irclog2html for #asterisk on 20051030

00:00.11pauldyhmm and if ztdummy will not compile
00:00.11blitzragetzanger: yep... which also makes it difficult to pick who to work for :)  I just tend to work for the people who i get a good feeling from, and who give me guarenteed amounts of work. Unfortunately it also causes me to have to turn some work away... but those are usually people who just need a couple of hours of work
00:00.23n0rf-pauldy: then dig deeper
00:00.32*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
00:00.41pauldyztdummy.h:33: field `span' has incomplete type
00:00.54n0rf-pauldy: it's been the same sucky procedure for anyone not using hardware timers
00:01.13*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
00:01.27n0rf-complain to digium officially not supporting this... and make X-Rob happy ;)
00:02.21*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
00:07.32fileblitzrage: I just bought my ticket for Montreal ;)
00:07.46Drukenwuts in montreal ?
00:07.47blitzragefile: w00t :)
00:07.52blitzrageMeet Asterisk
00:08.11fileor, meet blitzrage!
00:08.20blitzrageyah or that I guess :)
00:08.21X-Robn0rf- - actually, the whole timing stuff is being redone using POSIX timers, apparently.
00:08.24X-Robbut that's way beyond me
00:08.36X-RobI can fix typos and thinkos, and write documentation
00:08.37X-Robthat's about it 8)
00:08.43fileblitzrage: you need to let Junky and I in for free so we can hassle you :P
00:09.01Drukenall on week days...
00:09.01blitzragefile: no way :)
00:09.17Drukeni swear i'm the only one in the world who works for a living...
00:09.23blitzrageDruken: yep -- its usually easier to get business types out during normal working days
00:09.24file"Leif Leif, can I run a vonage company using Asterisk?!?"
00:09.43blitzragefile: "Yes you can. No, I won't help you do it." :)
00:10.59n0rf-X-Rob: so make sure to announce it beforehand, so digium can react in time to implement it as well. then they can hire all the OPBX devs in a good deal and still incorporate everything they wanted :D
00:11.01Drukeni could probably visit the toronto one for an hour...
00:11.21NetgeeksA hurricane named Beta... how appropriate
00:11.39Drukennext one would be gama
00:11.42X-Robn0rf- w00t. I need to get paid more.
00:11.47X-Robdigium can hire my fat arse.
00:11.58Netgeeksdefine 'more'
00:12.07X-Robwant > current
00:12.10X-Robneed == more.
00:12.24Drukenkinda a small hotel that are meeting at in toronto....
00:12.37X-Robalpha beta gamma delta epsilon!
00:12.54NetgeeksI'm in the market to hire a coupe developers in the next month.... so if you are actually looking....
00:13.17X-RobNetgeeks - As I said, I'm not really a developer. I'm a bugfixed and docco writer.
00:13.32NetgeeksI was more thinking of 'Beta' is in the mess this beta code left is amazing...
00:13.33X-RobI'm a unix guy rather than a coder.
00:14.18Netgeeksah! on the definition of your area of expertise
00:14.22Drukeni'm with ya X-Rob... i don't know codeing at all.... i'm a player...
00:18.02n0rf-playboy #42? ^^
00:19.05n0rf-i don't code either (except a bit js, lingo, as), but i'm with the guys who went all the trouble to create *
00:20.56fileblitzrage: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00:21.50blitzragefile: you called?
00:21.59blitzragefile: back to work kid :)
00:22.00fileblitzrage: not really
00:22.10filebut it's Saturday >.<
00:22.24blitzragefile: exactly! You should work TWICE as hard on Saturday
00:22.35filewow, what a great idea
00:22.54n0rf-you'd get paid quadruple :P
00:23.01fileone would hope
00:23.20n0rf-ye :|
00:24.00*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
00:25.23Ringwraith`what program can i use to make a gsm file
00:25.39Netgeekswow... 38 seconds to build asterisk
00:25.44blitzragenot too shabby
00:26.01Netgeeksdual opteron 275
00:26.18fileI wonder how long my cellphone can last using bluetooth to my Powerbook with a 1X connection up
00:26.44NetgeeksI think the electricity used in those 38 seconds could probably drive a prius 10 miles tho
00:26.52tzangerif * can't authenticate an IAX2 call it returns HC 50 - facility not subscribed
00:26.56tzangerthat doesn't sound right
00:27.03Netgeeksthis maching sounds like a 747 spooled up and ready to go
00:27.15n0rf-file: what cellphone do you have?
00:27.22Netgeeksmachine, even
00:27.29filen0rf-: Motorola V710
00:27.40n0rf-mine lasts about 1 day just being connected, without transfers :\
00:27.44n0rf-siemens sx1
00:27.54fileI guess we'll see
00:27.57fileor I can test it before I leave!
00:28.09filestill got a week
00:28.44n0rf-i've had a moto600 before, it was even weaker
00:29.12n0rf-plus, it didn't do much.. no jsr-82
00:29.18fileI'll be travelling through very... rural... parts, so I dunno if I'll even have digital
00:30.42hellopI have a polycom 501,   I can dial it's extension from another phone, but when I try to call out, it does not seem to send anything to my server IP. Any suggestions?
00:33.16hellopno one likes me
00:33.37X-Robyou're correct.
00:34.21hellopanything I can do about that?
00:34.44X-RobGive useful information?
00:34.51X-Robput it on
00:38.02hellopoh, sorry
00:39.39fileblitzrage: how was your day?
00:54.42n0rf-file: his daily information ain't gpl'd
00:54.50n0rf-you need to wait til an agency picks it up
00:57.23n0rf-or die
01:03.59pauldythe more I dig through this code the more I want to just hit myself in the head with a hammer
01:05.49file[laptop]which code
01:06.08pauldythe zaptel driver code
01:06.19pauldytrying to get ztdummy to compile for 2.4 kernel
01:06.42file[laptop]it should already
01:06.46file[laptop]just use the USB controller.
01:07.45pauldyit isn't there is a problem with it not recognizing what span and chan are in the ztdummy structure definition
01:08.25pauldyztdummy.h ~ line 33
01:11.05warthogcan you update a polycom 600 from 2.5 boot rom to 2.6.2?  docs suggest you need to downgrade to 2.1, then update to 2.6.2
01:12.14azziewarthog, do the opposite to what docs say
01:12.42azziemake it a rule for yourself
01:12.52warthogazzie, can you toast a polycom by making a bootrom mistake?   not sure what you mean by opposite?
01:14.45xhelioxI suspect he was being sarcastic.
01:14.55*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
01:16.03warthogjust to be sure, if I put the bootrom.ld file in the ftp directory, does the upgrade just happen? I see no bootrom.ver file in the zips
01:18.35warthogcan I put the 2.6.2 bootrom.ld in the ftp home and a 600 with 2.5 logs in, will it update without issues?  manual says you need to downgrade first to 2.1 which I can't get.
01:19.59warthoganyone, anyone, buehler .....
01:22.32*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
01:27.28*** join/#asterisk alephcom (n=Miranda@
01:28.09*** join/#asterisk P-NuT (
01:30.33P-NuTHi all, I have an IAX extension at my mates house (no NAT) that is calling my SIP extension here at home (behind NAT), and there seems to be delays of 5 seconds of my speech reaching his phone. Now he is using GSM and I'm using Ulaw here at home. Would that make any difference?
01:31.17*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
01:31.51blitzrageP-NuT: possible... if Asterisk is running on a really slow computer and it had to do transcoding... but even then
01:32.03blitzrageP-NuT: I'd say thats probably not the problem
01:34.37warthogcan you update a polycom 600 straight from 2.5 bootrom to 2.6.2, if so, with just a bootrom.ld file?
01:36.45*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr (
01:37.03warthogcan you update a polycom 600 straight from 2.5 bootrom to 2.6.2, if so, with just a bootrom.ld file?
01:39.54hellophuh, I fixed my Polycom 501.   By removing the Outbound Proxy field.   What's that for?  If I have a SIP provider outside my local network/
01:41.02Neter66does anyone know why I would see a CSeq: 102 NOTIFY   From: "Unknown" <sip:Unknown@>;tag=as43591c75
01:41.10Neter66why would it be showing up as unknown?
01:42.21Neter66my phone registers, gets a 401, then reregisters again immediately, and gets SIP 200 (successful registration).  Then, within half a second, I get a NOTIFY from * and the whole process starts over
01:42.29*** join/#asterisk scubasteve (
01:42.41scubasteveWhat's shakin?!
01:43.01hellopNester66, you try "sip debug"
01:43.34Neter66That is from a sip debug
01:43.45scubasteveAnyone in here with Asterisk *and* a ReplayTV?  I've got an app...:-)
01:44.46Neter66i'm concerned about the "From: "Unknown" <sip:Unknown@>;tag=as7cb49455"
01:44.56warthogcan you update a polycom 600 straight from 2.5 bootrom to 2.6.2, if so, with just a bootrom.ld file?
01:45.12*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr (
01:45.20Neter66I think the phone is puking on it, as it is expecting sip:2001@ to be sending the NOTIFY, not sip:unknown
01:48.03blitzrageJunK-Y: you around?
01:50.35hellopscubasteve, Now, you can watch tv from your phone?!
01:51.10file[laptop]blitzrage: he's gone
01:51.11pv2b"press 743# to have asterisk fax you the current show on TV"
01:51.29file[laptop]gone far far away
01:51.40scubastevehellop, No ... you can change channels and go through all of the program guides through a phone though...
01:51.54*** join/#asterisk websae (
01:52.00file[laptop]you can watch TV on my cellphone... not that I'd ever go for that, too expensive for too little/too crappy
01:52.02blitzragefile[laptop]: you know JunK-Y's website with the Astricon pictures? (I could probably find it on the wiki, but I'm lazy...)
01:52.13file[laptop]blitzrage: I know where it is, lemme grab it
01:52.40file[laptop]waiting for it to come up... but it's just hanging there
01:52.46file[laptop]there we are
01:52.50*** join/#asterisk Voicelynx (n=rda@
01:54.09scubasteveDo most people in here choose to go IAX over SIP for their term/orig?  I just had a chat with my voip provider and they really recommended I go SIP instead of IAX... there were some really good reasons, too...
01:54.28file[laptop]we've had quality issues with IAX2, and SIP has worked far better
01:54.31*** join/#asterisk P-NuT (
01:54.51blitzragescubasteve: SIP is more actively maintained
01:54.54websaehow hard is it to make a call menu in asterisk?
01:55.01file[laptop]plus SIP+RTP is a standard, yay
01:55.04blitzragewebsae: as hard as you want it?
01:55.23blitzrageanyone know a good console based volume mixer for linux?
01:55.42scubastevefile... ok, good.. I'm setting up * for a magazine article and will play more with SIP over IAX.
01:56.09xhelioxblitzrage: alsamixer (if you're using alsa)
01:56.15scubasteveMy voip provider said he sends REINVITE in SIP and the traffic goes directly to level3 from my end... IAX doesn't workie that way.
01:56.20blitzragexheliox: ahhh yes.. I think that was the one I was looking for
01:56.34file[laptop]IAX can work that way, it just goes too far...
01:56.38blitzragescubasteve: well thats because level 3 doesn't handle IAX2
01:56.46scubasteveblitz.. yeah :)
01:56.49file[laptop]and yeah, doesn't cross protocols
01:56.56file[laptop]if it used RTP it could though
01:57.11scubasteveThat and he said the more transcoding there is.. the more chances of something going wrong and jitter.. which all makes sense.
01:57.18scubasteveNever really gave it that much thought though.
01:57.47Voicelynxscubasteve: that isn't a comment on IAX - it just says that since they are using Level3 SIP may make more sense
01:57.51scubasteveHe said "The Asterisk people wrote IAX to get around the NAT issues of SIP... Then went into SIP and fixed the NAT problems..."
01:58.16scubasteveYeah, they are L3 and Quest.
01:58.36scubasteve.. thankfully with no middleman.
01:58.39VoicelynxWe use IAX day in day out with "reinvite" and it works fine
01:58.55blitzrageI just use both
01:58.57file[laptop]IAX can't reinvite, it can do native transfers but that screws up billing
01:59.11VoicelynxTrue - that is why I said it in quotes
01:59.26file[laptop]reinvite is a SIP term... ;)
01:59.27Voicelynxbut if the billing issue isn't a problem it works
01:59.43scubasteveBilling issues, as long as they are to my benefit... are fine with me :)
02:00.07file[laptop]blitzrage: I've been skipping through the book some more and saw some of the stuff I explained to you :)
02:00.13blitzragefile[laptop]: :D
02:00.20VoicelynxIAX was more useful around a year ago when much SIP gear would still have NAT issues
02:00.27file[laptop]like the chan_iax2 switch stuff that I had to open the source for
02:00.38blitzragefile[laptop]: exactly! :)
02:00.41blitzragefile[laptop]: that was good stuff
02:01.20blitzrageodd... yum doesn't find alsamixer
02:01.23scubasteveThere goes file again, always either dancing or hugging.
02:01.31file[laptop]scubasteve: I hug in real life too
02:01.42VoicelynxDancing on the laptop too.....
02:01.50blitzrageor in irc ;)
02:01.53file[laptop]blitzrage: I'll sneak up on you!
02:02.01GXTianyone care to explain what a milliwatt is in telecom terminology?(not the unit, like a kind of tone or something)
02:02.03Qwell[]note to self: avoid file at all costs.
02:02.08blitzrageQwell[]: :)
02:02.15file[laptop]Qwell[]: indeed
02:02.18scubasteveQwell.. lol
02:02.18VoicelynxIt is a milliwatt
02:02.25file[laptop]I'll go off on rants/tangents too
02:02.29Voicelynxwhich is 0.775V RMS into 600 Ohms
02:03.33VoicelynxThe milliwatt signal is usually used as a standard line-up tone
02:06.57VoicelynxGXTi: A milliwatt tone at 1000Hz or 900Hz would be used to line up gain on analog curcuits
02:06.57GXTiokay, thanks :p
02:07.04*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
02:07.18*** join/#asterisk syle (n=blag@unaffiliated/syle)
02:08.11VoicelynxNot the answer you wanted ? :)
02:08.28*** join/#asterisk syle (n=blag@unaffiliated/syle)
02:10.03scubasteveIs the SIP jitterbuffer any better or worse than IAX (CVS HEAD) ?
02:10.12*** join/#asterisk syle (n=blag@unaffiliated/syle)
02:10.21blitzrageSIP has a jitterbuffer now? :)
02:10.26file[laptop]the patch? dunno, haven't tried it in a long time
02:10.33scubasteveblitz, ... doesn't it?
02:10.47scubasteveno kiddin
02:10.49file[laptop]SIP/RTP in CVS has no jitterbuffer
02:10.54blitzragenope -- like file[laptop] said, I think there is a patch for it...
02:11.01blitzrageprobably doesn't apply to CVS any more though...
02:11.52blitzragechan_sip changes a fair amount
02:11.52scubasteveI thought I saw something on asterisk-dev about it being showed at Astricon..
02:15.01pv2bshould asterisk be implementing a jitter buffer? shouldn't that be handled at the sip phone end?
02:15.31*** join/#asterisk jmardones (
02:15.37mtghpv2b: there is one in asterisk
02:15.41mtghwell on iax there is
02:16.32pv2bmight be handy, but i can't think of any cases where it'd be justified right now off the top of my head. then again, i'm an asterisk newbie
02:16.57file[laptop]I'm working on something... for something else... and I've got a jitterbuffer going on RTP, and it's beautiful
02:17.24pv2bwell, yeah, but it sounds like something a client should be doing, not asterisk itself.
02:17.33pv2bor wait a minute. i'm thinking inside the VoIP box.
02:17.38file[laptop]asterisk is acting as a user agent though
02:17.42pv2bcould make sense if you're routing calls onto the pstn.
02:17.54file[laptop]and it does help, and it does make sense
02:18.13file[laptop]and I am insane
02:18.31pv2bfile[laptop]: you're sane compared to some people I know.
02:18.50*** join/#asterisk Trionnis (
02:19.05pv2bthen again, maybe I haven't been paying enough attention to you yet.
02:19.35Trionnisanyone have a suggestion for a non-voip basic 800 DID provider?  I don't need a web interface, or voicemail, or any of that.
02:19.53Trionnisflat per minute with no monthly would be ideal :)
02:20.01Qwell[]call your telco
02:20.01scubasteveSo nobody in here with a ReplayTV and Asterisk, eh?
02:20.08Trionnisit's Verizon
02:20.10Trionnisno thanks
02:20.16scubasteveVerizon, yuck.
02:20.21Trionnisyup, exactly
02:20.40Trionnisthis is for a dialup ISP signup service, so I can't do voip obviously
02:21.04Trionnisclient of mine asked me about it today, and google is spammed with garbage sites
02:21.11*** join/#asterisk syle (n=blag@unaffiliated/syle)
02:21.17Trionnisfigured this might be a place to ask
02:21.31scubasteveMan, Verizon just... argh.  We lived here for 6 years and every damn time it rained the phone line went pure static.  Those idiots came out no less than 50 times and never figured it out.  Now it's fixed.. with Asterisk ...
02:22.29pv2bTrionnis: well, you could do voip, actually.
02:22.38pv2bTrionnis: as long as you use µlaw or something like that.
02:22.49Qwell[]better have a damn good connection to your provider...
02:22.54Trionnisuh, yeah
02:23.02ManxPowerpv2b, Jitter buffer only happens on INCOMINg audio, so there needs to be one at each end
02:23.09TrionnisI'd rather just avoid it alltogether
02:23.12scubastevepv2b.. the slightest jitter or hiccup on the network and the modem connection goes bonkers..
02:23.16Trionnisneeds to be uber-reliable obviously
02:23.45scubasteveTrionnis.. I wouldn't even consider doing it over voip, ulaw or not.  You're just asking for trouble.
02:23.51Trionnisoh, I'm not
02:23.58pv2bscubasteve: true, but it would "work" inside a real-time environment
02:24.03Qwell[]I do dialup connections with g729
02:24.12Trionnishence the reason I specified "non voip" in the original question :)
02:24.15ManxPowerQwell[], You also lie.
02:24.22scubastevepv2b.. yep... on a lan with qos you're probably fine.. on the internet, all bets are off.
02:24.26Qwell[]ManxPower: Through various orifices, yes
02:25.00fileI'm not even going to ask about that
02:25.06Qwell[]file: good idea
02:25.06filejust, like, yeah
02:25.21ManxPowerGads, I have to do client billing tomorrow.
02:25.38scubasteveThink about baseball maybe?
02:25.47pv2bscubasteve: well, unless you've got a service contract guaranteeing a certain amount of maximum latency between two points.
02:25.58Qwell[]pv2b: latency isn't the issue
02:26.01pv2bscubasteve: these exist, though of course your voip terminator has to have one of those too.
02:26.07pv2bwell, packet loss too.
02:26.19scubasteveThere's still too much to go wrong, contracts or not.
02:26.25Qwell[]it's just sound...
02:26.38Qwell[]one packet comes out of order...and it could potentially kill it
02:27.20Trionnisso anyway
02:27.21pv2btrue, but it's not quite as sensitive as fax. modems will retrain. it won't be pretty but it'll work :-)
02:27.27TrionnisKall8 is kinda pricey
02:27.36Trionnisand like I said, google is spammed to hell
02:27.44Trionnisso, any suggestions? :)
02:27.53scubasteveTrionnis... We do regular 800 at work for our office... I found out it's like 11c/min or something STUPID like that...
02:28.08Trionnisthat's out of budget for this guy
02:28.09scubasteveI don't know who it's trough, but it burns me up to think about how much that silly 800# costs.
02:28.14pv2b11c per minute?
02:28.21pv2bthat's... expensive.
02:28.25scubasteveIt was horrible.
02:28.39ManxPowerYou can get a LOT less thru a regular PSTN carrier
02:28.45scubasteveThat's what I thought.
02:28.56scubasteveI'm just a developer, nobody cares what I think.
02:29.10scubasteveThey lock me in a dimly lit room and slide a pizza under the door every few days..
02:29.12X-Robthat's right
02:29.13fileuh hrm
02:29.13ManxPowerAnd even less thru a VoIP carrier, but why let the internet take down your phone service
02:29.17filewhere did I put my cellphone case...
02:29.39filemuahaha success
02:30.18pv2b(as if an internet with a service contract with a link going through a single ISP is less reliable than the phone network.)
02:30.26pv2bs/internet/internet connection/
02:30.41ManxPowerpv2b, any every internet connection between you and your ITSP.
02:30.59pv2bManxPower: as opposed to every phone line between you and your customer.
02:31.01Qwell[]and them and their ITSP :D
02:31.04fileI just moved my PBX from a box in New York, to a box in San Jose... my route is soooo much nicer
02:31.07pv2bQwell[]: good point :D
02:31.08fileeliminated all my problems
02:31.14ManxPowerAnd if you call up an ISP and complain about jitter they laugh at you.
02:31.37Trionnisactually Savvis doesn't do that to me
02:31.49ManxPowerThe PSTN is more reliable than VoIP over the internet, it's as simple as that.
