irclog2html for #asterisk on 20051019

00:00.05twisted[asteria]it's actually, like, HD
00:00.33file[laptop]oh oh is house on... maybe
00:00.41*** join/#asterisk nwhit (
00:01.12nwhitdoes anyone know if you can use sip subscriptions with call parking?
00:01.31file[laptop]dang nabbit where is it...
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00:01.40endernwhit: huh?
00:01.57file[laptop]maybe it's on at 10...
00:02.00endern3u7: SuSE?  what, are you a sadist?
00:02.25nwhitender, you know ...  exten => 701,hint,Park/701   something like that
00:02.41endernwhit: oh sorry, no, I don't use hint stuff.
00:02.54nwhitso when you park a call, the light appears on phones that support subscriptions
00:04.26hardwiretalk to me
00:04.52hardwirenwhit: yes..
00:04.56hardwireusing devstate w/ bristuff patches
00:05.10hardwireyou can make a proactive manager to change the devstate of parked lines
00:05.35hardwiresomething that really needed to make it to CVS :)
00:06.08nwhithardwire, from what i saw the bristuff and devstate was somewhat unstable
00:06.24hardwireyou can't really pick and choose on this one.
00:06.33nwhitso... they are unstable
00:08.22hardwireyeh.. I somehow made it this far :)
00:08.25hardwirewithout using it
00:08.34hardwiretrick is.. you train people to do things the smart way.
00:08.35nwhitsome customers can get over not having "Hey John, pickup line 2" and they press the little button on the phone
00:08.58hardwirenwhit: of course..
00:09.23file'datz a key system
00:09.31hardwireand it can be emulated
00:09.36fileto a certain extent
00:09.42hardwireif you can codezor
00:10.15hardwirefile: you are weird.
00:10.30hardwireor.. are you not joshnet.
00:10.33nwhityeah, but that is good target market for hosted pbx
00:10.50hardwirenwhit: yup
00:10.55hardwireand snom makes a product for it :)
00:11.17nwhiti played with 4s, yuck
00:11.17hardwireI need to like.. go meditate.
00:11.19sylei don;t care much for sip phones myself, to lazy to run ethernet to every phone in the house, what kind of analog phones support MWI?
00:11.27hardwirenwhit: they addressed what you want :)
00:11.28Kattyfile: comfy?
00:11.36hardwiresyle: most adsi
00:11.56hardwireand you shouldn't sacrifice functionality for wite
00:12.04hardwirethats just dumb.
00:12.04fileyay comfy
00:12.29hardwireI stayed at a Motel 6 last night
00:12.31hardwireits 2 years old
00:12.38hardwirethe window is already busted on the locking part
00:12.43hardwirethe wind almost killed the window last night.
00:12.51nwhithardwire, i should look into how to implement it natively
00:12.56sylehows a sip phone any better than a analog phone hooked up to your channel bank at home?
00:13.00hardwireand somebody was repairing their truck outside our window with air tools.
00:13.09hardwiresyle: there are ways.
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00:14.37sylemaybe for a hotel room
00:14.39hardwiresyle: there are ways!
00:14.49endersyle: for us, the sip phones were cheaper than the phones we needed for an Avaya PBX, they had much more capacity (no longer a key system), greater functionality (contact lists, distinctive ring, easy forwarding, dnd, etc...), and since we were doing a remodle of our office it was cheaper to just run 2 ethernet lines to each desk instead of an ethernet and analog line.
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00:15.08enderdata closet is much easier to manage too.
00:15.33endersound quality is better too
00:15.56sylestill can do all that with asterisk+channel bank
00:16.45endersyle: all those functions were on the phone itself.
00:17.02hardwiresyle: if I bought a bunch of analog phones for my house.. I would be stuck with analog equipment for 10+ years
00:17.03sylesee thats the problem
00:17.06endersyle: easy to read LCD readout for forwarding stuff, for contact lists, for distinctive ring based on contact list, etc...
00:17.13sylenow what if you want to share your call lists between all the phones
00:17.28hardwiresyle: not that hard w/ provisioning
00:17.38endersyle: plus the configs can be held via ftp so if you have to replace a phone, just change the file name to match the new mac address and bam, exactly the way it was before.
00:17.53endersyle: copy them into the ftp file that all phones get.
00:18.32sylei guess thats ok for the average voip person
00:18.41sylei hope developpers are actaully using channel banks though
00:19.04sylegives you more experience
00:19.08sylecan run PRI lines with ease
00:19.16enderwhy would developers of VOIP be looking backward to older archaich hardware that is deprecated?
00:19.38endersyle: drop the PRI directly into the Asterisk box.  Connect phones via ethernet.
00:20.28enderif I never had to deal w/ another channel bank and punchdown tool and silly little wires, I'd be a happy admin.
00:20.48sylei just think channel banks are kewler lol
00:20.59enderclean patch panels, patch ethernet cables, neatly routed to managed switches, etc...
00:21.13*** join/#asterisk supaigtr (n=yurplsl@
00:21.37sylei;ve heard from many callcenters channel bank route is still better quality
00:22.03sylemakes no sense to me either
00:22.09supaigtrsup ppl
00:22.12enderOur phone vendor tried to say that too, because they didn't know about * and how it worked.  THey knew analog and they wanted to be paid to do analog.
00:23.01*** join/#asterisk bugz (
00:23.05ManxPowerAnalog is simple, easy, has a horrible user interface.
00:23.12bugzi love asterisk <3
00:23.14ManxPoweroh, it's also reliable.
00:23.18endersupaigtr: channel bank vs voip
00:23.20bugzanyone have a bumper sticker out?
00:23.38enderManxPower: sure, until one part of a cable gets pulled out and you have to scratch your head wondering wtf is going on.
00:23.43sylei just haven;t seen many sip cordless phones
00:23.50supaigtrchannel bank = works 99.9998    VOIP = 98.00% + ppl aren't happy
00:23.53endersyle: voip-supply has a bunch
00:23.58ManxPowerender, Huh?  You use a toner and probe and trace it back.
00:24.19ManxPowersupaigtr, i've found that people are not happy with remembering and dialing *codec
00:24.26enderManxPower: assuming my manager gave me budget for one.
00:24.29syle+ zapbarge is alot better than chan_spy
00:24.36ManxPowerender, Less than $100.
00:24.39sylei;ve crashed box on chan_spy many times
00:24.43enderManxPower: you don't know my manager (:
00:24.50ManxPowerIf you don't have an extra $100 in the budget, quit and go work for a real company.
00:24.54supaigtrManxPOwer: We push PRI to a panasonic, sylantro, or avaya.
00:24.58sylesuppose i should submit those bugs one of these days
00:25.06*** part/#asterisk bugz (
00:25.13lilneonlater everyone thnx for your help
00:25.14enderManxPower: it's not a matter of 'in the budget' it's a matter of 'necessary'
00:25.17supaigtrWe have a few * and pure IP deploys and most aren't happy.
00:25.21enderManxPower: and I did quit that company and went to work for Real.
00:25.26ManxPowerender, if you go analog it's required.
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00:25.51ManxPowerJust like if you go with VoIP then a 110 punch down tool is required.
00:26.23ManxPowerebay has lots of good stuff too.
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00:27.06marc324whats a good sip ip phone?
00:27.07*** join/#asterisk bugz (
00:27.18endersupaigtr: are you talking about VOIP to a DID providor?  I'm talking about VOIP to peoples desks, and a PRI to *
00:27.30endermarc324: Polycom makes decent phones...
00:27.32supaigtrender: Yea VOIP to the desk.
00:27.38supaigtrPolycom or SNOM.
00:27.39bugzpolycoms phones are OK
00:27.48bugzNTP on them is not fun..
00:27.50endersupaigtr: huh.  My users are all happy, but it's a small deployment.
00:28.05enderbugz: huh?  I've had 0 issues w/ time sync.
00:28.15bugzender: good for you ;)
00:28.21supaigtrender: Seems like 8-12 phones works 20 -50 in a network that has internet access and things go all to hell.
00:28.22bugzender:  how do you deal with the dhcp issues?
00:28.43bugzender: like other boxes stealing IP's or getting DHCP from the wrong server?
00:28.44endersupaigtr: we have 50~ phones on a dedicated network.
00:28.54ManxPowerAt $100/drop we decided not to install 2x as many ethernet ports in our new office.
00:28.54enderbugz: we put phones on their own network.
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00:29.04enderbugz: otherwise you can do mac address dhcp mapping.
00:29.07supaigtrender:  That works good but at that price in most buildings a digital key system is much cheaper.
00:29.33sylewith the rhino analog side connects to a 25-pair amphenol, which is called RJ21 you supply the punch down block with a female mating connector
00:29.35endersupaigtr: we were remodeling our offices anyway, so it was same price for phone lines vs ethernet lines.
00:29.58supaigtrender: Still right now you can't beat some of the modern key systems with *.
00:30.21enderprice wise we could.
00:30.42enderand I'll be damned if I"m going to deal w/ another hardware PBX where I have no f'ing decent interface to it.
00:30.50marc324what digital key system?
00:30.58syleif you are scared of punchdown blocks then run to a sip phone hehe
00:31.17bugzender: so you put the phones on their own network but how do you keep them from being plugged in to the same network as all the PC's and still have a different dhcpc server
00:31.18supaigtrHow?  I mean I can have a full call center up in a day with 100 phones realiably. GUI interfaces proven setups.  * seems to take weeks and tons of debugging and no GUI for configurations.
00:31.31bugzender: without having to configure the DHCP for the PC's..
00:31.40enderbugz: if the user plugs the phone into the wrong network, then the phone doesn't work.  Pretty simple.
00:31.54bugzender: ok so you are looking at alot of cable pulling
00:32.04znoGhas anyone had experience unlocking sipura units?
00:32.17SarahEmmsipuras are locked?
00:32.17bugzender: complete physical isolation from the PC network
00:32.18enderbugz: as I said, we were getting all new cable pulled anyway.
00:32.21znoGlooks like my provider has password protected the factory reset option in the IVR
00:32.33bugzender: ok, well, what if you are THE provider ;)
00:32.48enderbugz: if they were on the same physical network, then we'd do mac address matching for the phones, and do dhcp static IP addressing for the phones.
00:32.54bugzender: if you really stop and think about it, it gets pretty complicated
00:33.21supaigtrender: U using polys
00:33.27endersupaigtr: yes.
00:33.29bugzender: in that case, how do you keep the phones from pulling an IP from the PC DHCP server?
00:33.41enderbugz: there is only ONE DHCP server.
00:33.50ToR\Lor vlans
00:33.55supaigtrGot buddy lists working with that DHCP scheme or no DSS functions?
00:33.56enderbugz: that DHCP server matches mac addresses of the phones and assigns them different IPs than the PCs would get.
00:34.09supaigtrVLAN is much simpler.
00:34.09bugzToR\L, ender , you are still looking at alot of overhead
00:34.09endersupaigtr: we don't support IM or buddy lists.
00:34.15supaigtrNo DSS then?
00:34.17sylewell i disagree on using non-asterisk...make your own GUI's...but channel banks better than sip phones yes i agree, faster setups using existing phone wire
00:34.18bugzender: people calling you back saying they cant print...
00:34.27enderbugz: huh?  can't print?
00:34.53endersupaigtr: can you vlan when you have a single ethernet port at a desk that has to run both the PC and the SIP phone?
00:35.00supaigtrsyle: U talking about commercial system GUIs?
00:35.06supaigtrender: yes.
00:35.11bugzender: what im getting at is, there has to be a way to get dhcp to the phones so you dont have to configure each one - without having to administer their entire network for them
00:35.15endersupaigtr: based on mac address right?
00:35.22syleyou stated you would rather use another PBX than asterisk correct?
00:35.33supaigtrender: No just set vlan on phone and setup switch to notice tagged traffic.
00:35.56enderbugz: right.  One DHCP server services the PCs as well as the phones.
00:36.13supaigtrsyle: For production business systems yes.  * isn't there yet.  We have deployed it to a number of customers and 3 out of 50 are happy.
00:36.14bugzender: even then you are looking at mac mapping
00:36.18bugznot fun
00:36.29endersyle: I think it depends on a location to location basis.  New location rollouts I wouldn't install phone wire.  Just ethernet.
00:36.35sylei;ve actually done some research on that issue, and results are...americans still feel usiong commercial PBX solutions are the best, while in european market, people are much more familiar with linux and use asterisk a great deal more
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00:36.53SarahEmmsupaigtr: you keep deploying it even though 47 of 50 customers aren't happy?
00:36.57enderbugz: I can think of a lot of things that are even less fun.
00:37.04bugzender: i hear that
00:37.20bugzender: we have a sip connect to moscow right now
00:37.25bugzender: lots of fun...
00:37.40supaigtrsyle: Its not a matter of comfort. Its a matter of what works.  Its not just asterisk.  When mitel rolled out systems on a PC it was a failure. Ppl aren't used to rebooting the phones or debugging core OS/software issues.
00:37.44enderbugz: mac mapping is fairly easy, especially since phones from a vendor tend to have a unique matching point.  So you can do group  and mask matches rather than individual entries for each phone.
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00:38.28sylei don;t see how that applies to analog phones and channel banks
00:38.31supaigtrSarahEmm: Most of those customers have multisite and they have evaluated the cost of tieing those sites together.  * works for that and is cheap.  Just cause they aren't happy doesn't mean they would pay more to be happy.
00:38.36Renacoranybody know where I can get the xml example for the polycom setup cfg's?
00:38.40bugzender: i just need to learn a little more about it i guess - i still cant get over the whole physical aspect of it while keeping yourself isolated from "their network problems"
00:38.48supaigtrRenacor: PRC
00:38.52sylebut level of comfort yes
00:38.54bugzknow what i mean?
00:38.54enderbugz: right now, I have to go sip -> Asterisk -> IAX2 -> Asterisk -> Fujitsu PBX -> T1  for inbound/outbound calling.  That was 'fun' to setup.
00:39.05Renacorsupaigtr: PRC==?
00:39.05supaigtrbugz: you can setup a VLAN and have seperate DHCP for it.
00:39.06bugzender: wow.
00:39.13bugzender: can you even hear them?
00:39.30enderbugz: calls are crystal clear.
00:39.39bugzsupaigtr: yeah thats a part of the .org im trying to get into their heads, to spend some money on a programmable switch
00:39.44bugzsupaigtr: or lemme at a gentoo router
00:39.45syleasterisk in front of another pbx
00:39.45supaigtrPolycom resource center.
00:39.46enderbugz: clearer than the avaya system our people use now.
00:39.51Renacorsupaigtr: thanks
00:40.03supaigtrbugz: Dlink etc make cheap VLAN switches.
00:40.09bugzender: amazine
00:40.25supaigtrender: Ulaw is very clear till you loose packets.
00:40.35n3u7update:ububtu install failed on line 462 of netdb.h
00:40.39bugz.. my favorite is the dual and triple gateway systems
00:40.44enderbugz: the real problem was that the person we had to deal w/ on the Fujitsu side didn't understand enough about it to help me figure out the signaling for the T1 line between us and it.
00:40.45n3u7sched.o error
00:40.57endersupaigtr: we just make sure we don't lose packets.
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00:41.00bugzender: that made me laugh dude
00:41.05bugzender: i know what you mean
00:41.16n3u7SuSE9.3 install unsuccessful on account of Slang problem
00:41.21syledid you post config on ender?
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00:41.24endersupaigtr: eventually we'll have sip phones -> asterisk -> PRI
00:41.28n3u7another scripting language!
00:41.29supaigtrender: possible on small network but very easy for something to happen and cause problems.
00:41.36endersyle: I found a posting there that helped me.
00:41.46hardwiremy bug was merged
00:41.50endersupaigtr: yep, we're a small network.
00:41.55hardwireI feel happy
00:42.12endern3u7: do you have a love for SuSE or are you just using it because somebody said (with agerman accent) that it was the best Linux?
00:42.38USMCould someone tell me the CVS HEad is for which version? 1.2X or 1.0X?
00:42.39endersyle: basically I just had to use em_wink signaling.
00:42.44supaigtrender: We have a full lab of this stuff.  The biggest problem we've had is deploying digital PRI to * in rural areas.  Echo is a problem cause of the copper loops calling in.  Echo can isn't quite there yet.
00:43.07endersupaigtr: even with the hardware cancellers?
00:43.11n3u7ender: I'm using it because I used SuSE7.3 for a year with little or no problems
00:43.15endersupaigtr: luckilly we're in metro area.
00:43.30endern3u7: hrm, good luck w/ that.  I can't _stand_ suse.
00:43.44n3u7ender: and because my ubuntu install is failing also
00:43.49supaigtrI have the digium ecan card there are problems with it.  (no disrespect to digium) but there cards are problematic and the ecan doesn't do much at all.
00:44.12syleasterisk runs stable as shit on redhat 9.0, fedora seems not bad
00:44.38supaigtrsyle: stable = 99.9999 in telecom
00:45.09sylewell i watched a video cam at what OS core asterisk builders used
00:45.10endern3u7: hahah.  Well....
00:45.10syleit was fedora
00:45.40enderWe use CentOS
00:45.47enderLove that Red Hat koolaid.
00:45.50sylei;ll stick to what the developpers use
00:45.55enderbut it's a bit more stable than Fedora.
00:46.15enderI like a 5 year lifespan vs a 12~18 month.
00:46.20alephcomUSM: Head would be 1.2X I believe.
00:46.28syleyeah and when noone maintains centos anymore and it falls apart like the rest then what
00:46.32enderalthough I use Fedora on my desktop and run the Fedora Legacy project.
00:46.40sylethink whitelinux died recently to
00:46.52syledude felt he would rather work more at his dayjob or something
00:47.04endersyle: well, I'll cross that road when I come to it.  HOwever I know a lot of the people involved w/ CentOS and I have a good feeling it will be around for quite a while.
00:47.22sylewell i hope so for your sake :)
00:47.23endersyle: yeah, wbl was a one man operation and he wasn't very into community involvement.
00:47.29Los415if your looking for the support and to be keeped up then just pay for rhe
00:47.50enderCentOS is much more of a community effort that is gaining the popularity of the Univerities, something that WBL never had.
00:47.55sylefedora is a whole shit load of developpers, its gonna stay so thats why i use it
00:48.07syleif it wasn;t fedora i;d run freebsd
00:48.36endersyle: don't get me wrong, I like Fedora.  I just don't feel that it has the stability / longevity to run my core servers.
00:48.44sylealthough i don;t trust freebsd on multiprocessor machines quite yet
00:49.01enderI don't want to OS upgrade every 6~9 months, nor do I want to roll my own security updates after Fedora and Legacy drop it.
00:49.09USMalephcom: thanks
00:49.17syleyou don;t feel? alot of universities i know of are backended on fedora
00:49.34syletons of traffic
00:49.54ManxPowerNote to self: check your junk mail folder more often -- there might be something important in it.
00:49.55endersyle: and even if CentOS goes away, the RHEL srpm updates are still there. it's a rebuild away from being on my CentOS system.
00:50.14endersyle: yep.  Some universities use Gentoo as well.  Nobody is perfect.
00:50.27sylelol that must be 1 or 2
00:50.40enderunfortunately more than that :p
00:51.32sylethey must have cut school funding
00:51.40supaigtrAnyone here insteresting in SER->*->MaxTNT config?
00:51.41syleused to be sparc solaris boxes and shit
00:51.48endersyle: there are a lot of uni's that are still using RHL9 for their backends.  THey just gave up on security updates.
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00:52.15alephcomsupaigtr:  I have a client that wants to point his MaxTNT to *, got info on that?
00:52.22enderah, rack anchors.   Put a sun server at the bottom of your rack and that thing ain't going NOWHERE.
00:52.29Los415supaigtr do you ever get a click click click sound from the tnt's when running with *
00:52.32sylei am still using rh9 on a production box
00:52.39endersyle: so am I
00:52.54endersyle: but then again, I run Fedora Legacy project so I know what security issues are out there.
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00:53.10enderactually, my system is RHL 7.3, not 9
00:53.23sylei run fc3 and 4 at home for testing
00:53.27Los415if it aint broke dont touch it
00:53.35syleactaully fc4 box is mostly dedicated to mythtv
00:53.47enderLos415: if you don't touch it for too long, somebody will touch it for you.
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00:54.13endersyle: hehe, yep, FC4 on my myth box.  Fc4 on my shuttle, and on my ibook.  CentOS on my other servers.
00:54.29enderI just havne't had the opportunity/energy to rebuild my web/mail system w/ CentOS
00:54.40sylei still have freebsd 4.x on my laptop
00:55.00syledual booting with XP of course
00:55.18Los415yea i'm a freebsd 4.x fan my self got that running on a couple things
00:55.25Los415web/mail related
00:55.53sylei have to upgrade to freebsd 5.x eventually 4.x don;t support 32 bit wireless cards
00:56.01alephcomLos415:  How has your luck with FreeBSD and * been?  Back when I started * was not working on FreeBSD so I had to do this linux stuff.
00:56.19Los415i havent even tried * with freebsd
00:56.27syleme either
00:56.36Los415i'm in the same boat as you
00:56.47sylei didn;t want to jump into freebsd with asterisk till i heard some great success stories
00:57.05syledevel goes on in linux so i just stick with that
00:57.08alephcomcool.  Someday, I'll try it out.  My boxes on running fedora. :-(  That's me too.  To far to the colo center.
00:57.08Los415and i've been fairly happy with * on centos
00:57.31sylei;ve been happy with asterisk on fedora and rh9
00:57.41Los415yea i was doing everything on rh9
00:57.46Los415then started using centos
00:58.04sylecentos use the 2.6 kernel?
00:58.06endernatural progerssion
00:58.11endersyle: CentOS 4 is yes.
00:58.11alephcomIs it any better?  Notice any differences between centos and fc
00:58.24Los415i'm still using centos 3.4
00:58.29Los4152.4 kernel
00:58.33sylecentos has less developpers :)
00:58.47Los415at the time for my core server i was using gfs
00:58.56Los415to connect to my fiber raid arrary
00:59.05gaggamancould maybe somebody help me with my bristuffed asterisk 1.09 and call Pickup?
00:59.07Los415at the time rhe4 or centos 4 didnt support it
00:59.19gaggamanwhen I do a Pickup, i get:
00:59.19sylefiber array raid at home?
