irclog2html for #asterisk on 20051002

00:02.14Pete_Largodoes anyone know where I can obtain a sample config file for a Mediatrix 2102?
00:04.48NormAstDefraz: Do you need this running tonight?  Or do you want to play around with it?
00:05.42Defrazoh I am playing around with it
00:06.54epabloI'm doing exten => 800,9,Background(/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/vm-press.gsm)... on an IVR but I'm getting an error like this: Oct  1 16:05:16 WARNING[13241]: file.c:787 ast_streamfile: Unable to open /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/vm-press.gsm (format ilbc): No such file or directory.  Any idea why?
00:07.41X-Rob^^^ mum and jade
00:08.40digimePete_Largo: it should auto try one provider and if asterisk returns a fail code then go on to the next, but it should do it immediately if the first provider fails.  so it's transparent to the end user
00:09.35Pete_Largothat's how mine is set up.  I try the call on sellvoip first, then voxee, then voipjet
00:09.40digimeI am not talking about prioritized dial statements, I want to develop a script that will try a provider and if the calls fails it will immediately auto try another provider, like that.
00:09.58digimebtw, do you like sellvoip? I am using voxee but it goes down frequently
00:10.21digimehow long does it wait to try the next provider
00:10.22Pete_Largothe only time mine acts funny is if sellvoip for example accepts the call and then has trouble further down the stream...
00:10.47Pete_Largoit's transparent to me... sometimes it takes an extra second for the call to go through.
00:10.56digimehow is your set up then?
00:11.03Pete_Largosellvoip is ok, I haven't noticed much downtime with them.
00:11.09Pete_Largohang on
00:11.14digimeexten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,dial,SIP/1${EXTEN:0}@ViaTalk|60|Ttr
00:11.24digimeexten => _NXXNXXXXXX,2,dial,SIP/1${EXTEN:0}@BroadVoice|60|Ttr
00:12.44Pete_Largoignore the monitor part, I'm trying to get monitor working right and it just aint... :(
00:14.00*** join/#asterisk rking (
00:14.42Pete_Largoso then, nobody knows where to get a generic config file for a Mediatrix 2102?  I'm waiting on pins and needles for Broadvox to reply to my email requesting that they unlock the unit...  they'll probably tell me to get bent too...
00:19.51digimePete_Largo ok thanks
00:20.06*** join/#asterisk cio (
00:20.08*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
00:21.44*** join/#asterisk DA-MAN (
00:24.42*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
00:24.45Defrazso show do I show what channels I ahve in asterisk?
00:24.53Defrazhow many are able to be used
00:26.11tzangerDefraz: ?
00:27.22DefrazSo ztcfg shows 23 pri channels and 4 analog
00:27.27Defrazwho do I show that in amp
00:27.29tzangerno idea
00:27.34tzangerlook at teh amp documentation
00:27.36tzanger(I don't use amp)
00:27.42DefrazI mean astrisk
00:27.48tzangershow channels?
00:27.54tzangerzap show channels to show the zaptel ones specifically
00:28.06Defrazyea will that shwo the non active though
00:28.11Defrazit says 0 active
00:28.12tzangershow channels then
00:28.19tzangerwhat specifically are you looking for
00:29.02cioCan a sip phone configured for ulaw talk to a sip phone configured for only g729 through asterisk?  Does asterisk become a proxy in this case?
00:29.22tzangercio: yes, if asterisk has the capability (i.e. g729 license) to do the transcode
00:29.52NormAstTzanger: Been to any Asterisk Meetings?
00:29.52Defrazwhen I call my pri I get nothing in amp
00:30.08cioYea, I bought 10 of the g729 lics...
00:30.09tzangerNormAst: tried to get to the one this past wednesday but wasn't able to make it
00:30.18tzangerDefraz: amp != asterisk
00:30.49NormAstTzanger: When is it?   I've subscribe to the Asterisk Group and my Sub keeps getting lost..... hmmmm....
