irclog2html for #asterisk on 20051008

00:00.20ManxPowerYou know that I find Cisco boxes much, much less trouble than a linux box when it comes to routing
00:00.53mmlj4i'm not a fan of cisco, but then again i've used them very little
00:01.03ManxPowermmlj4, they just work
00:02.03hardwireManxPower: weird viewpoint :)
00:03.51shido6ios is more of a memory game
00:04.01shido6how many commands can you remember
00:04.12shido6cuz the net is down...
00:04.36mcf3782*looks across the desk at IOS reference book* None. I don't have to. ;)
00:04.49shido6"Compuer, this is my DNS, this is my IP. bitch, make it work!"
00:05.10*** join/#asterisk Micc (i=dotirc@
00:05.25mcf3782If it ever gets that easy, people like a lot of us are out of a job. :)
00:05.39shido6<insert bug here>
00:06.00shido6"I dont know how to do that, call Shido6 at <insert number here>"
00:06.11shido6every 5th of the month.
00:06.21mcf3782make: *** No rule to make target `it'.  Stop.
00:07.27Nivexmake: *** No rule to make target `go boom'.  Stop.
00:08.24drbrownhas anyone had any experience with rhino channel banks and asterisk
00:08.36*** join/#asterisk kram (n=mark@pdpc/sponsor/digium/kram)
00:08.36*** mode/#asterisk [+o kram] by ChanServ
00:08.51Qwellkram: evening
00:08.59drbrownAs soon as my channel is connected asterisk drops the call
00:09.00kramgreetings qwell
00:09.43Qwellgonna be a busy weekend...
00:10.10Qwellmoving on the 17th.  Astricon from Tues-Fri, out of town Sat-Sun next week...
00:10.15kramwow :)
00:10.16Qwellhaven't started packing yet...ugh
00:10.22kramyou better say hi when you're at astricon
00:10.27Qwellkram: You know I will
00:10.32gambolputtycan music on hold be individual per user?
00:10.38kramgod cause if you don't i'll cry :)
00:10.45mogormandont cry kram
00:10.45Qwellkram: sure, sure :p
00:10.47mogormanbe happy
00:10.48kramerr s/god/good
00:10.53mogormanwe getting the dgm shirts?
00:10.55mogormanby then
00:11.07kramwe should, they were ordered already
00:11.26kramactually i'm suprrised they haven't arrived yet
00:11.27shido6I wear mine whenever I go get gear with blinking leds
00:12.10mcf3782I wish I were going to Astricon.
00:12.18Qwellmcf3782: it's not too late
00:12.27JunK-Ymogorman: ready for the ducks game ? :)
00:12.37*** join/#asterisk justinu (
00:12.55mcf3782Can't quite justify the $900 plane ticket from Atlanta to the left coast for something that, right now; is just a hobby/toy to me.
00:13.08justinuare there any decent rtp test suits out there?
00:13.42kramomg they shipped ground!
00:14.26mcf3782Though I..umm..err.. *blush*... wouldn't mind getting to lay eyes on Mark Spencer in person. From the picture of him that's posted on the convention web site, he's quite the handsome one.
00:15.17justinu19ms jitter is a lot, isn't it
00:15.48kramit says the delivery date is Oct 13
00:16.04justinuis there any way I can run a continuous rtp test to a box
00:16.10justinuand like see averages and stuff?
00:16.19justinujitter, packet loss, delay, etc.
00:16.30mogormanthat sucks mark....
00:16.39mogormanwe shall survive...
00:16.40justinuwhat did you order?
00:17.03mcf3782I *think* I remember seeing something on about an RTP test suite.. have you looked there?
00:17.17justinuyeah, i just came from there :(
00:17.39mcf3782oh.. curse these faulty memory circuits of mine. :(
00:17.47justinulots of media servers, but can't find any test suits
00:18.06drbrownI believe hell will freeze over before I get this t1 channel bank to work
00:18.16justinuwhat's wrong with it
00:18.20justinui've worked on channel banks before
00:19.14mcf3782you know that the temperature of hell has been dropping.. that's where the extra energy for global warming is coming from...
00:19.15drbrownjustinu: everytime a channel is opened (that has a dial tone) asterisk disconects, and I keep getting incomming calls that are not there
00:19.39justinuan analog channel?
00:20.01justinufxo or fxs?
00:20.14drbrownit is a rhino with 8 analog fxo ports
00:20.30justinut1 is cas or pri
00:20.31drbrownI have the single span t1 card
00:20.48drbrownI believe cas
00:21.01justinuit sounds like you've got the fxo ports mapped to the wrong t1 timeslows
00:21.23drbrowncan you explain????
00:21.31drbrownvery new to t1 technology
00:21.31justinuyou should be able to tell it which fxo ports map to which t1 timeslots
00:21.57justinuwhat's on the far end of the t1
00:22.23*** join/#asterisk halogen8 (
00:22.23drbrowntheir are just 8 fxo ports at the begining
00:22.31justinuyeah, but where does your t1 go
00:22.35drbrown2=2 and so on
00:22.45Qwelljustinu: T1 doesn't always have to come from the telco
00:22.47drbrownfrom the t1 card to the channel bank
00:23.24justinui haven't worked with t1 on asterisk yet
00:23.36justinui come from the TDM/circuit switched world
00:24.03drbrownI am waiting on hold for digium, but am not sure they are still open
00:24.16drbrownand I need to get this working tonight
00:24.32drbrownI am just not sure what could be causing the problem
00:24.48justinuso your're getting phantom rings, and asterisk won't play dial tone?
00:24.53ManxPowerdrbrown, At 7:30pm on a Friday?
00:24.59justinuit sounds like a signalling problem to me
00:25.06drbrownwhat time zone???
00:25.09*** join/#asterisk kn0x (
00:25.42kn0xweird problem i want to run by you guys
00:25.50justinuare the channel bank and the t1 card set to the same signalling type?
00:26.10drbrownIt is an automated process, so I am unsure
00:26.25justinui can only offer generic advice, sorry
00:27.05kn0xasterisk isnt playing digits in the voicemail (only in the voicemail and only for selecting message box to save a message in-- works fine on vm-callerid playback and everywhere else in asterisk...)
00:27.15kn0xits trying to play them at least
00:27.17*** join/#asterisk sgorilla (
00:27.17kn0x-- Playing 'vm-Old' (language 'en')rn    -- Playing 'vm-messages' (language 'en')rn    -- Playing 'digits/2' (language 'en')
00:27.21drbrownJustinu: it does look like the signalling matches up
00:27.29kn0xand it wont play the two for example
00:27.45justinudrbrown: can you change it on either side?
00:27.49kn0xreally weird... checked the /var/lib/asterisk/sound/digits
00:27.53kn0xtheir all there
00:28.24kn0xany ideas ?
00:28.26justinucan't you set the sound directory for each context?
00:28.38justinumaybe it's wrong
00:28.49kn0xbut its saying digits/2
00:28.56kn0xand thats where the recording is
00:29.05justinudoes it show the entire path?
00:29.19kn0xnot on the CLI
00:29.29justinucan you see it in the debug log?
00:29.43kn0xok.... let me check
00:30.34drbrownjustinu: it looks like the signaling matches up
00:30.43justinuok, what signalling are you using?
00:31.57kn0xi pasted a few interesting lines of debug
00:32.05justinuyou said they were fxo ports
00:32.19kn0xits full of Oct 7 19:28:14 WARNING[1401]: Unable to create RTP session: Cannot assign requested addressrnOct 7 19:28:14 WARNING[1401]: Unable to build sip pvt data for MWI
00:32.27kn0xbut that sounds unrelated
00:32.31justinukn0x: can't be sure what path it's trying to find the digits  from
00:32.47justinudrbrown so why are you using fxs signalling on the t1?
00:32.56justinushouldn't it match?
00:33.08kn0xOct 7 19:28:12 DEBUG[1401]: Ooh, voice format changed to 4
00:33.10kn0xwhats that mean
00:33.14drbrownactually you have to use the oposite in asterisk
00:33.16justinuno idea
00:33.24QwellIt's a T1...but you're using FXS?
00:33.24justinudrbrown ok
00:33.37kn0xis there a path problem justinu?
00:33.37justinushouldn't it be e&m?
00:33.50Qwellit should be something besides FXS, heh
00:33.52justinukn0x: might be
00:34.07*** join/#asterisk maruz (
00:34.25kn0xQwell... is it a raw T or a PRI?
00:34.32justinuhe said cas
00:34.33Qwellgot me
00:35.00QwellSo, it's an E1?
00:35.17kn0xe1 ick..... i stay in the us
00:35.20drbrownI have been waiting on hold for 25 mins for digium...... I think I am SOL
00:35.23justinuno, it's a t1 with channel associated signalling
00:35.42Qwelldrbrown: What type of channel bank?
00:35.53drbrownQwell: rhino
00:36.43justinuwhat's kewl start?
00:36.44justinunew to me
00:36.49Qwelldrbrown: What does your zaptel.conf look like? it
00:37.07Qwelland, of course, the important parts of zapata.conf
00:38.36*** join/#asterisk razu_ (
00:38.47*** join/#asterisk queuetue (
00:38.52Qwelland, what model of Rhino?
00:40.27*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
00:43.43drbrownQwell: in a desperate attempt to fix the prb I changed the  from ks to ls to see if that would solve the prb, and it didn't work so disregard the ls in that paste
00:46.28Qwelllooks right..
00:47.11Qwelldoes ztcfg like it?
00:47.58drbrownThe only other thing I can figure is that my extensions.conf file may have a prb, and I can paste that as well
00:48.14Qwellpastebin the exact errors you're seeing
00:50.46drbrownI have added my extensions.conf and my errors
00:51.55QwellI'm not seeing any errors
00:52.33drbrownQwell: all the way at the bottom
00:53.23Qwellnope, not seeing it
00:54.15justinuwow, roadrunner is really sucking right now
00:55.07justinu--- ping statistics ---
00:55.07justinu12 packets transmitted, 11 packets received, 8% packet loss
00:55.07justinuround-trip min/avg/max = 792.169/836.689/874.293 ms
00:55.13drbrownQwell: this is one of the errors Oct  7 20:49:18 WARNING[3705]: app_dial.c:1050 dial_exec_full: Dial argument takes format
00:55.22Qwellyeah...this doesn't look like its related to zap at all
00:55.28drbrownall the way at the bottom
00:55.39drbrownMost of my erros are not
00:56.17drbrownOct  7 20:48:35 WARNING[3705]: app_dial.c:1050 dial_exec_full: Dial argument takes format (technology1/[device:]number1&technology2/[device:]number2...|optional timeout)
00:56.40drbrownThis is the only error that I can see that is related to Zap
00:57.22drbrownAre T1 calls formatted differently in extensions.conf??????
00:58.15drbrownexten => _XXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN}) ???????????????????
00:58.56kn0xhmm that doesnt look quite right...
01:00.41*** part/#asterisk mogorman (
01:04.54drbrownQwell: Any Ideas??????????
01:05.46drbrownkn0x: what do you think is wrong with that extension??????
01:06.33*** join/#asterisk mut (
01:06.38kn0xim not sure how you are supposed to pass the digits to the T but it doesnt look quite right
01:07.09kn0xlet me take a look at voipinfo
01:07.57Dr_Rayis there a way to toggle do not disturb status in a dialplan?  (for zapchannels)
01:25.08*** join/#asterisk cio (
01:25.15cioHow's CVS feeling today?
01:25.35*** join/#asterisk azzie (
01:26.25*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
01:26.26*** join/#asterisk Druken (
01:26.40QwellWhat's something I probably shouldn't (read: definitely should) install on a production machine?
01:27.20*** part/#asterisk kn0x (
01:29.19*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
01:29.54drbrownQwell: have you any ideas??????
01:30.10Qwelldrbrown: no, I'm kinda out of it right now
01:33.56lancey`busybye all
01:36.04*** join/#asterisk Blazint (
01:50.42justinuroadrunner sucks ass right now
01:50.47SkramXoh i know
01:50.54justinu--- ping statistics ---
01:50.54justinu1683 packets transmitted, 1682 packets received, 0% packet loss
01:50.54justinuround-trip min/avg/max = 84.432/676.54/780.623 ms
01:50.55SkramXthey have been having huge issues in my area.
01:51.10justinuaverage 676ms latency...
01:51.29SkramXi got them to credit my account for 1.56 (one day) but that doesnt matter if my boss gets mad since i got disconnected for 2 hours.
01:51.50SkramXtomorrow I am going to try to get a new cable modem, have to hitch a ride to their offices between crappy hours.
01:52.11justinuwhat's weird is i'm having issues pinging my default gateway
01:52.25justinuit's not because of the level3 thing
01:52.27SkramXSexxxy, not.
01:52.41justinuwhy do you think you need a new cable modem?
01:52.57SkramXYeah, I was affected by the level3 thing.. couldnt connect to which is where a client is.
01:53.21SkramXjustinu: they suggested it, mine is on the older side, and the newer ones can keep track of bandwidth, etc.
01:53.25SkramXI have a Toshiba.
01:53.36justinuoh, i heard those suck
01:53.48justinui have a shitty rca box, but it's been trouble free so far
01:54.14SkramXCable modem or digital cable box?
01:54.32justinucable modem
01:54.34justinuno cable tv here
01:54.36SkramXOh Okay
01:54.38SkramXYeah, same.
01:54.44justinui use directv for tv
01:54.48SkramXthey having you pay 50 bucks a month?
01:54.51justinunot yet
01:54.52justinusoon tho
01:55.05justinuup until i was glad to, but this shit sucks
01:55.11justinumight have to get DSL again
01:55.21justinusbc wanted my business back badly
01:55.36SkramXearthlink and aol are owned by the same people, use the same infreastructure, earthlink is a little cheaper.. but my household decided to stay with RR>
01:55.50justinui think all I can get here is RR
01:55.56justinueither that, or SBC DSL
01:56.14justinuthere once upon a time, i had a covad 1.5M SDSL
01:56.15justinuthat ruled
01:56.16SkramXor Covad, but thats way too expensive.
01:57.56SkramXSeems that way
01:59.42Qwellanybody happen to know what plans Verizon has at 10,000 ft?
02:01.35DaminQwell: Very expensive ones..
02:01.57QwellDamin: not going to go through Verizon..
02:02.15Qwellbut it's their lines, so I guess it's their say which plans are offered
02:02.25SkramXQwell: DSL?
02:03.22SkramXdo you have a physical line at the address/
02:03.31SkramXjust look it up or call them
02:03.55Qwellmeh, I'm lazy, and they're closed
02:05.16Qwellhoping to get at least 3000/768, but at 10,000 ft, I don't know...
02:05.36FuriousGeorgeisnt there a way to blind transfer on zap channels using #
02:07.53SkramXQwell: do you live in the sticks :)
02:09.25*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
02:09.45*** join/#asterisk sigwerk (
02:11.03bkw_I HATE LEVEL3
02:11.08drbrownDoes anyone have any experience with rhino channel banks???????????????
02:11.18JerJerdon't be signal homed, dummy
02:11.39*** join/#asterisk swm_ (
02:11.58bkw_we have two providers its just not fun having other problems related to this mess
02:12.09bkw_anyway l8tr
02:12.10*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (
02:12.18JerJeryeah ok
02:12.34JerJerwe have over a dozen providers - find a clue
02:14.10protienwhat is a cheap fxo card i can buy
02:14.19Qwellprotien: get the tdm
02:14.22FuriousGeorgeya know, at my remoteclient i notice even when eyebeam conferences a zap channel and voip channel of gsm, it sounds like shit to all three parties
02:14.27protienarnt they like $300?
02:14.27QwellDidn't I already tell you that? :p
02:14.34Qwellwith 4 modules
02:14.41Qwellfor one module, it's like $130
02:14.45FuriousGeorgesurely its not the 4kB of bandwidth required
02:15.13protienso qwell, ive got my shippng x100p for fxn, i could then use tdm for fxo?
02:15.31FuriousGeorgei'd like to try it with meetme but not matter what i do in meetme.conf it always asks for a pw
02:15.49newlQwell: at that distance, you should be able to get 8/1 fairly easily.  With ADSL2/2+, you may get a little more (I'm slightly under that distance from the CO and get 11/1).
02:15.58swm_FuriousGeorge.. Maybe it's because you shit.
02:16.02Qwellnewl: seriously?  I can get 8/1 at 10k?
02:16.07*** join/#asterisk rene- (
02:16.40Qwellnewl: happen to have a reference?
02:17.13newlQwell: Possibly.  There are other factors to consider, such as guage of the pair, how many changes (loss), main pair taps (if any), loading coils (have to be removed)..things of that nature.
02:17.17Qwellswm_: wifes got it
02:17.28JerJerswm_, has bird flue
02:17.34Qwellnewl: so, 3000/768 should be pretty easy?
02:17.44swm_Gives you vertigo ... really messed up
02:18.02rene-im having robotized voice between 2 asterisk boxes, im having a ping of 30ms between them, currently using ilbc, would enabling a jitter buffer help me?
02:18.06krisguyQwell: 3MB/768 averages about 12000-13000 feet
02:18.14krisguyon good line
02:18.20Qwellahh, great
02:18.30Qwellfuck Charter then, heh
02:18.44Qwell3000/256 with Charter, for probably $49
02:18.46*** join/#asterisk Moc (
02:18.58swm_Charter sucks
02:19.09swm_I get 3.5 up/down thru Qwest DSL
02:19.18krisguyI set a customer up with that today, he's at 10000 feet with 3MB/768 and a /29 block.
02:19.39newlI feel sorry for the people out in the sticks here.  They can only get 1.5/256 (though up to max of 20km).
02:20.10krisguyswm_: nice
02:20.16Juggiedsl can be syncronous?
02:20.23Juggiei didnt know u could get that much upload
02:20.27krisguyJuggie: SDSL
02:20.29Juggiei have 5000/768
02:20.30swm_Yep Yep
02:20.33newlDepends on the variant, but yes. :)
02:20.34*** join/#asterisk marc324 (
02:20.46Qwella /128 block?
02:20.51Qwellsurely you mean /25?
02:20.53Juggiewe are getting two E10's at the office
02:20.56krisguyJuggie: what are you paying for 5MB/768?
02:21.06Juggie40$ or so
02:21.11Juggiewhich is like 35$ usd
02:21.15swm_PPP Connection:   Connected
02:21.18swm_Speed (down/up): 3536 / 3536
02:21.31krisguythis is why I need to move to broadband
02:21.52swm_I'm in salem oregon, I get my connect for $80/mo
02:21.58newland drink ice beer and watch the hockey eh!
02:22.23krisguyI work for a telco, and I'm still paying 30USD/mo for 1.5M/384k with a /29
02:22.29QwellI want to get naked DSL...
02:22.38newlno data? haha
02:22.43NivexOT: I want to link my network with another guy in the apartment complex, but there is a building in the way, so no wifi.  Neither of us use our POTS lines.  Think the telco would notice if I cross connected our lines at the apt complex box?
02:22.45Juggiei can get E10, full duplex, unlimited bandwidth for 699
02:22.56QwellNivex: haha, yes
02:22.57swm_naked dsl?
02:23.06Qwellswm_: without phone service
02:23.07Juggiethats 10mbit both directions if your wondering... for 699 a month
02:23.07DaminNivex: Werd dude..
02:23.09krisguyDSL with no phone
02:23.24krisguyJuggie: bastage
02:23.29QwellNivex: call your telco and ask about a point 2 point DSL line
02:23.35QwellI bet it'll be cheap for that small distance
02:23.37swm_Whats the point in cross connecting your telco lines?
02:23.39Nivexheya Damin.  Recovered from OLF yet?
