irclog2html for #asterisk on 20051119

00:01.41tzafrir_laptopisn't there asterisk-de?
00:02.23`Sauronqwell: few do
00:02.32`Sauronunlike english
00:04.49wunderkinanyone here run a provider that can  get me a toll free did?
00:05.09*** join/#asterisk konfuzed (
00:05.14justinuask me in a few weeks
00:05.20wunderkinaw thats when i need it :P
00:05.28wunderkinto be listed i mean
00:05.34justinuyou might actually *gasp* pay for it then :P
00:05.53wunderkin.. "pay"?
00:06.17wunderkini thought it was all free, wow what a surprise
00:06.21justinuguess you never saw bill & teds
00:06.26theblueWhat is the username and password for A@H?
00:06.28wunderkinyeah but its been awhile
00:06.48justinudid you ever straighten out your T1 troubles?
00:06.51wunderkini can order one on my pri but blah its not going to be used much
00:07.12wunderkinwell not really, it just started to act up again last night.. they havent called me back yet either.. very sucky company
00:07.21justinui hear that alot about qwest
00:07.26wunderkinwell its not qwest
00:07.35wunderkinairespring is who im waiting on
00:07.36*** part/#asterisk Uther_P (n=uther_p@
00:07.40justinuis that your ilec?
00:07.43theblueCan anyone tell me the default username and password for Asterisk@Home?
00:07.44wunderkinthey are a reseller
00:07.53justinumiddlemen suck
00:07.59sozoHi. I'm having a small issue getting mISDN to work. Does anyone have a suggestion of what is wrong? (error following)
00:08.00sozoSat Nov 19 01:05:12 2005: Got: 1 from get_ports
00:08.00sozoSat Nov 19 01:05:12 2005: stack_nt_init: Cannot connect layer 2 of port:1 exclusively.
00:08.01wunderkinbroadwing is the long distance carrier on both, and qwest is the lec
00:08.07wunderkinyep well especially this one, the other one aint bad
00:08.09justinuLOL, broadwing!
00:08.12wunderkinyes :P
00:08.23justinui have many many t1s to broadwing
00:08.44justinubroadwing is seriously fucked up
00:10.03wunderkini cant figure out yet what my problem is.. it cant be the card.. i have 2 others cross-connected to another pc and they are always ok.. shrug..
00:10.21wunderkincable? but why would it be ok for 4 days afer i reboot? hmm
00:10.31justinubad wirewraps on the CO DSX :P
00:11.27wunderkinthey stopped their testing and wanted to see where the errors were .. waiting to hear still...
00:12.07wunderkinthey keep saying that it is clean to the niu
00:12.09*** join/#asterisk AgiNamu (n=AgiNamu@
00:12.25justinubut the thing is, where are they running from
00:12.31wunderkini dont know
00:12.36justinui bet they're not testing the path from their DSX to their switch
00:12.41justinui bet they run to the NIU from their DSX
00:12.42wunderkinprobably not
00:13.07justinuthese people are like army drop outs
00:13.21justinuthey don't know shit, they're just trained to run a BERT
00:13.35justinuback when I was dealing with wiltel, they all were ex-army people
00:14.18*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
00:14.55justinuis it a nortel switch?
00:15.06wunderkini have nfi
00:15.17justinuyou can always tell nortel by their terminology
00:15.25justinu"lockout", "dtc", 'remote made busy'
00:15.28justinushit like that
00:15.36AgiNamuHow long can I wait if a call comes in over PRI before I have to answer?
00:15.46AgiNamubefore the remote side will consider it disconnected
00:15.47justinuin excess of 2 minutes
00:15.49justinumaybe 3
00:16.03AgiNamuand if I call hangup before I call answer, they'll see the call as rejected
00:16.06justinui can't remember what PRI timer that is, but there's a specific timer that controls it
00:16.35justinuthey probably consider it RNA = Ring No Answer
00:16.50AgiNamucan I manipulate disconnect codes in Asterisk?
00:16.56justinubut I garauntee if all your calls ring for 3 minutes, they will catch on.
00:17.21AgiNamuno, just i need to query a DB to see if i wanna accept
00:17.26AgiNamuso it could take 10 seconds
00:17.31justinuok, that's not a problem
00:17.42justinui dunno about manipulating cause codes in asterisk
00:17.50AgiNamuhmm ok.
00:17.50justinui know pri, but I haven't worked on PRI w/ asterisk
00:17.58AgiNamuI'd probably want to return busy or something
00:18.13justinuyou can do that in the dialplan
00:19.56theblueCan no one tell me what the default username and password is for Asterisk@Home?
00:20.18ChujiAny of you folks familiar with the old Lucent Max 6000's?
00:20.31justinutheblue: probably because no one knows
00:20.46justinui remember when they were called ascend max
00:20.51thebluejustinu: You're kidding me.
00:21.13Chujijustinu : Yeah, it's an ascend actually
00:21.19AgiNamutheblue.... Asterisk@Home password?
00:21.25AgiNamulike, root / password ?
00:21.30ChujiTrying to hook it up to * and I'm not doing so hot
00:21.30justinui don't know anything about asterisk@home
00:21.59AgiNamutheblue, try root / password and tell me if that works.
00:22.01justinuchuji: i remember using them as a PRI dialup access contentrator
00:23.41Chujijustinu : Yeah, that's what I'm doing with it
00:23.53Chujijustinu : Asterisk is just passing calls over from the pstn to it
00:24.03Chujiwell, "trying" to do with it
00:24.35simprixWhat are some good microphones for voip clients
00:25.05AgiNamuCisco 7940s have good mics.
00:25.36NuggetI really like my 7960s.  I dunno if they're worth what they cost, but I'm happy to have them.
00:25.42simprixfor softphones
00:26.05AgiNamusimprix, well, there's the USB "phone" thing that looks like a small cellphone
00:26.09AgiNamuthey're about $20
00:26.19AgiNamuor $109 if you order from Virbiage.
00:26.30simprixare they good ?
00:26.42simprixi need something with a noise cancelling mic
00:26.44AgiNamuthey're nice, and they have a keypad
00:26.47AgiNamuoh i dont know if they have that.
00:27.00AgiNamuvoipsupply has a few headsets from plantronics with noise cancel mics
00:27.03AgiNamufor like $20 or $30
00:29.00Ariel_theblue, the default password is password for root
00:29.09Ariel_you should change it as soon as you login
00:29.15theblueAgiNamu: Thanks, it worked.
00:29.18theblueAriel_: Ok, will do.
00:29.20kippiis there a channel for ABE?
00:29.22*** join/#asterisk Evanrude (
00:29.29Ariel_theblue, also there is a section here that is just for amp it's called #amportal
00:29.44theblueAriel_: amp?
00:29.49AgiNamutheblue :).... just google -- that the first result for Asterisk@Home default password :P
00:29.57AgiNamukippi you bought ABE too?
00:30.02Ariel_kippi, Asterisk Business Ed is supported directly by Digium
00:30.02AgiNamuwe just bought 2 licenses.
00:30.06theblueAgiNamu: Yeah.
00:30.22theblueAgiNamu: That was for the console itself.
00:30.29theblueAgiNamu: But it didn't work for the web based portal.
00:30.46AgiNamuI'm gonna buy a whole lot more once they kill this draconian licensing thing. No standby license. No developer licenses. No volume keys. No grace period.
00:30.53Ariel_theblue, the web is maint password is the password not root
00:31.12infinity1anyone having a problem with voipjet
00:31.22theblueAriel_: Thanks.
00:31.28Ariel_infinity1, there seems to be one of there servers down
00:31.29infinity1i can't make calls!
00:31.38*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
00:31.45*** join/#asterisk MrBelvedr (
00:31.47infinity1i need some logic to re-route
00:31.48AgiNamuinfinity1, yea, their termination rates are low driving other people to offer lower prices and cut costs resulting in poor service? ;)
00:31.50Qwellreasons not to use voip...
00:31.51infinity1to someone else.
00:32.04infinity1AgiNamu: that sounds about right!
00:32.18infinity1Qwell: we're die hard. we're using *
00:32.26infinity1Qwell: and so are you so :P ..heh
00:32.41Qwelldiehard != stupid
00:32.59tzangernobody's forcing you to use the cheapest possible provider
00:33.12infinity1hmmm... depends ..if you're pasionately diehard :)
00:33.14AgiNamupeople learn that the hardware
00:33.24AgiNamuer, hard way. That cheaper doesnt really work out.
00:33.29tzangerthere are several who maintain network stability over price wars
00:33.30klicekhello Asmasters, I have question: how to debug incomming connection on which username they want to connect?
00:33.55Qwellklicek: sip?
00:33.59AgiNamuits like they are A-Z price fanbois -- "OOH , this guys doign USA blended for 0.6995 insteadof 0.7 lets switch right away!!"
00:34.00Qwellsip debug peer <name>
00:34.05klicekQwell: iax
00:34.38Qwellnot sure you can debug an individual peer
00:34.45Qwellwith iax
00:34.49AgiNamuand its usually the guy with 10 DIDs and like 500 minutes a month that bounces around for a tenth of a cent too :)
00:34.55klicekQwell : in CLI I have only NOTICE[26789]: chan_iax2.c:6772 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from , who was trying to reach 's@'
00:35.03infinity1Qwell: sip debug ip x.x.x.x
00:35.08Qwellno context was provided?
00:35.13Qwellinfinity1: iax != sip
00:35.29infinity1oh. that isn't sip?
00:35.33infinity1er i mean doesn't work
00:35.45infinity1Qwell: whats with all these != you're giving me
00:35.51klicekI think I should configure account for incomming connections in iax.conf
00:36.07Qwellklicek: Did you put a context for that connection in iax.conf?
00:36.10klicekex.:  [name]; context=incomming; type=friend
00:36.25klicekbut I don't know the name
00:36.36L|NUXhow can i search particular command in asterisk  cli
00:36.36tzangerAgiNamu: yep.  that is why any DID porting I plan on doing would have a minimum 60 day term
00:36.39klicekthe [name]
00:36.45L|NUXlike we do on shell
00:36.48L|NUXctrl + r
00:36.50AgiNamuso what is everyone doing for 911
00:36.59QwellDon't msg me
00:37.10QwellAgiNamu: cellphone
00:37.12klicekok, but why?
00:37.17AgiNamuQwell hehe :)
00:37.18Qwellklicek: because I said not to
00:37.52AgiNamubut uh, like, FCC 911 for voip
00:38.06QwellI don't believe in the FCC
00:39.29AgiNamui see :)
00:39.36*** join/#asterisk YoMama (
00:39.58AgiNamusome of our customers would like not to believe in the FCC i think :)
00:41.38*** part/#asterisk bweschke (
00:42.43YoMamaeveryone is so chatty
00:43.13AgiNamuhey keep it down
00:43.28AgiNamuwe're trying to rest.
00:45.15simprixWhats a good softphone for linux besides x-ten
00:47.16QwellI like iaxcomm
00:47.32theblueIs there an ncurses-based yum manager in A@H?
00:47.34L|NUXsimprix : sjphone
00:47.46Qwelltheblue: #asteriskathome or #centos
00:47.53theblueQwell: Ok.
00:48.09*** join/#asterisk andrew` (
00:57.54SuperBI like sjphone - includes message waiting
01:02.47*** part/#asterisk SuperB (n=chatzill@
01:14.18*** join/#asterisk sbingner (n=thanotos@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/sbingner)
01:21.39*** join/#asterisk TheCops (
01:29.42*** join/#asterisk justinu (
01:29.48*** join/#asterisk bweschke (
01:36.30*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
01:40.03*** join/#asterisk Rowter (n=SilverDr@
01:42.57*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
01:51.07nick125rm -rf *
01:59.56*** join/#asterisk txbobw (
02:04.10*** join/#asterisk ThatsKP (i=0@
02:05.00*** join/#asterisk mjr__ (
02:05.57*** join/#asterisk LeXo (
02:08.17TheCopssomeone is using DID on a PRI with Asterisk?
02:08.32QwellTheCops: tons of people, I'm sure
02:08.44TheCopsYeah, but I have some question
02:08.47barretjrm -rf /
02:09.39barretjwhy only remove the current directory when you can remove the whole file system?!
02:09.50mjr__I get this after upgrading to 1.2: Nov 18 20:53:46 WARNING[1801]: chan_sip.c:11253 do_monitor: chan_sip: ast_sched_runq ran 40 all at once
02:09.56mjr__every 60 seconds
02:10.04mjr__box has 0 calls on it
02:11.54ThatsKPi hate to even ask this but can anyone recommend a decent free softphone client for Win98 (sip or iax2)  i can't get sjphone to work on 98 and iaxcomm produces very garbled audio
02:12.21QwellThatsKP: crappy codec I bet
02:12.43mog_workhampster die?
02:12.55ThatsKPits all a P-III 500Mhz but that should be plenty if that is the only thing the unit is doing no?
02:13.00TheCopsQwell, are you using DID/PRI on asterisk ?
02:13.06QwellTheCops: no
02:13.13ThatsKPQwell: how do I upgrade the codecs?
02:13.23QwellThatsKP: you don't.  You just change the ones you're using.
02:13.38*** part/#asterisk mjr__ (
02:13.52ThatsKPQwell: i went through all of them one by one
02:13.59ThatsKPeven ulaw was noisey
02:14.08QwellThatsKP: Are you sure it was using ulaw?
02:14.17QwellWhat did asterisk say it was using?
02:14.35ThatsKPdammit- I forgot to check from asterisk
02:15.08ThatsKPi'm pretty sure it was using it thought because i did have to switch the bandwidth setting to high in the iax.conf file
02:15.17ThatsKPotherwise i wouldn't dial
02:15.27ThatsKPbut i'll check
02:15.29*** join/#asterisk nagl (n=nagl@
02:15.39Qwelldon't use the bandwidth setting.  use disallow= and allow=
02:15.45*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
02:16.07ThatsKPi thought bandwidth=high was the same as allow=all?
02:16.15mog_worknot quite
02:16.24mog_workdont use those, just define your codecs...
02:16.29ThatsKP*nod* ok
02:16.41ThatsKPwell gsm was explicity allowed
02:16.49Qwellgsm sounds like crap
02:16.50ThatsKPand was still noisey
02:17.10Qwellgsm is often compared to a cellphone call
02:17.12[TK]D-FenderI beg to differ, I find GSM to be just fine...
02:17.14sylelol wife is making fun of me looking at my some of my code where it says "die gracefully"
02:17.17ThatsKPon sjphone its real good for me
02:17.30QwellThatsKP: Then it probably isn't using gsm. ;]
02:17.49[TK]D-FenderiLBC in * = Domo Arigato!
02:17.54ThatsKPno that i've seen from the asterisk side
02:18.45ThatsKPso you guys like iLBC the best?
02:19.05marcus2holy shite
02:19.16marcus2i just got the merlin/magix to take incoming calls from *
02:19.16QwellThatsKP: he's saying iLBC sounds awful
02:19.28marcus2now to figure out the magix dial plan to make it send calls to *
02:19.33*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:19.57ThatsKPQwell: so if there anything i can do on the win98 to get better quality?
02:20.14ThatsKPdownload updated codecs maybe?
02:22.01theblueCan anyone walk me through setting up Asterisk@Home?
02:22.11theblueI'm a little bit confused.
02:23.25mog_workmaybe in asterisk@home channel
02:26.45*** join/#asterisk ThatsKP (i=0@
02:26.51*** join/#asterisk newmember (n=newmembe@
02:27.01ThatsKPQwell: you still there?
02:28.30marcus2i <heart> 2400 baud
02:30.43*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
02:32.41*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (n=ewieling@
02:34.19*** join/#asterisk slePP (
02:35.26jbotwell, mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at or search through it at
02:35.28jbot[docs] probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or
02:41.13docelm0nurses rule..
02:41.26docelm0can someone tell me if this would be a true statement if the call was answered?
02:41.27docelm0if (ast_cdr_disp2str(cdr->disposition) == "ANSWERED"){
02:41.35docelm0cause damnit it isnt working
02:41.39*** part/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
02:41.44jebbauh, does anyone know anything particularily weird about the argentina phone system?   I have around 25 DIDs.  Three from argentina, all from different providers (didx, fonosip, & voxbone). For the three from .ar I can only get one-way audio. ! The oddest is didx, since I have a lot more from there that work fine.
02:41.53mog_workyou cant comparte that
02:41.56mog_workdo strcasecmp
02:42.24mog_workif(!strcasecmp(ast_cdr_disp2str(cdr->disposition) , "ANSWERED"))
02:42.30mog_workthat will do the same thing
02:43.36docelm0thanks.. Still play FFXI?
02:43.55marcus2this is surreal. i told the magix to send me its full config.... its up to 90KB, and its taken 17 minutes so far
02:43.56mog_workno i never played FFXI
02:44.04mog_worki havent realy played any since 3/6
02:46.35mog_workim not huge fan of the 3d ones
02:46.52mog_worki have to keep it "Old Skool"
02:48.07*** join/#asterisk UoM (
02:48.14docelm0hay mog the ! in the above statement.. thats false or true statement? False right?
02:48.23docelm0err if NOT false
02:48.36file[laptop]strcasecmp returns the difference, so if the strings match it'll return 0
02:48.54docelm0which will make it false then
02:48.55file[laptop]in which case ! works fine and dandy for a standard "does this equal this"
02:49.12*** join/#asterisk jmjones (
02:50.06docelm0I almost have the mod's done.. Must say little help but c isnt that much different than PHP..
02:50.11docelm0I almost like it.. :)
02:52.36jdv79if i have no packet loss and low latency and jitter why else would i get a regular chop?
02:53.56{zombie}dropped interrupts?
02:54.37jdv79i'm not using any tdm hw
02:55.07*** part/#asterisk nobell (n=jdegraff@
02:56.17*** join/#asterisk citats (
02:56.18TheCopssomeone is using DID on a PRI with Asterisk?
02:56.27mog_workmany people are thecops
02:56.39TheCopsYeah i know that many people are, but no one answer here. hehe
02:56.50mog_workwell maybe you should ask a question then
02:57.28TheCopsHow can I configure theh extension for the DID when I'm using PRI? The same way as a VoIP provider ?
02:57.39*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
02:57.39TheCopsbut in the incomming context of the channel I guess
02:57.42mog_workyou tell zapata.conf
02:57.44mog_worka contex
02:57.47mog_workand then
02:57.55TheCopsexten => number,1,bla ?
02:58.00mog_workyou can do _X.,1,noop(${EXTEN})
02:58.05mog_workto see how they send dids
02:58.11mog_workso if they send a 4 digit did
02:58.19mog_workyou do 1234,1,blah
02:58.49TheCopsyou dont have this feature on normal analog line, right ?
02:59.11{zombie}not usually
02:59.29{zombie}I've heard some telcos send DID info in the same way caller-id info is sent
02:59.47TheCopsdo you know if Bell Canada do it ?
02:59.53{zombie}but that would be an exception, rather than a rule (though I guess that depends on where you live)
02:59.56{zombie}I dunno, ask them? :)
03:00.04{zombie}I know for a fact none of the aussie telcos do
03:00.13TheCopsjust "asking a technical question" is very hard at Bell Canada hehe
03:00.28{zombie}but seriously, why bother? analogue telephony is such crappy technology
03:00.32{zombie}when you can get ISDN
03:00.41TheCopsThis is for test purpose only
03:06.41[TK]D-FenderTheCops : DID's are passed to * as the call arrives and is very easy to seperate in your incoming context.
03:06.57drumkillaTheCops: do you work for Bell Canada?
03:07.20TheCopsdrumkilla, no, else, I'll go falls at the bridge
03:07.20[TK]D-FenderNo, he's referring to getting info FROM Bell.....
03:07.28drumkillaah, gotcha ...
03:07.33TheCopssorry, I'm french
03:07.37drumkillasorry, I have a friend that works for them :)
03:07.51TheCopsI hate bell, sorry
03:08.27marcus2man, this suxx
03:08.52[TK]D-FenderBell is too large for its own good, and AllStream (previously AT&T) are worse... they are big enough to have stupid amounts of internal latency before passing the job on to Bell since so much of what they offer is in "resale"
03:11.47jmjonesok - i'm back.  i've been testing my asterisk installation on my lan.  i'm having quality problems between linphone on linux using gsm and sjphone on windows also apparently using gsm
03:12.07jmjonesand * is installed on a separate linux server.
03:12.07{zombie}easy fix, don't use gsm
03:12.26jmjones{zombie} what should i be using? wav or WAV?
03:12.28NuggetI blame linux, naturally.
03:12.49{zombie}on a LAN I prefer to use g711 (ulaw/alaw)
03:12.59jmjonesNugget well, there are two linuxen to one windows box here, so it *is* the smoking gun...
03:13.00{zombie}over the 'net g729 all the way baybee
03:13.13*** join/#asterisk ctooley (
03:13.19marcus245 minutes... 232KB
03:13.20marcus2this is insane
03:13.22ctooleyanyone here use AgileBill?
03:13.42jmjones{zombie} i'm testing so i can talk over the net.  so lemme see what codecs i have available for linphone....
03:13.50blopwhere can i find info on the QSIG support in asterisk ?
03:14.14*** join/#asterisk loud (
03:14.50jmjonesi've got 1015, speex 16000 and 8000, pcma and pcmu (and of course gsm)
03:15.29{zombie}use pcma or pcmu then
03:17.22db48xpcma and pcmu are only 64kbps
03:17.36db48xnothing beats sending real audio if you've got the bandwidth for it
03:17.47*** join/#asterisk CoolAcid (n=jason@
03:17.56jmjonesok - weird thing is that the sound quality is excellent when i'm listening to it.  it's just when i try to Monitor() them that it's choppy
03:18.17jmjonesand the box is pretty well bored when the call is going on.  IO is bored.  CPU is bored.
03:18.35jmjonesnetwork should be bored, but i didn't really look at that....
03:19.24*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
03:24.37*** part/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
03:25.40coppicea-law and u-law suck. its time people used wideband
03:31.49Nivexcan you route a call in Ogg Vorbis?
03:33.49*** part/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
03:43.33*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
03:48.11Dr_Raywe are getting rid of our dlinks
03:49.02marcus2heh. this configuration dump has been running for 85 minutes
03:49.12CoaxD'configuration dump'?
03:49.18*** join/#asterisk blingwadman (
03:49.22*** part/#asterisk blingwadman (
03:49.38marcus2a merlin/magix phone switch that i'm trying to make talk to *
03:49.44CoaxDdoh. hehe
03:49.44SpaceBassseriosly... this thing sucks... I got serious today about wireless security so I created a special wireless subnet for my Wifi phones and made 'dmz pin holes' for SIP, etc... but this D-link won;t work as just an AP... it wants to route
03:49.51*** join/#asterisk blingwadman (
03:50.10CoaxDSplas: You got it
03:50.10marcus2the admin interface is 2400 baud :)
03:50.15SpaceBassi tested with an Apple Airport Express and it worked perfectly
03:50.21CoaxDSplas: These boxes are not built to be a transparent ethernet bridge
03:50.30CoaxDSplas: They're meant to be an all-in-one accessrouter
03:50.44blingwadmanI have a cisco vip 30/12sp+ phone, I need to know the specifications for the adapter
03:50.48marcus2just get a wrt54
03:50.49blingwadmandoes anyone know this?
03:50.51marcus2and run openwrt on it
03:50.56marcus2and do whatever you want with it =D
03:50.57CoaxDmarcus: Agreed
03:51.09CoaxDmarcus: i do that at my company. Hell, i bought one just for OpenVPN
03:51.19marcus2i run asterisk+openvpn on my wrt54gs at home
03:51.20CoaxDmarcus: it manages my whole intranet. that little thing has balls
03:51.29CoaxDmarcus: I do it on a wrt54g (no s)
03:51.30SpaceBassat least they work
03:51.42marcus2with a linksys pap2 for making voice calls thru the * server at the office
03:51.43CoaxDSplas: note: Not *
03:51.46CoaxDer Space
03:52.01marcus2you dont have * on the g, i assume?
03:52.02CoaxDSpace: Just OVPN
03:52.07SpaceBassI tried 3 APs today... a belkin, the dlink and apple... appled worked but I dont have one to spare
03:52.17SpaceBassopen vpn? not an option unfortunatly
03:52.30CoaxDSpace: Apple Airport does transparent bridging
03:52.43CoaxDSpace: but think of the cost difference between an apple airport and a frickin d-link
03:53.09SpaceBassyep, and quite well...
03:53.09CoaxDSpace: yeah, been usin' 'em for that for years
03:53.09CoaxDsince 1.0
03:53.09SpaceBassbut they are pricy
03:53.15SpaceBassi wanted 2 CHEAP APs
03:53.15CoaxDthats the POINT
03:53.26CoaxDSpace: They're not APs man.  they're all-in-one solutions
03:53.36CoaxDSpace: They cannot do anything but what they do
03:53.49SpaceBassand I guess I cannot find that... belkin didn;t have a detachable antenna, dlink just sucks ass... so I guess its linksys or apple
03:54.04CoaxDSplas: Even the linksys firmware cant do anythign else
03:54.07CoaxDer space
03:54.25CoaxDspace: OpenWRT gives you acces to do whatever the hell you want
03:54.32SpaceBasslinksys used to have a AP vs router mode
03:54.46SpaceBassand I can always do you said
03:55.04SpaceBassits just $39 vs $59 vs $69
03:55.04CoaxDroot@OpenWrt:~# uptime
03:55.11SpaceBassI just wanted a cheap AP
03:55.38CoaxDwhen did linksys have ap vs router?
03:55.58CoaxDthey have a product that DOES the transparent bridge, afaik
03:56.01*** part/#asterisk blingwadman (
03:56.02CoaxDbut it aint the wrt54g
03:56.14*** join/#asterisk Berkey (
03:56.33SpaceBasslinksys, even the bef... whatever had that option
03:56.40CoaxDit did not.
03:56.45CoaxDit was a router.
03:57.01CoaxDI had a couple BEFSR's
03:57.02SpaceBassyeah... could route or be gateway
03:57.17SpaceBassI used a bef...yadda... 802.11b as an AP for a long time
03:57.30CoaxDSpace: it was incapable of being a transparent bridge.
03:57.40CoaxDSpace: i still have one in service.
03:57.46*** join/#asterisk klictel (
03:58.10SpaceBassi guess i was confused... but there is an option that is gateway vs route... bottom line is that you could use a lan port and plug it into a switch and it worked as an AP
03:58.11*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
03:58.34CoaxDSpace: it might well have done what you say. but it was handing you a NATted IP
03:58.43*** part/#asterisk klictel (
03:58.59CoaxDSpace: I do, hwoever, believe that in that model, it was possible to shut DHCP off.
03:59.03CoaxDSpace: Somehow
03:59.12SpaceBassno, thats the point... got a lan IP, not NATted
03:59.23*** join/#asterisk Micc (
03:59.38CoaxDSpace: Only if you had a DHCP server plugged into the switch port
03:59.47CoaxDSpace: i.e. not the WAN port
03:59.50SpaceBassyeah, disable DHCP and it (at the time I was staic)
03:59.59CoaxDSpace: You could use it just as a switch
04:00.22SpaceBassi guess that is what I was doing... b/c I was using windows 2000 as the DHCP and NOT using the WAN port
04:00.24CoaxDSpace: Tho again, i dont think it was possible to make the AP (i.e. wireless mode) like that
04:00.26SpaceBassbut the AP still worked
04:00.30SpaceBassand thats what I want :)
04:00.46CoaxDyeah, i bet it WOULD work that way with wireless
04:00.56SpaceBassi lent it out...and even though it was .b ... it just worked...
04:00.59SpaceBassand this dlink sucks ass
04:01.03CoaxDif you shut DHCP off, it'd just proxyarp the shit to the local LAN
04:01.51CoaxDfuck, you know, i wonddr if that wouldnt work on a de-facto wrt54g as well
04:01.59CoaxDi know this:  If you used the WAN port, you were fucked
04:02.09CoaxDit was now a router
04:02.12SpaceBassyeah, WAN is out...
04:02.22SpaceBassWAN NATs...period
04:02.45SpaceBassbut with this dlink I'm using lan ports.... and was hoping for the same results...
04:03.14SpaceBassbasically... my wifi phones dont support WPA and I'm tired of running my entire WiFi network with NO security
04:03.30CoaxDSpace: Those TRUELY ARE stupid NAT routers that cannot do anything other than their base design
04:03.52CoaxDSpace: (Which is what 100% of people who use them buy them for)
04:04.00SpaceBassso I set up a seperate subnet for "guests" and wifi phones... punched pin-holes for SIP (no IAX2 wifi phones :( )...
04:04.26SpaceBassCoaxD: ageeded, and its a shame...b/c the hardware can do it, its poor design (programing)
04:04.30CoaxDSpace: in reality, how many people are coming to your house with wifi phones?
