irclog2html for #asterisk on 20051113

00:01.27*** join/#asterisk |freat| (
00:02.54wunderkinoatmeal to go? hmm
00:05.33*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
00:09.46*** join/#asterisk digime (
00:10.01*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
00:13.07*** join/#asterisk Lurr (
00:13.15*** part/#asterisk Lurr (
00:13.32*** join/#asterisk Astinus (i=iBook@freenode/staff/gentoo.astinus)
00:16.31*** join/#asterisk pr0m (
00:20.22*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
00:21.15*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
00:22.16wunderkintwisted: im testing v3 of the patch, autopause option was removed :D
00:23.08wunderkinand on the patch file there is some garbage in the comments so it wont patch
00:29.40wunderkintheres also a bug with the handling of penalties.. if there are 2 calls in queue, 2 agents both avail, the 2nd call doesnt go through until the 1st is answered w/o  penalty
00:36.17wunderkinplus using leastrecent it doesnt pay attention to penalties
00:36.51wunderkinoh i took it off hah
00:37.53*** join/#asterisk rajiv (n=irc@gentoo/developer/rajiv)
00:38.23wunderkinstrike 2nd comment
00:38.56wunderkini dont know what happened with the 1st..
00:40.46rajivwhat do i have to add to my config to load voicemail? show applications does not list Voicemail()
00:41.54wunderkinyou must have something in modules.conf noloading it
00:42.22rajivi have autoload=yes in modules.conf and on disk
00:42.27wunderkintry: load
00:42.42rajivno noload with voicemail
00:43.00rajivUnable to load module
00:43.16wunderkinanything else?
00:43.21rajivya one sec
00:44.30wunderkinoh you left that part out, it cant connect to the db
00:45.12rajivi thought it was all file based? hmm
00:45.32rajivya i see that now
00:45.51rajivwhere are the docs on the voicemail app ?
00:46.24wunderkinive never used databases for asterisk config so i have no idea what you would have in there, but remove it..
00:46.39wunderkinyou can get a stock config file from the astsource/configs dir
00:47.10rajivthere is nothign to remove. my voicemail.conf has nothign about a database at all
00:47.31rajivand i dont see anything about a database in the stock configs
00:47.38wunderkinyou are looking at /etc/asterisk.local/voicemail.conf?
00:48.08wunderkini bet you are using a gui
00:48.34rajivno gui... i just deleted my (tiny) voicemail.conf. it had only 2 lines in it.
00:48.43rajivreplaced it with the stock version
00:48.58wunderkinmust be something  somewhere else, i dont know
00:49.30wunderkingrep for vmdb
00:49.42rajivya tried that. nothing
00:49.55wunderkinits getting it from somewhere
00:50.00rajiv~/tmp/asterisk-1.0.9/configs $ grep -i vmdb *     returns nothing
00:50.07rajivsame in /etc/asterisk.local/
00:52.08christoI have just recompiled zaptel/ztdummy, the module is loaded, I have recompiled asterisk and reinstalled, but the CLI says that the meetme app 'is not registered'. How come?
00:53.55wunderkinrajiv, do you have an /etc/asterisk? maybe it is including files from asterisk.local, grep -r /etc vmdb
00:54.12wunderkinchristo, make sure ztdummy module is loaded, im not sure if you need to ztcfg or not
00:54.26wunderkinand make sure to compile zaptel first then asterisk
00:56.20rajivwunderkin: i think i found it. this is on gentoo and i have USE=vmdbmysql. got built with -DUSE_MYSQL_VM_INTERFACE
00:57.25rajivwunderkin: yup. thats it.
00:59.02*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
00:59.09twistedyou're right
00:59.09Flautohi people
00:59.13*** join/#asterisk mut (
00:59.14twistedi forgot to re-include autopause
00:59.25twistedthe code is there, but i forgot to put the option back in :P
00:59.28rajivrecompile, bbl
00:59.48mutis there a way to compile a single module?
00:59.58mutif i edit chan_sip can i recompile it and reload it
01:00.01Flautois there a way to play the sound files one after another?
01:00.16mutFlauto: just 2 diff priorities
01:00.20mutplay one then play the next
01:00.44Flautolike playback() and next line, playback()?
01:01.12Flautono other way around?
01:01.37Flautofor an extension, it will be 3 or 4 lines
01:01.39mutmix the 2 clips into one
01:02.07Flautomut, thanks
01:02.14Flautoi thought there might be a batter way
01:02.36mutwhy do i always join this chan when i have a nice buzz goin
01:02.40*** join/#asterisk digime (
01:02.45twistedhi Katty
01:02.48Flautomy menu is getting really long
01:03.02mutFlauto: fun stuff tho
01:03.05Kattyjust because i pester twisted every single day, doesn't mean people can start playing elton john songs.
01:03.29Flautoit is a pain to pick up the like fragments you want. mut
01:03.45twistedsorry, i'm just confused I guess... code got me brain mix0red
01:03.58Kattyyou stay confused.
01:04.06twistedi do not
01:04.08twistedi don't think
01:04.14Kattysee, you're clearly confused.
01:04.26mutFlauto: yea but future edits where ya wanna replace a certain one are easier, or you want to play a specific word based on a previous menu selected
01:04.51Flautothat would be nicer, mut
01:05.00mutfor straight forward sentences that never change i spose it might make for a few more lines of text but makes it no harder
01:05.12Kattyand besides, i don't even like males.
01:05.26mutbreak out teh webcam!
01:05.28*** join/#asterisk bugz (
01:05.29twistedwunderkin, i'll have 3.1 out in a few
01:05.33Flautomut, what would you say for evening hours when you dont' want the calls to come in?
01:05.33muthey bugz!
01:05.44bugzhey hey =]
01:05.53bugzhows my favorite # doin
01:06.02Kattymut: uh.
01:06.12Kattymut: i'mnot even going there. kthx.
01:06.21mutyea i know, ya never do ;)
01:06.26twistedKatty, i have hair...until tonight
01:06.27mutusually ya say something more rude to me
01:06.37mutyou must be in a good mood
01:06.37Kattymut: excellent.
01:06.42Kattytwisted: mew?
01:06.50Kattymut: actually, no
01:06.59mutthen you're takin a liking to me
01:07.04Kattymut: i've been depressed for 5 days now.
01:07.17mutme too, except right now i have a bottle of black velvet
01:07.24Kattysad :<
01:07.33bugzim drinking hot chocolate with firewater 101
01:07.35twisteddepression + alcohol == bad.
01:07.35mutbroke up with the gf =\
01:07.37bugzmostly firewater ;D
01:07.41Kattymut: :<<<
01:07.48bugztis the season
01:07.51muti feel pretty good right now actually
01:07.57Kattytwisted: i'm still attempting to convince myself to get up and have breakfast
01:08.00Flautogood for you, mut
01:08.15twistedKatty, heh.. i'm still not completely up yet.
01:08.16mutbbsec need more pepsi
01:08.18Flautokatty, where are you
01:08.25Flautoitis evening here
01:08.32KattyFlauto: central time zone
01:08.49Kattytwisted: i woke up around 10 this morning
01:08.50muti woke up 3pm est
01:08.51bugzi went to bed around then
01:08.57Flautoyour central time zone is morning now? :)
01:09.08KattyFlauto: no, it's around 7pm
01:09.14Flautoi know
01:09.18Flautoi am in the same zone
01:10.05Nivextwisted: the real world is overrated.
01:10.05Kattytwisted: you should come visit me, and kidnap me
01:10.07muttwisted: just spray axe all over yourself
01:10.08Flautomut, i can not find something saying press 0 for operator
01:10.14*** join/#asterisk aaronz (n=aaronz@pdpc/supporter/student/aaronz)
01:10.18twistedmut, haha... that stuff stinks
01:10.34mutessence is good stuff
01:10.34*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
01:10.40mutwomen melt
01:10.45twistedi use axe phoenix as my deodorant
01:10.53mutphoenix is good
01:10.56mutmy ex used it
01:10.57twistedbut i won't use the body spray, cuz it stinks
01:11.01Kattyaxe apparently doesn't work on me
01:11.14mutit's a shower in a can
01:11.20twistedKatty, i saw that girl that looks like you again thurs and fri night
01:11.28bugzthe last time i used an axe it was very effective
01:11.30Kattytwisted: are you sure it wasn't me?
01:11.32aaronzi have a voice app i'd like to write and im not sure what is the appropriate voip server/stack to help me (asterisk?  something else?)  I need to support about 10 uesrs max where I simply get an audio stream to read/write to them, their callerid, and the ability to end the call.
01:11.43twistedKatty, not entirely, but i was assuming not, since it was here in huntsville
01:11.50Kattyk, yeah, not me
01:11.55bugzaaronz: yes
01:12.28Kattytwisted: she might be my twin
01:12.45twistednow there's a thought to think about
01:12.58Kattyjust don't think about it too much
01:13.28aaronzbugz: you think i should use asterisk?  is it overkill?  complicated to setup?
01:13.30twistedwunderkin, i put the option back in and uploaded the patch.
01:14.02aaronzdo i write a module, or can it just open up an application and use pipes for the audio stream?  (would run on linux)
01:14.32twistedaaronz, well, you could just use an AGI if you'd like
01:14.41mutanyone seen stealth or land of the dead
01:14.43mutor both..
01:14.44twistedEAgi to be specific
01:14.44twistedyou'll have acccess to the audio stream on fd3
01:14.47mutwhich should i stick on the dvd player
01:14.56twistedmut, toast.
01:15.00drumkillaaaronz: but just read access ...
01:15.03twistedbr00ksh1r3, you around?
01:15.09drumkillayou can't write audio in AGI ...
01:15.13aaronzi need to read/write
01:15.14twisteddrumkilla, true, unless you call playback ;)
01:15.27drumkillaaaronz: literally, like frame level write access?
01:15.28mutscarface ended a long time ago on UDA
01:15.32drumkillaaaronz: or just playing files
01:15.34mutand i kinda been ignoring the tv since
01:15.57aaronzeverything would be dynamic
01:16.07aaronzi have a very different kind of telephony app
01:16.12aaronzso i need full control
01:16.15aaronzi cna render the audio myself
01:16.31twistedyeah, then you need an app
01:16.31twistedor a res
01:16.34stbainaaronz: what about text to speech?
01:16.47drumkillaaaronz: look at writin an Asterisk dialplan application.
01:17.10aaronzideally i would get in raw g.711 form or whatever, and hopefully some open source codec library exists for me to turn that into PCM when i need to, and be able to re-write the read g.711 out at other times
01:17.21aaronzstbain: im not doing any tts
01:17.31twistedmut, yea, toast.
01:18.17*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
01:18.23twistedwunderkin, can I also get you to put your comments on the mantis bug?
01:18.23twistedYEAH TOAST!
01:18.47mutwtf is toast
01:18.59aaronztwisted: what do you mean by an app or res?
01:18.59twistedcooked bread (of sorts)?
01:19.06twistedaaronz, like... app_blah
01:19.18twisteddisregard res...
01:19.28aaronzforgive me, but im totally asterisk-ignorant
01:19.34Katty(bob and tom)++
01:20.55aaronztwisted: when you say i need an app do you mean I need to write my own module for asterisk?  is that using AGI?
01:21.15aaronzit would seem reasonable that some existing sample app simply opens up an arbitrary app & uses pipes
01:21.27twistedsince you need to deal with raw audio on a channel, you need to build a module, not an agi.
01:21.30aaronzwhich would be the easiest implementation for me, especially since i'd like to write in java
01:21.45twistedOKAY... BAD WORD
01:21.46drumkillayou should probably learn Asterisk, first.
01:21.54drumkillaIt's likely that Asterisk can already do what you need it to do.
01:22.05twisteddrumkilla, you eaten dinner yet?
01:22.09drumkillatwisted: nope
01:22.10aaronztwisted: if i were to remove that restriction and can take in pure PCM (just need to get something going for now), does that simplify things?
01:22.20twisteddrumkilla, wanna join me at fridays?
01:22.26drumkillatwisted: sure
01:22.27aaronzdrumkilla: im going to be doing some DSP
01:22.33aaronzso no, it cant
01:22.37twisteddrumkilla, heh... that'd be awesome if you were in town
01:22.39aaronzcustom stuff
01:22.40drumkillatwisted: give me about ... 6 hours
01:22.46aaronzresearch @ MIT
01:22.49*** join/#asterisk fistus (
01:22.53twisteddrumkilla, oh, well, actually... they'll still be open in 6 hours
01:22.58twistedso yea, come on down
01:23.07drumkillanah ... I have a climbing trip tomorrow
01:23.17twistedhehe.. .yeah.. and I've gotta do laundry and pack
01:23.32drumkillaaaronz: well whatever it is, it's hard to write a module for an application you are ignorant of :-p
01:23.57*** part/#asterisk fistus (
01:24.04aaronzdrumkilla: im sure.  im just trying to find the path of lease resistance, which is why i asked for any suggestions, not just ones based on asterisk
01:24.17drumkillaI think Asterisk would be perfect for you
01:24.18Drukenmmmmm, tgi friday's :)
01:24.27drumkillaand from the sounds of things, you will probably need to write a custom dialplan application
01:24.33drumkillaexamples can be found in the apps directory
01:24.36aaronzso basically i just need to learn how modules work.  arent they python/perl only?
01:24.57drumkillano, Asterisk module are written in C
01:25.10aaronzhow difficult is it to setup the server simply to login to sipphone, and launch my app/module when it gets a call?
01:25.31aaronzdo the modules get decoded PCM?
01:25.46aaronzor original codec
01:26.38aaronz(thanks for your assistance)
01:37.54twistedoh fuck yes
01:38.02twistedi found a chinese delivery place
01:38.53tzangerthat will feed you that fish?
01:40.30twistedgeneral tso chicken plus 8 steamed dumpling for 12.75
01:40.40twistednot too bad, considering it's delivery
01:40.47Qwellsteaming pile of dump
01:41.22twistedit was like ordering from the soup nazi tho
01:41.31twisted"do you deliver to <my address> "
01:41.37twisted"okay, i'd like"
01:41.40twisted"NO.  WHAT NAME"
01:42.28tzangermmmmmmmmmmmmm general t'so chicken
01:42.32tzangerI am addicted to that shit
01:42.40tzangerthey make it at the giant eagle by our parent company
01:42.43twistedi actually asked for some soup, and they were like "no soup for you, you delivery"
01:42.59tzangerit's funny because they have chinese people running the chinese counter and mexicans running the mexcian counter
01:43.04twistedapparently, they can't deliver soup
01:43.05mog_homeman thats funny twisted
01:43.11tzangermust be to add to authenticity
01:43.14mog_homeno one delivers to my neighborhood after dark.....
01:43.27twistedmog_home, haha well
01:43.34twistedmog_home, i wouldn't come to your neighborhood after dark either
01:43.41mog_homeits not that bad...
01:43.48mutmac & cheese baby w00t
01:44.02twistedi hope they bring chopsticks.
01:44.05twistedi don't have any :/
01:44.09mog_homebut this pollicy has cut back my dominos addiction
01:44.14Drukeni wouldn't goto mog's place even in the middle of the day :)
01:44.23Drukenmmmmmmm, domino's......
01:44.35Flautoone more question
01:44.58Flautois ther a way to press * to get in voicemail for an extension?
01:45.10mutshoosh Druken
01:45.15Qwellexten => *,1,VoiceMail()
01:45.16muttheres no pizza here!
01:45.28Flautoqwell, not that
01:45.29twistedpizza makes you fat
01:45.35twistedthis chinese has "NO MSG!"
01:45.45Drukentwisted: so does all the fast food i eat
01:45.50SwKmmmmMmmmmmMMMMmmmm bud
01:45.53[TK]D-Fenderummm. "exten => *,1,VoiceMailMain
01:45.57Qwelltwisted: no messages?
01:45.58mutsome thai beef fried rice sounds really good
01:45.59twistedomg, we woke swk
01:46.04Flautoi mean if i call back to check my voicemail, can i dial my exteion number and then, * to my voicemail
01:46.07SwKswk found an open AP
01:46.24twistedSwK, bumpers has one now
01:46.30SwKf'n mediacom wont come out til next week
01:46.34SwKwhen did they get it?
01:46.40twistedwednsday i think
01:46.43SwKbeer irc and pool
01:46.47SwKwhat more could you need
01:46.49twistedbad combo
01:46.51SwK(cept pr0n)
01:46.54[TK]D-FenderFlauto : IIRC you can't get access to you Vm box from within it.  You need to make a dialplan entry like we just showed in a place you can get to.
01:47.07mutthats true
01:47.20twistedSwK, you coming out sunday?
01:47.31SwKnot like last sunday hah
01:47.36twistedwtf yo
01:47.39Flautoyou mean under the extension, and setup *,1,voicemail
01:47.43Flautogod idea
01:47.52twistedyou don't have to get smashed, nobody made you get smashed last week..
01:48.27Flautowell, normally, the set up is * to voicemail when you call back to your own number from else where
01:48.38SwKI didnt get smashed that was someone else
01:49.01twistedoh yea.
01:49.56mutmine is #
01:49.58mutso i made it #
01:51.19SwKdamn i dunno if this link can deal with anymore packet loss
01:51.40QwellDid you do "show application Voicemail"?
01:51.47twistedpak!@#^ NO CARRIER
01:52.11QwellIf the caller presses '*' during the prompt, the call jumps to extension 'a' in the current context.
01:54.15tainted_anyone see anything wrong with this: SIP/1234567890@provider|60|L(26100000)D(www229)
01:54.19tainted_for Dial()
01:57.50*** join/#asterisk figits (
02:00.34*** join/#asterisk brucedawson (
02:04.13brucedawsonI'm having problems with a new IAXy, can anyone help?
02:06.29Lostfrog26000 secs, tainted_?
02:06.58Lostfrog7.25 hours..
02:07.06LostfrogThat's a long phone call.
02:08.51LostfrogI don't think I've ever spent 4 hours on the phone.
02:09.04*** join/#asterisk cassio (
02:09.21cassiowhats the best billing software for asterisk?
02:10.46brucedawsonThe yellow light isn't coming on after provisioning. What could this mean?
02:11.56cassiobrucedawson do you have the provisioning software for linksys and sipura?
02:12.49brucedawsoncassio: Not that I'm aware of - I have the iaxyprov from Digium.
02:12.58SwKmr kram
02:14.35brucedawsonWhen I run it, I get:
02:14.45brucedawsonProvisioning is 43 bytes
02:14.45brucedawsonTotal packet is 57 bytes
02:14.45brucedawsonGot response back from ''
02:15.09sbingnerso it worked
02:15.13*** join/#asterisk rezEdit (
02:15.50*** join/#asterisk bumble (
02:17.28*** part/#asterisk bumble (
02:23.49*** part/#asterisk brucedawson (
02:24.06figitsThere were issues with the E7520 chipset at some point.  I've read a few posts of IRQ problems between the digium hardware and the onboard SATA or Gig NIC.  Have these problems been resolved by the latest firmwares?  Any comments on the subject?
02:25.17*** join/#asterisk Frawg (n=Frawg@unaffiliated/frawg)
02:25.31*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@
02:29.10*** join/#asterisk joat (
02:31.13fugitivosnprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE dir=? AND msgnum=?",odbc_table);
02:31.45fugitivois anyone going to change that * for the name of the fields?
02:33.12*** join/#asterisk Gourou_fou (
02:33.15Gourou_fousalut tout le monde
02:33.45rezEditcan anyone tell me how recent 1.2.0 RC2 is compared to HEAD?
02:33.58br00ksh1r3fugitivo: i don't think it matters much if you use a * or the name of the fields
02:34.04drumkillarezEdit: that was yesterday
02:34.15fugitivobr00ksh1r3: yes it does
02:34.19br00ksh1r3how so?
02:34.24*** join/#asterisk file[ontrain] (n=jcolp@
02:34.25fugitivobr00ksh1r3: you never should use *
02:34.29br00ksh1r3why not?
02:34.41fugitivobr00ksh1r3: only get the needed fields
02:34.46br00ksh1r3who cares :)
02:34.51rezEditdrumkilla: ok, so my HEAD installation from Oct 31 would be older.  Perhaps I should upgrade....
02:34.54br00ksh1r3* gets all the fields
02:35.03fugitivobr00ksh1r3: good programming cares
02:35.37drumkillabr00ksh1r3: you nub
02:35.41twistedchinese was good
02:35.43*** join/#asterisk WillySilly (
02:35.52LostfrogWhat does good programming have to do with well designed SQL queries?
02:36.03br00ksh1r3* isn't going to cause asterisk to crash ;)
02:36.08twistedi have enough left over for a snack ;)
02:36.33fugitivoLostfrog: well designed sql queries is part of good programming
02:36.45Nugget"well designed sql" and "mysql" are mutually exclusive.
02:37.00fugitivowe're not talking about mysql
02:37.02fugitivomysql is evil
02:37.04Nuggetgood.  :)
02:37.52br00ksh1r3so what if you need all of the fields
02:38.07fugitivobr00ksh1r3: you type all the fields
02:38.11drumkillabr00ksh1r3: !
02:38.13file[ontrain]br00ksh1r3: you're silly fyi
02:38.20drumkillafile[ontrain]: !!!!!!!!!!!!
02:38.28file[ontrain]drumkilla: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02:38.33br00ksh1r3calling a sql query using a long string will be less efficient
02:38.40br00ksh1r3* would be better
02:39.12br00ksh1r3plus now.. your sql engine has all that extra overhead of processing all the required table names
02:39.23Nuggetuse a stored procedure
02:39.25br00ksh1r3which it would have just skipped, if you used a *
02:39.44Nuggetthat way the sql server doesn't have to parse or plan the actual work
02:40.22br00ksh1r3sql server still has to parse stored procedures
02:40.29Nuggetonly once.
02:40.30br00ksh1r3just the call is shorter
02:40.36Nuggetno, you're wrong.
02:40.41fugitivoyes, store procedures is better
02:40.45fugitivoand faster
02:41.22fugitivodoes mysql has store procedures? ;)
02:41.36br00ksh1r3stored procedures CAN be faster..
02:41.48Nuggetstored procedures are always faster
02:41.51br00ksh1r3faster than batches of sql queries yes
02:41.57Nuggetno, faster.
02:42.02Nuggetyou misunderstand how they actually work
02:42.03Gourou_fouasterisk 1.2 RC2 is a good opportunity for experimente update with cvs
02:42.06br00ksh1r3prove it then :)
02:42.07*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
02:42.18NuggetI'm not here to teach you how databases work.
02:42.31br00ksh1r3stored procedures will be faster if you're doing multiple queries
02:42.48br00ksh1r3but not single queries
02:42.54fugitivoyou're wrong
02:42.57br00ksh1r3no i am not
02:42.59Nuggetyou're simply wrong.
02:43.12file[ontrain]drumkilla: I missed t'chu in Montreal
02:43.18drumkillafile[ontrain]: you too, buddy
02:43.27drumkillaClemson won today, yay
02:43.42file[ontrain]ooh we just crossed a river
02:43.42br00ksh1r3drumkilla: so did south carolina :D
02:43.51drumkillabr00ksh1r3: indeed ... those nubs
02:44.12br00ksh1r3auburn is winning by 1
02:44.23drumkillabr00ksh1r3: ooh, nice, I was wondering how that was going
02:44.24Nuggetroll tide.
02:44.26drumkillago Auburn!
02:44.28drumkillaNugget: :(
02:44.32drumkillathey lost :(
02:44.33NuggetI really don't care.
02:44.38file[ontrain]I'm on a train full of veterans
02:44.41drumkillaI go for Alabama and Auburn :)
02:44.42*** join/#asterisk bumble (
02:44.42file[ontrain](no joke)
02:44.46drumkillaI have friends that have gone to both
02:44.49br00ksh1r3alabama lost.. HAHA
02:44.50Nuggetbut I lived in birmingham, so what's a guy to do?
02:45.04drumkillaNugget: *shrugs*  go for both like me?
02:45.08br00ksh1r3actually lsu is my 2nd favorite team :)
02:45.34drumkillabr00ksh1r3: I'm picking AL over Auburn when they play
02:46.02br00ksh1r3russell: they are so gonna lose :)
02:46.24drumkillabr00ksh1r3: n3v4r!
02:46.42file[ontrain]can anyone tell me how to make this...
02:46.48file[ontrain]footrest thing... go down?
02:49.38file[ontrain]I had mcdonalds chicken selects earlier
02:49.50br00ksh1r3hey file! :D
02:49.51file[ontrain]while I was on the cellphone, so meh... spilled some sauce on my shirt and pants! bah
02:49.57br00ksh1r3and why are you on a train?
02:49.59file[ontrain]br00ksh1r3: hi Matttt!
02:50.02file[ontrain]I'm going home
02:50.06br00ksh1r3and how do you have teh internet on the train?
02:50.15file[ontrain]my cellphone has bluetooth :)
02:50.22br00ksh1r3leet :)
02:50.29file[ontrain]it's hot
02:50.35file[ontrain]ooh the train is moving again
02:52.04cassiodoes anyone have sipura profile compiler?
02:52.06MikeJ[Laptop]file's on a train
02:52.15file[ontrain]it stopped again!
02:52.17file[ontrain]this is evil
02:52.20file[ontrain]I wanna get home
02:52.55infinity1file[ontrain]: should have flown :) ...but then you wouldn't be graced with our company
02:52.56*** join/#asterisk Corndawg_ (
02:53.44file[ontrain]too expensive :P
02:53.53file[ontrain]$211 for train, $680 for flying
02:54.01infinity1file[ontrain]: what country are you in?
02:54.28infinity1sounds like a long train ride
02:54.37file[ontrain]it'll be 16 hours total
02:55.46Kattyfile[ontrain]: what are you doing on the train?
02:55.51file[ontrain]going home.
02:55.52Kattyfile[ontrain]: get down from there before you hurt yourself.
02:56.27Kattyfile[ontrain]: 16 hour train ride? :<
02:56.33Kattyfile[ontrain]: i go insane after 2 hours.
02:56.46file[ontrain]I'll hopefully sleep
02:56.54bumblefile[ontrain]: GPRS?  Rogers?
02:57.24file[ontrain]1X CDMA on Telus Mobility
02:59.50bumblenice.  I'm holding out for the EVDO tethered BlackBerry.  With a SIP enabled java softphone and asterisk, unlimited cell phone as well.
02:59.52denonfile: hope you've got a cell charger .. 1x over bluetooth soaks my battery..
03:00.30file[ontrain]I don't, no power here
03:00.38file[ontrain]so I'll be here for only... an hour or so
03:02.34Math`thats a nice dream
03:02.35rikstacan you boot a windows partition that isn't on the FIRST partition of the drive?
03:02.42rikstaoops wrong chan
03:02.53Math`riksta: still...  you can :P
03:03.03Math`just set boot.ini properly
03:03.36rikstaMath`: hmm ihave it on /dev/hda2 so i set grub to do (hd0,1)
03:03.38bugzhave yall ever noticed that the vtx1000 polycom conference phone is in Batman Begins?
03:03.43rikstabut it grumbles about missing system32\hal.dll
03:03.48fugitivodoesn't windows need a partition to be the first of the drive?
03:03.55bugzits on the conference table at the Wayne Enterprises hq
03:04.02Math`fugitivo: it only needs to mount it
03:04.14Math`hence the "multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS"
03:04.25rikstaoh in the boot ini? so what would i change that to?
03:04.25fugitivoeee, well, i don't know a lot about windows :)
03:04.37Math`riksta: ah your trying to load grub
03:04.46Math`you've to chain load winxp's loader
03:04.56rikstai used chainloader +1
03:05.02rikstabut i don't know what that means
03:05.05Math`thats ok
03:05.21Math`uhm missing hal file usually is a problem related to a corrupted partition
03:05.26rikstarather off topic, do you mind if i continue in a PM
03:05.31Math`check if you can mount the partition and check it
03:08.01Peggeris it possible to asterisk answer a computer ,  eg link in the old days when you would call your isp
03:08.33bugzPegger: id think you would need a modem in it
03:10.04Peggerbut in the old days you would call a number to connect to the internet ,  why not user a did can call asterisk and then have a pptp program pick up the call
03:10.13Peggeris it possible to pass calls to pptp???
03:10.19Nuggetan isp is "the old days"?
03:10.22Nuggetjeez I feel old.
