irclog2html for #asterisk on 20051023

00:00.39dos000dstr, i am no expert but when i use to fidle with * the logs were always helpful.
00:00.46dos000are you using sip ?
00:00.53dstryes, it's sip.
00:01.16dos000do "show sip debug" i think
00:01.27hypa7iatwisted: i'm just waiting for the snow to start up here :s
00:01.27*** join/#asterisk Jzalae (
00:01.36twistedhypa7ia, you mean it's not year round? :P
00:01.44dos000or its the other way around
00:01.44X-Robtwisted - yeah. It now goes alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epislon etc.
00:01.51twistedX-Rob, *nods*
00:02.00twistedhypa7ia, heh that could be fun
00:02.01X-Robyay for global warming 8-\
00:02.09twisteduntil you start looking at pr0n or gaming, then your igloo melts
00:02.10dstrit's sip debug
00:02.19jerliquehi - I want to be able to play *different* customisable messages at different times within a queue, eg at 2,5,7,12 minute marks. Can any one offer suggestions?
00:02.23hypa7ialol, yeah my laptop might just make it do so
00:02.28dos000dstr, there you go hth
00:02.44hypa7iajerlique: make a really long moh file?  i'm sure there's a better way tho :-)
00:02.46dstrit says :     -- Playing 'demo-congrats' (language 'en')
00:03.00jerliquebut does the moh file always start at the same spot?
00:03.01twistedhypa7ia, so how ya doing? I got an email from the "Random Australian" friend ;)
00:03.06dstrand there are no errors....   but no sound either.
00:03.19dos000dstr, maybe its a nat problem .. is your sip device behind nat ?
00:03.26hypa7iatwisted: i did too!  i'm doign awesome otherwise
00:03.31dstrnopes, both on the same net.
00:03.31hypa7iai mean not otherwise, as well
00:03.35twistedhypa7ia, awesome otherwise? wow
00:03.36twistedthat's harsh
00:04.08hypa7iayou know what i meant
00:04.16twistednow that I've met you
00:04.23twistedgetting a visual of your foot in your mouth
00:04.28twistedis just... interesting
00:04.45twisteduh oh
00:04.55hypa7iatwisted: ahammond is a fellow torontonian
00:05.00twistedhypa7ia, ahhh
00:05.04hypa7iaand sitting in the linuxcaffe next to me :-)
00:05.08hardwireX-Rob: doh.. well updated everything.. still no blinky winky.. oh well
00:05.12ahammondnibbling on her toes
00:05.14twistedhello fellow torontonian
00:05.24hypa7iagive those back1
00:05.31twistedwell now
00:05.36ahammondyou really should trim your toenails, y'know.
00:05.37twistedsounds like partay in the caffe
00:05.42hypa7iaalways is
00:05.51hardwireX-Rob: whats cc_to_ken1?
00:05.54twistedperhaps I should check the place out
00:06.03hardwirehah.. cc_token.. nm
00:06.12dstrAnswering with non-codec capability 0x1 (telephone-event) - does this mean that i'm missing a codec?
00:06.13hypa7iatwisted: you'd have to come to toronto
00:06.19twistedhypa7ia, good call.  nevermind.
00:06.29X-Robhardwire - eh?
00:06.38twistedj/k - i'd love to visit
00:06.42hardwireX-Rob: nm.. readong your config
00:06.50twistedanywho, starbucks makes a liqour that is "to die for"
00:06.59hardwireX-Rob: thanks for posting that config.. could you actually wget setings.htm for me?
00:07.03hardwirethat would help look at the diffs
00:07.04dos000hypa7ia, i have seen ads for comapnies looking for voip gurus in toronto. wonder if toronto will pick up in voip arena.
00:07.07hypa7iastarbucks... liquor?!? twisted, i am confused
00:07.11twistedhypa7ia, yeah, i was too
00:07.16twistedhypa7ia, they have it at the bar here
00:07.19twistedit tastes like coffee
00:07.30ahammondliquor, starbucks...
00:07.44dos000so far toronto was always the web.vb like of gig
00:07.47twistedit's like
00:07.53twistedhighly caffinated liqour
00:07.59hypa7iados000: what?
00:08.51dos000hypa7ia, i  am comparing it to ottawa ... toronto telco companies are not that many historically
00:09.13twistedthere's a picture of it
00:09.28twistedit's good stuff
00:09.32hypa7iados000: correct, there are a few integrators but a lot of the bigger names are based out of ottawa
00:09.38twistedAND potent
00:09.49hypa7iatwisted: that's scary
00:10.02twistedlast night i drank a pitcher of amber bock, a double shot of starbucks liqour, and 2 redbulls
00:10.02hypa7iados000: you in ottawa?
00:10.05twistedi was a very bouncy drunk
00:10.15dos000hypa7ia, yup , used to be in toronto before
00:10.20hypa7iahehe caffine + alcohol = amusing twisted
00:10.26twistedhypa7ia, you have no idea
00:10.37hypa7iados000: i'm the opposite, grew up in ottawa, now in t.o.
00:11.00twistedhypa7ia has been Torontowned
00:11.27dos000hypa7ia, i would not mind the less evil weather ? ottawa is an inspiration for all fridges
00:11.36hypa7ialol i know
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00:15.07hardwireX-Rob: nm.. tkdiff + sort + no whitespace did the trick
00:15.15hardwireX-Rob: aussie eh?
00:15.33hypa7iaX-Rob: were you one of the aussies at astricon?
00:16.10mog_homex-rob was missed at astricon
00:16.26UndiFineD"Asterisk BE: Tested for over 240 simultanious calls per server" can it do more than that ?
00:16.49hardwireX-Rob: quite a few differences that I can see.
00:16.59hardwiremost local info
00:17.17mog_homeit can but its a diff license
00:17.38*** join/#asterisk ejo1 (n=ejo1@
00:17.45UndiFineDgood to hear :D
00:17.57hardwireuser_descr_contact1: on is not the same on mine.. same with user_sipusername_as_line1: off
00:18.03hardwireso I am going to toggle those
00:18.09hardwiremy lights better work.
00:18.22hardwireor I will get pouty
00:18.54*** join/#asterisk RBlackHP (i=dupont@
00:19.33RBlackHPCan anyone provide me with a bit of assistance?
00:19.45hardwireprobably not
00:19.51hardwirehows a byte sound?
00:19.55RBlackHP{L}âUghîñ Ôut £òU{Ð}
00:19.58RBlackHPI have a GrandStream 488 with the fxo port, I'm trying to remember how to use the fxo port as a trunk for out going and incomming calls to my asterisks box.
00:19.58RBlackHP[17:40] <RBlack> I've done it before but I lost the config.
00:20.00hardwireNO PARITY!
00:20.24hardwirequit pasting questions :)
00:20.32hardwireits so uncool.
00:20.45hardwireso very uncool.
00:21.10RBlackHPbout this, I need to get this 488 to send and recieve calls from  my astrisk box
00:21.16hardwire[16:20] hardwire> its so uncool.
00:21.29RBlackHPfrom the fxo port no less
00:21.39hardwiremake a sip peer..
00:21.44hardwireassociate it
00:21.46hardwireset up the dialplan
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00:22.35RBlackHPcan you enlighten my low self a bit more?
00:23.46ltersdo you have an entry in sip.conf for the phone?
00:24.20RBlackHPas a peer
00:24.32lterswhy not as friend to get started...
00:24.43RBlackHPtried it
00:24.46ltersthat is user and peer. make and receive calls.
00:25.01ltersis this cvs head?
00:25.16RBlackHPI hate to say I got lazy tonight
00:25.30RBlackHPits asterisk@home
00:25.34hardwirenow he wants the parity.. I get no respect I tell yah!
00:25.39RBlackHP{L}âUghîñ Ôut £òU{Ð}
00:25.56RBlackHPI have a "REAL" asterisk box at my office
00:26.00RBlackHPI'm playing tonight
00:26.03hardwirevs these fake ones?
00:26.08lterssip show peer extnum
00:26.17lterswhat does that show?
00:26.22hardwiretime to walk the puppy
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00:27.10ltersextnum should be the [xxxx] in sip.conf
00:27.12RBlackHPHost                            Username       Refresh State
00:27.12RBlackHP67.43.208.39:5060               208                105 Registered
00:27.38ltersok, do u have a dialplan entry in extensions.conf
00:28.05RBlackHPyes but I"m not sure it's correct
00:28.23ltersexten => 208,1,Dial(Sip/208)
00:28.29ltersshould let u test it.
00:30.27RBlackHP{O}kay  let me check
00:30.35RBlackHPstupid mirc scripts
00:32.49hypa7iahaha seriously
00:48.55*** part/#asterisk ahammond (n=ahammond@
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00:55.07*** join/#asterisk Astinus (i=iBook@freenode/staff/gentoo.astinus)
00:55.42dos000i have been trying for a while to figure what i need to connect a modem to a digium card whithout passing by a CO. or if i can even get two cards back 2 back and pass v22 stuff on top.
00:58.55rene-im looking for anyone from IPSando
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01:11.02twistedrene-, i ate them
01:12.24twistedLisa was especially tasty
01:13.03dos000twisted, you migh be what he wants ... you have blood from ipsando now
01:13.04rene-can you send them a msg from me, maybe you can tap morse in your belly
01:14.34*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!i=stjohn*@*] by twisted
01:14.40twistedsomeone needs to fix their shit.
01:15.39UndiFineDhumm, maybe that's why I am at work on a saturday @ 3am
01:16.40*** join/#asterisk genmud (
01:16.46twistedwell, for one, if it's 3am it's not saturday
01:16.55genmuddoes anybody have experience with running asterisk with vonage?
01:17.01genmudthe softphone?
01:18.17UndiFineDluckily the coffe tastes good ;)
01:21.35*** join/#asterisk littleball (
01:22.27mog_homeyou can but go get a real provider genmud
01:32.08blitzragerene-: you're looking for IPsando staff? Whats up?
01:32.22fileyay blitzrage
01:32.30*** join/#asterisk nomazda (
01:34.36*** join/#asterisk SoHaN (i=SoHaN@
01:37.45*** join/#asterisk Anthro (n=keljsrh@pdpc/supporter/active/Anthro)
01:37.52AnthroIronHelix: Are you around?
01:39.01*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
01:40.16harryvvhello all
01:49.23harryvvcan a spa2000 be unlocked of its locked
01:51.35*** join/#asterisk Astinus (i=iBook@freenode/staff/gentoo.astinus)
01:57.32*** join/#asterisk phrog123 (
01:59.17phrog123if I put context=something in zapata.conf in the channel for ZAP/1 and in extensions.conf, I do not create a context called something, does this guarantee that * will not answer zap/1?
02:00.05phrog123if I forego of doing context= in zapata.conf, then this is as if context=default?
02:00.27ejo1There are different ways to locak the device. Depending on how its locked, yes, otherwise doorstop.
02:00.35ejo1lock the SPA that is
02:00.46phrog123finally, if I put context=something after channel=>1, then it is as-if context=default
02:01.46ejo1Harryvv, who's the provider of the device?
02:02.28*** join/#asterisk Anthro (n=keljsrh@pdpc/supporter/active/Anthro)
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02:06.18rene-has anyone posted astricon 2005 pics?
02:07.41*** join/#asterisk wolfson (
02:07.52harryvvyes goto
02:16.52*** join/#asterisk jdv79 (
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02:44.56n0rf-hey guys
02:45.11n0rf-any ideas on how i can pinpoint my moh problem?
02:45.28n0rf-tried mpg123 and madplay, yet playback doesn't work
02:45.43phrog123if I put context=something in zapata.conf in the channel for ZAP/1 and in extensions.conf, I do not create a context called something, does this guarantee that * will not answer zap/1?
02:45.44n0rf-Unable to start music on hold (class 'default')
02:45.46phrog123if I forego of doing context= in zapata.conf, then this is as if context=default?
02:45.49phrog123finally, if I put context=something after channel=>1, then it is as-if context=default
02:47.03genmudHey, does anybody have any suggestions for voip termination?
02:47.20genmudthat would let me transfer calls to another number possibly?
02:47.37*** part/#asterisk hcir (
02:48.41wmandraphrog, just put context=something at the begining of zapata.conf and create an entry in extensions.conf for the same context with the first line being noop
02:53.45FuriousGeorgei need an electric strike
02:54.06FuriousGeorgeaka magnetic strike, to open a door by buzzing someone in
02:55.17phrog123wmandra: what do you mean, first line being noop
02:55.54n0rf-FuriousGeorge: try Ramzi's original door opener ^^
02:57.16genmudFuriousGeorge: what you talkin bout?
03:00.26FuriousGeorgethe thing that younbuzz somneone in by completing a circuit (or breaking it) which allows the door latch to pass through
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03:04.11genmudFG: What about it?
03:04.35FuriousGeorgen0rf-: i have no sound so i cant make out what these fine fellows are saying, but i dont think they're "fodies" got the answer to my magnetic strike issue
03:05.04FuriousGeorgegenmud: i went to home depot, ace, continental hardware and key city, and no one had them
03:05.17FuriousGeorgeand i cant seem to put the right words in froogle to find just the latch
03:05.23n0rf-FuriousGeorge: but they do offer an efficient alternative way of opening doors ;)
03:06.59_DAWFuriousGeorge - try
03:08.51FuriousGeorge_DAW: good call, ive used them for "agile modulators" before
03:11.26*** join/#asterisk KaBewM (
03:13.34FuriousGeorge_DAW: they had a selection, but not the spec i need.  i require 6A 30V, but at least i now know they're called "doorsrtikes"
03:17.52*** join/#asterisk Astinus_ (i=iBook@freenode/staff/gentoo.astinus)
03:25.33ejo1FuriousGeorge, what are you looking for?  6A 30V sounds like a relay contact rating. No one has electric strikes that draw that much juice. Standard voltages are 12v and 24v, you can choose AC or DC.  The AC units will make the buzz and can't be left energized. Most DC units can be left running for days.  You will also have the option of "Fail Safe" or "Fail Secure"  Basically the fail safe units require juice to lock the door.  The fail secure will require j
03:29.02FuriousGeorgei see...  I have a viking c-1000 (says its a 5amp spec @30V max 240DC) and a viking k-1700 (just an analog door phone).  the latter hooks up to * via an fxs.  the former sits in between and "listens" for a ** to open the door
03:29.33FuriousGeorgeim looking for the latch i hook up to the door and the c-1000 sitting between * and the phone
03:30.07FuriousGeorgeDoor Strike Relay Contacts: 5A @ 30V DC/250V AC maximum
03:30.13ejo1Whats a c-1000?
03:30.31ejo1Do you have apower supply to drive the locak hardware yet?
03:31.23FuriousGeorgethe c-1000 generates talkbat (i can turn that off) so i assumed it used that acadapter it came with to make the current to lock/unlock the door
03:32.00ejo1You're going to need another power supply for the lock.  I'd expect to use about 1/2 amp at 24vdc for a heavyduty lock.
03:32.01FuriousGeorgeim still not really sure how those things work.  if its an electromagnet that gets the polarity reversed, or what
03:32.40FuriousGeorgeok so that thing i linked isnt generating the volatge for the mechanism?
03:33.09ejo1nope, its going to simply fire a relay that controls your lock system
03:33.29FuriousGeorgethats kinda stupid.  i gotta plug in the thing that listens to unlock the door, AND i gotta power the actual latch on the door
03:33.42FuriousGeorgewhat do i know obviously
03:33.49jdv79is it just a dtmf decoder?  i got one on a board around here somewhere...
03:34.12jdv79selectone makes em
03:34.20genmudwhat is good for asterisk termination?
03:34.22ejo1Try googling for "Access Control" Lock Hardware
03:34.35FuriousGeorgewell this thing also can "relay" analog lines, so say a one line fax can really have two lines
03:35.12FuriousGeorgebut one of its functions, as ejo1 said, is to trigger the door to open
03:37.21ejo1Ebay might be your best bet.
03:39.50FuriousGeorgeejo1: so in addition to something like this ,  i need something like this to power it?
03:40.21ejo1What sort of budget did you have for this?  Is your application for a business or home?  Is the frame of your door wood or metal?   I'd recommend professional installation.  Let me check those URLS in a moment
03:40.53file[laptop]what's up in the hizzou?
03:41.04FuriousGeorgewere on stikes
03:42.16FuriousGeorgeejo1: i got a couple hundred more bucks to spend (more if necessary); its for an appartment that has an office, but anything is better than what they have now, which is nothing.  the door is metal.  i believe it has a 4" whadayoucallit
03:42.20ejo1Cheap strike, and the one listed there is an AC model, that means loud buzzing.  The power supply is for DC power.  You can use a cheap door bell transformer for the cheap strike you linked to.
03:43.07FuriousGeorgewe have a doorbell running to that door, which we wouldnt need anymore, i can use the leads from that to power it right?
03:43.41ejo1I typically spend $300 in the strike and about 90 bucks for installation. Security is as strong as your weakest link, and the strikes they sell are cheap!
03:44.34ejo1You need to find the transformer. Some are 16vac others 18vac and still others 24vac. You want the later, 24vac
03:45.15FuriousGeorgeejo1: so unless the transformer for my doorbell is 24vac, its gonna be no good
03:46.10FuriousGeorge300 for the strike?  thats including the transformer
03:46.21ejo1Ah, 8-16vac, that is a cheapee... The strike from smarthome would work with most any doorbell supply.   You still should just buy one. Home Depot for 10 bucks buys new
03:46.47jdv79when's the Digium DS3 card coming out? :)
03:46.56ejo1Nope, power supply extra.
03:47.26*** join/#asterisk desktophero (
03:47.30ejo1Who needs a DS3 card?   Hhow many channels do you need on your asterisk hardware? 600?
03:48.15desktopherohello all
03:48.29file[laptop]the better question is, how many channels can you push through reliably
03:48.55coppiceejol: well some people need DS3, but not so many. this explains the very slow rollout from both Digium and Sangoma
03:48.59desktopheroejo1 - i would like a DS3 card. just to have the expansion when needed
03:48.59kuku5300 for a strike - thats a lot
03:49.23jdv79a ds3 is a lot less mess than T1s
03:49.30mog_homeyeah id say 360
03:49.35mog_homebut thats pushing it
03:49.35desktopheroconsider 80K for legacy PBX - how much hardware can 80K buy to make a Digium DS3 work?
03:49.43mog_home12 e1s is as far as id go
03:49.59coppicejdv79 but a lot of eggs in one basket
03:50.06FuriousGeorgeejo1: so an good el cheapo solution would be to go to home depot get a strike that matches the spec of the doorbell i have now, right?
03:50.20desktopherohaving the ds3 does not mean that all of the channels would be used 100% of the time...but a ds3 would account for peaks over multiple quads if you want to push for that
03:50.41file[laptop]I much prefer demuxing a DS3 into T1s and sending to separate boxes, for redundancy
03:50.52ejo1You'd find the transformer at the depot. I don't expect them to have strikes.
03:51.04*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:51.27jdv79well, when one plans to do 30+ DS3s its nice to deal in DS3 interfaces
03:51.29ejo1I'm with File, spread the load and do your demuxing outside asterisk.
03:51.43file[laptop]I would never push Asterisk to do that, it's a PBX - not a switch
03:51.48jdv79at least that's what we had at my last non-asterisk job
03:51.58coppicewhen will we have an OC-192 card for a PC? :-)
03:52.23ejo1When the Intel P7 is released.
03:52.30file[laptop]ooh P7
03:52.39file[laptop]will that require a nuclear power source?
03:52.53desktopherono - just 30 amp power
03:52.54FuriousGeorgeejo1: wait a second, i have a c-1000 and a doorbell i can use for scrap, i STILL need a transformer?
03:52.55ejo1Nope, solar power, in the year 2020
03:52.59jdv79yeah i guess its not a switch but if you think about it - how much about TDM needs to be in software
03:53.16ejo1Everything will run on light then!
03:53.42file[laptop]jdv79: that's the idea behind zaptel though :) make dumb hardware
03:53.44jdv79if enough went into the card you'd be able to handle the load
03:54.20jdv79what's the advantage of dumb hardware?
03:54.28ejo1You need the C1000, Power Supply, Strike.
03:54.29file[laptop]cheaper to make
03:54.36coppicefile: the power feed for a P7 will require superconductors, but that's OK, because you will need cryogenic cooling for the chip anyway
03:54.46jdv79how about hot programmable undumb hw
03:54.52file[laptop]coppice: ooh
03:55.25jdv79its an idea:)
03:55.54jdv79hw acceleration would be a neat project
03:55.55coppicejdv79: what is the benefit of undumb hardware?
03:56.10jdv79but still flexible
03:56.28*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
03:56.34coppicethis is where computer telephony started, and it sucked
03:56.40moraleis there a CVS changelog for asterisk containing what has been changed/modified?
03:57.05coppiceoffloading key things - EC, and maybe codecs - is good. offloading in general is a PITA
03:57.09file[laptop]morale: there's a mailing list where every CVS commit is sent to, asterisk-cvs
03:57.34jdv79hw anything is always faster
03:57.43jdv79in terms of performance it would be a win
03:57.53jdv79might be a PITA in all other ways but hey...its FAST
03:57.54kuku5jdv79: you deal with a lot of traffic
03:57.56kuku5jdv79: you deal with a lot of traffic?
03:57.57coppicetry telling that to serious RAID users
03:58.50ManxPowerI hate running cable
03:59.04ManxPowerI hate attics
03:59.23file[laptop]mog_home: there's nothing to watch on TV :(
03:59.39mog_homeheh /me has no tv
03:59.56mog_homewell bittorrent smallville as superman is cool, but otherwise to busy
03:59.59jdv79kuku5, will, soon
04:00.02file[laptop]'tsk 'tsk
04:00.06ejo1Thats what reply/tivo/myth/PVR's are for!