04:04.41CoaxDSpace: no, its proper design
04:04.52SpaceBassCoaxD:  none, but I have 2
04:04.54CoaxDSpace: Because it is, by definition, a limited function device
04:04.58SpaceBassbut a lot come with laptops
04:05.04CoaxDSpace: Thats why they charge $30 for it, and not $300
04:05.28CoaxDSpace: look at a Cisco 840 and a linksys befsr411
04:05.44CoaxDSpace: Or rather, the even older one.. the one without wireless
04:05.46SpaceBassso.... is for MY phones and ALL guests... then is my LAN with its own APs that us RADIU?S
04:06.12CoaxDSpace: The hardware difference is minimal (minus the crypto chip onboard).  Yet, one is worth hundreds, the oteher is worth $5
04:06.23CoaxDSpace: Whats the difference?  SOFTWARE
04:06.27Dr_Raypriced on what people will pay.. not what it costs
04:07.06CoaxDDr_Ray: Exactly.
04:07.29CoaxDpeople will pay $30. for a limited function device.
04:07.37CoaxDbusinesses will pay $300 for a multifunctional device.
04:07.42CoaxDsame hardware, different software
04:07.47SpaceBassive noticed there are a ton of $5.00 (litterly) PCI WiFi cards...
04:08.08SpaceBassmy PocketPC phone has WiFi... the chipsets cannot cost more than $.50 these days
04:08.12CoaxDSpace: if you ever actually tried to use those, you'd beat your head into a wall
04:08.24SpaceBassuse what?
04:08.34CoaxDSpace: Sure, the chipsets are okay. but the drivers for them _suck_
04:08.37CoaxD(well, for Win32 anyway)
04:08.52CoaxDand most of them, you cant find linux drivers for
04:09.08CoaxDhell, they're even selling these $40 USB 802.11g devices that come with AP software
04:09.18SpaceBassi duno... there are only a few major chipsets and linux supports most of them
04:09.28CoaxDall the "software" does is put them in a hardware manage mode
04:09.33JonR800anyone working on maildir voicemail support??? all options for replicating vm's between two servers suck.
04:10.47CoaxDJon: Whats your reason for having 2 servers?  I/O issues? redundancy?
04:10.54SpaceBassof course the other issue I have- absloutly NO ill effect on SIP Wifi phones- is that for WAN access my firewall requires MAC authenication... something I want to do away with
04:11.05JonR800CoaxD: redundancy, geographical distribution.
04:11.18CoaxDJonR800: Asterisk is SHIT for redundancy
04:11.49CoaxDJonR800: I cant believe they havent touched scalability.  If it were me, i'd stop adding features and start adding scalability
04:11.57SpaceBassJonR800:  can you just store it locally according to what is closet to the user?
04:12.20CoaxDJonR800: Cuz i could say 'just use nfs!', but that doesnt really solve your problem
04:12.23JonR800CoaxD: so i've noticed.. :)  this one has been kicking me for a few days.  NFS, you run into locking problems.. ODBC replication you run into the auto_increment issue.. rsync again runs into some issues.
04:12.32marcus2doesnt * support vm stored in databases now?
04:12.37CoaxDJonR: plus, with NFS, there's really no point
04:12.45CoaxDJonR: because you just lost all your redundancy with it
04:12.46JonR800CoaxD: true
04:13.13JonR800SpaceBass: i can, but that doesn't really help for fail over.. that is the easiest solution the "f it" solution.
04:13.17CoaxDmarcus2: if * supported oracle with true multimaster replication, it'd be useful
04:13.41SpaceBassJonR800:  true... no real redundancy in that
04:14.06CoaxDbut with true multimaster, all servers must return "hi, i replicated that" before the insert query can actually return
04:14.19marcus2just use mysql with replication, its not all that difficult
04:14.33CoaxDmarcus2: Does mysql support multimaster? no.
04:14.39JonR800hehe here we go.. custom script.. this should be something a little more natural..
04:14.39marcus2why should it need to
04:14.45CoaxDmarcus: Which basically means, write once, read many. ie.. the master goes down, boom
04:14.49SpaceBassIP asterisk box that functions like an MS Exchange head box in a DMZ... has link to both (or more) backend servers...
04:14.50CoaxDmarcus: no redundancy
04:14.55JonR800mysql does support multimaster.. you just run into issues with auto_increment.
04:14.56marcus2its easy to fail over the master to one of the slaves
04:15.04CoaxDJonR800: Oh, did they fix that?
04:15.11marcus2i mean, it doesnt happen out of the box, but its not that hard to script it
04:15.13CoaxDmarcus: Sure. Except if you have to write something.
04:15.16SpaceBassyeah... a DB would work
04:15.35CoaxDmarcus: if the master goes down, you cant just tell a slave to write
04:15.39marcus2yes, you can
04:15.48JonR800CoaxD: supposedly, i haven't tried it.. but it won't work if you have simultaneous updates at both sites.. or if the replication is slow.. which it would be in this case. (WAN)
04:15.48CoaxDmarcus: It has to replicate it to the master first then
04:15.50marcus2you can always write to the slaves, you just shouldn't
04:16.05CoaxDmarcus: Which means the other slaves wont see the changes until the master is up
04:16.09marcus2but if the master fails, you just change dns for "master" to point at the slave
04:16.15SpaceBass2 head servers.... DNS perferences point to each with priorities
04:16.45SpaceBassbackend servers ... copy login info, VoiceMail files, etc... to frontend
04:16.46marcus2if you have multiple slaves, you just build a mechanism so that they can elect who is going to be the new master, and all of the others just change their master
04:17.07CoaxDmarcus: Have they really made it that far with mysql now?
04:17.23marcus2you dont need special support in mysql to do it
04:17.27marcus2you just have to write some scripts around it
04:17.29SpaceBassso, back to talking smack about DLink.... :)
04:17.29CoaxDmarcus: last time i researched this (~2yrs ago) it didnt support jack shit for replication except master/slave
04:17.45marcus2its master slave has been flexible enough to set this up for years
04:17.53marcus2you just have to write some scripts to make it happen
04:17.55SpaceBassactually... back to talking smack about why WiFi phone makers wont support WPA
04:18.02CoaxDmarcus2: Hmm.  Sounds like snake oil to me
04:18.03marcus2which, granted, requires someone with enough skills to know how to do it
04:18.08marcus2its not snake oil, i've set it up
04:18.12CoaxDmarcus: See how it holds up under 2500qps
04:18.13marcus2two years ago
04:18.21CoaxDmarcus: And real world conditions
04:18.23JonR800Master / Slave and Master / Master does no good with simultaneous writes over a wan.. as far as i can tell.
04:18.28marcus2i was using it in real world conditions
04:18.37marcus2with about 300M records
04:18.38CoaxDmarcus: ..until it breaks
04:18.46marcus2we had masters fail more than once
04:18.47CoaxDmarcus: and then you got one hell of a mess on your hands
04:18.51JonR800bingo CoaxD another system to maintain.
04:19.00SpaceBassI dont know much about realtime... but otherwise VM is a joke, its a file in a dir... so replicate the login info, copy the file, and basically you have redundancy
04:19.10marcus2well, at this point, i guess its obvious that you're just interested in talking smack about something that you haven't actually taken the time to do yourself
04:19.19marcus2so i supposed its the end of the conversation :)
04:19.19JonR800i'd much rather rsync or replicate some maildir.. heck use imap on top of maildir and just use an imap connector.
04:19.24CoaxDmarcus2: No, i want a solution that works out of the box
04:19.29CoaxDmarcus2: Mysql aint it
04:19.34marcus2then go buy oracle for $50k/cpu
04:19.35CoaxDmarcus2: Dont get me wrong, I use mysql every day
04:19.43CoaxDmarcus2: For an enterprise application, I would
04:19.49JonR800SpaceBass: it's not so easy .. you run into issues with the numbering of the voicemails.
04:19.57marcus2jonr was asking for a way to replicate voice mail, i just gave him one
04:19.58marcus2thats it
04:20.04CoaxDmarcus2: Oracle's multimaster replication aint all that great either. but it does work. and it has guaranteed behavior when it fails.
04:20.25CoaxDmarcus2: and it doesnt require the app to know jack shit about failover
04:20.38marcus2the app doesnt need to know jack shit about failover in the model i've described
04:20.40SpaceBassJonR800:  i admit i have not tired it... i suspect that is one of many things I had not thought of :)
04:20.47marcus2it simply needs to know enough to reconnect to the server if its connection breaks
04:20.49JonR800thanks marcus, i appreciate the info.. I just don't think it'll work very well in my situation
04:21.19marcus2and i havent even mentioned mysql cluster
04:21.25marcus2which is a relatively new-ish thing
04:21.27CoaxDmarcus2: My original point was, Asterisk doesnt scale.
04:21.32marcus2but it gives you multi-master
04:21.34CoaxDmarcus2: It does in very certain ways
04:21.43CoaxDmarcus2: Nice..
04:21.46marcus2of course, its a main memory database
04:21.55marcus2which means you need enough ram to store your entire datastore
04:22.01CoaxDmarcus2: yepper
04:22.03marcus2so its not ideal for large datasets
04:22.08JonR800so how do you deal with auto increment in a dual master situation?
04:22.29marcus2jonr; thats up to the implementation ;)
04:22.32JonR800it sounds really fragile over a slow link.
04:22.44CoaxDJonR800: Unfortunately, you'd have to get an answer from every master before you could definitively know what the next incremement should be
04:23.11CoaxDJonR800: (oww.)
04:23.18JonR800i see.. well mysql docs say "it doesn't handle it"
04:23.43JonR800so square 1 :)
04:24.04JonR800i'll take a look at oracle's offering
04:24.09marcus2yeah, i wasnt really proposing that you try to do something multi-master with mysql
04:24.21*** join/#asterisk SkramX (
04:24.36CoaxDJonR800: oracle wont work over slow links either, with multimaster. Thats just asking for trouble
04:24.46JonR800i see
04:25.00CoaxDJonR800: Things like voicemail and such should be centralized
04:25.01deezedyum update
04:25.33CoaxDjonR800: (Should you really separate voicemail shit into different datacenters? Probably NOT.  No reason, especially since voip is virtual)
04:25.47JonR800CoaxD: which again creates a central point of failure for it.. ahh well.. "f it" solution here i come.
04:26.12CoaxDjonR: central point of failure that can easily be restored/moved elsewhere
04:26.31marcus2if you really want to do this, just set up a primary vmail server and a backup vmail server
04:26.40JonR800i could just rsync then redirect upon failure.
04:26.42marcus2and use dundi or something to control which one actually receives vmail traffic
04:26.57CoaxDyeah, ultimately, voicemail doesnt really need anything other than files on an fs
04:26.58marcus2and have the secondary vmail server use a mysql slave of the primary vmail server's db
04:27.13CoaxDon die of vm1, you failover to vm2 and start syncing the other way
04:27.25marcus2the secondary wont attempt to write to the mysql db unless it actually gets calls sent to it
04:27.31marcus2which should never happen if the primary is online
04:27.32CoaxDproblem is when you have 50,000,000 mailboxes and rsync takes 3 days to complete
04:28.12JonR800my installation is no where near that large :) i tested and it took about 10-15 min
04:28.27JonR800but yes that'd be a major issue.
04:28.38marcus2so why isn't what i just proposed adequate?
04:28.44JonR800that is
04:28.48CoaxDthere are ways around it.. but it requires a LOT of hardware, and enormous amounts of disk i/o
04:29.14CoaxDmarcus: because it requires actual, real forethought and most people in the open source community dont seem capable of it. :)
04:29.20CoaxDmarcus: (myself included.)(
04:29.29marcus2what i just proposed is pretty simple
04:29.35marcus2it doesnt require any fancy programming
04:29.42marcus2or changes to any of the applications themselves
04:30.05JonR800no it's a solution, one that'll work, though not my ideal.. but i guess i can't have my cake and eat it too.
04:30.13deezedThere is no changes between 1.2 RC1 and 1.2 final?
04:30.22marcus2there were minor bugfixes
04:30.24marcus2read the changelog
04:30.59deezedi did.. not seeing an entry for 1.2RC1 or 1.2
04:31.04deezedin CHANGES
04:31.10CoaxDmarcus2: This is one of my beefs with open source as a whole
04:31.12marcus2not changes, ChangeLog
04:31.15JonR800i'll probably just rsync because im lazy and don't want to maintain any more databases.  but i'll also look at master/slave.
04:31.23CoaxDmarcus2: generally, commercial apps are designed with a specific goal in mind.  open source? too damn broad
04:31.38marcus2coax; it sounds to me like you shouldn't be using OSS
04:31.40CoaxDmarcus2: And they lack in execution
04:31.46marcus2go hang out in #microsoft or something =D
04:31.48CoaxDmarcus2: I use both.  where needed.
04:32.22marcus2there are lots of OSS projects out there that dont suck
04:32.35CoaxDmarcus2: Sure. but they all lack in implementation/execution.
04:32.49CoaxDmarcus2: take KDE for example
04:32.56marcus2no, lets take apache for example
04:32.57CoaxDmarcus2: *beautiful* implementation
04:32.58JonR800CoaxD: i think the lack of foresight is the major issue.  who knew vm locking would be an issue? :)
04:33.18CoaxDmarcus2: but is a windows user gonna sit down and understand it?
04:33.24CoaxDmarcus: typical windows user, i mean
04:33.26marcus2they dont need to
04:33.36marcus2and who cares, its not software that is designed for a typical end user
04:33.39marcus2that is not it's goal
04:33.39CoaxDmarcus: And yeah, apache is a PERFECT example of lack of execution
04:33.50CoaxDmarcus2: it functions. it is *beautifully* extensible
04:33.59CoaxDmarcus2: With a fucking config file that looks like swiss cheese
04:34.05marcus2uh ... eek
04:34.21JonR800apache.conf is bliss compared to that
04:34.22marcus2the apache config file is perfectly fine
04:34.23CoaxDmarcus2: You think a corporate weeniehead is gonna use apache?
04:34.37marcus2well, evidently lots do
04:34.40CoaxDmarcus2: THAT is why Open Source never took over the market.
04:34.41marcus2and who gives a shit
04:34.48JonR800luckily corporate weenieheads don't run servers.
04:34.55CoaxDJonR800: Oh, but they *do*.
04:35.03marcus2you are on crack
04:35.04JonR800not very often.
04:35.05CoaxDJonR800: they just run them on Win32.
04:35.14JonR800lol.. IIS on Win95?
04:35.14CoaxDJonR800: And they pay $8000 for what they could get for free.
04:35.42CoaxDJonR800: I fake it as a windows desktop support weenie at work all day long
04:35.52marcus2apache's market share is 70% and climbing
04:35.58marcus2i'd say it owns the market
04:36.00CoaxDJonR800: I am, however, a UNIX guy. and have been for over a decade.
04:36.10CoaxDmarcus2: Sure it is.
04:36.23marcus2so how can you say it never took over the market?
04:36.32CoaxDmarcus: no, i said OPEN SOURCE never took over the market.
04:36.37CoaxDmarcus: And you can't argue that.
04:36.44marcus2open source owns the internet infrastructure market
04:36.48CoaxDmarcus: Does asterisk have a nice, beautiful call manager like cisco's solution does?
04:36.53marcus2who fucking cares?
04:37.02CoaxDmarcus2: The corporate folks that actually drive the economy cares.
04:37.18JonR800im sorry i started a flame war :)
04:37.22marcus2thats funny, those corporate folks run apache even tho it doesnt have a fancy gui for configuring it
04:37.23CoaxDmarcus2: Open Source could've had microsoft's slice of the pie, hands down
04:37.27justinupeople that don't have that money... they don't care
04:37.34marcus2but whatever, i'm kind of sick of this discussion
04:37.38CoaxDmarcus2: No, they don't.  They outsource their webhosting to someone who runs it.
04:37.48marcus2either you're trolling, or bitter that some OSS project rejected your crappy patch, or something
04:37.56CoaxDmarcus2: Bwahahahahaha
04:38.02CoaxDmarcus2: Open your eyes, man
04:38.28CoaxDmarcus2: Its 2005, and every corporation that built its business plan on free software is currently trading at under $2 a share
04:38.37marcus2ah, like google?
04:38.41marcus2and yahoo?
04:38.43marcus2and amazon?
04:38.53CoaxDdo they provide an open source software solution?
04:38.54marcus2those companies run on free software
04:39.10CoaxDdo they compete with microsoft in any way, shape, or form?
04:39.18marcus2hahah you dont think google competes with microsoft? :)
04:39.21justinulol, google doesn't compete with microsoft?
04:39.24marcus2dude, get a clue
04:39.27justinuthat's hilarious!
04:39.36CoaxDmarcus2: Are they putting desktops on the market and replacing microsoft clientbase?
04:40.09CoaxDare they even an inkling of a threat to microsoft?  No.
04:40.19JonR800i think they are in the services market
04:40.20marcus2take it to #somewherethatcares
04:40.24marcus2lets talk about telephony
04:40.29CoaxDJonR800: In what regard?
04:40.31JonR800you know the market that MS just released a memo saying they're slipping in
04:41.33JonR800CoaxD: im going to be honest, i don't know.. but i bet if google wrote an office app with builtin support for their library / search .. a lot of people would use it.  im just saying that they are a threat.
04:41.45JonR800this conversation has gone way off the beaten path
04:41.53CoaxDJonR: what does that have to do with microsoft?
04:42.06CoaxDJonR: Does microsoft search web pages?
04:42.12marcus2yeah, in fact, they do
04:42.14marcus2have you ever used msn?
04:42.35CoaxDmarcus2: spose thats true, about .001% of their income comes from that
04:42.45JonR800that's because google owns it :)
04:43.05JonR800so now you're arguing that markets they're in but don't do well in, don't matter
04:43.17marcus2regardless, can we get back on topic here? :)
04:43.31CoaxDJonR800: No, i'm arguing that regardless of what open source people do, the closed source folks will always make more money
04:43.34JonR800what topic were we last on? asterisk scalability?
04:43.45CoaxDJonR800: Now. one could argue that open source people do it becasue they WANT to do it
04:43.47marcus2which is why googles stock just hit $400?
04:43.53CoaxDJonR800: and money isnt the object
04:43.54JonR800CoaxD: i personally believe that each will always have a place.
04:44.04CoaxDJonR800: Oh, i agree with that wholeheartedly
04:44.20CoaxDJonR800: but the folks that believe open source can take over everything and shut off microsoft.. they're on crack. it will _never_ happen
04:44.54JonR800it's possible in certain markets.. history has shown that giant corporations come and go.
04:45.20JonR800it may take a few hundred years :)
04:45.31CoaxDmarcus: Google hit $400 because they actually have a product.  and it isnt based upon selling an operating system.  (yes, their google search crawler boxes technically classify as that. But.)
04:47.15CoaxDJonR800: Yeah, thats true.. Data General..  Control Data.. hell, AT&T..
04:47.43CoaxDthey inevitably all end up splitting into a million pieces to avoid antitrust bullshit
04:47.51IronHelixatt is doing the exact opposite
04:48.01IronHelixit blew apart, now its coming right back together
04:48.02JonR800lol well we can't count AT&T out.. somebody raised it from the dead
04:48.04CoaxDIronHelix: AT&T has been through this shit a few times
04:48.09justinuthinking machines?
04:48.10JonR800it's like the T1000
04:48.23CoaxDback in the day, not everything was legislated to hell and back
04:48.26IronHelixalthough with the current regulatory environment, they're gonna stay in the consolidation stage for a while
04:48.29CoaxDnobody covered all that shit in the media so much
04:48.48CoaxDthe govt said "You're committing a crime. You need to stop it now, or we'll shut you down." and they quit doing it
04:49.03CoaxD(And resolved the prob by splitting into a million pieces, which became the death of them.)
04:49.36IronHelixand then bush took over, and it stopped being a crime :(
04:49.47IronHelixyou read the interview with the head of sbc?
04:49.55justinuthat was bullshit
04:50.09*** join/#asterisk `Sauron (
04:51.04IronHelixquote from interview
04:51.04IronHelix"Now what they would like to do is use my pipes free, but I ain't going to let them do that because we have spent this capital and we have to have a return on it. So there's going to have to be some mechanism for these people who use these pipes to pay for the portion they're using," he said, according to Business Week Online's edited excerpts of the interview.
04:51.04IronHelix"Why should they be allowed to use my pipes? The Internet can't be free in that sense, because we and the cable companies have made an investment and for a Google or Yahoo or Vonage or anybody to expect to use these pipes free is nuts," he said.
04:51.28justinuall said as if the customer wasn't paying for access
04:51.40Qwellthats classic
04:51.43IronHelixof course totally ignoring the fact that the fucking CUSTOMERS are being raped for $50/mo for crappy DSL
04:52.09JonR800<- or in some cases $100 for eh dsl
04:53.59CoaxDsystem type             : Broadcom BCM947XX
04:53.59CoaxDprocessor               : 0
04:53.59CoaxDcpu model               : BCM3302 V0.7
04:53.59CoaxDBogoMIPS                : 215.44
04:54.00CoaxDnice. heh
04:54.01JonR800i mean i love it.. but i know they have the money for FTTP.
04:54.15IronHelixof course they do
04:54.40IronHelixso does verizon, only difference is verizon has the forward thought to spend it rather than wait until the last possible second
04:55.14JonR800the last possible second will pass SBC/ATT.. but customers with no other options will have to go for the ride.
04:55.18IronHelixwhich is why FiOS is being rapidly deployed and marketed, and project lightspeed is still chugging on impulse drive
04:56.11JonR800I still have no clue how VDSL2 at proposed distance will provide ANY scalability when you consider media is moving to 1080p and internet speeds are moving to 20-50mbit
04:57.05CoaxDi'd like to have 50mbit/sec to my house for $20/mo
04:57.30CoaxDhad it at one time. could get 4.5mbyte/sec downloads from attbi when i lived in cali
04:57.44CoaxDbut that was $40something/mo. hehe
04:57.52Math`omg cisco bought scientific atlanta
04:57.57IronHelixcoax- move to korea
04:58.17Math`IronHelix: or to japan
04:58.20JonR800or japan, or singapore, or most small asian countries.
04:58.27marcus2well holy shit
04:58.30marcus2i finally figured it out
04:58.41marcus2i can finally make calls between my * server and my stupid lucent magix system
04:58.50IronHelixwhat'd you do?
04:58.52marcus2in both directions, via the t1 between them
04:58.52Math`CoaxD: thats running on what?
04:58.58marcus2banged my head on the desk for about 12 hours =D
04:59.01CoaxDMath: What?
04:59.14Math`the broadcom processor... on what device is that?
04:59.32CoaxDMath: oh, just a linksys wrt54g
04:59.34JonR800marcus2: lol must have jarred something into place
04:59.40Math`CoaxD: nice
04:59.41CoaxDmath: just mips is all
04:59.54*** join/#asterisk _DAW (
05:00.08CoaxDroot@OpenWrt:/proc# uname -a
05:00.08CoaxDLinux OpenWrt 2.4.30 #1 Wed Sep 14 17:49:26 CEST 2005 mips unknown
05:00.21Math`oh ok a linux port already was done for it
05:00.33Math`I tought you ported the kernel to an embedded system and showed your success :P
05:00.34CoaxDmath: yea
05:00.42CoaxDMath: hahaha. wouldnt THAT be cool?
05:00.48Math`hell yeah :)
05:01.15CoaxDMath: I've made devices work in linux. but never a whole arch
05:01.17marcus2you weren't getting 4.5mbyte/s downloads from attbi
05:01.28Math`broadcom in my head was == to cable modem, but now I remember they do all kind of net stuff
05:01.31CoaxDmarcus: Yeah, in california a couple years ago, i was. it was whacked. and it wasnt all the time
05:01.32SkramXAnyone used the Linksys SPA-941
05:01.33marcus24.5mbit/s, yes. 4.5mbyte/s, no
05:02.00Math`4.5mbyte/sec = 36mbps
05:02.35Math`woah an ISP here is offering 8mbps down for like... 35$cad/month
05:03.26marcus2not bad
05:03.52Math`tho I'll stick with my current one for its unlimited transfers
05:04.01Math`6.5mbps/0.9mbps (down/up)
05:07.34marcus2hot damn, i cant believe i got this working, finally
05:07.45justinu[justin@fry sbin]$ sudo ./openpbx -c 0.2-beta SVN-1081 - The True Open Source PBX
05:07.45justinu[ Booting..................[justin@fry sbin]$
05:07.53justinuno error message?
05:07.57justinuit just stops
05:08.07JonR800wrong chan? hehe
05:08.14justinuwhoops, sorry :)
05:08.40JonR800np... traitor ;)
05:08.52justinudabling in everything :)
05:09.02docelm0say has anyone changed their ulimit?
05:09.06docelm0err ulimit -n?
05:09.15docelm0Im trying to figure out how
05:10.28znoGdoes the IAX protocol have similar functionality to SIP's reinvite?
05:10.43IronHelixsee voip-info page asterisk+iax+media+path
05:10.48znoGok, thanks
05:10.51IronHelixor mabye its just iax+media+path
05:11.00IronHelixit will reinvite if it can, but it will first make sure there is a route to do so
05:11.15znoGah how does it actually do that?
05:11.21IronHelixif a reinvite will cause lost audio due to NAT, firewalls, whatever, it will not do so
05:11.53znoGtoday i discovered that i had a SIP client behind NAT (behind the asterisk server that is), and a remote server somewhere on the net
05:12.07znoGthe SIP part worked, but when the RTP stream had to go through, it was reinviting
05:12.12znoGand of course, due to NAT, it wasn't working
05:12.21znoGso i couldn't hear a thing, once i turned off re-invite for the SIP client, all was well
05:12.23IronHelixwhen a 2-leg IAX call is setup (has to be iax on both legs), the server in the middle tells server1 and server3 to try to talk to each other directly.  If they can, they tell server2 and it is taken out of the loop.  if they cant, things proceed as they were
05:12.41znoGahh i see
05:13.00znoGi guess it's similar to SIPs re-invite functionality, only IAX probably takes it further to ensure it can do that
05:13.01IronHelixsame as sip reinvite, only unlike reinvite, it makes sure a reinvite will work first
05:13.16znoGi have no idea why my boss is so set on using SIP
05:13.33znoG2 asterisk boxes talking to each other, why not use IAX!
05:14.05IronHelixsip isnt a bad protocol, although it has its tweaks.  if you have two * boxes talking to each other, and you often have more than 4 simultaneous calls going between them, you should be using iax2 in trunk mode
05:14.40znoGlast time i tried trunk mode, call quality was terrible
05:14.41IronHelixiax can trunk calls into one iax stream, so you only get one (albeit larger) set of headers on your packets.  once you hit about four concurrant calls, it starts saving bandwidth
05:14.42znoGnot sure why
05:14.56IronHelixtrunk mode is a bit vulnerable to nat and stuff
05:14.57znoGwe will more than likely be using anywhere from 2 to 10 calls simultaneously between them
05:15.21IronHelixif things arent setup just right with trunk mode, you can get wierdness or one way audio
05:15.36*** join/#asterisk mazzanet (n=irc@unaffiliated/mazzanet)
05:15.37Qwelltrunking also requires a timer
05:15.45znoGyeah i see
05:15.53znoGbut even on trunk mode, 1 or 2 calls at a time should still sound ok
05:17.41IronHelixshould, yes
05:17.48IronHelixlike qwell said, you may have timer issues
05:18.02znoGi can read about timer and how trunk mode works on the wiki, yes?
05:18.16IronHelix'course :)
05:22.44deezedif i have a dedicated server with a 10mb uplink... is it worth trunking for less than 10 calls
05:23.17marcus2man, i am so stoked that this works
05:23.45IronHelixdeezed- if you have low utilization on your link, and you dont want to bother getting it to work, then no
05:23.55IronHelixyeah its fun when everything comes together :)
05:24.08docelm0or something
05:24.38deezedso does trunking improve quality than, or just save bandwidth
05:24.55IronHelixjust saves BW
05:25.01IronHelixand lowers quality if your timers are broken
05:25.08IronHelixand gives you one way audio if you set it up wrong
05:25.49*** join/#asterisk inv_arp (n=Darline@
05:28.45docelm0So whats new all?
05:29.10docelm0Did you know that asterisk crashes when you copy a new module into the modules directory? :)
05:31.49docelm0ya its kinda cool..
05:31.54docelm0didnt know it would do that
05:33.22*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
05:33.23IronHelixgotta love those hidden features!
05:34.29docelm0hay D I can set you up if you wanna test when every you want now
05:35.59Damindocelm0: If you are game to go, we can do it now if you like..
05:36.10Damindocelm0: Not doing anything productive except drinking..
05:36.23docelm0How much bankage do you want? That doesnt suprise me
05:36.52Damin1,000 minutes would be fine..
05:37.00DaminI can test at various times of the day n shit..
05:37.07IronHelixhah i'll take 1000 minutes if you're handing them out :D
05:37.40DaminCan someone w/ 1.2 installed try and replicate the following bug for me?
05:38.07Damin"show translation recalc 60" consistently segfaults a box..
05:38.08docelm0ok I will load you up with 10 buks..
05:38.19Damindocelm0: Thanks..