02:23.50newldon't need PtP, a tie pair would do fine.
02:23.50*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
02:23.53JerJeranyone happen to have a clue about using a memory stick in ones own project?
02:24.00NivexQwell: They'd probably charge an arm and a leg for the privelege...
02:24.01JerJerie my own hardware creation
02:24.03QwellNivex: maybe
02:24.12krisguyNivex: in the .us, probably
02:24.18Juggieqwell. you order a point to point line for an alarm
02:24.19Qwellnewl: Whats that?
02:24.23*** join/#asterisk rblackwe (
02:24.24Juggiethen get dsl gear off ebay :)
02:24.47NivexJuggie's got it
02:24.55krisguyI'm off to bed now, gotta get ready to handle pissed off DSL customers tomorrow
02:24.59newlQwell: a cable that typically runs from point A to point B.  Normally used for off site extensions and the like.
02:25.01swm_Juggle: The lines have to be trimmed to less than a inch apart for DSL to work correctly
02:25.06newlAlso called link pairs.
02:25.23Qwellnewl: is that just 1 pair though?  probably not so great for data
02:25.33Nivexdid helldesk for 2 years... glad I'm out
02:25.38mutyou can get like 10-20mbit off a pair
02:25.41mutdepending on your distance
02:25.42swm_~beat Nivex
02:25.45jbotACTION beats Nivex with a large stick.
02:25.55newlThough in an apartment complex, the chances are low that the same pair multiples at the other building as well.
02:25.57Nivexswm_: what I do to deserve that?
02:26.05mutthere are some ptp modem deals
02:26.20swm_~kill Nivex
02:26.23jbotACTION shoots a charged  photon gun at Nivex
02:26.23muti was going to get one for some last mile work but they like $800
02:26.35*** join/#asterisk koharski (
02:26.42swm_~spank mut
02:26.43jbotACTION bends mut over his knee and tatoos 'ibot' on mut's pasty white buttocks.
02:27.05Juggiei cant wait to get our new links @ work
02:27.11Juggiewe are getting two E10's
02:27.15koharskiok, mind if I ask a VERY noobish question?
02:27.17Juggieunlimited internet @ 10mbit
02:27.25Qwellkoharski: nope, go ahead
02:27.40DaminNivex: Nope.. Still not recovered..
02:27.42Qwellkoharski: don't be surprised if you get flamed for not reading first though, if it's really bad...
02:27.45Nivexswm_: dude, seriously, wtf?
02:27.55newlI told the boss not to send me there ;)
02:27.58swm_Nivex: Just beeing creative
02:28.04NivexDamin: here, this will help ;)
02:28.17DaminNivex: Hehehe.. I just cracked a bottle of wine w/ the wife..
02:28.29koharskiok, I want to set up a calling card type system that connects people through VOIP service
02:28.31*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
02:28.33Qwellswm_: How many days in are you?  for the flu
02:28.33newlbloody mdf's, tie cables, idf's, no cable or floor plans.  It was quite the shit job.
02:28.39koharskianything I should read about that type of thing?
02:28.40DaminNivex: Next year, we need more help.. :)
02:28.56swm_Damin: Fuck your wife with a full champaign bottle then eat her out she'll like that lol
02:28.57*** join/#asterisk DiGiTaLeX (
02:29.01newlkoharski: astcc and/or reading up on the wiki would be good.
02:29.05NivexDamin: well, if I'm back in the state by then...
02:29.20koharskiok, I'll look into that
02:29.46DiGiTaLeXI'd like to receive faxes with asterisk@home on centos. I have a digium 400P card and how would I install qmail?
02:29.57QwellDiGiTaLeX: #qmail
02:30.47DiGiTaLeXoooh just tried yum install qmail 9someone in #centos told me to) and it appears to be working
02:31.42swm_why did god make farts stink? ... So blind people could enjoy them too....
02:32.07Daminswm_: Who are you, and why are you not being kickbanned yet?
02:32.09QwellThink I could get service at 69136 feet?
02:32.30swm_I am a Digital God, I cannot be kickbanned ... I'll come back from another subnet
02:32.34DaminNivex: Hehehehe.. Gotta represent!
02:33.13muti just cracked my back like 100 times
02:33.15muti feel awesome now
02:33.48Qwelldouble data rate
02:33.55mutdance dance revolution
02:34.00syle2deaf drunk rehab
02:35.04syle2swm_: i guarantee you can run out of subnets fast hehe
02:35.32syle2esp if bans are placed on complete class C blocks :)
02:35.33swm_umm. Not really.
02:36.00Nivexswm_, a legend in his own mind.
02:36.10swm_It would ban most of IRC if they tried banning me...
02:36.11Qwellsyle2: class C?  real men ban class A's
02:36.39sigwerkamen Qwell
02:36.39mutand sysadmins ban *
02:36.47DaminIt's good to know that poseurs still exist on the Internet. :)
02:36.47syle2i;m logical, not wanting heat :)
02:37.21DaminReminds me of the days of AOL kiddies..
02:37.24mutDamin: i was askin the other day, i said "where have all of the kids on irc gone"
02:37.37mutit's like they don't roam in packs anymore
02:37.37swm_Eww AOL now thats the fucking devil
02:37.38Daminmut: And the answer is #asterisk on freenode! ;)
02:37.43mutor even wander around
02:37.45mutit's crazy
02:37.51muttotally not like it used to be anyway
02:38.04newlQwell: at 21km, you'd be just out of range for an ADSL repeater, so no. :)
02:38.12Daminmut: Read Plenty of good stuff...
02:38.17Daminsqm_: Yeah? What BBS?
02:38.26mutDamin: oh those aren't your usual skiddies tho
02:38.37muti'm talkin the ones like swm_
02:38.48mutyou don't see that quality kid comin on the net much anymore
02:38.57swm_what BBS? It was called "Digital DataBits" in Eugene, Oregon. From 1989 to 1997 ... It was a member of fidonet 1:152/37.
02:39.05syle2aol is the devil
02:39.07Daminmut_: Well.. true.. Some people just lack any sort of real life and need to feel special, so IRC provides that for them...
02:39.40syle2i was watching "who wants to be a millionare" and there was some aol vote on answers when someone used audience as lifeline
02:39.55swm_Software was made of InterMail and Remote Access BBS software. Lots of door games.. Oh I think those are so lame now looking back.
02:40.08justinuRA was interesting
02:40.10Daminswm_: Fido? Hahaha.. real men write their own Network gateways.. is down btw
02:40.42mutoverflow of skiddie quotes i guess
02:40.44swm_Damin: I used IRC back in 1996 and wow, that was something but, stopped using it until 4 months ago, Didn't even know it was Y2K compatible.
02:40.52mutseems linke since i asked that question a few days ago
02:40.56Daminswm_: I think I'm the first person to actually pull a full usenet feed on an Apple ][! ;)
02:40.57muti see people popping up all over
02:41.30mutddr is calling
02:41.31swm_Damin: Apple ][? Holy shit.
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02:41.38file[laptop]is swm back? I have him on ignore
02:41.45Daminfile: Yep..
02:41.47mutfile: with a vengence
02:41.48justinusound plan
02:41.54swm_File is gay anyways.
02:42.01file[laptop]ah ic
02:42.13Daminswm_: Except that he actually contributes something useful to the Asterisk community! ;)
02:42.14swm_That's why he hides in the file cabinet, he hasn't come out of the cabinet yet
02:42.21justinuwow, that was clever
02:42.50Daminfile is just about the smartest "kid" I've ever met..
02:43.05DaminAnd his perl skills are l337!
02:43.41DaminSpeaking of skillz.. has anyone figured out what the hell is all about?
02:44.17DaminI've been seeing commercials for "Extreme Jumping School" on Family Guy episodes on my PVR..
02:45.43swm_Looks like a bunch of crack heads
02:46.11file[laptop]and now it's oddly quiet
02:47.03swm_If they actually did something like that, I would pay for file to go and try it out. Lets see how smart he really is...
02:47.29NivexDamin: looks like some kind of gamer site
02:47.30justinuwhat a dork
02:50.27DaminAnyone have ops?
02:50.34file[laptop]sadly no
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02:56.28brookshirehey file!
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03:10.53brookshirenm... learning subversion :)
03:11.02Qwellbrookshire: svn is fun
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03:15.36Jaxxanwhat file specifies to log in /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv ?
03:15.49Jaxxani have a master.csv which is normal
03:16.10Jaxxanbut i also have a 411.csv which i'm not sure how it got there as well as not sure why it's logging 411 calls
03:16.19Jaxxani dont have a database entry for it
03:16.49Jaxxanasterisk.conf specifies the log directory, but not the files
03:18.55mutteh sux, i had to stop playing drr, my eyes kept drying out and my contacts were falling out
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03:22.50brookshiresvn is awesome
03:22.59brookshiresvn + wdav #1
03:34.12Qwellbrookshire: haven't done much with the dav stuff
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03:34.30marc324is app_dbodbc the right app for storing/retrieving dialplan (extensions.conf) from a database?
03:35.25justinuodbc sucks
03:35.56SkramXdo you all have any suggestions for NPA DID providers?
03:35.57SkramXnot 800 service
03:36.20justinuwhere you you need the dids?
03:36.49SkramXnot me, a colleague.
03:36.50marc324where do you stored all the extensions then?
03:36.53justinudunno where that is
03:37.04justinuuse postgres or mysql
03:37.07file[laptop]Macon, Georgia...
03:37.22SkramXfile[laptop]: that would be the 478...
03:37.25justinui'm on the other side of the country
03:37.41marc324how do you access mysql from asterisk?
03:37.46marc324what app?
03:38.02SkramXmarc324: knows all.
03:38.19justinuhe's been asking questions like that for days
03:39.30marc324voip -- app_dbodbc
03:39.35marc324right app?
03:39.42jbotdocs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or
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03:46.06marc324ok its asterisk realtime
03:46.13justinulatency finally went back to 80ms on RR
03:46.14pauldyanyone know if there is a sudo standard extension for like pa anouncements
03:46.18brookshireQwell: it lets you use apache auth to control access
03:46.30justinupauldy: you need phones with auto answer
03:46.31Qwellbrookshire: yeah, I know. :)
03:46.32brookshireand it's a little quicker
03:46.37brookshireok ok
03:46.40brookshireA LOT quicker
03:46.50pauldyjustinu, using console and a speaker system
03:46.52rene-what would be your take on digium releasing an asterisk based appliance?
03:46.52Qwellquicker in what regard?
03:47.02justinuoh, Console/dsp?
03:47.03Qwelllike...bandwidth speedup, or process speedup?
03:47.29pauldyjustinu, yup took me a while to figure it out but its working just wondered if there is a standard ext or a widley used one
03:47.48justinubeen so long since i used a pbx with pa, i don't remember
03:47.53brookshirei did an import using ssh
03:47.58brookshirethen i tried one with wdav
03:48.11brookshireand it just was about twice as fast
03:48.12Qwellimport a db you mean, or?
03:48.32brookshirelike.. a fresh repository
03:48.41jbotrumour has it, did is Direct Inward Dialing
03:48.41Qwellfrom a backup?
03:48.58jbotmethinks pa is PAY ATTENTION!!!!!
03:49.03jbotsomebody said ddi was Direct Dialling Inward, URL:
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03:59.18mmlj4for a small office (say 4 stations), is it advisable to use FXSs and 4-line POTS business phones as opposed to SIP phones? I know it's cheaper, but what are the disadvantages?
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04:15.54swm_[away]Someone blew up a building in downtown salem oregon just about 30 minutes ago crazy shit
04:16.28mutit was witches!
04:16.55swm_[away]witches? No dont think so, (Funny thing is) were having a Disaster drill all day tommorow and this happens... dont thihk they'll have to drill now.
04:22.40Pr0ph37how did the blow it up?
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04:24.09drbrownanyone familier with rhino channel banks????????
04:25.14drbrownwould you be willing to help me get one working, I have a rhino bank w/ 8 fxo cards and a single span digium t1 card
04:25.33Qwelldrbrown: I'd bet it is configed right...dialplan is the issue
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04:27.28DiGiTaLeXHi all. Whats the easiest way to get an email server onto asterisk@home (connected to the internet) that is compatible with the fax features
04:30.18Qwellhey shido6, you going to astricon?
04:32.20swm_[away]Dont know, it was a resturant downtown ... just blew up. no one was in it, but it just exploded. Big fireball, could see it 2 miles away. Loud
04:36.16Qwellshido6: shame
04:36.18shido6jerjer may be going
04:41.00DiGiTaLeXHow can I make a "custom app" in asterisk which simply plays an audio file to someone and then hangs up (I have a digital receptionist menu and I want them to press 3 for "more info" and the audio file should play then it hangs up)
04:41.59justinuexten => s,1,Playback(filename)
04:42.04justinuexten => s,n,Hangup
04:42.29DiGiTaLeXdo I need the FULL linux path for that filename?
04:42.56justinunot if you put the file in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
04:46.33mcf3782wow. Airtran has a special on a flight between Atlanta and LAX next weekend. Looks like I could go to Astricon for about $1200 or so all total.. That is really really tempting.
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04:53.03*** join/#asterisk wasim (n=wasim@pdpc/supporter/active/wasim)
04:53.03wasimugh ... bad, bad earthquake
04:53.05wasim7.6 on the richter scale, about 8:55am local time (GMT+5)
04:53.33*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
04:53.44jeffikwasim: where?
04:53.47coppicewasim: too many beans for dinner last night?
04:53.50wasimhere ... pk
04:54.18wasimjeffik: yep, reports of damage are coming in
04:54.29wasimjeffik: one apartment buildign for sure has fallen down in islamabad
04:54.37jeffikoh sorry
04:54.50*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
04:55.09wasimeverybody i know so far is ok ...
04:55.35jeffiksome info on cnn already
04:56.06jeffikISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) -- A magnitude 7.6  earthquake rocked parts of India, Pakistan and Afghanistan on Saturday, causing  some casualties. Part of a 19-story building collapsed in the Pakistani capital  Islamabad.
04:56.26coppiceare quakes a common event in .pk or is this out of the blue?
04:56.29wasimjeffik: yes, i just called a friend
04:56.40wasimjeffik: people are still hanging from the balconies
04:56.54wasimjeffik: its not good, we don't have good emergency services
04:57.09wasimjeffik: he says he just say another portion of that building fall
04:57.11jeffikyou at home or office
04:57.22wasimi'm at home, in lahore ... we got thrown out of bed
04:58.10wasimcoppice: quakes are common here
04:59.21coppicethe scale of the tsunami last christmas came hoem to me this week. it takes 3.5 hours from Bangkok to Bangalore, and most of that is flying over the sea which was affected badly. that's *big*
04:59.46*** join/#asterisk Jaxxan (
05:00.19jeffikbut you are still connected here
05:00.46wasimjeffik: yep, i'm in lahore, some damage here as well
05:00.58wasimjeffik: about 200km away
05:01.06wasimte epicenter was 95km from isloo
05:01.43jeffikwell i would offer to help but i'm in toronto
05:02.28wasimi have family in toronto ...
05:02.51jeffikwant me to let them know you are ok?
05:03.00wasimnah, let 'em be ...
05:03.13*** part/#asterisk Pr0ph37 (
05:04.06wasimthey say about 30 or so apartments went
05:04.17wasimabout ~100 people of so
05:08.30wasimi was going to buy an apartment there a couple of years back
05:09.45wasimfuck ...
05:10.13*** join/#asterisk bugz (
05:10.48bugzis there a gentoo specific channel for asterisk?
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05:11.33jontowgood question -- doubt it :(
05:12.00wasimbugz: not really, whats irking you?
05:12.26bugzim just new to it all, new to both actually but got hired to admin this monster
05:12.33bugzpretty cool, they seem to work very well together
05:12.47wasimbugz: yes, we have about 20 odd boxes gentoo+asterisk
05:13.00wasimapparently a town got wiped out in kashmir
05:13.55bugzwe built a shuttle today with asterisk and stage 3
05:13.59*** join/#asterisk newmember (
05:14.10bugzit had some on board bios driven raid controller that gentoo did not like
05:14.37bugzwe burnt an iso of the dmraid stuff from the wiki but it failed to compile alot of things even after much hacking
05:15.02*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
05:15.14bugzso we wound up pulling one of the sata's.. no raid ;(
05:15.41wasimraid is overated for an * box ...
05:16.04JerJerjust a mirror would be prudent
05:16.07bugzwasim: i agree, especially if you can fit it on a cd
05:16.08JerJersoftware raid
05:16.22QwellJerJer: So, are you?
05:16.36bugzhow about
05:16.36JerJermirroring?  most absolutely
05:16.43bugzopenmosix asterisk ;D
05:16.45QwellJerJer: Going to Astricon...
05:16.46JerJerplus a daily rsync for important stuff
05:16.50newmemberany recomemdations for gateways for a new voice network?
05:17.01JerJernewmember:  asterisk
05:17.36newmemberJerJer: ok, what hardware for lots fo FXS and PRI ports
05:17.37*** join/#asterisk Godsey (i=lanny@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Godsey)
05:17.56wasimdefine lots
05:17.57JerJerAdtran TA750 and a TE411P
05:18.55newmember200 FXS ports total, 45 buildings, 4 ports each
05:18.59newmemberon average
05:19.17JerJerso a few TE411Ps
05:19.19wasimdistance of buildings?
05:19.22*** join/#asterisk zamsler (
05:19.22JerJerand a bigger Adtran
05:19.39QwellI think he's saying 4 ports in each building
05:19.50*** join/#asterisk Zeut (
05:20.05Zeuthello, anyone have any experience with ParkAndAnnounce?
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05:20.41wasimtwo options  ... either centralize everything with big adtrans and te411ps or use 4 port fxs from atcom
05:23.04ZeutI have an office with 40 Polycom SIP handsets with Autoanswer working so that I can page the entire office throught the pohones.  I do this by dialing ext 9876, I want ParkAndAnnounce to do the same.
05:25.46*** join/#asterisk tzanger (
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05:27.11DiGiTaLeXanyone know how to make the tdm400p detect hangups quicker?
05:27.33tzangerDiGiTaLeX: make sure your telco provides disconnect supervision and use kewlstart
05:27.48DiGiTaLeXdo australian telco
05:27.51DiGiTaLeXdo australian telco's offer that?
05:28.01tzangernot sure
05:28.32DiGiTaLeXi have this:
05:28.34tzangeryou can tell though if you get the far side to hang up and then just wait... do you hear it go totally dead for a second or so before getting dialtone again?  Or, use a multimeter and check for battery drop/reversal across tip/ring
05:28.34Dr_RayI know someone 10 minutes north of seattle who does not have either on his phoneline
05:28.46tzangerDr_Ray: yup that can happen
05:28.49tzangerBell Canada has it
05:28.54Dr_Rayyou can use a lighted handset
05:28.54tzanger(battery drop)
05:29.18Dr_Raythis is stupid ghetto verizon
05:29.18DiGiTaLeXshould I set busy count lower?
05:29.29wasimDiGiTaLeX: experimentation
05:30.18*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
05:31.28DiGiTaLeXFinally got the right type of wave files for digitalreceptionist and it works great! Asterisk rocks :-)
05:31.41wasimyes it does
05:32.49DiGiTaLeXand I'm really impressed with the sound quality of my tdm400p - i was going to get an ATA but people told me these do a much better job and I was hoping that it would since it cost a fortune
05:33.08*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
05:34.26newmemberJerJer:  I see G.726 ADPCM, but not G729?  I am I reading this right in that adtran equipment
05:34.27*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
05:35.07brookshireg729 is a voip codec...
