irclog2html for #asterisk on 20051114

00:00.04justinuprobably should be foreign exchange, but that's just a guess
00:00.45ManxPowerkink0, define "plan" sounds very fine
00:02.00kink0extension I have defined, sound perfect
00:02.13marcus2i'm really curious why i get just lots of "?" and "(null)"s when i have intense debugging turned on
00:02.18ManxPowerkink0, that would be "some providers sound perfect."
00:02.43kink0but if I dial IAX2/ sound distortioned
00:02.47ManxPowerAlso, remember when you dial by hostname or IP you do not get any of the options in iax.conf or sip.conf  (you MIGHT get the [general] options, you might not)
00:03.10marcus2hm ok
00:03.14marcus2now to try "switch type"
00:03.16*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:03.16justinumarcus: probably hdlc errors?
00:03.45kink0ManxPower, yes, I am ussing the same [general] for both calls.
00:04.30marcus2the magix gives me a few options... 4ess, 5ess, dms-250, dms-100, dex600e
00:04.40justinuwhatever your asterisk box is pretending to be
00:04.48marcus2yeah, both are set to 5ess right now
00:04.53marcus2i'm wondering if something else is preferrable
00:04.58kink0how will be able to test an incoming call since nobody calls me ?
00:05.11justinuprobably not, since it doesn't have NI-2 support?
00:05.18marcus2nope, no ni-w support, heh
00:05.19justinukink0: what's your number?
00:05.21kink0there any "call back" or so ?
00:05.22marcus2er, ni-2
00:05.39kink0justinu, AIX2/
00:05.51justinuoh, no pstn to that
00:05.55kink0I hope that runs, I never got a call
00:06.18kink0no.. just compiled and testing, my asterisk is not yet connected to PSTN or GSM
00:07.14*** join/#asterisk Suckysucky (
00:07.33SuckysuckyNov 13 18:46:32 WARNING[235]: chan_sip.c:1900 create_addr: No such host: ..... Can anyone tell me what causes this error?
00:07.48bugzwow i totally hacked my wifi driver setup
00:07.50bugzi hate think pads
00:08.27bugzi have a t43 with a fingerprint reader
00:08.37bugzim bout to get this thing integrated into xlock
00:09.03NuggetI have a laptop that works without having to spend hours hacking drivers.  :)
00:09.04bugzNugget: yeah yeah
00:09.11justinui have one too
00:09.15bugznot me dude
00:09.22bugzi have two laptops that both suck
00:09.32bugzone of which i have spent years perfecting a fbsd install on
00:09.41bugzeven the dvd player and IR work on it
00:10.00bugzimagine that, stuff works on it
00:10.04bugzits a sony kds
00:10.07bugznasty little bugger
00:10.17justinuyou are obviously a masochist
00:10.18marcus2oh well, i think the next step is to replace asterisk@home with gentoo
00:10.30asterboyor lfs
00:10.30bugzso ive been told
00:10.42SuckysuckyAnyone have recommendations on how to fix Nov 13 18:46:32 WARNING[235]: chan_sip.c:1900 create_addr: No such host:
00:11.15Nuggetcan you resolve that hostname normally?
00:11.30file[laptop]what's your dial line look like?
00:11.30asterboyI'd check ny hosts file after I find out what ip its talkin about.
00:11.45bugzspeaking of masochism, im working with some friends to put gentoo and * on a via embedded system
00:11.53marcus2eh, screw lfs
00:12.07asterboyya thats what I say about gentoo.
00:12.20marcus2under openwrt, tho, not gentoo
00:12.29bugzmarcus2: what hardware platform?
00:12.32h3xis that openwrt+asterisk stuff stable now
00:12.38marcus2linksys wrt54gs
00:12.44marcus2stable enough for home use
00:12.44bugzoh lol
00:12.45Suckysuckyexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
00:12.55bugzhow do you fit a PRI card in that
00:12.59file[laptop]yeah that's not right for SIP
00:13.00marcus2sweet, now i can make all those international calls i've been needing to make
00:13.01NuggetI hope you changed that password.
00:13.02justinuhey thanks for the voicepulse account!
00:13.10Suckysuckyfile[laptop]: how would it look like
00:13.11file[laptop]and hahaha
00:13.15Suckysuckyjustinu: haha nope =)
00:13.21Suckysuckyi removed some of the password haha
00:13.22marcus2bugz; the linksys is just for home, the PRI is at the office
00:13.24file[laptop]you would setup an entry in sip.conf as a peer with that host, username, and password
00:13.30file[laptop]and then do SIP/${EXTEN}@voicepulse
00:13.36file[laptop]where voicepulse is the name of the peer entry
00:13.45file[laptop]probably also need to set fromuser to your username
00:13.49bugzwhat you dont have 24 T1's in your house? get outta here..
00:13.52justinuwarning: voicepulse's sip support SUCKS
00:13.56Suckysuckyk thanks, ill try it
00:14.09marcus2if i had T1s at my house, i'd be using more than just a linksys for asterisk :)
00:14.13asterboywhat does voicepulse cost?
00:14.14Suckysuckyjustinu: lol yes..  i got iax workign fine but i see nothing in their docs about sip
00:14.19*** join/#asterisk jbl (
00:14.22h3xi used to have a PRI at home
00:14.27justinusucky: it works, but not correctly.
00:19.03*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
00:21.04asterboyIs that the voiceplus your talkin about?
00:21.38br00ksh1r3it's voicepulse
00:22.02br00ksh1r3Suckysucky: is your dns working?
00:22.12br00ksh1r3sounds like a dns problem the more i look at it
00:23.17kink0is normal I get if I set SIP instead IAX2 this message: chan_sip.c:1947 create_addr: No such host:
00:23.46kink0or means my SIP is not working ?
00:24.03*** part/#asterisk bugz (
00:25.48file[laptop]br00ksh1r3: it's not...
00:25.59file[laptop]chan_sip doesn't parse like that...
00:26.06*** join/#asterisk emakris2 (
00:26.13file[laptop]so it ends up trying to do a DNS lookup on the full string including /extension
00:26.53SuckysuckyW00 TW00T
00:26.54SuckysuckyW00T W00T
00:26.56SuckysuckyIT WORKS IT WORKS
00:27.06Suckysuckythanks everyone
00:27.46kink0this is what I get:
00:27.47kink0Nov 14 01:19:15 WARNING[17826]: chan_sip.c:1947 create_addr: No such host:
00:27.48kink0Nov 14 01:19:15 NOTICE[17826]: app_dial.c:975 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
00:27.56file[laptop]I just explained why
00:28.00file[laptop]I'm not repeating myself
00:28.24Drukenread the damn error..
00:28.26coppicefile: but you will. everyone does here :-)
00:28.27Drukenno such host...
00:28.33br00ksh1r3anyone going to vegas?
00:28.55br00ksh1r3hey file!
00:29.04file[laptop]br00ksh1r3: what madness are you up to today?
00:29.11marcus2464gb usable on my * server
00:29.15marcus2wonder if that will be enough
00:29.21kink0but runs fine if I use AIX2 instead SIP
00:29.33br00ksh1r3me and twisted have to be up at 6am tomorrow
00:29.40br00ksh1r3so we're not going to sleep tonight
00:29.48br00ksh1r3going out drinking
00:30.08twisteddrunken flying++
00:30.14br00ksh1r3he wanted to rent a car tonight
00:30.15mog_homewhat you say brooks
00:30.16file[laptop]br00ksh1r3: ooh
00:30.20twistedno, i said i thought about it
00:30.23twistedi didn't want to
00:30.31br00ksh1r3because it would have been cheaper to rent one than leave one there
00:30.52br00ksh1r3at the airport
00:31.05twistedpoke-fu is fun
00:31.37twistedbrookshire, look at what i was telling you in the other chan
00:32.01br00ksh1r3they have wifi at bumpers?
00:32.35br00ksh1r3i would get distracted
00:32.39br00ksh1r3i need to finish this tonight
00:32.46twistedno you wouldn't
00:32.50twistedyou'd have beer and a laptop
00:32.55twistedand a comfy sofa
00:33.15twistedand it's early, so i doubt you'd get distracted until at least 10:30-11ish
00:33.44*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
00:35.11br00ksh1r3why don't you just go then..
00:35.15br00ksh1r3and i'll meet you up there
00:35.22br00ksh1r3at 10:30ish
00:38.17fileooh warm
00:38.40twistedyeah, it's a heated blanket apparently
00:38.44twistednatural heat.
00:40.40tzangerI eat beans
00:40.43tzangerthat provides natural heat
00:41.06twistedthat provides natural gas
00:41.08twistedthere's a difference
00:41.27tzangera rather big blob
00:42.56twistedyou broke my trigger
00:43.19fileugh, that was horrible
00:43.33tzangerI didn't touch your trigger
00:43.50twistedSOMEONE did.
00:44.02filewasn't me!
00:44.07fileQueue Shaggy song.
00:44.17IronHelixbut she cought me in the shower!
00:44.24filewasn't me.
00:44.24Drukenuhmm... i am assuming you three live close or something?
00:44.32IronHelixsaw me bangin on the sofa
00:44.46twistedfile lives in nova scotia or somewhere weird
00:44.47fileI'd be scared if I did
00:44.51fileNew Brunswick
00:44.53twisteddon't know where tzanger lives
00:45.12mog_homejerjer around?
00:45.19Kattyover the river and through the woods, twisted
00:45.20Drukenwuts wrong with nb?
00:45.42twistedKatty, he's grandma!?
00:46.22Qwellnope, daddy...he just still lives at home with mommy. :(
00:46.23tzangerI live in ontario
00:46.33Kattytwisted: obviously.
00:46.48twistedKatty, ooh... perhaps he's the wolf in grandma's clothing.
00:46.55Drukentzanger: aren't you the chap who lives west of me?
00:47.19twistedi always loved that story.  crossdressing wolves trying to eat jailbait.
00:47.20tzangerI'm just outside of a small town called Listowel
00:47.24tzangertwisted: hahaha
00:47.40Drukenthat's right
00:47.56Drukeni remember now... we were talking about wireless shit...
00:48.11tzangerperhaps yes
00:48.18*** join/#asterisk hhoffman (
00:48.53Kattytwisted: possibly
00:49.00Kattytwisted: oh there's a thought
00:49.06Kattytwisted: mister wolf is a crossdresser
00:49.07hhoffmanhi, I'm just starting out and have a FXS card so I'm dialing into my PSTN line and asterisk is answering but everything is very choppy and staticy...
00:49.19hhoffmanis there something I can do to stop this?
00:49.19Kattytwisted: or a transvestite!
00:49.25Kattytwisted: an /executive/ transvestite (=
00:50.10kink0runs with SIP !! was I am nated !!
00:50.27twisteddon't run with SIP, you could fall and poke your eyebeam out
00:50.37Qwelltwisted: That was bad.  Even for you. :p
00:50.42twistedQwell, yea yeah
00:50.57Dr_Rayhhoffman , check your IRQs?
00:51.15twistedoh gnoes!
00:51.51Kattyyou've clearly all insaned.
00:51.55twistedmy hair! it like, disappeared 1/8" of an inch from my scalp
00:52.09Kattynext you shall core dump and kernel panic
00:52.12Kattywith optional deadlocking
00:52.42Kattytwisted: i make up for your lack of hair.
00:52.55twistedyes yes
00:54.25hhoffmanDr_Ray: how do i do that?
00:54.34SwKkillall -9 twisted
00:54.45fileSwK: Permission denied
00:55.10SwKcut twisted && kill twisted && rm -rf twisted
00:55.19*** kick/#asterisk [hhoffman!n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted] by twisted (flood detected)
00:55.25filehehe haha
00:55.33*** join/#asterisk hhoffman (
00:55.46hhoffmandoh, sorry... guess pasting isn't allowed?
00:55.46SwKthanks hhoffman we just love getting flooded in irc
00:55.52SwKyou think>?
00:55.53hhoffman:-( live it love it use it
00:56.12hhoffmank, will do from now on... sorry all
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00:56.33twistedthat's how.
00:57.42QwellI bet he would fit in bind fairly easily
00:57.43hhoffmananyone help with the static sounds?
00:57.44twistedSwK knows what i'm talking about
00:59.06rajivinteresting that hhoffman is using PIC and not APIC
00:59.34Drukenwho wants to buy me a smartboard for my payphone?
00:59.44fileDruken: I don't.
00:59.47Dr_Raydruken - I might have one for you
01:00.01Dr_Rayyou have to buy your own relay and hopper for it
01:00.08hhoffmanit's a older PII system
01:00.20DrukenDr_Ray: got the relay and hopper...
01:00.32Dr_Rayit has to be matching voltage for the board
01:00.57Drukenreally.... hmm...
01:01.07Drukenhow do i know what volage the relay is?
01:01.08Evanrudeheya... i have a quick opinion question
01:01.09QwellIf you play a sound, and you get static...
01:01.15Qwellwill it sound exactly the same next time you play it?
01:01.17konfuzedhhhhmmmm id like to check in on the real need for ram
01:01.24QwellIf not, I propose we start calling it dynamic.
01:01.45Evanrudewhich, if any, are the best operator consoles (for monitoring extensions, transferring calls, etc)..
01:02.02konfuzedwill 256 - 133 at 7.5  be sufficient for a debian box running asterisk no X or gui
01:02.06Drukeni use Flash Operator Panel
01:02.13Dr_RayI use asterisk -r
01:02.20konfuzedis there a real need to make it 512 mb ram
01:02.21Dr_Rayfop stinks
01:02.24EvanrudeDruken:  is that the one that comes with AMP
01:02.26DrukenDr_Ray: i use that too...
01:02.42DrukenEvanrude: probably
01:02.46konfuzedis there a page on RAM needs some where
01:03.07IronHelixon voip info
01:03.09IronHelixas i recall
01:03.27twistedram is cheap
01:03.32EvanrudeDruken:  I'll check it out... last time I think I used it it wasn't exactly user friendly
01:03.34DrukenDr_Ray: how do i know the voltage of the relay ?
01:03.44twistedjust maximize your capacity
01:03.50Nuggetstick your tongue on it
01:03.59twistedDruken, cross ref the part number
01:04.07Dr_Raydo a google search for ernest relay payphone and then use a voltmeter to test yours
01:04.18*** join/#asterisk wmandra (
01:04.54wmandrawhats goin on all.....   has anyone tried updating asterisk via cvs today??
01:04.55Drukenhmm.... so in otherwords... who knows.. ok :)
01:05.10mog_homethere were things going on with mirrors
01:05.12mog_homego again
01:06.39Qwellomg, its the mog
01:06.57Qwellsame letters
01:07.23*** join/#asterisk SwK (
01:07.36QwellSo whats up in Vegas exactly?
01:07.37Nuggetwhat flight?
01:07.49mog_homeyeah why do you think im mog
01:10.02konfuzedmog_home: <--------  starts with mog
01:10.23filehe's an Ogorman
01:10.28mog_homethe ogorman
01:10.34konfuzedwhat makes you think im konfuzed anyway
01:10.40tzangermike, montgomery...
01:10.41mog_homefrom the land of cork
01:10.46IronHelix<-- isnt ironhelix!!
01:13.04konfuzeddarn this AMD 1300 i have only has 256 mb ram
01:13.26konfuzedbut its lesser quality ram than the 256 in my amd 600
01:15.32konfuzeddamn these other two ram stick dont say how much ram but the chips indicate 10ns
01:16.34konfuzedalright I'll take it as a blessing that this 256 mb 7.5ns happens to match and make this box a 512 mb athlon 600
01:17.49*** join/#asterisk kn0x (n=nunya@tor/session/x-bd9201179476f930)
01:19.07*** join/#asterisk brettnem (n=brettnem@
01:20.31konfuzedok so next
01:21.18konfuzedvoipinfo says a lot about dialup but I did not see any thing about using a dial up modem in potential telephony vs dialup to internet connection
01:21.29konfuzedfax modem
01:21.36konfuzedany use I should I pull it out
01:21.53konfuzedany use to keep it, or should I pull it out
01:22.13viraare there any linux softphones w/ esd support?
01:24.25Drukenhas anyone actually used adsi with asterisk ?
01:24.36tzangerbut yes
01:25.00twistedoh fuck a duck
01:25.16Drukentzanger: does it work over ata's or just FXS channels connected directly?
01:25.26twistedi have to check-in in person because they have overbooked the flights.
01:25.27tzangerit'll work over any voice channel
01:25.38tzangerA guy walks into a doctor's office with a duck on his head
01:25.42tzangerthey doc says "Can I help you?"
01:25.50tzangerthe duck says "yeah... get this guy off my ass."
01:26.13Drukenwhat a quack
01:26.30twistedthat was bad.
01:26.37tzangerit's one of my favourite jokes
01:26.39twistedmade me physically groan
01:27.35marcus2thats pretty bad
01:27.55twistedyou know what's worse?
01:28.10marcus2i'm not sure i want to
01:28.28twistedthe duck had avion flu
01:28.59tzangerI'm not sure if I get that joke
01:29.06tzangerif 'avion' is misspelled on purpose or not
01:29.09konfuzedthe flu took a plane to get to the duck?
01:29.22twistedtzanger, no, it's not on purpose.
01:29.56twistedyou can only get avian flu if you are exposed phsically to bird poop
01:30.05konfuzedimage the flu flying on a french plane to chase down a duck
01:30.10tzangertwisted: you sure about that?
01:30.26tzangerH5N1 is airborne amongst birds
01:30.27twistedtzanger, according to the CDC/WHO, yea
01:30.41tzangerheh that *is* bad isn't it
01:31.02tzangerI'll make myself sit in the corner for that
01:32.09konfuzedaccording to the head of the CDC he was told in may 2001 by a us general that a terrosit attack was going to take down the towers
01:32.23konfuzedmy only point being to not believe everything the WHO tells you
01:32.58tzangerbut they had such great hits
01:33.47konfuzedhe also said the Avian Flu was GMOd at us military bioweapons labs
01:33.52twistedCDC/WHO has nothing to do with the terrorist attacks.. that would be the FBI/CIA/NSA
01:34.09konfuzedus General told the head of the CDC that it would happen
01:34.26tzangerI'm drowning in TLA soup here
01:34.35konfuzedGenetically Modified Organism
01:34.48konfuzedcustom military organism
01:34.58rajivi have a zap channel and a sip phone on my desk. the pots line has call waiting from my CLEC. how so i send a hook flash on the sip phone so that i can answer the call waiting ?
01:35.00twistedwell yeah, it's a highly effective killer
01:35.18tzangerwe have equipment in the Canadian equivalent of the CDC's highest biohazard building
01:35.22tzangerreally cool actually
01:35.27tzangerhow they seal everything up
01:35.37tzangerthe buildings themselves aren't special
01:35.44tzangerjust the actual level 'x' rooms
01:35.55tzangerconcrete block rooms
01:35.56justinurajiv, i don't think it works like that
01:36.06tzangernetwork cable, everything is "unwoven" and run through conduit
01:36.08konfuzedHead of CDC says its not if but when the break out really hits that a world wide pendemic will be recognized
01:36.15tzangerthen the conduit is filled with epoxy
01:36.27rajivjustinu: i guess it doesn't make sense to connect a pots line with call waiting to *
01:36.33tzangerthe room is painted with a kind of epoxy paint to seal everything
01:36.37justinurajiv: no, i think you can do that
01:36.43Drukenif we ever get wifi phones working right, can we still charge like 10-40 cents a minute?? :)
01:37.09justinucharge whatever people will pay
01:37.31tzangerand of course negative pressure on everything to force all air through the scrubbers
01:37.41twistedfile[laptop], ?
01:38.02justinubutter against violence?
01:38.06tzangerwtf is it with you people and muffins?
01:38.13konfuzedtzanger: it was probably the secret testing on open territories to rate the human impact that led to the accidental release into the public bird population
01:39.00konfuzedcertain not those Canadian clean rooms
01:39.01tzangerI dunno
01:39.11tzangerthat's awfully conspiracy theorist
01:39.23konfuzednot if you talk to the head of the CDC
01:39.30konfuzedthats the scary part
01:39.47tzangerkonfuzed: got a press release with that?
01:39.49konfuzedany way somebody else brought it up but i wont say any more on that one
01:39.51tzangeror is it FOAF type stuff
01:40.12*** join/#asterisk lo2 (
01:40.23konfuzedtzanger: I can get you an audio recoding of an interview with the head of the CDC
01:40.51konfuzedbut I said I wont say any more so may be some other time
01:40.51tzangerI'd actually like to hear that (not to mistrust you but I am geniuinely interested in hearing what else he said)
01:46.01*** join/#asterisk tainted_ (
01:46.10tainted_~seen |nix
01:46.14jbot|nix <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 94d 10h 49m 46s ago, saying: 'any ideas?'.
01:49.19jbothmm... eeks is the Eeks eeks run for the hills IAX2 is here to stay
01:50.47konfuzedso is there actually any use for a PCI fax/modem or should it be pulled out just to be on the safe side
01:52.06*** join/#asterisk lenne_dk (
01:52.11*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
01:53.37lenne_dkHello, group :-) I need to know why an incoming call begins at a certain entry in the dialplan.
01:53.48lenne_dkAnyone here?
01:54.25lunkif i have 100 calls to make and n outbound connections, what's the best algorithm to keep as many outbound lines as busy as possible
01:54.50lunkthis is for reminders for appointments
01:55.29konfuzedlenne_dk: at best some one is virtually here
01:55.56lenne_dkIs that you, Eliza?
01:56.29konfuzedlenne_dk: no but perhaps the entry in the dial plan has an 'a' after the number
01:56.49lenne_dkAnd what might that mean?
01:57.01justinuNov 13 17:58:28 WARNING[29835]: interface.c:215 decodeMP3: Junk at the beginning of frame 00000000
01:57.12konfuzedlenne_dk: sorry Im only virtually helpless
01:57.34lenne_dkAnd I'm clueless :-)
01:57.46konfuzedwell formed statement
01:57.50*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
01:58.03deezedjustinu why not open it up in foobar2000 and either fix the mp3 header, or renencode it
01:58.15konfuzedlenne_dk: you dont present enough info for a valid question
01:58.33justinudeezed: does that mean the mp3's that came with asterisk are teh suck?
01:58.50lenne_dkI have 4 numbers registered. two goes directly to extensions, one goes to menu, and the last is supposed to go to menu too, but goes to extension instead.
01:58.55konfuzedwheres that   -   asking good questions   -  link when ya need it
01:59.07deezedodd.. heh i doubt it. never used them though
01:59.33lenne_dkI'm not finished...
02:00.29brettnemhey all
02:00.42lenne_dkI really just want to turn on some debugging, so I can see "incoming call from ... to"
02:00.58brettnemhey anyone know if app_devstate will work with Asterisk 1.2??
02:01.04lenne_dkAnd content/extension/priority
02:01.07marcus2did you try 'sip debug' ?
02:01.41deezedwhats the most calls has anyone taken with nufone iax at the same time?
02:02.31lenne_dkMuch too verbose, and as I have 4 numbers registered, I have much irrelevant data. And it doesn't show the context/extension/priority
02:03.50brettnemanyone using devstate?
02:04.42lenne_dkI might try adding some debug to the source, but I'm not sure in which part I'll have to start. chan_sip.c? Or in a common module for all channels?
02:04.56brettnemhmm guess now
02:04.58brettnemer not
02:07.32*** join/#asterisk kris2k (
02:07.52lenne_dkIs building HEAD messed up, or is it me? For the last hour or so make has just looped, making version.h.tmp over and over
02:07.52*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
02:08.16marcus2hahah theres a chan_bluetooth
02:09.29DrukenDr_Ray: you still around?
02:11.12*** join/#asterisk asteriskgeeks (n=SIPdawg@
02:11.19justinumarcus2: you get your pbx up?
02:16.03marcus2justin; no :/
02:16.09marcus2i'm reinstalling the asterisk server tho
02:16.14marcus2replacing a@h with gentoo
02:16.24MikeJ[Laptop]mog_home, are you a bot?
02:16.28justinuuse 1.2-rc2
02:16.31marcus2since i needed to do that anyway, and asterisk was being wierd on a@h
02:16.36marcus2the pri debugging was junk
02:16.46mog_homemog_home is a tx1000 with a neural net proccessor
02:16.48mog_homea learning computer
02:17.08Dr_RayDruken - yes
02:17.09justinuthinking machines cm-5
02:17.49deezedsorry this problem is making me go insane.. how do i check the debug ---> res_config_mysql.c:495 reload: MySQL RealTime: Couldn't establish connection. Check debug.
02:17.57MikeJ[Laptop]does matt riddle really think it is likely that osip and exosip would be disclaimed?
02:20.05marcus2yeah justin, i'm definately going to put 1.2 on it
02:20.32MikeJ[Laptop]deezed, set debug to somthing... and make sure in logger.conf that debug is going to console or file or somewhere you can see it..
02:20.37marcus2i need to find someone that knows how to program the stupid magix pbx, tho
02:20.42marcus2i'm even willing to pay
02:20.51MikeJ[Laptop]stupid magix ?
02:20.58deezedthanks mike
02:21.45asterboyCan I have 4 fxo ports route to 2 fxs ports AND give me distinctive ring on for the missing 2 fxs ports?
02:22.14justinugoing crazy with this on hold music noise
02:22.31asterboyFrom what I've read so far it's just a matter of creating the dial plan with the right options.
02:22.53asterboynoice is usually a bad contact, no?
02:23.25asterboyJust want to confirm distinctive ring is easily setup in my case.
02:24.21marcus2fucking emerge
02:24.26asterboyor 2 fxo, (pstn lines) ----> 1 fxs, (telephone) using distinctive ring to distinguish., thats why I went to lfs.
02:25.01lenne_dkexten => 1,1,Dial,Zap/28 ; Ring Zap/28 normally
02:25.01lenne_dkexten => 2,1,Dial,Zap/28r1 ; Ring Zap/28 with ring #1
02:25.01lenne_dkexten => 3,1,Dial,Zap/28r2 ; Ring Zap/28 with ring #2
02:26.12lenne_dkSIP doesn't support distinctive ring, I believe
02:26.53justinuit does
02:27.22marcus2yeah, my sip devices have configuration settings for distinctive ring
02:27.23*** join/#asterisk gpx1000 (n=gpx1000@
02:27.26*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
02:27.45gpx1000when it tries to link chan_alsa.o
02:29.14Lostfrog_ALERT_INFO= ?
02:31.19gpx1000Anyone know what I'm missing?
02:32.37ptiggerdinehave you got all the alsa-devel pkgs
02:32.49gpx1000ptiggerdine: yes...
02:33.32ptiggerdinethen you might need to look at mantis
02:33.38lenne_dkHow do you dial that? WARNING[614]: chan_sip.c:1947 create_addr: No such host: 36949608r1
02:34.03justinuwhat is that?
02:34.21lenne_dkTried exten => 661,1,dial,SIP/36949608r1
02:34.35justinuwhat kind of number is that?
02:35.18lenne_dkI can call my desktop phone at dial,SIP/36949608
02:35.30konfuzedheck it out - this amd 600 i got seems to have an fm tuner on the motherboard
02:35.48konfuzedplay the radio to the music on hold
02:36.07konfuzedgotta try that one
02:36.13*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
02:36.14lenne_dkSo How do I do distinctive ring on SIP?
02:36.15asterboylenne_dk: thanks for the distinctive ring config!!!
02:36.41justinulenne_dk: it varies from device to device
02:37.44lenne_dkSo that what "There is no standard for distinctive ring on SIP" means. I've got two grandstreams and a Fritz!FON box
02:38.02justinugrandstream can do it based on callerid
02:38.07justinuand by registration
02:38.12justinuand possibly a few other ways
02:38.17justinuyou gotta look at the manual
02:38.44asterboyCan DID numbers come from the Internet?
02:39.07lenne_dkWhat do you mean by distinctive ring by registration?
02:39.12asterboyIs it a cheaper way to get a POTS line replacement?
02:39.37asterboyWho is selling those in Canada?
02:39.38LostfrogThere could be 911 issues, ast_freak.
02:39.42Lostfrogasterboy, even.
02:39.51justinulenne_dk: the phone registers one 4 "line appearances", and depending on which one is called, it rings differently.
02:39.54tzangerasterboy: lots of people providing Canadian DIDs
02:40.38asterboySo my High Speed internet plugs to my *box and ouput via IAX or FXS?
02:40.39Lostfrogjustinu: I am reluctant to have multiple registrations per phone.. that could get messy quickly.
02:40.49lenne_dkThat must be the new "Office" grandstream, not the BT101 or HT286
02:40.56tzangerasterboy: or SIP or h323 or OSS/Alsa, yes
02:41.02justinuLostfrog: yeah, there are other better ways of doing it
02:41.07asterboyexcellent...that has to be the best way to do it.
02:41.17LostfrogI haven't found it for the snom320/360
02:41.21asterboyinstead of getting vonage etc.
02:41.23LostfrogI can't even get a wav to play.
02:41.37justinuLostfrog: i have a snom360, i'll help you get it working
02:41.41gpx1000yep, alsa was broken...  it's making fine now...
02:41.45asterboyso "Even" is one of the providers?
02:42.18tzangerwho's Even?
02:42.19lenne_dkSomebody build HEAD recently? My build loops, it didn't use to.
02:42.32asterboyLostfrog · asterboy, even.
02:42.41asterboymissread that no doubt.
02:43.16LostfrogNo.. I meant the message I typed to ast_freak to be to you, asterboy.
02:43.17justinuLostfrog: the snom 360 is pretty slick actually
02:44.00asterboyoh, lol...ya we need another "aster" something in the list :P sells them for $4.50usd/month
02:45.13asterboyanyone know the best price?
02:45.18justinuthat's not bad
02:45.28justinuis that for usa too?
02:45.59asterboydon't think so.
02:47.11*** join/#asterisk devonst17 (
02:47.29gpx1000lenne_dk: I'm building it now
02:47.57kn0xcan someone take a look at my sip.conf
02:48.01kn0xfwd wont register
02:48.03jebbais there anyone here that has experience with asterisk and a sipura 2002? I can't get it to register no matter how much i kick it.
02:48.57MacRohardanyone know a sip provider that offers service in area code 902 (nova scotia) ?
02:49.05MacRohardinbound did i mean.
02:49.59Kattytime for random question
02:50.05Kattywhat is your /favorite/ holiday cookie?
02:50.29fileI like shortbread cookies
02:50.45Kattyfile: does your mother make them?
02:50.50lenne_dkPlease be serious and on topic
02:50.58Kattylenne_dk: i'm quite serious, thank you
02:51.03Kattyfile: are they store bought?
02:51.09fileKatty: yes
02:51.13Kattyfile: :<
02:51.16lenne_dkThen you are just in the wrong conference
02:51.25file1. This is an IRC channel
02:51.29Kattytwisted: what is favorite christmas cookie?
02:51.40file2. I've been here for a long time :P
02:51.40lenne_dkWrong channel then
02:51.48Kattylenne_dk: lies.
02:51.54fileand random stuff like that isn't too bad
02:51.57Kattylenne_dk: you're clearly missinformed.
02:52.07lenne_dkMy asterisk doesn't make cookies
02:52.14Kattylenne_dk: then you're missing modules.
02:52.42kn0xcould someone look at asterisk isnt registering to fwd properly
02:52.57twistedlenne_dk, get over it.
02:53.02twistedKatty, gingerbread ;)
02:53.06Kattyfile: what brand of shortbread cookies do you eat?
02:53.11Kattytwisted: hrmm.
02:53.15Kattytwisted: do you have recipe?
02:53.22fileKatty: something from the local grocery
02:53.30twistedKatty, no :(
02:53.36Kattyfile: attention to details next time!
02:53.41Kattyfile: kthx
02:53.45Kattytwisted: does your mother have it?
02:53.50twistedKatty, possibly
02:53.55twistedi'm sure my grandmother does
02:53.57Kattytwisted: bribe her.
02:53.58Kattytwisted: i want recipe.
02:55.42lenne_dkWjy don't yoi make cookies in #asterisk-devel instead? Nobody's there
02:55.47twistedyou're enjoying it, aren't you
02:55.55Kattyi think lenne_dk has insaned.
02:55.56twistedlenne_dk, why don't you stop complaining and ask a question if you have one.
02:56.30lenne_dkSomebody build HEAD recently? My build loops, it didn't use to.
02:56.38asterboyAre there other products that do the same thing as digium's fxs and fxo?
02:56.44twistedif your build loops, make clean, or move the tree
02:56.50Kattyasterboy: sangoma (=
02:56.55twistedi built the tree just today and it built fine
02:57.08*** join/#asterisk FaithX (
02:57.11Kattythat's it!
02:57.17Kattyi shall make a sangoma cookie recipe!
02:57.25Kattyfile: find joey.
02:57.48fileKatty: otay
02:57.53Kattyi must figure out what defines all things sangoma and dreamy
02:58.00filehe's not online sadly enough
02:58.10filehe'll be online tomorrow when he's @ work
02:58.19Kattyk, that's soon enough
02:59.15asterboyI'm guessing DID via HighSpeed is cheaper than ISDN correct?
02:59.26lenne_dkMake clean didn't help. A new tree didn't loop. At least not yet
02:59.39asterboyT1/E1 equipment is expensive, plus you need to pay for those line costs.
02:59.51asterboyBut probably better for big ops?
03:00.40asterboyCould not fint the Sangoma cards...any part numbers?
03:01.15Kattyasterboy: i think has sangoma cards
03:01.32asterboyya, just found them...looking.
03:01.48Corydon76-homeThere's fewer things that you can find to annoy Mark than to discuss Sangoma in here
03:02.05Kattyhe's a big boy
03:02.26*** join/#asterisk IPmonger (
03:02.29Kattyi'm sure he can handle it (=
03:02.33asterboysangoma has only t1/e1 stuff.
03:02.38Corydon76-homeKeep in mind that the less Digium and the more Sangoma, the less Asterisk development can get done
03:02.47wmandrahey guys anyone have any tips for getting * cvshead to hear dtmf tones from a cisco 7960??
03:02.58Kattyasterboy: the analog cards are still in the making, i do believe.
03:03.03Corydon76-homeThe purpose of Digium is to help finance Asterisk development
03:03.21asterboyIn Canada it seems they want a lot for the Digium cards...over $100 per port.
03:03.28mog_homeand keep mog_home off the street
03:03.30kn0xcan someone help me with my sip.conf?
03:03.39asterboyWhich is cheap considering what it use to cost for propietary stuff.
03:03.40kn0xfwd wont register
03:03.44lenne_dkSeems ok to me, kn0x
03:04.11kn0xwell heres the situation, asterisk is behind nat with an ip of
03:04.15asterboywhat is the lowest price found for a digium card? say the tdm40b?
03:04.18kn0xi have dyndns running
03:04.26asterboyI have found $296
03:04.29Lostfrogjustinu: I like the snoms so far. I would have responded sooner, but, Adelphia cable sucks.
03:04.31kn0xits being updated on the router because i have a dyn ip
03:04.52mog_homelowest is tdm10b
03:04.56kn0xi have ports 5060, and 10000-20000 forwareded to the box
03:05.08LostfrogUDP, kn0x?
03:05.12asterboyyes lower, but I mean to compare apples to apples.
03:05.34asterboySay a loaded TDM FXS or FXO
03:05.52asterboyThink FXS is cheaper to produce.
03:06.03kn0xlostfrog- yes
03:06.08kn0xbosth tcp/udp
03:06.17kn0xtheres the sip headers from the debug
03:07.38asterboyAt about $100 per port for the FXS, you might as well put that money towards an IAX/SIP capable phone.
03:07.41kn0xany ideas?
03:07.48asterboyAnyone know the best phones for the price???
03:07.54kn0xNov 13 15:07:47 WARNING[2398]: chan_sip.c:1045 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x819e9b8 (len 397) to returned 5060: Bad file descriptor
03:08.03kn0xi keep getting this on the cli...
03:08.08kn0xwhats that about
03:08.40kn0xim running the latest CVS HEAD as of a week ago
03:08.47asterboygrandstream still the best bang for buck?
03:09.02justinujust do yourself a favor and get a snom 360 or something
03:09.08lenne_dkHave you connected to FWD with a real phone instead of asterisk sometime?
03:09.25wmandrahey guys * is not hearing dtmf tones from my 7960, anyone have any ideas?
03:09.54*** part/#asterisk WillySilly (
03:10.09Qwellwmandra: dtmfmode
03:10.10justinuwmandra: set dtmfmode=rfc2833
03:10.32*** part/#asterisk IPmonger (
03:11.11asterboysnom 360 $250 usd
03:11.29asterboywhat is the cheapest 2 port RJ45 phone???
03:11.44Qwell2 port, as in with a builtin switch?
03:12.01lenne_dkLike BT102, I presume
03:12.11*** join/#asterisk M-I-A (n=chaguy42@
03:12.35asterboybt102 is grandstream I think.
03:12.55wmandrajustinu, didn't work.....
03:13.52M-I-Awow there are a lot of people in here...   I did not realize Asterisk had this kind of following
03:13.58*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (n=junky@
03:14.35LostfrogOr a snom 320.
03:14.56LostfrogJust like a 360, except smaller screen and fewer simultaneous calls.
03:15.49IronHelixm-i-a alot of the users here idle and ask a question every now and then
03:15.53asterboycan the bt102 do call conferencing...guess its an asterisk function so it should????