05:38.19docelm0um, lemme load up some rates.. Hold on
05:41.34marcus2what variable holds the caller id number of the caller?
05:42.20marcus2ah, nice and simple. thanks :)
05:43.13IronHelixtheres calleridnum, which is just the number, calleridname which is just the name, and just plain callerid which is both in the form "CallerIDName" <CallerIDNum>
05:43.26IronHelixall in uppercase of course :)
05:44.08marcus2i'm probably getting picky, but the magix is not honoring caller name on incoming calls from *
05:44.13marcus2but it works in the other direction
05:44.38QwellNo quotes
05:44.54Qwell"Name" <num> is bad.
05:44.57QwellName <num> is good
05:45.26Qwellthe quotes become a part of the cidname.  "name" becomes \"name\"
05:45.49QwellDamin: doesn't happen here
05:45.59Qwellwell...not quite 1.2, but close enough
05:46.05marcus2is it possible to put conditional statements in the dial plan?
05:46.09Qwellmarcus2: sure
05:46.22marcus2basically i want to do something like "if callerid begins with xxx, then strip the xxx off the beginning"
05:46.24DaminQwell: Well, no one is alive on asterisk-dev right now! ;)
05:47.01QwellDamin: I looked at your bug about 5 minutes ago, and tried it...cvs head from like 2 minutes after 1.2 was released
05:47.22DaminQwell: And?
05:47.25Qwellworks fine
05:47.40DaminQwell: What were your ILBC transcoding times?
05:47.45Qwelllike 20-25
05:48.38marcus2oh i think i found it
05:49.12QwellCan you do pattern matching on cidnum?
05:49.25Qwelllike, _NXXNXXXXXX/_555NXXXXXX
05:49.48IronHelixsure, with gotoif
05:49.50*** join/#asterisk rking (
05:49.51marcus2i think that would complicate the plan
05:49.56marcus2i'm going to try using gosubif
05:50.54*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
05:55.14marcus2yeah, i worked it out. sweet.
05:55.30marcus2still sucks that i can't send callerid name to the magix tho :(
05:55.43marcus2but 10pm is too late to be at the office on a friday, so i'm going home
05:56.36IronHelixthats what vpn and ssh are for :)
05:57.13rkingdo i have to go to SIP to get a halfway-decent client that can talk to *?
05:57.20IronHelixif you gotta go to work, don't actually GO to WORK unless you really have to
05:57.28IronHelixrking- if you mean softphones there are a few decent iax ones
05:57.31rkingi'm fine with iaxcomm, but i've got coworkers that can't figure it out
06:06.11rkingmoziax failed to install for me.
06:06.30rkingbut maybe it'll work for my coworkers who cant get iaxcomm
06:11.40Dr_RayI liked moziax
06:12.18rkinggood to know
06:12.39rkingwe've been assaulted by Skype, hassled with TeamSpeak, hardly got to a demo of Gizmo
06:12.51rkingthe nice thing is we've learned what we want out of VOIP from each thing
06:13.16IronHelixout of the three, i'd pick gizmo... at least its sip based
06:13.18rkingthe ability to see who is where of TeamSpeak was very nice (i'm wondering if there's a way to pipe the currently-connected users from * to a web service)
06:13.30rkingIronHelix: could i easily make it dial into my * server?
06:13.56IronHelixrking- gizmo and sipphone are the same thing.  wiki for it, its an open sip-based service, just like FWD but with more marketing
06:14.07IronHelixyou can register your * server right into it
06:14.31rkinggood - and it's easy to make a conference where people are SIP'd in along with people that are IAX'd in?
06:14.47IronHelixon your * server or on gizmo?
06:15.22IronHelixon gizmo, the conference system is pretty basic but easy, theres a conference prefix and you dial it as a 7 digit number
06:15.36IronHelixso like 123-xxxx and xxxx is your conference number, its created on the fly
06:15.45IronHelixno limit to participants i dont think
06:16.12IronHelixyour iax users can just dial out to gizmo thru your * server
06:18.19IronHelixor you can setup meetme on your * server and host the conference yourself
06:18.21rkingon my * server - i'm sorry - i switched tabs, and am addicted to nick hilighting
06:18.28rkingyes, i already have meetme working for IAX
06:18.31*** join/#asterisk oldbrat (n=daiviet@
06:18.39rkingsome guy with a gizmo client could just dial in?
06:18.59IronHelixsure, its all in the dialplan
06:19.16IronHelixput the sip.conf entry so context= refers to a context that can dial your meetme room
06:21.55santoshrwhat changes have to be made to transfer a call.. suppose 668 dialed 669 and 669 does a *2666 , but the konsole says <<<<<Unable to find extension '' in context 'testing'>>>>
06:33.44*** join/#asterisk argos73 (
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06:41.43santoshrhow to implement supervised call transfer
06:41.48santoshrfile: u aroung dude
06:43.33IronHelixsupervised call xfer is usually a phone issue
06:43.40*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
06:44.34santoshra phone issue ?
06:44.43IronHelixlike the phone does/doesnt suport it
06:47.12santoshrit is doein a blind transfer
06:47.23santoshri mean i do #<exten> and it tranfer hanging this up
06:48.35santoshrbut i want to do a supervised
06:48.56santoshri am using a h323 fxs box for all three extensions
06:49.55IronHelixthat might be a problem...  the way maybe you do it is do a 3way call and hang up or something
06:51.00santoshronly thing tht i have put in extensions.conf is this   <exten => 669,1,Dial(H323/,100,Ttr)>
06:52.23Qwellisn't there an assisted transfer in features.conf?
06:52.46Qwellyep, there is
06:53.43IronHelixahh, of course
07:09.59marcus2what is a 'supervised' transfer?
07:12.58santoshrbut i want to stick to asterisk 1.0 becuase h323 and dtmf not happenin with asterisk 1.2
07:14.41IronHelixi could use a double cheeseburger
07:15.06SupaplexI just did. =)
07:15.34*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
07:15.59SupaplexI'd eat one for you to, but I don't want to get another.  it's just enough to settle the hunger pains before bed.
07:16.10Supaplexanyway, nite. zzZZzzz... keep on *'n
07:16.14MGSsanchocan you email me one?
07:16.22pauldywhat did you use it for Supaplex
07:16.58Supaplexthe cheese burger, *, or bed? :P
07:17.28mog_workman i could use a cheeseburger asterisk bed
07:17.38IronHelixyeah we need to start some kind of integration project
07:17.56IronHelixone software package that makes you not hungry, deals with your phone calls and does it while you sleep on it!
07:18.28Supaplexyea, it's called a receptionst ;)
07:18.35mog_workyou say
07:19.06IronHelixwell a receptionist doesnt necessarily help you sleep, unless she gives good back rubs
07:19.14IronHelixand that can create strange office politics
07:19.25Supaplexunless they're related
07:19.54Supaplexand, they'll need to prepare food. mmmmm.
07:20.55Supaplexanyway, I'll practice the sleep part. you'all get to work on the other parts.
07:23.38*** join/#asterisk hadi57 (i=al_moghr@
07:29.52marcus2woot, i think i have a dial plan
07:34.47wunderkinwelp both of my pris went out at the same time.. hopefully they can figure something out this time.. luckilly it happened after midnight :D
07:35.16IronHelixthats no fun
07:35.55wunderkinna ive been getting intermittant red alarms.. it bounces for 5 sec
07:36.13wunderkini reset the machine sunday and it stopped until thurs night
07:36.35IronHelixirq issue maybe
07:36.40wunderkini have 2 others cross connected to the other machine and theyve always been ok, and i tested the 2 other ports before
07:37.39wunderkini would think that if its a problem with the card/equipment that it would happen  on all of them
07:38.04wunderkinit usually only happens on the 2nd one
07:38.18wunderkinboth of my live pris are through the same provider
07:39.48wunderkineveryone reset their counters after the testing on sunday, it will be interesting to see where they find the errors
07:40.03wunderkinhopefully not coming from me ;P
07:41.57*** join/#asterisk opus_ (
07:42.13opus_lets segfault 1.2.0!
07:42.51opus_hey ironhelix
07:43.00opus_what lang do you program in ( or perfer)
07:43.27justinubefunge, of course
07:43.32IronHelixpseudocode?...  never took the time to learn anything useful...
07:43.38IronHelixprolly should one of these days
07:43.43justinulearn befunge
07:44.05opus_i need to learn ruby on rails
07:44.12opus_but i only want a half shot
07:44.33opus_2hr total development:)
07:44.37opus_whats befunge
07:44.39IronHelixBefunge is a stack-based, reflective, esoteric programming language. It differs from conventional languages in that programs are arranged on a two-dimensional grid. "Arrow" instructions direct the control flow to the left, right, up or down, and loops are constructed by sending the control flow in a circle.
07:44.53opus_justinu i'd rather use APL
07:46.12opus_K# is the smartest language known to man.
07:46.22justinuseriously tho... erlang is interesting if you're into telcom
07:46.35opus_i mean kX
07:46.45santoshrwhy the called extension is not able to transfer
07:47.24santoshrthis is there in the extensions.conf  >>> exten => 666,1,Dial(H323/,100,Tt
08:11.52*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
08:18.21*** join/#asterisk axscode (n=paranoid@
08:18.43axscodewhats the device in PCI to let ASTERISK connect to POTS?
08:18.58IronHelixx100p or tdm400 series
08:19.27jbotmethinks x100p is an obsolete card.  you don't want to bother trying to make it (or any of the "digium compatible" clones work.  Get a TDM01P, you will save your sanity.
08:19.47jbotmethinks tdm400p is
08:21.48axscode <--can someone explain what is this?
08:22.05opus_is that the digium channel bank?
08:22.08axscodewhen u say trunkline in pots.. is it ONE line that can call many..
08:22.10opus_its 24 FXS ports
08:22.20IronHelixnot channel bank, its a pci card with an amphenol plug
08:22.59opus_yes, and then to a hardwired channel bnak?
08:23.15IronHelixno it gives you analog channels right out of the card
08:23.16yxano, its a card that can accomodate up to 6 modules of FXS/FXO
08:23.20IronHelixconnect it to a punch block or something
08:23.29IronHelixand make ports
08:23.52IronHelixits the same as a tdm400, just has a dense port and takes different modules
08:24.04yxaIronHelix who makes good punch blocks?
08:24.17axscodemeaning it can be connected upto 24 POTS
08:25.40justinupunch blocks can be found in the dumpsters all the time
08:27.06yxajustinu you're kidding right? :)
08:27.13justinui'm serious
08:27.25justinuhang arounda  building that's getting gutted, and you'll find free punch blocks
08:27.45yxajustinu if i wanna get a new one?
08:27.53IronHelixthey're pretty generic
08:28.06justinuthere are telco parts supplier that'll sell them to youy
08:28.23IronHelixtheres the one that comes with the amphenol connector, and the one that comes without the amphenol connector, and the long one, and the really short one
08:28.24IronHelixand thats about it
08:28.37justinuthere's 110 and 66 :P
08:28.38marcus2so why is it that my meetme confs work great for users on zap channels, but sound so bad as to be unusable for users on sip channels?
08:28.54opus_there are many other 24 port trunk cards available too
08:29.01IronHelixnot all work with * tho
08:29.11justinuanyways i'm off for the night
08:29.15opus_marcus2 you need a timing device configured right
08:29.15yxabottom line which one works with the 4200p
08:29.17justinulater gents...
08:29.19yxaer 2400p
08:29.26marcus2oh hm
08:29.39argos73just bought a bunch of new 66 blocks from my local supplier for $6 each..
08:31.26yxaargos73 that's cheap
08:32.06argos73yxa: even splurged the extra $0.75 each to get the plastic mounting blocks
08:32.28marcus2opus; i thought it just got its timer from my zap interface
08:32.46IronHelixtry compiling in ztdummy
08:32.47axscodeis there in telco that has.. 1 LINE but many numbers?
08:32.47IronHelixmight help
08:33.13marcus2so i should use ztdummy instead of the tdm410p in the system?
08:33.25axscode~trunk line
08:33.31argos73axscode: POTS line?  distinctive-ring is probably the closest you'll get
08:33.45jbotsomebody said t1 was Two pairs of copper wire that carry data at a rate of 1.544 Mbps. T1 lines are used to carry 24 DS-0 signals. They can be used to carry 24 phone lines or an Internet connection capable of 1.544 Mbps data transfer. See also fractional T1.
08:34.37axscodecan i use T1 in DIgium cards?
08:34.42argos73axscode: sure
08:34.47IronHelixif you get a t1 card
08:34.53argos73what exactly are you looking for?
08:35.34yxaaxscode you can even terminte 4 T1 with the correct card
08:36.13axscodeso meaning.. i can use 24 X 4 = outside call?
08:36.40IronHelixyeah, you buy 4 t1 lines, plug em in, and you have 96 channels of capacity
08:37.00marcus2tho typically you'll only get 23 voice channels per t1
08:37.09IronHelixtrue...   although, if you put 1 t1 in data mode, switch to a low-bit codec like ilbc, gsm, or g,729 and you can get 96 channels out of 1 t1
08:37.14IronHelixby using voip
08:37.17axscodecool.. hmmm is TDM40B  capable of doing that??
08:37.28IronHelixno, the tdm series cards are analog
08:37.40IronHelixtdmxxb can take up to 4 pots analog lines each
08:37.43axscodeoh.. can u refer one to mee?
08:37.43IronHelixyou need TE series
08:37.53marcus2er, my bad
08:38.03axscodecan u refer device for t1?
08:38.07axscodeor E1
08:38.12IronHelixyeah, you need TE series cards
08:38.19marcus2so, what do i need to do to make meetme get its timer from my te410p when sip callers are the only ones in a conference?
08:38.20IronHelixthey can be t1/e1/j1, you set it in software
08:38.29axscodeahhh ok..
08:38.32IronHelixmarcus- try compiling zaptel with ztdummy
08:38.37axscodewhat software? asterisk? or the zaptel?
08:38.50axscodeok.. got it
08:38.52IronHelixalso- check your IRQs
08:38.55IronHelixuse zttool
08:38.59IronHelixyou may be having irq problems
08:39.09yxaIronHelix he has a digium card, doesnt that provide a better timing tha ztdummy?
08:39.09marcus2other stuff on the te410p works great
08:39.17IronHelixin theory yes
08:39.19argos73zaptel runs the hardware level - asterisk handles things higher up on the scale
08:39.21marcus2i have two PRIs running thru it
08:39.22IronHelixbut his sip users arent getting it
08:39.31marcus2and meetme works great for zap users
08:39.31IronHelixso he needs to etiher fix his irqs to make zaptel real timing work
08:39.36IronHelixor enable ztdummy to work around it
08:39.42marcus2but actually, i did a conference with a zap user and a sip user
08:39.56marcus2and the sip user could hear the zap user just fine, but the sip user sounded like shit from the zap users perspective
08:40.23marcus2the zap card is alone on irq 22
08:40.26yxamight not be timing
08:40.41marcus2the sip users end up sounding stuttery/gravely
08:40.44axscodeIronHelix: is Pentium 3.0Ghz is fine with TE Series cards? i mean can it handle how many simultanouse call?
08:40.58IronHelixyeah that will do nicely
08:41.11IronHelixtheres a nice page on the wiki called asterisk+dimensioning, it has some case studies and stuff
08:41.21axscodeok thanks
08:41.27IronHelixkeep in mind tho
08:41.31IronHelixwhat will eat your CPU is transcoding
08:41.33IronHelixnot calls
08:41.36argos73if you're dedicating the machine to asterisk, it should be able to handle a couple of t1s..
08:41.45axscodeIronHelix: what do you mean by that?
08:41.46IronHelixso if you have 96 channels of T1 thats fine
08:41.48argos73just don't try running openoffice on it
08:42.01axscodeIronHelix: nope its just an asterisk machine
08:42.21axscodeim planning to use CentOS
08:42.22IronHelixbut if you have 96 channels of T1 that are being used by voip users with say g.729, then you will need to transcode 96 voice paths from t1 into g.729 simultaneously
08:42.23yxadigium should come up with a DSP card that offload the cpu from transcoding
08:42.25IronHelixTHAT will cause a problem
08:42.26axscodeany advice for what OS?
08:42.46marcus2ugh centos :)
08:43.14argos73if you eliminate the crap, pretty much all distros are basically equal
08:43.19IronHelixcentos is ok, so is fedora, gentoo also
08:43.41IronHelixslim it down a bit if you can, ie dump httpd ftpd pop3 xwindows etc
08:43.44axscodeIronHelix: but what do you prefer?
08:43.44iDunnocentos and fedora are both bloody awful!
08:43.46IronHelixif you dont need them that is
08:43.53IronHelixthey have their tweaks
08:43.54IronHelixbut they work
08:44.03iDunnobut then I really don't like rpm based distributions
08:44.04axscodewhat do you prefer?
08:44.08marcus2anything derived from redhat makes my head hurt
08:44.09IronHelixaxscode do you understand what i mean by transcode tho?
08:44.18axscodeIronHelix: nope not yet by transcode
08:44.33axscodeim runing my asterisk in OpenSuSE 10 right now.. with ztdummy
08:44.41axscodewith MysqL realtime
08:44.50yxaiDunno i used debian too. do you use the stock kernel or custom kernel for *?
08:44.51axscodeworks fine though.. not yet tested with many clals
08:44.53IronHelixok, you can run lines into * with analog lines and a TDM card,  or with a T1 and a TE series card, or you can also have voice over IP lines that go over ethernet
08:45.03IronHelixpeople connect over the LAN or internet from a computer or an IP phone
08:45.09iDunnoyxa: I'm using a stock and a compile hfc-pci driver.
08:45.17IronHelixip phone = phone that has ethernet where the phone plug would be
08:45.27axscodeactually.. i have may LOCAL AREA ETHERNET...
08:45.38axscodethen.. i just want them to call outside the network
08:45.42axscodegoing to other telcos
08:46.02IronHelixim saying if you have users on the ethernet or on the internet
08:46.05IronHelixthat connect using VOIP
08:46.08yxaiDunno me too. but i'm wondering if i have more than 1 cpu next time i might need to recompile a custom kernel for * which i'm not so familiar with
08:46.27IronHelixthey will connect over the data link, not a line
08:46.31iDunnoyxa: should need to if you use a -smp kernel.
08:46.42IronHelixto save capacity on the network, you can compress the audio using a codec
08:46.44iDunnoyxa: *shouldn't* even.
08:47.01IronHelixg.711 ulaw is popular, but uncompressed.  a call will use 128kbit/sec of bandwidth using ulaw
08:47.12h3xthe hell
08:47.15h3xmore like 90, tops
08:47.17axscodeis there 32kbit ?
08:47.21yxaiDunno i guess so.
08:47.27axscodeis there 32kbps below codec?
08:47.28IronHelixyes there is, gsm codec will give you about 32k
08:47.35h3xa tdm channel is 64kbps
08:47.42h3xthe rest of it is overhead
08:47.45IronHelixh3x- its two way remember, 64kbit for ulaw times two is 128kbit/sec
08:47.45axscodeive heard about 8kbps codec
08:47.48h3xg.711 does not double the bandwidth
08:47.49IronHelixonce each way
08:47.55h3xthat dosent count
08:47.56IronHelixfull duples
08:47.58IronHelixsure it does
08:48.03h3xnot really
08:48.13h3xbut you are still wrong
08:48.23IronHelixaxscode- what you hear about is a codec called g.729
08:48.25h3xif you are going to add in+out then its like 190kbps
08:48.39h3xand thats still wrong if you have VAD+CNG
08:48.48IronHelixneither of which is supported by *
08:49.01axscodehmm yes. codec g.729 .. is it supported by *?
08:49.05IronHelix729 will compress a voice stream to 8kbit/sec, so you have a total bandwidth per call of under 20kbit/sec
08:49.09IronHelixit is , but you have to pay for it
08:49.22axscodehmmm ok no worries about paying
08:49.24IronHelixalso, encoding voice to g.729 takes alot of CPU power
08:50.00yxaaxscode gsm is sufficient for most needs
08:50.01IronHelixso what im saying is, if you have 4x t1 worth of lines, thats fine
08:50.16IronHelixbut encoding 96 channels into g.729 is going to take more than a single p4 3.0
08:50.32axscodehmm ic ic..
08:50.58axscodeso using g.729 can be handle by 3Ghz how many simultanouse call ?
08:51.44IronHelixnot exactly sure
08:51.55IronHelixits difficult to say THIS computer will handle THIS MANY channels
08:52.07IronHelixbecause you want to keep at least 20% cpu power free all the time
08:52.12IronHelixso you dont have stuff getting choppy
08:52.23axscodehmm ok ok..
08:52.41IronHelixif you are running 4x t1 into 729, i'd recommend something dual processor
08:52.49axscodewhat is the codec for analog pots? i mean how many kbits?
08:53.04IronHelixanalog pots is analog, it doesnt use a codec
08:53.22axscodebut is there a bitrate to that?
08:53.29axscodedo anolog have a bitrate?
08:53.30IronHelixbut pretty much the highest you can get is g.711/ulaw, which is 64kbit/sec/channel.  You have two voice channels (one each way), so 128kbit/sec plus IP overhead
08:53.57IronHelixanalog is by nature different
08:54.09IronHelixwith analog, you have electrical waveform signals on the line
08:54.23axscodeso it is calculated in hertz?
08:54.30IronHelixso if you take an analog line and plug a speaker into it, you will hear the audio
08:54.39IronHelixno not in hertz, hertz is cycles/second
08:54.48IronHelixso if you say X hertz, that will give you a fixed tone
08:54.54axscodehmmm ok
08:55.01axscodeX hertz
08:55.03IronHelixincreasing the frequency (hertz) makes a higher pitched tone
08:55.21IronHelixan analog signal will have many frequencies at once, thats why voice sounds like voice and not beeps
08:55.51IronHelixvoice and sound in general is by nature, analog
08:55.55axscodewhat is more efficient to use
08:55.57axscodeSER or ASTERISK?
08:56.05IronHelixhang on 1 sec with that
08:56.27IronHelixsound is pressure waves through the air, which correspond directly to the impulses on the analog line.  If you look at them both under a scope, you'll see the same thing
08:56.30IronHelixthe problem is
08:56.46IronHelixcomputers dont deal with analog, they deal with 1s and 0s.  so what you do, is you sample the analog
08:57.15IronHelixseveral thousand times a second, you measure the analog signal is, and you assign a number to that
08:57.41axscodeyups.. i know what is square waves and sinozoidals
08:57.50IronHelixif the other side understands what numbers correspond to what signals, it can recieve the numeric signal and reassemble it
08:58.13IronHelixto get analog (aka sound) again
08:58.22IronHelixbut theres a lot of data in such a process
08:58.24IronHelixso you use a codec
08:58.34IronHelixthe codec analyzes the data, and compresses it
08:58.36axscodehmm yupz yupz. i get that now..
08:58.46axscodethanks for the codecs theory
08:59.00axscodehow about the SER and ASTERISK.. ?
08:59.13IronHelixa codec like g.729 throws out alot of the data, but it tries to throw out what you wont miss.  this takes alot of cpu.  OTOH, g.711ulaw throws out next to nothing, thus more data
08:59.15IronHelixas for SER
08:59.18axscodewhich is more efficient?
08:59.25IronHelixSER is something totally different
08:59.40IronHelixSER is good if you have nothing but SIP (voip protocol) users, and you want to route SIP calls
08:59.52argos73SER and Asterisk are kinda like traffic cops
08:59.53IronHelixit does little else, but its damn good at what it does
09:00.16axscodeahh ok
09:00.32IronHelixasterisk will probably be much more useful for you, because as well as routing calls, you can have menus, and interface with other types of channels like T1, analog, etc
09:00.48IronHelixand you can create large elaborate routing systems with *
09:00.54yxaactually i'm pretty ignorant on when to use SER together with *
09:01.10IronHelixso if you get 4 t1's from 4 different providers, you can have * try to use which ever one will cost the least
09:01.45IronHelixSER is generally not required.  however it can be useful for either getting around NAT / firewall issues, or load balancing/offloading
09:02.05IronHelixyou can have SER deal with sip clients directly and then just send the calls to *, so SER handles registrations and th elike
09:02.09argos73comparing the two, SER does a small part of what Asterisk does, but is quite good at it.  if you're doing a lot of SIP traffic, combining SER and Asterisk works nicely
09:02.26yxai heard SER is more compliant to SIP RFC than *. is that through?
09:02.36Luke-Jrtrue is spelled t r u e
09:02.53IronHelixyou can also use SER with asterisk as a failover system, so if you have one SER handling your calls, and your * box goes down, SER can redirect the sip calls to another * box without much trouble
09:03.03IronHelixyeah, asterisk isnt great when it comes to SIP RFC compliance
09:03.07argos73Luke-Jr: you missed the memo - we changed the spelling
09:03.11IronHelixits pretty good, but SER is better
09:03.14Luke-Jrargos73: =p
09:03.24Luke-Jrargos73: guess I do need to sleep after all
09:03.33IronHelixholy crap its 4am
09:03.35argos73Luke-Jr: nonsense...
09:03.39axscodeso with that... can i TANDEM the SER and the ASTERISK?
09:03.58IronHelixyeah, put SER in front of asterisk
09:04.06axscodeoww nice.
09:04.08argos73axscode: once you get the basics of each program down, sure - works well
09:04.21axscodehmm.. SER is a device or a software?
09:04.26marcus2is there something i can put in front of asterisk to do jitter buffering for sip channels?
09:04.41IronHelixhowever you dont need to do that unless you are doing something with high availability (failover) or offloading (reducing load on * box)
09:04.44axscodeohh.. thats another nice
09:04.45IronHelixand its much harder to configure
09:04.54IronHelixthan plain * alone
09:04.56axscodeill ASTERISK it all first.. ill SER them later..
09:05.04argos73suggestion - start with asterisk, then add ser later
09:05.08IronHelixaxscode- how many clients?
09:05.12axscodeok.. going back to OS.. what do you prefer.. your personal..
09:05.13argos73(yea, like you just said)
09:05.19Luke-Jrpft, asterisk is fine on its own
09:05.20axscodeIronHelix: 10 thousand users.?
09:05.29IronHelixare you serious?
09:05.40marcus2until it has a jitter bufer for sip clients, its hardly "fine" :)
09:05.45IronHelixthen you are GOING to need SER
09:05.51axscodehow can i devide the 10 thousand uesrs?
09:05.51Luke-Jrmarcus2: I think it does
09:05.58marcus2it does not, currently
09:06.12Luke-Jrmarcus2: sure? thought I saw something about jitter in the confs
09:06.16IronHelixwell first, do you have 10k users NOW or will you eventually?
09:06.17marcus2there are some patches but people seem to have pretty mixed luck with them
09:06.24axscodenot now
09:06.27marcus2asterisk has a jitter buffer for iax channels
09:06.31axscodeill start with 100-500
09:06.33IronHelixbecuase if you will eventually, start small and just get *.  Asterisk is VERY easy to expand
09:06.34Luke-Jrmarcus2: ah, that'd be it
09:06.49IronHelixyeah asterisk can handle a few hundred by itself
09:06.57argos73heh - start witn 5-10 and work up from there
09:06.57IronHelixare you starting an ITSP or something?
09:06.58marcus2someone on the channel (zoa) is supposedly working on a generic channel jitter buffer
09:07.02axscodegoing back to OS.. what OS do you prefer sir..>?
09:07.16Luke-Jraxscode: Gentoo ... works
09:07.30IronHelixpersonally i use fedora or centos, but there are others who will violently disagree with this
09:07.33yxa10k users you gonna need professional help axscode. no shit
09:07.54marcus2do you mean 10k simultaneous calls?
09:07.58IronHelixaxscode whats your project, are you starting a service provider?
09:08.06Luke-Jrpersonally, I'd do a Lfs for a dedicated Asterisk box =p
09:08.08IronHelixno he only is getting 96 channels
09:08.11axscodemarcus2: if i have 10K simultanous call. ill get CISCO for that.. dont worry
09:08.30Luke-Jreww cisco
09:08.32yxai doubt cisco can handle 10k simul calls
09:08.48IronHelixcisco CCM is just an application written on top of win2k
09:08.50argos73yxa: throw enough money....
09:08.51marcus2there are cisco implementations handling way more than 10k simul calls
09:09.03IronHelixalthough it as i recall has better clustering
09:09.20IronHelix(asterisk doesnt cluster... yet :( )
09:09.32axscodethats why it can..
09:09.38axscodebut i dont want to waste money yet
09:09.39Luke-JrIronHelix: at least not automatically... I imaging you could manually setup a cluster
09:09.40axscodenot now
09:10.07IronHelixyeah axscode, my advice is to setup * on a box, get a few sip phones (they're cheap) and start playing with it
09:10.10axscodeit can be cluster with SER i guess.