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05:35.28tzangercorrection: g729 is a voice codec
05:35.42brookshireyeah.. true.. primarily used in voip :)
05:36.00tzangeractually primarily used in cell I think
05:36.12DiGiTaLeXWell i'm about to put this "AstFax" on here so I can fax outwards and then set up receiving faxes too although that should be automatic with asterisk@home shouldn't it?
05:37.08countAnybody got a second to answer some questions about * realtime ?
05:37.30tzangerDiGiTaLeX: I odn't use *@~
05:37.43Qwelltzanger: nice one
05:37.49brookshireyeah.. that was cute
05:37.55Qwelltzanger: may I steal that?  heh
05:38.14DiGiTaLeX*@~ = email? :P
05:38.27DiGiTaLeXasterisk@home my bad
05:38.35*** join/#asterisk voipguy (n=voipguy@
05:38.44brookshireprobably more like *@~/
05:39.16coppiceand probably not *@~/.
05:39.32tzangerI have a picture of my odometer at 127001km :-)
05:39.35wasim!#$% *@~
05:39.45FuriousGeorgeanyone got any experience w/ * fax detection
05:39.53DiGiTaLeXlol tzanger
05:39.54tzangerwasim: more like *@~?  @$$!&&
05:40.10coppicetzanger: anyone can achieve a good burst of speed, but can you sustain it? :-)
05:40.21tzangercoppice: odometer, not spedometer.  :-)
05:40.30coppiceoh, sorry
05:40.47countThat would be a quite impressive burst
05:40.53coppiceapparantly you can sustain it to achieve that distance in one lifetime
05:41.35coppicei've walked and travelled about 150,000km this year
05:42.01Dr_Raycoppice - counting the earth rotating around the sun are we?
05:42.19coppiceno, but lots of flying in between the walking
05:46.42*** part/#asterisk mcf3782 (
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06:03.00Dr_Raytzanger - can I turn DND on a zap line via dialplan?
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06:23.58protienive compiled g723, is libg723.a all i need to load it?
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06:46.44tomboneAnyone familar with the following error:
06:46.49tombone# modprobe ztdummy
06:46.49tomboneWARNING: Error inserting zaptel (/lib/modules/2.6.13-1.1526_FC4smp/misc/zaptel.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
06:46.49tomboneFATAL: Error inserting ztdummy (/lib/modules/2.6.13-1.1526_FC4smp/misc/ztdummy.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
06:46.55tomboneFATAL: Error running install command for ztdummy
06:49.35JamesDotComrecompile zaptel for your kernel
06:51.34brookshireand remove kernel from yum updates :)
06:51.42tomboneyeah, I should do that...
06:51.58tomboneI've tried recompiling... perhaps I'm doing something wrong...
06:52.09tombonewhat commands to you recommend
06:52.31brookshirefirst off..  uname -a
06:52.45brookshiresee if that matches up with the module it's trying to load
06:52.51*** join/#asterisk orzel (
06:53.27twistedbrookshire, whassabi
06:53.36brookshirei'm not drunk!
06:53.40twistedi am
06:53.43brookshirei figured
06:53.45brookshireyou're always drunk
06:53.46tomboneyup, it does...
06:53.56twistedi am not always
06:54.07brookshirei don't know then
06:54.37brookshirethat's about all i can find on the matter
06:54.46brookshiretwisted.. scott is now my roommate
06:54.52brookshirein the crib
06:54.53twistedbrookshire, lol
06:56.03tombone2.6.13-1.1526_FC4smp #1 SMP Wed Sep 28 19:28:24 EDT 2005 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
06:56.25tomboneThat's uname-a... matches with the module
06:56.56brookshireoh wait
06:57.02brookshireyour using ztdummy
06:57.10brookshireon a multiprocessor
06:57.25brookshireztdummy has issues with that i believe
06:58.41tomboneIt was loading before...
06:59.40brookshiretry stepping back down a kernel then :)
06:59.45brookshireand running on that
07:00.10tombonethat might be too easy
07:00.31brookshireyou're old kernel should still be there
07:00.38opus__Look at the code for ztdummy
07:00.46tomboneplus 2.6.13 finally supports my sound codec
07:00.47opus__and find the code that saids something like "IF 2.6.13"
07:00.49opus__and eanble it
07:00.58opus__in ztdummy.c
07:01.18*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
07:02.19tomboneI see the 2.6 code but not 2.6.13....
07:02.28tomboneI've been running make linux26
07:02.34DiGiTaLeXmy asterisk box with centos has the gateway configured so it can access the net, but its "Sendmail" wont notify me when there is a voicemessage
07:02.52DiGiTaLeXin the log it just says message sent to address with sendmail
07:03.00DiGiTaLeXdoes sendmail have a log?
07:03.40brookshireor something to that effect
07:03.41tomboneok... I fixed it... I'm an idiot
07:03.52DiGiTaLeXaha thanks brookshire
07:03.56brookshiretombone: what was it?
07:04.23tomboneI didn't do the make linux26 after make clean....
07:04.29brookshireahh.. ok
07:04.49tombonethanks for your help...
07:04.54brookshirenp! :)
07:07.37DiGiTaLeXhow do I get qmail onto asterisk directly
07:08.19DiGiTaLeXi mean centos
07:08.54Qwell2000ms pings to google...fear me
07:09.11Qwellwonder how my jitter is...
07:09.22Qwellthis is gonna be freaking awesome
07:09.28brookshireDiGiTaLeX: centos has yum right?
07:09.38brookshirenot in yum?
07:09.45Qwellbrookshire: nothing at all
07:09.50DiGiTaLeX(I just learnt that today though and all I have tried is yum install qmail)
07:09.52brookshireoh well
07:09.56DiGiTaLeXit said no packages found
07:09.57brookshirepersonally i like postfix
07:10.03brookshireit's usually in everything
07:10.09DiGiTaLeXok i'll try it
07:10.33brookshirerpm -e sendmail
07:10.39QwellI can't even make a call, heh
07:10.40brookshireyum install postfix
07:10.59Qwellstupid Adelphia
07:11.24DiGiTaLeXBy the way everyeone, this must be one of the most helpful channels I've been on! Usually I get little or no help from irc!
07:12.26DiGiTaLeXvoip is so great
07:13.39protienOct  8 16:40:23 NOTICE[25954]: chan_local.c:466 local_alloc: No such extension/context 98883386@default creating local channel
07:13.42protienshouldnt my s@default
07:13.46protienanswer this call?
07:15.37DiGiTaLeXwhen programs get installed in unix, where do they go
07:16.00brookshireeverything is a program
07:16.03DiGiTaLeXhehe postfix is somewhere
07:16.17DiGiTaLeXall it told me was "postfix is installed"
07:16.25brookshireusually you can 'echo $PATH'
07:16.39newlor do: rpm -ql postfix|less
07:16.40brookshireand it's somewhere in one of those directories
07:16.53brookshirelocate postfix
07:17.05newlassuming locate database is current.
07:17.12brookshireif it's not
07:17.13DiGiTaLeXaha it is in /etc
07:17.27newlor cd /usr && find ./ |grep postfix|less
07:17.32brookshire/etc is config files usually
07:17.53DiGiTaLeXyeah thats what it is
07:17.58DiGiTaLeXI didn't realise I could scroll down
07:18.02brookshirenot the executable
07:18.22newlRight, remember that less is more. :)
07:19.36DiGiTaLeXyeah lol
07:19.43DiGiTaLeXuhm how do I add users to postfix :/
07:20.01brookshirewhat kind of users?
07:20.11DiGiTaLeXemail users :D
07:20.27brookshirevirtual users (ones that do not have a local account)?
07:20.36brookshireor local users?
07:20.45*** join/#asterisk tsetane (n=tsetane@
07:21.00brookshireusually you can just 'adduser username' too add an user
07:21.09brookshirethat doesn't mean you will recieve email though
07:21.14brookshirepostfix has to be setup correctly
07:21.17DiGiTaLeXoh I see I thought that was a linux user
07:21.19brookshireand dns as well
07:21.41brookshirethat is a linux user
07:21.49DiGiTaLeXI only want this so It can receive faxes and save them on the computer
07:21.53brookshireand postfix can send mail to a linux user as well
07:22.10tomboneGreat, I'm no longer getting any sound from playback... I thought ztdummy was supposed to help.
07:22.26DiGiTaLeXis there a way to make asterisk save faxes in a www directory? perhaps thats easier
07:22.37brookshireztdummy only helps with timing
07:22.45brookshireif you do not have any hardware installed
07:22.51brookshireand you are using an all voip solution
07:23.55tomboneno special hardware
07:26.49DiGiTaLeXYUCK remove postfix
07:27.03DiGiTaLeXyum install QMAIL!!
07:29.40Qwellthis is just sick
07:29.56enyc; ?? qwel
07:29.58Qwellevery minute or two, I'll see 5-10 lines of text come in at the same time
07:30.20Qwelloh, hey, wow...back down to ~90ms to google
07:30.48KaBewMgood luck finding qmail in a yum repo
07:30.49DiGiTaLeXi'm only 121ms :/
07:31.27DiGiTaLeXyeah well It cant seem to find any
07:31.54DiGiTaLeXcan I make asterisk just save the fax somewhere?
07:38.23*** join/#asterisk jbot_ (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
07:38.23*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk 1.2.0 Beta1 - || Astricon 2005 - Anaheim, CA - Oct 12-14 - - Sign Up Now!
07:39.15DiGiTaLeXWhat are you trying to catch? their credit card number?
07:39.27dan__tNo, a pre-defined code that they would enter.
07:39.35dan__tBut not a CC number.
07:39.45protienqwell, got a quick question
07:39.54brookshiredan: sure it's possible
07:39.55protieni just signed up to a voip provider, put some credit in my acct
07:39.58protienim trying to call out
07:40.05protienwhen i make the call i get a
07:40.08protienOct  8 17:06:24 NOTICE[25321]: chan_sip.c:9416 handle_response_invite: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"pro" <sip:1001@>;tag=as156cf6e2'
07:40.13*** join/#asterisk sigterm (
07:40.30dan__tDo you suppose this is possible, DiGiTaLeX?
07:40.40brookshiredan: it's possible
07:41.18DiGiTaLeXyeah I guess, I'm a n00b though :P
07:41.37dan__tI would not even consider entering a CC number in this manner.  If you're holding back some enlightenment because you think I'd use this for malicious purposes, my feeling would be hurt.
07:41.49*** join/#asterisk mkl1525 (n=daniel@
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07:43.28dan__tThe company that I work for has some customers who need to verify an order code on a single product, so the customer would enter in that order code for verification.  They had a solution in place until recently, but I don't know much about it, since I just started working there.  They canned the other guy for whatever reason.
07:43.48brookshiredan: you can even force asterisk to call someone with like the default dialplan messages, say if they were calling you
07:44.07dan__tSee, I'm liking asterisk more and more every day.
07:44.11DiGiTaLeXdan__t I was just wondering why. I'm really a n00b - ask anyone here lol
07:44.22dan__tNo worries, DiGiTaLeX. As am I :)
07:44.37drbrown_does anyone know what would cause a t1 channel to hose right after a channel is opened????????
07:44.39DiGiTaLeXyeah I'm liking it more too just gotta figure out faxing
07:44.49DiGiTaLeXto hose?!?!?
07:45.03drbrown_for example
07:45.07brookshireis it connected to a rhino channel bank?
07:45.34brookshirelol.. i have no idea why
07:45.35dan__tSo what might I investigate when trying to accomplish this?  Are there a few modules that I'd be interested in looking into, or what - how would the process work?
07:46.11drbrown_I have to get this running in about 5 hrs, and am stuck bad any ideas would be appreciated
07:46.31brookshirebasically.. agi and outbound calling
07:46.45dan__tAsterisk calls customer.  Plays pre-recorded voice saying "do stuff".  Pause, awaiting user input.  User types in 8 digit order number on the keypad.  Asterisk writes this code to file, or stdout, or whatever.  Plays another voice recording.  Waits.  Customer says their name after the recording is done.  Play goodbye message.
07:47.43*** join/#asterisk Tili (
07:47.45DiGiTaLeXoooh if you get that to work would you please send it to me
07:47.54drbrown_when I dial an extension just to access a dial tone the tone is active for about 2 or 3 secs, and then the channel is droped
07:48.11dan__twas that "agi and outbound calling" for me, brookshire?
07:48.32brookshiredan: agi and
07:48.39drbrown_when I unplug the phone wire from the channel bank the channel does not drop
07:48.41brookshireagi = asterisk gateway interface
07:48.44brookshiremuch like cgi
07:48.46dan__tOhh, ok.
07:48.54dan__tbrb, head in books.
07:49.07DiGiTaLeXthat page is very informative
07:49.24brookshiredrbrown: what version of asterisk are you running?
07:50.18DiGiTaLeXTip on how to schedule a .call file
07:50.19DiGiTaLeXFiles with a modified date in the future are ignored until that time has elapsed. Create the file in /tmp, modify the mtime using "touch", and then move it...
07:50.22DiGiTaLeXwhat a great idea!
07:52.02DiGiTaLeXhey dan__t:
07:52.03DiGiTaLeXIf you are using POTS (Plain Old Telephone System) lines attached to a channel bank with FXO cards, it's likely that you will run into problems sensing when your callee picks up their phone - especially to cell phones. Once Asterisk hands off a call to an FXO line (ie, it starts to ring), the system counts the call as 'answered', and continues its merry way. This means that your voice prompts get played to a ring tone, and your users
07:52.06dan__they DiGiTaLeX:
07:52.11DiGiTaLeXthats at the bottom of the page
07:52.20dan__tYeah, read that.
07:52.37dan__tSo what are some of the "preferred" VoIP services that have been known to work well with Asterisk and it's SIP functionality?
07:52.47*** join/#asterisk eGnarF (
07:52.56brookshireand IAX provider might be better for what you are trying to do
07:52.59brookshireand = an
07:53.10dan__tPardon my ignorance, please.
07:53.11*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
07:53.40brookshireIAX and builtin protocols sending asterisk much needed information such as call pickup and dtmf
07:53.56dan__tAnd that would benefit me, in the case of what DiGiTaLeX had posted, yes?
07:55.00brookshireiax = inter-asterisk exchange
07:55.11brookshirebasically asterisk's version of sip
07:55.23dan__tSo it's a proprietary protocol?
07:55.28dan__tper Asterisk
07:55.33brookshirewell.. digitalex's post had nothing to do with voip.. it was talking about tdm
07:55.45dan__toh, i'm sorry.
07:55.46brookshirewell.. other pbxs use it
07:55.50brookshirelike yate
07:55.51DiGiTaLeXAHA!!! exten => in_fax,3,system(tiff2ps -2eaz -w 8.5 -h 11 ${FAXFILE} | ps2pdf - ${FAXFILE}.pdf)
07:56.03brookshireand there are some softphones and hardphones that also talk iax
07:56.04dan__thaha, DiGiTaLeX.
07:56.06brookshirebut they are few
07:56.08dan__tAh, alright.
07:56.28dan__tSo would it be unheard of to find a provider that supports an IAX endpoint, to which my Asterisk machine can use to make these outbound calls?
07:56.37DiGiTaLeXhmmm how can I add the timestamp to the fax?
07:56.39brookshirenot really
07:56.44dan__tThus creating a VoIP call
07:57.02brookshirethere is a few...,
07:57.20dan__tI was on, but I was looking for a company that someone had first-hand experience with.
08:00.27dan__tI bet this has been asked a million times, but what about integrating Vonage's services with Asterisk's functionality.
08:01.14dan__tMaking calls out of Asterisk using Vonage's SIP
08:03.42opus__dan__t I've been trying to figure it out from that wiki pages for ages, no luck
08:03.51dan__tfigure what out?
08:04.18brookshireyou can do it, but why use vonage
08:04.26dan__tbecause I already had a softphone
08:04.28dan__twith them.
08:04.28opus__vonage ?? hello
08:04.46opus__brookshire because they understand what the acronym SLA stands for
08:04.56dan__tvonage, sorry.  I asked because I've aksed about 10 other subjects since I've been here.
08:05.15opus__sorry i'm cranky
08:05.19opus__maybe i should go to taco bell
08:05.35dan__tNo worries.
08:06.11dan__tWell, that's bad-ass to see people create whole companies out of this stuff.
08:06.14dan__tVery cool indeed.
08:08.01dan__tIs there a page on the wiki that explains terms used in configuration files, and within asterisk as a whole?
08:09.41brookshirenot really
08:09.46brookshirethere is one in the works on
08:09.59dan__texcellent, thank you.
08:10.12protienexten => _6.,1,Dial,(IAX2/${EXTEN:1}
08:10.20protienis that correct iaxtel context
08:10.27brookshireoh lord.. an iaxtel question
08:10.38protienwhats the problem
08:10.49dan__twhat's wrong with
08:10.53brookshireit's probably iaxtel
08:11.01coppiceI think gdb should be available as a permanent wrapper for all programs. So many program give trouble until they are run under GDB. then they work perfectly :-)
08:11.17brookshiremaybe russell and kevin got it fixed
08:12.23opus__16x dvd media kicks ass
08:12.40brookshireis that w ?
08:12.48brookshireor r?
08:13.00opus__$35 for 100 though
08:13.02brookshire16x w would be awesome
08:13.20opus__dual layer mini-cd would be awesome
08:13.42brookshiresince my ipod.. i stopped burning cds :/
08:14.24*** join/#asterisk fuzy (
08:14.51opus__i can't figure out what DVD_RAM is
08:15.23brookshireDVD_RW i'm sure
08:15.30opus__but its RAM ! :)
08:15.38brookshireR is ROM
08:15.42brookshireRW is RAM
08:15.45coppiceDVD RAM is a Matsushita thing
08:15.57opus__can I move my swap file to it ? :)
08:16.23dan__tswap on optical media makes baby jesus cry :(
08:16.47coppiceI think DVD RAM has a lifetime
08:16.50syleis it possible to switch accountcodes? i have a call come in iax that is one accountcode, but i bridge to another iax connection but never uses that accountcode
08:17.28brookshiresyle: i don't understand your question
08:17.34coppicei wonder if anyone still makes magneto-optic disks
08:17.44brookshirei'm sure they do
08:17.48opus__syle you can set the variable inside the extension logic to whatever you want
08:17.54brookshirei bought floppies the other day, eheh
08:18.09opus__i only need floppies when i'm installing RAID drivers:)
08:18.15brookshirei needed them to boot linux!
08:18.17brookshireon a server
08:18.23brookshireunderneith 12 others
08:18.25opus__486 server?
08:18.28brookshirewith a broke cdrom
08:18.29coppiceor update bioses
08:18.32brookshireno.. pIII
08:18.53*** join/#asterisk mkl1525 (n=daniel@
08:20.52syleopus__: does that work when bridging calls? i mean i already have accountcode set in iax.conf for the outgoing iax connection, right now uses the incomming iax connection accountcode
08:22.07mkl1525Hi, trying to install this setup: SIP-Phone - * - HFC ISDN card - ISDN pbx, so I think I need the card configured in TE mode (correct?), but using modprobe zaphfc always but the card in NT-mode - is there a module parameter to set the TE-Mode?
08:32.14opus__<syle> opus__: does that work when bridging calls? i mean i already have accountcode set in iax.conf for the outgoing iax connection, right now uses the incomming
08:32.16opus__+iax connection accountcode
08:32.18opus__I am not sure...
08:46.59*** join/#asterisk advorak (
08:47.31adhowdy everybody
08:47.47dan__thow goes it
08:47.54adpretty good and yourself?
08:48.05dan__tah not bad, trying to hack together an RPM for asterisk under centos 4.0
08:48.20dan__tand I'm about to get pissed off, make a burrito, and have a smoke.