03:16.01IronHelixbut asterisk certainly has a following, it is saving real people real money
03:16.45Lostfrogasterboy: meetme conferencing is *.. 3-way calling is on the phone.
03:16.50asterboywhat is really saving the money is switch pots to voip...otherwise the equipment is much the same price.
03:17.19Lostfrogasterboy: and flexibility and scalabality
03:17.37asterboyyes for sure...thats a harder sell I'm finding.
03:18.02justinuwmandra: check your phone config then
03:18.04JunK-Yme hugs Katty too.
03:18.11asterboyok so the bt102 most likely will not support 3-way calling...I thought * could do this on the server side and supply it to the FXS
03:18.24JunK-Yhey twisted !
03:18.29twistedwhat's going on?
03:18.31fileoh noes it's JunK-Y
03:18.32Lostfrogasterboy: it may or may not.. read it's manual.
03:18.40JunK-Yhow do u like my new t-shirt btw?
03:18.46LostfrogI don't think it can handle multiple calls at the same time.
03:18.50twistedso JunK-Y, out with the details... did you cuddle with file? :P
03:18.53wmandrajustinu, i've checked it and rechecked it, not working......
03:18.53JunK-Ysqrt(junky) = katty
03:19.07Kattythat does not parse.
03:19.12fileI cuddled with his girlfriend when he was gone! OH NO!!!
03:19.13twistedKatty, apparently you're his square root
03:19.20JunK-Yu know twisted, me and file are in terrible love.
03:19.27twistedJunK-Y, i thought so ;)
03:19.31fileit's true
03:19.32Kattytwisted: yes, but that does not parse.
03:19.34LostfrogYou need to include math.h and use -lmath when linking, Katty.
03:19.51Lostfrogexcuse me.. -lm
03:19.59asterboySupport 3-way conferencing (Model 102D),
03:20.00KattyJunK-Y: so..i'm squared at all times around you?
03:20.12busdriver202file: its 2.50!!!
03:20.24twistedwhoa, Katty^2 would make my brain rupture...
03:20.25IronHelix102d is cancelled
03:20.29twisted(not in a bad way)
03:20.29IronHelixbut as i recall
03:20.32busdriver202after the diamonds, lets move to 202!
03:20.38IronHelixnew beta firmware for bt1xx series has 3way
03:20.48Kattytwisted: you couldn't handle two of me.
03:20.56twistedKatty, you sure?
03:21.21busdriver202twisted, katty: if u wanna take a look at our last week,
03:21.22asterboywow thanks for that IronHelix.
03:21.27twisteduh oh... my feline companions have realized that I have a packed suitcase in the living room
03:21.34IronHelixthe firmware supports conference
03:21.40twistedbusdriver202, i saw it already :)
03:21.41LostfrogOk.. Pineapple upside-down cake is good in small amounts.
03:21.46justinutwisted: you're in trouble now
03:22.04twistedjustinu, i am?
03:22.10kn0xwhat does this mean: Nov 13 15:21:36 WARNING[2398]: chan_sip.c:1045 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x819e9b0 (len 397) to returned 5060: Bad file descriptor
03:22.12justinucats know you're leaving
03:22.15twistedoh yea
03:22.20twistedbut they also know i'll be back in a few days
03:22.26asterboySo it looks like the cheapest way for me to build a system is to offer DID at $4.50 and issue it via Grandstream BT102.
03:22.43busdriver202twisted: wanna know the daily tips? never put red bull in ur eyes!
03:22.43asterboyWon't need the Digium hardware then.
03:22.50twistedbusdriver202, NO KIDDING
03:22.57justinuasterboy: sounds like a plan
03:23.06IronHelixasterboy what are you trying to build?  ITSP?  office PBX?
03:23.13asterboyoffice PBX
03:23.36twistedbusdriver202, was that your gf in some of those pics?
03:23.41asterboyturnkey installed server.
03:23.45busdriver202twisted: yes
03:23.52twistedbusdriver202, she's cute
03:24.00busdriver202NO KIDDING! :P
03:24.05IronHelixthats good.  a suggestion, bt102/bt101 (same thing really) feel like cheap plastic toys.  doestn give biz users warm fuzzies unless they are really pressed for costs
03:24.13busdriver202thats why shes my gf :P
03:24.18justinuIronHelix: agreed
03:24.25busdriver202taht girl is great, smart, cute, special.
03:24.27twistedbusdriver202, that's the oly reason?
03:24.30IronHelixthey are fun to play around with but they look absurd on somebodys desk
03:24.32twistedokay good ;)
03:24.39busdriver202plus, shes learning * too.
03:24.45*** join/#asterisk fafnir (
03:25.02IronHelixfor a bit more $$ check out the grandstream GXP2000 ($100 or so USD)
03:25.05justinurule #1: never date a girl who likes computers
03:25.09IronHelixat least it doestn LOOK like a toy
03:25.14IronHelixalso sipura 841 is nice
03:25.24justinu841 is nice except for the crap keypad
03:25.32IronHelixthats true
03:25.35asterboyok, so go with the grandstream GXP-2000??
03:25.36twistedbusdriver202, uh oh
03:25.50hhoffmananyone here using teliax?
03:26.01IronHelixif you can afford 150/user check out the sipura/linksys spa941 or anything by SNOM
03:26.08IronHelixAAstra is also good i've heard
03:26.22Lostfrogjustinu: why shouldn't you date a femaled geek?
03:26.26justinui have an aastra 480i on the way
03:26.37justinuLostfrog: i dunno, i like to keep my interests seperate
03:26.57LostfrogAt least she won't be pissed off about you not spending time with her.
03:26.59*** join/#asterisk loud (
03:26.59asterboymissed your post IronHelix...ya, thats a great suggestion.
03:27.03IronHelixasterboy whatever you get, buy one or two of them first for yourself and learn the quirks of it before you commit client $$
03:27.12lenne_dkA femaled geek? Doesn't that mean a geek who had a feemale?
03:27.13justinuthat's good advice
03:27.15KattyJunK-Y: neato.
03:27.25asterboyThe BT101 and BT102 are a major difference if you don't want the extra cost of Hubbing that RJ45 connection.
03:27.35IronHelixtrue, BUT
03:27.35LostfrogNo.. a geek with a sex changes, lenne_dk.
03:27.37asterboygood suggestion to try out first.
03:27.43justinuthe gpx2000 has 2 ports
03:27.45JunK-Ykatty: u will have to come one day too.
03:27.46IronHelixkeep in mind the bt102 only has 10mbit/sec ethernet ports
03:27.50Kattynothing wrong with sex changes.
03:27.52asterboyso does the BT102
03:27.59KattyJunK-Y: kthen
03:28.01asterboyhence the btxx2
03:28.02IronHelixthe gxp as i recall has 100mbit
03:28.18LostfrogAs does the snoms
03:28.20IronHelixso if you're gonna use dualport phones to save cabling, make sure you have enough ports
03:28.23JunK-Yhow do u like my evil pig?
03:28.27IronHelixeh make sure you have the speed
03:28.28justinuasteriskboy: you'll find out that business will go ga-ga over the polycom 601
03:28.30IronHelixor that your users wont miss it
03:28.34JunK-Yblitz loved him SO MUCH!
03:28.44twistedevil pig?
03:28.47twisteddo explain
03:29.01JunK-Yits my bank for my change :)
03:29.04twistedthat pig is not evil
03:29.06twistedthat pig is happy
03:29.16IronHelixpolycoms have orgasmic speakerphones (one of polycoms original business was conference room speakerphones) but you have to deal with VARs to get firmware
03:29.19KattyJunK-Y: it's kinda cute.
03:29.27filethe pig is h-o-t
03:29.37JunK-Ylike bb?
03:29.48asterboywow, that polycom rocks!
03:29.59JunK-Yhey bb you're hurting me.
03:30.13LostfrogI may have to get a polycom for the conference room..
03:30.17file[TK]D-Fender: nooooooooo
03:30.19JunK-Ywe're saying that shit since last week.
03:30.27LostfrogWhy don't they make an IP phone that has a FXS port on it?
03:30.31JunK-Y[TK]D-Fender: send me my butt's pic now.
03:30.33file[TK]D-Fender: see MSN for a present.
03:30.43Kattywish i could have gone, but company didn't want to fork out the money :<
03:30.45[TK]D-FenderI did, thx :)
03:31.00IronHelixlostfrog- the only one i've seen is the uniden uip1688
03:31.11IronHelixits a sip based 5.8ghz cordless phone base
03:31.31LostfrogI would love to be able to plug our polycom into an IP phone.
03:31.37IronHelixbut it doesnt look like a biz phone
03:31.43*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (i=beige@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Corydon76-home)
03:31.45IronHelixwell you can always use an ATA :(
03:32.05IronHelixjus- useful
03:32.11IronHelixis that kept up to date?
03:32.16justinuyeah, it has the latest
03:32.25LostfrogBut that would mean two devices in the same room.. because people aren't going to give up the IP phone.
03:32.32JunK-Yive a great pic to let u see.
03:32.37IronHelixeither way- polycom is still better than cisco
03:32.40LostfrogMaybe.. I have some time to play.
03:32.41Kattyfile's going to be a pretty boy when he grows up
03:32.57Kattyi mean pretty boy(tm)
03:32.59IronHelixyou have to pay them $$$ for a support contract to be able to legally get the firmware at all
03:33.02fileut roh
03:33.04filewhat pic?
03:33.56[TK]D-Fenderfile : its one of mine... PRICELESS, trust me ... muahahahhaha *cough*
03:33.59Lostfrogut roh, roy.
03:34.01fileoh god
03:34.03filethis can't go well
03:35.02IronHelixalso asterboy
03:35.07IronHelixcheck out the 3com nj100
03:35.13[TK]D-FenderLostfrog : what kind of polycom are you trying to plug into an IP phone (not sure I even follow you, but I'll bite...)
03:35.13Lostfrogjustinu: May I PM you?
03:35.23LostfrogSoundstation 100.
03:35.59[TK]D-FenderLostfrog : thats analog isn't it?
03:36.03IronHelixits an in wall ethernet switch...  add a 802.3af injector on the other side and for $130 you've turned one port into 4.  It also has one passthru 802.3af port so you can power a phone off it too
03:36.15LostfrogYes.. hence why I spoke about an FXS port on an IP Phone.
03:36.23twistedJunK-Y, what the...
03:36.24KattyJunK-Y: they look girly
03:36.44LostfrogI should be investing in PoE.
03:36.54lenne_dkI'd hate to meet boys looking like that
03:36.56IronHelixgood way to expand a site capability without running cable
03:37.01JunK-Ytwisted: nice pic huh? :)
03:37.15JunK-Ylenne_dk: i some some guys which look like that too :P
03:37.16KattyJunK-Y: no goth girl :<
03:37.30IronHelixi wish a network vendor would wake up one day and deploy a good cheap line of powered gigabit switches
03:37.36IronHelixi'd buy tons of those
03:37.38KattyJunK-Y: that makes me all sad inside.
03:37.48[TK]D-FenderLostfrog : Just use an ATA.  When I got my Ploycom Wireless conferencing module I made sure to make it analog an not digital (I had a Norstar setup at the time).
03:37.56JunK-Ykatty: then take ur video cam and go make me a pic :P
03:37.58[TK]D-FenderLostfrog : ATA works just great.
03:38.01asterboyok, you still run 1 rj45 cable..just that it splits like a multiplex.
03:38.05KattyJunK-Y: pfft.
03:38.08IronHelixsadly, gigabit switches arent cheap, powered switches are even less cheap, and powered gigabit if its even sold yet is probably very expensive
03:38.15KattyJunK-Y: kats do not get on camera.
03:38.17IronHelixasterboy- exactly, its a network switch built into the jack
03:38.20fafnirJunK-Y: only 3 of those girls belong
03:38.29Lostfrog[TK]D-Fender: I know.
03:38.30IronHelixsame as a desk hub or switch, only you cant walk away with it
03:38.39LostfrogBut, I would still need an IP phone.
03:38.51JunK-Yfafnir: which ones?
03:39.05IronHelixalso makes one PoE injector do double duty (the switch and the phone)
03:39.15[TK]D-FenderPowered gigabit isn't quite real yet.  803.11af uses 2 pairs for power and doesn't put data over it so those ports are 10/100.  I have heard of 1 model or so taht offers you 1000 *IF* there is no PoE
03:39.22IronHelixso that removes two power bricks from your overall setup
03:39.31asterboyAnother wall jack that might interest some...
03:39.33[TK]D-FenderPoE injectors only do 10/100 AIRC
03:39.48IronHelixas i understand it, and i could be wrong, gigabit uses differential signalling so it would be compatible with PoE
03:40.03LostfrogGrrr.. put spaces before your URLs. :)
03:40.20IronHelix   clickable
03:40.23asterboywonder how those skype phones compare.
03:40.24IronHelixdamn, thats cool
03:40.45fafnirJunK-Y: bottom left, top right, actually 2 dont belong
03:40.49fafnirother four are fine
03:41.16IronHelixi think the main problem with gigabit poe is theres little/no demand for it
03:41.22kn0xcan someone help me with registering asterisk to free world dialup from inside nat
03:41.28kn0xi  have port forwarding
03:41.37LostfrogThat would be cool..
03:41.38IronHelixknox- port forward.  in sip.conf set externip= and localnet=
03:41.41kn0x5060, and 10000-20000
03:41.46LostfrogPut two (or more) computers in each room..
03:41.47[TK]D-FenderOk, I'm off for the night, later peeps.... JunK-Y : I'll have your pics ready for tomorrow night.
03:41.57IronHelixthen set qualify=yes canreinvite=no under the fwd section
03:41.59*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
03:42.01IronHelix90% of the demand for ports is standard 10/100 unpowered ports
03:42.01LostfrogRun terminal services on a dual/quad xeon. :)
03:42.09kn0x is my sip.conf
03:42.19kn0xironhelix- im also getting this message on the cli
03:42.21IronHelixgigabit is gaining acceptance, but is still at a premium
03:42.23fafnirJunK-Y: thanks now i want to go have sex with some 18 year old girl, thanks.
03:42.30kn0xNov 13 15:21:40 WARNING[2398]: chan_sip.c:1045 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x819e9b0 (len 397) to returned 5060: Bad file descriptor
03:42.45Lostfrogfafnir: send me one. :)
03:43.02fafnir200 a pop
03:43.06IronHelixkn0x- i dont think * supports a domain name in externip=
03:43.07JunK-Yfafnir: theres all over 21.
03:43.09IronHelixi could be wrong tho
03:43.17Lostfrogfafnir: night or hour?
03:43.22LostfrogI'm joking people.
03:43.31fafnirbut you buy drinks
03:43.52fafnirJunK-Y: doesnt stop me from wanting an 18 year old girl, preferably still in HS
03:44.32JunK-Ysorry, i dont have to get girls drunk to ... them :P
03:44.43LostfrogJunK-Y: It does help, though. :)
03:44.50fafnirno no, its not getting them drun
03:44.56fafniryou already paid for their services
03:45.00fafnirthey just want the liqour
03:45.02JunK-Yfile: HELP ME, tell him how sweet is bb
03:45.03fafnirmakes it easier for them
03:45.09lenne_dkI know what .... means, but what is ... ?
03:45.19IronHelixshow them his phone system
03:46.00kn0xironhelix- im not using externip..  im using externhosy
03:46.03JunK-Yhey, wanna see my PBX baby?
03:46.11fafniryoure all a bunch of nerds
03:46.19lenne_dkI've got 4 phones for 2 people on my system. Is that a good pickup line?
03:46.20kn0xi know
03:46.21IronHelixthe bad file descriptor could be a larger problem tho
03:46.22Lostfrogfafnir: and *proud* of it.
03:46.27IronHelixmaybe its having trouble with your network interface
03:46.44fafnirim one too :(
03:46.48lenne_dkAnd I can call my fridge to hear the temperature
03:46.55IronHelixhey baby, wanna provision a SIP channel?  we can qualify back and forth all night long...
03:46.56LostfrogAny Zap, is a good pickup line, lenne_dk.
03:47.18fafniri whip out my gumstix
03:47.25lenne_dkNo ZAP, only SIP and ATA
03:47.25fafnirand their like 'whooooa'
03:47.37fafnir"Omg thats a computer hehe'
03:47.37asterboyCan't wait to put my asterisk install on this:
03:47.43cybertankAnyone else using Asterisk@Home?
03:48.00LostfrogNot the way it was intended, cybertank.
03:48.12fafnirnot gonna happen :P
03:48.13QwellI use *@h
03:48.24QwellI burned a crapload of them, to stop my table from wobbling
03:48.24twistedQwell, yes, and you must suffer for it
03:48.29cybertankIf I update the kernel... it will die right?
03:48.34Qwellit's perfectly sturdy now
03:48.43QwellI would have used Windows CDs, but...
03:48.48Qwellwe all know how stable /that/ is
03:48.55*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
03:49.00twistedyeah, it'd suck if your table bluescreened
03:49.08Qwellit'd be worse if it crashed
03:49.14Qwellespecially during dinner or something
03:49.19JonR800is it bad joke night in #asterisk? :)
03:49.26QwellJonR800: What, are you new?
03:49.33JonR800im a lurker
03:49.35QwellThat's practically the topic
03:49.44devonst17Then i think I will hang out here more!
03:49.57twistedi'll get you my pretty
03:49.58cybertankHas anyone brough Centos up to date and kept Asterisk stable??
03:50.02twistedand you're little box, too
03:50.05Qwelltwisted: You think I'm pretty? :)
03:50.11twisteds/you're/your had this great link:
03:50.24twistedi'm watching wizard of oz on tv
03:50.32Qwelloh :(
03:50.41twistedFUCK ME WITH A TABLESAW
03:50.45twistedi forot to put out the trash
03:50.46devonst17twisted: You got Qwell's hopes up
03:50.57devonst17oh fuck, so did I
03:51.11cybertankDamn... we must be in the same timezone!  Same here
03:51.17fafnirlately i've been finding myself attracted to girls that arent that... attractive
03:51.25twistedfafnir, you're getting older
03:51.27asterboylol, I'm watching that too...I love the quote, "I don't think were in Kansas anymore Dorthy!"
03:51.29cybertankfafnir...  that sucks
03:51.34JunK-Ytwisted: saw? :P u have to see that movie (saw 2)
03:51.40JunK-Yi went with file, its crazy!
03:51.41fafnirwell, i did just turn 21
03:51.42twistedJunK-Y, i haven't seen the second one yet
03:51.44fafnirbut thats not that old
03:51.46*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:51.54asterboyIs saw2 available for download yet?
03:51.55twistedfafnir, oh, then it's the alcohol
03:51.59wasimyou'd think not being in kansas anymore would be a good thing [tm]
03:52.05fafniri dont drink
03:52.11QwellJunK-Y: re shirts; you'd like mine
03:52.14twistedfafnir, or lack thereof
03:52.17devonst17fafnir: I have the same problem, except its not girls that arent attractive... its girls with huge racks...
03:52.17asterboy"I'll get you my pretty!"
03:52.20Lostfrogwow.. asterboy: that is an awesome little computer.
03:52.22Corydon76-homeasterboy: uh, just how much do you like Wizard of Oz?
03:52.24QwellJunK-Y: "I'm an asshole.  What's your excuse?"
03:52.25JunK-Ywhich one?
03:52.39fafnirits like 'huh i could see myself having sex with her in an hour'
03:52.39asterboyDepends if I'm high or not. :P
03:52.42Corydon76-homeasterboy: friend of Dorothy?
03:52.43twistedQwell, you're not an asshold
03:52.46twisteder hole
03:52.58asterboyKinda like watching Alice in Wonderland.
03:53.12Qwelltwisted: I can be...
03:53.28QwellYou cross me...and I'LL CUT YOU!
03:53.34twistedokay, SwK
03:53.39Corydon76-homeQwell: no, that's "bitch"
03:53.59asterboyor how about old Spiderman with those Acid Wash backgrounds...real trippy.
03:54.47lenne_dkNice. Asterisk HEAD just finished compiling on FreeBSD, without patching.
03:54.52cybertankDamn... I thought it was the drugs...  you saw the acid wash backgrounds too??
03:54.57asterboyLostfrog: ya that iPIC chip is my next project for a web page.
03:55.42asterboyI got real screwed up when they mixed Rocket Robinhood with Spiderman and Dimensure V
03:55.44*** join/#asterisk chandi (
03:55.48Corydon76-homeEnjoying that, devon?
03:55.56devonst17Not really
03:56.50chandihey guys, little question. If there's voicemail messages but asterisk doesn't send a sip notify with a MWI flag. where should I have a look ? ;)
03:56.53cybertankSo... *@h...  anyone try updating the kernel?  Good Bad Ugly?
03:57.03Qwellchandi: app_voicemail
03:57.15IronHelixvery few of use *@h
03:57.24IronHelixi dont see any reason why it would hugely fail
03:57.46IronHelixchandi- sip.conf, is mailbox set to user@context?
03:57.49chandiqwell : which settings ?
03:57.58Qwellor what he said
03:58.12chandiIronHelix : it's set. @context = context of voicemail.conf, right ?
03:58.17Qwellmog_home: I tried that jabber thing...umm...yeah
03:58.20Qwelljava POS, heh
03:58.25mog_homewhats up?
03:58.33QwellI couldn't figure out how to run the damn thing. :P
03:58.38QwellIs it like...a client...or what?
03:58.41mog_homemine or the other one
03:58.42chandiIronHelix and user= extension number in voicemail.conf ? like 120@default
03:58.45mog_homeit can be either
03:58.45Qwellthe java one
03:58.52mog_homeoh the java one
03:58.54mog_homeis not my stuff
03:58.56Qwellyeah, I couldn't figure out for the life of me how to run the client, heh
03:58.57IronHelixdoesnt matter what user= is set to
03:58.58mog_homebut it uses manager
03:59.01Qwellyeah, I know.  you just recommended it
03:59.09mog_homei do
03:59.15mog_homebecause my stuff isnt done
03:59.16IronHelixextensions.conf will (if set up right) send the call to voicemail(mailbox)
03:59.21asterboywow, saw 2 is available.
03:59.30IronHelixthe mailbox si what shoudl be in sip.conf in mailbox=
03:59.36Qwellsomebody should have gone to vegas then :p
03:59.39LostfrogI thought saw 2 was still in theaters.
03:59.49mog_homei cant miss any more classes
03:59.52chandiIronHelix it does send it to the right voicemail but it doesn't send a MWI flag :(
03:59.54LostfrogYou wouldn't do anything illegal, would you, asterboy?
03:59.59mog_homeive missed like 3 weeks
04:00.06asterboy*cough* way!
04:00.09IronHelixtwo separate things
04:00.16IronHelixextensions.conf send the call to voicemail
04:00.16chandiIronHelix and asterisk says that that user has 4 messages
04:00.28IronHelixare you sure the phone is picking it up right?
04:01.02chandiIronHelix I've been sniffing the traffic between the sipura ATA and asterisk but asterisk doesn't send any NOTIFY RMI thing
04:02.03chandiIronHelix : so it doesn't seem to be something about the mime-type cuz I see nothing between the client and server about MWI
04:03.05IronHelixany cli output?
04:03.10chandiIronHelix: weird, hey ?
04:03.18*** join/#asterisk DCGrendel (
04:03.19justinuchandi: did you set mailbox= in sip.conf?
04:03.48chandiIronHelix no.. well.. when verbose is high enough I just see that a new message arrived in the mailbox
04:03.59DCGrendelis there a way to get more detailed output than just "CAUSE           : No such context/extension" when debugging an incoming iax call that fails?
04:04.00chandijustinu : yes, mailbox=120@default
04:04.10DCGrendellike the specific extension lookup that failed...
04:04.13chandijustinu does that seem right ?
04:04.35chandijustinu and voicemail.conf has : 120 => 2,Samuel Dion,
04:04.38IronHelixand thats in the entry for the sipura box, not in general
04:04.39chandiin @default
04:04.49chandiIronHelix yup
04:04.55justinuhmm, you did a sip reload?
04:04.56IronHelixthe context is @default or default?
04:05.53chandiIronHelix just default
04:06.10chandijustinu well.. stopped asterisk many times since then
04:06.16justinushould work
04:06.46chandijustinu I know :i
04:07.02*** join/#asterisk BleedingMe (
04:07.26BleedingMeis there a new script in 1.2 to add a mailbox?
04:07.31justinuchandi: phone type?
04:07.37chandijustinu and Iron : is * supposed to send a notify mwi upon registration ?
04:07.45BleedingMeaddmailbox seems to be gone
04:07.48justinuit sends it periodically
04:07.49chandijustinu sipura 2001
04:07.54chandijustinu ok
04:08.05chandijustinu it never did :I
04:09.08justinui don't use the @default thing
04:09.13justinujust looked over my config
04:09.18justinui just put mailbox=4512
04:09.23chandijustinu ok, I'll try that
04:10.13justinui think that means it sends once every 10 minutes
04:10.16chandijustinu is that 10 minutes or seconds ?
04:10.22chandijustin : mine is set to 1
04:10.42justinueverything is working except the MWI?
04:10.56chandijustin exactly
04:11.06justinuversion of asterisk?
04:11.23chandijustinu HEAD
04:11.26Qwellmaybe they don't have VM? :D
04:12.02justinui think it sends the notify anyways
04:12.02chandiQwell : Oh ;) the power was off on the sipura ;) just kidding
04:12.17*** join/#asterisk fiber0pti (
04:12.30justinuchandi: sounds like you've done everything right
04:12.50chandiwhat's vmexten=   in sip.conf ?
04:13.19justinuthat's the "callback" that gets sent to the phone in the notify
04:13.24justinutells it where to dial back for it's vm
04:13.27Lostfrogchandi: it's used for phones that can't figure out how to retrieve voicemail.
04:13.47Lostfroglike snoms. :)
04:13.50justinusnom needs that,
04:14.04DCGrendelNov 13 23:12:31 NOTICE[2576]: Rejected connect attempt from (scrubbed), request '(scrubbed)@fromiaxfwd' does not exist
04:14.10LostfrogSnoms need a sledge hammer to make vm work.
04:14.18chandijustinu ok... grrr
04:14.23justinulostfrog: took me a while, but I got it finally
04:14.30LostfrogTook me 1 hour.
04:14.31chandiLostfrog haha
04:14.34LostfrogThat is a long time for me.
04:14.37file[laptop]DCGrendel: the extension, in the context, doesn't exist
04:14.45justinunext task: get BLA's working
04:14.45LostfrogThat is with the help from the wiki.
04:14.52DCGrendelfile[laptop]: but i can see it in extensions.conf
04:15.09file[laptop]DCGrendel: it's going to the fromiaxfwd context, and the extension (which is given to you), doesn't exist
04:15.11LostfrogIn the right context, DCGrendel?
04:15.34file[laptop]if it says it doesn't exist, chances are - it doesn't exist
04:15.34DCGrendelexten => ${FWDNUMBER},1,Dial(${FWDRINGS},20,r)
04:15.38chandijustinu:  does the sipurabox has to ask the server if it has  mail or not ?
04:15.53justinuchandi: i think it's a server push
04:15.58file[laptop]and FWDNUMBER is set as a global variable of your FWD number?
04:16.20DCGrendelcan you have multiple [global] sections?
04:16.22justinuchandi: in my experience, when mailbox= is set in sip.conf, the server pushes the notify to the UA
04:16.27file[laptop]DCGrendel: no...
04:16.28chandijustinu ok....
04:16.33justinuchandi: like instantly
04:16.37DCGrendelfile[laptop]: not even in included files?
04:16.42file[laptop]weird stuff might happen...
04:16.50file[laptop]like, it won't work
04:16.55chandijustinu : Hmmm ok. weird!
04:17.02justinuwell, pizza time
04:17.05justinugood luck!
04:17.33chanditake care justinu, thanks
04:18.20Lostfrogjustinu: you coming back on later?
04:18.46BleedingMedoes anyone know if there is a replacement for the addmailbox script in beta 2?
04:18.57DCGrendelok, working now :)
04:19.26file[laptop]BleedingMe: app_voicemail automatically does that stuff, so addmailbox has been deprecated for a LONG time
04:19.43BleedingMeah.. i kinda had a feeling... thanks for the info
04:21.00Qwellfile[laptop]: you can add new users from app_voicemail?
04:21.25file[laptop]addmailbox was a script that made all the scripts and stuff
04:21.31file[laptop]made all the folders
04:22.00file[laptop]very very cheesy
04:22.48*** join/#asterisk cjk_ (
04:23.05asterboyok that web server is is the live link:
04:23.16asterboymy new asterisk box :P
04:25.01IronHelixi wonder how many channels of ILBC that can encode...
04:27.52*** part/#asterisk Corndawg_ (
04:28.26chandiIronHelix I've found the MWI problem :I and I'm kind of shy
04:28.48chandiIronHelix so next time I come here I'll have a different nickname ;)
04:29.00IronHelixwhats the problem?
04:29.03IronHelixand dont be shy
04:29.05IronHelixor change your nick
04:29.07IronHelixthats dumb
04:29.13IronHelixwe've all been n00bs at one point
04:29.22IronHelixim sure i've asked my share of dumb questions
04:30.00chandiIronHelix I was just kidding. I did define my box twice in sip.conf, once with mailbox=120 and the second without any maibox config
04:30.11chandiIronHelix so the last one was taken into account
04:30.18IronHelix:) good job
04:30.36chandiIronHelix I guess I did cut and paste it twice from my 1.0.9 config file
04:30.50chandiIronHelix thanks a lot for your time :)
04:31.10IronHelixglad it works :)
04:31.53chandiIronHelix any idea where to look to set my phone to ring with a distinctive ringer ?
04:32.25asterboythats exentensions.conf no?
04:32.44chandiasterboy what kind of config?
04:32.57chandiI mean what apps ?
04:33.21asterboyI was asking something like this earlier...2 fxo --- 1 fxs
04:34.14asterboy(19:24) · lenne_dk · exten => 1,1,Dial,Zap/28 ; Ring Zap/28 normally
04:34.14asterboy(19:24) · lenne_dk · exten => 2,1,Dial,Zap/28r1 ; Ring Zap/28 with ring #1
04:34.14asterboy(19:24) · lenne_dk · exten => 3,1,Dial,Zap/28r2 ; Ring Zap/28 with ring #2
04:34.14asterboy(19:26) · lenne_dk · SIP doesn't support distinctive ring, I believe
04:34.29IronHelixchandi   set ALERT_INFO to Bellcore-rx (replace x with 1-8)
04:34.57asterboyyour doing it with your phone...I'm doing it on the fxs channel.
04:35.41chandioh gosh..It's late ;) time to go to bed
04:35.43chandithanks guys!
04:36.04stbainanother satisfied customer... off to dream about all things asterisk
04:36.12chandistbain hahaha
04:36.24IronHelixcustomer?  he left without paying!
04:36.37stbainhe paid us by gracing us with his presence
04:36.38DCGrendelunder what conditions would not be built during install?
04:36.51stbain(or something like that)
04:36.53*** join/#asterisk nords2 (
04:37.12IronHelixdamn :( i was hoping for dollars
04:37.44nords2I am getting a core dump when I send an originate command through the Asterisk Manager Interface with a variable
04:37.57nords2works fine without any variables
04:38.27asterboyAnother good phone?
04:38.35nords2my backtrace:  0x080a8e7c in astman_get_variables (m=0x0) at manager.c:328
04:38.35nords2#1  0x00000000 in ?? ()
04:39.21DCGrendelah, lacking kernel source + zaptel driver :P
04:39.29devonst17Why are SIP phones so damn expensive/
04:39.40DCGrendeldenon: $50 is expensive?
04:39.53IronHelix same thing asterboy
04:39.53DCGrendeler devonst17
04:40.23DCGrendel$55 for a Budgetone 101
04:40.30IronHelixcheaper from voipsupply and it doesnt say on the auction if thats a 4 line or 2 line version
04:40.34asterboyah thats better.
04:40.34DCGrendelat that store IronHelix just said
04:40.46nords2seems to have been introduced in the last week, because i working versions from early Nov
04:40.51asterboyand the url is damn long!
04:41.02SedoroxI don't recommened a budgetone unless you really want only the basics....
04:41.09asterboyhow do I make those clickable?
04:41.12*** part/#asterisk wmandra (
04:41.13SedoroxI've had it less then a year and have grown out of it :p
04:41.18asterboy"/" something.
04:41.24Sedoroxbut unfortinatly I don't have the money for anything better at the moment
04:41.43IronHelixasterboy the 841 is a nice phone, the only problem is the keypad is annoying on some copies of the phone (rubberized button gets stuck below the plastic faceplate) and it has no LCD backlight
04:41.59IronHelixasterboy- its a client feature, just type the url or click it.  Make sure the URL has a space before and after it
04:42.09IronHelixits not that huge a problem from what i hear
04:42.18IronHelixbut enough to be worthy of mention
04:42.24*** join/#asterisk rikstah (n=rick@
04:42.34IronHelixalso, the 841 is VERY configurable
04:43.00IronHelixwith config files on a tftp server you can customize down to blink patterns of the LED lights
04:44.24DCGrendelIronHelix: backlights are easy to add :)
04:44.41IronHelixhehe i debated doing just that
04:44.48IronHelixended up going with a gxp2000 (grandstream) tho
04:44.59IronHelixalso asterboy- the spa841 is SMALL
04:45.00asterboyhow do you like the gxp?
04:45.02DCGrendelthey want $30 to install the firmware update for you
04:45.19IronHelixits not the firmware update, its enabling the other 2 lines
04:45.29IronHelixyou can update the firmware, it will just stay a 2 line phone
04:45.33DCGrendelsame thing isnt it?
04:45.53IronHelixfirmware upgrade = 1.1.2 to 1.1.5.  phone config stays the same
04:46.09DCGrendelok, well can't you edit the phone config w/o paying them to do it for you?
04:46.12IronHelixthe $30 upgrade = fimrware stays at v.whatever, only now you get 4 sip registrations instead of 2
04:46.16IronHelixsure you can
04:46.23DCGrendelso why pay them $30
04:46.24IronHelixyou can edit and flash whatever you want
04:46.31IronHelixto turn the 2 line model into the 4 line model
04:47.30iCEBrkrThank you Fedora Core 4, for making me switch to a different flavor of distro.. YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT
04:47.35IronHelixfirmware upgrades you can do as much as you want for free.  The $30 is to unlock the extra 2 lines
04:47.39DCGrendeliCEBrkr: HEH.
04:47.52DCGrendeliCEBrkr: i just installed CentOS 4.2 and A@H ontop of it.
04:47.53iCEBrkrapt-get is all jacked up
04:47.53IronHelixwhats wrong with FC4?
04:47.56iCEBrkryum doesn't have shit
04:48.05iCEBrkrCan't even RPM install Pine
04:48.19DCGrendeliCEBrkr: why would you want that old wooden email reader?
04:48.28iCEBrkrDCGrendel: Cuz I'm old Skewl, yo.
04:48.38DCGrendelnot old school enough
04:48.40Qwellpine is "non free"
04:48.43Qwellor something
04:48.59iCEBrkrDCGrendel: Plus, I'm always SSH'd in, I don't use those crazy GUI based email readers :)
04:49.16iCEBrkrQwell: hehe yea, the re-distrib. license is wonky
04:49.22DCGrendelnah, use the old one, mail or whatever it was
04:49.28IronHelixbut yeah asterboy- the gxp is a nice phone, with firmware the speakerphone doesnt suck ass anymore (finally implemented AEC) and as of it supports real intercom (with alert info) and BLF (asterisk hint LED)
04:50.14DCGrendeli've not used pine in ages, but mail i practially memorised how to erase the logs i'm always getting filling my mailbox :)
04:50.31Drukend *
04:50.42iCEBrkrDCGrendel: I used 'mail' back when I was at 1200 baud on our local FreeNet.
04:50.45iCEBrkrNo thanks. :)
04:50.46*** join/#asterisk SwK (
04:50.48DCGrendelbut h first to make sure theres nothing important there
04:51.00asterboyFor the money it seems choosing the polycom over the gxp is a better choice...although the ploycom 301 is only a 2 line phone.
04:51.06iCEBrkrI've tried to use Mutt.. I just don't like it
04:51.14DCGrendeliCEBrkr: i use mail on my 1200 baud serial console to my vax sitting 8ft from me.
04:51.25iCEBrkrand I can't force myself to use SquirrelMail, tho I'm always sure to have it installed and configured  :-/
04:51.53DCGrendelnothing better than a 200w 1984 space heater made by DIGITAL
04:51.57asterboyI wish the number of lines was a function of the fxs port.
04:52.20DCGrendelwith 32MB of ram!
04:52.30iCEBrkrLOOK OUT!
04:53.01iCEBrkrThat's funny, I just rebuilt this laptop from scraps and it's got a 128m of ram and a whopping 32meg video card ( shared, of course )
04:53.05IronHelixyeah, * needs better support for SLA (shared line appearances), so it can emulate a key system for people with primarily analog systems
04:53.22stbainI remember when I bumped my Pentium 133 from 16MB to 32MB of RAM. Quake ran so much better.
04:54.04IronHelixspeaking of which...  does anybody know of a method or script that when called will figure out who's using a ZAP channel, pull them and the zap channel into a meetme conference and then connect you to it?
04:54.44devonst17Anyone know how to configure Asterisk on MacOSx?
