irclog2html for #asterisk on 20051012

00:00.34pauldyhave to look it may be and that would explain a lot if it was
00:00.51pauldyI thought it was 263
00:02.30Dr_Rayfrom what I've read (in the last 10 minutes :) is that h.263 is now a legacy thing, and h.264 is the current one
00:03.11pauldywhich I don't think asterisk supports at lest for 1.0.9
00:04.12Dr_Raywell, I'd not do h264 unless there was a set-top box
00:04.26Dr_Raybut there is an h.264 gpl server
00:04.56acidfoox264 ?
00:05.04pauldywonder if there are any issues with the 264 codec
00:05.12pauldyaka mp3
00:05.17pauldyor lik emp3
00:05.40pauldyhate to build it and have it become property o digium
00:06.53Dr_Raythe question is do you even need to bother making asterisk do it
00:07.38*** join/#asterisk froguz (
00:08.36acidfooDr_Ray: are you doctor?
00:08.47Dr_Rayno, I'm not a ray either
00:08.49pooh_nephew of Dr. Phil <grin>
00:09.00Dr_Raywe are both from texas
00:09.03Dr_Raybut I have hair
00:09.04froguzi need some explanation about configuring my own Do Not Disturb
00:09.09froguzany URI?
00:09.31froguznop, nothing there
00:09.54pooh_database put DND CALLERID 1 => stdexten => dbget DND CALLERID => jump n+101 ;-)
00:09.55froguzit just says DND comes embeded in asterisk, but it doesn't work for me
00:10.14acidfoopauldy: erm, isnt aka mp4 ?
00:10.15froguzalso, i wanted to make my own DND with my configuration
00:10.16pauldythats the site I usedto setup my dnd
00:10.43pauldyacidfoo, I meant the licensing issues thats why a retyped like mp3 cause I saw the potential confussion
00:10.53acidfoook pauldy ;)
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00:11.12froguzpauldy: are you using the embeded dnd?
00:11.33pauldyfroguz, probably not
00:11.48pauldydon't recognize that
00:12.22froguzaha, i will search deep on voip-info
00:14.06pauldylooks like by default you can simply dial *78 and *79
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00:14.23pauldylooks much easier than what I did
00:15.59*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
00:16.50froguzand what did yo did??
00:18.16pauldycreated an extension to enable or disable the DND based on if it was set or not and play the appropriate anouncement
00:21.09froguzthat's what i would like to do
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00:25.14Dr_Raymaybe I'm just better off using mythtv frontend
00:25.23*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
00:26.28phpboyQwell!!!! :D
00:27.09hardwireQwell: Qwell Qwell Qwell Qwell Qwell Qwell Qwell Qwell
00:27.23hardwire!: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
00:30.27lanceyspeaking of set top boxes
00:30.41lanceyhave you heard of one capable of being used as a cable modem also?
00:32.10*** join/#asterisk marc324 (
00:32.44jbotsomebody said docs was Documentation can be found at or or or or
00:34.53*** join/#asterisk tholo (
00:35.43*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
00:38.25jbotextra, extra, read all about it, mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
00:44.42*** join/#asterisk nomazda (
00:49.49jlewisis the * wireless available to *con attendes?
00:51.11*** join/#asterisk cgcorea (n=cgcorea@
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00:52.47NoRemorse!seen justinnn
00:53.00NoRemorseno seen bot?
00:53.10*** join/#asterisk cgcorea (n=cgcorea@
00:55.17Qwell~seen justinnn
00:55.22jbotjustinnn <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 237d 17h 36m 49s ago, saying: 'how do i convert a .gsm to .wav ?'.
00:55.29Qwelljlewis: yes
00:56.59jlewiswhere do we get the key?....I'm barely online on an open ap
00:57.13Qwellgot me
01:03.48*** join/#asterisk veto (
01:06.47NoRemorse~seen justinn
01:06.49jbotjustinn <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 495d 23h 30m 8s ago, saying: 'theres nothing in that dir'.
01:06.54NoRemorse~seen justinnnn
01:06.55jbotjustinnnn <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 203d 17h 50m 7s ago, saying: 'anyone ???'.
01:07.03NoRemorsenot looking good lol
01:07.06*** join/#asterisk oej (
01:07.14NoRemorse~seen justinnnnn
01:07.15jbotjustinnnnn <n=justinnn@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 19h 42m 5s ago, saying: 'hey ppls :)'.
01:07.19NoRemorsethats better
01:07.43froguzpauldy, is that the way you did it? :
01:14.55*** join/#asterisk [Jedi] (
01:15.19enderI'm having some difficulty w/ Asterisk 'locking up' somewhat when somebody hangs up in voicemail.  I was once told it has something to do w/ using 'switch =>' in my dial plan.
01:17.57*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
01:18.15[Jedi]How can I put in a variable the result of the execution of another application?
01:25.06marc324what db is better for asterisk? postgresql or mysql?
01:25.19Qwellmarc324: whichever one works best for you...
01:26.08marc324ne docs on asterisk realtime?
01:27.13oejThere is a readme
01:27.26Qwelloej: hey
01:27.49tholouse whichever oej doesn't recommend.  Just for fun.
01:28.11lancey`awaybye guyz
01:40.03*** join/#asterisk kingtux (
01:44.00kingtuxanyone chatting
01:45.32*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (i=gray@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Corydon76-home)
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01:48.45*** join/#asterisk DeFi (
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02:00.16*** join/#asterisk cio (
02:00.17cioAnyone here run * on debian sarge with the 2.6 kernel and compile from cvs or the 1.09 source?
02:01.16*** join/#asterisk gniretar (
02:01.46gniretarcan anyone recommend to me a good but inexpensive FXS card?
02:02.01cioX100P, $9.00 on ebay.
02:02.04Qwellgniretar: the digium tdm400p
02:02.10Qwellcio: that is not fxs
02:02.14cioIt has one of both -
02:02.20Qwellcio: no, it does not
02:02.23cioYou sure?
02:02.56cioQwell: You run kernel 2.6 or 2.4?
02:03.12cioCustom or distro built?
02:03.45cioWhen you compile zaptel, are you doing a 'make linux26' or just 'make'?
02:03.45gniretarall real mean run custom kernels
02:04.04JamesDotComyou dont need to run make linux26 for zaptel
02:04.17JamesDotCommake; make install will be fine
02:04.19gniretari thought that make would autodetect or somthing
02:04.21JuggieQwell, tdm400p can be fxo or fxs depending on config
02:04.25Juggieit should auto detect 2.6 yes
02:04.30gniretarcuz make and make linux26 do the same in my linux26 boxes
02:04.36clyrradHow can I get my * CDR records to record the start and end of a call with its duration, but not record individual extensions that were pressed and all activity that happend during the call?  There must be a config file or something that I can use to control the behaviour of the CDRs anyone know where it is?
02:04.37cioMy * from 1.09 and cvs just core dumps no matter how I make it on my 2.6 (debian sarge) box.
02:04.40Juggieyou may also want to do make udev
02:04.40QwellJuggie: tdm yeah...not the x100p though
02:04.46cioI thought it was zaptel related.
02:04.49Juggieif your system is running udev
02:05.05cioThat may be it.  Would that cause an asterisk core dump?
02:05.10cioOr just errors?
02:05.16Juggiejust errors
02:05.22gniretarclyrrad: this i would like to know as well.  From what i know it isnt possible.  CDR records are CDR records.
02:05.25Juggiedo you have a reproducable core dump?
02:05.38Juggiestable or head?
02:05.40gniretarcio: your building from source, yes?
02:06.00cioI just install a base debian system, the kernel source, make a ln -s /usr/src/linux whatever and make zaptel, libpri, asterisk, run asterisk -vvvgc, core dump.  Every time.
02:06.08clyrradgniretar.... but I would think there must be a way, for billing purposes all the extra data that is recorded is simply a waste of DB Processing time and space
02:06.19cioI get the same thing from 1.09 tar gz files from and cvs.
02:06.25cioSomething weird with debian.
02:06.29gniretarcio: whenever i build from source it tries to load a module for which ther are no extensions.
02:06.31gniretarand dies
02:06.37gniretarcio: please pastebin the error
02:06.44SwKcio can you get us a backtrace of the dump?
02:07.02cioI'm reinstalling the os now and will try to compile again when done, about 30 minutes.
02:07.08gniretarclyrrad: Well, i would tell you that even a heavily loaded Asterisk server would barely load a MySQL server at all.
02:07.47gniretarclyrrad: the CDR records, even with the extra info are quite small.  MySQL would have to be taking hundreds per second (depending on hardware) for it to bog down.
02:07.51cioI just started using sqlite for my cdr and cdr reports via php, sqlite is great for this purpose.
02:08.12gniretarcio: u wite your own PHP or use asterisk-stat?
02:08.19gniretarcio: I use Debian, i have for years
02:08.27gniretarthere is nothing hat would cause this wierd bug
02:08.32cioWrite my own.  Real men build their own reports.. heh
02:08.40gniretarcie: before you reload please, for out own education, pastebin the error
02:09.01gniretarcio: lol, well when i'm at work i dont have time to write in-house PHP for everything
02:09.02cioI'm already through the installer, the packages are installing now - sorry - It will pop up again ...
02:09.34clyrradgniretar.... putting bogged down aside, I agree with your first statement it would be nice to control what gets recorded and what does not get recorded, with out modifying the source, looking for a config file or something of the like that woudl allow us to do that
02:09.42ciogniretar: I agree, using asterisk-stat would probably be easier, but the reports are of such a custom nature, I doubt the customer would have it any other way.  Plus it's hourly work.
02:09.47*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
02:09.53gniretarthough, i must admit, in site of my love for Debian i bought a PowerBook insead of a PC
02:10.02cioI did the same thing!
02:10.11gniretarcio: I'm hourly as well but my boss is a Nazi about ineffficiant use of time
02:10.12cioI also have debian installed on my OQO.
02:10.14*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
02:10.22gniretarwell, i have X11 and Fink on my PowerBook
02:10.27gniretarso i'm on xChat
02:10.29gniretaron my mac
02:10.32gniretarlife if good
02:10.58gniretarthough Fink's compile of Ethereal isnt working
02:11.00gniretarwhich is sad
02:11.05gniretarcuz i love my Ethereal
02:11.13JamesDotComi just came across that problem yesterday
02:11.15ciogniretar: They handed me a stack of reports, said they wanted them to pump out of their new phone system, I said 120 hours@75.00/hr, they said great... heh
02:11.48gniretarcio: Man i hate you.  I am the one and only tech for a small buissness, CCNP certified and i only make $10
02:11.57marc324what is "dsn" ?
02:12.00cio$10 for what?
02:12.09gniretarcio: though i am 17 so i'm not worth as much as someone with experience
02:12.14gniretar$10 per hour!
02:12.20cioYou should be able to get more than that.
02:12.23cioEven at 17.
02:12.26Qwellwith a ccnp?
02:12.31Qwellway more than $10
02:12.37gniretarcio: yes but noone wants to put a 17 year-old in chanre og mission critical things
02:12.37marc324is dsn=database name?
02:12.41*** part/#asterisk NoRemorse (n=axel@
02:12.44cioI'm 35, have an established business, and pull $125-150/hr for most work, $75 for programming.
02:13.00gniretarQuall, not only hat but i got my CCNP at 16.  I am one of the yourgest in the world
02:13.19cioGo into business for yourself as soon as you turn 18.
02:13.31gniretari was thinking of that
02:13.40gniretarjust as consulting or somthing
02:13.52gniretaron the side
02:13.55gniretarand try to grow it
02:13.57gniretarits hard though
02:14.01gniretarto get a customer base
02:14.39cioThey are out there, just gotta find somebody that can sell while you produce, make it a symbiotic relationship and you'll both do well.
02:14.48cioThat's how I started.
02:14.58gniretarwell, its a funny story how my boss got into buissness
02:15.17gniretarhe had a 2 man web developing firm
02:15.26gniretarbuild a guge page to sell somthing
02:15.36gniretarand got screwed my the guy he was making to for
02:15.52gniretarso he started selling the things for whch the page was mode to sell
02:16.17gniretarand is now driving a Porche and we just got a 54,000 sqft building
02:16.34gniretari wish i could pull that off someday
02:17.34cioExpensive cars aren't a sign of success.
02:17.50gniretarno, the point was they they could easily afford it
02:18.14cioAfford is relative to want and need.
02:18.30cioI pay cash for non-appreciating assets like cars when I can.
02:19.06gniretarcio: that is a good idea.  no sense paying interest on somthing that has no return
02:19.42cioI'd rather drive a 10 year old Yugo than pay interest on an auto.
02:19.51cioWhen I was in my early 20's, I was up to my ears in debt.
02:19.55*** join/#asterisk sgorilla (
02:19.56cioI got rid of it and change my thinking entirely.
02:20.09sgorillais there a simple way to call two phone numbers at once
02:20.13cioTook me 5 years to get rid of debt that took me about 5 seconds to incure.
02:20.17sgorillaand just bridge over to the one that picks up first
02:20.34JamesDotComcio, amen, i'm just finishing paying off my debt
02:20.36sgorillacio: 5 seconds?
02:20.44sgorillai am in debt, im just starting to pay it off
02:20.54cioHeh - it felt like that when I was bailing myself out ...
02:21.04cioNever again, though.
02:21.21sgorillawhat did you do?
02:22.04*** join/#asterisk MrBelvedr (
02:22.12*** join/#asterisk jaike (n=a@
02:22.24jaikeany commpartners clients here?
02:22.32cioGot a good job, bought a fat car, got a raise, bought a nice house, then WHAM! In debt up to my ass.
02:22.32enderI'm having some difficulty w/ Asterisk 'locking up' somewhat when somebody hangs up in voicemail.  I was once told it has something to do w/ using 'switch =>' in my dial plan.
02:23.18gniretarso i'm thinking that i will ake myself a Asterisk box to use to connect to Vonage then set up an IAX trunk to the Asterisk box at work so i can stop using my vonage line for work calls.
02:24.02*** join/#asterisk flenders (n=fserto@
02:24.08gniretarand i can use my Vonage line from anywhere with a laptop IAX client (i dont wanna use a Sip sptphone, they are a pain in the a$$)
02:24.25jaikeany downsides to using sip? compared to iax?
02:24.41enderjaike: in what context?
02:25.03jaikeability to handle jitter
02:25.08jaikecall quality wise
02:25.21gniretarjaike: IAX is all arround newer and better
02:25.34*** part/#asterisk cgcorea (n=cgcorea@
02:25.41gniretarjiake: with IAX you can use it from behind a NAT firewall
02:25.54QwellYou can use sip behind nat too
02:26.06gniretarjiake if you have control connection have have voice, period.  None of this stupid poking holed in the firewall or any of that
02:26.07jaikewere currently testing a new provider that doesnt offer iax, only sip
02:26.13loudmost people who say that are not familiar with nat/pat/ and firewalls at all.
02:26.43gniretarQwell&loud, i an CCNP, i understand exactly how they work.
02:27.19gniretarQwell&loud, you must poke holed in the firewall to get it to work.  that is something i dont wanna do
02:28.12gniretarSIP was good for its day, IAX is the future
02:28.59jaikemy servers arent behind firewalls...any other downsides with sip?
02:29.21gniretarjaike but are your clients?
02:29.32jaiketnx gniretar..will read on that
02:30.02gniretarjaike: yw
02:30.04jaikewere using sip phones..polycom
02:30.55cioI have two IP301's I'll sell ya on the cheap.
02:31.31gniretarjaike: we use aastra phones at work and i like them.
02:31.42*** join/#asterisk twisted (n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted)
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02:31.53jaikecio: were looking for like 40+
02:32.04cioI have two, now you only need 38! :p
02:32.12cio$100 each, new condition.
02:32.15cio+ shipping
02:32.38*** join/#asterisk dabigshiznizzle (
02:39.03*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
02:41.19gniretarJamesDotCom: did you ever resolve the Ethereal problem?
02:42.04loudDoes anyone have the 64_bit version of ?
02:42.53clyrradAnyone know if its possible to configure what CDR actually record?
02:43.39Juggielourd, that is a codec which requiresl icensing
02:43.49Juggieand therefor not supported in here as it is not sold by digium
02:43.59Juggiethere is however a 64bit version of g729
02:44.08flendershi, my asterisk is not handling incoming calls as it should do.
02:44.12loudalready have it.
02:44.14*** join/#asterisk _daver_ (
02:44.17marc324what's dsn?
02:44.21flendersI've posted the whole description on patebin
02:44.30flenderscan I have some help?
02:46.37enderflenders: what is the Zap connected to?
02:46.47flendersno zap
02:46.54flendersonly SIP
02:46.56enderflenders: I had your issue w/ all calls because I was using the wrong Zap protocal.
02:47.09enderTRUNK => Zap/g2
02:47.13enderghy do you have that?
02:47.22flendersI know... it was already there on the template
02:47.26flendersI forgot to take it off
02:47.33flendersit's not beeing used anywhere
02:47.39enderyeah, take it and the other trunk part off.
02:48.03enderflenders: set debugging level to like 4, dump it to the full log file and then paste that log file up there to see what happens when the call is answered.
02:49.12marc324how do you test if realtime DB connection works?
02:51.20gniretarnight all and thanks for all the sage advice
02:53.19*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
02:54.48flendershave a look at the end of the post
02:57.17flenderscould this be the reason: channel.c: Unable to find a codec translation path from g729 to slin
02:58.26file[laptop]your Asterisk can't transcode between G729 and ULAW
02:58.56flendersfile: would this be the reason for me not beeing able to answer calls?
02:59.34flendersfile: have you had a look at pastebin?
02:59.51clyrradwhere can you set accountcode and userfield for use with CDRs?
03:00.00flendersshould I then remove all allow=g729 from sip.conf?
03:00.04file[laptop]Unable to find a codec translation path from ulaw to g729
03:00.16file[laptop]all you had to do was read that
03:00.19file[laptop]and yes, try removing g729
03:00.31flendersfile[laptop]: thanks, will try that
03:01.11clyrradwhere can you set accountcode and userfield for use with CDRs?
03:01.23file[laptop]the dialplan?
03:01.26file[laptop]the .conf?
03:01.29lanceycan't sleep :/
03:01.30file[laptop]take your pick.
03:01.40marc324is dsn(data source name)  the name of the database in postgres?
03:01.45clyrradYes... .conf is what im looking for.... which one?
03:02.02file[laptop]depends on the technology...
03:02.09file[laptop]iax2 would be iax.conf, sip would be sip.conf
03:02.21flendersfile[laptop]: thanks mate, it works now...
03:02.38clyrradso you just say accountcode=foo in [general] or how do you use it properly?
03:02.38flendersI better try to understand these different protocols...
03:03.02file[laptop]clyrrad: set it for the user usually...
03:03.12file[laptop]I'm not going to tell you how to use it, because I can't read your mind
03:03.26clyrradunder the specific context?
03:03.30lanceymarc324: dsn is odbc term
03:03.45file[laptop]clyrrad: yes...
03:03.45lanceyfrom my point of view
03:03.50file[laptop]ya know, you should just try this stuff
03:03.50lanceythough i don't use postgre
03:04.17clyrradfile thanks.....  was i correct in my syntax?
03:04.23lanceyclyrrad: you can also set it with application
03:04.24file[laptop]sure why not
03:04.34lanceyright in your dialplan
03:04.57enderfile[laptop]: was it you I was talking to about the switch => causing * to lockup when hanging up from voicemail?
03:05.01*** join/#asterisk franck (n=franck@tikiwiki/franck)
03:05.04franckHi all
03:05.06file[laptop]ender: yes
03:05.14enderfile[laptop]: the problem showed up twice today ):
03:05.23enderfile[laptop]: and now I can't dupe it agin.
03:05.25clyrradlancey... I think I would be best to set it in iax.conf.... but that make me wonder about the security with that.... If you are going to be billing people, and they removed that line from their iax.conf they could make free calls could they not?
03:05.27DannyFlo folks
03:05.30DannyFhi file
03:05.40file[laptop]I had a theory... and I think I can tell you how to get over it
03:05.41file[laptop]DannyF: hi
03:05.47lanceyif you're billing people
03:05.50enderfile[laptop]: I'm all eyes.
03:05.51*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
03:05.54lanceythey probably don't have access to that file :)
03:06.06franckI'm in Fiji and I have a tender for supplying (and supporting) a PBX with VoIP for our company (70 people). Anyone interested?
03:06.09clyrradlancey... they do if their pbx accesses yours
03:06.10file[laptop]ender: I gotta find it
03:06.12clyrradfor VOIP
03:06.18enderfile[laptop]: take your time.
03:06.23lanceyclyrrad: yes, but it's in your pbx
03:06.29lanceyyou modify your iax.conf
03:06.38lanceyit doesn't matter what they setup in theirs
03:06.38franckor where should I post it? Digium people?
03:06.48DannyFfranck, asterisk-biz
03:06.50clyrradOh you saying you modify your IAX.CONF for each customer that connects throught you?
03:06.53file[laptop]ender: set iaxcompat=yes in [general] in iax.conf
03:07.02franckDannyF: it is a channel here?
03:07.10enderfile[laptop]: ah ok.
03:07.11DannyFyes but mailing list is better
03:07.26file[laptop]ender: it'll cause those switch lookups to go into their own threads, and not block
03:07.33franckDannyF: pointer?
03:07.37DannyFjust a sec
03:08.03lanceyclyrrad: you are anyways
03:08.09lanceyhow do you give them access then?
03:08.20franckDannyF: thx
03:08.25DannyFeverything you need and then some ,)
03:09.30franckDannyF: Well I need a PBX too ;)
03:09.32clyrradlancey.... Well the giving them access part I have not done yet, the security part of it held me back, I actually have not yet configured how remote PBX's and IAX devices will connect to my * box as of yet, so what your saying is I would control all of that in IAX.CONF? is that correct?
03:09.50DannyFfranck, plenty of folks on the bix list that can provide turnkey systems
03:09.59*** join/#asterisk Ayano (
03:10.14lanceyclyrrad absolutely
03:10.35*** part/#asterisk Ayano (
03:10.36lanceywhat do you think iax.conf is for?
03:11.06clyrradlancey... that actually makes good sense... so if i had 21 customers i should ahve 21 entries for each customer in my IAX.conf file, and there I can put their accountcode or userid or whatever i need....
03:11.19clyrradWell........... i thought it was for outgoing connections to your VOIP provider
03:11.27*** join/#asterisk rt (
03:11.36franckDannyF: yes thanks for the info... I have posted it...
03:11.43DannyFok ;)
03:11.52rtanyone here run asterisk on freebsd?
03:11.54lanceyclyrrad exactly
03:11.59lanceyrt: me does
03:12.03lancey*i do
03:12.08lanceymy poor head
03:12.19rtshould I install from ports, or download the 1.2 beta and compile that?
03:12.23DannyFlancey ;)
03:12.25lanceyclyrrad: it's for outgoing, too
03:12.28enderfile[laptop]: that would be very nice.
03:12.31clyrradlancey... what were you saying exactly to?  My first comment, my second one or both?
03:12.33lanceythat's what's type=xxxx for
03:12.37DannyFKatty, moo ;)
03:12.48*** join/#asterisk Micc (
03:12.56lanceyclyrrad: i'm saying it would be good for you to read the asterisk handbook
03:13.03Miccmy asterisk just started being really flaky on me.
03:13.04clyrradlancey.... So its used for all people connecting to you, and for who you also connect to
03:13.06lanceyit will help you very much
03:13.09MiccIts hanging up at random times.
03:13.17lanceycause u seem to miss the main asterisk logic
03:13.19clyrradlancey... dont worry about that I have that printed and have read it :) :)
03:13.21MiccOn Zap or IAX channels.
03:13.23lanceyyes, it does
03:13.42lanceyrt: i've gone with CVS head
03:13.43DannyFMicc, hows cpu temps etc?
03:13.54lanceyand have managed to stay working :)
03:13.54rtany difficulties in getting it to work?
03:14.03MiccDannyF, its fine.
03:14.05lanceyrt: since the last half year - hardly not
03:14.09rtdare I hope for "compile/install/run"?
03:14.11lanceyit was harder before that :)
03:14.18lanceyrt: all you need is gmake and bison
03:14.23DannyFMicc, anything hardware related you could pin it on?
03:14.28lanceyand then just gmake in /usr/src/asterisk
03:14.31rtwell, i tried it recently with 4.x, which seemed problema6tic.
03:14.31lanceyand you're done.
03:14.39lanceyrt: use 5.3 and above
03:14.57lanceylast night i just built * on 6.0-RC1 too :)
03:15.02lanceyworks like a charm
03:15.09MiccI keep getting Channel 0/1, span 1 got hangup request.
03:15.14clyrradlancey.... thanks
03:15.20MiccOr I just get hangup
03:15.20lanceybut i don't use any specific hardware, though - no zaptels, no isdns, no modems
03:15.31lanceyso i can't say what's the status with that
03:15.38enderfile[laptop]: ok, I've put those options in.  We'll see what we get now.
03:15.39MiccBut its doing it on IAX channels too.
03:15.41lanceyclyrrad: hope i helped
03:15.48clyrradyou did thanks :)
03:15.55MiccI'm starting to think I've got a buggy version of asterisk.
03:16.01MiccBut it worked for a few days.
03:16.12DannyFMicc naaaah couldnt be ;)
03:16.38MiccI built CVS HEAD on 10/5
03:16.59DannyFcould always try make update
03:17.05*** part/#asterisk franck (n=franck@tikiwiki/franck)
03:17.29*** join/#asterisk kb1_kanobe (
03:18.12DannyFmy version is patched beyond recognition atm so cant help...
03:19.41lanceygoing back to bed
03:19.52clyrradnight :P
03:20.42rtdo i need to build zaptel (presumably not, since I odn't have one) or libpri?
03:20.51enderfile[laptop]: thanks!
03:21.47*** join/#asterisk CoolAcid (n=jason@
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03:22.09kb1_kanobert: you may need ztdummy if you want to use facilities that require a timing source, such as conferencing.
03:22.22enderfile: I'm trying to find some documentation on that option, is there any?
03:22.34rthmmm.  that's in zaptel, I take it?
03:22.43rtsorry, I know I'm asking stupid questions...
03:22.49kb1_kanobenope. :-)
03:23.01fileender: a brief note in the example iax.conf
03:23.43enderfile: feel free to /query me w/ the explanation.
03:23.45rtand now... chaos!
03:24.56KattyDannyF: for shame!
03:25.11KattyDannyF: it is /mew/! kthx.
03:25.18*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
03:26.33*** part/#asterisk dabigshiznizzle (
03:30.19Miccok. I did make update. we'll see if this helps.
03:30.29Miccbunch of files have been updated in the last 6 days. crazy
03:30.56*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
03:31.06clyrradfile... I am trying to see where I can set accountcode, from within iax.conf, can not seem to get it working.  I am under the conext that handles the outgoing calls from that DID, as well as the imcomming, but where can I set that variable?
03:32.26Kattyfile: mew.
03:36.13Kattyfile: going into suburban life is depressing :<
03:40.47*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
03:41.44*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
03:42.21FuriousGeorgeanyone ever install one of these door phones that go to FXO?
03:42.36FuriousGeorgeall i need is the analog doorphone and a spare fxo?
03:47.56marc324is "dsn" the database name?  please help
03:48.29kb1_kanobeusually stands for 'data source name', but where are you looking?
03:48.45marc324i have a database in postgresql called "asterisk"
03:49.13marc324does "dsn" refer to the database name?
03:49.25kb1_kanobeewww... odbc with asterisk? Haven't done that, sorry.
03:50.40*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
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04:02.54*** join/#asterisk Brijn (
04:04.31BrijnGood evening.. Q about meetme. Just started using *, so newbie question :) I installed AMP and it create meetme_additional.conf. It contains 8200
04:04.51*** join/#asterisk jdiskywlkr (
04:05.41Brijnextentions.conf has an entry for meeme's eg exten => _8XXXX,1,Macro(user-callerid)
04:06.05*** join/#asterisk Veto_laptop (
04:07.01BrijnI guessed that by dialling 88200 I would get into the conference, but the friendly lady tells me that is not a valid conference.. How to use it??
04:10.56*** join/#asterisk Melmac (
04:17.56BrijnNo Meetme users?
04:21.46*** join/#asterisk alphaque (n=alphaque@
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04:23.03BrijnAkramX: in a default * install, what do you dial to get into a conference (meetme.cong contains 8200 for example)
04:26.18*** join/#asterisk KaBewM (
04:28.35countanybody had any luck compiling ztdummy on ubuntu?
04:28.44countit compiles fine
04:31.31*** join/#asterisk n3u7 (
04:33.51n3u7funny count
04:34.36n3u7my asterisk difficulity is sub_preempt_count missing from a module
04:35.05countmine is compiling ztdummy
04:35.25n3u7ah, I have a digium x100p card
04:36.12Vcodoes it make you feel like more of a man then when you didn't have a x100p?
04:36.42marc324i get this:  SQLGetPrivateProfileString failed with .
04:37.12*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
04:37.29n3u7well I'm going to read the mailing list that is piling up in my inbox
04:39.42*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
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04:45.04wunderkinfucking theives, damn telcos
04:45.39wunderkinmy first bill, overcharging for loop and charging for service before install
04:46.10wunderkinplus charging for taxes on the mailing address and not service address lol
04:46.36marc324postgresql has a odbc driver.... why use unixodbc?
04:46.52ManxPowerwunderkin, do that have a "15 day money back guarntee"?
04:47.02*** join/#asterisk Snake-Eyes (n=blog@
04:47.41wunderkinit was dormant for 3 weeks, then when i hook it up it doesnt work (verified it worked on the install), the long distance company changed the framing to SF instead of ESF and it took them 3 days of blaming my equipment to get to the bottom of it
04:48.00marc324can someone help me get asterisk realtime working?
04:49.37*** join/#asterisk spootnick (
04:51.16BrijnQ: In the default * install, there is a line exten => _8XXXX,4,GotoIf($[${CALLERIDNUM} = ${EXTEN:1}]?6:5) I guessed dialling 88200 would dump me in the 8200 confrence. It tells me that the conference doesn't exist
04:51.52spootnickAsterisk's Wiki says it's possible to have multiple switches (realtime). have anybody used this already? i tried putting a switch after the other, but the second one never actually takes place
04:54.16enderOk, I can never keep it straight.