09:10.20axscodewhat SIP phone do u prefer
09:10.23IronHelixonce you get the hang of how things work, then start spending the big bucks
09:10.30argos73cisco 7940/7960
09:10.42yxai'm guessing axscode gotta lump a couple hundred of users to a single * server and then get shitloads of servers configured using Dundi
09:10.48Luke-Jraxscode: if you can get ahold of a Linksys PAP2-NA, that's 2 analog lines cheap ;)
09:10.54argos73also have a dlink 140 that's not horrible
09:11.02IronHelixthat depends on the budget.  i like the grandstream gxp2000 becuase its cheap as hell and doesnt look like total shit (like the grandstream bt100 does)
09:11.05IronHelixugh atas :(
09:11.11axscodei have 3 MTA by inno media..
09:11.23axscodebut i guess theres a cheeper and good one
09:12.22IronHelixalthough, if you're in the market, check out phones by: grandstream (gxp2000), polycom, SNOM, cisco (sip, not SCCP), and sayson/AAstra
09:12.25argos73there is some truth in "you get what you pay for"
09:13.01yxaargos73 agreed
09:13.06IronHelixvery true
09:13.12IronHelixesp with ip phones
09:13.21QwellIronHelix: Whats wrong with sccp?
09:13.36IronHelixnothing, but as i recall it isnt supported as well by *
09:13.39IronHelixor has that changed?
09:13.44marcus2its easy to unlock the vonage/linksys pap2
09:13.45Qwellit works very well with chan_sccp2
09:13.57marcus2if you want to be able to just go pick one up at circuit city or staples or wherever
09:13.59argos73some of the cheaper phones have goofyness in the feature sets...  from a corporate viewpoint, that's why I like cisco...  not cheap, but good.
09:13.59Luke-Jrmarcus2: that seems to change monthly
09:14.02QwellIronHelix: and it will support realtime "Very Soon" now
09:14.03IronHelixand all the features are there?
09:14.13Qwellin other words, as soon as I stop being lazy, and post my patch
09:14.16marcus2i dunno, i've unlocked a half dozen of them over the past couple of months
09:14.34IronHelixgood to know, thanks qwell
09:14.35QwellSo, I guess _I_ have sccp realtime, heh
09:14.37axscodedarn i forgot
09:14.44mog_homewhat you up so late for
09:14.45Qwellmaybe I'll post it this weekend, or perhaps Monday
09:14.48Qwellmog_home: it's only 1
09:14.53mog_homeits 3 here
09:15.00axscodeo yeah.. how about MYSQL REALTIME. does it make a problem?
09:15.00Luke-Jrmog_home: 3:15
09:15.02IronHelixCurrent local time is Saturday Nov 19 04:15.02 AM -0500 GMT
09:15.14Qwellaxscode: realtime supports odbc, mysql, and now ldap
09:15.24marcus2realtime supports ldap now? hmmmmmmm
09:15.27Qwellodbc can do mysql, pgsql, etc
09:15.28mog_homebut for now
09:15.39marcus2i might have to look into that
09:15.43axscodeQwell i know... but does it make a problem.. degration.
09:15.44mog_homeyou cut me
09:15.45IronHelixsleep is fun and exciting if you know how to do it
09:15.46mog_homecut me deep
09:15.46argos734:15 - the night is still young!
09:15.47Qwellmarcus2: it's on the bug tracker
09:15.55Qwellmog_home: :(
09:15.59marcus2oh ts not in 1.2
09:16.10IronHelixsee also-
09:16.18Qwellmarcus2: it'll probably be in CVS pretty soon
09:16.19IronHelixwrong url
09:16.40IronHelix   <-- fun and exciting, the right url this time
09:17.11marcus2it would certainly be nice to do some of our call routing (and callerid name assignments and such) from ldap
09:17.12Luke-Jrdreams? you dream when you sleep? =p
09:17.17mog_homei lucid dream mayve 25% of the time
09:17.28QwellLuke-Jr: heh, you too?
09:17.30Luke-Jrmarcus2: BIND works nicely for callerid name assignments
09:17.36mog_homei didnt realize everyone didnt till recentlly
09:17.39Luke-JrQwell: no i don't... o.o
09:17.41Qwellmy last dream...a year ago, maybe
09:18.06Luke-Jrmarcus2: yep, good old named
09:18.10IronHelixeverybody dreams, not everybody remembers them
09:18.17QwellIronHelix: nah
09:18.18marcus2but we already have all of that information in ldap
09:18.23marcus2peoples extensions and names
09:18.35Luke-Jrmarcus2: but DNS is older
09:18.42Luke-Jrmarcus2: and more well-standardised
09:18.44Luke-Jrand stuff
09:18.44marcus2but all of our information is already in LDAP
09:18.47QwellIronHelix: need to hit REM in order to dream, afaik
09:18.52marcus2uhm, ldap is plenty standard :)
09:18.58Luke-Jrmarcus2: well teach your LDAP to use an older standard =p
09:19.00IronHelixtrue, but if you dont hit REM you die in about 2 weeks
09:19.02liran_hey guys
09:19.05marcus2and a hell of a lot more flexible than DNS
09:19.16IronHelixhello liran
09:19.33argos73have a nice "ldap to dns" perl script to rebuild dns tables...  not too hard
09:20.35Luke-Jrmarcus2: but you can't use 'dig' to get LDAP info!
09:20.45yxais pgsql supported directly?
09:20.49marcus2yeah, but i can use ldapsearch :)
09:20.52liran_i got a question about the way asterisk logs to Master.csv
09:21.24argos73and that question is....
09:22.23liran_the flow of it is: 1. someone calls to a number on asterisk, 2. asterisk plays some mp3 to the client 3. the client press on some number, say 1, then 4. asterisk is forwarding the call to some other number
09:22.47liran_question is, which fields in the log signify the number that the client called to and where the was forwarded to
09:24.38QwellIronHelix: the first link you posted says otherwise. :P
09:25.00Qwell"[...], but it has also been documented that humans survive without REM sleep."
09:25.12liran_uhmm, any clue about those fields?
09:25.24*** join/#asterisk _Madar (
09:25.56IronHelixdoes it say for how long?
09:26.23*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
09:27.06axscodeIronHelix: what IS for Gento? the minimal or the universal?
09:27.09axscodewhat ISO
09:27.21Luke-Jraxscode: RTFM
09:27.36marcus2i always just use the minimal
09:27.46Qwellminimal gentoo CD rocks
09:27.47axscodeok.. minimal it is
09:27.52Luke-JrI use Knoppix
09:27.53Luke-Jrso there
09:27.55marcus2its fine as long as you have lots of bandwidth
09:27.58axscodeRead the Fine Manual. thats nice..
09:28.22axscodeLuke-Jr: im from BSDs and couple of linux.. i just want to know what is for gentoo
09:28.22Luke-Jraxscode: you will utterly fail installing Gentoo miserably if you do not RTFM
09:28.24axscodeand thank you..
09:28.33axscodei wont fail.. dont worry
09:28.47Luke-Jraxscode: fine, but FYI you will be dropped at a livecd command prompt
09:28.58Luke-Jraxscode: if you know what to do from there, go ahead ;)
09:29.16axscodeinstall CD is not live cd i guess
09:29.23Luke-Jrhint: even someone who's done it many times usually will forget something small w/o the manual
09:29.36marcus2the install cd is a livecd
09:29.38Luke-Jraxscode: Gentoo has no install
09:29.44Luke-Jraxscode: the install is the manual
09:29.56yxathe first time i used gentoo it took a week to compile everything. and that was also my last time :)
09:30.06marcus2and i've installed gentoo dozens of times, and i still have to follow the quickstart guide every time i install it
09:30.13marcus2yxa; get some real hardware ;)
09:30.25axscode:) thanks
09:30.26Luke-Jryxa: you don't need *all* KDE =p
09:30.38marcus2the last gentoo install i did took about 50 minutes for 'emerge system' ;)
09:30.49yxaits ok guys, i'm sticking to deb hehe
09:30.55Luke-Jrthe last gentoo install I did was on a 550 MHz
09:31.00axscodeDEB and slack i like
09:31.08axscodeSuSE 10 too..
09:31.09Luke-JrI don't like binaries
09:31.28marcus2deb is nice
09:31.33yxaLuke-Jr deb is not all bin
09:31.39marcus2as long as you dont mind all of the packages being about 3 years old ;)
09:31.43Luke-Jrsomeone should make a CPU that executes C code natively
09:31.50axscodeapt-get install asterisk-source
09:32.25yxaaxscode that will get you 1.0.7 in stable. don't bother :)
09:32.46*** join/#asterisk jcath (n=skycat@
09:32.51Luke-Jranyway, like I said earlier
09:32.59Luke-Jrif making a dedicated Asterisk box, I'd probably use LFS
09:33.14Luke-Jror maybe fork Gentoo
09:33.28marcus2why fork gentoo
09:33.30axscodeyupz. thats why i downloaded the betra
09:33.41axscodeand works fine with my SuSE 10.. with mYSQL realtime
09:33.43Luke-Jrmarcus2: default profiles include more than Asterisk needs, I think
09:34.22Luke-Jrno, probably not =p
09:34.30marcus2i'm not entirely sure what i would remove from the default profile
09:34.32Luke-Jrjust a tiny bit more
09:34.41Luke-Jrmaybe cron
09:34.43marcus2and i'm pretty anal about not having a lot of unnecessary crap on my systems
09:34.50marcus2cron isnt in the default profile
09:34.53marcus2nor is syslog
09:35.49Luke-Jrnor openssh o.o
09:35.57marcus2nor sudo
09:36.09Luke-Jrnor kde
09:36.26yxanor less
09:36.34Luke-Jrnor screen
09:37.32Luke-Jranyway... I think the comments on Gentoo's profiles I made suggest that it is past time for me to sleep
09:37.34Luke-Jrso ttyl =p
09:38.37marcus2i wish i could get meetme to work with sip chans, damnit
09:41.38*** join/#asterisk chapeaurouge (n=chap@
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10:01.05chapeaurougeif i have a extensions.conf.bak, is asterisk taking this into account??
10:01.47chapeaurougeyes it does...
10:01.59chapeaurougei will report this as a bug, i guess.
10:08.48chapeaurougeor is that normal?
10:10.31*** join/#asterisk sezuan (
10:12.52sezuanIs there any relation between the 'register =>' line and the defined contexts in sip.con? I thought 'register => n:b@<foo>/<extension>' uses the config in the context [foo] but it seems, that's not the case?
10:22.45chapeaurougebug reported, #0005797
10:37.21liran_which fields in the log (Master.csv) define the number that the client called to and to which extension/number was the call forwarded to?
10:53.22*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
10:57.57*** join/#asterisk benjk (
11:04.38*** join/#asterisk mwright1night (
11:05.09mwright1nightI am a newbie to asterisk and want to know what I can do with Asterisk@Home
11:05.56benjkI think you will find that you get better feedback if you ask more specific questions
11:06.01mwright1nightHow for instance do pabx commands get sent to asterisk, are they DTMF
11:06.13mwright1nightie like transfer
11:06.18mwright1nightor setup a conference from the handset
11:06.53benjkyes, you can do that using DTMF
11:08.28benjkbut it depends on the telephone as well, if you use an IP phone, like a SIP phone, then the phone is likely to have a transfer button and it may use features of the SIP protocol instead of DTMF
11:10.38*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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11:25.22*** join/#asterisk _CRC_ (
11:25.33_CRC_does anyone have a page on explaining how to allow s@hostname calls?
11:25.40*** join/#asterisk klicek (
11:26.08_CRC_from services such as e164...
11:27.48*** join/#asterisk klicek (
11:31.32_CRC_it says it's failing auth
11:31.42_CRC_erm. failing auth on INVITE
11:32.12_CRC_I believe that it's not heading into the right context
11:32.27_CRC_however I have contect=incoming in the [general] section of sip.conf
11:32.49_CRC_and there's a exten => s,1,xxx in the [incoming] context
11:33.15_CRC_but the calling party gets an auth failed on INVITE error
11:33.20benjkdid you follow the article at the Astmasters HOWTO page?
11:33.39_CRC_dialing to the e164 is fine
11:34.09_CRC_the enumlookup works, and the correct Dial(SIP/bleh) happens
11:35.06_CRC_my gut feeling is that the receiving asterisk setup isn't handling the s@hostname correctly
11:35.16_CRC_yet I can't spot an obvious issue....
11:35.52benjkthere is an article furthet down on the page called "Dialling SIP URIs"
11:36.05benjkthat explains how you can do it
11:37.09_CRC_yeah - and I do have an s,1,xxx in the incoming context - I just use the 'incoming' context instead of 'SIP-incoming'
11:41.24benjkthat's not how SIP URIs work though
11:42.21_CRC_so I must have a DNS SRV record?
11:42.22benjkif somebody calls your SIP URI say, then your dialplan needs to have an extension 'fred' in the context that unauthenticated SIP calls are sent to
11:42.52benjkthe DNS SRV record is useful for a different purpose
11:43.10_CRC_so following that logic... should go to s in the context [incoming]...
11:43.31_CRC_as in [general] the context is set to 'incoming'
11:43.45_CRC_(in sip.conf)
11:43.51benjkfor example, say your asterisk server's DNS name is, but you don't want SIP URIs to be, you want them to be
11:44.36benjkthen you can use DNS SRV records to map all sip connections to to automatically
11:44.47_CRC_ahhh ok
11:44.56_CRC_maybe makes more sense...
11:45.00_CRC_that's exactly what I'm getting
11:48.36benjkbut that's on the system you call *out* from right?
11:49.00_CRC_I see nothing on the destination system
11:49.26benjkdid you enable sip debugging on the destination server?
11:51.14_CRC_SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required
11:51.36_CRC_updated the pastebin...
11:53.54tzafrir_laptop_CRC_, it is probably a new pastebin
11:54.42_CRC_sorry - that's the SIP error :P
11:55.57_CRC_ <-- what I see in a sip debug.
11:56.18_CRC_I think the receiver is trying to proxy instead of thinking it's the recipient...
11:59.29benjkthe destination ACKs the connection though
11:59.42benjkthe problem is likely to be on the caller's side
12:05.43_CRC_I don't see it :|
12:06.36benjkunless of course there is something further down in the debug log
12:07.42_CRC_updated the pastebin with both caller and destination sip debugs
12:07.44_CRC_I don't get it.
12:08.11*** join/#asterisk razu_ (
12:09.34_CRC_unless it's not supposed to be asking for proxy auth at all
12:09.47_CRC_in which case, I don't even see why it would
12:12.02benjkyou may have to set insecure=very in your sip.conf
12:12.37_CRC_in the [general] section?
12:13.58_CRC_no difference.
12:14.33*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
12:14.34benjkwhat version of Asterisk is this?
12:14.56_CRC_one is 1.2.0-beta2
12:15.01_CRC_the other 1.2.0 final
12:15.05benjkhm, maybe they have tightened up in 1.2
12:15.57benjkI am only using the stable branch and 1.2 stable is too new, haven't had a chance to look into it yet
12:16.47_CRC_yeah - it has be buggered :|
12:17.05benjkthe way the HOWTO article describes, works perfectly well for us on the server which runs Asterisk 1.0.9
12:17.25benjkalthough we're not using 's'
12:17.39_CRC_in theory that shouldn't matter though
12:17.50_CRC_as long as there's an entry in the related context
12:17.57chapeaurougei just got sip setup on my asterisk.. is there a good place to test on the net?
12:18.32benjkcorrect, but just to be absolutely certain, you may want to consider doing the exact same setup as described in the HOWTO article
12:18.32RoyKchapeaurouge: outbound? inband can be easily tested just with an x-lite client or so
12:18.53chapeaurougeRowter, well, i tested within my LAN with linphone. works ok.
12:19.04chapeaurougeRoyK, not rowter
12:19.14chapeaurougeRoyK, i want to test the nat setup now.
12:21.20_CRC_benjk: I may end up going back to 1.0.9
12:21.26_CRC_been having nothing but issues with 1.2.0
12:21.37_CRC_such as this one which should be straight forward...
12:22.38benjkwell it depends what you want to do. if it's just play or research, I'm sure the latest and greatest version is best
12:22.50_CRC_it probably is
12:23.06_CRC_but damn if I can get what should be simple stuff like this happening
12:23.08benjkbut if you need it for production, better make sure you've tested everything for some time before  you upgrade
12:23.19_CRC_it's my only phone at home
12:23.25_CRC_but yeah - it's not critical
12:23.54benjkwell, a phone at home could be critical if isn't reliable
12:24.07_CRC_have a mobile anyhow
12:24.33benjkwhat I do is run new versions on a separate box for a while
12:24.43_CRC_otherwise I could always find an analogue phone around for the PSTN line
12:24.48_CRC_or just use the Zap channel
12:27.57_CRC_what shits me is stuff like this:
12:28.06*** join/#asterisk jmjones (
12:28.43gstis there any trick for using WaitExten. i always get the msg "pbx.c: Timeout but no rule 't' in context 'gw'" although i have a (wildcard) extension matching the extensions which was entered in WaitExten.
12:29.31gst(when i add the timeout extension $EXTEN is also 't' so i can't read the entered values)
12:29.39benjkCRC, let me just try to call you on that SIP URI while you watch the SIP debug
12:30.33_CRC_from what IP?
12:30.37_CRC_then I can monitor it
12:30.46_CRC_there needs to be a debug all :p
12:31.07_CRC_go for it
12:32.47chapeaurougehow do i get to the 'default' context? because if i try to sip a user that doesn't exist, i simply am getting nowhere.
12:33.28*** join/#asterisk lehel (i=lehel@
12:33.59chapeaurougeit will always look for anything in [home], whereas i only specify it on a per SIP user basis.
12:34.05chapeaurougethere's something i dont get..
12:35.44*** join/#asterisk CRCC (
12:36.19CRCChelp with agi
12:36.20chapeaurougein summary, i never get to what is in incoming
12:37.05CRCCevrithing what i send to stderr
12:37.14CRCCi cant get on asterisk console
12:39.02CRCCby the way what do you think about asteriskwin32
12:39.46lehelst_p_d :p
12:40.20CRCCjust for prototyping
12:53.05*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
12:58.20_CRC_well that's annoying.
12:59.05_CRC_benjk: I wish it would just work if I kicked it :P
12:59.31benjkthat reminds me of a story I heard
12:59.44benjkmay be an urban legend, but the story goes like this ...
13:00.05benjksome car manufacturer installed a new workerless factory, state of the art
13:00.29benjkrandomly the whole factory stopped working and nobody could figure out why
13:00.53benjkbut it was noticed that when you kicked the assembly line some place, it would start moving again
13:01.32benjkso they hired one worker to sit in the factory, read a newspaper and if need be kick the spot to get the assembly line going again
13:01.55_CRC_that is class.
13:02.11*** join/#asterisk lorinc (
13:02.13benjksounds like an urban legend though
13:06.02lehelwhat about trying th 1.2?
13:06.29_CRC_it's giving me issues with enum calls and s@hostname
13:06.38jmjonesi'd be proud of that:  "What do you do for a living?"  "I sit and read a newspaper and when i absolutely have to, I kick an assembly line."  "Oh.  OK."
13:06.39_CRC_it keeps giving a 407 proxy auth problem
13:06.52benjkyou don't know that yet
13:07.10benjkthat's why you need to test with 1.0.9
13:07.14_CRC_it does! but we don't know if it's a fault of 1.2.0 or my config.
13:07.23benjkfair enough
13:08.28_CRC_1.0.9 is compiling as we speak
13:08.42_CRC_I'm not keeping any of the 1.2.0 configs - so I'm going to start from scratch
13:09.04_CRC_just in case it's me that screwed up
13:09.09_CRC_and if it all works, and tests fine
13:09.14_CRC_I'll try the same config on 1.2.0
13:09.27benjksounds like a plan
13:09.57_CRC_ah. 1.0.9 requires bison :P
13:11.16tzafrir_laptopbison, the gnu yacc
13:11.21benjkdo you have a Mac by any chance?
13:11.27_CRC_benjk: yeah
13:11.31_CRC_mini + powerbook
13:11.37benjkwell, then just use my tarball
13:12.02_CRC_but but but but.
13:12.07tzafrir_laptop_CRC_, why no just install bison? what dostro is it?
13:12.17_CRC_tzafrir_laptop: I have
13:12.23_CRC_it's a stripped down FC4
13:12.41_CRC_tzafrir_laptop: to run on a mac I'd have to re-jig my networking
13:12.53tzafrir_laptopif you want a stripped down server, you should have a separate build system
13:13.00benjkif you have a Mac with OSX you don't need to build it yourself, you can use the tarball
13:13.12_CRC_ok - well, stripped down = minimal then
13:13.18tzafrir_laptoppotentially a different linux system , where the build system is in a chroot jail
13:13.32_CRC_too much effort :P
13:13.48benjkyeah, especially if it's only for a test
13:13.57*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
13:14.18_CRC_great idea, but I don't care if this system dies or anything at all
13:14.26tzafrir_laptopyou want to avoid installing extra software on the server...
13:14.32_CRC_it just means I'd spend an extra 15 mins
13:14.41tzafrir_laptopyum install bison is simply one command
13:14.49_CRC_which is what I did :)
13:14.57benjktzafrir: he's only installing it for a test session
13:15.33_CRC_tho if it works, I'd be tempted to just leave it :p
13:15.46_CRC_but it's killing me to find out if it's a 1.2.0 issue or just me.
13:16.05benjkwell, that's the joy of upgrading software
13:19.39_CRC_make install time :P
13:20.42chapeaurougewhen i dial a sip user, it never get to exten 's'... always straight to the user...
13:20.55chapeaurougehow do i get my incoming calls to this  's'
13:21.09_CRC_just call the IP
13:21.17_CRC_it should go to s by default
13:21.27_CRC_benjk: could that be why?
13:21.35_CRC_or am I tripping.
13:21.54chapeaurougenothing goes to s... whenever i dont enter a valid user in linphone, it says "user cannot be found"
13:22.28benjkwell, I could call you on your SIP URI (with the 's') and everything was fine
13:22.52_CRC_this is true
13:23.19chapeaurougeok so... is the way to go?
13:23.43chapeaurougeit works like that, but i thought anything would go through s, no matter who im trying to reach
13:24.43benjkif your asterisk server is at the ip address which '' resolves to, then yes
13:25.17*** join/#asterisk coppice (
13:26.05benjkno that's not the way it works
13:26.13*** join/#asterisk BladeRunner05 (
13:26.14chapeaurougeso it's not working like it should. (im doing tests within my LAN, so the IP is indeed my asterisk's server IP)
13:26.22coppicehey, it benjk :-)
13:32.50benjkif you want to call -say-, then you will need to have an extension 'fred' in the context that unauthenticated SIP calls are sent to
13:32.50benjkhi coppice, long time no see ;-)
13:33.07kippion my firewall what ports do i need to open for sip?
13:33.18coppicebenjk: how's life in japan? I'm going there tomorrow
13:33.33chapeaurougebenjk, and the unauthenticated calls go thru where? the default context?
13:34.39_CRC_benjk: it works on 1.0.9
13:35.03benjkcoppice, oh really?! are you coming to Tokyo by any chance?
13:35.38benjkCRC, surprise!
13:36.22benjkchapero, the context you specify in the [general] section in sip.conf
13:36.31_CRC_how damn annoying
13:36.57_CRC_now the ultimate test. rebuild 1.2.0 and use the same configs
13:37.08_CRC_just adding a + to the ENUMLOOKUP to make it work
13:37.16coppicebenjk: osaka and fukuyama. it will be my first tim in japan
13:38.30benjkcoppice, what a pity, if you had come to Tokyo, we could have met up, but Kansai is a bit far out from here
13:39.00_CRC_I'd get a complex in Japan
13:39.10_CRC_how many folks there are 6'4? :)
13:39.44chapeaurougebenjk, right. but still am not getting to the 's' in whatever else context.
13:41.31benjkchapeauro, enable sip debug on the incoming server and see what it says
13:42.43_CRC_chapeaurouge: what version asterisk?
13:43.24_CRC_wonder if it's the same problem I'm seeing
13:43.39benjkCRC, could be
13:43.46chapeaurougebenjk, been runnign debug since the beginning.. actually is there a way to enable debug, but cut off the registration notifications?
13:44.23benjkyes, there are quite a few options for debug now, use help sip debug on the CLI
13:45.16chapeaurougewanna see my dialplan? (very small)
13:48.08benjkdialplan won't be of any use, you need to show us the console/debug output
13:48.51chapeaurougehmm ok. well, i thought that there could be small error in there, since im new to asterisk.
13:48.58chapeaurougeweill try to catch some debug
13:49.42_CRC_chapeaurouge: try sip debug ip <ip>
13:50.02chapeaurougelinphone really has _severe_ semaphores issues. DAMN!.
13:50.11tzafrir_laptopnote that this is tons of output. use: sip no debug to stop it
13:50.30*** join/#asterisk Druken (
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13:51.12chapeaurougeglibc corruption.. niceness..
13:51.13_CRC_man 1.2.0 takes ages to compile :P
13:52.01*** join/#asterisk Tjief (
13:53.46chapeaurougenote my calls go thru directly from 1 user to another, but i never hits the 's' part. dunno if it was clear.
13:56.22chapeaurougeok, well i guess it works. but i have to call there i have goto's..
14:01.07chapeaurougei just setup a number (911) to Goto 's'
14:01.11chapeaurougethx for your help.
14:03.55_CRC_benjk: fails under 1.2.0
14:03.57_CRC_same config
14:06.28_CRC_tis a 1.2.0 bug/fault/change
14:07.18benjkgood luck getting Digium to acknowledge it ;-)
14:07.34_CRC_I think I'll just downgrade to 1.0.9
14:07.53drumkillawhat's the problem?
14:08.10_CRC_making an enum call via asterisk 1.2.0
14:08.21_CRC_it looks it up ok
14:08.23_CRC_places the call
14:08.31_CRC_the sender asks for proxy auth
14:09.01_CRC_same config on 1.0.9 works
14:09.06benjkno, I think the receiver asks for auth
14:09.31_CRC_then why does 1.0.9 calling 1.2.0 work, but 1.2.0 calling 1.2.0 fail?
14:09.39benjkthinking that this is a newly initiated call
14:10.08benjkbecause 1.0.9 doesn't confuse the ACK for a newly initiated call
14:10.33_CRC_so you think it's how 1.2.0 places the call?
14:10.47Damindrumkilla: DTMF issues are back! :)
14:11.05drumkillaDamin: lol ...
14:11.23Damindrumkilla: Just kidding..
14:11.33drumkillathat was just wrong!
14:12.12Damindrumkilla: But I did experience an issue last night doing SIP -> IAX2 -> SIP where DTMF was apparently not making it to the far endpoint.
14:12.52Damindrumkilla: 1.2.0 -> 1.0.9 -> Some Piece of Shit Gateway
14:12.54drumkillaI *just* woke up ... I think it's too early for SIP debug and code ...
14:13.29Damindrumkilla: Just woke up? Hell.. I'm still in bed. :)
14:13.41drumkillahaha, nice
14:13.46_CRC_it's almost time to go to bed....
14:13.49_CRC_1:13am :\
14:13.54drumkillaDamin: my bed is only a few feet from my desk :)
14:14.01DaminAlright.. mon n the kids are downstairs.. I should go eat breakfast with them..
14:14.01drumkilla_CRC_: where are you from?
14:14.08_CRC_Melb, Australia
14:14.08DaminSee yall later..
14:14.12drumkillaDamin: soundsl ike a plan - later
14:14.18drumkilla_CRC_: cool  :)
14:14.30drumkillaI would love to visit Australia one of these days
14:15.06_CRC_I would love to get a properly working asterisk... one of these days ;P
14:15.09drumkillabamboo ...
14:15.11file[laptop]bad drumkilla bad!
14:15.26*** join/#asterisk jcath (n=skycat@
14:15.47*** join/#asterisk oldbrat (n=daiviet@
14:15.54file[laptop]drumkilla: how was your night?
14:16.21drumkillafile[laptop]: kind of boring.  everyone here went to sleep early
14:16.27file[laptop]ah boo
14:16.35drumkillafile[laptop]: I guess everyone was tired from the huge party Thursday night :-p
14:16.44drumkillafile[laptop]: there was a "no pants party" on Thursday
14:17.28drumkillaI thought it was a silly theme when it was almost freezing temp outside
14:17.38*** part/#asterisk hadi57 (i=al_moghr@
14:18.08ikarusdrumkilla: ouch
14:18.10*** join/#asterisk JaredBluestein (
14:18.21drumkillaikarus: indeed
14:18.47BladeRunner05drumkilla: Next summer come in italy
14:19.48drumkillaBladeRunner05: I would love to!  :)
14:20.09Drukenanyone in here use ?
14:20.12drumkilla_CRC_: in your SIP debug, the caller should be sending another INVITE after your debug ends
14:20.38_CRC_drumkilla: what you see is all I get.
14:21.08drumkillaand you have authentication information specified in sip.conf?
14:21.21BladeRunner05drumkilla: I'm in the southern italy, u don't know how u could love this place....
14:21.22drumkillawellll ...
