irclog2html for #asterisk on 20051011

00:01.32sahafeezin sip.conf can i use wild cards or do i have to define each extendion
00:02.15*** join/#asterisk huslage (
00:02.47lancey`busysahafeez: i believe you can't use wildcards
00:02.58sahafeezthat such
00:04.28*** join/#asterisk Kyreeth (
00:04.38*** join/#asterisk DarkShayD (n=dante@
00:04.52DarkShayDis there an asterisk@home channel?
00:05.03*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
00:05.26DarkShayDanyone familiar with TFTP here?
00:09.56sahafeezSJphone on the Mac seems to work well, btw.
00:10.06sahafeezDarkShayD: what do you need to knw
00:10.18*** join/#asterisk KranZ (
00:10.49KranZreal quick, why is GotoIfTime not accurate to the time range
00:11.02KranZit wont kick in till 2 mins after
00:13.24DarkShayDwhy doesn't TFTP work behind a firewall/nat?
00:13.44sahafeezbecause it is stateless UDP
00:13.57sahafeezi assume you mean thru
00:14.00*** join/#asterisk cio (
00:14.16sahafeezand it is a local broadcast only.
00:14.21DarkShayDwhat's that mean stateless UDP?
00:14.30cioAnyone here use a headset with a Polycom IP50x?  I just plugged one in and the volume is way to low to be useable.  I didn't see anything when I googled for an answer.  Any suggestions?
00:14.54sahafeezTCP/IP Illistrated Vol. 1 by Steven if you want to know the full bit.
00:15.01justinugood suggestion
00:15.09DarkShayDsahafeez, so there's no way a phone outside your firewall can hit the TFTP server behind your corporate firewall?
00:15.12sahafeezit will not work. there is no way to get it to work. it is not designed to work
00:15.20justinudark: no
00:15.25sahafeezthat is coorect
00:15.25DarkShayDI see. thx
00:15.35sahafeezunless you have a vpn tunnel on the same subnet
00:15.48sahafeezmost phones will do ftp
00:15.56DarkShayDcisco phones will do ftp?
00:16.12DarkShayDi mean, will cisco phones do ftp?
00:17.06sahafeezpolycom will, however you have to hardcode the phone, or make sure the local dhcp server that the phone gets it ip from hast the boot server set to your remote ftp
00:17.11sahafeezi do not know about cisco
00:17.22DarkShayDi see
00:17.52*** join/#asterisk oej (
00:17.57sahafeezgoogle for ftp boot cisco model number
00:18.53*** join/#asterisk theblue (
00:18.56theblueHi all.
00:19.22sahafeezglobal seach and replace in VI? anyone - cannot remember. 1st find is :1,$s/bla/foo
00:19.45justinuor maybe :1,%
00:19.48justinucan't remember
00:20.19sahafeezno. $=bottom of file
00:20.31lancey`busyor something like that?
00:20.45justinug means it replaces all instances of oldstring on the line
00:20.46justinuso yeah
00:21.09lancey`busysahafeez why don't you get some other editor easier to work with? :)
00:21.22justinuvi is easy
00:21.23sahafeezVI is the only editor!
00:21.34sahafeezi just do not remember that command
00:21.47lancey`busywell, if you say that...
00:22.14lancey`busyi remember the first time ending up in vi
00:22.18sahafeezand vi is installed on every unix install so you need to know it
00:22.23lancey`busyhad a hard time exiting ;)
00:23.04lancey`busyyeah, i know
00:23.38sahafeezah. add /g at the end for global
00:24.12lancey`busythe greatest WYGIWYG editor
00:24.24justinuEd is for those who can *remember* what they are working on.  If you
00:24.24justinuare an idiot, you should use Emacs.  If you are an Emacs, you should
00:24.24justinunot be vi.  If you use ED, you are on THE PATH TO REDEMPTION.  THE
00:24.42theblueDouble You Tee Eff, Mate?
00:24.58sahafeezVI the editor of the beast
00:25.18lancey`busyor the beast of the editors
00:25.21lancey`busythe evil one :)
00:25.24justinuWhen I use an editor, I don't want eight extra KILOBYTES of worthless
00:25.25justinuhelp screens and cursor positioning code!
00:26.00theblueVI = Vaguely Intelligible
00:26.08theblueEMACS = Eighty Megs And Constantly Swapping
00:26.17theblueED = Extremely Dumb
00:26.20lancey`busyhehehe :))))
00:26.27justinuOf course, on the system *I* administrate, vi is symlinked to ed.
00:26.27justinuEmacs has been replaced by a shell script which 1) Generates a syslog
00:26.27justinumessage at level LOG_EMERG; 2) reduces the user's disk quota by 100K;
00:26.27justinuand 3) RUNS ED!!!!!!
00:26.55cioNice.  Bet your users love their computer system.
00:27.04ciowine notepad.exe
00:28.07theblueNANO = Not Another Null Operator
00:28.24*** part/#asterisk dca[laptop] (n=dca[
00:28.50lancey`busysomeone here using pf/altq to prioritize VoIP traffic?
00:29.00cioHow's CVS feeling today?  Worth installing?
00:29.09lancey`busycio: kinda works
00:29.16lancey`busydespite making some people evil
00:29.23ciokinda in the literal sense or kinda as in it's really broke?
00:29.45lancey`busydepends :)
00:29.58lancey`busyall the general stuff works flawless
00:29.58ciok, thanks.
00:30.21lancey`busythere's something wrong with the SIP URIs on outgoing channels
00:30.27lancey`busywhich i'm trying to investigate
00:30.30lancey`busy*trying :)
00:30.53lancey`busysometimes chan_sip doesn't honor the callerid
00:31.01*** join/#asterisk nomazda (
00:31.01lancey`busyand doesn't set it as "fromuser"
00:31.01ciogood luck! :)
00:31.32cioIf I make asterisk on a 2.6 kernel, do I need to pass any args to make? i.e., make linux26?
00:31.37justinuis the 1.2 beta1 release better than CVS head for weird anomolies like that?
00:31.41*** join/#asterisk Rez (i=lorez@freenode/staff/lorez)
00:32.01lancey`busyjustinu: i don't have a clue
00:32.10lancey`busyin fact i don't know if this happens only with latest CVS
00:32.18lancey`busyjust needed it now, and found it out
00:32.23justinuhm, i use fromuser and it works
00:32.30lancey`busyyes, fromuser works
00:32.31justinucvs from sometime a few weeks ago
00:32.33lancey`busyif it's in sip.conf
00:32.48lancey`busywhat i want is not have fromuser in sip.conf
00:32.54lancey`busyand set callerid in the dialplan
00:33.01lancey`busyand then dial out the sip channel
00:33.08lancey`busyit SHOULD use the callerid as "fromuser"
00:33.18lancey`busybut it sometimes fills it with "Unknown"
00:33.35lancey`busywhich in fact turns out to be the "default" caller id :)
00:34.16lancey`busyhere's what i'm talking about, a bit more explained
00:35.14lancey`busythe most weird thing is it *does* work as expected, when called from an IAX2 phone
00:35.20lancey`busybut when called from another * box - nada
00:35.28lancey`busyEVIL :)
00:36.27lancey`busy#define CALLERID_UNKNOWN        "Unknown"
00:42.27*** join/#asterisk brookshire (
00:43.35*** join/#asterisk patpatnz (n=pjs@unaffiliated/patpatnz)
00:43.57patpatnzquestion: is there any way to configure the rtp from ip address in asterisk?
00:44.29*** join/#asterisk supaigtr (n=yurplsl@
00:45.59ciopatpatnz: eh?
00:46.47patpatnzcio, my asterisk is configured to listen to SIP on but I want the RTP connections to come from the eth interface
00:47.29supaigtrAnyone have any recommendations for IAX2 to IAX2 for a link that has some clicking etc?
00:47.36patpatnzoutgoing connections
00:48.26cioMaybe if you explain what you're after it will help me (or anyone else here) understand the question a little better?
00:48.37lancey`busypatpatnz you need the SIP port to be accessible too
00:49.02patpatnzlancey`busy, okay, ta
00:49.12lancey`busypatpatnz so bound the sip channel to the eth IP
00:49.18lancey`busywhat do you need it for at
00:49.24lancey`busyor just bound it to
00:49.29lancey`busy(as it is by default)
00:49.50lancey`busyanyone here familiar with CallerPres?
00:49.55lancey`busyit seems to be causing my trouble
00:50.44patpatnzI have SER listening to SIP on the public interface
00:50.54patpatnzAsterisk is acting as a SIP->H323 proxy
00:51.19lancey`busypatpatnz u using Asterisk for H323?
00:51.42lancey`busyi wish you good luck
00:51.57patpatnzlancey`busy, we've been using it for a while, seems okay
00:52.00lancey`busythis is beyond my knowledge and willingness to do :)
00:52.15lancey`busypatpatnz if H323 is listening to the eth interface
00:52.19lancey`busythe RTP should flow, too
00:52.39patpatnzno, it always seems to use the SIP address
00:52.50patpatnzI think because we're going SIP->H323
00:53.11lancey`busydunno, maybe there's some way to force it to use another
00:53.21lancey`busythere was something like external_addr
00:53.55lancey`busywhy not try to bind it's SIP channel to
00:53.58lancey`busybut on different port?
00:54.02patpatnzchecked the voip-info wiki and all it listed was start and end ports
00:54.09MnxPowerWow, I've not seen this much traffic on asterisk-biz since...well...since the last flame war!
00:54.14patpatnzno, the sip parts get confused
00:54.29patpatnzbecause asterisk doesn't put the port into the sip packets
00:54.34MnxPowerWhy even try to force it to bind to a specific addr?
00:54.51lancey`busyMnxPower it seems it sends out RTP streams out of
00:54.58lancey`busyin his case...
00:55.00patpatnzbecause I don't want anyone communicating direct to asterisk
00:55.12lancey`busypatpatnz why is that?
00:55.19patpatnzSER is used to authenticate users
00:55.25MnxPowerlancey`busy, Ah.  He must not have the reverse DNS or /etc/hosts set up correctly.
00:55.29lancey`busy* could do it, too
00:55.37MnxPowerpatpatnz, use the linux iptables/ipchains, that's what it's there for.
00:55.45patpatnzNo, we're authenitcating from radius
00:55.46lancey`busyMnxPower: he also has SER
00:55.54*** join/#asterisk P-NuT (
00:55.59lancey`busypatpatnz there was some work on radius authentication for *
00:56.00MnxPowerGetting Asterisk to bind to specific ports/addresses sucks big time.
00:56.06patpatnzIt ties in with our existing structures
00:56.11MnxPowerand it never seemed to work forrectly for 1.0.x
00:56.21patpatnzI'm using CVS-HEAD
00:56.23P-NuTHi all, can anyone help me with getting an offsite sip extension working?
00:57.10MnxPowerpatpatnz, I don't know if it was fixed in CVS-HEAD.
00:57.23P-NuTI've got an asterisk box behind a NAT @ home and want to get an extension here at work.
00:57.28P-NuTIs it possible?
00:57.31patpatnzlancey`busy, we're pretty settled on using the SER for the authentication part, it's much lighter weight than *
00:57.42MnxPowerHonestly, use iptable/ipchains to keep everyone but those you want from communicating with Asterisk
00:57.48lancey`busy;externip =     ; Address that we're going to put in outbound SIP messages
00:57.49MnxPowerP-NuT, yes, it's possible, no it's not easy.
00:57.54patpatnzMnxPower, seems to work well except for not being able to set the src ip fro rtp
00:58.09lancey`busythis is from sip.conf
00:58.15P-NuTHow would I go about it? Would it be better doing it with IAX?
00:58.16MnxPowerpatpatnz, Yeah, that's what I mean by " Getting Asterisk to bind to specific ports/addresses sucks big time."
00:58.18lancey`busywouldn't it work?
00:58.36MnxPowerlancey`busy, SIP and RTP are two totally different things.
00:58.44MnxPowerSIP == call setup, RTP=audio
00:58.45patpatnzMnxPower, well, I'll just put another IP on that box, no worries, had hoped to be able to use 127 but nm
00:58.47lancey`busyyup, i know
00:59.08lancey`busyjust thought this might have an influence on that
00:59.12acidfooand IAX multiplex both session call and voice data
00:59.39patpatnzcan asterisk use rtpproxy ?
00:59.42lancey`busypatpatnz why not add a second IP
00:59.53lancey`busyand not use localhost at all?
01:00.08patpatnzlancey`busy, I didn't want to if I didn't have to, but it looks like I have no choice
01:00.16patpatnzLuckily I have a /19 ;)
01:00.22*** join/#asterisk iguy (
01:00.38lancey`busyMnxPower: doesn't channels control somehow what is the outgoing address of the rtp streams?
01:00.49MnxPowerlancey`busy, in theory 8-)
01:01.00lancey`busybeyond my knowledge again :)
01:01.06lancey`busytoo many things out there :)
01:01.08MnxPowerpatpatnz, d0n't count on adding another IP fixing anything.
01:01.15MnxPowerSee the mailing list archive.
01:01.19jboti heard mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
01:01.21lancey`busyMnxPower: familiar with CallerPres?
01:01.30patpatnzMnxPower, I've had it working with a seperate IP don't worry
01:01.37MnxPowerThe thing about Asterisk, is don't fight it.  Let it do what it wants to do in the way it wants to do it.
01:01.40patpatnzI thought I'd just try out 127 too
01:02.20lancey`busywell, if * should establish an RTP stream to some IP address which is obviously accessible on some interface
01:02.28lancey`busywhy should it still go for
01:03.00lancey`busyi don't seem to get it all :/
01:03.10*** join/#asterisk Asylum (
01:03.52patpatnzI'm looking at RTPproxy now
01:04.35patpatnzIs there any decent SIP<->H.323 gateway software around?
01:04.45acidfooasterisk ;P
01:04.56MnxPowerlancey`busy, I don't understand how Alivil works either, but I just accept that it does. 8-)
01:05.25patpatnzacidfoo, not really
01:07.05lanceybad SIP URIs fixed
01:07.11lancey*temporarily* though
01:07.17lanceyshit, it's 04:07 am...
01:09.27patpatnzno it's not
01:09.48Asylumam :P
01:10.07lanceyhehe :)
01:10.15AsylumStarted a trend :P
01:10.16lanceypatpatnz was closer :)
01:10.16*** part/#asterisk sahafeez (
01:10.33lanceypatpatnz: remove the first digit and you get it right :)
01:10.52patpatnzI'm 12 hours ahead of you
01:10.59patpatnzI win
01:11.15supaigtrShould jittbuffer and iaxcompat be used to combat some clicking on IAX-IAX?
01:11.22lanceypatpatnz: what's the date?
01:11.35lanceyshit :)
01:11.50patpatnzI'm right on the dateline (almost)
01:12.04lanceyyou are 10 hours ahead, i think ;)
01:12.11lanceyunless 14 means 4 pm :)
01:12.17patpatnzah, true
01:12.27patpatnzmy maths was never very good ;)
01:12.52lanceywe've got a topic to talk about again here :)
01:13.06Asylumhey, talking of topics
01:13.32AsylumWhen someone dials in.. they get the IVR.. but once they choose a selection that rings a ring group..
01:13.44AsylumIt pauses for about 10 seconds before dialing the ring group?
01:13.56AsylumAny idea how to get rid of the pause.. it's only just started happening...
01:14.08lanceywhat do you mean by a ring group
01:14.17lanceyDial(bla-bla&bla-bla&bla-bla) ?
01:14.30AsylumWell, if they choose option 1 it rings.. ext 610 and 611
01:14.34lanceyor queues?
01:15.06lanceyworks okay for me right now
01:15.23AsylumIt was working ok for me too up untill a few days ago heh!
01:15.27lanceythough with 2 extensions only
01:15.58Asylum*shrug* i'll figure it out!
01:16.03lanceywhat do those extension ring?
01:16.10lanceycould it be some DNS timeouts or something?
01:16.16lanceyjust improvising...
01:17.22Asylumthey ring two snom360's
01:17.38*** join/#asterisk Veto_laptop (
01:18.20*** join/#asterisk Tili (
01:19.16DaminThis is unique..
01:19.33Damin11 Access points and all of them configured properly... that includes beer..
01:23.07lanceyhehe :)
01:23.45lanceyanyone any opinion on iLBC vs. g729 sound quality?
01:24.10lanceywhat about jittery links?
01:24.14patpatnzg729 cos nothing supports iLBC
01:24.27Nivexpatpatnz: asterisk supports it :)
01:24.35lanceyassuming both ends support iLBC?
01:24.40lanceypatpatnz: my IP phone does support it
01:25.20patpatnzlancey, none of the sip devices we have support it
01:25.33patpatnzwhich are cisco and polycom
01:25.35Tiliwhat about Speex. Speex is pretty good specially with latest code from
01:25.44lanceyas well as iax
01:25.46patpatnzI have a grandstream, does it support it?
01:25.53coppicespeex is far better than iLBC
01:26.14lanceyanother codec war formed out here
01:26.15Nivexcoppice: even with the ungodly conversion latency?
01:27.20coppiceiLBC uses twice the bit rate of g.729 or speex, to get some packet loss tolerance. if out double the data rate in g.729 or speex with redundancy you beat iLBC hands down
01:27.21patpatnzlancey, nothing as enjoyable as a holy way
01:27.36coppiceNivex: what conversion latency?
01:28.11Nivexcoppice: the ones listed in "show translation"
01:28.26Nivexulaw to ilbc is 198ms
01:28.46lanceythat depends on the machine used
01:28.54coppiceNivex: something is seriously wrong for that to happen
01:29.03Nivexspeex is 382
01:29.17lancey3 to ulaw
01:29.18lancey3 to alaw
01:29.37lanceythe last one - 13
01:29.40lanceyis ulaw to ilbc
01:29.57lanceyand it's the highest payload at all
01:29.58patpatnzif we're using g729, and we have voicemail with all the prompts in g729 format, do we need licenses for * to do g729?
01:30.18lanceywhat do u use?
01:30.21lanceylinux or freebsd?
01:31.01lanceyin this case you wouldn't need codecs, though
01:31.31patpatnzno, I didn't think so, thanks :)
01:34.07Tiliso i think if network is developed where you all clients and servers use same codec we can get best results with speex
01:34.53coppiceg.729 is necessary of you need to interoperate with g.729 users. otherwise speex is a good choice
01:35.42*** join/#asterisk desktophero (
01:36.07ciog729 = low bandwidth
01:36.32cioIs there an * command that will record directly to a voicemail box without the intro?