02:31.51Trionnisbut I pay extra for QoS across their network :)
02:31.56fileI had a customer call me up and complain about quality, and all I could say was "I don't control the internet."
02:32.09Qwell[]file: Well, why not?
02:32.12*** join/#asterisk [Lamer] (i=Lamer@
02:32.14ManxPowerTrionnis, SAVVIS rocks
02:32.14pv2bManxPower: well, you can get internet connections specifying certain performance minima between certain endpoints. but it's going to cost you, of course.
02:32.18fileQwell[]: my mommy won't let me :(
02:32.25ManxPowerpv2b, cost much more than PSTN
02:32.37TrionnisSavvis + InterNap = mega kickass routes
02:32.56ManxPowerWe use VoIP over point to point T-1s, but that's not "the internet"
02:33.01pv2bManxPower: doesn't change the fact that it's technically possible. i never said it was a good idea :-)
02:33.12Trionnisit's expensive as hell, but I never see anything over 45ms to anywhere on the net
02:33.17Trionniseven asia ;)
02:33.22ManxPowerpv2b, I doubt you can get QoS service between you and your ITSP.
02:33.26ManxPowerNo matter what you spend.
02:33.27scubasteve"It's possible but not likely..."
02:33.39scubasteve"Just because you can doesn't mean you should.."
02:33.41filewhere's my firewire cable...
02:33.41scubasteveWords to live by.
02:33.45ManxPowerpv2b, I doubt you can get QoS service between you and your ITSP, using the internet.
02:33.48ManxPowerThat's more correct
02:33.53Trionnisthere ya go
02:34.14pv2ball right, then we're in agreement. all i ever said is that it's not impossible, not that it is a good idea.
02:34.36filehrm USB2 will have to do
02:36.14ManxPowercome to think of it, if we ever want to use an ITSP for mission critical stuff, maybe a frame relay with CIR would be a good solution
02:39.29*** part/#asterisk warthog (n=nvadekar@
02:43.19*** join/#asterisk exoxe (
02:44.22exoxeI'm assuming "Urgent handler" is a bad thing, as my voip keeps chopping up
02:44.59pv2bprobably is. i'm getting that right before segfaults i'm getting with asterisk with uclinux and mips.
02:46.02exoxeI also can't get freeworlddialup to work properly.. but i don't know if they're just having problems or not
02:46.11exoxe(i'm an asterisk newbie :)
02:46.53blitzrageexoxe: you'll see that if you run safe_asterisk
02:47.12exoxei'm running asterisk -dv(n+1)
02:48.07exoxei ran the demo that's in the default extensions.conf, and it kept getting choppier and choppier as seconds passed
02:54.13*** part/#asterisk Trionnis (
03:07.02*** join/#asterisk fabsoft (
03:07.25fabsofthi !!
03:08.16fabsoftanyone know if ubuntu kernel supports misdn with asterisk-misdn-chan
03:08.33fabsofti have a hfc-pci card ....
03:08.38Nugget"ubuntu kernel"?
03:08.41Nuggetit's linux.
03:09.17fabsoftya is linux with ubuntu patches
03:09.42fabsofti couldn't get it works ...
03:10.10fabsofti tried to patch vanilla source with i4l e mISDN
03:10.25fabsoftbut nothing ... my card doesn't works
03:12.00fabsofti see that most people use zapata module patched, but i dont find enough docs
03:12.24fabsoftNugget, do you use ubuntu ?
03:12.37NuggetNo.  I don't use linux.
03:13.04*** join/#asterisk TommyTheKid (
03:13.13Qwell[]Nugget runs astwin32
03:13.35Nuggetthat would be painful
03:13.41fileastwind? you stink.
03:13.42Qwell[]That would be incredibly dumb, heh
03:13.52fabsoftswitch to linux ... !!
03:14.00TommyTheKidQwell[]: remember the Brijn thing earlier?
03:14.01Nuggetobviously Un run asterisk in cygwin.
03:14.04Qwell[]TommyTheKid: I do
03:14.11NuggetLinux is poo.
03:14.13Qwell[]Nugget: un run?
03:14.26TommyTheKidI am trying to do something similar.. where a context that simply says "go away"
03:14.45TommyTheKidyou seemed quite adamant about not using _.
03:15.01Qwell[]TommyTheKid: Unless you know exactly what you're doing, _. is horrible
03:15.08Nugget_. is like perl.  it's dangerous if you don't know how to use it safely.
03:15.20TommyTheKidhowever, "i" doesnt seem to catch
03:15.35Qwell[]TommyTheKid: because he wasn't using it in any of the included contexts
03:15.57TommyTheKidhis situation was a little different.. he was supposed to remove that include  :)
03:16.03TommyTheKidbut my i wont catch either
03:16.05fabsoftanyone use hfc-pci card with asterisk ?
03:16.31Qwell[]TommyTheKid: Do you have a _.? ;]
03:16.34TommyTheKidits the *only* exten defined in the context (no includes or anything)
03:17.55TommyTheKidmaybe I need an s,1,Goto(i) ? :)
03:18.05blitzragewhy would you do that?
03:18.32TommyTheKidI dunno, I am trying to figure out why my "i" wont match..
03:19.40exoxeUnable to open IAX timing interface: No such file or directory <-- what exactly is that interface? I'm not told of a file
03:19.50blitzrageQwell[]: whenever I see someone say, "unless you know what you're doing, _. is terrible", I always ask if *they* know when to use it :)
03:19.55exoxeI think this is why it's all choppy
03:20.06Qwell[]blitzrage: I didn't say I knew what I was doing. ;)
03:20.23Qwell[]blitzrage: earlier, Nugget explained how and why he uses it.  I was referring to his earlier statement
03:20.24blitzrageexoxe: do you have trunking enabled?
03:20.35blitzrageQwell[]: what did he say?
03:20.59exoxetrunking? honestly, I'm not sure. I'm running the default files basically, with teliax and FWD implemented
03:21.01Qwell[]blitzrage: He NoOp's on _.,1, and does everything else on priority 2, I guess
03:21.10blitzrageahhh I see
03:21.23blitzragethat's a valid use
03:21.40blitzragei always use NoOp() as my first priority for documentation
03:25.07*** join/#asterisk fabsoft (
03:25.16TommyTheKid (pastebin is being evil)
03:27.14TommyTheKidI put my sip client into the "default" context (thats not used for anything else) no matter what I dial, I see nothing on the console, and I get a "fast busy"  (and Reorder)
03:29.13Nuggetyeah, I also use NoOp for my first priority for the same reason
03:29.21Nuggetevery dialplan I have starts with ,2,  :)
03:29.56NuggetI also use _. for my goofball sip uri dialing thing, which works great but I don't necessarily advocate
03:31.21Qwell[]TommyTheKid: no i,1?
03:31.38TommyTheKidthey are all n's I think :(
03:31.59Qwell[]Don't you need a priority 1?
03:32.09Qwell[]I honestly don't know..
03:32.15Corydon76-homeYes, you do
03:32.18TommyTheKidthats what you get for copying other stuff out of another dial plan :)
03:32.32Qwell[]Corydon76-home: thanks
03:32.50Nuggetyou need a priority 1, but it doesn't have to be the same match string as your priority 2
03:32.56Corydon76-homen is for the next priority, incremented from the last priority used, irrespective of extension or even context
03:32.59TommyTheKidok, but even with 1, still not happy
03:33.00Nuggetexten => _.,1,NoOp(Incoming Call from voicepulse ${CALLERID} for ${EXTEN}@${SIPDOMAIN})
03:33.03Nuggetexten => _NXXNXXXXXX,2,LookupCIDName
03:33.05Nugget^ that works perfectly well
03:33.26Qwell[]Nugget: yeah, I use a more general match for 1, then go tighter on 2
03:33.43Corydon76-homeEeeek, you're using _. ?
03:33.47Nuggetof course
03:34.02ManxPowerOnly wankers use _.
03:34.10Corydon76-homeYou realize that matches a, o, t, fax, and other special extensions, right?
03:34.11TommyTheKidcan it go the other way.. like say I want to match _91303 -> one gateway, but if it fails, NXXNXXXXXX to the trunk
03:34.24NuggetOf course I realize that.
03:34.32Qwell[]TommyTheKid: you can
03:34.40NuggetThere's nothing inherently bad about _.
03:34.47NuggetIt's just really easy to shoot your foot with it
03:35.12Nuggetproperly constrained it's very useful
03:35.24*** join/#asterisk Flauto (n=Devl@
03:35.30Flautohow are you guys doing
03:35.56Flautoit is quiet
03:35.58*** join/#asterisk iq (
03:36.15ManxPowerI think the correct term is "Properly restrained, _. can be useful"
03:36.27Corydon76-homeIt's not particularly wise
03:36.27TommyTheKidQwell[]: cool that simplifies my [longdistance] context immensely.. I just need to have the trunk have a fakee priority where the others are testing for other gateways (303,720,781)
03:36.50Nuggetit's not wise to use _. unless you comprehend the implications
03:36.58ManxPowerCorydon-w, and the odd thing is that i've never actually found a time where I NEEDED _.  To me using _. us just being LAZY.
03:37.01TommyTheKidcan I skip priority numbers (other than jumps) or will it get "angry"
03:37.12Corydon76-homeManxPower: I'd agree with that
03:37.14ManxPowerTommyTheKid, no, yes
03:37.16Flautohey, guys. i have a question
03:37.26TommyTheKidManxPower: thanks
03:37.29Corydon76-homeI've also used _X. in some very rare circumstances
03:37.39NuggetI've never found another way to do sip uri dialing other than my _. hack.
03:37.47Flautoif i want to limite people to call chinese cell phone numbers which is 0118613
03:37.52Nuggetand using it for logging (as in the paste above) cannot be replicted with more precise exten matches
03:38.00ManxPowerCorydon-w, Other than international, if I don't know the expected length of a dialed number, then something is wrong with my dialplan
03:38.02Flautoand the regular phone number are 01186
03:38.24Corydon76-homeManxPower: indeed
03:38.39Corydon76-homeNugget: yes, well, most of us deal with the PSTN
03:38.40Flautocan i limite the numbers only start other than 13 after countury code
03:38.49Nuggetyeah, with PSTN it's less meaningful.
03:39.00*** join/#asterisk exoxe (
03:39.04NuggetIt's easy to imagine receiving IAX or SIP inbounds for unexpected extensions
03:39.07Corydon76-homeOnly a few sick individuals use Asterisk entirely without any interface to the PSTN
03:39.11Nuggetand in that event, _. is invaluable
03:39.20Nuggetwho said anything about "entirely"?
03:40.39ManxPowerNugget, For that I use exten => i
03:40.40TommyTheKid <-- still the same.. no matter what I dial, nothing shows up on the console.
03:40.48TommyTheKidI am running CVSHEAD from a couple hours ago :)
03:41.02Nuggetperhaps CVS HEAD is broken at the moment.
03:41.21Nuggetit's saturday night and digium is surely drunk right now.  :)
03:41.25TommyTheKidI was trying not to imply that :D
03:41.49TommyTheKiddamn its Saturday, no happy hour tonight :D
03:41.56Corydon76-homeTommyTheKid: SIP phones?
03:42.11ManxPowerThe what are you dialing from/
03:42.27Corydon76-homeAre you pressing "Send" after dialling?
03:42.29ManxPowerTommyTheKid, dialing in a SIP phone is CONTROLLED BY THE SIP PHONE.
03:42.29TommyTheKidI said that earlier.. but we found a fundamental flaw (no pri 1)
03:42.41TommyTheKidI am dialing what would otherwise be a valid extension
03:42.49ManxPowerTommyTheKid, "sip debug"
03:42.55TommyTheKidyep.. coming
03:42.58Corydon76-homeWhat makes it NOT a valid extension, then?
03:43.14TommyTheKidcause i switched the phones context in sip.conf
03:43.32Corydon76-homeand that context exists, in the loaded extensions.conf?
03:44.06Corydon76-homeAnd you're absolutely sure you haven't typoed the name of the context?
03:44.57TommyTheKidwow sip debug is noisey ;)
03:45.12ManxPowerTommyTheKid, do a "sip no debug" and "sip debug peer blah"
03:45.25Corydon76-homeI find it fascinating the number of people who typo something in the configs, then say, "well the machine should have known what I meant"
03:46.04*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
03:46.50TommyTheKidCorydon76-home: :) like the "n" altho I might have a case there.. perhaps if there is nothing else it *should* start with 1 :)
03:47.18TommyTheKidline 108 shows it looking
03:47.36Corydon76-homeTommyTheKid: we accept patches
03:47.40TommyTheKidand then the damned broadworks server started barfing all over the place (will remember hte peer thing nextime :)
03:47.58TommyTheKidCorydon76-home: I know.. I already got something into CVS .. but that was just a comment in sip.conf.sample :p
03:48.26Corydon76-homeIn any case, I don't think you're going to get that into CVS.  I can make a good case for why it should NOT
03:49.42TommyTheKidwell I could always have a _.,1,Noop(call from.....) then everything could be n's .. except that breaks the "jump" thing on invalid voicemail boxes .. so I have to be cognizant of the numbering a little bit
03:49.47*** join/#asterisk implicit (
03:50.09Corydon76-homeexten => _11X,n,Playback(foo)  exten => 110,n,Playback(bar)  exten => 111,s,Playback(baz)
03:51.04TommyTheKidI guess I was sorta hoping Qwell was looking at that paste :)
03:51.05Corydon76-homeTommyTheKid: I think we've pretty well established that you don't know what you're doing.  Hence, _. is not what you should be doing
03:51.23TommyTheKidCorydon76-home: I was saying that to be funny :p
03:51.35TommyTheKidyea I am going on about day 4 or 5 (they all meld together)
03:51.35implicitTommyTheKid, stfu please :) corydon knwos what he is saying
03:54.27Corydon76-homeTo expand on that, I've written a metric fuckton of code that has gone into CVS
03:55.04TommyTheKidimplicit: I welcome your input too :)  EXT: SIP DEBUG: ... I moved the sip client into the "default" context (which as the comment says is basically disabled) but no matter what extension they dial (even one that would otherwise be valid so the cisco dialplan doesnt get me) nothing ever shows up on the console, and extension "i" never gets processed.
03:56.54TommyTheKid... er nothing shows up on the console unless sip debug is on :)
03:57.58*** join/#asterisk oob (
03:58.00TommyTheKidAlso, while we are there... the "broadworks barf" below line 139 looks like they are sending "OPTIONS" .. and * is saying "404" then saying that "OPTIONS" is allowed.. that seems contradictory?
03:58.04Corydon76-homeWell, there's a good reason for that.
03:58.21Corydon76-homeThe SIP channel doesn't allow the initial extension to be "i"
03:58.41TommyTheKidthats a good reason
03:58.55TommyTheKidso it will catch my IAX "guest" calls at least?
03:59.09Corydon76-homeYou have to match something else.  Only subsequent extensions (like, in an IVR) can match "i"
03:59.19TommyTheKida PRI call should never end up there, but again I am dumb and one never knows :)
03:59.36TommyTheKid"something else" -> _X. then?
03:59.46Corydon76-homeSimilarly, PRI calls will never match "i" initially...
03:59.55Corydon76-homeSure, that'll work
04:01.00Corydon76-homeHmmm, I don't think IAX2 will match initial extensions against "i" either
04:01.36TommyTheKidCorydon76-home: thank you. I don't remember reading anywhere that i could not be matched initially, but I assumed that was the case from what I was seeing.. but I was led to believe that it should, so I kept barking down that path
04:01.39Corydon76-homePretty much the only channel type where that will work is with Loopstart FXS channels
04:01.41TommyTheKidthanks for setting things straight :)
04:02.53implicit1 second
04:02.54Corydon76-homeAll I had to do was to read the source.  :-P
04:03.09implicitCorydon yeah
04:03.22TommyTheKidi see. thanks for doing that
04:03.41*** join/#asterisk exoxe (
04:03.58exoxeyeah, so loading up zaptel in freebsd kills my system
04:04.08X-Robgoooo zaptel! Woo!
04:04.52TommyTheKidnow on that second paste.. like below like 139-ish..  (and I totally thing this could be a config issue) .. the Broadworks server says "OPTIONS" (its a peer) and we say "404" then in the "Allow: " line, OPTIONS is there .. is it malformed on the Broadworks side, or am I missing a config option somewhere?
04:07.07ManxPowerGoto will also git exten => i
04:10.10Corydon76-homeexoxe: so of course, you're going to put zaptel on Linux, right?
04:10.43blitzrageno way... FreeBSD baby! :)
04:10.48exoxei don't think I need it honestly
04:10.57exoxeer, minus the honestly
04:11.12Corydon76-homeBecause, of course, you subscribe to "Use what works" rather than "Use whatever my narrow zionist view demands"
04:11.14exoxeid on't know anything about asterisk
04:11.18exoxeso we're tied
04:11.52exoxeall i want to do is use teliax -> asterisk via iax -> ata -> pots
04:12.14exoxeapparently i need a zaptel driver for musiconhold though
04:12.48Corydon76-homeUnless you like jerky music
04:13.13exoxei'm getting jerky everything right now
04:13.23exoxetesting calls that is
04:14.04Corydon76-homepretty pretty blue eyes
04:14.05{zombie}jerky musiconhold usually means you have silence suppression on your SIP devices
04:14.22{zombie}you don't need a zaptel driver for MoH
04:14.47exoxewell, when I run the demo context it's all choppy
04:15.22exoxei have 10mbit/1mbit, so i doubt it's bandwidth related
04:15.32{zombie}what are you calling from?
04:15.37Corydon76-homeNo, it's timing-related
04:15.45Corydon76-homeYou have no source of timing
04:15.51exoxecalling FROM cell TO asterisk
04:16.01exoxeso, what are my options for a timing driver?
04:16.16Corydon76-homeztdummy on Linux
04:16.37Corydon76-homeOr it could be that you're running X on the Asterisk server
04:16.49exoxeand it's FreeBSD :)
04:16.55Corydon76-homeOr the system is running at above 100% utilization
04:17.09Corydon76-homei.e. above a load avg of 1.0 on a single CPU
04:17.12exoxeno, it isn't
04:17.13blitzragepeople... don't make Asterisk more complicated than it needs to be. Just run it on goddamn Linux
04:17.24blitzrageand get over it
04:17.25Corydon76-homeYeah, seriously
04:17.55exoxei should see if it runs better on my router
04:18.04Corydon76-homeI run BSD on firewalls, no problem.  FreeBSD is a great OS.  However, I use Linux for Asterisk.
04:18.07X-RobDoes your router run linux?
04:18.14blitzrageX-Rob: sorry, no X-Rob's allowed
04:18.40X-Robblitzrage - I'm, uh, I'm starting my _own_ Yeah club, and -you're- not allowed to join!
04:18.43exoxejust only has.. nos pace
04:18.47exoxeno space*, heh
04:18.58blitzrageX-Rob: thats cool.. I don't want to be part of no stinkin' club :)
04:19.18Corydon76-homeI should join a club and beat you over the head with it.  :-P
04:20.09*** join/#asterisk The_Ball (
04:20.16X-Robexoxe - buy a hard drive from ebay. Not onlt do you get a cheap hard drive, you also get a good chance of getting someone's data, too.
04:20.32blitzrageschweet :)
04:22.30blitzrageX-Rob: yah, I noticed it too, but I wasn't going to say anything :)
04:23.56*** join/#asterisk cef1000 (
04:27.00TommyTheKid <-- Can someone point out where I am going wrong here. (other than having anything from Lucent on my network, but its another persons server that I am supposed to play nice with)
04:27.42X-RobTommyTheKid - please use in future, it's much faster than .com
04:28.39TommyTheKidits also more purple :)
04:28.59X-Robbut also post your [lucentaes] extensions.conf context
04:32.09TommyTheKiddo you need all the includes too?
04:33.58exoxehmm, well since my server froze, and i restarted, asterisk is working great!
04:35.24TommyTheKid.. sorry I have to use a remote VNC window, so its sorta slow :)
04:37.36TommyTheKid ?
04:39.12Nuggetremote vnc?  your asterisk server is running x11?  wow.
04:39.25TommyTheKidVNC is on a remote sunray server
04:39.27TommyTheKidlong story
04:39.49TommyTheKidits a "shared desktop" with the other guy I am working with (the lucent d00d)
04:40.11TommyTheKid.. and yes I am too lazy to open another ssh session to the server :)
04:40.26TommyTheKid.. plus he wants to "watch" it get fixed
04:41.20TommyTheKidmy asterisk server doesn't even have GTK (found out when I tried to compile gastman.. not that I even know if Iwant that)
04:41.45TommyTheKidsomeone was saying they liked something in here .. but I have long since forgotten what it was :D
04:43.25*** join/#asterisk newl (
04:43.48TommyTheKidi know kinda old.. but :)
04:46.04*** join/#asterisk Corndawg_ (
04:49.38*** join/#asterisk Brijn (
04:49.57BrijnHello all
04:51.02TommyTheKidwb Brijn
04:52.16BrijnQuick Q: MOH works fine if used putting a phone on hold, or directy with MusicOnHold(default).. But I only get a really short blip when I enter a meetme
04:52.39Brijnztdummy is loaded and sound is fine if a second person joins.. Same effect when using Festival
04:53.16BrijnTommy: Hi! Got a simple IVT working :) All calls go where I like them to go.. I'm almost happy ;)
04:54.07TommyTheKidline 10170-10191 in chan_sip.c
04:54.17TommyTheKidI just gotta figure out how to get res=0
05:01.41exoxehaha, south carolina beat tennessee
05:02.04BrijnOther people having probs with FWD?