00:59.26litageis it safe to allow only tcp for rsync, or does rsync often use udp?
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00:59.32Los415in our office
00:59.34sylewhy not go raid 5 on sata
00:59.40endersyle: um,
00:59.47endersyle: CentOS has as many developers as RHEL4.
00:59.49Los415we have a full on raid array with fiber switches ect
00:59.58endersyle: which is slightly _more_ than Fedora on the Red Hat side.
01:00.02Los415using gfs
01:00.04Los415if you know what that is
01:00.12sylehmmm that is kewl
01:00.18Los415and i know fedora at the time didnt support gfs
01:00.22endersyle: the CentOS folks just rebuild the RHEL packages and put it out as CentOS.
01:00.22sylei still like /etc/rc.d/init.d and /etc/sysconfig formats
01:01.20Los415hardwire yea that be it
01:01.27sylewell i never liked /etc/rc.d/init.d
01:01.40Los415that stuff is really confussing if you never played with it
01:01.45sylemuch prefered one startup script in /usr/local/etc like fbd
01:01.51sylebut /etc/sysconfig i like
01:01.55Los415def not something i would recommend to someone who's never been able to use it
01:02.07Los415it would be expensive just to learn to get all the gear to do it
01:02.18enderchkconfig makes init.d stuff very easy to work with.
01:02.52enderWe teach people about chkconfig and not really about all the symlinks and such in /etc/rc.d/init.d/  and that works well.
01:03.01sylewell i;ll have to checkout centos, seems very kewl
01:03.05sylethey use yum for updates?
01:03.52sylenot up to quality to rhino;s now
01:03.55sylepeople toss them
01:04.42ManxPowerWe buy like 1 total access per month off ebay
01:04.54sylethat was a joke , quality wasn;t though
01:05.21ManxPowerNow we are buying 1 Cisco 5500 series per month these days
01:05.38supaigtrsyle: U have problems with the adtran?
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01:08.07ManxPowersupaigtr, We have standardized on TA750/TA850
01:08.21ManxPowerMainly for integration with legacy PBXs
01:08.24syleAs far as refurbished units go from non-rhino's  you have to ask yourself, if those units will do the job for you, then why did someone give them up to eventually be called refurbished? You guessed it, they are inferior and is why most likely they sold that unit, and most likely why they have a Rhino. Lesson learned.
01:08.30supaigtrFXO or FXS?
01:08.58ManxPowersupaigtr, FXS for connecting to Legacy PBX FXO/CO ports.
01:09.15ManxPowersyle, mainly because people replaced their PBX and went CT1 or PRI.
01:09.21supaigtrAny problems with noise before the dial?
01:09.32ManxPowerour CELC uses all Adtran TA750/TA850 and that's good enough for us.
01:09.35ManxPowersupaigtr, no.
01:09.53ManxPowersupaigtr, the few times we've seen that was traced down to a bad punchdown
01:10.07supaigtrYep.  or impedence
01:10.16*** part/#asterisk Miggidy (
01:10.19supaigtrWe use adtran all over.
01:10.36supaigtrI like there support.  Don't need much on the 750/850
01:11.05sylerhino.s have excellent support, they'll even ssh into your system for you and fix anything
01:11.49ManxPowerI'm sure they do.
01:12.24syleas far as i know those adtran models are no longer being made or supported right?
01:12.33ManxPowerAre they also about $300 for the channel bank + power supply + battery backup + 24 FXS + T-1 port to telco, plus drop and insert DSX-1 port?
01:12.49ManxPowerthe TAs are cheap enough we can keep a couple of spares around.
01:13.22sylerefurbished ones are
01:13.23ManxPowersyle, It doesn't matter to us.  they are cheap enough we can just replace it if it blows up, and we've not had any blow up.
01:13.37ManxPowerSame for the Cat 550x switches.
01:13.41sylegood to know
01:13.46ManxPowersyle, What's the refurbished you are talking about?  We just buy them used.
01:13.53sylecan;t find them on ebay anymore though
01:14.14supaigtr750 and 850 are still sold last time I ordered.
01:14.59ManxPowersyle, This is the first time i've not been able to find TA750's for a good price on ebay.
01:15.03ManxPowersupaigtr, they are.
01:16.55*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
01:17.59syledoes anyone know if your account on paypal has to be verified in order for IPN to work?
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01:23.40n3u7anyone kn ow how to compile asterisk without libnewt?
01:23.46n3u7for astman
01:36.37*** part/#asterisk techie (
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01:38.05*** join/#asterisk pressure_man (
01:38.33pressure_manhi, can somebody please help me clarify the difference between peer and user?
01:38.43pressure_mani've read up on them, and am more confused than ever
01:39.17sylepeer would be like your VOIP provider
01:39.46pressure_manok, my set up has an asterisk box, and a cisco sip gateway loaded with 2 BRI WICs
01:40.01pressure_manfor making outgoing calls from my network via the cisco, i need type=peer, right?
01:40.21nassyi just downloaded asterisk at home and cant wait to install it. i have one problem though. i dont have a monitor. is there anyway to connect to computer during the install process to answer any prompts.
01:40.36sylei;d set your gateway as a friend if you want anything comming in hehe
01:40.56pressure_manok, but lets say i had a separate type=friend entry...
01:41.14pressure_manthe type=peer would be for outgoing calls from my network to PSTN
01:41.25pressure_manoop i mean separate type=user
01:41.40file[laptop]user is only used for username/password authentication on inbound calls
01:41.41pressure_manthe type=user would be for calls coming in from PSTN via the cisco to my asterisk box... right so far?
01:41.43file[laptop]most gateways don't do that
01:42.04file[laptop]they expect you to do IP based authentication
01:42.19syleyeah so peer is only thing that would work anyway
01:42.29file[laptop]a peer with insecure=very
01:42.51pressure_manok... but am i right in my understanding that type=peer is for asterisk to place calls to gateway xyz, and type=user is for gateway xyz to palce a call to the asterisk dialplan?
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01:43.05file[laptop]it depends
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01:43.16timecopi was always wondering
01:43.24pressure_manok, now i'm confused
01:43.30timecopif youre always on laptop why should we see your retarded long nick with brackets on my irc window?
01:43.40file[laptop]a user is only used if it's doing username and password authentication, and stuff like Cisco 5300s or TNTs or providers, don't do username and password authentication when sending a call to you
01:43.44file[laptop]timecop: I'm not
01:43.46timecopshould I add [furiously_masturbating] to my nick each time I do so?
01:43.48file[laptop]I'm at my desk during the day :P
01:44.43pressure_manok, the problem i have is that dtmfmode seems to be completely ignored, unless i get the gateway (in this case, a Voiceblue GSM gateway) to register
01:45.08file[laptop]match it as a peer with insecure=very, and set dtmfmode in there
01:45.12pressure_manand the only way i can get the GSM gateway to register is if i create a type=friend, with host=dynamic
01:45.42MikeJ[Laptop]I have a laptop too :P
01:45.45pressure_mani can't get it to register with a type=user and host= - instead it just arrives as a sip guest
01:46.00pressure_man(and uses the global setting for dtmfmode)
01:46.05file[laptop]just do what I said
01:46.13file[laptop]host=it's IP
01:46.13pressure_maninsecure=very sounds scary
01:46.33file[laptop]and I'm allowed to do stuff like above, it's educational and I have seniority :P
01:46.49supaigtrseni.. who?
01:46.51file[laptop]pressure_man: it tells Asterisk to match based on the originating IP address of the SIP message
01:46.59pressure_manok, erm, is there any disadvantage to using type=friend, for that kind of thing?
01:47.09file[laptop]well, your user entry will never be used
01:47.14file[laptop]so technically you're using extra memory for nothing
01:47.17pressure_mani mean, we place calls to this GSM gateway, and we also get calls from it.
01:47.26file[laptop]am I not getting through here?
01:47.34pressure_mantype=friend combines both user and peer, so i drop the type=user record
01:47.34file[laptop]your GSM gateway probably does not send calls with a username and password
01:47.40file[laptop]the only thing that really does, is SIP phones
01:47.47file[laptop]so just use a peer.
01:47.51file[laptop]you can do all this in a single peer entry
01:48.20pressure_manthe gsm gateway has the option to register
01:48.43file[laptop]registrations don't effect authentication or anything
01:48.44pressure_manit's basically working fine as type=friend... it's just that i've read that type=friend is evil, and i'm wondering why
01:49.01file[laptop]meh whatever, do what you wish
01:49.26pressure_mani'm just confused as hell by the documentation i've read so far - a lot of it offers conflicting information
01:49.49file[laptop]peers are used for sending calls out, or receiving calls (based on IP address matching)
01:49.59file[laptop]users are used for receiving calls (based on username+password) authentication
01:50.10pressure_manwow... that clarifies a lot just there
01:50.15MikeJ[Laptop]and fish are used for eating
01:50.29MikeJ[Laptop]spoons for digging
01:50.30n3u7so much for SuSE
01:50.41n3u7this will be my third os in week
01:50.41MikeJ[Laptop]and dogs for meeting girls
01:50.41pressure_manwhy hasn't somebody written that in the wiki?
01:50.48file[laptop]pressure_man: who knows
01:50.50MikeJ[Laptop]pressure_man, go for it...
01:50.55file[laptop]I'm a wealth of information though :P
01:51.09MikeJ[Laptop]yes, useful and useless
01:51.13pressure_manso ~is~ there anything wrong with just using type=friend?
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01:51.29file[laptop]it probably won't match for incoming calls from the Voiceblue unit
01:51.38file[laptop]thus why your dtmfmode isn't effective on inbound calls
01:51.52pressure_manno, it's in fact the ~only~ way it works correctly
01:52.10pressure_man(that i've found so far)
01:52.51file[laptop]ah so it does do username/password authentication?
01:53.05file[laptop]if you do a sip debug it'll verify it...
01:53.08pressure_manyes, if you tell the voiceblue to register
01:53.10file[laptop]Note: most gateways don't do that
01:54.02pressure_manit fails to auth if i don't config it to register
01:54.14pressure_mani'm using sip realtime, so i haven'trule out bugs with that
01:54.29file[laptop]does callerid work? ;)
01:55.09file[laptop]do you have trustrpid=yes in sip.conf?
01:55.40file[laptop]are you sure it's matching on the user? :)
01:55.54file[laptop]well lemme tell you something
01:55.58pressure_manif i change its context, it ends up in a different context
01:56.11file[laptop]chan_sip figures out the username based on the username in the From header
01:56.16file[laptop]guess what that username in the From header is also used for
01:56.28MikeJ[Laptop]caller id!
01:56.32MikeJ[Laptop]woo hoo
01:57.03file[laptop]pressure_man: interesting setup you have
01:57.10file[laptop]pressure_man: have fun with it :)
01:57.15*** join/#asterisk dineshb (
01:57.42pressure_manwithout register, i can see asterisk doing a "select * from sip where username='<callerid>'"
01:58.06pressure_manso it's using the callerid as the sip user
01:58.26file[laptop]which means it probably isn't matching on the user entry
01:58.32dineshbany call back experts here on asterisk?
01:58.33pressure_manno, it doesn't
01:58.42pressure_manwhich is why i get it to register, then it works.
01:59.05file[laptop]I'm just going to walk away now
01:59.16dineshbtrying to put together something, but i want to be able to check the callerid agaist my cell phone, if its caller id = cell phone, hang up the call and dial my phone
01:59.31file[laptop]dineshb: dialplan logic and a call file
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01:59.52pressure_manfile, that's what i'm doing to asterisk... heading to openpbx
02:00.18dineshbfile: i did it, but having some problem with the compare thing
02:00.27file[laptop]compare thing?
02:00.28file[laptop]it's not that hard
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02:00.45dineshbfile: when i write the caller id to the call file
02:00.45file[laptop]exten => 8005551212/5068780147,1,Dowhatever
02:01.08file[laptop]you could use a shell script or perl script to take whatever as an argument, and generate it
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02:02.46alephcomI don't know what you mean by a callback expert but I do probably 200 a week.  Not a big number but....
02:03.04dineshbfile: ok i will have a bash at it
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02:04.23jake1932when did "make" become optional?
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02:04.51file[laptop]MikeJ[Laptop]: 888 twat :P
02:05.00jake1932used to be  make clean; make; make install
02:05.07jake1932now it's  make clean; make install
02:05.30jake1932according to here:
02:06.52dineshbalephcom: do u use callerid as ur phone? and then check it without accepting the call?
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02:12.10jake1932or is make still required?
02:12.34jake1932i'm getting this error now: chan_sip.c:555: error: syntax error before '<<' token
02:12.37alephcomWhat I do is designed for people to phone in and then they get a callback and get connected to a conferencing service.  I do use the caller ids but I answer the phone because interaction is usually needed.  That would be easy to cut out but....
02:12.49alephcomThe script is found at
02:13.00alephcomThere is a link on there somewhere I believe.  I can find it yet
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02:13.59PoWeRKiLLany ide why my zap channel answers before get a CONNECT on the PRI
02:14.30PoWeRKiLLI got answered on the console as soon I get  CALL PROCEEDING
02:14.43N4SHi have a question. i'm starting on my asterisk@home i installed CentOS 3.5 and i'm stuck from this point
02:15.02Kattysilly humans.
02:15.41N4SHhow will i configure it?
02:15.56jake1932sounds like a loaded question
02:16.25jake1932N4SH: have you read any of the docs yet?
02:17.07jbotfrom memory, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
02:17.10N4SHjake i'm reading the docs and tells me to access web gui
02:17.46jake1932for at home, you should be able to access AMP - a web portal
02:17.58N4SHhow do i do that
02:18.11jake1932when it starts up, i think it gives you an IP
02:18.31N4SHwell it just gives me a local host
02:19.20jake1932localhost from that machine, but does the machine has an IP reachable by a machine with a web browser?
02:19.38N4SHoh wait... let me see
02:28.46N4SHjake: i'm still having problems connecting to the machine
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02:33.01jake1932N4SH: do you have to use @home?  are you familiar with linux at all?
02:34.02jake1932reason being @home adds a lot of crap you may not need - and if you're new to asterisk - may be more confusing than just learning the standard configurations
02:34.49N4SHok i'll try that instead
02:35.04jake1932try what?
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02:36.31Sp3ciaL_Khas anyone got spandsp working with freebsd before?
02:36.35jake1932N4SH - this is a lot closer to a standard config:
02:39.01N4SHoh ok. let me check
02:40.42Sp3ciaL_Kwell not sure if i need spandsp..i got a fax connect to a pap2 which then connects to  my * box using SIP. when i try sending fax I notice a Unknown RTP codec 100, and fax failes.  i can't start * with app_rx|txfax, gives me an error (undefine symbol lrint in
02:43.20Sp3ciaL_Kso if anyone could shed some light that be cool.
02:44.57Sp3ciaL_Kanyone went to Astricon?
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02:48.29pauldySp3ciaL_K, did you check to see what codec 100 was
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02:50.53pauldymaybe a combination of slin adpcm and ulaw
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02:52.48Sp3ciaL_Ki tried google but couldnt see anywhere what codec 100 is
02:53.45paxr0where i can find variable callerId?
02:53.57wwalkerWhat does ATA stand for?  I know what one is (802.3 -> POTS) but what's the acronym standfor?
02:54.25crash3m__ATA == analog telphone adapter
02:56.18pauldySp3ciaL_K, I think 100 is a mask but I'm not sure yet
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03:00.14pauldyamazingly hard to find what that error really means
03:00.30Sp3ciaL_Ki know
03:00.48bugzall circuits are buys/congested.
03:01.02pauldyI always was under the assumption it meant they could not agree on how to talk and the last number was the mask of the protocols that were useable but not accepted
03:01.51Sp3ciaL_Khmmm could be
03:01.54n3u7anyone know how to compile asterisk without libnewt?
03:02.28bugzn3u7: USE=" -libnewt" emerge asterisk
03:03.49Sp3ciaL_Kthanks anyways i'll stick to PSTN when faxing for now :P
03:03.50pauldydamb n3u7 I would have pulled my hair out by now and just installed libnewt and I consider myself a patient person
03:04.47Sp3ciaL_Kblitzrage you therE?
03:04.49pauldySp3ciaL_K, I have only been able to get one fax to work perfectly voip but I used a hardware modem interfaces to an fxo port
03:05.41Sp3ciaL_Kyea fax and voip dont mix too well yet
03:07.23Sp3ciaL_Kokie i'll call it a night
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03:11.51nassyim now learning about asterisk and it looks pretty interesting. hopefully one day it will replace our current PBX at work. a few questions about its capabilities:
03:12.04nassy1, if the system is taxed can you (easily) expand it or integrate it with additional units (ie, if you need to add an additional T1, another asterisk box). we are always running out of something at work as we add more employees.
03:12.25nassy2, is there the ability to set up call queues like when you call customer support and get placed in a line and it tells you there are 3 more people are ahead of you and you have 10 minutes.
03:12.45nassy3, when the company takes over other companies can asterisk PBX's be integrated so that to customers it appears like if there are two companies but to the employees they can just dial extensions. employees for each company are not restricted to one location.
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03:13.46brookshire[home]1 yes, sometimes
03:13.47bugznassy: an asterisk ip-pbx on a p4 can power a medium sized city
03:13.48brookshire[home]2 yes
03:13.50brookshire[home]3 yes
03:13.54bugzscalability is NOT an issue
03:14.19bugznassy: buying a DS-3 card.. ok you might have an issue with that but i hear they are in the making
03:14.21nassysweet. now i just have to figure out how to replace the PBX after i get some asterisk experience
03:14.32bugznassy: all you have to do is run alot of cat 5
03:14.42bugzor buy some iaxys ;)
03:15.07harryvvis there a way to make a phone ring a light?
03:15.08brookshire[home]hey file
03:15.13file[laptop]hiiiiiii Matt
03:15.16brookshire[home]righ a light?
03:15.21brookshire[home]ring also
03:15.23mtghharyvv: x10
03:15.32bugzharryvv: hook it up to the fxo
03:15.37bugzpretty easy hack
03:15.50brookshire[home]oh.. like for the hearing impaired?
03:16.02nassyoh thats another thing we need for our noisy warehouse
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03:16.07bugzor for titty bars :)
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03:16.29slak-software phone that works under freebsd
03:16.34slak-anyone know of one?
03:16.41brookshire[home]nassy: i'm sure you can extend agi do it :)
03:17.07nassyreally looking forward to using asterisk
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03:17.32pauldysomeone should write a sip phone in flash that would be enat
03:17.33asterisk99anyone know why audio from asterisk -> SIP phone doens't get sent? I can see playbacks() being played, but no audio
03:17.42slak-someone know of a softphone that works under freebsd
03:17.49slak-or iaxc
03:18.09brookshire[home]asterisk99: firewall or codec problems
03:18.26brookshire[home]and tons of other possibilites it could be :)
03:18.36pauldyless common but I've had it be a resource issue not enough ram
03:19.06brookshire[home]slak-: you should just use linux.. it's better anyways ;)
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03:19.14nassyare there any case studies of people replacing PBX's with asterisk. i would like to replace a toshiba strata system with asterisk but i dont have much time to learn it. we ran out of extensions and need to buy additional PBX equipment for the new employees. with asterisk id just run a cat 5 cable and im done.
03:19.42znoGnassy: well, that plus a channel bank, depending on your requirements
03:19.53slak-nassy i use it here
03:19.56slak-instead of a channelbank
03:19.56brookshire[home]nassy: you can check the website for some
03:19.58slak-we have ATA units
03:20.05slak-so far 20 extensions
03:20.06nassyznoG: oh, whats a channel bank.
03:20.36brookshire[home]znoG: you can use ipphones
03:20.36znoGi'm about to deploy 10 ATA's (to get 20 extensions on Asterisk). Far cheaper than a channel bank
03:20.36znoGbrookshire[home]: yes, and they are expensive :)
03:20.37slak-znog thats what i dd
03:20.55brookshire[home]channel bank is for analog phones
03:20.56znoGslak-: thats them, or the PAP2-NAs, not sure which I'm gonna go for yet.
03:21.00slak-i use 2002
03:21.04slak-and 2000
03:21.07slak-works great man
03:21.13znoGslak-: i think the spa2000s can do remote provisioning, which might be handy for configuring them remotely instead of going in one-by-one
03:21.14slak-only one died so far its been a year
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03:21.19slak-i sent it back
03:21.39slak-i do it one by one
03:21.45slak-but if you know of a way i can config them all
03:21.51slak-please hook me up
03:21.53znoGi think remote provisioning might do it
03:21.56znoGlook into it
03:21.59znoGgoogle, etc
03:22.15nassywe use some toshiba ip phones. but the office phones have lcds on them and i cant replace them with regular phones and an ATA because the employees have grown to like some of the features on the 10 button phones. can you program the buttons on the phones that work with asterisk?
03:22.30nassythanks. found the case studies. going to check them out
03:22.31znoGactually, to generate the configs for remote provisioning I think you need a special license to get the software to generate the config, from Sipura
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03:22.50brookshire[home]nassy: depends on the phones...
03:23.03brookshire[home]nassy: more than likely the toshiba phones will not work with asterisk
03:23.15*** join/#asterisk Brijn (
03:23.23znoGnassy: grow them out of liking those features, in favour of cost savings :)
03:23.28znoGnassy: (and more extensions)
03:23.48brookshire[home]with the polycom phones you can add extensions with xml..
03:23.54znoGnassy: if you want a funky phone full of buttons and wicked features, you're going to spend a lot of money per phone
03:23.57brookshire[home]to the phones
03:24.04BrijnDoes anybody here have an email address of the Asterisk at Home people (I don't see anything on the website).. Their current ISO's seem to be bad
03:24.46nassybased on our monthly bill i think we would make up the cost of buying new phones in a month
03:24.46nassyor two
03:24.46znoGmaybe when the IP phones come down in price (ie. when they cost the same as one port on a sipura) then people will start to buy them
03:25.09*** join/#asterisk morale (
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03:25.10slak-the sipura gives ya two ports
03:25.10znoGbut since you get 2 lines with a Sipura unit, most people get that instead of 2 Ip phones
03:25.10slak-we use the shittiest office phones
03:25.11slak-like 20$ panasonics
03:25.38slak-no one cares
03:25.38slak-and im happy
03:25.38nassywe spend about $200 i think for the toshiba ip phones
03:25.38brookshire[home]you just have to get use to transfering with the numeric pad
03:25.55brookshire[home]and remembering everyone else's extension
03:25.55slak-the vice-prez today dialed 911 by accident
03:26.14slak-and when they came and i checked the cdr who dialed it
03:26.14slak-and confronted him
03:26.14slak-he lied
03:26.29jake1932sure it was him and someone didn't use his phone?