01:37.17coppicespeex uses the same bandwidth as g.729
01:37.28cioDoes * support speex?
01:37.46cioCool.  What hardphones support speex?
01:37.47patpatnzisn't speex lower quality than g729 though?
01:37.50lancey* 's'    instructions for leaving the message will be skipped.
01:38.05cioThanks -
01:38.12lanceyshow application VoiceMail
01:38.39coppicespeex is comparable in quality to g.729. close enough you would need proper blind tests to find a winner
01:38.53cioIs there any hardphones that support speex?
01:39.04coppicenot sure
01:39.26cioBut it would be good for say remote offices via IAX?
01:39.48lanceyIAX is protocol
01:39.51lanceyspeex is codec
01:39.57coppiceif you want broad support in hardphones and low bit rate g.729 is the obvious choice
01:40.11lanceyah, i got your point, sorry
01:40.18lanceyit must be the hour
01:43.20patpatnzlancey, I find it hard to concentrate in the afternoon too ;)
01:45.20Tiliis there anyone who knows C a bit. can someone look at chan_iax2.c for asterisk-1.0.9 on line 5762. I am confused in mutex locking code in this function
01:46.48*** join/#asterisk Uberbot (n=Uberbot@
01:48.03*** join/#asterisk pifiu (n=myassisb@
01:49.04UberbotHi all.
01:49.10lanceyi'm gonna take a nap
01:49.13lanceygood luck all, guyz
01:49.30*** part/#asterisk patpatnz (n=pjs@unaffiliated/patpatnz)
01:49.56UberbotIf you had the option of buying a Sipura SPA-2002 or a Linksys PAP2-NA, which would you buy?
01:50.19pifiuis there a generic wav file by allyson that says "If you know your party's extension, you may dial it at any time"
01:50.53Uberbot... or for that matter, "What are you wearing tonight?" :-D
01:52.44UberbotWow!  Slow night.
01:57.17*** join/#asterisk gniretar (
01:57.34gniretarhi everyone
01:57.43gniretargreetings from my new PowerBook
01:57.53gniretarand it has xchat :-D
01:57.58gniretargotta ove the fink project
01:58.10gniretarso has anyone ever used LoudHush?
01:58.29blitzrageapple and powerbooks suck
01:59.17gniretaroh shut your ignorant trap
01:59.21*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
01:59.32gniretarPowerBooks kick a$$
02:00.25brookshireepic 4 life!
02:01.33pifiudoes anyone know what allison smith looks like?
02:01.41pifiuis her site?
02:05.30jake1932no - is
02:07.07cioAnyone know how to 'list tables' in sqlite?
02:07.21blitzragepifiu: yep... met her last year
02:08.41jake1932cio - did you check here?
02:09.20pifiudid she look nice blitz?
02:09.29pifiuworth the trip to cali?
02:09.34pifiuto see her in astricon
02:09.39ciortfm? NEVER!
02:09.50MnxPowerpifiu, Um, NO woman is worth a trip to Calif
02:10.59MnxPowerBut I did hear that someone saw minnie mouse coming out of blitzrage's hotel room this morning.
02:11.31UberbotIf you had the option of buying a Sipura SPA-2002 or a Linksys PAP2-NA, which would you buy?
02:11.56MnxPowerUberbot, They are pretty much the same thing, but I'd go with the SPA-2002
02:11.58cioIf I'm using SQLITE for my CDR logs, is there a way to disable the CSV logs?  I don't see the point in having two sets of logs...
02:11.58brookshiresame thing right?
02:12.14UberbotAny reason, MnxPower?
02:12.24MnxPowercio, did you try a noload =>
02:12.34*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
02:12.35cioAs soon as I hit enter.
02:12.41MnxPowerUberbot, Becuase the SPA is officially supported and more people have them
02:12.42cioSorry, I'm out, too tired.
02:12.50*** join/#asterisk lbow (n=lbow@
02:13.19MnxPowerIf Linksys didn't own Sipura, I'd say "Because Linksys have been such bastards about the PAP2-NA"
02:14.49UberbotMnxPower, Good answers.  Thanx.
02:15.29*** join/#asterisk mcf3782 (
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02:20.29*** join/#asterisk Rubble (n=Rubble@
02:22.45Rubblerubble is here from South Africa - 22 hours of flights later!
02:23.43lbowrubble: you are too keen
02:24.43*** join/#asterisk mcunixjr (i=mcunixjr@pdpc/supporter/gold/McUnixJr)
02:26.57*** part/#asterisk krisguy (
02:28.16pifiuhow do I play .gsm files?
02:29.06mcf3782install the sox package and use the 'play' command that comes with sox. "play my-gsm-file-name.gsm"
02:29.26pifiuyeah but i have the files here in my windows machine
02:29.37pifiuwinamp wont play the
02:30.08jake1932sound forge will
02:30.14mcf3782sorry.. can't help you with windows.
02:30.43pifiuok thanks
02:30.50mcunixjri have a AMP question - but it seems the amportal channel is deadly quiet - i am getting an error when trying to install AMP on redhat EL3.  I have PHP installed with mysql option and have mysql installed.  i can login into mysql via PHP with no problem.  but when i run ./install (for AMP) it says [FATAL mysql php libraries not installed
02:31.40lbowapple quicktime plays .gsm files too
02:37.12NivexAre the translation times in my pastebin sane, or do I have more problems?
02:38.44*** join/#asterisk tainted_ (
02:39.41tainted_let's say i have two users connected to my asterisk box via SIP
02:39.47tainted_how can i connect them together?
02:40.15tzangertainted_: have one dial the ohter
02:40.42tainted_would they have to go offline first?
02:40.45tainted_or can that happen in realtime
02:41.07tainted_what do u mean dial the other?
02:41.19tzangeryou have exten => 100,1,Dial(SIP/100)
02:41.25tzangerand exten => 101,1,Dial(SIP/101)
02:41.41tzangerthen when user 100 picks up the phone and dials 101 it rings 101's phone
02:41.52tzangerif 101 picks up, they're connected
02:42.03tainted_i think i confused u
02:42.17tzangeryes you did
02:42.17tainted_let's say both are outside callers
02:42.19tainted_dialing my IVR
02:42.26tainted_and i want to connect the two of them up
02:42.51tzangerdrop them both into a meetme then
02:43.09tainted_can that happen transparently?
02:43.18tainted_w/o their input?
02:43.34tzangerhow could it?
02:43.58tzangerhow do you get htem to signal "I want to be connected with some other caller I have no idea who they are or even if they're online" ??
02:44.04tzangerwhat is it you want to do, exactly
02:44.41*** join/#asterisk PhreeStyle (
02:48.33Vcoi didn't know allison smith was from alberta..
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03:10.32shmaltzstupid verizon
03:11.59Vcoemploymeny apathy?
03:12.05Vcoemplyment rather
03:12.09Vcofucing hell
03:12.25Vcocookie crumbs
03:15.41*** join/#asterisk Ambrose (
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03:17.26AmbroseCan anyone link me to a good document about building an IVR?
03:21.40AmbroseThat's the one I've been looking at :-(
03:21.49*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
03:22.36AmbroseI want to build a menu that starts off with "Press 1 for English 2 for French" And then once the user presses 1 a new menu starts that says "press 1 for support 2 for sales" etc, but I can't figure out how to seperate the english/support (ext 1) from each other
03:26.57loudWait(1) ?
03:32.07*** join/#asterisk nexis (
03:32.17TeeliAmbrose: its bad to say this, but there is no substitute for trying it out and playing things yourself. anyway for a start do this
03:32.44Teeliexten => s,1,Wait(1)
03:32.50Teeliexten => s,2,Answer
03:33.39Teeliexten => s,3,Background(your_prompt_for_fr_and_en)
03:33.46Teeliexten => s,4,Hangup
03:34.32*** join/#asterisk Veto_laptop (
03:34.33Teelibig mistake
03:35.40AmbroseTeeli : Gotcha, thx :-)
03:36.46nexisim having a problem, when i call somone, or somone calls me, asterisk routes the calls to a ATA, but when the other person hangs up, it fails to term the call on the ATA, at the end of the exten calls, i have a hangup clause, but its not killing the connection.
03:39.29TeeliAmbrose: in continuation to that
03:39.36Teeliexten => 1,1,Background(This_is_ur_english_menu)
03:39.38Teeliexten => 2,1,Background(this_is_ur_french_extension)
03:39.40Teeliso add more priorities to extension 1 or 2 for your IVR
03:41.56*** join/#asterisk Corndawg_ (
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03:52.13jdv79does anyone use a DB cdr setup to a seperate box?
03:52.43jdv79i'm curious what happens if that DB box disappears?
03:54.29wasimyou get an err on CDR write
03:54.51ZX81jdv79 unless you are writing to 2 cdrs
03:54.55ZX81which is what we do
03:54.55jdv79asterisk will continue processing and just unfatally error on the CDR ops?
03:55.06ZX81we use the Master.csv file as backup
03:55.19ZX81so if the db goes down we still have another copy
03:55.24jdv79you can load 2 up at once?/
03:55.39*** join/#asterisk sycofly (
03:55.43jdv79that's actually what i was thinking about doing
03:55.46ZX81you can have 10
03:56.04jboti heard adn is the Asterisk Daily News - for HTML and for RSS
03:56.10jdv79do you periodcially dump the CSV?
03:56.20ZX81we do billparts
03:56.29ZX81so every day we build part of the bill
03:56.39ZX81then at the end of the billing period we add them all together
03:56.47*** part/#asterisk sycofly (
03:56.55ZX81that way if a rate changes during the month, the customer is billed at that day's rates
03:57.10jdv79i just want the CSV around if the DB cdr breaks so we can cobble it together afterwards
03:57.16jdv79otherwise its useless to me
03:57.31ZX81type locate Master.csv
03:57.36marc324I get :    Loading module failed!
03:57.46jdv79ouch marc324
03:57.57jdv79that's the one i was gonna use
03:59.59*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:d856:c704:0:0:0:0:1)
04:00.23wasimZX81: Farfon today formally annouced ceasure of further development on their IAX2 platform due to the availability of more cost effective alternates such as PA168. Farfon would like to thank the * community for its valuable support and the team had a great learning experience. Farfon intends to utilize the development for other efforts, such as platforms for teaching DSP and VoIP device development.
04:00.45*** join/#asterisk Jzalae (
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04:02.02ZX81:( boo hoo
04:02.11ZX81you gonna start doing 1688 stuff?
04:04.36wasimwell, we've been using it and recommending it for some time now, but we aren't doing any dev on it
04:04.50*** part/#asterisk Uberbot (n=Uberbot@
04:05.30ZX81posting news article
04:05.54wasimyes, we don't want people to wonder what happened to us, all hue and cry and then nothing
04:06.13*** join/#asterisk AlexCTI (
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04:07.04AlexCTISome has a good mp3 file to MOH? and the wait to set up it?
04:07.16ZX81I don't use mp3s
04:07.23ZX81transcode files to the right codec
04:07.26wasimdanke ZX81
04:07.27AlexCTIThe one that i have sound not good
04:07.32*** part/#asterisk mcf3782 (
04:07.36NuggetI made some music using apple soundtrack.  royalty-free and it's nice and mellow.  :)
04:08.08NuggetI need a telemarketer moh queue, though, that's got death metal.  That would be handy
04:08.23Nuggetor maybe the hampsterdance song
04:08.30AlexCTIthat my config is queue1english => custom:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/queue1english,/usr/local/bin/mpg123 -q -r 8000 -f 8192 -b 2048 --mono -s
04:08.41tuppaNugget: or the badgerbadgerbadger song
04:08.59wasimtuppa: is that a univ of wisconsin song?
04:09.05fileZX81 has lost it
04:09.11tuppawasim: I know nothing about univ of wisconsin
04:09.27wasimtuppa: they have an affinity for badgers
04:10.32tuppawasim: I'm thinking about this
04:10.40tuppawarning, flash required, etc
04:13.17*** join/#asterisk count (
04:13.30wasimyou think we could do an Asterisk for Earthquake Relief?
04:14.02wasimthe situation is pretty grim for over a million homeless here
04:14.48wasimif the VoIP terminators gave say .01c per minute and possibly other donations from *masters we might be able to help a few folks
04:15.25*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
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04:16.01wasimwe could make a difference, a direct, visible difference
04:18.29AlexCTISome has a good MOH file in MP3? i'm converting a u-law to MP3 but i don't get a good quality..
04:18.52wasimAlexCTI: is the ulaw in good quality?
04:19.14wasimwhat are you using to convert?
04:19.25AlexCTIi'm using gold wave
04:21.29wasimhmm ... perhaps thats the problem
04:22.06AlexCTIi think so, it is not making a good job
04:22.31marc324what is unixodbc-dev?
04:24.50AlexCTIwasim,  do you have good quality on MOH?
04:26.04wasimAlexCTI: yes, its ok quality for phone work
04:26.22marc324i get:    WARNING[23183]: loader.c:554 load_modules: Loading module failed!
04:29.54almafuerteat least you have a good excuse ;-)
04:30.08marc324I just installed psql,unixodbc
04:30.24marc324after reinstalling asterisk... i get that error
04:30.26*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
04:33.44JerJer[mobile]man don't everyone type at once - i cannot keep up
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04:35.58wasimwe've already collected over a few $k for the relief operation, and every bit helps
04:36.36marc324what package is need for asterisk realtime --  UNIXODBC, POSTGRESQL,
04:36.49marc324anything else before installing asterisk?
04:37.25*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
04:38.07marc324what package is needed before installing asterisk with RT?  UNIXODBC, POSTGRESQL.
04:38.14marc324anything else?
04:39.15DaminJuggie: Me and Blitzrage..
04:39.21Daminmog: There we goo.. can you see the access point now?
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04:39.53Damindrumkilla: What up dog?
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04:40.11Damindrumkilla: You chillin in the Laguna?
04:41.08Juggiedamin, not doing anything intreasting?
04:41.17DaminJuggie: Twisted just showed up..
04:41.24DaminJuggie: We're going to to drinking!
04:41.46*** join/#asterisk brookshire (
04:42.30DaminJuggie: Basement?
04:42.40drumkilla_laptopDamin: yeah, your AP is working now :)
04:43.07Damindrumkilla: Cool.. someoone ripped out the cord..
04:44.27*** join/#asterisk mog_home (n=mogorman@
04:44.36Juggiebeer, where
04:44.44brookshirethere is mog
04:46.44drumkilla_laptopDamin: wtf, how did that happen
04:47.15Juggiewhere is the beer?
04:47.15*** join/#asterisk planetjk (n=planetjk@
04:48.41file[laptop]I should go to sleep
04:49.24file[laptop]since I've been coding since... this morning... I should check all my regular sites
04:49.26Corydon76-homeMight I just say that Mark is very generous...
04:49.39Juggiewhy what happened?
04:49.57MocJust read the news about farfon
04:50.03Corydon76-homeI could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you... ;-)
04:50.08file[laptop]hi Moc
04:50.13Mochi file
04:50.25wasimMoc: :(
04:50.26Juggienow your making it sound gay Corydon :P
04:50.35*** part/#asterisk almafuerte (
04:50.37Mocwasim, yea
04:51.08Mocany channel bank or something on the way still ?
04:51.41wasimMoc: no, Adit has a product out that does 24 SIP-FXS in the same price range
04:51.42Corydon76-homeJuggie: who said it wasn't?
04:51.56*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (n=matt@
04:52.04Juggieremind me not to stand back on to you
04:52.05Mocwhat is a platform for teaching dsp ?
04:52.11Juggiematt, did the payment go through after?
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04:52.25Corydon76-homeJuggie: nah, you have to consent first
04:52.35brookshireJerJer[mobile]: are you at lax?
04:52.54Corydon76-homeJuggie: did you just say, "please"?
04:52.57wasimMoc: we are working on a framework to allow the hw to be used to teach TI c54x DSP code and implementation
04:53.06wasimMoc: and release it to universities etc
04:53.19Corydon76-homeI coulda sworn I heard you say "please"
04:53.31Juggieno please :P
04:53.51Corydon76-homeNo or please?  Damn, you're confusing?
04:53.52wasimMoc: and also allow students to develop other applications etc
04:54.42Damindrumkilla: Don't know..
04:56.03Mocgota check it
04:56.41planetjkEvening... I had AAH working on a test machine, swapped it out with a good machine. Just installed. Ran netconfig. I can ping the IP but can't browse.  So I ran [[/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart]] and I get [[Stopping httpd: Failed
04:57.57*** join/#asterisk twisted|astricon (n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted)
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04:59.52planetjkthe forums suggest it's a hosts problem... but I think my hosts file is ok. what's the default in hosts?
05:00.59Corydon76-homeYou using VirtualHosts in Apache?
05:01.51planetjkthat one's over my head. It's a fresh install, haven't done anything but run netconfig
05:02.03*** join/#asterisk alphaque (n=alphaque@
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05:02.36Corydon76-homeYour IP likely changed with your transplant, and all the config files are now set up with the old IP
05:02.55Corydon76-homeHence, major brokenness
05:03.20planetjkno transplant, though. two different PC's
05:03.33Corydon76-homeTwo different network cards?
05:03.39planetjkthe other one's shutdown and off the LAN
05:03.52Corydon76-homeAh, so new install?
05:03.56planetjkyup. the test box was a desktop. I'm using AAH on a laptop now
05:04.17Corydon76-homeNo idea.  Best to just learn how to use the machine
05:05.08planetjkI know there's only one line in the initial hosts file... where can I find what it's supposed to be?
05:05.46Corydon76-homeTrying to use a point-and-click install on an OS which wasn't designed to be point-and-click can have weird side effects
05:06.15planetjkwow, that's deep. :)  except I have to be able to use it before I can learn to use it. or maybe it was supposed to be a short lesson. lol
05:06.43planetjkso... the problem is with AAH, then? you're losing me. which, of course, is obviously not difficult at all
05:07.44Corydon76-homeThis is why the experts don't use AAH
05:08.30planetjkah. I missed that "not the choice of any experts. whatsoever" disclaimer
05:09.07planetjkgood thing I'm a beginner, and therefore overly qualified
05:09.14*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
05:10.59planetjkso your suggestion is not to do anything until I'm an expert?
05:11.01*** join/#asterisk Pikoro (
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05:12.00alphaqueplanetjk: it's about flexibility. the GUI based model, which AAH follows does limit you somewhat, but is easier for newbies to grasp
05:12.16alphaqueplanetjk: editting .conf files directly is harder, but lets u do more outside the constrains of the gui
05:12.28Pikorowhat could possibly allow incoming SIP calls but not outgoing SIP calls?