03:10.28bugzhaha me too
03:10.30Peggerisp are not old
03:10.57bugznext on voip-info: z modem, kermit, and asterisk: expanding your horizons
03:11.19tzangeroh man I remember that
03:11.19Lostfrogx-modem with sliding windows.
03:11.25tzangerthere was one better though
03:11.30Nuggetis that xmodem checksum, or xmodem crc?
03:11.30tzangerit was a bidirectional thing
03:11.40tzangerand it let you play tetris or chat with the sysop
03:11.43tzangerwhile your downloads went
03:11.50tzangerMNP5 baby
03:11.55FuriousGeorgehey all
03:11.59Peggerso is is possible to pass calls to a pptp program???
03:12.00tzangeror that fractal compression algorithm
03:12.17Nugget  <-- mnp5
03:12.18tzangerwhich erased the data and marked the secotrs bad and left a tiny header with the offset to the first block :-)
03:12.41tzangerOCZ comes to mind as the extension but that's well over 15 years ago
03:13.10NuggetPegger: asterisk is the wrong tool for what you're trying to do, I think.
03:13.12tzangerI never had a courier HST
03:13.13tzangerI wanted one
03:13.21NuggetI had the round led one before that.
03:13.24Nugget9600 HST only
03:13.34Nuggetthat one was the dual standard.  quite leet
03:13.58Nuggetonly $495 (half price) with the sysop program
03:14.02PeggerNugget I would think that it would not be that hard to convert it to just pass the calls to another program
03:14.06FuriousGeorgei got a doorphone that totally saps my ringer voltage when i turn its speaker up.  boostringer isnt being as useful as i hoped, im wondering if part of my problem may be the resistance on the cat5 im using to run the wiring.  was thnking of using 2 pairs to ameilioerate the issue.  can anyone comment?
03:14.33{zombie}Pegger: the trouble is that you need a modem, not a voice card
03:14.45Gourou_fouwhat hour is it in your country ?
03:15.11LostfrogThe hour of night.
03:15.33Peggerzombie  but i just need to pass the voice channel to a pptp connection
03:15.46bumbleI don't understand one of the lines from the Zaptel Makefile:
03:15.47bumbleifneq (,$(wildcard /lib/modules/$(KVERS)/build))
03:16.20WillySillyCan someone tell me how to fix this error?
03:16.20WillySillychan_oss.c:257 sound_thread: read error on sound device: Resource temporarily anavailable
03:16.43bugzNugget: that thing was a monster in its da
03:16.48Nugget  <-- for anyone else that feels old.
03:16.57bugzlike having a DS3 in your bedroom
03:17.02FuriousGeorgeWillySilly: one way is to stop using kde or whatever is using ur sound
03:17.06LostfrogI remember when my 2400 was hot.
03:17.13WillySillyFuriousGeorge: nothing is using my sound
03:17.16tzangerI hit the bbs scene with 2400
03:17.21tzanger9600 was the new hotness
03:17.26drumkillabumble: that is just checking to see if the build directory exists for the kernel you are building the modules against
03:17.30Lostfroglol.. Desqview.
03:17.32tzangerLostfrog: you must be a little older than I am
03:17.37tzangerI have that still
03:17.39tzangermy dad loved it
03:17.39bumbleI'm not an expert on Make, but seems that that line of the Makefile will always evalute to true.  Is that right?
03:17.49LostfrogI used that for a fido-node.
03:17.49FuriousGeorgebut since ur probably not using the console, just stop loading oss in modules.conf
03:17.49NivexOMG Antic!
03:17.59drumkillabumble: no, it will not.
03:18.07drumkillait will only be true if the build directory exists.
03:18.10WillySillyFuriousGeorge: what makes you think that?
03:18.16WillySillyI'm using the console :P
03:18.18*** join/#asterisk SwK (
03:18.29tzangerI wonder how vigilant apple is about their osxx86 leaks
03:18.42FuriousGeorgeWillySilly: to communicate?  or just for the output and the text commands?
03:18.53tzangeri'm actually not that keen on finding out
03:18.53WillySillyI dont even have X installed
03:18.56NuggetI had the first hayes 2400 modem in indianapolis.  It was great, but it didn't have dipswitches so it was a bitch to get it working with my bbs.
03:19.03tzangerNugget: :-)
03:19.09WillySillyim on another comp, asterisk is on another
03:19.15Nuggetand then compuserve came up with 2400 access and it was like a zillion dollars an hour
03:19.34FuriousGeorgewhat makes me think that is that you asked to stop the error, not to get your console channel sound working
03:19.39LostfrogProcomm plus.. I just threw my copy out this year.
03:19.43SwKnuggets and old school geek
03:19.45KattyNugget: do you have a recipe for chocolate sauce?
03:19.47FuriousGeorgeso just edit modules.conf
03:19.52NuggetKatty: nope, sorry.  :(
03:19.53SwKtelix rocked procomm
03:19.57KattyNugget: kthx
03:20.05Nuggetprocomm 2.4.2 was great.  procomm plus not so much.
03:20.13FuriousGeorgeKatty: one part chocolate, one part heat, voila
03:20.19justinutelemate 4ever!
03:20.19tzangerprocom was teh suck
03:20.22SwKi was all about writing some salt scripts
03:20.27KattyFuriousGeorge: uhhmmm, not quite what i'mg oing for there.
03:20.27tzangertelix man
03:20.30WillySillyi didnt say stop, i said fix
03:20.49justinutelemate could do pseudo multitasking
03:21.01bumbledrumkilla, what does the word 'wildcard' mean in this line.  is that checking for existance of the file?
03:21.02justinuyou could edit a file and do zmodem downloads at the same time
03:21.08FuriousGeorgeWillySilly: my bad, try using another app that uses sound like mplayer see if that works
03:21.17SwKdesqview + qemm + telix + frontdoor + rabbs
03:21.28LostfrogMmm.. frontdoor and games.
03:21.29SwK+ USR HSTs
03:21.37tzangerI used to get remote ops for cracking BBS doors
03:21.51tzangerthe op would want some game or other door and I'd reg it
03:21.55SwKthen I later switched to MBBS/WG and went all the way to 50 lines + telnet access
03:22.03drumkillabumble: pretty much, yeah ...
03:22.06Lostfroglol.. I hav this on my bookshelf:
03:22.11Nuggetgreat book!
03:22.16WillySillyFuriousGeorge: my asterisk serevr doesnt have speakers
03:22.25justinura was pretty cool bbs software
03:22.31justinutelegard was neat too
03:22.32LostfrogAll the dos interrupt calls and a few bios ones too.
03:22.35FuriousGeorgeWillySilly: so whats wrong with my suggestion of stopping * from loading sound
03:22.42SwKyeah ra and quick were pretty much the same thing
03:22.49tzangerhaha I have some old DOS books like that
03:22.52SwKX00 Fossil y0
03:22.53tzangerprogrammer reference books
03:23.04Nuggetfrontdoor was way better than binkleyterm, but I was cheap and stuck with binkley
03:23.07tzangerworn completely thin
03:23.07FuriousGeorgeWillySilly: and if you have no speakers are you sure alsa/oss is even set up right to begin with
03:23.17SwKi just cracked FD
03:23.17bugzi worked with the ring leader of the PhoneMasters
03:23.42NuggetRay Gwinn's Fossil drivers.
03:23.42Lostfrogoh god.. the memories.
03:23.43tzangerfossil drivers I remember those
03:23.45bugzcool guy. served time for it all though.
03:23.47LostfrogI'm only 31.
03:23.49SwKi still have a backup of the WorldGroup BBS right before it went down
03:23.51tzangerI'm 29
03:24.04*** part/#asterisk WillySilly (
03:24.05Kattyall of you!
03:24.05bugzthis dude knew phiberoptik personally
03:24.06FuriousGeorgeyou guys know how there are really four other official dtmf tones:  A,B,C,&D.  does * understand those?
03:24.12bugzand didnt like him ahaha...
03:24.13tzangeryes it does
03:24.14SwKi been saying I'm gonna put it back online colo'd somewhere on a couple of old ass pentiums
03:24.16FuriousGeorgeand if so, can i get phones that gotem
03:24.18tzangerFuriousGeorge: yes it does
03:24.24KattyNugget: i was all grown up last month :>
03:24.27tzangerit can dial them and recognize them
03:24.27FuriousGeorgetzanger: got any phones that have them
03:24.33tzangeryes I do actually
03:24.34Nuggetyay for grown-up Katty!
03:24.37SwKkatty: you're still wet behind the ears :P
03:24.42FuriousGeorgetzanger: where can i get some?
03:24.45LostfrogOther than testsets, tzanger?
03:24.47KattySwK: yes, because i just got out of the shower.
03:25.34tzangerFuriousGeorge: ebay... lots of butt sets have them
03:25.48FuriousGeorgethey're called "butt sets"?
03:25.53tzangeryou can't goose katty
03:25.54Lostfroglol.. my testset is pulse.
03:25.58SwKyes hthey are called butt sets
03:26.02tzangeryou have to skritch her right where her butt meets her tail
03:26.08*** join/#asterisk hhoffman (n=hhoffman@tor/session/x-09cc95e49d7595f9)
03:26.11Lostfrogbutt set, test set, lineman's phone.
03:26.16Kattytzanger: people usually get smacked for that.
03:26.27tzangerpulse butt sets still can do ABCD...  they dial "dit dah" for A
03:26.31SwKwatch out katty has a blade
03:26.32tzangerKatty: but not me
03:26.33hhoffmanhi, anyone using teliax? or perhaps could explain why asterisk is hanging up when I call it?
03:26.34FuriousGeorgeusually being the operative word?
03:26.54tzangeryou should see how she wraps herself around me
03:27.02tzangerok I'm gonna get smacked for that likely heh
03:27.09KattySwK: yeah, like that chick in the sequal to pitch black
03:27.12SwKdamnit xchat doesnt ahve ^U
03:27.25tzanger^U?  wtf does that do?
03:27.34LostfrogScrolls up.
03:27.44SwKclear from cursor to beginning of line
03:27.48tzanger^H is backspace
03:27.53tzangermy pageup key pages up for me
03:28.04tzangerSwK: hmm I should try that
03:28.08tzangerirssi does it
03:28.13KattySwK: what was the name of that movie?
03:28.22tzangeroh man this song rocks
03:28.24SwKmost things that use vt100 style console controls do that
03:28.31FuriousGeorgetzanger: oh those are called Butt Sets, huh?  i was looking for something more in the way of a conventional phone with four extra buttons
03:28.31tzangerMotorcycle - As the Rush Comes
03:28.38{zombie}SwK: put gtk-key-theme-name = "Emacs"  in your ~/.gtk2rc
03:28.39tzangerFuriousGeorge: well
03:28.49hhoffmananyone know what this means?  Auto fallthrough, channel 'IAX2/teliax-1' status is 'UNKNOWN'
03:28.49{zombie}and xchat will have control-u, control-a, control-e etc
03:28.55tzangertake the aligator clips and clip them on to the tip/ring of an RJ11 cable cut in half and it works as a normal phone :-)
03:28.56FuriousGeorgei know, if its conventional its not gonna have the buttons
03:29.16SwKzombie...  wonder if that works on OSX
03:29.29tzangerSwK: dunno I found that ssh didn't honour a lot of my keys on osx
03:29.34{zombie}does it use gnome2 libs on osx? then it should
03:29.45SwKI dunno
03:29.46tzangerI ssh'd to this smae machine and I couldn't use alt-# (option-#) to switch windows
03:29.53SwKI just grabbed a binary
03:29.55tzangerand backspace didn't work at all, but ^W did
03:30.00LostfrogTry esc-#
03:30.08tzangerescape-# eh?  hmm
03:30.14tzangernow I have to power up the osxx86 pc
03:30.34tzangerI'm a little disappointed that none of y'all laughed at my "dit dah for A" pulse butt set joke
03:30.40FuriousGeorgetzanger: what i have in mind is assigning functionalities to those four extra buttons.  "Hold" "XFer" "Park" "Voicemail" or something
03:30.54tzangerI mean coppice should have at least chuckled
03:31.01*** part/#asterisk joat (
03:31.03LostfrogAhhh.. morse code..
03:31.05LostfrogI get it..
03:31.12FuriousGeorgei get it now
03:31.16SwKdit dit dit dah dah dah dit dit dit
03:31.25tzangerI don't know much morse code but I still remember how to key in "andy" -- what I was called when I was a kid
03:31.26konfuzedtzanger: thats the first syne that you are loosing it
03:31.30SwKthats about the only morse i know
03:31.32FuriousGeorgeSwK:  SoS?
03:31.40tzanger.- -. .-. .
03:31.44tzangerer that's not right
03:31.45tzanger. is i
03:31.49tzangerhmm I don't remember :-)
03:31.52SwK... --- ... ... --- ...
03:31.55coppicetzanger: eh? what? chuckled at what?
03:31.57tzangeryeah sos I know
03:32.04konfuzedtzanger: the second syne that your loosing it
03:32.11tzangercoppice: I said that pulse butt sets with ABCD buttons would pulse out "dit dah" for A
03:32.14Kattyi've not played that inforever.
03:32.19bugzmy dad made me type a few thousand lines of basic to program hangman when i was 4
03:32.23bugzi have yet to recover
03:32.25tzangerI have battleship on my cell phone
03:32.36KattySwK: i'll do worse than that!
03:32.39tzangerit's the first and last game I downloaded to a cell ever
03:32.39SwKi have breakout on my bberry
03:32.43tzangerpaid $5 for it too
03:32.47SwKkatty yeah yeah
03:32.47KattySwK: i'll sink it in tropical waters!
03:32.54coppicetzanger: I never understood why all early telephony was not conducted in morse
03:32.58tzangerI hope myu treo650 comes soon, I will have dopewars on my cell :-)
03:32.59SwKat least the water will be warm
03:33.04Kattyof course.
03:33.08Kattyi'm a nice person.
03:33.08SwKdopewars ruled!
03:33.13tzangercoppice: because the masochists died off ?  :-)
03:33.16Katty...sometimes ;>
03:33.18justinumorse = telegraphy
03:33.18tzangerwhat do you mean, ruled
03:33.22konfuzedtzanger: the fourth syne that your loosing it
03:33.23justinunot telephony
03:33.26tzangerkonfuzed: haha
03:33.27bugzSwK: that was fun
03:33.30tzangerthat was an awesome email, btw
03:33.39konfuzedactually paid for a game on your cell
03:33.42justinuphono means sound
03:33.46bugzSwK: remember that win95 app that let you grow some plants?
03:33.53tzangermy mom, unbelievably, is the best drug dealer I know... her first few games she easily racked up 90+mil
03:33.58SwKbugz not really
03:34.01tzangerwhere I squeak by at under a dozen mil
03:34.12tzangerI'm like "Mom... is there something you're not telling me?"
03:34.13SwKi was too busy playing TW2002 around that time
03:34.15SwKor Duke
03:34.20tzangermy brother was deep into tw2002
03:34.22bugzSwK: you got to choose from all these different strains, and had to water it periodically
03:34.23tzangerduke nukum rocked
03:34.25KattySwK: you know you hurt my wrist.
03:34.30bugzi forget what it was called... fun though
03:34.34bugzeducational ehehe
03:34.35KattySwK: it hurt the whole next day
03:34.45SwKI'm sorry
03:34.47tzangerwe used to play duke or worms2 on the office lan on lunch breaks at the parent company
03:34.54SwKhave you had a chance to use that on anyone else?
03:35.02KattySwK: no, i'm still antisocial
03:35.03SwKwhat up mike
03:35.13SwKuse it to beat up a co-worker then
03:35.43Kattyor not
03:36.00SwKnow where was the postgresql driver for realtime
03:36.02tzangerworms2 I miss that game
03:36.04twistedSwK, what did you do to katty?
03:36.08tzangerthat and scorched earth
03:36.16tzangerI played my brother for hours with that game
03:36.31SwKtwisted I showed her a reverse wrist lock she could use to subdue people
03:37.03twistedthat shit hurts man
03:37.05KattySwK: i ate it.
03:37.16Kattytwisted: yes, it did hurt a bit, but not too bad.
03:37.27Kattytwisted: it was the next day it really hurt for awhile
03:37.37SwKbut its a good non-lethal non-perm damage technique
03:37.55KattySwK: but it's really not good on people with insanely small wrists.
03:38.03SwKkatty: really It usually quits hurting as soon as you release the presure on th enerve bundle
03:38.16KattySwK: dunno
03:38.27rezEditanyone have any tips on avoiding the cutoff of the beginning bit of recorded sounds at the start of a call?  for instance, when I call voicemail it asks for my 'assword' :-)
03:38.47MikeJ[Laptop]SwK, nothing.. just playing with code...
03:38.54twistedrezEdit, but, that's desired behaviour!
03:39.07LostfrogMy assword is 'wipe'
03:39.26rezEditLostfrog: But in this case I can't do that, it's voicemail.
03:39.27Kattytwisted: don't beat up SwK
03:39.36twistedKatty, why would I?
03:39.38rezEdittwisted: oh, ok then ;-)
03:39.41Kattytwisted: k
03:39.53{zombie}rezEdit: Answer, and then Wait(1) before you call Voicemail
03:40.09rezEdit{zombie}: ok, thanks I will try that
03:40.18[TK]D-Fenderor you can now do "Answer(1)" to include the delay.
03:40.30LostfrogNice to know, [TK]D-Fender, thanks.
03:40.57LostfrogActually.. that looks different.
03:41.02twistedKatty, i'm confused again.
03:41.06twistedoh well.
03:41.13[hC]any major issues in cvs head from today/recently? thinking of updating my boxes
03:41.19LostfrogIt said wait delay ms before answering the calls.
03:41.35Kattytwisted: you stay confused.
03:42.07twistedyay, it's been awhile since I've had a katty hug
03:42.26Kattypractically forever
03:42.32Kattyi mean literally
03:42.47twistedKatty, yah
03:42.50Kattytwisted: not vegan
03:43.15Kattycome to think of it, i don't think i hugged anyone at cluecon
03:43.15Gourou_fouo <===
03:43.37Gourou_fougood night all :)
03:43.49twistedyea, nite person I don't know
03:44.09rezEditAdding Wait(1) works, but I still get sound cutoff if I just use Answer(1)
03:44.21twistedyou will
03:44.23Kattyi might have hugged file
03:44.27[TK]D-Fenderrez : may need a later * build...
03:44.38Kattybut i think that's the only person i would have hugged
03:44.45twistedrezEdit, it's called setup time in the audio path
03:45.06twistedi've hugged file before
03:45.07justinuanyone know a way to get around the broadvoice activation fee?
03:45.15rezEdit[TK]D-Fender: using HEAD from a couple of weeks ago, but yeah, gonna update soon
03:45.19twistedjustinu, pay it?
03:45.27SwKdont use broadvoice?
03:45.32justinuwho else then?
03:45.46SwKpick one of the plethora of sip DID providers
03:45.57justinuwho else sells did's for 5.95?
03:46.09KattySwK: were those christmas boxers?
03:46.11twistedSOME of them you get the did free with your plan
03:46.15KattySwK: i can't remember
03:46.18twistedokay now
03:46.21justinuok, can you recommend one?
03:46.30Kattytwisted: long story, but not what you think
03:46.31SwKkatty?? huh?
03:46.38KattySwK: when i went to get my visa
03:46.41SwKoh my spongebob love pants ones
03:46.48twistedoh dear lord.
03:47.01twistedKatty, you've caused my brain to malfunction
03:47.03Kattytwisted: my visa was in the laptop case
03:47.04Lostfrog[TK]D-Fender: the documentation says that the delay using Answer(1) comes before the answer.. not after.
03:47.05SwKI think i was still hungover then
03:47.17Kattytwisted: it was in the other room
03:47.53FuriousGeorgeso its says this doorphoen requires 20 VDC.  Afaik, an fxo+boostringer=yes supplies 89 Volts.  my problem then must be the resistance, ro the grade, of the cat5 wiring, cuz im having trouble sustaining a ring
03:47.55twistedcan you hear that?
03:47.59twistedthat fizzling?
03:48.09FuriousGeorgeam i wrong, dude?  are we splitting hairs here?
03:48.10twistedthat's my brain
03:48.19Kattyit's a pretty one
03:49.25twistedFuriousGeorge, ringing voltage is roughtly +90 vac i believe
03:49.26KattyFuriousGeorge: i've no idea.
03:49.29konfuzedaby preference here for slackware debian or gentoo
03:49.49LostfrogI like all three.. but I've found debian the easiest.
03:49.53twisteddarwin + gentoo
03:50.01Kattygentoo skeers me.
03:50.11Kattyit's like all complicated n stuff
03:50.14SwKkatty thats cause you like winders ;)
03:50.16twistednot really Katty
03:50.20KattySwK: pfft
03:50.25KattySwK: i fix winders, i run debian
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03:50.30konfuzedtwisted: would you be running * on darwin
03:50.39twistedkonfuzed, not dead even.
03:50.47twistedi thought you said debian
03:50.48SwKkonfuzed I run * on OSX
03:50.53KattySwK: gotta know winders here.
03:50.55twistedbut yes, i run * on darwin/osx
03:50.59FuriousGeorgetwisted:  thats right, its AC, sint it?  so why does this doorphones brochure claim "Telephone Line Powered.  20 VDC / 20 mA, minimum.
03:51.10twistedFuriousGeorge, that's line voltage.
03:51.18konfuzed[22:56:15] <@twisted> darwin + gentoo
03:51.27LostfrogLine voltage is normally 24VDC, isn't it?
03:51.29twistedkonfuzed, yes, i know.
03:51.30alexnsopteron or xeon whats better for asterisk ? any examples
03:51.38konfuzedthought you might have actually run * on darwin
03:51.42twistedLostfrog, normally, yes.
03:51.57twistedLostfrog, but most devices will deal with ~20-30VDC
03:52.01SwKfuriousgeorge ring voltage is about 90 bolts pulsating DC (it looks almost like AC) battery is -48vdc
03:52.14tzangerring should be 90VAC
03:52.16[hC]it'd be nice if my imac g5 had zaptel drivers ;)
03:52.17tzangernot pulsed DC
03:52.37konfuzedalexns: AMD is always better than intel bang for buck wise
03:52.40SwKtzanger: I agree but thats the textbook definition
03:52.46FuriousGeorgeim loading the module with boostringer, and thats what dmesg says ("boosting to ~89V")
03:52.53SwK(or atleast the military one)
03:53.08twistedoh gawd
03:53.10konfuzedmany chatters make this screen scroll to fast to keep up
03:53.11twistedmilitary don't know shit
03:53.24konfuzedim gittinC#nile
03:53.25SwKmilitary they know how to blowshit up
03:53.26FuriousGeorgebut this damn doorphone (just an analog phone thats weather proof), has a speaker on it (obviously no handset), and when i turn the volume up too high, it dies when ringing
03:53.27tzangerSwK: interesting
03:53.30twistedSwK, exactly
03:53.35alexnskonfuzed: ok, whast cpus do you think for 90 g729 iax trunk -> sip
03:53.52konfuzedAthlon 64 wil do the trick
03:54.00FuriousGeorgeso im wondering if maybe i use two twisted pairs itll lower the resistance, and help with that, or something
03:54.12alexnskonfuzed: how fast i meant
03:54.12konfuzedbig ram
03:54.15[hC]hey, does matt florell come on irc at all?
03:54.17[hC]astguiclient dude.
03:54.24konfuzed3000 or better
03:54.33alexnskonfuzed: numa bus on opteron board ?
03:54.55fugitivoathlon is not opteron, big difference between them
03:55.01drumkillaFuriousGeorge: two pairs will actually lower resistance ...
03:55.02konfuzedyeah i know
03:55.12drumkillaFuriousGeorge: d'oh, that's what you said
03:55.26twistedFuriousGeorge, yea, that'd help if it's a longer distance for sure
03:55.30fugitivoi'd recommend opteron if you're going to use big memory
03:55.31konfuzedvoip trafdfic is still network traffic
03:55.43konfuzedwhat cpu processing is done?
03:55.58twisted(r/2 *l)/v
03:55.58alexnsso... athlon 64 or dual opteron ?  no transcoding
03:55.59Lostfrogkonfuzed: GSM -> ulaw / ulaw -> GSM
03:56.02alexnsjust sip to iax
03:56.17konfuzedho bout dual core athlon instead of opteron
03:56.28Lostfrogok.. g729 -> GSM / GSM -> g729
03:56.33FuriousGeorgetwisted:  its not even a hundred feet i dont think, the device must be power hungry
03:56.36tzangerLostfrog: that's gonna sound like ass
03:57.04Lostfrogtzanger: all of allison's prompts are incoded in GSM.
03:57.06alexnsok dual core , ram ? 4GB
03:57.18tzangerLostfrog: that still doesn't mean it won't sound like ass
03:57.21konfuzedlostfrog I'm almost curious as to why you would want to go from one codec to another and then back again
03:57.24fugitivoyou don't need that much if you're not doing transcoding
03:57.28FuriousGeorgetwisted:  plus theres another device that sits in the middle and listens on only one side for a dtmf tone to unlock the door, in order to do this it actually bridges the line somehow, talk bat and all
03:57.29twistedFuriousGeorge, what is your measurements at the term?
03:57.41twistedOOOOOH wait
03:57.47twistedFuriousGeorge, this sits in the middle?
03:57.53alexnsok 2gig
03:58.00FuriousGeorgetwisted:  it does but even without it i had similar problems
03:58.19FuriousGeorgeit definately made it worse though
03:58.20tzangerwho wanted that g729.dll?
03:58.29tzangerdelmar: it was you who wanted g729.dll wasn't it?
03:58.42konfuzedthe only real hardware concerns you have with asterisk is quality fxs/fxo ports and an internet pipe
03:58.46alexnswhat about signate 5k .. itanium 1.5 asterisk 64 not sure on ram... 4k Sip Sessions
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03:59.03twistedactually, you can vamp clamp onto a tel line, but you're going to drain the line a bit
03:59.25FuriousGeorgevamp clamp?
03:59.38twistedyeah, not breaking the circuit, but tapping into the wire
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03:59.41twistedit's an old term
04:00.01FuriousGeorgeiow, use a mabell line to boost me?
04:00.12twisteduhh.. no
04:00.21fugitivowhy sql_postgres is obsolete?
04:00.39konfuzedalexns: signate 4000 sessions is not with the g729 codec
04:00.40tzangerfugitivo: because mysql is 1000x the db, we just gave up that old pg shit
04:00.57twistedFuriousGeorge, i was just referring to ways to listen into a circuit
04:01.14wunderkintwisted, the new patch works but i had to remove a bunch of !< stuff from the comments on the first hunk to get it to patch
04:01.17FuriousGeorgegotcha, i thought yuo were talking about taking the power from one of the pairs somehow
04:01.26twistedwunderkin, it's built off of cvs head
04:01.34coppiceif signate could only do 4000 sessions they are *really* slow. those SIP calls are just handling the switching
04:01.40twistedlatest head has the doxygen comments in there
04:01.40wunderkinoh? so that garbage is in there? weird
04:01.50wunderkinim  using 11/01 so thats why
04:01.59FuriousGeorgetwisted:  my problem isnt critical, i can just not turn the speaker all the way up
04:01.59konfuzedalexns: using signate as a reference you only need 1 - 40th the hardware
04:02.25twistedFuriousGeorge, so the door phone is powered entirely off of the phone line?
04:02.56FuriousGeorgeits the viking k-1700
04:03.38konfuzedoh yeah, any preference here for slackware debian or gentoo
04:04.02alexnskonfuzed no but i wonder what the signate could do with 729, know of any info on that..maybe a machine with itanium
04:04.05fugitivolfs only
04:04.09marvhm, apparently someone got shot in head lastnight and found across the street from me
04:04.54FuriousGeorgetwisted:  im gonna see how increasing the number of pairs between me and the devices does me
04:04.55FuriousGeorgei bet itll help
04:04.55wunderkintwisted: for some reason, the 1st agent to get offered the call is not getting paused if he doesnt answer the call but the 2nd does
04:04.58twistedFuriousGeorge, it's possible.  if nothing else, go to rat shack and get a linear amp ;)
04:05.43FuriousGeorgelinear amp, huh?
04:06.10FuriousGeorgefacinating what i learn in here
04:06.30[TK]D-Fenderkonfuzed : Take your pick of distro, but use whatever's comfortable for you and make sure you have the parts * may need (kernel source, standard libraries,etc)
04:06.37FuriousGeorgei asked an electrician about that concept and he had no idea
04:07.34tzangerasked the electician about what?
