummy driver now?
06:17.10asterboyits easy sailing
06:17.11Dulakwow they made some big changes
06:17.17Qwellfroguz: when are you getting the error?
06:17.18QwellDulak: there is
06:17.32froguzon boot
06:17.39Qwellfroguz: Which modules are you trying to load?
06:17.53froguzasterboy, but i didn't see any ztdummy either
06:19.02froguzQwell, asterboy had allready explained to me that it's normal to not get zap module up if i don't have any zap card installed
06:19.22QwellAre you trying to use ztdummy?  You need the zaptel module to use ztdummy
06:19.40froguzyep, zaptel module is running
06:19.50QwellThen what modules are you trying to load, where you get that error?
06:20.06BoRiSFor some reason when I use ztdummy with meeting, MeetMe doesn't work (It connects but keys aren't recognized and no one can hear each other).
06:21.18froguzQwell, i'm getting Error: missing /dev/zap on boot
06:21.28Qwellfroguz: Which module is it trying to load?
06:21.38froguzzap, i think
06:21.52froguzdo i need ztdummy just if i don't have digium hardware, or it's allways necessary?
06:22.01Qwellonly if you don't have a timer, and you need one
06:22.33froguzeven if i then install an fxo card?
06:22.55Qwellthe clone is also a timer
06:23.09Qwellany hardware that uses zaptel, I believe
06:23.13BoRiSIs it possible to change the cdr(dst) during the actual call? I tried Set(CDR(dst)=4334) but a read-only error shows. I hate seeing "dst=s" in my cdr's
06:23.47froguzso, then i need to get ride of ztdummy
06:23.59Qwellfroguz: Do you have an fxo?
06:24.16froguzi'm going to install the intel clone tomorrow
06:24.26QwellThen you don't need to load the ztdummy module
06:24.27froguzdo i have to delete the ztdummy?
06:24.48froguzso i'll have to recompile with make linux
06:25.08froguzcause make linux26 uses ztdummy
06:25.16Qwellit adds support for ztdummy
06:25.50froguzmmmmm i see, it just add support. but it doesn't load the module
06:26.02froguzis that right?
06:26.11*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@
06:26.16Qwellit only loads the module if you tell it to
06:27.28froguzaha, in that case i need to add the "modprobe ztdummy" to some script file (i don't know wich it would be)
06:28.51kuku5anyone here using ipswitchboard ?
06:29.53froguzwell i think i need to sleep now. thank a lot to asterboy and Qwell
06:30.16ManxPowerBoRiS, using macros?
06:31.38ManxPowerBoRiS, why not do an immediate exten => s,1,Goto(${MACRO_EXTEN}) and then have an exten => X.,1,TheRestOfYourMacro
06:32.51benjkanybody knows anything about SIPPS ? how it compares to Asterisk etc etc
06:32.59ManxPowerit should be harmless to run ztdummy along with driver for an actual card.
06:33.10BoRiSManxPower: I have the caller Go into a DID Macro which looks at for the DID number, when found and it goes to an IVR, It jumps onto a IVR context (Goto(myivr,s,1) so my CDR's always should (dst=s) which I wnat to change it to dst=<my did number>
06:37.36BoRiSCurrent, A call comes in to a context, Check if its 10 digits (exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,2,Macro(DID,${EXTEN})), then Goes into the Macro did, and looks into the DB for the number, when found, it will jump to the ivr context (Goto(${DID_DIDContextForwarding},s,1)) from within the DID macro.
06:37.49moralerrdtool is a pain in the ass.
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06:56.10konfuzedQwell: vis a vis linguistics
06:56.15konfuzedfrom yesterday
06:56.29BoRiSManx: I tried changing it from (exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Macro(DID,${EXTEN})), then during the Macro, I changed "Goto(${DID_DIDContextForwarding},s,1) to Goto(${DID_DIDContextForwarding},${EXTEN},1) but still shows dst=s in my cdrs.
06:56.49konfuzedmade me think because a form of linguistics has become a hobby interest for me
06:57.33konfuzedvisage au visage is where vis a vis comes from.
06:58.09Qwellkonfuzed: :p
06:58.36konfuzedive got this warped language problem my self actually (if yall hadnt noticed)
06:59.43konfuzedI was born into french and have been left with english since a child so I've got all these twisted phrases
07:00.02konfuzedanyway I wanted to say thanks for unkonfusing that one
07:00.37BoRiSAsterisk should allow you to change the CDR(<variable>) during the session. :)
07:00.38konfuzedbecause I have been using vis-a-vis intercahngeably with "via" and couldnt figure it out
07:00.54joelsolankiis anybody using DNS SRV with asterisk ?
07:01.26*** join/#asterisk Exion (
07:01.37konfuzedI was like face to face what the hell are ya talkin about
07:02.07dokhenchkonfuzed, you were saying "via a via"?
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07:02.13joelsolankiany body using DNS SRV records with asteris ?
07:02.17konfuzedno no it was vis a vis
07:02.22NuggetI just said yes, joel.  jeez.
07:02.31konfuzedI had to go back and read it three times to see what he was getting at
07:03.08konfuzedon the other hand those a and s keys are very close together
07:03.21konfuzedthe brain has a way of seeing what you expect
07:03.42joelsolankiNugget: i have finding my problem's solution from long time but havent came with it. need load balancing.
07:03.53konfuzedI was definitely thinking vis a vis  and via pretty much at the same time
07:04.32joelsolankiNugget: are u using it for load balancing ?
07:04.48Qwellkonfuzed: There are multiple uses of that phrase too, so you should look them up
07:05.38dokhenchkonfuzed, yaeh yuove seen the atrlcie wehre you can sawp eevyrnithg aournd and can sitll raed it, right?
07:06.21BoRiSWeird... Whenever I use the Goto statement (Goto(Context,xxx,1) in any of my ivr, in my cdr's. the dst=xxx all the time which is annoying.
07:06.23joelsolankiNugget: oh ok. can we load balancing calls in asterisk with DNS SRV ?
07:06.41konfuzeddokhench: I do that all the time
07:06.45konfuzedit doesnt even phase me
07:06.46NuggetI don't know
07:09.17dokhenchkonfuzed,   that whole "brain seeing what you expect thing".. i'm a letter swapper most of the time. hell, i'll proof read things i've written three times and catch errors everytime through.
07:11.14konfuzedok my linguistics hobby is more recent but 15 yrs ago (aprox) I did co-op studies in high school over at the University AI-Vision Lab
07:11.44konfuzedI was assigned to read up all the research on monkey brains and the mechanics of visual processing
07:12.03konfuzedtook some spare time to review brain chemistry interactions
07:12.25konfuzedi know its not the usual hobby
07:12.50konfuzedbut the pursuit of programming was frsutrating me at the time
07:15.37konfuzeddokhench: thats a great link thanks.
07:16.32konfuzedI just went and started reading and didnt even notice till after I read the long mispelled words
07:17.22dokhenchlol :)
07:17.37konfuzedone of the things that fascinate me the most is the impact of audio on the brainand it can hinder or significantly accelarate learning processes
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07:21.38konfuzedi was recently reviewing some about the harmonics of the shumans resonance
07:21.52konfuzed7.8 hz I believe
07:22.31konfuzedbsdfreak: you have a reference on hand
07:22.50konfuzedi wasnt paying so much attention to the fine number itself
07:23.36bsdfreakbut i thought it was lower
07:25.47konfuzedjust found one that says 7.8
07:26.02konfuzedsee i dont rely on my own opinion
07:26.43konfuzedhowever it occurs to me that such an impact on audio and communications ought to be taken into account for telephony and audio codecs in some way
07:28.55bsdfreakhow does a human supposedly register such a frequency that is supposedly inaudible?
07:29.37konfuzedIn the 1930s physicist Heinrich Schumann discovered a permanent standing internal linkwave in the atmosphere, resonating between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. This wave, known as the Schumann Resonance, "internal linkGaia's brain wave" or simply the Earth Wave, is fed by internal linklightning discharges and the planet's internal internal linkelectromagnetic activity.
07:29.46konfuzedBy a rather stunning coincidence, its frequency fluctuates slowly between 9 and 12 cycles per second - right in the heart of the human internal linkalpha range.
07:29.56*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
07:30.13konfuzedbsdfreak: the key to humans actually hearing it in the audible range is what I came across last week
07:30.54konfuzedhas anyone heard of two opposite frequencies cancelling each other out
07:31.21Qwellread about some guy who did that to reduce the noise of his PC
07:31.40konfuzedwell a small phase shift of 7.8 hz on one of those frequencies sums up to Audible Shumans resonance
07:32.18dokhenchheard of the same frequency cancelling out when 180 out of phase.
07:32.26konfuzedthey have put the noise cancel technology in helicopters and other stealth aircraft
07:32.48dokhenchdifferent frequency cancelling another freq would have to be some harmonic of it.
07:33.06konfuzedand have even begun using it to eleiminate night time road construction noise
07:33.39Qwellsomebody needs to write
07:33.46dokhenchheh =)
07:33.57konfuzedit works best with predictable repetitious noise and breaks down with random noise
07:34.17konfuzedQwell: I already cancelled my wifes frequency
07:34.43Qwellwith a grin like that, I don't think I want to know
07:35.09konfuzedhowever you could insert an overlap frequency when her tone of voice reaches a certain pitch or something
07:35.28Qwelljust sample the most common comments
07:35.40Qwell"do the dishes", "take out the trash", etc
07:35.49konfuzedmake her sound sweet and sexy when shes yelling over the phone
07:35.59bsdfreakyes re: 02:30 < konfuzed> has anyone heard of two opposite frequencies cancelling each other out
07:36.23konfuzedjust my way of not being presumptuous
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07:36.57konfuzedQwell: I just couldnt put up with it any more and walked out
07:38.00sylewell there's someone who knows how to have a long marriage lol
07:38.22syledamn people never understand running away is not the answer, never surprises me
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07:38.42konfuzedi put up with it for like 7 years though before I was convinced that there was nothing else I could do to end that miserable complaining in my life.
07:39.05sylehow about taking a 2 week vacation
07:39.32konfuzedI spent 5 grand to take us all to cuba for 15 days
07:39.40syleno go yourself
07:40.10konfuzedthats when I knew life would be miserable for ever as long as she was in it
07:40.21konfuzedI really had wished I went myself
07:40.44syleif you go away for 2 weeks and come back and not happy to see her then you know its over, you can;t know what your throwing away till its gone
07:41.08konfuzedOh believe me in this case I was sure ahead of time
07:41.37syleevery woman complains, jumping to another one doesn;t really solve it hehe
07:41.39konfuzedim not the type to just walk when the going gets tough
07:42.11konfuzedits been close to 3 years and Im still not interested in seeking some other woman
07:42.12syleyou got kids?
07:42.30*** part/#asterisk SwK (
07:42.45konfuzedShe has a boy who was 7 or 8 when we got together
07:42.57sylehmmm that makes it tough
07:43.10konfuzedand we have a 4.6 year old girl Grace Calliope
07:43.29konfuzedthere is no other female realtionship like that of your own daughter
07:44.01sylei have a daughter yes i know, but not having a mom is tremendous on them at that age
07:44.26konfuzedpure unadlterated love with never the possibility of sexual complications
07:44.59konfuzedwe live in a realtively large housing co-op that is done up like fench tudor town houses
07:45.12sylewell i guess her not having a father in her life more like it hehe, courts always give them to the mom
07:45.16konfuzedit has a way of simplifying
07:45.28konfuzedn ocourt scenario here
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07:46.35konfuzedrouhgly 50/50 time and there house is literally less than 200 yards away
07:47.02konfuzedi did not walk out on my daughter , just her mother
07:47.08syleits shitty for the kids but make sure you know what your doing, in the past i;ve thrown away relationships to realize all i needed was some space but it was to late at that point, be happy and know what you want
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07:48.41konfuzedshe has severe father issues and dropped them all on me.
07:48.53syleyes in your mind thats the easiest way to rationalize it, but in reality she stays with her mom and sees less of her dad :(
07:49.08konfuzedno its true
07:49.12konfuzedits not a rationalization
07:49.41konfuzedshe would not let me be me to be a father to that boy
07:50.07konfuzedas a rule I dont get personal like this but
07:50.10syleseems you only have 2 choices, seek a marriage concellor and try to solve it or move on before it gets more destructive
07:50.38sylecouncellor can do wonders for her dad issue
07:50.43konfuzedirony would have it that my mother did the same thing with me and my step father
07:50.58konfuzedthey are both Virgos they have no way to get over it
07:51.19sylehaha then you both need professional councelling, i;d give it a shot if you care about her at all
07:51.23benjkoh, marriage counseling in #asterisk, that's a new one
07:51.50konfuzedI dont any more
07:53.03sylei love that song..."you don't know whatcha got till its gone"
07:53.17sylecause its so damn true
07:53.46konfuzedsadly she could never provide me what my daughter provides me
07:55.42sylewell you know what they say "if you add up the good and add up the bad, and if you can live with the bad, you were meant to be with each other"
07:55.45konfuzedshe helped me identify just what I dont want in a bueatiful woman
07:55.58konfuzedi cant live with her bad side
07:57.19sylehehe i married myself, a capricorn, 2 stubborn pig headed people, oww god the worst arguements
07:57.45konfuzedcapricorns are pretty bad for that sort of self centered behaviour
07:58.22sylethey are suppose to clash the worse in conflict, but accomplish amazing things if they work together
07:58.50konfuzedthey can certainly get things done
07:59.10konfuzeduntil the sex is in the air somewhere
07:59.23syleyeah thats the biggest problem
07:59.40sylesex holds a big key in that type of marriage :(
08:00.04konfuzedbut there is no better way for a capricorn (or most any one really) to face their own baggage and bullshit and get over them selves
08:00.19syleonly way 2 stubborn people can get together intimate again after a battle
08:00.33konfuzedI would have to thank you for keeping it within the capricorn clan
08:01.45syleyes capricorns are bad for that, face them in business good luck, on a personal level, slow down in the 30's care more about others
08:02.01konfuzedscorpios often behave the same way. 2 together is quite a roller coaster
08:03.24konfuzedinmy narrow wolrd view - fortunately im neither capricorn or scorpio
08:03.42konfuzedbut I do look forward to another scorpio girl friend
08:03.56sylei always liked peices
08:04.00sylevery submissive
08:04.09sylelong term unfortunately unchallenging
08:04.10asterboyis this #astrology?
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08:04.33gvag11hi all
08:04.36syleno its #reallife :)
08:04.46konfuzedits asterology
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08:05.34sylewell good luck man, i jsut didn't want any throwing away something like a marriage unless they really thought it through and i hope you have, good luck
08:05.45gvag11does somebody knows what is the "..Don't know what to do with control frame 15 ..." message i get from my TE210P connected to an E1?
08:06.06konfuzedworked it out 2 years ago
08:06.41syleat least i got a pre-nup to protect my ass hehe, i;ve heard pretty bad stories
08:06.47konfuzedsyle: but it certainly isnt something to do lightly
08:08.17konfuzedhhmmm any audio codec programmers in here??
08:08.23syleactually it was a post-nup, didn;t have the balls to marry someone asking for that :(
08:08.54konfuzedive got clients that are lawyers
08:09.27sylewish i knew one that practiced real estate personally
08:09.36konfuzedthe court is so screwed up my only option would have been to destroy her in court as an unfit mother
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08:09.43konfuzedI really didnt want to do that
08:10.03syleits extremely difficult to do
08:10.13syleyou could pay that lawyer fee and not win
08:10.35syleyou'd have to show her smoking crack or something hehe
08:11.29konfuzedwell not that bad but I wont get into it
08:12.16konfuzedthat would just be crass
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08:14.25johngaltwill * play misi files?
08:14.53sylebad breakups i avoid
08:15.00syleall hell can break loose
08:15.26syleyou must remain as friends or leave the state to have peace of mind lol
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08:16.08konfuzedim generally not a whiner or complainer and simply do argue with people or bother getting into fights over anything that doesnt impact my peaceful survival plan
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08:16.28konfuzeds/do/do not/
08:17.03sylei'm different i'd not have anyone in my company that can argue on a peaceful talk tone with intelligent conflict resolution skills
08:17.28konfuzedlife vis a vis X
08:18.01konfuzedshe lives aprox 200 yards down and no court came of it
08:18.03sylethat will never apply to women unfortunately, can;t live with them can;t without them, but you can control other parts of your life hehee
08:18.07konfuzedsee im peaceful
08:18.51konfuzedoh i never said I have intellgient conflict resolutoin skills
08:19.12syleyou will
08:19.23konfuzedI usually just walk away from any argument and refuse to engage in such behaviour
08:19.41konfuzedthis usually pisses of who ever is trying to dump on me
08:20.08sylei refuse to let someone out of an arguement not having my 2 cents :)
08:20.12ptiggerdinelooks like mISDN might go in RHEL42 kernel w/o problems.
08:20.24konfuzedargueing is pointless so I dont even bother verbally defending anything said or even commenting on it
08:20.50syleyes but you can have a constructive conversation that involves an arguement
08:21.01sylekey to business really
08:21.18konfuzedsyle: you could rant your two cents till you're blue in the face and I still would not have heard a word of it
08:21.44konfuzedmay be im missing something with this lack of arguing thing
08:21.50syleyou have to develop listening skills or your fucked with women, or at least pretend to listen to them :)
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08:22.23sylehell i pretend all the time
08:22.54konfuzedI just tell people straight up what the truth of the matter is and what their best option is and then they can take it or leave it but I dont need to hear their bull shit on the matter
08:23.24konfuzedIm actually a very good listener until someone starts slinging baggage my way
08:24.04syleyeah well problem with that is people don;t like to be threatened, puts them on the defensive right away and conversation becomes destructive, that and ultimatums
08:24.20konfuzedi dont threaten anyone
08:24.42konfuzedI just tell the truth the way it is and lay out options to resolve the problem
08:25.03sylesaying this is the way it is not leaving a way for you to have your mind changed is threatening
08:25.09konfuzedif they got baggage up their ass then they choke on it dont take the best option
08:25.29konfuzedThe Truth can not be changed
08:25.42syleits not what you say, its how you say it :)
08:25.48konfuzedim also very careful about perceptual filters
08:26.02konfuzedmore so my own then others
08:26.19konfuzedyeah Ive never been that good at sales
08:26.24syleif you start all sentences with "I" in an arguement you really fuck the other person up to listen to you ever noticed that :)
08:26.28konfuzedor paying lip service
08:27.12konfuzedpros and cons to everything
08:27.22konfuzedI havent noticed that because I dont argue
08:27.24sylewish i could remember that when i;m in one though haha
08:28.09sylewell way i figure it if you can control your emotions within a heated arguement, you've beat half the learning lessons in life :)
08:29.11konfuzedmy simple world view of winning vs loosing is avoid all the negative angry people and only pursue postive happy things
08:29.39konfuzedthe volume of happy vs angry end of story
08:30.02syleyeah well i try the win-win situtation instead, its inevitable you'll meet angry people unless you live in a closet
08:30.36konfuzedin Grade 4 I mastered control over my emotions to put an end to school yard bullys getting their kicks out of pissing me off
08:30.54konfuzedI can take a shit storm like you;ve never seen
08:31.15konfuzedbut there would have to be a worthwhile reason for me to do so.
08:31.42sylewell i think in grade 4 punching him in the nose lays off the bullies :) standing up for yourself is an important lession, but needs to be unlearned when dealing with families hehe
08:31.58konfuzedI've been focusing on delivering win-win-win soltutions for years
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08:33.07konfuzedsyle: those bullies keep coming back for more because of the entertainment value not because its there plan in life to be angry
08:33.40konfuzedevery notice how they laugh during any form of bullying bullshit
08:33.43kllI'm looking for some form of "test" telephone numbers in countries other than my own (sweden). there's usually some service that will read the time to you. anyone willing to share some numbers?
08:33.51syleits not entertaining to them to keep beating a guy up that is gonna hurt them all the time, they'll move on :)
08:34.08sylenext time make sure you break their nose hehe
08:34.10konfuzedwell im a bean pole
08:35.02konfuzedhowever I now have judo, olympic wrestling and some karate in my spine
08:35.11sylejudo is great
08:35.14sylevery realistic
08:35.16konfuzedsome of the above any how
08:35.34sylejudo and juijitsu
08:36.01konfuzednot mastered anything but started the judo in grade schoole and did the wrestling in high school and some karate afterwards
08:36.03sylei watched all the martial arts competition at the games, and i found those 2 the most realistic
08:36.47konfuzedif you ever watch any of those combat to death championship fight scenarios
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08:37.04syleyeah most of them are juijitsu and judo trained
08:37.07konfuzedit usually turns out that the "grappler" wrestler wins
08:37.12konfuzed95% of the time
08:37.49sylehmm didn't know that
08:37.59konfuzednot that I would take any of that on or believe that I can whoop anybody
08:38.18sylewell most fights end up on the ground within a min, so that is the best place to learn how to fight makes sense :)
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08:38.29konfuzedbut I now how to defend my self and hurt others that intentionally fuck with me
08:39.08konfuzedphysically and in court ;^)
08:39.09sylethere is always someone bigger than you than can kick your ass, i gave up fighting hehe
08:39.38syleteach the kids to defend themselves
08:39.44sylethats useful
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08:40.25konfuzedsyle: Im sorry you felt such a need to fight glad to hear ya got over it
08:40.27konfuzedwell mostly
08:40.35konfuzedyou still like a good argument
08:40.53sylecapricorn challenges :)
08:41.00*** join/#asterisk Statelessness (
08:41.05konfuzedim taching my daughter to defend her self from boys though
08:41.09StatelessnessHi All
08:41.10sylei don;t like destructive arguements though
08:41.23konfuzedcause I know that every male is a bastard at heart
08:41.33sylegirls from boys easy, girls from girls, hard
08:41.49sylekeep it simple kick boy in the nuts
08:41.50konfuzedsyle: all arguments are destructive
08:42.18sylei disagree
08:42.23konfuzedare you kidding thats not going to seriously stop a teenager on a hormone rush
08:43.06konfuzedsyle: their you go again with your negativity
08:43.11sylegetting things out out in the open that would never have come up that were bothering someone is such an example of how an arguement helped
08:43.37konfuzedno thats an example of how not speaking up early leads to arguments
08:43.59sylesome people are like that
08:44.10konfuzedyeah I see it all the time
08:44.22syleknowing how to deal with them is good
08:44.26Statelessnessi wanted to ask if Zaptel devices could act as PSTN gateways
08:44.32konfuzedIm more of a third party observer than one to take sides
08:44.43sylei always take sides
08:45.00QwellStatelessness: sure
08:45.08sylei don;t want to be a hippocrit
08:45.13konfuzedsyle: I always take everyones side to arrive at the win-win-win
08:45.14Statelessnessand what do i have to do exactly to set them up to work with the PSTN\
08:45.21QwellStatelessness: plug them in?
08:45.35konfuzedand install asterisk with zaptel
08:45.43Statelessnessthey use T1 interfaces ?
08:45.46jbotdocs is probably probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or
08:45.47QwellYou can
08:45.50gvag11does somebody knows what is the "..Don't know what to do with control frame 15 ..." message i get from my TE210P connected to an E1?
08:46.14syleyou know this leads me to think about something, if every couple had a live in councellor that could mediate between them all the time, everyone would stay married lol
08:46.38StatelessnessQwell: do u have any idea about Zaptel devices cost ?
08:46.59sylecheck digiums site
08:48.26konfuzedi prefer to look at it as, if everyone just learned to not simply react and open there mouths but actually thought about the underlying why and actual problem at hand before speaking (or yelling in your case ;^) then mediators and councillors would all be out of jobs
08:48.32Statelessnesswhat about conferencing do i have to have a Zaptel device to be able to carry conference calls ?
08:48.50Statelessnessor there is some sort of hardware emulation ?
08:48.59sylei use to have a maltese friend in BC when i lived there , most competitive guy i knew we got a long great, we would have to play pool/foosball/etc etc for hours before being satisfied someone was the winner lol, never met such a great person again :(
08:49.12konfuzedStatelessness: you're making it very obvious that you have not ready up anything about aterisk yet
08:50.08Statelessnesskonfuzed: i'm just asking because i've read in the documentation that conferencing is supported
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08:50.13syleyeah i thought that to konfuzed but realite is emotions will always get in the way, just doing your best is all you can do
08:50.41konfuzedStatelessness: then read up on conferecing and all your questoins will be answered
08:51.30Statelessnesskonfuzed: its not enough in the pdf i have
08:51.49Statelessnesscoz i'm using win asterisk
08:51.58konfuzedsyle: sorry to hear that you are so driven by your emotions but as a person who has set such things aside since grade 4 I have a different opinion
08:52.19konfuzedalthough I totally agree that one can only do there best to keep a grip on as it were
08:52.27kllI'm looking for some form of "test" telephone numbers in countries other than my own (sweden). there's usually some service that will read the time to you. anyone willing to share numbers to such a service?
08:52.40Statelessnessso whats the range of the prices of the zaptel devices ?
08:52.46benjkStatelessness: do you mean AsteriskWin32?
08:52.57Statelessnessyeah benjk
08:53.04konfuzedirony would have it though that since my X im not interesting in restraining my emotions at all
08:53.06benjkwell, then you are out of luck
08:53.14benjkno Zaptel on Windows
08:53.42sylekonfused you are very one-sided, that is your biggest downfall i can tell from talking with you, but on the upswing you use that motivation you seem to have for good and you could be a great teacher
08:54.19Statelessnessbenjk: u mean no drivers or what ?
08:54.30benjkZaptel is not supported on Windows
08:54.32konfuzedone-sided is only for arguments
08:55.05sylethats the worst place :)
08:55.07benjkAsteriskWin32 runs in a Unix API layer
08:55.21benjkits called Cygwin, and it provides Unix APIs on Windows
08:55.24Statelessnessbenjk: hmmm ... so no replacement for zaptel devices ?