05:12.50alphaquePikoro: wrong auth credentials ?
05:12.58Pikoroincoming works...
05:13.08Pikoroand the credentials are correct, i'm sure of that
05:13.28planetjkI understand that... I'm not really addressing the issue from a method perspective... Just troubleshooting.  Per the docs, should be able to config via web.  I can't... so I'm trying to figure it out
05:13.49Pikoroi get the operator for the voip provider... a japanese version of "All circuts are busy"
05:14.00*** join/#asterisk docE (n=docE@
05:14.04docESUP SUP!?!?!?!
05:14.41AmbroseThere is no seperator between the Voicemail flags and boxnumber@context ?
05:14.49docEWho is here @ astricon?
05:15.00alphaquePikoro: what does sip debug say ?
05:15.14drumkilla_laptopdocE: #astricon
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05:16.11Pikoroit says alot :D
05:16.16Pikorolemme go look it up...
05:16.50alphaquePikoro: use
05:18.25*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
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05:25.10justinnnnnhey ppls :)
05:27.16JamesDotComyo justinnnnn
05:27.17*** join/#asterisk pooh_ (
05:27.56pooh_Hi, anybody knows why I have no sound on my * box when /dev/zap devices are PRESENT, if I remove those, I have sound again
05:28.20ZX81maybe cos when they are present you are running asterisk
05:28.27ZX81and asterisk is loading sound card drivers
05:28.40ZX81which may steal the soundcard
05:28.45ZX81dunno just a guess
05:28.54pooh_let me check modules.conf
05:28.54PikoroOct 11 14:25:30 DEBUG[2090]: Ooh, format changed from unknown to ulaw
05:28.56QwellIf you want sound outside of asterisk, you can noload => and in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
05:28.58Pikorowhat do those mean?
05:29.03ZX81pooh_ yeah
05:29.13Corydon76-homePikoro: they are DEBUG statements
05:29.13QwellThat will disable the ability to dial from the console though...which isn't that important anyhow
05:29.16ZX81Pikoro that you have allow=all maybe
05:29.30Pikoroi have allow=alaw&ulaw
05:29.31ZX81Qwell: does it even work?
05:29.37Corydon76-homeThey are not errors, they aren't even warnings...
05:29.43Qwellgot me...
05:29.46Pikoroi know they're debug statements
05:30.01Pikoroi think perhaps my sip provider doesn't support that?
05:30.01Corydon76-homeTurn... off... the debug
05:30.13Pikorothat will make the call go through?
05:30.17*** join/#asterisk jets (
05:30.18Pikoroturning off debug?
05:30.32QwellPikoro: turning off debug will make debug messages go away
05:30.38Corydon76-homeAre you intentionally ignoring the statement in logger.conf concerning debug messages?
05:30.42Pikoromy outbound SIP calls don't work but i can receive calls
05:30.49jetsGorgeous little devils!
05:30.50*** join/#asterisk JonR800 (
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05:30.54Pikoroso i turned on debug to try to figure out why
05:30.55jetsWho's at the hyatt already HMMMM?
05:31.07ZX81jets: try #astricon
05:31.13Corydon76-homePikoro: are you a coder?
05:31.23pooh_ZX81: alsa and oss are NOT loaded
05:31.37Pikoroyah.. but not an asterisk coder
05:32.14marc324how do you manage large sip users, without a database
05:32.16Corydon76-homeThe debug messages are meant for programmers.  If we thought it was a serious problem, it would be an ERROR or a WARNING, not a debug.
05:32.22Corydon76-homeHence, ignore it.
05:32.31*** join/#asterisk docE (n=docE@
05:32.44Qwellpooh_: I think you can do show modules, or something, to see what modules are loaded
05:32.54Pikorook, then any suggestions on why inbound sip would work but not outbound?
05:32.56QwellI'm not at an asterisk box right now, so I can't check the exact command
05:32.58Pikoroa first place to look perhaps?
05:33.03Corydon76-homeAre you behind a NAT?
05:33.11Pikoromy client is, the asterisk box is not
05:33.11pooh_Nope, local LAN setup
05:33.27Corydon76-homeWhat are you trying to contact?
05:33.37Corydon76-homewhen you make an 'outbound' call?
05:33.50Pikoroanything.  another sip number, a pstn number...
05:33.53Pikorointernal works great
05:33.57Pikoroinbound sip works great
05:34.13Corydon76-homeDefine inbound
05:34.17Pikorooutbound gets me the sip provider operator recording saying all circuts are busy
05:34.26Pikorosomeone calls my sip number from the pstn
05:34.33Corydon76-homeEvery call is composed of both an inbound and an outbound leg
05:34.33pooh_Qwell: show modules shows no oss or alsa
05:34.54Corydon76-homeThen you probably have an error in your Dial line
05:35.06Pikorook.. so outbound routing?
05:35.17Pikorowould be a good place to start
05:35.38Corydon76-homeDoes your provider have a suggestion for Asterisk configuration?
05:35.52Pikorono, they "do not support" anything but their hardware
05:36.09Pikoroi'm in japan.. they're funny like that
05:36.23Corydon76-homeThen you're going to have to try several variations of the SIP Dial line
05:36.37Corydon76-homeTweak it until it works
05:36.46Pikorolike i had to do with the register line :D
05:36.57Pikoroi appreciate a good starting place :D
05:37.14Pikoroyou mean dial patterns right?
05:37.18Corydon76-homeYou might have to run a 'sip debug' to find out where in the SIP conversation the problem arises
05:37.25Pikorothe whole NXXXX stuff?
05:37.49Corydon76-homeNo, the arguments to Dial
05:37.54AmbroseAnybody know if one can limit the voicemail message length? My FXO isn't detecting hangups and I keep getting 15 minute voicemails (14.5 minutes of silence :p)
05:38.06Corydon76-homeThe NXXXX stuff is all local to your machine
05:38.26Corydon76-homeAmbrose: maxmessage in voicemail.conf
05:39.04AmbroseCorydon-w: Ok thanks
05:39.42Corydon76-homeand second, when you're done with VoiceMail(), do a Hangup()
05:39.55AmbroseYeah I've already go the Hangup in there
05:40.00Corydon76-homeotherwise with an i extension, you might create an infinite loop
05:40.17Corydon76-homeOr t extension, rather
05:40.22Corydon76-homeDamn, it's late
05:40.32AmbroseYeah I've had the looping problem before :p
05:41.10*** join/#asterisk IPmonger (
05:44.35Pikoroarguments to dial?
05:45.05Pikorook, which conf file and i'll figure it out from there.. don't wanna keep buggin you
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05:58.25jbotmethinks docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
06:13.08kaldemarwould anyone know a way to continue dialplan processing after app dial?
06:13.21kaldemar,,g won't do because it only continues if the remote side hangs up.
06:13.33wunderkinm runs a macro on answer
06:14.33kaldemarand that macro continues to run after the call has been hung up?
06:15.41wunderking is for hangup
06:15.45wunderkinwhat do you want?
06:15.55*** join/#asterisk oej (
06:16.58kaldemari want to remove a variable from asterisk's database after the call is done.
06:17.23wunderkinwhy dont you make an h exten then
06:18.29kaldemarhave to take a look at that.
06:21.53kaldemari think i can pull it off with the h extension. a million thanks for that.
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06:51.28invi_latest * source &  2.6.12-1.1378_FC3 > make install gives 10 warnings on "Input/output error"
06:51.43invi_any idea?
06:55.05*** part/#asterisk rajiv (n=irc@gentoo/developer/rajiv)
07:04.24*** join/#asterisk MuppetMaster (n=MuppetMa@
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07:10.31MuppetMasterGot my book yesterday:
07:10.35MuppetMasterIt seems to be quite good.
07:10.44MuppetMasterBoth for newbies and as a reference manual for the more experienced.
07:10.51uter9:10am here, so midnight over there?
07:11.51*** join/#asterisk _omer (i=p@
07:12.48MuppetMasterWhere is over there?
07:13.17Juggieits 12:10yes
07:13.49wunderkinsync your clock juggie
07:13.55_omeranyone who could tell me ..where do I get "YUM" from ?
07:15.30*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
07:16.23invi_anybody from dev here?
07:17.32invi_or does anybody know if * runs on 2.6.12-1.1378_FC3 ?
07:18.10pooh__omer: waht distro?
07:21.24pooh_more easy
07:21.50Qwellinvi_: it'll run on just about anything as long as it's 2.4 or above
07:21.54*** part/#asterisk MuppetMaster (n=MuppetMa@
07:22.06_omerpooh_:  thanks...:)
07:33.03pooh_Hi, anybody knows why I have no sound on my * box when /dev/zap devices are PRESENT, if I remove those, I have sound again
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07:58.43_omerI tried to compile Asterisk ...zaptel and libpri were successful but go this error when I tried make install in "asterisk"
07:58.44_omerconfigure: error: termcap support not found
07:58.45_omermake: *** [editline/libedit.a] Error 1
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08:13.49pwnobodyHello, I need some help, I have it set up to always record incoming and outgoing calls on my extensions, how do I access these recordings
08:14.24LaibschHi, I was wondering if I can set up * for conference call via VoIP only.  The information I found on the web regarding meetme was inconsistent.
08:15.14LaibschI want to use * as a server for hosting conference calls on the Intranet.
08:15.49DelvarLaibsch: yes you can
08:16.36DelvarLaibsch: you will need a server with either a digium card or usb controler (i cant remember which type) to get timing
08:20.43uteri have problems with my zaptel. insmod fails:
08:20.46uterinsmod: error inserting '../zaptel-': -1 Invalid module format
08:21.05uterand dmesg says the following:
08:21.09uterzaptel: version magic '2.6.11 686 gcc-4.0' should be '2.6.11-1-686 686 gcc-3.3'
08:21.46uteri found a lot on this at google, but no solution
08:22.44*** join/#asterisk deployer (
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08:26.23contrabandahi all
08:26.59contrabandais it good to use sangoma cards in asterisk?
08:27.07contrabandaor its better to use digium?
08:27.20LaibschDelvar: Thank you for your quick response.  I will try to get this going as a test case.  Still very new to VoIP.
08:27.20X-Robsangoma cards will be fully supported in openpbx
08:27.43X-Robbut for asterisk, use a digium card.
08:28.46contrabandaX-ROb: in sangoma documentation, they write that it can work with asterisk
08:29.00*** join/#asterisk isam (n=isam@
08:29.04isamhi all..
08:29.17isamin extentions.conf.. how can I tell asterisk to take a literal @
08:29.31isamand not parse it as a host@
08:29.37alphaquecontrabanda: sangoma cards work with asterisk as well
08:30.29isamI have a sip username what comes with an @.. and I am not able to test it as it can't take numer@something@SIP_PROXY/${EXTEN}
08:30.48isamit is trying to connect to @something@SIP_PROXY
08:30.55contrabandaalphaque: but why its better to use digium andd not sangoma?
08:31.03isamwhile I want it to take the first @ as part of the username
08:31.38alphaquecontrabanda: i didnt say one was better than the other, or otherwise. all i said was that /both/ could be used.
08:31.50isamtalking about the fork
08:32.43contrabandaalphaque: so its a good solution to use sangoma?
08:32.51joelsolankiHello all: we need to setup inbound calls. means i want to provide usa local number to my country on cisco ata box. currently for demo purpose it working. service provider is using cisco call manager and we have ata registered to call manager.
08:33.23alphaquecontrabanda: i really wouldnt know, given that i dont know what u're using it for. and even if i did, i'd still think u'd need to get that evaluation done urself.
08:33.44joelsolankiI want to know is that possible that my provider routes the thing on my asterisk box and then ata box connects to asterisk and incoming works?
08:33.54joelsolankiany body have this type of setup ?
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08:36.06contrabandaok 10xs
08:37.04joelsolankiAny hints ?
08:40.51*** join/#asterisk newmember (
08:41.21mepplguten morgen
08:42.06johnmMoghrey mie
08:42.19pwnobodyI have my * extensions set up to record all incoming and outgoing calls, How do I access these recordings?
08:48.17_omerdefault folder is /var/spool/asterisk/monitor  for recorded calls
08:48.57*** part/#asterisk KaBewM (
08:53.03pwnobody_omer, thank you, I am using putty to access my * box and can see the wav files.  Now what would be the easiest way to transfer them to my workstation?  I am using *@home
08:53.38pwnobodyI have never used linux before, and I am just starting out, so please excuse me if it is super simple.
08:54.36pwnobodyls | less
08:54.54*** join/#asterisk etiennesw (n=etienne@
08:55.49etienneswCan anyone help me with Asterisk queues
08:56.26contrabandawhats better for asterisk with havy load, Intel processor or AMD 64?
08:57.28uterpwnobody does putty support scp?
08:58.03kaldemarputty scp, aka pscp.exe
08:58.17johnmcontrabanda: moreso than anything else... lots of RAM and decent kit. But if your talking something like dual-core amd vs. say, Dual Xeons fex, then go for the Multi-Proc dual-core stuff.
08:58.34*** join/#asterisk LANmower (
08:58.39LANmowerlo all
08:59.25LANmowerthe asterisk-addons via cvs looks different than the downloaded 1.0.9 one, for instance the downloaded one fails its compile complaining about logger.h
08:59.40LANmowerany tips on getting it compiled?
08:59.42pwnobodyOk, it seems yes, it is another part, pscp like kaldemar said
09:01.19pwnobodyuter, though I have no clue how to use that
09:01.24etienneswI have setup queues and agents, however, when a new call comes in, the agents who are alreading on a call get their phone ringing again. How can I limit this. They are using softphones (Iaxcomm)
09:01.39uterpwnobody so try to copy the files with scp, i dont really know the exact syntax
09:02.20*** join/#asterisk Eight (
09:02.21pwnobodyuter, ok, I just tried to run it from windows, but it just closed, so going to cmd now, see what it says
09:02.27uterit should be something like pscp root@asteriskbox:/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/* .
09:03.18LANmowerhow can I make asterisk addons see the asterisk directory?
09:03.23*** join/#asterisk etiennesw (n=etienne@
09:03.24LANmowertrying to make it
09:03.39LANmoweroh found it
09:05.25pwnobodyuter, Thank you, it seems that would be simple, though what would I use as the target?
09:06.13pwnobodyeverything that I have tried results in a "local to local copy not supported"
09:06.31*** join/#asterisk vandien (
09:06.56utertry "." as target
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09:07.39deployerтут есть русско-говорящие?
09:07.58pwnobodyuter, Same result
09:10.10etienneswAny help with the queues..pls
09:12.53uterpwnobody hmm
09:13.34uterdoes pscp --help provide something useful?
09:13.49LANmowerI'm having trouble compiling asterisk-addons ;(
09:13.55LANmoweranyone wanna help me?
09:15.13etiennesw..or maybe does anyone know how to use the SetVar within the queues.conf ??
09:16.31deployerhave a problem with adjustment H323 on asterisk
09:16.31deployerdlink fxo h323 is not registerred
09:16.54*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
09:17.09deployerdlik sip - orderly works
09:17.36pwnobodyuter, I didn't figure that out, though I did get filezilla to connect to it via SFTP using SSH2
09:17.58LANmowerI see there is an include path in the makefile... can someone tell me where it should point?
09:18.23pwnobodyIt seems that with the pscp that the only problem that I was having is the target, I will have to look this up for future reference
09:18.31pwnobodyThank you for your help
09:19.44iDunnoif you're windows bound, then you might want to get winscp
09:19.54iDunnowhich is graphical and lets you browse around
09:19.57*** join/#asterisk eivindtr (
09:19.58LANmower... anyone?
09:20.53*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=icechat5@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
09:22.33LANmoweras expected from irc... no help
09:22.34pwnobodyiDunno, sounds good, that's why I tried to get Filezilla to work as I use it all the time, I just didn't have the servertype set correctly, I was trying to use quickconnect
09:23.07iDunnoahh - I think filezilla will do sftp, won't it?
09:23.43pwnobodythat's how I set it up now, but using the quickconnect feature it doesn't automatically try that
09:24.44deployercan real asterisk to work as gateway between H323 and SIP
09:24.56invi_how do i check zaptel version?
09:26.58deployerIt to me?
09:29.43LANmowerthanx for nothing, dunno why I even tried
09:30.09Zeeeklancey`away repeat the question
09:30.17*** join/#asterisk fulgas (n=fulgas@
09:30.26etienneswPlease, can anyone help with the queues.conf so that bust agents won't be dialed twice??
09:30.31*** join/#asterisk planet_guru (n=chris@
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09:35.47rikstais there a way to find the amount of total calls via the manager interface easily?
09:36.46ZeeekI usually use the cdr for that
09:37.02rikstahow do you determine it from that?
09:37.15rikstafrom the ZapX ?
09:37.26Zeeekwait you mean total calls for one day, a period of time or one instant now?
09:37.34rikstano no live at this instant
09:37.40rikstaobviously i use the CDR for the rest
09:37.46Zeeeksomething like show channels?
09:38.04rikstayeah but i just wanted to return a number really, ill just iterate through that lot
09:38.25ZeeekI sometimes use the commands and parse the output
09:38.31rikstathats what ill do too
09:38.40Zeeeklike for peers, I like to seethem listed in order of lag, low to high
09:39.06Zeeekand show the unreachables in grey
09:39.12Zeeeketc etc
09:39.13*** join/#asterisk nextime (
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09:40.14invi_how do i check zaptel version?
09:41.16Zeeeklet me know if you find out
09:41.20*** join/#asterisk w14 (n=asterisk@
09:43.09invi_cmon u useless kunts, talk to me
09:43.35Zeeekmore flies with honey and all that
09:43.45*** join/#asterisk folsson (
09:44.02etienneswhey Zeeek, can you help me out??
09:44.15ZeeekI dunnon, what's the problem?
09:45.27etienneswI am using the queues.conf to call 4 agents, however, when a new call come in, it rings all 4 agents, even those that a currently on a call....can I limit this? the free agents only?
09:56.23*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
10:00.30Zeeekisn't that part of the definiton of the queue itself?
10:01.19*** join/#asterisk h4mm3r` (
10:06.16etienneswthe queue defines the agents etc......but I dont want the queue to call an agent that is busy
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10:07.18etienneswin the extensions.conf you can do that by using SetVar and mark the extension as busy.........but how can u do that in the queues.conf??
10:08.15deployerPrompt. Whether there is what that subtleties in adjustment H323 in asterisk. I can not achieve, that dlisk H323 it would be registered. With SIP problems have not arisen
10:09.54deployerI am sorry for bad English.