08:48.30adjust going a little nuts figuring out why my configuration apparently likes MacOSX but apparently doesn't like Linux ... hehe
08:48.43adprobably something I'm doing wrong ..
08:48.51adit IS the example config after all!
08:49.01dan__tfor the love of god, no one's made an rpm of asterisk for centos/rhel?
08:49.07dan__twhat's it saying?
08:49.18dan__tI'm totally new to Asterisk, but I'm good at debugging damn near anything.
08:49.30brookshirei'm sure asterisk@home has a rpm
08:49.36dan__tf that.
08:49.45dan__tthat's what I did the first time, I didn't learn a damn thing.
08:49.58adWell .. now keeping in mind I am using broadvoice ... but the same configuration on my mac lets me accept incoming calls and process them accordingly ... but the same configuration on my linux box ... eh I get a busy signal when dialing my phone number ..
08:50.17dan__tI'm not familiar with Broadvoice.
08:50.18adalthough ... I suppose I am using CVS ..
08:50.20dan__tIs it a VoIP service?
08:50.29adand not the 1.2 I have on my mac ... hmm ..
08:50.33adI should try out 1.2
08:50.34dan__tIs it something that you have to "register" the PBX with?
08:50.37adit's SIP ..
08:50.40adyes correct ..
08:50.42brookshirecvs is 1.2
08:50.47dan__tPerhaps you're "registered" twice from two different locations
08:50.51dan__twhich mucks up the service.
08:50.58adok well dye my hair blonde for me ..
08:51.44adwell I suppose that's a possibility .. I will explore that possibility again -- although immediately after linux faulting, I stop it and start the mac asterisk .. and it works again ..
08:51.56dan__tI see.
08:52.05protienon a reload
08:52.07protienafter loading
08:52.15protienit hangs for a long time before it parses the last conf
08:52.18dan__tIs there a firewall rule in place that keeps the Linux machine from "registering" with Broadvoice?
08:52.18protienis this regular?
08:52.57addan__t, the only difference between the mac and my linux box is each has its own ip address :-)
08:53.11adI'm going to try using stock asterisk as I have on my mac and see what that does ..
08:53.13dan__tdoes Broadvoice limit "registration" per IP?
08:54.00dan__tI'm just throwin' down ideas.
08:54.04dan__tNow on to that burrito... brb
08:54.40*** join/#asterisk mkl1525 (n=daniel@
08:54.51brookshiread: is it registering?
08:55.18brookshirei almost want to say it's a problem with your dialplan
08:55.56protienexten => 86,3,Playback(import/shame)
08:56.06protienwhats wrong with this?
08:56.13protienim trying to play a file called shame.gsm from inside the import directory
08:56.16adbrookshire, sip show registry indicates it's registered when I run it on both linux and macosx
08:57.33adI'm testing compiling the 1.2beta1 version that I'm running on mac ..
08:57.41adwe'll see how that goes :-)
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09:02.03opus__man backing up with dvds.. omg this is fucking so much better now
09:02.22opus__i got about 300gigs of data... been 97% on my space for months
09:02.28opus__finally clearing up stuff!
09:02.50opus__then, i'm going to re-install yay
09:03.12coppice300G? with that much porn you'll go blind
09:03.22opus__mostly vmwares..
09:05.07opus__and movies
09:05.24opus__i hope DVD+R work on my 5+ year sony dvd player now..
09:06.59coppicedid DVD+R exist 5 years ago?
09:07.42*** join/#asterisk Tili (
09:07.43opus__i don't think so
09:07.52Tilihow many simultaneous calls chan_iax2 can handle?
09:08.04Tiliit runs in one thread right?
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09:08.43opus__Tili, some parts of asterisk do..
09:08.50opus__Tili IAX doesn't for sure
09:09.00coppice"Their lives are bound into a single thread" sounds like the plot of Swan Lake :-)
09:09.12Tilichan_iax2.c runs in one thread
09:09.27opus__yes, but who run it doesn't.
09:09.43Tiliopus__ : sorry?
09:10.12brookshirei think zoa pushed 10,000 calls through one box once..
09:10.17brookshirei don't know if that is accurate
09:11.46Tilibrookshire: if that is the case, its good, but i doubt it myself.
09:12.49Tiliit would have been nice if authentication and other call stuff is done in separate thread (thread pool wud be good) so that other calls dont get in queue
09:17.17opus__Tili sorry?
09:19.11Tiliopus__: I didnt understand when u said "who run it doesn't"
09:20.14Tilibrrokshire: thanks
09:20.31dan__tSo... what is a "context" again?
09:20.39dan__tin regards to *
09:21.10opus__Yes, but what runs chan_iax does it is multithreaded.
09:21.10brookshireit's like a group, sorta
09:21.15brookshireit's marked with [ ]
09:21.46dan__ti'm reading the handbook here.
09:21.49dan__tit's not half bad.
09:22.01brookshireit's not
09:24.15jboti guess handbook is
09:31.59jboti guess ivr is Interactive Voice Response
09:32.37jbothmm... dvda is the name plastered on the t-shirts of groupies on South Park. It stands for Double Vaginal, Double Anal, a pr0n term. The South Park writers were having a little private joke., or dvd-audio, designed to work on most standalone dvd players, check
09:33.16jbothmm... voip is Voice over IP
09:33.34jbotextra, extra, read all about it, tilde is the thing usually to the left of the one key, or to represent home directory, or next to the enter key on sensible keyboards, or above hash, or probably located in different places on international keyboards but only UK keyboards matter, or the prefix to get ibot/jbot to listen to you
09:35.01DiGiTaLeXhah. you dont know what THAT is :P
09:35.23*** join/#asterisk tootai (
09:35.39tootaiMorning all
09:35.46tootaiJust download the CVS: the pattern matching like _48[1-478]X. is not working (tested in Local) channel: always have a autofallthrough - status UNKNOWN Removing brackets like _481X. _482X. aso is working Someone aware about this?
09:35.57*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
09:37.12DiGiTaLeXCVS I thought was a version which is not released but is being changed all the time
09:37.18DiGiTaLeXso odds are the code is unfinished
09:37.42tootaiOk, but on a august CVS on another server it's ok
09:38.13tootaiSo my question is: someone faces the same problem?
09:39.00DiGiTaLeXwhy dont you just download the asterisk @ home, burn it to cd and install that?
09:39.04DiGiTaLeXIts much easier!
09:39.51dan__tWell, that handbook is kinda cool.
09:39.56jboti heard asterisk@home is, or
09:39.56dan__tExcept it just stops.  Like right there.
09:40.08tootaiIt's for production, not for personal use
09:40.12advorakblootbot!!! :-D
09:40.13DiGiTaLeXhandbook for what?
09:40.16dan__tfor *
09:40.22dan__tIt's alright, I learned a bit.
09:40.30advorakit's been so long since I've seen a blootbot :-)
09:40.40DiGiTaLeXI love my 1.5mbit adsl
09:41.08dan__tSo with the plethora of config files in /etc/asterisk, how do I know which ones are being read, when, and by what?  I would imagine that the config files would be parsed depending on which loaded module was associated with them, yes?
09:42.01coppicewell, chances are SIP reads sip.conf :-)
09:42.13dan__tSure, but who/what tells SIP to load, when?
09:42.26dan__tor is it just assumed that * has SIP functionality built in, w/o a module?
09:42.27coppicestarting * tells SIP to load
09:42.39dan__twhat if I don't want sip.
09:42.41*** part/#asterisk advorak (
09:42.56coppiceAh. the confusing part. :-) * loads all the modules it can find at startup
09:43.00af_I am wondering if there is something I could place on a web page that acts like a simple phone.
09:43.03*** join/#asterisk advorak (
09:43.12dan__tDoes it use any wildcards as to how to find the modules
09:43.16dan__tlike it looks for lib_* or some such
09:43.22dan__tas any normal program would :(
09:43.46dan__tapp_*, codec_*, res_*
09:43.47coppiceit looks in the modules directory assigned at compile time
09:43.52dan__tClose enough I suppose.
09:44.13dan__tBut there's no config file where you can "switch" which module is "on" or "off", or loaded or not loaded at startup?
09:44.43coppicethere is, but you don't generally need to do that.
09:45.09dan__tI'm just trying to get an idea what procedures and files and modules and yada yada is actually *relevant* to me setting up a simple working * device
09:45.21dan__tand seeing 1.4 billion config files makes me wonder
09:46.12dan__tKnow what I mean? ;)
09:50.57dan__tSo I signed up for nufone
09:50.59dan__tjust to give this a try.
09:51.03dan__tCouldn't hurt, huh
09:51.34*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
09:58.41*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
10:01.24brookshirehey splaspood!
10:02.41brookshirewhat's happening?
10:03.01*** join/#asterisk Pr0ph37 (
10:03.17SplasPoodnothing..  I was sleeping until I woke up with a bad stomach ache...   I'd guess it was my appendix cept I don't have one anymore
10:04.11coppiceSplasPood: don't trust doctors. they might have charged without removing it :-)
10:04.13*** join/#asterisk Grubs (
10:04.48SplasPoodcoppice: heh.. I was there for a week..  trust me.. they did something! :P
10:04.51coppiceif they say they removed a leg you can usually be sure you got what you paid for
10:05.18SplasPoodits been a bunch of years, maybe it grew back ;)
10:05.32brookshirehey, it happens
10:05.52coppiceI was 10 minutes away from an unnecessary appendix removal once
10:06.36SplasPoodmine was def fucked
10:06.59coppiceeven had a pre-med jab
10:07.25SplasPoodI ran like a 104 temp for two days afterwards cause it was already perforated by the time they got in there
10:07.27coppiceand since that was 20 years ago, i'm fairly sure it was really unnecessary
10:08.28DiGiTaLeXCan anyone here receive faxes with asterisk?
10:08.49brookshirefaxing is definately a sensitive subject with asterisk :)
10:09.01coppiceyou will need to be a lot more speciic to get a sensible answer to that
10:09.33DiGiTaLeXCan anyone here receive faxes with asterisk@home on centos as a file, completely without errors?
10:09.53coppiceusing app_rx? sure. thousands of people do
10:09.55GrubsQ:   is there a log file for rxfax?  I need to debug why I cant recieve a fax when everything in Asterisk looks fine.
10:10.34coppiceGrubs: add debug to the command, like the help says, and you will get a fairly detailed log on the console
10:10.43mkl1525Hi, I've got an asterisk with a hfc-s isdn card. I'm able to call extern numbers from my sip phones but I'm unable to get calls. I think this is because I haven't set my msn but I don't know where to set it /etc/zaptel.conf, /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf or somewhere else?
10:10.56*** part/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
10:10.58Grubscoppice - thanks for the lead
10:13.21*** join/#asterisk nesys (n=nesys@2001:1418:1a6:0:20d:93ff:fe28:3ef8)
10:13.21mkl1525and there is no log entry in asterisk -vvv -c when a extern call is incoming
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10:24.25Grubsexten => s,3,rxfax(${FAXFILE}|debug)   - but no log file to be found and no extra info on the console
10:26.58*** part/#asterisk Pr0ph37 (
10:27.51DiGiTaLeXbbl going to get a sunday from maccas
10:29.19DiGiTaLeXI'm so happy! CallerID is actually working through my tdm400p card!
10:29.33coppiceyou can buy days of the week? that's handy when schedules are tight
10:30.58dan__tah ha, almost kinda got it working...
10:31.36dan__tI think I need a SIP softphone that doesn't suck?
10:31.46*** join/#asterisk zoa (
10:31.51dan__twait no sorry.
10:31.55dan__ti just don't know how to use it.
10:32.13bonu suck then
10:32.40dan__tSo how many different kinds of "SIP" are there?
10:33.57zoahey ho
10:34.10coppicesip   Audio pronunciation of "sip" ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (sp)
10:34.11coppicev. sipped, sip·ping, sips
10:34.13coppicev. tr.
10:34.19coppicev. intr.
10:34.27coppice[Middle English sippen. See seu-2 in Indo-European Roots.]sipper n.
10:34.45dan__t"Calls through SIP Proxy" is what I think I want.
10:35.51coppiceif they finally standardise RTP trunking, will SIP offer GUZZLE as a service?
10:36.45dan__tOct  8 04:36:33 NOTICE[16278]: pbx.c:1331 pbx_extension_helper: Cannot find extension context 'from-sip'
10:37.03bonfix extensions.conf ;)
10:37.10dan__tyeah just got that.
10:38.57dan__tok,g etting closer
10:39.35brookshirezoa: where is a picture of that cluster again?
10:39.53zoalets see
10:41.11bonwhat does it run? :)
10:41.12brookshirethat's so hot, lol
10:41.27dan__twtf are those
10:41.50bonasterisk machines :)
10:41.53dan__tWow now I feel good about my desk.
10:42.15zoawe expanded it a little more after taking that picture
10:42.23brookshireyou need new pics
10:42.32dan__tHow about a road map as to which elements of which parts of asterisk tie in with eachother
10:42.42dan__tI'm having a difficult time following setup as a "whole"
10:42.46zoaits now 3 such 'towers'
10:42.56brookshiredan__t: i'll write that down
10:43.14dan__tAre you being sarcastic? :(
10:43.25bonand that motorola phone there :)
10:43.36dan__tI just... the terminology is completely new to me.
10:43.40dan__tAnd I think that's what's doing me w/o lube.
10:44.13coppice3 piles of ITX boxes == about 1 AMD dual core :-)
10:44.20zoaless than that even
10:44.29dan__tand 482 amps
10:44.39zoait uses very little power
10:44.44zoathose are via machines
10:44.52dan__tEPIAs or some such?
10:44.57*** join/#asterisk ^X-works (i=r0x0r@
10:44.59dan__tshit what's my ip
10:45.45zoanemeiah i think
10:45.52zoavery slow machines
10:46.05brookshirei added somemore terms on :)
10:46.13brookshirei need more though :/
10:46.33*** join/#asterisk dwmw2_gone (
10:46.44dan__tyou guys have any idea how cold it is outside
10:46.50dan__tthere's like 4 terms there
10:47.08brookshire15 now :)
10:47.45dan__tLET ME DOUBLE CHECK
10:48.25brookshirehmm.. i need to add TDM
10:48.42dan__tok, how about thi
10:48.58dan__texplanations of which terms can be found in which config files
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10:49.03dan__tor.  wait.
10:49.09dan__tevery config file has a context.
10:49.20brookshireyeah.. i wrote it down
10:49.23brookshirei can't get that up today
10:49.24dan__tthey just reference eachother and inherit the elements inside each context...
10:49.33brookshirebut i'll work on it
10:49.35dan__tcreating one big-ass context
10:49.40dan__toh i get it now i think.
10:51.21dan__tso yea like I said, to keep things simple, how about a list of modules to actually be loaded at start time
10:51.23GrubsCan anyone point me to a doc on rxfax?  I'fe looked at the source package and at  but cant find any info on the debug switch.
10:51.33dan__tso you can enable/disable said functionality, yada yada.
10:51.47coppiceGrubs: try the on-line help
10:52.18Grubswhich on-line help would that be?
10:52.39dan__tman.  this is pretty bad-ass.
10:52.40coppicethe on-line help for app-rxfax. don't you realise * apps have help?
10:53.15Grubsno- I just cant find any online source with info
10:54.22GrubsIve searched google and the voip wiki for info on rxfax and spandsp and so far am coming up rather blank
10:54.27brookshireahh.. so you want me to explain what each module does?
10:54.47dan__tI think I'd be able to tell by the name
10:54.54dan__tgoogle and friends, and you guys of course
10:55.07coppiceGrubs: try looking in Cosmopolitan. that probably won't help either
10:55.08dan__tbut I ask myself, are all the modules loaded upon startup, and if so, which ones are not needed
10:55.34coppiceGrubs: you could try the help in * itself. that might be a good place to look
10:55.58dan__tWhat I'm trying to say again is, I'm lost in the plethora of config files, honestly.
10:56.30dan__tI don't know which ones are relevant to a basic setup, the most basic that I can think of.
10:56.31coppicedan__t: try a simple rule - if you don't want it, ignore it.
10:56.54dan__tjust kinda mix-and-match?
10:56.58GrubsIm using Debian stable with spandsp installed via the Debian package  asterisk-app-fax  but there is sweet fuck all info about how to debug rxfax itself and nothing on what rxfax(filename|debug) actually does.
10:57.18dan__they, there's always strace
10:57.33dan__tgdb, if you're ballsy.
10:57.42Dr_Rayit won't kill you to run the all the modules
10:57.43Grubsas it stands now asterisk shows no errors in the CLI  but no TIF files are ever created.
10:57.49coppiceGrubs: if you don't like it, then fuck off
10:58.30GrubsDont get me wrong...  I love it.   Just frustrated by the fact that the debug switch does exist but appears to be undocumented.
10:58.56coppiceGrubs: the debug switch is documented in the on-line help
10:59.54GrubsI really do appreciate the help you're giving me... I just cant find the on-line help you are refering to.  To me on-line means a web page ... perhaps you mean inside asterisk?
10:59.59Grubslooking again
11:00.42coppice"  RxFAX(filename[|caller][|debug]): Receives a FAX from the channel into the\n"
11:00.43coppice"given filename. If the file exists it will be overwritten. The file\n"
11:00.45coppice"should be in TIFF/F format.\n"
11:00.48coppice"The \"caller\" option makes the application behave as a calling machine,\n"
11:00.49coppice"rather than the answering machine. The default behaviour is to behave as\n"
11:00.51coppice"an answering machine.\n"
11:00.52coppice"Uses LOCALSTATIONID to identify itself to the remote end.\n"
11:00.54coppice"     LOCALHEADERINFO to generate a header line on each page.\n"
11:00.55coppice"Sets REMOTESTATIONID to the sender CSID.\n"
11:00.57coppice"     FAXPAGES to the number of pages received.\n"
11:00.58coppice"     FAXBITRATE to the transmition rate.\n"
11:01.00coppice"     FAXRESOLUTION to the resolution.\n"
11:01.02coppice"Returns -1 when the user hangs up.\n"
11:01.03coppice"Returns 0 otherwise.\n";
11:01.09Grubspbx*CLI> help rxfax
11:01.09GrubsNo such command 'rxfax'.
11:01.21dan__thelp asterisk-rxfax?
11:01.21Grubsthanks coppice
11:01.33dan__talright, it's way past my bedtime.
11:01.41dan__ti need to get up in a few hrs and find snow tires :(
11:01.50sylewhere do you live
11:01.56dan__tFuckall, Colorado.
11:02.04dan__ti *HATE* snow.
11:02.05bonfuckall :))
11:02.12brookshirei love colorado though
11:02.13Dr_Rayfuckall is the secret word
11:02.13syleyou have snow?
11:02.15brookshirewish i lived there
11:02.16bonlol does a place like that really exist?
11:02.24dan__tI moved to Littleton from Phoenix.
11:02.36dan__tIt's only like a goddam 100 degree climate change.
11:02.36Dr_Raydan - for the schools?
11:02.36brookshirethat's quite a climate difference
11:02.39dan__tno, for work.
11:02.41dan__tI was relocated.
11:02.44sylei can;t imagine it ever snows in phoenix
11:02.51dan__tit doesn't snow in Phoenix.
11:02.54dan__tbut I'm in Littleton now.
11:03.08dan__tI go back to phx like every 1-2 weekends
11:03.17dan__tall I ever use my truck for up here is going to/from work
11:03.17Grubscoppice.  thankyou seriously... but how did you access that help from a linux command line?  from within the CLI?  or from something eles?