04:00.26mog_homemythtv is cool
04:00.30ejo1SNL is just starting in my home
04:00.34coppicejdv79: if you really want to offload buy a dedicated PBX
04:00.38mog_homebut i dont have cable
04:00.42mog_homeits expensive...
04:01.10*** join/#asterisk sapo_original (
04:01.27jdv79coppice, the commercial solutions for doing what we need to are far too expensive to ever justfiy that
04:02.15coppicejdv79: and putting hardware on the cards would be.....
04:02.25shido6find any small animals, ManxPower
04:02.25jdv79definitely cheaper
04:02.30shido6dont feed them after midnight
04:02.34mog_homeone day asterisk will be a good switch, but unfortunately that day is not today
04:02.42shido6and dont flavor your cables for job security
04:02.50sapo_originalhey guys, i need a little help for a development a iax dialer, or, i pay for a customized dialer.. anybody?
04:02.51coppicejdv79: go on then. make some cards and amaze us all :-)
04:02.51jdv79i'll do my best to hurry that along then:)
04:04.10mog_homewhat you want sapo
04:04.18sapo_originalsorry my bad english
04:04.22mog_homeheh getting a little friendly there file...
04:04.26sapo_originali am a brazilian
04:04.31mog_homeits all good
04:04.35file[laptop]mog_home: I hug everyone.
04:04.50mog_homei no longer feel special
04:05.20file[laptop]twisted: pfft
04:05.56twistedfile, send me swiss chalet
04:05.58twistedi'm hungry
04:05.59sapo_originalmog_home you can developd a customized dialer? i need a little, i can a chance only logos, texts, only look,
04:06.15file[laptop]twisted: they're closed :(
04:06.24sapo_originali pay for this dialer
04:07.13mog_homewhy not just use one of the iax soft phones out there
04:07.31mog_homeall though some of the guys and myself had a really cool idea for a softphone
04:07.55mog_homeuse asterisk with the codecs, channels, and app_dial you have the coolest soft phone ever
04:08.44twistedoh hell no
04:08.53mog_homeoh hell no?
04:09.07mog_homeslap a gui and nice little config file
04:09.09mog_homeit would own
04:09.21sapo_originalmog_home i need a interface with my compani logo...
04:09.40mog_homeits real easy to add a logo to the opensource phones out there
04:10.04sapo_originalmog_home you like make this for me? i pay you...
04:10.10twistedthat's like using a blowtorch to light a cigarette, mog
04:10.32file[laptop]or using a nuke to blow up a toaster
04:10.54mog_homeyeah but its so easy
04:11.09sapo_originalmog_home i can talk to me on private?
04:11.12mog_homeand would be a iax/h323/sip/sccp/mgcp soft phone
04:11.14twistedand will only work on linux
04:11.15sapo_originaltalk to you
04:11.20wunderkinsounds fun
04:11.22mog_homeit would work in linux
04:11.26mog_homeand in macosx
04:11.33twistednot the gui
04:11.40twistedat least not natively
04:11.42sapo_originalthats ok
04:11.45mog_homeim sure you could get oss to talk to win over cygwin crap
04:11.49twistedno it's not
04:11.52mog_homeyeah we would need to make a gui
04:12.02mog_homebut thats nothing if you already have the rest of it
04:12.53twistedyou can call it nubbphone
04:13.09mog_homeit had been thought off
04:13.55ejo1Anyone try the Pound distribution version nubb given out at astricon?
04:14.06mog_homei hope so
04:14.11mog_homehavent heard any complaints
04:14.18mog_homegotten a few nice
04:14.22mog_homeones though
04:14.29twistedi love some of the lines in pornos
04:15.07sapo_originalmog_home the dialer needs to understand those where skype tags, <callto>, i click on the web site, and the dialer popup automatic
04:15.24sapo_originalmog_home its possible?
04:15.29twistedand here comes the scope creep
04:15.33mog_homeno skype...
04:15.45sapo_originalnop.. no skype
04:15.46mog_homei am not a windows programer
04:15.59mog_homei have no urge to learn how the api works for doing that stuff...
04:16.00sapo_originalhum.. i need a windows dialer....
04:16.15mog_homei can do iax soft phone
04:16.20mog_homei can put in logos
04:16.29mog_homebut niftier stuff im a little to busy sorry
04:16.38sapo_originalmog_home you can indicate anybody?
04:16.53mog_hometwisted you guys do that kinda stuff right?
04:16.59twistedmog_home, yea
04:17.06mog_homeid ask twisted sapo
04:17.10mog_homehe works for asteria
04:17.10twisteddon't ask me
04:17.14twistedi'm a linux/osx guy
04:17.18mog_homewhats your website
04:17.26mog_homethey would be place to go sapo
04:17.28twistedbut we have windows coders ;)
04:17.28mog_homethey rock
04:17.31mog_homehard core
04:17.31sapo_originaltwisted i pay for this
04:17.33mog_homelike a hurricane
04:17.44twistedmog_home, haha... my desk looks like a hurricane came through
04:18.05mog_homeheh mine is pretty dirty
04:18.16mog_homebut no one seems to care
04:18.20mog_homeexcept bill....
04:18.23twistedwe actually already have a win32 iax2 stack
04:18.31coppicetwisted: I saw someone's desk like that, but it turned out to be a typhoon that went through :-)
04:18.31twistedjust need to put it into a gui ;)
04:18.33mog_homeooh sexy twisted
04:18.38twistedcoppice, hehe
04:19.20*** join/#asterisk Rez (i=lorez@freenode/staff/lorez)
04:19.22sapo_originaltwisted i cant make this to me?
04:19.30sapo_originalyou cant make this to me?
04:19.38coppicethe building most damaged by typhoons in my 14 years in HK was the tax guys tower. was this an act of god? :-)
04:19.44twistedi don't understand your question.
04:19.45sapo_originalsorry, my english is bad bad bad
04:19.57twistedsapo_original, the company I work for can build what you need
04:20.11sapo_originalyou make a windows dialer customized to me
04:20.43twistedi can't quote prices, you'll need to contact sales about that
04:20.49twistedbut we can do it, yes
04:21.20sapo_originali am a brazilian... how i contact ?
04:21.58sapo_originalyou have any idea how to cost?
04:22.04sapo_originalhow much to cost?
04:22.08twistedyou'll have to ask sales
04:22.24sapo_originalany idea?
04:22.28*** join/#asterisk tessier (
04:22.30twistedyou'll have to ask sales
04:22.34sapo_originalok ok
04:22.36twistedi am a developer
04:22.39mog_home1,000,000 dollars
04:22.47twistedmog_home, hah. no. :P
04:23.09sapo_originaltwisted, more a U$$ 1.000,00 ?
04:23.21twistedsapo_original, possibly, ask sales. i do not know pricing.
04:23.39sapo_originalhum.. thats ok... thanks
04:24.34twistedmog_home, where's open to get food besides ihop/waffle house?
04:24.44sapo_originalbut, the invitation is open anybody can a develepment a customized dialer.... if anybody make it, i pay...
04:25.46mog_homewhose up for ihop?
04:25.56twistedi can do ihop
04:25.57mog_homekrispy kreme is too
04:26.10mog_homeseems like every breakfast places is open all night long
04:26.18mog_homewallmart is open now to
04:26.28twistedoh wait
04:26.35dudesBreakfast is awesome
04:26.40twistedisn't like taco bell and mcdonalds and stuff open late nowadays?
04:26.48desktopherowaffle house anyone...?
04:27.00*** part/#asterisk rene- (n=rene-@
04:27.00mog_homewell wendys is open till 1
04:27.04twistedoooh wendys
04:27.09Qwellman...fucking...taco bell...
04:27.10mog_homebut mcds closes normally
04:27.15mog_hometaco bell is open late
04:27.17twistedthey have an awesome bacon mushroom swiss burger
04:27.19QwellI've lived here for like...4 days...
04:27.25QwellI haven't seen a freaking taco bell yet
04:27.32dudestaco john's
04:27.51twistedtaco johns is like cool
04:28.08twistedbut we don't have those here in huntsville
04:28.13twistedat least not that I know fo
04:28.14twisteder of
04:28.15dudesIt's only a 38 mile drive for TJ's
04:28.59twistedthat's a bit of a hike
04:29.11mog_homeman no one is at digium
04:29.13mog_homethats lame
04:29.17twistedmog_home, whoa, that's strange
04:29.25mog_homei know
04:29.33mog_homei was thinking about heading out
04:29.46dudesf'n beer and spilling
04:31.00Vcois Taco bell actually some sort of work program for dysfuntional youth or something?
04:31.15twistedi thought that was burger king
04:31.27mog_hometaco bell is the lowliest of the fast food chain
04:31.31mog_homefor employees
04:31.41Vcocuz most of the people working there  don't seem like they could even wipe their own ass...much less wash when they're done
04:32.14dudesTaco Bell is good and all ... But I believe certain franchises  ruin its rep
04:32.28Vcolike..85% of them
04:32.43dudesGive or take
04:32.57mog_homeman my patch is only 1990 new lines....
04:33.03mog_homei need to like make up 10
04:33.21dudesonly 10
04:33.35Qwellmog_home: doxygen comments
04:33.37mog_homewell eventually it will be more i mean my thing does very little now
04:33.43mog_homejust has structure for more
04:33.54mog_homewe dont need no sticken comments
04:34.05QwellWanna make 2,000, or what? :p
04:34.10mog_homeoh qwell i finally figured out who you are thanks to the photo album
04:34.50dudesWhen is the next Astricon
04:34.57Qwelldudes: next year?
04:35.01mog_homenext year for america
04:35.07mog_homelike 6 months till europe
04:35.16dudesI suppose though, where is more my aim
04:35.25dudesif that is known at this time
04:36.26mog_homeexplains a lot
04:36.37dudesGlad I could aid
04:36.47Qwellmog_home: You knocked over my beer. :(
04:37.00Vcojeez i feel so irresponsible...Aparantly Paypal still needs me to log in and update some info and I haven't bothered to do it....
04:37.03mog_homemy bad
04:37.12QwellI shouldn't have set it there, heh
04:37.26dudesI'm just glad my keyboard didn't get owned lastnight as spilling beer seemed to be a common event
04:39.11mog_homeim sorry qwell
04:39.16mog_homelet me clean that up
04:39.21dudesanyone heard of Drishti Soft
04:41.14mog_homenot i
04:42.08dudesWhat are you writing?
04:43.20mog_homewho me?
04:43.24mog_homecouldnt be
04:43.25mog_homethan who
04:43.29*** join/#asterisk iceyp (
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04:43.34mog_homefile took the cookies from the cookie jar
04:43.35iceyphey guys, anyone here using astcc?
04:43.45dudesI thought you had mentioned writing something
04:44.08iceypOct 23 17:38:36 WARNING[87489]: chan_iax2.c:5569 socket_read: Call rejected by No such context/extension
04:44.10mog_homeit'll hit the bug tracker in less than 30 min
04:44.25iceypit works fine for my sip trunk ;/
04:45.05iceypi get the same rejection for nufone
04:45.56dudesis the iax context pointing to the same extension as the trunk
04:46.26iceypthe above is using astcc
04:46.48iceypit would appear that nufone and voipjet are refusing the call with that error
04:47.02iceypi've tried calling 01164blah too , same thing
04:48.08*** part/#asterisk wjn78 (
04:49.36dudesThis channel is dead
04:50.00iceypyeah everyones asleep ;/
04:50.10dudesIt's Saturday ...
04:50.19dudesthey aren't asleep they are out
04:51.10dudesI've never used astcc myself.  And if my partners and I needed something like that we'd write the program.
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04:51.55dudesSo I probably can't be much help.  Though it does seem as though the extension is dormat in your situation.  Which could be fixed I'd think but I dont' know enought to give good advice
04:52.11*** part/#asterisk wjn78 (
04:53.29jdv79are the xeons or the opterons faster?
04:53.48dudesthat is a question that all ask
04:53.57jdv79just curious
04:54.03jdv79i haven't bought boxes in a long time
04:54.06dudesmyself I like AMD over Intel
04:54.34jdv79so the 2.8 opteron is comprible to the 3.4 xeon or whatever the top speeds are now?
04:54.45dudesbut most servers I use are intel and they get the job done ... But the servers I use for myself are AMD and they do seem to perform better than the intels (within reason)
04:55.00dudesI've never used a Xeon over 3.06Ghz
04:55.04Qwelljdv79: the newest xeon supposedly sucks power like a hoover
04:55.06iceypaha! it's working
04:55.15QwellThat's per /. though, so...take it with a grain of salt
04:55.35dudesMy friend and I send a DS3 worth of faxing on a Dual Xeon 3Ghz the other day
04:56.01jdv79i can let you know in the next couple weeks cause we just bought a few dell xeons @ 3.4GHz
04:56.02dudesWith 50ish idel
04:56.06littleballhi, any one from Germany?
04:56.32littleballwhy the mobile termination in German is much more expensive then fix line?
04:56.54Qwelllittleball: because, thats the way it is...
04:57.01dudescause Germany was once nazi
04:57.05jdv79that's just the way it is
04:57.28Qwellsome countries (I'm not saying Germany is this way...however, it may be), the callER gets charged when they call a cellphone
04:57.54littleballQWell, the price i got is 7 times for mobile to fix line.
04:58.07jdv79dudes, impressive
04:58.13jdv79dudes, full bore?
04:58.50littleballQwell, of course, callER get charged. what do you mean?
04:59.01*** join/#asterisk wjn78 (
04:59.03Qwelllittleball: That isn't how it is in the US
04:59.14QwellThe callEE gets charged when you call a cellphone
05:00.01littleballi think you mean callER get charged based on the callee mobile price. right? Ridiculous.
05:00.27Qwellin the US?
05:00.35littleballi mean operator canot do that way
05:00.43QwellWhat way?
05:01.02littleballcaller get charged based on the callee mobile plan.
05:01.14QwellWhy not?
05:01.47littleballhow can i know what is your mobile charges when i call you just becasue you told me your mobile number.
05:01.51Qwellever called a 900 or 976 number?  Thats the same way, basically.
05:02.21littleballi think this is what happen in German
05:02.52littleballwhen i call german mobile, i got charged more than 20 euro cents per minutes
05:03.06littleballbut if i call german fix line, it is much much cheap
05:03.21Qwellyes, thats how it works...
05:03.44Qwellit isn't like your provider is just trying to screw you
05:04.46mog_homethere it is gone and on the bug tracker, bug 5501 for those intersted
05:04.51mog_homealso see
05:04.55mog_homeand donate fat cash
05:05.27wjn78the only mobile company in the US that I know of that use to do what the mobile company in Germany is doing was GTE but they merged with some other companies forming Verizonwireless and now that option went away.  When it was in affect it allowed mobile users the option of having people that called them pay for the call however the person calling didn't know and I thought that was kind of shady.
05:06.25*** join/#asterisk mcadory (n=mcadory@
05:06.46UndiFineDit is possible to charge the callEE, you can see such happening when you take your mobile over some borders
05:07.08littleballwjn78, yes. a bit cheating. like, it is the same. when you send sms from there, it is free, but sometimes, the receipient was charged for a big amount. sometimes 50 US cents
05:08.54wjn78the next trick will be charges for bandwidth without your knowledge.  They'll say something like you were using port 5060 so you will be charged to send packets on port 5060 10 cents a minute.   but if you send the same packets to the same location on a different port they won't charge you...
05:09.48littleballhaha... maybe they will do that
05:10.50UndiFineDthat would be stupid, and if a provider would do such people simply hop to another one
05:11.00mog_homelol mog has a woman
05:11.05mog_homethat is why he needs the money...
05:11.23wjn78you would think they have enough money and would stop trying to suck the blood from the hard working people..  But then again they need to make the 7 figure incomes and need to have these 3 month vacations because sitting on the top floor in a 3000sq ft office is more draining then being on the 2nd floor in a cubicle making mid 5 figures and working 80 hours a week just trying to survive
05:11.55twistedhey mog
05:11.58twistedmcdonalds was open
05:12.04mog_homeoh really
05:12.07littleballbut ppl don't know. for a provider, if it has 2 million subscribers, only by this trick, it will get another at least 2 million dollars and most ppl don't know and also don't bother
05:12.13mog_homemy mcdonalds i used to work at closed at 10
05:12.18twistedmog_home, and the manager chick was a hottie
05:12.26twistedi talked to her through the window for about 5 minutes
05:12.34mog_homelol you must have walked into a parallel dimension
05:12.39mog_homeno one who works at mcds is hot
05:12.43mog_homeits a lawa
05:12.52Qwellmog_home: no, you
05:12.57Qwell're thinking "not idiot"
05:13.14twistedi'm tellin ya
05:13.18twistedshe was a hottie
05:14.02twistedbrown hair
05:14.03twistedblue eyes
05:14.09twisteddark painted nails
05:14.12twistednice rack
05:14.13mog_homeill take your word for ti
05:14.46twistedggod idea
05:14.54twistedgood, too
05:15.38twistedcuz of all the thins to lie about, someone at mcds is NOT on that llist
05:15.59mog_homei dont know it is late
05:16.03mog_homeand you might be drunk
05:16.21desktopherono one in the kitchen is EVER hot
05:16.27twisteddrunk was last noght
05:16.39twisteddesktophero, manager
05:16.43twisteddesktophero, not kitchen
05:16.46desktopheroused to work in kitchens - for all types of restaurants - we uglies are left behind the scenes
05:17.02desktopherotwisted - i am agreeing with you ;)
05:17.05twistedahh ok
05:17.14twistedbut the goober who handed me my order was a bit slow
05:17.15twistedand ugly
05:17.34desktopheroit is all about manaerial representation to the public...
05:17.42twistedand by slow i mean mentally
05:17.52twistedi'd love to have this girl boss me around
05:18.01desktopherowink wink nod nod
05:18.03twisted"take of your clothes"
05:18.39twistedt'was funny
05:18.45twistedi'm sitting there talking to her
05:18.50twistedand they turn off all the lights
05:19.01twisted(store closes at midnight now, mog :P )
05:19.10mog_homehey twisted how do i add post 1.2 to my bug
05:19.17mog_homei cant seem to find the setting
05:19.18twistedin the summary, put [post-1.2]
05:19.34mog_homeoh thats lame
05:19.39mog_homei thought there was a flag for it
05:19.44twistedhaha no
05:19.46twistedi was going to make one
05:19.57twistedbut then we'd have to make one for each version number in the future
05:19.59mog_homeand i cant do it any more ...
05:20.08twistedand since there's talk of moving to a different system
05:20.11twistedit's not worth it
05:20.15mog_homeoh well its fairly obvious this wont make it into 1.2 anyways
05:20.16desktopherotwisted - why not a drop down menu?
05:20.30twisteddesktophero, read the lines above your question
05:20.34twistedmog_home, what bug #?
05:20.44desktopheroanother version? got it...
05:21.10twistedCVS Date of 30 seconds ago is not a valid date.
05:21.27mog_hometry it
05:21.29mog_homeit works
05:21.31mog_homei swear...
05:21.45twistedi know you can enter that
05:21.48twistedbut you SHOULD be entering a date
05:21.52twistedso i changed it
05:21.57mog_homethat is a lame comment...
05:22.09mog_homeyeah thats fine
05:22.24mog_homehow can you edit summary but i cant?
05:22.28twistedand removed the comment ;)
05:22.29mog_homeim a manager
05:22.42twistedcongrats :)
05:22.59twistedmanagers can too edit the summary
05:23.04twistedclick on "Update Issue"
05:23.07mog_homei couldnt find where to edit it
05:23.21mog_homeoh spiffy i can change everything from there...
05:23.30twistedbut i'm an admin
05:23.41mog_homeohh well excuse me mr. fancy pants....
05:25.56mog_homenever seen army of darnkess?????
05:26.15twistedwho hasn't
05:26.43twistedRENT IT NOW
05:26.55mog_homelame guys truelly lame
05:27.07mog_homego rent evil dead, evil dead 2 and army of darness
05:27.15mog_homeand then be truelly blessed
05:27.18twistedi should make a spoof
05:27.21twistedcalled army of darnness
05:27.32Qwellevil deed could totally be a porno
05:27.38twistedevil dead
05:27.39twistednot deed
05:27.42QwellI know
05:27.48Qwelljust saying...
05:27.50twistedah ok
05:28.09mog_homewell a woman does get fucked by a tree in it
05:28.14mog_homeso its alittle bit of both
05:28.16twistedtrue that
05:28.18shido6did you get and install it yet?
05:28.18twistedhi shido6
05:28.27twistednot yet.. i'm gonna download it on digium's bandwidth
05:28.35twistedbut i need to get my laptop back to do that
05:28.39mog_homewhat you say
05:28.52twistedmy powerbook died the next day
05:28.54mog_homewhat are you leaching off our bandwith
05:28.58shido6gotta get the kids out of the powerbook again?
05:29.17shido6keyboard sticking -
05:29.31shido6I do liek the idea that they are making washable keyboards
05:29.43shido6now I need a washable laptop
05:29.51twistedpanasonic toughbook
05:29.59twistedit'll withstand falling and water
05:30.04shido6"Yeah honey, just throw it in the washer!!!!"
05:30.07twistedyou could theoretically put it in the dishwasher
05:30.09shido6"are you suuuUure?!"
05:30.47twistedtv is funny at this hour
05:30.51twistednothing on but porn
05:31.00twistedBAD porn at that
05:31.32mog_homeyou watching skinamax twisted
05:31.36twistedthat chicks boobs are going to eat his head
05:32.04mog_homeshould have know....
