irclog2html for #asterisk on 20051115

00:00.49ManxPowerDruken, Um, move further south
00:01.05ManxPowerIn many parts of mexico you can live like a king of $30k/year
00:02.12rajivhow do you send a # to the called party of that is also used to transfer a call ?
00:02.36kn0xcan anyone at all help me with my asterisk issues
00:02.38kn0xheres my sip.conf          no sip peers will register and im getting a "chan_sip.c:1045 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x8155500 (len 398) to returned 5060: Bad file descriptor " on the cli
00:03.02kn0xrunning asterisk 1.2R2
00:03.16kn0xon 2.6.13
00:03.19ManxPowerrajiv, I have no idea what you just said.
00:03.42ManxPowerkn0x, did it fox it after you stopped and started Asterisk?
00:03.52ManxPowerfox == fix
00:04.33ManxPowerkn0x, what distro?
00:04.47ManxPowerkn0x, REMOVE THE BINDADDR!!!!!!!
00:05.07ManxPowerYou can't bind to an address that isn't on the box
00:05.32rajivlets say i have exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN},,T) then pressing # will allow me to transfer the call. what if i want to send # to the other side and not have asterisk pay attention to it
00:05.39litagehow does AMP ( compare to ScopServ (
00:06.05ManxPowerrajiv, you can't.
00:06.35ManxPowerrajiv, # transfers are just a hack for devices that are too brain dead to provide proper transfer support.
00:06.35kn0xmanx- gentoo
00:07.10kn0xim reloading after removal of bindaddr
00:07.10ManxPowerkn0x, well you have your solution
00:07.14rajivManxPower: what do you mean by 'proper transfer support' ? like a transfer button on the phone ?
00:07.15*** join/#asterisk slay (
00:07.15in-sidedoes anybody has libpthread working at FBSD 6.0 ?
00:07.23ManxPowerrajiv, correct
00:07.34rajivManxPower: hmm. i have no transfer button on this phone.
00:07.35ManxPowerin-side, try #asterisk-bsd
00:07.39kn0xmanx- same issue after removal of bindaddr
00:07.42ManxPowerrajiv, then get a real phone. 8-)
00:07.48rajivthere is 'flash' and 'function'
00:07.55ManxPowerrajiv, What phone do you have?
00:08.01rajivinnomedia mta 3308
00:08.10ManxPowerrajiv, never heard of it.  It's an IP phone?
00:08.12rajivno one seems to use it.
00:08.14rajivya ip phone
00:08.15Drukenasterboy: you still around?
00:08.19rajivi had to add it to the wiki
00:08.20in-sideManxPower: does it exist??
00:08.33*** part/#asterisk slay (
00:08.37ManxPowerin-side, it did at one time.
00:08.51rajivManxPower: i think it is like an ATA with a built in speaker and handset. it's not a 'real' ip phone with multiple line buttons, or even a hold button
00:09.00in-sidethink every old geek at there had died thanks anyway ;)
00:09.00ManxPowerin-side, there is also the asterisk-bsd mailing list
00:09.08kn0xmanxpower- i changed the bindaddr to
00:09.12kn0xand reloaded
00:09.14kn0xdidnt fix it
00:09.16ManxPowerrajiv, in the analog world "FLASH" is used for transfers
00:09.19kn0xsame issues
00:09.26ManxPowerkn0x, What part of "remove" did you not understand?
00:09.48ManxPowerkn0x, did you ever have Asterisk working on this system?
00:10.05ManxPowerkn0x, and do a unload and then load
00:10.16kn0xi moved from slack to gentoo
00:10.30Sedoroxgood move
00:10.39ManxPowerkn0x, don't allow both alaw and ulaw
00:10.43Sedorox'tho slack is still good for a lot of stuff
00:11.00*** join/#asterisk Ropeguru (n=ropeguru@
00:11.06ManxPowerSedorox, They are both good if you have more time than sense.
00:11.08rajivManxPower: k. i guess i'll remove T and use flash
00:11.20ManxPowerrajiv, try it, if it works then great
00:11.29kn0xw00t manx- it registeered after i reloaded
00:11.37rajivflash seems to work okay for transfers
00:11.44rajivbut you are right. i need to get a better phone
00:11.46Sedoroxredhat -> mandrake -> slack -> gentoo  for me... over.. 6-7 years
00:12.00ManxPowerWe have used Mandrake for close to 8 years
00:12.14ManxPowerIn production since 6.2
00:12.27Sedoroxyea.. I started with Redhat 5.1 I think...
00:12.29Sedorox5.1 or 5.2
00:12.30Sedoroxbut eh
00:12.37Sedorox'tis all in the learning experience
00:14.00sahafeezSedorox: moved from gentoo to slack for the asterisk box. cleaner. just compile from source. fuckng ebuilds are screwed
00:14.04sahafeezfor asterisk
00:14.28rajivsahafeez: 1.0.x or 1.2.x ?
00:14.44sahafeezthis was about 2 months ago
00:14.47sahafeezso 1.0
00:15.15rajivwhat kind of issues? i'm running 1.0.9 with no probs (and i'm a gentoo dev)
00:15.32sahafeezrajiv: i need stuff that was not in the ebuild.
00:15.40*** join/#asterisk klictel (n=klictel@
00:15.42klictelhi all
00:16.17rajivsahafeez: well we'll take patches to the ebuild if you have some. otherwise you know about the portage overlay support for rolling your own ebuilds?
00:16.32sahafeezrajiv: thats all. i wanted to build from HEAD and had issues under gentoo. got on the channel no one answered and i was in crunch so i just formated and went to slackware. i run gentoo for desktop on my sparc.
00:16.49sahafeezrajiv: yes. did not really have time to mess with it.
00:17.11*** join/#asterisk fanguin (
00:17.16sahafeezrajiv: i run freebsd mostly for servers anyway.
00:17.19rajivk. the cvs ebuilds are/were busted
00:19.57kn0xNov 14 12:19:05 WARNING[7458]: chan_zap.c:912 zt_open: Unable to open '/dev/zap/pseudo': No such file or directory
00:20.03kn0xnow im getting this with meetme
00:20.30ManxPowerkn0x, do you have zaptel loaded and running?
00:20.43ManxPower(either the card driver or ztdummy)
00:20.45kn0xztdummy aswell
00:20.50kn0xno card
00:20.56ManxPowerkn0x, and "lsmod" shows it's loaded
00:21.09justinukn0x: what os?
00:21.13kn0xasterisk1*CLI> !modprobe -l /lib/modules/2.6.13-gentoo-r5/misc/ztdynamic.ko /lib/modules/2.6.13-gentoo-r5/misc/ztdummy.ko /lib/modules/2.6.13-gentoo-r5/misc/ztd-loc.ko /lib/modules/2.6.13-gentoo-r5/misc/ztd-eth.ko /lib/modules/2.6.13-gentoo-r5/misc/zaptel.ko
00:21.24justinudoes that use udevd?
00:21.30kn0xrunnign 2.6.13r5(gentoo) kernel
00:21.39skyenyes, gentoo uses udevd
00:21.50*** join/#asterisk test34 (n=test34@unaffiliated/test34)
00:21.52justinudid you modify the files like README.udev told you to?
00:22.07ManxPowerkn0x, and "lsmod" shows it's loaded?
00:22.17kn0xnever came across that justinu
00:22.28ManxPowerkn0x, Um, the modules must be loaded BEFORE Asterisk is started.
00:22.41justinukn0x: look in the zaptel directory and follow those instructions to create the /dev/zap files
00:22.56kn0xheres the thing though i cannot load zaptel
00:22.58kn0xFATAL: Error inserting zaptel (/lib/modules/2.6.13-gentoo-r5/misc/zaptel.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
00:23.06kn0xmodproble zaptel
00:23.21justinumodprobe ztdummy, since you don't have a zaptel board
00:23.23ManxPowerkn0x, if zaptel and ztdummy are not BOTH loaded, you can't use meetme
00:23.42kn0xi did the CONFIG_CRC_CCITT=y
00:23.47kn0xin the menuconfig
00:23.52ManxPowerjustinu, modprobe ztdummy will autoload zaptel
00:24.12kn0xdmesg shows
00:24.17kn0xzaptel: Unknown symbol crc_ccitt_table zaptel: Unknown symbol crc_ccitt_table ztdummy: Unknown symbol rtc_register ztdummy: Unknown symbol zt_receive ztdummy: Unknown symbol zt_transmit ztdummy: Unknown symbol zt_unregister ztdummy: Unknown symbol rtc_unregister ztdummy: Unknown symbol zt_register ztdummy: Unknown symbol rtc_control
00:24.37ManxPowerkn0x, sounds like you need to modporbe rtc and crc_citt
00:25.08*** join/#asterisk twisted[mobile] (n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted)
00:25.08*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted[mobile]] by ChanServ
00:25.10kn0xthose are both built into the kernel
00:25.25kn0xi told them both to build inside the kernel
00:25.47rajivdid you install and reboot with the new kernel ?
00:26.54ManxPowerkn0x, ztdummy MAY reuiqre they are built as modules
00:27.46LostFrogHmm.. the transfer on hook setting on snoms can be dangerous.
00:28.09ManxPowerOn Time
00:28.12kn0xdo i need extended rtc
00:28.22ManxPowerYup, for UPS a package being ontime IS an exception
00:28.45ManxPowerkn0x, I dunno.  I've never been so cheap that I can't buy a $9 X100P clone if I need to use MettMe
00:30.32ManxPowerI got a request from a client to change the message when someone tries to hit "0" in the IVR from "No, no, no!  Try again smart guy!".  They wanted something "more professional"
00:31.21LostFroglol.. MettMe
00:31.38LostFrogDanm snom for their lack of documentation and their subtleties.
00:32.38LostFrogI can't understand why, ManxPower..
00:32.54AnthroSo I'm doing make INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local that the right way to go about it?
00:33.00sahafeezwhich is better dtmfmode=inband
00:33.01sahafeezor rfc2833
00:33.05LostFrogMaybe 'you-sound-cute', ManxPower?
00:33.23ManxPowerLostFrog, it's an Allison recording.
00:33.26LostFrogEver try inband over g729 or g726? :)
00:33.36LostFrogManxPower: I know. i was joking.
00:33.38ManxPowerI didn't think THAT many people tried to 0 out of the IVR
00:33.49LostFrogSo is 'you-sound-cute'
00:33.55LostFrogor 'you-sound-impatient'
00:34.13LostFrogyou-seem-impatient, even.
00:34.14*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
00:35.31ManxPowerLostFrog, Apparently their clients don't have a sense of humor.  The may me take off the message at the end of the IVR options.  "If you don't know your party's extension or are simply confused, stay on the line and someone will be with you shortly"
00:35.51ManxPowerApparently some little old lady that called was offended by it
00:36.11Sedoroxsahafeez: I don't see any problems with the ebuilds right now.. 'tho when I see one.. I'm gonna do source
00:36.19LostFrogHow?? That is nonoffensive.
00:36.21mog_workthats sad manx
00:36.25sahafeezSedorox: this was a month ago
00:36.36ManxPowermog_work, My client loved it, their clients didn't.
00:37.05SedoroxI'm running 1.0.9 from ebuild right now on a production box.. doesn't seem to have any problems *knocks on wood*
00:37.12mog_worki often have you are not the next caller in line on my phone
00:37.26ManxPowerI don't work for people without a twisted sense of humor and medical people DO have a twisted sense of humor.
00:37.36LostFrogNow.. if it said 'Well.. obviously, you are clueless, let me connect you to the operator.', I would understand.
00:39.09kn0xmanx- hold with me i have to eat
00:39.41LostFrogWhat is an 'intonation file?'
00:40.13ManxPowerIt's looking like the thread '"open" asterisk' is going to be the Thread From Hell
00:40.58LostFrogI guess I should subscribe to the mailing lists.
00:41.10*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
00:41.21mog_workyeah manx
00:41.26litagedoes AMP support Asterisk 1.2 yet?
00:41.33mog_workroyk tends to do things like that
00:42.20MikeJ[Laptop]royk tends o do things like what?
00:42.25*** join/#asterisk xiel (
00:42.39mog_workspread FUD
00:42.45mog_workwhatever you want to call it
00:42.47MikeJ[Laptop]YAY FUD!
00:42.50LostFrogmmm.. FUD
00:42.52ManxPowerMikeJ[Laptop], Some people involved with Asterisk are .....  high strung.
00:42.54MikeJ[Laptop]what list?
00:43.10MikeJ[Laptop]oh... I havn't read users in sooo long
00:43.11MikeJ[Laptop]no time..
00:43.22MikeJ[Laptop]have a hard enough time keeping up w/ dev and cvs
00:43.31mog_worksome people dont like it when they say their employeer engages in anti-competive biz tactics
00:43.43mog_workesp when they are baseless
00:44.03MikeJ[Laptop]and I have been working on some other stuff in msvc lately... I haven't touched a gcc based project in tooo long
00:44.25LostFrogok.. off-topic, anyone have any recommendations for linux webmail servers?
00:44.37ManxPowermog_work, here is a case where Mark could publicly post to the mailing list stating Digium's official position on the issue.
00:44.41MikeJ[Laptop]LostFrog, sure somone does
00:44.53LostFrogYeah, funny, MikeJ.
00:44.54mog_workyeah i am gonna buzz him next time i see him
00:45.11mog_workim sure there will be words
00:45.16MikeJ[Laptop]ok.. back to my msvc dependency lib download\compile bat file work :P
00:45.39MikeJ[Laptop]mog_work, that'll teach you to read the users list
00:45.42*** part/#asterisk SplasPood (
00:45.42LostFrogewww.. msvc.
00:45.49*** join/#asterisk bweschke (
00:46.17MikeJ[Laptop]LostFrog, honestly, I like the debug system... I am not in love with the project\make system
00:46.34MikeJ[Laptop]but that being said... not like makefiles or autotools are any good either
00:47.16LostFrogI don't want to browse through freshmeat again. :(
00:47.24MikeJ[Laptop]if you have good portable code, msvc is fast, makes nice and little files, and rebuilds\relinks 10 times as fast as gcc ever has
00:48.01MikeJ[Laptop]now the trickery part there is the portable code part.
00:48.25MikeJ[Laptop]as MSVC does not have any posix stuff... just ansi c++
00:48.30LostFroghmm.. I hate companies that don't post prices for their software..
00:49.06MikeJ[Laptop]if microsoft built real posix compliant api's into their system stock, it would be way way easier
00:49.10LostFrogI would pay a decent amount for a good webmail software.
00:49.23MikeJ[Laptop]LostFrog, MS exchange :D
00:49.29tzangerLostFrog: openwebmail or squirrelmail (what I use) isn't good?
00:49.32*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
00:49.43bweschkeLostFrog: I like and use squirrelmail
00:49.49bweschkeit's not perfect, but can't beat the price
00:49.54mog_worksquirelmail is awesome
00:50.09kn0xmanxpower-  asterisk1 ~ # modprobe rtc FATAL: Module rtc not found.
00:50.12tzangerI'd use openwebmail if it didn't try and access the mail directly (i.e. use the damn imap server)
00:51.13LostFrogI will have to try both.
00:51.25LostFrogAfter I see a man about a horse.
00:52.20*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
00:53.34stbainnumber 3 to place in the fourth?
00:54.46FlautoNov 14 18:31:17 WARNING[22778]: chan_sip.c:9575 handle_response_register: Got 200 OK on REGISTER that isn't a register, what does this mean
00:55.21*** join/#asterisk Jzalae (
00:55.45LostFrogNumber 10 in the 2nd.
00:55.49marcus2so, is anyone using chan_bluetooth? =D
00:55.51*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
00:57.32LostFroglol.. webmail for nuts!
00:58.40nick125marcus2: that exists? :o
00:58.46marcus2it appears to
00:59.01marcus2the idea is certainly very cool
00:59.10nick125"The first version of chan_bluetooth has been released. This code allows you to use a bluetooth compatible cell phone to connect to your Asterisk box."
01:01.03mog_workthats hott
01:01.39d-techcell phone with a fifty foot operational radius ... novel concept?!
01:01.49*** join/#asterisk YoMama (
01:01.59YoMamaanyone here have issues with the S100U?
01:02.27ManxPowerYoMama, You mean the IAXy?
01:02.48mog_workno s100u predates iaxy
01:02.53mog_workusb ata
01:03.01YoMamaManxPower: no...the S100U...usb fxs thingamajigger
01:03.11YoMamathe fact that no one usually knows what i'm talking about means it's a serious piece of crap
01:03.18RoyKmog_work: the s100u is no good
01:03.29ManxPowerYoMama, They were so unreliable, flakey, and died from static that digium stopped selling them like a year ago
01:03.42mog_workyeah digium had bad run with them
01:03.44YoMamaManxPower: uh huh...figured that out.. :(
01:03.45*** part/#asterisk Ropeguru (n=ropeguru@
01:03.47mog_workthat and x100p
01:03.56YoMamai have an x100p...seems to work great
01:03.58mog_workotherwise we make and design hw ourselves
01:04.21ManxPowerYoMama, Digium didn't design the X100P or the S100U (afaik)
01:04.32YoMamai should just stop being such a cheapass and buy a TDM400
01:04.47ManxPowerYoMama, or be less of a cheapass and get a SIPura ATA
01:04.54mog_workyup manx we wrote drivers for themn
01:04.59mog_workbut they are normal devices
01:05.11YoMamaManxPower: i also have an old Motorola VT1005V from Vonage...i think i gotta pay them to unlock it though
01:05.38YoMamaManxPower: i hear some of those are locked..gotta be careful what u buy on ebay
01:05.39d-tech[Digium didn't design the X100P] ... huh?
01:05.49ManxPowerYoMama, Katrina took care of all that sort of stuff that I could not bear to throw away, but wasn't very usable.  It was all sitting on the floor.
01:06.03mog_worknope x100p is a stock winmodem
01:06.15mog_workwe used to say it on site somewhere
01:06.21mog_workeverything else is designed here though
01:06.21YoMamaManxPower: u are from lousiana?
01:06.23ManxPowerd-tech, The X100P is pretty much a specific type of winmodem, using a specific chipset and specific firmware that Digium wrote zaptel drivers for.
01:06.32ManxPowerYoMama, Lived near Gulfport MS
01:06.45ManxPower1/2 mile from the ocean
01:06.51YoMamaManxPower: wow
01:06.55d-techthey just re-marketed it?!
01:07.06IronHelixi would be surprised if Vonage allowed any sort of vt1xxx unlcokign
01:07.11ManxPowerd-tech, they added a heat sink and I think took off a resisotr
01:07.23YoMamaIronHelix: why?  i've read reports they'll unlock it for $15
01:07.33IronHelixa vt1000?  surprising
01:07.45IronHelixmostly because there are no config fields
01:07.45ManxPowerYoMama, 90% of the city I lived in was TOTALLY destroyed.  The building I was renting only had minor wind damage and only 3ft of water in it.
01:07.48YoMamaIronHelix: in fact..i'm gonna call 'em now
01:08.01YoMamaManxPower: the company i used to work for had an office in NOLA
01:08.02ManxPowerI lived in "Waveland, MS"
01:08.06sahafeezissue: anyone hits # it does  -- Playing 'pbx-transfer' (language 'en'). can i undo that
01:08.11YoMamait was on the 20th floor, but the windows were all blownout
01:08.21ManxPowersahafeez, take off T and t from the Dial command.
01:08.36ManxPowerYoMama, my largest client's HQ is north of NOLA, but had some small offices in the city.
01:08.49IronHelixi would be surprised if they do...  the vt1000 unlike others like the pap2 is solely designed as provider CPE, to be delivered locked.  To the best of my knowledge there is no 'useful' web config screen and it wont let you change the tftp server
01:08.54IronHelixof course i could be wrong
01:08.55sahafeezManxPower: and that will not affect the ability to transfer a call with the "transfer button"
01:09.03ManxPowersahafeez, NO!~
01:09.04*** join/#asterisk ptiggerdine (
01:09.07IronHelixyomama LMK what happensw with it
01:09.15ManxPowert and T are ONLY for DTMF (#) transfers
01:09.15sahafeezManxPower: you rule
01:09.32sahafeezok, so no T or t
01:09.40sahafeezis RFC2833 DTMF
01:09.53sahafeezyes..answer my own question sorry
01:10.11IronHelixRFC/sipinfo/inband all ways of sending dtmf over SIP
01:10.19RoyKdigium is scared
01:10.31RoyKthey have started sensoring the list
01:10.52IronHelix/ more info?
01:11.02pcmyeah ! I got banned :)
01:11.18IronHelixfor what?
01:11.21RoyKi just replied to a post of my initial post of [Asterisk-Users] "open" asterisk?
01:11.40RoyKand got an answer "post to a moderated list"
01:11.46RoyKnever got that before
01:12.41RoyKthey prolly don't want to hear people saying things against their own 'reason'
01:13.00IronHelixi didnt even know there was such a thing as a tdm400 clone
01:13.11pcmwell you don't read the list :)
01:13.23IronHelixdont have enough time :(
01:13.35tzangerI could never get to the clone mfg's website
01:13.39pcmI don't read the list either ... only the titles from the digest
01:13.41tzangerI guess Digium's controling my DNS
01:13.50ManxPowerRoyK, Im, I get held for moderation occsionally.  The mailing list software does it automatically when it thinks it should.
01:14.01ManxPowerIronHelix, there isn't
01:14.08YoMamaIronHelix: i was gonna do vonage..except those ijits could never get my phone # transferred
01:14.11RoyKManxPower: we'll see
01:14.11YoMamaso i said screw it
01:14.23pcmmanxpower: how to unban myself from the list ?
01:14.34ManxPowerpcm, unban who from what list?
01:14.46pcmmanxpower: well I can't post to the list anymore :)
01:14.49RoyKManxPower: it was very timey, just when i posted something that was in the way of asterisk
01:15.20ManxPowerRoyK, I vaguely recall it happened to me when I had a tiny post or a reply with no new content
01:15.32IronHelixyomama- same.  tried to have them transfer, it would take 20days, 2 years later nothing
01:15.36ManxPowerpcm, Perhaps you did something to piss someone off.
01:15.43IronHelixnow im trying to get them to get their claws off my 'temporary number'
01:15.45ManxPowerIt IS Digium's list, afterall.
01:16.02IronHelixhmmm, just read the thread, this looks like a mess :(
01:16.02puzzledevening all
01:16.10RoyKManxPower: ok
01:16.12*** join/#asterisk klydal (
01:16.16ManxPowerIronHelix, I'm adding it to my killfile
01:16.25RoyKafter all
01:16.31RoyKasterisk is pure open source
01:16.36*** join/#asterisk marc324 (
01:16.37RoyKfreedom to
01:16.44IronHelixso if i got it right, openpbx guys hired allison to record shit, mark said no way, so allison has to choose between openpbx and digium
01:16.47marc324ne1 familiar with ser config?
01:16.48IronHelixor did i miss something
01:16.57ManxPowerRoyK, you either need to get laid or get some valium
01:17.11YoMamaoh my god...their customer care people are idiots
01:17.17ManxPowerIronHelix, that is the claim by some people.  I'm just waiting.
01:17.17YoMamathank god i cancelled
01:17.20klydalhey everyone, Im new.  Im confused about what asterisk is.  Is it a Voip?  or just extra service?
01:17.41RoyKManxPower: my short little test message also got blocked
01:17.46tzangerklydal: asterisk is an open-source PBX
01:17.47RoyKstrange thing....
01:17.53IronHelixklydal- asterisk is a piece of software that acts like a pbx or phone system.  it can work with voip or any other voice channel pretty much
01:18.00ManxPowerklydal, it's a PBX that supports several ways of getting/sending phone calls.
01:18.01tzangerit can do VOIP, it can do analog lines, it can do T1/E1 and PRI
01:18.06ManxPowerRoyK, did it say "test message"?
01:18.07tzangerit's a phone system
01:18.14puzzledklydal: go to and read all about it in the book online or buy the book
01:18.19klydalso its free?
01:18.21jbotmethinks docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
01:18.25Math`klydal: yeah
01:18.32ManxPowerklydal, the software is, obviously the hardware is not.
01:19.00YoMamahmm..what's the diff between asterisk and openpbx?
01:19.00puzzledManxPower: and that should obviously change :)
01:19.11puzzledYoMama: the name?
01:19.12*** join/#asterisk test34- (n=test34@unaffiliated/test34)
01:19.12ManxPowerYoMama, politics
01:19.21tzangerYoMama: not too much right now.  Mostly political
01:19.23mog_workit will diverge a lot, just hasnt yet
01:19.26RoyKManxPower: no
01:19.34YoMamamog_work: what's their philosophy?
01:19.36YoMamahey math
01:19.41klydalthanks guys
01:19.51mog_workwell it depends who you ask yomama
01:19.58mog_worksome people say its the truely open pbx
01:20.02ManxPowerYoMama, go to to learn about it.
01:20.03YoMamawhy's not like someone can't write zaptel compatible drivers for their hardware
01:20.07mog_workas they dont do dual licenseing
01:20.13mog_workand arent part of digium
01:20.21RoyKa message with subject "compilation faliure" got blocked
01:20.22mog_workothers say they are really really angry at digium
01:20.29puzzledklydal: the book gives you a lot of info as does and the mailinglist archives. best is to get your hands dirrty, install play, learn and conquer
01:20.36mog_workit seems like a bit of both
01:20.38ManxPowerRoyK, you really need to stop channeling bkw_
01:20.39RoyKManxPower: someone @digium is prolly pissed off at me
01:20.52RoyKManxPower: i've done that once
01:20.54ManxPowerRoyK, Honestly, why should we care?
01:20.58klydalso I could use asterik instead of geting something like vonage?
01:21.06tzangerRoyK: I dunno I've said some pretty sharp criticisims of digium on -users and not gotten banned
01:21.14ManxPowerRoyK, Well the people on this channel, for example.
01:21.17tzangerRoyK: that tends to tell me that they don't moderate those who don't toe the line
01:21.21YoMamamog_work: hmm...that's really too bad...time would be better spent improving asterisk
01:21.25YoMamadigium only sells software
01:21.27*** join/#asterisk cmslaght (
01:21.29ManxPowerYoMama, I agree.
01:21.30mog_workthe only thing that has been removed roy
01:21.32tzangerYoMama: no
01:21.34tzangerthey sell ABE too
01:21.35mog_workis gpl violation g729 links
01:21.42RoyKit's a new thing :)
01:21.46cmslaghtHas anyone messed with vmexten in the sip.conf?
01:21.55RoyKsuddenly digium starts censoring
01:21.58mog_workdigium sells hw , sw, and services
01:22.03ManxPowermog_work, I noticed that when I was trying to find the URL for the pirate G729 stuff so I could report the site to the patent holders
01:22.07puzzledcmslaght: new to me
01:22.07CoaxDGod damnit.  DiscoverCard's login thing is being shittttttt slow
01:22.21mog_workyeah we have to do it manx or we lose are license
01:22.28YoMamamog_work: k...but my point is nothing is stopping anyone from writing zaptel compatible drivers right?
01:22.30*** join/#asterisk bweschke (n=bweschke@
01:22.35ManxPowermog_work, It was annoying, but understandable
01:22.43mog_workand several none digium cards are supported yomama
01:22.45tzangermog_work: when digium *does* censor, is themessage replaced with "this message was removed due to patent/copyright violation material" ?
01:22.50puzzledManxPower: only "pirate" in countries where the patents are valid...
01:22.52mog_workyes tzanger
01:23.01tzangermog_work: that's excellent
01:23.03mog_workor something like that
01:23.24YoMamamog_work: k..then how is it not open source?  if i was "mad" at digium...i'd go off and start my own hardware company that made these boards and write drivers for them
01:23.40ManxPowerYoMama, If you want your code included with Asterisk, Digium requires you to give them a free license to use your code and reserve the right to sell a non-opensource product (Asterisk Business Edition) and use your code.  Some people don't like that and so OpenPBX was born.
01:24.03mog_worksome people thought abe was digium's way to get rich of devs hard work
01:24.11YoMamaManxPower: ah
01:24.17mog_workthey also didnt like disclaimer
01:24.22mog_workor the structure of dev model
01:24.35YoMamaManxPower: screw that then...just supply it all as patches then :)
01:24.50mog_workas asterisk is lead by digium employee mark
01:24.54YoMamaManxPower: not the most graceful...but it works
01:25.03ManxPowerYoMama, you will hear people that say Digium requires you to sign your copyright on your code over to Digium.  Yes, you CAN do that, but you can also just give them a free unrestricted license to use your code and you keep the copyright.
01:25.23drumkillaDigium does not even provide a disclaimer to do that.
01:25.30mog_worknot yet
01:25.35mog_workbut it has been discussed
01:25.39tzangerDigium's disclaimer doesn't assign copyright
01:25.47puzzledaren't there 2 disclaimers, a short one and long one?
01:25.50drumkillathe FSF, for example, requires you to assign copyright to them
01:25.57tzangerjust perpetual transferable license to use your code
01:25.59tzangeryou keep the copyright
01:26.10mog_workboth options are essentially that now
01:26.16mog_workone is more legalize than the other
01:26.19ManxPowerdrumkilla, I think they refer to:
01:26.19drumkillaone puts your code in public domain, the other just provides Digium with an unlimited license, but you retain copyright ...
01:26.34YoMamaManxPower: if i write something nifty for asterisk...and want it included...basically i'm allowing them to use it for free in their commercial edition
01:26.42ManxPowerWhere I prefer this one:  Hell, I even amended this disclaimer to make some changes.
01:26.44mog_workbut you dont have to do that
01:26.50mog_workyou can keep your patch up by yourself
01:26.52ManxPowerYoMama, Yes.
01:26.55mog_workand people can apply patch
01:27.12mog_worklike for example my patch res_xmpp isnt in tree yet
01:27.17mog_workso i maintain it elsewhere
01:27.20drumkillabut if you get your patch in the tree, we update it for you.
01:27.22Math`and you have to re-diff it every week :P
01:27.23mog_worktill its ready
01:27.31mog_workmore often than that math
01:27.38mog_workas it is few thousand lines now
01:27.40puzzledso what do you guys think about merging e.g. the autoconf stuff into * (which obviously means the abe can only use the parts that are disclaimed)?
01:27.57tzangerpuzzled: wont' happen for many reasons already
01:28.04RoyKseems digium has suddenly moderated the -users list
01:28.06tzangerbasically nobody at digium's willing to maintain it
01:28.12RoyKall my messages are being held
01:28.12ManxPowerpuzzled, Are you volunteering to maintain it.
01:28.14tzangerRoyK: shut up about that already
01:28.19drumkillaRoyK: you have no idea what you are talking about
01:28.22tzangeryou've probably been shitlisted for one reason or another
01:28.23mog_workthat and no code goes into main tree unless its disclaimed
01:28.27drumkillathe list server gets overloaded occassionally
01:28.29RoyKdrumkilla: ???
01:28.32RoyKtzanger: ???????
01:28.32drumkillatakes some time for messages to get through
01:28.33mog_worki will go look into it roy
01:28.36puzzledManxPower: that's an open door answer. I was looking for an open discussion
01:28.38drumkillaRoyK: you are making stuff up
01:28.39mog_workbut the only person who could do that
01:28.43mog_workisnt around at the moment
01:28.49tzangerRoyK: have you been making tons of posts in the last [short amount of time] ?
01:28.49mog_workand would not be around to do so
01:28.58RoyKdrumkilla: no. i'm not. wanna see the emails i just got?
01:29.10RoyKi've been posting loads of stuff to that list
01:29.13RoyKbut just now
01:29.18YoMamavonage sucks...they can't even hear me..
01:29.19RoyKall gets 'moderated'
01:29.26ManxPowerpuzzled, I know, but it's kind of silly to talk about it if someone isn't going to maintain it.
01:29.26RoyKthat has never happened before
01:29.30drumkillado you think anyone at digium has time to moderate that list?
01:29.45tzangerRoyK: what I am getting at is this: Have you posted a ton of messages in the last little while ... could you have been misdetected as a runaway MUA?
01:29.46drumkillawell, the answer is absolutely not ...
01:29.49RoyKdrumkilla: perhaps they just put my address on a bad-guy-list
01:29.55ManxPowerdrumkilla, only to unsubscribe spammers or people that stir up trouble 8-)
01:30.03RoyKtzanger: not in a little while
01:30.12RoyKtzanger: not more than earlier
01:30.24puzzledManxPower: agree but was looking for ideas/opinions on the viability of such an idea before the pratical part needed to be addressed
01:30.27mog_workit is moderated from time to time, for g729 violations
01:30.42ManxPowerThe whole "open" Asterisk thread has about as much useful stuff as the GPL threads or the G723.1/G729 threads and the patent threads.
01:30.45mog_workbut the person who can moderate is on a trip, and would not be online to do so
01:31.04RoyKManxPower: wrong
01:31.15puzzledmog_work: that must be a challenge given the fact that the site that has the stuff is (afaik) not subject to those US patents
01:31.18RoyKManxPower: the thread is about digium abusing their position
01:31.26ManxPowerpuzzled, I don't think Digium has any interest in getting patches from  Since one of's issues is disclaiming source.
01:31.28mog_workwe only remove links to binary
01:31.34mog_workthat is our legal need
01:31.49ManxPowerRoyK, Um, it's their mailing list, it's their product, they CAN'T abuse their position.
01:31.54tzangerI can't believe that chick's 14
01:32.03ManxPowerThat's like saying I'm abuseing my position if I don't let you use my credit card.
01:32.11Math`tzanger: </outofcontext> ? lol :P
01:32.16tzangerI'm *so* glad I've got a stable relationship... I'd be in jail for sure
01:32.25RoyKManxPower: i'm talking about the thread. that is about digium abusing their 'monopoly'
01:32.26tzangeror maybe not
01:32.27AnthroLostFrog: How did you compile 1.2rc2 on Debian stable? It seems to need a newer libpri.
01:32.30puzzledManxPower: yup but perhaps its (in the future) ppl can discuss and ammend their differences so both communities can benefit from the work from all sides
01:32.31tzangerthat's the dude's she's with
01:32.37ManxPowerRoyK, has taken the ONLY viable route to protest this -- fork the tree.
01:33.12mog_workyikes tzanger
01:33.17RoyKManxPower: so it's ok for digium to continue abusing their position in the name of gpl?
01:33.24ManxPowerpuzzled, Honestly, I think the only thing that will heal the rift is for Digium to ONLY have a GPL license and stop ABE, and I don't see that happening anytime soon.
01:33.27RoyKyou think that's a good thing?
01:33.28tzangerRoyK: unless you've got proof that's what they did, you're speculating
01:33.42tzangerthat's my baby girl though
01:33.45mog_workmanx that wouldnt heal the wound
01:33.58tzangerI have a feeling I'm gonna need to keep a shotgun by the door
01:33.58mog_workor at least not in my opinion
01:34.00ManxPowerRoyK, You have taken the only viable route to fix that -- fork the codebase.
01:34.11tzangerManxPower: that won't fix it
01:34.16puzzledManxPower: that's why I asked about the Asterisk foundation :) aIt has been done before
01:34.24puzzleds/aIt/and it
01:34.39tzangerone of the biggest grips openpbx has with asterisk (and I agree with from time to time) is that Mark's not at this point willing to give up enough control to let it grow as fast as it needs
01:34.39puzzledis that the guy that shot the parent of the blond girl?
01:34.41mog_workthat is not a bad idea puzzled
01:34.46tzangerpuzzled: yeah
01:34.56RoyKtzanger: read that email or talk to bkw or both
01:35.04RoyKManxPower: it's already forked
01:35.05ManxPowertzanger, Yes, I agree with that, but I'm not going and forking the code over it.
01:35.06tzangerRoyK: for the final time, I *READ* the email you posted
01:35.09RoyKManxPower: get real
01:35.10tzangerit showed NOTHING
01:35.15tzangerRoyK: I've TALKED to BKW
01:35.28ManxPowertzanger, I guess if I was a programmer and not someone that just wants to get the job done for clients, I might care a bit more.
01:35.31tzangeras I said, Alison asked Digium and Digium said "it's your chocie"
01:35.32RoyKthen start thinking
01:35.33puzzledseems to me we need some reflection and that excellent pakistan amdassador that leads the Tunis WSIS talks
01:35.50tzangerManxPower: perhaps...  but I don't agree a lot with RMSisms to begin with
01:35.59ManxPowertzanger, Me neither.
01:36.01tzangerhe's done great things but he's also a fruit loop
01:36.10tzangerthis fucking cat is sleeping and farting
01:36.16RoyKtzanger: as in "it's you choice. we will continue using you as our source of voice if you solemly stick to us........"
01:36.21RoyKor something?
01:36.24tzangerRoyK: no
01:36.27tzangerit's "It's your choice"
01:36.27ManxPowertzanger, I agree with that as well.  RMS is a lunatic, but he has accomplished a lot of good stuff.
01:36.34tzangerthere was none of that "we will continue using you.." bullshit
01:36.38tzangerthat is the speculation on your part
01:36.52tzangerhell not even the email you posted said that
01:36.56tzangerall it said was "It's your choice"
01:37.02RoyKtzanger: so why would she suddenly stop serving other people?
01:37.05tzangerif you wish to speculate, then do so but CLEARLY INDICATE your speculation
01:37.11ManxPowertzanger, you and I both know the simple solution is for Mark to post a message making sure we hear HIS position on this issue.
01:37.14asterboytdm400p clones would be nice, but what would be better is cheaper VOIP termination!
01:37.16RoyKshe makes a living out of that for gods sake?
01:37.20tzangerRoyK: I don't know.  But until you hear from her, you're speculating
01:37.22drumkillaRoyK: her own choice
01:37.25drumkillaRoyK: I know this for a fact.