04:07.44tzangerkram: opus was looking for you
04:07.49tzangersaid you owed him money or something?  :-)
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04:08.32wunderkinaw man, you are too hot on the draw
04:09.56konfuzed[TK]D-Fender: reviewing distro watch and debain sounds a little smoother and complete then gentoo
04:10.22[TK]D-Fenderkon, what are you going to do on this box?
04:10.25konfuzedim not worried about firewalls thank good ness
04:10.28wunderkintwisted: plus the 2nd agent its calling doesn't actually ring for 18 seconds like its supposted to.. hmm?
04:10.36konfuzedasterisk and jabber
04:10.43konfuzedwith mysql
04:11.02konfuzed1  x100p
04:11.20konfuzedjust a few iax users
04:11.32[TK]D-FenderWell, strangely I always found Slackware the easiest thing to use for *
04:11.38twistedwunderkin, strange, i didn't really do any functional code changes, just updated to patch cleanly and change the name of teh option
04:11.40konfuzedamd athlon 600 w 20g hd
04:12.16twistedi made some adjustments, like in the autofill, as to where it makes the decision to push the call, but that's pretty much it
04:12.39*** part/#asterisk pussfeller (n=todd@
04:13.17[TK]D-Fenderkonfuzed : yup... use it for Desktop & console only just the same
04:14.39konfuzedtipic Today we release the second part of the solution, which is based on a modified iaxclient library, with the aim of making it one of the best to create VoIP/Video calls.
04:14.58konfuzedtipic IM running jabber
04:15.01konfuzedhow bout dat
04:15.27wunderkintwisted: weird, its not doing  the hangup which is the prio after the dial, plus its not saying no one is available to answer like it does for the  1st one..
04:15.54konfuzedi had this thing on for SuSE an now the thing is off soe how
04:15.56newlsounds like a solution a mate is already building called Nexxia which runs under .NET enabled platforms using Jabber and iax.
04:16.23newls/already building/has already built/
04:16.24konfuzedloosing credibility and seems to be heading in the wrong direction now
04:16.48twistedwunderkin, wtf are you talking about?
04:16.55wunderkintwisted: well, i can show you
04:17.05konfuzednewl: he should try going with Bell Nexxia
04:17.08konfuzedit has that extra punch
04:17.45newlwell, he is Canadian, what are the odds? ;)
04:18.12wunderkintwisted: here is the output
04:18.49wunderkintwisted: the first agent isnt getting  paused after no answer, the second does but it doesn't even ring for 18  sec like it says
04:19.09tzangernewl: hey now
04:19.15tzangerkonfuzed: there is no bell nexxia anymore
04:19.18tzangermy bro used to work for htem
04:19.22tzangernow they're just part of Bell
04:19.44tzangerone of the Digium Matts is working on res_jabber
04:20.00twistedwunderkin, I wouldn't use chan_agent if my life depended on it.
04:20.18twistedyou're using dial, which, i take no responsibility for it's behaviour, also.
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04:20.45wunderkini'm not saying it's caused by you, i'm just saying :D
04:21.00wunderkinthe pause part doesn't work for me at least
04:21.08wunderkini think it did when i wasn't using agent
04:23.28wunderkinno the pause isn't working now
04:23.58wunderkini tried using a static member with a local channel like i did before
04:25.31newltzanger: hah hey, I've got nothing against Canooks.  They've got great beer, lovely women, they love hockey, and have awesome roads. :D
04:25.43tzangerawesome roads?
04:25.56wunderkinah my; hangup is messing it up
04:26.05newlsure, when comparing against the roads in Michigan, you bet haha
04:27.57[TK]D-FenderUmmmm scratch that "roads" part ;)
04:27.57wunderkinthat additional hangup on the channel was messing both of those up so thats why.. dont mind me
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04:30.29konfuzednewl: you only described montreal
04:31.11Math`you people don't like the roads of quebec? :P
04:31.13[TK]D-FenderI beg to differ, Montreal roads SUCK....
04:31.29Math`you can feel it when you cross the border
04:31.38Math`like you're sleeping in the car... it starts shaking
04:31.44Math`"Home sweet home there we are!"
04:31.54[TK]D-FenderMath` : too true.. I don't even ned a "welcome to Ontario" sign to tell me :D
04:32.15konfuzedtzanger: do you know digiums Matt uses to dev res_jabber
04:32.15Math`I live in montreal so Im used to it
04:32.37[TK]D-FenderSay, did you go to the meet Asterisk con?
04:32.56Math`no I didnt
04:33.09FuriousGeorgeanyone ever install a doorstrike
04:33.09konfuzedtzanger: as in what distro he uses to dev
04:33.28[TK]D-FenderOh well.  I was there with File, Junky, and Blitzrage.  very cool to get to hang out
04:33.31Math`it doesnt really matter which distro u use to dev
04:33.36tzangerkonfuzed: I'm guessing gentoo but not sure
04:33.41Math`[TK]D-Fender: yeah but I didnt have 200$ to spend
04:34.02konfuzedhhhmmm anyone using suse
04:34.02[TK]D-FenderMath` : I was the same, but the company finally sprung for it...
04:34.52Math`[TK]D-Fender: yeah well Im my company heh
04:35.07konfuzedMath`: take the rest of the day off with pay
04:35.59Math`[TK]D-Fender: deductable? really?
04:36.25[TK]D-FenderEmployee training, 1% rule
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04:36.32konfuzedMath`: oh yeah montreal is the expense capital of the world man
04:37.16konfuzedhave nt you been readin the news
04:37.24konfuzedI didnt expense the gum man really
04:38.16konfuzedall those french govt plunderers are from Quebec you know
04:38.42konfuzedoh and dont forget Quebec owns Ottawa not Ontario
04:38.54konfuzedit was expensed
04:40.46konfuzedany SuSE users here
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04:42.14konfuzedinstalling kubuntu was great
04:42.26konfuzedonly 50 key strokes
04:42.44konfuzedbut i doubt it is the server platform of choice
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04:43.11konfuzedi dont wat to spend days isntalling a distro or asterisk and jabber
04:43.49konfuzedkonfuzed: <-------- KonfuzeD
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04:44.20konfuzedsuse is sorta a pian that way
04:44.55Math`debian is pretty fast to install
04:45.16konfuzedits got that lean mean smell to it
04:45.46konfuzedi think it is going to win out in the deliberation
04:46.22konfuzedi only hesitate because we dont want to have a dozen different server distros to be running asterisk
04:46.28tzangerlean mean smell?
04:46.30tzangerwhat'd you eat?
04:46.40tzangerforget lfs
04:46.41[TK]D-Fenderkonfuzed : Slackware takes me about 30 minutes and Asterisk a handful more.  I doubt Jabber is much of an obstabcle...
04:46.41tzangertoo much work
04:46.42konfuzedcacao mostly
04:46.47tzangercustom packageset
04:46.49fugitivotzanger: no it's not
04:46.50tzangeron floppy or usb
04:46.53tzangerit just works
04:46.55Math`asterisk isn't slow to install
04:47.04Math`it just takes a while to configure :P
04:47.06tzangerand you aren't building everything over and over again or copying an image
04:47.09bugzhaha Nugget im lookin at your pics on
04:47.13[TK]D-FenderAsterisk is like a 5 minute compile.....
04:48.42LostfrogI install 99% of what I need for debian off of a 128MB USB key.
04:50.32fugitivoi have asterisk+sshd+apache+php+postgresql and a lot of needed libraries in 220mb using lfs
04:51.01QwellI have all that, on gentoo, in 3mb
04:51.26LostfrogQwell: but you have to add compile time. :)
04:51.29tzangerfuck ya'll
04:51.33konfuzedslackware sources has great power but makes me think of taking hours to review the package needs
04:51.34tzangerslackware bare in 25MB
04:51.42tzangerpared down
04:51.47tzangeralthough my LFS stuff fit in a 16MB CF
04:51.54tzangerand that included almost all of PERL
04:52.14fugitivoi can make it smaller, but i'm not using busybox or clibc
04:52.16LostfrogIn the world of 80GB disks, does it really matter?
04:52.21tzangerobviously compressed rootfs :-)
04:52.23tzangerLostfrog: yes
04:52.25fugitivoLostfrog: yes
04:52.31tzangerbecause 80G disks still are mechanical
04:52.34konfuzeddebian apt get sounds like it does the job mean and lean  as in more completely simplified.
04:52.35tzangermy 16M CF isn't
04:52.42fugitivoLostfrog: i don't use a hd for the base system
04:52.44konfuzedits there or its not period
04:52.48tzangerbut now CF has REALLY come down in price
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04:53.00tzangerso putting everything I need on a 256M CF is almost as cheap
04:53.02fugitivotzanger: do you use * with your CF?
04:53.09tzangerfugitivo: no
04:53.11tzangerthis was firewall stuff
04:53.16tzangerI haven't had ot do that yet but it's on my list
04:53.21fugitivoa tip
04:53.28konfuzedI look forward to using soekris gear to run asterisk
04:53.33fugitivohow do you log with your asterisk?
04:53.37fugitivohd or remote syslog?
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04:53.39newlsolid state IDE would be the way to go. :)
04:53.54E|nyPRI_anyone in toronto?
04:53.59fugitivobecause * will not work if it can't log
04:54.32tzangerfugitivo: remote
04:54.54tzangeruse a remote CDR or log to ramdisk
04:55.04tzangeror NFS mount something more tangible :-)
04:55.20konfuzedi dont like to re compile stuff - as minimum as possible
04:55.38fugitivoi had to modify the code, i add an option to logger.conf, crashifcantlog = no or yes
04:55.50konfuzedim just not that development inclined
04:56.04fugitivoi want * to work even if it can't log
04:56.06konfuzedI dont do any thing that I would call coding or development
04:56.34konfuzedfugitivo: log to dve/null
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04:56.45fugitivokonfuzed: that's not the point
04:57.02fugitivokonfuzed: i want logs, but i want * to keep working if it can't log for any reason
04:57.12konfuzedah well thats true
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04:57.39fugitivoby default it doesn
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04:57.50tzangeropens/wan and nfs mount
04:57.57konfuzedso SuSE vs Debian is there really any comparison
04:58.06tzangerkonfuzed: they're both good distros
04:58.10tzangerpersonally I cannot stand debian
04:58.12konfuzedyeah hard core
04:58.21tzangerbut from a technical standpoint it's solid
04:58.21konfuzedtzanger: id like to know why
04:58.21fugitivokonfuzed: use what you like
04:58.25LostfrogIt's whatever you are used to.
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04:58.37konfuzedbsd and suse
04:58.38tzangerGNU/konfuzed you GNU/don't know GNU/why I GNU/cant GNU/stand GNU/Debian?
04:58.45konfuzedbut suse is too wonked for me right now
04:59.12fugitivokonfuzed: suse is userfriendly, debian is too perfect, i prefer gentoo
04:59.25konfuzedtzanger: s/know/GNUow/
04:59.45tzangerI've been a slacker since 1996 and I've tried pretty much every distro out there... I keep coming back
04:59.58tzangerSUSE's got me really interested but there's still too much there
05:00.03fugitivotzanger: i started with slack too
05:00.35konfuzedI thought of gentoo as it is debian based but it seems like it is intended for the get uour hands very dirty type wanting to spend good time on every detail
05:00.50fugitivokonfuzed: gentoo is not debian based
05:01.00tzangerkonfuzed: you gotta be kidding
05:01.11tzangergentoo is for those who THINK they want their hands in every detail but emerge still hides it all
05:01.28fugitivokonfuzed: gentoo package system is great
05:01.34tzangerthey just provide a couple of operating ports for you to reach in through the shiny veneer of emerge and tinker
05:01.41konfuzedtzanger: Suse is powerfull and high performance. Ive always ended up turning off the firewall as it has usually ended up being the main problem I had doing anything
05:01.44tzangeryou want down and dirty, use LFS and don't just cut and paste :-)
05:01.58tzangerI'm giving osx-x86 a shot for the time being
05:02.05tzangerI might be convinced to get a little mac mini
05:02.25Math`yeah a mac mini's a nice * box
05:02.43fugitivodoes zaptel work on that?
05:02.52konfuzedfugitivo: i must be konfused
05:03.05Math`uhmm good question... its pci.... it should if you run linux on it
05:03.15Math`but on os-x, I doubt it
05:03.32tzangerwhy do you dobt it?  I thought zpatel ran on bsd
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05:03.36denonI thought there was a project porting zaptel to OSX
05:03.37konfuzedtzanger: what does slack have over debian
05:04.04tzangerkonfuzed: it's not got that fucking deb package system, and it's not got every package in it mucked with
05:04.11tzangerto convert every instance of Linux to GNU/Linux
05:04.22fugitivoi think zaptel for bsd is not up to date
05:04.26tzangeralthough the mucking is nice in a way because to their credit, they DO move things around so they make the most sense
05:04.33tzangeri.e. all the documentation's in the same spot, the config stuff, etc.
05:04.39tzangerit's just too much hassle for me
05:04.40fugitivoi'd like to see zaptel working on openbsd, that'll be a nice * boz
05:04.47tzangerif you want debian, stick to what is in their package system and NOTHING esle
05:04.52tzangeror eles you're in  a world of hurt
05:05.01tzangerbecause 99% of people use debian for the package system
05:05.08tzangerand when you do an end-run around it you lose that
05:05.34konfuzedso I wonder if debian has an * package
05:05.34tzangeras I said technically it's a great distro
05:05.43konfuzedalthough I'd rather run that from cvs
05:05.44tzangerI just really really hate it for personal and political reasons
05:05.50tzangeryes it does have a * package bu tit's ... odd
05:05.54Lostfrogkonfuzed: don't use prepacked *
05:06.17fugitivokonfuzed: i'd recommend gentoo if you want a great package system without the cons of debian
05:06.20Math`tzanger: why don't u like debian? :P
05:06.26LostfrogIt's too easy to untar and compile it.
05:06.35tzangerheh you just want to see how many times I can write GNU/ again
05:06.50konfuzedi in to down and dirty with * just not with every thing I touch on thebox
05:07.31tzangeryeah but then you inevitably run in to "debian is using libfoo-3 and something in * wants libfoo-4
05:07.35tzangerbut libfoo-4 is not in debian
05:07.39tzangerso now you end-run that
05:07.47tzangerand the wailing and gnashing of teeth begins
05:08.07konfuzedtzanger: you did not exactly say what Slackware has over debian
05:08.19tzangerkonfuzed: it's what it DOESN'T have, as I said
05:08.27tzangereverything's very "flat" -- there is nothing holding your hand
05:08.29konfuzedonly some shorts about debian
05:08.31tzangerthere are packages
05:08.35tzangerand lots of them
05:08.45tzangerbut there are no dependencies aside from a quick ldd check
05:08.51tzangerwhich is, IMO, how it should be
05:08.59konfuzedI do like straight forward plain text configs
05:09.00tzangeryou want something that's not already packaged, you go get it
05:09.04konfuzedeven if they look like code
05:09.09tzangerand you don't screw around with the package manager whining
05:09.18tzangerand yes everything's just textfiles
05:09.41konfuzedwhat about firewall type
05:09.42tzangerand Pat Volkerding is VERY adamant about taking the original source package and building it without patches
05:09.51tzangeralmost to a fault
05:09.51konfuzedeither of them us pf.conf by chance
05:10.04Math`konfuzed: pf is openbsd
05:10.10tzangerfor exacmple, I coudl not convince him to set up "set nocompatible" in .vimrc
05:10.13tzangerin the default vim install
05:10.29tzangerslackware uses iptables and tc
05:10.34tzangerwhich works well IMO
05:10.36konfuzedsomebody should really port pf to linux
05:10.39tzangerpf is far more standardized
05:10.41tzangerI agree
05:11.13rajivwhat can i use to play gsm files on the cmd line ? aplay doesn't like them
05:11.22Qwellrajiv: sox should
05:11.28tzangeranyway I gotta get to bed
05:11.41konfuzedtzanger: thanks man
05:11.42denon(AP) Intel Corp announces plans for a new quad-core Pentium® Q series of processors, available in time for Christmas. (more)
05:12.09konfuzedAMD will beat them to it
05:12.14Math`I want a quad quad-core!
05:12.28delmarMath`, i have confirmed that it does appear to be the SIP voipgateway that is the cause of the 3389 SS messages.
05:12.37konfuzedtwo amd dual cores behave as a quad core
05:12.51denonbut 2 quad cores would behave as an 8-way
05:12.56delmarMath`, must be a way to tell Asterisk to ignore their wanting to use SS, and stop spamming the console.
05:13.04Qwell8 quad cores would be better
05:13.09denonand 16 ..
05:13.11denonand 32..
05:13.14denonand a big honkin Unisys
05:13.17delmara trandputer array !
05:13.32konfuzedah Unisys the good ol days
05:13.43denongood ole days? Unisys makes amazing gear
05:14.07konfuzedi accidentally saved the half edited password file
05:14.17konfuzedthe school was down for a week
05:14.43konfuzedthe brats in the younger grad were suspended
05:15.03konfuzedone of my worst ooooopppsssssses
05:15.43konfuzedUnisys is too big and too proprietary
05:15.58konfuzedlike Sun from Britain
05:16.03konfuzedbritain isnt it
05:16.18denonhmm? Unisys is in Minnesota
05:16.22coppicethey are trying hard to fix the big part :-)
05:16.24konfuzedah well
05:16.41denonwell, all over .. Pennsylvania is one of their main places too I think
05:16.42konfuzedI got some story that they were a british operation
05:16.50rajivQwell: thx
05:16.54konfuzedused at a school here in toronto
05:17.36konfuzedI did the first OAC high school computer course with those
05:17.43coppiceUnisys is basically the sad remanents of most of the old mainframe companies, so it is very diffuse in its origins
05:18.12LostfrogUnisys made some good cluster computers back in the day.
05:18.22konfuzedthe tech teacher, actually a real programmer, had only one arm
05:18.54konfuzedso just prove it I had to master one handed keyboard
05:19.16LostfrogI'm sure that is handy on IRC, konfuzed. :)
05:19.45konfuzedtoo bad I dropped programming
05:20.22LostfrogWell.. I think I am going home.
05:20.37LostfrogI have all but one phone installed, and I don't trust the guy in the last office.
05:21.19LostfrogI he will find a way to accidentely (sp?) start a nuclear war with an unprovisioned snom 320 phone.
05:21.43LostfrogGod.. I'm tired.
05:21.48LostfrogI can't even type.
05:21.55konfuzedtry the other hand
05:22.14konfuzedok too chilly here
05:22.23konfuzedput the heat on
05:22.31konfuzedback in 20 after it warms up
05:28.30delmarwhat can I do about these RFC3389 messages on my console? it only happens when a call is routed to my upstream SIP gateway, and I have no control over that. is there a way to tell Asterisk to stfu about it and stop spamming the console?
05:29.10*** part/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
05:34.04dudesdelmar - logger.conf ... change what console tells youo
05:34.22dudesOr perhaps your dtmfmode in sip.conf needs to be revised
05:35.12*** join/#asterisk loud (
05:40.58SkramXhey loud, long time no talk. I spoke with you on telephreak a little whiles back
05:41.30loudyeah, hows the gang ? been moving myself.
05:42.13loudconf on ?
05:42.54SkramXI dont think anyone is on
05:43.26rajivi have 1,dial 2,hangup 102,voicemail 103,hangup ... should 102 be answer ?
05:44.34rajivie, do i need to 'answer' before 'voicemail'
05:45.25fugitivono, but if you do a hangup before, it'll hangup
05:45.44*** join/#asterisk deezed (
05:46.05rajivbut 1,dial jumps to 102 when the dial timesout
05:49.38*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
05:57.36delmardudes, its not dtmf mode, thats different
05:57.49delmardudes, but cheers, ill check logger.conf and see whats up.
06:00.47delmardudes, doesnt look like logger.conf will suppress those messages.
06:01.13delmarwill just have to put up with it.
06:01.18*** join/#asterisk JonR800 (
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06:42.03*** join/#asterisk pooh_ (
06:49.39dudesit's 12:49
06:50.04*** join/#asterisk Maverik (
06:50.06dudesSo say hello to my little friend
06:50.35pooh_07:49 here dude ;-)
06:50.59dudesI assume AM
06:51.12dudessame here
06:51.26pooh_So, good morning ;-)
06:51.27dudesexcept several hours earlier
06:51.36MaverikAnybody have any experience getting a Centile Media Hub MH-16 (MGCP) working with Asterisk?
06:52.23dudesMGCP ... WTF
06:52.47MaverikHey, it was cheap, and it has 16(!) ATA if I can just get it to work...
06:53.12dudescheap ass
06:54.26dudesThat's the problem in this world ... people think only of being as cheap as possible.  That's why nothing works.  So take the time to figure it out or pay someone who does
06:55.39MaverikI guess if you're rolling in the dough, you can pay somebody, or buy the pricey stuff...but if not, you gotta look for options
06:56.35dudesI'm not rolling in shit ...
06:57.15dudesMGCP isn't that popular /w * so your chances of getting to work depend a lot on your coding abilities.
06:57.29dudesor reading
06:57.54pooh_Anybody know what the return variable name and possible values (success/failure) are after a Query using RealTime?
06:58.12MaverikI've checked everything on the net- no love
06:58.45*** part/#asterisk twisted (n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted)
06:58.50*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
06:58.56MaverikI can see Asterisk and the MH talking, but even though they share a protocol, Asterisk tells MH incompatible protocols
06:59.23MaverikPCMU same as ulaw, right?
06:59.40Igbothom_IIIpooh_ is safe, I'm woirking on a remote SBS 2003 installation for a 20-user site  :)
07:00.29Qwellanybody happen to have a quick mp3>ulaw conversion command for sox?
07:01.20pooh_Qwell: mp3 -> RAW ok too?
07:01.56Qwellpooh_: nope...gotta be ulaw
07:02.24pooh_what's the extension for a ULAW file ?
07:02.38IronHelixoften .pcm
07:02.44IronHelixand maverik- generally yes
07:03.05Qwellthink I've got it
07:03.19MaverikSo, beating this to death, but I am just getting started...
07:03.38IronHelixmaverik- what kind of a deal did youget?  how much was the 16 port gadget?
07:03.42pooh_Qwell: anyway, may this helps: sox -c 1 fpm-calm-river.mp3 -t raw -r 8000 -c 1 -s -w fpm-calm-river.raw
07:03.53MaverikIronHelix: Any idea why the MH offers PCMU to Asterisk, Asterisk allows ULAW, but they can't agree on a protocol?
07:04.51IronHelixmaybe they call it different things?  /me doesnt know mgcp that much
07:05.06MaverikIron: It is a 4x4 MGCP Media Gateway.  4-Ethernet in, each Ethernet supports 4 ATA's
07:05.17pooh_Qwell: sox -c 1 fpm-calm-river.mp3 -t pcm -r 8000 -c 1 -s -w fpm-calm-river.pcm could work
07:05.42IronHelixhow much $$/
07:05.59Maverik$3/port, give or take!!
07:06.12IronHelixthats a deal
07:06.27IronHelix(i was trying to figure out if your 'deal' was worth it
07:06.48MaverikYeah- I figured even if I can't get it working, the experience is probably worth it!
07:07.02IronHelixmodel #?
07:07.16IronHelixnm see it
07:07.51MaverikSorry, new to IRC...nm?
07:08.01IronHelixnevermind.  i scrolled up and read the buffer
07:09.11MaverikWorse thing, I see Asterisk and MH communicate, but they can't agree on a protocol
07:09.30MaverikAsterisk can monitor the channels, etc., I just can't get them to talk.
07:09.40MaverikShould be possible- it is MGPC 1.0
07:09.59MaverikSo some problems with MGCP 0.1 and NCS 1.0, but this looks like straight 1.0
07:10.09IronHelixin theory- maybe, i dunno, i've never used mgcp...
07:10.14IronHelixim trying to dig up some docs on it
07:10.40MaverikMy problem too.  I had a D-Link MGCP, but I converted it to SIP before ever trying to make it work with Asterisk
07:10.51MaverikMaybe I should convert it back, and try to make it talk.
07:11.05IronHelixalso- pastebin what happens when you try to dial (turn on mgcp debug first)
07:11.18IronHelix paste log there and it will give you a link, put the link here
07:11.24IronHelix(to not spam the channel with a debug)
07:12.57MaverikNo dial tone...Asterisk and MH only communicate (or try to communicate) when MH is first turned on- want that?
07:13.25IronHelixthat sounds like a registration problem
07:13.35IronHelixturn on mgcp debug
07:14.01IronHelixmake sure putty or whatever ssh program you use has a nice big buffer
07:14.11MaverikYeah, putty.
07:14.11IronHelixnow turn off and back on the mh device
07:14.21IronHelixor set putty to log to a file
07:14.34IronHelixwhen you turn it on you should get at least SOME debug output
07:14.35IronHelixpastebin it
07:16.25*** join/#asterisk twisted (n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted)
07:16.25*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
07:19.28IronHelixnothing pops out
07:19.41MaverikMore info- this time it didn't say "incompatible protocol"  I'll try to make it say that again...
07:20.13IronHelixdunno if this is still true but according to one wiki post, asterisk only loads mgcp.conf when you RESTART, not reload
07:21.08MaverikYeah- I think that is...supposed to have been fixed, but my experience is that it still required a restart
07:21.17IronHelixtry mgcp show endpoints
07:21.21IronHelixget anything useful?
07:21.31MaverikBut, MGCP.CONF hasn't changed in some time- after I figured out the commands!
07:22.34MaverikMGCP show endpoints shows the endpoints I have defined in MGCP.CONF, but I could define anything in there and Asterisk would show them to me
07:22.51MaverikDoesn't seem to corelate to the MH-16
07:23.14Qwellmeh...these files only go like half speed when I play them in *
07:23.40MaverikFor clarity, I currently only have one ethernet into MH-16 (and four endpoints) and only those defined in MGCP.CONF
07:23.42IronHelixqwell maybe they are being created as 16khz?
07:23.47QwellIronHelix: nope, 8
07:24.02Qwellboth ulaw and gsm are doing it too
07:24.02MaverikQwell: are you using mpg123 or mpg321?  mpg321 has problems with *
07:24.13QwellMaverik: neither :p
07:24.24IronHelixmav try pastebinning your mgcp.conf minus secrets of course
07:24.26MaverikThat's what I get for thinking I know something!
07:26.50MaverikDon't use secrets, since both are behind NAT- think I should use passwords?  Seemed "easier" not to.
07:27.17MaverikBesides, it's still play at this point.
07:30.09*** part/#asterisk bartpbx (
07:31.20pooh_How does one catch return codes from e.g. AGI
07:32.56IronHelixi dunno mav
07:32.58IronHelixthat is wierd
07:33.59IronHelixport = 2427               ; Port to bind to ( MGCP is 2727)  is this also set to 2427 on the mh16?
07:35.00MaverikOn MH16, it asks for "Call Agent Port Number" - Asterisk is Call Agent
07:35.28IronHelixwhy change it at all i mean?
07:35.30MaverikIt "should" be 2727 - but when I use 2727, they don't even talk to each other - i.e. nothing shows in log
07:35.50IronHelixsame lan i assume?
07:36.02MaverikI can set both to 2727 or both to 2427, but not one each
07:36.05MaverikYeah, same LAN
07:36.30MaverikI though MGCP Call Agent listens on 2727 and Gateway listens on 2427, but that doesn't seem to be the case here.
07:36.53MaverikThey only communicate when both on same port
07:37.08IronHelixno it makes sense
07:37.33IronHelixthe port= in sip.conf is for asterisk (call agent) to listen for connections on.  the call agent port on mh16 is what port to connect to
07:38.01IronHelixso they should both be 2727
07:38.19MaverikOh, my understanding from internet (!) on MGCP was that Agent=2727 and Gateway=2427
07:38.32MaverikBut it doesn't work that way, so I put them both on 2427
07:38.41IronHelixyes going on that they should both be on 2727
07:39.03MaverikGood point- don't think it would matter, but I'll make the change- never know what will matter!