04:54.37enderI have two FXO ports and two FXS ports.  I need to plug an analog phone line into one of them for calling 911.  Which port do I plug into?
04:56.29spootnickender: if you're connecting an external POTS line into your * box, then it's FXO
04:57.31enderand if my /etc/zaptel.conf file says fxs=1-2  that means that 1 and 2 are FXO ports getting FXS signalling right?
04:59.21spootnickno, it means the interface you're configuring will be identified as channel 1 and 2 in other config files
04:59.29enderoh ok.
04:59.36enderah we got it, thanks.
05:03.33*** join/#asterisk fyn (i=n4CGoz4m@
05:06.06countspootnick: what doyou mean multiple switches in realtime?
05:06.06ManxPowerIt also means it won't work, since you would need fxsls=1-2 or fxsks=1-2
05:07.03spootnickcount: i mean, in extensions.conf, in a certain point i'm using "switch => Realtime/@family". works fine. but i wanted to include another "switch => Realtime/@otherfamily" below it
05:07.03ManxPowerender, fxo ports get phone lines, fxs ports get phones, fxs ports get dead if you plug a phone line into them and the line rings.
05:07.10jbotmethinks fxofxs is An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage.
05:07.44spootnickcount: there's a need to keep these two families separated, in case you're wondering
05:08.11marc324ne1 here has succeeded in running asterisk realtime with postgres?
05:08.16ManxPowerwhy not use dundi
05:08.36marc324is that directed tome?
05:10.01countmarc324: yeah!
05:10.06*** join/#asterisk docE (n=docE@
05:10.08countIt runs great :)
05:10.15countspootnick: can they be different contexts?
05:10.27docEanyone in here @ astricon near Damin?
05:10.32spootnickcount: hmm, i suppose so
05:10.36countspootnick: I use this:
05:10.38countswitch => Realtime/@
05:10.39countswitch => Realtime/@
05:10.45countin extensions.conf
05:10.57count1-int / 1-ext being in the 'context' field in the db
05:14.26*** join/#asterisk dan__t (
05:14.34dan__twhat's up, kids.
05:14.49spootnickcount: wouldn't that be the same than doing '[context1] switch => Realtime/@familly' and '[context2] switch => Realtime/@family' ?
05:15.01MooingLemurcat /dev/urandom | perl -pe 's/[^a-z]//g' | dd bs=1 count=200 2>/dev/null | perl -pe 's/(.*)/\(SayText "$1"\)/' | festival
05:15.25spootnickthen, to mix them up, include both contexts in a third one
05:15.41dan__tSo I'm still new to Asterisk.  I've been reading a lot about it, and trying to familiarize myself with the terminology and such.
05:15.49dan__tI guess what I ask now is, where do I start?
05:16.13dan__tWhat do I do now, which configs do I start with, yada yada.
05:16.32rtand is going to try to get it working with FWD.
05:16.36countspootnick: possibly?
05:16.42rtthat's sort of my first step.
05:16.42dan__tI have a small goal at this point; be able to use a Softphone to make a VoIP call via IAX, with an IAX provider
05:16.48spootnickcount: i'm trying it now... let's see
05:17.03*** join/#asterisk SwK[Work] (
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05:17.52dan__tfrom what I understand, there's a certain hierarchy of configuration files to be edited, as they share one or many common contexts
05:18.17countdan__t: you get * installed?
05:18.20dan__tI di.
05:18.22dan__tdid, rather.
05:19.44countis it not anymore?
05:19.44spootnickcount: doesn't work
05:20.18countspootnick: with @family ?
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05:20.42dan__tNo, it's still installed, count.
05:20.48spootnickcount: yep. i suppose omitting the family would only force me to have the contexts in the database, so, no difference
05:20.56countcan you get your softphone to register with it?
05:21.06dan__tAre you talking with me, count?
05:21.08spootnickwhat troubles me is that the holy wiki says one can do that. i wonder how...
05:21.10countspootnick: you need the context in the database anyways, for lookups aren't you?
05:21.15countdan__t: yeah, sorry :)
05:21.27dan__tHow likely do you think it's going to be for me to pull that off, if I've not configured it at all?
05:21.30countthe holy wiki is lacking wrt to realtime info :)
05:21.41countdan__t: oh, you just got a bare default one? :)
05:21.43spootnickcount: i see that now
05:22.06countspootnick: It kind of sucks you have to touch extensions.conf for anything with realtime, huh? :)
05:22.12dan__tI edited it's prefix, because there are no working recent RPMs for RHEL/CentOS
05:22.15countdan__t: you intent on using IAX and not SIP?
05:22.31Vcothis thing would take war driving to a whole new level
05:22.32FuriousGeorgehas anyone ever installed a doorphone?
05:22.36dan__tfor pbx <-> pbx stuff, yes.
05:22.55dan__tbut softphone <-> pbx would be sip
05:24.00enderI just noticed something missing w/ * vs another PBX I've used.
05:24.07enderhow the heck do you do a page all?
05:25.27endernot that I'm missing it much, but I just know somebody is going to ask.
05:25.43dan__tSo what do you say, count?
05:25.54countdan__t: is your box local?
05:26.33dan__tIt is,.
05:27.30countsetting up a sip client should be easy
05:27.42dan__tclient, yes.
05:27.48countthat too :)
05:27.54dan__tThat's what I'm worried about.
05:27.58dan__tI have *zero* exposure to this.
05:28.10countin sip.conf
05:28.10dan__tBut hey, it looks bad-ass, so..
05:28.13dan__tI did install the samples.
05:28.17countyou need to define a user/peer
05:28.26countfor example:
05:28.39dan__tyou forgot the __'s
05:28.59dan__tdo I need a [general] section in there, per the examples?
05:29.11countYeah, but the default one should be fine for now
05:29.37countoh, wait
05:29.41fynEr ... how do I troubleshoot this iaxy thinger?  It says it "Got response back" from provisioning so it's listening on the IP it got from DHCP, I provisioned it with this: and not only does it not register and light up orange, but apparenly no traffic at all went to <ip> ... is it just mysteriously broken or is there something I can try?
05:29.44countyou need to define the context for inboundcalls
05:29.51dan__tcan I forget about that now
05:29.55dan__tjust focus on the outbounds
05:30.04dan__tbaby steps
05:30.11dan__tever seen "What About Bob?"?
05:30.25dan__tAlright then.
05:30.47countwhats that pastebin site
05:30.52countso I don't flood irc with example configs
05:32.22countsomething simple like that
05:32.34countthis'll get you started with sip calls + voicemail eventually
05:33.11dan__tthat is all part of sip.conf?
05:33.19countyou can throw it in at the bottom
05:33.22dan__tcan there exists two identical contexts in the same file?
05:33.28dan__tcan there exist, rather.
05:33.29countthose aren't contexts
05:33.34countthose are sip peers/users
05:33.37countone is a user one is a peer
05:33.43countyou could define them both at once as a 'friend'
05:33.48countbut I've not had good experience that way
05:33.57countone lets you recieve calls (peer)
05:34.01countthe other lets you make them (user)
05:35.04dan__tOh, I see.
05:35.13dan__tand what dictates that is the type= directive.
05:35.24rtto connect from a soft phone, presumably you'd use some kind of sip: url?
05:35.35countrt: depends on the softphone
05:35.41countwith say, xten
05:35.45countyou use a DNS record
05:35.47dan__tWhich softphone would you recommend
05:35.50countand just a username
05:35.51dan__tthat's just clean and simple.
05:35.52countI use xten
05:36.04countI think there's a free version
05:36.13countsame as the $$ version, but doesn't use the G729 codec
05:36.17BrijnYes, there is
05:36.21countwhich won't really matter to you for now
05:36.28countG711 is fine for setup and testing
05:37.38dan__txten is what messed me up last time
05:37.44dan__tI was trying to connect to *
05:37.53dan__tI was like.  Oh shit.
05:38.06BrijnIt's not bad, and a good docs on voip-info
05:38.15countxten is kinda neat, it takes 3 lines to get my sip account working :)
05:38.18count3 config entries
05:38.22countuser, pass, and domain
05:38.34countnot sure how well it'd work if you don't have SRV records in dns for your * though
05:38.59Brijncount: Just dump in the IP
05:39.09countok, cool
05:39.11dan__tthat's what I had planned.
05:39.13countI've always had the SRV
05:39.16countso it wasn't a deal
05:39.19countbut that's good to know
05:39.24*** part/#asterisk jaike (n=a@
05:39.40fynHow do you update the firmware on an iaxy?
05:40.11countdan__t: let me know when you're ready for step2
05:42.10dan__t"call not approved", from the * console.
05:42.43countset verbose 15
05:42.48counton the asterisk cli
05:42.50countand make sure you do
05:42.52countsip reload peers
05:42.57countafter you edit sip.conf
05:44.19dan__tsame thing, nothing on the console.
05:45.00countwhat does the xten sya?
05:46.51BrijnTry dtmfmode=rtc2833 then "sip reload"
05:47.33dan__t*CLI>     -- Saved useragent "X-Lite release 1103m" for peer dant
05:47.39dan__tthat looks kinda promising.
05:47.50countdo sip show peers
05:48.12dan__tyup.  what the hell, yum, too.
05:48.29countdoes sip show peer show you ?
05:49.16countthat's step one
05:49.21countyour phone registeres successfully
05:49.30dan__tyou sure you don't mind helping me out with this?
05:49.37countnaw, I'm watching * compile
05:49.41countover and over
05:49.53counttrying to get the beta installed
05:49.58countso I got plenty of time :)
05:50.45Brijncount: Many changes in the beta?
05:50.45countAnd I remember how incredibly frustrating it was trying to get started
05:50.59countBrijn: yeah, the changelog is kinda long
05:51.04dan__tthanks, i appreciate it.
05:51.05countI <3 Realtime
05:51.14countnot having to reload to change the dialplan == priceless
05:51.32BrijnCa imagine in larger installs
05:51.38countstoring everything, dialplan, sip, voicemail, cdr, etc in postgres == really easy to have multiple frontend asterisk boxes working off the same set of configs
05:51.54countI'm prepping for a few thousand sip users
05:52.13dan__ti'm preparing for 1
05:52.16BrijnMigration from old style PBX or new install
05:52.21countBrijn: new install
05:52.27countF TDM
05:52.31countI hate that shit with a passion
05:52.39countnow my nemesis is NAT
05:53.26dan__tSo let's discuss step 2 here, count
05:53.39countwhat you've done so far
05:53.46countis create a sip user/peer
05:53.48dan__tset up sip client
05:53.50countto allow inbound/outbound calling by your softphone
05:53.51BrijnYou do * consulting? @ count
05:53.55countBrijn: sorta
05:54.13countBrijn: hosting of * boxes
05:54.24Vcohe has this great scam where he "helps" you throug a setup in irc channels...
05:54.32BrijnASP solu for VoiP
05:54.39Vcothen sends thugs to collect on the invoice
05:54.56countBrijn: yeah :)
05:54.59countVco: hahaha
05:55.07countNo, some dude tried that to me when Iw as first starting out
05:55.08dan__tsounds great.
05:55.13counthe was all like 'Ill help sure! just msg me'
05:55.28countand then I msged him and he goes 'I charge $89.95/hr, send me your paypal info'
05:55.43countIf I wanted to pay, I'd call digium
05:55.45countBut I don't
05:55.46countso I'm on irc
05:55.51countright dan__t ?! :)
05:56.01dan__tThere you go.
05:56.15countstep 2
05:56.20countdid you read anything about contexts?
05:56.24BrijnI got some good help here yesterday as well. When you start all is strange
05:56.29dan__tA little bit, yes.
05:56.32countBrijn: ain't that the damn truth
05:56.37dan__tThe general idea, I understand.
05:56.44countin your sip user/peer
05:56.47countyou set 'context'
05:56.59countif you just copy/pasted, it was 'sip-internal'
05:57.26dan__tI see.
05:57.26Brijnif it in [general] it will inherit down?
05:57.29countnow, we go to extensions.conf
05:57.35countBrijn: yeah, thos esetting apply globally
05:57.37countunless overridden, I think
05:57.41countnot sure about overrides
05:57.50countbut I think it's a 'most specific' type thing
05:57.59countdan__t: we need to create a context
05:58.10countthis would be your starting point for what gets done based on buttons you press :)
05:58.51countexten => 100, 1, Playback(demo-thanks)
05:59.01countStick that at the bottom of extensions.conf for now
05:59.43countadd this line under that:
05:59.47dan__tDo I need to reload extensions now or something?
05:59.48Vcoso new linksys/cisco skype phone huh..
05:59.50countexten => 100, 2, Hangup()
06:00.02countafter you edit these files you gotta reload extensions
06:00.07Vcowhich is kinda gay since it's just a cordless
06:00.12Vcoand only works with skype
06:01.35countdial 100
06:01.38counton your xten
06:01.43countand watch the console
06:01.44*** join/#asterisk digime (
06:02.16Vcoyou set the xten to transmit silence right?
06:02.27BrijnHahh, worked for me (following this, I started yesterday :) )
06:02.30countBrijn: :)
06:02.42dan__tvery cool.
06:02.45dan__tthere's some hot slut on the phone
06:02.49dan__tNo, just kidding :(
06:03.30dan__tyeah that's kinda neat.
06:03.52countYou've done a few things there
06:03.55count1) you know xten works
06:03.58count2) you know asterisk works
06:04.14countso lets look at what that context did
06:04.17countthe first line
06:04.26count[sip-internal] is obviously the name of the context
06:04.38countyou use that name to reference it in sip.conf and other chan configs (like for IAX)
06:04.55dan__tinside extensions.conf?
06:05.11countyou create contexts in extensions.conf
06:05.15countand then reference them from the other files
06:05.17countsuch as sip.conf
06:05.30countso in your sip peer entry for [dant] the line 'context=sip-internal'
06:05.37countreferences extensions.conf context [sip-internal]
06:05.52countunlike sip.conf, however, you can only have one context of a given name
06:05.58countso you can never define another [sip-internal] in extensions.conf
06:06.22dan__tI see.
06:06.43Brijncount: I have [iaxfwd] in iax.conf.. How do you call such an header there, that is not a context?
06:06.44dan__tWould you mind explaiing "dialplan" to me again, please?
06:07.06Brijnsince there is also a line context=
06:07.16countdan__t: just a sec
06:07.31countBrijn: thats an iax user/client or whatever
06:07.36countnot sure what the protocol term is for iax
06:07.51countbut the same thing, your 'context=' line references a context in extensions.conf
06:08.00countok, dialplans
06:08.01Brijnfollowing that now
06:08.03countthis is the fun stuff
06:08.19countI assume you all have worked at an office with a pbx right?
06:08.41countor at least understand the concept of 'extensions' ?
06:08.47countI'm at extension 1000
06:08.48countor whatever
06:09.05countin extensions.conf, that first field after exten=> is the extension
06:09.08countthat's what you dial
06:09.21countthe second item, the '1' or '2'
06:09.23countis the priority
06:09.34dan__tyeah i remember that part.
06:09.36countthe third item is the action to take
06:09.39*** join/#asterisk scfrec (
06:10.04countwhen you dial 100, asterisk looks in your context for an extension with that number
06:10.14scfrechello to all.
06:10.26countIt then goes to priority '1' in this case
06:10.31scfrecsmall question - i need to forward all outgoing cals via IAX2
06:10.36count(there are other special priorities I'm not gonna cover yet)
06:10.44scfrecis any good faq? ?
06:11.31countIt executes the item in priority 1
06:11.42countthen it looks for priority 2 (assuming priority 1 runs properly)
06:12.10Brijncount: if you have more then one prio 1, will it complain,or execute them in the sequence in the list
06:12.13countscfrec: you could try putting _1XXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(IAX2/peer)
06:12.15countin your dialplan
06:12.22countBrijn: it'll not work :)
06:12.39countit might do something, bu tI dont think it's deterministic
06:12.43countI think it just barfs
06:12.53countyou can use priority 's'
06:12.56countas the start
06:13.00Vcoususally, if there is a ,s, in teh context it will drop you there
06:13.01countand have a bunch of those in a row
06:13.09countYeah, what Vco said
06:13.43countSo, to setup a small dialplan
06:13.47countyou could do something like:
06:14.00countexten => 1700,1, Dial(SIP/count)
06:14.00countexten => 2000,1, Dial(SIP/support)
06:14.01countexten => 3000,1, Dial(SIP/sales)
06:14.07Rowtersomething strage I been noticing, at the end of the day I see some DISA on show channel just hanging there, as if they got stuck there.. any ideas?
06:14.38*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
06:15.16countdan__t/Brijn: so far so good?
06:15.20countthe SIP/count
06:15.22countin Dial
06:15.28dan__tYes, I follow
06:15.29countis how you tell a call to go to a specific peer
06:15.38countso I would have a [count] peer defined in sip.conf
06:15.44countand to send a call to him, Dial(SIP/count)
06:15.49Brijnyep! Just tried the welcome/hangup both with prio one (and ext reload'ed), worked ok
06:16.02countwhat'd it do brijn?
06:16.06countoh, execute them in order?
06:16.08dan__tSo... using _1XXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(IAX2/peer) generally means dial up to 10 numbers, across IAX2 peer named "peer" ?
06:16.09*** join/#asterisk gres (n=serg@
06:16.41Brijn_1 means starting with 1?
06:17.11Vco_1800XXXXXXX would be any 800 toll free etc
06:17.24dan__tWould I have to explicitly dial 1?
06:17.29dan__tWhat if I ust want to dial 555-555-5555
06:17.53Vcothen drop the 1 and have 10 X's
06:18.15lanceyi *can't* sleep
06:18.16lanceyholly shit
06:18.24Vcowho's holly?
06:18.29countis she hot?
06:18.31lanceysomeone lend me a hammer
06:18.39Vcowell..she's kinky aparantly
06:18.44countdan__t: it gives you more flexibility when you have a mandatory first digit
06:18.48countkinda like 'dial 9 to get an outside line'
06:18.51Vcoie. (
06:18.55countnot a big deal at home or whatever
06:18.56SwKdont use 10 Xs for north american numbers... use _NXXNXXXXXX
06:18.57VcoYa, what he said
06:19.10Brijncount: do you have good URL with the "rules" for these numbers? has a few examples
06:19.25countasteriskguru does too I think
06:20.02BrijnOhh, I'll have a look at Guru, didn't find anything at voip-info (but will search again)
06:20.16lanceyBrijn anything about what?
06:20.46dan__tbrb man
06:20.49dan__tsomething came up.
06:20.59BrijnA nice overview of the rules for using in number plans, much like a regexp overview for Perl
06:21.20lanceywhat rules?
06:21.27lanceythe number wildcards?
06:21.37countWhile I'm giving newbie help, does anyone watching have any docs on storing voicemail messages in a database, odbc style?
06:21.44countI know it's possible!
06:21.48countbut I can't see how :(
06:21.59SwKstarting with _ means its a patern
06:22.03BrijnRelated question.. The default config has an entry for meetme, it says: exten => _8X,1,Macro(user-callerid) and then later exten => _8XX,1,Macro(user-callerid)  etc etc
06:22.06SwKX means any digit 0 - 9
06:22.14SwKN means many digit 2 - 9
06:22.18lanceyN means 2-9
06:22.21SwKand . mean follow up with anything
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06:22.34lanceySwK is absolutely correct
06:22.35countfreenode has ipv6 support ?
06:22.37BrijnI read this as Everting starting with 8 and has 8+one digit, 8+two digit etc
06:22.46countBrijn: yeah
06:22.46lanceyand i do believe says this for sure
06:23.04BrijnSwK, ones are normally noy used in American numbers????
06:23.05lanceyBrijn so whats unclear to you?
06:23.17Brijnlancey: it doesn't work :-)
06:23.21SwKso _NX. would match ^[2-9][0-9]$(ANYTHING)
06:23.24BrijnI have a meetme.conf with:
06:23.35countBrijn: do you have ztdummy or zaptel hardware installed?
06:23.49Brijnconf => 8200
06:23.58lanceyBrijn what doesn't work
06:23.59BrijnUhmmm, euhhhh, huhhh
06:23.59SwK1s are using in NANP numbers all the time, just not for the first or the 4th digit ever (in a 10 digit number)
06:24.05lanceypost here an example
06:24.09Brijn:) Don't think so :)
06:25.12SwKexten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(${EXTEN:1}) would catch a North American number and dial it after stripping the 9
06:25.40BrijnSwK: Ahh, so area codes are never with a 1, is that because 011 is used for international calling? (I just moved from .nl to .ca, so need to get used to this)
06:25.57dan__tgod damnit.
06:26.00lanceyBrijn: look closely :
06:26.05dan__ti'll be back in like 30 mins here, count.
06:26.10countdan__t: I'll be up for a while yet
06:26.11dan__tI appreciate the help, and apologize for this.
06:26.14countit's only 2:30am :)
06:26.14SwKareacodes in NPA (area codes) and NXX's (Exchanges) never have 1 for the first digit
06:26.20lanceyit can't be explained more perfect
06:26.32Brijnlancey: Bookmarked!!
06:26.48lancey:) is netherlands right?
06:27.22lanceyit appears to be a good thing i can't sleep :)
06:27.28countsleep is overrated
06:27.32SwKyeah .nl is Netherlands
06:27.34countesp. when there is irc available
06:27.39lanceycount so are my eyes and head :)
06:27.42countWhy would you move to canuckia from .nl? :)
06:27.50Brijncount: I need a ztdummy for conferences?
06:27.51SwKfree healthcare?
06:27.56Brijncount: Mountains!!!!!
06:28.04BrijnSwK: same in .nl
06:28.05countBrijn: depends, do you have zaptel hardware?
06:28.07SwKyou need some kind of timing source for meetme
06:28.17Brijncount: No sir
06:28.20countI need ztdummy 'cause I'm pure software
06:28.23*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
06:28.24countyeah, then you need ztdummy :)
06:28.31*** join/#asterisk Snake-Eyes (n=blog@
06:28.31BrijnOnly the cool boys have that :)
06:28.46countall the coolcats are pure voip
06:28.48SwKtdm > SIP/IAX at times
06:29.01SwKcount I wanna see you send a 50 page fax over SIP or IAX
06:29.04Brijntdm ==  signaling on POTS?
06:29.09JamesDotComsip > tdm > iax
06:29.16lanceyBrijn: TDM = Time Division Multiplexing
06:29.19countSwK: fax == 19th century
06:29.23counthere in 2005 we have email
06:29.26SwKtdm is Time Domain Multiplexing which is how calls are encoded on T!s and E1s
06:29.26lanceytheres TDM over Ethernet, for e.g.
06:29.28Brijnand pDF
06:29.34countlancey: ew
06:30.05SwKcount: yeah well here in 2005 corporate america still uses those old crappy fax machines
06:30.07BrijnAh, so my ISDN PRI with 30 channels, is TDM'ed
06:30.11countSwK: T.38 ftw
06:30.21countof course, my t.38 relay drops it onto tdm
06:30.25SwKcount last time I looked T.38 doesnt work with asterisk
06:30.25countbut faxes aren't cool in any sense
06:31.02*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
06:31.05wunderkinthey are working on it now
06:31.10SwKuntil that changes most companies will want TDM hardware for their asterisk servers
06:31.22countor just don't use asterisk for fax
06:31.26|Vulture|Anyone ever seen this?
06:31.38|Vulture|I am getting this on inbound calls on that line, through a TDM
06:31.54*** join/#asterisk tclineks (
06:31.59countno, sorry :)
06:32.28lancey|Vulture| misconfigured zap devices?
06:32.41|Vulture|lancey: the other channels work
06:32.45SwKmisconfigured CID type?
06:32.54tclinekscan someone point me to setting up email notification upon voicemail arrival?
06:33.00SwKwhat kind of TDM interface?
06:33.13|Vulture|its just a digium TDM with 4 FXS cards
06:33.15BrijnHow complex is interfacing to a ISDN PRI if you have not to much experience in that area?
06:33.20tclineksideally attaching the message (not sure if this is supported out of the box)
06:33.25SwKFXS or FXO?
06:33.26|Vulture|Brijn: very easy
06:33.31lanceyBrijn it's easy
06:33.38SwKprobably a blown module
06:33.38lancey|Vulture| FXS & FXO?
06:33.45|Vulture|4xFXO with FXS signal
06:33.53|Vulture|lancey: 2 different conversations
06:34.04lanceyas i said
06:34.06SwK|vulture| hit it with ztmonitor and see if the noise floor is a lot higher on that channel
06:34.07|Vulture|lancey: I use sangoma for my PRIs
06:34.08lanceyi can't sleep
06:34.15SwK|vulture| but it could be a module going bad
06:34.20BrijnOur PBX might be needing replacement in the near future, would be interesting to see if there is a business case for moving to * with all VoiP phones
06:34.20lanceyit's getting results :)
06:34.30|Vulture|SwK: I bet your right... good thing I got an extra in that one
06:34.33SwKbrijn there is
06:34.38|Vulture|SwK: Ill try that tomorrow
06:34.53|Vulture|Brijn: do you have branch offices?
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06:35.06SwKbrijn: how many extension?
06:35.20BrijnVulture: Not yet, but that will come, and then it's becoming a lot more attractive all of a sudden
06:35.30BrijnSwK: only 40
06:35.36|Vulture|yea we have 10 offices and the * system has been a lifesaver
06:36.01|Vulture|Brijn: hook yourself up with one of the Flex PRIs from XO and you will have all the LD you need in all your offices :)
06:36.02countunless you like bleeding money for call manager :)
06:36.09|Vulture|count: lol
06:36.17BrijnVulture: LD???
06:36.27countLong Distance
06:36.28|Vulture|Long Distance
06:37.07|Vulture|SwK: yea that channel is reading a high level of RX interference
06:38.05SwKbrijn: at 40 extensions with all new phones you're only talking about a $20K max for a complete replacement with big PBX like features which you would spend probably $15K alone on the PBX phones
06:38.32countPolycom for the win
06:38.36|Vulture|I vote IP601
06:38.50|Vulture|or the 501 w/PoE
06:38.50counthaha, yeah
06:38.52countthat phone rules
06:38.54|Vulture|for 40 extensions
06:39.00SwKthat 20K estimate (which is very rought) was with poly's ;)
06:39.01BrijnI might get one of these Polycom phones (IP501?) for at home, seems like a nice phone
06:39.03|Vulture|Netgear switch...
06:39.04countI'm stuck on a 501 with special poe :)
06:39.10countget the 601
06:39.12countit's nicer
06:39.14SwKi have IP500s and they rock
06:39.14countand not much more
06:39.19|Vulture|I only have 50X
06:39.26countme too
06:39.28|Vulture|I want to get a 601 but its overkill for the offices
06:39.37|Vulture|they just started coming down in price
06:39.46countthe xhtml browser screen jibbie makes it really useful in like a call center
06:39.48SwKyeah 601s seem like overkill for anything I need
06:39.49|Vulture|now they are like $100 more than 500s they use to be 2x as much
06:39.50countpoint it at queue stats and stuff
06:40.10count501 is $170, 601 is $210/220 I think
06:40.15SwKcount: thats why we wrote a call center softphone
06:40.18|Vulture|thats cheap for a 601
06:40.25count has polycom for stupid cheap
06:40.33count(not my site, I just buy from them alot )
06:40.41count$20 cheaper on the 501 than anyone else
06:40.49countJust remember to ask for the newer firmware
06:40.56countspeeds up reboots of the phone considerably!
06:40.57SwK$200s for a IP50X is not a bad price
06:41.08SwKjust get the firmware from freedomphones
06:41.14countthey don't have the latest
06:41.19countor didn't last I checked
06:41.21countis it up now?
06:41.23|Vulture|I pay $180ish for the 501 and about 200 for the 501 w/PoE
06:41.25SwKI dunno
06:41.37SwKis there something newer then 1.5.2?
06:41.38|Vulture|didn't freedomphones take the firmware offline?
06:41.44SwKno its still there
06:41.52SwKit just got nuked off the wiki for some reason
06:41.54|Vulture|don't think its linked on the wiki
06:41.57count1.5.3 is out
06:42.04countand bootrom 3.0.1
06:42.17|Vulture|yea but 3.0.1 is really just for the X01 series
06:42.23countThat's what we use, the 501
06:42.29lanceyanyone of you tried PA168-based IP phones?
06:42.32lanceyi'm pretty happy
06:42.40lanceyand it does IAX also
06:42.47lanceyand almost any codec, including iLBC
06:42.50Brijnlancey: What brand is that?
06:42.51lanceyfirmware opensourced...
06:42.58lanceyBrijn this is a chip solution
06:43.00|Vulture|IAX is nice but IAX2 is gunna be around soon
06:43.07lanceythere are many products using it
06:43.10SwKwe're already useing IAX2 I thought
06:43.19|Vulture|Im tired
06:43.24|Vulture|I duno what I was thinking
06:43.34SwKhence the iax2 command ;)
06:43.44lanceyi've been using 4 ATCOM's for 3 months now
06:43.45|Vulture|yea something v2 is coming out
06:43.47lanceynow flows at all
06:43.50countlancey: does it do g729?
06:43.54lanceycount yes
06:44.05countonly $67?
06:44.10countit doesn't suck ass like the grandstream does it?
06:44.12lanceyand this is price here in Bulgaria
06:44.15countholy shitty speakerphone batman
06:44.16|Vulture|I love 729 for remote phones
06:44.34lanceycount: it's nothing fancy, it's $67 at all..
06:44.52countlancey: nothing fancy is fine
06:44.52lanceyit has 2-line display
06:44.56countAs long as it works well
06:45.03countThe gxp2000's speakerphone was painful
06:45.06lanceycomfortable enough
06:45.07tclineksDoes anyone have any experience with a handytone-286 for non-voip phone connectivity
06:45.18lanceyspeakerphone is not something to be proud of, though
06:45.20lanceybut it works
06:45.28lanceyAND it has 2 ethernet ports
06:45.33lanceysomething i've search long for
06:45.44lanceyand they are 100 mbits
06:45.49BrijnHow is speakerphone on the IP501, being polycom I would expect really good?