10:10.40deployerdlisk - read - d-link :)
10:18.00*** join/#asterisk newl (
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10:26.23Zeeeketiennesw what about just turning off callwaiting?
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10:43.08[Jedi]Anyone could help me with TxFax please? :(
10:43.20[Jedi]anyone uses spandsp here?
10:43.56Zeeekonly for receiveing and then onluy for spam faxes
10:45.59*** join/#asterisk Akelavlk (n=jansun@
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10:48.01skrustycan anyone tell me what the problem was in this example in pastebin (it's exactly the same error as im getting):
10:48.12skrustyi have freetds-dev installed
10:48.24AkelavlkHello, is there any good ISDN hardware for Asterisk?
10:49.16johnmAkelavlk: the digium wildcards are very good for PRI
10:49.44AkelavlkYou mean TDM400P for example?
10:50.19johnmI use the te405p, te205p etc. but yes
10:50.40*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
10:51.04ZX81what's up with this:  Restricting registration for peer '6838601' to 60 seconds (requested 30)
10:51.12ZX81anyway to remove it?
10:51.25Akelavlkjohnm, So I just plug ISDN cable into TDM400P? Are you sure. I thought that analog phone has diffrent things than ISDN
10:52.34*** join/#asterisk venkat (n=venkat@
10:52.53skrustyanyone here know anything about cdr_tds? :)
10:53.19johnmAkelavlk: im not sure about the TDM400P, is it an ISDN2 or an ISDN30?
10:53.37[Jedi]TDM400P is not ISDN I think
10:54.00Akelavlkjohnm, I am talking about this card
10:54.20johnmAkelavlk: what do you have ISDN wise which you need to support?
10:55.40Akelavlkjohnm, I need buy hardware for asterisk.. Because comapny is switching to ISDN from analog.
10:55.55johnmAkelavlk: but what kind of ISDN connection are they getting?
10:56.19Akelavlkjohnm, ISDN2.
10:56.44johnmAkelavlk: then you want a BRI card. check out
10:57.08Akelavlkjohnm, I know about their products..
10:57.37AkelavlkBut, do you recommend that hardware? May be it's peace of sht.
10:58.27johnmNah, the junghanns stuff is pretty good. And on top of that I dont know of anything which digium produce which is capable of BRI
10:58.36johnmat least I've only ever used Junghanns for BRI
10:58.46johnmif you're worried, get it on a 30 day evaluation
10:59.27AkelavlkIt sounds good..
11:01.27[Jedi]I'm lost with spandsp
11:01.36[Jedi]Anyone ever used brooktrout software?
11:01.39[Jedi]sorry hardware?
11:04.20Akelavlkjohnm, thanks for help..
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11:17.59shankyhi, good afternoon
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12:03.29jbotrumour has it, mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
12:03.42*** join/#asterisk Nix (n=Nix@
12:03.55RoyK~lart himself
12:07.11*** join/#asterisk tatuman (
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12:07.48tatumananyone knows where i can read more about meetme app design?
12:07.58tatumanthe code is not so comented
12:08.14ManxPowertatuman, I thnik the code is the only place.
12:08.35ManxPowerBut you might consider looking at the asterisk-dev mailing list archive.
12:08.58tatumananyone have looked extensively to this code?
12:09.35ManxPoweretiennesw, You can't, as far as I know.  The agent has to log off the queue if they don't want calls.
12:09.42tatumanManxPower: hav u ever worked with meet me ?
12:09.54ManxPowertatuman, not on the code.
12:10.12tatumando u know anyone who done it?
12:10.35ManxPowertatuman, would have bug reports and patches for MeetMe.
12:10.49tatumanok, i will give it a look
12:10.51ManxPoweranyone that has submitted a patch has looked at the code.
12:12.03tatumanyeah :), i wanted to see how good it scales and to have multiple asterisk providing conferences, but with a central control of all the servers
12:12.27tatumando u know if is there any work in this area?
12:12.45ManxPowertatuman, I don't know.
12:12.54ManxPowerYou can ask on the -users or -dev mailing lists
12:13.24kaldemaretiennesw: maybe you could use RemoveQueueMember and AddQueueMember?
12:13.50etienneswManxPower, but if he is busy handling a call, I want the queue to dial the other 3 agents who are free
12:15.07ManxPoweretiennesw, Um, that is the way queues work
12:16.10etienneswKaldemar, I looked into that but do you know to to put it together since once the busy agent is off the line I want him to be back available in the queue
12:16.50*** join/#asterisk mmmToop (n=chatzill@
12:17.12ManxPoweretiennesw, It sounds like you have call waiting enabled on your phones.
12:17.24etienneswManxPower, maybe you know a way to limit the max number of simultanious calls from the iax.conf or extensions.conf?
12:17.27*** join/#asterisk wasim (n=wasim@pdpc/supporter/active/wasim)
12:17.33ManxPowerIF that is the case, then the queue doesn't know the person is busy and will try to send calls to the person
12:18.18etienneswthe phones are softphone (Iaxcomm).....but there doesn't seem to be a way to limit from the client side
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12:29.45Mimmushi, can someone help me with MeetMe?
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12:40.57ZeeekManxPower longtime no C
12:41.15Zeeekglad you survived
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12:58.59LaibschI hope this question is not off-topic, but what is a good client (soft phone) for VoIP for a Windows client?
12:59.16ZeeekX-Ten X-Lite
12:59.20LaibschSIP preferred but IAX possible
12:59.27LaibschZeeek: OK, thank you.
12:59.32Zeeekgoogle asterisk iax windows client
12:59.52jbotzeeek is probably someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
13:00.08Zeeekvery true
13:00.18LaibschI found X-Ten a bit hard to configure.
13:00.48LaibschIt is not the most intuitive if you are new to VoIP.
13:00.51Zeeekwhat's good about X-Ten is youlearn something from it
13:01.16LaibschGood, I am always eager to learn.
13:01.31Zeeekthey used to have an extensive manual that explained every setting
13:01.33*** join/#asterisk Laerte (n=io@
13:02.24LaibschZeeek: That is what I mean.  At first, I do not want to know everything.  I want to get it up and running quickly, play around and then tweak it.
13:02.49LaibschSo a good, comprehensive manual is VERY nice
13:03.16Laibschbut a "how to VoIP with $SW in 5 minutes" is also very important to have.
13:03.37Zeeekthere are a millions pages on the web written about this
13:03.57Zeeekhere are four of them
13:03.58ZeeekStarter tutorial:
13:03.59ZeeekTHE reference of the moment:
13:04.06InfraRedyou want support, pay for support
13:04.14LaibschZeek: Thank you.
13:04.15InfraRedyou want to google, it's free
13:04.19LaibschI read those page.
13:04.31Zeeekif you read those pages, you already know the answers
13:04.40LaibschInfraRed: I am considering payment seriously.
13:04.44jboti guess docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
13:05.30Zeeekwhy would a BT100 not answer OPTIONS? or did they never do so?
13:05.57*** join/#asterisk AsterNov (
13:06.07pooh_RoyK: can you check my * server pls?
13:06.14pooh_I think it is ok now
13:06.36*** part/#asterisk Craziman2 (n=Craziman@
13:06.45LaibschBut I need to get up a test case to play around and find if it can get the job done.  I am sure * is fine.  But today I was amazed to see that most Windows VoIP softphones (I am on Debian myself) are only capable of connecting to the service it was designed for (pulver.communicator, for example cannot connect to Asterisk, if I am not mistaken).
13:07.08Zeeekyou are mistaken
13:07.29LaibschWow, glad to hear.
13:07.32Zeeeksomeone has posted a full photo tutorial on FWD forum about configuring it
13:07.46Zeeekit seems you haven't looked around much though
13:07.53LaibschI could not find the option where to configure it for anything but FWD.
13:07.58LaibschI'll look in the forum.
13:08.14Zeeekall you do is replace the server name
13:08.18LaibschBelieve me, I spent most of yesterday night and all morning.
13:08.22Zeeekand user, password.
13:08.31InfraRedi think i found a cool hotel in nyc
13:08.34Zeeekis ENglish your native toungue?
13:08.54Zeeekdid you get X-Lite working with FWD?
13:09.44*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
13:10.08LaibschNo, english is not my native tongue.
13:10.15LaibschI got X-Lite working with FWD.
13:10.18Zeeekwell that explains part of it
13:10.26LaibschI found said option now.
13:10.41Zeeeksop what's the big deal? Youc an see the FWD specific stuff I mentioned above, then change it to what you need
13:10.53LaibschIt is greyed out and I missed the online doc part OR maybe I thought this makes it payware and did not proceed further.
13:11.00Zeeekif you don't know how to set up asterisk for a user account, you have not read the docs I posted
13:11.25Zeeeklook at this
13:11.26LaibschI think I have two user accounts running.
13:11.51LaibschZeeek: Thank you. I think I will manage from here.
13:11.52Zeeeksubstitue "plustalk" for "myserver"
13:12.06LaibschThanks for all the references.
13:12.12pooh_damn: Unable to open channel 1: Device or resource busy
13:12.31ZeeekLaibsch np, you just need to pour over all that stuff
13:13.13*** join/#asterisk _omer (i=p@
13:13.37pooh_quozap guru around pls ?
13:14.12*** join/#asterisk eldu (
13:15.59ZeeekAnyone using this:
13:18.29*** join/#asterisk Cadu20 (n=Cadu20@
13:18.53lehelZeeek: no but tell me about it.. should i use?
13:20.19elduTheir services seems good, but I think that their DID are too expensive.
13:20.44AsterNovI've got asterisk@home running with  extensions, but the voicemail says it's writing to the directory, except when I check it's empty. The directory permissions seem ok and belong to asterisk. Anybody got any ideas?
13:22.53Zeeekeldu you used them?
13:23.08elduno i just contact them for special prices
13:23.10ZeeekI can't find a per minute rate, only setup and monthly
13:23.16eldubut no success :)
13:23.29*** join/#asterisk AlexCTI (
13:23.31ZeeekIt would appear that the network infrastructure is very good, this is why I was asking
13:23.44elduZeeek: u got inbound with voxbone, not outbound
13:23.52Zeeekcan't have interruptions and noise and echo on business phones
13:24.01AlexCTIHey, some has to use well the raw player to MOH?
13:24.03Zeeekyes, only inbound
13:24.30MimmusI'm not able to hear any tone when a user join/leave a MeetMe conference even if I use 'i' option
13:24.34Mimmusany help?
13:28.27*** join/#asterisk ozant (n=ozan@
13:28.36skrustydont know if anyone can help, just added realtime support to asterisk (and built from cvs) and now i keep getting 'Not a local SIP domain' on all registration requests. Why is that? in the bug tracker, it says this is disabled unless otherwise specified
13:29.48ozanthi all, Can asterisk make difference with a dual CPU? or it just use one?
13:30.52johnmozant: the way linux works means that applications which aren't written for dual-proc should still function across multi-proc machines and reap the benefits.
13:31.04johnmozant: generally speaking at least ;)
13:31.13johnmozant: so yes.
13:32.00ozantjohnm umm thanks...
13:33.42skrustyanyone seen that error before? :(
13:34.02*** join/#asterisk kippi (
13:36.05*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=icechat5@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
13:36.20Cadu20Can't change the transfer digit... no matter what does features.conf says, Asterisk aways assume # as transfer. Why is that?
13:39.01kippiif I add a DID Route with a idsn card, will asterisk work out the DID?
13:41.27*** join/#asterisk |cleric| (
13:43.11*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
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13:46.58FaithfulAnyone in AU got a Sun Ultra 10 they want to get rid of?
13:47.11*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
13:47.50*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
13:52.34NixFaithful: I used to have one but I gave it away when I moved from AU :-)
13:53.00*** join/#asterisk oej (
13:53.30Lathos42I have an Ultra 5, but i'm in the US :)
13:54.46*** join/#asterisk shadebob (
13:54.59[Jedi]I have a pair of Ultra 5 and a few Netra's
13:55.04[Jedi]but in .es
13:56.04*** join/#asterisk nomazda (
13:56.15shadebobHi, I have a problem with FXO and billing. It seem Asterisk doesn't detect when callee take call... Any ideas?
13:56.18skrustyanyone know why the new domain patch for asterisk would be preventing me from accepting sip registrations?
13:56.25shadebobbilling start when phone ring
13:56.30skrustyassuming that's in cvs head now
13:57.11*** join/#asterisk Weezey (i=Weezey@
13:57.13file[laptop]shadebob: you can't do accurate call progress on analog
13:57.28file[laptop]shadebob: there is an option for it, but your calls might randomly disconnect
13:58.00shadebobfile[laptop] : wich option? Silence detection?
13:58.21elduhow can i see the packets lost ?
13:58.24elduper call
13:58.38file[laptop]shadebob: uh no
13:58.45file[laptop]shadebob: callprogress
13:59.22shadebobfile[laptop] : ok I will see
13:59.35shadebobfile[laptop] ; thanks
13:59.50kippii am better off installing asterisk and then installing asterisk at home? or should i just install asterisk?
14:00.01kippiinstall asterisk at home
14:00.21kippisorry i'll start again
14:00.27lehelkippi: asterisk@home includes asterisk [zzz]
14:00.41kippii am better off installing asterisk and then installing AMP? or should i just install asterisk at home?
14:01.08eldui bet is easier to just install A@H
14:01.30kippiA@H will work just aswell?
14:01.30lunkA@H is the easiest
14:01.32elduAMP needs some skills to be installed smoothly
14:02.13kippiis there a channel for a@h?
14:02.34elduyes look for #amportal
14:02.52eldube patient after asking ;)
14:03.20FaithfulNix who did you give it to?
14:03.46Ariel_strange things are happening. A tropical storm with winds of 45 mph has hit the cost of Portugal and Spain.  Just strange.
14:04.19elduany packet lost ? :)
14:05.08johnmAriel_: not too surprising following on from the earthquake. but in general bad weather and stuff is happening a lot at present
14:05.21johnmAriel_: equalibrium has to happen I guess.
14:05.25Ariel_johnm, yes it sure is
14:05.29johnm45mph is nothing anyways :)
14:06.10Ariel_johnm, it's not the wind speed but the fact that instead of going accross the pond it just travel north into the EU
14:06.29ful^workis it on the opossite direction
14:06.42johnmAriel_: all depends on pressure cycles I guess.
14:06.46ful^workwell so far it didn't done much damage...
14:06.52AlexCTIthat's true.. ask in Fl, USA.. winds more than 90 mph
14:07.05FaithfulThere will be great earthquakes, famines, and plagues in various places. There will be terrors and great signs...
14:07.37Ariel_Faithful, I guess you reading our doom and gloom messages.
14:08.18NixFaithful: to my old flatmate
14:08.29*** join/#asterisk mkrufky (n=mk@
14:08.51FaithfulNix: got his email... I will buy it off him if it is still going... which city ?
14:08.55NixQantas seemed to think that a Sun would put me over my baggage limit :-)
14:09.01FaithfulI need one bad
14:09.09NixI think he gave it away to someone else
14:09.19Nixshould be easy to get one on
14:09.28FaithfulNot so...
14:09.33shadebobfile[laptop] : for my answering line question it seem to have an answeronpolarityswitch option. Maybe it will be work in my country
14:09.34FaithfulBut I am trying
14:09.52FaithfulI got one already but it was a dud so I sent it back
14:10.06johnmFaithful: Might be an idea to get in touch with the local telco and see if they have any going for sale. or a bank.
14:10.41FaithfulThere is a co. in Sydney selling them for about $220 which might be the go.
14:11.26Faithfuljohnm: yeah, I am thinking in that direction... I know the technology park near by must have storerooms full of them.
14:12.22FaithfulNix: Do they need a keyboard to powerup?
14:13.30NixFaithful: shouldn't
14:16.11LaibschDo I have to configure extensions.conf before asterisk will finally start up?  Right now, I fail to get the process to run.
14:16.18kippiwhen you get the link from the voicemail to say you have message, how can you change the link that it sends you?
14:16.34*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
14:17.18lehelkippi: in voicemail.conf or smwhere there
14:17.26kippifound it
14:23.11*** join/#asterisk paryl (n=paryl@
14:25.06paryli'm having an issue with a gxp-2000 in a server room.  it acts like silence suppression is on, the noise from the fans goes in and out, but it's turned off.  is there a setting in asterisk that could be making it do that, or is it just the phone?
14:28.11AsterNovmy voicemail is not actually writing any files to the voicemail directory
14:30.23jake1932AsterNov: perimssions issues?
14:31.47AsterNovI checked the directory and it actually belongs to asterisk with permission to write to it
14:33.06jake1932AsterNov: any errors in the CLI?
14:33.45AsterNovnone at all!
14:33.58AsterNovthat's what baffles me
14:35.18lehelAsterNov: set verbose 15
14:35.49AsterNovok @lehel
14:37.11*** join/#asterisk Katty (
14:38.12AsterNovit gives no more additional output, as far as asterisk is concerned, all went ok @lehel
14:39.25jake1932AsterNov: what version?
14:39.50AsterNovasterisk@home 1.2.0 Beta1
14:41.05jake1932hmm.  is that the version number from "show version" in the CLI?
14:42.33AsterNovit doesn't actually tell me the version # @jake1932
14:42.34AsterNovasterisk1*CLI> show version
14:42.35AsterNovAsterisk  built by root@asterisk1.local on a i686 running Linux on 2005-09-15 20:19:20 UTC
14:43.05jake1932must be a custom build
14:44.14desktopherohello everyone
14:44.21AsterNovso yours actually shows the version # @jake1932?
14:44.26jake1932AsterNov: yes
14:44.48jake1932AsterNov: i'm not using @home though.  (abandoned that a while ago)
14:45.20leheljake1932: what ver do you use?.. me: CVS
14:45.36AsterNovso jake1932, is your asterisk build quite stable then?
14:45.45jake1932i'm using CVS HEAD as of 9/15
14:45.51jake1932seems pretty stable
14:47.06jake1932although I'm not pushing it - just a couple of sip and IAX connection + voicemail
14:47.25AsterNovjake1932: what about the attended transfer function?
14:48.26*** join/#asterisk tzanger (
14:48.35jake1932what about it?
14:51.39AsterNovwhen I do a attended transfer, after person B & C finish their conversation, asterisk reloads.