07:39.22IronHelixyou set 2727 on asterisk, that says asterisk (call agent) should be using port 2727 (which is correct)
07:39.33IronHelix<Maverik> On MH16, it asks for "Call Agent Port Number" - Asterisk is Call Agent    that means what port it should connect *to*
07:39.36IronHelixwhich is 2727
07:39.50IronHelixit will connect FROM port 2427 (unless theres a field to define local mgcp port)
07:40.23*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
07:42.04MaverikGottcha- so the 2427 is "behind the scenes" and doesn't need to be indentified anywhere
07:43.01IronHelixremember a connection between two IP nodes has two ports involved- a source port and a destination port
07:43.28IronHelixso if you punch 2727 in both you tell asterisk to listen on 2727 and tell MH that asterisk is listening on 2727
07:43.44MaverikStill can't get it to "talk" again- at one point last night I had the MH telling * what protocols it supported, and * would tell the MH that they had no protocols in common.
07:43.49IronHelixthe connection will then be (MH port 2427)  --->  (asterisk port 2727)
07:44.09IronHelixmav try putting allow=all somewhere in your config file
07:44.20MaverikMakes sense...about ports.
07:44.25IronHelixand put it in the config block for the phone too
07:46.43pooh_Guys, doesn't anybody know how to catch returning values fro e.g. AGI or other app please?
07:47.25IronHelixi would help if i knew
07:47.33IronHelixdid you check voip-info?
07:47.42MaverikOK- done in the MGCP.CONF, but not accepted in the phone section.
07:47.43pooh_IronHelix: for the last hour or so yes
07:47.45MaverikError is: Nov 13 02:46:26 WARNING[1348]: Don't know keyword 'allow' at line 46
07:48.25IronHelixpaste just the line here?
07:48.39MaverikThe "allow" line or the error?
07:48.51IronHelixthe allow line
07:49.03Maverikallow = all
07:50.37MaverikMore MGCP debug info coming up from log will pastebin
07:51.03IronHelixtry allow=all?  ie no spaces?
07:51.29pooh_shido6: sleep my friend, think deep, think..... and tell Pooh_ the answer ;-)
07:51.47marcus2man, linsux drives me nuts sometimes
07:52.02marcus2is there an easy way to look at a list of existing connections that iptables knows about?
07:52.50*** join/#asterisk asterboy (
07:53.17MaverikMore Pastebin info (Now shows protocols MH allows, and * doesn't seem to say incompatible protocols anymore):
07:53.17asterboyAnyone know where I can get libnewt for an LFS install?
07:53.35asterboyjust want sources.
07:54.14asterboyLFS is Linux From Scratch.
07:54.28MaverikStill no dialtone, but when I pick up the phone now, the corresponding light on the MH goes amber...progress?
07:54.43IronHelixmav- shiny.  maybe it just doesnt deal with spaces.  definately progress.  Try dumping all the spaces in mgcp.conf?
07:54.55IronHelixie allow = blah -> allow=blah
07:55.34asterboyI'm trying to get dial tone ... hence the request for libnewt so I can get zttool so I can see status to help me get dial-tone.
07:55.55*** join/#asterisk ComputerWarm (
07:56.01asterboymay not need zttool to troubleshoot...
07:56.09ComputerWarmEvening all question where i can i get this perl module Asterisk::Manager?
07:56.19asterboy...anyone know where I can start to get dial-tone.???
07:56.49IronHelixis your zapata.conf and zaptel conf set up?
07:56.53asterboyzaptel.conf seems to be setup correctly.
07:57.02IronHelixremember, a FXO port gets signalling=fxSks
07:57.06IronHelixand vice versa
07:57.11MaverikIron: Done...btw, * does re-read MGCP.CONF on reload now, according to log file anyway!
07:57.12ComputerWarmanyone please?
07:57.21asterboyztcfg shows correctly
07:57.24IronHelixcw- never heard of it
07:57.29pooh_ComputerWarm: That's noted on the wiki
07:57.33IronHelixbut you still get no dialtone at all?
07:57.42asterboyChannel 01: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
07:57.42asterboyChannel 02: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 02)
07:57.46asterboyno dialtone.
07:58.12asterboyget some it sounds like the receiver is activated.
07:58.39IronHelixso you plug in a phone and it lights up when you pick it up?
07:59.02asterboywhat should light up? the port LED on the card?
07:59.18IronHelixthe phone
07:59.21IronHelixlike the keypad
07:59.30asterboyno LEDs on the phone.
07:59.51IronHelixthe LED on the back of the card should light up when zaptel comes online
07:59.51asterboyI want to know if its getting power?
08:00.18asterboyI remember pluggin in the phone to that port and the LED went out.
08:00.24asterboywonder if I need to reboot.
08:00.36IronHelixas i understand it
08:00.39IronHelixthe LED shouldnt go out
08:00.46IronHelixunless you unload the driver
08:00.49MaverikIron: No change- error on allow=all
08:00.56asterboymaybe I zapped it with static.
08:00.56MaverikAlso removed all spaces from MGCP.CONF
08:01.08IronHelixdid you remember to plug in the 4 pin molex power connection?
08:01.24Maverik* and MH seem to talk- at least they get a "200 OK" response
08:01.30*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
08:01.31asterboyI'll do a reboot just to make sure everything is good.
08:01.31IronHelixthats progress mav
08:03.15MaverikStill no dialtone on phone though
08:03.32IronHelixtry calling the other way?
08:04.14*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
08:04.48MaverikQuestion: When the MH tries to talk to *, it says the following: endpoint 'aaln/4@[]
08:05.12MaverikBut, I can't tell * to use [] as the header for that port
08:05.40MaverikIn other words, when I title a section in MGCP.CONF as [] * removes the square brackets
08:06.14MaverikAnd if I put double square brackets [[]] then asterisk gives me [ but leaves off the last square bracket
08:06.26IronHelixno dont try to double up on brackets
08:06.38IronHelixkeep in mind if it dumps the brackets it might be talking about host or something
08:07.08MaverikDoes it matter than that I define the endoints in MGCP.CONF, I can't make those endpoints match what the MH looks like it is calling itself?
08:08.28*** join/#asterisk Umaro (n=umaro@
08:08.40Umarohey guys.. anyone here have a zhone zplex10 channel bank running with asterisk?
08:08.40MaverikIn MGCP.CONF, I define the MGCP endpoints
08:09.03IronHelixnegative umaro
08:09.12MaverikThere are four endpoints (four ports) on each ethernet port of the MH
08:09.33konfuzedIronHelix: what server distro do yo prefer to use for asterisk servers
08:09.39Igbothom_IIIyoohooh_ pooh_
08:10.06MaverikBut, when the MH talks to *, it identifies its ports by saying aaln/2@[]
08:10.18IronHelixim not awesome at linux so you can take this with a grain of salt, but i generally use a redhat type thing like fedora or centos
08:10.44MaverikBut * thinks (because of my MGCP.CONF) that the endpoint should be aaln/2@ with no square brackets.
08:11.09IronHelixthe mh puts in brackets?
08:11.24MaverikYeah- and I don't seem to have the ability to change what the MH calls itself
08:11.37IronHelixi dunno
08:11.39IronHelixthat is odd
08:12.15MaverikAnd I can't tell * to use the same name
08:12.39IronHelixi heard a quote once...  Linux is only free if your time is worthless.  If I remembered who said it, i'd smack them upside the head, but the concept still applies---  a bargain is only a bargain if you arent paying for it some other way :)
08:14.36MaverikYeah- but at least I'm learning about *
08:14.48MaverikIt'd be great to have a 16-port ATA out of the deal, though!
08:15.03IronHelixvery true
08:15.29IronHelixonly pointing it out in the hope that you arent using this in any sort of production environment
08:15.37IronHelix\ie something you are selling to someone :)
08:15.40MaverikOh, no!
08:15.52MaverikBut, if I can get it to work...
08:16.08IronHelixyou can setup a cheap pbx for your house :)
08:16.52MaverikYup!  Even so, though, I have an D-Link 1120M (MGCP) that I converted to an 1120-S, and a Sipura 2000, so really enough for the house already!
08:17.04IronHelix(although keep in mind that an unhappy (wife/fiancee/gf/so/kid/parent/relative/domesticated animal) who cant use the phone can be worse than a pissed off client) :)
08:17.41MaverikBoy, you really hear it when the domesticated animals can call the parents...
08:17.45IronHelixanyway, pastebin your latest round of debug jibberish
08:17.53asterboyok, reboot.
08:18.04asterboyThe light is back on.
08:18.14marcus2does * have a jitter buffer for sip clients?
08:18.56asterboyVerified that the phone has power.
08:19.03asterboyThe led on the mute works.
08:19.37IronHelixbut no dialtone
08:19.43asterboyyes, no dialtone.
08:19.44IronHelixand you have checked every port on the card
08:19.53IronHelixand you are sure all the modules are in correctly blah blah blah
08:20.15asterboyyes...when I switch to the other ports the phone goes dead.
08:20.35asterboybut on the one with the LED it is active.
08:21.44MaverikNew Pastebin:
08:22.05asterboyThere is power to the phone.
08:22.20IronHelixyou might have a dead tdm card, or dead modules
08:22.52asterboyit is a 400 with an FXS module
08:23.09asterboyis there a way I can debug it?
08:23.35IronHelixmav your problem lies here Nov 13 03:12:50 NOTICE[1348]: Gateway '' (and thus its endpoint 'aaln/2') does not exist
08:24.13asterboyanything I can do from CLI?
08:24.27IronHelixpastebin your zapata.conf and zaptel.conf
08:25.55*** join/#asterisk genmud (
08:27.01MaverikIron: Those messages only appear while the MH is rebooting.
08:27.12MaverikAs soon as the MH comes back up, they go away.
08:27.27IronHelixmh comes 'back up' but never actually connects to *
08:27.40IronHelixpastebin your new mgcp.conf
08:29.55asterboyok here is the zapata.conf and zaptel.conf for my no dialtone problem.
08:29.55MaverikNew MGCP.CONF and * reboot log (at least MGCP portion of it):
08:30.16asterboyThey will be whatever the sample setup.
08:31.47IronHelixmav try changing [CentD] to []
08:31.50IronHelixkeep everything else
08:31.53IronHelixthen reboot mh
08:35.02IronHelixasterboy- you need to define channels in zapata.conf as well as in zaptel.conf
08:35.13IronHelixyou can dump 90% of those examples at the bottom
08:35.46asterboythanks...just started figuring that from reading the Asterisk manual.
08:36.02IronHelixassuming that the first file (zaptel) is good, then you have a fxs port on ch1 and fxo port on ch1
08:36.04IronHelixso add to zapata
08:36.12asterboylooks like the sample is not configured properly.
08:37.08IronHelixadd those
08:37.14IronHelixrestart (not reload) asterisk
08:37.16IronHelixsee what you get
08:37.22asterboyok thanks.
08:37.48IronHelixwith zapata.conf a config directive will take effect for each defined channel and stay in effect until defined again
08:38.00IronHelixso all the stuff at the top will apply to both
08:38.05IronHelixie echo cancel blah blah blah
08:38.33IronHelixdefining channel=> says take every directive thats currently set and apply it to channel X
08:38.41IronHelixthus you need to define signalling twice
08:38.50IronHelixand possibly other things twice if you want them to be different
08:39.21*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
08:41.34MaverikIron: Now we are back to incompatible protocol, and a LOT more log entries...take a look:
08:42.15mog_homeis jerjer around
08:42.27marcus2wow, i can't believe * has no sip jitter buffer
08:42.53mog_homego write one marcus2 ^_^
08:43.05marcus2i see there a big thread in the bug tracker about it
08:43.09Umaroso, no one here with a zhone zplex10 channel bank?
08:43.13marcus2two have been written, its not clear if either of them works well
08:43.18LostfrogI though zoa was working on it.
08:43.31marcus2yeah he's definately working on one
08:44.03IronHelixmav- try this again just with mgcp debug off, so we just get the highlights
08:44.28LostfrogI have a zplex10.
08:44.38LostfrogAn old one.
08:45.02marcus2someone was in here earlier today saying that they suck ass =D
08:45.37asterboyNov 13 01:45:23 WARNING[3296]: config.c:579 cfg_process: parse error: No category context for line 5 of zapata.conf
08:45.37asterboyNov 13 01:45:23 ERROR[3296]: chan_zap.c:9037 setup_zap: Unable to load config zapata.conf
08:45.37asterboyNov 13 01:45:23 WARNING[3296]: loader.c:345 ast_load_resource: load_module failed, returning -1
08:45.37asterboy== Unregistered channel type 'Tor'
08:45.37asterboy== Unregistered channel type 'Zap'
08:45.38asterboyNov 13 01:45:23 WARNING[3296]: loader.c:440 load_modules: Loading module failed!
08:45.47IronHelixasterboy- bad idea
08:45.55IronHelixnever paste a log in the channel, no matter how short
08:45.57*** join/#asterisk SERGEUS (i=sergey@
08:46.37*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
08:46.42asterboyI'll take a look at it tomorow...I need to read up on zapata.conf anyway.
08:46.59asterboyThen I'll need less hand holding.
08:47.15LostfrogOMFG.. someone is willing to read?
08:47.48IronHelixcheck out
08:47.51asterboyWell, it was crazy thinking the sample was going to do me.
08:47.54IronHelixpage asterisk+config+zapata.conf
08:48.14asterboyI have the online book
08:48.16MaverikIron: Actually that is taken from the log (var/log/asterisk/full/asterisk-full-log.php), not from putty.
08:48.59IronHelixno i mean type like mgcp no debug
08:49.02IronHelixthen reboot the mh
08:49.14IronHelixand what you get on asterisk-full-log will be without the breakdowns of each packet
08:49.30asterboyPage 81, "The future of Telephony" - great read so far btw.
08:49.38MaverikOh, didn't know the debug was persistant...gotcha
08:49.45asterboyI'm going to purchase the book.
08:50.15asterboyand a T-Shirt
08:50.24asterboyNo doubt * kicks ass.
08:50.40IronHelixit does :)
08:50.46asterboyno doubt it will be up and running...great support here guys.
08:51.01IronHelixglad to help :)
08:51.03asterboyThanks so much...maybe see you around in here tommorow.
08:51.53Lostfrogok.. It's ugly, but I've got voicemail working on my snom phones.
08:52.12LostfrogNow, if I could only figure out assisted transfers.
08:55.01yxahi all somethings bothering me. under what circumstances do i need to use SER with *?
08:55.59*** join/#asterisk bartpbx (
08:56.43MaverikOK Iron, new pastebin with debug off:
08:57.11bartpbxI have some agi problems, can anyone working with agi / DeadAGI?
08:57.16yxaanyone uses SER?
08:57.58IronHelixmav what do you do to get that?
08:58.18IronHelixalso did you reboot MH?  i'm mainly interested in what happens when you reboot the MH, what shows up on asterisk
08:59.19MaverikYeah, went thru same process: Reload *, then reboot MH
09:00.04IronHelixare you sure?  there should be something before Nov 13 03:54:42 DEBUG[1348]: Coundn't determine subchannel, assuming current master aaln/1@
09:00.21IronHelixit says that to acknowledge something else methinks
09:01.07MaverikLet me make sure I didn't miss something in the log...
09:02.20pooh_bartpbx: good morning :-)
09:02.38MaverikDon't see anything else- think it's all SIP, but I can pastebin it if you'd like.
09:02.54IronHelixgimme the whole thing
09:03.41*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
09:05.07bartpbxpooh_, I thought and testet the Idears mentiond yesterday, but i could not solve my problem
09:05.19MaverikNew pastebin:
09:05.22bartpbxbut i found mantis 4029 discussing this
09:05.36bartpbxbut as usual without a final solution
09:07.04IronHelixand after this nothing interesting happens and still no dialtone
09:08.07pooh_bartpbx: what was it again?
09:08.25bartpbxAgi Fallback
09:08.43bartpbxif fastAGI server ist not availible continue and dont hangup the call
09:08.57MaverikRight- nothing interesting, no dialtone.
09:08.58bartpbxwith continue i Mean continue the dialplan
09:09.14IronHelixi dunno
09:09.20IronHelixand im about to fall over, so imma hit the sack
09:09.33IronHelixkeep playing with it and ask around, maybe someone else will have a bright idea
09:09.40MaverikSounds good too- church tomorrow!
09:09.50Maverik"Quick" question
09:10.09MaverikYou talked about calling the MH...much earlier.
09:10.09pooh_bartpbx: use an agi to ping the fastagi server, if success then execute the fastagi
09:10.13MaverikAny idea how to do that?
09:10.32MaverikIt doesn't have an extension, so...
09:10.40MaverikHow would I call it?
09:10.40IronHelixsure, use another channel (sip + softphone maybe) and dial an extension for the mgcp
09:10.48IronHelixmake an extension
09:11.10bartpbxthat sounds interessting. I will write an agi that opens a socketconnection and check the working mode
09:11.16MaverikOK, will look into that tomorrow.
09:11.22MaverikThanks for all your work!
09:11.24bartpbxI want to do this to handle updates of the agi Server
09:11.28IronHelixsorry it didnt work
09:11.29pooh_bartpbx: yup, or let the fastagi report itself every once in a while
09:11.40MaverikNot your fault at all!
09:12.09bartpbxset 1 server in maintenance Mode and wait until all processes are finisched. if all done i can updated. New calls are handed by the fallback Server
09:12.09*** part/#asterisk Maverik (
09:12.16bartpbxI'll test it
09:13.08pooh_bartpbx: or let the fastagi servers connect to the manager interface and do a database put 'fastagi 1 ok'
09:13.36bartpbxhm. that sounds nice
09:13.53pooh_so your * only has to check it's local db, way faster then wait for a ping
09:14.11bartpbxbut i have 3 servers
09:14.24pooh_'fastagi 2 ok'  fastagi 3 ok :-)
09:14.38bartpbxno. 3 asterisk servers
09:14.49bartpbxso i connect to all 3 maangers
09:14.55bartpbxshould not be the problem
09:15.08pooh_are the 3 trunked ?
09:16.04pooh_let the fastagi server connect all 3 I guess
09:21.29*** join/#asterisk delmar (
09:21.33delmarhey everyone.
09:23.51delmarOK, fresh CVS on two systems, one is a testing box running debian sid/unstable, the other is a production server running stable.  BOTH systems can "make" a fresh CVS Head of Asterisk, BOTH systems will not make install, and loop out.
09:24.46delmaronce compiled, doing make clean, also loops out. purging the asterisk directory and getting a new cvs, running make clean works... do a make install.. it eventually loops out, ctrl-c, make clean, loops out.
09:25.16delmarthis is on two seperate systems, one running a rather clean stable debian distro. whats the story here?
09:26.17hmodesdamn dirty sunday morning maintenance
09:28.00mog_homeremove the .depend delmar
09:28.05delmarsunday evening here. 22:30
09:28.05mog_homeits abug
09:28.28delmarmog_home, ah ok.
09:28.38mog_homeit will be fixed
09:28.45pooh_anybody know how to catch returning values from AGI or other app?
09:28.49mog_homeand i think it is in general
09:28.53mog_homebut not postive
09:29.48pooh_catching the query result failure / success even maybe ?
09:29.55pooh_using RealTime
09:30.07LostfrogI love *.
09:30.11LostfrogHave I mentioned that?
09:30.12Qwellthink if I pause a ControlPlayback on a SIP phone...I can come back in the morning to continue it?
09:30.19mog_homeqwell what are you still doing up
09:31.34delmardamn this modulated clock mode console message all the time lol
09:31.35QwellI could ask the same
09:32.01mog_homei have redbull for that
09:32.31QwellI suck...
09:32.54pooh_how much? ;-)
09:32.54Qwellplaying poker in Vista in vmware...while listening to a Stephen Hawking lecture on black holes
09:33.13mog_homethat must be really hard to listen too
09:33.21QwellYou have NO idea
09:33.26mog_homesomeone as cool as him should have an interpereter
09:33.28mog_homewith him
09:33.31mog_homeat all times
09:33.40QwellYou know who?
09:33.45mog_homelike get one of those naratorers
09:33.48mog_homefrom audio books
09:33.51mog_homeor allison
09:33.55mog_homethat would get weird
09:34.53mog_homewas stephen hawkings allways disabled like that, or did he get hit by a bus while bungee jumping
09:35.33delmarah i see. so in actual fact, make install does work, it completes everything is should, then hangs sorta deal.
09:35.45Qwellmog_home: hit by a bus while bungee jumping
09:36.06mog_homethat sucks
09:36.14mog_homeyou know what would be nice
09:36.15Qwellhe has ALS
09:36.17mog_hometo go def
09:36.33mog_homeand then i could claim to be the beethoven of voip
09:36.52mog_homeoh als
09:37.01mog_homethat makes more sense than the bungee jumping
09:40.00LostfrogEverything works on my snoms.
09:40.10LostfrogBlind transfer.. attended transfer.
09:40.13LostfrogVoice Mail.
09:41.04LostfrogNow I just need to set up the DialPlan.
09:41.30QwellYou mean presence?  heh
09:41.43LostfrogSorry.. I haven't slept in ~24 hours.
09:42.39LostfrogSure.. ok
09:44.24delmarwtf is all about? it just appeard in my /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ dir and gave Asterisk problems starting... i just moved it out of there... dont have that file on my other systems...
09:44.39mog_homeits gone
09:44.43mog_homeits from 1.0
09:44.50mog_homeit was automated dial back like wake up call
09:44.54QwellThats why you need to rm the modules when you up/downgrade
09:44.58delmarah right'o. that will by why this box stillhad it
09:46.46Qwellman...ControlPlayback needs a configurable ffwd/rev interval...
09:47.19QwellWhen you've got a 30 minute file playing...1s simply isn't enough
09:47.30hugo-v6Q: got phone-number 123410 till 123450 now i would like to use only the 2 last numbers for internal talks. possible and how?
09:47.44Qwellhugo-v6: yes, dialplan logic
09:47.52Qwell~dialplan logic
09:48.16Qwelljbot: dialplan logic is ANYTHING is possible using dialplan logic.  This is a general catchall answer.
09:48.18jbotokay, Qwell
09:48.22Qwell~dialplan logic
09:48.23jbotwell, dialplan logic is ANYTHING is possible using dialplan logic.  This is a general catchall answer.
09:48.33mog_homethere are only 5 sex offenders in huntsville
09:48.37mog_homeand one is a woman
09:48.43Qwellthere are 5 in my apartment complex
09:48.57*** join/#asterisk _Madar (
09:49.22Qwellprobably not
09:49.24hugo-v6Qwell: could u give me a hint?
09:49.37hugo-v6i have exten => 123410
09:50.20Qwellhugo-v6: explain what you want to do
09:51.13Lostfrogdialplan logic is get someone else to do your diaplan. :)
09:51.51hugo-v6Qwell: only sipphones behind asterisk. they have numbers 123410-123450 everything works well. but i want to call i.e. "10" to reach 123410
09:52.14Qwellmog_home: especially if one can get redbull wholesale
09:52.22mog_homeoh man
09:52.33mog_homei only have 8 cans left
09:52.39mog_homei will have to make a run next week
09:52.40QwellOH NOEZ!
09:53.17Lostfrog8 cans lasts you a week?
09:53.23Lostfrogand, you call yourself a geek?
09:53.32mog_homei dont drink it every day
09:53.39mog_homebut when i drink it i go through a crap load
09:54.06mog_homei try to lay off the caffeine most days
09:54.53hugo-v6Qwell: got an idea?
09:55.58Qwellexten => _[1-5]0,1,Dial(Local/1234${EXTEN})
09:56.01Qwelldunno, I'm tired
09:56.05Qwelldoes [] require _?
09:56.32mog_homeumm no
09:56.40mog_homei thought you never needed _
09:56.42hugo-v6not that bad idea
09:56.45mog_homeit just started matching faster
09:56.55mog_homehigher priority
09:56.58Qwellwell, you need it with X, Y, etc, obviously
09:57.14Qwellotherwise it's taken literally
09:57.37mog_homeoh right
09:57.42mog_homesilly me
09:57.58hugo-v6Qwell: better: exten => 1234_,1,Dial(Local/1234${EXTEN})
09:58.15QwellThat would be silly, and do nothing
09:58.26hugo-v6hmmm k
09:59.52hugo-v6ah since 1234 would never be diald.
09:59.56hugo-v6thats logic ;)
10:02.56mog_homeyay it builds
10:03.00mog_homeit builds
10:03.12twistedmog_home, is the woman offender hot?
10:03.38mog_homedef no twisted
10:03.42mog_homeshe is like 45 or so
10:03.45mog_homeshaved head
10:04.02mog_homeshe is just north of madison though
10:04.10mog_homeyou should drop by
10:05.04mog_homeyour loss
10:05.14mog_homeyou will just have to think about what could have been
10:05.28twistedyour mom didn't have to think about what could have been
10:05.55mog_homeyeah she was awfully dissapointed
10:06.07mog_homesomething about too little
10:06.10twistedso THATS why he called me
10:06.17Qwellsure, sure
10:06.23mog_homefreudian slip there...
10:06.29twistedyeah, your mom is a man
10:06.39mog_homethat explains so much
10:06.41pooh_twisted: any idea how to catch a returning value of any app or AGI please?
10:06.49mog_homeand so many new questions now
10:07.01Qwellpooh_: most(all?) applications set a variable.
10:07.15pooh_twisted: what the returning var name?
10:07.55twistedpooh_, why don't you read 1) the description from "show application <name>" and/or 2) the stuff in doc/*
10:08.11jbotrumour has it, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
10:08.15twistedyeah, that too
10:08.17pooh_twisted: I did, extensively
10:08.24twistedpooh_, then you have the answer already
10:08.26Qwellpooh_: What app?
10:08.47pooh_twisted: trying to catch the result of a realtime query back into the dialplan
10:08.52jebbamy sipura 2002 is trying to register, but looking at tcpdump, the asterisk server doesn't appear to be replying. Any ideas why?
10:08.59pooh_Qwell realtime
10:09.10QwellAll unique column names will be set as channel variables with optional prefix to the name.
10:09.10Qwelle.g. prefix of 'var_' would make the column 'name' become the variable ${var_name}
10:09.16Qwellthat was stupidly simple
10:09.34twistedno shit.
10:09.50pooh_Qwell: yes I know that, but how about failure success returning value
10:10.09pooh_all other apps have jump+101 if fail
10:10.10Qwellif your columns don't obviously failed
10:10.13Qwellno, they don't
10:10.19Qwellonly if you have option j
10:10.46Qwellpooh_: maybe if you tell bweschke, he'll "fix" it to be the same as the rest
10:10.52pooh_I am asking for dbget etc will have automatic check and jump
10:11.06Qwellbug tracker feature request.
10:11.09*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
10:11.11pooh_Qwell: I will probably, just checking first
10:11.30*** join/#asterisk giordano79 (i=[
10:12.33giordano79hi someone can help me? how can i use an standard modem to go out with * ?
10:12.34pooh_anybody have any issues with: ?
10:12.51*** join/#asterisk nesys (n=nesys@2001:1418:1a6:0:20d:93ff:fe28:3ef8)
10:13.13giordano79i'm installing with a manual asterisk but don't explain how
10:13.14twistedthere are too many bugs
10:13.15Qwellpooh_: it's down.  report a bug
10:13.37QwellI think irony just vanished in a puff of logic.
10:14.07QwellIt's 5am!
10:14.11Qwell4am?  whatever
10:15.16giordano79i see on digium that i shoud buy an fxo / fxs for analoge for 240$...
10:15.36giordano79but i'd like to use 56k modem
10:15.46giordano79only 1 line..
10:15.50mog_homego right ahead
10:15.59mog_homeyou can still find knockoff x100ps out there
10:17.31Qwellbed time
10:17.53*** join/#asterisk svenna_ (
10:18.01*** part/#asterisk svenna_ (
10:18.04giordano79with an x100ps can i connect to wall?
10:18.24giordano79and use ip telephon on network?
10:18.26mog_homeyou connect yes to the telco
10:18.38twistedmog_home, tell brookshire to answer his phone
10:18.40giordano79how much?!?
10:18.56mog_homeumm brookshire answer your phone
10:19.09mog_homeno legitamete place to buy them giordano
10:19.12mog_homeyou can try ebay
10:19.15mog_homebut they are cheap
10:19.23pooh_how does one compile 1 module only please ?
10:19.32twistedmog is totally not being a team player
10:19.35mog_homethere is astxs
10:19.53mog_homei have no way to get in touch with brooks
10:19.58mog_homehes not online
10:20.02mog_homeand im not at office
10:20.11twistedthat's not what i was talking about
10:20.24mog_homewhat are you talking about
10:20.27*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
10:20.33twistedx100p knockoffs
10:20.55mog_homewhats wrong with x100p knockoffs
10:21.55*** join/#asterisk demetrio (
10:24.03giordano79demetrio ciao, sai come configurare un modem in asterisk senza dover comprare una scheda x100ps ?
