irclog2html for #asterisk on 20051006

00:00.05theblueFor example, "Happy Birthday" is illegal if you perform it in public without paying ASCAP.
00:00.06justinuRIAA is the real evil
00:00.06pbdHmm.  Sticky on that one.  If it's off-air, it's free to all who have an antenna in the US.  But if you rebroadcast it, it's a problem.
00:00.11Hymiewhat the heck is ASCAP anyhow.. there's an organization in Canada that handles these things for artists, but it's not called ASCAP
00:00.29kippi1is there away to test your music on hold?
00:00.39Hymietheblue: thaqt's performing though, not rebroadcasting
00:00.51theblueHymie: Either way, its still copyright infringement./
00:00.57Hymieno, not either way
00:01.00pbdActually, the rules in the US say that if the copyright has expired (17 years or so), you can rebroadcast all you want.  So most MOH sources use either specifically licensed stuff, or dead composers (classical recordings)- ASCAP doesn't care about those.
00:01.02theblueHymie: Oh yes it is.
00:01.07Hymieagain, it's legal to rebroadcast here in Canada
00:01.21Hymieyou can't modify the signal
00:01.31justinuare you required to add "eh" at the end of every sentence?
00:01.40oliverqgpbd: are u from guatemala?
00:01.46pbdhymie- hate to see a US lawyer take THAT one to court.  You've modified the signal- you're compressing it with g.729.
00:02.09justinuextra life?
00:02.10Hymiethe cable companies can not. but they do not need to pay a single penny.. as long as it is an off of air, rebroadcast over cable.. and the law is loosely enough written, so apartment buildings can do the same same.. and on hold music as well
00:02.11oliverqganyone a clue for my GET VARIABLE issue???
00:02.17pbdoliver: No, just using them (possibly unfairly) as a state in which US copyright law (or any law) is tough to enforce.
00:02.37Hymiepbd: who cares if its a US lawyer, they have to play by Canadian legislation once on Canadian soil
00:02.59justinui thought canada had adopted international copyright law treaties
00:02.59FuriousGeorgeHymie: you canadians are way ahead with the laws up there
00:03.15theblueHymie: I love the way Canadian law works.
00:03.27pbdYES!  Disconnect tone detection works for Brazil now!  I oWn Telephonica. ;-)
00:03.28FuriousGeorgesecond only to dutch law
00:03.31generalhandoes anyone know if its possible to extend the VM Box limit higher than 100 ?
00:03.40Hymiejustinu: yes.. we did.. about what.. 50 years ago.. even so, adopting to a treaty does not mean all laws are identical, just that specific points are
00:03.53theblueAnything's possible in Asterisk.  That's how it got its name.
00:04.04justinui dunno, i'm having a few issues with dial macros
00:04.14pbdHymie- All lawyers do is enforce what's written in the law- but no law is clear, it's all open to human interpretation.
00:04.17generalhanok let me rephrase, can some one explain to me how to extend the VM Boxes to hold more than 100 messages ?
00:04.28FuriousGeorgetheblue: i never thought about it that way.  i always thought of a telephone's button
00:04.45pbdgeneralhan: Shoot the users who want to store more than 100 messages?
00:04.54theblueFuriousGeorge: Right.
00:04.57justinumaybe it's just a #define
00:04.58Hymiepbd: you bet it is.. howver, this law has a long history of precidence.. including cable companies taking off air signals and converting them to digital and transmitting them to homes
00:05.11theblueFuriousGeorge: * is the UNIX wildcard, meaning "anything". That's the official way Asterisk got its name.
00:05.21generalhanno its a line set aside for people we dont want to talk to, so i push them into a VM box that i have someone check each day, but im pushing so many people in there now-a-days that it fills up too fast
00:05.33pbdWho can keep track of more than 100 messages stored in VM?  Is it an answering machine, or a toll quality (ick) digital jukebox?
00:05.34FuriousGeorgetheblue: it was also the msdos wildcard ;)
00:05.37justinui need to figure out how to interrupt a dial macro when the dialed party disconnects
00:05.39theblueFuriousGeorge: True.
00:05.46FuriousGeorgedir /s *.wav
00:05.47justinuit seems like all my playback commands and stuff just keep running
00:06.06theblueFuriousGeorge: Indeed, it is.  Most OSes and programming languages use * as a wildcard.
00:06.07pbdHymie: Translation- no one has fought them hard enough yet. ;-)
00:06.14Hymiepbd: keep in mind that the way TV stations up here can "force" a cable company to pay for their feed, is by not doing air broadcasts.. which our superstations do, and so on
00:06.16queuetueHow do I find the digium service where they will record messages for you?
00:06.27justinu* is the pointer deref operator in C/C++
00:06.43pbdbeat yah!
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00:07.09generalhanthere isnt a default recording for "200" lol so if i could make it store 200 messages i wonder what would happen when the voice is suposed to say you have 200 messages ?
00:07.13queuetueIs it off the air, or is safari acting up?
00:07.24pbdHymie- the US has it's quirks too, btw.  According to the providers, no household in the US has more than one cable box.
00:07.56pbdBecause they charge extra per outlet in your house.  So do the cable companies.  But there is no way for the providers to audit the delivery side- so...
00:08.00Hymieyet mysteriously peple have two or three tvs ;)
00:08.28pbdOnce I worked for MTV (seriously), and learned that, I had no issues with splitting my cable myself to multiple TV's.
00:08.35Hymieheh, for sure
00:08.49thebluepbd: You worked for MTV?
00:08.53Hymiespeaking of MTV, they're trying to make another attempt at coming up here
00:08.55pbdIf Comcast wants to take issue with it, I'll ask them to show me where they're paying more for it. :)
00:08.55queuetueHrm... does block canadian visitors?
00:09.02Hymietheir first attempt failed pitifully
00:09.11Hymiequeuetue: not that I've seen
00:09.12pbdI did.  I worked for MTV Networks many moons ago, in their IT department.
00:09.19thebluepbd: MUST....KILL!
00:09.28queuetueHymie: Is off the air for you?
00:09.41justinuworks for me
00:09.50pbdIt was a short consulting gig- they canned the entire department about 3 months after I got there.
00:10.00Hymiequeuetue: nope
00:10.11queuetueHrm...  Then why can't I get there?
00:10.12Hymiepbd: heh, what did you do ;)
00:10.23Hymiequeuetue: temporary routing issues between your ISP and them
00:10.28Hymielikely ;)
00:10.30thebluepbd: Oh, nevermind then.
00:10.34theblueIs IAXTel at all reliable?
00:10.44pbdHymie: Sad truth? Three months of reading the BA's documentation, meeting with users, and playing solitaire.  The app never got off the ground.
00:10.58Hymie"Hi, my name is pbd, and I singlehandedly managed to get 23 people fired!"
00:11.03Hymiepbd: doh
00:11.05justinulol again
00:11.08pbdBut it was cool to see MTV from the inside.
00:11.17thebluepbd: MTV is eeeeevil.
00:11.40pbdI was actually *TOLD* To play solitaire, by my boss.  We were told- don't do anything, we're not sure if we're going to continue the project.. for 2 months.
00:11.57pbdNice way to make a living.
00:12.02pbdBut.. BORING.
00:12.03fileoh god, that made me laugh Hymie
00:12.16thebluepbd: Oh god.
00:12.17queuetueI'd find a job and quit, I think...
00:12.35justinui'd play a better game than solitaire
00:12.43pbdThat, and walking past the militant muslims on times square, shouting out 'Death to all white people', while standing next to marine recruiters.. there were times I wondered if I would make it to the subway. :)
00:13.37pbdWhat a country!
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00:14.28theblueOk, then.
00:15.16theblueFor killing chat, you shall be punished.
00:15.31theblueI sentence you to helping me get my sip.conf, iax.conf, and extensions.conf going.
00:15.58Hymiewhomever said "USE THGE H EXTENSION STUPID!" ... thanks ;)  it's working
00:16.08pbdSimple.. 'cd /etc/asterisk ; rm *.conf ;'.  On a clear disk, you can seek forever.
00:16.44pbdToo late.
00:16.55netsurfersomeone already whacked him I think :P
00:17.05pbdAnyway, guys- you can now continue to harrass me behind my back.  I'm off to home and bed.
00:17.24generalhanhave fun pbd
00:17.59pbdlater, guys.
00:17.59theblueNight, pbd.
00:18.10generalhancan anyone help me figure out how to make my VM Box hold 150 messages instead of 100 ?
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00:18.40cioHi all.  How's CVS feeling today?
00:18.43justinujust ask it
00:19.08xhelioxworking ok for me
00:20.18Ariel_did not know CVS had feelings
00:20.28Hymieis there an extension that gets called, when a call is answered and a bridge is formed?
00:20.41Hymielike the 'h' for hangup?
00:20.47justinuyou're working on the same kind of stuff I am
00:20.54justinusounds like it, at least
00:21.16HymieI'm doing dual dial.. one to my cell and another to my internal extension
00:21.38fileHymie: no, no there isn't
00:21.44Hymiebut, when calling my cell, I don't want to answer the external number.. as it could be the cell doing a "no answer" transfer to my asterisk box.. as it does so for voicemail
00:22.01Hymieso, when a dial is successful, you just have to wait until it times out :(
00:22.07Hymieer, is completed
00:22.12fileyes, they're bridged together
00:22.17Hymieis there a "time out" extension
00:22.20filetwo things can't happen at once like that
00:22.35Hymielike "run this in 60 seconds, now go do other stuff"?
00:22.47Hymietimeout command
00:22.48Hymiethat is
00:22.50Hymietimed command
00:22.52justinui'd like to be able to dial out to multiple devices, then based on which one answers, bridge the call
00:22.52Hymiewhatever it may be ;)
00:22.56filenot really, no
00:23.07fileyou can't do two things at once on the same channel...
00:23.15Hymiebut I want to ;)
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00:23.19filetoo bad
00:23.22Ariel_justinu, dial(sip/123&sip/234&Sip/234)
00:23.29Hymieyes, that works
00:23.30*** join/#asterisk Micc (
00:23.31justinuyeah, i got that
00:23.40justinubut see, I want to do different stuff based on which one answers
00:23.49justinulike if sip/123 answers, bridge the call
00:23.50Ariel_justinu, then use a macro
00:24.04justinubut if sip/234 answers, ask it a bunch of questions, and only if it responds right, bridge the call
00:24.10justinui don't think it's possible even with macros
00:24.13marc324i have x100p and asterisk, whats basic test to check everything works?
00:24.27marc324simple test
00:24.32Ariel_plug a phone line to it and dial into it or out
00:24.34*** part/#asterisk oliverqg (
00:25.04justinui'm playing with dial macros to do what I want, but it's not cooperating
00:25.41justinui'm sitting here looking at the source to app_macro.c
00:25.54generalhanhow come there is no option for "mailbox size = 100" in voicemail.conf like there is for maxlength and stuff like that ? then this task would have been MUCH easier
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00:26.11Ariel_generalhan, it's hard coded
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00:26.17justinui know this doesn't help, but who the hell needs more than 100 messages in a mailbox?
00:26.23netsurfermarc324 - whatever test u do make sure it involves checking for echo.. those x100p cards are pure dog shit
00:26.24Hymiewhy do webpages always have pictures of people doing things on them.  "Hi, we write code.. here is a picture of some random dude on the phone.. now you like us, right?"
00:26.25generalhanso there is no way to get it more than that ?
00:26.46theblueHymie: No idea, but it pisses me off too.
00:26.48pickardHi. Has anyone worked with a z-plex 10 channel bank? I am trying to get all channels to be FXS ports.
00:26.48filegeneralhan: there's the maxmsg option
00:27.04fugitivoi'm looking for a voip provider, us numbers
00:27.06fugitivoany recommendation?
00:27.26generalhanjusintu: i do. see i have a set of instructions to weed out certain people that call the Law Office that either shouldnt or that we dont want to waste time answering, so they go directly to a VM Box that gets checked daily, but my list grows daily too and 100 just isnt enough
00:27.27marc324how do you send a dial cmd using asterisk and x100p card?
00:27.37filegeneralhan: see what I said.
00:27.38Ariel_fugitivo, asterlink, voicepulse,
00:27.43justinui see
00:27.55fugitivoAriel_: sip?
00:28.07generalhani dont have a "maxmsg" line in my voicemail.conf
00:28.17Ariel_asterlink has sip and iax so does voicepulse
00:28.20filegeneralhan: add one.
00:28.31Ariel_broadvoice is sip only but there bad some times
00:28.34fileAsterlink does not do US numbers though, besides toll-free...
00:28.45generalhanyeai use Voicepulse, but they arent soo good for us right now
00:28.48justinuhmm, we've had good luck with broadvoice
00:28.52justinubut we're using it to call taiwan all the time
00:28.53justinunot US
00:29.08justinuthey have unlimited LD to 21 countries for 20 bucks a month or something works good for me to call to US numbers
00:29.20Ariel_today there was a problem with many providers due to cogent and L3 not peering
00:29.21Hymieinstead of a timed command running in a channel.. is there a global timed event? doesn't even work
00:29.44justinuoh, someone dropped a cogent router at the peering point in LA
00:29.54generalhanvoicepulse worked REAL well for us in our old office, but now we hit these 2 router interfaces where we are losing about 80% of our packets, and our ISP wont do anything to route around them
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00:30.35Ariel_well I have voicepulses connection for just an inbound did. Has been working for over 2 years not no problems.
00:31.13generalhanfile: i tried the maxmsg=150, and it didnt work out for me
00:31.17generalhanstill can only hold 100
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00:31.25Ariel_For outbound I use nufone, voipjet and as a backup voicepulse
00:31.39justinui've heard nufone sucks too
00:31.42Ariel_generalhan, which version of asterisk?
00:31.46toddfgeneralhan: you reloaded asterisk right??? I've even found sometimes you must exit and re-start it ..
00:31.54Ariel_generalhan, hard coded
00:32.19generalhanlol i know i heard you last time, but file said to add the line and i will try anything, so i had to at least try
00:32.25Hymiehmm.. is there a way to run commands inside asterisk, from an external script?
00:32.30Ariel_generalhan, head not stable
00:32.34filepeople still use 1.0.9? sillyness
00:32.38Hymielike a croned bash script I write, or some such?
00:32.43netsurferHymie - System()
00:32.51marc324what is the diff between te411p and te410p?
00:32.53Ariel_file, lots and I will not use head until it's at least 1.2.2
00:33.00generalhani dont use ZAP channels or anything like that i have no reason to switch to HEAD, when i have things working ok for me now
00:33.00Hymienetsurfer: I'm looking for the other way
00:33.01Ariel_echo board
00:33.07fugitivoAriel_: do you have the ip address of the servers? so i can test the latency
00:33.08Hymienetsurfer: running something from bash to effect asterisk
00:33.22Ariel_fugitivo, which one
00:33.24marc324ariel-- less echp?
00:33.35fugitivoAriel_: asterlink or voicepulse
00:33.50Ariel_fugitivo, just a sec.
00:34.07generalhanfugitivo: go with Voicepulse.
00:34.16generalhanTalk with Chris Lui he will help you out like no other
00:34.17fugitivogeneralhan: why?
00:34.21*** join/#asterisk theblue (
00:34.24theblueHi all.
00:34.32fugitivogeneralhan: how do i talk with him?
00:34.34justinu[17:34] *** theblue has signed off IRC (Nick collision from services.).
00:34.34generalhanand Chris' lead engineer, his name is Ravi and he is the man
00:34.51generalhanfugitivo: you calling from the US ?
00:35.30fugitivothat's why i want to test the latency
00:35.32justinuanyone notice that no longer works?
00:35.32generalhanohh i thought you neede US numbers
00:35.43fugitivoyes i need
00:35.47justinui used to be able to dial US toll free PSTN numbers thru them
00:36.12filejustinu: it varies
00:36.27fugitivoAriel_: thanks
00:36.33generalhanwell it depends are you going to use their wholesale minutes or voicepulse connect service ?
00:36.33fugitivo160ms avg
00:36.45filejustinu: they're working for me right now fyi
00:36.53marc324How can I setup a voicemail with x100p?
00:36.56generalhanAriel_: i use
00:37.12justinuer tries
00:37.48fugitivobetter than broadvoice
00:37.49toddfanybody can get a account and call US toll free PSTN numbers
00:38.22toddfof course, I've seen US toll free PSTN numbers that vonage, FreeWorldDialup, _and_ wouldn't reach, but my mobile phone does .. *sigh* ..
00:38.28justinufwd just redirects it to
00:38.32generalhanwell i need to go, i cant stay at work any longer ! lol time to go hit the bars !
00:38.37generalhantalk to you all tomorrow !
00:39.07*** part/#asterisk Uberbot (n=Uberbot@
00:39.41justinuhmm, still doesn't work for me
00:39.52justinuwhat sip uri are you using, file?
00:40.08justinui'm inviting
00:40.37justinui just get "we're sorry, your call did not go thru, please try your call again later"
00:40.49Ariel_there is a free us iax account for 800 and some pstn calling from
00:42.36justinuhow can they offer free pstn access?
00:42.40*** join/#asterisk Simon-_ (
00:43.00toddf <-- wrt the network outages mentioned here earlier
00:43.24fugitivoAriel_: i want to sign up on voicepulse, but it ask me to choose a device ?
00:43.28fugitivoAriel_: any idea? :)
00:43.46fugitivoi don't want a sipura
00:44.16marc324who uses asterisk for their network?
00:44.44*** join/#asterisk SkramX (
00:45.12Ariel_fugitivo, go to the botton of there main page and pick connections
00:46.15justinuvoicepulse connect, is the actual link
00:46.48justinuwow, 11 bucks a month for inbound did
00:47.01justinui can get them for 50 cents a month wholesale
00:48.09SkramXOf course, its WHOLESALE. But voicepulse-connect is much more viable for an end-user.
00:48.22justinui guess, but that's still steep
00:48.27justinuother people are doing 8 bucks a month
00:48.37fugitivoanyone tried alphaphone?
00:49.13SkramXjustinu: who?
00:49.44justinubroadvoice, i think
00:50.00justinusome other nonames
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00:53.42toddfjustinu: I've not seen cheaper than for inbound did, $6/mo
00:53.47justinuoh yeah
00:53.53toddfthats what I use
00:53.53justinulibretel was the other one
00:53.59justinubut they only offer a few east coast places
00:54.08justinueast coast NPAs
00:54.21SkramXlibretel reliable?
00:54.24toddfa friend's company is hooking up with level3, have told me they'd do two #'s for $5/mo each for me .. but they don't have my state yet ..
00:54.37justinuyeah, i'm hooking up with level3 also
00:54.43toddfSkramX they forward to FWD for me for now, I don't know how to use their sip url scheme to get it to go to my asterisk box directly
00:54.44Ariel_justinu, if you just need inbound us number I think that stanaphone offers a free ny number
00:54.46SkramX"We are sorry, but we've currently stopped providing new individual accounts If you are interested in becoming a registered reseller, please see the reseller button on the home page"
00:55.37SkramXAswell as (360 numbers)
00:55.52Ariel_another one that is fairly cheap is sipphone they have a free number system then have addons for did's to that account.
00:56.42SkramXalpaphone support isnt picking up... not very good support :|
00:56.42fugitivostanaphone is free
00:56.57fugitivofree incoming calls
00:57.07fugitivonew york number
00:57.56MiccI need a windows iax phone that actually works.
00:58.15fugitivoMicc: firefly (cpu bug in some machines), iaxcomm
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00:58.34Miccfugitivo, iaxcomm has audio gaps for me.
00:58.47marc324any big comp using asterisk?
00:58.52Miccnever tried firefly. Where can I get it.
00:59.14Miccdoes asterisk have problems on dual procs?
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01:00.18SkramXmarc324: a bunch.
01:00.44SkramXMicc: No, I know a couple people who have done so on gentoo.
01:00.58SkramXI will be trying on dual 700mhz P3's running debian shortly
01:01.49marc324is there a gui for asterisk.. i dont see myself typing in vi for a long time.
01:02.24SkramXmarc324: something called Asterisk At Home
01:02.31SkramXmarc324: for configurations or routing of calls? for routing calls.
01:09.30Miccfirefly has problems with audio too.
01:09.54MiccI have an extension that just loops and plays mp3s.
01:10.18MiccI call with iaxcomm and it has gaps in the audio, it cuts out every once in a while.
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01:16.14*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk 1.2.0 Beta1 - || Astricon 2005 - Anaheim, CA - Oct 12-14 - - Sign Up Now!
01:16.22jbotextra, extra, read all about it, jbot is dumb
01:16.37Miccfugitivo, it happens with or without a sound card.
01:16.39Cresl1nhuh, who'd have thought?
01:17.31Miccfugitivo, we dump it right to an encoder and broadcast it and it has the same problem.
01:17.47Miccfugitivo, tried this on a number of different machines.
01:18.00MiccI'm kind of thinking that IAX is just broken.
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01:26.19*** part/#asterisk Hymie (
01:26.40MrMAGOgood night everyone... anyone knows of AstCC leaving cards in use and not charging calls?
01:38.34*** join/#asterisk rene- (
01:38.51rene-hello all
01:40.01rene-im having this very weird issue with asterisk, it wont playback audio!! calls betwwen extensions are fine, bt any call to asterisk apps like voicmail or agent login where * is supposed to send audio well it doesnt
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01:41.00SkramXdoes it show anything in the CLI
01:41.21rene-yeah it shos somethin like playback audiofilename bu no audio at all
01:42.09SkramXand you are trying this via a hard ip phone? softphone? protocol? PSTN?
01:42.16rene-firewall is disabled, sip.conf general section has suitable codecs, the setup worked before what could it be wrong
01:42.39rene-local subnet
01:42.56rene-im using uniden hardphones uip200 model
01:43.21SkramXso playback() and background() both, do not work?
01:43.32rene-yeah, and record fails also
01:43.54SkramXreinstall asterisk
01:43.57SkramXhaha, I am not too sure?
01:43.59rene-because ai have an extension that used to record files and even tho i a not getting the beep indication to record all files recorded are zero bytes
01:44.09SkramXdid you go on a drunkard expedition through the C files lately?
01:44.25rene-haha no?
01:44.48*** join/#asterisk Jameno123 (
01:44.53rene-lets try that
01:46.38*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
01:47.41SkramXHave phun,
01:49.19Cresl1nno phooling around here
01:53.24*** join/#asterisk h2oconsulting (
01:54.15h2oconsultingcan anyone help guide a new guy to where he can find information about call routing
01:54.28h2oconsultingI am trying to route calls by incomeing trunk
01:56.10rene-didnt helped that either
01:56.22SkramXh2oconsulting: and you are going to make money off this newly acquired knowledge that someone tells you?
01:56.46h2oconsultingnope just useing it for my house
01:57.06h2oconsultingI do windows consulting, not good enough on linux
01:57.13rene-SkramX have you seen anything like it before?
01:57.14SkramXOkay, so you are trying to route incoming or outgoing connections
01:57.20SkramXrene-: like what?
01:57.32rene-like no audio from asterisk
01:57.54SkramXso.. like an IVR or depending on how they call in, they get sent to a certain extension
01:57.58SkramXrene-: no..
01:58.26h2oconsultingyeah I was hopeing for it to play a message then go to a extention
01:58.41rene-well ill try the olde reboot thing
01:58.41SkramXSo... everyone goes to the same IVR though, right?
01:58.50SkramXhave you ever used asterisk? is it installed?
01:59.53h2oconsultingyes I am useing asterisk@home
02:00.22*** join/#asterisk Uberbot (n=Uberbot@
02:00.41SkramXhello Uberbot
02:01.23*** part/#asterisk pickard (
02:01.53MrMAGOanyone knows why would astcc leave a card in use and not charge?
02:04.52Supaplexjust because
02:07.56*** join/#asterisk marc324 (
02:08.27marc324is there a xwin interface for asterisk?
02:10.00*** join/#asterisk pfn (
02:10.25mmlj4if I have an extension 12345, should the voicemailbox also be 12345, or something else? (will there be any sort of conflict if the numbers are the same?
02:11.13SkramXextensions are defined in extensions.conf, mailboxes in voicemail.conf.
02:11.18SkramXmmlj4: okay?
02:12.20marc324why has no one ever built a gui for all the config files?
02:13.09SkramXmarc324: go ahead, make one.
02:13.37SkramXis you use realtime asterisk, because of the MYSQL integration, a PHP-based GUI would be somewhat simple
02:14.02mog_homeyeah but realtime isnt totally all through asterisk yet
02:14.05mog_homebetter to do that first
02:14.30marc324sounds like a alpha software
02:15.03*** join/#asterisk flenders (n=fserto@
02:15.33mog_homewhats alpha software?
02:16.45marc324this app looks like a beast to maintain.
02:17.14mog_hometakes less than an hour to do mild config
02:17.21mog_homeits no worse than apache
02:17.27*** join/#asterisk queuetue (
02:17.39mmlj4SkramX: thanks
02:18.32SkramXmarc324: we can help you..
02:19.35marc324most of the config files can be translated into nice gui, I do not understand why one has to go and edit the files.
02:20.07mog_homeits not nearly as bad as you make it sound
02:20.13mog_homeguis take a way options
02:20.17mog_homeor look ugly as ass
02:20.39mtghmarc324: Feel free to write one
02:21.21SkramXmarc324: pay me and ill make you a full GUI.
02:21.26*** join/#asterisk juice (
02:21.45*** join/#asterisk trig_hm (
02:22.46marc324a web based control panel.
02:25.04*** join/#asterisk jskcr (n=jskcr@unaffiliated/jskcr)
02:25.28jskcrhy all
02:26.31*** join/#asterisk Veto_laptop (
02:26.47jskcrHya SkramX, whats happening
02:27.11JerJermmmm yeah
02:27.32JerJeri'm gonna go ahead and need you to come in this saturday
02:27.44JerJerwe've lost a few people and have to play catch up
02:28.03JerJeroh and i'm gonna also need you to come in on Sunday to....mkay
02:28.10*** join/#asterisk pr0m (
02:28.31mog_homelol jerjer
02:28.47SkramXjskcr: not too much.
02:29.11jskcrSkramX:  Im busy building a 64bit intel gentoo box :)
02:29.13SkramXVeto_laptop: San Antonio, aye?
02:29.33SkramXjskcr: fun. Just got a celeron 2.4ghz dedi at
02:29.55jskcrSkramX:  the d915gag I believe digium had some tdm problems with em
02:30.09SkramXi dont do hardware.
02:30.20Cresl1nwith em?
02:30.25Veto_laptopSkramX: Close, New Braunfels
02:30.26Cresl1nhow's that?
02:30.27jskcrSkramX:  its a nice cheap intel desktop board
02:30.36JerJerCresl1n:  you mean nose and throat?
02:30.38SkramXVeto_laptop: fun, fun.. I am in the ATX (Austin, TX)
02:30.54Cresl1ntoo much fn
02:30.57mog_homenew braunfles thats where my grandparents used to live
02:31.03Cresl1nJerJer: are you going to astricon?
02:31.08mog_homewe used to go to shliderbaun
02:31.18mog_homewas loads of fun
02:31.22JerJerCresl1n: yep, i was properly motivated to go
02:31.36Cresl1nwho motivated you?
02:31.54*** part/#asterisk h2oconsulting (
02:32.01jskcrCresl1n: its the d915gag on the bottom
02:32.08jskcrit seems to work great now with em
02:32.28SkramXmog_home: where do you live now?
02:32.38SkramXVeto_laptop: grew up in Texas or what
02:32.39mog_homewell they live in mobile, al now with my folkes
02:32.43JerJerCresl1n:  out of the blue I had a very early customer just pop back online and ask if i was attending.  I told him no, due to financial reasons, so he proceeded to cash in some frequent flier miles to get my ass out there for the week
02:32.45mog_homei live in huntsville with digium
02:32.51mog_homemy brother is out in waco though
02:33.10Cresl1nJerJer: that's pretty nice
02:33.27jskcrJerJer wow thats cool
02:33.38jskcrI have to work :(
02:33.49JerJeryeah i thought so too.  He says my company needs to be out there, so now we are.
02:34.20JerJeri am going to attempt to launch our new website
02:34.36SkramXmog_home: fun.
02:34.57*** join/#asterisk MrMAGO (n=mglucksm@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/MrMAGO)
02:34.58JerJeronly worry is not blowing up a stupid amount of DIDs
02:35.01mog_homewhats that me cresl1n
02:35.23file[laptop]you two are rebels
02:35.31SkramXcrazy kids
02:35.43mog_homeopen source telephony does strange things to ya
02:35.55Cresl1nstupid telephony
02:35.58Cresl1nworse than the cold
02:36.09mog_homeits like herpes
02:36.12mog_homedissapears sometimes
02:36.16mog_homebut you always have it
02:36.21mog_homesometimes you infect some one else
02:36.22file[laptop]mog_home: yeah like no...
02:36.27Cresl1nthat's the sickest example I've ever heard
02:36.32file[laptop]if I was a telephony guy, I'd have all the phones in the world!
02:37.04mog_homemy number is perputually out of service
02:37.22hypa7iain the PReye?
02:37.33file[laptop]"We're sorry, the number you are attempting to dial is currently going to a country that no longer exists. Please go back in time and try your call. Thank you."
02:37.46Cresl1ndid allison say that?
02:37.58file[laptop]no but I'm tempted to put it on our next recording list
02:37.58mog_homemy parents think its so funny my number never works
02:38.21Cresl1ncell phone....
02:38.33mog_homelol never
02:38.37mog_homenever never never
02:38.43mog_homeunless bill buys me one
02:38.58SkramXdo most of yallw ork for digium/
02:39.05mog_homewell cresl1n and me
02:39.05Cresl1njust two of us
02:39.05SkramXoh, file[laptop] works for asterlink...
02:39.10SkramXCresl1n: and mog_home
02:39.11SkramXo ok
02:39.24mog_homewe are teh digium 1337 haxors
02:39.27SkramXhow many work for digium in all? 10?
02:39.33Cresl1nlike 40
02:39.38Cresl1nnot yet
02:39.41mog_homeyou need to keep up
02:39.50mog_home48 plus the two new people
02:39.55mog_homethat come on next week
02:39.56SkramXall full time?
02:39.57Cresl1nno way!
02:39.58file[laptop]in other news, 21 minutes till I'm 19
02:39.59mog_homeor the next one
02:40.03SkramXfile[laptop]: fun.
02:40.11Cresl1nno, a significant chunk are part time
02:40.14SkramXor just working
02:40.16hypa7iafile[laptop]: you could drink in ontario!
02:40.19file[laptop]SkramX: not yet
02:40.22mog_homeover half are part or hourly
02:40.24SkramXA while until I am in college.
02:40.29mog_homelike i am hourly and in college
02:40.29file[laptop]hypa7ia: and here in NB
02:40.33mog_homebut hit 45 hours most weeks
02:40.36SkramXfile[laptop]: high school or just hanging and doing the voip-work thang.
02:40.48file[laptop]I graduated high school in June... I think it was...
02:40.58Cresl1nit wasn't that long ago file
02:41.02file[laptop]and transferred to full time in August... or June... meh I forget
02:41.10hypa7iafile[laptop]: oh yea didn;t know you were up here in canuckistan
02:41.24file[laptop]ah July
02:41.31file[laptop]hypa7ia: yes I am in Atlantic Canada eh
02:42.05Cresl1nwhat's a vouch? :-D
02:42.14file[laptop]I could go for a Tim Horton's donut right now
02:42.25file[laptop]Cresl1n: Freestyler!
02:42.38Cresl1nfile: oh no you didn't!
02:43.03file[laptop]Cresl1n: SIP it!
02:43.11Cresl1nSIP happnes
02:43.19file[laptop]all too often
02:43.25*** join/#asterisk jaike (n=a@
02:44.15*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
02:44.16ZX81hi all
02:44.22ZX81how do I get rid of Oct  5 22:45:22 WARNING[3075]: chan_sip.c:3319 process_sdp: Unknown SDP media type in offer: image 31914 udptl t38
02:44.25file[laptop]eep it's Matt
02:44.33file[laptop]ZX81: disable T.38?
02:44.38ZX81grrr can't
02:44.47file[laptop]modify the source? disable warnings?
