irclog2html for #asterisk on 20051029

00:04.52*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
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00:07.47Flautohi there
00:16.55*** join/#asterisk morale (
00:17.08moralewhat does it mean, Failed to create channel 'Zap' whenever I try to recieve a call?
00:17.45ManxPowermorale, it usually means you installed asterisk before you installed zaptel or that you are specifying an invaalid zap channel
00:18.21PBXtechbad zap
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00:21.16*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
00:21.34moraleit just keeps going to voicemail in my dialplan, and gives (Cause 0 - Unknown) for creating the 'Zap' channel.. I loaded zaptel and wcfxo, set the signalling to FXS Kewlstart.. thats about all i need to do right?
00:22.03ManxPowermorale, run "zap show channels"
00:22.15ManxPowerand you installed zaptel BEFORE you built and installed asterisk/
00:23.25moralenope, the kernel module was not loaded until i was ready to start asterisk
00:25.30moraleManxPower: I see both my channels there
00:25.41ManxPowermorale, what is your dial line?
00:25.44ManxPowerPASTE it
00:25.57ManxPoweractually, just paste the Dial line as shown on the console
00:26.48moraleexten => ${IAXPHONE},1,Dial(Zap/1) <- for inbound calls ring Zap/1 IAXPHONE is my phone number 14036681593
00:27.06ManxPoweractually, just paste the Dial line as shown on the console
00:27.35ManxPowerUm, X100P is for connecting to a phone LINE, not a phone.
00:27.40morale'14036681593' => 1. Dial(Zap/1)
00:27.54ManxPowersince there is no phone line connected to the card, it's not going to work
00:28.12jboti heard fxofxs is An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage.
00:28.32moraleah.. so i need fxs cards.
00:28.32*** join/#asterisk perry753 (
00:29.03*** part/#asterisk PBXtech (
00:29.31*** join/#asterisk mog_work (
00:29.33TommyTheKiddoes FXS require external power? isnt the inside of a PC only 12v?
00:29.51*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
00:30.24moralei'll be back once i get some fxs cards then.
00:31.26Corydon76-homeTommyTheKid: Small problem with your logic... you're ignoring that the voltage can be increased with a transformer
00:31.48tzangerCorydon76-home: actually there's no transformer on the cards
00:31.53Corydon76-homewhich is one of the components on the FXS board
00:32.09tzangerit's all just dc/dc and then chopped IIRC
00:32.15tzangerI don't think I have an fxs handy
00:32.28TommyTheKidfxs - analogue extension?
00:32.30Corydon76-hometzanger: then you're saying that the voltage appears out of nowhere?
00:32.44tzangerit's got a few inductors for the voltage boost but that's it IIRC
00:32.47*** join/#asterisk morale (
00:32.52tzangerCorydon76-home: no, but I do have a little experience in these things
00:32.57Corydon76-homeStop the presses; we have an unlimited form of energy in Digium boards...
00:33.00moralewhats a decent fxs card to get?
00:33.20tzangerI've been the R&D manager for an industrial power electronics manufacturer for the past 10 years...
00:34.02Corydon76-homeAnd that was sarcasm, in case you didn't catch it
00:34.28mog_workhey now
00:34.29Corydon76-homeI know; managers usually don't understand sarcasm...
00:34.34mog_worktdm400p rocks
00:34.45moralethey're like 200$ wow :)
00:35.03Corydon76-homemog_work: different conversations  :-P
00:35.05tzangerIIRC the silabs SLICs do the waveform synthesis themselves
00:35.19moraleits almost worth just getting IP phones for the price of those tdm400p's
00:35.39Corydon76-homeNow if only IP phones could interface to the PSTN...
00:35.48perry753what exactly can you do with asterisk? does it run on like red hat linux, or is it a seperate distro for phones?
00:36.02mog_workits a software pbx perry
00:36.10mog_workit can do anything iwth phones
00:36.10tzangeryup they do synthesize the ring waveform themselves
00:36.15Corydon76-homeperry753: you can take over the world.  muhahahahah
00:36.21tzangerjust a DC/DC and a waveform synth
00:37.11tzangerI love that phrase
00:37.13perry753can you hookup your telephone line to it and implement a voip gateway and answer calls on all your computers on your network?
00:37.22tzanger"performs BORSCHT functions"
00:37.24mog_workand more
00:37.33tzangermy ass performs BORSCHT functions too if I eat too much
00:37.51moraleany other place i can get a tdm400p for less than 200$?
00:38.04Corydon76-homeBut best of all, it can do NoOp... the ultimate application...
00:38.27perry753any software needed to answer calls on another computer (windows) on the same network with the computer with asterisk? is it hard...
00:38.31Corydon76-homeI'll sell you a TDM400P for $100
00:38.35Corydon76-homeNo problem
00:38.48tzangerCorydon76-home: be nice, he needs an FXS module too :-)
00:38.52moraleCorydon76-home: heh
00:38.59Corydon76-homeNow if you want the daughtercards, that'll be an extra charge...
00:39.05moralethat will be without the fxs module
00:39.10perry753i might buy the x100p but i don't think it might be useful on a home network...
00:39.22moralei'll sell ya one of them :)
00:39.41Corydon76-homeHow about a TDM10B?  $125
00:39.53tzangerAll parameters
00:39.53tzangerassociated with ringing are software programmable:
00:39.53tzangerringing frequency, waveform, amplitude, dc offset, and
00:39.53tzangerringing cadence. Both sinusoidal and trapezoidal ringing
00:39.53tzangerwaveforms are supported, and the trapezoidal crest
00:39.56tzangerfactor is programmable.
00:40.01tzangerthat's pretty damn cool
00:40.10moralea tdm10b would be good.. 1 fxs port on it..
00:40.20tzangerfull ring synthesis
00:40.20moralecept i need 2 fxs ports.. so a tdm20b minimum,
00:40.24Corydon76-hometzanger: what if I want my ringtone to play Mission Impossible?
00:40.27*** join/#asterisk nick125 (n=nick@unaffiliated/nick125)
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00:40.44Corydon76-homeWell, $185 is under $200...
00:40.59tzangerCorydon76-home: well the cadence is programmable so you could get the rhythm... and the amplitude is programmable...  so in theory if you had a weird enough ringer you could do it :-)
00:41.02nick125whats a good place to buy voip equipment?
00:41.11Corydon76-hometzanger: and the techno theme.  I need the techno theme
00:41.24tzangerhmm could I use a few FXS ports?
00:42.05Flautohey people. how can i use meetme without a digium card
00:42.15Corydon76-hometzanger: what if I was just being an asshole for the hell of it?  ;-)
00:42.16nick125Flauto: dummyzt (i think..)
00:42.31tzangerCorydon76-home: :-)
00:42.40tzangerdammit now I'm seriously thinking about this
00:42.44*** part/#asterisk justinu (n=j2@
00:42.44tzangerjust what I need, another "what if" project
00:42.54tzangerer not what if.. "I wonder if"
00:43.20Flautonick, how do i do it
00:43.33perry753can the x100p be capable of doing all of the things at
00:44.18tzangerperry753: no
00:44.27tzangeryou plug an x100P into a phone line, not a phone
00:44.33tzangerso half of those features won't work worth a shit :-)
00:44.46tzangerI wonder how much cable a TDM400 FXS module can drive
00:44.51tzangerthe REN is programmable
00:44.53perry753is it possible to call on the computer with a headset?
00:44.59perry753im not planning to plug in a phone
00:45.00tzangerand really... current's current...
00:45.19tzangerperry753: remember Asterisk is a PBX, not a softphone
00:45.30maskedhas anyone here experienced unexplained jitter with sip on a lan?
00:45.32perry753whats a pbx?
00:45.34moralethere we go.. probably has the best rates for tdm400p's in canada.. due to shipping and dollar conversion..
00:45.45harryvvgoogle. what is a pbx
00:46.07jbotwell, pbx is a Private Branch eXchange
00:46.07AlricAwww :(
00:46.07tzangernetvoice, voipsupply, there's a few others
00:46.11AlricAh, there we go.
00:46.19tzangeror just go to the source, go to the distributor for canada
00:46.28tzangerthey're in toronto, their name escapes me at the moment
00:46.38perry753so what would be the best card to get that is capable of all the features?
00:46.46perry753i mean cheapest card, sorry
00:46.52tzangerperry753: you aren't asking the rgiht questions, I'm sorry
00:46.53harryvvalso mabey canada communication product may carry the cards.
00:47.01harryvvalso mabey canada communication products may carry the cards.
00:47.08tzangerperry753: you can't say "I want all the features, what's teh card"
00:47.10tzangerdefine your needs first
00:47.17perry753what is the cheapest card that can be capable of all the features at ""
00:47.29tzangerand no, "all the features on this page" aren't really right, because some of them contradict
00:48.03perry753uh how about in general... what do you think is a good one but affordable?
00:48.19tzangerfor example, for ADSI you need an FXS port and an analogue phone.  You just stated you want a heatset on the computer.
00:48.29tzangerperry753: what do you want to do?!
00:49.00perry753im planning on using it at home. i just want to answer calls on my computer but the asterisk is at another computer in the network.
00:49.08perry753is that possible?
00:49.59harryvvnow are all digital phones pretty much propriatory to old legacy pbx boxes or can any digital multi line phone work with any digium cards at all?
00:50.59tzangerperry753: yes, very possible
00:51.23tzangernow you want asterisk to pick up your existing telephone line?  you need some form of FXO port.
00:51.34tzangerthat's what they do, they interface asterisk to phone lines
00:52.01perry753do the computer that answer the calls need fxo?
00:52.03harryvvtzanger, guess there is no way to get around a partial legacy replacment.
00:52.22tzangerthe X100P gives you pretty much all the features you can expect from an FXO interface to asterisk... callerID detection, distinctive ring detection, line flash, etc.
00:52.27tzangerharryvv: ?
00:52.31harryvvperry, please call it a pbx
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00:53.11tzangerthe X100P is just a specific brand of winmodem whose chipset the zaptel drivers work with.  That's all it is.
00:53.24harryvvtzanger, well cutomers will balk at replacing all the legacy pbx but more then willing to replacy the box its self and keep the phones. Its not a easy choice I give them though.
00:53.43tzangerharryvv: why do you think my focus is on legacy integration
00:53.49perry753thanks guys. i might get the x100p. i have to do more investigation.
00:54.10perry753does the pbx work on red hat linux?
00:54.11moraleman this is alot of money to spend to just get a pstn line working.. i almost should just buy two ip phones
00:54.39*** join/#asterisk skramy (
00:54.40mog_workyes perry
00:54.41tzangermy ultimate goal is to reverse engineer the MCDN (SL1) PRI signaling protocol and fuck a TE100P up sufficiently to connect to Norstar's fiber interconnect (off-frequency E1 running SL1)
00:54.50skramyHello.. does anyone use viaTalk? Is it down?
00:54.59mog_workeww tzanger
00:55.02mog_workjust ewww
00:55.02tzangerthus turning any norstar system into my bitch.  full integration, all softbuttons, displays, you name it.
00:55.19perry753thanks guys. all im really interested in is the music on hold. :-D
00:55.21harryvvtzanger I did not know you were focusing on legacy integration. But that is a great area to focus on. I was working at a tax processing building downtown and the enineer was mentioning that there 15 3 year old mitel pbxs might be heading to the recycle bin because its not compatable.
00:55.35harryvvtzanger that would be cool
00:55.36harryvv:) anyone?
00:56.06tzangerharryvv: yup.  when peopel spend $20k on an entry-level KSU they are hesitant to pitch it to try VOIP or moderate CTI
00:56.17harryvvThere are still alot of very good pbxs out there that cost these companies alot of money.
00:56.20tzangermog_work: eww?  are you kidding man?
00:56.32tzangerharryvv: totally.  In my area norstar is king.  So I go after norstar.
00:56.42harryvvAhh i see
00:56.44tzangerI love their phones.  properly weighted, good feel, good size...
00:56.45harryvvwhat area is that?
00:57.03tzangerharryvv: midwestern ontario, although head toward teh cities and norstar's still everywhere
00:57.04harryvvmitel seems to be the norm for goverment offices.
00:58.04tzangermog_work: I've already got some integration, and have started work on buggering up a TE4xx because the FLAC will support optical interconnects natively.  It's the clock frequency that's a little weird but I haven't dug too deep yet, I think the FLAC will handle it.
00:58.15tzangerI'm just leery on torching a quadspancard for this :-)
00:58.25*** part/#asterisk GreyFoxx (
00:58.35tzangeralthough I cut one up already to get it to work in 3v and 5v systems :-)
00:58.37harryvvto much current you mean
00:59.03tzangerno torched as in hack it up and now it's quasi-workable on copper and fiber, but not real good on either
00:59.15tzangerUSD$1500 isn't light on my pocketbook :-(
00:59.19harryvvi see
00:59.25harryvvno kidding
00:59.33tzangerbut the card I cut up already is the one I'll be experimenting with, since it's already out of warranty :-)
00:59.45mog_workyeah it shoulw work just not reccommended
00:59.52harryvvanyone work with the blackberry 7520 wifi handset with asterisk yet?
01:00.06JerJerharryvv:  not any more
01:00.07tzangermog_work: it does work very well
01:00.11tzangersee above URL
01:00.21*** join/#asterisk alephcom (n=Miranda@
01:01.20mog_workim happy for ya
01:01.51tzangerto give norstar their due. they actually did do a pretty good design
01:01.52harryvvreminds me of hamradio mods
01:01.55*** join/#asterisk sivana (
01:02.13tzangerI mean the interconnects between the KSU proper and hte modules are just fiber E1s with a proprietary protocol
01:02.42harryvvso find out how the protocol is broken down.
01:02.42tzangerso if I can get a TE405 hacked up I can just DACS between two fiber connects and tap off and simply read what they're doing to communicate
01:03.03tzangerI have some ex-nortel guys who are more than happy to assist too and have been invaluable to date
01:03.08tzangerthey hang out here too :-)
01:03.08harryvvDigital analyser would help?
01:03.28tzangerharryvv: nah not if I can just DACs it, then I just literally read off the PRI signaling in each direction
01:03.45harryvveexplain what a dac is
01:04.04harryvvI just know what a digital analyer is from electronics collage years and years ago.
01:04.06tzangerDACS is a digital cross-connect between two T1s or E1s
01:04.12harryvvI see
01:04.14tzangerit simply digitally maps one channel to another
01:04.15sivanadac = dat andrew crazy
01:04.28tzangersivana: yeah sorry about gromit... I shutdown -h'd the wrong box
01:04.34tzangerthank god it wasn't the xen0 instance
01:04.39harryvvhow is that different then say a cisco DTE/DCE cable?
01:04.55sivanadid it affect tor-hub?
01:05.11tzangerwell it's the telco equivalent of saying "T1#1, channel 1-12 is mapped to T1#2, channel 13-24"
01:05.15tzangersivana: no
01:05.18tzangerjust gromit
01:05.30harryvvI see
01:05.31tzangeractually it would have given tor-hub more CPU :-)
01:05.43tzangerharryvv: more info in /etc/zaptel.conf
01:06.26tzangerI think the first thing I'm gonna do is write "WHOZ YO DADDY" across all the sets in teh office
01:06.30tzangerwhen I get it working
01:06.34tzangermog_work: what have you done so far?
01:06.56tzangermog_work: manager events would be nice
01:06.57mog_workpresence works, i can invite people int chats, and I can send messges
01:07.07mog_workthat is one of the bigges im working on
01:07.09mog_workand jabber voicemail
01:07.22mog_workthose two things are gonna be huge and fun fun fun
01:07.28tzangerit'd be nice to get messages like "HDLC error" "$SERVER unreachable" etc
01:07.35mog_workmanager is comming last though as a i loath manager
01:07.38tzangermog_work:  I am really excited about this jabber integration
01:07.41mog_workhmm that isnt a bad idea
01:07.47mog_workthat actually is a great idea
01:07.49tzangermog_work: basically PBX events
01:07.58mog_workadd jabber debug option into ast_verbose
01:08.02*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
01:08.02mog_workor warning
01:08.04mog_workand notice
01:08.06tzangerkind of yeah
01:08.20*** join/#asterisk _Thor (
01:08.23mog_workevents in general i am waiting on th event system
01:08.29mog_worki wrote an example for chan_agents
01:08.33mog_workso others could
01:08.44mog_workbut i dont want to duplicate all that work for when that patch hits
01:09.06tzangerI'd REALLY like to say something like "jabber notify on warning events" and then be able to filter and say "if regex /foo/ matches, notify"
01:09.11tzangerin a conf file
01:09.18tzangerjust basically /regexp/ who@to.notify
01:09.22mog_workim gonna work on that now
01:09.31mog_workit is a cool idea
01:09.40mog_workprobably add syntax into loggger.conf
01:10.05tzanger/regexp/ jabbernotify
01:10.07tzangerand then
01:10.44*** join/#asterisk kshumard_home (
01:10.53mog_workhey tzanger, email me at with this idea or if you want to flesh it out any more as i am totally doing it this weekend
01:10.59tzangermultiplenotify=no  ; yes if they want 10 messages if 10 consecutify identicial notifies match
01:11.25mog_workmmmm so sexy,  and so easy to add
01:11.36tzangertimebetweennotifies=60  ; time between sending indenticial notifies if multiplenotify=no
01:11.45mog_workesp as my jabber stuff can go out any interface, like to an sms gateway or something
01:11.49tzangerrequiresconfirm = yes
01:11.52harryvvnow, how many companies who want voip wanted at least one brand of wifi phone?
01:12.14harryvvwanted asterisk also considered the wifi voip phones?
01:12.22tzangerthat last one would be cool... simply send the same message every 60 seconds until you get a reply back (any replyt, or a reply with 'ok', or whatever
01:12.33tzangeractually that confirm should go on the regexp line
01:12.49harryvvis this something new you are talking about?
01:12.51tzanger/regexp/ jabnotifyuser confirm
01:13.21tzangerand then the [jabbernotifyuser] entry could have an option forceconfirm=yes to override the confirm=no for the individual regexp
01:14.10mog_workyup this could be really usefull
01:14.41tzangerthe whole "don't repeat the same message a hundred times" just comes out of syslog... if it gets 50 identical messages in under 'x' seconds, it just prints it once and says "last message repeated 'x' times" (suppressing that output until a timer expires or a new message comes in)
01:14.51tzanger"really useful" is an understatement.  :-)
01:15.06*** join/#asterisk konfuzed (
01:15.23mog_workheh.... i keep hearing that about my jabber stuff
01:15.26tzangeryour jabber core woudl be just tits, man...  words don't adequately describe how insanely useful
01:15.29mog_workit still is all just fun to me
01:15.58harryvvtzanger, I might have a company that would seriosly consider renting or purchacing a mobile wifi voip cell site to take with them around the world.
01:16.21tzangerIAX3 could be jabber control + IAX2 trunking and media
01:16.24harryvvneed to know more about the varios voip wifi phones.
01:16.25mog_workjust wish I had more time to work on it, just school work and bills ^_^ but thanksgiving is comming and there will be amazing work
01:16.33mog_worki dont know
01:16.39mog_worki am still keeping this out of the channels
01:16.43mog_workand just as res
01:16.57tzangerAhrimanes: "mobile wifi cell site" ?
01:17.01mog_worki think in the future when we have text channels implementing chan_jabber would make more sense
01:17.03tzangerer harryvv
01:17.08mog_workbut now as a res it rocks
01:17.13harryvvsay in a diaster zone where there is no cell service
01:17.22tzangermog_work:well what I propose there is vastly different from just a res
01:17.26tzangerit's a new channel tech altogether
01:17.28harryvvand a possible uplink to a sat with internet access.
01:17.33tzangerkind of like a "SIP done right"
01:17.42tzangerharryvv: ah yesyes
01:17.45tzangerthose do exist
01:17.46mog_workyou hate on sip tooo
01:17.52tzangermog_work: :-)
01:18.00harryvvtzanger, we know the phones exist :)
01:18.01tzangerI understand it's utility and flexibility
01:18.11tzangerbut jesus fuck's just ... so ... yuck
01:18.23tzangernot phones, portable cell sites
01:18.24tzangerthey exist
01:18.25harryvvjust want to find out from anyone who has used some of the wifi/voip phones.
01:18.29harryvvI know
01:18.40harryvvportable cell sites and probebly at high dollar value.
01:19.14tzangerfuck that, just use a weather balloon with the cell antennas and teather it with the antenna cable (obviously with steel too)
01:19.23tzangerharryvv: actually just use the test sites
01:19.28tzangeryou can buy them not too terribly expensive
01:19.31harryvvdoes not work in wind.
01:19.36tzangerwhy not?
01:19.47tzangerthe teather can be multipoint
01:19.55tzangerit'll move a little but it'll still be fine I'd think
01:20.03tzangerit's just an engineering challenge
01:20.10harryvvballons will drag the cable and equipment areas that are not to accessable it may be impossible to tether.
01:20.21tzangerand obviously idealism precedes experience.  :-)
01:21.17harryvvbuilding a large enough ballon for say mmm 100k that resides at 40k altitude where the air is still will work.
01:21.43harryvvThere is one currently under construction that is the size of a football field and is shapped like a wing.
01:21.50tzangerwhy couldn't you teather it to two or three trucks?
01:21.54harryvvthe entire top side is solar cells.
01:22.03harryvvit could be hilly terrain
01:22.05tzangeruse high-tensile steel to float it up a hundred or two feet
01:22.36tzangerharryvv: sure, but again why'st stopping you from planting a few gazelle-like jeep YJs in a couple hundred feet of each other
01:22.43tzangerit's not AS portable yes
01:22.46tzangerbut still insanely portable
01:23.12harryvvtzanger, because those are not avaibable in pakistan
01:23.27harryvvI am talking about wold wide deployment.
01:23.29tzangerharryvv: jeeps don't exist in .pk??
01:24.20tzangerone teather could be the vehicle, another the generator and tank the vehicle carried...
01:24.20harryvvthose jeeps would probebly be used. BTW I was speaking to a large tent company today that deploy there tents around the world and thay are intereresting im my system
01:24.24*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
01:24.53tzangerwell any kind of antenna that has to resist high wind is going to be difficult to put together :-)
01:24.56harryvvthay were jackhammering 2 inch diameter metal stakes 4 feet long into the ground with a 4k motor jackahmmer.
01:25.02tzangerat least in terms of "narrow base" and "tall"
01:25.20harryvvthay deploye there employees world wide for these tents.
01:25.21tzangerand especially without "40 foot hole filled with concrete"
01:25.47harryvvthese stakes can go though asphalt
01:26.20tzangerthat's fine, but you're not trying to hold up a hundred-foot tower ina  strong wind with 'em
01:27.01harryvvBut a air ballon at 1 thousand feet would cover a large area.
01:27.19tzangeryes but you've lost a LOT of power ... most cell towers are not even 1/3 that high
01:27.37tzangerand you still need to power the balloon...  I don't expect a cell site to take flea power
01:27.42harryvvare you talking about db loss/per foot on the coax?
01:27.43tzangerespecailly if it's trying to cover a wide area
01:27.54tzangerharryvv: no, I'm talking about sheer EIRP
01:28.24tzangereffective radiated power.
01:28.38tzangerI forget what I is :-)
01:29.00harryvvI have a radio background.
01:30.22harryvvtalking rf patterns?
01:32.54tzangerso you're thinking of a 1000' foot RF leash?
01:33.16harryvvthe db loss would be unexceptable
01:33.18tzangeror would you use some kind of tracking microwave link to keep the ground and antenna in sync?
01:33.23tzangerI was gonna say :-)
01:33.28harryvvthats possible.
01:33.57harryvvor as strange as it sounds fiber uplink
01:34.02harryvvits super light
01:34.30harryvvand might right up one of the tether cables.
01:34.58tzangeractually yeah
01:35.01tzangernever thought of that
01:35.31tzangerthat's the obvious answer now that I think about it for 10 seconds :-)
01:35.38harryvvas long as its not streached or bent it would work with great height.
01:35.41tzangeryeah, sivana, you are pretty boring.  :-)
01:36.11tzangerharryvv: yeah and with an appropriate teather you can pretty much ensure that
01:36.36tzangerthe only problem with teathers and disaster areas is helicopters
01:36.59harryvvtzanger make sure its away from the disaster sceen
01:37.12tzangeractually you don't work with DART or ACE do you?
01:37.13criptos:what does an app needs to return for the dialplan to go 100+priority? 0, 1, -1?
01:37.25tzangercriptos: -1 I think
01:37.29Flautohi all
01:37.30tzangerlook at Dial :-)
01:37.41harryvvtzanger no just a ARES volinteer for a county in washington.
01:37.44criptos-1 stop the dialplan execution...
