irclog2html for #asterisk on 20051112

00:01.54pooh_Brixius: go help somebody ;_0
00:02.12*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (n=darkproj@
00:04.40Brixiuspooh_: I have in the past, stopped comming here because all it got to the point that it was allway's "how do I get my first phone to work"
00:04.52*** join/#asterisk malverian[work] (
00:04.59tessierBrixius: Too many newbies and too few experts has long been a problem here.
00:05.06tessierThat's what happens when a project grows so fast.
00:05.13tessier299 people in here right now...
00:05.14pooh_Brixius: point taken
00:05.23harryvvor thay dont want to pay somone to help them configure them.
00:05.30Brixiusthat too
00:05.43tessierI don't blame them.
00:05.59harryvvpeople have to live and pay bills and if somone else is willing to pay
00:06.00*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
00:06.06tessierHowever, I have on at least two occasions offered to pay someone in here for help and there were no takers.
00:06.10harryvvthen thay go to that cutomer.
00:07.21harryvvmake it obvios
00:07.56eKo1I have an * box with a E1 card and a T1 card. I have a PRI comming in through the E1 and I want to route some traffic comming through the E1 to the T1. Is this possible?
00:08.18justinushould be
00:08.20Brixiuseko1: don't see why not
00:08.21asterisk_consultthen automessage your phone number if thay msg you
00:08.40eKo1all i need to do is configure the t1 channels to have networkside pri signalling right?
00:08.42ManxPowereKo1, route calls or route channels?
00:08.48eKo1route calls
00:09.08asterisk_consultthe real dollars are when you adversise in the phone book and door to door
00:09.10eKo1i guess
00:09.33ManxPowereKo1, Ah, then there's nothing special.
00:09.44eKo1i have a modem server connected to the t1
00:09.45Lostfrogexcuse me ma'am, May I interest you in a open-source PBX?
00:09.56ManxPowerIf, for example, you had data channels shareing the same T-1/E-1 as your PRI, then you would use DACS
00:10.16harryvvlost thats now how you market your bussiness
00:10.18*** join/#asterisk deezed (
00:10.23harryvvnot how you do it
00:10.38LostfrogI was being facetious.
00:10.39harryvvthay care less about tech talk
00:10.42deezedanyone having issues with voicepulse?
00:11.15Starmakerthe selling point is "Would you like to save money?"
00:11.36ManxPowerIf the glorified secretary my largest customer calls a "pbx admin" asks why she was not included in a recent e-mail, I'll just respond with "I just assume all the tech talk would be over your head."
00:11.41harryvvsay you have a phone system that will cost less then the leading compeditor cost less on long distance calls and have a higher roi or return on investment.
00:12.17harryvvwould you like to save money on your next phone installation!
00:12.40harryvvif thay are in the market thay might grab you by the arm and pull you in ;)
00:15.36DJ-Pyroword of mouth is also fun
00:15.52harryvvsomone in here was selling asterisk systems telling the customers how to configure there systems ect. That to me is giving bussiness away. Thay did not charge a per phone monthly charge ect.
00:16.02Lostfrogok.. w is a nice character to include in a * DTMF stream.
00:16.59LostfrogThank god.. I was tearing my hair out.
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00:17.55harryvvthat will cost you 120 dollars :)
00:18.14LostfrogI didn't know browsing the source code myself costs.. :)
00:18.25harryvvim joking
00:18.28*** join/#asterisk exstatica (
00:18.31LostfrogAlthough, now I see it in the wiki. :(
00:18.58LostfrogI would have happily paid $100 for the solution.
00:20.31*** part/#asterisk eKo1 (n=darkproj@
00:20.48CoffeeIV_Can I do a DBPut from the *CLI> ?
00:22.11LostfrogSucks that I have to run CVS HEAD.
00:22.52Lostfroghelp database put?
00:24.24CoffeeIV_database put was what I was looking for -- thanks
00:25.01LostfrogI hope I add more to this channel then I take away. Sometimes it seems like I'm a leech.
00:27.19DJ-PyroI wonder how well things run on the Sun Netra CT series
00:29.05*** join/#asterisk sigwerk (
00:29.18*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
00:30.03LostfrogAre the stripLSD and substring apps going away?
00:32.21ManxPowerLostfrog, stripLSD has
00:32.35LostfrogI wonder why it was still in RC1.
00:32.47ManxPowerLostfrog, someone forgot about them
00:35.54harryvvwhere is bkw
00:36.05harryvvanyone here use asterlink
00:36.07MikeJ[Laptop]bkw?... I ate him
00:36.24MikeJ[Laptop]try #asterlink
00:36.32harryvvbeen there for the last 30
00:36.53harryvvtrying to get my account with him working.
00:37.11*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
00:46.28fugitivois any info for voicemail in the asterisk database?
00:46.32*** join/#asterisk digime (
00:46.47*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
00:46.49harryvvnick collision
00:48.38*** join/#asterisk kiwnix (n=egarcia@
00:48.56luitecan asterisk 1.0.9 handle multiple sip registrations from a single ip? I used 1.2rc1 and noticed no problems, but with 1.0.9 one port of a 2-fxs sipura device never seems to be able to register
00:49.06*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
00:53.07*** join/#asterisk docelm0 (
00:54.09hypa7iahey docelm0
00:54.19docelm0sup man..
00:54.27fugitivois any way to launch a script if a voicemail is recorded?
00:54.40docelm0Im finally having some fun.. Im setting up my domestic carrier! I will be able to terminate minutes!
00:54.48docelm0AND I WILL HAVE DID's w/ E911!
00:55.20docelm0Im trying to massage the rate deck now..
00:55.21fugitivoi need to launch a script if a voicemail is recorded (only if it's recorded, no hungup in the middle)
00:55.25harryvvbtw, is there a client that would pop up apon windows startup that will say there is vm on your system?
00:56.39Qwellharryvv: would be simple to write with the manager interface
00:56.44astcryz7window 2
00:57.03fugitivono way to do what i want? :)
00:57.07harryvvthe manager interface?
00:58.46Dr-Linuxi'm using sip users and softphone/hardphone, i wanna use TDM400P card, can i use same sip users? or i'd move to iax.conf ?
01:00.27*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
01:00.29marcus2heheh i just unlocked a whole stack of PAP2s
01:01.25Dr-Linuxmarc324: can you answer me ?
01:01.26Dr-Linuxi'm using sip users and softphone/hardphone, i wanna use TDM400P card, can i use same sip users? or i'd move to iax.conf ?
01:01.54QwellDr-Linux: ask once, then wait...
01:03.35marcus2i dont understand your question at all
01:16.03*** join/#asterisk Corndawg_ (
01:19.48Drukenmarcus2: unlocking pap2's eh?
01:19.54*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=implicit@
01:20.24*** join/#asterisk Corndawg_ (
01:23.27Kerowhee, Answer+Echo works over the fwdnet account.
01:23.42DJ-Pyroanyone remember the site for the open source telephony hardware project?
01:23.51QwellDJ-Pyro: zapata?
01:23.53Kerobut I still don't know how to answer on the console. I see Dial(Console/dsp) in the config files, but tit does not appear to work.
01:25.28DJ-Pyrothat's it, thanks Qwell
01:28.02marcus2yeah, i've got a whole pile unlocked PAP2s now
01:28.17marcus2i'm going to send them out to all of our telecommuters
01:28.27harryvvfor your company?
01:28.41harryvvgood idea
01:28.51harryvvas long as those hotels can pass sip/rtp
01:28.52Vcoas opposed to someone elses company
01:28.56marcus2we just got a PRI hooked up to our asterisk server
01:29.03harryvvas long as those hotels firewall can pass sip/rtp
01:29.04marcus2oh, no, these are just for people's houses
01:29.19marcus2they'll have to use them behind vpn tunnels anyway
01:29.34marcus2so we'll give them wrt54gs with openwrt on them
01:29.45harryvvi see
01:29.54Dr-LinuxQwell: i'm still waiting
01:30.21harryvvto bad there wasnt a firmware with 2.2 pci slot.
01:30.49harryvvour electric bill goes hirer with the asterisk box running all the time.
01:31.10Vcowhat the hell are you running it on?
01:31.14Vcoi mean..
01:31.47harryvvjust a pc
01:31.52harryvvold desktop
01:33.20LostfrogIt would be nice if linksys hadn't switch from Linux on the wrt54gs
01:33.26LostfrogIt would be nice if linksys hadn't switch from Linux on the wrt54g's
01:37.33marcus2yeah, but who cares really
01:37.35DJ-Pyrowe finally got mcclead to switch us to pri
01:37.44marcus2theres plenty of older units on the market still
01:37.46DJ-Pyrooriginally they said 6-8 weeks to pull out a whole new circuit
01:37.52LostfrogI do.. WRT54GS is expensive.
01:37.55DJ-Pyrocontract was signed tuesday afternoon, did the cut over this morning
01:37.58DJ-Pyrostupid sales teams
01:38.00marcus2$75 is expensive?
01:38.19LostfrogIf you have to buy a bunch of them, yes.
01:38.33marcus2they are a lot cheaper than a lot of the alternatives
01:39.03marcus2hrm. do i want my extension to be 2525 or 2555
01:39.11harryvvthink what it takes to make one then you would see its not expensive
01:39.25LostfrogThe WRT54G was cheap comparatively.
01:39.38marcus2the GS is only about $15 more than the G
01:40.00LostfrogI don't need speedboost, so that $15 is a waste for me.
01:40.11marcus2its not a waste if you run some other firmware on it
01:40.23marcus2because you get 2x the flash and 2x the ram (well, not on the newest versions, but..)
01:42.10LostfrogEverything I need fits in 4/8.
01:43.39*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
01:44.16marcus2asterisk doesnt =D
01:45.11LostfrogI'll grant you that.. But I don't need to run asterisk on it.
01:45.49*** join/#asterisk kiwnix (n=egarcia@
01:49.18luitehow can I find out why * (HEAD) returns a 404 error when trying to setup a sip call? I have console logging debug and verbose in logger.conf, and set debug 4 in the console itself. but I still cannot find the reason. for some reason I can make calls with the xlite softphone, but not with my snom 190 phones
01:53.43*** join/#asterisk pr0m (
01:58.05marcus24 pap2s up and running
01:58.19marcus2my boss will be so happy
01:59.30*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
02:00.05*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:06.30docelm0Anyone know what causes make install to do nothing but the same thing over and over and over? How do I stop it?
02:07.30docelm0it never installs
02:08.03*** join/#asterisk Flauto (
02:12.57hypa7iadocelm0: is that from cvs head?
02:13.20docelm0I am trying to build 8/31/05
02:13.33docelm0cause todays version AGI GET_VARIABLE function doesnt work
02:13.41hypa7iaah, i was gonna say, if it's from the latest head it could just be broken
02:13.41docelm0I need to be able to pull variables for scripts
02:13.47hypa7iabut that's just weird
02:13.58docelm0How do I fix it?
02:14.04docelm0I need to get this installed
02:16.55*** join/#asterisk newl (
02:17.20luitedocelm0: do you have any logging output of the repeated loop?
02:17.48docelm0build_tools/make_version_h > include/asterisk/version.h.tmp
02:17.48docelm0if cmp -s include/asterisk/version.h.tmp include/asterisk/version.h ; then echo; else \
02:17.48docelm0mv include/asterisk/version.h.tmp include/asterisk/version.h ; \
02:17.48docelm0rm -f include/asterisk/version.h.tmp
02:17.49docelm0build_tools/mkdep -pipe -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -g -Iinclude -I../include -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -O6 -march=i686 -fomit-frame-pointer acl.c aescrypt.c aeskey.c aestab.c alaw.c app.c asterisk.c ast_expr2.c ast_expr2f.c astmm.c autoservice.c callerid.c cd
02:17.53docelm0thats basically it
02:18.03docelm0same damn thing OVER AND OVER AND OVER!!!!
02:18.13docelm0Needless to say this happens when I need to get back online
02:19.49Drukenis that from the cvs?
02:20.56Flautoi still have probelms with x100p
02:21.02Flautocan anyone help
02:21.37Drukenwhat kinda problems?
02:21.41docelm0Drunk yes from End of August
02:21.51docelm0AGI is broken in current HEAD
02:22.29Drukeni'd perhaps try a diffrent version? seems like that one is broken :)
02:22.48docelm0Well it compiled so I manually moved everything
02:22.51luiteor try rc1 or beta2?
02:23.06Drukenpfft, beta
02:23.43FlautoDrunken, i installed the card, now i am trying modprobe zaptel and wcfxo
02:24.13DrukenFlauto: and?
02:24.41*** join/#asterisk dos000 (
02:24.54dos000may day ...
02:28.23*** join/#asterisk wolfson (n=ggggg@
02:30.21FuriousGeorgei know ${EXTEN:1} strips the first digit, isnt there something that strips the last?  i thought it was ${EXTEN:-1} but thats not working
02:31.28FuriousGeorgethanks Druken
02:31.56Qwelldoesn't :0:1 give you only the first char?
02:32.20Drukendon't think so...
02:32.30Drukenmay have to check on that....
02:33.27*** join/#asterisk SwK (
02:33.29QwellFuriousGeorge: Do you know the exact length of the var?
02:33.32Qwellwill it vary?
02:33.41*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
02:34.09docelm0of all things to break.. why AGI?
02:34.14Drukenvariable lengths suck ass... just like the god damn 7 digit CID from my analog channels
02:35.25FuriousGeorgeQwell: in this case i know the exact one
02:35.38QwellFuriousGeorge: for 7 digits, ${EXTEN:0:6}
02:36.03FuriousGeorgeQwell: im sure i read there was some way to simply strip from the other side
02:36.20FuriousGeorgeam i wrong?
02:36.23Qwellthink so
02:36.39Qwell:-1 will stip all but the last char
02:36.57denonFuriousGeorge: I was running into this yesterday .. I couldnt find it, so I just wrote a quick AGI
02:38.12Qwell${EXTEN:0:$[${LEN(${EXTEN}) - 1]}
02:38.20FuriousGeorgedenon: i gotta learn some scripting language first
02:38.30Qwellthat'll strip off the last 1 char from the var EXTEN
02:38.31denonwell, ok, and I didnt want something that looked like that ^^^
02:38.53Drukenmay not look pretty, but it works
02:39.09denonprobably .. wonder what would happen if you pass it a null
02:39.10Drukenmy dialplan is a nightmare... but it works :)
02:39.20Drukenand i'm generally the only one who looks at it...
02:39.25Qwelldenon: if EXTEN is've got big problems. :P
02:39.38denonQwell: well, true .. I was doing stuff with callerid
02:39.40Qwellbut...nothing would happen
02:39.42Drukenwould be t
02:39.49*** join/#asterisk SwK (
02:39.53Qwell"If a negative length value is entered, it is ignored and Asterisk will match
02:39.53Qwellto the end of the string."
02:40.11QwellSo, if EXTEN is null in the above example, it would just end up as ${EXTEN:0:0}
02:40.17denonI'm still used to the days when * had no error checking, and anything would crash it :)
02:40.22Drukendenon: CID pissed me off a week ago
02:40.23denoneven a typo in an exten =>
02:40.28Qwellerm, not even :0:0, just :0
02:40.45denonDruken: it continues to frustrate me
02:41.25*** join/#asterisk Katty (n=katrina@
02:41.33Drukendenon: it only frusterated me for about... 3 hours...
02:41.42Drukeni was able to fix my stupid broken logic by then
02:42.06QwellI missed a }
02:42.08*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
02:42.15Qwell${EXTEN:0:$[${LEN(${EXTEN})} - 1]}
02:42.43FuriousGeorgeqwell, wouldnt this strip everything from exten - 1 leaving me with only the last character? ${EXTEN:0:$[${LEN(${EXTEN}) - 1]}
02:42.52Kattymishehu: mew?
02:42.59QwellFuriousGeorge: note the first :0
02:43.12Qwellstart at position 0, and get x digits
02:43.29Qwellon 7 digits, that ends up doing 6
02:43.45FuriousGeorgeoffset starts from the right?
02:43.56FuriousGeorgeoffset=start from
02:44.04*** join/#asterisk SwK (
02:44.13FuriousGeorgeso far so good
02:44.15Qwelloffset 0 starts at "1", offset 2 starts at "1"
02:44.28Qwelloffset 1 starts at "2"
02:44.34Qwellbrb...that'll work though...try it
02:44.38DrukenQwell: you need sleep
02:44.42*** join/#asterisk SwK (
02:44.47QwellDruken: I need to be Druken ;]
02:45.04Drukennah... one of me is enough
02:45.22*** join/#asterisk SwK (
02:47.31*** join/#asterisk warthog (
02:49.53*** join/#asterisk tecnico (
02:51.02FuriousGeorgeQwell: err, that didnt work
02:51.18FuriousGeorgebut im still not understanding exten:X:y
02:51.48FuriousGeorgeoh now i get it
02:51.53FuriousGeorgehold on lemme think
02:52.56*** join/#asterisk sbingner (n=thanotos@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/sbingner)
02:53.07warthoganyone know how to get rhel3 to add a mixed case username via command line, works with gui but now cmdline, want to add the polycom default user name to work for ftp in a script
02:53.13sbingnerI just saw the TDM2400P, that's awesome
02:53.28sbingnerwarthog: um, adduser?
02:53.40warthogmixed case does not work on cmdline
02:53.45sbingnerwarthog: then just use vi
02:53.52sbingneror something like that
02:54.07sbingneryou can just create the proper entries in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow
02:54.29warthogwhat about shadow files, I guess just add it and edit it to mixed case with perl?
02:54.50sbingneror sed
02:55.09sbingneryou sure?  I tries useradd TeSt on FC3 and it worked
02:55.36warthogI am on rhel3, does not work for sure, worked on rh8 just fine.
02:55.53sbingnerthat's gay... just hack your adduser to not make everything lowercase ;)
02:56.10FuriousGeorgeso 123456 ${EXTEN:1:2} 23?
02:56.22*** join/#asterisk SwK (
02:56.22FuriousGeorgeQwell: ?
02:56.39*** join/#asterisk SwK (
02:56.48sbingnerif it does what I assume, it would be 234
02:57.16sbingnerI didn't know that was supported tho
02:57.29Lostfrogyes.. 23
02:57.55sbingnerooh, it takes off one and uses the next 2?
02:58.05LostfrogStart at 1, take 2
02:58.09LostfrogNumber from 0.
02:58.44FuriousGeorgeim trying to dial 103# and get 103's voicemail, there is no way to do this?
02:59.07FuriousGeorgebasically i wanna strip the last digit
02:59.25sbingnerFuriousGeorge exten => _NNN#,1,Goto(${EXTEN:0:3}) perhaps
02:59.45LostfrogLet me get this right, FuriousGeorge, you want me to go to the wiki and find your answer?
02:59.45FuriousGeorgesbingner: then EXTEN=null
02:59.55FuriousGeorgeLostfrog: its not that easy man
03:00.18FuriousGeorgei mean then exten = #
03:00.27LostfrogWant to bet? I just read it.
03:00.38FuriousGeorge-1 i was told doesnt do it
03:00.43FuriousGeorgeand i saw it didnt
03:00.48FuriousGeorgeim usiong 1.0.9
03:00.59sbingnerwhy would exten = null? start at 0 and use 3 characters... going off what lostfrog said ;) ... but I'm probably wrong since I havent looked at it
03:01.11Lostfrog0:3 should do it.
03:01.22FuriousGeorgeoh yeah
03:01.23Lostfrog${123456789:0:3}      - returns the string 123
03:01.24FuriousGeorgei get it
03:01.55FuriousGeorgeLostfrog: i stnad corrected it was that easy
03:02.02Lostfrog-1 returns '#'
03:02.04FuriousGeorgesbingner: i stand corrected that does work
03:03.54LostfrogI don't know what replaces striplsd off-hand.
03:04.47sbingner${EXTEN:0:-1} do anything?
03:04.47ManxPowerLostfrog, Something like ${EXTEN:-1} or something like that
03:04.54ManxPowerSee README.variables
03:05.08LostfrogThat would return the last digit, ManxPower.
03:05.22ManxPowerLostfrog, "or something like that".
03:05.35ManxPowerI have stripped off LSD, I just don't recall when or how
03:05.39*** join/#asterisk mog_work (
03:05.51sbingnerunless the readme is wrong
03:06.35sbingnerhrm, I think it might be.. seems contardictory
03:07.31sbingnerbah I'm going to have to test it
03:07.44LostfrogYou could use regexp. :)
03:08.24warthoganyone know how to check the current version of your running zaptel driver if the source directory is missing?
03:10.22LostfrogHmm.. the examples lead me to believe that StripLSD is not obsolete.
03:10.33LostfrogIt would take two steps to remove x digits from the end.
03:11.11LostfrogMaybe: ${STRING:0:$LEN(${STRING})} ?
03:11.27LostfrogMaybe: ${STRING:0:$LEN(${STRING}-x)} ?
03:11.59sbingneraccordig to the readme, 1. ${EXTEN:N} removes the first N numbers   2.  ${EXTEN:-N} removes the last N characters   3.  ${EXTEN:N:X} starts at N and returns X characters   4.  ${EXTEN:-N:X} starts N characters from the end of the number and returns X characters
03:12.17ManxPowerLostfrog, There is an easy to Strip LSD, see the mailing list archives, that's where I figured it out.
03:12.37FuriousGeorgeoh thats right 100# wont work because i cant use # in the dialplan like that
03:12.50ManxPowersbingner, So ${EXTEN:0:4) ?
03:13.26sbingnerif EXTEN = 123456 that should return 1234 if it's the way the readme says
03:13.34sbingnerI'll test it now tho
03:13.38FuriousGeorgeLostfrog:  ${EXTEN:0:$[${LEN(${EXTEN})} - 1]}
03:13.44FuriousGeorgeqwell was just telling me that
03:13.49sbingnerStripLSD(4) would be ${EXTEN:-4}
03:13.52LostfrogThat's what I just said.
03:14.03FuriousGeorgeoh yeah
03:14.03warthogsbinger, vi the pw file works fine, just seem silly:-/
03:15.14sbingnerwarthog: *nod*
03:15.23LostfrogAnyways.. I am off to watch TV.
03:15.33Kattyanyone in chicago?