02:44.49ZX81long voip path
02:44.54ZX81yeah done
02:44.57ZX81but cpu goes up
02:45.03ZX81maybe my imagination
02:45.05ZX81one sec
02:45.09file[laptop]probably your imagination
02:45.34file[laptop]ZX81: I upgraded the MySQL on quark btw, was going to give you notice but you didn't answer :P
02:46.46ZX81still works?
02:46.57file[laptop]I only broke client stuff, but I fixed that
02:47.02ZX81first coffee just ready now
02:47.13*** join/#asterisk protien (
02:47.27ZX81I have a client doing 22kminutes with like 10% T.38
02:47.37ZX81and the T.38 takes out the console something cronic
02:47.59ZX81when I changed logged.conf so that warning weren't displayed
02:48.02file[laptop]coppice has some passthrough stuff that supposedly may work... I dunno, I don't have any T38 stuff
02:48.04ZX81the cpu went to 49%
02:48.10ZX81I knwo
02:48.14ZX81I commented on it
02:48.24ZX81maybe I should just try it out on production :D
02:48.34file[laptop]great idea!!! *G*
02:49.02file[laptop]okay folks - nothing to see here, move along...
02:50.27file[laptop]how are you?
02:50.35JunK-Yim fine urself?
02:50.48file[laptop]not too bad
02:51.13*** join/#asterisk neil_ablang (n=neil@
02:51.54*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (
02:52.12neil_ablangany tips of making e&m_w work with dms300? i got a te411p card
02:52.54neil_ablangwas able to send calls, but receiving calls seems not working
02:56.44*** join/#asterisk glm2k (
02:57.55*** join/#asterisk hacim (i=micah@debian/developer/micah)
02:58.09hacimanyone know what format the broadvoice config files are in? its apparantly binary
02:59.45blitzragethis is just too damn cool:
02:59.51blitzrageI've been quoted!
03:00.21hypa7iablitzrage: nice!
03:00.53blitzragehypa7ia: oh yah - I'm smiling large :)
03:01.23file[laptop]yay blitzrage
03:02.22Pete_Largovery nice quote bliztrage :)
03:02.32blitzragePete_Largo: thanks :)  you know which author I am? :)
03:02.41*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (n=Brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
03:02.45Pete_LargoI believe so
03:02.57blitzragePete_Largo: lol
03:03.12mmlj4what's could cause voicemailmain to not see keypresses?       -- No username but # key pressed. Using CID '2076' /    -- Playing 'vm-password' (language 'en') /    -- Incorrect password '' for user '2076' (context = <any>)
03:03.34Pete_Largorhymes with leaf
03:03.48file[laptop]doesn't rhyme with leaf
03:04.00Pete_Largoit was a joke file
03:04.22blitzrageyes? :)
03:04.31file[laptop]no, you're Leif
03:04.34Pete_Largo"Asterisk is arguably the most influential and exciting piece of software since the operating system it runs on--Linux,"
03:04.36file[laptop]there's a difference.
03:05.02Corydon76-homeRhymes with queef
03:05.13Pete_Largothen I am pronouncing it wrong.  just like I pronounce Linux wrong
03:05.14blitzrageCorydon76-home: then you don't know how to say my name :)
03:05.35blitzrage<--- Leif == Life
03:05.51Corydon76-homeAsstricks is another channel...
03:05.57Pete_LargoI think you say that phrase a lot George :)
03:05.59FuriousGeorgethen i discovered theres another syllable
03:06.07blitzrageFuriousGeorge: I always try to over pronounciate "Asterisk"
03:06.14blitzrageFuriousGeorge: exactly :)
03:06.20file[laptop]blitzrage: guess what book arrives later today!
03:06.24Corydon76-homeAnd don't forget, it's nucular
03:06.24blitzragefile[laptop]: w00t!
03:06.33Pete_Largolmao nucular
03:06.40mmlj4computers for dummies?  #  /me runs
03:06.50file[laptop]rm -rf mmlj4
03:06.55FuriousGeorgeconfortable is another one
03:07.00blitzragehypa7ia: birds and bees mostly
03:07.06FuriousGeorgepeople wanna say "conftable" around these parts
03:07.06hypa7iaalot is the worst
03:07.13hypa7iaALOT IS NOT A WORD PEOPLE
03:07.14blitzragea lot is TWO words
03:07.21hypa7iablitzrage: EYS
03:07.26FuriousGeorgei hate when people mispel alot
03:07.31file[laptop]it's my birthday people!
03:07.38blitzrageHappy Birthday file
03:07.40Sedoroxhappy b-day
03:07.42Nivexfile[laptop]: Hippo Birdie, two ewes!
03:07.44Pete_Largohappy b-day
03:07.45FuriousGeorgecumpleanos felizes
03:07.45*** join/#asterisk epoch (
03:07.49Corydon76-homeOooo, 19...
03:07.50hypa7iahey file[laptop]
03:07.59hypa7iado you know the_p0pe or msvi?
03:08.03*** part/#asterisk epoch (
03:08.23blitzragefile[laptop] can drink now
03:08.27Corydon76-homeOnce again, in your prime...
03:08.32file[laptop]yes, yes I can
03:08.43Corydon76-homeThat won't happen again for another 4 years
03:09.30file[laptop]pesky buggers
03:09.36blitzrageok, I gotta go and pack for tomorrow -- big day of heading to California!
03:09.44file[laptop]have fun blitzrage
03:09.46blitzrage(tomorrow is going to be a long day...)
03:10.24Corydon76-homeYou don't know what a long day is until you've been to Phreaknic... :-P
03:10.37blitzrageCorydon76-home: oh I know a long day... :)
03:10.56Corydon76-home8 am to 4 am?
03:11.01*** join/#asterisk jdv79 (
03:11.13Corydon76-homeLather, rinse, repeat
03:11.22jdv79is trunk solid:)  i just tried to build it and i got some error mentioning curl something
03:11.25glm2kblitzrage: i'll welcome you at the border >:)
03:11.34blitzrageglm2k: cool :)
03:11.39Pete_Largoyou need to have curl installed jdv79
03:11.48blitzrageCorydon76-home: I was up till 5am last night
03:11.53Corydon76-homeNot curl.  libcurl
03:12.00*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (n=junky@
03:12.11Corydon76-homeSame codebase, two different packages
03:12.21Pete_Largomy bad
03:12.30Pete_LargoI thought you needed both
03:12.34Corydon76-homeThe app, not the library
03:12.46Corydon76-homeNope, the library is enough to get the app running
03:13.05Pete_Largowell, I just learned something new :)
03:13.09*** join/#asterisk Jzalae (
03:13.16Corydon76-homebut if you're running HEAD, it's really no longer an app... it's now a function...
03:13.54file[laptop]Corydon76-home: HA
03:13.57Pete_Largo\get a room!
03:13.58blitzragefunctions rock
03:14.16Corydon76-homeYep, I'm glad I helped architect functions
03:15.16Corydon76-homeStill waiting on #2720, though
03:16.27blitzrageCorydon76-home: what was 2720 again?
03:16.37Corydon76-homeStack apps
03:16.47blitzrageCorydon76-home: someone should really make ${DBdel()}
03:16.50Corydon76-homeGosub/Return/Pop, and LOCAL variables
03:17.22Corydon76-homeblitzrage: Set(DB(foo/bar)=)
03:17.56blitzrageCorydon76-home: that doesn't delete the family / key though does it?
03:18.10jdv79i did install curl
03:18.13jdv79it might be out of date though
03:18.23Corydon76-homeInstall the libcurl-devel package
03:21.24*** part/#asterisk BrianR___ (
03:21.55Corydon76-homeblitzrage: the DBdel and DBdeltree apps were never deprecated
03:22.11Corydon76-homeSo they'll still be around
03:25.43*** part/#asterisk kuj (
03:26.21Pete_Largodoes the O'Reilly book talk about all the changes in 1.2 beta versus 1.0.x?
03:28.17JonR800it said it covers 1.2.. how much i don't know
03:29.33*** part/#asterisk OzJames79 (n=opera@
03:29.47*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
03:32.32*** join/#asterisk tecnico (
03:35.11FuriousGeorgenaiomi from rome is pretty cute
03:35.45FuriousGeorgesomething really fly about the way she just said "my calendar is correct, if you'd like to have me tonight"
03:37.14*** join/#asterisk hhrp (
03:37.16*** part/#asterisk hhrp (
03:37.19*** join/#asterisk hhrp (
03:37.42hhrpcould anyone tell why am I having this warning and no audio when phone is ringing Asked to transmit frame type 256, while native formats is 2 (read/write = 2/2)
03:39.42Pete_Largoif anyone cares, I'm still looking for a sample config file for a Mediatrix 2102...
03:41.45*** join/#asterisk dca (
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03:44.25*** part/#asterisk BrianR___ (
03:44.36*** join/#asterisk BrianR___ (
03:45.20hhrpcould anyone tell why am I having this warning and no audio when phone is ringing Asked to transmit frame type 256, while native formats is 2 (read/write = 2/2)
03:47.05dcacodec error
03:47.17dcaor more specifically mismatch
03:48.09hhrpi cant figure out
03:48.11Pete_Largowhat would cause it?
03:48.19hhrpi know its codecs
03:48.21Pete_Largocause I had something similar happen to me yesterday
03:48.32hhrpi have gsm on one end and g729 on another
03:48.44hhrpwhen call comes in to gsm its ok
03:49.00hhrpthen once g729 is supposed to give rining it starts
03:49.05hhrpand i hear no ring
03:49.23CoaxDCygwin scares me.
03:49.37dcak, i have to ask, you do have g729 licenses on your asterisk box right?
03:49.50hhrpits been working ok
03:50.33*** join/#asterisk optickal (n=optikal@
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03:51.59dcahhrp: what does "show g729" say?
03:52.58*** part/#asterisk spackle (n=spackle@
03:53.19hhrpdoesnt say anything
03:53.32hhrpshow audio codecs does
03:53.51pashahhaving wierd problems: 1 * box, 1 te205p and 3 TDM04b, after I do modprobe wct4xxp, I get ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 63: No such device or address (6), if I comment out TDM string is zaptel.conf - all fine, any ideas?
03:54.00dcaif "show g729" doesn't say "X/Y codecs available" then you don't have an g729 codecs to use
03:54.17hhrpwell i do
03:54.31hhrpand it works when recepient picks up the phone
03:54.31dcashow g729
03:54.31dca0/0 encoders/decoders of 20 licensed channels are currently in use
03:54.37dcayou should get something like that
03:54.57hhrpthey paid 20 for two lines
03:55.18dcaand activated the key on the box?
03:55.33dcaand put in /var/lib/asterisk/modules ?
03:55.45hhrpi dunno i didnt set it up to be honest
03:55.55hhrpyes i have that so in the libs
03:55.56dcamight wanna ask 'em
03:56.08hhrpits been working ok..
03:56.25hhrpthen outta the sudden started doing it
03:57.49hhrpgotta reboot
03:57.53hhrpyou think bad codec?
03:58.09hhrpi know in oh323 i can set frame=
03:58.11*** join/#asterisk brookshire (
03:58.20hhrpbut it looks like its a sip
03:58.30dcanot running screen are you?
03:58.44dcawhat os?
03:58.49hhrprd linux
03:59.24NuggetLinux is poo.
03:59.39*** join/#asterisk n0where (
04:01.15*** join/#asterisk brc_ (n=Brian@pdpc/supporter/basic/brc)
04:02.01distortionis there an easy way to debug sip messages?
04:02.21distortionother than debug sip which doesnt say shit
04:02.33file[laptop]you mean sip debug?
04:02.52Pete_Largoincrease your verbosity?
04:03.16distortionwell maybe that is the issue, i run in -vvvgc and sip debug lists too much info
04:03.29file[laptop]you can sip debug a specific peer or IP
04:03.36Pete_Largoyou can?
04:03.38file[laptop]sip debug peer, sip debug ip
04:03.50FuriousGeorgeCoaxD: why does cygwin scare you
04:03.55distortioneven then, my 7960 phone sends the invite like 12 times
04:03.57Pete_Largowow, that's another thing I learned today!
04:04.45Pete_LargoI assume you/I can do the same with IAX?
04:04.48distortionis there like a cdr i should be looking at with specific reasons why the call wont go through?
04:05.08distortionor a more simple debug that lists why something is failing?
04:06.48*** join/#asterisk Connor (
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04:14.09*** join/#asterisk redder86 (
04:14.40redder86hi all
04:15.13redder86any recommendations on a good VoIP provider servicing Mexico call destinations?
04:15.57redder86dca: what's the per-minute rate to Mexico?
04:16.13CoaxDYou know, i wonder..  Wouldnt it be beneficial to go with a voip provider that is LOCAL to mexico? :)
04:16.29Primeranyone got a skinny phone working with asterisk? A friend of mine has a cisco 7920, and we're trying to connect it to my asterisk
04:16.30CoaxD(Okay, okay, i know that most of mexico has an ip network that is scarcely better than a 56k modem.)
04:16.35PrimerCoaxD: fag
04:16.41CoaxDPrimer: blah
04:16.45redder86CoaxD: Telmex charges an arm and a leg for most of its services
04:17.00PrimerI thought voip was illegal in Mexixo
04:17.09CoaxDPrimer: hell, it probably is
04:17.23dcait's a "grey" area
04:17.29*** join/#asterisk AaronP (
04:17.53redder86Well, 3.5 cents per minute beats NuFone's 10.
04:18.07redder86dca: do they allow ulaw?
04:18.20dcaand g729
04:18.21redder86quality good?
04:18.37redder86you have an ownership interest?
04:18.54dcafriendly interest :)
04:19.13*** join/#asterisk glm2k (
04:20.22redder86$10 initial deposit and then just keep a positive balance from there?  Pay on-line with a credit card, etc?
04:20.57redder86not bad
04:20.59*** join/#asterisk huslage (n=huslage@
04:21.01dca30 day money back, etc.
04:21.29redder86$10 isn't worth the hassle of getting money back for a one-time deal
04:21.29*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
04:21.52redder86well, I guess if one makes minimum wage, then maybe
04:22.59*** part/#asterisk redder86 (
04:23.35jbotmethinks docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
04:23.37jbotmethinks mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
04:27.05ManxPowerThese Wifi guys are funny.  They go on and on about the advantages of Wifi, but don't seem to think the fact that a microwave oven can impact your network performance is a real issue.
04:27.35brookshireheh.. it doesn't really
04:27.49brookshirebut those stupid 2.4ghz  cordless phones do
04:28.43brookshiremicrowave ovens are mostly shielded anyways :)
04:29.47*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr (
04:29.53ManxPower"Stupid cordless phones"
04:30.20ManxPowerCordless phones are one of the cornerstones of modern civilization
04:30.26Primeranyone got a skinny phone working with asterisk? A friend of mine has a cisco 7920, and we're trying to connect it to my asterisk. Apparently this requires a tftp server? seems rather odd...
04:30.27*** join/#asterisk Jenna (n=cherryRe@
04:31.11ManxPowerPrimer, Skinny/SCCP is VERY much tied to CallManager.  The fact that anyone has gotten them to work with Asterisk is a miricle.
04:31.42PrimerManxPower: this friend of mine is actually a cisco engineer who works on the 7920/7960
04:31.46ManxPowerbrookshire, I have to replace all 3 of my cordless phones now that I have a Wifi uplink for my internet conneciton
04:31.59ManxPowerAnd I don't buy the cheap ones.
04:32.11Primerand I'm wondering "who the fuck designed such a ridiculous scheme for connecting a phone?"
04:32.11brookshirei want to outlaw them at the office
04:32.29Primerhe claims it wasn't him
04:32.32ManxPowerI'm sometimes on the phone for 6 hours in a day, I need a good cordless phone and a good headset
04:32.54ManxPowerbrookshire, We are thinking of encouraging them in the office.  Would totally destroy the rogue Wifi APs that are poping up.
04:33.22brookshireopen wifi #1
04:33.36ManxPowerPrimer, Cisco bought the company that originally made the SCCP/Skinny phones.
04:33.40PrimerManxPower: so you have skinny phones working with asterisk?
04:33.49*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr (
04:33.50PrimerManxPower: yeah, they're buying everything
04:33.51ManxPowerPrimer, No, not even I like that much pain.
04:34.20PrimerMy friend tells me they bought they bought sipura's "technology" twice, via 2 separate companies
04:34.30ManxPowerPrimer, I have many more interesting things to do than try to foce a phone to work with Asterisk.
04:34.31Primers/they bought/
04:34.34ManxPowerPrimer, He is correct.
04:34.46JennaHi! Can Asterisk be used as a commercial VOIP gateway ? I know its OS but are people/companies using it to provide VOIP solutions ?
04:34.50iCEBrkrPrimer: What are you bitching about now? :P
04:34.55ManxPowerPrimer, Actually 3 times, if you count the Linksys licensing deal.
04:34.56theblueIf I set an extension in sip.conf for a register => line, would calls coming in from that number automatically go to that extension?
04:35.00PrimerManxPower: so you're telling me this is a hopeless cause?
04:37.53*** join/#asterisk jbot_ (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
04:37.53*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk 1.2.0 Beta1 - || Astricon 2005 - Anaheim, CA - Oct 12-14 - - Sign Up Now!
04:37.56glm2kOyster Sauce, mmmmmmm
04:38.06Jennaso I was wondering if I can start an VOIP business around it. are people already doing this
04:38.18theblueJenna: What do you mean, a VoIP business?
04:38.41ManxPowerJenna, There are many companies that use Asterisk to provide VoIP services.
04:38.42glm2kJenna: asterisk is only one part of a voip business.
04:38.52Primerthat market is already saturated too
04:38.58theblueAnd how.
04:39.00ManxPowerBut you already knew that, didn't you?  Since you are on the Asterisk-Biz mailiging list.
04:39.02iCEBrkrPrimer: That's an understatement
04:39.03glm2kPrimer: which?
04:39.31ManxPowerPrimer, Inbound Toll Free and Out bound Toll is saturated.  I think there's still a market for inbound DID
04:39.31Primerthe voip market
04:40.05JennaPrimer: saturated. hmm. I wonder if I can get teeny tiny bit of the existing market slice
04:40.11ManxPowerEveryone and their brother is offering outbound calling.
04:40.14Primerapparently my friend is the engineer responsible for the sccp implementation on the cisco 7920
04:40.16glm2kManxPower: there are also niche markets - areas with pretty steep per minute charges
04:40.17theblueThere IS no existing market slice.
04:40.19Primerhe just now told me this
04:40.35theblueCould someone help me think up a dialplan?
04:40.51ManxPowerglm2k, Correct.
04:41.04ManxPowerI just do Voip implimentaitons for companies, I donl sell mins
04:41.28ManxPowerUgh.  Must be getting late, my typing is sucking more than usual.
04:41.40iCEBrkrHrrm.  Can Asterisk detect the 3 tones that indicated a disconnected number?
04:41.45*** join/#asterisk wasim_ (n=wasim@pdpc/supporter/active/wasim)
04:42.07Jennaanyway market or no market. Wat constitutes of complete (on a small scale) VOIP insfrastructure apart from an Asterisk gateway thingy ?
04:42.07dcaManx, who do you use for inboud DID's?
04:42.20dcaor better, who do you suggest your clients use?
04:42.38iCEBrkrthat reminds me, I gotta try NuFone
04:43.41ManxPoweriCEBrkr, not very well.
04:44.01ManxPoweriCEBrkr, but it's only an issue if you have an analog interface to the PSTN.
04:44.14ManxPowerdca, the telco
04:44.29ManxPowerdca, For my personal stuff Teliax and Nufone.
04:44.41ManxPowerBut for my clients, we don't need numbers in far away places and use local telco connections
04:44.54dcaprice aside, makes sense
04:45.14iCEBrkrIs there any sort of signaling on a PRI for those tones?
04:45.36ManxPoweriCEBrkr, no, you get a disconnect cause code to indicate the status of the call.
04:45.42ManxPowerI think 37 is "disconnected"
04:45.51ManxPowergoogle for "pri cause code"
04:45.59iCEBrkrThat'll work for me.
04:46.03iCEBrkrI mean, if it works :P
04:46.08ManxPoweriCEBrkr, it does.
04:50.35Inv_arpJenna: not sure what yer askin
04:51.20*** part/#asterisk AaronP (
04:51.20JennaInv_arp: just want to setp an VOIP business around asterisk. what stuff would I be requiring . the infrastructure ie.
04:52.38Inv_arpJenna: what type of business, you wanna be a proviser or somethin?
04:53.04JennaInv_arp: yup . provider
04:53.11IkarusJenna: usually SER + Asterisk
04:53.17Ikarusbut Asterisk alone also works
04:53.41Inv_arpJenna: yea my provider uses SER...
04:54.07JennaIkarus: SER ? whats that ?
04:54.14IkarusJenna: SIP Express Router
04:54.15JennaInv_arp: SER ? whats that ?
04:54.25IkarusJenna: a SIP only proxy/routing thing
04:54.34Jennahow must does it cost
04:54.38IkarusJenna: 0
04:54.49Inv_arpJenna: SP express router
04:54.51IkarusJenna: it is mainly used to setup internal calls and load balance over multiple Asterisk media/voicemail servers
04:55.35*** join/#asterisk patpatnz (n=pjs@unaffiliated/patpatnz)
04:55.38Jennacould u guys point me to some doc regarding all this setup thing.
04:55.44Ikarusalso SER scales better in subscribe messages for SIP
04:55.57Primerso can someone please tell me what's the difference between asterisk's skinny vs. sccp support?
04:55.59patpatnzIs there any way to access the Remote Peer ID of a sip channel from the dialplan?
04:56.01Primeris sccp not skinny?
04:56.06IkarusJenna: the voip wiki for Asterisk also has SER info on it
04:56.17JennaI already have cell phone business running. Im hoping to extend make use of VOIP thingy
04:56.20IkarusJenna: as said, SER + Asterisk is a really common setup
04:56.45patpatnzJenna, I'm setting one up now (SER + Asterisk)
04:57.07patpatnzWho knows about RPIDs?
04:57.55JennaIkarus: Inv_arp: patpatnz: okay thanx guys
04:58.00IkarusRight, I am going to go to bed again for a bit stomach ache making me feel like hell
05:01.47patpatnzI want to use the RPID instead of the SIP from address when making H323 calls
05:02.03patpatnzDoes anyone know how to do that?
05:02.16*** join/#asterisk Snake-Eyes (n=blog@
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05:10.59FuriousGeorgemy voicemail seems kinda quite.
05:14.39FuriousGeorgeand meetme doesnt meet anyone |:
05:16.32*** join/#asterisk [dwC] (
05:16.39[dwC]anyone use DIDx here?
05:18.05SkramXI dont.
05:18.45FuriousGeorgeme niether
05:19.01[dwC]I am just trying to setup their free DID's for the first time with no luck
05:19.11FuriousGeorgethis damn thing tells me the pin number is invalid when i clearly didnt specify a pin in meetme.conf
05:19.12[dwC]getting IAX rejections on my *
05:19.13FuriousGeorgewhat gives
05:19.44*** part/#asterisk neil_ablang (n=neil@
05:20.47theblueHi all.
05:20.54theblueCan anyone help me think of a sane dialplan?
05:21.08*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
05:21.15patpatnzWhat was that site where you could register and call for free as long as you also provided a dialout to some numbers?
05:21.20blitzragefor those of you who have prioritized traffic using a Linux "router", what applications / software did you use? I'm looking for something that isn't going to require me to spend several weeks to set it up (I have a weekend) - I want to prioritize voice traffic over everything, and then prioritize certain subnets over others for data
05:21.32patpatnztheblue, ta :)
05:21.38FuriousGeorgeblitzrage: ipcop.  do it
05:21.50blitzrageFuriousGeorge: thanks -- will look into that
05:21.52thebluepatpatnz: np.
05:22.03FuriousGeorgetheblue: what do you want your dialplan to do
05:22.13patpatnztheblue, don't suppose you know anything about RPIDs?
05:22.19thebluepatpatnz: Sorry, no.
05:22.31patpatnztheblue, ah, well, was worth asking
05:22.31theblueFuriousGeorge: May I explain in an /msg?
05:22.40patpatnzanyone else know about RPIDs?
05:22.43FuriousGeorgetheblue: sure
05:22.46*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
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05:24.39patpatnzbrc_, hi
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05:38.48*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk 1.2.0 Beta1 - || Astricon 2005 - Anaheim, CA - Oct 12-14 - - Sign Up Now!
05:40.58*** join/#asterisk websae (
05:41.18websaeI was curious if anyonne has an idea why i keep getting this message Oct  5 22:36:37 NOTICE[12756]: chan_sip.c:10614 handle_request_register: R
05:41.18websaeegistration from '"BRANDO" <sip:203@>' failed for '
05:41.18websae' - Not a local SIP domain
05:42.06websaewhy would it say not a local SIP domain
05:42.49*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
05:42.50websae/msg nick 125 do you know what this means Oct  5 22:36:37 NOTICE[12756]: chan_sip.c:10614 handle_request_register: R
05:42.50websaeegistration from '"BRANDO" <sip:203@>' failed for '
05:42.50websae' - Not a local SIP domain
05:42.55blitzragewebsae: what version are you running?
05:43.04websaecvs head
05:43.25blitzragewebsae: domains just got implemented -- it means that the far end is trying to register to a domain which you don't have configured, thus its being rejected
05:43.34blitzragewebsae: its a "security" feature
05:44.02websaeno...i was using the server's ip address
05:44.17websaethe server's static ip the inbound/outbound proxy
05:47.15Primerman, I almost have this 7920 working with chan_sccp2
05:51.59*** join/#asterisk jbot_ (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
05:51.59*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk 1.2.0 Beta1 - || Astricon 2005 - Anaheim, CA - Oct 12-14 - - Sign Up Now!
05:57.08Primerdamn, I'm -> <- this close to getting chan_sccp2 working...but the sccp client is behind NAT and asterisk is sending the RTP to the RFC1918 address
05:58.33PoWeRKiLLHow not to pass audio when dialing SIP -> * -> ZAP ?
05:59.50*** join/#asterisk asterisk99 (
05:59.58blitzragePrimer: guess there's no nat=yes for sccp2 eh?
06:00.22blitzragePrimer: so that it knows to pass it to the address in the IP header instead...
06:00.44asterisk99Is anyone here using a TE110P (single-span T1/E1) card or the 2-3-4 span variants?  i have PRI configuration problems
06:01.57*** join/#asterisk websae (
06:04.00ManxPowerPrimer, You REALLY like pain don't you?
06:04.05FuriousGeorgei cannot freakin believe theyre gonna start vinny this weekend.  give bolinger a chance
06:04.12FuriousGeorgenot like he chucked a pick
06:04.21blitzrageFuriousGeorge: cricket?
06:04.26PrimerManxPower: it seems that if chan_sccp2 supported NAT, this would work
06:04.28ManxPowerIs FuriousGeorge speaking english?
06:04.34Primerbut it seems that sccp isn't nat friendly either
06:04.38ManxPowerPrimer, I doubt it supports NAT.
06:04.47FuriousGeorgeblitzrage: sorry i thought i was in #nyjets
06:04.48ManxPowerAfter all SCCP doesn't support any authentication
06:04.56blitzrageFuriousGeorge: :)
06:06.06FuriousGeorgeblitzrage: continuing our conversation, at the heart of ipcop is iptables i believe so if it does QoS and doesnt support it on a per zone basis through the httpd gui, i assume you could do it by hand
06:06.09FuriousGeorgebut what do i know
06:06.12PrimerManxPower: well, I imagine if the engineer that implemented SCCP on the 7920 can't figure it out, I won't be able to either
06:06.37blitzrageFuriousGeorge: more than likely -- good thing I'm bringing my Linux Firewalls book :)
06:06.55Dr_RayI'm going to make my own asterisk fork
06:07.06FuriousGeorgeim sure they'll be someone there to help out, works case scenario
06:07.06Dr_Rayit seems all the rage
06:07.08*** join/#asterisk Snake-Eyes (n=blog@
06:07.18FuriousGeorgeDr_Ray: call it #
06:07.26blitzrageDr_Ray: lol
06:07.37blitzrageManxPower: too bad you can't make it...
06:07.50FuriousGeorgewhat is that symbol called again?  is it always hash or pound?
06:08.26FuriousGeorgeor is there another name
06:08.37ManxPowerblitzrage, My internet connection is via WiFi to an antenna on top of a water tower.
06:09.01FuriousGeorgeManxPower: when you flush does it get hot?
06:09.07ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, Octothorp (correct), Pound (USA), Hash (British)
06:09.24Dr_Raytic-tac-toe thingy (my mother)
06:09.31ManxPowerAt least I didn't have to launch weather baloons to get internet access
06:09.35Octothorpthis moment has changed me forever
06:10.17ManxPowerI'm now calling the town I live in "Limping Muel TX", since it's not good enough even to be a "one horse town"
06:10.46ManxPowerMule, even
06:10.54blitzrageManxPower: Octothorp is a made up term! :)
06:11.15*** join/#asterisk criptos (n=criptos@
06:11.17blitzrageManxPower: which we talk about in "thebook" :)
06:11.31ManxPowerblitzrage, nifty.
06:11.34ManxPowerLike "splat"?
06:11.41blitzrageManxPower: sure :)
06:11.58ManxPowerrm splat dot splat
06:12.02blitzragewhy is it I always feel its necessary to bring a ton of clothes with me when I travel...
06:12.04FuriousGeorgeNumber sign
06:12.04FuriousGeorgeFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
06:12.04FuriousGeorge(Redirected from Octothorp)
06:12.11*** part/#asterisk Johnsie (
06:12.24ManxPowerblitzrage, go to more clothing optional places.
06:12.33blitzrageFuriousGeorge: I do like the term octothorpe though
06:12.38ManxPowerIt really saves on the laundry
06:12.39blitzrageManxPower: uhhh... nah :)
06:12.47patpatnzanyone know about RPIDs and how/if you can access them from the dialplan?
06:13.02FuriousGeorgewhats an rpid?
06:13.09patpatnzremote party id
06:13.13*** join/#asterisk gres (n=serg@
06:13.16patpatnzused in sip
06:13.23patpatnzit's like callerid for sip I guess
06:14.05patpatnzanyway, doesn't look like it so I'm off, laters
06:14.22FuriousGeorgepatpatnz: isnt it a global var ${CALLERID}
06:15.05Dr_RayI wish I could get off work
06:15.09Dr_Rayto go
06:15.27FuriousGeorgeglad ur not my dr
06:15.45blitzragepattieja: FYI --
06:15.47Dr_RayI'm not actuaklly a doctor
06:15.59blitzragejust plays one on IRC
06:16.05blitzrage(I know... lame joke)
06:16.06Dr_Raynot so much anymore
06:17.03Dr_RayWork declined to pay my way to astericon this year, why?  our PBX works :)
06:17.20blitzrageDr_Ray: should have broke it :)
06:18.52Dr_Raythey bought me TDM cards and channel banks, so I should be nice
06:19.22*** part/#asterisk Uberbot (n=Uberbot@
06:19.33FuriousGeorgenite all
06:19.40Dr_Rayso do we know who the braintrust behind is?
06:19.55blitzrageDr_Ray: anthm and bkw_
06:20.33Dr_RayI'll be quiet then
06:21.05blitzragemeh... I don't *really* get it, but I'm sure someone will try to explain it to me; but I don't really care enough
06:21.17Dr_Rayif I ahd to guess it's the GPL thing
06:21.28blitzrageits politics -- thats about it
06:23.05oejBlitzrage: Morning
06:25.16ManxPoweroej, I have to replace my cordless phones.  Every time I use one of them my jitter goes off the scale
06:25.48blitzrageoej: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
06:25.53blitzrageoej: good morning!
06:25.59ManxPowerTelecom should be run over wires, the way god intended it!
06:26.14oejblitzrage: Ready for a long flight?
06:26.21blitzrageoej: no.... :)
06:26.33blitzrageoej: well... I'm packed... just not looking forward to the border crossing
06:26.49oejManxPower: Yes, wireless is just a scam. Throw your cell at the water tower and go get a real copper wire. Or a barbwire and run vdsl on it.
06:27.20ManxPoweroej, I'm 20,000 ft from the CO
06:27.23Dr_Rayour zyxel rep is trying to get us to pitch adsl for vdsl
06:29.13websaeanyone know why when i call someone...they can hear me....i can't hear them....i have nat=1 (my ip phone is behind a firewall)
06:29.28websaei mean behind a router
06:29.56Dr_Rayover sip?