01:37.28*** join/#asterisk supaigtr (n=yurplsl@
01:37.42tzangerRoyK: as I said, she has made enough to BUY A HOUSE BEFORE DIGIUM CAME IN TO THE PICTURE... I seriously doubt digium's got tha tmuch influence over her
01:37.47mog_workanyone at astricon who was there would know
01:37.55RoyKdrumkilla: so suddenly she finds that all other projects except asterisk isn't worth working for?
01:37.56tzangerManxPower: true, but Mark never does that
01:38.21ManxPowertzanger, It's one of his few Great Failings, in my opinion.
01:38.23asterboyI want $5 local VOIP termination and $15 unlimited NorthAmerican calling!!!
01:38.30tzangerManxPower: agreed... he's extraordinarily busy
01:38.31tzangerand handsome
01:38.36tzangerI mean smart
01:38.42RoyKeven if she can make just as much money from them as she can from * projects?
01:38.45puzzledasterboy: start your own clec
01:38.45ManxPowerasterboy, Yes, and I want an 8-ball of coke, but we can't always get what we want.
01:38.48Math`astcryz: uhm vbuzzer has 8$us unlimited DOD to north america
01:39.07puzzledManxPower: dutch coke or the other kind?
01:39.10asterboyMath: sweet!
01:39.25ManxPowerpuzzled, I was joking.  Coke is far overrated.
01:39.39puzzledindeed it is
01:39.48Math`asterboy: they say you have to use their software, but its SIP with plaintext auth :)
01:39.57tzangerRoyK: *sigh*  ask her
01:40.06puzzledRoyK: does she work for free for Digium?
01:40.11tzangerbut please for the love of god please stop whining about it here.  We dont' have enough information
01:40.22mog_workno puzzled
01:40.25kn0xmanxpower- back
01:40.43kn0xWARNING: /lib/modules/2.6.13-gentoo-r5/misc/ztdummy.ko needs unknown symbol rtc_register WARNING: /lib/modules/2.6.13-gentoo-r5/misc/ztdummy.ko needs unknown symbol rtc_unregister WARNING: /lib/modules/2.6.13-gentoo-r5/misc/ztdummy.ko needs unknown symbol rtc_control
01:40.51puzzledmog_work: it was rhetorical :) at least I assumed the relation was commercial
01:40.55RoyKpuzzled: no. i guess not. but i guess she's been told to keep away from the "voip terrorists"
01:40.56tzangerkn0x: you need rtc support in your kenrel
01:40.58tzangerer kernel
01:40.59mog_workload rtc or crc kn0x
01:41.03mog_worki cant ever remeber
01:41.06ManxPowerIt seems to me all the high string people went to OpenPBX.  Maybe it should be called EctomorphPBX?
01:41.09kn0xbuilt in?
01:41.11tzangerthat's RTC
01:41.17mog_workwell some people are crazy puzzled...
01:41.33kn0xhere i have it installed as a module
01:41.34ManxPowertzanger, I think is problem is that he compiled RTC as part of the kernel and not as a module.
01:41.41kn0xWARNING: /lib/modules/2.6.13-gentoo-r5/misc/ztdummy.ko needs unknown symbol rtc_register WARNING: /lib/modules/2.6.13-gentoo-r5/misc/ztdummy.ko needs unknown symbol rtc_unregister WARNING: /lib/modules/2.6.13-gentoo-r5/misc/ztdummy.ko needs unknown symbol rtc_control
01:41.43ManxPowertzanger, "high strung"
01:41.48mog_workhe doesnt have module loaded
01:41.50tzangerkn0x: stop repeating
01:41.51puzzledRoyK: have you been sniffing some norwegian strawberries again?
01:42.10kn0xmanx told me to remove it and add as a module
01:42.21kn0xthats done but now it still has a few missing symbols
01:42.33*** join/#asterisk hhoffman (n=hhoffman@tor/session/x-327da59287f905f0)
01:42.46ManxPowerkn0x, does the Zaptel readme or docs have anything useful to say?
01:42.48puzzledso anyone up for a cold beer?
01:42.51tzangerkn0x: what's modinfo say for ztdummy
01:43.31RoyKpuzzled: they're good for eating, but not at this time of the year
01:43.40ManxPowerpuzzled, if it's dark, I'll take it
01:43.43puzzledRoyK: ok :)
01:43.44asterboyThere should be a way to build an interface to PC softphones by hooking up the sound card to linux sound card and some sort of script to control the interface.
01:44.02ManxPowerasterboy, All softphones suck.
01:44.05puzzledManxPower: when did the British get to you?!
01:44.06asterboyDo that and you can route calls.
01:44.07*** join/#asterisk opus_ (
01:44.09hhoffmanmmmmm porter :-~
01:44.22ManxPowerpuzzled, I never thought I liked beer -- until I tried Guinness
01:44.32asterboyYes, thats the point...softphone turned into a hardphone.
01:44.32kn0xabout 1/8 of the number of original missing symbols
01:44.34drumkillaugh, Guinness sucks
01:44.39drumkillaRoyK: it's probably backed up
01:44.41drumkillagive it some time
01:44.48ManxPowerdrumkilla, only guinness in a bottle
01:44.50asterboyGuinness rocks!
01:44.50kn0xmodinfo ztdummy parmtype:       debug:int description:    Dummy Zaptel Driver author:         Robert Pleh <> license:        GPL vermagic:       2.6.13-gentoo-r5 SMP preempt PENTIUMIII gcc-3.3 depends:        zaptel
01:44.58asterboySteak and eggs in a glass!
01:45.02puzzledManxPower: are you sure you were naturally born and not genetically modified by the dark side?
01:45.07tzangerhmm that's it?
01:45.13tzangermodprobe zaptel
01:45.15tzangermake sure it loads
01:45.19tzangermodprobe ztdummy
01:45.24ManxPowertzanger, he doesn't listen very well.
01:45.32ManxPowerpuzzled, I'm pretty sure.
01:45.33hhoffmanguinness needs to be in the can and not the bottle though
01:45.44ManxPowerhhoffman, I totally agree with that.
01:45.44tzangerguinness is far too heavy for me
01:45.53puzzledso many people so many flavors
01:45.59kn0xmodinfo ztdummy parmtype:       debug:int description:    Dummy Zaptel Driver author:         Robert Pleh <> license:        GPL vermagic:       2.6.13-gentoo-r5 SMP preempt PENTIUMIII gcc-3.3 depends:        zaptel
01:46.01asterboyits only good at the beginning when the widget has exploded.
01:46.02ManxPowerWell, it needs to be in a glass and stored in a keg, but if you can't do that, guinness in a can is decent
01:46.07kn0xthats the modinfo tzanger
01:46.22Math`(for the norwegian strawberries of earlier, damn scroll)
01:46.27konfuzedfinally the amd athlon 64 2500+ arrived
01:46.38puzzledMath`: :)
01:46.44konfuzedsomething more worthwhile to install asterisk on
01:47.07puzzledkonfuzed: I had fun moving all stuff from /usr/lib to /usr/lib64
01:47.10konfuzedpuzzled: you shold try chocolate stout
01:47.13*** join/#asterisk Rawplayer (
01:47.22puzzledkonfuzed: isn't that a girly drink?
01:47.23hhoffmanis there a way to get custom words from the attendents voice?
01:47.37konfuzedcacao is way under rated and misunderstood
01:47.43asterboyAre there services that don't require the asterisk or pbx and connects you directly via Internet...Basically use an IP phone direct connected.
01:47.46ManxPowerhhoffman, or
01:47.59hhoffmanManxPower: oh! thanks
01:48.07ManxPowerasterboy, Yes, almost every ITSP out there.
01:48.07tzangerasterboy: yes, many
01:48.15konfuzedpuzzled: chocolate fondue ladies is even better
01:48.29konfuzedthere s all kind s of important uses for cacao
01:48.43asterboymakes sense since you can do with with offices across the country.
01:48.44puzzledkonfuzed: better get to them before the are covered in it. 9.5 weeks doesn't realy work in reality
01:48.53hhoffmanthere are some funny pre-recorded voices here  "carried-away-by-monkeys.gsm"
01:48.56konfuzedmy asterisk on debian is hurting me though
01:49.05tzangerkonfuzed: did you use the asterisk .deb?
01:49.07puzzledseems appropriate then
01:49.16konfuzedtzanger: sort of
01:49.17denonwhy use the .dep?
01:49.19denoner .deb
01:49.26tzangerI don't recommend the .deb I was just asking
01:49.28puzzledwhy use debian?
01:49.33denondebian itself is fine
01:49.35*** part/#asterisk opus_ (
01:49.36konfuzedI found out there are good reasons too
01:49.43denonbut asterisk and packages dont seem to make sense together
01:49.49denonasterisk's development cycle is too rapid
01:49.52puzzledthere are no reasons, only preferences
01:50.17puzzledas we say in Dutch: what the farmer does not like he will not eat
01:50.34asterboylol, this industry is turning into a Watkins via its multi-tier marketing.
01:50.38konfuzedthe asterisk package in debian actually has ast-1.2.0.rc1 in there
01:50.45konfuzedI should say available
01:50.48denonexcept RC2 is out
01:50.49konfuzednot by default
01:50.56puzzledkonfuzed: that's old stuff. get rc2
01:50.59konfuzedby default it is stable of course
01:51.08puzzled5 year old stable :)
01:51.15denonit's still asterisk, isnt it?
01:51.27denonI'm not sure the packager can promise stability :)
01:51.44asterboyinteresting...any of those ITSPs have a fixed plan?
01:51.50konfuzedi spoke too soon
01:51.52puzzledasterboy: call them
01:51.55konfuzedExperimental 1:1.2.0-rc2.dfsg-1
01:51.59ManxPowerpuzzled, Considering dutch cuisine......
01:52.05asterboythere is a lot to investigate.
01:52.18ManxPowerBut at least the Dutch have awesome candy and cookies and pretty decent beer.
01:52.31konfuzedany way ive butted my head too long on this one
01:52.41ManxPowerpuzzled, I'm ordering some via mailorder as soon as my finances get back on track
01:52.43denonand windmills
01:52.46denonand wooden shoes!
01:53.00denon..and the red light district
01:53.01konfuzedif i cant get past this current error (after dinner) then Im gonna start over from the install
01:53.09puzzledand our crap cheese we export to the rest of the world and make them believe it's the best
01:53.20denonpuzzled: we all know better . .
01:53.25puzzledManxPower: shoot me an email and I'll send you some
01:53.34YoMamaso...what's the cheapest ATA?
01:53.39puzzleddenon: that's definitely not dutch local cheese
01:53.40ManxPowerpuzzled, I came back from the market in Amstersdam while I was there and set the bag of stuff on the counter, and the stroopwaffels bag fell out and the counter person said "Ah, I see you discovered stroopwaffels."
01:53.41denonYoMama: dunno, grandstreams?
01:53.46denonpuzzled: *nod*
01:53.46docelm0«YoMama» Linksys
01:53.52puzzledManxPower: nice :)
01:53.57tzangernanoblogger looks nice!
01:54.13YoMamadocelm0: what about those locked sipuras that can be unlocked?
01:54.31docelm0I dont know.. I buy them unlocked.. :)
01:54.37puzzledthere shall be no illegal unlocking in this chan
01:54.40asterboygotta start a site like distro watch listing all ther services indexed by price of course
01:55.06ManxPowerI ate the entire package on my way to (what's that city with the Phillips Museum in it?)
01:55.07YoMamapuzzled: and it's illegal?
01:55.14puzzledasterboy: check the asterisk users list archives. zoa recently announced such a site
01:55.40puzzledYoMama: in the US I guess the DMCA comes into play. but IANAL.
01:55.47*** join/#asterisk hhoffman (n=hhoffman@tor/session/x-c379a7235e93a528)
01:55.59puzzledYoMama: why not buy the real thing?
01:56.08ManxPowerpuzzled, when I get moved into a perm place I'll send you a paypal for the cost and you can ship me a case of them
01:56.24puzzledManxPower: of stroopwafels?
01:56.30ManxPowerpuzzled, *nod*
01:56.32tzangerwhat the hell's a stroopwafel?
01:56.38puzzledman that's a lot of stroopwaffels
01:56.51ManxPowertzanger, it's a totally awesome wafflecookie thing with carmel in it.
01:56.59tzangersounds nice
01:57.04ManxPowerpuzzled, I'd give them to friends and freeze the rest.
01:57.07YoMamapuzzled: 'cause it's cheaper maybe?
01:57.07tzangerI'm used to most dutch things involving fish
01:57.08puzzledtzanger: come to .nl and enjoy one of the few legal things :)
01:57.15tzangerpuzzled: :-)
01:57.18*** join/#asterisk test34 (n=test34@unaffiliated/test34)
01:57.20puzzledYoMama: no because they are not locked
01:57.25*** join/#asterisk xiel (
01:57.31puzzledtzanger: herring!
01:57.41ManxPowerpuzzled, I had a lot I was there.
01:58.07klydalim going to .nl next month
01:58.08kn0xim sorry manxpower... im back for now
01:58.14klydalonly going to be there for 4 hours though :(
01:58.17kn0x* for real
01:58.19ManxPowerklydal, the 'shrooms will kick your ass.
01:58.23puzzledManxPower: never thought about freezing them. usually just eat the package
01:58.27kn0xany other sugestions
01:58.31klydalthey sell themn at the airport?
01:58.44ManxPowerklydal, no, you need to be there for at least a day
01:58.50puzzledklydal: sure just go to a sweets shop and ask for "stroopwafels"
01:58.56klydalthey have that speed train that goes to red light district
01:59.07ManxPowerpuzzled, those are much more addictive than 'shrooms!
01:59.18klydalstroopwafel?  ok I will try
01:59.28ManxPowerklydal, Actually to the main station, just outside the red light discrict
01:59.40puzzledManxPower: iirc they tried to make those illegal (haha) but they failed (more haha)
01:59.49ManxPowerpuzzled, 'scrooms? 'shrooms?
02:00.00kn0xits rtc is still missing  is still missing some keywords
02:00.07puzzledManxPower: abbreviation for mushrooms
02:00.18ManxPowerpuzzled, yes, I know.
02:00.22kn0x*symbols, not keyword
02:00.24Math`common psylocibin
02:00.40puzzledsounds like a prefectly legal substance here
02:01.05klydalI would probably rather partake of the female services.  I have had my share of trips
02:01.06puzzledmost likely and if not they won't jail you if its only for personal use
02:01.11ManxPowerpuzzled, I didn't even know they are legal there, but once I found out I figured "Why not?  I'm pretty experienced with this stuff!".  I bought the middle strength and took half of a dose.  Gawd!  Knocked me on my ass.  REALLY glad I was in the hotel room.
02:01.46ManxPowerDutch 'shrooms humbled me.
02:01.57Math`I only tried em once
02:01.58klydalbetter than the home made 8balls?
02:02.02puzzledManxPower: they are dangerous indeed. many people thought they could fly while being on the fourth floot
02:02.27Math`funny but sad
02:02.34ManxPowerpuzzled, only are not careful or unstable in the first place.
02:02.46*** join/#asterisk twisted[mobile] (n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted)
02:02.46*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted[mobile]] by ChanServ
02:03.01QwellAnybody happen to be using realtime static and realtime (proper) at the same time, with the same configs?  The wiki says it isn't possible, but I'm not believing it
02:03.59konfuzedive been trying to find a cause for this bot so far no go
02:04.04konfuzed[]Nov 14 21:05:48 WARNING[6871]: loader.c:258 ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_register_file_version
02:04.04konfuzedNov 14 21:05:48 WARNING[6871]: loader.c:440 load_modules: Loading module failed!
02:04.18*** join/#asterisk justinu (
02:04.22konfuzedthats what I get when I run asterisk -cvvvvvvvvv
02:04.54konfuzedhow do I fix that or turn it off
02:05.02tzangerthere is a feature *channel* driver?
02:05.25puzzledisn't that the #9 stuff?
02:05.37puzzledplays the monkey thing while on a call
02:05.56kn0xmanxpower- what should i do now
02:06.09konfuzedis feature  *channel*  driver required or can asterisk work with out it
02:06.15konfuzedsounds pretty central
02:06.19kn0xi changed rtc from part of the kernel to a module
02:06.21puzzledRoyK: so long for the conspirancy theory :)
02:06.50kn0xmanxpower- its still giving me those four missing symbols
02:06.54kn0xless but still missing
02:07.31ManxPowerkn0x, I have no more suggestions other than to check the mailinglist archives
02:07.33tzangerI know of res_features but chan_features?!
02:07.36jboti guess mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
02:08.35tzangerI'd love to try .nl shrooms
02:08.41tzangerbut from what you describe I best have a spotter
02:08.45tzangeror at least someone with a videocamera
02:08.53konfuzedpuzzled: for my shrimp mushroom and seeweed soup
02:09.29ManxPowertzanger, a sober guide is usually best
02:09.34konfuzedok so where can I turn of the feature *channel* to find out for sure
02:10.01*** part/#asterisk test34 (n=test34@unaffiliated/test34)
02:10.05RoyKpuzzled: wot?
02:10.15puzzledRoyK: your emails came through
02:10.32RoyKthe one to -dev?
02:10.34puzzledkonfuzed: /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
02:10.37*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
02:10.37RoyKor the ones to -user?
02:10.56klydalwow, I thought asterisk was like a softphone or something.  this stuff is way over my head :P is down?
02:11.14RoyKpuzzled: it's the ones to -users that's gone missing
02:11.15puzzledklydal: have some shrooms and all will be clear
02:11.19harryvvflydal, no its a server
02:11.30ManxPowerklydal, all softphones suck.  Asterisk doesn't suck.  Ergo Asterisk is not a softphone.
02:11.50klydal:) sorry, I found this through a link from my voip provider
02:12.07sivanaanyone here offering local voip service in Canada?
02:12.09RoyKpuzzled: could you try to send a ping to users, plese?
02:12.10harryvvwhat are you trying to do
02:12.11puzzledRoyK: what time did you post it?
02:12.18harryvvsibana, where are you at
02:12.29RoyKSubject: Your message to Asterisk-Users awaits moderator approval
02:12.29RoyKDate: 15. november 2005 02.05.41 GMT+01:00
02:12.30harryvvsivana what province
02:12.36puzzledRoyK: I have emails coming in at (most recent) 02.49am
02:12.52sivanaI'm in Ontario.. but I want to copy someone's 911 notification as per CRTC Telecom Decision 2005-61
02:12.59puzzledRoyK: maybe you sent it from the wrong account?
02:13.01RoyKi've had none since 0157 CET
02:13.04RoyKno way
02:13.21RoyKit's sent to the account on the list
02:13.27sivanaI'm trying to write my own, but I realize that I suck :)
02:13.27puzzledRoyK: kick your silly exchange server
02:13.34konfuzedthere is no chan_feature of any kind in modules.conf
02:13.38konfuzednot much in there really
02:13.42RoyKpuzzled: postfix+cyrus imap
02:13.52konfuzedmost of it has been set to noload
02:14.05Math`sivana: do you have PRIs?
02:14.11puzzledRoyK: there you go. you should know better than to use a mailserver written by a dutch guy
02:14.20harryvvsivana what do the pris cost you
02:14.22Math`sivana: whats the pricing?
02:14.30konfuzedwhen I run asterisk -cvvvvvvvvv
02:14.32Math`Im in quebec, must be around the same prices
02:14.38Math`for a T1?
02:14.42RoyKpuzzled: strange thing i get messages from -dev but not -users
02:14.43harryvvfor one pri? t-1?
02:15.00sivana$700 + 150 local loop fee
02:15.00Math`sivana: how much per DID?
02:15.00puzzledRoyK: maybe they unsubscribed you :)
02:15.10ManxPowerUm, $850/mmonth for a 23B+1D channel PRI is NOT all that expensive
02:15.13harryvvyea, thats about right. here in bc one pri can be from 650-1,100 dollars per month.
02:15.18Math`sivana: do you pay for local outbound or inbound?
02:15.30sivanaunlimited local in/out
02:15.41*** join/#asterisk opus_ (
02:15.44Math`sivana: whats your provider?
02:15.49puzzledbut who calls local these days
02:16.03sivanawe've got 70+ residential customers... so lots
02:16.38RoyKpuzzled: nope. subscribed.....
02:16.40puzzledsivana: tell em to move abroad. better for business
02:17.12puzzledRoyK: digest turned on? sony bmg rootkit installed on your exchange server? :)
02:17.32Math`puzzled: the DRM stuff?
02:17.37harryvvsivana, who is your provider of pri
02:17.39puzzledevil stuff
02:17.47Math`puzzled: yeah I read the slashdot article
02:17.49sivanayou guys are away that any CDN local voip provider must send out 911 limitations/explanation notifications
02:17.53Math`ManxPower: lol
02:18.07sivanaharryvv: a local CLEC :)
02:18.08*** part/#asterisk opus_ (
02:18.08puzzledManxPower: if you put me on it you will not get your stroopwafels
02:18.10harryvvsivana explain
02:18.13sivanayou need a PRI?
02:18.18harryvvwho is the local clec?
02:18.20ManxPowerpuzzled, you are not paranoid
02:18.22konfuzedundefined symbol: ast_register_file_version   how do I fix this or find the source of this problem
02:18.28puzzledManxPower: phew :)
02:18.41*** join/#asterisk ms345 (n=mike_sim@
02:18.50harryvvexatel mmm interesting. thay own the infra?
02:19.08RoyKpuzzled: strange thing. all of a sudden delivery was turned off
02:19.10sivanatheir own.. I own mine
02:19.19Math`how do you actually route 911/E911
02:19.23puzzledkonfuzed: seems it is not defined so include asterisk.h or something (I am *no* C coder)
02:19.28sivanathey only provide me with the PRI.. we have our own local circuits
02:19.35harryvvsibana, okay thats cool.
02:19.56puzzledRoyK: hooray. that will be 1 norwegian DID please
02:20.14sivanaMath`: we do it in-house...
02:20.20RoyKpuzzled: but still my emails returns from a moderator
02:20.41Math`sivana: you mean you have your 911 operators at your office and you just call the police manually? :P
02:20.50sivanaok... so I take it you guys aren't compliant and have no notification I can steal :)
02:20.53RoyKpuzzled: so no DIDs for you, mate
02:20.57puzzledRoyK: afaik it only returns those if the email address has changed. maybe someone guessed your password and changed it to
02:20.57harryvvsivana, what services does your company sell
02:21.19puzzledRoyK: half a DID then?
02:21.19sivanaMath`: we have our own operators.. soon to launch
02:21.26konfuzedshite /usr/src/asterisk/ does not have asterisk.h  where do I find it
02:21.32sivanaharryvv: local voip
02:21.40RoyKpuzzled: not really likely
02:21.43puzzledkonfuzed: /usr/src/asterisk/include/asterisk.h
02:22.00puzzledRoyK: then no shrooms for you!
02:22.01RoyKpuzzled: it just matches up with the time i was trolling about that case
02:22.17RoyKpuzzled: fucking imperialistic idiots
02:22.50Math`is there any document describing how telcos are interconnected? (tier stuff, signalling etc...)
02:22.55puzzledRoyK: settle down and just subscribe using a different address. send email again and see what happens
02:23.01supaigtrMath: SS7 and ISUP
02:23.08harryvvsivana, how is your company dealing with the new rates from telus and now rogers offering voip?
02:23.20puzzledMath`: SS7, h323 and sip
02:23.28Math`supaigtr: I knew about ss7... but, is there any authorities such as ARIN for ip addresses and ASN
02:23.31sivanaharryvv: no competition... they can't compete here
02:23.44harryvvohh why not thay dont have service there?
02:23.47supaigtrHuh?  U mean IP?
02:23.49sivananope :)
02:24.09sivanaour only major competitor is Bell and Cogeco
02:24.14harryvvwell thats not going to last. so basisly you are in a market thay are not interested?
02:24.17sivanaboth of which are priced outside the local market
02:24.22*** join/#asterisk Connor (
02:24.25puzzledMath`: afaik there are no IP addresses involved in SS7. you choose your own on the backside
02:24.42sivanaharryvv: we have 54k population in northern Ontario
02:24.48Math`puzzled: I know SS7 isnt related to IP, but how is routing performed using plain telephony systems
02:24.52Math`lets say internet doesnt exist
02:25.09puzzledMath`: SS7 and tdm (E1...Oc768) links
02:25.13klydalso whats an advantage of having a pbx for yourself?
02:25.24IronHelixand scalability
02:25.25puzzledklydal: leetness
02:25.26Math`puzzled: is there any authority that manages links?
02:25.30IronHelixthat too
02:25.42supaigtrMath: Its ISUP and ss7. ss7 has its own addressing.
02:25.42IronHelixwith your own pbx you can have as many internal extensions as you want
02:25.47IronHelixwithout paying extra telco costs
02:25.48ManxPowerklydal, what to know what the advantage of having my own PBX is? want
02:25.57harryvvsivana thats good. so obviosly the big players are not interested in smaller towns.
02:26.05klydalsure manxpower
02:26.06puzzledMath`: it's decided between the 2 parties that interconncet. usually the regulator hands out the pointcodes (sort of IP addresses)
02:26.10LostFrogFlexibiliy and scalability.
02:26.13supaigtrMath: Its not that simple.  You have to get with an exsising SS7 provider. Need at least 2 A-Links  56k.]
02:26.26ManxPowerklydal, It lets me prototype features, options, and upgrades for the Asterisk systems I install for my corporate clients 8-)
02:26.45klydalyeah thats cool
02:26.47ManxPowersupaigtr, you are in the USA/CA, right?
02:26.53*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
02:26.55klydalknowledge is definitely power
02:26.59konfuzedok so asterisk.h has a bunch of entries mostly with int and some with void - int seems like defining a variable but what about void? is that essentially diabling that particular variable or function?
02:27.01puzzledManxPower: "prototype" nice one :)
02:27.32LostFrogvoid is usually means one of two things..
02:27.40IronHelixat its most basic, * can be little more than a cool answering machine on a voip line.  in more advanced configurations, you can run 100's of extensions and multiple locations
02:27.47konfuzedklydal: I'm proof that just a little powerful knowledge can be dangerous
02:27.52konfuzedmostly to myself of course
02:27.54LostFrogA function does return anything or a pointer that can hold lots of different things.
02:28.02LostFrogthat does not.
02:28.17ManxPowerIn the USA/CA it takes lots of money, lawyers, and patience to get an SS7 connection into the telco.  In may other parts of the world the telco wants to hand you a ss7 connection instead of a PRI
02:28.26puzzledkonfuzed: look at app_skeleton.c or at a app_<some_module>.c to see where all stuff gets defined and which includes it uses
02:29.03supaigtrSS7 and switch in the US = have at least a few million to get everything up and working.
02:29.03puzzledManxPower: except Level3, MCI and soon Telia
02:29.13*** join/#asterisk DaPrivateer (i=Privatee@CRIMSON.OFF-HOURS.COM)
02:29.15puzzledManxPower: that is, they allow SIP too
02:29.34supaigtrHow do them term faxes over SIP interconnections?
02:29.39konfuzedthe items that asterisk -cvvvvvvv xomplains about is lsited as void in asterisk.h
02:29.56puzzledsupaigtr: read about T.38
02:29.58konfuzedid like to change it to int instead of void but that sounds just a little too easy
02:30.18supaigtrYea. T.38 can = unrealiable.
02:30.19konfuzedwould that work?
02:30.49Flautois there anyone using vbuzzer with asterisk?
02:30.56drumkillakonfuzed: I have no idea what you are talking about, but I can guarantee that will not work
02:31.05LostFrogkonfuzed: give me one example.
02:31.10puzzledkonfuzed: no idea, I'll stick to serving the channel with cold beers
02:31.45konfuzed== Registered channel type 'Skinny' (Skinny Client Control Protocol (Skinny))
02:31.45konfuzedNov 14 21:19:57 WARNING[6903]: loader.c:440 load_modules: Loading module failed!
02:32.22LostFrogIt's a function that returns nothing.
02:32.34konfuzedmusic on hold has a chan_res entry in modules.conf I believe
02:32.39konfuzedcould that be the problem
02:32.39puzzledsince I think it's called res_features there seems to be more basic things wrong
02:33.00konfuzedLostFrog: do you mean my error
02:33.07RoyKfucking morons
02:33.36puzzledRoyK: temper, temper
02:33.38Flautonobody uses vbuzzer? at least canadians should know it
02:33.38RoyKbanning people from a mailing list just because they speak out is bad, bad, bad
02:34.00Flautoroyk what happened
02:34.01LostFrogWhat version of * are you using, konfuzed?
02:34.17IronHelixseems it would be difficult to effectively ban somebody from a public list, why couldnt they just sign up again with a fresh hotmail or something
02:34.25RoyKFlauto: read -dev
02:34.42Flautochange and email address
02:34.46Flautoyou will be in again
02:34.55RoyKFlauto: not the point
02:35.05puzzledRoyK: you mean the "Det virker!" response which eludes me
02:35.07LostFrogThat is a weird error.
02:35.08konfuzedLostFrog: hhmmm its changed ( on this box ) I thinks its 1.0.7
02:35.08RoyKFlauto: removing me from the list is BAD
02:35.13konfuzedhow do I confirm that again
02:35.22puzzledkonfuzed: use 1.2.0-rc2
02:35.30drumkillakonfuzed: you have a module from 1.2 on a 1.0 asterisk core
02:35.30RoyKpuzzled: that was on -dev. "det virker" means "it works"
02:35.37drumkillakonfuzed: rm -rf /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
02:35.39drumkillathen install it again
02:35.42konfuzedthat;s very plausible
02:35.42LostFrogThat's what it looks like, RoyK.
02:35.43drumkilla'then you will be good to go
02:36.08konfuzedthis install has been bugging me so now Ive made the boo boo of back and forth a little
02:36.16RoyKpuzzled: but on -users i get no messages and cannot post
02:36.19Flautowell, royk, i have been booted out from this room many times because i was asking stupide questions, well, at least people here thing they were stupid questions. but i still need to come back to ask, that is how i can learn. i ask morre and i learn more
02:36.39konfuzedi was already ready to reinstall it again
02:36.41QwellFlauto: No such thing as stupid questions
02:36.47Qwell(just stupid people)
02:36.59puzzledFlauto: buy the book and become enlightened (partially at least)
02:37.05konfuzedjust malformed questions
02:37.16RoyKFlauto: this was for blaming digium for acting monopoistic. and it was on a figgin list, not on irc
02:37.17LostFrogQwell: how can I banish Bill Gates legally?
02:37.47puzzledLostFrog: go to eastern europe and hire someone
02:37.49hhoffmananyone have a favorite soft-phone client for use under linux? thinking about giving mozphone a whirl
02:38.32LostFrogpuzzled: I already did.. they threw pie at him. :)
02:38.32puzzledhhoffman: xten lite, sjphone, and others which can be found on
02:38.32LostFrogsnom 360
02:38.32puzzledLostFrog: yeah that one was fun
02:38.43klydalanyone of any suggestions for voip providers?
02:38.54Flautopuzzled, when you just start out, it is hard enough to even find a book to read
02:38.56puzzledklydal: find them at
02:39.04IronHelixif you want lines, try quantumvoice or broadvoice
02:39.05klydaloooo, thank yous
02:39.06LostFrogvoicepulse, broadvoice, RTFW?
02:39.08hhoffmanI'm using teliax and have had really good luck
02:39.14puzzledFlauto: make that
02:39.18IronHelixif you want minutes, try voicepulse or nuphone
02:39.29IronHelixvoip-info has a very extensive list
02:40.31Flautopuzzled, thanks for the info, i know the very basics now, so, things are getting better
02:40.48puzzledFlauto: I know starting out in VoIP is a challenge. that's why it helps you if you read all you can find. the book on (or buy a hardcopy), and the mailinglist archives are a wealth of info
02:40.52klydalyou guys mostly use ata's or has anyone tried wifi phones?
02:41.06*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
02:41.15IronHelixgenerally i use ip hardphones when i can
02:41.17Flautopuzzled, thanks
02:41.23IronHelixatas are good if you need to use existing wiring
02:41.26puzzledklydal: wifi phones need better battery performance but they seem to work reasonably
02:41.33IronHelixor devices that need an analog line
02:41.34ManxPower"Is that a hardphone, or are you just happy to see me?"
02:41.40Qwellpuzzled: from what I've seen, they have better battery than a cellphone
02:41.58klydalwell I don't think you can use them to log into certain wifi hotspots
02:42.01puzzledQwell: did you steal any of my shrooms?
02:42.08*** join/#asterisk SwK (
02:42.13IronHelixklydal- generally no, esp if the hotspot requires web login
02:42.27IronHelixalso most wisip phones dont support WPA, only WEP
02:42.28klydalI could just get softphone on a pda I guess
02:42.31*** join/#asterisk dfriend (n=dfriend@
02:42.37IronHelixlinksys is cooking one that has WPA but no date on when it'll be out
02:42.48IronHelixtheres a few IAX clients for PDAs, works better with NAT
02:42.54puzzledQwell: seriously battery life on those babies is up for serious imprvement
02:43.06Qwellpuzzled: sure, but let's start with cellphones
02:43.09puzzledIronHelix: wifi phone?
02:43.25Qwellget me more than 2 hours of talk time, and then we can talk about improving the 20+ hours on a wifi phone
02:43.32klydalI noticed most say wireless b only
02:43.35LostFrogThey need to put nuclear cells in those.
02:43.39IronHelixyeah, i sometimes call them wisip phones even tho thats a pulver brand name
02:43.42LostFrog100 years of power. :)
02:43.43puzzledQwell: don't know about US cdma phones but my gsm phone works for many days (given my usage)
02:43.43Qwellklydal: well, yeah...whats the use in g?
02:43.45IronHelixwifi phone that uses SIP
02:43.55Qwellpuzzled: well, sure, mine too, but if I actually use it, I get 2 hours tops
02:44.00klydalwell I use a where I live
02:44.05klydaleveryone has a wirless g/b
02:44.07tzangerRoyK: you're just making a fool of yourself now
02:44.21RoyKtzanger: no. i'm not......
02:44.24tzangeryour "am I banned" crossposts are comign through just fine
02:44.27puzzledQwell: than your phone simply sucks. iirc I get at least 4 hours talk time on my gsm phone
02:44.37RoyKtzanger: i'm out of the -users list
02:44.37tzangerif you would have been banned you'd have been banned across the board, don't you think?
02:44.46RoyKfuck you, sir
02:45.05tzangerit's not every day I get referred to as 'sir' and told to fuck off :-)
02:45.12klydaltoo bad blue tooth isn't more popular in the states
02:45.17RoyKbanning me from the users list is a bad thing
02:45.25tzangerI very much doubt you've been banned
02:45.40RoyKthey have indeed stopped all my posting to that list
02:45.43Qwelltzanger: You weren't told to "fuck off".  Just to fuck in general.
02:45.54Qwellor something
02:45.57tzangeryou choose to ignore mog_home when he says that the lists have been censored in the past but only due to legal constraints on g729 binaries
02:46.13puzzledwith the growth of the world population I'd prefer ppl to tell others to just die
02:46.15tzangeryou also chose to ignore mog_home when he said that the one guy who is in charge of the lists is currently travelling and isn't anywhere near online
02:46.34tzangerRoyK: you also choose to ignore me when I say I've put many digium-critical posts to the list and not been banned
02:46.45ManxPowerI should export my /ignore list.
02:47.03mog_homeand there are many still in the log
02:47.05tzangerRoyK: Further, you ignore me when I say that you could have had your name throttled due to frequent posts, which I imagine is a measure in effect on a list as large as this one
02:47.09mog_homei mean google digium sucks
02:47.12mog_homeyoull find it
02:47.33mog_homein the mailing list
02:47.43*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
02:47.45mog_homedigium does not enjoy being a bad guy
02:47.46tzangerin fact there are hundreds of anti-digium messages on -users... why would they ban you?
02:47.48puzzledRoyK: why don't you give it a day or two  and check it again. and please stay polite. no need to be rude
02:47.55FuriousGeorgehey all
02:47.55RoyKtzanger: i've been posting regularly, quite more frequently than this
02:48.06puzzledhi FuriousGeorge
02:48.09tzangerRoyK: yes, I post quite a bit too
02:48.12RoyKpuzzled: no need to be poite either.....
02:48.23puzzledRoyK: ok try neutral then :)
02:48.26ManxPowermog_home, but..but..but...what about Mark's badboy image!  It's all a sham???
02:48.28justinuthat's one way to look at it, i guess
02:48.36tzangerwhat I'm saying though is that any number of factors could be contributing to what's happening...  why not take a more balanced approach instead of jumping to conclusions?
02:48.40LostFrogAre we still squabling about this?
02:48.43mog_homemark is one wild and crazy guy
02:48.48puzzledtzanger: agree
02:48.54tzangerand cute
02:48.57harryvvsome one message me and give me a ball park figure what the entire cost of setting up a voip service woud be. Im sure the bank would want to know.
02:49.06tzangerharryvv: :-)
02:49.10Qwellharryvv: $18 million dollars.
02:49.13LostFrogwow.. that's vague, harryvv.
02:49.18puzzledmog_home: that had his laptop stolen in Amsterdam cause someone told him it was safe to leave it in the trunk :)
02:49.21ManxPowerharryvv, 2 million US, at least
02:49.23supaigtrharryv: You mean CLEC and everything?