10:25.15demetriopuoi usare gli isdn per uscire sulla linea telefonica (se hai una linea isdn), con i 56k non si può fare ed è scritto molto chiaramente sulla FAQ
10:25.16*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
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10:26.04viracan anyone recommend a linux softphone?
10:26.29giordano79con isdn ho provato a dare un'occhiata e non c'ho capito niene... nel senso... che m rimandano su isdn4linux ke è in tedesco.
10:27.30demetriobeh, io non c'ho nemmeno mai provato, mi dispiace.
10:27.42giordano79ho solo una linea analogica e vorrei mettere in prova il pbx cosa mi consigli?
10:28.44giordano79ho visto sul sito della digium che consigliano un kit per sviluppatorei che rende 4 porte analogiche per uso esterno interno
10:28.56giordano79alla modica cifra di 240$
10:29.04demetrioboh, comprati l'hardware della digium... non so, io uso asterisk solo con SIP.
10:29.05giordano79te come usi asterisk?
10:29.23demetrioBut now I suggest that we start speaking english, I think It's rude to go on like this.
10:30.06twistedgrazie :)
10:30.51giordano79i'm starting just now to install asterisk and i need if you can helpme some information about first steps...
10:31.20demetriowell, I'm not a guru either
10:32.23giordano79i'm beginner help me..
10:32.39giordano79i installed linux
10:32.57giordano79and i dowload mpg123
10:33.08giordano79so i download asterisk files..
10:33.44giordano79and i stopped becouse the manual writes, hardware interfaces must be configurated before
10:33.47giordano79see manual
10:34.09giordano79and i haven't any digium interface....
10:34.40giordano79if i contiune installation can i use sip / iax to INT calling ?
10:35.02giordano79have u find a free gui for *
10:35.26giordano79i see a lot of commercial  interface...
10:35.37giordano79bur for free?
10:36.25mog_homethere is amp
10:36.29demetrioif you're looking for free hardware, I bet you're going to have a hard time
10:37.38demetrioif you're looking for and easy way to set up asterisk, you can try asterisk@HOME, which I haven't tried yet but should be easy enough to start with
10:38.11*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
10:38.18mog_homethere are three things giordano you can have it fast, you can have it perfect or you can have it expensive, pick two
10:38.18giordano79ok tx
10:39.51newlqueue jumper!  send 'im to the back of the line! 8)
10:40.42lesouvageI manage to register my zyxel phone from outside my lan,  I can call another phone and it will ring. But when picked up there is no voice.
10:40.58demetriogiordano79, there are a couple providers in italy that will give either a free DID or a fairly priced DID bundled with hardware (softphone or ATA), you can start with one of them, or both as I did
10:41.53demetrioI meant sip phone, not a software one
10:42.11lesouvageIs this a matter of matching and forwarding the proper ports  or should I use stun or outbound proxy?
10:43.02demetriolesouvage, try forwarding RTP ports to your asterisk box if you can, I had the same problem and solved it by forwarding ports 10000 to 20000 (I don't know if this is the right way to do it, since I couldn't find out which ports are reserved by asterisk)
10:45.17demetrionow it's my turn to ask questions
10:45.22lesouvagedemetrio: I allready did.
10:45.44demetriolesouvage: then try canreinvite=no
10:45.57lesouvagedemetrio: thanks
10:46.05lesouvagedemetrio: what's your question?
10:48.04demetrioI have a sip phone that will register to a certain provider, but if I try  to register from within asterisk (same provider & account) the request will timeout. both asterisk & the phone are behind the same NAT, and the remote server shouldn't be bothered by this.
10:49.39*** join/#asterisk Manderson (
10:49.57lesouvagedemetrio: (just to be sure) do you use the same port on the phone and your asterisk box
10:50.03demetriothe only difference I can tell is that some ports will be forwarded to asterisk but not to the sip phone; I don't want to disable port forwarding because other accounts need it. Moreover, the thing worked till yesterday, and stopped to work for no reason, so I don't have a clue about what is causing this to happen
10:51.01demetriolesouvage, I used to (and it worked) but now trying to troubleshoot the problem I'm using two different ports and things didn't change.
10:55.35lesouvagedemetrio: I'm going outside to a find an open accespoint to try my zyxel again. I let you know if it works within minutes.
10:56.38*** join/#asterisk WillySilly (
10:56.49WillySillyanyone here use res_bonjour?
10:59.25*** join/#asterisk grimse (
11:00.57pooh_WillySilly: not me
11:02.03mog_homeit does loook pretty cool willysilly
11:02.11mog_homebut i only play with things in the main tree
11:02.39WillySillyit doesnt want to broadcast for some reason
11:03.06pooh_WillySilly: url?
11:03.40*** join/#asterisk demetrio (
11:06.33demetriowell, I guess I somehow managed to solve the problem without doing anything
11:08.01*** join/#asterisk BladeRunner05 (
11:13.38*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
11:16.36lesouvagedemetrio: it didn't work, but I think it's a codec matter. I try again.
11:34.11*** join/#asterisk rikstah (n=rick@
11:43.38c0wtell ya what i'm loving the new rc2 ast + ooh323
11:43.46c0wworth of calls yesterday.
11:43.52c0wsystem load 0
11:44.01c0wg729a codec
11:46.32pooh_c0w: how many g729 licences is that ? ;-)
11:48.18c0wgot 60
11:48.35c0wcurrently just testing 2xe1 inbound on that system
11:48.42c0wmax of 60 h323 calls
11:50.12c0wonce i get few things issues ironed out i'll put it to 90 inbound and start box number 2
11:56.53dudes90 h323 calls max /w *
11:58.16c0wyeah thats what i'm seeing in terms of usage/load it wouldn't be poss with the oh323 but ooh323 rocks. =)
11:58.47c0wthing is it shouldn't do 90 h323 calls.
11:58.50dudesTo all his own
11:59.00c0wprob @ most 70
11:59.16dudeswhat type of server
11:59.32c0wdual xeon, 2gig ram,
11:59.40c0wscsi 2850
12:00.37dudesI've used a few Dual Xeon's ... Still to this day don't know their max
12:01.03dudesHell I got two Dual Xeon's just sitting around not doing shit
12:01.29*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
12:01.39c0wtest it tbh.
12:01.51c0wi still haven't even touched on stressing this yet.
12:02.17dudesI've had the Dual Xeon 3Ghz down to 47% idle
12:02.18c0wonce i sort the issues i'll hammer the clean **** out of the system see what it can do.
12:02.41dudesBut that was 300+ channels
12:02.58c0wcurrently using 20 channels.
12:03.05dudesmore important, I was hammering it with a DS3's worth of invites
12:03.16c0wload average: 0.04, 0.09, 0.08
12:03.24c0wlol =)
12:03.50c0wi'm hoping that the e1 firmware upgrade will also reduce that figure.
12:04.03dudesWe currently have a Pentium D running 500 calls a minute ... using almost 26m/bits
12:04.25c0wwhat protocol codecs etc/?
12:04.48dudesWe're fax blasting
12:05.18dudesThat machine is doing the DB and cdr DB shit
12:05.34c0wi have seperate machines for all the db stuff.
12:05.36dudesso once the db is off it ,,, it will do a lot better
12:05.49dudesMost of the current is just a test
12:05.51c0wthese boxes use a custom app for routing (runs on mssql)
12:05.54c0wand mysql for cdr
12:06.14dudesWe're doing cdr /w mysql now
12:06.25c0wworks quite well.,
12:06.31dudesit does
12:06.45c0wgetting some strange things were certain bits of information aint being put in to it.
12:06.48c0wbut i'll work on that after.
12:06.55c0wcould be something i'm doing
12:07.06dudesWe have certain issues with that too
12:07.30dudesbut this isn't rocket science, so it's not hard to work that shit out
12:07.42c0wyeah so your having that as well.
12:07.49c0wwell i know where to start looking then. =)
12:07.58c0wprob something not being free'd
12:08.31dudesfor us that is easy to resolve
12:09.00dudesBut it seems you're doing something more difficult perhaps
12:09.02c0wits not a massive issue caus its only the accountid, which is pull from the mssql and put into the db
12:09.14c0wbut other information is passed which makes it easy enough to join,. =)
12:10.44dudesI know our current project is easier than doing a dialer
12:11.03dudesBut we need to get back to our dialer more than we have been recently
12:11.26c0wis there many of you.
12:13.39dudesthere is three of us who work on these two projects
12:14.15*** join/#asterisk Ro-Ro (
12:25.13*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
12:28.53*** part/#asterisk Ro-Ro (
12:29.33puzzledif I use alaw or ulaw codecs and want to use native MoH, in which format should the music be in?
12:37.54*** join/#asterisk h4mm3r` (
12:47.05*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
12:53.01CleanerXcurrently the seems to be down
12:53.59CleanerXhow do I exactly specify to bind multiple IP-addresses for SIP
13:01.18Rawplayerhello i have a odd question
13:01.34Rawplayeris it better to run asterisk on linux or on bsd(unix)?
13:01.50puzzledCleanerX: iirc you can either select one IP address or all (with
13:02.01puzzledRawplayer: it's developed on linux
13:02.15CleanerXpuzzled, how exactly is all defined
13:03.05puzzledCleanerX: not sure but all available interfaces with their IP addresses
13:03.42*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
13:04.39CleanerXpuzzled, that's my problem: I must bind to an ip which is not an interface
13:04.49puzzleddunno then
13:05.36puzzleduhm why do you want to bind to an IP address that is not bound to a physical interface on your box?
13:09.14*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
13:09.57*** join/#asterisk giordano81 (i=[
13:10.23giordano81some one can help me with installation of asterisk?!??
13:11.56Flautogood morning
13:12.24giordano81can u help me with 1° installation
13:12.43Flautowhat problems do you have
13:13.21giordano81i downloaded asterisk
13:13.33CleanerXpuzzled, because our router decides where to put the packet
13:13.56giordano81i untarred file in usr src
13:14.21*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
13:14.22Flautoyou can go into zaptel
13:14.24giordano81make clean ; make install on
13:14.37Flautosame thing
13:14.39Flautoand asterisk
13:14.49giordano81so i have an error..
13:14.55Flautowhat is it
13:15.19Flautowhat the error tells you
13:15.58giordano81leaving directory /usr src asterisk
13:16.18giordano81impossible to do  .cleancount
13:16.25giordano81no such file or directoru
13:16.43giordano81make: *** [clean test] error1
13:16.48Flautounder which one
13:16.53*** join/#asterisk Chuji (
13:16.55*** join/#asterisk grimse (
13:17.31giordano81cp: impossibile fare stat di `.cleancount': No such file or directory
13:17.42Flautozaptel, libpri, or asterisk
13:17.53giordano81make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/asterisk/db1-ast'
13:17.53giordano81rm -f libdb1.a hash.o hash_bigkey.o hash_buf.o hash_func.o hash_log2.o hash_page.o ndbm.o bt_close.o bt_conv.o bt_debug.o bt_delete.o bt_get.o bt_open.o bt_overflow.o bt_page.o bt_put.o bt_search.o bt_seq.o bt_split.o bt_utils.o db.o mpool.o rec_close.o rec_delete.o rec_get.o rec_open.o rec_put.o rec_search.o rec_seq.o rec_utils.o  hash.os hash_bigkey.os hash_buf.os hash_func.os hash_log2.os hash_page.os ndbm.os bt_c
13:17.53giordano81lose.os bt_conv.os bt_debug.os bt_delete.os bt_get.os bt_open.os bt_overflow.os bt_page.os bt_put.os bt_search.os bt_seq.os bt_split.os bt_utils.os db.os mpool.os rec_close.os rec_delete.os rec_get.os rec_open.os rec_put.os rec_search.os rec_seq.os rec_utils.os
13:17.55giordano81make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk/db1-ast'
13:17.57giordano81make -C stdtime clean
13:17.59giordano81make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/asterisk/stdtime'
13:18.01giordano81rm -f libtime.a *.o test .depend
13:18.03giordano81make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk/stdtime'
13:18.05giordano81make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk'
13:18.07giordano81cp: impossibile fare stat di `.cleancount': No such file or directory
13:18.09giordano81make: *** [cleantest] Error 1
13:18.24giordano81what can i do?!?
13:23.13jbotfrom memory, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
13:23.18RoyK~lart giordano81
13:25.56*** join/#asterisk kink0 (n=k@
13:25.59kink0good morning
13:26.25Flautogood morning
13:26.26kink0well my first tests with asterisk, I try dial and I hear ussing my sound card
13:26.33kink0but there distortions
13:27.01kink0even when I have try to dial 500 and connect, connection is done, but same distortion as peaks are recorted
13:27.32kink0like if output volume was saturated, but distortion is not continue, is fews secs, and then disappears , and so
13:27.51kink0I have try the same sound card with other apps and sounds ok
13:28.31kink0I don't think about communication bandwidth since the same distortion is when playing local files, and I have enough bandwidth
13:29.01kink0I don't think about codecs, since I am running on a faster workstation ( Dual Xeon )
13:40.58*** join/#asterisk cianhughes (
13:44.42*** join/#asterisk SwK (
14:05.49*** join/#asterisk mcn (
14:08.24*** join/#asterisk Druken (
14:08.52c0wdo you know what time zone digium are in.
14:08.59c0wesp kram.
14:09.16*** join/#asterisk emakris2 (
14:09.23Drukenkram is all over the god damn place... who knows... :)
14:09.36c0wahh okie i'll just wait then.,
14:09.46c0wthe issue i've been waiting for has happened
14:10.36*** join/#asterisk spunz_ (
14:10.42c0wbasically getting zap channels locking.,
14:10.43Drukenwhat's the issue?
14:10.57c0wSystem uptime: 16 hours, 56 minutes, 57 seconds
14:11.05c0wNov 13 14:10:07 WARNING[5285]: channel.c:780 channel_find_locked: Avoided deadlock for '0x87fc748', 10 retries!
14:11.05c0wNov 13 14:10:47 WARNING[3781]: chan_zap.c:8360 pri_dchannel: Ring requested on channel 0/1 already in use on span 1.  Hanging up owner.
14:11.09c0wthing is
14:11.14c0wasterisk thinks they are in use
14:11.21c0wbut they arn't caus calls start to come over them
14:11.27*** join/#asterisk djin_ib (
14:11.44Drukenhmm... and it's a digium card?
14:12.04Drukenin what part of the world?
14:12.13Drukenso it's an E1
14:12.56c0wquad e1 card
14:12.58c0w3 in use
14:13.04c0w2 inbound 1 out bound
14:13.32c0wmark said he wanted it in the broken state
14:13.34c0wto do debug.
14:13.50c0wbasically i've been waiting for about 16 hours for it to happen.
14:13.56Drukenahh... hehe makes sence
14:14.06c0wi posted it as a bug
14:14.16c0wbut he closed it down so i'm thinking he knows what it is.
14:14.46c0wwell hoping as well.
14:14.49Drukenquite possible
14:15.08c0wthing is
14:15.12c0wyou try and hangup the channels
14:15.20c0wwith both hard and soft
14:15.24c0wthey don't hangup
14:15.36c0wyou try and stop the asterisk process.
14:15.40c0wit doesn't stop
14:15.59c0wbut you can send calls through it if it hits the other channels that aren't locked
14:16.06Drukenyeah i've run into that once or twice...
14:16.20Drukenbut with me, it's usually bitching about the database
14:16.35c0wi aint had that yet.
14:16.44c0wi run a custom routing app.
14:16.47c0wwhich uses mssql
14:16.49c0wworks perfect
14:16.52*** part/#asterisk brettnem (n=brettnem@
14:16.53Drukenmy database is on a diffrent machine...
14:17.01c0wsame with this
14:17.05c0wand the cdr's are mysql
14:17.07c0wsep machine
14:17.15Drukenif the route drops between the two systems... it sometimes pukes
14:17.16c0wagain works perfect bar some missing fields.
14:17.35c0wsurely trapping is needed on the connection handler.
14:18.04Drukenit'd be nice wouldn't it?
14:22.15Drukeni use the odbc front end to postgres
14:23.39*** join/#asterisk christo (
14:23.42christohi all
14:26.39c0whow about a native postgres connection then,
14:28.42yxaanyone used polycom 301s before? they any good?
14:28.55Drukenwell, the odbc is good, because it can be moved from the postgres and mysql without asterisk knowing
14:29.07fugitivowho wants mysql?
14:32.00Drukenfugitivo: i never said i wanted it... :)
14:32.10Drukeni have it... but i don't use it for asterisk...
14:33.19fugitivoapp_sql_postgres is obsolete in cvs version...
14:34.15Drukencvs is which version ?
14:34.21Drukeni know stable and head... :)
14:34.24fugitivosorry :)
14:35.03yxaanyone used polycom 301s?
14:36.32*** join/#asterisk lo2 (
14:42.49yxawhat phones are you guys using? :)
14:45.44fugitivoa crappy atcom 320 and atas
14:47.40yxai tried grandstream and they blow.
14:51.40*** join/#asterisk emakris2 (
14:56.39Drukeni must say, i prefer ata's... :)
15:00.22*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
15:01.43yxaDruken which ata?
15:02.14Drukeni use the linksys... :)
15:02.23yxaoh sipuras
15:02.50Drukenin a way... but linksys purchased it :)
15:04.24Drukeni look at it like this, i can pay over 100 bux for a voip phone, or i can pay less than 100 for an atam and hook up two traditional phones...
15:05.12Drukenand most stupid people can use a traditional phone... you put more than 12 buttons infront of some people.. and they have a panic attack
15:05.57fugitivolol, that's right
15:06.08fugitivoand cheap ip phones are really bad quality
15:08.19tzangeryes but the problem is that POTS phones are generally shitty office phones
15:08.32tzangertransfer/hold/page/etc are all hacks
15:08.47tzangerADSI helps but it's a hack on top of a hack :-)
15:09.01Drukenvery true... but, POTS phones, don't have transfer and page :)
15:09.21tzangerhookflash is your best option without ADSI
15:09.33tzangerbut ADSI mutes audio and is slow and sometimes gets confused
15:09.38Drukenwhich is what most people are used to :)
15:10.13Drukeni know with a normal phoneline, i have to hookswitch to use any of the services.. :)
15:10.25tzangeryeah, which sucks :-)
15:10.28Drukenit's been beaten into my head for the past 10 years by the telco
15:10.45tzangerI am working on some sweet, sweet magic for norstar phones and asterisk
15:10.51tzangerbut it's not anywhere near ready yet
15:10.56Drukenso i figure... why fight with the stupid people and try to retrain them ?
15:11.15Drukennorstar phones and asterisk?... do tell
15:11.17Flautohi people, i have one question, if i want to use dirctory on my auto attendant, what should i do, do i have to like the exten, by name
15:12.09DrukenFlauto: setup your voicemail properly and use Directory(voicemailcontext)
15:13.57Flautooh, would you show me how to do it? i have voicemail setup with all the users listed
15:14.33Drukeni did just show you how to do it...
15:14.37*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
15:15.12Flautolet me try
15:16.00Drukentzanger: comeon, spill it... norstar.... what ya doin?
15:20.27Flautoit does not tell me the numbers
15:20.43Drukenit's not suppsed to
15:20.44Flautoshould i setup anything else in the voicemail context
15:20.54Flautolike my name
15:20.59Drukentell your people to say their extension in their name
15:21.02Flautowhat format i should use
15:21.16*** join/#asterisk otaku42 (i=otaku@madwifi/developer/otaku42)
15:21.22otaku42hi all
15:22.19otaku42question: does anyone know a sip-capable softphone for gnome, which supports alsa and is capable of using the address book from evolution?
15:22.40Flautoi use 200 => xxxx,myname,myemail
15:23.13c0wDruken, you wanna see something funny
15:24.20Drukenc0w: sure, i'm always up for a laugh
15:25.21c0wtell me how that works =)
15:26.41Flautodrunken, is there anything i can read?
15:26.49*** join/#asterisk skyen (
15:27.11Drukenc0w: uhmm....... you got me... :)
15:27.22skyenIs there a way to do "include =>"'s in a mysql-table when running extensions from a mysql database?
15:27.26*** join/#asterisk jaike (i=aa@
15:27.39c0wthats the issue i'm having..
15:27.56Drukenhow new of asterisk ?
15:28.01c0wmy-sql2*CLI> show channels
15:28.02c0wChannel              Location             State   Application(Data)
15:28.03c0wZap/71-1             8990309677@inbound:5 Ring    Dial(OOH323/625014847@144.173.
15:28.03c0wZap/64-1             8990364514@inbound:5 Ring    Dial(OOH323/625013905@144.173.
15:28.03c0wZap/1-1              8990301880@inbound:5 Ring    Dial(OOH323/625012585@144.173.
15:28.03c0wZap/69-1             8990304296@inbound:5 Ring    Dial(OOH323/632019568@82.108.4
15:28.04c0wZap/63-1             370051@inbound:5     Ring    Dial(OOH323/625016061@82.108.4
15:28.06c0w5 active channels
15:28.08c0w6 active calls
15:28.10c0wsorry for multiline paste.
15:28.12c0wi aint new.
15:28.26c0wthis is rc2 current.
15:28.34c0w5 active channels
15:28.37Drukenahh... that makes sence...
15:28.40c0w6 active calls
15:28.58Drukeni try not to upgrade... i find too much shit is broken....
15:29.08c0wnah i like rc2
15:29.11c0wworks really nicely.
15:29.14c0wand ooh323c
15:29.16c0wi like it.
15:29.31jaikecow: what linux u using?
15:29.32Drukenh323 works?
15:29.45c0wyeah ooh323 is sweeet.
15:30.01c0wbest channel driver i've used.
15:30.11jaikeguys, anyone know an iax provider in the UK where i can get DIDs?
15:30.12Drukencan't say i've had any use for h323 yet... thank christ... :)
15:30.35c0wyeah tell me about it (devil) just gotta be done.
15:30.57Drukeni will probably never have it.....
15:31.20Drukenunless someone comes along and says... yeah, i want service from you.. and my monthly bills will be like 1000 or more...
15:32.02c0wwe have a bucket load of qintium d3000's
15:32.21c0wwe started way back in the day when sip was soo very young. and not really an option
15:32.26c0wnow we have to keep some legacy shit.
15:33.00Drukenthe newer quintum stuff does sip...
15:35.34c0wyeah d3000 does sip but not full rfc
15:35.40c0wwe have a cms and dx
15:35.44Drukensounds like asterisk.. :)
15:35.59c0wthats why ast with h323 does the job =
15:36.10c0wits just a media gateway really.
15:36.42skyenIs there a way to do "include =>"'s in a mysql-table when running extensions from a mysql database?
15:37.35Drukenskyen: i'm sure there is... but i don't know it... i don't even know why anyone would use a database for a dialplan.... :)
15:38.06skyenfor interoperability
15:39.44kink0stupid & newbie question: what must I touch at default config files to accept a test call from somebody ?
15:44.20Corydon76-homeCrud... I can't connect to
15:46.53Math`connection's refused
15:49.03kink0what do you need to try to call to my just installed Asterisk ?
15:57.41Corydon76-homeYou need an account in one of the config files
15:58.05Corydon76-homeeither iax.conf or sip.conf
15:58.48kink0I have a guest there for IAX
15:59.19kink0so, that means you will able to call me at guest@my_IP_address ?
15:59.31kink0o guest@my_domain_name ?
15:59.35Corydon76-homeSo dial guest@your.ip.addr.ess/some-extension
15:59.48*** join/#asterisk razu_ (
15:59.59kink0great !! I understand,  I only have now one extension
16:00.18kink0can somebody call me to ?
16:00.25Corydon76-homeOh, and you need the prefix, too
16:00.41kink0( I don't know if that works , I never received any call )
16:00.53kink0ahh ok, I think would work IAX and SIP also
16:01.48Corydon76-homeThat won't work, either... that hostname doesn't resolve
16:02.10kink0hmmm... I just create an entry at my DNS servers ...
16:02.24Corydon76-homeDid you advance the serial number and reload?
16:02.37kink0yes, I did
16:02.57kink0but may be you are ussing a secondary or slave server to resolve, anywise there is the IP
16:03.19kink0I will force upgrade now at the slaves/secondary also
16:04.42kink0well, now I did a force syncronization to the DNS servers, and must resolv.
16:05.57*** join/#asterisk trym (
16:06.05Corydon76-homeYou must also wait for your negative cache to expire
16:06.43Corydon76-homebecause every properly functions DNS server will cache the negative result for that many seconds
16:06.43kink0yes, but nobody did a query to that name before, since have been invented/created now
16:06.55kink0except you :)
16:07.09*** join/#asterisk CoolAcid (n=jason@
16:07.54*** part/#asterisk otaku42 (i=otaku@madwifi/developer/otaku42)
16:08.11Corydon76-homeIf you have your DNS configured properly, at a reload, your DNS server will send notifications to the slaves
16:08.50Corydon76-homeand the slaves compare serial numbers and refresh the zones for which they do not have the latest
16:09.26kink0yes, anywise I did a force re-import zones at the slaves, to ensure inmediate upgrades.
16:10.31kink0now is resolved by all, as long I as test queryng external DNS servers
16:11.37kink0I think is possible to use ip instead fqdn , right ?
16:12.30kink0something like IAX2/guess@
16:14.15*** join/#asterisk _Sam-- (
16:14.58_Sam--does this message mean something is up with my IAX provider:    -- Call accepted by (format ulaw)
16:15.37_Sam--i dont follow what that being busy would mean...i give them the call, they accept the call, but the call isnt making it to the destination
16:18.42_Sam--maybe a better question would be is anyone else having any problems with teliax
16:19.22Math`your trying to dial "3" to your provider?
16:19.47_Sam--no that is the IAX channel
16:20.16Math`is it probable that the number is really busy?
16:20.35_Sam--no its my cell phone right to me.
16:21.01Math`can you enable "iax2 debug" and pastebin the result
16:23.11BladeRunner05Hi all I follow the instruction in but where arrive a call the log in stored in /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csr/Master file instead of mysql table
16:24.28*** part/#asterisk jaike (i=aa@
16:25.21Math`sounds like the provider's problem
16:25.28*** join/#asterisk cuco (
16:25.49cucohello, doea anyone know how can I ping asterisk from a script?
16:26.01_Sam--how do you disable iax2 debug?
16:26.05Math`iax2 no debug
16:26.16Math`cuco: you mean check if its running?
16:26.24djin_ibasterisk -rx ping
16:26.28cuco(test -f /var/run/astriks/
16:26.42Math`ah locally
16:26.53cucowell, that can help as well....
16:27.07_Sam--weird...incoming calls works fine
16:28.22SkramXcuco: i think there is a nagios plug in.
16:28.39SkramXMy company is about to offer such services. email for more details.
16:29.41kink0how can I dial you from the CLI ?
16:29.46djin_ibcuco, you might want to check
16:30.04cucoif (asterisk -rx ping); then echo "ASTERISK OK: else echo "ASTERISK DOWN"; fi
16:30.17Math`kink0: dial extension[@context]
16:30.31kink0Math` I tried severals, but:
16:30.34cucowithouth the syntax errors :)
16:30.39kink0*CLI> dial IAX2/asterisk@demo/1
16:30.39kink0No such extension 'IAX2/asterisk' in context 'demo/1'
16:31.28djin_ibcuco, you might want to doublecheck that ping. I thought it answered with 'pong', but on this server I get no response.
16:31.29kink0there no way to call you if know protocol/user@IP/extension ?
16:31.50djin_ibkink0, what do you want to do next?
16:32.09kink0cuco: when I need to be sure a service is running, I use something like "nmap -p <port>" instead just a ping
16:32.18djin_ibYou need to connect it to another channeld, don't you?
16:32.31djin_ibYou might want to look into the .call options
16:32.32kink0services can be up, but icmp disabled ... or services goes frozen for some reason
16:32.45jbotmethinks docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
16:32.54*** join/#asterisk brucedawson (
16:32.56_Sam--anyone else having outgoing call trouble on teliax?
16:32.58kink0djin_ib, i.e I want to dial somebody who I tell me her IP address
16:33.04*** part/#asterisk brucedawson (
16:33.46djin_ibkink0, did you check the .call possibility?