05:32.59twistednow i'm watching the last 10 minutes of garden state
05:33.10twistedDL Hughley is coming on next... i love his comedy
05:34.52twistedNatalie Portman is so hot when she cries
05:37.33mog_homethat is creapy
05:37.50twistedwhat is/
05:37.57mog_homego watch that dumb movie "where the heart is"
05:38.05mog_homeshe cry a lot in that
05:38.50*** join/#asterisk DruidFyr (
05:40.35Qwellpoll: After nearly dying while eating a tootsie I eat another one, or move on to something else?
05:40.48Qwells/while/due to/
05:41.08mog_homeeat 4 at same time
05:41.59Qwelleating 4 at once would indeed solve the choking hazard
05:42.36twistedQwell, get back up on that horse and ride it
05:42.46QwellI somehow inhaled parts of the last one
05:42.54twistedyeah note to self
05:42.56Qwellwhen I cough, it taste like vanilla tootsie roll
05:42.59twisteddo not breathe while swallowing
05:43.05mog_homeman i love those flavored tootsie rolls
05:43.09mog_homethose kick ass
05:43.15Qwellmog_home: I spent like...10 minutes, looking for them
05:43.25Qwell"seriously...I don't see them.  Where are they?"
05:43.26mog_homei can never find em
05:43.33mog_homeexcept around halloween
05:43.35Qwellthats exactly what I said
05:43.37mog_home]in big grab bag
05:43.42Qwelleven can't find them by themselves
05:43.49Qwellgotta buy the mixed bag :(
05:43.49mog_homemy woman did once
05:43.54mog_homebought me a case of em
05:43.59mog_homeit was freakin sweet
05:44.01mog_homefor like a month
05:44.05Qwellnice pun
05:44.14Qwelltrouble meaning pun there
05:44.20mog_homeshe says she got em at the dollar store
05:44.33Qwellthat would make sense though
05:44.48twistedmog_home, did you do the truffle shuffle?
05:44.56mog_homehell yes
05:44.59mog_homewhatever that is
05:45.33Qwellgoonies man, goonies
05:46.34mog_homeoh yeah
05:46.41mog_homeman i havent seen that in ages
05:46.57mog_homehey is there a nifty app for parsing an apache2 access log
05:47.09mog_homelike give me a view of where people are comming from and traffic
05:47.42jdiskywlkrDoes anyone have an Integrated Networks IN1002 phone?
05:53.42Qwellmy wife is gonna be pissed
05:53.47QwellI'm eating all the halloween candy
05:57.12mog_homego get more
05:57.15mog_homeshe wont notice
05:57.22wunderkinsure, it grows on trees
05:57.35mog_homegum trees...
05:57.43X-Robthey're called eucalypts!
05:57.45Qwellknowing me, I'd get something with different kind of candy in it
05:58.01X-Robthat was lame.
05:58.58X-Robesepcially coz you wouldn't know about eucalyptus jubes. So I'll just shut up.
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06:00.09|Vulture|anyone here got their dialplan done in AEL?
06:00.50mog_homebut my dial plan is all of 30 lines
06:00.54|Vulture|mog_home: lol
06:01.03mog_homeits my house line
06:01.15|Vulture|I am working on converting mine right now
06:01.18|Vulture|it seems much better
06:01.22|Vulture|how has it worked for you?
06:02.14mog_homeit works
06:02.26mog_homeeasier to do what im doing in it than regular dial plan
06:02.41|Vulture|yea I am loving how the macros are structured
06:02.43mog_homebut nothing that cant be done in 1.0
06:02.51X-Robwhile (Dial(radiostation) == BUSY) { 1; }
06:02.52|Vulture|little confusing at first
06:03.29mog_homebe back in a bit
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06:17.16|Vulture|Anyone know how LookupBlacklisted is handled in AEL?
06:20.07drumkillait's not handeled
06:20.18drumkillawe are making an effort to get rid of all n + 101 stuff
06:20.40drumkillaso before you can use it in AEL, we need to make the application set a status variable instead of the priority jumping stuff
06:20.56|Vulture|so LookupBlacklist doesn't work in AEL yet?
06:21.05drumkillanot until it gets updated
06:21.09|Vulture|okay fair enough
06:21.14drumkillaonce it is, you would call it
06:21.24drumkillathen have an if statement to check the status variable
06:21.33|Vulture|I am enjoying AEL it seems to simplify things
06:21.33drumkillaor whatever you want to do
06:21.37drumkillaswitch statement ...
06:21.42drumkillai like it, too
06:21.48|Vulture|GotoIf works though right?
06:22.02drumkillawell, that's kind of silly to use
06:22.17drumkillathere are other ways of doing gotos in the dialplan
06:22.19|Vulture|true just use switch with case statements
06:22.28drumkillathere is a goto statement
06:22.32mog_homeways to do just about anything
06:22.38drumkillaworks like it does in C
06:22.46|Vulture|yea I think Ill convert all my gotoif to switch+case
06:22.58drumkillahow would you use gotoif in AEL?
06:23.03drumkillaAEL has no reference to priorities
06:23.24|Vulture|drumkilla: I thought I could use the references
06:23.27*** join/#asterisk argos73 (
06:23.54|Vulture|like "test:"
06:24.34drumkillaha, yeah, i guess that would end up working
06:24.48drumkillabut I wouldn't say that it is guaranteed to always work ...
06:25.08|Vulture|Ill pastebin what I did as a conversion
06:26.36|Vulture|oh my gotos aren't updated
06:28.44|Vulture| there we go
06:30.37VcoI've got a prob with 2 incoming DIDs (via sip) When it gets directed to a specific sip phone, i answer the call, but i hear busy on the phone, and the incoming line is still ringing. I hang up and it rings again right away....
06:31.28Vcoif i direct it to an ivr, it just keeps restarting a step 1....
06:31.54Vcoany ideas where i could even start looking at where this is getting fubar'd?
06:32.45Vcoother DID's work fine..
06:35.09*** join/#asterisk LLyric (
06:35.57mog_homehey drumkilla do you have an external sip server
06:36.27mog_homethat router i won at astricon doesnt seem to register to my internal asterisk server
06:39.45mog_homeor anyone for that matter?
06:40.40drumkillahm, that sucks
06:40.48drumkillaI could open up the ports on my firewall, i guess
06:40.54drumkillabut i'm too tired at the moment
06:41.58mog_homenever mind then its all good
06:42.05mog_homei feel your pain'
06:43.53twistedmog_home, i have one
06:43.54*** join/#asterisk konfuzed (
06:43.56twistedsitting in a datacenter
06:44.00mog_homeooh spiffy
06:48.06twistedyou registered
06:48.29mog_homeoh man that is so lame
06:48.31twistedanswe it
06:48.35mog_homeit just wont register locally
06:48.38twistedi called it
06:48.39mog_homenothings plugged into it
06:48.40twistedand you didn't answer
06:48.49twistedso plug something in right quick
06:48.53mog_homeokay one sec
06:48.53twistedlet's test this thing out
06:49.37mog_homecall again
06:49.40mog_homei got it plugged
06:56.26twistedthat was better quality than a landline
06:56.45twistedusing the same codec no less
06:56.56*** join/#asterisk apolonio (
06:57.21apolonio<apolonio> hi  i need some help with a zap channel
06:57.21apolonio<apolonio> can somebody help me
06:57.21apolonio<apolonio> please
06:57.21apolonio<apolonio> ...
06:57.21apolonio<apolonio> i have read all the info on the inet
06:57.22apolonio<apolonio> but i dont have an answer for my problem ...
06:57.24apolonio<apolonio> the good google hasn't an advice for me
06:57.26apolonio<apolonio> so you gurus of asterisk
06:57.28apolonio<apolonio> can help me?
06:57.30apolonio<apolonio> i have an zap channel ... and i want to send a message when a user response the call
06:57.32apolonio<apolonio> i probe with callprogress but it doesn't work
06:57.34apolonio* apolonio thinking
06:57.37*** kick/#asterisk [apolonio!n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted] by twisted (twisted)
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06:59.30twistedgreat way to get help
06:59.31twisted[01:59] apolonioi will kill you mother fucker
06:59.34*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*n=apolon*@*] by twisted
06:59.34*** kick/#asterisk [apolonio!n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted] by twisted (twisted)
06:59.45IronHelixsomebody needs a hug
07:00.21twistedif he's not careful, i'll have him klined for making personal threats
07:00.22mog_homethat was hard
07:00.40twistedsome people.. i swear
07:00.45mog_homei know
07:00.46drumkillaholy crap
07:00.47mog_homehe spammed
07:00.50mog_homebut thats hard
07:01.09twistedthat line i pasted was what he /msg'd me
07:01.10IronHelixits amazing how the concept of not threatening the people you want to help you is lost on some people...
07:01.23kuku5other than ipfw - what other firewall could be on the system ? I cant figure out which firewall is running
07:01.51twistedi got 12 lines of text from him in under 10 seconds
07:01.57twistedso he got kicked for flooding
07:02.07twistedmsg'ing me with a threat gets you permabanned
07:02.10twistedthat's all there is to it
07:03.05twistednow he's apologizing
07:03.29twistedsucks when you threaten someone and then they ignore ya
07:03.59twistedand/or blockade you from getting what you want
07:04.15twistedkuku5, did you check ipchains/iptables?
07:09.38twistedoh no
07:09.41twistedis level3 blowing up again?
07:15.48*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
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07:34.09mog_homehey twisted can you rip me out of your table i got it going with misery for now
07:37.08*** part/#asterisk toresbe (
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07:37.23*** join/#asterisk st3v (
07:40.12st3vI have 4 outbound lines that I'd like each extension to be able to use. There are about 20 extensions. How do I make it so if the first line is being used, the second will be used, and so on? do I just set multiple outboundtrunk statements?
07:42.58mog_homewell howdy
07:43.21mog_homeyou can declare your channels in zapata.conf in a group
07:43.32mog_homelowecase g  goes 1-4
07:43.47mog_homeupcase G goes 4-1
07:44.13mog_homeexten => _9.,1,dial(zap/g1/${EXTEN:1})
07:44.27mog_homedials any phone number prefixed by 9
07:44.31mog_homegoing out channels 1-4
07:44.40mog_homeif thats what was defined in group
07:45.32genmudthe vodka burns the throat as it goes down to the tummy :-P
07:45.32st3vhow about channels 49-52 in a group
07:45.32power1Would somebody mind helping me, Im using a@h 1.5 ive got a my fxo modules working correctly for outbound pots. I have just signed up with voipjet and have setup the iax trunk, but whenever i try dial out on the voipjet trunk i get a long pause and eventually it says all circuits are busy...can any1 help?
07:46.30mog_homest3v go read the example zapata.conf
07:46.32mog_homeits all there
07:46.43mog_homei can power1
07:46.48mog_homestop using a@h
07:46.55*** join/#asterisk jhiver (
07:46.56mog_homethats the first step to enlightenment
07:47.17jhiverI have this: Zaptel cards initial configuration: ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)
07:47.20power1mog_home, thanks....<grin> your a lifesaver!
07:47.20jhiverwhy why why?
07:47.22mog_homeim not saying that we dont need a simpler way to run asterisk
07:47.29mog_homebut a@h is not it
07:47.38genmudTru.dat :)
07:47.39mog_homels /dev/zap jhiver
07:47.45mog_homei have a feeling its udev
07:47.46power1mog_home, why..what dont u like about a@h ?
07:48.00power1mog_home, care to elaborate?
07:48.16mog_homewell for example your question is pretty easy
07:48.21mog_homein a normal dial plan
07:48.24jhiverls /dev/zap gives me a whole bunch of numbers and then 'channel', 'ctl', 'pseudo' and 'timer'
07:48.28mog_homewith a@h it is complicated
07:48.34mog_hometry running ztcfg again
07:48.47jhiverZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)
07:48.55jhiverI have a TDM400P plugged in the box
07:48.57mog_homeis the card loaded?
07:49.01mog_homewhat did you modprobe
07:49.25power1mog_home, thanks..but  I think in this case its probably user error.
07:49.27jhiverok modprobe zaptel works
07:49.45jhiverbut ztcfg fails for some reason
07:49.52mog_homewhat else did you modprobe
07:50.06mog_homeyeah but its so much harder to find thanks to a@h
07:50.10jhiverok let me see what lsmod gives...
07:50.24mog_homedid you not modprobe wcfxs or wcvtdm
07:50.27jhiverI'm using Xorcom and it did work until last reboot :)
07:51.13jhiverlsmod |grep wct yields no results
07:51.25jhiverlsmod |grep wcf either
07:52.00mog_homemodprobe wctdm
07:52.19jhivermhhhh... 'module not found'
07:52.28mog_homemodprobe wcfxs
07:52.42jhiverk that works
07:52.48mog_homenow ztcfg
07:52.59jhiverZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)
07:53.03jhiversame thing :(
07:53.42mog_hometype dmesg
07:53.49mog_homedid the card come up properly
07:54.34jhiverwhat should I look for?
07:54.56mog_homejust the last few lines
07:55.06mog_homelook for FXO or FXS
07:56.01jhiverdmesg |grep -i fx gives nothing
07:56.10mog_homecan i log on
07:56.32jhiversure :)
07:58.42*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
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08:19.44st3vit is kind of slow when I dial out from an extension. It goes slow at this point: "Attempting native bridge of Zap/10-1 and Zap/52-1"
08:19.57st3vis it supposed to be like that?
08:24.37*** join/#asterisk casio_ (
08:25.10*** join/#asterisk BladeRunner05 (
08:25.34konfuzedany pointers on a review for scale?
08:25.55BladeRunner05Hi all, I have problem configuring diva server bri 2m on deb kernel 2.6.12-1, some one has experienced ?
08:26.34konfuzedim looking at a project for about 30 to 35 users
08:26.48*** part/#asterisk SERGEUS (i=sergey@
08:27.16konfuzedhow many Mbits of Broad band does it take when by chance they all have to use the phone at the same time??
08:27.44snittdepends on the codec
08:28.05konfuzedis there any case scenario reviews around to compare
08:28.49konfuzedefficiency of protocol determines weight of packeets and demand on broadband
08:30.09konfuzedwell then which OpenSource Protocol delivers the overall best call quality should 35 people get calls from the greenpeace
08:30.40mog_homebut you wont find anyone to use it with
08:30.45mog_homegsm is the best free codec out there
08:30.47konfuzedhmmm why not
08:30.56mog_homeno phone supports it
08:31.01mog_homeno endpoints do either
08:31.08mog_homeits about as good as g729
08:31.14mog_homeits more cpu intensive though
08:31.21konfuzedtransition time then
08:31.28mog_homebought only people that will speak it will probably be other asterisk machines
08:32.10konfuzedso embedded asterisk devices then    ;^)
08:32.41mog_homeumm nope
08:32.48mog_hometo much cpu to do speex
08:32.54mog_homeand there is no dsp for it
08:33.01mog_homehowever there are for g729 and gsm
08:33.18mog_homebut it could be done with an fpga
08:33.21mog_homebut no one is doing it
08:33.53konfuzedhow man simultaneous calls can be operated with asterisk gsm and 5Mb/s SDSL
08:34.35konfuzedis there some docs with such review?
08:34.43konfuzedlike a casse study
08:34.59mog_homedepends how they go out
08:35.02mog_homelike iax trunked
08:35.05mog_homeyou can get more
08:35.12mog_homeand is this 5mbs up and down?
08:35.20konfuzedif I had it my why I would do the whole thing on IAX
08:35.36konfuzedSDSL is general full duplex I believe
08:35.39mog_homeasterisk can bridge sip and iax
08:35.43mog_homemy bad....
08:36.40jhiverkonfuzed, gsm uses about 32kbps per call I think
08:36.58jhiverI've never used IAX trunking though...
08:37.18mog_homeno its gonna be less with trunking
08:37.21mog_home13 k
08:37.24jhivershould be
08:37.26mog_homepluss over head of ip
08:37.30mog_homeplus trunking over head
08:37.40mog_homeplus calls
08:37.40jhiverkonfuzed, which app is this for?
08:37.44konfuzed64 128 256 512 1024 is 32 x 32 hmmmm
08:37.47mog_homebut i have to find that stupid calculator
08:38.04jhiverapparently you can do monster bandwith savings using RAD equipment
08:38.13konfuzed32 callers take up 1 Mb/s plus overhead
08:38.28konfuzedwhere what?
08:38.30mog_home((20+8+10) + x * (4 + 33))*50*8
08:38.41jhiverkonfuzed, see
08:38.43mog_homethat is how many kbs it will take
08:38.49mog_homex is number of calls
08:38.58jhiverbasically they sell little boxes that you plug at each end of an IP link
08:39.12jhiverthose boxes do Silence suppression, trunking, compression, etc.
08:39.23mog_homeno silence supression with asterisk
08:39.25mog_homeit sucks
08:39.33jhiverwith maximum compression they do up to 16:1 compression
08:39.37mog_homewell asterisk does for not doing it
08:40.00jhiverso with 64kbps you end up fitting 16 channels
08:40.48konfuzedthats quite the squeeze
08:40.48mog_homegsm you should get a lot
08:40.50jhiverso with 5 mbps it would be like 1200+ channels
08:41.09mog_homeumm no
08:41.23konfuzedas in 1200 simultanous callers
08:41.26mog_homei know that you can get 100 channels with iax trunking and g729 with a t1
08:41.31mog_homeso that is 1.5 mbs
08:41.45mog_homeso at most he can get 300 or less
08:41.57mog_homei would bet in the 200 range
08:42.01jhiveryeah but we're not talking about the same product mog_home :)
08:42.05mog_homebut if you use that calculator
08:42.11mog_homeyou can figure it out for 5mbs
08:42.15konfuzed35 to 70 Im sure would be over kill
08:42.16mog_homemy bad jhiver
08:42.40jhivermog_home, I was talking about RAD compression which is pretty much state of the art monster compression
08:42.41konfuzedthis basically equals very doable
08:43.19*** join/#asterisk kivi (
08:44.41konfuzedthat is righteous kewl
08:45.06jhiverkonfuzed, what's your plan?
08:45.11kiviAnyone using Asterisk Voicemail Client? (The java app)
08:46.01kiviim looking for the phpvoipmail script. cant find it
08:46.38aitnemedrighteous kewl?
08:46.47aitnemedsurf's up, dude
08:47.39konfuzedwell basically 6 - 4Mb/s-by-800Kb/s ADSL connections with LAN to 30 to 50 ports - some general internet and VoIP to various non N.A. destinations
08:47.54*** part/#asterisk LLyric (
08:48.00konfuzedId like to put IAXy at every port
08:48.49konfuzedand so then the user can take it outside the lan with them and connect back from somewhere else
08:48.54jhiveroh so you are in fact limited to 800kbps
08:48.58jhiverand not 5 mbps
08:49.06konfuzedtimes 6
08:49.20jhiveraaah ok I see
08:49.20konfuzed6 ADSL connections
08:49.36konfuzedI could add more if demand needed it
08:49.50jhiverit would be simpler and cheaper to have 1 bigger connection, no?
08:50.06konfuzedthe location is out of range of the SDSL services
08:50.12BladeRunner05Hi all, I have problem configuring diva server bri 2m on deb kernel 2.6.12-1, some one has experienced ?
08:50.22jhiverah, that is annoying
08:50.42jhivercan't the ISP do channel bundling or something?
08:50.42konfuzedwell ya cant have everything
08:50.56konfuzedActually I'm sure they would IF I asked
08:51.07jhiverit would make things simpler for you
08:51.11jhiverfor sure
08:51.13konfuzedI believe they've done this with other service setups
08:51.32konfuzedI dont fully recall what that memory is ;^)
08:51.41jhiveranyway, you could probably just do away with 800kbps :)
08:51.54konfuzedpros and cons to load balancing
08:52.01konfuzedoptions to segregate traffic
08:52.29konfuzedshutdown one incoming flooded channel for instance or multiple providers
08:52.33jhiverI mean with g.729 and WITHOUT trunking, you can already squeeze about 30 channels on this bandwith
08:52.56konfuzedI Like to have lots of leeway ;^)
08:52.57jhiverand it's very unlikely that everybody will be calling at the same time, unless you are running a call center
08:53.05konfuzedvery true
08:53.14konfuzednot a call c enter
08:53.31jhiverto give you some idea, I have some termination equipment next to me
08:53.39konfuzedbut I would suspect an evening peak usage time and mostly long calls
08:53.42jhiverit's passing about 10k minutes per day
08:53.52jhiverand hardly ever uses more than 256kbps bandwith
08:54.10konfuzedis that with RAD gear>
08:54.19jhiverjust SIP + g.729
08:54.41konfuzedis g.729 a free license?
08:54.56jhiverwith asterisk it costs $10 per channel
08:55.01jhiverbut it's well worth the price
08:55.17konfuzed10 once forever or yearly?
08:55.33mog_homeuntil the end of time
08:55.35konfuzeddoes that work well with iaxy
08:55.40jhiverI have 48 channels capacity on a 1 Mbps link and with 10k minutes per day it's never gone above 1/3 bandwith usage
08:55.44mog_homewell you dont have it on the iaxy
08:55.49mog_homeyou have it on asterisk server
08:55.58konfuzedah good
08:56.09konfuzedthen not on the same layer really
08:56.26jhiverTo be honest I wouldn't be using the IAXy
08:56.40jhiverseems that for what you're doing a channel bank would be more appropriate
08:56.43konfuzeddoes the IAXy easily switch config between being on LAN and being outside of LAN
08:57.00mog_homeiaxy doesnt know about lans
08:57.02mog_homeits udp
08:57.08mog_homeand single port
08:57.34konfuzedso that would suggest no need to even change the config or setup
08:57.58jhiverKonfuzed, that's why you should go with a channel bank
08:58.15jhiverI would not recommend IAXys for production... but that is only my experience
08:58.39jhiverWell, I guess I'm off for lunch, see you guys later
08:58.44konfuzedi considered the possibility of running a seperate lan just for VoIP but with those numbers it does sound like that is nescesary at all.