08:55.26konfuzedthe truth is that no one can escape interdependence
08:55.30Statelessnessyeah i know benjk
08:55.40sylein what sense?
08:55.46benjksince Asterisk is a Unix application it can run on Windows with the help of the Cygwin API layer
08:56.01QwellStatelessness: Don't use the win32 asterisk...
08:56.03benjkhowever, drivers need to reside in the kernel
08:56.15benjkso the drivers cannot take advantage of Cygwin
08:56.28benjkand Zaptel is largely a driver architecture
08:56.29Qwellbenjk: and no, as far as I understand it, asterisk win32 is native
08:56.41Qwellor, moreso than using cygwin
08:56.46StatelessnessI have no problems installing asterisk on linux
08:56.51QwellStatelessness: do that then
08:56.55QwellYou'll regret it otherwiswe
08:56.56Statelessnesswill do :)
08:57.06jbotsomebody said docs was probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or
08:57.07Qwelland read...
08:57.08Qwella lot
08:57.19Statelessnessthanks Qwell :)
08:57.25benjkWell, last time I chatted with Patrick Deruel, the guy who made the AsteriskWin32 package, he told me that he was using Cygwin
08:57.34Qwellbenjk: maybe so
08:57.46benjkthe installer he wrote is native though, yes
08:57.47QwellI've not personally looked at it...just heard
08:57.57benjkand the console interface he wrote is also native
08:58.00konfuzedsyle: I have spent too much time reviewing the bio mechanics of perception and thought processes .........
08:58.32Statelessnessso whats the price range for Zaptel Devices guys ... any recommendations ?
08:58.35konfuzedit has given me a very tough acid test for truth in reality
08:58.38QwellStatelessness: check the digium site
08:58.39benjkStatelessness: if you want hardware support, you will need Linux or BSD
08:58.42sylehaha, its good for the soul :) try it smoking some weed, life takes more sense in that reality
08:59.20syleblah i haven;t smoked weed in about 3 months that sucks
08:59.21Statelessnessso what about ztdummy ?
08:59.24benjkStatelessness: if all you need is the timer support for conferencing, you can use a cheap softmodem for 10 USD
08:59.33konfuzedlife is about interdependent individuals not simply individualism
08:59.40Qwellztdummy works
08:59.45sylewell i don;t care for weed, i smoke it when its around about it
09:00.07benjkztdummy may work as well, depending on what kind of USB controller your PC has
09:00.22konfuzedlinux is founded on interdependence and so is asterisk
09:00.23syleinterdependant as in opposite of independant?
09:00.30benjkif it is OHCI based, it won't work, but if it is UHCI based it will
09:00.49konfuzeddependant is the opposite of independent
09:01.01sylei beleive there are alot of non-interdependant people, usually comes with people that make lots of money
09:01.16sylethen their values on what matters in life gets a curve ball
09:01.23benjkother alternative is zaprtc which uses the realtime clock, but the author of that module says its a dirty hack and he recommends not to use it
09:01.28konfuzedthey depend on others to buy what ever it is they ar selling
09:02.03syledon;t we all
09:02.13konfuzedif they are conning people to get their gold then they depend on others to fall for their horse sit
09:02.29benjkif you use the 2.6 kernel, you may not use any dummy timer at all, as there is kernel based timer support, although I havent tried that yet myself, so I cant comment on it
09:02.31syleyeah marketing tactics can be deceiving
09:02.41benjkmay not need
09:02.51konfuzedfor instance I depend on Americans to end the war in Iraq
09:03.21sylei beleive the US is to concerend about stealing their oil so it won't end anytime soon
09:03.43konfuzedthat is toooooo sad but true
09:03.49benjkmore importantly Bush is concerned with keeping face
09:04.01sylethis stems but to desert storm if you look at it, they bombed them then to
09:04.17benjkhe can't pull out and say, "ah well, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to go in there after all"
09:04.27konfuzedand because of that no one can escape the reality that massive war based on lies is underway torturing our planet
09:04.50sylegovernments have always fought over resources since the beginning of time, nothing has changed
09:05.26konfuzedbenjk: bushy junior is not concerned about saving face
09:05.35syleif you were iraq president you probably would have crashed a few planes down in the US to haha
09:06.09benjkyou make it sound like the Iraqis had anything to do with 9/11
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09:06.26benjkall the evidence says that they didn't
09:06.31sylebut simple fact of the matter is all this security is needed because of what the government did
09:06.50syleif they withdraw, you can put security budget back somewhere else
09:06.50konfuzedhe's blatantly running USA inc into bankruptcy just like he did with every single company that put him on the phone cause his CIA daddy ia in bed with the the middle east oil barons
09:06.53sylebut they won;t
09:07.14benjkor maybe the government wanted to get rid of civil liberties in the first place and all this was a welcome excuse
09:07.50konfuzedgeorge bushes govt wants to get rid of civil liberties not all facets of govt want to
09:07.53benjkunfortunately that is not the case
09:08.23sylewell i think that was just an added bonus, use the terrorist attacks as a way to collect more tax money and kill more of the privacy act through hype in the media, very smart on their part don;t you think? governments gets even more control
09:08.35konfuzedkeep the bushes and their cousins out of power and civil liberties will be upheld
09:08.41benjkif they withdraw unorderly and the Iraqi government collapses, then you get another Afghanistan with Al-Quada bases everywhere doing evil stuff with impunity
09:08.56benjkthey opened a can of worms in Iraq
09:09.20benjkdamned if the pull out, damned if they dont
09:09.38benjkabsolutely foolish
09:10.07benjkBut then, if you look at Bush Junior, you immediately know that he has zero IQ
09:10.30benjkhe only has to open his mouth, not actually say anything and it is already ridiculous and foolish
09:10.35syleI am not american but isn;t the way it usually works there you vote in a republican for tax breaks and liberal a few years later to balance the budget again? and this process keeps repeating itself
09:11.40benjkhow could a nation like the US elect a total retard as their head of state
09:12.21sylei beleive i read a note from the geneva convention informing the US to act on iraq
09:12.26konfuzedAmericans really need another option besides supposed republican and supposed democrat
09:12.26syleso there is more to it
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09:12.38konfuzedthey didnt
09:12.47benjkthe did the second term
09:12.50konfuzedthe Electoral College handed it to him
09:12.57benjknot in the second term
09:13.12syledemocrat right
09:13.15benjkby which time it should have become even more obvious that he is a total retard
09:13.39benjkI mean if he was a smart evil guy
09:13.48benjkyou could still undertand it
09:14.06konfuzedsupposedly independent groups prevent many blacks and other non whites from voting in florida
09:14.13benjkbut he is so retarded that you might as well elect a chimp
09:14.41sylewell my question is who is controlling the US government, i heard it was the oil cartel, aka masonries aka black magic aka federal reserve
09:14.54benjkthere hasn't been a single intelligent sentence coming out of his mouth ever
09:14.59konfuzedmass media mind confusion and persuasion is very powerful
09:15.35benjkstill, it is puzzling that they can put such a retard in front of the electorate and get him elected
09:15.36sylefederal reserve assinated 2 of your presidents for printing their own money now right?
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09:17.46shankygood morning
09:18.24benjkI bet Bush Junior would fail the ELIZA test
09:18.28konfuzedbushy senior still pulls even more strings now that those previously above him are dead
09:18.54syleyeah hes apart of the cult
09:19.02syle36th degree mason i heard
09:19.11konfuzedbushy and cousins own and operate 80% of the US media
09:19.47krisguyMan, I'm getting sick of Linux softphones
09:20.00benjksoftphones suck anyway
09:20.01konfuzedok syles you check this out
09:20.11benjkget yourself a real IP phone
09:20.18shankyhow could I use the playback command in order to play the extension number?
09:20.31benjksoftphones are for testing and when you are on the road and all you got is a notebook
09:20.33sylehehe kewl
09:20.47konfuzedkrisguy: ATAs are a little less expensive and you can plug in your existing phone
09:20.50syleyou know whats sad, being canadian i probably know more about the US than most americans hehe
09:21.07benjkATAs cost the same as IP phones
09:21.09krisguykonfuzed: yeah, but I'm about a month behind on bills due to daycare
09:21.14benjkit all starts around 50 USD
09:21.26krisguyonce I get caught up, I'm getting an ATA
09:21.31konfuzedkrisguy: you sohuld stop attending daycare
09:21.42benjkif its for home use, a Grandstream BT100 is just fine
09:21.45krisguyI need someone to change my diapers, eh?
09:21.51shankyis the best way to create different gsm files with the extensions numbers?
09:22.17krisguybenjk: you are the first person that has told me that Grandstream phones are okay
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09:22.32benjkfor *home use* yes
09:22.32konfuzedshanky: in the demo menu there is an extension for open record
09:22.37benjknot for business use
09:22.42iDunnofor home use, yes, the BT100/101/102 would be fine.
09:23.05syleactually reason i know this is talking with americans when i was down there lol
09:23.22benjkfor business use you want at least two line representation (if not more) and a little more robustness
09:23.39benjkbut for home use the Barbietones are fine
09:24.15konfuzedActually the future hope of American Politics is in Anchorage Alaska
09:24.15krisguyWhat would you recommend then, I want something with two+ line rep, but I don't want Ciscos.  Suggestion?
09:24.31benjkwhats your budget?
09:24.41syledoubtful,they'll come after canadian resources when their done there
09:24.54konfuzedsyle the other way around
09:25.04krisguyabout 150-200, I'm thinking that with some of my tax return money
09:25.21benjkthe new Linksys 941 looks ok
09:25.34sylekris: if you get any money back at the end of the year or owe any money, you did your taxes wrong
09:25.37benjkits about 150 USD and has 2 line presentation (upgradeable to 4)
09:25.47benjkand it looks almost like a Cisco
09:26.00benjkLinksys/Sipura having been acquired by Cisco ... ;-)
09:26.12konfuzedthere is an essentially brilliant fucken genius (due to his long hard work at study research and political involvement) up their.
09:26.22sylewhats can canada do against the US
09:26.23konfuzedthe US needs that guy to be president
09:26.26krisguytrue, I work for a telco, and for our VoIP trials we used Linksys ATAs
09:26.34sylenuke each other till everyone dies
09:26.45benjkalso, the Grandstream GXP-2000 seems to be a decent phone
09:27.01benjkunlike the Budgetones, this one is for business use
09:27.04sylethat would be the worst war in history, can;t happen :(
09:27.04konfuzedsyle: cut off water electricity lumber and military intelligence
09:27.14benjkits got 11 line presentation and even Power over Ethernet
09:27.22benjkits about 100 USD
09:27.41shankykonfuzed: is there any other way in order not to record all the extensions numbers in different files?
09:27.45benjki haven't tested it yet myself, but I heard several folks praise it
09:27.46konfuzedbenjk: kewl I could use one of those
09:27.53benjkppl who've used it
09:28.25syleall canada wants is to maintain its culture
09:28.44konfuzedshanky: do you want to record a pile of gsm files or do you want people to record greetings on their extension and voicemail?
09:28.44benjkThe Polycom 301 is also in that price range, many people like that one
09:28.53krisguybenjk: any retailer you like?
09:29.00sylebasically do what they have been doing for so long already
09:29.25benjkI am in Japan, and any retailer is difficult when you order from overseas
09:29.49benjkso, you probably want to ask somebody who is in the same country as you are about retailers ;-)
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09:30.21sylei really dont know how canadians feel about iraq, they are more like observors here, i bet the prime minister doesn;t want to help bush anymore than he has to considering hes getting alot of our military shot lol
09:30.25shankykonfuzed: is not for voicemail, what I'm trying to do, is a service to play the extension number, in order to remember you your phone's number
09:30.29sylei think they would rather just peacekeep
09:30.34kllI'm looking for some form of "test" telephone numbers in countries other than my own (sweden). there's usually some service that will read the time to you. anyone willing to share numbers to such a service?
09:30.49shankyI know it seems something odd, but you know clients are odds
09:31.12konfuzedshanky: custom dial plan for you boy
09:31.45konfuzedcheck into ivr
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09:31.56sylebut anyways the ultimate question is "will voting in a new president make current matters even worse" will freedom ever come back more than security again
09:31.59konfuzedbut only the side about play back ;^)
09:32.06beavizdshanky: i use: SayDigits(${CALLERIDNUM})
09:32.27konfuzedevery digit has already been recorded so you just have to string them all together
09:33.23konfuzedbeavizd: I think he's look for something morelike  SayDigits(${Extension})
09:33.43konfuzedas in guy picks up the phone and it tells what extension he picked up
09:33.56konfuzedi could be easily Konfuzed of course
09:33.59krisguythanks benjk
09:34.05shankybeavizd, konfuzed many thanks
09:34.06saftsackis gsm a good codec for IAX2?
09:34.32benjkits as good or bad a codec for IAX as it is for SIP
09:34.59saftsackis gsm a well quality codec at all?
09:35.15benjkso the question should be more like "is gsm a good codec" regardless of the protocol
09:35.20jbot[gsm] a codec, operating at approx 13kbps up/down.
09:35.31saftsackthis isnt much ^^
09:35.35jbotextra, extra, read all about it, ulaw is pronounce "mu"-law and consumes 64 Kb/s in each direction.  It is considered a loss-less CODEC with a sampling rate of 8,000 hz and is 8 bit.  It delivers quality equivalent to that of a POTS line.
09:35.52saftsacksounds good :)
09:36.03jbothmm... eeks is the Eeks eeks run for the hills IAX2 is here to stay
09:36.10benjkgsm is ok if you need to safe bandwidth and don't want to pay for G729 licenses
09:36.36benjkyou may also want to try ILBC, which is also free
09:36.37saftsackis g729 a codec?
09:37.08benjkbut it uses DSP techniques which are patent encumbered, and therefore you have to pay royalties on it
09:37.18konfuzeddo cell phones use gsm by default or I am out in left field on that one
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09:38.02saftsacki have my computer here with a headset and an * server on the ntba. the best codec for would be ulaw, or?
09:38.16benjkit gives you a sound quality that is roughly experienced as being the same as G711 but only uses 8Kbit/sec
09:38.44benjkulaw or alaw is always best
09:38.48benjkbecause it is lossless
09:38.53saftsackis g711 free?
09:38.57benjkhowever, it uses more bandwidth
09:39.05benjkg711 == ulaw/alaw
09:39.09konfuzedsyle: have you seen
09:39.12saftsackok :)
09:40.00sylehehe i don;t see much alot of my day consists of asterisk c coding
09:40.13benjkif you have the bandwidth, use g711, if you don't, use gsm or ILBC
09:40.31saftsackok but if i telephone with ulaw to do i need transcoding if i want to telephone over isdn?
09:40.42benjkisdn uses g711
09:40.49saftsackvery well :)
09:41.00saftsackbut asterisk shows me this message:
09:41.01saftsack*CLI> Dec  5 10:40:04 NOTICE[26830]: chan_iax2.c:7243 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, requested/capability 0x4/0x4 incompatible with our capability 0xff03.
09:41.24saftsackthats strange
09:41.35benjkthen you have configured your iax user/peer with a different codec
09:41.44saftsacki thought so to
09:41.48saftsackmoment im looking
09:41.51benjkor your device is configured to only use a different codec
09:42.17saftsackmy device just allows ulaw
09:42.30benjkthen configure your device to also allow only ulaw and alaw
09:42.35sylehopefully my c days are over shortly i;m almost done the module i am working on
09:43.03benjkhowever, capability can be something other than codec capability
09:43.22saftsackor allow=g711?
09:43.35benjkso if it turns out not to be a codec mismatch, you need to find out what the capability is that is missing
09:44.03benjkand make sure you have disallow=all before those
09:44.03saftsackthank you
09:44.06saftsackit works :)
09:44.43saftsackbut i cannot hear something ^^
09:44.47syleif anyone else wants to demo some billing software plz let me know
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09:45.38konfuzedsyle: that would be me
09:45.40syleor just wait till i release it in 2006
09:45.55konfuzedIve got a sad background in accounting for law firms
09:46.03pifhi, I am trying to match a callerid in AEL without success: 2131/ works in traditional extension language but not in AEL. Any idea?
09:46.42sylewebinterface is what is taking time :( so demo is just the module
09:46.46kuku5syle: I do
09:46.54sylewell i spent 2 months coding the module already
09:46.55saftsackDec  5 10:46:57 NOTICE[27040]: app_dial.c:1010 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'misdn' (cause 0 - Unknown)
09:47.00saftsacka very well cause :)
09:47.23konfuzedsyle: do you have any acconting background?
09:47.35benjkyou've got your isdn side misconfigured then
09:47.44syleone thing is for sure no other billing software can match me in speed and scalability so it willbe quite impressive
09:47.55saftsackbenjk, i deleted the intern section
09:48.03saftsackbecause i have just one softphone here
09:48.07konfuzedsyle: how bout accounting compliance?
09:48.13kuku5syle: how many millions of records did you test it with ?
09:48.13saftsackyes in misdn.conf
09:48.13sylekonfuzed math background you mean?
09:48.27konfuzedthats usually what slows down billing solutions
09:48.29sylewell i took math and computer science in university many years ago if that is what you mean
09:48.35konfuzedno I mean Accounting
09:48.37konfuzedas in GAAP
09:48.50syleyou mean taxes, no
09:49.03konfuzedno I mean accounting as in GAAP
09:49.12syleand that would mean nothing, what about every country in the world
09:49.24sylethere will be spots to customize to fit everyone
09:49.43konfuzedGenarally Accepted Accounting Principles are universal
09:49.49kuku5konfuzed: isnt gaap reports?
09:49.54saftsackok now it works
09:50.00saftsackbut the speech quality for me is very bad
09:50.08sylei took accounting 101
09:50.09saftsackfor the other person it is very good
09:50.36sylecan;t say that wasn;t the most boring easiest class i ever took :)
09:51.19konfuzedafter accounting in high school I did the Candian Securities Course (im good in math too) and then got a tech suport job for the leading law firm accounting software company
09:51.40syletech support with a CSC?
09:51.53syleshouldn;t you be a stock broker
09:52.00konfuzedmostly correcting accounting errors made by lawyers wives or lawyers
09:52.21konfuzedI was gonna be a stock broker but its really glorified telephone sales
09:52.35konfuzedany body can be a stock broker.
09:52.43sylei suppose so, could have made a website though :)
09:52.48kuku5whats above a stock broker ?
09:53.02saftsackthe speech quality for me is very bad (g711)
09:53.18konfuzedever brokerage company in north america will hire any who signs up to a Financial Securities Course and put you on the phone cold calling people
09:53.19saftsackany reasons?
09:53.44syleover glorified for real
09:54.10konfuzedmy passion is computers though
09:54.49konfuzedstarted in grade 4 programing a comodore pet to make a rocket blast off the screen with waterloo basic
09:55.01sylehmm so you could give me some real tips on the website design and layout
09:55.30konfuzedsyle: point being billing with accounting as an after thought ends up being a nightmare
09:56.11konfuzedbilling is only the client transactions in your much larger business picture
09:56.13sylethe farthest i want to go on accounting is generating some invoices
09:56.28benjkdefine "speech quality is very bad"
09:56.46konfuzedwell if you're doing billing and invoices then what about paying those invoces
09:57.04syleyeah well people can add their own paypal or whatever
09:57.22syleescrow and paypal seem to be most popular
09:57.36konfuzedok so your system does all the accounting tracking except expenses
09:58.02sylewell technically everything is an expense
09:58.12konfuzedexcept your revenue
09:58.29syleyes, i don;t keep track of that , thats not really up to me
09:58.50syleyou have a provider, you upsell your prices
09:59.04konfuzedwell then you fali to realize the interdependence of billing and expense
09:59.10konfuzedit is often called accounting
09:59.11syleor you own your own PRI or your your own CLEC and charge whatever
09:59.47sylewell in that case i do it all lol
10:00.08sylei must admit the math functions were very difficult
10:00.11konfuzednobody can really use a partial accounting system
10:00.35syleallowing 3 different charges for one call, and integrating that into different types of billing was a nightmare
10:00.51konfuzedeverytime anything starts to happen with billing the full circle of accounting gets involved
10:01.24konfuzedits unavoidable
10:01.36konfuzedsyle: have you heard of
10:01.52sylewell you can look at current status of the project here
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10:02.58fishboy1669good day
10:04.48syleyou don;t have to read the whole page
10:04.52syleTue Nov 15 04:05:52 CST 2005
10:05.01sylethat posting is a better outlook
10:05.30sylei just use this site to keep the public informed where my progress is
10:08.55konfuzedsyle: that's a good colour selection very readable and pleasant to look at
10:09.45konfuzeda quick look says you have covered a wide range of reporting formats
10:10.25syleyeah and the functionality is brutal
10:10.49syleif this thing is used correctly it could give some voip companies advantages over others
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10:11.49sylei don;t care about being one myself, i might setup a little demonstration, but i just want to support existing companies
10:11.51konfuzedmy eyes and brain are dry now though
10:12.14konfuzedive got to crash so I can be useful in 3 to 6 hours
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10:12.45konfuzedive got it book marked
10:12.45sylelaw firm company ?
10:12.54konfuzedhybrid isp
10:13.25konfuzedaccounting wise I am unemployed
10:13.53saftsackhas someone cornfed here?
10:14.03sylepeople prefer the term self-employed :)
10:14.21konfuzeduh technically under the law I am unemployed
10:14.31konfuzedbig difference
10:14.42sylewhatever helps you best on taxes :)
10:15.06konfuzedIve seperated my personal affairs from business affairs
10:15.33konfuzedthat would include separatin the marital affairs from business afairs
10:15.39sylealways deal with your personal affairs
10:15.52konfuzedas in she could get her claws in if she tried ;^)
10:15.54syleor it can become apart of business which is bad
10:16.22konfuzedway easier to deal with things once the components are seperated
10:16.32syledo you own a house?
10:16.45konfuzedit has a way of minimizing the potential impact of back firing
10:16.49sylethats where breakups such
10:17.06konfuzedtechnically I dont anything
10:17.17konfuzednever owned a car or property in my own name
10:17.28sylethats not good!
10:17.38konfuzedsays who
10:17.55syleummm, where do i start, tax advantages or legal
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10:18.34sylecapital gain taxes is one that comes to mind
10:18.57konfuzedquality of life is not really based on tax advantages or legal advantages
10:19.24konfuzedI dont have any capital gains, I'm unemployed
10:19.25syledepends if you run your own business or not hehe
10:19.43konfuzedI run someone elses business with out pay
10:19.56sylemust be nice
10:20.10konfuzedits all in how you account for it
10:20.20konfuzedor dont accont for it
10:20.23syleummm, cash most likely :)
10:21.02konfuzedconsistency is the key
10:21.26syleyeah thats a good quality you have
10:22.13sylei loose motivation very easily, my downfall, so i need partners to motivate me
10:22.27konfuzedsyle: i have a similar issue
10:22.52konfuzedI have a hard time focusing on my own project
10:23.14konfuzedI can work magic with any body elses problems though
10:23.36syleexactly , thats why projects i work on i picture them as for someone else
10:23.37sylehelps me
10:23.37konfuzedim a problem solver, in general
10:24.00konfuzedthat can be quite effective
10:24.36sylewhat do you do with asterisk?
10:25.32konfuzedcurrently in house for a small group of independent operators and developing several service models
10:25.39joelsolankiHi all, configured DNS SRV for my 2 asterisk servers and tested. 1 call is redirected to 1 asterisk and other time it goes to other asterisk. is this solution perfect. i dont see that. :(
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10:26.17konfuzedfor instance a small biz pbx brand
10:26.47konfuzedand a simple residential brand.
10:26.55sylejoel appears your doing round robin dns?
10:27.12konfuzedplus several co-marketing / co-branding possibilities
10:27.19magic_1Konfuzed i have lots of asterisk problems at the mo i am new with asterisk,yeah i know what u are going to say ,really i dont wanna waste your time at all i just need abit of ,it would be greatly appreciated
10:27.27magic_1if it is possible
10:27.47magic_1i meant to say help
10:28.07syleno worries nooone knows everything about asterisk, damn thing changes all the time hehe
10:28.10konfuzedjust keep my name in mind when you ask
10:28.22magic_1thanx bigtime
10:28.26sylewell maybe you can co-brand with me later on in new year
10:28.36magic_1can i ask a quick question
10:28.47magic_1well two actualy
10:28.53joelsolankisyle: yes i m using round robin
10:28.57konfuzedI always consider possibilities
10:29.07joelsolankisyle: m i going on right track ?
10:29.23konfuzedCapricorn Month is a good time to look at such things
10:29.26sylejoel: appears its doing what it should, i don;t see the problem
10:29.27saftsackif im calling my asterisk server with sip all is delayed for 4 seconds
10:29.32konfuzedI never start anything in December
10:29.36konfuzedexcept collections
10:29.41sylejoel: i wouldn;t rely on dns to load balance however
10:30.05sylejoel: dns servers can cache data and screw that up
10:30.19konfuzedmagic_1: ask away before i pass out
10:30.27joelsolankisyle: is there any other way for load balance ? i have 2 asterisk both are p4 with 1 gb ram so i dont think they can handle more than 20 calls each. therefore i need load balance. so i keep more asterisk server.
10:30.56magic_1konfuzed u wouldnt perhaps have any configured sip.conf and extentions.conf files so that i can see what it should look like
10:30.58sylejoel: depends on alot of things what are you doing? just SIP, they on same network?
10:31.23joelsolankisyle: yes asterisk servers are on same lan. same ip range.
10:31.44gvag11does somebody knows what is the "..Don't know what to do with control frame 15 ..." message i get from my TE210P connected to an E1?
10:31.46joelsolankisyle: i m using sip.