01:37.48Flautois festival installed when asterisk 1.2beta is installed?
01:37.58Flautoor i have to install it
01:38.29tzangerharryvv: ahh... cool
01:38.51tzangerwell I'd have figured this would be most useful in the disaster scene
01:39.33*** join/#asterisk aka-Debs (n=dbusch78@
01:40.09harryvvbtw did you know asterisk was put to use in new orelans 1-2 days after the hurricane rolled though?
01:40.40tzangeryeah I heard that
01:40.53harryvvIt even reached technoligy page.
01:41.09tzangerI like the whole idea of a big 1/2 ton with a back full of payphones and a satellite or VOIP or PRI/DS3 uplink (whatever's available)
01:41.16sivanaI just got good news
01:41.30sivanaI just save 15% on my car insurance
01:41.38tzangersivana: went with geico did ya
01:42.12harryvvI like those commercials. Once it fooled me think it was a real commercial
01:42.30xhelioxGeico saves you 15% and then jacks your rate 25% three months later. ;) Or so says a class action law suit again them.
01:42.48harryvvThats funny
01:42.53*** join/#asterisk nassy (
01:44.11tzangerI just about have the first three seasons of reno 911
01:44.15tzangerwhat a stupid funny show
01:46.09*** join/#asterisk bugz (
01:47.01tzangerI love how the place goes silent whenever someone says something like that
01:47.17bugzoutoing people dont make it far on irc
01:47.29tzangerit's like being in a room full of people and hearing a fart squeak out...  everyone goes quiet to see who's gonna deny it first
01:48.28bugzi hooked up a call center today
01:48.35bugza cell phone company of all places
01:48.35tzangerhow'd that go
01:48.50tzangerwhat'd you use in terms of queues/etc
01:49.05harryvvbugz, great how many phones?
01:49.16bugzit went pretty well i think, considering it took all freakin day to get the iad turned up
01:49.30bugz22 iax clients and 9 sip phones
01:49.37bugzwell the iax clients were soft phones
01:49.47tzangerwhat'd you use for desktops and software?
01:49.54bugztzanger: the guy i work for built the queue
01:49.58bugzwe had to use cvs
01:50.10bugzit didnt like inbound dialing in people context
01:50.50bugzsomething like exten => 1,<btn>,(${MACRO_EXTEN,100,30,t}
01:51.04bugza few of those.. we wound up putting it in inbound context
01:51.14harryvvbugz, what was the part of the sale that the client liked the most and made the sale? did you have any documentation written up like flyers or pamplets?
01:51.16bugzit had worked before in people but not here, i think it had something to do with cvs
01:51.27tzangerharryvv: that's a big one I have to work on
01:51.32tzangermy clients want a rap sheet so to speak
01:51.37lunkso what software did you use on the desktop?
01:51.51tzangerthere aren't many choices for iax softphones
01:51.53bugzharryvv: this client liked the fact that we were replacing something that was like 10 years old for a fraction of the cost
01:52.01bugzplust they got 2 T-1's thrown in
01:52.03harryvvtzanger, yea part of the sale is the sales pitch.
01:52.12harryvvor the marketing strategy.
01:52.22bugzthey are linux freaks so they are going to go to town on the call queue stats stuff
01:52.23harryvvmake it simple to them. make it where it saves them money.
01:52.28bugzperl and graphs and what not
01:52.37tzangerbugz: so aside from the queueing weirdness did you discover any other unforseen bugs or gotchas?
01:52.42bugzwe gave'em root hehe
01:53.08bugztzanger: yeah, as far as cvs goes, i think we ran in to some cvs specific problem regarding wctdm loading
01:53.13bugzit didnt want to, modprobe complained
01:53.27bugzi had to script up an insmod statement to get it working on boot
01:53.32tzangerbugz: 2.6.x has issues with zaptel
01:53.53bugztzanger: we have had relatively few issues with 2.6 and asterisk on gentoo
01:54.06bugzin fact the voicemail works right outta the box for us, which makes things really smooth
01:54.21bugzfrom what i understand this has been a problem in the past using conventional distros like fedora
01:55.22bugzi got to play medal of honor II at a computer parts store for an hour while we bought a couple switches :)
01:55.46bugzon one of those huge lcd's
01:56.59bugzso where is my front end
01:57.10bugzi do php and apache stuff, id like to do something like this for my employer
01:58.36tzangeryeah I have ntohign like that
01:58.42tzangerI want to do a nice vexi front end
01:59.33*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
02:00.21sivanain a bottle?!  Brilliant!
02:00.37tzangersivana: hahaha
02:00.55tzangermy pup killed a rat today
02:01.05tzangerI've been here 2 years, this is the first rat I've seen anywhere near here
02:01.43sivanayou have a cellar?
02:01.58tzangerkind of, I have an unfinished basement
02:02.03tzangerbut there's no food down there
02:02.35tzangerthe dog also dragged two lawn chairs and a broom around the yard so she got her ass beat for that, but tomorrow I'll go find the rat again and praise her
02:02.52tzangershe gets bored and starts rearranging furniture
02:04.22tzangerand my cat's farts are still unmanageable.  I mean I think there is something gastrointestinally wrong with this guy
02:05.58moraletzanger: my cat had nasty nasty farts and i found out it had kidney problems.. then it died after it got sick.. 400$ vet bill. ugh
02:06.32tzangerok so the moral is I should kill it now
02:06.32tzangerhe's also mentally retarded
02:06.32tzangerI'm sure of that
02:06.32tzangerI mean this is beyond stupid
02:06.35newlaren't all cats? :)
02:06.45moralehaha.. it could be worse. a blind, mental, homosexual cat.
02:07.03tzangerno my old cat tigger (tiggy) she was the best
02:07.09tzangershe was the runt and she was fearless
02:07.29tzangertangled with birds, other cats, she walked right up to a big german shepherd and bopped it on the nose
02:07.33X-Robtzanger - our cats get incredibly farty when they have fish.
02:07.40tzangershe could mouse and she ate what she caught
02:07.53tzangerboth the male cats I've had have been shitty mousers
02:08.22tzangerthey will watch with great interest but look at you like "you expect me to do something with that?  gimme a beer while you're up will ya?"
02:08.52*** join/#asterisk huslage (
02:09.13tzangertiggy was put down last year... she had incredible weight gain without eating a thing... it was all fluid and the vet said it was either right side heart failure, cancer, or liver problems... none of which are really something you want to treat on a 15 y ear old cat
02:09.26tzangerI miss her,s he was awesome
02:10.14moraleugh.. its virtual monday for me tommorrow, that is ass..
02:10.29moralethe life of being a noc monkey.
02:10.46tzangerdepeer someone to make the day worthwhile
02:10.58moralehaha. i would get slapped.
02:11.40tzangerwell you blame it on the new guy, jeez
02:12.29morale:P i am the new guy at our datacenter.. well the newest..
02:13.08tzangerdepeer someone anywya
02:13.13tzanger"sorry it was my first day"
02:14.17moraleany of you guys know a decent perl interface to openssl? like SSLeay?
02:17.08tzangernot offhand no
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02:17.21tzangerI'm wiped
02:17.51*** join/#asterisk bugz (
02:18.02sivananite nite
02:19.21harryvvmorale, new experaince at the data center?
02:20.23harryvvtzanger been thinking of putting the dog on a ted mill
02:20.26harryvvtred mill
02:22.12bugzwe got ntp down
02:22.35bugzanyone putting these in production with gentoo?
02:22.42bugzim trying to find a way to give back you know what i mean
02:22.57*** part/#asterisk perry753 (
02:23.14bugzive built a gentoo image with g4u that i net boot over pxe when we get our servers in
02:33.46*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
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03:02.40moraleboo to x100p knockoffs
03:02.41morale01:02.0 Communication controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface
03:02.44morale01:03.0 Communication controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface
03:02.59watchywhats wrong with x100p knockoffs
03:03.57xhelioxI had nothing but trouble with mine.
03:04.34watchyi got a few but i havent tried them
03:04.45watchyi bought like 10 of them off ebay for $6 each
03:04.51watchythey probably wont work worth shit
03:05.03xhelioxYeah, I got a couple different ones off Ebay, and I had mixed results.
03:05.09xhelioxGood to test with, anyway.
03:05.15watchywhat kinda issues?
03:05.25xhelioxDisconnects, unsolvable echo issues.
03:05.45watchyand replacing it fixed it?
03:06.01Igbothomanyone noticed that wctdm is no longer, and it is replaced by wcfxs with an alias to wctdm?
03:06.09moralei wish i read the article correctly that the x100p was a fxo card, not fxs.. i need a tdm400p now.. ohwell it was only 200$ canadian with two fxs modules
03:06.17xhelioxWith Digium cards? Yeah.
03:06.37*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
03:06.44Igbothomxheliox; me?
03:07.04xhelioxIgbothom: No, but my answer works for you too.
03:07.53Igbothomyes, then, for the Digium TDM400P the "wctdm" driver is actually an alias to their "wcfxs" driver
03:10.19xhelioxWell, the other way around, I think.
03:10.36xhelioxthe driver in cvs is wctdm, which use to be wcfxs
03:10.48Igbothomnope, the wcfxs.ko file exists after compilation, the wctdm.ko file doesn't
03:10.56Igbothomnot cvs, stable
03:11.04xhelioxah. I'm not using stable anymore.
03:11.15Igbothomaha, so the change was made in cvs, fine then  :)
03:11.36IgbothomI'm playing here on stable before I have a look at cvs
03:11.49xhelioxNew to Asterisk?
03:11.57*** join/#asterisk drumkilla_laptop (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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03:12.09xhelioxMight as well jump into cvs with all the changes between that and 1.0.x
03:12.20Igbothomhad inbound/outbound SIP and FWD (via IAX) working until I inserted my TDM400P last night  :)
03:12.22xhelioxno sense learning the old way
03:12.35Igbothomnow it Borks, so I'm reading, checking, changing, re-reading...
03:13.45Igbothomcard seems to load fine, I "insmod" it and it appears, but now outbound calls via SIP fail with "cannot create SIP channel" and then "cannot create ZAP channel" so must be something wrong in the dialplan
03:13.52Igbothomalthough, no lights on the card at all
03:13.56Sp3ciaL_KI remember when i started with asterisk there was no documentation, it was pretty much trial and error
03:15.16drumkilla_laptopSp3ciaL_K: have you read the O'Reilly book yet?
03:15.24filethat reminds me
03:15.35fileI need to pack my copy and get blitzrage to sign it
03:15.44drumkilla_laptophe already signed mine!
03:15.53filethat makes you l33t
03:15.55mog_homeyeeah and mine ^_^
03:15.57mog_homeand robinsons
03:16.05mog_home4 out of 5 matts have signed copies
03:16.14fileonly 4 out of 5? I'm disappointed.
03:16.23drumkilla_laptopmog_home: silly matts
03:16.28mog_homeits the law file
03:16.38fileone of these matts is not like the other! cause they're named Josh! HA!
03:16.40mog_homeonly 4 out of 5 matts ever do anything
03:16.43Sp3ciaL_Khaven't had a chance to read it,
03:17.09Qwell[]mog_home: You guys need a honorary Matt
03:17.30Igbothomor even a rug
03:17.38mog_homeexcept not
03:17.46Sp3ciaL_Kdidnt know there was one till couple weeks ago blitzrage told me it was out
03:17.47mog_homethe closest we have to an honary matt is russell
03:18.07Igbothomthin man in a tree?
03:18.36mog_homehe was at a party last i talked to him
03:18.59drumkilla_laptopmog_home: thanks!!!!!!!
03:19.15mog_homeyou have earned it
03:19.15drumkilla_laptopSp3ciaL_K: yeah, and you can download it as a pdf :)
03:19.21drumkilla_laptopthanks mog :D
03:19.22mog_homeyou should come to russia with matt and i
03:19.26Sp3ciaL_Ki want to go to one of thos astricon, seen the pics look like fun.
03:19.27drumkilla_laptopooh, that would be fun
03:19.37drumkilla_laptopSp3ciaL_K: it was pretty out of hand ...
03:19.49drumkilla_laptopmog_home: if it's over the summer or something, i might ...
03:20.18mog_homein the cold
03:20.43drumkilla_laptopscrew that
03:20.45Sp3ciaL_Ki was travelling last two times..actually i was in germany when madrid..too bad
03:20.49drumkilla_laptopi'll be in school, anyway
03:21.20mog_homecome on
03:21.24mog_homeit will be awesome
03:21.33mog_homematt and i will speak the language youll be in teh dark
03:21.44Sp3ciaL_Kwhats happening in russia?
03:21.51mog_homematt and matt
03:22.01*** join/#asterisk Tili (n=Tili@
03:22.10fileMatt F's russian just gives me a headache
03:22.21mog_homeyou speak russian file?
03:22.27mog_homeot lichna
03:22.30filethat's why it gives me a headache
03:22.43filesee? I'm humorful
03:22.49filealthough I can't spell.
03:22.51mog_homesp3ial_k ti govoru po ruccki
03:23.08*** join/#asterisk without (
03:23.21filemog_home: break me off a piece of that kitkat bar
03:23.23mog_hometoxhe nyet?
03:23.42newlwhat would you do for a kitkat bar?
03:23.58filean hour of Asterisk consulting.
03:24.03fileer wait, half an hour!
03:24.45mog_homean hour for the full bar then file?
03:24.48mog_homeman you work cheap
03:24.55mog_homei will hire you full time at digium
03:24.58mog_homeyou do my job
03:25.02mog_homeand ill just do dev work
03:25.22NetgeeksGo trick or treating this weekend and pay his whole years salary
03:25.26Sp3ciaL_Ki need a job
03:25.27fileI wonder how many kitkat bars my salary is equal to
03:25.32Sp3ciaL_Koh wait i have one.
03:25.56fileokay, 16000 kitkat bars!
03:26.15Qwell[]a kitkat bar is what, $.50?
03:26.20fileQwell[]: wow that's cheap
03:26.21Netgeeksum, whats the math on that?
03:26.27filethey're expensive here
03:26.32Qwell[]how expensive?  heh
03:26.45fileoh bah not as expensive as I thought
03:26.46Qwell[]like $6.5-?
03:27.01Sp3ciaL_Kack 6.5$?
03:27.02filehere we go
03:27.37Qwell[]jebus, how much are they there?
03:27.46fileI feel so small when I'm paid in kitkat bars... how sad
03:28.02Sp3ciaL_Ksugar high would be sweet
03:28.48Sp3ciaL_Kmuybe i'll those lil marching green man on my screen again...
03:29.21fileso how is everyone doing tonight?
03:29.31Netgeeksnot too bad
03:30.23Sp3ciaL_Ki could be better if this stupid fax would work
03:30.38fileI only sadly get base salary since I just started :( but converted to Canadian it's good and allows for lots of savings.
03:30.39Qwell[]I wonder...
03:30.41Sp3ciaL_Kcrappy old thing i found in the basement
03:30.49NetgeeksI'd prefer to be paid in something more permanent... like lear jets, but alas, I don't think I could live on a bolt and 2 washers this year alone
03:30.50Qwell[]If one were paid in redbull...
03:30.55Qwell[]one could get a second job
03:30.57mog_homemmm redbull
03:31.04Qwell[]OR, do more hours at the first job, and get...MORE REDBULL
03:31.05fileI have never had a redbull in my life
03:31.08Sp3ciaL_Kwhere do u work file?
03:31.10mog_homeman i keep telling mark to buy it for digium proper
03:31.32Qwell[]mog_home: You guys should just buy the company that makes them.  Be cheaper in the long run. :p
03:31.50mog_homei think redbull is bigger than digium
03:31.54mog_homebut i think we should def buy stock in them
03:31.58Qwell[]only because of digium :p
03:31.58Sp3ciaL_Khmm look interesting
03:32.01mog_homeor become some form of dealer
03:32.09Qwell[]redbull dealer would be good
03:32.23Qwell[]could sell them on the site too, with the analog cards
03:32.34filemog_home: find a local wholesale distributor, it's sooooo much cheaper
03:32.37mog_homebuy a 4 quad cards get a free case
03:32.41mog_homei buy from sams
03:32.45mog_homeby the case
03:32.54mog_homestill comes out to 1.50 a can
03:32.56Qwell[]how many is in a case?
03:32.56Sp3ciaL_Ksomeone could build a mini* in a redbull can
03:33.10Qwell[]Sp3ciaL_K: email Kris
03:33.17mog_home30 dollars
03:33.27Qwell[]mog_home: how many, not how much, heh
03:33.33Qwell[]but like what, 20?
03:33.34*** join/#asterisk _Simon (
03:34.05Qwell[]lemme guess...lasts a week, tops?
03:34.11mog_homeno just about a month
03:34.12Igbothomspeaking of mini* boxen, those dual cpu EPIA boards look interesting
03:34.15mog_homei go through benges
03:34.18fileprobably slowly frying your brains man!
03:34.23mog_homebut most of the time i dont drink it
03:34.29fileI'm addicted to flavored water right now
03:34.30mog_homelike tonight
03:34.33mog_homeill drink 4
03:34.34mog_homeor 6
03:34.36_SimonHey all, I'm in the middle of evaluating AMP, finding the install quite difficult. I have Realtime configured with mysql, and AMP's table structure isn't matching the one I was told to use for Realtime, is something wrong here? for example in extensions table, I have exten field, in AMP it uses extension field
03:34.40mog_homebut didnt drink any all week
03:35.00_SimonIs this a case of AMP being out dated or is AMP somehow mapping it?
03:35.09*** join/#asterisk logicalonline (n=Ken@
03:36.02filethese words of my own... from my heart flow
03:36.06fileI love you I love you I love you
03:36.11Igbothomshould the LEDs on the ports of the populated slots of a TDM-400P light when the driver is loaded, or do they remain dark?
03:36.20Qwell[]Igbothom: yes
03:36.29fileQwell[]: A+ on that answer
03:36.30Igbothomok - then I have a driver issue  :)
03:36.49Qwell[]file: Can I get a B- instead?
03:36.55drumkilla_laptoplight up when the driver is loaded and you run ztcfg
03:36.58Igbothomand for some reason, zttool isn't here
03:37.09fileQwell[]: sure!
03:37.09drumkilla_laptopzttool requires libnewt, i think
03:37.18_Simonhas anyone here used AMP?
03:37.26mog_homethat it does drumkilla
03:37.39file_Simon: no, never, never will, it's evil, won't help people with it, blasphemy
03:37.48_Simonfile: lol
03:37.52_Simonis AMP the best "administration" tool for asterisk then?
03:37.52fileI'm quite serious!
03:38.06_Simonor what is the best administration tool for asterisk?
03:38.07Sp3ciaL_Kgo use windows
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03:38.20Igbothomvi rocks
03:38.36file_Simon: Switchvox makes a nice solution for an office pbx solution, but if you really wanna just use Asterisk - flat file config editing
03:38.59_Simonfile: well I'm rolling out a large public service based on jabber+asterisk integrated together
03:38.59Sp3ciaL_Kthats the truth _Simon
03:39.09_Simonso I was hoping there would be a good admin panel for asterisk
03:39.18_SimonI'm using realtime so most of my flat files are being loaded from SQL
03:39.24mog_homeyay simon
03:39.30mog_homehow are you doing that?
03:39.35_Simonmog_home: doing what?
03:39.36filenow you've made matt happy
03:39.38mog_homethe loading htem together?
03:39.46filemog_home: just tell him :P
03:39.48mog_homeor you not using them in tandem
03:39.56mog_homeheh i guess he isnt
03:40.04_Simonmog_home: well what do you consider in tandem?
03:40.14Sp3ciaL_Kas in together
03:40.20_Simonthen yes I am
03:40.21fileQwell[]: I was going to ask you for that AGI for cid lookups.
03:40.32mog_homei was hoping you were using my code...
03:40.32_SimonI've done server integration on both ends
03:40.40Qwell[]file: I got it from bkw, heh
03:40.46_Simonmog_home: your code? I wrote my own lol what did you write? perhaps it could help me :)
03:40.50fileQwell[]: getting stuff from him is like pulling teeth
03:41.03*** join/#asterisk T-Squared (
03:41.18Qwell[]file: Sure, but you're gonna have to wait until I get home Sunday night.  My router died on my yesterday...stupid driver
03:41.22NetgeeksWhat code is your code?
03:41.23mog_homeim doing jabber asterisk integration for presence
03:41.24*** join/#asterisk T-Squared (
03:41.25fileQwell[]: meh no rush
03:41.25mog_homeand message
03:41.34mog_homeor bug 5501
03:41.51filemog_home: poor you, "Just email me. I have no life.
03:41.57mog_homeor money
03:42.01mog_homethey go hand in hand ^_^
03:42.07mog_homebut have a party tommorrow
03:42.13mog_homewith lasagna so its all good
03:42.16Qwell[]grr...wish there was a way I could tell if my IP at home changed
03:42.21_Simonmog_home: hmm cool :)
03:42.34newlQwell[]: and then you don't have to worry about it. :)
03:42.38_Simonbasically I've made it so jabber and asterisk accounts are shared
03:42.40Qwell[]newl: meh ;]
03:42.48mog_homeahh cool
03:42.50_SimonI'm rolling out an IM/voip service along with client software
03:42.59_Simonso when you log in, you login both to jabber and iax on asterisk
03:43.11_Simonand when a jabber user registers, currently they receive an extention # and voicemail box
03:43.23mog_homei am working on jabber voicemail
03:43.25mog_homeright now
03:43.40mog_hometo have browsable voicemail component
03:43.43T-Squaredhas anyone every had dropouts using 1.0.9 where everything goes quiet for 30-60 seconds then comes back?
03:43.45_Simonalso wrote a service, which allows asterisk queries
03:43.45newlyou two should team up. :)
03:43.50_Simonnewl: hehe hey
03:43.56Qwell[]mog_home: like to show the status of a user, via their jabber status?
03:43.58newl_Simon: hihi
03:44.08mog_homeyeah you can do that with my stuff already qwell
03:44.15_Simonmog_home: this allows for a query such as.. "what is simon's iax extension"
03:44.19T-Squarediax connection for outbound
03:44.20mog_homeits a new application for me
03:44.26_Simonand the component responds
03:44.26filemog_home has been a busy boy
03:44.34_Simonso jabber "friends" can call each other without knowing extensions
03:44.49mog_homei got really turned on to whole jabber asterisk integration, esp as i hate ms lcs
03:44.53_Simonthe client auto-queries and discovers it
03:45.14mog_homevery cool
03:45.15_Simonmog_home: yeah I'm planning to roll out a big service. I currently run one of the oldest public jabber servers
03:45.21_Simonwould love to collab :)
03:45.38_SimonI'm planning to release something on the means of msn or google talk but on steroids using all of asterisks features
03:45.46_Simonsuch as online call centers, conferences
03:45.58mog_homeyeah. i talk to other things through jabber transports
03:46.00mog_homeit rocks
03:46.05_Simonya jabber is awesome
03:46.09mog_homeand i can record my aim presence etc same way
03:46.10_Simonwrite your own protocols
03:47.06Sp3ciaL_KAsstrix messenger
03:48.17Igbothomok - I have newt installed, but non /usr/include/newt.h - anyone know wtf provides that?  :)
03:48.55Igbothomactually, just downloading that  :)thanks
03:48.59Sp3ciaL_Kcd /usr/portd
03:50.55Igbothomok, cool, zttool made, installed and doesn't see my TDM400P at all
03:51.08Igbothomso I must have not configured it properly
03:51.34Sp3ciaL_Kdid u use ztcfg?
03:51.43*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:51.58Igbothomit runs and immediately returns to CLI
03:53.48*** part/#asterisk T-Squared (
03:53.54Sp3ciaL_Ki havent use one of those tdm cards in awhile..bought one but it wasnt supported in freebsd back then so i have it store in a drawer somewhere
03:54.09Igbothomstill no fBSD drivers...
03:54.43Sp3ciaL_Kah well no need for it at this time for me
03:54.51IgbothomI kinda do
03:55.04*** join/#asterisk scubasteve (
03:55.26scubasteveHey folks.. am trying out *@home and have never used AMP before.. trying to set up FWD and having issues:
03:55.51Sp3ciaL_Ksorry muscle spasm
03:56.07scubasteveIAX2 debug says they rejected for no authority found (Dialed 622)
03:56.08Sp3ciaL_Kdid you try vi?
03:56.36iCEBrkrIs there any documentation on the manage port 'Read' options as to what they individually do/provide??
03:56.50iCEBrkrI've been on the wiki for some time now and I can't really find anything
03:57.00iCEBrkrI suppose I could just dive into the source. :-/
03:57.22iCEBrkrscubasteve: ok, you're nick is scare'n me.
03:57.38iCEBrkrscubasteve: You wouldn't happen to be from FLA, would you?