03:26.29slak-im sure
03:26.29slak-noone uses his phone
03:26.41*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
03:26.41slak-he came out of his office lookin all stupid
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03:27.06jake1932he's not signing your paycheck, right?
03:27.17slak-he's just some fake
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03:27.28slak-hired to work on the marketing side of things
03:27.29jake1932yeah - cause that would suck
03:27.30slak-too bad he sucks
03:28.01jake1932damn - asterisk is still compiling on my crappy p2
03:28.09jake1932been over an hour
03:28.12slak-jake need a soft phone for freebsd
03:28.15slak-anything come to mind?
03:28.18jake1932don't have one
03:28.32jake1932only know the win ones
03:28.39jake1932and they all sucked
03:28.42slak-diax is ok
03:28.50jake1932didn't try that one
03:29.00slak-diax is standalone its pretty nice
03:29.04slak-very lightweight
03:29.10jake1932no choppiness?
03:29.32ManxPowerHow does someone accidently dial 911/
03:29.39slak-i dont know
03:29.39jake1932ok - have to try that one day - been using hard phones and life is much easier
03:30.14slak-bottom right to top left diagonal
03:30.20slak-thats pretty hard to do unintentionally
03:30.25jake1932maybe the number was 201-456-0911
03:30.41jake1932and he accidentally hit the clicker
03:31.09dineshbhow do i make the incomming calls from context from-pstn to activate a custom script instead of going to the local extenions
03:31.13jake1932wonder if that would hold up in court
03:31.25ManxPowerTrying to dial 9-1-212-555-1212 would require him to accidently dial 9 twice and 1 twice
03:31.39slak-i need something to display the cdr nice
03:31.45slak-web based
03:31.47slak-any ideas
03:31.47jake1932dineshb: script, as in AGI?
03:31.57nassyi nearly dialed it my accident when i was trying to make an international call and didnt press the 0 properly. so i dialed 911 but because 9 is our outside access number it looked like 11
03:32.13slak-i dont reequire 9 for 911
03:32.15slak-just 911 works
03:32.27ManxPowerslak-, we don't either
03:32.29slak-thanks for reminding me i haveto let people know
03:32.34slak-411/911 and 611
03:32.35slak-go right thru
03:32.43dineshbjake: using aah here, and it doesn't call the script
03:32.47slak-and drop a line if all busy
03:32.57dineshbit just goes to the normal pstn routines
03:33.08dineshbi tried to include the context from-pstn-custom
03:33.18BrijnDoes anybody here have an email address of the Asterisk at Home people (I don't see anything on the website).. Their current ISO's seem to be bad
03:33.26ManxPowerdineshb, you really need to be on the A@H channel
03:33.47dineshbmanxpower: which channel is that sorry? <-- lame question
03:34.00jake1932seems to be a sudden influx of @home users today
03:34.03marc324whats the recommended linux dist for asterisk?
03:34.15ManxPowerdineshb, I don't know, but not a lot of people use A@H here.
03:34.18schuylerdigiumi like debian!
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03:34.24dineshbmarc: for starters use asterisk@home then move to debian when ur confident
03:34.27brookshire[home]debian or gentoo
03:34.31brookshire[home]or fedora
03:34.31moralewhats asterisk@home?
03:34.33brookshire[home]or redhat ;)
03:34.37jake1932@home will just confuse you
03:34.41schuylerdigiumi was going to say redhat
03:34.47schuylerdigiumi like CLI
03:34.47dineshbredhat is pricey
03:34.52dineshbtalk about paying every year
03:34.53brookshire[home]or macosx
03:35.05jake1932i've been recommending rapid (
03:35.05ManxPowermorale, It's some silly distro with asterisk preinstalled and lots of custom scripts that try to make setting up a PBX a simple task.  they fail.
03:35.26jake1932rapid is debian based - and should get you started
03:35.46brookshire[home]man: it's good for learning.. but trying to do more advanced stuff breaks it
03:35.48moraleis there a CVS HEAD changelog anywhere?
03:36.05brookshire[home]morale: i think they are working on one
03:36.17moraleah ok
03:36.17brookshire[home]it's something like 100 new changes
03:36.23brookshire[home]you can read the cvs logs though
03:36.46moralei just rebuild the cvs head daily at 2:00am
03:36.59brookshire[home]on a cron?
03:37.02jake1932i just tried to compile from CVS and it failed today
03:37.06nassyBrijn:  i just burnt the asterisk at home iso. havent installed it yet because i dont havew a monitor. what is the problem you are having with it
03:37.06moralebrookshire[home]: yeah
03:37.17moralejake1932: i just built it about 10 minutes ago and it worked
03:37.19brookshire[home]morale: cvs was broken for my yesterday :/
03:37.20jake1932CVS HEAD
03:37.25brookshire[home]at one point
03:37.31brookshire[home]it's fixed now
03:37.33brookshire[home]hehe :)
03:37.45ManxPowermorale, it's call the asterisk-cvs mailing list
03:37.48jake1932that explains it
03:38.10jake1932i'm trying beta 1.2 now
03:38.17*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (n=wunderki@VDSL-130-13-234-137.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
03:38.20jake1932as soon as it finishes compiling
03:38.42syle2got a problem, i finish up my code in h extension but its setting dst field to h instead of number called now
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03:39.02jake1932isn't h know to cause problems with the cdr
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03:40.39syle2is there a exit statement at all?
03:40.52syle2i could try going back from h to original exten
03:40.54syle2then exit
03:41.01moraleis there anyway to make cvs login not prompt you for a password?
03:41.45brookshire[home]morale: cvs update
03:42.04moraleyou still have to login first
03:42.11brookshire[home]intresting.. i never do
03:43.55jake1932syle2: did you check out ResetCDR(w)? not sure if that's applicable...
03:46.15syle2no docs on it
03:46.24marc324in asterisk with db conf....  do you install the database on the asterisk server... or on another machine?
03:47.00brookshire[home]marc324: i'm sure you can do either way
03:47.20marc324performace factor...
03:47.56syle2i think what i will do is save EXTEN into a variable
03:48.21syle2then use a goto at end of h extension to go to a context with just nothing in it
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03:48.47syle2about only hack i can think of
03:48.53jake1932if it works...
03:49.02syle2naw shit then i loose my context to
03:49.27syle2have to loop it in same context
03:49.58syle2is there a exit command/
03:50.13syle2exten => blah, EXIT()
03:50.16syle2or some crap
03:50.44syle2actually i could just send it to end of the old context
03:50.59syle2i;ll try that
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03:57.50syle2it worked
03:58.11jake1932the hacker prevails
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04:01.40syle2yep cdr is perfect
04:01.49syle2fucking retarded i had to do that though
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04:15.51kb1_kanobeevening all.
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04:19.12jayk-i'm trying to set up a menu in asterisk. i want to let the caller press the extension of the person they want to transfer to after they press 1. for example, if i'm extension 100, they'd press 1 then 100.
04:19.17jayk-does anybody know how i could do this?
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04:28.50st3vI want to put the asterisk box in a different room than the channel bank. Will it work if the channel bank and the T1 card are connected to the switch?
04:29.35st3vits probably a dumb question
04:29.59kb1_kanobest3v: no, it won't work. The T1 isn't ethernet.. :-)
04:30.41brookshire[home]you can run a long t1 cable to the channel bank from the t1 card :)
04:30.51kb1_kanobe... as long as it's under 1400 feet.
04:31.06brookshire[home]it can be longer
04:31.09brookshire[home]if you have a repeater :)
04:31.15kb1_kanobeAh yes, true...
04:31.21jayk-FuriousGeorge: is it ${exten}:1 or ${exten:1}?
04:31.54brookshire[home]and actually.. you only need 4 wires
04:32.36st3vcan I use a cat 3 cable with RJ45 connectors
04:33.11st3vit will be less than 50 feet
04:33.37kb1_kanobeYes. But stay away from flourescent light ballasts and stuff if possible 'cause they radiate electrical noise like crazy.
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04:45.33brookshire[home]kuku5: much better huh?
04:45.36kuku5how much cpu needed for ulaw <-> * <-> ulaw ?
04:45.53kuku5much better than 10 users on efnet
04:47.10drumkillanot very much?
04:47.20brookshire[home]if you are only doing ulaw you don't need much at all
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04:48.57kuku5So according to my research. 15 calls/mbit      can I get like 600 sim. callers on  single cpu ?
04:49.17spootnickdoes anyone know a SIP softphone that supports video, apart from eyebeam and msn messenger?
04:50.49spootnickwas it for me?
04:51.09kb1_kanobeAnyone know of a CDR processor for Asterisk that can calculate observed channel utilisation in Erlangs?
04:52.56timecopthat was in my cut buffer for some reason.
04:53.52syle2i;m coding one for mysql kb1_kanobe
04:54.01kb1_kanobeooo... how far off it is?
04:54.03syle2that would be simple addin hehe
04:54.07kb1_kanobe, is it
04:54.12syle2end of week
04:54.25kb1_kanobewill you announce on -dev?
04:55.19syle2prob not
04:55.31syle2those are more core asterisk dudes
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04:56.50kb1_kanobeshame, I think there's interest. I know I'd appreciate being able to demonstrate my channel-sizing is working.
04:56.52syle2idk if i will release it as i will be using it myself who knows
04:57.03syle2its all in c though , no agi overhead
04:58.28syle2i've spent countless hours on this already, if you want to bribe me that may work lol
04:59.19Juggieis there a sip client which supports messaging & pressence?
04:59.25kb1_kanobeHmmm... The kb1 echo canceller owes me about half my hair, but let me think about it... :-)
05:00.53syle2i lost alot of hair this weekend hehe
05:01.14X-RobAn echo cancellor that hardly sucks at all!
05:01.37X-RobI had users complanging _every_ day.
05:01.40X-Robnow they don't complain at all
05:01.44kb1_kanobeit still doesn't work right, so no bowing please.
05:01.52X-Robit works damn well.
05:02.06X-Robsyle2 - it's in CVS
05:02.20*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
05:02.43kb1_kanobeIt's closer, but that was just code bugfixes. Now if someone could just explain the remaining problems - I'm no mathematician.
05:03.04kb1_kanobeyou're welcome. :-)
05:03.33X-Robkb1_kanobe - apparently, after speaking to a high-clue telco designed, doing 'good' echo can is extraordinarly hard, far harder than you (eg, me) expect.
05:03.55kb1_kanobeYeah, I get that impression too.
05:04.44kb1_kanobeBut I suspect the majority of issues being encountered are still bug-ish, not complex echos. Ie. the people who get unfettered echos on some calls.
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05:06.02X-RobI had a look at the .h file, and it was so far above my head it wasn't funny 8-(
05:06.48kb1_kanobeMost of it shouldn't be an issue - the telco network is predictable. I suspect there is just an element missing, like a compander on the input to prevent the signal getting too hot, or some such.
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05:12.58infinity1X-Rob: above or over your head
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05:19.41syle2what kind of erlangs calculation?
05:19.57kuku5syle2: what does the code do again ?
05:20.03syle2one for each hour?
05:20.31syle21pm 2.5 erlangs, 2pm 5 erlands
05:20.34syle2kinda thing?
05:21.10syle2well coding a billing application that will calculate ...
05:21.17kb1_kanobeI used to use Genesis ( many years ago. It was most useful because it had a grid report that had columns for the number of lines, rows for the time of day and gave a probablility of occurances of busies based on observed traffic.
05:21.38syle2numbers based on definable rates you enter for each user
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05:21.48syle2user1 .02
05:21.55syle2user3 .006
05:22.11spootnickhi all. i'm getting a "ocket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach 's@'" message when i should be receiving calls from my iax account. any ideas on why that happens?
05:22.13kb1_kanobeIe. over the last one month, based on observed traffic, you would have to have 16 trunks to have a 1 in 50 chance of an incoming call ringing busy, an so on.
05:22.26syle22 sections, 1 for your providers you get DID etc from and one that deals with end users on your system
05:23.05kb1_kanobeJust trunk utilization for me - I use asterisk as PRI-IAX-PRI bridges, so I have lots of 23 channel PRIs for PBXes and lesser PRIs on the telco side.
05:23.32*** join/#asterisk Jzalae (
05:24.59kb1_kanobesyle2: go to and download the 'all nortel/meridian reports' zip. Check out the 'Traffic Analysis' report.
05:25.49kb1_kanobeIt's changed somewhat since I last used it, but you get the idea. Their example is based on trunks assigned to groups and then utilisation on each of those groups.
05:27.14syle2are you a CLEC?
05:27.24kb1_kanobeNope. Just an end user.
05:27.47kb1_kanobe(corporate end user)
05:28.18syle2what reports in this zip file are you interested in seeing?
05:28.55kb1_kanobejust the 'Traffic Analysis', though if you were to implement others you'd be on the right track for other people. Genesis is very popular in the hotel switchboard market.
05:29.32kb1_kanobeIt used to be (and probably still is) one of those 'recommended 3rd party' addons for Nortel systems.
05:32.30pauldyX-Rob, any news on grandstream fixing the handset echo they created when fixing the speaker phone echo
05:32.58websaewhat's a good GNU licensed program for billing with asterisk?
05:33.22syle2none that i found
05:33.25syle2why i am building my own
05:34.05Juggieis sip messaging supported in cvs head?
05:34.25syle2i think i need a tutorial on erlangs
05:34.48kb1_kanobe is reasonably good.
05:35.00Dr_Rayjust use perl/ or sed awk
05:35.10Dr_RayI built one in perl that works for us
05:35.32syle2yeah i;d probably use perl for this run as a cronjob if i did it
05:35.47Dr_Rayours runs as cgi webapp
05:35.53Dr_Rayit took all of 4 hours
05:36.07Dr_RayI'm sure it is fugly
05:36.15syle2no this is heavy processing of call logs
05:36.19syle2cgi would timeout
05:36.25syle2needs to be in c or perl backended
05:37.24syle2its kind of like what webalizer does
05:38.11kb1_kanobebbl, must go do play elsewhere.
05:39.32blitzragewoh, apparently I missed a light earthquake in California by only 3 hour
05:41.27brookshire[home]you can use the gsm codec :)
05:41.33brookshire[home]on your network!
05:42.16syle2gsm ain;t that bad when i tried it
05:42.35syle2but of course i;m talking about cell phone network
05:43.21syle2hell i;d even settle for CLEC status
05:43.45syle2would cost me about 1.4 million
05:44.06kuku5syle2: what does the code do again ?
05:44.10websaegood billing software--anyone?
05:44.11kuku5( ble )
05:45.26kuku5We have our crm - wondering if there is a method for a live cdr ( record for the start of the call, end of the call )
05:48.14syle2well whatever i want it to but right now its being programmed to be able to have definable rates for each of your users, so i can do say .03 for tollfree .02 for LD, .0whatever for incomming DIDs to a user(that part was a real bitch!), php backend it after for inserting into tables properly etc
05:48.40syle2and code is taking care of updating the money left on account instantly after calls
05:49.17syle2using nothing but custom asterisk modules and db triggers
05:49.21syle2no agi bullshit
05:49.59syle2every billing solution i looked at used agi calls
05:51.21syle2why would you want to do that?
05:51.48Igbothom_IIIsyle2; sounding quite nice  :)
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05:52.26Igbothom_IIIg'day poo
05:52.43Igbothom_III(feck, forgot the <Tab> after that!!!)
05:53.04syle2i don;t know why you would want a record for the start of a call
05:53.13syle2give a reason why you would hehe
05:53.49Igbothom_IIItime/date stamp of the call?
05:54.27syle2so you mean starttime , endtime fields for the cd record
05:54.46syle2hmm guess i could add that in
05:54.46kuku5syle2: you have this up and running?
05:55.39syle2still makes no practical sense you can just subtract date from cdr record from duration of the call
05:55.45syle2or is this more a convenience
05:56.10kuku5yeh - thats doable
05:56.18kuku5syle2: you have this billing stuff done ?
05:56.42syle2no i;m still running race conditions on it and more testing
05:56.45syle2hoping friday
05:56.54kuku5you wanna sell it ?
05:57.15kuku5how much
05:57.21syle2no idea
05:57.35syle2i;ll know when i;m finished
05:57.43kuku5so friday ?
05:58.21syle2next friday would be a more realistic release date
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06:07.18spootnickany goiax users out there? i'm getting a "rejected connect attempt" when receiving calls
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06:33.49Igbothom_IIII'm reading in some places that ADSL is full duplex, yet others say that it is only half duplex.  Anyone got any real data on this?
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06:41.02Igbothom_IIIwe have a client who can get an uncontended ADSL512/512 and an uncontended SHDSL 512/512 and the price difference is... noticeable
06:42.29kuku5i have a problem with caller id - it shows uknown ... even though i set it
06:48.34tessier512kb/s just seems so slow these days.
06:48.47tessierkuku5: What sort of line are you dialing out on?
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06:54.56X-RobIgbothom_III - it's full duplex.
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06:58.07websaecan run a tun of g729 channels off that
06:58.26websae64 to be exact
06:58.31websae*head now hurts
06:58.53tessierIt's fine for running voip over, sure.
06:59.02tessierBut it's slow as far as bandwidth goes these days. It's not even a T-1.
06:59.19websaeT-1s are over rated
06:59.30websaecan get residential cable packages faster than t1s do you figure you can run 64 g729 channels off of a 512kb/s connection?
06:59.49tessierSure, and those residential cable packages are a whole lot faster than 512kb/s too.
06:59.55tessierWhich is why I say 512 isn't much.
07:00.01websaewhat do you have?
07:00.04kuku5tessier: iax
07:00.09websaefor your broadband?
07:00.23tessierkuku5: Your provider might not be allowing you to set the CID then.
07:00.32kuku5he does
07:00.40kuku5it just works on some and doenst work on others
07:00.42tessierwebsae: I have cablemodem. 512kb/s up and 10Mb/s (they say) down.
07:00.54websaewhat can you download at?
07:00.55tessierkuku5: You mean on some calls it works and on others it does not and you don't change anything?
07:00.58*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (n=Nuke@
07:01.05websaewhat have you maxed your connection out at?
07:01.20kuku5tessier: on some phones
07:01.34kuku5( recieving phones.... people out in the world :) )
07:01.55tessierwebsae: I know I've gotten at least 160kb/s before (T-1 speed) but I've never downloaded from a nearby site to see how fast the cablemodem really is.
07:02.14tessierwebsae: You can only get 17 g729 calls over a 512kb line.
07:02.25websaei think i capped out at 600kb/s at debian
07:02.33websaeon my roadrunner $29.99/month package
07:02.43kuku5websae : whats your upload?
07:02.52websaethat i haven't tried just yet---
07:03.05websaegot any good suggestions for trying that?
07:03.07kuku5t1 guarantees your speed
07:03.14kuku5yeh - upload via ftp
07:03.20websaeso does speak easy dsl
07:03.31websaespeak easy dsl has GREAT performance :)
07:03.39websaeespecially for asterisk
07:04.29tessierI tried to get speakeasy (had it once, about 5 years ago) but DSL is not available in my area. :(
07:06.05websaeget a fractional t1 :)
07:06.21tessierHate to think how much that might cost.
07:06.49websaewhat do you pay right now?
07:06.56kuku5t1 = 300
07:07.14tessierI have business cablemodem (faster upload, no blocked ports, two static IP's) for around $80/mo
07:07.44websaet1 = more than 300
07:07.55websaethat's not bad your biz cable
07:07.57websaewhose your provider?
07:08.08tessieraka Cocksuckers
07:08.20tessierActually, their business service isn't bad at all
07:09.13websaedoesn't sound that bad
07:09.23websaetime warner road runner---expensive for biz class
07:09.33websaebiz class = full t1
07:10.26kuku5tessier: stil prpblems withthe callerid
07:11.38*** join/#asterisk Baph (
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07:54.10*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
07:57.15PoWeRKiLLany TE4XX owner ?
07:58.16kb1_kanobesyle2: start time, end time and duration in CDR reflect the fact that a call may be up, but not answered, for a period.
08:02.15*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
08:08.04*** join/#asterisk jac]Z[oby (n=me@
08:08.18jac]Z[obycan anyone help me with incoming number handling?
08:09.04jac]Z[obyanyone here?
08:09.24PoWeRKiLLjac]Z[oby ask you question
08:09.49jac]Z[obyi have an asterisk@home (sorry) with an isdn card
08:10.04jac]Z[obyand now id like to call an extension directly
08:10.11jac]Z[obyhow does that work
08:10.39jac]Z[obyim alway coming into the waiting queue
08:11.14jac]Z[obyhow do i check which number (incoming) has been dialled
08:11.35PoWeRKiLLI don't know about *@home but you should edit your extension.conf and put something like exten => yourincominnumber,1,Dial(SIP/yourdevice)
08:11.40jac]Z[obybecause i dont know wether the phone provider is sending numbers after the actual phone number
08:12.23jac]Z[obydo i have to do it for every number?
08:13.31PoWeRKiLLno you can make a s exten so everything will come in or make something like exten => 718XXXXX.,1,Dial(SIP/toto)
08:13.35jac]Z[obythere is no such mechanism that directs it automatically to the extension number if its dialled afterwards
08:14.03jac]Z[obythat means that everyone is directed to one certain number
08:14.52jac]Z[obywhen it comes to the incomingnumber
08:15.02jac]Z[obywhich parts do i have to put in
08:15.15jac]Z[obyis that number only the number after the actual number
08:15.31jac]Z[obyor du o have to insert that plus the usual stuff
08:15.44jac]Z[oby00country-zip-phone- extension...
08:17.41jac]Z[obyis there a poss. to see which number was dialled?
08:17.47jac]Z[obythat would be of great service
08:19.21PoWeRKiLLI don't know how your carrier send it
08:19.43PoWeRKiLLjust go to asterisk console with verbosity asterisk -rvvvv make a call and see
08:20.08jac]Z[obynope nothing in there
08:20.25gaggamanhi all!