14:52.13jake1932ok - just tried it - seems to work fine - no reload
14:53.52AsterNovbasically you get to hear person B & C before transferring them using the hook flash button? @jake1932
14:54.12*** join/#asterisk obsidian-studios (
14:54.46jake1932AsterNov: i just call A - press hold - call B - press Transfer
14:54.46obsidian-studiosare polycom soundpoint IP 500 phones decent?
14:55.25leheljake1932: which is ur :hold" button?
14:56.05jake1932lehel: the one that says "Hold" :)  I have a cisco 7960 with several soft buttons
14:56.29AsterNovjake32: that works fine for me using a softphone or any phone with a transfer button, but not using the hook flash button (R)
14:56.35lehelok jake :D, i didn't know about ur cisco
14:57.02jake1932AsterNov: what ATA?
14:57.15AsterNovGS 486
14:57.30LaibschI have installed asterisk on a Debian testing system.  I made the changes to /etc/default/asterisk so that * should start.  I have added two users to /etc/asterisk/sip.conf as per and restarted *.  "nmap localhost" does not show any new ports running, especially not 5600.  I have no firewall.  I tried this both on a Debian and a SUSE system.  I increased verbosage f
14:57.59LaibschSorry for the long text but I tried to cover everything I did to get this running.
14:58.07leheljake1932: why i'm not able to transfer calls with "#" in Firefly?
14:58.53jake1932lehel: in order to # xfer, asterisk needs to be in the stream, and you need to have the option turnder on in features.conf
14:59.16Laibschps faux|grep asterisk does not show a running asterisk process even after restarting asterisk.
15:00.12jake1932Laibsch: did you try running it asterisk -vvvvvgcd
15:00.34*** join/#asterisk Veto_laptop (
15:00.42*** join/#asterisk Inkubot (n=inkubot@
15:01.06Inkubothow can i change the language of the mail when i got a message in the voicemail ?
15:01.10jake1932AsterNov: not familiar with that ATA
15:01.26Laibschjake1932: Thank you for the reply.  No, I did not turn up verbosage that much.  I can do it, though.
15:01.31*** join/#asterisk dalabera (
15:02.45Laibschjake1932: I have it set to "-g -v".
15:03.46jake1932Laibsch: if it's not starting chances are it caught an error - just need to find out what the error is
15:04.51jake1932Laibsch: i've always been able to locate the error when running it asterisk -vvvvvgcd
15:04.59LaibschIs there a paste service for a file instead of the clipboard somewhere?
15:05.22LaibschI ran it like that.  Now I need to get you the output.
15:05.24Kattywhy is it that no one ever says hi to me :P
15:05.32jake1932hi Katty
15:05.33Katty's just silly
15:05.36LaibschHi Katty ;-)
15:05.41Kattyk, all better.
15:05.53jbot[pastebin] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
15:05.59jake1932Laibsch: use pastebin
15:06.08LaibschThanks jake1932
15:06.25leheljake1932: are you experienced in faxing?
15:06.57jake1932lehel: i am - however not in troubleshooting fax issues in asterisk - think that's what yuou're asking
15:07.52[Jedi]anyone experienced with asterisk+faxing here? :((
15:07.58[Jedi]Anyone made TxFax work?
15:08.17[Jedi]I'd like to ***COPY*** the configuration and distro and everything from anyone who has a working TxFax
15:08.21obsidian-studios[Jedi]: I have it working here at my office, tried to replicate for client, and nothing but problems
15:08.23AsterNovthanks for the help jake1932 & lehel, got to dash now.
15:08.37[Jedi]obsidian-studios: uhm
15:08.57[Jedi]obsidian-studios: I have tried with TDMoE, with direct Digium E1 channels, with BRIstuff channels... and *nothing*
15:09.19[Jedi]I have tried with 1.1 CVS from july, with 1.2 beta1, with 1.0.9, with 1.0.9-bristuff'ed
15:09.47obsidian-studios[Jedi]: I got it working via el cheapo X100p clone card here, tried to do it at a clients with a TDM04B, 4 fxs modules, and nothing
15:10.15[Jedi]we're going to buy a brooktrout client
15:10.16obsidian-studios[Jedi]: I did nothing special and I can pastebin the extensions in the context
15:10.20[Jedi]a brooktrout fax board
15:10.31[Jedi]and buy a fax server for windows
15:10.53obsidian-studios[Jedi]: I have other clients faxing and processing credit cards all day long via fxs ports in their cisco 827-4v router, but the router has t.38 support in it
15:11.05[Jedi]I have lost a lot of time with TxFax. I'm sure it's a great piece of software
15:11.33*** part/#asterisk Inkubot (n=inkubot@
15:11.47lehel[Jedi]: in other words you want to send faxes, right?
15:11.53obsidian-studios[Jedi]: you look at hylafax? It was recommended to me when I had problems with txfax. Really I would love a generic fxs device with t.38 support
15:11.55[Jedi]that's it
15:12.05[Jedi]lehel: I need to send a whole lot of faxes
15:12.08*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:12.13[Jedi]I need a full E1 for faxing
15:12.29lehel[Jedi]: you can receive at the moment?
15:12.36[Jedi]haven't tried
15:12.40[Jedi]I just need sending
15:12.44*** join/#asterisk fall0ut (n=tim@
15:13.09[Jedi]lehel: I get TxFax executed, and if I try to send a fax to my own phone, I can hear the "beep"
15:13.17Laibschjake1932: stdout is at, stderr is at
15:13.31[Jedi]but NOTHING ELSE gets done by TxFa
15:13.40ManxPowerdo you use the "caller" option to TxFax?
15:13.47[Jedi]I've tried with and without caller
15:13.58[Jedi]I've even forced the caller option in the app_txfax.c file
15:14.25lehel[Jedi]: could you pastebin your txfax command, from the extensions?
15:16.15*** join/#asterisk jets (
15:16.25jake1932Laibsch:  are you trying to do faxing?
15:16.38jake1932scratch that
15:16.38fall0utso, how do I disable comfort noise generation on asterisk?
15:16.40fall0uton g711ulaw?
15:17.12jboti guess pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
15:17.16Laibschjake1932: No.  just VoIP conferencing.
15:17.17jake1932Laibsch: it's trying to load
15:17.23RoyK~nickometer [Jedi]
15:17.24jake1932Laibsch: and it's failing
15:17.34RoyK~nickometer jake1932
15:18.10LaibschI remember that being a separate package in Debian.  I'll check up on it.
15:18.57[Jedi]ї?ї?ї? why?
15:19.03jake1932Laibsch: app_RoyKtodtmf
15:19.08[Jedi]wop sorry xDDD
15:19.26[Jedi]I'm sorry xD
15:19.31ManxPowerfall0ut, Asterisk does not generate comfort noise
15:19.31lehel[Jedi] .. don't woory.. it's a bot;)
15:20.21ManxPowerfall0ut, Asterisk CANNOT generate comfort noise
15:20.50jake1932prob generated by his provider
15:21.10fall0utManxPower: going from gw -> asterisk having it answer generates noise
15:21.25ManxPowerfall0ut, Define "noise"
15:21.37fall0utits generating comfort noise
15:21.41ManxPowerfall0ut, Your noise is caused or genrated by something ELSE.
15:21.43kippiif i install asterisk at home, can i upgrate askterisk to the pro version is i have a copy?
15:22.02ManxPowerfall0ut, Perhaps you did not hear me.  Asterisk CANNOT generate comfort noise.
15:22.09[Jedi]My .extension is fine right?
15:22.19[Jedi]my call file is this one:
15:22.20LaibschWell, in Debian it seems to be in the package "asterisk-app-dtmftotext" which I had installed.  I'll try and check permissions and deinstall the package if nothing helps.  I can live without that functionality.
15:22.21jake1932kippi: pro version?
15:22.55[Jedi]lehel: did you take a look at my extensions? is it fine?
15:23.22ManxPowerkippi, There is no "pro version" of Asterisk
15:23.28jake1932kippi: you mean "Asterisk Business Edition"?
15:24.01ManxPowerkippi, ABE is based on CVS-HEAD.
15:24.23ManxPowerkippi, Why do you want to use Business Edition?
15:24.32kippibecause it has the support?
15:24.57ManxPowerkippi, Um, regular Asterisk has support too.  In fact, from the same people
15:25.06kippibut you have to pay?
15:25.08jake1932install support
15:25.37ManxPowerkippi, You pay for support one way or another.
15:25.38jake1932or support in here for everything else
15:25.47jake1932moral support
15:25.53[Jedi]hello? anyone has taken a look at my .ext and .call? :))))
15:26.04kippiis there a good how to install AMP
15:26.14lehel[Jedi]: looks good!
15:26.50lehel[Jedi]: you use capi?
15:27.07[Jedi]lehel: no, a TE405P
15:27.08ManxPowerkippi, the primary reason to buy ABE is because of short sighted bean counters that require a "?boxed product"
15:27.14[Jedi]I have a full E1 dedicated to faxing
15:27.38*** join/#asterisk Ayano (
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15:28.26ChujiIs the iax extention to the dev meeting open?
15:28.40Laibsch-rw-are--are--  1 root root 22404 2005-05-10 22:45 /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ so it should be OK permission-wise, right?
15:28.47lehel[Jedi]: did you tried instead of "n" using numbers? [i'm not sure if matters]
15:28.55[Jedi]lehel: yes, I've tried
15:29.00[Jedi]lehel: I've tried almost everything
15:29.05[Jedi]lehel: do you have that working?
15:29.13kippiManxPower: boxed product? this come with built in web interface?
15:29.15lehel[Jedi]: what your CLI shows?
15:29.20[Jedi]lehel: nothing
15:29.22ManxPowerkippi, I doubt it.
15:29.25[Jedi]lehel: I'll pastebin it
15:29.32LaibschPlease disregard "are". My client insists on replacing an "R" with are
15:29.34lehelnothing?.. impossible
15:29.43lehel[Jedi] increase the verbosity level
15:29.43jake1932kippi: are you new to asterisk?
15:29.58jake1932kippi: are you on a tight deadline?
15:30.01[Jedi]lehel: just this:     -- Executing TxFAX("Zap/32-1", "/faximage.tif|caller|debug") in new stack
15:30.09[Jedi]lehel: *nothing* else
15:30.15*** join/#asterisk Ganlron (
15:30.18ManxPower[Jedi], you have the tiff file in the root directoryu
15:30.28ManxPowerkippi, if you are on a tight deadline then don't use Asterisk
15:30.29[Jedi]ManxPower: yes, it's for testing
15:30.42[Jedi][root@ccard01 fax]# ls -la /faximage.tif
15:30.42[Jedi]-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root         5032 oct  7 19:27 /faximage.tif
15:30.53GanlronOdd question, has anyone managed to get a Toshiba StrataIP Phone connected to Asterisk?
15:30.59kippigreat, well i need to use aterisk
15:31.24ManxPowerkippi, then be prepared to spend a few weeks or months builting test systems to get it working the way you want
15:31.27jake1932kippi: when I first started, i used a consultant
15:31.53[Jedi]lehel: how can I increase the verbose level ? I have it already at full logging and I still don't get any message from TxFax
15:32.15GanlronToshiba's documentation is crap. not even 100% sure what protocol these phones use
15:32.44jake1932kippi: does the computer you're installing it on have an internet connection?
15:32.45ManxPower[Jedi], see logger.conf
15:32.56[Jedi]ManxPower: I have it at full
15:33.08ManxPowerGanlron, your search of the mailing list archive didn't come up with anything.
15:33.15[Jedi]full => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose
15:33.25*** join/#asterisk contrabanda (n=G@
15:33.27ManxPower[Jedi], so you have console => notice,warning,error,verbose,debug
15:33.28lehel[Jedi]: *CLI> set verbose 20
15:33.44contrabandai have bought g729 license. can i use it several times?
15:33.45ManxPower[Jedi], that line would send the messages to /var/log/asterisk/full
15:33.47ManxPowernot to the console
15:33.54ManxPowercontrabanda, no
15:34.12jake1932contrabanda: one box, 1 connection per license
15:34.30[Jedi]ManxPower: the full log doesn't show anything from TxFax, also
15:34.56ManxPower[Jedi], tx/rx fax mat send to stdout.  stop asterisk, start is as "asterisk -cvvvddd"
15:35.25leheleven more "v"s [Jedi]
15:35.32contrabandaif something will happen with asterisk and ill reinstall it
15:35.38contrabandai have to buy new license?
15:35.42[Jedi]ManxPower: really??? wow
15:36.12*** join/#asterisk sambal (n=sambal@
15:36.13ManxPower[Jedi], it's one of the Annoying Things About Asterisk
15:36.32ManxPowerstderr/stdout is only sent to whatever tty is the Asterisk console.
15:36.55[Jedi]now txfax
15:36.58[Jedi]is showing things
15:36.59[Jedi]in my screen
15:37.04[Jedi]success - delivered 1 pages
15:37.06ManxPowercontrabanda, I think you can reinstall up to 3 times.
15:38.39*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
15:39.22JerJer[mobile]anyone ever get chan_oss or chan_alsa working on a VIA Mini-itx crap?
15:39.22contrabandaso if ill install it in 3 different asterisks is it a problem? how can they check it?
15:39.30*** join/#asterisk wrmem (
15:39.38[Jedi]txfax works
15:39.40ManxPowercontrabanda, it connects back to Digium
15:40.04JerJer[mobile][Jedi]: only 9600
15:40.08JerJer[mobile]and no error correction
15:40.29contrabandahor every g729 connection?
15:40.46contrabandai'll register it with 1 ip then change this ip
15:40.47lehel[Jedi] bravo!;)
15:40.57ManxPowercontrabanda, we are not going to help you get around the license.
15:41.17filethe g729 license is based on the MAC address of the NICs in your computer :P
15:41.17GanlronManx nothing particularily useful.. some information about putting Asterisk in front of the toshiba switch, but couldn't find anything about the phones connecting to asterisk themselves
15:41.20contrabandai just wanderrrr
15:41.30contrabandahow does all this procedures work
15:42.06jake1932contrabanda: it's simple - you buy the number of licenses you need 1 for each connection
15:43.36*** join/#asterisk andrewct (
15:43.42jake1932here's some more info:
15:45.28BrianR___Yes.. The g729 license thing is a big pain the ass - there's a high risk of the thing not working if you have to switch servers... :(
15:46.04jake1932BrianR___: I'm surprised Digium wouldn't help with the install of the licenses on teh new machine
15:46.25BrianR___jake1932: Sure they will - but it's an extra step that adds to your downtime.
15:46.30*** join/#asterisk TrNv2 (
15:47.05jake1932BrianR___: there's always redundancy
15:47.26jake1932BrianR___: why not have a hot spare waiting?
15:47.35BrianR___jake1932: Yeah. It's just a cost thing.
15:47.43ManxPowerIt's only an issue if you have to replace your eithernet card more than 3 times, and if you have to do that, you have bigger problems than a G729 license issue
15:48.01BrianR___jake1932: It works out to be a lot more than $5/channel or whatever they charge. Still not so bad.
15:48.05TrNv2Is IAXTEl currently working. :p
15:48.15ManxPowerAnd it's not Digium's fault, it's the patent holders of G729
15:48.28contrabandasoo it means that its depend on mac address and not on Ip addresss?
15:48.38BrianR___In the end, it's probably cheaper than direct licensing of g729 for all but the largest users.
15:48.40ManxPowercontrabanda, correct.
15:48.58contrabandasooooo, its possible to change mac address
15:49.04contrabandaon lan card
15:49.10*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
15:49.22contrabandawhats happen in this case?
15:49.24jake1932BrianR___: if your users are that dependant upon 100% uptime - hot spares are usually an option
15:49.30ManxPowercontrabanda, try it and see.
15:49.34contrabandaso i can use it in 3 different sites?
15:49.41BrianR___contrabanda: Yes. That's one workaround. But aparently the g729 license check stuff is based on _all_ of the NIC's in the system... So adding a NIC also invalidates your key.
15:49.42[Jedi]is there any way to set a maximum concurrency of outgoing .call-generated phonecalls?
15:49.51ManxPowercontrabanda, only if you want to be arrested for license violation and patent violations
15:50.33BrianR___I don't know if patent infringement has been criminalized yet. The music mafia and movie/software cartels are trying their best with copyright infringement.
15:50.55contrabandai got stollen license
15:50.55*** join/#asterisk Laibsch (
15:51.03ManxPower[Jedi], Channels can be in more than one group.  For example:
15:51.04[Jedi]ManxPower: I really love you. We were going to buy an ***EXPENSIVE*** brooktrout card just because we weren't able to make TxFax work
15:51.04Nuggetbetween the pirates and the media congolomorates, I blame the pirates more for the state we're in right now.
15:51.06ManxPowerchannel => 1-10
15:51.06ManxPowerchannel => 11-16
15:51.12contrabandaso they will arest me :)))
15:51.16ManxPowerThen send your faxes out G2
15:51.23[Jedi]ManxPower: ok, so I create a 15-channel group and use it for faxing
15:51.51ManxPower[Jedi], love me with a paypal donation
15:52.01tzangerBrianR___: that's untrue -- we added/removed NICs without issue.  It's the first detected NIC that seems to be used
15:52.04[Jedi]ManxPower: I'll suggest it in my company ;)
15:52.09LaibschOK, * seems to be able to start now that I have deinstalled asterisk-app-dtmftotext.  Still port 5060 is not open.  What is also weird is that /etc/init.d/asterisk start will not return me to the bash prompt but to the asterisk prompt.
15:52.31jake1932Laibsch: did SIP start?
15:52.48ManxPowerLaibsch, We reallyl can't help you unless you install from source.
15:52.56LaibschI am not sure. * started.
15:53.04ManxPower"show modules" will show you what modules are installed and running in Asterisk
15:53.12TrNv2Hey, I'm having problems getting connected to IAXtel.  I keep getting registration refused messages, but I can use the same username and password to log into the iaxtel web interface.
15:53.28TrNv2Also, this is a system that is already in production and working - I just haven't tried IAXtel until today.
15:53.40LaibschIs there a pager in *, the messages scroll off the screen.
15:54.06jake1932Laibsch: log it on your client
15:54.38jake1932Laibsch: or configure logger.conf
15:55.13Laibschjake1932: OK, I will go for logger.conf since I do not think I will be able to connect.  There is no port open.
15:55.39LaibschOutput from "show modules" that fit on the screen is available at
15:55.47andrewctAny digium hardware people here? I have a TDM400 hardware question...
15:56.24ManxPowertrig_hm, If you change your password in the web interface it does NOT change it for your iaxtel acocunt, it only changes it for the web interface.