10:31.52konfuzedthe best examples to start with are the ones included with the install
10:32.07sylejoel: cheapest solution would be to use a linux box as a load balancer, there are alot of howtos out there how to do this, make it act as a router
10:32.40*** join/#asterisk nesys (n=nesys@2001:1418:1a6:0:20d:93ff:fe28:3ef8)
10:32.58magic_1yeah the thing is my knowledge on these things are not what they should be
10:33.01joelsolankisyle:  can u plz tell me any stable solution for load balance ..i m ready to give one dedicated machine.
10:33.07sylejoel: even cheaper have one of them load balance the 2 , but then its getting risky if box 1 goes down
10:33.21konfuzedmagic_1: for asterisk 1.2 make sure you also get the sample configs that are available
10:33.34magic_1i am a network admin and my boss wnats me to start doing the asterisk projects here
10:33.36konfuzedasterisk is not asteisk@home
10:33.49saftsacksomeone of you know a godd softphone? (sip or iax/ alsa/ g711)
10:33.58magic_1i meant to say asterisk@home sorry
10:34.12joelsolankisyle: ok so can u recommend load balance docs ..something :)
10:34.13sylejoel: umm read up on how to setup vlans with linux
10:34.26konfuzedmagic_1: tell him its a developers project. You can happily install the box and the software but you're not a developer
10:34.34joelsolankisyle: ok vlans will do solve the issue ?
10:34.53sylejoel: vlan is the proper way to load balance on the same network
10:35.02magic_1konfuzed my prob is i dont think i know enough on setting up asterisk
10:35.21magic_1i can install but configuring is the problem
10:35.25syleif not on the same network  then there is software called SER
10:35.40joelsolankisyle: i m also using ser will help you with all the configurations.
10:36.17sylewith SER you can redirect the SIP stream
10:36.34joelsolankisyle: i have total 3 servers. 1 is ser where all users get registered and ser forward the calls to my 1 asterisk server. but the other asterisk is free no load. now i want to load balance the calls.
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10:36.42konfuzedget some white papers on how the parts work and
10:36.46joelsolankisyle: how can i do with ser ?
10:36.56magic_1this one that i am setting up will just be a sip setup
10:37.23konfuzedvery important to understand the system as a whole before you can fully grasp what impact small changes can have
10:37.27sylejoel: if i knew i would tell you, i haven;t played with SER mysql, but i am sure you can probably found examples , if you already have SER installed then it might be easier to just do it with SER
10:38.04konfuzedmagic_1: I would have to advise you to do your office project on Debian
10:38.25syleSER is probably more portable anyways, you can load balance outside your network as well later if you need
10:38.26magic_1i am currently doing it on Fedora
10:38.33magic_1core 3 sorry about the delay
10:38.37konfuzedpros and cons to everything
10:38.45joelsolankisyle: yes ..i m still finding the examples :)
10:39.01konfuzedwhat you;re most familiar with is usually best but not always
10:39.03syleif you find a good one send me the url, i'd like to check it out to :)
10:39.16joelsolankiyes sure. i will surely share.
10:39.21konfuzedim crashed now though
10:40.02sylethere is a SER mailing list to if you get stuck
10:40.34joelsolankisyle: yes i have registerd to it. i m going to ask my query.
10:41.11sylequery=database question=people
10:41.39syleyour english is good though
10:41.41sylewhere you from?
10:41.57joelsolankisyle: i am from India.
10:42.04joelsolankisyle: u ?
10:42.35joelsolankisyle: good. there it will be early morning.
10:42.53syleor late night :)
10:43.13joelsolankisyle: can u pm u?
10:43.31joelsolankisorry can i pm u?
10:43.39syleif you want, i can;t really help with ser though
10:44.09joelsolankinot ser. just normal talk :)
10:51.57*** join/#asterisk magic_1 (
10:52.02magic_1lo all
10:54.19pifanyone using the "buddy" feature on polycoms?
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11:06.24mutilatorgood mooooooooornin
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11:12.40magic_1any one here know of a add on for asterisk 1.2 that allows u to do sip configuration and extention setup and configuration and what ever through a GUI
11:13.21puzzledlook at asterisk@home. has its own site , mailinglist etc.
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11:17.17IronHelixalternatively, if you are down with the script-foo, you can use realtime and write a php interface to mysql
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11:24.13magic_1true but i'm no script-foo guru so that is out the window ,we got A@home installed on one of our machines but i am have currently installed asterisk 1.2 and it is a machine for me at the mo to setup all these things through the console,hehhehehehe
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11:34.12mattfletchercan anyone help with a tdm400p?
11:34.22mattfletcheri cannot figure out how to get it working
11:34.52mattfletcheri have set up trunks for every socket, but I cannot see how to get those connected to outgoing lines
11:35.23mattfletcheri think i need to set up trunks with names of gSOMETHING, but don't know what the something is
11:35.28elduanyone tried Condemned ?
11:35.46mattfletcherchannels 1 & 2 are FXS and 3 & 4 are FXO
11:36.01mattfletchershould the outgoing trunks therefore be g3 and g4?
11:36.43elduRoyK: i asked in the wron chan, damn screen
11:38.03mattfletcheri tried g4 and g4 and i get the message "all circuits are busy now" so i tried adding g1 and g2 which makes it ring, but it never answers
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11:40.25*** join/#asterisk Stephnie (i=Stephnie@
11:40.45StephnieI have a problem ..... call gets disconnection at -- Attempting native bridge of SIP/2222-cc47 and SIP/outbound-f370
11:41.38zigmannat ?
11:44.16Stephnieno nat
11:44.29Stephnieall public IP Addresses..
11:44.55*** join/#asterisk Guest^DJ (i=me@
11:45.10Guest^DJhi all, anyone using voipjet here?
11:45.57*** join/#asterisk Akelavlk (n=jansun@
11:46.23AkelavlkHello, has anybody experience with "Page" application?
11:47.14RoyKisn't that for those pre-historic pagers?
11:48.14AkelavlkI don't know.. I just see that's allow me create something like conference..
11:49.54AkelavlkMeetMe is good piece of sht..
11:50.43*** join/#asterisk jac]Z[oby (n=me@
11:51.02jac]Z[obya little question off topic , and dont hate me therefore
11:51.10Akelavlkwe will :-)
11:51.16jac]Z[obyanyone knows something like a voip modem client
11:51.35jac]Z[obyand yes ai know that thats completely st00pid idea
11:51.45jac]Z[obybut that woul be the best solution to our problenm
11:51.54mattfletcheris there anyone with any ideas about my tdm400p?
11:51.55jac]Z[obyand i know that modem and voip doesnt work well
11:52.26jac]Z[obybut its a low bandwidth connection (9600 bps)
11:52.26AkelavlkSorry no answers today..
11:53.06jac]Z[obyor a vendor whos specialist on a voip gw with modem support
11:54.11AkelavlkBTW, what do you mean "voip client modem"..
11:55.00jac]Z[obythe thing is
11:55.10jac]Z[obyi plan to install voip in my company
11:55.29jac]Z[obybut theres the problem of a modem ordering thingy
11:55.54AkelavlkWhat link do you have? PSTN? Or ISDN?
11:55.59jac]Z[obyits an old but very important austrian pharmacy protocol
11:56.16jac]Z[obyääh i mean
11:56.17AkelavlkHow many PSTNs? Just one?
11:56.37jac]Z[obya PRI
11:56.48jac]Z[obyand well
11:57.10jac]Z[obyweve tried a few a/b adapters
11:57.16jac]Z[obybut the alle work more or less
11:57.27jac]Z[obyabout 50 to 80 % success
11:57.33AkelavlkOk, then you need device which allow you plug PRI channels into computer..
11:57.36jac]Z[obybut i got no idea how to finetune those thingies
11:57.50RoyKAkelavlk: PSTN means network. you connect to PSTN not to PSTNs, as in you don't connect to 'internets'
11:58.02jac]Z[obythe best thing would be a softphone voip client which has a modem capability
11:58.19jac]Z[obyor simply a voip softmodem
11:58.28AkelavlkAnd then you can put network card into PC and then from PC to router. And from router to softphones or SIP phones.
11:58.37*** join/#asterisk Inkubot (n=inkubot@
11:59.11AkelavlkI know, about PSTN. It's faster from explanation..
11:59.12mutilatormy radius logs are too big
11:59.23mutilatortrying to add an index to it
11:59.25kllI'm looking for some form of "test" telephone numbers in countries other than my own (sweden), tips?
11:59.26mutilatortaken 10 minutes so far
11:59.59mutilatorkll: just go to a website?
12:00.04mutilatorfind a russian website
12:00.07mutilatorthen a US website
12:00.12mutilatorthen an aussie website
12:00.17mutilatorand get their contact #'s
12:00.21AkelavlkYou want plug many softphones to VOIP modem?
12:01.37jac]Z[obyno i dont want to plug any softphone to a modem
12:02.03jac]Z[obypc - "voip modem" - GW - PSTN - customer MOdem
12:02.30jac]Z[obywhich means that theres no pstn within the company but we still want to have the modem thingy
12:02.49mutilatorgrep -E 'Switchboard.Slt0.0.ANI.*DNIS.*(3027|1629|5999)' adtran.log.* | awk '{print $3}' | sed -e 's/:.*//g' | sort -bfn | uniq -c
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12:02.56AkelavlkYou know, when you are talking about VoIP you need PC for converting PSTN to VoIP and VoIP to PSTN..
12:03.13jac]Z[obyhmm ok you think im st00pid
12:03.26jac]Z[obyi have a VOIP PBX thats not my problem
12:03.38jac]Z[obyhuge telephony system
12:03.43jac]Z[obythe endpoint is my problem
12:03.49magic_1i was thinking is there any flashpanel for asterisk not asterisk@home
12:04.30AkelavlkAnd that PBX has what outputs? Ethernet links?
12:04.46jac]Z[obysure, a normal VOIP system
12:04.54jac]Z[obylots of VOIP HW phones
12:04.57jac]Z[obya/b adapters
12:05.00jac]Z[obyand so on
12:05.03jac]Z[obywell now
12:05.13jac]Z[obythe modems are connected to the a/b adapters
12:05.27jac]Z[obyin order to make an analogue connection fesible
12:05.41jac]Z[obybut its not working a 100%
12:05.57jac]Z[obyso thats why i want to cut that out and try to find a soft"modem"
12:06.09magic_1mutilator do u know if there is any flashpanel for asterisk
12:06.15jac]Z[obyergo no a/b thingie (which is quite expensive btw)
12:06.40AkelavlkI am not sure, if I quite understand. You plug modems to a/b adapters?
12:06.58magic_1do u know of any
12:07.07mutilatorlook it up
12:07.26mutilatori'm sure you'll find something on there
12:07.31AkelavlkI don't see a point why to plug modems there..
12:07.47jac]Z[obybecause i need tha modem transmission?=!?!
12:07.59jac]Z[obywhat do you not understand?
12:08.03mutilatorjac]Z[oby: heh what is it you're trying to accomplish now?
12:08.15mutilatori don't think Akelavlk has any idea what he's talkin about
12:08.19jac]Z[obyonce again : now that i have your attention
12:08.33jac]Z[obyi want to switch to voip here in my comp
12:08.37AkelavlkWhy you need modem transmission. Because if it's VoIP already. you can transfer it via internet..
12:08.39jac]Z[obywhich still runs on pstn
12:08.44jac]Z[obyold system
12:08.46jac]Z[obyit suxx
12:08.56jac]Z[obythats y --> tadaaa voip
12:09.05jac]Z[obybetter n stuff
12:09.09mutilatoryea anyway..
12:09.10jac]Z[obybut one problem
12:09.25jac]Z[obyinside our comp.
12:09.36jac]Z[obycustomers can call with their modems
12:09.42jac]Z[obyand submit an order
12:09.43mutilatortry using sentances
12:10.10mutilatorsentence rather*
12:10.11AkelavlkBetter will be publish picture of that..
12:10.31coppicemaybe its haiku
12:10.41mutilatori hate poetry
12:10.47jac]Z[obywhich means that tehere are modems taht are listening to a certain telephone line for a "RING" of another modem ( from the outside ( non voip)) world
12:10.54StephnieI hate poets
12:11.17mutilatorjac]Z[oby: well dialup over voip isn't the best thing to do, but what i think you're looking for are some ata's
12:11.22mutilatorjust plug the modem into the ata
12:11.38mattfletcherwhat do the lights on the back of a tdm400p signify?
12:12.00jac]Z[obymutilator : the thing is that its not really a dialup connection its a very low bandwidth 9600 bps pure COM connection
12:12.08newlerm..just replace the modems with a VPN. ;)
12:12.09jac]Z[obytheres no driver involved
12:12.14mutilatorso what are the modems plugged into right now?
12:12.18jac]Z[obynot possible
12:12.27mattfletchermine are switching on once the unit is detected and going off again at the login prompt
12:12.42jac]Z[obydirectly to an analogue port of the telephone system (PBX)
12:12.55jac]Z[obyon the other side to a computer sure
12:12.58mutilatorso whats going to change?
12:13.15mutilatorthe pbx still takes the call in via your voip..
12:13.20jac]Z[obyi want to kill the old analogue system cause its very expensive
12:13.42jac]Z[obyyeah but i cant connect a modem to a pbx directly
12:13.52jac]Z[obythats where the a/b adapters com in handy
12:13.55mutilatoryou just said... "directly to an analogue port of the telephone system (PBX)"
12:14.11jac]Z[obya VOIP PBX
12:14.30mutilatorso you've got a PRI running into the current pbx
12:14.39mutilatorand you want to eliminate that?
12:15.01AkelavlkYou need SIP gateway, as far as I understand..
12:15.16jac]Z[obythat has nothing to do with sip
12:15.24mutilatorwell.. thats a perdicament, what you're probably going to have to do is keep that old pbx system
12:15.37mutilatorand i assume it has spot for running regular pstn lines into it?
12:15.45mutilatornot just T1's
12:15.46jac]Z[obywhich is no solution
12:16.00kllI'm looking for some form of "test" telephone numbers in countries other than my own (sweden) such as a timeteller service. got any tips?
12:16.14mutilatorthen what ya need to do is from your new voip 'pbx'/sip gateway
12:16.18AkelavlkSIP = VoIP.
12:16.26AkelavlkWhat's I am talking about..
12:16.28jac]Z[obybecause tht thang cost me about 40.000€ a year
12:16.34mutilatorrun out an analog line to the pbx
12:16.36AkelavlkYou can buy SIP gateway from provider..
12:16.44mutilatorand plug it into one of them pstn spots
12:16.47jac]Z[obyAkelavlk  i really know but thats not the point
12:16.52mutilatorbut that only allows a single call
12:17.09jac]Z[obyyes i know
12:17.18mutilatoryou could also buy a te110p
12:17.23mutilatorand pri to the old pbx
12:17.23jac]Z[obybut as i said thats no solution
12:17.25jac]Z[obythat thing has to go
12:17.40jac]Z[obybecause its not ours
12:17.41mutilatorhow does it cost you 40k/year?
12:17.48jac]Z[obyits "rent"
12:17.57mutilatorwhy the hell ya rent a pbx for 40k/year?
12:17.59AkelavlkPretty rent..
12:18.01jac]Z[obywith all the connected hardware
12:18.18mutilatoryou'de have been ahead by now just buying one
12:18.29jac]Z[obyand as the contracts around here made in 15 year steps or so
12:18.42jac]Z[obybut contract
12:18.48jac]Z[obythats y i want to get out of it
12:18.53mutilatoryour co. got screwed
12:19.02mutilatorsounds to me like ya need to find another solution for those 'modems'
12:19.16jac]Z[obythats a regular case when you baught a telephony system about 10 years ago
12:19.33jac]Z[obythats the huge problem
12:19.42jac]Z[obythats f****** modems
12:19.50mutilatortheres no adapters that'll let ya do that
12:19.52jac]Z[obyits screwing my whole project
12:20.04jac]Z[obyand that s*****
12:20.20AkelavlkBecause it's wrong concept.
12:20.27jac]Z[obywell sure there are
12:20.39jac]Z[obya normal a/b adapter is that adapter
12:20.48jac]Z[obybut its not working a 100%
12:20.58mutilatorlike i said before
12:20.59jac]Z[obyjust 50 to 80 %
12:21.11mutilatorvoip & modem doesn't work
12:21.18mutilatorsuprised ya get 80% outta it
12:21.20AkelavlkThere are companies which can developer that kind of hardware.
12:21.50jac]Z[obywell the lower the bandwidth the better the results
12:22.01mutilatorhell sometimes i can get a dialup modem connection over voip @ 28.8k
12:22.09mutilatorenough to browse the net at decent speeds
12:22.17mutilatorand sometimes i can't even get on
12:22.23jac]Z[obyi only need 9600
12:22.35jac]Z[obybut working with about 100 different modems
12:22.46jac]Z[obydifferent brands and all
12:22.54jac]Z[obyif they were all the same no problem
12:23.01jac]Z[obybut thats not the case
12:23.13mutilatorthese are normal modems?
12:23.18mutilatoror something special?
12:23.23jac]Z[obyyes, nearly
12:23.26mattfletcherwhat do the lights on the back of a tdm400p signify? mine are switching on once the unit is detected and going off again at the login prompt
12:23.32jac]Z[obynormaly you would say the olde the better
12:23.58jac]Z[obybest results with the elsa microlink 56k
12:24.18Akelavlkmattfletcher: it's in manual.
12:24.22jac]Z[obythe new are all prepared for internet transmission
12:24.26mutilatorcan ya force the hardware in the modem to 9600bps communication?
12:24.32jac]Z[obyi need all the old command sets
12:24.34mutilatormight be trying to go faster..
12:25.02jac]Z[obyno thats not the problem
12:25.03*** join/#asterisk pantanero (n=pantaner@2001:b18:400d:0:0:0:0:40)
12:25.11jac]Z[obythey all come in with 9600 or less
12:25.28jac]Z[obythat handshake brings the killing
12:25.29mutilatorwhat codec ya using with the voip?
12:26.04jac]Z[obyg.711 a-law no echo cancellation, no noise compression no extras at all
12:26.24jac]Z[obynothing that would compress the signal anew
12:26.33jac]Z[obylossless codec
12:26.47AkelavlkAnd what protocol SIP or IAX?
12:27.15jac]Z[obybtw. its no asterisk system
12:27.20jac]Z[obythats y i said off topic
12:27.21AkelavlkI see..
12:27.23mutilatorwho's providing you voip?
12:27.37AkelavlkGood to know..
12:27.56jac]Z[obyone of the guys that invented ( yes invented) ISDN founded that thingy
12:28.07AkelavlkSo, problem is that you are not using Asterisk :-)
12:28.09jac]Z[obyabsolutely standard conform
12:28.25mutilatorand what kinda latency ya get to their servers?
12:28.56mutilatorme thinks ya just screwed
12:29.11jac]Z[obylol its no online voip thingy
12:29.16coppicethe technical term for a modem working over VoIP is "fluke"
12:29.23jac]Z[obyi have a VOIP PBX in my company
12:29.46jac]Z[obywhich is providing also a GAteway to the PSTN
12:30.36jac]Z[obycoppice : fluke? like lan cabling testing fluke=
12:31.00mutilatori setup a new dslam here in the office and i could dialup via modem with it
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12:31.23mutilatorand i have others on our wireless WAN that can fax like crazy
12:31.24shadebobhi, I need help on configuration of a sangoma card
12:31.28mutilatorand i have some that can't do crap
12:32.20jac]Z[obyhmm all the clients connected to the pbx are still in testing phase , meaning they are all in a separate switched 100mbit lan.
12:32.42jac]Z[obyjust 5 clients on a PBX for 2000 Clients
12:32.58jac]Z[obylatency shouldnt be the problem here
12:34.56shadebobI don't known how to configure E1 connexion with a single sangoma E1 port
12:38.57tzangershadebob: there should be enough information to glean from to do this, or perhaps even a call to Sangoma's tech support
12:39.50coppiceinstalling sangomas is painful. they are nice once installed, but they really need to sort that installer out
12:41.20kllhow would I go about testing the capacity of my asterisk box?
12:42.10shadebobnobody have a pinout diagram for E1 with sangoma?
12:42.54coppiceshadebob: same as the pinout with almost every other use of E1
12:43.30gvag11does somebody knows what is the "..Don't know what to do with control frame 15 ..." message i get from my TE210P connected to an E1?
12:43.38shadebobok coppice. Red alarm is not just wire problem?
12:44.07coppicered alarm could easily be wire problems
12:44.58coppicered alarm means your end can sync to the signal from the other end. a common reason for that is there isn't one
12:45.56shadebobI think my problem is the definition of the D channel
12:46.21shadebobhow can I say to the wanpipe 16 is the D channel?
12:46.50coppicered alarms are nothing to do with th D channel
12:47.01koperniqsI'm trying to build a setup with 2 loadbalanced Asterisk's. Any idea how this can be done?
12:48.55Inkubotthis is bad ?  == Primary D-Channel on span 1 up
12:49.06Inkubotit's repeats all the time
12:49.44mattfletcherAkelavlk: what manual? my TDM400P just came in an anti-static bag. have i been sold a duff?
12:51.28Akelavlkmattfletcher: manual is also at web site.
12:51.40AkelavlkThere are few TDM400P versions.
12:51.50shadebobcoppice : red alarm are nothing to do with D channel?
12:52.00shadebobcoppice : just with cable?
12:52.13AkelavlkMy version, has green LED which are lighting when driver is installed properly..
12:52.20AkelavlkAnd are not blinking.
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12:52.35coppiceshadebib: until your end syncs with the other end there isn't even a D channel to worry about
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13:02.30koperniqsI'm trying to build a setup with 2 loadbalanced Asterisk's. Any idea how this can be done?
13:02.44shadebobwhere I can find wire scheme for an E1 connection... ? I search on google but nothing :(
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13:05.22fourcheezeanyone got a sipura spa-3k working with incoming calls on the fxo port forwarded to * ?
13:05.34fourcheezebeen through 2 howtos and it just rings
13:07.52coppiceshadebob: since I found the pinout by googling in less than a minute, I'm sure you can too. don't be so bloody lazy
13:08.18shadebobcoppice : sorry, I m sure you have a better english than me
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13:21.16synthetiqwhat would cause beeping in a call?
13:21.26synthetiqand its not definitely dtmf tones
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13:21.51sylecall waiting
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13:21.57synthetiqno not call waiting
13:22.53synthetiqits a quality issue
13:25.34[TK]D-Fendersynthetiq : What kid of connection?
13:26.10NewSolewhat kind of device Fender
13:26.20synthetiqusing ds3 four long distance voice t1s local
13:27.10[TK]D-FenderMy guess : frame slips
13:27.14*** part/#asterisk Akelavlk (n=jansun@
13:27.23NewSolesynthetiq> does it happen on all calls or just certian types
13:27.30[TK]D-FenderI've had that on my PRI before.  Sounds like a squeeky beep?
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13:30.45synthetiqsqueeky beep?
13:31.06NewSolesynthetiq> does it happen on all calls or just certian types
13:31.16synthetiqcertain ones i think
13:31.54NewSolelong distance or local
13:32.22NewSoleok that blows that....
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13:32.43synthetiqif it was jsut logn distance
13:32.47synthetiqwhat would be the issue
13:33.32NewSolethere is a heads up.... US Gov and Canadian Gov has Started to listen to Most SIP Voip Calls now.... Computer screening
13:33.33kaypeecan someone please help me calculate the amount of bandwidth required for a one minute phone call using the GSM codec ?
13:34.55synthetiqis that what is is newsole? no i dont think so
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13:35.02steffhi all
13:35.58NewSoleI know 4 providers they have a tap on thier voip lines.... vonage is one....
13:36.14jbotfrom memory, bandwidth is This is a measure, in some amount of bits per second, of theamount of data that can be sent over a particular cable, interface, orbus.
13:36.40jbotSimple Command Line Calculator. URL:
13:36.52[TK]D-Fenderumm.... ok no quick link I guess
13:38.40_m_There's not much to calculate, actually. The bandwidth doesn't change regardless of how long the call goes.
13:40.17NewSoleya but he probly has a cap on his internet connection.....
13:40.52synthetiqso any idea on the beeps?
13:42.33NewSolesynthetiq... I thought it might have been them cause I know I get beeps when I call US and overseas
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13:43.30kaypeehi .... sorry .... i got disconnected
13:44.12kaypeecan some one tell me how to calculate the bandwidth required to for a one minute conversation using the gsm codec
13:45.08synthetiq"them" ?
13:47.25NewSolesynthetiq... yes the US and Canadain Gov Deamed Internet Internation teritory and a warent is not needed to tap voip Calls unlike regular phone lines
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13:48.28NewSolethats what we do.... but your only limited to provider
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13:54.19gvag11does somebody knows what is the "..Don't know what to do with control frame 15 ..." message i get from my TE210P connected to an E1?
13:55.27asteriskmonkeydo you have the jumper on the card set to e1?
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13:58.44kaypeeany installed asterisk on the sun fire x4200 ?
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14:00.32kaypeehi heroine
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14:04.39gvag11asteriskmonkey : yes ...
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14:09.24rhousandI am looking for a VOIP service that i can use for incomming and out going call for my that will be clear and stable. Witch services should I use?
14:10.06LostFrogThat is a funny request.. How many people want a unclear and unstable service?
14:10.40mutilatoranyone here anygood at sql?
14:10.47mutilatori gots me a indexing/key question
14:11.14xhelioxrhousand: I use Teliax without any problems.
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14:11.50rhousandxheliox: I'l check and see it they have numbers in my town. thanks
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14:14.47docelmomutilator, what do you wanna know?   Is this MySQL or some other SQL?
14:15.05docelmoWhat do you wanna know?