08:20.28gaggamancould maybe somebody help me with my bristuffed asterisk 1.09 and call Pickup?
08:20.38gaggamanwhen I do a Pickup, i get:
08:20.41jac]Z[obysame here
08:21.31gaggamanso the line is picked up
08:21.42gaggamanbut then something strange happens.
08:23.42Igbothom_IIIX-Rob; thanks (ADSL = Full Duplex)
08:23.48Igbothom_IIIsorry, long phone call
08:27.53*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
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08:41.41*** part/#asterisk jac]Z[oby (n=me@
08:41.42linxwhen I call voicemail from a cisco ip phone (12SP+) it asks for the mailbox then the password
08:42.14linxwhen doing the same thing from an analog phone connected to fxs it only asks for the password
08:42.29*** part/#asterisk lars-- (
08:48.40*** join/#asterisk sambal (n=sambal@
08:51.56*** join/#asterisk iDunno (
09:01.49*** join/#asterisk oej (
09:05.38*** join/#asterisk K-Bear (
09:07.23K-BearSorry if I'm upsetting anyone by posting my question again, but since it was at least 10hrs ago and nobody had an answer then, maybe there are other ppl in here now who might
09:07.27K-BearI'm having a pretty odd problem. I'm setting up an IAXy. I've manage to provision it and I've set up my Asterisk server to have it accepted. It's working to the point that I get a dial tone, I can dial all the extensions on the PBX. But when a call is connected, even when it's local in my own network, I don't get any sound from the device connected to the IAXy. I can hear the person at the extension I dialed, but they can't hear the IAXy. And
09:07.28K-Bearafter 15s Asterisk hangs up. Anyone know what's wrong?
09:07.53Dr_Rayno nat?
09:08.55K-BearWell, I have NAT. But since both my asterisk server, the extension I'm dialing and the IAXy is inside it, I figure that's not the problem
09:09.26*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
09:09.34K-BearThey are all on the same subnet
09:10.23kb1_kanobePresumably the IAXy doesn't see the call progressing beyond the dialing state, so eventually it hangs up.
09:10.29kb1_kanobeCVS or 1.0?
09:10.37K-BearOld CVS
09:11.21kb1_kanobeThere was a long standing issue with PRI and IAX not passing progress information properly which had similar symtoms, but I doubt it'd affect and IAXy
09:11.45kb1_kanobethis isn't dialing out of a PRI is it?
09:12.18K-BearAh, no
09:12.50kb1_kanobeRun the console with debugging and verbosity turned up and see what it has to say just as the call is dropped.
09:12.54K-BearThe other extension is a software IAX client
09:15.02*** join/#asterisk fenlander (n=neils@
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09:20.02*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
09:20.04*** join/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
09:20.50MuppetMasterAnyone out there?
09:22.01*** join/#asterisk nfi|ermes (n=ermsewrk@
09:22.11MuppetMasterI have Asterisk v1.2beta and have a context that Answers, Waits (1) then does a Playback.  But every message that gets played has the first 1 second or so cut.
09:22.38MuppetMasterEven if I move the Wait to (2), the same thing happens.  Is there a way to solve this?  Or do I just need to pad all first sound files with 1-2 seconds of silence?
09:23.21K-Bearkb1_kanobe: I can't find anything out of the ordinary. I'm trying to find a code snippet site to paste the output in...
09:24.20K-BearAh, cheers
09:25.25nfi|ermeswhen i dial out from an internal, everything works fine but i can't listen the phone ring, (the tone, the noise to understand if it s free or busy)
09:27.16*** part/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
09:28.36kb1_kanobeK-Bear: that might be a little too deep. :-)
09:28.44K-Bearkb1_kanobe: :-)
09:28.45kb1_kanobetry 'set debug 255' and 'set verbose 255'
09:30.02kb1_kanobehowever, I observe: IPV4 vs. IPV4 Was there only one call up during that log?
09:30.02K-BearOnly 'set verbose' is available, not 'set debug'
09:30.30kb1_kanobeOdd. *@home?
09:30.45K-BearNo, as I said. It's an old CVS version
09:30.54kb1_kanobehuh - must be very old.
09:31.00K-BearAnd yes, only one call was made during that debug
09:31.23kb1_kanobetry 'show version' in the console
09:32.02kb1_kanobeAre both those IP addresses correct?
09:32.07kb1_kanobe(for the two endpoints)?
09:33.00K-BearThe version only shows that it's built by me on an i686, no version number
09:33.12K-BearYes, both IP's are correct
09:33.30kb1_kanobeHmmm.... I would suggest updating to latest cvs as a first step. Sorry.
09:34.12K-BearWell, thank you for helping me
09:34.24kb1_kanobesorry it wasn't better. :-/
09:35.32K-BearNo problem. I knew I was bound to upgrade sometime. Just hope it wasn't going to be anytime soon
09:36.33K-BearThe thought of reconfiguring everything isn't so pleasant :-S
09:36.58kb1_kanobeyou should be alright, just beware of the depreciation of the n+101 jumping behaviour
09:38.31*** join/#asterisk Attila_Kovacs (
09:39.46Attila_KovacsHi All! Anybody can help me with chan_misdn?
09:39.57*** join/#asterisk szer (n=Miranda@
09:41.13szerhi all
09:43.58nfi|ermeswhen i dial out from an internal, everything works fine but i can't listen the phone tone (the noise to understand if it s free or busy)
09:44.13*** join/#asterisk ard (n=ard@2001:7b8:32d:0:20c:6eff:fe18:d11f)
09:44.48kb1_kanobenfi|ermes: it's called 'in-band signalling'. Ie. the busy sound, ringing sound and so on.
09:44.57kb1_kanobeWhat are you dialing from and what are you dialing to?
09:47.22*** join/#asterisk kippi (
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09:48.04K-Bearkb1_kanobe: H, sorry to bother you again. I came up on this ven I had upped the verbosity: "-- Executing Dial("IAX2/iaxy@iaxy/10", "IAX2/bjr|30") in new stack". ""IAX2/iaxy@iaxy/10" looks a bit wierd, don't you think?
09:49.14kb1_kanobeuser 'iaxy' on device 'iaxy' originated call using IAX2 protocol is I think what it's saying.
09:49.59*** join/#asterisk nesys (n=nesys@2001:1418:1a6:0:20d:93ff:fe28:3ef8)
09:50.01K-BearAh, ok. So the device is in there too. I get it. Sorry to bother you
09:50.10kb1_kanobeno worries. :-)
09:50.34K-BearFirst time I'm using any hardware. Only used software phones before...
09:51.12Attila_KovacsNo voice at all when there is incomming call on misdn channel. Outgoing calls are ok.
09:52.23K-BearSorry, no idea
09:59.43*** join/#asterisk spiekey (
10:00.06PoWeRKiLLanyone using digium E1 card ?
10:00.43spiekeyi am running sarge with a 2.6.8 kernel, and when i try to run "make linux26" in zaptel i get this error: You do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.8-2-386 kernel installed.
10:00.54spiekeyi have linked linux -> /usr/src/kernel-source-2.6.8
10:09.04kb1_kanobeI'm running 2.6.x and I've always just run 'make' in zaptel.
10:09.47gaggamanspie maybe he is looking for /usr/src/linux-2.6.8-2-386
10:10.15gaggamantry and make a link
10:10.38spiekeyln -s kernel-source-2.6.8 /usr/src/linux-2.6.8-2-386 -
10:10.40spiekeynope ;/
10:11.00gaggamanok :-) was just an idea :-)
10:11.32gaggamanthen maybe just look into the Makefile
10:12.42CBTCWwWhmm interesting. I just saw a CD for sale on ebay.. the CD is asterisk software
10:12.44spiekeyi dont have the "build" dir
10:13.12iDunnoapt-get install kernel-headers-2.6.8-2-386
10:13.21iDunnothen try again.
10:13.33iDunno(IIRC, BICBW)
10:14.34gaggamani have a problem with a bristuffed * 1.09 and call pickup
10:15.48CBTCWwWnot me, i'm here looking for a good manual for asterisk.. i'm about to dive into using it
10:16.23spiekeyiDunno: thanks! :)
10:16.26*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
10:16.42spiekeyi keep thinking that all i need is in the kernel source package :P
10:17.37*** join/#asterisk jac]Z[oby (n=me@
10:17.44oejA good manual is to be found at - the full O'reilly book
10:17.54jac]Z[obyanyone knows where i can find info about ENUM and asterisk?
10:18.06jac]Z[obymeaning using enum with asterisk
10:18.35spiekeyoej: did you mean me?
10:18.37oejThere is a README in CVS head
10:18.42iDunnospiekey: np :)
10:18.53oejfor enum I mean
10:19.04*** join/#asterisk psk (
10:19.07jac]Z[obywhat where?
10:19.10jac]Z[obywhich cvs head?
10:19.23oejAsterisk CVS head of course...
10:19.37spiekeyits really good and quite simple to start with
10:19.52gaggamanWhat does <MASQ> in    -- Hungup 'SIP/61-8140<MASQ>' mean?
10:26.54kippihas anyone had this error before Unable to connect to Asterisk Manager (111) when using AMP?
10:30.24spiekeyhow long will asterisk need to compile on a 233MHz mmx?
10:31.08oejgaggaman: It means it's a masqueraded channel - someone else took over, possibly in a transfer
10:40.23MatsKspiekey: it could take around 2 hour, on my C400 it took 1 hour and 35 minutes
10:41.30MatsKAny norwegians here ?
10:41.48MatsKChack out
10:42.03gaggamanoej: strange.
10:42.03MatsKChack = Check
10:42.13spiekeyMatsK: thanks
10:42.31gaggamanI get:
10:42.48gaggamanThat's all.
10:43.33gaggamanSIP/61 was the extension who tried to Pickup the call.
10:44.04*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
10:44.19gaggamanso who took over?
10:45.20gaggamanAfterwards I see the channel I picked up as "ZOMBIE":
11:06.57spiekeyi build asterisk from source and i installed capi with apt. now i get: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_smoother_feed
11:07.42*** join/#asterisk KriS83 (n=KriS@
11:09.00*** join/#asterisk FITA1 (n=m_ahmed@
11:09.05FITA1hi all
11:09.40FITA1while compiling asterisk-1.0.9 i m getting this error /usr/local/bison/bin/bison ast_expr.y --name-prefix=ast_yy -o ast_expr.c
11:09.40FITA1make: *** [ast_expr.c] Broken pipe
11:09.55FITA1any help please ????
11:10.42*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
11:12.06*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
11:13.51KriS83When compiling the recent Beta-1 Version of chan-capi do I have to apply any patches so I can use something like: ;exten => 122,2,capiHOLD
11:13.51KriS83;exten => 122,3,capiECT,27:17
11:14.09KriS83I have removed the ; infront obisously
11:14.42*** join/#asterisk JimmyCarter (
11:14.56JimmyCarterI have a question about channels
11:15.05JimmyCarterare 2 channels not in anyway associated while one is calling the other?
11:15.21JimmyCarteri.e. one channel is 'ring' the other is 'ringing'.
11:16.00kb1_kanobeFITA1: is bison installed, up to date and working properly?
11:16.21FITA1yes bison is properly installed
11:16.25*** join/#asterisk h4mm3r` (
11:17.37kb1_kanobefwiw: I'm using GNU Bison v1.875a on my system and all is well. What happens if you try to execute that command by hand in the relevant directory.
11:18.07jac]Z[obyhmm question
11:18.35jac]Z[obydo i have to do anything more than setting up an enum trunk to check wether an enum lookup is working?
11:18.42jac]Z[obyenum pros welcome
11:18.47jac]Z[obypleez query me
11:18.51nfi|ermesis it possible to let the internal pc speaker ring when an incoming call arrives in xlite ?
11:19.21jac]Z[obyif you have 2 audio devices defned
11:19.32*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
11:19.35jac]Z[obybut i dont think that thats what you want
11:19.56jac]Z[obybuy a usb headset and everyxthing works fine
11:20.10nfi|ermesi have headset
11:20.45jac]Z[obyif u have a normal headset the internal ring gos through the headset
11:20.50nfi|ermesi don t want the phone ring in headset
11:20.57jac]Z[obywhich means its all the same audio device
11:21.02jac]Z[obyi know
11:21.12jac]Z[obylike in skype vie the internal beeper
11:21.17nfi|ermesif i m far from my pc , i can t lsten the phone
11:21.20jac]Z[obyi dont think that works
11:21.26KriS83btw I get the error: Oct 19 11:00:44 NOTICE[17148]: app_dial.c:1091 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'CAPI' (cause 44 - Requested channel not available). Any help is appreciated
11:22.01jac]Z[obybut then you cant listen the internal beep eather
11:22.08jac]Z[obythat sux anyway?!?!
11:22.17spiekeyjac]Z[oby: suxx
11:22.24nfi|ermesother solution ?
11:22.24JimmyCarteranyone familar with asterisk-java ??
11:22.34jac]Z[obylike boah ey?!?!
11:22.37Ahrimaneshardwire: awake?
11:22.43jac]Z[obyuseles information @ spiekey
11:22.53spiekeyjac]Z[oby: sorry
11:22.59jac]Z[obyenum support still welcome ;))
11:23.26jac]Z[oby@ nfi|ermes like i said
11:23.32jac]Z[obysecond sound card
11:23.35jac]Z[obysome old one
11:23.36FITA1<kb1_kanobe>: I have also checked using "which bison" commmand and it is in the path
11:23.48jac]Z[obythan you can split the ringing and the audi signals
11:24.03jac]Z[obydamn i cant write anymore
11:27.22*** join/#asterisk ful|work (n=fulgas@
11:29.53*** join/#asterisk kippi (
11:30.12ful|workgot some issue when passing exten from oh323 to zap
11:30.18ful|workit keeps crashing
11:30.57*** join/#asterisk bweschke (
11:33.20*** join/#asterisk Abbas (n=Abbas@
11:34.02Abbaschan_sip.c:8059 sip_poke_noanswer: Peer '1002' is now UNREACHABLE!
11:34.16Abbaswhy this messag comes
11:34.27JimmyCarterIs there any way to make channels linked before the phone is picked up?
11:34.36JimmyCarterAbbas: try reload
11:34.45Abbasi have tried
11:38.49jac]Z[obywaaa damn you enum
11:38.54jac]Z[obyfound tha error
11:41.52KriS83I have a really suptid question I guess... where do I get and from? Which source provides them? Because the chan_capi-cm from Sourceforge doesn't.
11:46.17trymIt seems the expiry for outbound registration is too high.. because asterisk stops getting SIP requests when I call my sip number. If I call just after a registration it usually works
11:48.09kippii am getting this error when i try to start asterisk
11:48.10kippiAsterisk Dynamic Loader Starting:
11:48.42kippianyideas what this is?
11:49.12pskkippi: where's the error?
11:50.21kippibut if i do asterisk -r I can't connect to it and I don't get the asterisk commant
11:51.13*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
11:51.16iDunnohow about asterisk -r -c
11:51.33kippiiDunno: Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
11:51.44iDunnowell, does it? ;)
11:51.59iDunnoand are you a user that has permission to access that file?
11:52.10RoyKapp_rxfax doesn't seem to set its variables :(
11:53.17kippipermission denied
11:53.39iDunnoso, you have no permissions on the file ;)
11:53.54kippiiDunno: chmod the file?
11:53.56iDunnothat's why you can't connect to it. not an error, just a simple permissions problem ;)
11:54.34iDunnodepends on what you're planning on doing, I tend to leave it and become the real asterisk user when I want to connect to it.
11:54.40ful|workhave asterisk started ?
11:54.51ful|workstrace -eopen asterisk -vvvdg -c
11:54.56ful|workand check the permissions you got
11:55.32kippii get
11:55.32kippiAsterisk Dynamic Loader Starting:
11:55.33kippiopen("/etc/asterisk/modules.conf", O_RDONLY) = 11
11:55.51ful|workthere you got
11:56.46kippihow can i install it?
11:57.17ful|workmake; make install ?
11:58.23*** join/#asterisk popvoxdave (
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12:05.50*** join/#asterisk Blazint (n=blazin@
12:06.45kippiis there a how to?
12:09.28ful|workvoip-info ?
12:09.31gaggamanI am still stuck with call pickup - could anybody help?
12:09.53jac]Z[obyonce again
12:09.57jac]Z[obynew question
12:10.13jac]Z[obyis there a possibility of securing asterisk behind a firewall
12:10.22jac]Z[obyclosing some ports
12:10.26jac]Z[obyor whatever
12:10.33jac]Z[obyis there a list of some sort
12:10.47gaggamandepends what you are using.
12:10.53gaggamanSIP only?
12:11.00*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:11.05jac]Z[obyasterisk@home with sip and h323
12:11.25jac]Z[obybut sib alone for the biginning woulb be ok 2
12:11.31gaggamandon't know about h323
12:12.08gaggamanfor SIP, port 5060 UDP incoming and outgoing should be enough.
12:12.57gaggamanas far as I know
12:13.29gaggamanif you changed your SIP port in SIP.conf, you have to use this, of course
12:13.33jac]Z[obywhat bout the whole rtp shabang
12:14.12*** join/#asterisk K-Bear (
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12:14.39gaggamanudp teles.
12:16.54gaggamanif both your phone and the * are on official IPs that should be all.
12:18.26gaggamanif the phone is NAT, you have to use the NAT settings in SIP.conf and make shure the NATting router is forwarding the SIP UDP packets to the phone.
12:19.16*** join/#asterisk K-Bear (
12:21.28JimmyCarterIs there any way to make channels linked before the phone is picked up?
12:23.23*** join/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
12:23.51MuppetMasterIs there an 'allowguest' option in the sip.conf for allowing guests access to your SIP channel on *?
12:25.53drumkillaMuppetMaster: yes ... and it is called ... "allowguest" !
12:26.04drumkillain the [general] section of sip.conf
12:26.13MuppetMasterIs it anywhere on the Wiki?  I can not find it in relation to sip.conf
12:26.18drumkillano clue
12:26.24drumkillait's a wiki ...
12:26.25*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
12:26.30drumkillalook in the sample configuration file
12:28.22tzafrir_laptopHi, when I "call" from an MusicOnHold extension to an Echo extension using a local channel and a call file, asterisk does not seem to do any work.
12:28.38tzafrir_laptopAs if the channel is "on hold"
12:29.17tzafrir_laptopAny way to avoid that in order to properly load my asterisk server without using tons of real phones?
12:36.37*** join/#asterisk heison (
12:37.00JimmyCarteranyone familar with asterisk-java ??
12:37.07MuppetMasterA bit
12:37.49*** join/#asterisk eivindtr (n=wingnut-@
12:38.00JimmyCarterhave you ever used SIPPeersAction ? kinda like show sip peers
12:38.11MuppetMasterNo, I have not.
12:38.35JimmyCarterok then, its just that I get a wierd error everytime I use it.
12:40.13kippican anyone help me with installing as i am geting stuck
12:45.16*** join/#asterisk igori (n=Igor@
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12:45.26MuppetMasterWell, put allowguest in the sip.conf section of the wiki.
12:45.26*** join/#asterisk igori (n=Igor@
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12:45.49MuppetMasterAnyone know how to resolve the problem that is being experienced here? Specifically with FritzBoxes in Germany?
12:46.15*** join/#asterisk inspired (i=mikael@
12:47.04inspiredanyone using queues here with SIP agents?
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12:47.10inspirednot Agent agents
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12:47.42inspiredmember => sip/1 instead of agent/1
12:47.52tzangerI just had the wct4xxp driver take a big shit
12:47.58tzangernothing useful in logs
12:48.05tzangerjust zap/xx channels go crazy
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12:52.49AgentBlueUKanyone got a second for an iaxy query ?
12:53.17*** join/#asterisk astoria (n=haydenth@
12:53.20astoriaGood Morning, all.
12:53.57K-BearAgentBlueUK: Asking the question instead will probably get you more attention
12:55.04MuppetMasterSomeone has developed an Oracle native Realtime driver:
12:55.47Kattywhy do they sell baglets of peanuts at the gas station, and then put them in packages which are impossible to open with your barehands?
12:55.51tzanger<-- in Pittsburgh, PA
12:56.07MuppetMasterI am using Asteriskv1.2beta and I notice everytime I do a Playback of a sound file in a dialplan the first second or so gets cut.  Even though I did answer and Wait (1) [even if I wait 2 it still happens].  How does one get this to stop?
12:56.33Kattyi think it's a conspiracy, and they have the insurance company in on it, hoping that you'll have a car wreck!
12:56.35tzangerMuppetMaster: I had that problem with a VOIP provider but never without them
12:56.47tzangerKatty: you should use scissors
12:56.54Kattytzanger: but while driving?
12:57.01tzangeryou're a woman, you should have a purse with every tool imaginable
12:57.10Kattytzanger: it's just the concept. if you buy something at a gas station, you should be able to open it!
12:57.15Kattytzanger: hardly.
12:57.27Kattytzanger: i do'nt carry scissors around.
12:57.36Kattyit's simply illogical.
12:58.29tzangerillogical?  if I had a pouch I'd have various tools in it
12:58.38tzangerleatherman especially
12:58.42Kattytzanger: i think you missed something.
12:58.48Kattytzanger: this is a girly rant.
12:58.48AgentBlueUKwhen provisioning the iaxy should you set your internal ip as the alt address as the inteernal and the global as the primary
12:58.59Kattytzanger: you're not supposed to be offering me solutions to fix my problem.
12:59.21AgentBlueUKi have the iaxy that way round an on our lan.but the box just keeps registering over and over
12:59.37tzangerKatty: I'm not?
12:59.37tzangerI'm a
12:59.58Kattytzanger: no, you're not. your a chronic fixit male.
13:00.02Kattytzanger: but you can /change/
13:00.08Kattytzanger: primarily, by shutting up and listening ;)
13:00.29tzangerKatty: yeah my ex wife told me the exact, exact same thing
13:00.44Kattyit's all in the psychology!
13:02.11*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
13:03.07Kattyhi mike
13:05.07Kattyyou know in algebra, where you're solving for x and you have to take the square root of each side of the equation, etc. is there an actual useful purpose? like a practical application?
13:05.52MikeJ[Laptop]of solving for a variable?
13:06.14iDunnomaths is all practical...