15:58.18TrNv2ManxPower: Hrrm.  I get the same registration refused with the original password sent via e-mail too.
15:58.33*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
16:00.13ManxPowerTrNv2, maybe it's just down.  It always seems to be down
16:00.55TrNv2When attempting to make a call, I get an error also. :p
16:00.57TrNv2Registration of 'afh' rejected: Registration Refused
16:01.07TrNv2I guess it just might be down.
16:02.17jake1932Laibsch: chan_sip is not loaded
16:03.20*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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16:06.21AlexCTIHi everyone, how can i get better quality on MOH using RAW, i have a little static, but the file is perfect..
16:07.07Laibschjake1932: Maybe it is.  Maybe the portion relating to it scrolled off the screen.  I am fiddling with logger.conf and will report back.
16:08.25*** join/#asterisk TedC (
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16:12.36sigtermhello jero
16:13.07AlexCTII have a little noise on the music on hold, it is like static, anyone knows how can i remove it?
16:13.10*** part/#asterisk TedC (
16:14.14Laibschjake1932: First part of debug output is at, second part at  Seems to me that sip is running.
16:15.29jake1932Laibsch: 'show modules' should show chan_sip
16:15.51RoyKanyone here using some queue stats tools?
16:15.55Laibschjake1932: I guess it does but there are so many modules that they scroll off the screen.
16:16.09LaibschCan I limit the output of modules?
16:16.19*** join/#asterisk Nix (n=Nix@
16:16.44RoyKLaibsch: what modules?
16:16.55tatumanhi, is anyone here an expert in meetme app?
16:17.27RoyKyeah. doctor of science with the meetme subject
16:17.30LaibschRoyK: The one for SIP.
16:17.40*** join/#asterisk lbow (
16:17.55RoyKLaibsch: how do you want to limit its output?
16:18.11LaibschI need to know if is running.
16:18.20RoyKshow modules
16:18.26LaibschRoyK: A pager or a grep would do.
16:18.36ManxPowerLaibsch, "sip show peers" If you get an error, it's not loaded
16:18.43*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
16:18.43RoyKasterisk -rx 'show modules' | grep chan_sip
16:19.00ManxPowerRoyK's suggestion is better
16:19.03*** join/#asterisk Jas_Williams (
16:19.08LaibschI get something looking like the two users I configured.
16:19.12ManxPowerRoyK, he installed from a package, not from source
16:19.33RoyKManxPower: whatever. -rx should work anyway...
16:19.43*** join/#asterisk tgrman (n=tgrman@
16:20.38Laibschyes, it did.  And it shows chan_sip.o to be there.               Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)        0
16:21.20LaibschStill, no port 5060 open even for localhost.
16:21.34ManxPowerLaibsch, How can you tell?
16:21.54ian_kLaibsch: Did you bind the port in sip.conf?
16:21.56Laibsch"nmap localhost" does not show 5060 in the list.
16:22.26ManxPowerTry this: netstat -an | grep 5060
16:22.37Laibschyes, 5060 in sip.conf.
16:23.13Laibsch# netstat -an | grep 5060
16:23.13Laibschudp        0      0  *
16:23.22LaibschSo maybe the port is open?
16:23.30ian_kLaibsch: Do a "nmap -sU localhost" and it'll probably show up
16:23.37LaibschI'll try with a client to connect again.
16:24.01LaibschIndeed, it does.  Although as filtered.
16:24.08LaibschThanks, guys.
16:24.11ian_kDO you have a kernel firewall?
16:24.24Laibschno, no firewall.
16:24.30Laibschno iptables, etc.
16:24.36ian_kdo a "iptables -L" to make sure
16:24.42ian_ksome distros have one enabled by default
16:26.44RoyKLaibsch: nmap -sU -p 5060 localhost
16:27.28RoyKLaibsch: but I think I've seen that error before... not listening to localhost, only the main ip, but netstat telling me otherwise
16:27.31RoyKalthough that was os x
16:28.47*** join/#asterisk AsteriskNoob (
16:28.56AsteriskNoobgoooooood morning everyone!
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16:30.42AsteriskNoobRoyK must be on the other side of the big sphere
16:30.56AsteriskNoobits 10:30AM here
16:31.03AsteriskNoobboise idaho
16:31.20RoyKthe USAnians joins the channel
16:31.48AsteriskNooblol, well yeah, alot of us USAnians are just waking up
16:31.59AsteriskNoobwhere are you? Europe somewhere obviously
16:32.24jake1932only about half
16:32.33jake1932in EST it's lunch time
16:32.49AsteriskNoobtrue jake
16:33.03AsteriskNoobbut then again, its insanity time everywhere!
16:33.10*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
16:33.11jake1932:) right
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16:35.54Laibschian_k: iptables -L does not show any targets und INPUT, FORWARD and OUTPUT.
16:38.00*** part/#asterisk bkuhn (
16:41.07*** join/#asterisk [ViRii] (
16:42.10[ViRii]anyone installed asterisk on ubuntu distro?
16:42.46Laibsch[ViRii]: Not ubuntun.  But I am in the process of installing it on Debian testing.
16:44.21*** join/#asterisk AlexCCCC (n=www@
16:44.37RoyK[ViRii]: asterisk runs on any distro i've tried
16:44.45RoyKincluding freebsd and os x
16:44.52RoyKand colinux
16:44.56ian_kAsterisk runs fine on Ubuntu..
16:45.15AlexCCCCMy x-lite just works inside of my network, how can I do this form outside?
16:45.16*** part/#asterisk tgrman (n=tgrman@
16:45.17RoyKjust use your favourite distro
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16:50.10AlexCCCCany one?
16:53.36*** join/#asterisk Damin_PDA (
16:57.11ManxPowerdoes anyone know of you can set a per peer jitterbuffer in 1.0.x?
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17:04.49synthetiqwhat the default lien build out on the t1s
17:06.48ManxPowersynthetiq, you can usually assume a line build out (LBO) of 0
17:07.14loudDoes anyone have the link to the file ?
17:07.33[ViRii]where best place to d/l asterisk
17:08.07louddigium ftp server.
17:08.28TrNv2FWD seems to work just fine, IAXtel does not.
17:08.33TrNv2I guess it really is just down.
17:09.59ManxPowerSo the servers survived the roof blowing off, two hurricanes, the cealing falling in, only to be done in by the contracters when they sanded the walls in the computer room with the equipment still running
17:10.32ManxPowerloud, there is no codec file, since it's patended.
17:11.08*** part/#asterisk obsidian-studios (
17:11.51loudim willing to buy it, have you ever done this implementation ? without hacking it ?
17:12.59*** join/#asterisk lancey (
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17:17.24RoyKloud: licensing g.723.1 will prolly cost you at least $250k
17:18.15loudi see.
17:19.09gordonjcpManxPower: lol, kind of
17:20.13*** join/#asterisk CrazyYoss (
17:21.36RoyKloud: so perhaps g.729 might do?
17:23.53loudn/m some person in here sent me that file i was looking for.
17:24.05CrazyYosscan Voicemail() record in mp3 format if you specify format=mp3? Or am I going to need to create a shell script to use an encoder?
17:25.38hardwiresuddenly.. wanting to go see a movie about lindsay lohan driving around .. just doesn't do it for me
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17:30.16generalhanwhats up everyone ?!
17:31.19CrazyYossits awfully quiet
17:32.22*** join/#asterisk greekman (
17:36.27CrazyYosscan Voicemail() record in mp3 format if you specify format=mp3? Or am I going to need to create a shell script to use an encoder?
17:37.48*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
17:38.15Damin_PDAget on #astricon
17:38.48generalhanoh yeah thats right
17:40.05generalhanCrazyYoss: you can make it record in mp3
17:40.15*** join/#asterisk MuppetMaster (n=MuppetMa@
17:40.29tzangerI think my posts to the lists are being moderated
17:40.29MuppetMasterAnyone here use the Asterisk-IM plugin from Jive Messenger?
17:40.58*** join/#asterisk devel (
17:41.05CrazyYossgeneralhan: how so? when i specify format=mp3 it doesnt work
17:41.14generalhanAnyone ever used the asternic FOP ?? i need some assitance
17:41.40MuppetMasterThis one:
17:42.05tzangerI've posted a number of messages and the politically charged ones have not made it public
17:42.09tzangeryet the ones afterward have
17:42.10loudRoyK, ive already bought 200 licences from digium (g729).
17:42.42tzangerthat's a lot of g729
17:43.00loudwhich i only use 30%.
17:43.53*** join/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
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17:47.08InfraRedtzanger: what's the quality like on g729 ?
17:47.42InfraRedi am using 711 atm and quality is good but i need more from the bandwidth
17:48.19*** join/#asterisk zobia (n=laura_sh@
17:48.50zobiaHello every one. my phone always got cut . is this hardware problem or asterisk problem?
17:49.14Damin_PDAget on #astricon
17:49.16Beirdokeep the machete away from the phone
17:49.41InfraRedzobia: connect to asterisk then run sip debug
17:50.09zobiathe debug just said it hangup
17:50.15zobiabut i did not hangup
17:50.20InfraRedwho sent the hangup
17:50.22*** join/#asterisk djin_ib (
17:50.38zobiathe caller
17:50.52CrazyYosscan Voicemail() record in mp3 format if you specify format=mp3? Or am I going to need to create a shell script to use an encoder?
17:51.15InfraRedare you calling or receiving
17:51.22zobiai am calling
17:51.24ManxPowerInfraRed, G729 sounds close to G711
17:51.51InfraRedManxPower: so no real noticeable difference?
17:52.02ManxPowerzobia, are you using Zap?
17:52.10zobiayes , i am using Zap
17:52.13ManxPowerInfraRed, Try it an see, it's cheap enough.
17:52.37InfraRedManxPower: i plan to, waiting for teleco to deliver the E1
17:53.19tzangerI don't mind gsm quality at all.  g729's a little "harsher" but still good
17:53.22tzangerthink cell phone calls
17:53.26ManxPowerInfraRed, Um, what does the telco have to do with it?
17:53.54InfraRedManxPower: how am i supposed to make the calls :)
17:53.54zobiaInfraRed and ManxPower . do u have any idea with my problem?
17:54.09InfraRedphones -> asterisk -> E1 (30 channels)
17:54.13InfraRednew asterisk install
17:54.16InfraRedwill try it on that
17:54.27ManxPowerzobia, if you are using Zap, then busydetect=yes or callprogress=yes will cause false hangups
17:54.40ManxPowerInfraRed, Are the phones on the local lan?
17:55.36zobiaManxPower , even i was calling successfully for some while then cut ? also becoz of that?
17:55.58ManxPowerzobia, if you are using Zap, then busydetect=yes or callprogress=yes will cause random hangups
17:56.26zobiaokay. let me try.
17:56.42ManxPowerset them to no.
17:57.01ManxPowerIn fact, I think it even tells you in the sample config files that they will cause false hangups
17:57.25*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
17:58.39BrianR___hmm.. .Maybe I should turn the echocancel value down on this T1 in hopes of making it converge faster...
17:59.52tzangerman sip is convoluted
17:59.56tzanger403 forbidden for what reason?
18:00.25fileauthentication failed
18:00.56tzangerok but why
18:01.06tzangerkphone and * are on the same network (no nat)
18:01.26*** join/#asterisk terrapen (
18:01.27tzanger[akohlsmith] type friend, host dynamic, secret 12345
18:01.37filedo I look like I'm psychic?
18:01.53tzangerkphone user part of SIP URL is akohlsmith, host part is the * IP, authentication username is akohlsmith... wtf
18:03.12*** join/#asterisk mtaht4 (
18:03.17wundaboyif my ip is and my subnet mask is what is my (i dont know what that is called)
18:03.19*** part/#asterisk Ariel_ (
18:03.22wundaboydid that make any sense?
18:03.45*** join/#asterisk diclophis (
18:04.00diclophishello everyone
18:04.04CrazyYosscan Voicemail() record in mp3 format if you specify format=mp3? Or am I going to need to create a shell script to use an encoder?
18:04.33terrapenwhy would you want to record VM in mp3?
18:04.41lanceyCrazyYoss if somebody knew, he would have already told ya, stop asking the same question plz
18:04.46CrazyYosswhy not?
18:05.02terrapenbecause wav49 is more than suitable?
18:05.04diclophisdoes anyone have experience with asterisk clusters?
18:05.12terrapenand can be played on most any computer?
18:05.28CrazyYossso can mp3s now and reduces storage needs
18:05.50lanceyCrazyYoss you might use .gsm as well
18:05.53terrapenuhm, don't think mp3 is smaller than wav49
18:06.02lanceyand mp3 is not that small at all
18:06.13terrapenand mp3 is designed for music, not voice
18:06.22diclophisjust get more disk-space
18:06.24zobiaManxPower , if i turn them to no. what else it will effect me?
18:06.30diclophisif you buy in bulk its cheap enough
18:07.04*** join/#asterisk Rubble (
18:07.06CrazyYosstrue, but I want to be able to throw the vm's onto an mp3 player. I could convert them all at 1 point in time
18:07.20*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=pingu@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
18:07.40lanceyvms on mp3 player?
18:07.44lanceywhat's that for :)
18:07.52terrapenyour wav49's should play on the mp3 player
18:08.02*** join/#asterisk Defraz (n=t0tal@
18:08.42CrazyYossrandom project i want to do to have random people call into a voicemail box leave a message and then ill serve them up so others can listen to them
18:09.22shido6are u charging, CrazyYoss ?
18:10.42CrazyYossnope, right now its one of those "I want to see if I can do it"
18:10.53diclophissounds like a dating service to me
18:11.51*** join/#asterisk Corydon-w (i=pink@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Corydon76-home)
18:12.04diclophisso nobody has any ideas about an asterisk cluster?
18:12.11CrazyYosstell you what if I can ever figure this out ill send you the number and you can record your stats and see if people respond
18:12.24tgrmanasterisk can be clustered but it's not easy
18:13.09CrazyYossalthough it might be weird if it went something like "I just scratched my balls" "Hi my name is diclophis, Im a male, age 37 looking for a good time, come see me in IRC" "I just shat my pants"
18:13.13twilsonit would be nice to have the ability to add contexts in realtime extensions w/o having to do reloads...
18:13.15loudim using esx from vmware.
18:13.30tgrmanyou'd have to have a proxy out front, at least with SIP, such as SER since there is no global registration DB that can be shared betwen servers
18:13.31diclophisCrazyYoss, pfft the only stats women care about can be stored using numbers
18:13.34diclophisincome and length
18:14.23*** join/#asterisk justinu (
18:14.42diclophisany links with howtos or anything?
18:15.16justinuis this the channel for astricon, or is it on a seperate channel?
18:15.28[ViRii]phones that respond to
18:15.28[ViRii]'Alert_Info' via the dial plan to autoanswer.
18:15.40[ViRii]i cant get mine to do that on my polycoms
18:19.28tzangerok so kphone doesn't work worth a shit
18:19.37*** join/#asterisk Corydon-w (i=violet@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Corydon76-home)
18:19.41tzangera KDE app and it's still asking if I want an OSS or ALSA device, why not go through arts like hte rest of KDE?
18:20.31ManxPowertzanger, artsd adds lots of latency
18:21.14tzangerManxPower: ok, so how do I use audio for the rest of my system ?
18:22.15tzangerI mean my system's all ALSA but when I select ALSA kphone hangs (presumably because ARTS is running)
18:26.06tzangeryup it was because ARTS is there
18:26.20tzangerso how the hell do you get regular apps and kphone to work on the same system... yikes
18:26.45*** join/#asterisk darwin35 (n=darwin35@
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18:27.46buddahis there a default limit for mailboxes in *
18:27.52buddahlike a message limit, or size limit?
18:27.59Corydon-w100 per folder
18:28.08buddah100 messages?
18:28.22buddahhow about a limit on length per message?
18:28.37buddahahh nice
18:28.37*** join/#asterisk nomazda (
18:29.18buddahwhere is that at?
18:29.25*** join/#asterisk groogs (
18:29.57buddahi got it, thanks
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18:51.02kippiis there a howto manual for how to install AMP
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18:53.36Damin_PDAget on #astricon
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18:54.30clive-has anyone here used sirrix cards before?....having a little trouble configuring here
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19:28.59enderWhen dealing w/ Polycoms and FTP/TFTP provisioning, what do I need to put in dhcpd.conf to make the phones automagically find the provisioning server?
19:32.49CrazyYossis there a list of formats Voicemail() supports?
19:34.37kshumardCrazyYoss, gsm, wav, WAV
19:34.52*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
19:35.16CrazyYosskshumard: thank you!
19:35.35*** join/#asterisk Tarox (
19:35.48Corydon-wender: you gotta put it in the tftp-server setting
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19:36.09Corydon-wbut it will use the ftp server preferentially
19:36.23enderCorydon-w: I have 'option  tftp-server-name    "";
19:36.35Corydon-wYep, that should work
19:36.38enderCorydon-w: phone still just says 'can't find provisioning server'.  I'm using tftp as the service.
19:36.45enderI think maybe I should move to ftp.
19:36.53Corydon-wIs tftpd actually running?
19:36.58Corydon-wYeah, you should use FTP
19:37.55enderyes, tftpd is running.  If I interrupt the phone and manually change the server type from ftp to tftp and the address, then it works.
19:38.40Corydon-wHuh, we always use FTP, because we don't even have to unpack the phone from the box...
19:39.31Corydon-wWe provision it, and when the phone is assembled and plugged in, it just works
19:39.53Corydon-wAre you using PlcmSpIp/PlcmSpIp as the user/pass ?
19:39.53enderco-worker told me the wrong port to move to the phone network, phones weren't hitting my dhcp server correctly.
19:40.03enderCorydon-w: tftp doesn't really have usernames
19:40.06*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:d856:c704:0:0:0:0:1)
19:40.12Corydon-wno, but ftp does
19:40.27Corydon-wender: ah, that'll do it
19:41.23endertrying again.
19:41.34enderMUCH better
19:42.15enderanother user was complaining that they coudln't get to the internet... it was her port I switched.
19:42.35*** join/#asterisk dalabera (
19:43.12darkskiezanyone used asterisk on OSX in the last week or two ?
19:43.31justinui run it on osx
19:43.32jake1932has anyone used alternate voicemail prompts?  I'm pretty sure for instance that asterisk is capable of speaking the numbers faster
19:43.45r0d3ntany ideas as to why a softphone wouldnt take a call from asterisk ??
19:43.46darkskiezjustinu: have you run cvs head in the past week or so ?
19:43.56r0d3ntit's registered, no firewall, it's local to asterisk, it can make calls...