09:00.37konfuzedmog_home: would you agree with jhiver on that or do you think the iaxy can deliver for the mostly stationary but occasionally traveling user
09:01.31mog_homeiaxy is awesome for traveller as it will get through nats
09:01.34konfuzedwould it work to send IAXy devices to common calling destinations and create a more direct style connections and route the calls as exten to exten
09:01.39mog_homeiaxy has two downfalls
09:01.44mog_homeone it cant do dns
09:01.57mog_homeand two it can only do ulaw and adpcm
09:02.10mog_homeso you need 64k up and down to have a call with iaxy
09:02.15konfuzedhhhmmm the protocol thing
09:02.15mog_homeor 96 with ulaw
09:02.20mog_homecodec thing
09:03.02konfuzedok i dont really see a problem with no DNS   the only ips that are needed are the Public IP of the Asterisk Server right
09:03.31mog_homebut some people dont have static ip for server aka people who run asterisk server off cable modem
09:05.32konfuzedso 96 - 192 - 384 -768 - 1536 = 8 calls per 1.5 mbps
09:06.03konfuzedhmmmmm  relatively costly economics
09:06.21konfuzedin the lan is not a problem
09:06.34konfuzedor the internet connection might be a problem
09:06.41mog_home16 i think
09:07.04mog_home1.5mbs/ 96kbs
09:07.10mog_homefor iaxy in ulaw
09:07.23mog_homejust about 24 with iaxy in adpcm
09:07.58konfuzedhm yes
09:08.43konfuzedthese 4mbps-800kbps connections dont really deliver 800
09:09.09konfuzedI would say 400 to 600 is more realistic
09:09.36konfuzedafter all it is half duplex and a there is a pile of downdata on the go aswell.
09:10.30*** join/#asterisk w0w0 (
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09:12.15konfuzedso 4 x 400 = 1.6mbps and so 6 ADSL connections would garner 2400Kbps to 3600Kbps
09:13.05konfuzedwhich would be 36 to 54 active calls over the internet gateway
09:13.23konfuzedis that about rigfht
09:13.49konfuzedmog_home: wheres this calculator ;^) have you found it?
09:13.58mog_home((20+8+10) + x * (4 + 33))*50*8 thats it for gsm
09:14.31konfuzedah right
09:14.55konfuzed((20+8+10) + x * (4 + 33))*50*8
09:15.04konfuzedjust checking
09:15.33konfuzedis there I chart somewhere
09:15.40*** join/#asterisk wasim (n=wasim@pdpc/supporter/active/wasim)
09:15.42mog_homeis good info
09:15.52genmudmog what timezone you in?
09:16.27mog_homeand online calc
09:16.34mog_homecentral us time
09:16.52genmudwhat state you in?
09:17.37mog_homethat calculator rocks
09:17.44mog_home100 gsm calls in just under a t1
09:18.48genmudlike i live in arizona
09:18.52mog_homejust about 420 here
09:18.53genmudin tempe
09:18.55mog_homeahh the silly state
09:18.58genmudit is 2:18
09:19.03mog_homewithout daylight savings time
09:19.04genmudi came home
09:19.09mog_homeyall need to get with the program
09:19.12mog_homelike yesterday
09:19.12genmudand went back out
09:19.19genmudasu kicks ass :)
09:19.25genmudi work for nasa mars center
09:19.50genmudthey have a lab here
09:19.52mog_homethats cool
09:19.57mog_homehow does asterisk come into that
09:20.06genmudit doesnt
09:20.12genmudsry if i am a little out there
09:20.21genmudbut i am quite drunk atm
09:20.25genmudbut like
09:20.28mog_homeits all good
09:20.34genmudwe have this beowulf cluster
09:20.34wasimhail IAX2!
09:20.40genmudthat controls all the simulations
09:20.44genmudand I work  onit
09:21.13konfuzedwell what we really need is a chocolate beer simulator
09:21.16genmudyea yea
09:21.33genmudlike i was chillin with some girls in this bar
09:21.37genmudno more than 21-22
09:21.43genmudfreaking HOTT
09:21.53genmudit was funny
09:21.59genmudi said i was a systems administrator
09:22.01genmudand they ran
09:22.01konfuzedany chocolate beer at thits bar???
09:22.31genmudi have never had chocolate beer
09:22.38*** join/#asterisk DaPrivateer (i=Privatee@CRIMSON.OFF-HOURS.COM)
09:22.45konfuzedyoure missin out
09:22.46genmudwhat brand?
09:22.54genmudand where can i get iT?
09:23.11konfuzedcharfenberger chocolate in your beer
09:23.20konfuzedin the US
09:23.31konfuzedIm in Toronto Canada
09:23.39konfuzedand I cant seem to get it here
09:23.42genmudwhat does it taste like?
09:23.49genmudjust chocolate
09:24.05genmudi like becks personally
09:24.09konfuzedim workin on getin it imported
09:24.15genmudbut i am from germany
09:24.27genmudi like shots of jager and becks
09:24.32genmudas a chaser :)
09:24.35genmudgood stuff
09:24.46konfuzedthen you should find a German Chocolate Beer
09:24.58genmudthat would be pimp
09:25.05genmudliek i have been drinking schnapps all night
09:25.06konfuzedcheck it out in google no shittin ya
09:25.37genmudlike before i left the bar
09:25.41*** join/#asterisk dstr (
09:25.42genmudmy bac was like .34
09:25.53genmudI am litelray shit faced
09:26.39genmudso does anybody do any drupal or civicspace stuff in here?
09:28.11genmuduh huh?
09:28.15genmudyea yea?
09:30.28genmudyou tjhere
09:31.14konfuzedsorry off to get some ice cream and pumpkin pie
09:32.02kuku5Is there an app that monitors QUALITY of a call ?
09:33.51konfuzedhow about an app that can even test quality vs monitor the whole call??
09:34.13wasimyou can monitor calls with chanspy
09:34.24wasimtesting quality is difficult, but you can infer that
09:34.34wasimfrom ping latency, bw monitoring and jitter stats
09:34.59konfuzedthe ultimate in Matrix Screen Blip monitoring
09:37.42mog_homeonly way to really now is to hear call
09:37.55wasimand to hear it from both ends :)
09:38.16genmudthat is what I am talkin bout :D
09:38.45konfuzedmog_home: at what number of callers does it become not viable to use asterisk??
09:39.15wasimkonfuzed: as opposed to?
09:39.19mog_homewell infinity
09:39.28mog_homeits all a matter of structure
09:39.39mog_homeit is often good to use ser with asterisk
09:39.40konfuzedok im thinkin out loud here
09:39.47mog_homeit depends on what your doing
09:39.57mog_homethere are asterisk installs with over 10,000 users
09:40.11mog_homenot all on one asterisk box of course
09:40.16mog_homebut several in a rack
09:40.20mog_hometalking to each other
09:40.36konfuzed1 building with 100 units and say 50 users
09:40.48mog_homeis more than enough power
09:40.48konfuzedis the project im looking at now
09:41.11konfuzed3 years later when there are 30 different buildings
09:41.37konfuzedthen each building also is setup to be a PSTN gateway and then
09:41.48konfuzedtied together via DUNDI ??
09:41.59wasimin 3 years time, * will be completely different to what it is now
09:42.15wasimwe hope, atleast
09:42.32mog_homeyup that will work
09:42.38mog_homewell it will be far more kick ass
09:42.44mog_homebut that would work forever
09:43.00konfuzed? what would work forever
09:44.11konfuzedwhat I said ^^ ?
09:44.14mog_homeconnecting machines together
09:44.18mog_homewill always work
09:44.20mog_homein asterisk
09:44.25mog_homeif anything it will just get easier
09:44.28*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
09:44.42konfuzedso does that mean I grea a clue ??
09:46.19konfuzedno seriously what is a good layout strategem for operating say 3 dozens buildings ranging from 75 to 300 untis with 50 % users and mostly wanting to call family in home lands spread around the world
09:46.55wasimwhats the interconnect between buildings and core?
09:47.06konfuzedid like to identify the high call destination locals and put another sterisk box on site in that city
09:47.30konfuzedsometimes SDSL
09:47.55konfuzedISP is DSL reseller from Bell Nexxia
09:48.01konfuzedI put asterisk box there
09:48.10konfuzedDSL to buildings
09:48.20mog_homeid drop a box in each place
09:48.21konfuzedand * at th building
09:48.38konfuzedand then put asterisk in high call destination cities
09:49.06konfuzedsetting up each * as also a PSTN Gateway
09:49.33konfuzedis that the way it is supposed to work??
09:50.24niZxwhy not use a cheap voip provider?
09:50.39konfuzedcause I would rather own the network
09:50.57konfuzedI think that's the idea I was told
09:51.03niZonI'd imagine it would be more expensive to do that
09:51.09niZonmuch more
09:52.16konfuzedwell the building units are utilizing a package of services on top of a building wide Managed Network with an Internet Gateway of MultiHomed DSL connections and possible cable aswell
09:52.55dstrHi, I cant get the sound to work through my softphone (express talk) and my asterisk 1.0.9 demo. I can see that the demo-file is played in the console. I'm on the same network. Firewalls on both server and client are disabled, I'm allowing the codecs gsm, alaw, ulaw, ilbc in sip.conf.  anyone?
09:52.57konfuzedso this is more like adding a VoIP layer on top of an ISP extended service network
09:53.20konfuzedor have I had too much pie?
09:53.43konfuzedkind of like last mile solution
09:54.06niZonIt would be much cheaper to find a voip provider
09:54.11niZonand much less complicated
09:54.26mog_homeman i hate double frees
09:54.31konfuzedinstead of 75 units paying 45/mth for dedicated dsl in isolation
09:55.02konfuzeddeploy a lan at the building and load balance 10 - 4Mbps connections or something
09:55.38konfuzedthen deploy some local network services to mitigate the bandwidth demand
09:56.24niZonyou should slow down and draw up what you want to do
09:56.47konfuzedI suppose part of the long term picture is to build a distributed VoIP provider network
09:57.08konfuzedoh just to mention again ...
09:57.24konfuzedI noted above Im talking out loud here about a bigger picture
09:57.53konfuzedright now
09:58.14konfuzedim just looking at 35 to 50 units in 1 builinding with a lan
09:58.45niZonwell then
09:58.50konfuzedbut it would be good to start off in sync with a bigger picture
09:58.50niZona little bit simpler
09:59.49konfuzedsomebody got them all excited and now buddy expects me to make it work
10:00.18konfuzedI think buddy is a little konfuzed ;^)
10:00.29wasimkonfuzed: hire someone who has done it before
10:00.31konfuzednow seriously I can handle this
10:00.46konfuzedwith a small budget someone will be consulted
10:01.04wasimdefine small budget in $
10:01.10konfuzedI dont know when some budget will flow exactly just yet
10:01.38konfuzedlan first then voip
10:01.51konfuzedim thinkin here
10:04.00konfuzedthis is largely for a budget challenged housing coop
10:04.14konfuzedthese bestly things are slow to move
10:05.31*** join/#asterisk X-Rob_ (
10:05.32konfuzedbuddys probably gonna try to find a way to get me to make it happen entirely for free
10:06.28konfuzedI'll get him to install asterisk on a bunch of used systems so that people can have ATAs for their regular phones
10:07.03konfuzedjust kiddin
10:07.14konfuzedId like to see them all get an IAXy
10:10.16*** join/#asterisk wmandra (
10:13.34konfuzedok the big trick here is when to reset their unrealistic expectations
10:14.15konfuzedbefore or after some payments clear ;^)
10:18.27*** join/#asterisk pooh_ (
10:26.51*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
10:28.19syle2any docs on coding asterisk modules?
10:28.46syle2trying to figure out if time.h is included or should i make my own calls for date and time
10:31.51*** join/#asterisk nesys (n=nesys@2001:1418:1a6:0:20d:93ff:fe28:3ef8)
10:36.35*** part/#asterisk pooh_ (
11:14.33*** join/#asterisk nassy (
11:20.29*** join/#asterisk AdysOne (
11:21.22AdysOneMusique : Rohff - La Puissance - Durée : 4:03
11:24.13*** join/#asterisk antoniojulio (n=antonioj@unaffiliated/antoniojulio)
11:26.40antoniojulioplease, for a system with sound card full duplex in openbsd, as I form so that it is heard echotest-done, the extension already I have it formed but nothing is heard, ideas?  thanks
11:27.03antoniojulioi used x-lite softphone
11:27.23antoniojulioi prove the codec gsm and alaw
11:31.14*** part/#asterisk AdysOne (
11:34.03antoniojulioplease help me?
11:45.38*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
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12:08.49*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
12:08.51Little-LDoes anyone have a link for the zaptel.conf documentation?
12:09.02ManxPowerYou mean like....
12:09.06jbotit has been said that docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
12:09.41Little-LThx - I'll check 'em out
12:17.07*** join/#asterisk folsson (
12:18.22syle2more billing module requests?
12:19.30syle21) be able to re-rate people 2) able to show advanced stats: 3) show time call was finished 4) discount section (field to SUBTRACT from rate of call) 5) tax section (field to ADD to rate of call)
12:19.35syle2what i got from you guys so far
12:19.45ManxPowerI don't bill for calls.
12:20.21syle2then just set rate to 0.00, anything else to add to this c module?
12:21.55dstrHi, I cant get the sound to work through my softphone (express talk) and my asterisk 1.0.9 demo. I can see that the demo-file is played in the console. I'm on the same network. Firewalls on both server and client are disabled, I'm allowing the codecs gsm, alaw, ulaw, ilbc in sip.conf.
12:23.57*** join/#asterisk xheliox (
12:25.05hugo-v6syle2: is it possible to set more than one rate? ie rate1=12cent for the first 5 mins then rate2=6cent for the rest of the call?
12:26.11syle2sure how would you define that in a table
12:27.04syle2i guess could do a rate2 field and a extrarate field
12:27.08hugo-v6well... use ie. max 3 diffrent rates. then i think this would be working without stress
12:27.13syle2extrarate contains seconds
12:27.38hugo-v6thats a great start.
12:27.40syle23 rates
12:27.47syle2hmmm ok
12:27.50syle2i;ll add that
12:27.51hugo-v62 rates are in .de common.
12:27.58*** join/#asterisk puppet (
12:28.04ManxPowerdstr, only allow 1 codec when testing.  ulaw is a good one to enable
12:28.08hugo-v6syle2: great. thanks.
12:29.05syle2is this for outgoing longdistance termination or incomming DID calls as well?
12:29.24hugo-v6more for outgoing than for incomming
12:29.30puppetanyone played with chan_bluetooth latley?
12:29.40syle2i;ll just add it there then
12:29.55hugo-v6thank you
12:31.14*** join/#asterisk mcn_ (
12:34.24manypuppet: WFM
12:35.21puppetmany: WFM? :)
12:35.31jontow"works for me"
12:35.46puppetjontow: that one was new for me ;P
12:36.49puppetmy error :/
12:36.57puppeti know wone other that have gotten same type of error
12:37.35manyuh. what locale is that? dk_Dk?
12:37.51puppetse, but its bugged in the terminal for some reason
12:37.58manyi see only warnings, though.
12:38.00manyno error
12:38.29puppetso it wont really affect it? ;P damn its to long ago i played with linux :( i rented my soul to MS :/
12:38.41manyit might affect the quality.
12:38.52manybut it doesnt affect wether its compiled
12:39.00puppetdo you know what the warnings can depend on?
12:39.18jontowwhat platform are you compiling on?
12:39.27manythe warnings are basically "you passed an signed integer, when an unsigned integer was expected"
12:39.30manyor vice vera
12:39.50puppetlinux, i686, more specific k7
12:40.12jontowbest bet is to give the compiled binary a try
12:40.45jontowif it didn't error out in the linking stage it'll at least run, whether it fails immediately or not is what you'll find out :)
12:40.50puppetok, gone compile kernerl, compile zaptel, then try
12:42.24Little-LI'm still trying the Zaptel-BSD driver. It compiles and installs fine (loads modules). But when i run ztcfg on more than one span, the kernel makes an interrupt storm... (
12:50.30ManxPowerAh.  I can't help with Zaptel-BSD.
12:50.43ManxPowerAlmost nobody runs zaptel with BSD so you won't find many people that can help you.
12:55.18*** join/#asterisk hatems (n=blood-mo@
12:55.26hatemshi all
12:55.45ManxPowerHello, Hat EMS
13:00.40*** join/#asterisk Blazint (
13:09.51hatemshi manxpower
13:12.52puppetubtuntu server sucks :/
13:12.58puppetinstalling debian again instead
13:13.29hatemshi puppet try to use suse 9.3or 10.0
13:14.03hatemsim using now redhat fedora core 4 with full update (kernel 2.6.13)
13:15.05puppetused debian before
13:15.16puppetbut i was lazy with kernel stuff and let it run 667 days
13:15.27puppetthen the ups didnt owrk and it said poff ;X then it didnt want to boot ;P
13:15.30puppetso i need to reinstall :X
13:15.54hatemsbut if you have a veru slow pc ( pII or P1 )try whitebox
13:16.03puppetamd duron 700
13:16.46hatemsar u using a pc with amd duron 700 to run a server !!!!!
13:17.26puppetworks fine for linux
13:17.35hatemstry to use linux white box
13:17.35puppetlinux dont require much, the windows machine req. more
13:17.55*** join/#asterisk Hobbes` (n=calvin@
13:18.04puppetrpm sucks ;P
13:18.06puppet.deb ftw
13:18.32Hobbes`is there a working version of chan_bluetooth for the 1.2.0 beta ?
13:18.49hatemsi know that i use linux for 5 year ago
13:19.17puppetHobbes`: this is a link to a swedish site that dicusses it
13:19.50puppetits for beta and head
13:20.21puppetdiscalimer "please have in mind im not a c developer so if anything looks strange tell me and i maybe can learn something to"
13:20.55puppet"oh and add a wait before you answer, cause if you answer pre the sco link comes up it aint any good. i used wait(2)"
13:20.58puppetbut afk now
13:21.10puppetgl :) im gone try it later myself when i have reinstalled server
13:22.23Hobbes`thanks a ton puppet.. my beta build continues :)
13:23.05hatemsyou can use the new debian 3.1 (a)
13:23.54*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
13:24.50*** join/#asterisk Druken (
13:25.14Drukenmorning people
13:26.43hatemsyeh manxpower it is for kids :D
13:27.07Drukenanyone know what would cause all loaded modules to magically dissapear?
13:27.33ManxPowerDruken, a reboot?
13:27.52ManxPoweror do you mean Asterisk modules, rather than kernel modules?
13:34.56*** join/#asterisk Mike_TK (
13:35.40Mike_TKHi guys! Can anyone tell me what's ETA for 1.2 Release?
13:36.09Mike_TKAt least it will be after or before New Year?
13:37.15ManxPowerMike_TK, There is no ETA
13:37.36ManxPowerOr more correctly, the last ETA I heard was "October", but nobody could day which year. 8-)
13:37.53ManxPower1.2beta2 is supposed to be out before the end of october, as I understand it.
13:38.41Mike_TKManxPower: Thanks.
13:39.12Mike_TKManxPower Than at least I can hope it will be ready in october
13:39.21Mike_TKManxPower: Next year ;)
13:39.22ManxPowerBasically: don't bet your business or bet a contract on 1.2 being released.
13:39.41ManxPowerI'm slowly testing 1.2beta and it's been pretty good for me.
13:40.32Mike_TKManxPower: No, I'm developer of *B2BUA project, and I have new beta ready for 1.2 beta, I just thought that I can wait until release.
13:41.09Mike_TKManxPower: If it's not planed soon, than I will release it for 1.2beta.
13:41.42DrukenManxPower: asterisk modules.....
13:43.39ManxPowerDruken, never heard it.
13:44.11Drukeni've had it happen a few times... usually a make install from the source will fix it...
13:44.16Drukenbut it seems not to this time
13:44.39Drukeni'ma try rebooting the box, see if that has any effect
13:44.41*** part/#asterisk nesys (n=nesys@2001:1418:1a6:0:20d:93ff:fe28:3ef8)
13:46.18ManxPowerDruken, Do the .so files stil exist on disk.
13:47.10Drukennot sure... will have to look when it's done rebooting
13:51.06*** join/#asterisk zeedo (n=zeedo@
13:52.30Drukenwell,... soo much for that... rebooted the box.. and now apparently ssh is being blocked...
13:52.43ManxPowerDruken, you have a hardware problem
13:52.55Drukenhuh ?
13:53.07Drukenthat box has no hardware for asterisk in it
13:53.15hatemsDruken  verify if the hd is not producting a bizar sound !!!
13:53.31ManxPowerDruken, I didn't mean Asterisk harware.
13:53.38hatemsverify you harddisck
13:53.40ManxPowerI suspect the HD or memory
13:54.04Drukenhatems: tell ya what, you drive over to the colo (of which i don't have access to) and tell me if it is... oh, and the colo is in edmonton... i'm in ontario
13:55.27ManxPowerUgh.  I'm going to have to find colo space soon.
13:56.08Mike_TKHeh, like me. I live in Ukraine and have colo in Amsterdam, nice huh. ;)
13:56.33syle2i;m in canada, colo in california
13:56.38Mike_TKAnyway it ever cheeper to flight to Amsterdam and back than having colo in Ukraine ;) so anyone have own problems.