06:30.58ManxPowerwebsae, is the Asterisk server behind NAT?
06:31.43websaeasterisk is on public static ip
06:31.49websaemy phone is behind a router
06:32.25ManxPowerUnless the NAT router is doing packet filtering, you should only need nat=yes and qualify=yes in the sip.conf section for that device.
06:33.09websaequalify does what?
06:33.20blitzragechecks the latency / status of a device
06:33.22ManxPowerkeeps enough traffic happening so the NAT router doesn't close the connection
06:33.27blitzragethat too
06:33.32blitzragekeeps a connection open basically
06:33.47ManxPowerOct  6 01:33:04 NOTICE[977]: chan_iax2.c:7023 socket_read: Peer 'NuFone' is now TOO LAGGED (3377 ms)!
06:33.50ManxPowerdamn wireless
06:33.54mthemvoip over wireless is not a prob, not talking bout cell here
06:34.20mthemwhat system are you running?
06:34.28mthemwireless that is
06:35.18mthemwe have 15 client asterisk servers backhauling to our core, sound is great... modem/fax not ok
06:35.26websaewhen i make a call.....i can hear the ring.....person picks up phone---they can hear me, i can't hear them.....
06:35.38mthemu running sip?
06:35.50ManxPowermthem, whatever the community wireless network is using
06:35.53mthemset the adaptor to DMZ on your soho
06:36.17websaenat worked before with a test server i had at another location while i was behind a router
06:36.31mthemManxPower: so a standard, 802.11 something, ya there is not much QoS there
06:36.48ManxPowermtgh, *nod*, but it's the only internet access I have.
06:37.01mthemu running IAX?
06:37.06mthemover the wireless
06:37.09ManxPowermtgh, of course.
06:37.34mthem.. of course.. well, dont know mush about that,
06:37.55websaeanyone have any ideas...i have nat=yes and qualify=yes.....when i make call...person can hear me, i can't hear them though...
06:38.02ManxPowerIf all else fails I'll just get a couple of more phone lines
06:38.06websaei can hear the phone ringing too
06:38.10websaeany help would be appreciated
06:38.11ManxPowerwebsae, your router is filtering packets.
06:38.25mthemwebsae: just try the DMZ to make sure the FW is not the prob
06:38.31websaei did
06:38.33ManxPowerwebsae, your device generates the ringing, you are not hearing the far end's ringing
06:38.41mthemwebsae: make sure SPI is not on
06:38.52mthemwebsae: if your router supports ti
06:39.04mthemStateful Packet Inspection
06:39.09websaethings worked fine before behind to router using a test server at a remote location
06:39.20websaebut with this other server...not working to make calls where they can hear me
06:39.43mthemii hear u, but its not working now, so you should start with your FW
06:40.01mthemyou on Nufone?
06:40.22mthemwhats the server IP?
06:40.35mthemwho do u terminate with?
06:40.46websaeprivate carrier
06:40.58mthemsure but who?
06:41.26websaethe server keeps registering my phone's private ip address
06:41.31websaehow do i get it so it doesn't do that?
06:41.36websaethat could be messing things up
06:41.48ManxPowerwebsae, then the nat=yes is not being read
06:42.06ManxPoweris "sip show peers" show the private IP instead of the publicv IP then that's what's happening.
06:42.17ManxPowerEither than or your SIP client or your router is doing something nasty
06:42.23websaewhat can i do about that
06:42.28ManxPowerwebsae, fix it
06:42.36ManxPowerwebsae, what router are you using?
06:42.45websaea cheap netgear
06:42.45ManxPowerWhat SIP device are you using?
06:42.52websaesipura 841 hard phone
06:42.57mthemcould olso be that the new server does not support contin. sessions in its FW
06:43.10ManxPowerwebsae, and you have all the NAT options in the Sipura turned off?
06:43.25lehelpeople after a few secs my iax connection is muted.. i ran an iax2 debug: >> Tx-Frame Retry[-01] ...>> Tx-Frame Retry[000] .. >> Rx-Frame Retry[ No], i can't find where is the bug
06:43.42websaeshould i?
06:43.44websaehave them turned off?
06:43.46ManxPowerwebsae, Yes.
06:43.47websaein my sipura?
06:43.53ManxPowerOf course.
06:44.09websaenat mapping = no?
06:44.14websaethat's what i have
06:44.44ManxPowerExcept for the NAT Keep Alive Enable: option.  If you set that option to yes, then you don't need qualify=yes
06:45.03ManxPoweranyway, off to bed
06:46.47*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
06:47.09mthemwebsae: do u have access to the reg. server?
06:48.03*** join/#asterisk Snake-Eyes (n=blog@
06:48.06websaeyes i do
06:48.08websaehave access
06:48.25mthemwhat does your iptables look like (if thats what you are running
06:49.00websaewhat does iptables have to do with it?
06:49.12websaei can make the call....establish a call...they can hear me..i can't hear them
06:49.13blitzragenight all -- off to Anaheim tomorrow!
06:50.03websaemthem: cisco phone works fine
06:50.16mthemright that indicates that 5060 is open, since the call is setup.... but after taht the server picks a random udp port for the voice
06:50.31mthemfrom behind the same FW?
06:51.04websaeso what should i do?
06:51.19mthemis the cisco working from behind the same router?
06:51.37websaebehind a different router
06:52.07websaeset to DMZ
06:52.12websaeworks fine
06:52.37mthemok, try change your ip on the sipura.... seen that work before
06:52.47mthemdont know why exactly
06:53.15websaechange my ip?
06:53.17websaehow so?
06:53.22websaeon my sipura?
06:54.01mthemjust another ip from your LAN pool
06:54.37mthemjust to make sure is the cisco reg. to the same server you are trying now?
06:57.48*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
06:58.53mthemwebsae: u live?
06:59.00websaei am here
06:59.04websaemaybe set it static?
06:59.34mthemu have to otherwise you will get the same from the router DHCP
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07:01.45*** join/#asterisk Snake-Eyes (n=blog@
07:01.53websaeno go
07:02.54websaesame issues
07:03.08FuriousGeorgewebsae: put everything in the dmz
07:03.23websaeyeah i have my router dmz set on
07:03.26websaefor the sipura phone
07:03.28FuriousGeorgeis something blocking rtp 10000-20000
07:03.43FuriousGeorgei got nuthin
07:04.14FuriousGeorgewant me to try and log my client into ur server (not in a gay way)
07:04.44FuriousGeorgeok, not funny
07:05.02FuriousGeorgetough crowd
07:05.24mthemya that is a 011871-5 call worth ;)
07:05.59mthemINMARSAT - Atlantic East
07:06.05*** join/#asterisk Snake-Eyes (n=blog@
07:06.05mthem$12 per min
07:06.30*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
07:06.33FuriousGeorgewow, any names of any places i might know
07:06.41*** join/#asterisk protien (
07:06.57mthemur the joker, better comebacks
07:07.14FuriousGeorgetake my wife please
07:07.24FuriousGeorgeseriously though
07:08.12FuriousGeorgewhere does INMARSAT cover?
07:08.29mthemeast atlantic.... or west atlantic
07:08.37mthem..... hehe its right there
07:09.04mthemmaybe this is better, water
07:09.21mthem;) thanks
07:10.00FuriousGeorgeis that what goes on here at 3EST
07:10.31FuriousGeorgethats better
07:11.07mthemwebsae: u never answered if the cisco was reg. to the same server u where trying?
07:13.50mthemdont anyone have an interesting problem tonight?
07:13.54FuriousGeorgei got the wierdest issue.  something is trumping the values i set in meetme.conf, and asking me for a pw when there is none
07:14.11FuriousGeorgeor telling me its wrong when its not, man
07:15.08*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
07:15.34mthemhows your DTMF working in other calls?
07:15.47mthemor how are you sending your DTMF
07:16.01FuriousGeorgeand the wierdist part is that voip info says asterisk doesnt even need to be restarted for meetme.conf changes
07:16.04FuriousGeorgeinband, ulaw
07:16.21FuriousGeorgeactually my remote client is gsm!  thats where im testing from
07:16.43mthemso in-audio over GSM?
07:16.50FuriousGeorgewhy is it asking me for a pw when i specify nothing but the exten
07:17.28FuriousGeorgeactually, now that i look at sip.conf, im not passing it inband
07:17.28mthem..ya... dunno much about conf.
07:18.33FuriousGeorgeis there anyway to use the time to randomize in the dialplan
07:19.47FuriousGeorgemthem: i was totally thinking about make festival say random wierd shit, man
07:21.15FuriousGeorgebut the math operators are only +-/*
07:21.19mthemhows that working for u?
07:21.34FuriousGeorgeno sqrt or ^
07:21.46mthemthe festival text/voice
07:22.04FuriousGeorgeno, the random part
07:22.15FuriousGeorgeoh festival, for me
07:22.19mthemi wanted to get my emails as voice... but dident want to spend the time if it sucked
07:22.40FuriousGeorgemthem: i know the mail.conf can disregard short messages
07:22.47FuriousGeorgeor voicemail.conf i mean
07:23.12mthemFuriousGeorge: now you are saying random stuff
07:23.29*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=icechat5@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
07:23.35FuriousGeorgei guess i am
07:23.42FuriousGeorgei see what you mean
07:24.20mthemmorgen, er det ikke lidt tidligt du er oppe?
07:24.34FuriousGeorgethe quality is pretty terrible, to answer your question
07:24.39Zeeekummmmmmmm.... ya?
07:25.23mthemoh, Zeeek, morgen is Good Morning in Danish
07:25.42Zeeekyes but I didn't jknow what fololwed
07:25.44mthem<FuriousGeorge>,thought so
07:25.57Zeeekspeaking of Denmark...
07:26.38FuriousGeorgedo danes understand the dutch better worse or equally as well as the dutch comprehend the duetch
07:26.53FuriousGeorgehow do you spell doy-iich
07:27.39mthem<FuriousGeorge>: dutch is alot more lkike german, and completely not understandeble ulaw or not
07:27.59*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
07:28.02FuriousGeorgeand dane is more scandenavian
07:28.28mthem<FuriousGeorge>: norway sweden denmark, ya we get eachother
07:28.32*** join/#asterisk uter (n=fn@
07:28.40FuriousGeorgei get the portuguese
07:28.53FuriousGeorgebut i get the gallegos better
07:29.10mthemhehe, right
07:29.22FuriousGeorgeur welcome?
07:29.31Zeeekhey you danskers, are your browsers set to dansk language?
07:29.32lehelme: nl, hu, es ;)P
07:29.51mthemthe guys r speaking dialect danish
07:29.51Zeeekif so, look here and tell me if it is in Danish :
07:30.12FuriousGeorgecsa lkj eqr
07:30.29Zeeekhüsker dü !
07:30.29FuriousGeorgelater all
07:30.47Zeeekexcept I think that's norwegian
07:31.00mthemZeeek: its in english... go to bed
07:31.12Zeeekno look at the interface, not the articles
07:31.18Zeeekthere are two articles in dansk
07:31.27gordonjcpthere aren't any proper Scots Gaelic translations
07:32.42mthemZeeek: ya thats danish
07:32.50Zeeekthe calendar and all, right?
07:33.03Zeeekthe software is supposed to detect your preference
07:33.39mthemZeeek: the arcives are in danish months
07:33.42mthemim in LA
07:33.46Zeeekok gut
07:34.22Zeeeknone of our codecs match 0x255
07:35.06mthemthere u are
07:35.22mthemor atleast dutch
07:35.40mthemdid all my german essays
07:35.45*** join/#asterisk \PsyKo\ (
07:36.15mthemhehe, dirt
07:36.43mthemTranslate: I love to masterbate
07:36.50mthemnice going
07:37.08sylewhats proper slang word for weed there
07:37.15denon/part *
07:37.18Zeeekthis screen is in a public place huys. My coworkers will think I'm on a wanker channel
07:37.28Zeeekhey denon
07:37.34denonhey Zeeek
07:37.53mthemmmm, hold on
07:38.12mthemsame as here
07:38.28mthemany asterisk questions?
07:38.38Zeeekon what basis?
07:38.48FuriousGeorgedoes asterisk support intercom/conference in any channel?
07:38.57FuriousGeorgesip clients implement it
07:39.19sylejust wire your sound card
07:39.21FuriousGeorgebut you cant force that on the user in certain instances
07:39.23Zeeekthere is meetme
07:39.29mthemFuriousGeorge: I should think so but Zap is by far the easiest
07:40.02*** join/#asterisk fenlander (n=neils@
07:40.04FuriousGeorgemthem: you cant force the user to answer call waiting
07:40.31mthemFuriousGeorge: no that would make no sence
07:40.47sylethat would be a good peice of code to write that can
07:40.48FuriousGeorgemthem: "There's a fire"
07:40.54sylebarge in on the line
07:41.02FuriousGeorgesyle: i bet you can jerry rig it in the dialplan somehow
07:41.16FuriousGeorgeisnt there a chaninterupt dialplan cmd?
07:41.29mthemoh, well, script that kills all channels then calls all extensions with a message
07:41.43FuriousGeorgemthem: still cant force them to answer
07:42.04FuriousGeorgei had a job once that anouncements came in over our phones (if we werent on'em)
07:42.15mthemeven if they saw the smoke u could not force them, but that is what a free contry is all about ;)
07:42.18syleok this is pissing me off where is the search wiki box on gone
07:42.36FuriousGeorgesyle: pissing me of too
07:42.40sylethis been going on since the weekend
07:42.45FuriousGeorgeok im really going this time
07:42.57Zeeekthe search sucked anyway - use google
07:43.06FuriousGeorgesyle: i thinnk it was actually down for a bit before that, but im not really in the loop
07:43.34FuriousGeorgethe whole site, i mean
07:43.37FuriousGeorgegotta go
07:43.50mthemanyone know what the main problem is, they seem to have alot of downtime at peek hours
07:46.51*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
07:47.25uteranyone using snom phones enjoying blinkenlights?
07:48.17mthemwell guys im off, later
07:48.37*** join/#asterisk Thoran (
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07:51.10uteron my snom360 the LEDs work fine with hints and bristuff devstate, but they don't blink
07:52.37uteri tried different firmwares and asterisk versions, but i don't know how to make it work
07:53.24JamesDotComisnt it a param in app_devstate?
07:54.12uterwell, all parameters i tried either switched on or switched off the led
07:56.34uterthe only time, i see a blinking led,is, when the telephone itself is called
07:57.24uterbut i can see no main differences in the SIP-traffic
07:58.51uterso i think the problem is the firmware
07:59.48uteri've got the latest one, but i think snom sometimes releases buggy versions
08:04.05*** join/#asterisk MuppetMaster (n=MuppetMa@
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08:27.36*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
08:28.13RoyKhi. with asterisks CDR logging, is a billsec counted on the start of a second, or at the completion of a second?
08:29.53*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin|work (
08:29.54Delvarits the same thing :) start of one end of another...
08:33.25lehelRoyK, which billing soft do you use? astcc.. areskicc..?
08:39.33*** join/#asterisk oej (
08:39.47RoyKlehel: neither of them
08:40.21RoyKlehel: all i want to know is the usual CDR logs, the billsec there, is it counted from the start of the second or the completion of the second?
08:42.03*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
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08:46.32casio_ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)
08:46.56casio_i have this problem with a x100p
08:47.12casio_can anybody help me?
08:47.30casio_# modprobe wcfxs
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08:52.37RoyKswitch monkey wants me to 'divert' a call to some number
08:52.53RoyKwtf is a 'divert' apart from a new call with RDNIS set in the PRI SETUP?
08:54.30*** join/#asterisk Attila_Kovacs (
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09:12.28Spacebarswitch monkey? hahaha
09:12.55snitttry to spend your time on hold not thinking about the blue eyed polar bear..
09:12.57snittwtf, lol
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09:30.08*** join/#asterisk patpatnz (n=pjs@unaffiliated/patpatnz)
09:30.15patpatnzhi everyone
09:31.18Bonzai070looking for asterisk guru to assist in a large scale asterisk implementation flights and acommodation paid private me if interested
09:32.24patpatnzLooking for someone to help me for free ;)
09:32.47Bonzai070patpatnz  linux is free decent help is never free
09:32.55patpatnzI know
09:33.03patpatnzActually, thatys not really true
09:33.09patpatnzI seem to help a lot of people for free
09:33.18iDunnopatpatnz: know that feeling ;)
09:33.21patpatnzGuess I'm a sucker
09:33.50iDunnopatpatnz: and then when you need there assisstance, they've buggered off on holiday/have just had a death in the family/are pissed/something.
09:33.59Bonzai070patpatnz  i help for free were i can
09:34.01patpatnziDunno: yup
09:34.18patpatnzWell, anyone know about RPIDs then? :)
09:35.01patpatnzI have a asterisk acting as a SIP <-> H.323 gateway and I want to use the RPID from the sip invite as the CLI of the H.323 request
09:36.10patpatnzRemote Peer ID
09:36.18iDunnoahh, course.
09:36.21patpatnzit's like CLI for SIP
09:36.36iDunnoright - so, erm...
09:36.52iDunnohow about just using SetCallerID(${SIPRPID})
09:37.04iDunnobefore doing the h323 dial.
09:37.07patpatnzSIPRPID doesn't exist sadly :(
09:37.36patpatnzI can't find out if it sets a var at all
09:37.38iDunnowell, no, I wasn't expecting it to. I could look in the book and see what I can find...
09:38.20*** join/#asterisk pppau (n=ps@
09:38.58patpatnziDunno: is there a book?
09:39.06pppauanyone who used chan_alsa?
09:39.50pr0can AMP be installed with XAMPP?
09:39.54iDunnothere's a book.
09:40.07pr0i'm really struggling my arse off here
09:40.12patpatnzreally? whats it called?
09:40.16iDunnoit's only really an introduction, though... but it has got some handy things in it.
09:40.21patpatnzfrom what publisher
09:40.26iDunnoAsterisk: The Future of Telephony.
09:40.31patpatnzI'm sure it would come in handy
09:40.32lehelpr0.. XAMPP?
09:40.41patpatnzSweet, thanks iDunno
09:40.54patpatnzI'll be buying it I rekon
09:41.09pppauI'm getting too much delay on mic input using chan_alsa, anyone knows if it is normal?
09:41.26patpatnzpppau: use a user client?
09:41.43patpatnzdoes anyone use those ones, chan_alsa and chan_oss?!
09:42.31iDunnofor testing stuff it's reasonably handy.
09:43.03pppaupatpatnz: yes, I need to interface to audio
09:43.48Bonzai070were in asterisk do i enable callerid from my pstn to go through to my sip phones?..
09:44.17pppaui call * from a SIP ata, and sound gets out fron the speakers ok, but the other way has 1 sec delay!
09:44.19patpatnzBonzai070: in the config for your channel
09:44.36pr0never mind...
09:44.53patpatnzpppau: maybe your box is overloaded and can't compress fast enough?
09:45.04patpatnzunless your using g711
09:45.45pppauand only that call
09:46.07patpatnzwhat are you using it for?
09:46.20pppautested it on 3 different computers, with 1.0.x and 1.2
09:46.45pppaujust linksys pap2 to *
09:47.24patpatnzbut why chan_alsa? do you have something in mind for it or just for testing?
09:47.41patpatnzif your just doing it for testing don't worry about the delay
09:48.05pppauno, i need it to interface to an intercom
09:48.22patpatnztwo way?
09:48.27pppauany clues?
09:48.59patpatnzsome config error maybe?
09:49.09pppaujust Dial(Console/dsp)
09:49.20pppauno, all default params
09:49.32patpatnzumm, well, dunno :)
09:49.53syleyeah you could do that
09:50.00syledoes sound card auto pickup?
09:50.17pppauautoanswer? yes
09:50.59syleyeah dial dsp then and open up one of your sip phones and wire the sound card to it for an intercom is cheapest way
09:51.00pppausound quality is perfect in both directions
09:52.25sylewell how about a cheap home theatre receiver
09:52.31pppausyle: not so easy, have to do some processing when answering the call
09:52.32sylewire sound card to that
09:52.40sylerun speakers everywhere
09:52.54patpatnzsyle: it's not the issue of how to do it
09:53.55sylewhat is issue?
09:54.09patpatnzsyle: audio delay from soundcard to sip phone
09:54.32*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
09:54.39pppauyes 1 sec!!! and no delay in the other sense
09:55.48pppaujust 1 sip phone calling to *, with 1 extention Dial(Console/dsp)
09:56.18syleand you press 1 to hangup or something
09:56.27syleguess you could just hangup
09:56.45pppauwhat for?
09:56.58patpatnzsyle: what are you talking about?!
09:57.14pppauthe problem is the audio latency
09:58.09sylewell what kind of cheap ass phone you got
09:58.20pppaudoes anyone have * installed to test it ?
09:58.36patpatnzpppau: none of my * servers have soundcards
09:59.15pppaupatpatnz: thanks anyway
09:59.35patpatnzpppau: it's weird though
10:00.40pppauyes, someone must have noticed, but no info found googling. That why I'm thinking I must be nissing something
10:00.46*** join/#asterisk ^X-works (
10:01.09patpatnzyou checked out the wiki page on ?
10:01.59pppauyes, very poor info on chan_alsa
10:02.17patpatnznot too surprising I guess
10:02.32patpatnzmostly people use it as a broadcast/paging system I think
10:02.37patpatnz(one way)
10:02.42pppaubut, someone must have tested it
10:02.49*** join/#asterisk NirS (n=NirS@
10:05.01patpatnzya, I guess
10:05.36iDunnothe asterisk server running on my home box has a soundcard ;)
10:05.58patpatnzpppau: your the tester ;)
10:06.09patpatnznow submit a bug! ;)
10:06.55patpatnznight :)
10:06.57*** part/#asterisk patpatnz (n=pjs@unaffiliated/patpatnz)
10:07.35pppauyes, just wanted someone else to check it, to know if I'm not making any stupid mistake
10:08.04RoyKsleep($[ 3600 * 8 ])
10:08.16pppauRoyK: :)
10:10.00pr0has anyone successfully used amp with xampp?
10:12.58pr0guess not
10:13.25iDunnosurely you'd use Wait($[ 3600 * 8])
10:13.40lehelpr0: XAMPP is an easy to install Apache Distribution for Linux      < this is what are youtalking about?
10:13.43*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
10:14.17pr0if I can install amp on it, my problems are resolved.
10:14.40pr0otherwise, pats php breaks this livecd.
10:15.15*** join/#asterisk samyl (n=samyl@
10:15.58samyli've a problem with meetme
10:16.32samyli've installed asterisk 1.03 with ast_data
10:16.49samyli don't have a digium card
10:16.53PoWeRKiLLRoyK do you have a TE device ?
10:17.42samylso I've installed zaptel- with option "ztdummy"
10:17.43RoyKPoWeRKiLL: que?
10:18.04RoyKPoWeRKiLL: what TE dev? terminal equipment?
10:18.48samyland when I launch asterisk
10:19.12samylasterisk tell me channel.c:1965 ast_request: No channel type registered for 'zap'
10:19.13samylOct  6 13:54:50 WARNING[9395]: app_meetme.c:272 build_conf: Unable to open pseudo channel - trying device
10:19.48RoyKsamyl:  dunno, but just perhaps loading chan_zap will help.......
10:21.10*** join/#asterisk fishboy1669 (i=proxyuse@
10:21.27samylit's a silly question but how can i load this module chan_zap?
10:21.59fishboy1669hows things
10:22.22*** join/#asterisk Snake-Eyes (n=blog@
10:22.23fishboy1669hi samyl
10:22.27pppaufishboy1669: have you used chan_alsa or chan_oss?
10:22.36fishboy1669do u mean how do u load zaptel
10:22.47fishboy1669as in modprobe zaptel
10:22.49samylhi fishboy
10:22.53fishboy1669modprobe wcfxo
10:23.04samylyes i know
10:23.13fishboy1669in that case i dont know
10:23.15samyli did it
10:23.34fishboy1669unless u have configured your zaptel.cfg incorrectly
10:25.03samyli've just uncommented 2 items "loadzone" and "defaultzone" because i don't have a digium card
10:25.28*** join/#asterisk Tili (
10:25.41samyli use a linux kernel 2.6
10:25.51samyli've patched udev
10:25.58samylbut nothing
10:26.05pppauTili: I have a question for you
10:26.42PoWeRKiLLRoyK no a Digium Card like a TE410P or something like this ?
10:26.49Tilipppau: ok
10:29.35pppauI place a call from a SIP ata to an * box with one extension Dial(Console/dsp), I hear perfectly on the speakers what i say on the phone, but in the other sense (fom mic in to phone) I have 1 sec delay!
10:30.19*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (n=darkskie@
10:30.23pppauTili: did you use chan_alsa?
10:32.13*** join/#asterisk Reputation (
10:32.23Tilino i never use it.
10:32.41RoyKPoWeRKiLL: yes. we have a few TE410Ps and a couple of A104s
10:32.49Reputationhi, is there someone who knows what i have to do when asterisk is behind my router
10:33.25*** join/#asterisk aor (
10:33.43RoyKReputation: eat nutrious food and stay away from too much alcohol
10:34.09Reputationand this helps? mhhhhhhhh....i should give it a try :P
10:34.26aorHi, I'm trying to set up realtime with asterisk 1.2 but I keep receiving this error message : Oct  6 12:25:04 WARNING[6661]: config.c:893 find_engine: Realtime mapping for 'sippeers' found to engine 'mysql', but the engine is not available
10:34.40aorI'm using the same configuration that was working with CVS-HEAD
10:35.31aorDo I have to install a special module in order to have rt working ? I tought this was included in the base version of * now
10:37.49*** join/#asterisk antoniofcano (
10:37.53antoniofcanoHi all
10:38.10*** join/#asterisk christo (n=chris@
10:38.15antoniofcanoOne little question
10:38.16christomorning all
10:40.07antoniofcanoI've got two SIP trunks with the same provider and the register is made from the same Asterisk machine, the problem is that only one of the sip trunks goes fine :-/. Could it be due to both uses the same port to register
10:40.10Reputationwhen i use * in my litte network with xlite everything works fine. people from internet can also connect to my *. but we can't hear us when we call.
10:41.10*** join/#asterisk cjk (n=cjk@
10:41.12Reputationso i guess that i have to forward some ports or stuff like that? do you know what i have to do?
10:41.33DelvarReputation: canreinvite=no ?
10:41.54antoniofcanoReputation, it is maybe a NAT. Try to NAT = yes
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10:42.23Reputationii allready have canreinvite=no and nat=yes
10:42.38johnmcan anyone confirm the way to set CallerID in * HEAD?
10:42.38antoniofcanoexternip=public_ip and localnetwork=...
10:42.55christoReputation - are you behind firewalls? you need ports 5004 5060 tcp/udp afaicr
10:43.45Reputationi'm behind a router, but i deactivated the firewall.
10:44.22Delvarportforwarded 5060 and 10000-20000 udp to asterisk?
10:44.35Delvarset in sip.conf local noetowrk and extenal ip?
10:44.43christoReputation - I also have found with x-lite that it's slow to pick up changes to it's config.. close the phone app, then right click on the icon in the system tray and select exit (that bit's important) then try re-opening x-lite. Sometimes that jolts it into action
10:45.10Reputationi forwardet 5060 to asterisk and 10000-20000 to my client pc. do i have to forward it to asterisk?
10:45.41Delvar10000 to 20000 are RTP to asterisk (see the range in rtp.conf) without this you wont get audio
10:46.02Reputationok. i hope that this solves my problem. thanks ;-)
10:46.28Reputationbye...maybe i'll see you later again :)
10:46.50*** join/#asterisk The_Ball (
10:47.17christoI just recompiled libpri and libzaptel to newer versions, but I can't rmmod zaptel.. it says 'Device or resource busy'. Is there a way around this?
10:47.28christoI just want to reload the module with a new modprobe..
10:47.42*** part/#asterisk Reputation (
10:48.26Delvaryou have to stop asterisk
10:48.46Delvarand rmmod anything that uses zaptel like wcfxx...
10:48.51Delvarztdummy etc...
10:49.42christothanks Delvar
10:49.55christoI was rmmodding them the wrong way round :)
10:50.07Delvarhehe np
10:51.55*** join/#asterisk queuetue (
10:52.00queuetueHi.  Can anyone explain what an "407 Proxy Authentication Required" error means?  I'm connecting from a sipura behind a NAT to an asterisk box behind a different NAT.
10:52.02antoniofcanonobody know about the problem of the two ports :(
10:52.18PoWeRKiLLRoyK when I dial from a sip device to my zap E1 I can hear the ringing audio but I don't want to pass audio until it's answered or busy
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11:03.43RoyKPoWeRKiLL: i'm sorry. i don't understand what you mean
11:03.59RoyKPoWeRKiLL: do you want to dial but not pass ringing tone?
11:07.52PoWeRKiLLYes RoyK
11:08.31PoWeRKiLLRoyK the problem is that the call is consider as answer as soon as it rining
11:09.06RoyKconsidered answered??
11:09.14RoyKto where do you call?
11:09.44RoyKare you sure the other side isn't just answering and then playtones(ring)?
11:11.14*** join/#asterisk denon (
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11:14.33PoWeRKiLLI call from a SIP -> * -> IAX2 -> * -> ZAP -> PSTN
11:14.45christothis is weird.. I've just built * on a machine, but when I run asterisk -c I get all sorts of errors and warnings which haven't every trouble me before.. can anybody make sense of this?
11:15.57RoyKPoWeRKiLL: again, are you sure the one you're calling aren't just answering the call when it first comes in?
11:16.00*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
11:16.00RoyKPoWeRKiLL: pri debug
11:16.04*** join/#asterisk Simon- (
11:16.15christoI think I'll just move the related configs out of /etc/asterisk and retry..
11:16.54*** join/#asterisk shanky (
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11:17.40shankyhi, anyone here that uses asteriskathome, can tell me how to regenerate the extensions.conf file ?
11:20.55*** join/#asterisk gvag11 (n=g@
11:22.01johnmAnyone have a firm understanting of CLI, ZAP and SIP? Im placing a call which comes in on a Zap channel, and it re-sets the CLI. The call is then carried over SIP, and then goes out over PSTN. I can pass any CLI I like, but if I get an incoming call, and the CLI gets re-set within a specific context, the CLI isn't presented out of the far end correctly. It works for every other context though. ANy thoughts?
11:22.03lehelshanky: make samples (?)
11:22.03christookay - I have managed to reduce this down to '/usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory' Wouldn't this have been built with the asterisk install??
11:23.55gvag11does anyone knows if Asterisk will work with two TE110P on board connected between each other (one master and the other slave) and then start placing calls from one to the other?
11:24.30X-Robjohnm - there's something wrong in your dialplan. There's no difference as far as asterisk is concerned
11:24.52X-Robchristo - put in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
11:25.26johnmX-Rob: well, every single outgoing call goes out via the same macro. It will re-define CALLERID IF the calleridnum LEN is less than 5. In this case.. I set the CLI so it honours it in the macro. It works from a SIP context, but not from a pstn context. again.. it goes out over the exact same macro.
11:25.29X-Robgvag11 - yes, it'll work fine. However, you may have issues with channel numbering randomly changing between reboots. It may be better to use a TE4xx card
11:25.55*** join/#asterisk Akelavlk (n=jansun@
11:26.06X-Robjohnm - if you're using 1.2/HEAD (as you should be) it's 'Set(CALLERID(num)=foo) not 'SetCalleridNum(xxx)'
11:26.15johnmX-Rob: thats what Im using.
11:26.24AkelavlkIt's possible has ignorepat = 9 and extension _8xxxxxx?
11:26.31johnmand it's Set(CALLERID(number)=foo) :)
11:26.37X-RobYeah, that 8)
11:26.42X-RobSorry, I'm half pissed.
11:27.15X-Robtonights photos aren't up yet.
11:27.21johnmX-Rob: new baby?
11:27.43johnmX-Rob: congrats
11:27.45christoX-Rob - that causes to fail when it loads - 'undefined symbol: ast_park_call' is the warning issued before it just fails to load
11:27.55gvag11X-Rob, congratulations .... Bravo
11:28.13christoX-Rob - congrats! :)
11:28.15X-Robthanks johnm, gvag11 8)
11:28.17X-Roband christo 8)
11:28.47X-Robchristo - ok. that means something is fubar when loading the module. look at /var/log/asterisk/full, see if you can find out what is missing
11:28.54X-Rob(possibly an 'ldconfig' may fix the problem)
11:28.58gvag11i want to test the spandsp fax functionality for sending and receiving faxes and i was thinking to save some money by placing the two TE110P boards on the same machine. You think that Asterisk , spandsp and two boards on the same PC will work fine in order to sending and receiving faxes using the boards?