16:34.01kink0no, I did not check
16:34.30djin_ibYou just drop a .txt file with all details in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing.
16:35.14djin_ibIt dails the number and links the call to the given context (which could be the ip report in this case)
16:35.41cucodjin_ib: i tried it, it does seem to work on asterisk 1.1. which version do you have?
16:36.09djin_ibcoco, ok cool. I tried it on a 1.0.9
16:36.14cucokink0: yes, this will tell you if the port is open, not if the service is up (can you spell trojan? virus?)
16:36.29cucodjin_ib: 1.0.9 on rapid/debian
16:37.21kink0cuco if port answer , the service probably is up, at least is better than a simple ping or just check the pid
16:38.00kink0my good !! I am unable to call , all I got today was the "congratulations" voice message, and calling to 600
16:38.30kink0I am newbie, and was trying this like if this was like ophone or so.
16:38.45*** join/#asterisk aaronz (n=aaronz@pdpc/supporter/student/aaronz)
16:38.49Math`asterisk is a pbx, not a softphone
16:39.38cucokink0: again, who knows... maybe some other process is using the asterisk port... you cannot be too paranoid ....
16:43.21Math`if you're that paranoid... make program who checks the program binding to the asterisk port, checks the md5sum of the process
16:43.33Math`and verifies a 2048bit DSA signature of that md5sum
16:44.47*** join/#asterisk stkn (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
16:45.10WillySillyanyone here use res_bonjour?
16:45.26Math`res_bonjour? lol
16:46.29kink0can anybody try to dial me ( just for testing ) ?
16:46.40cucodjin_ib: oops :)
16:46.55Math`kink0: which number/network?
16:46.58*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
16:47.07cucodjin_ib: on another machine it says no such command ping (but at least i get a respond!)
16:47.33kink0Math`, IAX2/
16:47.45WillySillywhen i do nmap on my asterisk server I dont see any ports open...
16:48.16*** join/#asterisk coppice (
16:48.20demetrioWillySilly, -sU?
16:48.30kink0WillySilly, use ports 4000-65353, may be is out of default scan range... or may be your asterisk is donw
16:48.56kink0Math`, nothing happens here :(
16:49.05djin_ibor maybe nmap doesn't see the UDP ports asterisk uses for SIP and IAX.
16:49.25WillySillyarent there a dew TCP ports too?
16:49.26Math`Nov 13 11:48:29 WARNING[981]: chan_iax2.c:1713 attempt_transmit: Max retries exceeded to host on IAX2/ (type = 6, subclass = 1, ts=16, seqno=0)
16:49.31demetrioWillySilly, to check if asterisk is running you could do nmap -sU -p 5060
16:49.52*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
16:49.53kink0Math`, hmmmm... let me check my router
16:50.00WillySilly5060/udp closed unknown
16:50.27*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
16:50.33demetriowell, this if you configured asterisk to listen on 5060
16:50.43kink0WillySilly,  nmap -sU localhost -p 4000-10000
16:50.50kink04520/udp open  unknown
16:50.50kink04569/udp open  unknown
16:50.50kink05060/udp open  unknown
16:50.58Math`why can't I iax2 debug ip [peer]
16:51.57Math`yeah sounds like your not replying
16:52.17Math`would you be running... [insert evil sound here] asterisk behind a NAT?
16:53.06WillySilly5060/udp open|filtered unknown
16:53.16Math`open or filtered
16:53.27WillySillythats what it says
16:53.28WillySillyyou tell me
16:54.24WillySillynow to figure out why res_bonjour isnt working
16:54.42Math`whats res_bonjour anywyas
16:54.52Math`like... res_hello?
16:55.08BladeRunner05Hi all I follow the instruction in but where arrive a call the log in stored in /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csr/Master file instead of mysql table
16:56.12*** join/#asterisk apardo (
16:57.07WillySillyits not registering the services
17:00.15WillySillydarn, i thought at least one of you guys would be using it
17:01.37Sedoroxthis channel probably only represents only like 20% of the people that use asterisk :p
17:02.21*** join/#asterisk zoa (
17:02.33*** join/#asterisk kink0 (n=k@
17:02.42kink0Math`, now is ready
17:03.06WillySillySedorox: :P
17:03.28[TK]D-Fender20%  Thats remarkably exaggerated.....
17:03.28kink0I see you now
17:03.43kink0request '1@default' does not exist
17:03.57*** join/#asterisk chandi (
17:04.02Math`yeah well that "1" is the ext u told me to dial :P
17:04.04kink0hmmmm, I have only one extension ( my sound card )
17:04.33chandihey guys, anyone would be comfortable talking about sip INFO method ? ;)
17:05.55kink0well, really I don't know yet how to see my own extensions :( continue learning ... see you later
17:07.26[TK]D-Fenderkink0 : pastebin you extensions.conf and I'll take a look
17:07.50kink0[TK]D-Fender, is like default, I just edited but not modify from default instalation
17:08.07[TK]D-FenderYou mean the samples file?
17:08.22[TK]D-FenderPastebin it up anyways, maybe there's something to see
17:08.47kink0ok... I will need to remember how to pastebin .... arghhh
17:08.49WillySillymaybe 1.0rc1 will work
17:09.36kink0how works pastebin to send you that paste ?
17:09.55kink0sorry :( I just use time long the pastebin utility
17:11.35kink0( I uploaded to a server , then you will be able to see my extensions.conf )
17:11.53WillySillydarn, 1.0rc1 doesnt work either
17:12.28_Sam--anyone having any outgoing issues with teliax?
17:14.49kink0must to go, see you later.
17:16.42*** join/#asterisk file (
17:18.23fileI'm home :D
17:18.27WillySillyrm -rf file
17:18.37Math`yeah you lack the [laptop] suffix
17:18.59fileI haven't eaten in a day though...
17:19.01fileSO, might wanna do that
17:19.09Math`ight be a good thing yeah
17:19.28SkramXAHHH a dell!?
17:21.00[TK]D-FenderAs bad as Junk-Y's eMachines!
17:21.57[TK]D-FenderI'm cleaning up my office here, and my primary PC getting ready to refresh all of my apps.  Then getting ready to replace my VoIP gear :)
17:22.40Math`whats your gear now?
17:25.24[TK]D-FenderWell... I have an unpluged SPA-2000... thats about it :)  I sold off my TDM22B, and am looking to buy a SPA-3000, and an SPA-941 with my money from it.
17:25.55[TK]D-FenderI need to finish the wiring in my new place because my server (which runs *) isn't even networked.
17:26.10[TK]D-FenderI'm also looking to buy a Sangoma S518 ADSL card.
17:26.46[TK]D-FenderSo I can ditch an extra NIC from that system and the modem dangling onto it.
17:27.17[TK]D-FenderSimplifies my wiring and gives me something that'll perform a bit more.
17:28.54*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (i=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
17:32.09[TK]D-FenderGoin AFK for a bit to do some cleaning....
17:35.12Math`hmm "RetryTime" is in seconds right?
17:36.13*** part/#asterisk chandi (
17:45.52Drukencleaning... wuts that?
17:47.30marcus2zoa, you awake?
17:48.08*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (n=chatzill@
17:50.29shmaltzI'm starting to work now on an interesting project, it's a security check project, I dont think it will take more than 2-3 hours, anybody interested in volunteering
17:53.17Math`whats the link with asterisk?
17:53.49shmaltzMath`, nothing
17:56.55zoashmaltz: tell me more
17:57.30*** join/#asterisk ahattar (
17:57.56marcus2zoa; whats the status of the sip jitter buffer
17:58.08marcus2i was reading the bug tracker thread, but your last past is over a month ago
17:58.15zoawe are working on it again
17:58.25zoai hope to post a patch for rc2 on tuesday
17:58.53marcus2for channel.c? or an update to one of the other two patches?
17:58.53zoawe got funding by royk to give it more priority
17:58.58zoano for channel.c
17:59.20marcus2how much funding does it take to make something like this happen? :)
17:59.25zoawe dont succeed in getting the one in chan_rtp stable, and its not our problem
17:59.30shmaltzzoa, one sec
17:59.42zoawell, he agreed to pay the penalty if we miss the other deadline or so
18:00.17marcus2i wrote a jitter buffer for rtp in '99
18:00.18zoai think there is over 6 months full time spent already on the sip jb, so its not really a cheap project :)
18:00.32marcus2too bad its not really applicable to this at all
18:00.46zoathe problem is not the rtp, the problem is the damn asterisk implementation, its not designed for it
18:00.53*** join/#asterisk zerocoded (
18:00.57marcus2that doesn't surprise me
18:00.59zoabut the channel.c looks promising for the moment
18:01.13marcus2so that would work for any channel, i assume?
18:01.49zoawell, the channels will have to be altered to have timestamps
18:01.50c0wsounds good, any eta, like week months >?>?
18:02.01zoabut in theory it could even work for chan_zap
18:02.07marcus2is it practical to use SER inf ront of asterisk, as an alternative?
18:02.11zoaalthough that would make no sense
18:02.16zoaser doest do rtp
18:02.27marcus2er, great
18:02.40marcus2so is there some sip/rtp proxy that i can use that does have a decent jitter biffer?
18:02.48zoaeta, less than a month
18:03.06zoamarcus, it could be done in that, but the cpu overhead is too big for on an rtpproxy
18:03.09gambolputtyI read nokia released some SIP source code
18:03.21gambolputtymaybe that would do
18:03.27marcus2well, cpu isn't much of an issue for me
18:03.35marcus2i just need a solution for ~10 sip devices
18:03.48WillySillyI saw a C# app a few weeks ago and it popped up with the caller ID info when someone called, anyone else see that?
18:03.49marcus2and i'd rather the solution not be "get a wrt54gs for each user, and run asterisk locally"
18:03.55zoaif you are lucky, we will have something on tuesday that you could test
18:04.03marcus2ok cool
18:04.07zoabut royk's devices will have priority with testing of course
18:04.13marcus2what's he using?
18:04.57zoadunno, we will see when they arrive here
18:05.02marcus2oh hehe
18:05.15marcus2i can send you a linksys pap2 if it helps =D
18:05.21marcus2(thats what we're using, primarily)
18:05.30shmaltzzoa, thanks I got some help already from
18:06.39zoamarcus2, it would certainly as we cant buy those in europe
18:07.18*** part/#asterisk Math` (
18:07.30*** join/#asterisk Math` (
18:08.29marcus2ok, later next week
18:08.35marcus2when my next check comes in :)
18:14.18*** join/#asterisk Mother (
18:15.25*** join/#asterisk newl (
18:16.03*** join/#asterisk Jon_888 (n=jon_No_s@
18:16.47Jon_888Arrrgghh!!! Why can't I dial - says command not found, google not helpful!
18:17.08*** join/#asterisk remibreval (
18:17.16remibrevalHello All !!
18:17.21Motherturn your phone 180 degrees on the horizontal plane and try again
18:17.27Math`or, wb should I say :P
18:18.06Jon_888Thanks Mother.  I'm getting command not found.  Dialed OK earlier.  Soundcard functional.
18:18.25remibrevalRTP port is 8000 in X-lite. The question is, if I have several X-lite in my lan, how to open it correclty (because I can't forward to everyone... !!)
18:18.44Math`remibreval: if they are on your lan, why do you NAT it?
18:19.17Jon_888sorry, "No such command 'dial'"
18:19.17remibrevalok, I have 1 lan with asterisk and X-lite, and an other lan with only X-lite pc
18:19.35Math`you've 2 lans
18:19.39remibrevalin the second lan the PC register to *
18:19.49remibrevalMath' exact !
18:20.08Math`and... how are those 2 lans connected
18:20.15remibreval... internet
18:20.25Math`which kind of routing
18:20.41remibrevalbasically, they are not "connected", the 2 lan have public IP that's all
18:20.48*** part/#asterisk tainted_ (
18:20.49Math`so its not a lan
18:21.05Math`u just have different clients connecting from the net
18:21.05remibrevaloI have 2 lans, with 2 routers
18:21.14remibrevalMath' exact
18:22.17remibrevalIn the router I can't just "open" a port. I need to forward it to a local IP. Just one. I should I do ?
18:22.38remibrevalHow should I do
18:22.40Jon_888My problem must be a common one sureley?  One boot the dial command is there, the next boot it isn't!
18:22.52remibrevalDo you recommand another router ?
18:23.09remibrevalit is uPnP Nat routing
18:24.37remibrevalDo you recommand VPN ?
18:25.13Math`remibreval: you shouldn't need to do any router config on the side of the client
18:25.46remibrevalMath', that's what I think. But how to manage it ?
18:26.59remibrevalHow does skype (I know it's not SIP but, it's quite same matter), or FWD, or... etc, to accept any type of client with any router ?
18:27.48Math`skype use people that are not behind routers to forward traffic between peers
18:28.03Math`on the server, did you DMZ your asterisk?
18:28.11remibrevalMath', yes I di
18:29.17Math`u've set nat=yes in the client's sip.conf ?
18:29.25remibrevalyes also
18:30.43QwellJon_888: if chan_alsa/chan_oss isn't loaded, you won't be able to use the Dial command from the console
18:32.48remibrevalMaybe I should test and capture what exactly happen. You're right, their shouldn't be client's router configuration
18:32.55remibrevalI'm going to make more tests
18:35.26remibrevalNext time I'll be back with my white book I'm writting
18:35.28remibrevalbye bye
18:36.42*** join/#asterisk afrosheen (
18:36.50afrosheenany AMP users in here?
18:39.49asterboyWhere is the best place to buy the Asterisk "The Future of Telephony" book???
18:39.58Qwellasterboy: anywhere, really
18:40.22asterboyIs there a direct method to support the project better?
18:40.32deezedi bought 2 copies from amazon
18:40.34QwellI think they get paid regardless
18:40.40deezedbtw - who is the author in this chan?
18:40.52Qwell(regardless of where you buy them)
18:40.53Qwelldeezed: blitzrage, jsmith
18:40.58Qwelland another...not sure he comes in here
18:41.08asterboyIs the current version in print?
18:41.16Qwellasterboy: not sure.
18:41.26asterboyAugust 31st is latest version.
18:41.29QwellI imagine they'll wait a short while before they do a revision
18:41.38asterboyNot sure that could get to print that fast.
18:41.40deezedatleast a year?
18:41.54Qwelldeezed: if it sells well...maybe not
18:42.06deezedyeah asterboy i bought 2 copies of the aug 31st version.. which i believe is the only version
18:42.11[hC]morning kids
18:42.29asterboywow, that was fast...from September to print.
18:42.47Qwellasterboy: the cool thing can buy it, and look at it online for any updates
18:42.55*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
18:43.03asterboythats a good idea.
18:43.22deezeddigital version for 45 days too
18:43.26QwellYou should still buy it though.  It's worth it.
18:43.29deezedso you can copy and paste code if needed
18:43.50asterboyI was sold on the the story about how Asterisk history.
18:43.52QwellI seem to have misplaced my copy...hmm
18:44.05[hC]I have two of em
18:44.08afrosheenI have the VOIP telephony with asterisk yellow book
18:44.17asterboyI'd like to get one signed at the next conference.
18:44.23[hC]i bought one 4 days before astricon not knowing until the day i was leaving that they were giving em out
18:44.23afrosheenit's full of typos and small errors but is a good overview them away at astercon.
18:44.53Qwell[hC]: having a spare can't hurt
18:44.59asterboyWhen and where is the next event?
18:45.24*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
18:45.29Peggerasterboy what where they giving away at astercon
18:45.48Qwelllots of stuff, heh
18:45.52asterboyThe Asterisk "The future of telephony" book.
18:45.56Qwellmostly free beer. ;]
18:46.16Peggerasterboy i downloaded it he he
18:46.31asterboyya, but I like to read when sitting on my throne ;->
18:46.40Math`then get a laptop
18:46.47asterboyplus it helps out the project.
18:47.11asterboyIt was Asterisk that turned me onto LinuxFromScratch
18:47.26Math`why lfs?
18:47.29asterboylfs rocks!
18:47.38skyenhow can i include a context into another one when i'm running extensions from realtime/mysql?
18:47.54Qwellskyen: same way
18:47.56Jon_888Qwell: tried loading it and got cannot open shared object file
18:48.04Jon_888that was with load chan_alsa
18:48.05QwellJon_888: because the soundcard is in use
18:48.21Jon_888ok, can I stop it's use?
18:48.27QwellJon_888: kill whatever is using it
18:48.40Math`lsof /dev/dsp
18:48.47asterboyI'm on chapter 4, gotta find out how to setup my dialtone.
18:48.48Math`er thats oss
18:48.53Math`lsod /dev/device
18:49.04asterboyIf I have trouble, I'll be back to pick your minds.
18:49.13afrosheenasterboy: what does ztcfg return
18:49.17*** join/#asterisk loick (
18:49.19asterboyall good.
18:49.23*** join/#asterisk theblue (
18:49.24theblueHi all.
18:49.33asterboyztcfg looks great.
18:49.35skyenQwell: in extensions.conf i'm using include => <extension>, but in my mysql-table i'm limited to the columns exten,priority,app,appdata
18:49.36theblueWould I be better off going with Asterisk or Asterisk@Home for ease of configuration?
18:49.41Flautoit is a lot of work to find the sound files to meet my needs
18:49.46asterboyI figured out the fxs is fxo visa versa.
18:49.53skyenI can't find any hinting examples
18:49.54afrosheenast_freak: so ztcfg -vvv gives you what
18:50.03Qwelltheblue: depends.  Are you suicidal?
18:50.11Qwellif you are, you probably don't want to use a@h
18:50.13afrosheenoops that was meant for asterboy
18:50.21afrosheentoo many ast* names in here
18:50.25theblueQwell: So a@h is good.
18:50.32Qwelltheblue: on the contrary
18:50.46Flautois there a sound file i can use to tell please dial extenion or press 0 for operatoer or 9 for directory
18:51.04QwellFlauto: there are tons...look through them
18:51.04asterboychannel 1 - FXO kewstart
18:51.07afrosheenFlauto: that'll be your IVR recording..when you make it :)
18:51.12asterboychannel 2 - FXS kewstart
18:51.31afrosheenasterboy: so that looks ok?
18:51.31Jon_888Hmm, trying a reboot
18:51.35Flautoafrosheen, i sound like shit in recording. so i don't want to use mine
18:51.40QwellJon_888: Linux doesn't need reboots...ever
18:51.41skyenQwell: you know how it's done? plz
18:51.57jbothmm... wikis is
18:51.59Qwellskyen: go there, search for realtime include
18:52.03afrosheenFlauto: go to the coffee shop, talk some unemployed girl into it
18:52.03skyenthanks :)
18:52.20theblueQwell: On the contrary to what?
18:52.22Jon_888qwell, I don't seem to be able to do a clean /etc/init.d/asterisk restart
18:52.22Flautothat is a great idea
18:52.29Qwelltheblue: *@h is absolute crap. :)
18:52.37QwellJon_888: why not?
18:52.41Flautothen, i have to record her on the site or bringing her home?
18:52.51QwellFlauto: kill two birds with one stone
18:52.53Qwellhire a hooker
18:52.53afrosheenFlauto: bring her back to wherever you want to record
18:52.58Jon_888i don't have the exact message
18:53.00theblueQwell: So I just pissed away a 20GB hard drive with about 5 gigs of mp3s on it, collected over 3 years, for absolute crap?
18:53.05Flautoqwell, that is a better idea
18:53.07Qwelltheblue: pretty much
18:53.18theblueQwell: Pardon me, I need to go to my happy place now.
18:53.21asterboyya thats goog isn't it?
18:53.30afrosheenbah a hooker will be much more expensive
18:53.33Flautoyou guys are so funny
18:53.33Qwelltheblue: Thats why I asked if you were suicidal. :P
18:53.41theblueQwell: I am.
18:53.48afrosheenactually wait until tomorrow around 2pm
18:53.58afrosheenthen you'll get unemployed people for sure
18:54.00Flautoafrosheen, that is true
18:54.04theblueQwell: Tell me this then: Does A@H come with a full install of CentOS?
18:54.20Flautowell, i think i will just try to find if there is anything i can use from the sound files
18:54.20asterboyafrosheen: should it be something else?
18:54.28afrosheentheblue: I think it does
18:54.28Qwelltheblue: so start over.  get a real distro...install *, skip AMP and the other crap GUIs
18:54.28Qwellit does, but...
18:54.33afrosheenasterboy: depends on what your hardware is
18:54.37Qwellit's all the other stuff it comes with that makes it crap
18:54.49Flautois drunken still here?
18:54.49theblueQwell: Meh, I might as well.
18:54.51asterboyI did verify it corresponds to the hardware.
18:55.02Flautoi want to thank him for helping me with the directory
18:55.18Flautopooh, for loading the x100p driver
18:55.24Flautoyou guys are great
18:55.47asterboyI'm certain I need a proper zapata.conf file...I just copied the sample I need to do some reading, otherwise I'm just going to be hand held.
18:55.48afrosheenasterboy: so your next step is to edit zapata.conf for the channel grouping, context, etc.
18:56.15asterboyI'm a time to educate myself.
18:56.29theblueand how.
18:56.35afrosheenget your learn turned on
18:56.40skyendamn, I cant find it on the wikis :(
18:56.46asterboybe back when I'm done the chapter.
18:57.18asterboyIf I have trouble I'll do the pastebin thing.
18:58.41Jon_888Think my kernel mods are shagged - i.e. alsa ad hci!
18:59.28Jon_888anyone configured a chan_bluetooth extension here?
19:00.42skyenJon_888: is that a way to get a voip-gsm-gateway?=)
19:01.32Jon_888not quite I don't think, It just uses your phone handset for the audio gateway.  there is another bluetooth thing for that.  check out the crazy greek
19:02.04*** join/#asterisk _Madar (
19:11.58*** join/#asterisk ReD-MaN (
19:13.35Math`whats the cheapest gsm -> voip gateway?
19:15.27[hC]Am i wrong in thinking that in recent cvs asterisk doesnt rely on mpg123 for moh anymore? or does it still
19:16.21Qwellsomebody needs to fix the bug tracker. :(
19:16.45Qwell[hC]: You can use the native player now
19:16.51Qwellrather, * has a native player now
19:16.53[hC]how? :) (btw, hi!)
19:17.10Qwellnot sure...
19:17.20QwellI think the sample config in cvs shows how
19:18.34wunderkinthey just need to be in the native codec format, .ul, .gsm, etc
19:18.46[hC]oh, they cant be mp3?
19:19.00wunderkinfor mp3 youll need format_mp3
19:19.11[hC]yeah, i saw cvs checkout format_mp3
19:19.28[hC]do i have to do anything in particular to have it use format_mp3 for moh instead of mpg123?
19:19.48wunderkini dont guess so, just have it installed, i use native
19:20.00[hC]hm k
19:20.18wunderkinmaybe something in musiconhold.conf
19:34.29*** join/#asterisk zeedo (n=zeedo@
19:38.37*** join/#asterisk Jabroni (
19:41.24*** join/#asterisk clive- (
19:41.51*** join/#asterisk ure (
19:42.10urehi all
19:42.39Jon_888what's the distro of choice for asterisk?
19:42.56SkramXJon_888: trying to start a distro war?
19:43.07SkramXPersonally, my clients and I use gentoo.
19:43.22Jabroniits like saying which is better.. coke or pepsi :p
19:43.23justinucentos works well for me
19:43.35Jabronii use centos
19:43.38sbingnercoke duh
19:43.42ureive got a little wct4xxp question, i have sometimes dtmf tones that were not generated at the other end, anybody has experience with this and what could coused it ?
19:43.46JonR800use whatever you're most comfortable with.
19:43.57SkramXif the box is going to be dedicated to asterisk, try AstLinux
19:43.57JonR800that's what works best with asterisk.
19:43.58[TK]D-Fender<flamewar fodder="yes" tolerable="barely" volatility="high"/>
19:44.17justinuhey JonR800
19:44.23JonR800hey man
19:44.30clive-justinu  can I ask you a centos related question
19:45.48[TK]D-FenderJon_888 : Almost everything seems to work, so go with what you know.  If its got the normal support packages & sources, you should be fine...
19:45.54clive-justinu I have a p4 with HT, and running centos 3.5, do I need to enable SMP in the kernel, or will it bo ok just to enable HT to get apic working, because of wacky intterupt conflicts
19:46.13justinuwow, good question
19:46.37justinui honestly don't know, but I'd guess you need SMP
19:46.38Math`u need SMP
19:46.45JonR800what Math` said
19:46.45clive-lol...I just need a good answer:), or else, I just need like a few hours to try all options
19:46.48Math`and you need to say Y to PREMPTIVE SMP
19:47.09justinui played around with voicepulse connect a bunch last night
19:47.14justinutheir SIP service SUCKS
19:47.20justinubut IAX seems to work
19:47.46JonR800justinu: i wasn't overly impressed with anything they had to offer.  there was a whole period there where they refused to upgrade their asterisk servers.
19:47.46clive-ok, thanks, I will try with SMP, although I am not sure how good SMP support is in the 2.4.x kernel
19:47.59zoaif you are running 2.4 disable smp
19:48.02*** join/#asterisk kink0 (n=k@
19:48.02ureSMP in 2.4 is bad
19:48.13zoaif you are using 2.6 and are not using misdn or other add-ons disable smp too
19:48.17justinuJonR800: a friend of mine was over here, and wanted to buy a DID now... and they seemed to be the only ones without an bend-over "activation" fee
19:48.18zoaand disable preemptive
19:48.25*** join/#asterisk loick (
19:48.28clive-zoa can I run HT switched on with SMP off?
19:48.39zoaat least i never found how
19:48.45zoajust use kernel 2.6
19:48.48ureit will not make any difference with ht,
19:48.49zoawith smp and ht on
19:48.58zoait makes a little difference
19:49.00zoasome %
19:49.10SkramX3.6ghz p4 with HT with gentoo is a beaity
19:49.29JonR800justinu: haha that's true, plus the IAX support is nice.  I wish more sip providers would catch the net and add IAX support
19:49.32clive-zoa my trouble is the IRQ interrupts are I need apic, not neccecarily HT
19:49.42zoaJonR800: check
19:50.00zoathere are 50 known to me now with iax2
19:50.04zoawhich is not too bad
19:50.14ureclive- are those IRQ issues reltated with digium cards ?
19:50.15JonR800i see
19:50.36JonR800im currently using QuantumVoice with Sip.. but they tell me they're adding IAX "soon" hehe
19:50.41clive-ure-, no I think its related to some wierd wat intel mobo's manage interrupts
19:50.48clive-*wierd way
19:50.48JonR800zoa: that's a great site, thanks
19:51.04ureclive- ic,
19:51.32ureanybody here having expirience with the echo cancel boards of digium ?
19:51.46kink0[TK]D-Fender, did you saw my extensions.conf ?
19:52.02clive-zoa thanks for the pointers
19:53.06[TK]D-Fenderkink0 : I think so.  You didn't have an extension "1" in Default like you were trying to dial.
19:53.47kink0[TK]D-Fender, ahh ok, I edit files, but not change anything, I will try to create extension 1 now , and start asterisk again.
19:54.37zoaclive, just a sec for the interrupts
19:54.43zoai wrote something about that a while ago
19:55.24zoathats about all i know about it
19:55.39[TK]D-Fenderkink0 : I really suggest you flush 90% from the default extensions.conf.  tons of "filler that only lead to slower learning.
19:56.31Jon_888what's an "SCO connection error"?
19:56.36Math`mv extensions.conf old.extensions.conf; vim extensions.conf
19:56.45justinuone thing nice about voicepulse is you can set the outbound callerID
19:56.54zoanufone also allows that
19:56.54justinubut again, it only works with IAX, not SIP
19:57.11justinunufone only has DIDs in 2 states...
19:57.28zoaso what, use incoming through provider X and outgoing through Y
19:57.41Jon_888ignore me, it's a bluez thing
19:58.01*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
19:58.21JonR800you prefer sip? with asterisk?
19:58.38justinunot specifically with asterisk, but yes
19:58.50uredoes anyone know what VPM support means in the wct4xxp ?
19:59.21Jon_888Ha - can anyone tell me do I need to add asterisk to the audio users grou in gentoo?
19:59.46Jon_888Oh, just a thought about my dial problem.