02:49.25*** join/#asterisk simoncion (
02:49.25konfuzedgreat, now I get;
02:49.29konfuzedchan_zap.c:10602: error: `PRI_SWITCH_QSIG' undeclared (first use in this function)
02:49.29konfuzedchan_zap.c: In function `load_module':
02:49.29konfuzedchan_zap.c:10870: warning: passing arg 1 of `pri_set_error' from incompatible pointer type
02:49.29konfuzedchan_zap.c:10871: warning: passing arg 1 of `pri_set_message' from incompatible pointer type
02:49.29konfuzedmake[1]: *** [chan_zap.o] Error 1
02:49.30konfuzedmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk/channels'
02:49.31IronHelixi'll do it for 17mil
02:49.32konfuzedmake: *** [subdirs] Error 1
02:49.37mog_homethat sucks
02:49.39jbotfrom memory, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
02:49.41tzangerkonfuzed: you're still on this?
02:49.44harryvvsup, even just have a wholsaler take care alot of the routing i dont care
02:49.52LostFrogkonfuzed: did you install libpri first?
02:49.53tzangerditch those debian packages, and go get CVS HEAD of libpri, asterisk and zaptel
02:49.53konfuzedtzanger: its chokin me bad
02:49.56puzzledkonfuzed: install libpri & libpri-devel
02:50.00ManxPowerharryvv, Any kind of telecom these days is expensive to get into if you want to do it right.
02:50.10harryvvmanx I know
02:50.24QwellManxPower: it right?  telecom? :)
02:50.27harryvvim looking at smaller markets.
02:50.31puzzledso why isn't there an Asterisk Venture Capital Foundation?!
02:50.32Qwellthose two are mutually exclusive
02:51.01ManxPowerpuzzled, Um, because only crazy people start a company in telecom?
02:51.15puzzledManxPower: yeah like my venture with Vocalis
02:51.26supaigtrtelecom is hard.  You have to be crazy, like me, to jump in.
02:51.36puzzledor jerjer
02:51.46Qwellwe're all a bit crazy...we have to be
02:51.46harryvvyea mabey so
02:51.51ManxPowerThere seem to be a fairly high number of smart crazy people.
02:51.51Qwellsome just...more than others
02:51.57harryvvIm talking just strait voip
02:53.02konfuzedI did libpri already but I'll do it again and make sure that libpri devel is on the go too
02:53.13*** join/#asterisk Kort (n=james@
02:53.27puzzledif I find a zillion dollars for a VoIP telco venture I will offer jobs to all * guru's with cool perks like stroopwafels and shrooms
02:53.34Korthi, I had some questions about getting callerID working
02:54.15IronHelixpuzzled- sign me up for that, although can i trade my shrooms for a bunch of free ip phones?
02:54.16LostFrogWhat is a stroopwafel?
02:54.22puzzledKort: the good side of it not working is that your soon to be ex has no clue it's you that's calling :)
02:54.22supaigtrImportant things in VOIP is a locked market (small) and having control over last mile to those users.
02:54.29mog_homeso whats up tonight people
02:54.42asterboymy sleave
02:54.43Kortpuzzled: haha, unfortunately this is for a business..
02:54.58puzzledLostFrog: dutch waffel with caramel in it that's actually legal in other countries too
02:54.58LostFrogMy boss's blood pressure, mog_home.
02:55.06*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
02:55.10mog_homewhats wrong lostfrog
02:55.17justinupuzzled: yummy
02:55.20LostFrogJust deployed the PBX today.
02:55.27mog_homeuh o
02:55.29LostFrogLots of glitches to work through.
02:55.31mog_homewhats wrong with it
02:55.34LostFrogMost snom stuff.
02:55.42LostFrogPeople getting hung up on.
02:55.43Kortso, I've got callerid=asreceived in my zapata.conf
02:55.45puzzledLostFrog: weren'y you supposed to test it before deploying it?
02:55.45IronHelixvoicemail problems?
02:55.52Kortbut the ${CALLERID} variable is always blank
02:55.52Qwellpuzzled: never
02:55.52justinudropped calls?
02:55.59puzzledQwell: :)
02:56.02LostFrogpuzzled: I did.. But I had no problems using it.
02:56.08Kort(the calls are coming in over a Sangoma T1 card)
02:56.16LostFrogit's only in harried volume that problems came up.
02:56.23tengulreI have a problem!
02:56.25LostFrogI think they are all fixed now.
02:56.45puzzledKort: turn on debug and study that if the telco provides it
02:56.50LostFrogtransfer_on_hook is a bad thing on snoms.
02:57.29puzzledLostFrog: does it differ from transferring with the handset lifted?
02:57.46justinulostfrog: why did you guys choose snom? (curious)
02:57.49tengulredoes the Diguim's cards support china telecom?
02:57.49mog_homeman it was such a busy today, i havent even read slashdot
02:58.06Kortpuzzled: how do I turn on real debugging in asterisk? anything better than -vvvvvv and write "debug" to log file?
02:58.15Qwell/. is priority n-1
02:58.18mog_homewhats that tengulre
02:58.22puzzledKort: set debug 10 or something like that
02:58.22Flautopuzzled, do you know vbuzzer? i am trying so hard to make it to work my asterisk
02:58.25Flautobut it does not
02:58.32LostFrogpuzzled: if you have a call on hold and hang up on a call, it transfers one call to the other. :)
02:58.35puzzledFlauto: never heard of it. what is it?
02:58.56LostFrogsnom: I like the feel and the working call presence.
02:59.12LostFrogjustinu, even.
02:59.15puzzledLostFrog: don't the cisco's and polycom's have that too?
02:59.17Flautopuzzled, it is a service based in toronto, canada, it provides free did and free calling within 416 area code
02:59.20Kortpuzzled: should the debug output be in the CLI interface?
02:59.24tengulremog_home: I m in china, I want to buy a diguim card, but I don't know it's support our telecom standrad?
02:59.25Kortthere doesn't seem to be much there..
02:59.26puzzledKort: yes
02:59.34IronHelixkort try something like pri debug
02:59.35Flautoi have a few friends in toronto so i signed up
02:59.35mog_homeprobably will
02:59.43mog_homeit can set diff impeds.
02:59.54Flautoit provides a soft phone for its service
03:00.01mog_homebut the disconnect i dont know
03:00.06puzzledFlauto: no idea. check or google.
03:00.12Flautoi did
03:00.14mog_homei have no word of people using it in china
03:00.16Flautoand found some info
03:00.17konfuzedwell it seems to be processing further so maybe it will finish without an error this time
03:00.18mog_homei imagine people are
03:00.37Flautobut it is showing the service is registered but i can not recieve any call
03:00.39tengulremog_home: :(
03:00.43KortI don't think I'm using PRI
03:00.49Flautoand no voice trafic when i call out
03:00.54mog_homebut you might ask on mailing list
03:00.55puzzledFlauto: maybe that's your firewall not letting it in
03:00.58mog_homei dont always know it all
03:00.59justinulostfrog: so how many snoms?
03:01.11Flautoeven i put the computer in the dmz, it i sstill not working
03:01.14tengulreyes! I see!
03:01.18LostFrogcurrently 11.
03:01.34justinuok, i have about 15 polycoms
03:01.34Qwellso, what do you guys do about distributed *>
03:01.45Qwellie; in an env where 1 box just won't cut it
03:01.49justinui use ser to route inbound calls
03:01.50LostFrogpolycoms are too expensive for us.
03:01.52justinuand outbound
03:02.04Qwelljustinu: that to me?
03:02.05puzzledQwell: get another box and use DNS SRV stuff and/or a smart dialplan
03:02.06mog_homei want to try that new linksys phone
03:02.12justinuQwell: sorta
03:02.18mog_homethat looks like a cisco 7940
03:02.18Qwellpuzzled: can't do anything dns
03:02.21mog_homeit looked hot
03:02.36Qwellpuzzled: but what about things like queues?
03:02.53hhoffmanhas anyone used FXS->FXO converters?
03:03.01Qwellconverters?  how silly
03:03.11puzzledQwell: put a SER server in front of it with no moving parts and a dual power supply. will work forever. no idea bout queues
03:03.14mog_homeyou mean like a tdm400p....
03:03.24Qwellmog_home: gotta start pimping the 2400
03:03.27Flautopuzzled, any idea about it?
03:03.34puzzledFlauto: nope
03:03.49mog_homei do love it
03:03.51Flautothanks puzzled,
03:05.05Qwellpuzzled: What if you aren't using SIP?
03:05.10LostFrogOne thing about the snoms, I wish there was a way to push settings to it.
03:05.13ManxPowerQwell, I've been told the 2400 is a totally different design from previous digium cards.
03:05.29QwellManxPower: probably.
03:05.31LostFroglike http://<ip>/settings.php?source=http://server/snom320.cfg
03:05.36drumkillaManxPower: indeed, it is
03:05.37ManxPowerBut we are comitted to T-1s now.
03:05.42Kortpuzzled: any other ideas for debugging?
03:06.27ManxPowerWe had another instance of all FXS ports on our 3 TDM400Ps in one of our Asterisk systems not working again today.
03:06.39ManxPowerSeems to happen once a month or so
03:06.55docelm0Anybody in here do A-Z termination?
03:06.57puzzledbeats the 21 days or so thing earlier
03:07.22puzzleddocelm0: has a long list
03:07.34asterboyManxPower, want to sell your FXS ports? Get new ones and I'll buy your defective one.
03:07.59ManxPowerasterboy, You'd have to take all three.
03:07.59docelm0eh.. figured I would ask
03:08.06Kortargh, I can't seem to get any low-level debug info
03:08.44asterboyDepends on the price.
03:09.10justinuqwell, there's no way to remotely provision them?
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03:10.01*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
03:10.14LostFrogThere is.. but I don't want the phones in India provisioned in the United States, and I don't have a decent server in India.
03:10.35Kortanyone tried to debug a sangoma T1 card?
03:10.49*** part/#asterisk krisguy (
03:11.43LostFrogI just want a one-time shot thing.
03:11.58*** join/#asterisk damned (
03:12.34justinui'm kinda surprised you can't upload a settings file via the web interface
03:12.39KortI can't get callerid off of this damn thing
03:12.49Kortand I haven't found a way (yet) to get any meaningful debug info.
03:13.49asterboy300 users in here on average...thats darn good.
03:14.06LostFrogYeah.. but there is a 100/1 lurk rate. :)
03:14.16*** part/#asterisk damned (
03:16.13wasimKort: pri debug span 1
03:16.51infinity1is voipjet down?
03:17.36konfuzedso now it crapped out on chan_modem so I deleted /etc/asterisk/modem.conf and make clean ; make ; make install
03:17.37KortI'm not using pri
03:17.41Math[laptop]infinity1, no
03:17.43Kort(or it says there's no PRI on span 1)
03:17.52KortI have a voice t1.
03:17.57Kortthrough a sangoma card.
03:19.11Kortso I'm not sure how i can debug this at the moment
03:20.06infinity1Math[laptop]: it was working for me this morning, and now its not. argh
03:20.24Math[laptop]just made a call thru it... which server are you on?
03:20.52infinity1Math[laptop]: i just tried
03:20.59*** join/#asterisk bweschke (
03:21.21wunderkinhey bj
03:21.22*** join/#asterisk kshumard_home (
03:21.22Math[laptop]infinity1, Im on and it worked fine
03:21.32bweschkehey wunderkin, what's up? :)
03:22.06wunderkinhows lv and ip4it
03:22.22bweschkenot bad.. sitting in the developer's fishbowl now in the booth
03:22.39asterboywatch a-z termination services rocket when WiMAX gets mainstream.
03:22.42infinity1hm.  mine accepts the call and hangs up
03:22.47infinity1i'll try yours
03:23.37infinity1strange. that didn't work either
03:23.39Kortso what's the best way to debug a voice t1 that doesn't use PRI?
03:23.49tzangerKort: what's it (not) doing?
03:23.57*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
03:24.06Korttzanger: ${CALLERID} in asterisk is always blank on incoming calls
03:24.15tzangerKort: how is your provider sending CID
03:24.27Korttzanger: I'm not sure - I'd have to check with MCI
03:24.33tzangerwell that's step #1
03:25.02Kortand then after I find that out?
03:25.10tzangerdepends on what they say, of course.
03:25.34*** join/#asterisk alvariux (n=unky@
03:25.55alvariuxsomebody have build iaxclient?
03:26.03alvariuxim having some errors
03:27.22alvariuxim trying to build testcall but im getting testcall-jb.c:51: error: el tipo matriz tiene tipo de elemento incompleto
03:27.22alvariuxtestcall-jb.c: En la función ?jm_init?:
03:27.22alvariuxtestcall-jb.c:109: aviso: el puntero que apunta en el paso del argumento 3 de ?getsockname? difiere en signo
03:27.28Korttzanger: yeah at this point I'm wondering if they even send it over the T1.
03:27.49alvariuxsorry my system is in spanish
03:28.03justinukort: that's not a pri?
03:28.18Kortjustinu: nope, PRI is not running
03:28.32justinuwhat kind of signalling? e&m wink start?
03:28.38alvariuxasterboy hablas ingles
03:28.48infinity1Math[laptop]: can you check my iax debug?
03:28.55Kortyeah em_w
03:29.06infinity1it seems voipjet hangs up on me after it accepts the call.
03:29.23justinukort: they usually don't have callerid on an e&m trunk
03:29.29justinuyou gotta ask special for it
03:29.36Kortdamn them.
03:29.38justinukort: tell them you want "feature group d"
03:29.57justinudo you have MF tone receivers?
03:30.02Kortyeah this is what I get for taking over crap that someone else started..
03:30.14KortI don't.
03:30.27justinuok, then fgd won't work, since it's MF not DTMF
03:30.36Kortwell hmm lemme think
03:30.36infinity1the big line i see is: Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 002 ISeqno: 002 Type: IAX     Subclass: HANGUP
03:30.46asterboyun poco
03:31.11Kortlet me check
03:32.17Math[laptop]infinity1, does the target # ring?
03:32.37infinity1Math[laptop]: no.
03:33.07Kortjustinu: would my Sangoma A101 card have em?
03:33.15infinity1the call is accepted at Timestamp: 00081ms
03:33.21infinity1and hangs up at Timestamp: 00117ms
03:33.36infinity1i don't think you'll fit a ring in 36 ms :)
03:33.54asterboycomo se lama usted?
03:34.13justinukort: not sure about that kind of hardware
03:34.53infinity1my account has $.71 in it.
03:35.01konfuzedhm deleting /var/lib/asterisk/modules/chan_ let me get past this error and next is but I doubt that should be deleted so easily as
03:35.23Qwellinfinity1: I've got you beat.  -$5.47
03:35.25wunderkininfinity1, i think your account has to have more than that.. unless they make an exception for your account
03:35.34Qwelloh, voip account... ;/
03:35.35justinuwow, you guys are poor
03:35.39konfuzedwill asterisk run without
03:35.54asterboygovernment thinks I owe them 150,000
03:35.58asterboythats poor
03:36.01sbingnerkonfuzed: sure, as long as you're not using capi channels
03:36.06mog_homeues konfuzed
03:36.11Math[laptop]infinity1, you need to have funds for 2 hours of talking
03:36.37infinity1Math[laptop]: for realz?
03:36.38konfuzedwhat uses capi channels ( my lingo is on holiday )
03:36.46Math[laptop]which is, for us&canada, 120*0.013 = 1.56$
03:36.48Qwellkonfuzed: capi channels use capi channels
03:36.57infinity1Math[laptop]: shit. it helps if they would tell me that.
03:37.00Math[laptop]infinity1, yeah, and that for each concurrent call you want to make
03:37.04Math[laptop]infinity1, they tell you that
03:37.18LostFrogkonfuzed: ISDN
03:37.19infinity1Math[laptop]: where?
03:37.33Math[laptop]"Here's how it works: Say you have a balance of ten (10) dollars. When your first call comes in, two hours worth of credit is temporarily frozen. So, if you are calling a destination that costs 2 cents a minute, that means $2.40 (2 cents/min x 120 minutes) has been frozen in your account. "
03:37.34infinity1Math[laptop]: its okay. you did. i looked on their website. don't see it.
03:37.37konfuzedQwell: how qould you describe that with out using the  acronym capi
03:37.38Math[laptop]in the FAQ, last item, for concurrent calls
03:37.41konfuzedisdn is
03:37.46jbotmethinks capi is Common ISDN Application Programming Interface.  See for more info.
03:37.48konfuzedas in the x100p
03:38.01jbotrumour has it, qwell is a patented liquid formula that contains three plant-based bio-active agents that work together in a perfectly balanced combination. These agents act synergistically to boost your good cholesterol and slash the bad.
03:38.06mog_homeit should same master of the jbot
03:38.17mog_homeerr say
03:38.18LostFrogno.. x100p is PSTN.
03:38.19Math[laptop]infinity1, voxee is cheaper for us&canada tho
03:38.24infinity1Math[laptop]: you would think it they would add some php code: if ($amount < 2.40) { echo "you can't make a call"; }
03:38.36LostFrogx100p uses chan_zap
03:38.39konfuzedso capi actually requires a physical isdn modem then
03:38.49infinity1Math[laptop]: thanks. i'll go their. you would think voip and teliax could improve their interface with about 2 mins of coding. heh
03:38.50Math[laptop]infinity1, they could add a "low-fund warning "
03:39.13konfuzedis it required by some weird setup not using commercial isdn services
03:39.36Math[laptop]infinity1, well it depends where you wanna call, sometimes voipjet is more advantageous than voxee, and vice-versa, you need smth capable of doing LCR
03:39.53asterboynice list of providers:
03:40.24infinity1Math[laptop]: smth?
03:40.35infinity1heh. ;)
03:40.41konfuzedsome how I got the impression that capi was essentiall to core functioning even with out paying for services called ISDN from telco
03:41.29Math[laptop]why? you can use Zap
03:41.41konfuzedso there are no issues to arise from deleteing the capi modules then
03:41.49infinity1works now! yay.
03:41.52konfuzedmaybe it was set up for fax some how
03:41.58infinity1thanks for helping me RTFM :)
03:42.17Math[laptop]infinity1, np :)
03:43.18tainted_how do i connect two live sip channels together w/o using meetme?
03:43.54Math[laptop]tainted_, call parking?
03:44.12konfuzedok all seven of them are now gone
03:44.21Math[laptop]mog_home, you can transfer 2 incoming calls together?
03:44.35mog_homewith manager i think
03:44.55tainted_Math[laptop] have you done it successfully with call parking?
03:44.57Math[laptop]uhm the only manager I used was an old win32 port of gastman
03:45.09Math[laptop]tainted_, nope, but its doable
03:46.26konfuzedok now Im up to pbx_gtkconsole
03:46.39konfuzedhow can i udpate pbx_gtkconsole
03:46.59justinuoff topic: anyone ever use rrdtool?
03:47.53konfuzedwhen I finish this box I get to another one
03:48.06konfuzedshould be less of a pain next time around
03:48.34konfuzedive dont it four times before actually but this one is a tad messed
03:48.58konfuzedim gittin there
03:49.07konfuzedwait till ive done a dozen
03:49.21konfuzedhow can i udpate pbx_gtkconsole
03:51.30konfuzedhey there is no /etc/asterisk/modules.conf file
03:51.43konfuzedisnt that suppose to be created with the make install
03:51.57*** join/#asterisk newmember (
03:52.25Math`but "make samples" installs it.. but beware this is going to erase your actual configuration
03:52.35Math`so you better copy it off the source tree
03:55.17*** join/#asterisk kuku5 (
03:55.46kuku5anyone using an operator panel for asterisk  on more than 40 extensions ?
03:57.45LostFrogOk.. stupid question.. I know there are no US area codes starting with 1, but is one starting with 11 legal?
03:57.50asterboyanyone use this one:
03:58.05LostFrogduh.. forget I asked that.
03:58.27Math`LostFrog: hehehe
03:58.32LostFrogBrain fart.
03:58.47Math`you can check the nanpa for area code stuff tho :P
03:58.51LostFrogI know.
03:58.57LostFrogI was looking at it.
03:59.12*** join/#asterisk rajiv (n=irc@gentoo/developer/rajiv)
04:00.45konfuzedwell i kicked it enough and it runs now
04:01.21Kortthe fact that my phones don't connect immediately after dialing an internal 4-digit extension means that I have a pattern match that is still outstanding right?
04:02.12rajivi have to dial NNNN# to get my phones to connect
04:02.22Kortyeah so do I
04:02.23Kortand I hate it.
04:02.27LostFrogI feel scared putting 911 in my dialplan..
04:02.33LostFrogHow do i test it? :(
04:02.33rajivi dont mind it but my wife can't stand it
04:02.40konfuzedbut I call the number that the x100p is plugged into and * does not seem to notice
04:02.43rajivLostFrog: test it with 411
04:02.44KortI'm trying to fix that issue..
04:02.55Math`LostFrog: I tested 911, and confirmed my address on file with an operator
04:02.58LostFrograjiv: what phones do you have?
04:03.09rajivinnomedia mta 3308
04:03.14hhoffmananyone help with this error? NOTICE[12632]: pbx.c:1716 pbx_extension_helper: Cannot find extension context 'default'
04:03.19hhoffmanwhy do I need a default context if I have the SIP number in another context?
04:03.20LostFrogHmm.. can't help you there.
04:03.23rajivapparently no one else has these phones
04:03.47rajivthe phones have a digit match thing but i haven't set them up
04:03.51LostFrogThanks for the 411 sugestion.
04:04.39LostFrogAll working.
04:05.42LostFrogI just wanted to make sure 911 was going out the landlines.
04:05.42Kortunfortunately I don't see any pattern that would prevent it from matching my extensions immediately.
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04:07.11*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
04:08.37docelm0Termination .009 something termination no commits or minimums.. FREE .25c to try..
04:09.14LostFrog"Football City?"
04:09.30deezeddocelm0 you run it?
04:09.43docelm0more or less
04:10.02Math`docelm0: is there a price list somewhere?
04:10.04LostFrogOnly NYC DIDs?
04:10.13docelm0Much more coming.. Just ordered..
04:10.13Kortis there any way to see what dialplan rules asterisk is trying to match?
04:10.30LostFrogdocelm0: any chance of DC area DIDs?
04:10.44docelm0I just ordered 200 from around the country
04:10.52docelm0I told them gimme a few from all areas
04:12.30*** join/#asterisk freespace-in (
04:12.34asterboyI'd like to setup a company like your in Edmonton.
04:12.50freespace-inanyone using a cisco router with mgcp?
04:13.01freespace-ini'm trying to use the fxo ports and can't seem to dialout
04:13.21moralefxo ports to dialout with a analog phone?
04:13.23docelm0What IOS and Model are you using?
04:13.35freespace-inmc3810 ios 12.2.15T17
04:13.45konfuzedah well ive had enough of asterisk for now
04:13.51freespace-infxo to dialout to the phone company
04:13.58konfuzedim gonna install that edubuntu amd 64
04:14.01*** join/#asterisk jjones (
04:14.07konfuzedand then try asterisk on that
04:14.19konfuzedwe'll see how it goes
04:16.21freespace-inany usable sip configs for a cisco?
04:16.57docelm0I could do it in my sleep
04:17.00docelm0What do you wanna know?
04:17.32freespace-ini have a fxs and and fxo port i want to use
04:17.40freespace-ini want to send _NXXXXXX out fxo
04:17.46freespace-ini have extension 2010 on fxs
04:18.09freespace-insip is new to me, i'm more comfortable in CCM world with MGCP and SCCP
04:18.22freespace-inso Sip is a whole different beast
04:19.16docelm0SIP is cake to setup on a cisco.. Just like any other.. As long as you can configure a dialplan
04:19.20docelm0err dialpeer
04:20.14freespace-inokay, great.  how do i do it then?
04:20.23docelm0Your new to cisco right?
04:20.49freespace-inbut i'm more R&S
04:20.56docelm0Then configure your dialpeer.. Its just the same as H323 or anything else
04:20.56freespace-ini'm new to asterisk
04:21.00stbainfreespace-in: read this:
04:21.40docelm0stbain he is using a cisco box not phone
04:22.47freespace-inyeah, a router.
04:22.51freespace-inwith voice ports
04:22.54*** part/#asterisk alvariux (n=unky@
04:23.25freespace-indocelm0, you've gotta have a running config that can be grepped easily
04:23.33freespace-ini haven't seen much out there
04:23.35docelm0Not for your machine
04:23.46docelm0simpler just to config it..
04:23.48freespace-incuz its mc3810?
04:23.56freespace-inmakes no difference
04:24.02docelm0I use Cisco 3600, 5350, 5400, 5850 series
04:24.04freespace-inits like 26xx
04:24.06docelm0uhh HELL ya it does
04:24.14freespace-inits still ios
04:24.19freespace-injust older...
04:24.29freespace-inthe basics are still the same
04:24.54docelm0but the configs are different expecially since your using POTS and not PRI
04:25.14docelm0dial-peer voice 12345 pots
04:25.21docelm0incoming called .
04:25.47*** join/#asterisk Moc- (
04:25.51docelm0port xx:D
04:26.07docelm0destination-pattern REGEX
04:26.11docelm0there pots dialpeer
04:26.12freespace-inobviosly its going to have to plar since i get no digits
04:26.13freespace-invoice-port 1/4
04:26.29*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
04:26.42freespace-inbut do i have to do anything exciting under sip-ua?
04:26.45docelm0I would have to see the config
04:26.54docelm0well normally no
04:26.59PoWeRKiLLsomeone know about this error WARNING[9181]: loader.c:325 __load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: fax_set_phase_d_handler
04:26.59PoWeRKiLLNov 15 06:25:36 WARNING[9181]: loader.c:554 load_modules: Loading module failed!
04:27.03docelm0I woul have to check my 1760
04:27.20docelm0I got that error forever
04:27.27docelm0did you ever use 0.0.3?
04:27.37docelm0of spansp?
04:27.39PoWeRKiLLdocelm0 no never
04:28.02PoWeRKiLLI'm upgrading my asterisk from 1.0.9 to 1.2
04:28.04docelm0did you copy everything in the patch in the Makefile?
04:28.31docelm0including part?
04:28.37docelm0where the gcc command is?
04:28.38Kortany reason why if in my [incoming] dialplan I only have exten => 5478,1,Dial(${MYSIPADDR},20) that it still waits for a timeout or '#' when dialing 5478??
04:29.03docelm0It should be Dial(SIP/#{EXTEN})
04:29.07Kortwell yeah
04:29.28docelm0Try adding _5478,1,
04:29.30KortI just through shit in there for the sake of example..
04:30.29PoWeRKiLLdocelm0 checking
04:30.38docelm0Hay frog where you @ Astri2005?
04:30.45Kort_5478,1, makes no different
04:30.59docelm0Do you get an error?
04:31.06Kortnope, still dials fine
04:31.18docelm0What kinda phone do you use?
04:31.24Kortcisco 7960
04:31.39docelm0Cuase there is a timeout when waiting for digits
04:31.51docelm0Its in the phone not Asterisk
04:31.52Kortother extensions work fine (like *86XNNN) for example
04:31.55PoWeRKiLLdocelm0 thanks it was the problem the patch didn't apply correctly
04:31.58docelm0All hardphones are like that
04:32.10kuku5anyone used door phones with asterisk ?
04:32.29rajivKort: maybe it is the phone?
04:32.35QwellKort: look at the phones dialplan
04:33.02BleedingMeIf I wipe out 1.0.9 and install 1.2 beta.... should all my configs work?
04:33.07QwellBleedingMe: no
04:33.23Qwellmost will, but some things simply won't work
04:33.28docelm0ohh well Im off to bed..
04:33.30QwellThere is a document in the tree that covers this.
04:33.32rajivthere is an UPGRADING doc
04:33.33*** part/#asterisk Moc- (
04:33.35Kortyeah once I find the damn thing
04:33.45BleedingMecool.. i'll check it out.. thanks!
04:33.47QwellKort: xml file
04:33.58Qwelldialplan.xml in tftp
04:34.21Kortyeah see that's tricky since I didn't set up the phones
04:34.28Kort(btw, no one use fonality, ever)
04:34.36tainted_how do i set callerid within an agi script?
04:34.37konfuzedwell edubuntu is going smooth so far
04:34.37Kort(I didn't make that choice either)
04:34.41Kortfucking idiots.
04:35.00tainted_given my AGI object is $objAGI and the callerid i want is 1234567890
04:35.32BleedingMeand would I be correct if I were under the impression that the stable 1.0.9 is going to have echo issues using the digium quad pri card?  like, no matter what?  seems like there's major echo problems across the board... and i guess there's some new echo cancellers in 1.2... does that sound right?
04:40.29*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
04:43.27konfuzedwell so far so good
04:43.46konfuzedany *buntu seems to install easy
04:44.39konfuzedive had 40 year old ladies install it on their own box with out me there
04:44.56konfuzedpros and cons to everything
04:46.27*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
04:48.03*** join/#asterisk freespace-in (
04:48.36Math`how is amp?
04:49.36konfuzedok system reboot
04:49.48SkramXicky, amp
04:49.52*** join/#asterisk redax (
04:50.20Math`just looking for smth for users to be able to see their CDRs and at what rate it was billed
04:50.25Math`config is done manually
04:51.48redaxis there a way to see the number of the incoming call somehow?
04:52.29*** join/#asterisk graphyx_home (
04:55.30hypa7iaanyone know if anyone other than Bell does single number reach in canada?
04:56.53graphyx_homeDoes express talk for windows work properly with asterisk 1.2 rc2?
04:57.02graphyx_homeor is it just me who doesn't know what I am doing?
04:59.56justinuonset telecom canada seems to offer it
05:00.33justinuoh, guess that's just a reseller
05:03.15konfuzedi wonder if it'll burn dvds right off the primary install
05:03.19konfuzedthatd be nice
05:05.14hypa7iajustinu: yeah, i'm mostly seeing bell resellers
05:07.52*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
05:09.16rajivi have an analog phone connected into a tdm400p. all i hear on the line is static
05:09.21rajivit was working earlier today
05:10.08rajivwhat could cause this ?
05:10.10justinuhypa7ia: it's also called "one number" server sometimes
05:10.20justinuor "find me follow me"
05:10.36justinuthat's service, not server
05:11.15hypa7iai'm being lazy... i should just get it working on my asterisk box
05:11.29justinulol, in that case.... hit the books
05:11.30Dr_Rayanyone watching eagles cowboys?
05:11.38rajivwhen i call zap/2 i hear it ringing on the calling phone but the analog phone does not actually ring
05:11.46justinuwhy give anymore money to a ILEC?
05:12.51*** join/#asterisk CoolAcid (n=jason@
05:17.05*** join/#asterisk Cin (
05:17.10hypa7iajustinu: indeed.  especially as i've given notice of my departure from that CLEC already, so no more employee discount :p
05:17.17rajivthis static sounds real bad
05:17.25Qwellhypa7ia: you're quitting?
05:17.36*** part/#asterisk Cin (
05:17.39hypa7iaQwell: already did :)
05:17.48hypa7ialast day's dec 2nd
05:18.04hypa7iathey are all sad and stuff, but oh well :)
05:18.13Qwellscrew em
05:18.33Qwellso, didn't like it there anymore, or what?
05:19.21hypa7iawhole bunch of things, i don't want to do cisco crap for the rest of my life, going back to school part time, and got a cool gig teaching infosec courses at Big Blue
05:19.52hypa7iadistance ed + occasional teaching gig = lots of time to do consulting work and stuff
05:20.05hypa7iaoverall, they just couldn't match that.
05:20.15hypa7iathey should have hired me on fulltime 3 months ago
05:20.25Qwelloh, you were still a temp?  screw that
05:20.28hypa7iaa year at the intern rates they were paying was too much :(
05:21.21QwellI'm hoping to put some pressure on my boss fairly soon here.  He's starting to get really excited about this * project we're working on...and I'm getting calls about employment left and right
05:22.06hypa7ialeverage is good
05:23.55graphyx_homeI am getting this notice in asterisk Host '' does not implement 'REGISTER'
05:24.11mog_homehey stop trying to get on my box graphyx....
05:24.23graphyx_homeI have just setup a new asteirsk and am trying to get an express talk windows softphone to link to it.
05:24.33mog_homei have a firewall
05:24.38*** join/#asterisk MrBlack (n=bharatsa@
05:24.44graphyx_homeany ideas on that?
05:24.45MrBlackhello All
05:25.26*** join/#asterisk ahattar (
05:25.36MrBlackI am trying to configure queues using realtime.. And I am thru with the steps mentioned in the
05:25.58MrBlackDo I need to make any alterations in the queues.conf file?
05:26.12MrBlackplease let me know?
05:29.38*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
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05:32.27FlautoSetCIDName is deprecated, please use Set(CALLERID(name)=value) instead, please tell me what does this mean
05:34.05MrBlackanybody knows configuring the Queues onthe realtime
05:34.09MrBlackplease let me know
05:36.20*** join/#asterisk shmooz (
05:38.20Math`Flauto: it tells you to use Set(CALLERID(name)=value) instead
05:38.44MrBlackShmooz: do you know how to configure the realtime for queuees?
05:39.12Math`will u also individually ask the 300 other users? lol :P
05:39.19shmoozuhm well I did queues not sure about real tim
05:39.20tainted_what is a SIP RESPONSE of 503?
05:39.30Math`tainted_: service unavailable
05:39.44MrBlackMath: there is nothing to laugh i feel
05:39.52MrBlackI need the answer soon
05:40.02tainted_how about 400 "Bad Request"
05:40.02MrBlackthats the reason I am asking
05:40.34Math`tainted_: you're getting that with your gateway?
05:40.49tainted_my provider
05:42.43shmoozMrBlack what do you mean realtime vs what?
05:44.15rajivdamn. this is the problem i am seeing with my tdm400p
05:45.08*** join/#asterisk wolfson (n=ggggg@
05:49.07Nuggetrajiv: many of us have that problem.
05:49.27rajivany solutions besides rebooting the box ?
05:49.33Nuggetnot that I'm aware of
05:49.47ikarusHmmmmm, I love predictive dialing
05:49.57rajivhas digium done anything about it ?
05:50.05ikarussaves me having to figure out a dial set on the phones
05:50.42*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
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05:52.29rajivNugget: what do you do about it?
05:52.52NuggetI stopped using the FXO ports on my TDM400P.
05:53.08MrBlackShmooz:havent you heard of configuring the extensions.conf file and the voicemail.conf using real time?
05:53.31rajivNugget: no way. isn't that drastic? i hate not using the hardware i have
05:53.37mog_homerajiv this is an older issue
05:53.43Nuggetit's not as drastic as missing calls.
05:53.43mog_homewhat rev of the card do you have
05:54.10rajivmog_home: can i get that info in software?
05:54.46mog_homehow old is your hw
05:54.58rajiv2 years maybe
05:54.58asterboyWhen I go to a computer recycling depot...all I see is * servers.
05:55.23mog_homerma your card
05:55.28mog_homeit will rock your world
05:55.29mog_homeand work
05:55.58hypa7iaasterboy: the sad thing is... most of those would be faster than a Nortel BCM... those suckers are celeron 733's
05:56.39rajivi got the card in feb/mar 2004
05:56.49mog_homeits all good
05:56.57asterboylol...that is so where we are...what is sad is that not a lot of people know that.
05:58.29rajivmog_home: k i'll ask about an rma. not going to be fun.
05:58.38rajivdoes digium cross ship ?
05:58.47jarrodhow come asterisk manager doesnt show my call events, but when i do a reload it shows the reload event and IAX registry events?
05:59.13mog_homeemail me directly
05:59.15jarrodthe user im using is set for read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user
05:59.17mog_homewill make it easy
05:59.22mog_homeand we do cross ship
05:59.31rajivmog_home: query ok?
06:01.16jarrodasterisk manager was showing the events
06:01.20jarrodbutnothing changed in manager.conf
06:01.55MrBlackdoes anybody know about configuring the Asterisk Queues on real time?
06:02.05asterboyAstrisk Emulation running on a that would be interesting...VMWare?
06:02.06*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
06:02.17QwellMrBlack: There is a thing on the wiki for it.
06:02.39MrBlackwell I am thru with the steps given in the Wiki
06:02.41Qwelllucky you, I happen to have the page up already.
06:02.53MrBlackbut need to ask you one more thing
06:03.23MrBlackare there any changes to be made to queues.conf file ?
06:03.28Qwelldon't think so
06:03.33Qwelljust extconfig.conf
06:03.46MrBlackso should it be a blank file?
06:03.58shmoozwell I'll be danged, didn't know realtime
06:04.11MrBlackcos everything is coming from DB
06:04.15MrBlackis it?
06:04.19QwellMrBlack: I think you still need the general stuff
06:04.20shmoozmysql ?
06:04.26Qwelljust not the actual queue definitions
06:04.40shmoozI can do the stuff without the DB , just conf files
06:04.43Qwellie; the stuff in [myQueue] would go in the DB
06:05.15shmoozsince when has this DB been around ?
06:05.29Math` <-- register to receive free demo unit :o
06:05.40Qwelldemo unit?
06:05.40shmoozI'm gonna have to update my php phone adding panel to do the DB part as well
06:05.54MrBlackis it only the stuff in the [myQueue] would be in the DB or the details in the general context as well?
06:06.07QwellMrBlack: the stuff in general would still be in the file
06:06.20MrBlackthanks a lot
06:06.28QwellMrBlack: ;]
06:06.35MrBlacki will try my hands
06:08.44rajivhow much are x100m modules?
06:09.03mog_home100 or less
06:09.06shmoozclose to 100
06:09.07mog_homeits been a bit
06:09.10drumkillamog_home: !
06:09.16mog_homedepends where you go from
06:09.18*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=implicit@
06:09.36shmoozwasn't there some 56k modem that could works as zaptel card ?