11:29.29*** part/#asterisk Akelavlk (n=jansun@
11:29.34X-Robgvag11 - the problem with two TDM cards in one machine is 8000 interrupts per second per card.
11:29.43X-Robso, yes, two cards will work, it's better to use one.
11:30.07PoWeRKiLLRoyK in the * ZAP side the hangup cause is ok put the sound is directly sent to the sip device so it's answered for him
11:30.55gvag11X-Rob, you mean 8000 interrupts pers second per card is too much considering performance, right?
11:31.08X-Robtwo is ok, but, it's better to have one
11:53.05*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
11:53.05*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk 1.2.0 Beta1 - || Astricon 2005 - Anaheim, CA - Oct 12-14 - - Sign Up Now!
11:53.39johnmDruken: I should beat you round the head with my hydrospanner for your ignorance! :)
11:54.34X-Robjohnm - yes. It has to listen for the 'beep' fax tones.
11:54.44X-RobAnswer(), Wait(2)
11:54.48X-Robthat usually does it
11:55.35johnmX-Rob: the way it's setup, I'd rather avoid even answering, but I kinda can't avoid that ;) I'll work something out
11:58.48Drukenlet me guess... don't have a fax number, just using the same number for both?
12:02.19*** join/#asterisk aio (
12:02.51johnmnot quite.
12:03.05johnmWe dont have any fax numbers at all, but we are recieving faxes for other companies mistyping the number
12:03.10johnmit's going to DDI lines
12:03.20johnmI want to intercept them, and re-route them to another outbound line.
12:03.28X-Robfuck that
12:03.33X-Robreceive the faxes
12:03.33johnmProblem is.. calls are normally passed through.
12:03.37X-Robsell them to the recipient
12:03.50johnmX-Rob: well.. it's going to another analogue line which is in our building as well. thats got a fax on it
12:04.08X-Robsend 'em a fax, saying 'we have your fax. Call 1-900-xxx-xxx to receive it, xtn [unique fax id]'
12:04.43Drukenyour one sick minded bastard X-Rob, god i love it.. hehe
12:05.14johnmX-Rob: reckon a 1 second wait is long enough?
12:05.19X-Robyou need 2
12:05.22X-Robmost people don't notice it
12:05.27X-Robespecially in the US
12:05.36X-Robwhere it's ring [2 secs] ring [2 secs]
12:05.38Drukenpfft.. i reccomend 2 seconds reguardless
12:05.53Drukenyou ever caleld an IVR over voip that doesn't have a 2 second wait?
12:05.55johnm2s is just a bit of a pain. long delay before ringtone generates
12:06.02X-Robin au it's ring[.75][.25]ring[.75][1.5]..repeat
12:06.03johnmDruken: yep.
12:06.47X-Robwifey says I have to come upstairs and spend time with jade
12:06.57X-Rob for those that haven't seen her yet.
12:07.03Drukengo spend time with the kids! :)
12:09.02*** join/#asterisk KeX_WorX (
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12:09.55Drukenwelcome to the idlers club
12:10.03KeX_WorX: )
12:10.39Delvarim not idle i just dont like talking to you lot
12:11.10Drukenwell that's ok, i don't ever remember talking to you... so we're good :)
12:12.47*** join/#asterisk szer (n=Miranda@
12:12.57szerhi all
12:14.30aiook - got a really dumb question and asterisk may be overkill, but I am thinking of doing podcasting and it looks to be a pain to record both ends of the conversation with skype, so i was thinking of setting up asterisk and having callers dial in
12:14.38aiois this reasonable?  reasonably easy?
12:14.56johnmaio: yes, and check out the Monitor app.
12:15.12johnmaio: you will probably want ot use sox or something to trasncode the audio at the end into a more suitable format.
12:16.39aiojohnm would it be reasonable to record from my client?  or better to record from the server?
12:16.42*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
12:17.04johnmaio: the server ideally.
12:17.14johnmaio: depends if you are using asterisk as your client or not.
12:17.46aiojohnm haven't really planned that out.  i was thinking of setting up the server and just seeing which client i like best.
12:17.56szeri've got some quality problem with chanspy when i try to spy on calls using iax. Anyone knows the cause of it?
12:18.11johnmaio: I like sjphone ;)
12:28.24*** part/#asterisk samyl (n=samyl@
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12:30.18christoI'm gonna try the latest stable * and hope that there aren't any missing modules this time ;)
12:31.39KeX_WorXanyone using asterisk 1.2 beta ?
12:32.42KeX_WorXi've a question. when two phones talk to each other and 1 call one of this phones, i get dialstatus "Unavailable"
12:32.46KeX_WorXwhy not busy ?
12:32.59Attila_KovacsDo ZAPHFC + WCFXO work together?
12:33.10aiook - i just got asterisk installed and running on ubuntu.  i installed the asterisk-gtk-console package, but i don't see a binary to start it.  anybody know?
12:33.19KeX_WorXand i can hear the ringing tone on the called phone (in the background)
12:35.12gvag11is there somebody that has already setup Asterisk with Spandsp for faxing? Does it work fine?
13:13.30*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
13:13.30*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk 1.2.0 Beta1 - || Astricon 2005 - Anaheim, CA - Oct 12-14 - - Sign Up Now!
13:13.30mutpastebin ya config
13:15.05*** join/#asterisk AsterNov (
13:15.59*** join/#asterisk Dio_ (
13:16.36Dio_hello, is there any bug marshals who can help with re-openning a bug?
13:17.23cpatrywhich one?
13:18.09Dio_cpatry: I would like to add comments there
13:18.45cpatrygo ahead.
13:20.43Dio_cpatry: thx. adding now..
13:21.18lathos42Morning Katty
13:24.10*** join/#asterisk zoo (
13:24.34Kattylathos42: mew.
13:24.35zooI am trying to get music-on-hold to work. I only configured "
13:24.40zoodefault => quietmp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
13:24.48zoo" but it does not work :(
13:25.11zoo* says "Started music on hold, class 'default'" but i dont hear a thing :(
13:25.24fishboy1669anyone here ever used ChanIsAvail with sip channels?
13:25.32zooin that directory there are three mp3-files and mpg123 is in path
13:25.36zooany hint?
13:26.12Kattyzoo: the only thing i can think of is maybe you don't have the codec enabled.
13:26.21Kattyzoo: like it's not allowed or something.
13:26.31zooKatty: codec mp3?
13:26.43Kattyzoo: that's what i said, bunny bread.
13:27.58zoobut dialling a test exten which has ,1,WaitMusicOnHold(default) works
13:28.10Kattyi gave you my advice.
13:28.15Kattyyou don't have to take it.
13:28.28*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (
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13:29.50zooKatty: okay, sorry. i will try to take it
13:29.51iDunnofishboy1669: yes, I'm using ChanIsAvail.
13:30.44iDunnofishboy1669: it doesn't tell you if the channel is busy, though... for that you need to use the other thing, quite documented somewhere, possibly on
13:30.55Kattyzoo: no one ever said i was right though.
13:31.13KattyHmmhesays: sleepy.
13:31.39file[laptop]I'm without power right now :(
13:32.41zooKatty: but allow=mp3 is not an allowed value :(
13:33.32Ariel_morning all
13:33.49PoWeRKiLLHi Ariel_ :)
13:34.26file[laptop]my primary router and ADSL are on a UPS
13:34.35tzangerhe's got a hand-crank laptop
13:35.15*** part/#asterisk toddf (
13:35.49*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=icechat5@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
13:36.02tzangeryes, he's a cunning linguist.
13:36.15tzangerwe must crush the resistance before the rainy seasons!
13:36.30shido6anyone have a mac?
13:36.57jake1932shido6: join asterisk-mac
13:37.11lathos42shido6: I've got an iBook, but I dont have * running on it
13:38.36iDunnoshido6: lots of people have macs, apparently apple sell them at extorsionate prices and people buy them. I don't understand why.
13:38.57shido6my adobe creative suite .cdr wont mount in disk utility
13:39.11Ariel_PoWeRKiLL, hello
13:39.12shido6im on an intel box, iDunno.
13:39.25zooKatty: i solved it, i had a global canreinvite=yes which prevented MOH, because * was not in the media stream any more :(
13:39.54Bonzai070i read somewere that mac is going to use intel cpu's some time soon
13:39.55iDunnothe machine that's running irssi is an amd64, the machine that I'm sitting at at work is a P4, and the one just to the left where the asterisk install is is an amd64 :)
13:40.18Ariel_mac don't run the upgrade program for sipura firmware.... but i like mac's
13:40.30shido6Bonzai070 it works today.
13:40.34shido6Im running it.
13:40.40fishboy1669iDunno how r u using ChanIsAvail?
13:40.44fishboy1669and whats the other thingg
13:41.23shido6file, you have toast?
13:41.33shido6toast wont run on intel :(
13:42.30file[laptop]it's titanium flavor
13:42.37PakiPenguinshido6, you running os x on intel?
13:42.43fishboy1669IDonno u still there?
13:42.48jake1932this says canreinvite "won't be pretty" behind NAT - but it seems to work consistently for me
13:43.12Ariel_jake1932, canreinvite=yes
13:43.18shido6whats your net speed, file?
13:43.35file[laptop]shido6: well all that stuff is sorta unavailable, it's on my workstation that has no power :P
13:43.37psycodad_Can somebody explain why I cant get the FXO port to work on my TDM13B.. ztcfg -v report all 4 channels as working but asterisk says " Unable to register channel '1'"
13:43.47psycodad_Could that be due to shared IRQs ?
13:43.52jake1932Ariel_: i'm saying it does work
13:44.17iDunnofishboy1669: with ChanIsAvail(SIP/phone1000&SIP/phone1001&...&SIP/phone1007)
13:44.29iDunnofishboy1669: and just to check which phones are actually registered.
13:44.41Ariel_jake1932, in some systems which are configured correctly it works. But it's a problem for most to get working correctly.
13:44.48fishboy1669aha i see
13:44.51*** part/#asterisk criptos (n=criptos@
13:45.00fishboy1669and how do i find which ones are engaged?
13:45.20iDunnofishboy1669: at the moment I don't take in to account that they might be in use, I need to write some more rules in the extensions to take in to account that people might be on the phone, though it looks like the hardware phones report back a busy when they're busy :)
13:45.29*** join/#asterisk Lathos42 (
13:45.30zoocan i set custom variables for each phone, that i can pick up in a dialplan? i would like to use a phone-depending ${AREACODE}. Is that possible?
13:45.50tzangerzoo: you could do it with GetDB
13:45.50iDunnofishboy1669: you use Groups, IIRC, and increment it when a call comes in. I haven't done that bit yet ;)
13:45.59tzangerer DBGet
13:45.59fishboy1669the issue i have is the phones i am using ip2006 and grandstream have multiple lines
13:45.59tzangerjust look up the extension
13:46.10fishboy1669but i want asterisk to think there engaged if one line is used
13:46.11nfi|ermesi have asteriisk 1.2 installed in my so
13:46.26fishboy1669i cant kill the extra lines on the phones cos they are used for call transferes
13:46.29nfi|ermesif now i compile asterisk 1.0.0 is a problem ?
13:46.34nfi|ermesif now i compile asterisk 1.0.9 is a problem ?
13:46.48christoI have a totally unexplainable problem - I have built two versions on asterisk here, but both times I don't get a module, so I'm unable to start the server. What could be happening?
13:47.09file[laptop]christo: res_parking is deprecated, it's res_features now
13:47.10szeri need some help with chanspy. when i spying on iax calls or try to spy with an iax phone i've got discontinous voice
13:47.25szeri havent got any idea why is this
13:48.11nfi|ermescan i use asterisk 1.2 with zaptel 1.0.9 , zaphfc and libpri 1.0.9 ?
13:49.16christoflie[laptop] but when I start asterisk, it says /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cannot open shared object file - So should I symlink over to just to keep it happy?
13:49.40file[laptop]christo: update your modules.conf
13:50.06shido6I like ircle and coloquy
13:50.26file[laptop]I use Colloquy, but it dislikes #asterisk
13:50.53shido6do you use macsql 3.3, file?
13:51.03Kattymy silly self wants to nap forever
13:51.33christofile[laptop] well that worked.. thanks! I've been trying to figure that out for about 2 hours. Should it be stuffed into the wiki someplace perhaps?
13:51.44christounder 'build gotchas' or something
13:51.48file[laptop]christo: that change happened a LONG time ago...
13:52.05christowhere was it documented?
13:52.11file[laptop]I don't even remember
13:52.28razucan anyone tell me, what does this mean : pbx_spool.c:229 attempt_thread: Call failed to go through, reason 5
13:52.32christoI admit I'm not a * guru, but I figured I was doing all the 'normal' sensible things when building these bits...
13:52.36christo..nevermind :)
13:52.55file[laptop]christo: you gotta think though, "hrm... maybe my config files are old!"
13:53.12file[laptop]but meh
13:53.24iDunnoif it all breaks, it's the fault of the config ;)
13:53.38christofile[laptop] - I did and I moved them out of /etc and did a 'make samples'
13:53.44Bonzai070lol blame it on the config lol
13:54.43christobut there's no way I would  have known that had been renamed to unless it was mentioned someplace.. well I guess if I was always plugged into *-dev or *-users, then perhaps I might have picked that  up...
13:54.49christoanyway, no harm done :)
13:56.33iDunnoit's mentioned lots.
13:56.33drbrown_is there a way to detect an extension that a call is being transfered from IE a variable????
13:57.46iDunno(or at least, I've seen it mentioned lots in the wiki, but now I can't find a reference ;)
13:57.50*** join/#asterisk mkrufky (n=mk@
13:58.05*** join/#asterisk WorkTooMuch (n=work@
13:58.33WorkTooMuchHello has anyone had any sucsess with SpanDSP?
13:59.05*** join/#asterisk fordvoice (
14:01.35*** join/#asterisk The_Duke (n=The_Duke@
14:01.41christoWorlTooMuch - yes I have
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14:03.39WorkTooMuchchristo, is it stable?
14:03.59*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
14:04.23The_Dukedoes someone know if I can add Sip Users with a static IP and Port, which do not support SIP REGISTER (e.g. Cisco Call Manager, SER) to Realtime SIP???
14:05.41*** join/#asterisk Defraz (n=t0tal@
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14:07.48protieni cant work out why i cant hear any calls i get from outside network
14:07.54protienive set up asterisk with a network dialer, im behind a nat
14:08.00protienive got to the stage i can get incoming calls
14:08.05protienbut when i do the echo test
14:08.08protieni cant hear anything
14:08.43file[laptop]do you have externip and localnet set if you're using SIP?
14:08.55protieni have neither set
14:09.18christoWorkTooMuch - yes, but I suffered some slip when faxing simultaneously over 20 or so channels, so I had to write a manager script to keep checking on how many channels were in use before firing off new ones
14:10.28christothat was using a perl script to create call files carrying the txfax command
14:11.11bendy24ITEM(S) SHIPPED:
14:11.15bendy241. Asterisk: The Future of Telephony
14:11.53protienim actually using iax file[laptop]
14:12.03WorkTooMuchchristo, When I try to send fax asterisk it starts with hig speed and then it just get lower and lower til the conection is lost.
14:12.40shido6what codec are you using WorkTooMuc?
14:12.56Kattyfile[laptop]: find a nap for me.
14:13.04file[laptop]Katty: have you tried eBay?
14:13.15WorkTooMuchwell It shuld be u-law or a-law but I have to retest it
14:13.17Kattyfile[laptop]: yes.
14:13.37Kattyfile[laptop]: i didn't have the time it required :<
14:15.01*** join/#asterisk froud (
14:15.15file[laptop]Katty: darn
14:15.42WorkTooMuchbrb the admin has to take down the firewall for 15 min  :(
14:17.55*** join/#asterisk shanky (
14:18.00shankyhi again
14:18.31newlManagement finally accepted the fact that no matter what they did, their SOE desktops were going to keep getting infected and the firewall wasn't helping matters any. ;)
14:20.42shankyI have a problem with the incoming calls
14:21.06shankyI have used google but I can't find any tip
14:21.07tzangerstop giving out your # then
14:21.29shankyI get this from the asterisk cli:
14:21.49Bonzai070question i have a pri why will it drop calls when  the 28th call comes in?..
14:24.32Bonzai070like i was talking to clive-  and  some one else called in and blam my call got a long angaged tone
14:25.56protienim using sip, got 1way audio with freeworlddialup connection (ie remote connections), im also behind a nat
14:26.01protienanyone able to help me work through this problem
14:26.07*** join/#asterisk Simon- (
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14:28.01*** join/#asterisk crash3m (i=crash3m@unaffiliated/crash3m)
14:28.08ACiDVI have a Cisco 1760V (SIP) gateway that is connected to Asterisk (1.0.9), for all incoming calls, Asterisk try to match an extension in context default. but in my [gateway] i have set a context=gateway-incoming. Why Asterisk try to match in [general]context=xxx and not [device]context=xxx ?
14:29.31*** join/#asterisk Weezey (n=ohno@
14:29.31BrianR___has anyone here used ADSI over an ATA?
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14:34.09*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk 1.2.0 Beta1 - || Astricon 2005 - Anaheim, CA - Oct 12-14 - - Sign Up Now!
14:36.07loudis it normal for iLBC to consume 28/30 kbps on a satellite link ?
14:36.21*** join/#asterisk Simon- (
14:36.37clive-loud sounds like too litlle imho
14:37.34christofile[laptop] did get depracated too?
14:37.39mutanyone here know of a good ftpd to do virtual users?
14:37.44mutother than proftpd
14:38.04christomut - I've heard vsftp is good
14:39.36*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
14:40.27*** join/#asterisk tdonahue (n=tdonahue@
14:40.39tdonahuegood morning all
14:40.53nfi|ermesasterisk: relocation error: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_config_load
14:41.22ManxPowerACiDV, Asterisk doesn't think the incoming call from the Cisco matches the [device] section
14:41.25nfi|ermesanyone can help me to find out the problem .....and the solution ...?
14:41.34file[laptop]nfi|ermes: did you downgrade from CVS to stable?
14:41.52tdonahuehow can I get asterisk to show me the context that a call is coming in from in the console?  i have a call that is not ending up in the expected place
14:41.54file[laptop]christo: never came with Asterisk
14:41.56nfi|ermesi had 1.2....the i built 1.0.9
14:42.06*** join/#asterisk gabb0 (n=gabb0@
14:42.09file[laptop]nfi|ermes: you need to wipe your modules directory for Asterisk, and then do a make install again
14:42.15gabb0hello all
14:42.15file[laptop]nfi|ermes: because stable does not have res_config_mysql
14:42.16*** join/#asterisk preeezy (
14:42.24ManxPowernfi|ermes, and you didn't read the BIG BANNER when you did a "make install" for 1.0.9 that talks about downgrading, did you?
14:42.32preeezyOct  7 00:08:00 WARNING[20804]: channel.c:2052 set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from gsm to g729
14:42.35file[laptop]nobody ever does
14:42.41gabb0quick question about meetme for someone familiar with it.  anyone around
14:42.42preeezyim getting this error continually on connections to fwd network
14:42.45file[laptop]preeezy: you don't have the g729 codec installed, so Asterisk can't transcode
14:42.46preeezycan i work aorund it?
14:42.51nfi|ermesi didn t
14:42.55preeezyhow can i obtain g729?
14:42.59ManxPowerpreeezy, either but a g729 license or don't allow G729 for that device
14:43.02file[laptop]preeezy: pay $10 for channel to Digium
14:43.03Delvar<preeezy>: dont use g729! or buy licance from digium
14:43.05file[laptop]er per channel
14:43.08ManxPowerbut == buy
14:43.32christofile[laptop] - okay thanks. I've removed that from my modules.conf and everything seems to be okay now..
14:43.32preeezyhm whats so good about g729 that they charge for it
14:43.35Delvarill buy buts
14:43.42file[laptop]preeezy: it's licensed
14:43.48file[laptop]it's not a free codec.
14:43.55*** join/#asterisk SwK[Work] (
14:44.15ManxPowerThe patent holders for G729 charge to use it.
14:44.20preeezyyeah i know what you mean but
14:44.25ManxPowerDigium just passes on the licensing fees.
14:44.29preeezyis it really special?
14:44.33preeezyor what
14:44.44file[laptop]least bandwidth and decent audio quality.
14:44.51ManxPowerpreeezy, for a long time G729 and G723.1 were the only low bandsidth codecs.
14:45.02preeezygsm is the primary free one now?
14:45.18*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
14:45.29ManxPowerpreeezy, there are many of them now.
14:45.48gabb0how does * guarentee that in a meetme conf, if person A presses 1 that it doesn't also get detected as person B pressing 1?
14:46.12bkw_dtmf is squelched
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14:46.37gabb0squelched meaning?
14:47.21gabb0but the audio portion still goes through
14:47.37gabb0does it now?
14:47.41gabb0does it not?
14:47.53zoowhich variable holds the phone i am using?
14:47.54BrianR___there's now some pretty decent alternatives like ilbc...
14:49.42*** part/#asterisk Dio_ (
14:50.01gabb0bkw_, johnm, how does asterisk or better yet, where does asterisk stop the dtmf tone from being played to the entire conference participants.  is it within the meetme code or within the chan_zap code
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14:50.41Hmmhesaysprobably in meetme
14:51.28file[laptop]well DTMF doesn't travel as sound or whatever, unless you are using inband and don't have dtmfmode set for SIP (doesn't fire up the DSP)
14:51.47gabb0I'm just using PRIs
14:51.50gabb0at the moment
14:51.51johnmgabb0: I have no idea im afraid.
14:52.00KattyHmmhesays: we are number 13 in rank amongst 114 stores.
14:52.03file[laptop]it's recognized in the channel driver or audio medium (like RTP or chan_zap or chan_sip) and sent as a DTMF frame
14:52.08KattyHmmhesays: isn't that neat.
14:52.15file[laptop]the application, or other channel, then does whatever it wants with it
14:53.09KattyHmmhesays: nextel dealers, that is.
14:53.17gabb0so the "if" statements in meetme handle the dtmf and implement whatever feature and then after the "feature" has been completed it sends writes the dtmf out (plays the audio)
14:53.38file[laptop]gabb0: but meetme doesn't allow DTMF to go usually, it blocks it
14:54.58gabb0has it always done that?  because I know quite some time ago it didn't.  Just wondering if this was something newly added within that last year or maybe even more.
14:55.23gabb0it's been a while since I looked through it any great detail.  I know lots has changed.
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14:56.11file[laptop]as far as I can remember
14:56.26gabb0does conf_flush do this
14:57.15file[laptop]DTMF comes in as frames, look for AST_FRAME_DTMF
14:58.46*** join/#asterisk Simon-_ (
14:59.15gabb0yeah but conf_flush gets called after the dtmf frame is handled
14:59.19gabb0that is why i asked
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15:00.59file[laptop]DTMF never comes in as audio
15:01.04file[laptop]it's intercepted ahead of time
15:01.14file[laptop]UNLESS, it's not intercepted by the channel driver under some circumstances
15:02.06tdonahuehow can I get asterisk to show me the context that a call is coming in from in the console?  i have a call that is not ending up in the expected place
15:03.05gabb0file[laptop], I've seen dtmf get handled but the "audio" from the dtmf key is heard by all
15:03.20gabb0that is what is confusing me
15:03.28file[laptop]on a PRI?
15:03.52file[laptop]I could see how that could happen with SIP, but I'm not a PRI person
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15:04.22file[laptop]on SIP the device could send DTMF as both out of band and inband at the same time, I've seen something that did that
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15:05.01gabb0well, this would be inband
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15:08.11iDunnosup Katty?
15:08.44zooHow do i do this "database get nebenstelle/11900 onkz" as DBget()? I am not managing to do that
15:09.35zooDBget(ONKZ=/nebenstelle/${CALLERIDNUM}/onkz)  does not detect the family
15:09.55blitzragewhat the HELL is Level3 and Cogent doing?!
15:10.10file[laptop]being a pain in my ass
15:10.28blitzragemine too
15:10.40mogormanlol seem to be everyones problem today
15:10.41file[laptop]welcome to the club, have you paid your fees?
15:11.08Kattyit obviously needs more hugs.
15:11.29blitzragefile[laptop]: I think so...
15:11.36muti seen 100 bajillion people today all at once go OMG WoW DIED!?
15:11.41blitzrageI have things that can route one way, but not the other
15:11.47mutcause of l3 'n cognt
15:11.51blitzragemut: lol
15:11.58blitzragenot WoW!!!!!???!?!!
15:12.07muti had to laugh
15:12.12mutcuase it was in like 10 chans i was in
15:12.16mut4 diff networks
15:12.59*** join/#asterisk KranZ (
15:13.52blitzrageheh :)
15:14.12file[laptop]blitzrage: aren't you supposed to be getting ready and stuff?
15:14.19blitzragefile[laptop]: yes!!!!!!!
15:14.30blitzragefile[laptop]: emergency networking problem too though... trying to do btoh
15:14.31file[laptop]WELL HOP TO IT!
15:15.13*** join/#asterisk _santiago_ (n=santiago@
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15:15.30blitzragefile[laptop]: ummmm... yah... the whole emergency routing thing and Level(3) and Cogent FUCKING ME
15:15.46blitzragewho can I call and scream at?
15:16.01file[laptop]not me!!!
15:16.05Kattyblitzrage: the mirror
15:16.31Ariel_ok so what is the command to ignore someone on the channel
15:16.35Kattyblitzrage: i'm sure you just screaming at someone is keeping them from doing whatever it is that needs to be done to fix it.
15:16.44KattyAriel_: i think it's /ignore $nick
15:17.32azrishahrildoes anyone here use oh323 ?
15:18.16blitzrageKatty: possible :)
15:18.33Ariel_Katty, yes your correct thanks
15:18.42KattyAriel_: yay!
15:19.58odie_floconHey Katty
15:20.02odie_floconHey Ariel_
15:20.12asterisk99Is anyone here using a TE110P (single-span T1/E1) card or the 2-3-4 span variants?  i have PRI configuration problems
15:20.21Kattyodie_flocon: hihi
15:20.22odie_floconhey blitz
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15:21.41ian_kasterisk99: sup?
15:22.05Kattybkw_: where has darthclue been?
15:22.12asterisk99ian_k: Msg; ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: No such device or address (6)
15:22.41asterisk99ian_k: that error from ztcfg
15:22.46ian_kasterisk99: make sure /etc/zaptel.conf is setup correctly
15:24.01KranZasterisk99: check dmesg where the driver loads
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15:24.11KranZlooks like your driver didnt compile correctly
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15:24.15Ariel_Is there someone here that can translate this into english more me. Or better yet into tech talk for me? Please:
15:24.43Ariel_more/ for
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15:25.55Inv_arpAriel_: seems like he cant call out thru his sip device
15:26.09asterisk99KranZ: no error messages in dmesg that I can see
15:26.41Ariel_Inv_arp, yes but which from pots line to sip or sip to pots line?
15:26.41christoAriel_ it's pretty bad english, but it looks like you need to add a _9. extension to your dial plan to allow outside lines... or tell him that you don't offer that.. or something
15:27.01asterisk99KranZ: ian_k: span=1,1,0,esf,b8zs
15:27.19asterisk99KranZ: ian_k: bchan=1-23
15:27.27Inv_arpbet its sip to pots
15:27.31ian_katerisk99: are you providing timing to the telco?
15:27.32asterisk99KranZ: ian_k: dchann=24
15:27.45asterisk99KranZ: ian_k: dchan=24    (correction)
15:28.06asterisk99ian_k: timimg to telco???   where do I define that?
15:29.13ian_katerisk99: maybe it is span=1,0,0,esf,b8zs
15:29.27ian_katerisk99: instead of span=1,1,0,esf,b8zs
15:29.44*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
15:29.51file[laptop]uh oh Matt
15:30.02ZX81<-- has oh323 problem
15:30.19blitzrage<-- has Level(3) / Cogent problems
15:30.22ZX81even worse than having to use openh323 in the first place
15:30.50Kattyyay for not making a mess!
15:31.00wunderkinblitzrage: i heard level3 stopped peering with all other networks yesterday
15:31.17KranZasterisk99: it's prolly 1,1,0
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15:31.28ZX81which is the best 323 channel to use?
15:31.28KranZbut the pri will come up regardless
15:31.40blitzragewunderkin: yep... they did -- I'm feeling the effects today
15:31.41ZX81trying the inaccess one with 1.2beta
15:31.51KranZasterisk99: did you run ztcfg -vv?
15:31.52asterisk99KranZ: The LED on the card is off
15:32.00KranZmeans the driver is loaded
15:32.02ZX81but I get an unsatified link error
15:32.03ian_kasterisk99: your module is not loaded
15:32.11asterisk99KranZ: Yes, ztcfg gave me that error
15:32.16wunderkinnetwork nazis
15:32.34wunderkinwe super we make our own intraweb
15:32.39asterisk99wunderkin: No network for you!!!!!!!!!
15:33.02asterisk99wunderkin: variation of No soup for you!!!!!!!!!
15:33.28asterisk99ian_k: I thought I loaded it by a modprobe zaptel
15:33.54KranZasterisk99: msg me your dmesg
15:34.25file[laptop]I have not consumed food yet today
15:34.26KranZasterisk99: you need to modprobe the driver for the card
15:34.34KranZand that will also load zaptel
15:34.46Kattyfile[laptop]: go eat.
15:34.46asterisk99ian_k: lsmod shows zaptel loaded
15:34.53KranZyou should have two
15:34.56asterisk99KranZ: lsmod shows zaptel loaded
15:34.58KranZi dont know the one for single span
15:35.11KranZbut i do "modprobe wct4xxp" and it loads that with zaptel
15:35.24KranZso find out what your module name is and load it
15:36.47asterisk99KranZ: I have the sigle span T1/E1...
15:38.00KranZdo a "modprobe wct1xxp"
15:39.38uteris there anybody who has a snomphone with working, blinking LEDs?
15:39.41malcolmdsingle span t1/e1 == te110p == wcte11xp; wct1xxp == the old t100p/e100p cards
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15:40.04uteron my phone the don't want to blink
15:40.38uteri think it's a problem with the firmware
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15:41.11ZX81:( boohoo
15:41.15ZX81crashes asterisk
15:41.17ZX81stupid openh 323
15:41.54uterso, if there is anybody who has got blinkenlights on his phone, it would be very helpful to just tell me the firmwareversion
15:42.05asterisk99malcomd KranZ:   Aha!!!!   wcte11xp    That's the ticket!!!!!!!   It seems to work (so far)
15:42.14ZX81can't anybody puleese help me with
15:42.27KranZasterisk99: from now on, you only need to modprobe that
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15:42.32KranZit loads zaptel also
15:43.01gabb0bkw_, wondering if you have a few seconds.  just wondering about this squelching of dtmf in meetme.  how does this work with PRIs?  also what does ZT_FLUSH_ALL do exactly?
15:43.52bkw_gabb0, you really don't wanna know my honest opinion
15:43.56bkw_zaptel = poop
15:44.21bkw_its fine for small jobs
15:44.25bkw_but not large jobs
15:45.29gabb0well I agree, the analog stuff is crap for sure but the t1 cards have been pretty solid for the most part.  For us anyway.
15:45.53mutlarge job = ?
15:45.59gabb0does the squelching work in meetme on PRIs though?
15:46.36*** join/#asterisk file (
15:47.27bkw_you there?
15:47.44bkw_I need you to move nick's sip account to the .12 box in uunet
15:47.48bkw_and bounce it from there to cogent
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15:48.41filebkw_: what's the full IP?
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15:48.49bkw_look on aim
15:48.56fileI'm not on AIM yet lol
15:49.11fileI'm still restoring terminals here
15:49.15Kattybkw_: you never answered me, you know.
15:49.21mogormansee you there blitzrage
15:49.24bkw_Katty, darth no work here
15:49.29Kattybkw_: i didn't ask that.