14:21.25_CRC_the only auth is the phone -> asterisk
14:21.35drumkillathat would be why there is no 2nd INVITE
14:21.37_CRC_the call is places and directed via e164
14:21.55drumkilla_CRC_: the receiver is telling the caller that authentication is required for the call
14:21.57BladeRunner05drumkilla:where u from ?
14:22.03drumkillaso when the caller doesn't have any, it just gives up
14:22.13drumkillaBladeRunner05: South Carolina, in the US
14:22.20*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
14:22.27_CRC_drumkilla: correct, but it shouldn't be asking for auth.
14:22.41_CRC_so either a) the call is sent wrong
14:22.42drumkilla_CRC_: what is your config on the receiving side
14:22.53drumkillathe receiving side things there is auth :)
14:23.06_CRC_just to dump all calls for s@hostname to a phone
14:23.13Drukeninsecure=very :)
14:23.21_CRC_set via iax.conf
14:23.43drumkilla_CRC_: can I see your sip.conf on the receiving side?
14:23.44_CRC_however, if the calling side is 1.0.9, it works
14:23.46*** part/#asterisk JaredBluestein (
14:23.58_CRC_drumkilla: which section? it's pretty big :p
14:24.02drumkillalol ...
14:25.49file[laptop]drumkilla: what did you do to my muffin!
14:26.22drumkillafile[laptop]: LOL
14:26.24drumkillayou so silly.
14:27.37_CRC_drumkilla: basically, my config is like the enum stuff in
14:27.48_CRC_except I use 'incoming' instead of 'SIP-incoming'
14:28.10drumkilla_CRC_: just patsebin the whole sip.conf from the receiving side
14:28.12drumkillaif ya don't mind
14:28.25*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
14:31.16drumkillafile[laptop]: I know declare that it is your job to fix _CRC_'s problem!
14:31.27_CRC_added to
14:31.56file[laptop]drumkilla: you bastard!
14:32.20_CRC_file[laptop]: what was that? install 1.0.9? :P
14:32.27_CRC_wow - that fixed it! :P
14:33.17file[laptop]SO - what exactly is the problem? :P
14:33.20drumkilla_CRC_: ok, so you have a [crcdesk] peer defined
14:33.24drumkilla*WITH* a secret!
14:33.35_CRC_for phone -> asterisk
14:33.37file[laptop]drumkilla: hush for a sec :P
14:33.51file[laptop]what's the problem? :P
14:34.25drumkilla_CRC_: this is the config of the receiving asterisk box, right?
14:34.28_CRC_ummm I put in this new Sony CD... and now my cup holder won't eject.
14:34.35_CRC_drumkilla: correct.
14:35.03*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
14:35.28drumkilla_CRC_: and the phone does not call that box directly, right?
14:35.31file[laptop]it wants to do authentication based on user/passwordd
14:35.37drumkillafile[laptop]: I'm way ahead of you
14:35.39file[laptop]because the callerid from matches a user entry in sip.conf
14:35.46_CRC_drumkilla: correct.
14:35.57drumkilla_CRC_: so take it out of the config on the receiving box :)
14:36.01*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
14:36.19drumkilla_CRC_: just try it!
14:36.26file[laptop]drumkilla: groovejet!
14:37.21*** join/#asterisk test34 (n=test34@unaffiliated/test34)
14:37.22_CRC_now I have to install 1.2.0 back on the calling box - one sec
14:37.42drumkillaso much love in here ...
14:38.03file[laptop]yessir Mr. Bryant!
14:38.22drumkillawho's that?
14:38.36test34I just compiled and installed v1.2.0 but it didnt compile the module... is there something missing in my kernel or something ?
14:38.49file[laptop]test34: chan_modem is gone
14:38.52drumkillatest34: nope, it's not built by default anymore
14:38.57drumkillatest34: edit channels/Makefile
14:39.04file[laptop]because silly people never used it!
14:39.06drumkillatest34: and uncomment the chan_modem modules that you need
14:39.16test34do I need chan_modem for x100p ? I would guess so..
14:39.21drumkillatest34: no.
14:39.47test34ok thanks !
14:39.50drumkillatest34: the x100p uses a zaptel driver, which interfaces with Asterisk using chan_zap
14:39.52file[laptop]drumkilla: should you not be out... doing... stuff?
14:39.59drumkillafile[laptop]: eventually, yes
14:40.09_CRC_well bugger me
14:40.10_CRC_it works
14:40.16file[laptop]well then, I command you to go out now!
14:40.28file[laptop]and bring me back some cookies.
14:40.36santoshrsome issue..the caller gets to transfer or parl call.
14:40.46santoshrbut the called is not able to transfer
14:41.02drumkillafile[laptop]: I fixed his problem without you :-p
14:41.16_CRC_drumkilla: so the called machine was thinking it was trying to place a call on it?
14:41.32*** join/#asterisk stkn (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
14:41.36MikeJ[Laptop]_CRC_, nope
14:41.50drumkilla_CRC_: the called machine thought the call came from "crcdesk"
14:42.06drumkillaand asked for authentication, since you had it specified
14:42.11MikeJ[Laptop]you just told it to auth
14:42.21drumkilla_CRC_: that will be 1 million dollars.
14:42.24_CRC_what a PITA :P
14:42.30file[laptop]drumkilla: wow your rate is low
14:42.32santoshranybody have anyidea
14:42.33_CRC_I didn't even think of that.
14:42.35drumkilla_CRC_: it did *exactly* what you told it to do
14:42.53_CRC_yeah - but I didn't expect that behaviour to happen when it was going via another asterisk server
14:42.56test34drumkilla, ahh ok great, it now works again ;)
14:42.58MikeJ[Laptop]it's good when it does what you tell it to do
14:43.01benjkchan_modem is gone?
14:43.03drumkillatest34: woohoo
14:43.07benjkhow's that?
14:43.07file[laptop]benjk: by default
14:43.07drumkillabenjk: just not built by default
14:43.20file[laptop]it lurks in the darkness of the source
14:43.21benjkok that's helpful
14:43.30file[laptop]waiting for it's day...
14:43.33file[laptop]TO STRIKE!
14:43.34benjk'cause we're working on a replacement for chan_modem
14:43.37*** part/#asterisk santoshr (i=1063@
14:43.39MikeJ[Laptop]no, deleting it would be helpful
14:43.39benjkfor OSX
14:43.48benjkfor OSX and Darwin only
14:43.55drumkillabenjk: one of these days, I'll finish my chan_coreaudio
14:44.13_CRC_to use the modem as an FXO?
14:44.25benjkit's specific to the Apple Motorola SM56 voice modem
14:44.39benjkinternal in Mac's since about early 2004
14:44.50benjkand now also in their new USB dongle modems
14:44.58benjkcalled the Apple USB Modem
14:45.07ikarushmmmm, apples
14:45.08benjkCRC, yep
14:45.33drumkillabenjk: are you porting zaptel to darwin?
14:45.38benjkhowever, the initial work is for a channel driver only
14:45.50benjkso that means it will be half duplex
14:47.02benjkbut there are some folks who are interested to sponsor our Zaptel on OSX project
14:47.22MikeJ[Laptop]_CRC_, did you even thank drumkilla....
14:47.24benjkthe idea is to use the chan_applemodem as a teaser
14:47.27MikeJ[Laptop]let me see...
14:47.35MikeJ[Laptop]wow.. that's RUDE!!!!
14:47.57_CRC_oh. hahah I dind't either...
14:48.03*** join/#asterisk af_ (
14:48.04_CRC_I was that excited that it was work ing :P
14:48.07_CRC_thanks drumkilla :D
14:48.12drumkillayou're welcome :D
14:48.26benjkdrumkilla, we have a Zaptel on OSX project and a skeleton driver, but we can't complete it without funding
14:48.30_CRC_I've only been trying to figure it out for the last...... 5 hours :\
14:48.43MikeJ[Laptop]_CRC_, and you didn't even thank drumkilla with BAGS OF CASH...
14:48.48MikeJ[Laptop]let me see...
14:48.49drumkilla_CRC_: it was a complicated problem with, luckily, a simple fix
14:48.57jcathhey, some internal modem adapter can act as a fxo, so, any cheap analogue can act as fxs?
14:48.57file[laptop]gimme gimme gimme
14:48.59MikeJ[Laptop]wow.. that's RUDE!!!!
14:49.09drumkillaONE MILLION DOLLARZ!
14:49.35*** join/#asterisk felipex (
14:49.42*** join/#asterisk X-Files (
14:49.53drumkillaeven a "/me gives drumkilla 1 million dollarz!@412!!oneone!1" would be sufficient
14:50.19drumkillaerr ... nice!  even
14:50.44MikeJ[Laptop]not really...
14:50.50MikeJ[Laptop]what's your pay pal address
14:51.07MikeJ[Laptop]bugger off then
14:51.19MikeJ[Laptop]moron runs away when you offer him money
14:51.27MikeJ[Laptop]too late
14:51.30MikeJ[Laptop]I see how it is
14:51.51MikeJ[Laptop]damn... paypal wont let you send 100ths of cents.
14:51.56MikeJ[Laptop]oh well
14:51.57drumkillaI can't even use the "/me gives MikeJ[Laptop] a quarter to call someone who cares" joke in here ... sux0rz
14:52.06drumkillaMikeJ[Laptop]: :(
14:52.26drumkillaseems kind of silly to use that joke in #asterisk ...
14:52.37drumkillapay phones are more than 25 cents these days, anyway
14:52.45MikeJ[Laptop]yes.. cuz calld don't cost money...
14:52.52benjkdrumkilla, you have to adjust the joke
14:52.59file[laptop]but asterisk and a SIP URI is free!
14:53.09MikeJ[Laptop]how about /me gives MikeJ[Laptop] an iaxy to call somone who cares?
14:53.35benjklike /me gives MikeJ a SIP URI to call someone who cares or something like that
14:54.00benjkMikeJ, very nice try!!!
14:54.01MikeJ[Laptop]yes, but I need a PC to run it on, cards, ATA's and sipphones ?
14:54.15file[laptop]eeeeeeep! bad drumkilla
14:54.28MikeJ[Laptop]tzafrir_laptop, nice
14:54.43benjkdrumkilla, did you also get rid of chan_phone and chan_oss by any chance?
14:54.48MikeJ[Laptop] hehe
14:54.54drumkillabenjk: no
14:55.11drumkillaMikeJ[Laptop]: that's what I always call him :D
14:55.23drumkillatons of people use chan_oss
14:55.30benjkI think Asterisk needs a diet
14:55.36file[laptop]drumkilla = Russell Wussell
14:55.40drumkillabenjk: I think it needs a 'make menuconfig'
14:55.47drumkillafile[laptop]: YAY!
14:56.14drumkillathe programming for a 'make menuconfig' app would be easy
14:56.16X-Fileshello users ! I look in cmd Dial have option "g", but I need reverse this funcion.
14:56.24benjkdrumkilla: I think it needs an asterisk.xcode
14:56.26MikeJ[Laptop]benjk, dude.. thanks for the offer
14:56.26drumkillabut I haven't thought of a good way to store all of the info, and read it in the makefile ...
14:56.34drumkillabenjk: make it and submit it!  :)
14:57.04chapeaurougewhen i just place a call with sip, what should be $EXTEN? set to nothing?
14:57.04benjkyeah, and rewrite it in Objective-C of course
14:57.09benjkC sucks
14:57.13benjkObjC rocks
14:57.13file[laptop]X-Files: you make no sense.
14:57.14MikeJ[Laptop]asterisk needs an asterisk.sln, chan_sip.vcproj, app_dial.vcproj ect... :P
14:57.23file[laptop]MikeJ[Laptop]: that's hot :P
14:57.42benjkbetter still, rewrite it in Objective Modula-2
14:57.56MikeJ[Laptop]yeah.. trying to unravel some stuff in that right now...
14:58.04MikeJ[Laptop]well.. not aserisk.. but you know what I mean
14:58.28tzafrir_laptopbenjk, if you think asterisk needs a diet, make it link with diet libc
14:58.29X-Filesfile[laptop]: why it no sense ?
14:58.51file[laptop]X-Files: well, what do you mean "reverse this function"
14:58.52MikeJ[Laptop]X-Files, what is the oposite of g?
14:59.05MikeJ[Laptop]oohhh ohhh.. is it 6?
14:59.11file[laptop]MikeJ[Laptop]: ooh that's smart
14:59.32MikeJ[Laptop]it could be p with a tail
14:59.48MikeJ[Laptop]almost e too
14:59.52drumkillaC rocks!
14:59.59MikeJ[Laptop]letters are silly..
15:00.03benjkC sucks
15:00.06MikeJ[Laptop]drumkilla, ever used a or b?
15:00.23file[laptop]I like D
15:00.29tzafrir_laptopThere was B. THere is D
15:00.45MikeJ[Laptop]I don't know d.... url please
15:00.50benjkits one of those lowest common denominator things
15:01.06tzafrir_laptopbenjk, a programming language
15:02.33file[laptop]such violence!
15:02.46benjkanyway, what I wanted to ask ...
15:02.48MikeJ[Laptop]it's all talk.. no ACTION!!!
15:03.05MikeJ[Laptop]benjk, well stop saying you WANTED to ask...
15:03.11MikeJ[Laptop]AND ASK ALREADY
15:03.21benjkdoes anybody know anything about those ipVolution T1 boards that Atacomm have on their online store?
15:03.34MikeJ[Laptop]I hear they are "coming soon"
15:04.18MikeJ[Laptop]TOO MANY
15:04.30MikeJ[Laptop]may the real D, please stand up!
15:04.30benjkit looks like they finished the design of the boards, but it appears they don't ship yet
15:05.18X-Filesfile[laptop] and MikeJ[Laptop]: but i need call from number 201 call to 202, used exten : exten => 1,1,Dial(SIP/202,60,tTrwg) can transfer to 203 nubmer, but 202 automatical hungup line -- I need 202 to continue the function exten
15:05.24benjkyet, they say that they will support OSX in Q2/2005
15:05.51benjkdoes Ata still visit this channel?
15:06.33benjkhe used to hang out here before he opened his Atacomm store
15:11.23*** join/#asterisk dalbjerg (n=dalbjerg@2001:16d8:ff59:0:9157:7688:d78:dba5)
15:12.15*** join/#asterisk hadi57 (n=al_moghr@
15:12.15X-FilesPLZ! Need help! I have three phones 201, 202 and 203 I want to call from 201 to 202 have a talk, and then 202 connect me to 203 and without hangout call another telephone * How can I do it?? :/
15:15.30_CRC_if you keep getting notices like this:
15:15.30_CRC_Nov 20 02:16:31 NOTICE[23174]: chan_sip.c:11326 sip_poke_noanswer: Peer 'sipgate' is now UNREACHABLE!  Last qualify: 366
15:15.33_CRC_Nov 20 02:16:42 NOTICE[23174]: chan_sip.c:9687 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer 'sipgate' is now REACHABLE! (368ms / 2000ms)
15:15.36_CRC_is there a way to get rid of them?
15:16.00*** join/#asterisk IronHelix (
15:16.10tzanger_CRC_: sure, remove the qualify parametdr
15:16.11_CRC_I'm thinking qualify=no
15:16.19_CRC_that does nothing else but that?
15:16.49tzangerthat's it
15:16.56tzangerbut you won't know if you can't get to sipgate then
15:17.03*** part/#asterisk hadi57 (n=al_moghr@
15:17.06_CRC_long as it's registered
15:17.14_CRC_it's a free DID in the UK
15:17.18_CRC_I'm in Australia
15:17.27_CRC_so no biggie if it does barf
15:18.50X-Filescan anyone help me ?? :(
15:18.59_CRC_and why the FRIG, does come up in german or whatever now
15:20.37tzangerX-Files: you can do anything you want, you have not described your problem adequately
15:20.55tzangerwhat does "connect 201 to 203 without hangout call another telephone" mean?
15:22.26*** join/#asterisk oldbrat (n=daiviet@
15:23.25X-Filestzanger xmmm ... there had to be a commat :) I'm calling for example to directore at 202 and after he connect me to office 203, and without putting telephone down call to another number which isn't in our net
15:23.53tzangerX-Files: that's called a transfer
15:24.10X-Files:) I'm sorry my english is bad :(
15:24.28tzangeruse the SIP phone's transfer feature or use 'T' in teh Dial() command to allow the caller to hit # (which is the default, see features.conf) to be able to send the person he called to another extension
15:24.42*** join/#asterisk Junbug (i=Junbug@
15:29.02*** join/#asterisk Snowy` (
15:29.44X-Filesbut if some one is calling me i put him in the hold and then i have to put phone down and agane use my password and connect
15:29.57X-Filesbut how to be without it ?
15:30.09X-Fileswithout puting phone down ?
15:30.46*** part/#asterisk Snowy` (
15:30.53tzangerX-Files: use your phone's transfer feature, or use 'T' in teh dial() command and use asterisk's channel-indepent transfer feature
15:31.01jbotthebook is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, released under the Creative Commons license and available at << Read the book online!
15:31.04jbotdocs is, like, probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or
15:31.19tzangerthese are basic questions, you need to do some homework.  :-)
15:31.30*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
15:31.51jdv79once again:)  if i have no packet loss and low latency and jitter why else would i get a regular chop?
15:32.06tzangerjdv79: how do you know you ahve no packet loss
15:32.14tzangerjdv79: how's your CPU usage?
15:32.24*** join/#asterisk Druken (
15:32.26tzangerjdv79: how's your network and netowrk driver?
15:32.28jdv79cpu usage is near nothing
15:32.45jdv79i used ethereal's rtp analyzer thing on the session
15:33.26jdv79and the network is a cable modem because the real connection is stalled with the telco...big surprise
15:33.27tzangerit'd be interesting to capture the rtp stream and play it back outside of asterisk and see if you're receiving shitty audio
15:33.33X-Filestzanger there is t T
15:33.38tzangerX-Files: yes, there is.
15:33.44jdv79but if i have those session stats i said - how could it be the network?
15:34.14jdv79well, i'm making the call to me so i hear the chop but the numbers don't tell of a problem - that's the situation
15:34.15tzangerjdv79: if your carrier's sending you dropped-out audio you will have dropped-out audio
15:34.28jdv79what is that?
15:34.29tzangerjdv79: sounds like network issues to me still, sorry
15:34.33tzangerbut I have to get going
15:34.51tzangerI would love to continue to help but i can't at this moment
15:35.22jdv79anyone else know what this dropped-out audio thing is?
15:35.28X-Filestzanger but anyway the is this problem that I have a signal as phone is down :( he doesn't ask me to enter new number.
15:39.16chapeaurougemy mp3 doesn't really go through.. i hear sounds, but really _nowhere_ near really being able to listen to it.
15:39.36file[laptop]using mpg123 0.59r?
15:39.45chapeaurougelemme check
15:39.59chapeaurougeii  mpg321
15:40.01chapeaurougedebian sarge
15:40.13drumkillathere's your problem!
15:40.18jbot[mpg123] Real time MPEG Audio Player for Layer 1,2 and Layer3. URL: ONLY MPG123-R  will work with asterisk. PERIOD. use 'make mpg123' in the asterisk source dir
15:40.19chapeaurougelol... i did apt-get install mpg123... i guess it's pointing to that
15:40.24file[laptop]you want mpg123 0.59r
15:40.32drumkillayou can just do 'make mpg123'
15:40.35file[laptop]you _need_ it
15:40.50file[laptop]drumkilla: nap!
15:41.01Corydon76-homeThe joys of the idiots who made mpg321 claiming it's compatible, when it simply ignores the -r option
15:41.08[TK]D-FenderWe have native MOH now no?  no more MPG123 sucking up resources?
15:41.23chapeaurougeYes! The project is not maintained at the moment and there are some serious security problems in the latest player versions. It is highly recommended to not use the source code you can download from this site.
15:41.50chapeaurouge[TK]D-Fender, i didn't hear a thing without anything installed
15:41.52chapeaurougeim using 1.2.0
15:42.22file[laptop]if you wanna use mp3s with native MOH you need format_mp3 too
15:42.32drumkillawhich is pretty stupid :)
15:42.58drumkillasince you'll never have a class with a native format of mp3.
15:43.02file[laptop]'tis life...
15:43.06*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (n=Nuke@
15:43.22file[laptop]drumkilla: Go Tigers!
15:44.01X-FilesHelp!!! I'm calling for example frome phone 201 to directore at 202 and after he connect me to office 203, and without putting telephone down call to another number which isn't in our net (I have a signal as phone is down :( he doesn't ask me to enter new number.)
15:44.07*** join/#asterisk GeneG (
15:45.28GeneGGood morning everyone. Can anyone help me with a specific NAT traversal scenario that I've been trying to figure out (along with the myriad of web & other resources talking about Asterisk NAT traversal)?
15:46.00file[laptop]GeneG: specific questions are good
15:46.06GeneGOk, here goes:
15:46.29benjkbenjk's laws of VoIP and NAT ...
15:46.35GeneGAsterisk inside a NAT, clients connecting to Asterisk inside a NAT, VOIP provider outside the NAT.
15:46.46benjk1) if you must use SIP, dont use NAT
15:46.57GeneGClients connect to Asterisk no problem, Asterisk connects to VOIP provider no problem.
15:46.58file[laptop]if you properly configure it, it works fine
15:46.59benjk2) if you must use NAT, use IAX
15:47.12GeneGThe failure occurs on the SIP reinvite
15:47.16benjk3) if you must use SIP and NAT, use tunneling
15:47.19GeneG(i.e. no audio)
15:47.27file[laptop]don't let a reinvite happen
15:47.29*** join/#asterisk tdonahue (n=tdonahue@
15:47.47GeneGWhen I don't use reinvite (i.e. RTP through Asterisk) the audio is fine but slightly latent
15:48.16GeneGI was hoping I could get a reinvite to work (i have access to a SIP proxy server at the NAT device)
15:48.21GeneGIn order to do away with the latency issue
15:48.35file[laptop]reinvite doesn't exist, only canreinvite exists
15:48.48file[laptop]just a lil' fyi thing
15:48.51benjkdoes it? it used to
15:49.00GeneGYa, as I mentioned, when canreinvite=no, everything works great but there is a little too much latency for my taste.
15:49.23GeneGI want to try a direct connection between the UA and the VOIP provider if that's possible
15:49.26benjkthat's because you are going via the server on all your calls
15:49.45file[laptop]GeneG: without running a separate NAT capable rtp proxy elsewhere going through a SIP proxy? meh, not really
15:50.30GeneGFile, just assuming for a sec that I could get a RTP and SIP proxy set up on the NAT device. Would I expect better latency?
15:50.35GeneG(i.e. after the reinvite)
15:50.41benjkso how much latency do you think your route to the proxy adds to the total?
15:50.47file[laptop]you might... trial/error...
15:51.24benjkif your latency between the UA and the proxy is very small, then it won't make a difference
15:51.31GeneGBenji, the ping to the proxy is < 1 ms but Asterisk does it's own RTP repackaging which does seem to add audible latency vs. not going through Asterisk at all
15:51.58benjknot for me
15:52.03GeneGIs there a way to make Asterisk more RTP passthrough-like?
15:52.22GeneGi.e. could I have configured Asterisk inadvertently to transcode the audio?
15:52.33benjkwhat else are you running on that asterisk server and what kind of a box is it?
15:52.53GeneGMac Mini 1.42 GHz running only Asterisk with only 1 connection
15:53.02GeneGI don't think it's load
15:53.05benjkLinuxPPC or OSX?
15:53.16file[laptop]yeah, that doesn't really work too well sometimes ya know
15:53.30GeneGOSX you mean?
15:53.36file[laptop]running asterisk on OSX
15:53.40benjkare you using my tarball or did you built * yourself?
15:53.46tzafrir_laptopon linux I would avoid to get rid of X
15:54.02GeneGBenji, rebuilt from HEAD
15:54.30benjkwell, you may want to try my tarball
15:54.39benjkI never use HEAD
15:54.47GeneGThanks Benj, I wil
15:55.08benjkand I have put several hundred hours of testing into the builds I release
15:55.12*** join/#asterisk coppice (
15:55.26GeneGBut back to the transcode question... is there a way to determine whether RTP transcoding is taking place?
15:55.27file[laptop]coppice: eep DSP lord!
15:55.42benjkit would tell you on the console
15:55.53GeneGWhat would the message be?
15:55.55benjksomething like "cant' bridge natively"
15:56.13GeneGOk here's the thing: I've seen "Asterisk is establishing native bridge between ____ and ____"
15:56.33benjkif it's *native* bridging then it isn't transcoding
15:56.34GeneGBut this occurs no matter what codec I'm running on the UA. I would think that I would only see this when running a specific codec on the UA.
15:56.49GeneG(i.e. the "right" codec). Or am I missing something?
15:58.22benjkwhen the call is connected Asterisk negotiates the codec and it will always try to do native bridging first
15:59.08GeneGBenj, can you point me to your tarball?
15:59.28benjkthe only way to force a specific codec is to disallow=all and allow=<forced-codec> in both the user entry for the SIP UA and the peer entry for the SIP provider
16:00.02benjkyou may want to try disallow=all and allow=ulaw on those and see how that works out
16:00.26benjkAll the OSX asterisk builds and GUI tools are at
16:00.37GeneGYes I wil try that. uLaw refers to G.711 uLaw correct?
16:00.39benjka new installer is coming soon
16:01.03benjkulaw=g711u, alaw=g711a
16:01.28benjkyou might also want to join the Mac Asterisk Mailing List
16:01.34GeneGOk, thanks, I will try that and the tarball. Will let you know. Thanks Benj and File
16:01.52*** join/#asterisk QbY (
16:02.21QbYanyone have a recommendation for IAX or SIP to PSTN services?  i've gotta drop Broadvoice, and need something today..
16:02.46benjkQbY depends on what your requirements are
16:02.55QbYfree long distance to canada..  unlimited..
16:03.01QbYand good quality
16:03.04GeneGVonage is working great for us in Canada
16:03.11QbYmy server is in the US
16:03.20benjkif you want cheap cheap cheap, perhaps Gafachi
16:03.30benjkif you want it reliable, Voicepulse and NuFone
16:03.42benjkin between, Teliax
16:03.44QbYi definitely need reliable
16:03.58SkramXVOnage is "Okay"
16:04.11SkramXThe biggest con is not giving out the sip-details..
16:04.12benjkVonage is a lock-in service
16:04.42benjkthey don't allow you to use anything other than their own VoIP adapters
16:04.44SkramXWell, it is monthly...
16:04.46JunbugQbY: i use inphonex  for inbound/sip  very good provider
16:04.51GeneGSkram, Vonage SoftPhone lines come with SIP credentials. Is this what you meant?
16:05.08GeneGSoftPhone lines may or may not be available outside of Canada
16:05.12benjkyes, but for that service they charge you an extra 15 USD per month
16:05.14SkramXGeneG: Are you sure? it is a locked down version of xten... unless you do like tcpdump you cant get the sip-details
16:05.22QbYi use Kall8 for inbound IAX toll free..  i will not use anything else--they are excellent..  but they have no outbound..
16:05.29chapeaurougei dont hear shite, even with mpg123
16:05.31SkramXGeneG: Softphone is in USA.. 10 dollars for 500 minutes, not worth it
16:05.37GeneGI am using an X-Ten Pro softphone and not the one Vonage provides. Works like a charm
16:05.46SkramXQbY: What are their prices?
16:05.53GeneGThat's true Skram, I am paying extra for the softphone service.
16:06.01SkramXQbY: that is fucking expensive
16:06.08Junbug5.9 geeesh
16:06.16SkramXI pay 2c a minute inbound, and use a couple providers
16:06.24QbYwell..  yeah.. but..  i did the cheap route (2 cents) with Broadvoice, and the line was always going down
16:06.26SkramXeven got a vanity for 10 dollars (was a special(
16:06.35benjkI think Voicepulse, NuFone and Teliax is like around 2cents per minute for US and Canada
16:06.37QbYKall8 is a real phone company, and it shows..
16:06.51Junbugfor 5.9 they better be real
16:07.01SkramXI like asterlink...
16:07.03QbYi just need a way to terminate calls to a 519 area code..
16:07.16benjkyou don't want to choose the cheapest service if you care about reliability
16:08.03*** join/#asterisk hadi57 (n=al_moghr@
16:08.04benjkbecause cheapest only means that everybody is using them and they are probably overwhelmed and when you need to make a call the chance is that they don't have any channel available
16:08.27SkramXbenjk: when it comes to business, I agree.
16:08.39QbYwe run a helpdesk..  so i need something that will always have a free line..
16:08.39benjkeven for private calls
16:08.52QbYwhere i don't have to change the sip proxy every five minutes (like with broadvoice)
16:09.14benjkwhat use is a VoIP service for private calls when you can never get through to anybody because the service is oversubscribed?
16:09.38benjkbetter pay a cent per minute more and know you can actually get through
16:09.38DrukenQbY: if your running a helpdesk, then ya should rely on someone else's shit :)
16:09.46Drukener.. shouldn't
16:09.55QbYyeah i know.. but budgets..