06:09.52Qwellthe x100p
06:11.05mog_homehalf way there
06:11.29shmoozMrBlack voipinfo says 'The easiest way to get existing *.conf files into the database is by using bwk's perl script'
06:12.01*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
06:12.09rajivQwell: x100m modules for a tdm400p card
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06:13.08rajivohh. $75 direct from digium
06:13.23rajivmaybe i'll replace my x100p card with a module and free up a pci slot
06:13.24mog_homewow they got cheaper
06:13.34rajivwould that also free up an interrupt ?
06:13.36Math`hell yeah
06:14.16Math`how are TDM-FXS modules working compared to ATAs?
06:14.19rajivoops. the x100m fxo modules are $85
06:15.16rajivstill. $85 for an interrupt... heh
06:16.59rajivslightly cheaper at voipsupply for the oem versions
06:18.04Inv_arpwhos the provider to use for outgoing toll free 800 numbers again?
06:18.21Math`uhm fwd routes some of them
06:18.42joelsolankiright now i m using g729 and alaw ..endpoint is linksys pap2. as alaw consumes around 80 kbps i want to change with g726 as it is free to use. i tried to use that but it is telling me " no compatilbe codecs" in CLI
06:18.59joelsolankiany ideas
06:19.07Math`g726 is royalty-free?
06:19.15rajivthx all. bbl, trying new kernel..
06:19.40joelsolankinot free. i think it is passthru
06:19.53Math`g729 is free for passthru too...
06:20.06Math`anything is free for passthru because the codec is not used on asterisk
06:20.11Math`it just forwards the data
06:20.33joelsolankiyes. my problem is that i want to change alaw to some other codec which is free?
06:20.54Math`gsm but the sound quality will drop
06:21.14Math`you should check the list of codecs supported in the Linksys PAP2
06:22.05joelsolankiMath: let me check in the linksys
06:22.16Math`joelsolanki: how much is a pap2 retailing btw?
06:22.33joelsolankibandwidth ?
06:23.08Math`how much can you buy a pap2 for? :P
06:23.49joelsolankiit is around 85 to 95 $
06:24.13Math`ok not bad
06:24.18joelsolankiMath: do u have any experience with sipura 2100
06:24.45*** part/#asterisk litage (n=nick@
06:25.16joelsolankiMath: sipura 2100 has dual g279 codec support. so that might reduce my bandwidth usage.
06:25.34Math`I only played with mediatrix stuff (provider shipped it for free so I used it :P)
06:25.51Math`and they have dual g729 too  :)
06:26.03joelsolankimediatrix much it cost ?
06:26.16Math`retail 150$, or on ebay for less than 20$us when there's a deal
06:26.32Math`but they are locked for a provider at that price
06:26.44Math`but I can guide you thru the unlocking procedure
06:26.57Math`look for the mediatrix 2102 model
06:27.09QwellWhats a mediatrix?
06:27.09Math`2 port fxs w/ fax support
06:27.16Qwellokay then
06:27.17joelsolankihmm ok. let have a look for it.
06:28.13Math`SIP/H323/MGCP (flashable)
06:28.59*** join/#asterisk oej (
06:29.22Math`even supports 802.1q vlan tagging heh
06:29.49joelsolankisounds good.
06:30.07joelsolankiMath: any idea how much bandwidth both lines consumes ?
06:30.19Math`g729 is 8kbps per concurrent call (+ ip overhead)
06:31.04*** join/#asterisk P4C0 (i=1000@
06:31.08joelsolankiso whats total ?
06:31.16joelsolankii guess 25 per call.
06:31.31*** join/#asterisk af_ (
06:32.29Math`8 per call
06:32.38Math`uhm 16 sorry
06:33.43P4C0hello guys, I'm planning to have a full PBX setup with asterisk, so I need some software client (windows and linux) and a card for plugging the telephone line, could somebody recomend me a good sip phone software for linux and windows and a good hardware card for that (of course with good interaction with asterisk on linux)
06:33.56justinuanyone know how to implement "connected party identification" on polycom sip?
06:34.09Math`P4C0: x-lite by xten technologies, both win and linux
06:34.21justinulike what SIP RFC/Draft implements that?
06:34.34Math`P4C0: digium sells pci cards depending on your needs... you want to plug 1 regular telephone line?
06:34.41IronHelixP4C0- Digium and Sangoma both make good interface cards
06:34.47shmooztheres a linux version of x-lite ?
06:34.53IronHelixdigium tdm400 and tdm2400 series are good if you have analog lines
06:34.54Math`shmooz: yup :)
06:34.56Qwellyep, but it's just as bad as the windows version
06:34.56shmoozI was using wine to run it all that time :\
06:35.08P4C0Math`yes but if I can get with 2 analog lines that will be nice
06:35.08Math`its new tho
06:35.11Math`maybe 1 month
06:35.11shmoozthe win binary runs fine in wine ;)
06:35.12IronHelixyou can also use any SIP or IAX based softphone
06:35.18QwellMath`: xlite for linux?  3-4 at least
06:35.50Qwellit's not that it's poorly written...
06:35.50Math`P4C0: uhm you want to use your actual analog lines? or you want analog lines out of the pbx?
06:35.50Qwellit's...poorly designed
06:36.01IronHelixP4C0- check out the digium tdm400 series, its a 4 port analog card and each port can be either fxo (connect to line) or fxs (connect to phone) based on what modules you plug in it
06:36.02shmoozlooks nice tho
06:36.31Math`Qwell: what do you suggest as a free sip softphone then?
06:36.37*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
06:36.45justinuhe suggests you buy eyebeam
06:37.01shmoozthere was some kde softphone
06:37.02P4C0Math`: no I want to use the lines for input, for output it will all be ethernet... or maybe a physical sip phone
06:37.16QwellMath`: I haven't found anything yet
06:37.21P4C0is x-lite opensource?
06:37.47P4C0anyone opensource?
06:37.49shmoozdecompile and it will be
06:38.03Math`open-source pure assembly sip softphone!
06:38.09P4C0shmooz:sure, but some people also have a life too
06:38.13Math`with precompiled binaries available
06:38.20shmoozpure assembly is for 386 486 days
06:38.42justinui can't believe there's no #sip
06:39.31P4C0justinu: well it's a protocol... is like #rtp #ftp #http and so... usually there's no channel for that :p
06:39.42justinui know, but i need to talk about that protocol
06:40.10shmoozso talk here I guess
06:40.17Math`/join #sip,#rtp,#h323,#mgcp
06:40.18IronHelixtheres a #voip but only 4 ppl in it
06:40.21shmooz600 eyeballs lookin
06:40.22P4C0or contact the authors :p
06:40.31justinui'm trying to implement the "connected party identification" feature on the polycom 501
06:40.36Qwell/j #rfc3389
06:40.59justinunow, the polycom spec says it does it, but it gives no specifics on how it's implemented
06:41.21Qwelljustinu: that like presence?
06:41.24justinuconnected party show you the ultimate destination of the call
06:41.35justinuso, if user B forwards call to C
06:41.43justinua calls B, but sees he's connected to C via the display
06:42.11justinui'm trying to figure out which rfc/draft that's discussed in
06:42.49justinuthat's like only in invites tho, i think
06:42.57Qwellno clue
06:43.10justinuit has to do with the 302 moved temporarily being sent
06:43.25justinuyou see what the target of the 302 forward is, and display it on the phone
06:44.18justinuif a calee forwards his phone to an outside number, the caller will see it on the display
06:44.22justinui think that's a kick ass feature
06:44.38Math`it is
06:44.51justinuMath`: help me get it working :)
06:45.09Math`I'd love too, but I aint have any polycoms :P
06:45.18Math`ship me one
06:45.21QwellI'm sure he'd be glad to mail you two
06:45.21Math`and I'll help you :P
06:45.33Math`pm me for shipping info
06:45.35justinushaking me down already
06:45.45Qwellwhile you're at it, I can help too.
06:45.52Math`he asked me!
06:46.01shmoozno me first me first!!
06:46.11Math`but if we need to test transfer we need 3 partys so Qwell can have 1 too
06:46.18justinulol, i'm off guys... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
06:46.24Dr_Rayand people say this channel is not helpfull
06:46.38shmoozmoody aren't we
06:46.58shmoozor he was just talkin crap like everyone else
06:47.44P4C0I'm on if I want to plug a regular telephone line into my pc (for input) which card should I buy? digital interface cards? (they seem to be the only cards)
06:48.06QwellP4C0: you want analog cards.  fxo to be specific
06:48.47*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
06:49.00P4C0Qwell, fxo?
06:49.34jbotsomebody said fxofxs was An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage, you plug a phone LINE into this.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage, you plug a PHONE into this.
06:49.34Qwellbot don't like you
06:49.36P4C0what is fxs?
06:50.01P4C0oks :)
06:50.23P4C0when they say module they mean pci card?
06:50.39IronHelixthe digium tdm400 is a pci card
06:50.46IronHelixit has space for up to 4 daughterboards
06:50.59asterboyand mix and match.
06:51.00IronHelixyou can plug in any mix of FXO (red) and FXS (green) daughterboards
06:51.09asterboyI'm looking for an S100M FXS.
06:51.10P4C0 <--- what about this one?
06:51.30QwellP4C0: sure, if you need an fxo and an fxs
06:51.45Math`P4C0: you can buy the card only from a digium reseller
06:51.49IronHelixthats a tdm400 board wtih two fxo and two fxs ports
06:52.01IronHelixthis is a better view of the card itself
06:52.08P4C0no I only need a fxo
06:52.10MrBlackHello All
06:52.13QwellP4C0: how many?
06:52.13IronHelixthen you can save money
06:52.25IronHelixthe modules are about $75 each and you can buy a card with only the modules you need
06:52.28IronHelixand add more later if you need to
06:52.38MrBlackI am looking for logging the voicemail in multiple voicemail boxess,
06:52.40P4C0yes, but I'll like to have the posibility to add 2 lines, but I only have one pci free
06:52.45Qwellwow, digium stopped selling small bundles
06:52.58P4C0IronHelix: cool, thanks
06:53.00QwellP4C0: each "card" only takes one slot.  one "card" can have 4 modules
06:53.07Math`yeah I see that
06:53.09MrBlackbut its loggig the voicemail only in the first voiceemail box specified..
06:53.11IronHelixp4c0 try this link
06:53.18IronHelixthey have the tdm card with any configuration of modules
06:53.24IronHelixkeep in mind the pictures are wrong tho
06:53.26MrBlackdoes anybody know the solutoin to this
06:53.32IronHelixjust look at descriptions and prices
06:53.42Math`Qwell: the thing is... ATAs are a LOT cheaper than TDM cards, and are often more practical to install
06:53.46P4C0thanks for the link IronHelix
06:53.55IronHelixif you want two FXO, try this-
06:53.58Math`but for FXO TDM might be cheaper
06:54.24IronHelixit has two fxo (red) modules and the card.  You will then have space to add two more later if you want
06:54.24MrBlackQwell: do you knw about logging the voicemail in multiple voice mail boxes?
06:54.45QwellMrBlack: I think you can call Voicemail(100&101)
06:54.49QwellI believe that will leave the message for extension 100 and 101
06:54.49MrBlackno it isnt working
06:54.54Qwellcvs head?
06:55.05Qwellthink I saw a bug about that recently
06:55.26MrBlackAsterisk  built by root@localhost.localdomain on a i686 running Linux on 2005-11-14 07:47:02 UTC
06:55.32MrBlackdoes that matter
06:55.46QwellMrBlack: When did you download it from cvs?
06:56.01QwellI think that bug may have been closed
06:56.01MrBlackjust a few days back
06:56.05Math`cvs update
06:56.13LostFrogwow.. multiple voicemail boxes?
06:56.13Math`a lot of changes happened in the past week
06:56.13*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
06:56.26Math`LostFrog: well... its just writing a file more than once
06:57.08QwellMrBlack: run a `make update` from your asterisk source dir, then run a make install
06:57.44LostFrogMath`: still not a concept I would have though of.
06:58.23MrBlackQwell:which versions of Asterisk support multiple voicemail boxess?
06:58.27Qwellgot me
06:58.32QwellI think it's been there a while
06:58.46Qwellcvs and 1.2 do - that's all that matters anymore
06:58.53IronHelix1.0.x does too
06:58.58IronHelixi've used that feature for a while
06:59.08IronHelixwhiel = months
06:59.15Qwellnobody uses 1.0.x anymore :P
07:00.11MrBlackanything need to be configured to setup multiple voicemail box, other than specifying one more mail box number for the peer.
07:00.24drumkillaQwell: it matters!!
07:00.34Qwelldrumkilla: to you... :p
07:00.38Qwelland only for a few more days/weeks, heh
07:00.41drumkillayou have to admit that Asterisk 1.0 is a very well known platform at this point
07:00.46Qwellwell, yeah
07:00.58drumkillawe know about the issues, and know how to work around them
07:01.10Qwell"upgrade to cvs head"
07:01.11drumkillathe way it works hasn't changed in over a year
07:01.22Qwellyeah, 1.0 is good
07:01.23drumkillaso that's pretty nice for a lot of people
07:01.58Qwellso, you're gonna be doing 1.2 also now?
07:02.09*** join/#asterisk Vco (
07:02.09QwellI know there were talks about it before
07:02.19drumkillawell, it's official now, heh
07:02.40drumkillaand Digium will be sponsoring my work
07:02.49Qwellrussell->funlevel--; everybody_else->funlevel++;
07:02.54*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
07:03.02P4C0one little question, does asterisk allows me to configure one regular phone (connected into a fxs outlet) to work as the main control unit of the PBX? (basically all calls get to that ext, and the person there forwards them?)
07:03.02Qwellsponsoring, as in paying you? :)
07:03.12Qwellabuot time. ;]
07:03.21drumkillayeah, so that helps the funlevel :)
07:03.34drumkillalol ...
07:03.35Qwell(hmm...does that work?)
07:03.44Math`not in C
07:03.47Qwellwhy not?
07:03.50Qwelloh, heh
07:03.58Math`because --funlevel returns a value
07:04.01Math`and you cant do 1++
07:04.10Math`in c++ you can do (--funlevel)++
07:04.23Math`or --(funlevel++)
07:04.24drumkillasilly c++
07:04.30hypa7iapython doesn't have ++ and --
07:04.35hypa7iathis makes me sad
07:04.37Qwellis THAT valid?
07:04.44Math`Qwell: no, need ( )
07:04.51Qwellsince "c++" is the var name?
07:05.00LostFrogIn c++ operators return a reference.
07:05.02Math`invalid char '+' for identifier :P
07:05.36shmoozc = c + 1
07:05.52shmoozgoto 10
07:05.57Qwell--c = c++;?
07:06.01QwellWould THAT work?
07:06.08shmooznot logical
07:06.09drumkillajust "c." would be valid in prolog.
07:06.10LostFrogOnly in C++, Qwell.
07:06.39infinity1the functionality that replaces dbput dbdel from using a flat file database and to use mysql is called what?
07:06.52infinity1i'm trying to figure out what i should ask google for :)
07:07.05shmoozask it that
07:07.07Math`Qwell: yeah it works lol
07:07.09drumkillayou mean sqllite?
07:07.24*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
07:07.25Qwellnow...what's it do?
07:07.41shmoozdefies logic
07:07.41Math`c = c - 1 + 1; // that
07:07.46infinity1shmooz: err ..thats not a search engine friendly keyword
07:07.51Math`bah I tested it, c was 0 and is still 0
07:08.22shmoozget the asm with -s
07:08.26shmoozor was it -S
07:08.32LostFrogMakes sense, math.
07:08.42Math`if course it does
07:09.01Math`why do I get pthread stuff in that lol
07:09.22P4C0bye bye guys, thanks
07:09.29Math`too late
07:09.34Math`nite drumkilla
07:10.59Math`it seems to optimize it
07:11.14infinity1after googling around voip info appears you can't replace dbput/del with mysql
07:11.43LostFrog--c = c++ is the same as --c
07:11.50LostFrogor c-- for that matter.
07:12.15Math`well, test it
07:12.26*** join/#asterisk pooh_ (
07:12.27LostFrogI just did.
07:12.39shmoozcan't be
07:12.59shmoozthats probably an error code
07:13.01Math`LostFrog: well not for g++
07:13.23Math[laptop]laptop:~# ./test
07:13.23Math[laptop]c is: 1
07:14.21Math[laptop]gcc version 4.0.3 20051023 (prerelease) (Debian 4.0.2-3)
07:14.40LostFroggcc version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)
07:15.19Math`behavior differs in compiler versions heh
07:15.25QwellMath[laptop]: in yours, what happens if you set c to something higher than 1?
07:15.35Math`I've set c = 10 and it gives 10 too
07:16.07LostFrogIt is probably not defined behavior in Stroustrup.
07:16.45shmoozdid C++0x get released?
07:17.11shmoozanyway I should be askin google..
07:17.19Math`probably :)
07:17.30Math`I'll ask google the same
07:17.43LostFrogI think I'm going to ask the back of my eyelids.
07:17.47LostFrogNight, all.
07:18.24QwellI'm getting the same behavior as LostFrog
07:18.33Math`you probably have the same g++ version
07:18.44Qwellyeah, 3.3.5
07:18.54Math`logical you get the same
07:19.30*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
07:19.53Qwell--c = ++c is 10, and --c = c++ is 9
07:20.43Math`both are 10
07:23.45*** join/#asterisk xbmodder_lappy (i=nobody@unaffiliated/xbmodder)
07:24.28Math`damn astbill, I get the *same* mysql version they ask for and the damn .sql has errors
07:25.29konfuzedso that edubuntu install is done
07:25.40konfuzedmoodle is installed and so is asterisk
07:25.52konfuzedthat was way simpler than debian cvs
07:26.05konfuzedtrue I still have to configure it I know
07:26.08QwellMath`: having somebody test on 2.95 and 3.4, heh
07:28.43Math`who do who think
07:30.16Qwell"<awol> Qwell: the 3.4 == 9 and the 2.95 == 10"
07:30.30Math`4.1 will == 9 I guess
07:31.23Qwellso, what does this prove?
07:31.23Qwellgcc 3.x cannot be trusted. :P
07:33.06shmoozhey konfuzed !!!
07:33.29shmoozgood stuff
07:34.25shmoozQwell some things still depend on GCC 3.x tho no?
07:34.42Qwellshmooz: of course
07:34.43Math`ah fixed astbill.sql, they were using ";;" as delimiter, so the binary thinks its the end of the instruction, and ignored it
07:35.31*** join/#asterisk _Madar (
07:36.01*** join/#asterisk skopii (
07:36.05skopiioi oi
07:36.26skopiiI am wondering if anyone wants to help a noob in need =]
07:36.33Math`just ask
07:36.36skopiiI want to setup asterisk at the office
07:36.37Math`we do that every day
07:36.45IronHelixits what we're here for :)
07:36.46skopiiI am confused about how SIP works
07:36.49Math`(helping noobs, not setting up * in offices, :P)
07:36.57skopiihaven't tackled the RFC yet
07:37.00skopiibut a few questions
07:37.02IronHelixwell we can set up * in offices but you generally have to pay us for that
07:37.04skopiiwe have a call center
07:37.09Math`IronHelix: :)
07:37.22skopiiand I am wondering if a DID->ser->asterisk is all we need?
07:37.31IronHelixyou may not even need SER
07:37.35skopiiI mean for incoming calls do we need PSTN termination?
07:37.46skopiiwell see that brings me to my next question
07:37.47Math`skopii: PSTN *termination* is for *outgoing* calls only
07:37.47wasimskopii: if your incoming calls come on a PSTN, then yes
07:37.54IronHelixdont overcomplicate things if you can avoid it
07:38.00*** join/#asterisk lme (
07:38.05skopiibut it's possible to get a DID->sip->*
07:38.06lmehello guys
07:38.10Math`skopii: yes
07:38.12wasimskopii: absolutely
07:38.12IronHelixsko- sure it is
07:38.17Math`thats what I have here :)
07:38.18skopiiyeah I am horrible at not overcomplicating things heh
07:38.19IronHelixthere are a bunch of companies that provide such a service
07:38.26wasimlike nufone
07:38.27skopiialright, I saw a few on the wiki
07:38.34IronHelixfew- try hundreds
07:38.36Math`skopii: what do you want to setup exactly?
07:38.55IronHelixyes.. tell us
07:38.59IronHelixthen we will take your soul
07:39.02IronHelixfeed it to mark spencer
07:39.06IronHelixand give you a plan in return!
07:39.57skopiiI don't know if the sip phones talk to asterisk or SER directly. But I want to have ser route calls to the next available asterisk box, where the dial plan would be identical on each asterisk box, and then those boxes would forward to a different asterisk box where callers would sit on hold
07:40.11skopiiI am working on a diagram
07:40.18skopiiprobably should have finished it before I said whatsup
07:40.30IronHelixok 1. you dont need more than 1 asterisk box unless you have 1000's of users or are doing failover/highavailability
07:40.31Math`why do you absolutely want ser?
07:40.55skopiiI have read that it helps asterisk to scale
07:41.06skopiiand I have a bit of experiance w/ LVS/HA
07:41.06IronHelixhow far are you scaling?
07:41.41skopiiI want the system to handle more than 500 calls (more than we would ever hopefulyl take)
07:41.49skopiiand I would like to use commodity hardware
07:42.18skopiiie 'toasters' (P4 2.4GHZ 1GB RAM IDE)
07:42.49*** join/#asterisk Frawg (n=Frawg@unaffiliated/frawg)
07:43.05IronHelix  this has some info on how much HW you will need
07:43.11Math`you're aware that even with g729, a high compression codec, you are going to need 4mbps full duplex to handle all that traffic?
07:43.21nick125hrm, on average, how many kbps does a SIP channel using GSM use?
07:43.55Math`skopii: how many agents will there be in the call center?
07:44.24Math`and do you require call recording, etc...?
07:44.30skopiisee thats the thing, I would like to give us room to expand. but right now only ~15
07:44.49IronHelixok if you buy HW for 500 users you will way overspend
07:44.56IronHelixthe nice thing with * is its easy to add capacity
07:45.00nick125maybe 150 max imho
07:45.07skopiiwhat I wanted to do was have asterisk forward calls destined for certian (pools?) to different asterisk boxes
07:45.18IronHelix1 server can happily do 150 calls if theres no transcoding
07:45.24IronHelixand can do it with transcoding if you have a good CPU
07:45.37skopiiso do I not need to consider incoming calls?
07:45.37Math`IronHelix: more than that with SIP reinvites
07:45.43nick125dont make things more complex then they need to, skopii...
07:45.50IronHelixto nick you listen
07:45.53Math`skopii: a single server is WAY enough to start with
07:46.02Math`if you experiment problem, just add another one, its easy
07:46.15IronHelixif you have 15 people, for now buy a single robust intel or amd based server, get some bandwidth and some IP phones
07:46.22IronHelixyou need ONE * box
07:46.35nick125yeah, thats the thing i like about asterisk is that it is so scalable..
07:46.44skopiisee I don't like the idea of a single point of failure.
07:46.48*** join/#asterisk rLg (i=rLg@
07:46.54asterboyso buy two
07:46.56Qwellstill not understanding how one would scale queues and such...
07:46.56skopiibut I guess I could easily setup a failover asterisk box
07:46.56IronHelixthen get two * boxes which mirror each other
07:47.10skopiiso is SER no good?
07:47.15skopiior do I really just not need it?
07:47.17QwellSER has its uses
07:47.18IronHelixnothing wrong with SER, you just dont need it
07:47.21Math`skopii: you don't need it
07:47.37skopiiis it for providers?
07:47.47shmoozis asterisk as optimised as SER now for sip ?
07:47.57IronHelixas you learn about * and its uses you will better understand how to scale * when your business grows, skopii
07:48.01QwellSER doesn't do much with SIP...just moves calls
07:48.04IronHelixfor now dont overcomplicate things
07:48.11Qwellit isn't a b2bua or anything
07:48.19jbotmethinks b2bua is a back 2 back user agent
07:48.54Math`skopii: the number of phone calls asterisk can handle, if all your phones are SIP and are supporting SIP reinvites, is almost infinite
07:49.25IronHelixyou are going to be limited much more by your bandwidth than by your asterisk box
07:49.36skopiiheh BW isn't a problem ;]
07:49.46QwellThat's what they all say
07:49.51skopiiI work for a webhosting company
07:50.16nick125that reminds me, how much b/w does (on average) a gsm sip connection use?
07:50.19IronHelixyes but do you work AT the web hosting company?  if you work in the datacenter you're all set then, but if you're somewhere else it may be a problem
07:50.26IronHelixnick- about 30k?
07:50.44skopiiwell thats the plan we are going to setup the asterisk box[es] at the DC
07:50.56skopiithen have the office connect to the server
07:50.57Math`skopii: are all the phones at the same location?
07:50.59skopiior does that not work?
07:51.01IronHelixyeah 30kbit/sec...  15kbit/sec times two
07:51.14Math`skopii: well, calls have to get thru the phones, you need bandwidth where the phone is
07:51.20nick125IronHelix: thats what i noticed in my testing..about 30-40kbps per call
07:51.36Math`skopii: but for now don't worry, 15 calls is not much bandwidth
07:51.40skopiiMath`, snap! that would make sense
07:51.54IronHelixif you can put the * server in the datacenter, and the phones are in the same building, you are ok
07:52.04IronHelixbut if the phones are somewhere else it doesnt really matter WHERE the * is
07:52.12IronHelixbecause your problem is getting voice data to your phones
07:52.23Math`yeah thats waht I noticed him
07:53.23skopiiit's possible to forward from the asterisk box at the DC to one at the office though right?
07:53.38IronHelixsetup an iax2 trunk
07:54.35IronHelixso you will have (provider) -- Internet  --sip--  datacenter * box  --iax2-- callcenter * box --sip-- phones
07:54.35Math`iax is the inter-asterisk exchange protocol
07:55.07Math`IronHelix: if everything is SIP, I'd setup sip calls all the way, so reinvites can work between the phones and the provider
07:55.12Math`thus lowering the load on the server
07:55.24IronHelixyeah i was actually just about to type that
07:55.49IronHelixthat way sko while the call will go through that way, the actual voice data once the call is setup will just go phone -> provider
07:55.55IronHelixskips * entirely
07:56.17Math`except... skopii... do you require call recording
07:56.31skopiivoicemail? or monitoring and the like?
07:56.56skopiiI don't see why we would...sneaky mgmt might say otherwise but I don't think so
07:57.23IronHelixmonitoring breaks reinvite (thing i said above).  * needs the audio data to go through it to record calls
07:58.09asterboymonitoring: "So did you see that new girl in the office?", "ya...she's a hottie, I'd like to..." :->
07:59.03IronHelixthat would be one way to screw with employees, every day the system would record one random phone call and email 5 minutes of it to everybody in the department
07:59.23asterboythat would tune them in pretty quick.
08:00.04Qwellsend 30 seconds.  That way things can be taken out of context very easily
08:00.54skopiihow expensive is a 1800 DID?
08:01.01IronHelixnot very
08:01.01Qwellnot very
08:01.10nick125depends on where you get it from
08:01.11Qwell2c/min incoming is decent
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08:01.19IronHelixunder $50 to get it setup and a few cents / minute
08:01.30nick125thats about average, is 2c per minute
08:02.09Qwellgenerally about $50 (one time) for a vanity DID
08:02.38Math`Qwell: 2c/min? what provider
08:02.45QwellMath`: nufone and asterlink
08:03.17nick125i wonder if nufone accepts paypal..
08:03.22Qwellthey used to
08:03.32Qwellmight still
08:05.05*** join/#asterisk pooh_ (
08:06.13Math`nufone charges 25$ if you choose your 1800 number
08:06.13Qwellfree otherwise
08:06.15*** join/#asterisk nagl (
08:09.51shido6yes we do
08:10.20Math`shido6: your part of nufone?
08:10.44Math`whats the monthly fee for a 1800 did? same as a local one?
08:10.53shido6$2.50/mo very soon
08:11.05Qwellthat sucks. :(
08:11.15Math`why so?
08:11.39shido6when you see the new features
08:11.42shido6you'll see why
08:11.45Math`shido6: are your 1800 did reachable from all area codes?
08:11.48QwellI only use 60c/mo, heh
08:12.26shido6in the US48 yes
08:12.30Math`in canada?
08:12.51shido6no, that isn't the us48
08:12.56Math`crap :(
08:13.02shido6did u need a canadian # ?
08:13.11QwellYou'd think it would "Just Work" from anywhere in NA
08:13.25Math`I'd like :P
08:13.38Qwellcan nufone do canada tollfree yet?
08:13.40sylei can do US and canada 2 dollars a month
08:13.44shido6it can but we increase ALL incoming calls to that 8xx number for your account 10 cents/minute
08:13.49shido6-for your account
08:13.55Math`10 cents/min? no thanks
08:14.01Math`I can get 4c/min from unlimitel
08:14.16shido6which is why we dont advertise canadian 8xx #'s
08:14.54shido6hopefully they have the documentation that states they cna resell 8xx #'s
08:15.17shido6otherwise they can have their numbers pulled at a moments notice
08:15.39*** join/#asterisk TMirage (
08:15.40IronHelixthat would suck
08:15.49QwellIronHelix: it's happened to a few providers, afaik
08:16.02Math`what? you get a number and someone steals it?
08:16.10Qwellno, they just get pulled
08:16.17IronHelixwhat happens to the companies using DIDs thru the service?  do they get their DID bac?
08:16.49QwellIronHelix: thats what getting pulled means.  the provider AND the customer lose the DID
08:17.41IronHelixdamn, that could wipe out a business overnight
08:17.50shido6yeah there are a lot of fly by night companies out there
08:18.20IronHelixi mean a co using a did...  if they invest enough in advertising and their biz is primarily phone based
08:18.26IronHelixlose the did = lose the company
08:18.31shido6that happens
08:19.05shido6either do the research on teh company you sign up with or risk your life line to the world
08:19.28shido6and if spielling had anything to do wiff my serwices I tould be up a creAk
08:20.32Rawplayerwhen you use asterisk over an vpn connection with about 20 to 30 people how much ram do i need in my machine?
08:21.02shido6ppl have been slapping gig and 2 gigs of ram in those kinds of boxes
08:21.06shido6and only use 400 of it
08:21.16Qwellyeah, don't need a whole lot
08:21.21Rawplayerhence that openvpn will also run on that box
08:21.29shido6its Linux
08:21.31*** join/#asterisk NirS (
08:21.32Math`ah cmon server boards supports up to 48gb of ram, you gotta take advantage of that :P
08:21.37NirSanybody home ?
08:21.45Rawplayeri'am at work
08:21.50IronHelixyou'll need some CPU to deal with the VPN encryption, but you wont need a huge pile of RAM
08:21.51Rawplayerwell i think its work
08:21.54IronHelixnothing too fancy
08:21.59shido6but you wont with that setup
08:22.02Math`Im at home but I work home so Im not at home, I'm at work
08:22.03NirSanyone have experience with PRI slips on Ericsson switches ?
08:22.06Rawplayerwell the cpu is a p3 500
08:22.13Qwellbit small
08:22.16Rawplayerhmm ok
08:22.18Qwellbut it could work
08:22.18IronHelixesp if you do transcoding
08:22.30Rawplayeror a p2 dual 400mhz
08:22.43Qwellslightly better...
08:23.05Qwellwithout transcoding, you might be alright
08:23.40Qwelliax trunking might help with the vpn side of things
08:23.47Qwellnot sure though
08:24.16Qwellthough, all the calls are probably going to different places
08:24.34Rawplayerit will be like
08:24.49IronHelixclient - vpn - * - provider
08:24.53Rawplayerstudent -----> asterisk/vpn server ------> other student of the project
08:25.02Rawplayerno not a provider
08:25.07QwellRawplayer: make sure you don't transcode, and you might be alright
08:26.38Rawplayeri need to read the asterisk book first
08:26.44Qwellrule of thumb: try it out.  if it doesn't work, beef it up
08:30.06Qwelloff to bed
08:31.09*** join/#asterisk zoa (
08:31.12zoahey ho ha
08:31.25Qwellzoa: hi
08:31.26Qwellzoa: bye
08:35.45*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
08:36.15zoaah yes i forgot the hi!
08:45.38*** join/#asterisk tobiasWolf (n=konversa@
08:47.07ikarusanyone here have a suggestion for a simple Linux softphone for some testing
08:49.00zoai could send you idefisk4linux if you want :)
08:50.51*** join/#asterisk psk (
08:51.35*** join/#asterisk Delvar (
08:57.06*** join/#asterisk zobia (n=laura_sh@
08:57.16zobiaHello jollyr are there?
08:57.47zobiaHello everyone
08:58.09zobiaanyone knows how to config incoming call screeing in the dialplan?
08:58.44zobiaIncoming Call Screening.
09:00.23infinity1if the database returns a string with a space, asterisk gives a WARNING when processing this line of code. any ideas of a workaround? for example, if the DB query sets the cidname to a string with a space
09:01.06infinity1i would classify this as a bug. should i report it?
09:03.08infinity1if the DB stores a string with a "-" it chokes too!! omg. this is annoying.
09:05.00*** part/#asterisk pooh_ (
09:06.41*** join/#asterisk Husk (
09:06.55*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
09:12.01*** join/#asterisk c0w (
09:14.14ikarushrm, I have a silly problem, sometimes while doing a Playback or Echo and I hang up, the Asterisk server calls my SIP phone, is there anyway to prevent that ?
09:14.17*** join/#asterisk shmooz (
09:14.49*** part/#asterisk oej (
09:18.05zoahey olle!!!
09:25.18lmeinfinity1: why don't you use the lookupcidname ?
09:26.53*** join/#asterisk atif_ (n=atif@
09:29.49infinity1lme: because it forces an exact match on CID
09:29.59infinity1i don't want the +1
09:30.58infinity1so.. it turns out these  are not equal (ignore the //)
09:31.01lmemaybe you should try to modify the CALLERIDNUM before LookupCIDName
09:31.46tzafrir_laptopikarus, iaxcomm is quite nice for testing
09:32.15ikarustzafrir_laptop: I already have an app, but still the weird "call back" bug
09:32.19tzafrir_laptope.g: convinient setup for multiple servers. Not the best of interfaces, though
09:33.23tzafrir_laptopI heard people recommend kiax, but haven't tried it myself. What call-back bug?
09:34.38ikarustzafrir_laptop: I call an extension that hooks me up to Echo or Playback applications and when I hang up Asterisk calls my SIP phone and continues the application
09:34.47ikarusit happens at unpredictable moments
09:34.51lmeinfinity1: that's what i do to add or del some digits on my incoming numbers : Set(CALLERID(number)=00${CALLERIDNUM})
09:35.36tzafrir_laptopikarus, what sip phone?
09:36.18ikarustzafrir_laptop: BudgeTone atleast (haven't got any other extensive phone to test, the softphone I now use lacks a numpad)
09:38.26tzafrir_laptopreminds me of a flash instead of a hangup
09:39.07*** join/#asterisk zigman (
09:39.21lmeinfinity1: do you want an extract from my extensions.conf ? I use agi instead of lookupcidname, but callerid number modify is the same way...
09:39.29ikarustzafrir_laptop: anyway to get asterisk to log exactly what it is doing ?
09:40.10*** join/#asterisk gennaro (
09:40.45gennarohi someone can explane me a think about compile kernel?!?
09:41.01gennaroi need to intall an x100p
09:41.27gennaroi istalled every rpm that i found as required
09:41.40gennaroand i'm donwloading my same scr kernel
09:42.37gennarosome one can help me?
09:42.57infinity1lme: i did what you said. works :)
09:43.13infinity1lme: I would have reported the bug, but it was taking too long.
09:43.18lmeinfinity1: great !
09:43.18InfraRedgennaro: why not just use asterisk@home?
09:43.21infinity1and i'm fucking tired.
09:43.36infinity1lme: i still have to try agi. never got around to it.
09:43.45gennaromy boss don't like
09:43.50gennarowant asterisk
09:43.57gennarotoo easy
09:44.04lmeinfinity1: i use it to look into an ldap structure (windows Active directory) for internal numbers
09:44.14infinity1lme: thats a great idea
09:45.42lmenite !
09:45.46lmelucky one
09:45.47InfraRedTue Nov 15 09:45:47 GMT 2005
09:46.08*** join/#asterisk fourcheeze (n=rich@
09:46.20lmebegining my working day....
09:46.49*** join/#asterisk shog (n=rene@
09:47.01shogHello everybody
09:47.29infinity1lme: er ..before i goto bed... one last thought.
09:47.43shogis there a way to change asterisk's behaviour regarding error codes?
09:48.13infinity1we have a crm app that uses mysql. do you know where i can find an example agi script for cid lookup against it? preferably perl?
09:48.44lmeinfinity1: no sorry... I use perl scripts too, but only for ldap...
09:49.19infinity1lme: i don't suppose i could use your script and replace the ldap sections with mysql
09:50.00lmeinfinity1: why not ? just have to replace the ldap search into an sql one... But this is about 90% of the script :)
09:50.43lmeinfinity1: just look for Asterisk::AGI perl module
09:51.33lmeinfinity1: it's the easier way i found to interface perl with asterisk...
09:51.48lmeconsider i'm lazy as a pig
09:54.01shogi have an application, which i cannot change, that doesn't handle 503 errors correctly. So i need to change asterisk to send out 480 errors instead. Is this possible?
09:54.24lmeimho you have to change it in the source code...
09:55.30shoglme: where should i look for the error handling?
09:57.04lmewhen you said 503 error code, you talked about sip correct ?
09:59.12shogi get a 503 error, when the line is busy
09:59.14lmeshog : in your asterisk source tree. directory channel, file chan_sip.c
09:59.18fourcheezeis asterisk a "broken registrar" as far as Snom phones are concerned?