03:57.42scubasteveiCEBrkr.. seen Happy Gilmore?
03:57.56scubasteveiCEBrkr, used to live in Fort Lauderdale.
03:58.13scubasteveScuba Steve is from the movie Happy Gilmore... it's a funny movie!!
03:58.26Sp3ciaL_Kwhats your iax.conf look like for fwd?
03:58.31iCEBrkrscubasteve: There's a guy here my friends race motorcycles with who uses the nickname 'scubasteve'
03:58.32Igbothomdamn, Digium site seems unresponsive here
03:58.39scubasteveNo motorcycles here :-)
03:58.40iCEBrkrscubasteve: oh, well, if it's from a movie, then it's common :P
03:58.51mog_homeit works over here
03:58.57Sp3ciaL_Kworks here too
03:59.14scubasteveSp3cial_K ... welp...
03:59.24Igbothombloody Tel$tra
03:59.46scubasteve[fwd] username=xxx type=peer secret=xxx qualify=yes disallow=all allow=ulaw callerid="..." <xxx>   auth=md5
03:59.52scubasteveI'm pretty sure that's about right.
04:00.01scubasteveiax2 debug says
04:00.53scubasteve...  Subclass: REJECT  ...    CAUSE           : No authority found
04:01.00Sp3ciaL_Kon their site did you put iax feature on?
04:01.21scubastevesp3cial_k... no... I logged in and poked around, but didn't see anything about IAX/SIP... Where is it?
04:01.39Sp3ciaL_Kthere is a place for features
04:01.42scubasteveI'd *hope* they wouldn't let me register... iax2 show peers says I'm registered..
04:02.01scubasteveIAXSelect, duh :)
04:02.03Sp3ciaL_Kextra features
04:02.14Sp3ciaL_Kit takes like 10-20 minutes to take effect
04:02.19*** join/#asterisk coppice (
04:02.54scubasteveHRM, IAXSelect only mentions routing inbound calls through IAX.
04:02.55*** join/#asterisk pooh_ (
04:03.07Sp3ciaL_Kand then use what they say on there
04:03.37scubasteveWow, what a pisser... they could at the very least play a recording that says "hey dipshit, turn on iax..."
04:04.13Sp3ciaL_Kif you search for that error thats exactly what you find
04:04.43*** join/#asterisk slePP (
04:04.44scubasteveI've been playing with * for over a year now but never set up FWD.
04:05.15scubasteveI've been asked to write a series on * for a magazine and wanted to show how to set up FWD... thus this evening's excitement..
04:05.36scubasteveYeah, went with VoicePulse, got RePulse-d... SixTel.. they were ass..
04:05.53scubasteveTelIAX is great if you can afford it.
04:06.06scubasteveI am using and they have treated me extremely well.. rates are good too.
04:06.15Sp3ciaL_Ki use mixnetworks
04:06.27scubasteveAt a penny a minute for PSTN, why would I want to play with FWD?
04:06.45scubasteveMy phone bill runs $3 a month, including a DID and a boatload of calls across the US.
04:06.49Sp3ciaL_Kactually i got fwd so i could call directv from canada :P
04:07.13scubasteveBEV has... had.. better pr0n tho.
04:07.47Sp3ciaL_Kmeh i pay for my service
04:08.18Sp3ciaL_K$3/month includes unlimited calls?
04:08.20scubasteveArg, 612 for fwd still no workie.
04:08.28Sp3ciaL_Kyou gotta wait
04:08.44Sp3ciaL_K10-20 min at least
04:08.45scubasteveNo... $3 a month... about 1c/min depending on where you call in the US... and $1/did and 1.1c/min incoming
04:08.59Sp3ciaL_Ki see
04:09.03*** join/#asterisk twisted[mobile] (n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted)
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04:09.10twisted[mobile]there are now 3 of me
04:09.12*** join/#asterisk veto (
04:09.28Sp3ciaL_Klucky us
04:09.47scubasteveHeh, wish there were 3 of me right now.
04:09.49rezEdithey does anyone know if musiconhold is required?
04:10.02scubasteveOne to mess with FWD, one to change the oil in my truck.. and one to say hello to the wifey in the bedroom...:-)
04:10.12Sp3ciaL_Kunless you want music while you hold
04:10.24twisted[mobile]scubasteve, I'll take care of the 3rd job ;)
04:10.32scubasteveTwisted, you and everyone else :-)
04:10.59scubasteveHell no.
04:11.07twisted[mobile]then how do I know she's a hottey?
04:11.10rezEditSp3ciaL_K: ok... it's being invoked and I am not sure how to stop it (I am missing something it requires and I think it puts everything in a bad state when it gets invoked but can't run)
04:11.15scubasteveYou gotta take my word for it.
04:11.24twisted[mobile]i can't do that
04:11.33twisted[mobile]i took someone else's word for it once
04:11.37twisted[mobile]and she was as big as abulldoser
04:11.40twisted[mobile]bulldozer, too
04:11.43hypa7iatwisted[mobile]: happy bday!
04:11.59twisted[mobile]hypa7ia!!! thank you!!!!
04:12.07scubasteveAh, the birthday boy
04:12.07hypa7iayou're welcome
04:12.19scubasteveya lived another year, we are all so proud :-)
04:12.49Sp3ciaL_Kwhat is invoke rezEdit ?
04:12.53*** join/#asterisk colinm_ (n=colol@VDSL-130-13-9-157.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
04:14.04rezEditSp3ciaL_K: when I call into the system, after it picks up it logs "Started music on hold, class 'default', on Zap/1-1"
04:14.47rezEditSp3ciaL_K: and I am not sure why it starts that.  I had a look in musiconhold.conf but there is no obvious way to turn it off there.  I will poke around some more though.
04:15.16scubasteveAnyone in here have a ReplayTV?   /me wrote a remote control AGI app for *.
04:15.25scubasteveThinking about releasing it.
04:15.31rezEditscubasteve: I do.
04:15.33Sp3ciaL_Kin modules.conf just unload =>
04:15.35Sp3ciaL_Ki think
04:15.48scubasteverezedit ... cool... alright, so I'm not the only one with * and a replay...
04:15.52rezEditSp3ciaL_K: oh hey, thanks!
04:16.03scubasteveI'll clean the code up a little this weekend and will post a link on *-users list...
04:16.03rezEditscubasteve: LOL nope
04:16.27rezEditscubasteve: LOL though I am just getting started with *
04:16.39scubasteverezedit ... inlaws are visiting and I have the guest room fed off the replay in the living room... they were complaining about having to walk to the l/r to change channels..
04:16.58scubastevenow they just pick up the phone and can get channel and replay guides, move around .. or just key in a channel # into the phone.
04:17.17scubastevethe replay has every remote control key mapped to an HTTP request.
04:17.17rezEditscubasteve: awesome!
04:17.19Sp3ciaL_Kif only Rxfax would work for me
04:17.25scubasteverez... yeah it's pretty freakin cool.
04:17.45Netgeeksand the kicker is.... his wife is a hottie
04:17.54test34big changes in asterisk 1.2 ?
04:17.55rezEditscubasteve: i have played around with some Replay stuff, like DVarchive, but that's about it.
04:18.15Sp3ciaL_Kcan i call your house and change the channel?
04:18.19scubasteverez.. replay is kickass, especially if you have more than 1 of them.
04:18.25fileAHA! I FOUND THEM!
04:18.38scubasteveSp3cialK .. If I put it in the [incoming] context... it's only in my internal context :-)
04:19.01scubasteverez.. have you at least yanked out the drive and put in a monster drive yet?
04:19.10rezEditscubasteve: The Replay is actually not mine, but belongs to my company.  we have a theatre room here, and we used to have 2 machines connected to 2 DIrectTV receivers.... that was cool since you could watch on either tv from either unit
04:19.20Sp3ciaL_Ki did it with my xbox
04:19.39rezEditscubasteve: no, we have an 80GB and it suits us fine.
04:19.42scubasteverezedit.. yep, I record stuff on both and can watch programs from either replay .. very cool stuff.
04:20.02scubasteverezedit: well... I have every episode of Wings on mine.  Ran out of room real quick..:)
04:20.09rezEditscubasteve: so much better than TiVo in many respects (which all my friends have)
04:20.17scubasteveI gotta archive those... dvarchive is so damn slow..
04:20.57scubasteveIf I had a Tivo, it would have been run over repeatedly a while ago.. I don't like my DVR vendor going into my stuff and deleting shows they don't want me to record.  Blah!!
04:21.09rezEditscubasteve: yeah for sure.  if you keep stuff around it fills up quick.  we have about 14 shows we record, on average 2 episodes stay on at a time and we still have like 10 hours at high quality for random stuff
04:21.23scubasteveWow, I use medium quality only.
04:21.25Sp3ciaL_Kthats wht tivo do?
04:21.54scubasteveTivo got into bed with the TV show distribution people.. so yes.. they can say... Cheers episodes .. only keep for 3 days...
04:22.04Sp3ciaL_Ki see
04:22.10scubastevepoof.. 4th day your stuff goes bye bye
04:22.18scubasteveMy stuff only goes bye bye when the hard drive pukes..:)
04:22.24Sp3ciaL_Kcan you transfer movie to another HD or something?
04:22.26rezEditscubasteve: yeah we use medium mostly as well, I am just saying 'high' because that's what I usually see when setting up new shows
04:22.43scubasteveSp3cial_K, yes .. there are lots of utilities out there... like ..
04:22.56scubasteverezedit.. there's a default record preferences in setup.
04:23.14scubasteverezedit .. I have a freeky 80" rear projection TV and medium looks fine on it.
04:23.22Sp3ciaL_Kit would be cool if my xbox could be use  as a dvr
04:23.23rezEditright, I will have to remeber to set that to mediaum :-D
04:23.35twisted[mobile]it's fucking cold in nashville
04:23.38scubasteveI'm so borked when that thing dies... nobody makes anything that big anymore.
04:23.42scubasteveNashville.  Cool.
04:23.43scubasteveHow cold?
04:24.17scubasteve37 here outside of Raleigh NC
04:24.33Sp3ciaL_K0 here in Canada
04:24.42Sp3ciaL_Kerrr i mean 32
04:24.48scubasteveblah, it's only 44 in nashville :)
04:24.57scubastevea muffin?
04:24.58rezEditSp3ciaL_K: where in Canada are you?
04:25.08scubasteverez.. he's in the cold part :)
04:25.33twisted[mobile]file[laptop], it's 34 degrees at home
04:25.33twisted[mobile]and 44 here
04:25.41twisted[mobile]All temperatures in Farenheit
04:25.50scubasteveYippie skippy, 393612 freakin worked.
04:26.07scubasteveTrying an 800#..
04:26.09scubasteveno workie :()
04:26.16Sp3ciaL_Kmy igloo is freezing
04:26.19rezEditAhhh.  I am originally from Regina, moved to Vancouver for 5 years (my fav city) and now I am in Seattle for almost 4 years now
04:26.38rezEditAs far as weather in Canada goes, Vancouver is where it's at :-)
04:26.50Sp3ciaL_Ki like Ottawa
04:27.10Sp3ciaL_Kpolar bears outside
04:27.20scubasteveDoes FWD still terminate toll-free ?
04:27.35rezEditSp3ciaL_K: never been east of Winnipeg yet myself.
04:27.54scubasteveI take it they don't need any funkyness before the number?
04:28.02Sp3ciaL_Kyou got to do *1800 i believe
04:28.05scubasteveaaaah ha
04:29.03Sp3ciaL_Knever been west of sudbury myself
04:29.28scubasteveDangit... AMP makes everything so hard to do.  GEEZE
04:29.40Sp3ciaL_Kcant u use vi?
04:29.54rezEditSp3ciaL_K: well we should both travel more, then
04:30.10Sp3ciaL_Kim originally from venezuela
04:30.45rezEditSp3ciaL_K: damn.  miss it?
04:30.54scubastevesp3cial_K.. yeah, I've been using vi since 1982 :)  I'm writing a magazine article on * and want to use AMP for it...
04:31.07Sp3ciaL_Kyea, but now that country has gone down the drain with that monkey of a president
04:31.08scubasteveSo I now need to learn amp... It's tearing the ass outta me
04:31.15Sp3ciaL_Ki c
04:31.26scubasteveclick this, do that.. stand on your head... blah.
04:31.28Sp3ciaL_Kive never used i
04:31.36scubasteveI hate this.
04:31.55scubasteveFor someone who is afraid of * ... it might be ok.. but for someone familiar with unix and *.. no way.
04:33.21Sp3ciaL_Kyea and you dont learn
04:33.38Sp3ciaL_Kwhat magazine are you writing for?
04:34.09rezEditscubasteve: maybe I should take a look at this AMP thing I downloaded then....  how is it for insitial setup?
04:34.46scubasteverezEdit.. well... It installs everything... formats the drive and all..
04:34.58scubasteverezEdit.. I am having a hella time getting FWD to work right..
04:35.01Sp3ciaL_Kis its own Os right?
04:35.03rezEditSp3ciaL_K: I won't learn as much I am sure, but at the moment we have a 3com NBX system that's about to die, and nothing to replace it :-)
04:35.21scubasteverezEdit... If you're not afraid of vi or shell.. do it right and learn * the right way
04:35.39rezEditscubasteve: certainly not, and I am already well on my way.
04:35.58scubasteverezEdit .. there's an o'reiley book out.. you can get from them for free on PDF.. on *... download and print... read it in the shitter.
04:36.21rezEditscubasteve: I have calls going between 2 ip phones already, voicemail working, and right now I am trying to get incoming calls working right.
04:36.34Sp3ciaL_Kthats what blackberry is go surfing while on the crapper
04:36.42rezEditscubasteve: really, from thier website?
04:36.43scubasteveSweet.  Who are you using for term/origination?
04:36.48scubasteverez.. standby
04:37.33rezEditscubasteve: I got a digium TDM400 card with 4 analog jacks on it.  we have 5 analog lines here but just got the one card for testing.
04:37.35Sp3ciaL_Ki wrote a paper on asterisk when i was in school..
04:38.24rezEditscubasteve: we'll get another card... I didn't plan on having to get all this done so soon... then the 3com NBX started crashing a lot the other day.  The hard drives are about to go I am sure.
04:38.55rezEditscubasteve: nice, thanks!
04:38.55scubasteverezedit... yeesh!!
04:39.02scubasteverezedit: NP!
04:39.23scubasteverezedit.. you have your replay on the ethernet and know the address?
04:39.59rezEditscubasteve: yeah but we're behind a firewall here...
04:40.05scubasteverez.. ah..
04:40.52rezEdityou could probably ping :-)
04:41.00scubasteverezedit:  try... http://ip.of.your.replay/httputils-sendciomessage?&cioc=163
04:41.05Sp3ciaL_K.msg ayon is
04:41.08scubastevebrings up the channel guide
04:41.21*** join/#asterisk The_Ball (
04:41.23*** join/#asterisk fiber0pti (
04:41.45scubastevewhere the 163 is .. up is 169.. down is 170.. left is 171... right 172.. select is 178...
04:42.06scubastevereplay has so many undocumented goodies
04:42.45scubasteveOk, so does anyone here have a clue how I would add * to the beginning of a # for FWD... in AMP?
04:43.04scubasteveI know it would be Dial... (*${EXTEN}) ... but I can't do that :)
04:43.07*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
04:43.25Sp3ciaL_Kwhy not just dial the *?
04:43.35Sp3ciaL_Knot ideal i know
04:43.41rezEditscubasteve: hmmmm. not working right now since the host is not responding.  not sure why.  sounds cool though so I am gonna go see what IP it has....
04:43.50Sp3ciaL_Kbut at least you can test make sureit does work
04:44.21scubasteveGives me a 404.. :(
04:44.32scubastevebesides that, the wife wouldn't go for it.
04:44.38scubasteveThis has to pass the Wife Test.
04:46.12Sp3ciaL_Ki have those test too...i tell my sister too bad use it or i cut your phone line
04:46.40scubasteveGood stuff.
04:46.47scubasteveI can't do that... or else the nook will stop.
04:46.48Sp3ciaL_Ki keep hearing my name use in vein many times in my house
04:47.39Sp3ciaL_Ki dont know what AMP looks like...what language is it? php?
04:48.22Sp3ciaL_Khack the code and add a "prefix" placement
04:48.23scubasteveSp3cial.. Yes, althought there may be other stuff.. I didn't install it... it was magically installed by asterisk@home
04:48.39Sp3ciaL_Koh i see
04:48.48scubasteveSpecial.. I could do that.. or I could edit the conf files ... but the magazine article.. I don't want to have them hacking up stuff in vi.
04:49.51Sp3ciaL_Koh crap i keep forgetting the magazine hehe
04:56.10Sp3ciaL_Ki should just use linux instead of fbsd for *, it keep finding a brickwall
04:56.33scubasteveyeah, you should run *
04:56.37scubastevedownload asterisk@home
04:56.46scubastevedon't use amp or any of the other things that live on port 80
04:56.48scubastevefor your sanity
04:56.58Sp3ciaL_Ki have * on fbsd
04:56.58scubasteveif you have any digium hardware at all.. or ever will..
04:57.02scubasteveyou need linux
04:57.17scubasteveI think a lot of the drivers for digium hw are still flaky on bsd
04:57.27Sp3ciaL_Ki dont use any hardware
04:57.29scubasteve99.99999% of people running * are using linux
04:57.37Sp3ciaL_Ki know
04:57.45scubasteveyou'll have an easier time finding help for strangeness
04:57.54Sp3ciaL_Kthats for sure
04:57.55scubastevealthough I don't know what would be different on bsd ...
04:58.32Sp3ciaL_Kis pretty different
05:00.12scubasteveWell.. the build process might be strange..
05:00.33scubasteveYou may or may not have a working ztdummy for timing signals needed by the meetme..
05:00.46scubasteveBut I'd think after you're up and running.. short of whacky ulimit stuff..
05:00.49scubasteveIt should be the same.
05:01.34Sp3ciaL_Kit has come a long way since it first got ported over to freebsd
05:02.16Sp3ciaL_Kbut you do find way more help for linux users
05:02.26rezEditI would be so much happier if it were on OS X.
05:02.35*** join/#asterisk twisted[mobile] (n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted)
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05:02.41Sp3ciaL_Kwell OS X is freebsd under the hood
05:02.48rezEditNot that I have anything againt linux, I am just more used to OS X
05:02.53twisted[mobile]did i time out or did it do the whole "went to sleep" msg?
05:03.06rezEditYeah it runs on OS X just fine, what's not there of course is Zaptel
05:03.11scubasteverezedit.. i am on a mac now too.
05:03.32scubasteverezedit.. I run * on linux tho
05:03.37rezEditscubasteve: oh yeah?  what did you get?
05:03.57scubasteveI have a PB G4 15".. work laptop... I have a mini and so does the wifey.
05:04.00Sp3ciaL_Ki wanna get a powerbook
05:04.06twisted[mobile]i'm on a powerbook right now :)
05:04.06twisted[mobile]17" ;)
05:04.32scubasteveCareful ... My freakin PB.. the metal coating around the keyboard and the pointing device.. is falling off.
05:04.40scubasteveI am very acidic ... :(
05:04.41twisted[mobile]this is a brand new model
05:04.52rezEditCool.  Our software comes pre-installed on PB and Power Macs... OmniOutliner and OmniGraffle.
05:04.59scubasteveNO WAY
05:05.07NetgeeksOkay, this is too cool...  I've got a cluster of asterisk servers, and each has an administrative limit of connections, if that connection is at max, I'm do a quick check on the cluster, find the lowest loaded server, and use Transfer to send inbound SIP calls to the lowest loaded server.... AND IT WORKS!
05:05.07twisted[mobile]also, I don't sit my hands on the thingy .. i actually hold them up
05:05.13rezEditI have had my latest PB 15" for about a year and it's still in great shape.
05:05.18twisted[mobile]rezEdit, we LOVE omigraffle
05:05.24scubasteveOne of the idiots at my work bought that ... he got a personal license I think.. and then gave it to a bunch of people at work...
05:05.28twisted[mobile]i have registered copies of pro ;)
05:05.32scubasteveI think someone from your place called bullshit on it...
05:05.40scubasteveSo no more omni and everyone is pissed :)
05:05.50rezEdituh oh!
05:05.57scubasteveyep ..
05:06.23twisted[mobile]rezEdit, i have a suggestion for omnigraffle
05:06.27Sp3ciaL_Kwhat omigraffle?
05:06.28scubasteveWe'll get some sort of enterprise license... most everyone is on mac now.
05:06.43twisted[mobile]rezEdit - exporting to visio (older) format
05:06.44rezEditour volume licenses start at 10 seats so....
05:07.18rezEdittwisted[mobile]: yeah... we'd love that too, but the Visio binary format, not so much
05:07.28scubasteveYeah, I'm pretty sure we have 10 macs or so.
05:07.40twisted[mobile]i do love the pdf exporting
05:07.49twisted[mobile]makes managers happy :)
05:07.51Sp3ciaL_Kwhat is Omigraffle?? if you dont mind me asking
05:08.04rezEditIt's like Visio for the Mac, Sp3ciaL_K
05:08.09twisted[mobile]very similar
05:08.18twisted[mobile]it does more than visio :)
05:08.23rezEditexcept, OmniGraffle kicks ass
05:08.38scubasteverezedit.. I've never used it... but everyone at work talks about how kickass it is.
05:08.59rezEditwe get a LOT of fan mail about it.  It's really, really nice.
05:09.04twisted[mobile]it really is
05:09.10twisted[mobile]i'll toot your horn for ya
05:09.18rezEditLOL thanks
05:09.50scubasteverezedit.. I sent you a /msg
05:10.14twisted[mobile]scubasteve, i'm still waiting on a pic of your wifey
05:10.55scubasteveomg twisted
05:11.17file[laptop]twisted[mobile]: !!!!!! how was your birthday?
05:11.31twisted[mobile]file[laptop] good i guess.  quiet for once ;)
05:11.38twisted[mobile]they bought me lunch at work and gave me half a day off
05:11.58twisted[mobile]so i drove up to nashville and spent some time with family (still there) and then went to my old hangout to meet up with a friend i haven't seen in awhile
05:13.47twisted[mobile]the mac store gave me a free 512MB stick
05:13.54twisted[mobile]i have 1.5GB in this puppy now
05:15.01twisted[mobile]this powerbook is screaming
05:16.30file[laptop]creepy, I found a pic of a coworker through orkut
05:16.38scubastevedoes he have clothes on?
05:16.42twisted[mobile]oh ew
05:16.43scubastevethen it's not creepy :)
05:17.03Netgeekssearch orkut for scubasteve wife hottie
05:17.03scubastevecreepy is sniffing the work wireless and finding out the boss man has a secret hotmail swinger account.
05:17.08scubasteveTHAT is creepy.
05:17.38Sp3ciaL_Ki think im going to buy a PB right now
05:17.51twisted[mobile]join the revolution!
05:18.03file[laptop]I really should go to sleep
05:18.09twisted[mobile]file[laptop] no you shouldn't
05:18.12file[laptop]despite it being the weekend... and stuff... sleep is good
05:18.15twisted[mobile]you should stay on here
05:18.21file[laptop]but why!
05:18.22twisted[mobile]and tell us stories of christmas past
05:18.28*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
05:18.33Sp3ciaL_Kya! stories!
05:18.34file[laptop]I told my mother not to have Christmas this year
05:18.46twisted[mobile]my birthday trifecta is complete
05:18.57twisted[mobile]BoRiS has come back!
05:19.07file[laptop]BoRiS: I missed you  :D
05:19.23twisted[mobile]i can die happy now
05:19.31file[laptop]eep death
05:19.36twisted[mobile]scratch that
05:20.01twisted[mobile]death is not something i'm wanting just yet
05:20.06twisted[mobile]maybe on monday, but not today
05:20.08rezEditwhat's MGCP wrt asterisk?
05:20.16Sp3ciaL_Khmm 24 hour delivery swweet
05:20.53twisted[mobile]megaco is derived from MGCP
05:20.57Sp3ciaL_Kwrt asterisk? isnt that asterisk on a linksys router?
05:21.18file[laptop]BoRiS: how are you? what's up?
05:21.26twisted[mobile]hard dicks and aeroplanes
05:21.40rezEditwrt = with regards to?
05:21.41twisted[mobile]thought they look similar
05:21.46scubastevesp3cial.. .yes.. wrt can run * ... slimmed down... but not very well..
05:21.50scubastevewrt == linux
05:22.08twisted[mobile]well, the wrt RUNS linux
05:22.10Sp3ciaL_Kis like sip/iax/skinny
05:22.42Sp3ciaL_Ki think, ive only heard of mgcp in school...never really use it
05:22.53twisted[mobile]mgcp is pretty nifty
05:22.55scubastevejust got with sip.