14:15.06mutilatorwhen i do an explain on my select query it says possible keys are 'enddatetime' but there is no key used
14:15.12mutilatorwhen i try FORCE INDEX (enddatetime) there is still no key used.. <- the query
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14:16.04docelmoHow are you doing an explian on a select query?   Thats something new to me..  I have heard of explaining a table but not select queries..
14:16.23mutilatorjust type explain before the select
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14:17.38docelmointeresting..  learn something new every day..   thanks for that tidbit.
14:18.06mutilatorheh no prob
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14:21.05rhousandxheliox: that look great thanks for the info.
14:22.55docelmoYou have a very interesting delema..
14:24.44docelmocan you explian tt and userlogs?
14:25.39docelmoCause what I am wondering is if you have a key defined in the table.  Which I know your forcing it.  But I have never seen the problem your describing except when they key isnt defined in the table.
14:26.26LostFrogIs explain a MySQL thing?
14:27.15docelmoas far as I know..  I havent seen that command on any other SQL db framework
14:27.33LostFrogI tried it with MicroShaft..
14:27.42LostFrogDidn't work.
14:29.51docelmoI know it doesnt work on MSSQL..   I dont know bout pgsql..  I primarily use Mysql
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14:31.07brent21good morning
14:31.19docelmoits monday..  there is nothing good about it.
14:32.02docelmoNow..  You say the samething friday..  Then my response would be YIPPIE..   but today..   I dont think so
14:32.03brent21I have a dialplan question, we just installed a PRI, and one of the main numbers coming into our office is 0200
14:32.13brent21so I set the extension up to answer (because CO pipes 4 digits)
14:32.24docelmoDont they suck
14:32.26brent21it turns out one of the people here has the extension 0200 as well
14:32.50brent21i want to dialplan to answer and play our IVR on that extension
14:33.02brent21but if someone were to dial 0200 during the IVR, i want it to go to his extension
14:33.03docelmook to answer your Q off the bat..  Create an context for inbound DID's from the PRI and then use GoTo's to redirect them to extensions
14:33.40docelmoor other contexts..
14:33.50brent21yeah, currently I have an incoming context
14:33.50docelmoeither way..  I ran into somewhat of the same issue
14:34.02docelmoincoming for DID's only not your end users
14:34.08brent21but when the user dials 0200, it runs right back to #1 for that incoming DID
14:34.16brent21(which is the IVR)
14:34.23docelmolitte more work but does work
14:34.41brent21ohh i got you
14:34.43docelmoyes..  You will have to seperate them..   have an [inbounddid] context
14:34.46brent21it just clicked :)
14:34.56docelmoand a [inofficecall] context
14:34.57brent21so incoming for DID's, do a go to like s,1, some other context
14:35.09brent21and then they can dial 0200 happily
14:35.11docelmoyes or match on the DID and sent it forward
14:35.21docelmoerr send..
14:35.22brent21nice, thanks a lot
14:35.26docelmono biggie..
14:35.30iCEBrkrHow the hell do you load-test Asterisk?
14:36.06iCEBrkrJust calls in general.  I'm not gonna be using it for VoIP stuff.
14:36.24docelmo2 ways do a never ending loop inside of asterisk with another asterisk box..   OR  buy a sip load tester
14:36.30docelmohavent seen a GNU one yet.
14:36.57iCEBrkrI thought about building a second Asterisk box as a 'robot' type deal.  Script it to answer calls
14:37.14iCEBrkrBut then you have a bit of an issue as the 'robot' box needs to be just as beefy as the production box
14:37.19coppicethere is a free SIP load tester. I can't remember its name, though
14:37.54docelmoice yes this is true..   why I have a nice beefy one..  I use it as my production office machine..
14:38.29iCEBrkrWell, I'll make due with what I have then.
14:38.49iCEBrkrTechnically I could use two asterisk boxes to answer calls made from the production box.
14:38.50[TK]D-FenderASterisk DB question : If I set a key-pair to black in a DBPut statement, does it erase the value or the key's existance?
14:38.52iCEBrkr'load balance'
14:39.44iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: black?
14:39.55[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr : ?
14:40.03[TK]D-Fenderoh.. blank <-
14:40.10iCEBrkrWhat do you mean by setting it black?
14:40.11docelmo[TK]D-Fender, Yes.. it erases it
14:40.16[TK]D-Fenderas in DBPut(family/key=)
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14:40.55[TK]D-Fendergood... I'm redoing my master config to work off of ASTDB now
14:41.10tzafrir_laptopiCEBrkr, use sipp
14:41.12docelmoNow if you do DBGet() and its not existant you will get n+101 or an empty VAR
14:41.20docelmodepending on how you set it up
14:41.26docelmotzafrir_laptop, sipp?
14:41.37tzafrir_laptopgenerate a call from a music file to a sipp listener
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14:41.55[TK]D-Fenderdocelmo : that much I knew.  I'm making macros to do the master setup of extensions, and others to change specific sections (like forwarding, DND, etc)
14:41.58iCEBrkrtzafrir_laptop: I guess that could work.
14:42.07iCEBrkrtzafrir_laptop: Since I really need to load-test these AGI scripts. :-/
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14:42.13tzafrir_laptopgenerate as many calls as you like of this type (using call files or manager Originate)
14:42.13iCEBrkr..and we all know how AGI's are
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14:42.23docelmoahh..   I just went thru that headache about a month ago
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14:42.55docelmophpagi can only handle about 10 calls a minute..
14:43.04[TK]D-Fenderdocelmo : My dialplan has more that doubled and I am going to break the forwarding section into its own include file
14:43.13iCEBrkrdocelmo: 10 calls/min?
14:43.30docelmoThats what I found b4 my old LCR script shit all over the place..
14:43.42iCEBrkrdocelmo: I'm gonna be dialing 69 lines at a time.
14:43.54docelmoI could code it in C then
14:44.13iCEBrkrThe PHP scripts I have are about 10lines of code.  Very basic/simple SQL queries.
14:44.37docelmoI understand..  But trust me on this one..  This is why I converted everything I had to C
14:44.43iCEBrkrthen obviously, I'm setting a few variables.  I kept all the logic I could in the extensions.conf
14:44.58jac]Z[obymodems suck
14:45.28iCEBrkrdocelmo: So I should probably look into the SQL module then, eh? :)
14:45.55docelmoyou could..
14:46.00iCEBrkrI think there's a different one.
14:46.06iCEBrkrBut basically, yeah
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14:47.05iCEBrkrTho, I'm thinking it'll be ok, since most of the time is spent in 'asterisk'.  I do a read and then a write.  It's a data driven survey dialplan.
14:47.43iCEBrkrEach survey takes < 5mins to take.
14:49.54cnet2hi, I want to use prepaid cards with asterisk, so I downloaded the astbill cd, but it only runs on the CD, i would be prefer it installs on the HD.  Anyone know how to do it from the Astbill Live CD?,  cause installing debian then asterisk then astbill, is been kind of a hasle
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14:51.14cnet2i found some instructions on the website to do it, but they don't match with the cd interface..
14:53.58iCEBrkrBuild a linux box and copy the CD's contents into the corresponding directories
14:54.20cnet2good idea.  I'll try that
14:54.29cnet2would it matter if i install debian
14:54.38cnet2and the astbill uses another linux distro
14:55.03iCEBrkrIt may.
14:55.20iCEBrkrSince things are located in slightly different directories.
14:56.30synthetiqso would anyone know why i get beeps on phone calls? mainly analog lines
14:57.00iCEBrkrsynthetiq: Cuz you're recording the calls. :P
14:57.15synthetiqhow am i recording the calls
14:57.27synthetiqi dont believe i have anything like that set
14:57.30iCEBrkr:P  <= Signifies JOKE
14:58.00synthetiqwhats the not joke answer =]
14:58.13iCEBrkrWhat kinda beeps?
14:58.34LostFrogR2D2 is on the line.
14:59.43*** join/#asterisk Morex (
15:00.30MorexAnybody out there using Asterisk Queues: We've just updated the Asterisk Queues Tutorial at to take account of Asterisk 1.2.0
15:00.40MorexComments/feedback welcome...
15:01.19iCEBrkrMorex: Cool stuff
15:01.51MorexThanks iCEBrkr
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15:02.35pog-frHi guys : )
15:03.07pog-fris there any one around got a h.323 trunk working between avaya s8700 & * ? got mine working only way s8700 -> * , not other way :S
15:05.23pog-frgot some strange messages from oh323
15:06.01Seba_soytry chan_h323
15:06.05Seba_soyor ooh323
15:06.17pog-frwas using ooh323 sorry
15:06.25Seba_soytry others...
15:06.35Seba_soyI had problems with ooh323 too
15:06.40Seba_soyactually i am using
15:07.28pog-frok ok, will try chan_h323 , back soon :D
15:07.29synthetiqwhat kinda  abeep
15:07.40synthetiqnot callwaiting or dtmf
15:08.20pog-frmy sip phone on asterisk still ringing when I anwser avaya phone
15:08.33pog-fr16:05:51:413  ERROR: Logical Channel 1002 not found, fast start. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)
15:08.35pog-fr16:05:53:905  ERROR: Logical Channel 1002 not found, fasts start answered. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)
15:09.31Seba_soytry chan_h323
15:09.39Seba_soyor disable FAST START.
15:09.49*** part/#asterisk m160858 (n=jsaenz@
15:11.52pog-fri've already try with out fast start , retrying to past msg
15:13.23pog-fr16:12:27:127  ERROR:Incompatible audio capabilities - Can not open audio channel (outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)
15:13.23pog-fr16:12:27:127  ERROR:Failed to open audio channels. Clearing call.(outgoing, ooh323c_o_1)
15:13.23pog-frlook like pb in codecs sets
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15:14.13pog-fravaya phone ring and when I answer , call is disconnect on my avaya phone , but 'Connected' on sip
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15:14.23pog-frwell i'll try chan_323 ;)
15:14.33Drukenavaya does sip ?
15:15.11pog-frIt doesn't , got those:
15:15.32pog-frsip phone - asterisk - ooh323 - s8700 - avaya ip phone(4610)
15:16.01pog-fri don't use ip-ip
15:16.08pog-frto got those working
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15:23.47SeyrI use IP x.x.x.x on all my phones and when eth0 is configured for x.x.x.x, everything works fine. If I put y.y.y.y on eth0 and x.x.x.x on eth0:0, 99% of my phones do not connect :-( but a couple do..... anyone ever see something like this?
15:23.53pointercan anyone recommend a sip-based device that can terminate a PRI that works well with asterisk?
15:23.58*** part/#asterisk brent21 (n=Brent21@
15:25.06DrukenSeyr: probably because the data sent out that device would be x.x.x.x and the phone is expecting y.y.y.y to reply
15:26.34hackeronI'm very new to all this and I'm having trouble grasping the concepts. We have 4 offices with 30 people - we have weekly conferences and typical communication is either people phoning us or we phone each other. I'm quite lost where to start - say I rent 10 lines from a VoIP provider, how does asterisk utilize them? if say we have 5 in each office can outgoing calls to the US be made from the US asterisk pbx in the US office? Is ...
15:26.40hackeron... there a fictional tutorial somwhere that lists things from buying the hardware to connecting the PBX to the VoIP gateway, etc -- I'm just really lost here :(
15:27.35Drukenhackeron: in your case.. it might just be easier to pay someone to set it up for ya :)
15:27.59Seyrhackeron: put an * server in US, connect it to VoIP provider and have all your phones connect to the * box :-)
15:28.32Seyrhackeron: easiest thing to do is get an * box setup and connect it to a VoIP provider and connect one phone to it
15:28.41Seyronce thats done, connecting the other 29 phones is easy
15:28.50iDunnomorning teh Katty
15:29.09KattyiDunno: how's my time
15:29.14hackeronSeyr: How do I connect it to a VoIP provider, is it something like giving it a SIP address with a username/password?
15:29.24Seyrhackeron: yeh
15:29.26iDunnoapparently several hours behind mine :)
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15:29.31Seyrjust edit config to connect to the provider
15:29.41KattyiDunno: (=
15:29.46Seyrit will shoot calls to you and you have phones use that provider to route outbound
15:29.47iDunno6 hours infact
15:30.09KattyiDunno: you brit
15:30.10iDunnowhich puts you to the left a bit, I think.
15:30.13Seyrhackeron: once you go through the sip.conf a few times, it will make sense
15:30.22iDunnotime starts here ;)
15:30.25KattyiDunno: you're an uker!
15:30.33hackeronSeyr: hmm, and asterisk will handle the call waiting, forwarding, conferencing, etc or that depends on some more expensive option from the VoIP provider?
15:30.33KattyiDunno: time starts in aussieland.
15:30.33iCEBrkrI gotta get our Asterisk box integrated into our PBX.  Cuz they spend money on one of those conference calls providers..
15:30.45*** part/#asterisk pointer (
15:31.00Seyrhackeron: you handle that on the * box, just a matter of setting it all up
15:31.31hackeronSeyr: ok, so say I buy a single incoming and 2 people phone, can I accept a phone call from both on different phones?
15:31.47SeyriCEBrkr: Just setup meetme with an inbound number and use that :-) no need to configure it into PBX.. it would be just like using a provider, except you dont pay the premium
15:32.15iDunnoKatty: nooo - +0000 is definately GMT, and I'm sure greenwich is only just up the traintrack ;)
15:32.33iCEBrkrSeyr: Yea, I know :P
15:32.58DrukeniDunno: what the hell isn't "just up the train track" over there?
15:32.59iCEBrkrSeyr: I don't have a inbound number tho.  I'd just like to use one of the DID's that rings into our PBX
15:33.12iDunnoDruken: the pub. that's just up the road :)
15:33.41Seyrhackeron: outbound doesnt matter, depending on talk paths you get from your provider. so if you have 1 inbound, but your provider lets you use multiple talk paths, then you can make outbound on as many phones as your provider lets you. I have offices setup with 30 talk paths, but one inbound DID
15:33.47*** join/#asterisk SparFux (n=player@tor/session/x-733ca14a5e312e54)
15:34.00Drukenhackeron: do you have a substantial internet connection at one of your 4 offices?
15:34.34hackeronDruken: T1 in each office
15:35.04hackeronDruken: its building shared but we always get max speed
15:35.37iDunnoiCEBrkr: I felt like that on Saturday - but then I was out from Friday 5pm -> Saturday 3am :)
15:35.49Seyrhackeron: I'd advise getting some cheap VoIP single line, like Broadvoice ro something and connect it to you * box and get it working. Once you can get that working, just connect to a wholesale provider or someone who lets you have multiple talk paths and go from there
15:35.58iCEBrkriDunno: I've just been drinking everyday. Friday-->Sunday
15:35.59Seyrthe heardest thing is getting that first phone and connection working
15:36.11iCEBrkriDunno: I don't wanna see another beer until next weekend :)
15:36.49KattyiDunno: pfft.
15:36.58KattyiDunno: you've clearly insaned.
15:37.11*** part/#asterisk chendy (n=chendy@
15:37.27dogtanianKatty: +0000 is definately GMT..... I live in Greenwich ;)  BST (british summer time) is GMT+1
15:37.33hackeronSeyr: hmm, sounds good, I'll do that :) - So I basically pay per talk path when I go to that wholesale provider? -- And how much is it per talk path? -- 1 last question is I dont need a VoIP provider to do inter company communication like SIP phone to SIP phone through asterisk, do I?
15:37.46Kattydogtanian: uhh, k
15:37.49*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
15:37.53Kattydogtanian: not that i actually care :)
15:37.58Seyrhackeron: no, phone to phone is just bandwidth
15:38.20Seyras far as a provider, they range from 1.3 cents a minute per talk path, to 3.0+ cents
15:38.27Seyrdepends on how much searching you do
15:38.47hackeronSeyr: sounds fantastic! :)
15:38.53Seyror get an Unlimited package, but those are mostly just a few talk paths at most
15:39.16Seyri've been to some that charge $17.00US for Unlimited, then $4.00US per talk path after the first
15:39.48Seyrit all depends on call volume :-) sometimes Unlimited is best, but I prefer per minute per talk path myself
15:40.32hackeronyeah, I guess that depends on the use. What about line rental and recieving calls? -- Is it per minute for both recieving and making calls?
15:41.19Seyrhackeron: depends on provider, some are free inbound, but charge outbound... but those are rare. i'd say be prepared for 2 cents a minute inbound and outbound, if you pay per minute
15:41.20file[desk]it all depends on the company
15:41.44hackeronright, thanks!
15:42.45Seyrfile, yall using Heartbeat?
15:43.03Seyror just round robin?
15:44.12file[desk]for asterlink? switch is just round robin
15:44.46Seyrim trying to do heartbeat, but 99% of phones wont connect once heartbeat brings up IP
15:45.16iDunnoKatty: so, why does time start in aus, then? Who's there that's important? ;)
15:45.23Seyrweird thing is, I cannot find ANY similarities between the phones that DO connect
15:45.41iDunnoSeyr: they connect - that's a similarity
15:45.50*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
15:46.15Seyrphone plugged straight into the 3750 switch that * is in connects fine ... a phone in Venezuala(sp?) connects fine and a phone in Texas on RoadRunner connects fine
15:47.05Seyrone phone is Polycom, other is Cisco and last is XLite ... one of each
15:47.23*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
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15:48.56Seyrstupid question, if anyone knows... can you specify GATEWAYDEV=eth0:0 in ifcfg?
15:50.33Seba_soywho knows how asterisk generates UNIQUEID?
15:50.48[TK]D-FenderSeba_soy: based on the unix date/time
15:51.18Seba_soynothing more?
15:51.48*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
15:52.28[TK]D-Fenderpretty much it.
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15:55.14Seba_soyso with UNIQUED plus IPADDRES I can have an unique record.
15:55.15Seyroh well.. gonna try setting it for eth0:0 and see what happens. worse case, I have to drive to Level3 :-)
15:56.09[TK]D-FenderSeba_soy : the unixtime alone gets you some fraction of a second of precision as to a call coming in.  only in the highest fluke should there be a duplicate.
15:56.15iCEBrkrI can't grab a DID from our PBX and dump the call into MeetMe
15:56.22iCEBrkrI don't have anyway of grabbing more than one call.
15:56.36[TK]D-FenderSeba_soy : and not all calls have an IP.  thats typically not visible unless you are doing serious coding anyways
15:56.42*** join/#asterisk steve___ (
15:57.35DrukeniCEBrkr: not unless your pbx provides PRI services
15:58.29iCEBrkrDruken: The problem is on the Asterisk side.  I don't have any interface between our PBX<->Asterisk other than VoIP or the X100P clone.
15:58.39iCEBrkr<- El'Cheapo
15:58.42Drukenwhat you could do however, is have the pbx hang off of the asterisk
15:59.08iCEBrkrHow man inbound calls will VoicePulse pass? :)
16:01.36Seba_soy[TK]D-Fender: no problem for that, I got ipaddress from a global variable setting... :)
16:01.57*** join/#asterisk IOscanner (
16:01.57[TK]D-FenderDoesn't seem to make it any more unique....
16:02.11IOscannerHas anyone used openvox  FXO cards?
16:02.13*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
16:03.25tdonahuehi all, how can i limit the number of concurrent calls that a sip account can make?
16:04.17Drukenincominglimit outgoinglimit
16:04.20Drukenin sip.conf
16:04.34KattyiDunno: cause they're the farthest in the future
16:04.35Beirdobjohnson: was it you that was interested in my now unused humidor?
16:05.26tdonahueThanks Drunken
16:06.08iCEBrkro/~ What'cha gonna do with all that junk, all that junk inside that trunk? o/~
16:07.31*** join/#asterisk CANO-1982 (i=alejandr@
16:07.32LostFrogDruken: That is deprecated.. Use setgroup.
16:08.02CANO-1982I have a problem with my voicemail setup
16:08.09tdonahueDruken: is that the number of channels the account can have open or the number of calls?  say we have a trunk with a concurrent call limit of 10 concurrent calls, incominglimit should be set to 10, correct?
16:08.10bjohnsonBeirdo: hehe.  Just a thought for a friend at one time.  I don't think he was that serious
16:08.22Beirdowell, I have no need for it
16:08.31bjohnsonBeirdo: I've got 100 sticks coming up from jrcigars
16:08.36Beirdoif you want it, let me know, you can give it to him for Christmas
16:08.41Beirdoor keep it :)
16:08.41CANO-1982everything worked just fine with asterisk 1.0.9
16:08.45*** join/#asterisk phantam (n=cchance@
16:08.47phantamhey guys
16:08.51BeirdoI no longer smoke cigars
16:08.52phantami got a problem PLEASE help
16:09.01CANO-1982but it doesn't with version 1.2
16:09.02LostFrogMmm.. Cigars
16:09.05iCEBrkrCANO-1982: That's cuz 1.2.x is way different now :P
16:09.05phantamfor some reason i have the h323 and i tried the oh323
16:09.08bjohnsonI've got 50 of these giants coming
16:09.09CANO-1982I cant login
16:09.22Beirdoit'd be a shame to toss a perfectly good humidor if someone relatively local wants it :)
16:09.25phantamboth end up crashing out on starting asterisk with error that ldap
16:09.30CANO-1982Is the login diferent?
16:09.36LostFrogSounds like an off-brand, bjohnson
16:09.39bjohnsonBeirdo: getting together to get it is a bit of a pita anyway.  Even if you come back to TO.  You're still in Montreal non?
16:09.48iDunnoKatty: ahh - point, very good point. here, have a biscuit.
16:09.49BeirdoI'm in TO
16:09.51iCEBrkrCANO-1982: Shouldn't be.  Did you reconfigure your voicemail.conf?
16:09.52BeirdoI live here
16:10.09LostFrogI have a JR in DC, and I still haven't visited it.
16:10.14CANO-1982no, I use the ssame voicemail.conf
16:10.17benjkBeirdo: I think you are in the wrong channel
16:10.23Beirdono I'm not :)
16:10.32bjohnsonLostFrog: I had a box of the conona of that brand about 5 years ago.  Since then I've bought a few individual sticks.  I'm hoping the big boys are as good as the coronas
16:11.11LostFrogI mostly smoke LGC and Hoyos.
16:11.36Beirdomy "usual" was Cuban Cohiba... corona size
16:11.45Beirdogotta love being in Canada
16:11.46bjohnsonBeirdo: where in TO?  I have a sister near Dufferin & Eglington that maybe I could impose upon for a pickup
16:11.52*** join/#asterisk logicalonline (n=Ken@
16:12.01BeirdoI'm in harbourfront, but I can get on TTC easily enough
16:12.03LostFroglol.. Preembargo or postembargo?
16:12.09logicalonlinehey, is anyone here using sayson / aastra 480i with asterisk?
16:12.17bjohnsonCohiba's never wowed me when you consider their price
16:12.19BeirdoLostFrog: there is no embargo in Canada
16:12.35bjohnsonBeirdo: I wouldn't ask you to deliver it
16:12.39LostFrogYes, I know. but I have noticed a difference in quality since the US embargo.
16:13.06Beirdoand Honduran and Nicaraguan are decent
16:13.15bjohnsonLostFrog: since the US embargo?  You had pre-castro smokes?
16:13.22bjohnsonI LOVE Honduran
16:13.43LostFrogYes.. I have a really nice unclue. :)
16:13.58bjohnsonholy moley
16:14.04BeirdoI'll have to get the humidor out for ya, bjohnson
16:14.17Beirdoit's down in the storage closet right now (and I'm in work)
16:14.26Beirdowe can work something out for pickup, etc.
16:14.34LostFrogI wish I wasn't so poort..
16:14.35phantamso no one uses h323 on 1.2.0?
16:14.37LostFrogpoor, even.
16:14.38BeirdoI don't need it and it'd be a shame to toss
16:14.42bjohnsonok.  maybe over the xmas break
16:14.57Beirdosure, I'll be in TO most of the holiday AFAIK
16:15.03bjohnsonI could take the boys to my sister for a visit and come down to harbourfront
16:15.11Beirdoit's not huge, but it's free :)
16:15.19bjohnsonI like the price
16:15.23phantamwhenever i try to compile app-ldap i get /usr/include/asterisk/file.h:27:2: #error You must include stdio.h before file.h!
16:15.30Beirdowell, ya can buy me a coffee if ya want :)
16:15.35Seba_soyphantam: I USE H323
16:15.42bjohnsonBeirdo: pm?
16:15.57phantamwhen i have h323 installed i get an error that libldap is missing during asterisk bootup
16:16.06phantamand if i try to install app-ldap i get that error above
16:16.15Seba_soyphantam: just edit SOURCE file and put INCLUDE <STDIO.H> before INCLUDE <FILE.H>
16:16.48phantamso the sources are b0rked?
16:17.20Seba_soyi dont know, I had that kind of problems before and i solved it doing what I told you
16:18.04Seba_soyI think editing file.h and doing those modifications will solve you problem
16:20.33phantam1 sec
16:23.57*** part/#asterisk logicalonline (n=Ken@
16:24.57*** join/#asterisk paryl (
16:25.37parylis there a way to transfer out of voicemail?  my old pbx allowed for "0#" to get out to an operator
16:25.58Drukenit's an option in voicemail
16:26.36drumkilla'0' will have Voicemail exit to the 'o' extension
16:27.00drumkillaif it exists
16:27.12parylat what point can you hit 0?
16:27.28drumkillaany, i think ... *shrugs*
16:27.51drumkillaguess you'll have to play with it :)
16:28.35Drukenasaik, anytime before the "beep"
16:28.37tzangerokI have ONE thread working
16:29.06drumkillago tzanger !!