05:02.35exoxei was, when using my PC to call asterisk
05:02.39exoxefwd to fwd
05:03.05BrijnCall Me seems to have a problem, or maybe it's just my current config :)
05:04.02exoxesupposedly they're having issues
05:04.07exoxei'm headin to bed.. g'night :)
05:04.09cef1000#Join asterisk-dev
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05:17.55TommyTheKidanyhow.. my solution to the "404" thing is..
05:18.20TommyTheKidhowever, I can't submit the patch.. someone with an "agreement" maybe? :)
05:21.05*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (
05:21.30TommyTheKidwb Qwell[]
05:22.03TommyTheKidI think I made my solution to the "404" SIP OPTIONS respons -->
05:23.12Qwell[]You hacked the code to get around a SIP response?
05:23.49TommyTheKidI am not sure what a "proper" response to "OPTIONS" would be.. but "200 OK" sounds better than "404 Not Found"
05:23.59TommyTheKidtho I do understand now where the 404 was coming from (no extension)
05:29.53*** join/#asterisk Psyiode (
05:30.22Psyiodeare all 25 of you asleep?
05:30.32Psyiodeare all 285 of you asleep?
05:30.39TommyTheKidQwell[]: is the code reasonable? .. like the logic of what I am doing (I know line 15/16 should not have - and + on a blank line)
05:34.20TommyTheKidI am thinking there should be a check for a null extension in that if statement and then it should note in the comment that its likely for application level pings?
05:34.44Qwell[]TommyTheKid: It is VERY likely a config problem.  It's doing what it should be doing.
05:35.10TommyTheKidI asked if it was a config problem earlier, and no one spoke up :)
05:42.33TommyTheKidsee RFC2543 7.2.1 for my reasoning of choosing "OK" too btw, I thought about "485  Ambiguous" (since there isnt a "user part") .. which is why I put it down there right before the default return -1
05:42.58Qwell[]TommyTheKid: What is the SIP device?
05:43.13TommyTheKidits a Broadworks server
05:43.29TommyTheKidand I believe its "abusing" the OPTIONS as a sort of "SIP PING"
05:43.42marc324ne1 know SER here?
05:44.00Qwell[]marc324: I bet somebody in #ser or #openser does
05:44.05*** join/#asterisk dalfry (
05:44.22marc324ser channel is empty
05:44.40*** join/#asterisk GXTi (n=omgwtfbb@freenode/developer/GXTi)
05:44.50TommyTheKidmarc324: i know a precious little, but I can try
05:46.12pauldyhrm after recording a voicemail and haivng it forwarded to me it look like my inband dtmf issue is caused by
05:46.14pauldyno audio
05:46.20marc324how do you add user using db -- the confirmation,ha1,ha2 are not generated.
05:46.36TommyTheKidpauldy: that does tend to cause issues ;p
05:46.46pauldyyea it is beating me down
05:47.27marc324is there a SER channel?
05:48.43*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
05:48.44dalfrymarc324, having issues with SER?
05:48.56dalfryme too :p
05:49.44dalfrywhat problem do you have?
05:50.10*** join/#asterisk GXTi (n=omgwtfbb@freenode/developer/GXTi)
05:50.38marc324i want to add user without using serctl.
05:52.03dalfryyou using mysql?
05:52.22dalfryhave you tried serweb?
05:52.49marc324i'm building a custom web interface
05:53.44dalfryokay... so does serweb use serctl in the background or does it fire queries directly to mysql?
05:54.02dalfryif all it does is inserts in the database, you should be able to get that code from serweb
05:54.18dalfrysorry if i am not making sense
05:54.50dalfrymakes sense? :)
05:55.41*** join/#asterisk X-Rob_ (
05:57.50marc324the ha1,ha2 field in the user table is problem.
05:58.30dalfrywhy is that?
05:59.42marc324here is example of what serctl puts into that field : how do you add user using db -- the confirmation,ha1,ha2 are not generated.
05:59.42marc324<TommyTheKid> pauldy: that does tend to cause issues ;p
05:59.43marc324<pauldy> yea it is beating me down
05:59.43marc324<marc324> is there a SER channel?
06:00.12GXTitime to reconfigure aterisk
06:00.15GXTiasterisk, blah
06:00.46TommyTheKidmarc324: is that like a hash or something?
06:00.57marc324field ha1,ha2
06:01.17TommyTheKidyou must be bored :D
06:02.28marc324how do you create those field using sql?
06:03.55marc324also there is a 'confirmation' field with similar content.
06:04.52TommyTheKidselect * from user where `username`=$user and `password`=MD5($password)
06:05.04TommyTheKidthere needs to be more `'s in there :p
06:05.19TommyTheKidthe table name should ideally be surrounded too
06:06.15TommyTheKidisnt serctl a shell script?
06:06.24marc324ok. but the question is how to create the md5 field.
06:06.50TommyTheKidoh like the actual field in the db? maybe make it type=password ?
06:08.12TommyTheKidlook for the script that inits the DB for ser
06:08.18marc324the table has fields: username,domain,password,first_name,last_name,phone,..., confirmation,ha1,ha2
06:08.23TommyTheKidif its on Solaris 10, it has to come with Linux too :p
06:08.37marc324field confirmation,ha1,ha2 are encrypted.
06:09.02TommyTheKidi guess I don't understand quite what you are tryin to do
06:10.08marc324insert into table username,domain,password.... but the ha1,ha2 field stay empty.
06:12.01TommyTheKidpassword should be MD5'd (or whatever other hash algorithm that ser supports) .. what is ha[12] and confirmation ?
06:12.39*** join/#asterisk KaBewM (
06:12.40marc324ha1,ha2,confirmation are fields with encrypted content....
06:15.28marc324password field is NOT hashed.
06:16.08marc324serctl puts encrypted content into ha,ha2.
06:17.10*** join/#asterisk Uberbot (n=Uberbot@
06:17.38UberbotHi all.
06:17.41TommyTheKidhmm well then I was mistaken about how it worked
06:17.44JerJerwhy not figure out how serctl does it?
06:18.25UberbotCan someone tell me what is wrong with this line from a macro definition?  It doesn't seem to actually call the script.
06:18.26Uberbotexten => s,2,System(/mnt/media/scripts/ "${ARG1}", "${ARG2}");
06:19.32*** join/#asterisk sese1 (
06:21.39marc324ha1,ha2 is encryption of what?
06:25.23TommyTheKidthats a good question
06:25.39TommyTheKidlook for the serctl script and see what its putting in there?
06:25.51TommyTheKidhah.. I have a new patch
06:26.39*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
06:30.02*** join/#asterisk BladeRunner05 (
06:33.57*** join/#asterisk kshumard_home (
06:35.26*** join/#asterisk masked (
06:35.46maskedcan someone give me some tips as to running * behind nat?
06:39.42JerJerport foward
06:39.51JerJerdon't use SIP
06:40.38maskedwhat ports? 5060 and 10000 to 20000?
06:40.57maskedand im not really familiar with anything other than sip at this point.
06:41.21blitzrageTommyTheKid: you around?
06:41.59blitzrageTommyTheKid: can I msg you for a second? (re: your bug)
06:42.25wunderkinyou can narrow the rtp ports down
06:45.52blitzragevia rtp.conf
06:46.19blitzragechange the range -- remember its 4 ports per simultaneous channel
06:46.43*** join/#asterisk wjn78 (
06:46.49blitzrageso determine what your max simultaneous call limit is going to be for the box, multiple that number by 4, and that gives you the port range required for RTP
06:49.00maskedok thanks, but why do i still get Timed Out on connections?
06:50.04maskedare the rtp ports required to registeR?
06:50.23blitzragemasked: RTP has nothing to do with registration
06:50.31blitzragethats the function of the signalling protocol
06:51.11blitzragesounds like something is behind a firewall
06:51.20maskedok, having 5060 tcp fowarded should do the job?
06:51.24maskedyes.  there is a firewall
06:51.53maskednot the ideal one as im having troubles with my modem, which unfortunatly means i have to revert back to this modem
06:52.01maskedthough the client could be behind a firewall
06:52.02blitzragetcp is incorrect
06:52.12blitzrageits always UDP with asterisk
06:52.42blitzrageUDP is a connectionless transport protocol -- ideal for real time media (think streaming)
06:52.56JerJeryay network time change
06:53.33blitzragetcp doesn't make sense for a voice protocol -- if we were to re-request lost packets with voip, it wouldn't make sense. by the time we sent the request, and got the missed packet, too much time would have occured for it to be of any use
06:53.59blitzrageif we miss a packet with UDP, we just say, "oh well, guess it didn't make it" and move on to more important packets :)
06:55.32maskedok, i see
06:55.37blitzrageanyone have suggestion for a really nice text editor for Linux in Xwindows? (thinking ultraedit stylez...)
06:56.22maskedso 5060 is udp aswell?
06:57.51blitzrage01:52 < blitzrage> its always UDP with asterisk
06:57.58maskedtehehe ok
06:59.16*** join/#asterisk BladeRunner05 (
06:59.20blitzragehrmmm... that run in gnome? :)
06:59.32maskedbrb modem reboot
06:59.47blitzrageI'm just getting back into the linux desktop arena... I usually just run WinXP and putty into all my linux servers
07:01.34blitzragemakes sense :)
07:01.52blitzragesnack time! heh
07:02.15konfuzedI just put on cat in the hat for my 4.6 yr old
07:02.18*** part/#asterisk KaBewM (
07:02.22konfuzedits only 2 am here
07:02.57blitzragesame here
07:03.15konfuzedoh you have that movie too
07:03.41blitzrageI have no idea what you're talking about :)
07:03.48konfuzed2 lines up
07:03.58konfuzedwell two from me
07:04.12konfuzedI know you meant i line up
07:04.25blitzragewhat movie?
07:04.41konfuzed2 lines up from your comment about same here
07:05.01blitzrageaha :)
07:05.07blitzrageI totally hadn't read that line
07:05.08konfuzedits hard to read some times at 2 am
07:05.34blitzrageI missed it because there was a disconnect message directly below it, and I left the room for a snack
07:05.42blitzrageand then the first line I read was "its only 2 am here"
07:05.59blitzrageI didn't put cat in the hat on tv :)
07:06.05konfuzedoh sure
07:06.42konfuzedi put it on ps2
07:06.58blitzragesorry to hear that
07:07.08blitzragexbox is better (when modded) :)
07:07.31blitzrageI was sorely disappointed with GT3
07:07.49TommyTheKidI know this sounds dumb.. but im tired and cant think.. when my phone registers to ast.. it should show up in sip show subscriptions ?
07:08.01blitzragesip show peers
07:08.22TommyTheKidright.. sorry.. brain fart
07:08.30blitzragenp... we all get them :)
07:08.43konfuzedanyone here mess with soekris hardware???
07:10.06blitzrageI would love to be able to have asterisk work with the FXS ports on my linksys router
07:11.06blitzrageuh oh... watching this show about a via rail train that derailed on a show called "Disasters of the Century"... can't be a good train derailment...
07:11.12*** join/#asterisk masked (
07:11.22maskedblitzrage: thanks dude, its working AOK now
07:12.01konfuzedim teaching my daughter to be a night owl
07:12.47TommyTheKidspeaking of night owl.. I think its past this kids bedtime
07:12.55konfuzedshe'll be a midnight asterisk master by the age of 12
07:13.10konfuzedthen you'll all be in trouble
07:13.20blitzrageI think I'm going to go to bed early tonight...
07:13.25konfuzedshe only woke up at 1:25
07:13.36blitzragemasked: coolio
07:15.01konfuzedshe has already helped me install networks, fix computers and spend my money
07:15.29konfuzedmost importantly she is a devoted Penguin Lover
07:16.04*** part/#asterisk Uberbot (n=Uberbot@
07:18.00konfuzedanyone here use an p1168* devices ??
07:18.42X-Rob(I am reasonably clued with PA1688)
07:18.50mazzanetanyone here used app_conference?
07:19.07konfuzedim looking for real world feedback
07:19.22konfuzedX-Rob: which brand have you used
07:19.57X-RobOh. Dunno.
07:20.22konfuzedive got to get a few and try them out
07:20.48konfuzedbut it takes more than a chip to make a phone/ata
07:21.19X-RobNot really.
07:21.35wunderkinsome plastic too
07:21.39X-RobThey're pretty much all reference designs with a different case
07:21.44konfuzeda few jacks
07:22.07konfuzedwhite brand able in other words
07:22.17konfuzedI could put my own sticker on it
07:22.51konfuzedlabel the rj45 as phone 2 and the rj11 as wan
07:23.39konfuzedcertainly there is some differences between pa168 devices ?
07:23.59*** join/#asterisk bartpbx (
07:24.12bartpbxgood morning
07:24.18konfuzedquality eth0 vs crabs
07:24.36konfuzedquality power vs static antenna
07:24.41konfuzedthat sort a thing
07:24.58bartpbxI have a little mantis question.. How do I reopen a Bug or add a note to an resolved Bug?
07:25.29bartpbxI don't see a button or link to do so
07:26.55*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
07:27.44bartpbxhello.. everyone is sleeping?
07:28.14konfuzedbut you probably dont why my 6th sense worth
07:28.15bartpbxdo you have a hint or me?
07:28.38konfuzedit just came to me
07:29.01bartpbxSorry.. I don't understand.. my english is not that good
07:29.23konfuzedgo to the mantis project site and look up their user guide
07:29.41konfuzedsorry ...  thats the best I can do
07:30.14konfuzedim not really that psychic
07:30.55*** join/#asterisk stoffell (
07:31.43X-Robbart - you can not do that
07:31.48X-Robopen a new bug if you have to.
07:31.54bartpbxi just discoverd it
07:32.16bartpbxcan you do it for me?
07:32.37bartpbxI'm talking about 4832
07:32.57konfuzedg that must have been toooooo easy for no one to jab my psychosis
07:33.25konfuzedtime for hot cocoa
07:33.50X-Robbartpbx - for that sorta stuff, probably better to mention it on as thats' where anthm is now doing most of his devel work.
07:34.03X-RobIf it's something 'wrong', then open a new bug.
07:34.20bartpbxok, anthm is now at openpbx?
07:34.37X-Robbartpbx - as far as I know, yes.
07:47.36bartpbxI'm not sure If we want to move to openpbx currently
07:48.02konfuzedwhat about using both
07:48.41bartpbxhm. If i have a cluster of 5 Servers they shuld work the same :-)
07:49.15bartpbxthe patch of anthm worked great
07:49.30konfuzedwhat did it do
07:49.40bartpbxbut i startet testing the modified version from markster and somehow It is not working right
07:49.45bartpbxcheck mantis 4832
07:49.55bartpbxthe sip realtime cluster
07:50.01maskedbartpbx: how would one go about setting up a cluster?
07:50.27konfuzedpeer two or > *
07:50.42bartpbxmasked, sorry, I don't understand your question
07:50.54konfuzedcluster of 5 servers
07:51.11bartpbxwhat would you like to know?
07:52.12maskedcould you point me to some information about setting up a asterisk cluster?
07:52.27bartpbxWe are using the realtime way
07:52.39bartpbxjust let all servers share a big DB
07:52.59bartpbxwith patch 4832 it starts working for SIP Clients
07:53.00konfuzedas in big user db or config db
07:53.16konfuzedsuck up configs from the same database
07:53.41bartpbxwe publish the configs via rsync + scripts
07:53.56bartpbxso we can update the cluster step by step
07:54.13bartpbxremove server from cluster than update test and put back into the cluster
07:54.38maskedsounds interesting, can easily find info about using asterisk with a db?
07:55.43bartpbxlook into the wiki. realtime is what you shult look at
07:55.44konfuzedhmmmm will this still work basically the same if each server is say at a different physical location (house on the street)
07:56.15*** join/#asterisk rajiv (n=irc@gentoo/developer/rajiv)
07:56.17bartpbxour cluster is spread over two datacenters currently
07:56.31konfuzedi suppose adding more devices be tween phone and did mostly just adds latency to the call
07:56.38konfuzedhmm kewl
07:57.18*** join/#asterisk vexorg (
07:57.33maskedbartpbx: could i possibly get your email from u incase i have a question about your cluster setup in the future?
07:57.47konfuzedi got two network projects in the scope that I want to put asterisk on when they get setup
07:58.22konfuzedone is a neighbourhood wifi setup
07:58.43konfuzedthe other is a low income housing apartment building
07:59.22bartpbxsounds interessing
07:59.43konfuzedthe hard part is predicting when they actually sign the check
08:00.00konfuzedthe actual network project has tobe running first of course
08:00.31konfuzedso perhaps by the end of the year if im lucky
08:00.55bartpbxi first had to check what predicting is :-)  but now i know
08:00.55konfuzeddamn beuroacratic types
08:02.40konfuzedit could all run on soekris hardware by the looks of it.
08:02.54konfuzedi like the one hardware platform idea
08:03.07konfuzedwith simplicity modularity and scalability
08:03.10konfuzedto an extent
08:03.22konfuzedall things relative yadda yadda
08:03.29bartpbxi dont know soekris
08:03.38konfuzedits a .com
08:04.01bartpbxgot it
08:04.46konfuzedi could do iax across the whole thing starting at the DID
08:07.42konfuzedsoekris hardware platform for a wifi mesh with * peers/proxies at each gateway
08:09.13konfuzedending with an ATA-wifiwan to plug into the existing home phone wiring
08:09.29bartpbxsounds interessting
08:09.34konfuzedgrandma can use her touchtone rotary phone
08:09.48konfuzedwell dont tell anyone
08:09.52konfuzedits a secret
08:10.10konfuzed100 % Open Source Technologies
08:10.43konfuzedhardware designs might not be 100 %
08:11.12konfuzedcreative utilization is my own
08:11.22konfuzedbased on much prior inevtiveness of course
08:11.40maskedkonfuzed: i have been considering doing much the same thing
08:11.49maskedcan i get your email for future reference?
08:11.49konfuzedlike electricity all the way up to #asterisk
08:12.08konfuzedpotty break
08:12.21maskedim out
08:13.44*** join/#asterisk ahole (
08:23.03*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
08:23.34konfuzeddamn budget users ;^)
08:24.06tzafrir_laptopany idea why: Dial(Zap/1/123456,3) ; will not stop dialing after 3 seconds?
08:24.39tzafrir_laptopasterisk/zaptel 1.0.9/
08:34.29X-Robtzafrir_laptop - tried it with a higher number? (eg, 5) and what type of Zap?
08:34.52bonok, so what if you had a nortel meridian1
08:34.58bonwhat do i need to connect it with *?
08:35.55X-Roba cable?
08:36.15bonheh, like what cards etc.
08:36.30X-RobYou'll need someone who knows what a meridian1 is then.
08:36.40X-Robbut I'd suggest a PRI or BRI card, depending on what the pbx supports.
08:36.40boni suppose so :)
08:37.42boni see
08:37.45*** join/#asterisk implicit (
08:40.12bartpbxX-Ron: Could you please reopen the bug 4832 so that I can add some notes to it?
08:40.18bartpbxsorry.. X-Rob
08:40.28tzafrir_laptopX-Rob, x100p. But why should it matter? isn't this a high-level chan_zap issue?
08:41.06tzafrir_laptopAsterisk should simply cut off the call Asterisk knows that the call was not answered.
08:41.32tzafrir_laptopDoes the "timeout" parameter refer to an unanswred call?
08:43.42tzafrir_laptopsorry, ignore the last line
08:48.36tzafrir_laptopX-Rob, and yes, I tried higher numbers.
08:53.22X-Robtzafrir_laptop - it should work, and I use it in my dialplans to go to voicemail. I'm wondering if there's some difference in FXS/FXO ports having to 'dial' which takes a noticable time and can't really tell if the call is answered or not, and BRI/PRI which dial instantly and know when the calls answered
08:54.57X-RobWell. FXS can tell. FXO can't.
09:03.03*** join/#asterisk nesys (n=nesys@2001:1418:1a6:0:20d:93ff:fe28:3ef8)
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09:11.20tzafrir_laptopasterisk pronts in the CLI "answered" when the remote party answred
09:11.48tzafrir_laptopSo I believe that chan_zap knows when the channel was answered
09:12.20tzafrir_laptopIt has to know that. It needs to start pushing voice at that point
09:13.55*** join/#asterisk stoffell (
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09:47.13Igbothomhomeless hacker:
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10:06.52*** join/#asterisk jpcarvalho (n=jeff_any@
10:07.54jpcarvalhoHello All , someone with a good heart to help me rate my cdr database using Crystal Reports?! Or.. share a rate engine for my database ( postgresql ) ?!