06:45.52lanceynot 10 like the cisco ATA 188s
06:46.04count^^^ that ws for Brijn
06:46.20lanceyBrijn Polycom phones are G O O D
06:46.28lanceyi don't have bigger letters :)
06:46.31tclineksI'm using the aforementioned handytone and and the sound quality is terrible, unusable.
06:46.41countMy only bitch about polycom is that they don't offer support (ie, firmware) to non-partners
06:46.46BrijnWe had a few analog ones i my previous company, and they were indeed very good
06:46.49tclinekswhat i get for buying cheap hardware?
06:46.59countand you can't be a partner without being certified by one of their tech partners, who are competitors of most asterisk installers :)
06:47.00SwKif your going to get SIP phones for your Asterisk PBX you can not go wrong with a) Polycom or b) Ciscos
06:47.09SwKCiscos are nice also
06:47.14countciscos are $$ though, compartively
06:47.16countbut nice, yes
06:47.19SwKnot really
06:47.22lanceyLinkSys PAP2-NA and normal phones work very good, too
06:47.34SwKPAP2s are cisco ;)
06:47.44countlinksys==sipura==cisco now
06:47.47countso much for competition!
06:47.54|Vulture|I don't really like cisco
06:47.58SwKwhats competition?
06:48.00|Vulture|I have issues with them on VLANs
06:48.08SwKLinkSys == Sipura in the first place
06:48.09|Vulture|but the new firmware seems to fix that
06:48.52SwKa linksys pap2 == sipura spa-2001 w/ different plastic and skin ont he web ui
06:49.01lanceybye guys
06:49.17|Vulture|speaking of linksys... I love my WRT54Gs!
06:49.52BrijnI have been looking at these uber geile VoiP WiFi phone, very nice, but a bit expensive :(
06:50.14countcisco's/moto have the dualmode 802.11/CDMA phone coming out soon
06:50.16|Vulture|have they gotten any better?
06:50.23countor is it 802.11/GSM
06:50.40|Vulture|the old cisco phone doesn't have a sip image
06:50.43|Vulture|the 802.11
06:51.27countthey mgcp or sccp ?
06:53.21BrijnTime to leave.. Many thanx for all the help/explanations!!! CY
06:54.03countasterisk needs to start using a configure --prefix script
06:54.09countthis make file mess kills me
06:55.15SwKautoconf would be nice
06:55.56countit makes packaging it a pain in the ass
06:56.11countor, say, not installing configs to /etc
06:56.15counter, /etc/asterisk
06:56.43countso SwK, do you have any experience on storing vmail messages via odbc?
06:56.56SwKi wrote some of those patches
06:57.13SwKso yes
06:57.27SwKbut you probably dont wanna know what I really think about it
06:57.27counthow in gods name do you enable it?!
06:57.40countwhat's that?
06:57.47SwKuncomment the define in the makefil
06:57.59*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
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06:59.01SwKcount: look around line 75 in the apps/Makefile
06:59.06countyeah, got that
06:59.07tclinekscould someone point me in the path of setting up email notification upon voicemail arrival?
06:59.45SwKtclineks: look at voicemail.conf.sample in asterisk/configs in the source
06:59.56countyeah, 90% of that file is about email notification
07:00.12SwKiirc its like this tho mailboxnum => passcode,Users Name,
07:00.59SwKtheres some more options but if you have an MTA setup correctly and it has a standard "sendmail" wrapper (or you are using sendmail) it should "just work" (tm)
07:01.32tclineksSwK i have that much set up
07:01.35tclineksmta is functional
07:01.50countSwK: so, after building that, set 'odbstorage=dbnamefrom res_odbc'?
07:02.01countdoes qmail have a sendmail wrapper?
07:02.05tclinekscount: yes
07:03.05countodbc voicemail is bobobusted in the beta tgz
07:04.01*** join/#asterisk NoRemorse (n=axel@
07:04.21NoRemorsehi all, anyone here familair with openh323 use in asterisk? having trouble getting a call to place
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07:05.22SwKcount: yeah theres some info on it in the wiki I think
07:05.32SwKqmail ships with a sendmail wrapper
07:06.17SwKcount: odbc voicemail is just extra over head... it still writes out the files just like regular voicemail storage, then moves it to the DB then deletes the files
07:06.26SwKretrieval works opposite of that
07:06.46countSwK: thats fine
07:06.55countI'm trying to abstract out as much as physically possible from the local disk
07:06.57SwKgets the data from the DB, creates the files in spool/asterisk/voicemail... then plays them back then deletes them
07:07.02countand nfs is dirty
07:07.19SwKnfs works far better then odbc storage
07:07.33countconsidering it won't even compile
07:07.38countI'm inclined to agree :)
07:07.59*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
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07:18.27dan__tpower went out at work
07:18.41countUPS + genset!
07:20.22NoRemorseanyone know where pwlib and openh323 are installed to?
07:20.33*** join/#asterisk starman (
07:20.43countNoRemorse: wherever you told them to go?
07:23.10NoRemorsefound em didnt tell em anywhere lol. default is /usr/lcoal/lib
07:23.18countwtf does asterisk insist on having it's config directory outside of it's install directory :(
07:24.02NoRemorsehmm how do I disable all that gtk crap when compiling asterisk please?
07:24.24countgtk crap?
07:24.36Vco^ what he said
07:24.42NoRemorsepbx_gtkconsole.c:39:21: gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory
07:24.46countare you building the addons?
07:24.49countor asterisk itself?
07:24.56NoRemorseasterisk, just did a make
07:25.17NoRemorsewhat ARE the addons btw?
07:25.29NoRemorsesuch as.....
07:25.34Vcosql stuff..mp3..something..
07:25.39NoRemorseah ok thanks
07:25.42Vcohaven't looked in a while
07:25.45dan__tk back.
07:25.53dan__talright, count.  I think I'm ready for step 3
07:25.55dan__twait no.
07:26.07dan__tIn those extensions, can I pause the transfer, so it doesn't happen for like 5 seconds?
07:26.17countthat's the app 'Wait'
07:26.21dan__toh ok.
07:26.29dan__tlet me try that.
07:26.47countNoRemorse: your source package is wierd
07:26.53countI have a gtkconsole and stuff
07:27.05countbut just a make doesn't do anything
07:27.09countare you compiling from an xterm?
07:27.43*** join/#asterisk lenne_dk (
07:27.43countit looks like it looks for gtk-config
07:27.48countand if it sees it, it tries to compile that?
07:28.01dan__thrm, doesn't seem to be working
07:28.06dan__teven after I did a 'reload extensions'
07:28.17countwhats the console say
07:28.20dan__texten => 100, 1, Wait(5) is what I have
07:29.00countI think you need to answer before you can Wait ?
07:29.11counttry Answer() as prio 1, and Wait as 2
07:29.15dan__texecuting playback of demo-thanks, hangup
07:29.25dan__tI don't answer
07:29.28dan__tI mean it just answers
07:29.38dan__tThere's no directive in there like Answer()
07:29.47countI mean, put one in there
07:30.51dan__tIt goes "Buh bye...  Thank you for trying out the Asterisk Open Source PBX"
07:30.55NoRemorsehow do I disable gtk in asterisk please?
07:31.15dan__tlook at the Makefile?
07:31.15dos000is it not possible to transcode voice prompts in g729 ahead of time and then just stream the resulting packets ? why does it have to be done in real time
07:31.26countdos000: yes it's possible
07:31.28counteasy even
07:31.32countif you a g729 codec
07:31.35NoRemorsedan__t ther eis no occurance of the string gtk anywhere in asterisk dir
07:31.41countNoRemorse: yes there is
07:31.46dos000count anyone done it .. care to give howto
07:31.51NoRemorsedoh bet its caps
07:31.52countin /asterisk/pbx/Makefile
07:31.54countis where it is
07:32.13dan__tgrep -Ri "gtk" asterisk-source-dir
07:32.14NoRemorsewhat am I looking for if not gtk?
07:32.28countGTK_FLAGS=`${CROSS_COMPILE_BIN}gtk-config --cflags gthread`
07:32.29countGTK_LIBS=`${CROSS_COMPILE_BIN}gtk-config --libs gthread`
07:32.42countlines 22-24 of the Makefile
07:32.43dan__tit's gotta be before that.
07:32.54countdos000: um
07:32.58countI did it
07:33.05dos000count pray tell how
07:33.11NoRemorseah its in pbx dir thanks
07:33.28dan__tAlright, so, my wait doesn't work.
07:34.27*** join/#asterisk mithro (
07:34.44countwhat happens?
07:34.58dan__tI call the extension, and it goes right to the message
07:35.56counton the * console do you see it execute the wait?
07:35.56dan__tNo, I do not.
07:35.56NoRemorseany here use dopenh323 before please?
07:36.06countdan__t: your extensions aren't reloaded I think
07:36.11*** join/#asterisk Snake-Eyes (n=blog@
07:36.19dan__tWell, look at that error
07:36.28dan__tSpawn extension (sip-internal, 100, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/dant-81f4'
07:36.34dan__tthat second priority, is the Wait()
07:36.40dan__tis Wait the right function?
07:36.51dan__t(What's the proper term, function or application?)
07:37.28lenne_dkIt appears that the sip reload didn't work?
07:37.45dan__tsip reload?  Thought it was reload extensions
07:37.59countthat exit non zero means you hungup
07:37.59lenne_dkSorry, yes
07:38.01countdidn't you?
07:38.06dan__tIt hung me up.
07:38.11dos000count did you read it from somewhere how to do it ?
07:38.17countdos000: yeah, I'm trying to find the link
07:38.32countdos000: you can always use record() from a phone that does g729 :)
07:38.43dan__tWhy does it answer with "Bum bye"
07:38.47dan__t"Buh bye", rather.
07:38.56lenne_dkTry "show dialplan" to see of the extensions are loaded correctly
07:39.16dos000count, but the prompts are in gsm/wav formats
07:39.36dan__tdoesn't look like they're all there.
07:39.51dan__tkilling * and restarting it altogether, loads it.
07:39.57dan__tper "show dialplan", anyway
07:39.59dan__tlet me try it
07:40.01countdan__t: cause that file is the last of a really long demo :)
07:40.08countI just use it cause it's easy to rememeber 'demo-thanks'
07:40.14countif you look in extensions.conf
07:40.18countat the demo extensions
07:40.22countyou'll see a huge number of them
07:40.30dan__tBut what's that got to do with my, uh, context
07:40.33dan__tcontext right?
07:40.49countjust change your sip context to 'demo' or whatever it is
07:40.55countand then you'll be able to dial/use those numbers
07:41.02dan__tlet me try this.
07:41.50dos000count, i am worried * will refuse to talk g729 if the lib support is not there.
07:42.14countno it won't
07:42.16countI've done it
07:42.29lenne_dkThe new grandstream BT100 firmware has a "Special feature" pulldown, which can be "Standard" or "MediaRing". What might it do?
07:42.29countyou just gotta make sure you get EVER one of those files
07:42.34countlike, beep.gsm :)
07:42.40countlenne_dk: ring tones?
07:43.32dan__tmkay... the context for my user is = demo, but when I reload and call back that extension, I get a fast busy signal
07:43.42countcall what extension?
07:43.48dan__tthat one that we made
07:43.51dos000count is this it ...
07:43.55dan__ti just changed the context from sip-internal to demo
07:44.07dan__toh shit
07:44.12dan__tbecause I used a # instead of ;
07:44.35dan__tNope just kidding.
07:44.38dan__tthat wasn't the problem.
07:45.19countthe one you made wont work
07:45.23countif you changed your context to demo
07:45.32countbecause you no longer have access to the sip-internal context you created
07:45.33dan__twhy not?
07:45.36countit's kind of like access control
07:45.41countyour 'context' is now 'demo'
07:45.47countso the only thing you can dial is in the 'demo' menu
07:46.24dan__tbut my uh, ... extension? ..., is 100
07:46.32countno :)
07:46.38countyou don't have an extension unless you set one up
07:46.46countits not assigned to your phone
07:46.49dan__tWe did.
07:46.54dan__tRemember that extension 100 that we made?
07:46.55countbut that's in a different context :)
07:46.58countyeah :)
07:47.14countHere's an example of why that works like that
07:47.18countI have 2 contexts
07:47.22countsip-internal and sip-external
07:47.30dan__t(I only have sip-internal)
07:47.40countyou also have dmeo
07:47.45countI'm just giving an example
07:47.51countinstead of demo, I have sip-external
07:48.07countSip-external is my default context for incoming calls on a public phone number
07:48.12countyou can call me over a 1800, for example
07:48.31countnow, I do'nt want you to be able to then dial 15555555555 and make an outbound call using my phone system
07:48.35countso I get billed for it
07:48.47countthe context, sip-external, doesn't have anything to dial outbound on
07:48.55countit just has a dial(SIP/count)
07:49.04countso it sends the incoming call to my sip phone
07:49.09counton my sip phone, however
07:49.20countI have an extension _1XXXXXXXXXX
07:49.28countwhich lets my sip phone, because it's in that context, dial outbound
07:49.45dan__tI see.
07:49.45countif your phone's context is 'demo'
07:49.53countIt's kind of like a menu system
07:50.03countcontext is the menu of choices in front of you
07:50.06countif you change what your menu is
07:50.11countyou don't get to see the old menu
07:50.16dan__tyeah i know
07:50.19countNow, there are commands to jump contexts within a dialplan
07:50.25dan__tbut I thought I called the demo context from my inbound uh... thing.
07:50.42countyou called from your outbound peer
07:50.42dan__t(what is thing?  you know what i'm talking about)
07:50.52countyour inbound user
07:50.58countyou get calls to your peer
07:51.15lanceypeer -> something you make calls TO
07:51.22lanceyuser -> something you get calls FROM
07:51.28lanceyfriend -> hermafrodite :)
07:51.50countfriends dont let friends use friends
07:52.20dan__tAlright, interesting.
07:52.25dan__tI think I've had enough for tonight, however.
07:52.34countthe next step
07:52.40dan__tI do appreciate the help.
07:52.43countis to play around with the 1358713513513580 commands available
07:52.46countand to setup voicemail!
07:52.49dan__tI'll be back tomorrow for sure.
07:52.50countno pbx is worthwhile without voicemail
07:52.52dan__tYes, definitely.
07:52.53countand mp3 music on hold
07:52.54dan__thaha yes.
07:53.09countits only 4am
07:53.11dan__tI have an idea for a product
07:53.14dan__twhich is why I want to explore *
07:53.15countyou can't be going to sleep :)
07:53.23NoRemorseshould I be using oh323.conf or h323.conf with openh323?
07:53.24lenne_dkOr interface with the tempeature sensors in the fridge...
07:53.27dan__tIt's 2am here, and I have to be up at the asscrack of nooon.
07:53.29dan__tnoon, rather.
07:53.44dan__tI slept like 2 hrs last night
07:53.48dan__tand maybe the same, the night before,
07:53.54countI average about 3-4 hours per night :)
07:54.12dan__tthen i'm going back to Phx Thurs for a few days
07:54.30dan__tI hate CO, so I fly back "home" 2-3 times/month
07:54.59countI was wondering what was
07:55.03countthought it might be philly
07:55.18dan__tI just moved to Denver for some work.
07:55.35dan__tnot really
07:55.50dan__tI'll be fscking with * from work
07:56.16dan__tthanks again for the help.
07:57.39NoRemorsedoes anyone have ANY idea what the diff between oh323.conf and h323.conf is?
07:57.40*** join/#asterisk Akelavlk (n=jansun@
07:57.43AkelavlkHello, is possible put ISDN2 cable directly to E1/T1 card?
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07:58.07NoRemorsethere seems to be 2 diff h323 chans available, OH323 and H323
07:58.15AkelavlkI mean without any other device.. Just plug cable into E1/T1
07:58.38NoRemorsewhat country isdn?
07:59.41NoRemorseAkelavlk: what country are u in?
08:00.13lanceyNoRemorse: H323 is NuFone's implementation
08:00.35NoRemorsecos in Australia, ISDN is BRI not PRI, so therefore it wouldnt work in E1 card need a BRI card
08:00.49NoRemorselancey: thank you!!! so no wonde rit aint working lol
08:01.54NoRemorseis the oh323.conf file identical? ie can I just rename h323.conf?
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08:03.02AkelavlkNoRemorse, In slovakia.
08:03.38AkelavlkNoRemorse, how is diffrence between BRI and PRI?
08:04.19NoRemorsethey are different, not sure exactly, similar to diff between say a phone line and isdn or say a t1 and e1
08:05.35AkelavlkHmm, I know that there are really small diffrences also.. But what diffrences :-)
08:05.48flendersguys if I have a message which is played in background when someone rings me, that tells the callee to dial the extension, when my extension is ringing, I can't see the caller id.
08:05.49AkelavlkAnyway, what ISDN hardware are you using?
08:06.01wasima BRI is 2B+1D, a PRI is 30B+1D
08:06.18flendersis there a way to pass the caller id to the extensions?
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08:06.45wasimflenders: its passed to the channel, in dialplan its available through a VAR
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08:08.53lanceyBRI is 2 channels
08:08.58lanceyPRI is 24/30 channels
08:09.12lanceyoh, someone has answered you
08:09.16lanceysorry :)
08:09.30lanceyi really had to sleep, though
08:10.53Akelavlklancey, thanks for answer..
08:11.30Akelavlklancey, So simpli we can say that PRI can be connect into E1/T1 right?
08:14.13AkelavlkAnd usually when you buy ISDN from telecom you have BRI type?
08:14.40lanceydepends on what you've ordered
08:14.49lanceyif you ask for 2 lines, it would be BRI
08:14.59lanceyif you ask for 24/30 lines, it would be PRI
08:16.48AkelavlkAnd when I buy some BRI hardware card with 4 BRI ports. It's possible configure any port such as inbound?
08:18.08wasimAkelavlk: yes, each BRI will give you 2 channels, for inbound and outbound (unless restriced by the telco)
08:18.33wasimso a quad-BRI, like from junghanns will give you a total of 8 voice/data channels to work off
08:19.03jboti guess bri is the Basic Rate Interface , an ISDN access interface type composed of two B-channels each at 64 kbps and one D-channel at 16kbps (2B+D).
08:19.11jbotmethinks pri is Primary Rate Interface, often called T1 or E1 (European Standard). E1 offers 30 ISDN B-Channels a 64kBit/s + 1 D-Channel with 64kBit/s. The T1 has 23 B-Channels + 1 D-Channel. Cards to use with *: T100P, E100P, TE410P, etc.
08:19.29jboti heard docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
08:19.30AkelavlkAha, so you can configure any of those channels like inbounds.
08:20.08*** join/#asterisk shimi (n=shimi@unaffiliated/shimi)
08:21.15AkelavlkJbot, it's not about asterisk. It's about protocols, standarts etc..
08:22.45shimiHi all. I have a weird problem with Asterisk. I installed Asterisk@Home, and did everything through Asterisk Management Portal, so it is probably not a typo on my behalf. The weird thing is that I defined an extension numbered "274". When people from over extensions call that number, what is heard it the "at the time of the tone, the time will be <and the current time>". The other way around (from 274 to other clients), calling works great. It is to b
08:22.46shimie noted that 274 is a true IP Phone (Grandstream GPX-2000 if it matters), while the other extensions are softphones (like kphone). It looks like the soft/hardphone is not related, because the weird reply is from Asterisk, and it doesn't even _get_ to the phone... Any idea?
08:27.45Rowterany idea what causes this link problem?  []Oct 12 03:23:15 WARNING[2335]: loader.c:325 __load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: fax_set_phase_d_handler
08:30.26Delvardo you need fax?
08:30.35Delvarif not no load it
08:31.38RowterDelvar, I need it am trying to make it work
08:32.08Rowterfirst it appear error: structure has no member named `verbose'
08:32.16Rowterand I comment it out as some ppl says on google
08:32.31Rowterthen it was able to compile but appears that undefined symbol
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08:33.07Admiral_Snydergood morning
08:35.42Admiral_Snydercan one of you help me with my VoIP Router?
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08:49.51AkelavlkIs there any web site where can I read about PBX hardware? I mean what hardware setup is good for middle size company etc.
08:50.28wasimAkelavlk: depends on the size and requirements
08:50.57AkelavlkI need 30 telephones and I have 1 PRI ISDN link from Telco.
08:51.59Akelavlk30 ISDN telephones.
08:55.23shimiwhy ISDN telephones ?
08:56.41AkelavlkBecause company has ISDN phones.. It's problem?
08:56.59shimiI don't think Asterisk supports that...
08:57.01Delvarget snom sip hpnes and an asterisk box with te*10p
08:57.32shimithat's what I am building in these days. a PRI (E1) connected to Digium TE110P with SIP extensions...
08:57.52AkelavlkYou mean that asterisk support just analog phones?
08:58.09shimino, asterisk talks in VoIP protocols, like SIP and IAX2
08:58.12AkelavlkI think, that doesn't matter if you have soft phone, analog or ISDN..
08:58.14Delvarif you can afford ISDN phones then you should be able to afford some snom 320's
08:58.38AkelavlkDelvar, snom 320 what is it?
09:00.24shimibut... it's not an ISDN phone...
09:00.42DelvarAkelavlk: asterisk supports SIP or IAX the best, as you can jsut plug the SIP phone into teh network and not have dedicated lines or ports int eh server, ie if you have 5 analug phones you need 5 ports in server, that 2x TDM cards :(
09:00.59Delvarthe SNOM 320 is a SIP phone,
09:01.07Delvarprobably one of the best iv used
09:01.28shimihow much does it cost? :)
09:01.34Delvardepends :)
09:01.48shimirough estimate ?
09:01.54AkelavlkDelvar,I know. But what if company has already bought phones? And It's usually has. Why they should buy next phones? Because SIP?
09:02.11Delvaroh you already have the phones?
09:02.21AkelavlkDelvar, better solution is use old phones just switch database..
09:02.22shimiISDN is kinda obsolete (for the end user...)...
09:02.24Delvarsorry i thought you were GOING to get them :)
09:02.48AkelavlkYes, company has some old phones..
09:03.10shimicheap VoIP phones cost around $80 per unit...
09:03.17Delvarsell them on ebay and buy snoms?! :)
09:03.30AkelavlkAlso good solution..:-)
09:03.38AkelavlkBut I need real one..
09:03.57AkelavlkSo question is, what kind of hardware I need..
09:04.16AkelavlkSome e1/t1 card with two ports?
09:04.19shimiagain, if you use asterisk, you need PRI hardware, like Digium TE110P... which supports all kinds of motherboards
09:04.20Delvari dont know.. iv never used ISDN phones with asterisk
09:04.37AkelavlkAnd then I need some channel banks?
09:04.54AkelavlkDelvar, What kind of phones do you have?
09:04.54Delvarof some sort yes
09:04.55shimiyou need channel banks that can talk with asterisk (probably over SIP)
09:04.58Delvari have snoms
09:05.09DelvarISDN to sip ones
09:05.14AkelavlkHow many snoms do you have?
09:05.25Delvarhere in this office we have about 20
09:06.06Akelavlkand what link do you have from telco?
09:06.40Delvarwell we have 1 PRI and one BRI and 4 analug and then we have our own VOIP (SIP) to
09:07.14AkelavlkAnd what kind of hardware do you have? I mean except snoms.
09:09.49Delvarhave an asterisk server... standard network gear switches etc...
09:10.42AkelavlkYes, but you have PRI and BRI, you you need plug this cable to some hardware card.
09:10.53AkelavlkWhat cards are you using exactly?
09:10.58iDunno^ anyone used one of those?
09:11.07iDunnoand had good experience with it, hopefully ;)
09:12.29AkelavlkWhat is that? It's one ISDN port?
09:12.46*** join/#asterisk tatuman (
09:15.38AkelavlkIt's one E1/T1 port? It seems like that.
09:15.40iDunnothat's just a BRI card.
09:16.44AkelavlkAha, yes I see.. So I can plug there just one ISDN phone.. Is there version with two ports?
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09:19.06shimiThere's a good chance that buying the ISDN cards and the computers to connect all the ISDN phones into it, will cost you much more than buying SIP phones :)
09:21.10AkelavlkHmm, there is just one problem with softphones FAX-ing.
09:24.05*** join/#asterisk NoRemorse (n=axel@
09:24.11shimisince when are you using a phone in order to fax?
09:24.26NoRemorsetip: dont ever recompile openh323 ince u have it compiled
09:24.29shimithere's an analog adapter to SIP (those are called "ATA"s)
09:25.31AkelavlkSmihi, Company has faxes.
09:26.00NoRemorseAkelavlk u r the guy with isdn2 and a E1 card right? what exactly you trying to do?
09:26.34shimiISDN faxes ?
09:26.51NoRemorseISDN is just a gigital phoneline of course u can send faxes
09:27.06shimiI know, my question is if his fax is digital or not
09:27.19AkelavlkNoRemorne.. Yes, may be.. But I have one ISDN30..
09:27.27shimiif he has an analog fax, he can use an ATA to connect it...
09:27.30AkelavlkAnd I am looking for hardware..
09:27.30NoRemorsemy guess is its not
09:27.37shimitoo bad for him
09:27.48shimiwell I'm off
09:28.05NoRemorsewell speaking from my own limited experience dont get a digium e1 card, use a cisco 5300 or similar
09:28.25AkelavlkAnd for testing I need plug there one or two faxes..
09:28.34AkelavlkAt this time I have just TDM400P.
09:28.42NoRemorsestandard analogue line fax machine?
09:28.54NoRemorsethey dont work over standard sip with codecs you need a special fax codec
09:29.03AkelavlkI thought that Digium has good piece of hardware..
09:29.13NoRemorseI just had troubles with it thats all. thats not to say you will :)
09:29.42AkelavlkAre you using also FAX-es?
09:31.22AkelavlkWow, CISCO 5300 looks like good piece of hardware.. Is compatible with Asterisk?
09:31.29NoRemorsetry it but make sure you use ulaw or alaw codecs, not a compressed one like g729 or gsm
09:31.44NoRemorseit is SIP V2 so yes
09:32.30NoRemorsecisco 5300 is not cheap, if you are on a budget, get the digium card going :)
09:32.52AkelavlkOk, I am checking that..
09:33.03Akelavlk4 T1/E1 is too much..
09:33.27NoRemorsewell 5300 can do at least 8
09:33.32NoRemorseso forget that hehe
09:33.53NoRemorsecost too much
09:33.55AkelavlkIt's really too much..
09:34.00NoRemorseprolly 5 to 10K USD
09:35.07AkelavlkIt's possible use E1/T1 and switch calls to FXO ports?
09:35.37NoRemorseof course thats what asterisk is all about
09:36.16AkelavlkWhat hardware are you using, BTW?
09:36.44NoRemorseI dont do any hardware telephony interconenct anymore, they are all H323 or SIP
09:36.54NoRemorseso just dell servers :)
09:37.17AkelavlkAnd you don't have any connection from telco? Just internet?
09:37.19NoRemorsewa susing a cisco 5300
09:37.24NoRemorse*was using
09:37.45NoRemorsethats right canceled E1's
09:38.09AkelavlkWhat if you want call to normal tel. number?
09:38.25AkelavlkYou meet some gateway, isn't it?
09:38.48NoRemorseyou get a sip cts servcie from a provider and send to that
09:38.54NoRemorseso yes a sip gateway
09:39.27NoRemorsebtw why exactl;y do you ahve to use FAX to test this? not a normalphone call? has the boss said "the fax still has to work over it" or something?
09:39.29AkelavlkWhat is it SIP STS service? I mean, I know what SIP is. But I never heard about SIP STS..
09:39.40NoRemorseCTS = call termination service, a gateway :)
09:39.50NoRemorsecommercial gateway service
09:39.56AkelavlkBecause, we already test normal phones, and boss wants test also faxes.
09:40.20NoRemorseok show him this :
09:40.43NoRemorseand explain that fax needs uncompressed VOIP codecs, and uses alot of bandwidth, and only works 50% of the itme u have to resend fax alot
09:40.52*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
09:41.26AkelavlkHmm, it's not good..
09:41.44AkelavlkI need solution which works on 100%.. Ok 90% is enought..
09:41.51NoRemorsenope, backwards step really, look to fax over IP or t38 relay with a cisco
09:41.54AkelavlkAnd how much does it cost? SIP CTS?
09:42.04*** join/#asterisk wasim (n=wasim@pdpc/supporter/active/wasim)
09:42.08NoRemorseless than an E1 rental :)
09:42.27NoRemorseand you dont have to rent 30 channels even if you are not using them....
09:42.56AkelavlkSounds good.. Really good. Where are you from, BTW?
09:43.17*** join/#asterisk djin (
09:43.19NoRemorseask the telco you get the E1 suplied from if they have a "Voip SIP gateway service"
09:43.32NoRemorse*DONT* bother with H323
09:43.36AkelavlkHmm, I am from Europe.. May be SIP CTS is something really new..
09:43.49NoRemorsehehe nah someone there will have it
09:44.05NoRemorsewell they'll have H323 anyways.... so just ask
09:44.12*** join/#asterisk langals (n=icechat5@
09:44.19AkelavlkOk, I am checking that SIP CTS service.. Looks like pretty good service..
09:44.30NoRemorseI am talking to abckward telcos in south east asia who have it so Europe should too :)
09:45.09NoRemorsewhats yuour telco called?
09:45.16NoRemorsethe E1 provider
09:45.48AkelavlkDial telecom.
09:46.12NoRemorseOMG do they ahve english?
09:47.29langalsHi there...I am having problems with Meetme and delays - I am using meetme with IAX2 softphones. When a delay from a participant occurs, then this remains until the participant hangs up and dials in again, which seems to fix the problem...
09:47.39langalsThe delays are up to 10 seconds
09:48.10langalsI am using jitterbuffer=yes, with typical jitter buffer settings
09:48.20Dr_Rayare you using ztdummy?
09:48.35NoRemorseAkelavlk: says that Dial Telecom Do sip :)
09:48.37AkelavlkNoRemorse, you mean if it's english company?
09:48.37langalsDr_Ray - no - we have a Zaptel card for timing
09:49.37AkelavlkNoRemorse, Wow pretty nice web page..
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09:49.50AkelavlkI hope, it's up to date.
09:50.37AkelavlkAnd what about stability of SIP CTS? I mean, it's stable like E1/T1?
09:51.05NoRemorseis your internet stable?