03:15.42Kattyor chicagoy area
03:15.54Kattyi require inflimation
03:17.53pcmlastfrog: ${EXTEN:0:-4} should count from the end
03:18.36LostfrogI will try it tommorow, I am not pulling out a phone right now. :)
03:21.14LostfrogThe readme says a negative count will return the whole string.
03:21.42ManxPowerWell, if the docs are wrong, report it on before they release RC2 tomorrow
03:21.58LostfrogI will test it first thing in the morning.
03:22.29*** join/#asterisk SwK (
03:28.25sbingnersecond negative numbers are ignored
03:28.31sbingner${EXTEN:2} = 3456789 = remove first two digits
03:28.31sbingner${EXTEN:-3} = 789 = return last three digits
03:28.31sbingner${EXTEN:2:2} = 34 start two digits in, return two digits
03:28.31sbingner${EXTEN:-3:2} = 78 = start 3 digits from end, return two digits
03:28.32sbingner${EXTEN:2:-2} = 3456789 = ignores negative second numbers
03:28.34sbingner${EXTEN:-3:-2} = 789 = ignores negative second numbers
03:29.22LostfrogThat's what I get to.
03:30.35sbingnerthere's no StripLSD from there anyways, but the docs seem right
03:30.47KattyNugget: kthx.
03:34.28*** join/#asterisk klictel (
03:36.05Qwellisn't StripLSD being removed soon anyhow?
03:36.33QwellFuriousGeorge: mine should most certainly have worked...
03:37.13mog_workits gonna be gone come 1.2 qwell
03:37.22Qwellmog_work: s'what I thought.
03:37.55QwellDid that bug disappear?
03:38.07mog_workit closed
03:38.11mog_workas that was resolution
03:38.12Qwellahh, okay
03:38.17QwellSo it's already gone in head?
03:38.32mog_workim not sure i just coed head and building
03:38.35mog_workso ill find out soon
03:38.58ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, actually you can have an exten => 100# with no issues, assumeing your device permits you to do so.
03:39.35mog_workyeh kevin says its gone in head
03:39.43QwellLostfrog: yes, thats what I said earlier...except I had spaces
03:41.12sbingnershould modify it to support negative length variable
03:41.16sbingnerwould be simpler
03:41.22LostfrogSorry, Qwell, I didn't see your message.
03:41.28QwellLostfrog: it was a while ago
03:41.35sbingnerwonder if it'd make it in if I did that
03:41.59LostfrogStripLSD(1) is a lot nicer. :)
03:42.12QwellStripLSD is dead
03:42.12sbingnerStripLSD supposed to go away
03:42.19Qwellsbingner: already gone ;]
03:42.23LostfrogI know.. just saying.
03:43.17FuriousGeorgeManxPower: im using eyebeam, which allows me to put it in
03:43.20sbingnerQwell: probably still on mine since make install didn't clean it or something
03:43.23FuriousGeorgebut when i dial it just dont work
03:43.48FuriousGeorgewow, we're still talking about this
03:44.13QwellFuriousGeorge: because it should work
03:44.32FuriousGeorgeQwell: what should the :0:-1
03:44.40FuriousGeorgeif so i agree
03:44.54Qwellman bash
03:45.03Qwellif it doesn't say it should work in there, it shouldn't work in * either. :p
03:45.09FuriousGeorgei gotcha
03:45.23sbingneraah, would have to hack bison? that sucks
03:45.32sbingneror yacc?
03:45.48FuriousGeorgeQwell: then what should work?  100#?
03:45.49*** join/#asterisk Narrows (
03:46.06Qwellper man bash - " length must evaluate to a number greater than or equal to zero"
03:46.47sbingnerQwell: do you know where the parsing is handled tho?  Via external library yacc?
03:46.48*** join/#asterisk without (
03:46.56Qwellsbingner: got me
03:47.21LostfrogThen ${#varname} should be implemented. :)
03:48.35FuriousGeorgeQwell: your ${EXTEN:0:[LEN(${EXTEN} - 1)]} would have worked but for some reason eyebeam isnt allowing me to dial 100#, with 100* it worked
03:48.44FuriousGeorgeif thats what you meant
03:48.54QwellFuriousGeorge: # usually  means "send" on most SIP devices
03:49.15FuriousGeorgeoh yeah, that explains it
03:49.36LostfrogHmm.. I'm going to try regex "(*)."
03:51.21FuriousGeorgeis there any way i could do something with parking so that calls get parked on ${PARKERSEXTEN}*X
03:51.33FuriousGeorgewhere x is a spot 1-9
03:51.45FuriousGeorgefor a "reverse transfer"
03:52.39FuriousGeorgethe people i work with are so freakin stupid, i got them that sipura phone not long ago and they still manage to set themselves on DND when trying to transfer
03:52.48FuriousGeorgeand * just needs a reverse transfer anyway
03:53.56sbingnerFuriousGeorge: astdb
03:53.57FuriousGeorgeNugget: what do you think about reverse transfers
03:54.06FuriousGeorgei forget
03:54.13FuriousGeorgethe internal * satabase
03:54.30NuggetI'm too ignorant to have an opinion on that.
03:54.39sbingnerjust use astdb to keep track of a few extens and if there's a call parked there, and make the dialplan use the top level as a queue
03:54.45sbingneror something like that
03:54.52sbingnerDBPut and DBGet
03:54.58*** join/#asterisk Frawg (n=Frawg@unaffiliated/frawg)
03:55.44FuriousGeorgei dont get what a queue has to do with it?
03:56.31FuriousGeorgei have asterisk watch the parking spots, and if a call gets xferred there have it x-fer the call to the parker's exten plus * X?
03:56.52FuriousGeorgevia an agi script?
03:58.05FuriousGeorgesbingner: ?
03:58.17FuriousGeorgewell im not sure what you meant but the bottom line is i guess that it could be done
03:58.26FuriousGeorgebut not easily
03:59.47Lostfrog$[${test}:"(.*)."] also works
04:00.00ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, you mean something like exten => 311N,1,Park(${EXTEN}*${EXTEN:-1})
04:00.37FuriousGeorgebut i would like to have more than one spot per person, and i want that chick to tell me where it goes
04:01.15FuriousGeorgebut hey its a start
04:01.26*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
04:01.37Qwellexten => 0,1,Dial(SIP/operator) ;tell her to park it
04:01.52FuriousGeorge<drumb riff>
04:01.55sbingnerneed an app to tell you if a call is parked on an exten
04:02.01ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, you can do things with Global variables and loops and indexes
04:02.32ManxPowerThe extensions.conf can be perverted for all sorts of evil things.
04:02.35FuriousGeorgeand a counter?
04:02.48sbingnerhmm yea vars probably safer than astdb - that way if ast restarts all the call info is cleared too
04:02.49ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, the counter being the highest used parking lot.
04:02.50FuriousGeorgethere is nothing perverted about reverse transfers
04:03.10sbingnerwhat would suck is if your offset got screwed up or something
04:03.13ManxPowerBut I suspect an indexed "array" would be better, one slice for each parkingslot
04:03.35*** join/#asterisk tainted_ (
04:03.49tainted_hey has anyone done business with a "Preston Garrison"
04:03.58tainted_or "Way2Fast" communications?
04:04.15Qwelltainted_: did he finally get that going?
04:04.36tainted_Qwell get what going?
04:04.36Qwelltainted_: Preston is PTG123
04:04.37tainted_Qwell he ran with my money
04:04.51tainted_yea - notice how he doesn't get on the channel anymore
04:05.04FuriousGeorge~seen ptg123
04:05.10jbotptg123 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 175d 21h 34m 39s ago, saying: '"replace your phone lines with cheaper voip with better features, oh shit wait, actually scratch that, you need to keep your phone line to have a phone line with us, so forget saving money, pay more :)"'.
04:05.19tainted_i would love to find him and beat the shit out of him
04:05.51tainted_i'm sure he's around under another alias
04:06.21tainted_Qwell what was he trying to get going?
04:06.29Qwellway2fast communications, I guess
04:07.03FuriousGeorgeManxPower: when you talk about an indexed array you are talking about an AGI script, right?
04:07.11ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, No.
04:07.27ManxPowerAsterisk extensions.conf doesn't REALLY support arrays, but you can fake it pretty well.
04:07.45FuriousGeorgei see
04:08.08FuriousGeorgeill start with one slot per person
04:08.12ManxPowerIf INDEX=1 and PARKING=555 then what would ${PARKING[${INDEX}]}
04:08.24FuriousGeorge1555 :)
04:08.51FuriousGeorgei took Pascal in HS :)
04:09.05FuriousGeorgereally comming in handy now
04:09.06ManxPowerit would evaluate to no, it would evaluate to PARKING[1] which would evaluage to 555[1]
04:09.13*** part/#asterisk warthog (
04:09.44FuriousGeorgeManxPower: yeah, i saw what you meant
04:09.49ManxPowerremember [ and ] are literals, they are PART of the variable name.
04:11.33ManxPowerand if INDEX=1 then ${PARKING[${INDEX}]) would evaluate to ${PARKING[1]} which would evaluate to LOT1
04:11.33*** part/#asterisk Narrows (
04:12.06QwellManxPower: should do an advanced variable thing at the next astricon, heh
04:12.08*** part/#asterisk colinm_ (n=colol@VDSL-130-13-9-157.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
04:12.24ManxPowerQwell, AEL makes all this stuff not needed anymore
04:12.33Qwellnever looked at ael
04:13.36FuriousGeorgeManxPower: i see what you mean but how does that translate to getting calls parked on {PARKEREXTEN}*{SPOT}
04:15.02FuriousGeorgeoh wait
04:15.28FuriousGeorgeif the [] is on the left side of the = * will treat it as an array
04:15.34QwellFuriousGeorge: no
04:15.42Qwellit's part of the variable name, technically
04:15.46dos000anyone has links to seting up postgres for * cdr ?
04:15.56QwellPARKING[1] is literally the name of the var
04:16.00ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, As I said they are not REALLY arrays, just a bunch of variables names PARKING[1] and PARKING[2]
04:16.12dos000i need the table creation scripts if there are any
04:16.16ManxPowerTo us [ ] means "array", to Asterisk it's just another character in a vaiable name
04:16.28Qwellbut they do sorta work the same way
04:16.33Qwellat least...they appear to
04:17.45ManxPowerThat shows a few of the things you can do when we think of arrays
04:18.38tainted_i will paypal $200.00 for any information that helps me locate Preston Garrison - please message me
04:19.08tainted_Preston Garrison (PTG123) of Way2Fast Communications
04:19.16FuriousGeorgeQwell: yeah im getting that, im just trying to wrap my mind around it for my application
04:19.18ManxPowertainted_, you must have lost a lot of money
04:19.46ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, I don't know if it can help, but it is another creative thing to work into the final solution.
04:20.06FuriousGeorgetainted_: couldnt you whois and take a stab at it if he is connecting from the same place as he was when
04:20.10FuriousGeorge~seen ptg123
04:20.11jbotptg123 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 175d 21h 49m 40s ago, saying: '"replace your phone lines with cheaper voip with better features, oh shit wait, actually scratch that, you need to keep your phone line to have a phone line with us, so forget saving money, pay more :)"'.
04:20.11ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, you know there is an app_directedparking, right? (or something called that).  You would prolly have to port it to CVS/1.2
04:20.12tainted_ManxPower i have lost money, sleep, my reputation has been dragged through the mud
04:20.24ManxPowertainted_, Ah, an Investor 8-)
04:20.29dos000anyone used areski stat here ?
04:20.40FuriousGeorgetainted_: id think that'd be worth than 200 :)
04:21.05ManxPowerYoung people with great ideas.  Most of them fail.
04:21.10tainted_FuriousGeorge if you have the information, name your price - i'm good for the money
04:21.18tainted_up to a reasonable number
04:21.55tainted_i cannot describe the amount of stress he has put me through
04:22.15FuriousGeorgetainted_: i dont, but i was wondering if the would help you locate him in some way
04:23.02FuriousGeorgeManxPower: you think i can port that app to 1.2 with the pascal and basic i learned 7 years ago :)
04:23.19ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, no, but money will get someone else to do it for you.
04:23.40ManxPowerLike the $10 bounty I posted.
04:24.06*** join/#asterisk e-Hernick (
04:24.56FuriousGeorgeManxPower: i hadn't heard about that but howabout this
04:25.40FuriousGeorgeusing that transitive equality thing you described above, i could just have someone prompt the user "enter spot number"
04:25.58ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, Yes.
04:26.22ManxPowerBut if you can prompt them for it, you can just have them enter the info as part of the number they dial.
04:26.34*** join/#asterisk af_ (
04:26.51ManxPowerAnd if you were REALLY clever, you could so some kick ass stuff with extensions.
04:27.14ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, Are you wanting parked calls to ring back to the extension that parked them?
04:27.30FuriousGeorgeManxPower: yeah, i probably need that fallback
04:27.47FuriousGeorgesince there will be no led to indicate they have someone on hold if they forget
04:28.19FuriousGeorgebut if im gonna use park => i would think it would ring back in the time i define in features.conf
04:29.14ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, I thought 1.2 would ring back to the person that parked the call after the timeout.  1.0 always times out to exten => s
04:29.45FuriousGeorgeim not sure, im using 1.0.9 still
04:29.50ManxPowerYes, if the time expires and the caller will be spit out of the parking lot and they have to go somewhere.
04:30.02ManxPower1.0 WILL always timeout to exten => s
04:30.21ManxPowerWe just send those calls to the operator, she can handle the parking timeour
04:30.22FuriousGeorgei havent played with parking and my users cant grasp the concept
04:30.54ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, the directed parking app was pretty cool.
04:31.01ManxPowerlook on
04:34.42FuriousGeorgeManxPower: im not finding it
04:35.28FuriousGeorgeis there a global variable for the callers exten?
04:35.31ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, ask either bkw_ or anthm
04:35.39ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, That would be CALLERID
04:35.52FuriousGeorgeof course
04:36.00FuriousGeorgei didnt think about it in terms of internal users
04:36.59FuriousGeorgeManxPower: thanks for your help, im gonna see if i can get this kicking in a few days
04:38.16stbainhrmmm.... here's a good one for you. To turn on the MWI for my phones, I have to dial out my FXO port to a PBX system, dial *42[extension], and hang up... something tells me I'm gonna be breaking out some C code here soon
04:38.34ManxPowerstbain, Gads no.
04:38.50denondisable MWI :)
04:39.09stbaindenon: BOFH approach won't work here :(
04:39.20denonspose ..
04:39.27denoncourse I dont check my own voicemail, secretary does
04:39.43ManxPowerstbain, using a bit of perl, vmnotify= in voicemail.conf and some .call files you should be well on your way to making it work
04:39.52denonits always comical .. the people who refuse to leave a message with her .. leave it in my vmail, then she checks it
04:39.57denonand tells me only what I need to know
04:41.07stbainManxPower: I looked in the sample and in the wiki and didn't see any vmnotify
04:41.57ManxPower[root@pbx-1 root]# grep notify /home/software/asterisk/asterisk/configs/voicemail.conf.sample
04:42.12stbainahhh... now that I did see
04:42.29ManxPowerI've had a long day.
04:45.22sbingnerdenon: or you could just have all your voicemails go into the same box heh
04:45.39denonsbingner: well, thats what we do sorta -- she checks em via imap
04:53.12*** join/#asterisk Luke-Jr (
04:53.16stbainManxPower: you're referring to the vmnotify Perl script, correct?
04:54.08ManxPowerstbain, I wasn't aware there was one.  But you could write one quite easily to generate the correct .call file to stuff in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
04:55.14stbainyes... looks like it calls the script with the args: context, extension, number of voicemails
04:55.31stbainI can easily whip up a perl/python program to generate the call file
04:55.51stbainnow... how to turn them off after voicemail is checked?
04:56.02ManxPowerstbain, Aye, there's the rub!
04:56.04*** topic/#asterisk by denon -> Asterisk 1.2.0 RC2 has been released! Please try it out! ||
04:56.15stbaincron job I guess
04:56.35ManxPowerstbain, pay someone to write a vmdeletenotify= option for Astertisk
04:56.52stbainor even better
04:57.03stbainexternmwion= and externmwioff=
04:57.08ManxPowerextend vmnotify= to indicate what you are notifying about.
04:58.25ManxPowerexternotify=/path/to/bob,pl and asterisk passes context, extension, number of new voicemails, message created|message destroyed
04:59.04*** join/#asterisk SwK (
04:59.09stbainso I could key off the "message destroyed"
04:59.21ManxPowerstbain, my externotify option runs /usr/local/bin/ or something like that
04:59.39ManxPowerstbain, it would be a trivial patch for someone that knows the code to do.
04:59.53ManxPowerHmm...maybe not.
05:00.15Qwellprobably not trivial
05:00.55*** join/#asterisk ComputerWarm (
05:00.56ManxPowerQwell, you'd have to call the function when a message is left and when a message is deleted.
05:01.28*** join/#asterisk genmud (
05:01.36ComputerWarmHello all question, i have a php agi script. how do i get a varible from asterisk, in the php script... i need to get the numbers the person presses after entering the php script
05:01.42stbainin the dialplan
05:01.49stbainwhen someone hits the VoiceMailMain
05:02.00stbainafterwards, call a system command
05:04.12ManxPowerComputerWarm, there is a PHP library to make AGI much easier.
05:04.52ManxPowerResults 1 - 10 of about 916 from for  PHP AGI. (0.15 seconds)
05:05.03jbotmailinglist is, like, Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
05:05.25ComputerWarmManxPower phpagi ?
05:05.41ManxPowerComputerWarm, I think so.
05:06.35ComputerWarmManxPower ya thats what this guy has attached to his script... there are somethings that need to be fixed. PHP i know agi script i don`t
05:08.11ManxPowerComputerWarm, Well the original AGI library was asterisk-agi  IF you take a look at that, you might be able to adapt that to PHP.
05:08.59ComputerWarmok thanks is that on the wiki?
05:09.02stbainhrmm..... there's a msg####.txt file for each message
05:09.29stbainwonder if I could parse that somehow
05:09.52deezedyou don't want to use this class?
05:11.40ManxPowerWow!  phpagi sure has matured.
05:12.29ComputerWarmdeezed ya thats the class he used. but i need to get some type of understanding on how its getting its information
05:13.07*** part/#asterisk bweschke_ (
05:24.57ComputerWarmanyone here using A2billing?
05:26.21*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
05:29.19*** join/#asterisk twisted[digium] (n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted)
05:29.19*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted[digium]] by ChanServ
05:29.38brookshirewhat's up?
05:29.49twisted[digium]not much
05:30.38*** join/#asterisk SwK (
05:30.38file[laptop]hey hey hey
05:30.44twisted[digium]oh shizer
05:30.56file[laptop]it's me!!!
05:30.57twisted[digium]hi file[laptop]
05:30.58dos000is it possible to know if * is able to open the postgres db for cdr logs ?
05:31.00twisted[digium]i know who you are
05:31.03file[laptop]hey twisted
05:31.35twisted[digium]you aren't?
05:31.44file[laptop]or, am I?
05:31.52twisted[digium]you swore you weren't
05:32.07file[laptop]did I? wow
05:32.24brookshirehey file!
05:32.29brookshirehow's junky?
05:32.33file[laptop]he's good
05:32.36file[laptop]he's been into redbull
05:32.38twisted[digium]HOW good?
05:32.38brookshirewith mattf ;)
05:32.39wunderkinfile[laptop]  has gotten into the forbidden muffins
05:32.45brookshireand josh
05:32.45file[laptop]and blitzrage is having vodka with redbull
05:32.54brookshirejosh: we need rebdull
05:32.59twisted[digium]brookshire indeed
05:33.05twisted[digium]oh no
05:33.07bsdfreakenemy boat spotted!
05:34.55*** join/#asterisk twisted[digium] (n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted)
05:34.55*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted[digium]] by ChanServ
05:37.06Rawplayerhey the o'reilly asterisk book is nice :)
05:37.26file[laptop]twisted[digium]: answer your cellphone you lazy twat
05:37.33file[laptop]or else I'll club you over the head
05:37.35twisted[digium]file[laptop] my cellphone is dead
05:37.48file[laptop]fine, what's Mark's extension? or mattf's?
05:37.58*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
05:38.06twisted[digium]that's it
05:42.05twisted[digium]humpty dumpty sat on a wall
05:42.11twisted[digium]humpty dumpty had a good fall
05:42.44hypa7iatwisted[digium]: bored?
05:42.45emdubanyone familiar w/ 7960s?  i have a question about softkeys
05:43.09Qwellemdub: shoot
05:43.16twisted[digium]hypa7ia yea
05:43.24twisted[digium]lick at that sticker says brookshire
05:43.29QwellWhy do people say humpty dumpty was an egg?
05:43.38QwellIt's never once stated, or even implied, in the story
05:43.48emdubis it possible to change the softkeys on the root page?  i want to change the voicemail key to forward to a specific number instead of asking which ext to forward it to
05:43.56twisted[digium]Qwell i never said he was an egg
05:43.59yxacisco phones has a user directory at the click of a button. how is that implemented?
05:44.04Qwelldidn't say you did
05:44.07emdubyxa - xml
05:44.08twisted[digium]okay dokay
05:44.40twisted[digium]jaaaaar says br
05:44.42twisted[digium]er brookshire
05:44.54Qwellemdub: I don't think you can change the root softkeys.  Not with the SIP image at least, and not via XML
05:45.07yxaemdub TFTP?
05:45.22emdubyxa - http requests to xml objects
05:45.58yxaemdub i see. is is cisco the only phones that can do that?
05:46.07emdubits pretty powerful
05:46.09emdubi dig it
05:46.18emdubi wish the color phones supported sip
05:46.22*** join/#asterisk br00ksh1r3 (
05:46.34twisted[digium]oh gn0
05:47.15yxaemdub 7970s?
05:47.40yxaemdub wish i have one of those
05:47.54emdubi would get one if it had a sip image
05:47.56QwellI want a 7961...
05:48.02Qwellcolored buttons are sweet. :D
05:48.07Qwellemdub: why?  sccp rocks
05:48.27hypa7iagigabit goodness
05:48.35hypa7iabut like $1200 :(
05:48.48twisted[digium]hypa7ia hypa7ia hypa7ia
05:48.55hypa7iatwisted[digium] twisted[digium] twisted[digium]
05:49.20Qwellhypa7ia: They aren't anywhere near $1200...