04:54.45IronHelixso someone can yell BOB PICK UP LINE 3 and not have to xfer or park the call
04:55.14Qwellkey systems are kinda useless...
04:55.33Sedoroxdevonst17: there are a few in here who use * on OS X.... but I'm not one of them
04:55.42SedoroxI dunno if nay are here right now.. but it seems to work fine
04:55.47IronHelixtrue, but being able to forcably enter a conversation has uses in a smaller office
04:55.49Sedorox'cept maybe FXO... *shrugs*
04:56.01nords2anyone what to help me debug a core dump?
04:56.25devonst17aite... its too late... I will ask again later, thanks Sedorox
04:56.49stbainIronHelix: can you park the call in a special parking lot and then have that parking spot's pre-designated Meetme conference pulled from a database?
04:57.16IronHelixyeah but that requires the person that answered the call to do something
04:57.57IronHelixas i see it- call comes in on zap and is answered by (whatever).  call is connected.  At this point if (another guy) wants to enter the convo, he can't.  He can zapbarge and listen, but he cant talk
04:59.25Qwellmeh, just send all calls to meetme, heh
04:59.56Qwell"dial 6024" "Bob is currently on a call.  Press 1 to join him."
05:01.30stbainthat help?
05:01.45IronHelixqwell- i'd be happy to but then how to call actual people?
05:02.08IronHelixi guess you'd need to generate a call file somehow that would dial from the conference to (extensiosn, voicemail, whtaever)
05:02.29joelsolankiDoes the transcoding from g711 to g729 takes huge bandwidth ? i have linksys pap2 only support g729 at a time so the other call made is g711 and transcoded to g729 .does it take huge bandwidth ?
05:02.59*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
05:03.11*** part/#asterisk krisguy (
05:03.44justinutranscoding takes CPU, not bandwidth
05:03.57*** join/#asterisk grimse (
05:04.15DCGrendeljustinu: it takes bus bandwidth...
05:04.35DCGrendelnot that it applies
05:04.43justinuok, try and make him right... :P
05:04.50DCGrendelnot gonna
05:04.55joelsolankioh ok. i was not getting clarity while using transcoding. i will look on this particular ..ip how much it consumes the bandwidht
05:05.11IronHelixstbain- i will look more into that tomorrow
05:05.13justinug729 is like 10kb/sec?
05:05.13IronHelixmight be what i need
05:05.23IronHelixlittle under 10
05:06.04justinuanyone run g729 over dialup?
05:06.13justinudoes it work?
05:06.21IronHelixjoel- which codec you choose affects how much bandwidth you use.  g.711 ulaw (ulaw, pcmu, 711u, etc) uses the most, about 64kbit/sec.  G.729 uses the least at about 8kbit/sec.
05:06.44IronHelixjoel- converting one codec to another uses cpu power.  however which codec ends up being used will determind bandwidth
05:07.18IronHelixi assume you mean the pap2 can only do one 729 call at a time, so the other one goes to your next codec selection
05:07.23justinuironhelix: when do you start the training course for asterisk n00bs?
05:07.25IronHelixand 711u does use huge bandwidth
05:07.53justinuyou seem like a natural teacher
05:08.05stbainjustinu: problem running over dialup w/ g729 isn't so much the bandwidth (8kb < 33.6kb upstream on a 56k connection), but latency
05:08.12IronHelixi dunno
05:08.16justinustbain: yeah, i figured
05:08.34asterboyI'm going to get the Poloycom SP-601...looks like a great demo to take around and showcase to potential clients.
05:08.46justinuasterboy: it's awesome
05:08.47asterboyPlus it will work well in my office of 4 lines.
05:08.59IronHelixasterboy- you'll have fun with that.  keep in mind tho, your clients may not want $300 phones for everybody
05:09.03asterboyI'm tired of people telling me I sound like I'm talking in a toilet.
05:09.11justinuso get a ip301
05:09.20IronHelixmy advice, if you have some free cash, is get a few different models
05:09.31IronHelixlearn their quirks and you'll know which ones to pitch to which clients
05:09.39asterboyyes, but I want the wow factor, and then let them decide to downgrade
05:09.59asterboyThe expansion module is fantastic.
05:10.03IronHelixif you want real wow factor get one of those $800 cisco phones that can surf the web and run word files
05:10.06asterboysimple and clean looking.
05:10.09stbainyes... always show the Caddilac before you take them to the other side of the lot and offer to sell them the Pinto
05:10.25justinuwow, ztdummy is not working for me
05:10.30justinumeetme sound is terrible
05:10.50bumbleso asterisk doesn't work with mpg321?
05:11.01stbainbumble: not from everything I've read
05:11.18stbainhence the handy "make mpg123" included w/ the asterisk MakeFile
05:11.24asterboyIronHelix: You mean Cisco CP-7970G Color TouchScreen
05:11.37asterboythat is sweet!
05:11.54IronHelixonly problem is there you DO have to pay for firmware
05:12.16IronHelixcisco makes good products, but i stay away from them for that reason
05:12.21IronHelixsupport contract
05:12.24asterboyhow much?
05:12.33asterboysupport contract??? yikes!
05:12.53IronHelixi dont know exactly, i've heard everywhere from $7 to $100
05:12.57asterboyI'll make my own touch screen interface for that price.
05:13.07IronHelixand i've also heard the sign up process is NOT pleasant or automated in any way
05:13.20asterboyforget that nonesense.
05:13.34stbainIronHelix: you mean you have to buy Smartnet?
05:13.36bumblebut what about the buffer overflow in mpg123?
05:16.16asterboyis the 601 web interfaced?
05:16.16IronHelixmaybe thats it
05:16.22IronHelixi just hate the concept of paying for firmware
05:16.36*** part/#asterisk nords2 (
05:16.37Qwellsmartnet for a cisco phone is about $13
05:17.34QwellDoes anybody happen to know if it's legal to use a cisco phone (sccp or sip) on asterisk, without paying the $98 for the license?
05:17.42QwellI assumed the license was for ccm/ccme
05:18.03IronHelixafaik yeah the license is for CCM
05:18.17IronHelixthey wouldnt sell the phone itself it you werent licensed to use it
05:18.26DCGrendelsure they would!
05:18.55DCGrendelthese are the same folks who require you sell them your soul to download drivers for your wifi card.
05:21.30*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
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05:23.54devonst17Night all
05:26.37tengulredoes the asterisk support OEM X100P - FXO PCI Card
05:27.12ManxPowertengulre, No.  Asterisk support
05:27.27ManxPower's Digium's X100P cards.  Other cards are compatable with the Digium card.
05:27.40IronHelixah yes good point
05:27.54*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
05:28.00IronHelixif your question is will it work, the answer is yes.  however official x100's are out of production, so this is a clone card
05:28.09IronHelixit will work fine, but digium wont support it
05:28.09tengulreManxPower, I want to buy a this card, but I m at china!
05:28.37justinuwhere in china?
05:28.56*** part/#asterisk mog_home (
05:29.04tengulrejustinu: Me!
05:29.19justinuwhat city
05:29.19IronHelixim out
05:29.22*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
05:29.30mog_homestupid sloppy focus
05:30.26tengulrejustinu: Xi'an!
05:31.35justinuyou know of any ITSP's selling DIDs in taiwan?
05:33.27konfuzedany debian users in tonight
05:34.05konfuzedinstalling this box on sarge and want to know if I should go with testing or stick with stable
05:35.28konfuzednever used deb before and there could be somethin that I need out of testing for happy use with asterisk or FM or something
05:39.39asterboyIronHelix: nite, thanks for your help!
05:43.24*** join/#asterisk clive- (
05:46.39DJ-Pyrokonfuzed: is this machine in production or just for testing?
05:48.46*** part/#asterisk DCGrendel (
05:49.20DJ-Pyroif you're in production stick with stable
05:49.27DJ-Pyrootherwise you can play in testing land
05:50.55*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
05:57.02tengulrewhat's the FXO and FXS means?
05:57.17jbot[fxsfxo] An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage.
05:57.27mog_homei didnt think that would work qwell
05:57.41QwellManxPower added both
05:58.25tengulrejbot: thanks!
05:58.25jbottengulre: no worries
05:58.31asterboyInteresting there are problems with the Polycom 601 and the expansion module.
06:04.17*** join/#asterisk svenna_ (
06:05.03Qwellmog_home: I talked to my boss about contribing changes I make at work back...he said it was cool
06:05.22QwellSo, essentially, I'll be getting paid to write open source code. :D
06:08.51mog_homeyou rock qwell
06:09.01Qwellif I don't quit...heh
06:09.02mog_homewhat you been working on?
06:09.15Qwelljust chan_sccp lately
06:09.48mog_homethe real one or the sccp one sourceforge
06:09.55Qwellthe one from
06:10.56Qwellwhich one is the "real" one?  Besides chan_skinny
06:11.38mog_homei didnt realize
06:22.37*** join/#asterisk Igbothom (
06:23.57rajivi have a phone with a 'function' key. is there a standard way to configure phone keys via SIP ?
06:28.04*** join/#asterisk YoMama (
06:28.28YoMamawcusb and the S100U are as crappy as a baby's diaper
06:29.38YoMamaQwell: the USB FXS thing that Digium used ot make
06:29.45YoMama"supported" by the wcusb driver
06:30.23wasimhas anybody worked with SIPI interconnect? is it a standard?
06:31.35*** join/#asterisk Callum (
06:31.53asterboyAnyone tried the Aastra 480i CT IP SIP Phone???
06:32.18*** join/#asterisk zobia (n=laura_sh@
06:32.25zobiaHello everyone
06:33.36zobiais there any way to reload the asterisk 's conf files automatically , like by addons etc?
06:34.00zobiaI want to reload these config files or asterisk by remote way
06:34.43asterboyasterisk -r 'extensions reload'
06:35.39CallumHi all....Having some (lots) of problems with my * machine today.... anyone care to help me with some troubleshooting ?
06:36.07YoMamaCallum: i'm about to fall asleep but i'll do what i can
06:37.08CallumBasically... we have our lines maxing out
06:37.30CallumWe have an ISDN30 (PRI) line.... lots of call queues etc
06:38.29Callumgetting lots of messages like;
06:38.30Callumchan_zap.c:8311 pri_dchannel: Ring requested on channel 0/17 already in use on span 1.  Hanging up owner.
06:38.38tzafrir_laptopzobia, what do you mean "automatically"? when?
06:38.39Callumwhen the box is melting down
06:38.49Callumany thoughts ?
06:40.13tzafrir_laptopCallum, sanity check: you do have free channels, right?
06:40.23*** join/#asterisk litage (n=nick@
06:40.27Callumwe rarely use the full 30
06:40.30zobiahello asterboy
06:40.36wasimCallum: are you specifying Dial(Zap/17) ?
06:40.37zobiathank you for answer
06:40.38CallumI have some debug output to post to anyone interested
06:40.44asterboyhey zobia!
06:41.12Callum(I'm new to the whole IRC thing - so if someone can tell me how to do that without spamming everyone, that would be great !)
06:41.25zobiai want to reload the extensions.conf remotely like from web , do u know how to resolve this?
06:41.50asterboyperl or php
06:42.11zobiabut the web server is not on asterisk server
06:42.34litagehow does scopserv ( compare with what asterisk 1.2.0 natively has?
06:42.39asterboyok, so you have to communicate to the remote somehow
06:42.40Callumwasim, I'm not sure what you mean when you say specifying Dial(Zap17)....
06:42.49Callumwhy would you dial a Zap channel ?
06:42.49asterboysay ftp, ssh, rlogin
06:43.00Callum(please excuse my ignorance)
06:43.18wasimCallum: just trying to figure out if you're hardcoding chans in the dialplan
06:43.24zobiaokay. i will try telnet to 5038 first then do it
06:43.26asterboycause that's just the command to "bridge"
06:43.38zobiathank you.
06:43.39asterboydon't focus too much on the "dial" part
06:44.12asterboytelnet should work, but its fun trying to command line that.
06:44.12Callumno we are not
06:44.44Callumwe are using SIP Phones (mix of Polycom 300's, 600's & Grandstream 2000's)
06:45.45jbot[pastebin] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
06:46.13Callumok here it is;
06:46.24Callumthis is the output taken from some time ago
06:46.31Callumbut the same thing is happening today
06:46.38Callumover and over again
06:47.32wasimhmm ... its showing all your channels are in use, so the err is right
06:47.53Callumbut the strange thing is that the channels are not in use...
06:48.12Callumwhen people get through to our queues, they do not hear music on hold
06:48.22Callumand consequently hang up
06:48.37Callumbut the call seems to be stuck in the channels list
06:48.44Callumcalls never get through to agents
06:48.55Callumbut music on hold and outbound calls all still work
06:49.00wasimCallum: post your zapata.conf and your extensions.conf
06:49.06Callum(until Asterisk has a fit and shuts down)
06:51.02Callumok - zapta is
06:52.06CallumExt.conf -
06:53.00infinity1tzafrir_laptop: thanks for the work on making deb packages!
06:53.58*** part/#asterisk Maksim (n=max@
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06:57.22wasimCallum: ains.conf too please
06:59.20wasimand please egrep -v ";" prior to pasting
06:59.46Callumoh - sorry, missed that one - will do on next post
07:00.17asterboyYou know, after reviewing all the different phones...they are so primative...should be much farther ahead.
07:00.49asterboycolor touch displays with totally cusomisable html displays.
07:01.00Qwelllike the 7970?
07:01.10asterboyyes, but they want a kings ranson.
07:01.19QwellThat isn't a lot
07:01.22asterboyand charge you a support fee.
07:01.40asterboyis that 1 time?
07:01.47Qwellis support ever 1 time? yearly?
07:03.43joelsolankihello all: i m using sip.conf for connecting to my provider. I have buyed and 6 license of g729 and installed in asterisk. when i call and monitor the bandwidth usage it is taking 27 to 30 kbps. i m using linksys pap2 as an endpoint. my setup consist of ser+asteisk
07:03.55joelsolankiany hints what could be wrong on my side.
07:04.10asterboyhow customisable is the display of the 7970?
07:04.25asterboyhow about a company logo or picture pop up on a caller id?
07:04.54tzafrir_laptopinfinity1, hi
07:05.04asterboywireless headset?
07:05.33wasimCallum: i got lost, perhaps what you need to do, is build a test dialplan entry which just sends it to queues and see whats happening
07:05.43Qwellasterboy: you could probably write something.  And they sell third party headsets that are wireless
07:06.13Qwelllike plantronics
07:06.45asterboyHow about something that interfaces with the computer to allow a web page to do all the functions of transfer hold,etc.
07:07.22asterboyThe astra looks good, however, it sounds like it is still in transition.
07:07.28*** join/#asterisk kumamoto (
07:07.36joelsolankias per docs g729 take 8 kbps bandwidth but in my case it take 3 times more :(
07:07.54wasimjoelsolanki: show channel and see what format
07:09.47joelsolankiwasim: let me call and check.
07:10.52*** join/#asterisk FaithX (
07:12.19zobiahello asterboy
07:13.47joelsolankiQwell: i m looking for it.
07:14.03Qwellthat link will take you right to it
07:14.16Qwellreplace gsm with g729
07:16.47zobiahello. doesn anyone know how to add a extension context dynamically to asterisk ?
07:17.28Callumwasim, the problem is that this issue takes a lot of time in production before it actually appears
07:17.41Callumso a test dial plan will not cut it, unfortunately
07:18.08Callumthe problem has been cropping up nearly once every two weeks
07:18.22Callumbut today it has happened about 8-9 times already
07:18.27Callum(nothing has changed)
07:20.56Callumyes... :P  I've been "hmmmmm"ing all day :D
07:21.15*** part/#asterisk FaithX (
07:21.28wasimthe only thing i can make out is that after the queue, the channels isn't being hungup, per se
07:21.44Callumyeah - that seems to be about it
07:21.53*** join/#asterisk dasuberdavid (
07:22.16CallumI've had a bug lodged for it
07:22.51zobiacan any one suggest a sharp guy to solve me ARA problem? i am looking for the answer for a longtime. but still no luck.
07:23.00Qwellzobia: ara?
07:23.02Callumand I have purchased Digium Support (or will do tomorrow when their back), but today it's just started going balistic, so I thought I'd see if anyone else can help
07:23.45Qwellasterisk realtime architecture, or something?
07:23.51zobiayes. The Asterisk Realtime Interface
07:24.03Qwellzobia: Whats the problem?
07:24.36zobiaQwell. thanks , my problem is can not add a context dynamically to my dialplan.
07:24.50QwellWhy not?
07:25.24zobiai created 2 context in the database . but if i jump from 1 to another. the second one could not be recognize.
07:25.51zobiabut if i add switch=> context2@... to the dialplan it could recognize
07:26.19zobiabut the point is i should not edit the extensions.conf manually. i need something could do automaticlly
07:27.17QwellIs that what realtime switch is for?
07:27.18wasimhack ... make a #include workaround.conf ... have your script write to that, then reload
07:28.51*** part/#asterisk bumble (
07:28.53Qwellmog_home: huh?  What'd he tell you?
07:29.15QwellWhatever he said, he lied
07:30.03zobiaQwell. then is there any way i could just update the database not touch the extensions.conf to create goto operation between two realtime context?
07:30.30Qwellzobia: I kinda thought that was the whole point of realtime, was to not have to touch extensions.conf.  Adding contexts should be trivial.
07:30.38QwellI'd have to RTFM, but...
07:31.28zobiaQwell i thought the same like u thought , but the truth is it could not do that. i already tested it
07:32.25*** part/#asterisk opus_ (
07:34.46zobiaQwell: i paste it
07:35.21*** join/#asterisk Bullseye (n=bharatsa@
07:35.23Qwellzobia: Why are you adding that stuff in the dialplan?  I thought you were doing realtime?
07:35.40Bullseyehello Qwek
07:36.00zobiayes. i want to do extension realtime.
07:36.12Bullseyei am trying to configure my voicemail as realtime
07:36.14zobiano , this what i added in to my database
07:36.14litage"Qwek"...i like that  =P
07:36.37QwellBullseye: fairly easy to do...check the wiki
07:36.46zobiaQwell. i just tranlate what i added to my database records to the corresponding dialplan.
07:36.59Bullseyebut when I have made the relevant changes i am gettingthe error on the CLI as "No entry in voicemail config file for '555"
07:37.42Qwellzobia: are you using Switch => ?
07:37.46Qwellerm, lowercase s
07:38.45QwellBullseye: did you setup extconfig.conf?
07:38.51Qwellzobia: What does that like look like?
07:39.38zobiaQwell: [context1]
07:39.39zobiaswitch => Realtime/context1@realtime_ext
07:39.55Qwellzobia: try this
07:39.57zobiaswitch => Realtime/context2@realtime_ext
07:40.04Qwellswitch => Realtime/@realtime_ext
07:41.02zobiaoh. the manual said if we leave the context empty, it will find the current context . but anyway let me try
07:41.23Qwelldunno, I'm barely RTFMing
07:41.28BullseyeQwell: i have added the line in the extconfig "voicemail => mysql,localpbx,voicemai"
07:41.38Bullseyewhere mysql is the  driver
07:41.53Bullseyeand voicemail is the table name
07:43.06*** join/#asterisk Msalim5 (n=msalim_5@
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07:43.15BullseyeQwell, what role does the family name in the extcongfig.conf ?
07:43.27Bullseyethats the voicemail in my case
07:43.49QwellBullseye: it's driver,database[,table]
07:45.08Bullseyeya thats fine
07:45.56*** join/#asterisk Msalim6 (n=msalim_5@
07:46.01QwellBullseye: Does it say anything when verbose or debug are up?
07:46.10Qwellsomething like not being able to connect for whatever reason, perhaps?
07:47.59QwellYou have of course reloaded since you made the change?
07:48.15Bullseyei have
07:48.35QwellYou should be getting messages when it tries to connect to the db, I'd think
07:49.06zobiaQwell: sorry i added switch => Realtime/@realtime_ext  but could not recognize any of them
07:49.09Bullseyethe voicemail.conf is gonna hold only the db login details ? dont they?
07:49.40QwellBullseye: I don't think it uses voicemail.conf at all when using realtime
07:49.49Qwellthough, maybe
07:50.02zobiayes. bullseye, it use extconfig to config voicemail db connection
07:50.08QwellI set it up at work, but...yeah
07:50.09zobianot voicemail.conf
07:50.26Bullseyeso what zobia?
07:50.45zobiai config realtime of voicemail for mysql. it config it it in extconfig.conf
07:51.00QwellBullseye: unixodbc is installed and setup, right?
07:51.42zobiahello Qwell. any idea of my problem?
07:51.53*** join/#asterisk otaku42 (i=otaku@madwifi/developer/otaku42)
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07:52.07otaku42hi all.
07:53.03BullseyeBut Qwell, as I am using Mysql, does unixobdc installation might be one of the reason of my problem?
07:53.13otaku42question: anyone knows an howto that explains how to use asterisk as "softphone"? in theory that should be possible, since it supports alsa for sound input/output...
07:53.52*** join/#asterisk nick125 (n=nick@unaffiliated/nick125)
07:54.07zobiaBullseye. read
07:54.10wasimotaku42: its simple
07:54.31wasimotaku42: you can use a manager api based app to create a visual interface or just use the console to Dial
07:54.36wasimotaku42: and answer, etc
07:54.48nick125ok, quick question about meetme and agi: if i used agi meetme, would i have to redo the admin menu for it?
07:55.00asterboy$250 for a Polycom IP601 phone...anyone find a better price?
07:55.12*** join/#asterisk Frawg (n=Frawg@unaffiliated/frawg)
07:55.58wasimnick125: wtf is an agi meetme? meetme called from an agi will operate the same way as called from the dialplan, or should, rather ...
07:56.06otaku42wasim: yes, but how do i make use of alsa support? never did that so far, just read that it is there.
07:56.15zobiaQwell, are u there?
07:56.36nick125wasim: well, im talking like when you add the b flag to the meetme() command
07:56.51Qwellotaku42: modules.conf  load =>
07:57.23zobiaQwell, can u give me a hint of my question?
07:57.28Qwellzobia: if I knew, sure
07:57.29litagehow does scopserv ( compare with what asterisk 1.2.0 natively has?
07:58.08*** join/#asterisk KaBewM (
07:58.14zobiaQwell, you also don't know why it could not jump between two context?
07:58.29wasimlitage: seems to be basically * with config/management front ends
07:58.32otaku42Qwell: and what about configuration? do you know if has something on that?
07:58.50litagewasim: does asterisk 1.2 come with any config/mgmt frontends?
07:58.53Qwellotaku42: there isn't much config
07:58.58Qwelllitage: no
07:59.32wasimlitage: its also based on 1.0.7
07:59.52otaku42Qwell: there should be at least a way to tell which alsa interface should be used for input and output, no?
07:59.58wasimotaku42: alsa.conf
08:00.30otaku42wasim: ah...
08:00.35litagewasim: the pre-reqs say "Asterisk 1.0.7 or above"
08:00.40otaku42wasim, Qwell: looking at it, thanks for your help.
08:00.58*** join/#asterisk nagl (
08:01.23zobiaQwell , do u know any person could know this problem. i sent email to the author of this realtime code. but he didnot reply. i really need to resolve this badly. thank you inadvanced.
08:04.16nick125is there a way to go and tell when a specific users joins and leaves a meetme?
08:05.00wasimnick125: put it in conf-background.agi
08:05.18wasimor use the |w flag
08:05.35nick125but, in the voip-info page, it says that only works with ZAP channels
08:06.20nick125does the conf-background.agi file already exist somewhere or do i have to create it from scratch?
08:07.56nick125hrm...the MEETMESECS field looks interesting..
08:07.59BullseyeIs there any command to check whether Asterisk is able to connect to the MySQL db for which it is configured?
08:09.18nick125MEETMESECS is defined after the user disconnects?
08:10.25Frawganyone running asterisk on fbsd?
08:10.33nick125i am
08:11.02Frawgalso running it on linux
08:11.02Frawgjust wanna know if there is any difference in performance
08:11.07nick125not that ive really noticed..least in my opinion
08:13.16lehelif i change the gain levels in zapata. conf do i need to restart *?
08:14.41lehelwasim, while i'm doing ztmonitor.. on TX is always higher.. i mean i have echo on a zap chan
08:15.13leheli have echocancel, echocanwhe..,echotraining=yes
08:15.39lehelwith rx/txgain can i adjust to normal?
08:15.55wasimlehel: sometimes reducing txgain can help
08:16.14lehelwasim, wht do you mean with praygoaway?
08:16.49*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
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08:17.48zobiaso desperate , no one can resolve.
08:19.20nick125btw, for, meetme, do i have to enable any modules or such?
08:20.37Qwellzobia: Digium paid support is always an option
08:21.34zobiathanks Qwell.
08:21.37Qwelland probably chan_zap
08:21.57nick125Qwell: hrm, in my modules folder, i dont see app_meetme, is it in the asterisk-addons?
08:22.19Qwellno.  You need to compile/install zaptel before you compile asterisk, or it won't be there
08:22.29Qwellafaik anyhow
08:22.43*** join/#asterisk psk (
08:22.58nick125i hope compiling zaptel on my freebsd box isnt too hard :/
08:23.13Frawgwhat release/version?
08:23.15lehelQwell, any idea why do i have echo en zap when in call with iax/sip virtual, and none when in call with pstn?
08:23.33Qwelllehel: no, I don't do the whole echo thing
08:23.37Frawgi took my devel box to 6 today
08:23.40Frawg(from 5.4)
08:23.47Frawgonly thing that broke was freeradius
08:23.49mog_homeyay for cs homework
08:23.57mog_homei get to write a calculator
08:23.59Frawgrecompiing with ULE instead of 4BSD
08:24.06QwellWho's the echo guy from oz?
08:25.13nick125wow, i jsut relized that i had 42 firefox tabs open
08:25.16mog_homewith not one but 4 functions!!!
08:25.17c0wCallum, i'm having the same issue only not using it as callcentre,
08:25.33Qwelleh...I forget his name
08:25.41Qwellhe's like the king of echo though
08:26.12lehelQwell, please tell me if u remember
08:26.15c0wCallum, i have the box in this state at the moment, and mark said he will look when he has time.
08:26.28nick125this zaptel module which isnt supposed to work with 6.0 just worked with 6.0
08:26.41nick12532    7 0xc7ddf000 2e000    zaptel.ko
08:27.32Frawgswapped to ULE
08:27.32Qwelllehel: <X-Rob>     we have _awful_ lines out here. I'm the fucking GOD on echo.
08:27.39QwellSelf proclaimed god of echo. :p
08:28.04nick125Doesn't work on 6.x yet. Expected to be complient soon.  < lol
08:33.38marcus2so will there be a new zaptel with 1.2?
08:34.29marcus2oh, i see it now
08:36.58*** join/#asterisk konfuzed (
08:38.10Qwelloff to bed
08:39.19Qwellis it bad when the "surge" light on my power strip is on constant?
08:39.29mog_homei just ignore things like that
08:39.39mog_homei mean if i am gonna get f-ed
08:39.39Qwellgood plan
08:39.43mog_homebut meh
08:39.49mog_homethats why i have backups
08:40.11Qwellokay, off to bed - to not worry about the surge light
08:40.34QwellI'll fix it in the morning, like I did with the collision light on my switch
08:40.45Qwellelectrical tape :D
08:40.59wasimerp ... 144 run deficit
08:41.18*** join/#asterisk genmud (
08:42.01mmmToophey...wasim...haven't seen you for agest...where have you been hiding?
08:42.37wasimmmmToop: out and about
08:45.05mmmToop...well good to c u again anyway ;  )
08:45.24wasim;  )
08:46.47*** join/#asterisk johnrage (n=jabetong@
08:47.35johnrageI am newbie in asterisk
08:47.49johnrageanybody can help me setup from scratch?
08:48.03skyenasterisk is set up from scratch
08:48.12skyenjust run it with your example configuration
08:48.43johnrageI am planning to run DID
08:48.47*** join/#asterisk nroej (n=joern@
08:49.14wasimjohnrage: wiki
08:49.24jbotit has been said that docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
08:49.24virajohnrage, there is lots of into at
08:50.06johnrageyes I been through to the follwing URL and read all the info however am a newbie on this thing
08:50.40johnragewe run our own calling card platform using cisco but never been with asterisk
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08:56.29nick125anyone here have the asterisk book? if so, what do you think of it?
08:57.30*** join/#asterisk christo (
08:57.39christomorning all
08:58.17johnrageanyone here who have a knowledge to setup asterisk server for DID?? Let me know
08:58.52wasimjohnrage: most everybody would
08:59.09wasimjohnrage: so would you, if you have read the wiki
08:59.20nick125Paperback: 404 pages
09:01.10wasimgood paperweight eh?
09:01.24wasimtoo light for a door stop
09:01.55johnrageyes takes a lot of painful steps to do it
09:02.01nick125"Become a PowerPoint Superhero!" /me pukes
09:02.09johnrageI want somebody who have knowledge to guide us
09:02.15johnrageWE are willing to pay
09:02.42johnrageprivte message to me
09:03.37*** join/#asterisk MuppetMaster (n=MuppetMa@
09:04.31lehelnick125: why did u asked about the book?
09:04.48*** part/#asterisk newmember (
09:04.51nick125just wondering if its a good read or not
09:05.01MuppetMasternick125:  Which book?
09:05.08leheltfot book
09:05.31nick125MuppetMaster: the asterisk book put out from oreilly
09:05.49MuppetMasternick125:  A great read overall.  Also, you may download the PDFs and have a look before you buy.
09:05.51MuppetMasterI recommend it.
09:06.09leheli'm reading it, and .. it's great; i mean good
09:06.56lehelcould someone tell me what is the meaning of this?: Nov 14 11:02:13 WARNING[22364]: chan_sip.c:1055 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 6d5d97f45256b1880b8326ae5ad19b5a@ for seqno 102 (Non-critical Request)
09:08.06lehelthe sip virtual is just registered.. no call .. nothing
09:08.52*** join/#asterisk oej (
09:16.10Delvarlehel: sounds like a nat issue
09:17.26lehelyap, could be possible Delvar, but i'm not that good yet with NATs ;\
09:17.51Delvarlehel: in sip.conf add teh lines nat=yes and canreinvite=no to teh sip entity
09:18.17Delvarlehel: will let asterisk work out the nat problems in most cases
09:19.03lehelthanks Delvar
09:20.26*** join/#asterisk c0w (
09:20.34lehelDelvar, i put qualify=yes and tells me: NOTICE[22364]: chan_sip.c:10014 sip_poke_noanswer: Peer '291' is now UNREACHABLE!  Last qualify: 0
09:20.56lehelhowever i have it logined
09:21.20Delvarlehel: i usualy dont use qualify, i set it to no
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09:21.39Delvarlehel: try qualify=8000 to give it 8 seconds to respond
09:26.06virai'm getting that same error from voicepulse's servers right now :/
09:31.41*** part/#asterisk kumamoto (
09:31.45_m_Does ael support #include?
09:54.49*** join/#asterisk hohum (
09:54.52*** join/#asterisk Danett (
09:55.30DanettWhen i call my access number (wich bridges to my mobile phone) the line isn't hangup when the command is issued
09:55.59Danettit gives: -- Hungup 'IAX2/4518@4518-1'
09:56.06DanettBut it's still ringing
09:56.19hohumanyone ever play with the Polycom IP phones?
09:58.35*** join/#asterisk pr0m_ (
10:01.45jebbaI have a sipura->asterisk set up.   If you want extention one, you just hit "1#" to get the extension.  How can I make it so you just hit "1" and don't need the "#".  In other words, just a dozen possible extensions, and less "keystrokes" ?   :)
10:03.01jebbaor even better, when the receiver goes Off Hook, it immediately connects. E.g.  OffHook->Background(some-song)
10:10.02*** join/#asterisk stevie20 (
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10:11.09demetriohow do I find out a phone's user agent?
10:11.26stevie20i have put in my sip.conf in the section generall the following lines:
10:11.48stevie20disallow=all                    ; First disallow all codecs
10:11.48stevie20allow=ulaw                      ; Allow codecs in order of preference
10:11.48stevie20;allow=ilbc                     ; Note: codec order is respected only in [general]
10:12.01stevie20but why is asterisk using alaw !?
10:12.34stevie20any ideas?
10:14.13stevie20sip show peer <peername>
10:14.27stevie20and in this list, you have the field useragent
10:14.47DanettI do you "catch" an return code returned by the Dial command?
10:15.46*** join/#asterisk Jkx (n=soif@
10:15.51JkxHi all ;)
10:16.34Jkxsomething, I'm wondering, can we use the Handy Tone 486, as a asterisk gateway ?
10:16.39lehelstevie20, look at the trunks
10:16.45JkxI mean the fxo
10:16.55christoI'm using the manager API to start a meetme conference, but the call recipients get 'this is not a valid conference number. Please try again'. Why could this be?
10:20.28moveranyone here experienced wit t38 stuff in HEAD?
10:20.53moveri cant compile the stuff after apply the patches
10:20.59moverchan_sip.c:2121: error: `p' undeclared (first use in this function)
10:21.19moverthere is something wrong i guess
10:21.34stevie20lehel, sorry, where should i look?
10:22.59joelsolankihi much sip g729 codec uses bandwidth ? any rough idea
10:23.05*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
10:23.45lehelstevie20, this alaw connection is between..?
10:23.58*** join/#asterisk MuppetMaster (n=MuppetMa@
10:24.07joelsolankiI tested with linksys pap2 it is taking RX 20 / TX 20 kbps. but when i use softphone it only uses 20 to 27 kbps
10:24.09MuppetMasterAnyone getting continual crashes with 1.2RC2?  *** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (out): 0x081a5b50 *** Aborted
10:24.10joelsolankiany ideas
10:24.17mrtwisterjoelsolanki, at, i was seen info about all codecs
10:24.41mrtwisterjoelsolanki, and maybe, not sure, there maybe you can find bandwidth calculator
10:24.53stevie20lehel between Asterisk and a SIP Gateway... the connection to the Zap Channel is in ulaw...
10:25.06joelsolankimrtwister: yes i have also seen that but dont know my linksys is not working or something wrong. it is consuming around 40 kbps total
10:26.00mrtwisterjoelsolanki, huh. it is wrong.
10:26.09mrtwisterjoelsolanki, not more than 25k
10:26.20stevie20lehel may it be, that the openser, which is our SIP Gateway has got restrictions to the codec?
10:27.02*** join/#asterisk lme (
10:27.16joelsolankimrtwister: yes it should not max then 25kbps. but it is consuming more i m getting mad :) i have setup of asterisk+ser and i have 6 g729 licenses for testing.
10:27.57joelsolankimrtwister: any ideas ?
10:28.25mrtwisterjoelsolanki, to, push files, download g729 and g723 from there and test
10:28.39lehelstevie20, [not sure], so you don't use trunks?
10:28.50mrtwisterjoelsolanki, it is compiled ipp libs/codecs
10:29.49stevie20i'm not sure... i am sure, that i am using 2 trunkgroups with a zaptel device in each group...
10:30.15stevie20but i dont know, wether i am using trunks for sip calls or not...
10:30.16demetriostevie20, thanks
10:30.52lehelstevie20, in your trunkgroups there isn't defined any codec?
10:31.36*** part/#asterisk MuppetMaster (n=MuppetMa@
10:31.53stevie20lehel the trunkgroups defined by zapata.conf ?
10:32.18leheloh, not there
10:32.54stevie20hmm.. where should i define the trunkgroups?
10:33.00demetrioafter a while (few hours) from startup, asterisk will unregister from an account and further attempts will timeout. the only way I found to make it register again is disconnecting & reconnecting to the internet (changing IP).
10:34.24demetrioI thought that maybe the provider is banning certain IPs when they see the asterisk user agent, so no I'm trying to make it look like the pone the provider gave me. this doesn't make much sense, however, because if I try to register directly with the phone it works even if asterisk doesn't, so IP ban is not the case.
10:34.27stevie20in the extensions.conf ?
10:34.59lehelstevie20, trunkgroups ok there.. i thought about smthg else
10:35.04demetrioand even user agent ban isn't, given that with a fresh IP even asterisk will work
10:37.04stevie20ok lehel... other ideas, where to define the preferred or the must be used codec?
10:38.34lehelstevie20, i'm using sip/iax2.. and for me works the codec-changing in sip or iax.conf
10:40.30stevie20hmmm.... which version do you use?
10:41.57*** join/#asterisk Rawplayer (
10:42.14jebbaI have a sipura->asterisk set up.   If you want extention one, you just hit "1#" to get the extension.  How can I make it so you just hit "1" and don't need the "#"?
10:42.23lehelstevie20, 1.0.9
10:42.52*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
10:43.13lehelwhich is ur ver. stevie20 ?
10:43.25RoyK~seen zoa
10:43.27jbotzoa <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 12h 5m 59s ago, saying: 'he's just crazy'.
10:44.00stevie20hhmmm.... should i upgrade?
10:44.25leheli don' think it could be a ver. issue, but u could try an upgrade, yes
10:49.05*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
10:49.21christoI'm using manager API to start a dynamic meetme conference, but the recipients hear 'this is not a valid conference number. Please try again'.