11:03.21Dr_Rayand the whataburger
11:03.33syleyou work for someone?
11:03.34dan__tAnd Costco for frozen burritos.
11:03.38dan__tYeah, I do, actually.
11:03.42Dr_RayI seriously miss whataburger
11:03.46dan__tMe too :(
11:03.51dan__tThey don't have Jack in the Box here :(
11:03.53Dr_Rayhaving left texas
11:04.00dan__twhere in TX?
11:04.19dan__tI really, really hate it here.
11:04.28Dr_RayI will dream that they are building a whataburger in Seattle
11:04.29syledid texas get hit with hurricane
11:04.40dan__tBut I'm making more than I've ever made before, so that's just enough to make me sta.
11:04.41dan__tstay, rather.
11:04.50Dr_Rayor that it used to be a whatabuger and it closed
11:05.03Dr_Raydan, save some and move back
11:05.26dan__tWaiting for this company to take off, my stock to be worth > $0, and a bonus - then im'ma bail.
11:05.28syleland of the stripper
11:05.40dan__ti love those ASU whores
11:05.43dan__thar har har.
11:05.46syleall the girls flying to vegas for the weekend to do their shows hehe
11:06.18Dr_RayI was in Tempe in June 2000, to see Texas play ASU in a baseball regional.  it was f00kin hot, and the native assholes would say "Oh you should come back in august when it gets hot"
11:06.28dan__tYeah we're assholes.
11:06.37*** part/#asterisk lters (
11:06.44dan__tBUt I like what I'm doing at work
11:06.47Dr_Rayno, you've earned the right
11:06.47dan__twe're going to take over the world.
11:07.22dan__tWe will take over the world.
11:08.14sylei feel you dr_ray, i was in phoenix in october and being canadian i was damn boiling, sweating my ass off in shorts and then there is people walking around in suits like heat doesn;t bother them at all files, you can format them and tehy will call a channel.. you can touch them with a date and time in the future and it will execute them then.
11:08.29dan__toh yeha
11:08.32dan__ti was reading about that.
11:09.10Dr_RayI grew up in texas, so heat is not new, I've since migrated to Seattle, but getting off the plane 10pm and having it be 102.. was astounding
11:09.23dan__tYea, good times.
11:09.37dan__tAnd right now as it is, my testicles are lodged inside my chest.
11:09.42dan__tit is *so* cold out right now.
11:09.50Dr_RayMy shoes were sticking to the tar on the road as I walked over the Packard Stadium
11:10.08dan__thaha yeah.
11:10.34syletouch them with a date and time, i don;t think asterisk cares about what you do with touch command on files, sees something in outgoing directory , just processes it
11:10.41Dr_Raythey kicked us out of the ballpark between sessions so I walked over and watched 1 hour of Mission Impossible 2 to get out of the heat
11:10.58Dr_Raysyle, date and time will make it wait
11:11.03Dr_Rayuntil that time
11:11.11dan__tok.  yeah.  sleep, then snow tires.
11:11.16dan__tthat's going to cost a pretty penny.
11:11.21sylei;ll have to try that tommorrow
11:11.23Dr_Raysyle - no, awesome
11:11.48Dr_Raytouch -t YYMMDDHHSS
11:11.53sylewell i;ll setup my wife;s birthday right now
11:12.38syleor even better anniversary dates, damned if i can ever remember those dates
11:12.43*** join/#asterisk svenna (
11:13.31sylei;m trying to think of a practical application for it still dr_ray
11:13.33sylegive me one
11:13.49dan__tok.  i'm leaving now.
11:13.50dan__tfor real.
11:13.54dan__tthanks again for the help, all.
11:13.59Dr_Raywake up call
11:14.10syleahh good one
11:14.15*** join/#asterisk GHCJeff (n=jeff@
11:14.42sylebeats the cron method
11:14.43GHCJeffdoes anyone know how to get asterisk to connect to link2voip using sip?
11:16.16GHCJeffI'm able to "register" register with no problems, but when I go to make a call I get the message "SIP response 404 "Not Found""
11:20.13GrubsAm I correct that to reinstall spandsp (fax abilities) into asterisk you have to recompile asterisk from the source?
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11:29.13Dr_Rayanyone know how to toggle DND on a FXS channel from a call file?
11:30.55GHCJeffGrubs>  I believe that is correct as spandsp needs to be integrated into Asterisk for cleaner fax reception.
11:31.57Grubsthx.  Supposedly my Debian 3.1 Stable has everything in place already ... my problem is it just doesnt work so I'm rapidly approaching a compilation it seems.
11:32.23*** join/#asterisk pooh_ (
11:33.00pooh_Hi, just installed * fresh, but I get no sound at all, debug shows channels are up and echotest is playing
11:33.41pooh_codecs are ok and it seems all other stuff is working, inlcuding the phone, which works with another system
11:33.50pooh_something obvious I am overlooking?
11:34.00Dr_Rayset verbose 10?
11:34.13pooh_set verbose 20 already
11:34.19pooh_all normal
11:34.23pooh_call flow looks normal
11:34.30pooh_just no sound
11:34.45Dr_Raysound on console or sound on softphone/hardphone?
11:35.04pooh_sound on SIpura 841 hardware phone which works fine with other systems
11:35.12pooh_codec used is ulaw on the demo echo test
11:35.27Dr_Raysip show peers?
11:35.51pooh_Phone is registered
11:35.54Dr_Rayand is there a nat/firewall between the phone and the server?
11:36.03pooh_nope, testing on local network
11:36.19Dr_Raytried dialing the milliwatt app?
11:36.33pooh_nope, please advise how to do that
11:36.56Dr_Rayexten => 8663,1,Milliwatt
11:37.04pooh_ok, hold on....
11:37.26*** join/#asterisk flok420 (
11:37.57flok420hi when someone leaves a message either through pstn or through sip, the recording stutters; how can I solve that?
11:38.33Dr_Raywhat kind of hardware is teh PSTN?
11:38.33pooh_Yup, get a tone with milliwatt exten
11:39.02Dr_Raycan you call and record a prompt?
11:39.54flok420dr_ray: zaptel wcfxo
11:40.03Dr_Rayflok - is it sharing an irq?
11:40.32coppiceits good to share. it must be. i have to keep telling my children it is :-)
11:40.38flok420dr_ray: yes; but I also get stuttering when someone calls in using SIP over the internet
11:41.03Dr_Rayrecording to gsm
11:41.23Dr_Raywhich goes through the zaptel hardware?  (I could be wrong)
11:41.23flok420dr_ray: sound out (what the user hears) is fine by the way, without stuttering
11:41.27flok420dr_ray: gsm codec indead
11:41.56Dr_Rayit just can't share an irq
11:42.27flok420dr_ray: ok, and what about the SIP connections? out is fine but in also stutters
11:42.56Dr_Rayflok - I could be wrong, but it might transcode the gsm through the zap device
11:43.37Dr_RayI mean that is what I would try
11:43.39flok420dr_ray: can I switch that off somehow? the pc containing the card should be fast enough (P4 3.2GHz)
11:44.27Dr_Rayyou could try going into voicemail.conf and picking which format to record in
11:44.42Dr_Rayby default it encodes it in three formats I think
11:44.42pooh_Dr_Ray: festival produces sound... weird
11:45.32Dr_Rayso people calling you don't work?
11:46.16queuetueI'm getting a 503 , service unavailable in sip debug (conencting a linksys ATA over Internet device to a firewalled, port-forwarded Asterisk server.) - how do I read the debug log so I know *which* service it is having a problem with?
11:47.04pooh_Dr_Ray: recording not possible, files.gsm stays zero bytes
11:47.24pooh_it feels like I need to hit the sound on switch somewhere, all looks ok
11:47.34Dr_Raythat is odd pooh
11:48.03Dr_Raydo you think you need ztdummy?
11:48.15Dr_RayI mean I don't know
11:50.45pooh_I have the QUADBri card installed AND Fritz ISDN card
11:50.55pooh_should be enough for timing ;-)
11:50.59Dr_Rayok, I know zero about those cards
11:51.10pooh_they are ok, all loaded and reporting ok
11:51.14Dr_Raywait, quadbri is the t1?
11:51.18flok420dr_ray: problem solved
11:51.22pooh_no, Junhanns.NET
11:51.31flok420dr_ray: I used 'totem' for playing the wav-file
11:51.41flok420dr_ray: if I use realplayer, everything sounds fine :-)
11:52.03Dr_Raythere is a winamp gsm codec
11:52.14coppicetotem == wasted hours, at least on FC4
11:52.20pooh_And that codec works just fine in winamp
11:52.24flok420dr_ray: using linux over here so no winamp
11:53.34pooh_ewwww dunno a linux variant by hart ;-)
11:53.54DiGiTaLeXmy linksys pap2 stopped working today (Couldn't dial the extension from another phone) I reset it (factory reset) and not its fine. Strange though...
12:00.11Drukenpooh_: perhaps a stupid firewall and the rtp streams?
12:02.41pooh_Drunken: no all LAN all open
12:03.32pooh_DiGITaLeX: nope, source code
12:06.24Drukenpooh_: is there audio at all? even 1way ?
12:07.05Drukenwoah.... are you using the win32 port of asterisk ?
12:10.06pooh_Drunken: milliwatt works
12:10.21pooh_Drunken: nope, Linux ofcouse ;-)
12:10.39pooh_calling the echo test looks perfect on the cli verbose
12:10.45pooh_but no sound
12:11.08fryfrogare there any user stories about what astrisk can do?
12:11.11pooh_Festival produces sound, that is it
12:11.28pooh_fryfrog, it can do whatever you can programm
12:11.30flok420when someone calls me, the 'musiconhold' is way too loud: it gets all distorted. how can i fix that?
12:11.59fryfrogpooh_: unfortunatly, i'm not a telecoms person and am just trying to read about it :)
12:12.05pooh_flok420: select different class in musiconhold.conf
12:12.27pooh_fryfrog: sure, just kidding, take a look at the features on
12:13.03Drukenflok420: are you using quietmp3?
12:13.11fryfrogpooh_: i'm reading over that and the wiki now, i'd say i get about 75% of it :)
12:13.57flok420druken/pooh_: I tried both 'mp3' and 'custom'
12:14.18Drukenwell, that's not QUIETMP# now is it?
12:14.30flok420I'll give that a try right as we speak
12:14.39flok420no, quietmp3 is also waay too loud and distorted
12:14.56Drukendid you restart or reload?
12:15.29Drukennote: reload doesn't do shit
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12:16.13Drukenyou might have to normalize your mp3's
12:16.22Drukenlook on the wiki on how to do that
12:16.26*** part/#asterisk popvoxdave (
12:16.31flok420druken: the ones included with asterisk are too loud as well by the way
12:16.50*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
12:16.55Drukenwhat type of device are you listening on?
12:17.28flok420druken: tried a sip phone and using my regular phone to dial in
12:17.40flok420druken: the voice telling "callin gextension" and such sounds fine
12:18.50Drukenwhat version?
12:19.15flok420asterisk 1.0.9
12:19.28flok420mpg123 0.59s-mh4
12:20.06Drukenthat looks to be a strange version number for mpg123.....
12:20.23Drukenshould be Version 0.59s-r9
12:20.57flok420hold on: I read somewhere that there are problems with the s-version, will give 0.59r a try now
12:21.44*** part/#asterisk fryfrog (n=fryfrog@gallery/fryfrog)
12:22.58flok420problem solved!
12:23.24Drukenwholly shit...
12:24.19flok420now I only have to decide what on-hold music to use; rammstein? sepultura? or philip glass's music for the movie the hours? :-)
12:24.29Dr_Rayflok - dialtone.mp3
12:25.50flok420dr_ray: where can I get that?
12:25.59Dr_RayI was joking
12:28.50Drukencry baby
12:29.05coppiceMusic on hold should be chosen in a more context dependant manner. E.g. "tired of waiting", "hanging on the telephone", "talk to me"
12:29.49Drukenyou want a more upbeat music if your having people hold for 30 mins....
12:30.55Dr_RayI love waiting on hold with XO, they try to sell me new services, when I am calling to complain about the current services I get from them sucking.
12:31.07eGnarFMelt Banana is perfect on-hold music.  But only if you put a telemarketer on hold =)
12:31.28coppicewe used to use this really annoying music from a CD of open copyright stuff, made for the purpose. it was a sort of musically equivalent of an optical illusion. It seems to be going somewhere and never got there.
12:31.45eGnarFcoppice: You don't happen to remember the name?
12:32.13Drukencoppice: you mean, there was a reason it was open copyright?
12:32.25coppiceno, but if I search I might still have an a-law file of it
12:33.04coppicethere are CDs of stuff sold on the basis they can be freely used for background music, music on hold etc. without performance payments
12:33.29Dr_Raya-law, damn eurotrash
12:33.58coppiceactually it should be u-law come to think of it
12:34.00brookshiresomeone needs to start an asterisk music on hold network, lol
12:34.12coppicedamn US trash
12:34.24Dr_RayUS trash is redundant
12:34.53coppiceSomeone should start a "radio music on hold" station
12:35.15brookshireyeah.. what i ment.. i'm tired :/
12:35.51coppicemusic to get pissed off by
12:36.19flok420winsongs95: music to compute by!
12:36.19Dr_Raymp3 of a suicide hotline call
12:37.09coppice"Is that the suicide hotline? Can you tell me exactly how much arsenic I need to take?"
12:37.24brookshireor just a recording of someone prettending to answer the call every 5 mins...
12:38.13brookshire"HELLO"... "mmmhmm".. "OH Did you think I was real?"
12:38.41Dr_Rayor a recording of phone techs laughing and joking, then one of them going, oops, my phone was unmuted, then send them back to the music que
12:42.53coppice"100 mugs, queued up in the pool"
12:42.56coppice"And if one of those calls should accidentally fall, there'll be"
12:42.58coppice"99 mugs, queued up in the pool"
12:43.13*** join/#asterisk razu_ (
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12:52.26coppicehow deeply fatalistic
12:52.44coppicestill, it simplifies life when no decisions are required
12:58.28*** join/#asterisk mcf3782 (
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13:01.51Drukencoppice: radio music on hold?
13:02.28coppiceyeah. a 24 hour stream of music to be irritated by
13:02.29Drukenyou mean like a shoutcast server for MOH for all asterisk users to use?
13:02.49Drukenmention it to digium :)
13:03.02coppiceyeah. people across the globe can be pissed off in perfect synchronism
13:03.41Drukeni would have to say i get more annoyed over classical music than shitty music...
13:03.53Drukeni mean, do they really think we want to listen to that ?
13:04.05coppicewhy? because it sounds so bad over a phone?
13:05.35mcf3782That's an interesting idea, ignoring the general distaste for MOH.. Has anyone here ever tried to pipe a shoutcast stream into their asterisk box for MOH?  Just curious if it's possible from a technical point of view.
13:06.04Drukenmcf3782: yes, i do that
13:07.05pooh_it seems that channels freeze somwhow, and do not get to the point where RTP streaming is going on
13:07.25pooh_sayunix time satys up forever, until I hangup the channel
13:07.42mcf3782Cool. :)  When I get my system up to that point, I may ask you for how.  I'm a long way away from that yet. I still need to get a softphone to be able to have two-way audio with my system first.
13:08.30Drukenmcf3782: welcome to the world of voip :) it'll haunt you in your dreams forever :)
13:08.46mcf3782it's already doing that. :)
13:09.02pooh_it looks like it gets stuck somewhere
13:09.33Drukenmcf3782: the only thing that saves my servers alot of the time, is they are all at least a 20 min drive from me....
13:09.57mmlj4for a small office (say 4 stations), is it advisable to use FXSs and 4-line POTS business phones as opposed to SIP phones? I know it's cheaper, but what are the disadvantages?
13:09.57Drukenby the time i drive 20 mins, i'm not pissed off to the point where i'm going to smash them
13:10.24mcf3782Mine, at the moment, does not have that protection.. it's about 3 feet from me.
13:10.42Drukeni use pots phones.... i prefer them myself
13:10.57mmlj4Druken: why?
13:11.01Drukenthat way if all hell breaks loose, i can plug them into a normal phoneline
13:11.11mmlj4fair enough
13:11.13mcf3782But, so is are the two clients that I'm trying to talk to it with. One Linux box and one Windows box.
13:11.51mcf3782The windoze box doesn't comprehend how close to...kindling.. it's getting I don't think.
13:11.59Drukenmcf3782: make sure ya don't have a firewall on your server
13:12.35*** join/#asterisk Uther_P (n=uther_p@
13:12.43mcf3782nope.. no firewall.. no iptables.. no SELinux... it's network interface is wide open to the internal LAN.
13:13.09Drukenthen i'd check to make sure the rtp ports on your clients are set right
13:15.20Drukenok, time to go out and get some mcdonalds :) i can feel my arteries hardening now...
13:15.44mcf3782just drink lots of water. :)
13:15.58mcf3782I will look at the rtp ports. Thanks, Drunken.
13:16.59DrukenDruken :)
13:17.16Drukennot drunken, it's 20 after 9 in the morning damnit...
13:17.32mcf3782I don't, at first glance, see a place in kphone to set the RTP port range. I'll look closer.  I can hear audio from the Asterisk server with kphone on the Linux box, but the Asterisk server doesn't hear anything from the kphone box.
13:17.55mcf3782oh.. umm.. oops.. Sorry Druken.
13:17.56*** join/#asterisk littleball (
13:20.51queuetueIs faxing out over voip possible?
13:21.06*** join/#asterisk IPmonger (
13:21.08queuetueIt seems that the outgoing works, but hylafax doesn't like it on the other end.
13:21.23RoyKqueuetue: t.38 is the answer
13:21.25queuetue(works fine fine I use a PSTN line...)
13:21.32RoyKbut that's not supported in asterisk
13:21.56queuetueRoyK: So ... the answer is no, you can't foip via asterisk?
13:22.21RoyKexcept if you have very good, low-latency connections
13:22.33RoyKbut there's work being done
13:23.13RoyKthere's some t.38 source there
13:23.25RoyKwith coppice' spandsp
13:23.58queuetueRoyK: Is that a yes, if you are persistent, or a no, not working yet and needs developers?  I'm not sure what your answer is. ;)
13:24.20RoyKit won't work out the box now
13:24.25RoyKor it may work
13:24.31RoyKperhaps with a tweak or two
13:24.51RoyKI started this: months ago
13:30.01pooh_RoyK: I am fighting a new * install, all seems fine, codecs, channels hw etc, but do not get NAY sound from echo-test
13:30.20pooh_all locl LAN stup so no NAT
13:31.07RoyKpooh_: pastebin the config, and i'll take a look
13:31.48pooh_waht config specifically pls?
13:32.33*** part/#asterisk bsd3 (n=bsd@
13:32.53RoyKpooh_: what channel drivers do you use?
13:33.14pooh_It is just the echo-test using a SIP phone
13:33.24pooh_all seems fine, codecs, channels etc
13:33.35pooh_even verbose shows a correct call flow
13:33.49pooh_but.... it seems the channels freezes before any sound gets produced
13:34.10pooh_If I call an exten saying unixtime, it stays up forever until I hangup
13:34.27pooh_it *should* however hangup after telling me the correct time
13:34.56pooh_SIP show channels etc show all normal behaviour
13:35.22RoyKwhat codec?
13:35.25pooh_but channels stay up forever and nothing relly happens. Log files show nothing, verbosity shows normal behaviou
13:35.34pooh_LAN, no NAT
13:35.37RoyKin both ends?
13:35.40RoyKsame codec?
13:35.51RoyKdon't do that
13:35.58RoyKtry that first
13:36.07pooh_did that, will do again
13:36.57pooh_No sound...