10:09.21jpcarvalhosomeone alive?
10:12.38*** join/#asterisk OSPanic (
10:12.52OSPanichello, anyone around?
10:14.13*** join/#asterisk tartar (n=tartar@
10:14.27jpcarvalhoSomeone alive?!
10:15.11OSPanicme, but i wait for alive msg also ;)
10:16.19mazzanetfrom the cli, can i play an mp3 down a particular channel
10:21.33*** join/#asterisk oej (
10:48.07*** join/#asterisk X-Rob_ (
11:06.21OSPanichow can i install a asterisk daemon? i can't find asterisk in the runlevel list, is that possible?
11:10.33jontowusually one starts asterisk with a wrapper script, not as a daemon, itself.
11:12.07mazzanetcan i hangup a sip channel from cli?
11:14.14stoffellmazzanet, you can, try 'help' at cli
11:14.36OSPanicthx jontow, i make my first linux steps, i will look what i can solve
11:16.35X-Rob_mazzanet,  soft hangup
11:16.48mazzanetgot it
11:17.13mazzanetwith Monitor()
11:17.34mazzanetwill it overwrite the file next time it needs to record?
11:19.13X-Rob_yes, I think.
11:19.45mazzanetcan i make it not do it if it does? :P
11:19.52jontowyou have the source
11:19.55jontowyou can do anything you want.
11:23.23tzafrir_laptopOSPanic, which distro?
11:23.31OSPanicsuse 10
11:24.04tzafrir_laptopdid you install asterisk from any package? I don't think that there are decent asterisk packages for suse
11:24.39tzafrir_laptopthere is a "redhat" init.d script in the source distro. I'm not sure how well it is adapted to suse (e.g: service dependencies)
11:25.04tzafrir_laptop(which is one of the only things I actually like in suse)
11:29.05OSPanictzafrir_laptop do mean the asterisk shell script?
11:31.34tzafrir_laptopOSPanic, 'asterisk' is the daemon executable itself.
11:32.19tzafrir_laptopin order for you to see something in the runlevels list you need to have a script in /etc/init.d/ with a number of specially-formatted headers.
11:32.33tzafrir_laptopSee /etc/init.d/README or something similar
11:33.12*** join/#asterisk razu_ (
11:33.45tzafrir_laptopSuSE, unlike most distros, implments the LSB 1.3 standard of service dependencies: you can tell a service to start after another service
11:34.15tzafrir_laptop(this is no surprise, as that part of the standard was modeled after suse's implemenetation)
11:36.38*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
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11:41.49jpcarvalhoHello All, please i need a app for rate my actual Postgresql db..
11:42.00jpcarvalhoplease , any clues?
11:43.24*** join/#asterisk BladeRunner05 (
11:43.29BladeRunner05mycti:~# lsmod
11:43.29BladeRunner05Module                  Size  Used by    Tainted: P
11:43.29BladeRunner05capi                    6862   0
11:43.29BladeRunner05divacapi              252352   0
11:43.29BladeRunner05kernelcapi             56880   2  [capi divacapi]
11:43.30BladeRunner05diva_mtpx             315972   0
11:43.32BladeRunner05diva_idi               16080   1
11:43.34BladeRunner05divas                 105420   0
11:43.36BladeRunner05divadidd               45576   0  [divacapi diva_mtpx diva_idi divas]
11:43.41BladeRunner05sorry for the paste
11:43.48BladeRunner05wrong key pressing
11:43.58*** join/#asterisk coppice (
11:44.52BladeRunner05Who can get me information about installing eicon diva on debian kernel 2.6.x ?
11:45.30*** join/#asterisk folsson (
11:49.28*** join/#asterisk jpcarvalho1 (n=jeff_any@
11:49.56jpcarvalho1Hello all , please any clues about how to rate my cdr database ( i'm using postgrseql ) ?!
11:54.41jontowi give it a 6 out of 10 on the nevahseenit scale
11:57.46*** join/#asterisk Cheetah (n=Akia@
11:58.56Cheetahhey folks :)
11:59.20Cheetahi was wondering if it it possible for asterisk to TRANSFER a call that comes in via ISDN to another ISDN number?
11:59.26Cheetahwithout creating a second call on the card
12:00.15jpcarvalho1Guys , please any clues about rate my cdr's ?!
12:02.45*** join/#asterisk mrtwister (
12:05.54Cheetahhmmmm :D
12:09.02xhelioxCheetah: I'm not expert, but I don't believe so.
12:14.13Cheetahxheliox, protocol-technically its possible though, right? I mean, I can use my IDSN phone to transfer calls. Why is it not possible then? ;)
12:17.43xhelioxCheetah: Hmm, I've been so long since I've messed with ISDN, I honestly can't remember. If that's the case, I couldn't see why not, but don't ask me how. :)
12:20.02*** join/#asterisk newl (
12:21.27*** join/#asterisk walhala (
12:21.28Drukenwholly shit... that meet asterisk is 200 usd....
12:21.31Drukenfuck that...
12:22.04xhelioxWhat Druken?
12:22.17walhaladoes anyone succesful get LVS + asterisk work ?
12:23.23xhelioxYeah, I just found it.
12:23.29xhelioxWhy is that so unreasonable?
12:23.42Drukenbecause i'm a cheap fuck :)
12:23.49xhelioxDays worth of training for $200 doesn't seem out of line.
12:24.17walhalaNobody try to do LVS with Asterisk ?
12:24.51Drukenapparently no one here at the moment has... what is LVS ?
12:25.04xhelioxwalhala: There's probably like 5 people actually awake in the channel right now.
12:25.33Drukeni doubt even that many
12:25.52xhelioxDruken: You an openpbx supporter?
12:26.00walhalaLVS is linux virtual server it's a load balancing software
12:26.08Drukeni'm currently an idler....
12:26.19*** join/#asterisk syle (n=blag@unaffiliated/syle)
12:26.25xhelioxDo you think OpenPBX is a good idea, and why?
12:26.27*** join/#asterisk paravoid (
12:26.45walhalawhat is openPBX ?
12:26.50mrtwisterwalhala, it will work but since zaptel is kernel module, you will have problems with ivr qand moh
12:27.12Drukeni don't know if it's a good idea.... in most cases, i'm happy with what asterisk has to offer me... i have yet come across a problem i haven't been able to overcome
12:27.28xhelioxIt's an "open source" fork of Asterisk.
12:27.36xhelioxBut I'd like someone to explain to me how Asterisk isn't open source.
12:27.36Drukeni'm awear
12:27.45Drukenoh that... hehehe
12:27.47xhelioxwalhala, asked.
12:28.08xhelioxI'm aware of the dual licensing, which may not be in the spirit of the GPL, but still -- how is it not open source?
12:28.09walhalayeah ok it's just a fork
12:28.10*** join/#asterisk littleball (
12:28.54Drukenimoho, it is open source... when i do a cvs checkout.. i'm pretty sure i'm gettin the source :)
12:29.24xhelioxAll the code I see is licensed under the GPL, no? And if I choose to contribute directly to the source, I have to sign a waiver that they can modify it privately, right? But they'll still GPL it.. just not always the changes? Sounds like BSD style licensing, which is open source, no?
12:29.29azziexheliox, when you commit your code to asterisk, I believe you have to give up your GPL rights to allow asterisk to be dual-licensed
12:29.58xhelioxazzie: But isn't the code still licensed under GPL?
12:30.04xhelioxThus free to use for all, anyway?
12:30.11xhelioxfree to use and modify, rather.
12:30.13azziexheliox, it is DUAL licensed...
12:30.31xhelioxYes, but the other license doesn't cancel out the terms of the GPL, no?
12:30.39coppicexheliox: it is not open source in the sense that is cannot make use of anything which is open source. thus it is full of half-baked implementations of too many things, and uses very little high quality available material
12:30.41xhelioxThey can't revoke the GPL license, no?
12:31.35xhelioxcoppice: So it's not GPL compatible with other code, but it is open source, no?
12:31.50coppiceyeah, but as a project it sucks
12:32.04xhelioxWell, the implication on the openpbx site is that it's not open source.
12:32.08*** join/#asterisk _Vorian_ (n=a@
12:32.13azzieread this
12:32.22_Vorian_hi all
12:32.26xhelioxAnd I think that's an unfair assessment. I think it's a version of open source they have a problem with.
12:32.55coppicethey have a problem with a project full of half-baked bits and pieces
12:33.16_Vorian_please, can someone tell me: does SetCallerPres() work with OH323 channel?
12:34.03OSPanici have copy a asterisk sh in /etc/init.d and i can start & stop asterisk over the runlevel list, but autostart is still staying on no*. maybe i forgot something!?
12:34.32xhelioxOSPanic: Which distribution?
12:34.38OSPanicsuse 10
12:34.55walhalaIf someone use LVS, can you explain me how can i have persistant connection ?
12:35.03*** join/#asterisk NoNeo (
12:35.13xhelioxTry: chkconfig --add asterisk
12:36.09coppicewalhala: what makes you think it is possible to use LVS?
12:36.45xhelioxazzie: If I submit code to Digium and I sign that waiver, they still GPL the code, which from that point forward, that code will remain and has to remain GPL'ed, right? Can it be revoked?
12:36.51walhalacoppice, I think it's possible yes, but only with persistant connection on SIP channel
12:37.41coppicewalhala: I'm sure it is not possible in the general case. it some restricted uses it might well be possible
12:37.42OSPanicxheliox I got: asterisk 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:on 4:off 5:on 6:off #what does it mean?
12:37.49xhelioxAnd is there a waiver required to get things added to the asterisk-addons section?
12:37.55Drukenmy god... i have a question... if the openpbx people have such a problem with asterisk... why the fuck are they still here?
12:37.56coppicexheliox: GPL cannot be revoked
12:38.08azziexheliox, yes, but disclaiming copyrights, probably, pisses of many developers. They spent nights working on asterisk, and they have to abandon all their rights now ?? what a nonsence.
12:38.08xhelioxOSPan: It makes that asterisk is setup to start on the 3rd and 5th runlevel.
12:39.03coppiceazzie: that is a very minor issue really. the lack of reuse is what pisses off developers. its immensely wasteful
12:39.10walhalacoppice, why will not possible ? explain please
12:39.23azziecoppice, reuse of ?
12:39.23xhelioxI never understood why people who wrote under the GPL were always so concerned about copyright. I'm not picking sides here, I'm just trying to better understand the situation. By giving up copyright, what are you really giving up? As the code is already public and modifiable and required to follow GPL rules?
12:39.37OSPanicand what is the runlevel for a daemon start of asterisk?
12:39.48*** part/#asterisk oej (
12:40.03coppicewalhala: well, if you have TDM hardware, for example, I fail to see how you could load balance with LVS. Calls need to be handled by a specific server
12:40.28azziexheliox, it will be Mike Spencer name on the code's title, and not yours :)
12:40.46azzieMark, sorry
12:40.47coppicexheliox: look at the disclaimer I put in some of the dsp.c code 5 years ago :-)
12:40.48xhelioxazzie: Fair enough.
12:41.34walhalacoppice, i just need to make load balacing on to SIP
12:41.51xhelioxIf a perspective employer wanted to see my code, it's not like they could deny I wrote it, no? :)
12:42.39xhelioxcoppice: What did you mean by reuse? Not being able to use existing libs?
12:42.49coppicewalhala: that might work, but you'll have to check with others to see if there are any pitfalls.
12:42.54azziexheliox, yesw they ca... see the url above :)
12:43.19coppicexheliox: chan_sip is garbage. good SIP libraries exist. * can't use them
12:43.59azziecoppice, oh now I understand why they did not use normal sip stacks!! so simple. thank you :)
12:44.28coppicexheliox: in implemeting T.38 I wanted my code to get into CVS. After making something work with a GPL ASN.1 library, i then had to do several extra days work to eliminate the library just so I could give away the result to digium
12:45.03xhelioxcoppice: One of my unanswered questions was, could you have submitted that to asterisk-addons?
12:45.06xhelioxIsn't that it's purpose?
12:45.22coppiceasterisk-addons is a little like a waste-bin
12:45.47xhelioxI thought it was for products with questionable licensing issues? (or partly?)
12:46.01xhelioxlike mysql and mp3.
12:46.28coppicemysql is not questionable at all. they told digium to take it out
12:47.18xhelioxOh? I thought MySQL had some incompatible open source language in their licensing too..
12:47.54xhelioxOr that's what RedHat had been claiming for months while we all waited for 4.x to appear in their repositories. :)
12:47.59coppiceMySQL's client lib used to be more liberal. they changed it to pure GPL, and * could no longer use it
12:48.30xhelioxBut you can, and I do :)
12:49.28xhelioxIf I wanted to write an alternative to chan_sip.. could I not do so on my own, using better sip libs and contribute it to asterisk-addons? Or no?
12:51.08azzietwo sip stacks is exactly what * needs... to make it more confusing
12:51.16xhelioxIs that what I asked?
12:51.40xhelioxI'm not suggesting it should be done. I'm wondering if it can? And does that require a waiver?
12:52.07azziexheliox, you can put it to add-ons. you can put it to your own web site. you can put give it to openpbx. you can't put it to asterisk itself...
12:52.41xhelioxI have no allegiance to Digium, in fact my experiences with Digium have been sub par..  I'm just trying to better understand. :-/
12:52.51*** join/#asterisk Mealz86 (
12:53.41OSPanicty @xheliox & @tzafrir_laptop it works now, great job. i learned lession: rtfm :p
12:53.44azziexheliox, so if you have so cool sip stack for *, why would you want to put it to add-ons instead of openpbx ? ;-)
12:54.14Mealz86Is there anyone here who is familiar with running asterisk on linksys routers?
12:54.23xhelioxBecause Asterisk has an established base with an immense amount of community support, would be my first reason.
12:55.09coppicexheliox: it is worth noting that quite a bit of the neat stuff in * was contributed by those now developing openpbx
12:55.21OSPanicMealz86, do mean which config for ur linksys router?
12:56.14xhelioxazzie: Ideally, I'd like to see openpbx do so well that they completely consume the FOSS VoIP market.. or they scare Mark into changing his policies. :) But at the same time, the idea of seeing development slowed on both fronts due to lack of cooperation, or general pissing matches.. troubles me.
12:56.55Mealz86I am considering buy a linksys router for running open wrt and asterisk... just wanting to compare the wrt54GS and wrt54GP2
12:57.25coppiceMealz86: check carefully. it seems the newest ones don't run linux any more
12:57.30*** join/#asterisk razu_ (
12:58.01newlmy wag54gv2 does and it's current model.
12:58.07xhelioxcoppice: Some FUD around here last night was that openpbx had few developers.
12:58.18newlalas no openwrt for it yet though.
12:58.45Mealz86I see,,, so you would advise to buy the GS not the GP2?
12:58.53coppicexheliox: * has few real developers
12:59.13xhelioxWell, let's be sure to split them up then ;)
12:59.21coppicenewl: wag54gv2 is not the current model
12:59.44coppicethe main point to openpbx is to stop wasteful development
13:01.31xhelioxI like the name better. :)
13:01.46tzangercoppice: I was reading about an interesting mutation of the goertzel transform for detecting frequencies
13:02.00littleballcoppice, i think it could be a good idea of do some integration work on asterisk/openpbx with jboss application server.
13:02.27tzangercoppice: instead of sampling at a constant rate, you sampled at 4x the frequency you want to detect.  this removes the cosine term and the main loop is now essentially an integer subtraction
13:02.28coppicetzanger: do you mean the sliding goertzel?
13:02.39tzangercoppice: not sure :-)
13:02.58newlcoppice: it is in this country. :)
13:02.59lunklittleball: i finished up a project doing just that last week
13:03.11littleballlunk, how do you think?
13:03.33coppicetzanger: that's old, but of very limited use. it requires you have control of the sampling frequency, or do expensive rate conversions
13:03.40tzangercoppice: it will only detect one frequency at a time, so instead of stacking the detections "in parallel" you end up detecting the first frequency you want, then changing the sample rate to 4x the next one.  your detection process becomes "serial" instead of "parallel" but it's a good tradeoff for limited resources
13:03.42littleballi mean from both admin/management console and user case management
13:03.58tzangercoppice: ahh see I didn't know it wasn't novel.  I'd just read about it
13:04.09littleballlunk, what kind of project?
13:04.17lunklittleball: asterisk-java is out, and lets the two systems communicate
13:04.20tzangerand the guy who was writing about it in a magazine was making it out to be his own thing
13:04.29lunklittleball: asterisk-java is out, and lets the two systems communicate pretty easily
13:04.42lunk(why does everything in life revolve around lag)
13:04.43littleballlunk, yes, i also use it.
13:04.45lunkdie irc
13:04.55coppicetzanger: yeah, and every teenager thinks they invented sex :-)
13:05.20lunklittleball: ah, yea, i just got the two working together so my Struts framework can place calls, pretty cool stuff
13:05.43littleballlunk, i also did similar thing but based on jboss portal 2
13:06.10tzangercoppice: :-)
13:06.13littleballlunk, but i think lots of things can be  integrated
13:06.21tzangerI just pulled down the shannon paper
13:06.44lunkyea, took me a bit to understand how to get my Session EJB to start the AGI server
13:07.02lunkbut ya learn something new everyday
13:07.46littleballlunk, AGI communicate with EJB directly? If you need to return something, it is the way. But maybe you can use JMS
13:08.19coppicetzanger: that makes it sound like its printed on a toilet roll
13:08.26lunkwell it's more of letting the dial planner mark recrods as originated after the call is placed, then processed when it's done
13:08.43lunkmy AGI script just takes a single parameter, and calls an EJB function
13:08.51tzangercoppice: hahaha  well I do have an unusual printer
13:09.01littleballlunk, then jms will be better way
13:09.43lunki don't see how, since asterisk lives outside of my Java environment completely
13:13.03littleballlunk, jms is asyn. EJB is syn. this is the difference
13:13.50*** join/#asterisk Falle (
13:13.52lunkright, and I want it  n`sync, *bye bye*
13:14.03lunkwow that way gay, someone can kick me
13:14.04tzangercoppice: "binary digits, or bits, as Tukey suggests the word" -- wow this is an old paper :-)
13:14.31lunktime to get some groceries
13:14.40coppicetzanger 1948
13:14.59coppicetzanger: very famous date
13:15.45*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
13:16.31Dr-Linuxi am having error while installing AMP  its db error
13:16.44Dr-Linux[root@I2C-RHEL-DEV AMP]# ./install_amp
13:16.44Dr-LinuxChecking for PEAR DB..FAILED
13:16.44Dr-Linux[FATAL] PEAR must be installed (requires DB.php). Include path: .:/usr/share/pear
13:18.01newlThe error tells you specifically what is missing.  How you go about doing the research to find and install what is missing is up to you. :)
13:18.28DrukenDr-Linux: ask in #AMP
13:20.38Dr-LinuxDr-Linux: #AMP is empty
13:21.45jontowprescribe yourself a manpage and google
13:21.48jontowand talk to us in the morning.
13:22.10jontowthats quite an intuitive error
13:22.40Drukenok, my bad.. #amportal
13:22.44coppiceDr-Linux: Install pear, but chew the pear thoroughly while installing it
13:22.45Drukenstupid fucks...
13:24.49Dr-Linuxcoppice: php4 pear allready installed , i just wanna know where i can put the path
13:26.01*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
13:29.32bartpbxhello.. has anyone here the right  to reopen an issue in mantis?
13:30.21rikstais there a way to verbosely log everything i'd see on the console into a log file?
13:30.45jontowriksta; thats .. usually already done in /var/log/asterisk/messages
13:30.58rikstawhen i turn on pri debug ?
13:31.15rikstai want to log the debug output
13:31.20jontowtake a look at /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
13:31.32rikstayeah ok, thanks
13:31.54jontowmessages => notice,warning,error,debug
13:31.55jontowfor instance :)
13:32.43rikstak thanks
13:33.38rikstaby theway does anyone know what this means by chance... Oct 30 09:08:22 WARNING[20415]: Unexpected control subclass '8'
13:34.32rikstai have a single port sangoma a101 and sometimes i see this error message, and the call lengh logged into the cdr db is wrong, it doesnt seem to dectect the hangup right
13:34.58bartpbx@jontow: thanks for the hint. But there is no respnse on asterisk-bugs
13:35.05bartpbxcan i mail someone?
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13:35.45jontowriksta; a quick grep in the asterisk source directory shows it concerning framing
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13:36.17rikstajontow: hmm really...could this be related PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1
13:36.43jontowwell, yes and no ;)  i've received plenty of those and have never really gotten a good answer on what it means
13:37.13jontowhowever i've never hit the Unexpected control subclass
13:37.55Drukenis it an unprectable error? or does it do it on every call ?
13:38.14rikstait happens only about one in 30 calls approx
13:38.21rikstaand it doesn't seem to have any pattern at all
13:38.23coppiceriksa: T1 or E1?