19:59.52clive-zoa thanks for the mobo's seem to love IRQ11 for almost everything :(
20:00.02kink0[TK]D-Fender, would this work ? -- Added extension '1' priority 1 to macro-stdexten
20:00.35Jon_888My asterisk can't access the audio card
20:00.44NuggetJon_888: I suggest not even trying.
20:01.19Nuggetjust pretend that nobody ever added that local sound card crap to asterisk and you'll be a lot happier
20:01.35*** join/#asterisk _Madar (
20:02.00Nuggetlet asterisk do what it does and find a softphone to use if you need to actually make calls from that machine
20:06.27*** join/#asterisk opus_ (
20:06.36opus_1.0.9 is not stable guys
20:07.06IronHelixsince when?
20:07.06opus_since its inception
20:07.11IronHelixi havent had any huge problems with it
20:07.13opus_it however has the name 'stable'
20:08.03IronHelixwhat problems have you had?
20:08.29JonR800it's a lot more stable than .9 or .7 :)
20:08.50JonR800i used to have to restart asterisk once a week, now .. i can't remember the last time.
20:09.10*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
20:09.26opus_1.0.9 is good if you are running asterisk as a media gateway, but not as a voip gateway
20:10.08Drukenwuts the diffrence?
20:10.30opus_cvs head has more turd paste
20:10.31mog_homehey isnt there a new really good iax2 softphone for macos x
20:10.36mog_homei thought i saw it
20:10.43mog_homebut then it dissapperated
20:10.49Nuggetmog: oh?  I hadn't seen one.
20:11.03JonR800turd paste eh?
20:11.16JonR800that sounds encouraging, lemme go upgrade.
20:11.29lesouvageUnder the phone settings of my zyxel phone there is an option "RTP port   2070" Should this fit with some setting in Asterisk?
20:11.35twistedopus_, it doens't have the name stable, it has the name v1-0.  stable is a misnomer
20:12.12justinulesouvage: probably safe to leave it
20:13.12lesouvageI'm trying to have it registered outside my lan. The registring goes ok but after picking up the phone there is no sound.
20:13.15IronHelixles- doesnt matter
20:13.20IronHelixits for local RTP port
20:13.31IronHelixit will figure out which ports * uses and connect from 2070 to those
20:13.41IronHelixlans cause problems
20:13.43LostfrogNAT problem?
20:13.44IronHelixie nat
20:14.05IronHelixlesouv- forward ports 5060 and a block of about 100 ports in the high 10k's to your * box
20:14.07IronHelixall udp
20:14.14Lostfrogextenip= and localnet= and reinvite=no and canreinvite=no and nat=yes
20:14.17IronHelixthen edit rtp.conf and put the same port range you just put in the router
20:14.26IronHelix(you dont need to forward 10,000 ports)
20:14.30skyenQwell: Sorry, I can't find the realtime sql include-thing on the wikis
20:14.41skyenCould you be more specific on where I should look?
20:14.43IronHelixand then to lostfrog you listen, put all that stuff in your sip.conf
20:15.03LostfrogExcept, spell externip= correctly.
20:15.36IronHelixthat too
20:15.43justinucan I use Playtones() to play a tone in a different country spec in indications.conf?
20:15.47IronHelixas i dont think the spelling-intent-guess feature has been merged to CVS
20:15.56justinufor example, us is my default, but I'd like to use euro ringback tone for a certain extension
20:16.00LostfrogIronHelix: we could only dream.
20:16.01marvhm, should and be giving me connection refused?
20:16.15IronHelixnope, they're down for me too
20:17.00IronHelixplaytones(eu-ring)?  *shrug
20:17.39IronHelixwhat you can do
20:17.51IronHelixis go in indications.conf asn dget the descriptions for the tones
20:17.54IronHelixplaytones will listen to that
20:19.10IronHelixso like for a frech ring, you'd do playtone(440/1500,0/3500)
20:20.01*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
20:21.16*** part/#asterisk opus_ (
20:21.20lesouvageThanks everyone I'm gonna try it again. I let you know the results.
20:21.34lesouvageI guess I need it
20:22.48*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
20:23.12lesouvageLostfrog: I have qualify=yes in my configuration of the phonenumber. Is this usefull/needed?
20:23.29LostfrogIt could be very useful.
20:23.34IronHelixit can help
20:23.42MRH2is and down at the mo?
20:23.47IronHelixqualify makes * 'poke' the phone every now and then to make sure its still connected
20:23.55IronHelixmrh yup they're down
20:24.16lesouvageLostfrog IronHelix: Thanks, I leave it there.
20:24.38justinuIronHelix: thanks
20:25.47*** join/#asterisk mrtwister (
20:25.57mrtwistercan someone tell me
20:26.07mrtwisteris this real?
20:26.17mrtwisterthere is 600$ for 4E1 board
20:27.02IronHelixits $600 each
20:27.02*** part/#asterisk delmar (
20:27.06IronHelixand there are 4 available
20:27.09Qwellit's a tormenta 2
20:27.40Qwelland no, it is $600 for a 4 port
20:27.45IronHelixyeah thats what i meant
20:27.50IronHelixand there are four cards available
20:27.57Qwellyes :p
20:28.10mrtwisterby description it have to eat cpu
20:28.29mrtwister4E1, interesting what cpu will needed :)
20:28.37IronHelixso if you are feeling extreme today, you can pay $2400 and get 16 amazing ports of E1 goodness
20:28.39mrtwisteris there any economy against digium/sangoma? :)
20:28.41QwellI wouldn't get that...
20:28.56MikeJ__it's a tor2
20:29.03QwellMikeJ__: Thats what I said! :P
20:29.14MikeJ__the newer cards are better
20:29.20mrtwisterwhat is tor2
20:29.25MikeJ__they do things like achocan and dtmf on board...
20:29.34QwellIf you actually have a need for 4 T1/ need to spend money on it.
20:29.38QwellIt's just like the x100p
20:29.41MikeJ__mrtwister, first gen of the cheap telephony boards
20:29.46MikeJ__well.. 2nd
20:30.04MikeJ__I know people who use them w/ no problems...
20:30.14QwellDon't just buy what might save you a few hundred'll end up paying for it in the long run
20:30.16MikeJ__but the newer boards definately have advantages
20:30.33MikeJ__I probably wouldnt use one...
20:30.36mrtwisterso, this board is just puff :)
20:30.44MikeJ__no.. it's a fine board..
20:30.45Qwellno, it DOES work
20:30.51MikeJ__but you will get what you pay for
20:30.58Qwell^ just like the x100p...
20:31.01mrtwisterbut eats cpu and i need better pc, right?
20:31.03MikeJ__but I suppose that is true for the dialogic boards too
20:31.20*** join/#asterisk joat (
20:31.24Qwellmrtwister: No matter what you get, 4*24 channels is a lot
20:31.44justinu4*30 even
20:31.49QwellE1, thats right
20:32.15mrtwisterso, i should buy it ? :)
20:32.22mrtwistermy one customer want this board
20:32.35mrtwisteri use sangomas before but he found this on ebay
20:33.14lesouvageI'm going outside into the cold to find an open access point and try my zyxel again.
20:33.32justinui have one of those two
20:33.34justinuer too
20:33.37justinubattery life sucks!
20:34.15QwellMikeJ__: fix the bug tracker, would ya? :p
20:34.34Qwellat least I'm only getting a 403 now
20:36.56MikeJ__no bugs today.. that rocks
20:37.08twistedit's been down for ~12 hours
20:37.17twistedif not a little less
20:38.31MikeJ__like I said.. no bugs in asterisk today :P
20:39.12zoaforums are also down
20:39.54kink0can anybody test to dial me ? know...
20:40.33MikeJ__kink0, nope
20:40.35MikeJ__no one
20:41.50kink0well, can I test to dial to anybody in the world ?
20:41.59MikeJ__sure.. go for it
20:42.38kink0to who ?? as I understand I need to know protocol/user@host/terminal
20:43.02MikeJ__how bout that
20:43.23kink0MikeJ__, thanks, I will test my first Asterisk now !!
20:43.49kink0dial IAX2/
20:43.49kink0No such extension 'IAX2/guest' in context ''
20:43.57kink0something I did wrong :(
20:44.04Qwellnot from the cli...
20:44.25kink0no way from CLI ? must I create an extension for that ?
20:44.32MikeJ__go for it
20:44.49Qwelldial the extension once you add it
20:44.57MikeJ__you can call my voicemail at work ;)
20:46.50justinuso asterisk always need an incoming RTP stream before it'll send RTP back, right?
20:47.01justinuis there any way to get around that?
20:47.07MikeJ__justinu, not on iax.. ;)
20:47.26Qwellthere is a patch in cvs to use a timer for it
20:47.31justinulevel3 doesn't speak iax.... :\
20:47.36Qwellfixes things like not getting audio in meetme when on mute
20:47.44MikeJ__iax doesn't use rtp :p
20:48.12justinuactually, what I need is to be able to send ringback tones via RTP to the PSTN gateway when I send 183 Session Progress
20:49.09justinulevel3 expects "one way audio" from me
20:49.19justinuqwell: any idea where I can find that patch?
20:49.27Qwellon the (currently down) bug tracker
20:49.31kink0now runs !! I did -- Called
20:49.47kink0stupid question, what to do now before hangup ?
20:50.10Qwellkink0: generally after you dial a number, you talk to the person/people on the other end
20:50.17kink0( hear the answering machine )
20:50.24Qwellthen after the conversation is satisfactory, you usually hangup
20:50.33kink0Qwell, ops, here apear nobody, just an autoresponder
20:50.36lesouvagejusinu: did you manage to be able to register your zyxel on your own asterisk box from any open access point and make/receive phonecalls?
20:50.43justinulesouvage: yes
20:51.42lesouvagejustino: would you please share this with me. Until now I can only make phones ring.
20:51.55justinuis your asterisk behind NAT?
20:52.06lesouvagejustinu: yes
20:52.16justinudid you set externip=?
20:52.26lesouvagejustinu: yes
20:52.51justinudid you open some UDP ports in your firewall?
20:53.06lesouvage10000 to 20000
20:53.16*** join/#asterisk NirS (
20:53.19justinumy * server isn't behind nat
20:53.21justinuso life is easy
20:53.22NirShello all
20:53.27NirShow is everybody doing today ?
20:53.42NirS~seen kram
20:53.45jbotkram is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 5 messages.  Is idling for 21h 33m 28s
20:53.50Drukenanyone here use trabas ?
20:54.08NirSanyone has an idea what the following message means ?
20:54.15NirS!! Got reject for frame 18, retransmitting frame 18 now, updating n_r!
20:55.05lesouvagejustinu: I have externalip=xxxxxxx in my sip.conf should this be externip=xxxxxxxx
20:55.07SkramXDruken: wtf is that
20:55.15justinulesouvage: yes
20:55.18NirSI also get alot of these
20:55.24DrukenSkramX: it seems to be a shitty voip billing software
20:55.26NirSNov 13 20:46:17 NOTICE[7643] chan_zap.c: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 2
20:55.40NirSdruken, trabas is shitty
20:55.52NirSI tried using it a while back, and it required all sorts of shit
20:55.54DrukenNirS: isn't that what i just said?
20:56.03NirSmainly, radius support, which asterisk doesn't have
20:56.07DrukenNirS: got a better solution?? :)
20:56.20SkramXDruken: make your own?
20:56.26NirSyes - write your own
20:56.32justinudamn, i want that patch!
20:56.35Drukenhar har har...
20:56.52NirSwhere are the PRI gurus today ?
20:56.59SkramXDruken: is Druken == $rich$
20:57.10WillySillydo you compile addons with asterisk or separately?
20:57.14justinuNirS: slipping T1?
20:57.22NirSslipping E1
20:57.26SkramXDruken: lol, i canr help you then :)
20:57.29NirSany solution ?
20:57.37NirSI got 2 issues
20:57.42NirS1. slipping E1 lines
20:57.44kink0NirS I am newbie at asterisk, but if I can help about E1, let me know
20:57.50justinuNirS: have your carrier run BERT to isolate the problem
20:57.53NirS2. When a call is answered, the the sound is jittery
20:58.01justinuwell, that's the same problem
20:58.10shmaltzanybody have any clue who this tollfree number belongs to:
20:58.11shmaltz877- 643-3230
20:58.16justinuclean up your E1s, and you will be happy
20:58.33Drukenshmaltz: why?
20:59.03shmaltzDruken, because something is wrong with the asterisk setup that hosts that number
20:59.15NirSwhat's the average for zttest ?
20:59.22NirSI'm getting 96.9%
20:59.31kink0another stupid question: can people ussing ophone or netmeeting dial me in anyway ? down?
21:00.13IronHelixits down
21:00.20SkramXomg hax
21:00.23Drukenshmaltz: how do ya know that ?
21:00.32marcus2is anyone here using ser+mediaproxy?
21:00.38justinukink0: net meeting is an H323 client, so if you get chan_oh323, possibly.
21:00.40shmaltzDruken, because it first rings, then pause, then ring again
21:00.46shido6Bit Error Rate Test (BERT)
21:00.56shmaltzit looks like they got an r option in the dial command
21:01.17Drukenwhy are they answering in the first place....
21:01.25justinumarcus2: yeah, sorta
21:01.34justinumarcus2: experimenting
21:02.42marcus2hows it working?
21:02.50justinuseems a bit touchy
21:02.55shmaltzDruken, thats exactly my point
21:03.08justinui think the openser+nathelper+rtpproxy might be better
21:07.17kink0well, next step to get a call, and if all goes ok, then try to connect the sound card to the GSM terminal
21:07.52*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
21:10.08kink0there any know SIP protocol application for the MS Windows users ? I will try to find some friend who try to call me :)
21:10.37afrosheenyeah, the xlite client
21:10.46justinufirefly (open edition)
21:10.55Qwellnot free
21:10.57justinueyebeam is the cadillac
21:11.06afrosheenxlite is the best we've found, good call quality
21:11.31Qwellmeh, xlite was a POS when I tried it
21:11.40QwellI was getting one way audio to localhost...
21:11.51justinuit's STUN support is kinda weird
21:11.56IronHelixit takes a while to figure out the menu systems and its quirks but it works decently if you dont mind the lack of an XFER button
21:12.14*** join/#asterisk epoch (
21:12.17justinueven tho it has a transfer button on screen? :P
21:12.24afrosheenQwell: probably didn't have the paid-for version :p
21:12.40Qwellafrosheen: I wouldn't use it if they paid me
21:12.46afrosheenbut ultimately there's no replacement for a hardware phone
21:12.56kink0probably even have not any SIP
21:12.56IronHelixpush it
21:13.03IronHelixxlite free version cant xfer
21:13.06IronHelixthe button doesnt 'push'
21:13.35justinulol, i know
21:13.45justinuit's there to tease you
21:13.52*** join/#asterisk n4y (
21:13.55IronHelixwhat i dont get
21:13.59IronHelixis why there is not anywhere
21:14.07justinusipura makes a decent "test" phone
21:14.12IronHelixa single free sip voice/video soft client
21:14.13*** join/#asterisk br00ksh1r3 (
21:14.21kink0when I tell a friend ussing xlite, or so, what address for me must give him ?
21:14.22justinunot the best sound quality, but it has all sorts of options
21:14.22IronHelixit simply doesnt exist (yet, if you count wengo)
21:14.33kink0SIP/guest@mi_host/extension ?
21:14.40kink0or just IP
21:14.46justinuIP of your asterisk box
21:14.50afrosheenIronHelix: my mythtv box has one
21:14.52kink0ahh ok.
21:15.00IronHelixi mean for winblows
21:15.05IronHelixtheres the myth one
21:15.10IronHelixand one or two for *nix
21:15.33*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
21:15.36afrosheenwell it comes back to the devs expect to get rich
21:15.37IronHelixand one written in java which i dotn think works with *, keeps trying to call or something
21:15.47IronHelixdamn you msft :(
21:15.54afrosheenso windows users don't end up with much good freeware
21:16.03IronHelixtheres some
21:16.07justinulol, even worse on mac os
21:16.17justinuevery little utility writer thinks they can get 10 bucks for their crap
21:16.27afrosheenlol yep 'because I made it for Mac'
21:16.33kink0afrosheen, no good freeware, but a lot of piracy for windows users
21:16.51IronHelixyeah i've noticed that, its like a culture in the mac community that every single applet and widget and whathaveyou costs $5
21:16.53afrosheenus linux users are pretty spoiled with software selection for the most part
21:17.20IronHelixhehe yeah
21:17.48kink0my question was just because I have more friends with MS that with linux or any other *nix
21:17.49*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
21:18.02kink0so find somebody who give me a call, was no so hard :)
21:18.13IronHelixi remember the first time i saw linux, picked up a copy of suse somethingorother at a store, couldnt possibly understand how they can throw $15k worth of software in a box and sell it for $30
21:18.44QwellIronHelix: You bought SuSE when you saw it in the store, and it was your first time seeing Linux?
21:18.48afrosheenopenoffice has come a long way also
21:18.49IronHelix<-- started on winblows
21:18.52IronHelixi'd heard of it before
21:18.54IronHelixno real experience tho
21:19.02IronHelixthis was like 6 years ago
21:19.03Qwelland you bought it on impulse?  heh
21:19.09afrosheenmy first distro was redhat 5.2 that came in the back of a monstrous book
21:19.16lunki remember making slackware floppies FOREVER
21:19.19Qwellafrosheen: Redhat bible?
21:19.22afrosheenlol yep
21:19.29kink0impulse = you love ornitorrincos ;)
21:19.42afrosheenthe bible is still relevant for alot of stuff, a damn fine introduction to linux
21:20.23kink0I have started with an old Slack 3.0 , and with time I have replaced all things where I was ussing MS
21:20.24demetriohehe afrosheen *that* is a statement I'd like to hear in one of those conservative christians radio stations
21:20.54Qwelldemetrio: the bible is still relevant for alot of stuff, a damn fine introduction to religion
21:21.06QwellHow's that for a start? :P
21:21.13demetrionope, I want the linux one
21:21.20justinudemetro: agreed
21:21.25afrosheenOSS quaran
21:21.42NirSguys, please, you let me feel like a dinosour around here
21:21.46afrosheenon the 4th day, allah created the kernel..and it needed patching
21:21.52afrosheenbut it was good enough
21:21.54NirSmy first distro was a slackware with kernel 1.2.0
21:22.03epochso uh... I have this Cisco 7960 (+ power cube) which I'm looking to sell... anyone know how much I can expect to get for it?
21:22.04justinubah, i ran linux .98a
21:22.14SkramXepoch: id take it
21:22.21Qwellepoch: how new?  About $250-270
21:22.23SkramXepoch: no more than 200 i think
21:22.23justinuprobably around 250-275
21:22.40Qwelloh, in that case
21:22.44epochQwell: it's like 2 years old
21:22.47demetriooh come on, I know we all started with the C64, no reason to be ashamed of that
21:22.47Qwellyeah, you won't get more than like $80
21:22.57afrosheenc64 musician here <--
21:22.58NirS99 disks of slackware on the wall, 99 disks of slack, you take one down, install in a round, 98 disks of slack on the wall...
21:23.00Qwellno, heh
21:23.08Qwellepoch: you'll get > $200
21:23.14epochQwell: ok, cool
21:23.14kink07960 ? let me see, I was seeking for a new cisco, since my old 3640 is not enought to BGP today
21:23.24justinuput the SIP firmware on it and people will claw your door down!
21:23.31epochoh, it has SIP firmware on it ;)
21:23.32kink0epoch: see ebay, for prices.
21:23.34Qwellwoohoo, bug tracker is back
21:23.45afrosheensourceforge was retarded yesterday, did anyone notice
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21:23.55epochkink0: prices are all over the place... wanted some realistic estimates ;)
21:24.12justinui bet it'll sell for over 250 w/ the powercube
21:24.36afrosheenless than 200 imho
21:24.41justinudude, there are some stupid people out there
21:24.56justinupeople paying 300 for refurbed 7960s w/ SCCP
21:24.59afrosheenwell if you're buying something that's 2 years old you expect to pay significantly less
21:25.28afrosheenit's not like cisco has moved up 3 models since then but still
21:25.30epochit's had extremely limited use
21:25.42epochlike, it was a foolish purchase to begin with ;/
21:25.57epochI played with it at home, and that's it
21:26.01afrosheenyeah we only buy cisco when we can't avoid it
21:26.18epochand I'm totally out of the VoIP biz now, so it just doesn't make sense to have it around
21:27.36justinui think this is what I want:
21:28.08asterboyok, been through the manual, but can't get past this point:
21:28.08*** join/#asterisk pryk (
21:28.33Qwelljustinu: yeah, think so
21:28.48asterboyunable to open channel 2: No such device
21:29.03asterboyyet ztcfg shows it ok.
21:29.16IronHelixkeep in mind AB
21:29.22IronHelixztcfg works on zaptel.conf
21:29.25afrosheenI see your problem
21:29.25IronHelixthe one in /etc
21:29.28afrosheendealt with it today
21:29.30IronHelixasterisk works in /etc/asterisk
21:29.45afrosheenasterboy: give me the result of uname -r
21:30.00asterboyoh, I should move the zaptel.conf to /etc/asterisk?
21:30.15WillySillyanyone here use res_bonjour?
21:30.17IronHelixasterboy- put the context/signalling/channel=> at the END of the file
21:30.19afrosheenhaha yep
21:30.23IronHelixfor zapata.conf
21:30.24QwellWillySilly: nope, res_hello
21:30.32afrosheenudev problem with zaptel, easy to fix
21:30.53afrosheenasterboy: do an ls /dev/zap* and put it in pastebin
21:33.51IronHelixasterboy put lines 40-48 of that pastebin at the end (line 68)
21:34.32asterboydid that...same thing.
21:34.40IronHelixthat wont solve this problem
21:34.45afrosheenasterboy: what distro are you running
21:34.58IronHelixbut in your current configuration lines 48-68 will be *ignored*
21:35.14afrosheenasterboy: you have udev enabled and running right
21:35.16IronHelixremember you have to define settings BEFORE you define the channel itself
21:35.43asterboyok...wonder why they didn't mention that in the book.
21:35.57afrosheencoz it's in the example file :)
21:36.22IronHelixlines 40-47 are correct, they are just all in the wrong place
21:36.56Flautois there anyone using vbuzzer here?
21:37.26asterboyHere is an update:
21:38.04lesouvageYES!!!!  I have my zyxel up and running. I made a stupid typo in my localnet=xxxxxx .
21:38.23IronHelixtry defining the FXS card
21:38.24justinunow enjoy the 15 minutes of battery life!
21:38.25IronHelixas channel 5
21:38.28IronHelixthe fxo card
21:38.48IronHelixyou have channel1 (fxs module), channel 2-3-4 (empty), and channel 5 (x100)
21:38.54justinuwhy oh why can't the links on mantis be actual links to the patch files?
21:39.03justinukeeps me from using wget, grrrrrrrrrr
21:39.08asterboygood thing I posted that dmesg output.
21:39.28IronHelixactually it was the ls /dev/zap that hit me on it
21:39.32lesouvagejusinu: Now I know how to make them work I can resell them.
21:40.06justinuzyxel is a bit too limited for me
21:40.39lesouvageThere will be another wireless phone on the market in short time that looks promising.
21:40.55justinui like polycom too
21:41.06afrosheenonce I got my custom ringtones on them people loved them even more
21:41.21afrosheenyou hear james bond or mission impossible everywhere here now :)
21:42.30IronHelixonly thing i dont like about polycom is they dotn give you firmware
21:42.33IronHelixthat bugs me about any company
21:42.44afrosheenthey got that idea from the minds of Cisco
21:42.49justinuIronHelix: agreed
21:42.51QwellHow do you get it then?
21:43.33IronHelixthru *resellers*
21:43.42IronHelixyou have to find a VAR that is smart enough to post the stuff
21:43.57IronHelixpolycom from what i hear hates dealing with real users
21:44.53ManxPowerI would NEVER tell my users how to load custom ringtones.
21:45.07IronHelixuntil recently when they announced asterisk interop testing, i've heard they were sort of hostile toward * as a whole
21:45.17ManxPowerAt least you CAN get the Polycom firmware for free and legally.  You can't do with with Cisco
21:45.23IronHelixvery true
21:45.24lesouvagejustinu: I think this will be a nice phone although the colours should be a little bit more fancier.
21:45.33IronHelixsort of like msft, doesnt like those pesky open source types that dont buy $5k pbx apps
21:45.41br00ksh1r3polycom phones are awesome :)
21:45.42justinulesouvage: looks kinda "thick"
21:45.54Jon_888anyone know what this means whilst calling bluetooth device "Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe"
21:46.05justinustop dropping your pipe, d00d
21:46.41IronHelixwhy no WPA
21:46.47IronHelixnobody has a wisip phone with WPA
21:46.51lesouvagejustinu: at least it looks serious. I wouldn't recommend the zyxel for a more profesional envirement like a flexible office . The Zyxel is more a toy for boys kind a thing.
21:46.53justinui know
21:46.58justinuIronHelix: all of them suck so far
21:47.06justinulesouvage: i agree with that
21:47.17ManxPowerJon_888, That's usually an MPG123 error when Asterisk tries to start MoH
21:48.00Jon_888hmm, there's a message during compile about "wrong version of mpg123"  I wonder if it's related but I kind of trusted portage to get it right.
21:48.36justinudamn, still not sending RTP without receiving it...
21:48.41justinuapplied the patch
21:48.45bugzJon_888: youll know if its the right version or not if the MoH makes you deaf
21:48.58Jon_888what's MoH?
21:49.02bugzmusic on hold
21:49.04QwellJon_888: No, portage doesn't know
21:49.08QwellThats why packages suck
21:50.02Jon_888brb - LOTR on TV!
21:50.06ManxPowerJon_888, remove mpg123 from your system and do a "make mpg123" in your Asterisk source dir
21:50.25ManxPowerJon_888, You MUST use mpg123 v0.52r
21:50.41Jon_888nmerging in: 5 4 3 2
21:50.42ManxPoweror whatever "make mpg123" installs, I don't recall the exact version
21:50.49Qwell0.59 I thought
21:50.52Jon_888ok, gonna give it a try
21:50.58ManxPowerQwell, Yes, 0.59r
21:51.02justinuwhoops, got it
21:51.19justinunow I just have that pesky SMP/RTC/ztdummy problem that damin pointed out to me
21:51.49Jon_888will make mpg123 install mpg123
21:52.18ManxPowerJon_888, I don't know.  It may install it when you do a "make install"
21:53.46Qwellit does
21:53.49Qwellwhen you make install
21:54.38asterboyIronHelix: works now, thanks...guess being a noob I didn't see to look what channels the hardware was grabbing.
21:54.44IronHelixexcellent :D
21:55.05justinuok, async rtp patch is in and working
21:55.30asterboyNow I need to get it where I call the number it rings the phone...Imagine that's something to do with the dialplan
21:55.59asterboyAsterisk does pickup the incoming call, just not forwarding it to the fxs
21:56.20fugitivois it possible that voicemail has a bug when moving voicemail to another folder?
21:56.34Qwellfugitivo: anythings possible
21:56.36fugitivoi think it's moving a message to another folder but keeping it on the actual folder
21:56.49fugitivoso i have duplicates voicemails in multiple folders
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21:57.07fugitivois that a feature or a bug? :)
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21:57.23Qwellall bugs are features
21:57.39fugitivobut not all features are bugs
21:57.47fugitivoso, is this a bug/feature or a feature?
21:58.34justinuwow, the dial option "r" is actually useful.
21:59.01Qwellfugitivo: it's a feature regardless. ;]
21:59.16Drukensince when is r option usefull ?
21:59.23QwellDruken: when one is using it wrong
21:59.45fugitivoshould i report a bug?
21:59.56Qwellfugitivo: sounds like a feature request. :D
22:00.04Qwellfugitivo: if you think it's a bug, sure
22:00.15Drukensounds like a bug to me... :)
22:00.34justinuIt's useful if you want to playback a different ringback tone (early media) to a SIP channel
22:00.35fugitivoi think it's a bug, can anyone try if happens the same?
22:00.37Drukeni have a customer with like 22 voicemail... hehehe apparently they don't know how to check it...
22:00.51Qwelljustinu: not needed for that
22:01.00justinuthen why doesn't it work when I leave out r?
22:01.08Qwellbecause you're doing it wrong. ;]
22:01.16justinuthen how do I do it right?