00:31.24tzangerI guess the 4th wednesday?  talk to leif, he seems to be in that particular loop :-)
00:31.35DefrazI don't mean amp I mean asterisk haha sorry
00:31.48tzangerthere was talk of trying ot move it to the 3rd wednesday instead of 4th but I didn't hear if that was actually passed
00:31.54tzangerDefraz: show channels will show you active channels
00:32.08NormAsttzanger:  I can offer Termination to any where in Ontario now.. (Well, Oct 15)
00:32.28tzangerNormAst: nice...  very nice.  you are certainly growing by leaps and bounds
00:32.40tzangerI'm still hanging on to my little PRI in 519-292 :-)
00:33.01tzangeralthough I nailed that goddamned timeout issue
00:33.07tzangerit was jsut a sangoma driver issue on their ADSL card
00:33.10LostFrogFor asterisk and a T1, I want ESF framing, right?
00:33.13tzangernew driver, it's working great
00:33.19tzangernow I just need bettern than 800k upstream :-(
00:33.21NormAsttzanger: We are not and Eqaul Access provdider....
00:33.29tzangerI need a good cheap T1 :-(
00:33.38tzangerdefine "equal access provider" ?
00:33.55NormAstYou can now dial 1010 and get to me... :)
00:34.16Pete_Largotzanger I might be able to help you with that cheap T1
00:34.21NormAstYup.. Tried it... 101085014164619944
00:34.24tzangerPete_Largo: in listowel?
00:34.33Pete_LargoI don't know where that is
00:34.37tzangerholy fuck that's a lot of digits
00:34.51tzangerPete_Largo: town of 5300 people.  "tier 4" pricing group for bell
00:34.57Pete_Largowhat state?
00:35.00tzangerthat's officially known as the "no lube" pricing tier
00:35.05tzangerPete_Largo: ontario, canada
00:35.26tzangergotta get the kids out of the tub, bbiab
00:35.27Pete_LargoI don't know if I can or not... I usually only deal with T1's in the US
00:35.32NormAsttzanger:  You really some come down to TO... I can RCF your 3 phone number and bring them in on my T1
00:35.43*** join/#asterisk luke-jr_ (
00:36.17NormAstOh yea.. We now offer Flatrate calling to anywhere in ontario and Quebec for $19.95...
00:36.42X-RobWow. So I can telemarket all of Quebec for $20!
00:36.52Dr_Ray20 bucks canadian?
00:36.57cioX-Rob: You a telemartketer?
00:37.03X-Robcio - no.
00:37.05NormAst20 bucks Canadian..
00:37.32NormAstX-Rob.. Oh sorry.. For res. customers only... No Telemarketing or Resale.
00:37.32Dr_RayI wish I knew someone I knew in canada to call
00:37.46Dr_Ray2 knews
00:37.50NormAstDr_Ray: You can make friends..
00:37.56cioIs there anyway to get the work 'asterisk' out of the uniqueid variable?
00:37.56Dr_RayNot likeyl
00:38.27cioOff to hunt source code ...
00:39.39NormAstTzanger: You still Sending me calls?
00:46.04cioBetter kernel for zaptel: 2.4 or 2.6?
00:47.46NormAstAnd.. I like debian...
00:48.01cioYea, I use debian exclusively.
00:48.04cioGood stuff.
00:48.34tzafrir_laptopJust finished initial asterisk 1.2 debs. commited to pkg-voip
00:49.06ciocool ...
00:49.14tzafrir_laptopBTW: any idea if the (x100p) uk-callerid still works with asterisk 1.2?
00:49.29tzafrir_laptopIt sseems to give me a strange error
00:49.47tzafrir_laptopa compile-error on chan_zap, that is
00:50.34Pete_LargoI have an interesting problem where Monitor is not executing 2wav2mp3 after recording.  I can't even run 2wav2mp3 myself as root, I get a "no such file or directory" error message even though the file 2wav2mp3 is plainly there... I did a google search but didn't come up with much, anyone have any ideas I can try?
00:51.30InfraRedanyone here using asterisk on fbsd?