13:37.39RoyKpastebin sip.conf and sip debug
13:37.43RoyKi'll take a look
13:37.52RoyKhave tried with different clients as well?
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13:41.09pooh_The phone I use works with all other setups of *
13:41.27pooh_Simply no sound, verbose show correct call flow
13:42.52*** join/#asterisk FABRIZIOxxx (
13:44.23FABRIZIOxxxhello guys .. how do i compile app_intercepc .., thwere is no info neither on and on
13:44.42*** join/#asterisk Uther_P (n=uther_p@
13:51.19mcf3782well. I'm completely stumped. I can't figure out why, using the demo echo test app on my Asterisk box, that I can hear what the Asterisk server sends to the kphone client, but that none of the audio from the kphone client is echoed back.
13:58.53*** join/#asterisk leszq (n=leszq@
13:59.03leszqhi all
14:06.05*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
14:06.57brookshireok enough, lol
14:07.05mog_homehello my name is bruce
14:07.13brookshirebruce o'gorman
14:07.31mog_homebruce brookshire and bruce robenison
14:08.10brookshireBRUCE BROOKSHIRE
14:08.36brookshirei wish my mom had named me bruce now :(
14:09.14brookshireor bubba
14:10.15*** part/#asterisk tootai (
14:19.07*** join/#asterisk urkle (
14:19.09*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@
14:19.55frenzycan someone help me create a 'trace file' with ethereal
14:20.37urkleis there a way to set the max outgoing expiry for a SIP registration? (1.2.0beta1)
14:21.10urklemy broadvoice SIP connection keeps getting a registtration expiry of ~3000 seconds all the time and ends up being lost
14:23.10urklequalify is set to 2000
14:23.26brimstonehave you tried changing that?
14:23.45urkle2000 ms? (ie 2 seconds)
14:24.02urkleas opposed to the registration of 3000 seconds (ie 40 minutes)
14:24.19brimstonei dunno, sounds good
14:24.28frenzyI normally set my ata to 300 seconds
14:24.49urklewell my other 2 sip accts.. and FWD reregister at 2 minute intervals
14:25.29urklealso I do have siproxd between asterisk and the world..   and I was *hoping* there would be someway to force asterisk to re-register sooner for a connection
14:27.58*** join/#asterisk pooh_ (
14:30.48urklefrenzy: well if I could figure out how to tell broadvoice to change the registration time it's giving, i would..
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14:35.18Simon-it's in sip.conf
14:35.26Simon-although I don't know if you can set a maximum :/
14:38.44urkleI can set a default
14:38.57urkleand a max for incoming registrations
14:39.00urklebut not for outgoing
14:40.21urkleI've been poking the siproxd forums.. and the developer is not back developing again so I'm hoping he can ceate a fix so siproxd won't lose the long registration.. as it seems I can't force asterisk to limit the registration ATM.
14:48.30*** join/#asterisk oling (
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14:51.34jake1i had the worst time getting in here
14:51.55jake1can anyone help me setup and configure asterisk, as i am new to this and i am not sure how to use it
14:52.09jake1i have it installed, and i dnt know what to do after
14:52.17jake1such as .conf files to edit
14:52.25brookshirehave you found yet?
14:52.35pooh_jake1: too much to ask, visit
14:53.09brookshirethere is also this:
14:53.22Strider_Im making a "substitution" app
14:53.58Strider_but i need to know the context of other extension that is not the one im calling from
14:54.04Strider_its that possible ?
14:54.39Strider_or anyone have any ideas ?
14:54.41mcf3782jake1: The new O'Reilly book on Asterisk is an easy read and has some good examples as well.  You may have to order it online though, as it may not have appeared in your local bookstore yet.
14:55.33jake1i did visit there, and i got a FWD account, and essentially i would like to be able to use a POT to dial into my PBX and make calls from there, but problems i am facing are #1 how do i get a phone number to my pbx, #2 how do i set up asterisk to use that number and allow me to do the following, voice conferencing, dial from a POT and use Asterisk to spoof CPN, and voicemail.
15:01.46*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
15:05.45RoyKpooh_: ping
15:06.35mcf3782*grumble*mutter*snarl* kphone *grumble*
15:06.44mcf3782Where's my axe?!
15:07.40mcf3782rubber?!  *bah*
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15:48.21olingis there any way to receive incoming SIP calls behind NAT
15:49.40fileforward port 5060 UDP, set externip and localnet, and forward your RTP ports (10000-20000)
15:49.51filealthough you may not have to forward the RTP ports for sure
15:50.22*** join/#asterisk SkramX (
15:51.16SkramXHello, everyone.
15:58.33*** join/#asterisk leszq (n=leszq@
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16:12.44jovuanyone have any idea how to get dtmf tones to work correctly with a cisco 7960? currently if i call a remote voicemail system via a pstn line, it doesn`t recognise any of my keypresses..
16:12.49*** join/#asterisk emturan (n=bill@
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16:16.36olingfile: i did it and it does not work
16:20.46fordvoiceI need to add an ext to my asterisk the example is this
16:20.47fordvoiceadd extension 6123,1,Dial,IAX/ into local
16:21.03SkramXfordvoice: okay, whats the problem?
16:21.03fordvoicewhat is the ip address
16:21.12fordvoiceI am needing to add like
16:21.14fordvoiceext 205
16:21.18*** join/#asterisk h4mm3r` (
16:21.25SkramXyou arent making sense, man
16:21.31fordvoiceadd extension 205,1,Dial,IAX/ into local
16:21.48fordvoicebut I dont understand wht the ip address is
16:22.00SkramXso that'll call ext 205 at that ip.
16:22.10SkramXfordvoice: the ip you call in that is
16:22.14fordvoiceso I replace that ip with mine
16:22.34filebrookshire: Matt!
16:22.45fileoling: you need to be more descriptive, did you do a sip debug and see if you're getting packets?
16:23.05SkramXfordvoice: Yes'sir
16:23.15SkramXhaha, sure.
16:23.29SkramXtoo bad everyone's questions were so easy!
16:23.42SkramX*arent so easy
16:24.16*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
16:24.42fordvoiceasterisk1*CLI> add extension 205,1,Dial,IAX/ into local
16:24.42fordvoiceNo existence of 'local' context
16:24.45fordvoicelook at that
16:24.55filefordvoice: you need to learn about the dialplan, it's basic stuff
16:25.09fileand nobody can really tell you how to write your dialplan because everyone's is usually unique
16:25.09SkramXadd it to your main menu or something
16:25.20SkramXprivate message me and i can help you more.
16:28.53olingfile: i receive sip packets, but don't know what it means
16:30.18*** join/#asterisk Corndawg_ (
16:30.44fileoling: I think you just need to learn basic Asterisk SIP configuration stuff
16:31.06olingfile: haha, good hint...
16:31.27jboti heard docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
16:31.28jbotDocumentation can be found at or or or or
16:31.28*** join/#asterisk n0where (
16:31.37olingi read docs
16:31.55olingit says: do that and that and then it should work
16:31.59olingdoesn't work
16:32.19*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
16:32.23olingi can receive calls with IAX
16:32.29*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
16:32.57olingmay i post my config?
16:33.04jbotProbably Never
16:33.06jbotfrom memory, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
16:33.11Qwellhell, that worked too
16:33.34filepaste a sip debug and the sip.conf
16:35.45SkramXwho runs jbot?
16:35.55QwellTim Riker
16:36.01jbotextra, extra, read all about it, timriker is my owner maintainer of BZFlag, member of a ton of open source projects the guy who GPL'd SCO's ABI files, giving every Linux user the right to use them ;-), or ...
16:39.40Inv_arpjovu: fixed that dtmf issue? b/c i just got 5 7940's and I dont want to run  into that issue
16:40.48*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
16:44.39olinghere is my sip.conf
16:44.40oling(pastebin sucks)
16:44.44*** join/#asterisk vexorg (
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16:46.55QwellInv_arp: just gotta make sure you use the same dtmf mode, and you shouldn't have any problems
16:47.04*** join/#asterisk tim_scott (
16:47.10tim_scottHello all.
16:47.26tim_scottHey gambolputty.
16:47.54war_Anyone alive in here?
16:48.07war_Ha. Ironic.
16:48.14war_Hey Skram.
16:48.18Qwellirony?  no
16:48.21Qwellsarcastic?  yes
16:48.31war_No, i'm talking to Skram in another channel. :p
16:48.39QwellI see
16:48.48Qwellstill not ironic :p
16:48.57war_Okay, fine. You win.
16:49.06Qwellcoincidence, perhaps? :P
16:50.12war_Is there anyone here who's brain I can pick for a few moments? I've got some Asterisk troubles.
16:52.35SkramXwell, your not going to get help if you arent around, war_
16:53.23QwellThat may be closer to irony
16:54.20olingfile: i try to understand what this SIP messages mean
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17:09.11pooh_ok, guys, still no sound om my * setup :-(
17:09.23CoaxDpooh: Dont you just suck
17:09.27mog_homehave fun
17:09.41CoaxDpooh: oops. thought I was elsewhere. Dont mind me. *lol*
17:09.46war_Sorry, needed to get clean while there was a chance.
17:09.48CoaxDpooh: Firewall issues?
17:09.53pooh_CoaxD: No, my * setup sucks
17:10.04CoaxDpooh: Yeah, i hearya
17:10.06CoaxDpooh: Been there
17:10.11pooh_CoaxD: No, local setup (LAN)
17:10.29pooh_Everythings is showing normal, ocodecs, dialplan, callflow in verbose and hw
17:10.39CoaxD<ninjaz_> with a name like the seminary, its surprising it took this long for
17:10.39pooh_just no sound e.g. echo-test (playbeack)
17:11.04QwellCoaxD: for what?
17:11.35CoaxDQwell: Sorry. As I was trying to grab my wife's crotch, i accidentally hit the right mouse button, and i'm in putty/win32 :/
17:11.48Qwellwell, don't leave us hanging :p
17:12.18CoaxDQwell: hang on. lemme see if i can find the rest of what ninjaz said
17:12.34CoaxD<ninjaz_> with a name like the seminary, its surprising it took this long for
17:12.34CoaxD+them to admit it was gay-oriented, though.
17:12.49CoaxDi'm sure, given that it was ninjaz, he was being a dork
17:12.49QwellI see
17:13.06CoaxDqwell: AQnd for the record, I *was* successful in grabbing my wife's crotch.
17:13.14CoaxDQwell: There. now you're not hanging anymore, on either accord
17:13.52CoaxDQwell: I forget. are you married?
17:13.56QwellI am
17:14.26CoaxDQwell: Ahh. so you might WELL understand the concept of sitting next to your wife on a laptop while she reads a book, and reaching over to grab her crotch and get a nice response.
17:14.45Qwellnah, I'm married. :p
17:15.01CoaxDQwell: Doh
17:15.24*** join/#asterisk queuetue (
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17:17.39Tilioling: still having problems
17:18.39olingtili: there would be an easy solution to my problems: i need a IAX provider that provides german landline numbers
17:19.05olingno idea whats the problem with SIP and my asterisk setup.
17:20.09Strider_Im making a "substitution" app
17:20.12Strider_but i need to know the context of other extension that is not the one im calling from
17:20.15Strider_its that possible ?
17:20.19Strider_or anyone have any ideas ?
17:20.44*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
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17:26.36JerJerStrider_:  re-think your design
17:27.51Strider_JerJer, i have
17:28.04JerJerdo it again
17:28.08Strider_JerJer, but i cant find another way to do that
17:28.38JerJerdo what?
17:28.52justinuanyone have a copy of the sipura provisioning guide?
17:29.00Strider_Ex. i have 2 extension
17:29.08Strider_extension 1 and extension 2
17:29.29Strider_extension 1 is in floor 1, and extension 2 is in floor 3
17:29.31justinuyou can't get it without a login to their partner site.
17:29.35justinuwhich I don't have
17:29.43justinuwhich is why i'm asking if anyone here has a copy
17:30.12Strider_extension 1 is in intenal-calls-only context
17:30.28Strider_and extension 2 is on long-distance context
17:30.40JerJeruse a landing context yo
17:30.47Strider_if i am on floor 1
17:30.47JerJerinclude => long_distance
17:30.52JerJerinclude = > local
17:30.59JerJerinclude => stations
17:31.09JerJerinclude = > local
17:31.12Strider_and i want to dial a call from extension 1 being the call billed to extension 2
17:31.15JerJerinclude => stations
17:31.23Strider_i can login with Disa
17:31.27JerJerStrider_:  then use account codes
17:31.29Qwellhow would one setup a bat phone with *?
17:32.07Strider_yeah, but extension 1 doesnt have access to the long-distnce-context so its not posible to make the call
17:32.35JerJerlanding context
17:32.39Strider_its kinda "login to my extension"
17:33.10Strider_from another extension
17:33.32*** join/#asterisk Snake-Eyes (n=blog@
17:34.26InfraRedwhat's the E1 card of choice these days for asterisk (UK)
17:34.55tzangerQwell: imediate
17:35.14Qwelltzanger: ahh
17:35.15tzangerin fact I'm sure it mentions "batphone" in the zapata.conf example :-)
17:35.20Qwellyeah, probably
17:36.32Strider_JerJer, i dont understand about landing context and account codes
17:36.34*** join/#asterisk Romik (
17:36.59Strider_JerJer, what you mean with that ?
17:41.21jake1932Strider_: you want to bill the person that's called?
17:42.39Strider_i call from extension 1 dialing: *55(myextension in this case 2)
17:42.54Strider_then it ask for my password
17:43.03Strider_i type it, the i get a dialtone
17:43.35frenzyhow do I create a trace file with ethereal ?
17:43.38Strider_also i set the caller id to (2) because i "logged in"
17:43.54justinufrenzy, save as...
17:43.59Strider_and extension 2 has long distance access
17:44.07jake1932Strider_: can't use just use SetCallerID?
17:44.38Strider_but extension 1 doesnt have long distance access
17:44.46justinuso what is it you can't figure out?
17:44.48Strider_lemme copy the littlle here it
17:45.05Strider_how to get the context of extension to to pass it to DISA
17:45.17justinuyou want the original extension?
17:45.40Strider_i want the "logged in" extension context
17:45.59justinuoh, disa will only allow you to use the context of the calling extension?
17:46.17Strider_i know
17:46.25*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
17:46.26Strider_but it gives me the context of extension 1
17:46.35Strider_not the context of logged in extension 2
17:47.07justinufrenzy: yeah
17:47.21justinuyou can save it and read it back in later
17:47.27justinuor send it to someone
17:48.21*** join/#asterisk mithro (
17:49.53jake1932Strider_: maybe you could trap the user before sending it to DISA?
17:50.38Strider_jake1932, ???
17:51.42jake1932sound like you want to validate a logon then dial a number with the logon - right?
17:52.46*** join/#asterisk likwid-- (
17:54.10jake1932maybe Authenticate with SetAccount
17:54.23justinuyeah, he's not using account codes
17:55.03jake1932cause i think no matter what the cdr will show the orig user
17:55.42Strider_jake1932, im not using account codes
17:55.51Strider_but the billing its not the problem
17:56.40jake1932you just need to know who made the ld call - right?
17:57.06jake1932but you don't want it tied to the phone - you want it tied to the user - which needs to be authenticated?
17:59.08justinuhe wants to use the context of the authenticated user for DISA access
17:59.27JerJerwhy context though?
17:59.39justinui guess because that's how he limits access
17:59.49JerJerif you have to use DISA, then only ppl with a pass can get thru
18:00.04*** join/#asterisk tainted_ (
18:00.04justinuhe doesn't want a user who doesn't have LD access to use DISA to be able to go out LD
18:00.41Strider_jake1932, right !
18:00.53Strider_justinu, also right !
18:01.10jake1932so can't use Authenticate?
18:01.25Strider_jake1932, i use authenticate
18:02.06jake1932some auth users can use LD, some can't?
18:02.10Strider_jake1932, what i need is some kind of way to lookup the context of the Auth'ed extension and store it in a variable
18:02.23justinudeja vu
18:02.46Strider_not deja vu, tired of typing ! =P
18:03.10jake1932using context may not be the way
18:03.42jake1932maybe using DBlookup or something like that - but context just doesn't sound correct
18:06.15jake1932pooh_: rtp debug?
18:06.33justinumake sure your phones aren't using STUN
18:06.52pooh_jake1932: how do I debug RTP specifically pls?
18:07.00justinurtp debug
18:07.03justinufrom console
18:07.03*** join/#asterisk barny (
18:07.13Strider_thanks justinu and jake1932
18:07.25jake1932Strider_: good luck with it
18:07.33justinuyeah, let us know your solution :)
18:07.46pooh_on the CLI ' rtp debug'  is an unknown command
18:07.53Strider_jake1932, i decided to make a perl and AGI and parse sip.conf
18:08.00Strider_its kinda easy
18:08.21barnyanyone here got any ideas on streaming an mp3 to rtp, ive been using lame with no luck
18:08.25jake1932Strider_: ok - there's many ways - that sounds workable
18:08.49Strider_jake1932, there are many ways, but that isnt the correct one =)
18:09.00Strider_i mean mine..
18:09.02*** join/#asterisk brookshire (
18:10.22justinustrider, you could modify the app_authenticate.c file to make it set CONTEXT correctly :)
18:10.55pooh_Is it ok when SIP debug shows a SIP session showing Content-Length: 0 ?
18:11.07*** join/#asterisk nesys (
18:11.40justinuthat sounds like a nat keepalive
18:11.56justinumake sure your phones aren't trying to use NAT or STUN
18:12.08pooh_no NAT involved, the setup is on LAN
18:12.10Strider_justinu, i authenticate with a macro and my own AGI perl
18:12.13justinui know
18:12.19justinustrider: ah, i see
18:12.32pooh_Strider: Authenticate against what?
18:12.34justinupooh: so make sure your phones don't think they need to act as if they were behind NAT
18:13.09pooh_justinu: The phone is workign with other setups, just changing the Server IP and username/pass
18:13.28justinuyeah, but are those setups outside your NATed lan?
18:13.36pooh_all on LAN
18:13.51justinucan you dial the asterisk demo extension?
18:13.54pooh_It is really weird
18:14.35justinustrider, seen this?
18:14.41pooh_yes I can dial everything, call flow on the CLI shows everything ok, just no sound, e.g. echotest shows running(channel) just no sound. All codecs ok, using alaw
18:14.48Strider_justinu, yeah
18:15.16justinupooh: run tcpdump, write the output to a file
18:15.18justinumake calls
18:15.23justinustop tcpdump
18:15.24pooh_funny thing is, when I dial sayunixtime, the channels stays up forever with no sond
18:15.32justinuload file into etherreal
18:15.39justinulook at INVITE and 200OK SDP
18:15.46Strider_justinu, sometimes it fails horribly
18:15.50justinuverify that RTP is getting sent on correct ports.
18:15.58Strider_and i dont want such an unreliable system
18:16.03justinustrider: ic
18:16.14Strider_getting to reload every time it fails
18:16.33Strider_so finally i got tired of LDAPget
18:18.18*** join/#asterisk oling (
18:18.46pooh_LOOKING AT THE TCPDUMP, i DO NOT SEE invite
18:18.50pooh_oops sorry
18:18.59justinuyou running tcpdump on the * box?
18:19.23justinutcpdump crap at decoding packets
18:19.34justinuload the pcap file up into ethereal to see what's really going on.
18:19.57pooh_yes, tcpdump runs on the * box
18:20.29justinumaybe you can just run etherreal directly on * if you have X
18:20.47pooh_no, no X installed, but I can analyse on my laptop
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18:20.52justinuyeah, do that.