22:02.35QwellI want to say progressinband
22:02.46justinuthis is pure SIP
22:02.51justinuSIP -> * -> SIP
22:03.20justinuthe destination SIP UA sends 180 Ringing
22:03.23Qwelloption r to dial is bad
22:03.39justinuI want to send 183 Progress to the originating UA, and send inband audio to them while the dest UA rings
22:03.47justinuthis is the only way I can seem to get it to work
22:04.21lesouvagejustina: isn't that where the m option is for?
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22:04.30justinulesouvage: m does kinda work like that, yeah
22:04.52justinubut then I'd need to put the tone patterns in some file on disk
22:04.55justinuand i'm friggen lazy
22:06.45shido6 LOL
22:07.43justinulesouvage: linksys is coming out with a wifi phone
22:09.16justinuit had a color screen
22:10.01lesouvagejustinu: I think I have to get rid of my two zyxels as soon as possible.
22:10.03justinu802.11g, WPA-PSK
22:13.02justinui like how they say you have to use answer to answer the channel before using playback
22:13.09justinubut playback answers the channel for you
22:13.12justinu(at least in SIP)
22:13.43marcus2mmmm, nothing like holding a 150mW transmitter up to the side of your head
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22:15.44lesouvagejustinu: this really looks like a modern phone. But it's not on the market yet. The Zultys is more for mobile use in an office.
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22:16.11justinulesouvage: agreed... something to keep your eye on
22:16.18justinusince you're into the wifi stuff
22:16.34christoI'm trying to start a meetme conference via the manager API. Should I just comment out all of the meetme.conf?
22:16.53Drukeni say someone build a voip payphone :)
22:17.13justinuDruken: in NYC, all the verizon payphones have wifi AP's in them
22:17.29justinunot exactly the same thing, but interesting, nonetheless
22:17.43[hC]This might be a strange question, but is there any list someplace of new features/properly fixed bugs up to date according to cvs head? The fixed bugs thing i realize can be tracked in mantis, but new features?
22:18.11Drukenjustinu: agreed, intresting...
22:18.25Drukenwith a network like that you could use a wifi voip phone as a cell...
22:18.39Drukenproviding you have rtp passoff
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22:19.04justinuthere's some spec for voip roaming over wifi, iirc
22:19.54lesouvageAs soon as there is a voip phone that can jump from one ap to another I think there will be an almost 100 % coverage within the city. A lot of people have open access points.
22:20.13justinuhave you guys seen the nokia E61?
22:20.21justinuquad band gsm + wifi voip
22:20.26justinuin a treo-like form factor
22:21.15justinuthe day I can roam between gsm and voip seamlessly, i will smile
22:21.22c0wlesouvage, the zyxel jumps from ap to ap fine
22:21.36c0wgot a site with 300 aps
22:21.49c0wand you can just walk around and it will just jump from one to the other.
22:21.49justinuall the same SSID tho, right?
22:22.02c0wand your call doesn't drop
22:22.03justinui think he means disparant open APs
22:22.20zoaanybody here has the cisco vpn client ?
22:22.20c0wi don't think that will every be poss
22:22.26zoacant find the damn cd
22:23.11Drukeni need a damn controller board for my payphone... :(
22:23.18*** part/#asterisk joat (
22:23.32twistedDruken, eBay!
22:23.39twistedDruken, what model?
22:24.05justinuCOCOT? or a REAL payphone?
22:24.10c0wtwisted, have you seen mark. ?
22:24.23DrukenREAL payphone...
22:24.25twistedc0w, yeah..
22:24.26c0wi've left him a wee message, if you speak to him can you let him know
22:24.28twistedDruken, what model?
22:24.34justinuDruken sweet.
22:24.36twistedc0w, he's very busy...
22:24.39c0wi didn't wanna ring him he left his number but its late.
22:24.42c0wi understand =)
22:24.51Drukentwisted: well... the case is an old at&t west case
22:25.05Drukennot sure what the model is of the board... i could take a pic of it for ya
22:25.36c0wjust i don't wanna really leave my * box in its state for much longer. =)
22:25.37Drukenwestern style hookswitch, and modular handset.. black 32" cord :)
22:25.38c0wright nn,
22:25.40c0wwork early.
22:25.51twistedDruken, this model?
22:26.08justinuDruken: can we hack up some FXS lines to send it the proper coin return signals and stuff?
22:26.54Dr_Raywith ernest smart phone payphone boards being cheap
22:26.56Drukentwisted: same style, but diffrent control board...
22:27.00Dr_RayI don't know thy'd you'd bother
22:27.05Drukentwisted: is that your phone?
22:27.12twistedDruken, not yet ;P
22:27.32justinudr_ray: didn't know such a thing existed
22:27.38Dr_Rayyou can get ernest d-3's for ~100
22:28.01Drukentwisted: if you got money to burn, goto and get a smartphone
22:28.15DrukenDr_Ray: bastard! :)
22:28.24Dr_RayI'll help whomever
22:28.34Dr_Raythe killer is the sjipping
22:28.35Flautodruken, thanks for the tips for directory, it is working now
22:28.36twistedDr_Ray, you're providing smart line service with asterisk/
22:28.38Dr_Rayer, shipping
22:28.48kink0how can I get who or what ( may be a callback or so ) call me ?
22:28.49Dr_Raytwisted - no, using a smartphone
22:28.53twistedooooh ok
22:29.03kink0I have try to find any friend with xlite or so, but nobody.
22:29.26DrukenDr_Ray: got one with the western style connector?
22:29.37Drukenfor the hookswitch and dialpad?
22:29.43twistedi want to build smart line services into asterisk
22:29.47twistedso i'd rather get a real one ;)
22:29.50justinuqwell: i kinda see what you mean about the r option. it sends the 180 Ringing after the 183 progress, but my PSTN gateway still passes the early media to the PSTN side, so I'm happy.
22:29.53twistedinstead of a smart one
22:30.04Dr_Raytwisted .. the ecotel can do both
22:30.13Drukenexactly what is smartline services?
22:30.20Dr_Ray(quarter tones) and smart
22:30.32Flautoyes, what is smartline
22:30.38justinucoin control
22:30.58Drukeni'm a lazy fuck, i'd rather the phone control that
22:31.07Flautodruken, did you see what i said? i pute the drectory to work. thanks
22:31.11justinuget a COCOT then
22:31.17justinuCOCOTS suck, imo
22:31.24DrukenFlauto: i seen, your welcome, no thanks required
22:31.25Dr_Raywhy do they suck?
22:31.31twistedthis one on ebay
22:31.35marcus2is it possible to adjust the gain on a te410p?
22:31.40justinubecause you have to like program the rates into the phone itself
22:31.40twistedshipping is only $25
22:31.48marcus2my girlfriend says that calls over the pri sound too quiet
22:32.10Dr_Rayjustin - we just set ours to 10 minutes $1
22:32.18Dr_Rayno rate tables needed
22:32.27Drukenlocal or LD don't matter :)
22:32.32justinui liked the old bell payphone control system
22:32.40justinuphone is an idiot, all control in the switch
22:32.44Dr_Ray7 and 10 digit dialing is 50 cents for 20 minutes
22:32.44justinukinda like MGCP or SCCP
22:32.47twistedjustinu, that's what i'm talking about
22:32.53twistedjustinu, i want to build that into asterisk
22:32.57twistedres_payphone ;)
22:33.01justinuyeah, sounds like a fun project :)
22:33.08Dr_Raytwisted - if you need help, let me know
22:33.13twistedDr_Ray, cool
22:33.17justinusame here
22:33.22Dr_RayI might even go as far as get you a phone
22:33.26fileyou're all evil...
22:33.43asterboyOk, just went through dialplans...not sure what I need to configure so that incoming calls are routed to my fxs...any help:?
22:33.44twistedDr_Ray, that would be cool.
22:33.48Dr_RayI need to check my stash
22:34.02Dr_RayI believe I have a phone that is a western convert
22:34.10filehrm, how scary
22:34.22filemy cellphone bill for this month is $63.95 - MUCH better then I thought
22:34.37asterboy[incoming] exten => s,1,Answer()
22:34.53twistedfile, what?  it's an easy way to make some money...  if you can work out a deal with facilities based clec, and have the local co pull the loop into your asterisk box to the payphone ;)
22:35.08asterboythen I think I need to have it goto an extension on fxs
22:35.10filetwisted: true
22:35.20twistedthe hard part would be what i'm wanting to do
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22:35.33justinutwisted: what would you do for channelbanks?
22:35.35twistedbecause to make it work correctly, i'd also have to build a rating system
22:35.35Dr_Raywe were getting zero of the revenue from the payphones in our properties
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22:35.43twistedjustinu, tdm2400
22:35.56justinucan it do the battery polarity reversals and stuff?
22:36.03zoai think so yes
22:36.05twistedjustinu, i believe so.
22:36.08justinuok, cool
22:36.17asterboysomehting like exten => 123,1,Dial(Zap/1,10) ??
22:36.20zoaits around 1500 euro i think
22:36.27zoa1500 to 1800
22:36.28twisteda single box with 4 tdm2400's and now i've got 96 payphones operational
22:36.32zoaif my sources are correct
22:36.33Drukenfile: i don't want to see the pricetag.. :)
22:36.41zoatwisted: you have it already ?
22:36.46twistedzoa, have what?
22:36.50zoathe card ?
22:36.54zoathey shipped some for testing
22:36.55twistedi don't know what you're talking about ;)
22:36.57zoabut i got none :(
22:37.13Drukentwisted: you really are twisted
22:37.18twistedhaha, aren't I?
22:37.28zoahe's just crazy
22:37.32asterboyafter you make adjustments to extensions.conf, do you need to restart asterisk?
22:37.34kink0I need to test an incomming call, but nobody call me :(
22:37.35twistedthe other idea I had
22:37.35filetwisted: I have to admit though it would be very very cool
22:37.40justinuhe's a f0n3 freak
22:37.51twistedwas to modify the iaxy slightly, and build standalone wifi/voip payphone stations
22:38.12justinutwisted: we were kinda talking about that earlier
22:38.18bugzasterboy: tyep asterisk -rx 'exensions reload'
22:38.20twistedjustinu, ;)
22:38.26bugzthatll reload them withouth restarting asterisk
22:38.32bugzor interrupting calls..
22:38.34marcus2can i put a rule in my dialplan for "didn't match any defined extensions' ?
22:38.41Drukentwisted, build your own wifi network, with encryption and just string them, can't you just use AP's to extend a single?
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22:39.05twistedbasically i'd have to modify the code of the iaxy to open the audio channel as soon as the phone goes off hook with to use the smart line services
22:39.17twistedDruken, WDS would work ;)
22:39.31justinuthe thing is, who the fuck uses payphones these days?
22:39.35Dr_Raywe do
22:39.36twistedjustinu, crackheads
22:39.56twistedjustinu, seriously... they use them hardcore
22:40.01twistedand if i can take their money
22:40.01justinumakes sense
22:40.04twistedthen i'm all for it
22:40.04Dr_Raywe priced our payphones below the gheto cellphones
22:40.09justinuyeah, why the hell not?
22:40.29justinuthing is, will the govt shut you down because your phones are only used to buy drugs?
22:40.39Drukennot like it's costing ya a fortune to run them...
22:40.40twistedthat's not up to the government
22:40.41justinuthey stopped allowing inbound calls on a lot of payphones around here about 10 years ago
22:40.56twistedit's up to the PUC and the operator
22:41.03justinuPUC isn't the govt?
22:41.12Drukenpublic utilities commision
22:41.13twistedusually they're funded by, but not run by
22:41.25bugztaxpayer money at its best
22:41.40bugzyou cant get muni-wifi from them but you can damn sure pay them twice to make a phone call
22:41.42Drukeni just a payphone sitting outside my office :)
22:42.01justinuto buy your crack?
22:42.16Drukennah... so my customers can order their crack :)
22:42.22[hC]twisted: so you wanna get the payphone working, then put it outside for people to use? ::P thats awesome.
22:42.25marcus2mmmm crack
22:42.34[hC]I would love to do that if for no other reason than to record peoples calls and listen to the crazy shit they talk about
22:42.37Dr_Raypayphone's are a community service
22:42.47justinuDr_Ray: i'd have to agree with that
22:42.48twistedi could even run specials
22:42.48bugzthis is hilarious
22:42.56twisted"lucky slots payphone"
22:43.05twistedsometimes you have to pay, sometimes you don't
22:43.11Drukentwisted: allow free calls if they listen to an advertisement
22:43.12twistedbut, you gotta put your money in to find out
22:43.15bugzyou could have that "one millionth caller!" prize
22:43.20justinui always wanted to offer a free call service, but put interstital adds every 5 minutes or so
22:43.53Drukenjustinu: that is possible
22:43.54twistedthat's not a bad idea
22:44.01justinuyou can play different ads to each side of the call based on the geographical location of the caller/callee
22:44.13twisted"listen to our ads, and make your calls for free"
22:44.15bugzinstead of MoH you can have Ads on Hold
22:44.21justinuads for the local crack dealer and pawn shop
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22:44.35Drukenads for the local crack dealer... hahahahahaha
22:44.58twisted"yo mang, we got what you need.  19th and broad. .... Please hold while we connect your call..."
22:45.14wunderkin2howdy, i'm trying to do some testing on my pri lines again, they are testing clean to a hard loop in my cabinet.. they are unable to loop the csu on the te410p i was told that they should be able to.. also when i run zttool and press loop they don't see my loop.. any ideas?
22:45.16justinu"if you're sick of hearing these ads, put a quarter in the fucking phone, you cheapskate"
22:45.33twistedi've gotta go pack
22:45.54Drukenlater twisted
22:45.58Dr_Raythe thing with payphones is the big providers charge too much for the service.. .25 for local calls, and $1 for 10 minutes has been very good for us
22:46.30wunderkin2hey justinu, they are telling me to use some kinda female loopback, any idea about that?
22:46.32DrukenDr_Ray: .25 for a local call is standard...
22:46.42Dr_Ray.50 is standard out here
22:46.49marcus2.35-.50 is pretty typical these days
22:46.50justinu.50 here too
22:46.53Drukenouch... no fucken way would i pay that
22:47.06filesadly I'm not from the payphone generation
22:47.07justinuif you can even find a payphone that works
22:47.25Drukenjustinu: well quit stealin them damnit
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22:47.31marcus2man, this stupid merlin/magix is so painful to program
22:47.38marcus2especially when i'm also working on * stuff
22:48.06Drukeni almost purchased a euro phone booth
22:48.06marcus2someone set up an old-sk00l payphone booth at burningman a couple of years ago
22:48.07marcus2it was great
22:48.11demetriopayphones still have doors, I bet the lights ain't working anymore
22:48.18justinumarcus2: i heard about that
22:48.19Drukenfucken thing weighed 1000lbs and was made of cast iron
22:48.24marcus2we had sex in it
22:48.27justinuthey used HAM radio to hook it up?
22:48.36marcus2someone walked by and said "woah, now thats what i call a person-to-person call"
22:48.48twistedreach out and fsck someone
22:48.49marcus2nah, it was voip, of course
22:48.53bugzreach out and touch someone
22:48.59marcus2wifi to a satellite uplink
22:49.11justinui want to go to burningman... i was gonna fly a cessna 182 up there last year
22:49.13justinubut chickened out
22:49.37justinui was afriad I'd die trying to cross the sierra madre in a 182
22:49.44kink0somebody has connected asterisk+sound card+GSM terminal ?
22:50.10marcus2i have a friend who flew their mooney in from the bay area
22:50.30kink0shido6, yes ? M20 or M35 or so ? success ?
22:50.34justinumarcus2: i'd fly with a pilot who has been before, but i wasn't brave enough to make the trip alone for the first time
22:50.57marcus2so get someone to fly over the mountains with you sometime
22:51.02marcus2and then you'll be prepared for next year :)
22:51.10bugzi will go dude
22:51.11justinugotta work that out
22:51.15bugzteach me to fly and ill take you
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22:51.36bugzit will be fun
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22:51.50marcus2this stupid magix system
22:51.52justinuwhat we need is a pressurized turbine twin
22:51.57justinuthen it's no problem
22:52.03marcus2says the pri to my asterisk box is in an error/alarm state
22:52.04justinubut going in a piston single is risky
22:52.10marcus2but if you look at the alarm detail, it shows no alarms
22:52.23marcus2piece of crap
22:56.48Flautothe stupid vbuzzer thing is just not working with my asterisk
22:56.53Flautoi dont' know what to do
22:57.02Flautoincoming calls are not showing
22:57.25Flautoand outgoing calls are going through but i can not hear anything
22:57.37marcus2hrm. 'zap show channel 25' says "in alarm: 1"
22:57.53marcus2but looking at /proc/zap/2, it seems to think the line is ok
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23:03.23trymis there anyway to setup asterisk so that siemens gigaset headphones connected through a isdn->sip box can transfer calls between themselves?
23:03.31justinumarcus2: can you tell if the T1 carrier is up?
23:03.54marcus2yeah it is
23:04.04marcus2i mean, its not "RED"
23:04.07justinuso it's just the d-channel that is down?
23:04.20justinuhave you placed it into service on both ends?
23:04.33marcus2well, i've tried, i think, from the magix end
23:04.37marcus2do i have to do something on the asterisk end?
23:04.43justinuare both ends set to "network" side dchannel?
23:04.50justinuone side has to be customer, one side network
23:05.11marcus2thats in my zapata.conf
23:05.21marcus2before i specify channels 25-47
23:05.27justinuand the magix side is set to customer?
23:05.45marcus2i'm clueless on this stupid magix thing
23:05.57justinumaybe the magix thinks IT's the NETWORK
23:06.06justinuthe d channel will not come up
23:06.14marcus2well i guess i can try setting asterisk to cpe
23:06.26justinumight as well
23:06.59marcus2the magix has the worst interface ever
23:07.09justinuall pbx's are like that
23:07.16justinualmost deliberatly cryptic
23:07.56marcus2ok, that doesnt seem to have helped much
23:08.24justinuok, so you have an NFAS config?
23:08.30marcus2a what? :)
23:08.31justinu2 spans, 1 dchannel?
23:08.51marcus2span 1 is hooked up to a telco PRI
23:08.57marcus2on the asterisk box, tha is
23:09.05marcus2the magix has only one PRI board in it
23:09.16marcus2and its hooked up to span 2 on the asterisk box
23:09.28justinuok, so 25-27 is to magix?
23:09.34justinuer channels 25-47
23:09.46justinuand dchannel is on channel 48?
23:09.54justinuspan 2, channel 24
23:10.00marcus2thats my assumption
23:10.12justinuwell, can't you define what span gets the d-channel in zaptel?
23:10.20justinuerr what span/chan
23:10.32marcus2maybe? :)
23:10.41justinupastebin the config, pelase
23:10.44justinulet me look at it
23:10.58marcus2i didnt have to explicitly define the d channel for the telco PRI
23:11.03marcus2and actually
23:11.26marcus2/proc/zaptel/2 says channel 48 is HDLCFCS
23:11.31tzangerno you just define it in zaptel.conf not in zapata.conf
23:11.44marcus2oh, sorry
23:11.48marcus2yeah, its defined as 48 there
23:12.17justinuso does the magix also know that the dchannel is on channel 24?
23:12.31marcus2i have no idea how i would tell it that...
23:12.45marcus2the config interface wont let me do anything with chan 24
23:12.51marcus2which makes me think its using it for d
23:13.21justinuhow about pri intense debug
23:13.23asterboymy incoming calls are not ringing the phone immediately...takes 2 rings...where is that setting?
23:13.27justinucan you see what's happening on the d?
23:14.21asterboyzapata.conf and zaptel.conf and extensions.conf are all very basic...1 FXS and 1FXO
23:14.46wunderkin2asterboy, it's waiting for callerid
23:15.23asterboyis there a way to timeour that feature?
23:15.34marcus2should 'pri intense debug' show me when i loop the port remotely?
23:15.39wunderkin2asterboy, you mean disable.. probably something like callerid=no
23:16.01bugzmailfax, gotta love it. once you tell someone you can do this for them all the sudden they want their fax machine to page their blackberry and CC their Desktop while leaving an MP3 in their inbox and a voicemail on their ext
23:16.09asterboylol, ok...that will work...I'd like the callerid but don't want it if its going to take too long.
23:16.15justinubugz: lol
23:16.30bugzand they get the icon in cornflower blue no less
23:16.35asterboyya that is funny.
23:16.38wunderkin2asterboy, well in the us it comes in before 1st and 2nd ring
23:17.00asterboyintereting...never paid attention to it till now.
23:17.07marcus2when i tell the magix to loop the d channel, i dont see any debugging output in asterisk
23:17.11asterboySure can see the difference when you call yourself.
23:17.31marcus2in fact i see pretty much nothing
23:17.36asterboyI'm hearing two rings before it bridges the call and rings the fxs
23:18.01asterboyfxs port...fxo phone.
23:18.17asterboygotta make sure that concept is clear
23:19.09justinumarcus: i never heard of looping a d-channel
23:20.04marcus2i tried looping everything
23:20.28marcus2i wonder, does polarity matter on PRI lines?
23:21.38justinuif the T1 carrier is in service, no
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23:22.16opus_How many PRI's can I shove into a dual Xeon?
23:22.22opus_4 ?
23:22.45wunderkin2depends what else you are using it for, probably more than that
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23:25.31wunderkin2run some benchmarks, test it out :D
23:27.00*** join/#asterisk Neter66 (
23:27.23Neter66Evening folks...
23:27.35Neter66I have a small issue i was hoping that someone could help with...
23:28.33Neter66I have 4 IAX2 channels, and they are all listed as "Unmonitored"   when my router refreshes it's DHCP address once every 7 days, I lose my IAX connection to my provider.  I have to restart * to get the channel up again...
23:29.02Neter66can I set this to "monitored" and have it _ping_ every few minutes, and if * doesn't get a response, restart the daemon, or at least rebind the channels?
23:29.44IronHelixwill monitor it
23:31.09marcus2pri intense debug is showing me nothing at all
23:31.11marcus2thats handy :/
23:31.30ManxPowerWell, I have my trip to Birmingham planned.
23:31.42Neter66thanks IronHelix...  if it goes does, how does * respond? does it down and then up the channel?
23:32.07ManxPowerNeter66, Make SURE you specify your provider by IP, NOT by DNS.
23:32.39ManxPowerIf you specify by DNS and your IP address changes, Asterisk may never see the remote system again.
23:33.17Neter66hmm, interesting.  thanks manxpower
23:34.02ManxPowerNeter66, Asterisk pretty much barfs if you specify something by DNS name and there is even only 1 DNS lookup failure.
23:34.21justinuwhy is asterisk so lame when it comes to DNS?
23:34.40ManxPowerjustinu, Um, because nobody has fixed the problem yet?
23:35.05Neter66should i specify the IP address in the register= or the host= or both?
23:35.06justinuor maybe it's just sitting in a patch on the digium bugs server, like the async rtp stuff
23:35.26pooh_ManxPower: how can I catch returning values from apps or AGI which e.g. 0 or -1 please?
23:35.56pooh_ManxPower: meaning catching them as a variable in the dialplan after executing the AGI or app
23:36.21ManxPowerpooh_, you don't.  In fact the info about 0 and -1 has been removed from the "show application blah" info.  You can only catch that stuff if you are writing Asterisk modules in C.
23:36.38ManxPowerpooh_, What do you want to accomplish?
23:37.37marcus2should i have the magix set to 'robbed bit' or 'common channel' ?
23:37.37pooh_ManxPower: Realtime does queries and I need to find out if the query was succesfull and do priority jumping
23:37.45justinumarcus2: common channel
23:38.50ManxPowerpooh_, Hmm.  Can you give more detail.  Almost all apps will set a dialplan variable when they complete.  Remember priority jumping is not recommended for 1.2 or later and will be removed in the next release after 1.2
23:39.22marcus2oh, nice
23:39.25marcus2i think i got it
23:39.38pooh_ManxPower: yeah removing jumping was mentioned to me by bwescke, still not fully understand how the replacement will look like/work
23:40.19pooh_ManxPower: exten => 402,1,RealTime(SIPpeers,name,901)
23:40.43pooh_ManxPower: I want to find out if the query was successfull or not. If not jump n + 101
23:40.53marcus2'pri intense debug span 2' i just get lots of ?s in my console
23:40.58ManxPowerpooh_, do a "show application realtime" and it will tell you what variables it sets
23:41.19pooh_ManxPower: it tells me all record fields will be set as a chan variable
23:41.26ManxPowerpooh_, You might consider NOT doing a priority jump, and just check the status of a variable with GotoIf as the next priority
23:41.35justinumarcus2: dunno what that means
23:41.42pooh_ManxPower: I liked priority jumping a LOT!
23:42.11pooh_ManxPower: now I have to write a routine in the dialplan that will get executed every time
23:42.13ManxPowerpooh_, Priority jumping is a lot like being handcuffed to a zebra -- it may sound cool at first, but it's not.
23:42.37pooh_ManxPower: ok, any info on this and any new proposal?
23:43.11pooh_ManxPower: I will do it in the dialplan to make my life a bit easier for now
23:43.16ManxPowerpooh_, There are many solutions.  app_realtime did not build on my machine.  Can you just pastebin the output of "show application realtime" ?
23:43.57marcus2ok so now the D channel is up
23:44.00marcus2thats a step in the right direction
23:44.07marcus2it just restarted all of the B channels, too
23:44.12ManxPowerpooh_, the main problem with priority jumping is that all it does is indicate success or failure.
23:44.33marcus2the magix now says "alarms: no" and "errors: yes"
23:44.45marcus2the red light on the line card has gone off, but the green one hasnt come on
23:44.52justinucan you clear the error counters?
23:44.54pooh_ManxPower: Realtime is a stange app. It is an app and a module
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23:45.15marcus2yeah, it shows no errors
23:45.27pooh_ManxPower: they speak of realtime update and real time load, but only RealTimeUpdate exists, not RealTimeLoad
23:45.48pooh_ManxPower: pretty strange thing
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23:46.23marcus2i wonder what the diff between an 'alarm' and an 'error' is
23:46.32ManxPowerexten => 402,1,RealTime(SIPpeers,name,901) exten 402,2,GotoIf($["${NAME}" != ""]?102:3)
23:46.51justinuerror is a one time event
23:46.54ManxPoweri.e. if ${NAME} is empty go to priority 102, otherwise go to priority 3
23:46.55justinualarm is a "state"
23:47.16justinuan error might be a line code violation
23:47.17pooh_ManxPower: yeah... I wonder what the difference in performance will be between a DP routine and a native app routine
23:47.19justinuor a slip
23:48.37ManxPowerpooh_, um, reverse the 102 and 3 numbers in my example.
23:48.46ManxPoweror replace != with =
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23:48.59ManxPoweri.e. if ${NAME} is empty go to priority 102, otherwise go to priority 3
23:52.27pooh_ManxPower: got that thx
23:53.05pooh_ManxPower: I just hacked up app_realtime.c to contain priority jump + 101 is query is a failure
23:53.21pooh_ManxPower: added 1 line to raltime
23:53.33kink0when i type at CLI "dial" is just ussing local files for voice menu, right ?
23:53.54ManxPowerkink0, no.
23:54.28ManxPowerCLI "Dial" is only available if you have a soundcard and the correct drivers, libs, and header files installed when you build Asterisk.  It's pretty similar to the dialplan "Dial"
23:54.34pooh_ManxPower: thanks, both will work. We will see what post 1.2 will bring
23:54.35kink0ManxPower, ahhh ok, then here may be why I hear distortioned, even I have about 120kb download
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23:55.12kink0ManxPower, yes, I hear ussing my sound card, but appears distortioned ( like a jittering problem ) at aleatory points of the voice reproduction
23:56.33kink0if I dial other plans, the same effect, appears distortioned sound
23:57.10marcus2would it do me any good to change the "terminal equipment ID number" on the magix?
23:57.37justinui think it's always 0 for PRI
23:57.40ManxPowerkink0, PC sound cards and drivers really SUCK.  Try using a hardware phone like a SIPura SAP-941 or an analog adapter like SIPura-SPA-1001
23:57.44justinubut i dunno why I think that
23:58.06marcus2ah yes, changing it to anything but 0 takes the D channel down, according to asterisk
23:58.48kink0ManxPower, but does not happens with all plans, only with some plans. Anywise I am testing soundcards for the purpose to connect to GSM terminal, since digium has not GSM modules
23:59.16marcus2the magix also lets me change the "channel unit" from "foreign exchange" to "special access"

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.