05:49.31Qwellsomething like $550
05:49.34Qwellfrom cisco anyhow
05:49.48hypa7ialemme check
05:50.07Qwellgot it up right now
05:50.10file[laptop]hypa7ia & Qwell: blitzrage says "hi"
05:50.20QwellCP-7971G-GE Cisco IP Phone 7971G-GE, Global, Gig Ethernet   USD 549.00
05:50.36Qwellfile[laptop]: poke him!
05:50.51hypa7iafile[laptop]: return them a "hi" and an "i wish i was in mtl :("
05:51.13emdubdoes the 7971 support SIP?
05:51.16JunK-Yand i say ho ho ho.
05:51.22hypa7iaQwell: but don't forget the licence :p
05:51.28hypa7iaand i was thinking CAD :(
05:51.29Qwellhypa7ia: $98
05:51.30twisted[digium]hypa7ia: hsv is so much bettar
05:51.40Qwellcad is only like 20% more.  Still nowhere near $1200
05:51.54hypa7iathe ul is 254 CAD
05:52.17hypa7iaand most people get the cube
05:52.28hypa7iawhich comes to... 1425 CAD total
05:52.53yxawhat the 7971 lacks now is a webcam :)
05:53.06hypa7iaso with the 40% off we seem to give everyone.... 855 CAD
05:53.33hypa7iayxa: the cisco re-branded Tanberg is like $5000
05:53.50hypa7iatwisted[digium]: i'll have to come visit sometime :)
05:53.57yxahypa7ia no shit
05:53.58twisted[digium]hypa7ia: yeppers
05:54.17wunderkintwisted: thanks for your patch 5577 :D
05:54.23Qwellhypa7ia: ul?
05:54.27twisted[digium]wunderkin youre welcome :)
05:54.32*** join/#asterisk jebba (
05:54.42hypa7iauser licence
05:54.49Qwelldamn, thats alot
05:54.49jebbais there any way to use meetme and not ztdummy?  I'm running asterisk inside a vserver...
05:54.52twisted[digium]speaking of which
05:54.56twisted[digium]i need to go update that patch
05:55.12hypa7iajebba: some vservers will let you do modules
05:55.18hypa7iaare you on unixshell?
05:55.27Qwellhypa7ia: is that direct from cisco?
05:55.43hypa7iadynamic config tool
05:55.45QwellWhy is it exactly 2x as much in CAD?
05:55.48Qwell$127 USD
05:56.02emdubhmm google says nothing about a 7971 sip image :(
05:56.03Qwelllemme guess...
05:56.04hypa7iathat's so cisco
05:56.11hypa7iaoh emdub there isn't one
05:56.11QwellPWR-CUBE-3 is $68?
05:56.17emdubwhy /cry
05:56.26Qwelland, I was totally off by $10
05:56.33hypa7iaQwell: are you talking wholesale, or SRP?
05:56.43hypa7iabecause i was giving SRP
05:56.46Qwellwholesale is the only list I can see
05:56.51jebbaso hypa7ia meetme without ztdummy is a no-go, eh?   getting a ztdummy driver into this kernel & setup is inconvient, to say the least...
05:56.54Math`SRP being?
05:57.12hypa7iajebba: it's a no-go.  your timing will screw up almost immediately
05:57.19hypa7iasuggested retail price
05:57.21Math`jebba: and compiling a new kernel...... ?
05:57.22coppiceStandard Ripoff Price
05:57.22QwellCP-PWR-CORD-NA like what, $500?
05:57.34jebbaMath`, ya, and shutting down all other vservers.....
05:57.38QwellI'm showing $7...
05:57.45QwellWhy do I only see the wholesale pricing?
05:57.47Math`jebba: make the kernel update quick :)
05:57.49hypa7iaQwell: i have no access to the wholesale list... but i know what the margins are :)
05:58.03*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
05:58.14QwellI didn't do anything special to get this list, or anything
05:58.16blitzragey0 y0 y0 y0
05:58.19Qwelljust signed an ICA...
05:58.29blitzrageMath`, wuz up?
05:58.32Math`not much
05:58.50Math`was actually going to sleep
05:58.50hypa7iahey blitzrage
06:00.01blitzragehypa7ia, y0!!!
06:00.48blitzragehow goes?
06:00.57hypa7iaQwell: i'm looking at the list that they gave me access to at work... and we're like the biggest integrator in canada.  go figure :/
06:01.14hypa7iablitzrage: pretty good, other than not being in montreal :(
06:01.19blitzragehypa7ia, too bad
06:01.26blitzragehypa7ia, I'm in the middle of stipping
06:01.46file[laptop]br00ksh1r3: I'm gonna get you!
06:01.56twisted[digium]hey wunderkin
06:01.59twisted[digium]you still around?
06:02.09wunderkintwisted: yeah.. ouch
06:02.15twisted[digium]wunderkin i didn't punch you
06:02.17*** join/#asterisk shmooz (
06:02.20file[laptop]hey br its junky whats up]
06:02.24twisted[digium]wunderkin, what would you suggest the new name be if i can't use fakefifo? :P
06:02.28wunderkini dunno
06:02.47twisted[digium]i was thinking something like autofill
06:02.53blitzrageI've had too much to drink me thinks
06:03.21file[laptop]4 redbulls in 1 day for blitzrage !!!!
06:03.25wunderkini think it  should just work that way
06:03.27file[laptop]thats a record.
06:03.30blitzragewith vodka
06:03.31twisted[digium]wunderkin me too
06:03.36Math`vodka redbull rocks
06:03.39hypa7iairc + drunk people = funny
06:03.40twisted[digium]wunderkin but, we need to still support the old method
06:03.45blitzrageI'm surprised I haven't messed up[ my typing tha tmuch
06:03.47mog_homedrunkholism is bad
06:03.56blitzragemog_home, yah right
06:04.01file[laptop]party will move at aria soon
06:04.02blitzragehypa7ia, agreed
06:04.04br00ksh1r3mog_home: z0mg bring your makers mark here
06:04.09blitzragearia y0
06:04.11Math`file[laptop]: ur in mtl too?
06:04.14mog_homeits on the shelf
06:04.17mog_homeyou want it
06:04.19twisted[digium]blitzrage, word!
06:04.19mog_homecome get it
06:04.24file[laptop]at junkys appat
06:04.26twisted[digium]br00ksh1r3 you suck
06:04.27hypa7iayou gotta watch out for the digium guys tho, going to troll in #fedora when drunk :p
06:04.31file[laptop]actually its junky
06:04.31twisted[digium]br00ksh1r3 beat match :P
06:04.50br00ksh1r3WE SO DO!
06:04.59mog_hometrolling is fun
06:05.03twisted[digium]hypa7ia word.
06:05.10twisted[digium]wunderkin, so no ideas/
06:05.13hypa7iatrolling is endlessly entertaining
06:05.22wunderkintwisted: not really, i was thinking about it earlier too
06:05.26twisted[digium]hypa7ia, your mom is endlessly entertaining
06:05.56hypa7iahehe watch it twisted[digium], next time you come up here she'll hold you in contempt of court or something :p
06:06.06twisted[digium]hypa7ia, haha... :P
06:06.21FuriousGeorgelets say i wanted to park calls based on the CID of the user parking
06:06.22twisted[digium]emdub nice.. you'll give someone $5 to break the law.
06:06.43FuriousGeorgethe global var only refers to the calling party right?
06:06.50emdubi have cco account, i was more talking about having an image in existance :)
06:06.58twisted[digium]emdub ooooooh
06:07.01twisted[digium]emdub my mistake.
06:07.03Qwelltwisted[digium]: and perform a mini miracle
06:07.28file[laptop]blitzrage needs a chick
06:07.42konfuzedhey is amd 600 w via chips set good enough to run asterisk with 2 x100p cards
06:07.49file[laptop]blitzrage: eBay!
06:07.51blitzrageis anything?
06:08.08file[laptop]good idea
06:08.17hypa7iai bet there are realdolls on ebay o_0
06:08.25file[laptop]hypa7ia: previously used? eep!
06:08.25blitzrageno dolls for me
06:08.31blitzragehypa7ia, evil
06:08.57file[laptop]blitzrage: in a drunken state... DO IT!
06:09.04hypa7iafuck, the coursebook for my data structures course gets 2/5 stars on amazon :(
06:09.04mog_homeman everyone is at the office
06:09.08mog_homei left too soon....
06:09.11blitzragefile[laptop], I dare you to call from my cell
06:09.19blitzragemog_home, yep -- you did
06:09.28file[laptop]blitzrage: I'll do it!!!
06:09.32file[laptop]oh god
06:09.33file[laptop]here we go
06:10.01konfuzedso is the amd600 as low as ya go with asterisk and x100p or
06:10.09wunderkindo we want to know what kind of action?
06:10.12konfuzedcan that handle like a lan for 100
06:10.15blitzragepeople use X100P still?
06:10.25GXTiclones, sure
06:10.45GXTithey're $10 a piece and get the job done
06:10.51GXTiassuming you don't want CID or anything
06:11.04blitzrageManxPower, y0!
06:11.11ManxPowerHiya, blitzrage
06:11.17blitzrageManxPower, wuz up?
06:11.37ManxPowerblitzrage, The usual life drama
06:11.55ManxPowerI now own a car
06:12.03*** join/#asterisk ComputerWarm (
06:12.05ComputerWarmHello all is there anyway to go through a load a different files in a directory, and change with in the file test to wtest with out having to go through each file one by one?
06:12.13ManxPowerA 2002 Saturn SL1
06:12.26ManxPowerWhich refuses to start 3 days after I get it.
06:12.30ManxPoweryou know, life drama
06:12.38Math`ComputerWarm: like... with "mv" ?
06:12.44ComputerWarmi know this isn`t really a asterisk question but i figured someone would know
06:12.57ComputerWarmMath` i need to change stuff with in the file... not the filename
06:13.04FuriousGeorgehey ManxPower you remember i was talking about parking a call based on the parker's extn, and you made some suggestions
06:13.07Math`make a bash script
06:13.48FuriousGeorgeone of which was to use $CALLERID
06:13.54wunderkinComputerWarm: sed?
06:14.03ComputerWarmwunderkin sed will do it?
06:14.12wunderkinyou want to change a word to something else?
06:14.16FuriousGeorgeisnt that gonna always be the outside parties cid
06:14.21FuriousGeorgenot the parkers
06:14.25ComputerWarmwunderkin just a word
06:14.29file[laptop]I run away from NO dares! er wait yeah I do
06:14.34wunderkins/test/wtest/g ?
06:14.38ComputerWarmbut there is like 15 files i need to change this word in
06:14.59ComputerWarmwunderkin ok thanks i will try that
06:15.29Math`for a in "file1 file2 file3 file4"; do cat $a  |sed ..... > $a.2; mv $a.2 $a; done;
06:15.37file[laptop]br00ksh1r3: that's great
06:15.45br00ksh1r3hke left in a drunkrage
06:16.11ComputerWarmthanks Math` i will try that
06:16.42file[laptop]oh no, the redbull!
06:16.49br00ksh1r3it's in my tummy
06:16.59file[laptop]we're having fun on undernet :D
06:17.08twisted[digium]hey wunderkin, after i get the patch updated and the new revision uploaded, you wanna test it?
06:17.22*** join/#asterisk YoMama (
06:17.22twisted[digium]it should be exactly the same, minus a few code optomizations
06:18.03file[laptop]twisted[digium]: I... see... you...
06:18.08twisted[digium]file[laptop] you lie.
06:18.22twisted[digium]you see Cresl1n and br00ksh1r3
06:18.24dos000asterisk is not detecting my postgresql-dev libs so no cdr_pgsql is created for me ... anyone help ...
06:18.33twisted[digium]NOW you do
06:18.35twisted[digium]you didnt' before
06:18.38file[laptop]I see you, and your smugness!
06:18.47wunderkintwisted: ok
06:18.53twisted[digium]i'm not smug, i'm watching my code compile
06:18.53twisted[digium]wunderkin thanks ;)
06:18.59file[laptop]sounds exciting
06:19.08twisted[digium]it's amost as exciting as watching paint dry
06:19.08file[laptop]is it... crashing?
06:19.12twisted[digium]but only slightly more.
06:19.13twisted[digium]file[laptop] no
06:19.19dos000thi is on debian sarge ... for some @!$## reason make is not detecting the libs
06:19.23file[laptop]you should make gcc segfault!!!
06:19.27wunderkinholy crapola, low in phoenix 46.. almost freezing!
06:19.29twisted[digium]file[laptop] hahaha... no
06:19.44twisted[digium]file[laptop], wanna see something scary?
06:19.51file[laptop]I'm already looking at you
06:19.59twisted[digium]file[laptop], look at my hair.
06:19.59Corydon76-hometwisted[digium]: you're going in drag?
06:20.06twisted[digium]i have somenow
06:20.21file[laptop]twisted[digium]: when did you get hair?
06:20.27twisted[digium]file[laptop] when i grew it.
06:20.28file[laptop]it violates laws...
06:20.35file[laptop]you disappointed Junky!
06:20.38file[laptop]'tsk 'tsk
06:20.39hypa7iatwisted in drag would be incredibly amusing
06:20.44twisted[digium]hypa7ia do it to me
06:20.51Corydon76-homeYes, it would
06:20.59hypa7iatwisted[digium]: i don't have any dresses that would fit you :(
06:21.09twisted[digium]hypa7ia who said it had to be a dress? ;)
06:21.30hypa7iai am disturbed and i dont even know what you mean by that o_0
06:21.59file[laptop]just, like, yeah... lol
06:22.09file[laptop]twisted[digium]: cheater
06:22.13file[laptop]twisted[digium]: :P
06:22.20twisted[digium]file[laptop]: how so?
06:22.20Corydon76-homeJust the duct tape alone would be fascinating...
06:22.32twisted[digium]i still see you with my eye
06:22.33file[laptop]hypa7ia: did Russell get lucky in Anaheim?
06:22.46hypa7iafile[laptop]: there were 5 women at the con
06:22.49file[laptop](blitzrage is asking)
06:23.00twisted[digium]that's actually a good question
06:23.09twisted[digium]seeing the turn of events
06:23.10file[laptop]twisted[digium]: initiate research mode!
06:23.24twisted[digium]file[laptop] eye eye batman
06:23.44twisted[digium]chan_zap blew up
06:23.44file[laptop]but don't skirt the question
06:24.17file[laptop]are you 1337?
06:24.32twisted[digium]file[laptop] yes.
06:24.57Corydon76-homefile[laptop]: look at that URL yet?
06:25.10file[laptop]Corydon76-home: yes but it just redirected to a blank image :P
06:25.52file[laptop]hypa7ia: what, no answer?
06:25.57file[laptop]Corydon76-home: ...uh huh
06:26.32file[laptop]hypa7ia: good for drumkilla :)
06:26.40Corydon76-homefile[laptop]: totally obscene, isn't it?
06:26.45hypa7iaoh what we're still talking about that?
06:27.10file[laptop]Leif Madsen says: LOL!  good for you BOTH :)
06:27.16Corydon76-homeIsn't that the sweat between Dolly Parton's tits?
06:27.42file[laptop]Mountain Dew sounds "kinky"
06:28.02Corydon76-homeIt's only kinky the first time...
06:28.20hypa7iait doesn't have caffeine in it in canada :(
06:28.38hypa7iai know!
06:28.41Corydon76-homepretty pretty blue eyes
06:28.44hypa7iait's tragic.
06:28.46file[laptop]you do not :)
06:29.02twisted[digium]hypa7ia READBULL
06:29.35Corydon76-homeWhat's the point of drinking Mtn Dew if it doesn't have caffeine?
06:29.45hypa7iaCorydon76-home: there really isn't any
06:29.57Corydon76-homealthough I do tend to prefer LiveWire, nowadays...
06:30.13twisted[digium]livewire is good
06:30.18twisted[digium]but redbull is the bestest
06:30.35Corydon76-hometwisted[digium]: only when mixed with vodka
06:30.41twisted[digium]no way
06:30.44twisted[digium]it's good all the time
06:30.54hypa7iai'll try and bring scary vietnamese original red bull next time i go to the states
06:31.00twisted[digium]hypa7ia yes!!!!!!
06:31.04twisted[digium]hypa7ia i love you long time11!
06:31.05file[laptop]Corydon76-home: hells yah
06:31.15file[laptop]twisted[digium]: LOL
06:31.24br00ksh1r3YOU BEEN HERE FOOR HOUR!
06:31.27file[laptop]funny shit
06:31.31br00ksh1r3YOU GO HOME NOW!
06:31.34Corydon76-homeCaffeine and alcohol... they were meant to be taken together...
06:31.39twisted[digium]brookshire ... eat me.
06:31.49Qwellat the same time perhaps...not together though
06:31.52Corydon76-hometwisted[digium]: Okay... ;-)
06:32.00QwellI don't see you pouring alcohol in your coffee...
06:32.21Corydon76-homeQwell: Bailey's in coffee?  Yummmmmmmmmm
06:32.45hypa7ia  <-- scary original red bull
06:33.31file[laptop]I see Leif passing before my eyes!
06:33.35twisted[digium]Corydon76-home no, and, try starbucks liqour
06:33.38twisted[digium]it's GOOOOOD
06:33.40Corydon76-hometwisted[digium]: I need to bring my DVDs to show you in LV...
06:33.42twisted[digium]file[laptop], passing gass?
06:33.52twisted[digium]Corydon76-home dvd's of what?
06:34.03Corydon76-hometwisted[digium]: interesting movies... ;-)
06:34.04QwellYou don't want to ask.
06:34.27Corydon76-homeYaoi, among other things...
06:35.06file[laptop]we've rethought our plan
06:35.14file[laptop]we're all to lazy/blahish to go to the after-hours club
06:35.17file[laptop]we're getting drunk
06:35.33wunderkintwisted: upload the updated patch to the bug and ill test it, i have the bug monitored.. im headin out :D
06:35.56marcus2i have a sip client that is set up with nat=1 in sip.conf, and has nat enabled on the peer... but it still shows up as "Nat N" in "sip show peers". what gives.
06:36.01Corydon76-homeHmmmm, file and blitzrage, together, getting drunk.... that's sounds like a recipe...
06:37.16file[laptop]in a perfect world...
06:37.18Corydon76-homeOr am I too late on that?  ;-)
06:37.42Corydon76-homeIs that why only one of you can type at any one time?  ;-)
06:38.28file[laptop]he's gone to get more stuff
06:38.47Corydon76-homeSomeone got himself a handfull... ;-)
06:39.38file[laptop]'fraid not
06:39.41file[laptop]cheeky bastard :P
06:40.00Corydon76-homeOh, well... just get him a little more drunk... ;-)
06:40.45file[laptop]JunK-Y: meh
06:40.50Corydon76-homeAnyway, I'm going to bed...
06:40.50file[laptop]JunK-Y: I'm not feeling too hot
06:41.00JunK-Ysee ya Corydon76-home
06:41.08Corydon76-homefile[laptop]: drink some water...
06:41.18JunK-YCorydon76-home: he actually already drunk meaghers.
06:41.18Corydon76-homeand take an antacid...
06:41.22file[laptop]JunK-Y: if you guys go out I'll probably stay here and make sure I didn't miss anything crucial today for work
06:41.40JunK-Ygo take care of bb!
06:42.40file[laptop]he's trying to convince me
06:42.56hypa7iaPEER PRESSURE
06:42.56*** join/#asterisk YoMama (
06:43.05JunK-Ywho's he????
06:43.07Corydon76-homeThe ultimate seduction
06:43.13JunK-Ycome meet old chicks!
06:43.14YoMamaok...i'll have to say that installing a new kernel is pure hell
06:43.17JunK-Ythat will be funny!
06:43.37JunK-Yhey bliz is eating all my lays!
06:43.37YoMamaspeaking of meeting chicks...asterisk would make a good platform for running a phone sex service
06:43.42JunK-Yand drinking all my vodka!
06:43.51hypa7iaYoMama: there was someone at astricon who does that with it
06:43.55hypa7iano jokes
06:44.02JunK-YYoMama: u gonna make the voice at the end?
06:44.10file[laptop]JunK-Y is into the phone sex service with Asterisk
06:44.13file[laptop]he calls all day and all night
06:44.18file[laptop]for "testing"
06:44.28hypa7iawriting scripts for allison to say :p
06:44.44file[laptop]hypa7ia: she'll say anything :P well, almost
06:44.46JunK-Yand gone cruising some chicks in the 50s
06:45.34YoMamajunk-y: actually..i know a girl who does that for a living..she can do all the voices
06:45.47hypa7iaJunK-Y: cougars!
06:46.20twisted[digium]oh well
06:46.22twisted[digium]wunderkin left
06:46.26twisted[digium]i just updated the patch
06:46.30marcus2man, this is f'in annoying
06:46.47marcus2i have two different * boxes, each running 1.0.9
06:46.58marcus2my sip client works behind nat wiht one of them, but not the other
06:47.55twisted[digium]i want to run a phone sex op with my asterisk box.
06:48.03YoMamatwisted: do it
06:48.23denontwisted: oh yeah .. THAT hasn't been done..
06:48.57JunK-YYoMama: ur mom>?
06:49.27YoMamajunk-y: she retired a few years ago
06:50.05marcus2oh, hm
06:50.20JunK-Ywho cares? we all love ur mom!@
06:54.02*** join/#asterisk bassig (
06:56.55FuriousGeorgelets say one twisted pair in a cat5 is for a phone (doorphone, actually), and another goes to the a doorstrike with 10VAC to unlock the door.  thats no problem, right?
06:57.09br00ksh1r3hey mommy
06:59.59ComputerWarmanyone know who the creator of ARESKICC is ?
07:00.28QwellI bet google does..
07:00.49QwellFuriousGeorge: it could be
07:00.59ComputerWarmoh it does... i was just hoping the person was here
07:01.14marcus2hmm, figured it out
07:01.22marcus2i've gotta say, i'm a little underwhelmed with asterisk@home
07:01.36QwellWho was the guy in here that worked for Sun?
07:01.59coppiceMr Moon? :-)
07:02.11file[laptop]that was Junky, in a drunken state
07:02.45Qwellahh, TommyTheKid
07:04.18file[laptop]they left to go to a really cheap bar that closes in an hour
07:05.17Qwellreally cheap there any other kind?