13:06.14Kattyspecifically the square root.
13:06.28KattyMikeJ[Laptop]: give me a senario in which it would apply.
13:06.36MikeJ[Laptop]yes, for being able to solve for a variable
13:06.37KattyMikeJ[Laptop]: not an equation, but a pratical aplication.
13:06.43iDunnoI'd like to know why you're taking the square root of both sides... ;)
13:07.01KattyiDunno: because, obviously, one of the variables has a power of 2 on it.
13:07.24iDunnowell, if it's a standard quadratic, then you just use the quadratic formula.
13:07.34KattyiDunno: you're missing my question.
13:07.40KattyiDunno: i know /how/ to do it.
13:07.43KattyiDunno: i'm very good at math.
13:07.44`SauronKatty: Well, stuff like c^2 = a^2 + b^2 is useful
13:07.46MikeJ[Laptop]sure, for being able to equate a distance between 2 points, when all you know is the distance from the point you are at, to each of those points (when you are at a right angle to those points of course)
13:08.02`SauronAnd you end up having to do a bunch of sqrt()
13:08.12MikeJ[Laptop]hey, that was my example :P
13:08.16Katty`Sauron: you're also missing the point.
13:08.18iDunnothat's pythagoras ;)
13:08.25KattyMikeJ[Laptop]: that's..uhh..
13:08.29KattyMikeJ[Laptop]: not quite parsing in my head.
13:08.53`SauronKatty: I'm not missing your point. You're missing my answer.
13:09.10`SauronYou asked if there is an actual useful purpose.
13:09.15`SauronThe answer is "Yes"
13:09.24Katty`Sauron: i didn't ask for yes.
13:09.36MikeJ[Laptop]Katty, right triangle, you are at the right angle portion, you know the distance from you to the 2 other points, you want to know the distance between the points
13:09.38Katty`Sauron: nor did i ask for no.
13:09.42Katty`Sauron: mike's the only one who apparently understood my request.
13:09.42spiekeycould anyone please give me a hin with this prolem?
13:09.53MikeJ[Laptop]it is useful in surveying
13:10.08KattyMikeJ[Laptop]: will you draw me a picture?
13:10.15MikeJ[Laptop]and many other science\phisics\ME type applications
13:10.30MikeJ[Laptop]sure.. in your head.. you know what a right triangle looks like, right?
13:10.52`SauronKatty: And even though Mike and I are talking about the exact same thing, I missed the point and he didn't?
13:10.56KattyMikeJ[Laptop]: of course.
13:11.23MikeJ[Laptop]say you are standing at the flagpole, due east 1 mile is the washington monument, due north one mile is the lincoln memorial (these numbers are made up)
13:11.24KattyMikeJ[Laptop]: top point is A, point at the 90 degree angle is B and the other one is C
13:11.40iDunnoKatty: well, I understand the request, you want a practical *reason* and application for it... basically the practical application is to get the value of the unknown.
13:11.40KattyMikeJ[Laptop]: let's stick with a b and c
13:11.49KattyMikeJ[Laptop]: i take it i'm standing at C
13:11.54KattyMikeJ[Laptop]: I mean B
13:12.04MikeJ[Laptop]no, a
13:12.20MikeJ[Laptop]you are standing at the right triangle side..
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13:12.45jake1932all this for an analogy
13:12.52MikeJ[Laptop]so the one side is let's say 2 miles, and the other side is lets say 2 miles
13:13.00`Sauronjake: I would've just told her to stfw
13:13.00Kattyyeah well at least i care (=
13:13.05MikeJ[Laptop]what is the distance between the other 2 points
13:13.09Kattynot just a bunch of equations you stick in your head.
13:13.14KattyMikeJ[Laptop]: k
13:13.38newlwho cares so long as the angles are congruent. 8)
13:13.48`SauronMike: I'm dissapointed you didn't use 5^2 = 3^2 + 4^2
13:14.04*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
13:14.08Ariel_morning all
13:14.10Kattyyou guys should really grow up :)
13:14.19KattyAriel_: morning.
13:14.23KattyMikeJ[Laptop]: thanks for explination (=
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13:14.53`SauronKatty: surprisingly enough, that's the most practical application of Pythagoras' theorem, because it allows anyone to (easily) create 90deg corners...
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13:15.28`SauronSince a triangle with short sides of 3 and 4, has a long side of 5
13:15.36jake1932has anyone tried to apply the rpid patch to head recently?
13:15.49jake1932i'm getting "4 out of 7 hunks FAILED"
13:16.30`Sauronshrug, whatever
13:16.33*** part/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
13:16.37newlfix the four that are failing, recreate a new diff for everyone else. :)
13:17.05jake1932newl: if I knew how to do that, I would
13:19.05jake1932is this the correct way to call it: patch -p0<rpid.diff?
13:19.20`Saurondepends on the patch
13:19.27`Sauronsometimes you need a different value for -p
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13:26.12jake1932`Sauron: it's got to be 0 - 1 and 2 don't even get that far
13:28.51crash3mdoes anyone here know of a supplier of motorola vt1000s in the US?  communitech has been dropped by motorola :/
13:29.40jake1932it doesn't work because it's already in there
13:29.57Kattycrash3m: we sell motorola.
13:30.02Kattycrash3m: but only locally.
13:30.06crash3mKatty: who is 'we'?
13:30.11Kattycrash3m: my company.
13:30.12crash3mKatty: we can pay shipping...
13:30.19Kattycrash3m: we only sell locally
13:30.29Kattycrash3m: anywhere near st. louis?
13:30.36Kattycrash3m: it support issues.
13:30.37crash3mKatty: just acrossed missouri!
13:30.47Kattycrash3m: we don't sell anything we can't support.
13:30.50crash3mKatty: support? We're a VoIP provider, we dont need support
13:30.57Kattycrash3m: so, we don't sell stuff halfway across the country
13:31.02Kattycrash3m: that's beside the point
13:31.06Kattycrash3m: company policy, you see.
13:31.23crash3mI can understand that, but again...we get support from motorola, just need a new supplier
13:31.41`Sauroncrash3m: She's a girl. Don't argue with her.
13:33.02Katty`Sauron: you mock me?
13:33.53newlOnly if you're wearing your Buzz suit.
13:34.30*** join/#asterisk Jzalae (
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13:37.28Kattyi see.
13:37.50Katty`Sauron: there's no reason to be hateful
13:38.14Beirdo`Sauron: she's a girl, be nice to her.
13:38.17`SauronI'm not being hateful, just flippant.
13:38.26Beirdogood morning, Katty :)
13:38.46Katty`Sauron: k
13:38.50KattyBeirdo: morning (=
13:39.16*** join/#asterisk taec_ (
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13:41.25taec_I have an asterisk server setup and incoming calls coming in over an E1-ISDN line. They go to the relevant extensions fine and everything is happy. Outgoing calls aren't happy though, I get an 'All circuits are busy' error message. Using the zaptel driver with a Digium card. I presume I'm trying to make Zap channels available to the extensions, but I can't find much documentation on doing this.
13:41.56Kattytaec_: are they seperated into groups? like g1
13:42.27*** join/#asterisk bob_too (
13:42.42taec_There's one group currently, zap/g0
13:42.46Kattytaec_: with particular lines seperated into groups...and then dialout with a group...
13:44.21taec_I've got one zap trunk - g0 ... does that sound right?
13:45.19Kattyexten => _1xxxxxxxxxx,1,Dial,Zap/g1/ww${EXTEN} <- that's what mine looks like
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13:47.03taec_ok, sorry to be a pain, but can you be specific as to where that should be located?
13:47.16Kattythat's in extensions.conf
13:47.45taec_*nods* in what section?
13:48.12iDunnothe one that you're dialing out on ;)
13:48.29iDunno(and I think you mean in what context, but hey ;)
13:48.54Kattytaec_: i have mine at the bottom, in a section i called [to-phone-company]
13:50.00taec_Hmmm. OK, this might sound rather silly, but bear with me, I'm still finding my feet. I am aware of the different contexts in extensions.conf, but so far I haven't found a way to see how asterisk is entering them. Is it pre-defined? HOw does asterisk know to enter the context [to-phone-company] (for example) when dialing out?
13:52.05*** part/#asterisk CoffeeIV_ (
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13:52.23jake1932taec_: your outgoing context is defined in your config files (sip.conf for sip and iax.conf for iax)
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13:52.50ennuyeux72has anyone got realtime with either resmysql or resodbc working on a loaded asterisk server
13:52.51Kattytaec_: you have two sections, incoming and outgoing. my two contexts i've setup are [from-sip] and [from-zap] ...they predefined in other files like zapata.conf
13:52.59michael1234I have a wierd problem if I put a call on hold I can get it back
13:53.06michael1234and the other end hears music
13:53.18Kattytaec_: in extensions.conf, you put in those two same contexts under the [from-zap] i have what to do with incoming calls.
13:53.35michael1234has anyone seen this problem
13:53.40Kattytaec_: under [from-sip] i have includes. include [to-phone-company] and include [extensions] etc
13:54.20Kattyinclude => to-phone-company
13:54.32Kattytaec_: there's lots of things under [from-sip] (=
13:55.15taec_hehe :) ... ok quick one so, I can see [default] is in zapata.conf and [from-sip-external] is in sip.conf but there seem to be no other contexts defined. there's no [from-sip] or [from-sip-internal]
13:56.05Kattytaec_: that's because i changed them
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13:56.19Kattytaec_: easier for me to read when i come back a few months later
13:56.45Kattyzapata is coming /from/ zaptel
13:56.51Kattysip is coming /from/ sip phones
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13:57.14KattyiDunno: i have iax outgoing too though. so i'd confuse myself.
13:57.16taec_No no I get that, I was just wondering why there were no other contexts beside "unknown callers" in my sip.conf, but I missed the include files at the bottom
13:57.30taec_[from-internal] is the context that's set for our extensions in here
13:57.38Kattyk (=
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13:57.59iDunnoKatty: ahh - the outgoing handles both out via ISDN and sipgate.
13:58.21iDunnoI haven't quite split those apart yet, mainly because I need it to fall over from one to the other.
13:58.21KattyiDunno: we have analog lines, actually.
13:58.45KattyiDunno: in include parked calls, extensions, internal from sip to sip (4 digit matching calls) and then to the phone company
13:58.47*** join/#asterisk dalabera (
13:58.49iDunnowow! cool! what are you using to talk to the analogue lines?
13:59.06iDunnomakes sense.
13:59.18Kattywe only have 8 lines in the building.
13:59.19jake1932you have any echo issues at all?
13:59.29Kattyjake1932: well it's digium hardware.
13:59.34Kattyjake1932: not sangoma
13:59.38Kattyjake1932: so echo is a given.
14:00.11Kattyjake1932: it's canceled out in a just a couple seconds.
14:00.24tzangerI need to interface * to an IWATSU omega-phone (ADIX)
14:00.26jake1932Katty: yep - same thing i experienced
14:00.30tzangerT1 trunk card of course
14:00.33Kattyjake1932: sangoma cards will, as i hear, cancel out the echo at the card.
14:00.40Kattyjake1932: based on particular voltages, me thinks.
14:00.48Kattyjake1932: or so 'joey' said.
14:00.59*** join/#asterisk supa_thygar (
14:01.12tzangerbased on particulr voltages??
14:01.15Kattyhe looked like joey from friends....worked at sangoma
14:01.20jake1932Katty: tnx - i'll try to find a sangoma card
14:01.29supa_thygari need to chat to some clever ppl any in here ? :)
14:01.33Kattyjake1932: i'm not sure they've got those analog cards on the market yet
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14:01.51jake1932but they work?
14:01.55tzangerI want to increase the taps on the KB1 canceller, give me 32ms or 64ms tail
14:02.08tzanger128 taps is only 16ms
14:02.27*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
14:02.28coppiceor 64 bath tubs
14:03.06Kattyjake1932: that's what 'joey' said.
14:03.16taec_Right, excellent, thanks a million. Now to go find out how to break up the Zap channels into groups
14:03.17Kattyjake1932: it's canceled right at the card, before it even goes to asterisk
14:03.35Kattytaec_: i think that's in zaptel.conf ...not sure though
14:03.38jake1932joey didn't mention a model number, did he?
14:03.51Kattyjake1932: no, he only said they were still in the testing phase
14:03.58mutilatormy birthday is friday!!!! send presents for me!
14:04.03Kattyjake1932: bkw would know.
14:04.09Kattyjake1932: and so would anthm probably
14:04.10synthetiqis there a module that allows you to hold registrations via real time?
14:04.27jake1932k - tnx Katty
14:04.33taec_Katty: zapata.conf, no?
14:04.37taec_zaptel.conf is the driver configuration file?
14:04.40Kattytaec_: i don't recal.
14:04.43Kattyi mean recall.
14:04.56Kattytaec_: i'd have to go digging through the conf files looking for it
14:05.07Kattytaec_: somewhere you define which channels are for which groups.
14:05.10taec_sure, ok. Seriously though, thanks for that. Really appreciate it, I am capable of understanding a lot more now!
14:05.20Kattytaec_: yay
14:05.36taec_The configuration file was hurting my head before :)
14:05.42*** join/#asterisk zigman (
14:06.11Kattyanthm made mine all pretty....mine was a little messy and hard to read.
14:06.32iDunnozapata.conf ;)
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14:07.53synthetiqis there a module that allows you to hold registrations via real time in mysql db?
14:08.04taec_Katty, one more quick q .... the 'ww' in the exten => line for outbound dialing, what's that for?
14:08.47taec_the Zap/g1/ww${EXTEN}  ... what's the ww for?
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14:09.22synthetiqyouc an take it out
14:09.54Kattytaec_: that's for waitwait
14:10.05Kattytaec_: like when you're using a modem to dial up the internet, you have to wait for a dialtone
14:10.10taec_ahh yeh
14:10.22Kattytaec_: asterisk doesn't 'wait for a dialtone' instead we ww to make sure we have a dialtone first
14:10.39Kattytaec_: otherwise, half of your calls will never go through.
14:11.01Kattytaec_: that might only apply to analog lines, dunno
14:12.25*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
14:13.29*** join/#asterisk docE (
14:13.48docEDoes anyone know of any issues with Asterisk's H323 Module and Opterons?
14:14.10*** join/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
14:14.30MuppetMasterDoes anyone know where to find PHPVoIPMail (  The links on that page do not work.
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14:14.53docEThis isnt the place to be asking..  but I would imagine you could google it.
14:15.31MuppetMasterThis is the Asterisk IRC, no?
14:15.40MuppetMasterAnd this is a tool for Asterisk.  And yes, I did Google, but no joy.
14:15.55iDunnomaybe it's gone then.
14:16.02*** part/#asterisk dalabera (
14:16.04MuppetMasterBut the Java client is still there (
14:16.06iDunnomaybe PHPVoIPMail was deemed evil.
14:16.07docEBut asterisk related questions.  Not 3rd party
14:16.17MuppetMasterSeems the PHP scripts were kept somewhere else, I emailed the guy.
14:16.17docEhold on I will find it.
14:16.20*** join/#asterisk dalabera (
14:16.39iDunno(or just didn't work, which would sum up most php applications, really)
14:17.07MuppetMasterdocE First time I have heard the IRC is not for asking questions related to Asterisk, which of course this is.  Asterisk has all sorts of plug-ins and add-ons, if it were limited to core Asterisk this would really stifle the discussion.
14:17.15docEfunny..   I do tons in PHP and they work better than most MS compiled
14:17.18MuppetMasterI have seen things much further off topic spoken about here.   ;)
14:17.27MuppetMasterdocE  Yes, I like PHP as well.
14:17.37MuppetMastervmail.cgi is kind of ugly.
14:17.42MuppetMasterNo offense intended.
14:18.37iDunnodocE: erm - MS really suck though...
14:18.48iDunno(and perl)
14:18.52docEThis is true..  its usually Twisted's fault..
14:18.54iDunnoPHP is buggy as hell.
14:19.02MuppetMasteriDunno Really?
14:19.10docEanywho..  dude.. your project is missing..
14:19.19MuppetMasterdocE Yes, missing in action.
14:19.22docEContact your guy and tell him to fix his links..
14:19.29MuppetMasterWell, I emailed the guy, and we will see if he comes back.
14:19.35iDunnoMuppetMaster: watch security alerts about PHP sometime ;)
14:19.54docEAnywho..  Anyone doing H323 and Asterisk on a Opteron?
14:19.57MuppetMasterAn awful lot of LAMP out there....
14:20.06docEME ME!
14:20.09*** join/#asterisk lehel (n=asd@
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14:27.36iDunnoMuppetMaster: just because there's a lot of it doesn't make it good.
14:27.38*** part/#asterisk jac]Z[oby (n=me@
14:27.56iDunnoMuppetMaster: there's a metric *fuckload* of windows workstations, are you trying to claim that that's good?
14:28.32MuppetMasterGood point.
14:28.37MuppetMasterI stand corrected.
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14:36.25bob_toodoes the * test connection actually route to people?
14:37.19rikstait tries to connect to an IAX server
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14:37.58bob_tooriksta: right, but if i press zero, does a peson answer. guess i could find out. :)
14:41.22*** join/#asterisk AlexCTI (
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14:42.10clyrradHow can I specify ${ACCOUNTCODE} for an IAX account in iax.conf?
14:42.18AlexCTIHi, Anyone can help to convert MP3 files to raw format?
14:43.12jake1932AlexCTI: did you try here:
14:43.47rikstabob_too: its recorded
14:43.53AlexCTII'll try
14:43.54tzafrir_laptopworks great for us. reduces CPU usage and the quality is the same
14:44.21clyrradDoes anyone know the answer to my question?
14:44.40jake1932AlexCTI: sox supposedly handles mp3 with an add-in
14:45.01tzafrir_laptopI'll ask again: is there any reason that when I send a call through a Local channel, Asterisk seems to consider it as "muted"?
14:45.20*** part/#asterisk bob_too (
14:45.27tzafrir_laptopsox's built-in mp3 support isn't working well. The point is to do the transcoding beforehand
14:45.38*** part/#asterisk pindonga (n=ricardo@
14:45.50tzafrir_laptopAnd play the raw file.
14:46.00tzafrir_laptopIt actually may even not be larger
14:46.37tzafrir_laptopMy question is: how can I create many calls on an Asterisk server for loading it
14:47.20jake1932clyrrad: accountcode=xxx?
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14:48.38clyrradjake1932 I have tried that I figured that would be the way to do it but does not work
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14:49.29rob112hi, can anyone help with a dsp.c issue?
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14:50.02rob112hi, can anyone help with a dsp.c issue?
14:50.16kippiI have to sip phones that are trying to connect, and i am getting this error Oct 19 15:47:25 NOTICE[9682]: chan_sip.c:9001 handle_request_register: Registration from '<sip:6696@;user=phone>' failed for ''
14:54.38astoriatzafrir_laptop: put your toll free number on USENET boards, advertising free phone sex.. :)
14:55.00Beirdo"for a good time call..."
14:55.07ManxPoweryou do not have a [669] section of sip.conf
14:55.15Ahrimanesand do remember to turn off call forwarding
14:55.16astoriaYeah, I can scribble your phone number in bathroom stalls for you if you'd like..
14:55.24rob112hi can someone help me with a dsp.c problem?
14:55.46ManxPowerrob112, Best of luck.  Most of us consider dsp.c black magic.
14:56.23rob112lol, oh. What are the chances of converting the US tone section in call progress to UK, has anyone seen it done?
14:57.06ManxPowerrob112, I don't know.  The US tone detection doesn't really work anyway.
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14:58.28rob112oh great, ive been working with NVLineDetect, trying to get the UK tones recognised. Any better ideas for call progress indication other than dsp?
14:59.17ManxPowerrob112, *I* don't really have any suggestions.  In the USA we don't need tone detection.  The telco drops battery on the line for .5 second and Asterisk detects that just fine.
14:59.39coppiceManxPower: dsp.c isn't something black. its something brown and sticky :-)
15:00.23tzangercoppice: hahaha
15:00.31rob112lol, thanks ManxPower. Banging my head against a brick wall on this one! Tried speaking to as many specialists as i can, getting no where fast.
15:00.31ManxPowerMostly it's non-USA/non-Canada that needs tone detection.  rob112, your best bet might be to go thru the work to get ISDN BRI working with Asterisk and use an ISDN BRI line.  That would eliminate all your disconnect and tone problems.
15:01.00ManxPowerAnd in .EU ISDN BRI lines are reasonably priced.
15:01.01*** join/#asterisk tecnico (
15:01.17rob112Thought about that, ideally becuase of cost i would like the detection over IAX2. I just need something that well tell me if the channel picked up a tone.
15:01.29rob112i could probably work the rest out... just not that simple i guess.
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15:02.26rob112NVLine will detect on the fly over IAX2 but i keep falling over this dsp.c call progress prob. No matter what changes i make i seem to be getting further away.
15:02.36ManxPowerrob112, you might want to check the asterisk-dev mailing lists and maybe ask on that mailing lists as well.
15:02.44[Lamer]anyone knows of a digium card with more than 4 fxos?
15:03.03rob112lol, done that today, hoping for a response, even thinking about putting a bounty out there to.
15:03.16ManxPowerrob112, Unless you are using ulaw/alaw tones will be distorted by compressed codecs.
15:03.55rob112See this is where i lack in experience, even though i hear the tone correctly are saying that the module wont?
15:04.47ManxPowerrob112, The module will have to be more relaxed/liberal about variance in the tone.
15:05.49rob112Re-thinking what i just said, i think the module is relying on the response it gets from dsp.c
15:06.31rob112intresting, ive been using the GSM codec, maybe im going wrong here? gonna switch over to A/ULAW see what happens. Still gonna need those tone changes though?
15:06.50devela question that somebody may be able to address quickly: we have a t1 (not PRI), and no callerid data.  the calls come in with a text label of "asterisk", where does that come from?
15:06.56ManxPowerrob112, As I said, asterisk-dev mailing list is your best chance.
15:07.21rob112ok thanks Manx for your time, will drop in tomorrow let you know how i get on, and if so, seek more advice.
15:07.30ManxPowerdevel, CT1 (T-1, not PRI) doesn't provide Caller*ID Text.
15:07.45*** part/#asterisk rob112 (n=robert@
15:08.00ManxPowerdevel, the callerid= line and usecallerid= line in /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf will be where you configure that stuff.