09:59.48lmeshog : but you have several lines to modify
10:01.21lmeshog : but it's very very crappy to modify this code... this is in accordance with rfc... and all update will erase your file if you use the head branch
10:01.22shoglme: can you tell me which lines need to be modified?
10:02.38lmeshog : ouch.... I suggest you vi with /503 command... It's safer than me
10:04.24*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=icechat5@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
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10:05.38lmeevery times i touch a line in a c file, i fill my /tmp directory with core dump... That's like smoking.. I bet i better stop....
10:06.05Zeeekno, just modify whole functions, never just 1 line :)
10:06.27shogi need to replace all occurences of 503 ?
10:06.42lmeshog: yep...
10:06.49shoglme: thank you
10:07.26lmeshog: <disclaimer> I DO NOT warranty that your * will not burn in a few minutes</disclaimer>
10:07.44lmebut this should be tried
10:07.49rLglol @ disclaimer
10:09.54gennarowhat i must canghe to use an x100p?
10:10.17lmegennaro: ?? x100p in analogique fxo card correct ?
10:10.35gennarook an intel modem 56K
10:10.44gennarowith chipset supported
10:11.01lmei think that the intel chip is the only which is not supported
10:11.11lmeah ok
10:11.37gennaroi see on web that is a clone of x100p
10:11.42lmeso you have not to change anything... zaptel support this card
10:12.13lmegennaro: yes... but there is a special chipset version at intel which is not supported... don't remember which ones.
10:12.51gennaroso i need to be able to have kernel source
10:12.59lmeshog: what is your sip peer ?
10:13.20gennaroand anything else..
10:13.44lmewhy kernel sources ? what is your distro ?
10:13.59gennarofedora c3
10:14.08gennaroi see on voip-info
10:14.14gennarosome guides
10:14.18gennaroto install with fedora3
10:14.44gennaroi'm tring...
10:14.46lmei don't think you have to recompile kernel..
10:14.49gennaroi installed fc3
10:14.56*** join/#asterisk testmachine (
10:14.57lmethe only thing you'll need is pci support...
10:15.01gennaroi tried to compile asterisk
10:15.19gennaroand during that fase give error...
10:15.36lmewhich ?
10:15.40gennarosomeone sayd try to follow the guide on voip...
10:15.43rLggennaro: you'll need kernel source too
10:16.14lmeyeah... in order to compile asterisk, you need kernel sources on your drive...
10:16.36gennaroi'm downloading the source code of my kernel from fc site
10:16.47gennaroon guide..
10:16.48lmein fact, you need to have kernel sources on your drive to compile almost everything which is not 100% userland
10:16.55gennaroi need kernelsurce
10:17.01gennaroa copy of my config.
10:17.32gennaroso.. will be created a file required to compile zaptel
10:18.13gennarois it true?
10:18.19lmethere must be a package with kernel's sources of your distro
10:19.22lmegennaro: basically yes....
10:19.44gennarook i'm tring....
10:19.55gennaroi'm @34% of download ...
10:20.06gennaroi'm surfing @56
10:20.08rLgalso after installing kernel source.. you need to make a symlink /usr/src/linux-2.6 -> /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build
10:20.16rLgbefore compiling zaptel
10:20.43*** join/#asterisk langals (n=icechat5@
10:23.09langalsHi there....I am trying to install Asterisk 1.2.0-rc2 on Ubuntu linux. When I "make install" I get loads of errors like this: "chan_zap.c:10927: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type"...does anyone have any idea what could be causing this?
10:23.14*** join/#asterisk Vhata (i=[
10:25.03Vhatawhat timezone does #asterisk live in?
10:27.16Zeeekhey zoa nice site!
10:29.13*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
10:31.23lmetime to work with cdr !
10:32.39VhataI really want the new featureset in 1.2, but I'm a bit scared of the instability (I'm about to begin a project to replace our company's proprietary PBX).  Any advice?
10:32.48zoawhich one zeeek ? :)
10:33.11ZeeekALl of 'em! No, the listing of voip providers. In fact I sent youa small correction
10:33.28Zeeekvia "spamsucks2005"
10:35.19zoaah yeah!
10:35.27zoait should be corrected by now
10:35.33zoai forwarded the email to the right person
10:35.37Zeeekwhat? That was 10 minutes ago! :)
10:35.41zoaworking hard to make it even better
10:36.05zoacurrently 5 people working on the database full time (althoug next week it will be 3 again)
10:36.10ZeeekI announced it on our private mailing list and a few people will undoubtedly contact you
10:36.34ZeeekvoIP has really taken off here now that DSL is dirt cheap
10:36.56ZeeekOTH, every provider has a cheap voIP offering as well as TV via the same line
10:37.01zoacool, thanks
10:37.10zoai will try to add all destination prices too
10:37.37*** join/#asterisk cjk (n=cjk@
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10:38.05cjkhi, does anyone know if enumlookups are working in rc2. they were not working in rc1 an the betas
10:40.52*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
10:43.12langalsanyone have any idea about that error I posted above?
10:45.00zoazeeek, did you see the mailinglist archive we made too ?
10:45.19ZeeekI seem to remember something about it? What's the URL?
10:45.26zoa -> its only 10 minutes delayed or so
10:46.10Zeeeknice! I'm actually reading one of the lists now in gmail
10:46.12zoawell, maximum 10 minutes delayed, we check our email account every 10 minutes i think
10:46.29Zeeekdelivery is sometimes spotty though on the list itself
10:46.30zoaits similar to that, just with the complete archive there
10:46.46zoamost people didnt subscribe on day one :)
10:47.54ZeeekHow true. If it's searchable it's very usable!
10:48.57Zeeekreading the huge Allison/Digium open source thread
10:49.30zoait is seachable
10:49.38ZeeekI know
10:49.46zoawell, its not hyper fast yet, but working on that
10:50.30ZeeekI notied an interesting thing on yahoo ML: the search does about 10% of the messages and shows you results, asking if you need to go further
10:50.44ZeeekI found that a clever bit of thinking
10:51.04ZeeekI assume it looks first at the most recent, but I'm not sure
10:53.44Zeeeker, zoa?
10:55.00Zeeekis it possible thata search for  'polycom' didn't have any results in users?
10:57.21*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
10:57.37zoano that doesnt sound ok
10:57.39zoalet me check that
10:58.03zoaearch found 1210 matches
10:58.12zoaseems to work for me
10:58.19Zeeekmaybe it's a google cookie in my browser?
10:58.36Zeeekall I got was google ads
10:58.38zoaeven the search polycon has resuls
10:58.44zoause the built in search
10:58.47zoanot the google search
10:58.52zoagoogle is so slow with indexing
10:58.54ZeeekI was but isn't it google powered?
10:58.59Zeeekooops I see.
10:59.17Zeeekthe left sidebar search is google but that isn't the main search
10:59.24zoathats just for the page
10:59.29Zeeekbut you need it for revenue maybe? Otherwise I'd dump it
10:59.30zoai will remove that one as soon as i can
10:59.42zoai will dump it when i have a search for the tutorials
10:59.46Zeeekyeah it confused even an oldtimer like me
10:59.48zoabut for now its the best i can do
10:59.51zoayeah i can imagine
11:00.10Zeeekthat google logo really means "SEARCH" these days
11:00.21zoarevenue of google search is like 0,000000001$ a day or so :)
11:00.37Zeeekso you're onbviously not into porn
11:00.50zoawell, just imagine
11:00.58zoaif 1% of all people use that search
11:01.07zoaand of that 1% another 1% click on a banner
11:01.14Zeeekeven my amazon stuff onmly makes enuff for a free book every 6 months :)
11:01.35zoathats 1 for every 10.000 people visiting the site
11:01.57zoaso 20 cents or so for every 10.000 people
11:02.14zoa10.000 people would be around 5 gb of traffic a day
11:02.18Zeeekactually, the wiki may get enough traffic tomake that worthwhile - but let's keepthat quiet
11:02.36zoai dont think it could be
11:02.57ZeeekI know someone who has a site that makes a few bucks on those
11:03.04zoaon the search ?
11:03.04Zeeekbut it has a huge userbase
11:03.11Zeeekno, sorry on the ads
11:03.24Zeeektrue it's not the same thing
11:03.30zoaads are better
11:03.46zoaif its not for hurrycane katrina
11:03.58Zeeekbecause they are literally ubiquitous now, they piss me off too - even though they're easy to ignore
11:04.04Dr_Raylet jesus save your soul and win a freee ipod
11:04.13ZeeekWhere do we sign?
11:04.35*** join/#asterisk mazzanet_ (n=irc@unaffiliated/mazzanet)
11:04.38zoayeah i know
11:04.44zoame too
11:04.44orlockhey mazza
11:04.49orlockits safe here :)
11:06.41*** join/#asterisk ciberbetics (n=bharatsa@
11:06.49ciberbeticshi everybody
11:07.16ciberbeticsI am just configuring the Queues in Asterisk using real time...
11:07.56ciberbeticsI have the table ready, but wondering do I need to specify some parameter in the queues.conf file or not...
11:08.13ciberbeticsother than the configuration in the extconfig .conf file
11:08.37ciberbeticshas anybody worked on the Asterisk Queues realtime
11:08.42ciberbeticsplease get back to me
11:08.56*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
11:12.18*** join/#asterisk b000m (
11:13.09saftsackare there any basetutorials for a simple asterisk installation? ? ?
11:13.40saftsackdanke :)
11:13.42saftsackthank you is a huge website
11:14.58saftsackdo you know a good articel?
11:15.38VhataI'm gonna go with
11:15.56b000mcan someone help me with configuring pick up groups?
11:16.17saftsackVhata, thanks a lot :)
11:17.05Vhatasaftsack: googling for 'asterisk installation tutorial' points you directly to
11:17.14Vhatayou *did* google before asking here, right?
11:17.17saftsackis there a debug mode for asterisk? i have a telephone yet but not a outgoing way to the internet
11:17.29saftsackcan i test if the communication with the telephone works?
11:18.41luitejust make an extensions with a Playback or something
11:18.53luiteand enable a lot of debugging to the console in logger.conf
11:19.09saftsackok :)
11:19.26saftsackand on the telephine itself there must stand the ip of the asterix server in dns and router?
11:19.36b000mdoes anybody know something about "Nothing to pick up" problem with pickupgroup?
11:20.22luitesaftsack: you have to register to the asterisk server, you will see a message in the asterisk console, and with sip show peers you can check which phones have registered, and their ip's
11:21.09*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
11:21.38X-FilesHello ALL!!! I have big problem, I use eusso utg7104-22 and asterisk, in eusso all profiles (set coding 0 vad off) turn is off , but i call to asterisk and see errors : , Please help !
11:22.49saftsackluite, ok i started my asterisk server on
11:23.26*** join/#asterisk NoRemorse (n=bah@
11:23.34NoRemorse~seen justinnnn
11:23.38jbotjustinnnn <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 238d 4h 6m 50s ago, saying: 'anyone ???'.
11:23.51NoRemorse~seen justinnnnn
11:23.52jbotjustinnnnn <n=justinnn@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 35d 5h 58m 42s ago, saying: 'hey ppls :)'.
11:23.54NoRemorseheya orlock
11:24.02orlockwhat you up to these days?
11:24.11NoRemorserelaxing :)
11:24.14orlockchilling, or got plans?
11:24.17orlockcool :)
11:24.47NoRemorseplaying with some voip stuff but mostly chiiling for awhile.
11:25.04orlockyou know NXT?
11:25.24NoRemorseas in the dsl?
11:25.46mutchicken noodle soup
11:26.01NoRemorse"at least I have chicken"
11:27.48b000mcan someone help me with pick up groups and sip ?
11:28.39saftsackalso i started asterix and i configured an ip to my sip telephone
11:28.42saftsackbut nothing happens
11:29.08manyit asterisk
11:29.09NoRemorselol how more generic can u get
11:29.10manynot asterix.
11:30.00X-FilesPlease help
11:30.12saftsackasterisk yes i know
11:31.01luitesaftsack: has the phone registered with asterisk?
11:31.28saftsackno output on the asterisk console
11:31.38NoRemorsesaftsack try sip show peers
11:31.53luiteyou have configured an account for the phone in sip.conf, right? then try sip show peers to check
11:32.08saftsack*CLI>     -- Registered to '', who sees us as
11:32.08saftsacksip show peers
11:32.08saftsackName/username    Host            Dyn Nat ACL Mask             Port     Status
11:32.13saftsackthat was the last
11:33.44saftsackdo i have to enable this phone in my sip.conf?
11:34.02NoRemorseif you want security then yes
11:34.15saftsackthis is a testing run ^^
11:34.28saftsackhow can i disable any security features?
11:34.39saftsackdoes one of you have a grandstream telephone?
11:34.42NoRemorsehave a [guest] configd in sip.conf
11:34.56NoRemorseyes they are very easy to get working
11:35.13luitei only have snom and sipura, so can't help you with that
11:35.32saftsackhowto type ip adresse with just 2 digits beetween the points into the telephone?
11:35.51ikarussaftsack: prefix with a 0
11:35.52Vhata012 ?
11:36.14saftsackyes i did it
11:36.25saftsackok then its configured the right way
11:36.43saftsacki did as the telephone adress
11:36.57saftsack010.010.010.016 as the server adress (my computer with asterisk)
11:37.16saftsackand howto enable a guest account on my asterisk server now?
11:38.00NoRemorsesample sip.conf has it
11:38.32saftsacki havent got a sample sip.conf because i modified it so hard
11:38.45NoRemorsesee /usr/src/asterisk
11:39.02saftsacknow i have a sip.conf
11:39.16saftsackthere is a general section
11:39.48NoRemorseno [guest] section
11:40.08*** join/#asterisk areski (
11:40.16X-FilesNov 15 13:32:05 WARNING[7992]: codec_ilbc.c:144 ilbctolin_framein: Huh?  An ilbc frame that isn't a multiple of 50 bytes long from RTP (4)?
11:40.19X-Fileswhere problem ?
11:40.21NoRemorseargh ban
11:40.40ikarusNoRemorse: breathe
11:41.10NoRemorsejust 1 line would have done just as well x
11:42.23X-Filesoh sorry :) this past from log ;/ next time
11:44.52b000mcan someone help me with this : "NOTICE[23527]: chan_sip.c:10383 handle_request_invite: Nothing to pick up" ?
11:45.05b000mis there any guru?
11:45.19NoRemorsesaftsack: see
11:45.41Zeeekb000m you are dialing *8 ?
11:45.42saftsackthank you
11:45.54b000mZeeek yes
11:46.06Zeeekand a call is ringing somewhere else?
11:46.19b000myes , there is a call
11:46.25NoRemorseanyone know of a 2line dect cordless phone?
11:46.32b000mbut i can't pick it up
11:46.38Zeeekb000m what are the phones?
11:46.47saftsackso im in school now
11:46.51saftsackCya and thankyou
11:46.52b000meverithing is fine in sip.conf
11:47.13b000mcisco 7905G and some soft phones too
11:47.33b000mthey are all in pickupgroup=1
11:49.26b000msoft phones are x-lite
11:49.49b000mbut i think that it is not from the pfones
11:50.02Zeeekwhat document did you find pickupgroup in?
11:54.31Zeeekb000m and what is the callgroup of the phones?
11:55.11b000mno callgroup
11:55.19b000mjust pickupgroup
11:55.41ikarushmmm, anyone managed to get more then 3 numbers with a distinct ringtone into a BudgeTone, without faking the ID
11:55.59Zeeekwell according to the page you just showed....
11:58.08b000mZeeek, you are right
11:58.36b000mI will try with callgroup=1 at every entry in my sip.conf
11:59.17b000mmay be that is the clue
12:03.48*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
12:03.57RoyK10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD"
12:05.42luite20 GOTO 10
12:05.42luitethat was my first program, from the C64 manual
12:06.44Vhatadid it work?
12:07.09luiteyup, but I had to press the break key to stop it :)
12:07.23Vhatayou and your fancy "break key" technology
12:12.56*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:12.59*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
12:21.43mutis this possible
12:22.17muti need to make an online application process for customers for 5 different types of services; dialup, wireless, dsl, phone service, voip
12:22.29mutthink i could somehow make that into one application?
12:23.15mutand theres always the little things with each one, web accelerators, security suite, call features for regular phone service and voip
12:23.21mutextra emails
12:24.24*** join/#asterisk stevie20 (
12:25.27stevie20lme ?
12:28.04*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
12:28.49juanjocHi, has someone used RxFAX and TxFAX (as caller) to talk to each other? They don't seem to cope with each other very well...
12:28.51*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
12:30.53coppicejuanjoc: over a T1 or E1 circuit they will talk. connected directly together inside *, limitations in * mean they do not
12:31.02*** join/#asterisk lehel (n=lehel@
12:31.35juanjoccoppice: I'm using two instances of Asterisk connected via SIP
12:31.58juanjoccoppice: The problem is that both application block waiting for frames from the other one
12:32.49coppiceFAX over IP does really work, so I don't even bother trying to make it
12:33.52*** join/#asterisk gennaro (
12:33.58juanjocI know, but the problem here is not related to the use of SIP
12:34.12gennaroi downloaded surce code of my kernel i hope..
12:34.13juanjocThe apps don't transmit any frames
12:34.19gennaroand i tried to copi
12:34.38coppicejuanjoc: you ignore the part after the comma
12:34.45gennaroconfig-.... in usr/src/.. /.config
12:34.53gennaromake menuconfig
12:34.58gennarodont work
12:36.18*** join/#asterisk Tili (n=Tili@
12:37.56b000mgennaro, why you do that?
12:38.14juanjoccoppice: Maybe I misunderstood, but I'm using RxFAX and TxFAX in different instances of Asterisk on different machines
12:38.28gennaroin order to compile zaptel
12:38.40gennaromy guide said so..
12:38.45gennarodownload kernel
12:39.06coppiceto make them send at the right rate when connected to a PSTN trunk then send in sympathy with what they receive. if they receive nothing, they send nothing
12:39.13gennaroput it on usr/src/linux
12:39.41gennarocp /boot/conifg-n.n.n as ../linux/.config
12:39.50gennaromake menuconfig
12:40.02*** join/#asterisk duckz (n=duckz@
12:40.18gennarowhat should i do?!?
12:40.44b000mwhere did you copy it exactly and what is your distro?
12:40.53juanjoccoppice: But wouldn't one of the apps send the initial fax tones regardless of what the other one does?
12:41.01gennaroi'm using an fc3
12:41.19coppicenope. they only send when they receive
12:42.19gennaroi downloaded my same kernel from fc
12:42.51gennarorpm -Uvh kernel0.0.0.0.. .src.rpm
12:43.11gennaroi created usr src redhat
12:43.18gennaroand usr scr redhat sources
12:43.54b000mextract the sources in /usr/src
12:44.27b000mand ln -sf source_dir linux
12:44.28gennaroi extracted linux-2.6.9.tar.bz2
12:45.05gennaroso i have an directory named linux-2.6.9
12:45.18gennarowhere i have i hope my source kernell
12:45.20b000mdo this
12:45.26RoyKgennaro: er... 2.6.9 is like 13 months old
12:45.46gennarobut i have only a cd on this machine..
12:45.50b000mln -sf linux-2.69 linux
12:46.02gennaroand i0m working with 56k
12:46.12b000mand then copy your config file there
12:46.23gennaroi'm going..
12:46.42RoyKgenmud: the patches aren't that large
12:47.05RoyKbz2, even
12:49.16gennaroi do so..
12:49.21gennaroand nothing is changed
12:49.35gennarob000 what can i do?
12:51.33syledon;t have all day to update kernels on a million machines just do yum update kernel
12:51.40sylesomething like that
12:52.28gennarotried to do yum ...
12:52.44gennarobut.. i'll stay a week.. @56k
12:53.38gennaroand if i lunch yum kernelsource ?
12:55.59syleyum install kernel-dev
12:56.00gennaroin other kind of way
12:56.10syleor source
12:56.13sylecheck google
12:56.47gennaroin other kind of way rpmbuild --target i686 ...
12:57.11gennarobut i havent an rpmbuild and doesn't work as rpm build
12:57.38gennaroi'm oing to try with yum..
13:05.27cjkis it possible to bind asterisk to more than one port?
13:08.09lmecan't we use ; delimiters for cdr_custom ?
13:11.07*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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13:16.47RoyK~seen zoa
13:16.50jbotzoa is currently on #asterisk (4h 45m 41s).  Has said a total of 54 messages.  Is idling for 2h 12m 6s
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13:30.42*** join/#asterisk BladeRunner05 (
13:40.16X-Filesheya all
13:40.26BladeRunner05hi x
13:40.28X-FilesNov 15 15:33:01 DEBUG[9947]: chan_sip.c:7380 handle_request: Check for res for 75305101
13:40.29X-FilesNov 15 15:33:01 DEBUG[9947]: chan_sip.c:1629 update_user_counter: Call from user '75305101' is 1 out of 0
13:40.35*** join/#asterisk Druken (i=Druken@
13:40.41Drukenmorning everyone
13:40.46X-Filesextensions.conf :
13:41.01X-Filesexten => s,1,Answer()
13:41.09jbotpastebin is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
13:41.09X-Fileswhy not answer ?
13:41.22Drukenahh.... hehe
13:41.35Drukenwhat kinda device are ya using?
13:41.42Drukenplus remove the ()
13:42.04BladeRunner05the latest chan_capi version is 0.3.5 ?
13:42.26X-Filesplease check
13:43.55X-Filesno comments ?
13:44.00DrukenX-Files: so it's a sip call ?
13:44.30luiteBladeRunner05: you can get the newer chan_capi-cm from sourceforge, the latest version is 0.6.1
13:44.43X-FilesDruken: yep this SIP
13:44.50X-Filesikarus: ?
13:45.07ikarusX-Files: oh, I just dropped a tray of parts on my keyboard
13:45.18DrukenX-Files: well, what are you expecting it to do ? so far your just answering the call... not doing anything after that....
13:46.42X-FilesDruken: not answer asterisk and droped connection (line busy)
13:47.27*** join/#asterisk cmslaght (
13:48.35DrukenX-Files: what is it doing?
13:49.13X-FilesDruken: check log :
13:49.27BladeRunner05lehel: and what about this version
13:50.58*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
13:51.06Drukeni looked at the pastebin... but your only showing an answer, so asterisk will answer... and then basically hang it up.. cause it doesn't have anything left to do... the call will just sit there,
13:51.51X-Filesok for testing i add background sound
13:52.36Drukenanswer then background(invalid)
13:52.54X-Filesdemo :)
13:53.41lehelBladeRunner05: i've heard chan_capi-cm-0.6 can't be loaded with latestasterisk version from cvs, but give it a try.. everything is possible, and tell me if you succeded
13:54.26X-Filestry check :
13:54.46X-Filesi update extension file and restart asterisk
13:54.55X-Filesresult null ;(
13:55.40Drukenset verbose 12 on cli
13:55.50Drukensip no debug
13:55.57Drukenand then try your call
13:56.05Drukensee what asterisk is actually doing
13:56.37X-Filesthis same
13:57.11*** join/#asterisk Broom (
13:57.16Drukenpaste me the cli output
13:59.17DrukenX-Files: sorry, can't help ya...
13:59.58Broomhello, i have a terrible crackling noise (not always, just sometimes) on calls coming in through a digium Wildcard TE110P T1, what can I verify?
14:00.38BladeRunner05lehel:ok, I tell u...
14:00.38lmeBroom: what does a zap show status display about your te110 ?
14:01.26Broomlme: zap show status? or zap show channels?
14:01.42Broomthere is no option for status
14:01.54Broomon the cli i mean
14:01.54lmezap show status
14:01.58lmeas it
14:02.06BroomNo such command 'zap show status' (type 'help' for help)
14:02.45lmeasterisk*CLI> zap show status
14:02.45lmeDescription                              Alarms     IRQ        bpviol     CRC4
14:02.52lmeDigium Wildcard TE110P T1/E1 Card 0      OK                  0          0          0
14:02.52Broomwhat ver/.
14:03.21lehel~pastebin lme
14:03.27Broomi dont have bristuff
14:03.48lmelehel:  ?
14:04.06Broomi have 1.0.9
14:04.14Broomdownloaded from webpage not cvs
14:04.40*** join/#asterisk Lloydie-t (
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14:05.07lmeBroom: just try to make zttool in your zaptel dir, launch it, and display info about your card
14:05.33Broomok, wait
14:06.27lmelehel: (15:03:21) lehel: ~pastebin lme ??
14:06.54lehellme, just use pastebin
14:07.05jboti guess pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
14:07.05Broomlme: they dont like ppl who paste in the channel, pastebin is an utility for doing so
14:07.28lehelyeah Broom Broom..
14:07.33lmeokay okay
14:07.36lmesorry for that
14:07.37*** join/#asterisk evangelion (n=manzy_ze@
14:07.47evangelionhi all
14:08.11Broomlme, what information from zttool you want me to give you?
14:08.15Kattyhihi (=
14:08.55lmeBroom: have you got irq misses ?
14:09.35Broomyeah, any suggestions?
14:09.58mutget a new motherboard
14:10.20mutturn off everything in the bios
14:10.27mutthats using a irq
14:10.33lmeBroom: lspci -vv and look for shared irq
14:10.46evangeliondoes any of you run asterisk realtime with "clustering" patch?
14:10.56Broomok, lemme do that
14:11.12Broomit is an intel board
14:11.41lmeBroom: kernel hand made or from your distro ?
14:11.58mutcat /proc/interrupts
14:12.08*** join/#asterisk vexorg (
14:12.27muteasier to tell
14:12.34lmefor sure
14:13.46Broomok, hold on
14:14.16Broomthats what i got
14:14.26Broomkernel is from distro
14:14.48lmetakes me about 5 mins to load this page
14:15.45evangeliondoes any of you run asterisk realtime with "clustering" patch?
14:15.53lmeevangelion: no sorry
14:16.17lmeBroom: okay... seems like your te110 card actually sharing irq with your usb root
14:16.56Broomok, thanks i'm disabling the usb,audio etc as of now
14:17.01lmeBroom: so let's start from the beginning, kill all unnecessary in your bios
14:17.21ikarusNo APIC ?
14:17.32lmeBroom: if you still get irq sharing (which might be magical thing) you should use IO-APIC in your kernel
14:18.10X-FilesDruken: maybe problem in sip.conf ?
14:19.05lmeikarus: apparently, distro kernel...
14:19.17cjkhi, does anyone know if enumlookups are working in rc2. they were not working in rc1 an the betas
14:19.25ikaruslme: hmmmmm, I guess, I never use anything else
14:21.30*** join/#asterisk mmmToop (n=chatzill@
14:21.46lmeikarus: what distro are you using ?
14:22.13ikaruslme: Debian, but I don't use distro kernels on anything but the most basic box
14:22.16X-FilesHelp please , try connect to asterisk from phone sip, but asterisk not answer , see log :
14:22.32*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (n=darkskie@
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14:22.58lmeikarus: okay... we're agree :)
14:23.05lmedebian too here
14:23.32*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
14:26.55*** join/#asterisk JimmyCarter (
14:27.25JimmyCarteranyone know how to periodically reset the queues?
14:27.40JimmyCarterlike every 15 minutes or so.
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14:38.19tmccraryI have a problem with ivr on asterisk
14:38.47tmccraryMy asterisk seems to be very poor at understanding dial tones for the menu
14:39.22ikarustmccrary: inband with compression on ?
14:40.28stevie20hi lme...
14:40.29tmccraryI dont have anything like that in my sip.conf or
14:40.46tmccraryexten => s,1,DigitTimeout(10)
14:40.46tmccraryexten => s,2,Background(initial-menu)
14:40.46tmccraryexten => 9,1,Goto(ivr-main,s,2)
14:40.55tmccrarythat's my dial plan, am I missing a required field or anything
14:41.59tmccrarylike do I need to set a field that increase the time it waits for digits? that's what I set the digittimeout for, but it doesn't work well
14:42.49lmehi stevie20 !
14:42.49tmccrarylike if I press the numbers very fast, it works usually
14:44.25JimmyCarteranyone know how to periodically reset the data in the queues? like servicelevelperf etc.
14:44.48lmeno sorry
14:45.04*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
14:45.58evangeliondoes any of you run asterisk realtime with "clustering" patch?
14:48.03stevie20lme, do you have the possibility, to test the beta version with a patch? you remember, the silence supression problem?
14:50.01stevie20and after upgrading to 1.0.9 i experienced a new problem...
14:50.40stevie20we have got some calls, which are getting forwarded to another number...
14:50.53stevie20but the forwarding should not be done wit asterisk...
14:51.55stevie20a incoming call, wich gets forwarded looks like:
14:53.01lmestevie20: i'm bristuffed, i canno't follow the head branch
14:53.29stevie20PSTN - incoming call to --> Asterisk -- forwarded to --> Old PBX -- new (incoming) Call --> Asterisk -- forwarded to --> SIP Gateway --> PSTN --> final destination
14:53.52LostFroglol.. bristuffed.. sounds like a disease.
14:53.59stevie20ok lme...
14:54.50stevie20and now, the connection get lost at the first incoming call.... with the following error message:
14:55.33stevie20Nov 15 15:46:19 WARNING[5720]: Unable to forward frame
14:56.08lmeLostFrog: and so it is.... but here in france, for smi, we use to have many T0 incoming instead of pri
14:56.10stevie20in the meanwhile the other calls are setup and the destination devic is ringing about 1 to 2 times...
14:56.24lmeLostFrog: so i need octo + quad bri from junghanns
14:57.03stevie20in 1.0.8 i got timeouts... i increased the timeout value and it works... but this hack doesnt seems to work with 1.0.9
14:57.38*** join/#asterisk Anthro (n=dsfgrt@pdpc/supporter/active/Anthro)
14:57.44AnthroIs anyone using BroadVoice?
14:58.06lmestevie20: damn, your incmoing calls looks like hardworker to get established !
14:59.01stevie20lme say it loud ;-)
14:59.55stevie20but this is "only" a test scenario, to test, if asterisk will work with our setup... i hope the final customers don't need this setup...
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15:05.06Broomlme: i changed the bios settings here is my cat /proc/interrupts outcome
15:06.56Broomand there are no irq misses, but i still hear a crackling noise on some calls
15:07.32hugov6does a if statement exist in extensions.conf?
15:07.49hugov6or something?
15:07.57LostFroghugo-v6: GotoIf?
15:08.17LostFroghugo-v6: show applications
15:08.37hugov6LostFrog hmmm maybe this would be possbile. ill have a look. thank you.
15:09.07LostFrogYou might also want to look at Asterisk Variables on the wiki.
15:09.15LostFrogAnd Asterisk Expressions
15:09.33hugov6thank you LostFrog.
15:11.53*** join/#asterisk DYOGI_B (
15:12.12DYOGI_Bhey what is the best codec to use on Asterisk in a LAN environment
15:13.21DYOGI_Band is alaw just as good?
15:13.25LostFrogwell.. ulaw or alaw.. I'm not in europe, so I don't know what the advantages of alaw would be.
15:14.07DYOGI_Bthanks :) Australia i think it uses Alaw
15:14.18hugov6LostFrog: gotoif will work. thank you.
15:14.24DYOGI_Bok i will go fix all the sip phone on my network now :)
15:18.31*** join/#asterisk UlbabraB (
15:19.16tmccraryI am using BroadVoice
15:19.37Anthrotmccrary: Is your "device" set to Generic SIP device?
15:20.08tmccraryYou mean in the broadvoice control panel thing?
15:20.09DYOGI_BWhat do people think of the grandstream 2000
15:20.10tmccrarylet me check
15:20.23tmccraryDYO: it's ok, nothing to write home about... cheap though
15:20.44tmccraryI assume you mean the GXP-2000, I have one sitting right here
15:20.58Anthrotmccrary: Also, it looks like the MAC address doesn't matter, but I'm not sure.
15:21.13DYOGI_Byep, i have bough 4 for an office install i have to do, do you think they will be ok ?
15:21.28tmccrarydepends on how picky your customer is
15:21.37[TK]D-FenderGranstream = bleagh...
15:21.39tmccrarythe speakerphone is attrocious
15:22.08DYOGI_Bis there much echo as i am trying to fix it
15:22.33tmccraryAnthro: I have GENSIP-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX in my devices config
15:22.48kuku5anyone using paging speakers ?
15:22.50Anthrotmccrary: Okay, thanks.
15:23.13[TK]D-FenderFlimsy feel, flakey transfer (IIRC) and bunch of other "downs".  SPA-941 is more expensive but worth it.
15:23.13tmccraryit connects to my colo server in texas, works okay. Sometimes I've had new calls get dropped though, on BroadVoice's end
15:23.36tmccraryI'm not a big fan of sipura
15:23.44*** join/#asterisk yxa (
15:24.13tmccraryOf their last two phones I've used, I hated them both and they had weird buzzing noises (that none of the other phones I tested had.. grandstream and snom)
15:24.32yxado fxo ports require the 5V supply to be connected on the tdm400p?
15:25.05[TK]D-Fendertmccrary : SPA-841's I take it?
15:25.55DYOGI_Byep 5v
15:26.05DYOGI_Berr no just the fxs
15:26.23yxaDYOGI_B i heard the new tdm2400p doesnt need the 5V for fxo :)
15:26.42*** join/#asterisk brettnem (n=brettnem@
15:26.49yxaerrr fxs
15:26.56yxano i mean fxo
15:26.58tmccraryD-Fender: let me check, I have those phones in a closet :)
15:27.12file notice the power connector? ;)
15:27.46luitebut not required for fxo
15:27.47DYOGI_Bdidn't he say the tdm400p
15:28.02DYOGI_Bfxo no fxs yes
15:28.21Anthrotmccrary: I think is wrong about the format of the register string. Shouldn't it be register => <phonenumber>:<password><phonenumber><extension>?
15:30.06yxaDYOGI_B thanks
15:33.26*** join/#asterisk steff (n=steff@
15:33.31steffhi all
15:34.33steffsomebody know a goo 2TO card for asterisk, i have some problems with an AVM C2 :-(
15:35.38*** part/#asterisk tmccrary (n=tmccrary@
15:36.21steffanyone ?
15:38.18*** join/#asterisk DCGrendel (
15:38.33DCGrendelanyone here run * under xen?
15:40.26DCGrendeli'm having trouble with everything that relies on a timer, even with ztdummy loaded.
15:40.47*** join/#asterisk shout (
15:41.11DCGrendelnot to mention voipbuster refuses to route my calls from *, but works fine when using their app
15:42.16steff4 isdn channels
15:42.30steff2 bri
15:43.59luitedon't know about any 'double' card, you should probably get a quad from junghanns or beronet
15:50.49hugov6iirc was there a application(?) for extensions.conf which shows the content of a variable?
15:50.50steffAVM C2/C4 are the same, i can't get more than 2 chan vi chan_capi, and with misdn the card will not work, i miss something, but i can't find docs about this type of setup
15:50.51hugov6ah noop
15:50.53ManxPowerDCGrendel, Then you have some other problem.
15:50.53DCGrendelManxPower: i dont pretend to know what the problem is, but it might have something to do with the HZ variable not being 1000 on my kernel.
15:50.57ManxPowerDCGrendel, That would do it.
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15:54.42graphyxanyone have any recommendations for linux softphone for SIP?
15:55.13jhbgraphyx: I like to use sjphone
15:55.27tmccrarylinphone works okay
15:55.34jhbnot open, but works really reliable for me
15:55.38tmccraryI don't like softphones in general
15:55.40}cytrak{why does asterisk use gsm format ?
15:55.47tmccraryyou can use other codecs
15:55.52}cytrak{isn't that computational intensive ?
15:55.57tmccrarygsm is just an old reliable standard that's open
15:56.14}cytrak{what else can be used ? wav ?
15:56.17tmccraryit doesn't have the best quality, but it can get the job done and it's not encumbered by patents
15:56.18graphyxtmccrary: Any luck using linphonec ?  I can't figure out how to use the console to configure it to work with asterisk.
15:56.33tmccraryor (alaw if you're in europe)
15:56.42tmccrarywav is really a wrapper for codecs
15:56.47}cytrak{i c
15:56.48*** join/#asterisk Rav1974 (
15:57.10tmccrarygsm is low bit rate, low quality
15:57.16}cytrak{i'm trying to convert my wav to gsm as the asterisk book mentioned by my sox doesn't support gsm
15:57.16tmccraryits lossy compression
15:57.34Rav1974Hi guys, I have a silly question, which is the latest bleeding edge version? The CVS checkout or RC2?
15:57.45Vhataalways CVS
15:57.46tmccraryulaw is lossless, so it takes up mega bandwith
15:57.51LostFrogThe answer to that question is always CVS.
15:57.51ManxPowertmccrary, It's no worse than a good cellphone call.
15:58.03Rav1974thanks guys
15:58.12tmccraryright, but its not as good as ulaw (which is what a regular land line phone will use)
15:58.31ManxPowertmccrary, Correct.  But there are alternatives.
15:58.43tmccrarywhat codec you use is really dependant on how much bandwidth you want to use
15:58.44DCGrendelanyone have viopbuster in their dialplan?
15:58.49VhataLostFrog: well, depending on definition of 'bleeding edge'.  Maybe if some of the developers got drunk and released a bad package, you'd be more likely to bleed than if you checked out the fixes they put in the next day (or possibly the day after that)  ;-)
15:58.54*** join/#asterisk DrDeke (
15:58.57ManxPowerI like G726 - less bandwidth than ulaw, but still has very good quality.
15:59.25}cytrak{so I can convert my wav files to G726 ? any patent issues there though ?