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16:10.30Drukeni know all about budgets...
16:10.35benjkIf you run a helpdesk, shouldn't you want a DID?
16:11.28QbYhere's our set up..  we have a toll free number from Kall8..  that terminates into our Asterisk server..  Calls for Tier 1 go to a company in Canada..  All otehr calls are routed over our internal system to their destiantion
16:11.48QbYits the calls to canada that are becoming a pain, because broadvoice is always acting up
16:12.00Drukenbroadvoice sucks :)
16:12.05QbYyeah i know
16:12.11Drukenyou need a better provider... :)
16:12.23Drukenhow many mins you averaging?
16:12.24QbY[11/19/2005 - 11:02] QbY: anyone have a recommendation for IAX or SIP to PSTN services?  i've gotta drop Broadvoice, and need something today..[11/19/2005 - 11:02] QbY: anyone have a recommendation for IAX or SIP to PSTN services?  i've gotta drop Broadvoice, and need something today..
16:12.46Drukenhas to be today ?
16:12.52QbYas soon as possible
16:12.54JunbugQbY: look at
16:13.15DrukenQbY: what price range ya lookin for?
16:13.23Junbugthey only support 729/ilbc at the moment tho
16:13.26QbYi'm open..
16:13.36QbYi can't get theiir page to load
16:13.53Junbughmm works fine
16:13.54QbYgot it
16:13.55Drukenthat's not a good sign.. hehe
16:14.18QbYi just did didn't work -- does
16:14.38Drukenstill not a good sign.. hehe
16:15.34DrukenQbY: how many channels do you require?
16:15.50QbYthat is the hardest  part of all
16:15.56QbYsometimes none..  sometimes five..
16:16.13Drukenwhy is that hard?
16:16.14QbYi wish i could get something like what has for our inbound..  if someone dials the number they give us a channel
16:16.36benjkcheck out Voicepulse Connect
16:16.48QbYi don't want to set up two channels, and then need a third
16:16.51benjkno limit on channels
16:17.02benjkIAX only
16:17.12QbYhow do they bill?
16:17.12benjkpay as you go
16:17.51benjkthey take your cedit card details and you can check a box that says "charge me another X dollars whenever my balance goes below Y dollars"
16:18.54benjkbut not to be confused with their residential service which is just "Voicepulse" without the "Connect" brand
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16:19.14benjkVoicepulse Connect is specifically for Asterisk folks
16:19.21QbYthat connect sounds good--but the 3c/minute doesn't.
16:19.30QbYi'm almost back to 10c/minute for a toll free call
16:19.52benjkremember what I said about reliability
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16:20.28benjkthey run redundant servers and I have hardly had any instances where I couldn't get a call through
16:21.11benjkthe only trouble I have ever had with Voicepulse was that they stopped at some point accepting non-US/non-CA issued credit cards
16:21.26QbYthat wouldn't be a problem here
16:21.43benjkso when we run out of credit I have to call them and refresh the balance over the phone
16:22.04SkramXbenjk: where are you?
16:22.06benjkbut other than that, there has hardly been any trouble ever
16:22.14benjkTokyo, Japan
16:22.22SkramXNice, I am learning japanese :)
16:22.53SkramXYeah, :) Highschool course.. starting Katakana
16:23.25SkramXI also used to be fluent in Hebrew
16:23.38coppiceKatakana is very troublesome. the kanji is easy to read, though :-)
16:23.56SkramXHmm, yeah. I got a little behhind when learning hiragana...
16:24.27SkramXI am in Japanese 1A, first semeester isnt even done.
16:24.29benjkcoppice: :-D
16:24.41coppicethe hiragana is troublesome too. if they just stuck to kanji I could read OK :-)
16:24.47SkramXMy school's teacher tkaes like 15 kids to Japab every other year
16:24.59SkramXcoppice: Well, I wouldnt.. I dont know any Kanji
16:25.09SkramX...Welcome to #asterisk-japan :)
16:25.18SkramXFormerly #asterisk
16:25.33coppiceI don't know any japan, but I read chinese - the kanji makes sense to me
16:25.57benjkcoppice, the trouble is that the Japanese language relies extremely heavily on endings and endings  appended to endings and yet more endings appended to endings
16:26.25benjkthat's why it's called an aglutinative language
16:26.32SkramXYeah.. the counting system.. Yikes!
16:26.34benjkor aglutinating
16:26.58benjkit's like a very complex CISC instruction set
16:27.02coppiceand english words like antidisestablishmentarianism don't suffer from similar problems
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16:27.12ikarusbenjk: where English is RISC ?
16:27.15benjklike say VAX-11
16:27.26ikarusWell, actually Latin would be RISC
16:27.44coppiceLatin is OOO
16:28.10ikarusObject Oriented Overdrive ?
16:28.17benjkso with all these modifiers you can add to a word and modifiers of modifiers and modifiers of modifiers of modifiers ad absurdum
16:28.24coppiceout of order execution
16:28.29benjkthat makes it very difficult to use only Kanji
16:28.46ikaruscoppice: ah yes
16:28.47benjkthat's why the hiragana emerged
16:28.55ikaruscoppice: but also very simple clear rules
16:29.10coppicewell, if they do stick to the kanji some things read oddly, but general make sense
16:29.38benjksame for me when I am in Hong Kong
16:29.51benjksome stuff looks odd, but generally it makes sense
16:30.03benjkmany things are the same even
16:30.19benjklike musen denwa senmon ten
16:30.56benjkor maybe that would be musin dinhua sinmon tin in Cantonese
16:31.30coppicemo sin din wa, then I get lost.
16:31.41SkramXsomething to do with your major?
16:31.43benjkspecial shop
16:31.58benjkwireless telephone special shop
16:31.59SkramXoh, cantonese.
16:32.11SkramXsenmon is like college "major" in japanese I think..
16:32.27benjkno it means special or specialist
16:32.43SkramXOkay, well not the way we learned it, but I see where it comes from :)
16:33.15coppicewe don't usually say that. it would just mo sin din wa dim (dim is shop)
16:33.31benjka major in collage is a term for a field you specialise in
16:33.46benjkhence the Japanese term for specialist
16:34.21X-FilesHelp!!! I'm calling for example frome phone 201 to directore at 202 and after he connect me to office 203, and without putting telephone down call to another number which isn't in our net (I have a signal as phone is down :( he doesn't ask me to enter new number.)
16:35.05chapeaurougehow can i capture what's being returned by WaitExten() ?
16:35.21coppicebenjk: I think i know the term you are using. its more like professional in cantonese. you probably saw things like the nokia professional shops
16:35.32Drukenchapeaurouge: ${EXTEN} ??
16:35.44chapeaurougeDruken, apparently not. it always returns 's'
16:36.00benjkcoppice: ah ok, I just remember that because I once run into some shop in Mong Kok where it said mu sen den wa sen mon ten and I read it out aloud out of surprise that it matched the Japanese and the Chinese lady who was with me then assumed I could read Cantonese ;-)
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16:36.16Drukenchapeaurouge: WHAT ARE YA USING WAITEXTEN FOR?
16:36.23Drukener.. god damn caps lock
16:36.56chapeaurougeA music is playing on the Background() then caller dials an extension. I would like to capture that dialed extension.
16:37.20benjkcoppice: that's very possible
16:37.22Drukenso like a normal menu ?
16:38.05chapeaurougelemme give you an example.
16:38.16benjkhowever, in Japanese the term musen denwa is actually used for cordless phones
16:38.42coppiceand cellphones are not? :-)
16:38.55benjkthey use keitai denwa for mobile phones, keitai means portable
16:39.16SkramXand bangou is number :)
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16:40.01coppicecellphones are usually called sau gei - literally hand machine
16:40.23benjkhandy phone
16:40.29benjkwe have that here too
16:40.49benjka mobile phone with cordless technology
16:40.53coppicePHS was a big hit in China for a while
16:41.19benjkit is still a big boom item
16:41.20coppiceit built UT Starcom into a big company, and now they are tanking
16:41.30chapeaurougesomething like that
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16:42.14coppicebanjk: no longer a boom item, apparently. it suddenly spiralled a year ago
16:42.30benjkI am still getting newsletters from the PHS MoU quarterly which talks about growth and growth in China
16:42.51Drukenchapeaurouge: my sudjestion, because i'm a lazy fuck, use a read :) with the audio file...
16:43.18benjkthen again, since China is preparing to roll out the 3G version of PHS, it could be that there's an impact
16:43.22Drukenthat way you get what was entered as well as it'll play your audio file
16:43.46chapeaurougeDruken, im just reading about it now. thanks.
16:43.57benjkwhat's it called again .... TD-SCDMA
16:44.17benjkthat's basically PHS on 3G steroids
16:44.24coppicebenjk: TD-SCDMA is on hold right now. trials didn't go too well.
16:44.34benjkoh really
16:44.38coppiceTD-SCDMA is nothing like PHS
16:44.40benjkthat's a real shame
16:45.16benjkI mean in terms of concepts such as low power, dynamic channel allocation, no separation of uplink and downlink bands etc
16:45.30coppicelook at UT Starcom and see if you believe PHS is doing well
16:46.19coppiceTD-SCDMA is designed to built on GSM, not PHS. It apparently retrofits to a GSM network quite nicely
16:46.37benjkI don't say I don't believe you, I just said that the PHS MoU newsletters which are my only source of info on this at present did give me a different impression
16:47.05benjkthat's TSM though
16:47.06chapeaurougeDruken, you da man :) exactly what i wanted
16:47.20chapeaurougeso i must be a lazy fuck too :)
16:47.33dos000anyone  know why "channel.c:2127 ast_channel_make_compatible: No path to translate from SIP/sip_proxy-out-4186(4) to SIP/7301-f55a(256)"
16:47.33benjkTD-SCDMA itself is sitting on top of a UMTS basis
16:47.56benjkTSM is the TD-SCDMA air interface sitting on top of GSM base
16:48.52benjkand I didn't mean to say that TD-SCDMA was based on PHS
16:49.29benjkit is based on PHS concepts, like dynamic channel allocation, small cell sizes, low power, no separation of uplink and downlink bands
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16:50.17dos000or even "Asked to transmit frame type 256, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 4/4)"
16:50.17benjkwhich are quite good design concepts
16:51.12dos000anyone can please provide some hints !
16:51.59benjkdos000, seems like you have a codec mismatch
16:52.39liran_which fields in the log (Master.csv) define the number that the client called to and to which extension/number was the call forwarded to?
16:52.47dos000benjk, they all have g729 .. this was working for 2 days intill just a few minutes
16:53.32benjkwell, you may want to look up what capability 4 and 256 refers to and take it from there
16:54.12benjkthe message definitely means that there is a mismatch of capabilities, which most often is codec capabilities
16:56.00dos000benjk, hmmm .. isnt 256 a bitmask meaning it supports all ?
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16:56.08benjkliran, why don't you make a test call and then check your CDR file to find out for yourself?
16:56.48benjkdos, 256 seems odd, yes
16:57.05liran_benjk, cause i dont have access to actually do that. im working on an open-source parsing of master.csv and its crucial for me to know
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16:57.17dos000i am logginf all the signaling stuff via ethereal ...
16:57.30benjkliran: well it seems nobody here knows out of the top of their heads
16:57.42liran_ahh ok
16:57.49liran_would it help if i paste just a single line of the log?
16:57.59liran_cause it would probably tell you more than it tells me
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16:58.20benjkliran: also, you should be aware that the CDR format is configurable
16:58.34liran_yeah, that i know :p
16:58.37benjkso you probably don't want to hardcode the fields
16:59.11liran_thats an example from the log file i have access to
16:59.13liran_"","444","777","main","444","SIP/444-17c0","","MeetMe","1111|p","2005-11-09 22:22:07","2005-11-09 22:22:07","2005-11-10 01:09:30",10043,10043,"ANSWERED","DOCUMENTATION"
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16:59.58liran_not sure, but i think that the 777 is where the call is TO, and the SIP/444-17c0 is where is forwarded to but again, im not sure at all about that
17:01.12benjkthe second field is the A number, the second is the B number
17:01.33benjker the second is A # the *third* is B #
17:01.50liran_whats the actual definition of A and B? source and destination, right?
17:02.09liran_destination as in to which it was forwarded to?
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17:02.18liran_or at which number is the asterisk "listening" on?
17:02.31benjksorry, old habit, I used to make a living of CDR crunching
17:03.10benjkthere is no listening on
17:03.38benjkyou have to look at the type of CDR
17:03.44liran_i mean
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17:03.58benjkif it is "ANSWERED" then it means that A was calling B and B answered the call
17:04.27liran_B is the final destination?
17:04.38liran_ahh i see
17:04.58benjkI am not exactly sure how Asterisk handles forwarding scenarios in CDRs
17:05.25benjkbut in the "real" tlephony world it would be either of two things
17:05.41benjkeither you get a CDR of type 'forward"
17:05.56benjkwhich then has the forwarded to number in a separate field
17:06.40benjkor you get a separate CDR where the B # of the original call initiates a new call to the forwarded to party
17:06.45file[laptop]more then one record you get...
17:06.53benjkin that CDR, B would be A and forwarded-to party would be B
17:07.05Drukenbenjk: when i do a forward, i just don't answer the first call, and dial the second
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17:07.23benjkthen a third where A remains A and forwarded-to becomes the new B
17:08.17benjkas I said, that's how real telephone exchanges would do it
17:08.37benjkas for asterisk, I would have to look into the source to see what approach it uses
17:09.25benjkI would seriously recommend you get yourself an asterisk box for testing if you want to write a CDR analyser or whatever tool it is you're working on
17:09.54Drukenthat would make the most sence...
17:10.57benjkthe most sense it would make if Digium replaced the CDR module with something that resembles a standard CDR generator
17:11.43benjklike ASN.1 based CDRs such as they are common in Europe, or ASCII based AMA CDRs as they are common in the US
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17:12.29benjkmaybe pick a format of a widely used exchange, like the DMS-100 or an Ericsson AXE
17:12.34Drukenwell benjk, your always welcome to create that as an option for asterisk....
17:18.30chapeaurougeso we got, 's' and 'i' and 't'... dont we have 'b' ?
17:19.16iDunnothere's a h, as well.
17:19.16Drukenfor what ?
17:19.22filewe have 's', 'h', 'i', 't'
17:19.27iDunnoput it all together and what do we get :)
17:19.37iDunnofile: stop reading my mind, dammit!
17:19.44iDunnoit's most off putting ;)
17:19.47filecan't help it :(
17:20.12iDunnoit was a bit too easy in that case ;)
17:20.21iDunnobut that's me all over, *far* too easy *grin*
17:21.27chapeaurougei cant have that? exten => b,1,Playback(tt-allbusy)
17:21.44chapeaurougewhat would be the solution to get this? (basically, callee is busy, want to playback a msg)
17:22.12iDunnorecord a message then :P
17:22.22Drukenn+101 hey were on the phone, piss off :)
17:22.33chapeaurougeaaah yes
17:22.34chapeaurougethe +101
17:22.36chapeaurougedamn it.
17:22.36fileapp_dial also sets the DIALSTATUS variable
17:22.55iDunno+101 is great fun :)
17:23.16iDunnoarghhhh! auto-announcing away scripts - bad - naughty - evil!
17:24.11DrukeniDunno: what do ya think an answering machine is?? :)
17:24.30iDunnoDruken: ah - but in that case, there's not a /whois ;)
17:24.39drumkillathere is no more n+101!!!
17:24.40iDunnoDruken: (and I hate answering machines, too ;)
17:24.44drumkillapretend it's not even there!
17:25.05iDunnodrumkilla: but we like n+101! it was cuddly and easy to understand ;)
17:25.31iDunnodrumkilla: you're going to say something like we have to check the return value now ;)
17:26.20drumkillayeah :-p
17:26.41iDunnowhat a scary prospect, gimme back n+101 dammit *grin*
17:26.56drumkillaiDunno: it's still there, actually
17:26.59drumkillayou just have to enable it
17:27.00chapeaurougebut with DIALSTATUS, i'd have to have an if, and all.
17:27.03chapeaurougen+101 is lazier
17:27.07drumkillaeither globally, or with the 'j' option to an application
17:27.07fileor you could use a goto
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17:27.21drumkillayah, look in extensions.conf.sample
17:27.24fileor a macro...
17:27.28fileif you were sick.
17:27.29drumkillaat the macro-stdexten or whatever
17:27.36iDunnoand I use those, too ;)
17:27.45iDunnobut I don't use macro-stdexten
17:27.58Cybertoyanyone have a video phone? I would like to do a small test...
17:27.59iDunnobecause I've got a semi-home-grown similiar thing :)
17:28.10filedrumkilla: I just unraveled my blanket some more :)
17:28.17Cybertoyor someone know some sort of echo test for video-phones?
17:28.17fileyay blanket
17:29.47drumkillaCybertoy: the Echo app might Just Work (tm)
17:29.50iDunnois it blue and fluffy and woolen?
17:29.56filenot really no
17:30.07Cybertoydrumkilla, hmm... never thought of that... :)
17:30.12drumkillaCybertoy: yeah, actually, it will :)
17:30.18filec'est la vie!
17:30.24drumkillaI just looked at the code ... it happily writes back video frames as well
17:30.33iDunnobut blankets should be blue and fluffy and woolen
17:30.41Cybertoydrumkilla, that's local then though .. I'd like to test it over the network to also ensure my firewall settings are ok
17:30.42filemine is white, pure white!
17:30.50iDunnoohh, snow white?
17:31.03drumkillaCybertoy: take your phone across the network!  :-p
17:31.07iDunnoohh, that could work :)
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17:31.38Thumannhi all
17:32.30filedrumkilla: you should come dance with me
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17:34.25Thumann/me dances
17:34.47iDunnothat's dancing? ;)
17:35.00drumkilla<("<) ^("^) (^")^ (>")>
17:35.33Thumanni blame counter strike
17:35.50iDunnoI should start playing that again.
17:36.01drumkillaI kinda gave up gaming when I took up coding :/
17:36.02iDunnoinvolves rebooting the laptop in to ick-os though.
17:36.10drumkillamaybe I should quit working on Asterisk and play pc games again ...
17:36.15filedrumkilla: NO
17:36.40iDunnodrumkilla: nah - you just need a second machine, innit ;)
17:36.47iDunnodrumkilla: and play at weekends.
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17:37.01Thumannwindow mode! ^^
17:37.07iDunno(or just go to the pub and read, which appears to be my way of dealing with weekends ;)
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17:37.22Thumannyou read at the pub?
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17:38.31iDunnoThumann: yes, I don't always have people to drag to the pub, but I occassionaly want to leave the flat...
17:38.38iDunnoso I wander to the pub, sit, and read
17:39.11iDunno(it also gives the opportunity to pay semi attention to conversations round you, which if they become interesting you can generally join in ;)
17:39.17iDunnoI'm weird.
17:39.38drumkillasounds reasonable to me
17:39.51Thumann <- omg
17:39.53iDunnoI *like* the atmosphere of pubs, and I don't get round to reading often, so reading in the pub makes sense to me - and I end up meeting random people that way too :)
17:39.53drumkillathat's a pretty good scheme to meet people, actually
17:40.32ThumanniDunno: usually i'm to drunk to read when I'm at the pub..
17:40.57iDunnoThumann: I *start* drinking at the pub, it's not somewhere that I go after drinking ;)
17:41.24iDunnoand 3 pints can last an hour and a half while reading, easily.
17:41.42Thumannor 10 mins.. and ... 8 bathroom breaks..
17:41.44iDunnoand if you've not found anyone to talk to by then, it's time to leave :)
17:42.13iDunnobut, as I say, I may be odd :)
17:42.49ikarusFor me there is no better place to read then in the train
17:43.02ikarusI am very tempted to get a yearly travel pass again purely for that
17:43.37iDunnoikarus: ahh - I do that too, when I need to go on the train ;)
17:43.54ikarusI go by train to read
17:44.10iDunnoikarus: it's just I don't like trains very much - they're either full of interesting people, or yobs, and I don't like being surrounded by yobs :/
17:44.15ikarusIf I really don't feel like reading I take the car instead
17:44.32infinity1what are yobs?
17:45.04infinity1i know what a fobs is. never heard of a yob
17:45.11iDunnodrunken louts that respect no one and seem to manage to annoy the vast majority of the population.
17:45.26iDunno(sometimes they don't even need to be drunken ;)
17:45.26ikarusI know what yuppie's are
17:45.28infinity1you find these people on the train?
17:45.31drumkillajbot_: yobs are drunken louts that respect no one and seem to manage to annoy the vast majority of the population.
17:45.42ikarusiDunno: oh, here that is no problem
17:45.53iDunnomostly between london and norwich, though :)
17:46.02jbotyobs are drunken louts that respect no one and seem to manage to annoy the vast majority of the population.
17:46.13iDunnoso now that I'm living in brighton, it happens lots less :)
17:46.18ikarusiDunno: they find themselves on the nearest station, even if it is not officially in the time table anyway
17:46.43iDunnoikarus: I wish that happened more - I really do :/
17:48.08X-Filesdrumkilla: why can't patch bristuff includet to 1.2.0 ?
17:48.27zigmanlicense issues
17:48.38drumkillaX-Files: it hasn't been disclaimed and submitted for consideration for inclusion in Asterisk.
17:48.47ikarusiDunno: I actually in the last year only once had a group of kids kicked out for using the emergency brake with no reason and a guy without a ticket taken away by the police (at a station in the middle of nowhere)
17:49.11iDunnoikarus: that sounds kinda worrying.
17:49.30X-Filesdrumkilla: and pickup() command not supported in 1.2.0 ?
17:49.53iDunno(iAudio + lots of volume + book) == win
17:49.55drumkillaX-Files: Pickup() is in 1.2, yes.
17:49.56ikarusiDunno: I used to travel 4 days a week, for 2 hours each way
17:50.13filemy Pickup(), not... bristuff's
17:50.29iDunnoikarus: ahh - yes, that'd do it - commuting is a pain.
17:50.35X-Filesok :) i download how 1.2.0
17:50.38X-Files;;) thanky
17:50.43drumkillayou are welcome
17:50.56ikarusiDunno: it is not that bad
17:51.11ikarusiDunno: I sleep on the way over, and on the way back I read half a book
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17:51.25iDunnoikarus: I've so far managed to avoid commuting :)
17:51.56ikarusI wish I could, bloody housing shortage
17:52.04iDunnoI occassionally have a 2 hour commute to the london office, but that's about it
17:52.40alephcom:-)  I like my 7 minute drive.  :-)  Probably once a week I actually meet a vehicle.
17:52.57X-Filesdrumkilla: this is in 1.2.0 work ?  -->  I'm calling for example frome phone 201 to directore at 202 and after he connect me to office 203, and without putting telephone down call to another number which isn't in our net (I have a signal as phone is down :( he doesn't ask me to enter new number.)
17:53.17filedrumkilla: you should know better then to help people you know
17:53.29drumkillafile: I know ...
17:54.08marvhm, how do i talk asterisk -r into using color?
17:55.38*** join/#asterisk KrayZK (n=ykhan3@
17:55.41moraleuse a vt100 compliant terminal
17:55.50moralei wrote a patch a while back but it didnt get accepted.
17:55.55KrayZKHi everyone
17:56.19marvmorale: would that be my TERM variable, or what?
17:56.23KrayZKI'm wondering if anyone can help me out here
17:57.13KrayZKVoice quality on my asterisk server is not very good
17:58.42KrayZKevery few seconds when a full load of calls is placed from the server, I recieve message channel.c 1314: Dropping incompatible voice frame.....
17:58.56X-Filesdrumkilla may you help me ??
17:59.16drumkillaX-Files: I have to go now ...
17:59.18KrayZKany one seen this or knows how to solve this problem
17:59.34X-Filesdrumkilla can you wait 2 minets?
17:59.42X-Filesdrumkilla minutes :)
17:59.48KrayZKI don't even know who I should be talking to
17:59.53iDunnoalephcom: hah! I've got a 10 minute walk - much nicer :)
18:00.23alephcomNow I'm jealous.
18:00.31moralemarv, yes.
18:00.34KrayZKI'll be eternally grateful :)
18:00.38X-Filesdrumkilla for example i have a phone with gateway. If someone frome my operater (telephone company) is calling on my phone and I
18:00.39iDunnoit'd be better still if the 9am rule was relaxed again - then I could get pasty and coffee on the way to work ;)
18:01.45marvmorale: but it's already set to xterm
18:02.17X-Filesdrumkilla for example i have a phone with gateway. If someone frome my operater (telephone company) is calling on my phone and I'm getting him in hold ( I enter #700) Phone answer me 701 and hangup , but that phone which was calling me is in hold and is waiting. And to connect with him I have to connect again ang get back to user in hold. (701)
18:03.50KrayZKchannel.c 1314: Dropping incompatible voice frame...Has anyone seen this error that can help me out with it??
18:06.16*** join/#asterisk bofh42 (
18:08.46KrayZKso whats the verdict on the problem folks
18:09.21KrayZKdon't tell me I actually discovered a bug in the software?
18:09.32*** join/#asterisk IPmonger (
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18:11.07KrayZKdenon, drumkilla, kram, twisted....anyone please help
18:13.23*** join/#asterisk deezed (
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18:19.24iDunnoheh. that's the way to go.
18:19.37chapeaurougeim leaving voicemails to myself.. pretty neat.
18:19.44chapeaurougei think im approaching insanity :)
18:19.47chapeaurougewhich is good
18:19.49manythats the memofeature.
18:19.54manyjust call your own voicebox.
18:20.21many"Buy two sixpacks"
18:21.16chapeaurougeone thing bugs me though...
18:21.29chapeaurougewhy do i have to do this: exten => _2XX,1,Goto(incoming,s,1)
18:21.29chapeaurougeexten => s,1,Answer()
18:21.39chapeaurougein order to have the 's' pick up incoming calls.
18:21.55chapeaurouge(my extensions are 200 -> 299)
18:25.43[TK]D-Fenderyou don't...
18:31.44*** join/#asterisk Anthro (n=dkjgserg@pdpc/supporter/active/Anthro)
18:32.08chapeaurougewell, i dont want my phone numbers to be in the default context.
18:32.16chapeaurougemy extensions rather
18:32.29[TK]D-Fenderchap, pastebin your extensions.con and I'll take a peek for you
18:33.05iDunnox to you too, hunny.
18:33.09iDunno(or something)
18:33.10[TK]D-Fenderand PM me and I'll help you for a few mins
18:33.19chapeaurougeok cool
18:33.35chapeaurougehold on, gotta fill up the floatie im sitting on...
18:33.59docelm0sup sup
18:34.25[TK]D-Fenderok, thats pretty messy.  What are your receiving call in from?
18:36.01*** part/#asterisk Cybertoy (
18:39.09*** join/#asterisk Marcel-AS16215 (
18:39.18AnthroI'm trying to set up a very simple system. I have a machine running Asterisk (1.0.7, because that's what's in Debian stable and I don't want to mess with anything beyond that until I get things working), an account with BroadVoice, and an IAXy ready to be attached to an analog phone and my LAN. My LAN is behind a LinkSys NAT router. I need to know what ports to forward on the router to the * machine, how to configure the IAXy (it came wi
18:39.18Anthroth no documentation), and how to configure the IAXy extension for *. I have already configured * according to BroadVoice's instructions.
18:40.24docelm0Can you say asterisk-biz is turning into asterisk-biz-flame?
18:42.48AnthroOr am I better off joining the mailing list and asking?
18:43.32deezedis there any way for asterisk to detect when a cell phone voice mail picks up? I'd rather have asterisk VM take the call. I can't time it for rings, because if the cell phone is off then it will go straight to cellular vm
18:44.27*** join/#asterisk cnet2 (
18:44.55shido6do you wanna press a button everytime you want to pick up the call via your cell phone?
18:45.24shido6or call into your box and login as an agent...
18:45.47shido6or text your asterisk box
18:45.51shido6whichever is cheaper for you
18:46.27deezedwell currently the dial plan is set up to transfer the call to a cell phone depending on which cell phone is associated with the called number (multiple numbers going to the box with the same dial plan)
18:46.39ikarusshido6: the cellphone might also just be out of area
18:47.12ikarusdeezed: you could make asterisk voice mail engage if there is less then 1 second before pickup or more then Y
18:47.36deezedhmm very true
18:47.58shido6well you can either login when you are available, or ask for feedback when it calls you
18:48.56deezedi guess I could have * call the cell... cell owner picks up, asterisk tells him Caller ID and asks him to press 1 to connect if he wants to take the call
18:49.00deezedkind of lame
18:49.06deezedbut may work
18:49.14Qwellcall your provider, and tell them you don't want vm on the cell
18:49.27shido6then if it does not hear you press dtmf in a matter of so many seconds then it dumps you into * voicemail
18:49.58shido6screw your celly mail and drop the call then dump into vmail
18:50.08deezedqwell this is for customers of the system.. not my phone. and it may not be a cell phone, could be a land line
18:50.20marcus2you could put a touch tone at the beginning of your voice mail greetings on the cell phones
18:53.17*** join/#asterisk benjk (
18:53.19cnet2Has anyone tested this Digium TD2400 card with echo cancellation on the card?  Is it much better.. ?