09:51.24AkelavlkHmm, It's not 100%...
09:51.25lanceyAkelavlk nothing is stable like E1 / T1
09:51.27NoRemorsekeep an ISDN2 for backup :)
09:51.27Assidokay funny thing.. i can hear my self as a robot.. on this box
09:51.34lanceyespecially VoIP
09:51.38lancey*any* kind of it
09:51.42NoRemorsethere has to be a tradeoff for thw savings :(
09:51.46AkelavlkNoRemorse :-)
09:51.52lanceyas a friend says
09:51.58lancey"voip is voip, keep that in mind"
09:52.10NoRemorseOMFG openh323 is taking HOURS to compile
09:52.11Assidtime  to update cvs
09:52.23lanceyNoRemorse yup
09:52.25AkelavlkYes, I hope one day, VoIP will be more stable than ISDN..
09:52.36NoRemorseunlikely :)
09:52.43wasimvoip is voip, lala la la la, voip is voip, lala la la la (with apologies to the original singer)
09:53.02NoRemorsevoip is choip
09:53.12wasimwe can use that as a chorus line :)
09:53.30wasimor maybe the backing vocals can sing choip, while the lead since voip ...
09:53.52AkelavlkHmm, Do you want create first VoIP song?
09:54.01NoRemorserocking robin, choip choip
09:54.48NoRemorseanyone doing a sip conference thingy at astricon this year?
09:56.38*** join/#asterisk kiko69 (
09:56.47NoRemorseAkelavlk: a more important question, what SPEED is your internet conenction at work?
09:57.01NoRemorseecxpecially the upstream speed
09:57.10Assidhow do you update zaptel when crc_ccitt is using it
09:57.15Assidand you cand rmmod any
09:57.58AkelavlkAt work, We have 2 Mbs download and 256 upload..
09:58.15AkelavlkAt home I have 3 Mbs in both ways. ;-)
09:58.26Akelavlk256 is not enought?
09:58.32kiko69anyone around to help with realtime unixODBC question?
09:58.54AkelavlkWhat is good connection when I will choose SIP CTS?
09:59.09Assidbesides rebooting;.. is there a way to unload zaptel modules?
09:59.57NoRemorsesymetrical, 1MB/1MB minimum
10:00.05*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
10:00.06NoRemorse256 will only take 3 calls
10:00.10AkelavlkFor how many people?
10:00.21NoRemorse1MB/80K or so
10:00.23AkelavlkBut I can use GSM codec, not?
10:00.40*** join/#asterisk h4mm3r` (
10:00.45NoRemorseso tahts about 13 or 14 calls, go to 2 or 3MBit for 30 calls
10:00.49NoRemorsenot for fax :)
10:01.04Assidgsm codec = 56Kbps dialup average
10:01.06Assidper line
10:01.09AkelavlkI know, I know.. Fax is just for testing..
10:01.56AkelavlkAnd how many GSM calls can I can get from 256 kbs?
10:02.06NoRemorseah ok thats fine then. I thought gsm was 12 or 13k?
10:02.34AkelavlkYes.. 16 Kbs with all things, I guess..
10:02.44Assid256 ? 8 calls maybe?
10:03.09AkelavlkWhat link do you have?
10:03.12Assidme ?
10:03.26Assidim using asterisk on a dedicated server
10:03.27*** join/#asterisk Igbothom (
10:03.40Igbothomg'day all
10:03.44NoRemorseback later
10:03.45AkelavlkAha.. So no inbound channel?
10:03.46*** part/#asterisk NoRemorse (n=axel@
10:03.48Assiderr... > 100mbit burst.. 1MB/+sec
10:03.55Assidand then re-route calls
10:04.32AkelavlkSo you are using asterisk only for internal communication?
10:04.37AkelavlkWhat link do you have from Telco?
10:05.56Assidthey are using 3Mbps.. for some offices
10:06.03Assidand 512kbps for certain others
10:06.24Akelavlk3Mbs upload and download..
10:06.35Assid3mbit up and i think 1 down
10:06.48Assidbut they are upgrading the plan to the 15mbps
10:07.08Akelavlk15 Mbs is pretty good speed.
10:07.27Assidthe isp actually screwed up and disabled their account by mistake
10:07.36Assidso they are giving some part of it complimentary or something
10:07.46Assidfor a much cheaper price
10:09.48AkelavlkThat's fine.. It's same in Europe.. But at this time 2 mbs is normal speed of link.. I heard that In Japan they have 150 Mbs..
10:09.59Assidthose guys are psychos
10:10.05Assidipv6 is main stream there
10:10.36Assidsomeone i believe came up with ipv8
10:10.47Assidi saw an article longgggg ago
10:11.04AkelavlkArticle about ipv8?
10:11.06Assidthey wanted to push v8 instead of v6 and be ready for anything in future
10:11.08AkelavlkAre you sure?
10:11.17Assiddidnt make much noise
10:11.21Assidcoz.. it fizzed out
10:11.40Assidgoogle for ipv8
10:11.49Igbothomyeah, kinda died out
10:12.29Assidipv6 apparently is superior
10:12.40Assidwas just on it
10:12.40Igbothomit was, from what I remember, kinda unlikely to take off as a protocol because it wasn't that great
10:13.40Assidim waiting for v6 to come main stream
10:13.42Assidwould be fun
10:14.20*** join/#asterisk veto (
10:14.29AkelavlkYes, about ipv6 is talking long time..
10:14.37AkelavlkBut still nothing..
10:14.56Assidcertain isps here.. actually give you internal ips..
10:15.06*** join/#asterisk HiltonT (
10:15.14Assidand if you want static.. they charge around 100$ /yr
10:15.22Assid120 or so
10:16.29lanceyi should try that out
10:16.33Akelavlk120$ per year for static IP? Hmm, it's 70 $ in our country..
10:16.45lanceyAkelavlk it should not cost a penny
10:16.51Assidas i said
10:16.55Assidsome isps act stupid
10:16.59Assidi get dhcp ip
10:17.05Assidatleast its global
10:17.08AkelavlkYes, I think so.. They just setup system...
10:17.10Assidand not internal
10:17.16lanceyAssid: yup, this is normal
10:17.22lanceybut giving private IPs is...
10:17.35lanceyi don't know how to say it
10:17.49JamesDotComthe price of ip's from APNIC
10:17.53JamesDotComis a little different to ARIN
10:17.55Akelavlksht :-) Or fck..
10:17.58JamesDotComthat's the difference
10:18.07lanceyif i sell our IPs i would earn more than we earn now :)
10:19.40RoyKmorning, morons
10:19.43JamesDotComyou cant own ips in apnic anymore ;(
10:20.09X-Robyou never could.
10:20.15Assidstupid idiots should start bringing v6 in now
10:20.16HiltonTJamesDotCom; not for quite a number of years now
10:20.21Assidits kinda time to do so
10:20.39HiltonTX-Rob; sure?  I know some places who own /24 subnets from APNIC
10:20.48X-Robyou don't own 'em
10:20.49JamesDotComyeah, you could
10:20.52JamesDotComyears ago
10:20.54X-Robyou have 'em on loan from apnic
10:20.58X-Robthey didn't charge you for 'em
10:21.05JamesDotComas of several years ago
10:21.06HiltonTand they don't take 'em back
10:21.09HiltonTfair 'nuff
10:21.12X-Robbut they could (and did, quite a few times) take 'em back if they wanted
10:21.23JamesDotComthey *could* take them back
10:21.37JamesDotCombut the owned ones can still be legitimately owned
10:21.40JamesDotComthe trick was
10:21.52X-RobThe did a big cleanup about 5 years ago, looked at all the class C's that weren't globally advertised and tried to contact the owner
10:21.56Assidthis sucks
10:21.58Assidi dont know why
10:21.58X-Robif no reply, they took 'em back
10:22.01JamesDotComfind an allocation to a dead company, re-register their domain name
10:22.11Assidbut .. i keep getting funny  connections
10:22.19JamesDotComthen create the admin email addresses
10:23.23Assidcan someone help me on this thing
10:23.31Assidthis box refuses to work the way it should
10:23.43X-Robassid - 'funny connections' isn't really going to help us diagnose the problem.
10:24.22Assidokay. i called myself.. and then i conferenced it (xten)
10:24.35Assidnow when i say something .. it sounds very robotic
10:24.39Assidmy other box hwpoever
10:24.55Assidi tried this same thing.. and it works fine.. it echoes.. but doesnt give this crazy crap
10:28.59Assidthe echo on another box ialso sounds weird
10:29.27[Jedi]How can I put in a variable the result of the execution of another application?
10:30.19*** join/#asterisk razu_ (
10:30.48Delvar' another application?' ypou mean an AGI script?
10:31.44[Jedi]I have a TxFax execution, which returns 0 or -1
10:31.56[Jedi]I'd like to put that result in a variable
10:33.04[Jedi]would like to avoid agi
10:33.11Delvarusualy things either go to priority +101 or set a variable like ${DIALSTATUS}
10:34.32Assidthis box isnt seemt o be running right
10:37.34*** join/#asterisk Tili (
10:39.24[Jedi]Anyone using TxFax here?
10:39.39*** part/#asterisk Akelavlk (n=jansun@
10:40.00lancey+101 will go away soon
10:40.12HiltonTanyone running AstLinux 0.2.8?  I can't seem to get to its web inmterface (fresh HDD install)
10:40.13lanceyso if you develop something, don't count on that
10:40.56lanceythere will be an option for old-style +101 behaviour, though
10:41.24*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
10:44.51lanceyanyone used cisco ubr924
10:44.58lanceyfor voice over h323?
10:48.29Delvarlancey: i know but i was jsut saying thats how things do it
10:49.34lanceyi just wanted to point out :()
10:51.36X-RobI think openpbx is starting with a clean slate and with _no_ +101's
10:52.49lanceyi'm personally not glad about the fact of * development branching...
10:53.45HiltonTI'm happy to stick (well, *(*just** starting, actually) with * unless there's some ****really**** good reason to look at OpenPBX
10:55.07*** join/#asterisk riksta (n=rick@
10:56.05X-RobHiltonT - there isn't a good reason, unless there is one.
10:56.14HiltonTlol, very true
10:56.18X-Robasterisk == minix, openpbx == linux?
10:57.13X-Robfor most people, stick with asterisk.
10:57.33X-Roba lot of the non-digium developers have moved over to openpbx, because it gives them a lot more freedom.
10:57.43X-Robbut nothing's going to be useful user-wise for a while yet
10:57.47X-Robeg, today, gnu autoconf works.
10:57.53lanceydefine "more freedom"
10:58.03X-Robthey can add other GPL things into it
10:58.10HiltonThrmph - anyone running Astlinux 0.2.8?  I canna get to the web interface - fresh HDD install, only extif (edited rc.conf), but no web interface
10:58.12X-Roblike readline, automake etc.
10:58.32X-RobHiltonT - you asked the same question before but didn't offer any debugging information
10:58.37X-Robeg 'my web server isn't running'
10:58.44X-Robor 'how do I find out if my web server is running'
10:58.46HiltonTmini-httpd is running
10:59.02*** join/#asterisk nexis (
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10:59.20X-Robuh. that 'automake' was, obvously, meant to be 'autoconf'
10:59.40*** join/#asterisk maik (
10:59.52X-RobHiltonT - not to you
11:00.01X-RobHiltonT - so. You're saying the web interface isn't installed?
11:00.31HiltonTwell, it should be, I'd guess. there's SFA (actually, less than that) documentation for Astlinux, which is a bit disappointing
11:00.43HiltonTmaybe I should try learning on A@H
11:01.08HiltonTand mini-httpd is listed as running (top) but I canna get to https://pbx
11:01.31HiltonT(and yes, I mean https://ip.of.the.pbx)
11:01.51HiltonTnor can I get to http://blah
11:02.18HiltonTwere there some docs, maybe that'd help some  :)
11:03.04HiltonTthere's a UserGuide for 0.2.6, but that's next to useless, really.  More like a really, really quickstart guide.  :)
11:03.18*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
11:03.55X-Robwhat makes you think there is a web interface?
11:05.22HiltonTthe fact that the doc says "I have included a phpconfig-like GUI... the full URL is https://blah"
11:06.06X-RobI think that's possibly a lie? 1: Are you using mozilla/firefox to try to connect to the web server?
11:06.21X-Robbecause IE doesn't tell you if it's 404, host not found, or it's just grumpy
11:07.01HiltonThhmmm, methinks there's a bug in the doc - if I have only one interface, disabling INTIF makes no sense, as that's the one I'd need running - this is what the docs recommends.  Methinks maybe disabling EXTIF and using INTIF would make way more sense
11:07.19HiltonTand EXTIF will be firewalled, I'd imagine
11:07.35HiltonThence why I cannot get to it!!!
11:09.06HiltonTtho that's what rc.conf suggests to do - as the docs say, but that makes no sense to me
11:09.26*** join/#asterisk h4mm3r` (
11:10.02[Jedi]Anyone using TxFax here?
11:13.08*** join/#asterisk sivana (
11:13.17tzafrir_laptopbah, seems like the mail server for won't be active for today and tommorow :-(
11:19.18lanceyanyone here using Topex GSM gateways?
11:23.44*** join/#asterisk RaYmAn-Bx (
11:25.21*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=pingu@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
11:25.24PakiPenguinhello everyone
11:25.43*** join/#asterisk _omer (i=p@
11:25.52PakiPenguincan anyone point me to the php script that shows the current sip channels?
11:26.17iDunnowhy do you need a php script?
11:26.36PakiPenguinhehe perl / cgi would do? ijust need it off the web internet
11:26.44wasimexec (asterisk -rx sip show channels)
11:26.53PakiPenguinoh :)
11:27.09_omerdoes music on hold (MP3 files) takes System RAM ? ?
11:27.11iDunnosip show channels appears to gimme nothing, sip show peers is handy though ;)
11:27.38wasim_omer: no, it borrows it from the neighbours refrigerator
11:27.58_omerwell I mean to say....I have 20 MP3 in music on hold folder
11:28.06wasim_omer: no, it shouldn't
11:28.07_omerand If I have 1 MP3 ..
11:28.38_omerbut having 20 MP3 in music on hold ..I am getting poor quality on music on hold..
11:29.06_omerthan...having 1 MP3 file.......weird..:D
11:29.30PakiPenguin_omer: join all the mp3s into one mp3 file
11:29.32PakiPenguina big one :D
11:30.12wasim_omer: make 20 copies of the same file and see at what number it gets bad
11:31.08_omerwell....If I delete those MP3 ..I still get music on hold until I stop and restart asterisk..
11:32.32wasim_omer: thats coz mpg123 has taken it into account
11:33.09_omerhmmm ...or may be Asterisk doesnt like "slipknot" .. ;) let me check Madonna
11:33.22PakiPenguinoh well
11:36.39*** join/#asterisk nexis (
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11:47.48tzafrir_laptop_omer, don't use mp3s for MOH. convert it to WAV and do the necessary transcoding boforehand
11:48.51tzafrir_laptops/WAV/wav/ if we stick with asterisk terminology
11:48.54_omerI think u r right....
11:49.08_omergetting bad quality .....
11:49.25_omereven sometimes .. music on hold stopped automatically
11:49.43lanceyhave a look at raw player
11:49.59_omeryeah I have converters...I check it out
11:51.59*** join/#asterisk ragunath (
11:53.10ragunathi created  a local Ad-Hoc network and using a sip WLAN phone and my laptop, i masquride packets form the local wireless network to internet , the phone works when i call some one , but i cant call the sip phone , any idea why?
11:53.12*** join/#asterisk oden (
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12:16.05ragunathhi any idea about the PCI satilite modem with linux driver
12:16.10e3gI just downloaded SOX ... how to install it ? :$
12:16.22e3gmake install    does nothing
12:17.37e3gany help ??
12:17.41festr_hello, anyone here using bristuff with E1? i've problem with progress: ISDN phone -> PRI E1, there is no ring
12:17.45festr_any suggestion?
12:18.26e3gfestr_   did you try  progressinband=yes  ?? or inbandprogress I think
12:18.30*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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12:18.45festr_e3g: you mead priindication = passthrough
12:18.55festr_e3g: priindication = inband?
12:19.33e3gsip.conf [general]   ...add
12:19.50festr_e3g: but i'm talking about bri -> pri
12:19.59e3gno asterisk ? :)
12:20.08festr_yes asterisk :) but bristuffed :)
12:20.23e3gI have stucked in sox installation :D
12:20.26festr_priindication = passthrough
12:21.06festr_maybe this could help
12:21.06festr_Oct 12 14:20:44 DEBUG[15368]: chan_zap.c:4544 zt_indicate: Received AST_CONTROL_PROGRESS on Zap/33-1
12:21.09festr_Oct 12 14:20:44 DEBUG[15368]: app_dial.c:392 wait_for_answer: Dunno what to do with control type 15
12:22.09festr_e3g: what linux distro do you have?
12:22.51e3gI am really fedup of these Installation stuff
12:24.23tzangere3g: huh?
12:24.26tzangerwhat installation stuff
12:24.42e3ghow to do MAKE INSTALL in sox
12:24.47e3gI just downloaded it
12:24.50tzafrir_laptopapt-get install sox
12:24.59tzafrir_laptopor yum install sox
12:25.44e3gI think yum is the BEST INVENTION in linux ;)
12:26.18*** part/#asterisk oden (
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12:26.47e3gthanks tzanger
12:27.00e3gthanks tzafrir
12:27.13coppicee3g: yum is certainly the biggest step towards an easy life with RPM based systems
12:27.16limbiqueanyone knows how a conference lookslike in asterisk manager connection?
12:27.31limbiqueis it link A with B
12:27.37limbiqueand link A with C ?
12:28.06tzangercoppice: agreed
12:28.40tzangerlimbique: IIRC it's more like A <--> Conf, B <--> Conf and C <--> Conf
12:28.53*** join/#asterisk lehel (n=asd@
12:29.13limbiqueok, like a conf channel where all connected to
12:29.15[Jedi]coppice, can I ask you a few questions? I'm modifying TxFax but I'm confused about some concepts
12:29.35coppicego ahead
12:30.01[Jedi]I'm trying to do that TxFax notices asterisk if the fax has been really successfully sent or not
12:30.10[Jedi]I'm modifying the phase E handler
12:30.29[Jedi]and registering the "int result" into an asterisk var
12:31.04[Jedi]is that conceptually correct? that way, will I be able to infer if the fax has been correctly sent or not?
12:31.19coppicethat won't get you very far right now, as the result is not that meaningful.
12:32.14[Jedi]I've looked also at t30.h
12:32.21[Jedi]there's an opaque pointer
12:32.24coppicewhen I have gone through spandsp making the result always meaningful, making txfax report it is the obvious next step :-) Actually 0.0.3 does this, but it is a work in progress
12:33.32[Jedi]by modifying that opaque pointer in the t30 structure to a "status code" in spandsp, will I be able to do what I want?
12:34.23[Jedi]or *phase_e_user_data
12:34.33*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
12:34.56[Jedi]it's a little hack'ish but do you think that way I will be able to put into asterisk the needed info?
12:35.09[Jedi]I'm not a very good C coder
12:35.27[Jedi]but for me it's really important to get the status of the fax
12:36.13coppicespandsp is not correctly setting the value passed to the phase E handler. until that is sorted out, there is nothing you can do. If you look at the source fo 0.0.3 you will see it does set the code in a number of places, but the changes are incomplete
12:38.06tatumandoes anyone know if it is possible to use a dsp card to code/decode a codec with asterisk, in order for example to reduce the cpu load of a meetme conference?
12:38.31[Jedi]coppice: is spandsp 0.0.3 'usable' right now?
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12:38.40[Jedi]coppice: if not, can I help to finish it?
12:39.01lanceytatuman you don't have a choice but use faster CPUs
12:39.11*** part/#asterisk oden (
12:39.17lanceythere are no such cards that i'm aware of
12:39.34tatumanlancey: i use a 3.0ghz xeon
12:39.41coppiceearlier I said "Actually 0.0.3 does this, but it is a work in progress"
12:39.43tatumanand it is not powerful enough
12:39.46lanceytatuman well add a second CPU
12:39.49lanceyor go Opteron
12:40.06[Jedi]tatuman: you may try Aculab's cards, I think they use DSP's
12:40.29tatumanJedi: for what codecs, do u know?
12:40.30lancey[Jedi] using such card would require a major rework of the codecs, i think
12:40.34lanceyin order to utilize
12:40.45lanceyi haven't seen such work
12:40.52[Jedi]lancey: they support asterisk
12:41.20lanceylemme see!
12:41.24*** join/#asterisk scanna (
12:41.29tatumanso how can i improve a meetme conference
12:41.46tatumanright know it can only hold like 50 clients using ilbc
12:41.54tatumanright now *
12:42.01[Jedi]tatuman: these cards are for TDM, not VoIP
12:42.21[Jedi]Aculab has Prosody X cards for VoIP, but I don't think they're supported under asterisk
12:42.51lanceyi was just gonna say that
12:42.52tatumanhhhmmm, any ideas to improve a meetme conference just with voip clients?
12:43.05lanceyand what they process is maybe echo cancellation and such things
12:43.24tatumani tested ser+sems and it even scales worst
12:45.16*** join/#asterisk Ahrimanes (
12:45.26tatumanso no one has any ideas?
12:45.38HiltonTthe new Digium cards have onboard echo cancellation (BRI cards, that is)
12:45.59[Jedi]Digium have BRIs?
12:46.15tatumani just wanna have the maximum users possible in a conference
12:46.21coppicetatuman: unless * conferencing has been changed a lot recently, it does these things in a very inefficient way. If everyone uses iLBC there should just be 50 decompressions and 1 compression. I don't think that happens.
12:46.54*** join/#asterisk akimbo64 (n=akimbo64@
12:47.42akimbo64Hello world, Can somone help me on compilling ChanSpy app please ?
12:47.55tatumancoppice: there has to be 50 decompressions and 50 compressions because your voice has to be subtracted to the mix of all voices
12:48.21HiltonTTE405P, TE410P are the old cards, the TE406P and TE411P are the new cards from Digium with Echo Cancellation
12:48.29tatumananyone has done some work with MeetMe?
12:48.41HiltonTsorry - PRI
12:48.42lanceythey are PRI
12:48.42HiltonTsilly me
12:48.44[Jedi]HiltonT: these are PRI interfaces
12:48.52HiltonTlysdecic figners!
12:49.00lanceyand mind :R
12:49.21lanceyit happens all the time, don't worry, especially to me :)
12:49.27HiltonTnah, no Digium BRI cards (yet)
12:49.30[Jedi]coppice: just compiled 0.0.3 rpm for testing... any known big bug ?
12:49.39HiltonTyeah - I know the diff, but keep typing the wrong one!
12:49.50coppicetatuman: sorry. there has to be more than one comrpession, but not 50. Most people are not contributing at any moment
12:50.26lanceycoppice: why not post a feature request on the bug tracker?
12:50.44lanceyit might remind someone capable of doing that :)
12:50.58tatumancoppice: but asterisk has not any silence suppression engine
12:51.05tatumanto take the silence out
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12:51.33tatumanand the clients are always sending silence packets
12:51.42coppiceJedi: if I knew that it wouldn't still be a work in progress, would it? :-) 0.0.3 is gaining T.38 capabilities
12:52.10HiltonTdamn, no silence suppression - that coming in 2.0?
12:52.11coppicetatuman: the conferencer suppresses the quiet channels. if it didn't 50 lots of background noise would build into a roar
12:52.27[Jedi]coppice: hehe ok
12:52.33HiltonT1.2.0 - me needs sleep, methinks!
12:52.34lehelhow do i remove manually a call forwarding?
12:52.37HiltonT(or more beer)
12:52.39[Jedi]coppice: can I help in any way to get it finished?
12:53.03lancey[Jedi] sure, send him some beer
12:53.09[Jedi]apart from beer
12:53.19tatumancoppice: i just tested it, and i doesnt suppresses this packets
12:53.23coppiceJedi: probably not right now. have you seen chan_fax? maybe that would be useful to you
12:53.24lanceywell you could send money as well :)
12:53.30HiltonT"Beer O'Clock" just made it into the new Macquarie Dictionary  :)
12:53.41coppicetatuman: how did you tell?
12:53.46[Jedi]coppice: no, I haven't
12:54.01*** join/#asterisk zyke (
12:54.34[Jedi]google doesn't kow a lot about it
12:55.05lehelcan i remove manually a zap extensions CF?
12:56.17[Jedi]coppice: where can I find more info about it?
12:56.21leheli re-doit the extensions but it is still there..
12:56.45akimbo64anyone has tested chanspy before please ?
12:57.22*** join/#asterisk tdonahue (n=tdonahue@
12:58.09tdonahuehi all, has anyone else using an asterisk realtime configuration for your voicemail found that your users can't change their voicemail passwords?
12:58.42tdonahueoh this is with CVS-HEAD as of about 2 weeks ago
12:59.04*** join/#asterisk Lee__ (
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13:01.13coppiceJedi: I can't find where the author put it, but I just put a copy of the latest version I have in
13:01.32*** join/#asterisk Laibsch (
13:02.01[Jedi]coppice: what if I put a fax-id in the LOCALHEADERINFO in asterisk, and then execute a command in spandsp just after "Success - delivered n pages" messages to stderr, with the LOCALHEADERINFO (fax_get_header_info) as a parameter?
13:02.29[Jedi](thanks for chan_fax by the way)
13:02.44coppiceJedi: oooo! messy :-)
13:03.25*** join/#asterisk toddf (
13:04.01[Jedi]coppice: absolutely messy and hack'ish but... do you think that way I'll get the notification on correct fax sending?
13:04.19[Jedi]it would only be a temporary solution until 0.0.3 is finished... :/
13:04.35*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
13:04.38coppiceJedi: spandsp has had an almost complete class 1 FAX modem implementation for over a year. Suddenly people have sprung to life doing things with it. Lee Howard has debugged and polished things. He also produced something at to use it. Someone else make chan_fax to use it
13:05.21MikeJ[Laptop]yay coppice
13:05.46[Jedi]coppice: the fact is that your piece of software is awesome; an E1 fax board costs zillions and a digium E1 board costs nothing
13:06.09[Jedi]coppice: I guess people has noticed the huge advantage spandsp provides
13:07.01sylethe documentation on configuring spansp was rather limited, maybe you can post on
13:07.08*** join/#asterisk EvilRick (
13:07.17[Jedi]coppice: by the way... what does chan_fax do? create /dev/ttyX devices which are class-1 fax modems????
13:07.33EvilRickhey guys.. I get "app_dial.c:412 wait_for_answer: Unable to forward voice" when trying to dial out on my PRI line. any ideas?
13:07.40EvilRickI'mm nto sure taht all isconfigured well
13:08.08EvilRickI'm not sure that all is configured well.
13:08.47EvilRickztcfg shows me all 32 channels of my E1 so I assume the driver works correctly
13:08.51coppiceJedi: basically. They don't have those particular names, though
13:09.16[Jedi]and does it work???
13:09.31[Jedi]if it works, it's *the solution* for faxing
13:09.40[Jedi]being able to use hylafax or efax with digium boards...
13:09.54coppiceJedi: the linux developers have changed the pseudo terminal system so it no longer offers reliable operation for this kind of thing, but we have to live with it :-(
13:10.33[Jedi]so in 2.6 it's flawed
13:10.45coppiceyou need the latest spandsp, with all the fixes for T.31 (class 1 FAX modems) which have been fed back to me. (0.0.2pre21). Someone just pointed out an error in that, so pre22 might be coming shortly.
13:10.57*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr (
13:11.09EvilRickI get "Executing Dial("SIP/1012-f42d", "Zap/g1/6346772")" then "-- Called g1/6346772" and immediately after "-- Channel 0/1, span 1 got hangup"
13:11.41[Jedi]going to RPM it :)
13:12.01*** join/#asterisk leszq (n=leszq@
13:12.05leszqhello :)
13:12.08coppicenot flawed exactly. They added a very flexible system to allow the dynamic creation and deletion of psuedo ttys for things like X11 console. At the same time they have deprecated a proper way to handle static pseudo ttys
13:12.49[Jedi]but when using 2.4 there's no problem, right?
13:12.55tzangerI thought that udev was to solve all of those problems
13:12.57EvilRickanyone know if a PRI line has 4 or 2 cables?
13:13.09tzangerEvilRick: 1, 4-wire (2 pair) cable
13:13.23tzangerwell actually it's an 8-wire (4 pair) cable but only two pairs are used
13:13.31coppicetzanger: udev solves problem, but the new psuedo-tty scheme created this one.
13:13.32EvilRicktzanger: thanks mate
13:14.10coppicethe old pseudo-tty scheme is still there, but it is deprecated, and the distros don't build it
13:14.35EvilRickif the pri on the telco side is "uncofigured" will asterisk just hangup after trying to dial?
13:15.06coppiceEvilRick: PRIs use one 4 core cable, or 2 co-ax cables
13:15.16[Jedi]coppice: by the way, do you remember last week when I said I hated spandsp because I couldn't make it work? it was working, but as it logs to stderr I didn't see any message with asterisk -c :((((
13:17.05[Jedi]EvilRick: pri debug span 1
13:17.40[Jedi]EvilRick: that way you'll get the Q.931 messages you're sending/receiving to/from the remote telco switch
13:19.23EvilRickcool :)
13:22.26*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
13:24.18[Jedi]coppice: with spandsp 0.0.3, chan_fax compiles correctly; but with 0.0.2, it doesn't find "T31_CALL_EVENT_TIMEOUT"
13:24.52coppiceJedi: I will check that out
13:25.16coppiceJedi: are you using pre21?
13:25.19e3gI have installed SOX .....but I dont have SOXMIX command to mix the in and out channels
13:25.34e3g-bash: soxmix: command not found
13:26.51lehelwhere is restored tha fact if i'm doing a CF?
13:27.02*** join/#asterisk eziman (i=superop@
13:27.19[Jedi]coppice: neither pre20 nor pre21 define it
13:28.14*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
13:28.29e3gany help
13:29.41*** join/#asterisk Delvar (
13:30.32lehelhi puzzled: could you tell me pls where is restored tha fact that i made a CF?
13:30.37coppiceJedi ah! chan_fax has not been aligned with the latest changes to the t.31 code.