16:29.27iCEBrkrtzanger: oh man, what are you hacking now? :)
16:29.44tzangernow I need to figure out why the other two hardlock
16:29.56tzangerI have my main context successfully using a condiiton var with the status thread
16:30.05tzangerit just prints "tick\ntock\ntick\ntock..." now every second :-)
16:31.47tzangernah he's not used
16:31.57tzangernow to see if I can bring the devicenet thread in, it seemed to work
16:33.25phantami added stdio
16:33.29phantamand did make and make install
16:33.30phantambut same error
16:33.45parylwell, i have operator=yes in voicemail.conf, but hitting 0 doesn't do anything
16:35.02drumkilladid you make an 'o' extension?
16:35.34parylwhat context should it be in?
16:36.01*** join/#asterisk KranZ (
16:36.31[TK]D-Fenderparyl : I'm unsure myself just reading up on it. It could be the context you called Voicemail from, or the context that your VM box resides in in voicemail.conf
16:36.43[TK]D-Fenderparyl : I shudder at the altter for the control you lose...
16:36.54*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
16:37.30Seyrok, I had to turn Heartbeat off.... just aint working with the virt IP
16:37.47Seyr90% of phones just wont connect/work on the IP if it is secondary
16:37.54saftsacki have a quadbri card which provides 3NT busses and it has 1te bus. if theres an incoming call i want to give it to all telephones. so how can i dial ALL telephones on ALL nt ports? (misdn)
16:37.57parylthere's also a dialout variable in voicemail.conf... maybe that's the one?
16:38.15phantamapp-ldap installed
16:38.18phantambut the same problem
16:39.39phantamARG app-ldap and app-authentication-ldap neither helped
16:40.02parylif i get into the console using asterisk -r, can i turn on the logging level that i would have with asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvgc, or do i have to restart with that?
16:43.06[TK]D-Fenderparyl : in cli -> "set verbose 50" or whatever
16:44.01parylawesome, thanks
16:45.01[TK]D-Fender&^%%&^$# Allstream screwed up the LD on my fax-lines converted from DID's :(
16:45.13*** join/#asterisk FaithX (
16:48.00tzafrir_laptopparyl, also: asterisk -rvvvvvvvvv
16:48.53paryltzafrir: i mean without restarting asterisk
16:50.46[TK]D-Fenderparyl : eitherway we suggested will change your current verbosity to wahtever you like.
16:50.50[TK]D-Fenderwithout restarting
16:50.59[TK]D-FenderEach CLI connection can be different
16:51.09parylOH.... i get it
16:51.12parylthanks ;)
16:51.39Katty[TK]D-Fender: christmas cookie baking day!
16:52.22[TK]D-FenderMAILING UP THIS WAY? ;)
16:52.29file[desk]mmm cookies
16:52.32BeirdoKatty: christmas cookies?  that sounds yummy.
16:52.32[TK]D-Fendersilly caps
16:52.43KattyBeirdo: i'll be personally icing them too
16:52.52Beirdothat reminds me, I was gonna bake some scones tonight
16:53.09Beirdommmm, cooookie :)
16:53.37Katty[TK]D-Fender: i usually don't mail sugar cookies.
16:53.46Katty[TK]D-Fender: the mailed cookies are the chocolate cookies with chocolate chips.
16:54.02file[desk]Katty: you should mail me some too
16:54.14Kattyfile[desk]: i'm not mailing sugar cookies.
16:54.26Beirdosome people just don't listen :)
16:54.30Kattyfile[desk]: the icing would get all messed up.
16:54.45file[desk]I'll take chocolate cookies
16:54.45iCEBrkr8() Coooooookieeeeeee!
16:54.45[TK]D-FenderSorry Beirdo... what were you saying? ;)
16:54.52BeirdoI should make some shortbread too
16:55.01Kattyfile[desk]: i'm not making chocolate chip cookies, i'm making sugar cookies.
16:55.02file[desk]or shortbread cookies, those are good too
16:55.08file[desk]Katty: but why not? :(
16:55.10Kattyfile[desk]: why don't you make me some cookies?
16:55.15Kattyno one /ever/ makes me cookies.
16:55.19file[desk]they might poison you, I don't want that
16:55.37Kattyi should start mailing cookies to people who mail them to me
16:55.37*** join/#asterisk AndreOfStonemarc (
16:55.44BeirdoI'd make some, but I'm not sure they'd get across the border...  bet the postal gumbies would eat them all
16:56.08Kattyi've shipped cookies to canada and aussieland
16:56.10Kattyand germany
16:56.15Kattyand denmark......and england..
16:56.28Beirdowhat do ya ship them in?
16:56.28Kattynever give me a problem.
16:56.38Kattya foil based lasagna pan.
16:56.44Kattywith layers of waxed paper inbetween
16:56.52BeirdoI guess I have not much trust in postal employees for some reason
16:57.00Beirdoahhh, never would have thought of that
16:57.13Beirdoand then brown paper around the whole thing, I guess
16:57.15Kattyyou don't ship cookies regularly, Beirdo ;)
16:57.18AndreOfStonemarcWhere do I ask a question re asterisk debugging?
16:57.24Beirdoobviously not, Katty
16:57.34[TK]D-FenderAndreOfStonemarc : Here works :)
16:57.46Kattyi'm working on several dozen batches of cookies for co-workers
16:57.50file[desk]AndreOfStonemarc: or #asterisk-dev
16:58.02file[desk]yes - we have a development channel
16:58.03file[desk]crazy eh?
16:58.03BeirdoKatty: you're just too nice :)
16:58.17KattyBeirdo: i find it cures my depression for awhile.
16:58.23AndreOfStonemarcI am trying to determin in I should use the loopstart or kewlstart config.
16:58.23file[desk]Katty is VERY nice, and VERY cute in real life
16:58.37Kattyfile[desk]: that's what you think
16:58.42Beirdoyeah, it could be affective for that.  Being busy gets your mind off being down.
16:58.44file[desk]Katty: I know so!
16:58.45Beirdoit works for me too
16:58.47AndreOfStonemarcVerizon tells me the line is lookstart.
16:59.03KattyBeirdo: it's especially important in the winter......i have sad :<
16:59.10Beirdome too :(
16:59.11KattyBeirdo: the sunshine goes away for days...
16:59.14Drukeni'd be intrested to know what Katty looks like...
16:59.19Drukeni bet she's a lil cutie
16:59.30AndreOfStonemarcThe issue is that asterisk cant tell when the remote party hangs up.
16:59.31Beirdoyeah, it sucks...  another reason I'm glad I'm moving to PR soon
16:59.38[TK]D-FenderAndreOfStonemarc : Typically in North-America you can use Kewl-start just fine.
16:59.42*** join/#asterisk m160858 (n=jsaenz@
16:59.44KattyDruken: if you're looking for something to drool over, i'd recommend finding a steak. kthx.
16:59.52[TK]D-FenderAndreOfStonemarc : Disconnect detection isthe bane of *
17:00.11Beirdono drooling over the nice geek girl in our midst :)
17:00.12[TK]D-FenderTahts what Kewlstart is for.
17:00.22*** part/#asterisk lme (
17:00.26Kattythat's one sure way to piss me off.
17:00.34AndreOfStonemarcRight now I have busydetection turned on, but it plays hell with any confernces.
17:00.36Beirdoso not surprised there
17:00.39Kattyi'm not some pretty and dumb chick
17:00.45file[desk]analog is evil
17:00.57Beirdobut you're allowed to be a pretty and smart one, but that's your choice, of course.
17:01.11BeirdoI'll just treat you like a nice person, and all will be well. :)
17:01.11DrukenKatty: nah... i don't need you to drool over, i have my girlfriend for that...
17:01.19KattyDruken: excellent.
17:01.35Drukenit's just always nice to have a face to put to the nick
17:01.35iDunnoKatty: can I drool over you instead?
17:01.42KattyiDunno: no
17:01.49KattyiDunno: run along and go do something.
17:01.55iDunnoKatty: damn.
17:02.15Beirdogo have a snow fight with a snow plow :)
17:02.31iDunnoBeirdo: with what snow?!
17:02.31SeyrIf it wasn't for the amusement of IRC< I would have went crazy a looong time ago
17:02.32Beirdoyou ever got hit by a 6 foot wall of snow?
17:02.40Beirdothat's always a joyous occasion
17:03.04iDunnoBeirdo: heh - I think I can safely avoid that, this is the UK - we don't know what snow is :)
17:03.10m160858every certain time, passes this to me
17:03.12AndreOfStonemarcIs there some way to tell if the line has disconnect suppervision, because the tech I called, didn't know?
17:03.15BeirdoI used to have to wait for the school bus by the highway...  you learn real quick to always face where the plow comes from
17:03.27m160858why? what can i do?
17:03.40DrukenBeirdo: that's gotta suck...
17:03.51jimmy_deanPBAre there any requirements for an mp3 file that can be played via music on hold?
17:03.51Drukencourse, you must be deaf if you don't hear it coming :)
17:03.58BeirdoDruken: you bet...  Highway 69 near Parry Sound
17:04.05file[desk]I'm doing work-like work O.O
17:04.11Drukenyour from around here?
17:04.22Kattyfile[desk]: :<
17:04.25[TK]D-Fenderm160858 : your phone setups don't looks too good.  Pastebin your sip.conf
17:04.27Beirdogrew up near Parry Sound.  Am in TO now
17:04.36tzangerjimmy_deanPB: not really, but it's best if it's 8kHz mono
17:04.37Drukeni didn't know that...
17:04.45Beirdothe centre of the universe and all
17:04.49tzangerBeirdo: you don't go to the toronto asterisk user's meetings do you?
17:04.54BeirdoI went once
17:04.58Beirdothen I keep forgetting
17:05.01Drukeni've never been
17:05.02file[desk]Katty: you're silly!!!
17:05.03tzangerI'll remind you when I go :-)
17:05.08jimmy_deanPBtzanger, ok, I made a little test music on hold extension and when I call it, the console says it's playing but I hear nothing
17:05.25Beirdothey still up by North York Center?
17:05.25jimmy_deanPBmpg123 -t -v my_mp3.mp3 seems to like the file I'm spitting at it
17:05.41tzangerBeirdo: no idea ... mel lastman square
17:05.42Drukenisn't it still tobies?
17:05.48Beirdosounds about right
17:05.52[TK]D-Fenderjimmy_deanPB : did you put an ANSWER before starting playback?
17:05.58asteriskmonkeycan you get music on hold to play a streaming audio link?
17:06.02Beirdothey should put all the moose up in his square
17:06.05asteriskmonkeyie mms or winamp?
17:06.17jimmy_deanPB[TK]D-Fender, no, is that a requirement? The book I'm basing this off of didn't use Answer
17:06.22m160858hey, somebody can help me? .... i've have this problem
17:06.36jpablodoes sipura has the same "early dial" feature that grandstream has?
17:06.43m160858every certain time
17:06.47tzanger80% of the apps will change the channel state to answered, the other 20% don't
17:06.50Drukeni should piss off my neighbors next summer and invite all the ast users over for a bbq
17:06.50[TK]D-Fenderjimmy_deanPB : General rule : If you don't do an Answer first, you get no audio
17:06.51file[desk]Katty: I'm hungry :(
17:06.57asteriskmonkey<m160858>: are your thing behind firewalls?
17:06.59tzangerand it seems that the apps that do and don't tend to switch sides from time to time :-)
17:07.00jimmy_deanPB[TK]D-Fender, interesting...I'll try it
17:07.03Drukenfill the damn street in with cars like they always do
17:07.07[TK]D-Fenderm160858 : I already asked you to pastebin your sip.conf....
17:07.08BeirdoDruken: would be cool, but I'll be in PR by then :)
17:07.13Kattyfile[desk]: don't you have muffins?
17:07.19jimmy_deanPBtzanger, that's interesting too...why the inconsistency?
17:07.26Drukenporto rico
17:07.28tzangerjimmy_deanPB: because sometimes you really do not want to answer
17:07.32jimmy_deanPBtzanger, so you're saying it's best to be liberal with Answer if in doubt
17:07.33BeirdoPuerto Rico...
17:07.38tzangerjimmy_deanPB: correct
17:07.38file[desk]Katty: sadly no
17:07.43Beirdoyup :)
17:07.45jimmy_deanPBCoolAcid, good to know
17:07.46file[desk]so I'm going to get food
17:07.48Drukeni never ever claimed i could spell :)
17:07.49Kattyfile[desk]: horror.
17:07.49[TK]D-Fenderjimmy_deanPB : I concur
17:07.55*** part/#asterisk shanky (i=jramirez@
17:08.05Beirdoit's Spanish, we English-types have issues with spelling
17:08.11tzangerjimmy_deanPB: examples: dial() does not explicitly answer, and it shouldn't.  Neither does Playback, and it shouldn't either
17:08.24tzangerRead() should, but I don't recall if it does.  I don't think it does.
17:08.26jimmy_deanPBmakes sense
17:09.12Drukenyou too Beirdo? :)
17:09.16Beirdoyup :)
17:09.33file[desk]ah fudge
17:09.36file[desk]bbs yet again
17:09.45Drukeni got less then a year and i'll have a large ball attached to me...
17:09.47Beirdoain't it a wonderful feeling?  Until you get into the core of wedding planning, of course
17:09.57m160858asteriskmonkey: no i'm not
17:10.01BeirdoI got just over 5 months of being single left :)
17:10.12m160858i think so
17:10.18jimmy_deanPBtzanger, that did it
17:10.23*** join/#asterisk Dandan (
17:10.26jimmy_deanPBand boy does it not sound right :)
17:10.28DrukenBeirdo: yes and no... i'm one of those, i'm fine just living together.. doesn't matter to me if we get married or not...
17:10.33jimmy_deanPB160 khz sampled
17:10.41m160858usually, why appears that message?
17:10.42jimmy_deanPBbut it's playing back slowly
17:10.53BeirdoDruken:  ahhh.  not my style :)  and she's in another country anyways
17:11.17*** part/#asterisk AndreOfStonemarc (
17:11.17Dandanmarriage counseling on #asterisk? boy, u r all flexible :>
17:11.18m160858asteriskmonkey ?
17:11.25Beirdoheh :)
17:11.28*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
17:11.30Beirdosorry, Dandan
17:11.33Dandannp :)
17:11.39Dandanjust interesting to see
17:11.41BeirdoI can't help but be excited.
17:11.43jimmy_deanPBany good mp3 resampling utilities out there?
17:12.00Dandani got in the middle of conversation, what r u excited abut?
17:12.02[TK]D-Fenderjimmy_deanPB : SOX
17:12.05Dandanjimmy_deanPB: on win? lin?
17:12.13jimmy_deanPBDandan, linux or OS X
17:12.15BeirdoDandan: getting married soon :)  hehe
17:12.20jimmy_deanPBor Windows for that matter
17:12.35DandanBeirdo: congrats, i got married in '04 :) still like it :)
17:12.50Dandanjimmy_deanPB: hm, underwin/lin graph I use audacity
17:12.56Dandanbut that's prolly an overkill
17:12.58Beirdowho says that geeks can't find a life partner? :)
17:13.01jimmy_deanPBDandan, ahh, good idea
17:13.09jimmy_deanPB[TK]D-Fender, SOX is for linux?
17:13.09DandanBeirdo: not me :)
17:13.12jimmy_deanPBis it command line?
17:13.23[TK]D-Fenderjimmy_deanPB : yup, its the defacto audio tool for CLI
17:13.28Dandana bit rough on the edges but very powerful
17:13.35jimmy_deanPBnice, sounds good to me...probably in apt for debian too
17:13.38Beirdosox...  I remember the days of using it under MS-DOS :)
17:13.54Dandani used protracker to listen to amiga mods
17:14.04Beirdothose were the days
17:14.06tzangerI used Scream Tracker to compose them :-)
17:14.12*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (n=junky@
17:14.13Dandanthat were the days when nobody thought of mp3...
17:14.25Dandantzanger: lol :)
17:14.25file[desk]hey-hey JunK-Y!
17:14.28JunK-Yhey hey, whats up?
17:14.38Dandani remember cursing everyone who put too many samples :)
17:14.39file[desk]making food and trying to get a test system up
17:14.41*** join/#asterisk PupenoL (n=pupeno@
17:14.42jimmy_deanPB[TK]D-Fender, thanks, sox installed
17:14.49jimmy_deanPBdebian rocks for an asterisk box :)
17:14.50Dandani still remember the pitch out of my pc-squeaker
17:15.02*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
17:16.11BeirdoJust hit play on some Jamiroquai...  starts with a digeridoo...  my coworker said "what the hell is that, is that your mating call?"
17:16.38*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
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17:18.27Dandanhm, anyone using asterisk on slack?
17:18.56[TK]D-Fender|lunI do
17:19.09phantamnow i trying to install openldap
17:19.19phantamand i getting that the runpaths are insecure wth
17:19.29[TK]D-Fender|lunSlack has always been most co-operative with me....
17:19.37Dandani just finished doing installscripts for asterisk, -sounds -addons and libnewt, as well as libpri and zaptel
17:19.44Dandanif anyone is interested in using...
17:20.00Dandanit is for i686 and optimized gcc :)
17:20.19Dandanhi m160858
17:20.23m160858i have the same problem
17:20.46m160858who knows about queues? i need work like call center
17:20.52docelmoHay any digium guys in here?
17:20.59m160858but it doesn't works ok
17:21.23m160858Dandan? you knows works on queues?
17:21.26*** join/#asterisk mik00 (
17:21.44mik00hi, is there an easy way to add a pass code to the conf rooms 5001, 5002?/
17:22.00Dandanm160858: yeah, a bit
17:22.04Dandannot now, sorry though :)
17:22.05Qwellmik00: Did you actually read the meetme.conf file?
17:22.12QwellThe part where it specifically mentions passwords
17:22.17mik00Qwell, nope. :/
17:22.19Dandani am busy with this shitty compilation
17:22.30mik00Qwell, ok. let me check
17:22.37Qwellwell, don't come asking stupid questions until you at least read...
17:22.42parylvoicemail seems to be cutting off the end of a lot of messages
17:22.59m160858ok, thanks equal
17:23.03*** join/#asterisk Nuxi (
17:23.20parylany idea what could cause that?
17:23.34Drukenis Qwell in a grumpy mood today ?
17:23.37*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
17:23.45Beirdoit *IS* Monday
17:23.46QwellDruken: Only when people ask such easy questions.
17:23.50NuxiI'm trying to get mgcp working. when I audit the endpoint, I get 528 36 Bad Version.  What am I doing wrong?
17:24.04DrukenBeirdo: yeah, i had forgotten it's monday
17:24.13Drukeni took the day off because i felt like shit
17:24.21BeirdoI'm in too cheerful of a mood for Monday
17:24.30DandanMonday is a good day
17:24.33Dandanas good as any other
17:24.48m160858i'm becaming crazy about this
17:24.49Beirdoif ya say so :)
17:25.25mik00Qwell, i have nothing beside the conf => 5001 etc. in my meetme.conf file
17:25.38JunK-Yjust add something.
17:26.11NuxiIs anybody here experienced with mgcp?
17:26.34mik00Qwell, do i need to reload asterisk after adding the pin to the conf. room?
17:28.08JunK-Ymik00: yes, reload.
17:28.31*** join/#asterisk dzlabing1_ (
17:28.53mik00JunK-Y, do i just add this - conf => 5001 [,2626] for a passcode to the conf room?
17:28.55BeirdoI hope that was a stick...
17:29.01JunK-Yhey stop it file!!!
17:29.05JunK-Yor no muffin for ya.
17:29.13JunK-Ymik00: no
17:29.22*** join/#asterisk Phantasm-jtg (
17:29.27Phantasm-jtgIs anyone aware of why when I dial out, it loops the line back to an internal line instead of going out?
17:29.30mik00JunK-Y, ok. thx
17:29.34JunK-Ythen reload
17:29.40Phantasm-jtgIt should be going to Zap/5-1
17:29.42JunK-Ythen paypal beer to Qwell !
17:29.45Phantasm-jtgI can't figure this out for the life of me
17:29.50*** part/#asterisk phantam (n=cchance@
17:30.19JunK-YPhantasm-jtg: seems a config issue.
17:30.27Phantasm-jtgWhere should I look?
17:30.41JunK-YPhantasm-jtg: zapata and dialplan
17:31.14*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
17:31.19Phantasm-jtgThank you.
17:31.27saftsacka single span e1 card would be better than a quabri or is that false?
17:32.22*** join/#asterisk EriSan (
17:32.40m160858but i'm becaming crazy
17:32.48m160858if i have this
17:32.56m160858where are the problem?
17:33.04m160858why doesn't works ok?
17:33.15m160858somebody can help me?
17:33.55*** join/#asterisk Kokey (n=Kokey@
17:34.26m160858hey, please
17:34.50saftsackdo you know any cabling for the fxs modules?
17:35.30m160858somebody has mercy of me
17:35.34[TK]D-Fenderm160858 : Is your server behnid NAT?
17:35.40Assidsup fender
17:35.44[TK]D-Fenderhey Assid
17:35.50[TK]D-Fenderntm atm
17:35.54Assidhows the 601's coming along
17:35.54m160858my server is dedicated
17:36.12Assidman.. that sounded like levi's
17:36.26[TK]D-Fenderm160858 : are your phones on the same subnet as your server?
17:36.33dzlabing1_hi, any idea where i can find a debian-sarge-package with the current asterisk-version? (there is one in debian, but that one is outdated)
17:36.40m160858how I can know it?
17:36.53m160858i'm from peru and my server is in USA
17:36.53[TK]D-Fenderm160858 : Are the phones local to the server?
17:36.55Assiddzlabing1_: download and compile from source?
17:36.59JunK-Ydzlabing1_: we're not dealing with package here, sorry.
17:37.12m160858i'm from peru and my server is in USA
17:37.20Assidhey JunK-Y
17:37.29m160858my phones are in peru
17:37.36[TK]D-Fenderm160858 : Where are those SIP extensions located?
17:37.39Seba_soyHY m160858
17:37.52Seba_soyyou're from Peru?
17:37.55saftsackhowto connect an analog telephone to a fxs port? just pluggin it on?
17:37.55FuriousGeorgei cant figure out why my voicemail records so quietly
17:37.58m160858in peru
17:38.06m160858the SPA's are in peru
17:38.08[TK]D-Fenderm160858 : ok if your Server behind a NAT router?
17:38.12Seba_soyI speak spanish m160858
17:38.13m160858and my asterisk is in USA
17:38.43*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
17:39.23m160858it would have to communicate to me with my server provider
17:39.36*** join/#asterisk mkrufky (n=mk@
17:41.19m160858what happend if my server is behind a nat router?
17:41.19[TK]D-Fenderm160858 : you're still getting those SIP 488 errors aren't you?
17:41.30m160858i can calls without problems
17:41.56[TK]D-Fenderm160858 : if your * server is behind NAT you need to set you "externip" & "localnet" parameters in sip.conf
17:41.57m160858no yet
17:42.41m160858i'll try again ok? to copy the CLI
17:43.48*** join/#asterisk De_Mon (
17:45.40De_Monwhat type of hardware requirements does asterisk have? Like, how much can an 450Mhz Atlon (900bogomips) w 512Mb Ram handle?
17:45.52*** join/#asterisk xkev (
17:46.17mog_homea good bit depending on what your doing
17:46.32De_Monmore than 100?
17:46.40mog_homejust termination?
17:46.41De_Monjust the basics at the moment
17:46.55[TK]D-Fenderwhat kind of line technology?
17:47.06dzlabing1_assid: possible, but apt-get is much more straight forward, install, start, run... but if there is no other way.
17:47.25De_Monoh, err..
17:47.34*** join/#asterisk mik00 (
17:47.44[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon :What kind of codecs & would there be any transcoding?
17:48.04Assidso is there any good providers offering unlimited calling without compromising on quality ?
17:48.19*** join/#asterisk rnovotny22 (n=rnovotny@
17:48.23De_Monheh, that I don't know. Just want a good quality call
17:49.42*** join/#asterisk Kokey (n=Kokey@
17:49.47*** join/#asterisk zishanov (
17:50.47De_Monsounds like I need to do more reading!
17:51.10zishanovMy asterisk can dial out on SIP but doesn't receive calls on SIP. I need help
17:51.11Assidhey fender.. seen any good providers for that
17:52.52[TK]D-FenderUnlimited?  to where?
17:53.00KranZzishanov: run the command "sip debug" and make an incoming call
17:53.14KranZsee what code it returns
17:53.19JunK-Ygod, gf has found a cat, so we'll have a cat.
17:53.28file[desk]oh no
17:53.31file[desk]what will you name it?
17:53.32JunK-Ycat cat > in_my_house.txt
17:53.38JunK-Ydunno, microsoft!
17:53.38zishanovI did that, I can sent you the messages I receive from debug
17:53.43*** join/#asterisk loick (
17:53.44LostFrogJunK-Y: BBQ? :)
17:53.53De_MonAhh, now thats what I call a good wiki
17:53.56file[desk]name it Asterisk :P
17:54.14KranZzishanov: msg me them
17:54.26JunK-Yno, i'll name it microsoft, cause a cat does nothing, except eating and sleeping.
17:54.43*** join/#asterisk dokhench_work (n=dochench@
17:54.48LostFrogDon't call it Microsoft, Bill will sue.
17:54.49zishanovok, wait a sec
17:55.21JunK-YLostFrog: how would u call a cat?
17:55.30JunK-Yhumm, /dev/null
17:55.42Assid[TK]D-Fender: US/CA
17:56.04JunK-YKranZ: pit-bull?
17:56.05LostFrogI would probably call it 5e.
17:56.10docelmoI already named my Cat Asterisk!
17:56.11LostFrogHere, Cat 5e..
17:56.14[TK]D-FenderAssid : Those all cost a bit for unlimited...
17:56.29Assidyeah.. i know.. around 30+
17:57.41file[desk]gotoif sane!
17:59.24docelmoSomeone from sysmaster says they have a fully compliant SS7 version of asterisk
17:59.48MikeJ[Laptop]they admit asterisk?