18:53.44Qwellcnet2: I hear good things
18:55.39*** join/#asterisk yxa (
18:56.13cnet2is about a $250 difference so I was wondering if it was worth try'n it.
18:56.43mog_homeits an upgradeble part to cnet2
18:57.10*** join/#asterisk AgiNamu (n=AgiNamu@
18:57.14AgiNamuGood day
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19:08.43KrayZKchannel.c 1314: Dropping incompatible voice frame...Has anyone seen this error that can help me out with it??
19:09.18KrayZKI htink this error is the reason we have bad voice quality...a lot of jitter in calls
19:10.47shido6got the jit buf on?
19:10.52shido6turn it off
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19:16.09deezedshido6: is jitterbuffer could to turn on?
19:17.07*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
19:17.54AgiNamuHow do I go about figuring out if my T1s are configured right? I have zaptel set to esf,b8z2, and the T1 works fine on a 5350
19:18.03AgiNamu(er, b8zs)
19:18.13AgiNamubut it goes between RED and RECOVERING :\
19:19.41mog_homeyou plug in a loop
19:19.42mog_homewhats it do
19:23.07AgiNamuno i havent looped it yet
19:23.10AgiNamuill do that today
19:23.19AgiNamuthe only tool is to run ztcfg -vv right?
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19:23.26AgiNamuwell ,and i can run asterisk and zap show status
19:23.44AgiNamubut there's no q921/q931 debug or so on?
19:24.03AgiNamuAsterisk says there's no PRI configured for span 1 etc
19:24.04KrayZKshido6: Yes Jit buf is on
19:24.32AgiNamumog_home if i plug in a loop, will zap auto detect that or do i need totell it that its in loop
19:25.38*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
19:26.18Dovidanyone know of did providers in israel
19:26.34benjkVoxbone perhaps
19:26.40Dovidurl ?
19:27.12Dovidlong time since i have been here
19:27.22Dovidanyone release a gui for asterisk yet comercialy ?
19:27.24benjkme too
19:27.36benjkyes there are plenty of those
19:27.58Dovidlike ?
19:28.11Dovidcause all i have seen are the ones that are under gnu
19:29.08iDunnowhy would you want a gui?!
19:29.21KrayZKA gui for Asterisk is a great idea...I wonder when Asterisk team is planning on implementing such an interface
19:29.45iDunnobut *why*?!
19:29.55benjkGUI is not on the menu
19:29.57ikarusKrayZK: WHY ?
19:30.01KrayZKgui would be a great help for users not knowing much about asterisk and command line linux
19:30.02AgiNamuIt's right on the schedule after T.38/T.37 and documented IAX encryption.
19:30.06benjkthere are third parties/project for that
19:30.21ikarusKrayZK: then they can download a third party one
19:30.21iDunnowhat do you want a gui for? writing extensions.conf by hand is a right of passage, and you *want* to understand how your phone system damned well works.
19:30.26KrayZKI started learning linux for asterisk and that too only six months back
19:30.27iDunnoor is that just me?
19:30.34Dovidi build systems for clinets
19:30.40Dovidthey want the gui for upkeep
19:30.44iDunnoremote admin!
19:30.49iDunnosupport contracts!
19:30.49Dovidi know asterisk its for the dumb ones
19:31.01Dovidnah once i sell it they wana make small changes etc.
19:31.06iDunnodon't make it *easy* to break a phone system.
19:31.08KrayZKyes I totally support Dovid
19:31.11Dovidi also want a gui to track usage etc. for billing
19:31.25iDunnothat's what the Master.csv file is for!
19:31.36KrayZKIts not for us, but for others looking for easy implementations and want to maintain day to day operations themselves
19:31.55iDunnoKrayZK: they should get a sysadmin that maintains it.
19:31.57benjknot even in the conventional telephone world does anybody ever read CDR files
19:32.11ikarusKrayZK: then get a proper admin
19:32.11benjkthere are tools for doing that
19:32.36KrayZKHere in pakistan ppl don't even know that much about asterisk so its pretty difficult to expect clients to have sys admins for this task only
19:32.54iDunnoif you've a good sysadmin, they can make things so that you can maintain it without them, but you *still* want one so that when you fuck it up, and a GUI promotes that, someone can fix it.
19:33.11KrayZKespecially for small customers who might want to add/modify/del extensions as new ppl join or leave
19:33.11iDunnoKrayZK: you don't need a *dedicated* sysadmin for the phones
19:33.13benjkmediation devices feed the CDRs to data warehouses and fraud detection and other reporting systems,
19:33.41ikarusiDunno: a GUI isn't a magical fixed either, heck, see MS Windows (I spend 2 hours together with the Windows admin finding a setting in the GUI)
19:33.45iDunno(although, I am our dedicated phone system admin, but that's only part of my job, and the other 2 sysadmins *could* pick it up because it's documented)
19:34.09iDunnoikarus: indeed - I hate most graphical interfaces with a passion
19:34.11KrayZKWhere can I find material on all this....any documents available other than Asterisk handbook?
19:34.20benjkif the GUI is well designed, then it can save time and avoid errors
19:34.30ikarusiDunno: Does remind me that I have to document the phone system
19:34.32benjktrouble is that most GUIs are not well designed
19:34.36KrayZKthats right benjk
19:34.38iDunnobenjk: when you find one that is, please tell me.
19:34.46ikarusBut I need to get the OFFICIAL specification list first
19:34.47benjkI did just this week
19:35.01benjkI went through the list at
19:35.07iDunnoin my experience they're built to let uneducated masses configure things that they SHOULD NEVER touch.
19:35.15benjkand most of it is far too techie to be a good GUI
19:35.35ikarusiDunno: and educated people get confused the hell out of being unable to find the one specific in depth option they need
19:35.37*** join/#asterisk tainted_ (
19:35.41benjkbut there was one I found was well done
19:35.45KrayZKthe best thing would be to have a gui and have the ability to edit the conf files directly
19:35.58benjklet me look at the list and try to remember which one that was ;-)
19:36.07iDunnoikarus: with a GUI? yes, agreed entirely.
19:36.20iDunnogimme text files, gimme documentation, gimme open source.
19:36.26ikarusiDunno: exactly
19:36.33KrayZKI am using a really good GUI client app designed for call centers....astguiclient....its worked very well on Redhat 9 and Fedora Core 2
19:36.37ikarusiDunno: which is why I am not the windows admin
19:36.56iDunnoikarus: I've not yet met a good windows admin ;)
19:37.02tainted_how do i play a busy tone?
19:37.15ikarusiDunno: this guy is pretty decent, but no one can be good
19:37.19KrayZKbut I still would like to have something for changing the configurations
19:37.44iDunnoikarus: indeed, windows admins have to remember *far* too much middle ground.
19:37.55ikarusI luckily maintain only the Linux routers, printer servers, telephone system, switches and am responsible for the physical wiring, the windows admin has a day job just maintaining the windows desktops and set of 2 servers
19:37.58iDunnoconfiguration as text files makes life *so* much easier.
19:38.23KrayZKiDunno: it does, but it has a very long learning curve
19:38.37Doviddoes anyone here use CENT OS
19:38.39KrayZKespecially when ur new to Linux itself
19:38.39iDunnoask a linux admin where xyz would be configured, they say "man blah" or /etc/something/blah
19:38.47AgiNamumeh, the problem is that most people are idiots and there's a lot of so-called windows admins. simple math.
19:39.19ikarusiDunno: in Linux finding proper documentation is easy compared to windows, I don't have to remember where every setting is, as man files, /usr/share/doc, etc are there
19:39.21benjkOk, I found it ...
19:39.22iDunnoKrayZK: having administered windows, linux's learning curve for administration is *far* nicer, and at the end of it, you actually have some knowledge ;)
19:39.33iDunnoikarus: indeed.
19:40.07KrayZKWe are so sick of trying to use windows server for network management that we have decided to switch both communications (asterisk) and internet (proxy to Linux
19:40.09benjkthis on stood out and made a good impression as far as I can tell
19:40.56tainted_anyone know how to playtones(congestion) in agi?
19:41.00tainted_specifically perl
19:41.11ikarusKrayZK: even my windows admin doesn't even dare consider using windows for anything but AD and desktop
19:41.34benjktainted: use this: exten => 1234,n,Congestion
19:41.43iDunnoI'm scared of using it even as desktop ;)
19:41.45benjkwhere n is whatever your line number is
19:41.49ikarusiDunno: agreed
19:41.51tainted_benjk in Perl/AGI
19:41.54KrayZKiDunno: ur right actually, but its easier to learn about Linux in the developed world...not here where pirated software is so abundant that no one cares about open source much
19:42.00AgiNamuif I do SET CALLERID, Asterisk will use that for the calling party number on a PRI right?
19:42.00benjkah ok
19:42.01iDunnoworks' workstations are linux with NFS root and PXE boot :)
19:42.20ikarusiDunno: I couldn't deal with a Windows desktop myself
19:42.22benjkdon't know about that, would need to look it up
19:42.41iDunnoikarus: me neither - infact, I can hardly cope with Gnome ;)
19:42.52ikarusiDunno: but sadly it takes too much time for me to setup a proper Linux workstation setup at work, so we still run those on Windows
19:42.54iDunnoI love ion3, though :)
19:43.17iDunnoikarus: we just deploy stuff on the NFS server, done :)
19:43.29ikarusiDunno: the problem is more very dumb users
19:43.40ikarusiDunno: so everything needs to be setup in the most dumbed down simple mode
19:43.41KrayZKI wish I have  linux guru that I could consult with and learn from, from time to time
19:43.57iDunnoikarus: ahh - yes, we have developers as users, so you give them stuff that actually makes development nice :)
19:44.00ikarusiDunno: and with 2 days a week working on that it is not possible
19:44.21ikarusI spend enough time dealing with silly requests
19:44.24iDunno(and what they'll be deploying the software they're developing to)
19:44.53KrayZKHey lets face it....users nowadays are getting dumber and dumber......they only want to know which button to click and everyhting will be one wants to know whats going on with their machine
19:45.01iDunnoikarus: I know that feeling (I've worked as tech support for an ISP, it's amazing just how *dumb* people are)
19:45.24fugitivoi agree
19:45.38iDunnoKrayZK: I've no problem with that, if someone would at least keep things in the same place, it'd make life far easier...
19:45.40ikarusiDunno: well, our stand as IT group (*cough* 2 people working a total of 3 days a week), is that if it isn't requested thrice we won't do it
19:46.19ikarusBecause it would be a waste of time
19:46.19fugitivoiDunno: and the more they use a pc, more dumber they are
19:46.19iDunnoikarus: ahh - we have 3 full time sysadmins ;)
19:46.33iDunnobut that's mainly because we have a fair number of customer servers to keep running, our own colo boxes, and ~ 15 to 20 developers to keep happy/support)
19:46.38ikarusiDunno: I work at a school, we have 9 student accessible machines and 10 machines for teachers
19:46.53iDunnodon't let teachers near machines!
19:46.53KrayZKMy unfortunate situation calls on me to be the sys admin, trainer, floor manager, admin manager and CEO all at once
19:47.19KrayZKI'm glad I don't have to do the calls myself too :)
19:47.19iDunnoKrayZK: I hope you're getting paid to be 16 people ;)
19:47.22fugitivoKrayZK: that's nice
19:47.25Math`well at least you're not your only client at the same time too :P
19:47.38KrayZKGotta do it when Its ur own business
19:47.46ikarusiDunno: Teachers are worse then students yes, we find more spyware on their boxes.....
19:48.04moverwhy if i dial Dial(IAX2/user:pass@ and ip is unavail now congestion or other error appear? it will only spawn. no hangup or dialstatus is set
19:48.06iDunnoikarus: yes - you know why? they *think* they know what they're doing ;)
19:48.12ikarusiDunno: exactly
19:48.37moverso how i can track unsuccessful connections?
19:48.44iDunno(I was going to school there at the time, though ;)
19:48.45ikarusI am really job hunting right now, I need more work then 2 days a week, although for this pay it is pretty nice
19:49.00KrayZKWell, everyone it was great talking to you all....but now I must go and download leads
19:49.17iDunnohow can you download leads?!
19:49.18KrayZKtake care everyone....have a grrrrrrrreat weekend
19:49.25iDunnothey're, like, hardware!
19:49.39iDunnowhen did that happen? :), I mean download names and phone numbers
19:50.10iDunnoahhh. silly me :)
19:50.36KrayZKalright all....take care....ciao
19:50.46*** part/#asterisk KrayZK (n=ykhan3@
19:52.09AnthroAnyone know what this is about (in /var/log/asterisk/messages): Nov 19 22:48:40 NOTICE[14026]: Request to schedule in the past?!?!
19:52.24AnthroOh, crap, never mind. Need to set the machine's clock.
19:52.34benjkAnthro, it means you have no Zaptel timer present
19:53.43*** join/#asterisk outofjungle (n=outofjun@
19:55.18*** join/#asterisk jayCampbell (
19:55.39*** join/#asterisk SubWolf (
19:56.17jayCampbelllooking for an hour from a consultant to get a barebones asterisk install talking to h.323 desktops
19:56.30*** join/#asterisk _Thor (
19:56.34Qwellh323 in an hour?  good luck with that
19:56.56Qwellthe "323" is a number, and "h" stands for hours, meaning it'll take 323 hours to get it to work properly
19:57.04jayCampbellor any desktop software, while we wait for our asteriskout account to be credited
19:57.09SubWolfAwww, c'mon, positive thinking. :p
19:57.18Math`jayCampbell: get an SIP client
19:57.27fugitivowhy people is still using h323?
19:57.37SubWolfAny good suggestions? Google isn't offering much so far.
19:57.48jayCampbelllooking for a consultant to get sip conferencing working on a bare-bones asterisk install :)
19:58.06Math`install ztdummy and use MeetMe()
19:58.13Anthrobenjk: Do I need a zaptel timer? I am not using any PBX hardware on this machine (just an IAXy on the LAN).
19:58.14ikarusfugitivo: because it used to be buzzzzzzzzzzzword
19:58.20_Thorfugitivo: because that's what most major carriers will force you to use
19:58.22QwelljayCampbell: How much you willing to pay?
19:58.42jayCampbelli'll throw $100 at someone qualified
19:58.49ikarus_Thor: C&W is major, right ?, we used it with SIP + RTP
19:59.04QwelljayCampbell: What do you want *exactly*?
19:59.59jayCampbellsip conferencing, then help implementing sip to asteriskout - i have example configs from them
20:00.01_Thorwell... some major carriers.  I hate it when a carrier tells me they only have h323 available, but sometimes it's the only choice.  To me it means they are lagging behind
20:00.21QwelljayCampbell: Do you have a zaptel timing device?
20:00.28ikarus_Thor: to me it tells me I need to get a bigger cluebat
20:00.45jayCampbellno, all software
20:00.55SubWolfI'm working on that, found info @
20:00.59_Thorikarus: to me, it tells me I can sell an asterisk box
20:01.02QwelljayCampbell: meetme may not work too well without a proper timing device
20:01.08ikarus_Thor: to do the conversion ?
20:01.16deezedQwell.. isn't ZTdummy sufficient?
20:01.22_Thorikarus: yes
20:01.25Qwelldeezed: sure, but is isn't great
20:01.38Math`Qwell: you mean the RTC isnt precise enough?
20:02.22ikarus_Thor: ah well, lately I haven't had to deal with it, I only once had a job for 2 months at a VoIP company (they sold their firm, excluding the people working there), but that is long gone
20:02.27QwellMath`: something like that :p
20:02.40ikarusnow I only have to implement it for my current place of work locally
20:03.02QwelljayCampbell: just a single conference, and setup *out when you get setup?
20:03.45_Thorikarus: for its flesibility, asterisk is the best overall protocol converter there is
20:04.17ikarus_Thor: agreed
20:04.35jayCampbellqwell, yeah
20:04.52ikarus_Thor: that VoIP company used asterisk with a few extras for voicemail, protocol conversion and prepaid
20:04.56Math`jayCampbell: thats a pretty simple setup
20:05.44deezedDoes anyone know how do to this.. Dial(IAX2/${person2}) and then when person 2 answers, it will playback a sound, then wait for dtmf tone from person 2, Then bridge the 2 channels?
20:05.46_Thorikarus, what happened to them?, did they make money?
20:06.30ikarus_Thor: they sold the entire formula to a competitor
20:06.34ikarus_Thor: and I got fired
20:06.49ikarusstill annoys me a little
20:06.53_Thorbut did they make a lot of money?
20:06.58ikarusThe owners did
20:07.04Math`deezed: sounds like "Press 1 to accept fees"
20:07.04ikarusThe prepaid stuff is golden
20:07.29ikarus_Thor: you know those call cards you can buy for international calls cheap, they used to do those aswell
20:08.20_Thordid they have an asterisk based prepaid system?
20:08.45ikaruswell, asterisk helped out, there where some external handlers, etc
20:09.09deezedwell basically caller 1 calls my box... box asks for his name, box then dials caller 2, playbacks caller 1 name, caller 2 presses any key to accept. calls are then conferenced
20:09.41_Thorin telephony, if you work postpaid, you are screwed
20:10.14ikarus_Thor: you can use postpay, for buisness
20:10.57GeneGBenjK: I downgraded my HEAD build of Asterisk to your tarball 1.0.7 and the latency improved dramatically.
20:11.06ikarus_Thor: their products where prepay cards for normal phones, prepay VoIP, buisness phone shop accounts (they deliver all hardware) with a deposit and normal buisness accounts
20:11.17GeneGVoice is only slightly more latent through Asterisk now than direct from the UA to the VoIP provider.
20:11.27ikarus_Thor: the last was also with full setup
20:11.34GeneG(note that codec setting changes didn't make a difference: I was already using ulaw)
20:12.03_ThorThose calls shops for example, they are bastards, they will al disappear with your money if you don't do prepay with them
20:12.52_Thoranyway, whenever you need a different call shop solution, software, prepaid set, and LD, just give a shout :)
20:13.17ikarus_Thor: I have no good buisness sense, else I would have setup my own company already
20:14.29ikarusBut I could prolly setup their exact system in about 3 weeks (including the complex billing stuff for those phone shops)
20:15.14_Thoryou set it up fpr those guys you worked with?
20:15.46ikarus_Thor: I did most of the work on the software, yes
20:16.09_Thorand then they sold to somebody else and fired you?
20:16.20ikarussucks to be me
20:16.55X-FilesHelp, i install * 1.2.0 , but need me pickup no answer call
20:16.59_Thordo you have a call shop software?
20:17.30ikarus_Thor: Not readily availible, but I could stick the old scripts back together easily
20:18.59ikarusIt also depends on the equipment some of the call shops had pay phones, others had a more eleborate system where you prepaid an amount at the desk, the phone is unlocked, and you could call for X amount of time and get any change back
20:19.56_ThorI wrote all my software, call shop, prepaid, tel-console... I set all prepaid features for call shops using asterisk
20:20.53alephcom_Thor: What is the software called?
20:20.56ikarusBut I am currently pretty busy trying to find a new job, I earn a bit too little money
20:21.36ikarus_Thor: it is actually pretty basic stuff, the only tricky bit was that we used PostgreSQL for billing
20:22.22Drukenikarus: postgres == good
20:22.53_Thorikarus: I'll keep an eye on your name next time I need help on the billing software
20:23.13ikarusDruken: nah, but it is decent, just a bit uncommon
20:23.25ikarusbut it works nicer in the end then radius, etc
20:24.37Drukenwhat does radius have in common with postgres?
20:24.49ikarusDruken: both are used for billing
20:24.57AgiNamuthey both have r and s.
20:25.02benjkits got an r and and s
20:25.18benjkyou beat me to it ;-)
20:25.25AgiNamuif you pronounce radius like a redneck, they both have 2 sylables
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20:25.58benjkthat reminds me of a song
20:26.00*** part/#asterisk Anthro (n=dkjgserg@pdpc/supporter/active/Anthro)
20:26.03hhoffmanhi anyone using Digium's IAXy FXS Adapter? any thoughts?
20:26.09benjkMexican Radio
20:26.17benjkcan't remember the group though
20:26.19AgiNamuoh sheesh
20:26.26AgiNamuim sick of mexican music.
20:26.40benjkIt's not Mexican music
20:26.45AgiNamuif i never hear a yip and a trumpet again itll be too soon.
20:26.47docelm0AgiNamu COME TO TAMPA!
20:26.51benjkit's *called* Mexican radio
20:27.00benjkthe song title
20:27.06X-FilesHelp, i install * 1.2.0 , but I need pickup where not answer call . Please help !
20:27.18AgiNamudoes it have the lyrics "Mexican radio sucks?"
20:27.25AgiNamuer, with the ? on the other side of the last "
20:27.48AgiNamuso if i plug a loopback plug into my T1 cards, the light should go green eh?
20:27.58iDunnoiTunes is officially EVIL.
20:28.19_ThorAgiNamu: That's right
20:28.26benjkWall of Voodoo, yes that's the name of the group
20:28.33benjkah, nostalgia
20:28.51AgiNamuthanks thor
20:29.12AgiNamuso I just twist pins 1 and 4 and 2 and 5  together iirc
20:29.17AgiNamubenjk deep lyrics.
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20:29.56benjkit kind of *does* say that Mexican music isn't really his cup of tea
20:30.01benjk"i hear the rhythms of the music
20:30.01benjki buy the product and never use it"
20:30.08AgiNamuWho am i to critize. Currently playing: MAGMADIVER - EVA-02 vs. Sandalphon
20:30.29benjkdoesn't tell me anything
20:30.47AgiNamuman, that's the problem with teh intarwebs these days.
20:30.57benjkthe Mexican Radio song was popular back in the early 80s
20:30.58AgiNamuwe live in a world where no one knows what EVA is.
20:31.19AgiNamueven on IRC on a saturday :)
20:31.27Drukenguilty, i dunno either
20:31.39benjkI kind of stumbled into that a year ago and felt nostalgic about it, so I bought the CD
20:32.01AgiNamui mean, i dont expect everyone to be an anime otaku
20:32.04benjkit;s got a rather unusual tune to it
20:32.17benjkI hate anime otakus
20:32.23Drukenoh... japanimation...
20:32.37Drukenthat would explain why i know nothing about it
20:33.02AgiNamuoh well. I've even met CS majors who don't know.
20:33.11benjkespecially the ones who read pr0n anime on the Tokyo commuter trains in public
20:33.11Himekogood show
20:33.27ikarusbenjk: that would be manga
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20:33.33ikarusanime stands for animation
20:33.46benjkmanga, anime, two sides of the same coin
20:33.47AgiNamuwell, maybe he meant they are reading the subtitles
20:33.59benjkits the same otakus
20:34.07Himekoi've only seen middle guys read porn manga on the train
20:34.07mwright1nightHi,  I am a newbie to Asterisk and have a few questions about using it in a small office environment (upto 30 extensions)
20:34.12Himekoer middle age
20:34.19mwright1nightis @home appropriate for me or should I be using stock standard/
20:34.22ikarusI don't mind otaku's unless it is the neko neko wai kawaii hai crowd
20:34.30benjkthey read pr0n on the train and watch pr0n anime on their PCs at work
20:34.32AgiNamumwright1night what is your goal in using Asterisk
20:34.45AgiNamulol ikarus
20:35.00mwright1nightreplace an old NEC Commander system,  receive incoming calls on 4 FXO TDM400p
20:35.04AgiNamuyou forgot "hentai"
20:35.15benjkI dont mind otakus either, just not manga or anime otakus
20:35.17mwright1nighthave soft phones on LTSP terminals running as a local app
20:35.34benjktelephone otakus would be ok if they buy an asterisk box from me :-)
20:35.35mwright1nightand buy some handsets to replace our 12 existing handsets
20:35.35AgiNamuyea well.... my point was that even non otakus know EVA :|
20:35.46mwright1nightMain thing is cheap upstream voip provider for outgoing
20:35.47AgiNamumwright1nightwhats your resources as far as maintaining this thing
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20:35.59AgiNamuand what's your other requirements, like uptime.
20:36.13mwright1nightMyself (HP computer engineer -- nothing to do with telephony)
20:36.22AgiNamuyou are comfortable with linux?
20:36.23mwright1nightand another guy who is a IT security guy
20:36.41mwright1nightuptime say 99.5
20:36.44benjkdoesn't have to be Linux
20:36.59benjkAsterisk runs fine on BSD, Darwin and Solaris
20:37.03Himekoi have barely any figurines
20:37.20mwright1nightThe place we volunteer @ is a linux shop
20:37.34mwright1nightthat is by choice, (except the firewalls are openbsd)
20:37.59mwright1nightwhen you're transferring calls, is it a DTMF string sent to asterisk from the handset?
20:38.05benjkI am not arguing for nor against Linux
20:38.08mwright1nightI don't quite understand how calls are transferred
20:38.28mwright1nightYes I am comfortable with linux, I am in HP Linux services
20:38.44benjkI am just saying that the question "are you comfortable with Linux" isn't the right question to ask when considering Asterisk
20:39.03Drukenmwright1night: depends on how your doing it.. could be either a SIP transfer, or the # workaround
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20:39.34mwright1nightDruken: so with a softphone (please suggest a preffered for full capability)
20:39.39mwright1nightwould you use a # workaround?
20:39.39benjkof course if you work for HP, I wouldn'e expect you to prefer Solaris as a platform ;-)
20:39.40simprixIs anyone here that is using voicepulse with iax
20:39.50mwright1nightor do some of them support the sip transfer?
20:39.53alephcomsimprix: yes
20:40.02benjkYes, I use Voicepulse + IAX
20:40.14benjkwell, Voicepulse Connect, actually
20:40.28simprixalephcom: benjk do you have a slight hiss on your line when you make calls
20:40.49Drukenmwright1night: i would not use the # with a softphone, it'll do SIP transfers
20:40.54benjknot that I have noticed, no
20:41.23simprixdo you use a softphone
20:41.35alephcomme neither
20:41.45AgiNamuwell if he's using digium cards i wouldnt expect him to use anything but linux :P
20:42.02simprixwhat version of asterisk are you using
20:42.05benjkat least I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a Voicepulse
20:42.34benjkcall and a call through other methods, ie ENUM, SIP p2p, IAX peering etc
20:42.46AgiNamuso, mwright1night, I know from my own experience, a great way to learn ASterisk is to install it, then do make samples
20:42.52AgiNamuand read all the .conf files
20:42.57AgiNamuand use them as a base
20:43.18AgiNamuthen, once you got a handle on things, delete those config files and build what you need yourself.
20:43.56simprixbenjk: what version of asterisk are you using
20:44.04DrukenAgiNamu: that's kinda what i did... but i never actually heard the sample stuff... i just learned the configs and changed them right away
20:44.21AgiNamuMy first asterisk was the Astforwin
20:44.34AgiNamugot that running, played a few things, hit voicemail, determined that asterisk was realy
20:44.37benjkDruken, if you don't "make samples" you won't have any conf files in the first place
20:44.45iDunnoclean the impure one! quick! fix him!
20:44.52iDunno(or her, or it, or whatever)
20:44.55AgiNamua thing that could work, and then bought a linux machine and put in a 4 port analog card
20:45.50mwright1nightok I have x-lite is that not a very good softphone?
20:46.14benjkmrwright: softphone != good
20:46.20Drukenbenjk: agreed, however for the experinced admin, you may not need to "make samples", you can just create the required files...
20:46.23mwright1nightIs asterisk 1.2 packaged in .deb or rpm?
20:47.02benjkDruken, sure, but you said you "changed them" so I figured you meant you changed the ones that "make samples" put there for you
20:47.07mwright1nightbenjk: Thing is we won't be able to afford the number of handsets that we need during campaign time
20:47.11DrukenAgiNamu: yeah... i skipped the winblows part of that... started off in linux... then got the TDM, now hate the TDM use clone x100p's.. they work better for me
20:47.16mwright1nightso we will have to use softphones
20:47.38mwright1nightThe reason I ask about X-lite is I have it here
20:47.48benjkmrwright: sure, that's fair enough. I am just saying that softphones are always a compromise
20:48.08mwright1nighttransfer is greayed out
20:48.18mwright1nightwhy do softphones need to be a compromise though?
20:48.46benjkbecause a real IP phone is designed for one thing and one thing only: realtime audio
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20:49.15benjkand a desktop computer is designed primarily for high priority screen updating
20:49.17mwright1nightThese things are often running on a fairly abstracted platform anyway
20:49.22benjkand other things
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20:49.40mwright1nightso a similar outcome should be achievable on a pc os in terms of quality etc
20:49.48AgiNamubenjk, uh thats not really too much of a problem. its more of design and hardware :P
20:50.10mwright1nightanyhow the sip transfer stuff
20:50.11AgiNamuI've seen a lot of shitty softphones... but people tend to be a BIT more careful when actually shipping physical stuff
20:50.16mwright1nightis that supported out of the box?