13:31.19puzzledlehel: CF?
13:31.24lehelcall forwrading
13:32.05*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
13:32.29e3gany help regarding SOX ?
13:32.38*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
13:32.54iCEBrkre3g: That's kinda odd
13:33.04bjohnsonlehel: what is the question?
13:33.22iCEBrkre3g: Which version of sox?
13:33.48*** join/#asterisk MnDBnDr (n=MnDBnDr@
13:34.21iCEBrkre3g: Which distro you running?
13:34.40e3gRED HAT of machine have  sox-12.17.7   and it works with SOXMIX
13:34.47*** join/#asterisk RaYmAn-Bx (
13:34.56EvilRickok I plugged in another pri line and I get the following
13:34.59EvilRick"PRI Error: We think we're the network, but they think they're the network, too"
13:35.01iCEBrkrSo did you RPM install it or compile the source?
13:35.31e3gthis time RPM  ..... last time Compile...
13:35.33EvilRickI change /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf to use CPE signalling and I get
13:35.37ManxPowerEvilRick, Well, then make asterisk pri_cpe
13:35.44iCEBrkre3g: If you built it from source and did a 'make install' you might want to look in /usr/local/bin/ for soxmix
13:35.58e3gyes I did make install...nothing happened
13:36.03e3glet me do again
13:36.05EvilRick"PRI Error: We think we're the CPE, but they think they're the CPE too."
13:36.10e3gI have the source as well
13:36.18ManxPowerEvilRick, Somewhere there is a loopback on your PRI
13:36.29e3g[root@localhost sox-12.17.8]# make install
13:36.29e3gmake: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.
13:36.29e3g[root@localhost sox-12.17.8]#
13:36.52EvilRickManxPower, is it possible I hooked the cables up incorrectly?
13:36.57iCEBrkre3g: It's been my luck that anything I install using the source gets put into some /local/ directory.  So it's been habit to ./configure --prefix=/usr
13:37.03EvilRickor is it just not configured correctly on their side
13:37.04iCEBrkre3g: ok, that's just jacked up
13:37.08EvilRickI have 2 pri lines here
13:37.09ManxPowerEvilRick, I doubt it or it would not work at all.
13:37.10[Jedi]coppice: then I shouldn't use it I guess... are these changes very deep?
13:37.27iCEBrkre3g: You DID do a './configure' before 'make' right?
13:37.28ManxPowerEvilRick, do you have any kind of loopback connector on any of the ports?
13:37.29lancey`awaybye guys
13:37.35EvilRickone was working on an old pabx the otehr taht I am tryiong now was unused
13:37.47EvilRickno nothing wierd on my side
13:37.47iCEBrkre3g: Well, there ya go :)
13:38.07ManxPowerEvilRick, call up your telco.  Tell them you are seeing a loopback on the line.
13:38.08e3g[root@localhost sox-12.17.8]# make ./configure
13:38.08e3gmake: Nothing to be done for `configure'.
13:38.13iCEBrkre3g: :(
13:38.23EvilRickta thanks
13:38.37*** join/#asterisk count (
13:39.34synthetiqanyone here use SER? technically it doesnt do any routing lol
13:39.55iCEBrkr[icebrkr@chrome sox-12.17.8]$ ./configure
13:39.56iCEBrkrchecking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
13:39.56iCEBrkrchecking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
13:40.05iCEBrkre3g: I dunno what ya did over there, but it's working here :P
13:40.08e3gonly ./configure
13:40.30iCEBrkrYou'll get it.
13:40.32e3gI did    make ./configure
13:40.35e3gyes...working now
13:40.48iCEBrkrOnce that's done.. Type 'make && make install'
13:41.18iCEBrkrI still think it's going to install into /usr/local/bin tho.
13:42.01e3gyep soxmix is working now...
13:42.07lehelpuzzled: call forwarding
13:42.15e3gthanks iCEBrkr
13:42.42iCEBrkrNo! you CANNOT have my Bud Lite
13:43.03iCEBrkre3g: They all say that
13:43.17e3g:D .gonna check Monitor()
13:43.22shido6Adium is fixed, yay!
13:43.29puzzledlehel: no idea
13:44.03MnDBnDrcan anyone help with oh323 extensions?
13:44.17shido6whats up MnDBnDr ?
13:44.35MnDBnDrI have compile oh323 just fine
13:44.47ManxPowerMnDBnDr, Any reason you are not using the NuFone H323 driver or the Objective Systems H323 driver?
13:44.56MnDBnDrnot really
13:45.07lehelpuzzled: how would you cancel one zap extensions CF set with the phone, not being among of that
13:45.09MnDBnDris there an advantage to one over the other
13:45.41ManxPowerMnDBnDr, They all suck.
13:45.42LaibschI have tried to set up basic configuration according to  X-Lite is the SIP client.  I have the strange situation that "sip show peers" shows one of my two users connected, but X-Lite says "Login timed out.  Contact network admin".  When I try to call a number I get "Call not approved".
13:46.15LaibschThe second client is configured the same and appears to behave the same but it will never show with "sip show peers".
13:46.17MnDBnDryea, but I have 3 brand new netvision 802.11b phones i would like to use
13:47.08ManxPowerMnDBnDr, Interesting.  I didn't know there were any 802.11 phones that used H323
13:47.25LaibschI have started asterisk with PARAMS="-vvvvvvvd" but I do not see anything meaningful on the console.
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13:47.33MnDBnDrthey are made very well.  Although they are discontinued
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13:47.59MnDBnDrI got a ericsson webswitch g4 100 gateway with them
13:48.15MnDBnDrI already have * setup for 3 SIP extensions working very well
13:48.20ManxPowerMnDBnDr, Are you SURE it runs REAL H323?
13:48.58ManxPowerI know the Nortel "h323" phones don't run real H323
13:49.14*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
13:49.18MnDBnDrI can assure you they are pure h323 phones
13:50.06ManxPowerMnDBnDr, OK.  Just remember that H323 with Asterisk is not easy to set up and not all that many people run it.
13:50.22MnDBnDrI know
13:50.42MnDBnDrI would hate to waste 3 $500 retail phones though
13:51.05MnDBnDrMaybe I will sell the phones with the h323 ericsson gateway
13:51.14HiltonTgood idea
13:51.20MnDBnDrthey were sold as a package and work very well together
13:51.44HiltonTthen get SIP phones for the SIP server  :)
13:52.07MnDBnDrI have a Zyxel p2000w v2 phone wthat works great on *
13:52.26HiltonTI'm looking at those
13:52.35MnDBnDrwhen I take it home, it registers with my * box at work as if I was there
13:52.54MnDBnDrI can tell you the Symbol phones have a better build quality
13:53.02tatumananyone has Tony redesign of MeetMe app?
13:53.07MnDBnDrthey have a cradle with a spare battery.
13:53.18MnDBnDrthe Zyxel has a wall wart
13:53.49coppicehow heavy are the symbol phones? they look like the usual symbol bricks in pictures
13:53.55HiltonTSymbol - looking for a .au supplier (pref. wholesaler)
13:54.15MnDBnDrnot too bad
13:54.27MnDBnDrI would say about twice as heavy as the zyxel
13:54.44MnDBnDrit is about the size of a standard cordless phone handset
13:54.50ManxPowerI didn't like wireless before I tried it and now that I've tried it....I don't like wireless.
13:55.05MnDBnDrI could not live without it
13:55.18HiltonTI'm a phonewalker
13:55.23MnDBnDrI have access points all over the building
13:55.31denonManxPower: wireless headset on a 7960 is a good combo
13:55.32ManxPowerI had to replace all my cordless phones when I put in wireless.
13:55.36MnDBnDrit is nice to carry your extension with you everywhere
13:55.49ManxPowerMy wireless ISP (the only way to get broadband here) goes down more often than Linda Lovelance
13:55.55shido6wireless headset with a "lifter"
13:55.57MnDBnDrI still use 900Mhz cordless phones
13:56.15denonI got sick of 900mhz phones ..
13:56.19denonmoved to 5.8g
13:56.23denoneven though their range is kinda poor
13:56.38MnDBnDr900Mhz=longer range most of the time
13:56.45ManxPowerdenon, I moved to 5ghz phones too, not that I can use them much.  My one PSTN line is always tied up with a dialup connection
13:56.47MnDBnDrunless you play with amplifiers
13:56.52[Jedi]900mhz isn't GSM's band?
13:56.53denonMnDBnDr: yeah, but less security, and these days, lower quality gear
13:57.07BrianR___Does asterisk 1.0.x preserve timestamps when bridging a call between SIP and IAX?
13:57.11MnDBnDrdon't care much about security
13:57.27MnDBnDrif someone wants to listen bad enough, they will find a way
13:57.33denonMnDBnDr: yeah, but quality's an issue .. seems like all modern 900mhz is just cheap crap
13:57.42MnDBnDrnot too much of a problem in North east Ohio
13:57.48denonMnDBnDr: true, but with 900mhz, even people who dont WANT to listen may very well hear you :)
13:57.54ManxPowerdenon, I've heard about 900Mhz DSS phones, which are supposed to be very good.
13:57.55denonala analog and tdma cell phone days :)
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13:58.24denonManxPower: shrugs, I'll ride 5g until 802.11g phones are decent
13:58.27denonor 802.11n
13:58.34HiltonTthe 5.8GHz one I liked is only a Vonage unit - base + 5.8 GHz handsets
13:58.39RoyKwtf is 802.11n?
13:58.50ManxPowerIsn't that "WiMax?
13:58.51MnDBnDrThe zyxel v2 is not bad at all
13:58.52enemy^xis it possible to get presence (eyebeam sip phone) working with asterisk? I`ve tried adding Hint into my extensions etc. Without seeing any difference.
13:58.55denonRoyK: the unratified predecessor to 802.11g
13:59.15HiltonTpredecessor to 802.11g was 802.11b
13:59.38coppice802.11n is the proposed successor to 80.11g
13:59.41MnDBnDryea, a pre-n phone would be nice
13:59.49Ariel_strange talk about wireless phones I have been using a Sipura 2000 with my Panasonic KX-TG2267 2 line phone and works great. 2.4g
14:00.04MnDBnDrwhat are you looking for from symbol
14:00.07RoyK540Mbps  wifi
14:00.14ManxPowerAriel_, I use a similar setup
14:00.16RoyKor wlan, that is
14:00.18denoner, post-acessor :)
14:00.22MnDBnDrwhy stop there.  1Gbps
14:00.36HiltonTI'm looking for SIP Wireless phones for here at the office and at client sites
14:00.37coppiceI love the boxes which proudly say they are pre-n products. They might as well say "buy this and see it obsolete by Christmas" :-)
14:00.39RoyKMnDBnDr: and 1km range
14:00.42Ariel_ManxPower, works great I can take the phone anywhere in the office and pickup both of my lines with it.
14:01.02ManxPowerAriel_, *nod*
14:01.07MnDBnDrthe only manu I have seen here that is pushing pre-n is belkin
14:01.15ManxPowerAriel_, and I'll bet it works alot better than a wifi phone.
14:01.20ManxPowerand much cheaper too!
14:01.25RoyKMnDBnDr: and built-in barbecue
14:01.26Ariel_ManxPower, yes it dose
14:01.26HiltonTtho, X-Lite on my PDA works fine with my BT earpiece  :)
14:01.35MnDBnDryea RoyK
14:01.44mutilatorxlite on my pda sucked
14:02.06HiltonTworks fine here for the tests I did
14:02.07Ariel_has anyone heard of a person getting a GS 488 and xlite to talk to each other without an asterisk or other service?
14:02.10coppiceThe Belkin ones have a rather large "buy me, I'm obsolescent" sticker
14:02.14ManxPowerI need to find someone that is line-of-site from me that can get DSL
14:02.38MnDBnDrI am not a fan of Belkin wireless products
14:02.58ManxPowerAND I need to find a way to spend less than $400 each for 2 portable towers.
14:03.21ManxPowerwasim, Helium is expensive
14:03.22coppiceManxPower: that might depend on their height
14:03.32wasimManxPower: use the hotair from #asterisk ...
14:03.47ManxPowerwasim, you mean asterisk-biz, right?
14:03.56newltelescoping antennas usually aren't too pricy.
14:04.00coppiceManxPower: you could raise hot air baloons by connecting them to the  mailing list
14:04.12MnDBnDrok.  My Symbol phone will ring when called from a SIP phone.
14:04.23MnDBnDrI here no audio on my SIP phone
14:04.30ManxPowerI need to get 50 - 100 ft into the air.
14:04.36MnDBnDrHave audio on the Symbol phone
14:04.45ManxPowerUntil now I didn't HATE TREES
14:04.49*** join/#asterisk darwin35 (n=darwin35@
14:04.49MnDBnDralso, can't call out from the SIP phone
14:04.55newl30m is easily doable. :)
14:04.57HiltonTtrtees are baaaad
14:05.00MnDBnDrI mean h323 phone
14:05.04MnDBnDrSIP is fine
14:05.12enemy^xanyone here have presence working with eyebeam/asterisk?
14:05.13ManxPowerkill the trees!  kill the trees!
14:05.29ManxPowerenemy^x, your extensive searhc of the mailing list archives was not helpful?
14:05.34newl(sung to Megadeths Kill the King)
14:05.36darwin35Manx what did you want yesterday
14:05.49coppiceManxPower: use the trees. use the trees
14:05.50darwin35you never responded
14:05.57ManxPowerdarwin35, To see if I can get some custom jitterbuffer settings for my account.
14:06.13darwin35I will check with david when he gets in
14:06.13ManxPowerdarwin35, My ISP goes down more than Linda Lovelance
14:06.36darwin35and has nails like Freddie Couger
14:06.57darwin35just slap the bitch and tell her no teeth
14:07.03ManxPowerdarwin35, and jitter is pretty amazing.  I have never seen an ISP with this weird of jitter and latency
14:07.16ManxPowerBut they are the ONLY broadband company I can get here.
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14:10.13darwin35man its only 8 been here an hour and cleared out the ticket q
14:10.20darwin3525 tickets
14:10.55ManxPowerdarwin35, "Customer config issue.  Closing ticket!" *tease*
14:11.07Kattymew, exchange :<
14:11.43ManxPowerWe got a ticket yesterday "We are moving the office tomorrow.  Reconfig everything so it works."
14:11.50darwin35man if you knew how many id 10 t or pebcad errors a day we get its to much
14:12.11darwin35we just moved offices also
14:12.20darwin35and I have the only desk in it
14:12.24ManxPowershido6, the funny thing is they are moving from one part of the building to another part all on the same LAN
14:12.32darwin35the boss moves in today
14:13.25darwin35Manx move here to Denver and get your life back
14:13.52ManxPowerDenver: Where everyone is a member of the Mile High Club!
14:13.54mutilatoranyone know of any good shotcasts that play classic rock? i have one but it seems like it streams the same thing at the same time every day
14:13.55wasimno, move to PK, we're worst affected than you now, nyah nyah
14:14.07ManxPowerdarwin35, naw, I want to live in a campground in the mountians
14:14.25darwin35look threw the channel list
14:14.42ManxPowerI might be going to visit the place in a week or so
14:14.45darwin35we have mountains
14:14.51darwin35and skiing
14:14.54mutilatoryea i have been darwin
14:14.54wasimwe have mountains
14:14.56darwin35and snow camping
14:15.01wasimand earthquakes
14:15.04ManxPowerdarwin35, But you don't have "my" kind of campgrounds
14:15.06mutilatori can't find anything that plays worthwhile stuff
14:15.19darwin35pass that pvt
14:15.22ManxPowerContrary to popular belief, Hell is not hot, Hell is cold.
14:15.27darwin35the butt nekid kind
14:15.29mutilatorthey're playing like.. 38 special
14:15.34mutilatorand 50';s music
14:15.51ManxPowermutilator, I listed to KCRW and WDST (both on shoutcast)
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14:16.18darwin35there is no heaven there is no hell you make your life what you make it and the only one you answe to when it is over is yourself
14:16.20ManxPowerBesides, Denver is too far from my current customer base
14:16.39mutilatorwell i got radio free colorado which is what i'm listenin to
14:16.48mutilatorit's down half the time
14:16.53mutilatorbut when it works it's a good station
14:16.59darwin35I like Digitalgunfire
14:17.05ManxPowerdarwin35, And I doubt Teliax will pay me what I get now 8-)
14:17.06darwin35they have loads of channels
14:17.22darwin35prob right
14:17.32darwin35give us time to grow then we might
14:17.41Corydon76-homeRizzo on list: "I broke FreeBSD on the 64-bit conversion, so I want to break Asterisk to match FreeBSD' brokenness."  Me:  "Why not just fix FreeBSD, instead?"
14:18.19Corydon76-homeWow, what a concept...
14:18.25darwin35no fun in what you fix if you dont break it first
14:19.08darwin35wow our new servers and equipment should be here today
14:20.11darwin35where then women are stong and the men do the housework
14:20.46mutilatori wouldn't mind that
14:20.55mutilatori could sit and do stuff on the net all day
14:21.04mutilatorlike i used to
14:21.35mutilatorwork on project turmoil again
14:21.40Dr_Rayunless it involves raising young children, I'll stay home
14:22.34darwin35who knows what a Pebcad error is
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14:22.54Dr_Raychair and dispaly?
14:23.25darwin35Problem exist between chair and desk
14:23.42Dr_Raywe call those ID-ten-T errors
14:23.59darwin35ID 10 T
14:24.16ManxPowerdarwin35, I'm in Limping Mule Texas
14:24.48darwin35hehe wow
14:24.50ManxPowerBTW, does anyone know of a site that I can look up the street address of a specific CO on?
14:25.17mutilator^ :P
14:25.19ManxPowerdarwin35, Um, I don't know the address of the CO
14:25.32mutilatorwhat do you know?
14:25.39ManxPowerI know the NPA-NXX
14:26.11darwin35brb fone
14:27.58RoyKanyone that knows a sip client that can run on a sony ericsson z800i?
14:28.50leszqWho knows what will the call quality  be if second side is in USA, I am in Poland ....between us is about 180 ms ping delay ... upload/download is about 250 kbit/s in each direction ?? I want use SIP
14:29.43leszqIs a sense to try calling like this?
14:31.47dalaberahello guys, does anyone had tried to call the conference number for astricon, the one they publish on their web?
14:33.03mutilatordoesn't that kill vampires?
14:33.08wasimleszq: sure
14:33.25leszqwasim: did you try it?
14:34.18wasimleszq: try a jittery, lossy link with 500ms latency and barely 30kbps to have fun
14:34.33*** join/#asterisk oej (
14:35.17leszqwasim: thx
14:38.27dalaberahello guys, does anyone had tried to call the conference number for astricon, the one they publish on their web?
14:39.05brookshirei doubt anyone is even up yet
14:39.16brookshireit's like 7 am
14:39.33leszqor 6.39 pm :)
14:40.16ManxPowerMy CO is a Ericsson AXE-10
14:40.23dalaberabut they should be 3 hours from EST
14:40.35ManxPowerI'd never even heard of that model
14:43.45johnmRoyK: the GPRS network you need to make a sip call would immediately make it more expensive, no? :)
14:43.59johnmRoyK: unless you can ghet it to connect out via IrDA/Bluetooth.
14:44.35johnmI have to say... a bluetooth SIP phone on ytour mobile would be cool. Especially if it auto-associated.
14:44.57Kattyjohnm: they're quite expensive
14:45.04Kattyjohnm: and their range isn't all that great...
14:45.09Kattyjohnm: but yes, it's quite neat.
14:45.51johnmKatty: thats assuming a bluetooth sip phone. a sip-component to a mobile smart-phone is somethign differnet.
14:46.08johnmand bluetooth can easily do 15m, so it will deffo do most of my house :)
14:46.12Kattyjohnm: bluetooth is what i said.
14:46.15johnmjust stick is central.
14:46.20RoyKjohnm: UMTS
14:46.26johnmKatty: no you never :)
14:46.40Kattyjohnm: i see.
14:46.46Kattyjohnm: i was referencing bluetooth.
14:46.48johnmRoyK: Probably still more expensive.. which sucks.
14:47.07Kattyyou can turn practically everything into bluetooth now.
14:47.11johnmKatty: I assumed so.. but the expensive part couldn't have been.
14:48.07MnDBnDrcan someone tell me how to remove oh323 completely
14:48.21KattyMnDBnDr: a hammer.
14:48.32MnDBnDrthat would work
14:48.44MnDBnDrbut I need a less messy solution
14:48.51KattyMnDBnDr: a dumpster.
14:49.20*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
14:49.42MnDBnDrI still need my box for SIP
14:49.43bjohnsonbluetooth can do up to 100m
14:49.46KattyMnDBnDr: i dunno ;)
14:49.56Kattybjohnson: that's all theory. i've used bluetooth.
14:50.01bjohnsonI'm told high end equipment can reach over 1 km
14:50.03Kattybjohnson: and it isn't 100m
14:50.12bjohnsonKatty: read about the classes
14:50.23*** join/#asterisk veto (
14:50.26Kattybjohnson: i shall not.
14:50.27bjohnsonie clas 1 vs class 2
14:50.30Kattybjohnson: you read about the classes.
14:50.33bjohnsonthen don't presume to correct me
14:50.41Kattybjohnson: i'll presume whatever i wish.
14:50.50Kattybjohnson: just like you do
14:53.05bjohnsonRoyK: a sip client on a cell phone doesn't seem to have any advantages.  Why do you want one?
14:54.55wasimbjohnson: it does when GPRS rates are cheaper than call rates :)
14:55.18Ahrimanessip client + wifi in cell phone = good
14:56.04bjohnsonjohnm: a BT enabled cell phone connected to SIP via asterisk and a BT dongle is theoretically possible.  I know people have worked on it but I don't know if success was achieved
14:57.43Dr_Raya bluetooth headset with dongle seems to be a nicer solution
14:57.56*** join/#asterisk Uther_P (n=uther_p@
14:58.16bjohnsonDr_Ray: depends on the question
14:59.42*** join/#asterisk razu (
14:59.44bjohnsonDr_Ray: some home users where interested in using BT enabled cell phones as pstn connections for their home asterisk pbx .. was a good solution for them (depending on their cell phone plan and calling patterns)
15:01.04bjohnsonin a work environment it might be less useful, but the possibility of using bt enabled cell phones and a BT mesh sounds enticing
15:01.33bjohnsonsame idea as WIFI phones but potentially cheaper system
15:02.46*** join/#asterisk jets (
15:08.08RoyKbjohnson: for fun, mostly :)
15:08.35*** join/#asterisk Lathos42 (
15:08.52*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:09.34johnmbjohnson: all you need is networking via BT, rather than a BT module in *
15:09.36nexisive been poking at google for a while now, and cant seem to get it, can somone point me in the direction of a agi script that will accept a incoming call, hang it up, then call the number back?
15:11.54*** join/#asterisk Veto_laptop (
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15:14.19Lee__nexis: perldoc Asterisk::AGI
15:14.29Kattywho manages a network?
15:14.43Kattywhere they are responsible for backing up servers.
15:14.44ManxPowerKatty, I manage many networks
15:14.58KattyManxPower: what is your favorite Total Backup Solution(tm)?
15:15.07Lee__what's up with your network Katty?
15:15.13KattyManxPower: raid, tape drives, external hard drives, etc
15:15.21KattyLee__: my network is perfectly fine.
15:15.30ManxPowerKatty, Hmm?  We are.  The users/office managers can't be trusted to do that.
15:15.39ManxPowerKatty, They all suck.  We use rsync.
15:15.46KattyManxPower: k
15:15.52Kattyanyone /else/ manage a network?
15:16.16ManxPowerKatty, rsync to a central server.  no off site backups because the bean counters won't spend the money on that.
15:16.24Lee__rsync + ssh + online backup to disk + offsite tapes
15:16.54KattyManxPower: so your stuff just sits on a central server with no backup?
15:16.56Lee__add Samba in that if you have Windows machines in the mix.
15:17.00BeirdoKatty: we use Veritas NetBackup with a huge tape library, but that's likely out of budget scope :)
15:17.06Beirdoand good morning, BTW
15:17.15KattyBeirdo: how many tapes?
15:17.35BeirdoI'd have to ask the guy who does most of the maintenance...
15:17.40[Jedi]we also use NetBackup with a pair of tape libraries
15:17.40ManxPowerKatty, no.  Each of the servers at the remote sites, and each of the servers at HQ backup to a central server that only holds the backup data.
15:17.45BeirdoI think it's like 8 drives of LTO
15:17.50Kattyasterisk -> cron + rsync + samba to windows server -> tape backups, raid, and external hd backup (that is our network)
15:17.55[Jedi]ours are only two LTO drivers each
15:17.56Beirdoand a few hundred tapes in the library
15:18.00KattyManxPower: k
15:18.11KattyBeirdo: so you only have tape backups? have you ever had to restore anything?
15:18.39Beirdoit takes ages, but yes
15:18.46KattyAm i the only one who has crappy luck with tape drives?
15:18.57ManxPowerWe've never been able to restore anyrhing from tape, using any software for any system.  We finally gave up.
15:19.08KattyManxPower: sounds like us. heh
15:19.14shido6tar gz to tape screw s/w
15:19.19[Jedi]we've done it many times
15:19.21ManxPowerKatty, *nod*
15:19.25Kattyi was thinking about maybe this new rev drive thing
15:19.32Beirdowe had to restore our entire netapp
15:19.32Kattyapparently it's like a jazz drive
15:19.37Kattybut with 90 gig storage capacity
15:19.39Beirdobelieve me, that was NOT fun
15:19.40Kattyfile[laptop]: FILE
15:19.48Kattyfile[laptop]: how does your Backup Solution (tm) work?
15:19.54Lee__hee hee. jazz drive. that one worked out well.
15:19.57file[laptop]I have none.
15:20.05Kattyfile[laptop]: zomg, k
15:20.09shido6the only iomega anything I had fun with was "record it" back in the day
15:20.16Kattywhat about ait?
15:20.17shido6recoding lectures in class
15:20.31Kattyi've a friend who works out at nasa.
15:20.39Kattythey're considering this ait 1/2/3 thingy
15:20.45Kattyanyone worked with that?
15:20.58Kattyoooh, shiny!
15:21.10n3u7morning asterisk
15:21.24Beirdobuttholes, and their $700/month in overage
15:21.34Beirdoup yours, put me on a new plan NOW
15:21.37n3u7I am receiving an error with modprobe zaptel
15:21.53Beirdofile[laptop]: Bell has better coverage in some areas :)
15:21.54KattyAlso, i'm trying to figure out how to backup an entire windows server without having to take anything offline
15:22.01n3u7I have read the last few weeks of the mailling list
15:22.02Kattyyet, i can't seem to figure out a way, other than raid1
15:22.06file[laptop]Beirdo: realllly? Telus roams on Bell sometimes
15:22.12n3u7and searched extensivly
15:22.16Kattycause their stupid backup Exchange Aware software is shitty
15:22.19file[laptop]not that I would know, considering it's all Aliant here
15:22.24*** join/#asterisk _Sam-- (
15:22.27Beirdothe only Telus I saw here was former Clearnet
15:22.30ManxPowern3u7, I'm sorry to hear that.  Have you tried Prozac.
15:22.40file[laptop]Beirdo: I like my plan with Telus...
15:22.40ManxPowerOr maybe pasting the one line error message?
15:22.41Kattyis there anything built into windows which will do some sort of ghost image?
15:22.43Kattylike ISO
15:22.44Beirdooh that's right, you are in NB aren't ya?
15:22.54file[laptop]Beirdo: unlimited incoming, unlimited early evenings/weekends, 100 daytime, $30/mth
15:22.58n3u7the err is to the extent :Unknown symbol in module
15:23.07Beirdothat would suck for me
15:23.09Kattyfile[laptop]: or nextel.
15:23.12Kattyfile[laptop]: where all incoming is free
15:23.15n3u7dmesg reveals the symbol to be sub_preempt_count
15:23.17Kattyfile[laptop]: and there are no roaming charges
15:23.18ManxPowerfile, 100 mins/month?  I use that up in like 3 days.
15:23.19*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
15:23.21file[laptop]Katty: Canada is different
15:23.21BeirdoI was > 500min three months running
15:23.24Kattyfile[laptop]: ooh, right.
15:23.27Kattyfile[laptop]: nevermind
15:23.29Beirdohence the huge-ass bills
15:23.30Kattyfile[laptop]: silly canadian
15:23.43Beirdonow I have 700min + free evening/weekend: $75
15:23.54file[laptop]god people, think! callback system! duh.
15:23.59coppice700 mins of what?
15:24.05Beirdocell phone
15:24.06Kattymy phone bill is 10 bucks
15:24.14n3u7ManxPower: :/
15:24.15Kattyall my incoming is free
15:24.18Beirdocool :)9
15:24.20Kattyi have no roaming or overages
15:24.26Kattyall of my direct connect is unlimited
15:24.31Katty(that's the beep beep nextel feature)
15:24.35BeirdoOh, and roaming in Puerto Rico is a frigging killer too :)
15:24.35ManxPowerKatty, that's because Nextel CANNOT roam
15:24.36Kattyplus the motorola phones support dual lines
15:24.39coppiceBeirdo: wow, that's expensive
15:24.46*** join/#asterisk felipex (
15:24.47darwin35Thanks for Calling Tellia how might I direct you connection
15:24.50file[laptop]uh well, they can roam
15:24.52KattyManxPower: of course. but they have coverage in all major cities
15:25.01file[laptop]you can roam in Canada... and other places
15:25.07Beirdocoppice: hardly when it's $700 in overages with my former plan
15:25.12KattyManxPower: i have no need to roam.
15:25.16n3u7guess I;ll be waiting
15:25.25n3u7I've read the starfish book too
15:25.34ManxPowerI moved back to GSM recently.
15:25.38_Sam--i had been using zaptel for channels, and switched to a non-zap connection.  my stuff is working fine, but when i remove zapata.conf, my asterisk wont start.....and i cant figure out how to make it try to stop loading the zaptel module
15:25.39coppice1800 mins for $12 is more my kind of pricing for cell phones :-\
15:25.46Kattyoh give me a home, where the file doth not roam
15:25.51Kattydo do do de de do de do
15:25.54n3u7I would like to start writing some agi and dialplans but I can't get past the install
15:26.02n3u7perhaps th mobo is to old
15:26.11ManxPowerPrepay so I don't have to worry about early termination fees for the 2 years I  have left on  the 1 year contract I signed 4 years ago
15:26.14Kattyi had an orange danish for breakfast!