05:22.59twisted[mobile]it's like, you get the control methods of a zap channel
05:23.00twisted[mobile]but it's voip
05:23.10twisted[mobile]however, it's overly complex
05:23.14rezEditI get a warning when starting * chan_mgcp.c:4050 reload_config: Unable to get our IP address, MGCP disabled
05:23.21*** join/#asterisk Tili (n=Tili@
05:23.22Sp3ciaL_Kthats what i've read...complex
05:23.28twisted[mobile]it's a good idea
05:23.34rezEditok, I will not worry
05:23.37scubasteverezedit... there should be a bindaddr or something in the mgcp.conf file.. put ur ip there..?
05:23.39rezEditfor now
05:23.47rezEditahh ok
05:23.52scubasteveor noload on mgcp if you don't need it
05:23.57scubastevein modules.conf (?)
05:23.57Sp3ciaL_Kor just disable it noload
05:23.58file[laptop]and away I go
05:24.05scubastevenite file!
05:24.16twisted[mobile]i love how conan o'brien's hair bounces when he squacks
05:24.20twisted[mobile]nite file :)
05:24.26scubastevehe's a freakshow.
05:24.29twisted[mobile]yes he is
05:24.36rezEditdamn... does my sound card have to be working for * to work correctly?
05:24.40Sp3ciaL_Kpretty funny freakshow
05:24.41Corydon76-homeWho, file?
05:25.01scubastevewow, this fwd isn't very reliable for toll-free termination.
05:25.08scubasteve1 out of 5 actually goes thru
05:25.15twisted[mobile]rezEdit, only if you are going to be using your console to make calls
05:25.17twisted[mobile]otherwise, no
05:25.43scubasteverezedit.. I have my soundcard hooked up to a radio for Music on hold..
05:26.18rezEdittwisted[mobile]: ok, thanks.  I have the issue right now where I can't hear ANYTHING when I call in to the system from an outside phone.  The internal phones ring, and I can pick it up, but I can't hear anythign either way.
05:26.24scubasteveBTW... was quite a challenge to find a spot in the room where the radio could get a radio signal instead of gunk data signals coming from the computers...
05:26.37twisted[mobile]rezEdit, using SIP?
05:26.41rezEditscubasteve: that's a good idea.  i think we might do that as well... or play mp3's or something.
05:26.51rezEdittwisted[mobile]: yup
05:26.55scubasteverez.. are you... using SIP or IAX .. or are you hooked to PSTN?
05:26.56twisted[mobile]rezEdit, sounds like NAT
05:27.23rezEdittwisted[mobile]: SIP, yes... no NAT here.  Hard phones.
05:27.36rezEditI can call between phones fine.
05:27.50twisted[mobile]but when you call outside, you're calling outside via SIP?
05:27.51scubasteverez, so you terminate to a pots line??
05:28.19twisted[mobile]or do you have phone lines plugged into a digium card?
05:28.34BoRiSfile: just finishing a conversation on the phone... 1 sec :-)))
05:28.47rezEdittwisted[mobile]: have not gotten to calling out from my IP phones, only calling in from an outside line... the phone line is connected to a digium TDM card.
05:28.49scubastevefile is gone..
05:29.03scubasteveoh, file is still here.
05:29.06scubasteveI thought File had op
05:29.26rezEditscubasteve: yeah, POTS lines (just 1 right now) connected to the * server via a Digium card.
05:29.32twisted[mobile]rezEdit: hmm.. that's weird.  you're not using g729 are you?
05:29.35scubastevethat's whacked
05:29.42scubastevetwisted.. good one.
05:29.55Sp3ciaL_Ki use ulaw
05:30.21rezEdittwisted[mobile]: nope. dunno what that is, even :-)  but, I will play around some more.  there's other problems here and I will work on the audio issue later.
05:30.48Sp3ciaL_Kdebug and see what the codec that is negotiates
05:32.10scubasteveok, bed time.
05:32.15scubastevei'm beat.
05:32.27scubasteveI do have toll free working, but it's very spotty (most of the time it doesn't go)..
05:32.33scubasteveSo it must be FWD.
05:32.43twisted[mobile]it probably is
05:32.57Sp3ciaL_Ki use my provider for toll free
05:33.09scubasteveDoesn't digium have a free system that does tollfree term?
05:33.40Sp3ciaL_Kconnect to mine and use toll free ;)
05:33.45*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
05:33.58scubasteveah, looks like it's down for maintenance.  :)
05:34.08scubasteveok, night folks!!
05:34.22Sp3ciaL_Ki think i better go too before i click submit and get a PB
05:34.28twisted[mobile]do it
05:35.51pauldytpeanut butter
05:36.01pauldydamb been playing ut wayyy to much
05:36.19*** join/#asterisk jeffik (n=Jeff@
05:45.50*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
05:47.07BoRiSWeird, just installed ooh323, see that the module is loaded into * but when doing a show channeltypes, I dont see H323 even though the module is loaded. Anyone else have that problem? (cvs)
05:48.10hardwire!! Don't know how to add an IE High-layer Compatibility (125)
05:48.10hardwire!! Unable to add IE 'High-layer Compatibility'
05:48.11hardwirewtf is that?
05:48.46*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (
05:48.54hardwireQwell[]: you running cvs?
05:48.58Qwell[]I am
05:49.08hardwire!! Don't know how to add an IE High-layer Compatibility (125)
05:49.11hardwireyou ever seen that?
05:49.17Qwell[]yep, saw a bug about it
05:49.22Qwell[]check mantis
05:49.24hardwireI will look it up
05:49.46hardwireits been fucking my life over for the past week
05:49.48hardwireand I had no idea
05:50.10hardwirewait.. how do you search mantis
05:50.21X-Rob'view bugs'
05:50.25Qwell[]the search button
05:50.52Qwell[]I'm looking for it...
05:50.58hardwireyeh.. its not showing up
05:51.13*** join/#asterisk rhizom3 (n=rhizom3@
05:51.33hardwireX-Rob: I am there.. its not finding it
05:52.02X-RobI know you are, but what am I?
05:52.12hardwirehey.. you started the dicking around
05:52.15Qwell[]I know I saw that somewhere recently...
05:52.16*** part/#asterisk krisguy (
05:52.18hardwireso zip up and compile bitch
05:52.23hardwireQwell[]: maybe your own logs :)
05:52.24X-RobQwell[] - I think it was in -users
05:52.34Qwell[]X-Rob: I don't subscribe to -users
05:53.17hardwirecvs log shows no reference
05:53.52hardwirewow.. some peopla re two days ahaed of me on the user list :)
05:53.57hardwirealready have november posts
05:53.59rezEditI gotta run, but thanks for your help everyone.  gnite.
05:54.04Qwell[]yeah, I'm not finding it
05:54.56hardwireits not in asterisk
05:55.12hardwireits in libpri
05:55.18hardwirelibpri/q931.c:                          pri_error(pri, "!! Don't know how to add an IE %s (%d)\n", ie2str(ie), ie);
05:55.20Qwell[]well, yeah
05:55.50iCEBrkrWell, I guess there's YET another CallerID app ready :P
05:56.03iCEBrkr...I mean for your desktop.
05:56.17Qwell[]hardwire: how recent is your libpri?
05:56.19hardwire1.140 fix
05:56.25hardwireI am at 1.141 now
05:56.31hardwireI was at 1.138
05:56.37Qwell[]still giving that error?
05:56.47Qwell[]I'm pretty sure mattf fixed it very recently
05:57.28hardwirelike a few days ago
05:57.30*** join/#asterisk Flauto (n=Devl@
05:57.39hardwireI have no idea what it relates to
05:57.43FlautoWARNING[27796]: chan_iax2.c:7497 socket_read: Received mini frame before first full voice frame, what does this mean/
05:58.32Flautoi have been having problems with fwd, what is going on? is it my problem or fwd is having issues?
05:59.29pooh_Flauto: fwd is fubar atm
05:59.50Flautowhat is fubar atm?
05:59.54hardwirestiiiil compiling
06:00.02jbotfubar stands for f*cked up beyond recognition
06:00.04jbot[atm] (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) A networking protocol designed to move multimedia data around with high reliability and speed. Some ISPs use ATM as the protocol for their backbones. at the moment  At The Moment. an automated teller machine
06:00.04hardwireupdating cvs asterisk while I am at it
06:00.06pooh_Does anybody know what FUBAR means!!!!!!!!
06:00.12X-Robor 'at the moment'
06:00.37jbotfrom memory, bbiab is be back in a bit
06:00.45jboti guess hardwire is the delicate genius holding together the fabric of the universe.
06:00.56hardwirethats from like 2003
06:01.17Flautohehe, pooh
06:01.26Flautookay than, it is not my problem
06:01.29Flautogood to know
06:02.09Flautojbot, thanks for your help
06:02.09jbotFlauto: bitte
06:02.41Flautois there anything like fwd which is working?
06:02.49Flautoror fwd is the only one now
06:03.55Qwell[]duh...stupid project filter
06:04.06Flautodo i need a digium card for festival?
06:04.18Qwell[]hardwire: Thats the bug right there
06:05.07BoRiSAnyone know why ooh323 isn't recognized as a channeltype? (all from cvs). It's loaded ( when doing show modules like, but when I do "show channeltypes", I dont see any h323 channel types. Any ideas?
06:05.56FuriousGeorgeyou know whats stupid about chanisavail?  it doesnt notice when there is no dialtone on a zap channel
06:06.38FuriousGeorgei mean, come on :)
06:06.41hardwireQwell[]: its fixed now
06:06.59Qwell[]hardwire: so it says in the bug :p
06:07.01Flautopooh, that disa thing works very well. thanks
06:07.11Flautoit was very easy to set up too
06:07.24hardwireits nothing to do with aix
06:07.27hardwireso.. heh
06:07.29hardwireoh well
06:07.33hardwirenow I can go home
06:16.49Flautogood night
06:16.56Flautotime to go crush
06:21.07BoRiSfixed it.. never mind
06:27.47*** join/#asterisk Dr_Ray (
06:31.46*** join/#asterisk Tili (n=Tili@
06:34.23watchymake love to me
06:39.11Netgeeks# wc extensions.conf
06:39.32X-Robuse #include, weenie!
06:39.50X-Rob7349 lines will be hard to maintain.
06:39.52X-Robreally it will.
06:39.59Netgeeksit just makes a huge mess in the config dir
06:40.48NetgeeksI do use #include for sections that are in flatfiles that change
06:41.01Netgeeksthe main extensions.conf never changes
06:42.09Netgeeksit's only 4896 lines when I grep out all the lines starting with ";"
06:42.32Netgeeks2453 lines of comments
06:43.09X-Robtry grep \^exten | wc -l
06:43.38X-Rob..exten extensions.conf | wc -l
06:45.02*** join/#asterisk Supaplex (
06:45.05Netgeeks2451 lines
06:45.26X-RobHow did you manage that?
06:45.32X-Robone blank line and one context?
06:45.41Netgeekshow did I manage to build such a big dialplan?
06:45.56X-Robhow did you manage to build such a big dialplan with only one (or posisbly two) contexts?
06:46.01X-Robor, more to the point, why?
06:46.22Netgeekshrm, sec, let me see how many contexts in it
06:46.31X-Robthat grep should have only couned exten lines
06:46.40mazzanetwhat is a decent TTS app/plugin for asterisk?
06:46.40X-Robperhaps you might want to run it again
06:47.02Netgeeksit did count only exten lines
06:47.21Netgeeks2451 exten lines in 4896 non comment lines
06:47.21Qwell[]mazzanet: some people like using festival
06:47.34mazzaneti can't seem to find a half-decent voice for festival
06:47.36Netgeeksmeans alot of empty lines (white space)
06:47.37X-Robyou said you removed lines starting with ';'
06:48.14Netgeeksyep, total number of lines was 7349, 4896 with ; lines removes, and 2451 if you just look for extens
06:48.20X-RobOoh. Sorry
06:48.22X-RobI realise now.
06:48.30Netgeeksextens, even
06:48.30X-Robthe 2543 comment lines
06:48.40X-Roband I didn't read what yous aid
06:48.56NetgeeksI ahve a boat load of context.....  I would paste them here, but I would get the nasty pastebin message
06:48.59Netgeeksfrom someone
06:49.09X-Robwe don't need to know
06:49.32Netgeeks137 contexts to be exact
06:52.37jboti guess pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
06:53.01Qwell[]speaking of ...
06:53.15Qwell[]anybody seen slepp in the last like...3 months?
06:54.23FuriousGeorge~seen slepp
06:54.28jbotslepp is currently on #asterisk (2h 49m 45s)
06:54.28*** join/#asterisk P-NuT (
06:54.44Qwell[]~lastspoke slePP
06:56.00P-NuTHi all. I want to get an IAX extension going at work here, to connect to my asterisk box at home behind a NAT firewall.
06:56.18P-NuTNow, what ports on the firewall do I have to forward to make this happen?
06:56.43P-NuTnot 50.... something..?
06:57.06Qwell[]5060 is sip
06:57.12FuriousGeorge5060,8000-10000 is sip
06:57.24Qwell[]10000-20000 is the default for rtp
06:57.29Qwell[]I thought
06:57.36FuriousGeorgeur right
06:58.14P-NuTso... just 4569 and I'm right?
06:58.54Qwell[]yes, udp
07:01.12FuriousGeorgeQwell[]: ur a function for halloween?
07:01.21Qwell[]an array
07:01.38FuriousGeorgei was close
07:01.51Qwell[]You're now the third person to comment on that...
07:02.18mog_homethat reminds me of a question at digium
07:02.26mog_homeif you could be an .so of asterisk
07:02.29mog_homewhich would you be
07:02.30mog_homeand why
07:02.37[FuriousGeorge]what am i
07:02.44JamesDotCom$10 and i'm yours
07:02.55Qwell[]That was awful
07:03.14JamesDotComi'm done here
07:04.31mog_homei said i was app_voicemail, huge and far to complex to be bothered with
07:05.17Qwell[]chan_sip, slow and bloated?
07:05.23Qwell[]lemme try again :p
07:05.37JamesDotComahaha, i was gonna ask who'd own up to being chan_sip
07:06.04Qwell[]any .so?
07:06.14mog_homeany .so touched by asterisk
07:06.54*** join/#asterisk pauldy (
07:07.10JamesDotComgetting excited about the new version of visual studio, and personifying .so files... today's making me think about my life
07:07.15pauldyok having a broadvoice problem and hopping someone might be able to give me some pointers
07:07.37pauldyI have a working account at home and I setup on at a friends who wants to use it for buisness
07:08.02pauldyI took my config did a global replace for my number with his and replace my auth with his
07:08.19pauldyinbound calls work great but outbound tell me I need to speak with my administrator?
07:09.04Qwell[]okay, I've got it
07:09.13Qwell[]app_striplsd - use your imagination
07:09.13pauldyyou are not able to make this call please contact your system administrator for assistance
07:09.24JamesDotComQwell[]: ahahaha good call
07:10.25FuriousGeorge~seen IronHelix
07:10.27jbotironhelix is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 573 messages.  Is idling for 22h 29m 7s
07:10.48FuriousGeorge~beats IronHelix
07:10.54FuriousGeorge~beat IronHelix
07:10.55jbotACTION beats IronHelix with a large stick.
07:11.06FuriousGeorgethats for convincing me to install jive messenger
07:11.07X-Rob~seen X-Rob
07:11.28jbotx-rob is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 274 messages.  Is idling for 21s
07:12.56FuriousGeorgejbot: no X-Rob is a si boR-X
07:12.57jbotFuriousGeorge: okay
07:13.02jbothmm... x-rob is a si boR-X
07:13.22X-RobI refuse to be a palindrome.
07:13.42FuriousGeorgejbot: no X-Rob is not a palindrome
07:13.43jbotokay, FuriousGeorge
07:13.45jbotyou are, like, not a palindrome
07:14.03jbotfrom memory, jbot is barely semi-useful at the best of times
07:14.21FuriousGeorgejbot: no, jbot is a stoner
07:14.22jbotokay, FuriousGeorge
07:14.50FuriousGeorgejbot: no, jbot is barely semi-useful at the best of times
07:14.51jbotokay, FuriousGeorge
07:15.10jbotwell, qwell is a patented liquid formula that contains three plant-based bio-active agents that work together in a perfectly balanced combination. These agents act synergistically to boost your good cholesterol and slash the bad.
07:15.27FuriousGeorgeyour lipitor?
07:15.42Qwell[]synergistically should be the buzzword of the day
07:15.50jboti heard furiousgeorge is a knife fighting monkey known to hang out with The Man With the Metal Bat.
07:17.27X-Robif I still had meetings, I'd try to use 'synergistically' at least three times in them
07:18.19jbot[synergy] Gemma, or a KM program (think KVM without any video), see
07:18.49X-Robjbot, synergistically is keyword bingo #32
07:18.50jbotX-Rob: okay
07:19.09FuriousGeorgejbot: no, strategery is a Bushism and as such has no place in science
07:19.10jbotFuriousGeorge: okay
07:19.52FuriousGeorgecan you believe only 15% of americans believe in evolution
07:20.22FuriousGeorgewhats wrong with all the states that have no ocean and florida.  there i said it
07:20.26X-Roband it's not like it's something you have to believe in
07:20.35FuriousGeorgei know
07:21.04konfuzedso what iax hardware is best for ATA or hardphone
07:21.19X-Robiax? pa1688
07:21.29X-Robor iaxy. That's the only IAX hardware so far, I believe
07:22.09konfuzedpa whos dat
07:22.14FuriousGeorgebill maher commented on this on his show tonight "New Rule:  The US must officially rename itself the United States of Jesus Christ, and must change its motto from 'E Pluribus Unim' to 'I'm with stupid'"
07:22.51konfuzedUSA is really only a paper shell company
07:23.31jboti heard nj is home to the sopranos.  Fogedaboudit!
07:23.31konfuzedWest Virginia Company renamed itself to United States of America Inc
07:25.14mazzanethow very curious
07:27.40*** join/#asterisk h3x0r (n=h3xor@
07:28.08konfuzedactually true tidbit
07:28.10mazzanetwhen calling out from my sip phone -> asterisk -> sip provider -> pstn
07:28.25mazzanetmy sip phone isn't getting any audio
07:28.52mazzanetit can talk to a pstn phone, the pstn phone can both hear+talk
07:29.05mazzanetbut it can't hear the pstn phone
07:30.38mazzanetcalling the sip phone through asterisk from the pstn is fine both ways
07:39.34*** join/#asterisk _wrs (
07:40.38mazzanetany ideas?
07:43.16psycodadmazzanet: reinvite=no ? only a guess..
07:43.57psycodadsome1 ever played with DIAX softphone ?
07:48.45*** join/#asterisk h4mm3r` (
07:49.24*** join/#asterisk hugo-v6 (
07:51.43Supaplexoff to bed I go
07:58.02hugo-v6syle2: awake?
08:01.13*** join/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
08:01.23MuppetMasterDoes anyone know what this means?
08:01.24MuppetMaster....Oct 29 10:01:03 WARNING[31043]: pbx.c:3756 ast_merge_contexts_and_delete: Requested contexts didn't get merged
08:06.39mog_homewas that after a reload?
08:06.44Igbothomok - in Xorcom Rapid 1.1, multiple .conf files are loaded with a '#include "extensions.d/*.conf"' command.  I have tried this on a vanilla * 1.0.9 (same as in Rapid 1.1) but I cannot get the .conf files to load - any isead what I got wrong?
08:07.39MuppetMastermog_home:  On initial load and reload.
08:07.58MuppetMasterActually, sorry, only on reload
08:08.06mog_homeyou have same context twice defined
08:08.10mog_homeand its not working for you
08:08.12MuppetMasterAh, ok.
08:08.22MuppetMasterToo bad it does not tell me which context...  ;)
08:08.25mog_homenewer asterisk supports it
08:08.43mog_homehows jabber code working for you
08:09.00MuppetMastermog_home:  I installed the patch and seems to work quite well, thank you.
08:09.06MuppetMasterStill playing around.
08:09.16MuppetMasterI am in the process of moving from extensions.conf to extensions.ael for various apps.
08:09.18mog_homeget the new patch?
08:09.18*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
08:09.24MuppetMasterAnd then plan to do more with AstJabber.
08:09.44MuppetMastermog_home:  Are you talking about astjab or asterisk-IM?  I was referring to astjab.
08:09.59mog_homeim mogorman
08:10.16MuppetMasterCool, yes the one you posted shortly after our initial discussion.
08:10.18MuppetMasterWorks great!
08:10.22MuppetMasterJust working on various ways to use it.
08:10.39mog_homecool, there will be very cool stuff probably next week
08:10.47MuppetMasterLots of interest in these types of apps, this just came up yesterday:
08:10.52MuppetMasterOf course referenced your implementation.
08:11.07MuppetMasterKeep me posted!
08:11.18MuppetMasterAEL will make it a lot easier to use this type of facility IMHO
08:12.12mog_homeyeah, i am adding some things for debugging, so you will get jabber messages if your machine is dropping calls
08:12.17mog_homeor the pri is going up and down
08:12.26MuppetMasterGood stuff
08:12.46Igbothomwhat's ael?
08:12.59IgbothomAsterisk something, I got that afar  :)
08:13.11mog_homeextension language
08:13.16mog_homesomething new in 1.2
08:13.32MuppetMasterAllows you to do things in a more natural programming sort of way, native to Asterisk.
08:13.46MuppetMasterSo one step short of branching out to a scripting language like PHP/Perl over an AGI.
08:14.34MuppetMasterAlthough I am using Realtime for some contexts, and struggling to see how to invoke a realtime extension from a database.  Playing around with that.
08:16.11Igbothomspeaking of extensions.conf, I have my SIP and IAX providers in subdirs off the /etc/asterisk directory and need to figure out how to load all *.conf files with an #include "providers-sip/*.conf" and #include "providers-iax"  <-- any clues as to why its not working?
08:16.42Igbothomthat was meant to be #include "providers-iax/*.conf"
08:20.40*** join/#asterisk BladeRunner05 (
08:28.25MuppetMasterlgbothom:  Should work that way.
08:28.31MuppetMasterAlso, here is my problem:
08:31.06*** join/#asterisk Dblue (n=blue@
08:33.42MuppetMastermog_home:  Still there?
08:34.29MuppetMasterI just moved from 1.2beta2 to CVS HEAD and tried to install the xmpp.patch from /usr/src to /usr/src/asterisk and I get this error:  can't find file to patch at input line 4
08:34.35MuppetMasterCVS HEAD as of about 5 minutes ago
08:34.54*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
08:38.03mog_homeuse the patch from cvs head
08:38.05mog_homeill have to test
08:38.07mog_homebut should work
08:38.13*** join/#asterisk swm_ (
08:38.40MuppetMasterYes, that is the one I just downloaded (got rid of the other one).
08:38.49MuppetMasterThat CVS HEAD, always changing..
08:39.41mog_homehmm ill put out new patch
08:40.13MuppetMasterSorry, no rush at the moment, if something new is coming out next week.
08:40.17MuppetMasterJust wanted to let you know.
08:41.20mog_homeyeah ill just do what i was gonna do next week tonight
08:41.24mog_homeand tommorrow
08:41.30mog_homewho needs sleep when you have redbull
08:42.11MuppetMasterGood point
08:47.02mazzaneti restarted asterisk
08:47.24mazzanetand now my sip phone won't stay registered for more than 15 seconds
08:48.11mazzanetit just randomly decided to register and now it's good again
08:48.14mazzanetbleh. magic.
08:48.40*** part/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
08:51.01orlokhey mazza
08:51.07orlokdont you love IT?
08:51.11orlokblame it all on telstra :)
08:51.25orlokwhile you still have the chance :)
08:51.29mazzaneti really love it when things randomly break
08:51.35mazzaneteg, right now
08:51.36orloktell me about it
08:51.45orloki was passed out asleep when something broke
08:51.47mazzanetsip phone -> asterisk -> sip provider -> pstn
08:51.52orlokhad 6 missed calls and an sms
08:52.01mazzanetwhen calling outbound from the sip phone
08:52.09mazzanetthe sip phone can talk but not hear
08:52.22mazzanetand the dest pstn phone can talk and hear
08:52.43orloksounds like a nat issue maybe
08:52.51X-Rob_mazzanet, it's a NAT problem.