15:49.42bkw_I don't know were darth is ;)
15:49.56tzangermorning Katty
15:50.03Kattytzanger: hihi (=
15:52.21*** part/#asterisk The_Duke (n=The_Duke@
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15:52.56marc324ne1 knows a reliable fax-->email server?
15:55.08asterisk99malcomd KranZ:  Houoston, we have lift off!!!!    Missing a D Channel tho
15:55.25*** join/#asterisk phidrumdmb (n=email@
15:55.29phidrumdmbhey hey
15:55.40phidrumdmbdoes anyone know how the ac-211 creates call-id numbers?
15:55.57phidrumdmbi mean
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15:57.34hasslerhello folks! I'm not clear on how phone calls are handled on a T1 line vs PRI. I know the PRI is very dynamic, using a dynamic channel for each call (you could have 100 "numbers" coming in on a PRI, as long as no more than 23 simultaneous), but is it the same for the T1, or are the numbers "assigned" to specific channels?
15:58.21*** part/#asterisk darkskiez (n=darkskie@
15:58.34KranZt1 is a transport for a pri
15:58.54pauldyt1=pri pri!=t1
15:59.54hasslerI should have said "channelized T1" vs PRI.... Yes, PRI rides on T1
16:00.12fishboy1669anyone any idea how to tell if a sip channel has a call active on it
16:00.34Ariel_show channels
16:00.49KranZhassler:  you mean an analog t1?
16:00.58KranZto a channelbank
16:00.59hasslerno such thing as an analog T1
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16:01.13hassleryes "channelized T1" could go to a channel bank.
16:01.48phidrumdmbi will revise my question, do some voip telcos use an algo to generate a SIP callid number so phones can not be spoofed
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16:04.31marc324does spandsp work ?
16:05.42LoRezsupposed to
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16:08.29mutfsckin ppl on that isp annoy me
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16:16.51asterisk99malcomd KranZ:   wewcte11xp loads... but after reboot, and modprobing it again, the LED stays off UNTIL I perform ztcfg -vv
16:17.07asterisk99malcomd KranZ:   wcte11xp loads... but after reboot, and modprobing it again, the LED stays off UNTIL I perform ztcfg -vv
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16:18.59christodoes anybody know of a better beep than the standard beep in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds ? :)
16:19.42cpatrychristo: just record one with a sexy voice :)
16:20.14Beirdo"better beep"? :) heheh, that's such a subjective thing...
16:20.30Beirdoplease leave a message after the scream!
16:20.48asterisk99malcomd KranZ: How do I get wcte11xp to load automatically on boot?
16:21.07BeirdoOK, lunch time
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16:25.01christothese beeps are terrible
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16:25.25generalhanwhats up guys
16:25.55asterisk99christo: define terrible ... it's a girlie-man beep?  it's too short?  it's garbled?
16:26.18generalhanIm having an error here that wont let 2 of my people make calls. everytime they dial it says call failed. And the only message the ocnsole is giving me is "Everyone is congested/busy right now" WTH is going on ?
16:26.29ful|workhow can i get CDR variable from agi? i'm using php...
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16:30.38christoasterisk99 - it's too sharp and not  long enough
16:30.48christoI think a beeps should be smooth and long
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16:34.57asterisk99christo: sounds like Bill Clinton's definiton of a beep      (Or was that a cigar.... I forget)    ;)
16:40.34marc324ne1 knows of a reliable fax_email server app?
16:41.17*** part/#asterisk Attila_Kovacs (
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16:44.06gabb0bkw_, you have worked quite a bit with meetme, or can you tell me who here has.  I have a couple more questions about the code
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16:46.14develanybody have an example static xhtml page that works on the polycom 600 microbrowser?
16:46.17ian_kasterisk99 - get your pri working?
16:48.01CrazyYossIs there any way to somehow be able to receive MMS messages on the same number you are using for VoIP? Can asterisk figure out what to do with an MMS message and forward it to an application like mbuni?
16:48.22ian_kMMS or SMS?
16:48.24*** join/#asterisk T0aD (
16:48.31T0aD<T0aD> good evening everyone
16:48.31T0aD<T0aD> does someone know how to compile openh323 *more* fast ?
16:48.41JerJerdon't use Open H.323
16:48.45ian_kupgrade your system?
16:48.45JerJerthat's real fast
16:49.10T0aDthis question was not intended to motherfuckers sorry
16:49.31develha ha.
16:50.13develthere are very few solutions to make software compile faster.  those are pretty valid answers.
16:50.46CrazyYossI know the difference between SMS and MMS but would that make a difference your response? Can asterisk recognize SMS messages and pass them on?
16:51.10JerJerperhaps nobody knows what MMS is - how about you enlighten us
16:51.16ian_kToad - do you mean compile the code faster, or compile it so it runs faster?
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16:51.36jarrodanyone used the presence function with asterisk
16:51.51CrazyYossSMS has a character limit of 120 characters...MMS allows for more text and attachments such as pictures, sound clips etc
16:51.54T0aDian_k, i mean to compile it faster
16:52.15gabb0crazy question, but is there a way to not play dtmf to others in a meetme when the dtmf is inband (other than having that person muted)?
16:52.15ian_kCrazyYoss - yeah, sorta. There is an SMS module for asterisk. If MMS is a real protocol, I don't have any information that it is supported.
16:52.15T0aDcause im still at work and i have to wait for this to finish to compile in order to use my voip stuff..
16:52.36ian_ktoad - how long has it taken?
16:52.55T0aDits compiling the second file
16:52.59T0aDfor 20 minutes
16:53.16T0aDoh it just started the third one
16:53.16ian_ktoad - something must be broken.. or you have a 286 compiling it..
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16:53.22T0aDa 500 mhz
16:53.33T0aDnothing is broken, my question is clear
16:53.49CrazyYossian_k: thanks ill look into that
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16:54.00T0aDok apparently by default its compiling a lot of crap
16:54.41ian_ktoad - hmmm.. does it have -O flags set?
16:55.00T0aDthats a very good question :)
16:55.05T0aDthere is a -Os
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16:55.36T0aDi guess i can start by removing it
16:55.47sahafeezquestion about mysql and asterisk if i could..
16:55.53ian_kit might speed up the compile, but slow down the code that gets compiled
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16:56.16T0aDyeah i know ian_k
16:56.16ian_kbut 20 minutes per file is nuts
16:56.16sahafeezall the docs i have come to read are all about editing the .conf files.
16:56.19T0aDas you said
16:56.27sahafeezi was told i can just put it all, in the db?
16:56.35cripitonot all
16:56.36cripitobut yes
16:56.50sahafeezthe sip.conf and extentions.conf
16:56.52cripitosip - iax cfg, queues, voicemail
16:57.06cripitocheck the wiki for realtime
16:57.11sahafeezok. i need to find the docs for that
16:57.24cripito;) and u need at least 1.2.X
16:57.27T0aDian_k, i will try to cross compile it or to compile it distributed but distcc fails to compile such complicated thing
16:57.47sahafeezusing HEAD from 2 days ago
16:57.55cripitothen it's ok for realtime
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16:59.02cripito:) i love this soekris cards sometimes
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17:00.00Primeranyone here using chan_sccp with a phone behind nat? Seem that skinny (sccp) is quite the crappy protocol.
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17:01.04sahafeezi have a TDM card, FXS and a PRI card. Can I hook my fax to the TDM and map it out the PRI
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17:01.42[TK]D-FenderGot a problem I've been trying to get a handle on : I've got a PRI & Rhino Channel-bank set on * and my faxes often get cut off during receptions.  Any tips on how to get them stable?
17:03.15jarrodsaha: yes
17:03.31sahafeezi will ask how later if i can not figure it out
17:03.39jarrodjust have the inbound context on the TDM card dial the extension out the zap driver for the PRI
17:04.14cripitocheck fax: dial(ZAP/.....  also
17:04.29jarrodkinda like exten => _X.,1,Dial(${PRITRUNK}/${EXTEN})
17:04.30cripitou should be able to redirect when is fax only..
17:04.54sahafeezand inbound?
17:05.01sahafeezgot it
17:05.39ian_kthere are fax-howto pages on the net. it might be more hassle than its worth though.
17:05.46Sk3tChhow can i make a menu extension?example " push 1 for xxx push 2 for xxx"
17:05.47Hmmhesayswoooowooooo tech support calls
17:06.28jarrodsk3tch: record the menu system.. then play it in a context with the exten => 1.. and 2.. defined
17:06.32ian_kSk3tCh - rtfm @
17:06.45marc324unrelated-- how to get http file while in linux shell?
17:06.53Sk3tChit is recorded
17:06.58jarrodmarc: fetch / wget
17:07.23Sk3tChmarc324: apt-get install wget , and after wget http://host/file
17:07.25sahafeezok. just read the real time and dl, maked the add-ons. are there scripts to make the tables in mysql
17:07.25ian_kmarc324 - or you can be a man and telnet to remote port 80 directly :)
17:07.38jarrodsk3tch.. NoOp, Background(gsm file), Waitexten..
17:07.52jarrodthen have the exten defined for the menu options that go somewhere
17:08.53*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
17:09.03cripitothey are in the wiki .... if u want i can give u mines but they are a little dif from the originals
17:09.56Sk3tChjarrod: and user enters exten and it will redirect to exten, ok...and how can i do this in exten ("press 1 for global language "hu" press 2 for global language "en")
17:10.20T0aDdefidev:/var/tmp/openh323_Mimas_patch2# wc -l ./src/h245_3.cxx
17:10.20T0aD15249 ./src/h245_3.cxx
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17:11.26sahafeezcripito: thanks. reading. it is a bit disorganized
17:14.10*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
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17:15.50harryvvkinda odd that I went to startup my * and asterisk was not running. Found 10 instances of mpg123 running killed all those and and zaptel driver was no where to be found. Did a recomplile and reinstall and corrected it.
17:16.02sahafeezok, now i am lost. what order do you do things? is there a check list : setting up asterisk to use mysql 101
17:16.03harryvvNo idea why
17:16.05asterisk99ian_k: PRI is almost up... my telco guy is saying the D channel is not coming up.... I;m defining signalling=pri_cpe i zappata.conf, but it's not changing anything
17:16.28harryvvhi katty
17:17.06*** join/#asterisk kuj (
17:17.06Drukenhi all, has anyone have some experince with a company called netfone ??
17:17.43harryvvI wonder what kind of power savings I would experaince with a firmware bases asterisk solution for just my own system over that of a old PC that runs it.
17:18.03harryvvDrunken u mean nufone or netfone?
17:18.13*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
17:18.17harryvvnever heard of it
17:18.22*** join/#asterisk dca[laptop] (n=dca[
17:18.35dca[laptop]anyone know which flavor of g726 asterisk uses?
17:18.40Kattyharryvv: hihi
17:18.49*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr (
17:18.55dca[laptop]there's G726-32, G726-40, G726-24 on my spa841 available
17:19.08harryvvdrunken are you in the greater yvr?
17:19.18dca[laptop]Ariel: tks!
17:19.27Ariel_harryvv, hello afternoon
17:19.32harryvvyes vancouver
17:19.41harryvvHi Ariel
17:19.48Drukenam i in vancouver? no...
17:19.54fileKatty: great idea
17:19.57harryvvokay i am
17:20.01Kattyfile: let's nap.
17:20.08fileKatty: further great idea
17:20.48Drukennap with nookie, or nap without nookie?
17:20.55harryvvAriel, moved into my new place. no longer a apt. just to need to work more hours to afford it.
17:21.23KattyDruken: pfft.
17:21.32Ariel_harryvv, I know that feeling
17:22.08KattyDruken: i shan't go.
17:22.58fileKatty has already shared my internet connection, how much more personal can you get?!?
17:23.24*** part/#asterisk point (i=1000@
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17:26.41Sk3tChvoicemailmain not send the voicemail..why?
17:26.46Sk3tChi see the log
17:26.56*** join/#asterisk malverian[work] (
17:27.00Sk3tChbut...nothing about sending ,or sending fail
17:27.21malverian[work]If I use DeadAGI and do a RECORD FILE inside the AGI script.. the AGI should continue running even if the person hangs up?
17:27.44marc324unrelated-- how to get download realvnc while in shell?
17:28.04BrianR___I gotta rewrite my MWI toggler script :(
17:28.21Sk3tChrpm or gzip?
17:28.26BrianR___toggling mwi's on a key system is a pain in the ass.. :(
17:28.41*** join/#asterisk Himeko (
17:29.37Himekoany eyebeam users know offhand where eyebeam is storing account info?
17:29.45ian_kmalverian[work] - yes.
17:29.53malverian[work]ian_k, It's not for some reason..
17:30.15*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:d856:c704:0:0:0:0:1)
17:30.23malverian[work]I'm using: RECORD FILE "filename" "gsm" "#" -1 s=2
17:30.49malverian[work]If you record and then hang up (without the silence being hit) it gives me a 200 result=0 (hangup) and then doesn't go any further in the AGI script
17:30.49ian_kmalverian[work] - hmmm. It is intended to. I don't know much about it, except that it is supposed to continue after hangups.
17:30.53*** join/#asterisk Gerriall (n=NonYa@
17:30.56Drukenare your rollers in the machine white?
17:31.24KattyLathos42: eep!
17:31.26Lathos42Druken: No, it gets on the scanner glass and causes a line down the fax
17:31.50Drukenwell that's a pain in the ass too
17:32.01Kattythe drum is a bigger pain
17:32.16*** join/#asterisk mutilator (n=animenod@
17:32.17mutilatoranyone ever heard of all tcp/ip traffic dieing from pasting info at a command prompt/telnet session, i have to reboot my pc to get it goin again..
17:32.32filemutilator: I had a Belkin router that did that, if I pasted something specific
17:32.35mutilatorin winxp
17:32.35fileit crashed the router
17:32.38malverian[work]But for some reason if it exits because of timeout, it continues.
17:32.50mutilatorfile: this is weird tho it happens like anything i login to
17:32.56filemutilator: sucky
17:32.59*** join/#asterisk morale (
17:33.02mutilatori telnet to a cisco router and paste like 4 line commands and my nic dies
17:33.13moralehas anyone had luck with asterisk and vonage?
17:33.27mutilatorand it's nothing specific either
17:33.31mutilatorjust any old paste
17:33.35harryvvso do most small voip services use voip wholsale carriers do there local and long distance calls or only long distance. pri her is typically over 1k per month. wonder which is the better of the two.
17:33.36filemorale: you can use the softphone account with Asterisk
17:33.57malverian[work]This is odd...
17:34.04fileharryvv: small ones usually just resell VoIP traffic because it's cheap
17:34.34harryvvfile, even if its routing traffic from canada to the states then back to canada.
17:34.36fileif you're just targeting local and have enough people, you can get a PRI with unlimited local in a certain area
17:35.29fileharryvv: in that instance it might be cheaper to find a Canadian termination provider... but initially it can certainly be cheaper
17:36.21fileall depends how many people you get to start with, and starting amount of income... :)
17:36.40InfraRedwhats the kit of choice to connect to E1/Q931
17:36.41harryvvyea thats the problem
17:36.49Cresl1nwho needs that?
17:37.00fileI do!!!
17:37.11harryvvfile, the issue is how large a customer base can be aquired just to pay the bills.
17:37.12malverian[work]It's not even saying the script exited...
17:37.17Cresl1nbut we work for free right?
17:37.28*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
17:37.35Cresl1nwe don't have to pay our bills since we're free software developers
17:37.41fileif only...
17:37.42Cresl1nthey just disappear for us :-D
17:37.49filemv bills /dev/null
17:37.52Sk3tChhow can i use the pressed (dtmf)number in tel?
17:38.01Sk3tChsome cmd for it?
17:38.11Cresl1nsk3tch: huh?
17:38.20fileI would assume you press the key on the telephone
17:38.26filecall me crazy, but I think that's what you do
17:38.34wunderkinfile: you're crazy
17:38.38fileI know that!
17:38.43wunderkinare you high?
17:38.47fileno :(
17:38.49harryvvOhh man I have to laugh at this site. For some time the web site was for sale. Type in and see what domain it directs to :)
17:38.50fileI'm file!
17:39.32Sk3tChCresl1n: i called a number ok..and i press btw button 4 then it speak something.. how can i get the typed number?
17:39.53Cresl1nin your dialplan
17:40.10harryvvI said to the owner "because this site is very close to the name nortel network aka northern telecom that site is a trade name violation and thus, I dont want to be sued"
17:40.29Sk3tChCresl1n: ok but what is the command to get?
17:40.36Sk3tChgetdtmf or something?
17:40.51Cresl1njust make an extension that has that number
17:40.52harryvvwunderkin so you see, thay listened to my advice :)
17:41.15fileBackground will play a file and listen for digits, it then sees if there's an extension in the current context that matches the digits
17:41.21harryvvyou mean
17:41.23fileLathos42: a networked wok, duh
17:41.51Lathos42harryvv: Well, I figured that a Nortel Netwok is just a netwok sold by Nortel.. :)
17:41.53*** join/#asterisk malabar (
17:42.12Lathos42file: Does it make it so you can check your email while making dinner?
17:42.49harryvvfile, you have a service right?
17:43.01filedo I? personally? uh no
17:43.09filerephrase your question.
17:43.25harryvvvoip service
17:43.31shido6nortel ewoks
17:43.40fileI work for Asterlink which provides toll-free origination and termination services
17:43.44*** join/#asterisk andrewsbenjamin (
17:44.08Lathos42file: You corporate shill
17:44.11harryvvfile, that is a per min and or monthly rate?
17:44.14fileper min
17:44.17harryvvXO, Stealth hook up in gated community of VoIP carriers seeking to bypass the public network and create a parallel Internet.
17:44.33harryvvmmm off news from
17:44.38harryvvodd news
17:45.38marc324where can i find a fax->email server apps?
17:45.49InfraRedmarc324: heard of ?
17:46.06jboti heard docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
17:46.10InfraRedmarc324: ^^^^^
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17:48.08MiccI've tried firefly and iaxcomm now and both have problems skipping audio.
17:48.09Mikeguys its there a howto on how to conect to a carrier using g729 without buying a license on my side?
17:48.41harryvvsounds like jitter
17:49.07Miccharryvv, how can I fix the jitter? It seems to have the same problem with IAX or SIP.
17:49.30Beirdodo what I tell you, you bitch!
17:49.33FuriousGeorgeour bookkeeper is neurotic (im not kidding)
17:49.35Miccharryvv, my round trip time to the server is always less than 40ms.
17:49.54FuriousGeorgei just put accounting on an * system, and one of the crap handsets on the zap channels has echo
17:50.12FuriousGeorgeshe insists on using that phone
17:50.45FuriousGeorgeshe starts to explain why and it just goes into this heavily accesnted english jibber jabber, like someone on LSD talking to you
17:50.58MiccEven when I run directly to nufone it has the same problem.
17:51.03FuriousGeorgethe point is
17:51.47FuriousGeorgei think i gotta lower or raise one if the gains on that channel because i hear echo when people raise their voices on the outseide asterisk end
17:52.20FuriousGeorgeto be more exact, outside party hears themselves when they shout, which gain do i gotta lower raise?  rx?
17:52.31FuriousGeorgewould -1 make it quiter?
17:52.39*** part/#asterisk Micc (
17:53.00FuriousGeorge(new handsets are in the mail)
17:53.10FuriousGeorge(will be)
17:54.14FuriousGeorgei cant see if you raise your hands just shout it out when you know it
17:54.15harryvvthats my settings.
17:54.36FuriousGeorgeharryvv: that works great with echocancel and echocancel when bridged
17:54.36harryvvFuriousGeorge is this on a zap card?
17:54.59FuriousGeorgebut this one particular handset has an echo
17:55.20harryvvI hear there is some very good ballanced bridge gateways on the market that will impedence match the lines thus ridding of the echo.
17:55.56FuriousGeorgeso if surmising if i lower the rxfain to -1.0 or something the calling party's recieved voice will be made a bit quieter so he would need to shout louder
17:56.05FuriousGeorgeharryvv: my echo cancel works great on everything else
17:56.31FuriousGeorgei dont wanna buy more hw if i dont have to, and im ordering new handsets today, which brings me to another question:
17:56.51FuriousGeorgeare there any analog phones which have any features that are particularly * friendly
17:56.59FuriousGeorgelike programamble park and xfer buttons
17:57.32harryvvfur, well we use the uniden wireless hooked to the sipura ata and it works fine.
17:57.41harryvvput on hold transfer ect.
17:58.15FuriousGeorgeharryvv: ill be looking at those on froogle
17:58.29harryvvfroogle ?
17:58.36marc324is everyone running asterisk using shell or in xwin?
17:58.41FuriousGeorgeharryvv: www.froogle,com its great if ur in the us
17:58.56Qwellyeah, froogle is awesome
17:59.02marc324for configuring
17:59.05Qwellexcept, I almost always end up buying stuff at newegg, heh
17:59.07FuriousGeorgemarc324: i connect to the console in konsole if thats what you mean
17:59.18FuriousGeorgeQwell: me too
17:59.28FuriousGeorgeQwell: but there are some things even newegg doesnt have
17:59.34FuriousGeorgelike tdm and phones
17:59.35QwellFuriousGeorge: yep, I've found a few things
17:59.55Qwellspecific "video card" from asus, for an intel 915 chipset
17:59.57harryvvohh really froogle looks up a item by make and model and list the item that cost the least? sounds like pricewatch
18:00.15FuriousGeorgeharryvv: more inclusive than pricewatch
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18:00.18Qwellharryvv: but pricewatch isn't that great, and there is one major difference
18:00.23Qwellpeople submit to pricewatch
18:00.25Qwellfroogle crawls
18:00.28FuriousGeorgeharryvv: i switched like 2 years ago
18:00.39FuriousGeorgeand what he said
18:00.52QwellI'll admit though, pricewatch was very good at one point
18:00.55harryvvFuriousGeorge switched to froogle from pricewatch?
18:01.04Qwelland really, they still are good...there is just somebody better
18:01.25harryvvI love newegg. most of my new hardware is from them.
18:01.27FuriousGeorgeharryvv: but sometimes when i just want mb or cpu or especially mb+cpu quick quotes i shoot to pricewatch
18:01.48QwellFuriousGeorge: Thats one benefit of pricewatch - since people submit to it, it has stuff like mb+cpu combos
18:02.22FuriousGeorgeQwell: do you ever have to build legacy boxes?  if so what do you use.
18:02.22Ariel_marc324, I run asterisk as a server without xwindows
18:02.30Qwelllegacy?  no, heh
18:03.22FuriousGeorgesometimes i build all or part of a linux nat box from parts
18:03.36QwellLathos42: for a much higher price
18:03.58harryvvI dont know if I will buy used or never used hardwar from ebay again. One guy advertised a amd opteron mobo and was working. Well it would lock up. After futsing for a long time to get it working it was the mobo its self not the other hardware. the guy could not be contacted and yet he had a good rating. its going to be new next time for me.
18:04.05*** join/#asterisk fiber0pti (n=johndoe@
18:04.06Lathos42file: I hope you charge the actual cost to ship me, i'm a big guy :)
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18:04.46Lathos42Qwell: My dell rep came in lower than everyone else on all of the parts that i've specced for our phone system
18:04.59FuriousGeorgeand there is no point in using even a $20 64mb agp 4 gpu when u can get a $10 pci video card.  sometimes i use but the prices arent /that/great
18:05.09FuriousGeorgei just hate buying important parts 2nd hand
18:05.13FuriousGeorgefrom ebay
18:05.25QwellFuriousGeorge: check out...umm...shit, one sec
18:05.36Qwellare you in the US?  If so, is it CA?
18:05.42FuriousGeorgeother side
18:05.45jbotfrom memory, nj is home to the Sopranos
18:05.51Qwellk, check Redemtech
18:05.56Qwelllemme see if I can find a link
18:06.07Qwell(it's a pita to find their store)
18:06.13*** join/#asterisk Tili (
18:06.38FuriousGeorgei found one
18:07.03FuriousGeorgethat advertises as "help you recycle and refurbish your old hw" consultants
18:07.13FuriousGeorge"  at least it appears at a glance
18:07.25QwellThey have decent prices on "recycled" machines
18:09.00QwellFuriousGeorge: this place basically gets a call from a company, "Hey, I've got some old* machines here, can you come pick them up?"
18:09.15Qwell*not always that old
18:09.23QwellThen they just turn around and resell them
18:10.10FuriousGeorgeQwell: this will come in usefull
18:11.00marc324is vnc ok for accessing asterisk from xp?
18:11.08Qwelluse ssh
18:11.13QwellX on a server is plain dumb
18:11.26Ariel_or putty
18:11.50FuriousGeorgeclear text passwords everywhere
18:11.52marc324are you saying not to install x?
18:12.11Ariel_No xwindows
18:12.19FuriousGeorgemarc324: why you need x?
18:12.33marc324for editing the config files
18:12.37harryvvmarc, use putty
18:12.57Ariel_harryvv, I said that... But also ssh has a nice setup for windows...
18:13.01FuriousGeorgei know on gentoo, emerging asterisk can pull X in unless you specify -X in make.conf, for some feature i dont know about
18:13.23FuriousGeorgemarc324: i like nano, thats like the non-tchy vi
18:13.28JerJerFuriousGeorge: that's a fuckup on the part of whoever created the gentoo packaging
18:13.38harryvvAriel_ so your saying ssh can be used on the command line in xp?
18:13.51FuriousGeorgeJerJer: fools!
18:14.03Ariel_harryvv, no there is a co. that makes ssh software for windows to connect to a linux box.
18:14.11FuriousGeorgeharryvv: sure, from the cygwin commandline
18:14.14*** join/#asterisk mohr_ (
18:14.16SwK[Work]harryvv: putty is a windows ssh client
18:14.31FuriousGeorgeor you can putty (thats what i do)
18:14.37harryvvSwk, yes and i putty into my asterisk all the time.
18:14.37SwK[Work]google for putty win32 and hit 'i'm feeling lucky"
18:14.53FuriousGeorgeharryvv: google (feeling lucky) putty download
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18:15.29Ariel_Putty good
18:15.35cripitoi use ssh client from
18:15.45FuriousGeorgeharryvv: cygwin installs some linux api or something on your windows box, if your using to use the openssh client itself
18:15.47cripitois way better than putty but putty is ok
18:15.50Ariel_cripito, yes it's a good product and has built in SCP3
18:15.55FuriousGeorgeud need to install a few packages
18:16.11cripitowe agree ariel
18:16.19*** join/#asterisk toddf (
18:17.37PupenoLWhen RTP is mentioned in the context of Asterisk, does it refeer to ?
18:17.47sahafeezis there a GUI that supports Realtime w/mysql for adding + configuring users
18:18.20marc324whats puttytel?
18:18.28FuriousGeorgethese uniden handsets are too expensive, plus wont they have a bunch of features that overlap *?  im looking for a simple 1 line corded handset, with a programamble button or two
18:18.30cripitosahafeez i am building 1....
18:19.12FuriousGeorgelike if i could program a park button, that would be cool
18:20.00*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
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18:20.53sahafeezcripito: so no...
18:20.56Tiliwhat is the tool name to capture rtp traffic on a network and save it in a file
18:21.37cripitocheck this out
18:21.56cripitoand this
18:22.08sahafeezok. can i dl and use it?
18:22.11cripitoso the answer is a complete realtime product no
18:22.18cripitono yet..
18:23.20*** join/#asterisk MattH (n=MattH@
18:23.22cripitoi am almost there...
18:23.37cripitobut there is web appl that do this.. check the wiki
18:23.38*** join/#asterisk gandhijee (
18:23.56gandhijeecan someone give me a hand plz?
18:24.07gandhijeei just got a TDM400 w/ 1 FXO and 3 FXS
18:24.14gandhijeethanks george
18:24.17FuriousGeorgealways wanted to do that
18:24.31FuriousGeorgeno, thank you :)
18:24.32cripitogive a hand?
18:24.38gandhijeeand when i modprobe wcfxo is kinda say "up yours buddy"
18:24.44MattHHi.   I'm trying to figure an issue out here... if a sip phone has 'forwarding' on, when the asterisk box goes to call the sip phone the sip phone says 'HEY!  I MOVED!' and directs the call elsewhere.   Well now the call goes out ZAP/SIP/IAX trunk but it doesn't log as going to or from that user.... is there some way I can correct this?  The account code field just gets totally blanked (assumably because the call is not coming FROM the sip phone), and the
18:25.00*** join/#asterisk MuppetMaster (n=MuppetMa@
18:25.14FuriousGeorgegandhijee: it doesnt say that
18:25.23MuppetMasterHello everyone.  Any one know how to get Asterisk to connect to an Avaya CM station side per this post:
18:26.01gandhijeeFuriousGeorge: true its says what it does on this pastebin
18:26.25gandhijeebut i can load the wcfxs with no problem... and it activates the 4 ports...
18:26.43cripitogandhijee... can u paste also ur dmesg (the last part)
18:27.20*** part/#asterisk MuppetMaster (n=MuppetMa@
18:27.33FuriousGeorgegandhijee: im no expert, but i only modprobe wxfxs and i use 2fxo and 2 fxs
18:27.42gandhijeeoh shit
18:27.46FuriousGeorgeand it works, so maybe you dont need it
18:27.59gandhijeei'm a fucking retard, apparently the wcfxs handles the FXO too??
18:28.10Qwellgandhijee: use wctdm
18:28.27Qwellgandhijee: wcfxs was renamed to avoid that confusion, iirc
18:28.27harryvvgand, what errors you getting?
18:28.35gandhijeeqwell: don't seem to have that one
18:28.43Qwellmight be a cvs thing...
18:28.48gandhijeeqwell: im using zaptel-
18:29.19Qwellbut yeah, wcfxs == wctdm
18:29.19gandhijeebut FuriousGeorge was right, just modprobing the wcfxs wored
18:29.34wunderkinCresl1n are you available?
18:30.07gandhijeeyea it work
18:30.10gandhijeei didn't think about checkin dmesg to see what it had to say to me
18:30.19gandhijeei was just remembering from the old how-to's
18:31.07*** join/#asterisk bawks (
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18:32.07bawksIs it possible to set up TE110P into passive mode where it could just listen to the traffic going across the PRI via a splitter?
18:32.20Qwellbawks: for what purpose?
18:32.32bawksto CDR a PBX that doesnt have CDR
18:32.49Cresl1nwunderkin: what's up?
18:33.12*** join/#asterisk dabigshiznizzle (
18:34.17wunderkinCresl1n: hey dude, i just have a quick question, i'm getting the finger pointing.. i have 2 pri from the same carrier but diff resellers, on the initial install (on a single t1 card/diff box) they worked.. 1st one installed ok then installed 2nd and they said it was configured wrong there.. now its ok.. so put in 4 port card diff box, the 1st one wont ever come up.. it says Provisioned, In Alarm, Down, Active, they are seeing remote made
18:34.27wunderkinunfortunately i never tested the 1st one again after the 2nd was installed
18:34.42wunderkintheyve done all their testing that they can do and they say its all clean but im remote made busy
18:35.08wunderkinis it possible for them to have the same numbers as the other and so one works and the other shows busy? niu on both is green and my side is red alarm
18:35.34justinui hate that nortel remote made busy shit
18:35.35wunderkinnow he sais carrier fail
18:35.50MattHi hate nortel
18:35.51justinucan you loop it up for him at the card?
18:36.33FuriousGeorgecan anyone recomend a basic analog wired handset to use with *.  the feature that i'm looking for is a programable park button
18:37.56justinualso, have you tried putting a loop up facing your PRI card, to see if you can see your own carrier?
18:38.09Cresl1nwunderkin Are their red alarms on the line?
18:38.39wunderkinits red for me green on niu
18:38.57Cresl1nit should be green for you
18:39.02Cresl1nif it's red, then you have a problem
18:39.07Cresl1nlayer one is down
18:39.17Cresl1nare you sure that you configured it right in zaptel.conf?
18:40.07wunderkinthe working circuit works on either port, same config
18:40.38justinuperhaps they misoptioned the circuit at the mux/smartjack
18:40.40wunderkinsorry if i dont answer all questions im on the phone with tthem now
18:40.51justinutry coming up to D4 framing
18:41.01wunderkinthe lec tested the smartjack to the patch in my rack and works ok
18:41.17Cresl1nwunderkin: is the working circuit in alarm?
18:41.35T0aDis it ok to use gnugk 2.2.1 with openh323 1.15.3 ?