15:59.30Vhata(of course, Asterisk developers don't drink.)
15:59.41ManxPower}cytrak{, no free codec in Asterisk has patent issues.
16:00.43graphyxtmccrary: Were you able to use linphone with asterisk just fine?
16:01.18graphyxDid you use the gnome interface or the console?
16:01.32tmccrarythe only issues were really getting alsa to play nice with full duplex sounds (which had nothing to do with asterisk or linphone). God linux sound sucks so bad
16:01.37tmccraryGnome interface
16:01.47graphyxany ideas on how to do it with the console?
16:01.53graphyxor is that something to avoid completely?
16:01.54tmccraryin fact, I was connecting to china, which is suprisingly useable
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16:02.49wasimtmccrary: it doesn't ... we use alsa all the time
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16:04.00tmccrarywasim: I like linux, don't get all zealoty with me, but Linux's sound support has issues
16:04.09tmccraryas does it's wireless, etc
16:04.27*** join/#asterisk Syrus_ (
16:04.38wasimtmccrary: i'm not getting zealoty, we use alsa for a lot more than voip, like low latency recording in studio applications etc ... i'd like to know your experience and benefit from it
16:05.02DCGrendeldon't mix linux audio + via chipsets. crashes will ensue
16:05.07tmccraryI still use it on pretty much all my devices, its the only free alternative with at least decent hardware support
16:05.18DrDekeI have a better idea: Never use a via chipset. :(
16:05.29DCGrendelyes i have that opinion too
16:05.43DCGrendelbut when the other option is to run windows on it...
16:05.44}cytrak{what can be used to listen to gsm files ?
16:05.51tmccraryyep, there's a lot of linux bugs like that. For example, if you need opengl support with a modern chipset... don't use anything but nvidia.
16:06.11ManxPower}cytrak{, the "play" command that comes with sox worked for me.
16:06.14tmccrarybut there's also a lot of upsides (like asterisk of course)
16:06.43tmccrarycytrak as an aside, you can use sox to transcode audio files into gsm (or quite a few different formats)
16:09.39*** join/#asterisk Abbas (n=Abbas@
16:11.46}cytrak{hmmm got it converted but the gsm file doesn't seem to clear as the wav file is that normal ?
16:12.09}cytrak{checking the man sox .. brb
16:12.11DrDekeYeah, a GSM file isn't going to sound as clear as a WAV file in general.
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16:14.04}cytrak{it sound like mono
16:14.23}cytrak{the wav seems to have been recorded in stereo
16:14.57copantli have this problem: when  i dial  the cli show this:  Zap/1-1 is ringing
16:15.18copantlbut the other party is not answer still ringing
16:15.22copantlany idea?
16:15.23ManxPowercopantl, are you calling out of an analog FXO port?
16:16.06ManxPowercopantl, can't imagine why unless the far end has answered and is sending back a ringing sound (line a automatic voice/fax switch)
16:16.41DrDekecytrak: not much sense in using stereo files for a telephone conversation :)
16:17.15hugov6how long does a with setvar made var exist? problem: i set it in label1, in label2 it works but in label3 it wont?
16:17.29hugov6or better sometimes it works and sometimes not
16:17.45copantlhere is my config diagram:
16:20.07ManxPowercopantl, the only real way to tell is to do a "pri debug span x" and learn enough about PRI to diagnose the issue.  I suspect the LUCENT is sending Asterisk whatever message means "call is answered" in RPISpeak
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16:21.15copantlManxPower: i gonna do that and i tell you later thanx
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16:22.30X-Fileshello users, <analog phone FXS> --> <ITG> --> <ASTERISK> ->> <ITG> -->>> <analog line FXO> ..... no work dial tone .... ,  why i cant use dial tone ?
16:23.06ManxPowerX-Files, ITG?
16:23.26X-FilesInternet Telephony Gateway (2 FXO ports and 2 FXS ports)
16:25.13X-Filesno comments ?
16:25.25ManxPowerX-Files, sounds like you need to simplify things.
16:28.51brad_msswdialtone should be generated by your FXS device itself, so if it's not, most likely it has not registered with asterisk properly
16:29.38X-Filesand what me doing ?
16:29.52*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
16:30.34brad_msswunder asterisk, do a 'sip show peers'
16:30.45brad_msswdoes it show the ip address of your FXS device ?
16:31.40Math`er, tought it was a question
16:32.15*** join/#asterisk cnet2 (
16:32.23cnet2hi everyone,
16:32.32*** join/#asterisk Mad_Hornet (
16:32.35brad_msswX-Files: can you log into your FXS device, and see if it's successfully registered with asterisk ?
16:33.00brad_msswX-Files: most devices won't generate a dialtone unless there is successful registration with your server
16:33.25cnet2i was wondering have you guys seen a voip phone, that looks something like those receptionist phones.. or at least have the lights that show who's line is busy.  (maybe these could  be programable)
16:33.28X-Filesbrad_mssw: SIP register phone 7530510 4 status: SUCCESS
16:33.46X-Filesbrad_mssw: this FXO port 1
16:33.52brad_msswX-Files: also, what's the port number you see it coming in on in your  'sip show peers' ?
16:33.55X-Filesbrad_mssw: SIP register phone 75305101 4 status: SUCCESS
16:33.56Mad_HornetI need help with a TE410P installation... anyone have experience with them?
16:34.00DrDekecnet2: You could look at a Grandstream 2000 :
16:34.02X-Filesbrad_mssw: this FXS port 3
16:34.31cnet2DrDeke: thanks :P
16:34.50X-Filesbrad_mssw: check private ;)
16:34.57DrDekeI'm not exactly sure how you would go about programming the buttons though.
16:34.59brad_msswX-Files: I'll reply there
16:35.26graphyxcan sjphone do multiple lines?
16:35.40tmccrarycnet, you may want to check the snom 360 with the attachable switch board
16:36.03tmccraryMad_Hornet: I have a TE410P
16:37.34Mad_Hornettmccrary: do you have a full T1? We have 4 channels split off for voice, I can see where the telco company punched them down on the 66 block, but I am not sure where to go from here... New to telephony...
16:39.00cnet2tmccrary: ok.. thx
16:40.47cnet2that snom 360 phone looks awsome
16:40.57wunderkinMad_Hornet: you can see what? where the 4 voice lines are punched down?
16:43.50Mad_Hornetwunderkin: I can see the 2 pair split from the T1 line punched down on the 66 block...
16:44.05marcus2so make a cable and plug it into your te410p
16:44.21marcus2why didn't the telco give you a rj45 jack? thats kind of odd
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16:44.43DrDekeHey, this is kind of off-topic, but do any of you happen to know if a T3/DS3 comes into a premesis via copper or fiber? If copper, 2 pairs like a T1? Or something else?
16:44.56ManxPowermarc324, E-1s are commonly handed off as 2 coax cables, there are adapters to convert to RJ-45
16:45.05marcus2DS3s come over 2 coax lines, or fiber.
16:45.06[TK]D-Fendercnet2 : take a look at the Polycom 601 & attendant modules....
16:45.14Math`any ways to flash that to work with asterisk?
16:45.41ManxPowerMath`, Don't buy used Vendor Locked ATAs.
16:45.44marcus2manx; he said they are two pairs, not two bits of coax.
16:46.06Math`ManxPower: except if you know how to unlock them lol
16:46.11Mad_Hornetmarcus2: I think so too... to make a cable I would just punch down over the 2 pair? I haven't done this before...
16:46.17ManxPowerMath`, Still not worth it.
16:46.30Math`depends what brand
16:46.35*** join/#asterisk bweschke (
16:46.43ManxPowerYo can buy a 2-port Sipura ATA for $70
16:46.45marcus2yeah, one pair goes to pins 1/2 in the rj45, the other pair goes to 4/5
16:47.02brettnemDrDeke: DS3 is delivered to premises via fiber. typically handed off via 2 coax cables
16:47.05marcus2if you don't get carrier, try wiring up the pairs the other way :)
16:47.19InfraRedDS3 sucks
16:47.23marcus2you can buy a 2 port linksys-branded sipura for $50 =D
16:47.34wunderkinMad_Hornet: i haven't either, but they are supposted to go  on the opposite side
16:47.45DrDekeWhat's wrong with DS3s? What if you need more than a T1 or two's worth of DS0s?
16:47.48wunderkini think the customer side is the left normally
16:48.05brettnemDrDeke: there is nothing wrong with a DS3.. really
16:48.08Math`marcus2: where? :P
16:48.17marcus2circuit city, staples, frys, walmart
16:48.21marcus2lots of places online
16:48.27InfraRedDS3 sucks today, something must suck, DS3 it is for today \o/
16:48.32DrDekelol, ok :)
16:48.39marcus2linux sucks more than DS3s ;)
16:48.46DrDekeDo they even make DS3 line cards that work with Asterisk? ;)
16:48.57DrDekeman, get off the shed, there is nothing wrong with linux ;)
16:48.57Math`digium's working on it
16:48.58InfraRedlinux bashing is sooooooo 1999
16:49.00brettnemDrDeke: no.. digium likes to talk about doing it tho
16:49.02InfraRedit's OSX days
16:49.09[TK]D-FenderSangoma already has a DS3 card....
16:49.09InfraRedOSX is \SO\ gay
16:49.17Math`osx isn't gay
16:49.22brettnemI don't think it's channelized
16:49.35DrDekeWait, so you can't use it for voice?
16:49.42DrDeke(as in PSTN)
16:49.47brettnemthat is a loaded question
16:50.02brettnembut your assumption is correct if mine is as well
16:50.11DrDekeI mean it doesn't really matter; I am not going to be getting a DS3 any time soon (ever)... Just curious is all :)
16:50.33brettnemwell don't count on digium actually doing the DS3
16:50.43brettnemand if they do, don't count on it working [well]
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16:50.59brettnemit'll be like a DS3 card, but you can only actually use the first 4 DS1s
16:51.16Math`out of 27 :P
16:51.21brettnemor maybe the zaptel channels only go to 256 or something stupid like that
16:51.25marcus2my te410p seems to work pretty well..
16:51.39brettnemMath`: out of 27? <sic> I suppose?
16:51.43DrDekeI miss my days of dealing with ISDN
16:51.52brettnemDrDeke: PRI or BRI?
16:51.59DrDekeBRI at home, PRI at work
16:52.02Math`brettnem: a DS3 is 27 DS1 no?
16:52.09brettnemno, it's 28..
16:52.12Math`ah ok
16:52.26brettnembut I found it humorous anyway.. digium might make a 27 channel DS3.. haha
16:52.35Mad_HornetI will give it a try. Another quick question... I have two POTS lines as well, can the TE410P handle them too? I read that it does FXS/FXO, but wasn't sure if it can have POTS lines plugged in.
16:52.47brettnemin which you can only use the first 4 channels..
16:53.11brettnemyou cannot plug analog phone lines into T1 interfaces
16:53.12marcus2sure, you can plug 4 pots lines into a te410p, as long as you have a channel bank in the middle
16:53.29brettnembtw, don't even try it.. ring voltage could fry the card
16:53.41Math`you can plug a POTS into an Ethernet switch, as long as you have an ATA in the middle
16:53.56marcus2true, true
16:54.03[TK]D-Fender</stupid> !!!!
16:54.17brettnemI can drive my car to antartica as long as there is a boat in the middle. HAR HAR.. ok, enough really
16:54.51ManxPowerI can have my Digium card share interrupts, so I can't.
16:55.13brettnemremember bkw_'s analogy of that?
16:55.25ManxPowerbrettnem, no
16:55.39brettnemdigium cards share interrupts like a fat kid in a candy store
16:55.55marcus2why should they need to share interrupts
16:56.04brettnemoh sheesh.. did I really say that.. shame on me
16:56.10brettnemmarcus2: they don't NEED to.. haha
16:56.31brettnemyou just power up and it's on the same interrupt as.. say, your SATA card.. or your ethernet card..
16:56.48lmestupid question
16:56.51[TK]D-FenderAn E1000 no less.
16:56.52brettnemI want a nice DS0 bus on digital interfaces..
16:56.58Math`lme: go ahead, lots of stupid stuff going on anyways
16:56.59brettnemlike old skool SC-BUS
16:57.08brettnemyay stupid questions
16:57.14lmeis it possible to continue in dial plan after a Dial command and if caller hang before called
16:57.30marcus2my systme has more free interrupts than it knows what to do with !
16:57.36ManxPowerlme, "show application dial", pay special attention to the "g" option
16:57.38Math`you mean if you dial and you hangup before having finished dialing?
16:57.56brettnemManxPower: I think he means if the callER hangs up
16:57.59[TK]D-Fendermarcus2 : Mine had TONS of free interrupts, but would always try and chare with my TDM400....
16:58.07marcus2sounds like a crappy bios
16:58.15ManxPowerbrettnem, that would be exten => h of course.
16:58.17lmeManxPower: it's only working if the called hang, not the caller
16:58.21brettnemheh..dosen't matter how many free interrupts you have.. crap bios will assign them all to the same ones.
16:58.36brettnemManxPower: does that work these days.. everone always cautioned against using h
16:58.45[TK]D-Fendermarcus2 : happens on a lot of boards.  My Gigabyte one had the ability to reserve by slot and didn't seem to work, and thats through a BIOS upgrade as well
16:58.58brettnem[TK]D-Fender; same here
16:58.58ManxPowerbrettnem, it's a bad idea, but it works
16:59.00marcus2most motherboards are crap :)
16:59.02*** join/#asterisk Sobakai (
16:59.08marcus2use decent boards, you wont have problems :)
16:59.09brettnemManxPower: ah ok, just wanted to get that out.. ;)
16:59.13ManxPowerIf you want to dial and then hangup, use a damn .call tile.
16:59.20[TK]D-Fender<3 Sangoma <3
16:59.49brettnemgood point
16:59.58Sobakaican someone help me with my FOP its acting rather weird...
17:00.02*** part/#asterisk Mad_Hornet (
17:00.05brettnemI think sangoma will save us all.. but I don't think it'll be part of the asterik project..........
17:00.08marcus2i'm always amused when people slap a $1500 pci card in a $75 cheap-ass motherboard and then bitch that the pci card isnt compatible with the mobo
17:00.20*** join/#asterisk Timoti (n=asqsa@
17:00.26Math`brettnem: except if zomeone writes a sap driver for it
17:00.30Math`er, someone, zap
17:00.46TimotiHi everybody
17:00.49TimotiI need your help
17:00.50ManxPowerMath`, Um, Sangoma already has Zap drivers for many of their boards
17:01.01lmeManxPower: in fact i want to tag my cdruserfield with the correct state, answer, lost, voicemail, but if caller hang before called, it's stop in the dialplan and exit non-zero...
17:01.01[TK]D-Fendermarcus2 : and at the same time ask yourself why such a HUGE % of server MB's use E1000 NIC's, and Digium's cards can't cope?
17:01.04brettnemzap sux..
17:01.13brettnemreally.. chan_sangoma.. hellllooooOooo!
17:01.15TimotiI just install asterisk @home .. and now I would like to add H323 addon ...
17:01.17ManxPowerlme, Then you need to do that in exten => h
17:01.26marcus2i have a te410p in a machine with two e1000s
17:01.30marcus2seems to work just fine to me?
17:01.32TimotiI red the instruction ... and I have no idea related linux
17:01.40Timotiat the instruction it is saying
17:01.41TimotiCopy the file to you Asterisk@Home server using WinSCP. Unzip the file by typing
17:01.48TimotiHow can I do that ?
17:01.55marcus2you need to go ask on #unix
17:01.57QwellBy typing what it...tells
17:02.04Timotito which directory .. and by which commands ?
17:02.07ManxPowermarcus2, I hear over and over that you need to disable many onboard 1Gbps Ethernet devices to get Digium cards to work correctly.
17:02.14QwellTimoti: the ones they give you in the next line
17:02.19}cytrak{hmm do I need to created an AGI to receive input from a user ?
17:02.21marcus2manx; dual onboard e1000s, no problems
17:02.27ManxPowerTimoti, We can't help you with Asterisk@Home.
17:02.36ManxPowermarcus2, For YOU, but others have had problems.
17:02.37marcus2but ... i'm using a decent motherboard.
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17:02.49[TK]D-Fender}cytrak{ : nope you can use the Read command to get inoput from the user.
17:02.51Timotiwell I know .. but can you help me ?
17:02.58filewe use e1000s, compiled into the kernel... that works fine
17:02.59marcus2he just said we can't
17:03.00brettnemTimoti ~gwypf
17:03.03}cytrak{I want a user to enter for example extension number , i want to be able to pick that up from the dialplan and save in a channel var
17:03.07Timotior do you hate asterisk@home ... so you hate me too ?
17:03.08ManxPowerTimoti, I can't.  I've never even been to the Asterisk@home web site.
17:03.13jbotit has been said that gwypf is Get What You Pay For - this channel is full of volunteers who are here to help you. However, we can't hold your hand. If you need a specific problem solved immediately, there is a list of for-hire consultants located at:
17:03.14QwellTimoti: yes, pretty much
17:03.14[TK]D-Fender}cytrak{ just depends what you want to do with it after that will decide if AGI is the BEST thing to do in your case
17:03.16}cytrak{cool thanks .. forgot about read
17:03.18Qwellbbl, work
17:03.28marcus2my asterisk server has e1000 loaded as a module, still no problems
17:03.28lmeManxPower: ok... that's the point... thanx
17:03.32[TK]D-Fender}cytrak{ : "Read" is your answer then.
17:03.35file[TK]D-Fender: I see you
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17:03.57filedarn, now I don't
17:04.05}cytrak{so i do a simple playback (enter extension number) and then call read
17:04.07brettnemTimoti: really.. try to follow the directions before asking.. then go ask in the A@H fourms
17:04.18*** part/#asterisk Timoti (n=asqsa@
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17:04.29DrDekewhat's chan_cloak?
17:04.37marcus2hrm.  "This seems to be an issue with the e1000 and not with the Zaptel device."
17:04.49[TK]D-FenderDrDeke : if you can't see it it must be working!
17:05.18filewoot clean glasses
17:05.20[TK]D-FenderOk, I'm off for lunch....
17:05.22expressfone1can * run on MIPS-32 4Kc procesor??
17:05.24file[TK]D-Fender: now I see you even better
17:05.31brettnemah ha.. i must have that one loaded too.. right next to
17:05.42marcus2i run * on a mips cpu.  dunno if its a 4kc
17:05.59filedon't forget for all your toasting needs
17:06.04expressfone1marcus2> with zaptel cards??
17:06.24marcus2nope, no zap cards
17:06.26Math`I beleive takes an "mb/hour" argument
17:06.27marcus2no pci on that system
17:06.33SobakaiCan anyone help me with my Flash Op Panel, its acting rather weird...
17:07.33*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
17:07.34expressfone1marcus2> what mips board you use??
17:07.43marcus2if you all hate digium and asterisk so much, why do you hang out here? =D
17:07.49marcus2express; a linksys wrt54gs
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17:10.10}cytrak{hm when you use read it creates a channel var or I have to create that channel var with setvar before calling read ?
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17:11.18Sobakaiis there a Flash Panel Op channel I can join maybe?
17:11.29brettnemmarcus2: because openpbx isn't developed yet. ;)
17:11.45*** part/#asterisk darkskiez (n=darkskie@
17:12.03marcus2why arent you working on it/1
17:12.15brettnemI'm a user
17:12.31brettnemTrust me, if I knew more about coding; I'd be all over it
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17:14.44brettnemoh.. lunchtime
17:14.52*** part/#asterisk Gh0sty (
17:15.06lmeManxPower: well, ${CDR(dst)} = h in this case :)
17:15.34wunderkinwhere art thou cresl1n :(
17:17.59*** join/#asterisk kpettit (n=keith@
17:18.16kpettitis there any tooks to query Zap channels to make sure there working?
17:19.05kpettitI'm getting alot of zaptel fx problems, and from asterisk I can't see that there are issues, but if I restart asterisk which reloads the zaptel modules it fixes everytyhing.  It's just anoying becuase i have to do it on most machines at least once a month
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17:20.42[TK]D-Fender}cytrak{ : It should create the channel variable if it doesn't exist
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17:24.13ManxPowerkpettit, define "fx errors"
17:24.30ManxPoweror "fx problem"
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17:27.39kpettitI have analog faxes or paging systems. That basically quit working.
17:28.22kpettitThe paging system just gets horrible static noise, faxes can't send.  I've even had problem with stobe lights I've hookd up to analog ports on the fx cards
17:28.37kpettitin all these problems a asterisk restart which reloads the zaptel module fixes the problems.
17:29.15kpettitThe annoying thing is when I go into asterisk there is no indication there is a problem.  With the stobe light I was doing it would show the zap channel as busy all the time, but that's about it
17:31.10kpettitI've got this problem on pretty much every machine I have with a zaptel fx card.
17:34.06InfraRedkpettit: what cards are you using
17:34.18tmccrarykpettit have you filed a bug report
17:34.53[TK]D-FenderPlease clarify "fx" card.  specify a real model since "fx" doesn't mean much
17:35.11tmccraryintel modem ;)
17:35.49ManxPowerkpettit, you mean FXS ports.
17:35.58}cytrak{could some check this out for me please
17:36.06ManxPowerkpettit, make sure your Digium cards are not shareing interrupts by using: cat /proc/interrrupts
17:36.41*** join/#asterisk Kort (n=james@
17:36.49}cytrak{I used Read as mentioned but even though I entered a number I got user entered nothing in the asterisk console
17:36.55Kortdoes Asterisk have a variable that contains the extension the call originated from?
17:37.20ManxPowerexten => 8000,10,Gotoif($["${train}" = "21"]?11:12) or #
17:37.21ManxPowerexten => 8000,10,Gotoif($[X${train} = X21]?11:12)
17:37.22}cytrak{I think its $EXTEN
17:37.31Kort$EXTEN is the dialed number
17:37.41}cytrak{opps sorry
17:37.59ManxPower}cytrak{, I suspect if TRAIN is empty you'll get that error since your existing test would evaluage to " = 21"
17:38.15X-Filesppl please help . i connect from asterisk to FXO and i have dialtone , i want in num pad enter phone number. tone number not accept and this dialtone not changed to call
17:38.15}cytrak{I'm sure there is other wise you wouldn't be able to use the exgirlfriend stuff
17:38.20KortI'll just parse $CALLERID then..
17:38.43}cytrak{ManxPower: I c
17:38.44X-Fileswhere problem ? asterisk or my FXO port configure ?
17:38.44ManxPowerX-Files, We can't help you because your system is too complex.  Read up on the Asterisk docs
17:38.47jbotdocs is, like, Documentation can be found at or or or or
17:38.59ManxPower}cytrak{, I don't know WHY TRAIN is empty, but.....
17:39.21ManxPowerX-Files, You need to make the ANALOG PHONE -> ADAPTER -> Asterisk work first.
17:39.35ManxPowerYou should get dialtone from the adapter, if you don't, then that's what you need to fix first.
17:39.49X-FilesManxPower: analog phone ->> adapter --> asterisk work !
17:39.58ManxPowerThis is not your own personal help channel.  We are doing this stuff for free.  If you want someone to hold your hand then hire an Asterisk consultant
17:40.09kpettitManxPower, it's not sharing the interrupts
17:40.14X-FilesManxPower: analog phone FXO ->> adapter --> asterisk work too
17:40.17}cytrak{ManxPower: you think it's because I forgot the quotes ?
17:40.41ManxPowerX-Files, so you can call extensions (like voicemail) on the Asterisk system from the analog phone?
17:40.49ManxPower}cytrak{, yes.
17:41.00X-FilesManxPower: but from call analog phone FXS -->> adapter --> ASTERISK ---> Adapter --> FXO (dialtone have) but i can't send tone number for call
17:41.15X-FilesManxPower: yes, voicemail work perfect
17:41.16ManxPowerTry my example.  The 2nd example I gave is an old shell scripting trick for dealing with tests for empty variables that also work in Asterisk
17:41.29kpettitInfraRed, tmccrary I'm using the quad 400p digium card
17:41.46ManxPowerX-Files, so now you need to figure out why the ASTERISK -> ADAPTER -> PHONE LINE is not working.
17:41.47kpettitwe have talked to digum but they basically deny that there card has anyissues
17:41.56ManxPowerIf you plug your analog phone directly into the PHONE LINE does it work?
17:42.26kpettitnothing I plug directlyh into the port will work once it's hung. I have to restart asterisk for it to work
17:42.26ManxPowerkpettit, I have something like 6 or so Digium cards in use, including at least one or 2 4-port cards and have never seen the problem you are experiencing.
17:42.52kpettitI've got over 40 of those 4 port cards.  They drive me freaking nuts
17:43.07X-FilesManxPower: ASTERISK -> ADAPTER -> PHONE LINE FXO is worked ! but i can't send DIAL NUMBER (example 5455545)
17:43.08ManxPowerkpettit, I assume you did the standard stuff, like download latest version of the branch of Asterisk you are using (1.0.9 or 1.2RC2) for Zaptel, libpri, and Asterisk?
17:43.22kpettitfor plain analog phone they don't seem to have issues.  but with fax, paging system, strobes I get issues where I have to restart every so often
17:43.29ManxPowerX-Files, put the Asterisk console output of a failed call on
17:43.40X-FilesManxPower: ok wait
17:43.53kpettitI'm waiting for the stable of 1.2 so I can do the real-time stuff.  I'm very excited about that stuff
17:44.15*** join/#asterisk Moc- (
17:44.23kpettitManxPower, that's the problme.  When I ring a long it just shows it rining Zap/1-1 or whatever that's it
17:44.26ManxPowerkpettit, Well, 1.2 has some significant bug fixes, but I ran a 4-port card using all 4 ports using 1.0.7 - 1.0.9 with no problems
17:44.47ManxPowerkpettit, Oh!  Is that the quad T-1 card or the quad ANALOG card?
17:44.48kpettitcan't tell there's a issue unless I get a call that "fax isn't working" or "the paging light isn't working"
17:45.02kpettitquad analog
17:45.18kpettitI've got some quad t-1 cards too.  those kick major ass
17:45.26kpettitno problem at all with those
17:45.36}cytrak{ManxPower: I used your example + initialized the var to 0 in the begining of the dialplan but it just seems like what I'm entering on the DMTF dialpad doesn't get noticed.
17:45.38ManxPowerkpettit, Oh!  Yes, those cards suck.  I try not to use them.  They lock up on my systems (where I still have them) about once per month or so, depending on usage.
17:45.45*** join/#asterisk cyberkoa (n=cyberkoa@
17:45.55}cytrak{I had a problem similar to that before I had to change the dmtf to rfc
17:45.57kpettitManxPower, Exactly!!  Once a month seems to be it
17:45.59ManxPower}cytrak{, you may have a DTMF problem and not a dialplan problem
17:46.03*** part/#asterisk cyberkoa (n=cyberkoa@
17:46.04}cytrak{but I'm already using rfc
17:46.13ManxPowerkpettit, There is no good fix.
17:46.14}cytrak{using kphone by the way
17:46.22}cytrak{let me try with x-lite
17:46.25kpettitI'd just like to find a way to test, but I'm not sure how to do that.  I don't really want ot do the "reboot once a week" thing
17:46.33ManxPower}cytrak{, remember the phone and asterisk can't tell what the other side is using, so they have to be both forced to rfc2833
17:46.57ManxPowerkpettit, the problem is that we can't reproduce the problem so we can't get Digium to fix the problem.
17:46.57X-FilesManxPower: line 53 in , dialtone from FXO port , i enter phone number from num pad , line 58 i hangup line ...
17:47.12ManxPowerkpettit, My solution is to get a 1 or 2 port T-1/E-1 card and use a channelbank.
17:47.20ManxPowerX-Files, you are missing /etc/asterisk/indications.conf
17:47.43kpettitManxPower, I'd love to do that, but they are two expensive.
17:48.07kpettitI need to start expermenting with hardware.  This are getting reallyanoying
17:48.11ManxPowerkpettit, I know.  Less expensive than you might think.
17:48.33*** join/#asterisk mxmasster (
17:48.33kpettitthe t-1 cards are over 1k arent they?
17:48.34mxmassterhi all
17:48.34X-FilesManxPower: i have this file
17:48.38ManxPowerX-Files, Also your Dial line is wrong.  You are telling it to dial extension 201 off the FXO device
17:48.39kpettitthe PRI t-1 type cards?
17:48.54kpettitthey owner buys all the hardware.  I just get it working
17:48.54mxmassteri am looking for instructions on how to create RPMS for an asterisk install on my RedHat systems
17:49.06ManxPowerkpettit, 1-port is $500 + eBay Adtran ChannelBank $200 - $350
17:49.16*** join/#asterisk YoYo (
17:49.16kpettitthat's not too bad.
17:49.24ManxPowermxmasster, why don't you look at how the existing RPMS for Redhat are built?
17:49.29kpettitthese 4 ports are sooo perfect if they would just work
17:49.44X-FilesManxPower: in extensions.conf exten => 1,1,Dial(SIP/201@
17:50.01kpettithave you tried any other multi port fx type cards?
17:50.03X-FilesManxPower: why this line is wrong ?
17:50.05ManxPowerkpettit, I know.  Digium doesn't admit there's a problem, users know there's a problem.  As I said, my fix is to just replace the analog cards with T-1 cards and a channel bank
17:50.25kpettitdigium is funny like that.
17:50.35ManxPowerX-Files, exten => 1,1,Dial(SIP/telephonenumberyouwanttodial@sipconfentry)
17:50.59ManxPowerkpettit, Of course, you never see the problem until it's too late to return the cards and buy Sangoma
17:51.04ManxPoweror Voicertonix
17:51.16kpettitno kidding.  After we've bought like a 100 of them
17:51.33X-FilesManxPower: yep, in ADAPTER configured local phone 201 = FXO port
17:51.33kpettithave you tried Sangoma?
17:51.47ManxPowerX-Files, Make sure your analog adapters have Silence Supression DISABLED and that the DTMF mode for BOTH the devices AND Asterisk is set to rfc2833
17:52.03ManxPowerkpettit, no, but many people love them
17:52.03}cytrak{I think there is something wrong with how I'm setting the var with Setvar(train=0) and how Read sets the train var .. they don't seem to be the same
17:52.19ManxPowerkpettit, the problem is there is not a lot of support from the community for Sangoma
17:52.24*** part/#asterisk Moc- (
17:52.38ManxPowerX-Files, then you have a problem with your analog adapter, not Asterisk.
17:52.48ManxPowerX-Files, What brand/model of analog adapter are you using?
17:52.50X-FilesManxPower: silence (VAD) disabled in ADAPTER
17:53.03wasimits simpler to just buy 4 port fxs sip ata
17:53.19ManxPowerX-Files, No, it's not.  This message means the adapter is using VAD/CNG/etc "Nov 15 19:36:58 NOTICE[13001]: rtp.c:298 process_rfc3389: RFC3389 support incomplete.  Turn off on client if possible"
17:53.22*** join/#asterisk cpatry (n=grepmoo@
17:53.28kpettitManxPower, I think I'll give them a try and just test the hell out of them to see how they do
17:53.40ManxPowerwasim, or two 2-port SIPura SAP2001
17:53.50X-FilesManxPower: ADAPTER Eusso UTG7104-22
17:53.54ManxPowerkpettit, consider a SIP ATA, they are cheaper.
17:53.59ManxPowerX-Files, I cannot help you with that device.
17:54.13YoYosince updating my cisco 7940's to 7.5, we're getting a weird double-ring.  I set progressinband=never, but it's still the same
17:54.22X-FilesManxPower: Planet VIP-000/400/420 ?
17:54.22YoYoanyone have any suggestions?
17:54.30ManxPower2 x SPA-2001s should cost US$120 - 140
17:55.05ManxPowerX-Files, I have only used Cisco and SIPUra ATAs and most people stick to those or the crappy Grandstream devices.  I've never hear of either of your devices.
17:55.23ManxPowerkpettit, the problem is that Fax over SIP doesn't work very well.
17:55.37ManxPowerkpettit, your best solution is reboot the server every 2 weeks until you can find a long term solution
17:55.58X-FilesManxPower: eh :( dtmf_relay turn is on
17:56.03kpettitWe have a pretty good setup becuase we have direct p2p with the ISP which is also a sip provider so it works prettywell
17:56.17kpettitbut I've noticed on certain fax resolutions work.
17:56.38ManxPowerX-Files, DTMF Relay may be RFC2833, and it needs to be set.
17:57.12X-FilesManxPower: i configure last time dtmf relay all profile turn is on ...
17:57.24X-Filesold last time :)
17:57.43X-Filespaste ;(
17:57.43ManxPowerX-Files, The only thing I can suggest is for your to search the mailing lists or post your question on the mailing lists, someone may have the same device
17:57.47jbot[mailinglist] Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
17:58.14X-Filesi checked this site :( not found :(
17:58.46X-Filesmaybe i lame :( but no result eusso
18:00.00zoatry this search
18:00.15zoaits realtime, not depending on if google spidered it or not
18:00.27YoYosince updating my cisco 7940's to 7.5, we're getting a weird double-ring.  I set progressinband=never, but it's still the same.  how do I track down where the ringing is coming from?
18:01.03ManxPowerzoa, well search author (my e-mail address) healds no hits
18:01.20zoaah, its because it does at
18:01.31zoatry something else like dtmf
18:01.34*** join/#asterisk razu_ (
18:01.41zoathere is some anti spam stuff on the email address
18:01.54ManxPowerzoa, search on my last name has no results
18:02.42ManxPowerzoa, search for my domain in author field fails
18:02.48zoasarch for author doesnt seem to work indeed
18:03.00zoasearch for a topic
18:03.28zoahmm i will need to fix that author thing, that sucks
18:04.13ManxPowerzoa, Sometimes I know WHO wrote something, but not WHAT they wrote 8-)
18:05.01zoayeah i know that
18:05.04}cytrak{anything special has to be done to reset a value of a variable in the dial plan ?
18:05.15zoastupid thing, will try to get it fixed soon
18:05.17ManxPower}cytrak{, no.
18:05.27zoaim low on php guru's so it might take a while
18:05.31ManxPowerzoa, you know I always try the wierd stuff first.
18:05.41zoahehe yeah
18:06.11zoaManxPower: are you coming to eu  now ?
18:06.22ManxPowerMy last testbed system SIP->Asterisk->GRE Tunnel->Asterisk->Tellabs EchoCan-> Asterisk->SIP->Analog phone.
18:06.43ManxPowerzoa, nobody offered me a job so I'm going to live in the mountians
18:07.04ManxPowerleaving thursday evening to do a site survey for internet access
18:07.31zoain the mountains ?
18:07.32zoawhy ?
18:07.37ManxPowerzoa, why not?
18:07.46zoabut what are you going to find int he mountains ?
18:07.49ManxPowerwasim, not in these
18:07.57X-FilesManxPower: exten => 201,1,Dial(SIP/201@   <--- this correct ?
18:08.01zoawild bears !
18:08.07stbainbliss... I love living in the mountains
18:08.07zoano fresh water
18:08.08*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
18:08.12ManxPowerzoa, It's what I WON'T find in the mountians - crime, people, smog, noise.
18:08.15drumkillazoa: your site rocks
18:08.23zoawhich one ? :)
18:08.29ManxPowerzoa, I'll be only 2 hr drive from Digium
18:08.31stbainfresh water o' plenty here
18:08.33zoaah cool
18:08.34cpatryManxPower: but u wont find chicks neither!
18:08.42ManxPowerAnd technically it's the foothills to the mountians
18:08.46drumkillazoa: heh,
18:08.48zoacpatry: he could do special imports
18:08.50ManxPowercpatry, girls are icky!
18:09.32zoathanks thanks
18:09.44YoYo*TAP* *TAP* *TAP*  hello? is this thing on?
18:09.49drumkillaYoYo: nope
18:09.58ManxPowerX-Files, not for any device *I* use.
18:10.03}cytrak{hehe kphone DTMF dialpad doesn't work x-lite works
18:10.15file[laptop]drumkilla: your sillyness level is dropping!
18:10.26ManxPower}cytrak{, I believe KPhone ONLY supports INBAND DTMF i.e. ULAW/ALAW
18:10.54*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (n=juanjoc@
18:11.06mxmassterwhere can i find example table structure for the res_mysql ?
18:11.42perdi'm totally banned now.
18:12.00X-FilesManxPower: brrr, not understand .... SIP protocol , 201 number local in ADAPTER FXO Port , this IP ADAPTER
18:12.25X-FilesManxPower: maybe u can write correct dial() ?
18:12.26stbain}cytrak{: do a google search "kphone  asterisk"
18:12.33ManxPowerX-Files, normally you do not obtain a dialtone from the telco, you send the destination telephone number to the device and it sends the digits to the telco
18:12.38stbain}cytrak{: It works... just have to have the settings right
18:12.50*** join/#asterisk rculp (n=rculp@
18:13.00rculpI have a weird fun issue
18:13.02ManxPowerX-Files, I already gave you a correct Dial.  Dial(SIP/telephonenumber@sipconfsection)
18:13.07rculpif anyone is willing to provide feedback
18:13.12rculpcalls in and out work great
18:13.19rculpbut, if I call someone and they don't answer
18:13.23rculpwithin 20000 ms
18:13.26rculpit hangs up
18:14.03rculpany idea where that setting is actually located?
18:14.48X-FilesManxPower: -- Executing Dial("SIP/75305101-4fab", "SIP/telephonenumber@sipconfsection") in new stack
18:14.53X-Filesthis not correct ;/
18:15.35X-Filesoh sorry
18:15.38ManxPowerX-Files, replace telephonenumber with the telephone number you want to dial and replace sipconfsection with the sip.conf section for [yoursipdevice]
18:15.49X-Filesyes yes, i how understand
18:15.49ManxPowerNow, I can't help you further.  I'm sorry.