19:43.57*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
19:44.09r0d3ntbut no recieving calls
19:44.16darkskiezjustinu: i can issue commands via asterisk -r, but i dont see any output, even 'help' doesnt come back with anything :(
19:44.33darkskiezjustinu: it was working maybe a month ago
19:44.43darkskiezjustinu: works ok for you?
19:52.12*** join/#asterisk ian_k (
19:52.28ian_kig nickserv
19:52.59*** join/#asterisk Laibsch (
19:53.00*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
19:53.20*** join/#asterisk Veto_laptop (
19:56.30*** join/#asterisk netrin0 (
19:59.04lanceydarkskiez: how do you call it?
19:59.43darkskiezcall what?
20:00.23*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
20:01.07lancey[22:44] <darkskiez> justinu: i can issue commands via asterisk -r
20:01.15BrianR___Gah. I've been getting reports of gxp-2000 phones in my deployment which are heating up and crashing :(
20:01.23darkskiezlancey: i type them at the prompt that comes up
20:01.40lanceyi does work ok
20:01.52lanceyAsterisk CVS HEAD built by on a i386 running FreeBSD on 2005-10-10 23:32:05 UTC
20:02.01darkskiezlancey: the commands i type do operate, but nothing gives feedback
20:02.15lanceyyeah, i read that
20:02.16lanceyit IS ok
20:02.22lanceyinsomnia*CLI> show version
20:02.23lanceyAsterisk CVS HEAD built by on a i386 running FreeBSD on 2005-10-10 23:32:05 UTC
20:02.28lanceyfor e.g.
20:02.34lancey'help' also works
20:02.38lanceyas anything else
20:02.52darkskiezshow version doesnt work, help doesnt work
20:03.12darkskiezi just get a prompt back
20:03.15darkskiezno error
20:03.22lanceyit should be some issue at your side
20:03.41lanceytried restarting * ?
20:03.49darkskiezlancey: lots of times
20:03.58lanceydunno then...
20:04.18darkskiezasterisk -c work
20:04.33*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
20:04.35darkskiezbut without -c, i cant connect and issue commands.
20:05.51*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
20:06.01Assidanyone's HEAD version working?
20:06.17Assidi cant compile
20:06.18Assidast_expr2f.c:1784: warning: no previous prototype for `ast_yyget_column'
20:06.19Assidast_expr2f.c:1860: warning: no previous prototype for `ast_yyset_column'
20:06.19Assidast_expr2.fl:95: error: conflicting types for `ast_expr'
20:06.19Assidinclude/asterisk/ast_expr.h:26: error: previous declaration of `ast_expr'
20:06.43*** join/#asterisk Tili (
20:07.30netrin0i'm getting an unknown symbol err but the docs don't mention anything about add_preemp_count
20:08.02netrin0any suggestions?
20:08.04Assidanyone got head working?
20:08.36darkskiezupgrade yacc i think
20:08.55Qwellyet another compiler compiler
20:08.56netrin0ok tks
20:09.12Qwellor something
20:09.13Assidanyone know about my issue
20:09.15Assidwith head?
20:09.26Assidfirst off.. * just stops working
20:09.29Assidso i said okay..
20:09.30*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
20:12.04Corydon-wThose of us on Linux don't use yacc... we use bison...
20:12.34darkskiezthats the one i was looking for
20:12.48Corydon-wyacc/bison... get it?
20:12.58darkskiezyes, of course
20:13.06Corydon-wOkay, just checking
20:13.36darkskiezi was thinking moose and buffalo, and then i lost track and started watching tv.
20:13.38*** join/#asterisk nagl (n=nagl@
20:14.17darkskiezand getting frustrated at the now longstanding bug i've encountered, but dont want to file a bug report for coz I dont want bad karma.
20:15.34*** join/#asterisk Rusty5000 (
20:16.16Rusty5000Hey guys, anyone know whate happened to the asterisk 1.1 tree?  I was running 1.1, accidentally blew it away ... 1.2 is supposed to support the same feature set, but it broke a few things
20:16.24*** join/#asterisk Bentley (
20:17.07Bentleyhey all, does anyone know what this means when I access DISA? "Generator got voice, switching to phase locked mode"
20:20.38*** join/#asterisk Corydon-w (i=brown@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Corydon76-home)
20:23.29*** join/#asterisk marc324 (
20:25.15*** part/#asterisk Bentley (
20:26.09Assidokay weird error
20:26.14Assidtiming is totally messed up
20:26.19Assidsometimes i dont hear the playback
20:26.38Assidthen sometimes i hear it just as soon as it reaches the end of the voicemail greeting
20:26.43*** part/#asterisk clive- (
20:26.48Rusty5000Hey guys, anyone know whatever happened to the asterisk 1.1 tree?
20:26.53*** join/#asterisk pauldy (
20:27.42Assidthis is weird
20:27.50Assidall ym asterisk boxes decided to die today
20:28.31wunderkin1.1 was skipped
20:29.21Assidanyone know what could be the issue here?
20:29.42Rusty5000wunderkin: there used to be a 1.1 branch under the CVS tree
20:29.56lanceyit's now 1.2 i believe
20:30.15Rusty5000yes, problem is, I was running 1.1, accidentally blew it away ... 1.2 is supposed to support the same feature set, but it broke a few things
20:30.24Tilihas anybody tried any voip over GPRS. does it work or its not worth the effort
20:32.34Assidwow,.. i got too many problems toda
20:32.53fileTili: too much latency, not enough bandwidth
20:34.38Tilifile: I think it can work on 3G though
20:38.34jake1932someone has tested it on 3g
20:38.38BrianR___voice will work over evdo or gprs+edge
20:38.41jake1932let me see if i can find the article
20:38.50BrianR___I've even got voice to work over 1xRTT, which is technically a 2.5G feature.
20:39.41jake1932it was EVDO:
20:40.14BrianR___you could prolly run g711 over evdo :)
20:41.11nestAranyone know where I can get firmware for the UTStarCom F1000 phone? Doesn't look like i can download it from their site.
20:41.14*** join/#asterisk tainted_ (
20:41.29*** join/#asterisk KranZ (
20:41.34Assidmy asterisk box doesnt work anymore
20:41.40Assidon its own
20:41.51tainted_"on its own"?
20:41.56*** join/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
20:41.57Assidi didnt do anything
20:41.57KranZmy asterisk box left me for another admin
20:42.02Assidit just died
20:42.03KranZthe slut
20:42.03*** part/#asterisk Rusty5000 (
20:42.06Assidnow refuses to loadup
20:42.13Assidi got the latest CVS.. that didnt help
20:42.14tainted_hardware problem?
20:42.18*** join/#asterisk DukeOfURL (
20:42.19Assidthe timing just went bad
20:42.28Assidpretty new machine
20:42.41KranZwas it after you did a cvs update?
20:42.55MuppetMasterHas anyone here had any luck getting to work?
20:42.58Assidbefore.. it died.. after cvs update.. timing went weird
20:43.03Assidso i said okay.. lets use the beta
20:43.12Assidbeta keeps giving me weird issues
20:43.24KranZMuppetMaster: what r u using it for?
20:43.39MuppetMasterKranZ:  To send notifications to Growl on an OSX machine of incoming calls.
20:44.05KranZgrowl looks cool
20:44.12Assidalso.. qualify always shows unreachable
20:44.34PupenoLWhat does the message "zaptel Disabled echo canceller because of tone (rx) on channel N" mean exactly ? what is that tone ?
20:44.46MuppetMasterKranZ:  Growl is great, use it with all sorts of apps, would be great to use it with Asterisk too.
20:45.55*** part/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
20:46.36Assidanyone know what i can do ?
20:47.16SwK[Work]is ztdummy b0rked?
20:47.40Nuggetyou mean more than usual?  :)
20:47.53SwK[Work]FATAL: Error inserting ztdummy (/lib/modules/2.6.13-gentoo-r3/misc/ztdummy.ko): Input/output error
20:47.56SwK[Work]FATAL: Error running install command for ztdummy
20:48.16Assidfor cvs.. yes
20:48.16Assidi think so atleast
20:48.16Assidlike when i call my own extension
20:48.16Assidi cant hear anything
20:48.17Assidthen.. when it starts going to voicemail
20:48.20Assidi start hearing
20:48.21SwK[Work]when all else fails blow it away and recheckout
20:48.47*** join/#asterisk oej (
20:49.03*** part/#asterisk Utah_Dave (
20:50.46*** join/#asterisk Ayano (
20:51.00Assiddo i delete the modules ?
20:51.15Ayanohow hard is it to bring a data and a voice t1 strait into an asterisk box?
20:52.10AssidSwK[Work]: are you using CVS?
20:52.45SwK[Work]yeah I'm using cvs
20:52.55SwK[Work]Ayano: not to hard at all
20:53.05Assidand voipbuster isnt working for me either today
20:53.09Assidthis day sucks
20:53.09SwK[Work]Ayano: theres examples of doing that
20:54.42*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
20:55.51*** join/#asterisk justinu (
20:58.51Assidthis isnt working right
20:59.05*** join/#asterisk Ayano (
20:59.59Tiliwhat is the advantage of trunks on IAX2
21:00.30AssidSwK[Work]: it doesnt work
21:01.31*** join/#asterisk MnDBnDr (
21:02.23AyanoSwK, you still around?
21:03.54SwK[Work]Assid: what doesnt work? zaptel from CVS HEAD?
21:06.31*** join/#asterisk mcn (
21:06.36*** join/#asterisk deexm (
21:06.38MnDBnDrcan ne1 help me with setting up oh323 extensions for Netvision phones?
21:09.09AssidSwK[Work]: not sure
21:09.13Assidits like this
21:09.20Assidwehn i call an extension
21:09.32Assidfirst i get Oct 11 17:08:52 NOTICE[9387]: app_dial.c:1109 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
21:09.49Assidalso i get ..... "hangup or press the pound key" for the voicemail
21:09.54Assidthe beginning part
21:09.54Assidi cant hear
21:10.36*** join/#asterisk kiwnix (n=egarcia@
21:14.00SwK[Work]that looks like you are trying to call a sip device that you dont have a route to
21:14.39Assid2 issues
21:14.42Assidwhen i call myself
21:14.48Assidi can get the route
21:14.50SwK[Work]No Route to Destination means the SIP device most likely isnt registered or you are sending the call to an invalid IP address and telling me "it doesnt work" has not thing to do with zap
21:14.53Assidbutr.. can never hear the first part of the call
21:15.06SwK[Work]which is what I asked about
21:16.28Assidokay in the the one that the route doesn towrk.. yeah.. it seems that box cant access the internal phones..
21:16.36AssidBUT.. the other box can.. so i gotta see why not there
21:16.58Assidbut.. as of the one where i cant hear the beginning part of the conversation. I dont know.. why
21:17.03*** join/#asterisk clyrrad (
21:18.15*** join/#asterisk Katty (
21:18.49*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
21:19.01AssidSwK[Work] : im confused arent i
21:19.56*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
21:21.31*** join/#asterisk mflorell (
21:21.33*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (n=chatzill@
21:21.37shmaltzhelo every1
21:21.52MnDBnDrhi schmaltz
21:22.41*** join/#asterisk tombone (
21:22.45MnDBnDrI have 3 Symbol Netvision H.323 phone new in the box to setup on my * box
21:23.02MnDBnDrneed a little help with oh323
21:23.23MnDBnDrI have 3 Zyxel SIP phone working great.
21:23.38MnDBnDrjust need a little help with oh323
21:23.41MnDBnDrit is installed
21:23.53tomboneHi, I'm running CVS Head on Linx 2.6.13 -- after modprobe zaptel and ztdummy, sound playbak doesn't seem to work.
21:23.59*** part/#asterisk mflorell (
21:23.59tomboneAny ideas?
21:24.12MnDBnDrnow to configure oh323 extensions
21:24.13Ayanowhich digium cards are possible to use for both data and voice?
21:26.11tomboneAny clues on why ztdummy seems to interfere with sound playback?
21:26.16tomboneI'm also getting :chan_iax2.c:3035 iax2_read: I should never be called!
21:26.29tombonewhereas I wasn't before modprobing ztdummy
21:28.34tombonehello? anyone here?
21:29.03darkskiezthey are all at astricon
21:29.34tomboneno laptops? wireless?
21:29.39MnDBnDranyone use oh323 extensions
21:29.55tomboneOpenPBX is going to take over
21:30.05darkskiezyeh, but they are in the conference meetings.
21:30.14tomboneif they keep this up
21:30.55tombonedamn...  are there reported issues with running asterisk on SMP kernels?
21:31.37*** join/#asterisk wundaboy (
21:32.05tombonewhat time is astricon over?
21:32.27darkskieza quarter past saturday
21:33.05sahafeezinterstering question
21:33.41sahafeezcan i dial a remote sip thur my asterisk server. so my buddy had an address at
21:35.01*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
21:35.31MnDBnDrsahafeez check PM
21:36.03AssidSwK[Work]: any clue why it doesnt start playing the audio when the call starts
21:36.04MnDBnDrthe private message i sent you
21:36.06Assidit used to work before
21:36.53MnDBnDrsee it now sahafeez
21:37.55Assidhey shido6
21:38.11*** part/#asterisk Ayano (
21:38.58*** join/#asterisk pauldy (
21:40.05shido6yes assid whats up?
21:40.11*** join/#asterisk Malthus (
21:40.19Hmmhesaysshido6 long time no argue
21:40.27Assidmy boxes refuse to work
21:40.39Assidthe main one which is live.. refuses to work correctly
21:41.02Assidi make a call.. first thing.. i cant hear the first part of the call/conversation
21:41.06Assidfirst 5-10 seconds
21:41.22shido6stop mistreating your boxes
21:41.32shido6molest them gently
21:41.48Hmmhesays"you don't always have t fsck her hard, in fact sometimes thats not right to do"
21:42.11*** part/#asterisk Malthus (
21:42.26MnDBnDrdoes anyone have a good doc or wiki link for oh323 extensions?
21:42.41shido6yeah but its $85
21:42.42*** join/#asterisk starman (
21:43.35MnDBnDrI am just about to sell these 3 new Netvision phones and get the Zyxel SIP phones that I already have.  They work great
21:44.18Assidokay heres something weird
21:44.32Assidi can ping from a winbox to the voip linux box
21:44.44Assidand from the winbox to the ip phones
21:44.56Assidbut.. frm the voip box.. cant ping the ip phones
21:45.38groogsAssid: have a firewall?
21:45.45InfraRedare the phones on a different subnet
21:45.45Assidno firewall
21:45.55*** join/#asterisk phpboy (
21:45.57nomazdaphones have a gateway?
21:45.58InfraRedare they all in the same IP range
21:46.09Assidthey all were working before
21:46.13Assidand yes.. same ip range
21:46.22InfraRedwhat os on the linux box
21:46.27phpboyhey guys, I can't seem to find nice documention asterisk... regarding... 'registration tokens' does anybody have nice docs for me on that?
21:46.28InfraRederm distro
21:47.21Assid1 have 2 ip ranges.. but i have the windows andlinux box sharing both the ip ranges
21:47.22InfraRedafter you ping the phones from the windows box
21:47.25InfraRedtype arp -a
21:47.30InfraRedwhats the mac address of the phone
21:47.48InfraRed2 ip ranges?
21:47.54Assidworked fine till now
21:48.02InfraRedthat's your problem
21:48.12InfraRedcheck your network settings and configuration and wiring
21:48.27Assidarp -a on linux shows it as well
21:48.43InfraRedi bet you miswired your network
21:48.45InfraRedcheck that
21:48.49Assidnah.. nothing changed
21:48.58Assidoh yeah.. i saw the registration take place
21:49.03Assidof the phone
21:49.11Assid1 of them.. that i played with
21:49.29InfraRedobviously something changed
21:49.41InfraRedcheck first
21:51.10phpboyI'm dealing with a company who's pbx can only pass me a registration token... but I dunno how to do annonymous SIP logins :<
21:51.22Assidwhat i dont understand is how 1/2 works.. 1/2 doesnt
21:51.32*** part/#asterisk starman (
21:52.36*** join/#asterisk phpboy (
21:52.46phpboycan anybody help me with anonymous SIP logins?
21:53.24InfraRedphpboy: did you add the registeration line?
21:53.35phpboyI did
21:53.40clyrradI have been following this for MYSQL CDRs and for some reason all goes well except a is never created, any idea why that is?
21:53.57InfraRedclyrrad: it's in asterisk-addons
21:54.01InfraReddownload and compile that
21:54.07clyrradInfaRed ... I did that
21:54.22InfraReddid compile work ?
21:54.27clyrradI donwload as instructed, when into asterisk-addons folder make and make install
21:54.29clyrradno errors
21:54.40phpboyInfraRed: any suggestions?
21:55.09InfraRedphpboy: and what happens when you 'sip show registry
21:55.27InfraRedclyrrad: did you 'make install' ?
21:55.36fugitivoclyrrad: mysql is evil
21:55.38clyrradInfraRed yes i did
21:55.42*** join/#asterisk outsidefactor (
21:55.43phpboyInfraRed: if I run asterisk -vvvvvvr I should see any connection coming in... right? even if it's refused...
21:56.02InfraRedphpboy: you forgot c
21:56.20InfraRedas many v's as you can be arsed typibng
21:57.10clyrradInfaRed whats odd is I have the C file, but not SO after the compile finishes
21:57.14InfraRedterrapen: i bet it doesnt have broadband coverage
21:57.26AssidInfraRed: okay.. but the first 5 seconds.. its just blank
21:57.30Assidthats anotherissue
21:57.35InfraRedclyrrad: then it doesnt compile
21:57.43InfraRedAssid: ?
21:57.53Assidlike if i call you
21:57.56terrapeninfrared, well, the first place will
21:57.59Assidits like a delay
21:58.05clyrradInfarRed what is your suggestion?  I did not have any errors when I compiled
21:58.06terrapenSundance is about 15mi from Provo, IIRC
21:58.08Assidits yet ringing.. and i know the other line has already picku
21:58.13terrapenyou could easily run a T1 up there
21:58.15Assidthemn.. another 3 seconds later
21:58.18Assidi can start hearing
21:58.26terrapenmay be even close than that to Provo
21:58.27AssidBUT.. when the conversation is on. then its fine
21:58.37InfraRedAssid: check your network
21:58.41terrapenthe second place would work with satellite internet
21:59.04terrapeni'd give up broadband to own one of those
21:59.18InfraRedwell you need 1.6mil too
21:59.29terrapenit would be my vacation home.  i'd go up there to ski, snowboard, and drive and work on my truck
22:00.51syle2i think 4 v's to start asterisk will do the same as if you had 100000 v's
22:00.55phpboyInfraRed: I'm running the daemon live...