00:51.56tzafrir_laptopPete_Largo, sounds like you badly need strace
00:52.38Pete_LargoI wouldn't know how to use it ;)
00:53.01tzafrir_laptopstrace -o log_file the command you wanted to run
00:53.31tzafrir_laptoplater on search log_file for "open" and "stat"
00:53.51tzafrir_laptopIf "open" or "stat" returned a negative value, it has failed
00:54.12Pete_Largowhere can I get strace (since I'm too lazy to search for it ;)
00:54.20X-RobPete_Largo - sounds like 2wav2mp3 isn't executable, or, is not in your PATH
00:54.54Pete_Largothat's what I thought x-rob
00:55.12Pete_Largoexcept: which 2wav2mp3 give me
00:55.35Pete_Largo-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root         1615 Sep 28 23:52 2wav2mp3
00:55.43Pete_Largoit appears to be executable
00:56.01*** part/#asterisk epablo (
00:56.13tzafrir_laptopso what happens when you simply run it?
00:56.50Pete_Largo: No such file or directory
00:56.59Pete_Largoit's driving me up a wall!\
00:57.39tzangerNormAst: yeah now that I've got that fixed I started a few
00:58.01tzangeryou're still free compared to unlimitel's CAD$0.011/min :-)
00:58.26tzafrir_laptopstrace is normally a package of your distro
00:58.27tzangerthat one DID you wanted still sees the occassional use
00:59.15NormAsttzanger: You can kill that DID..
00:59.20tzafrir_laptopof course, if 2wav2mp3 is a shell script, bash -x /usr/local/bin/2wav2mp3 would be a better start
00:59.23tzangeroh okay
00:59.33NormAsttzanger: What?  Free??? Never... You owe me a Beer  :)
00:59.33tzangerso do you have origination capability anywhere in Ontario too?
00:59.40tzangerNormAst: that's not a problem at all
00:59.53NormAstI can install RCF at $29.95 per month...
00:59.57*** join/#asterisk Corndawg_ (
00:59.58NormAstanywhere in ontario.
01:00.43tzafrir_laptopNormAst, is that what they call "free as in free beer"?
01:01.22NormAstBeer buys a lot.. It's tax free when someone buys it for you.. hmmm.. Beer
01:01.28Pete_Largodownloading strace now
01:01.32cioOk, installing my first * system from cvs tonight - wish me luck.
01:01.46tzangerRCF = remote call forwarding?
01:02.28NormAstCan't get DID's on Feature Group D
01:03.13NormAsttzanger:  We install the RCF (Remote Call Forwarding) and PIC the number to us.
01:03.13tzangerNormAst: any limit to the # of simultaneous forwards with your arrangements?
01:03.26tzangerPIC to me means something entirely different :-)
01:03.35NormAstTznager: The default is 10... However the Limit is 500..
01:04.04tzangerahh okay so practically limitless to quite practically limitless for most businesses :-)
01:06.50Pete_Largotzafrir_laptop , isn't this interesting???  : strace -o log_file 2wav2mp3
01:06.50Pete_Largo: No such file or directory
01:07.05tzanger <-- nice simple straightforward NMEA interpreter
01:07.11LostFrogtry 'file 2wav2mp3'
01:07.46Pete_Largowell hang on, I still have to pastebin the strace log file :)
01:07.47*** join/#asterisk casio_ (
01:07.51Pete_Largohappy fingers!
01:08.49Pete_Largo  I have no idea what this stuff means
01:08.54tzangerthis gps unit's tracking through my window ... that's actually pretty amazing it can see anything at all
01:10.54*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
01:11.18Pete_LargoLostFrog:  file 2wav2mp3
01:11.18Pete_Largo2wav2mp3: Bourne shell script text executable
01:11.50LostFrog'head -5 2wav2mp3'
01:12.59Pete_LargoLostFrog: head is at
01:13.19Pete_Largotoo long to paste in window, I don't want to flood the channel
01:14.14LostFrogI don't see why ./2wav2mp3 shouldn't work.
01:14.29LostFrogI'm assuming it isn't in your path.
01:14.35LostFrogso, you have to prepend ./
01:15.18Pete_Largoit is in my path, but I tried ./ anyway with the same results
01:16.03LostFrogYou do have a /bin/sh, right?