08:53.00X-Rob_or firewall
08:53.00mazzanetthe sip phone is behind a nat
08:53.01orlokbut i wouldent be the one to ask, i've never used astrix, and have only just started playing with sip
08:53.14X-Rob_mazzanet,  nat=yes in sip.conf
08:53.18mazzanetthe asterisk box is direct
08:53.46X-Rob_orlok, astrix is a cartoon character
08:54.03mazzanetcalling asterisk extensions from the sip phone is fine though
08:55.15X-Rob_mazzanet,  you have two answers here. 1: 'Thanks rob, that worked' or 'no, that' didn't work'
08:55.53mazzanetno that didn't work
08:56.01X-Rob_sip show registry
08:56.04X-Rob_paste the line of the phone
08:56.07X-Rob_one line
08:56.33mazzanetinbound calls are entirely fine
08:56.40X-Rob_yes you mentioned that
08:56.43mazzanetinbound from sip provider -> asterisk -> sip phone
08:56.47X-Rob_I don't care.
08:56.50X-Rob_paste the line of the phone
08:56.52X-Rob_one line
08:57.00mazzanetiinetphone:5060                 0354988028@i       105 Registered
08:57.05X-Rob_(I did menton that it's a nat problem, right?)
08:57.21mazzanetand then the sip phone from 'show show peers'
08:57.23mazzanetata/ata               D   N  5060     OK (118 ms)
08:57.49X-Rob_Yes, that's what I wanted, peers. Sorry 8)
08:58.29X-Rob_ok, nat's enabled.
08:58.45X-Rob_Sounds like you'll need to manually forward all the RTP ports to your phone.
08:58.59X-Rob_Sorry, your firewall doesn't understand SIP.
08:59.23mazzanetmy firewall = iptables
08:59.29mazzanetwhich is running on the asterisk box
08:59.33X-Rob_You're not using CVS
08:59.39mazzaneti'm not
08:59.45X-Rob_There's your first problem.
09:00.01X-Rob_did I miss the announcement?
09:00.18mazzanetbeta1 even
09:00.27X-Rob_Yeah. Upgrade to CVS.
09:00.39*** join/#asterisk stoffell (
09:00.47X-Rob_So your * box is your gateway?
09:00.54X-Rob_you run pppoe on it?
09:01.00X-Rob_that's the best way 8)
09:01.07X-Rob_So, this means you've broken something.
09:01.10mazzanetpppoe is on the dsl modem
09:01.17X-Rob_Fuck that off.
09:01.20mazzanetmodem -> nic -> * box -> nic -> sip phone
09:01.30X-Rob_Make your * box do the pppoe
09:01.35mazzaneteverything is working fine
09:01.39X-Rob_No, it's not.
09:01.52mazzanetthis one way stuff just complete randomly started happening
09:01.55mazzaneti didn't touch anything.
09:02.51mazzanetit's not a nat problem either.
09:02.54*** join/#asterisk oej (
09:02.57X-Rob_Well. You'll have to spend some time with tcpdump
09:03.02X-Rob_see where the stream is getting lost
09:03.15X-Rob_if it's not making it through the modem, then you'll have to speak to iinet
09:03.22mazzanetstopping * and telling the sip phone to connect to the outbound sip server directly is fine
09:03.28mazzanetie. bypassing *
09:03.37X-Rob_upgrade to CVS
09:03.42mazzanetwill do
09:03.44X-Rob_you'll at least be able to get some support wiht it then
09:03.54X-Rob_1.2beta1 is old and busted
09:04.02X-Rob_hardly anyone uses it 8)
09:04.02mazzaneti see
09:04.09X-Rob_CVS is new hotness
09:05.19mazzanetwill asterisk-addons-1.2.0-beta1 work find with cvs?
09:05.30X-Rob_download asterisk-addonds from cvs
09:05.33X-Rob_and yes it will
09:05.40X-Rob_without the typo 8)
09:09.14mazzanetheh someone has a fast cvs server...
09:09.38mazzanetour (php) cvs server is getting slow and dodgy
09:15.00*** join/#asterisk implicit (
09:17.39mazzanetstill no go with cvs head
09:21.22*** part/#asterisk oej (
09:22.46mazzanet19:22:26.267907 IP > Athena.15094: UDP, length 13
09:22.47mazzanet19:22:26.268109 IP Athena > ICMP Athena udp port 15094 unreachable, length 36
09:22.49mazzanetah hah!
09:23.01mazzanetAthena is er... another comp which all incoming udp packets are being forwarding to
09:24.50mazzanetall working again
09:26.34mazzanetthe interesing though is that the iptables forward of * udp -> athena rule existed since the beginning of time - it was always happening
09:28.46*** join/#asterisk _Vile (
09:29.05_Vilesec brb
09:35.07_Vile996 -> =?
09:41.02*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
09:48.55infinity1can you get a chatting under the influence?
09:49.43*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
09:50.30_Vileinfinity, takes practice...
09:51.03infinity1_Vile: hmmm
09:51.41_VileI'm bored: do you need any help?
09:52.17infinity1_Vile: i'm trying to configure * so i can dial me using
09:52.35infinity1_Vile: er so people can dial me
09:53.05_Viledial you, explain /|\
09:53.19infinity1dial using srv dns records
09:55.15infinity1hmm. whats the diff between dns records with "xyx in A" and "xyz A"
09:55.21infinity1google isn't helping
09:56.17{zombie}there is no difference
09:56.20{zombie}the IN is implied
09:56.26_Vilein is implied
09:56.38_Viledid you read that, I asssume you did?
09:57.02infinity1yes. i've read quite a bit. i have the entires, but yesterday someone tested and wasn't able to dial me
09:57.10infinity1IN is implied?
09:58.06_Vileget rid of IN
09:58.43infinity1because even if you don't put it, it is there anyway?
09:58.58{zombie}BIND will assume that because you left it out, you meant IN
09:59.12{zombie}IN for Internet (if I'm not mistaken) - the record type
09:59.29infinity1ohhh . i've been wondering that for awhile :) thanks.
09:59.33_Vilenot needed, doesn't solve your problem tho
09:59.49infinity1_Vile: yea. i just got side tracked.... its easy for me
10:00.00_Vileme too
10:00.03infinity1okay. so dns is setup. now why it doesn't work is a mystery
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10:02.41_Vilehave you done a lookup, I assume yes
10:03.15chidexhas anyone been able to get any other intel chipset apart from 537 to work on asterisk?
10:03.35_Vilechidex, expand your question.
10:24.31*** join/#asterisk thesisBC (n=punk@
10:34.54mazzaneti love asterisk's voicemail system.
10:35.06mazzanetso easy to set up and it just... works.
10:41.14stoffellanyone know interesting *-books (except the one just released on
10:42.05thesisBChello can somebody help me.. im currently implementing asterisk.. iam now patching the openh323 but as i issue the command... patch -p1 < openh323_1.123
10:42.49thesisBChello can somebody help me.. im currently implementing asterisk.. iam now patching the openh323 but as i issue the command... patch -p1 < openh323_1.13.5-make.patch.. it ask for what file to patch...
10:51.13*** join/#asterisk nesys (n=nesys@2001:1418:1a6:0:20d:93ff:fe28:3ef8)
10:53.23*** join/#asterisk jhiver (
10:53.28jhiverhi lads
10:53.47jhiverI've just seen the new TDM 2400P
10:54.19jhiverany ideas how much this baby costs?
10:57.36jhiveris everybody dead?
10:57.50stoffelljhiver, no idea of the price here.. :)
10:58.00jhiverok :)
10:58.09jhiverthat looks like a very cool card though
10:58.49jhiverI want one I want one I want one :)
10:59.08jhiverit's like, big and stuff
10:59.15*** join/#asterisk syle (n=blag@unaffiliated/syle)
10:59.19jhiverand colourful too
10:59.49jhiverplus having 24 ports on a card is just a plain cool idea :)
11:00.20stoffell:d it's huge:p
11:00.40jhiveryep, it means you can offer T1 like services over IP
11:00.45stoffellwon't fit in my 1U server though :p
11:00.48jhivergreat stuff
11:01.24jhiverof course for T1oIP you could always get a PRI card, but then you need a bloody channel bank anyways
11:02.11jhiverfucking hell I love this card already! and it does hardware echo cancel too :)
11:02.44jhiverthis sangoma / digium competition is getting really healthy heh :)
11:05.51*** join/#asterisk t0ke (
11:06.04mazzanethow can i get asterisk to prompt for input?
11:06.14mazzanetnot an extension
11:06.49t0keanyone have asterisk going out calls via Audiocodes FXO gateway?
11:12.50pooh_what reasons are there for ' Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' please ?
11:15.06bonno route to host?
11:20.08pooh_bon: nah, that's all fine
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11:55.53WJN78anyone online thats familar with digium cards?
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12:09.26DrukenWJN78: what is your problem ?
12:12.22*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
12:14.45encodei'm having a problem with multiple trunks, they're did's. i've set default context to be from-pstn, yet when i call via one trunk, it works fine. but the other gives 404
12:14.48encodeany ideas?
12:15.31Drukenset the context of the incoming block to from-pstn
12:16.45*** join/#asterisk littleball (
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12:18.03zoahey ho
12:18.22Drukenhidey hoe neighbour
12:19.49zoaput away that video camera, or i will send the dogs!
12:20.39xhelioxI prefer audio snooping devices anyhow.
12:20.45xhelioxAnyone seen my pen?
12:21.22encodewhat do you mean by the incoming block?
12:21.51WJN78Druken,  I was trying to figure out how to limit the card to only use 2 channels instead of all 4.  I think I got it one sec
12:22.33Drukenencode: well, you should have two blocks per host, one for incoming, one for outgoing...
12:22.47Drukenthe incoming block, should be in context from-pstn
12:22.51encodeahh yes, thats already set to from-pstn
12:23.08WJN78Druken, I got it working... thanks for the offer...
12:23.10Drukendo you have an incoming context?
12:23.17WJN78Goodnight all
12:23.24encodeDruken: yes
12:23.38*** part/#asterisk WJN78 (
12:23.42encodefor both trunks i have an incoming and an outgoing context
12:24.03Drukendoes your server give you an error?
12:24.45encodenot as far as i can tell
12:24.49encodelet me paste some stuff
12:24.57jbotpastebin is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
12:26.31encodethats what sip debug shows me
12:26.57encodei dont know why it says "Looking for in from-pstn"
12:27.08encodefor the other trunk, in sip debug, it doesnt say that
12:28.00Drukenyeah... i was wondering about that...
12:28.33encodei got the problem
12:29.05encoderunning an for an already installed version of asterisk is a bad idea (using asterisk@home)
12:29.20encodeit screws around with some settings, but leaves things mainly intact
12:29.55encodethe problem was my register line in sip_additional.conf
12:30.19encodethere was an extra / in there
12:30.26encodewhich i didn't notice
12:30.33encodethanks for your help tho
12:53.39*** join/#asterisk vexorg (
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13:12.33*** join/#asterisk Talnakh (n=Talnakh@
13:13.00Talnakhhi, everyone. does anyone has an echo on SIP extensions when using asterisk?
13:17.42zoadepends on the phones or headsets
13:19.06Talnakhzoa, do you have echo? I use IP Power phones and Asterisk 1.0.9  and i get a bad echo on sip lines when talking on internal network and outside calls. But external paries don't hear any echo.
13:23.22Drukenip power? never heard of them
13:23.51TalnakhDruken, do you have echo on sip lins?
13:24.19Drukenme? no...
13:24.32Talnakhwhat phones do you use?
13:24.34Drukeni've only ever gotten echo on my shitty zap cards...
13:24.55Drukeni use linksys pap2's and rt31p2's
13:25.19Talnakhi see. anyone using Grandstream here?
13:26.47*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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13:36.10zoaah you have gs101's
13:36.48*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
13:40.22*** join/#asterisk JimmyBonus (n=boo@
13:40.50JimmyBonusgot some trouble here
13:41.06JimmyBonusI am running asterisk on normal phonelines
13:41.13JimmyBonusno VOIP or anything
13:41.31JimmyBonusDigium cards with FXO interfaces
13:41.57JimmyBonustried implementing those examples in the documentation
13:42.15JimmyBonuswhere it should just echo my voice or playback some file
13:42.34JimmyBonusasterisk seems to be responding fairly ok
13:42.46JimmyBonuswell, at least so the logs say
13:42.53JimmyBonusbut I cannot hear anything on the phone
13:43.06JimmyBonusam I allowed to paste something into the channel ?
13:43.59Talnakhi don't know.
13:44.18JimmyBonus-- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/3-1'
13:44.52JimmyBonusI was wondering what this could be: Spawn extension exited non-zero ?
13:45.10zoajust a hangup
13:45.16JimmyBonuswhat's non-zero ?
13:45.43JimmyBonusit's not related anyhow to the non-zero in programming
13:45.45JimmyBonusright ?
13:45.57JimmyBonusas in error ?
13:46.07zoanah its not an error
13:46.27zoajust ignore it
13:46.27JimmyBonusok, but I am still not hearing anything through the phone
13:46.45JimmyBonusit says it is picking up, it is playing back the file and it's hanging up
13:46.50JimmyBonusbut all I get is a busy sinal
13:47.24zoais the signalling ok ?
13:47.35zoahmm probably wont make a difference
13:47.38zoaas it actually picks up
13:47.59JimmyBonusI mean, asterisk recognizes the call and acts upon it
13:48.10JimmyBonusI am just not getting any actual response on the phone
13:48.15JimmyBonusthat's what's confusing me
13:50.03JimmyBonusanybody's got any idea what could be going wrong here ?
13:50.13JimmyBonusI do not need a soundcard for that, do I ?
13:50.22zoanopez you dont
13:50.31*** join/#asterisk Rav1974 (
13:50.32zoamaybe the zaptel card is broken
13:50.35zoawhat card is it ?
13:50.50JimmyBonushmm, I am not sure, as I haven't ordered it myself
13:51.02zoahow does it look ?
13:51.11zoadoes it have daugter cards ?
13:51.14Talnakhzoa, what do you think about these phones ?
13:51.24JimmyBonusan FXO card
13:51.29JimmyBonusthose modules
13:51.41JimmyBonusand it's got 4 phonejack connectors
13:51.50zoaor this ?
13:53.52JimmyBonussecond one
13:54.07JimmyBonusyou can add those FXO/FXS modules to it
13:54.10zoahmm, maybe its just broken
13:54.17zoacontact digium support
13:54.19zoasee if they can help you
13:54.25zoathat card comes with free support
13:54.52JimmyBonusyea, thing is I am not even near some of the dealers or support centers
13:55.03JimmyBonusgotta see what I can do about it
13:55.06zoacontact them through the phone
13:55.19zoaif they think its broken you can probably just mail it to them
13:55.34JimmyBonusyep, guess that's what I'll be doing
13:55.44JimmyBonusthanks a lot
13:58.15JimmyBonussee u around
13:59.40Rav1974In AAH, I installed a digium 1 port PRI card with 1 fxo & 2fxs cards, I can make outgoing calls but for incoming calls, system picks up & allison says "Good bye" and system hangs up.
13:59.47Rav1974where do I need to edit?
14:00.06Rav1974I have CAC 600 channelbank
14:00.59Drukenthat would be your dialplan
14:01.37Rav1974Druken - Thanks
14:06.46Drukenbordem.... god it sucks
14:10.25*** join/#asterisk power1 (
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14:10.37BigJoe1hello everyone
14:11.10power1any1 know what this means when looking at the logs while trying to make a sip call "-- Got SIP response 481 "Call/Transaction Does Not Exist" back from" then "-- Got SIP response 503 "Service Unavailable" back from"
14:15.27Rav1974how do you increase the volume through out the system (it generally seems low)
14:15.50BigJoe1power1, seems that the otherside is not there
14:16.10BigJoe1Rav1974, I only know how to up the volume on zap ports with rxgain and txgains
14:16.31Rav1974BigJoe1: actually thats what I want. thanks
14:18.29BigJoe1sorry misspelled the txgain no s
14:18.46Drukensomeone donate me a single pri interface :)
14:19.03BigJoe1wow donate....
14:19.39Drukenwould go to a good cause, the no longer bored foundation
14:24.26BigJoe1See you all later. It's time go and enjoy a nice day outside.  Weather is nice.
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14:32.24Neter66does anyone have any experience with a mediatrix 2102 registering with asterisk?  I keep getting 403s
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14:43.37power1I am battling to get iax working through a nat firewall, do i just have to forward all port traffic for the iax port to the asterisk server?
14:44.13*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (
14:44.21ManxPowerpower1, yes
14:44.28ManxPowerport 4569
14:45.27file[laptop]total eclipse of the heart.
14:45.35*** join/#asterisk Njumaen (
14:45.57xhelioxAmazing what a little registration does, eh Njumaen?
14:46.04power1ManxPower, thanks ive done that and all i get when maing a call through voipjet is "circuits are busy" message
14:46.06Njumaensure it does ;-)
14:46.23ManxPowerpower1, you don't need to forward any ports for OUTBOUND calls.
14:46.24NjumaenAmazing how fast I reallised the sollution ;-)
14:46.38ManxPowerpower1, paste the Dial line from the CLI
14:47.59power1ManxPower, -- Called 6126.@voipjet/0229726785547    -- Hungup 'IAX2/voipjet-1'
14:48.24power1ManxPower, ive tried it with 011 as the prefix as well, does the same thing.
14:48.27Njumaenso, maybe someone can give me a hint how to check for a free ISDN channel... So that I can play an announcement if there's noch channel available?
14:48.38Qwell[]Njumaen: chanisavail
14:48.45ManxPowerI don't see the DIAL line.
14:49.01ManxPowerpower1, where are you trying to call?
14:49.30ManxPowerIf I was calling the UK via voipjet I would dial 0114412345678
14:49.42power1ManxPower, that number is in israel, but id settle for being able to get through to any number.
14:50.06ManxPowerinternational prefix (011), country code (44), city code (12), number (345678)
14:50.22power1ManxPower, ive tried that format also to UK and the same problem.
14:50.39power1ManxPower, give me a number and ill dial it.
14:50.48ManxPowerI still need to see the DIAL line from the CLI.
14:51.00coppicea UK number would look like 011 44 020 8123 4567
14:51.12ManxPowercoppice, no leading 0
14:51.28ManxPower011 44 20 8123 4567
14:51.43power1ManxPower,  -- Executing Macro("SIP/200-9174", "dialout-trunk|3|0119726785547|") in new stack
14:51.46coppicesorry, you are right
14:52.19Qwell[]power1: That isn't the dial line.
14:52.20ManxPowerpower1, I'm looking for something like:     -- Executing Dial("SIP/000e08eac9d8-a-68f2", "IAX2/btelconsulting@teliax/12516026361") in new stack
14:53.04power1ManxPower, hmm ok let me look
14:53.25coppiceManxPower: but the length 011 44 20 8123 4567 is valid, and what you originally showed is too short
14:53.48ManxPowercoppice, *nod*  I have no idea how long the local part of UK numbers are
14:53.51coppicethat number is a hypothetical london number
14:54.08file[laptop]failling from your love... tell me... why
14:54.14file[laptop]er falling
14:54.40coppicefile: AIDS? :-)
14:54.58power1ManxPower, Qwell[]
14:55.10file[laptop]coppice: ha
14:55.14power1ManxPower, thats entire paste from cli when dialing the number u gave me.
14:56.40ManxPowerpower1, I really can't help you with asterisk@home
14:56.55ManxPowerNow use that same format for your real number
14:57.01power1ManxPower, oh...why not?
14:57.15ManxPoweri.e. 011 + countrycode + citycode (no leading 0) + number
14:57.33ManxPowerpower1, because Asterisk@home has such complicated macros nobody can understand them
14:57.52Qwell[]s/can/cares to/
14:58.07ManxPowerpower1, dial a USA number 12516026361
14:58.26ManxPowerthat should eventually put you in todd Jone's mailbox
14:58.29power1ManxPower, thats what i used.... i dialed exactly as u instructed " 011 44 20 8123 4567 "
14:58.47ManxPowerpower1, coppiece said that is a fake number
14:59.14power1ManxPower, so u want me to dial 011 12516026361  right?
14:59.40ManxPowerpower1, no, USA/CA numbers are not international (for teliax) so you just do 1 + area code + number
14:59.54ManxPower1 + 251 + 6026361
15:00.33power1ManxPower, but my dial pattern for the iax2 trunk says " 011 ." so if i dont dial that it wont try and use the iax trunk will just say disconnected straight away.
15:00.47ManxPowerpower1, Ah.
15:00.49ManxPowernevermind then
15:00.53Qwell[]So add a non international pattern?
15:01.28*** join/#asterisk alephcom (n=Miranda@
15:02.05power1Qwell[], like 055 then 011 44 20 8123 4567  is that what you mean ..change my dial pattern for iax2 to "055"
15:02.24*** join/#asterisk mychi (
15:03.08power1Qwell[], im not doing this to be a pain, i genuinly need some help and im trying to understand.
15:04.44Nuggetdo you think that these guys aren't genuinely trying to help?
15:05.19file[laptop]I gave up trying to help people who use A@H long ago, it's not worth it and it gives too much of a headache
15:05.31ManxPowerfile[laptop], Me too.
15:06.04NuggetWhich end of the handset goes to my ear and which goes to my mouth?
15:06.25Qwell[]Who taught you to use a phone, boy?
15:06.35file[laptop]Nugget: eat your handset!
15:06.51power1ManxPower, care to elaborate on " nevermind then"
15:07.15ManxPowerpower1, if you can't dial USA numbers, then you can't do what I suggested (i.e. dial a usa number)
15:07.17*** join/#asterisk Anthro (n=dkjgserg@pdpc/supporter/active/Anthro)
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15:07.44AnthroIs anyone using Debian as an Asterisk server?
15:08.01xhelioxAnthro: Sure.
15:08.05file[laptop]my development box runs Debian
15:08.11NuggetLinux is Linux as far as asterisk is concerned.
15:08.17Anthrofile[laptop]: Any gotchas I should know about?
15:08.23Nuggetuse whatever makes you happy
15:09.15file[laptop]Anthro: nope
15:09.27xhelioxIs it bad that for months I've been running Asterisk and it wasn't running multithreaded, and I never noticed? :) Or worse, knew it was capable of doing so?
15:09.41xhelioxdidn't know*
15:10.01Anthrofile[laptop]: Good to hear. You wouldn't happen to know what Debian kernel variant a VIA EPIA needs, do you? Is it 686?
15:10.13file[laptop]not a clue.
15:10.38*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
15:10.51gandhijeei think EPIA has its own
15:11.00gandhijeeor you could just compile a 486 kernel
15:11.43gandhijeeuse a i586/MMX kernel
15:12.01*** part/#asterisk fulgas (
15:14.24*** join/#asterisk stoffell (
15:14.48xhelioxhaha, that's a great link. :) justfuckinggoogleit
15:14.58AnthroI am building an Asterisk box with a VIA EPIA in a mini-ITX case with room for a single PCI card. I am, for now, just planning on using it to provide VoIP service (Broadvoice) to my house phone wiring. Is the Digium TDM400P the right choice?
15:15.13Qwell[]Anthro: how many lines/phones?
15:15.16AnthroYeah, justfuckinggoogleit is amusing.
15:15.30AnthroOne line, whatever phones are hooked up to the house wiring.
15:15.34xhelioxMight be a tad insulting. :)
15:15.41stoffellhi all.. what a fun entrance here :p nice link..
15:15.44NuggetIt's designed to be a tad insulting.  :)
15:15.52Qwell[]well, the card could do one line, and up to three seperate extensions/phones
15:16.16NuggetI suggest SIP phones and an SPA-3000 instead of the TDM400P.
15:16.22NuggetIt's really great to be able to avoid zaptel
15:16.43NuggetI wish I'd gone that route
15:17.02AnthroQwell[]: My understanding is that house wiring is a big loop and that I can connect a wire from the card to a wall jack to provide service to all the wall jacks in the house.
15:17.03xhelioxruh oh.
15:17.11AnthroWhat's zaptel?
15:17.15Qwell[]Anthro: perhaps
15:17.29Nuggetzaptel is the driver you need to drive the tdm400p (or any of digium's cards)
15:17.30Qwell[]Anthro: sometimes each phone is pulled directly
15:18.27NjumaenQwell[]: ChanIsAvail does'n work with CAPI channels :-(
15:18.33NuggetSIP phones will provide a much better user interface than using analog phones plugged into an FXS port, and the Sipura as an external device needs no cooperation with your kernel which is a win.
15:18.38AnthroQwell[]: Well, I'm getting someone to come in and add another couple of wall jacks, plus check to make sure they are all on the same network. If they aren't... I guess I'll figure something out. I want six active wall jacks.
15:19.16AnthroNugget: I don't want my wife to have to be aware that it is anything other than a landline.
15:19.19xhelioxWhen using ztdummy, and you do 'zap show status' should ZTDUMMY show as unconfigured?
15:19.28NuggetAnthro: what part of "better" did you miss?