13:56.39ManxPowerI'm hoping I can find good colo in birmingham AL
13:57.02Drukeni would have a local colo... but i wasen't willing to pay the 500 a month for 1u and 15gb transfer
13:57.05ManxPowerMike_TK, and really, you can't complain about having to go to amsterrdam
13:57.32Mike_TKManxPower: I don't complain. ;)
13:58.37*** join/#asterisk Little-L (
13:59.37Mike_TKI anyway coming to that having dedicated servers better than using colo....
13:59.54Mike_TKOnly if you need some BIG machine connected to the pipe.
13:59.58*** join/#asterisk shakuhashi (n=shaku@
14:00.18ManxPowerSoon I simply won't have the SPACE to have a local server
14:01.02syle2my server is 8 gigs of ram, 6 scsi disks, raid 5, dual 3.2 ghz cpu's, 10megabit pipe
14:01.05Mike_TKManxPower: You can install it in bathroom, just behind w.c. pan
14:01.48Mike_TKsyle2: Yeah, I know good place for such server ;)
14:01.54ManxPowerMike_TK, in an RV trailer?
14:02.41Mike_TKManxPower: hmm, if it's slim enought... why not
14:03.55hatemssyles2 your server is a hp ?
14:04.02Drukeni'd like to buy an old school bus and connect her in all ways possible
14:04.14Drukenwith solar panels on the roof for the free power :)
14:05.14syle2think i paid about 10k for it
14:05.15Mike_TKDruken: nergh, better use bio generator just after w.c. If you like, you can be sure that you have electrical power.
14:06.07Drukenbio gennie, and offer bathroom services to people :)
14:06.13hatemswhat is the price ?
14:06.24hatemssyle2 . what is the price ?
14:06.44puppetsyle2: i know a good place for that server to :X
14:07.01Drukenme too.. in my rack :)
14:07.10puppetno way in mine! ;p
14:07.33Mike_TKno, in my.... w.c.
14:07.38puppetlol so stupid i was i started the big apt-get outside in the serverroom...
14:07.41Drukeni only have a single 2.4 with about a gig of ram, without raid...
14:07.43Mike_TKI'll better put some SUN 15K
14:07.45Drukeni need it man :)
14:07.48puppetso i need to go there soon to check status :X
14:07.56hatemshi syle2 im realy interested :D
14:08.08Mike_TKand disconnects from central heating
14:08.14puppetlol Mike_TK
14:09.40syle2i'm not selling it
14:09.55syle2to useful for me as a database server
14:09.56af_what could I specify as "Application" on manager originate api?
14:10.06af_I have not understood what is it
14:10.30hatemsi know i just would like to bye one for me busness and i m asking u about price and some technical information !!!
14:12.10syle28 gigs of ram, 6 scsi disks, raid 5, dual 3.2 ghz cpu's, dell 2650, 3 year warrantee from dell, approx 8-9k US
14:12.12Drukensyle2: not selling it, but what about a kind gesture in the form of a donation ? :)
14:13.10syle2if you spend less than 8k on a database server for a business , good luck
14:13.44syle2hope you got a good load balancer :)
14:14.14hatemsi steel doeing a project studies
14:15.28Mike_TKNo, I'll better buy 3 such server on ebay for this proce
14:15.51syle2with a warantee you won;t
14:16.06syle2my server breaks dell flies down within 24 hours to fix it
14:16.14Drukenebay sucks ass for electronics, too many assholes selling broken shit
14:16.58Mike_TKDruken: than don't buy in assholes.
14:17.33Mike_TKI'll better have additional 2 servers under my desk than I will wait for dell
14:19.19syle2this module taking forever
14:19.26syle2all the bloody math involved
14:19.51syle2first doing it in perl, then rewrite it in c, i find faster
14:21.22syle2then i;ll go declaring my variables and casting strings into floats hehe
14:23.53hatemsyeh (for 3 years)
14:31.12*** join/#asterisk rajiv (n=irc@gentoo/developer/rajiv)
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14:49.58hatemshi syle2 ihave download the spec of the dell 2650
14:50.08hatemsit is verry interesting hardware
14:50.21hatemsare using uit with asterisk?
14:53.31syle2that is more of a database server, i mean you could run asterisk off any 1u server, and feed from your db server
14:55.02puppeti bet i can find a 1u server that cant run * ;P
14:56.37puppet cant run ;P
15:02.29Little-LIs this the right way to make a loop cable: : using the Straight and the T1 Crossover?
15:03.33*** join/#asterisk crontibs (
15:03.48crontibsAnyone know if the jitter buffer in iax2 stable
15:04.00puppetthink so crontibs not 100% tho
15:04.24crontibsguessing its not good for production use?
15:05.04puppeti dont dare to answer :/ cause im not 100
15:06.06crontibsok i'll see if i can dig up some more info
15:07.04puppetwtb my kernel compiled so i can get all stuff up :/
15:10.44*** join/#asterisk kn0x (
15:20.03hatemshi crontlibs and kn0x
15:20.56*** join/#asterisk sapo_original (
15:21.30sapo_originalhi guys
15:21.45hatemshi sapo
15:22.09sapo_originalpeople, i need a little help in a dialer customized....
15:22.36sapo_originali look for a programer for customized a dialer or develop a dialer for me...
15:22.49*** join/#asterisk squeegy (
15:23.26sapo_originalcrontibs or hatems have any idea?
15:24.19crontibsnot programmer :-(
15:24.27puppetsapo_original: dialer? what u mean? ;p
15:24.34puppetlike application for win/linux? to dial?
15:24.36puppetor ?
15:25.10sapo_originalpuppet i need a dialer customized to my company logos and texts
15:25.23konfuzeddo you mean dial plan
15:25.37puppetor do you mean application as i said?
15:25.46konfuzedfor asterisk config or some utility to initiate dialin
15:25.52sapo_originalfor win
15:26.02konfuzedfor asterisk config or some utility to initiate dialin
15:26.13puppetso you want an app to dial and connect it to the phone next to the computer ?
15:26.43*** join/#asterisk tekati (
15:27.26sapo_originalpuppet i need a iax dialer... for using in windows client, to dial to another computer or a pstn....
15:27.41konfuzednow that's specific
15:27.51konfuzedwow what a difference being specific makes
15:28.39sapo_originali pay for this.. anybody can help me?
15:29.03konfuzedsapo_original: I would suggest that this is the wrong time of day
15:29.09konfuzedprogrammers sleep at this hour
15:29.21sapo_originalkonfuzed ehehehehe
15:29.23konfuzedthey often take sundays off too
15:29.42konfuzedlate afternoon to evening is the time to find em
15:30.00konfuzedI was chattin with a couple around 6 am this morning
15:30.07konfuzedthey must be unconscious now
15:30.15puppetlol konfuzed
15:30.28puppetsapo_original: have u tried the asterisk-biz list?
15:30.53sapo_originalchanges i need is a very very simple
15:31.14puppetgod i forgot how long time it took to compile
15:31.17konfuzedso you have an existing app source code to work with
15:32.04sapo_originalkonfuzed its idea.. but i dont have time to learn how to make... i need a anybody with the knowloged...
15:32.26konfuzedits so simple I just want the blue turned into purple and and make it rotate in the other direction
15:32.36konfuzedcommon development question
15:33.10konfuzedsapo_original: just saying you cant make simple changes without source code to start with
15:33.21konfuzedotherwise you are making something from scratch
15:33.40sapo_originalthats ok.. i go to launch now
15:34.29puppetoh, ok
15:35.18*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (i=kev@
15:35.24*** join/#asterisk Damin (
15:35.44puppetno Damin
15:36.17kn0xi have a small problem...
15:37.02kn0xafter switching FWD to SIP from IAX... i cannot recieve incomming calls (i dont see anything show up on the cli)... and i dont have audio on outgoing calls
15:37.10kn0xalthough they do appear to be succseful
15:37.19puppetkn0x: firewall issue?
15:37.39kn0xi have ports 10000-20000 and 5060 forwarded to asterisk
15:37.54puppethave u set external ip in your config?
15:38.05kn0xand nat=yes
15:38.27kn0xi am getting this when it registers thoug: SIP/2.0 200 Received non-routable address,  use public IP next time Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK5ec2dade;received=
15:38.40puppetthne you ahvent set all
15:38.59kn0x64.108.214.93 is my ip
15:39.08puppetis not
15:40.10file[laptop]you set externip and localnet?
15:40.15kn0xnat=yes localnet=
15:40.29kn0xim using dyndns
15:40.51puppetexternip =
15:41.07puppetand im behind firewall
15:41.08puppetand it works fine here
15:41.11file[laptop] if using a hostname
15:42.14kn0xi am
15:42.36kn0xbecause idont have a static ip and im using dynamic dns
15:42.42puppetexternhost = hostname.tld : (new in Asterisk 1.2.x)
15:42.52puppetexternrefresh = xxx : Specify how often a hostname DNS lookup should be performed for the value entered in 'externhost' (new in Asterisk 1.2.x)
15:43.31puppetsay thanks to file[laptop] was he that said it
15:45.15*** join/#asterisk oej (
15:46.04puppetcan you have tow localnet assigned ? :x
15:46.17fileprobably not
15:46.40puppetcause i got a fiawall with a orange/green net
15:46.50puppetand the green should be local to * to
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16:16.37Little-LCan someone provide me with there zaptel.conf, for example use
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16:27.15power1hey battling to get outgoing calls through voip provider to work.....I am thinking that maybe its a firewall issue...can asterisk work behind a NAT firewall?
16:28.03bsdfreakyeah it can
16:28.07bsdfreakusually better with iax2 than sip
16:29.34power1bsdfreak, what do i need to configure on firewall to get it to work?
16:30.26*** part/#asterisk isotopp (n=none@tor/session/x-c8128addd56089e5)
16:30.31bsdfreakfor outgoing you really shouldn't need to configure anything for an iax2 setup
16:30.35bsdfreaki know i didn't
16:30.46power1I keep getting a "circuits are busy now" message when trying to call through sip provider..
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16:30.57power1I dont know where to troubleshoot this problem....
16:30.58bsdfreakah.  sip
16:31.00power1can any1 help...
16:31.20bsdfreakyeah it's probably a nat issue
16:31.22power1ive been pulling my hair out for 2 days now..and i diodnt have a lot of hair to begin with <grin>
16:32.08crontibsdef nat issue
16:32.40power1crontibs, bsdfreak what can i do to confirm that thats the problem and troubleshoot further?
16:35.42*** join/#asterisk brc_ (n=Brian@pdpc/supporter/basic/brc)
16:39.49crontibssip with nat tends to make you pull hair trying to figure out
16:39.52crontibswhat the delay
16:40.06crontibsthe problem is
16:40.18puppetjust have to forward right ports and have right settings
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16:41.10crontibsunless you have
16:41.18crontibsor restrictive
16:41.29crontibsbut you can get it working
16:41.45puppetif you control the firwall its easy ;P
16:42.15power1puppet, crontibs ive told the firewall to allow open and allow all incoming and outgoing ports for the private ip address of the asterisk server.....and still no go....
16:42.35puppetpower1: you need to configure * to
16:42.39power1puppet, what ports do i need to forward to the asterisk box?
16:42.56puppetexternip = :Address that we're going to put in SIP messages if we're behind a NAT
16:43.27crontibs5060 for sip
16:43.32crontibsand the udp ports for Rtp
16:44.57power1puppet, is that the address of the external voip provider, that i must forward all traffic from that ip to the ip of the asterisk server?
16:45.10puppetthats the ip of YOUR external ip
16:47.30bsdfreakwit da ruckus
16:48.08power1puppet, oh, ok, is it a problem that my external ip is adsl and dynamic?
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16:48.45puppetthen you need dyndns or something
16:49.01puppetexternhost = hostname.tld : (new in Asterisk 1.2.x)
16:49.01puppetexternrefresh = xxx : Specify how often a hostname DNS lookup should be performed for the value entered in 'externhost' (new in Asterisk 1.2.x)
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17:30.04genmudthat is how I feel right now
17:30.34genmudI am still buzzed from last night :-(
17:31.59crontibsdamm what did you drink
17:32.18genmudtons of schnapps
17:32.27genmudlike 3/4ths of a bottle of it
17:32.32genmudlike 8 beers
17:32.38genmud3 or 4 jager bombs
17:32.44genmudand a bunch of vodka
17:32.57crontibsdamm remeinds me of my birthday party
17:33.10genmudyea, i was thouroghly shit faced
17:33.10crontibsnext day
17:33.13crontibsit didn't
17:33.17crontibsend to good
17:33.27genmudyea, last night i got sick
17:33.38genmudabout 20 minutes in
17:33.44genmudlike we started doing shots of 151
17:33.48crontibsall i know is my poor dog need bath the next day
17:33.49genmudand I hadn't had anything to eat
17:34.24genmudmy bathroom got cleaned by me
17:34.38genmudwhich at that point, i was drunk, but not *faced
17:34.54genmudso we are gonna see how it looks
17:35.02genmudmy gf is out of town
17:35.10genmudso she wasn't able to clean it up for me... lol
17:35.21crontibshaha -- mines was barking up
17:35.27crontibsthe next day
17:35.32crontibsyou - a** hole
17:35.35crontibsyou drank to much
17:35.39crontibsbla bla bla
17:35.47crontibsi was hung over to pay attention
17:35.49genmudyea, my girl is pretty hot
17:36.00genmudand she loves me and I love her
17:36.06genmudso it works out, she gets annoyed
17:36.09genmudbut she lives with it
17:36.10mog_homethose are usually good things
17:36.16genmudcuz it is only on the weekend
17:36.32genmudi have a very stressful job
17:36.41mog_homei really dont get drinking
17:36.48genmudi normaly don't either
17:36.54crontibsi stopped
17:36.54genmudit is just that I went to the bar
17:36.56crontibssince that time
17:36.59crontibsthat was back in June
17:37.07crontibshaven't had drop since then
17:37.10genmudyea, drinking in the winter isn't fun
17:37.29mog_homei am gonna have my first drink in 16 days
17:37.38mog_homeis getting earily close
17:37.51crontibsmog has count down clock
17:37.56crontibsticking down those 16 days
17:38.32mog_homei do
17:38.34genmudyea, i am used to foreign laws
17:38.38mog_homenov 8 2005
17:38.41mog_homethe big day
17:38.48genmudaka germany, where the drinking age is 18
17:39.18mog_homeback when peer pressure started in 7th grade i was like im not gonna drink till im legal, and somehow i kept it up for 9 years
17:39.35mog_homewe are in alabama
17:39.43mog_homekids start drinking at 12 and under
17:39.56genmudlike I didn''t have my first drink till I was 17
17:39.59genmudand that was on a cruise
17:40.01genmudso it was legal
17:40.01mog_homeor at least "normal" ones do
17:40.45genmudlike i think the laws in the US need to be changed
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17:41.03mog_homei think it doesnt matter
17:41.12mog_homeas it is the most unenforced law on the planet
17:41.15genmudit seems to me that kids can't get it out of their system before going into the workforce
17:41.24mog_homei mean it really should be you need to be 21 to purchase it
17:41.29mog_homeas no one cares that people drink it
17:41.39mog_homei mean we are harder on cigarettes here
17:41.54genmudnah, it is harder to get alcohol then it is to get drugs
17:42.01iceypmorning all
17:42.09mog_homewell thats true everywhere
17:42.20mog_homei can go next door in my apt complex and get anything if i wanted it
17:42.21IronHelixi dunno
17:42.27mog_homebut i do live in crappy neighborhood
17:42.30genmudlemme give you something to gnaw on though
17:42.31IronHelixi think the 21 to drink law makes kids want to drink more
17:42.33iceypanyone used a calling card app better than astcc?
17:42.55crontibsexactly waiting till 21 just seems like its gonna cause more harm then good
17:43.09IronHeliximho, ppl should learn to drink before they learn to drive
17:43.28IronHelixmake it like 16 to purchase alcohol but get rid of the nazi style anti party lawx
17:43.36genmudthe US has one of the highest alcoholic percentages and it is the only country with a drinking age of 21...
17:43.39IronHelixif kids wanna get together and get shit faced let them
17:43.48genmudother countries have drinking ages of 18, 19
17:44.03genmudand the kids can drink while in school, and get it out of their system
17:44.04iceyp<mog_home> as no one cares that people drink it
17:44.15mog_homemeh i could care less, like i said law isnt enforced anywhere, esp in south.  I think there would be less binge drinking if it wasnt illegal but whatever
17:44.41*** join/#asterisk Flauto (n=devil@
17:44.42genmudbasicaly what happens in the us, is that people go out of college drunk
17:44.45genmudand still drinking
17:44.56Flautohey people
17:44.58genmudthat is my opinion of course
17:45.04genmudbut everyone is entitled to it :)
17:45.05Flautohow are you guys doing
17:45.07genmudSup man
17:45.13IronHelixmorning flauto
17:45.14Flautogreat to know
17:45.17Flautohi iron
17:45.20Flautohow are ya
17:45.31Flautoi am new to asterisk
17:45.31jontowpersonally.. i think that the whole situation's fucked..
17:46.01IronHelixus is slowly becoming a republican led nanny state IMHO
17:46.14IronHelixcase in point- all these anti video game laws
17:46.23IronHelixie you have to be 18 to puchase GTA3
17:46.45IronHelixand if it gets broken you can fine the stupid walmart clerk $50k
17:47.17genmudfines are stupid
17:47.21genmudthey don't fix the problem
17:47.31IronHelixany questions flauto?  we r here to help (some of the time)
17:47.46Flautothanks guys
17:48.09IronHelixunless you send death threats to the ops, in which case you wont be here for much longer (happened last night)
17:49.13Flautoyes, iron
17:49.20genmudwhen did that happen?
17:49.26Flautoi am using asterisk with broadvoice
17:49.42IronHelixlast night around 2am, some guy came in and spammed about 15 lines of a question that i guess he asked before.  got kicked, not banned
17:49.55IronHelixpm'd twisted i think saying like 'i'll fucking kill you asshole'
17:50.00IronHelixhe wasnt around much longer
17:50.01jontowsome people take IRC a little seriously
17:50.08jontowa little too seriously, that is
17:50.09genmudThat is funny
17:50.48Flautoi setup a macro-dialbv
17:51.34Flautoand then, when i put the context longdistance, i have to leave } out or the call won't go through
17:51.51crontibshow is the broadvoice anyways
17:51.52Flautoi just can not figure out why
17:52.13IronHelixflauto- is a very useful took for posting configs.  post your config there (removing any passwords and other such juicy bits) and i'll take a look at it
17:52.26IronHelixbroadvoice is alright, it works
17:52.31IronHelixinband dtmf tho :\
17:52.35Flautoand also, i want to be able to call back home from my cell and then that i can call out from my asterisk
17:53.14IronHelixfor that you want this:
17:53.41crontibsi'll stick with Jer Jer and Nufone
17:53.44crontibsworks well for me
17:55.07IronHelixbv is good but its a SP not wholesale like nufone...  your outbound cid is set and cant be changed, but you dont pay per minute
17:56.52Flautoiron, i just did
17:57.03IronHelixwhats the url to your pasted bit?
17:57.32IronHelixi think its this
17:57.39IronHelixyou have to post the url here
17:57.45IronHelixso we can find your paste
17:58.18Flautoyou got it
17:58.51Flautoiron, you got it right
18:00.27IronHelixok so you have your dialbv macro
18:00.48IronHelixcalled in the form macro(dialbv,numtocall,cidtouse)
18:00.54Flautobut i can not put } to make it complete by the end of that paste
18:01.30IronHelixexten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,n,Macro(dialbv,${EXTEN:1,s,1)  should be exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,n,Macro(dialbv,${EXTEN:1},putsomethingforyourcalleridhere)
18:02.16Flautolike what then
18:02.55IronHelixgoing back for a second, your macro won't work that well, because unless something has changed recently broadvoice does not allow you to specify your outgoing caller id
18:03.18IronHelixi used them once for a project, if you sent caller id as anything but your ten digit bv phone number it would dump the call
18:03.48IronHelixalso in sip.conf you have the fromuser= line set for broadvoice right?
18:03.52Flautowhat should i do?
18:04.12IronHelixbecause if you have fromuser= set in sip.conf, your line exten => s,1,SetCallerID(${ARG2}) will have no effect on the outgoing call
18:04.31IronHelixthe outbound caller id will still be your ten digit broadvoice number
18:05.06IronHelixin sip.conf, fromuser= says ignore whatever the thing trying to dial this sip channel says, our outbound caller id is (whatever you put after fromuser=)
18:06.26IronHelixsee what i'm saying?
18:06.59IronHelixthat said, to make your macro work correctly
18:07.08IronHelixyou can do exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,n,Macro(dialbv,${EXTEN:1,s,1)
18:07.10IronHelixdamn paste
18:07.42IronHelixyou can do exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,n,Macro(dialbv,${EXTEN:1},"Zhao Liu" <3129620228>)
18:11.32Flautoi put my callerid at the macro
18:11.59IronHelixyes but that is currently commented out
18:12.24IronHelixif you switched the two s,1 lines in the macro then you can just do exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,n,Macro(dialbv,${EXTEN:1})
18:12.24Flautofromuser is my number 3129620228
18:12.57Flautowhat is that s,1?