15:08.25develack, ManxPower.  i'll just set them to "unknown", what with no cid data ever coming on those trunks.  thanks.
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15:09.00develas a side note to anybody, my boss decided that "it was time" to cut to VOIP so he just forwarded the analog numbers over to our asterisk pbx.
15:09.34asterisk99Anyone here using Asterisk on Gentoo? I am having probolems with zaptel not running on reboot
15:10.51*** join/#asterisk philm (
15:11.42philmAnyone using zaptel on FreeBSD?
15:13.46kippiI am using AMP and it seems to be making the changes, but i am getting this error on asterisk chan_sip.c:9001 handle_request_register: Registration from '<sip:6696@;user=phone>' failed for ''
15:13.47fulgasanyone knows how to fix this -> ?
15:13.49kippiany ideas?
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15:14.50fulgas10.69.69.88 !=
15:15.16gaggamankippi: obviously the sip phone doesn't register. check credentials !
15:15.35kippiso its a setting on the phone?
15:16.42gaggamanyes. "device" and "secret" must be the same as in amp.
15:17.53*** join/#asterisk dinkdinkdink (
15:18.18gaggamananybody here who could help me with call pickup?
15:19.44*** join/#asterisk dererk (n=dererk@unaffiliated/dererk)
15:19.58dererkReally newbie question
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15:20.27ian_kdoes anyone know where a vmail.cgi demo site is setup?
15:20.36dererkI've already ocnfigure extensions, iax, etc, and it says this "No such command 'dial' (type 'help' for help)"
15:21.01dererkCould you give me a tip?
15:21.13dererkI know is a little thing, but I really don't remmember
15:21.42dererkian_k Could you?
15:22.33ian_kdererk - what's up?
15:23.52dererkI've already ocnfigure extensions, iax, etc, and it says this "No such command 'dial' (type 'help' for help)"
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15:23.58ian_ktype "show application dial" and see if it exists
15:24.07ian_k(from CLI)
15:24.54dererkian_k It throughs a lot of text
15:25.09dinkdinkdinknewb question - I'm getting a console message "INIT: Id "S0" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes - no idea what it's referring to.
15:25.53ian_kdinkdinkdink -- edit /etc/inittab and see what s0 is... then figure out why it isn't working, or comment it out.
15:26.23ian_kdererk - Do you have any extensions defined in your [local] context in extensions.conf?
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15:27.02dererkian_k Yes, yes I do
15:27.33develdinkdinkdink, that's usually the serial getty
15:28.02ian_kdererk - gimme a sec..
15:28.10dinkdinkdinks0:12345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -i -h -L 9600 ttyS0 vt100 - one of the serial ports?
15:28.35ian_kdererk - what is the dial command you are trying to do? (the whole thing)
15:28.53ian_kdinkdinkdink - just comment it out and then type "kill -1 1"
15:29.03dinkdinkdinkgoing to bios to see if it
15:29.06dererkUmmm, I thinks I forgot something now I remember
15:29.08ian_kdon't go to bios
15:29.09dinkdinkdinkis disabled
15:29.52dererkian_k I forgot a configuration... i'll try it and then I'll be back
15:30.24dinkdinkdinkdoh - serial port disabled in bios.. that may do it
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15:34.23paryli've got 3 analog lines coming into my asterisk box and it just occured to me, i don't know how to forward them.
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15:34.39paryldoes that have to be done through the telco, or is there a method in asterisk?
15:36.59copantlsome body knows howto interconnect 2 asterisk with sip trunk?
15:37.12copantli just like iax trunk?
15:37.20astoriaparyl: like a remote-call-forward?
15:38.03parylastoria: yeah.  when everyone is out of the office, they forward all of thir lines
15:38.23copantllike this:  did----asteriskA----siptrunk10channels-----asteriskB
15:38.56kippiis there away to tell what is failing?
15:38.58paryli guess it would be preferrable to use the telco's forwarding codes, eh?
15:39.15kippiSIP is there away to tell what is failing?
15:40.00dinkdinkdinkian - devel - thx - I ended up remarking the line out.. bios change didn't fix it.  I am not planning on using a modem anyway.
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15:43.20parylsilly question, but can you use the * and # characters in the Dial() commands in extensions.conf?
15:43.54astoriaparyl: well, you can do that yourself if you have multiple lines, just have it dial out to the remote line..
15:44.04astoriaparyl: i'm not sure if there is an easy way to get the telco to do that for you.
15:44.48parylastoria: only issue is that an incoming call would then take up 2 lines, and at that point the customers would get a busy signal
15:45.11parylthe telco would be able to forward an unlimited number of calls to the same number automatically
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15:45.52parylso i'm thinking, maybe i could set up a way for asterisk to automatically dial the forward code (*71 i think) for the specific line and unforward the same way
15:46.07astoriaparyl: well, that's remote call forward, but i don't think you'd be able to get them to do that frequently..
15:46.20astoriaparyl: yeah, if there is a forward code, you could do that automatically..
15:46.39astoriaparyl: i'm not too sure about services offered on POTS lines, I usually deal with PRIs
15:46.49clyrradcan anyone help me out with this error: NOTICE[6313]: chan_iax2.c:4968 register_verify: Peer 'xxxxxxxxxx' is not dynamic (from x.x.x.x), I can not use host=dynamic i need host to point to the VOIP provider
15:48.01parylastoria: yeah, i think we have to add it as an extra service... shouldn't be an issue there
15:48.15parylastoria: but can i using the * character in a dial string?
15:48.30astoriaparyl: yeah, you should be able too..
15:49.40astoriaparyl: i'm sure there are a handful of emails on the mailing list about that.
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15:50.48clyrradIs there a way to set ougoing host only to my voip provider?
15:51.14clyrradsomething like host-out=
15:54.10clyrradfulgas will that specify to use my IAX host for outgoing calls?
15:54.49*** part/#asterisk krisguy (
15:56.21clyrradbecase this is what I get now: Oct 19 11:56:16 WARNING[6313]: chan_iax2.c:6885 socket_read: Call rejected by We are busy!
15:59.31fulgassome providers require fromdomain
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15:59.48copantlhelp me please?
16:00.57clyrradfulgas... this provider does not require that.  What I need to do is have an IAX phone connect to my Asterisk box, then connect out over IAX to my providers Asterisk Box
16:01.09develcopantl, we use sip between our asterisk boxes, but don't bother trunking it
16:01.35fulgaswhat's the auth type ?
16:01.41fulgasmd5, rsa or plaintext?
16:02.22astoriai heart md5
16:03.44fulgasare you using host=dynamic and defaultip ?
16:04.05clyrradhost=dynamic i have, but i do not have defaultip set
16:04.47copantldevel: you use iax for trunk right?
16:05.31copantli need to interconnect my asterisk with a OCN switch
16:05.45copantland the only way is SIp trunk
16:06.27develcopantl, actually, we have moved all of our iax "trunks" back to just using sip
16:06.58copantldo you now a howsto for dummys like me
16:07.10develcopantl, do they reference a sip trunking specification?
16:07.41copantllet me understand you just send sip normal connections?
16:07.46copantlor sip trunks ?
16:07.48develaffirmative, copantl
16:07.53develnormal connections
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16:08.46copantlbut i  need to send 10 sips.... i just have to create 10 sip extensions?
16:09.06yxawhat is the best way to let users manage their own extensions (ie edit extension.conf) securely?
16:10.01iDunnoset it all up via DBput and DBget?
16:10.17copantldevel: but i  need to send 10 sips.... i just have to create 10 sip extensions?
16:10.20develcopantl, what do you mean you need to send 10 sips?  ten simultaneous calls?
16:10.48yxaiDunno i'm quite new to that. can you point me to a url or something?
16:11.00develnormally, that's just "number@host" then the receiving host routes the call.
16:11.52iDunnoyxa: I'm fairly new to it, I've not done it yet ;)
16:12.06copantldevel: yes
16:12.08*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@
16:12.58mishehualright, the question at hand is...   1 proc dual core opteron, or 2 proc single core opteron for an asterisk + mysql server...
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16:14.03spiekeyi get the error: undefined symbol:
16:14.11spiekeyany idea why?
16:14.46mishehubecause you didn't make the virgin sacrifice to the gods of unix.
16:15.10jpm_SDmishehu, good answer.
16:15.12*** join/#asterisk _T3_ (
16:15.14mishehuif you updated recently, perhaps you didn't clear out the old modules.
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16:16.15Skyhawk_1stupid question .. does digium have any 4 x bri cards ?
16:17.25spiekeymishehu: huh?
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16:18.16jpm_SDmishehu, to you hardware question, I personally would rather have 2 seperate single core systems for system redunacy.  As it applies to asterisk, I'm not sure you'd see a tangle difference between using a dual core processor or a dual processor SMP.
16:19.04jpm_SDThen again I'm not an expert on SMP systems.
16:19.28synthetiqhow about 2 dual proc systems =]
16:19.42jpm_SDsynthetiq, Sounds good to me.
16:20.02iDunno2 dual proc dual core systems ;)
16:20.06iDunnothat's the way forwards.
16:20.25synthetiqi have 3 redundat dual procs
16:20.30jpm_SDLets, just assume not everyone has buckets of cash lying around to build with.
16:20.49synthetiqwiritng load balancer now for it, got the iax2 part down
16:21.11synthetiqsip is the hard part
16:21.36jpm_SDIBM had a good presentation on build high avalibility systems.
16:21.43jpm_SDbuilding rather.
16:22.23parylin the dial string, is there a way to pause... to wait for the other end to pick up?
16:22.34jpm_SDOf course I just think they want to sell some bladecenters.
16:22.46parylkinda like the comma in the dial string for a modem
16:23.22jpm_SDin 1.0.9  you can use 'w' for a 500ms pause.
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16:24.00jpm_SDI think that is still valid in 1.2 as well.  but I've not had a chance to look at 1.2 yet.
16:24.02parylso... 123wwww345?
16:24.15parylawesome, thanks!
16:27.29yxaif i scripted * to call 2 external numbers using 2 fxo, what is the command to bridge the 2 calls?
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16:29.05jpm_SDyxa, there might be a way to do that with the dialplan, but I think you'd have to use an AGI and interface with the AMI to move the calls the way you want.
16:29.52yxathat sounds very complicated
16:29.56spiekeyany idea how to solve the error  error: undefined symbol: ast_smoother_feed  ?
16:31.54yxahas anyone did something like that before?
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16:32.25jpm_SDyxa, don't how complicated it would be, but you'd need to know perl or something along those lines.  I imagine the logic would be easy.  Conceptually it's simple .. unfortunately I don't know perl.
16:32.46Inv_arpspiekey: is this a fresh compilation?
16:33.44yxajpm_SD there's also the polarity. ear-ear or ear-mouth
16:33.54jpm_SDyxa, you might do a search on  call files... they are used to excute to call commands, they might be able to be able to do what you want..
16:35.40jpm_SDyxa, I'd be looking to transfer the the two calls into a meetme conference room and use that to bridge the calls.
16:36.28yxajpm_SD thats actually what i'm trying to avoid
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16:52.16paryli've tried opening ports 5600 and 10000-20000, but my SIP clients can't connect.  if i set it in the DMZ, they work fine.  which ports am i missing?
16:52.53hypa7iamight want to try 5060 instead of 5600
16:54.14spiekeyInv_arp: yes
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16:54.20spiekeyInv_arp: asterisk compiled from source
16:54.29parylmy bad, yes, i meant 5060
16:54.37spiekeyInv_arp: capi libs installed with apt on debian sarge
16:54.48spiekeyInv_arp: is my capi module too old?
16:57.15*** join/#asterisk tainted_ (
16:57.39tainted_has anyone here dealt with a Preston Garrison? (ptg123)
16:58.22enderparyl: you're opening UDP ports and not TCP ports right?
16:58.31parylender: right
16:59.08parylwhat ports are actually *required*?  the only common one among everything i've read is port 5060
16:59.18tainted_!seen ptg123
16:59.20enderthats all I needed for registration.  5060
16:59.24tainted_~seen ptg123
16:59.30jbotptg123 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 152d 10h 28m 59s ago, saying: '"replace your phone lines with cheaper voip with better features, oh shit wait, actually scratch that, you need to keep your phone line to have a phone line with us, so forget saving money, pay more :)"'.
16:59.30hypa7iaparyl: 5060 carries the ISP control traffic
16:59.30enderparyl: things get iffy though when you use nat
16:59.37hypa7iathe 10K-20K UDP ports carry the voice stream
16:59.59paryleverythign is udp though, no tcp, right?
17:00.23hypa7ia5060 is tcp
17:00.33hypa7iai'm pretty sure
17:02.11paryloh, d'oh... i think when i opend up 10k-20k before i left it on tcp
17:02.16parylnow it looks like it's working
17:02.33paryland it looks like 5060 is udp only
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17:05.50clyrradI need to connect a remote IAX phone into my PBX for voice mail and VOIP access.  Currently my PBX will register the IAX DID with the voip provider.  And the Phone will connect to my Asterisk Box, how do I link the phone and voip service?
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17:07.48mmlj4clyrrad: you treat the phone as an extension
17:08.15mmlj4just like a phone on your LAN
17:08.44Juggiewhats wrong with grep -R -H -a 'meh' *.c
17:08.48Juggiewhy wont it recurse
17:08.59Juggieit only seems to want to do the local dir, even though -R = recursive
17:09.03Jzalaebecause you have no dirs named *.c
17:09.10iDunnobecause it's only looking at *.c files/dirs
17:09.16iDunnotry */*.c
17:09.27Jzalaeerm, no
17:09.39Jzalae*/*.c will only look at files one level down named *.c
17:09.50iDunnoor use: find . -name '*.c' | xargs grep -H -a 'meh'
17:09.56Jzalaeeither grep the grep or use find and xargs
17:10.05Jzalaeheh, like what he said :)
17:10.37Beirdoand change it to xargs -n 100 grep...
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17:10.49Beirdootherwise you may overflow the command line to grep
17:11.17Jzalaeerm, i would think that xargs is smart enough not to do that
17:11.19Beirdodepending on how many files find gets
17:11.41Beirdoxargs dumps them ALL on one line unless you tell it to do a max of BLAH per command
17:11.46Beirdowhich is what -n 100 does
17:11.50bronci luv asterisk
17:11.52Beirdomax 100 arguments
17:12.08*** join/#asterisk damned (
17:12.28iDunnoand use -print0 on find
17:12.34iDunnoand -0 on xargs
17:12.49iDunnounless it's BSD, in which case, there's not an equiv that I know of ;)
17:13.00Jzalaeand -- after the grep :)
17:13.09Jzalaeer, after grep args
17:13.19Jzalaebut all this is a bit overkill for interactive use
17:14.27Jzalaeand modern bsd knows about -print0 and -0
17:16.07clyrradmmlj4, makes sense, how about making the md5 password?
17:18.46*** join/#asterisk BladeRunner05 (
17:21.43mmlj4clyrrad: you only need that when * interfaces registers with your VoIP provider... though I guess you could also set up md5 for the connecting between your remote phone and * (I haven't messed with any of that, sorry)
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17:22.21clyrradYah i would like to use md5 for the remote IAX phone plantext passwords not very secure
17:23.08Juggie5038 needs testers please!
17:23.14Juggieer, 5083
17:23.15Juggiei mean
17:23.36mmlj4i doubt you'll get more than one or two
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17:27.40Nexisanyone have a site that has the context for files going into spool/asterisk/outgoing
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17:37.31WeezeyDwhere can I get the Cisco 79XX firmware?
17:37.38WeezeyDerr SIP firmware
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17:42.20blitzragefor $5!
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17:44.43ManxPowersometimes I hate tech.  I bought an MP3 player at walmart yesterday and it's considered a "legacy device".
17:45.30sigtermthat sucks
17:46.53tainted_why would u buy an mp3 player from walmart
17:48.14ManxPowerBecause it was cheap and it was there 8-)
17:51.55ManxPowerWeezeyD, You can purchis the software from cisco
17:52.04ManxPowerI think it's about $120.
17:52.11ManxPowerThis is one of the reasons we don't use cisco phones.
17:52.21*** join/#asterisk CoffeeIV_ (
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17:54.30CrazyYossIve been trying to find a decent reseller, looking through the pages I cant help but get a cold feeling in my stomach that most of these companies are out to screw you. Anyone have a good experience with an reseller?
17:55.25Dr_Raywhy not just use paypal?
17:55.48Dr_Rayif you can't buy merchant account stuff on your own, you are going to get bent over
17:56.07CrazyYossDr_Ray: Ive read of some horror stories with paypal, freezing acounts,
17:56.29Dr_RayCrazy - that's not a problem if you follow their rules
17:56.43CrazyYossDr_Ray: im asking for personal experiences here Im not asking for you to hold my hand
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17:56.59diclophisanyone using realtime extensions?
17:57.00Dr_Rayany merchant account will freeze your account with fraud
17:57.14diclophisand or know howto support multiple contexts using realtime extensions?
17:57.40Dr_RayCrazy - I meant, authorize net resellers exist to fill a market, for people who can't get merchant accounts
17:58.01Dr_RayCrazy - it's going to be predatory
17:58.19CrazyYossDr_Ray: ahhh...but you cant deal directly with, unless you ARE a reseller
17:58.53Dr_RayCrazy - we are brick and mortar business with a merchant account and we get buttraped on credit card transactions
17:59.24diclophisno realtime users eh...
18:00.25CrazyYossDr_Ray: Brick and mortar is better than ecommerce...usually the discount rate is 1% lower plus there are a ton of gateway fees
18:00.49Dr_RayCrazy - we pay 3% on transactions,  $1000 pays them $30
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18:01.33CrazyYossDr_Ray: Ouch....are you deemed high risk? At least most the resellers Ive been looking at only charge 1.3 for swiped cards
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18:01.58Dr_RayCrazy - we are a hotel
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18:02.08Dr_RayCrazy - we see some charge backs
18:02.46power1hey all, just added another fxo and 1 fxs to my digium card on an asterisk at home box. Does any1 know how to assign a extension to the analog phone plugged into the fxs module?
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18:03.13Dr_Raypower - I know how to do that with asterisk
18:03.17CrazyYossDr_Ray: bummer, well thank you for your time. Question though: do you ever get guys coming in and spend 500 bucks in one night on sex numbers?
18:03.18Dr_Raynot asterisk@ home
18:03.26*** part/#asterisk mcf3782 (
18:03.41Dr_RayCrazy - no we block those, but we did have some 809 phone sex calls
18:03.55power1Dr_Ray, how do i do it with asterisk?
18:04.08Dr_Raypower1 / extension.conf
18:05.22*** part/#asterisk CrazyYoss (
18:06.13*** join/#asterisk Xen^ (i=linux@
18:06.48Xen^hello all can some one help me with macro ?
18:06.56power1Dr_Ray, what do I add to the file.
18:07.09blitzrageXen^: <-- Read the book online
18:07.18jpm_SDPower1, after you do  a  'genzaptelconf -s' can can just add a ZAP extension with AMP
18:07.28power1Also any opinions on asterisk@home vs Asterisk....and what distro to put asterisk on top of?
18:08.04Xen^i am trying to create a macro for local extensions like if i have 1000 of extensions then it will be hard to add them in extensions.conf :)
18:08.13Xen^so i am trying to write script which will do this :)
18:08.41power1jpm_SD, thanks
18:09.14Xen^can any one :(
18:09.22power1jpm_SD, ive allready done a " genzaptelconf -s -d " does that count?
18:10.40jpm_SDpower1,  yes.
18:11.42power1jpm_SD, so when im in amp and i choose add extension there is no option to associate the extension number with the fxs channel.
18:11.47Xen^any one please check this
18:12.05jpm_SDshould be SIP / IAX / ZAP
18:12.20jpm_SDyou'd want to use the ZAP channel.
18:13.03moralehow do i pull the cvs checkin log off of ?
18:13.07power1jpm_SD, are you talking about the "trunk" section and not the extension section?
18:13.20jpm_SDpower1, nope.. under extensions.
18:13.33jpm_SDpower1, "phone protocol"
18:13.52CoffeeIV_I'm trying to put my cdr records in a mysql db.  As far as I can see everything (conf files and mysql) is set up correctly (same as another * server I have that works) -- but at  *CLI> I see "cdr_addon_mysql.c: cdr_mysql: cannot connect to database server localhost"
18:13.57power1jpm_SD, hmmmm lemme go and look, thanks for helping...much appreciated.
18:14.05CoffeeIV_anything else I should check ?
18:14.07jpm_SDpower1, looking at mine right now  I can chose  "SIP" "IAX" "ZAP"
18:14.45power1jpm_SD, thanks..u r right..just never even saw it the 1st time <grin> <blush>
18:16.53power1jpm_SD, 100%.....u up for another question?
18:17.41jpm_SDpower1, I'm here... just a bit busy with work.. one minute.
18:20.56jpm_SDok whats the question power1
18:22.41power1ummm, ive got 2 fxo modules on my card, when both outgoing lines are available i want a certain channel to be used 1st , but it keeps using the 1st fxo module as the outgoing channel and only uses the second fxo if the 1st is busy do i change this?
18:24.17jpm_SDpower1, couple ways to skin that cat...
18:24.36power1jpm_SD, yeah....?
18:24.48*** join/#asterisk dinkdinkdink (
18:25.23jpm_SDpower1, you can either make two new ZAP trunks   ZAP/1 ZAP/2 (or whatever it valid for you) and then assign them in the order you want in your outbound routing.
18:25.24brad_msswerr, anyone know if iaxtel is down ?
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18:25.48jpm_SDpower1, or you can edit the defualt ZAP/g0 to be ZAP/G0
18:25.52*** join/#asterisk Xen^ (n=linux@
18:26.22power1jpm_SD, or i suppose i can just swop the phone jacks at the back of the card..that would also work.
18:26.34diclophisanyone know howto configure multiuple contexts with realtime mysql configuration/
18:26.53ian_kbrad_mssw: yes
18:27.09Nuggetnutty linux users.  can't spell "how to" and always want to use mysql.  :)
18:27.15jpm_SDpower1, hehe.. yes but that "bad form"  :P
18:27.19ian_kbrad_mssw: use fwd or some other one. There is no ETA on the return of iaxtel
18:27.29power1<grin> quick solutions often are!