01:16.27LostFrogHmm.. weird.
01:16.36Pete_Largovery weird
01:19.26Pete_LargoI am very close to simply wiping out the partition and starting over from scratch...
01:20.15LostFrogI can't say I've never done that.. :)
01:20.32Pete_Largoit wont be a first for me either
01:20.49Pete_Largoand since I have all the .conf files saved, it wont be a big deal to get * up again
01:20.49*** join/#asterisk jskcr (n=jskcr@unaffiliated/jskcr)
01:21.01Pete_Largoer up / setup
01:22.01Pete_Largowell gang, I think I'm going to go and drink my sorrows away... till tomorrow then
01:22.15LostFrogWish I could.
01:23.26Pete_Largoyou can try :)
01:24.33cioIs there someting special to compiling with 2.6?  I'm running debian (sarge) and I have a symbolic link called /usr/src/linux pointing to my kernel-headers at /usr/src/kernel-headers-2.6.8-2-386 .. Any help would be appreciated ..
01:24.46cioIt just can't find the simple things like stdio.h
01:25.33jskcrcio just install the kenerl source
01:25.50__Elfin zapata.conf, are rx/tx gain in dB or percent? I've seen both for some reason, in various places
01:26.07*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
01:26.09jskcr__Elf:  you can use either
01:26.28__Elfhow would that work?
01:26.59jskcr__Elf:  txgain=1% or txgain=1
01:27.09__Elfoh ok, so by default, with no % suffix, it's dB?
01:27.22__Elfthanks :)
01:27.50jskcrthats configured per fxo or fxs device
01:28.08jskcrwhatever channel its about
01:28.24__Elfyeah, just was a bit confused before, since I don't think I saw an example with the % on it
01:28.27__Elfit just had a number
01:28.44ManxPowertxgani/rxgain is in db not percent
01:29.56cioIs that the only symlink I need is /usr/src/linux?
01:30.43*** join/#asterisk cusco (
01:34.13ManxPowerHuh?  I think I have 3 lines in the Asterisk source.
01:34.20ManxPowerI'm an admin, not a developer
01:34.32jskcrManxPower:  for the gain, dumbass
01:34.39jskcrits a float
01:35.05jskcrDr_Ray:  too much this 70's show :P
01:35.21ManxPowerThis damn city doesn't even have a damn movie theater!
01:35.46ManxPowerjskcr, Ah.  forgive me, I'm overwhemlemed by finallly having broandbad again
01:35.46jskcrManxPower:  I lived in a city like that for 3 years, I would call it more of a big town
01:35.58cioDr_Ray: Still no stdio.h, hrm.. my symlink /usr/src/linux points to the kernel-source ..
01:36.06cioHow do I tell where make is looking?
01:36.13ManxPowerjskcr, You have to go to the feed and farm supply store to get computer gear
01:36.31jskcrManxPower:  I worked at the only computer shop in town
01:36.49jskcrManxPower:  I had to mailorder everything :(
01:37.06jskcr20 miles to get to  a walmart
01:37.29ManxPowerthank Dog this is not a perm location
01:40.19LostFroggreat.. PCI Master Abort on my Asterisk machine.
01:40.43*** join/#asterisk anthm (
01:40.43*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
01:43.04*** join/#asterisk Ridgeback (
01:45.04Ridgebackquiet tonight....
01:45.16tzangerGPS waypoints for "2 Really good Strip Clubs in Niagara Falls, Canada . The "Sundowner" and "Seductions".."
01:45.37ManxPowertzanger, Looking for a strip club, eh?
01:45.42ManxPowerAren't you married?
01:45.46tzangerno, just pissing about online
01:45.49tzangerno not married
01:46.05bjohnson_ManxPower: what video do you want?
01:46.29ManxPowerbjohnson_, Hmm?
01:46.41[hC]wait wait wait
01:46.42*** join/#asterisk _Eagle_ (
01:46.54[hC]isnt wanting to find a strip club when you're married EVEN MORE LIKELY?