18:13.06Flautoi am sorry asking stupid questions
18:13.50IronHelixthere is no such thing as stupid questions, only stupid people
18:13.57IronHelix:) j/k dont worry bout it we were all n00bs once
18:14.16IronHelixif fromuser is set, dont bother with SetCallerID because it wont do anything
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18:15.04IronHelixmake the first line in the macro:  exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/${ARG1}@broadvoice,60)
18:15.13IronHelixthat will just take a number and dial it
18:15.25Flautowhat does the T mean
18:15.37Flautoyou can tell that i borrowed it from somewhere else
18:16.52Flautoshould i have {ARG2} by the end in the macor?
18:17.07wjn78is a macro just a reference to another context full of comannds?
18:17.15IronHelixT: Allow the calling user to transfer the call
18:17.45IronHelixwjn- its a context full of commands that are executed as a single command from somewhere else
18:18.08Flautoexten => s,1,Dial(SIP/${ARG1}@broadvoice,${ARG2},60)
18:18.08Flautoexten => s,n,Macro(fastbusy)
18:18.08Flautoexten => s,n,Hangup
18:18.08Flautoexten => s,104,Macro(fastbusy)
18:18.09Flautoexten => s,105,Wait,3
18:18.13Flautoexten => s,106,Playtones(congestion)
18:18.15Flautoexten => s,107,Wait,30
18:18.17Flautoexten => s,108,Hangup
18:18.19Flautothis looks okay then?
18:18.28IronHelixso if you make a context [macro-mymacro] you can then make a series of command that use like ${ARG1} ${ARG2} etc and then call it with macro(mymacro,arg1,arg2) to fill in the blanks
18:18.42IronHelixno dump the arg2 and one comma after the word broadvoice
18:18.51IronHelixexten => s,1,Dial(SIP/${ARG1}@broadvoice,60)
18:18.57Flautoiron, okay
18:19.24Flautoiron thank you so much for your help. i have more questions. let me fix this one first
18:19.31IronHelixno problem
18:20.20Flautoexten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,n,Macro(dialbv,${EXTEN:1})
18:20.27*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
18:20.32Flautothis is for trunkld
18:20.37Flautois it okay
18:21.03IronHelixwjn- look at the macro flauto just pasted.  you can call that with macro(dialbv,numbertocall) and now with one line you have a system that will dial and play error tones if needed
18:21.13IronHelixFlauto- yes
18:21.51hardwiremo fo
18:24.29wjn78that context would be in extensions.conf and or any #include?
18:24.51IronHelixwhich context, macro-dialbv?
18:25.06IronHelixyeah you could put it anywhere
18:25.10IronHelixand then call it from any other context
18:25.18IronHelixusing macro()
18:25.45IronHelix more info on macros
18:25.56wjn78does anyone  know how to block callerid when someone types *67 from a linksys pap2-na and its connected to asterisk?
18:26.25Flautoi am still working on it
18:26.30Flautofor international calls
18:26.40Flautoi will ask more in a few minutes
18:26.55IronHelixtake your time fl, what you could do is _9. in the trunkld and that will match anything that starts with 9
18:27.01IronHelixhmmm, i dunno if the pap2 will support feature codes locall
18:28.11IronHelixyou can do it a few days wjn, if it supports it locally, then just dial *67 and as long as you dont have anything else overriding it (like fromuser=) that will work
18:28.55wjn78in the config page you see diable caller id or block and it has *67 in it so I wonder what its passing to asterisk through SIP?  whatever it is its not working
18:29.07IronHelixwjn what provider?
18:29.22wjn78the callerid info is stored on Asterisk
18:29.28wjn78lets say VOIPJET
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18:30.03IronHelixwell all *67 does (assuming the device is handling it correctly) is make the pap2 not send a caller id to asterisk
18:30.24IronHelixthat can easily be overridden with something like fromuser= in the sip.conf or SetCallerID in the dialplan
18:30.28*** join/#asterisk damned (
18:30.39wjn78so what it actually needs to do then is send the restricted command
18:31.12IronHelixthats what it should be sending if its handling *67 correctly
18:31.35IronHelixhowever asterisk is under no obligation to respect that, it can change the caller id from "restricted' <> to whatever it wants
18:31.38wjn78yes but for instace Broadvoice doesn't recognize anything that you set for callerid as they pass it themselves however they would accept a block command from you.  So I have not put much time in it but I assume that you need to send something or have asterisk look for it someway
18:31.48Flautoiron, i am done. for ld, i am using that but for international. i only have certain coutntries that i can call unlimited
18:31.58Flautoso i have to config that for a while
18:32.00Flautoi am back
18:32.36IronHelixwjn- as i understand it, bv will recognize what you send, but they will only accept the call if your caller id is either nothing or your phone number
18:32.47Flautodo you guys know what is going on with fwd iax?
18:33.00Flautomy registration has been off for two days
18:33.03IronHelixflauto- its always been a bit flaky for me, i just use sip now
18:34.11wjn78ok...  Well thank you...  If I figure it out,  I for sure pass the kowledge on..  I have a conference call with Linksys/Cisco on Monday so I'll try to through that in during the call and see if I can get a logical answer
18:34.33IronHelixwjn- the *67 isnt working because for bv, you need fromuser= which will override the caller id you get from the device
18:35.16Flautobut i tried the sip but other parties can not hear me
18:35.16IronHelixif the pap2 is your only internal extension, you can (ugly hack) leave out the fromuser= and just set the calling number of the pap2 to be your phone number with bv
18:35.31IronHelixflauto- you need to set up the nat options in sip.conf
18:35.37IronHelixexternip= and localnet=
18:35.41IronHelixalso set nat=yes
18:35.45Little-LThis file works on FreeBSD: - My question is, can it be true that i can't define multiple spans?
18:35.55wjn78lets say its user to user on the same box,  how would you block that then?   I need to find out what command which I assume is restricted the pap2 is sending and then how to capture that with asterisk and then block that information.
18:36.10IronHelixthen look in rtp.conf and set a range of ports, on your router forward that udp range to your * box
18:36.13IronHelixthen ppl can hear you
18:36.16belo__has someone got astricon 2005 photos?
18:36.37wjn78but thanks for the suggestion :)
18:36.50IronHelixif we are ignoring any provider rules
18:36.57IronHelixand we dont have fromuser= set in sip.conf
18:36.58belo__IrohHelix: thx
18:37.03IronHelixand *67 still isnt working
18:37.08Flautoi did set localnet and nat and all that stuff
18:37.11IronHelixthen the problem is somehow on the device side
18:37.22IronHelixflauto- did you forward ports?
18:37.39Flautoon my router
18:37.47Flautoi forwarded 5060-5062
18:38.06IronHelixwjn- generally asterisk will accept the caller id the gadget sends it
18:38.18Flautoand also. is enum look up still working?
18:38.34IronHelixenum != dundi
18:38.49Flautoi set it up the way the sample did but i never got a single call through enum
18:39.04IronHelixi think its enum.conf you have to set what enum domains it uses
18:39.26wjn78I guess what I'm thinking is this.  I would assume some macro needs to be made that would say check callerid from pap2 if callerid is not set restricted then pass what's stored in the users context otherwise send restricted
18:39.37IronHelixthat would work
18:41.20*** join/#asterisk ahammond (
18:41.23IronHelixor better, if the caller id is set restricted then SetCallerID("Restricted" <>)
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18:41.58wjn78exactly but I don't know how to do that just yet...  I understand it but need to put it in action providing I'm on the right track
18:42.39IronHelixah ok gimme a sec
18:42.55Flautoi did set search => search => and h323driver => H323
18:45.54IronHelixexten => xxx,1,GotoIf($["${CALLERIDNAME}" = "Restricted"]?5:10)  will jump to priority 5 if calleridname is "restricted", otehrwise will jump to priority 10
18:46.21n0rf-hey guys
18:47.11IronHelixalternatively, do :  exten _*67.,1,SetCallerID("Restricted" <>)     exten _*67.,2,Goto(dialoutcontext,${EXTEN:3},1)
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18:47.15IronHelixhi n0rf
18:47.27IronHelixflauto- keep in mind not many numbers are in enum
18:47.38IronHelixon you can look one up as i recall
18:47.58ahammondwow. it's 2005 and people are still not only working with but actively developing programming languages that hideous
18:48.20n0rf-i'm having problems with moh. my musiconhold.conf is ok, i've tried both mpg123 (v 0.59r compiled from source) and madplay, it just gives me "Unable to start music on hold" in any case. how can i locate what exactly went wrong?
18:48.46n0rf-asterisk 1.0.9
18:48.49drumkillaahammond: which ones are you referring ot
18:48.58Flautobut 800 numbers should be okay with enum
18:49.18ahammondthe stuff that IronHelix posted above. it looks like an abortion of shell or perl or somesuch... eeeew
18:49.37IronHelixits dialscript, at least thats what i call it as it has no formal name that i know of
18:49.49drumkillaextensons.conf syntax
18:49.50IronHelixits not a programming language
18:50.18ahammondwell, that dialscript syntax is fugly. :)
18:50.31IronHelixsoon it will be replaced with AEL, which is more elegant (asterisk extension language)
18:50.34drumkillaahammond: so, if you didn't recognize that, then you must know nothing about asterisk
18:50.51ahammonddrumkilla: only the rudimentary stuff.
18:50.53*** join/#asterisk apolonio (
18:51.07JunK-Yat least, he makes a really good joke :)
18:51.11drumkillaI would have included the dialplan in rudimentary stuff :)
18:51.44ahammonddrumkilla: rudimentary in the sense I know that it's a phone system.
18:51.47IronHelixn0rf- is your verbosity set high?  that might reveal a better problem
18:51.50drumkillahehe, cool
18:52.08drumkillait's an uber l33t phone system
18:52.13n0rf-IronHelix: with vvv i just get above error in console
18:52.20n0rf-i'll try some more vs
18:52.47ahammonddrumkilla: yeah, hypa7ia keeps telling me that
18:52.59drumkillayou friends with hypa7ia ?
18:53.05IronHelixn0rf- try going to your asterisk source directory and do make mpg123
18:53.10ahammonddrumkilla: I'm never sure. :)
18:53.16drumkillaha, ok
18:53.19IronHelixas i recall that runs a make script which downloads, compiles, and configures mpg123
18:53.45IronHelixdid you do this
18:53.45IronHelixln -s /usr/local/bin/mpg123 /usr/bin/mpg123 << this creates a symlink in the /usr/bin directory, which is where asterisk searches for mpg123
18:53.51ahammondspeaking of which, I should head my ass over to LinuxCaffe and meet her.
18:54.06drumkillaI have been there!
18:54.34ahammondneat. well, later all
18:54.49n0rf-IronHelix: that's where i got my mpg123 ;)
18:55.05n0rf-i've put it in /usr/local/bin
18:55.14n0rf-plays well to the soundcard
18:55.41IronHelixthen do ln -s /usr/local/bin/mpg123 /usr/bin/mpg123
18:55.47IronHelixcuz * looks in /usr/bin
18:55.54IronHelixand see if it works
18:56.02apoloniohi .... how can i now when a client pickup the phone ... and then play a message?
18:56.06ManxPowerAsterisk looks BOTH in /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin
18:56.23ManxPowerchekck the source
18:56.35drumkillaindeed it does
18:56.41apolonioi try with progresscall ... but this is only for usa
18:57.03IronHelixinteresting, /me goes to update voip-info
18:57.12n0rf-IronHelix: no need to.. the install script already put it there as well
18:58.08IronHelixtry make mpg123 from asterisk source dir?
18:58.39n0rf-as i said, that's how i got mine
18:58.43n0rf-make mpg123
18:59.01apoloniocan i make a script for that ...?
18:59.29IronHelixapo- sure thats easy, exten => s,1,answer(), exten => s,2,Playback(yourmessage) then do whatever
19:00.10IronHelixthen exten => s,3,Dial(whoever will get the call)
19:00.29IronHelixthat is odd n0rf...  and all it says is cant start music on hold
19:01.47*** join/#asterisk Lucci (
19:01.48apolonioIronHelix : ok i will probe that thnkx
19:02.14n0rf-IronHelix: exactly
19:02.26FlautoOct 23 14:01:48 WARNING[2277]: enum.c:235 parse_naptr: NAPTR Regex match failed.
19:02.26FlautoOct 23 14:01:48 WARNING[2277]: enum.c:354 enum_callback: Failed to parse naptr :(
19:02.26FlautoOct 23 14:01:48 WARNING[2277]: dns.c:162 dns_parse_answer: Failed to parse result
19:02.26FlautoOct 23 14:01:48 WARNING[2277]: dns.c:208 ast_search_dns: DNS Parse error for
19:02.38n0rf-i'm gonna remove both binaries now and recompile from the * source dir
19:02.40Flautowhat do those mean
19:02.52n0rf-Flauto: it means someone will slap you in 3 secounds
19:02.55LucciIs it possible to route ISDN to ISDN using Asterisk, plz?
19:03.29IronHelix(pasting several lines of text into the channel is frowned upon)
19:03.30Flautoiron, are you there?
19:04.36Flauton0rf, i did not do anything bad to you, leave me alone
19:04.52IronHelixhes not attacking you
19:04.54n0rf-Flauto: neither did i
19:05.06IronHelixits just considered 'bad' to paste a log or several lines of anything into the channel
19:05.09Flautothen, peace
19:05.14IronHelixhe was being humorous
19:05.19Flautoi am sorry
19:05.22Flautoi did not know
19:05.24n0rf-np :)
19:05.39n0rf-Flauto: guys like the one in the unregistered chan don't hang out here ;)
19:05.50LucciIs it possible to route ISDN to ISDN using Asterisk, plz?
19:06.06Flauton, i am new
19:06.14Flautothere are many things i have no idea with
19:06.25Flautothat is why i am trying to get help here.
19:06.51Flautoi would appreciate your help if you are willing to
19:07.05*** join/#asterisk riksta (n=rick@
19:07.17rikstacan someone please tell me about this error "Oct 23 20:05:31 WARNING[18453]: channel.c:1178 ast_waitfordigit_full: Unexpected control subclass '8'
19:07.45IronHelixhmmm, flauto dunno about the enum error
19:08.03*** join/#asterisk digime (
19:08.11IronHelixlucci- how so
19:08.17*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
19:08.21IronHelixasterisk can route quite flexibly, be more specific of what you want
19:08.39docelmoAnyone ready to get their ass blown away?
19:09.00IronHelixmy * server power supply isnt THAT old...
19:09.10docelmoWilma is due to hit florida at 8pm EST
19:09.14docelmoerr EDT
19:09.19IronHelixohh right wilma
19:09.29docelmoI am in Tampa
19:09.41docelmoAnd they are talking 80MPH winds until tomorrow night
19:09.48docelmoCan you say I am calling in sick?
19:10.19kFuQcall in 'fsck j00' ?
19:10.21IronHelixholy crap
19:10.36docelmoThere are actually a BUNCH of us in the asterisk community from here.. I dont believe they do IRC however
19:10.53IronHelixcall in claiming emotional illness...  your car is about to get blown away, and that makes you depressed
19:11.08docelmoI dont have one.. I drive my wifes..
19:12.09IronHelixcar/house/dog/hat/whatever, just put a bunch of them on your illness and injury report
19:12.43wjn78gosh if I was in florida I would give my x girlfriend a broom and say babe instead of acting like a witch you can fly like one now with wilma around
19:14.07genmudgotta update xchat
19:15.00IronHelixyes heavy wallet always = good thing
19:15.16kFuQwjn78: fishing weights don't count though
19:15.35wjn78I kept saying gosh my bank account found the secret to being in shape and thin..   Get a nabbing girlfriend
19:15.53rikstacan someone please tell me about this error: Oct 23 20:05:31 WARNING[18453]: channel.c:1178 ast_waitfordigit_full: Unexpected control subclass '8'            I have no idea what is causing it, looking in the header file it says      #define AST_FRAME_TEXT          7   but I only use an E1 card zap channels(31) no image stuff what so ever
19:16.50wjn78I like women fit and bank accounts FAT..  I'm not saying they need to look like some model however I don't mind they just need to take care of themselves and leave the beer and nuts to us guys
19:17.14Inv_arphere here
19:18.18Lucci<IronHelix> Hi sorry for the delay, kids !!
19:18.30IronHelixno worries
19:18.35*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
19:19.57Lucci<IronHelix> I would likr to setup 2 E1 channels on the DIgium Wildcard TE405P to receive calls and the other 2 channels to route calls to a telco provider..
19:22.20IronHelixhangon 2 secs
19:22.57JunK-Yjbot, astricon2005 is at
19:22.59jbotJunK-Y: okay
19:23.06jbotastricon2005 is probably at
19:23.17n0rf-IronHelix: still no luck
19:23.57*** part/#asterisk The_Ball (
19:23.59n0rf-i've tried starting mpg123 under asterisk's credentials with output to the soundcard.. says it can't open /dev/dsp.. might that be related?
19:24.13JunK-Ythis is part #1
19:24.25JunK-Ypart #2 will be from my trip in general.
19:25.25IronHelixah crap i gotta run
19:25.27IronHelixsorry guys
19:25.36Flautobye iron
19:25.40Flautothank you so much
19:25.54IronHelixno problem
19:25.56IronHelixhave fun with *
19:28.00Flautoiron, i may come here some other time to bother you again
19:28.04Flautoi have many questions
19:28.19n0rf-Flauto: do you know
19:28.56Flautoyes, but the infor is all in pieces
19:29.00Flautohard to put together
19:29.08n0rf-'s quite some info on *, altho some of it is outdated
19:29.08Flautoi read so much there and my asterisk is working
19:29.20Flautobut i have no idea why should i do what i have done
19:29.34Flautoit is very much so outdated
19:29.40Flautomost of them
19:30.10n0rf-here's another guide, this one is prolly more cohesive:
19:30.28drumkillaooh, ooh
19:30.37drumkillathe new o'reilly book is available as a pdf!
19:30.50drumkillait's the best documentation there is
19:30.53Flauton, would you tell me if the sample dundi think would work?
19:31.21drumkillaThe O'Reilly Book:
19:31.26n0rf-Flauto: atm i'm not using dundi
19:31.35n0rf-ty drumkilla
19:31.37*** join/#asterisk Igbothom_III (
19:31.56FuriousGeorgedrumkilla: read it last weekend, its good stuff
19:32.06syle2guy is slacking
19:32.14syle2there is no c or php agi example hhee
19:32.19belo__is someone using visdn?
19:33.01filedrumkilla: your sillyness is showing
19:33.47*** join/#asterisk only1yoni (
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19:34.42only1yonihello: I just setup an asterisk server at home (I am a super new user to this system) I can recieve calls just fine, People on the other side can hear me but I can't hea rthem
19:34.59only1yonican anyone help?  I have no firewall and the sever is on my dmz
19:35.03*** join/#asterisk clive- (
19:35.49wjn78if the server is on your DMZ are you sure you don't have a firewall?
19:36.11Flauton, that guide is very general like the handbook
19:36.12only1yoniwjn78 I have a router with a firewall
19:36.19only1yonibut the firewall is disabled
19:37.01n0rf-Flauto: try the link drumkilla pasted above
19:37.13only1yoniin many forums I have read that if the server is on the dmz then i do not need to set porn fwding
19:37.22only1yoniporn = port sorry
19:37.32wjn78ohh ok...  I think it may be an externip issue as the other side is probably trying to send your call to the internal ip of your asterisk box
19:38.08only1yoniwjn78: i checked on that as well, but its set to my external ip
19:38.18wjn78in the sip.conf?
19:38.53only1yoniwjn78: I checked with the did provider let me check that file really quick to double check
19:39.05*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
19:39.10wjn78does your router have SPI turned on.  I don't think it matters since you have dmz but it doesn't hurt to check
19:39.12*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
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19:39.40*** part/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
19:40.06only1yoniwjn78: can i paste something to here or would that be spamming?
19:40.15only1yoniwjn78: i don't want to get kicked off
19:40.35jbotfrom memory, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
19:40.38wjn78externip = (your internet ip address)
19:40.43wjn78in the sip.conf file
19:40.59wjn78its the ip address assigned to your router
19:41.06wjn78on the internet side
19:41.16wjn78or some would say WAN side
19:41.57wjn78you may also need to add  localnet =
19:42.45ManxPoweror even localnet=
19:42.46wjn78but that would need to be based on the internal ip structure which depends on if your using or or so you would need to check on that
19:42.47only1yoniwjn78: check this out
19:43.04only1yonii dont see the same things that you are seeing
19:43.32wjn78you would need to add it in the sip.conf
19:43.47wjn78do you know what your external ip address is?
19:44.34wjn78add to your sip.conf in the [general] context   externip= (your external ip address)
19:44.44wjn78then from the CLI type reload
19:44.56FuriousGeorgecan someone volunteer take a look at my inbound context and tell me why the goto isnt working on the 2222 number
19:45.00only1yoniwhat is the bindaddrr?
19:45.39wjn78I always leave that at but it allows you to bind to a particular ip address in case your box has multiple ip's and or nics
19:45.46*** join/#asterisk zeedo (n=zeedo@
19:46.09only1yonioh cool
19:46.20only1yoniok i am donem should i check anything else?
19:46.26n0rf-still no luck debugging musiconhold, any more suggestions welcome :)
19:46.34wjn78just save and then from your CLI type reload
19:46.49*** join/#asterisk Ethon (
19:46.50wjn78then try and make another call and see if it works
19:46.57only1yoni10-4 thanx a lot
19:47.02wjn78yup ;)
19:48.58only1yoniwjn78: still sam eproblem
19:49.22wjn78so the other party can here you but you can't here them?
19:49.49only1yoniand they can hear me super clear too :-)
19:50.18wjn78you added in sip.conf under the [general] externip= or whatever your externip address is?
19:51.15only1yoniyes sir
19:51.25only1yoniwell i hope you are a sir
19:51.45wjn78what's your local ip address?