18:21.26twistedhey justinu
18:21.36twistedwhy go through all of that crap when sip debug obviously works
18:21.50iDunnosip debug is gooood.
18:23.13justinuhe can't see the rtp packets tho
18:23.18justinuhe's using 1.0.9
18:23.33twistedwe're not looking for the rtp packets ifyou're looking for the 200 OK
18:23.46twistedand SDP messages simply state where the rtp should be going
18:23.52justinuwell, his problem is signalling is working, but no audio
18:23.58justinuso he needs to see what's up with rtp
18:24.12twistedi'm just going by what you told him to look for :)
18:24.49barnyguys, i want to convert an mp3 file to rtp for MOH, any ideas?
18:25.02twistedbarny, musiconhold?
18:25.13twistedit plays mp3 files with an adequate player on the system....
18:25.29*** join/#asterisk cio (
18:25.30barnyi know, but i need to stream in 711u to a specific ip address
18:25.40cioGreets.. Just tried to compile cvs, * dies with a coredump.. illegal instruction.. hrm..
18:25.45barnyas opposed down a sip channel
18:25.58twistedbarny, ahh..  i don't think you can do that with asterisk
18:26.36barnytwisted, i tried to use lame with mp3rtp but i dont think i got the 711u params right
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18:27.30twistedg711u is 20ms packet length (sometimes 40ms)
18:28.37barnythis was the line i put in.. mp3rtp -b 8 --bitwidth 8 --resample 8
18:29.37cioShould I make install libpri before zaptel?
18:29.46wunderkincio: no, read the directions
18:30.26wunderkinits on the asterisk website under download
18:30.37cioDirections?  There's directions? :) (if all else fails, read the docs - that's my motto)
18:35.00dan__tgod damnit.
18:36.10dan__tI overslept :(
18:37.38lanceyme too :)
18:38.26advorakme too haha
18:38.33advorakthat's what you get for staying up until 3am ...
18:38.37advorakwell 4 ..
18:41.03FuriousGeorgesomeone should code a channel for network cameras.  their video is mjpeg or mpeg4 and their audio is ulaw.  is doesnt need to "ring".  it would be more of a stream that * could connect to
18:41.39dan__tdamnit dude.
18:41.44dan__tI really needed to run by the bank.
18:41.57*** part/#asterisk b_52GM (
18:42.06FuriousGeorgeplus it would kill two birds with one stone.  ppl w/ network cameras could integrate them into their pbx, and people with asterisk would have a true intercom feature (albeit an expensive video i ncluded solution)
18:42.37mcf3782sounds like a good idea to me.. how long before you have the code ready? ;)
18:46.03harryvvFuriousGeorge I was thinking of the same thing.
18:46.09cioWhat would cause * to immediately: Illegal instruction (core dumped)
18:46.16FuriousGeorgeharryvv: shutup!  were you?
18:46.19cioIs CVS messed up?
18:46.47harryvvim in bc canda
18:46.53harryvvcanada where crime is high
18:46.57harryvvand security is in demand.
18:47.15FuriousGeorgeharryvv: that doesnt translate well into irc.  i was going for the "shutup" that was like "no way", usually followed by a short reaffirming question (were you?)
18:47.23JunK-Yharryvv: crime in high in BC? not in quebec.
18:47.32justinuyeah, i thought bc was paradise
18:47.33harryvvyes Vancouver area of BC.
18:47.51harryvvjustin, yes..geographicly its very very nice.
18:47.59harryvvbut there justice system here is veyr soft.
18:48.05justinuis pot really legal there?
18:48.08harryvvso, criminals take advantage of that.
18:48.10harryvvits not
18:48.11pifiupot is not legal
18:48.14pifiuits just overlooked
18:48.20justinusame thing basically
18:48.31FuriousGeorgeharryvv: well a certain fellow was just telling me the audio part could be done with an rtp proxy
18:48.45harryvvbut anything less then 13 ounces is not enforced...which i think is stupid if thay want to stop the illegal growop problems.
18:49.01harryvvgrow op
18:49.04FuriousGeorge13 freakin ounces
18:49.18harryvvFuriousGeorge mabey its less then that.
18:49.20FuriousGeorgethats a years supply at a gram a day (so i heard)
18:49.25harryvvim pretty sick of it.
18:49.35pifiuof pot?
18:49.40justinu13 ouunces is a lot of pot
18:49.49hardwireso naughty
18:49.51harryvvokay then its probebly less
18:49.54harryvvi dont recall
18:50.00hardwireI thought it ws something I can watch at work.. noope
18:50.14iDunnoit's just over a gramme a day.
18:50.21FuriousGeorgeharryvv: find out and let me know if you need a roomate :)
18:50.43harryvvAnyway, this area had the highest car theft rate in north america but now the law is cracking down on it. We have the bait car program. That helps alot.
18:50.47FuriousGeorgeiDunno: a gram a day is enough weed for one
18:50.50harryvvFuriousGeorge im married.
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18:51.23FuriousGeorgeharryvv: im sure your wife wont mind.  did you guys take our title?  newark nj was the cartheft capital of the world in the 90's
18:51.38harryvvFuriousGeorge we do mind alot.
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18:52.05FuriousGeorgeharryvv: fine, man, be that way
18:53.18FuriousGeorgeharryvv: he also said darwin libraries could be used to do the same with the video
18:53.23harryvvBut anyway, the idea of vidio security and asterisk should go hand in hand. BTW, asterisk does do h323 vidio conferance why not use it as a two wave vidio/audio condo control panel option for the front door.
18:53.58pifiucuz h323 is HORRIBLE
18:54.02FuriousGeorgeno argument from me there
18:54.22GordonFAnybody know if theres an Asterisk@Home channel?
18:54.29FuriousGeorgepifu:  if you have network cameras, viewing them through * is an option, theyre being recorded on a video server
18:54.36harryvvso then say, asterisk for the audio part of the door audio control panel and motion or other for vidio.
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18:54.55pifiui dont get it maybe
18:55.00pifiui have IP cameras here and IP phones
18:55.03FuriousGeorgeaudio should work well cuz its just a tcp ulaw stream
18:55.04pifiu2 things differently from each other
18:55.09pifiulet them be like that is my opinion
18:55.16pifiuunless you are talking something different
18:55.54FuriousGeorgepifiu: lets say you are in a video conference in some large enterprise and you wanna "page" the factory, and some guy in a hardhat walks up to the camera and explains to the room, who can hear and see him, what hes talking about
18:56.06harryvvpifiu what ip cameras?
18:56.10FuriousGeorge(the guy is in the factory you page)
18:56.24pifiui guess that makes some sense
18:56.41pifiubut i dont get it
18:56.45pifiustill different
18:56.56pifiuphone and video dont mix in that situation too well
18:57.07pifiujust call the guy and then have him come up to the camera that has audio
18:57.21FuriousGeorgepifiu: plus, asterisk has no intercom feature.  ive had a job or two where announcements came over our phones, if we werent on'em, from time to time.  an ip cam would have to implement this feature cuz how do you answer it?
18:57.22pifiuanything beyond that just get video phones?
18:57.27pifiuIm using Axis cameras
18:57.45pifiubut i want to add some D-Link ones as I've heard they are good
18:58.21pifiuyeah i get you
18:58.25pifiuand intercom feature would be nice
18:58.44FuriousGeorgepifiu: i guess in that case people could all open their web browser and see and maybe hear the guy, but everyone in the conference is now using two video and voice clients at the same time
18:58.50harryvvpifiu, axis cameras are pricy.
18:59.27FuriousGeorgeim looking at sony snc-df70 cameras (6 for outside) they retail at 1100 dollars a pop
18:59.44FuriousGeorgeyou can getem for 850 with the ceiling mounting bracket
18:59.47harryvvwhy so expensive?
19:00.04pifiuyeah axis are pricey but i think their support is sooo good
19:00.14pifiuin the few problems ive had, i cant stress enough the quality I got
19:00.15FuriousGeorgeharryvv: but its a PTZ camera thats all PoE.  no electrician required, AND its an outdoor dome camera (somewhat vandal resistant)
19:00.24pifiugoodluck with sony support if you ever run into any
19:00.35pifiuNO DOUBT their lenses are awesome
19:00.41pifiuby far extremely good
19:00.43FuriousGeorgepifiu: it was so hard to find just a number to call and get info
19:00.54pifiubut i cant sleep at night knowing i cant get some support if i need it
19:00.59pifiuexactly what i mean
19:01.06pifiusony doesnt CONCENTRATE on cameras
19:01.11pifiuthey do electronics in general
19:01.32pifiuif one company did electronics, retail, support and everything hell they would be un-human
19:01.36FuriousGeorgepifiu: whats up with those cameras, i think theyre called stardot, run on some proprietary cable that does PoE
19:01.45pifiufrom axis?
19:01.51pifiuor the stardocks you mean?
19:02.03pifiuthe axis's i have, have POE already
19:02.05pifiuso easy
19:02.19pifiujust drop a cable and bam set
19:02.23pifiuget a POE switch
19:02.29pifiunone of this video+power cable crap
19:02.39FuriousGeorgeno the company is stardot, its not axis, but whatever.  i couldnt find an outdoor camera from axis that didnt require an electrician.
19:02.45pifiui know them
19:02.47harryvvpifiu, he was refering to poe to run the stepper motors.
19:02.51pifiudidnt like them, but they dont seem bad
19:02.57pifiuoh no way
19:03.09pifiuthe ones i have dont have motors
19:03.14pifiujust normal POE cameras
19:03.36pifiuthe ones that are AMAZING though and not too expensive are the 206M's from axis
19:03.39FuriousGeorgethis company seels cable for their cameras, makes it seem its not just cat5
19:03.41pifiu1 megapixel quality
19:03.58pifiuand if i am thinking of the same site, the website design sucked
19:04.01pifiunot professional IMO
19:04.01FuriousGeorgesells*.  yeah thats what i hear about axis cameras, but how is recording that at say 10 frames a second
19:04.07harryvvFuriousGeorge what cable is that?
19:04.13pifiuwhy do you need 10 fps?
19:04.14FuriousGeorgeill see if i can find them
19:04.17pifiuyou need to understand something
19:04.28pifiu1 frame at high quality is > 10 frames at crappy quality
19:04.48FuriousGeorgepifiu: i just threw that out there, i havent bought any im still picking one.  leaning towards the sony
19:04.49pifiuif i see someone taking something, he will take at least 3 seconds
19:04.51pifiuthats 3 shots
19:04.53harryvvgood idea if you want to get the suspects facial features
19:04.55pifiuof good quality of his face
19:05.02pifiuand his color shirt
19:05.04pifiubody etc
19:05.17pifiu30 frames in those 3 seconds, doesnt do me shit
19:05.26pifiuif all i see is a blurry thing taking 'something'
19:05.34FuriousGeorgewhats the standard?  5?
19:05.38pifiuwho is that 'thing' and what is that 'something' he is taking
19:05.43pifiuyeah around there
19:05.49pifiuit depends the resolution
19:05.56pifiubut i mean seriously even if you do 1 its more than enough!!!
19:06.00pifiu1 frame eveyr second
19:06.04pifiuthats a picture every second
19:06.15harryvvdo the two of you use any open source survaliance software?
19:06.17pifiuunless you're superman, that should capture like 90-95% of motion
19:06.33pifiuno im using hte axis, but im thinking of switching to hmm
19:06.40pifiui forgot the name of the other one
19:06.43pifiuits gold and blue label or
19:06.52pifiumillenium i think its called
19:07.13pifiunaw dont wanna start messing with that and open source and security and not knowing too much seems more of a headache to me
19:07.25pifiuunless i dedicate myself towards security i just want to set it and forget it
19:09.28BrianR___hey folks.
19:09.31harryvvcameras that are sony
19:09.47FuriousGeorge <--  here it is they sell 100 ft of "power/ethernet cable" for $89USD.  either theyre ripping off their customers or its proprietary cable.  i would expect to pay closer to 1/20th of that on newegg
19:09.50BrianR___Can anyone tell me specificly what improved with the asterisk/zaptel echo canceller between 1.0.6 and 1.0.9?
19:09.54FuriousGeorgeyou gotta scroll way down
19:10.10FuriousGeorge1/10th, not 1/20th but still
19:10.15pifiuthey are nice, but damn so much for a camera
19:10.21harryvvI know
19:10.25*** join/#asterisk dan__t (
19:10.28pifiuimagine a small network of cameras is a lot of $
19:10.30dan__tF OFF
19:10.44pifiu+ thats not including the server
19:10.48pifiu+ labor
19:11.03pifiugets expensive you know
19:11.17FuriousGeorgeBrianR___: i can tell you i dont have any echo with 1.0.9
19:11.47FuriousGeorgeBrianR___: make sure you built asterisk w/ mmx support.
19:12.11FuriousGeorgepifu:  cable should be super cheap
19:12.34FuriousGeorgecat5 is .10 cents a foot
19:12.59pifiuyeah i know im saying
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19:13.09pifiuhow about server?
19:13.17*** part/#asterisk barny (
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19:13.35newmemberlooking for adtran experiences with asterisk
19:13.36FuriousGeorge1800  bucks with a dual core amd64 1gb of ram and 4 X 250 GB sata
19:13.44FuriousGeorgetwo screens
19:14.10FuriousGeorgeits a lot, but a regular pc runs 1000
19:14.40FuriousGeorge17" lcd screens
19:14.41dan__tSounds like somebody got RIPPED OFF
19:14.58FuriousGeorgedan__t: thats the price when you add up the parts from new egg
19:15.08FuriousGeorgedan__t: i didnt buy anything yet but feel free to prove me wrong
19:15.48FuriousGeorgemyabe you could use froogle to find me every component for 5 cheaper, but now im ordering from 17 different places and paying extra for shipping
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19:16.02pifiunoooo newegg horrible
19:16.06dan__tyeah they are.
19:16.13pifiuand too cheap
19:16.17FuriousGeorgepifiu: how do you figure
19:16.19pifiuseriously all these companies selling price
19:16.24pifiui want quality dammit lol
19:16.37pifiui rather go to a local store and get a real warranty, none of this shipping here shipping there, etc
19:16.40Qwellnewegg sells the exact same stuff other people sell, for much less
19:16.41FuriousGeorgepifiu: they sell on margine b/c they do a lot of volume.  they have retail and owm parts as well as refurbished
19:16.44pifiuif its bad, bring it in and change it instantly
19:17.01pifiuyeah but you're just a number
19:17.08Qwellnot with newegg
19:17.11pifiumost of the stores in my area treat you well
19:17.15FuriousGeorgepifiu: what warranty, almost anything you buy on newegg comes with a multiyear manufacturers warranty
19:17.17Qwellever called the customer service there?
19:17.29Qwellnewegg customer service is the absolute best
19:17.44pifiuyeah but george if i go to a store here they can just exchange it for me on the spot
19:17.47pifiudont have to wait for shipping
19:17.54FuriousGeorgeQwell: i dont know if youre being sarcastic
19:17.59pifiui dont want my security system down for 7 days while i ship something
19:18.05Qwellno, not at all...newegg customer service is amazing
19:18.09pifiuqwell i hope you are being sarcastic
19:18.14FuriousGeorgeQwell: but if you ever need an rma, they just say "sure" ender in
19:18.21pifiui dont know WHO you deal with normally then
19:18.38pifiualso very ignorant people on the phones too
19:18.41FuriousGeorgepifiu: i dont have to deal with anyone, i do it right from their webpage sometimes
19:18.41pifiujust know how to type in a computer
19:18.53*** part/#asterisk mcf3782 (
19:18.54pifiuw/e up to you
19:19.11pifiudont like that type of business
19:19.23pifiuanything i buy which im spending some good money on i want to see in person and talk to someone there
19:19.31pifiuso i can bitch in their face if something goes wrong
19:19.43pifiuand much more if its a lot of money
19:19.51Qwellwith newegg, there is no need to bitch.  just tell them it doesn't work, you'll get an RMA
19:19.54FuriousGeorgeif i buy something from newegg i know its on its way.  if i buy something from anyone else, ill ask for two day shipping, find out in two days its backordered (because i called to complain) get it in a week, and find out its not exactly as described
19:20.16justinuwhere can you buy IP phones in person?
19:20.24QwellFuriousGeorge: With newegg, if I do rush processing ($2.99), I can do standard ground shipping, and it'll be here the next morning. :)
19:20.25pifiui guess im just happy with my retail stores here
19:20.31pifiuthe guy here close to me sells tehm
19:20.36pifiuhe sells service and phones
19:20.38pifiuor just phones
19:20.44Qwellpifiu: at a huge markup I bet
19:20.45FuriousGeorgeQwell: true, that has happened to me when parts ship from clise
19:20.49pifiuANYTHING i want technology wise lol i can see local
19:20.50pifiuno way
19:21.05pifiuyou do know you kill the economy like that qwell
19:21.05QwellFuriousGeorge: most of their shipping locations are right next to me
19:21.07Qwellwhen I move, I'll only be like 5-10 miles away
19:21.26pifiuwhy give all the money and buying power to one company
19:21.29Qwellpifiu: don't even start with that shit
19:21.30pifiukills everyone else
19:21.33justinui live in the 2nd largest city in the us, and i have no idea where to get sip phones locally
19:21.33pifiuwhy not
19:21.36pifiuyou know its true
19:21.38FuriousGeorgejustinu: i go to a place around here called "IPPhonnarria" they got pasta too
19:21.54QwellWhen I can buy something from a GOOD company...why the hell would I go to some HS dropout locally, and pay 2x the price?
19:22.01FuriousGeorgepifiu: cuz newegg is actually the lesser of all evils
19:22.10Qwellnewegg is like google, heh
19:22.18FuriousGeorgepifiu: if everyone got their shit together, i would spread the wealth
19:22.22pifiuLOL! thats a quote to live by
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19:22.58pifiuyou guys are sort of thinking like the people in a city who vote to have the minimum wage yanked up way higher
19:23.08pifiuwhat that does is kill the small companies, and businesses
19:23.17FuriousGeorgepifiu: there are a couple of other places i trust, its just that newegg has the biggest inventory and best prices
19:23.20Qwellfuck small companies.  if somebody can do it better for cheaper...who cares?
19:23.27pifiuwho are there to compete with the bigger competitors eventually if they are given a chance
19:23.39QwellI don't give a rats ass if some chump locally gets a paycheck.
19:23.40pifiuqwell obiously you are not a business man
19:24.00FuriousGeorgepifiu: besides, they could compete with newegg this way:  have a favorable returns policy and a useful web page
19:24.14pifiuand many do
19:24.44pifiuthere's more to just selling a product
19:24.47pifiuill leave it at that
19:24.48FuriousGeorgepifiu: not with neweggs pricing and inventory.  ill use froogle if i want something newegg doesnt have, or to order one thing
19:25.06Inv_arppifiu: are you an economist?
19:25.08justinunewegg doesn't even sell ip phones... pfft
19:25.18FuriousGeorgejustinu: so then i'd use froogle
19:25.20pifiunot gonna get started ok, lets drop the topic
19:25.29justinui'd pay a few bucks extra to get them locally
19:25.32justinui like having things NOW
19:25.40justinusick of UPS losing my shit
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19:26.01pifiuok there you go
19:26.08pifiubut seriously lets drop the topic, seems like its getting heated
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19:26.15Inv_arpAssid: sup
19:26.16justinunot for me
19:26.22Inv_arpim fine
19:26.23justinubut ok
19:27.38Inv_arpk back to asterisk talk.... getting these 5 7940's soon from a buddy,  any big issues in setting them up?