15:20.04AnthroNugget: "Better", unfortunately, often translates to "different"
15:20.10NuggetThat's up to you
15:20.30*** join/#asterisk ms345 (n=mike_sim@
15:20.47AnthroFor now, I prefer dumb analog client phones and a smart server.
15:21.10NuggetYes, but for now you have no idea what you're doing.  :)
15:21.58NuggetWhy did you ask for advice if you didn't want to hear it?
15:22.50iCEBrkroh hell.. there's a memory leak in my CallerID Notification program
15:22.52AnthroOkay, there's something to that. What I want is to start with the closest thing to a landline I can. I may move beyond that as my comfort level increases.
15:23.16jake1932re: "anything other than a landline" - there is going to be some delay in a VOIP call which will make it different
15:23.32Qwell[]jake1932: it'll still be a landline
15:23.50Nuggetrouting calls over the internet is totally screwed, but we're not talking about that.
15:23.54jake1932mabye closer to a cell phone
15:24.05Anthrojake1932: Delay like cellphone delay? Latency between when someone speaks and when the other party hears it?
15:24.06Nuggetwe're talking about using sip phones or using analog phones plugged into one or more FXS ports
15:24.27jake1932Anthro: yes
15:24.29Qwell[]Anthro: That won't apply, since you'll still be using a normal line
15:24.40jake1932it should still apply
15:24.47Qwell[]jake1932: it isn't a voip call...
15:24.47DrukenNugget: i don't think voip is much diffrent then tdm circuits with a huge pbx
15:24.57AnthroNo, I'll be using a SIP service, not a POTS line, for incoming/outgoing calls.
15:25.04jake1932even asterisk itself - adds something
15:25.07Qwell[]Anthro: see, you lied then
15:25.17AnthroQwell[]: I did mention Broadvoice.
15:25.18NuggetDruken: voip over consumer dsl or cable is a lot less reliable than a landline or pri
15:25.24gandhijeeAnthro: you gonna have normal phones hooked up to it
15:25.27Qwell[]So you did
15:25.32Anthrogandhijee: Yes.
15:25.37Njumaenok. thanks for your help. cu
15:25.43Qwell[]I must be tired then. ;]
15:25.44DrukenNugget: agreed
15:25.55Anthrogandhijee: I'm basically looking to start out with the equivalent of an ATA and move on from there.
15:26.03gandhijeeAnthro: you can either get the TDM400 or some ATA's
15:26.17Drukeni'd go with an ata :)
15:26.21NuggetI would too.
15:26.25gandhijeei have the TDM400
15:26.25NuggetI went with a TDM and I regret it
15:26.28gandhijeeits kinda nice
15:26.33gandhijeewhy nugget?
15:26.35DrukenNugget: ditto
15:26.43Nuggetbecause zaptel is crap and has caused me endless troubles
15:26.44Drukeni have a TDM and use 1 port on it...
15:26.47Drukenthe FXO :)
15:26.48jake1932after being there, might consider stating with a SIP phone - just for the echo possibilities
15:27.14Anthrogandhijee: My original plan was to go with an ATA. The problem is that the "unlocked" PAP2 I bought wasn't. O
15:27.17gandhijeeDrunken: maybe you should have bought one of the X100
15:27.26Nuggethaving to get zaptel working also doubles the difficulty of getting things running
15:27.27Qwell[]Anthro: Supposedly the SPA-2002's are good
15:27.41Drukengandhijee: i have 3 of those already...
15:27.51AnthroI'm not looking for a perfect landline, I'm looking for some redundancy to our cellphones.
15:28.21jake1932the echo madness almost turned me off completely
15:28.23AnthroSee, the other problem is that I've already bought the EPIA system. It's en route.
15:28.33Drukengandhijee: i only use the FXO because the FXS on the TDM are shit...
15:28.33Anthrojake1932: What echo?
15:28.50jake1932if you can stay all digital, i'd suggest it
15:29.28DrukenAnthro: what is the model number on your pap2?
15:29.33stoffelljake1932; all digital, as in sip/pbx/isdn (pri/bri) ?
15:29.34Drukendoes it have a -na on the end?
15:29.40AnthroDruken: Hang on it's downstairs.
15:29.59jake1932stoffell: sip/pbx/VOIP provider
15:30.16stoffellok, i c
15:30.20jake1932stoffell: sip/pbx/isdn (pri/bri) is way expensive
15:30.38jake1932but the quality is great :)
15:30.56Qwell[]'re still gonna have to get a good connection to handle 23 SIP calls
15:31.07Qwell[]So, the cost doesn't really go down any...
15:31.09stoffellyeah, just had some echo probs on a bri, explains my interest :-)
15:31.19Drukenunless you handle them all on a local network... hehe
15:31.27jake1932stoffell: using the newest chan_capi?
15:31.47jake1932Qwell[]:  i'm assuming he doesn't need a PRI at home
15:32.07Drukeni wouldn't mind one at my home....
15:32.11stoffelljake1932; no, still stuck with 1.0.9 and latest bristuff, desperately looking for way to upgrade though..
15:32.17AnthroDruken: Just PAP2, no -anything.
15:32.21jake1932stoffell: ulaw land?
15:32.26AnthroDruken: It's locked to Vonage.
15:32.33DrukenAnthro: you lookin at the box or at the deivce?
15:32.41Drukenoh... icky... ok, never mind..
15:32.42stoffelljake1932, i use bristuff with quadbri's from junghanss
15:32.56Drukenvonage... the bell canada of voip....
15:33.11stoffelluhm, ulaw land ??
15:33.17Drukencharge a shitload for crappy service, and no customer service... :)
15:33.42jake1932stoffell: ok - i used an eicon diva server - it worked real well with the newest chan_capi, but BRI here is over $60 a month + per minute usage
15:34.06jake1932stoffell: ulaw land (USA)
15:34.11Drukenshit... a business phoneline here is 50....
15:34.55stoffelljake1932; indeed, expensive.. i'm in europe, bri is all over here
15:35.55jake1932Druken: i'm sure in certain cases it would work, but for home use, I finally found a decent VOIP provider, and reduced my phone costs (business + home) down to $20 a month including 3 toll free numbers
15:37.15AnthroWould the Digium IAXy be a better choice than the TDM400 for me?
15:37.20*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
15:38.04Drukenjake1932: yeah i had like 5 did's and unlimited calling to most of my province for 40 a month...
15:38.44AnthroIt looks like I could get all the benefits of Asterisk, avoid zaptel, and be able to use analog phones.
15:38.47jake1932Druken: using VOIP?
15:39.04Drukenyes of course
15:39.38Drukentechnically i have accounts with 3-4 carriers, so i have most of canada local...
15:39.55jake1932Anthro: i may be in the minority, but I tried a few ATAs and TDM400P.  had some echo problems that never went away.  but, you may have luck with it
15:40.21gandhijeei've heard the IAXy kinda catch fire
15:40.21*** join/#asterisk Astinus (i=iBook@freenode/staff/gentoo.astinus)
15:40.34AnthroCatch fire? Say what?
15:40.35mog_homeno no no
15:40.51mog_homethe older version we had a melted unit
15:40.56mog_homeit was bug with fxs
15:40.59jake1932gandhijee: they can if you strick a match within real close distance
15:41.00mog_homebut they did get warm
15:41.12mog_homethe new ones dont get hot
15:41.20Anthromog_home: Ah, good. Phew.
15:42.23jake1932i can just imagine the listing in the big tracker - rogue call melts unit
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15:57.10ManxPower*grumble*  we need a "cannot be reopened by customer" option for closing tickets in our ticketing system.
15:58.21file[laptop]ooh details!
15:58.39mog_homekill em manx
15:58.43mog_homekillem all
15:58.50file[laptop]except us
15:58.53file[laptop]don't kill us, ever
15:59.15file[laptop]darn I'm dead
16:01.41mog_homethats not true
16:01.44mog_homethats impossible
16:03.27Drukennothing is impossible
16:04.51ManxPowerYou killed file[laptop]!!
16:05.46Drukenit slipped...
16:07.57AnthroYou bastards!
16:08.14zoaall day we are struggling with fax on bri's
16:09.29Drukenfoip is a bitch.. and unreliable...
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16:10.34stoffellzoa; not working at all ?
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16:11.24ManxPowerDruken, Um, FoISDN is not FoIP
16:11.32ManxPowerBRI == ISDN
16:11.40stoffellzoa; using spandsp?
16:12.30Neter66has anyone gotten the AMP to work on an NSLU2?
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16:13.37moralewhats nslu2?
16:14.49Neter66the linux network attached fileserver, runs linux, has an * port for a strong arm processor... but i can't seem to get AMP to work on it
16:14.57Neter66by linksys
16:16.13ManxPowerNeter66, Best of luck with that.
16:16.15*** join/#asterisk Tili (n=Tili@
16:16.21jbotrumour has it, mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
16:17.28DrukenManxPower: i'm awear... but it follows the same guidelines
16:17.58ManxPowerDruken, not really.  ISDN is basically PSTN.
16:20.14file[laptop]Neter66: oh the NSLU2... you know you can desolder some stuff and double the CPU speed?
16:24.22file[laptop]part of the random knowledge I know
16:25.14ManxPowerfile[laptop] is smarter than he looks!
16:35.54iCEBrkrMoving sucks
16:36.38*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr (
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16:37.20ManxPowerIt sure does
16:37.48*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
16:46.25Anthro*sigh* Okay, I've purchased an IAXy. It and my Asterisk box should arrive in less than a week.
16:47.41ManxPowerAnthro, Egads why!?!?
16:48.07ManxPowerThe IAXy doesn't support compressed codecs and I strongly doubt it has a jitterbuffer
16:52.07AnthroManxPower: It's going to connect via my 100M/s LAN to a proper * server. I expect it will be fine/
16:52.22ManxPowerAnthro, as long as you don't want to use it over a WAN link
16:52.28AnthroOh, hell no.
16:53.30AnthroI have a mini-ITX box coming that will be the * server and interact with Broadvoice over the WAN. The IAXy is just going to make my house phone wiring connect to the * server without paying for a TDM400.
16:53.49JerJerok who has the janet jackson video?   :)
16:53.58*** join/#asterisk BladeRunner05 (
16:56.59DrukenJerJer: do i want to know... a janet jackson vid?
16:57.37*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
16:59.28AnthroDruken: She was caught on video by paparazzi sunbathing nude.
16:59.53IronHelixyou were looking for me like a week ago?
17:00.58AnthroIronHelix: Yeah. I was signing up for Broadvoice and I was going to put you as a referrer, if it got you any benefit, since you recommended it to me.
17:01.31IronHelixoh cool, i dont use bv anymore though, it was for a project that since ended
17:02.31AnthroAh. Well, I signed up on their $5.95/month plan. Unfortunately, I did so before I realized that the PAP2 I'd purchased was locked, so I'm going to have to change the MAC address and such I'm using.
17:03.30IronHelixdid you buy the pap from them?  if they locked it, call them and you can probably get the passwords
17:04.26AnthroIronHelix: Nope, I bought it from an Amazon Marketplace guy. I got in touch with him and he's trying to figure out how to unlock it, but I just bit the bullet and bought hardware for an Asterisk server.
17:05.05Drukengood luck unlocking a vonage pap2
17:05.21IronHelixthere was a procedure for it on the wiki
17:05.24IronHelixdunno if it still works
17:05.34IronHelixsome guy figured how to flash a pap2 with spa2000 code
17:05.54IronHelixwhich screws it up but nukes the nvram, then you use another hack to flash it back to pap2-na code
17:05.59AnthroThe discussions I've seen all end with "it looks like the new ones won't flash with unsigned firmware"
17:06.01IronHelixand you have a totally blank pap
17:06.16gandhijeeANthro: what about buying an IP phone?
17:06.49Anthrogandhijee: I may do that in the future. For now, I want to learn about Asterisk and I want to use my house phone wiring.
17:07.03Drukenhe already purchased an ata
17:07.07JerJerThe requested URL /q="janet+jackson"+sunbathing+torrent was not found on this server.
17:07.22gandhijeei know, but if he can't unlock the thing....
17:07.38gandhijeea cheap IP phone off eBay wouldnt be a bad idea.
17:07.39IronHelixtry an iaxy, they are a bit more $/port but they're fun to play with and they dont suck
17:07.57IronHelixalso, try a grandstream bt101, its a good phone to 'cut your teeth on'
17:07.59AnthroJerJer: Just google for "janet jackson" sunbathing torrent. The first link gets it.
17:08.02gandhijeeor you could just get an IP phone that supports IAX
17:08.21AnthroIronHelix: In fact, I just bought an IAXy to go with the mini-ITX hardware.
17:08.32gandhijeei've had pretty good luck with the phones from yntx
17:08.39gandhijeefairly cheap too
17:08.46Anthrogandhijee: And I may. Eventually. But for now I want to use house wiring and analog phones.
17:08.50gandhijeeand they support IAX
17:09.00IronHelixyeah, but they spam the wiki...
17:09.15gandhijeethats a recent thing apparently
17:09.24gandhijeeand they are chinese, not an excuse
17:09.33gandhijeebut they are slightly off on netiqutte
17:09.53AnthroThe Digium site seems to indicate that you have to use a 2.4 kernel with the zaptel driver. Does it not work with 2.6?
17:10.23gandhijee1.0.9 should work with 2.6
17:10.42gandhijeei couldn't get it to load on my slackware box w/ a 2.6 kernel though
17:11.46AnthroWhat was that asterisk configuration web frontend called again? Not the Linux distribution, just the web frontend part.
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17:12.47Drukeni use a 2.6 with zaptel
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17:19.11phrog123Anybody knows why my TDM400+ answers as a modem once every two calls despite the context telling it to wait 30 seconds
17:20.21IronHelixanthro- amp, the asterisk management portal
17:20.29IronHelixsee also FOP, the flash operator panel
17:21.14JerJer  iaxphone plugin
17:23.52Drukenphrog123: your tdm answers as a modem ?
17:24.28BladeRunner05who is experienced installing eicon diva server card on 2.6 kernel (debian) ?
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17:28.28phrog123Anybody knows why my TDM400+ answers as a modem once every two calls despite the context telling it to wait 30 seconds
17:28.43Drukenwhat do you mean by answers like a modem ?
17:28.44moralephrog123: are you hanging up the line?
17:29.56phrog123I presume so, this is after a fresh reboot of asterisk
17:30.15moralewhat does your incoming dialplan look like?
17:30.15phrog123occured with XP100, now occurs withTM400P
17:31.07phrog123context=from-pstn in zapata-channels.conf (included from zapata.conf), then S,1,Wait(30) on ZAP/1
17:31.47Drukenuhg,... asterisk at home... right?
17:32.13Drukenor is that an AMP install ?
17:32.36phrog123no, xorcom, plays a sinus tone (like a modem) - its not even supposed to pick up the line!
17:32.50phrog123it picks up the line and plays this sinus tone
17:33.15phrog123normally, if it did pick up the line after actually being instructed to do so, it would then go into IVR
17:33.18Drukeni'd be watching the CLI to see exactly what asterisk is doing
17:33.35moralei guess i should install amp.. everyone seems to rave about it.
17:33.46Drukenmorale: i don't like it :)
17:34.22moralei have all of my webpages setup as vhosts, this is going to be a pain in the ass
17:34.44Anthroamp doesn't use its own port?
17:35.05moraleit is not its own webserver no.
17:35.05Drukenmorale: just setup a vhost for amp...
17:38.03phrog123is there any way to debug the events that occur on a zap channel like with sip?
17:38.30phrog123I'm more and more leaning on getting an external FXO gateway...
17:38.57moraleoh this is no good.. amp uses mysql as a database backend.. i have already setup postgresql to do everything
17:39.48Anthroamp wants MySQL? Bleah.
17:43.26harryvvyes it does Anthro
17:44.51AnthroMySQL's basic design philosophy offends me. "Do it fast, we'll get around to correctness later."
17:45.58moraleAny society that would give up a litte liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.
17:46.32AnthroThat's a poor paraphrase of the Ben Franklin quote, and irrelevant besides.
17:46.52moraleit seemed like the time.
17:51.38NetgeeksMySQL is a tool, the authors took it one design philosophy where other competitors took another
17:52.37harryvvcan anyone provide a voip carrier that will provide DID's either in canada and the USA? if its the Us then thats fine. Im a little fed up with and there lackadisacle responce in taking care of my did trouble ticket.
17:53.10IronHelixkinda sad how answering the phone is the exception rather than the norm these days
17:53.19harryvvno kidding
17:53.23harryvvthay never have
17:53.50tzangerharryvv: unlimitel ofr canada
17:53.52tzangernot sure ofr uS
17:53.52harryvvThay probebly lack social skills or just dont care. There sip service works fine.
17:53.54tzangerer for US
17:54.03harryvvtzanger are thay a wholsaler?
17:54.06IronHelixi mean like the whole industry
17:54.09IronHelixthe world even
17:54.12tzangerunlimitel is 1.1c/min for on-net (termination to pops they have) and more over that
17:54.15IronHelixcustomer service is a luxury
17:54.21tzangerharryvv: dunno, they just work though :-)
17:54.24IronHelixmost of it is outsourced to india as an afterthought
17:54.31Netgeeks'they' are probably a young kid running the system out of thier parents basement....  maybe they are watching cartoons right now
17:55.24IronHelixanother annoying thing with voip
17:55.32IronHelixresellers reselling resellers reselling resellers
17:55.44niZonharryvv: add the sixtel guy on MSN
17:55.52niZonhe is usually there
17:56.02niZonso you can harass him and get him to fix stuff :P
17:56.32harryvvI would like to start my own service but the problem is funding.
17:56.46harryvvAnd the thought that it will generate a negative cash flow.
17:56.49niZonsmall buisness loan
17:56.54moraleharryvv: gov't grants.
17:57.00niZonor those
17:57.00Anthroharryvv: Set up a nonprofit.
17:57.01tzangersixtel blows goats
17:57.06harryvvyea I have heard about them.
17:57.12tzangersixtel is is some other name too, stay far, far, far away
17:57.28harryvvtzanger, thay have changes as far as reliability is concerned.
17:57.36*** join/#asterisk Romik (
17:57.37niZonI haven't had problems with sixtel anymore
17:57.39harryvvthay have updated there equipment.
17:57.46niZonDIDs are activated quickly now
17:57.48harryvvso no more dropped calls.
17:57.50niZonI can bug them on MSN
17:58.32harryvvnizon, well why did sixtel give me a did that is somone else cell phone account? and its been over a week this trouble ticket has been in there que?
17:59.01niZonsomeone else's cell phone account?
17:59.08niZonI don't see how that is possible...
17:59.27harryvvI went to call the local number thay gave me and it was some one else cell account.
17:59.28*** join/#asterisk Brijn (
17:59.29niZonunless the number was reassigned from a recently de-activated cell phone
17:59.35harryvvthere cell was off at the time.
17:59.44niZonoh, now thats interesting
18:00.02niZondunno, they request numbers from their carrier
18:00.32tzangerharryvv: I don't give a shit about's reliability.  Their business practices are what I dislike. seems thay made the changes now.
18:00.35BrijnHello all, just reinstalled my system.. Did NOT install AMP this time, and are now manually doing the config.. Getting there. But some questions
18:00.55harryvvtzanger you mean not being able to talk to somone
18:01.04BrijnI have an SIP FWD account configured as described at voip-info. Dial works OK, but as soon as it's answerered I get
18:01.14Brijn-- Attempting native bridge of SIP/300-8de6 and SIP/fwd-outgoing-ec84
18:01.34BrijnAnd it's silent, any ideas?
18:01.52niZonforward the RTP ports in your firewall
18:01.57niZonor use IAX
18:02.07BrijnGateway == * server
18:02.14niZonoh, ok
18:02.19niZonuse iax :P
18:02.33BrijnIAX @ FWD is acting funny, gw goes down regularly
18:02.44BrijnOr at least that is what * tells me :)
18:03.58tzangerharryvv: no, I mean "why did my DIDs get resold to someone else?"  "why did it take 3 months to get a DID?"  "Why can I not get a response on MSN unless I mention something about giving you money?"
18:04.33BrijnOne thign I wonder, in sip.conf I have register => 636006:<pwd>
18:05.02BrijnThe 300 is my shiny new Soundpoint 501.. Do I need the /300
18:05.19harryvvtzanger that sucks.
18:05.37tzangeras I said, I avoid sixtel
18:08.21BrijnHa, canreinvite=no fixed it
18:09.27*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
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18:14.57BrijnAnother Q, if I don't have anthing in my dialplan for an ext I try to dial, I don't see any errors on the console.. How can I get those?
18:15.27tzangerBrijn: add a 'i,1,Congestion' extension or something
18:17.28Brijntzanger, soemthing like [incoming]
18:17.28Brijninclude => fwd-in
18:17.28Brijnexten => 300,1,Macro(stdexten,300,SIP/300)
18:17.28Brijnexten => i,1,Congestion
18:19.34tzangerbut why not do this
18:19.44tzangerexten => 300,1,Macro(stdexten,${EXTEN},SIP/${EXTEN})
18:19.52*** join/#asterisk Qwell[] (
18:19.54tzangernow that line is copy-and-pasteable and all you change is the 300
18:20.34tzangeror something like exten => i,1,Wait(1), i,2,Playback(invalid-exten), i,3,Wait(30), i,4,Congestion
18:20.42IronHelixor you can even do exten => _3XX for tzan's and it will match anything that starts with 3
18:20.46tzangerand record an invalid-extension voice prompt
18:20.59tzangerIronHelix: yes, but I don't know if he actually has 100 extensions there
18:21.08IronHelixprolly not
18:21.09tzangerhe wanted something that would act on invalid extensions :-)
18:21.16tzangerthat's why I didn't wildcard it
18:21.19IronHelixahh nm then
18:22.02BrijnNah, just two :-)
18:22.14BrijnWhen does the i, trigger?
18:22.29tzangerBrijn: when anyone dials an extension that matches nothing in that context
18:22.40tzangeri.e. if 300 and i were the only things there and someone dialed 301, i would execute
18:23.12BrijnBut is there a way to get debug info even f you have nothing defined? The other problem is that I have aproblem getting calls FROM my SIP provider.. If there is a config problem, i would liek tos ee it on the console
18:23.28BrijnI noticed that without an correct extentsion the consoel shows nothing
18:23.40BrijnLet me try the i,
18:25.22BrijnIs it "smart" to place those four i, lines in a context and include that in all the other contexts?
18:25.38Qwell[]okay, mantis is pissing me off...
18:25.47Qwell[]When not logged in, I start seeing random ass filters
18:25.53tzangerBrijn: now you're getting it
18:26.00tzangerI have dozens of little contexts
18:26.05tzangerand include them ot build up bigger contexts
18:26.28tzangerand include the bigger contexts to make what I call my 'trusted' context - -the context where anyone I trust can call anywhere, including 911 and international
18:29.34BrijnHmmm, in sip.conf i have [300] for my polycom, with context=local
18:29.52*** join/#asterisk SuidBit (
18:30.45BrijnIn extensions.conf i have [local] with include => no-extension, further down I have [no-extension] with the 4 i, commands
18:31.07BrijnIf I dial 303 (doesn'te xist) I don't see anything happening (did a reload)
18:32.32SuidBitPlease, can anyone point me where to download asterisk-sounds in pt_BR or other languages? Thank you...
18:32.53Qwell[]SuidBit: You could record them
18:34.30SuidBitQwell[], that's a good idea too, can you point me a goot tool to do that?
18:34.48Qwell[]SuidBit: Asterisk
18:35.54SuidBitQwell[], ok, but any documents about how to do exactly that ? (record gsm sound files)
18:36.08Qwell[]dunno, app_record?
18:38.16SuidBitI'll research about it
18:38.18SuidBitthank you
18:40.01alephcomSuidBit: what os are you using?  I use wavepad for my recordings.
18:40.18alephcomActually, I hire Allison but for those I do myself I use wavepad
18:40.35Qwell[]Allison can't exactly do pt though...
18:40.58alephcomI know. :-)  I was just clarifying myself.
18:42.23SuidBitalephcom, Linux
18:42.48SuidBitalephcom, did success recording your own messages with wavepad?
18:44.28alephcomIt runs on windows so....
18:44.46*** join/#asterisk kiwnix (n=egarcia@
18:45.16alephcomI did have good luck with it though...  I would have used it more except that it really annoys me to hear my voice being played back to me.
18:46.42SuidBithehe I'll hire someone with a beatiful voice :)
18:47.41alephcomI found it much easier to do it in windows with a gui than to do it manually using the dialplan but that is only my opinion.
18:49.07SuidBitI'll try to record the gsm sounds using wavepad and organize 'em using diaplan
18:50.13SuidBitI'll go to windows now... brb... Thank you alephcom!