10:49.26lmejebba: I think it should be corrected in your sipura's dialplan, not on the asterisk side... But I don't know anything about sipura ! Sorry
10:50.33jebbalme, ok. thx. /me looking
10:53.42*** join/#asterisk nagl (
10:54.23jebbalme, yep. that was it. Thanks. I wasn't even thinking about looking at that side. Got off-track. ;)  thx
10:54.25stevie20lehel i gonna try to completly restart the asterisk, maybe the reload is not enough...
10:54.45lmejebba : cool ! u'r welcome
10:56.41*** join/#asterisk langals (n=icechat5@
10:57.20langalsHi there....I am using an Iax softphone dialling into meetme conferences. Sometimes calls are randomly dropped, and the following error message is given:
10:57.31stevie20hmm... 2 concurrent calls all the time....
10:58.50langalsWARNING [9490]: cahn_iax2.c:1480 attempt_transmit: Max retries exeeded to host on IAX2/bob@ (type = 6, subclass =11, ts = 120019, seqno =37)
11:00.13lmelangals: it's sounds like a network problem to me
11:00.31langalswhat do you think it could be?
11:01.06langalsbecause it basically works, but erratically will drop a call - normally the first time you try and connect
11:01.18langalsit will throw the error
11:01.20lmelangals: r u experiment loss or something like that on your network ?
11:01.44lmelangals: you're showing a public ip address, is it thru the Internet ?
11:01.47langalslme: no, not really
11:02.06*** join/#asterisk ful|work (n=fulgas@
11:02.11langalslme: asterisk is on a public IP, clients are behind a NAT
11:02.31langalslme - normally once you are connected then there isn't a problem
11:03.11lmelangals: until you lost your nat, or too many packets
11:03.36langalslme - just sometimes the first time you try and connect drops the call and now sometimes when a user is in the middle of a call
11:03.55langalslme - do you think the NAT may reject packets when too many
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11:04.48lmelangals: no, (of course depending on the nat device) but it could lost entry, due to a stack overflow or something like that
11:05.21lmelangals: maybe you try to tcpdump a session to see if everything is okay
11:05.42langalslme: do I do that on the NAT
11:06.02lmelangals: on the asterisk box
11:06.42lmelangals: you should take a look on your nat device... and look at the nat entries when you lost your session
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11:09.19langalslme - thanks - I will try that
11:14.21christoShould it be possible to build a conference using meetme on a * box, with the calls routed over IAX to a media gateway? ie the conferences are built and controlled on a different machine to the mgw.  I'm having problems with this setup
11:16.07christodon't worry
11:16.15christoI fixed it - I had a typo in my dial plan :S
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11:39.04*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
11:39.50*** join/#asterisk InfraRed (
11:40.03lehelhello, puzzled
11:40.04InfraRedhi all
11:41.41InfraRedi have this setup atm: ATA GW -> Asterisk (local also NAT gw) -> remote asterisk -> termination server. In sip debug i keep getting from/to unknown@ip between the 2 asterisk servers, any ideas. what sip.conf option should i set
11:42.58wasimuse iax between * servers and save yourself some headaches
11:43.26wasimor atleast change the position of the pain :(
11:45.23*** join/#asterisk nagl (
11:46.24InfraRedthe reason of using the 2nd * server is for billingh
11:46.53InfraRedbut i suppose the billing should be ok since it'll be sip -> * -> IAX -> * -> SIP
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11:56.50wasimmorning astmaster
11:58.19RoyKkram: you up this early?
11:58.21sylewtf is assmaster
11:58.45wasimsyle: gurus on #asstricks
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11:59.11RoyKsyle: other word for gay?
11:59.49*** part/#asterisk Jkx (n=soif@
12:00.35sylesexually challenged, sexually steriotyped ?
12:01.01drumkillaplease move on.
12:01.23syledrumkilla you;ve said nothing and thats the first thing you say?
12:01.43krami'm on my way to vegas this a.m.
12:01.51drumkillai looked over for a second and saw that, so yeah.  that's all I had to say.
12:01.58mutand ya didn't invite me?
12:02.13wasimoooh, put $10 on red-14 on the roulette table for us
12:02.39wasimand remember dealer has to hit on 16
12:02.42muti got $20 on #17
12:04.41mutwhat ast_log level is verbose 1?
12:04.58mutNOTICE and WARNING are verbose off and still show..
12:06.11sylehow are they verbose off then?
12:06.25mutthey show if verbose is off
12:06.33mutdon't ask me why
12:06.36mutcause i dunno
12:06.47sylewhat shows it off?
12:07.12mutVerbosity is now OFF
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12:08.31mutmust be anything that is sent to ast_log goes to cli...
12:09.16sylei would imagine anything under "console" in logger.conf myself
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12:10.58_m_Is there any support for #include in AEL?
12:11.06RoyK_m_: iirc yes
12:11.08sylei thinnk verbosity is more a debug level thing
12:11.37RoyKsyle: not really. very, very, very useful to have logs when things go wrong
12:11.56sylenot really what?
12:12.09_m_RoyK: the syntax seems to differ from extensions.conf's #include. I'm getting pbx_ael.c:1115 handle_root_token: Unknown root token '#include'
12:12.14muti'm just string to get rid of my sip registration failure cli output
12:12.24mutw/o getting rid of all warnings
12:12.24RoyKmut: rtfs :)
12:12.27mutor notices
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12:12.59RoyKmut: use the source, luke
12:13.04muti am..
12:13.15mutjust figuring out ast_log
12:14.48mutlike LOG_DEBUG
12:15.13muti'll just use that
12:15.20mutsince i'm not outputtin it to console
12:17.17sylewhat are you doing ?
12:17.38mutjust making it so my sip registration failures aren't output to console
12:18.21sylethen just grep the source and change from whatever log level to log_debug
12:18.28mutthats what i did
12:18.46mutworking just spiffy
12:19.24mutman the winds here were nuts the past few days
12:19.30mutwe've got towers without power all over
12:19.40mutcustomers with their poles bent right over
12:20.00syleyeah we had once of those this summer to
12:20.05coppicei'd hate to have my pole bent right over
12:20.15syleas long as its not your pole!
12:20.17muti can't believed mine wasn't
12:20.22mutguyed wires held it decent
12:20.28pooh_g'day everyone
12:20.30mutthe top 10ft i was amazed didn't fall over tho
12:20.44muthave that heavy router on top of the pole
12:20.51mutswaying like mad in the wind
12:21.19sylenotice when there is a big storm, there is ALWAYS a car accident somewhere
12:21.28syleblows me away
12:21.59demetriocars are obsolete
12:22.19syleyou got a transporter i can use?
12:22.28demetrioyou got it, too
12:22.34mutheh yesterday i was watching the powerlines do jumprope with themselves
12:22.35demetriothey're called feet
12:22.47mutthe bottom wire was wrapping itelf around the one above it
12:22.53syleyeah well that isn;t going to help you get 100 miles out in the country
12:22.54mutthen unwrapping and doin it the other way
12:23.03demetriosyle: impatience is bad
12:23.12joelsolankihello all: my linksys pap2 is consuming very much bandwidth 40 kbps ..does any body know anything to setup in that  ? payload ?
12:23.28syleyeah well some would call that life is to short, to each his own i guess
12:24.02demetrioI assure you, after you experiencing a couple times your car swinging on ice on a steep mountain road those 5 miles really don't seem too much to walk anymore
12:24.07clive-joel sounds about right to me
12:24.33syleyou must be from the states
12:24.36sylecome to canada and say that
12:24.37fourcheezecan anyone point me to a url for a sample asterisk/ser config?
12:24.44joelsolankiclive: means it is ok ?/
12:24.53mutmy headphones should be here this week
12:24.54demetrioI'm from Italy, the mountains are the dolomites
12:24.55sylewell whatever works in your country i guess
12:24.58fourcheezeI just want ser to proxy for asterisk
12:25.05syleitaly yeah i;d probably walk
12:25.13mutthey had better be teh awesome like everyone says
12:25.24clive-joel yup...on g729 you will end with like 35 odd kbps so its about right
12:25.25sylemake sure i;m drunk first though
12:26.13syleactually being from italy, do you drink alot of wine?
12:26.36sylewondering what the percentage of beer vs wine drank is there
12:26.49*** join/#asterisk Druken (
12:27.04demetriowell, every transport method needs some combustible
12:27.26sylenot so, there are some electric transport means
12:27.33fourcheezedemetrio: not all
12:27.35joelsolankiclive: but only 1 single call take this much bandwidth ?
12:27.57fourcheezesyle: depends how you got the electricity in the first place
12:28.18fourcheezebut I find traveling from the top to bottom of a hill to not need combustibles
12:28.29sylewell for the cars its quite inefficent right now, 6 car batteries linked together
12:28.32clive-joel yup...
12:28.37syledoesn;t get you very far
12:28.40demetrioanyway, I'm from an area in Italy that's famous for its alcoholics
12:28.50fourcheezeso we should urge town planners to make sure all roads go downhill - it's straightforward
12:29.10syledemetrio, which area is that? i got to visit sometime :)
12:29.14demetrioit's not about beer or wine, here you drink mainly grappa (I'm not sure if there's a translation for it)
12:29.28demetrionorth of venice :)
12:29.35joelsolankiclive: dont u think that only 1 single call takes 35 kbps its much ?
12:29.54sylei hear housing is overpriced in italy though
12:29.54joelsolankiclive: is that only with linksys pap2 ? or with all boxes ?
12:30.03sylelike a million dollars for a house
12:30.33demetriosyle: I don't know, would you call overpriced a bed in a double room for $500/month if you're lucky? :)
12:31.03syleget your own apt for that here :)
12:31.16joelsolankiclive: ???
12:31.28fourcheezedemetrio: you get your own bed for that??
12:31.35fourcheezeyou don't even have to share?
12:31.41demetrionope, I'm lucky enough to have relatives that can host me
12:32.11syleno wonder italy families are so tight, they can;t afford to get out on their own because of those real estate prices
12:32.17clive-joel which codec are you using...g711 will use over 90kbps
12:32.35demetriowell, to tell the truth, not everywhere it's like that
12:32.46fourcheezesyle: I don't think italy is that much different to the rest of Europe in the main
12:32.47demetrioI'm talking about a loan that a student has to afford in milan
12:32.50joelsolankiclive: i m using linksys pap2 with g729 codec.
12:32.59clive-joel sounds right
12:33.00shido6i love my pap
12:33.13sylehate mine
12:33.24demetriobut still, if you want an apt you must get ready to pay at least €300k in a minor city
12:33.25sylecan i ask you what your settings are shido?
12:33.55joelsolankiclive: but when i m using both lines of linksys pap2 it is using 100 kbps :(
12:34.15syleseems every hour on the dot, my pap resets or something
12:34.24joelsolankiclive: linksys pap2 doesnt have 2 g729 support. it can use g729 one at a time.
12:34.27*** join/#asterisk Laerte (n=io@
12:34.29Laertehy all
12:34.30sylenot hardware resets, asterisk
12:34.44joelsolankiclive: so 100 kbps is ok for both lines on linksys pap2 ?
12:35.00syleno it can;t only use 1 uncompressed codec at a time
12:35.12clive-yup,,,but it cant do 2x g729
12:35.40syleyeah sucks what can you do
12:35.44sylebuy sipura hehe
12:35.54syleor just g729 and ulaw
12:35.56clive-sipura 2000 also cant do 2x g729
12:36.13joelsolankii heard sipura 2100 has 2* g729
12:36.18syleyeah me to
12:36.23clive-yup, you need the 2100 model
12:36.41Delvarpap is a sipura??
12:36.44sylewell thats what everyone gets hehe
12:36.47syleno linksys
12:36.58joelsolankiso sipura 2100 using both both channels. how much bandwidth it will consume ?
12:37.08Delvaryes but it is a sipura jsut slightly differrent front end
12:37.44sylewell assuming sip and both lines calling at same time....
12:38.00*** join/#asterisk br00ksh1r3 (n=matt@
12:38.01stevie20demetrio italy, nice... ive made holidays with my parents in the dolomites... near of Bozen (Bolzano)
12:38.03syle94.5 Kbps
12:38.31joelsolankiahhh 94 kbps is very much i guess :) ?
12:39.03joelsolankii tested the softphone with g729 it consumes only 20 to 25 kbps per call.
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12:39.10twisted[mobile]hsv airport #2
12:39.25br00ksh1r3yeah.. i agree
12:39.55twisted[mobile]we're so rox0ring
12:40.07twisted[mobile]and stuff
12:40.08twisted[mobile]damn i'm tired.
12:40.09Laerteanyone had problem with group and attendend transfer ?
12:40.15demetriostevie20, I live about 80 miles from bozen, and usually when I tell strangers that I don't even know how to ski they stare at me dubious
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12:42.12stevie20demetrio i was there only in the summer ;-)
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12:43.24stevie20this is an nice area there...
12:43.58Drukenhey ppl, exactly how hard would it be to have asterisk monitor the rtp and destroy a call when the data reaches 0 ?
12:44.31sylewell if you don't ski in italy you probably don't travel alot
12:44.33Drukeni'm finding i'm getting lost calls all the time, at least 1 a day
12:44.47demetrioI bet you were in merano
12:44.48sylei take a plane to go ski'ing wherever
12:44.58twisted[mobile]time goes by
12:45.00twisted[mobile]so slowly
12:45.15mutno it doesnt
12:45.18twisted[mobile]yes it does
12:45.22twisted[mobile]we've been up all night
12:45.22muti don't even know where last week went
12:45.24br00ksh1r3mattf wants twisted's powerbook
12:45.25stevie20demetrio in merano for day trips....
12:45.25tzangerthat's relativity
12:45.26twisted[mobile]tiredness == slow time
12:45.27sylelast time i tried snowboarding, man did i ever land on my ass a million times
12:45.39mutbefore i knew it i was sleeping on my desk on friday
12:45.46tzangerput your hand on a hot stove element for a minute and it feels like an hour... sit with a pretty girl for an hour and it feels like a minute
12:45.55demetrioand I swear at ski related tourism that ruin my mountains instead
12:46.26tzangertime to get my ass to work
12:46.48twisted[mobile]i agree
12:46.52twisted[mobile]oh wait
12:46.56twisted[mobile]i'm flying soon
12:49.14stevie20we had apartments round about "Voels am Schlern", Fie allo Sciliar,
12:49.29mutfookin as
12:49.30*** join/#asterisk SERGEUS|WORK (
12:49.42mutOperation not Allowed
12:49.42mut/Default.asp, line 0
12:49.47demetriodon't know that
12:49.50mutthe hells that supposed to mean!
12:49.51SERGEUS|WORKhi! can anybody help me with SIP headers?
12:50.05stevie20or "Rosengarten" demetrio .. sorry, i cant remeber the italy names ;-)
12:50.10lmedemetrio: where r u from ?
12:50.12SERGEUS|WORKi wonder which SIP header is used for MWI
12:50.17demetriowell, those are actually german names :)
12:50.25demetriolme: belluno, veneto, italy
12:51.03stevie20yes demetrio, you are right ;-)
12:51.09Laerteanyone had problem with group and attended transfer ?
12:51.18SERGEUS|WORKis it possible to set MWI signal manualy?
12:51.30Delvaruse a stick and a bit of gum
12:51.38demetrioLaerte, I recall there's a bug with attended transfer & groups in 1.0.x
12:51.46lmeouch at the opposite from me...
12:52.03demetriolme, you're from... ?
12:52.04DelvarSERGEUS|WORK: yes using sipsac its easy
12:52.12Laerteyes demetri, but i have tried *-HEAD  and i have the same problem
12:52.21lmedemetrio: Bourg-St-Maurice/ Les Arcs
12:52.34lmelme: France
12:53.03lmedemetrio, not lme
12:53.04Laertecmq grazie demetrio
12:53.21stevie20oh, france... one political question.. what do you think about the riots in france?
12:53.30lmeoh my god
12:53.44demetriogood luck lme :)
12:54.06lmedon't speak about riots, i will not about political situation in de :)
12:54.14*** join/#asterisk Danett (
12:54.51DanettWhen i make a call trough my sip provider, there is no sound. The asteriskbox from where i originate the call is behind NAT, how can i solve this problem?
12:54.51stevie20lme ok ;-)
12:55.04SERGEUS|WORKDelvar, what is sipsac?
12:55.17demetrioDanett, port forwarding
12:55.23Delvar~google sipsac
12:55.35Delvarits a tool to send SIP messages
12:55.41Delvarused mainly for debug etc
12:55.53Delvarbut can be used to send MWI manualy
12:55.56Delvarvery usfull
12:55.59Delvargogoel fo rit
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12:56.28SERGEUS|WORKchecked voip-info with google :) and there were nothing - will check other internet
12:56.40Danettdemetrio: i forwarded 5060
12:56.50SERGEUS|WORKis there any standard features in * which can be used for it?
12:57.39stevie20danett maybe you should forward the RTP ports too...
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12:57.59stevie20just to get right, signalling works, or not Danett ?
12:58.01demetrioDanett, forward 10000 to 20000 too
12:58.03Laertedemetrio, you hare italian ?
12:58.10demetrioyes I am
12:58.32Ahrimanesanyone here using a zyxel prestige 2002 ata? it's registering and calling fine, but sound recieved is really bad, sound sent is fine..
12:58.41Laertei like to find some italian to work with asterisk ( i'm also italian demetrio)
12:58.48RoyKdemetrio: you'll love asterisk then. the code is very italian-inspired
12:58.56RoyKdemetrio: in terms of spaghetti
12:58.56stevie20Ahrimanes, this is like our problems...
12:59.07Ahrimanesstevie20: with what equiptment ?
12:59.32stevie20i am using an digium TE205P for connecting to the PBX and on the other side a SIP gateway...
13:00.00stevie20outgoing sound is finde, incoming has got silence supression...
13:00.03demetrioRoyK, as long as it works I'm not complaining :)
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13:00.23stevie20and this is very, very uncomfortable...
13:00.26Ahrimanesstevie20: hmm.. i disabled such features on this one
13:00.28lmestevie20 : on sip or on TE205 side ?
13:00.34RedDaneI am configuring the Asterisk queues using realtime
13:00.44stevie20lme sound coming from the SIP side....
13:00.55lmesame issue here
13:01.11RedDaneafter making changes inthe extconfig.conf are there any changes to be made inthe queues.conf file??
13:01.24stevie20i'm going to test, if this is an issue with decoding alaw und encoding to ulaw...
13:01.24Ahrimanesstevie20: * -> zyxel 2002 -> analogue phone here..
13:01.37RedDaneplesae answer me
13:01.54stevie20but i can test ist finally round about 15:00 GMT
13:02.07stevie20.. test it...
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13:02.47Ahrimaneshm this friggin ata has german language config interface, but guess i should try changing stuff
13:03.13RedDanedoes anybody know the answer to my question on the queues?
13:03.13DrukenRedDane: either have patients, or you'll never get an answer :) i don't see a cheque in my hands yet...
13:03.22Drukeni only take shit from people who pay me
13:03.23stevie20for this test i gonna remove all other codes from the module directory... just to get sure, the is only the ulaw codec...
13:04.16fugitivoi´m trying to register to a remote sip gateway, and i get this message -- Got SIP response 423 "Interval Too Brief" back from
13:06.33lmeRedDane: not me sorry !
13:06.53fugitivoany idea about that interval too brief?
13:07.34fugitivois a problem from * side or the gateway side?
13:08.02lmefugitivo: in the sip header you should see who speak to who
13:08.19lmefugitivo: but at my sense, this is the other side which reject you
13:08.39lmefugitivo: too many bad tries or interval between re authentication too short
13:08.58stevie20lme has you tried anything, to get the silencesuprresion out of the sound?
13:09.23fugitivoyes, i know that the other side is rejecting me, but i don't get authentification rejects
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13:10.44lmestevie20: except praying no, I don't get the hand on the other side.. I'm rejecting all but alaw on my sip gateway. Inside i'm with cisco's phone and chan_sccp
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13:11.32lmeone day, i will get some english grammatical lessons
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13:15.01Gourou_foubeuaaaah vive la révolution
13:15.01stevie20hmm... ok lme.. when my test works, i gonna update you...
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13:16.54lmestevie20: ok... 'cause you mentioned it, I'm seriously thinking about bring my * box in out streets to study about heat effects on silent suppression....
13:17.31lmeI hate silent suppression, Silent suppression is evil !
13:18.08coppiceVAD is OK, though
13:18.19demetrioI think it's called silence suppression, "silent suppression" sounds like a good name for an action b-movie to me :)
13:18.32lmebut i'm french
13:18.38Ahrimanesoh my..
13:19.07lmeand we do speak english as bad as spanish's cows do for french...
13:19.40cicahi! can anybody help me setup Sangoma card A101 and R2/MFC signalig?
13:20.11coppicecica: do you have the sangoma card set up yet?
13:20.31cicayes but with E1 ISDN
13:20.44stevie20coppice we dont like silence here... we need comfort noice generating, if someone suppress silence...
13:21.49coppiceI think the sangoma config file needs changing to put the card in CAS mode. then the zaptel.conf file needs similar changes. I'm not too familiar with the sangoma config, though. I know people are using sangoma with my R2 software
13:21.55lmeit's an health problematic... If my boss doesn't here noise while he's phoning, he smash me...
13:22.13coppicestevie20: silence suppression is always horrible. you need proper VAD
13:22.51stevie20coppice, whats the difference? where to configure VAD? ;-)
13:23.13coppicedetecting voice != simply detecting something
13:23.49stevie20ok, but for which purpose do you want to detect voice?
13:23.52demetriois it possible to use one of those PCMCIA umts modem cards as call gateways?
13:24.10lmemaybe with oss ?
13:24.15coppiceto insert comfort noise when there is no voice
13:24.52stevie20ok... is asterisk capable of comfort noise generating?
13:25.13coppiceit doesn't do VAD either.
13:26.11stevie20damn... so i got the same problem as before... i just saw a light on the horizon, but that was firework... i need to get the silence suppression out here... *grrr*
13:26.27cicacoppice: I saw some cofiguration on the internet but it din't work :-(
13:26.29Ahrimanessubmit patch :)
13:26.50lmestevie20: have you finished your test ?
13:27.51coppicecica: config for what?
13:28.02cicafor sangoma card
13:28.17stevie20no, i cant start these at the moment... we have about 5 concurrent calls now and i am not allowed to disconnect these calls... :-(
13:28.40clive-steve just give them a "soft hangup"
13:28.43lmestevie20: i've got no silence suppression problem with calls over my zap cards (fxo wildcard, te110P, quadbri junghaans)
13:29.05coppicethe config file generator for the sangomas is hopeless. I had to do things by hand. so far I only set up a sangoma for PRI use, though.
13:29.20stevie20lme dito.. i dont have silence compression issues, when i just forward the calls to the PMX...
13:29.43stevie20....silence suppression......
13:29.53lmesoft hangup sounds like "squeeze me gently"... Sounds good, but occurs bad
13:30.20stevie20i think, this could be an issue of decoding alaw and encoding this to ulaw...
13:31.21lmestevie20: if so, I wonder why my disallow all have no effect...
13:31.44stevie20lme i have got the same problem with disallow all...
13:31.53lmegee !
13:31.56stevie20i said, disallow all und only allow ulaw
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13:32.05stevie20but this doesnt matter
13:32.06cicacoppice: thank's for info. I try contact sangoma for help
13:32.14stevie20every call to sip is initiated with alaw
13:32.55coppicecica: once you can get the sangoma config sorted out you should be able to follow my instructions for the rest of the installation. it should be exactly the same as using a Digium card from there on
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13:34.50cicacoppice: I allready setup once you software with digum card just for test it if it's work :-)
13:35.38coppicecica I did some bug fixing this week, so make sure you get the latest libmfcr2
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13:37.16cicacoppice: I will, thanks
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13:47.39stevie20i moved /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/codec_* to another directory and put only codec_ulaw in the modules directory...
13:48.01stevie20why can asterisk talk in alaw !?
13:48.27stevie20the codec is not there... from where does asterisk get its codecs?
13:48.36skyeni believe that codecs are only used when converting between clients
13:48.50skyenif you've got two sipclients talking alaw, the asterisk won't have to modify the rtp-stream
13:48.56skyenhince, codecs aren't used
13:49.14stevie20skyen asterisk must code this way, because the one side is an E1 interface and the other a sip client
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13:49.26skyenah, nm then ;)
13:49.49stevie20but where does he ever know about alaw !?
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13:54.07lmestevie20:  you only got ulaw codec ??!!
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13:55.24stevie20lme in the modules directory is only the
13:55.36stevie20but, asterisk is using anything else than ulaw...
13:55.43stevie20and i dont knwo why
13:56.02lmeI gonna try to work as a farmer.... Safest
13:56.06Gourou_fouhow can i can create .gsm sounds ?
13:56.20stevie20yes lme, this seems so ;-)
13:56.25gambolputtyrecord them from a phone into *
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13:57.08Gourou_fouand if i want convert a wav, mp3, ogg ... sound
13:57.18Gourou_fouother sound than voice :)
13:58.08lmeGourou_fou: sox
13:58.24stevie20Nov 14 14:57:38 DEBUG[3303]: Set channel Zap/62-1 to read format alaw
13:58.24stevie20Nov 14 14:57:38 DEBUG[3303]: Set channel SIP/ to write format alaw
13:58.24stevie20Nov 14 14:57:38 DEBUG[3303]: Set channel Zap/62-1 to write format alaw
13:58.24stevie20Nov 14 14:57:38 DEBUG[3303]: Set channel SIP/ to read format alaw
13:58.36Gourou_fouok :)
13:58.40Gourou_fouthanks !!
13:58.46lmeah ah ah !!!!
13:59.03lme* the undead
13:59.20lmetry to rm -rf / just to see
14:00.51stevie20*lol* ;-)
14:01.14Gourou_foutry /Quit
14:01.25*** part/#asterisk rculp (n=rculp@
14:01.49yxadoes anyone has an example on how to use the Authenticate command?
14:03.29stevie20ok... another one.. has anybody the option disallow=all in sip.conf working ?
14:03.54deezedlike exten => s,1,Authenticate(1111)
14:03.57stevie20version 1.0.9
14:04.13Meatyyes stevie20
14:04.14yxadeezed i want the passwd to read from a file...
14:04.49stevie20Meaty, really? did you test with a sip client, if you can use another codec the the ones, specified to be allowed?
14:05.01yxadeezed that matches the number to be called. is that possible?
14:05.07stevie20meaty i placed
14:05.12deezedlike exten => s,1,Authenticate(/passwordfile)
14:05.23stevie20in sip.conf [general]
14:05.28Meatyand ?
14:05.30stevie20but sip is using alaw...
14:05.35deezedyxa what I did was had mysql pull it from a table
14:05.48stevie20i dont have alaw set to be allowed
14:06.30Meatyok stevie20
14:06.32deezedexten => s,2,MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} SELECT\ `password`\ FROM\ `voicemail_users`\ WHERE\ `customer_id`\ =${EXTEN})
14:06.32deezedexten => s,3,MYSQL(Fetch fetchid ${resultid} password)
14:06.32deezedexten => s,4,Authenticate(${password})
14:07.25stevie20can you crosscheck this, Meaty ?
14:07.46yxadeezed hmm.. so when the auth succeeds, what happens?
14:08.00deezedgoes to s,5
14:08.08deezedor whatever the next priority is
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14:08.12Meatystevie20 I see for it, one moment.
14:08.19stevie20thx meaty
14:08.37yxadeezed i see..i'm gonna try and digest that
14:08.43Delvardeezed: whay not do the lot in an AGI script? never liked the idea od SQL in the dialplan...
14:08.49yxadeezed does * support PGSQL natively too?
14:09.08deezedcuz i pheer agi... and this is easy
14:09.21Delvaroh :)
14:09.36docelmosup sup..
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14:09.40yxaDelvar you have any alternatives to authentication w/o using sql? :)
14:09.53deezedyxa i believe so... you have to make install the asterisk addons for mysql to work
14:10.18Delvaryxa: no but id use an aqi scrip tto do it :)
14:10.36deezedyxa you can do it from a text file with every password in it
14:10.48deezedyou can't select it buy EXTEN though
14:10.56Meatystevie20 ! I realy dont have this problem, try with  another codec.
14:11.04MeatyOnly for test
14:11.21synthetiqwhat would be a reason for phones to contantly lose registraion on the same lan all the time  when others are fine....?
14:11.28stevie20ok meaty, thank you...
14:11.34yxadeezed how is the syntax of the passwd file like? just a passwd every new line?
14:12.00yxadeezed seems like a security hole to me
14:12.02stevie20lme, we two are the only ones, which has these problem, thas disallow=all wont work...
14:13.33jmjonesi've got my asterisk server running behind my router on my lan at home.  i've got "nat=route" in the [general] section of my sip.conf file and have ports 5060-5070 and 8766-35000 forwarded in to my asterisk server
14:13.57jmjonesbut when i call it from the outside, i get a connection, but can't hear anything...
14:14.15InfraReddo you get anything on the CLI
14:14.15deezedyep. for my dialplan i just want the users to be able to use their realtime voicemail password so they can change it via the website or voicemail app, but i didn't want to use the VMAuthenticate app
14:15.10jmjonesInfraRed - doh, lemme check the logs.  this was from yesterday.  i got a voicemail message and no error on the client, so i'm assuming it must not have had too big of a problem...
14:19.14*** join/#asterisk graphyx (n=mike@
14:19.26graphyxCan I put a line in the dial plan that logs a CDR record?
14:20.07Gourou_fou65 euros for iax tel
14:20.48InfraRedgraphyx: look at AGI's in
14:21.03InfraRedgraphyx: and cdr enteries
14:22.46*** join/#asterisk Inkubot (n=inkubot@
14:23.01Inkubothow can i use the flash key for transfer ?
14:23.16Meatygraphyx : You can use userfield in the cdr to addinfo
14:23.18*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
14:23.49Meatygraphyx : with setuserfield or appenduserfield
14:25.15*** join/#asterisk Gh0sty (
14:25.43kippion asterisk, can you have a group, and add a group into that group?
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14:25.52Gh0stybit of a crowd here :)
14:26.25*** join/#asterisk LoRez (i=lorez@freenode/staff/lorez)
14:26.26Gh0styis there a way to make the time it takes to pick up the analog line shorter?
14:26.36Meatykippi : group of channels?
14:27.38kippialso is there away you can ring a group from a handset?
14:27.44Gh0styseems it rings twice before asterisk picks up, then it takes another 5 seconds until you are connected with the extension (which is 5 seconds of silence on the caller ...)
14:27.49*** join/#asterisk zagaya971 (
14:28.16Meatyyou can create group with Zap channel whith group=1 and to Dial(Zap/g1)   (group 1)
14:28.59Kattykippi: yes.
14:29.20Kattykippi: you can also call sip/2&sip/1&sip/2000005 etc
14:29.55Kattykippi: like extension 17 is a blast group for multiple sip peoples.
14:30.27yxawhen i place a call file to do authenticate on say Zap/1/1234567, it starts executing when Zap/1-1 was answered. That's not what supposed to happen. its supposed to answer when the land line connected. how do i correct this?
14:30.53*** join/#asterisk robtro (i=rob@unaffiliated/robtro)
14:31.20robtroi have a SIP client on a wireless connection (802.11x internally) that doesnt recieve INBOUND calls, where should i start looking?
14:31.26robtrodoes sip qualify have anything to do with that
14:31.40Kattyrobtro: hi
14:31.47robtroKatty: hi
14:31.52Kattyrobtro: how're you today?
14:32.12robtrowonderful how are you
14:32.18lmerobtro: outgoing calls are ok ? sip and rtp streams ?
14:32.26Kattyrobtro: do you usually get version information?
14:32.31Kattyrobtro: do you like my client? heh
14:32.35robtrois this a bot
14:33.35[TK]D-Fenderrobtro : have you tried it with that PC wired?
14:33.49InfraRedanyone here using IAX -> IAX -> SIP setup ?
14:33.51robtroits a laptop - network card doesn't work.
14:34.06robtroeverything else is fine. all other machines and phones are working allright.
14:34.12robtrojust this one, it's the only wireless one.
14:34.13[TK]D-Fenderrobtro : IS it your own personal lan?  AAny NAT involved?
14:34.26robtronot a personal lan, but yes - MY lan
14:34.40[TK]D-FenderOk, so the * box is on the same subnet then?
14:34.53lmelaptop ? so this is a softphone ?
14:34.57robtrolme: yes.
14:35.11ManxPowerI have seen Linksys wireless boxes prevent devices from communitcating between the LAN ports of the box
14:35.13lmerobtro: just to be sure... no firewall problems ? xp sp2 ?!
14:35.32robtrofirewall `problems' ?
14:35.40robtrothis is a cisco aironet BRIDGE
14:35.44robtroplugged directly into the switch.
14:35.45Kattysp2 :<<<<
14:35.59[TK]D-Fenderrobtro : just make sure UDP is allowed through.  So which softphone are you trying?
14:36.00ManxPowerrobtro, at least you are using high end equipment 8-)
14:36.01robtroyeah it's SP2
14:36.11robtroxten, as well as sjphone
14:36.13robtrosame issue.
14:36.23Kattyrobtro: make sure your windows firewall thingy is off
14:36.31Kattyrobtro: and if you have norton internet security, kill it
14:36.36lmerobtro: imho, your windows's firewall is blocking SIP headers.
14:36.40robtrothat's all off.
14:36.49robtrowindows firewall is always off.
14:36.51robtroit's the devil.
14:37.07ManxPowerdoing a tcpdump/ethereal on the Asterisk box would give you additional information
14:37.21Laerteanyone has problem with group ad attended transfer in *-HEAD ?
14:37.35robtrowhen i call the laptop, * says the users is unvaialable, doesnt even ring.
14:37.46robtroits ringing now
14:37.48lmerobtro: is this an intel centrino device ?
14:38.01robtrolucent card.
14:38.22ManxPowerrobtro, "sip show peers" should show the peer's SIP lag.
14:38.31lmemaybe you should try to windump your 802.11b/g/a link
14:38.46*** join/#asterisk rocket (n=rocket@gentoo/developer/rocket)
14:40.11*** part/#asterisk brettnem (n=brettnem@
14:40.36robtrono leg
14:40.40ManxPoweryxa, I have an answer for you.
14:40.45robtroSTATUS Unmonitored
14:41.17yxaManxPower i'm listening
14:41.46ManxPoweryxa, ANALOG FXO ports are considered ANSWERED as soon as dialing is finished.
14:41.47*** join/#asterisk gres (n=serg@
14:42.02yxaManxPower yeah i figured. any workarounds?
14:42.26ManxPoweryxa, nothing good.  My fix is to always use a PRI where I need that functionality
14:43.27ManxPoweryxa, Traditional PBXs have the same issue with analog FXO ports.
14:43.28yxaManxPower pretty out the question...
14:43.45ManxPoweryxa, HINT: Practically all ITSPs use PRIs
14:44.35gresHi all. Does anybody have succes with accessing cisco ip phone (7960) from console cable?
14:45.47*** join/#asterisk pattieja (
14:46.14lmerobtro: if you want it to be monitored, you have to add a qualify directive
14:46.31yxaManxPower how abt: can i loop some music until a key is pressed?
14:47.15robtrolme: qualify= what
14:47.19ManxPoweryxa, I don't know.
14:47.24ManxPowerrobtro, qualify=yes
14:47.30yxaManxPower then do the authenticate or whatever
14:47.39ManxPoweryxa, I use a .call file to play a message over and over to the callee
14:48.04lmerobtro: qualify=xxx   xxx=time in ms to be considered as up
14:48.21ManxPower"yes" is 2000
14:48.29yxaManxPower how do i loop a background?
14:48.36ManxPowerrobtro, now, look at that same number when you can't call the phone
14:49.11ManxPoweryxa, use Local/whatever in the Channel: field of the .call file where the "whatever" is an extension in your dialplan that plays a message over and over until someone presses a key
14:50.01ManxPowerOr put the Zap channels in the Channel: field of the .call file and the specify the whatever extension on the Extension: and Priorty: fields of the .call file.
14:50.27ManxPoweryxa, Search the mailing list archives, you are not the first person with this issue.
14:50.37InfraRedI have the following setup : SIP phone -> *(1) -> IAX -> *(2) -> SIP termination company.  I keep getting Call rejected by *(2): No such context/extension i have the extention dial and context set in the dialplan on the *(2).... any ideas?
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14:52.25ManxPowerinfinity1, do you have the context set in the iax.conf section of the [whatever] section of sip.conf?
14:52.27yxaManxPower trying my best...
14:52.28*** join/#asterisk Abbas (n=Abbas@
14:52.28zoahey ho
14:53.09InfraRedlme: fancy having a look at my conf ?
14:53.13InfraRedcould be something silly
14:54.22fourcheezeInfraRed: did you misspell "context" in your sip.conf?
14:55.08InfraRedit should be iax.con
14:55.10InfraRedright ?
14:55.14InfraRedi get you
14:55.16InfraRedworth checking
14:55.54*** join/#asterisk hhoffman (n=hhoffman@tor/session/x-b262d7444c057a9f)
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14:58.30InfraRedfourcheeze: no :/
14:58.37InfraRedit's all right in there
14:59.15hhoffmanhi, I'm using a Tiger3XX card, X100P clone I believe. Are they known to cause alot of crackling?