15:26.21Kattyit was dreamy.
15:26.25file[laptop]I'm month to month man!
15:26.30Kattylike wget is dreamy
15:26.53Kattyfile[laptop]: invent rhug
15:27.04ManxPowern3u7, I still don't see the actual error message.
15:27.07file[laptop]Katty: I'll get right to that
15:27.10Kattyfile[laptop]: kthx
15:27.43n3u7ManxPower:it's on a different box
15:28.01*** part/#asterisk nexis (
15:28.44ManxPowern3u7, It sucks to be you.
15:29.52n3u7FATAL:Error inserting zaptel(/lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/misc/zaptel.ko):Unknown symbol in module , or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
15:30.29*** join/#asterisk XTR-II (
15:30.30n3u7dmesg:zaptel: unknown symbol add_preemt_count
15:30.44n3u7dmesg:zaptel: unknown symbol sub_preemt_count
15:30.51n3u7dmesg:zaptel: unknown symbol sub_preempt_count
15:30.54*** join/#asterisk Seyr (
15:31.13n3u7ManxPower:I suppose
15:31.24_Sam--having the oppposite do i tell asterisk to stop using zap?
15:31.25*** join/#asterisk sangee (
15:31.52SeyrI am using Realtime and have extension 200 and extension 201 in mySQL table "sipusers". If I try to call 200 from 201, or 201 from 200, it goes to Unavailable. Any ideas?
15:32.25Beirdooh yeah, and I got just over another year on the 2yr contract, and I'm thinking of moving out of the country.
15:32.40BeirdoI will kick Bell's ass if they try dinging me too hard
15:32.43Seyrboth 200 and 201 can dial outside
15:33.36*** join/#asterisk stkn (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
15:34.12bonseyr :)
15:34.13bonno ide
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15:42.48Seyrfile, your using Realtime right?
15:43.08*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
15:44.32sangeei don't get ring back tone when i call from cell phone, anyone know how to solve this issue?
15:44.58SarahEmmwhat are you calling into?
15:45.02SarahEmma PRI, a voip provider, a POTS line?
15:46.00*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
15:46.18sangeei am calling to asterisk to sipura device
15:46.28SarahEmmwhat is the sipura connected to tho?
15:46.33SarahEmma remote VoIP provider, a POTS line?
15:47.36*** join/#asterisk coppice (
15:47.40sangeesipura registered with asterisk
15:47.54Nyvarare you calling from PSTN to the asterisk box, which then calls the sipura?
15:48.56Nyvarok, so the question is, how is that pstn call getting into your asterisk box?
15:50.11sangeeour pstn is cisco, cisco to asterisk as sip
15:50.26*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
15:51.31[TK]D-FenderDammit I'm still getting mangled faxes through my TE405P, PRI, And Rhino Channel Bank.  Any new advice for me to help fix this?  Per Rhino I've already started varying the gain on their CB, while leaving * at 0.0
15:51.41sivanaSarahEmm: ping
15:51.46SarahEmmcisco to asterisk how?
15:51.49SarahEmmhi sivana
15:52.00sivanaI need to move you to another switch  :)
15:52.06Nyvarcould this be an early-media config problem on sangee's cisco?
15:52.08SarahEmmsangee: your PSTN connection goes into a Cisco box, then to *? what kind of PSTN line?
15:52.14SarahEmmsivana: 'k. which?
15:52.26SarahEmmand can you change my password at the same time to something a *little* less obvious? ;P
15:52.27sivanayou can copy/paste an identical config
15:52.39SeyrDoes anyone know why I cannot call a user that has their record stored in SQL?
15:53.19Nyvarseyr, sipfriends?
15:53.52Nyvaryou running cvs head or thereabouts?
15:53.56sangeecisco is getting pstn call then pass to asterisk, then asterisk to sipura
15:54.09SeyrNyvar: yes, maybe 2 weeks old CVS
15:54.13Nyvarsangee, google 'cisco early media'
15:54.36sangeeyou think this is the cisco issue?
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15:55.01sangeethanks i will search it
15:57.11SeyrAny idea Nyvar?
16:01.20darwin35kattyy why are you not at astricon
16:01.25SarahEmmhihihihihhi Katty!
16:02.02*** join/#asterisk Rubble (
16:03.15KattySarahEmm: :>>>>
16:03.19fugitivoanyone know a good ATA with 2fxs, pstn backup and QOS?
16:03.42*** join/#asterisk loick (
16:03.55Kattydarwin35: it's not my duty to be at astricon, kthx.
16:04.25SarahEmm*huuuugs on katty*
16:05.06*** join/#asterisk veto (
16:05.26[virii]configure: error: termcap support not found
16:05.26[virii]make: *** [editline/libedit.a] Error 1
16:06.06file[virii]: you need to install... termcap support, like ncurses
16:07.35*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
16:08.36[virii]ack =P
16:09.28*** join/#asterisk malverian[work] (
16:09.32darwin35kram is never around
16:10.04*** part/#asterisk darwin35 (n=darwin35@
16:10.27cjkanyone an idea how i can simulate a stun connection using netcat?
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16:11.20zoaheya mark!
16:11.29SarahEmmhihi kram
16:11.33kramheya zoa :)
16:11.35kramhi sarah
16:11.52zoais the breakfast open yet ?
16:11.55*** join/#asterisk e3g (
16:12.00kramuhm it's just coffee and stuff
16:12.28e3gI am trying to use WAV as music on hold . . but dont hear WAV music ..only MP3 works ..
16:12.44fugitivowhy you want to use wav?
16:12.47RoyKzoa: mEEP
16:13.00RoyKe3g: using cvs head?
16:13.28e3gbecause I get bad quality with MP3 ..and sometimes musicon hold stops without any error or warning
16:13.39RoyKe3g: rotfl. bad quality???
16:13.50fugitivoe3g: you won't get better quality with wav, mp3 is fine
16:14.03RoyKe3g: alaw/ulaw is the best codec there is for asterisk, and that's far worse than mp3 at a good rate
16:14.15RoyKe3g: but using alaw works with cvs head
16:14.17*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
16:14.22RoyKe3g: see native moh
16:14.25fugitivoe3g: try using madplay, not mpg123
16:14.57RoyKe3g: just transcoding the files to 16bit 8kbps mono and setup native moh
16:15.06ManxPowerouttolunc, one that says "Drink Me"
16:15.10e3gnative moh?
16:15.21RoyKe3g: but beware of that it's rather ugly. it starts a new playback for each call
16:15.29outtoluncnaw, joke, i'ev been asterisk for an * sticker for years <G>
16:15.32RoyKe3g: in cvs head / 1.2beta
16:15.35outtoluncer asking
16:15.37e3ghmmmm.....then NO!
16:15.48ManxPowerouttolunc, Digium sells them
16:16.00e3gAsterisk CVS HEAD built by root@localhost.localdomain on a i686 running Linux on 2005-10-11 07:47:38 UTC
16:16.50e3gthen why MP3 stops after a bit time?
16:17.04e3gwith some breakage
16:17.13RoyKe3g: prolly a bad mp3 file
16:17.29RoyKe3g: we're running quite a lot of queueing without any problem like htat
16:17.30RoyKthat works fine in Windows Media Player
16:17.49e3gRoyk : would you like to hear my Musiconhold ?
16:17.49brookshirewell.. digium doesn't currently sell any asterisk stickers
16:17.54brookshirewe've got to make new ones, lol
16:17.56RoyKe3g: not really
16:18.51e3gRoyk: try it man
16:19.01*** join/#asterisk Teeli (
16:20.15SeyrDoes anyone know why I cannot call a user that has their record stored in SQL sipusers?
16:26.05fugitivomysql is evil
16:26.14filenot this again
16:27.22lanceySIP seems broken again
16:27.36lanceydoesn't recognize incoming hosts if there's a section defined for them
16:27.43lanceyand doesn't take any options in there into account
16:28.25lanceyanyone experience this?
16:28.29*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
16:29.46*** join/#asterisk kimosabe (n=nat@
16:31.32kimosabehow can i congure a selectfone account on my asterisk server ?
16:31.44kimosabecan some one leadme in a how to direction please
16:32.03SarahEmmkimosabe: is it SIP? IAX2?
16:33.03kimosabesip acount
16:33.41kimosabei have it on a sipura know but i want to integrate it to my asterisk server so that via my sipura i can take that ip acount and use it
16:34.51SarahEmmyou have * set up already?
16:35.46kimosabei just have 10 sipura pointing to my asterisk box nothing fancy
16:36.22SarahEmmokay, so all you're trying to do now is set up a SIP peer for your selectfone account?
16:36.44*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
16:36.58kimosabeyes so that my sips can take that vopi trunk and use it
16:37.06*** join/#asterisk Hogie (
16:37.12Hogiehowdy guys
16:37.21leszqWho knows what will the call quality  be if second side is in USA, I am in Poland ....between us is about 180 ms ping delay ... upload/download is about 250 kbit/s in each direction ?? I want use SIP
16:37.52LoRez180ms delay will suck rocks
16:38.01SarahEmmmeep, i need to run.. sorry kimosabe, hopefully someone else can give you a hand.. and read the wiki :)
16:38.03jbotwell, rtfw is, the only place to get any real answers about * and it's many, many uses.
16:38.36HogieUnable to create channel of type 'IAX2' <-- Im getting that on a dial(iax2/watson@campwisdom/206@intercom) statement... which worked for months, until yesterday for some reason...
16:38.49Hogieand I dont know why:\
16:39.00fileiax2 show peer campwisdom
16:40.05Hogieits showing unspecified for the host.. but when I reload, it is registering with it
16:40.29fileregistering is so the other side can get to you... not the other way around
16:40.52*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
16:41.11Hogiethe only change was that our main t1 went down yesterday, (and I was out sick), so when it stopped working, they tried rebooting both boxes, but they didn't change any configs (I already checked md5's I had of the asterisk dirs)...
16:41.41Hogieand it was out data T, not a PRI
16:45.12*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
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16:48.35Hogiethanks file
16:48.43*** join/#asterisk salmandr (
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17:10.26*** join/#asterisk Vlat- (n=vladimir@
17:11.59lanceyanyone came across that?
17:12.04*** join/#asterisk fordvoice (
17:12.10hardwiremy ABP rep just called me from astricon to rub it in
17:12.12hardwirethat bastard
17:12.26AsteriskNoobABP rep?
17:12.34hardwirelancey: is your extconfig.conf set to set up sip.conf?
17:12.43hardwireAsteriskNoob: ABP is a voip hardware resale company
17:12.57hardwirelancey: check your /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf
17:13.09lanceyhardwire it sometimes works
17:13.12lanceycouldn't be that
17:13.22lanceyi believe it's some interoperability issue
17:13.47lanceyyes, i have sippeers from db
17:13.55Vlat-sorry gyus, I know you're using asterisk, but I have a ser question. #ser seems to be dead. Is there other channels where I can ask a question about ser+asterisk connection ?
17:13.57lanceyhow does this change the situation?
17:14.09lanceysip show peer the-sip-peer
17:14.13lanceyshows correct setting
17:16.25JamesDotComwhat's the question Vlat
17:17.46JamesDotComto a degree, yes
17:18.25JamesDotComwrong channel
17:18.29Vlat-JamesDotCom: everything works fine, 'till we get the call from outside, let's say from one of our DID numbers. In that case the person at the other end receive fast busy. And we have nothing in asterisk logs
17:18.53Vlat-oh, sorry, i didn't mentioned that asterisk is voicemail backend
17:19.09JamesDotComwell have you looked at ser's logs?
17:19.38Vlat-ser just sending back the proper code, 404, 486 or 408 ever
17:20.16Vlat-so i thing i lost the point right now. why does ser do such thing, if everything is working fine inside our network
17:20.22JamesDotComwhere do the did's come from?
17:21.13Vlat-it's ip outside our segment, it's in trusted table of ser, and it's working, so subscribers receive the ring and use their did-s w/o any problem
17:21.51Vlat-voicemail diversion is done by t_on_failure[x]
17:22.00JamesDotComsorry, too late at night to comprehend
17:22.08JamesDotComand on that note i should go to bed
17:22.12Vlat-understand you :)
17:22.20Vlat-have a nice rest@
17:22.34JamesDotComhaha np ;)
17:22.41AsteriskNoobwhat's ser?
17:23.09Vlat-AsteriskNoob: are you serious ? :)
17:23.25AsteriskNooball i know its it's a sip proxy
17:23.35Vlat-it is :)
17:23.38AsteriskNoobwhy use anything but asterisk? lol
17:23.50Vlat-ehh, really hate questions like this
17:23.51AsteriskNoobi love my asterisk box
17:23.59Vlat-ser is sip PROXY, asterisk is for anything other
17:23.59Lee__but are you /in love/ with it?
17:24.10JamesDotCom<3 ser
17:24.16AsteriskNoobasterisk has a sip proxy built in ;)
17:24.26AsteriskNoobsure lee, i'm in love with my asterisk box
17:24.28AsteriskNoobit roxors
17:24.34JamesDotComAsteriskNoob: read the sip rfc, rfc 3261
17:24.34Lee__ewwww, gross.
17:24.35InfraRedcan ser add SIP headers?
17:24.36Vlat-asterisk's sip implementation is something strange for me
17:24.47JamesDotComyou'll do yourself a huge favour if you want to learn about sip
17:25.00BrianR___I made the horrible mistake of rolling out grandstream
17:25.05Vlat-i didn't get budgetone to register correctly with it, with ser it worked at the first try
17:25.08AsteriskNoobjames, i know SIP, and i havent had ANY problems with sip in asterisk
17:25.16JamesDotComanyway, 3:24am ;(
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17:25.23Vlat-grandstreams are cheap, but now we're moved to pap2-s
17:25.29AsteriskNoobthen again i'm not doing any nat or anything
17:25.36JamesDotComwell then you'd understand exactly what ser is for ;)
17:25.48JamesDotComtrust me, there's more to learn about sip than you think
17:25.55BrianR___Vlat-: pap2? isn't that an ATA?
17:26.06shido6fresh out
17:26.13Vlat-BrianR___: ATA is old and buggy piece of shi...hardware :)
17:26.18AsteriskNoobi'm running 8 cisco 7960's :)
17:26.19Vlat-PAP2 is rather Sipura
17:26.23cioHi all.  Does * tag it's packets as voice?
17:26.30shido6pap2s sound better than my  7960
17:26.34Vlat-Cisco bought the hardware last year
17:26.38AsteriskNoobyes cio it sets TOS bits
17:26.48nomazdavlat did you grab any at that latest staples frenzy?
17:26.49Vlat-btw, nobody from vonage here ?
17:26.59cioAny particular switch you guys like?
17:27.00AsteriskNooboooo-oooooooo oooo-ooo-ooo
17:27.04Vlat-we was able to unlock the latest PAP2 firmware :))
17:27.07BrianR___I need POE powered IP phones for offices..
17:27.11nomazdayea.. sweet deal ;)
17:27.17lanceycio: * can set the ToS bit
17:27.20shido6how many, BrianR___  ?
17:27.23AsteriskNoobcio, i love my cisco 3524XL-PWR-EN
17:27.36Vlat-good tip for everyone: never buy PAP2-s from Ebay
17:27.43Vlat-usually they're vonage-locked
17:27.48lanceyallied telesyn's 8700's also work flawless
17:27.53Vlat-and people tell nothing about it
17:27.54BrianR___shido6: bought 20 gxp-2000's, if the past few days are any suggestion it probably means they're all going to fail :(
17:28.15Vlat-BrianR___: wait for the new firmware
17:28.15lanceyVlat- there's a PAP2-NA, which is unlocked
17:28.20lanceyand sells regularly out here
17:28.26lanceyat $65 or so
17:28.27BrianR___Vlat-: We're seeing phones that get unusually warm, lock up.
17:28.32Vlat-lancey: we thought they're NA-s
17:28.32AsteriskNooblets see, cisco switch mixed with cisco 7960's words GREAT they sync like they belong together or something ;)
17:28.51Vlat-so the guy sold this option received some bad reviews
17:29.08lanceywell, if he said PAP2 only
17:29.12BrianR___You can get an actual sipura spa-21xx for cheap money too... It seems they've hidden a lot of the nifty configurables in the linksys branded one..
17:29.14Vlat-BrianR___: heh, i have a tip, and maybe even a solution
17:29.15lanceyit's not his mistake :)
17:29.21BrianR___Vlat-: tell me more.
17:29.24Vlat-but if you follow it you'll lose the guarantee
17:29.38Vlat-there to stabilizer inside
17:29.44lanceyBrianR___: what's missing?
17:29.47Vlat-have no idea why two
17:30.24BrianR___lancey: some of the stuff related to auto-changing the jitter buffer settings when doing g711 passthrough of fax, and the t38 stuff.
17:30.37Vlat-try to change them to the same type. it seems they're using a broken type (or the power supply is not for gxp)
17:31.22BrianR___Vlat-: We're powering these over POE - does that matter?
17:31.44Vlat-BrianR___: what's the current ?
17:31.57Vlat-btw, 7805-s look like this (there's the full pdf):
17:32.12BrianR___We're also using the .12 firmware on the GXP2000's - not sure if that matters. it was the only way to make the speakerphone usable though.
17:32.24Vlat-just take a look at pdf, search for min/max current/voltage parameters
17:32.47Vlat-then pick up a multimeter and watch the parameters at the POE's endpoint
17:33.16Vlat-then compare two, if they're slight greater than sheet writes, you have to stabilize them somehow
17:35.11BrianR___Vlat-: *sigh*
17:35.21tzafrir_laptopany gentoo users here? bsd users? if so: do those distros come with libgsm , and if so: to where exactly is it installed? (gsm.h,
17:35.27BrianR___Vlat-: That might be a practical fix if I had a handful of problem phones, but it looks like I may have 20 or more to fix.
17:36.04lanceytzafrir_laptop: FreeBSD doesn't come with one included
17:36.07Vlat-BrianR___: maybe you have a trouble not with the phones, instead with POE power supply
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17:36.14Vlat-to be honest never liked POE solutions :)
17:36.23Vlat-too much problems with them
17:36.34BrianR___Could be 30+ minutes of rework per phone. Engineering would get pissed if I stole like 2 days worth of technician time... :(
17:37.09BrianR___Vlat-: POE is the only way to deal with availability issues without putting generator power outlets or UPS's at each office...
17:38.57cioDo the Cisco switches come out of the box prioritizing voice or do you have to go build a config?
17:38.58Vlat-BrianR___: unfotently i know :(
17:39.13supaigtrI have having tiny gaps in audio on an PRI-> *IAX2 - >*IAX2 -> polycom.  Any ideas?  Is jitterbuffer the answer?
17:40.56cioDoes asterisk use 802.11p or 802.11Q?
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17:44.34lsf_workAnyone know if Presence works ?
17:45.25brookshirecio: those are networking protocols... asterisk can work over them
17:45.39brookshirebut asterisk does not work directly with them
17:46.31cioSo with the TOS bits already set, switches will automatically prioritize them?
17:47.19brookshirenot automatically.. asterisk has no control over that
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17:48.23lanceycio probably not
17:48.43lanceysome switches do come preconfigured with common qos
17:48.54lanceybut you'll probably have to manually configure it
17:48.57lanceyto run as expected
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17:55.01cioThanks, lancey.
17:55.26Vlat-sometimes i thing about changing our infrastructure completely to asterisk. currently we have 1000+ customers(sip only) and ser+asterisk(media backend) configuration.
17:55.37Vlat-Is it a good idea ?
17:56.10Vlat-the only thing i dislike in ser - is the configuration file :)
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17:57.52zoahey file
17:58.20Kattyanyone work at nasa branch office in here?
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17:59.30LaibschI installed Asterisk@Home on a computer.  I choose custom installation.  Apparently for some reason, the web server was not installed.  How can I add that now?  Do I have to reinstall?
17:59.46fileLaibsch: I'd suggest going to the AAH channel
18:00.32LaibschThanks.  Which one is that?  #aah did not work.
18:00.42filenot a clue, I don't use it
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18:14.19synthetiqhow do u restart or flush zap cards with out restarting asterisk, ?
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18:16.08tzangerdammit jerjer's not here
18:16.13tzangerKatty: ??
18:16.19Kattytzanger: mew?
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18:26.30syzygyBSDI am trying to add a PRI in addition to a channel bank but keep getting ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 2: Invalid argument (22)
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18:26.51generalhanwhats up everyone ?
18:27.05syzygyBSD is my config file
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18:27.35syzygyBSDjust beating myself with the keyboard trying to figure this out...
18:28.06syzygyBSDwhats up with you?
18:28.12[VIRIi]when trying to compile zaptel i get this message. make: *** [linux26] Error 2
18:28.16[VIRIi]make: *** SUBDIRS=/usr/src/zaptel: No such file or directory.  Stop.
18:31.18*** part/#asterisk n0where (
18:31.36syzygyBSD[VIRIi]: where are you making it from? ie, cd /usr/src/zaptel && make
18:32.32kimosabewhere can i find a config exapmle for configuring delthatree with asterisk
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18:34.41kimosabei just purchased an account from how can i configure it on my asterisk box
18:34.45kimosabea how to ?
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18:35.09syzygyBSDkimosabe: have you looked at voip-info yet?
18:35.24synthetiqhow do u restart or flush zap cards with out restarting asterisk, ?
18:35.49kimosabeim there but i dont see any exapmles or dont know what im looking for
18:35.53ManxPowersynthetiq, define "restart or flush"
18:36.27ManxPoweryou can make changes to /etc/zaptel.conf and then run ztcfg -vvv but that will terminate any active zap calls
18:37.06ManxPowerWith 1.2beta/CVS-HEAD you can issue a "reload" at the Asterisk CLI and that will apply most changes you may to /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
18:37.36ManxPowerYou can also "unload" and then "load" at the Asterisk CLI, but that won't work if there are any active zap calls
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18:37.47Lee__why would Asterisk use the defined SIP proxy to ring the other end but bypass that proxy when the call is connected and RTP is flowing?
18:37.56tainted_tzanger you around?
18:38.06ManxPowerLee__, you prolly don't have a canreinvite=no in sip.conf
18:38.22Nyvarlee, is that proxy doing record_route?
18:38.25Vlat-what does canreinvite field actually do ?
18:38.44ManxPowerVlat-, it prevents RTP frpm flowing directly between the two SIP endpoints
18:38.55Lee__Nyvar: I don't think so, it's just rewriting the host and forwarding the packet along to a termination service.
18:39.08tainted_anyone interested in a freelance project?
18:39.08Vlat-ManxPower: thanx. so it forces asterisk to proxy the rtp ?
18:39.15*** join/#asterisk mud (
18:39.27tainted_i need an asterisk/linux/agi guru
18:39.28ManxPowerVlat-, correct.  It's needed for situations where NAT is involved.
18:39.42Vlat-ManxPower: thanks again, may be handy on nat solutions
18:39.52Nyvarvlat, yes, canreinvite=no forces the rtp through *
18:40.21Lee__thanks. I think that may be my problem.
18:40.31tzangertainted_: yes
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18:41.41Kattytzanger: did you want something?
18:42.34Vlat-tainted_: i'm not AGI guru, but had a little experience with it. What do you actually need ?
18:42.39tzangerKatty: just wondering why there'd be NASA people in here
18:42.44tzangerseems kind of ... low for them
18:43.13generalhancan some one tell me how to terminate a Meetme room ?
18:43.14Lee__but here's what I don't understand: I don't care if the actual RTP stream goes between endpoints but why are SIP headers getting transmitted directly between the endpoints? Those two things should be sepperate, right?
18:43.44ManxPowerLee__, Do you have NAT?
18:43.55kimosabedoes any one have a sip acount configured on there server so there sipuras can take the accouht and dial to the world
18:44.06mmlj4hey ManxPower
18:44.07Lee__yes, Asterisk is behind NAT and the proxy isn't.
18:44.17mmlj4i hear i'm carrying you to gulfport friday
18:44.21ManxPowerLee__, Anytime you have NAT, weird stuff happens
18:44.27ManxPowermmlj4, First I've heard of it.
18:44.40ManxPowerI know I'm going to gulfport on friday, didn't know how I was getting there.
18:45.04tainted_are u guys at astricon?
18:45.05mmlj4i'm your chauffeur and flunky for the day
18:45.06Vlat-usually STUN + a proper forwarding completely solve every NAT problemm
18:45.16tainted_i wish i could go:(
18:45.16Vlat-becouse it's not a nat anymore
18:45.20hypa7iatainted_: come next year
18:45.23hypa7iait's awesome
18:45.29ManxPowertainted_, Trust me, you don't want to go to Gulfport.
18:45.37ManxPowerUnless you like looking at destroyed buildings
18:45.58mmlj4ManxPower: many tourists in NO right now, looking at the destruction
18:46.15ManxPowerVlat-, I don't have NAT problems and I never use STUN or a proxy
18:46.16ManxPowermmlj4, *gag*
18:46.23ManxPowerThe stench alone is enough to kill you.
18:46.50mmlj4actually, it's a lot better now
18:47.04mmlj4went to lakeview this AM
18:47.27kimosabehey can some one tell me hos to configure my asterisk box to use a pstn so that my clients can access it via sipura
18:47.52tainted_hypa7ia the sad thing is i'm in the LA area
18:48.17tainted_hypa7ia ManxPower but i just can't get time off work.. ironic thing is.. i'm stuck here b/c of an asterisk project
18:48.27mmlj4hey, kimosabe  (always wanted to say that), you need hardware to connect to PSTN
18:49.01ManxPowermmlj4, I need to save up enough money to get out of Limping Mule Texas
18:49.03mmlj4tainted_: then why can't you attend astricon?
18:49.07bjohnsonmmlj4: no you don't
18:49.13mmlj4heh, i'll bet
18:49.33mmlj4bjohnson: someone needs hardware
18:49.34bjohnsonyep, but he doesn't
18:49.42hypa7iatainted_: tragic!
18:49.54bjohnsonkimosabe: subscribe to a voip provider and they will connect you to the pstn for a fee
18:49.58kimosabemmlj4 i have asterisk box with 10 sipuras and i have a selectfone account i want the selectfone account to be accesible via sipura but dont know how to configure it
18:50.02mmlj4he has to rent it, if not use it himself
18:50.25kimosabeim renting it already
18:50.29bjohnsonkimosabe: I'm not familiar with slectfone, is it working for you?
18:50.42kimosabeyes its gfreat service and cheap prices
18:50.48mmlj4kimosabe: i have no idea how to connect * to selectphone..... though once you have that, getting the sipuras to dial out is the easy part, probably
18:51.09kimosabeis there a config exapmle ?
18:51.10bjohnsonin exten.conf, accept calls from the sip phone and dial() the number though the selectfone channel
18:51.12ManxPowermmlj4, I've decided to put up flyers.  "Do you have DSL?  Earn up to $20/month!  Learn How by Calling 903-796-1234!"
18:51.26ManxPowermmlj4, Then I'll install my own damn wireless uplink to whoever wants $20/month
18:51.32tainted_ManxPower are you in town?
18:51.37ManxPowertainted_, Which town?
18:51.47tainted_los angeles area
18:51.48ManxPowertainted_, no
18:52.00ManxPowerI have to do an Asterisk install on Friday
18:52.10tainted_that's too bad
18:52.16tainted_it would've been nice to meet you
18:53.05mmlj4but for that killer hurricane, you might have gotten your wish
18:53.06tzangersomeone smack jerjer and tell him that nufone's mishandling calls to canada :-)
18:53.07bjohnsonkimosabe: thousands of examples.  probably none that you can blindly copy thoug
18:53.16bjohnsonmy son popped my 'h' key off my keyboad and broke the little clips that are supposed to hold it on
18:53.22kimosabebjohnson lead me in the direction please
18:53.30bjohnsonin exten.conf, accept calls from the sip phone and dial() the number though the selectfone channel
18:54.35bjohnsonI meant
18:59.38kimosabehow can i see if my asterisk box registered with selectfone
18:59.58ManxPowerkimosabe, "iax2 show registry" or "sip show registry"
19:00.34ManxPowerBut registration only affects calls from the remote server TO your local server.
19:00.44kimosabecool im regfistered with selectfone
19:01.00kimosabemanxpower a readme so that i can take that line via my sipura ?
19:02.07kimosabein otherwords i want to be able to make calls from that line with my sipuras
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19:07.59mcf3782I need a little help understanding what I've configured wrong that isn't allowing me to make outbound local calls.
19:08.37mcf3782In the [globals] section of my extensions.conf I have "OUTBOUNDTRUNK=Zap/1".
19:09.02mcf3782Here in Atlanta, Georgia, we have to do 10-digit dialing, even for local calls as we have multiple "local" areacodes.
19:09.28mcf3782So I have a statement like this for local calls. "exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(${OUTBOUNDTRUNK}/${EXTEN:1})"
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19:10.09mcf3782What I think I should be able to do is dial 97705551212 and get an outbound call.
19:10.31ManxPowermcf3782, not if your pattern starts with _91
19:10.57mcf3782goes to edit
19:11.04kimosabemanx power i have this i have regfistry from voip provider
19:11.12kimosabei put context but it dont work
19:11.12wunderkindo an extensions reload from the cli when done
19:11.50kimosabei did stop now and asterisk -vvvgc
19:12.43jarrodyou did not
19:13.37kimosabedoes it have to be in same context for this to work ?
19:13.46mcf3782ok. I corrected that to now look like "exten => _9NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(${OUTBOUNDTRUNK}/${EXTEN:1})"
19:14.41mcf3782if I do "dial 7705551212", the message that's returned is "no such extension '97705551212".
19:15.10mcf3782I'm using real local numbers in place of the 5551212, just trying to keep it simple on here.
19:15.28wunderkinmcf3782 and you did an extensions reload?
19:15.41wunderkinmust not be in the same context
19:16.07mcf3782ok. I'll look closer at that. I thought I had it in the proper place.