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18:56.24doctor_za_ljubavhello all
18:56.27doctor_za_ljubavwhats up
18:56.59doctor_za_ljubavcan someone help me with ringtone problem please
19:00.36*** join/#asterisk konfuzed (
19:02.05doctor_za_ljubavcan someone help me with ringtone silence problem please
19:05.56IronHelixi will try
19:05.57IronHelixwhaqts up
19:06.40BrijnHmmmm, I don't get this i, extension to work... Included it in my local contexts and dial and extension that is non existing, but nothing happens?
19:07.26BrijnIs there no way to get debug output on the console for non-existing extensions?
19:07.36*** join/#asterisk Pegger (i=pegasus@
19:08.27Peggeris it possible to creat a confrence with a non linux machine?
19:08.33Peggereg a netbsd machine
19:08.44*** join/#asterisk alephcom (n=Miranda@
19:09.45Peggerhello alephcom
19:09.58alephcomgreetings.  My sorry connection keeps dropping out on me.
19:11.21Igbothomanyone would think you are a Telstra subscriber!
19:14.45zoaanybody here with hylafax and bri ?
19:23.19BrijnGrrr, I thought I understoood it :( Can you see how a call walks thru the extentions
19:24.50BrijnWhat is wrng with this?
19:24.50Brijn; If no extension is found, tell them
19:24.51Brijnexten => i,1,Wait(1)
19:24.51Brijnexten => i,2,Playback(invalid-exten)
19:24.51Brijnexten => i,3,Wait(30)
19:24.53Brijnexten => i,4,Congestion
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19:25.36Qwell[]does anything include the context no-extension?
19:25.36BrijnI included this in the [local] context that i defined in the sip.conf for the phone i'm testing from
19:26.09BrijnS0106004063c0fa1f*CLI> show dialplan local
19:26.09Brijn[ Context 'local' created by 'pbx_config' ]
19:26.19jbotit has been said that pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
19:26.27TommyTheKidsip.conf(.sample) has conflicting information .. the example [sip_proxy] that says "for incoming calls only" is defined as type=peer .. should that not be type=user?
19:26.37Qwell[]lightspeed?  isn't that...
19:26.50BrijnVancouver based
19:26.58BrijnAnd shitty in support
19:28.34BrijnI don't think their are routing my incoming calls to me, but since i'm not to confident with * uet, i'm not 100% sure
19:29.24TommyTheKidessentially, I am trying to allow a handful of "other groups" in my company to relay sip calls to me (as a backup when their gateway goes down) .. I am quite sure thats type=user, but the sample shows type=peer.. so yea which is it :)
19:29.25BrijnAnd I noticed I don't see anything on the console if I dial 333, an unknown extension in the context of the phone
19:30.16TommyTheKidBrijn: I noticed that too... add an exten => i,1,Noop(someone dialed ${EXTEN})
19:30.51*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
19:31.26file[laptop]TommyTheKid: user is used when username/password authentication occurs, most companies don't do that
19:31.43file[laptop]TommyTheKid: peer is used when matching based on IP address, that's what most companies use
19:32.05Qwell[]and when would friend be used on sip?
19:32.15TommyTheKidyou have to admit, it does *not* say that in either the Asterisk+sip+type or in the example.. but it makes sense
19:32.29TommyTheKid.. well it sorta says that under the "matching"
19:32.33moralehas anyone done any perl scripting with the Asterisk::AGI module?
19:33.31TommyTheKidthe "old" gateway was just wide open.. its interesting to see all the random folks connecting thru our gateway now that * is installed :)
19:33.55BrijnTommyTheKid: Weird, I still don't see anything.. I must be overlooking something simple :((
19:34.33TommyTheKidBrijn: ok .. exten => _.,1,Noop(blah someone called ${EXTEN} )
19:34.42Qwell[]Brijn: You don't see anything on the CLI at all?
19:34.46TommyTheKidthats actually what I have, but extension reload bitches about it every time
19:35.01BrijnNothing!! hat is what suprises me setverbose 30
19:35.08Qwell[]Brijn: Then the phone dialplan is wonky
19:35.56BrijnAh, a "corrupt" dialplan will cause that?
19:36.16BrijnBut many other things are working, it's not the it would complete fail then?
19:36.19Qwell[]corrupt, no...just wrong
19:36.23TommyTheKidBrijn: I have a "debug" context that I can stick a user it, and it just has the _.,1,Noop(${CALLERID} called ${EXTEN})
19:36.33*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
19:36.36TommyTheKidand _.,2,hangup
19:36.55BrijnAnd you ssign the phone in SIP.conf to the debug context?
19:37.21BrijnLet me create a minimal extensions.conf
19:37.27TommyTheKidI have to be careful putting stuff in the primary dial plan as I am playing with my production server :D
19:38.47TommyTheKidfile[laptop]: if I were to modify the wording of the sample config, who would I send the patch to (if I get motivated that is)
19:39.18MRH2are there known issues with current cvs
19:39.45MRH2just updated and all has gone to hell lol
19:40.32alephcomTommyTheKid: You would probably have to post it on
19:41.08*** join/#asterisk hellop (
19:41.10TommyTheKidMRH2: same here :)
19:41.26MRH2for example agentcallbacklogin(|$Calleridnum@local}  kills it with 99% cpu usage
19:41.31TommyTheKidIt was "ok" a couple days ago before all the "doxygen" stuff.. something happened after that
19:41.54TommyTheKidoh, we get compile errors (at least yesterday afternoon we did)
19:42.12*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
19:42.36MRH2ok i'll try rolling it back to b4 the doxygen updates
19:42.51MRH2also segfaults galore
19:43.35*** join/#asterisk zeedo (n=zeedo@
19:43.35TommyTheKidI think tuesday or wednesday it compiled and at least worked for me .. but then I dont use about 99% of the functionality :)
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19:46.11BrijnHmmmmm, I created a debug context added your line.. Works as expected, I change the _. into i and it does nothing???
19:46.36BrijnAsterisk CVS-v1-0-10/28/05-00:13:25
19:46.42TommyTheKidBrijn: _. wholesale matches ANYTHING..
19:46.47BrijnI know
19:47.00TommyTheKidI think "i" should match invalid (meaning undefined) too ?
19:48.08TommyTheKidI agree
19:48.33TommyTheKidbut then, I have been running ast for like almost a week now, so I am not probably a good person to have on your side :D
19:48.43BrijnHmmmmm, it doesn't ;)
19:48.46Brijn3 days here ;)
19:48.53BrijnBut it's amazing technology
19:49.33TommyTheKidthe "magic smoke" escaped from our other gateway so suddenly it became top priority to make the PRI card work in the linux box (something that was entirely too easy, not sure what my co-worker was doing wrong)
19:50.20TommyTheKidonly thing he was missing was the modprobe (or make config)
19:50.36BrijnI know just use _. in the context to see what is happening :)
19:50.40TommyTheKidanyhow, yea, better have an "expert" explain how "i" is supposed to match
19:50.56BrijnAny experts, that care to kick in?
19:50.56TommyTheKidit may only match after the line is answered and the user is asked to enter something
19:51.14BrijnSound logical
19:51.44BrijnAnother Q: Incoming sip calls are placed in the context defined under global?
19:51.45TommyTheKidofcourse we could "use the source" to figure it out.. but it is always easier to ask someone who knows :)
19:51.47hellopit's the invalid context.. when you dial an extension that doesn't exist.
19:52.29BrijnI don't get it to work.. Even in e very minimal test, _. dumps the output I would like to see, change _. to i and it doesn't work
19:52.41TommyTheKidBrijn: you need to specify a context=from-sip (or whatever) on your sip friend (phone) entry or sip peer entry (gateway such as SER)
19:52.49BrijnThis is for an empty context, so any dial nr should trigger i, ?
19:52.55*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
19:53.29BrijnHow does * now in what context calls from my sip provider go, bu the host= entry?
19:53.48TommyTheKidBrijn: and something that was busting my balls was I put, which was fine for outbound, but their reverse DNS was different.. so I changed it to IP and it was fine
19:55.13TommyTheKidoh man.. copy and paste is not behaving well today
19:55.23BrijnQwell: how many lines can you paste without making ppl unhappy? ;-)
19:55.39*** join/#asterisk digime2 (
19:55.45TommyTheKidbut pastebin works well too
19:55.54digime2Ironhelix, see chat
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19:56.36BrijnWould that do what I expect, dump all Lighspeed incoming calls in that context?
19:57.04TommyTheKidwell if the calls come "from"
19:57.25TommyTheKidnslookup the name
19:57.28TommyTheKidthen nslookup the IP
19:57.43TommyTheKidsee if its the same :)
19:57.59BrijnI think they only have one gw, the changes that they change the box (and thus the IP) are bigger then that they have a faulty reverse name lookup
19:58.58BrijnNo PTR records at all :-)
19:59.03BrijnLet me use the IP :)
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20:03.05MRH2yep Tommy asterisk from 25.10 seems ok
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20:03.50TommyTheKidthat was my experience too.. I doubt the doxygen stuff messed it up (as they should be just comments?) but something either in that time frame or right after hosed up stuff
20:05.21TommyTheKidthen it can be uh moved? to the next cvs version as necessary
20:05.53Drukenhead is developement.... it may not work... get used to it...
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20:20.36BrijnQuestion: Are macro entries globally available?
20:21.05alephcomIs there anyone here who has experience with the MaxTNT boxes and asterisk?  I'm looking for somebody who may be able to do a bit of consulting for a customer of mine.
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20:28.06BrijnWhat is the t, extension?
20:28.45BrijnAh :)
20:29.40TommyTheKidalephcom: will work?
20:32.14*** part/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
20:32.24BrijnHmpfff, app_dial.c:764 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'IAX2'
20:32.48Brijniax2 show registry shows my IAX connection as registered???
20:32.57zoabrijn its not registered
20:33.02zoashow registry is for the other direction
20:33.09zoado show peers to see if its registered
20:33.26alephcomTommyTheKid:  I would think so.  I'll read over it any maybe post a comment.
20:33.37Brijn62.177.191.186:4569   bas_gean          60  Registered
20:33.47BrijnJORIS_LEINE      (Unspecified)   (D)  0         Unmonitored
20:34.01Brijnfirst is regisry, second is peers
20:34.02alephcomTommyTheKid:  I don't know if they'll take it without a disclaimer or not....
20:34.46zoathey would take it
20:34.46file[laptop]Brijn: registration has nothing to do with placing calls to another place, registration tells the other place "hey - if you need to send me a call, here I am!"
20:35.16BrijnAhhhh, OK
20:35.28BrijnI guessed it would be two way
20:36.07moraleit is possible to store all configuration settings in a postgresql database with asterisk correct?
20:36.24zoamost of the config settings yes
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20:38.24BrijnAre underscore allowed in a userid, the username is bas_gean, iax2 show peers shows: JORIS_LEINE/bas
20:38.30BrijnBut it might just be a cut off string
20:41.15Romikanybody can advice what to do with this message: Oct 29 22:34:34 NOTICE[3264]: chan_zap.c:7928 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 3
20:44.13zoayeah look on mantis for handling hdlc in hardware on the cards
20:44.18zoathat should get rid of it
20:44.32zoaand while you are at it, patch mantis as it just appeared on bugtraq
21:03.37*** join/#asterisk philm (
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21:07.44BrijnI included the standard echo test/voicemail in my build-from-scratch extensions.conf.. I can dial the 500 (forward to Digium) without a problem, but 600 (echo etst)  says     -- Executing NoOp("SIP/300-dd2f", "Fam Rijniersce <300> called 8500") in new stack
21:07.48Neter66has anyone been able to get a mediatrix 2102 to register with * ?
21:07.56Brijnwhat is this s|6
21:08.26*** join/#asterisk hatems (n=shelhate@
21:08.28Qwell[]Brijn: exten => s,6
21:08.31hatemshi all
21:09.17Qwell[]Neter66: checked the wiki?
21:09.54*** join/#asterisk Ringwraith` (n=gollum@tor/session/x-d032fdf8c5ab7c80)
21:10.02BrijnQwell: In the default extensions file it has ext 600 for echo test, at the end it says Goto(s,6).. Why isn't that 600?
21:10.15Qwell[]Brijn: because it wants s,6
21:10.19Neter66ya, there is some stuff about 110x series (it doesn't do a register when connecting) but i can't find anything on the 2102
21:10.40BrijnQwell: Maybe I completely misunderstood, what does s,6 do?
21:10.44Qwell[]Neter66: well, if you get it working, make sure to put something on the wiki
21:10.50Qwell[]Brijn: Whatever you tell it to do...
21:11.11Qwell[]and, why would 600 call 8500?
21:11.20Ringwraith`Hey guys, I have an asterisk machine behind a normal nat (ive setup some port forwarding just incase) and i use broadvoice, however i can make outgoing calls but i cannot dial my number  as it says i am busy (not asterisk) any ideas?
21:11.45BrijnQwell: My mistake, used the output from the voicemail call, adn was talking about echo test.. Sorry
21:12.19BrijnBut what does s,6 doe, what would s,5 do.. In the comment it says, start over.. But where is defined that s,6 = start over?
21:12.30Qwell[]in your dialplan
21:13.01BrijnI did a grep for exten => 6, and that didn't return anything.. What should ik look for
21:13.04Qwell[]Ringwraith`: the calls probably aren't hitting *.   Make sure you're forwarding the right ports (udp)
21:13.14Qwell[]<Qwell> Brijn: because it wants s,6
21:13.15*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
21:13.23Qwell[]Brijn: exten => s,6
21:14.02Ringwraith`Qwell[],  i even port forwarded ALL my ports using an option in the router to the asterisk box, and it still said that...
21:14.08BrijnAhhh : exten => s,6,BackGround(demo-instruct)  ; Play some instructions
21:14.20Qwell[]Ringwraith`: Turn on sip debug, and try a tcpdump
21:14.24DrukenRingwraith`: have you registered to BV ?
21:14.47Ringwraith`yes, i am able to use kphone through asterisk to make outgoing calls
21:15.01Drukenoutgoing doesn't need registration
21:15.05Drukenincoming does
21:15.07moraledoes anyone here use asterisk management portal? i thought it is supposed to work with the databases only.. not touch my /etc/asterisk directory.
21:15.18Drukenhow else is BV to know where the hell you are?
21:15.20Qwell[]morale: no, it fucks everything up...thats what it does. :)
21:16.03Drukenwell put Qwell[]
21:16.42DrukenAMP is for the dumb lazy fuck who can't config asterisk manually
21:16.45Ringwraith`the webmin of asterisks ;p
21:16.55BrijnQwell: I rebuild my server to get rid of all the AMP garbage.. Now it's far more confusing at first, but hopefully get it to do exactly what you want (an ex AMP user_
21:17.20Qwell[]dialplans are FAR more easier without amp
21:17.30moraleim going to rebuild my asterisk server sometime this weekend now i know how it all works finally.. heh
21:17.35Qwell[]more easier...hmm
21:17.38*** join/#asterisk colinm_ (n=colol@VDSL-130-13-9-157.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
21:17.57BrijnI started from scratch, run into a zillion problems as well.. But in a few days I at least understand what everything does :)
21:18.05fugitivoanyone using cvs stable for a production system?
21:18.47DrukenQwell[]: my dialplan could not even be close to what it is, if i were to use AMP
21:18.57Drukenway too much LOGIC in my dialplan
21:19.13Ringwraith`Okay sip debug shows the incoming call then it says destroying call
21:19.15BrijnIn my standard context I have include => cool-stuff. The contaxt has exten => 8500,1,VoicemailMain
21:19.20moralei gotta work on my dialplan so everything works with eachother and doesn't overlap.
21:19.36Qwell[]Ringwraith`: Why is it destroying it?
21:19.52BrijnDoes VoicemailMan need anything else in the dialplain
21:19.53fugitivocvs stable?
21:19.56Ringwraith`it does not say
21:20.00Ringwraith`i might have extensions.conf fucked up somehow
21:20.04Qwell[]Brijn: Do you want it to do anything else?
21:20.33BrijnNope, jsy give me the voicemail prompt :)
21:20.37Qwell[]Then no
21:21.20BrijnHmmm,   == Spawn extension (local, h, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/300-15b7'
21:21.42BrijnThis worked OK when I had the default dialplan :)
21:21.53Qwell[]so fix it...
21:22.01Qwell[]Let me guess, you have 8500,1 more than once?
21:23.00Qwell[]Druken: I've got my own, thanks
21:23.44Drukeni'm sure it's been used a fair bit too
21:24.01Qwell[]You have no idea.
21:25.02Qwell[]exten => _.,1,Noop(${CALLERID} called ${EXTEN})
21:25.08BrijnThat's my complete extensions.conf, any feedback from the experts is welcome.. I'm trying to start from scratch with a dialplan so that I understand it all
21:25.14Qwell[]NEVER EVER USE _.
21:25.29*** join/#asterisk E|nyPRI_ (
21:25.49Qwell[]So, like I have something that matches 8500,1 twice
21:25.50BrijnWell, if I don't get any output when a non-existent ext is called. This is nice way to catch it ;-)
21:25.57Qwell[]hello, i?
21:26.24BrijnSearch in the text only shows one 8500??
21:26.28BrijnWhat other matches then?
21:26.31Drukeni == invalid h == hangup t == timedout
21:26.32Qwell[]_. matches EVERYTHING
21:26.34E|nyPRI_anyone know if there's a gnugk channel forhelp?
21:26.46E|nyPRI_or any gnugk knowledge here? msg me
21:26.49Neter66when registering the Mediatrix, i always get a SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden
21:26.50Neter66Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK685550885
21:26.53*** join/#asterisk CoffeeIV (
21:26.54Qwell[]_. matches i, h, t, 2348789, die, blowme, sdasdklk, 424124, and 8500
21:27.12BrijnAnd Noop stops processing?
21:27.12DrukenNeter66: check your secret
21:27.12Qwell[]Anything you throw at it, will be matched
21:27.22TommyTheKidNoop is  no operation
21:27.26Neter66i've check the passwords, checked the peer configuration, and still it keeps throwing 403
21:27.27BrijnThe whole idea was to see ALWAYS what was called
21:27.46DrukenNeter66: insecure=very ?
21:28.00Brijndoes processing stop after this Noop? I guess it would just do th print on the console and continue?
21:28.29DrukenBrijn: you want to watch the pbx?? install FOP :)
21:28.46BrijnI like a CLI :)
21:28.50zoaand fax
21:29.07zoaalso, sdasdklkk
21:29.09DrukenBrijn: i like FOP :)
21:29.11zoai forgot that one
21:29.16Qwell[]zoa: good point
21:29.28BrijnWhen everything is working I will :-)
21:29.35Brijnfirst udnerstand why and how it works
21:29.38TommyTheKidBrijn: did we figure out why i wasnt matching?
21:29.42zoawe should have that added to the documentation
21:29.53Qwell[]zoa: To never use _.?
21:30.00BrijnNo, i'm an asshat for using the _. to match all :-)
21:30.14zoano thats already added
21:30.28NuggetI use _. for my sip uri dialing hack.
21:30.29zoabut we could add that _. also matches sdasdklkk
21:30.31TommyTheKidoh you do have to comment the _. if you expect i to match :))
21:30.34Nuggetit can be done safely
21:31.04BrijnBut Qwell, if I remove the _. and leave just the i, it doesn't show anything on the console when i dial 33423423452345245 or any other ext that doesn't exist
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21:31.28BrijnOK, so the first match stops processing?
21:31.53digimehow can I show what clients are registered?
21:31.54Qwell[]but if you have two things that match on priority 1...only one will run
21:31.56NuggetI also use a _. as step one for everything, for logging via noop
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21:32.11Qwell[]Nugget: But at least you know to use priority 2 ;]
21:32.17Nuggetright  :)
21:32.47Neter66with insecure=very enabled, i get    -- Got SIP response 481 "Subscription does not exist" back from
21:32.48BrijnHeee, it's day 3 of using * ;-)
21:33.20Qwell[]wait, wait,
21:33.29Qwell[]Whats with your default context?
21:33.37Qwell[]You hangup the call explicitly on EVERY call?
21:33.55Brijnyes :-)
21:34.11BrijnI don't expect any incoming calls that go into default
21:34.19BrijnThis was just for some testing
21:34.20Qwell[]no wonder nothing AT ALL works...
21:34.31Brijnchanged now :-)
21:34.46BrijnChanegd to i,
21:34.57NuggetBrijn: look how I do my incoming contexts (with noop logging).  sounds like you might want to do something similar.
21:35.18Qwell[]gonna confuse the poor boy, heh
21:35.20Nuggeter, extensions.conf, rather.  :)
21:35.29Nugget[vpcontext] for example
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21:36.25BrijnNugget: Thanx, I learn by example, so these are useful!
21:37.09Qwell[]Nugget: How do you lookup cidname?
21:37.24Nuggetdbput and dbget with the built in lookupcidname app
21:37.38NuggetI populate it with my OS X address book
21:38.49BrijnHmm, doesn't "make install" place sound/* in the right place/
21:39.06moraleare VoIP providers actually context sensitive?
21:39.07Qwell[]Brijn: it should, yes
21:40.09BrijnHmm, installed asterisk fine, but i noticed the echo-test.gsm is only in /usr/src/asterisk
21:41.32*** join/#asterisk Astinus (i=iBook@freenode/staff/gentoo.astinus)
21:42.19Ringwraith`grr :( this is irritating me
21:43.46CoffeeIVa friend is running a voip phone behind a linux FC4 NATing gateway on a home broadband connection.  he wants to be able to cap all non-voip traffic while a call is active, because ftp's cause call quality issues.  What's the simplest way to do it ?
21:44.17Qwell[]CoffeeIV: on a junk home router?  good luck
21:44.29BrijnCoffeeIV: Look at the LARTC, or Google for Voip Qos Linux
21:44.34Qwell[]oh, linux gateway...still
21:45.35CoffeeIVI have found a couple of things, including a page on voip-info explaining how to use iptables --mark to assign priorities to different rule chains
21:45.59Qwell[]qos won't do a whole lot of good on a home broadband connection though, really
21:46.09moralecan i exclude in mass in modules.conf ? noload => cdr_*.so ?
21:46.31CoffeeIVbut the congestion likely isn't in the processing on the linux box, it's the upstream connection -- so prioritizing packets for handling won't help much
21:46.31TommyTheKidBrijn: when I suggested you do the _. in a [debug] context, I assumed you would remove it when you wanted to do other stuff :D
21:46.33BrijnIt would help a bit if the server  is also the FTP server or client
21:46.41Qwell[]morale: just noload the main one
21:47.03BrijnTommy: Didn't know that it would match that aggressivly ;-)
21:47.19CoffeeIVQwell: I aggree, however if calls sound fine when you ftp at 50 k/s, and bad at 100 k/s, capping should solve that particular problem
21:47.20TommyTheKidits very aggressive
21:47.21BrijnIt's gone now, and things work OK
21:47.30TommyTheKidsorry i led you astray
21:47.34CoffeeIVand then I can figure a way to trigger the capping when the phone is off hook
21:47.45Neter66why would the sip device be sending a 'SIP/2.0 481 Subscription does not exist'
21:47.46BrijnNo! Learn by mistake :)
21:48.05TommyTheKidtrial and "error" :p
21:48.11Neter66it looks like it * is responding to the SIP register, with an OK, but then the device is sending back 481.  wierd.
21:48.45pauldyanyone know a good way to debug sip DTMF detection?
21:49.08BrijnTommy:I'm new to this stuff, and it's like learning another programming language.. Sounds strage at first, but after a while you'll get the hang of it.. I hope
21:49.35pauldyI have two systems with BV one works the other doesn't both are set to inband and I have experimented with rfc and info
21:50.18BrijnNuggetL: still around? A question about your extensions.conf?
21:51.08TommyTheKidBrijn: me too remember .. basically started a few days ago (tuesday night) .. and so far I think I am doing well.. have an IAX2 channel to labs and several sip peers that are mostly working  :)
21:51.57BrijnI got rid of AMP last night.. Now starting with an empty dialplan.. SIP working to the world, and IAX (almost) to a friend in The Netherlands..
21:52.08BrijnSo i'm not unhappy.. I'll get there
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21:52.35TommyTheKidIAX clue.. the [namehere] has to match their sides username=  (and  vice versa)
21:52.56Qwell[]TommyTheKid: If you had gone to astricon, you would have known that. ;]
21:52.58TommyTheKidat least according to my trial and error here
21:53.03Qwell[]nullmodem cable anybody?
21:53.18TommyTheKidQwell[]: Stephen is who I got my IAX channel with :p
21:53.22BrijnTommy: ahh, so the iax.conf context has be the remote ends's username?