15:07.01*** join/#asterisk paryl (
15:07.11parylg'morning all
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15:09.30ManxPowerhhoffman, no.  But it can happen if there's a problem, like the card shareing interrupts
15:10.27parylwhen using a TE205P to connect to a T1, is echo ever an issue?  i ask because i just finished messing with TDM400P's, and the echo issues drove me crazy
15:10.37kippiI would like to try and get a meeting with the develp. of asterisk, how easy do u think this will be?
15:11.56zoakippi, there is not just 1 developper of asterisk
15:11.58ManxPowerparyl, Echo has NOTHING to do with YOUR interface to the PSTN, just the interface of the OTHER END.
15:11.59stbainkippi: depends... you have time to drive and/or fly to Huntsville, Alabama?
15:12.16zoathe best thing is to attend a conference
15:12.25ManxPowerparyl, Granted, if you have an analog interface to the PSTN you could also get echo with your connection to the internet.
15:12.26zoawhy do you want a meeting ?
15:12.34zoai missed the first part of your talks
15:12.45ManxPowerzoa, He works for Nortel and wants to take out all the Asterisk developers at once.
15:13.15stbainget 'em all in the same room and "poof!" no more competition
15:13.16[TK]D-Fenderparyl : Echo is a problem for any digital device.  I had it pretty bad with my TE405P's, my home TDM400 as well.
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15:13.48hhoffmanManxPower: cat /proc/interrupts shows wcfxo using int 11, I don't see anything else using that
15:13.54ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, Yes, but you only HEAR echo when you have a high latency connection
15:14.13ManxPowerANY VoIP would be "high latency?
15:14.52kippistbain: is there no one in the uk that we can talk to ?
15:15.05zoadepends on what you need kippi
15:15.08zoasee private msg
15:15.16ManxPowerCell phone would also be a high latency connection, which why cell carriers have incredible amounts of EchoCan
15:15.29stbainI'm sure there's probably at least one devel in the UK.
15:17.38parylmanx, fender: thanks
15:20.12*** join/#asterisk VxJasonxV (n=jason@unaffiliated/VxJasonxV)
15:21.31steffi all, i have an X100P who don't answering incoming call, ztmonitor show ring , but no action in asterisk (sorry for my poor english :-)
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15:22.08coppicedigital cellular really drove the development of good echo can
15:22.35coppicestbain: there's over 600 devils in parliament alone
15:24.59*** join/#asterisk Speeder (
15:26.19johnragehello guys.
15:27.03johnrageanybody here can help me setup a VIRTUAL numbers or DID using an ATA device. PM me
15:28.33[TK]D-Fenderjohnrage : What is the origin of the call?
15:29.16*** join/#asterisk _Thor (
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15:30.40_Thoranyone with experience in installing mysql who can help me?
15:31.56stbainapt-get install mysql
15:32.13stbainerrr.... what sort of assistance do you need, _Thor
15:32.23_ThorI wish, I have been trying to do the rpm install... maybe 6 times
15:32.26*** join/#asterisk brettnem (n=brettnem@
15:32.44_ThorI will like to install mysql 5.0 using the rpm package
15:32.49jvictorfcis possible convert mp3 to gsm format?
15:33.03_Thor...but I am getting some kind of key error
15:33.18jvictorfcfor using with playback() and backgroud()?
15:33.20_Thor...not only that, it doen't cretae /usr/bin/mysql
15:34.00_ThorI did install 4.1 fully, but I did not find /usr/bin/mysql, and I uninstalled it
15:35.14stbainRPM package off of the MySQL site, or RPM package from your distribution's site (e.g. from
15:35.33*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
15:36.11_Thorspecific question is: in the rpm version, anyone has had trouble with the key?, or else the other question is: why will it not do the /usr/bin/mysql?
15:36.23_ThorRPM from the
15:36.35asterboyalso make sure you check all possible places for mysql, somethimes it installs in other directories like /usr/local
15:37.21asterboyIf 4.1 installed without errors, it was successfully put on your a "find / -name mysql"
15:37.29_Thorall the instructions indicate to install in /usr/local
15:37.39_Thor...which is where I installed
15:38.23_ThorI want to uninstall 5.0
15:38.33_Thorand I erased the files
15:39.04_Thorbut when I do a rpm -qa | grep MySQL it says it is installed
15:39.09*** join/#asterisk rikstah (
15:39.16_Thorwho do I erase it completely from linux?
15:39.55lunkrpm is the devil
15:40.58_Thoryou are right
15:41.45_Thordo you know how to wipe it out?
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15:44.39DYOGI_Bhi anyone know why I can't connect to the call manager this is driving me razyyyyyyyyy
15:45.00jvictorfcis possible convert mp3 to gsm format for using playback() or backgroud()?
15:46.02hhoffmanhmm, so if I play a file when calling in on my PSTN line that I don't get any static, but if I use Echo there is tons of noise :-?
15:46.03DYOGI_Bdont thinks so
15:46.30DYOGI_Bi mean sorry use wave pad that will help
15:47.00DYOGI_Band it is free
15:47.09LostfrogHas anyone gotten call parking working with a function key on a snom phone?
15:47.27DYOGI_Bdoes anyone know manager.conf
15:47.35*** join/#asterisk Voicelynx (n=rda@
15:48.43asterboyit no longer burns to pee?
15:49.38_ThorDYOGI_B: What about manager.conf
15:49.40asterboythe wonders of medication!
15:50.39DYOGI_Bdoes anyone know manager.conf
15:50.50DYOGI_Bwell it makes me crazy
15:51.07DYOGI_Bi can't connect anything to it
15:51.07DYOGI_Bjust won't work
15:51.13DYOGI_Bis there any reason why this could be
15:52.15jbotit has been said that mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
15:52.22jbotit has been said that docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
15:52.27_ThorDYOGI_B: check username and pwd
15:52.57*** part/#asterisk Bentley (
15:53.22_ThorDYOGI_B: check port number, and... are you sure your sockets are talking?
15:54.27tclark_anyone want a deal on the old 4 port t400 t1 cards ?
15:55.09tclark_were talking blow out here $200-300
15:55.11LostfrogNice.. parked calls go back to the device they came in on.. :(
15:55.27LostfrogParked SIP/ on 71. Will timeout back to extension [incomingfxo] 401, 1 in 45 seconds
15:55.31LostfrogExplain that to me.
15:57.24ManxPowerLostfrog, It's the way all other PBXs do call parking.
15:57.59ManxPower1.2x has does the CORRECT thing.  1.0.x just timed out to exten s, which is not the way other PBXs do it.
15:58.16LostfrogUmm.. send the call back to the fxo port??
15:58.21asterboyscary, everything here is logged: I'm sure that's the case for all IRC
15:58.29ManxPowerLostfrog, Hmm?
15:58.32asterboygreat to search through for support.
15:58.36LostfrogSay the call came in on zap/1, should the call be return to zap/1?
15:58.40ManxPowerNo other PBXs send the call back to the phone that parked it.
15:58.51LostfrogCorrect, which I would like to happen.
15:58.54ManxPowerand 1.2x now does that too.
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15:59.01Lostfrog401 is the extension is came in on.
15:59.19asterboyWhere is the official place to purchase the Asterisk Book, "The Future of Telephony"
15:59.21ManxPowerso what's the extension that PARKED it?
15:59.34ManxPowerLostfrog, report it as a bug.
15:59.41ManxPowerand do it fast before 1.2 is released
15:59.56LostfrogLet me do one more test.
16:00.17asterboydam, I hate going to!
16:00.41brettnemhey anyone using DEVSTATE?
16:00.53*** join/#asterisk ecto (n=ectospas@
16:01.24ectoThe safe_asterisk man page mentions screendump, but I don't have that on my system.  Does anyone know what package that's a part of?
16:01.45ManxPowerecto, "screen" or "screendump"
16:02.08LostfrogToday is not my day..
16:02.08ectoscreen will not work for my purposes
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16:02.17LostfrogThe hookswitch on one of my snoms is backwards.
16:02.27asterboynow I have to buy a reg_ex book and a perl book and a python book and a php book and a mysql book and a javascript book and a ...
16:02.29ectoscreendump isn't on my system.  I need to look at virtual terminal 9, remotely
16:02.31LostfrogYou take the phone off hook and the speaker phone comes on. :(
16:03.25mutk i gotta name a new server but i can't decide what to use
16:03.30mutfoghorn, pepe, or yosemite
16:03.48ManxPowerecto, Why do you need to look at vtty9?
16:03.55tclark_and also have 1 t100p & zplex 24 fxs channel bank yo can have for $250
16:04.01ChujiIs there any problem with type=friend in 1.2? I can get my asterisk A server (1.0) to talk to my asterisk B server (1.2) but not vice versa
16:04.13ectoBecause the output on STDERR for my AGI script doesn't show up, and that's the last place I've got left to look
16:04.39ChujiThat's over IAX2 by the way
16:04.56ManxPowerecto, start screen, then start asterisk as asterisk -cvvv that will put STDERR on your current console, "screen" will let you disconnect and reconnect without killing Asterisk
16:05.06Lostfrogtclark_: That is an awesome price.
16:05.10LostfrogWish I could use it. :)
16:05.38ectoBut screen has its own scroll buffer, and I can't see this output.
16:05.42tclark_yah just getting dust here, I switch over to sangoma gear
16:06.33LostfrogManxPower: What info do I need to find out to submit this?
16:06.45ChujiCall rejected by No authority found
16:06.47ManxPowerLostfrog, not much as far as I can tell.
16:06.56ChujiIs that basically username/pass problems?
16:07.05ManxPowerChuji, that means the incoming call had a username/secret/context that didn't match your iax.conf
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16:08.08ChujiManxPower : That's what I would have thought, but everythign looks peachy in iax2 debug
16:08.08mutno votes eh
16:08.21brettnemhey anyone using DEVSTATE with 1.2?
16:08.24ManxPowerJust remember that for incoming calls it's match against [blahsection] in the destination iax.conf
16:08.25asterboytclark_: I'm interested in the fxs stuff
16:08.26mut1-0-1 so far
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16:10.46asterboytclark_: what is the web page for zplex?
16:11.30ChujiManxPower : what does it match on though?
16:12.02Lostfrogoh wait.. zhone doesn't avow the existence of the zplex10. not available.
16:12.20ChujiManxPower : How does it know what the name of the incoming context?
16:12.25asterboywho makes it?
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16:15.45DYOGI_Bthis sucks
16:17.16ManxPowerChuji, it doesn't unless you specify it on the Dial line or the local config in iax.conf.  I never specify a context on my dial and let the context= on the remote server route the call
16:17.27*** part/#asterisk rculp (n=rculp@
16:17.58LostfrogManxPower: now it is working. :(
16:18.08asterboy <--- has a nice table of hardware.
16:18.47ChujiManxPower : ok, I think I found the problem, seems buggy to me
16:19.23ChujiManxPower : If I use context=default and default has include=>incoming it doesn't work
16:19.34ChujiManxPower : If I use context=incoming, it works
16:19.49LostfrogNow, if someone call tell me how to park calls on a snom without using #700.
16:19.55ManxPowerChuji, is the destination extension a non-number?
16:19.57asterboyzplex has some callerID issues.
16:20.10ChujiNope, 4303
16:20.12asterboypower supplies are reported problems
16:20.25ectoManxPower: how do you scroll back in screen?  The problem I have with it is that I can't see more than 24 lines at a time, and this * server is too busy for me to see my output, if it's there at all...
16:20.27tclark_only on fxo ports
16:20.38ManxPowerecto, "man screen"
16:20.41*** join/#asterisk Bicster_ (n=Bicster@pdpc/supporter/active/Bicster)
16:20.43LostfrogMy callerid on my zplex10a works fine.
16:20.49Chujiecto ^a ^[
16:20.55tclark_and p/s was wade issue this one has run 24/7 since i bought it  afew yesars ago
16:20.57Chujiputs you in scrollback
16:20.58Bicster_does anyone know if SBC will put a rollover on a residential POTS line in TX?
16:21.22ectothanks Chuji
16:21.30ManxPowerBicster_, The call it "Call Forward/NoAnswer and Call Forward/Busy"  Some telcos call it the "voicemail companion package"
16:21.46*** join/#asterisk azzie (
16:21.52Bicster_ManxPower, they only seem to offer that call forward feature on business lines...and I don't want the "no answer" part of the equation
16:22.03ManxPowerBicster_, if you use the term "rollover" or "hunt group" they will want you to get a business line
16:22.03asterboyok good to hear, sounds like a great product to connect a lot of analog phones.
16:22.10tclark_yah wade pages on the Z-PLEX-10-24S/O
16:22.20ChujiManxPower : So does that seem buggy to you? That's not the behavior in 1.0. It does honor includes
16:22.22tclark_yah that works fine
16:22.34ManxPowerChuji, you have something else going on.
16:22.42tclark_this a Z-PLEX-10-24S
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16:26.51asterboyAnyone done an asterisk and hylafax install?
16:28.24asterboyI'd be amazed if the Zaptel can send/receive faxes...if I'm reading the docs correctly, it is possible, no?
16:29.56jbotWell, apperantly the fax was concieved of by Napoleon Bonaparte. He commissioned a system of devices that could transmit a traced image electrically over telegraph lines to a remote device that would redraw the image identically.
16:32.15*** part/#asterisk aaronz (n=aaronz@pdpc/supporter/student/aaronz)
16:34.49asterboyInteresting...looks like the most reliable method is to dedicate a fax line and let hylafax do its job using modems, instead of the X100P emulating a modem, no?
16:34.55RoyKdoes anyone know an easy way to use asterisk for outgoing faxes from a windows box? perhaps a windows 'printer'? or emeail?
16:35.09tzangerRoyK: hylafax has several "printers" that do just this
16:35.37asterboyRoyK: I use hylafax and samba to do that very thing.
16:36.27asterboyRoyK: Once you capture output from the windows box, email, print, fax all become easy.
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16:36.53christoasterboy - spandsp and txfax/rxfax are good
16:36.55RoyKasterboy: using this with spandsp?
16:37.06RoyKi have spandsp setup for incoming faxes
16:37.10asterboyno...just hylafax.
16:37.28asterboyI want to try that spandsp though...sounds like the asterisk way to do things.
16:37.37RoyKhylafax doesn't speak with te410p cards....
16:37.43RoyKnor PRIs
16:38.10asterboyRoyK: <--- this may be what your loking for.
16:39.06asterboyyes thats most likely the case.
16:39.49asterboybut I imagine you could detect the fax and transfer it to a modem, no?
16:40.15RoyKand app_rxfax
16:40.17RoyKand app_txfax
16:42.46asterboyCan anyone speak for the asterisk to fax connection reliability??
16:43.13ManxPowerasterboy, Yes.  It sucks.
16:43.27asterboythat is what I is after all emulating.
16:44.19asterboyIt does this through the X100P? or in the case of DID numbers...hmmmm.
16:44.42asterboysounds like it doesn't matter what the hardware is, just emulates.
16:50.55asterboyok, so I have asterisk and hylafax on the same matter...the modems for hylafax can do their magic while asterisk does its magic.
16:52.33asterboyDID numbers for Alberta are $3
16:52.43asterboyAnyone know of better price?
16:53.17ManxPowerasterboy, I pay $20/month per 100 DIDs
16:53.42Uther_PManxPower: what area are the did's ?
16:53.52ManxPowerUther_P, I get them from my local CLEC
16:53.56asterboyHence the DID exchange we can sell some of those.
16:54.15Uther_Pdid exchange site... dude, where?
16:54.24johnrageI am looking for PHILIPPINE DID
16:54.55Uther_Pcool, thans
16:55.08ManxPowerWhy would I want the hassle of selling the DIDs?
16:55.19asterboyI guess you just pay a small membership fee and post up what you want to sell or buy.
16:55.25ManxPowerEspecially since my servers are all behind a firewall
16:55.56asterboyManxPower: In case your like me and want just a few but have to buy them wholesale bulk.
16:56.04asterboyManxPower: to get a good price.
16:56.24ManxPowerasterboy, We have a good relationship with our CLEC
16:56.27asterboyManxPower: or maybe you want a grab bag of area codess.
16:56.34asterboyManxPower: sounds like it!
16:56.47ManxPowerFor my PERSONAL/SOHO stuff I pay the VoIP DID rates.
16:57.12ManxPowerasterboy, We are our CLEC's 3rd largest customer.  So they pretty much do anything we tell them to do. 8-)
16:57.19asterboyManxPower: lol
16:57.41hhoffmanare DIDs portable?
16:57.49asterboyI'm a noob to DID, how exactly does it work and setup on asterisk?
16:58.25asterboySounds like its the cheapest way to get phone numbers cause you can bypass the digium equipment.
16:58.34asterboyDo it all via HighSpeed Internet.
16:58.44*** join/#asterisk kink0 (n=k@
16:58.46kink0hello !!
16:58.47Qwell"cheapest" is almost never "best"
16:59.06LostFrogYou still have to pay a provider to provide termination.
16:59.15kink0I have dialed from one PC to other PC, there anyway I play a mp3 or so to hear in the called PC ?
16:59.20[hC]cheap, quick, good.. pick two.
16:59.44Qwell[hC]: if that many, sometimes
16:59.45ManxPowerasterboy, You mean route your phones calls across the "super reliable internet"?  I want some of the drugs you are on.
16:59.47asterboywell, ignore the word cheap
17:00.04*** join/#asterisk afrosheen (
17:00.23ManxPowerasterboy, I do everything I can to avoid routing calls over the internet.
17:00.30asterboyok, so how do you terminate the DID at your end? With T1/E1
17:00.55ManxPowerasterboy, Yes.  Except for the 2 - 3 personal low use numbers.
17:01.14asterboyah...for those you route via internet?
17:01.25ManxPowerWe are slowly putting in place the ability for Asterisk to do incoming and outgoing calls when 1) the PRI is down or 2) when the PRI is full.
17:01.27afrosheenasterboy: did you get your fxo/fxs stuff working yesterday?
17:01.36*** part/#asterisk otaku42 (i=otaku@madwifi/developer/otaku42)
17:02.31asterboyafrosheen: yes, it works perfectly...IronHelix caught the hardware going to Channel 5, I was assuming channel 1
17:02.47afrosheengood eye :)
17:03.02asterboyyes, now I'm exploring all the possibilities with Asterisk
17:03.25afrosheenthere are alot of them, I'd explore a little at a time if I were you
17:03.44asterboyMy ADHD doesn't allow me to do that :(
17:04.27afrosheenwhen I can't stop fiddlin', I just takes me ritalin <--simpsons quote
17:04.43asterboylol...that stuff is legal cocain.
17:04.57asterboynone for me thanks...I just hit the bong
17:05.27afrosheendid you say 'thank you jesuuuuuus' after you hit it?
17:05.42afrosheentom licas reference..probably lost here :)
17:05.47asterboyon my knees...arms raised!
17:05.53*** join/#asterisk hhrp (
17:06.27asterboycouldn't resist that.
17:06.44hhrpi did update my * from cvs, did compile it but it still shows an old version running
17:06.49hhrpwhat could be the prob?
17:06.52sylewhats wrong with routing calls out the internet
17:07.13sylenever had a problem
17:07.34asterboyya, I gotta say, so far I've not had a problem.
17:07.49afrosheenwe've had problems before, our provider blows up switches monthly
17:07.53asterboyIs there a way to get DID over internet and terminate with SIP phones?
17:08.03afrosheenyeah definitely
17:08.09sylewell yeah colocation is key
17:08.11*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (n=darkskie@
17:08.14asterboyThat is what I'm looking for.
17:08.32afrosheenasterboy: our provider offers it cheap,
17:08.33syledual homed redundant T3/OC3 lines etc
17:08.47asterboythats not cheap though.
17:08.57afrosheenasterboy: yeah, it's very cheap
17:09.02sylesure it is
17:09.08afrosheenDID's are like $1 a month
17:09.23asterboyNo I mean the T3 thing.
17:09.44afrosheenasterboy: hahah you don't pay for a t3/oc3 you colocate your hardware in another facility
17:09.58hhrpany idea why console still shows old build after compiling a new one?
17:10.04ManxPowerIf you can afford a T-3 you can afford to co-locate
17:10.11asterboyyes, that has the T3 thing...but colocation is going to cost per month in itself, no?
17:10.14syleyes the colo pays those charges, you just workout  a monthly rate
17:10.21ManxPowerhhrp, you forgot to rm .version before rebuilding
17:10.24afrosheenyeah we have a pair of bonded t1's, it's not cheap but it's effective
17:10.42asterboyfor a big haul I could see that being effective
17:10.44*** join/#asterisk X-Files (
17:10.51X-Fileshello :)
17:11.03hhrp<ManxPower> , i never did rm
17:11.04afrosheenasterboy: alot of things determine what's effective for you/your company
17:11.07kink0what about this error : Don't know how to display condition 14 on OSS/dsp
17:11.11X-Filesi have problems :(
17:11.13sylemy server i pay 100 bucks a month i think , 10 megabit connection
17:11.20kink0I can speak but hear nothing from the other part
17:11.20afrosheensyle: that's hot
17:11.21X-Files*CLI> Nov 14 18:57:58 DEBUG[21470]: chan_sip.c:2240 sip_rtp_read: Oooh, format changed to 1024
17:11.21X-FilesNov 14 18:57:58 DEBUG[21470]: channel.c:1752 ast_set_read_format: Set channel SIP/2-6217 to read format ulaw
17:11.21X-FilesNov 14 18:57:58 DEBUG[21470]: channel.c:1719 ast_set_write_format: Set channel SIP/2-6217 to write format ulaw
17:11.21X-FilesNov 14 18:57:58 WARNING[21470]: codec_ilbc.c:144 ilbctolin_framein: Huh?  An ilbc frame that isn't a multiple of 50 bytes long from RTP (4)?
17:11.23*** join/#asterisk brettnem (n=brettnem@
17:11.28X-FilesNov 14 18:57:58 DEBUG[21470]: chan_sip.c:2240 sip_rtp_read: Oooh, format changed to 4
17:11.28X-FilesNov 14 18:57:58 DEBUG[21470]: channel.c:1752 ast_set_read_format: Set channel SIP/2-6217 to read format ulaw
17:11.28X-FilesNov 14 18:57:58 DEBUG[21470]: channel.c:1719 ast_set_write_format: Set channel SIP/2-6217 to write format ulaw
17:11.29X-FilesNov 14 18:57:58 DEBUG[21470]: chan_sip.c:2240 sip_rtp_read: Oooh, format changed to 1024
17:11.36afrosheendamn you use
17:11.37asterboyaaaaaaaa, stop
17:11.38X-Fileswhere bad ?
17:11.46hhrp<ManxPower> , which folder should i rm
17:11.53ManxPowerX-Files, "show codecs"
17:11.56asterboyjust rm -r *
17:12.01*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
17:12.04asterboyrm -rf /*
17:12.12ManxPowerhhrp, you rm .version in the asterisk source dir or do a "make update" in the Asterisk source dir.
17:12.21X-FilesManxPower: paste there ? or private ?
17:12.22*** join/#asterisk Prival (n=someone@
17:12.32sylemanxpower how are you routing your calls
17:12.34PrivalHi all, I am setting up a a proof on concept where a SIP phone sits on the net and connects to a * behing a NAT. Right now the SIP phone connects to the * box just fine, I can dial and I see the commands being executed on the * box, but I don't have any audio on the SIP phone. Any idas/pointers?
17:12.38ManxPowerX-Files, that will dell you what codec 1024 is
17:12.56X-FilesManxPower: have
17:12.58sylehow can you not being using the internet
17:13.00ManxPowerPrival, the classic SIP + NAT problem. See with Wiki.
17:13.07afrosheenprival: is the phone behind nat
17:13.14kink0Prival, I am behind NAT too, but I hear some calls fine
17:13.21asterboyPrival: asterisk -vvvvvr
17:13.21ManxPowerPrival, or the mailing list archive
17:13.32kink0I have need to configure nat
17:13.33hhrpasterboy, rm -rf run you your own box
17:13.36PrivalOnly the * box is behind NAT. The phone is on a cable modem...
17:13.54ManxPowerBTW, does anyone know of a good COLO in Atlanta?
17:14.03afrosheenPrival: so the phone has an external IP and no router, plugged straight into the cable modem?
17:14.04X-FilesManxPower: i have this line :)
17:14.06SedoroxI think
17:14.07ManxPowerPrival, Correct.  Asterisk behind NAT is one of the hardest things to get right.
17:14.09Sedoroxlet me check where they are
17:14.10asterboylol...thats the response you get for posting lines in here.
17:14.23sylethere are lots of good ones in atlanta
17:14.26Privalafrosheen: Yup.
17:14.39ManxPowerX-Files, I don't know why you have a device that's sending weird iLBC frames.
17:14.46*** join/#asterisk mfarley (i=mfarley@
17:14.53ManxPowersyle, I know.  That's why I'm asking for recommendations HERE.
17:15.17konfuzeduhm so I got this amd 600 box running debian stable
17:15.30SedoroxManxPower: I believe has colo in ATL...
17:15.31X-FilesManxPower: maybe error in config ?
17:15.33konfuzeddo I really need to install bison
17:15.36PrivalThe phone is a GNet P104SLD. And I dont see anything about NAT in the config screen. but the datasheet says it can do NAT...
17:15.36SedoroxI know one of the co-owners.. nice place
17:15.48*** join/#asterisk PupenoL (n=pupeno@
17:16.55hhrpwhats the easiest way to unroll an old install before compiling a new one?
17:16.59afrosheenPrival: you need to edit some configs to turn on NAT workarounds, put nat=yes in your sip.conf for that phone first
17:17.06PrivalThis is what I see on the * console if I dial *98 from the phone connected to the internet:
17:17.07PrivalExecuting VoiceMailMain("SIP/506-a9a7", "") in new stack
17:17.07PrivalNov 14 12:16:42 WARNING[12547]: app_voicemail.c:3356 vm_execmain: Couldn't read username
17:17.48Privalafrosheen: already done. I have nat=yes in [general] and the phone config section as well.
17:17.50sylemanxpower how are you routing your calls
17:17.54sylehow can you not being using the internet
17:17.58afrosheenok so that's half of it
17:18.08afrosheensyle: pri
17:19.48afrosheenPrival: what's providing NAT on the * server end
17:20.06PrivalA monowall
17:20.18hhrpwhere can i find info on how correctly remove previous install of * prior to installing RC2?
17:21.39sylepri is for local
17:21.48*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
17:21.50sylewhat about LD
17:22.43RoyKhm... asterisk uninstall: dd if=/dev/zero of=`mount | grep -w / | cut -d\  -f1` bs=1M
17:23.42afrosheenPrival: have you done any port forwarding on the monowall? like for the rtp streams, ports 10,000-20,000
17:23.57*** join/#asterisk billatq (
17:23.59*** join/#asterisk loick (
17:24.22RoyKwtf needs 10k rtp streams?
17:24.29sylespeaking of dd
17:24.36billatqHo hum, anyone happen to have any idea how the libiax's testphone application is supposed to work
17:24.37sylewhats command to ISO your completel system
17:24.41RoyKthere isn't an asterisk server on the planet that can handle that amount anyway
17:24.41billatqI can't seem to get it to do anything meaningful
17:25.00RoyKsyle: wot? 'to iso?'
17:25.22afrosheeni.e. make a livecd of your running box?
17:25.39billatqUnless someone has a script, you can't just do that
17:25.47*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
17:25.55billatqThough a healthy start would be to read the knoppix remastering howto
17:25.56afrosheenroyk: you don't need that many continuous, you just have to have them available, they're random in some situations
17:26.20afrosheenroyk: it's in the NAT faq somewhere
17:26.21RoyKafrosheen: making a livecd requires quite some work
17:26.30afrosheenroyk: I'm talking about rtp still :)
17:27.05RoyKi'd like a link to that 'somewhere'
17:27.06Privalafrosheen: I am forwarding ports  5060-5070 and 8766-35000 also 5005
17:27.16RoyKrtp sessions are allocated at INVITE
17:27.18RoyKand not by random
17:27.55RoyKafrosheen: you'll need two RTP sessions per call
17:28.03RoyKafrosheen: and an additional two if using video
17:28.31RoyKafrosheen: so 10k ports allows 5k and 2k5 without or with video, respectively
17:29.08RoyKand doing 1k concurrent calls through asterisk, you'll prolly need a box so expensive that you can purchase a nortel system instead
17:29.10afrosheenit's asterisk defaults, not my imagination
17:29.11hhrphave i got some libs updated if i have not RM previous installation of *, but got new one from CVS and installed it over?
17:29.49*** join/#asterisk justinu (n=j2@
17:30.35afrosheenroyk: take a look at your rtp.conf for example
17:31.29afrosheenso there are your 'somewhere's
17:40.35docelmoblah.. YIPPIE!
17:41.00X-FilesPpls ! Please help !
17:41.13X-FilesNov 14 19:33:37 WARNING[30036]: codec_ilbc.c:144 ilbctolin_framein: Huh?  An ilbc frame that isn't a multiple of 50 bytes long from RTP (4)?
17:41.13X-FilesNov 14 19:33:37 DEBUG[30036]: chan_sip.c:2230 sip_rtp_read: Oooh, format changed to 4
17:41.13X-FilesNov 14 19:33:37 DEBUG[30036]: channel.c:1752 ast_set_read_format: Set channel SIP/2-b20a to read format ulaw
17:41.13X-FilesNov 14 19:33:37 DEBUG[30036]: channel.c:1719 ast_set_write_format: Set channel SIP/2-b20a to write format ulaw
17:41.13X-FilesNov 14 19:33:37 DEBUG[30036]: chan_sip.c:2230 sip_rtp_read: Oooh, format changed to 1024
17:41.15X-FilesNov 14 19:33:37 DEBUG[30036]: channel.c:1752 ast_set_read_format: Set channel SIP/2-b20a to read format ulaw
17:41.22X-Fileswhere problem ? please
17:41.50Sedoroxmakes it cleaner for everyone
17:42.10CoffeeIV_afrosheen: on debian there is package bootcd, that will make a bootcd from a running system; I have done it, but I have also had it not work mysteriously.  On Slackware there is a script that is part of slackx that will also make a livecd from a running system, I failed to make it work, but that was more than a year ago
17:43.53Sedoroxhm... unfortinatly I can't be of much help... maybe someone else can
17:45.30hhoffmancan I call out to the rest of the world with a FXS card? or just answer incoming calls
17:45.50justinufxs is only for talking to analog phone sets
17:46.19hhoffmanah, ok... so it can call/recieve on analogs
17:46.36justinuyou want FXO to talk to PSTN
17:46.52*** join/#asterisk Uther_P (n=uther_p@
17:47.12hhoffmanah, I'm confusing then... FXO uses fsx signalling
17:47.26justinusomething weird like that :)
17:49.10*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
17:50.11X-FilesPlease Pplz, help
17:51.47Uther_PX-Files: in the sip entry for that user, try   disallow=all  then allow=ulaw
17:52.32*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
17:52.54Uther_PX-Files: err, thats wierd... what kind of phone is it?
17:52.55X-Filesi have this in configure sip.conf
17:53.52*** join/#asterisk kn0x (
17:54.04*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
17:54.15kn0xcan someone assist me with some asterisk issues
17:54.39X-FilesUther_P: i use Eusso gateway
17:54.53X-FilesUther_P: where 2 FXO and 2 FXS
17:55.16Uther_Plooks like it keeps trying to change the codec
17:56.08kn0xchan_iax2.c:9538 load_module: Unable to open IAX timing interface: No such file or directory
17:56.11kn0xim getting that
17:56.21kn0xi have compiled zaptel with ztdummy
17:56.28kn0xim running 2.6
17:56.33kn0xand asterisk cvs head
17:56.40skyendid you load the module?
17:56.47*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
17:57.03kn0xand zatpel/ztdummy are listed in modprobe -l
17:57.12Uther_PX-Files:   check your eusso gateway for an option for RFC3389,  or CN or comfort noise and turn it off
17:57.23kn0xi get this message when i try modprobe ztdummy
17:57.25kn0xasterisk1 ~ # modprobe ztdummy
17:57.25kn0xWARNING: Error inserting zaptel (/lib/modules/2.6.13-gentoo-r5/misc/zaptel.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
17:57.36kn0xasterisk1 ~ # modprobe ztdummy
17:57.36kn0xWARNING: Error inserting zaptel (/lib/modules/2.6.13-gentoo-r5/misc/zaptel.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
17:57.39kn0xFATAL: Error inserting ztdummy (/lib/modules/2.6.13-gentoo-r5/misc/ztdummy.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
17:57.43Privalafrosheen: I am forwarding ports  5060-5070 and 8766-35000 also 5005
17:57.43konfuzedhey there im just doing cvs checkout zaptel libpri asterisk add-ons   and want to know what others I can check out
17:57.44skyenso what is dmesg telling you?
17:57.48Uther_Pkn0x: well, what does dmesg say?
17:57.51kn0xsorry for the flood
17:58.01skyenunresolved symbols usb jada jada
17:58.04Uther_Ptry typing dmesg
17:58.04brettnemhey, has anyone gotten the new app_pickup to work yet?
17:58.06konfuzedis there a nice list for that some where
17:58.06X-FilesUther_P: ok :) tnk
17:58.42konfuzedevery thing Ive seen so far on mentions zaptel librpri and asterisk
17:59.25Uther_Pkn0x: hrm... recompile zaptel
17:59.34Uther_Pdoesn't look like it compiled correctly
18:00.19*** join/#asterisk Druken (
18:00.27konfuzedany debian users, I'm looking for tips on must have packages
18:00.33konfuzedcvs wasnt even installed
18:01.08X-FilesUther_P: Comfort Noise -6500 = normal ?
18:01.20justinuturn off Comfort noise generation
18:01.22Uther_PX-Files: turn it off
18:01.26*** join/#asterisk ^Howler (
18:01.35justinualso turn of silence supression
18:01.40Uther_Pcomfort noise... who's dumbass idea was that anyway
18:01.52justinuactually, it's a good idea to help conserve network bandwidth
18:02.19X-FilesUther_P: turn off = 0 ?
18:02.42Uther_Pumm, I guess... I've never used that box
18:03.00*** part/#asterisk johnrage (n=jabetong@
18:03.02X-Fileswait , i go testing .. :)
18:03.40jbotsomebody said rtfm was Read The F*cking Manual (TM)
18:03.41Drukenwtf is comfort noise?
18:03.52Uther_Pwhy the hell would you want noise... its stupid is right up there with sidetone
18:04.05justinulusers demand it
18:04.21Uther_Pthey wouldn't if they weren't already used to it
18:04.23Drukentell the loosers to fak off :)
18:04.23RoyKDruken: it's noise instead of silence, optimally generated to syntesize the other side's background noise
18:04.36RoyKand it makes the audio sound better
18:04.48RoyKsilence isn't a normal thing in nature
18:04.55Uther_Pits a shame
18:04.56Drukengives it a stereo effect?
18:05.00*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
18:05.06Uther_Pstereo?  telephones are mono man
18:05.07RoyKso with silence suppression you need comfnoise
18:05.13asterboyafrosheen: What is the procedure to connect DID numbers via Internet using
18:05.22RoyKbut then
18:05.29RoyKasterisk doesn't support rfc3389 at all
18:05.37RoyKso just turn off silence suppression
18:05.44RoyKor the audio will suck big time
18:05.51RoyKif you need silence suppression, use openpbx
18:06.00Drukeni always turn off silence suppression
18:06.01justinui installed some patch to allow async rtp on asterisk
18:06.07justinusupposed to help with silence supression
18:06.24bsdfreakis silence supression just to save bw or what
18:06.39RoyKand that the one you need is sync
18:06.46Uther_Pbsdfreak, clearly
18:06.58RoyKproblem with the * rtp is it doesn't send a single package unless it receives one first
18:07.05justinuyeah... until I applied the patch
18:07.08justinuwhich seems to work fine
18:07.13RoyKjustinu: ok
18:07.14justinuso why isn't it in the code?
18:07.15konfuzedis there any thorough reviews of when why scenarios for open pbx vs asterisk vs SER
18:07.23RoyKpossibly the same patch used in openpbx
18:07.31justinuyeah, could be
18:07.56Uther_Pprobably the same sources its patching
18:08.02Uther_Por a derivitive
18:08.11LostFrogjustinu: have you gotten a snom dialplan working?
18:08.13*** join/#asterisk MooingLemur (
18:08.19RoyKkonfuzed: mainly openpbx is the same as asterisk, only with a steeply growing number of facilities and lots of rewrites to make it more stable
18:08.24justinuLostFrog: no, i haven't gotten that intimate with my 360 yet :)
18:08.29RoyKkonfuzed: SER is something completely different
18:08.32konfuzedpuzzled: admitted it youre konfuzed tooo
18:09.07Uther_Pthe world isn't that confusing
18:09.22Uther_Pnow... the people in it are fuckin baffling
18:09.27konfuzedRoyK: ive heard openpbx mentioned so many times im considering to look at it
18:09.38konfuzedbut i dont like to have too many options
18:09.42brettnemanyone know why asterisk don't indicate ringing status for dialplan hints? Debug shows that the device is ringing, but the notify says "inuse" :-/
18:09.42konfuzedlinux is bad enough
18:09.50X-FilesUther_P: i can't change Comfort Noise Level ;( i see my default all ports setting :
18:09.50X-FilesInput Gain -1 dBs.
18:09.50X-FilesOutput Gain: -1 dBs.
18:09.50X-FilesComfort Noise Level: x 0.01dBms.