07:05.26marcus2hell yes
07:05.31*** join/#asterisk grimse (
07:06.06file[laptop]I just wanna sleep, sadly enough
07:11.20*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (
07:14.05*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
07:19.01*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
07:20.51jebbahypa7ia, Math`   wooohooo.  New kernel + ztummy + vserver + meetme == working  :)  thanks
07:26.14*** join/#asterisk ST-3 (
07:28.48jebbahypa7ia, i do have some issues though.  Sometimes when i call in, audio doesn't play. I restart the server and it works. Or it'll work if I call in with a softphone, but not a landline or vice-versa. i don't get that...
07:30.11hypa7iathe calling-in-no-audio problem could relate to your connection... are you natted at either end?
07:30.41hypa7iayou kinda need to be more specific about the circumstances under which it's not working
07:32.34jebbahypa7ia, ya I understand re: details... It's just such a massive dump.  The server itself is nat'd. But it /is/ generally working.
07:33.15jebbaFor instance, I just got meetme going. So I change:  exten => s,2,MeetMe(1)
07:34.22YoMamaanyone here know what wcusb does?
07:47.45*** join/#asterisk riksta (n=rick@
07:47.54*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
07:52.31*** join/#asterisk SoHaN (i=MaXiMuS@
07:54.04Peggerany one here cisco phone?
08:02.47*** join/#asterisk vexorg (
08:03.19digimewhat is this whole "flame war" on asterisk biz
08:04.23YoMamaif i have a username/password for a sip do i set up asterisk to use it?
08:04.41YoMamaso i can make outbound calls
08:04.41mog_homewhat flamewar?
08:07.01*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
08:12.33*** join/#asterisk xtr (
08:19.57*** join/#asterisk power1 (
08:21.43power1hey all,  when using /usr/src/zaptel/ztmonitor 1 -vv and there are no incoming or outgoing calls in progress i see a value of around "130" for the RX, is this normal or should the RX=0 just like the TX does?
08:25.13konfuzedhhhmmmm   what distro to try out for asterisk
08:25.38konfuzedwhat distro is asterisk mostly developed on
08:25.44konfuzedi understand some use suse
08:25.47konfuzedand some use debian
08:27.25mog_homeredhat is what mark actually develops on but asterisk is nutral
08:27.54konfuzedi thought it was rather nuetral
08:28.28power1any1 shed some light on my above question?
08:28.28konfuzedhhmm im considerin kubuntu
08:28.34konfuzedcause uh debian
08:28.52konfuzedand want to have kubuntu on hand
08:28.56konfuzedi dunno
08:29.08konfuzedI was thinking to run it with no video card
08:29.44konfuzedput jabber on it too
08:30.53mog_homemmm jabber
08:31.10YoMamakofuzed: do u use a sip provider?
08:31.13YoMamadoes anyone?
08:32.15YoMamamog_home: so u use nufone?
08:32.54YoMamatheir offices are located near me actually
08:33.33mog_homei dont use any one
08:33.38mog_homebut i hear good things
08:46.10*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
08:47.19pooh_Any RealTime user around ?
08:48.33YoMamason of a beeeyotch...anyone using a sip outbound provider?
08:49.03infinity1any idea why i hear hold music when i dial and not the phone ringing?
08:49.06ComputerWarmYoMama i am not at the moment but i was
08:49.40YoMamacomputerwarm: sip.conf..i set up a peer...right?
08:50.38YoMamasecret is the pw, usernamd and fromuser are the username, host is the host of the provider...and port is the port they do SIP signaling on?
08:51.17ComputerWarmyes normally the port doesn`t get added it normaling users the standard port
08:51.26ComputerWarmnormaly even
08:51.28konfuzedis asus motherboard via chipset on board sound going to be alsa compatible??
08:51.51ComputerWarmkonfuzed sorry i am not sure ask in your disro`s channel?
08:51.55YoMamaand then in extensions.conf...i do exten => _91NXXNXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}
08:52.20ComputerWarmI would do it like this exten => _91NXXNXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1},30,r)
08:53.24ComputerWarmwith some providers i have had to set 90 all depends on the ms between you and them
08:54.07YoMamahmm...well, i'm trying to use a provider that doesn't support asterisk :)
08:54.15YoMamabut i know it should work becuase i got x-lite working with it
08:54.18ComputerWarmnot a big deal
08:54.34ComputerWarmi was doing it all the time.
08:55.27*** join/#asterisk Gothix (
08:56.18ComputerWarmYoMama try this exten => _91NXXNXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1},30,r)
08:57.21YoMamawhat if they don't use 5060 for signaling?
08:58.08ComputerWarmmost do you might be able to do exten => _91NXXNXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1},30,r) but i am not totally sure
08:58.42ComputerWarminfinity1 is your phone registering in?
08:58.57ComputerWarminfinity1 i mean the number you are calling
08:59.19YoMamacomputerwarm: lemme try that..thanx
08:59.32ComputerWarmYoMama np let me know would ya...
08:59.45infinity1ComputerWarm: hm. i'm calling an pstn line
09:00.02infinity1ComputerWarm: i can make the call, but i don't get a ring. just hold music.
09:00.22ComputerWarmok calling from a device attached to asterisk out to a pstn. or in from the pstn?
09:00.42ComputerWarminfinity1 show me your exten line would ya
09:00.55infinity1sip phone (polycom) -> asterisk -> voip provider (iax) -> pstn
09:01.29ComputerWarmand when you have music disabled does the other end ring?
09:02.24infinity1music diabled? hmm even sure how to do that
09:02.47ComputerWarminfinity1 show me the exten from the extension.conf please
09:03.20infinity1hmmm ..its some complex macro mess. let me find it.
09:03.34ComputerWarmall i need to see is the dial line
09:05.22*** join/#asterisk wolfson` (n=ggggg@
09:05.23infinity1add a timeout
09:05.41ComputerWarmya well iirc default Asterisk will auto time out.
09:05.51ComputerWarmits a issue i had with the older version of asterisk
09:06.27infinity1added the 30. same result.
09:06.42infinity1i'm running beta
09:06.51ComputerWarmdo this Dial(${IAXCO1}/1${areacode}${number},30,r)
09:07.09ComputerWarmhave you had any calls passed with this provider?
09:07.35infinity1heh. nope.
09:08.03ComputerWarmare you getting any error  in the cli?
09:08.05infinity1hmm ..well, when beta2 came out, i installed it on a server at the datacenter and moved a phone to it
09:08.29ComputerWarmok so this your own pstn?
09:08.32infinity1the phone was working and ringing with beta1 on the local server. doeasn't ring on the new server
09:08.57infinity1its all voip until the provider cuts it to pstn. the datacenter doesn't have pstn lines.
09:09.24ComputerWarmoh ok now i am getting the idea. are you using iax or iax2?
09:09.32YoMamaah ha!  got it working!
09:09.41ComputerWarmYoMama explain :-)
09:09.46infinity1ComputerWarm: astererisk -> voipjet  = iax2
09:10.06YoMamacomputerwarm: the port needs to be in the dial statement
09:10.14infinity1ComputerWarm: actually. i'm not sure if its iax or iax2 ..heh
09:10.42YoMamacomputerwarm: what's the cheapest unlimited outbound per month you've found?
09:10.57ComputerWarmYoMama to where?
09:11.11YoMamacomputerwarm: us/canada
09:11.19ComputerWarminfinity1 hrmz sorry i haven`t used beta 2 yet... so i am not sure if it is a issue with the provider or yourself
09:11.23andydis there anyone here using FWD that would not mind me placing a test call to them ?
09:11.53ComputerWarmYoMama keep in mind i deal with wholesale minutes... the cheapest i have seen for usa is .0067  and canada 0.0035
09:12.12YoMamacomputerwarm: what about places that do unlimited?
09:12.27infinity1ComputerWarm: i think it is the phone
09:12.31ComputerWarmhrmz don`t normally deal with that
09:12.33YoMamacomputerwarm: to end users
09:12.44ComputerWarminfinity1 do you have a sound card setup on that systen
09:12.51infinity1ComputerWarm: no.
09:13.03YoMama0.67 cents/minute?
09:13.06ComputerWarmYoMama i personally don`t deal with end users... but 15 a month is one i seen
09:13.16infinity1ComputerWarm: the phone use to connect to a local server and now its going lan -> router/nat -> internet -> asterisk
09:14.34ComputerWarmis asterisk behind a nat?
09:15.29infinity1just the phone
09:15.53ComputerWarmok in asterisk... the sip config did you set under the user nat=yes?
09:15.57infinity1when i dial with eyebeam the softphone client rings
09:16.13infinity1yes. nat=yes
09:16.37konfuzedttooooooo much debian stuff
09:17.02infinity1konfuzed: debian rulez
09:17.24ComputerWarmdebian = evil
09:17.43infinity1how is debian evil?
09:18.00ComputerWarmlol i just dislike it... but thats me
09:18.01denondebian's just fine.
09:18.18denonthere are hundreds of * boxes running on debian
09:18.23infinity1i love debian. i started using it about 6 years ago and haven't use anything else since
09:19.19ComputerWarminfinity1 i really can`t think of any reason it wouldn`t be working. can you get the tech at voipject to do a trace on you?
09:19.32infinity1i'm using the beta2 debian packages if that helps solve my ringing problem :)
09:20.03infinity1ComputerWarm: trace? what kind of trace? sip debg or tcpdump
09:20.09ComputerWarminfinity1 like i said before i knew the operating system lol i haven`t used beta yet
09:20.17ComputerWarmsip debug
09:21.00infinity1er ..the connection from * to voipjet is iax
09:21.04infinity1iax debug? heh
09:21.27ComputerWarmno iax2 debug :-p
09:23.05infinity1it seems like i would have to use the dial application with an "m" parameter to get the effect i'm experiencing.
09:24.30ComputerWarmso its working now?
09:24.37infinity1how fucking annoying.
09:24.47ComputerWarmoh lol their goes hoping lol
09:25.04ComputerWarmsorry I really am not sure maybe hang out till someone with more knowledge comes in
09:25.27infinity1why would it work properly with an softphone client and not with a hardphone?
09:25.47ComputerWarmit should work the same.. i would think
09:26.04ComputerWarminfinity1 why couldn`t you have a easy problem like YoMama lol
09:27.24ComputerWarminfinity1 i have to run for now but if you are still having the problem when i return i will see whatelse i can think of
09:27.52infinity1thanks for trying!
09:28.06ComputerWarmanytime.. sorry i wasn`t any help.... Gone
09:28.06infinity1it'll probably come to us in our dreams or while laying in bed
09:28.49FuriousGeorgewhere can i get one of those phones with the extra dtmf buttons?  and could i use it w/ asterisk
09:29.15infinity1whats a dtmf button
09:29.23jbotDTMF: Dual Tone Multi-Frequency. The technical term describing Touch Tone dialing. Basically the combining of two tones, one low frequency and one high frequency.
09:29.45FuriousGeorgei.e the noise u hear when you hit 0-9 * or #
09:30.05FuriousGeorgebut there are 3 or 4 more
09:30.12FuriousGeorgea b c d i think
09:30.17infinity1FuriousGeorge: you want to configure it with a button on the phone istead of in the phone setup/config?
09:30.57FuriousGeorgeim wondering if those extra buttons can currently be taken advantage of in the dialplan
09:31.32FuriousGeorgecan make them an x-fer button
09:31.36FuriousGeorgepark button
09:31.52FuriousGeorgevoicemail button
09:31.57FuriousGeorgednd toggle
09:32.00infinity1sip phone or pots phone?
09:32.11FuriousGeorgemilitary uses em
09:32.24FuriousGeorgeill search military phone
09:32.41infinity1hm. can't you configure * or recognize speed dial type actions to do all those functions?
09:33.22FuriousGeorgei could
09:33.30FuriousGeorgebut it would be cool to have those buttons
09:33.31infinity1but yer saying the phone has a park button already?
09:33.40FuriousGeorgeit doesnt have a park button
09:33.41YoMamaanyone ever use a S100U?
09:34.02FuriousGeorgebut i can make it have one
09:34.10infinity1i think asterisk has a default set of actions for pots phones. i know # is xfer, but don't know the others.
09:35.06FuriousGeorgei want to take a lable and make the A button xfer, on the phone and in my dialplan
09:35.27*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
09:35.57YoMamamog: ever use a S100U?
09:36.08infinity1FuriousGeorge: does the phone's A button have progammable dtmf tones?
09:36.37*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
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09:41.16FuriousGeorgeinfinity1: u misunderstand.  these buttons and these phones and these dtmf tones are standard and exist
09:41.26FuriousGeorgemostly used by military
09:41.40FuriousGeorgethere already is a dtmf tone that corresponds to A
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09:44.34FuriousGeorgedenon: you know where one can get phones with the extra dtmf buttons
09:48.13GothixI want to know about web interface support for config's.  kind of like a v-box from netsapiens?
09:48.32Gothixif i could get help with that, i would be very greatful
09:48.48pooh_FuriousGeorge: look at the Snom 360 phones ( with the extended keypads
09:50.20FuriousGeorgepooh_: the point is for it to be cheap like a pots phone and expensive like an ip phone :)
09:50.54pooh_FuriousGeorge: you wish ;-)
09:51.13Gothixi guess, i want to know if there is any kind of support for a web interface ( i.e. php & mysql ) in Asterisk..
09:51.20pooh_FuriousGeorge: that should be 'free programmable keys'  I guess
09:51.34pooh_Gothix: mysql is supported
09:52.08FuriousGeorgepooh_: i dont even know that * can understand the dtmf, tbh
09:52.17Gothixnice, thanks pooh
09:52.17FuriousGeorgebut it /is/ a standard that exits
09:54.03FuriousGeorgebut those phones are cool
09:54.17FuriousGeorgei dont see how 12 extra buttons costs 145, but cool
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10:21.17zoahey ho
10:22.14*** join/#asterisk zoa (
10:22.21zoa2nd hello
10:23.40pooh_I there a equivalant of lynx in the default DOS shell?
10:24.00*** join/#asterisk The_Ball (
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10:28.20optimashi has anyone got ast capi working on centos 4.2
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10:50.12*** join/#asterisk Gourou_fou (
10:51.03pooh_optimas: yes
10:52.59Gourou_fouy'a du monde qui parle francais ici ?
10:57.32Gourou_fousalut zoa :)
10:59.53pooh_whaaaaaaaaaa fsck^*%)( realtime load does not exists at all!!!!
11:00.22pooh_they speak of it in the help, but looking at the source the whole routine is NOT included!!! man......
11:03.51pooh_at least not as an app
11:04.15*** join/#asterisk BladeRunner05 (
11:05.03Gourou_fouhow can i verify that my asterisk is really registered on FWD on startup ?
11:05.09Gourou_fou(sorry for my english, i'm french...)
11:05.35Gourou_fouwhen the registered failled, i've a message in console...
11:05.43pooh_RealTime has 'Realtime update', 'Realtime Load' and 'RealTime' but as an app, only 'RealTimeUpdate' and RealTime'  exist, NOOOOOOO 'RealTimeLoad'  :-(
11:06.06pooh_Gourou_fou: iax2 show registry
11:06.21Gourou_fouthanks !! :)
11:06.30pooh_now help meeeeeeeeeee :-)
11:06.37Gourou_fou*CLI> iax2 show registry
11:06.37Gourou_fouHost                  Username    Perceived             Refresh  State
11:06.44Gourou_foui'm not registered :)
11:06.55pooh_seems so
11:07.11pooh_you DID register as an IAX2 peer? otherwise try sip show registry
11:09.42Gourou_founothing else with sip
11:10.17pooh_then you are not registered
11:10.22Gourou_fouerffff , i've commented the conf in iax.conf
11:10.35Gourou_fou; ...
11:10.45pooh_fou est fou
11:11.09Gourou_fou*CLI>     -- Registered IAX2 to '', who sees us as
11:13.37Gourou_fouthe call test of FWD is ok
11:14.23Gourou_fou(the joy of beginner)
11:15.11*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
11:15.56saftsacki wanna have a telephone that calls a number which is clicked in my browser form me
11:15.58saftsackis that possible?
11:16.24pooh_saftsack: again please ?
11:17.12saftsacki have a pc and i have a telephone beside my pc. now i want to have a call.
11:17.26saftsackis there a function, that i click a number on my browser
11:17.51Gourou_fouall is possible :)
11:18.05Gourou_fou(but i can't say how to make this ...)
11:18.09Gourou_fou(i'm begin)
11:18.09saftsackand i can then take-off the hearer and telephone?
11:18.45saftsackpooh_, did you get me?
11:21.13saftsackthank you :)
11:21.49saftsackbut i need a special telephone to use this script or?
11:22.14Gourou_fouwhat is yout telephone ?
11:22.24saftsackisdn telephone
11:23.39saftsacki havent asterisk yet. i have a isdn tk here in my house and now i wanna begin with asterisk
11:24.21syledepends how far you want to go with it
11:25.08Gourou_fouwhat is the catch type of isdn phone ?
11:25.18Gourou_fourj11 ?
11:25.26saftsacki want to telephone from any isdn or analog telephone here over isdn or over voip depends on the number i called. furthermore i want to use click to call on my computer
11:26.23saftsackGourou_fou, dont know. but on the telephone is written euroset. the plug looks like a thin rj45 one
11:26.24*** join/#asterisk bartpbx (
11:26.33Gourou_founo problem for that, but the question is: it is possible to connect an isdn phone directly on asterisk server ?
11:26.52saftsackGourou_fou, there are cards arent there?
11:27.04Gourou_foubut an isdn phone is not an ip phone
11:27.13bartpbxIs there a way to handle a failure of a remote agi script?
11:27.15Gourou_fouthere is fxo cards for analogics phones
11:27.35Gourou_fouan the networks for ip phone
11:27.53Gourou_foubut for isdn i don't know
11:28.07*** join/#asterisk loick (
11:28.55saftsackGourou_fou, so if i have a fxo card and an analog telephone behind, can i to a click to call?
11:29.04Gourou_fouyes but it is for isdn LINE, not isdn phone
11:29.22Gourou_foufxo != fxs, it's the same thing
11:29.25bartpbxI use DeadAGI to lunch a remote script DeadAG(agi://server) I would like to add a fallback if this server is not availible
11:29.37Gourou_fouyes !
11:29.46bartpbxbut +101 is not working and also the next priority is not uses
11:29.49[[zoa]]Gourou_fou: it is possible
11:29.53[[zoa]]you need an NT card
11:30.15saftsackGourou_fou, yes i know that it is an isdn line. but i can connect many isdn phones on this isdn line or a tk?
11:30.17Gourou_foubut the price of fxo card + analog phone ... buy directly an ip phone :)
11:30.45Gourou_fouthanks zoa, i don't know that :)
11:30.50Gourou_fouet mais tu parle francais toi ?
11:30.52saftsack:) do you know some good voip telephones?
11:31.00saftsackno im german
11:31.07Gourou_fou(for zoa)
11:31.15[[zoa]]moi je parle tout
11:31.20bartpbxhow can i handle the -1 returned by DeadAGI
11:31.26Gourou_foumulti-linguiste :)
11:31.52bartpbxhallo Saftsack
11:32.05bartpbxtake SNOM phnes
11:32.08Gourou_fouj'arrive à lire l'anglais technique mais c'est tout, l'anglais "courant" j'ai du mal, encore que j'essaye de faire des phrases, mais je manque cruellement de vocabulaire :/
11:32.26saftsackok if i have a voip telephone i can telephone i can call into a normal telephone net to if i have an isdn card?
11:32.33saftsackhi bartpbx what is a snom phone?
11:33.05sylewhats so good about isdn
11:33.19Gourou_fouwith an ip phone, you can call into analog line, isdn line (with E1 card), voip line (with internet)
11:33.27saftsackthat i can call normal telephone numbers
11:33.28Gourou_fouanalog line (with fxs card)
11:33.47saftsackthats important for me ;)
11:33.51Gourou_foufor all :)
11:33.55*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
11:34.04syleisdn or PRI line?
11:34.14saftsackwhat is pri?
11:34.25Gourou_foupri and bri are isdn line
11:34.29saftsackive took a look on this site
11:34.41bartpbxanyone can help me with my -1 Problem?
11:34.47pooh_saftsack: takes about a few monts ;-)
11:34.52Gourou_foubut bri is just two line, pri is more (16 lines possible ?)
11:35.06pooh_jbot: ~bri
11:35.13jbotrumour has it, bri is the Basic Rate Interface , an ISDN access interface type composed of two B-channels each at 64 kbps and one D-channel at 16kbps (2B+D).
11:35.17Gourou_fou(say me if i wrong)
11:35.21jbotpri is probably Primary Rate Interface, often called T1 or E1 (European Standard). E1 offers 30 ISDN B-Channels a 64kBit/s + 1 D-Channel with 64kBit/s. The T1 has 23 B-Channels + 1 D-Channel. Cards to use with *: T100P, E100P, TE410P, etc.
11:35.21sylehmmm i;m trying to think how long i been doing this now, and i still wouldnt call myself an expert yet
11:35.34syle5 months maybe?
11:36.37sylei think when you hit the 1 year mark you can call yourself an expert
11:37.42syleor a c programmer after 6 months :)
11:38.19bartpbxhello, can noone help me or point me to the solution.
11:39.23syleyou europeans have thanksgiving?
11:39.48pooh_bartpbx: tried catching ${result} in the dialplan after executing the AGI ?
11:39.54pooh_syle: nope
11:40.07pooh_syle: we think it is a silly part
11:40.43sylei think any holiday is a good day :)
11:41.07syleyou have rememberance day?
11:41.52*** join/#asterisk BadKnees (
11:41.59pooh_syle: sorta, may 4th, remembering casualties of world warII but this differs per EU country since WWII did not end at the same time all over the place
11:42.35Gourou_foui reboot, ++
11:42.36bartpbxpooh_, yes, I've tried that. But th execution semed to terminated directly
11:42.53pooh_bartpbx: NoOp(${result})
11:43.07syleis christmas at least dec 25th?
11:43.16bartpbxsoory, yes
11:43.18pooh_syle: christmas???
11:43.19bartpbxdid that
11:43.31pooh_bartpbx: result on the CLI?