17:59.58dokhench_workanyone lend a hand in helping figure out what's going on with a tdm400? zaptel compiles and installed fine. modules load. ztcfg -vv runs fine. asterisk starts up fine. zap show channels show my 4 chans i've set in zapata.conf.. however, picking up the phone gives no dialtone, and zap show status shows an "unconfigured" alarm on the card.
18:00.06docelmoBut everyone knows they run it.
18:00.16MikeJ[Laptop]there are a handful of ss7 asterisk solutions out there
18:00.34*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
18:01.26De_Mon(This is actually overkill you need 1GB max if you reboot weekly
18:01.45De_Monasterisk server needs to be rebooted weekly?
18:03.36dokhench_workoh yes, and they are fxs cards using fxo signalling.
18:03.55*** join/#asterisk mojo-_-jojo (n=mojo-_-j@
18:04.11Assid[TK]D-Fender ?
18:04.11docelmoDe_Mon, dude.. my asterisk box has been running for like 300 days..
18:04.24[TK]D-FenderAssid ?
18:04.29*** join/#asterisk clyrrad (
18:04.44docelmoIm running Dual Opteron 248's with 2GB ram
18:05.07*** join/#asterisk emrah (
18:05.07*** join/#asterisk |cleric| (
18:05.14KranZ244's for 70 days
18:05.30KranZdocelmo: so you havent upped to 1.2?
18:05.32docelmosee..  Dont need to reboot..
18:05.39*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
18:05.42docelmoThis week..
18:05.47generalhanwhats going on everyone ?
18:05.49docelmoI am deploying 1.2 across my network
18:05.49emrahSomeone may please help me, I have a strange problem during compiling Zaptel in two machines, is that normal?
18:06.02iCEBrkrdocelmo: How many calls did you say you could do with PHPAGI in the mix?
18:06.08emrahOne is a Dual opteron and the other is a p4.
18:06.23dokhench_workemrah, maybe, what is the strange problem?
18:06.29docelmoI am building a new machine at my house..  I am upgrading the wife's computer and taking her old one as the house PBX and X10 backend
18:06.42docelmoI think it was like 10-15 calls / minute
18:06.57KranZon what hardware
18:06.58iCEBrkrdocelmo: That's with 1 channel, right?
18:06.58emrahdokhench_work: Thanks a lot. Would you like me to past the error in a private chat window or in Pastebin?
18:07.08docelmohuh?   no
18:07.21docelmothats 15 calls being setup and connected at once
18:07.29dokhench_workemrah. pastebin
18:07.32clyrradI am having a strange issue where I have multiple IAX DID's defined in iax.conf.  When a call comes in from the oustide world, the call is always showing on the CLI as its belonging to whatever is the LAST account context defined in iax.conf.  I have 2 DID's defined, and the bottom most DID context is always the one thats showing on the CLI even if the call is not for that DID.... any idea what could cause this?
18:07.33docelmoKranZ, what do you mean hardware?
18:07.41generalhanAnyone in here using Cisco 7960s ?????????????
18:07.43iCEBrkrdocelmo: man, I need to make 18,000 calls in 9hrs
18:07.50iCEBrkror so.
18:07.51KranZraw power
18:07.52docelmoC baby!
18:08.04KranZi hope that's not on your dual 248's
18:08.16docelmoWhat my home system?  No
18:08.30docelmoAMD something..  I think its like a 1.8 or 2. something
18:08.35iCEBrkrdocelmo: is the AGI interface that slow or is it AGI + PHP?
18:09.00docelmoits php trying to interpet a script
18:09.12KranZiCEBrkr: im in the same boat, i need a better interface than extensions.conf
18:09.13docelmoif you made it machine language ie C its native
18:09.19saftsackhas anyone a tdm400p zapata.conf
18:09.39Assid[TK]D-Fender: any provider you know with unltd calls
18:09.44Assidgood quality calls
18:09.46docelmoKranz I just codec my PHPAGI into a C module for asterisk works great
18:09.56docelmoAssid yes ME!
18:10.08iCEBrkrKranZ: I stuffed as much logic and code as I could in extensions.conf, I'm only calling AGI to get/set a few variables.
18:10.12[TK]D-FenderAssid : Nothing decent.  Only the locked guys
18:10.20emrahdokhench_work: there is the pastebin url:
18:10.34docelmoAssid your looking for a Term guy right?
18:11.02iCEBrkrI think I'm gonna try func_odbc :)
18:11.08clyrradI am having a strange issue where I have multiple IAX DID's defined in iax.conf.  When a call comes in from the oustide world, the call is always showing on the CLI as its belonging to whatever is the LAST account context defined in iax.conf.  I have 2 DID's defined, and the bottom most DID context is always the one thats showing on the CLI even if the call is not for that DID.... any idea what could cause this?
18:11.31KranZdocelmo: so you load your compiled phpagi as a module in *?
18:12.00docelmoNo..  I recodec the phpagi into C and then loaded it into asterisk as a application
18:12.11docelmoI call it EZDial..  :)
18:12.17docelmodoes all my LCR shit..
18:12.18KranZcould you send me examples?
18:12.36docelmoThey arent mine..  They are a companies I wrote them for
18:12.41synthetiqanyone know reasons for random beeping occurring on an analog line?
18:12.48clyrradcan anyone answer me?
18:12.49docelmoBut I can help you come up with one
18:13.15docelmoI just cant send you that cause I have a strict intelectual property contract with them
18:13.22KranZdo you do any db access aswell?
18:13.31KranZi understand that
18:13.35dokhench_workemrah: you doing a make linux26 (with the linux-2.6 symlink) or just a normail make?
18:13.39KranZsign your life away at work
18:13.42iCEBrkrKranZ: There's an exmaple app_skel.c in the apps directory
18:13.43emrahnormal make
18:13.53docelmoDude.. Thats one of my clients..  Not even fulltime job..  but they pay me well..
18:13.57docelmoSo cant complain
18:13.58KranZill check it out
18:14.22iCEBrkrI think that's what it's called.
18:14.23docelmoohh skeleton with whats needed..
18:14.51docelmoBut KranZ if you need help let me know..  I have all the algorithms and shit for doing LCR and whatnot..
18:15.09KranZdocelmo: thanks, im skimming the app_skel now
18:15.35dokhench_workyou running a 2.6 kernel?
18:15.40clyrradlets try one more time....
18:15.41clyrradI am having a strange issue where I have multiple IAX DID's defined in iax.conf.  When a call comes in from the oustide world, the call is always showing on the CLI as its belonging to whatever is the LAST account context defined in iax.conf.  I have 2 DID's defined, and the bottom most DID context is always the one thats showing on the CLI even if the call is not for that DID.... any idea what could cause this?
18:15.58*** join/#asterisk jmdault (
18:16.19jmdaultHi everyone!
18:16.27emrahdokhench_work: no. A 2.4.31, but I was running a 2.6 before. since I had a problem with the network card I termporarily switched to the 2.4.31
18:16.41*** join/#asterisk j4m3s (
18:16.52docelmoKranz the fun part is understanding dOxygen doc's on asterisk..  :)
18:17.00*** part/#asterisk j4m3s (
18:17.13emrahdokhench_work: Sorry for my English.
18:17.43saftsacki connected my telephone 1 to 1 with a4 line rj11 cable to my tdm400p fxs card
18:17.50saftsackbut i hear nothing. is that normal?
18:17.54jmdaultDoes anyone know if there's been changes to ztmonitor? I try to follow the docs to set my gain, it says I should get around 14500 and the max I can get is about 5430...
18:18.24*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
18:18.25brettnemHey, does anyone know why Asterisk is not retransmitting CANCELs?
18:18.38jmdaultEven if I set the gain to +100, I still get 5500 maximum
18:18.56KranZit's been awhile since i've done C
18:19.59dokhench_workemrah: np.. sorry i can't help you out more.. dealing with my own zap/asterisk issue currently.
18:20.46dokhench_workemrah: i'd try building the 1.0.10 zaptel for a non 2.6 kernel
18:21.18brettnemdoes anyone know if the SIP RFC requires CANCELs to be retransmitted?
18:22.05*** join/#asterisk Crim13 (
18:22.25Crim13I'm here looking for help, is anybody about?
18:22.27brettnemanyone? :)
18:22.29*** join/#asterisk nagl (
18:23.05Crim13I'm wondering what the best/most effective way to put a Quota on voicemail boxes is.
18:23.20*** join/#asterisk ^Howler (n=wwolfe@
18:23.34mog_homeby default it has 100
18:23.38drraydelete old messages after X days?
18:23.46Crim13both if possible
18:23.46mog_homethats only a few  megs
18:24.06Crim13how do i change it to something other than 100 though, or is that a hardcoded limit?
18:25.08mog_homehard coded but its easy to change
18:25.22Crim13ok, how would i go about it?
18:26.30[TK]D-FenderGeez.... my extensions.conf just passed 12k :)
18:26.48docelmoJesus.. What the F??! are you doing?
18:26.58Crim13he's running an illegal telco :P
18:27.06emrahdokhench_work: I'm trying to build the 1.2.0, is that the same? :S
18:27.23Crim13thanks for the help mog
18:28.01drray[TK]D-Fender - are you using macros?
18:28.09[TK]D-FenderMy STDEXTEN macro is 46 lines all by itself :)  The side-effect of using ASTDB to control everything :)
18:28.46[TK]D-FenderI think I'll save it here and pastebin it....
18:28.48saftsackare here any FXS CARD owners?
18:29.13drrayyou mean TDM or Wildcard?
18:29.32saftsackcool :)
18:29.42drrayTDM by way of channel banks
18:29.46saftsacki connected my analog telephone with a 4 lines cable
18:29.53saftsack1 to 1
18:29.56saftsackis that right?
18:30.11docelmook this should be a interesting conversation
18:30.11drraywhich TDM card do you have?
18:30.18docelmothe fun begins
18:30.26saftsackdocelmo, how do you mean?
18:30.37*** join/#asterisk testmachine (
18:31.53saftsackdrray, howto connect a analog telephone?
18:31.55drrayyes you would plug a stardard phone into a FXS port on a Wildcard TDM400p
18:32.08*** join/#asterisk telenieko (
18:32.11saftsackyes i have a standard telephone plugged on
18:32.21teleniekohi ppl. does anybody have the libtonezone 1.0.9 debian package?
18:32.49saftsackwith a 4 wire cable
18:32.51saftsack1 to 1
18:32.58saftsackdrray, is that right?
18:33.08drraythat should be, where are you?
18:33.13mog_homezaptel builds that telenieko
18:33.19mog_homeit should just have it
18:33.49[TK]D-Fenderdrray, docelmo : Here is the masterpiece :)
18:34.06drray[TK]D-Fender , I'm afraid to look
18:34.19MikeJ[Laptop]ok... so anyone up for re-working the way include files work in *
18:34.55drrayoh, that's not so bad
18:35.07*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
18:35.11*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
18:35.17[TK]D-FenderNo, quite legible, just very busy because of its dynamic nature.
18:35.37MikeJ[Laptop]and it would be a lot easier to do all this different headers on differnt platforms stuff
18:35.40drrayand asterisk does not barf on loading of it?
18:35.52[TK]D-FenderI made it so extensions can define where they forward to on (busy,noanswer,immediate)
18:36.06*** join/#asterisk slayer192 (n=chrisc@
18:36.08[TK]D-Fenderdrray : no Idea..... I haven't tried yet :D
18:36.09teleniekomog_home my debian box updated zaptel to 1.2 but Qozap is broken, so I must rollback to 1.0.9
18:36.49mog_homewell dont use debian packages for asterisk related things
18:36.55mog_homeits just asking for heart ache
18:37.28tzangerusing debian is just asking for heart ache
18:37.47teleniekowel.. anyway, what to do now ? ;)
18:38.06teleniekoanyone has 1.0.9 dfgs5 packages on cache? :P
18:39.44*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
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18:43.45synthetiqanyone know reasons for random beeping occurring on an analog line?
18:44.01*** join/#asterisk cronek (n=cronek@
18:44.34tzangerdefine beeping
18:45.02synthetiqa single beep every know and then
18:45.09*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
18:45.11synthetiqnot callwaiting
18:45.14tzangerbeep as in DTMF, beep as in single tone, what
18:45.30synthetiqsingle tone
18:46.35cronekok, I'm having music on hold problems, the music always fades in and out every second or so, I have the correct version of mpg123, I have ztdummy compiled, installed and correctly loaded, I even tried using the raw format stuff but the result is always thesame.
18:46.48cronekif anybody wants to listen I can call you and put you on hold :)
18:46.51synthetiqor is this some bug in general
18:46.54MorexCronek: Don't use MP3s
18:47.04saftsackdrray, Channel 01: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
18:47.05cronekmorex: I used raw files also
18:47.07saftsackis that right?
18:47.09Morex* performance gets really awful
18:47.11croneksame result
18:47.14MorexOh OK - still same problem?
18:47.15*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
18:47.29MorexWhat about with conversation?
18:47.39cronekwhat do you mean?
18:47.49*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
18:48.02MorexDo you get the volume fading with conversation, or just music on hold?
18:48.04*** part/#asterisk telenieko (
18:48.06cronekjust moh
18:48.49Morex* version?
18:48.56cronek1.0 branch
18:49.04MorexTry 1.2?
18:49.15croneknot upgrading to 1.2 because the people that need to add extensions use amportal
18:49.19MorexNot that I've ever experienced this with 1.0 branch though...
18:49.21cronekand amp doesn't support 1.2 yet
18:49.35MorexNo error messages I assume...
18:49.36*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
18:49.59croneknone at all
18:50.13MorexI'm thinking it must be a problem with the MP3s themselves
18:50.14*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
18:50.17MorexHave you tried a range?
18:50.41cronekall kinds of bitrates, fixed and VBR
18:51.02MorexPost a bug...
18:51.29*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
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18:53.53*** join/#asterisk killfill (
18:54.17killfillroot@switch:/var/run/asterisk# ls
18:54.26killfillwhy would i nothave asterisk.ctl?...
18:54.33killfilli cannot asterisk -r ..:-(
18:54.56*** join/#asterisk zishanov_ (
18:55.01Morexps -ef | grep asterisk
18:55.05MorexSee if it's running
18:55.13*** part/#asterisk zishanov_ (
18:55.35killfillasterisk  8168  8158  0 14:58 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/asterisk -U asterisk -G asterisk -vvvg -c
18:55.46MorexOK it's running
18:55.53MorexBut asterisk -r doesn't connect?
18:56.00*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
18:56.10MorexDo you get an error message?
18:56.21MorexHave you tried asterisk -vvvvvvvr
18:56.30killfillUnable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?)
18:57.08*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
18:57.31MorexMaybe a permissions issue
18:57.38MorexWho owns /var/run/asterisk.ctl
18:58.53*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
18:58.54blitzrageMorex: I do -- I bought it in a hostile takeover
18:58.59*** join/#asterisk zishanov (
19:00.10*** join/#asterisk nesys (n=nesys@2001:1418:1a6:0:20d:93ff:fe28:3ef8)
19:00.18killfillMorex, ive just create the file and chown is to asterisk:asterisk. sameproblem
19:01.16*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
19:03.04*** join/#asterisk telenieko (
19:03.32teleniekohi ppl. I'm getting a nice "undefined symbol: pri_suspend_acknowledge", I've got zaptel and qozap loaded but it seems not to be working... ;(
19:03.54MorexBlitzrage: Lol
19:04.14MorexKillfill: Do you get the same problem when you run * as root.root?
19:04.15brettnemCANCELs are not retransmitted. I just submitted a bug.. bleh
19:05.12killfillHm.. letme try
19:05.39*** join/#asterisk walhala (
19:05.48walhalahi all
19:06.03walhalai have a problem with quadBRI
19:06.19walhalawhen i compile i get this error :
19:07.13killfillMorex, yup, seems a permition problem..  but where is it?..  :-/
19:07.15*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
19:09.08killfillhow fool.
19:09.11killfillnever miond.. :-p
19:09.24*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
19:12.33nesyssomeone using g729 as pass-thru?
19:13.44*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
19:15.09brettnemHey, does anyone know if default T1 is 500ms or 1000ms?
19:16.38iCEBrkrYa know, this ODBC thing that Corydon76 wrote is kinda slick
19:16.51brettnemI see OEJ quoting it as 1000ms and DEFAULT_RETRANS=1000 in chan_sip.c but RFC 2543 says default is 500
19:17.28PrimeriCEBrkr: uh huh
19:17.44iCEBrkrPrimer: You using/use it?
19:17.46docelmoODBC on linux SUCKS!
19:17.57docelmoI cant get the damn thing to work..
19:18.02PrimeriCEBrkr: I would never use anything written by you
19:18.11Drukenhehehe docelmo, it works just fine...
19:18.13iCEBrkrdocelmo: ODBC sucks in general.
19:18.27PrimerI just want to know why my asterisk is all stuttery
19:18.28iCEBrkrPrimer: Well, you're lame, so.
19:18.29docelmoI havent had much patients to get it to work..
19:18.36Primerit's NOT network
19:18.40Primermost definitely not
19:18.42iCEBrkrPrimer: user error
19:18.44docelmohay take the flames to private..
19:18.55iCEBrkrdocelmo: screw you hippy!
19:18.57PrimerI have a feeling it's this ztdummy
19:19.15iCEBrkrdocelmo: I know Primer from another channel.
19:19.29Primeryeah, we hate on each other all the time
19:19.31docelmoYa well I know you from being the next town over so STFU
19:19.51iCEBrkrPrimer: hehe, yeah, brotherly love!  Err wait.. Nevermind I said that.
19:19.53iCEBrkrdocelmo: hehe
19:20.02docelmoDUDE YOUR GAY!
19:20.30iCEBrkrdocelmo: You don't know Primer.
19:20.38docelmoUhh nope..
19:20.51*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
19:21.00iCEBrkrdocelmo: Oh, that's a good thing(tm)
19:22.05*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
19:22.24docelmohuh?   (tm)  your trademarking your comment?
19:22.40*** join/#asterisk brent21 (n=Brent21@
19:22.43trixter'thats a good thing' has been trademarked on the net for YEARS
19:22.44[TK]D-FenderNEXT!!! (c) 2004 BKW
19:22.49trixterabout a decade iirc
19:22.50*** join/#asterisk rajiv (n=irc@gentoo/developer/rajiv)
19:22.50iCEBrkrtrixter: thanks.
19:23.33*** join/#asterisk tracinet (n=tracinet@
19:23.39Primerdammit, I guess I should put a real zaptel timing source into my box to see if it's really ztdummy that's causing me these problems
19:23.48*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
19:24.26Drukendon't be such a cheap ass, get a digium hardware in there
19:24.33*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
19:24.50*** join/#asterisk amir_ (n=amir@gentoo/developer/amir)
19:25.28[TK]D-FenderOr at least, be LESS of a cheap-ass and at least get a clone card :D
19:25.31brent21i am trying to set caller ID on my PRI for outgoing calls, my provider ensures me that I can indeed set it, before my dial statement, I have exten => _703XXXXXXX,1,Set(CALLERID(number)=7039999999)
19:25.32LostFrogget a X100P clone.
19:25.44brent21is that the correct syntax?
19:25.59[TK]D-Fenderbrent21 : looks good
19:26.00LostFrogWhere in VA, brent21? just curious.
19:26.13iCEBrkrLostFrog: That's funny, I recognized 703 from my friend who lived in Fairfax
19:26.17Primerthing is, this box will never need any zaptel hardware as it's 100% voip
19:26.22LostFrogFredericksburg/Manassas/Fairfax here.
19:26.31PrimerI can't even get a real phone line to it if I wanted to
19:26.33LostFrogPrimer: than it can't break. :)
19:26.35DrukenPrimer: if it's 100% voip, then it won't be the ztdummy
19:26.46docelmoTampa Bay by way of Pittsburgh, PA
19:26.47PrimerDruken: then wtf?
19:26.48brent21cool, yeah this is frustrating, i see it says setting caller ID, however when I call numbers it always come across as Unavailable
19:26.53Drukeni have a box that is 100% voip, and it has no hardware or a ztdummy, works like a charrm
19:26.58brent21i did however have it sending 4 digits of the SIP extension calling at one point
19:27.07Primerso I don't need ztdummy at all?
19:27.09brent21so that proves to me that it does indeed allow me to send digits
19:27.09killfilli dont understand why im i getting this message:
19:27.11LostFrogDruken: MOH, meetme??
19:27.23DrukenLostFrog: it doesn't do those...
19:27.28killfillwhy do i get that? how do i fix this?
19:27.37docelmono..  ZTDummy is for Meetme and Paging mostly and other features that need a timing source
19:27.53LostFrogDruken: for those, you need a zaptel device.
19:27.59Drukenno shit...
19:28.03docelmokillfill, make sure you can dial out
19:28.10Drukenthat server doesn't do those functions
19:28.15[TK]D-Fenderbrent21 : mayberemove the area code...
19:28.27killfilldocelmo, i cannot.. thats my problem.. :-pç
19:28.30LostFrogJust because he wants to use MeetMe, wouldn't make it not 100%Voip.
19:28.42[TK]D-Fenderbrent21 : could be they only all < 8 digits
19:28.43docelmoAre you doing ZAP/SIP/IAX?
19:28.57Primerwell wtf
19:29.11*** join/#asterisk potsboy (n=chrisg@
19:29.13LostFrog[TK]D-Fender: that would be weird.. all callerid comes across as 10 digits here.
19:29.17PrimerI guess I can't rmmod zaptel too
19:29.22Primerseems channels require that
19:29.26killfilldocelmo, oh you mean with a telephone?  yes i can. its just asterisk wich cannot
19:29.30[TK]D-FenderLostFrog : Depends on what the telco lets you set for outbound....
19:29.42docelmosigh..  nevermind..  Moving on..   Smoke break!
19:31.10potsboyhey all, is there anyway to a attended transfer on 1.0.9 with zap channels
19:31.11LostFrogdocelmo: how long were you in Pittsburgh?
19:31.56*** join/#asterisk genmud (
19:32.10potsboy# just does unattended/blind transfer
19:32.16Primerok, I can hear asterisk giving me an error when I connect to the meetme on it. Unlike before, it's not stuttering, but now the meetme doesn't work
19:32.22Primerperhaps THIS needs ztdummy?
19:32.40LostFrogyes, meetme needs ztdummy.
19:33.05Assidmeetme rocks
19:33.08LostFrogor a zaptel device
19:33.50docelmoLostFrog, I am from a small town south of there
19:33.53*** join/#asterisk razu_ (
19:34.14LostFrogI "live" in Pittsburgh now.
19:34.16docelmoI just say pittsburgh cause normally unless your from that area most dont know what I am talking about.
19:34.22docelmoWhat part?
19:34.31*** join/#asterisk jcims (
19:34.32docelmoWhere the hell is that at?
19:34.38LostFrogNorth side.
19:34.43LostFrogon 28
19:34.43docelmoohh ok
19:34.44brent21bummer about the steelers loss yesterday :( originally from Bethel Park area
19:34.46*** join/#asterisk EriSan (
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19:35.00LostFrogbrent21: enjoying this snow?
19:35.09brent21no, im actually down around DC right now
19:35.17docelmoI lived in Moon and Coriopolis when I was stationed @ 911th AFRS
19:35.17brent21supposed to get hit tonight
19:35.22LostFrogIt's snowing in Stafford.
19:35.29docelmoits 73 degrees where I am at
19:35.41LostFrogIck.. I hate driving out to crapolis.
19:35.55docelmoits a small dinky town
19:36.14*** join/#asterisk ncd (
19:36.16docelmohas 2 main roads (rt51) and asshole cops
19:36.26docelmoACK AOHELL user!
19:36.26LostFrogEverything is in Monroeville or out there.
19:36.43LostFrogOk.. It's bad when is swamped.
19:36.44docelmoMonroeville is nice..
19:37.34docelmoHated driving out the intersate to it thru squirlhill..
19:37.40docelmoerr squirrel hill
19:38.17*** join/#asterisk CrazyYoss (
19:38.50LostFroglol.. I thought brent21 was saying he was in 73 degree weather..
19:38.57docelmoNope.. I am
19:38.59brent21haha no
19:39.02LostFrogI was about to ask him where in the hell he was around DC..
19:39.03brent21its started snowing here
19:39.16docelmoIts 32 @ my parents..
19:39.23docelmoThey live near Morgantown, WV
19:39.37*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
19:39.45SpaceBassis Broadvoice having issues today?
19:39.45LostFrog33 here.
19:39.51synthetiqanyone know reasons for random beeping occurring on an analog line (not call waiting nor dtmf)?
19:40.04LostFrogSpaceBass: I wonder about that. They refused a call earlier.
19:40.19brent21this caller id setting is frustrating
19:40.23brent21can't get anythign to work
19:40.33SpaceBassi had a buddy contact me about helping him set up a BV trunk and he could not register
19:40.37SpaceBassi figured it was user error
19:40.47SpaceBassbut i looked at mine and non of my BV accounts are registered either
19:41.05LostFrogWorking fine here.
19:41.14LostFrogI just tested an inbound call.
19:42.05LostFrogAwesome ping times too.
19:42.09SpaceBasswhich host?
19:42.21LostFrogqualify shows 21,24,25
19:43.13brent21does anyone know the format that verizon expects for callerID over a pri? is it 1xxxxxxxxxx or just xxxxxxxxxx?
19:43.31Drukenusually it'll be the 10 digits
19:44.10*** join/#asterisk Stealthmethod (n=123@
19:45.59Drukenat least, that's what bell, gt and allstream want
19:46.00synthetiqxxx xxx xxxx
19:46.09*** join/#asterisk clive- (
19:46.11SpaceBassLostFrog thanks
19:46.19SpaceBasschanged my /etc/hosts and it worked
19:46.27SpaceBasstheir other gateway is down
19:46.34LostFrogWhich one?