18:27.34brad_msswian_k: ahh, interesting
18:27.43brad_msswian_k: yeah, just tried to sign up, and can't register ;)
18:28.07power1jpm_SD, sory im kinda a newb just installed aterisk yesterday......could you give me a quick overview of what a trunk is?
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18:28.43brad_msswian_k: yeah, already looked at that one too :)
18:29.08jpm_SDpower1,  well.. without a lot of explaination there is a section in A@H named "Trunks"
18:29.21jpm_SDpower1, Might look in there...
18:29.50power1jpm_SD, ok..I think I need to do some reading....
18:30.15power1but thanks for the help.......what distro do u usually run asterisk on top whats worked best for you?
18:33.04ian_kpower1: the hardware platform matters much more than the distro
18:33.11ian_kany distro will run it
18:33.30jpm_SDpower1, gentoo.. but ian_k  is correct ... hardware is more important.
18:33.41power1ian_k, care to elaborate on the hardware platform? u mean like intel chipset boards etc?
18:34.49power1jpm_SD, ian_k ok so if u were going to put together a asterisk box for a 50 user ip phone network.....what would u use?
18:34.49ian_kpower1: if you have digium hardware, compatibility is vital. Otherwise, you need a system that can devote the resources and low-latency to supoprt a realtime audio system
18:35.04ian_kwhat codec?
18:35.24ian_kpower1: it makes a big difference if you have 50 sip phones with g.729 vs ulaw.
18:35.25jpm_SDAre you going to be transcoding a lot?
18:35.29enderpower1: like PC, PPC, Sparc, RISC, or subplatforms, like ia32, ia64, x86_64, or sparc32, sparc64, or ppc, ppc64
18:35.30power1what , hardware platform, motherboard, ram, cpu etc?
18:35.47jpm_SD50 user, I'd build more than one server.
18:35.54jpm_SDand load balance it.
18:35.57ian_kpower1: with, or without zaptel hardware?
18:36.00enderfor just 50?!
18:36.05enderthat seems WAY overkill.
18:36.12jpm_SDI would yes
18:36.18power1ian_k, with zaptel
18:36.21endersingle server w/ SMP and ram, plus redundant storage seems PLENTY for me.
18:36.25jpm_SDReduntacy ...
18:36.37enderjpm_SD: we have a cold spare.
18:36.40jpm_SDif one server craps out .. I don't want my call center down.
18:36.44ian_kpower1: T1s or analog lines?
18:36.49enderwell, I'd call it a 'warm' spare.
18:36.57power1ian_k, analog
18:37.49jpm_SDpower1, channel bank or are you running like 8 pots lines?
18:37.54ian_kpower1: in that case, you won't have compatibility problems. Just get a decent (~2GHz) proc, and disable all the useless crap (like usb controllers, etc) on the box.
18:38.25power1jpm_SD, 7 pots lines
18:39.02ian_kpower1: if you will be transcoding, you'll want to up your processor speed.
18:39.52power1hmmm, and handset wise what do u reccomend?
18:40.02jpm_SDPolycom 501.
18:40.28jpm_SDEven the 301s are nice... but the 501 is worth the extra.
18:40.51power1jpm_SD, what about grandstreams?
18:41.10jpm_SDpower1, people have mixed experiances with them.
18:41.28power1ian_k, when would i need transcoding?
18:41.31Kattypower1: we use polycom 500s here (=
18:41.31jpm_SDpower1, some people swear by them ... others have them crash on them every 5 minutes.
18:42.12endersecond recommentation for Polycoms.
18:42.21enderWe have 301s and 501s.  Nary a problem.
18:42.50Kattypolycoms are quite nice, though slightly on the pricey side.
18:42.59jpm_SDpower1, transcoding happens anytime your codec changes ... if all your internel use high bandwidth codecs like ulaw/alaw and you make a sip call to a ITSP with GSM .. thats a transcode.
18:43.00Kattyand they support ulaw 8 mono .wav format for ringtones
18:43.07Kattyhow neat is that! (ok, so that's just a fluffy feature)
18:43.18power1at the moment ive got a couple of phoned from a company called "act" very high quality and works very well.
18:44.01power1jpm_SD, aha..thanks , so its like on the fly conversion.
18:44.04jpm_SDpower1, if you have remote users chances are you'll be transcoding those calls too... but that just depends.
18:44.11jpm_SDpower1, yes.
18:45.12power1jpm_SD, hmmm, I need to do some reading on codecs?
18:45.51jpm_SDpower1,  50 calls transcoding to ilbc on a conferance bridge will bring most any rig to it's knees.  Not that you'd be in the situation... but it's something to consider.
18:46.01power1i think these phones priorotize g.711 u-law
18:48.09jpm_SDpower1, mainly you have to think about want codec will using with your VoIP provider.  I would think that is where most of your transcoding will occure and then how many concurent calls you expect your system to be handling.
18:48.45power1is ther a checklist to follow. to confirm that a system is performing can i benchmark audio quality there a procedure to follow to optomize asterisk?
18:49.00jpm_SDpower1, I wish.
18:49.31power1jpm_SD, so if a company is using only internal call and outgoing pots..then is it best to just stick to ulaw?
18:49.49jpm_SDpower1, yup. no reason not too.
18:49.52enderpower1: it's best to stick w/ the highest quality your phones and Asterisk natively support.
18:50.05enderpower1: provided that you have enough local bandwidth for the userbase.
18:50.45power1ender, hmmm, does having a switch that supports voip make a difference?
18:51.06jpm_SDhaving a switch that does QOS does.
18:51.58power1jpm_SD, why do you use it to optomize voice .....via port number and udp?
18:53.17jpm_SDwell.. the polycoms I use will add QoS tags.  Then you use the switch to give those tags higher priority.
18:54.29jpm_SDI think a lot of the SIP endpoints out there do some type of QoS or ToS tagging.
18:55.15power1what field in the phone interface do i need to look for for ?
18:55.16enderpower1: how a switch 'supports' one form of traffic is a mystery to me.  Traffic is traffic.  THats like saying your switch doesn't support http.
18:55.24clyrradHow does the IAX Registration and MD5 work?  Is there some link between username and secret?  I get an error about host failed MD5 Authentication.   Can some clarify this for me?
18:55.24*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
18:56.13power1ender, layer 3 switches u can tell to priorotize certain types of traffic etc...
18:57.07power1jpm_SD, ive got a field on these phones under qos that says " Voice TOS " with a numerical value.....does that sound fmiliar?
18:58.35enderpower1: sure, thats completely different than 'supporting' a traffic type.
18:58.51power1ender, yeah agreed!
18:59.04clyrradany takers?
19:03.20*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
19:03.25Delta34sup all, my sip show peers shows bad status times for cisco 7960 sip phones and all phones are in internal lan, anybody know how to improve those times
19:03.29*** join/#asterisk Morpheus68 (
19:03.39ManxPowerDelta34, define "bad status"
19:03.49Morpheus68hi all
19:03.56*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
19:04.31Morpheus68how do i give a busy signal to an external caller when an intarnal phone is busy
19:04.44Delta3470ms using version 7.4 cisco sip version, 140ms using version 7.5 cisco sip version
19:04.57Delta34xten clients show like 3-5ms
19:05.18Delta34is this normal?
19:05.20enderMorpheus68: that would be priorty +100
19:05.27clyrradCan anyone tell me how the MD5 authentication works for IAX?  I am trying to get a remote IAX phone connected to my Asterisk Box, and im getting MD5 Authenticaion error
19:06.02enderMorpheus68: so if it's exten => foo,1,Dial(xxx)  then you need exten => foo,102,BUSY   although I don't know off the top of my head what application does the busy signal.  You'll have to find that in the wiki
19:06.44Morpheus68i tested that n+101 bud it did not work
19:06.51Morpheus68so i'm going to test it again
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19:07.08enderMorpheus68: works like a charm here, we send them to voicemail w/ a b prefix for busy
19:07.48Delta34any thoughts on how to make the sip status times better for my cisco phones?
19:08.49*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
19:09.05enderMorpheus68: in my conf I have exten => _5XXX,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},20);  and exten => _5XXX,103,Voicemail(b${EXTEN});
19:14.42skyenwith the generic sipfriends from mysql-feature, i shouldn't be able to list peers using 'show sip peers' in the CLI, right?
19:15.04skyenmy question is; would i be able to do this with some of the other database-bindings?
19:15.20skyenlike realtime, ast-data or whatever they're called
19:15.47fugitivomysql is evil
19:17.05*** join/#asterisk docE (
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19:17.35docEOct 19 15:19:02 WARNING[21046]: channel.c:2435 ast_channel_make_compatible: No path to translate from H323/18139015182-289e(6) to SIP/8135696291-c1cd(256)
19:17.35docEAnyone know what this means?
19:18.41docEohh nevermind..
19:18.47docEdamn codecs..  ARGH!
19:19.23*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
19:19.44skyenfulgas: good answer ;)
19:20.05fulgasskyen ??
19:20.34skyenoh, nickcompletion ;)
19:20.41skyenfugitivo: good answer ;)
19:21.24asterisk99anyone using Asterisk on Gentoo ?
19:21.30fugitivoi do
19:22.07asterisk99fugitivo: does ztcfg run ever bootup for u?
19:22.31asterisk99fugitivo: "ever" = "every"
19:22.44fugitivorc-update add zaptel default
19:22.51CoffeeIV_I installed asterisk from scratch (source is a month or so old, from CVS HEAD).  I did everything I thought I was supposed to do to receive faxes; *CLI> show application rxfax works, and faxdetect is set in zapata.conf; but when I get a fax, it never starts receiving the fax, and the other end eventually times out.
19:23.41asterisk99fugitivo: Intersting... that's not in any docs that I found
19:23.41CoffeeIV_the log shows it hanging in rxfax until the timeout
19:23.53asterisk99fugitivo: is that zaptel or ztcfg???   of does it make a diff?
19:24.14fugitivoasterisk99: zaptel is the init script in your /etc/init.d, it runs ztcfg and some other stuff
19:24.49asterisk99fugitivo: Okeee. I added it and now for reboot to see if it works
19:27.06*** join/#asterisk HuNTER_SC (
19:27.14HuNTER_SCola alguem fala portugues?
19:27.21fugitivoeu falo
19:27.43HuNTER_SCfugitivo -> podes me da um help com *?
19:27.56HuNTER_SCfugitivo -> to precisando interligar 2 *
19:28.02HuNTER_SCmais nao sei como faz
19:28.15HuNTER_SCme falaram q da pra fazer sem registrar
19:29.01asterisk99fugitivo: Aye carumba... that didn't work ... or ZTCFG did run but blew up during reboot --- any idea as to where the log is?
19:29.25fugitivoHuNTER_SC: IAX2
19:29.27dudesI setup zaptel in local
19:29.40dudesworks better than using the bootscript (at least from my experience)
19:29.45fugitivoasterisk99: what error are you getting?
19:30.00HuNTER_SCfugitivo mais tipo se eu tirar tirar o telefone do gancho e digitar um numero q ta la no outro * vai tocar?
19:30.33HuNTER_SCfugitivo digito 1234 q eh um ht q ta autenticado no outro *
19:30.43*** join/#asterisk Meaty (
19:31.04fugitivoHuNTER_SC: vc precisa interligar e configurar extensions.conf
19:31.05asterisk99fugitivo: chanzap.sop failed ---- if I manually run ztcfg -vv and then start Asterisk, it works fine (but not automatically after reboot)
19:31.30asterisk99fugitivo: make that
19:31.49HuNTER_SCfugitivo so vlw
19:32.40asterisk99fugitivo: Actually, that's the last error msg... there are a bunch... all complaining about channel 1 (my Digium card)
19:33.26Morpheus68ok, solved it
19:34.10*** join/#asterisk paryl (n=paryl@
19:34.13Morpheus68i have a php script that looksup ldap contact info, does some loging, and sends a jabber msg
19:34.20Morpheus68and the ldap server was hanging
19:34.36Kattyanyone framilier with photons, light bending, black holes, and a few of einstein's theories?
19:34.46Kattyi have questions.
19:34.47paryli keep getting "Removed default indication country 'us'" whenever i reload... what does that mean?
19:35.03fugitivoKatty: i have a photon light
19:35.04Morpheus68so the whole call does not camethroug
19:35.10Kattyfugitivo: light is made of photons.
19:35.11parylKatty: yes :)
19:35.21Kattyfugitivo: no surprise there.
19:35.25Kattyparyl: excellent. how much do you know?
19:36.36jpm_SDasterisk99, if I were guessing (and I am) it sounds like ztcfg is not getting run by the init script.  I'd look at /etc/init.d/zapwhatever and see what's in it.  again.. just guessing.
19:37.23*** join/#asterisk cjk (n=cjk@
19:37.39cjkhello, anyone here who got the playback application working in features.conf ?
19:41.47jarrodim trying to incorporate mandatory authentication into SER before forwarding to asterisk.. anyone have any examples
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19:46.41docEWhat is the correct syntax for ooh323 addon for HEAD?
19:46.53*** join/#asterisk rob314 (n=rob314@
19:47.30docEI am doing DIAL(OOH323/PEER/#
19:47.44docEI am doing DIAL(OOH323/PEER/${EXTEN},23)
19:47.49docEis this right?
19:49.57*** join/#asterisk viLeR (i=1000@
19:50.10jpm_SDDocE I'm not familiar with 323 .. but I would think it would be  technolofy@host/extension,options,
19:50.50docEacutally..   its OOH323/${EXTEN}@HOST,Options
19:50.57*** join/#asterisk clive- (
19:50.58docEI just did it..   Im such a dumb ass sometimes..
19:51.23jpm_SDis that specific to ooh323?
19:51.36docEI am building a 80 seat PBX for my company with H323 as our primary outbound
19:51.39asterisk99jpm_SD: I am looking at /etc/init.d/zaptel... according to zaptel docs, I'm supposed to comment out if $system = redhat.... I can't that line at all
19:51.41docEI believe so
19:53.09PupenoLDoes anybody know about packages for asterisk 1.2.0... for Debian Sarge ?
19:53.48jpm_SDasterisk99, unfortunately I can't answer the question for your specific distro... I wrote my own rc.local script to luanch asterisk...
19:54.35asterisk99jpm_SD: is there a log I could look at that might contain errors during the boot-up process?
19:55.13jpm_SDdmesg ?
19:55.44jpm_SDthose might shed some light.
19:59.56infinity1PupenoL: ufortunately ...packages don't really exist. its a real bummer
20:00.11PupenoLinfinity1: ok, I'll kinda fix that.
20:00.36infinity1PupenoL: it migt be possible to convert the voip project on one of the deb servers
20:00.42infinity1let me find a link
20:02.45infinity1PupenoL: ...i think they have a script to convert to packages. i haven't tried it.
20:02.54infinity1PupenoL: let me know if you get anywhere.
20:04.31moralecan someone help me figure out why i cannot dial 1800 numbers with my voip provider, they are not getting back to me and it is reporting "503 Service Unavailable"
20:06.23infinity1morale: if you extension.conf is correct and you can dial other numbres, it must be them
20:06.46moraleyeah i can dial other numbers except for 18xx style numbers
20:07.22vader-wrkquick survey, what linux os have you guys had the most luck with asterisk?
20:07.31PupenoLinfinity1: is that repository available as anonymous with svn ?
20:07.55PupenoLvader-wrk: so far, gentoo.
20:08.41jpm_SDGentoo here too.
20:08.43clive-vader redhat is very popular
20:08.51moralewould "503: Service Unavailable" be returned from my VoIP uplink/provider?
20:08.52jpm_SDand CentOS 3.5
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20:09.08jpm_SDmorale ya
20:09.26PupenoLI'd consider Debian as well.
20:09.30moralethen my voip provider must have something messed up
20:09.56moraleexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial,IAX2/russellmcconnachie@FreeWorldTel/${EXTEN} - as straightforward as it comes
20:10.28jpm_SDIt's no surprise that FWD would be having issues.
20:11.21moralei can't dial any numbers in the 403462xxxx prefix with FWD they don't have a route for that prefix or something
20:12.30infinity1PupenoL: i'm not sure. i see they have a readme.
20:15.15clyrradis there a way to parse your iax.conf file for syntax errors?
20:16.44moralewhat is a decent voip provider which provides a DID in alberta? or the 403 area code?
20:18.40*** part/#asterisk paryl (n=paryl@
20:19.08WeezeyDhow come when I do sip show peers my new 7940s show unspecified?
20:19.55*** join/#asterisk nain (n=nain@
20:20.18nainHello Everybody
20:21.17*** part/#asterisk gabb0 (n=gabb0@
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20:23.27nwhitanyone here familiar with vicidial?
20:24.28dudesYour best bet is to ask a question
20:25.39nwhiti can get agents to login to vicidial, it has a lead list, but it does not send any calls to the agents
20:26.04naincan any one tell me how to use cvs for particular date specific version of asterisk download ?
20:26.04nwhitanything i can check out why it isn't calling out
20:26.13Nexisis it possable to have a outgoing call hang up after x seconds?
20:26.43nainas i like to download (CVS v1-0, 2005-09-08) so how to using cvs ?
20:26.51jpm_SDWeezeyD, I think "unspecified" indicates that the phones are not registered.
20:27.58jpm_SDNexis, yes..
20:28.09jpm_SDNexis, with the L option
20:28.36jpm_SDNexis, Dial(SIP/foo|20|L(2100000))   would hang up the call after 2100 seconds.
20:29.27nainAny one can help me with how to use cvs for asterisk (CVS v1-0, 2005-09-08)
20:29.29*** join/#asterisk _santiago_ (n=santiago@
20:30.08jpm_SDNexis, at the moment there is a problem with the syspoll() call and any timeout 260000 and over will fail to disconnect.
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20:32.01jpm_SD2600000 and over .. I forgot a 0..
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20:38.54infinity1tzafrir_laptop: didn't you say something about debian packages once?
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20:40.31PupenoLnain: your best bet might be reading the cvs manual or some tutorial on cvs.
20:40.47*** join/#asterisk Error_X (
20:40.52PupenoLnain: checking out of a branch at a given date shouldn't be too hard to find.
20:41.28Error_XDo I need ztdummy or a zaptel card for hearing the receptionist?
20:41.30spiekeyhas someone got * between telco and a PBX?
20:41.46spiekeyhow do i tell asterisk to forward all the calls to my PBX?
20:43.36jpm_SDspiekey, how do you have * connected to your your PBX?
20:46.41spiekeyjpm_SD: with an Fritz! ISDN card
20:47.49vader-wrkare there any free windows based softphones you guys recommened?
20:48.21jpm_SDspiekey, hrmm.. I've never configured an ISDN card in Asterisk but if such a thing can be done you'd just send the calls you want to go to the pbx down that trunk.
20:48.50Nuggeteinfo "This ebuild now uses a heavily stripped down version of your CFLAGS"
20:48.50Nuggeteinfo "Don't complain because your -momfg-fast-speed CFLAG is being stripped"
20:49.04spiekeyjpm_SD: i do that by configuring my zapta.conf file, right?
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20:50.36jpm_SDvader-wrk, sokol-associates  having an IAX softphone that's suppose to be good.
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20:51.04jpm_SDspiekey, honestly, I don't know the answer to that, is the ISDN card zaptel compatible?
20:51.11malverian[work]Is Asterisk HEAD broken?
20:51.29jpm_SDmalverian[work], possibly.
20:51.32malverian[work]Playback() and Background() no longer appear to work for me...
20:51.35NuggetIf it is, why be shocked?  That's the nature of development branches.
20:51.37malverian[work]Among other things...
20:51.38ManxPowermalcolmd, CVS-HEAD is like my 85 yr old Aunt Betty - It has it's good days and it's bad days.
20:51.54jpm_SDManxPower, haha
20:52.05diclophisis it possible to have a switch stateent in extensions.conf be for ALL contexts?
20:52.16ManxPowermalverian[work], CVS-HEAD *is* the development code for Asterisk.
20:52.37malverian[work]ManxPower, I know.. it's also the only code that has many features I require.
20:52.52malverian[work]I suppose I could use the beta1 tag.
20:52.54ManxPowermalverian[work], Why did you update, if you had a working system/
20:53.11ManxPowerIt's like running Windows Vista on a production server.
20:53.14malverian[work]ManxPower, I don't have a perfectly working system. I get segfaults in chan_sip frequently.
20:53.36malverian[work]And am trying to determine the cause.. so I updated to latest CVS to debug the problem.
20:53.51ManxPowermalverian[work], you, of course, are subscribed to the asterisk-cvs mailing list so you know what each change to the source code is, right?
20:54.17Nexisjpm_SD, ok, that helps some, next question, any idea how i would put those dial options into a file, that would then be moved into /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
20:54.30malverian[work]Hmm.. looks like it's not sending any RTP packets...
20:54.49*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
20:54.50ManxPowerLog Message:
20:54.50ManxPowerMassive cleanups
20:54.57ManxPowerI won't be updating for a while.
20:55.16jpm_SDNexis, funny you should ask about call files... I was just reading about them.
20:55.43malverian[work]app_echo still appears to be working oddly enough :-P
20:55.49spiekeyjpm_SD: can i find this out with the zap tools? (if my isdn card is zaptel compatible)
20:55.54spiekeycause i am not really sure.
20:56.27spiekeyits a really famous card here in germany...but that doesnt really help us right now :-/
20:56.30Nexisyea, its hard to find good documentation on asterisk, voip-info can be hard due to the google cache of the wiki
20:56.43ManxPower"Cisco 3600 3640 Router w/32MFlash/128MDRAM"  Whoo!  Whoo!  It will ship tomorrow
20:56.51*** join/#asterisk auslandr (n=auslande@
20:57.21ManxPowerspiekey, there are no ISDN BRI cards that are native zaptel.  there are several that have 3rd party drivers, called ZapBRI
20:58.13jbot[mailinglist] Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
20:58.36tzafrir_laptopzap_hfc and other drivers are part of the bristuff patch
20:58.43malverian[work]ManxPower, What date was that from?
20:58.58tzafrir_laptopavailble, e.g, in the debian package of asterisk
20:59.08ManxPowermalverian[work], today, but there have been MANY updates this week.  guess how I know this.
20:59.26malverian[work]ManxPower, What date are you using successfully?