11:43.41sylesanta clause
11:43.51pooh_syle: we have 2 christmasdays 25th AND 26th :-) :-)
11:44.05pooh_syle: sanat claus on december 5th :-)
11:44.19sylewhats special about the 5th?
11:44.24pooh_syle: so that's 2 more days off :-)
11:44.37bartpbxNov 12 12:44:12 WARNING[27294]: res_agi.c:200 launch_netscript: Connect to 'agi://' failed: Connection refused
11:44.38sylethats pretty kewl
11:45.01BadKneesHow do i turn jitterbuffer on for some iax2 channels on of for other. Im using trunk when i speak to my asterisk pstn from my main asterisk, and i dont want jitterbuffer when im using trunk. But i want  my other clients who connect to my main asterisk to use jitterbuffer and no trunk. But jitterbuffer is only allowed in the General section.
11:45.46bartpbxseams that DeadAGI causes the Hangup
11:46.18sylebadkness you can put it in any section i beleive
11:46.51syledon;t quote me on that though says only General section. but i havent tried it
11:47.26syleusing jitterbuffer at all is bad
11:47.51sylei;ve had way to many problems with it, everything seems to work best when its off
11:48.28BadKneesJitterbuffer should be a good thing when fighting echo, i think
11:48.29sylei'd fix the network problem not the software to compensate
11:48.56syleummm jitterbuffer is different than echo
11:48.58BadKneesFixing the network is not completly in my hands
11:49.12bartpbxpooh_, any further hint for me?
11:49.28bartpbxthe exec_deadagi in res_agi.c just returnes -1
11:50.02syleyour concerned about jitterbuffer when your concerned about packet loss is easiest way to think about it
11:51.30BadKneesThats no completly true, Jitterbuffer is used when there is difference in the roundtrip of packages
11:51.32sylelet me know how it goes, i;ve made echo problems worst before enabling jitterbuffer, run your own tests, maybe it will work for you
11:51.33BadKneessort of
11:51.44twistedbartpbx, if you read the description for deadagi, it's meant to run agi's on a hung up channel.
11:52.41*** join/#asterisk cjk (
11:52.53bartpbxtwisted, thanks for the hint.
11:53.00cjkhi, is it possible to not cache all realtime peers but only some which i define?
11:53.13bartpbxso deadagi, does never return to the dialplan
11:53.31twistedno, it does, but the return code doesn't matter if the channel isn't up
11:53.41twisteduse AGI
11:54.42bartpbxOk, I'll use a local agi to test this
11:55.08bartpbxand to handle the fallback of the netscript
11:55.13[[zoa]]just a sidenote, twisted does consultancy for these things, you might prefer him to fix it for you :)
11:55.48twisted[[zoa]], heh.. i just happened to be up -- woken up suddenly with loud stereo from upstairs
11:56.03[[zoa]]you lazy bastard :p
11:56.12twistedit's not even 6am on a saturday
11:56.15BadKneesOne more. Isn't the Expire parameter in SIP supposed to make the sip unit to reregister after the timeout?
11:56.42twistedhell, the sun isn't even out yet
11:57.21saftsackdo you know some cheap voip telephones (just for testing around with asterisk)
11:57.22[[zoa]]i need some volunteers to have a look at my new website and provide me with usefull comments
11:58.58sylewhat kind of site
11:59.20BadKneesIm using nat and qualify to fight sip nat problems. And i works fine for all sipura and handytone devices. But the vip-150t dissapears after an hour. And is dosent come online again before someone tries to make a call from it. I thought the expire should fix this, so i would reregister after the Expire Timeout
11:59.32[[zoa]]porn baby, PORN!
12:00.09[[zoa]]haha lol
12:00.14[[zoa]]i sent you the link in a privmsg
12:01.38[[zoa]]yes i did
12:01.41[[zoa]]you little bastard :p
12:01.52[[zoa]]Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( )
12:01.54[[zoa]]ah fuck
12:02.03[[zoa]]Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( )
12:02.07saftsackstun and sip as features is enough for telephoning with asterisk?
12:02.43zoastupid nickserv
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12:09.46pooh_twisted: any RealTime experience ?
12:09.54BadKneesim using realtime
12:10.02*** join/#asterisk demetrio (n=demetrio@
12:10.05BadKneesworks like a charm
12:10.11pooh_BadKnees: ok, hve a couple of questions
12:10.22pooh_BadKnees: RealTime works here too
12:10.23syletwisted: what you been doing all night lol
12:10.35pooh_But, I see different register outputs
12:10.42demetrioDoes anyone here know how call hold works on grandstream 386 ATAs?
12:11.07zoai dont think call hold every worked on a grandstream
12:11.19pooh_(22:07:16) pooh_: I see different resut when using Realtime e.g.:
12:11.19pooh_(22:07:16) pooh_: (17:42:21) pooh_:  res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Update SQL: UPDATE sip_accounts SET ipaddr = '', port = '5060', regseconds = '1131531041', username = '9011', fullcontact = 'sip:9011@' WHERE name = '9011'
12:11.19pooh_(22:07:16) pooh_: (17:42:21) pooh_: res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Update SQL: UPDATE SIP_accounts SET ipaddr = '', port = '5060', regseconds = '1131563860', username = '9011' WHERE name = '9011'
12:11.23*** join/#asterisk grimse (
12:11.34demetriowow, so I'm not the only one who has trouble with it
12:11.56demetrioI managed to understand how it works
12:12.28BadKneeshmm, im using odbc
12:12.34pooh_BadKnees: why is it that in the first line 'fullcontact'  is used
12:12.50BadKneesI must say i dond know
12:12.54BadKneesI must say i dont know
12:13.26pooh_BadKnees: k, how about reading stuff from you db, what do you use, RealTime and get all record details for there is no RealTimeLoad
12:13.26BadKneescheck the code. Two different scenarios, maybe
12:13.32demetriowhen a phone connected to the ATA puts a call on hold and the switches back, the other end won't be able to hear anything. BUT if the ATA phone is hung up, it will spontaneusly ring (without telling anything to asterisk) and connect back to the same line, everything working perfectly then.
12:13.42syleI would assume its storing the mapping for the NAT port
12:13.57demetriois there any way to make it behave less horribly?
12:14.21syledon;t use nat?
12:14.25pooh_BadKnees: RealtimeUpdate exists tho for updating specific fields, but no RealTimeLoad to read specific fields
12:15.11BadKneespooh_, i don't understand what you mean.
12:15.49pooh_BadKnees: to update a field in a record there is the RealTimeUpdate app, but there is no equivalent to READ a specific field
12:16.23BadKneestrue, you only get all information when using realtime load
12:16.30BadKneesis that a problem?
12:16.58pooh_BadKnees: well, I just need to catch 1 variable from 1 field only, not the whole record
12:17.21BadKneesI don't think thats possible
12:17.34*** join/#asterisk nexis (
12:17.35pooh_BadKnees: 20 simulatnious calls with d action creates a LOT of chan vars
12:17.41pooh_db action
12:18.36pooh_BadKnees: another really important issue to me is how to handle 'record not' found in the dialplan, automatic jump prio+101 does not work with RealTime
12:19.05pooh_BadKnees: with dbget and dbput it is automatically, thus saves a lot of code
12:19.13nexisok, im working on a intresting project with asterisk, i want to pull a rss feed, and have it read the topics with festival, and allow the user to hit a key to read the story, or skip to the next one, just curious if anyone
12:19.14pooh_BadKnees: and parsing of the dialplan
12:19.32nexishas seen a AGI setup for rss to voice(festival) that i can peak at.
12:20.30BadKneesHaven't had these issues. My setup i very simple. One table for both sip and iax peers/users. And one entry in the dialplan. A homemade PrePaid module that reads from the same database.
12:20.44pooh_nexis: I played with external files read by festival once. I pulled the content from and let festival read it when you dial an extension
12:21.04pooh_BadKnees: ok
12:21.17sylewhat did you use, perl LWP?
12:21.37nexispooh_, with rss, or something else?
12:22.16pooh_nexis: just the website of CNN, explode stuff and prepare the text file
12:22.19sylerss is just pulling data between 2 xml tags right
12:22.51nexisso i should be able to do it with out much of a problem
12:22.53pooh_nexis: 1 small script to read CNN and explode it between fixed points, then hand the file over to festival
12:23.14syleexplode, pooh used php hehee
12:23.20nexispooh_, still have it laying around, and would you care if i peaked at it?
12:23.54pooh_nexis: it was very simple, but I do not have it at hand atm
12:24.11nexispooh_, ok, ill see what i can do with bash scripting, as thats my perfered language.
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12:24.57pooh_nexis: as I recall, I used System() to do some shell and save the textfile to /tmp. Then next prio have festival read it
12:25.17pooh_nexis: question was to prepare the file on the fly or scheduled every xx minutes
12:25.35pooh_nexis: on the fly costs time, which many users find annoying
12:25.35nexisi think i can get away with just doing it on a cron job
12:26.23pooh_nexis: yeah, taht will do
12:27.21pooh_@everyone, I saw a cute little demo the other day with *
12:27.25nexisman, in my college days, they told us that cobol would be the only programing language in 20 years, so make sure we learn it.
12:27.37pooh_nexis: maybe they are right :-)
12:27.51nexispooh_, ill have to hang myself with some thinnet line if that happens.
12:28.11pooh_an * server was connected to GooGleEarth, dialing an areacode made another PC focus on the exact spot
12:29.34*** join/#asterisk vexorg (
12:30.34pooh_BadKnees: caught my last question about priotity jump with RealTime ?
12:33.52pooh_BadKnees: in other words, what result does a query return to the dialplan if failure or success?
12:34.00*** join/#asterisk loick (
12:35.01BadKneessorry im back
12:35.55pooh_BadKnees: np, so wondering how to catch the query result in the dialplan
12:35.56enemy^xanyone here have bad experiences with Bristuff and dual e1s? I`m loosing my D-Channel and audio after a while and have to rmmod/insmod again and restart everything to get things up running again. Wondering if visdn could help me in a better fashion.... This seems to happen around 2 times a day under load (200-300 calls).
12:39.57pooh_BadKnees: Looking at the source it is returning either 0 or -1
12:40.08pooh_but in what chan variable
12:40.15BadKneeshehe, im not being much help here. My setup is so different from your
12:41.10pooh_BadKnees: sure? RealTime = RealTime ;-)
12:44.10BadKneesbut im only using realtime for the clients to register. I don't catch anything in my dial plan exept the channel itself, where i get callerid and stuff, wich i in turn use to lookup other stuff in my database
12:44.31BadKneeslike credit'n stuff
12:44.58BadKneesEverything else is in the *chan
12:45.11pooh_BadKnees: ok, got ya
12:46.40BadKneesAll my clients are created and treated equal. If you got money/credit you can call, else hangup
12:47.44pooh_BadKnees: how do YOU catch a failed query ?
12:48.31cjkhi is there an option to tell sipsak to ignore failures and just go one with a stress tool?
12:48.42BadKneesdo you mean if a certain record dosent exist?
12:48.52pooh_for example yes
12:50.02BadKneesi dont try to catch it. I'ts automaticly denied access as the record does not exist. But i dont know if thats what you mean. Exactly why do you want to catch it?
12:50.21BadKneeshehe, my english sucks
12:51.14pooh_Ok, if I do query the result can be found or not found right? How can you tell the difference, e.g. deny access
12:51.30pooh_BadKnees: what is you language pls?
12:51.42BadKneesFrom Faroe Island's
12:51.47pooh_ewww, nope, not on my list ;-)
12:51.57BadKneeshehe way up north
12:52.02BadKneescold and wet
12:52.05pooh_Nice meeting you
12:53.07BadKneesAccess is denied  if the record does no exist. If the record does not exist the peer does not exist and is denied access.
12:53.38pooh_How can you tell, how do you deny access. eg. If record not exist -> deny in the dialplan ?
12:54.27BadKneesno, the non registered peer never reach the dialplan. He has to register first. First register, then dial
12:55.37BadKneesi only use the realtime to know who can register and not. IAX2 and SIP will send register failed if it no found in the realtimeload
12:57.18pooh_ah ok, clear
12:59.11BadKneesI have made a change to the realtime' though. I've added a boolean field called active in the table. I have 10.000 possible clients in my table, but only some are in use (marked active). Realtime reads all the active into asterisk, and lets them register. And i cache them to with: rtcachefriends=>yes
12:59.29pooh_BadKnees: The population in the Faroe Islands is 48.290
12:59.50BadKneeshehe, yes
13:00.08BadKnees80.000 sheeps though. So our sex lifes is OK
13:00.36pooh_The fishing industry is the most important source of income for the Faroes.
13:00.36pooh_Fish products account for over 97% of the export volume.
13:00.36pooh_Tourism is the second largest industry, followed by woollen and other manufactured products.
13:00.41pooh_Where are you ?
13:01.16BadKneesbut im from a village with about 300 people
13:01.23pooh_damn nice
13:01.42BadKneesI don't worry about overloading my asterisk:)
13:02.29pooh_BadKnees: so your clients call in over PSTN to your * box ?
13:02.54BadKneesi have two asterisk. One main and one pstn
13:02.56pooh_and you deliver low rates for Intl calling ?
13:03.14sylewhat billing software you use?
13:03.19pooh_so no real IP clients, just PSTN clients
13:04.49BadKneessyle: my own. Couldnt find anythint to sooth my needs
13:05.25syleyeah thats why i;m creating something to sooth everyone;s needs
13:05.30BadKneesno only ip clients that have regulat phonenumber that can call out, and people can call in to
13:05.51BadKneesOk. I was thinking about publishing mine
13:06.23pooh_so we have a marriage here!! WOOHOOO!!!!
13:07.29BadKneesMy dialplan looks like this: exten => _X.,1,TTPrepaid(), the rest is magic
13:07.54*** join/#asterisk InfraRed (
13:08.08InfraRedany asterisk@home users?
13:08.08pooh_BadKnees: you wrote a new app?
13:08.16pooh_InfraRed: not me
13:08.17InfraReddid the default password change for AMP?
13:08.30sylesunsaturn:/etc/asterisk/sunsaturn-module# cat sunsaturn.c|wc -l
13:08.30InfraRedwhy isnt it in the documentations:/
13:08.33BadKneesit's quite simple
13:08.40InfraRedadmin/password doesnt work
13:09.26sylewell mine sort of does same thing
13:10.29sylebut its been designed with alot of feature requests in mind
13:10.30BadKneesthe app:
13:11.44BadKneesit's based on the prepaid module
13:12.00syleyou wrote it?
13:12.46sylelooking, yeah i saw that countrycode function on some mailing lists, i found it very inefficient
13:14.47BadKneesdo you got one better
13:14.59syleits not finished
13:15.36BadKneesdatabase design commi'n up
13:15.58syleits does everything this does, but i also added in a hell of alot more features
13:16.19*** join/#asterisk newl (
13:16.40sylesome important ones, like spooling records to a file if database is down
13:17.34sylethrowing them back in when it comes back up, separate database servers for call info and cdr records(if you wanted to have 100 asterisk servers and one central db) kinda thing
13:18.21BadKneeswell, im kind of a newbie here. go easy on me
13:19.27BadKneesit's more than a voip solution. It's a complete isp solution with a php administration site'n stuff
13:20.04syleyeah php side is being done as well
13:20.51BadKneesbut very customized. It should be more general so that other people could use it to. But time is not on my side
13:34.48enemy^xanyone know how to format the number on FOP? So that it doesnt show XX) XXX-XXXX ?
13:38.12enemy^xfound it in
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14:31.26demetriois it possible to play gsm files for musiconhold?
14:32.09demetrioor, if the server does not have a sound card, how can I get mpg123 to work?
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14:32.46Ariel_morning everyone
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14:42.22Ariel_pooh_, it's a good Idea but it's not ready for realtime... hehe, I use a combination of setups into mysql then do manager api to reload the asterisk config files
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14:48.05caio1982Ariel_: is it "explainable" in details? interesting
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14:58.53demetrioif I tell asterisk to use a custom player for moh which doesn't exist, it won't give me any error. why?
15:04.31snittit gives you
15:04.33snittat boot time
15:05.45snitteven when versobity and debuglevel is 0
15:06.07RoyKhm.. i thought i bought this nice, straight .it wine, in a hurry, and it turned out to be a 15% amarone :)
15:08.26Ariel_caio1982, if you look at a GUI like AMP you will see how they use mysql for the storage of there setups and also how they reload them from there.
15:10.10caio1982Ariel_: without losing the asterisk connectivity while reloading they all?
15:10.24caio1982sounds cool to check out
15:11.07caio1982I was gonna use RT, but then I should look for more info about it, heh
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15:16.32puzzledanyone know what "incominglimit" has become in 1.2.0-rc2?
15:21.11Corydon76-homeYou should use groups, instead
15:21.44Corydon76-homeSet(GROUP()=...) and GROUP_COUNT(...)
15:22.01BadKneesis there any US pstn echo service where i can test my pstn line
15:23.34Corydon76-homegroup count is more powerful, anyway
15:25.10*** join/#asterisk Al_Berto (
15:25.30Al_Bertohi there :)
15:25.51Al_Bertoi have a problem with the german sip-provider qsc
15:26.51Al_Bertothey are using SER and everytime asterisk tries to register with the proxy it receives chan_sip.c:9542 handle_response_register: Failed to authenticate on REGISTER
15:28.11Al_Bertoin the WWW-Authenticate-part of the register the qsc-server puts a newline (0x0a) after each komma
15:28.19Al_Bertocould that be the problem?
15:28.24Corydon76-homeAl_Berto: yes
15:29.10Corydon76-homeThere's a requirement that it all be on the same line
15:29.11Al_Bertoany suggestions on how to fix that without changes on qsc's side?
15:29.28Al_Bertoor will i have to dig through chan_sip.c myself? ;)
15:29.40Corydon76-homeGet qsc to fix their shit
15:29.49Ariel_ok it's time to go out and find a new place to live in.  See you all later.
15:29.55Al_Bertothey're a bunch of <censored>
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15:30.49Corydon76-homeHaven't read the RFC recently, but I think the standard says that isn't supposed to be broken across multiple lines
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15:31.19Corydon76-homeI think that's why it was said that we won't try to change that
15:31.23Al_Bertoi think so too. the "," should be sufficient as a seperator
15:31.33Corydon76-home(technical violation of the SIP spec)
15:32.27darius_I'm trying to terminate a call between asterisk boxes with iax.  The destination box is hanging up the call.  enabling debugging only shows which end terminated the call... how can I determine why?
15:41.50Corydon76-homedarius_: IAX2 sends a cause code with every termination
15:42.29Corydon76-homeand not just a cause code but also a cause string
15:43.18yxahow do i dial someone's iax using firefly. just ?
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15:51.52emdubyo shido
15:54.35file[laptop]I'm the only one awake here... at Junky's place
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16:03.24LostfrogDoes anyone know the IP address for the * server in the white house?
16:04.09LostfrogOMFG.. that is a mil sight.
16:04.31Math` is reserved to the DOD
16:04.33drumkillayou didn't scan did you?
16:04.36LostfrogOf course they have the 11 Class A
16:04.44LostfrogI did a whois.
16:05.02Math`I just know the assignement :P
16:06.41file[laptop]drumkilla: YOU!
16:06.43LostfrogHmm.. is coloed somewhere.
16:07.03drumkillano way!
16:07.06drumkillait's not in the white house?!
16:07.24file[laptop]illogical, does not compute!
16:07.30LostfrogI would figure it would be on a .gov network.
16:09.28LostfrogDon't run with *.
16:10.17Math` resolve to an ip of my ISP
16:10.44*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
16:10.53Lostfrogsame colo service.
16:11.00puzzledCorydon-w: thanks for the "groups" tip
16:13.29Math` <- thats a hell of a noc
16:13.56LostfrogThey have some big clients.
16:14.29Math`well if the DOD sites are hosted there I expect so
16:15.28LostfrogI bet the website was moved after it was hacked.
16:16.38LostfrogApple.. E*trade .. Charles Schwab
16:16.46LostfrogJ.C. Penny
16:17.00Math`thats a good customer list
16:17.25LostfrogHeavy hitters.
16:17.32Math`IBM, Yahoo, GM
16:18.06LostfrogFDA, DOD, DOE
16:30.30*** join/#asterisk Sp3ciaL_K (
16:30.34Sp3ciaL_KGooooood morning all
16:30.46LostfrogGood morning, Sp3ciaL_K.
16:35.03LostfrogBye, Sp3ciaL_K
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17:02.11wunderkinha they said they tested my line and got no errors,  yet i never saw the line go down on *
17:03.08darius_I have a SIP phone connected directly to a remote Asterisk server and call quality is great.  I just added an Asterisk server locally and setup an IAX connection .. now call quality is horrible.  What should I be tweaking for iax?
17:03.29darius_Original Scenario: Cisco7960 <-SIP/WAN-> AsteriskRemote VoiceMail
17:03.30darius_New Scenario: Cisco7960 <-SIP/LAN-> AsteriskLocal <-IAX/WAN-> AsteriskRemote VoiceMail
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17:15.32QwellLostfrog: Microsoft, Wells Fargo
17:17.13NivexI got the SIP 7.4 firmware on it, have it all configured, but it won't register to my * box.
17:17.26emdubmy 7960 works fine
17:17.49emdub7.5 is the latest and greatest sw btw
17:18.00Nivexyes but from what I've read on the wiki it has some known issues
17:18.05emdubive had no probs
17:18.09NivexI have 7.5 if I decide to go to it
17:18.20NivexI had 7.5 on it last night and had the same problems
17:18.27NivexI'm probably missing some config directive
17:18.42QwellNivex: well...what happens when it tries?
17:18.43emdubwas pretty vanilla, just code upgrade it and put it in sip.conf
17:18.53emdubnothing out of the ordinary
17:18.54Qwellsurely you've looked at the sip debug, and perhaps a tcpdump
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17:19.59ChujiWhat does cdr_odbc look for to get compiled?
17:20.20Qwellor that
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17:20.36Nivexhere's my SIP config (pretty straight forward):
17:20.47NivexQwell: hang on I'm getting the sip debug data for you.   i couldn't make sense of it.