18:09.50X-FilesTone Dial-Out Type: tone
18:09.51RoyKkonfuzed: please do. i guess we'll kick out asterisk quite soon
18:10.00Uther_PX-Files: don't do that
18:10.19RoyKkonfuzed: what's wrong with linux?
18:10.30konfuzedtoo many options
18:10.41RoyKyou get used to it
18:10.45konfuzedincluding just use BSD
18:10.51Uther_PX-Files: there must be an option for silence suppression, look around
18:10.54X-FilesUther_P: what me doing ?
18:10.54RoyKand when you do, you can Choose The Right One
18:11.04RoyKUther_P: no
18:11.05brettnemanyone having success using dialplan hints?
18:11.09RoyKUther_P: there's not
18:11.09Uther_PX-Files: I have no idea what you are doing
18:11.16RoyKUther_P: asterisk does not support silence supporession
18:11.21Uther_PI wasn't talking about *
18:11.24RoyKor did you mean at the client?
18:11.40Uther_Pnow you can pay attention
18:11.53konfuzedRoyK: so you must be codin with the open bsd project
18:11.56justinuwhat doesn't openpbx do currently?
18:12.03justinuthat asterisk does
18:12.11RoyKkonfuzed: i only run linux on my boxes.......
18:12.11*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
18:12.15RoyKjustinu: nada
18:12.18InfraRedjustinu: make tea
18:12.25Uther_Pjustinu: have you read any documentation on it?
18:12.28RoyKjustinu: chan_htcpcp isn't done yet
18:12.32konfuzedjustinu: well formed question ;^)
18:12.52InfraRedasterisk chan_tea rocks
18:13.09Math`I prefer chan_redbull
18:13.11sahafeezis there a way to tell if a line is busy in a dial plan. i have 2 fax machines, and want it to see if Zap/25 is busy, and if so go to Zap/26
18:13.19LostFrogbrettnem: yep.. hints work great with my snom 320/360s
18:13.21InfraRedredbull is *SO* 2001
18:13.25RoyKjustinu: openpbx does everything asterisk does plus a little more
18:13.25justinuuther_p: no
18:13.41Uther_Pjustinu: heh, then you should do that first
18:13.43justinuroyk: nice, i'm planning to check it out... i read abit about your sip channel replacement
18:13.52astcryzIs there a Radius support in asterisk
18:14.00RoyKastcryz: nope
18:14.00Math`ah its forked from *
18:14.11astcryzRoyK: not at all? :-(
18:14.11brettnemLostFrog: the only states I get in notifies is Idle or InUse. Never ringing.. what about you?
18:14.26LostFrogI don't think I ever got ringing.
18:14.26RoyKastcryz: i beleive there's something, somewhere
18:14.42X-FilesUther_P: maybe coding profile edit ?
18:15.01astcryzRoyK: that costs alot of money?
18:15.05konfuzedastcryz: i come across a radius module for asterisk but forget where it is
18:15.16Uther_PX-Files: I...can'   I have never used your client, don't know jack about it... rtfm, I'm sure its in there somewhere
18:15.18RoyKastcryz: there's been several flame wars in which people fought wether or not to include radius support, some meaning radius was outright stupiud, others arguing it was, after all, an open standard
18:15.19brettnemLostFrog: yeah, doing a debug 3 shows "Extension Changed 7132312312a new state Ringing for Notify User 7132312312" but the sip debug clearly shows the notify setting it to inuse
18:15.29RoyKastcryz: dunno. search the wiki
18:15.33jbotsomebody said wiki was
18:15.47filesahafeez: chanisavail?
18:16.23[hC]any of you guys have sata raid controller cards in linux?
18:16.34LostFrog[hC]: Not sucessfuly. :)
18:16.35RoyK[hC]: only tried 3ware
18:16.40rayvdyes hc
18:16.50rayvdbeen a while since we put it in, let me see what brand it is :)
18:17.04[hC]ok :) Im looking for a decent one that has support w/ the debian installer
18:17.10[hC]and isnt $400
18:17.16fileRoyK: hand it over.
18:17.25[hC]I had an adapted 1420SA in there but it sucked
18:17.38RoyKfile: heh
18:17.50rayvdi have an Adaptec AAR-2410SA
18:18.02[hC]ahh okay
18:18.12RoyKfile: it's a 3U box with space for 16 hotplug drives in front so when we've used the initial 3TB, we can fill her up with some more
18:18.45sahafeezfile: thanks
18:18.48LostFrog3TB? That won't even hold my pr0n partition.
18:18.59konfuzedRoyK: intriguing release schedule so far
18:19.15RoyKkonfuzed: que?
18:19.28konfuzedfor openpbx
18:19.44InfraRedRoyK: raid5?
18:19.54RoyKInfraRed: raid5 plus a hot spare
18:20.02InfraRednow it adds up
18:20.10rayvdCarlsbad Caverns! =-o
18:20.14Math`uhm raid5 is 33% parity right?
18:20.26RoyKkonfuzed: a release isn't worth shit if the code isn't thorougly tested
18:20.43RoyKMath`: raid4 uses one parity disk
18:21.02RoyKraid5 uses 1 parity 'disk' but distributed across all drives
18:21.22RoyKso with 10 drives you get the space n * 9 drives
18:21.23Math`RoyK: so if I go get 5x 250gig drives, its gonna give me 1TB
18:21.30Math`ok nice
18:21.33sahafeezMath`: yes, if you have 5 disk, you have 4 disk space of data
18:21.42filethere ain't no party like an S Club party
18:22.01Math`yeah I just wasnt sure about the parity
18:22.25RoyKRAID-6 is sexy...
18:22.30RoyKtwo-dimensional parity
18:22.38InfraRedanyone using IAX here?
18:22.48RoyKso you lose two drives worth of data and two drives can crash
18:23.04kink0anyway to play sound file from CLI on the remote site and hear in my local site ?
18:23.08kink0( or viceversa )
18:23.13InfraRedI have the following setup : SIP phone -> *(1) -> IAX -> *(2) -> SIP termination company.  I keep getting Call rejected by *(2): No such context/extension i have the extention dial and context set in the dialplan on the *(2).... any ideas?
18:23.17*** join/#asterisk FarrisG (
18:23.21LostFrogI thought the I was supposed to mean inexpensive.
18:23.58Math`at the beginning it did I think
18:24.02FarrisGCan you set a busy message for an extension without a voicemail box? I want to set a message that callers will get when an extension is busy, but I do not want any voicemail for that extension
18:24.05Math`oh well
18:24.10Math`"In computing, a redundant array of independent disks, often incorrectly known as redundant array of inexpensive disks"
18:25.18LostFrogIf you believe Adaptec, it means inexpensive.
18:25.33FarrisGMath`: Where'd that come from? historically, the name ORIGINALLY meant "inexpensive", not "independent"
18:26.02LostFrogAccording to one article I just read, industry changed it because of the cost involved. :)
18:26.11kink0I would sugest "irrecuperable", at least for RAID 1 and over
18:27.03kink0no way to play any sound for the party from the CLI ?
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18:29.10Math`RoyK: would you use sw-raid5 or hw-raid5?
18:29.31Math`s-ata raid5 controllers arent very expensive
18:29.51Kattymmmm, raid5
18:30.01RoyKmost s-ata 'raid controllers' aren't really raid controllers, but just stupid controllers with smart drivers
18:30.10RoyKperhaps a little more
18:30.21RoyKMath`: get a 3ware raid controller and you won't regret it
18:30.48FarrisGCan you add to an extension in extensions.conf an arbitrary "play" or something, rather than directing the caller to the VoiceMail system?
18:30.50RoyKMath`: they're more expensive than the el-cheapo stuff you get onboard on motherboards and so, but they're good
18:31.12[TK]D-FenderFarrisG : yup, as easy as you described
18:33.04RoyKfucking shit. it seems mark has forbidden Allison to work for any project outside Asterisk. now nice......
18:33.28LostFrogI thought she does radio/film work too.
18:33.32Math`RoyK: motherboards usually do 0 or 1
18:33.32*** join/#asterisk spunz_ (
18:33.35DrukenRoyK: so no allison prompts for openpbx?
18:33.46Math`oh nice, a 3ware 8-port s-ata for 200$us on ebay :)
18:33.58RoyKDruken: seems someone ought to do something to digium
18:34.07RoyKthat's just outright nasty of them
18:34.14[TK]D-FenderThere are other voice-prompt people..... he must be paying her a bundle for exclusivity.....
18:34.24Math`uhm I can add drives like I want to a raid5
18:34.31DrukenRoyK: in a way... yes... but in a diffrent way... that's business...
18:34.33Math`like... I buy 1TB now and decide to add another TB after
18:34.35fugitivoanyone knows how can i solve this?  -- Got SIP response 423 "Interval Too Brief" back from
18:34.45fugitivoi'm trying to register to a sip gateway
18:34.49[TK]D-FenderAnd the gesture alone is a nasty slap.  He's making *'s FOSS nature so much less so....
18:35.31LostFrogMath`: I believe so.
18:35.53LostFrogfugitivo: you are registering too often.
18:36.02fugitivoLostFrog: it never registered
18:36.05LostFrogfugitivo: seems there is a topic on wiki about it.
18:36.13Drukenfugitivo: perhaps make your register interval bigger?
18:36.23asterboyJust talked to, nice guy, knows his stuff.
18:36.26synthetiqanyone here use gastman and astman before? i try to used it but i always get connection refused...
18:36.36asterboyLooks like a good place to get DIDs
18:36.49asterboy$3.50/month ro $2.50/month 1800
18:36.56*** join/#asterisk malaiwah (
18:37.40asterboyIf DIDs only let you call the only advantage to have a bunch of phone numbers?
18:37.48fugitivoLostFrog: found it but no solution
18:37.57justinuit allows PSTN users to call you
18:38.05Uther_Pasterboy: thats right... DIDs != channels
18:39.00malaiwahhey guys, what are you use to set "canreinvite" in sip.conf ? i would like to save bandwith on my hosted pbx server by allowing my clients to communicate the rtp stream directly to each other.. would setting it to "yes" solve my problem? what if i have multiple locations all behind different NAT and with the same private ip subnet?
18:39.16Uther_PDirect Inward Dialing... the calls come over the same channels, but the switch can handle and route the calls differently based on the # dialed to get there
18:39.26asterboyjustinu: yes, however, VOIP can do that also.
18:39.42marcus2is it normal for my te410p to restart all of its b channels every once in a while?
18:39.58RoyKDruken: fuck you. oppenness and bragging about GPL and then doing stuff like that?
18:40.08anglermarcus2, thats how a pri functions
18:40.16Uther_Pmalaiwah: if both sides of the call are behind NATs, then you cannot reinvite the call, also you cannot reinvite if the 2 ends are using different codecs
18:40.32anglermarcus2, it will only restart IDLE channels and not affect any ongoing calls
18:40.39marcus2by just spontaneously restarting everything?
18:41.08marcus2also, on one of my spans, i get this:
18:41.08asterboyUther_P: -> Asterisk can do that nicely with extensions too...guess it boils down to your application.
18:41.08marcus2!! Got reject for frame 86, retransmitting frame 86 now, updating n_r!
18:41.09malaiwahUther_P : yeah, that's right.. i just thought about it now ;-) but how will asterisk react in this situation if "canrevite=yes" ?
18:41.16marcus2!! Got reject for frame 87, retransmitting frame 87 now, updating n_r!
18:42.00asterboyUther_P: Make the client dial a number or a common number + extension.
18:42.09Uther_Pasterboy:  extensions must be sent as digits dialed *after* the call is answered... did's are sent as the call is comming in through signalling
18:42.20docelmoblah.. :) so whats new in asterisk land?, just said that above you.
18:42.35docelmoanyone alive in here from Digium?
18:42.44*** join/#asterisk Veidit (
18:42.53Uther_Pmalaiwah:  I think its smart enough not to allow it if its not possible... but I'm not sure
18:43.08asterboyAnyone in here from Google or have experience with Google recruiters?
18:43.16Uther_Pasterboy: yes, but mine was more elegant
18:43.23Kattyasterboy: probably.
18:43.34marcus2i've been thru the google recruiting process
18:43.37malaiwahUther_P : that's what i would like to know... l0(
18:43.52Uther_Pmalaiwah:  trial and error
18:44.03FarrisGFor some reason, every time I use sox to convert a wav to gsm, I get really bad noise. Any ideas?
18:44.09Uther_Pmalaiwah: if the media path stops, then you have your answer, heh
18:44.22asterboymarcus2: some head hunters from google are knocking at my door...I've heard the process can be a complete waste of time, what are your thoughts.
18:44.33marcus2the process was a complete waste of time for me
18:44.39marcus2well, thats not entirely true... i did get a nice free lunch
18:44.43VeiditThis is an intresting question that I got from one of my users, we have these great headsets, and now could it be possible for the analog phones to be allways on (once you ender a code #72346 for example) but when they recive a call, break the music and then start ringing? :)
18:44.46Uther_PI always get funny noises when I step on my wav with my sox and smash it into gsm
18:44.47asterboydam, I have heard that over and over again.
18:44.58LostFrogok.. snom dialplan entries must start with '|'
18:45.00marcus2i went thru numerous rounds of phone interviews, then a full day onsite
18:45.05marcus2then they asked me to start the process over
18:45.13marcus2and i was like "uh, no"
18:45.25marcus2three different goog recruiters cold-called me in the space of like 2 weeks
18:45.28Drukengoogle recruiting?
18:45.35Math`as usual
18:45.50LostFroglol.. I sent in solutions to two of their problems, and never heard back.
18:45.59marcus2the recruiter i ended up working with wasn't all that great
18:46.11Kattymarcus2: are you wanting to work for google?
18:46.15marcus2not really
18:46.21Kattyk, nevermind
18:46.23asterboymarcus2: From what I have dug up, it sounds suspicious that Google gets Code Jammers and Recruiters to solve all there they are looking for a free solution.
18:46.36asterboymarcus2: s/there/their
18:46.44marcus2but they kept calling me, so i decided i might as well go thru the process to see what its about
18:46.58LostFrogasterboy: I meant the puzzles they were running about 3-4 months back.
18:47.35asterboyLostFrog: It's a sureal world that Google.
18:47.46fugitivohow can i change the EXPIRES of a sip registration?
18:48.04asterboyKatty: are you affiliated with Google?
18:48.32VeiditGoogle would be an intresting place to work at
18:48.45asterboymarcus2: What was the position?
18:48.46Math`for sure
18:49.01marcus2yeah it would be an interesting place to work
18:49.03*** join/#asterisk c0w (
18:49.09asterboyI dunno, from what I have dug up, Google is *not* at all what you would expect.
18:49.17VeiditAlthough I wonder what there demands are... Since for example I have a focus disorder (or how you now say it in english)
18:49.18fugitivoi can't change the expires time, right?
18:49.18Kattyasterboy: no, but i have several friends who work for google.
18:49.21marcus2but... its not really going to make anyone new rich at this point
18:49.24c0wby any chance is there anyone who worked on the ooh323 channel driver about ??
18:49.34marcus2and theres a lot of opportunity in silicon valley right now
18:49.41marcus2doesnt really make much sense to go to google
18:49.47Kattygoogle, sun...
18:49.50marcus2asterboy; site reliability engineering
18:49.56LostFrogKatty: SGI? :)
18:49.59asterboySince the IPO, they have basically turned into the 400lb such you need to babysit the corporate they become just the same as every other corp out there.
18:50.11VeiditI would be more intrested in a good workenviorment and nice perks, I have no intrest (right now) to become a millionere
18:50.11KattyLostFrog: no
18:50.15synthetiqanyone here use gastman and astman before? i try to used it but i always get connection refused...
18:50.21LostFrog:( I wouldn't mind a job with SGI.
18:50.24asterboymarcus2: Thats the same position!
18:50.31KattyLostFrog: go for it
18:50.35KattyLostFrog: i'm going to go work for nasa soon
18:50.36marcus2asterboy; its a huge group, one of the bigger ones in the company
18:50.54LostFrogI don't think nasa would want me.. security clearance problems.
18:51.12fugitivoshould i change that from code and recompile or there's an option?
18:51.41asterboymarcus2: The real kicker was learning that they want to pay you the same price as someone flipping burgers!
18:51.54KattyLostFrog: i'll have conf security clearance probably
18:51.56asterboymarcus2: Working for Google != millionere
18:52.07marcus2like i said, it aint gonna make you rich at this point
18:52.24KattyLostFrog: not sure.
18:52.28VeiditThe problem for me is that I am not a coder, but well I make systems work and do their magic better, hard to explain why i don't rock at Java/C/Python and so on
18:52.30LostFrogI had top +
18:52.31asterboyNo wonder they are having trouble fillilng positions for their expansion.
18:52.51*** join/#asterisk diclophis (
18:52.57diclophishello everybody
18:53.02KattyLostFrog: i won't be quite IT work though
18:53.11KattyLostFrog: more aerospace engineering stuffs
18:53.14diclophishow would i go about changing the directory permisions of voicemail directories
18:53.28diclophis... ie so when they are created they are readable by a certain group/user other than root
18:54.38ManxPowerBTW, does anyone know of a good COLO in Atlanta?
18:54.38asterboyKatty: I hear NASA is thick on politics, no matter what your job description, sounds like hoop jumping to work there.
18:54.53Kattyasterboy: there's a lot of paper pushing, i give you that much
18:54.57*** join/#asterisk Timoti (n=asqsa@
18:55.10Kattyasterboy: eh, it's a pain at low level, like anything
18:55.10asterboyLawyers are kings at paper pushing.
18:55.12TimotiHi are there any channel for asterisk@home
18:55.30Kattyasterboy: they don't jerk everyone around though (=
18:55.31Math`Timoti: just install asterisk from scratch
18:55.33marcus2anyone here familiar with merlin/magix PBXs? :)
18:55.39fugitivoi get Min-Expires: 300
18:55.48InfraRedTimoti: no, but there is a channel for the reality tv show "Gaiz at home"
18:55.53justinujust finished all the level3 interop tests
18:55.53fugitivoand asterisk is sending 120
18:55.56Timotiwell I am having problem with installation of asterisk@home
18:56.05justinunow I can have a life again
18:56.06marcus2so don't use asterisk@home
18:56.20asterboyjustinu: is that for
18:56.22InfraRedTimoti: whats the problem
18:56.23fugitivois any way to change Min-Expires from asterisk?
18:56.23Katty(Neutron/Gamma ray Geologic Tomography)
18:56.39InfraRed(and don't msg me)
18:56.46Timotiare there any other room for asterisk@home ?
18:56.51ManxPowerfugitivo, for SIP?
18:56.57marcus2the problem is that asterisk@home is based on centos
18:57.04marcus2and centos is based on redhat
18:57.04fugitivoManxPower: yes
18:57.08marcus2and therefore, astersik@home is teh sux
18:57.15InfraRedmarcus2: grow up
18:57.16justinuaterboy: no, something my company is working on... not related to ITSP business.
18:57.18LostFrogOnly if you don't like RH, marcus2.
18:57.29afrosheenit's based on redhat enterprise, and it's rock-solid
18:57.29LostFrogI don't like RH, but I know some people do.
18:57.52marcus2i dont really think i've met anyone who uses redhat in a large production environement that actually likes it
18:57.53NuggetLinux is poo.
18:58.12ManxPowerfugitivo, I see the option for iax.conf, but not in sip.conf - unless you are using Realtime
18:58.20LostFrogNugget: yeah, I prefer stable OSs like Windoze.
18:58.29fugitivoManxPower: no realtime
18:58.30fileWindows is 1337
18:58.31VeiditSo I was at this conference and we Unix ppl bullied the MS representative that their security was bad in the past and they now were paying for it, suddenly a woman rises up and starting to accuse Bush and the 11/9 incedents and how it was related to Microsofts patching... Honestly you can't buy comments like that...
18:58.32InfraRedmarcus2: solaris is PITA too
18:58.40ManxPowerfugitivo, Hack it into chan_sip
18:58.53afrosheenhooray for slowlaris :)
18:59.07fugitivoi knew i was going to do that
18:59.31jmjonesif i'm running a * server inside my router, so i have to use externip in my sip.conf?
18:59.51fileexternip and localnet
18:59.52LostFrogjmjones: if you are using NAT, yes.
18:59.55fileor externhost and localnet
19:00.02*** part/#asterisk Timoti (n=asqsa@
19:00.09fugitivofile: any option to change expires for sip?
19:00.32jmjonesi've got localnet set and isn't externhost a newer feature?
19:00.38LostFrogok.. I'm starting to like my snom phones again.:)
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19:00.50fugitivofile: min-expires
19:00.52*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
19:00.56asterboyKatty: Do you work with Google? They have that new lease and are tight with NASA now.
19:01.35InfraRednew lease?
19:01.50InfraRedthey rented the army?
19:01.55asterboymarcus2: What was Google offering for pay?
19:01.56ManxPowerfugitivo, WHY do you want to change the min-expires?
19:01.58Kattyasterboy: 13:55 < Katty> asterboy: no, but i have several friends who work for google.
19:02.08asterboymarcus2: ah
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19:02.16fugitivoManxPower: because a provider wants a min-expires of 300, and asterisk is sending 120
19:02.23VeiditKatty: You are loved even if you only know ppl at google :)
19:02.31KattyVeidit: i'm loved anyway.
19:02.43VeiditKatty: That's what I said :)
19:02.44ManxPowerfugitivo, I guess it's time for you to 1) change providers or 2) patch chan_sip.c
19:02.46KattyVeidit: k
19:02.54VeiditNow time for beer!
19:02.58InfraRedi know people working in the local postoffice
19:03.06InfraReddoes anyone want an interview with me?
19:03.06afrosheenno love
19:03.10LostFrogI know lots of postal employees.
19:03.11*** part/#asterisk diclophis (
19:03.20InfraReddamn caps
19:03.20KattyInfraRed: you practically are postal
19:03.27LostFrogI try to stay away from them at the end of the day. :)
19:03.45fugitivoManxPower: i'll patch chan_sip, but only if anyone can confirm 1) there's no other way to change expires for sip 2) there's no already a patch for that (can't find it anywhere)
19:04.18VeiditInfraRed: Can you post your authograph in here? hehe
19:04.19ManxPowerfugitivo, Well, I just looked in sip.conf.sample and there is no line with the word "expire" on it that would do what you want.
19:04.21fugitivok ok
19:04.30konfuzedin /usr/src/zaptel   make install complains 'you do not appear to have the kernel sources for the 2.6.8 kernel installed' so I used aptitude to install the kernel sources and I still get this same message
19:04.34fugitivodefaultexpirey maybe
19:04.46ManxPowerkonfuzed, where are the kernel sources?
19:05.15jmjonesok - i've just set externip.  any tips on how to keep that up to date with my router's IP address?  i honestly am not too sure how often my ISP changes it....
19:05.16ManxPowerkonfuzed, you need kernel SOURCE and kernel HEADERS
19:05.41ManxPowerjmjones, you can't.  You have to change it everytime your IP changes.  It's only really useful for static IPs
19:05.57[TK]D-Fenderjmjones : I think you make have to run some sort of cron job that manully updates SIP.CONF and reloads it...
19:06.06konfuzedalready got it
19:06.08jmjonesManxPower thx - i'll see if i can get a static one.
19:06.16[TK]D-Fenderit is possible, but a real pain.  adds overhead if called to often.
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19:06.31jmjones[TK]D-Fender i thought about that.  i might do it if i can't get a static one
19:06.50ManxPowerfugitivo, well defaultexpiry sets the default, not the min.
19:06.53fugitivoit works with defaultexpirey, too bad i have to put it under [general]
19:06.53konfuzedactually the message compained kerenel 2.6.8-2 and I have kernel 2.6.8-13
19:06.54znoGif I have asterisk1 and asterisk2, and I want to dial somebody on asterisk2.. should I use a Dial(SIP/user:pass@asterisk2/${EXTEN}) from asterisk1, or should I register asterisk2 onto asterisk1 and dial that way?
19:07.11znoGmaybe I should ask first what you gain from registering with an Asterisk server
19:07.24ManxPowerkonfuzed, your kernel source and the currently running kernel have to be the same
19:07.26fugitivoManxPower: expire= doesn't work
19:07.35konfuzedit should be
19:07.43konfuzedI just installed the box fresh
19:08.02ManxPowerkonfuzed, there are supposed to be ways to get around it, but it's a lot easier just to make sure the kernel source and running kernel are the same.
19:08.14ManxPowerkonfuzed, uname -a will tell you.
19:08.14konfuzedthe versions report the same but
19:08.37ManxPowerthen compare that with "rpm -qa | grep kernel*"
19:08.50ManxPowerIt ain't rocket science
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19:10.08[TK]D-FenderHey, question : Can I nest INCLUDE statements in * config files?  for instance my setup does an include in extensions.conf to include another file, can I nest another include in there (obviously avoiding circular references)
19:10.22ManxPowerznoG, no.  you should use Dial(IAX2/remoteusername@iaxconfentry/remoteextension)
19:10.34konfuzedi     kernel-image-2.6.8-2-386              2.6.8-16   2.6.8-16
19:10.48ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, you mean like #include ?
19:10.55[TK]D-FenderManxPower : yeah, those
19:11.06znoGManxPower: and if my boss was obsessed with using SIP, I can use the same sort of method but with SIP, right? :)
19:11.06rculpdoes anyone know what an error code of 503 is when attempting an outbound call?
19:11.10ManxPowerkonfuzed, there you go!  one is 2.6.8-2 and one is 2.8.6-16
19:11.13konfuzedthe uname -a also reports 2.6.8-2-386
19:11.27ManxPowerznoG, since nobody uses SIP to connect Asterisk servers, I have no idea.
19:11.33rculpalready have a call into the pri provider, but thought I'd ask here
19:11.38konfuzeddebians apt get says this is installed
19:11.41konfuzedi     kernel-image-2.6.8-2-386              2.6.8-16   2.6.8-16
19:11.43Nugget2.6.8 has some really crippling udp bigs.
19:11.48Nuggetbugs, even.
19:11.53znoGManxPower: i agree, i think it's silly, no idea why my boss is so set on using SIP
19:11.53ManxPowerkonfuzed, there you go!  one is 2.6.8-2 != is 2.8.6-16
19:11.57filepeer entry, host - username - fromuser - secret specified, Dial will be SIP/${EXTEN}@peer
19:12.05ManxPowerznoG, there are a few valid reasons.
19:12.07konfuzedits on the same line
19:12.13konfuzedim flabergasted
19:12.19*** part/#asterisk Veidit (
19:12.23konfuzedaptitupe reports the following
19:12.26konfuzedi     kernel-image-2.6.8-2-386              2.6.8-16   2.6.8-16
19:12.34znoGManxPower: to connect 2 asterisk servers? like what?
19:12.36konfuzedim not shitin ya
19:12.41konfuzedits given me a headache
19:12.45ManxPowerkonfuzed, since I don't know what patitude is, I can't help you with aptitude
19:12.58znoGManxPower: my boss knows SIP quite well, hence why he doesn't want some other protocol he doesn't know in the loop
19:13.00konfuzeddebian apt-get
19:14.20[TK]D-FenderSo ManxPower, is that a positive on the nested #includes?
19:14.52ManxPowerbut if you do something like grep VERSION /usr/src/linux/Makefile and grep LEVEL /usr/src/linux/Makefile you'll get what ASTERISK thinks the currently running kernel should be.
19:15.04ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, I dunno.  Check the Wiki and extensions.conf.sample
19:15.26FarrisGwhat's the syntax in extensions.conf to transfer a call to another extension?
19:15.29hhoffmanhi, I'm trying to setup my connection to teliax and I am able to register but whenever I call my DID I get the following error "Rejected connect attempt from, request 'xxxxxxxxxx@iax-in' does not exist". Any ideas?
19:16.05filehhoffman: it's self explanitory
19:16.06InfraRedhhoffman: i am having same issue, let me know if you find a solution
19:16.18ManxPowerFarrisG, there isn't.  That's handled by the device
19:16.20filethe extension (which is specified) does not exist in the context iax-in
19:16.37hhoffmanso I need to define iax-in as a context
19:16.42filexxxxxxxxxx@iax-in parses out to be: extension xxxxxxxxxx in context iax-in
19:16.45filetherefore it reads
19:16.50ManxPowerhhoffman, if means that exten => xxxxxxxxxxx does not exist in the [iax-in] context of extensions.conf
19:16.52file"extension xxxxxxxxxx does not exist in context iax-in"
19:16.57filethus, I pass english
19:17.02konfuzedok looks like zaptel make install wants kernel 2.4 and I have kernel 2.6
19:17.06hhoffmangotcha... it's their doco then
19:17.07hhoffmanthanks :-D
19:17.10ManxPowerkonfuzed, wrong
19:17.16ManxPowerkonfuzed, zaptel supports 2.4 and 2.6
19:17.26ManxPowerkonfuzed, you DID read the README in the zaptel source dir, right?
19:17.29FarrisGManxPower: You can't automatically send a call to another extension if it reaches a certain priority? I find that hard to believe
19:17.35konfuzedManxPower: ok but the make file lists ksrc as linux-2.4
19:17.48ManxPowerFarrisG, It's called "dial" and not "transfer"
19:17.50InfraRedfile: so do i need to change my extensions file or my iax.conf?
19:17.57fileit's simple
19:17.57brettnemanyone know how to map msnsubstatus presence to icons in the polycom xml config files?
19:18.00filethe extension doesn't exist!
19:18.02FarrisGManxPower: Ahh, thanks
19:18.16ManxPowerkonfuzed, stop argueing.  Go into the linux source directory.  type "make install".  Reboot.  Build zaptel
19:18.41konfuzedManxPower: the cvs install instructions on the web page says co then make clean;make install
19:18.54ManxPowernow if you can't do a "make install" then your system kernel sources are fucked up and you can't expect to install zaptel anyway.
19:18.55konfuzedthen it barfs with no other suggestsion
19:19.11InfraRedfile: my incoming into the server is IAX, outgoing is SIP
19:19.16ManxPowerkonfuzed, The install instructions on the web page SAY NOTHING ABOUT INSTALLING THE LINUX KERNEL
19:19.18fileInfraRed: and I'm file.
19:19.32fileexten => xxxxxxxxxx,1,Dial(SIP/whatever)
19:19.37InfraRedi have that
19:19.40*** join/#asterisk Timoti (n=asqsa@
19:19.41ManxPowerSo:  Go into the linux source directory.  type "make install".  Reboot.  Build zaptel
19:19.44hhoffmanoh, badass! it works :-D
19:19.49kink0would I able to buy g729 license for use with a soundcard ? or may be an stupid option ?
19:19.50filesee hhoffman did it!
19:19.56konfuzedthey cvs co zaptel libpri asterisk ; make clean ; make install
19:19.57fileyou two should work together
19:20.13konfuzedskips everything about possible kernel issues
19:20.16hhoffmanwho needs help with the teliax stuff?
19:20.30ManxPowerkonfuzed, correct.  It assume you have your kernel all sorted out already.
19:20.33InfraRedi am not using teliax, but having similar error
19:20.57TimotiHi everybody .. I downloaded asterisk@home as iso .. and burn it on a cd ... my notebook is booting from CD .. but still my notebook does not boot from that burned cd ...
19:21.11TimotiI am new ... so what would be the reason for that ?
19:21.12hhoffmanInfraRed: ok... in your iax.conf there is a def for conneting to your iax provider...
19:21.14konfuzedi just installed fresh yesterday whats not to be worked out  in the kernel sources
19:21.23konfuzedits all latest kernel and nkernel sources
19:21.27ManxPowerTimoti, this is #asterisk, not #asterisk@home.  We can't help you.
19:21.32hhoffmanmine starts [teliax] ... there should be a context= there...
19:21.54ManxPowerkonfuzed, Why do you refuse to go into /usr/src/linux and type "make install"?  Do you have some odd phobia or something?
19:21.54hhoffmanmake sure the name of the context matches with what's in extensions.conf for incoming calls
19:22.09konfuzedgotta go read up on the zaptel readme now
19:22.09Timotiwell I know .. but there is no any other asterisk@home site or ?
19:22.18*** join/#asterisk oej (
19:22.37ManxPowerI see there is another person for my /ignore.
19:22.43*** join/#asterisk tdonahue (n=tdonahue@
19:22.44InfraRedhhoffman: my outgoing is SIP
19:22.57filehow sick is this...
19:23.04InfraRedIAX client -> [ * ] -> SIP termination
19:23.14fileby the time I've already taken care of a client, news has reached me that I have to take care of said client, and give them a callback
19:23.16filedespite me already doing so
19:23.17InfraRedusing AGI just for extra fuckup
19:23.54hhoffmanInfraRed: what's the error msg you are getting... I'll try to help, but I just started with asterisk ~ 2days ago
19:24.45kink0I have installed Asterisk in two computers, both dial ok. Now I want to play a music on one of them ussin CLI or so, and hear it on the remote, is possible ? ( both are ussing a soundcard )
19:24.47InfraRedNov 14 16:22:21 NOTICE[173]: chan_iax2.c:5777 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, request '441314433637@goat' does not exist
19:25.10InfraRed[goat] in extensions is defained to sIP dial the termination company
19:25.19fileextension 441314433637 does not exist in context goat
19:25.48*** join/#asterisk Lurr (
19:26.06ManxPowerInfraRed, the context you specified for the device in iax.conf does not exist in extensions.conf
19:26.15*** part/#asterisk Lurr (
19:26.16hhoffmanInfraRed, in [goat] put exten => 441314433637,WhatEverYouWantToDO
19:26.42brettnemanyone in here really good with the polycom phones??
19:26.47InfraRedgood point
19:26.52InfraRedwill try the static approach
19:26.53Rawplayerhallo, when you want to use a asterisk server should i use a particulair fs to have the best performance or can i just use reiserfs or ext3?
19:27.08ManxPowerRawplayer, use anything you want.  Asterisk is not disk intensive
19:27.23*** join/#asterisk ^Howler (n=wwolfe@
19:28.38rculpis anyone familiar with error 503 when attempting to make outbound calls on a config that appears to be accurate?
19:29.36[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem : I run 26 IP 600's here, what do you want to know?
19:30.18brettnem[TK]D-Fender: I'm trying to make ringing indications work on the phone.. with hints and presence..
19:30.51*** join/#asterisk brimstone (n=brimston@pdpc/sponsor/digium/brimstone)
19:30.55hhoffmanok, is this something I should worry about? Unknown option '-' in '1-1/5551212' ? It seems to be b/c my card is called Zap/1-1
19:31.05brettnem[TK]D-Fender: Currently asterisk only sends out inuse or online... not ringing.. If I could just figure out what status name to send the phone.. and then how to make the phone associate that status name with an icon, I could show a remote line ringing..
19:31.08PrivalHi all, trying to setup a SIP phone connecting to a * behing a NAT firewall (monowall). The phone can connect to the * box, I can dial the extension of a SIP phone which is on the same * box but inside the firewall, but I can  not have any voice... Any hints/pointers?
19:31.22ChujiThere shouldnt' be any difference in bandwidth between a Sip outbound call versus inbound call using ulaw is there?
19:31.35[TK]D-FenderAh.... rining? not sure on that one.
19:31.41ManxPowerhhoffman, There are no zap channels called Zap/1-1  There is only one called Zap/1 and the system adds a -1 or -2 or whatever for each call on the channel.
19:31.43[TK]D-Fenderinuse I've seen, but not ringing....
19:32.00InfraRedChuji: no
19:32.00ChujiSeems like Asterisk - > Sip/phone = bad and Sip/phone -> Asterisk = good
19:32.04[TK]D-FenderI'm gearing up for it myself.
19:32.07ManxPoweryou NEVER put in the -1 -2 -3 or whatever
19:32.10*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
19:32.11hhoffmanManxPower: ah, ok... so it adds the -1... is that warning anything to worry about?
19:32.12afrosheenChuji: not unless it's trunking somehow
19:32.25hhoffmanoh! I think I know what you're saying
19:32.34brettnem[TK]D-Fender: well any idea on how to match a status name to an icon? I see all these states in the XML file.. under CTX_
19:32.37ManxPowerhhoffman, Yes it's something to worry about.  You are specifying the -1 in the Dial command and it won't work
19:32.51hhoffmanManxPower: right, sorry... I'm a little slow ;-)
19:33.08LostFrogok.. what is the web page for looking up NPA/NXX calling areas?
19:33.11[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem : Have to say I've never tried.  My IP 601 w/  Attendant modules is on backorder....
19:33.15konfuzedshite im using debian for the first time and debian doesnt use /usr/src/linux for kernels or kernel sources
19:33.18ManxPowerLostFrog, there isn't.
19:33.24ManxPowerWhat specific are are you interested in?
19:33.26brettnem[TK]D-Fender: well I've sent it different msnsubstatus and I can see it change.. in fact, I've made it display 3 different icons.. idle., ringing, and busy..
19:33.36afrosheenkonfuzed: symlinks?
19:33.37[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem : haven't gotten to actually TRYING it yet...
19:33.44hhoffmanManxPower: thanks, that was it
19:33.46brettnem[TK]D-Fender: however, ringing shows as "away".. I can't figure out how to change the icon
19:33.58LostFrogI saw one before where you put in your exchange and area code and it lists the exchanges that are local.