01:46.58tzangerahahaha another strip club waypoint
01:47.00tzangertoo funny
01:47.03[hC]its not like you go there to pick up women!
01:47.18tzanger"where Tim Horton died"
01:48.13[hC]poor timmay
01:48.31bjohnson_ManxPower: "doesn't even have a damn movie theater" .. are you looking for a movie?
01:49.01ManxPowerbjohnson_, Oh!  Serinity
01:49.05Inv_arpyou guys run cvs in production?
01:49.14ManxPowerBut I want to see it on the big screen
01:49.34ManxPowerInv_arp, only when I feel my life is too calm
01:50.01ManxPowerBTW, is the changes in the args passed to externotify= in voicemail.conf documented anywhere?
01:50.25ManxPowerin 1.0.x vs 1.2beta/CVS-HEAD
01:50.44*** part/#asterisk criptos (n=criptos@
01:50.50_Eagle_so when is 1.2 going to be released?
01:51.09ManxPower_Eagle_, "october" is what I heard, but nobody can say which year
01:51.59_Eagle_thats like when companies say "3rd quarter"...  but dont say which year
01:52.41ManxPowerTim Horton the coffee barron?
01:52.43_Eagle_is there a list of major changes/features added betwen 1.0 and 1.2 somewhere?
01:52.53ManxPower_Eagle_, you mean like in UPGRADE.txt?
01:53.13_Eagle_manx:  does that list all the new stuff?
01:54.00_Eagle_is that on the web somewhere?  or am i gonna have to download the 1.2beta to read it?
01:55.23*** join/#asterisk cio (
01:55.44cioHi again.  I need to understand the asterisk cvs head, if I download from cvs, is that considered 'stable' code?
01:55.59pifiuanyone using fedora and having problems with an smb share?
01:56.02bjohnson_ManxPower: I don't have that one
01:56.02pifiuneed another distro to try
01:56.10Dr_RayHEAD is not STABLE, but I use HEAD...
01:56.21bjohnson_ManxPower: I have The Tuxedo with Jackie Chan.
01:56.24Dr_Rayhead is quite workable
01:56.36cioRight, but would you put it in production?
01:56.55Dr_RayI have 177 extensions via zaptel
01:56.59Dr_Rayin production
01:57.27[hC]I use cvs in production
01:57.28pifiuand it works fine ray?
01:57.30cioSo if I downloaded from cvs today, would it be 1.2?
01:57.31[hC]i only update it once every couple months
01:57.36wunderkincio, with any version you must test extensively before it gets put into production
01:57.53Dr_Raypifiu - it works fine, but  I don't update that frequently
01:58.01pifiuso thats bad?
01:58.21Dr_Raypifiu - no, I just get it working, and then don't monkey with it
01:59.04Dr_RayI don't have mine on the internet
01:59.26Dr_Rayso I don't need to upgrade kernel or packages unless I need a featuere
01:59.26LostFrogok.. every time I plug a cable into my TE110P, linux freezes.
02:00.13*** join/#asterisk bumblefsck (
02:01.01cioSo is CVS * 1.2 or still the 1.0 branch?
02:01.26Moc_cio 1.2beta1 1/2
02:02.19Dr_Raypifiu - You can run HEAD, if you swing by here and see if it's broken or not at the time..
02:02.28cioSo 1.0.9 is the *safe* way to go?
02:02.40Moc_cio, I wouldn't say that
02:03.18LostFrogOk.. stupid question.. can anyone recommend a good MB for Linux/*?
02:03.28Inv_arpLostFrog: any
02:06.39Dr_RayI use assrock motherboards
02:06.49LostFrogassrock? Dare I ask?
02:06.53Dr_Raybut you need to pick your own board
02:07.07Dr_Rayasrock, it's an asus brand
02:08.27*** join/#asterisk dersteer (
02:08.30Dr_RayI've been happy with them.. but I'm not recommending them
02:08.35LostFrogok.. I need some help.. I think I configured my zplex10 channel bank correctly and the zaptel.conf correctly, but they are both giving me red alarms.