20:50.25benjkthe point is that a desktop computer has to deal with more than just specific purpose
20:50.33mwright1nightWhat is the best softphone for me to test with
20:50.36benjkMurphy's law
20:51.01AgiNamuyea, but desktops these days have more than enough power to do 3d diagrams and handle audio.... its just that most softphones aren't engineered to the same standards and that the interface is usually just a mic and headphone
20:51.06benjkthe more functions an apparatus has, the less perfect it will perform any of them
20:51.12beernutsgload peedy peedy.acs
20:51.26benjkthe fewer functions it has the better if will perform them
20:51.36AgiNamuthats not really true :P
20:51.49mwright1nightnot necessarily
20:51.55benjkwe agree to disagree then
20:51.58AgiNamuIf it was, 5350s wouldn't crash left and right :)
20:52.07benjkthat's not proof
20:52.17AgiNamushoddy firmware can make any device do 1 function poorly
20:52.26benjkyou can make a bad performing single purpose apparatus of course
20:52.27mwright1nightMy brother uses Pro Engineer 2002 for instance, it has a serious amount of functionality and it's still one of the best cad packages for Mechanical Engineering
20:52.38mwright1nightit's way fatter than a softphone
20:52.47mwright1nightA phone is pretty simple
20:53.16mwright1nightok what flavour of linux should I install on?
20:53.18benjkbut the environment it lives in isn't, not in the case of a softphone running on a desktop OS
20:53.23X-FilesPpls PLEASE HELP ! User called me, asterisk answer and call to 2 phone (201 and 202) , but 201 is busy and 202 Ringing , i hangup (where 201) and i wanna get in 201 call from 202 . I use asterisk 1.2.0 .
20:53.32mwright1nightUbuntu, Debian, Redhat, Centos, OpenSuse?
20:53.51mwright1nightI  am familiar with those, what do the developers build and test on?
20:53.52benjkwhat ever you are familiar and comfortable with
20:54.03benjkDigium use Red Hat
20:54.05ikarusX-Files: you mean *8 functionality ?
20:54.12benjkwell, Fedora now I guess
20:54.17X-Filesikarus: no work :(
20:54.23ikarusX-Files: see pickup groups (iirc) in the wiki
20:54.28mwright1nightI'll do FC4 then
20:54.37endermwright1night: CentOS4 works quite well
20:54.39mwright1nightis it packaged rpm?
20:54.50benjkI personally had better experience with SuSE than with Red Hat
20:54.53X-Filesikarus: i uncomment in file features.conf
20:54.57mwright1nightFC4 is compatible though
20:55.01benjkbut that was before Fedora
20:55.02mwright1nightbenjk why is that?
20:55.08X-Filesand restart asterisk. this not work :( ikarus
20:55.12X-Filesi read this :(
20:55.16benjkand then I kind of stuck with SuSE
20:55.16mwright1nightthat's a long time ago, bf (before Fedora)
20:55.21benjknever looked back
20:55.26mwright1nightFC1+2 sucked,  4 is pretty good now
20:55.36benjkwell, for Asterisk/Linux installations anyway
20:55.37^Howlergentoo is my flavor of choice
20:55.51mwright1nightHowler: you're blinding us
20:56.00benjkgentoo is nice for development and tweaking
20:56.06benjkbut hardly for production
20:56.14mwright1nightso I need the devel stuff? cause you can't get packed?
20:56.17mwright1nightpackaged rather
20:56.27X-Filesikarus: i can insert my configure to pastebin
20:56.39benjkI personally would recommend to start with the stable branch
20:56.40ikarusX-Files: I haven't used that setup myself
20:56.45ikarusX-Files: I just know it is possible
20:56.56mwright1night1.20 is what I want to start with
20:57.19mwright1nightbut I mean, can I avoid compiling it, are their precompiled rpms?
20:57.21X-Filesikarus: this possible I use Transfer . (this work only in trasfer)
20:57.28Qwellmwright1night: it's best to compile from source
20:57.31benjkbecause if you use the development branch while you learn, you may get confused by something that doesn't behave the way it should and somebody who checked out a version 20 mins later may not have the same issues etc etc
20:58.07mwright1nightok I'm firing up vmware now
20:58.30mwright1nightWhat is a preffered most functional softphone
20:58.34mwright1nightanyone got some recommendations?
20:58.40Qwellmwright1night: free, or pay?
20:58.45benjkmrwright, there are rpms, but I don't know how up to date they are, whether they use the latest stable branch release or the development realease or something rather old
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20:58.48Qwellbecause supposedly, eyebeam is good
20:59.03mwright1nightis that pay?
20:59.12Qwellxlite is though
20:59.21mwright1nightI use xlite
20:59.28Qwelleyebeam is non free, yes
20:59.32benjkor Loudhush on OSX
20:59.34mwright1nightactually, what is an outbound proxy in the context of sip
20:59.47benjknot sure which IAX phones are great on Linux
20:59.52QwellI like iaxcomm
20:59.53mwright1nightI am doing a test now from my win32 workstation but in production I want linux
20:59.58Qwellpretty much crossplatform
21:00.05iDunnoiaxcomm worked for me last time I used it.
21:00.06benjkUse Firefly then
21:00.10mwright1nightdoes x-lite support iax? I thought it was sip only
21:00.25benjkxlite is sip onlly
21:00.40mwright1nightdo phones support iax?
21:00.49mwright1nightI thought that was a trunking protocol between asterisk servers
21:00.54benjkyou mean hardware phones?
21:01.12benjkCentrality put IAX into their embedded controllers
21:01.22benjkright into the chip
21:01.23iDunnoIAX? it's good for trunking, but there are soft and hard phones that do it.
21:01.30iDunnoand it's much better for nat than sip is.
21:01.38benjknot only for NAT
21:01.52benjkit is much better than SIP - lock stock and barrel
21:02.00iDunnoI could go with that.
21:02.01mwright1nightwith my sipura 3k, I have a number of providers that I send calls out on
21:02.13mwright1nightand it traverses my Netgear ADSL modem no hassles
21:02.26mwright1nighteverywhere I read about firewall problems.
21:02.35mwright1nightisn't sip on 5060 client initiated tcp?
21:02.43mwright1nightor does the server need to make a return tcp connection?
21:02.52benjkoutbound through NAT to a proxy with a public IP is still kind of manageable
21:02.56mwright1nightcan someone just give mea quick run down of the transport layer
21:03.27benjkbut you get issues if you want to use reinvites to other SIP UAs which are also behind NAT
21:04.17benjkthe server doesn't make the audio connection
21:04.33manySIP is only an initiation protocol
21:04.36benjkthe client that the server introduced you to will send audio on a random port to you
21:04.48manyRTP is transferring voice.
21:04.48X-FilesIn Asterisk version 1.0, the groups are 0-31, in versions following 1.0, the groups are 0-63. You
21:04.51X-Fileslol :)
21:04.57benjkyou have to punch holes into your firewall to let that in
21:05.14X-Files1.2 maybe groups are 0-63 :)
21:05.20mwright1nightthen how come my sip calls are working from my sipura
21:05.22manyalso SIP is usually udp, as is RTP.
21:05.27iDunnosip is udp, at least to and from asterisk
21:05.49manymwright1night: be happy that it works.
21:05.50mwright1nightthat's probably to reduce latency etc
21:05.59mwright1nightI know but I'm trying to work out why it works
21:06.07mwright1nightand why I will have hassles with asterisk (if I will)
21:06.17benjkmrwright, there are several reasons, depends on your NAT router too
21:06.25manyudp has one big advantage: if you have packetloss, you will only miss some milliseconds of audio
21:06.36manytcp will retransmit, thus delay audio.
21:07.05benjkAlso, SIP isn't only bad with NAT
21:07.12mwright1nightmy laptop just surived a fall
21:07.14benjkthere are other flaws
21:07.34benjkSIP doesn't always know what's going on
21:08.06manyyet there has a better protocol to come. :-P
21:08.18benjkexample: you're in a SIP call, you put the other party on hold, then you unplug your SIP phone or power it off
21:08.43benjkthe result: the other party will be on hold forever
21:09.12benjkSIP has no way of knowing what happened there, split memory syndrome
21:09.25mwright1nightso there is no persistence what so ever?
21:09.32mwright1nightwhat about with iax protoocl
21:09.36mwright1nightdoes that have persistence
21:09.37benjkIAX always knows what the status of a call is
21:09.52mwright1nightok so which hardware phones support iax
21:09.55mwright1nightthe sipura 841
21:09.57benjkno it will cut off the call if your phone goes down
21:10.17benjkinstead of keeping the far end leg of the call alive and in limbo
21:10.52benjkACT's phones have IAX firmware
21:10.56mwright1nightI am looking a for a fully featured hardware phone that takes a 2.5mm connection for headset (cheaper)
21:11.05mwright1nightACT stands for?
21:11.09benjkand plenty of mainland China ones, er ATCOM I think
21:11.24benjkACT is some Taiwanese phone manufacturer
21:11.46benjkthey have a nice business phone called the P104
21:11.52emrahmwright1night: The snom phones do that well
21:11.56beernutsspeaking about iax...what usb headset works best with iaxcomm??
21:12.18benjkalso Snom has IAX firmware I think
21:12.19beernutsfor callcenter agents in particular
21:13.16mwright1nightare there some you can recommend?
21:13.31mwright1nightthat you have used that take a 2.5mm headset connection (to keep cost down)
21:13.31alephcomIs anybody else here having grief with the AGI get_variable command in 1.2?
21:13.55benjknever used any 2.5mm jacks
21:14.03benjknot for phones anyway
21:14.09*** part/#asterisk GeneG (
21:14.10ikarusmwright1night: BudgeTone
21:14.26benjkBudgetone has 2.5mm jacks ? since when?
21:14.58ikarusbenjk: erm, it might be 3.5mm jacks (never remember), but a converter is 15 cents
21:15.00mwright1night2.5 is very common in mobile phones and portables such as those from panasonic and uniden
21:15.12mwright1nightI don't mind if it's 2 or 3
21:15.15ikarusatleast if I saw right
21:15.30ikaruslet me check
21:15.32benjkI didn;t know Budgtones had any coaxial jacks
21:15.54benjkI only know of Budgetones with modular jacks
21:16.12mwright1nightwith iaxcomm it just wants a host username and pass
21:16.14benjkbut then I haven't bought a Budgetone in over a year
21:16.18mwright1nightis there nothing else configurable with it?
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21:16.40benjkCodecs probably
21:16.52benjkbut that's the beauty of IAX
21:16.56benjkits like email
21:17.06benjkyou need a server, a username and a password
21:17.09benjkthat's it
21:17.19ikarusbenjk, mwright1night:
21:17.26ikarusAs you can see, one headset plug
21:17.45benjkfair enough, as I said, I haven't bought a Budgetone in over a year
21:18.11benjkso the ones I have are fairly antiquated by now
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21:18.42ikarusmwright1night: BudgeTone is just about the cheapest VoIP you will find
21:19.17benjkthey probably had better spelt that BudgetOne
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21:19.41benjkbecause the way they spelled it, it sounds like Botched Tone
21:19.59ikarusbenjk: it feels like that, the plastic is rather cheap, but it works
21:20.20mwright1nightso it's client initiated tcp
21:20.25mwright1nightor is it udp ?
21:20.31mwright1nightwhat ports do I need
21:20.40benjk5060 for signalling
21:20.53benjkand random ports for audio
21:21.01benjkone in each direction
21:21.02mwright1nightthat's the same as the sip port. Is 5060 just a "any telephony protocol" port default
21:21.14mwright1nightI thought iax didn't do random
21:21.20benjkno, 5060 is for SIP
21:21.28benjkdid you ask about IAX?
21:21.33benjkIAX is 4569
21:21.35mwright1nightI meant to
21:21.42benjkand that's it, no other ports
21:21.53mwright1nightclient initiated
21:22.10benjksignaling and payload are separated by envelope, not by port
21:22.31mwright1nightwhich is application layer stuff
21:22.34benjkwhoever initiates the call initiates the conne3ction
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21:23.00benjkthat's how it should be
21:23.00mwright1nightso with iax, I can use pseudo vpn (ssh) to send my phones around?
21:23.06mwright1nightwhere as i can't do that with sip
21:23.44benjkalthough sending VoIP over TCP isn't such a good idea
21:23.52mwright1nightgerat cause I want volunteers to be able to answer calls at home
21:24.16mwright1nightwhat other capabilities are their, I was reading though @home and I saw that it had some real time web based monitoring tools
21:24.19benjkperhaps use IPsec
21:24.31mwright1nightYou just said it was tcp anyway
21:24.46mwright1nightyou're saying sending tcp over tcp,
21:24.56mwright1nightie too many layers
21:24.59benjkOpenSwan on the Asterisk server and cheap Linksys boxes at the remote locations
21:25.18mwright1nightI have 12000/1000 connection @ both ends and 30ms latency so it should be fine
21:25.38mwright1nightwhen you say cheap linksys boxes, like pap2
21:25.44mwright1nightand whats openswan do?
21:25.44benjkwell, I am no friend of SSL tunneling
21:26.29benjkThe linksys NAT family/SOHO routers support 2 IPsec tunnels
21:26.55benjkso they could tunnel in to your Asterisk box
21:27.01benjkrunning OpenSwan
21:27.11[TK]D-Fender|AFKOpenVPN running on OpenWRT :D
21:27.17mwright1nightI was doing ssh tunnelling not ssl
21:27.20mwright1nightthey are different
21:27.45benjkYeah well, still a bit of a stretch
21:27.46mwright1nightis openswan abandon ware?
21:27.57benjkIPsec was built for VPNs
21:28.08benjkit used to be FreeSwan
21:28.37benjkand then it split intop FreeSwan and Super FreeSwan
21:28.58Math`IPSec is meant to be an additional encryption layer on top of IP
21:29.01benjkFreeSwan was abandoned and SuperFreeSwan got sponsorship from Novell
21:29.02Math`whatever its use is
21:29.02mwright1nightis there a client for windows?
21:29.12benjkthen changed its name to OpenSwan
21:29.30benjkyes there are several IPsec clients for Windows
21:29.54mwright1nightis there one bundled
21:30.08benjkbundled with Windows?
21:32.15alephcomUgh, it looks like something is broken in 1.2 with the AGI get_variable command.
21:32.48Math`uhm think its time for a cvs update -dP
21:34.29alephcomIt doesn't change any files.
21:36.25*** join/#asterisk DeeJayTwo (
21:37.03*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
21:37.11benjkMath, the use is that you can pipe your entire IP traffic on all ports through a single port at udp level
21:38.03benjkANd it's not bolted on to IP, its; built right into IP
21:38.05*** join/#asterisk joubert (
21:38.46mwright1nightcan you pass openswan ipsec over linksys and netgear adsl modem/routers/waps
21:40.52benjkthat's why it is a standard
21:41.00mwright1nightwhat about the other ip protocols 50 and 51
21:41.12mwright1nightI'm concerned that the cheap routers only do protocol numbers for tcp and udp
21:41.27ikarusmwright1night: false
21:41.43*** join/#asterisk Starmaker (n=magnus@
21:41.44ikarusalthoug sometimes you need to hit odd buttons
21:41.47benjkif they do IPsec (and some support one or two IPsec tunnels) then they will tunnel all ports
21:42.04mwright1nightso the ipsec terminates on the router or does pass through
21:42.26benjksome NAT routers only support IPsec passthrough
21:42.41benjksome support endpoint
21:44.04benjkI am building my own embedded IPsec servers based on a special purpose Linux distro (specifically for routers and VPN gateways) and OpenSwan
21:44.18benjkthe bundle is called Wolverine
21:44.34benjkit fits on a 32MB CompactFlash
21:45.22benjkanyway, I have used Linksys BEFSR SOHO routers to tunnel into the Wolverine servers as well as some Netgear boxes
21:45.59mwright1nightsounds interesting
21:46.09benjkthe only issue with cheap SOHO routers is that they usually don't support X.509 certificates
21:46.15mwright1nightI am wanting to do similair things to you
21:46.17benjkso you have to use a password
21:46.21Starmakerhi, I've just upgraded to 1.2.0, and I'm experiencing some queue-problems
21:46.23mwright1nightat the moment we use ssh for everything
21:46.38Starmakerafter like 5 seconds in the queue it just disconnnects
21:46.40mwright1nightcause we can do ssh over ssl and get sockets established from anywhere to anywhere
21:46.56benjkWell, as I said, I strongly recommend IPsec
21:47.21benjkThey used to have a feature in FreeSwan called opportunistic encryption
21:47.29Starmakerit's proberbly related to something with mpg123
21:48.40benjkthat means, when you had an SMTP connection going through your FreeSwan VPN gateway/router and the remote SMTP server or it's gateway also ran FreeSwan, then they would automatically negotiate a tunnel on the fly
21:48.40*** join/#asterisk dwmw2_gone (
21:49.00benjkand for any other connections as well, SMTP was just an example
21:49.19benjkI am not sure if that is still in OpenSwan though
21:49.49mwright1nightwhat's the advantage of that?
21:50.05mwright1nightthe tunnel doesn't flake if it initiated everytime you need to do something?
21:50.40benjkwell, I guess the idea was that if this catches on and every router supports it, then you would end up with an internet in which all traffic from anywhere to anywhere is always tunneled
21:50.46benjkand encrypted of course
21:51.03benjknah, it's pretty fast
21:51.43benjknot like SSH
21:53.09benjkanyway here are some links
21:54.53benjkBTW, the Wolverine is configuration syntax compatible with the Cisco Pix
21:55.22benjkso if you know the Pix, you know how to poke around in the Wolverine config
21:55.30benjkand vice versa
21:56.32benjkit has got a very nice Web interface though
22:00.35*** join/#asterisk irkii (
22:01.44*** join/#asterisk |cleric| (
22:03.11irkiiwhat this means: wct2xxp: Setting yellow alarm on span 1  ??
22:03.29irkiiand also: VPM: Not Present
22:04.13irkiiboth LEDs are blinking
22:05.16*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
22:07.00*** join/#asterisk heath__ (
22:07.35chapeaurougecan someone try me at ?
22:07.44Math`yup hold on
22:07.48X-FilesHELLO! CAN anyone help me ?? When I'm speking on telephone 201 , in this moment someone is calling in 202 telephone. In sip.conf pickupgroup is one the same for everyone. I finished speaking and how can I get that call, becouse that person is still calling to 202.. how to get that call on me 201 ? I have asterisk 1.2.0 versija .
22:08.45Math`chapeaurouge: voicemal
22:08.57chapeaurougeMath`, yup saw that
22:08.58chapeaurougethanks man
22:10.01benjkVPM is an optional module -- apparently you don;t have it, hence "not present" ;-)
22:10.14irkiihmm module?
22:10.30benjkyes on the card
22:10.34irkiiits a double E1/T1 device loaded with zaptel.conf
22:10.45irkiiits a digium
22:10.55irkiiehmm i use it as E1
22:11.06irkiiso is VPM only for T1 ?
22:11.23irkiiu know what that yellow alarm means ?
22:11.24benjkthey sell a hardware based echo cancellation module which you can piggypack onto the card
22:11.43irkiiui for real ? interesting
22:11.56benjkprobably need to check your cabling
22:12.06X-FilesHELLO! CAN anyone help me ?? When I'm speking on telephone 201 , in this moment someone is calling in 202 telephone. In sip.conf pickupgroup is one the same for everyone. I finished speaking and how can I get that call, becouse that person is still calling to 202.. how to get that call on me 201 ? I have asterisk 1.2.0 version.
22:12.21irkiiwell i havnt even plugged the cables in
22:12.34benjkthat's why you have the alarm
22:12.44irkiiis there a way to check if the ZAP channel is up ?
22:13.01benjkzap show channels
22:13.09benjkon the asterisk console
22:13.11irkiiwell i see all my channels
22:13.28benjkwell then it would appear they're up
22:13.52irkiiyea but the E1 line aint up
22:14.01irkiicuz the cable isnt plugged in yet
22:14.30irkiisorry for heavily asking
22:14.30benjkwell, plug in your T1 cable and see what happens
22:14.37irkii:) k
22:16.55chapeaurougeMath`, if you wouldn't mind, once again...
22:17.15irkiihmm nothing changed; both LED are still blinkin
22:17.18chapeaurougei had forgotten to switch the config to NAT... i had been doing tests in private LAN.
22:17.51benjkyou may want to restart and what the console output
22:18.39irkiiasterisk just loads - no errors
22:20.09chapeaurougeis there a way to have some kind of robot call me to test my asterisk from outside? i dont have a remote box setup.
22:21.08X-FilesHELLO! CAN anyone help me ?? When I'm speking on telephone 201 , in this moment someone is calling in 202 telephone. In sip.conf pickupgroup is one the same for everyone. I finished speaking and how can I get that call, becouse that person is still calling to 202.. how to get that call on me 201 ? I have asterisk 1.2.0 version.
22:21.09irkii?? just set up another asterisk and fireup some calls
22:21.35X-Filesirkii : as'
22:21.53irkiijust pickup the call
22:21.58irkiiwith *8
22:22.11irkiiif its in the same call and pickupgroup
22:22.23benjkirkii: probably want to run ztcfg and see that the output tells you
22:22.36irkiiso 201 and 202 needs to be in the same callgroup
22:22.44irkiiand pickupgroup
22:22.50chapeaurougeirkii, i could just setup a linphone w/ a FWD account a do the same.. issue is, the remote machine.
22:23.16X-Filesikarus it's two difficult calls :(
22:23.37*** join/#asterisk razu_ (
22:23.37irkiidifficult ?
22:23.50irkiibenj: just says 62 channels configured
22:23.54X-Files201 and 202 in pickgroup = 1
22:24.03X-Filespickupgroup = 1
22:24.16X-Filesi can put my configure pastebin
22:24.18benjkok, that means zaptel is fine
22:25.00*** join/#asterisk andrew` (
22:25.20benjkrun asterisk with -vvvvvvvvvc so you get all the console output
22:25.39benjkor vvvvvvvvvgnc even
22:26.53irkiilet me check some incoming calls
22:27.23*** join/#asterisk CRCC (
22:29.21X-Filesirkii: check it, I put features.conf , sip,  debug and verbose
22:33.10X-Filesirkii: hello
22:33.50irkiihmm why u got deadlocks in your logs
22:33.54irkiithat aint good
22:34.46irkiichannel.c:774 channel_find_locked: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'SIP/2-635c'
22:34.59X-Filesyes i found :)
22:35.01irkiiu really should avoid that
22:35.28X-Filesbut how?
22:35.35irkiii dont use 1.2 so logs are kinda new to me
22:37.37hhoffmanis there anyway to have asterisk check to see if my pstn line is in use or has been answered before it dials out?
22:37.56*** join/#asterisk CRCC (
22:44.39irkiiu want to know if its busy ?
22:44.51irkiiall lines are in use ?
22:45.15hhoffmanI pick up the line but my autoattendent still answers anyway :-(
22:46.19NivexI upgraded to 1.2.0 and now whenever I join the MeetMe conference from my SPA-2000 it sounds like I'm talking through a fan
22:48.05*** join/#asterisk truenorth (
22:49.04truenorthHi all...can anyone offer some help getting a TDM card working?
22:51.09*** join/#asterisk KrayZK (n=ykhan3@
22:51.20KrayZKHi again, everyone
22:51.56KrayZKanyone around?
22:52.04X-Filesdrumkilla: please answer ............
22:52.13truenorthHey KrayZK
22:53.19deezedhey whats the definitions of a "Call Shop"
22:53.35*** part/#asterisk opus_ (
22:54.55KrayZKIts awfully quiet in here? Where is everyone?
22:55.38KrayZKAny masters at work in here??
22:55.50KrayZKor maybe grandmasters?
22:57.09KrayZKyes, thats the right term for sure......ta ta ta....The Deadly style of Asterisk.....Dial :)
22:58.28KrayZKbenjk: Can you help me with a problem please?
22:59.06benjkI was just about to get some sleep
23:00.00KrayZKohhhh :( ok....g'nite then
23:00.26benjkif it's a quick one, I don't mind ... what's the trouble
23:00.29KrayZKWho else is out in the Asteriskverse
23:01.17KrayZKI keep getting an error Channel.c 1314 Dropping incompatible voice frame.....
23:01.30benjkah that one
23:01.46KrayZKand we have a lot of echo and other quality issues too....can't figure it out
23:01.51benjkdidn't we discuss this like what 4 or 5 hours ago
23:02.16KrayZKYes, I changed the jitterbuffer to no but still the problem persists
23:02.46KrayZKcould it be cause I'm using only softphones and no zaptel cards?
23:02.46benjkthat's not a trivial problem though
23:03.51KrayZKYou go ahead, get some zzzzz and I'll get online another time to find that ok?
23:04.49KrayZKI think that this error is causing the voice quality degradation
23:05.04benjkyeah sure, but it looks like you will have to do quite a bit of testing and debugging
23:05.40benjkmay want to ask someone who is working on chan_sip.c as well, maybe oej
23:06.16benjkanyway, good luck - I'll get some sleep now
23:06.37*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
23:06.55KrayZKoej are you around now?
23:06.58*** join/#asterisk lenne_dk (
23:07.33lenne_dkWhat's wrong with this: exten => s,3,DB(RepeatDial/${CALLERIDNUM})=${ARG1}
23:07.49KrayZKanyone with experience with Channel.c 1314 Dropping incompatible voice frame.....?
23:08.58lenne_dkpbx.c:1690 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'DB' for extension (macro-stdout, s, 3)
23:09.24*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
23:09.37Qwelllenne_dk: dbget, dbput, dbdel, no "db"
23:09.40*** join/#asterisk |cleric| (
23:10.27*** join/#asterisk djin_ib (
23:10.31Qwelloh, hmm...deprecated in favor of the "db"
23:10.39KrayZKcalling all masters.....Dropping incompatible voice frame......what solves this problem
23:10.40lenne_dkshow function DB: [Description]
23:10.40lenne_dkThis function will read or write a value from/to the Asterisk database.
23:10.40lenne_dkDB(...) will read a value from the database, while DB(...)=value
23:10.40lenne_dkwill write a value to the database.  On a read, this function
23:10.40lenne_dkreturns the value from the datase, or NULL if it does not exist.
23:10.41lenne_dkOn a write, this function will always return NULL.  Reading a database value
23:10.43lenne_dkwill also set the variable DB_RESULT.
23:10.43*** part/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
23:10.59QwellI see, I see
23:11.29Qwelllenne_dk: Did you forget the ) at the end?
23:11.49Qwelloh, nope
23:13.10KrayZKI guess no one's in here that can help me out with the Dropping incompatible frame problem
23:14.45lenne_dkI guess you are right...
23:15.20djin_ibDoes anyone have experience with sms receipt on a fixed line?
23:15.53KrayZKuntil next time then....
23:16.02*** part/#asterisk KrayZK (n=ykhan3@
23:16.42truenorthhaving trouble getting a Digium TDM card to configure...X100 clone works OK...can anyone help?
23:21.01X-Filesirkii`: where ?
23:21.47lenne_dkSolved: exten => s,3,set(DB(RepeatDial/${CALLERIDNUM})=${ARG1})
23:22.23lenne_dkNotice the set() around the DB...
23:24.01*** join/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
23:31.50denonhmm .. any australians around?
23:32.07denon(or people with boxes in AU)
23:33.40lenne_dknope, mate.
23:34.19denonI'm not in AU mate :)
23:34.31denonjust lookin for someone down under
23:35.19beernutsyep im in aus
23:35.45denonah, qld even
23:35.53beernutssunshine coast
23:36.00beernutsnorth of brisvegas
23:36.02denonclosest I ever came was gold coast
23:36.12beernutsahh ...2 hours away from me
23:36.17*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
23:42.53*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
23:43.37Chotaireguys, I am having a little problem. when pots (isdn) users call me on a sip phone number, they can't press any dtmf tone.
23:43.49ChotaireI am already using relaxdtmf=yes in sip.conf.. any idea?
23:44.51ChotaireI do have a similar problem when I call in from an analog phone, dtmf will only be detected when I use the handset, if I use the speaker, it won't detect properly.
23:44.59Chotaireanything else besides relaxdtmf that might be guilty?
23:45.02*** part/#asterisk truenorth (
23:46.27*** join/#asterisk phsdshft (n=nkoenig@
23:47.50phsdshftHi.. I'm sure this is a fairly common issue... but, I have a sipura spa-1000 behind a nat device (with port forwarding enabled) going to an asterisk server with a public IP... when I call, I get one way audio, the phone off of the sipura device can hear everything, but no one can hear anything from the sipura device... if it matters, the call is being sent back out an IAX session by the asterisk server...
23:48.35phsdshftI've googled a bit, and I have tried quite a few things suggested on webpages, etc... however, they don't seem to help, so I was hoping for well.. some further assistance :)
23:49.23*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
23:51.46*** part/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
23:54.39phsdshftif you want to help me with the aforementioned issue :)
23:56.30endre(umm, i can't help in that im sorry)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.