19:34.04brettnem[TK]D-Fender: yeah.. just starting on it myself really.. but the docs suck
19:34.09*** join/#asterisk alrs (
19:34.14[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem : could be on the indication level that * reports back. Hint implementation is somewhat spotty right now IIRC
19:34.20konfuzed[14:39:55] <stew> konfuzed: you can feel free to make the link from /usr/src/linux to /usr/src/kernel-headers-2.x.x.x-x-x but if that fixes it you should file a bug with asterisk
19:34.31[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem : I know... have you tried calling Polycom on it directly?
19:34.46brettnem[TK]D-Fender: I have the functionality working just fine.. I just need to knwo what "text" to send to the phone to get it to display a ringing ion
19:34.51konfuzedis this a common thing with debian installs
19:35.04brettnem[TK]D-Fender: polycom won't talk to anyone who isn't a authorized polycom retailer.
19:35.06LostFrogLike this: :)
19:36.02Math`thats a damn useful site :)
19:36.14[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem : My retailer got me in direct touch with them... check with yours
19:36.28brettnem[TK]D-Fender: ok, I'll check that..
19:36.42brettnemLostFrog: I don't think that site actually tells you what the local calling area is made of tho.. careful
19:37.16ManxPowerYour local calling area is defined BY YOUR CARRIER.
19:37.37ManxPowerMY local calling are is the ENTIRE state of Louisiana and Mississippi, for example.
19:37.43brettnemManxPower: it's defined in the carrier's tariffs. it's a complicated system
19:38.01brettnemwell, for ILECs at least.. RBOCs and such
19:38.09ManxPowerbrettnem, I would call that "It is defined by your carrier" since your carrier files for the tarrifs.
19:38.21ManxPowerYes, the ROBCS are somewhat limited in what they can offer.
19:38.40brettnemI'm a carrier and I define my basic local calling area to match the local provider
19:39.11PrivalChuji: That's whet I'm thinking, but I believe I forward everything in all directions 5060, 10000-2000 41000-45000 (rtp.conf)
19:39.56konfuzedManxPower: OK i got rtfm README.Linux26
19:41.42*** join/#asterisk }cytrak{ (n=kvirc@
19:41.46*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
19:41.47}cytrak{does asterisk compile on a Dual core processor ?
19:41.54}cytrak{Do I need something more than a single XEON for an IVR system of with 20 simultaneous calls
19:42.06afrosheenour box is dual xeon, it never hurts :)
19:42.07Math`}cytrak{: which codec
19:42.20InfraRed}cytrak{: check
19:42.31Math`}cytrak{: bah... I suggest you to buy a dual xeon system anyways... 40% performance more for a 10% cost increase, I think its worth it
19:42.32InfraRedarticle is called "dimensioning a server"
19:42.36ManxPower}cytrak{, We get dial SMP Xeon motherboards w/ 1 CPU.  Then we can add a 2nd CPU later if we need it.
19:42.37InfraRedor soemthing like that
19:42.42Math`}cytrak{ and, your server will last longer
19:42.44ManxPowerdial == dual
19:43.16InfraRedthanks for the help guys
19:43.24Math`ManxPower: er, you got to gake the cpu from the same batch (aka same stepping)
19:43.26afrosheencytrak asked a good question, how is dual core support in linux right now, treated like SMP or what?
19:43.37InfraRedthe extension was the issue putting a static entry there worked
19:44.03Math`afrosheen: dual core are supported just like if it was 2 cpus
19:44.22afrosheenso yeah, SMP. that's cool then.
19:44.41ManxPowerMath`, I guess that depends on the motherboard, but I'm pretty sure we will be able to get that exact same Xeon for a while.
19:44.46*** join/#asterisk zoa (
19:44.54Math`so is hyperthreading, except a preemptive scheduler have been implementd
19:45.19ManxPowerMath`, actually hyperthreading can cause problems with Asterisk
19:45.27ManxPowersee the mailinglist archives
19:45.33zoahyperthreading gives no problem
19:45.40Math`ManxPower: and dual-processor doesnt?
19:45.42zoabut the preemptive thing gives a problem with misdn
19:45.46ManxPowerzoa, we had some pretty significant issues with hyperthreading
19:45.51zoai never had
19:45.53*** join/#asterisk pussfeller (n=todd@
19:45.55Privalafrosheen: Any new hints for me? I now can dial from the SIP phone that is on the internet to a SIP phone that is connected to the local net behind the firewall, but still no voice... I believe I forward everything in all directions 5060, 10000-2000 and 41000-45000 (rtp.conf)
19:45.56zoabut you need to use 2.6
19:45.59ManxPowerMath`, dual processer / dial core processor is NOT the same as hyperthreading
19:46.13ManxPowerzoa, that could be the case.
19:46.23Math`ManxPower: application-wise should be the same
19:46.30afrosheenPrival: well if you get no voice, it's still some kind of rtp problem
19:46.30Math`except if your talking about Zap drivers
19:46.31ManxPowerPrival, and your externip and localnet= settings are correct?
19:46.39zoamy recommendation is: 2.6 -> ht, 2.4 -> definately no ht
19:47.02ManxPowerPrival, and your NAT box is not the same as your Asterisk box?
19:47.48ManxPowerafrosheen, I give up when people don't answer me or argue with me.
19:47.50PrivalManxPower: externip is set to my monowall (firewall) IP and internip  is ser to my internal IP range (behind the firewall)
19:48.19ManxPowerPrival, you mean your localnet= is set to your internal IP range?
19:48.42ManxPowersince there is not an internip= option
19:48.47konfuzedshite I have a symlink from /usr/src/linux to /lib/modules/2.6.8-2-386/ and I still get the apears to be no sources error
19:48.47PrivalI don't have a localnet directive in sip.conf...
19:48.56konfuzedwhen I do make linux26
19:48.58ManxPowerPrival, well that's why it's not working.
19:49.05ManxPowerOr at least one of the reasons.
19:49.08}cytrak{ok I checked some of the notes and I guess a Xeon w/ 2GB should be enough for what I'm plannign to do with asterisk
19:49.32zoaask me and i will tell you for sure :)
19:49.46konfuzedthere is no directory called build in the /lib/modules/2.6.8-2-386 directory
19:49.53}cytrak{it's just an IVR system that uses a T100P and can only handle 24 calls concurrently
19:50.00PrivalManxPower: Ok, let me try that...
19:50.01ManxPower}cytrak{, That would depend on what you are doing with the system.  For exmaple are you wanting to handle 24 calls using G729 codec?
19:50.01*** join/#asterisk MattH (n=MattH@
19:50.06zoago easy on the ram, you dont need that much
19:50.11zoaa xeon will do more than ok
19:50.18}cytrak{really ?
19:50.27zoai'd use a p4 for it
19:50.31zoa512 will be ok too
19:50.34ManxPower}cytrak{, And are you actually using a T100P or will you use a TE110P?
19:50.43konfuzedzoa: is there troubles with asterisk o nkernel 2.6 on a simple athlon processor
19:50.48MattHHi, when creating a call file... is there some way that I can make asterisk adhear to my call plan to choose where to send the file?  IE.. rather then doing Channel: Zap/g1/number is there some way I can just do "number" and have it figure out where to send it?
19:50.50ManxPowerThe TE series cards are supposed to do DMA and so, in theory, can handle more channels with less CPU
19:51.16ManxPowerMath`, you mean like Channel: Local/915551212@outgoing-zap
19:51.19PrivalManxPower: It works!!! Thanks all for the great help!
19:51.51}cytrak{ManxPower: TE110P
19:52.13MattHManxPower, kinda.... but what's outgoing-zap?
19:52.38ManxPowerMath`, whatever context the exten => 91NXXXXXX,1,Dial(blah line is in
19:52.56MattHso I'd do something like Local/5705551212@from-inside
19:53.06MattHI didn't think about doing it that way
19:53.07}cytrak{shouln't  ulaw be enough
19:54.02ManxPower}cytrak{, if you are doing only PSTN/ULAW to/from IVR you should be able to handle at least 96 calls with that setup
19:55.20}cytrak{ManxPower: I'm sorry for my stupid questions but I'm new to the telephone stuff ... but since the T1 can only give me 24 channels shouldn't I be only able to get 24 cocurrent calls  ?
19:55.37ManxPower}cytrak{, not if you have a 4 port card
19:55.51ManxPowerAdd another CPU and you should be able to put in a 2nd 4-port card.
19:56.16}cytrak{by the way the TE110P (single span) would be connected to a siemens PBX  not the pstn
19:57.04}cytrak{I can configure the PBX to use a signiling protocol such as g.711 I think
19:57.29}cytrak{I'm getting my TE110P soon and then i will know for sure
19:57.32ManxPower}cytrak{, All calls on voice T-1s in the USA are ulaw
19:57.45ManxPowerulaw is a CODEC, not a PROTOCOL.  The PROTOCOL you would want is PRI
19:57.49}cytrak{cool thanks for letting me know that
19:58.10*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
19:58.48MattHwell local/ seems to work except when I go out over my LD provider.. it seems to connect but never goes and connects to the internal extension
19:58.50InfraRedT1s suck
19:58.55InfraRedE1s > T1s
20:00.03}cytrak{ManxPower: so I don't have to worry about the codec on the PBX part , I just got make sure the PBX and the asterisk server w/ TE110P use the same signalling protocol ?
20:00.26ManxPower}cytrak{, correct
20:01.47brettnemwhat's the bandwidth of a DS0 on an E1.. anyone?
20:02.06}cytrak{hehe I'm checking the now and the asterisk protocols are only SIP/AIX(2)/MGCP/H323
20:02.10}cytrak{no PRI
20:02.53brettnemcome on.. anyone.. 56K or 64K?
20:03.14MattHI'm thinking 64K brettnem
20:05.07kink0another newbie question: when I dial 8500 I am asked about login and password, what must I do ? ( default sample files )
20:05.15afrosheencytrak: I believe asterisk interfaces with PRI via zaptel stuff
20:05.28ManxPowerbrettnem, 64K
20:05.42brettnemahh. thx
20:05.49ManxPower}cytrak{, then voip-info sucks.  Try Digium's page for the card you will use.
20:06.56brettnem}cytrak{ try again:
20:08.21*** part/#asterisk gorauskas (
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20:13.31[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : I just want...bang!bang!bang!
20:13.54blitzragegood times... :)
20:14.08[TK]D-FenderDid you guys go to Aria?
20:14.38blitzrageyah... me and JunK-Y did
20:15.01*** part/#asterisk Uther_P (n=uther_p@
20:15.18*** join/#asterisk cripito (n=ncripito@
20:16.07[TK]D-FenderHow late/early?
20:16.29blitzragewe got back at 5:30am when Julie got up to go to work :)
20:17.25brettnemhey all.. anyone using app_page?
20:17.35brettnemthe new one, that is..
20:18.27*** join/#asterisk gorauskas (
20:19.47brettnemanyone? I am speaking to 312 people, right? ;)
20:19.52[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : Were'nt out for long then... dead?
20:20.08[TK]D-Fenderbrettnem :  *crickets*
20:20.13*** join/#asterisk rvhi (n=rv@
20:20.15brettnemno kidding
20:20.16[TK]D-FenderI've never used PAGE
20:20.19blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: yah... out for a couple of hours at the club. Then I crashed :)
20:20.27[TK]D-FenderHow was it?
20:20.37brettnemit's a neat app.. but it's not setting Alert_info right
20:21.33*** join/#asterisk sigwerk (
20:24.07mfarleybrettnem: I have given it a try (haven't gotten it to quite work, though).
20:24.23*** part/#asterisk gorauskas (
20:25.06mfarleybrettnem: I think it may have to do with the SNOM phones I am trying to page.
20:26.28docelmobrett what are you trying to figure out?
20:26.42docelmoI am using GXP2000's and I dont know if its working to be quite honest.. :)
20:27.13konfuzedso i got through zaptel make install and lib pri make install but /usr/src/asterisk/make is comlaining of termcap support not found yet apt-get install termcap-compat says it is already the altest version
20:27.29konfuzedis this the wrong termcap or something
20:28.06*** join/#asterisk bumblefsck (
20:29.04konfuzedchecking for tgetent in -ltermcap....  no   in -ltinfo...  no    in -lcurses...  no    in -lncurses... no
20:30.00rayvdthose are sad times! :( :(
20:31.09brettnemdocelmo: I need to set _ALERT_INFO to make my phones do a ring-answer
20:31.16*** join/#asterisk freespace-in (
20:31.27brettnemjust doing a setvar isn't passing it to the outbound channels.. ideas?
20:31.27docelmoohh mine are automatic..
20:31.32freespace-inhas anyone used mgcp to dial outbound?
20:31.37docelmoanyone know how to remove this from the sip messages
20:31.38docelmo"rport" tag in the VIA line
20:31.50freespace-init didn't seem to like exten => _NXXXXXX,1,Dial(MGCP/aaln/S1/4@c3810/${EXTEN})
20:32.07rayvddocelmo: edit the source or use SER? :)
20:32.08*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
20:32.21docelmoIts being produced by SER that was the problem
20:32.36brettnemmfarley: are you setting ALERT_INFO?
20:32.38*** join/#asterisk gorauskas (
20:32.53freespace-ini get Nov 14 15:32:29 NOTICE[27785]: chan_mgcp.c:1639 find_subchannel_and_lock: Gateway 'c3810/6527650' (and thus its endpoint 'aaln/S1/4') does not exist
20:32.53freespace-inNov 14 15:32:29 WARNING[27785]: chan_mgcp.c:3509 mgcp_request: Unable to find MGCP endpoint 'aaln/S1/4@c3810/6527650'
20:33.17hhoffmandoes the user asterisk need to own everything in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail?
20:33.39hhoffmanI'm getting "Unable to create lock file '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/1000/INBOX': No such file or directory"
20:33.43brettnemall your base
20:33.58X-Fileshello pippls ! I use gateway EUSSO UTG7104 Protocol SIP , i have problem :( please check :
20:35.20mfarleybrettnem: Yeah, I have tried various things with ALERT_INFO, but haven't gotten the phones to do a page yet.
20:36.14brettnemmfarley: I'm not even sure where in the source to put it.. I'm trying to insert a pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "_ALERT_INFO", "Intercom"); somewhere useful in the source..
20:36.47*** join/#asterisk darby_t (
20:37.41mfarleybrettnem: Yeah, I've been a bit puzzled by all that myself. I can successfully specify a ringtone on an unpatched system using ALERT_INFO, however.
20:38.05mfarleybrettnem: I was hoping the 'intercom' thing would be that easy as well, but no such luck.
20:38.43lunkword, upgrading from 4.5MB Data only to 6.0MB and 16 Sip channels for only $37.50 more / month
20:39.38brettnemmfarley: seems like an obvious bug.. I can think of ways to do it with local channels, butthat's ugly
20:39.44brettnemactually, I'm going to try that now
20:40.21*** join/#asterisk delphiuk (
20:41.34konfuzedok so now /usr/src/asterisk/ make compplains about -lssl
20:41.39konfuzedopenssl is installed
20:42.04konfuzedopenssl-dev is not an available package
20:42.32konfuzedanyone know what cause this make error
20:43.10brettnemmfarley: also channels with an active call will get added late to it..
20:45.32X-FilesPlease need help !!! I use gateway EUSSO UTG7104 Protocol SIP , i have problem :( please check :
20:45.42brettnemlooks like app_page was an attempt to win some public option, but it really kinda sucks
20:46.23brettnemmfarley: btw, adding paging local channels works.. just point to a context that does nothing but set the variable then goto the regular context that dials the phone..
20:48.10*** join/#asterisk copantl (n=galel@
20:48.29copantli need support from digium!!
20:48.47fileso call them
20:48.49*** join/#asterisk argos73 (
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20:49.08copantlvery smart fike!!! :)
20:49.18copantlfile.. sorry
20:49.53mfarleybrettnem: What syntax are you using for that variable-setting?
20:50.25copantli have a wte110p  in my asterisk  , and is connected to a lucent switch
20:50.46copantlvia PRI
20:52.04copantland, i have a particular behavior, when i place a call i got answer suppervision
20:52.12brettnemmfarley: I'm old school.. setvar(_ALERT_INFO=Intercom)
20:52.35ManxPowerbrettnem, Naw, OLD school is setvar(ALERT_INFO=Intercom)
20:52.49brettnemManxPower: that's just plain different.. ;)
20:53.00ManxPowerbrettnem, from the times before _ and __ variables
20:53.14copantlthe call is ring and the asterisk give me  a onhook before the other party answer
20:53.42copantlany body know?
20:54.29ManxPowercopantl, what country are you in?  Where is the line coming from?  Telco?  PBX?
20:54.40ManxPowercopantl, What digium cards do you have?
20:55.00freespace-ini answered my own question
20:55.06freespace-init should look like this
20:55.06freespace-inexten => _NXXXXXX,1,Dial(MGCP/aaln/S1/4@c3810|${EXTEN})
20:55.49copantlim in Honduras
20:56.11copantlthe DID comes from a Lucent switch
20:56.15hhoffmanwhen I call comes in on the console CLI> is there a way to see the caller-id?
20:56.31ManxPowercopantl, Digium analog cards do not suport DIDs
20:56.34copantlmy card is TE110P
20:56.43copantlis not a analog card
20:56.53copantlis a single E1 card
20:56.57ManxPowerhhoffman, Yes, put Noop(CALLERID=${CALLERID}) in a priority where the call is coming in on
20:57.12ManxPowercopantl, you need to make sure the signaling is the same on the Lucent side and on the Asterisk side.
20:57.21hhoffmanManxPower: thanks!
20:57.32konfuzedwell thats one big pile of code
20:58.10copantlyes is the same but some... the courious thing is that some calls dont have FAS
20:58.21copantlAnswer supervision
20:58.22konfuzedperhaps I should have apt-get install asterisk to grab all the dependencies and the uninstall just asteterisk and then do the cvs co asterisk
20:58.35konfuzedmaybe next time
20:59.11hhoffmanManxPower: so, exten => s,1,Noop(CALLERID=${CALLERID})
20:59.27copantlonly for 233-xxxx dont have the anwer supervision
21:00.04copantlany idea?
21:00.07brettnemmfarley: ok, so I did a page using the local channel driver.. didn't answer the page.. rolls into voicemail... Now my app_voicemail is in app_meetme.. haha and my presence indicator is showing constantly busy
21:00.32jontowdid mysql_vm_routines.h disappear from CVS HEAD?
21:00.36copantlmy country have several different kinds of switches, like OKI, SIEMENS and Lucent
21:01.35jontownm.. yes it did :)
21:01.38copantlManxPower: any idea?
21:02.13hhoffmanso, for a IAX DID is exten =>   always going to start out with the DID number?
21:03.05ManxPowerhhoffman, only if the incoming calls hit exten => s (like a call coming in on an ANALOG FXO port)
21:03.44ManxPowercopantl, You need to find out if the signalling is PRI, E&M, Wink, or whatever. then set that in Asterisk to match what the Lucent is expecting
21:03.47*** join/#asterisk darby_d (
21:03.59copantlis PRI S5
21:04.04copantlfor Lucent
21:04.10ManxPowerSounds like a classic Asterisk is set for Loopstart or Kewlstart and the telco switch is set for E&M/Wink
21:04.20hhoffmanManxPower: ok... then I'm a little confused :-(   I've got a DID from teliax, and I've setup a context called [incoming-iax]... can I just use regular vmail extension within that? like exten => 500,1,VoiceMailMain() ?
21:04.28ManxPowercopantl, then asterisk has to be set to pri_net or PRI_CPE
21:04.38konfuzedwow i got to make progdocs and now it keeps scrolling problems running dot. check your isntallation  sh:  line 1:
21:04.44konfuzedwow too fast for me to read
21:04.45copantlis PRI_CPE
21:04.53*** join/#asterisk Paolo1000 (
21:04.56ManxPowerhhoffman, if you have a DID from Teliax Asterisk will route the call to the exten => line that matches your DID
21:04.57copantli recieve clock
21:05.06konfuzedyeah it finally stopped
21:05.17konfuzedcrazy thousands of lines like that
21:05.18ManxPowercopantl, then you need to look thru the mailing list archives to try to find a solution
21:05.20Paolo1000i'm going to 1 istallation and i have a pro..
21:05.21konfuzedno shittin
21:05.25jbotit has been said that mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
21:05.35copantlok thanx any way
21:05.52Paolo1000in asterisk fedora core 3 from
21:06.15hhoffmanManxPower: then how can I offer the voicemail menu when I call in thru the Teliax DID number?
21:06.35Paolo1000ln -s /lib/modules/2.6.9-1.667/build/linux-2.6
21:06.40hhoffmansorry to be asking so many questions... I'm currently reading the book, and googleing to try and figure all of this out
21:06.53Paolo1000i didnt this file
21:07.32Paolo1000i have an linux-2.6.x in etc/...
21:08.17Paolo1000what should i do?
21:08.21ManxPowerhhoffman, How about this:
21:08.35ManxPowerBTW, [incoming] is where all calls from untrusted sources go into.
21:09.21brettnem?!? why does app_voicemail have a temporary greeting recording, but no way to use it?! wtf
21:09.33ManxPowerbrettnem, file a bug
21:09.59ManxPowerbrettnem, Hurry, we are already on RC2
21:10.12hhoffmanManxPower: thanks, I think I understand what's going on there
21:10.22brettnemit's been around for quite a while acutally.. I just tested it on rc1 and on cvs like from march
21:10.25ManxPowerhhoffman, that is from my own dialplan
21:10.57*** join/#asterisk oelewapperke (
21:11.10oelewapperkeany hope for asterisk's sip-over-tcp these days ?
21:11.23hhoffmanManxPower: ah, ok. cool. Does it make sense to allow ppl calling on via Teliax to get to the VoiceMailMain() ?
21:11.33docelmoFrom what I heard its in the works oel..
21:11.48brettnemManxPower: am I missing something? Is there some hidden way to get the temporary greeting to work?
21:11.54ManxPowerhhoffman, Depends on your local policy, but usually yes.
21:12.04oelewapperkedocelmo: any status pages / mail/news posts on it ?
21:12.06Paolo1000someone can say me what i should do?
21:12.06ManxPowerbrettnem, No idea.  I've never tried to use it.
21:12.17SwK[Work]why do companies insist on using asterisk@home?
21:12.25X-FilesPlease need help !!! I use gateway EUSSO UTG7104 Protocol SIP , i have problem :( please check :
21:12.28SwK[Work]done they see the "@HOME" part of the name?
21:12.31docelmoI just know they said they were gonna start on it.
21:12.36docelmoCause Companies are stupid
21:12.45hhoffmanManxPower: ok, great. This is so much fun... I haven't had something to learn this complex in quite a long time :-)
21:13.00docelmoand whoever made AMP / A@H is gonna burn in hell
21:13.50oelewapperkeah nice thx
21:14.02CoffeeIV_no, call it asterisk@Work
21:14.19docelmoYa and it will be something that actually works
21:14.39CoffeeIV_then I can use it at home
21:14.57ManxPowerhhoffman, Basically I have three types of incoming calls into Asterisk.  Calls from the PSTN, VoIP Providers and stuff like that, those all go into the [incoming] context and can dial extensions.  I have calls that come from trusted sources and they go into the [toll-access] and [local-access] contexts that are allowed to dial out of the system
21:15.26hhoffmanManxPower: yeah, that's the exact setup I'm trying to get to
21:15.56ManxPowerhhoffman, all my [incoming] context does it to route calls to the place I want them (USUALLY a menu)
21:16.33DrukenManxPower: sounds very simular :)
21:16.38hhoffmanManxPower: it's possible then to have a incoming call on either line dial out through the other line, right?
21:17.02hhoffmanso, if it's local to the PSTN dial out there if coming on via IAX
21:18.51*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
21:19.12infinity1i'm using voipjet and i'm getting
21:19.28infinity1it was working this morning. something is intermittent
21:19.44Drukenwould be a problem on their side...
21:20.18infinity1they seem to have this intermittent problem often. this is the first time i've tried tracking it down.
21:20.47hhoffmanManxPower: does you extensions file just have all of the local vmail box extensions then?
21:20.55Drukeni've heard a few people bitch about voipjet...
21:21.02infinity1Druken: how might i narrow the problem down further.
21:21.18infinity1Druken: i can now see why :) ...lucky i use someone else to receive calls.
21:22.09infinity1Druken: is there someone else that works good (er when voipjet works, it seems fine) and has descent rates?
21:22.15infinity1.011 for US calls ain't bad.
21:22.46Druken1.1 cents is pretty good.. yeah.. i know i couldn't touch that... :)
21:23.26*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
21:23.56infinity1i guess i'll have to setup some logic to try something else if they don't work
21:24.02*** join/#asterisk n4y (
21:24.12infinity1i can do .015 :)
21:24.21Drukeninfinity1: hehe
21:24.28asterboyAny good rates for companies doing VOIP termination?
21:24.33*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
21:24.39infinity1thats the highest i'll pay. final offer!
21:24.53Drukenno deal :)
21:25.24Paolo1000during installation of * i need to install an x100p
21:25.32LostFrogFree for US calls is good here.
21:25.34LostFrog<-- in US.
21:25.43Paolo1000is right next steps?
21:25.54Paolo1000Installation of Fedora 3
21:25.58DrukenLostFrog: i'll take free us calls... sounds good :)
21:26.06Paolo1000installation of required rpm
21:26.14InfraRedUS sucks for phones
21:26.22Paolo1000yum for updates
21:26.29InfraRedwhy would anyone pay for incoming calls!
21:26.33infinity1thats why everyone needs voip already. then it would all be free!
21:26.48asterboyI bought one of those OEM Asterisk X100P to try...anyone report?
21:26.49DrukenInfraRed: your talking cells... that's diffrent
21:26.59Paolo1000%define buildsource 1
21:27.25Drukenasterboy: it's good to get your feet wet with...
21:27.42Paolo1000now what i should change?
21:27.44InfraRedtraceroute to (, 64 hops max, 44 byte packets
21:27.44asterboysure is a good price at $10
21:28.14asterboyI would really prefer to terminate with VOIP connections though.
21:28.27asterboyNot sure who is a good company to go with here in Canada.??
21:28.37Drukenasterboy: so? bring in the calls by the x100, term by voip... i do that all the time
21:28.51Drukenasterboy: depends on where in canada you are
21:28.52asterboyThat is what I'm soing.
21:29.10asterboyJust like to skip that step and go VOIP right into Asterisk
21:29.32hhoffmanso I did a make samples but the O'Reilly book suggests not using the samples... I've created a fresh iax.conf, extensions.conf, and voicemail.conf... Should I just throw away the other conf files?
21:29.35asterboyThere must be somebody providing that service.
21:29.46Drukenasterboy: where in the west are ya?
21:29.55asterboyhhoffman: no
21:30.13asterboyhhoffman: you'll see if you start asterisk that it will complain.
21:30.19Paolo1000someone want help me?
21:30.27enderfile: file[laptop]: ping
21:30.43hhoffmanPaolo1000: yep, go ahead and install that card if you are going to dial out on your POTS line
21:31.15asterboyPaolo1000: you need to define your question a little clearer.
21:31.39asterboyPaolo1000: I think hhoffman has you pegged.
21:31.58asterboyDruken: Alberta bound!
21:32.14Paolo1000what should i do...
21:32.14asterboyDruken: I'm a hick, red-neck to the bone.
21:32.18Drukenasterboy: 780 or 604 ?
21:32.22asterboyDruken: 780
21:32.31Drukener.. 403
21:32.33Paolo1000in guide that i have i have example of isdn
21:32.37Paolo1000and 400
21:32.50Drukenasterboy: 7806691305 :)
21:32.50Paolo1000and not x100
21:33.07asterboyDruken: ya that is always a limiting factor...Calgary or Edmonton
21:33.13asterboyDruken: 403 or 780
21:33.24asterboyDruken: yes
21:33.42asterboyDruken: the 669 exchange is very popular right now.
21:33.50asterboyDruken: what number is that?
21:34.29Drukenasterboy: mine...
21:34.40moraleasterboy, there is a 669 exchange? i could only find 668 in calgary for my place
21:35.15asterboyDruken: calgary is assign 668 and edmonton 669
21:36.13docelmoAnyone know if I can pull the billable seconds from a variable in the dialplan?
21:36.17Drukenasterboy: diffrent areacodes
21:36.28docelmoAnd if so.. What that variable is?
21:37.11docelmoasterboy what are you looking for?
21:37.13docelmoI do termination
21:37.50docelmoHow many minutes?
21:37.56Drukenasterboy: if you want.. gimie a call... 780-669-1305 x 101 and i'll get ya setup with someone for edmonton :)
21:37.57asterboyJust want to skip the FXO/FXS part of my asterisk box...go straight to the source via Internet.
21:38.07Drukeni'm heading out, but you'll get my cell...
21:38.15asterboyok calling...
21:39.16X-FilesPlease need help !!! I use gateway EUSSO UTG7104 Protocol SIP , i have problem :( please check :
21:39.35Drukenasterboy: phone rang.. sorry :)
21:39.44asterboyleft message.
21:40.23asterboyis that going to an asterisk box, 101 ==> cell etc..
21:40.36asterboyIts great to see this stuff in action.
21:40.50asterboyvoice is clear.
21:40.50docelmoSo does anyone know the VAR for pulling billing seconds from MySQL?
21:40.56docelmoerr asterisk?
21:40.59*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
21:41.40asterboyNot sure myself, but when I'm looking for that kind of thing I list all the tables and try to get a clue from the naming conventions.
21:41.48*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (n=chatzill@
21:42.09asterboyIt could be a calc based on call start and end.
21:43.09*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
21:43.20docelmoThat gives total duration.. but not when it answered till end..
21:43.22shmaltzanybody seen this before:
21:43.23*** join/#asterisk R3DB0x (i=nobody@
21:43.24shmaltzCisco 7960 gets acall from zap/1, hits conf to call out on zap/2, then hits join, after a while cisco hangsup, at which point zap/1 and zap/2 can still talk, shouldn't asterisk hangup on all three?
21:43.55docelmoyes codec issue
21:45.29asterboyAnyone have some S100M modules to sell?
21:46.07asterboyShould start a telco used equipment classified
21:47.00shmaltzasterboy, asterisk-biz list is made just for that
21:47.25asterboyah! I though there was something like that around.
21:47.43asterboyshoulda just asked :^)
21:48.44hhoffmanthanks everyone for the help, esp. you ManxPower. Have a good night all
21:50.29wunderkinwould anyone here have any idea why my provider wouldn't be able to loop my te410p even when it is in otherwise normal operation?
21:51.26brettnemwunderkin: not sure if those cards support that kind of remote loopup
21:51.40wunderkinkpfleming told me yes and support did too *shrug*
21:52.02brettnemwell, there are about 3 or 4 different codes.. need to be sure the one they are sending is supported.
21:52.26wunderkinwell when i try to run zttool and press loop they say they can't see anything either
21:52.47wunderkinand when they are telling me to try to loop it i am seeing a lot of hdlc aborts, i run zttool and press loop nothin happens
21:53.15rculpif anyone is available to answer, does anyone know how to disable the auto-hangup after 20000 ms without answer? doesn't give me enough time to leave voicemail when calling someone
21:53.36brettnemand of course, if you can't get the t1 to sync, chances are they can't send you the code either
21:53.46wunderkinbrettnem, the line works fine otherwise
21:53.57wunderkinyeah the t1
21:54.12brettnemwhat makes you think that?
21:54.14shmaltzanybody seen this before:
21:54.14*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (n=juanjoc@
21:54.15shmaltzCisco 7960 gets acall from zap/1, hits conf to call out on zap/2, then hits join, after a while cisco hangsup, at which point zap/1 and zap/2 can still talk, shouldn't asterisk hangup on all three?
21:54.26Math`rculp: thats a dial() option
21:54.27wunderkinother than the intermittant red alarms :P  yes the timing is fine i already checked that..
21:54.38brettnemshmaltz: you just did an attendend transfer.. congrats
21:54.46brettnemyou get intermitant reds?
21:54.55brettnemdo you have timing set right?
21:54.57shmaltzbrettnem, you wrong read my post again
21:55.06wunderkinyup i know thats the first thing i checked
21:55.06brettnemwhat's your span line look like?
21:55.29brettnemshmaltz: still sounds like an attended trasfer to me. ;)
21:55.36Math`shmaltz: he isnt wrong
21:55.47shmaltzbrettnem, you speak english?
21:55.48wunderkini have problems on both, usually the 2nd
21:55.55brettnemshmaltz: sorry no.. I don't
21:55.57*** join/#asterisk kn0x (
21:56.18brettnemwunderkin: have you asked them to kill the t1 and can you verify your ckt goes red constant?
21:56.27brettnemmake sure you are looking at the same ckt
21:56.27shmaltzMath, no I'm not we are talking about a local confference issue and not an xfer
21:56.52brettnemshmaltz: depends on how those capabilities are implemented.. local mixing, server..
21:56.55wunderkinbrettnem: no.. but they did testing and they say its clean.. last time they did testing on 1 of them i saw things happen on the cli
21:57.19Math`shmaltz: some phone works like that... when you conf 2 people and then hangup, the conf'd persons are transfered together
21:57.21brettnemwunderkin: if they didn't do a loopback test with your T1 card in loop, they CAN'T see errors from them to YOU
21:57.38brettnemshmaltz: actually, I think it's a configurable option
21:57.45shmaltzbrettnem, thank you, i know its an implemetation issue (vs aconfig or user issue, like you suggestted it being a user issue), but am I the first one complaining?
21:57.56wunderkinbrettnem: well i put a loopback  plug on my side before the equipment too and they tested both that way and it was clean
21:58.33wunderkinits in a colo it goes niu -> 66 block -> cabinet - patch panel - me
21:58.36shmaltzMath, not traditional ones, maybe IP phones, but then one should have an option to hang them up first (maybe like the polycomd split)
21:58.40brettnemshmaltz: I didn't suggest it was a user error.. I suggested what happened was an attended transfer.. I didn't suggest you did it knowingly it's just kinda what happened
21:59.10brettnemwunderkin: and you are sure they tested to the plug and not just the nid? sounds like a cable issue..
21:59.13juanjocHi, has anyone used the RxFAX and TxFAX apps from spandsp to talk to each other?
21:59.18brettnemwunderkin: have you checked for irc conflicts?
21:59.22brettnemer.. haha irq
21:59.36shmaltzbrettnem, well maybe thats what you meant but this is what you worte:
22:00.04brettnemshmaltz: I'm not here to help you with symantics.. if you don't like what I have to say, just ignore me
22:00.04shmaltzbrettnemshmaltz: you just did an attendend transfer.. congrats
22:00.16asterboyshmaltz: you talking about this link for asterisk-biz???
22:00.20jbotfrom memory, gwypf is Get What You Pay For - this channel is full of volunteers who are here to help you. However, we can't hold your hand. If you need a specific problem solved immediately, there is a list of for-hire consultants located at:
22:00.24shmaltzbrettnem, that is not the case
22:00.28*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
22:00.38Flautohi all
22:00.42wunderkinbrettnem: hehe ouch.. well i told them how its connected and they said that it would have tested to me.. thats what i would think  too, it would have to be the cable from the panel in my cabinet to the card though.. it cant be a problem with the card.. i have 2 other t1s crossed to another box and they are always fine.. i tested with all 4 to the other machine when i was doing testing at home
22:00.42shmaltzasterboy, yep
22:00.52asterboyshmaltz: ok thanks.
22:01.49docelmoACK! RPORT SUCKS!
22:01.54wunderkinbrettnem: i did the windows trick on it and i havent had any problems so far on it.. about 24 hours now.. theres only been one whole day lately that it didnt have problems before so im just letting it ride a bit
22:01.57docelmoWhat the hell is it used for anyhow?
22:02.08shmaltzbrettnem,if this is not fixed in 1.2bx or HEAD then it should be fixed, since otherwise local conf will have to be disabled on these phones, polycom has a much better way of handling these
22:02.43brettnemwunderkin.. you have a RJ-45 loopback plug?
22:02.49*** join/#asterisk zeedo (n=zeedo@
22:02.49brettnemwhat kind of loopback are you doing?
22:03.12wunderkinbrettnem: yeah.. i had a hard loopback .. rj45 loopback plug in the patch panel in my cabinet
22:03.33brettnemand to hook up your server.. you remove the plug and attach a simple cable to the server.
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22:04.15wunderkinyeah im just using a regular ethernet cable to my machine, my voip provider does the same and they havent ever had problems with cat5 cable.. im colo'd with them
22:04.40wunderkini know you are supposted to have extra shielding :P
22:05.02Flautois there anyone using vbuzzer?
22:05.13Flautoi mean using vbuzzer with asterisk
22:05.20wunderkinthats one thing i was wondering about but i dunno, normally happens in the wee hours of the morning, sometimes off and on all day.. seems to me like interference
22:05.24marcus2i just tried making a modem connection over a linksys pap2
22:05.28marcus2oddly enough, it didnt work
22:06.28Math`how are modem-over-ata stuff handled?
22:06.50Math`is there a special codec/protocol for data?
22:07.30marcus2i'm wondering if i will have any better luck doing it over a channel bank connected directly to my * server
22:07.38wunderkinbrettnem: they were saying something about a female loopback? if i was unable to loop my equipment.. whats that?