02:08.43*** part/#asterisk dersteer (
02:08.45Inv_arpi mostly deal with via chipsets and semprons...(biostars)
02:09.50LostFrogWhen I set span=1,1,0,esf,b8zs , linux freezes.
02:10.06Dr_Rayirq conflict?
02:10.18LostFrogLet me check.
02:10.34Dr_Raydo you have an a or b channel bank?
02:10.46cioI had a PCI conflict with an EMPTY PCI slot earlier today causing my new TDM400P to not receive faxes of all things... weird.. just changed slots, good to go.
02:12.27LostFrogAs far as I can tell.
02:12.32LostFrogIt isn't marked as such.
02:12.40Inv_arpcio: where did you buy yer tdm400
02:12.52*** join/#asterisk Juxt (
02:12.53cioRight from digium...
02:12.56Dr_RayI have a bunch of b's in production, I've not tried the a yet
02:13.04Juxtgood afternoon
02:13.08Dr_Raysince the syntax is different
02:13.09Juxtgot the following question
02:13.17Juxtsometimes my register command times out and fails
02:13.25Juxthow do i make it keep trying forever?
02:14.17cioHrmm.. does cvs have fax support built in?   normally in debian, I have to apt-get install the asterisk-fax package.
02:14.50LostFrogAnyone know a way to reset the password on a Adtran TA-624?
02:15.47cioFind a paperclip and a nearby power outlet ..
02:15.52Dr_Rayyou have all kinds of channelbanks
02:16.30LostFrogYeah.. but unfortunately, I don't have the password for the TA-624, and I don't think adtran would tell me how to reset/find it.
02:17.49Dr_RayI look forward to pulling the zhones and putting adit600's in service
02:18.04Dr_Raybut likely stolen
02:18.13LostFrogNo.. left over from an old telephone service.
02:18.20LostFrogThey didn't want it back for some reason.
02:18.36Dr_Raynot worth their effort
02:18.40cioyea ..
02:18.46cioThat's the ticket
02:18.56Dr_Raythey came and got my adit600 before I removed it from the wall
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02:20.35*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
02:22.37*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
02:29.08*** part/#asterisk Juxt (
02:29.54LostFrogOK.. I still don't understand why I have a red alarm on both the channel bank and the T1 card.
02:30.21Dr_Raywhat does ztcfg -vv
02:30.24Dr_Rayreport back?
02:32.03NiHoyou arent using a crossover cable
02:32.54RidgebackLostFrog: did you try a local loopback? just to make sure things are cool?
02:33.35NiHoor are you usng an ethernet crossover cable?
02:33.53[hC]sweet, i got the last available room at the hyatt for astricon
02:36.32LostFrogI am using a straight through cable.
02:36.38Dr_Raynon ethernet
02:36.53LostFrog12 and 45 straight through
02:37.22LostFrogYou guys are making me feel like an idiot..
02:37.42LostFrogBy local loopback, do you mean a test with zaptel or with a special plug/wire?
02:38.55cioIf I'm connecting two * boxes together over the internet and have g729 licenses purchased from digium, can I put allow=g729 in my iax.conf?  Will it use the codec this way?
02:39.17*** join/#asterisk Blake0PS (
02:39.18LostFrogYes, assuming you have the licenses installed.
02:39.59cioCool.  Do I put it in my host definition sections or under general? I assume its like sip.conf (disallow=all, allow=g729)?!?
02:40.05Blake0PSI have a Cisco 7960 I'm using with asterisk.. When I conference a call together and I hang up, it doesn't release all the lines I conferenced in... how do I do that
02:41.16Ridgeback7960 with voip IOS? or jsut anormal plain jane router?
02:41.50Blake0PS7960 with SIP firmware
02:42.45Ridgebackis there a way t hat you can skip the SIP stuff on the router and let asterisk handle the SIP handshake?