19:16.18wunderkincheck what context your phone is in
19:16.19kimosabewhy doesnt it unhang my line
19:17.12mcf3782I'm issuing that 'dial' command from the asterisk console, not a phone. Trying to test one step at a time. :)
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19:18.26wunderkinnot sure that way, may be using default dunno.. try from a phone
19:19.07outtoluncthey ever gonna stream astricon?
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19:19.19wunderkindont know, the dev conference was
19:19.40wunderkinrest it probably not
19:20.05wunderkini would understand the point of doing the dev conference so other developers that couldnt make it could at least help with the dev
19:20.09ian_kmcf3782: You prob don't have it in the "local" context
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19:20.25mcf3782wunderkin: you were right. it wasn't in the 'local' context. I'd missed the fact that another context started just out of my edit buffer. *sigh*
19:20.34mcf3782ian_k yep.
19:20.39mcf3782Thanks guys!
19:21.03mcf3782sometimes all it takes is another pair of eyes, even if they're nowhere near me. :)
19:22.11harryvvin most cases iax devices will go though most firewalls?
19:22.30harryvvhard to demo a phone in a company when there fw is blocking sip ports.
19:23.01wunderkinport 4569 is all thats used i think.. udp?
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19:23.16harryvvBut asking people here from experaince.
19:23.26kimosabeif i registered a device and my asterisk box says regfistered
19:23.40wunderkinwell if thats not blocked it  should be ok :P
19:23.45Vlat-harryvv: once we encapsulated a sip signalling to tcp 25 :)
19:23.55Vlat-smtp. it was the only open port
19:24.10wunderkinno interweb huh
19:24.29jarrodyou would have to be a real momo to do that
19:24.42wunderkinthey're out there
19:25.03harryvvvlat so you used the mail port then.
19:25.22Vlat-harryvv: there was no other solution, 'till we reach their admin
19:25.44harryvvokay thats easy enough to change in asterisk
19:26.11harryvvwhat about port 80
19:26.19Vlat-would work either
19:26.39Vlat-in fact any port would do the trick, but it was only signalling (sip)
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19:26.49harryvvI wonder if astrisk would except more then one port
19:26.59Vlat-since we're never had of use IAX, we need minimum two
19:27.15harryvvI see
19:27.29Vlat-btw, tell me guys, how IAX is good and what it's a good for ?
19:27.42Vlat-i know that it encapsulate sig+rtp to 1 port
19:27.48[ViRIi]i cant compile zaptel for some odd reason
19:28.04Vlat-back a disadvantage of this could be a lost of packet syncro in case of timing-failure, not ?
19:28.14kimosabethis is what i have
19:28.18[ViRIi]/bin/sh: line 0: [: argument expected
19:28.19[ViRIi]make -C  SUBDIRS=/usr/src/zaptel modules
19:28.19[ViRIi]make: *** SUBDIRS=/usr/src/zaptel: No such file or directory.  Stop.
19:28.19[ViRIi]make: *** [linux26] Error 2
19:28.22kimosabecan some one help
19:28.43jarrodkimosabe: Eat more peanut butter
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19:29.15harryvvvlat, dont know
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19:31.39kimosabejarrod i just need helpman not all the penut butter dude
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19:36.56syzygyBSDmmm peanut butter
19:38.41Nugget  <-- ha ha
19:38.55kimosabecan i get a hand check this out
19:38.56*** part/#asterisk palad1n (
19:39.54CANO1982Im having some problems with the TDN400p board
19:40.11CANO1982maybe some related to gains or echo cancellation
19:40.14*** join/#asterisk heath__ (
19:40.23harryvvWhere can I find a wholesaler that will advertise calls to india at less then 17 cents CDN?
19:40.35CANO1982may I ask here for help?
19:40.35heath__anyone know off the top of their head where the DOCROOT is in AAH?
19:41.01*** join/#asterisk paryl (n=paryl@
19:41.21parylhow can i turn off silence suppression in asterisk?
19:41.37fileAsterisk doesn't support silence suppression
19:41.43filethus it's rather hard to turn something off that doesn't exist
19:42.05ManxPowerparyl, Asterisk does not support Silence supression, therefore it is not logical to want to turn it off.
19:42.30parylok... well, riddle me this:
19:42.46CANO1982I have 2 asterisk servers running, each one with a tdm400p board
19:42.56paryli'm using a gxp-2000 and i have silence suppression turned off on it, but the sound cuts off whenever i'm not talking
19:43.02parylis it the phone or asterisk?>
19:43.07*** join/#asterisk obiyoda (
19:43.27ManxPowerharryvv, How about  0.159
19:43.28paryl(the sound cuts off to the person i'm calling)
19:43.47ManxPowerparyl, then it's not turned off on the client
19:43.58ManxPowerSince asterisk will stop sending audio if it's not receiving audio
19:44.03obiyodais there a way in asterisk@home to have the digital receptionist forward calls to a queue if no options are selected?
19:44.31harryvvManx, is that in Canadian dollars?
19:44.36ManxPowerparyl, you would be able to confirm this with something like tcpdump running on the asterisk box
19:44.45nomazdahas anyone tried vbuzzer w/ asterisk?
19:44.48ManxPowerharryvv, no, american dollars.  Sorry about that.
19:45.22harryvvManxPower yea, then its going to be difficult to compete against Telus.
19:45.48CANO1982an each onehas an analog phone plugged to it
19:46.08parylmanx: how do i do that?
19:46.20harryvvwe have a huge east indian population here and several east indians have asked if i can beat 17 cents cdn.
19:46.33CANO1982everithings work fine (Zap, SIP and IAX) except qhe I try to make a call between two analog phones
19:46.34ManxPowerparyl, "man tcpdump"
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19:46.59tainted_harryvv what's the going rate?
19:47.01parylyeah... i'm talking about confirming it
19:47.12parylwhat do i look for that identifies that it's turned on?
19:47.15fileah crap...
19:47.20ManxPowerparyl, tcpdump host theipofyourclient
19:47.22CANO1982the sound get loud (very), seems overdriven
19:47.31fileah there we go, better
19:47.41CANO1982any idea?
19:47.44ManxPowerCANO1982, reset your txgain and rxgain to be -0
19:47.46ManxPower..e.r.. 0
19:48.23ManxPowerIt looks like I'm not going to New Orleans tomorrow after all.
19:48.38CANO1982yes, its 0 on both servers (sorry about my enlgish)
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19:49.52CANO1982I?ve tried lewering it (on both sides) but nothing changes after about 9 dB
19:50.28ManxPower6753 packets transmitted, 0 received, +6664 errors, 100% packet loss, time 6818831ms
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19:51.24[ViRIi]anyone know why zaptel wont compile on ubuntu?>
19:51.38CANO1982It can stablish perfect calls between SIP and analog phones,and IAX and analog phones
19:52.23ManxPowerCANO1982, I have never heard of the problem you describe.
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19:52.50CANO1982its anoying
19:53.17parylyeah, so manx... again, what is tcpdump supposed to tell me?  i see nothing coming across other than regular ol' packets
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19:53.45CANO1982ViRIi, whats the error on the compilation?
19:54.21ManxPowerparyl, the packets should stop when you stop talking.  That means the SIP device still has silence supression enabled.
19:54.51ManxPowerparyl, of course, if you have AGREESIVE ECHO CANCEL enabled in zapata that would cause a similar issue.
19:55.15Kattydum de dum
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19:56.35bjohnsonharryvv: ask
19:56.39parylis that what echocancel=yes is?
19:56.54ManxPowerparyl, no, it's a compile time option
19:56.55CANO1982[ViRIi] wich error?
19:58.32ManxPowerI never hated trees before I moved to Limping Mule Texas
19:58.38bjohnsonManxPower: try a sat dish as a reflector
19:58.47mutilatordoesn't work manx
19:58.52mutilatortrees move too much
19:58.54ManxPowerbjohnson, I have buildings and trees between me and the rest of the workd.
19:59.13bjohnsondepends how many
19:59.18mutilatorjust invest ~$700 in a tower
19:59.22ManxPowerThe only AP I can connect to is a WiSIP which is down 1/2 the time
19:59.29bjohnsonand stick a windmill on top
19:59.34harryvvManx, putting up a wvoip service?
19:59.56ManxPowerharryvv, Hell no.  Not even I like that much pain.
19:59.57harryvvManx, can out put up a tower?
20:00.18bjohnsonI thought you were looking at TO.  How did Limping Mule win out?
20:00.21harryvvManx, contact some hams in the area thay may help
20:00.25ManxPowerharryvv, I don't want to invest that much into something I'm only going to use for a couple of months
20:00.30bjohnsonHow did Limping Mule get anything other than a bullet
20:00.46netsurferhi harryvv - u got prv
20:00.49ManxPowerbjohnson, A friend is from here, and his family arranged for a house to rent, furniture, etc for us after Katrina
20:01.10ManxPowerAnd I'm trying to save up enough money to buy a car and an RV trailer.
20:02.25harryvvManx katrina affected you ?
20:02.25ManxPowerSo a $700 tower is out of the question.
20:02.47Kattybeep! (x2)
20:02.48parylmanx: sorry to be an idiot, but as far as i can see, any mention of echocancel in the source code is set to 0
20:02.53ManxPowerharryvv, Katrina put 3ft of water in the house I was renting and destroyed (and I mean DESTROYED( %90 of the town I lived in.
20:03.18paryli compiled is straight from cvs, but you did hit it, this only happens when i'm talking across the tdm400p
20:03.19harryvvwow, did not know.
20:03.44harryvvwas this from the levey break or the storm surge.
20:03.44ManxPowerhardwire, The two frinds I'm living with were New Orleans Tour Guides, so there's nothing left there for them either.
20:03.52Vlat-ManxPower: maybe insurance ?
20:03.55ManxPowerharryvv, storm surge.
20:04.06ManxPowerVlat-, no insurance since I was not in a flood zone.
20:04.14Vlat-fscking hard
20:04.24harryvvManx, never knew. Where were you staying during katrina?
20:04.29ManxPowerThe ocean rose by 30ft where I lived.  And that's before you count the huge waves.
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20:05.01ManxPowerharryvv, I was staying with people in Jackson MS (several hours north of the MS gulf coast where I lived)
20:05.15harryvvI see
20:05.21Vlat-heh, today a subsciber forced me to order him a DID "somewhere in Texas". Me (dumb) ordered that DID.
20:05.33Vlat-It TEXAS city!
20:05.35Vlat-and he meant the state
20:05.46Vlat-so, anyone needs a DID in Texas city ?
20:05.51harryvvManx, Eventually the Federal goverment will cut you a check.
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20:05.55ManxPowerOn the bright side, one of the things that kept me from moving and living other places was what to do with my furnatire.  That's not a problem any more.
20:06.01Vlat-will give it out for free
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20:06.47ManxPowerVlat-, no thanks, but if you get me DSL I'll do just about anything for you.
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20:07.04Vlat-ManxPower: not my area, sorry :(
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20:07.32Vlat-ManxPower: get closer to the Europe and i'll give you 7mbit DSL for a damping price of $20
20:07.35ManxPowerI was north of New Orleans working when my friends got the place in Limping Mule Texas.  Nobody checked to find out the place is 20,000ft from the CO
20:07.47ManxPowerVlat-, offer me a job and handle the paperwork.
20:08.11ManxPowerI think the post office calls this place  "Atlanta Texas"
20:10.23Vlat-ManxPower: would be happy to do it really, but we have a full staff currently, sorry
20:10.43Vlat-and i'm afraid US payments and EU payments are "little" different :)
20:11.08ManxPowerVlat-, People here will tell you that when I'm not whining about my ISP, I do a lot of Asterisk, Telecom, and WAN related stuff.
20:12.07Vlat-ManxPower: i think i'll be here ocassionly from now, so if i find something for you, i'll drop you a line. Is it ok for you ?
20:12.27ManxPowerVlat-, I am most interested in Belgium and Netherlands
20:12.33bjohnsondon't you want to know where in europe he is?
20:12.37*** part/#asterisk Juul (n=Juul@
20:12.56Vlat-if you consider Belgium, you HAVE to visit
20:13.07Vlat-great ITSP, we're buing DID-s from them
20:14.00Vlat-when i say "great ITSP" it means i don't even cosider them as our competitors, these guys are really great
20:14.06*** join/#asterisk clyrrad (
20:14.28Vlat-we changed about 10 did providers in the past years, voxbone is the only really working 24/7+support :)
20:15.14clyrradWhy do my MySQL * CDR records not show userfield or account code in each entry?  Only whenthe call starts.  For all other actions during the call, the actions are recorded with out this information.  Why is that?
20:17.30Vlat-maybe due transfer call ability ?
20:17.41Vlat-but maybe i'm wrong
20:18.03clyrradwhat do u mean by transfer call ability?
20:18.43Vlat-clyrrad: you're able to transfer the call to the 3rd party. and the accounting information would be changed in this case
20:19.06ManxPowerclyrrad, In this setup Server A -> Server B -> Server C, and IAX2 call can bypass Server B and so the CDRs can be wrong.
20:19.12Vlat-we're using SER, and the things working a bit different, but we had the problem similar like you said due the call transfers
20:19.28Vlat-also there're Hold call
20:19.34Vlat-even worse
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20:20.17Vlat-in other words, call-id info will be stampted only after the call was made
20:20.28clyrradRight now, its just a matter of when a call comes in, its recorded, and we are only forwarding the call to an internal extension, this is when the information gets lost.
20:20.33Vlat-when asterisk/ser 100% know all the information about session
20:20.43clyrradWhat is the work around for this if thats the case?  How do you bill your customers?
20:21.04Vlat-we wrote the own billing system
20:21.17Vlat-collector script starting from the cron every minute
20:21.22clyrradbut the billing system had to use the CDR's did it not?
20:21.42Vlat-yes, but ONLY if there is Call start and Call End
20:21.46Vlat-so if the call ended
20:21.48*** part/#asterisk CANO1982 (n=alejandr@
20:22.13Vlat-the thing you're talking about is similar to RADIUS interimization for me
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20:22.40Vlat-when you trigger asterisk pool every given amount of time by RADIUS server for the connection data
20:22.52enemy^xIm trying to figure out how to use hint to establish the presence within eyebeam and asterisk, could anyone show me an example extensions.conf where this actually works? Im running 1.0.9
20:22.54Vlat-and i'm afraid it can be done only with the radius
20:22.56clyrradOk so how did you know when a call was started and ended for a particual user?
20:23.31Vlat-clyrrad: it's simple. There's CDR entry with non-zero start-time and end-time in your CDR file
20:23.36Vlat-or database
20:24.09clyrradyes, I am looking in the database right now, I see what you are refering to, but what im getting at is how do you know what non zero start and end time belong to what user
20:24.10Vlat-in other case the call is still in process or the things REALLY going wrong
20:24.27Vlat-it's even easier
20:24.59Vlat-there's the CallID field (don't know it's exact name in asterisk)
20:25.23Vlat-CallID is unique for each call
20:25.45clyrradthere is src or uniqueid if thats what you mean,but that is the one i was saying keeps loosing its information
20:25.46Vlat-So SELECT .... FROM ... WHERE EndTime NOT NULL GROUP BY CallID
20:25.52Vlat-it's a pseudo-code of course
20:25.55clyrradperhaps its where im setting it.... where did you set these values?
20:25.59Vlat-sorry, but i must run out right now
20:26.06Vlat-will be back about 01:00 CET
20:26.13clyrradokay, thanks
20:27.33Ariel_hello shido6 are you around?  need to talk with you please.
20:32.54*** join/#asterisk _DAW (
20:33.22_DAWCan someone help me with an issue I am having with IAX and realtime?  I am getting an error Auto-congesting call due to slow response
20:33.54_DAWeverything worked fine before I tried it with realtime
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20:35.37jarrodrealtime is the bomb
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20:38.40harryvvDo anything to trade this gloom and doom gun metal grey skys.
20:38.44jarrodi like realtime cluster setup
20:38.49fugitivomysql is evil
20:38.52harryvvwhat does realtime do
20:38.58jarrodi load everything in SQL
20:39.03jarrodit works great
20:39.04harryvvwe are talking about rtp?
20:39.05jarrodas been for a long while
20:39.12fugitivosql is a bad idea for a stable system
20:39.38jarrodnot at all
20:39.46harryvvjarros, no what
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20:39.57jarrodas long as you keep it local
20:39.58Nuggetfugitivo: did you see  ?
20:40.01Nuggetit's brilliant.
20:40.14Nuggetoracle is curb stomping mysql.
20:40.26fugitivoanother service, another problem
20:40.37Supaplex<3 Pg
20:40.44endernot to mention that MySQL is an addon, not mainstream.
20:40.48enderanother patch to maintain.
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20:41.22fugitivoflat files are perfect
20:41.38fugitivoNugget: let's see :)
20:41.41Nuggetthe biggest issue for me is that the dialplan is code, not data, and doesn't belong in a database.
20:41.51*** join/#asterisk supaigtr (n=yurplsl@
20:41.59harryvvhas anyone worked with asterisk and those radio based cards for repeaters?
20:42.16fugitivoxml config files would be nice
20:42.40Damin_PDAno...xml is bad bad bad...
20:42.43Nuggetew, not xml.
20:42.49harryvvnokia is going to be putting out a wimax phone in about two years.
20:42.53Nuggetxml config files are a total hemorrhoid.
20:43.01Nuggetthey're unwieldy and difficult to work with
20:43.07mcf3782I agree
20:43.17supaigtrAnyone know how to debug IAX2 dropping audio in one direction?
20:43.44fugitivoit's easy to write a code to read a xml config file
20:43.48Nuggetfugitivo: have you ever used an app which uses xml for config files?  it's horrible.
20:44.06Damin_PDAsupaightr  stable to head?
20:44.15enderfugitivo: hand editing XML files is really shitty
20:44.24Nuggetthe files are difficult to edit by hand.  I'm sure it would be ok if you never expected people to edit them without using a magic app.
20:44.43enderthen you have to worry about your magic app doing the 'right thing'.
20:44.46enderwhich is a joke.
20:44.50Nuggetit's hard to spot errors in xml, it's difficult to copy/paste blocks or edit with a powerful editor.
20:45.02supaigtrTwo week old head.
20:45.14endermaking files xml for the sake of making it easy for the program to read the files is rediculous.
20:45.18fugitivoyes, hand editing xml is a pain in the ass, but it's easy to write a program to read it and modify it
20:45.26supaigtrDamin_PDA:  Its become a serious problem.  PRI - IAX - IAX - Poly.
20:45.27*** join/#asterisk terrapen (
20:45.32Damin_PDAhead to head?
20:45.47enderfugitivo: then you have to rely on the assumptions the program will make when writing out your config.
20:45.57supaigtrI have two * boxes.  One with PRI and the other fed by IAX.
20:46.10terrapensigh... can anybody tell me why I see this:
20:46.10terrapen*CLI> Oct 12 10:54:18 NOTICE[1985]: chan_iax2.c:5468 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, request '2107646738@abcxyz' does not exist
20:46.13endersupaigtr: sounds like my setup.
20:46.16Damin_PDAboth head
20:46.27terrapenI have my teliax entry in iax.conf set to context=inbound
20:46.30supaigtrSame version of head but its about 2 weeks old.
20:46.40fugitivoender: that isn't a problem
20:46.41terrapenand there is an extension 2107646738 in contect inbound
20:46.46Damin_PDAidentify potpal
20:46.47terrapenerr context
20:47.00Damin_PDAtimestamps enabled?
20:47.20terrapenI'm not sure why Asterisk is trying to put incoming calls into the guest context
20:47.25enderfugitivo: yes it is.  IF you've had to deal w/ those types of things youd realize that too.  THe beauty of Asterisk is that it is so open and configurable.  If you ahve to rely on some program to configure it, value suddenly goes way down.
20:47.37terrapenwhen I've instructed it to put them into the "inbound" context
20:47.38enderterrapen: your iax isn't registering correctly.
20:47.59terrapenOct 12 10:54:08 NOTICE[1985]: iax2-provision.c:496 iax_provision_reload: No IAX provisioning configuration found, IAX provisioning disabled.
20:48.06terrapenmaybe that has something to do with it?
20:48.10enderterrapen: thats different.
20:48.23fugitivoender: i love plain text files, but i'm not thinking about me only
20:48.25terrapenlooks like its registering...
20:48.50terrapenI wonder if it has to do with the fact that I have multiple installations of asterisk using Teliax from the same source IP (a NAT'ing router)
20:49.01enderterrapen: debug iax when making the call.
20:49.42enderfugitivo: *shrug* I've hated xml whenver I've ran against it.
20:51.00mcf3782I'm sure XML has it's uses and benefits. But turning the Asterisk config files into XML is not, in my humble opinion; a good use of XML or a good thing for Asterisk on the whole.  But just my opinion.
20:51.09supaigtrDamin_PDA: I'm not familar with timestamps.
20:51.20terrapenstrangest thing is, I *have* an 'inbound' context
20:51.26supaigtrIt that part of the jitterbuffer?
20:52.05Damin_PDAsupaightr: well,disable them on both sides and disable plc + jitterbuffer...then retest..
20:52.07ManxPowerterracon, IAX Provisioning is for the IAXy hardware device.
20:52.16terrapenI have an IAXy
20:52.28terrapenmaybe this is part of the problem? :)
20:52.50mmlj4i'm going to get one if I can't make my sipura ATA connect to my house while away
20:53.27supaigtrDamin_PDA: I had jitterbuffer=no and got the same results.  Not sure what plc and timestamps are.
20:54.17Damin_PDAsupaight: disable them..
20:54.40Damin_PDAread docs...
20:54.54ManxPowerterrapen, It should not cause an issue with Teliax
20:54.55supaigtrOk.  Where are docs for plc etc?
20:55.05ManxPowermmlj4, Looks like we won't be going to Gulfport on Friday
20:55.14Damin_PDAiax.conf machine...
20:55.21ManxPowersupaigtr, as far as I can tell there are no docs for PLC
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20:55.35terrapenManx, these are a modified version of iax.conf/extensions.conf that I have been using with Teliax for quite awhile
20:55.46supaigtrManxPower: Thats what I thought.  Man this is really a problem.
20:55.49terrapenmodified with new username/secret/host information of course
20:56.22mcf3782Out of here for a while. Thanks again to those who helped with my outbound dialing issue earlier!! :)
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20:57.40iCEBrkrFrick'n Roadrunner
20:57.41supaigtrAnyone else experienced the muting problem?  It only seems to always be in one direction.
20:58.11malverian[work]Hahah... anyone think that I might get severe echo problems if my span for my PRI is set to not be used as primary sync source? :-P
20:58.16terrapenthis suuuuuhhhuhhhhhuhhhhhhcks
20:58.25X-Robmalverian[work] - nope
20:58.36malverian[work]X-Rob, Are you serious?
20:58.42X-Robthat'll result in frame slips, and crackles
20:58.43ManxPowersupaigtr, stop using CVS-HEAD/1.2beta then
20:58.48X-Robwon't have anything to do with echo
20:59.01malverian[work]X-Rob, Ah. So faxing might not work so well ;)
20:59.08X-Robfaxing won't work well at all
20:59.10ManxPowerX-Rob, frameslips can confuse Asterisk's really finicky echocan code
20:59.15supaigtrManxPower: Then I have lots of other problems.
20:59.38supaigtrI'll drive back and work on it some more.  Thanks all.
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20:59.53malverian[work]ManxPower, So in your opinion, it could affect echo. I have a feeling that's been my primary issue. I can't believe I had it turned off.
21:00.12malverian[work]ManxPower, I've had to use "Aggressive echo supression" to even have the calls be usable. Hopefully this will help.
21:00.22X-Robmalverian[work] - use KB1 echo can, echotraining=800 echocancelwhenbridged=yes echocancel=yes
21:00.38X-Robyou using E1 or T1?
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21:02.48jbotwell, mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
21:02.58terrapen*CLI> iax2 show registry
21:02.58terrapenHost                  Username    Perceived             Refresh  State
21:02.58terrapen208.139.204.232:4569  cnc       60  Registered
21:03.08terrapenso it is apparently registering
21:03.19terrapenand I do have the correct context specified in iax.conf
21:03.31terrapenand that context does exist in extensions.conf and is apparently proper
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21:05.19malverian[work]X-Rob, t1
21:05.53LostOlI'm sorry to intrude, but would anyone be able to offer a pointer on how to get an analog phone to ring?  (
21:06.22LostOlI'm down to scanning .c files, which I think will only complicate my situation =\
21:06.57X-Robmalverian[work] - are you using CVS HEAD?
21:07.15X-RobLostOl - uh. You should be on #amportal
21:07.19X-Robspeak to you there.
21:07.27LostOlthanks X
21:09.01clyrraddoes anyone know of a good doc that shows that parameters can be used in cdr.conf?
21:09.04ManxPowerterrapen, You are using Teliax, right?
21:09.14terrapenmanx, yup
21:09.22ManxPowerAs I understand it, all DIDs under the same user ID will come in as that userID
21:09.48ManxPoweri.e. if I have 5 DIDs in Teliax account ericfnords then I need iax.conf [ericfnords] section
21:09.49terrapenManx, I'm wondering if this has something to do with using two seperate Asterisk servers (each connecting to their own Teliax account) from behind a signle NAT server
21:10.06ManxPowerterrapen, We have done that and it has worked fine.
21:10.07terrapenlemme try that
21:10.23ManxPowerthe nat router will handle the port translations to make sure the outside device sees two connections
21:10.25terrapenmanx, i have a [teliax] section in iax.conf on the other box and it works just fine
21:10.36terrapen(the other box uses teliax account name "bikeworld")
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21:11.31terrapenok, renaming the entry to our teliax username does not fix the problem :(
21:14.09terrapenwhen I remove the [guest] entry in iax.conf, I get the following message:
21:14.15terrapenOct 12 11:23:34 NOTICE[1985]: chan_iax2.c:5749 socket_read: Host failed to authenticate as 101
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21:14.19FuriousGeorgehey all
21:14.23terrapen101 is the next context that follows [teliax]
21:14.45terrapenerr I mean  entry, not context
21:14.58terrapenso there must be some kind of syntactical error in the [teliax] entry
21:15.51FuriousGeorgemost voip providers say they allow "unlimited" inbound calling, but for pbx purposes are callers gonna get a busy signal if im on the line with an inbound call
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21:17.32terrapenok it works when I remove both the [guest] entry and the entry for the [iaxy]
21:17.37terrapenso, so strange
21:18.58groogsFuriousGeorge: 'unlimited' most likely refers to the # of minutes. # of concurrent calls is what you're asking about. most providers that do a flat per-month fee with "unlimited" anything probably only allow one concurrent call.
21:20.11groogsFuriousGeorge: look for someone that provides 'wholesale' or per-minute service.. basically, they give you a DID, charge you $2-5 a month, and 1 - 2 cents per min, for as many concurrent calls as you want
21:20.55groogsno voicemail, call waiting, etc (since 1. if you're using asterisk, you have all that anyways, and 2. call waiting is pointless when you can get concurrent calls)
21:21.27FuriousGeorgegroogs: so as far as inbound calling goes, when you wanna get it closer to wholesale youre gonna be paying by the minute
21:21.41groogsyeah. but if you work it out ,its probably cheaper anyway
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21:22.34supaigtr:(  jitt=off plc off timestamps off and I still got the same problem.
21:22.43groogsie, 19.99 a month compared to $2.50/mo + $0.015/min means you need to make over 1166 minutes to get your moneys worth
21:23.03*** join/#asterisk Rubble (n=netclass@
21:23.07Assidwho gives .015/min?
21:23.14Assidonly voipjet right?
21:23.20groogsnah, lots of places
21:23.21FuriousGeorgegroogs: which is less than one hour of inbound calling per day
21:23.21supaigtrDamin_PDA: U using head and have 2 boxen with IAX ?
21:23.23groogsbtw hi Assid
21:23.35Damin_PDAsupa: back off to earlier cvs? try doing packet capture..
21:23.42Assidhey dude.. how are you
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21:23.51groogsyou are Assid from dal right?
21:23.53Assidwhen'd you end up on the * bandwagon?
21:24.09supaigtrDamin_PDA: What am I looking for on the capture?  Things look normal to me and it happens intermittantly.
21:24.13groogscool. i'm good. meh, been doing it for a while. our office has run on it since january
21:24.29groogsi'm one of the devs for AMP too
21:24.42Assidoh you are?
21:24.54Assiddidnt know that
21:24.59Assidwhats amp again?
21:25.12jbotfrom memory, amp is an Audio MPEG Player.  [non-free], or
21:25.12groogsgui interface
21:25.24groogsaudio mpeg? ok then
21:25.31FuriousGeorgegroogs: the best solution for your "primary" inbound line may be a flat free unlimited, then you could have it failback to the per minute lines
21:25.50groogsFuriousGeorge: well, you also won't get concurrent calls etc with that
21:25.51X-Robjbot: no, amp is a web based interface for configuring Asterisk. See
21:25.52jbotokay, X-Rob
21:25.57jbotamp is probably a web based interface for configuring Asterisk. See
21:25.57groogsbut i dunno, some providers may enable that for you
21:26.07groogsFuriousGeorge: you can get better rates than 1.5c/min too
21:26.26X-Robgroogs - You're Greg MacLellan?
21:26.43FuriousGeorgegroogs: yeah because it would fail back to the cheaper lines.  iow, im saying the you can get an unlimeted inbound @ $8.00/mo or two, and the next in line for failback could be the per minute stuff your talking about
21:26.46Assidhes the guy i kick around in #php :P
21:27.10X-Robgroogs - aaaah.
21:27.17syzygyBSDdoes anyone know of a reason a T100P and a TE110P wouldn't work in the same system?  Do i need updated drivers for the TE110P?
21:27.17groogsFuriousGeorge: oh yeah, $8/mo would be good. never seen those rates though
21:27.19FuriousGeorgesince that last line would only be called when the first two are busy, so rarely
21:27.50FuriousGeorgebroadvox, which brings me to my next question:  anyone use broadvox for a did :)
21:27.53Assidokay time for yours truly to hit the sac
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21:28.23groogsFuriousGeorge: a lot of the voip things aren't really worth it though, just to use for 'unlimited inbound'. just get a POTS line. reliable, unlimited inbound, and fairly cheap (i think we pay $34cdn for business lines)
21:29.04FuriousGeorgegroogs: we have one, i just dont want to get another, i want something for our pots line to failback to, besides another 25/mo pots line
21:29.04Assidisnt incoming on pots for 1 simultanous line?