18:41.45Cresl1nwunderkin: look under zttool with the lines plugged in and see what the status is for each line
18:41.56wunderkinat one point they said it was up but some problem w/ me
18:42.00T0aDdo you have good results on it ? i have a strange issue while redirecting numbers to gk h323 endpoints
18:42.05justinuthey're always going to blame you
18:42.09wunderkini know
18:42.25justinuyou need to use loops to find where the problem is
18:42.33justinudo you have loopback plugs?
18:43.02justinuso plug the rj45 that plugs into your zap card into a loopback plug
18:43.03dabigshiznizzletake the cable from your port and loop tx and rx back to yourself.
18:43.07wunderkinred alarm
18:43.12justinuthat'll put up a loop towards your carrier
18:43.16justinudoes the circuit come up?
18:43.28wunderkinbefore when i put ha rd loop before the equip and it was ok
18:44.18*** join/#asterisk websae (n=root@
18:44.19justinuhave them do BER testing on the circuit when the loop towards them is up at the very end of the circuit
18:44.36wunderkinyesterday they did a whole lot of testing
18:44.46justinuthat'll test the entire length of the run, perhaps there is a problem in your DSX patch or cable
18:44.51wunderkinand the lec tested from the niu to me when there was a loop on that side i guess
18:45.06websaeI have a question...I am running an asterisk sip phone (sipura 841 hard phone) registers fine, can make a call, person can hear me, but I can't hear them...anyone have any ideas?
18:45.12wunderkinand the other thing is that they switched the cross connects since i have 2 and the one that works is ok  on either one
18:45.21bawksIs there a way to log all console message to a file?
18:46.01justinui dunno how the lec could test from the NIU to your equip
18:46.07justinuif you didn't put up a loop for them
18:46.13websaeif anyone could help that'd be great!! :)
18:46.15wunderkinthere was a serviceman there this morning
18:46.15*** part/#asterisk dabigshiznizzle (
18:46.23websaei don't know why i can make a call and they can hear me, but i can't hear them
18:46.33justinuwhen he ran ESF to your zaptel, did the carrier come up for you?
18:46.43wunderkini wasnt there during the service
18:47.00wunderkini know when they do their testing i do see it says it comes up but when their testing is done it goes back down
18:47.03justinuthen go to the other end of your cable, that plugs into the DSX panel, and put the loop up facing you
18:47.11wunderkinand i get a lot of hdlc aborts when they do that but im not sure what k ind of test they did
18:48.24justinuask your carrier to put a loop up at their switch facing you as well
18:48.43justinuif you can sync up to your own carrier, the problem is their switch is misoptioned.
18:49.15websaeAnyone at all...have any ideas why when i call out with my phone, i can connect the call, they can hear me, but i can't hear them...
18:49.19websaeanyone ;)??
18:49.30justinuweb, it sounds like a NAT issue
18:49.49justinuare you connecting to asterisk on a private NATed lan?
18:50.03justinuare both the phone and the PBX behind the firewall?
18:50.03websaebut connecting to my friend's asterisk server it had worked
18:50.22websaethe PBX is at a remote location with it's own static ip address
18:50.33justinuis STUN turned on?
18:50.35justinuon the phone
18:50.41mutilatorman i have the weirdest issue going on right now
18:50.42websaethe phone is at my house, behind a linksys router
18:50.53websaeit's a SIPURA 841---i don't think it has STUN
18:50.56justinuit does
18:51.15websaei don't know how  i would turn that on or off
18:51.21websaei have never messed with that setting on it
18:51.26justinuin the web interface
18:51.35justinutry turning nat mapping enable to on
18:51.37hardwirewho loves me here?
18:51.40justinuand nat keep alive enable to on
18:51.42websaeand before my phone worked fine on my friend's asterisk server which was behind a firewall, just had DMZ
18:51.43hardwirewho wants to give me some love
18:51.47mutilatori do!
18:51.50mutilatoranyone ever used a cisco as5350?
18:51.55websaeturn nat mapping enable = on?
18:51.58hardwiremutilator: I have seen it
18:52.01hardwirewanted to shoot one
18:52.26hardwiremutilator: contact Arsenal on slashnet
18:52.31hardwirehe are smart.
18:52.44hardwirehmm.. he are also offline
18:52.48websaehow about NAT KEEP ALIVE?
18:52.53websaeshould that be on as well?
18:52.55mutilatorproblem i'm having... when a call comes in on the pri, if the callerid is 6851070 then the call fast busies, doesn't even show up on my asterisk debug
18:53.04mutilatorbut if the callerid is 6851079 or something else
18:53.06mutilatorthe call works fine
18:53.22mutilatori run a debug on the cisco box and as far as i can tell the call is being sent to asterisk
18:53.25websaein the asterisk server....should just have NAT=1 & QUALIFY=NO ?
18:53.26justinuwebsae: probably
18:53.29mutilatorbut the log is kinda cryptic
18:53.42BrianR___Hmm.. I think I've discovered a case where SetGlobalVar doesn't work :(
18:53.50justinuin asterisk sip.conf, nat=yes, qualify=no
18:53.56hardwiremutilator: well
18:53.59moralewhats a good voip provider to go with in canada.. or more like alberta that supports SIP?
18:54.03justinumutilator: how do you know the call is actually hitting your PRI?
18:54.06hardwiremaybe you should set up that extension in asterisk to set to Echo()
18:54.09froudGoogle has no fear: From:
18:54.11mutilatoras i said
18:54.21mutilatorfar as i can tell is in the cisco the call is being sent to asterisk
18:54.28mutilatorso that'de mean it's hittin the pri
18:54.43websaewhat is NAT=1 then?
18:54.46justinuno idea
18:54.50websaeisn't that the same NAT=yes?
18:54.52endermutilator: only the callerID changes, not the 'calledid' ?
18:55.03mutilatoreven if the calledid changes
18:55.12wunderkinloop on niu and get hdlc aborts, carrier up, unable to loop csu
18:55.16enderthats f'd up.  Sounds like a telco issue.
18:55.21mutilatoranything sent to the asterisk box is fast busied long as my callerid is 6851070
18:55.33KranZanyone had inbound callerid issues with a dvg-1402s?
18:55.36mutilatornot a telco issue cause it's an internal call
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18:55.48endermutilator: hrm.
18:56.04endermutilator: so all you're doing is overriding the $CALLERID vairable?
18:56.16mutilatorasterisk is the end point in all this
18:56.45mutilatordoesn't even seem to get there, my cisco dump says something to the effect it's sent but i can't really tell what it's doing
18:56.52endermutilator: yes, I know, but you can in your dialplan override a callerID variable.
18:57.30mutilatorin my pbx i change the callerid of the phone on my desk
18:57.40mutilatorthen i call a voip number which goes through the cisco to asterisk
18:57.45enderwhat is the path here?
18:57.58mutilatorif the callerid of the phone on my desk is 6851070 then i fast busy
18:58.01mutilatorif not then it works fine
18:58.04mutilatorgoes all the way to my voip
18:58.17enderdeskphone -> ?
18:58.34mutilatordeskphone -> pbx -> adtran -> cisco -> asterisk -> ata
18:58.50KranZcisco router?
18:58.56mutilatoryes as5350
18:59.12KranZis the adtran running voip?
18:59.15endermutilator: do you hav emultiple ATA phones?  can you use one ATA phone to call the ext of another ATA phone?
18:59.23mutilatorata to ata works fine
18:59.35mutilatoreven with callerid 6851070 on one of em
18:59.42endermutilator: ah, that was my next ?
18:59.53enderso it still seems that * isn't balking on the caller ID
19:00.25KranZmaybe the cisco is blocking b/c it doesnt allow spoofed callerids?
19:00.28mutilatori put a exten => _. in my dialplan to noop callerid to see if it even entered
19:00.44Ariel_yeppiee more traffic in 2010. Miami is to host the 2010 SuperBowl
19:00.45mutilatordoesn't even show anything
19:00.48KranZmutilator: the s extension does the same
19:00.50mutilatorKranZ: if i cahnge my callerid to something else it works fine
19:01.06wunderkinis it a problem if my pri carrier loops the niu and i get hdlc aborts? they see carrier up but they are unable to loop the csu
19:01.06QwellAriel_: just hope it isn't your team
19:01.19KranZmutilator: you're verbosity is up right
19:01.19Ariel_Qwell, I hope to be out of here then
19:01.27KranZyou see an attempt to place the call?
19:01.37QwellAriel_: with basketball, we get riots
19:01.45Qwellwin or lose, actually
19:02.26hardwiresmokeping is nice
19:02.33mutilatorat 5
19:02.37hardwirethink I will use the udp echo tests
19:02.39hardwirevs icmp
19:02.48websaejustin: you still here?
19:03.01mutilatorlemme try this
19:03.10mutilatorcall w/ caller id 1070 and 1079
19:03.17mutilatorand diff both ccapi debugs of the cisco
19:03.19mutilatorsee what changes
19:03.47websaeunder NAT SUPPORT PARAMETERS in my sipuara 841 config, talks about Handle VIA recieved...Insert VIA receieved...Handle VIA rpport....Insert VIA rport...anyone have any ideas?
19:03.53websaewhat those VIA settings are?
19:04.00websaeunder NAT Support Parameters?
19:05.24hardwiregenerating thumbnails for 700 + images sucks
19:05.28hardwirein nautilus
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19:06.15Ariel_Qwell, your in Detroit
19:06.19QwellAriel_: LA
19:06.24hardwireI am going to attempt replacing the processor in my laptop
19:06.37Ariel_Qwell, ahh
19:06.43hardwireender: I am pick and choosing images
19:06.44Qwell~lart graphical file managers
19:06.48Qwellender: :)
19:06.53hardwireno better way to do that than with a thumbnail viewing manager
19:06.55harryvvhardwire, which laptop?
19:07.02hardwirehardwire: Panasonic CF-73
19:07.16harryvvis that the panasonic toughbook?
19:07.32Qwellhardwire: Just make sure you reconnect the fan, or the laptop will become a form of contraception
19:07.33hardwireyou bet your harry iass it is
19:07.34enderhardwire: except a thumbnail viewer won't drag down the rest of your desktop software.
19:07.51hardwireender: too early to comprehend
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19:08.07Qwellhardwire: if it looks like explorer, acts like explorer, it'll probably crash like explorer
19:08.32hardwirebut its easier than writing the filenames of 400 images down.. them moving them to a different dir
19:09.01wunderkinyou have a problem remembering which of the girls are hot?
19:09.02harryvvhardwire, I have done alot of dell laptop repairs. All i can say is be carefull of the parts thay can be easily broken. one odd thing about the cpu modules for the dells, thay can require up to 35 bls of pushed down force to install into the module sockets. So I dont know about the tought book.
19:09.19enderhardwire: I'm not too fond of Naut trying to be the Do Everything (poorly) Tool.
19:09.21hardwireharryvv: no worries here.. I did benchwork fixing laptops
19:09.27Qwellharryvv: my god, my PC fan takes like...a shitload of force
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19:09.33hardwireender: I don't use it as thus. so it seems to work fine for me
19:09.47harryvvqwell yea..its scarry when putting that kind of force on a mobo ;)
19:09.48Qwellharryvv: I always have to get my wife to help me, heh
19:10.05hardwireharryvv: it has no fan on top of the processor
19:10.44hardwireharryvv: it has a fan attached to a sink
19:10.51harryvvthe dells have some kind of tube that is copper welded to a small heat sink. tub leads to a fan on the back.
19:11.13cripito:P qwell my wife do it for me :P she is the one reparing laptops :))) i just look
19:11.14hardwirepretty much the same
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19:12.59mutilatorwell hell i see nothin wrong
19:13.06mutilatorthey look exactly the same
19:13.30hardwiremutilator: bad carriage return?
19:13.34hardwirein asterisk do show dialplan
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19:13.37hardwireand see if it shows up
19:13.42harryvvall our police cars use the Toughbook
19:13.43ender'heatpipe' is what they're called
19:13.54mutilatorsee if what shows?
19:13.58enderpipes the heat away from the cpu to a cooling zone, usually w/ a fan near by
19:13.59harryvvthanks ender..i forgot the name.
19:14.00hardwireender: shows how much I know
19:14.15hardwiremutilator: that did
19:14.18enderShuttle PCs use them as well.
19:14.24hardwirethey use toughbooks?
19:14.33mutilatoryah it's in there
19:14.35hardwiremy girlfriend hates it too
19:14.37enderhardwire: um, *thwap*
19:14.39mutilatorelse it wouldn't work when i change my callerid
19:14.55hardwireso I am going to take my P M 1.7ghz 1mb cache
19:15.04hardwireto P M 2.0Ghz 2mb cache
19:15.10hardwirethat should be quite a step forward I hope
19:15.27enderthe cache helps more than the ghz
19:15.36hardwiremy 1.7 ghas 2mb
19:15.46hardwireso I probably shouldn't care about an extra 300mhz
19:15.56enderI doubt you'll notice it that much.
19:16.09hardwireI would have a false feeling that would make me feel like I did
19:16.36hardwiremutilator: ?
19:16.47*** join/#asterisk Pr0ph37 (
19:16.49mutilatoroh conversing with the gf
19:16.55mutilatorScott says:
19:16.55mutilatorso what do you wanna do this weekend?
19:16.55mutilatorChristina says:
19:16.55mutilatorwell, bowling, sex, i am not sure what else...what do u want to do
19:17.04*** part/#asterisk Pr0ph37 (
19:17.06hardwireI got some last night too
19:17.10Qwellsweet, bowling
19:17.14hardwirebut we didn't go bowling
19:17.21hardwireI really feel like you are getting a better deal
19:17.24Qwellhardwire: :(
19:17.26mutilatori sure am
19:17.46hardwireender: my price on the CPU is $304.28
19:17.52hardwirethats 1 buck per mhz
19:18.00hardwirethat I will gain
19:18.04hardwiredon't think I will bite
19:18.53hardwireso I have a Pentum M 735
19:18.58hardwireI want to go to a 760
19:19.03hardwireI wonder what the heat difference is
19:19.14hardwirethe latest toughbook in the same shell/mainboard as I have is at the 760
19:19.24hardwirebut they replaced the radeon w/ intel IGE
19:19.45hardwireI have the term wrong.. but no GL :)
19:20.02mutilatori r pissed at this cisco box
19:20.07mutilatorglad to be gettin rid of it
19:20.29hardwireif I stay at a 400mhz buss.. like IO probably should.. I can go to a Pentium 4-M 2.6
19:20.29mutilatorhopefully soon
19:20.31enderhardwire: wow, $300 for a measly 300mhz increase?  totally not worth it.
19:20.40hardwirenow whats the diff inbetween P M and P4 M ?
19:20.46hardwiredo I all of a sudden have HT?
19:20.54enderhardwire: hrm, a typo?
19:20.56hardwirethat may be cool
19:21.06hardwireender: no.. I have seen tons of p4 mobile laptops
19:21.09enderhardwire: because Pentium M is a different class of CPU from a Pentium 4.
19:21.11hardwirevs p mobile
19:21.16hardwireender: I agree
19:21.25enderhardwire: however, there are Pentium 4 processors found in laptops.
19:21.29hardwirebut its here.. in the same FCPGA package.
19:21.31enderthey are not as fast/good as Pentium M
19:21.37hardwireender: really?
19:21.43mutilators/laptop/portable desktop/
19:21.45hardwireI thought an HT processor in a laptop would be outstandingly fun
19:21.47enderPentium M usually has more cache
19:22.01hardwire512 on the p4 mobile I am looking at
19:22.01endermutilator: prior to the Pentium M there were Pentium 4 laptops.
19:22.08hardwirewhich is also $578.00
19:22.17enderhardwire: P M usually has 1 if not 2 megs of cache.  Makes a big difference.
19:22.35endermuch snappier w/out the super high ghz heat/power penalty.
19:22.42hardwireender: I believe they are as Intel describes "Mobile Pentium 4 Processor - M" because they are the Micro FCPGA package
19:23.39hardwirethis site is riddled with weirdness.
19:23.47gandhijeepentiumM is a P3 front end with a P4 backend tacked on to it
19:23.49enderIntel sucks for acronyms.
19:23.50hardwiremost of these processors are 478-pin
19:23.53hardwiresome are 479-pin
19:26.09mutilatoranyoen ever setup voip and pots dial-peers on a cisco before?
19:27.09wunderkinjustinu: you won a million dollars! wire me a million and a half and you get the mula! you were the closest on the price is right :D
19:27.36harryvvmutilator ask on #cisco on efnet
19:29.06wunderkinjustinu: it was set to extended frame instaed of extended
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19:35.33pc2harryvv - #cisco here works better.
19:35.46Qwella fax is instant, right?
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19:35.57wunderkinsuperframe instead of extended super f rame maybe? s omething like that
19:36.05Qwellie; if my fax machine says it was sent, that means the remote end received and printed it, right?
19:36.20Qwell(assuming the remote fax isn't out of paper)
19:36.29FuriousGeorgecan someone recomend an analog handset to me?  im just looking for a few programable buttons for things like call parking
19:36.45QwellFuriousGeorge: hit radio shack, buy a cheapo $5 phone, heh
19:36.48bawkswhat happened to
19:36.54KattyFuriousGeorge: mew.
19:36.57KranZQwell: it also means some1 picked it up out of the tray and gave it to the intended person
19:37.07QwellKranZ: excellent
19:37.37FuriousGeorgehey Katty
19:37.50fordvoiceWhat is the easiest way to program a Cisco ata 186
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19:38.08fordvoiceand how do you access it via the web
19:38.12FuriousGeorgeQwell: you cant even go into radio shack for five dollars
19:38.22QwellFuriousGeorge: walk? :p
19:38.32Qwelloh, into...nm
19:38.52FuriousGeorgeQwell: maybe its just around here but their rj-45 terminations (heads) are like 8 bucks
19:39.22FuriousGeorgeyou cant get a dvi cable for under 120
19:39.24Kattythat's spensive.
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19:39.49cpatryKatty: like i hate diamonds? :)
19:40.17Kattycpatry: mrow?
19:40.19FuriousGeorgegranted the heads have a separate piece you feed the stuff into, but radioshack cat5 spools dont fit into newegg generic heads as a result
19:40.34FuriousGeorge~beats radioshack
19:40.38shimiHi all. I am having a problem, I am not sure if it's with Asterisk or not, but I am sure you guys can know :)  I have setup an Asterisk machine using Asterisk@Home. It all works well with Xtensoftphone that I used. Now I've purchased several units of Grandstream GXP-2000 Enterprise phone. I connected it to my LAN, it took an IP address, and using the web interface I configured an account for a SIP extension on the asterisk machine. On the Flash Operat
19:40.38shimior Panel, I can see the extension activity (i.e. I see that it dials, that it's busy, etc). The phone also makes busy sounds, and a dialtone, etc. However, when I am supposed to hear sounds (for instance, calling 8[ext] which is conference, where I should be getting "You're currently the only person in that conference"), I get a complete silence. Any hints?
19:40.43Kattycpatry: that did not parse.
19:40.44bkw_RUDE RUDE RUDE
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19:40.52Qwellbkw_: he said hi
19:41.06FuriousGeorgei dont know if i should try to answer or grade it
19:41.16harryvvradioshack was bought out by circuit city here in canada and changed to thesource
19:41.18bawkswhat happened to
19:41.26Qwellbawks: yell at bkw_
19:41.40FuriousGeorgei remember the wonders of my tandy 8086
19:42.00harryvvpbxfreeware is down
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19:43.04pc2FuriousGeorge - staples has an at&t trimline one free after mail in rebate starting the 8th :) is up.  It is hosted by cogentco, and you're probably singlehomed to
19:43.34pc2see for the whole fiasco.
19:43.47Ashor the fun thread on nanog
19:43.50bkw_there we go
19:44.01bawksworking now
19:44.23pc2Ash - url?
19:44.35Ashpc2: erm, google for 'nanog' and you will probably find list archives
19:44.46AshI read it via NNTP from
19:44.48Katty <- want for birthday.
19:44.52*** part/#asterisk jwig (
19:45.18shimianyone know anything about my problem? :)
19:46.00QwellKatty: that title looks very bad
19:46.11FuriousGeorgepc2: whats this:
19:46.38harryvvwith telus on strike the quality of service is sucking :)
19:47.08pc2FuriousGeorge - a phone
19:47.14KattyQwell: but i want a piccolo
19:47.27QwellKatty: It makes a lot more sense once you click the link
19:47.30pc2FuriousGeorge - an ugly one at that.
19:47.32QwellI was almost afraid to though...
19:47.51mutilatorthis is mehhhhh
19:47.57mutilatorshoot me in teh head
19:48.54Katty <- also nice
19:49.30QwellI like the purple one better
19:49.36Kattyme too
19:49.36QwellDid I just say that out loud?
19:49.43Kattypurple is pretty
19:50.39tzangerlooks like part of a clarinet
19:51.00tzangerQwell: so long as you're not talking about a dildo it's all good
19:51.30Kattytzanger: it's a piccolo...a miniture flute
19:51.51Kattytzanger: the case is the side of your forearm
19:51.55FuriousGeorgepc2: im looking at that GE trimline phone, too
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20:07.13obsidian-studioswhen deciding on a phone to buy, say there are 4 actual phone lines, would one need a 5 line phone? 4 physical lines plus 1 line for the phone itself?
20:07.26Qwellobsidian-studios: huh?
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20:08.05obsidian-studiosQwell: just trying to figure how to show others that someone is on a physical line, while still having an extension or line for inter company communication
20:09.01FuriousGeorgeyou know what would be kinda cool, yet somewhat out of left field.  people have started using network cameras with two way audio for ip surveilance.  they just get an ip on a network and send mjpeg or mpeg4 to whoever
20:09.14FuriousGeorgesomeone could make an ipcamera channel
20:09.19FuriousGeorgenot me :|
20:10.35obsidian-studiosQwell: it's like this, with a normal pbx you have a button and a light for a line, I can pick up the phone and dial an extension to ring someone else. Or hit a button a use an outside line. So when using VOIP phones, just trying to figure out how to replicate that
20:10.47Qwellobsidian-studios: Thats a key system
20:10.48FuriousGeorgei think its a great idea
20:11.08justinuthere are shared line appearances that may do what you want
20:11.17justinui'm not sure if asterisk supports that
20:11.49enderobsidian-studios: thats on older lesser cool PBX systems, analog ones.
20:11.55FuriousGeorgeobsidian-studios: i heard there was a sipura phone
20:12.04FuriousGeorgethat mapped lights to parked calls
20:12.11justinui have the sipura phone
20:12.14enderobsidian-studios: digital PBXs don't use that, you just have a line or 3 you can use for internal or external calling.
20:12.19FuriousGeorgebut this is a new way of thinking about calling
20:12.32obsidian-studiosI am just trying to figure out how to show which lines are in use on multiple phones. while also showing if that person is just on their person extension or using a physical line
20:12.36enderobsidian-studios: things will be much easier for your users if you break them of hte idea that line on their phone = POTS line to the building.
20:12.39FuriousGeorgeif you have voice over ip and all your channels are busy, you could start making voip calls
20:12.42FuriousGeorgequite easily
20:12.49enderobsidian-studios: why?
20:12.51FuriousGeorgeso you dont have a fixed amount of lines
20:12.54justinuobs: use FOP
20:13.04QwellI could just imagine using a key system with multiple T1s
20:13.17Qwell48 LEDs on your phone...that would suck
20:13.30FuriousGeorgeobsidian-studios: also, some sip clients, softphones at least, support contacts you could click on to send a message to or call or whatever
20:13.36obsidian-studiosQwell: yeah, that's the extreme
20:13.47justinuthe attendant consoles often have a lot of line appearances
20:13.55enderpoor receptionist has 4 blocks of blinking lights.
20:13.55justinueven on PBXs
20:14.33obsidian-studiosI am just thinking how VOIP phones show others what lines are in use or not. Not a big deal when grouping lines, and using a outbound group. But if someone wants to use a specific line, a way to show them before they pickup the phone. Someone else is already using tha tline
20:14.41FuriousGeorgepc2: i picked up 3 black att trimline shipped for 37.50 or so
20:14.50enderobsidian-studios: um, no.
20:14.59enderobsidian-studios: each phone 'line' is individual and indipendant.
20:15.10enderobsidian-studios: phone A's line 1 is completely different from phone B's line 1
20:15.31enderobsidian-studios: w/ Voip (and w/ PRI and such) there isn't really 'specific lines'
20:15.32obsidian-studiosender: yeah, I get that, just trying to see if there are ways around that or not
20:15.45FuriousGeorgeobsidian-studios: wouldnt you rather think about it this way:  i never have busy lines?  can you guys get business broadband to make sip or iax calls.  probably cheaper anyway
20:15.48enderobsidian-studios: why would you want to 'get around' that?  Advancements in telecom were made for a reason.
20:16.05obsidian-studiosender: like when a call comes in, hard for them to know what line it came in on, unless mapped to a particular channel on a phone with more than one
20:16.11brad_msswobsidian-studios: you can do individual contexts for things, etc ... and make it work like that, but it'd be a PITA
20:16.27FuriousGeorgeobsidian-studios: map you parked calls to extensions 1-9 so you can say "so and so is parked on line 1" then get the sipura phone that supports it
20:16.29enderobsidian-studios: w/ VOIP it didn't come in on a 'line'.  It was bits in bandwidth.
20:16.34brad_msswobsidian-studios: as for checking if a line is available ... you can always use the Asterisk Flash Control Panel thing
20:16.47bjohnsonobsidian-studios: why do you want to know which line it came in on?
20:17.07enderobsidian-studios: again, if you put a call on "Line 1" of Phone A, there is absolutely no way for Phone B to see that Line 1 caller.
20:17.11bjohnsonobsidian-studios: you could modify the CID to show that on the phone's screen
20:17.20enderobsidian-studios: the call would have to be parked then picked up, or transfered.
20:17.24justinumaybe their receptionist answers differently depending on what trunk it comes in on
20:17.42bjohnsonjustinu: get her a multi line phone
20:17.47obsidian-studiosbjohnson: a manager might not answer all calls, but if the receptionist does not answer he can, Where I guess the VOIP way is to ring recp x times, then ring manager?
20:17.51justinuyep, that's one way to do it
20:18.07justinuyou can make one inbound DID ring multiple phones
20:18.11bjohnsonjustinu: then each 'line" on the phone is one business/answer .. but multiple DIDs could feed each 'line'
20:18.12enderobsidian-studios: you can route calls however you want.
20:18.17justinuwhoever answers first gets the call
20:18.19bjohnsonobsidian-studios: yes
20:18.30bjohnsonobsidian-studios: or ring both
20:18.31obsidian-studiosok, it's just going to mess with people used to the old way
20:18.36justinufuck em
20:18.42justinuadapt or get out
20:18.43benno2anyone expert in SIP text messages ?
20:18.47enderdamn FOPs demo is broke.
20:18.49obsidian-studiosI have no problem with it, but people used to pbx that have been around for years will bitch :)
20:18.50FuriousGeorgeobsidian-studios: you put your pri lines in a group, calls come in top down, you dial out bottom up
20:19.04bjohnsonobsidian-studios: explain that their three line just became 40 .. and they don't make phones with enough buttons
20:19.12FuriousGeorgeif thats busy, use something else to make the call
20:19.13enderobsidian-studios: tell them it's progress.  SHow them that Caller ID works, called ID works, parking, dynamic con-call rooms, etc...
20:19.19bjohnsonobsidian-studios: it's really more open/flexible this way
20:19.19benno2I've seen the hitachi WIP-5000 supports them and I tried to send one via VOIP provider (I think they use asterisk) and it got delivered correctly
20:19.28justinuset the voicemail up to email them their messages
20:19.34FuriousGeorgeobsidian-studios: try to explain to them why it will be better
20:19.34obsidian-studiosbjohnson: so you can't daisy chain cisco expansion modules ;)
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20:19.40filebenno2: they use SER
20:19.42benno2but the size seems to limited to 64 chars. could this be the phone or is this a limitaton in the SIP protocol ?
20:19.53bjohnsonobsidian-studios: just to re-iterate .. pbx of any age don't do that .. you're talking about a key system
20:20.21bjohnsonobsidian-studios: why would you want to
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20:20.31benno2anyway its pretty amazing to call via WLAN from the hitachi. voice quality is excellent and if you optimize the phone settings (ie scan only the wi-fi channels you have APs on) it works very well
20:20.32bjohnsonobsidian-studios: what purpose does it actually serve?
20:20.33obsidian-studiosbjohnson: sorry, still getting down all the terms
20:21.03benno2file: thanks for the clarification
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20:21.09obsidian-studiosbjohnson: just allowing someone to know what lines are in use and not. And place calls out a specific line, not always a main or random line
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20:21.33bjohnsonobsidian-studios: pbxs are made for bigger systems.  Your talking about a key system feature because they limited how many lines could be handled
20:21.34enderobsidian-studios: again, w/ VOIP you don't have 'lines'.
20:21.39enderobsidian-studios: you have to stop thinking about that.
20:21.50FuriousGeorgeobsidian-studios: are you ever gonna run into a situation where all your lines are used and your bandwidth is all used up?
20:22.02bjohnsonobsidian-studios: but that in itself is one of the benefits of voip, te flexibility to handle everything from little to large systems
20:22.02benno2ender: lines = network bandwidth / 80kbit :)
20:22.10gandhijeecan i not take a FWD call and send it to one of my Zap channels??
20:22.12enderbenno2: not the way that obsidian-studios is thinking about it.
20:22.14bjohnsonFuriousGeorge: yes
20:22.14obsidian-studiosender: I know there are not "lines" I am just trying to figure out when buying a phone how many channels it needs to have
20:22.16Qwellgandhijee: sure you can
20:22.29enderobsidian-studios: how many calls do you want a phone user to handle at once?
20:22.29gandhijeehmm well i guess i need to check my configs again
20:22.40enderobsidian-studios: I found most people can't really use more than 3 lines.
20:23.02enderobsidian-studios: thats one call in progress, another incoming, and a third for transferring perhaps.
20:23.03FuriousGeorgeobsidian-studios: are you talking about buying analog phones to use with your pbx or some flavor of voip phone
20:23.10bjohnsonobsidian-studios: what purpose does calling out a specifiv line serve?
20:23.21bjohnsonobsidian-studios: or knowing if it's busy or not?
20:23.34obsidian-studiosbjohnson: some people have main business lines and their personal direct lines
20:23.43FuriousGeorgeback to my idea of making a network camera channel, did you guys know most network cameras that have two way audio transmit their audio in ulaw
20:23.49enderobsidian-studios: Line 1 on Phone A being in use has absolutely no effect on Line 1 of Phone B
20:23.53malverian[work]I get really bad echo with my SIP -> PRI gateway.
20:24.12malverian[work]It's basically unbearable unless I use agressive echo suppression.
20:24.15FuriousGeorgemalverian[work]: speakerphone?
20:24.16bjohnsonobsidian-studios: get them a 2 line phone
20:24.18mutilatortoday is password change day
20:24.28mutilatorengineer quit so we gotta change everything
20:24.34mutilatorteh sux
20:24.37endermutilator: those are fun days.
20:24.45Qwellmutilator: if it ends in a number, just increment it
20:24.48Qwellhe'll never figure that out
20:24.49bjohnsonthe next days are more fun
20:24.54bjohnsontrying to remember the new passwords
20:24.56endermutilator: so is the day 3 days from now when you get woke up at midnight to fix something and you can't recall what you changed the password to.
20:25.02Qwellbjohnson: When 90% of them are locked out?
20:25.20mutilatorour sql password hasn't changed in the 2 yrs i've been here
20:25.23mutilatorand we gotta change that
20:25.33mutilatorso in my password list of things to update
20:25.41malverian[work]FuriousGeorge, No, SNOM handset.
20:25.43mutilatori gotta figure out everywhere i have that password
20:25.44malverian[work]FuriousGeorge, And other.
20:25.49mutilatorscripts and whatnot
20:26.13bjohnsonender: I find most people can't properly use one line
20:26.28obsidian-studiosbjohnson: I was partly trying to figure out why the Grandstream GPX-2000 has 11 lines/channels
20:26.34mutilatorNew Text Document (3).txt
20:26.40mutilatorall my passwords
20:26.44enderbjohnson: heh, thats a different matter.