13:38.30rikstae1 euroisdn
13:38.47rikstaits really annoying for me cause im working with premium rate numbers, and i need the call times to be accurate
13:38.47Drukenanyway to probe and see if it's on a certain channel ?
13:39.09rikstaDruken: hmm, well, thats why im trying to do the debug stuff now
13:39.12rikstapri debug span 1
13:40.14*** join/#asterisk mikeb (n=MikeB@
13:40.49rikstabut does anyone have anything i can try?
13:41.11Drukenyou keep call records right?
13:41.17rikstayeah cdr ones
13:41.23jontowweird, my snom 320's aren't catching callerid
13:41.39Drukenit should have the channels in the cdr's....
13:41.45rikstaok let me see
13:41.52mikebIs this the "correct" place for questions re zaptel upable to open d-channel?  Not sure where else to ask, Tried google and voip-info.
13:42.07rikstaDruken: nope the channels are all different
13:42.12jontowmikeb; its one of the places.. the mailing lists are another
13:42.52mikebIts problably simple but Im getting "chan_zap.c:8994 start_pri: Unable to open D-channel 24 (No such device or address)" even though I took the zapata.conf etc from a working box?
13:43.12mikebIts should be channel 16 as its an E1.
13:43.39Drukenthe card is probably configured to work on a T1
13:43.57mikebjontow, Is kinda urgent, I can only use the line to test on on a Sunday and its half over already ;)
13:44.30mikebI took the config I have working on another box as is
13:44.54Flautocan i install festival after i installed asterisk
13:44.56jontowheheh, i've never had any experience with an E1
13:45.01jontowonly PRI/T1
13:45.02Flautoor i have to do it at the same time
13:46.10*** join/#asterisk vexorg (
13:46.52mikebIs an e100p and and tdm400p the same ?  Well compltible?
13:47.27mikebSorry Being stupid wrong description on invoice,
13:47.43*** join/#asterisk oej (
13:47.59jontowi <3 sundays
13:48.19bartpbxis there a way to add a note to a bug even if it is closed?
13:49.21mikebSorry Being stupid wrong description on invoice, I know the "new" cards I have are different from the old ones new card is  TE110P should that work the same as  E100P ?
13:50.51rikstajontow, Druken  thanks for the help, i'll gather some verbose logs and maybe post to the list
13:50.56bartpbxdoes anyone know how I can get in touch with markster?
13:51.11bartpbxwhat time is it in the US?
13:51.34lunkjontow: ring back style?
13:52.16oejMarkster is named "kram" on IRC, bartpbx. Anything we can help with?
13:52.44bartpbxI need some details on Mantis 4832
13:52.59jontowthe US has a couple timezones, bart, and in EST (EDT?) it is currently 8:53am
13:53.20jontowin Huntsville, Alabama, where Digium is, i believe it to be 7:53am
13:53.38jontowits sunday, they're not usually at work on sundays..
13:53.51oejbartpbx: What's up with 4832? A version of it is committed
13:53.55xhelioxI think they kill people for working on Sunday's in Alabama.
13:54.33coppiceby burning I believe
13:55.04xhelioxI thought it was by belting them to death.. hence the name, the 'Bible Belt' ;)
13:55.13*** join/#asterisk napkin (
13:55.32coppiceI know they get really cross with you
13:55.35*** join/#asterisk aatcman (
13:55.56aatcmanHi all
13:56.01jontowcoppice: nice pun :D
13:56.09napkindoes anyone use babytel or some other PSTN service in Canada?
13:56.29aatcmanAnyone got time to chat about a cisco 7960 problem?
13:56.58Dr_Raywould this be a cisco 7960 not updating for the end of DST?
13:57.25coppicePeople should be more tolerant about faith. There should be less of the "get thee behind me satan" and more of the "come in my old mate. Have a cup of tea". :-)
13:57.39aatcmanno, this would be a Cisco 7960 that seems to be brainless -- ie, wont connect to asterisk, wont http, wont telnet
13:57.45manycoppice: come in and enjoy the tea.
13:57.49jontowaatcman; check your tftp logs.. ;)
13:57.51Dr_Raywill it connect to a tftp server?
13:57.54jontowbet it failed to load firmware
13:58.19aatcmanwell, when I got it, it was OOOOOOOLD skiny, I now have OLDDDDD SIP
13:58.27coppicemikeb: who sets the jumpers? what's wrong with parameters in modprobe.conf? :-)
13:58.29aatcmanNo dashes in versio number
13:58.35manydoes it display something in the lcd?
13:58.44Dr_Raymanually set the tftp server
13:58.48manythats a good sign.
13:58.49Dr_Raysounds like you need the UAL
13:58.49aatcmanit even gives dial tone
13:59.17Dr_Rayuniversal application loader will get you to sip 7.5
13:59.28aatcmanfrom version 2?
13:59.35mikebcoppice,  Nothing wrong, there is a wardware jumper on the card I needed it set for E1 not T1 are you suggesting its possible to set it in modprobe.conf?
13:59.51aatcmancan anyone give me a copy of that?
14:00.02Dr_Raycisco can
14:00.08aatcmananyoen else?
14:00.09Dr_Rayfor $88 a year
14:00.11mikebcoppice, Im afraid that I just "bunged" the cards in without bothering to check as the last PRI card I bought was a E100P and did not need to be changed.
14:00.21Drukenmikeb: so what was the problem ?
14:00.39aatcmani dont wanna pay $88 /year for a phone they already got paid to much for
14:00.43manyaatcman: this is not #warez, eh? :)
14:01.01aatcmani know, I was just hoping
14:01.14Dr_RayI think the cisco was well worth the $450 or so we paid to get it working
14:01.15jontowmy maintenance contract ran out when i hit SIP 7.3
14:01.22jontowso now i deal with a buggy but somewhat usable firmware :P
14:01.34aatcmanany idea why I cant even telnet to it?
14:01.41Drukenmany: it's not?
14:01.43mikebDruken, Sorry about this, None Now, I took the machine apart and found the link, sorry to waste everyones time, had spend ages and was just commenting on the fact that when you run out of ideas, even just a one line post ot irc can produce inspiration and fix the problem without a responce.
14:01.44Dr_RayI know there are ebay thieves selling the firmware
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14:02.15manydruken: when i joined, it said its #asterisk. so shall we diff(1) '#warez' with '#asterisk'?
14:02.29Drukenmany: perhaps..
14:02.50manyiam pretty sure itll return false
14:03.02Dr_Raybut the pompous flag will return set
14:03.05Drukenmikeb: so it was set to use a T1 instead of an E1 then ?
14:03.05aatcmanaccording to what I have read, I am supposed to be able to telnet even to the version I currently have
14:03.25mikebYep (feel stupid) Works fine now :)
14:03.34aatcmanbut I cant
14:03.39Dr_Raypaying the support fee gets you access to the cisco brain trust
14:03.46Dr_Rayas well as the firmware
14:03.47Drukenand to think i have no experince with any of the expensive hardware...
14:04.25aatcmanmaybe I'll just junk it and get some more pap2's
14:04.30aatcmanthey work great and their cheap
14:04.33mikebJust need to setup and IAX link to the normal switch and see if anyone notices in the morning.
14:05.15Dr_Rayaatcman, I'll admit to having one service contract for multiple phones ;)
14:05.30aatcmanIf I had 100+ phones, and the fee was a blanket charge (not a per phone charge) then I would pay the $450  But for one phone, thats ridiculous
14:05.54Dr_RayI'll buy your cisco if you go with the pap2
14:06.02manythen cisco was the wrong choice to buy
14:06.29aatcmancool, if I decide to go that way, I'll come back here and let yall know.
14:06.49aatcmanI was expecting the cisco to be plug an play like the pap2 was.
14:06.56Dr_Rayof course I'll lowball you since yours is clearly broken
14:07.42aatcmanthanks, yall
14:07.47Dr_Raybut the ciscos are not plug and play
14:07.55Dr_Raythey require some infrastructure
14:08.11aatcmani've noticed -- i think its extortion
14:08.29Dr_RayI think it's you get what you pay for
14:08.38Dr_Raybut a free market, appeals to different folks
14:08.42Drukeni'd like a cisco... but haven't the money or patience for one...
14:09.03aatcmanno way -- if that was the case, the CISCO would work great and the PAP2 would work worth a crap
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14:09.08Dr_RayI can tell you this, I won't bother changing my cisco setup to fix the clock
14:09.28aatcmanfix the clock?
14:09.32Dr_Raythe cisco does work great
14:09.33Drukenwell... technically they are both made by the same company...
14:09.56aatcmantrue -- but I think linksys is a self supporting division
14:10.10Dr_Rayexcept for the Wet11
14:10.18aatcmantrue enough
14:10.21Dr_Raycisco made them break that from version 1, and version 2
14:10.26aatcmanexcept mine works GREAT
14:10.30aatcmanlong distance too
14:10.39Dr_Raywe deployed wet11's v1
14:10.51aatcmani think mines v2
14:10.53Dr_Raywhich are still rock solid and in place today,... then we got v2
14:11.03Dr_Rayaatcman - does it have a cisco label on it?
14:11.09aatcmanno wait, just checked, v1
14:11.16Dr_Rayv1's are studly
14:11.34Drukenexactly what is the wet11 ?
14:11.46Dr_RayI called linksys to whine about the 40 v1's we have, that we want more.. and linksys solution was to buy a cisco product
14:11.52Dr_Ray802.11b wireless bridge
14:12.07Dr_Rayv1 could run in peer mode
14:12.11Dr_Rayer, adhoc
14:12.21aatcmani run mine infrastructure anyway
14:12.39Dr_Raywe run ours in adhoc, as defacto accesspoints
14:12.56Dr_Rayv2 wont let you do that
14:13.19aatcmanIm using it as an etension between buildings  -- about 1000 yds w/stock antenna on wap and wet
14:13.23Dr_Rayv1 have a pcmcia card that you can use to sniff packets
14:13.42Dr_Rayv1 is a studly box
14:13.47Dr_Rayv2 is garbage
14:14.08aatcmansome are selling v1s on ebay
14:14.20Dr_Rayyeah, work wont buy used uqipment
14:14.28Dr_Raycept for the channel banks
14:14.36aatcmantoo bad -- no more new v1s
14:14.36Dr_Raywe are now a dlink bridge ship
14:14.37Drukenanyone have a reccomendation for long distance wireless networking?
14:14.38Dr_Rayer, shop
14:14.48Dr_RayDruken - how far?
14:15.01Drukenuhmm.... perhaps 12-20 km
14:15.17*** join/#asterisk fiber0pti (
14:15.20Dr_Rayget a pair of wet11's and a primestar dish
14:15.28JimmyBonusuhmm, I need asterisk to detect rings in a different fashion
14:15.29Dr_Rayer, two primestar dishes
14:15.49aatcmanas in 18" sat tv dishes?
14:15.58JimmyBonusI have connected the asterisk box to a panasonic PBX which sends out a bit modified ring signals
14:16.21aatcmanwhat a greap elcheapo way to get an antenna
14:16.21JimmyBonuswhere do I set the ring detection signals in asterisk, and how do I find out what they are in the first place ?
14:16.26DrukenDr_Ray: that my only hope?
14:16.38Dr_RayDruken - no, but that's the only one I've tried
14:16.38aatcmanI menat great
14:16.43aatcmanbig fingers
14:16.52aatcmansmall keyboard
14:16.53Dr_RayDruken - I'm sure you could roll another solution
14:17.24Dr_RayDruken - I've not done 12k
14:17.57Dr_Raywe did roof of our apartment, across to alki beach
14:18.02aatcmanthanks for alls help  :o)
14:18.02Drukenhow far have you fone?
14:18.05*** part/#asterisk aatcman (
14:18.05Drukener.. done
14:18.09Dr_RayI'm guessing 4 miles
14:18.19Dr_Raythis was only a test
14:18.28Dr_Rayfarting around with it
14:18.35Dr_Raynot a real world use
14:18.58Dr_Raybut we got 1mb
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14:19.25Dr_RayDruken - they sell line of site wireless stuff
14:20.05Dr_Raywhat's great about the wet11 v1, is you can put a better radio in it if you want (more power) and it comes with an antena mount
14:22.07DrukenDr_Ray: yeah... i'm just lookin for a small wireless link between like 3 sites...
14:22.38Drukenone of across the city, the other is mostly farm land between
14:22.38Dr_Rayif you don't mind going used, I'd play with the wet11
14:22.57Dr_Raywe tripod mounted the two dishes
14:23.03Drukeni've never minded used
14:23.22Dr_Rayand you can pull the card out and use it in a laptop to crack wep keys
14:23.56Dr_Raywet11 is an eth0 interface too, so it will plug in to any device you have with an ethernet port
14:24.23Drukenalthough... wouldn't a link like that give everyone inbetween access to the 802.11?? hehe
14:24.51Dr_Raywell, they'd have to be aimed at your gateway dish
14:24.57Dr_Rayand it's a narrow beam
14:25.18Drukenoh, so i'd need line of sight
14:25.22Dr_RayI dunno how three dishes in a triangle would work
14:25.36Drukenhmm.... that could be a problem...
14:25.44Dr_Raythere are some dorks that are pushing the distance records
14:25.48Dr_Rayfor 802.11
14:25.58Dr_Rayyou could look and see what they are using
14:26.08Dr_Raydork is not the right word
14:27.36Drukenwhat should they go for ya think?
14:27.38Druken50 bux?
14:28.12Dr_Raythe new ones are 90 ish
14:28.15Dr_Rayso 70 or so
14:28.22Dr_Rayjust get the v1
14:28.29Dr_Rayit won't have a cisco label on it
14:30.05Dr_Raythose are 2 of what you want
14:30.15Dr_Raythis is what the one you DON"T want looks like
14:30.54Dr_Raythere is even a switch on it for crossover, and it will work with POE if you hack it
14:31.54Dr_Raywhat you could do is mount the unit in a weatherproof case, on a pole with the antena/dish and then run an ethernet cable with POE out to it
14:32.46Drukenwouldn't be able to get los here... hehehe
14:33.03Drukengot like 100 foot trees everywhere... :(
14:33.07Drukenline of sight
14:33.16Dr_Raymove the dish up to a tree
14:33.33Dr_Rayyou have 300 feet of ethernet cable to play with
14:33.47Drukeninvest in 200 feet of tv tower eh? just run it up threw the tree :)
14:34.03Dr_Raywell, or find a nearby ham tower
14:34.34Drukenonly ham around here, uses 10 meg... so he doesn't need height
14:34.55Dr_Raywe did it because we were bored, and we had all the hardware
14:35.13Dr_RayI had the wet11's someone else ahd the dishes, and a third guy had the tripod
14:35.25Dr_Rayso it cost us nothing but the pizza/beer
14:35.29Drukenone of those... i wonder.....
14:35.33jontowmm, pizza & beer
14:35.44jontowdr_ray; what kind of distance did you get, line of sight?
14:35.53Dr_RayI'm guessing 4 miles
14:35.57Dr_Rayline of site
14:35.59jontowwow, thats not bad..
14:36.00Dr_Rayer, sight
14:36.14Dr_Rayit was from the roof of our building to alki beach across the water
14:36.27Dr_Raydowntown seattle
14:36.34Dr_Rayto the park
14:36.51Dr_Rayit was more a proof of concept
14:37.19Dr_Rayit may not have been 4 miles either
14:37.27jontowany real issues lining it up?
14:37.43Dr_Raywell, I knew where the building was
14:37.48Dr_Rayso not really.
14:38.00jontowdamn cool
14:38.20Dr_Raythere are guys getting 100km with it
14:38.24Neter66does anyone have any experience with a Mediatrix 2102 and * ?  Mine won't stay registered.  After REGISTER, i get a NOTIFY from * and then the Mediatrix drops the registered session, and re-sends the REGISTER request.  any thoughts?
14:38.45jontowwell, i think i can steal 2 dishes from my old house..
14:38.50jontow(which i still own)
14:38.56jontowthey've been on the property now for years
14:39.05jontowdirectv type
14:39.12jontowwhich are roughly equivalent to the primestar ones
14:39.48Dr_Raythese were primestar, but I think the directv would work
14:39.55jontowdid you have to modify them at all?
14:39.58Dr_RayI believe two pringles cans would work
14:40.07jontowor just make a cable?
14:40.16Dr_Rayyou take the lnb out, and point the antenna to the dish
14:40.38Dr_Raythe guy who had the dishes knew about that and fabricated the antennas
14:41.00jontowdamn nice
14:41.14jontowi like wireless, and would really like to make use of it around here
14:41.20jontowbut everything is so rural and spread out that its hard to do
14:41.30jontowits all distance
14:41.37jontowand we live in foothills, too, so not flatlanding either :D
14:43.11Drukeni'd like to have a nice wireless network that i can drop a 802.11 card in my laptop and use :)
14:44.26Drukenit's a shame we can't give all the taxi drivers devices to put in their cars, and use a trunking system for it :)
14:44.46jontowroaming AP style? :D
14:45.13Dr_Rayit's a shame instead of auctioning off this tv spectrum to the highest bidder that they can't move wifi to that slice
14:46.39Drukenjontow: yeah :)
14:46.48Drukenlike what the cops use
14:47.53Drukenbetter yet, just tap into the cops network...
14:48.37Dr_Raywe have three properties within 5 miles of each other, I've toyed with making a WAN for us
14:48.48Dr_Rayput them in a triangle
14:58.28Drukeni've toyed with the idea of a massive wireless network that covers all of ontario... but i can't do that kinda stuff... :(
14:58.33Drukenbeing poor and all
15:00.32fileer his
15:00.41Dr_Raywell, I've been lucky, If I am not greedy, work will pay for a lot of my toys
15:01.33Dr_Raypersonally, I loathe wireless
15:01.58fileI hate turning clocks back
15:02.04Dr_Raywireless is great for last mile applications, but it should never be the only medium
15:02.24Dr_RayI want fiber
15:02.39filefiber... glass!
15:03.17Dr_Raymore correctly, I want fiber with faster than 10mb
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15:07.59Drukenwell shit, i want fiber too... but it's soo damn expensive
15:08.57Drukenanyone know what the status of wi-max is?
15:09.40Dr_Raywimax is vaporware until I can orderi t
15:09.55Dr_Rayand I don't think wimax has enough spectrum to supply bandwidth
15:09.58Dr_Raybut I could be wrong
15:10.27Dr_Rayfiber is cheaper than copper at distance
15:10.55Trionnisany UK people around?
15:11.39DrukenDr_Ray: gotta admit tho... wi-max would be nice... especially if they made a wi-max voip phone...
15:12.02Drukenthrow out the cellphone and give yourself service
15:12.05Dr_RayI agree, but it seems pie in the sky
15:12.18Dr_Rayplus the entry fees to wimax will be expensive
15:12.27*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (n=Nothing@
15:12.29Dr_RayEVDO is already a reality
15:12.35Drukenoh i know it won't be cheap for some 5-10 years...
15:12.39Dr-Linuxanybody related to AMP ?
15:12.44Dr_RayI don't think it ever be cheap
15:12.50Dr_Rayif it ever gets deployed
15:12.57TrionnisEVDO's latency sucks
15:13.06Dr-LinuxDr_Ray: can you please ?
15:13.06Dr_RayI want the tv sprectrum split up for wifi
15:13.09Trionnis~100-150ms to the tower
15:13.40Dr_RayDr_linux - sorry, I don't AMP
15:13.40Dr-Linux[root@I2C-RHEL-DEV AMP]# locate DB.php
15:13.48Dr-Linux[root@I2C-RHEL-DEV AMP]# locate DB.php
15:13.55Dr-Linuxstill there but
15:14.11Dr-Linux[root@I2C-RHEL-DEV AMP]# ./install_amp
15:14.11Dr-LinuxChecking for PEAR DB..FAILED
15:14.11Dr-Linux[FATAL] PEAR must be installed (requires DB.php). Include path: .:/usr/share/pear
15:14.20jbotpastebin is, like, a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
15:14.21Dr-Linuxthis is my error :S
15:14.45Drukenit tells ya, it can't find pear... did we not tell you to install it before?
15:14.49Dr-Linuxthese are not more then 4 lines :S
15:15.09Drukeni count 7....
15:15.11Dr-LinuxDruken: i installed it as well
15:15.17Dr_RayI count 78, but that's fine
15:15.19Dr_Rayer, 8
15:15.45Dr-LinuxDruken: i have install pear
15:17.47filewhat madness is going on today?
15:17.54tzangerDr-Linux: :-)
15:17.57tzangerer Dr_Ray rather
15:18.32filetomorrow is Monday.
15:19.07Trionnisthanks Captain Obvious!
15:19.14Trionnisquick! to the batcave!