18:15.52X-Filessorry :)
18:16.08luiterculp: RINGTIME variable in [general] section of extensions.conf ?
18:16.10ManxPowerrculp, you may have a priority gap in extensions.conf.
18:16.21AnthroDoes anyone know of a MacOS X softphone I could use as an extension for Asterisk?
18:16.24ManxPowerluite, there is no standard variable called RINGTOME
18:16.33ManxPoweror RINGTIME either.
18:16.36luiteit was in the sample...
18:16.37brettnemAnthro: xlite
18:16.45luitebut I guess it's just used as a parameter for the dial then
18:16.46Anthrobrettnem: Free?
18:16.49rculpmanx: I'll try that, thanks
18:16.51ManxPowerrculp, you are not using some sissy gui interface like AMP or Asterisk@Home, are you?
18:16.54brettnemAnthro: yes
18:17.01brettnemManxPower: hah
18:17.04Anthrobrettnem: Keen, I'll google it.
18:17.19brettnemAnthro: I think
18:17.20rculpmanx: negative
18:17.33jbotrumour has it, xlite is at download xlite at: | and see sample configs at, or xlite is a free SoftPhone (software phone, requires no hardware) from xten inc,
18:17.38brettnemthere ya go
18:17.46rculpmanx: d-fender warned me against that and I'm holding my boss off from doing gui interface
18:17.58ManxPowerrculp, good.  The Asterisk console will be helpful to you, you can see what dialplan app was last executed before the disconnect.  I still think you have a priority gap.
18:18.13brettnemManxPower: hey you doing anything fancy for asterisk redundancy?
18:18.30ManxPowerbrettnem, no.  We don't do that with the existing PBXs
18:18.44brettnemanyone doing any kind of asterisk redundancy?
18:18.45rculpmanx: set it to 40000 and it worked great
18:19.03[TK]D-FenderGUI BAD!!!!!
18:19.18brettnemhow about a TUI?
18:19.23ManxPowerrculp, I had an issue where my SIP ATA had a 20 second timeout and would disconnect the call if it wasn't answered in 20 seconds
18:19.33rculpmanx: n/m, that didn't fix it
18:24.07jjoneswould someone be willing to call via sip my asterisk server and see if you can hear anything?
18:24.32brettnemjjones: $5 i'll do it.. ;)
18:24.47jjonesbrettnem :-) it'd be worth $5
18:24.56Kattyjjones: sure
18:26.14jbotdocs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or
18:26.21ManxPowerNew Asterisk Motto!  Asterisk: We kick Cisco's ass!
18:26.58asterboySign of a noob...nvr mind. :->
18:31.20zoawho controls the bot ?
18:31.28zoacan i add something to the bot ?
18:32.03jbotACTION slaps zoa about a bit for cpatry
18:32.14rculpmanx: how did you fix that issue
18:32.25cpatryjbot, zoa is a cool guy!
18:32.26jbot...but zoa is already something else...
18:32.27yxaare there any great performance difference between using a 2.4 and 2.6 kernel with zaptel and * ?
18:32.57jboti guess zoa is a cool a cool guy.
18:33.09X-FilesManxPower: sorry, exten => 201,1,Dial(SIP/201@7530510) <--- correct ?? "[7530510]" in sip.conf 201 number in ADAPTER
18:33.12zoa~docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or
18:33.13jbot...but docs is already something else...
18:33.16InfraRedManxPower: too bad asterisk don't make phones ;)
18:33.24Daminzoa: Werd!
18:33.25zoa~ docs
18:33.26jbotdocs is, like, Documentation can be found at or or or or
18:33.28jbotmethinks docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
18:33.38zoahey damin
18:33.44ManxPowerX-Files, Now, I can't help you further.  I'm sorry.
18:33.45zoadamin im trying to get spam in the bot :)
18:33.49zoait doesnt work
18:33.49AnthroWhat ports do I need to forward through my NAT router? I am setting up a * server inside the NAT and will be using BroadVoice for SIP service.
18:34.01marcus2zoa, how about that channel.c jitterbuffer patch? =D
18:34.07jbotmethinks docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or
18:34.10cpatrythere u go.
18:34.12zoamarcus2: 1 or 2 weeks
18:34.15X-FilesManxPower: only i waitin answer from you "YES or NO"
18:34.18marcus2you said tuesday!
18:34.19zoacpatry: its your bot ?
18:34.19ManxPowerX-Files, Now, I can't help you further.  I'm sorry.
18:34.23zoai know
18:34.29zoawe hit a problem with the changes in bridging
18:34.30X-Filesbot ;/
18:34.37zoabut are testing something now
18:34.44marcus2bah :)
18:34.46zoafor stability
18:34.53zoaquality will be for the rest of the week
18:34.59marcus2oh well, at least its not critical path
18:35.03marcus2or i'd be pissed ;)
18:35.09zoabut its going very well
18:35.16*** join/#asterisk P4C0 (i=1000@
18:35.18*** join/#asterisk twisted[mobile] (n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted)
18:35.18*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted[mobile]] by ChanServ
18:35.19zoait will be rock stable
18:35.25twisted[mobile]rocks aren't stable
18:35.26twisted[mobile]they roll
18:35.32zoahundreds of millions of calls already went through it
18:35.37P4C0hello, can I use a regular modem as fxo card with asterisk??
18:35.42zoabefore you can even touch it and spam me that it doesnt work :)
18:36.03twisted[mobile]Katty :)
18:36.08Kattytwisted[mobile]: did you bring me something?
18:36.11Kattytwisted[mobile]: like a bagel
18:36.14marcus2i will break it
18:36.17Kattytwisted[mobile]: or a cookie?
18:36.30twisted[mobile]katty: i woke up late and hauled ass through the casino
18:36.44Kattytwisted[mobile]: ooh.
18:36.50Kattytwisted[mobile]: imagine that...sleeping late
18:36.57Kattytwisted[mobile]: now /why/ would you be doing that?
18:36.59stbainP4C0: not really
18:37.00twisted[mobile]after no sleep in almost 48 hours
18:37.23Kattytwisted[mobile]: have you made your peace with starbucks yet?
18:37.29twisted[mobile]i couldn't today
18:37.34twisted[mobile]the line was out to the casino
18:37.51twisted[mobile]but the showers here rock :)
18:38.07Kattydo they have caffinated showers?
18:39.41zoadid you bring me something ?
18:39.50Kattytwisted[mobile]: there's also this weird tapping noise around my desk.
18:39.58*** join/#asterisk zeedo (n=zeedo@
18:40.01[TK]D-FenderHey, what are the odds on getting app_queue to use dialplan HINTS with AgentCallBackLogin?
18:40.04zoai see dead people
18:40.16Kattyi see dead pixels
18:40.32filei see dead inodes
18:40.39Kattymaybe there's a mousey
18:41.23DaminKatty: The question that I will soon answer (later this afternoon) is wether a call originating as G.729 from the CCM and being handed back to the CCM w/ a G.729 speaking phone will work properly if ASterisk is just speaking Ulaw in the middle..
18:41.49WunschCan anybody point me at some useful documentation for the h323 channel in Asterisk?  Specifically, I'd like to connect Asterisk to an Avaya phone system that speaks H.323, not just have H.323 clients on my Asterisk.
18:41.58tmccrarythat won't work in pass-thru mode
18:42.05tmccraryI think you'll need a license for the codec
18:42.20tmccrarythen asterisk can transcode the audio
18:42.21KattyDamin: yay?
18:42.31KattyDamin: you're clearly missing the bigger picture.
18:43.14DaminKatty: Probably.. ;)
18:45.20kuku5I have a problem with * when a user records a greeting - but that greeting doesnt play when someone calls in ( voicemail )
18:45.33*** join/#asterisk jtodd (n=jtodd@
18:46.03Kattykuku5: are you sure they're recording the right greeting?
18:46.43Kattykuku5: there's only 5 of them, afterall.
18:48.00[TK]D-Fender5 messages?
18:48.18[TK]D-FenderI only recall 3 (busy, unavail, temp), and your name (which doesn't really count
18:48.28*** join/#asterisk bweschke (n=bweschke@
18:51.52*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-lap (n=corydon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Corydon76-home)
18:52.05ManxPowerWhy does "your name" not count?
18:52.13kuku5where is "your name" show up
18:52.22*** join/#asterisk ken___ (
18:52.26ken___anyone around ?
18:52.30ManxPowerkuku5, in the Directory App
18:52.46ken___i'm trying to get automon (options wW on Dial command) to work correctly
18:52.55ken___but i have no idea how to do it, etc.
18:52.59ken___i have features.conf setup correctly
18:53.01[TK]D-Fenderit also shows up in the "canned" messages if you didn't record a custom message.
18:53.36ManxPowerken___, nothing turned up during your extensive searches of the Wiki and the mailinglist archives?
18:53.54ken___ManxPower: no, nothing came up
18:54.14ManxPowerken___, it's a fairly new feature
18:54.22ken___ManxPower: the information that did come up said to just enable it in features.conf and then enable the wW on the Dial command
18:54.30ken___which, i've done
18:54.36X-FilesManxPower:  --> i turn sip debug, in line 635 - 673  send DTMF correct ? i dunno this correct
18:54.38ken___but, i have no idea where the recordings would be going
18:54.45ken___nor do i see any kind of feedback on the CLI
18:54.46ManxPowerken___, I think you must have sox installed if you want to mix the call sides
18:54.54kuku5Playing 'vm-intro' (language 'en')
18:54.57kuku5This is what it plays
18:55.02ken___ok, great -- i have sox installed!
18:55.08ken___so how do i get it to work ? any idea ?
18:55.14kuku5Katty: Playing 'vm-intro' (language 'en') << why does it play this
18:55.30ManxPowerken___, your best bet is to ask on the mailinglists
18:55.57Kattykuku5: because that's the intro of voicemail
18:56.06ken___ManxPower: ugh -- i dread doing that... there's too much noise on the asterisk-users list
18:56.15kuku5katty: but it should play the person's greeting
18:56.17ManxPowerken___, We all have our crosses to bear.
18:56.49ManxPowerX-Files, Now, I can't help you further.  I'm sorry.
18:57.29ManxPowerken___, "show application mixmonitor" that might work better for you
18:57.31brc_anybody got a number for ELI's ops center? trying to get a pri turned up
18:57.35X-FilesManxPower: brrr... you are ignored me ?
18:58.25ManxPowerX-Files, Now, I can't help you further.  I'm sorry.
18:58.32[TK]D-Fenderkuku5 : what you need to do is like "exten => 2,2,Voicemail(su1234)".  s = don't add the canned instructions, u=unavailable message (use "b" for busy message where you feel like it...)
18:58.45kuku5Katty: it should ahh
18:58.48kuku5so wee ned the S
18:58.57[TK]D-Fenderkuku5 : the reason for the intro is the "s" you had
18:58.57*** join/#asterisk stevek (
18:59.01[TK]D-Fenderor didn't rather...
18:59.04X-Filesken___: please say to ManxPower this line :  --> i turn sip debug, in line 635 - 673  send DTMF correct ? i dunno this correct
18:59.04ManxPowerkuku5, "show application voicemail" will tell you the options you can use
18:59.20kuku5Katty: on previous versions i didnt ahve to do that
18:59.46Kattykuku5: which greeting did you record?
19:00.11Kattykuku5: it's playing vm-intro because it didn't see anything valid to play in front of it
19:00.13}cytrak{hey guys is this correct ? AGI (/opt/asteris/.../agi-bin/myperl | ${train})
19:01.38*** part/#asterisk _m_ (
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19:02.42kuku5- Executing VoiceMail("Zap/2-1", "s69") in new stack
19:02.42kuku5Nov 15 14:01:54 DEBUG[21993]: channel.c:1128 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 160 sample intervals
19:02.53kuku5i dont think its the s
19:03.35yxasorry my english is not so good. i have been trying to find out what "IAX provisioning" means. be great if someone gives me a primer...
19:03.48Kattykuku5: when you call voicemail...
19:03.55Kattykuku5: and it says press 5 or whatever for advanced options
19:04.01Kattykuku5: or maybe it's 3 for greeting......anyway
19:04.09Kattykuku5: which greeting /precisely/ are you recording?
19:04.21kuku5s = skip message
19:05.01*** join/#asterisk kink0 (n=k@
19:05.16Kattykuku5: s is not a valid option.
19:05.20kink0I got my first license for g729 ;)ç
19:05.20Kattykuku5: which greeting are you recording?
19:05.21kuku5yes it is
19:05.32Kattyi give up
19:05.54kink0well ,  now I need at least one more license, to try with the other point ussing g.729
19:06.01kink0I hope not burn cpu !!
19:06.08yxais provisioning only use for iaxy devices?
19:06.15Kattyi need at least one more soda.
19:06.22ManxPowerKatty, "show application voicemail" says "s" is a valid option./
19:06.29KattyManxPower: i'm not talking about that.
19:06.34ManxPowerKatty, OK
19:06.35KattyManxPower: i'm talking about when you dial in to get your voicemail.
19:06.46KattyManxPower: press 3 or whatever to record greetings
19:06.49KattyManxPower: etc.
19:06.52ManxPowerKatty, Ah, well that's "voicemailmain"
19:07.05ManxPowerKatty, it's "0" to get to the options
19:07.16KattyManxPower: if he didn't record the right greeting..
19:07.22KattyManxPower: then it's not going to play any greeting
19:07.30ManxPowerKatty, yup
19:08.36*** join/#asterisk wolfson (n=ggggg@
19:09.02kuku5how do i turn this off:  15 14:08:27 DEBUG[21993]: channel.c:1128 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at 160 sample inter
19:09.14InfraRedKatty: christmas is in *FUCKEN DECEMBER*
19:09.27X-FilesManxPower:  --> i turn sip debug, in line 635 - 673  send DTMF correct ? i dunno this correct
19:09.31InfraRedit's a day
19:09.33ManxPowerkuku5, you don't.  It's a harmless debug message.  If you don't want to see it, don't start asterisk with a -d
19:09.38InfraRednot 2 whole months
19:09.45kuku5i didnt start it with a d
19:09.48kuku5just with vv's
19:09.58ManxPowerkuku5, then you need to look at logger.conf
19:09.59KattyInfraRed: ...
19:10.00KattyInfraRed: gosh
19:10.02kink0Call accepted by (format gsm) <-- digium does not support g729 or must I set up g729 as preferible codec ?
19:10.05KattyInfraRed: simmer down.
19:10.27*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
19:10.27ManxPowerkink0, If you want G729 then you must buy a G729 license from the patent holder via Digium
19:10.40shmaltzManxPower, you found a colo?
19:10.44kink0ManxPower, yes, I bougth now, and I have registered
19:10.47ManxPowershmaltz, not really
19:10.54kink0Found total of 1 G.729 licenses
19:10.58InfraRedkink0: g729 is ok without license in passthrough mode
19:11.02ManxPowerkiko69, If ANY other codec is allowed, Asterisk will pick that codec instead of G729
19:11.07ManxPowershmaltz, not really
19:11.26ManxPowerIt's amazing how many responses I got from colos from New York to Dallas
19:11.26kink0ManxPower, ahh ok, even if I set in order first allow to g729 ?
19:11.27shmaltzany prefference on where it's located?
19:11.33kuku5How do I change the verbosity
19:11.36saftsackguest            (Unspecified)    D  0        Unmonitored
19:11.38kuku5under the CLI
19:11.39ManxPowerkink0, no, you need to disallow=all and allow=g729
19:11.48saftsackis this correct for accepting any voip telephones?
19:11.54ManxPowerkuku5, set verbose blah
19:11.57ManxPowerand set debug off
19:12.06ManxPowerbut since debug is not verbose they are different things
19:12.10kink0ManxPower, yes , but ONLY g729 for everybody or would be enough to set g729 as the first one ?
19:12.28ManxPowerkiko69, If ANY other codec is allowed, Asterisk will pick that codec instead of G729
19:12.59kink0ManxPower, then if I set g729 there no way my PBX works with the rest of people who has not g729 , right ?
19:13.08ManxPowerkink0, so if you want to force everyone to only use g729 then in [general] disallow=all allow-g729  If you want to only force G729 for SOME devices, then you would put those lines in the device section of sip.conf
19:13.20ManxPowerkink0, I don't know.  I don't manage your PBX
19:13.46kink0well, really I don't manage it yet !!! but I am learning :)
19:14.10ManxPowerkink0, how do you conenct to your PBX?
19:14.31kink0ManxPower, worst !! just a soundcard and CLI now
19:14.45ManxPowerkink0, just kill yourself now and save all the pain you have in the future.
19:15.16kink0ManxPower, xDDDDDDDDDDD I have take a bit of masoquist before start to learn Asterisk !!
19:15.38zoakink0: we did that when there was no documentation at all
19:15.44zoajust try and see what happens
19:16.01zoaeven the show application thing was not doing what it should do
19:16.15kink0zoa: I am lucky then, here is the docs
19:16.26zoamany of them
19:16.31zoaand many more coming every day
19:16.43kink0but proof&fails is needle
19:16.56*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
19:17.00kink0yes, too much doc, for a simple idea
19:17.13ManxPowerkink0, Step 1: Don't be a cheap ass, but phones and ATAs and interface cards.
19:17.14*** join/#asterisk Lurr (
19:17.21oejThat was the first complain I ever seen in Asterisk that we have TOO MUCH DOCUMENTATION!
19:17.33mog_workwho said that oej
19:17.46ManxPoweroej, There is a lot of documentation, it's just all disorganized and mostly wrong.
19:17.51zoaits not wrong
19:17.53ManxPowerkink0, read the new Asterisk book
19:17.54kink0ManxPower, the scenary is I pretend to terminate to GSM, so I saw how try to connect a GSM terminal to a sound card.
19:17.56oej(20:16:39) kink0: yes, too much doc, for a simple idea
19:17.57jboti heard docs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or or
19:17.57zoathings are getting better eveyr day
19:18.02zoait was wrong before
19:18.05zoabut its getting better
19:18.11kink0I am not cheap, but Stargate racks are a bit expansive just to start.
19:18.13ManxPowerkink0, GSM CELL is not the same as VoIP GSM
19:18.27ManxPowerkink0, you use WHATEVER iterface the GSM terminal has.
19:18.33oejI am a bit worried about quality
19:18.35X-FilesManxPower:  --> i turn sip debug, in line 635 - 673  send DTMF correct ? i dunno this correct
19:18.36ManxPowerUsually a E-1
19:18.44kink0ManxPower, sure, I know, what is the diference between network and codec
19:18.46ManxPoweroej, only a little bit? *grin*
19:19.05zoai think things will grow ok in the end
19:19.14zoaonce asterisk changes less
19:19.18zoanow its just too much changes
19:19.22kink0ManxPower, yes, there an option to buy Teles,2N,Valiant ... or so, with or without voIP card, with only E1
19:19.22zoabut i think thats almost over
19:19.43oejzoa: Asterisk won't change less
19:19.47kink0ManxPower, are you in Europe ? ( I deduced because you speak about E1 instead T1 )
19:19.48ManxPowerkink0, I don't know GSM terminals except for what I read on the Asterisk mailinglist
19:20.06oejManxPower: You do need to move over here...
19:20.17ManxPowerkink0, no, I'm in the USA, but NOBODY in the USA/Canada uses GSM terminals, so I assumed you must not be in USA/Canada
19:20.34ManxPoweroej, too late.  Nobody offered me a job so I bought a car and am moving to the mountians
19:20.37kink0I know I will need to buy some Teles/2N or so GSM gateways, but I read about Asterisk and I hope will be a perfect complement
19:20.52Beirdohead for the hills!
19:21.01oejManxPower: Far away from the coast and the storms?
19:21.03ManxPowerkink0, it would be much easier to connect the GSM terminal directly to your PBX
19:21.09ManxPoweroej, YES!!!!
19:21.16ManxPowerspecifically about 2 hrs from Digium
19:21.34saftsackmy voip telephone isnt recongnized by asterisk but i can ping it
19:21.35ManxPoweroej, I'm told there are waterfalls on the property that I am looking at.
19:21.43zoano shit
19:21.48BeirdoManxPower: nice
19:21.50zoathats wet ManxPower
19:21.58ManxPowerI'll see the property this coming weekend.
19:22.02kink0ManxPower, in USA for mobile termination calls are originated from proper lines ?
19:22.05zoacool take pictures
19:22.08oejManxPower: Where is that located?
19:22.20kink0here, is more expansive proper->mobile than mobile->mobile
19:22.23ManxPowerkink0, In the USA mobile carriers do not permit you to connect directly to the carrier.
19:22.56ManxPoweroej, 100km NE of Birmingham AL, 300km SE of Huntsville AL (Digium)
19:22.56*** join/#asterisk loick (
19:23.04zoa-> going home (=> means taking the elevator one floor up)
19:23.25zoa300km, at american driving speeds thats a day, not 2 hours :op
19:23.30oejManxPower: Sounds like a good location
19:23.33ManxPowerzoa, Hush you
19:23.38kink0ManxPower, well, here are not very kindly when you pretend to connect to mobile
19:23.44InfraRedRecruitment agencies only seem to exist to make used car salesmen,
19:23.44ManxPoweroej, I have not made a final decision yet.
19:23.44InfraRedlawyers, and estate agents look ethical.
19:23.46Nuggetit's definitely 2 hours of alabama driving speed.
19:23.55zoaManxPower: good luck, send us pictures!!!
19:24.05Kattyooh, a Nugget
19:24.06zoaand invite us all for a big bbq
19:24.09zoai will take the beer
19:24.13saftsackno one want to help me? :(
19:24.21zoaadd bear repellant too :)
19:24.29ManxPowerzoa, In the usa, freeway, you can assume about 1 mile per minute
19:24.39Kattysaftsack: be patient and ask again in 10 minutes
19:24.46*** join/#asterisk slak- (
19:24.54KattyNugget: i demand hug.
19:25.00slak-hey i got asterisk-stat-v2 workin, i'd like to add a Cost column to it
19:25.06slak-anyone have that going?
19:25.11Kattyk, all better.
19:25.36kink0saftsack, nmap your IP phone
19:25.43slak-also, im using 1.2.0 beta-1, whats the urgency of upgrading?
19:25.51slak-should i wait til 1.2 final?
19:26.21BeirdoNugget: that'd be pretty close to Lynchburg, TN then, no?
19:27.42kink0Call rejected by Unable to negotiate codec
19:28.01kink0appears not to work if i set : disallow=all ; allow=g729
19:28.18saftsackkink0, i deinstalled asterisk and now i follo the 10min instruction
19:29.34slak-whats the best asterisk gui manager for windows
19:29.38slak-similar to gastmanm
19:30.04NuggetBeirdo: km, not miles.
19:30.25Beirdooops, misread :)
19:30.41Beirdomy brain was thinking american for some reason
19:30.42kink0may be digium does not support g729 at all ?
19:30.58fileon misery? probably not
19:31.14slak-file: suggest an asterisk gui manager application
19:31.16zoaslak-: switchvox i think
19:31.43zoawatch out with file, before you know it he will be sending you prank msn messages in the middle of the night :)
19:31.59filewill not!
19:32.02zoajust pretend you didnt see him :)
19:32.08fileand yeah, I like switchvox - their software is cool, and so are the people who make it
19:32.19zoahe's just a little jitter on the irc line
19:32.27zoayeah she's nice :)
19:32.32slak-switchvox isnt free
19:32.33filebut married.
19:32.35zoaand she still speaks to me, its amazing
19:32.41fileyou want everything for free? too bad :)
19:32.51zoafile, georgi would say: you can't feel that
19:33.05kink0Call rejected by Unable to negotiate codec  :(
19:33.05slak-i dont know..whats the point of things like gastman
19:33.11slak-isnt the CLI good enouhg?
19:33.24filekink0: we got it the first time you pasted that
19:34.53zoatry selling that cli to a customer
19:35.18zoahaha, changing the dialplan through the cli, would somebody ever do that ?
19:35.23*** join/#asterisk funxion (
19:35.29zoabesides the freaky admin here in the company ?
19:35.41saftsackNov 16 21:41:29 WARNING[16770]: chan_mgcp.c:4050 reload_config: Unable to get our IP address, MGCP disabled
19:35.58slak-okay i need a windows manager that actually works
19:36.01zoathats a good thing!
19:36.13funxioncan anyone tell me exactly what ${CHANNEL} looks like from a zap channelk?
19:37.20saftsackanyone knows help for me?
19:37.50funxionwould Zap/1-1 be zap group 1 channel 1 or would the output be different?
19:38.53ManxPowerfunxion, Zap/1-1 would be the Zap channel 1, the first call.
19:39.09ManxPowerZap/1-2 would be first zap channel, 2nd call (call waiting, three-way calling, etc)
19:40.11funxionManxPower Im trying to manipulate the channel number into a variable but I dont currently hav a box to test with that has a zap card in it
19:40.46ManxPowerfugitivo, channel formats are TECH/DEVICE-CALLID
19:40.50funxionif I was to call ${CHANNEL} and the call came in on zap group 1 channel 1 what would the output of the channel variable be
19:41.33*** join/#asterisk Mad_Hornet (
19:42.44saftsackwhat are reasons for that asterisk isnt able to determine my ip adress?
19:42.48ManxPowerSo you could do something like Cut(TECHNOLOGY=CHANNEL,/,1)
19:43.00*** join/#asterisk hhoffman (n=hhoffman@tor/session/x-966c9ed333730cc4)
19:43.06*** part/#asterisk Mad_Hornet (
19:44.52funxionManxPower would that only give me the group number?
19:45.17*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
19:48.55ManxPowerfunxion, um, you never see the group number in ${CHANNEL}
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19:49.23*** join/#asterisk Kort (n=james@
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19:49.28funxiondidnt know that
19:49.33Kortanyone know why asterisk might skip a priority 1 rule?
19:49.33funxionits just th channel number
19:49.37gambolputtyWhat billing software do any of you typically use?
19:49.41Kortand execute the priority 2 rule?
19:50.01*** join/#asterisk CoffeeIV (
19:50.04funxionthen kewl thnx ManxPower
19:50.50[TK]D-FenderKort, shouldn't happen naturally, maybe on a GOTO that was done wrong.  pastebin a sample w/ extensions.conf
19:51.06Kortthere are no goto's its just an include
19:51.08zoagambolputty: our own
19:51.10Kortin a context.
19:51.21Kortexten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(${TRUNK}${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}}) ; Standard long distance
19:51.24Kortexten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial(${BACKUP_TRUNK}${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}})
19:51.28Kortfirst one never gets executed.
19:51.28gambolputtyzoa:  Is yours open source or commercial?
19:51.34Kortonly the 2nd.
19:51.37zoaits none of both
19:51.47Korthowever if you copy the first one to the 2nd priority, then it works
19:51.49zoaits internal code
19:51.58gambolputtythat's what I thought
19:52.12zoathere were plans to sell it, but i'm not sure that will actually ever happen
19:52.31zoaits overkill for normal people
19:52.47gambolputtybut meets your own needs
19:53.09zoayeah, its billing for big masses
19:53.22zoaso you need a trained person to touch it
19:54.03zoathe good thing is, it can do a lot of things, the bad thing is, it can do a lot of things :)
19:55.33zoaOn Tue, 2005-11-15 at 10:17 -0800, Will Glass-Husain wrote:
19:55.34zoa>> On Windows, I really like TextPad (shareware - ) for editing
19:55.34zoa>> text files.
19:55.34zoaI like edlin cause its old school :P
19:56.26[TK]D-FenderKort : pastebin your extensions.conf please... I''d like a better look at the big picture including your variables....
19:56.53Kortactually I just found the problem, hehm
19:56.58[TK]D-FenderEDLIN : for that vintage DOS 2.2 feel!
19:57.09[TK]D-Fender<- OLD
19:57.15InfraRededlin \o/
19:57.42InfraRedit's where emacs went wrong
19:58.04[TK]D-FenderActually I think the oldest version I used was 2.1. Before that was CP/M and a few others...
19:58.12InfraRedbut seriously for windows i'd use ultraedit
19:58.22*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
19:58.27InfraRedi started with dos 3.3
19:58.34InfraRedthen down to 2.1 :P
19:58.53saftsacki can ping my voip telephone but asterisk doesnt get it
19:59.06InfraRedsaftsack: throw it away
20:00.23*** join/#asterisk lidl (
20:00.32lidli'd like to ask if there's a plan for electrical outages in places where asterisk is used
20:00.38lidli mean, using the normal phone, even if there's an outage, the phone still works
20:01.47saftsackInfraRed, aah now there is a message
20:01.57lidlbut if every call goes through *, then no electricity -> no calls
20:02.38InfraRedlidl: same if you use a normal PBX
20:02.43InfraRedit'll go dead
20:02.50InfraRedunless you get UPS
20:03.40lidlis there kinda of a mechanical 'switch' to re-route calls from asterisk to a bunch of phone?
20:04.06sahafeezlidl: i have a ups on my box and get 40 mins of uptime
20:04.20InfraRedlidl: a UPS
20:04.35InfraRedonly issue will be with POE for the phones
20:04.43skyenMy pbx's got about on month worth of diesel backing it's racksize ups ;)
20:05.09lidli see
20:05.17InfraRedyour rack runs on diesel?
20:05.28*** join/#asterisk enemy^x (i=lkqw@
20:05.36lidluhm, unleaded fuel ;)
20:05.50enemy^xcdr_mysql.conf (is it possible to configure a remote mysql server?) Tried changing localhost to a remote one, but it still complains about the sock file.
20:06.01skyenInfraRed: no, but the generators backing the ups does
20:06.01^Howlerno, the lead helps rebuild the firewall..
20:07.25*** part/#asterisk Anthro (n=dsfgrt@pdpc/supporter/active/Anthro)
20:07.33JonR800enemy^x: it complains but it works.
20:07.42*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
20:07.52docelmoHay *NIX guys what IRC client do you use?
20:07.53lidla pass-through is a good solution to me
20:08.19InfraRedlidl: yes but you will need analogue only phones
20:08.25InfraRedwont work with ip phones
20:08.25*** join/#asterisk paryl (
20:08.41InfraRedi have pass through on my FXS box
20:08.46InfraRedworks nicely
20:08.47lidlok, i'll have some old phone just-in-case
20:08.51^Howlerdocelmo: I'm using irssi right now..
20:08.53InfraRedlook at mediatrix kit
20:09.14docelmoI just converted to Linux/Wine Hybrid..
20:09.33InfraReddocelmo: sick man
20:09.40^Howlerdocelmo: mIRC =)
20:09.41LostFrogI am having a horrible problem with a snom360. It keeps asking for the password even though it is provisioned and registered..
20:09.42azziedocelmo, we are using XML irc client on Cisco 79xx phones
20:09.52docelmoI cant get 100% away from windows..  work..  Not my choice..
20:10.01loudi use epic.
20:10.01LostFrogI mean, it works for 5 minutes, then it stops working.
20:10.08tmccraryi don't know what a linux/wine hybrid is, but it sounds cool
20:10.17tmccraryI dropped a snom phone before, 1 1/2 feet.... it died
20:10.18enemy^xjonR800: Yes, I just noticed that it actually works. The strange thing is that it complains (Nov 15 21:07:54 WARNING[19983]: cdr_addon_mysql.c:330 my_load_module: MySQL database sock file not specified.  Using default)..... That's strange?! Since it shouldnt care about the sock file when using the port? right?
20:10.27docelmoIts Linux that runs Windows application
20:11.02JonR800enemy^x: right :) im sure it's just a logic issue, but no need to worry, it works.
20:12.43parylin order to log agents out i set up this extension based on examples: exten => 2002,1,Dial(Local/2003/n,,D(#))      ...but i get "No such extension/context 2003@default creating local channel" and " Unable to create channel of type 'Local'"
20:12.43docelmoFor instance..  I am running Winamp 5 and Linux
20:12.43^Howlerloud: do you like epic?
20:13.02[TK]D-Fenderparyl : you need a context for that dial cmd... Dial(Local/2003@somecontexthere)
20:13.04paryloh sigh, i realized my error after typing the question... nevermind
20:13.11parylthanks fender :)
20:14.44kink0oppppsssssssss great surprise !! I do a call, and hear the answering machine in the other side, ussing a modem
20:14.53parylone related question though... i have 2 basically identical asterisk installs, both are 1.0.9, compiled from source, but one doesn't have the 'dial' command at the console
20:14.54*** join/#asterisk gniretar (i=mark@
20:15.01gniretarhi people
20:15.05kink0but I have not connected any audio between modem ( external unit ) and my sound card !!
20:15.30kink0how is sound from the PSTN call going to the sound card ?
20:15.45kink0the RS-232 ???
20:16.29hardwire8000hz conversations fit into 64k very well
20:16.50hardwireyour system can speak to a modems controller at 115k if it wants
20:17.06kink0I can not believe ... since I have not any audio connected between external modem ( is just a rs232 cable )
20:17.34kink0hardwire, ussing the DAC on the modem and setting it for voice, and then ussing data on the serial ?
20:17.37hardwirewell its not magic
20:18.04kink0hardwire, yeah, but really I was expecting to need to connect the audio ports on the modem to the audio ports on the sound card
20:18.17hardwireyou could
20:18.20gniretarcan anyone help me with this issue?
20:18.29gniretarit is on a new SuSe 10.0 installation
20:19.04hardwirekink0: I just popped in
20:19.08hardwirewhat are you doing and how?
20:19.28kink0hardwire, I have just a soundcard and external modem
20:19.38hardwirebut an fxo pci :)
20:19.43kink0then I dialed ( ussing modem ) a PSTN number
20:19.45hardwirekink0: but I like your style.
20:19.48gniretarit is a te210P card
20:20.04kink0hardwire, I pretend to go up to 60 GSM channels !! hehehee
20:20.07JonR800gniretar: i don't know the answer.. but how did you install asterisk?
20:20.24gniretarJonR800: from source
20:20.42gniretaras well as the zap drivers
20:20.51gniretarfrom source
20:20.54JonR800gniretar: i see.. and you did libpri / zaptel with a make install?
20:20.57kink0hardwire, yes, I have here at home some fxo and fxo, but are not digium, they are quicknet pci cards
20:21.08gniretarJonR800: yes
20:21.38gniretari have done this before.  never with this perticular card though
20:22.14docelmoSo whadup?
20:22.35docelmoIs anyone here buying domestic for less than .0092 w/ no commit?
20:22.40JonR800k, i was hoping it was just a simple noob mistake :) (might still be, im rather noobish myself)
20:23.54hardwirekink0: ah
20:24.51^Howlerdocelmo: prefer imported, myself
20:25.29*** join/#asterisk Feral_Kid (
20:25.39gniretarthis must be a noobish mistake
20:25.46gniretari hate SuSe
20:25.50gniretarwith a passion
20:25.56gniretari bet its the funk kernel they use
20:26.02*** join/#asterisk Leob (n=chatzill@
20:27.01LeobHello there, what's the best way to convert from MP3 to wav?
20:28.51kink0time to dinner !! cu later !
20:28.53moralempg123 -w filename.wav song.mp3
20:28.55*** join/#asterisk Tclp (
20:29.21Leobwould that be enough to produce files to be played by Asterisk?
20:30.24*** join/#asterisk bweschke_ (
20:30.27gniretarLeob when do you wanna play them?
20:30.41Tclphey all, I have a fairly unrelated question -- we have a Vonage line here at the office and I'm hoping to be able to drop into this line via some sort of PC-to-PC call (Home to Office to the VOIP Line),  I'm not sure what type of hardware/software would be required for something like this ... we do have some old unused Asterisk boxes that are no longer being used bu I'm hoping to not have ot goto that extent
20:30.45*** join/#asterisk rubicant (
20:30.50rubicanthey, they say your penis gets small when you buy a xbox360
20:31.10gniretarrubicant: /topic
20:31.23LeobI want to play them for my caller during the call
20:31.28*** join/#asterisk bzbw (
20:32.08docelmoImported shit..   beer..  geesh
20:32.13gniretarmusic on hold?
20:32.20*** part/#asterisk rubicant (
20:33.34gniretaris it music?
20:33.41gniretaror voice
20:33.48Leobyes, mainly music
20:34.00gniretaru wan this to play during the convo?
20:34.15bzbwHi, got a issue with DISA, in "exten => 9,1,DISA,no-password|Dial_Outside", how do I set up Dial_Outside context with pattern mapping instead defining each extension number?
20:34.44gniretardescribe to me exactly what you wanna do
20:35.19Kattytake a nap.
20:35.27LeobI'm implementing an audioblog tool that reads mp3 files from certain sites and plays them for the user on his/her phone
20:36.04gniretarit is possible
20:36.15gniretardo do this and keep the mp3 format
20:36.19gniretarnot sure how
20:36.24gniretarpart of aserisk addons i think
20:36.48LeobI'm not too concerned about keeping the mp3 format
20:37.05gniretarmp3 is a good format
20:37.09gniretarkeep it
20:37.24gniretarunless you can convert it to gsm
20:37.27gniretardunno how though
20:37.57Leobok... I'll keep trying...
20:39.10*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
20:40.06bzbwemm, maybe I should put my question this way:  Anyone know that I can define context with pattern like _9xxxx?
20:40.40skyenrephrase yourself, please.
20:41.42bzbwI thought I made it clear:  Can we define context with pattern? i.e., 6xxx where x is any number from 0-9.
20:41.54*** join/#asterisk n4y (
20:42.12wunderkini doubt it
20:42.15[TK]D-FenderWell its not a CONTEXT you are defining, but an EXTEN inside of one, and yes you can.