19:51.53wjn78just the local not the external
19:52.43*** join/#asterisk twisted (n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted)
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19:53.12wjn78add this below externip in the [general] context  localnet =
19:53.38wjn78then either restart asterisk or reload
19:53.53only1yoniok restarted
19:54.16wjn78now try and make a call ;)
19:54.58*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
19:55.14Flautohow do i set up a general macro for local exteions?
19:55.17Flautoif i did
19:55.23only1yoniwjn78: thank you again
19:55.24Flautowhat else i need to do
19:55.25*** join/#asterisk niZon (
19:55.26only1yoniwjn78: trying onw
19:55.53wjn78no problem..   I was once asking all these questions not too long ago and still do :)
19:56.39Flautohi guys
19:56.58wjn78hi Flauto so you still working on your macro?
19:56.58Flautowould anyone tell me how to use enum look up or dundi look up?
19:57.27Flautoi am working at home so i am doing my asterisk on the side
19:57.36Flautoso i can only work on it when i am not busy
19:57.41wjn78I would like to know how to also :)  sorry can't help you there..   Its on my list of things to learn..  I wish I could just plug in and download it all
19:58.09Flautowhat else have you figured out
19:58.13wjn78I wonder if there will be a version of linux running in our brains someday
19:58.15Flautoor what have you figured out
19:58.28Flautothat will take a while
19:58.42wjn78I've built a AsteriskBOX that the family uses but I had to put it in a datacenter as my DSL line just couldn't handle all the calls
19:58.43Flautoi am new to linux and asterisk
19:58.56wjn78so we all share the cost
19:59.01only1yoniwjn78: that was the problem
19:59.05wjn78I'm pretty new myself
19:59.11wjn78COOL!!! glad it worked
19:59.14only1yoniwjn78: its fixed now they can hear me and i can hear them
19:59.21only1yoniwjn78: thank you very much
19:59.26wjn78wish you the best of luck
19:59.30wjn78take care only1yoni
19:59.34only1yoniyou just saved me over $200.00 a month on long dist. calls
19:59.47Igbothom_IIIemail him a pizza
19:59.51only1yonihey i would
20:00.00only1yoniif he gives me the info i need
20:00.09wjn78woo hoo!!!   those phone companies don't need the money anyways unless they start laying fiber and helping us all out which is not why they are talking about laying fiber anyways but ohh well
20:00.13puppetgrr not getting the bluetooth to work with the p800
20:00.18Flautoi am using comcast cable. the download speed is good for the upload is slow
20:00.20Igbothom_IIIwjn78; agreed
20:00.35only1yoniwell soon google will have free voip
20:00.38only1yoni(i am sure)
20:00.55wjn78I'm moving back to Seattle in a couple of weeks and Qwest offers 5megs down 1meg up so I'm going with them
20:01.13Flautothat is great
20:01.15Igbothom_IIIGoogle is trying to WiFi-enable (well, wireless anyway) the main part of the USA
20:01.18only1yoniwow nice
20:01.19wjn78but I like comcast as long as I don't need to call them
20:01.21Flautohow much would that be then, w
20:01.30puppeti bet that is getting sip soon to
20:01.32ManxPowerI'm considering investigating laying my own fiber in a rural area
20:01.36only1yoniwell guys now i am going to play iwth this system
20:01.41only1yonithanx again and see you soon ;-)
20:02.02Flautow, that is a great price
20:02.04wjn78Microsoft has live communication server which uses SIP but its not Asterisk..  I use to work there for 7 years its great to work at but on the outside it sucks
20:02.11Flautocomcast cost me 42.95
20:02.23Flautoand it has 4mb down and 384kb up
20:02.25wunderkinwjn78: yeah but with dsl it depends how far you are from the co and how the line tests to what speed they provision you at
20:02.29Igbothom_IIIwjn78; and LCS is HELL expensive per CAL, too
20:03.02wunderkinwjn78: when they qualify the line they wont be able to guarantee squat as far as final provisioned speeds
20:03.12wjn78yup I can get it at a good price since I use to work there but I was sheltered for years from having to buy products they just give them to you all of them
20:03.19ManxPowerIgbothom_III, Well if you consider "SF" to be "Main part of USA" 8-0
20:04.03Flautoi setup wakeup call yesterday
20:04.06wjn78but I like Asterisk better than LCS
20:04.16Flautoand now i am working on using my asterisk as a gateway
20:04.25Flautoanyone can help me on that?
20:04.39Flautoso i can call back home and dialout from my asterisk
20:04.54Igbothom_IIIAsterisk (well, any open source pbx) has huge potential
20:04.58wunderkinwjn78: you get discounts even after you quit? interesting
20:05.34wjn78if you leave on goodterms you can maintain access to some things like MSDN 300.00 per year for Universal comapnystore access but you can only spend 600.00 per year
20:05.39wjn78but winxp is 25.00
20:05.59wjn78so the 600.00 can go far and makes great christmas shopping time..  People think you spend big but you really don't ;)
20:06.22*** join/#asterisk iceyp (
20:07.09wjn78its really not a bad company to work for..   lets see I worked 10am to 4pm had my own office, played basketball on campus from 1pm to 2pm then showered and went back to my office to test CRM some more
20:07.54wjn78Friday they bring you beer and wine from all over the world and everyone sits back and acts like a clown..  Its a great time to work on DCR's for a product and get stuff in that the managers don't want
20:08.33wjn78I want to go work for apple sometime and see what they can teach me
20:08.50wjn78but I don't want to live in sacramento
20:09.49Igbothom_IIIthey can teach you that 3.5% is enough for anyone  :)
20:09.50wjn78I keep wondering if Microsoft is going to buy Redhat with all the meetings balmer keeps having with the redhat president
20:10.03Igbothom_IIIthough, that doesn't get you far in uni  :)
20:10.32wjn78I never wanted to work at Microsoft they called me and I went but had a change of heart once I was there
20:10.45wjn78the people are nice in the product groups
20:11.03Igbothom_IIIworked in which part?
20:11.07ReD-MaNanyone know what causes asterisk to say all circruits busy when using an X101? :)
20:11.09wjn78ITG sucks, and upper management sometimes believes they are Gods gift to the world but most of the time it was cool
20:11.24Igbothom_IIIsounds like any business  :)
20:11.35wjn78I worked in PSS running the lab, then windows div, dx7 dx8, then onto CRM
20:11.43*** part/#asterisk oej (
20:11.51wjn78they sent me to Ohio when they aquired Great Plains and Solomon and I didn't like that so I quit
20:11.53Igbothom_IIIwe're about to look at vtiger  :)
20:12.25wjn78I like the Pacific Northwest and or California but not OHIO
20:12.34wjn78it was flat and damn cold
20:12.39wjn78nice people though
20:12.50Igbothom_IIII downloaded it a few months back, but been too busy and was pointed to it again recently by pooh_
20:13.03Igbothom_IIIthe people generally are nice in most places
20:13.09Igbothom_IIIexcept too far south  :)
20:13.14wjn78LOL I agree
20:13.31wjn78NYC was a neat time but not sure if I would want to live there
20:13.50wjn78I liked Texas but its too hot...   all you can eat ribs for 7.99 is awesome
20:14.21Igbothom_IIIhow aboot "all you can eat dumb politicians for $7.99"?
20:15.01Igbothom_IIIReD-MaN; (noob myself) in or out?  Out I gather.  Hhmmm, if only this server here had 5V PCI slots then I could connect my X101P to test, but need another box for that
20:15.06wjn78I think it would be cool all you can shoot politicians for 1000.00  I would pay it and shoot as many as I could..  They don't help they just go where the money is  ALL dems and repubs
20:15.30ManxPowerHey!  I go where the money is!
20:15.54wjn78manxpower but your in the private sector representing yourself not the people that voted for you
20:15.58wjn78I do to
20:16.10ManxPowerReD-MaN, if you are useing Asterisk at Home
20:17.34ReD-MaNManxPower: ?
20:17.40wjn78what really gets me is all the money we send overseas when there are people here in America that need it.  Some places in America still have dirt roads, not water, sewer lines, but we hide our poverty when other countries show there's so the money goes to them
20:18.07hypa7iahey, i have an idea! not talking about politics in #asterisk
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20:18.43wjn78how did it come up?
20:18.56wjn78ohh the all you can eat
20:18.56Igbothom_IIIbetter to help others get out of complete poverty as well as help your own - ignoring the rest of the world (hey, just think about this - someone from "There be dragons there" saying this to an American) won't get you far
20:19.13Igbothom_IIIall you can eat greasy chicken?
20:19.23Igbothom_IIIall you can eat heartattacks!
20:19.34Nivexfat patties and cholestrol sticks?
20:19.49Igbothom_IIIcan I have sugar with that?
20:21.26wjn78its an conspiracy that unhealthy food is more expensive than healthy food  but I'm giving up on talking about politics in Asterisk..  we can create #asterisk_policitcs if people want to keep talking about it ;)
20:22.20puppet :'( it is evil
20:24.23ManxPowerwjn78, As a percentage of GNP, the USA govt doesn't send all that much money overseas
20:24.31puppetanyone know why? :/
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20:31.44*** join/#asterisk n3u7 (
20:31.52n3u7Greetings all
20:32.18*** join/#asterisk genmud (
20:32.23n3u7About to install CentOS on a PII 733 with and x100p card
20:33.30genmudI am gonna do some work with asterisk on my main desktop
20:33.42genmudi just picked up like 5 of the x100p cards
20:34.08genmudwe will see how they are when they get here :-P
20:34.21Vcohow many are you planning on putting in 1 box?
20:35.13n3u7just 1 for now
20:35.23Vcoanyone here using areskicc...?
20:35.33AhrimanesVco: i used to
20:35.42Vcothing is annoying me...
20:36.00Vcoyet another "wonderfully documented" piece of software
20:36.42Vcowhat the hell is it with PHP or .NET and shockingly useless docs....
20:37.24genmudthey want you to do commercial seervices.
20:38.19ReD-MaNn3u7: I just did the same thing, having problems trying to get dialing out to the PSTN working :)
20:38.19Vcowell..the lack or clarity or communication skills a lot of the time pretty much keep me from even entertaining the idea of paying money for it..
20:38.53n3u7Red-Man :I see
20:38.58n3u7ReD-Man :I see
20:39.05n3u7ReD-MaN  :I see
20:39.32AhrimanesVco: what's your current problem with areski?
20:39.37ReD-MaNI love what I do have working already.. got extension setup, main greeting.. it is fun
20:41.31Vcoanyway, have areski installed, but the web login screen...i can log in...
20:41.38Vcousing any username and password
20:41.58Vcoall i get is a screen with a logout option..
20:42.13Ahrimaneshm strange
20:42.21Vcousing the root and admin id's that are created when importing the sql don't act any different
20:42.25Ahrimanesdont think i ran into that problem
20:42.33Vcoso of course, nothing even throws an error
20:42.44Ahrimaneswhat version?
20:42.54Vcolatest thats posted..
20:43.20AhrimanesVco: ok, you on here tomorrow? - i'm talking to the guy that makes it some time during tomorrow
20:43.35Vcopretty much here 24/7
20:43.39Ahrimaneshehe ok
20:43.46Ahrimanesi'll talk to him and poke you
20:45.20iceypanyone here using astcc and know how i can bill per minute rather than per second?
20:45.39Ahrimanesiceyp: i'm using astcc, lemme check
20:45.40clive-iceyp you just set the billing to 60 seconds
20:45.41tzangericeyp: that seems like a pretty damn trivial question
20:45.59n0rf-anyone care to help me out with moh? i just can't get it to work :/
20:46.15iceypi've triedm odifying  .... eval { $cost = int($adjcost * $adjtime / 60) };
20:46.23iceypbut i cant work out how to round to 60
20:46.38iceypclive- where is that set
20:47.12Ahrimanesiceyp: my $adjtime = int(($href->{duration} + 60 - 1) / 60) * 60;
20:47.19clive-icepy in the setup screen,,,I think its under "trunks" or "routes" dont quite remember...but I never changed the script to do it
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20:47.42iceyproutes has a includedseconds , but thats for the first minute and i'm not charging a connect fee
20:47.46iceypthanks clive-
20:47.49iceyperrm Ahrimanes
20:48.09Ahrimanesiceyp: that rounds to minutes ;)
20:48.24iceypshould post it somewhere
20:48.32iceypcouldnt find anything on the interweb
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20:48.40Ahrimanesiceyp: but in the database for astcc, table cards, column "inc" sets the increment interval
20:49.10iceypinc is 6
20:49.12iceypso thats increment
20:49.18iceypso i dont have to modify anything, just the db?
20:50.09syle2what do LCR and LCD stand for
20:50.23iceypLeast cost routing
20:50.30ReD-MaNyay I just broke my zaptel drivers
20:50.31iceypLiquid crystal display
20:50.37syle2err what are lcr and lrcd
20:50.45iceypAhrimanes you running astcc with many users?
20:50.55Ahrimanesiceyp: so far only about 50 users
20:51.03iceypok and no problems?
20:51.31Ahrimanesiceyp: not so far.. but am working on a better solution, anything AGI based is bound to spell trouble with many users
20:51.59clive-50 users,? mean 50 perl scripts running together?
20:53.13Ahrimanesclive-: no, currently 50 users total.. but yes, 1 perl script per user is the root of the problem with AGI based solutions
20:53.36clive-I am running 8 ports and so 8 perl scripts and its working fine....
20:53.59drumkillathat's why you use FastAGI
20:54.04drumkillasilly kids
20:54.06clive-I am just trying to figure out this fastagi stuff so That I can run more users off another machine, using the same DB
20:54.22Ahrimanesdrumkilla: i'd rather make an application
20:54.34drumkillanothing wrong with that :)
20:54.54puppeti hate p800 now :(
20:55.01Ahrimanesto me FastAGI seems like kind of a duct-tape solution
20:55.32drumkillano way ...
20:55.33clive-have you used fastagi yet?
20:55.47drumkillathere is still obvious benefit for letting users write in any language they want to control a call
20:56.24puppetim gone write it in c#
20:56.26Ahrimanesdrumkilla: yes, but since i'm "just" doing prepaid calls, i want it as simple and lean as possbile
20:56.33Ahrimanespuppet: damnit
20:57.49clive-drumkilla have you used fastagi before
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21:04.09drumkillano, i havent
21:04.49clive-ok, thanks..:) , I am trying to figure out how to convert my AGI/perl script into a fastagi script
21:07.29ManxPowerclive-, is your current script too slow?
21:08.22clive-Manx, hi , no the script is fine, just that I want to control calls on another asterisk box using the same database
21:08.38ManxPowerclive-, you don't need fastagi for that
21:08.59ManxPowerrun the AGI on both boxes talking to the same database
21:09.06clive-manx, what do you recommend?, a database link?
21:09.39clive-the only issue I have is I have some text file lookups I use which only sit on one machine
21:10.05ManxPowerclive-, there are various standard perl and unix ways to lock access to a database
21:10.46clive-Manx, thanks, I will look into them
21:12.01ManxPowernow, a text file is NOT a database
21:12.23clive-I know, that text file is a small spanner in the works
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21:24.16n0rf-my confusion is increasing now with any extra page i read on moh. i have i) installed the correct version of mpg123, ii) set up moh.conf correctly iii) checked permissions on everything, iv) using default mp3files in default path yet still i don't get any MOH
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21:24.31n0rf-the mpg123 process doesn't even seem to get started with asterisk
21:24.38n0rf-any ideas, anyone?
21:26.05ManxPowern0rf-, What version shows when you do "mpg123 -v"
21:26.25n0rf-the correct one :)
21:26.37ManxPowerI've heard THAT one before.
21:26.38n0rf-Version 0.59r (1999/Jun/15).
21:26.59twistedwhat does 'which mpg123' return?
21:27.15ManxPowerwhen you call an extension that runs MusicOnHold ?
21:27.40ManxPowerasterisk looks in /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin
21:27.40n0rf-twisted: i've also put a symlink in /usr/bin
21:27.50n0rf-as IronHelix suggested before
21:27.58n0rf-ManxPower: that's what i'm trying all the time atm
21:28.00twistedin my experience
21:28.11twistedsymlinking may or may not work
21:28.12ManxPowern0rf-, and the error message on the console?
21:28.15n0rf-it just gives me "unable to start musiconhold" in the log then
21:28.34ManxPowern0rf-, put your musiconhold.conf on
21:28.51twistedi'm running mpg123 out of /usr/local/bin just fine
21:28.52clive-Manx, thanks for the pointers
21:29.49twistedn0rf-, this might be a bit silly, but will mpg123 play your mp3's in your moh directory normally?
21:29.53ManxPowern0rf-, Sorry, I can't help you with CVS-HEAD/1.2beta
21:30.03*** part/#asterisk clive- (
21:30.05n0rf-ManxPower: it's 1.0.9
21:30.05twistedscratch the like
21:30.23ManxPowern0rf-, well that musiconhold.conf format is only for CVS-HEAD
21:30.25n0rf-twisted: yeah, mpg123 works from console
21:30.28ManxPowerWhere did you GET that example??
21:30.31twistedn0rf-, ok
21:30.56infinity1where can i get a stun server? does asterisk double as one?
21:31.03n0rf-that might be it then
21:31.19ManxPowerinfinity1, you don't need a STUN server
21:31.26n0rf-i've tried CVS-HEAD before to no avail
21:31.29Vcoi'd rather have a stun gun than a stun server
21:31.31n0rf-so i got back to stable
21:31.48n0rf-got the moh from the wrong sample dir it seems
21:31.48infinity1ManxPower: i thought it might help. i can get this pap2-na to work properly behind a firewal.
21:32.00ManxPowern0rf-, technically it's nt called "stable", it's called "1.0.x", even though many people call it "stable"
21:32.18infinity1er s/can/can't/
21:32.27ManxPowerinfinity1, it might, but it's MUCH simplier to just make it work with Asterisk behind a firewall.  It's not THAT hard to do.
21:33.39n0rf-i could kill myself
21:33.50n0rf-i've wasted hours on this crap now ^^
21:34.04n0rf-cheers ManxPower
21:34.11ManxPowerset up rtp.conf, set the correct externip= and localnet= in sip.conf, set the ports on the PAP, forward the correct ports on your firewall, in fact if you set up SRV records you can move between the internal and external networks without reconfigureing anything
21:34.25n0rf-note to self: next time if in doubt, sleep over it
21:34.27ManxPowern0rf-, Well, I wasn't the one helping you - that's why. 8-)
21:35.00ManxPowerHeck, my SPA-2100 (basically the same as a PAP) can handle double NAT
21:36.35infinity1ManxPower: my * system has a public IP but it is dynamic. SIP peers connect from the lan and the internet
21:36.50ManxPowerinfinity1, that's not going to work well
21:36.51infinity1ManxPower: is there a way to set externip dynamically?
21:36.56ManxPowerinfinity1, no
21:37.25ManxPowerOne of these days I'm going to understand why people want to run servers on a dynamic IP addresses.
21:37.36ManxPowerIf you want to run a server, get a damn static IP
21:37.37infinity1ManxPower: the * box has two interfaces. one public and one private.
21:38.14ManxPowerThe going rate in the USA is less than $60/month for a static IP
21:38.20infinity1ManxPower: umm ... paying more for a static IP when i can use dyndns ...?
21:38.28infinity1ManxPower: the going rate for dynamic is $15 :)
21:38.42ManxPowerinfinity1, because it makes your life so much less complicated.
21:39.08infinity1ManxPower: yes. but i always use DNS for name resolution. this is the only complicated thing.
21:39.10Vcoor at least having a provider with dynamic that never changes
21:39.47infinity1ManxPower: i agree dynamic is better, but not $45 better.
21:39.47ManxPowerinfinity1, um, Asterisk's DNS support is TOTALLY HORRIBLE.
21:39.51Vcoredirect the sip server dns to a dyndns the rare occourance that the ip ever does change it's back up within a minute or so
21:40.03*** part/#asterisk zdrodek (
21:40.07ManxPowerBasically if you have a *SINGLE* DNS failure, all DNS in asterisk stops working
21:40.09infinity1ManxPower: sounds like i'll have to reboot asterisk everytime the IP changes.
21:40.22ManxPowerinfinity1, well, restart Asterisk, as least
21:40.34infinity1ManxPower: yea. thats what i meant :)
21:41.34ManxPowermy asterisk network basically became stable when I stopped using DNS with Asterisk
21:41.44infinity1ManxPower: what about .... any luck using that?
21:42.27ManxPowerinfinity1, well if by "luck" you mean "ulcers, pulling your hair out, and eventually just falling on your own sword and leave a note saying 'it's all asterisk's fault"
21:43.45infinity1ManxPower: hrmz. be positive :)
21:45.50Ariel_Hello everyone
21:46.21Ariel_Weather is starting to rain here. I guess this Wilma is going to give us a little blow and wind.
21:47.00Little-Lcvs co -r 1.2 asterisk asterisk-addons asterisk-sounds <-- Is'nt it the way to get CVS version 1.2.-beta1?
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21:49.51n0rf-<infinity1> is there a way to set externip dynamically <-- i'd try to use a cronjob that greps your ip, writes a file appending 'externipit =' to it, include => this file in your sip.conf and issue an asterisk reload :)
21:50.16infinity1n0rf-: yea. i was going to put a ip-up script
21:50.17n0rf-the cronjob should also strip my typos ;)
21:50.36*** join/#asterisk Flauto (n=devil@
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21:51.00infinity1n0rf-: have you tried the externhost option?