15:19.22Dr_Raysshhh.. you'll spoil his secret indety
15:19.33fileI'm a great Captain Obvious pfft
15:21.22exoxeshoe shine shine
15:21.51Dr_Raydouglas addams was a brilliant man
15:21.58fileDr_Ray: I agree
15:22.16Dr_RayI did not get how subversive he was when I read the books the first time
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15:25.41Dr-Linuxtzanger :) :) :)
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15:42.51ms345Any idea what could prevent my callerID from being set on my PRI?  I see Executing SetCallerID("Zap/91-1", ""ABC" 4044527828"  bit it still shows up as the first DID 4044527500.  I was able to set it for each DID with my NEC switch on this same PRI. I've tried passing 10, 7 and 4 numbers but no luck.
15:44.32nassyhow long should it take to get DID numbers from a VoIP provider. im waiting over a week for 2 from telasip. my brother has vonage and he got his right away. is over a week normal?
15:46.22exoxei got mine right away with teliax
15:48.53nassyif i dont get it by monday afternoon im going to cancel my order.
15:48.59nassymaybe i should cancel now
15:49.15Trionnishave you emailed or called them?
15:49.20Dr_Raywell, if they are slow to deploy, they will be slow to cancel
15:49.42Dr_Raybut as competive as DID's are, I can't see waiting a week for one
15:49.46nassyive emailed them once per day. and got replies to the effect any day now
15:50.04TrionnisI'd dump 'em, but that's just me
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15:50.59nassyyeah, i just did
15:51.24nassyoff to search for a provider that supports asterisk
15:51.37Trionniswhat are you looking for?
15:51.41Trionniswhat services
15:52.02nassyunlimited local and long distance, can use asterisk, and at least 2 DID's
15:52.19Trionnisgood luck with the unlimited
15:52.27Trionnisvery few allow it
15:52.29nassywithint he USA
15:52.36Trionnisavoid broadvoice like the plague
15:52.46nassyyeah i read about their billing
15:52.47Qwell[]no such thing as "unlimited"
15:52.54Trionnisoh gods, not this again
15:53.01Trionnisyes Qwell[], you're right
15:53.01nassyi hope i dont have to use vonage
15:53.27nassyno unlimited even with vonage?
15:53.37Trionnishe's being pedantic
15:53.40Qwell[]all "unlimited" providers have a hard cap
15:53.43d-techanyone using chan_sccp?
15:54.25nassyi guess to avoid abuse (by businesses)?
15:55.10Trionnisthey all operate on a similar concept as overselling webhosting space
15:55.17Trionnismost people won't use enough to cause a loss
15:55.22Trionnisthose that do get booted
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16:01.07bartpbxcan anyone help me with a dns resolution problem within the current asterisk head?
16:02.27bartpbxI have two servers both running todays head version of asterisk. In both servers i doo a DIAL(SIP/ One server processes the call. The secon says: WARNING[22566]: chan_sip.c:1947 create_addr: No such
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16:03.22Trionnishave you tried a regular "host" lookup from the CLI ?
16:03.36Trionnisnot * CLI, but OS
16:03.42bartpbxsure. .i can ping it on both servers
16:03.53bartpbxsorry. i forgot to mention this
16:04.45Trionnisyou've checked for typos, yes?
16:05.43bartpbxfor what
16:05.55Trionniscouldn't hurt to try it
16:06.26bartpbxI'll try it
16:10.05TommyTheKidis there a way to make the console actually timestamp *all* messages? when I run it with -vvvT, it does timestamp the first like 4 lines, and various log lines (warning about no vmail box).. but all the incoming calls and stuff still just start with -- or ==
16:11.19jontowTommyTheKid: i like that idea.
16:11.20tzangerTommyTheKid: I do not know a way
16:11.29tzangeryou'd have to see if it timestamps the logfile instead
16:11.53TommyTheKidthe "log" messages are timestamped.. its all the "verbose" messages that arent I think
16:12.43bartpbxnoone else has an idear of this dns issue?
16:12.59bartpbxI only have this problem with SIP
16:13.50TommyTheKidbartpbx: looking back brb
16:14.25TommyTheKidbartpbx check nsswitch.conf
16:14.47TommyTheKidhosts: files dns
16:14.50bartpbxI'll do
16:15.35Qwell[]TommyTheKid: he can resolve the hosts outside of asterisk
16:15.36TommyTheKidoh.. you said you can ping it (by name I assume) on both servers.. so that uses the hosts name resolution...
16:16.05TommyTheKidI guess I would have to go with a typo in the hostname (comma instead of dot maybe)?
16:16.23TommyTheKidif I were to guess that is
16:16.41bartpbxI've copied both extensions.conf files accross
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16:17.38Qwell[]I don't know if this is still a problem in cvs head, but I recall hearing that if * fails to resolve a host, it won't be able to resolve it later either, unless it's restarted.
16:17.52Qwell[]a small DNS hiccup could cause that
16:17.56bartpbxI GOT IT
16:18.13bartpbxthanks for all the help
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16:18.22Qwell[]What was the problem?
16:18.27xhelioxanyone know what happened to monitor mux in cvs? :)
16:18.39ManxPowerxheliox, Yes.
16:18.47xhelioxWhat? :)
16:19.00ManxPowerxheliox, see the asterisk-cvs mailing list
16:19.15xhelioxOr you could just tell me. :)
16:19.19bartpbxThe problem was the search entry in the /etc/resolv.conf
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16:19.40ManxPowerWhy?  If you are too lazy to be on the CVS mailing list then I'm too lazy to tell you.
16:19.41Qwell[]bartpbx: odd that you could still resolve it then...
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16:20.06bartpbxyes, that was strange
16:20.39bartpbxBut I can reproduce it
16:20.57xhelioxI'm not too lazy, ass. It's extraordinarily easier for you to give me a one sentence summary as to what happened rather than having to search a mailing list which I'm then going to have to dig through a thread, presumably.
16:21.19DrukenManxPower: it's not that i'm too lazy to be on the mailinglist... it's that i'm too lazy to delette the god damn emails that flow in 24/7
16:21.26xhelioxOr did I misunderstand what a chat medium is used for?
16:21.43ManxPowerDruken, Um, the asterisk-cvs mailing list is not that high traffic
16:21.51ManxPowerxheliox, NO!
16:22.11Drukenxheliox: ManxPower is on his power trip for today :)
16:22.15xhelioxGood god, calm down.
16:22.16ManxPowerThe asterisk-cvs mailing list is ONLY the log information about changes to CVS-HEAD.  They include the file changed, the comment, and the patch.
16:22.42ManxPowerThere is NO discussion or posts other than from the CVS server allowed on the asterisk-cvs mailing list.
16:23.13ManxPowerThe asterisk-cvs mailing list is basically an archive of every change made to CVs-HEAD, complete with developer comment and the patch.
16:23.46TommyTheKidsounds like a good place for gmail :)
16:23.51xhelioxAnd instead of giving me a simple answer, you felt the need to go off on a tangent. Good use of your time.
16:24.00xhelioxThanks again. :)
16:24.10Qwell[]tangents are a great use of time...
16:24.11ManxPowerxheliox, I'm trying to teach you to fish.
16:24.25Qwell[]in fact, I think I may go off on a tangent about tangents, if nobody minds
16:24.28Drukenfishing is boring.. and pointless
16:24.48TommyTheKidyea fish are yucky.. I WANT STEAK :)
16:25.00xhelioxYou're not talking to a newbie. I knew how and where to access the information. People are here, and god forbid I could someone helpful would actually be online to provide me with a simple answer, or hell, god forbid it provoke.. you know, a discussion on a boring Sunday morning.
16:25.06Drukengo shoot a cow.. :)
16:25.24ManxPowerxheliox, I would have to dig thru my e-mail to know what mixmon what renamed to.
16:25.40ManxPowerI just know it was renamed, since I don't use it, I didn't bother to save the info.
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16:26.50xhelioxI wasn't so much wondering what it was renamed to, but the fact it doesn't work at all anymore. But forget it, I'll be sure not to ever be socialable or contribute to IRC in your presence again, forgive me master.
16:27.17ManxPowerRemoved Files:
16:27.18ManxPowerLog Message:
16:27.18ManxPowercomplete the rename of MuxMon to MixMonitor
16:28.00ManxPowerDate: 10/28/2005 7:11 PM
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16:28.24moralecan someone look at my dialplan and let me know why it is not matching any context.. my inbound phone number is 4036681593 which asterisk sees it as.. - it should be playing the demo when it recieves a call after 1 ring but just keeps ringing and ringin.
16:28.53xhelioxManxPower: So one should use MixMonitor rather than Monitor witht the m option?
16:29.03tzangermorale: what interface
16:29.09Drukenmorale: still don't have it fixed ?
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16:29.33ManxPowerxheliox, one might assume that "show application mixmonitor" would give you useful information.
16:29.54xhelioxManxPower: I just read that, but if I do show application monitor, it gives conflicting info.
16:30.15xhelioxOr rather, claims to do a similar function, which I can tell you no longer works.
16:30.20ManxPowerxheliox, then you should file a bug report.
16:30.21xhelioxAnd has not since 10/28.
16:30.27moraletzanger: what interface? i am using the demo and i don't have a sip/iax or softphone connected to anything right now.. i just want to make sure the demo loads and then go from there.. i had everything working until i installed amp and saw that it deleted all of my configurations.
16:30.33xhelioxAm I able to do so without any sort of waiver?
16:30.49ManxPowerxheliox, you only need a disclaimer if you submit code.
16:31.02xhelioxFair enough, then I will.
16:31.05tzangermorale: well where is this call coming in from
16:31.07Qwell[]morale: it may be matching on the _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,
16:31.59Qwell[]morale: and why do you have two priority 1's for the tight number match?
16:32.00moraletzanger, it is coming in from the [FreeWorldTel] context in my iax.conf which its default incoming context points to [default].. and default includes demo :)
16:32.01TommyTheKidsomeone should put "dont install AMP" in the title :)
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16:32.20moraleQwell[]: just trying to make sure it matches that one specific number..
16:32.31tzangermorale: don't do that
16:32.34tzangerfirst things first
16:32.36Qwell[]morale: What does it say when verbose is up?
16:32.52tzangerexten => _.,1,NoOp(exten is ${EXTEN})
16:33.05tzangerexten => _.,2,Goto(default,s,1,)
16:33.09tzangerthat's it
16:33.17tzangerreload call the # and see what the exten is that you're getting
16:33.48pauldywhy not dont install amp
16:34.00pauldyerr esl today
16:34.07pauldywhy not install AMP
16:34.57TommyTheKidI dunno.. all I see is problems with it.. I wouldn't touch it with a 10' pole
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16:35.25mog_homemy feeling on amp is this
16:35.28mog_homeits a good idea
16:35.37mog_homemuch like phpmyadmin is a good idea
16:35.47Qwell[]both are executed very poorly, heh
16:35.58mog_homebut phpmyadmin took several years to be cleaner to use then just doing it by hand
16:36.06mog_homeyou dont like phpmyadmin qwell?
16:36.07TommyTheKidI have never had phpmyadmin delete all my config :)
16:36.12Qwell[]mog_home: not at all
16:36.20mog_homeI like that it will show you the mysql statements
16:36.29TommyTheKidbut its usually faster to just do it on the cli
16:36.32Qwell[]So will mysqlcc
16:36.33mog_homeso you could go do it yourself
16:36.49Qwell[]but mysqlcc won't fuck up my queries, or run them twice...
16:37.12Qwell[]imo, phpmyadmin is a complete POS
16:37.12mog_homelol i have had that happened to me qwell
16:37.19Qwell[]I rest my case then.
16:37.21*** part/#asterisk bartpbx (
16:37.46mog_homewell then it still has a ways to go
16:37.52mog_homebut it looks much more polished
16:37.55Qwell[]I'm actually quite pissed that they killed mysqlcc
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16:38.08pauldyweird never had any of that happen to me
16:38.10Qwell[]I saw no reason for it at all...
16:38.28Qwell[]stuck with ...ugh, query browser
16:38.54pauldyI have had AMP go wwierd on me but thats becuase the developers did some stoopid stuff with variables making it anti PHP5
16:39.12pauldya quick rewrite of 3 functions and a few variable changes and it is all good now
16:39.18mog_homeit is more than just that pauldy
16:39.23mog_homeif they do it all in realtime
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16:39.31mog_homeand realtime improves a little more
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16:39.36mog_homeit will be more reasonable
16:40.07Qwell[]I don't like how it just thinks it totally owns the configs
16:40.14pauldyyea but for now managing extensions call groups trunks dids and outbound routing is made much simpler with amp
16:40.34mog_homeits so much easier to do with config files
16:40.37Qwell[]all of those things can be done with like...5 lines :p
16:40.40mog_homethey are really really simple
16:40.53mog_homebut if you never read them they will seem greek to you
16:41.42pauldyyou can argue its faster cli but we both know it isn't
16:42.00Qwell[]If you know what you're doing...
16:42.10mog_homewe should have a race
16:42.13mog_homeyou go install amp
16:42.17mog_homeand ill go edit my config
16:42.24mog_homewell see who finishes first
16:42.42pauldynow there is an apples to apples comparison
16:42.51ManxPowerAmy may very well be easier and faster....until something goes wrong and you have to actually troubleshoot something.
16:42.52moraleok i see whats going on..
16:43.04ManxPowerAMP, that is.
16:43.17mog_homei disagree
16:43.21Qwell[]I knew a chic...nevermind
16:43.26mog_homei think several things are easier in cli
16:43.27pauldythats because you aren't being honest
16:43.39mog_homeim honest
16:43.43pauldytrue but modifying your trunk assignments isn't one of them
16:43.52mog_homeumm its one line
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16:44.06Qwell[](prev), heh
16:44.21naderianoGuys i Need help plz
16:44.24naderiano<naderiano> I have asterisk 9.0.1 installed on a Linux redhat 8 , when i place a call i'm getting the following error
16:44.25naderiano<naderiano> frame.c:128 __ast_smoother_feed: Dropping extra frame of G.729 since we already have a VAD frame at the end
16:44.25mog_homedamn qwell wins...
16:44.33mog_hometurn off silence suppression
16:44.37Qwell[](prev),n, even
16:44.39naderianoi did :S same shit
16:44.50mog_homeits on on the phones
16:44.57mog_homeor the gateway your going out
16:45.11moralethats stupid, all voip providers contexts are case-sensitive.. it makes my configuration files look ugly putting "FreeWorldTel" in them
16:45.12Qwell[]redhat 8?
16:45.18naderianoam trying to call,  OpenPhone --- GNUGK ---- Asterisk ----SIp
16:45.28Qwell[]naderiano: You REALLY should upgrade...
16:45.33NetgeeksAnd actually, you are getting a WARNING, not an ERROR if I remember for that message
16:45.35naderianoto ?
16:45.39Qwell[]I usually yell at people who run rh9, but...yeah
16:45.46TommyTheKidRH8 hasn't been a reasonable choice for like YEARS now?
16:45.50Qwell[]naderiano: something that came out within the last 7 years. :)
16:45.52NetgeeksERROR != WARNING != NOTICE....
16:45.52naderianoi dont think it is a version matter
16:46.06Qwell[]no, it isn't.  I'm just saying you should upgrade your distro
16:46.11naderianoi will
16:46.15Qwell[]You're probably still on like 2.2 kernel, heh
16:46.26TommyTheKidwhy put effort into something that just need rebuilt?
16:46.28morale2.2.16 baby.
16:46.28pauldywhos taking bets on how many hours a redhat 8 box is online before its rooted
16:46.42Qwell[]which, actually, could be a problem with asterisk.  Not the problem you're having, but a problem nonetheless
16:46.44gandhijeered hat == doo-doo; FC == more doo-doo
16:46.51mog_homedepends pauldy
16:47.05mog_homei have a redhat box thats not running any services
16:47.07naderianowith G711 i have no problem
16:47.09gandhijeeeven the former VP of redhat says that
16:47.09mog_homeso id say forever...
16:47.19pauldyyour just being contrarian today huh
16:47.21mog_homeyeah you have silence suppresion on somewhere
16:47.24naderianowhat is the best Operating sys for asterisk
16:47.39Qwell[]because that's what it's made for
16:47.40gandhijeewhatever linux your comfortable with
16:47.50naderianoso it is silence supression
16:48.08TommyTheKidnaderiano: if you "like" redhat, go with Red Hat Enterprise or CentOS (the free RHEL) .. my opinion ofcourse :)
16:48.14naderianoi need to dig into GUNGK configs to check how to disable it
16:48.31jbothmm... centos is better than Fedora Core
16:48.34naderianothanks tommythekid i will go for it
16:49.03TommyTheKidthe nice part is.. its actually supported (as in getting patches) .. and 2.6 kernel :)
16:49.19TommyTheKidbut anything made in like the past few years is :)
16:49.29Qwell[]I'm quite happy with silly upgrade paths
16:49.45naderianoi will upgrade it as soon as i fix this problem
16:49.52Qwell[]"nope, sorry, Gentoo 3 is no longer supported.  You'll need to upgrade to 4."
16:49.56gandhijeei think i might try to do a LFB
16:50.01DrukenQwell[]: i don mind gentoo... but i prefer my slack :)
16:50.03Qwell[]You'll never hear that, heh
16:50.15Qwell[]versioned distros are for suckers
16:50.16TommyTheKidThe only Linux I don't like is Sun's JDS (which I think is "gone" now).. too many "missing" things
16:50.21moralestupid voip provider.. is there a way to turn off context-case matching in asterisk?
16:50.36Qwell[]morale: hack the code
16:50.40gandhijeei heard looking glass was pretty nice
16:50.53TommyTheKidall eye candy
16:51.07gandhijeeno functionality?
16:51.20Drukenmmmm, eye candy
16:51.22naderianoam newbieeeee with asterisk
16:51.26TommyTheKidit "works" but is it really going to change the world.. uh no
16:51.37naderianois there an interface that u can run on windows to see the calls stats etc ,,, /.
16:51.53jbotAn XSL formatter written in Java that outputs PDF. URL:, or the Flash Operator Panel
16:51.55TommyTheKidlike strace?
16:53.17naderianour asking me tommy?
16:53.40TommyTheKidnaderiano: nevermind
16:53.48*** join/#asterisk nesys (n=nesys@2001:1418:1a6:0:20d:93ff:fe28:3ef8)
16:53.55TommyTheKidI thought you were debugging something.. "calls" to me means systemcalls :)
16:54.24TommyTheKidyikes.. I wanted to see if I could figure out why "ast_verbose" messages were not getting timestamped.. but its not quite as easy as my sip hack was ;)
16:56.10TommyTheKidand just from looking, it would appear that ast_log and ast_verbose were written by entirely separate people :)
17:09.58*** join/#asterisk Yousaf (n=ykhan3@
17:10.16YousafHi r u all doing today?
17:10.21naderianoGuys in h323.conf , is there an option for silence suppression ? so i can disable it
17:10.59YousafSeems awfully quite today
17:11.08Yousafrough weekend I take it
17:12.10*** part/#asterisk Yousaf (n=ykhan3@
17:13.04moraleWhat are "Channel hints" in asterisk? exten => 6245,hint,SIP/Grandstream1&SIP/Xlite1,Joe Schmoe ; Channel hints for presence.. Does it check to see if they are logged in to the PBX?
17:14.46tzangermorale: channel hints are for 'extension in use' type of indications (think multi-line telephones, or a receptionist's phone where she needs to see if people are on their phone)
17:15.32moralethanks tzanger
17:23.31*** join/#asterisk BladeRunner05 (
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17:27.03*** join/#asterisk christo (
17:27.13christohas anybody come across the Asterisk::Outgoing perl module which is mentioned in this presentation?
17:27.31ManxPowerIt's part of asterisk-perl
17:28.24christoaah okay - that's the gunther one, right?
17:28.28christo(or whatever it's called)
17:28.41christocool thanks
17:41.41*** join/#asterisk BigJoe1 (
17:47.58*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
17:48.46*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
17:51.25moraleshould i use mysql or postgresql.. its looking like mysql is much more supported, to use realtime in CVS HEAD you need to use odbc to access your pgsql databases
17:55.33MacRohardanyone know a uk sip provider that lets you spoof caller id?
18:02.04*** join/#asterisk cianhugheslaptop (
18:04.12Dr-Linuxanybody have experience with AMP ?
18:04.33loud(cricket sound)
18:07.08*** join/#asterisk nesys (n=nesys@2001:1418:1a6:0:20d:93ff:fe28:3ef8)
18:08.06moraleanyone.. mysql .. postgresql..
18:08.07Qwell[]morale: Whatever you feel better with
18:08.17Qwell[]morale: Thats the beauty of open source
18:08.28cianhugheslaptopI have just finished a working prototype Cocoa iaxclient for Mac OS X, because I hated everything else out there, anyone want to help with it, I'm low on time at the moment
18:08.28Dr-Linuxanybody have experience with AMP ?
18:08.32*** join/#asterisk GXTi_ (n=omgwtfbb@freenode/developer/GXTi)
18:08.38moralei'd like to use postgresql, but i don't want to use unixodbc connectors.
18:08.38cianhugheslaptopIt will all be GPL'd in the end
18:12.02*** join/#asterisk slePP (
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18:23.35hypa7iamorale: consider that the ODBC one is in main while mysql is in -addons
18:23.51fugitivomysql is evil
18:24.02s0lidis there a channel for asterisk newbie?