19:46.45LostFrogJust out of curiousity.
19:47.03SpaceBassnot sure which that is
19:47.25SpaceBassbut since I'm 90 mins from DC, I think I should have been using the DC one all along... was just too lazy to make the hosts change :)
19:47.57LostFrognyc, even.
19:48.21LostFrogUs Nova/MD/DC people have to get together one day.
19:48.43SpaceBassNot a bad idea... a little Mid-East Astericon!
19:49.09LostFrogI wish Astricon would come over here.. Like NY maybe.
19:49.49LostFrogI wonder if I should be playing in the snow..
19:50.01SpaceBass3 inches in Richmond
19:50.23LostFrogI don't know what the total is here, yet.
19:50.23Drukensnow == bad!
19:50.41SpaceBasssnow == skiing == good!
19:50.50SpaceBassLostFrog where are you?
19:50.50iCEBrkrdocelmo: I got a few people interested in putting together an Asterisk Users Group.. You in? :P
19:51.03*** join/#asterisk Damin (
19:51.04synthetiqsnow = no chicks in skimpy outfits =[
19:51.08DrukenSpaceBass: normally i'd think that... but i can't go skiing this year.. :(
19:51.23Drukenand i agree with synthetiq
19:51.26iCEBrkrDamin: Hi
19:51.35*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
19:51.36LostFrogHow can the NWS database be down??
19:51.42Drukenbut, the bitches in toronto dress skimpy no matter what the weather
19:51.44synthetiqnot work safe?
19:51.46LostFrogIsn't that like a critical application?
19:52.12mitchelochey guys...i haven't been here for a while =), i need to buy a tdm400p style phone card, just wanted to throw out the bait here first and see if anyone wants my business
19:52.36LostFrogatacomm or abptech, I like.
19:52.38Drukeni want your money.... does that count?
19:52.47mitcheloconly if you give me what i want in return ;)
19:53.14mitcheloci forgot about atacomm..purchased from them a while ago
19:53.23LostFrogSpeaking of the devil.. I need to buy some things.
19:53.33mitcheloci think i have to call directly though to get the mix i that right? 3fxo and 1fxs port
19:54.26LostFrogIt's right there on their page.
19:54.56mitchelocheh, that link is perfect
19:55.31mitchelocgrr at $369...aren't these like $330 and under....
19:57.11gambolputtyIs there a way to see is a Zap channel is available without making the line go off hook?
19:57.30mitcheloci think there is a app "ischanavail"
19:57.52mitcheloc(dyslexic =))
19:57.58*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
19:58.43gambolputtyfound it thx
19:58.44mog_homebye bye op status....
19:59.19LostFrogmitcheloc: google TDM13B prices
19:59.48mitchelocheh...thank you frog, i needed some hand holding here...i haven't bought parts for a while....
20:00.43mitchelocheh i found it listed on froogle from atacomm for $100 less
20:02.24LostFrogYeah.. but when you click on the link, the price is $370.
20:02.44mitchelocand thus i am on hold right now to ask about it
20:02.57mitchelocstrange though, you would think those are kept updated
20:03.29mitcheloceven telephonyware does that
20:05.43mitcheloc9 minutes and still on hold
20:05.53mitchelocmind you, i'm first in line
20:05.59Drukenis it that nasty classical moh ?
20:06.23Drukenicky... it aught to be outlawed
20:06.47LostFrogI don't find the included moh in * much better.
20:06.56mitchelocafter all that i got a voicemail saying they were not available
20:07.05DrukenLostFrog: don't know... never heard it
20:07.12mitchelocwhy put me in a freaking queue for over 10 minutes...and then pull that
20:07.20*** join/#asterisk insomni (
20:07.46LostFrogPunish them.. call the company offering the $310 price on froogle.
20:08.05mitchelocalready on it
20:08.05*** part/#asterisk brent21 (n=Brent21@
20:08.17Drukenuse a call file and have both ivr's call eachother :)
20:08.46LostFrogIf this price is correct for the TDM13B, press 1.
20:08.52*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
20:09.03iCEBrkr[hC]: whazzup
20:09.28trixtermitcheloc: at least they did that after only 10 minutes, I have called numbers that leave you on hold forever
20:09.33gambolputtyusing chanisavail on the same channel an incoming call is on hangs it up, any way to prevent this?
20:09.40trixtera friend used to call tollfrees form payphones and leave em off hook if they did that to him
20:09.47trixtergetting as many payphones as he could
20:09.49mitchelocoh great i'm first in line for telephony ware now
20:09.52[hC]yo ice
20:09.53mitchelocthe moh is very similar
20:10.05LostFrogmitcheloc: there was a cheaper one than them.
20:10.14mitchelocwhooo hooo the person at 88004488903 is unavailable
20:10.24mitchelocat least i know they use asterisk for their phone system
20:10.43*** join/#asterisk mut (n=animenod@
20:10.47mut^ w00t
20:10.57mitchelocwell i have a sneaking suspicion telephonyware is atacom with a different name
20:11.13*** join/#asterisk bweschke (
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20:11.37LostFrogohh.. nm. verilan is 312.50
20:12.38qw3rtyAnyone here actually unlocked one of the "Vonage" linksys pap2 ATA's?  I want to get one to use w/asterisk and the locked ones are free after rebate.
20:12.41*** part/#asterisk SpaceBass (
20:12.52trixterI am still working on the vonage motorola vt1000 :P
20:12.59trixteracutally I need to get back to that, been a bit lazy
20:13.00Assidi wonder if skyp charges for toll free calls
20:13.08trixterassid: they used to not
20:13.20trixterwhy people were calling 800-call-411  to get free calls
20:13.39Assidqw3rty: i think should look up a yahoo groups for that
20:13.53trixterit only lets you call people listed in the national registery (ie listed numbers) and you have to listen to an advertisement, but meh its free
20:13.56mitchelocLostFrog: can you link me to verilan?
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20:14.18iCEBrkrw00t. I got the func_odbc stuff working!
20:14.38Drukenbout time ! :)
20:14.51qw3rtyAssid, thanx I will look there
20:15.03iCEBrkrDruken: getting the DSN crap working took a bit of mucking with
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20:15.16Drukenaren't DSN's fun ?
20:15.33iCEBrkrDruken: I haven't had this much fun since I broke my arm.
20:15.56Drukeni know the feeling
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20:16.32LostFrogmitcheloc: It's on froogle.
20:16.38synthetiqanyone know reasons for random beeping occurring on an analog line (not call waiting nor dtmf)?
20:16.58tracinetcall being recorded?
20:16.58mitchelocah i clicked the stores button
20:17.14synthetiqhow the hell could i tbe recorded
20:17.19iCEBrkrDruken: There's just a lot of 'layers'  Gotta get the Freetds stuff, unix_odbc and func_odbc configured.
20:17.20mitcheloci bet verilan is another name for atacomm as well
20:17.31mitchelocand when you click it the price is $411
20:17.47LostFrogYes, mitcheloc: yes.. it's a North American consipracy.
20:17.55tracinetbeats me - I just know that when a call is recorded - the hardware used to do the recording generates beeps to alert users they are benig recorded
20:18.39tracinet(in some cases)
20:19.07tracinetok - here is an odd situation - using Linksys SPA941 and seeing some g711 RFC2833 (out of band DTMF) issues with asterisk 1.2 when 2 asterisk
20:19.07tracinetservers are used (1 as SIP server where phone is registered to and the other server connected via IAX acting as gateway to SIP provider).
20:19.07tracinetWhen placing calls out to PSTN via the SIP provider DTMF doesn's work, but if the gateway is reverted to asterisk 1.0 (SIP server handling
20:19.07tracinetLinksys registration still running 1.2) - all works fine.  Anyone seen similar issues?
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20:19.58synthetiqi dont believe there is any reocrding going on
20:20.12file[desk]BoRiS BoRiS BoRiS
20:20.15dasenjoHi! What can be a reason to obtain "Unable to play dialtone on channel 4" in a FXS that can place and receive calls?
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20:20.52tracinetsynthetiq: not sure then
20:20.54file[desk]on the phone with a friend
20:21.02file[desk]BoRiS: you?
20:21.30synthetiqwell i got about 600 people complaing about it
20:21.37BoRiSStill trying to fix this crappy dst=s in my cdr's... argh!
20:21.47synthetiqsometiems calls get transfered randomly?
20:21.58synthetiqi would think its cross talk but thats been proven not true
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20:27.47milkyflavaAnyone know a site that walks you through setting up a snom360 with asterisk?
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20:29.01LostFrogmilkyflava:  I don't think there is anything that simple.
20:29.34LostFrogThere is lots of info on the wiki.
20:30.19milkyflavaThanks LostFrog, I have been reading through it but have yet to make it work.
20:30.35milkyflavaAre the Snoms difficult to set up?
20:30.43LostFrogWhat part are you having problems with?
20:31.10milkyflavagetting it to register with *
20:31.22milkyflavaI am not even sure if I have it set up right to begin with
20:31.53milkyflavaI just downloaded the pdf manual and will read through it
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20:33.32AssidBoRiS: shouldnt be that tough
20:35.17BoRiSAssid: It seems that with CDR's, the destination is always set with s. (dst=s)  (Exam. Goto(myfunction,s,1))
20:35.20jbotwell, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
20:35.33BoRiSWhen using Goto statements
20:36.19Assidjust set it
20:36.32Assidin the new context
20:38.03brettnemsip_scenario is totally rad
20:38.09BoRiSI even tried Goto(myfunction,15052326923,1) and inside the function myfunction, I had exten => 15052326923,1,Goto(s,1) to continue normal options but then my dst=s again in my cdrs
20:41.30BoRiSThe idea is .... An incoming caller calls an it jumps to a DID Parsing macro (exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,2,Macro(IncomingNumber,${EXTEN})), The IncomingNumber checks the number in the DB, If found and goes to an IVR, I have it jumping to the IVR context (Goto(DestinationIVR,s,1)). Instead of having my destination in my cdrs set to the Incoming number, it *always* shows dst=s which is annoying. :-(
20:41.59saftsackim soo aggro ^^ my analog telephone doesnt work on my tdm400p. tommorrow i ll detect if theres any voltage on the wires ....
20:43.11saftsackbtw is there a way or a programm to find bugs in the extension.conf which are leading to immense costs?
20:44.32iCEBrkrHolyshit is this ODBC function stuff faster than calling AGI scripts
20:47.22docelmono shit..  No need to shell out to an external program
20:47.54docelmoI would have used mysql app but the problem is string manipulation
20:48.06iCEBrkrIt's like crazy fast.. I knew making a system call was expensive, but I just didn't think it was THAT expensive
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20:48.36iCEBrkrdocelmo: um,  cpu cycles.
20:48.42iCEBrkrdocelmo: You nonprogrammer.
20:48.48mjmacCONFIG_HZ...  ztdummy wants it to be 1000, right?  the latest FC4 kernel (possibly others) set CONFIG_HZ=250.  is that going to make ztdummy and others sad, or can i recompile them to use the same HZ value?
20:48.58docelmohell ya..  depending on the language it can eat up time when being parsed out
20:49.12docelmoAnd yes by trade I am not a programmer..  Im a Telecom/Data Engineer
20:49.29KranZiCEBrkr: did that module come with 1.2 only?
20:49.41iCEBrkrKranZ: It's built for 1.2 since it's a function
20:49.43docelmoI have the attention span of a gnat..
20:49.53KranZtime to upgrade
20:49.55iCEBrkrKranZ: You have to patch it into Asterisk.  It's really quite simple
20:50.04iCEBrkrdocelmo: huh? what were we talking about?
20:50.08mjmac(yes, getting a card for timing would be ideal, but that's not an option at the moment)
20:50.10docelmofunny ass
20:50.49iCEBrkrThis addition brings some more confidence to the table.
20:52.49docelmoWhat MySQL wasnt good enough for you!
20:53.02iCEBrkrThe coolest part of this thing is the SQL templates you put in func_odbc.conf
20:53.17iCEBrkrdocelmo: brb, freshair break
20:53.31docelmosmoke is better..  relieve stress
20:53.41docelmoWhat DB backend are you using with ODBC?
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20:55.57xianlpI have a problem with my asterisk, i can't register, when my phones are behind a nat
20:56.24ManxPowerxianlp, Asterisk is not behind NAT?
20:56.33xianlpit's possible to phone, but with the sip show peers command you just c all your phones unregistered
20:56.39xianlpasterisk is behind a nat
20:56.47xianlpand the phones are outside
20:56.56LostFrogxianlp: nat=yes, canreinvite=no, reinvite=no, externip=x.x.x.x and forward ports?
20:57.33xianlpyes all that works, and somehow they are registered, but i don't know why i can phone, because guests should be denied
20:58.01ManxPowerxianlp, If Asterisk and the phones are behind different have the hardest thing to get working with Asterisk.  None of the extensive docs on the Wiki or the mailinglist archives, or the freely available professional Asterisk book were helpful?
20:58.30xianlpno i wasnt able to find anything
20:58.37ManxPowerlook again.
20:58.41jboti heard docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or
20:58.41xianlpi tried a lot but nothing worked
20:58.55xianlpthx to all of you
20:59.01ManxPowerxianlp, If the phones are not registered then Asterisk cannot send calls to them.  It has NOTHING to do with calls from the phones to Asterisk
20:59.13LostFrogI have mine setup as above.. works for me
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20:59.39xianlpbut asterisk has their ips, because the get the ips from other phones, and i can also call other extensions
20:59.58Jestie_Good evening to all
20:59.58xianlpso they should be registered, but it says they aren't
21:00.06Jestie_Was wondering if someone could help.
21:00.15LostFrogI don't even use nat=yes.
21:00.18xianlpand i can also call to the phones
21:00.33LostFrogI just use externip= and localnet=
21:01.01ManxPowerxianlp, well if you are not forwarding port 5060 and using externip and localnet the phones won't be able to register.
21:01.29xianlpbut i think that somehow they have registered, because they can also be phoned by others
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21:01.36ManxPowerxianlp, Do you have localnet= and externip= set correctly in sip.conf?
21:01.58ManxPowerxianlp, put the output of "sip show peers" on
21:02.15ManxPowerThat will tell you what phones are registered, their external IP addresses, etc.
21:02.24xianlpwait a minute i think i failed entering the ip
21:02.27Jestie_My cient wants to type in a pin code before each call.
21:02.38Jestie_Has oneone done this, with some samples ... ?
21:02.40ManxPowerJestie_, Good for them!
21:02.50Jestie_heheh yeah .. you tell me ..
21:02.58Jestie_damn shame if you ask me ..
21:02.59ManxPowerJestie_, you mean like as is documented by "show application authenticate"?
21:03.41Jestie_dunno ...
21:03.45Jestie_forst I try it ..
21:04.04Jestie_so any direction "push" forward would be off great help
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21:05.19killfillhey, when i call my asterisk i get this
21:05.40killfillwhy?... im using AMP.. it should call extension "1"...
21:05.52parylis it possible to pickup a specific ringing extension?  i just got through replacing our old system, and it allowed *3<ext> to pick up the line on someone elses phone.  can asterisk do that?
21:05.56LostFrogWhat context is Zap/1 in?
21:06.03LostFrogfrom zapata.conf
21:06.45LostFrogWhat does s,1 say in show dialplan default?
21:07.26killfilloh.. :-p
21:07.37ManxPowerkillfill, sounds like you have immediate=yes
21:07.42ManxPowerdon't do that
21:08.59killfillmy context is wrong..
21:10.00parylanyone? i'm basically needing the *8 functionality (it appears) but to be able to specify the extension
21:10.48ManxPowerparyl, So "show application pickup" won't work for you?
21:12.27[TK]D-Fenderparyl :
21:12.38ManxPowerDude, make him WORK for it.
21:12.38[TK]D-Fenderparyl : Theres your solution
21:13.02ManxPowerHe's obviusly not done a "show applications" like anyone that upgrades should so.
21:13.18[TK]D-FenderManxPower : I'm just generous that way ...  who pissed in your Corn Flakes? ;0
21:13.24parylouch man
21:13.24ManxPowerAnd you very well know that 1/2 the info in the Wiki is out of date.
21:13.47parylfwiw: i did do some research.  problem is finding exactly what you're looking for
21:13.49killfillgreate. finnaly got this thing working. :-p
21:13.56[TK]D-FenderManxPower : possible... but I can't bet on which half every time now can I? :)
21:14.30ManxPowerExactly, so refer them to official information like "show application" or the READMEs when you can.
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21:17.11dos000anyone know max tnts inside out ?
21:18.23iCEBrkrdocelmo: At the moment, I'm using MS-SQL for the func_odbc stuff
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21:21.24brettnemhey anyone else have trouble with CANCELs?
21:21.40brettnemI'm pretty sure I have a bug here.
21:22.35brettnemhmmm... guess I'm the only one.. bah
21:22.54brettnemyou're having it.. you just don't know it. :)
21:23.07iCEBrkrI don't even know what you're talking about :)
21:23.15brettnemyes you do
21:23.27asterboyhas anyone setup an FM-Radio card for Radio on Hold?
21:23.34iCEBrkrbrettnem: no, seriously.. I don't
21:23.44brettnemasterboy: consider the copyright infridgement
21:23.53brettnemiCEBrkr: heh, I was only kidding.. really.. ;)
21:23.59asterboycopyright does not exist in the 21st century
21:24.22ManxPowerasterboy got into the magic mushrooms again, didn't he?
21:24.38brettnemseriously, you arn't allowed to just play the radio on your hold.. not without licencing the content.
21:24.47asterboyno us Canadians prefer gas baggies.
21:25.07brettnemooohhh.. he's canadian!
21:25.17iCEBrkrbrettnem: actually, I haven't had any problems with that.
21:25.19ManxPowerAs I understand it, you can get permission from most radio stations pretty easily.
21:25.22asterboyI couldn't give a rats ass about playing radio on hold.
21:25.34brettnemManxPower: really? that's nice to know
21:25.43iCEBrkrbrettnem: I ring 2 extensions at my apartment for all in-bound calls.
21:26.07brettnemiCEBrkr: try it..I bet it's broken.. call a phone, unplug it while it's ringing (sip) then hangup ,wait, and replug in your phone..
21:26.15ManxPowerI'm getting REALLY sick and tired of our PRIs breaking randomly.
21:26.16iCEBrkrI'd think most radio stations would love the free promotion
21:26.21asterboySo why do so many companies have the radio playing while on hold?
21:26.32brettnemasterboy: because they probably don't know
21:26.36ManxPowerasterboy, they either got permission or are breaking the law.
21:26.40asterboyignorance is bliss!
21:26.52brettnemwell, you are no longer blisful then, eh? ;)
21:26.53iCEBrkrasterboy: and two wrongs make a right
21:26.54ManxPoweronly until you get caught 8-)
21:27.07asterboyspare me the morality
21:27.12ManxPowerYes, but three rights make a left.
21:27.18brettnemiCEBrkr: yeah, you won't notice a problem unless you have some sort of network issue..
21:27.24iCEBrkrManxPower: You must live in Jersey? :D
21:27.36iCEBrkrbrettnem: Oh, so fix your network!
21:27.39brettnemiCEBrkr: the spec calls for retranmissions, but it's not doing it...
21:28.06brettnemiCEBrkr: right, I'm working on THAT problem, but asterisk should be retransmitting.. else we could save a BUNCH of cpu cycles by not retransmitting ANYTHING. :)
21:28.21brettnemon all our computers really.. ;)
21:28.31brettnemfix your damn internet
21:28.56brettnemit's broke
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21:30.17iCEBrkrPorting this PHP script into extensions.conf is gonna be a bitch
21:30.30brettnemporting php into extensions.conf.. ??
21:30.45iCEBrkrbrettnem: I'm replacing my AGI's with func_odbc calls
21:30.48gniretarwhy do u wanna do that?
21:30.53brettnemew agi!!
21:31.04brettnemcause agi is sllllooooooowwww
21:31.18iCEBrkrThe 2 main AGI scripts were pretty simple to port as they're only getting and setting ${variables}
21:31.33iCEBrkrBut this one part is gonna be hell
21:31.36brettnemso what's so tricky?
21:31.46iCEBrkrbrettnem: It's a parser :P
21:31.46brettnemgo learn AEL! ;)
21:32.04brettnemew.. yeah that's kinda nasty in extension logic
21:32.04iCEBrkrhrrm, that might be an idea
21:32.11brettnemmight be
21:32.24asterboyA-links connect SSPs and SCPs to a redundant SS7 routing network made of STPs.
21:32.50brettnemasterboy: thanks for that tutorial.. but.. why?
21:33.23asterboywell it looks like * has support for whats called a software radio based on SS7.
21:33.39asterboyIt is not however, the fm/am radio
21:33.44brettnemasterboy: that sounds like the biggest load of bullshit I've heard in a while.. :)
21:33.50iCEBrkrAEL has  how perfect is that?
21:33.57asterboytrying to digest the page
21:34.02asterboylol brettnem
21:34.22brettnemDid you know the link letters are abbreviations?
21:34.27dokhench_workicebrkr: heh, was just reading the extensions.ael in the wiki.. i like. =)
21:34.37brettnemasterboy: ss7box is a really neat project
21:34.46brettnemasterboy: but it is NOT ss7 in asterisk
21:35.10iCEBrkrSo how do you get extensions.conf and extensions.ael to work together?
21:35.14asterboyno asterisk will support it though.
21:35.18brettnemI think it just does.
21:35.19iCEBrkrI see they can be used together.
21:35.25brettnemasterboy: they work together using woomera
21:35.39brettnemasterboy: but asterisk has no idea that there is ss7 involved
21:35.41docelmobrettnem, you can do SS7 in asterisk open source
21:35.49docelmoJust 1 small catch
21:35.49iCEBrkrSo I can goto() a context defined in extensions.ael?
21:35.53brettnemdocelmo: not "real" ss7.. :)
21:36.07brettnemdocelmo: f-links, no mtp3.. bad open source implementations.
21:36.24docelmoNo..  But Verisign has a product called SIP7 which does the signaling and then you have a compatible GW for IMT's for audio
21:36.26brettnemactually, some if it might be good in international markets
21:36.45brettnemdocelmo: yes, you will need someting like SIP-T or MGCP to support that architecture..
21:36.55docelmoNope..  100% SIP based..
21:37.08brettnemdocelmo: impossible.. I've done my research on it as well.
21:37.21docelmoI was ready to sign contracts until I found out I have to be classed as a CLEC to get IMT's
21:37.30docelmoContact Verisign
21:37.36docelmoits 100% sip compatible..
21:37.55brettnemdocelmo: between the SS7 portion (signaling) and the IMT portion (facility) there needs to be a concept of CHANNEL.. liek I'm going to signal to asterisk to answer CHANNEL 2 on the 3rd span..
21:38.00docelmoAll you need is a compatible GW to their network and a signaling host (Asterisk, SER, etc)
21:38.04brettnemand SIP-T supports that, but not SIP
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21:38.21docelmoahh no..  Thats done @ the verigisn level
21:38.22brettnemdocelmo: I have contacted Verisign.. In fact, I am a CLEC, I have IMTs, and I signal with Verisign.
21:38.29sahafeezgood day all.
21:38.39brettnemdocelmo: that's only possible if verisign hosts your media gateway, which they don't..
21:38.45docelmoWell what I have spoke to them about they said it will work
21:38.56docelmoThey dont no..  but its controled via SIP
21:39.03sahafeezanyone know how to tell if someone is on the phone with a polycom 501 setup? i need the front desk to beable to see if someone is on the phone..
21:39.03brettnemdocelmo: you're missing a part.. really, think about it.
21:39.31docelmoYou have IMT/F-Link..   The contact between asterisk and the cisco is controled on the Verisign level
21:39.40brettnemdocelmo: SS7 says, "I have a call for you on span 10, channel 15".. lets say that call comes in.. what will it look like when it hits asterisk.. so asterisk knows how to answer the right channel?
21:40.04docelmoThe IMT's are not connected to asterisk
21:40.05brettnemcisco? what is cisco doing in there?
21:40.23brettnemoh.. hahaha..ok, so you are using Cisco media gateways then?
21:40.30docelmothey connect via Cisco or something..   This is what their SIP7 does..  They control the Cisco w/ IMT's..   Asterisk handles nothing but SIP side of the house
21:40.40docelmoI am talking hybrid SS7
21:40.41docelmoover sip
21:40.46brettnemyes, you are correct.. and they speak MGCP to CISCO
21:40.57brettnemand you speak whatever the heck you want from CISCO to asterisk.. probably SIP
21:41.21docelmoI know I was right on this one..  I spent 3 months with their people to find out in the end I had to become a clec and didnt have the $$ at the time to do it.
21:41.26brettnemThey can't communicate to your asterisk box via SIP in an intelligible manner and translate SS7
21:41.37docelmobrettnem, whats the cost of filing and shit for Clec status?
21:41.46killfillhey, what ports does sip phones connect to?..  so i can make my asterisk box connectable form the inet?
21:41.56brettnemdocelmo: You are right about cisco.. but they signal MGCP or some kind of H.248 compliant method.
21:42.08brettnemdocelmo: depends on the state and how you do it. I've built two CLECs.
21:42.18docelmoSIP - 5060, IAX - 4569, H323 - 1720 (and some others)
21:42.21docelmoALL UDP!
21:42.37brettnemI'm sorry, what does UDP have to do with anything?
21:42.39docelmoFlorida  Just a rough number
21:42.46brettnemoh I see
21:42.56docelmothe signaling for VOIP protocols
21:43.08LostFrogkillfill 5060-5063 and 10k-20k
21:43.10docelmoI was answering kill's question
21:43.18KranZany way to filter the output of the cli?
21:43.45KranZlike if i turn on debug for something, i dont want dialplan output in there as well
21:43.47jbotss7 is probably can be used in conjunction with - see the website.