20:42.43[TK]D-Fenderexten => 6xxx,1,DoSomethingNifty()
20:42.54[TK]D-Fenderexten => _6xxx,1,DoSomethingNifty()
20:42.57[TK]D-Fenderbetter :)
20:43.33bzbwTK: not sure understand you, I'm trying to use exten => 9,1,DISA,no-password|My_Pattern_Context
20:44.06IronHelixwell you could do exten => _6xxx,1,Goto(context,${EXTEN},1)
20:44.07bzbwwhere My_Pattern_Context is the context that I want to define for North America call
20:44.09IronHelixor use Fork
20:44.59X-Fileshave users used "Internet Telephony Gateway" ?????
20:45.03bzbwThis is to allow someone to call my pbx then calling out to any NorthAmerica number
20:45.35IronHelixyeah then you want DISA
20:46.43IronHelixuse disa to put them in the context that lets them call a north america dial pattern
20:46.52bzbwIronHelix: I tried _6xxx or other pattern mapping, it is not working when used in DISA.
20:47.35IronHelixwell if you do _6xxx,1,DISA it will give you disa for any 4digit exten that starts with 6
20:47.55IronHelixhow bout this
20:48.00IronHelixtell me what exactly you want to dial
20:48.03IronHelixand what should happen
20:48.10IronHelixand i'll tell you want you need to script
20:49.50bzbwI want for someone to dial into my pbx, then exten => 9,1,DISA,passcode|Dial_Outside_PSTN, which allow someone to use this PBX to dial any PSTN number Defined in Dial_Outside_PSTN
20:49.55*** join/#asterisk justinu (
20:50.39IronHelixthat will work, but i'd format it as exten => 9,1,DISA(password,Dial_Outside_PSTN)
20:50.45IronHelixalso keep in mind contexts are case sensitive
20:51.54*** join/#asterisk Timoti (n=asqsa@
20:52.06bzbwthat's fine, the issue is there are SO many PSTN numbers, I don't know what the user will call, so I can not define all of them in Dial_Outside_PSTN, I have to use Pattern mapping
20:52.13Timotiare any of you using H323 with asterisk
20:53.12Timotinoone ?
20:53.14IronHelixok so in your [Dial_Outside_PSTN] you can put something like exten => _1XXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/yourprovider/${EXTEN})
20:53.46bzbwgreat, thanks IronHelix, that's what I need.
20:53.50IronHelixthat will allow them to dial any 11 digit number and it will go out on the SIP account that starts with [yourprovider]
20:54.31Timotiironhelix .. do you have exprience with H323 with asterisk ?
20:54.34*** join/#asterisk darby_t (
20:54.45IronHelixsadly no, i only use SIP and IAX
20:55.07IronHelixwhats the problem tho
20:55.10IronHelixmaybe i can figure it out
20:55.24IronHelixif you want to take the risk of typing it out possibly for nothing that is
20:55.28TimotiI have a 48 port fxs with H323 .. I would like to use it with astersik
20:55.33TimotiI have seen this one
20:55.45brettnemHey, anyone know why a "sip show peers" would suddenly cause many peers to become UNREACHABLE? this happens alot
20:55.59Timotiwant to install on my asterisk
20:56.19IronHelixi dont think you need to install openH323 anymore, as i recall asterisk comes with its own chan_h323
20:56.28Timotibut I have not that much exprience about where  ( or to which directory ) I should install it
20:56.51*** join/#asterisk christo (
20:56.53christoevening all
20:58.28IronHelixwell tim, generally you'd download it to /usr/src
20:58.35IronHelixthen tar -zxvf the file
20:58.39IronHelixcd to the new directory
20:58.41IronHelixand do make
20:58.43IronHelixthen make install
20:58.49IronHelixdo that before you compile asterisk i think
20:58.54IronHelixunless you need to patch asterisk itself
20:59.32*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
21:00.04*** join/#asterisk mazzanet (n=irc@unaffiliated/mazzanet)
21:00.30IronHelix  this might have some useful info
21:01.12IronHelixeither wya, the package should have some kindof readme or install instructions included with the download
21:02.06}cytrak{not sure if anyone using perl-agai but anyways ... I'm trying to pass $gsm = "digits/200" to $AGI->stream_file($gsm_file, $digits) bu ti keep getting file does not exist
21:02.32*** join/#asterisk Sobakai (
21:02.32}cytrak{I think asterisk thinks the whole file name is "digits/200"
21:03.47shido6you do need openh323 and pwlib
21:03.49shido6for chan_h323
21:06.14*** join/#asterisk IOscanner (
21:06.22}cytrak{is there a way can set the root of sound files within an AGI ?
21:07.01IOscannerI get WARNING: Symbol version dump /usr/src/linux-
21:07.20IOscannerI have kernel source that I build the kernel from and a few other kernels for different processors
21:07.58IOscannerI build asterisk against this version a while back but now I can't build against the same kernel 2.6 source.
21:08.02IOscannerany ideas?
21:09.31IOscannerdmesg has this:  zaptel: version magic ' preempt 486 gcc-3.3' should be ' preempt CYRIXIII gcc-3.3'  Looks like the kernel source is not intune with what I am running
21:09.38*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
21:09.50IOscannerCan I cross compile for the new proccessor
21:10.24justinuhow would I troublehoot major lag in meetme... using ztdummy
21:11.28IronHelixioscanner- is /usr/src/linux-2.6 symlinked to the correct version of your kernel source?
21:13.14X-FilesPeople that perfect SIP or H.323?
21:13.41IronHelixi dont know that any protocol is 'perfect'...
21:13.58InfraRedSIP sucks
21:14.00X-FilesPeople, that perfect protocol SIP or H.323?
21:14.03InfraReduse morse code
21:14.17azzieIronHelix, IP over dove network was pretty good
21:14.40InfraRedazzie: get it right
21:14.43InfraRedavian carrriers
21:15.24X-Filesmore more comments, please
21:15.26*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
21:16.00IronHelixxfiles- are you asking if you should use SIP or 323?
21:16.07InfraRedX-Files: use SIP
21:16.10IronHelixbecuase if so, i say use SIP
21:16.17InfraRedunless your providers only uses H323
21:16.24InfraRedSIp is not very nat friendly btw
21:16.35IronHelix323 is worse
21:16.40IronHelixat least SIP has STUN
21:16.46X-FilesIronHelix: yep :)
21:17.38IronHelixSIP is also much easier to get working with *
21:17.42IronHelixie it works out of box
21:17.42X-Filesi try configure ITG protocol SIP and asterisk 5 day, and can't get normal work ..
21:18.18InfraRedasterisk 5?
21:18.23X-Filesno :)
21:18.28IronHelixITG?  what exactly are you trying to do?  connect IP phones to asterisk, connect asterisk to provider, or connect asterisk to asterisk?
21:18.32X-Filesi configure 5 day ;(
21:18.35IronHelixhe has been trying for 5 days
21:18.39IronHelixand it isnt working yet
21:18.41IronHelixi think
21:18.42*** join/#asterisk dudes (
21:18.56X-FilesITG = Internet Telephony Gateway
21:19.10InfraRedasterisk sucks , use microsoft telephone server
21:19.31X-Filesmicrosoft sucks too :)
21:19.40IronHelixxfiles- what is the make and model of your itg?
21:20.07X-Fileseusso utg7104
21:21.05X-Files2 FXO and 2 FXS ports :)
21:21.29IronHelixand what does not work?  does the gateway not register to asterisk, do calls not go through?
21:21.52X-Filesbig problem, i can't send to FXS port from ASTERISK "number tone"
21:22.25X-FilesIronHelix: all registred to asterisk..
21:22.58IronHelixDTMF is broken
21:23.14IronHelixcrab, brb
21:23.39*** join/#asterisk rezEdit (
21:23.41X-Filesyes this crap
21:24.52X-Filesread rfc2833
21:25.15}cytrak{anyone knows how I can pass a path to stream_file ?
21:25.32X-Filesno helping
21:25.36InfraRedin asterisk.conf
21:25.46InfraRed}cytrak{: ^
21:26.49}cytrak{that's not what i mean
21:27.04X-Filesline 635 - 673  send DTMF
21:27.40*** join/#asterisk liran_ (
21:28.11liran_i've got some basic questions about asterisk Master.csv log file
21:28.21liran_could anyone be of help please?
21:28.25X-FilesIronHelix: have comments ?
21:28.33Dr_Rayliran - what is your question?
21:29.06liran_Dr_Ray, Thanks, firstly, are all the calls made by all yours concentrated in that file?
21:29.22Dr_Rayyes, unless you set it up to split it
21:30.17*** join/#asterisk clyrrad (
21:30.19liran_Dr_Ray, ok
21:30.42liran_Dr_Ray, i've noticed some special keywords there like MEETME, what does it mean?
21:31.11BleedingMeanyone come across a good solution for a door phone that will only dial the receptionist... like just a call button.  We need something that can be mounted outside so the receptionist can buzz people in.
21:31.22Dr_Raymeetme is the application sells a phone like that
21:31.58shido6is $200 a decent price for used cisco 7960s?
21:32.00shido6I have 2 of them
21:32.01Dr_Rayunder no dial
21:32.15Dr_RayI'd pay $200 for a 7960
21:32.18liran_Dr_Ray, well i mean there are keywords like echo playback and meetme, what does each mean?
21:32.19BleedingMecool.. thanks Dr_Ray
21:32.21X-FilesPpls: i set to sip.conf : dtmfmode=info  , paste debug ->>> Please check
21:32.53shido6I have 2 for sale -
21:32.55*** join/#asterisk bweschke (n=bweschke@
21:33.03shido6with firmware and ringtones
21:33.10shido6& powercube
21:33.12Dr_Raybleeding - then you just set it to immediate mode
21:34.25clyrradOk so I have call forwarding as *72 in the dial plan and its being included in the phones context.  Also on the CLI I can see the DBPut command running.  However when I call the phone that I just tried to forward it rings normally.  What am I doing wrong?
21:35.17kink0off-topic somebody knows how enhanced sound quality from a voice modem ? ( yeahh I am ussing Dial,Modem )
21:35.55liran_are there perl/php tools that knows how to parse the Master.csv logfile and output a nice report of rates and calls?
21:35.56Dr_Rayliran - asterisk breaks down stuff into commands, dial meetme, playback, record.. that is what you are seeing
21:36.14liran_thanks Dr_Ray
21:36.20Dr_Rayliran - I wrote a perl script to process my calls
21:36.22*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
21:36.24liran_i'm not looking for a full-scale billing solution
21:36.42liran_Dr_Ray, is it something you can send over?
21:36.51Dr_Raynot really, it's maybe 20 lines
21:36.59Tclphey all, I have a fairly unrelated question -- we have a Vonage line here at the office and I'm hoping to be able to drop into this line via some sort of PC-to-PC call (Home to Office to the VOIP Line),  I'm not sure what type of hardware/software would be required for something like this ... we do have some old unused Asterisk boxes that are no longer being used bu I'm hoping to not have ot goto that extent
21:37.23liran_Dr_Ray, is it calculating rates also?
21:38.10Dr_Rayliran - it just charges 10 cents per minute for calls
21:38.41liran_right but these needs to be calculated. like say the total amount of time was 10 minutes, then it should report 10cents*10
21:39.23Dr_Rayright, perl can do that easily
21:39.42*** join/#asterisk nuba (
21:39.45liran_well i'd rather use something that's already doing it well than re-invent the wheel
21:40.04Dr_Rayit took me 4 hours to reinvent that wheel, it won't take you that long
21:40.08liran_i dont suppose you can direct me to some links of free open-source tools like that?
21:40.15*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks (
21:40.33liran_i dont know how much is it going to take me... i dont want to do it if it's already been done :)
21:41.00Dr_Raywell, good luck
21:41.45rezEditCan anyone provide some guidance on how I would set up a 'hunt group' - an extension that when called tries any number of extensions in a particular order before going to voicemail?  I know I can write my own dialplan logic for this but I am thinking this has to be a pretty common thing for people to want to do... perhaps there is some application that provides it.
21:43.29shido6you *could* use queues
21:43.42shido6but a macro or some dialplan logic would be easier
21:44.32rezEditshido6: right, ok.  thanks.  I will have a look at queues
21:45.02NetgeeksI've got something that I just can't seem to get a grip on here:
21:45.27NetgeeksSeems the app Directory is pissed about something and I just can't seem to figure out what.  Anyone have any thoughts?
21:46.07*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
21:46.37rezEditNetgeeks: are you using the Directory app in your extension.conf?
21:46.54rezEditer extensions.conf
21:46.56*** join/#asterisk voipjoy (
21:47.05Netgeeksyep, you can see from the show dialplan main-menu in pastebin
21:47.12rezEditright, duh
21:47.42IronHelixrezedit- how about a multiple dial string
21:48.11IronHelixit will ring them all simultaneously tho
21:48.40rezEditIronHelix: riiight :-)  I will bee needing that for something else, but it won't work for what I am doing now.
21:49.41*** part/#asterisk SplasPood (
21:49.41rezEditIronHelix: I actually have a wonky AGI script that I found online that is supposed to find all registered SIP phones and call them simultaneously.
21:50.10rezEditIronHelix: It's a bit broken though so I will probably do it all manually until I can build my own.
21:50.43IronHelixxfiles- is your dtmfmode set to what the gateway is expecting?
21:53.05asterboyAsterisk, "The Future of Telephony", Price at $57, Price a $37 hmmmmmm....which one to buy?
21:53.21IronHelixor download it for free
21:53.27IronHelixif you can deal with reading on the screen
21:53.41asterboycan't read it on the throne then.
21:55.09Kattyor you can just bribe one of your friends who can get it for free
21:55.09rezEditasterboy: no laptop?  :-)
21:55.26Kattyand then turn it into a scrapbook and have all your developy friends sign you a little message on it
21:55.34asterboylol...a little bulky though.
21:56.00rezEditasterboy: and the right laptop would keep you toasty warm, too!
21:56.06*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-lap (n=corydon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Corydon76-home)
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21:56.44NetgeeksHello Katty, sorry, I'm out of soy milk today
21:57.09NetgeeksAnyone else want to take a glance at and see if you can figure out where I'm messed up?
21:57.12asterboyKatty, ya thats a great idea, I had Gerard Beekmans, founding father of Linux From Scratch, sign my book when I bought him lunch.
21:58.54asterboyI'd like to do that with Jim and Jared
21:59.10NetgeeksI wonder if anyone ever got John Postel to sign a printed email from netsol for an early IP allocation... that would be neat
21:59.19rezEditNetgeeks: it's looking in the 'extensions' context but your mailbox is in 'default'?
22:00.02Kattyasterboy: (=
22:00.24KattyNetgeeks: s'ok, i'm busy plotting chocolate chip peanut butter pancakes dusted in confectioner's sugar
22:00.37Netgeeksrez: nah, it's getting the voicemail context right, if you see in the top section, it's actually pulling the right info out of voicemail.conf 'Directory(default|extensions) where default is the voicemail context and extensions is the extension.conf context for the dial-context
22:01.00NetgeeksI've even given it a extensions.conf extension with _X. to match anything and it still errors
22:01.31develisn't enumlookup() supposed to jump to priority n+101 if it doesn't find a record (or jump out of the context if there is no n+101)?
22:02.15exstaticaanyone had trouble with a polycom 301?
22:02.40cnet2I saw the polycom 301 has half duplex speakerphone >:SSS
22:02.40exstaticai created a config file and it works fine on my 501, but my 301 tries to use the username "default" and no password
22:02.56asterboywow $21 at
22:03.40cnet2i've seen posts of people having trouble with polycom 501 and asterisk..  anyone with this?  I'm think'n of recommending this phone to my company
22:03.50justinuthey work fine
22:03.53exstaticamy 501 works great with asterisk
22:04.00develcnet2, i agree, they work fine
22:04.27rezEditcnet2: I am setting up about 30 polycom 501's now, no probs so far.
22:04.42exstaticaif you use a config file make sure you configure the mwi
22:04.47shido67960s (2) for 200 ea
22:04.54*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
22:04.54cnet2great.. :D
22:05.18exstaticaanyone ever setup a 301 on asterisk?
22:05.21*** join/#asterisk test34 (n=test34@unaffiliated/test34)
22:05.50justinushouldn't really be much different than a 501
22:05.51justinuor 601
22:06.04exstaticathat's what i thought but for some reason it's not obeying the username/password
22:06.04Beirdowhere's JerJer when I need to ask him something? :)
22:06.07rezEditNetgeeks: Sorry, a bit of a newbie here and I can't see anything that might be causing the error you're seeing there.
22:06.21develexstatica, yeah, we have 301 too
22:06.33exstaticado you use a tftp config?
22:06.41Netgeeksyeah, rez, I think I might have found a bugged Directory app.  telling the admin of that system to upgrade his version
22:06.43justinuexstatica: which username/password?
22:06.52asterboyAnyone want to sell S100M module?
22:07.02develwe haven't yet, exstatica.  i'm behind in my dev schedule.
22:07.08test34 only list the changes in asterisk-1.2.0-beta1... where can I see changelog from rc1 to rc2 ?
22:07.09rezEditexstatica: Don't those use a slightly different config file?  I seem to remmeber seeing something about that.  Are you reusing your 501 config format for the 301's?
22:07.18exstaticayeah i am
22:07.25Beirdo~seen JerJer
22:07.32jbotjerjer <n=JerJer@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 4d 14h 10m 1s ago, saying: 'not really a debian specific question, but someone here should know - Can i merge partitions in Linux?  like my / was created way too small and i would like to blow away another partiton and start over, but one issue is I am currently not ...
22:07.35exstaticathat's what i wanted to know, but i havn't been able to find a 301 config
22:07.36*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
22:07.38justinuwhich sip version does it run?
22:07.48Beirdowow, he's been gone for a while
22:07.56rezEditexstatica: Do you have the SoundPoint IP Admin Guide?
22:08.09exstaticanot sure, it did an upgrade of firmware like my 501's do
22:08.22exstaticarezEdit: maybe somewhere
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22:10.26rezEditexstatica: my bad, looks like it should all be the same from what I can see.
22:11.01rezEditexstatica: if you hard code it on the phone does it work?
22:11.58*** join/#asterisk QbY (
22:13.49justinui've had issues with 501s not respecting those parameters myself
22:13.54skyenHow can i make asterisk present me a dialtone so that a can make it place a call for me?
22:14.05*** join/#asterisk kn0x (n=nunya@tor/session/x-56665d7f0e2469e4)
22:14.25justinui went into the admin menu and said "reset local config"
22:14.28skyenI'm building a dialback-service so that i can make a phonecall to my pbx, and make it dial me back and present me a dialtone
22:14.36fileskyen: DISA
22:14.42skyenstands for?
22:14.52jboti heard disa is direct inward system access.  show application disa
22:15.27exstaticai havnt' tried
22:15.56asterboyInteresting that the clone X100 cards only need to have the R13 and R19 connects removed with a soldering iron to turn them into genuine cards.
22:15.57exstaticai'll boot it up right now and check
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22:17.35asterboyguess its just a Intell v92 winmodem card.
22:17.53asterboyno wonder the TDM400s are not cloned yet..
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22:18.12tzangerasterboy: no, that's the x101p
22:18.12file<cough>they are</cough>
22:18.19tzangerthe TDM400 is not a winmodem
22:18.22X-FilesHey PPL, Need help, i call to FXO port and redirect to ASTERISK. Asterisk answer and ask phone nubmer, i enter in numpad my phone "203" , DTFM working
22:18.23tzangerand they're already cloned
22:18.31justinui don't understand why people use pci cards instead of analog sip gateways.... price?
22:18.36kn0xcan someone runnign 2.6.13 gentoo kernel show me there kernel config
22:18.41kn0xi cant get ztdummy runnign
22:18.56brad_msswasterboy: eh, are you saying that you _had_ to make a modification to the X100P clone to make it work as an FXO board?
22:18.57kn0xztdummy: Unknown symbol rtc_register ztdummy: Unknown symbol rtc_unregister ztdummy: Unknown symbol rtc_control
22:19.07asterboysip gates are not cheap, no?
22:19.17*** part/#asterisk rculp (n=rculp@
22:19.18kn0xus what dmesg shows after modprobe ztdummy
22:19.18justinui guess not
22:19.27tzangerjustinu: because external boxes are a tangle of wires and wall warts
22:19.38asterboybrad_mssw: no, its something I read...I think the ones on ebay already have the modification so they can tote them as OEM genuine.
22:19.47kn0xis anyone running 2.6.13 w/ ztdummy i should say?
22:19.57X-FilesTry : call from FXS port to ASTERISK. Asterisk answer and ask phone nubmer, i enter 201 and i connecting to line FXO port, there dialtone and me need dial nubmer , my dial numbers ignored
22:20.10justinutzanger: but those digium cards generate all sorts of interrupts and stuff... ;)
22:20.21asterboytzanger: are the TDMs cloned???
22:20.28X-FilesDTFM not worked from asterisk to FXO port ..
22:20.32asterboytzanger: Can't find them anywhere.
22:20.34X-Fileswhy ?
22:20.55tzangerjustinu: so?
22:21.03tzangerasterboy: don't worry about it
22:21.07*** join/#asterisk _Madar (
22:21.09kn0xnobody running 2.6.13?
22:21.10tzangerthey aren't significantly cheaper
22:21.27asterboylol, so it is out there...but you have to dig...ok.
22:21.47kn0xzaptel needs rtc right?
22:21.57X-Filespplz please help
22:22.00kn0xdoes Generic RTC 1.0.7 good enough?
22:22.20IronHelixxfiles is dtmfmode set correctly in sip.conf?
22:22.34asterboyASterix categorized as Christian book:
22:22.45kn0xhe said from fxs to fxo i believe ironhelix
22:22.59kn0xi dont understand what hes asking really to be honest
22:23.25IronHelixi was talking to him earlier
22:23.37IronHelixhe has a strange voice gateway
22:23.43IronHelixand his dtmf is not working
22:23.45X-FilesIronHelix: i trying dtmfmode=rfc2833 , not work
22:23.46*** join/#asterisk mcn (
22:23.52kn0xoh i see
22:23.59X-FilesIronHelix: and dtmfmode=inband not work
22:24.05IronHelixdid you try =info?
22:24.09X-FilesIronHelix: and dtmfmode=info to same
22:24.33X-Filesbut info i see Sip read:
22:24.33X-FilesSIP/2.0 501 Not Implemented
22:24.49*** join/#asterisk viLeR (i=1000@
22:24.56X-FilesIronHelix: line 62 debug in dtmfmode=info
22:25.43InfraRedX-Files: try inline
22:25.55file[laptop]inline isn't even valid ;)
22:26.04file[laptop]only valid options are rfc2833, inband, and info
22:26.08*** join/#asterisk bartpbx (
22:27.06kn0xwho runs RTC as a module for zaptel?
22:27.06X-Fileswhat me doing, how ?
22:27.18InfraRedignore me
22:27.40asterboyFound something: Dialogic Cards
22:28.04justinuugh, dialogic
22:28.21justinudon't remind me of those times
22:28.33*** join/#asterisk Druken (
22:29.02bartpbxI have little question. I found information in the wikki on  "# Dial returns ${CAUSECODE}: If the dial failed, this is the errormessage" But this does not seam to work in HEAD. what is the "new" way to get the reason for a dial failure?
22:29.36X-FilesInfraRed: have comments ?
22:29.44drumkillabartpbx: ${DIALSTATUS}
22:31.13bartpbxdrumkilla, $DIALSTATUS only returns "NOANSWER" but i need to know why
22:31.29bartpbxe.g. no route to host, timed out, circuit busy....
22:32.27drumkillaHANGUPCAUSE, then
22:34.18QbYWHY?! Are these doing this..  In my queue_log -- Nothing is being recorded..  It shows the call entering the queue, being answered and being completed in the same second--the calls are lasting in excess of 10-15 minutes..  1132093363|1132093336.79|310|NONE|ENTERQUEUE||"Barrington IL" <x>
22:34.30rayvdThx for that.
22:34.42bartpbxah.. hangupcause is good
22:34.52drumkillasweet :)
22:35.49file[laptop]I just got another job offer...
22:35.52X-Filesdrumkilla: You do not wish to help me, I have " Internet Telephony Gateway " from it I can to call on asterisk and naberat numbers from ports FXS and FXO, but the problem that asterisk cannot transfer dtmf in port FXS and FXO when there is a long hooter
22:35.58marcus2i wonder where i can find an asterisk consultant that actually has experience with other pre-voip PBX systems
22:36.12X-Filesdrumkilla: naberat = enter
22:41.01kn0xdoes anyone know anything about the rtc patches for ztdummy in 2.6 ??!?!?!?!
22:41.18kn0xim trying to add rtc_register and some others but im stuck
22:43.21*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
22:46.18oogleare there any resources on how channel numbers are generated for zaptel cards?
22:46.32IronHelixbased on pci slots and available channels
22:46.36ooglebecause if i put a t1 card in a machine, and two TDM24xx cards... how can i know which channel
22:46.48IronHelixdepends on which order they are in
22:46.50ooglewill be assigned to each card without trial and error
22:47.02IronHelixlike if you put the tdm card in first, the t1 will start with ch5 i think
22:47.36ooglebut what if i put them in at the same time?
22:47.42IronHelixi mean in the first pci slot
22:47.43oogleis it what order they appear in lspci?
22:47.50IronHelixyeah i think so
22:48.57ooglethanks for the pointer IronHelix
22:49.08IronHelixalso if your tdm card has empty slots
22:49.10IronHelixthey still count
22:49.45IronHelixso like if you have a tdm card with one module, and then a t1 card after it, the t1 will start at ch5, channels 2-4 will be empty but reserved
22:50.13oogleoh thanks a lot, i didn't know that
22:50.29ooglebecause they only give partially filled cards to customers
22:50.42oogle(my employer)
22:50.47marcus2just use gentoo, it makes it easy to add the rtc patches to ztdummy ;)
22:51.16*** join/#asterisk Igbothom (
22:51.16ooglemarcus2: as much of a fan I am of Gentoo (I use it at home), I wouldn't use it for production
22:51.17*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
22:51.33marcus2well of course not, its linux
22:52.01ooglelinux is totally production ready, after all 4/5 of the fastest computers in the world run it
22:52.14oogleand if those aren't production machines, i don't know what is
22:52.54mog_worki think people that say linux is not production ready are just a ignorant or b willfully ignorant....
22:52.54marcus2what distros are those systems running?
22:53.12ooglemog_work: or on Microsoft's payroll
22:53.14justinuoracle supports linux
22:53.20mog_workthat is b
22:53.22justinuthey support their rdbms on linux, and the linux os
22:53.23mog_workwillfully ignorant
22:53.25ooglemarcus2: fedora
22:53.37marcus2the windows of the linux world
22:53.49oogleit has its vices
22:53.57ooglehence me using gentoo at home
22:54.14marcus2i hardly think fedora is more 'production-ready' than gentoo
22:55.32mog_workdepends marcus2
22:55.45ooglemarcus2: well one of the reasons i like Fedora/RedHat for production is for running updates, and the fact that all the releases of software in the distro are tested to work together.  Gentoo, being a meta-distro has less of a guarantee that every piece works together
22:55.50mog_workbut i would tend to agree id rather drop in 50 fedora boxes than gentoo for a customer
22:56.08marcus2oh, turning something over to a clueless customer is something else entirely
22:56.08mog_workbut i would rather run gentoo as my production box than fedora
22:56.14marcus2but not directly related to "production ready"
22:56.35marcus2managing 50 rh boxes makes my head hurt
22:56.56oogleupdates are the biggest problem because in gentoo you generally have to manually update your configuration files
22:57.19oogleFedora is great for 'set-and-forget'
22:58.17marcus2well, its ggreat for 'forget'
22:58.19marcus2its the setting that sucks
22:59.34*** join/#asterisk bweschke (
23:01.35cnet2what is the recommended analog adapter?
23:01.48*** join/#asterisk hilkiah (
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23:02.51IronHelixcnet- digium tdm board or anything from Sipura
23:03.09patpatnzquestion, can I get a list of the current variables on the stack of a channel?
23:03.27wunderkinshow channel
23:03.30hilkiahhi all
23:03.40hilkiahi have a little problem i need advice on
23:03.51hilkiahi have a tdm422 card which is working 75%
23:04.00hilkiah1 of the fxo modules isn't working
23:04.11mog_workwhats wrong?
23:04.16*** part/#asterisk mog_work (
23:04.20hilkiahhowever, neither asterisk nor zttool report any problem
23:04.27hilkiahthe line is dead
23:04.35hilkiahi have 2 phone providers, A and B
23:04.41hilkiahand one line of each
23:04.47*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
23:04.51hilkiahso fxo ch1 = provider A and fxoch2 = provider B
23:05.04hilkiahsay fxo ch1 does not work
23:05.17hilkiahif i call the number associated with this, nothing (dead air)
23:05.35hilkiahif I swap lines A and B the module still does not respond
23:05.45patpatnzwunderkin, thanks :)
23:05.53hilkiahi hope u guys get the drift
23:06.08patpatnzmy client sends a Remote-Peer-ID header, does asterisk use this?
23:06.13hilkiahare there any tools which i can use to determine whether the fxo modules are 100% functional?
23:06.37hilkiahany help would be greatly appreciated
23:06.40justinuremote-peer-id? or remote-party-id?
23:06.49*** join/#asterisk mwright1night (
23:06.57patpatnzis it party?
23:07.14IOscannerOkay I have rebuild a kernel with kernel source to match and I still get this:  WARNING: Symbol version dump /usr/src/linux- is missing; modules will have no dependencies and modversions.
23:07.16justinui've never heard of remote-peer-id
23:07.17patpatnzsorry, remote-party-id
23:07.21*** join/#asterisk rculp (n=rculp@
23:07.23justinuyes, asterisk can use that
23:07.29IOscannerI can't get the zaptel drivers to compile
23:07.36patpatnzjustinu, but there is no var in the stack?
23:07.46IOscanneralso: linux/autoconf.h: No such file or directory
23:08.01patpatnzI'm using 1.2.0-beta2
23:08.10rculpI'm still having a weird issue where asterisk drops calls if they're not answered after 20 seconds
23:08.18rculpanyone know where that setting is hiding?
23:09.21justinupatpatnz: set "trustrpid=yes" in your sip.conf entry
23:09.29wunderkinrculp, are you using absolutetimeout? i would think that should only take over after answer
23:09.37*** part/#asterisk QbY (
23:10.07patpatnzjustinu, I have that set already
23:10.16lesouvagehilkiah: xorcom-rapid has some pretty usefull tools in the menu to test/monitor the hardware. You could download the iso, put an old hd in the box and try it out. start the menu with rapid-menu on the linux prompt.
23:10.22*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
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23:11.21hilkiahi'll google for it
23:11.42patpatnzjustinu, I want to use the rpid for callerid identification
23:12.20hilkiahany other tools come to mind?
23:12.39justinupatpatnz: yeah... should work... i use it
23:13.05justinupatpatnz: if you want to send rremote-party-id set "sendrpid=yes"
23:14.30patpatnzjustinu, the callerid name and number should be set to the rpid?
23:14.50patpatnzthats what I want it to do
23:15.42IOscannerI thought you just needed the kernel source to build asterisk.  I had to drop my config for the kernel into the source tree and build the kernel half way to get asterisk to build from the kernel source.
23:16.20patpatnzokay, will try, thanks :)
23:16.42*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
23:16.49rculpwunderkin: not sure
23:16.54rculpsorry for the slow reponse
23:16.55patpatnzjustinu, the problem is that it doesn't use uit when making calls to h323 channels
23:17.47*** join/#asterisk folsson (
23:19.59patpatnzjustinu, also, I don't see anything about RPID in the channel variables
23:22.10*** part/#asterisk IOscanner (
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23:24.38*** part/#asterisk tmccrary (n=tmccrary@
23:26.31rculpabsolutetimeout does appear to be max call length related
23:26.53rculpI just see stuff like
23:26.59rculpNobody picked up in 20000 ms
23:27.05rculpHungup 'Zap/1-1'
23:27.08[TK]D-Fenderthats the "absolute" part kicking in ;)
23:27.23rculpbut if I were to get someone
23:27.26rculpI can talk forever
23:27.28[TK]D-Fenderthats something you only use in pre-paid applications
23:27.42rculpbut 20 seconds isn't enough to leave voicemail on some phone systems
23:27.49[TK]D-Fenderno, I believe it'll kill a dia cmd...
23:27.52wunderkinrculp, ok well what else do you expect it to do? you need to show your dialplan, obviously theres a problem there..
23:28.04[TK]D-Fenderand thats why you don't need Absolutetimeout!
23:28.08wunderkincheck the numbering
23:28.10rculpI had an awesome helper with my dialplan
23:28.21wunderkinpeople make mistakes
23:28.25rculpI'll post it
23:28.26[TK]D-Fenderrc, set your root back to our last temp if you want me to take a look
23:28.27rculpone sec
23:28.31[TK]D-Fenderbut I've only got 5 mins
23:29.03[TK]D-Fenderlet me know when its ready
23:29.35rculpthe strange thing is that I don't even see where the 20 second timeout is set :)
23:29.45[TK]D-Fendernot ready, pass isn't right
23:30.04JonR800rculp: are you specifying a timeout in dial?? sorry im just jumping into this without reading much.
23:30.06rculpreset your pass
23:30.20rculpjonR: nope
23:30.27[TK]D-Fenderok, better
23:30.48[TK]D-Fenderok, what context?
23:31.07[TK]D-Fenderwhich one is dying?
23:31.10[TK]D-Fenderoutgoing call?
23:31.27rculpI see the value
23:32.05rculpI r teh smart
23:32.06JonR800:) i win!
23:32.15*** join/#asterisk bbsf (
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23:32.33X-Filesppls, please help
23:32.47X-FilesI have " Internet Telephony Gateway " from it I can to call on asterisk and to type numbers from ports FXS and FXO, but the problem that asterisk cannot transfer dtmf in port FXS and FXO when there is a long hooter
23:33.39[TK]D-Fendertry now
23:34.02[TK]D-Fenderand I got rid of that silly Zap reference in the Dial cmd! ;)
23:34.39rculpit was 20000
23:34.41rculpor 20
23:34.54rculpI commented out that section though
23:35.32[TK]D-Fenderok, 1 more shot
23:35.38[TK]D-Fenderthen I've got to go for a bit.
23:36.03rculpI think that took care of it
23:36.07rculpyou removing the ,20
23:36.12rculpand then the ,40 that I changed it to
23:36.21[TK]D-Fenderall beter?
23:36.28[TK]D-Fenderywc :)
23:36.29rculpnow at 45 seconds
23:36.32rculpand counting
23:36.49lidlhow does asterisk interface with teles gateways?
23:37.02[TK]D-FenderShould stay indefinately (depending on the other side + telco)
23:37.10[TK]D-Fenderok, gtg for now...
23:37.12rculpyeah, 1:28 now
23:37.13[TK]D-Fenderlogging out
23:37.18*** part/#asterisk rculp (n=rculp@
23:37.20[TK]D-FenderI think you can hang up now :)
23:41.23*** join/#asterisk hhoffman (
23:41.27X-FilesYou do not wish to help me, I have " Internet Telephony Gateway " from it I can to call on asterisk and to type on local numbers from ports FXS and FXO, but the problem that asterisk cannot transfer dtmf in ports FXS and FXO when I wish to type figures on phone all of them ignore. In what a problem?
23:41.29*** join/#asterisk Abbas (n=Abbas@
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23:50.10X-Filesdrumkilla: Russell u there ?
23:50.37*** join/#asterisk nagl (n=nagl@
23:51.26denonX-Files: pretty sure he already left for vegas.. wont be back till next week
23:51.38*** join/#asterisk aaronz (n=aaronz@pdpc/supporter/student/aaronz)
23:52.21denonX-Files: if you have Qs, im sure someone on the mailing list could help you
23:53.54X-FilesIt is not assured, if already nobody wrote and do not know!
23:54.13greyhound4334hi gang.  newbie, so go easy please ;-)  Anyone help with strange problem: zap channel ANSWERING on calls from analog phone
23:54.27fileplainvoip... I know who runs that...
23:55.10greyhound4334That is, answering on OUTBOUND calls from analog phone sharing pstn line with x100p card
23:55.28aaronzdoes an ast_frame have to have a particular length?  im trying to write an app that bi-directionally streams the audio to a java server.  I should be just switching quickly between reading & writing small 1-2ms wide frames, right?
23:55.46fileaaronz: audio usually comes in at 20ms...
23:55.49aaronzim assuming an ast_frame is indepentent of its format, right?
23:56.33aaronzfile: how would i create a low-latency full-duplex channel to a local server?
23:56.47X-Filesdenon: You concern to asterisk programming?
23:56.56aaronzhas to be simultaneous, i cant drop every other 20ms
23:56.59denonno, I'm just in marketing
23:57.09fileaaronz: there is an icecast app...
23:57.30aaronzhow low-latency is that?
23:57.43X-Filesdenon: :) hmm, i how see in cvs update by Russell 17 min back
23:57.55fileyeekz my other LCD needs to be cleaned
23:58.01PlainVoip-DocEfile huh?
23:58.11X-Filesdenon: You are assured hundred it are not present?
23:58.24aaronzfile: and thats one way then
23:58.26aaronznot full duplex
23:58.45fileplainvoip is a company
23:59.38denonX-Files: I dont know for sure .. but I dont think he is around now
23:59.39docelm0Well subsidiary of another.. but yes
23:59.53denonX-Files: besides, drumkilla's english isnt so good .. he doesnt like to talk on irc much

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.