18:24.46hypa7ias0lid: this one's fine for newbies
18:24.50hypa7iafugitivo: indeed
18:26.37Vcoif my irc log is any sort of indicator....
18:27.36Peggerthere is one channel to rule them all
18:28.29*** join/#asterisk adelas (
18:29.54*** join/#asterisk jpcarvalho (
18:30.38jpcarvalhoHello All , Someone with a good heart to share with me .. how to rate my cdr's on my postgresql db ?!
18:30.49Qwell[]Rate them?
18:31.02jpcarvalhoi need to have a simple billing
18:31.50Dr-Linuxguys anybody familiar with AMP asterisk web based ?
18:32.00Qwell[]jpcarvalho: explain what you mean by rate them
18:32.19Qwell[]Dr-Linux: Yes, it screws your configs, and makes things more difficult in the long run.
18:32.21Qwell[]Don't msg me
18:33.01*** join/#asterisk rvhi (n=rv@
18:33.31jpcarvalhoQwell : My cdr's are on a postgresql db .. i need to have a script to rate my calls based on : destinational and price.
18:33.44jpcarvalhoMy control is based on : accountcode and dchannel
18:34.09jpcarvalhoSo , i need to run a script to scan all my db and make a rate for those calls.
18:34.28jpcarvalhoI need that my customer see online this.
18:34.35jpcarvalhoAny idea?
18:35.10filewrite one.
18:35.29Vcoor 2..and use the better one
18:35.29Qwell[]Pay somebody to write one.
18:35.55fileyes, I'm going to write a complete billing platform for free, put it up online for everyone to use, and not get a dime
18:36.05filewhat a good idea
18:36.09Qwell[]file: k, so it'll be done tomorrow?
18:36.24Vcoi'll need a copy as well
18:36.31filefor sure!
18:36.34Qwell[]Can I get a beta tonight?
18:36.36xhelioxYou'll install it for us too, I'd hope
18:36.52Vcowhen will STABLE be ready?
18:37.02Qwell[]Vco: tomorrow, of course
18:37.07xhelioxfile's code is stable the first time around.
18:37.08jpcarvalhoHey folks , *file* is a good guy .. different from who only see $$$
18:37.27Vcohe sees $$$ + hookers + beer
18:37.32Qwell[]/Somebody/ needs to tune their sarcasm detector.
18:37.46filepeople who want everything, for nothing, annoy me :P
18:38.55jpcarvalhofile can u help with this script?!
18:39.03jpcarvalhocan be a perl ... script.
18:39.05filejpcarvalho: not for free.
18:39.35jpcarvalhoi can transfer 30 US$ per paypal.
18:39.44jpcarvalhowhat do u think ?
18:39.46file'fraid not.
18:40.32fileplease try your call again later, this is a recording.
18:40.40Vcoi can make something for $30
18:40.42Vcoor is there the expectation that it would actually work? all
18:40.50fileprint "Hello World\n";
18:41.09*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
18:41.25*** join/#asterisk pagefault (i=pagefaul@pdpc/supporter/active/pagefault)
18:41.30*** join/#asterisk nain (i=nain@
18:41.42*** part/#asterisk pagefault (i=pagefaul@pdpc/supporter/active/pagefault)
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18:41.50filejpcarvalho: that doesn't change things.
18:42.01Qwell[]file is a sucker for frownies
18:42.07filedamn right
18:42.17fileyou frown, and my consulting rate goes up :P
18:42.17xhelioxhelp the poor guy, file.. you meanie. :(
18:42.26filexheliox: I know - I'm horrible
18:42.48*** part/#asterisk nesys (n=nesys@2001:1418:1a6:0:20d:93ff:fe28:3ef8)
18:42.53xhelioxI'd help you jpcarvalho, but *insert any reasonable excuse here*.
18:42.55pagefaultfile is evil
18:43.00pagefaultI know from personal experience
18:43.08fileit's true
18:43.12fileI'm the embodiment of evil
18:43.25naderianohello guys
18:43.27*** part/#asterisk fulgas (
18:43.29jpcarvalhoWell , i can offer 300 US$ in excelent termination to Brasil
18:43.35jpcarvalhoMobile and Proper
18:43.53naderianoi just used a quintum GW to place a call and disabled silence suppression , still getting the same error
18:44.02naderianoframe.c:128 __ast_smoother_feed: Dropping extra frame of G.729 since we already have a VAD frame at the end
18:44.40filejpcarvalho: go pay for development to have someone write one for you
18:45.17naderianoanyone can help solving this problem :'(
18:46.57BladeRunner05debian 2.6.12, Asterisk 1.0.9: chan_capi 0.3.5 fails while run make . who knows about ?
18:47.26nainI am getting Connection Failure Error when placing h323 call from asterisk to Quintum Gateway with the same network. I can ping Quintum. Also telnet session is not being established properly and disconnect before entering login info from Fedora Core 3 machine. but I can ping and telnet Quintum machine from Windows Machine in same network. I have disabled Firewall too in Linux machine to prevent any problem.
18:47.28fileBladeRunner05: if you pastebin the error that happens, you have a much better chance of getting help
18:47.39BladeRunner05ok file
18:47.52naderianofile do u have any idea how to solve the problem i mentioned?
18:48.19nainSo guys can any one help me what's matter with Asterisk to quintum ?
18:48.21BladeRunner05file: chek here
18:48.25filenaderiano: if I did I would have responded
18:48.36naderianothanks file
18:51.05nainfile: Hi
18:51.25*** join/#asterisk julianjm_ (
18:51.48filenain: hi
18:52.07nainfile:how r u friend?
18:52.07BladeRunner05file: have u see the error
18:52.31fileBladeRunner05: I don't use capi, I'd suggest talking to whoever wrote it
18:52.33filenain: fine
18:52.42nainfile: i am getting problem while communicating from fc3 to quintum
18:52.49filenain: I know, you already said
18:53.03nainfile: yes, do u have any idea what's the reason
18:53.43Qwell[]<file> nain: if I did I would have responded
18:53.43BladeRunner05Who is experienced with chan_capi ?
18:53.59fileBladeRunner05: Qwell[] can help you
18:54.20Qwell[]file: Sorry, not today.  My knowledge array appears to be null.
18:54.33filehe's just kidding, he has lots of experience with chan_capi
18:54.34*** join/#asterisk nassy (
18:54.57jpcarvalhoGuys , please i need a simple billing for postgresql
18:54.58BladeRunner05Qwell[]: I got this error compiling chan_capi 0.3.5 on debian 2.6.12 and asterisk 1.0.9
18:55.35nainQwell[]: Can u Do Fast searching to your array to find my problem :)
18:55.49Qwell[]nain: nope, I can only do n*2 searching
18:56.04Qwell[]google can though
18:56.17nainQwell[]: no problem n*2 it can also work
18:56.31julianjm_BladeRunner05, you'll probably need to install some -devel packages... anyway, that output doesn't say anything, as it's not complete
18:56.37nainQwell[]: i tried google but not found
18:56.42BladeRunner05Qwell[]: could be a variable on MakeFile or what ?
18:56.48Qwell[]nain: google wasn't found?  That's not good.
18:57.06fileI want to be next vonage!!! who help me?!?!?
18:57.08BladeRunner05Julianjm: I compile asterisk fine, what kind of package could be missing ?
18:57.12nainQwell[]: google might find but my query might not perfect
18:57.33Qwell[]file: You put a verb in were you thinking?
18:57.37xhelioxI'll help you as long as your commercials are less annoying.
18:57.44fileQwell[]: I'm not good at it :\
18:57.45julianjm_BladeRunner05, paste the entire error... previous was only the last lines...
18:58.09Qwell[]xheliox: I came up with a great commercial for them...
18:58.20nainxheliox: do u have solution of my problem ?
18:58.34Qwell[]scene: green text on a black background - bash perhaps
18:59.12Qwell[]user cds to a directory where his games are, or something - wants to remove one of them
18:59.38nainMy problem might be TCP/IP or linux related so any guru there
19:00.04Qwell[]user reads directions, and intends to type types rm -rf . - but he fat fingers the ., and makes it a /
19:00.09BladeRunner05julianjm_: the entire error is here
19:00.56fugitivoQwell[]: do you think people is going to understand that?
19:01.07BladeRunner05Qwell[]: as chan_capi guru can suggest me something to avoid thie errors compiling chan_capi 0.3.5 ?
19:01.25Qwell[]fugitivo: No.  Thats the whole point.
19:02.05Qwell[]alright, fine
19:02.30Qwell[]instead of fat fingering it, somebody throws something at his nuts, and he accidently types / instead, and presses enter (while in pain)
19:02.32Qwell[]Better? :P
19:05.17julianjm_BladeRunner05, do you have isdn4k-utils installed? and a kernel with CAPI support?
19:05.45BladeRunner05julianjm_: checking...
19:09.53BladeRunner05julianjm_: I forgot to install libcapi20-dev, now chan_capi is compiled !!!
19:10.11*** join/#asterisk oej (
19:10.59BladeRunner05but I got an error running asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvgc
19:11.42*** join/#asterisk napkin (
19:16.46*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
19:16.50pooh_BladeRunner05: check capi.conf, zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
19:17.06pooh_BladeRunner05: If the capi module is loaded at all
19:17.13julianjm_BladeRunner05, do capiinit and capiinfo work?
19:18.08BladeRunner05the capi.conf is good also work in another installation
19:18.44BladeRunner05julianjm: what's capiinit and capiinfo work?
19:19.53BladeRunner05I'm installing isdnutils
19:24.23BladeRunner05it fails.... the card is working and all the card driver are running
19:24.36BladeRunner05but * return the error loading chan_capi !!!!
19:31.16*** join/#asterisk aggelos (
19:37.30Flautopooh, you are still here. can i ask a stupid question again
19:44.03Drukenno question is stupid....
19:44.20*** join/#asterisk Xen^ (n=linux@
19:44.29Xen^can i call skype users from my asterisk ?
19:44.37*** join/#asterisk marc324 (
19:44.50pooh_Flauto: sure ;-)
19:45.07pooh_Xen^: not yet
19:45.28flok420hi, when I try to dialout I get a 404 error in sjphone and "Check for res for" "is not a local user" and "Stopping retransmission on '66ED2B84-1DD2-11B2-8B72-D132D0F7B1FD@' of Response 1: Found" in the asterisk logging
19:45.30flok420what could it be?
19:45.53Flautopooh, can i still install festival after i installed asterisk
19:46.23pooh_yes, but you need to patch fesival to work with *
19:46.48Xen^pooh_ : i am using cvs head how can i configure moh
19:47.07Xen^because musiconhold.conf is different from stable
19:47.20pooh_Xen^: Check /usr/src/asterisk/configs/musiconhold.conf.sample
19:47.31Xen^its differnet
19:47.36nainI am getting Connection Failure Error when placing h323 call from asterisk to Quintum Gateway with the same network. I can ping Quintum. Also telnet session is not being established properly and disconnect before entering login info from Fedora Core 3 machine. but I can ping and telnet Quintum machine from Windows Machine in same network. I have disabled Firewall too in Linux machine to prevent any problem.
19:47.37Xen^i cna show your using pb
19:48.08fugitivowhat could cause this compiling zaptel?
19:48.28*** join/#asterisk oej (
19:48.30BladeRunner05who is experienced with chan_capi ?
19:48.40*** join/#asterisk bartpbx (
19:49.30bartpbxI've updated one of our Servers to todays had an message like "Asterisk ended with exit status 137" on  the console the first time today
19:49.37bartpbxis this a know issue in HEAD
19:50.36pooh_fugitivo: very strange makefiles
19:50.58fugitivopooh_: cvs from today
19:51.19fugitivoit looks like compilation is ok
19:52.04bartpbxgdb says: Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
19:52.04bartpbx#0  0x080615e3 in ast_get_channel_tech (name=0x81a9878 "") at channel.c:397
19:52.04bartpbx397                     return chanls->tech;
19:52.13bartpbxanyone seen this before?
19:56.25fugitivowhat did you do to get that error?
20:00.01*** part/#asterisk aggelos (
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20:10.02Flautopooh, what you mean that ineed to patch it to work with asterisk
20:12.36tzangerbartpbx: it is a known issue?
20:12.38tzangerwhat bugnum?
20:13.25bartpbxtzanger, I could not find a bug about it
20:13.34bartpbxI'm just in the process of collecting all info
20:13.42tzangerI've certainly not seen that and I run HEAD (have been for the last 3 years)
20:13.47tzangerwhat's the issue?
20:14.28*** join/#asterisk oej (
20:15.06*** join/#asterisk Zetun (n=O@
20:16.28bartpbxI'm in the process of analysing the coredump
20:16.46zoahey olle!
20:19.30*** part/#asterisk Zetun (n=O@
20:21.27bartpbxtzanger check out:
20:22.13tzangerast_child_inherit_variables?  that's a really trivial function
20:22.18tzangerI wonder if it has to do with the new linked list stuff
20:22.35tzangerer as_channel_inherit_variables
20:22.40tzangerdammit you know what I'm talking about
20:22.49bartpbxnot really
20:23.08tzangerast_channel_inherit_variables() -- it just copies the variable linked list over
20:23.25tzangerit walks the list of variables in the source and any _ or __ variables it copies over
20:23.44tzangercreates a new variable list and adds to it
20:23.52tzangerit's pretty straightforward, I wonder what broke
20:24.03tzangerhow do you recreate the issue?
20:24.12moraleis it in the latest cvs?
20:24.20tzangeryeah this is CVS HEAD
20:24.44tzangerI just wrote a patch to app_parkandannounce that adds a PARKED at channel variable, which is why I know about that func
20:25.17bartpbxno i can't recreate it
20:25.20bartpbxnot realy
20:25.31bartpbxI appears from time 2 time
20:25.45tzangerwell from the backtrace can you wlak the variable list and see if there's a bad pointer there?
20:25.49tzangeri.e. a variable with a name but no value (out of my ass guess as to why it crashed in that func)
20:26.04tzangerer from the corefile not the backtrace
20:26.25bartpbxsorry.. I'dont unterstand
20:27.26bartpbxtell me what i can do
20:28.04moraledo a 'bt' in gdb. and print all of the variables being referenced, you should be able to do p/x 0x080615e3
20:28.19moralewhich should.. if i remember display what is memory at that location in the core dump
20:28.44*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
20:28.58tzangerbartpbx: can you tar up the corefile and the asterisk binary and put it somewhere?  Technically it's a security risk since your root password may be in the corefile somewhere but I am not that great a hacker :-)
20:29.19tzangeryou can do it nicer than that
20:30.16tzangerjust "print variablename" -- it'll tell you where it is at and if you walk the ast_variable structure or whatever it's called you can print each element and if my hunch is right you'll hit a 'value = 0x32525241 (invalid memory access)' type of result
20:31.24moraledoes the ast_channel_inherit_variables() function not do any sanity checking?
20:31.35tzangerit shouldn't have to
20:31.54tzangeryou should be using ast_variable_add() or whatever it's called to add vars
20:32.31bartpbx1sec please
20:32.47naintzanger: Hi
20:32.55nainhow r u?
20:34.01tzangermorale: actually the function uses the macros to traverse the linked list and also to insert a new variable into the channel that's inheriting the data
20:34.26tzangerI am betting the error's on ast_var_value()
20:34.37tzangeractually it can't be or it'd be in the backtrace
20:34.50moraletzanger, yeah im looking at that in channels.c right now
20:35.12tzangerand ast_var_value() does check
20:35.34tzangerthat should be inlined I think
20:35.43naintzanger: this time i am here with new problem. Asterisk Failed to place h323 call to Quintum with "Connection Failure error". I can ping from FC3 to Quintum but another issue i faced that telnet session expired before telnet login while i can telnet in same network from windows machine ...
20:35.53tzangerno idea man
20:35.58tzangerI don't touch h323 with a 10 foot pole
20:36.15*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (
20:36.21naintzanger: it don't seems to be typically h323 problem
20:36.38naintzanger: it seems to be Linux or TCP/IP problem
20:36.39moralewhere is it allocating memory for the pointer *newvar?
20:37.02bartpbxI'm back
20:37.08bartpbxI was on the phone
20:37.26tzangernain: saying that linux has a TCP/IP problem requires incredible proof
20:37.29moraleoh nevermind
20:37.33tzangermorale: it's allocated
20:37.49*** join/#asterisk techie (n=gus@
20:38.03bartpbxtzanger: I've did p/x  0x080615e3 and print variable name
20:38.06naintzanger: not linux has TCP/IP problem, problem might be with configration,
20:38.12bartpbxthe resone was: No symbol "variablename" in current context.
20:38.24naintzanger: for safe side i had disabled firewall too
20:38.27*** join/#asterisk folsson_ (
20:38.29moraleno.. the name of the actual variable.
20:38.58tzangerbartpbx: heh
20:39.08bartpbxwhat is the variable name
20:39.13tzangermorale: I bet it's in the AST_LIST_INSERT_TAIL macro
20:39.21tzangerer #define
20:40.23naintzanger: i think if i can simple resolve the telnet issue then i can place call from asterisk too
20:40.50naintelnet session expires before i enter login information while it is not the case from windows machine with same ip.
20:41.35tzangernain: I'm sorry I don't know
20:41.39moraletelnet session?
20:42.05nainmorale: yes telnet to quintum fail at login prompt
20:42.28nainmorale: it is the only case from fc3 while from any other windows machine quintum is being telnet
20:43.03moralenain, are you on the same network/subnet as the machine?
20:43.05nainmorale: i have tried by using private ip address on both fc3 and quintum but same
20:43.14nainmorale: yes on same network / subnetmask
20:43.31nainmorale: same ip/netmask worked with windows machine but not from fc3
20:43.34moraleit drops the telnet connection to port 23 on quintum immediately?
20:44.07nainmorale: immediately mean login prompt appears but it didn't accept any key and after 2 or 3 sec it dropped connection
20:45.04moraledo you have it trying to do kerberos authentication via telnet and drop the connection on failure? what happens when you connect to a different port listening on the machine?
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20:45.56nainmorale: i tried kermit for linux with telnet /nowait option and it works
20:46.57nainmorale: Quintum is only listen telnet session on 23 port
20:47.29*** join/#asterisk implicit (
20:47.31moraleare you running inetd or xinetd? paste me the telnet service definition from whichever
20:47.54naini am using xinetd on fc3
20:48.58nainmorale: i am using default defination of telnet in fc3. i didn't make any change in fc3 telnet defination after installing
20:48.58tzangerok how the hell do I tell gdb where channel.c is
20:49.25moraletzanger: its a coredump, you have to have channel.c in the same location bartpbx had it.
20:49.33moraleor /has/ it
20:49.50tzangermorale: I can't say "channel.c is /path/to/channel.c" ?
20:49.55bartpbxit is in /usr/src/asterisk/
20:50.31moraletzanger, i don't think so. you could hexedit the coredump and change the location :)
20:51.05tzangeryeah that worked
20:51.23nainmorale: any clue
20:51.39moraletzanger:        -d directory
20:51.56tzangeryeah that's where it crashed
20:51.58moralenain, what is the service defintion you have set for telnet in xinetd?
20:52.22tzangerthe coredump's pointing to the 'break' immediately after anyway
20:52.50nainmorale: i am sorry i am right now on windows machine but it is default defination i didn't make any changes to default defination of telnet for xientd
20:53.14moralenain, have you tried a different telnet client? securecrt, putty... ?
20:53.39nainmorale: yes kermit for linux worked with /nowait option
20:53.43moralefour more hours to go.. <tick tock>
20:54.57moraleactually, i recall having a problem with windows telnet.. it is actually not fully rfc(telnet) whatever rfc it is complaint. i used to telnet to online bbs's and it would break after recieiving certain control messages.
20:55.15moralethat made /no/ sense whatsoever.
20:55.32*** join/#asterisk supaigtr (n=yurplsl@
20:55.42moralei mean.. windows telnet is broken from my experiences.. try putty on windows.
20:56.17nainmorale: on window putty and default windows telnet worked fine it didn't break but problem with linux machine
20:57.33*** join/#asterisk swm_ (
20:57.43swm_top - 12:56:56 up 9 days, 12:45,  8 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.10, 0.04
20:57.45swm_Tasks: 121 total,   2 running, 119 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
20:57.47swm_Cpu0  :   6.5% user,   3.2% system,   0.0% nice,  90.3% idle
20:57.49swm_Cpu1  :  10.8% user,   0.0% system,   0.0% nice,  89.2% idle
20:57.51swm_Cpu2  :   5.9% user,   0.0% system,   0.0% nice,  94.1% idle
20:57.53swm_Cpu3  :  14.5% user,   2.7% system,  17.7% nice,  65.1% idle
20:57.55swm_Mem:    903888k total,   577160k used,   326728k free,    23420k buffers
20:57.57swm_Swap:  1960236k total,        0k used,  1960236k free,   271428k cached
20:58.05tzangerI am fairly certain it failed trying to clone __CALLED
20:58.24moralea quad cpu machine with only 1gb of ram? pity :)
20:58.42swm_It only has 2 CPU's in it but it treats it as 4 thats what I was wondering
20:58.56moraleit probably is the hyperthreading then
20:59.10moraleif it is an intel p4 cpu.