17:20.51Chujihmm, I've got it, but it was rpm based install
17:20.56Chujiwonder if that makes a difference
17:22.17emdubyour sip.conf is wrong
17:22.21emdubyou dont specify a username
17:23.10Nivexemdub: didn't work when I had username= in there
17:23.43emdubthats my sip.conf for the 7960
17:23.45NivexSIP debug results:
17:23.53Chujimm, guess so, looks like it's trying to find odbcinst.h
17:24.07Chujican I just put a pointer to that file and it will build?
17:24.41Nivexbasically it looks as though the phone is not trying to send a password
17:25.31Nivexif that is the case, the problem is probably beyond the scope of this channel
17:25.47emdubwhats your linex_* stuff in SIP00...cnf look like?
17:26.10Nivexline1_name : "cisco"
17:26.10Nivexline1_authname : "cisco"
17:26.17Nivexline1_password : xxxxxxxxxx
17:28.05emdubmine looks similiar though without spaces between the keywords and the :
17:28.13*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
17:28.15emdubdunno if that matters
17:28.38emdubif you do a show whatever on the phone are the variables set properly?
17:28.53emdubshow config
17:29.03emduboh, thats what you got that ouput from nm
17:29.11Nivexyes show config displays the proper vars
17:29.39BadKneesanyone know an american phonenumber i can call to test my pstn to america
17:30.19emdub+1 ...
17:33.24Nivexok, my asterisk box must have been freaking out.  I completely restarted it and now the phone registers.
17:33.27NivexThanks for the help all
17:40.12jboti heard docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
17:41.21*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
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17:43.29BadKneesemdub, allright thanks
17:43.47BadKneesemdub, the number you have dialed....
17:44.14emdubits a valid number
17:44.37BadKneesyes but it says the number you have dial is not valid..
17:44.58emdubsounds like your pstn to the us is broken then or you are dialing it wrong
17:45.02emdubdid you put a 1 before 650?
17:45.20BadKneesand american voice
17:45.22emdubk well, it works for me :)
17:45.30BadKneeswhat do you get
17:45.37emdub"thank you for calling google ..."
17:45.40emdubits the main number
17:45.59BadKneeswhere is you asterisk server
17:46.25emdubhere in california
17:49.56*** part/#asterisk nesys (n=nesys@2001:1418:1a6:0:20d:93ff:fe28:3ef8)
17:50.43BadKneescalling wi-lan in canada
17:50.45BadKneesis ok
17:54.47BadKneesright back at'ya
18:00.01wunderkinjustinu: they tested the 1st t1 last night and got no errors to the niu, they said they werent able to loop the csu.. i never saw anything on my side.. hmm?
18:00.18wunderkinwe are going to try putting a hard loop on the panel in the cabinet and see if they can test to there
18:00.35wunderkinits in a colo there is an extended dmarc from the telco room to the colo cabinet
18:00.40wunderkinthen  a panel in the cabinet
18:01.01wunderkinwondering why they couldn't loop to me
18:04.55wunderkinkpfleming and i are thinking its  from interference since it only happens at certain times of the day
18:10.19justinuyou didn't even see the circuit go down when they tested to the NIU?
18:12.39*** join/#asterisk YoMama (
18:13.57deezedDoes anyone know if its possible to have asterisk go to another extensions if Playback() fails because the wav file does not exist?
18:14.43YoMamadeezed: why not just test to see if the file exists and if it doesn't, then u just go to another extension
18:15.07YoMamaQwell: oh yeah..that'd be easier :)
18:15.15QwellThis application sets the following channel variable upon completion:
18:15.17wunderkinjustinu, no
18:15.26deezedSo do a GOTOif? based on playbackstatus?
18:15.42justinuwunderkin: that's odd... usually when the telco loops an NIU, the NIU sends AIS to the CPE
18:15.43deezedwow thanks... you solved my dillema
18:15.49justinudon't telco acronyms rule?
18:15.50YoMamaso...i haven't compiled a new linux kernel in over 5 years and i copmiled 2.4.31 with ext3 as a module...and my filesystem is that's a bad idea right?
18:16.07wunderkinjustinu, maybe it didn't get the memo
18:16.10LostfrogYoMama: initrd?
18:16.24justinuwunderkin: or maybe you have a crossed telco tx pair somewhere
18:16.35YoMamaLostfrog: no..i got that working...the problem is that when my new kernel tries to mount my root throws error 19
18:16.36Math`nah I guess he;s just gonna recompile it
18:16.43Qwellsee, you can't just throw out the paypal when people say "thanks".  You've gotta wait for the "wow, thanks!"
18:16.44ManxPowerwunderkin, How did the telco loop go?
18:16.48YoMamaLostfrog: already figured out that problem with the LABEL=/...
18:16.49wunderkinjustinu, hmm.. thats what we thought was the other problem so they switched it on the block and they switched it back
18:17.11LostfrogIf you mkinitrd for the new kernel, the initrd.img should contain the ext3 module.
18:17.11wunderkinManxPower, i think the long distance carrier is the only one doing the testing so far
18:17.23justinut1's can be irritating bastards sometimes
18:17.28justinutoo bad you don't have a sunset
18:17.30ManxPowerwunderkin, Who sends you the bill for the service?
18:17.35justinui'd loan you mine if you were nearby
18:17.41wunderkinManxPower, the long distance company
18:17.56ManxPowerwunderkin, then they need to loop to your local smartjack.
18:17.58wunderkinjustinu, where are ya at?
18:18.11ManxPowerjustinu, L.A or LA?
18:18.18justinulos angeles
18:18.26wunderkini was going to move there but that fizzled out
18:18.36Qwellwhoever decided to reuse "LA" wasn't thinking very well...
18:18.40wunderkinManxPower, i think they tested to the niu at my location from that they said
18:18.56wunderkinManxPower, and they said they tested clean to niu but couldnt loop csu
18:18.58justinuthere should be a way to loop up the "smartjack" towards you
18:19.08justinudo you /have/ a csu?
18:19.16wunderkinjustinu, yeah.. i guess the telco has to do that maybe? i was only dealing with the ld carrier
18:19.26wunderkinits hooked up directly to a te410p
18:19.32justinuok, that explains it
18:19.43justinucan you force your te410p into loopback mode?
18:19.51wunderkinyou can do that?
18:20.03justinudialogics could do it with a switch on the back of the card
18:20.12ManxPowerwunderkin, that's what the loopback option in zttool is for
18:20.14justinudunno about the digium hardware
18:20.33wunderkinManxPower, the loop button?
18:20.37justinuso put up a loop facing the telco and have them run all the way to your 410p card
18:20.38mog_homeyou can force it to loop back data to far end
18:20.50Qwellmog_home: using one port?
18:20.53mog_homebut to run your own loop test on yourself you need loop back cable
18:21.10mog_homeso you can act as a loopback to the other end with zttool
18:21.13justinuwell, if he could loop the NIU facing CPE, he could run to the NIU
18:21.18mog_homeso if you wanted to test your channel bank
18:21.26mog_homeyou could use loop in zttool
18:21.27wunderkintheres no channel bank
18:21.35mog_homewithout having to unplug stuff
18:21.38mog_homeor your telco
18:21.41mog_homeits just hypo
18:22.22wunderkinthey are going to put a loopback plug in the patch panel in my cabinet but i was hoping to loop the te410p somehow so the ALL the cabling can be tested
18:22.32justinuyeah, you can do that
18:23.30wunderkinif i run zttool and click the loop button that will loop the card? is that all i gotta do?
18:23.59wunderkini dont want to test just the card with a loopback in the card, i want to test with all the regular cabling
18:24.07wunderkinive already tested the card
18:24.21*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
18:24.33justinuwhat you're looping is the telco's tx signal thru the te410p's framer, then back out to the telco
18:24.45justinuso you test all the cabling and the t1 framer on your card
18:25.12wunderkinwhich would be a good way to test if i can right? im just trying to find out how :D
18:25.35justinuyeah, you can call up your telco, and say that you've thrown up a hard loop at your CPE, and ask them to run BERT
18:25.55wunderkindo i run zttool, select the span, hit loop and thats all?
18:26.12wunderkini dont see anything happen when it does that, it says looping span for a minute then goes back to that screen
18:26.19wunderkinyeah well im asking the others too ;)
18:26.59justinuwhen you're in loopback, your d channels should be down
18:27.09wunderkini have asterisk running, nothing changes there
18:27.29wunderkinnothing is happening so thats why i dont think im doing it right
18:28.29justinucan you still take inbound calls?
18:28.33wunderkinand kpfleming says that the telco should be able to loop the card and they say they cant
18:28.41*** join/#asterisk Ayano (
18:28.43wunderkindont have a did.. but outbound has always been working
18:28.52justinuthen no loop
18:29.14*** join/#asterisk oddjobz (
18:31.30oddjobzHi, can anyone help me out with this error message;
18:31.33oddjobzcallerid.c:260 callerid_feed: fsk_serie made mylen < 0 (-9)
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18:31.59oddjobzUk based line .. messages happens when an incoming call is started on a TM400 card ..
18:33.23*** join/#asterisk Math[laptop] (
18:35.58LostfrogDamn.. I wish that worked.
18:38.11*** join/#asterisk Bentley (
18:39.43Bentleyhi - does anyone know anything about a company that bills charges as "TOLL FREE COMMUNICATION" in Florida??
18:40.07wunderkinis that broadvoice?
18:40.25Bentleyi don't think so .. they run * and use alison for sounds
18:40.39wunderkini know ive seen it before, broadvoice, nufone, ..... hmm
18:40.59Bentleyjust trying to track down who it is, as they mysteriously popped up with large charges on my visa ..
18:41.01Bentleymaybe asterlink
18:41.10QwellI don't think asterlink is in FL
18:41.13Bentleynot answering their phones of course
18:41.20Bentleyactually, you are right
18:41.28Bentleythey are in MI i think
18:41.31Qwellneither is nufone.  no clue about broadvoice
18:41.44Bentleysixtel maybe
18:41.46Qwellgot a number?
18:41.49Bentleyhrm ...
18:41.52wunderkinmaybe thats just who processes their payments :P i know ive seen it before
18:41.58Qwelland is it googable?
18:41.59wunderkinyeah could be sixtel too
18:42.03Bentleyya 866 344 4690not on google
18:42.18wunderkinive used a lot of providers before :D
18:42.51Bentley140 usd in charges for 1 day :-(
18:43.05Bentleyno clue who it is
18:43.38Bentleyi do think it has something to do with asterlink tho ... it sounds so familiar
18:44.23justinujovies are out in force today
18:48.10wunderkinBentley, i think so, try logging into your account and see if there is a charge there?
18:48.56justinujehovah's witnesses
18:48.59QwellI doubt it's asterlink.  They actually have a real number (877-asterlink)
18:49.49Qwellcall Allison, and ask who she recorded "Toll Free Services" for. :p
18:50.26*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
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18:55.39LostfrogIf Allison's number was public, she would never get any work done.
18:56.11LostfrogPeople would be calling up and saying "You are cute!"
18:56.37*** join/#asterisk dalabera (
18:56.44justinui'd like to have majel barett record my prompts
18:57.57Corydon76-homejustinu: heh, they hit me up, too
18:58.06IronHelixhaha that would be awesome
18:58.11Corydon76-homeCute boy, but I was in my bathrobe at the time
18:58.11justinufor some reason they don't come to my house
18:58.17marcus2is anything here using z-plex channel banks?
18:58.30Corydon76-homemarcus2: do you like CallerID?
18:58.31justinui dunno if it's the vodka bottles strewn about in front, or the "no soliciting" sign
18:58.41marcus2uh, yes, callerid is good
18:58.52Corydon76-homemarcus2: that's a good reason not to use the Zplex
18:58.59marcus2oh, that figures
18:59.21marcus2i figured there  must be a reason the damn things are so cheap
18:59.55Corydon76-homeYeah, there's a reason why 1) they're cheap, 2) they're available, and 3) nobody wants them
19:00.19Corydon76-homeand 4) they're no longer supported by the company that made them
19:00.37justinuboy, that was really strange
19:00.48Corydon76-homeeven though zhone has a policy on their site which says that they support their products for life
19:00.54justinui had to reformat the filesystem on my ip501 to get it to accept changes to server.2
19:01.06*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
19:01.13marcus2so a newbridge/mainstreet should do cid, right?
19:01.28Corydon76-homeMost channel banks will do callerid
19:01.40Corydon76-homeEven the CAC-1 will do callerid
19:02.26marcus2well therre are lots of 3624s on ebay
19:02.29marcus2so i guesss i will get one of them
19:03.04marcus2$500 vs $150 kind sux tho =D
19:03.33Corydon76-homeWhy are you getting a channel bank at all?
19:03.52marcus2we have a bunch of analog devices around the officea
19:04.00marcus2and an extra port on our te410p
19:04.10marcus2so i figured this would be the simplest way to get them all into the asterisk system
19:04.19Corydon76-homeTrue enough
19:04.29marcus2faxes, conference phones, modems
19:04.40marcus2i'm curious to see how well modems work going thru asterisk
19:04.55marcus2(the asterisk server has a PRI to the PSTN)
19:05.05justinuthat should work fine
19:05.39marcus2i'm going to try it over a PAP2 next week =D
19:06.37Corydon76-homeYou might have wide varied success with fax going over SIP devices
19:06.50marcus2yeah, i kind of figured
19:06.50Corydon76-homeIt introduces a measure of latency
19:07.01marcus2thats another reason i wanted to get a channel bank instead of a bunch of ATAs
19:07.03Corydon76-homeSome faxes work fine.  Other puke quickly
19:07.28Corydon76-homeand it's fax model dependent
19:07.29justinudo any ITSPs (like broadvoice) support t38?
19:07.54Corydon76-homeAsterisk's support for t.38 is in the alpha stages
19:08.05Corydon76-homeand it's not distributed with Asterisk
19:08.19justinubut if you were using an ITSP that supported t38 for pstn gateway, wouldn't asterisk just pass it thru?
19:08.23justinuor does it not work like that
19:08.26[TK]D-FenderMy faxes DIE horribly on a channel bank on one port, PRI on the other.... go figure
19:08.37Corydon76-homeAsterisk is not a SIP proxy
19:08.48[TK]D-FenderTip from my side : Get analog lines and save yourself a LOT of pain....
19:08.50justinui know
19:09.09justinui guess what I'm asking is t38 run over RTP?
19:09.10Corydon76-homeOnly a proxy blindly passes packets
19:09.11marcus2fender; that sucks, damn
19:09.30Corydon76-homejustinu: if the call path is through Asterisk, then it will not pass
19:09.39justinubecause if so, then why wouldn't asterisk pass it, like it can pass g729 without a license
19:10.39IronHelixany major problems reported with almost beta GXP firmware .13?
19:10.44Corydon76-homebecause Asterisk can blindly pass audio data because it knows that is audio data
19:10.46IronHelix(for grandstream gxp2000)
19:11.03Corydon76-homeIt doesn't (yet) have that same knowledge of t.38
19:11.11justinuCorydon76-home: ok, so then t38 is not just another codec
19:11.21justinui need to read about t38... haven't gotten that far yet
19:11.58justinuanyone have a preference for SoHo DSL.... Covad or Speakeasy?
19:12.34Corydon76-homeWe prefer Butlet
19:12.39Corydon76-homeButler, rather
19:13.16Corydon76-homeThere's nothing quite like calling tech support and getting Bill Butler on the line
19:14.06justinudon't think they offer service in my area :(
19:14.29Corydon76-homeGo with a local company, if you can
19:14.46justinutried both SBC and Time Warner... they suck has this tech-friendly policy... "It's your line; do whatever the hell you want with it."
19:15.29Corydon76-homeNo bandwidth charges, ever.
19:16.06justinui wish i could find some local company that provides DSL over SBC loops
19:16.14Corydon76-homeand control over your reverse DNS
19:16.20justinuthat's nice
19:16.35Corydon76-homeYep, we have a /27 from Butler
19:16.56justinuyou'd think it would be easy to get good broadband in the 2nd biggest city in the USA
19:16.59justinubut no domain name pointer
19:18.05justinuthe best I can find is speakeasy... 6.0/768k for $105/mo
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19:18.31justinucovad is about the same, but they only offer 3.0/768 on dedicated (no POTS) line
19:19.06SkramXwhy dont you go with a colo box
19:19.16justinuneed phone service at home :)
19:19.28justinui have 2 colo boxes
19:20.36Corydon76-homeAh, you need a PRI at home...  ;-)
19:20.45Corydon76-home4/19/1 split
19:20.53justinui wouldn't mind that
19:21.00justinubut now we're talking 500/mo or so
19:21.18Corydon76-homeYeah, but... it's a PRI, with DID... ;-)
19:21.32Corydon76-homeand autoforwarding according to YOUR rules
19:21.40justinui wonder if i could expense that at work
19:22.30*** join/#asterisk Samoied (
19:22.42Corydon76-homeIt means you can hand out a single number and forward based upon callerid... these customers get to my cell... these customers don't...
19:23.21justinui should be able to do that with level3 too... LNP my home number to them, and have them be the PSTN gateway
19:23.30justinui've just finished interop tests with them
19:24.14justinui just need good reliable IP service here
19:24.34*** join/#asterisk kink0 (n=k@
19:24.40kink0good noon
19:24.48Corydon76-homeEh, that's what a PRI with data service is for...  ;-)
19:25.06justinui'm in this anti-RBOC mood lately
19:25.18Corydon76-homeThat's a mood?
19:25.19JonR800justinu: i use LBDSL. they're pretty good
19:25.23kink0how is M20 connection and control channel (modem ussing serial) and voice ussing sound card ?
19:25.41JonR800justinu: you're just stuck with PPPoE like covad.. where as I believe speakeasy is DHCP
19:25.55*** join/#asterisk hhoffman (n=hhoffman@tor/session/x-eb67437accdff795)
19:25.58Corydon76-homeI thought speakeasy was static IP
19:26.02justinui didn't know covad was pppoe
19:26.08JonR800sorry.. static
19:26.09zerocodedhi Ev1
19:26.17justinuspeakeasy offers static or dynamic
19:26.21JonR800i think it depends on the plan
19:26.22hhoffmanhi, in the zaptel.init script what is the check for [ "${TELEPHONY}" = "yes" ] || exit 0 ?
19:26.35hhoffmanI don't see $TELEPHONY getting set anywhere
19:26.58Corydon76-homehhoffman: probably in the config file
19:27.09Corydon76-homelike /etc/sysconfig/zaptel or similar
19:27.11zerocodeddoes anyone knows a site to download asterisk open source ?
19:27.25hhoffmanah! so you have to create a sysconfig file?
19:27.34Corydon76-homehhoffman: dunno, I'm guessing
19:27.36justinujonr800: thanks for the lbdsl tip
19:27.38zerocodedk tks
19:27.39justinulooking now
19:27.40hhoffmanCorydon76-home: Thanks, that's prolly it
19:27.41Corydon76-homehhoffman: I use the mandrake scripts
19:28.00JonR800justinu: np.. their prices are better than speakeasy or covad.. they also get great reviews on
19:28.01hhoffmanah, ok. I just pulled down the lastest source from asterisk
19:28.05justinulbdsl has 6.0/768k service (dry line) for $99.95
19:28.12justinu1static ip
19:28.32Corydon76-homeI still want fiber to the curb
19:28.44*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
19:28.46justinuyeah, some bastard here is bragging about 30m/10m service
19:29.12zerocodedhhoffman which site u used i don't see any downloads on digium
19:29.25JonR800my county is going to offer community Wifi.. that should be good for a blazing 256kbps ;)
19:29.48hhoffmanzerocoded: I think 1sec
19:29.49justinuthat's enough to run a few voip calls on
19:29.58justinuditch the cell phones
19:29.59hhoffmanyeah, on
19:30.15hhoffmanI just grabbed the 1.2 tarballs
19:30.28Corydon76-homeThat reminds me... is now offering fiber to the curb in Davidson County, TN
19:30.42zerocodedtks again
19:30.54Corydon76-homeNo monthly fee; pay only for bandwidth
19:31.04justinuLBDSL is a bit steep on install charges
19:31.13justinu$225 to run the loop
19:35.54kink0has anyone connected a GSM terminal to RS232 and soundcard ussing Asterisk to GSM voIP termination ?
19:36.44hhoffmanis libpri necessary if you are not using ISDN cards?
19:37.15Corydon76-homezaptel/libpri are not necessary if you are not using Digium cards
19:38.03hhoffmanwell, I have a X100P card
19:39.03hhoffmanmy understanding is that I can use it to interface to my POTS line?
19:39.22*** join/#asterisk Math[laptop] (
19:42.47justinulbdsl will allow me to modify the reverse dns too, neat
19:46.58*** join/#asterisk Math[laptop] (
19:47.30JonR800justinu: the install charges change from time to time.. when i signed up it was $225.. then the next week it was $150
19:48.24justinuthat would have pissed me off
19:49.02JonR800i was a little pissed, especially because i could have easily waited a week.  ahh well.. it's a covad rebate anyways.
19:50.57JonR800it looks like speakeasy charges $200 for install + modem.. but they have a $99 rebate on the modem
19:55.04*** join/#asterisk zeedo (n=zeedo@
19:55.16*** join/#asterisk Knab (
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19:56.17Peggerany one here cisco phone?
19:56.24Knabi'm looking for some good uptodate * documentation any suggestions?
19:56.48KnabPegger no but i have polycoms which are ment to be similar
19:56.55hhoffmando you need a sound card for asterisk?
19:57.01stbainhhoffman: no
19:57.11stbainKnab: has a great book
19:57.11PeggerKnab how are they similar
19:57.14hhoffmanok, cool
19:57.19hhoffmanstbain: thx
19:57.20JonR800Knab: the sample configs,
19:57.33*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (n=Nuke@
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19:58.37Knabpegger good question i've not had cisco phones but many ppl have said they are similar, ask a question and if it makes sence i'll answer if not i'll say so
19:59.07zerocodedknab this is the oriely book posted in deguim
19:59.25Knabstbain is that an electronic or physical book?
19:59.26JonR800i believe provisioning and the browser are different on the polycom / cisco
19:59.50zerocodedknab: it is a pdf book
20:00.22Knabsweet and it's up-to-date? zerocoded
20:00.24JonR800haha that too, sorry i assumed we were talking SIP
20:01.05Knabahh i asumed sip too
20:01.27stbainKnab: soon to be available in dead tree version, but personally I downloaded the book and read it in my PDF viewr
20:02.00Knabi don't deal with propriotory protocals except iax
20:02.00*** join/#asterisk rubble (
20:02.04zerocodedanother good site is
20:03.08zerocodedi have rehat desktop version 7 is it good for asterisk
20:03.17zerocodedor do i need server
20:04.19Knabstbain if it looks any good i'll probably print it
20:04.46*** join/#asterisk razu_ (
20:05.15stbainIAX... proprietary?