21:29.08tzafrir_laptopwhich providers besides FWD and iaxtel use RSA keys? I'd like to add them to my package
21:29.13Assidunless you use multiple lines
21:29.17groogsFuriousGeorge: here, i have 3 POTS lines, and use voip only as backup and outgoing. my 800# and primary number goes to our first POTS line, which hunts to #2 and #3, and #3 hunts to our voip DID line
21:29.34groogsFuriousGeorge: if our internet goes down, it just means the 4th person calling gets a busy signal
21:30.06Assidid have it the other way around
21:30.12groogsFuriousGeorge: for outgoing local calls, it uses up to two POTS lines (keeping one free for inbound), and then rolls over to voip.. and for long distance, it uses voip. and of course, if the internet is down, it just falls back to POTS
21:30.14Assidfirst.. voip.. then pots
21:30.25groogsPOTS is free to call outbound locally
21:30.47FuriousGeorgegroogs: im gonna send you a small msg if thats ok
21:31.08Assidalrite catch you guys later
21:31.12Assidbeddy bye time
21:31.23groogsbye Assid
21:31.43malverian[work]X-Rob, Yeah, I am using CVS. Though until just now it was from about 10 days ago.
21:31.53malverian[work]X-Rob, Sorry for the slow response, had a meeting to attend.
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21:32.25_DAWhrmmm.. has anyone else gotten Auto-congesting call due to slow response when dialing out of IAX in 1.2.0 beta 1?
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21:32.31X-Robmalverian[work] - use KB1 echo can, echotraining=800 echocancelwhenbridged=yes echocancel=yes
21:32.37_DAWI thought it was realtime, but it happens in my flatfiles as well
21:32.48X-Robif you still have echo, try setting 'txgain=-1.0' in zaptel.conf
21:32.48PupenoLHave any of you experience random volume problems on zap incomming calls ? some calls are almost in-audible.
21:33.05tzafrir_laptopso far only other provider I found that uses RSA keys:
21:33.34malverian[work]X-Rob, Roger. I used a miliwatt line to get my gains set up correctly.
21:33.43malverian[work]But i may have to do it again now that I've changed my sync source.
21:33.45malverian[work](who knows)
21:34.42X-Robmalverian[work] - didn't you say you're on a PRI?
21:34.50malverian[work]X-Rob, Yes.
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21:34.56X-Robtxgain=0, rxgain=0
21:35.10X-Robmiliwatt testing is for analog POTS, not digital
21:35.19malverian[work]X-Rob, I'm using 0.2 and 0.205
21:35.23malverian[work]X-Rob, But okay, I'll try that.
21:35.25X-Robah ok
21:35.25*** join/#asterisk E-Lore (
21:35.30X-Rob0.2 is bugger all
21:35.35E-Loregood evening!
21:36.17malverian[work]X-Rob, Unless this sync-source thing is going to make major help with my echo training, I'll probably have to turn echo supression back on (aggressive mark2)
21:37.08malverian[work]X-Rob, Also, I'm using a ~80ft cat5 cable from my CSU to my WCTE110P, so hopefully that's not causing problems.
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21:37.31X-Robmalverian[work] - have you checked those settings I gave you?
21:37.32malverian[work]X-Rob, And our CO told us that we have 0db, but the guy may not have known what he was talking about.
21:37.34X-Robmalverian[work] - use KB1 echo can, echotraining=800 echocancelwhenbridged=yes echocancel=yes
21:37.45malverian[work]X-Rob, Yes, I am using that. I've used that before and it didn't help.
21:37.56X-Robmalverian[work] - that's correct.  You're digital. You don't have any audio signal gain/loss
21:38.02E-Loreok...seems like I have lots to learn :)
21:38.11malverian[work]X-Rob, I was using that (it's basically the default except for echotraining=400 instead of 800)
21:38.24X-Rob400 is the default
21:38.28malverian[work]X-Rob, But the KB1 wan't cutting it.. we still had severe echo (we're doing SIP clients for most of our phones)
21:38.32X-RobI found 800 was better for international calls
21:38.34malverian[work]X-Rob, Right, read my sentence, that's what I said :-P
21:38.51malverian[work]X-Rob, My wording was odd I suppose.
21:38.56X-Robechocancelwhenbridged=no is the default
21:39.05malverian[work]X-Rob, True, but I had it set to yes.
21:39.12addianybody know of a good ata that is based on the PA1688 chip? I have echo with atcom's ata.
21:39.26malverian[work]X-Rob, I was using exactly what you said originally, except I was using echotraining=yes (400) instead of 800
21:39.27X-Robok - are you using GXP2000's for your phones?
21:39.31malverian[work]X-Rob, But we had terrible echo.
21:39.36malverian[work]X-Rob, No, SNOM 320
21:39.42malverian[work]X-Rob, And a few soft phones.
21:39.50X-Robnever had echo issues with 320's
21:40.00X-RobGXP's and PA1688's have self-generated echo issues
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21:40.24malverian[work]X-Rob, Yes, but like I said, my sync span was set to span=1,0,0 instead of 1,1,0 (I didn't have any span set to be sync source)
21:40.32X-Robwell I truly don't know
21:40.38malverian[work]X-Rob, So if what ManxPower says is true, that could have screwed up my echo training.
21:40.45X-RobI doubt your timing would be causing 'significant' echo issues
21:40.57malverian[work]X-Rob, If that doesn't fix it though, I'm going to have to turn echo supression back on.
21:41.00E-LoreI have a very very basic question..I searched the web for some time now and I'm still missing a proper List of ISDN adapters with hfc-s chipsets
21:41.08E-Loreis there something you know of?
21:41.13X-Robmalverian[work] - your users will hate that
21:41.31malverian[work]X-Rob, I know. But if it's the only option...
21:41.44malverian[work]X-Rob, It's also possible we aren't really 0db
21:41.56malverian[work]X-Rob, Maybe our switch is set at -7 or -15 or something.
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21:41.59X-RobIf you still have issues - try turning down txgain
21:42.22*** join/#asterisk Ayano (
21:42.25malverian[work]X-Rob, Also.. we can cut off some excess from the cat5 cable.. so maybe that will clean up any potential attenuation issues.
21:42.42malverian[work]X-Rob, We can probably clear off about 30ft of it ;)
21:43.03X-Robmalverian[work] - feel free, but it won't do anything.
21:43.07Ayanoare there any codecs that will give you about  32k or less a call?
21:43.15X-RobAyano - ilbc I think?
21:44.01malverian[work]X-Rob, Do you use shielded cable for your line from the switch to your server?
21:44.29X-Robmalverian[work] - nope. Standard cat5
21:44.33Ayanoian_k;  is g729 the one that you have to have a license for or does it just work out of the box on asterisk?
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21:44.50malverian[work]X-Rob, Well we'll see how things go tonight. Maybe these settings will work decently.
21:46.00tzafrir_laptopI see that in apps/Makefile is remmed-out and listed under obsolete. What replaces it?
21:46.01ian_kAyano: you nede a license for it.. $10/channel
21:46.09E-Loreumm..if you there isnt any such list just tell me so...
21:46.23tzafrir_laptopAnything that retains the same syntax?
21:46.30Ayanohow big is g711?
21:46.36jarrod64k wi overhead ~80
21:46.44ian_k711 = 96k
21:47.16AyanoDoes anyone hapen do know what the default on AAH is?
21:47.48tzafrir_laptopAyano, it's quite easy to see when you make a call
21:48.05tzafrir_laptoptry 'sip show channels' and such
21:48.41Ayanohow would I show the codec that a specific phone is using?
21:49.11tzafrir_laptopThe name of the channel has the name of the peer as a prefix
21:49.26ian_kAyano - you have to initate a call first..
21:49.35Ayanok  thanks
21:49.59ian_kAyano - channels can have a list of many that they could use, but one isn't chosen until it negotiates with the other end
21:50.19E-Loreare there any good manuals / faqs out there that might help to get me started?
21:50.40*** join/#asterisk gniretar (
21:51.04jbotvoip-info is probably the Voice Over IP wiki.  It is a community resource which will answer all of your questions, from Asterisk to ZTDummy.  You can find it over at - well worth bookmarking
21:51.09jbotsomebody said docs was Documentation can be found at or or or or
21:51.24E-Lorethats one of the pages I found..the voip wiki
21:51.37gniretarvoip wikki kicks major a$$
21:51.41Ayanoulaw is g711? at least I got that one right :)
21:52.18tzafrir_laptopAyano, yes
21:52.23E-LoreI just need the adapters then...ebay it is..and hopefully some good pictures of the chips...
21:52.25E-Lorethank you!
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21:53.06X-RobAyano - ulaw is g711u, alaw is g711a
21:53.17X-Robnote that the entire world uses g711a, except for (as usual) the US.
21:53.18AsteriskNoobx-rob which do you like best?
21:53.32Ayanoso ulaw g711u is about 96k?
21:53.40X-Robthere's no real difference, use whatever your country uses.
21:53.54AsteriskNoobISDN switches are all ULAW arent they? even on E1?
21:54.06AsteriskNoobyou're saying that E1's and such use A?
21:54.11X-RobISDN is G711u or a.
21:54.36X-RobIf you're in 'the world' you use alaw. If you're in the us you use G711u ulaw
21:54.37AsteriskNoobok but H.263 is universal right? of course at that point its just data
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21:56.23FuriousGeorgehow reliable is asterisk fax detection from a voip did (ulaw)
21:59.40Damin_PDAidentify potpal
22:00.03shido6Ive had good luck
22:00.05shido6with it
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22:02.08FuriousGeorgeshido6: with fax detection?
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22:05.05shido6worst I had was slowing down to 9600 and resending pages
22:05.09shido6but we're fixing that.
22:05.51shido6stay tuned
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22:08.14FuriousGeorgestill working on getting it detected, for whatever reason the "fax" priority in extensions.conf combined with faxdetection=incoming in zapata.conf isnt doing it for me
22:08.42FuriousGeorgeoh yeah, and i answer and wait in the s for incoming contaxt, but nothing
22:11.47X-RobFuriousGeorge - doesn't that give you a hint?
22:11.54X-Robwhich file are you putting fax detection in?
22:12.02X-Robwhat _configuration_ file...
22:12.13FuriousGeorgeX-Rob: well the faxes come in over pots
22:12.29X-Robyou said it was over voip.
22:12.52X-Robshido6 - T38's going into openpbx.
22:13.03FuriousGeorgeX-Rob:  im thinking about voip
22:13.12FuriousGeorgeX-Rob: b/c im using pots :)
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22:13.23X-Robmy point being that you can't do fax detection on sip or iax.
22:13.38X-Robonly on zaptel
22:15.17FuriousGeorgeX-Rob: really, thats good to know
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22:16.22groogswhy would you need fax detection on voip? just use a DID
22:16.40FuriousGeorgeX-Rob: but, it should be working with faxdetect=incoming, and the fax priority in the appropriate context
22:16.59X-RobFuriousGeorge - what file is the faxdetection=incoming set up in?
22:17.41X-Robis it in sip.conf or iax.conf?
22:17.45FuriousGeorgeso it /should/ be working, right?
22:17.46X-Rob(hint: no)
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22:17.55FuriousGeorgeX-Rob: no, but you just said i couldnt do that anyway
22:18.23X-RobIF you have a fax call coming in on a zap channel, and you have faxdetect=incoming turned on, and you do an answer, wait(2) then it will jump to the 'fax' extension
22:18.31X-Robif it detects a fax
22:19.18FuriousGeorgefax extension priority 1 right
22:20.14X-RobUh yes.
22:20.25X-Robexten => s,1,Answer
22:20.30X-Robexten => s,2,Wait(2)
22:20.34FuriousGeorgecuz priority one on s is answer, then wait(2), then dial(3) but faxdetect is on so it should go to fax,1, if it detects a fax
22:20.37X-Robexten => s,3,Gosomewhereelse
22:20.47X-Robexten => fax,1,RxFax
22:21.15FuriousGeorgeX-Rob: so we've ruled out human error and we can file a bug report?
22:21.24X-Robwhat's not working?
22:21.41FuriousGeorgesorry, exten fax,1,hangup isnt working
22:21.50FuriousGeorgeit still does s,3,dial
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22:22.27FuriousGeorgeim testing my fax detection before i do anything serious with is so im sending faxes to asterisk to see it ill will detect and hangup, or call my users
22:22.30FuriousGeorgesee what i mean
22:22.55X-RobFax detection works everywhere I've set it up
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22:23.26X-RobMy money is that you've stuffed up your zapata.conf
22:23.28FuriousGeorgei restarted zaptel service and asterisk too
22:23.59jbotfrom memory, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
22:26.09FuriousGeorgehoping ur right
22:26.41X-RobHrm 8-(
22:26.48enderhas anybody configured IP-501 phones w/ more than one SIP account?  I want to dedicate 2 buttons to one extension, and one button to another.
22:26.53enderso far, only the first two are showing up.
22:27.21X-RobYour spacing is counter-intuative
22:27.41X-Robyou've got group=0 underneath channel=4, but it refers to channels 1 and 2
22:27.51X-Robbut apart from that, it's ok
22:28.11X-Roband you can trim most of it down
22:29.24FuriousGeorgeX-Rob: yeah, i rmad the tdm and got it back with the modules switched
22:29.41X-Robthat was me tidying it up
22:29.43FuriousGeorge  that one includes the part of extensions.conf, but i cant see how anythings wrong with that
22:30.43X-Robthat looks fine
22:31.15FuriousGeorgewell at least my zapata.conf is cleaned up
22:31.55FuriousGeorgeX-Rob: what would you do if you were me and didnt know from debugging?  mailing list?
22:33.32X-RobI'd be listening to the call, making sure hte fax is sending the correct tones, puting a noop in place of the hangup, looking at /var/log/asterisk/full etc
22:34.18FuriousGeorgeill see how that does me
22:34.41FuriousGeorgethe fax must be sending the correct tones though, it is the one we use all the time, its outside of * right now
22:34.50FuriousGeorgeill check the other things
22:35.04FuriousGeorge(im not in the building right now)
22:37.41enderdoes anybody have experience w/ IP-501 phones and multiple SIP extensions on them?
22:39.13FuriousGeorgeX-Rob: err, i have no /var/log/asterisk/full
22:39.33X-Robedit /etc/asteisk/logger.conf then
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22:40.31supaigtrWhat are the steps needed to roll back off head to stable?
22:41.35FuriousGeorgeemerge asterisk for me
22:47.04malverian[work]Hmm.. if I have a PRI (18 channels) and then two TDM cards (quad span) should I set up a separate span for each of the cards? And if so.. what kind of LBO do you use for a standard analog line?
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22:47.42X-Robsupaigtr - uh. download stable, install it?
22:48.01X-Roband it's not CALLED stable
22:48.05X-Robit's called 1.0.9
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22:48.47tzafrir_laptopFuriousGeorge, have a look at logger.conf . Optionally 'logger reload'
22:48.49Nuggetsure, as long as the "it" you mean is something else.
22:48.56Nuggetthere *is* a stable branch in cvs.
22:48.58Vcogod not this "STABLE" bullshit again
22:49.00malverian[work]Nevermind. Apparently you don't.
22:49.37tzafrir_laptopso we won't argue over sematics
22:50.25tzafrir_laptopDebian is the best distro
22:50.30NuggetLinux is poo.
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22:50.45supaigtrX-Rob: checkout v1.0 is correct?
22:50.52Nuggetsupaigtr: no
22:51.00Nuggetcvs checkout -r v1-0 asterisk
22:51.12marc324how do you force asterisk realtime to use the db instead of the configuration files?
22:51.20generalhananyone in here worked a lot with the FOP ???
22:51.24supaigtrYea. Thats it.  So no del mods or anything it'll do it itself right?
22:51.35tzafrir_laptopgeneralhan, what's your problem?
22:51.50malverian[work]I almost answered yes... thinking "fop" the formatted object parser ;)
22:51.54generalhannot really a problem, just a question ...
22:52.19generalhanis there a way that i can make the FOP show me how many people are in a specific que .. rather who they are.
22:52.38malverian[work]Is there any way for a SIP phone to know that the asterisk server is being restarted?
22:52.40tzafrir_laptopwell, I never worked with queues...
22:52.52generalhanas it is riught now it will tell me there are 5 people in the queue, but i want that button to show in 5 places with everyone that is on it
22:53.02generalhanok lemme ask you onw more question then...
22:53.10supaigtrNugget: Does v1-0 show up as CVS HEAD for version?
22:53.27supaigtrI'm doing something wrong then.
22:53.34Nuggetjust delete your tree and check it out clean
22:53.42FuriousGeorgetzafrir_laptop:  logging enabled
22:53.45generalhanis there a way to set up multiple FOPs to show different things, like i can only fit 100 buttons on there but if i have 100 sales people i want to be able to just pull up sales, or just pull up admin ...
22:54.10supaigtrI did, created a directory asteriskstable and did cvs checkout -r v1-0 asterisk zaptel libpri
22:54.42Nuggetok.  sounds good.
22:54.43tzafrir_laptopFuriousGeorge, it's not just "enables/disabled". by default there is no writing to "full" (that line is remmed-out in the sample config)
22:55.07generalhani want to go to my webserver on my linux box and from the homepage be able to click on "sales", "receptionists" "admin" and have it bring up a seperate FOP for each of those. can i get that done without having to run 3 different perl scripts ?
22:55.34supaigtrNugget: Hmm Slackware up 2.6 from 2.4 breaks zaptel makefile.
22:55.34Nuggetgeneralhan: yes, the latest versions of the flash operator panel can do that.
22:56.00tzafrir_laptopgeneralhan, I believe there is something about "doamins", but I'm not sure
22:56.04generalhannow is this the stand alone FOP like through asternic .. or the FOP through AMP ?
22:56.15FuriousGeorgetzafrir_laptop: yeah, i uncomented it and now i have the file
22:56.15NuggetI'm speaking of the asternic one.
22:56.24FuriousGeorgeit still doesnt tell me anything about the fax though
22:56.26NuggetI've never even seen AMP.
22:56.32generalhani think i have the newest release i should find out how to do it.
22:57.05generalhanso that like instead of going to i could have  and ??
22:57.19NuggetI don't know how the urls work out.
22:57.24NuggetI suggest you experiment and see.  :)
22:57.35generalhanok thanks ... ill see if i can find some documentation on it !
22:57.48groogsgeneralhan: if you can bind op_server to specific IPs, you should be able to create multiple instances of it
22:57.54tzafrir_laptopgroogs, I actually want to see it implemented in an instant messanger
22:58.20tzafrir_laptopA web browser is not the right application for ir
22:58.27tzafrir_laptopfor it
22:58.28groogsyeah it would be neat if there was a jabber interface to it somehow...
22:58.48X-Robjabber would be easy
22:58.55generalhanwell thats just it, i know that i can manipulate op_server to go to a specific site, but in that instance i would have to run 3 different perl scripts for each one i create
22:59.01groogsthats actually a very good idea
22:59.04X-RobCost you US$500 and I could do it on the weekend if you want.
22:59.32groogstzafrir_laptop: issue would be transfering calls..
22:59.45groogsthough, personally i dont really use that feature much anyway
23:00.03groogsin fact, i think i tested it once and haven't used it since
23:00.36groogsX-Rob: how about you write one and donate it to AMP :p
23:00.53*** join/#asterisk sd-tux (i=sd@2001:4ca0:0:fe00:0:0:a96:3f18)
23:01.12clyrradWhen using NoCDR, where should it be placed?  Directly above the Hangup?
23:01.18X-Robgroogs - possibly. I'm more interested in openpbx at the moment tho.
23:01.30X-Robthey're doing funky stuff with replacing extension.conf
23:01.41X-Robusing sqlite
23:01.43groogsyeah thats why i suggested jabber :p
23:01.46FuriousGeorgeX-Rob: i got the full log going but it makes no mention of "fax" anywhere on incoming calls
23:01.47groogsi've been following
23:02.07X-RobFuriousGeorge - and you're definately bringing these fax calls in via the tdm400 card, right?
23:02.30FuriousGeorgeX-Rob: absolutely, its the only fxo i have
23:02.46X-Robthen faxdetect isn't working
23:03.01X-Robyou using 1.2?
23:03.14X-RobHurm. Try 1.2, can't hurt.
23:03.23clyrradAnyone know where to use NoCDR()?  Does it go directly above the Hangup or should it be somewhere towards the top of the incomming call?
23:03.27X-Rob(uh, it can, if you're using ResetCDR/NoCDR)
23:03.35X-Robit's buggy and causes crashes in 1.2
23:03.54FuriousGeorgeX-Rob: u shure it cant hurt, this is a business i wouldnt want unexpected wierdness
23:04.03clyrradAh... I am not using ResetCDR, I did not know i had to use both to make it work
23:05.46FuriousGeorgeX-Rob: was fax detection changed/improved in 1.2 or something.  id rather not use a beta "for real" anyway
23:06.05clyrradX-Rob, strange even with both of those lines the CDR is getting written
23:06.06X-RobI use 1.2 in production everywhere
23:06.23FuriousGeorgeyeah, but you know from debugging
23:06.31clyrradexten => s,13,ResetCDR()
23:06.31clyrradexten => s,14,NoCDR()
23:06.32clyrradexten => s,15,Hangup
23:06.35clyrradany ideas?
23:06.50X-Robclyrrad - Try putting it in the h extension
23:07.26clyrradNoCDR goes before the ResetCDR ?
23:07.50X-Robif you don't want to save it
23:08.03clyrradok trying that now
23:09.56clyrradhrmmm its still writing it
23:10.17shido6where does centos hide its iptables/firewall data
23:11.06*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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23:20.33*** join/#asterisk kingtux (
23:20.54kingtuxWhat the correct way to fully remove asterisk from my system
23:21.24tzafrir_laptopkingtux, apt-get remove --purge asterisk zaptel libpri
23:21.42SwK[Work]hey where is blitzrage
23:22.20kingtuxi didn't install binaries
23:22.27kingtuxi build from source
23:23.05tzafrir_laptopdid you actually install anything? /usr/lib/asterisk/modules ? /var/lib/asterisk ? /var/log/asterisk ?
23:23.33tzafrir_laptopAnd of course: /etc/asterisk
23:24.27syzygyBSDdoesn't iomega have something called the lifedrive?
23:24.41syzygyBSDdoh, palm...
23:24.44RoyKsyzygyBSD: see /.
23:24.55generalhani know this isnt exactly asterisk related ... but: can some one tell me how to give my op_panel_user write permissions to the var/www/html directory ?
23:25.04syzygyBSDoh.. i saw it 5 hours ago when it was first on there...
23:25.04tzafrir_laptopIs it just me, or generating the docs takes longer than the actual build of Asterisk?
23:25.21generalhani know its some chmod command but im not real familar with the process
23:25.24RoyKtzafrir_laptop: docs?
23:25.35syzygyBSDgeneralhan: who is the owner of the files?
23:25.41tzafrir_laptopapi documentation with doxygen
23:25.50syzygyBSDdoes anyone else have to write to them?
23:25.52kingtuxSo how do i uninstall astesisk??
23:26.01RoyKtzafrir_laptop: as in domestic ornitoric calculated lists?
23:26.12generalhanits just so i can run the perl script for my FOP
23:26.30syzygyBSDchown -R op_panel_user /var/www/html
23:26.49RoyKuserdel -r syzygyBSD
23:26.58tzafrir_laptopkingtux, rm -rf /the/unnedded/directories is known to improve the free disk-space count
23:27.05syzygyBSDuh.. recursive userdel?
23:27.41tzafrir_laptopsyzygyBSD, op-panel only needs to be able to write to variables.txt in that directory
23:27.44RoyKkingtux: uninstalling asterisk is rarely nessecary
23:27.53tzafrir_laptopYou only need to chown that file
23:28.06*** join/#asterisk Greyh0und (n=Grey@
23:28.12RoyKkingtux: you don't have the windows' growing registry syndrom in unices
23:28.25Greyh0undWhat do i need to get .call-files to work?
23:28.28RoyKkingtux: just don't start it
23:28.36kingtuxwell i'm trying to start scratch
23:28.42kingtuxstart from scratch
23:28.42RoyKGreyh0und: copy them to the right place for a start
23:28.53Greyh0undwell they shall be
23:28.54kingtuxand I want to remove everything and start from new
23:28.56syzygyBSDtzafrir_laptop: oh, i didn't know what he was really trying to do, just what he asked for.. tried to answer that question..
23:29.13*** join/#asterisk syle2 (n=blag@unaffiliated/syle)
23:29.26Greyh0undRoyK: i got them in "/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing" and i think that is correct
23:29.51RoyKkingtux: just reinstall. remove /usr/lib/asterisk/modeules/* and /etc/asterisk/* and /var/lib/asterisk/ (the latter with a -r) and you're on  your way
23:30.08RoyKGreyh0und: then the rest is rtfm
23:30.39Greyh0undRoyK: i have done that. No modules that is needed?
23:30.55RoyKGreyh0und: remove them before reinstalling
23:31.18tzafrir_laptopRoyK, if you're after some quick fixes, doxygen seems to give a few simple-tocorrect warnings. At least the with beta1. Things like documented parameters list out of sync wit hthe real one
23:31.54*** join/#asterisk brookshire[home] (
23:34.37syle2your suppose to rewrite latest cvs to be approved for submittions i thought
23:35.17RoyKno. i need the 'stable' to contain a few more things
23:37.15epabloHi people.. Anyone here worked with EAGI in perl?
23:37.29syle2i thought chan_sip already contained that
23:37.40syle2i;ve only played with iaxfriends myself, seems to work fine there
23:38.11nomazdaanyone ever try vbuzzer on asterisk?
23:38.31generalhanWTH? so i made an entire new directory with the and i pointed it to a different directory than the one i have already built. yet when i run the perl script it still has the same alyout as the one i did before
23:39.16RoyKsyle: not mysql sipfriends
23:39.24RoyKsyle: only cvs head
23:40.29syle2idk , i use latest cvs head myself, all works great :)
23:41.23kingtuxI have an old pctel modem can I use it for timming
23:41.31epabloHow do I stop MOH on an extension?
23:42.02RoyKsyle2: yeah, but you don't have a database backend with a few thousand customers wanting their system to work 24x7, right?
23:42.12epabloGot an AGI where I put someone on MOH a need to stop it and let the AGI keep rolling
23:42.29epabloor at least make it jump to the next priority
23:42.31RoyKepablo: show application moh says it can't be stopped
23:43.36epabloRoyK: Have idea of a sub app?
23:43.37syle2no i don't royk, but even if I did i would run latest cvs, and code process to switch to stable if anything bad happened
23:44.10syle2but do you have an actual PRI or are you just acting as a proxy
23:44.37epabloI made it stop using ChanGrab, but then I loose control there.. I need to put someone on hold.. then be able to move him to an IVR or bridge a call
23:45.49*** join/#asterisk Rez (i=lorez@freenode/staff/lorez)
23:45.58Vlat-i'm back earlier than i was promise
23:46.01Vlat-1:45 :)
23:46.23Vlat-i'm till 6:00 CET
23:46.46Vlat-so if any questions about SER+ASTERISK at carrier grade, just welcome
23:47.11syle2umm who uses asterisk at carrier grade
23:47.14Vlat-(our technicans solved the prob. a spoke at about 18:00)
23:47.20epabloVlat.. I tried to make such a config.. but it really didn't workout
23:47.25syle2you mean lucent TNT's etc
23:47.41Vlat-syle2: we're using it as media-backend
23:48.10Vlat-epablo: "such a config"... maybe couple of steps earlier ?
23:48.11epabloI didn't find a way of killing the call when the user ran out of funds
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23:48.16kingtuxdo you guys use amp?
23:48.27syle2well i wouldn;t mind a SER working config if you got one
23:48.34syle2they seem hard to come by
23:48.52Vlat-the ser working config is on
23:49.11RoyKsyle2: code stabilise, but is not going back into 'stable'
23:49.36epabloVlat-:  I think I didn't really get the SER paradigm
23:49.51syle2never looked much at that site, they want you to register just to read articles
23:49.58Vlat-epablo: usually it take a month or two to get in to ser.cfg
23:50.19Vlat-i can imagine it to C source code
23:50.59epabloVlat-:  Yeah.. I sort of got the hang of it, but I needed a prepaid solution, and couldn't find the modules to make it work.. So I ditched it
23:51.14Vlat-damned god :) the competitor admins tried to drunk me in the last 4 hours
23:51.29Vlat-a get back to the office, and what do i see?
23:51.47Vlat-a 2 keg a beer at my table
23:51.56*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
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23:52.03Vlat-"competitor admins" i meant
23:52.14RoyKoh sorry
23:52.26syle2what is a competitor admin
23:52.49Vlat-syle2: it's admin of other voip comapany
23:53.38Vlat-and it was the joke
23:54.34syle2well I haven;t found a use for SER yet, but my understanding is that it would just act as a proxy either a) proxing the sip connection to level3 or wherever you get it from b) load balance between different asterisk i way off?
23:55.31Vlat-syle2: ser is a proxy. nothing more
23:55.46Vlat-syle2: you proxing the signalling with it
23:56.27Vlat-(can proxy RTP too, but why)
23:56.46syle2idk if signalling is a good word, you mean the sip conversations back and forth, SER would only need to dish to asterisk if it needs to carry the RTP stream correct
23:57.17Vlat-syle2: hm, didn't got this
23:57.29syle2SER can proxy RTP?
23:57.35Vlat-currently we're using SER as primary gw
23:57.44Vlat-asterisk as the media back-end
23:58.05Vlat-if the customer has the fscking NAT...we can solve it with SER
23:58.27Vlat-(with no additional line to config, it just works)
23:58.40syle2i don;t see how NAT applies, as long as customer registers you solved the nat issue
23:59.05Vlat-syle2: reverse lookup + storing of the result to lookup table
23:59.06epabloIf you have a media-proxy.. it just works.. like in *
23:59.29epablobut if both users are behind nat, you have to use the nat helper
23:59.46syle2why don;t you just say store the ip address..much shorter vlat hehe
23:59.50Vlat-i just to have propertly set up these routers
23:59.54Vlat-to forward rtp
23:59.59Vlat-and signalling

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.