21:53.24Qwell[]ahh, heh
21:53.35TommyTheKidBrijn: yes
21:53.48TommyTheKidi wonder if I can screenshot that
21:55.16morale[Oct 29 15:54:28] WARNING[31382]: chan_iax2.c:9494 load_module: Unable to open IAX timing interface: No such device or address - Thats the first time I got that error.. The debugging will not tell me where it is looking for the device either or what config file it is in.
21:55.48BrijnIn my case I have a type=friend with username=bas_gean.. The entru should be named [bas_gean] (it's currently not ;-))
21:56.07file[laptop]morale: it's a warning, not an error
21:56.25file[laptop]a timing device is not required, unless you're doing IAX2 trunking or meetme conferencing - that's it
21:59.17alephcommorale: if it annoys you, you can install ztdummy
22:01.44X-Rob_hint: ztdummy is _better_ than a hardware timing source
22:01.55X-Rob_ztdummy with USE_RTC
22:02.52FuriousGeorgehow bad is it if i cant get ide dma going for a prospective small server?
22:03.14FuriousGeorgewould that just affect voicemail access and playing tones?
22:04.19IgbothomI'd say in that case the machine is so old and broken that it would not be a good idea to use for such an important thing as a phone system
22:05.58FuriousGeorgethe mchine isnt /that/ old, or broken per se.  its just this dma, and its only for 2 or 3 sip clients
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22:05.58Igbothomstill, if its not working properly, then I call that broken  :)
22:06.07Igbothomyou can get some relatively cheap VIA EPIA boards/cases
22:06.13moraleare context names case sensitive? it seems with this voip provider if i do not use [FreeWorldTel] and the context in iax.conf it rejects the calls.
22:06.21IgbothomBUT you must compile for i586 with these CPUs
22:06.54Igbothomthey report as being i686-style CPUs, but if you believe VIA then you'll be in a world of hurt
22:09.23FuriousGeorgethats an idea
22:10.47Igbothomthey are small, cheap(ish) and quiet(ish)
22:10.56Igbothomand with the right case, you can get a 3.5" HDD in one
22:11.03Igbothomor else settle for a 2.5" HDD
22:12.16Igbothomand since Windows Media, Media Player Classic, WinAMP and so on handle .gsm files natively, there's no need to convert voicemail to .wav file, so a smallish HDD should provide hours of fun for the whole family
22:13.12fugitivoall those players can handle gsm really?
22:14.57alephcomTommyTheKid:  Not bad, your patch was just applied!
22:15.03n0rf-fugitivo: or install the voice mail web frontend.. it uses a quicktime browser plugin iirc
22:16.40n0rf-nah, the other fugitivo :P
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22:20.40moralethis is weird, when i call 4036681593 it just rings and rings, it should pickup and play the asterisk demo
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22:24.21Ringwraith`well ive tried, tried and tried and i still have no idea why asterisk is dropping incoming calls
22:24.38n0rf-when in doubt, simplify
22:24.39moraleRingwraith`: whats the error you are getting in the console?
22:24.47Ringwraith`it shows it is getting them, i *think* extensions.conf is setup
22:24.56Ringwraith`and i know sip.conf is setup because i show the peers
22:25.07Ringwraith`morale, no error other than when i turn on sip debugging it says incoming call then it says dropping call
22:25.12n0rf-rip anything out, just rename your [network].conf and extensions.conf
22:25.18n0rf-make up something really simple
22:25.27n0rf-log onto console and try it out
22:25.36konfuzedany one no if digium has any plans to add other codecs to iaxy ?
22:25.49n0rf-you can paste back stuff then and see what causes the trouble
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22:29.03stymieis there any one about that can help me out..I had an AMP box up and running on centos with a digium pri single port card..everything was working. did a yum update now asterisk will not load...
22:30.35fugitivostymie: check the logs
22:31.51stymieOct 29 19:20:18 WARNING[3582]: Unable to open '/dev/zap/channel': No such device
22:31.51stymieOct 29 19:20:18 ERROR[3582]: Unable to open channel 13: No such device
22:32.02stymiethat's the begininng of the trouble...
22:33.20moraleload the zaptel module.
22:34.00stymiehmm I had it autoloading...I wonder what happened to it...
22:34.02konfuzedhhhmmmm   seems those PA168/1688 chip devices would have to be iax gsm devices
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22:35.31warthoganyone tried a fax or gate/door opener with an iaxy device?
22:35.58fugitivostymie: you shouldn't update a working system that way... do you know what packages were updated?
22:36.10konfuzedso how to figure out which PA168* is the best ATA ?  any pointers to actual hardware comparison reviews vs manufactured advertising
22:36.39stymietoo many packages...
22:36.59stymieI'm about to cry :(
22:37.01fugitivostymie: ls -la /dev/zap/channel
22:37.13konfuzedcocoa anyone
22:37.26stymiecrw-r--r--    1 asterisk asterisk 196, 254 Apr 28  2005 /dev/zap/channel
22:37.50fugitivostymie: run ztcfg
22:38.05stymieztcfg -vvv shows my channels...
22:38.32konfuzedhas anyone used a PA168 device that didnt break ?
22:38.52fugitivokonfuzed: i think my atcom ip phone uses that chip
22:39.06konfuzedany troubles
22:39.11fugitivoit sucks
22:39.21konfuzedcause of the phone or the chip
22:39.28fugitivoi don't know
22:39.30fugitivothe phone sucks
22:39.38konfuzeddoes it work at all
22:39.43fugitivoyes it works
22:39.50konfuzedthats a good start
22:40.23konfuzedfugitivo: do you have it on SIP or IAX
22:40.38fugitivoi have one with sip, another one with iax
22:40.53konfuzedany difference in operation or sound
22:41.24fugitivoi have problems transfering with the iax one, but it's a remote phone and maybe it's not a problem with the phone
22:42.27konfuzedhhmm sip inside the lan and iax outside the wan
22:44.11konfuzedwhich brand of device
22:44.25moraleunf.. i think i found a bug in asterisk.. it is cutting off the last character of the context, username and inbound telephone number.. hence, not matching any extensions in extensions.conf
22:44.43moraleCALLED NUMBER   : 1403668159, CALLING NUMBER  : 403410663 and so on..
22:44.49TommyTheKidmorale: its a bug.. but i htink its just on the console
22:45.02TommyTheKidat least in iax2 show *
22:45.21moralethats one i can actually fix..
22:45.50konfuzedyea a bug fix comin up
22:45.53TommyTheKidwow.. ast is compiling on my powerbook :)
22:46.54konfuzedhhmm   I would have to go with a PA168* for the codec and protocal flexibility over the iaxy
22:47.09konfuzedbut that iaxy is so groovy
22:49.05pauldyExecuting Dial("IAX2/asterisk-trunk-4", "SIP/")
22:49.28pauldyanyone know what could be causing that type of dial pattern?
22:49.43pauldyit should be more like Executing Dial("IAX2/asterisk-trunk-4", "SIP/")
22:50.00jbothmm... pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
22:50.10TommyTheKidpaste stuff
22:50.27TommyTheKidlike probably extensions.conf would be my guess
22:52.06ManxPowerpauldy, it's all up to your dial line.
22:52.16ManxPowerperhaps you are using a variable and are missing a trailing /
22:52.21pauldyso I musta messed up my dial macro
22:56.27pauldy${OUTNUM} is getting mangled
22:56.39TommyTheKid${MACRO_EXTEN} ?
22:56.45pauldyand attaching the to the number
22:58.31pauldythe fixlocalprefix agi is fin it up
22:58.40Darwin35we want 1.2 -Release
22:58.45Darwin35get cracking
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23:03.21TommyTheKidAsterisk CVS HEAD built by tommy@Fudge.local on a Power Macintosh running Darwin on 2005-10-29 22:58:21 UTC
23:03.45TommyTheKidnow I wonder if  the modem in a mac mini is.. um ? good :)
23:05.11TommyTheKidor USB/firewire FXS/FXO
23:05.22TommyTheKidi dont think they have PCI slots
23:06.15n0rf-i don't have any on mine either, so i just use sip2pstn
23:06.40n0rf-that is not a mac mini btw.. but something equally small
23:07.47Drukenmac's suck :)
23:08.10n0rf-this one just owns:
23:08.21n0rf-if i had know this before :))
23:09.58Neter66how can i debug a 403 forbidden in more detail than just 'sip debug peer <peername>'
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23:10.03pauldyhmm gumstix
23:10.26n0rf-Neter66: use a sniffer like ethereal
23:10.41TommyTheKidpauldy: my thoughts exactly
23:10.58TommyTheKidsez it even has PCI support on LinuxPPC
23:11.04*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
23:11.43DrukenNeter66: did you try the insecure=very ?
23:12.21mazzanetexten => 800,1,WaitExten
23:12.24mazzanetexten => _X.,2,System(somescript ${EXTEN}))
23:12.45mazzanetwill that theoretically work as a prompt for input?
23:13.09Drukenwhat do you want to input?
23:13.27mazzanetsome numbers that will be passed to another script
23:13.36Drukenok, so use a read
23:14.07mazzanetah ha
23:14.12mazzanetexactly what i need, ta.
23:14.20digimewhat is the best STUN server to use?
23:14.30Drukenstund? :)
23:14.39TommyTheKidspeaking of insecure=very, does System() have input validation?
23:15.35RoyKI just wonder why people aren't attending #openpbx
23:15.59ManxPowerRoyK, It doesn't offer me anything that I need .vs. Asterisk.
23:16.08ManxPowerMaybe it will someday, but not today.
23:16.26X-RobRoyK - coz it's not ready yet 8)
23:17.26RoyKManxPower: still the thought of a truly open pbx/asterisk means something
23:17.44ManxPowerAsterisk is open enough for me right now.
23:18.33ManxPowerRoyK, I do have one question.  Will non-developement releases be maintained/
23:19.43RoyKwell, ManxPower, as opposed to asterisk where only development versions are maintained, where "stable" means "feature-frozen"?
23:19.44ManxPowerDruken, OpenPBX is a fork of Asterisk made by people that are GPL Nazis.
23:20.13X-RobDamn straight.
23:20.19X-RobGPL NAZIS1 by people that are unhappy by Digium's Licensing terms, I mean.
23:20.21X-RobI like that
23:20.44RoyKManxPower: no, you're wrong, they, or we, want to make a good pbx, not fixed up by people thinking only the stuff made by digium makes sense
23:21.09ManxPowerRoyK, as in will bugs be fixed in the feature frozen version so I can use it in my enterprize without having to spend a month testing a release before deploying it.
23:21.58X-RobRoyK - someone said 'Turning Asterisk into a 'good pbx' is like starting with a fully functional loaded automatic assault weapon and trying to turn it into a child's toy'
23:21.59RoyKManxPower: I've been using asterisk in an enterprise, and it's NOT stable
23:21.59ManxPowerRoyK, Digium has not done a GREAT job of that so far, but they have made progress.
23:22.01X-RobI thought that was funny.
23:22.18RoyKtrying to make digium fix quite open bugs have failed
23:22.44RoyKManxPower: digium has done a bunch of stuff, but they do not focus on staility
23:22.47ManxPowerRoyK, Well, if OpenPBX does a better job, people will use it.  So far I see no reason to switch.
23:22.50RoyKstability, even
23:22.56X-RobManxPower - perfect.
23:23.10RoyKManxPower: see my bugs at mantis
23:23.30RoyKManxPower: there are a lot of them, with fixes, that doesn't even exist in cvs head
23:23.43ManxPowerRoyK, You know as well as i do that half the bugs on are read and then closed with no thinking between those two actions.
23:24.29RoyKManxPower: that is one of the problems with asterisk/digium
23:24.40ManxPowerRoyK, But with Digium I know what to expect.
23:24.54RoyKexpect nothing
23:24.55X-RobManxPower - You do what's correct for _you_. That may be sticking with digium, or it may be buying Snom's 4S PBX.. It's up to you.
23:25.00RoyKexpect anything
23:25.15RoyKexpect "it might be stable one day"
23:25.35Drukenk... i didn't need the fight... was just asking wtf openpbx is... and apparently it's a deritive of asterisk
23:25.58X-Robwho's fighting?
23:26.01RoyKDruken: it's a fork where people try to do things right
23:26.11ManxPowerMy policy these days is if a bug isn't fixed by Digium, I post a bounty for it and get it fixed myself.
23:26.22DrukenX-Rob: isn't snom 4s broken just as much as asterisk ?
23:26.32RoyKDruken: without limits of what have been given to digium
23:26.37X-RobDruken - Dunno, that was just something I pulled out of my arse 8)
23:26.45ManxPowerUsually I whine to kpflemming first, sometimes that works.
23:27.18n0rf-[01:21] <X-Rob> RoyK - someone said 'Turning Asterisk into a 'good pbx' is like starting with a fully functional loaded automatic assault weapon and trying to turn it into a child's toy' <-- let me rephrase this: turning asterisk into a "good" pbx is more like taking plutonium from a nuclear plant to build a bomb, you can either go with the plant's hardware or make up your own. either way, you may succeed or fail, but in the first case you p
23:27.45ManxPowerRoyK, I assume if I get a bug fixed in something like.... ztcfg there's no reason for me NOT to provide the patch to BOTH Digium and OpenPBX?
23:28.10RoyKdo both
23:28.11RoyKplease i assume ?
23:28.48ManxPowerRoyK, Can't I just send you a blanket license for any of my code that I post to  (that's what I did for digium)
23:28.55X-Robn0rf- - plutonium isn't used in power plants. They use U-236 I think.
23:28.58RoyKbut having an OPEN pbx which allows a tested RTP stack, a good SIP stack etc, might be good
23:29.07RoyKwhy reinvent the wheel?
23:29.15n0rf-X-Rob: but it's what they output
23:29.23X-Robn0rf- no they don't.
23:29.26file[laptop]more people have commit for openpbx so chances are your stuff will get in rather fast...
23:29.28X-Robonly if they want to.
23:29.35X-Robit's not a byproduct.
23:29.39ManxPowerRoyK, I also don't believe that chan_woomera is the answer, but I could change my mind in the future.  In any case, at least people ARE trying different things.
23:29.39X-Robit's something that's made.
23:29.48RoyKManxPower: it's a bad thing that digium can shink-wrap asterisk.....
23:29.57ManxPowerRoyK, I disagree.
23:30.17RoyKManxPower: open source should stay open source imho
23:30.21n0rf-X-Rob: it doesn't matter (a fast breeder *does output Pu), i just thought of this as a good metaphor
23:30.27X-RobManxPower - if you've signed a disclaimer, your code is either in the public domain, or GPL licenced, depnding on which one you've signed.
23:30.35n0rf-you get a good-to-go resource
23:30.43n0rf-but what you make of it depends on how you do it
23:30.51ManxPowerX-Rob, I signed the non-exclusive license of my code to Digium license.
23:31.07X-RobThen digium licenced it under the GPL
23:31.19ManxPowerSpecifically, I signed a non-exclusive non-royalty license of any code I put on to Digium
23:31.41ManxPowerI keep the copyright, they get to use the code in any way they see fit.
23:31.50X-RobAnd they GPL
23:31.51X-Rob'ed it
23:32.27ManxPowerX-Rob, So?
23:32.50X-RobSo nothing - you were saying it had to be 'given' to openpbx. IF digium put it in *, it's GPLed
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23:32.59X-Roband, by that, it's been given to the world.
23:35.00ManxPowerX-Rob, True.
23:35.15ManxPowerAnd since OpenPBX will always be GPL'd......
23:35.52X-Robnot a problem
23:36.28ManxPowerI wish them the best of luck.  My only disappointment is that it takes away asterisk developers.
23:36.37X-RobNo it doesn't.
23:36.42n0rf-so we will all live happily to the end of days..
23:36.44X-RobI was never a * developer
23:36.49X-Roband I never was going to be
23:36.53X-RobI submitted patches and stuff
23:36.59X-Robbut I never gave them code.
23:37.11X-RobAnd I still submit patches and stuff
23:37.24znoGhow can you submit patches and not give them code?
23:37.25X-Robnote #5122 (?? the MG2 echo canceller)
23:37.54X-RobznoG - 'You've made a typo, line 39921 of chan_sip.c is cast incorrectly' does not need a disclaimer
23:38.13znoGah, that sort of "patch".
23:38.16znoGnot really a "patch" is it :)
23:38.34X-RobEG, I never submitted anything that required a disclaimer
23:38.42xhelioxthese sort of discussions must make casual on lookers crazy
23:38.43znoGa patch, to me, is a diff of original code with corrected code, or new code to be added
23:38.55X-RobznoG - whatever. I used the wrong word.
23:39.01X-Robmy point is still valid.
23:39.31znoGnever said it wasn't, i just wondered what you meant by submitting a patch with no code.
23:40.00xhelioxhow long has openpbx been around?
23:40.10znoGxheliox: not long
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23:40.15X-RobPrime example
23:40.23X-Robxheliox - couple of weeks
23:40.41xhelioxand how many core developers do they have?
23:40.44X-Robthe important thing to realise, is that openppx is nothing to get excited about
23:40.54konfuzedAstLinux project thats kewl
23:40.54X-Robxheliox - uh. -4?
23:41.28znoGX-Rob: why is it nothing to get excited about?
23:41.36X-Robat the moment,it's just a bunch of guys who've got together with the idea that digium is heading in the wrong direction with *.
23:41.40konfuzedgotta get some jacks on that thing and then it will be an ata that handles all the codecs and iax2 properly
23:42.04X-Robso, autoconf, eXosip, sqlite, blah blah.
23:42.24X-Robit's working towards a modular build rather than the monolitic build that * is now.
23:42.43X-Robafter all that stuff is working, then the guys will probably sit back and go 'now what?'
23:42.48konfuzedwell modular certainly is the unix way
23:43.37konfuzedmonolithic is sort of the microsoft and oracle way isnt it
23:44.07znoGX-Rob: just wondering, if you fork a new tree of an existing piece of software, i assume you can add new * code to it whenever you want, and make changes to the code yourself if you want, and make it available. What's the advantage of forking, then?
23:44.11konfuzedastlinux with modular features and every bodies happy ;^)
23:44.56znoGheh, i started talking in the general sense, then made the example focus on asterisk, hope it made sense.
23:45.03X-RobznoG - well, I don't have CVS access to digium, for one.
23:45.23X-Rob_I_ can't change anything with *
23:45.41znoGso the advantage of forking is being able to make changes to the * code
23:45.44X-RobAnd, significantly, CVS reeks of arse. uses SVN which is much nicer.
23:45.55X-RobznoG - that's the point of forking.
23:46.05znoGok, cool, just wanted to clarify that.
23:46.16X-RobA,B and C don't like where D, E and F are going. So they fork
23:46.31znoGi presume you can apply whatever licensing model you want to the fork without violating anything?
23:46.45X-RobIf A, B and C are on the same development team as D E and F, then they either sort their problems out, or half of them quit and fork anyway
23:46.50znoGwhen you say where "D, E and F are going", in this case Digium, what exactly is it that OpenPBX are against?
23:46.50X-RobznoG - no, it's GPL'ed
23:46.55n0rf-X-Rob: you might've been shot for such a statement in the 50s ^^
23:47.06X-Robn0rf- - eh?
23:47.13n0rf-nvm, j/k
23:47.25X-Robn0rf- - I'm not american, so I don't get the humour, sorry.
23:47.25n0rf-alluding to "linux == communism"
23:47.28znoGX-Rob: he meant because in the 50s you had to obide with whatever A, B and C were doing
23:47.36n0rf-X-Rob: neither am i
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23:48.07znoGX-Rob: is from where aussieland, where I used to lib :)
23:48.14znoGlib? that's terrible.. i did mean live
23:48.19X-RobRead - there's a manifesto there
23:48.43X-RobI jumped onboard because I am a GPL Nazi, and I don't like the dual licencing deal that Digium has.
23:49.06xhelioxI know this has been covered already, but what part of Asterisk isn't open source?
23:49.08znoGfor those of us that don't know about the dual licensing deal, in summary what does it imply?
23:49.15X-RobThat's my personal opinion, of course. Lots of people agree with it. But lots of people also don't (eg, spandsp, chan_fax, chan_capi, bristuff, sangoma wanpipe, etc etc)
23:49.41konfuzedany one here mess with soekris hardware
23:49.42znoGso spandsp, chan_capi, chan_fax, are all heading to openpbx?
23:49.43X-RobznoG - it means you write GPL software, which means you're saying 'Everyone can use this software. But if you change it, you have to give your changes back to the world too'
23:49.58znoGyea, that's the GPL model that I already know.
23:49.59X-RobBut digium want a caveat on that saying 'except us'
23:50.04znoGoh, right.
23:50.09pauldyis there any tied between cpu speed and dtmf recognition with sip inband
23:50.13konfuzedit seems you can run just about anything on those soekris 4801
23:50.21znoGso Digium make changes to the code and don't give them back?!
23:50.57X-RobznoG - chan_capi is in there already. all the T38 stuff is in there. I've got to port the bristuff across, but half of that stuff probably isn't going to be needed
23:50.58n0rf-pauldy: dtmf recognition should work as long as you have proper audio quality
23:51.06X-RobznoG - who knows with ABE?
23:51.22n0rf-pauldy: of course you'll have issues b/c of lossy audio codecs
23:51.30X-Robpauldy - sip inband DTMF detection blows chunks.
23:51.30pauldyI have two boxed I finally broke down and moved my working config to another machine and now dtmf doesn't work on that machine
23:51.34pauldyseems kind of odd
23:51.35ManxPowerznoG, Digium says ABE is the same source base as Asterisk
23:51.50pauldyaudio seems ok though
23:52.19znoGhrm, ABE?
23:52.46X-RobAsterisk Binary Edition
23:52.47ManxPowerAsterisk Business Edition
23:52.58n0rf-pauldy: which dtmf mode?
23:52.59X-Robwhat he said
23:53.19pauldyn0rf-, dtmfmode=inband
23:53.25konfuzeddigium has too many hats
23:53.39pauldyone machine is an AMD 450 the other a P3 300
23:53.40tzangerAsterisk Bare Edition  :-)
23:53.42znoGX-Rob: so what you're saying is that ABE more than likely includes code not found in the community asterisk source?
23:53.59pauldythe same config on one wroks fine on the other I get no dtmf detection at all
23:54.29n0rf-pauldy: did you try rfc2833?
23:54.46ManxPowerznoG, There is no evidence that ABE includes anything that is not in Asterisk
23:54.57pauldyn0rf-,  been experimenting with different variation of that and inband but broadvoice doesn't play well with them
23:55.02konfuzeddeveloping an identity problem and gettting konfuzed as to who did the work or developement
23:55.38n0rf-pauldy: 2 down, 2 to go
23:55.56znoGManxPower: no evidence, but a suspicion... right?
23:56.24ManxPowerznoG, only by those people that wear tin foil hats to keep the mind control rays out.
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23:56.36pauldythe other thing I tried was a direct iax connection between the two and I still could not get the remote end to recognize dtmf
23:56.39konfuzedcheck it out, I had a client write a letter that said They had not paid me but their subcommitte did because they have a seperate bank account.
23:56.39blitzragehey all
23:57.07tzangerfuck off blitzrage
23:57.11pauldythis is what  has left me to the conclusion that cpu speed may have an effect
23:57.31blitzragetzanger: you know what? I've just about had ENOUGH of your goddamn attitude
23:57.34pauldyI know ilbc sounds like crap on that machine all broken up
23:57.38konfuzedthat was because I wrote a letter commenting that I had finally received a payment and so now I new they still wanted the service
23:57.44blitzragetzanger: thats it.. meet me at the backstop at recess and we'll fight!
23:57.47tzangeryou wanna take this outside?
23:57.51tzangerhow's it going
23:57.56konfuzedorganizational schizaphrenia
23:57.57n0rf-pauldy: maybe it's your timer
23:58.08n0rf-what do you use as a timing interface?
23:58.11blitzragetzanger: oh not too shabby -- just bought a wireless router for the parents house so I can work comfortably with my laptop in the living room
23:58.19pauldyyou know I may not be using one
23:58.26blitzragetzanger: watching the leafs game... they are playing shitty in the first period
23:58.36pauldyon one machine it is ztdummy
23:58.38tzangernice.  so consulting's going great then huh :-)
23:58.43blitzragetzanger: :D
23:58.44tzangerI'm watching Harold and Maude
23:58.51blitzragetzanger: oh not too shabby... can't complain anyways
23:58.54pauldyon the other it is a 3.4 kernel and ztdummy did not install by default
23:58.58pauldyerr 2.4 kernel
23:59.04n0rf-pauldy: ah, so you might wanna try to fix that :)
23:59.07blitzragetzanger: seems if I was to lose one client, I'd have 3 more to take their spot
23:59.12pauldygod could it be that simple
23:59.22tzangerblitzrage: nice :-)

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