20:26.47mutilatorvery inconspicuous
20:26.49bjohnsonobsidian-studios: for people with too much money and little understanding
20:26.49Qwellmutilator: nobody will EVER find that. :)
20:26.54wunderkinjustinu: did you see my comment earlier? you were right about the framing, thanks
20:27.02bjohnsonobsidian-studios: my amp goes up to 11 syndrome
20:27.03benno2obsidian-studios: btw how does the GXP-2000 work for you ?
20:27.05FuriousGeorgemalverian[work]: i thought that pri didnt echo or something, i have no experience with it, are you using zap channels for your handset?
20:27.06obsidian-studiosbjohnson: they are a dirt cheap multi-line phone?
20:27.09earthsoundhas kram been in here today?
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20:27.25enderobsidian-studios: $80 2-line phones exist
20:27.26justinuwunderkin: glad you got it worked out
20:27.37wunderkinme too, they kept testing back and forth and never saw a problem
20:27.43justinuyeah, they're morons
20:27.46enderobsidian-studios: I highly recommned the slightly more expensive Polycom IP-301 3-line phones.
20:27.49obsidian-studiosbenno2:  it doesn't, still in the planning designing stage, not at purchasing just yet, trying to figure out how many phones are needed
20:28.04justinuthe sipura 841 would be awesome if it wasn't for the buttons kinda sucking
20:28.07sleepy_oneT100p T1 card with TA750 channel bank echoes bad :-(
20:28.07enderobsidian-studios: much better audio quality, hardware quality, and configurability.
20:28.07struct2Hello, i have connected a Dect phone With ISDN DECT Accesspoint to my OCTOBRI card in asterisk
20:28.08justinuotherwise it's a nice phone
20:28.10bjohnsonapprox one per person
20:28.18enderjustinu: and the audio quality sucks ass.
20:28.19struct23 way call works nice, except the RETURN CALL doesn't work
20:28.22obsidian-studiosthe  GXP-2000 is $83.95
20:28.26justinuseems ok to me
20:28.31benno2obsidian-studios: I made a few installs with a snom220 as the mainphone and budgetone 101 for guests (hotel) , works ok
20:28.33struct2anyone an idea how to fix this
20:28.36sleepy_oneI believe it is the TA750 channel bank that's the problem
20:28.38enderjustinu: compare it to a Polycom.
20:28.45justinugxp2000 is kinda cheesy, i have one here
20:28.52justinuender: you get what you pay for...
20:28.56FuriousGeorgeobsidian-studios: the number of "lines" voip phones have is a somewhat arbitrary concept.  can a person have 17 quality conversations concurrently?  beyond 5 it just gets silly for most purposes i think
20:29.00enderjustinu: exactly.
20:29.00justinusales monkeys don't care
20:29.01obsidian-studiosjust trying to figure out the need or justification for multi-line phones
20:29.15obsidian-studiosFuriousGeorge: logical way to look at it
20:29.19benno2justinu: cheesy in what sense ? sweet or still a barbie-phone ? :)
20:29.21enderjustinu: they would if customers complain about sound quality.
20:29.42FuriousGeorgeobsidian-studios: i dont think there is anything preventing anyone from making a 17 line phone.  i dont know if the protocol limits it like that somehow
20:29.42enderjustinu: which I do whenver I call a sales person and it sounds like I'm talking to him through a sock stuffed into a tin can dangling from a window.
20:29.54obsidian-studiosFuriousGeorge: key system way a boss in small call center might want to keep an eye on lines in use, but I guess with * there are more elegant ways like via web or etc
20:30.05justinuis it only the tx audio that sounds like shit?
20:30.11FuriousGeorgeobsidian-studios: exactly
20:30.19enderjustinu: tx and rx IMHO
20:30.33FuriousGeorgeobsidian-studios: you could even get a software package that blinked lights AND told you the cid, i bet
20:30.34justinuhmm, rx seems ok... certainly doesn't sound any worse than 2.4ghz cordless phones
20:30.44enderjustinu: but most notably record somethign in VM using a Sipura, then listen to it on a Polycom.  Then record w/ a polycom and listen again.
20:30.54justinuhow about aastra?
20:31.00obsidian-studioswith multi line phones, do people just match an internal extension to all, like in a group. So it rings what ever one is available or is a channel on the phone best left for internal stuff?
20:31.00endernever used it
20:31.05justinupolycom's are fugly
20:31.26obsidian-studiosFuriousGeorge: yes, gotta have blinking lights, and lots of them
20:31.28enderobsidian-studios: a single ext is mapped to both/all the lines usually.
20:32.06enderobsidian-studios: exceptions would be people that answer for differnet thigns.  They may have one line dedicated to a particular call type (which they answer differently than their personal extension)
20:32.31enderjustinu: I find them rather nicely constructed compared to sipuras.  The feel of them is much nicer too.
20:32.47justinubenno: build quality/interface
20:33.22justinuit's straight out of china
20:33.26enderjustinu: ever used a Polycom IP-501 ?
20:33.33obsidian-studiosit can be very simple for the person using the VOIP or give them a manual when dialing out and etc :)
20:33.35justinubut it's a 4 line phone for under $100
20:33.51enderobsidian-studios: very easy.
20:33.56fiber0ptia 501 is under $100?
20:33.58enderobsidian-studios: pick up h and set, dial 9+phone.
20:34.00enderfiber0pti: no.
20:34.11justinuender not yet, i'm trying to figure out if I want a ip501 or an aastra 480i
20:34.15fiber0ptijust aquired 16 of them for a little over $100 a piece
20:34.15enderfiber0pti: it's around $150 I think.  and worth it.
20:34.24justinufiber0pti: no, i was speaking of the gxp-2000
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20:34.33obsidian-studiosender: 9? I started getting rid of that so people can just pick up the phone and dial
20:34.40enderobsidian-studios: sure, you can do that too.
20:34.47fiber0ptiI should be doing a deployment in the next couple of weeks with 10 polycoms
20:34.51enderobsidian-studios: you can match on 10 or 11 digits and send it out.
20:34.52kpettitcan anybody point me to some docs that show me how to get t.37 or t.38 going?
20:34.54fiber0ptiinterested to see how it goes
20:34.55obsidian-studiosender: I mean we are thinking in new ways right, 9 is old school
20:35.14justinuif you want early (overlapped) dialing, you need 9
20:35.26enderobsidian-studios: yes and no.  We use 9 just so that a outgoing phone number that just happens to have the first 4 digits of somebody's extension won't be sent to someboey's extension.
20:35.36Qwelljustinu: or 1, and 11 digit local dialing
20:35.43justinuyes, which kinda sucks
20:35.49kpettitI'm doing fax over ulaw right now but I'm geting alot of 1k pdf files out of it.  I think the sip/ulaw thing isn't working consistantly so I'd like to start doing t.37 or t.38 but can't find any docs on how to implement it
20:35.49obsidian-studiosender: ah, good point
20:35.53enderobsidian-studios: say that Fred has extension 2062, and I want to call 206-295-4266
20:36.15obsidian-studiosender: * does wait for them to stop entering digits? just flys with first match
20:36.21fiber0ptimake 'em dial a 1 first for the long distance
20:36.27Qwellfiber0pti: and local
20:36.29enderobsidian-studios: w/out implimenting timeouts on the phone digitmap, and forcing users to dial quickly or put up w/ long delays before their numbers are sent, I use a 9 to totally seperate those calls out.
20:36.37enderfiber0pti: can't really do that.
20:36.42justinuwhere do I get polycom ip501s for 150 bucks?
20:36.50enderfiber0pti: there are numbers you have to 10 digit dial that won't work w/ a 1
20:36.58Qwellender: such as?
20:37.00enderjustinu: tried voipsupply?  what are they there?
20:37.04fiber0ptijustinu: has them for 168
20:37.09fiber0ptiI got lucky on ebay though..
20:37.11enderQwell: in my area, I have to 10 digit dial 425 area code.
20:37.19justinuender: 199
20:37.21Qwellender: you can't 11 digit dial it?
20:37.21enderQwell: but 1-425 sends me to a completely different area.
20:37.24mutilator2High4Work - good cisco enable pass ya think?
20:37.25enderQwell: nope.
20:37.31justinuthe aastra 480i is also 199
20:37.48enderjustinu: hrm, we paid less than that.
20:37.57enderjustinu: CDW has them too, but I think we have a good discount w/ CDW
20:37.58Qwellender: where does it send you?
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20:38.01justinuthe ip301 is 135
20:38.20enderQwell: to an operator who says 'you do not need to dial a 1....'
20:38.21sleepy_oneip501 $169 @
20:38.28Qwellender: ...
20:38.33Qwellender: seriously?
20:38.35enderQwell: yes.
20:38.41Qwellthats fucking retarded
20:38.43Lathos42I got a quote from Dell for the IP501 in the Bundle with the PoE cable for $201
20:38.46enderQwell: I know.
20:39.01sleepy_oneip301 $113 @ atacomm
20:39.04enderQwell: i'ts the way 'local long distance' and 'long long distance' works aroun dhere.
20:39.18Qwellender: is it just that one area code thats like that?
20:39.25enderDefinately call a sales person if you are going to buy in quantity (50~).  THey'll mark down the price.
20:39.27QwellIf so, or if its only a few, you could setup a rule
20:39.39enderQwell: well, if you're in area code 425, then calling 206 is like that too (:
20:39.41justinuyeah, unfortunatly i'm not buying 50
20:39.59Qwell_1NXXNXXXXXX and _1425NXXXXXX
20:40.09justinui heard some ramblings about polycom saying they weren't supporting asterisk
20:40.13Qwellthe first one would pass ${EXTEN}, the second could pass ${EXTEN:1}
20:40.22enderQwell: theoretically we could map aroun dthat, but I just have too setups _9NXXN and _91NXXN
20:40.36enderjustinu: Polycom corp doesn't support Asterisk software.
20:40.48enderjustinu: Polycom phones work swimmingly w/ Asterisk software.
20:41.14justinuit's a bullshit attitude for a company to have, imo
20:41.15wunderkinswimmingly? they don't drown?
20:41.20Qwellender: do you have to 11 digit dial other areas?
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20:41.36enderQwell: well yeah, for long long distance calling.
20:41.38fiber0ptiaww.. you guys are starting to make me worry about my phone purchase
20:41.40Qwellheh, silly
20:41.55enderjustinu: well, Polycom has their own call software that they want you to use.
20:42.03wunderkinLathos42: dell? polycom? wow..
20:42.09sleepy_onelol yeah so does cisco
20:42.11fiber0ptiender: so they don't work that well with asterisk via sip?
20:42.14enderQwell: yeah, I wish it was like cell phones, just 10 digit dial EVERYTHING.
20:42.20justinuno, swimingly = fine
20:42.22enderfiber0pti: no, they work perfectly.
20:42.26Qwellender: 10 or 11, but not both
20:42.30Mother_is it possible to give a zap dialtone to someone from an IVR?
20:42.38QwellMother_: look into disa guys
20:42.43fiber0ptiwhew.. got me all worked up over the weeks of research I did.. ;)
20:42.49Mother_i.e. pressing option x will give you a dialtone on another zap channel
20:42.58QwellMother_: show application disa
20:43.07Qwelldialin something authentication
20:43.09Qwellor something
20:43.16jbotit has been said that disa is direct inward system access.  show application disa
20:43.16justinudirect inward system access
20:43.16Mother_yes but I don't want disa
20:43.27QwellMother_: That does exactly what you want
20:43.31Mother_I'm using callback files
20:43.37FuriousGeorgewhen party outside of * calls party inside, on one specific zap channel, the PoS handset causes an echo when far party speaks loud.  if i set the rxgain in zapata.conf to -1.0 would that help keepem quiet?
20:43.54FuriousGeorgeso i dont send an echo back
20:44.00FuriousGeorge(new handsets are in the mail)
20:44.15Mother_so far I have it working that you call * on a zap line, you hang up, if your callerid is on a list, it will call you back and give you a dialtone out another zap channel
20:44.33QwellMother_: DISA could still work in that scenario
20:44.38enderMother_: DISA provides you a dialtone.  Authenticated or unauthenticated.  HOw is that not what you want?
20:44.42Mother_but what I wanted to do is to call back the caller, but instead of giving them the dialtone right away, dump them into an IVR
20:44.57Qwellstill not seeing a reason to not use DISA...
20:45.13Mother_will DISA work after the call is established then?
20:45.15obsidian-studioswith remote offices is it best to setup a VPN and have the phones talk to * directly via VPN. Or have an * box at each location. VPN between * boxes using IAX to communicate instead of SIP or etc?
20:45.16Qwellof course
20:45.19justinuuse a context that has DISA rules after the IVR parts
20:45.21Mother_i.e. jump to extension n
20:45.26QwellMother_: thats exactly what DISA DOES
20:45.27sleepy_oneexten => 666,1,DISA,no-password|localx
20:45.27Mother_OK thanks will look at it
20:45.30enderhrm, when you DIal( out to something, and that somebody picks up the call, how do you move them somewhere?  You dn't go to the next priority line until that call is finished no?
20:45.47justinuender: i've been trying to figure out that myself
20:45.48Qwellender: You could use a macro.
20:45.53Qwellnot sure what you're trying to do though
20:45.55justinui've been exploring the dial macros
20:46.00Qwelloption m to dial, I think
20:46.02shimianybody knows a reason why would an IP phone give silence although sounds (should) have been sent from Asterisk ?
20:46.04enderobsidian-studios: setup another asterisk box and use IAX trunking between them.
20:46.10Qwellshimi: NAT
20:46.23enderobsidian-studios: that way local people in remote office can call eachother locally an dnot go out the VPN and back taking up lots of bandwidth.
20:46.26shimiand if I tell you that they're on Layer2 ? :)
20:46.37Qwellshimi: everything is on layer 2
20:46.37obsidian-studiosender: that's what I thought, so that's ideal and phone to * via wan only in cases where a * box can't be put on both ends
20:46.47Qwellbut yeah, NAT or firewall
20:46.53enderobsidian-studios: yeah.
20:46.53shimilet me rephrase - there are no routers between them...
20:47.02Qwellshimi: could still be nat or firewall
20:47.07justinuthen one of your phones is using STUN
20:47.13Qwellmore then likely the latter
20:47.15justinuand it's telling the other phone that it's RTP stream is on an external address
20:47.19justinuturn off STUN
20:47.31shimiNAT between two machines connected to the same switch?
20:47.36shimijustinu, was that for me?
20:47.36Qwellshimi: sure
20:47.41justinushimi: yes
20:47.46sleepy_oneshimi, are you running iptables on your * server?
20:47.56shimiwell, I am running A@H
20:47.59Qwellshimi: two boxes on a switch could be on entirely different LANs
20:48.01shimidefault configuration
20:48.05Mother_Qwell & justinu: thanks it looks like that will work, I didn't think DISA would work after a call outbound
20:48.13shimiwell, there are no VLANs there, if that's the question.
20:48.15QwellMother_: its just an application
20:48.20*** part/#asterisk Ash (
20:48.21shimiit is to be noted that with softphone, everything works well
20:48.24Mother_yes OK
20:48.25shimiSTUN, you say ?
20:48.26*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr (
20:48.32justinuit could be STUN
20:48.40justinuit could be a local firewall on the PBX
20:48.55shimijustinu, but that would stop the softphone too, no?
20:48.56obsidian-studiosis a cable modems upload 256-384 inconsistent going to cut the mustard with 9 inbound lines from a VOIP provider, and provding 3-4 lines to a remote office?
20:48.58sleepy_oneshimi, turn on sip debug or whatever and see if the phones are able to talk to * at all
20:48.59shido6any perl http users?
20:49.19Qwellobsidian-studios: no, not really
20:49.21justinuyeah, but the softphone (xlite) may be smart enough to figure out that since the other phone is on the same subnet, don't use an external address in the SDP
20:49.24Qwellobsidian-studios: assume 80k per call
20:49.50Qwellthat'd give you 3-4, at best
20:49.50shimioh, they do talk. I see in the Flash Operator Panel that they do. I even get busy signals, etc, etc. it's just that I don't hear sounds from asterisk. SIP by itself seems to be working great
20:49.52obsidian-studiosQwell: regardless of codec?
20:50.02Qwellobsidian-studios: no, that is with ulaw
20:50.02justinuyes, SIP is just signalling
20:50.13justinuit's your RTP that's not getting to the proper destination
20:50.14Qwellothers will be less, but...probably not enough to do 13 calls
20:50.17justinuand STUN can affect that.
20:50.24shimiI am pretty sure I've marked STUN as off. Perhaps this is related "Outbound Proxy" ?
20:50.32sleepy_oneshimi, try tcpdump or ethereal see what kind of packets you're getting
20:50.47*** join/#asterisk snaky (n=snaky@
20:50.54shimisleepy_one, OK
20:50.54obsidian-studiosQwell: yeah, pretty sure it will be ulaw, but in lew of a different line they might elect for different codecs. I do not think it's going to work either way and call quality will suffer
20:51.04Qwellobsidian-studios: definitely
20:51.18shimibut one last question. Am i supposed to set "Outbound proxy" if all my connections are to Asterisk on the same l2 segment ?
20:51.30justinudon't think so
20:51.44shimithat might be it
20:51.47sleepy_oneI think you do
20:51.57sleepy_onewon't hurt to try
20:52.08shimino, I've already set it. I am asking if I did wrong
20:52.12enderobsidian-studios: you need more.  Especially if you're going to be doing regular data traffic off that link.
20:52.13obsidian-studiosQwell: I am shooting for split T1 voice/data, where the data portion 768-1.54 is solely for VOIP inbound and outbound. Of course not using a VOIP provider, but a regular telco
20:52.15justinuanyone versed in dial macros?
20:52.19shimiI can't really check now, as the phone is at work... :>
20:52.41obsidian-studiosender:  I really prefer data and voice not to use the same pipe, otherwise one has to do QoS
20:52.46justinui can't seem to get the h extension to work inside of a dial macro
20:52.58enderobsidian-studios: is there a particular reason to use a VOIP providor instead of just a number of PRI lines?
20:53.15enderobsidian-studios: say get 5~10 PRI lines (to handle up to 10 inbound/outbound calls) ?
20:53.24enderobsidian-studios: use IAX2 to connect your remote offices?
20:53.38sleepy_oneIAX2 rocks :-)
20:53.43sleepy_oneand is free
20:53.48sleepy_oneminus bandwidth
20:54.09sleepy_onePRI = 300 - 3000 / mo
20:54.09obsidian-studiosender: well they have a few lines with Vonage. I am making the case that the cost of Vonage over 9 or so lines puts them in T1 range, and that they should get lines from telco
20:54.34shimiI got a PRI for free
20:54.49sleepy_onehow do u get a PRI for free??
20:54.55enderobsidian-studios: ah yes.
20:54.57shimiit's called "competition"
20:55.27enderobsidian-studios: and they're quality will improve using T1 voice lines.  No lossy compressions and such.
20:55.37sleepy_onesome providers require your firstborn + a 5 yr contract to give u a PRI
20:56.11enderobsidian-studios: you'd practically need a full T1 worth of bandwidth to handle 9 VOIP lines, if they're heavy use of the 9 lines.
20:56.22Kattywhat can i use to burn audio and video_TS folders/files that dvd shrink creates for me?
20:56.26enderobsidian-studios: IE most the time using 5~8 of them at the same time.
20:56.36enderKatty: k3b
20:56.37Kattynero doesn't support my dvd burner.
20:56.45justinuwhat if he uses GSM codec
20:56.45enderKatty: oh, you're windows.
20:56.49shimiwell, we have (had) a monopoly on telephony up until a few months ago. Now there's competition. They want customers (bad). They gave me PRI with 50 DIDs for one year and calls cheaper than what I paid the previous company...
20:56.50Kattyender: yes, this is a dual boot
20:57.02obsidian-studiosender: however I am in FL, and BellSouth is just not starting to offer flat rate long distance for businesses. Other telcos are starting to fall in line, decreasing the justification for cheap VOIP for long distance and etc
20:57.05KattyHmmhesays: mrow?
20:57.16mmlj4what could cause voicemailmain to not see keypresses?       -- No username but # key pressed. Using CID '2076' /    -- Playing 'vm-password' (language 'en') /    -- Incorrect password '' for user '2076' (context = <any>)
20:57.18obsidian-studiosender: so even a 768k T1 ain't going to do much
20:57.32Beirdoget a room
20:57.34Kattyfile[laptop]: recommendation plskthx
20:57.38KattyBeirdo: oh hush.
20:57.43KattyBeirdo: you're getting annoying.
20:57.48Beirdoheh, I'm being silly
20:58.24enderKatty: obsidian-studios well, 768, COMPLETELY dedicated to voip may be able to handle 9 OK.
20:59.09obsidian-studiosender: well at that point it would mainly be providing VOIP service between locations, The remote location needs 3 lines all the time, and there might be calls in between locations, 9 would be a max going both ways
20:59.15enderKatty: much better DVD copying software.  Only transcodes what it absolutely has to to get your DVD to shrink to the right desired size, easy to use, veyr well put together.
20:59.21*** part/#asterisk snaky (n=snaky@
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20:59.33*** join/#asterisk switch (
20:59.49enderobsidian-studios: once you start using Asterisk, IAX2 takes care of all your interoffice stuff.
20:59.49shido6turn trunking on both ends with gsm and kill the torrents and p2p porn shares
20:59.57Kattyender: but not free.
20:59.57Qwellokay, get this
21:00.08enderobsidian-studios: I'm talking about what you use at the main office to get to the POTS network.
21:00.09Kattyender: i don't need to copy dvds.
21:00.11Qwellnew apt complex faxes a form to old apt complex
21:00.12enderKatty: well.....
21:00.19Qwellold apt complex fills out form, sends fax back to new apt complex
21:00.19Kattyender: i know plenty about video editing
21:00.20obsidian-studiosender: ideally, but in the event they do not go for two * boxes, just want to make sure there is the bandwidth
21:00.28Qwellold apt complex says new apt complex didn't get filled out form.
21:00.29Kattyender: i simply need software that will burn to a dvd and support my burner. heh
21:00.38shimiI wonder when "POTS" will be renamed to "PATS" :)
21:00.40enderKatty: boot to Linux and use k3b
21:00.43Qwellold apt complex needs new apt complex to refax form, because when they fax things, they don't have it anymore
21:01.02Qwellyeah, because the god damned fax machine eats the fucking paper
21:01.15Kattyender: my movies are on the windows partition.
21:01.15enderobsidian-studios: if you don't have two * systems, then you'll need VOIP accounts for each of the remote sites too.
21:01.28Kattyender: and i will need it in windows for backup purposes, etc.
21:01.29enderobsidian-studios: and beware, a lot of VOIP services are one VOIP line _per phone_.
21:01.38Kattyender: thank you for your suggestion, but i find it is not what i'm looking for.
21:01.48obsidian-studiosender:  main office will get lines via T1, TE110P that will split voice and data in the box. Ideally the data portion will only be used by * for remote IAX2 stuff
21:02.07enderKatty: sorry, I don't really use Windows for much other than gaming and saving netflix movies to watch at a later time.
21:02.13*** part/#asterisk CoffeeIV_ (
21:02.18enderobsidian-studios: gotcha.
21:02.28obsidian-studiosender: trying to stay away from a VOIP provider, and use a Telco, and they provide VOIP service to office, not re-provide ;)
21:02.40enderobsidian-studios: well, yeah, VPN the phone traffic, w/ the VPN overhead you have to overestimate the bandwidth usages.
21:03.02DeeJayTwoender: when you say split voice and data..
21:03.04DeeJayTwowhat is this data?
21:03.15enderobsidian-studios: and remote interoffice calling doubles your usage, goes out to home office, then back to remote office extension again.
21:03.44enderDeeJayTwo: I didn't say it, obsidian-studios did.  He's using a Full T1 to fulfill office's data needs via a few channels as well as their voice needs via a few channels.
21:03.55obsidian-studiosender:  which is why I was like getting service from a VOIP provider, then connecting remote office to them via VOIP is goign to use allot of bandwidth
21:04.21enderobsidian-studios: yeah, I wouldn't consider a VOIP providor.
21:04.33obsidian-studiosDeeJayTwo: some telcos give you a T1 and a channel bank, where you can plug in a switch and servers to data, and phones to voice side
21:04.55obsidian-studiosender:  just does not make sense, the cost savings are hardly there, and the chance of call quality sucking is way to high
21:05.03*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
21:05.16sahafeezi have a tdm40b and a 110p in a box
21:05.17enderobsidian-studios: yep.
21:05.33sahafeezin zapata.conf do they need to be in a 2 differnet context
21:05.52enderobsidian-studios: but, in places that provide fibre internet to the house for dirt cheap, it's a hell o fa lot cheaper to use a VOIP service providor than to run a new PRI/T1 line.
21:06.30endersahafeez: depends, do you want to have the calls that come in via those cards go to different places in your dialplan?
21:06.39Icemaanni could have sworn I read this somewhere, but I dont recall. with 1.2 isnt there a new way to do "reload extensions" ?
21:06.48enderIcemaann: extensions reload
21:06.54Icemaannthats it
21:06.57Icemaannthanks ender
21:07.01enderveyr handy
21:07.02obsidian-studiosender: please man, I am trying to live my life with blinders on. The fact that people have fiber lines to their house that make my expensive T1 fall to it's knees. Well makes me want to get a rifle and climb a clock tower
21:07.04sahafeezall inbound will be from the pri - the fxs goes to a fax
21:07.10*** join/#asterisk zoa (
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21:07.26sahafeezso if i get a ani of the fax line i want it to go to the fxs and out to the fax
21:07.30IcemaannFiber to the house.... that sounds quite nice
21:07.39enderobsidian-studios: lol.  Think about my $80 cable internet link that is 8mb down 768K up.  I could do a lot of phone calls on that.
21:08.32obsidian-studiosender:  yeah I got that cable thing to, I think I am at 7 though :(. However I would not think of using it to provide business level VOIP service between locations and get signal from a VOIP provider
21:08.51obsidian-studiosender:  why I have  a T1 and cable modem, damn uploading is $$$
21:09.08Icemaannim on a ds3 at the office too, just for data even ;-)
21:09.18enderobsidian-studios: right.  Cable isn't dedicated bandwidth enough and guarenteed low latency enough for business level calling.
21:09.24shido6turn trunking on both ends with gsm and kill the torrents and p2p porn shares/query sleeoy_one
21:10.09obsidian-studiosender: that and cable and dsl are best effort services. A policy telcos love to use here in the South. They figure they are dumb inbred southerns, what do they know
21:10.20*** join/#asterisk patpatnz (n=pjs@unaffiliated/patpatnz)
21:10.22justinushido6 lol
21:10.26patpatnzhi everyone
21:10.59obsidian-studiosshido6: deff got to have QoS rules for streaming porn. God forbid someone's surfing or phone traffic makes me miss a hump
21:11.56enderok, I need to go and get FOP working.
21:12.33IcemaannI had it working with *@home, but I didnt like *@home. so im starting over lol
21:12.46obsidian-studiosender: personally I am Daper Dan man ;)
21:12.48Icemaanni guess really it boils down to me disliking AMP
21:13.07patpatnzdoes anyone know how/if you can set the callerid for a H.323 call to be the RPID passed by a sip client?
21:14.16sahafeezok, so in zapata.conf for both the pri and fxs...
21:14.21sahafeezi am a bit confused
21:14.25enderDoes the live demo work for any of you:
21:14.26JerJerdon't use H.323
21:14.28*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
21:14.32sahafeezdo i have to [channels]
21:14.51endersahafeez: you're passing the calls coming in on the fxs port directly to the fax machine right?
21:14.56*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
21:15.01endersahafeez: or you want to that is?
21:15.03patpatnzJerJer, you mean you don't use it or I shouldn't?
21:15.07sahafeezthere are no calls on the fxs
21:15.16endersahafeez: what is the FXS for then?
21:15.17sahafeezall calls will be inbound on the PRI
21:15.24harryvvDoes anyone know this guy? he was mentioned on and now his story is on
21:15.32sahafeezto plug the fax into
21:15.49endersahafeez: um...  do you want to recieve faxes?
21:15.58harryvverr sorry he was mentioned on
21:16.14sahafeezi want an inbound call on the pri with an id of our fax to pass out to the fxs port to the fax
21:16.21endersahafeez: ok.
21:16.30endersahafeez: the 'context' in zapata.conf is only for inbound calls, not outbound.
21:16.48*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (
21:17.02endersahafeez: so in extensions.conf, just mattch the fax ID and Dial the Zap FXS channel.
21:17.19sahafeezok. dont i need to define the fxs card in zapata.conf
21:17.30endersahafeez: well, yes you do.
21:17.35sahafeezok. so then..
21:17.40endersahafeez: if you want to call the device on the fxs channel, it has to be there.
21:18.08sahafeezok. so the issue i have is..
21:18.09sahafeezone sec
21:19.59endersahafeez: how is your /etc/zaptel.conf configured?
21:20.31justinucan asterisk playback raw mu-law pcm files?
21:21.27endersahafeez: hrm, I thought that the second card 'channel' would start w/ the next number from the first card.
21:21.43Mother_can anyone identify the manufacturer of this?
21:21.57*** join/#asterisk wolfson (
21:21.59sahafeezin zapata?
21:22.35endermaybe not though.
21:22.49sahafeezsame error cept says channel 13
21:23.09Kattymew :<
21:23.27*** part/#asterisk oej (
21:24.27endersahafeez: when you startup zaptel service, does it see both the cards right?
21:24.48endersahafeez: you have to get that much working before you can move on to Asterisk.
21:24.59endersahafeez: what is the otuput of zaptel servce (ztcfg)
21:25.24sahafeezNotice: Configuration file is /etc/zaptel.conf
21:25.24sahafeezline 7: Channel 1 already configured as 'Clear channel' at line 2
21:25.24sahafeezline 7: Channel 2 already configured as 'Clear channel' at line 2
21:25.47*** join/#asterisk professorchen (
21:25.50sahafeezyes. think so
21:25.54Qwellerm, 25-26
21:26.13*** part/#asterisk mkrufky (n=mk@
21:26.21professorchenwhere is res_data project, seems to be down
21:26.31endersahafeez: yeah, you need to adjust your /etc/zaptel config.
21:26.37sahafeezcool. thanks.
21:27.26pifiuwhy does take so long to make my recordings?
21:27.30pifiuallison you're slacking!
21:28.02obsidian-studiosok, regardless of protocol, bandwidth is mainly determined by codec correct? Or does IAX have less overhead than SIP?
21:28.35enderobsidian-studios: IAX can do trunking and less overhead.
21:28.37justinueven so, it probably means nearly nothing compared to the RTP streams
21:28.57enderobsidian-studios: SIP is going to be individual streams each w/ their own overhead.
21:29.18obsidian-studiosender: wondering #'s to base the overhead on, like say 9 lines again via IAX?
21:29.20enderobsidian-studios: and SIP is mostly UDP fire and forget.  IAX is going to be TCP IIRC.
21:29.37enderobsidian-studios: hrm, hard to say, I haven't done any testing myself.
21:29.43JerJerender:  um hell no
21:29.48obsidian-studioswhat does Vonage use between them and the device? SIP?
21:29.49JerJeriax is udp
21:29.55enderJerJer: oh whoops.
21:29.56justinuuse etherreal to watch the iax packet sizes
21:30.01justinufor one call
21:30.03JerJerSIP uses an RTP encoded udp stream
21:30.08justinuthen extrapolate from that
21:30.11obsidian-studiosyou can send SIP over TCP can't you?
21:30.13sahafeezgot it all. thanks.
21:30.19obsidian-studiosinstead of UDP?
21:30.24JerJerSIP signaling messages can be TCP yes
21:31.42harryvvis this channel being logged?
21:31.47Qwellharryvv: somewhere
21:31.51harryvvneed some info from it
21:32.43netsurferharry - wassup? i been here most of the day
21:32.44enderharryvv: from how long ago?
21:32.50netsurferand have a big buffer ;)
21:32.51enderharryvv: I log all my irc channels.
21:33.05enderharryvv: and I haven't disconnected from this channel in weeks.
21:33.26harryvvnetsurfer, there is somone who was showing a asterisk managment panel for windows. I dont recall his nick. He looked to have some really good html and dev skills.
21:33.43enderharryvv: how long ago?
21:33.53harryvvHe is/was here in the last 3 to 4 hours ago
21:33.57netsurferwell since ender thinks he's logging the world i'll leave it to him and drink my coffee
21:34.00enderdo you recall the name?