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21:51.56fugitivon0rf-: yes, i have one
21:52.20fugitivobut if you use a newer version of asterisk you don't need it, you can use externhost
21:52.21n0rf-infinity1: not yet, atm i'm happy with my SIP2PSTN gateway providers
21:52.22Flautofwd iax is not working?
21:52.52n0rf-for voiponly there are more ppl using skype anyway ..
21:53.02Little-LNo one using CVS versions of Asterisk?
21:53.21fugitivoFlauto: hmm, 612 is not answering, give me your number
21:53.22Flautoi am, little
21:53.56Little-LFlauto, Can you look at my cvs command above.. I don't seem to get what I expect.
21:54.01fugitivoFlauto: calling
21:54.10fugitivoFlauto: nothing?
21:54.30infinity1n0rf-: we have phone connecting from other locations
21:54.43Flautomy line is not registerd
21:54.56infinity1n0rf-: it might be best to jsut vpn all the locations and run * over that
21:54.58Flautoare you using iax?
21:55.27Flautoi dont' see it. little
21:55.35n0rf-infinity1: sounds like a plan, also that would give you some extra benefits :)
21:56.04Little-LFlauto, cvs co -r 1.2 asterisk asterisk-addons asterisk-sounds
21:57.31Flautogot it? little?
21:57.47Little-LFlauto, thx... the -r option didn't work before...
21:58.26Flautof, your iax is working with fwd?
21:58.42Flautomine are dead
21:59.31Flautof, what is your fwd number
21:59.37ManxPowerOr you could just look at
22:00.06ManxPowerthe -r specifies a specific "release or tree", leaving it out will default to the CVS-HEAD version of Asterisk
22:00.42fugitivoFlauto: it's not working
22:00.44infinity1ManxPower: is externip absolutely necessary? I've used my laptop from starbucks with xten without it in the past. what changes when using externip?
22:01.13ManxPowerinfinity1, It tells Asterisk what IP address it should out inside the data part of the packets.
22:01.49ManxPowerSince SIP (may it's designers ROT in HELL) violate pretty much every best practice of protocol design and put IP address information inside the data part of the packet
22:01.51infinity1ManxPower: hm. i wonder why i've had some success. i've just used nat=yes for the phone config in sip.conf
22:02.07infinity1ManxPower: i see.
22:02.17ManxPowerinfinity1, If your Asterisk server has a public IP then your asterisk server isn't behind NAT
22:02.33infinity1ManxPower: i wonder what IP information is sent to my laptop then
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22:02.51infinity1ManxPower: yea. the server isn't. so does that mean nat=yes is not necessary for the phone config?
22:02.58ManxPowernat=yes tells asterisk to ignore the address in the data portion of the packets coming from the client and use the ip address in the header instead.
22:03.15Little-LNext thing... On my way around looking for information on ASterisk, I saw a .diff file to make the installation more *BSD like...
22:03.21ManxPowerinfinity1, externip and localnet is only required with the asterisk is behind NAT
22:03.30infinity1ManxPower: i see. so if i'm at someone's house using xten, i'll need that nat=yes on the phone config.
22:03.37infinity1ManxPower: what if the server has a lan and public IP?
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22:03.43ManxPowernat=yes is only required when the SIP client is behind NAT.
22:03.58ManxPowerinfinity1, I don't know.  I think the universe implodes if you do that.
22:04.14infinity1ManxPower: lol
22:04.34infinity1ManxPower: you seem to know everything else. dman. :)
22:04.50ManxPowerinfinity1, don't use bindaddr=, don't use localnet=, don't use externip=, don't use externhost in that situation.
22:05.02ManxPowermake sure your NAT and packetfilters are set up right.
22:05.13Flautoyou need to have cvs installed
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22:05.51Little-LFlauto, cvs is standard on *BSD :)
22:05.58ManxPowerinfinity1, I've been using Asterisk since before the first numbered release.  I've deployed at least 9 asterisk servers
22:06.19ManxPowerinfinity1, but I've never run asterisk on a NAT box.
22:06.34ManxPowerIn my universe NAT is done by routers like Cisck.
22:06.44fugitivothat's sad
22:06.47infinity1private net doesn't have any iptables filters. public interface has udp ports 5060, 4569, 2727, 5036, and 19980:20000 (specifified in rtp.conf)
22:07.03Flautosorry then, i dont' know
22:07.15Flautosince i dont' know anything about what you are using and what you are doing
22:07.49*** join/#asterisk _Eagle_ (
22:08.12ManxPowerUgh, it's 5pm, I have 3 hours of travel to do as soon as my other tech arrives, plus I have an Asterisk analog to PRI conversion to do.
22:09.33_Eagle_how scalable is music on hold in asterisk?  i mean, could you support say 100 or 200 different music on hold classes with different mp3 files?  depending on which extension is dialed?
22:09.49ManxPower_Eagle_, I would not recommend it.
22:09.57_Eagle_what would be the maximum?
22:10.04ManxPowerEach MOH class will run all the time.
22:10.24ManxPowerSo if you can play 100 - 200 MP3s on a server at the same time, then there should not be a problem.
22:10.29_Eagle_any reason why it doesnt start and stop dynamically?
22:11.02ManxPower_Eagle_, because in most places that need real MoH there are almost always at least one call on hold.
22:11.10ManxPowerstarting and stopping would be more overhead.
22:11.35ManxPowerYou can't just use Mp3Player to just play the audio information file to the caller before going on with the dial plan
22:12.06_Eagle_well.. here's what i need to do....
22:12.12_Eagle_i need a call to come in...
22:12.19_Eagle_based on dnis, it goes to a certain extension
22:12.26_Eagle_plays a greeting and menu....
22:12.35_Eagle_then does a Dial() command
22:12.45_Eagle_while the Dial() is waiting, i need music to be played
22:12.56_Eagle_but i need the music to be different depending on which dnis was dialed
22:13.06ManxPower_Eagle_, best of luck with that.
22:13.08_Eagle_and there may be 200 different ones on a single server
22:13.18_Eagle_no way to do it?
22:13.36file[laptop]there's always a way, it's just how much do you want to sell your soul
22:14.08ManxPower_Eagle_, an alternitive is us use the .WAV playing for MoH that's supposed to be supported in CVS-HEAD/1.2beta, but that's still 200x64K of data to read from the harddrive
22:14.18Flautoi have a router locked from my work so i can not use it for outside of my work
22:14.33Flautohow can i get the mac address from that locked router
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22:15.17ManxPowerIf it's not music, you might be ablle to have your MoH in GSM format, that will help with the bandwidth issues on the HD
22:15.57_Eagle_i dont need all 200 playing at the same time
22:16.07_Eagle_maybe, at most... say 30 or 40 at one time
22:16.14ManxPower_Eagle_, I guess you had better start coding 8-)
22:16.38_Eagle_but they may be 30 or 40 different ones 10 minutes later
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22:16.47_Eagle_out of a pool of 200 possibles
22:17.25_Eagle_so bottom line is...  not possible unless i want to modify the code myself... right?
22:17.34Ahrimanes_Eagle_: AGI could do this
22:18.21_Eagle_how would AGI help?  wouldn't this be something inside the Dial() command?
22:18.29_Eagle_i mean, i'd be calling Dial from the AGI script
22:19.03puppetcant u just do diffren MoHs and use agi or ifs to set wich MoH to use?
22:19.06puppetor have i gotten it all wrong?
22:19.11_Eagle_somehow i'd need to tell Dial() to play a specific mp3 or wav file instead of a ringback sound
22:19.25file[laptop]today's lesson is:
22:19.33file[laptop]Dial has an argument to play musiconhold instead of ringing
22:19.34ManxPowerHe needs the MoH to end if the call is picked up in 2 seconds
22:19.50_Eagle_puppet:  they said the MOH streams play constantly...  which means i'd have to have all 200 songs playing 24/7
22:19.53file[laptop]it uses the current class set on the channel, which can be changed via an application
22:20.00ManxPowerHe does NOT want the caller to have to listen thru the entire MoH for every call
22:20.20puppet_Eagle_: yes :X
22:20.25ManxPowerfile[laptop], he wants 200 MoH classes
22:20.41file[laptop]have fun with that
22:20.49ManxPowerfile[laptop], That's what I said.
22:21.12drumkillait would have to be distributed
22:21.37_Eagle_well, there might be 200 customers assigned to one server
22:21.47_Eagle_and eachc ustomer may want custom music on hold messages/music
22:21.59ManxPower_Eagle_, What, each customer has 4 calls a day?
22:22.22_Eagle_manx:  some will be very low volume... yes... others will be higher volume
22:22.24ManxPowerI need to switch to Cell Internet access.  BRB
22:22.27*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
22:22.43_Eagle_the 200 is a maximum...  might only get 50 on a server if all 50 are high volume users
22:23.10*** join/#asterisk sapo_original (i=Fenix@
22:23.24_Eagle_but if i only get 10 customers per server, then i have to charge a LOT more per-customer to pay for the fact that i'll need hundreds of servers instead of 5 or 10 servers
22:24.18_Eagle_i'm talking about a mass-market service... might be $9.95 or $19.95 plus usage charges per minute....
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22:24.34_Eagle_if a customer uses 100,000 minutes, well then of course i can dedicate a server to them
22:24.47_Eagle_but if they only use 200 minutes, then i need to put 200 on a server
22:25.31_Eagle_manx:  you didnt see the last line i typed before i came in... i said i'm talking about a mass-market service... might be $9.95 or $19.95/month plus usage charges per minute
22:25.35sapo_originalhi guys....
22:26.16_Eagle_i have to be able to scale for low-volume users
22:26.28_Eagle_because the only income from them will bethe monthly charge
22:26.50Qwellcustom moh seems pointless...but thats just me
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22:27.10_Eagle_qwell:  really?  i think its a big selling point
22:27.17_Eagle_custom advertising messages while on hold
22:27.21Ahrimanesif someone is paying for it, doesnt matter if it seems pointless
22:27.35QwellAhrimanes: would you pay for it?
22:27.51sapo_originali need a programer for create a customized dialer for me... anybody can help me? i pay for this...
22:28.01_Eagle_qwell:  thats not fair to ask.. we're all geeks... there's lots of stuff we wouldnt pay for that the average consumer would :-)
22:28.04AhrimanesQwell: no, i said if SOMEONE would :)
22:28.07n3u7after 4 distros with unsuccessful installs I have decided to keep a log of my attempts
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22:29.28Ahrimanessapo_original: depends on your needs
22:29.50sapo_originalAhrimanes i need a simple thing....
22:29.57puppetAhrimanes: as it seemed earlier today he dont really know himself
22:29.58_Eagle_i guess i'll have to either not offer custom moh, or, only offer it to high volume customers...  or...  charge a surcharge that pays for 1/10th of a server
22:30.07Ahrimanespuppet: hehe
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22:31.30_Eagle_i had a feeling this would be the case, but i wanted confirmation
22:31.39_Eagle_thanks for the info everyone!
22:31.45_Eagle_appreciate it
22:31.48*** part/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
22:31.56shmaltzhi everyone
22:31.57Ahrimanessapo_original: yep
22:32.06_Eagle_seeya later
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22:49.04Icemaannkram: around?
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23:02.47JASON-0I am using zaptel with a PRI and when everything is loaded the PRI seems to be communicating but I get a dchannel alarm.. Anyone know what might cause this?
23:03.24poiuytrewqSilly newbie question - if I've set up a dial plan in asterick.conf and added info to sip.conf to allow me ot connect with a sip client (KPhone in this case), how do I `dial' those numbers?  I've tried the obvious things, like, the number or number@asterick-host.
23:03.58*** join/#asterisk mistral (
23:08.17Ariel_poiuytrewq, you need to do a dial command.  You can look at some sample configs on your system /usr/src/asterisk/configs/extensions.conf.sample
23:08.50Ariel_JASON-0, what is the error or message your getting?
23:09.32JASON-0I'm not getting an error message, The PRI is just not turning up all the way
23:10.02Ariel_JASON-0, post the error your getting on
23:10.16JASON-0where would I see the error ?
23:10.29Ariel_on the CLI from asterisk
23:13.08JASON-0one second please
23:15.12poiuytrewqAriel_ I think I may have asked the wrong question.  I have a dial plan including 'exten => 9,1,Playback(demo-congrats)'.  KPhone regsiters with Asterisk but what do I have to do with KPhone to get it to hear this?  As I understood it SIP numbers were written as <number>@<host> but when I try 9@asterisk-host I get a 404 error
23:15.47Drukenuhmm... try dialing 9?
23:16.07Ariel_yes 9 would be what your looking for in that case
23:16.14poiuytrewqJust 9?
23:16.39Ariel_9 then send
23:16.47Drukenyeah.... it's just a damn telephone....
23:17.02Drukennot like your programming a rocket...
23:17.47X-Robrockets are easy to program. while ( --fuel) { burn_fuel(); }
23:17.53poiuytrewqI tried that and, it expanded it to 9@asterisk-host and then gave me a 404 error.  Hence me asking the question.
23:18.22X-Robpoiuytrewq - ok. Check the context= line that your sip phone is using. then make sure the '9' is accessable from that context.
23:18.23Drukendo you have your client actually registering to asterisk ?
23:18.58X-Robif you don't have a 'context=' line in your sip phone's setup, then it's using [default] and you need to put that 9,... in [default]
23:19.02*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
23:19.44*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
23:20.47poiuytrewqX-Rob: the line with 9 in is in default and context=default in sip.conf
23:21.00poiuytrewqDrunken: client is definately registering
23:22.05Drukenthen do what X-Rob is telling you to... your probably not understanding the idea of contexts
23:22.32Ariel_you setup your dial command in extensions.conf not asterisk.conf correct?
23:24.08Drukenuhmm.... yes...
23:24.27Drukeni don't think asterisk.conf exsists...
23:25.31poiuytrewqAh - extensions were in asterisk.conf.  Ooops.
23:26.22Ariel_Druken, yes it does
23:26.34Ariel_it has locations of files and modules in it.
23:26.41*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (n=junky@
23:26.54jbotit has been said that astricon2005 is at
23:26.55Ariel_hello JunK-Y hope all is well
23:27.08JunK-Yu, everything is okay with wilma?
23:27.16Drukenoh, look at thatm your right Ariel_
23:27.24Ariel_no we are just waiting for her to hit us.  Soon I feel
23:27.41poiuytrewqOK, I seem to be able to get to the extensions listed in extensions.conf
23:27.46Drukeni hear wilma has one hell of a bitch slap
23:27.50poiuytrewqThanks for helping a new user.
23:27.56Ariel_I just hope my Power stays on for a while
23:28.22JunK-YAriel_: like i said to hc, use the force, and everything will be fine :)
23:28.30Drukeni've had enough of power outages today.... (power went out at my office last night)
23:28.36X-Rob* Ariel__ has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
23:29.41Ariel_Last time I had network until my ups died.  I just put a 2nd one on the line... Lets hope I will not need them.
23:29.48*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
23:30.06*** join/#asterisk colinm_ (n=colol@VDSL-130-13-9-157.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
23:30.41Drukeni want a gennie before my ups, so my pretty network stays online for the 10 hours that the gennie says it'll run for
23:31.14wunderkinhi colinm_
23:32.31*** join/#asterisk bugz (
23:33.21Augheyanyone used Toshiba Strata DK280 switches?
23:33.44JASON-0Arial_: I've pasted the error at
23:33.54JASON-0Ariel_ sorry
23:34.33bugzJASON-0: what does your /etc/zap*.conf look like?
23:34.53bugzJASON-0: i went a couple rounds with this the other day when the card didnt have power connected to it ;/
23:35.35JASON-0the card is fine hehe.. The T1 signalling turns up but I cant get the T1 up
23:36.44Drukenprobably because the d is usually 15 ??
23:36.57Drukeni think it's 15... either 15 or 13
23:37.00wunderkinnot for a t1
23:37.04JASON-0Its a T1
23:37.26*** join/#asterisk TUplink (n=Tommy@
23:37.28Drukenand the diffrence is?
23:37.56wunderkinan e1 is 30 channels and the d channel is in the middle
23:37.57TUplinkany one know why FWDOUT would regester but FWD wont on IAX?
23:38.30wunderkinTUplink: theres a flag to turn on iax for fwd
23:38.41TUplinkit worked weeks ago
23:38.52TUplinkyou think i need to turn it off ant then on?
23:39.10TUplinkbut i tryed to setup iaxtel and it wont eather
23:39.22wunderkinprobably not if it was already working, fwd probably isnt very stable, dont expect it to work all of the time, its free
23:40.26TUplinkbut it has ben down for a week
23:40.59wunderkincould be dunno i dont use it very often
23:41.42TUplinki dont belive it to be any thing on my end cause fwdOUT works
23:41.49TUplinkbut dont make sence
23:42.10TUplinkbut then why would iaxtel not work
23:42.22colinm_iaxtel has been sketchy for months
23:42.56wunderkincolinm_: another phoenician?
23:43.01fileiaxtel can't handle 'da load
23:43.04colinm_wunderkin: indeed
23:43.24wunderkincolinm_: cool me too, know of any asterisk user groups in the phoenix area?
23:43.33wunderkini need to get out sometimes :P
23:43.44colinm_wunderkin: wish i did... far as i know there aren't any
23:43.53wunderkinshould  start one if there isnt
23:44.29JASON-0Anyone ever get a sangoma card to work with Asterisk
23:44.29wunderkini know a couple others that use it for business, plus i see a few come in here from the area
23:44.33fileJASON-0: tons of people have
23:44.46TUplinkso any ideas for the FWD?
23:44.50*** join/#asterisk rking (
23:44.57TUplinkcould it be because of my asterisk?
23:45.00JASON-0file: I cant figure it out..
23:45.14TUplink65.39.205.121:4569    641726      <Unregistered>             60  Timeout
23:45.27fileI think my ISP is broken again...
23:45.47colinm_TUplink: fwd's iax could be down... it's been having problems lately
23:46.02*** join/#asterisk MrMAGO (n=mglucksm@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/MrMAGO)
23:46.22TUplinkbut wouldnt people have the same prob?
23:46.29wunderkinTUplink: im not able to call out on fwd or iaxtel using iax
23:46.42file3521 rxerrors on ATM interface 3
23:46.43TUplinksience when?
23:46.44filejust great.
23:46.55JASON-0File: I get this..
23:46.56JASON-0Oct 23 19:46:14 WARNING[2057] channel.c: No channel type registered for 'ZAP'
23:46.56JASON-0Oct 23 19:46:14 NOTICE[2057] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'ZAP' (cause 66 - Channel not implemented)
23:47.15fileJASON-0: you don't have chan_zap, and chan_zap is only compiled when zaptel is installed before compiling asterisk
23:47.36DrukenTUplink: i'd try... but i can't call my own numbers... got a 1700 number for me to test to see if it's you or if iaxtel is screwed?
23:47.57wunderkini just tried
23:48.02wunderkinbut i tried calling an 800 #
23:48.03colinm_wunderkin: if there are enough people for a user group, sounds like fun ;)
23:48.09MrMAGOHi, does anyone know how to use the screen command to do something like this: su - root -c '/usr/bin/screen -S SIP -d -m /usr/sbin/asterisk -rx "sip show registry"'
23:48.12TUplinkit wont regester
23:48.15wunderkincolinm_: dunno how many would be enough :D
23:48.35Drukenwunderkin, what's your 700 number? i'll give it a call...
23:48.39wunderkini havent tried registering
23:48.49Drukeni don't monitor iaxtel... so it may just work.. hehehe
23:48.50wunderkinits not setup right now since i dont use it
23:49.20TUplinkhow do i get my 700 number?
23:49.59Drukendon't they assign you one?
23:50.18Drukenit's been a while since i've done anything with iaxtel... i just set it up and it works
23:50.21TUplinkthey gave me a user number
23:50.52Drukenwuts the usernumber?
23:51.08bugzdo polycom phones have a way to upload the config file initially via dhcp so you can set it as a static address in the config file after it reboots?
23:51.41bugzi am about to rebuild a kernel with vlan capabilities just so i can manage this problem but id like to keep my pbx from being that heavy duty
23:51.51*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
23:52.54TUplink69.73.19.178:4569     USERNAME  <Unregistered>             60  Timeout
23:53.18Drukeni am calling, but no ring, oh wait a congestion
23:53.58TUplinkwhats the mean
23:55.01DrukenReD-MaN: what ever happened to a good old fashioned busy signal eh?
23:55.07TUplinkit just dont make sence
23:55.20TUplinkfwdout works
23:55.31DrukenTUplink: do you have a register line ?
23:55.40TUplinkso its not the localNETWORK
23:55.48colinm_TUplink: the line you posted means the server didn't respond when asterisk tried to register
23:56.10TUplinkwhen i do iax2 show registry i get     USERNAME  <Unregistered>             60  Timeout
23:56.17Drukenk, well i'd be checking it....
23:56.26Drukencause it's showing you as unregistered
23:56.28TUplinkwell wht do i check?
23:56.31ReD-MaNDruken: I know eh. haha... I have spent all day today trying to set this box up.. only has one simple X100 FXO card.. incoming calls get answered, outgoing says all circruits busy.. man I am such a n00b
23:56.44tzangerReD-MaN: are you dialing through the zap channel?
23:56.51tzangerwhat's your Dial() line look like
23:57.20DrukenReD-MaN: i hope your not trying to dial out the already inuse x100p card :)
23:58.37ReD-MaNthe card isn't in use right now.. I think I am dialing through it... the logs say Unable to create channel of type 'ZAP' (cause 0 - Unknown)
23:58.47tzangerReD-MaN: what does your dial line look like
23:58.56TUplinkDruken what dose you FWD address regester to ip address that is
23:59.47ReD-MaNwhich file has the dial line in it?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.