20:05.40IronHelixprotocol is open and somewhat documented
20:05.56Knabwell it's digium
20:06.19IronHelixanybody that wants to can write one without royalty at least
20:06.23Knabmmm maby i'm not using the dictionary definition of the word
20:06.29IronHelixi dont think theres an official RFC/ISO standard yet
20:06.53mog_homeits in the making though
20:07.52stbainI think one of the mailing list messages says it best: it's open and documented in in chan_iax2.c, iax.c,
20:07.52stbainiax-parser.c, iax2.h, etc -- it just has been in a language other than
20:08.41Knabcan i show my ignorance a bit and ask quickly about realtime *.  I had been using * befor this came along and wondering how it changes things
20:09.12adelassomeone know the shortcut keys for resetting the cisco 7960
20:10.07*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
20:11.12stbainadelas: if I remember correctly, try **#*
20:11.40stbainbeen a few years, though
20:14.10adelasnot it
20:15.16caio1982did the guys from get some code merged into the mainline asterisk's? (to be specific, the sip jitter buffer)
20:15.23zerocodedk peaceall login off :)
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20:16.42stbainadelas: how about *#**
20:17.47adelasi think it was somethign wit * and # but also the setting button
20:22.51VcoI'm sorry, but that is a pretty lams part message
20:23.36stbainwhat was it?
20:23.37LostfrogHey... maybe he is a treker.
20:23.42stbainI have joins/parts turned off
20:23.49VcoIronHelix has quit IRC (""Chocolate is a serious thing."     ---Deanna Troi")
20:25.17stbainadelas: ok... last try then I give up... **#**
20:25.37hhoffmanis asterisk going to have trouble running on a PII?
20:26.10Vcowith only a couple of
20:26.19Vcocouple even
20:26.22stbainhhoffman: I'm running it on an iMac G3 266MHz
20:26.29Vcoi need coffee
20:26.40hhoffmanstbain: cool
20:27.58Lostfroga PII should work find depending on load.
20:28.53dalaberaI'll say a PII will work only for testing purposes, and a load less than 5 sip phones...
20:29.14stbainI installed in on my iMac to test dialplans out using kphone as a SIP client. Seems to run fine for what I need it for.
20:29.18Vcoit's fine for a home server, single fxo, voicemail etc etc
20:29.24LostfrogDepends on codec translation mostly.
20:29.38Vco<-what he said
20:29.39LostfrogIf all the phones are running gsm and your service provider runs gsm..
20:29.58Vco^ what he said rather
20:32.15stbain  <--- nice little asterisk system I'm ordering to replace my brother-in-law's aging voicemail system at his office
20:32.27stbainjust need a TDM04B
20:35.41adelasno good
20:37.58hhoffmanyeah, I'll be using it as a home system, for voicemail and the like
20:39.38Peggerdont you love it when the amount that you spend on hardware will equal the amount you saved once the hardware is obsoleate
20:41.15stbainadelas: and....
20:50.22*** join/#asterisk IronHelix (
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21:09.28*** join/#asterisk hhrp (
21:09.54hhrpwhy cant i conference two calls together?
21:10.12hhrpwhen i press flash it only switches in between the calls
21:10.44hhrpis there any additional parameters that i need to put in config files?
21:12.53Math[laptop]hhrp: what hardware are you using?
21:13.46hhrpjust 3 ata 186
21:13.53hhrpconnected to asterisk via sip
21:14.05hhrpi cant get into a conference call at all
21:14.30QwellThat's the trouble with analog telephony
21:14.55Qwellcall waiting is just that
21:15.05Qwellif you have two calls, one call is always waiting
21:15.33Math[laptop]Qwell: well mediatrixes can conference them
21:15.37hhrpbut usually you can press flash quick - twice and get calls together
21:15.45Math[laptop]it depends onthe ata
21:15.48Qwellhhrp: if its supported
21:15.52konfuzedhhrp: only if you have two active channels
21:16.00hhrpok i gotta check ata settings then
21:16.02konfuzed1 channel with two calls
21:16.09konfuzedrequires one is always on hold
21:16.16hhrpmakes sense
21:16.33LostfrogOr use meetme.
21:16.38hhrp3 way calling is not supported by ata
21:16.38konfuzedso how many lines do you have
21:16.39hhrpi guess
21:16.50konfuzedwhich side of the ata
21:16.52hhrpi got 2 ports on ata
21:16.55hhrpusing one
21:16.58konfuzedhow many phone lines
21:17.01hhrp2 way works
21:17.04hhrp3 way doesnt
21:18.18konfuzedthere should be a channel for studying the art of the well formed question
21:18.24*** join/#asterisk CoolAcid (n=jason@
21:18.34Qwell~google how to ask questions
21:18.39hhrpi believe i did it once when i was on another h323 gw
21:18.42hhrpthru ata
21:18.45kink0somebody has success with siemens M20 or similar configuration where use analog sound wires plus data cable for AT commands ?
21:18.47hhrpi was able to do 3 way
21:19.02Qwellkonfuzed: something like that?
21:20.10hhrpfunny website
21:20.17Qwellnot meant to be funny
21:20.29konfuzedhhrp: not menat to be funny
21:20.34konfuzedbut too much reading
21:20.41konfuzedthat s very close
21:20.52LostfrogNice article.
21:21.11konfuzedclose enough that I still might require callers to read it befor eI answer any oftheir questions
21:21.48konfuzedthis page is too discussional
21:22.03konfuzedbut i suppose covers more generic case scenarios
21:22.10LostfrogI like the 'Dealing with rudeness' chapter.
21:22.40konfuzedseriously I want to do a tutorial for "How to make the most out of your Tech Support Call"
21:22.51konfuzeda - only speak when spoken to
21:23.05konfuzedb - only answer the questions you were asked
21:23.12Qwellread: how to be tech supports bitch
21:23.24konfuzedc - don't waste any bodies time with your story of what went went wrong
21:23.34konfuzedd - just read the damn error message please
21:23.42QwellI disagree with all of those. :P
21:23.43konfuzede - the whole message
21:23.48IronHelixsadly- the people that will read it are mostly the people that wont be calling tech support
21:23.57hhrpyea nice
21:24.02konfuzedI play it in the hold me music
21:24.05Qwella - when I speak, support had better be listening
21:24.13LostfrogThere has to be a reciprocal list.
21:24.14Qwellb - don't ask me stupid freaking questions
21:24.19QwellLostfrog: ^
21:24.32IronHelixb. dont tell me to reboot after i already have told you that i just finished rebooting
21:24.34Qwellc - don't waste my time by asking if I've rebooted my router
21:24.56Qwelld - I'll tell YOU what the error MEANS.  You probably won't understand it anyhow.
21:25.00Lostfrogd - don't decide halfway through the converstation that you don't support my OS.
21:25.02Qwelle - and I'll even repeat it for you
21:25.06tzangerQwell: you need to remember that you are not within the 95% of people whom these things ARE necessary
21:25.11tzangerwhich is why I like nufone
21:25.13konfuzedT - if you're tech just say so and we'll pass you to a real tech instead of front line support
21:25.19Qwellkonfuzed: :P
21:25.22tzangertheir lack of support or very light support turns those kinds of people away
21:25.35tzangerand then I pin down Shido or Jerjer and get to the heart of the matter
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21:25.45tzangerwhich, unfortunately for me, seems to be my end 100% of the time so far :-)
21:25.48IronHelixkon- the problem is that you'll get a bunch of people that just installed AOL *all by themself* and think that means they're tech
21:25.55LostfrogYeah.. in my experience.. the front line grunts get pissed when you ask for a "real tech."
21:25.59cianhughesanyone here used one of these new Nokia N* series phones with WLAN
21:26.13konfuzedthen I have three tech questions to screen them with
21:26.18QwellLostfrog: and 90% of the time, they refuse to hand you off, even if you use big words that they've never heard
21:26.28LostfrogQwell: correct.
21:26.31Qwellokay, one time...
21:26.36QwellI argued with a first level tech...
21:26.46Qwellabout how many bits are in a byte
21:26.55LostfrogDepends on the machine, Qwell.
21:26.57Qwellhe said 1028 bytes in a bit.
21:27.06konfuzedqwell its all in how you ask
21:27.10IronHelixim pretty sure thats wrong no matter what machine you're on
21:27.17konfuzedremember well formed questions
21:27.22LostfrogThere were 7 and 10 bit machines.
21:27.29Lostfrognot 1028.
21:27.30IronHelixkonfused- what three questions do you use
21:27.34konfuzedI'll take one stab at general support and then call back
21:27.37QwellLostfrog: no,'s the problem
21:27.39konfuzedfirst thing out of my mouth
21:27.39cianhughesmy ISP support just hangs up if they don't know what you're on about
21:27.43QwellLostfrog: bytes in a bit.  not the other way around
21:27.46konfuzedI need to spek to your supervisor
21:27.56konfuzedno you cant help me only your supervisor can
21:28.14LostfrogYes, I noticed that Qwell.
21:28.32Qwellkonfuzed: been there, done that...hundreds of times
21:28.41konfuzeda - whats your root password
21:29.05LostfrogMy answer to 'a' would be 'Fuck you!'
21:29.19QwellI've pretty much mastered getting to level 2, be it support, billing, whatever
21:29.19konfuzedthen your a tech
21:29.24konfuzednon techs go uh
21:29.30konfuzedI don no
21:29.38konfuzedor they actually tell you
21:29.41IronHelixwhat about questions b and c
21:29.51Qwell"I need to speak to your supervisor." "Well, I need to find out what the problem is first." "The problem, is that I don't want to start yelling at you - you haven't been trained for my calls."
21:30.21LostfrogI hate people reading off of a troubleshooting flowchart. :(
21:30.40konfuzedb - perhaps you would like to reinstall your OS
21:30.44cianhughes"have you tried reformatting your hard drive and reinstalling the OS"
21:31.02IronHelixif you have never even seen a box running the system you are trying to help me with, don't pretend to be able to help me
21:31.07Lostfrogkonfuzed: ok.. let me grab my backup disk..
21:31.09konfuzedits sad how many supposedly technical people respond with ok how do we do that
21:31.17Lostfrog1 minute later.. ok.. I reinstalled the OS.
21:31.22tecnicoHas anybody seen a provider that does billing increments of 1sec or 6sec or even 30sec to Mexico ?  It seems that Mexico is always billed at a 60sec. increments on all the providers I've seen.
21:31.33Qwellit's funny when they ask me to restart my computer
21:31.40Qwell3 seconds later "okay, done"
21:31.50LostfrogQwell: same here.. especially with ISPs
21:31.51Qwell"okay, tell me when it's back up." " is."
21:32.11*** join/#asterisk darby_t (
21:32.14LostfrogComcast asked me to reboot 5 times last week.
21:32.29LostfrogI didn't reboot once, even though I was using windoze.
21:32.45Qwellmeh...when you're using Windows, that always solves the problem
21:32.59LostfrogNot when you can just disable and enable the NIC.
21:33.24IronHelixor ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew
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21:33.34LostfrogThat sometimes doesn't help, IronHelix.
21:33.41IronHelixdoesnt flush arp and dns
21:33.45IronHelixbut works 90% of the time
21:34.28Lostfrogwindoze doesn't cache dns.
21:34.34IronHelixsure it does
21:34.38IronHelixclear with ipconfig /flushdns
21:35.01IronHelixat least 2k does
21:35.06IronHelixdunno about 98 or xp
21:35.10Lostfrogwow.. it does..
21:35.16LostfrogEverything I've read said it doesn't.
21:35.19denon2k,2k3 and XP do
21:35.25denonthat's the "DNS CLient" service
21:35.28konfuzedc - Oh yeah when did you get your MCSE ?
21:35.30denonif you stop it, the caching will stop as well
21:35.43Lostfrogc - Why would I want an MCSE?
21:35.47konfuzedthat one gets the best answers
21:35.56konfuzedthey answer so seriously
21:36.10konfuzedwell I graduated top of my class
21:36.22konfuzedI taught the fucken class
21:36.24Qwell"of how many?" "well...3"
21:36.28konfuzedwhen they fiunally let me in any way
21:36.55LostfrogJust ask what CompTIA certifications they have.
21:37.05konfuzedI hate it when people ask me how I got started
21:37.36IronHelixif they say A+ without an excuse/explanation...
21:37.37LostfrogWell.. we didn't ask.
21:37.41konfuzedgrade 4 summer school programming basic sounds so 19th century
21:38.00Qwellkonfuzed: newb :P
21:38.01konfuzedi quit programming before I finsihed high school
21:38.19Lostfrog<-- self plug.
21:38.54konfuzedprograming is too focused just like graphics development
21:39.41Qwellgraphics = crap, programming = everything else
21:39.43konfuzedI was sort of like no way I dont want to spend 12 hr day 6 days a week doing nothin but sitting in ffront of  a screen programming or graphics.
21:39.58konfuzednow I spend 10 hours doing a variety of things
21:40.46konfuzedits the keep ahead of the curve part that really bothered me I suppose
21:40.56LostfrogI'm lucky if I spend 10 hours of my day conscious.
21:41.08konfuzedat the time I couldnt even find a course for C programming
21:41.22konfuzedit was pathetic
21:41.29Lostfrogmain() {printf("Hello World\n");}
21:42.00konfuzedyeah I prefer a human feedback dynamic in problem solving
21:42.12konfuzedim just not solitary enough
21:43.08konfuzedyeah Ive gotr the original Kernigan and Ritchie books in my dusty mini library
21:43.17LostfrogI wonder how long it would take me to write that program in assembly..
21:43.24QwellI learned to code by...coding. :p
21:43.44Qwell(of course, I don't know shit for terms, but hey)
21:44.06konfuzedQwell: I will only beat my head against the wall for so long before I start checkin in with others
21:44.28konfuzedmini funny story
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21:44.49kink0nobody use Asterisk with GSM termination ?
21:45.20konfuzedI had a Vic-20 and did my grade 7 science project on it. ascii picture of police car with pokes for sirens and every iteration the ascii characterrs printed one space to the left
21:45.34LostfrogLots of people use GSM, kink0.
21:45.34konfuzedand presto a police car drove across the screen
21:45.42konfuzedwhat a joke
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21:46.00kink0Lostfrog, yes, but have connected Asterisk to GSM terminals ?
21:46.04jskcr|770hy all
21:46.31konfuzedgo to set it up and couldnt get the tv and the stupid converter box to co-operate and show the vic-20 display
21:46.36konfuzedstupid technology
21:46.52kink0I try to found documents about how-to ( like the doc about M20 that is in the Asterisk docs site )
21:47.41konfuzedhey kid have you got the power plugged in
21:47.47konfuzedkey kid is that on channel 3 or 4
21:47.58*** join/#asterisk Druken (
21:48.11konfuzedmaybe I can get *@Home on my vis-20
21:49.38stbainkink0: anything pertinent on this page:
21:50.02*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
21:50.41kink0stbain, yes I have read that info, but this one
21:50.56kink0if works, avoid to use expansive GSM/POTS gateways
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21:52.46kink0and would be able , since digium has not any GSM gateway card, to connect directly GSM terminal to the PC audio devices, that can be managed by Asterisk
21:53.44kink020 $ for a M20 plus about 20 $ for sound card, is cheap, compared with about 140$ for digium FXO plus 150$ for some GSM/POTS gateway
21:54.37kink0I pretend to use as much as possible channels, so costs are important here , may be 16 or so channels per linux box.
22:00.01IronHelixdumb q- does subscribe/hint (BLF) work at all in 1.0.9-2?  it looks like it *should* according to voip-info...  just flashed my gxp2000 to the new beta firmware and the lights stay solid on for subscriptions
22:00.16IronHelixeven tho the channels are NOT active
22:06.57IronHelixnm im dumb
22:07.09IronHelixapparently you need to set incominglimit and outgoinglimit before it works right
22:11.03delmarhey everyone
22:11.34delmarwell, not too much of a hangover, but a little more than usual :P
22:11.55Math[laptop]IronHelix, incomintlimit and outgoinglimit is deprecated
22:12.02delmarwell, the wine was just too good and I had to test the ENTIRE cask to make sure it wasnt faulty :P
22:12.28Igbothom_IIIhow can "good" and "cask wine" be used in one sentence in a constructive way?
22:14.01delmarok so just a quick and possible easy question... sip to Asterisk ===>IAX ====> RemoteAsterisk =====>voipgateway.   I'm seeing all those 3389 messages (silence suppression?) all over the console of the RemoteAsterisk... whos at fault and where?
22:14.10QwellIgbothom_III: By including the word "not"
22:14.22Igbothom_IIIQwell; exactly right
22:14.29Math[laptop]delmar,  the fault of the sip client?
22:14.42delmarMath[laptop] you would think huh...
22:15.02Math[laptop]well asterisk wouldn't do any silence suppression...
22:15.13delmarMath[laptop] grandstreamSIP client.. SS turned off.
22:15.25delmarand there are no messages on the other Asterisk console
22:15.45delmarwht about Firefly, does that cause those messages?
22:16.10Qwellanything that does vad needs to not use vad
22:16.43Math[laptop]either the client or the gateway, * wont use vad
22:17.16Math[laptop]and if the messages are on RemoteAsterisk, its probably the gateway
22:17.18delmarthats what i figured.
22:17.52delmarMath[laptop], ok, I might check that out a little more.. the voipprovider you think?
22:18.09delmarMath[laptop], they are a SIP gateway.
22:18.29Math[laptop]I think so
22:18.32delmarMath[laptop], so u think their gateway might be trying to do silence suppression?
22:19.51Math[laptop]or even imposing it
22:21.17delmari had wondered about that as an option. i will use a sip client that has the abiity to turn off SS, run some tests, and see what happens.. should point to them if thats the case.
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22:23.43Math[laptop]delmar: do u know if there's any way of telling a sip device not to use silence suppression? (I mean, a sip option, not a device config change)
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22:28.06Barmalhow can I make something like this: exten => _NXXNXXXXXX, 1, deadagi(.....php), but I need to pass to agi exten with 1 infront?
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22:30.08caio-psl-onuzoa: that code for sip jitter buffer and rdp is already into the asterisk's mainline or didnt went too far or what?
22:30.47zoaits not in there yet
22:30.54zoatrying to get something in before the release of 1.2 though
22:31.52caio-psl-onuzoa: does it apply for the rc1 release?
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22:34.57Lostfrogwow.. I get >800kB/s from
22:35.31denonthat's on EasyNews now, isnt it?
22:35.53*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
22:36.06denonoh, sorry -
22:36.24justinudoes 1.2 have any support for the call diversion draft?
22:36.36caio-psl-onuzoa: anyway, the lastest code for it is on that url pointed on the phorum or there's some other place to get it?
22:36.52justinuif I dial a SIP extension, and the remote extension is forwarded to another extension, I'd like the original callers telephone to indicate the final destination
22:38.21drumkillaactually, could be eiether easynews or bandwidth
22:38.29drumkillait's mirrored ...
22:38.51LostfrogI wonder if I could get them to mirror some pr0n. <grin>
22:39.26drumkillasend it on over
22:39.56LostfrogNo.. you misunderstand me.. I want to d/l some pr0n.
22:40.02drumkillalol ...
22:40.16drumkillayou said it as if you already had it :)
22:40.37delmarMath[laptop], sorry for the late response, was engrossed in some stuff on the wiki re a g729.dll for firefly, which seems like it's not going to happen since voiceage have removed the download.... so in answer to your question, i have no idea, i thought turning on/off of SS had to be done at the SIP client. Would be nice if Asterisk had some kinda .. SS=STFU option :P
22:40.41*** join/#asterisk c0w (
22:40.43c0whello all,
22:40.51c0wi'm looking for mark? has anyone seen him,
22:41.11delmarc0w, do you have an appointment? :P
22:41.23c0wi think so
22:41.30c0wi was asked to contact him via msn.
22:41.33c0wahh irc
22:42.05delmarc0w, well if u have an appointment im sure he will be along soon.
22:42.18c0wCan you find me on IRC when this problem is occuring so I can debug it on a live system, by the way?
22:42.30mog_homewhat you need marko for maybe some one here can advise
22:42.32c0wso i think its now =)
22:42.35delmarc0w, what problem?
22:42.50c0wzap channels seem to be locking
22:42.56c0wwhich caus asterisk to lock.
22:43.05mog_homewhat causes it
22:43.09delmarc0w, head? what hardware?
22:43.13c0wi get the feeling he knows what it is
22:43.17c0wdell 2850
22:43.23mog_homee1000 driver?
22:43.30c0wi disabled that
22:43.32delmarc0w, what digium hardware?
22:43.36c0wand put in a 3com
22:43.50c0wis that right 4 port
22:44.06delmarc0w, nice.
22:44.15c0wWildcard TE410P
22:44.31c0wi have 2 support issues open.
22:44.37c0wone for 4 cards to be firmware upgraded
22:44.40c0wand this strange one.
22:44.43c0wnever seen it before.
22:44.49delmarwish i had a bloody T1 card to play with a channel bank
22:45.03c0wlol i have 8 of the quad e1 cards
22:45.12delmarc0w, damn you :P
22:45.19c0wcomp pays for them.
22:45.23delmarc0w, i just want ONE T1 port :P
22:45.35c0wthe one port one i had got stolen.
22:45.39c0wand they replaced it with a quad.
22:46.05c0wsurely you can save up for a t1.
22:46.09delmarc0w, can't afford it with xmas coming up.. first christmas with my little girl, so i dont wanna spend to omuch so i can have a good xmas etc.
22:46.11c0wits only like £300
22:46.22c0wwhy do you need it but
22:46.31c0wcan;t you just sip / h323 / mgcp trunk for nothing ?
22:46.58delmarc0w, i was given 2 channel banks, an adit600 with 2xFXS ports, and a T1 integrator... to play with when i get a T1 one day.
22:47.02*** join/#asterisk christo (
22:47.07christohi all
22:47.23c0wi'm sure i saw  cheap t1 cards somewhere.