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20:59.54ManxPowerUpdating CVS-HEAD without being on the asterisk-cvs mailing list is like street car racing without wearing a seatbelt
21:00.21*** join/#asterisk auslandr (n=auslande@
21:00.22ManxPowermalverian[work], some time in late september, I think.
21:00.36ManxPowerI really should drop back to 1.0.x
21:01.55tzafrir_laptopinfinity1, you wanted to ask something about the debs?
21:02.10auslandrSilly Question:  When an analog telco line is connected to a zaptel card & ringing, is there a way to have it ring a SIP extension without picking up the line?  (If a certain line rings, i want to have a specific extension ring without answering the line, so LD callers won't get billed)
21:02.34tzafrir_laptopspiekey, IIRC the Fritz AVM card is not supported by zaphfc or any other zap-bri driver
21:03.04vader-wrkAre there any softphones that don't require a service and i can use with my asterisk system im going to be setting up?
21:03.19vader-wrkall the ones i seem to find are ones that want you to use them with their specific service
21:03.25auslandrvader-wrk: xten's x-lite is free and works well.
21:03.25vader-wrkie. gizmo, firefly
21:03.34jpm_SDvader-wrk, x10 makes a softphone.
21:03.54vader-wrkdo they work with windows?
21:04.00auslandrxlite does
21:04.02auslandrit's quite nice
21:04.09jpm_SDXlite works well.
21:04.12Ariel_that is xten
21:04.21Ariel_no x10 which makes remote devices
21:04.48jpm_SDAriel_, is correct... sorry for the mis label.
21:04.54auslandrwell, they're counterpath now.
21:05.51infinity1tzafrir_laptop: didn't you know where deb packages are or something once?
21:06.24spiekeytzafrir_laptop: how do i have to plug it in then? i have a octo BRI card here.
21:06.34spiekeydoes this one go towards telco?
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21:07.28ManxPowerI should write a review of this MP3 player I just bought.  It has some...issues.
21:07.30tzafrir_laptopinfinity1, which debs exactly?
21:07.43infinity1tzafrir_laptop: asterisk head
21:08.09tzafrir_laptopdeb experimental/
21:08.11infinity1ManxPower: which one is it
21:08.27tzafrir_laptopspiekey, what card?
21:08.40infinity1tzafrir_laptop: how long as that been up?
21:09.19*** part/#asterisk oej (
21:09.28tzafrir_laptopthis one is naturally supported by drivers fron junghanns . IIRC it is qozap in the bristuff patch
21:09.49spiekeytzafrir_laptop: so i put that card towards telco?
21:09.57*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (
21:10.09Nexisjpm_SD, if you mentioned the answer to the question i missed it, but can you set the call limit time in a call file?
21:10.09[Outcast]does anyone have an example for sf_w
21:10.13ManxPowerinfinity1, "Wiren 512"
21:10.21[Outcast]i need the zaptel.conf example
21:10.26ManxPower"Siren 512"
21:10.29infinity1ManxPower: hm. i had an iriver h10. crap.
21:10.31tzafrir_laptopspiekey, I'm no ISDN expert. However I believe that this is the card's default mode
21:10.38infinity1ManxPower: now i have ipod :)
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21:10.51spiekeytzafrir_laptop: cool. and where do i need to plug my PBX into then?
21:10.54enderI'm having some problems w/ asterisk -rx
21:10.56tzafrir_laptop[Outcast], the zaptel source comes with one
21:10.56ManxPowerIt's a nice little device, but it does not have the features I want for podcasts.
21:11.07ManxPowerinfinity1, I spent $60 on this one.
21:11.11enderI'm trying to get ti to do 'show channels' but all I get is that 'show' isn't a command.
21:11.15tzafrir_laptopspiekey, Again, me no IDSN expert
21:11.19endereven though at the cli I can type 'show channels' and it works.
21:11.39spiekeytzafrir_laptop: but you must have some sort of a "feeling" :P
21:11.44ManxPowerI want to be able to delete tracks without hooking up to a computer, and I want it to remember where it last was when I turn it back on.
21:12.17ManxPowerender, asterisk -rx "show channels"
21:12.23ManxPowermake sure nothing is eating the quotes
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21:17.21*** join/#asterisk Chuji (
21:17.41Chujicvs head is basically 1.2 beta right?
21:17.59ChujiLike, there aren't any new features going into head right now?
21:18.30X-Robwell. There's not _meant_ to be.
21:18.37X-Robbut new features are.
21:19.44ChujiBut those featurs will ultimately make it to 1.2 on the first release?
21:19.54ChujiI'm just wondering, are they running in parallel
21:20.08X-Robno. HEAD == 1.2
21:20.14drumkillamalverian[work]: something wrong?
21:20.25drumkillai hope not, i just changed a ton of stuff in the last couple days
21:20.26malverian[work]drumkilla, Yeah.. a lot of strangeness with RTP.
21:20.33drumkillaoh, well i didn't touch that
21:20.38malverian[work]Actually.. not just RTP it seems.. even with a Zap channel.
21:20.50drumkillacould be the new bridge timeout code
21:20.50malverian[work]Playback() and Background() both appear to not produce audio anymore.
21:21.04drumkillaif you find the date where stuff stops working, let me know
21:21.06enderI was really hoping for 1.2 at astricon. oh well.
21:21.07malverian[work]I reverted to yesterday, but it's still broken.
21:21.19malverian[work]drumkilla, Alright, will do so.
21:21.21g__Question about AgentCallbackLogin(): does anyone know where this path went?
21:21.45g__(Apparently it was applied to CVS a year ago, but I can't find any reference to it.)
21:21.57vader-wrkwhats a good web interface to control asterisk?
21:22.15infinity1vader-wrk: vi ? :)
21:22.38vader-wrkisn't there web gui's to control asterisk?
21:22.51infinity1vader-wrk: yea. i've heard of AMP
21:22.54infinity1maybe thats it
21:23.02malverian[work]Hmm.., interesting.
21:23.03DaPrivateerOk I have a strange problem, if anyone might be able to offer some insight. After my PBX has been up for a few days it starts ignoring ringing from the second FXO card. I can still dial out on it, but it doesnt detect when the lines ring (this is on 2 out of 3 ports on the second card). When I reboot the box it works again. Any ideas?
21:23.09Chujisheesh... so I'm much safer goign with 1.2 beta rather than head then?
21:23.27infinity1vader-wrk: you now know as much as me ...
21:24.06X-RobChuji - no, go with HEAD.
21:24.55*** join/#asterisk greekman (
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21:26.34malverian[work]Anyone else having major issues with CVS head or is it just me?
21:26.38malverian[work]Bloody hell....
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21:32.17gaggamana question to asterisk languages:
21:32.51gaggamanI know I can set the language with exten => SetLanguage()
21:33.32gaggamanBut is there a way to set the language default to something else than us?
21:35.02blitzrageKatty: nerd-a-licious :)
21:35.44AhrimanesKatty: hehe
21:37.28Kattywhat happens when you accelerate a human to almost the speed of light with electromagnetic fields?
21:37.59pauldyKatty baring any extra particle interaction they should sjrink up
21:38.05AhrimanesKatty: you waer many rings since you man use electromagnetism for that?
21:38.26malverian[work]What the hell is happening here.. this makes no sense..
21:38.29Kattypauldy: shrink?
21:38.39Kattypauldy: you mean convert partially to energy?
21:38.45pauldyyea sorry typing while sitting pretty much under the keyboard today back issue
21:39.02Kattypauldy: or rearrange and become more dense?
21:39.14pauldybecome mroe dense
21:39.42Kattythat could present a slight problem.
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21:40.17pauldyonly if this shrinkage creates some type of endothermic reaction
21:40.46Kattywould they revert when done going fast?
21:41.23pauldyI would assume so
21:41.36CoffeeIV_Is there anyway to get access to the uniqueid that is the CDR from a dialplan ?
21:41.41pauldyat lest if you follow special realativity
21:42.36pauldyI would be currious to know if brain functions slow down at those speeds
21:42.56CoffeeIV_ok I see it referred to as ${UNIQUEID} in the .conf files -- never mind
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21:46.06auslandrWhen a line connected to a zaptel card is rining, is there a way to ring through to a SIP extension without picking up the line?
21:46.09Error_XI have installed ztdummy and it is in use in lsmod.. But I can't hear anything when I'm calling my voicemail, echo-test and other codes
21:46.21JASON-0Hello, I've installed the AMP portal but now when I modify the config files manually I don't know how to refresh the config.. the AMP portal doesn't see my changes..
21:48.04jpm_SDJASON-0, That's the problem with AMP.. it doesn't allow you to easily make manual edits to your confs.
21:49.15JASON-0is there a way to reload it through the command prompt ?
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21:50.26pauldyJASON-0, when using amp the only config files you can edit manualy are the _custom files
21:50.42pauldythorugh the cli you can always run reload now
21:50.52JASON-0ok thanks, I will try it out
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22:08.26malverian[work]Asterisk Ready.
22:08.26malverian[work]socket: Connection refused
22:08.32malverian[work]^ Anyone have an idea what would cause that?
22:08.44Juggieon the console?
22:08.56malverian[work]As I'm starting asterisk up.
22:08.59Juggienever saw that before :P
22:09.01malverian[work]I think this is the root of my problem.
22:09.13Juggiewhats your problem
22:11.54malverian[work]For some reason no matter what version of asterisk I checkout, Playback() and Background() do not work.
22:11.57malverian[work]But using Echo() does.
22:12.33DaPrivateerHrm.... so once a call is made on any of the zap channels the channel state remains offhook...
22:13.40Igbothom_IIIDaPrivateer; try changing the hangup detection method from Kewl Start (default) to Loop Start
22:14.25DaPrivateersignalling=fxs_ls ?
22:14.55Igbothom_IIIin both /etc/zaptel.conf and also /etc/asterisk/zapata-channels.conf
22:15.21DaPrivateeri have a zapata.conf but no zapata-channels.conf
22:15.24Igbothom_IIIwe definitely need this in Australyamate
22:15.28infinity1does HEAD have a callerid problem?
22:16.00infinity1exten => 2,n,Set(CALLERID(number)=14082702599)
22:16.01infinity1exten => 2,n,Dial(${IAXCO1}/14086663884,15)
22:16.06infinity1and i get unavailable number
22:16.24infinity1when the phone rings
22:16.55malverian[work]It actually just doesn't send any RTP packets...
22:17.34DaPrivateerlol now it shows on hook while i am using the trunk
22:17.46infinity1malverian[work]: i'm updated my head on the weekend. my problems aren't that severe.
22:18.16Igbothom_IIIwhat country u in?
22:18.40infinity1me? us
22:18.54Igbothom_IIInope, DaPrivateer
22:19.20Igbothom_IIIk, then I'm oot of ideas - I've only just started with *  :)
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22:24.43infinity1i kinda doubt my voip provider is broke
22:26.39X-Robinfinity1 - it's CALLERID(num)
22:26.48X-Rob'show function CALLERID'
22:27.47infinity1*CLI> show application callerid
22:27.48infinity1Your application(s) is (are) not registered
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22:29.50infinity1looks like i have it right
22:30.12infinity1they changed it from number to num?
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22:31.56malverian[work]infinity1, For some reason a reboot fixed it...
22:32.02darenwwhat would be better to connect to asterisk with from outside my firewall iax or sip?
22:32.20malverian[work]infinity1, Though the only things running prior to reboot were sendmail, apache, metalog, bash, and som ekernel processes..
22:32.22*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
22:33.19infinity1malverian[work]: strange. maybe an ldconfig would have fixed it?
22:33.37infinity1X-Rob: nope. num/number doesn't make a difference
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22:45.32rene-there was some link for a chinese made wctdm card clone, i cant seem to find it, anyone has it at hand?
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22:49.36X-Robrene- - it's by, uh
22:49.40X-Robopenpbx mentions it
22:49.43X-Rob*goes looking*(
22:52.36darenwAny one know a quick solution to this error when starting asterisk... chan_oss.c:257 sound_thread: Read error on sound device: Resource temporarily unavailable
22:54.55malverian[work]nxserver really should use a newer version of X libraries :-P
22:55.44iDunnodarenw: disable the oss channel by putting noload => in modules.conf?
22:56.18iDunnoalternatively, make sure that asterisk is in a group that can access the sound card and that nothing else has grabbed it (like, say, arts or esd)
22:57.51DaPrivateerOk, still no progress... For some reason after asterisk has been up for a day or so its stops answering 2nd and 3rd slot on my FXO card. The slots all show offhook after receiving their first call, and won't reset. Additionally, I get a polarity warning on all three lines no matter which way I plug the line in. Anyone have any ideas?
22:57.56DaPrivateer(im in the US)
22:58.23Igbothom_IIIdamn, not good  :(
23:00.03Igbothom_IIIexten => _0.,1,Dial(SIP/freecall/${EXTEN:1})    <--- does that look right for extensions.conf?  I have the [astrasip-out] context, but don't see any activity at all on the * console (verbose = 50) when I dial a call with a "0" prefix - like it isn't even getting to the * box.  I can ring internal SIP phones fine, just not outbound
23:00.15*** join/#asterisk wundaboy (
23:00.49wundaboyi need help configuring my polycom ip500 to talk to junction networks.  i dont have an asterisk box but i figured this would be the place to go.
23:00.51DaPrivateeryou have an extension called freecall?
23:01.09Igbothom_IIIyeah - thatv was a mis-type  :)
23:01.21Igbothom_IIIit was meant to be astrasip-out
23:01.34wundaboyi think i have it configured correctly but its behind nat
23:02.07Igbothom_IIIit rings engaged, but nothing on the * console
23:02.25DaPrivateerok wait
23:02.32Igbothom_IIIwundaboy; one phone, directly to their server thru your firewall?
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23:02.51DaPrivateerso when you dial 0 and something else, you want it to change to something in the astrasip-out context?
23:02.55wundaboyIgbothom_III: yes, i want it to be able to send and recieve calls
23:03.12Igbothom_III(as you can tell, I'm just learning * and not doing wonderfully well at this point with the docs that are, well, less than useful)
23:03.21Igbothom_IIIwhat's the setup you entered into the phone?
23:03.49DaPrivateerIgbothom_III - was what i just said correct?
23:04.21Igbothom_IIIsorry, when I dial 088888888 (for example) I want it to dial out using the astrasip provider
23:05.20wundaboyIgbothom_III: i have it setup just like the jnctn networks page shows it
23:05.37jbotwell, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
23:06.53wundaboyis there a problem having a phone dial out through nat?
23:07.01Igbothom_IIIand can you also mention what's happening?  Obviously something is going wrong, but you've so far not mentioned that at all!
23:07.27iDunnoyou want Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@freecall)
23:07.40Igbothom_IIIta, will change it...
23:07.49DaPrivateerlol i was just typing that
23:08.03iDunnoassuming that you've got a register => blahwiththefreecallstuff in the top of sip.conf
23:08.43Igbothom_IIIyup, and sip show registry says I'm registered
23:09.10DaPrivateeriDunno any idea for my issue?
23:09.22Igbothom_IIIstill nothing on the * console, still rings engaged      88880426           105 Registered
23:11.26rene-X-Rob: thx
23:11.48iDunnoDaPrivateer: nope, sorry, only using a HFC-PCI card in our setup :/
23:11.50wundaboydoes anyone have an asterisk box i can send and recieve calls through?
23:14.29dudeswundaboy - that depends
23:14.38dudesWhat do you need it for
23:14.48Igbothom_III is my config
23:15.19wundaboydudes: i have a polycom ip500 and a junction networks account.
23:15.33dudesSo you want a server to run it from
23:15.33wundaboydudes: i need to talk to the junction networks account and have voicemail.
23:15.34Igbothom_IIIwundaboy; so far you've not said anything at all about what your actual problem is apart from "its broke".  Explaining your situation will likely elicit helpful responses
23:16.24wundaboyIgbothom_III: im not sure what my problem is.  all i know is when i pickup the handset and dial i get a busy signal.  i believe everything is configured correctly on the phone.
23:16.37Igbothom_IIIaaahhhh, now some information!
23:16.59Igbothom_IIIare you dialing numbers on their network?
23:17.06wundaboyno im dialing pstn numbers
23:17.18Igbothom_IIIhave you tried dialing numbers on their network first?
23:17.29dudesso checked sip debug to see why it fails
23:17.30wundaboylike what number?
23:17.41wundaboysip debug?
23:17.44wundaboyim so confuzed
23:17.53dudessip debug on the asterisk CLI and make a call
23:17.57Igbothom_IIII don't know - YOU are the one subscribed to their network - have a read of their website and see what they have available for troubleshooting
23:18.19Igbothom_IIIhe has no * server - just direct to his ITSP from his 501
23:18.19wundaboyIgbothom_III: i have followed all steps on their site
23:18.32wundaboyit says to enable STUN but i dont know what that is, or how to do it
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23:18.52marc324what filesystem to use for *?
23:19.12Igbothom_IIIand its not working.  So, have you tried dialing a number on their network (and as YOU are on their network, we are not) look at their website and see what other numbers are on their network - like support numbers, for instance
23:19.21wundaboydudes: i have no * box
23:19.34Igbothom_IIImarc324; a journalling one
23:19.43Igbothom_IIImost "* distros" use ext3
23:20.03dudesI can provide you with a server if you give me some config info
23:20.34*** join/#asterisk HuNTER_SC (i=Junior@
23:20.45Igbothom_IIIwb HuNTER_SC
23:20.46wundaboycan i query you?
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23:23.50HuNTER_SCGood Night, I have two ASterisK and you not knowing as to make to establish connection the two. Then can give an aid to me?
23:25.47X-RobHuNTER_SC - IAX trunking
23:26.36HuNTER_SCX-Rob - which option that I have that to mark in iax.conf?
23:26.44X-RobHuNTER_SC - lots. Read
23:27.59HuNTER_SCX-Rob I ja read more I did not find therefore that I am here asking.
23:29.24marc324ext3 or resiserfs?
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23:40.52kb1_kanobeg'evening all.
23:40.55wundaboyhow does sip work?
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23:45.19clyrradis there anyting special that needs to be done to enable call waiting on remote IAX phones connected to my Asterisk Box?  I have the feature enabled in the phone setup, but I never hear the call waiting beep, it goes directly to voicemail.  Anyone know what im doing wrong?
23:45.27*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
23:46.44Ariel_hello Katty
23:47.03Ariel_Hello everyone
23:47.16clyrradHi :)
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23:47.33clyrradis there anyting special that needs to be done to enable call waiting on remote IAX phones connected to my Asterisk Box?  I have the feature enabled in the phone setup, but I never hear the call waiting beep, it goes directly to voicemail.  Anyone know what im doing wrong?
23:48.21spootnickanybody using GoIAX? I'm getting a "chan_iax2.c:6629 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach 's@'" message when receiving a call
23:48.44pauldyclyrrad, I know by default AMP comes with call waiting disabled
23:48.48pauldy*70 shoudl fix it
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23:49.43pauldyasterisk management portal, it is used by asterisk at home for the web insterface and controls the asterisk config files
23:50.03clyrradI am not using Asterisk@Home
23:50.04KattyAriel_: mine head hurts afer quantum theories :<
23:50.28pauldyok but are you using amp?
23:50.41Ariel_Katty, sorry
23:50.42clyrradNot that i am aware of :s
23:50.44twisted[asteria]software testing == dull
23:50.47twisted[asteria]just FYI
23:51.00pauldyKatty, graduate studies or just having a bit of fun
23:51.01Ariel_clyrrad, you need to do *70
23:51.25Ariel_spootnick, I use it, it works your setup is not setup correctly
23:51.33clyrrad*70 does not do anyting except produce an error on the CLI that there is no *70 context
23:51.54bugzim trying to use the check_sip plugin but cant seem to get the checkcommand string right
23:51.54asterisk99anyone know if the IAXy (S101i) has a gain control or settings somewehere I can tweak... device is coming in 'hot'
23:51.57Kattypauldy: fun, of course.
23:52.00spootnickAriel_: any chance you can take a look at my confs in pastebin? I can't figure this one out
23:52.04Ariel_clyrrad, wow what have you changed on it. AMP default *70 and *71 are for call waiting
23:52.15Ariel_sure spootnick
23:52.56clyrradAriel_ have not changed anyting, perhaps i have to code that into the dial plan?
23:53.16Ariel_clyrrad, no it is part of the default.
23:53.29clyrradand call waiting is working on the other phones just by enabling it in the webadmin of the IP Phone
23:53.31Ariel_if your phone or device is part of the correct context
23:53.52bugzasterisk99: ive had problems with them, like some network devices, routers, smart switches, dhcp servers, etc, like to store the mac address and ip mapping of the iaxy, causing problems with it being flashed and put back on the network with different information
23:54.00spootnickAriel_: i'm trying to dial in using my DID
23:54.05Ariel_spootnick, will do give me a minute
23:54.10clyrradI have the phone included in the incomming, outgoing, parkedcalls and voicemail context, is there one i have missed?
23:54.45groogsclyrrad: phones should be in the from-internal context, that includes all those
23:54.51groogsyou can't put a device in more than one context ....
23:55.15kuku5Is there a way to view parked calls on a phone ?
23:55.25clyrradgroogs, yes i have a context called 'my_phones' which includes all the other contexts
23:56.00clyrradand in sip.conf or iax.conf in the phones context=my_phones
23:56.05spootnickkuku5: to *view* parked calls... not that I'm aware of. but you can probably fetch a list and have it said back to you using text to speech
23:57.07groogsclyrrad: what is wrong with from-internal ..?  either way if you do have a reason to use your own, look at from-internal in extensions.conf.. you probably don't have the app-callwaiting etc lines
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23:57.52Igbothom_IIIhhmmm, is my config, but I cannot make outbound calls (not tried receiving calls yet) thru sip.  Any clues?  I followed the info in, but the config this gave doesn't work - no * console output at all (verbose=50) and an engaged signal upon calling.  internal calls work fine.
23:58.06clyrradgroogs, yes you are correct, i do not have a from-internal or call waiting lines, do you have an online reference i can see?
23:58.26groogsno, look at from-internal
23:58.43groogsthough i'm still curious why you're not just using that
23:58.56marc324is the tcl/tk package needed for asterisk?
23:59.38clyrradgroogs, i never knew about it, its alway worked with out it
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