22:08.02Flautovbuzzer seems registered but i can not receive any call and when i make calls it hear ringing tone and then, quiet
22:08.20Flautoi opened the rtp ports already
22:09.00wunderkinbrettnem: im just trying to figure out what that would be used for in this case, how would it be different than using an rj45 loopback plug
22:09.39justinuwunderkin: there's no problem using a cat5 for t1
22:09.52justinuunless it's like a reeally really long run
22:09.53wunderkinbrettnem: am i supposted to go from the patch panel to the t1 card and then have something stick off of that to force it to loop?
22:10.50wunderkinjustinu, yeah well im pretty sure thats probably what the colo is using
22:11.35wunderkini think maybe i get the picture
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22:12.30kn0xztdummy isnt working... heres my dmesg output, it looks strange....
22:12.51wunderkinjustinu, do you have any idea about this female loopback?
22:13.04justinunever heard of it
22:13.10wunderkinits just forcing it to loop right?
22:13.17justinusounds like a hard loop plug, or something
22:13.23nick125kn0x: what kernel?
22:13.23X-FilesPlease need help !!! I use gateway EUSSO UTG7104 Protocol SIP , i have problem :( please check :
22:13.42wunderkini think something like that, im wondering can i just switch the pins on the cable from the patch panel to the card?
22:13.53kn0xsorry, fixed
22:14.00wunderkinall it does is switch tx and rx right?
22:14.05kn0xnick125- 2.6.13
22:14.05wunderkinor is there something more
22:14.08kn0xmy bad
22:14.23justinuwunderkin: yeah
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22:15.06wunderkinso if i make a cable with a normal end that plugs into the patch panel and then switch rx and tx pairs going to the card, that should work?
22:15.11wunderkini mean, for a loop
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22:15.28wunderkinbut then again its not using the original cable but at least it gets me to the card
22:15.34twisted[mobile]vegas is HOT
22:15.38br00ksh1r3heck yeah it is
22:15.40twisted[mobile]and I don't mean HOT like paris hilton hot
22:15.42twisted[mobile]i mean HOT
22:15.47br00ksh1r3it's like 100
22:16.10Igbothom_IIIParis Hilton is not hot
22:16.14Igbothom_IIIslutty, maybe
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22:16.18Igbothom_IIIbut NOT hot
22:16.34brettnemwunderkin: I was just suggesting that 1: the loopback plug should be placed as close to the equipment as possible and 2: testing for errors is only something you can do with a RECIEVER.. unless the far end is sending PM or in Loop
22:17.07wunderkinbrettnem: umm well yeah they are doing something on their side and telling me to loop my equipment
22:17.39justinuthere are such things as loopup/down codes
22:18.10wunderkinyeah, well i must not  be sending the right ones.. it says its looping it up but they dont see anything
22:18.20justinui've rarely gotten them to work myself
22:18.56justinuwhat you need, is a sunset t1
22:19.02wunderkinyeah, well
22:19.14wunderkini was hoping qwest would stay long enough for me to see if they could test it to my side
22:19.24wunderkinthey were there when i got there but not by the time i could get to find them :P
22:19.31justinuyeah, how uncool of them to bail
22:19.43wunderkinthey have tested before from the niu to me and said it was ok
22:20.09wunderkinso well that would test the 1  pair at least
22:20.38wunderkintoo bad kpfleming doesn't have one :(
22:20.43justinui had a bitch of a problem with a T1 once that ended up being a bad wirewrap on the carriers DSX panel
22:20.57justinutook months to sort that out
22:21.15wunderkinyeah i imagine since its on their side
22:21.17justinuthey never found it because when they went to test, they plugged in AT the DSX panel, which isolated that wirewrap
22:21.28justinuso all their testing was always clean
22:21.45justinuyou may even have a similar situation
22:21.58wunderkini didn't think about that
22:22.05wunderkini'm not sure where they are testing it from on the other end
22:22.13justinuif they can loop from their switch framer to you
22:22.30wunderkini know they said they were using test equipment but i dont know where
22:22.32justinuand then loop from their dsx to you
22:22.36justinuyou could isolate it maybe
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22:23.30wunderkini probably should get the notes of what all has been done, i almost was at that point before and they finally figured it out
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22:24.17X-FilesPeople, are an opportunity that Internet Telephony Gatewey it was possible authorization of number of ports and devices that others could not will connect without the password or something such like.. Protocol H323 ?
22:24.43shmaltzbrettnem, according to cisco it's configurable, so I was able to solve it, in SIPDefault.cnf one has to put in:
22:24.44shmaltz# Allow for the bridge on a 3way call to join remaining parties upon hangup
22:24.46shmaltzcnf_join_enable: 1; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default)
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22:25.48kn0xdo i need GRE tunnels over IP enabled for asterisk?
22:25.59shmaltzkn0x, to do what?
22:26.13Math`except if you want to tunnel to the LAN using asterisk using GRE tunnels
22:26.33wunderkinjustinu, i'm not sure if you said.. what about my cabling idea, will that work?
22:26.42justinui dunno if i saw that
22:27.17wunderkinso if i make a cable with a normal end that plugs into the patch panel and then switch rx and tx pairs going to the card, that should work for a loop <--
22:27.32X-Filesgrrr :(
22:27.41shmaltzwunderkin, why not?
22:27.51wunderkini guess, just never  tried it
22:28.15shmaltzwunderkin, in fact you should only do it on *one* single point in the run like this:
22:28.33wunderkinyeah thats what i mean
22:28.41X-FilesPeople, are an opportunity that Internet Telephony Gatewey it was possible authorization of number of ports and devices that others could not will connect without the password or something such like.. Protocol H323 ? It is possible?
22:28.57shmaltzand not like this:
22:29.48shmaltzbecause then you end up with the same pairs at the card
22:30.19Math`thats some ascii-art talent
22:30.21shmaltzand from a wiring point of view, you nvever do it on the patch panel you always do it on the patch cable
22:30.27shmaltzMath lol
22:30.29wunderkinthe cable  yes
22:31.06wunderkini mean i make the cable, normal end and then on the other end of the cable reversed
22:31.27Math`what kind of wiring does a T1 line use?
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22:31.37wunderkinthat should be the same as using the loopback plug but its going into the card
22:32.12shmaltzMath rj45
22:32.27shmaltzbut tq uses pair 1 and 3
22:32.37shmaltzwhile ethernet uses pair 2 and 3
22:32.45Drukenmmmmm, pizza
22:32.57justinuwunderkin: yeah
22:33.09xphreaksterHI everybody
22:33.09xphreaksterI have installed ztdummy for kernel 2.6, and the module is loaded and also the zaptel module
22:33.09xphreaksterWhen I try to use the MeetMe application in the dialplan I get the following error:
22:33.09xphreaksterNo application 'MeetMe' for extension
22:33.09xphreaksterWhat am I doing WRONG ????
22:33.39ManxPowerxphreakster, zaptel must be installed or Asterisk won't build the MeetMe Application when you compile Asterisk
22:33.42shmaltzxphreakster, first no flooding, second looks like a timer issue
22:33.42justinumath: t1 uses 1,2 + 4,5
22:33.44wunderkinjustinu, so that should be a good test too just that its not using the original cable
22:33.54ManxPowerSince you must have zaptel timer in order to use meetme
22:34.13justinuwunderkin: so you're gonna make a your own custom LB plug by somehow crossing the tx and rx pairs?
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22:34.37fugitivoxphreakster: did you edit /etc/asterisk/meetme.conf?
22:34.56xphreaksterfugitivo: yep
22:35.13xphreaksterI see so first I have to install the zaptel and then to install asterisk ??
22:35.29xphreaksterI had done it vice versa :(
22:36.00xphreaksteris it possible to recompile asterisk again, and reinstall it again over the current version ????
22:36.11shmaltzMath, the wiki got some good links for the wiring thingy
22:36.14Math`cat5e is ok too?
22:36.14xphreaksterwill it then compile the MeetMe to be usable ?
22:36.21wunderkinjustinu, yeah i wanted to test it all the way to the card so i wanted to make a loop cable to it instead.. use a normal end from the patch  panel and then on the other end that goes into the card - reverse the pairs
22:36.34Math`Katty: its 1.0.9
22:36.40shmaltzxphreakster, yeah just run make clean then make then make install
22:36.50shmaltzkatty, nope
22:37.23xphreaksterthanks guys for your help, you are lifesavers :)
22:37.23shmaltzmath even cat3 is
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22:37.31shmaltzcat3 was meant for t1
22:37.51shmaltzxphreakster, tell that my wife :)
22:38.06justinui always preferred the rum flavored ones
22:38.17Kattyhmm, rum
22:38.19InfraRedrum flavored T1ws?
22:38.30Kattyhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, rum.
22:38.41justinuwunderkin: if you can make that work, it should be a valid test
22:38.47shmaltzInfraRed, yeah you need some color coding system in the wiring closet
22:38.53shmaltzwhy not use a flavor
22:38.53wunderkinjustinu, well thats why im asking if it would work ;)
22:39.14justinuyeah, it all comes down to your ability to construct a solid LB plug :)
22:39.26wunderkinjustinu, well i can make cables :D
22:39.31Drukenshmaltz: would you stick the wires in the closet in your mouth ??
22:39.33Drukeni know i wouldn't
22:39.50shmaltzDruken after a bottle of rum, maybe
22:40.14shmaltzjustinu, I believe you can buy couplers that do that for you
22:40.31justinuyeah, i have a few lying around
22:40.58justinusunset t1, lb plugs, bantam cables, etc, etc, etc.
22:41.31justinui have a sunset t3 also
22:41.34justinudoes t1 and t3 testing
22:41.44wunderkini would need to borrow you too since i wouldn't know what to do with it all :P
22:41.50justinuthe t1 is cooler because it has 2 t1 interfaces
22:41.55justinuyou can do drop and insert
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22:42.43shmaltzgtg guys
22:42.46shmaltzc ya
22:42.47justinuwunderkin: you are starting to see why i'm just sick of dealing with TDM
22:43.04wunderkinjustinu, so you don't need that equipment anymore? :D
22:43.30justinubelongs to the company I work for anyways :)
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22:44.28justinui'd beg qwest to come out again and force them to stay until they test the CPE cabling
22:44.54wunderkinright... keep dreaming
22:45.06justinuwhy not?
22:45.18Drukenhold them hostage
22:45.20justinumost of those hi-cap repair techs are nice guys
22:45.24justinuthey've always helped me out
22:45.40Flautoi agree with igb
22:45.41asterboywhy else?
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22:46.16asterboyI need a dime...payphones are .35c
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22:46.25Math[laptop]ast_expr2.c:1454: undefined reference to `__builtin_stpcpy' <-- anyone had that with head?
22:46.28Drukencheap bastards
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22:46.53Kattyyay, Ariel_
22:46.56hhoffmanhi, anyone know how to keep asterisk from answering the PSTN line before X rings?
22:47.09Ariel_Katty, hugs hope your doing well.
22:47.10IronHelixin extensions.conf dont have answer() as your first priority
22:47.15KattyAriel_: yes, thanks (=
22:47.16IronHelixor anything else that will cause it to answer
22:47.22Drukenhhoffman: can't be done
22:47.27IronHelixuse Wait(x) with x being the number of seconds to wait
22:47.34Ariel_hhoffman, wait(10)
22:47.36hhoffmanIronHelix: thx :-)
22:49.30Drukenasterboy: get my email ?
22:49.43Math[laptop]asterboy, payphones @ 0.35$? where ?
22:50.04asterboyin hicks ville, Alberta
22:50.30kink0why I hear nothing while Executing MusicOnHold("OSS/dsp", "Santana") in new stack ?
22:51.19Math[laptop]asterboy, telus?
22:51.31Math[laptop]rippers lol
22:51.42Drukenbut i do like their cell service... :)
22:51.43asterboyunless they have raised the rate...its been a while since I looked.
22:51.59Math[laptop]payphones always were 0.25 iirc
22:52.01asterboyYes, Telus here are thieves!
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22:52.11ManxPowerkink0, you have a MoH class called "Santana" (in that case)?
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22:52.25asterboyI have a client with $1000 phone bill .
22:52.41ManxPowerasterboy, Write more secure dialplans 8-)
22:52.41Math[laptop]asterboy, I have a client with a 10 000$ bill for bandwidth quota exceeding
22:52.42asterboyThey try to get away with everything.
22:52.47Math[laptop]with bell business internet
22:52.49Drukeni really hope that's not for a month
22:52.55KattyMath[laptop]: i keep mistaking you for MikeJ[Laptop]
22:52.58asterboyyes for 1 month!
22:53.00Math[laptop]20$/gig, no limit!
22:53.04Math[laptop]Katty, lol
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22:53.17asterboyThat's exactly the bull Telus will pull.
22:53.18Math[laptop]Katty, file was file[laptop] too before coming back from mtl :P
22:53.24asterboyThey stole $5000 from me.
22:53.26Kattyyay, `Sauron
22:53.28ManxPowerGads, even when I was using a hosted unified messaging service, my phone bills were never more than $400 in a month
22:53.30DrukenMath[laptop]: wholly shit....
22:53.36`SauronKatty: wot?
22:53.37Math[laptop]asterboy, I hope you're not using them anymore :P
22:53.41kink0ManxPower, yes !! Santana => quietmp3:/var/lib/asterisk/moh/Santana
22:53.43Katty`Sauron: allo.
22:53.51asterboyRipped the wires from my house!
22:53.57`SauronAh, allo
22:54.00kink0and I have one mp3 under Santana folder
22:54.00ManxPowerkink0, do other MOH classes work?
22:54.03asterboyNow I undercut them everywhere I go.
22:54.15asterboyI'm slashing and cutting until they bleed.
22:54.34kink0ManxPower, no, no one. I am playing changing fews lines at musiconhold.conf and extensions.conf
22:54.40Drukentouchy... :)
22:54.42asterboyI pulled an ad in the yellow pages for the $5000 they owe me...lets see them try to get paid!
22:55.37ManxPowerkink0, and your "mpg123 -v" shows 0.59r
22:56.05kink0Version 0.59q (2002/03/23
22:56.09kink0q instead r
22:56.23ManxPowerkink0, it needs to be r
22:56.43kink0ManxPower, ahhh ok, just r or may be newest ?
22:56.48ManxPowerkink0, not newest, r
22:57.08ManxPowerIn fact, it's SO important that you can do a "make mpg123" in the asterisk source dir and it will download the right version and compile it
22:57.09Math[laptop]kink0, make mpg123 will get the right one
22:57.36kink0ok, I will search now for 59r version
22:57.47Math[laptop]don't search for it... just make mpg123
22:59.34asterboyya business in Alberta is cut throat...if you can make it can make it anywhere.
23:00.03ManxPowerI prefer Louisiana - everyone is so tech.stupid you don't have any real competition
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23:01.26asterboyIt does amaze me how many businesses here are still paying $10,000s of dollars in phone bills when we can do it for $100s
23:01.48Drukenwell, lets not get too carried away... :)
23:01.55Drukensay 1000's....
23:02.01hypa7iaasterboy: you've never worked on a cisco install have you :(
23:02.01asterboyno 10,000
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23:02.12asterboyyou don't know Telus very well.
23:02.30Drukeni'm not saying their cost... i'm, saying what you could cut it down to...
23:02.39asterboynope, no cisco...too expensive for what a linux box can do better.
23:02.41hypa7iaasterboy: where in AB are you?
23:03.00asterboyDruken: yes true.
23:03.03hypa7iai put in a big callmanager in calgary
23:03.10hypa7iathis spring
23:03.22asterboyRed Deer
23:03.49ManxPowerThe halmark of a young newbie is that they think Linux makes a good router for corporate use.
23:04.10ManxPowerCisco is not all that expensive if you do it right.
23:04.39hypa7iaManxPower: i should have beenmore clear, wasn't talking cisco routing and switching
23:04.44asterboyI've been using Linux for corporate use for the longest probs.
23:05.01hypa7iaManxPower: their IP tel stuff is expensive no matter how you slice it
23:05.27asterboyI'm not talkin...Ubuntu here.
23:05.30Drukenasterboy: when i say corp i'm talking about 1000+ clients, and servers behind... with more than a c block to it's network...
23:05.34ManxPowerhypa7ia, We install Cisco 550x switches CHEAP.  We use Cisco 2621 routers, usually from eBay if it's not an emergency.
23:05.45ManxPowerhypa7ia, Yes, Cisco's telephony suff is expensive
23:05.54hypa7iaManxPower: callmanager software alone if like 10K CAD
23:06.13hypa7iait's insane :(
23:06.15myke420247no way, you can route all that on an old 486/120 with 3 isa nics
23:06.21myke420247it works fine at my house
23:06.26myke420247therefore it will work anywhere
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23:06.49asterboythere is something to be said for the "appliance"
23:07.14kink0ManxPower, just compiled and install version 59r but still not sounds !!
23:07.33asterboyI'd love to take on 1000+ clients with a linux router to see how it compares.
23:07.37myke420247kink0, make sure you either have working zaptel hw or the ztdummy driver
23:07.42hypa7iaasterboy: callmanager is so far from an appliance it's not even funny
23:07.48myke420247it's not documented but moh won't work w/o a timing source
23:07.57kink0myke420247, no, I am just ussing my soundcard
23:07.58hypa7iait runs on win2k and everything
23:08.07kink0mpg123 file.mp3 runs fine
23:08.13myke420247kink0, then you need ztdummy properly installed
23:08.37Drukenasterboy: just make sure that's a fast linuxbox and has a few gig of ram :)
23:09.14Drukenmyke420247: it'll work... but it'll sound like shit....
23:09.16myke420247i had the same problem then i redid my * setup following along the asterisk book which has you install a bunch of stuff like that, then moh worked
23:09.30myke420247it sounds fine on my setup
23:09.39ManxPowermyke420247, Yes, MoH will work without a timing source.
23:09.49asterboyThink about the processing power you can buy for cheap!
23:09.51myke420247before i had ztdummy it kept halting
23:09.51ManxPowerkink0, Asterisk can fail killing MoH
23:10.28ManxPowerkink0, stop asterisk, kill all instances of mpg123 (ps -ax), make sure the old version of mpg123 is not on the system
23:10.35kink0ManxPower, but I kill asterisk and restart it, then I try with "dial 2" where I have set the musiconhold
23:10.40ManxPowermyke420247, that can be an issue in underpowered systems.
23:11.10kink0ManxPower, yes, I have also deleted the prior version of mpg123, and new mpg123 is in the path
23:11.47ManxPowerkink0, dial an extension that runs MusicOnHold(yourmohclass)
23:13.00kink0yes, exten => 2,1,Answer()
23:13.00kink0exten => 2,2,MusicOnHold(Santana)
23:13.21kink0and I got the message as was playing, but not sounds
23:13.22ManxPowerkink0, what's exten =>2,1
23:13.28kink0xecuting MusicOnHold("OSS/dsp", "Santana") in new stack
23:13.46ManxPowerkink0, and you confirmed there were NO stray instances of mpg123 running when you stop asterisk?
23:14.16myke420247manx, same system, it's a dell sc420 with no other calls so that wasn't it
23:14.54asterboyGotta like this page:
23:15.01myke420247kink0, try with the default moh sounds first
23:15.05asterboyalthough no match for the high end stuff.
23:15.41justinuasterboy: you should run some arcnet
23:15.45justinuvery l337 stuff
23:16.10asterboyarcnet? Man I have not heard that for a long time.
23:16.11myke420247i had a whole cluster working on tokenring a while back
23:16.21justinuthat page mentions arcnet
23:16.23myke420247great to keep randoms from plugging their laptops into your lan
23:16.26justinumade me chuckle
23:16.39Drukenok... who called me from cooksville?
23:16.51asterboythat protocol had its virtues.
23:17.01justinumyke420247: was that the 4mbps or 16mbps variant of TR? :)
23:17.11myke420247i'm not *that* retro
23:17.26myke420247this was for a public cluster at a "hacker" con, so requirements were a bit different from your typical home or corporate setup
23:17.31tzangeryou've got a PCMCIA token ring card?
23:17.33justinuthat's kinda fun
23:17.34myke420247i did
23:17.35asterboymore :
23:17.37myke420247they're cheap on ebay
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23:17.45myke420247i got rid of all that crap at the end of the con tho
23:17.52myke420247it's so cheap you can give it away and not care
23:17.54kink0no, there no any other mpg123 running
23:17.57kn0xi cant get any sip peers to register
23:18.00kn0xchan_sip.c:1045 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x812fb28 (len 418) to returned 5060: Bad file descriptor Nov 14 11:17:30 NOTICE[7156]: chan_sip.c:5247 sip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for '' timed out, trying again (Attempt #2)
23:18.00myke420247sure didn't want to ship it back to my house
23:18.03justinuTR was pretty cool when they used those bug ass IBM modular plugs
23:18.13kn0xwhats that all about
23:18.17myke420247yeah ibm structured cabling
23:18.25myke420247nice and expensive
23:18.44myke420247i had an application server, and a bunch of 486/25's as graphical dumb terminals
23:18.47myke420247"thin clients"
23:19.00myke420247worked good, and no jerks arp spoofing the router or anything
23:19.14tzangertoken ring was nice because you could actually hit its limits
23:19.29justinuATM is next on the list of dead networking protocols
23:19.36myke420247hmm yeah\
23:19.41tecnicovery out of topic.. but I'm desperately looking for an Actel ProAsic FPGA programmer box. Anyone here (and in the U.S.) that has one?
23:19.45*** join/#asterisk Anthro (n=keljsrh@pdpc/supporter/active/Anthro)
23:19.45tzangerit runs pretty much every single ADSL rollout in north america
23:19.49myke420247maybe for the next con i'll pick up a bunch of desktop atm adapters
23:19.56LostFrogHmm.. no way to look at globalvars from the CLI?
23:19.59justinuyeah, I know that, but can you think of any corporate user that runs ATM seriously anymore?
23:20.02myke420247tho i don't think i can get those for $2 a pop like i can tokenring nics
23:20.18tzangeroh on a LAN?  no
23:20.27justinutalk about a good idea, but ruined by complexity
23:20.29justinuthat's ATM
23:20.38tzangerATM sucked from the start
23:20.42tzangerfaaaaaaaaaaaaar too much overhead
23:20.48AnthroNifty, though.
23:21.01*** part/#asterisk xphreakster (
23:21.26myke420247atm didn't exist when i was in college
23:21.27tzangerand then over your DSL connection
23:21.30kink0I see I have
23:21.31tzangerATM over UDP over ATM
23:21.32kink0root     21412  0.0  0.0  3884  604 pts/9    S+   00:18   0:00 mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -b 2048 -f 4096 Carlos_Santana-Jam_With_Santana-14-Europa_(FT).mp3
23:21.35myke420247tho FORE was founded from grads from my college
23:21.36kink0but not sound !!
23:21.37*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
23:21.39*** join/#asterisk warthog (
23:21.59kink0and asterisk reports at CLI Executing MusicOnHold("OSS/dsp", "") in new stack
23:22.08warthoganyone know how to check the version of zaptel on a running machine?
23:22.20LostFrogHmm.. there is an alisson sound for 'day', but not 'night'.
23:22.24asterboyCisco does not guarantee any of its specifications...these guys do for 31 days.
23:22.31tzangerLostFrog: so just have her say "not day" :-)
23:22.32justinui'm getting annoying noise in my hold music running format_mp3
23:22.37justinushould I not use that?
23:22.43LostFrogtzanger: My users would flip. :)
23:23.20AnthroI am just getting started with Asterisk. I am debating whether it is important enough to use a recent version or not. The reason this comes up is that I was planning on using Debian stable (rather than testing or unstable) if I could get away with it. Any thoughts?
23:23.24*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
23:24.18*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
23:24.18tzangerAnthro: use 1.2rc then
23:24.23LostFrogNo simple 'not' sound either.
23:24.39LostFrogDebian 3.1 works fine for me.
23:24.59Drukenanyone know why voicemail has a limit of 100 messages?
23:25.00tzangerI really don't recommend 1.0.x
23:25.11AnthroLostFrog: You are using 1.0.7?
23:25.12kn0xchan_sip.c:1045 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x81a3c28 (len 418) to returned 5060: Bad file descriptor
23:25.15justinuDruken: that's a hard coded limit
23:25.22LostFrogI like to bleed.
23:25.26kn0xnone of my sup peers will register
23:25.29Drukenjustinu: ok, but why? :)
23:25.32Anthrotzanger: What are the advantages of 1.2 over 1.0?
23:25.50justinuDruken: dunno, but just increase the constant :)
23:25.57tzangerAnthro: it's current code
23:26.04tzangerTONS of featurs and fixes over 1.0.x
23:26.26AnthroI don't suppose there's a readable (i.e. comprehensible) changelog somewhere?
23:26.29Drukenjustinu: not that i'd have 100 voicemail unless something fucks up... :)
23:26.32*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
23:26.34tzangerAnthro: yes, download 1.2
23:26.40LostFrogGrr.. I just want it to say whether it's in night or day mode.
23:26.50denonDruken: that limit is set in voicemail.conf now
23:26.52justinuDruken: some lusers actually leave that much crap in their mailbox
23:26.56denonlook at the sample
23:27.09denonI hit that limit all the time, but I believe its now configurable
23:27.18Drukenjustinu: my wife would.... i swear she doesn't know the the number 7 is...
23:27.27justinui knew a guy who saved all his vm messages
23:27.37LostFrogI save most of my e-mail.
23:27.43justinuemail is a bit different
23:27.45ManxPowerAnthro, read the UPGRADE.txt and Changelog of 1.2 to see the changes
23:27.46LostFrogI call it CYA.
23:27.56Anthrotzanger: Any guess on when 1.2 will be released instead of merely a release candidate?
23:28.00tzangerAnthro: soon
23:28.12justinuthis guy had stacks of cassette tapes with answering machine messages on them
23:28.16myke4202471.2rc2 works fine for me
23:28.23Anthrotzanger: Hrm. How different is the configuration?
23:28.25ManxPowerAnthro, at this point there will only be bug fixes before release.  I'm running RC2 on 1 of my servers and it seems to work pretty good.
23:28.28AnthroManxPower: URL?
23:28.35LostFrogDang.. there is an 'on' but no 'off'
23:28.45ManxPowerAnthro, download the source code for 1.2, then read those files
23:28.46tzangerAnthro: you want 1.2rc2.  just trust us on this
23:28.53Drukenjustinu: that is just strange.... i know i have an option to monitor incoming calls... but that is for a purpose
23:28.54warthoganyone know how to determine the version of zaptel on a running machine?
23:29.05ManxPowerwarthog, not that I am aware of
23:29.06tzangerAnthro: I know you're a little nervous but we're all here to help
23:29.49LostFrogYou would think modinfo zaptel would tell you. :)
23:29.50Anthrotzanger: Actually, it's more about laziness. 1.2rc2 isn't packaged for Debian AFAIK. I like having someone else package my software.
23:30.02justinuthat's the wrong attitude to have around here
23:30.03tzangeryou do NOT want to run Debian's packages
23:30.06tzangerthey are junk
23:30.09ManxPowerAnthro, Asterisk is the ONLY package I don't use packages for.
23:30.14LostFrogAnthro: just compile *. it's simple.
23:30.30LostFrogAs a matter of fact, my gf could do it, Anthro.
23:30.47Math[laptop]mine too
23:30.58justinunot mine
23:31.03Math[laptop](well if I dictate her what to type)
23:31.10AnthroOh, I can compile. Hell, I compiled ircii back in the day, and xpilot, and innumerable other pre-web entertainments. I just... got bored with it.
23:31.15Callumc0w, are you still about ?
23:31.42AnthroAll right, I'm convinced. I'll grab the code and install in /usr/local.
23:31.59LostFrogThere is no version string in zaptel that I can find.
23:32.10*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
23:32.10ManxPowerAnthro, I understand system admin lazyness.  I have an extreme case of it, but I still download and install Asterisk by hand
23:32.37LostFrogI love apt-get.
23:32.53AnthroManxPower: Okay. Well, here goes. Not that it will be speedy. VIA chip and a 5400 RPM disk.
23:33.28warthogperhaps someone who know someone the halls of power can suggest that zaptel version info be placed in modinfo!!
23:33.34AnthroLostFrog: Likewise
23:33.46ManxPowerAnthro, the people working on Asterisk are brilliant programmers, but they suck when it comes to portable code and portable Makefiles and relocation of Asterisk's config and binary files.
23:34.23*** join/#asterisk in-side (
23:34.29AnthroManxPower: Uhhhh... that doesn't bode well. Where does it want to install itself?
23:34.40*** join/#asterisk fafnir (
23:34.44in-sideanybody here uses freebsd?
23:34.55in-sideI have a weirdo problem with my fbsd 6.0
23:34.55ManxPowerAnthro, traditional places /etc/asterisk /usr/bin /usr/lib/asterisk /var/spool/asterisk, etc
23:34.58tzanger/usr/sbin/asterisk and a couple other apps htere, and then /usr/lib/asterisk
23:35.07tzangeroh and /etc/asterisk and /var/spool asterisk, as ManxPower says
23:35.11warthogcan anyone tell me if 1.2 of zaptel is better at echo management than 1.09.2?
23:35.21ManxPowerAnthro, 1.2 is better about reloacting it
23:35.27ManxPowerwarthog, Yes.
23:35.32ManxPowerBut it's still not perfect.
23:36.01in-sideI got  Undefined symbol "ast_pthread_create"
23:36.03warthogmanxpower, how much do the echo cancel cards help, is it worth it?
23:36.05in-sideby everywhere
23:36.09in-sideit never happened to me
23:36.15ManxPowerwarthog, the echo daughter cards are not cheap.
23:36.17in-sidedoes anybody has a clue
23:36.21in-sidewhat is happenning ?
23:36.28in-sideI'm using 1.0.9
23:36.38in-sideI have the same setup working perfect at 5.4
23:36.45AnthroHrmph. I do want to keep it in /usr/local. If I must build my own software, I really want it to avoid a pissing contest with my packaging system.
23:36.51ManxPowerwarthog, we can normally get rid of echo even with 1.0.x, but it can be a long process.  We are slowly working on using Tellabs external echocan
23:37.07warthogmanxpower, they seem to be cheap with the 2400 series cards as it only cost me I think 200 more for a 2431 card
23:37.21in-sidehey guys
23:37.26warthogwith echocancel chip onboard that is
23:37.27in-sideadoes anyone can help me?
23:37.42Math[laptop]in-side, do you have libpthread installed?
23:38.05in-sideyah I think so I have reinstalled the kernel
23:38.07sahafeezin-side: if you do not get an answer here post to the mailing list. someone will answer
23:38.14in-sidebut maybe somethin missing :(
23:38.16ManxPoweror SEARCH the mailing lists
23:38.21jbotextra, extra, read all about it, mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
23:38.23in-sidesahafeez: I did it
23:38.30jbotwell, god is a llama, or real unless declared integer
23:38.34RoyKkram: ping
23:38.41in-sidebut it seems my isp server is doing a bad job again
23:38.46RoyKmark is full of shit
23:38.48ManxPowerResults 1 - 10 of about 146 from for  ast_pthread_create. (0.16 seconds)
23:39.01in-sidewell I will try to recomplie my bvsd kernel again
23:39.09in-sidethere something broke here for shure
23:39.18fulgashey in-side :P
23:39.27in-sidehey fulgas
23:39.39in-sideare you fine rapaz
23:39.52AnthroDo I need the addons and sounds as well? Do I want them?
23:39.54fulgasyah sure :)
23:39.57RoyKsee the -users ml
23:40.01fulgaslong time no read :)
23:40.12Math[laptop]in-side, this isnt a kernel problem, your lacking a library
23:40.13in-sideya.. kind busy you
23:40.30RoyKfucking mark has turned Allison away from all other projects than asterisk
23:40.44in-sideMath[laptop]: I gonna check eeverything again
23:41.33*** join/#asterisk aaronz (n=yoyo@pdpc/supporter/student/aaronz)
23:42.29RoyKfuck digium
23:43.11aaronzI'm trying to write an app which simply pipes the audio stream (read&write) over tcp to another local computer.  What is the best way to implement this?  a loop in exec that does ast_waitfor(chan, 2), reads it in, sends it over the network, then reads from network, and writes in 1 frame?
23:43.48aaronzwhile the remote server  sends audio in 2msec payloads?
23:43.57RoyKprolly using something apart from asterisk
23:44.42aaronzalso, can i dynamically load the apps or do i have to compile it w/the server? (i would assume dynamic, but i havent tried to compile/load yet)
23:45.12DrukenRoyK: you still bitching about that ?
23:45.22mog_workroyk is a troll
23:45.27mog_workhes just looking for food
23:45.37wunderkinmm food
23:46.07mog_workyou make your whole side just look worse
23:46.10mog_workyou realize that right
23:46.23mog_workyou also have no idea what happened in said situation
23:46.26mog_workso you can f off
23:46.35*** join/#asterisk docelm0 (
23:46.52kn0xheres my sip.conf
23:47.00kn0xno sip peers will register
23:47.01docelm0Does anyone know how I can cut a CDR when the dial command is finished so I can update the information in the CDR table?
23:47.17kn0xand im getting a "chan_sip.c:1045 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x8155500 (len 398) to returned 5060: Bad file descriptor " on the cli
23:47.17RoyKmog_work: have you taken your medicin?
23:47.18*** join/#asterisk SwK (
23:47.21docelm0right now I cant seem to update the CDR cause the row doesnt exist.
23:47.29mog_workroy, you know im right
23:47.35RoyKmog_work: no
23:47.37RoyKmog_work: n
23:47.37mog_worki dont know why you bother comming in here
23:47.45RoyKmog_work: you're not right
23:47.46mog_workyou are so polarly apposed to this project
23:47.54mog_workjust go sqwaller in your channel
23:48.03mog_workif you cant just enjoy both sides
23:48.03RoyKapposed... what word is that?
23:48.12LostFrogGeez, kids.
23:48.24mog_worksorry i failed 6th grade spelling
23:48.30kn0xRoyK... what is your problem with asterisk?
23:48.31mog_workand i dont have gtkspell on this box
23:48.31*** part/#asterisk warthog (
23:48.40kn0xRoyK it is a great project
23:48.40RoyKkn0x: quite a lot
23:48.42justinuhooked on monkey fonics!
23:48.45LostFrogok.. Can the catfight end?
23:48.59mog_workim happy for it to end
23:48.59mog_workjust stop trolling
23:49.10mog_worklol swk
23:49.16SwKwhat up mog
23:49.22mog_worknot much
23:49.34justinutear off her bra!
23:49.42SwKwas going to get some beer and pretzles so i could watch a fight but I guess i missed it
23:49.56*** join/#asterisk bweschke (
23:50.02in-sidedamn pthread
23:50.05in-sideand bsd
23:50.20mog_workscroll up and then scroll down
23:50.23mog_workreall slow...
23:50.41LostFrogThe problem with testing a PBX, is you need calls..
23:50.55justinucall yourself
23:51.07kn0xheres my sip.conf          no sip peers will register and im getting a "chan_sip.c:1045 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x8155500 (len 398) to returned 5060: Bad file descriptor " on the cli
23:51.14LostFrogI can't handle two calls together..
23:51.18LostFrogThree, even.
23:51.22DrukenLostFrog: which is why all our cell bills went for shit when we started....
23:51.35justinuuse a sip call generator
23:51.53mog_workgo write your number on a bathroom wall
23:51.55ManxPowerkn0x, does the problem go away when you restart Asterisk?
23:51.55mog_workyoull get calls
23:52.09SwKmog knows all about his number on the bathroom stalls
23:52.14SwKhe writes it there all the time
23:52.21justinuglory hole!
23:52.26mog_workthat actually happened to me one time
23:52.27SwKmog arent you supposed to be in vegas?
23:52.28*** join/#asterisk twisted[mobile] (n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted)
23:52.28*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted[mobile]] by ChanServ
23:52.29LostFrogumm.. yeah.. I'm going to write my business number in public.. lol
23:52.30mog_workwhen i was in hs
23:52.32mog_workno im in hsv
23:52.47LostFrogHey.. It's a lawyers office.. I could put in bar restrooms. :)
23:52.50kn0xmanx- umm, no
23:52.53LostFrogProbably get some business.
23:52.56twisted[mobile]swk, eat me.
23:52.58DrukenLostFrog: well.... i write my business number in public all the time... just not bathroom walls....
23:53.00mog_workwhen i was in highschool there was a guy who stalked a bunch of the kids
23:53.03SwKwhats up y0
23:53.06mog_workcalled us at 4 in the morning
23:53.10mog_workloads of fun
23:53.12kn0xany ideas?
23:53.23LostFrogDruken: you know what i mean.
23:53.39LostFroglol.. I just noticed that 'Druken' doesn't gave a n in the middle.
23:54.08wunderkinLostFrog: he's so drunk he forgot the n?
23:54.21LostFrogI'm so daft, I thought it said drunken, wunderkin.
23:55.08Drukenya daft punk :)
23:56.42Drukenfucken weather network... tellin me were going to start getting that god damn lake effect snow....
23:56.55justinusnow sucks
23:56.57*** join/#asterisk Frawg (n=Frawg@unaffiliated/frawg)
23:57.18Drukenjustinu: ya think ?
23:57.19ManxPowerWe never get lake effect snow here, because we don't get snow!  hahahahahha!
23:57.26justinuno snow here either
23:58.03ManxPowerDruken, move south.
23:59.09*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
23:59.10Drukennah.... i wouldn't thank ya to be american...

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