22:47.25delmarc0w, and it would make a good phone system here in my little home/office.
22:47.51fugitivowhat echocan should i use? kb1 or mg2?
22:48.19delmarc0w, they are like US$500 or so, our exchange rate is about .65 with visa's commission and exchange charges.. so thats like NZ$770+shipping.. new.
22:48.45c0wcan't you get them in NZ for cheaper than that. sounds very expensive.
22:48.49delmarc0w, also be good experience for me to get to know *+channelbank
22:48.59Lostfrogno ebay, delmar?
22:49.07zoacaio-psl-onu: you cant get it anywhere for now, we hope to port it to rc2 on monday
22:49.09c0wthere were some floating ont here
22:49.15delmarc0w, no way, even more than that if I go via a distributor, such as Matt at Sineapps.
22:49.22[TK]D-Fenderdelmar : Why do you think you want a channel bank?
22:49.54c0wi must admit i don't understand the use of t1
22:50.00caio-psl-onuzoa: oh yes, rc2 not rc1; thanks for the info zoa, i'll stay tuned
22:50.01c0wwhy have 24 channels when you can have 30
22:50.31delmar[TK]D-Fender, actually, there are a bunch of reasons why one would be useful.. firstly, i can run analog phones such as existing cordless and so on, also the adit600 does a great job of imp-matching to iliminate echo problems....
22:50.52justinuare channel banks that much better than ATAs?
22:51.22delmar[TK]D-Fender, so it's a great solution all round, and sure VoIP phones are more fun, as long as they perform, but the big reason is.. experience with a T1 solution.. i simply want the oportunity to have a play with one if nothing else...
22:51.43delmarc0w, yeah everything here in NZ is E1 to the Telco's.
22:51.52delmarc0w, so thats different again.
22:52.45delmarc0w, the thing that anoys me is.. these single port t1 cards are just 10/100 network cards with different HDL blown into the fpga.
22:52.49justinut1 is a dying technology
22:53.14[TK]D-FenderWell Lets say that the price of a channel-bank scenario only tends to pay off in large scale implementations.  For everything under the nedd of 2+ channel banks I wouldn't bother.  Mine hasn't worked out so great (rhino mixed FXS/FXO)
22:53.16delmarc0w, might be a few minor changes to the supporting components perhaps, but otherwise, they are very much a plain old PCI 10/100 NIC.
22:53.46delmar[TK]D-Fender, care to share your experiences? what were the key problems you experienced?
22:54.08c0wwell i must admit i've only played with large corp switches
22:54.12c0wnot channel banks.
22:54.20[TK]D-Fenderwell, most of my problems were with my Digium cards and cloking across ports, with it solved I still can
22:54.31c0wand for what you get from digium the cards are pritty cheap
22:54.57c0wwe have intel Dialogic.
22:55.00c0wnow thats big money.
22:55.01[TK]D-Fender't use them for faxes with any reliability (coming in from PRI), and Zap channels are much more limited in terms of call-control functionality withing *
22:57.49[TK]D-FenderSipura's ATA do so much more than you can with Zap/T1 at a fraction of the cost, and for higher densities, you pick up one like AudioCodes (high end), Quintum, etc.
22:58.01delmar[TK]D-Fender, i just have a TDM400 card here with a single FXO, and im finding it's pretty crappy for receiving faxes.  I have had to adjust the TXgain up to about 4.5 so that the Telco's test fax reports the dB levels are correctly set, so faxes generally receive great now, BUT, increasing the TXGain like this has caused alot more echo, especially at the start of the call... it eventually gets better but was way better before I decided to
22:58.39c0wyeah we have loads of quintums
22:58.42[TK]D-Fenderdelmar : you talking SpanDSP or analog faxes?
22:58.44c0wthe d3000 ones
22:58.54c0wand a big dirty quintum cms 960 channels.
22:59.07ManxPowerdelmar, Welcome to VoIP.  try echocancel=256  echotraining=900 and enable the MG2 Echo Can in zconfig.h in the zaptel source
22:59.12delmar[TK]D-Fender, just playing with Spandsp etc right now. it's working great now, but the comprimise was the TXGain :(
22:59.51delmar[TK]D-Fender, I think I will ditch that idea, and run an external solution with distinctive ring or somet crap
23:00.08[TK]D-FenderWell SpanDSP isn't the most reliable to begin with, and lets forget for a second that horror that is TDM400 echo ;)
23:00.33[TK]D-Fenderdelmar : Seriously, go 1FL analog for those lines.... not worth the pain...
23:01.08c0wor zyxel wireless sip jobbies.
23:01.11[TK]D-FenderDigium disavows the existance of faxes, and aside from buying something nasty expensive (like a Broooktrout solution, etc) just go analog
23:01.16c0wthey work well.
23:01.24mog_homelol fender
23:01.27mog_homenot quiite
23:01.31[TK]D-FenderAnd you're not supposed to echo-cancel on faxes anyways.
23:01.35delmar[TK]D-Fender, heh. well, as i say, spandsp and incoming faxing is working just perfectly.. the comprimise is the TXGain.. hence.. echo.  the thing is.. early this year i started with an X100 card, and it was just utter rubbish. echo all over the place and I just couldnt find the problem... bought and installed a TDM400 card and instantly the echo was all gone.
23:01.50delmar[TK]D-Fender 1FL?
23:02.04[TK]D-Fender1FL is a telco term for boring POTS.
23:02.29delmarah ok
23:03.22delmar[TK]D-Fender, yeah i am going to setup an external solution.. proper modem hanging off some software .. and set the TDM400 card back to 0.0 TX/RXgain and forget about receiving faxes.. that solution stinks.
23:04.11[TK]D-FenderI just can't find a way to make it cost effective is all.. there is really high end stuff, but that takes a LONG time to pay off.
23:04.27delmarif only i could find a cheap T1 card though... I could also get another module for the adit600.. it has 2xFXS, i could install 1xFXO.. I hear a solution like that would be echo-free and no problems at all.
23:04.27[TK]D-Fenderunless you are making a business of it
23:05.02christo'help meetme' at the CLI returns 'No such command 'meetme''. Does this mean it's not installed on my * server?
23:05.06[TK]D-FenderI heard the same of going from a PRI to Channel-bank.... apparently NOT.
23:05.25Math`christo: use show application meetme
23:05.46delmar[TK]D-Fender, yeah, looking at the cost of this adit600 thing here, it would be cheaper to have 16x VoIP phones, and a TDM400 or something... as long as there was no echo it would be great.
23:06.02christoMath` - it says 'Your application is not registered' :/
23:06.21Math`then you didnt compile zaptel prior to asterisk
23:06.27Math`and meetme wasnt built
23:07.07[TK]D-Fenderdelmar : Whats the TDM400 for in that scenario?
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23:07.47christoMath` - I'm using ztdummy, because I don't have the hardware installed. lsmod shows ztdummy is loaded. If I go to the * sources and do 'make && make install' then restart, it makes no difference. What am I doing wrong here?
23:07.52delmar[TK]D-Fender, the pstn line
23:07.58delmar[TK]D-Fender, it just has 1FXO module on it
23:08.39[TK]D-FenderYou mean use the TDM400 for all of your incoming voice lines and VoIP phones for desks?
23:08.40delmar[TK]D-Fender, i was really pleased that it worked so nicely compared to the X100. there must be something about it that is different to the X100... I was having no end of trouble until I received it.
23:10.14delmar[TK]D-Fender, currently yes thats all i have. TDM400 for in/out PSTN calls, have a couple of grandstreams that work great.. and I have been testing some PA168X rubbish which I made the decision yesterday, to take outside and set fire too. just waiting for the wife to clear the camera, then im gonna pour petrol on them and i shit u not, i will send the pics to TigerNetcom.
23:10.46delmarI am so disgusted with their products.
23:11.00denonhey kram
23:11.08[TK]D-FenderI'll leave the Grandstreams alone (consider me geerous), but for excho, My TDM400 was iffy, and there is something neat coming out soon :
23:11.16kramsup denon :)
23:11.20delmartheir firmware update worked on 1 phone out of 4, the remaining 3 phones are dead and the famous PA168X based firmware recovery.. is toast and wont work.
23:11.25denonkram: hangin out in vegas?
23:11.59zoahey ho
23:12.00kramdenon: i head out monday
23:12.03kramhey zoa
23:12.06kramare you gonna be at vegas?
23:12.11[TK]D-Fenderdelmar : in the budget voip range I'd suggest Sipura's phones, for nice office, I'd say Polycom in a heartbeat.
23:12.34denonat least the past couple'a months
23:12.42delmaranyone know where i can score a g729.dll for testing with firefly? the stuff to download as per instructions on is no longer valid, Voiceage no longer have the file for download. anyone please?
23:13.10delmar[TK]D-Fender, yep. It's all about getting what you pay for I reckon.
23:13.14tzangerdelmar: try your p2p
23:13.18zoadelmar: that file is not legal to use
23:13.31delmarzoa, i relly couldnt care less.
23:13.36denondelmar: but we could
23:13.47denontry #voipwarez or somethin
23:13.53delmari said 'testing'. not commercial application
23:14.02tzangerI find two sources for it on emule, 160kb
23:14.05denondoesnt matter if you're testing or not, the law doesnt differ..
23:14.06delmarnah. ilbc or gsm will do just fine i think
23:14.15Lostfrogasterisk module for g729?
23:14.17LostfrogGoogle it.
23:14.24delmarno not an * module
23:14.29delmarwindows .dll
23:14.29Lostfrogahh. nm
23:14.36denonLostfrog: he's talkin the client-side piece
23:16.00delmari draw the line at using pirated g729 for commercial application. if u are makin money.. you can afford to pay the money is my way of thinking
23:16.23delmarbut for testing is another story.
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23:16.40delmaroh and you think the law is fair?
23:16.40mog_homeif you dont like the rules dont play with there toys
23:16.41denondelmar: well .. im not really going to get into it here .. but you wouldnt stuff a channel bank under your coat and walk out the door, just cause you're testing
23:16.44mog_homeno i dont
23:16.47denonwhy is software any different than hardware
23:16.48tzangerI have *zero* qualms about pirating to evaluate
23:16.53tzangerbut I am strict about evaluation
23:16.59mog_homebut i do belive i am allowed to make my own rules when i release something
23:17.03delmartzanger, i agree
23:17.05tzangerif you are using it beyond evaluating it you've made a conscious decision
23:17.11tzangerand you should buy it
23:17.12mog_homeand if you dont want to follow them i dont care if you were doing it for mother teresa
23:17.16mog_homeyou broke my license
23:17.17mog_homeyou suck
23:17.26mog_homeand are no better than sco or any other subverts
23:17.36tzangermog_home: I refuse to pay $500 (or $5) to evaluate something
23:17.41tzangerI disagree
23:17.48mog_homethen dont use said tool
23:17.53denons/mog_home/denon/g > denon-soft.c | releaseapp
23:17.53tzangerevaluation != using (commercial or noncommercial)
23:17.58delmarI buy software all the time, that I downloaded and cracked.... last thing I bought for example.. was Getdataback.
23:18.21tzangerI too buy all kinds of software, and not cheap shit either
23:18.44tzangerlatest was Eagle full version (schematic entry, layout and autorouter)
23:18.45mog_homei buy everything and if i want to try something, if its available leagily i do so
23:18.48mog_homeotherwise i dont try it
23:18.52mog_homeand i usually dont buy it
23:19.00mog_homethat companies loss not mine
23:19.04denonehh .. ok, so long story short. piracy bad. legal use good.   if you want to pirate, dont expect help doing it.
23:19.09tzangerosx-x86 is another perfect example
23:19.14tzangerI'd never buy a mac just to evaluate it
23:19.24delmari bought that last week because the cracked version, recovered data from a clients system that had been re-formatted and re-installed... after that client says. " oh.. what about X data i had in Y folder .. " im like.. FFS... so I used that to recover it... and charged the guy a few hundred for his lameness... instantly bought the software .. I made money.. so i could afford to buy it ..
23:19.33c0wmac rock tbh.
23:19.33christoDoes anybody know how to get the meetme application 'registered'? I have just recompiled zaptel/ztdummy, the module is loaded, I have recompiled asterisk and reinstalled, but the CLI says that the meetme application is not registered. What does this mean?
23:19.34mog_homeim not saying companies dont benefit from your piracy tzanger
23:19.34tzangerbut without actually giving it the old college try (weeks of use) I would never be able to determine whether I'd actually buy it
23:19.39mog_homei just think law is law
23:19.45mog_homeit doesnt have to be right
23:19.48tzangermog_home: I believe that bad laws should be challenged
23:19.49mog_homejust followed
23:19.57mog_homewell then publicly challenge it
23:20.08denonchallenge the law, dont just break it
23:20.09tzangernow I agree that I'm really chicken-shitting it with challenging it with piracy for evaluation
23:20.13mog_homethere is a differnce between pirating macosx86 and civil disobedience
23:20.25delmarmog_home, for me.. the law is when the cops knock on your door, not a guy in a suit trying to uphold his copyright.
23:20.29mog_homeim all for civil disobedieance
23:20.43mog_homei agree too much power is in there hands
23:20.44tzangermog_home: pirating macosx86 to evaluate it is not pirating it to use it at least not in my opinion
23:20.48denonmog's a hippie :)
23:20.53mog_homestill doesnt justify yalls illegal use in my opinion
23:20.55delmarmog_home, here in NZ, the cops don't do anything... and don't wanna know.. if you want to uphold copyright.. do it yourself.
23:20.56tzangerI understand your viewpoint, and I agree that many companies have benefitted from my piracy of their software
23:21.02tzangersince I've gone ahead and purchased it
23:21.06tzangerI do the same with music
23:21.07mog_homeyes delmar
23:21.12mog_homeyour never gonna get arrested
23:21.19tzangerI download a bunch and I end up buying their albums
23:21.26mog_homeno one is ever gonna get caught for pirating g729
23:21.33mog_homein the end it is a moral thing
23:21.34tzangerbut I'd never just pay $16-$25 at random to evaluate it
23:21.40delmarmog_home, i agree
23:21.42tzangermog_home: I agree with the moral thing
23:21.51tzangerI guess my morals are a little different than yours :-)
23:22.01denonI still say, you wouldnt stuff a bunch of stuff in your coat in a store . .
23:22.02mog_homei think it is immoral to break law in private, i think it is moral to publicly break law in act of civil disobediance
23:22.06denonwhy is software any different
23:22.11tzangerI feel that if I release software and someone pirates it to evaluate and I get the sale later due to that piracy, then whoohoo
23:22.20denonyou wouldnt walk into a computer store, and stuff a copy of whatever software in your coat either ..
23:22.25tzangerI don't have to fuck around with trying to protect my software to release a limited version?
23:22.26denonthe physical goods make you *feel* wrong
23:22.30denonbuyt just downloading it doesnt
23:22.46mog_homei agree tzanger loads of people make money from pirated products
23:23.01[TK]D-Fendertzanger : yours is a difficult approach to uphold and expect others to have faith in.  That another could make the same claim and lie about their future intentions is the reason it would not be an accepted practice.
23:23.01mog_homebut in reality said company should release trial version
23:23.04mog_homein the first place
23:23.06LostfrogLet's just legalize pot and then we won't need to argue.
23:23.07tzanger[TK]D-Fender: agreed
23:23.12tzangertotally agreed
23:23.15mog_homelol lostfrog agreed
23:23.24denonmog_home: a trial is nice, but I dont think it should be a given ..
23:23.26tzangermog_home: I dislike trial versions
23:23.37tzangeras both someone who writes software and as someone who buys it
23:23.39denonmog_home: I mean, if you buy a new house .. you dont get a trial first .. you buy it, its yours .. if you dont like it, get them to take it back
23:23.52delmarTake Vanuatu for example, there is a nice little shop in Port Vila that I used to check out while I was living there...called MegaMall. You can buy US$50k worth of software for AU$20
23:24.00tzanger[TK]D-Fender: ther'es a certain amount of faith involved...  but again i'd rather put my energy into making software, not into anti-copying techniques that never ever work
23:24.15tzangerI mean look at how much effort's gone in to key fobs and shit and it's still trivially cracked
23:24.19Lostfrogdenon: with a new house, you get a walk-though and a professional inspection.
23:24.41denonLostfrog: ya, after it's all sided and sheetrocked :)
23:24.54denonwith studs every 64 inches :)
23:25.23Lostfrogc0w: mark was here, why didn't you say anything to him?
23:25.27c0wnot that
23:25.32denonyou know ..
23:25.32c0wtrying to make problem happen
23:25.34[TK]D-Fendertzanger : true, but while it may often be cracked I think the success ratio tends to still show in the "profit" column and justify it to the author.  Either that or no-one could/did produce enough evidence of its irrelevance to sway them.
23:25.36denonIve got this * bug ..
23:25.42denonI should try to fix it and submit a patch
23:25.45c0wyou have it as well
23:25.46denonthat'd be a nice thing, wouldnt it
23:25.52tzanger[TK]D-Fender: not from my experience
23:25.57tzangerI've been in the pirate scene since the C64
23:26.00Lostfrogdenon: nah.. let someone else fix it. :)
23:26.01tzangerFast Hack'em and such
23:26.14denonLostfrog: yeah.. but I know the problem, and I know the fix .. kinda
23:26.31LostfrogSucks to be you.
23:26.33[TK]D-Fendertzanger : I guess you're a statistic they don't care anout and the remainder pays for it :)
23:26.34deezedis there anyway to make a global h extension. My dial plan goes through different contexts so I don't know where the caller would hang up, but I need to make sure commands are run when they hang up
23:26.43tzanger[TK]D-Fender: :-)
23:26.46c0wif i knew the fix to my problem.
23:26.49denondeezed: include => hangup
23:26.54c0wi would be writing a fix now.
23:27.15deezedthanks denon.. didn't think of that
23:27.24LostfrogDoesn't a call always end up in it's starting context?
23:27.26denondeezed: the simplest solutions are always the best
23:27.34tzangerthe only anti-copying method I ran across I couldn't get through was Scream Tracker 2.21
23:27.43tzangerand it was *good*
23:27.58tzangernot even SoftIce was able to help me
23:28.18Qwellno matter how good the copy protection...dd will get around it.  heh
23:28.31tzangerQwell: well this was registration
23:28.34tzangernot copy protection
23:28.35zoaida pro has a nice copy protection
23:28.40zoaevery binary is custom built
23:28.48zoayou share it ? they will bust your ass
23:29.00tzangerzoa: :-)  that is perfectly effective
23:29.00c0whas anyone else tried the ooh323c h323 channel driver in 1.2
23:29.03[TK]D-FenderI try to be a "legit" as "convenient".  I regret my buyer's remorse gets in the way too often, but OSS is helping me very much.  I've switched to GAIM, OOo (though still install Office, etc).  I'm working my way towards a singe Boxed WinXP and try to do the rest in OSS.  it really does cover almost everything except the 2 games I play which I should go and deal with.
23:29.05tzangersame as one-time-pad really
23:29.11gambolputtyIs is possible to replace what * puts in the Contact field with something else?
23:29.41denonContact field?
23:29.45denonyou mean callerid?
23:29.47mog_homeyeah oss has made going clean so easy
23:29.47ManxPowergambolputty, What do you want to accomplish?
23:29.51gambolputtyin the sip headers
23:29.56gambolputtythat Contact field
23:30.10gambolputtyI see in there now an extension and an IP address
23:30.14*** part/#asterisk logicalonline (n=Ken@
23:30.15ManxPowergambolputty, well fromuser= exists
23:30.21tzangerno pirated software on this laptop at all
23:30.50ManxPowergambolputty, your extensive search of the mailing list archives didn't help?
23:31.05denongambolputty: register => <username>@<sip client/peer id in sip.conf>/<contact> :Register with a SIP provider
23:31.22gambolputtynot register
23:31.39ManxPowerIf gambolputty tells us what he wants to accomplish then we might have althernative methods of accomplishing that.
23:31.45gambolputtyI want to put in a name and domain name instead
23:31.54gambolputtyand have it change everytime a call is made
23:32.05ManxPowergambolputty, I don't believe you can do that
23:32.06gambolputtyespecially the name part before the @ sign
23:32.31ManxPowerI still don't understand WHY you would want to do that.
23:32.45gambolputtyI have my SIP URL in the From field
23:32.47gambolputtythat took
23:32.53gambolputtybut it is not in the Contact field
23:33.13gambolputtysome other equipment out there might try to contact me back using info in the Contact field
23:33.17gambolputtyand that wouldn't work
23:33.28ManxPowergambolputty, why would it not work?
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23:33.54gambolputtyThe means of contacting me back would be a name, not my extension
23:34.12gambolputtyhence I need to replace what's in the Contact field
23:34.14gambolputtywith something else
23:34.25ManxPowergambolputty, I dunno.  Every phone call that wants to contact ME has to go to an extension.
23:34.35gambolputtynot in my case
23:35.08ManxPowerResults 1 - 10 of about 134 from for  replace contact.
23:35.21ManxPowergambolputty, sounds like you should be running SER and not Asterisk
23:35.44gambolputtyslowing trying to understand ser
23:35.48gambolputtyit is complex
23:35.57gambolputtyreading rfc3261 first though
23:36.06gambolputtyequally complex
23:36.36LostfrogI wish we could train like they do in the matrix.
23:36.49gambolputtyminor miracle that one
23:38.27ManxPowergambolputty, see Bug #510 at
23:39.25cjkhi, does anyone know why realtime is updating the username?
23:39.52gambolputtyinteresting reading
23:40.06ManxPowerSome idiots think fiddleing with Contact: etc headers is the solution to NAT problems.
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23:40.50gambolputtywow, didn't know that
23:41.05gambolputtyI have no problem with NAT though
23:42.02shido6thank god for Oatmeal to Go
23:44.13Lostfrogok.. the problem with the D() option in Dial is fixed in RC2.
23:44.26jbotextra, extra, read all about it, dialogic is no more. it has ceased to be. it shuffled off its moral coil and went to meet Intel
23:45.11LostfrogIt is an ex-company?
23:45.17Igbothom_IIIthis is the Intel who no longer leads the technology race in the x86 marketplace?  :)
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23:48.48LostfrogI *love* making network cables. :(
23:48.49zoahey brookie
23:55.14Lostfrogand... the channel dies.
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