21:34.02harryvvhe showed a number html sites.
21:34.14enderof the management tool
21:34.16harryvvof i would not be asking.
21:34.21enderor some text he said that I could grep for.
21:35.51ender13:49 ::: cripito!n=ncripito@ has quit:
21:36.06harryvvno way to contact him ;)
21:36.07enderright now it is 14:34 my time
21:36.41enderharryvv: his nick is registered, you can leave him a message w/ memoserv.
21:36.47harryvvI have thought more of a wisp setup
21:37.02zoawhat were the urls he showed ?
21:37.05ender11:19 <cripito> check this out
21:37.09ender11:20 <cripito> and this
21:37.12harryvvThat was one of them
21:37.52zoathose are not websites :)
21:38.06harryvvwe know
21:38.30Qwellare there any operator panels like that...that aren't windows clients?  heh
21:38.36zoa does something similar
21:38.39zoabut its also windows
21:38.44zoawe might make a linux version though
21:38.58enderpython would be good
21:38.58Qwellzoa: port to html :p
21:39.01endercross platform.
21:39.08zoaidefisk linux is almost ready
21:39.09Qwellhell, even something proprietary, like asp
21:39.20Qwellas long as linux or windows machines could use it :p
21:40.08Dr_Rayhow about not flash oriented
21:40.28zoayeah, i also dont like flash
21:40.31harryvvso how do you use memoserv
21:40.35zoaespecially that behaviour on right click
21:40.40Qwellharryvv: msg memoserv help
21:40.57Dr_Rayflash plus mozilla equal death to my PC
21:41.12enderflash are teh dead
21:41.20sahafeezhum. ok. so i want to all inbound calls to be routed by what number was dailed. there will be no DID
21:41.22Qwellflash was never alive
21:42.21Dr_Rayyou mean no hunt group
21:42.52endersahafeez: what does your telco pass to you?
21:43.20sahafeezcalling and asking them
21:44.03harryvvThanks Qwell. never knew there was such a beast. BTW Mac do you know mac Dearmon? Seems his asterisk story has migrated to
21:44.27harryvvI mean Qwell, Do you know him.
21:44.37*** join/#asterisk timecop (
21:44.39QwellI don't know anybody
21:45.08*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (n=Brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
21:45.21harryvvI have made these SAT antennas for hamradio before. I suspect he is uplinking to some commercial sat with wifi.
21:45.37professorchenwhere is the stuff previously at now hosted?
21:45.40Hmmhesayshrm my callfile doesn't want to put me into a meetme conference
21:45.47*** join/#asterisk MuppetMaster (n=MuppetMa@
21:45.59MuppetMasterThoughts on this?:
21:46.59X-RobMuppetMaster - join #openpbx
21:47.07*** join/#asterisk paryl (n=paryl@
21:47.12MuppetMasterBut why the fork?
21:47.27X-RobIt's on the wiki
21:47.39Mother_the reason is on the wiki?
21:47.46FuriousGeorgeQwell: what was that link you'd sent me for the surpluss parts
21:47.55Mother_hmaky checking...
21:47.57MuppetMasterBut why are you saying we should join?
21:47.58paryli have a couple gxp-2000's here and i've been doing testing with them.  i can't here myself talking while using the handset... is that a normal thing?
21:48.10QwellFuriousGeorge: umm,
21:48.12Qwellsomething like that?
21:48.19*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
21:48.27FuriousGeorgethats the one
21:48.47sahafeezok. i should be getting the last 4 of the number dialed.
21:48.54MuppetMasterAnd which wiki for the reason for  Link?
21:49.06endersahafeez: sounds like how DIDs work.
21:49.13endersahafeez: so then just match and route on XXXX
21:49.27MuppetMasterThis one I guess:
21:49.37MuppetMasterStill, why?  How many of the developers are really jumping ship?
21:49.39harryvvI need a did
21:49.46X-Robparyl - yes, that's normal.
21:50.01Hmmhesaysanyone else have trouble with callfiles and meetme?
21:50.07professorchenthere doesn't seem to be anyone at asteriskdocs, I am quite new to IRC, is the something I haven't down right an @ appears before my name
21:50.11X-RobMuppetMaster - it's not really jumping ship. It's a fork, that's all.
21:50.35MuppetMasterBut doesn't that defocus a bit?
21:50.48MuppetMasterWould seem time spent by developer's on OpenPBX is not time spent on Asterisk.
21:50.48X-RobA lot.
21:50.54X-RobYes indeed.
21:50.58MuppetMasterSo, kind of like jumping ship.
21:51.07Dr_Raywell, it is their time to spend as they see fit
21:51.14X-RobBingo, Dr_Ray
21:51.22*** join/#asterisk gandhijee (
21:51.32parylX-Rob: but's it's not the usual behavior for every other phone... is there a way to adjust that?
21:51.45MuppetMasterIndeed, but why is the fork really necessary?  Key drivers?
21:51.52MuppetMasterWhat will OpenPBX provide?
21:51.52tzangerMuppetMaster: the probloem is that the people in openpbx feel they are hitting too many roadblocks to be useful
21:52.00X-Robparyl - not at the moment, but they have said they'll look at it in future firmware revisions
21:53.00MuppetMasterReading the roadmap:
21:53.11MuppetMasterSo Mark Spencer is no longer the Asterisk community darling?
21:53.26Dr_Rayhe is in my book
21:53.39Dr_Raybut I al so like the openpbx guys
21:53.43enderfrom the roadmap, it doesn't seem to be much o f afork, a fork would assume that all / most original code is used, and then diverges.
21:53.53enderit would almost seem like a completely new project.
21:54.04MuppetMasterIndeed, lots of talk about ripping out current code and capabilities.
21:54.08Dr_Rayit's a GPL thing, I think
21:54.17MuppetMasterNot really much of a fork, more of 2 steps back and maybe 3 forward?
21:54.38MuppetMasterIs this an issue with the Asterisk Business Edition and the recent Intel card support?
21:54.38*** join/#asterisk websae (
21:55.05Dr_RayI think it's an issue with new code not making it in to asterisk
21:55.13Dr_Raybut I dunno
21:55.19MuppetMasterWell, one does like stability in a telephony platform.
21:55.38wunderkini also think it has to do with someone able to make money off of their code
21:55.41Dr_RayI mean, if that is how they want to spend their time, good for them
21:57.21X-RobThere's nothing wrong with making money from GPL code.
21:57.39Mother_indeed...unless you're a purist...eeew
21:57.59MuppetMasterX-Rob:  Indeed, there is not.
21:58.19Dr_RayI view asterisk at home as a bigger "cancer"
21:58.25MuppetMasterWould prefer to see a meeting of the minds on Asterisk in order to have the community benefit from all of the best and brightest.
21:59.04wunderkini view it as a group effort, im doing what i can  since i benefit from it
21:59.15MuppetMasterBenefit from?
21:59.23wunderkinthe use of asterisk
21:59.28wunderkinin business
21:59.32MuppetMasterYes, as do I.
22:00.09MuppetMasterAnd I agree.  There are some great features listed on OpenPBX roadmap, but also a lot of 'ripping'.  But would prefer to see those in Asterisk.
22:00.18parylX-Rob: heh, apparenlty it has been fixed.  i installed 1.0.12 and it seems to have fixed things quite nicely
22:00.30*** part/#asterisk pc2 (n=pc@
22:00.33Icemaannhow are you guys using asterisk at work? just curious in hearing some use cases.
22:01.20pifiuyeah but as shido6 said
22:01.34MuppetMasterI have used Asterisk for a long time as a SoHo system for working from home.  In the office right now we use it to provide voicemail off of a 'legacy' PBX.  Also working on some other apps.
22:01.38Dr_RayI use zaptel to provide hotel extensions
22:01.59MuppetMasterI don't know what to make of this fork, not happy about it.
22:01.59sleepy_oneT1 PRI <-> Digium T100p <-> * <-> cisco 7960s # with VoIP backup
22:02.00Icemaannwe are looking at using it to add conference support
22:02.20MuppetMasterBut, indeed, it is up to the community members to decided where time is spent...
22:02.27Icemaannwe use a iwatsu phone system now, no conf support
22:02.30MuppetMasterdecide that is
22:02.32generalhansleepy_one: how many 7960s you using >?
22:02.43Dr_RayMuppet - It's thier time to spend.. maybe something great will come of it..
22:03.01MuppetMasterMaybe, but now there are two projects instead of one, neither will move as fast.
22:03.09MuppetMasterOr if one does, it will suffer from stability issues.
22:03.16MuppetMasterThis is a setback near term
22:03.23paryldo you guys think the gxp-2000 is good enough for a large rollout, or should i look at better phones?
22:03.28Dr_Raywell, I don't beleive asterisk will be less stable because of it
22:03.53MuppetMasterI agree Asterisk will not be less stable, but it will not have as much manpower behind it so development may slow.
22:04.16MuppetMasterWhereas if OpenPBX wants to do all it states in the roadmap in any kind of timeframe will suffer stability issues.
22:04.30MuppetMasterSo both will be hampered by the fracture.
22:04.34Dr_RayI dunno, asterisk still gets new people
22:04.38obsidian-studiosMuppetMaster: what's up with this fork, is there a link so I can catch up?
22:04.58obsidian-studiosMuppetMaster: ty
22:05.03harryvvahh heck, circuits are bussy now. guess all there truncks are used up.
22:05.11*** join/#asterisk jlewis (
22:05.11MuppetMasterBut some of those new users will go to as opposed to Asterisk.
22:05.29MuppetMasterThis will be a resource drain on Asterisk no matter how you slice and dice it, if manages to get off the ground.
22:05.37jlewisis there any way in CLI or manager to verify which channels are in a zap group?
22:06.18obsidian-studiosMuppetMaster:  hmm, does not seem good
22:06.46*** join/#asterisk fifer (n=sirfifer@
22:06.48MuppetMasterI do not see it as positive for Asterisk or the alternative, OpenPBX
22:07.02MuppetMasterCan't people just get along?
22:07.18obsidian-studiosMuppetMaster: this is the result of code not making it into *
22:07.36Dr_Rayshould redhat, mandrake, debian, and slackware not formed their own linux distributions?
22:07.37MuppetMasterI guess so, people want to shove lots of features into Asterisk.
22:07.47tzangerobsidian-studios: no, this is a combination of factors
22:07.53MuppetMasterBut, indeed there are arguments for pacing the features, as stability is now important for Asterisk.
22:08.07MuppetMasterWell, will watch this one closely.
22:08.07obsidian-studiostzanger: support for more than digium hardware?
22:08.15tzanger1) patches that seem to be proven to work being flat-out ignored.  2) tightlipped development from asterisk  3) apparent lack of interest/involvemnt of the community by digium
22:08.25tzangerobsidian-studios: it already supports more than digium hardware
22:08.26Mother_it is *very* important, the concept of 'rebooting your PBX' doesn't sit well with many people
22:08.38MuppetMasterPosted a link here:  to see what more of the community has to say.
22:08.39obsidian-studiostzanger: ah, good old all around controversy on all fronts
22:09.21MuppetMasterDigium may be moving more towards commericialization, just like Mambo did recently which alientated their users.
22:09.38MuppetMasterNot saying that Digium did not bring some of it on themselves.  Still hate to see it.
22:09.50MuppetMasterWell, late in Barcelona.  Time for bed.  G'night.
22:09.55tzangerI have zero problem with ABE
22:10.04*** part/#asterisk MuppetMaster (n=MuppetMa@
22:10.06websaeI have a question for everyone....I have an asterisk server I am trying to connect to...I can make calls out, but I can't hear the person, they can hear me...I am behind a router, but I have port 5060 forwarded to my Sipuara 841 Hard Phone
22:10.10X-RobMuppetMaster - no-one reads the forums.
22:10.15X-Rob...and he's gone.
22:10.15websaeanyone have any ideas?
22:10.29tzangerwebsae: you need your RTP ports forwarded too
22:10.34tzanger5060 is just SIP signaling
22:10.40tzangerthere *should* be data on this in the wiki
22:10.54jbotmethinks nat is Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
22:11.00websaei have nat=yes
22:11.04jbotmethinks rtp is The Internet-standard protocol for the transport of real-time data, including audio and video. RTP is used in virtually all voice-over-IP architectures, for videoconferencing, media-on-demand, and other applications. A thin protocol, it supports content identification, timing reconstruction, and detection of lost packets.
22:11.04adelasany recomendation for a good SIP gateway?
22:11.05websaeand qualify=no
22:11.18Icemaannadelas: SER?
22:11.35adelasu mean the brand "ser"
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22:11.52tzangerwebsae: that's only part of it, you still need to forward the RTP ports
22:11.59websaeon my netgear router
22:12.05websaethere is no option for that
22:12.10Icemaannadelas: never used it myself, but they have some big claims
22:12.18websaeyou just select your ports your want to forward
22:12.27websaedoesn'ta sk about UDP or RTP or anything like that
22:12.29adelashey thats no good :P\
22:12.38adelasi meant SIP fxo gatway
22:12.48Icemaannadelas: ahhh
22:14.42websaeany ideas?
22:14.49websaei have tried just about everything
22:14.53Ariel_Icemaann, which one do you know?
22:15.11Qwellwebsae: You need a better router then...
22:15.56generalhananyone know an sntp server on the internet that i can point my 7960s to ?
22:17.33Ariel_I have had problem with the small netgear routers.
22:17.35gandhijeeanyone know a working FWD that ican try?
22:17.47gandhijeeeverytime i try 393612 i get a busy signal
22:17.57gandhijeethat explains it
22:18.08IcemaannAriel_: i use sipura ATA devices. not sure if thats what your looking for
22:18.16harryvvAriel, how many areas in your local dont have high speed internet access?
22:18.29Ariel_Icemaann, I use them but there only one fxo and one fxs
22:19.00Ariel_harryvv, just a few. Mostly outside the 20 mile coverage from the center of City of Miami
22:19.06Ariel_I am almost there
22:19.44*** join/#asterisk websae2k (
22:20.06harryvvLooking into starting Wisp voip/internet services instead of the traditional isp model.
22:20.10toddf for gandhijee
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22:21.29websae2kso the RTP ports that are set on the SIPURA need to be forwarded?
22:23.00gandhijeetoddf: i didn't think that when they said dial 393612 that the 393 wasn't supposta be part of it
22:23.10Ariel_Down here there is a new one. Called Thebluezone
22:23.25QwellAriel_: related to theblue?  heh
22:23.41Ariel_Qwell, no
22:24.12gandhijeetoddf: and it seems only 2 of those numbers work, the time and echo test.
22:24.35websae2kthe only way i can seem to get my phone to be operational is set the EXTERNIP in the SIPURA'S CONFIG...but my ip address is static
22:25.13websae2kany ideas...anyone?
22:25.28websae2kso once my ip address changes the phone won't work
22:25.42Qwellif its static, it won't change
22:25.46websae2kand i'll go back dto being able to call out but not hear anyone on the other end but them hear me
22:25.52websae2kit's dynamic*
22:27.33websae2kso i don't know...what to do
22:27.37websae2ki can also recieve calls
22:27.44websae2ki just never hear the person on the other end
22:27.47websae2kthey can hear me
22:28.49harryvvweb, its your firewall and or your sip/iax configuration now allowing sip/rtp to pass
22:29.11harryvvmore then likly its your firewall
22:29.13websae2kso i can recieve calls though
22:29.25harryvvyes..thats typical
22:29.42harryvvbut you wont hear them..your firewall is blocking there incomming voice.
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22:35.13rayvdI enjoy chatting.
22:35.14rayvdAbout grain.
22:35.25websae2khow do I know what the RTP ports are?
22:36.13patpatnzharryvv, iax doesn't require seperate rtp ports does it?
22:36.25patpatnzharryvv, isn't it all trunked along one connection?
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22:37.37websae2khere's the thing the only way i can have it so I can hear people talking to me, and not just them hearing to set the EXT IP on my SIP phone
22:37.42professorchenin relation to openpbx I am looking for an addon names res_data or ast_data, which some users say does a much better job than Asterisk Realtime, but doesn't appear in the add on list anymore, does anyone know where it is?
22:38.31websae2kso RTP can't be the issue...if i setup EXT IP on SIPURA phone and it works fine
22:38.36websae2kbut i have a dynamic ip address
22:38.39websae2kso that's an issue
22:38.43wunderkinyou're in the wrong channel.. wow already?   i've heard of res_data but haven't seen it used for awhile
22:39.37FuriousGeorgeisnt there some way to do an xfer with #  at least on zap channels, and if so, how does that work with IVRs
22:39.48FuriousGeorgethat you call
22:40.30marc324what editor is everyone using for modifying the config files?
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22:42.01marc324im new to *
22:42.14wunderkinto unix too?
22:42.30FuriousGeorgemarc324: use nano
22:42.34FuriousGeorgemarc324: if ur new
22:42.42wunderkinnot being rude but a text file is a text file, are you asking for a gui?
22:42.42Mother_they usually go hand-by-hand
22:42.48marc324command not found
22:42.54FuriousGeorgemarc324: install nano
22:43.01wunderkinMother_: not all of the time :P :P its just an editor
22:43.18FuriousGeorgemarc324: switch to gentoo.  it installs nano by default :)
22:43.20websae2kplease.......anyone......have any idea...why i can call out but the person can hear me, i can't hear them.........the only way i can get it so i can hear them is to set the EXT IP field in my SIPURA 841 (hardphone) to my public ip address, but it's dynamic so that couuld be problematic...any ideas anyone...greatly appreciated :)
22:43.28marc324is the new book on * worthit?
22:43.31Mother_marc324: vi is rather simple to need for anything more complex
22:43.59Mother_vi textfile, insert, type :wq to save and quit, or :w to save, :q! to quit without saving changes
22:44.00*** join/#asterisk kuj (
22:44.13wunderkinnano is much easier, all you have to know is ^ is control
22:44.18tzangerI used to open another console and kill vi when I was first learning linux
22:44.22tzangervi is so nice now
22:44.28Mother_lol indeed
22:44.29tzangerI put gvim on my windows machines now
22:44.35FuriousGeorgewunderkin: you dont even need to know that to use it
22:44.37tzangerthere is a learning curve but it's well worth it
22:45.07RaYmAn-Bximho the problem with vi is that you need to remember loads of shortcuts to use it even vaguely effiently :P
22:45.12wunderkinFuriousGeorge: how do you know what to do after typing in text then?
22:45.32wunderkinRaYmAn-Bx yes
22:45.39FuriousGeorgeoh yeah, you gotta close it i guess
22:45.48Mother_just like anything else really
22:46.07Mother_you need to know a ton of asterisk-related things to use it efficiently...everything has a learning curve
22:46.14FuriousGeorgebut just like everything else its ctrl+x
22:46.23FuriousGeorgei mean c
22:46.36wunderkincontrol x is exit yes
22:46.45FuriousGeorgei guess its X.
22:46.49wunderkincontrol c shows cursor position
22:46.58wunderkinsomewhat  backwards yes
22:47.23FuriousGeorgepop quiz:  true or false:  if i want to make the outside party quieter on a zap channel i lower my rcgain to -1.0?
22:47.38tzangerthat makes them 1dB quieter yes
22:47.39FuriousGeorge*rxgain (in zapata.conf)
22:47.49FuriousGeorgetzanger: yee haw
22:49.08*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
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22:50.57websae2ki tried forwarding RTP ports 10000-20000 but still could not hear person
22:51.00blkbearnhEvening all, can someone help a writer on deadline?
22:51.00websae2kthey could only hear me
22:51.01sahafeezI have a context called Internal
22:51.05websae2ki am trying to figure that out
22:51.07websae2kany ideas
22:51.18websae2ki forwarded those RTP ports...still ddidn't work
22:51.23sahafeezfor extend to extend
22:51.25sahafeezexten => _42XX,1,Dial,sip/${EXTEN}|30|to
22:51.26sahafeezexten => _42XX,2,Voicemail,u${EXTEN}
22:51.31websae2konly way was to set EXT IP in my sip phone settings
22:51.31sahafeezit never rings.
22:51.34websae2kwhich ishouldn't have to do
22:51.35sahafeezwhat did i miss
22:51.41websae2ki use to not have to do that with a server i was on
22:52.06*** join/#asterisk paryl (n=paryl@
22:52.09blkbearnhCan someone help me with basic setup of a TDM31B?
22:52.28websae2kso RTP ports are forwarded...stil can't hear person, they can only hear me....only way to make it work is to set the EXT IP in my sipura hard phone's config...but i never had to do that before with the server i connected to
22:52.36parylso i see "Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/4082-f977" in the console, but i hear nothing.
22:52.39websae2kanyone's help still appreciated :)
22:55.07*** join/#asterisk SkramX (
22:56.13sahafeezok. figured it out
22:56.38wunderkinblkbearnh: making a competing asterisk book? heh
22:56.48blkbearnhNope, reviewing it for Linux Journal
22:57.18blkbearnhBut I can't get the channels on the TDM31B to show from show channels
22:57.58wunderkinoh, did you follow the guide on if you go to support, docs, somethin like that they should have setup instructions..
22:58.07blkbearnhI did
22:58.30blkbearnhOct  6 18:46:15 WARNING[26484]: chan_zap.c:9651 setup_zap: Ignoring switchtype
22:58.37marc324is there a copy of the config files stored elsewhere?
22:58.42blkbearnh*CLI> show channels
22:58.42blkbearnh0 active channel(s)
22:58.56tzangerblkbearnh: looks goo dso far
22:58.56JunK-Yblkbearnh: its normal theure not active.
22:59.08blkbearnhNo dialtone on a phone attached to it
22:59.08wunderkinyeah that only shows active channels
22:59.09JunK-Yzap show channels
22:59.29blkbearnh*CLI> zap show channels
22:59.29wunderkinall it shows is you installed umm whats it called.. since tor shows up :)
22:59.46JunK-Yblkbearnh: bingo, now have fun:)
22:59.49blkbearnhBut why no dialtone?
23:00.01JunK-Yblkbearnh: goto
23:00.17blkbearnhBeen there
23:00.31jbotfrom memory, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
23:00.55blkbearnhSorry, jbot :-)
23:03.21sahafeez[] => (MySQL CDR Backend)
23:03.29tzangerwhen you pick up a phone in port 1 2 or 3 do you see "starting simple switch on Zap/1" (for port 1, for example) ?
23:03.35sahafeezwhere is this refernced in the startup so I can comment it out
23:03.43*** join/#asterisk micc (
23:04.06marc324is there a copy of the config files...  i read it was in the src dir?
23:04.07tzangersahafeez: ahh, young grasshopper, that is where you just proved to us you haven't read anything.  Go, read.
23:04.20blkbearnhWOuld I see that on the CLI?
23:04.23tzangerblkbearnh: are teh lights on the back of hte card green?
23:04.25miccI'll pay someone $100 to show me an iax connection from a windows client to asterisk that doesn't skip audio.
23:04.49tzangerblkbearnh: and you have a phone plugged in to one of the first three ports (top of the PCI card is port #1)
23:04.59blkbearnhDoes it matter that I don't have a POTS line plugged in yet? (yes, tzanger)
23:05.07tzangerblkbearnh: no, don't plug in the POTS line yet
23:05.15sahafeeztzanger: i have read to much and i am brain fried and the docs are the most un-organzied pile i have ever seen
23:05.16miccAnyone in the Seattle area have a working iax windows client?
23:05.17tzangeryou have very basic issues, but I am not sure what it is yet :-)
23:05.41blkbearnhWhen I take the phone off the hook, I do hear a click, so there's power there
23:05.44tzangersahafeez: well if you don't understand then and we just tell you what to do to get the default dialplan to go away you'll be here within 30 seconds asking how to change the next trivial thing.
23:05.52tzangerblkbearnh: yes but you didn't see anything on the CLI
23:05.52marc324how do i copy all files in one directory to a subdirectory in that same directory?
23:06.05tzangerpastebin your /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf and /etc/zaptel.conf
23:06.16sahafeezi have everything up and work thanks. just this last error.
23:06.34*** join/#asterisk implicit (
23:06.43blkbearnhOn pastebin?
23:07.56blkbearnhzapata.conf is up
23:07.56*** join/#asterisk lancey (
23:07.58lanceyhi guys
23:08.25lanceyi've got a problem setting CID on outgoing SIP calls, is there anything special about it?
23:08.42marc324what is the pathname of a subdirectory
23:09.25blkbearnh for /etc/zapata.conf
23:10.19marc324how do you display the full pathname in the shell?
23:11.08miccare all soft phones just crap?
23:11.31miccI should clarify. Are all windows soft phones crap?
23:11.39lanceymicc, firefly sort of works
23:12.03micclancey, firefly seems to be the worst. It has the same audio breakups as the rest of them, but it can't seem to keep a consistent pitch.
23:12.23miccor tone or speed.
23:13.00lanceynever had any problems with it
23:13.08lanceythe sound is just ok
23:13.20micclancey, you've never had it drop audio on you?
23:13.39miccwhat provider do you use?
23:13.40FuriousGeorgemarc324: ls --help
23:13.44FuriousGeorgecp --help
23:13.47lanceyhow does this matter?
23:13.55lanceyi'm connecting it to an * box
23:14.04lanceyand then calls go through different providers
23:14.25lanceyi can say for sure it works fine at least with iLBC and alaw
23:15.29marc324the extensions.conf is full... ok to delete all?
23:17.46sahafeezif i no via DID that the call is a fax, can i map it out without the Answer
23:20.18marc324how can i find the current asterisk version?
23:21.02lanceymarc324 it seems u need a check of and at first
23:23.20marc324whats a zap?
23:25.27Mother_it's a think for killing bugs like flies etc
23:26.16SkramXmarc324: physical digium card
23:26.36JunK-Yits a type of channel driver
23:26.39JunK-Yshow channeltypes
23:27.24*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
23:27.35JunK-Yin ur CLI, type help and read a lot :)
23:27.59Mother_type help and look up each line that comes up in the wiki ;)
23:28.00*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
23:28.12Mother_hi manx
23:28.26ManxPowerDo any of you isp.monkeys have a temp dialup I can use to test outbound dialup from my cisco router?
23:28.34lanceyanyone had any problems with setting CID of outgound SIP calls?
23:28.52ManxPowerlancey, only if you use quotes
23:28.53Mother_ManxPower: if you don't mind dialing international I can set one up
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23:29.08ManxPowerMother_, I mind.
23:29.11ManxPowerI'm in the USA
23:29.12lanceyManxPower if i use quotes it works, or if i use quotes it doesn't?
23:29.14Mother_I thought so ;)
23:29.21ManxPowerlancey, what specific CID problem do you have?
23:29.34lanceyManxPower i have a sip peer checking CID
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23:29.42ManxPowerlancey, no.  Some sip devices don't work if they get CID in quotes
23:29.52lanceyi've created an extension which firstly sets the correct CID
23:29.57ManxPowercallerid=Robert Dobbs <666>
23:30.00lanceythen dial from another * box
23:30.01ManxPowernotice the lack of quotes
23:30.18lanceyand the sip peer rejects my call, as the callerid is wrong
23:30.31lanceyVerbose(${CALLERID}) shows the right one, though
23:30.40ManxPowerSince nobody in the USA can help, I guess I'll have to sign up with ATT World Net
23:31.02lanceyManxPower i have a dial-in, but it won't work from USA, sorry :/
23:31.02ManxPowerlancey, what device is the SIP peer?
23:31.14lanceyManxPower dunno, probably a Cisco router
23:31.32ManxPowerlancey, what is the callerid= line in your sip.conf?
23:31.50lanceythere is no callerid= in sip.conf
23:31.55lanceysip is used for outbound only
23:32.26lanceycalls get to me through iax, and in iax2.conf theres the right callerid line
23:33.12lanceyi'm too much confused, as it works when i dial in my * box from an IAX2 phone
23:33.31lanceybut dialing in from another * box with the same account gets rejected by the SIP peer
23:35.14lanceyi'm now updating the other * box to latest CVS and will see what happens...
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23:42.11MnxPowerat least my wireless internet came back
23:47.36lanceyMnxPower i believe has something to do with my problem :)
23:48.12marc324can I delete all content of extensions.conf after installation? I only need to build a voicemail.
23:48.21SarahEmmyou need an extensions.conf
23:48.26SarahEmmyou can delete the sample and make your own
23:48.28SarahEmmyou still need one tho
23:48.35lanceymarc324 -> PLEASE
23:48.40FuriousGeorgeSarahEmm: i think he wants to ask if he should start from scratch
23:48.44lanceyit's overexplained out there
23:48.56FuriousGeorgeyes you should
23:49.05jbotsomebody said docs was Documentation can be found at or or or or
23:49.06lanceymarc324 the provided extensions.conf is just an example
23:49.28Ariel_and the sample has a great macro for voicemails
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23:49.55pc2hmmm --
23:49.56pc2*CLI> Oct  6 19:53:25 NOTICE[2111]: chan_iax2.c:6629 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from x.x.x.x, who was trying to reach '18663694977@ ??
23:49.58pc2What does that mean?
23:50.53lanceypc2 non-existing extension
23:51.15lanceyor x.x.x.x missing in your iax2.conf
23:53.14marc324how do you specify the number of rings before call is answered?
23:53.48Icemaanni have a context called home in exntensions.conf. I have a friend in sip.conf that can login correctly using x-lite. however, when dialing an extension in the home context it says address imcomplete (484 error). When I change context to default, the default extensions work fine. Thoughts?
23:53.54Icemaannusing 1.2 beta btw
23:54.03Mother_READ THE DOOOOOOOCS!!!!!
23:54.30justinuread the docs or hire a consultant...
23:54.30Mother_excuse me while I slit my wrists with a paperclip
23:54.34justinulazy fuck
23:55.30Icemaannuh, was that aimed towards me?
23:55.34hardwireI have my last damn buck to the coffee lady
23:55.40Ariel_Icemaann, you need to include the correct context
23:55.42obsidian-studiosharsh in here tonight
23:55.50hardwireI can sorta feel the tension
23:55.52justinuhe's been asking these questions all day
23:56.02hardwireI say we all unregister and try that other asterisk channels
23:56.04Ariel_marc324, dial(Sip/100,20) 20 is about 4 rings
23:56.10sleepy_oneconsultant here at your service :-)
23:56.17justinulol, see... i knew someone would step up
23:56.25obsidian-studiosjustinu: ah, sorry, but I have been there and done that, usually was ignored or beaten to death with reference to wiki :)
23:56.30IcemaannAriel_: include it in default? or include default in home? the home context has all the extensions I need. its all in that context
23:56.41hardwireAriel_: I had that question the other day.. I told somebody it times out after 20 seconds.. and they told me "well how many rings is that?"
23:56.45hardwireabout 18 from the first ring :)
23:56.52hardwireabout 18 seconds :)
23:57.17hardwirejustinu: who we picking on today?
23:57.31Ariel_hardwire, well 20 sec is about 4 rings in the us. But in other locations you never know
23:57.38justinudude, we know you're a n00b, but come on... read a little bit
23:57.41hardwireAriel_: sure.. over zap
23:57.45Mother_it depends on ring cadence...
23:57.51hardwiremy phones default to a wittle "beep"
23:57.51Ariel_Icemaann, you should never have anything of value in the default.
23:57.57hardwirethat happens quite fast
23:58.07jskcranyone running asterisk on gentoo
23:58.21SarahEmmlots of us jskcr
23:58.22Ariel_But setup your context and then include them as what your want the devices to do. Read the sample extensions.conf.sample located in the /usr/src/asterisk/configs
23:58.24IcemaannAriel_: i dont, its all in home ;-) I think im getting somewhere now
23:58.25hardwiremarc324: are you a noooob?
23:58.31hardwiremy dog likes noooobs
23:58.36Mother_I'd like to make something like app_random_cadence.c to run users crazy
23:58.37obsidian-studiosjskcr: never :)
23:58.37IcemaannAriel_: k ill dbl check
23:58.52Mother_tuuu tuuuuuu tutut.....tuuut.....tut....
23:58.57jskcrSarahEmm:  I was wondering if anyone was running the 1.20 beta frin portage
23:58.59Ariel_Icemaann, what have everything in home.
23:59.03jskcrerr frin/from
23:59.28*** join/#asterisk joat (
23:59.55SarahEmmjskcr: i run CVS HEAD...

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