21:44.27brettnemdocelmo: they Signal MGCP to your MG to answer the channel, then SIP INVITE your "SIP Switch" to connect to the media negotiated in the MGCP session invitation to your MG.
21:44.32KranZ...or filter output for a particular extension?
21:44.54brettnemdocelmo: they are using a Veraz Class 5 Hybrid switch.. it's simple stuff really
21:45.18brettnemdocelmo: I'd send you the docs, but it's protected by NDA.. you probably have it anyway if you spoke with them.
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21:45.43brettnemdocelmo: but the product is fantasticly expensive.. it's much cheaper to be a clec! haha
21:45.55asterboyYou can open an MTP, SCCP, ISUP or TCAP stream and communicate to the outside world using SS7, you can even bind to an ISUP trunk or TCAP subsystem,
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21:46.18brettnemwhere are you quoting this from? haha
21:46.42brettnemooohh.. openss7.. they've come a long way eh?? haha
21:47.00asterboyI'm trying to digest clear concise answers for the noob however.
21:47.19brettnemasterboy: those are pretty normal things to do with SS7.. it's like saying "You can INVITE, CANCEL, OPTIONS, or REFER" to the outside world with SIP
21:47.40brettnemasterboy: is there a reason you want SS7?
21:47.44docelmoya..  but you cant purchase IMT's with out FCC class to be a clec.
21:48.12brettnemdocelmo: as a clec, IMTs arn't purchased
21:48.14docelmoor some sort of a lec
21:48.31brettnemdocelmo: IMTs are established for the mutual exchange of traffic
21:48.32asterboyno reason...just rounding out my understanding of the communications protocols.
21:48.40docelmobrettnem, can we chat offline?   I would like to pick your brain a bit.
21:48.51KranZyou're better off finding a clec and establishing a business relationship
21:48.59KranZthey will allow ss7 links
21:49.09asterboykeep it here...the chat is highly educational
21:49.10KranZits no law that you must be a *LEC for ss7
21:49.15brettnemdocelmo: sure, I'll pm you my contact info
21:49.19docelmoI know of a CLEC but we want to bring in as much in-house as possible
21:49.30docelmoWhats your time like in 10-15 minutes?
21:49.37brettnemKranZ: I tink he was suggesting that the RBOCs won't give you an IMT w/o CLEC status..
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21:50.02asterboyI like the purpose off openSS7: SS7 stacks normally cost money (and lots of it). Typically there are up front costs as well as ongoing run-time royalties. This places doing SS7 out of the reach of most
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21:50.18brettnemasterboy: openss7 is a joke
21:50.31asterboyits that bad?
21:50.32dokhench_workany reason why a tdm400p whould stop providing dialtone when the cable is unplugged from a wcte110p?
21:50.32KranZyeah, but starting a relationship with a clec is probably the best way to start out
21:51.02brettnemasterboy: yeah.. it never really went anywhere..
21:51.10brettnemasterboy: the ss7box stuff is really great
21:51.34*** join/#asterisk pantanero (n=pantaner@2001:b18:400d:0:0:0:0:40)
21:51.47brettnemasterboy: check out the ss7box wiki and blog.. he's got some great information in there.
21:52.01brettnemasterboy: but read up on chan_woomera too.. that's a big piece of the puzzle
21:52.07LostFrogI am feeling uninformed..
21:52.28LostFrogI don't even totally know what SS7 is.
21:52.33brettnemLostFrog: yeah.. lots of crazy stuff going on.. heh
21:52.42LostFrogI know it's how exchanges communiate.
21:53.09brettnemLostFrog: it's a fancy D-channel you put on a different circuit
21:53.59LostFrogHow many lines would you have to trunk before you start worrying about it?
21:54.06brettnemLostFrog: and can do fancy network queries like CNAM, LIDB, 800, LNP
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21:54.20brettnemLostFrog: it's more of a capability question and what kind of network you are connecting to.
21:54.36pygrammerdamn. Stanaphone sucks.
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21:55.03pygrammeror else something's just changing by itself on my server that renders the setup non-working
21:55.36asterboyss7box is used in many cities
21:55.41LostFrogIt's the gremlins, pygrammer.
21:55.43pygrammeri'm technically behind a router, but i am dmz'ed and it worked just last night.
21:56.24pygrammerbut when i call now, i get that ... what do you call it? the old bell atlantic-sounding tones and then the woman saying, "I'm sorry, your call was incomplete" or something
21:56.37pygrammerLostFrog: I bet it was :/
21:56.40pygrammerthose damn gremlins
21:57.07iDunno(which happened longer ago than I care to admin being in a pub)
21:58.45brettnemasterboy: has a nice ss7 tutorial:
21:59.17asterboythe IMTs connect with woomerang
21:59.23brettnemsort of
21:59.33brettnemwoomerang is the MGCP in what I described above..
21:59.33asterboynot asterisk
21:59.52iCEBrkrCorydon-w: wakeup!
22:00.01brettnemit goes T1card->asterisk->woomerang->ss7boost->ss7box->ss7
22:00.15brettnemand ss7boost can woomerang to lots of asterisk boxes..
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22:01.12parylwhen agents transfer calls, the transferee gets the callerid of the transferer, instead of the caller.  is it possible to transfer the callerid with the call?
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22:01.40Corydon-wiCEBrkr: What?
22:01.56brettnemparyl: hmm.. do a show application dial  look for option o
22:01.59iCEBrkrCorydon-w: This spiffy func_odbc stuff rocks.
22:02.11iCEBrkrCorydon-w: But I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong for 'write'
22:02.21*** part/#asterisk mkrufky (n=mk@
22:03.17KranZparyl: are you on a pri?
22:03.24parylkranz: yes
22:03.36Corydon-wiCEBrkr: and you interrupted me for that?
22:03.38KranZyou can set the outbound callerid to the original
22:04.01iCEBrkrCorydon-w: um, yup!  You didn't HAVE to wake up ya know :)
22:04.05KranZaltough the telco might not let you set any arbitrary callerid or ani
22:04.22KranZif not, it will show up as your default number for the pri
22:04.29Corydon-wFine.  Don't say my nick again unless you need my attention
22:05.01parylactually., i'm talking about when an agent transfers the call within the system
22:05.07brettnemhmm.. someone's in a pissy mood
22:05.12parylbrettnem: looks like that's what i need, thanks
22:05.32brettnemparyl: glad I could help you
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22:06.05brettnemok.. I offically HATE the karma system on the digium bugtracker..
22:06.22LostFrogBad karma?
22:06.39iDunnois that like bad korma?
22:06.41brettnemjust another attempt at keeping people from trying to help and report bugs.. it's intimidating!
22:06.47iDunnoit'll make your guts hurt?
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22:11.02KranZiCEBrkr: can u call that func_odbc from AEL?
22:11.17iCEBrkrKranZ: Most likely.
22:11.32KranZafter looking at ael, i think ill switch over
22:11.49KranZalso need some db accessibility
22:12.19parylwait... d'oh... that won't work.  i need the equivilent of the 'o' option, but for a Queue
22:12.31KranZand its a good reason to clean up my dialplan
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22:13.08ido-hello people
22:19.59dos000anyone know max tnts inside out ?
22:20.23tzangerI know a bit
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22:23.17iCEBrkrHrrm, odd.
22:23.34iCEBrkrI can't GoTo() a context from .conf to .ael.
22:24.02KranZiCEBrkr: any reason you wouldnt want it all in ael?
22:24.12iCEBrkrKranZ: I'm lazy at the moment?
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22:24.28KranZiCEBrkr: good, then there's no problem
22:25.25tekatiWhat is the trick to getting Asterisk to work with Fedora Core 4?  I have to modprobe zaptel, wcfxs and wcfxo everytime before I can start Asterisk.  I know it uses the udev stuff but how do I get it to load the modules on its own each time?
22:25.46LostFrogtekati: Didn't we answer this last week?
22:25.58tekatiNot to any end no.
22:25.58KranZtekati: that's a general module question
22:26.12LostFrogtekati: rc.local
22:26.23*** join/#asterisk scoates (n=sean@
22:26.30scoatesgood evening *ers.
22:26.48tekatiI did some odd stuff like adding /sbin/modprobe zaptel
22:27.01tekatietc to the rc.local file but that seems awfully strange.
22:27.31KranZzaptel will load with the other modules
22:27.37tekatiAnd it does not always seem to work correctly.  Sometimes it loads wcfxs before wcfxo and then you have to modify the zaptel.conf stuff.
22:27.38KranZno need to load it specifically
22:27.49tekatiKranZ how do you get Fedora Core to do that?
22:27.58tekatiBecause it doesn't right now.
22:28.04KranZjust "modprobe wcfxs" or wcfxo
22:28.05tekatiFresh install of FC4 as well.
22:28.13scoatesI have an extension that looks like this: "exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/homephone)" -- I want my home phone to start ringing on an inbound call. However, I want the caling party to be able to dial another extension while SIP/homephone is ringing -- possible? Do I have to Answer, Riging, Wait (and then set up a t extension?) or is there a more efficient way to do this?
22:28.17tekatiI did and have to do that everytime I reboot.
22:28.25KranZwhen i modprobe wct4xxp it loads zaptel aswell
22:28.39iCEBrkrKranZ: Ugh, my script would be ugly as shit in AEL
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22:28.54LostFrogOk.. what is AEL?
22:28.55KranZyou have phpagi?
22:29.01jbotsomebody said ael was Asterisk Extension Language
22:29.01LostFrogYes. I'm too lazy to google.
22:29.05iCEBrkrKranZ: I got labels and GOTOs all over the place
22:29.19KranZwhat's its purpose
22:29.33iCEBrkrRange checking and confirmation prompts
22:29.42KranZlike an ivr?
22:29.54tekatiIs there a file somewhere that Fedora Core 4 reads to tell it what modules to load?
22:30.16iCEBrkrtekati: yea, just like FC3 FC2, FC1, RH9
22:30.19KranZtekati: google!
22:30.31iCEBrkrYa know, I'm spent, I'm going home
22:30.44LostFrogI'm halfway tempted to install FC4 just to shut tekati up.
22:30.58synthetiqwould untwisted 25 pair wirigncause cross talk?
22:30.58tekatiWow nice attitude.
22:31.15tekatiThanks for all the great help.
22:31.24tekatiThought someone else may have run in to this before is all.
22:31.44iCEBrkrtekati: Unfortunately, this is mostly Asterisk help. Not <insert distro> help.
22:32.50tekatiiCEBrkr considering I have had 0 trouble getting anything other modules to load trouble free I thought this might be something to do with Asterisk that I was missing.  Guess I was wrong again.
22:33.52LostFrogtekati: yes.. it is the same as loading any modules.
22:34.12LostFrogI would also guess there is a place to set up aliases and pre- and post- comands.
22:34.43KranZtekati: and order DOES matter when loading the modules
22:34.54KranZdepending on the order in your config
22:36.31tekatiNow see did that hurt?  That information was helpful.  Now at least I have a place to start looking.  Thanks.
22:36.33MorexG'night all
22:37.43tekatiI have tried there and google and have not run across anyone that has anything posted.  Was not sure if maybe it is a Fedora Core problem which would not surprise me in the lease.
22:38.50*** join/#asterisk gst (
22:39.02tekatiDare I ask one more quick question and I am sure this will get all kinds of answers but what is a good os to run * on that seems to be stable and that I can also run either IPTables or some other decent firewall software on?
22:39.23LostFrogFedora, Debian, Slackware..
22:39.33LostFrog<Insert Distro here>
22:40.06tekatiThanks for the help I will try not to bug you guys with any more os issues.
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22:43.18LostFrogtekati: questions don't bother me.. repeated questions with the same answer bothers me.
22:44.34*** part/#asterisk m160858 (n=jsaenz@
22:46.07paryli can't figure this out.  call comes in from PRI, goes to SIP phone using a macro with the line Dial(SIP/${ARG1},20,o), but the 'o' option doesn't seem to matter.  when i transfer the line it still shows the CID of the SIP phone rather than the caller
22:47.45parylhow can i set the SIP phone's callerid to that of the caller?
22:47.48brettnemCID of the sip phone?
22:47.55paryl(i tried SetCallerID)
22:47.58brettnemare you transfering a call? you didn't say that
22:48.13paryl"when i transfer the line"
22:48.21sahafeezexten => _6060,1,NoOp,${CALLERIDNAME}     ; will be empty. - FACILITY IE has not been received yet.
22:48.23sahafeezexten => _6060,2,Wait(1)                  ; wait for the CO to find the name in the database
22:48.27sahafeezexten => _6060,3,NoOp,${CALLERIDNAME}     ; now it shows the name ......
22:48.29sahafeezexten => _4XXX,1,Dial,SIP/${EXTEN}|20|o
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22:48.58brettnemoh duh.. haha sorry
22:49.47sahafeezso the above. drop the 4xxx. then do something with the call. exten => _6060,1,Ringing
22:49.50sahafeezexten => _6060,2,Answer
22:49.53sahafeezexten => _6060,3,Dial,SIP/4201&SIP/4205&SIP/4202|20|o    ; Ring, 20 secs max
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22:50.43sahafeezso the 1st part is the inbound call to the from the 6060 line. there is some routing, but the second part is the "open hours" area. rings 4201/4205 etc..
22:51.16sahafeezthey answer and get caller id. when the phone call is transferd to another ext. the id follows, but that maybe phone specific. here.
22:51.43sahafeezusing polycoms
22:52.03paryli'm using polycoms as well..
22:53.36parylwell, basically, the only difference is that i'm sending the caller to the SIP phone from a Queue
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22:53.50parylbut other than that, my config looks the same
22:54.29parylexten => s,1,Answer
22:54.31parylexten => s,2,Wait(1)
22:54.33parylexten => s,3,GotoIf($["${ARG1}" = "${CALLERIDNUM:6}"]?7:4)
22:54.36parylexten => s,4,Dial(SIP/${ARG1},20,o)
22:54.37parylexten => s,5,Voicemail(su${ARG1})
22:54.37parylexten => s,6,Hangup
22:54.39parylexten => s,7,Answer
22:54.41parylexten => s,8,VoicemailMain(${CALLERIDNUM:6})
22:54.42parylexten => s,9,Hangup
22:54.45paryl(sorry to flood)
22:55.19parylquoting myself: "sorry to flood"
22:56.01parylshouldn't the o option work in that case?
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22:59.20blitzragedon't be sorry... just don't :)
22:59.55[TK]D-Fender"Don't go away mad... just go away" (c) Motley Crue
23:01.39KranZparyl:  you dont need o then
23:01.47asterboydexetrine works better...takes the edge off
23:01.55KranZo is for transfers or bridges
23:02.11asterboyritalin == cocaine
23:02.14KranZi guess o would still work, but it's redundant
23:02.20KattyLostFrog: i do not need medication, kthx.
23:03.03[TK]D-FenderNo.. clearly shock absorbers fit the bill better ;)
23:03.10*** part/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
23:03.54parylkranz: ah.. hrmm, well, i need it to happen when a call is received from the Queue (which uses this macro) and is transferred to another extension (using the same macro)
23:03.54LostFrogRubber walls?
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23:03.54parylso i figured even though i'd only need it in one instance, i'd still need it
23:03.56[TK]D-Fenderparyl : What are you trying to do with queues?
23:04.03KranZparyl: you mean "transferred" out of the queue or from another agent?
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23:04.21paryltransferred out of the queue to an ordinary extension
23:04.45paryli have PRI calls coming into a Queue, and the agents will transfer some of them to extensions
23:04.48[TK]D-Fenderparyl : san be in straight SIP, but you lose some end-end visibility
23:05.04KranZso the agent takes the call and transfers?
23:05.17KranZb/c the agent should get the callerid correctly
23:05.22parylbut the person getting the call in the end sees the cid of the agent
23:05.22KranZbut you want the next guy to get it also?
23:05.37parylisn't that what 'o' is supposed to do?
23:06.02KranZyeah, i do it the old fasioned way
23:06.19KranZjust explicitly set the callerid before dialing
23:07.12parylsee, i tried that, in the macro, but it didn't seem to work
23:07.15[TK]D-Fenderparyl : that depends on how the phon does its transfer.  What model?
23:07.21KranZso you could store the original callerid, then set the callerid to that value when the agent transfers
23:07.23parylpolycom 501
23:07.43KranZparyl: you tried to just set the callerid to anything before the transfer just to see if it changes?
23:07.55[TK]D-Fenderparyl : if you do a consultative transfer the AGENT's callerid will show.  if you doa BLIND transfer the CALLER's id will show.
23:08.02paryli tried to set it to the calling number
23:08.07[TK]D-FenderI run 26 IP 600's at my office
23:09.00[TK]D-FenderSo you need to do a blind x-fer
23:09.03paryli don't know if the 501 has a difference
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23:09.13[TK]D-Fenderit does.
23:09.14parylit just shows 'transfer'
23:09.34[TK]D-Fenderwhen you press transfer you get a second soft-key option for blind in hte lower right corner
23:09.35paryldo you set that in -phone.cfg?
23:09.45[TK]D-Fenderno its live during any call.
23:09.57[TK]D-FenderSo you do TRANSFER > BLIND > the number
23:10.13[TK]D-Fenderpay attention when you press the transfer key
23:10.17sahafeezanyone know how to tell if someone is on a phone from another phone? polycom 50x
23:10.24parylFender: you're my hero
23:10.28parylthat was it
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23:10.58parylwhen we have been doing transfers we were just hitting transfer and the number, but as soon as you hit a number the blind transfer goes away
23:11.15KranZparyl: u know how to help sahafeez?
23:11.59parylsahafeez: i think you can set them up as a 'buddy' on the 501, but i haven't messed with it
23:12.08[TK]D-FenderKranZ : I should have earned a LTO by now :)
23:12.34[TK]D-Fenderparyl : exactly.  you have to hit blind right away or cancel and restart the transfer
23:12.40[TK]D-FenderPolcom is a great phone.
23:12.49KranZ..back to extensions.conf -> .ael
23:13.13parylfender: well, that does half of what i need...
23:13.19[TK]D-Fenderonly HALF?!
23:13.31[TK]D-Fenderdear god... then you should have gotten 601's :)
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23:13.42parylthe problem is, our agents normally call and wait for the person to pick up and say "i'm transferring a call", etc
23:13.53parylbut in this case, blind transfer transferrs immediately
23:14.09[TK]D-Fenderparyl : do that, have them hang up after, THEN do the blind x-fer
23:14.10parylso i guess i'll have to fool with setcallerid, in that case
23:14.20paryltrue, i guess
23:14.35parylit's one of those situations where i just replaced a pbx that everyone knew in&out
23:14.43parylso they expect it to do what they're used to
23:14.52KranZour hardpbx shows the extension id of the person transferring, then the callerid when the transfer is complete
23:14.57[TK]D-Fenderparyl : Don't try playing with the callerID... no true way to trace the original since the Polycom will originate a new call and pass off the caller
23:14.59KranZsounds like you want something like that
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23:15.38parylwell, if i stored it in a variable based on the agent's number, i could regurgitate it when they call out
23:16.10MstlyHrmls[TK]D-Fender: actually, with 1.6 you can do a blind transfer after dialing (while getting ringback)
23:16.17KranZdo some sNoOping(${CALLERID(num)) as the call is processed
23:16.33KranZdisregard the s in snooping, im merely being witty
23:16.49dasenjohi, ¿do you know if I can register an asterisk server as an h323 extension in other server?
23:16.53[TK]D-FenderVariables are local to the original channel (the one the queue placed to the agent).  Transferring a call is actually a new channel and would not see a single thing of what happened before
23:17.11paryli'm talking about a global variable
23:17.43KranZnever used polycoms, but does it tie up a channel on the phone also, or do a redirect
23:17.56[TK]D-Fenderparyl : and if Global no way to know exactly which call to apply it to.  Messy either way.
23:18.09[TK]D-FenderKranZ : redirect
23:18.14parylthat's true
23:18.44parylnot to mention, i want the cid to change after the transfer, not before
23:18.50KranZ[TK]D-Fender: what box do you have running those phones?
23:19.17[TK]D-FenderKranZ : what kind of answer are you looking for on that?
23:19.20KranZdoesnt need much for 26 phones does it?
23:19.54[TK]D-FenderKranZ : Zeon 2.8 - 512meg I think... maybe 1 gig (probably)
23:20.07[TK]D-FenderDefinately don't need much of anything for most setups.
23:20.10KranZpri to the office or voip
23:20.31[TK]D-FenderWe're running a PRI w/ HW echo cancel and all the phones are ulaw.  No transcoding
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23:20.54[TK]D-FenderSo no Zaptel overhead and no transcode (virtually) to ULAW
23:21.09paryli SO wish i had ordered the T1 card w/echo cancellation
23:21.38KranZi'd like to get a standard for something like that and market it
23:21.56[TK]D-Fenderparyl : Our 2 TE405P's sucked ass so I made my vendor upgrade us on HIS bill :)
23:22.19parylreally?  what was wrong with them?
23:22.25KranZso you have 2 406s?
23:22.35parylmy te205p works fine, but have to do sw echo cancel
23:22.48*** join/#asterisk docelm0 (
23:23.04[TK]D-FenderHORRIBLE echo, frame slips, and they would never sync with the telco's clock.  Fortunately file[laptop] here pointed me in a very productive direction :D
23:23.22file[laptop]I aim to please.
23:23.29docelm0Yes yes you do..
23:23.42docelm0hay file Mo said he wanted to meet up with you next year @ astricon
23:23.58parylah, is file a vendor?
23:24.03file[laptop]paryl: can't say I am
23:24.08docelm0I am!
23:24.09paryl(yes, talking about you in thrid person :)
23:24.14file[laptop]docelm0: o rly? I'll have to talk to him on MSN
23:24.17[TK]D-FenderNo, just someone I met in town for an Asterisk conference in town
23:24.19parylthird even
23:24.25docelm0He just moved to Houston
23:24.40docelm0So no internet for a bit.
23:24.44*** part/#asterisk dasenjo (n=dasenjo@
23:25.13file[laptop]I might show up at Spring VON... we'll see
23:25.23parylwell, i'm gonna hang up my hat for tonight.  tackling the callerid problem in the morning... yay!
23:25.29docelm0Von is ok.. but I get more out of astricon
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23:25.35KranZfile: when/where is springVON?
23:25.43file[laptop]KranZ: it's in March in San Jose
23:25.59file[laptop]I went to the last one and had fun, good to meet people
23:26.08docelm0I went to Fall in Boston
23:26.15docelm0was nice to get out a bit..
23:26.20docelm0But didnt get much from it..
23:26.39docelm0Astricon is better cause of the environment.. 600 or so Telecom geeks going at it all at once..
23:26.40file[laptop]I go for the people.
23:26.57docelm0I do too..
23:26.58KranZanyone use win2k3 for a desktop?
23:26.59file[laptop]Cluecon was very developer oriented...
23:27.08file[laptop]was very productive too
23:27.11docelm0I didnt know anyone @ von.. Just Digium guys
23:27.15docelm0Kranz yes
23:27.27KranZhave u noticed the alt-tabbing is always out of order
23:27.43docelm0why are you running server for a desktop anyhow?
23:28.01KranZor when you click on the taskbar to minimize a prog, instead of showing the previous program, it shows something different
23:28.18KranZdoecelm0: went from 2000 to 2003
23:28.19docelm0Cant say I have seen that.. Your viri'd.. :)
23:28.21KranZand i hate XP
23:28.30KranZmy head's virii'd
23:28.38KranZoh well
23:28.55*** part/#asterisk Cipher42 (
23:30.07[TK]D-FenderI haven't seen a Virus at hom in over 5 years.
23:30.44docelm0hom? What is Asterisk@Home? It infects all the Newb's into thinking they can use asterisk easily..
23:31.06KranZwhich leads them here
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23:32.25docelm0need I say more?
23:32.52[TK]D-FenderAs in my WinXP home system
23:33.18kuku5hey guys
23:33.43kuku5How can I make a dail in thing so I do a different dial() depending on the time
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23:34.10kuku5like afeter 5:30 pm i want to dial 10 different extensions, while before that i want to dial just one extension
23:37.20pifiuanyone work here with polycom 501s?
23:38.03[TK]D-Fenderpifiu : Whats your question?
23:38.34KranZkuku5: GotoIfTime()
23:39.00KranZsubtract 2 mins off the actual time
23:39.19asterboycool...found a way to get radio to asterisk for radio on hold:
23:41.35*** part/#asterisk SplasPood (
23:42.10Drukenuhmm... can't you just use the dsp line-in for an moh ?
23:42.11Corydon-wGotoIfTime is deprecated... use IFTIME() instead
23:43.10KranZwe need a depreciated bot
23:44.29asterboyDruken, is there a way to do that live? or do you need to pre-recorde
23:44.43Drukeni have no idea
23:45.02Drukenbut i would assume there's got to be a way to use the line-in as an moh source
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23:46.03MstlyHrmlslooks like it just uses sox to capture the audio from /dev/dsp
23:47.02MstlyHrmlsand uses an ioctl on /dev/radio to tune it
23:47.51KranZasterboy: write a module for it!
23:48.16asterboyI just might.
23:49.09asterboyThat way you can hookup a standard radio tuner to line-in on the sound card and use that to play music on hold.
23:49.48asterboyA usb or pci card would be nice to program the tuner, but that will take up a resources.
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23:50.14Drukenwell, asterboy, you can do it now... or should be able to with sox...
23:50.31Drukenor would sox only convert into an mp3?
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23:51.12MstlyHrmlsin the script from the URL, he uses sox to dump the audio as a .wav, then uses LAME to convert it to mp3
23:52.02Drukeni wonder if something like mpeg123 could read from the line-in
23:52.28Drukenif so, then it would be a simple run mpg123 with the port as a source, and it would work
23:56.56KranZor pipe it to mpg123
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