02:43.02Ridgebacknot sure how you have things setup..just shotgunning answers
02:43.25Blake0PSI don't know what you mean by router
02:43.30NiHolostfrog: you need a croassover cable to go from a T1 card to a channelbank
02:43.34Ridgebackthe 7960 is a router
02:43.36Blake0PSCisco 7960 -> Asterisk
02:43.44Ridgebackvia ehternet
02:43.49*** join/#asterisk mogorman (n=mogorman@
02:44.11LostFrogok.. I am having problems right now with the machine.. PCI Master Abort as soon as it gets to the Login promp.
02:44.23Ridgebackyou have phone dangling off the 7960 authenticating to the * box via sip
02:44.47Blake0PSThe phone is the 7960
02:45.08Blake0PSThis one
02:45.14Ridgebackwhat type of phone Cisco using mgcp?
02:45.19*** join/#asterisk pooh_ (
02:45.32Ridgebackahh wait.. sorry. i was thinkging of something else...sorrry....
02:45.45Ridgebacki wasnt hinkgin you had a router... my fault
02:46.15Ridgebackdamn dislexia lol :) brain thought you had a 7600 router...ntoa 7960 phone  LOL
02:46.25Blake0PSheheh okay
02:47.20Ridgebackok guess is Cisco phone SIP firmware is slightly off the mark, potentially not completely compatible with asterisk... jsut my guess
02:48.00Ridgebackhmmm have you tried sniffing the SIP packets with ethereal and lookig for the hagnup/deregister packets?
02:48.36Ridgebackand is the problem constant? or intermittent(sometimes it works, sometimes it dont)
02:52.04*** join/#asterisk konfuzed (
02:53.48DA-MANnever had a problme with any of my sip firmwared 7960 phones
02:55.41pifiuwow LUCKY you seriously
02:55.48pifiuda-man those things were a headache to even flash to sip
02:55.53pifiuthe firmware wouldnt upgrade
02:55.55pifiuthen they would get stuck
02:56.12pifiui talked to like 5 different cisco people via email and phone and they were just giving me the run-around giving excuses
02:56.28pifiucisco phones suck period. unless you configure them with like cisco call manager or something
02:56.44Dr_Raymy cisco 7960 works fine
02:56.47mogormancisco 7960s rule with sip stack
02:57.04mogormanonly thing that is getting to be better are polycoms
02:57.12mogormanthey are slowly growing on me
02:57.23pifiui bought both polycom and cisco phones
02:57.27pifiuand ran tests on them for 2 weeks
02:57.31pifiupolycom ones owned
02:57.35mogormanbut damn they are a pain to configure polycoms at first
02:57.40pifiui compared the polycom 501's vs the 7960's
02:57.45pifiuand wow the polycom 501's RULE
02:57.52pifiupolycomes are EASy dude
02:58.02pifiujust spend some time on the first one, and then the rest are easy
02:58.07pifiuTOO easy if you ask me
02:58.11mogormani dont like that the tftp
02:58.16pifiuso use http
02:58.17mogormani like that they can do ftp
02:58.23pifiuflash to latest firmware
02:58.28mogormanbut the config file problem was a pain
02:58.28pifiuit supports ftp, tftp, and http
02:58.33Dr_Raythe 501 looks funny
02:58.40mogormanand i hate that polycom is stingy with firmware upgrades etc
02:58.43pifiuyes thats why im saying spend some time on ONE and the rest are easy
02:58.56Dr_RayI guess I just like the 7960, although cisco is stingy with the support too
02:59.01pifiuin what way? i mean just flash it to a stable latest firmware and you should be set for a whileee
02:59.14pifiudude dont get me wrong, I <3 the way the cisco looks, but if it doesnt perform
02:59.16mogormanyou cant go download latests firmware and bios online
02:59.17pifiuthrow it in the trash
02:59.30mogormanbut cant give it out
02:59.42pifiufor which?
02:59.44pifiuor cisco?
02:59.56pifiuwhat about them
03:00.01mogormanand cisco at least for sip stack
03:00.05pifiuyou can just call your vendor and they supply it for you
03:00.17Dr_Rayand if my vendor is ebay?