19:28.02pifiuget polycoms instead
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19:28.04Assidi need my friend to send me my SPA-841
19:28.17pifiusell those on ebay lol
19:30.08dan__thow goes it
19:30.10Inv_arpwoah ... some people recommend the cisco's here if you have the budget
19:30.25Assidanyone used the SPA2002?
19:30.29justinuthe 7960s work fine
19:30.33justinunot sure about the 7940s
19:30.37Assidi might just pick them up
19:30.51dan__tAre AS5300's capable of making outbound calls?
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19:37.03pifiuthe 7960s work perfect
19:37.12pifiuthe 40's did give me quite a bit of problems updating thefirmware
19:37.17pifiuHEADACHE of life
19:40.44Inv_arppifiu: but you got them to work?
19:41.05pifiui returned them and got the polycoms
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19:44.54Inv_arpok they do work
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19:48.00Inv_arpheh ... found a conversation from dec 04  that explains how to configure em...
19:51.16pifiucan you email it to me?
19:51.33pifiuid be interested in trying to get those to work again, cuz they DO look nice
19:51.38Dr_Raythe 7940's are that much different from the 7960's?
19:51.47Qwellno, just less lines
19:52.09Dr_Raythen what is this talk of not being able to get 40's online?
19:52.23*** join/#asterisk justinjas (
19:52.25pifiupersonally i couldnt
19:52.30pifiuand neither did someone else i knew
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19:52.39pifiufirmware upgrades were a pain in the royal ass
19:52.41Qwellthey use the same firmware even
19:52.42Dr_RayI've been thinking of just getting 7940's from now
19:52.42pifiusometimes they wouldnt update
19:52.55pifiuthey would get stuck in some revision
19:52.58pifiuand woldnt update
19:53.03Qwellpifiu: there is a complete howto on
19:53.13Dr_Rayso maybe you had different versions of the firmware?
19:53.15pifiufor SIP?
19:53.20Dr_Rayon the original phones
19:53.22QwellI personally use the application loader on mine, because it was one step
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19:53.31pifiuoh i dont knwo if i had that
19:53.36pifiui think iw as doing it through TFTP?
19:53.40pifiui dont know htis was a long time ago
19:53.43Qwellyes, thats how you do it
19:54.00Dr_RayI got one 7960 that was a snap to upgrade, and one that would not take the UAL until I went to sccp image 6.x
19:54.02Qwellit's quite simple, really...
19:54.20QwellDr_Ray: new application loader works from any image.  I was on sccp 2.15 or something
19:54.22pifiuid be interested if you can send me that link
19:54.36Dr_RayQwell, new as in how old?  ballpark?
19:54.39Dr_Rayjust released?
19:54.50Qwelldunno, 4-5 months agto at least
19:55.06Dr_RayI'll check that out..
19:55.07QwellI think I'm still on 7.2 or something
19:55.16Dr_RayI'm on 7.5
19:55.44Qwellits a quick google away
19:56.21Dr_RayI was thinking of building a perl 79x0 auto provisioner
19:56.32Dr_Rayto build all the files by mac address, etc
19:57.20QwellDr_Ray: shouldn't be too difficult
19:57.39Inv_arpman .. you can learn alot by reading the channel logs
19:58.57*** part/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@
19:59.38pifiudo it, it would be nice
19:59.48pifiuso pastebin has the channel logs?
20:00.02QwellProcedure C
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20:01.20Qwellvery very simple
20:01.21Inv_arppifiu: no i just pasted that in form my xchat logs
20:01.47pifiuqwell im gonna give them a try again then
20:01.53pifiumaybe in the near future
20:02.02pifiuusing polycom's right now and pretty happy with them
20:02.12pifiuhave like 5 spare ones here so until i use those up i wont get the cisco
20:05.46FuriousGeorgeso im looking at this and i notice its using dbget.  to implement this would i have to have some sql working, or is he using "dbget" to get values from the cdr?
20:07.36Qwell"The email address, To name and the hosting companys name is stored in the asterisk db using database put from the management console."
20:10.40*** part/#asterisk colinm_ (n=colinmat@VDSL-130-13-9-157.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
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20:19.46BrianR___FuriousGeorge: Aah. the canceller in 1.0.6 is pretty broken. Been meaning to upgrade..
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20:22.18tzangerfour two oh
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20:27.40BrianR___Is there any difference between the digium TE410 and the TE411 besides the daughter card? Is the 410 field upgradable?
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20:38.32alphaque'lo all
20:43.39FuriousGeorgeQwell: is this management console already there
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20:51.07GordonFAnyone know if its possible to upgrade the MYSQL that ships with Asterisk@Home 1.5 without breaking it?
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20:53.51SkramXGordonF: have you tried?
20:54.09GordonFnot yet. Too much of a noob :)
20:54.40SkramXwant help
20:54.43SkramXwhat distro?
20:54.51SkramXid suggest not using asterisk at home.
20:55.26GordonFSkramX Love some help just not near the server now but was wondering if its easily done
20:56.01GordonFnot at the mo cos the wireless router popped can only replace on Monday
20:56.15SkramXshoot me an email
20:56.19SkramXi can help you
20:56.34GordonFSkramX thats very cool thank you
20:56.45GordonFSkramX mail addy?
21:17.18sivanacan * be used with a pager transmitter?
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21:22.30fearnorsup bwian
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21:27.28bkw__yo fearnor
21:28.03fearnortoo many tards on -biz
21:28.23fearnortoo many similarities between nanog-l and -biz
21:28.33fearnorand for the matter #nanog and #asterisk ;)
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21:32.42bkw__fearnor, haha
21:32.47bkw__I'm just laffing about it all
21:32.54bkw__its really all a non-issue
21:44.45mog_hometweet tweet
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22:03.11mcunixjrquestion - when i run the installer i get an error that PHP for Mysql is not installed - i configured PHP 5.x with the mysql include however.
22:04.13mog_homewhat installer?
22:04.38mcunixjrsorry AMP
22:04.48mcunixjrthat duh was for me
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22:04.55mog_homehrm run a ./configure
22:05.06mog_homehavent installed amp in a while
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22:05.11mog_homeit doesnt see your php or mysql
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22:06.52mcunixjr@www AMP]# ./install_amp
22:06.53mcunixjrChecking for PEAR DB..OK
22:06.53mcunixjrChecking for PEAR Console::Getopt..OK
22:06.53mcunixjrChecking user..OK
22:06.53mcunixjrChecking for /etc/amportal.conf..OK
22:06.55mcunixjrReading /etc/amportal.conf..OK
22:06.57mcunixjrConnecting to database..FAILED
22:06.59jbothmm... pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
22:07.00mcunixjr[FATAL] mysql PHP libraries not installed
22:08.02mcunixjrmysql is running, i use fine
22:08.06mcunixjrPHP is installed
22:08.09mcunixjrApache works
22:08.12mcunixjrquite weird
22:08.16Jameno123php -e "mysql_connect()";
22:08.16countDo you have to tell * to play the 'greeting' message manually for Voicemail?
22:08.55Jameno123php -r i mean
22:08.59*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
22:09.13jontowcount; it plays the 'unavailable' message if you call it as Voicemail(uNNNN) and 'busy' if Voicemail(bNNNN)
22:09.30mcunixjroh -r
22:09.32mcunixjrill try again
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22:09.54countjontow: then whats the purpose of the 'record your name' ?
22:09.54Jameno123mcunixjr, you'll probably see something like
22:09.59countThe vm xtension directory listings?
22:10.01Jameno123Fatal error: Call to undefined function:  mysql_connect() in Command line code on line 1
22:10.02mcunixjr-r gives usage error
22:10.12l1nuxany one get error "No one is available to answer at this time" ?
22:10.21jontowi fail to remember..
22:10.21mcunixjrJameno123   Error in argument 1, char 2: option not found r
22:10.36jontowcheck the source?
22:11.03countTo time consuming, you answering my primary question already
22:11.04countThanks :)
22:11.12Jameno123mcunixjr, most likely you dont have mysql turned on in php, recompile php with --with-mysql=/usr (or whereever your mysql libs are installed).
22:11.15jontowwell, stick around, i'll check it real quick ;)
22:11.23countThanks! :)
22:11.27mcunixjrJameno123 did that already twice
22:11.32jontowi know my way around app_voicemail a little more than some, at least :D
22:11.47Jameno123mcunixjr, then a simple script with <? mysql_connect(); ?> shouldnt throw errors ;)
22:11.52Jameno123(if it worked)
22:11.59mcunixjr? or "
22:12.39Jameno123if your passing it via -r on cmd line you dont use <??>  if your putting it into a file, then you need the open/close tags for php.
22:13.00*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
22:13.19mcunixjrwhen i run php -r it says there is no -r
22:13.45mcunixjrthis is php 5.05
22:14.28*** part/#asterisk pooh_ (
22:15.53l1nuxthe log here
22:17.14l1nuxany idea ?
22:17.23jontowlooks like the name is played
22:17.57countl1nux: the other side is dropping the call stream?
22:17.59countjontow: when?
22:18.58jontowif you record your name only
22:19.04jontowand listen to the voicemail greeting
22:19.14jontowyou get "YOURNAME" "is unavailable...."
22:19.18l1nuxcount, i use the ata hard phone
22:19.26countoh, if you use 'u' in the options?
22:19.35countI'm just passing straight in with no options, let me update that real quick
22:19.39jontowyeah, with 'b' it says "YOURNAME" "is on the phone"
22:19.57jontowyou should specify, thats how it knows what to do :)
22:20.13jontowyou can force people to record their name / greetings too -- see voicemail.conf for details, there
22:21.37countok, I'll look into that
22:21.40jontownp :D
22:22.44l1nuxsame here
22:24.27*** join/#asterisk syle (n=blag@unaffiliated/syle)
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22:37.58Dr_Rayscore, just bought our first adit 600.. time to fire the zplexes
22:45.25brookshireyay! i need a term to define!
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22:47.13brookshiredoes h.323 use rtp ?
22:51.48opus__I'm not doing well here, whats the wildcard extension for exten => that matches EVERYTHING?
22:52.14mog_homebut you probably really want is _X.
22:52.17opus__hmm.. weird that isn't working. let me try it again after a break. maybe that will fix it
22:52.18mog_homeand X.
22:52.26opus__whats the difference between _X. and _. ?
22:52.46anthmX is meant to match a digit
22:52.52anthmexactly 1
22:53.08anthm. is greedy to the end of the string
22:53.15opus__I want to match everythin
22:53.26opus__what does the N do?
22:53.42anthmX. would match things that start with a digit
22:53.52anthmto weed out n h and s
22:53.53marc324how does the dialed keys on xlite, end up being stores into x's?
22:54.08opus___. will match everything right, like *98 and 18002252888 and 911 right?
22:54.24l1nuxany other "pbx software" work fine in linux ?
22:54.34anthmyes but beware of s,h,i,t
22:54.43mog_homeoshitafax to be correct
22:54.55anthmdefine them all to noop or they will hit too
22:55.03Nugget"oh shit, a fax" is a good mnemonic for voip.
22:55.17countIs it possibly to have all contexts automatically use the 'Realtime' switch for extensions.conf ?
22:55.25mog_homeo = operator, s = start, h = hangup, i = invalid , t= timeout , a = answer extension from vm, fax = fax extension
22:55.26countInstead of having to define each one in the text file ?
22:55.38marc324is asterisk realtime the right app for storing the dialplan in a db?
22:55.47marc324or is there a better one?
22:56.15countIt works great
22:56.33countbut it's annoying having to define a skeleton for each context in extensions.conf anyways
22:57.00opus___. doesn't work
22:57.35opus__Hmmm... arge
22:57.45anthmit probably doesnt apply to * and #
22:57.48opus__I am having one asterisk server dial the other one
22:58.05opus__The other asterisk server has the user in the from-internal context. where each user dials
22:58.18opus__for example 911 *98 etc 1800
22:58.26opus__now the other asterisk server does
22:58.27anthmmake _*.
22:58.37opus___*. ?
22:58.51anthmin case . doeesnt like *
22:58.53opus__literally *
23:01.09opus__Doesn't like that
23:01.15opus__It will pass *98, but not '102'
23:01.30anthmyou need 2
23:01.49opus___**. ?
23:01.52anthm_. _X. _*. _#.
23:02.09anthm* is not a wildcard it's a digit
23:03.29*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
23:04.12jbotdocs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or
23:04.31opus__This is a limitation of Register
23:04.35opus__Register can only have one context
23:04.50opus__and its defaulting to from-pstn, which doesn't allow from-interanl
23:04.57opus__I can't specify the context in a register => can i?
23:05.06lesouvageOne of the line of the output of ztcfg is "SPAN 1: CCS/ AMI Build-out: 133-266 feet (DSX-1)". What does the numbers (133-266 feet) indicate.
23:06.40opus__arge these documentaion are horrible.
23:06.59opus__register =>
23:07.18opus__EXTEN is it a number..  in the general context.. yes, is it a context no. can it be used for a context maybe?
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23:07.40lesouvageI ask this because in an example ( ) the numbers were "399-533 feet" . Is this better or worse or does the difference not matter?
23:15.56countHas anyone gotten VMail ODBC storage to work successfully, because I have a really simple question
23:21.22blitzragehello from Anaheim!!!
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23:26.54SarahEmmwooo got my IP501 working compeltely, one touch voicemail and MWI now work :)
23:28.42mcunixjrok im back - figured out mysql issue.  now when i run the install for AMP i get same exact error as before (the mysql PHP libraries not insalled error - but that is not true as if i run a mysql_connect() through php it works )
23:28.47mcunixjrany ideas
23:28.58kujSarahEmm, what FW version are you running on it?
23:29.11SarahEmmyep polycom
23:29.16SarahEmmkuj: 1.5.x :)
23:29.28SarahEmm1.5.2 specifically
23:29.37kujyup, that's what i got. still looking for 1.6.2 :)
23:30.04SarahEmmwhat does that add over 1.5.2?
23:30.07countSarahEmm: Did you have to modify the phones dialplan to get one-touch working?  Mine works via the message center, but it's a few button presses
23:30.37kujnumber of bugfixes. polycom has the release notes on their website.
23:31.02SarahEmmcount: are you configuring using the phone/web interface or tftp via XML files?
23:31.03blitzrageI can't really go much higher in firmware since I have the IP500
23:31.18SarahEmmblitzrage: yeah... i almost got a 500 before i realized...
23:31.22SarahEmmblitzrage: the 501 was $6 more :P
23:31.26SarahEmmcount: one sec.
23:31.37blitzrageSarahEmm: I got the IP500 for free :)
23:31.43SarahEmmi really hope the 502 has backlighting :P
23:31.43acidfooSarahEmm: have an url about your stuff ?
23:31.45blitzragejust like my other 3 IP phones :)
23:31.45sivanaSarahEmm: everything running good?
23:31.54acidfooblitzrage: why that?
23:32.08SarahEmmacidfoo: 'stuff' ?
23:32.13acidfoothe ip500
23:32.15SarahEmmsivana: yep! except callerid still :P
23:32.20SarahEmmacidfoo: err... what about it?
23:32.37SarahEmmcount: in sip.cfg under <user_preferences, make sure up.oneTouchVoicemail="1" is set
23:32.41SarahEmmif that's 0 you get messagecentre
23:32.41acidfooSarahEmm: where you bought it
23:32.45countok ,cool
23:32.47SarahEmmif that's 1, you get one touch voicemail
23:32.52SarahEmmacidfoo: a local canadian dealer
23:32.59countIt works via message center as far as mailboxes and stuff were concerned
23:33.01acidfooSarahEmm: am canadia ;)
23:33.03countso does MWI
23:33.05kujblitzrage, why can't you go to 1.6.2 on an IP500. The release notes do say it's supported
23:33.21SarahEmmcount: *nods* onetouch will make it so hitting messages gives you the voicemail right away.
23:33.34SarahEmmkuj: err.. i thought 1.4.1 was latest that'd run on the ip500 due to flash reasons
23:33.42SarahEmm(500 has 2M of flash, 501 has 4M)
23:33.44countSarahEmm: cool, thanks
23:33.46blitzrageacidfoo: someone bought me one for the AstDocs project, a couple from Mix Networks, and got a free one from Astricon last year
23:33.59acidfooblitzrage: cool;)
23:33.59countdoes 1.6.2 reduce the time to reload the http server to something less than an hour?
23:34.09kujnah, i'm running 1.5.2 right now on mine.
23:34.12SarahEmmltns blitzrage :)
23:34.27SarahEmmacidfoo: ahh. i got mine from VoIPWare
23:34.28kujand the release notes for 1.6.2 do say the 500 is supported.
23:34.44acidfoook thx
23:34.49kuj(with bootrom 2.6.1 or later)
23:34.59blitzragekuj: I'm not sure about the version -- there's something (bootrom?) that I can't upgrade past a certain point due to not enough RAM or something int he phone
23:35.58countWasn't there a limitation that you couldn't have the new bootrom and the new SIP image at the same time on some of the models?
23:36.00blitzrageoff to Fry's!
23:36.10kujyeah, it needed a bootrom upgrade before it would take 1.5.2. Did that (am on BR, and SIP 1.5.2)
23:36.41SarahEmm*peers* frys?
23:36.46SarahEmmdon't you live near me blitzrage?
23:36.57kujI think the limitation was that a 500 couldn't take a version 3.x bootrom. that's the one that supports https for "provisioning"
23:37.04countSpeaking of the 501, does anyone know how to make it flash *which* registration it's recieving a call from if you have multiple SIP registrations setup?
23:37.39countor https
23:37.45countwith http_auth :)
23:38.08SarahEmmtftp works well too heh
23:38.15SarahEmmand i have other devices on my network booting from tftp anyway
23:38.16Supaplexmine dont :(
23:38.38Supaplexdunno. strace shows it sends data to the socket, but it never shows up on the wire
23:39.05Supaplexreads the request just fine, reads the file, apparently transmits, but nothing.
23:39.21SarahEmmerr... weird
23:43.51countNobody here is using odbc voicemail storage?
23:44.37mog_homei have what you need count
23:44.56countI've got odbc config working for everythign else
23:45.05SarahEmmnow i need to come up with a ringer solution... time to start learning how SIP works internally to start building some hardware :)
23:45.15countbut do I need to put the DSN or the [] name in voicemail.conf ?
23:45.26countfor the 'odbcstorage' variable
23:46.47countOr is there something in extconfig that I turn on?
23:48.31dan__tDum dum dum....
23:48.33dan__tDan got new tires!
23:48.38dan__tJust in time for 16" of snow!
23:49.11mog_homedid you configure res_odbc.conf count?
23:49.18Supaplexyou have 16" of snow?
23:49.42countmog_home: yeah, I'm using it for everything else (voicemail mailbox config, dialplan, sip users/peers, etc)
23:50.06dan__tCome Monday morning, I will.
23:50.14Supaplexoh, ok :)
23:50.25countmog_home: how do I tell app_voicemail to look at that?
23:50.36mog_homeone sec
23:50.39countmog_home: thanks
23:51.35dan__tthat's not funny.
23:51.42dan__tLike I said, I just moved here from Phoenix - and I *hate* snow.
23:51.58Supaplexbut it loves you!
23:52.06Supaplexreally it does
23:54.10mog_homedo you have this in your extconfig.conf voicemail => odbc,LABEL,voicemail
23:54.14mog_homecount that is
23:54.39countmog_home: Yes, and that works wonderfully
23:55.16mog_homeoh you mean the audio files arent working?
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23:55.29count* isn't evne looking at the DB to store the audio files
23:55.36count^^^I want that to work
23:55.44countbut that's JUST enough info to make me frustrated :)
23:57.20*** join/#asterisk Veto_laptop (
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23:59.41[hC]Hey guys

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.