20:59.24swm_It's Intel Xeon 2.00
20:59.45moraleif you cat /proc/cpuinfo does it have the cpu flag 'ht' ?
21:00.13moralenain, so you cannot telnet from one linux machine to another.. im trying to understand what you're really trying t od
21:00.33swm_Yep HT is present in /proc/cpuinfo
21:00.52moralethat would be why then.
21:01.02swm_never really could find a place that explained the flags on the cpu's
21:01.48tzangerhmm gdb's being a bitch
21:01.50swm_I have 150 active X clients on my server and it has not cleaned the memory out yet.
21:02.04moralei wish i was in an atlantic timezone right now, i would be home and not waiting for backup jobs to finish.
21:02.23nainmorale: yes you are right i only can't telnet from fc3 or fc2 operating system with same public ip or private ip
21:02.47swm_I'm waiting for the cellular company over here to switch thier damn TZ so my clocks read correctly.
21:03.01moralehuh? your fc3 and fc2 machine both have the same ip's?
21:03.22tzanger(gdb) print parent->varshead
21:03.22tzanger$12 = {first = 0x0, last = 0x0, lock = {__m_reserved = 0, __m_count = 0, __m_owner = 0x0,
21:03.48tzangerif parent->varshead is an empty linked list (first=NULL, last=NULL) then how is it getting the current var to be __CALLED
21:04.02tzangerptype parent->varshead
21:04.14marc324how is the ha1,ha2 fields generated in SER database?
21:04.21nainmorale: no different ips
21:04.56nainmorale: even i assigned quinutm and fc3 machine local ip and telnet but same
21:05.16tzangerbartpbx: you did make clean before compiling this right?
21:06.41moralenain, what does the /var/log/messages report on the machine you are connecting to? any errors?
21:07.19nainmorale: it's quintum gateway and i didn't see any log/messages there
21:07.47tzangerI am not sure how it's arriving at this then
21:07.56tzangerbecause parent->varshead points to an empty variable list
21:08.21tzangerbut current (the current variable in the list) is __CALLED
21:08.27tzangerwhich doesn't make sense unless it's old memory
21:08.27*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (n=chatzill@
21:08.40shmaltzhi everyone
21:09.13shmaltzbartpbx, what is strange?
21:09.42moralenain, i'd go ask your question in a #fedora channel, you must have something misconfigured.. check the firewall if it is your gateway.. it obviously will need to be doing some type of ip routing/forwarding with iptables,ipchains..
21:09.44bartpbxI wa talking to tzangler a bout an issue
21:10.28tzangerthe parent varshead points to an empty list
21:10.31nainmorale: #fedora channel on which server ?
21:10.33jbothmm... politician is the art of one being very busy but not accomplishing a thing
21:10.33tzangerbut the child varshead has data
21:10.38tzangerI guess tha'ts not totally unusual
21:10.47moralenain, there should be on here.. /j #fedora
21:10.56jbotYerp. Everyone has their own opinion. Please discuss them elsewhere. This is #debian, not #politics. [If you wanna discuss politics, that's cool, just do it elsewhere.]
21:11.19nainmorale: thanks
21:12.00tzangerthe child has one variable
21:12.04tzangerDIALEDPEERNUMBER = pbxnet01@planinternet/494076980606
21:12.10tzangerthe parent has none
21:12.17tzangerbut the current variable is __CALLED
21:12.35tzanger__CALLED = 494022611090
21:12.58tzangerhow the hell can current be non-null if parent->varshead=NULL?
21:13.19bartpbx??? sounds strange
21:13.41bartpbxmaybe the problem is starting somewhere else
21:13.57tzangermorale: any ideas?
21:14.13tzangerthis is very wrong if it's true
21:15.25tzangeroh wait look at this
21:15.32tzanger(gdb) print parent->name
21:15.32tzanger$25 = "\000\000\000\000Q\223\032\b__CALLED\000494022611090", '\0' <repeats 15 times>, "9\000\000\000\220\223\032\b\226\223\032\b\002\000\000\000\001", '\0' <repeats 15 times>, " \222\032\b"
21:15.38tzangerthat's certainly fucked
21:15.51tzanger(gdb) print child->name
21:15.51tzanger$26 = "IAX2/planinternet-21", '\0' <repeats 59 times>
21:16.03tzangerwhich looks far more normal
21:16.11tzangerit looks like the parent channel's corrupted somehow
21:16.23bartpbxbut how
21:16.31tzangerwell we ned to look further up the chain then
21:16.46tzangerthe problem's not in ast_channel_inherit_variables
21:16.49tzangerit's before then
21:16.53tzangerand just manifests there
21:17.34tzangerthe frame before then has chan->name that's also corrupt
21:17.45*** join/#asterisk the-dark (
21:19.08the-darkhi there
21:19.55the-darkcan someone help
21:20.06exoxewhen running with -v, is it common to get "Urgent handler"?
21:20.37tzangerexoxe: that's -d not -v
21:20.58exoxeer, yeah
21:23.09tzangeryou're asking ofr debug info and you're getting it.  If you don't want it, don't use -d
21:23.30the-darkplease? can someone help?
21:23.41bartpbxthe-darko, with what?
21:24.11tzangerok it's bad e-fucking-nough that someone wrote realtime, but they used SELECT * in the code?!!
21:25.04the-darki have a prob with an hfc based card and gigaset dect rings only once and asterisk says busy on zap
21:27.20the-darkno ideas?
21:27.58bartpbxthe-darko, hm sounds strange I've never heard about that before
21:29.08the-darkmaybe a problem with bristuff?
21:29.47the-darkanalog phones at a ta 33 a/b workin fine
21:31.47tzangerselect * speeds NOTHING up
21:32.00supaigtrDelvelopment.  Lazyness.
21:32.00tzangersupaigtr: please hand in your DBA badge on your way out.
21:32.19tzangeryes laziness for sure
21:32.24supaigtrthey using it everywhere in realtime?
21:32.40tzangernot sure I was just helping someone out with a realtime issue and discoverd the SELECT *
21:33.15supaigtr:).  I am digging deeper into the IAX2 problems.  Bought to pull my hair out.
21:33.24*** join/#asterisk fiber0pti (
21:33.41fiber0ptianyone have experience with using a Tivo with asterisk over a voip connection?
21:33.48*** join/#asterisk blitz_laptop (
21:33.59supaigtrHuh?  U mean dialup tivo data?
21:34.06file[laptop]yay blitz_laptop!
21:34.34tzangersupaigtr: which issues?
21:34.48file[laptop]blitz_laptop: SO - dinner on the night of November 11th - good idea?
21:34.53tzangerway back when I was a bell expressvu subscriber I had my IRD in an FXS port
21:35.01tzangerit worked reasonably well but not perfectly
21:35.14blitz_laptopfile[laptop]:  depends... whenever I do these things I usually get extremely busy.
21:35.17fiber0ptisupaigtr: nod.. whatever tivo uses a phoneline for
21:35.26file[laptop]blitz_laptop: bad bad bad!
21:35.30blitz_laptopfile[laptop]:  I can't guarentee exactly what is going on that evening/weekend :)
21:36.36Vcoi didn't think there actually wer BEV "subscribers" way back when....
21:37.46moralehow do the /etc/odbc.ini and /etc/odbcinst.ini files differ?
21:39.22supaigtrtzanger: Random disconnect lost audio in one direction.  Thought it was the network but I've ruled that out.
21:40.03tzangerhmm odd
21:40.11supaigtrfiber0pti: It won't work very well.  The HDVR2 series wont' work at all.
21:40.13tzangerany way to reproduce consistently?
21:40.16tzangersupaigtr: I was
21:40.18tzangernot anymore
21:40.27tzangerI have a TV but I only watch DVDs and stuff I download now
21:40.49fiber0ptisupaigtr: I got a DirecTV R10
21:41.44supaigtrtzanger: Not really it happens everyday but not at any given point.  I haven't been able to capture it yet.  Looking thru logs trying to figure out what it should look like.
21:42.15supaigtrfiber0pti: I carry mine to office once a month to let it update/upload.
21:42.30fiber0ptisupaigtr: haha.. I was afraid of that
21:42.42*** join/#asterisk Jenks (i=qw@
21:44.29supaigtrtzanger: all I know at this point is its been 2-8 calls a day, only on IAX2-IAX2-SIP calls and users are really annoyed.  Seems to happen 2 or more minutes into a call.
21:47.35tzangerI am running CVS HEAD and puting through MUCH more than that without any issues
21:48.02tzangerthere *was* a big issue with IAX2 where the jitterbuffer'd take a big shit and put audio 10s into the future or so but that was months ago
21:50.05*** join/#asterisk Fsillophonie (
21:50.30Fsillophoniehi there. who's able to help me with some serious probs at asterisk ?
21:51.06filea consultant.
21:51.10Fsillophoniewell, I'll just post my error here and hope that so will answer :)
21:51.49supaigtrtzanger: We have about 30 systems but this is the largest and the only one having problems.
21:51.57FsillophonieI'm trying to set up asterisk on a debian system but I can't get it work
21:52.19supaigtrtzanger: Main problem is I dont' see a problem in the logs.
21:52.21Fsillophoniewith the newest cvs release it just works fine, but i need zaphfc
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21:53.08Fsillophoniewhen I install the bristuff release, zaphfc works fine, but asterisk won't connect to the sip server
21:54.07FsillophonieI get the warning that the peer is unreachable
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21:55.22Fsillophonieand next I get the notice that registration timed out and then theres the error that maximum retries exceeded on call [hex]@
21:55.55tzangersupaigtr: well if 30 systems running the same code work and one doesn't... doesn't that indicate something to you?
21:56.13tzangerFsillophonie: this is something that has recently happened with CVS HEAD
21:56.26tzangeryou might want to back down until you see it fixed
21:57.19Fsillophoniehmm... you mean one of the older bristuff releases might work ?
21:57.43supaigtrtzanger: I get the feeling its load related.  Backing down to stable fixes it but creates other problems.
21:58.16supaigtrOf the 30 this is one out of 3 using IAX.  Rest are PRI - SIP.
21:59.51*** join/#asterisk javo (
22:00.22tzangersupaigtr: don't back down to stable, just back down the CVS date
22:00.32tzangersupaigtr: cvs -D "one week ago" up
22:00.35javois there a faq for this channel?
22:00.40tzangerif it's still broken, back up two weeks
22:00.58moralefuck this realtime shit is so broken
22:01.36supaigtrtzanger: I've scaled back 2 weeks and its broke.  Then I ran out of time to go back further.
22:02.10tzangersupaigtr: sorry
22:02.13supaigtrI have to be careful since its a production system and I can't reproduce the load / situation elsewhere.
22:02.19tzangersupaigtr: yeah
22:02.23javoi am wondering how i can set up my zap trunk to not answer the phone when it rings
22:02.32supaigtrAny debugging suggestions?
22:03.00tzangersupaigtr: not without a lot more data, but I don't have time to dig into that at this point, sorry
22:03.15tzangerjavo: put it in a context that does not have an Answer()
22:03.36javook thanks
22:04.03*** join/#asterisk Sp3ciaL_K (
22:04.08Sp3ciaL_Kwerd up
22:04.37supaigtrtzanger: Is there something to look for in the IAX traffic that would indicate lost audio?
22:04.49tzangersupaigtr: just lost frames
22:05.13Sp3ciaL_Kbad codec?
22:05.13tzangeriax2 jb debug will give you a very visual indication but it's problematic to follow with more than one concurrent call
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22:05.49supaigtrYea.  I see very few lost frames if any.  I'm getting like 6-10 secs of lost audio.
22:06.30tzangersupaigtr: that sounds very similar ot the problem I was having before. but as I said that seemed to correct itself after a cvs update several months back
22:06.35supaigtrtzanger: I'm thinking the the iax2 jb debug isn't robust enough to debug what I have to look at.  Maybe improving it would be the next logical step for me to figure this out?
22:06.53tzangersupaigtr: tcpdump
22:07.07Sp3ciaL_Kwhat is iax2 jb debug?
22:07.09supaigtrI have a few dumps but they are even harder to track calls.
22:07.58kuku5is there any software that monitors asterisks... quality
22:08.33tzangerkuku5: nothing I've seen yet
22:10.20tzangerI wonder if it'd be possible to patch a monitor() like function into all calls and run a simple pop/click filter over it (basically a lightweight detector of network issues) and correlate the call source/destination and generate MOS-like scores
22:10.20tzangerwell it's likely possible, monitor already does it but spits to a file
22:10.20tzangerI wonder ohw difficult or processor intensive it would be
22:13.14supaigtrtzanger: I have a few voicemails with the problem.   Does't IAX know if network packets are lost anyways?
22:13.39tzangersupaigtr: yes, that is what hte jitter buffer tries to remedy
22:14.14supaigtrI guess thats where I have a problem.  New jitter buffer reports no problems but audio is getting lost or call is dropped.
22:14.23tzangersupaigtr: well dig in and try to fix it then
22:15.00supaigtrtzanger: I'm working and learning about it.  Its alot to take in under the pressure of a broken system :)
22:15.16tzangeryes it is
22:15.20tzangerquick fix: turn off the jitter buffer
22:16.01moralehas anyone got realtime+pgsql voicemail working?
22:16.08supaigtrThats just it.  It doens't seem to be the jitter buffer.  I've turned it off and still get the issue.
22:16.16tzangerthen it's definitely not the jb
22:16.20tzangerare you *sure* it's not a network issue
22:16.22tzangertcpdump helps here
22:16.33tzangerbecause you look at the timestamps of the actual packets coming back and you can see if there's a gap
22:17.04supaigtrI'm fairly sure.  How do the timestamps relate?  I havent' gotten that down yet.
22:17.33tzangeryou should be receiving an IAX2 packet every 20ms
22:17.46tzangerif if you're not, you've got packet delay/loss
22:18.03supaigtrOk.  Lemme look at a capture.
22:20.37supaigtrat 10000ms I see a LAGRQ.  Otherwise every 20ms i get a packet. There are 12 calls active at this time.
22:21.13supaigtrThen same kinda thing at 20000ms
22:21.16tzangerI find it's handy to use perl to take the raw output and do some brute force work... eliminate all non-audio frames, calulate the time between frames for each call, then spit out the cleaned up data to a csv to put itno scalc so I can graph it
22:21.41supaigtrThat sounds like a nice tool.
22:22.07supaigtrIt the 10000ms interval for the LAGRQ traffic normal or is that a sign of trouble?
22:23.00tzangernope that's normla
22:23.10tzangerevery 10s it's basically getting lag stats
22:23.43tzangersupaigtr: it's just a perl script that tries to make sense of the stream... nothing fancy (I don't have it handy here and it's not that advanced)
22:24.28morale - that is my realtime setup.. any idea why it is not showing any voicemail boxes?
22:24.31supaigtrI guess I could set that up with TCPDUMP and have an alert sent out when there is a problem.
22:24.46tzangersupaigtr: interesting idea
22:24.51tzangerI think snort would work better for that
22:24.56tzangersince the infrastructure's already there
22:25.20supaigtrYea.  I have snort already up.  One thing though doesn't the new JB track this anyways?
22:25.37*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
22:25.38tzangersupaigtr: it should but if you have 10s of no packets for a call no jb in the world will help
22:26.35tzangersupaigtr: is there anything strange about this box?  is it running any services that none of the others are?
22:26.41supaigtrI don't really see the 10s of no packets on the IAX side of things.  maybe something on the IAX - IAX - SIP side of things.
22:26.53tzangerare you able to physically swap two boxes and swap their configs to see if it stays with the box or ont?
22:27.21konfuzedgee there seems to be so many more factors out of ones control with voip than the usual bazillion reasons people call to complain there internet is not working when there is no actual service problem
22:27.24supaigtrtzanger: No. Exact same hardware.  Swapped boxes etc.  Configs may be a little different.
22:27.40tzangersupaigtr: regardless, have you pysically swapped boxes
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22:27.52tzangerhmm and it stays with the location
22:28.24fugitivoi have problems with make install for zaptel, just make works fine
22:28.41FuriousGeorgeis there an "unofficial" eta for * 1.2?
22:29.00supaigtrYep.  Same setup.  We have a GIG-E pon with numerous sites.  At that site it just has problems but its heavyest load and feed via IAX rather than other sites that have PRI.
22:29.30tzangerwell that's a significant difference.  :-)
22:29.55fugitivoit's a pain in the ass debugging of that line :)
22:30.14supaigtrYep.  IAX seems to cause the problem.  I have let them go a week without * using SER and TNT using SIP ULAW and things worked flawlessly.
22:30.25supaigtrbesides not having voicemail for a week etc.
22:30.59tzangerok so it's definitely IAX2 from your description
22:31.01tzangerhas it ever worked?
22:32.27supaigtrIt worked during testing phases.  Then when actual traffic hit it we started having problems.  Other IAX works.  But not in the number of calls going to this box.  We have 2-4 calls over most other system with IAX. This one reaches 30-60 during the day.
22:33.16supaigtrStatiscally looking at the help desk it has never happend with less than 12 calls.  I have 6 reports in the 12-20 call range.
22:34.18moraleanyone here have realtime working.. i should start here.. :)
22:34.20supaigtrI actually have a VPN connection to the site and used my polycom all last week and never had a problem.  I accused that office of being crazy.  Then I drove out called my cell and two minutes into the call I heard the problem.
22:36.36*** join/#asterisk pr0m (
22:36.48moralehow do i submit patches to asterisk-cvs?
22:37.29tzangersupaigtr: when you're at these call volumes open up antoher terminal window and execute 'vmstat 1' -- are you seeing 0% CPU idle?
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23:02.07Neter66is it possible to register a phone _without_ using authentication?  There is a known issue with Mediatrix boxes and SIP authentication.  I'd like to configure * to no require a password, but just use IP address for authentication.  Possible?
23:03.09*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
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23:06.20supaigtrMeter66: Yes. Lookup on wiki about asterisk with maxtnt.
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23:09.46exoxei got my scooter from the scooter store
23:15.00exoxewill caller ID still work on an analog phone if setup correctly? iax -> ata -> pots phone
23:15.12exoxejust curious, haven't received my ATA yet
23:15.31xhelioxAs long as the ATA supports it.
23:15.32Nivexexoxe: works fine here
23:15.43exoxeit's one of those PAP2 linksys ATAs
23:15.51xhelioxShould be fine.
23:15.55exoxeokie dokie
23:15.59X-RobExcept the PAP2's do SIP, not IAX.
23:16.07xhelioxYeah, that's a fair point. :)
23:16.13exoxewell yeah
23:16.15xhelioxAre you putting Asterisk in there somewhere?
23:16.18exoxesorry, I meant asterisk
23:16.30Nivexiax -> * -> ata -> pots phone
23:16.32exoxei was thinking teliax using iax
23:16.40exoxesorry :)
23:16.54xhelioxthat's my exact home setup and caller ID works great.
23:17.56xhelioxI use that caller ID lookup script with it too.. makes it extra nice. :)
23:18.15exoxei have a cordless base + cordless.. are there any analog phones that have some way of knowing which phone should ring? I'm doubting it, but I'm throwing it out there
23:18.26exoxeand I'm not seeing it in the manual at all (for my analog system)
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23:18.59xhelioxexoxe: Some ATA's have distinctive ring, I believe.. but that's probably not what you mean.
23:19.20X-Robexoxe - no. There's none that I know of.
23:19.38exoxefair enough
23:21.09benno2hi, question: did anyone discover an automated way to program multiple grandstream bt101 automatically (they have some mass provisioning system but it's not open). alternatives ? custom scripts that simulate browser webaccess ? (via curl etc) ?
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23:27.20deezedJerJer you around?
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23:40.12doctor_za_ljubavcan anyone help me with False answer problem on Asterisk?
23:42.52*** join/#asterisk flashnet (
23:52.01shmaltzwow, so quiet here
23:55.11Neter66I'm getting a 403 Not allowed when trying to register.  * is sending a OPTIONS sip: SIP/2.0 but the device only allows  INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, REFER, NOTIFY    Can I get * to stop sending OPTIONS during the registration?
23:57.01Neter66sorry, it's a 405 not allowed.
23:57.02exoxechan_iax2.c:2455 iax2_read: I should never be called!
23:57.03file[laptop]Asterisk doesn't send OPTIONS on a register, it sends it if you have qualify on
23:57.05exoxei wish i knew why i got that
23:57.33file[laptop]exoxe: essentially chan_iax2 didn't send a frame of audio into it's channel, so something else requested that one be read - but chan_iax2 doesn't work like that
23:58.41exoxewell, it happens only when i call into asterisk, via teliax or FWD.. are you saying I have a config issue? :)
23:59.09file[laptop]it's not caused by a config issue, it's a core issue... not really something you can track down
23:59.25exoxeso I just have to live with it?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.