22:01.52InfraRedphpboy: ok, then sip debug
22:02.07InfraRedand turn logging on, loads of crap will pass through
22:02.19lanceysyle2 i believe there are verbose levels higher than 4, though
22:02.56phpboyInfraRed: yeah... what I'm looking at doing is seeing what data get's passed to the box and then I'll beable to figure out how to traslate it... but now I have nothing :/
22:05.11syle2lacey prove it
22:05.30*** join/#asterisk netsurfer (
22:06.25lanceysyle2: i can't right now, but i recall seeing verbose levels 5 and 6 in the sources
22:06.44lanceythough it could have been long ago
22:06.53*** part/#asterisk wrmem (
22:08.31lanceyot could be bad memory too ;)
22:09.40*** part/#asterisk mkrufky (n=mk@
22:10.10*** part/#asterisk pooh_ (
22:10.24terrapenI wonder if the OpenBSD package for Asterisk is decent
22:11.31phpboyBSD still sucks at the mo
22:11.45terrapenuhh, i've never had a problem with it
22:11.47lanceyphpboy: i'm using * on FreeBSD
22:11.51*** join/#asterisk ian_k (
22:11.53terrapenRan * on Mac OS X for quite a while
22:11.59lanceyno problems at all
22:12.07terrapenI don't think you have a clue, phpboy
22:12.08phpboylancey: it works nicely
22:12.22phpboyisdn4bsd isn't widly supported though :/
22:12.25phpboynot yet at least
22:12.26terrapenwell, yeah
22:12.36lanceywell, this does not mean BSD sucks :)
22:12.38terrapenbut who uses isdn? :P
22:12.39phpboyI need support for the ISDN QUAD card before I'll move to BSD (again)
22:12.50phpboylancey: I love BSD
22:13.00phpboyterrapen: my country sucks :/
22:13.07lanceyphpboy so does mine :)
22:13.23lanceythat's my we run everything over IP
22:13.32netsurferall countries suck, just some more than others ;)
22:13.38phpboybut I'll def move to BSD when they have support for the quad card
22:14.20terrapenI'm going to run Asterisk on OpenBSD/macppc
22:14.25shido6it works
22:14.37terrapenIf I had an SGI O2, I'd run it on OpenBSD/sgi
22:14.48terrapenshido, cool
22:14.53shido6it works on sgi hardware, too
22:15.13terrapenis anybody running Asterisk on IRIX? ;)
22:15.41phpboyWas running it on BSD for a while... you gotta LOVE ports :D
22:16.28phpboyFreeBSD though
22:16.50*** join/#asterisk justinu (
22:18.13*** join/#asterisk jeremywhiting (
22:19.09justinuhey asterisknoob
22:19.10justinuyou there?
22:21.57phpboyhow can I force asterisk to use a codec of my choice?
22:23.44*** join/#asterisk steve___ (
22:25.51tomboneAnyone have a clue about ztdummy?
22:26.57tomboneAnyone know what this means? tvfix: warning too large timestamp?
22:31.32ManxPowerphpboy, you force it with disallow=all allow=thecodecyouwant in each section if (sip|iax|mgcp).conf
22:32.15*** join/#asterisk shidan (
22:34.50ManxPowertombone, sounds like an issue with the jitterbuffer
22:38.59*** join/#asterisk evoinc (
22:40.15*** join/#asterisk darwin35 (n=darwin35@
22:41.00darwin35you are here
22:41.09darwin35the channel might be quiet
22:41.09*** join/#asterisk alohatone (
22:41.29darwin35they can all be napping
22:41.37evoinci guess so
22:41.40darwin35at thier ages they need it
22:41.43evoincI was wondering if anyone was seeing me
22:42.01tuppaI just came in to work
22:42.30phpboyhow do I install a new codec... eg G711?
22:45.53evoincthis room is dead
22:46.45phpboyManxPower: how can I change what the SIP client in asterisk uses?
22:47.10evoincedit the sip.conf and then disallow=akk
22:47.55phpboyexten => _12345678 ,1,Dial(IAX2/${IAXINFO}@${EXTEN:1}@testphone)
22:48.02phpboyfor something like that...
22:48.17phpboymust I add those rules per context?
22:48.33evoincyou add them per "channel"
22:48.38*** join/#asterisk Carp1 (
22:48.46evoincso in your sip.conf you have a channel setup for each client
22:50.23evoincyou can actually setup globally your codecs in the sip.conf so you do not have to do it for each connection.. but if your sip accounts connect from places of varying bandwidth it may benifit you to specify them per account
22:52.27evoinchahahah sorry
22:53.25*** join/#asterisk xyharley (
22:56.43phpboyI need to set the codec for the outgoing channel
22:58.12niZonanyone know where i can find the dial failure reason codes?
22:58.14niZonfor example..
22:58.39niZonblah blah blah call failed to go through, reason X
22:58.44*** part/#asterisk pauldy (
23:00.13*** join/#asterisk pauldy (
23:03.04*** join/#asterisk scubasteve (
23:03.19scubasteveHas anyone set up MOH to pull audio from the soundcard?
23:03.39phpboyhow can I see which codec my client is trying to use?
23:03.39niZoni tried, and failed
23:03.42niZonthen gave up
23:03.47phpboywhere in the logs atleast
23:04.42niZonit'll say it in the CLI
23:04.52niZonif you have verbose set to some high number
23:05.02niZon-- Call accepted by (format ulaw)
23:05.08niZonlike that
23:05.27*** join/#asterisk nesys (n=nesys@2001:1418:1a6:0:20d:93ff:fe28:3ef8)
23:06.02*** join/#asterisk pauldy (
23:06.37phpboymay I paste 3 lines please?
23:06.54phpboyCapabilities: us - 0x101 (g723|g729), peer - audio=0x4 (ulaw)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x0 (nothing)
23:06.55phpboyNon-codec capabilities: us - 0x1 (g723), peer - 0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x0 (nothing)
23:06.55phpboyOct 11 21:02:52 NOTICE[8317]: chan_sip.c:2815 process_sdp: No compatible codecs!
23:07.03phpboythat's the 'error' that I get
23:07.20phpboybut I've got allow=g729
23:07.29phpboyand it doesn't work
23:07.38phpboybut if I change it to allow=all then it works :<
23:08.14nomazdahmm.. still cant figure out how to get vbuzzer working .. silly proxies
23:08.14lanceyphpboy it seems the peer support alaw only
23:08.23lanceyi mean ulaw
23:09.04ManxPowerphpboy, you force it with disallow=all allow=thecodecyouwant in each section if (sip|iax|mgcp).conf
23:09.26ManxPowerphpboy, The client will use whatever codec you force in Asterisk, as long as the client supports that codec
23:11.07ManxPowerphpboy, Do you have a licensed G729 codec?
23:11.22ManxPowerAlso the PEER is not saying that it supports G729
23:11.44ManxPowerniZon, I believe the code numbers are the same as the ISDN PRI cause codes.
23:12.11phpboyhmmm.... the I should use g723? it supports that from what I can see
23:12.25lanceypeer - audio=0x4 (ulaw)/video=0x0 (nothing)
23:12.29ManxPowerBut you can see the specific ones in asterisk/include/asterisk/causes.h
23:12.35lanceyyour peer support ulaw *only*
23:12.49ManxPowerphpboy, Asterisk does not support G723 and it only supports G729 if you have a license
23:13.08ManxPowerlooks like someone screwed up the config on the SIP device
23:13.20phpboyI see...
23:13.25phpboyManxPower: on the client side?
23:13.30lanceyManxPower it could be made to support g723, though not officially
23:13.36ManxPowerThe SIP device, as lancy pointed out, says it only supports ULAW
23:13.50ManxPowerlancey, I did not see you type that.
23:13.55*** part/#asterisk darkskiez (
23:14.36lanceyphpboy have access to the peer configuration?
23:15.01ManxPowerAsterisk can be made to do many things that are illegal.
23:15.03phpboyI do not
23:15.05ManxPowerSo can a crowbar
23:15.26*** join/#asterisk tainted_ (
23:15.26*** join/#asterisk Knight_DKN (n=knight_d@
23:15.32ManxPowerphpboy, well, if the SIP device is only claiming to support ulaw, then that's the codec you have to use.
23:15.35lanceyManxPower i don't need g.723 at all, just pointing it out
23:15.44lanceybtw, is there a way to get a licensed g.723 codec?
23:15.50Knight_DKNGoodmorning boys and girls
23:16.27phpboyI just broke something in my sip.conf
23:17.25Knight_DKNDoes anyoner have problems with their Cisco 79xx's losing thier clocks?
23:17.48denonKnight_DKN: yes
23:17.55NuggetKnight_DKN: are you using ntp?
23:17.55lanceyKnight_DKN they must support ntp, though
23:18.05phpboyexten => _1234567,1,Dial(IAX2/${IAXINFO}@${EXTEN:1}@testphone) is no longer working after I pushed the wrong button in sip.conf :/
23:18.11tombonehas anyone here had any luck installing sphinx?
23:18.13phpboyWhat could I have broken?
23:18.43lanceyphpboy this used to work?!
23:18.54phpboyhere's the errors... Oct 11 21:14:21 WARNING[14400]: channel.c:2189 ast_channel_make_compatible: No path to translate from Modem[i4l]/ttyI0(64) to SIP/
23:19.14lanceythis is codec issue again
23:19.28lanceytrying to transcode without having licenses
23:19.31phpboyOct 11 21:14:21 WARNING[14400]: app_dial.c:1070 dial_exec: Had to drop call because I couldn't make Modem[i4l]/ttyI0 compatible with SIP/
23:19.51phpboyI gathered as much
23:20.03phpboybut where in my sip.conf would I effect this extention?
23:20.28lanceyphpboy do you have g.729 licenses?
23:20.52lanceyit seems like you are trying to do g.729-to-pcm call
23:20.57lanceywithouth having a codec
23:21.18phpboywell it did work... I changed something
23:21.34lanceyis this the same SIP device you talking about some lines up?
23:21.37phpboyand now all of a sudden it doesn't work.. but I can't think for the life of me what I changed :/
23:21.49phpboyyep... this is the server side though
23:22.01lanceywell, it supported alaw only, right?
23:22.33phpboyquick picture... I call a number in my country... it then calls a number in the states which comes back to my server then calls through my ISDN line back to my mobile phone
23:22.38phpboyit was working a couple of mins ago :<
23:22.49lanceyyou have codec issues
23:22.53lanceylook again in sip.conf
23:23.02lanceyfor the codecs configured for
23:23.03rikstaHey, could someone please help, I seem to have a major problem with regards to the logging of the duration of some of my calls from ZAP channels, it seems like someof the calls are not being detected that it was hung up properly, and the telco's logs detect a much smaller duration of the particular call. this happens about 5% of the time. I have asterisk 1.09 and zaptel 1.09 and sangoma wanpipe beta11-2.3.3
23:23.20phpboyI realise this
23:23.25Carp1Does anyone have the Efficient Networks sb510FXS Voice Gateway?
23:23.34lanceyi also can't work out how a dial cmd with an IAX2 parameter could call a SIP channel?!
23:23.38phpboybut where would the codec for that specific extention lie?
23:23.53phpboywell it 'worked' at a stage :/
23:24.11lanceywhat's the contents of $IAXINFO?
23:25.00*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
23:25.06lanceyso exten => _1234567,1,Dial(IAX2/${IAXINFO}@${EXTEN:1}@testphone)
23:25.13lanceycalls a SIP device?!
23:25.17lanceyno way
23:25.24phpboyI swear on my life
23:25.40*** join/#asterisk gniretar (
23:25.44phpboytook it from an example in the sample files
23:25.45gniretarhi all
23:25.50gniretaranyone familiar with Vonage?
23:26.11phpboyI just need to figure out how to change the codec that string uses
23:26.11phpboyu can help?
23:26.47lanceyphpboy codec can't be changed per extension
23:26.52lanceyor i'm not aware of that
23:26.57gniretaras in how i could use Asterisk to connect to it directly opposed using a analogue card.
23:27.01gniretari'm assuming it is SIP
23:27.18lanceythe right way is to define the codecs in sip.conf/iax.conf/whatever
23:27.24lanceyand let asterisk choose the best one
23:27.29phpboylancey: I changed it in [general]
23:27.35phpboyand now it's working
23:27.44phpboyjust need to fine tune it from here
23:27.47lanceyso what's that dial command doing?
23:27.56lanceycan you paste the log
23:28.00lanceywhen you execute it?
23:29.09phpboyI can... let me just edit out the particulars "Confidential"
23:29.15phpboyu know how it goes
23:29.19phpboygimme a sec
23:29.24*** join/#asterisk _DAW (
23:30.09*** join/#asterisk acidfoo (n=acidfoo@
23:30.39rayvdIf I use restrictcid=yes in my sip.conf, and make an outbound call through another SIP gateway... how does the other SIP gateway know who is calling?
23:30.39phpboy-- Executing Dial("Modem[i4l]/ttyI0", "SIP/1234567@") in new stack
23:30.44rayvdIs their a concept of ANI in a SIP header?
23:30.47rayvdmaybe RPID?
23:31.12lanceyphpboy you sure this is the same line you posted?!
23:31.17lanceyexten => _1234567,1,Dial(IAX2/${IAXINFO}@${EXTEN:1}@testphone) ?
23:31.25lanceygoes into this:
23:31.25lancey-- Executing Dial("Modem[i4l]/ttyI0", "SIP/1234567@") in new stack
23:31.31lanceyit couldn't be
23:31.43phpboyd00d, I swear
23:31.50phpboythat's what it executes
23:31.56distortionis there a way to change rfc2833 payload in asterisk?
23:32.18lanceyi can't explain that to myself....
23:32.47phpboyI'd be amazed if I actually knew what I was doing
23:32.57Knight_DKNSorry ppl, got distracted
23:33.02phpboybut most of my asterisk configs is hacked up from the sample files
23:33.16lanceyphpboy there must be another dial line in your extensions.conf
23:33.18phpboyI'm amazed that I've gotten half the shit right that I've gotten right
23:33.19lanceywhich is doing that
23:33.31phpboylancey: nope... it's that line
23:33.36phpboyallow me to confirm
23:33.36lanceyit couldn't be a dial command with an IAX2 channel calls a SIP device
23:33.37lanceyno way
23:34.12lanceyphpboy if you are right, we should file a major bug :)
23:35.04phpboylancey: I've got good news... ur not losing your mind.. I'm just too lame to see it... I found the line that's prolly doing it
23:35.08phpboyexten => s,1,Dial(SIP/1234567@
23:35.12phpboydoes that look right
23:35.19phpboycomes in on ISDN then dials SIP
23:37.13*** join/#asterisk pooh_ (
23:37.25pooh_Hi, anybody listening into astricon ?
23:38.17pooh_if so, tell them to boost the conference microphone please
23:39.15InfraRedtell them yourslef
23:39.22InfraRedyell louder! \o/
23:39.31pooh_Channel is muted for listeners ;-)
23:39.40lanceythank you
23:39.58lanceyjust thought i'm going nuts :)
23:40.15pooh_Is this Olee speaking atm? the guy with the accent ?
23:40.21phpboyI need to learn asterisk a little better
23:40.24lanceywell, you can replace @
23:40.28lanceywith @sip-peer-name
23:40.39*** join/#asterisk christo (
23:40.43lanceyand make [sip-peer-name] section in your sip.conf
23:40.44christoevening all
23:40.55phpboyah... now I understand how u make peers or 'why' rather
23:40.56lanceythere you can define what codecs to use
23:41.23lanceyyou can define peer more than once
23:41.23lanceye.g. with different codec preferences
23:41.23lanceyanother thing i'd like to point out
23:41.32lanceyif it`s IP really is
23:41.38lanceyit's prolly located on the LAN
23:41.42phpboy(which it's not)
23:41.52phpboyyes, had to change it to something obvious
23:42.02lanceywell, if it's on the LAN
23:42.10lanceyyou have no good reason not to use alaw/ulaw
23:42.25phpboyI understand not the concept behind ulaw/alaw
23:42.37lanceyalaw/ulaw is uncompressed sound
23:42.43lancey=> best quality
23:42.53lanceybut takes 64 Kbits bandwidth
23:43.18christois there any such thing as an open source speech to text engine? I've googled and'd, but can't really see anything mature out there
23:43.24lanceyit also doesn't consume any CPU time to encode/decode
23:43.25distortionis rfc2833 payload configurable?
23:43.33lancey=> better latency, lower CPU usage
23:43.50phpboylancey: what's a good 'free' asterisk standard codec to use?
23:43.50lanceychristo: i don't think so
23:43.57InfraRedlancey: not counting overheads
23:44.06lanceyphpboy everything but g.729 and g.723 is free
23:44.08InfraRedlancey: it's eating 85Kbps here
23:44.18lanceyInfraRed yes
23:44.26lanceyeach codec has overheads
23:44.45InfraRedya you have the media overhead
23:44.55lanceymy point was to explain that if it is a high-bandwidth link, there's no point in not using alaw/ulaw
23:45.10lanceyoverhead also depends on trunking
23:46.14lanceyphpboy if you are trying just to divert a call from the modem to the SIP server on the lan
23:46.18lanceyalaw/ulaw is just fine
23:46.48lanceyalso, your sip peer doesn't appear to support anything else, so you don't have a choice anyways ;)
23:47.03*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
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23:47.43Ariel_hello everyone
23:48.09zamslerhey Ariel_
23:48.53lanceyyo Ariel_
23:50.31*** join/#asterisk Dr_Ray (
23:50.59Dr_Rayhas there been any talk of getting asterisk to deliver iptv?  or am I barking up the wrong tree?
23:53.31lanceyDr_Ray :)
23:54.25pauldyDr_Ray, first I've hear of it but I'm all ears now
23:54.39Dr_Raywell, I was thinking
23:54.59Dr_Raythere is nothing stopping asterisk from doing it
23:56.01Dr_Raywould you cobble up your own client, or try to expand IAX/SIp to do it?
23:57.26pauldythere is one message on the digium list
23:57.38pauldybut it doesn't mention doing it with asterisk
23:58.13pauldyhell I can't even get the eybeam clients to do their video with an asterisk server in the middle
23:58.43Dr_Raythe h.264 client
23:59.43*** join/#asterisk Snake-Eyes (n=blog@

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.