03:00.30pifiuthen you're screwed for buying them there lol
03:00.38mogormanor your vendor in same postition
03:00.40pifiuim sure you didnt save THAT much
03:00.50pifiui rather spend the 20 bucks a phone extra and have some sort of support or vendor
03:00.56pifiujust my 2 cents
03:01.09mogormanI just think its silly, but cisco is same way with sip stack
03:01.18mogormanbut its really a matter of prefrance
03:01.21pifiufrom what i know i thouht voip suply were the only ones selling polycom on ebay
03:01.31mogormani prefer cisco on style and just knowing it works
03:01.49pifiuok well as i said, lucky you it works for you
03:01.56pifiuheadache++ for me
03:02.02pifiuhow many do you have setup?
03:02.40Dr_RayI just use the 7960 as a hotel switchboard phone
03:02.54Dr_Raythe rest of my stations are zaptel
03:03.14_Eagle_how much is the polycom 501, new?
03:03.28pifiulike 300?
03:03.33pifiumaybe less 275
03:04.51wunderkinDr_Ray; you dont buy the phones from ebay, you buy them on ebay
03:05.10Dr_Rayyou buy them private party sales
03:05.20Dr_Raywhich cisco does not like
03:05.38wunderkinyeah... but there are dealers on there too im sure
03:05.43_Eagle_those things are pretty ugly
03:05.52_Eagle_although not as bad as some ive seen
03:05.53Blake0PSi used to work for a company that sold 7960s like hotcakes on ebay
03:06.04Dr_Raywith the sip image?
03:06.30_Eagle_how's the polycom handset feel?  looks kinda cheap, chintzy, and lightweight
03:06.39_Eagle_kinda like you can break it by looking at it
03:06.48_Eagle_but ive not seen it in person yet, only on the web
03:07.07Dr_RayI like the 7960 because cisco has clout, I can show it to an idiot and they recognize cisco..
03:07.34_Eagle_how come most ip phone look cheap and chintzy?
03:07.41wunderkinooo cisco i use that on my frying pan.. wow it must be good
03:08.10Dr_Rayeagle, maybe they are built from the sip/hardware and the exterior is an afterthought
03:08.25wunderkinthe same reason that makes the world go round dude
03:08.41_Eagle_but normal phones dont look that shitty
03:08.45_Eagle_only ip phones
03:09.03wunderkinhow many normal phones are 300.. or can sell for 300?
03:09.23_Eagle_my panasonic's were like $250 or so
03:09.40wunderkinand not pbx/proprietary phones
03:09.43[hC]Crap. snmpd isnt giving out stats on my T1 card.
03:09.44Dr_RayI've been shopping for ADSI phones and there are some ugly ones there too
03:09.57wunderkinyeah well maybe fancy wireless sets
03:10.01wunderkinim talking one phone though
03:10.22_Eagle_but thats the point...  if you're gonna design a phone, why not make it look at least as halfway decent as 99% of the proprietary pbx phones out there?
03:10.31_Eagle_why make it look like a cheap chintzy piece of crap?
03:12.05LostFrogok.. my ztcfg -vv :
03:12.27_Eagle_look...  if digium can make the iaxy so cheap, then it cant cost more than $50 in parts to make a pbx-type phone into a voip phone...   so instead of $250, it costs $300... big deal... but make it look like the $250 one,  not like a $29.95 k-mart special
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03:12.57Dr_Rayok, the first IAXY was ugly
03:13.10_Eagle_i'm talking about internal parts, not the case
03:13.58jskcrhy all
03:14.08Dr_Rayit's a good point eagle
03:14.16_Eagle_if they can make a professional quality looking proprietary pbx phone for $250...  then adding $50 of internal parts to make it a voip phone shouldnt be a problem...  why make a $300 phone that looks like a $29.95 phone just because it is a voip phone and not a pbx phone?
03:15.32_Eagle_and we're just talking about teh outside case and buttons here..  probably 90% of the cost of that $250 pbx phone is the internals, which you will yank out and replace with the $50 voip parts
03:15.34mogormanthe new iaxy is sexy
03:15.49Dr_RayI like the new iaxy, cept the blueled
03:15.49mogormanand the electronics arent the most expensive part of a phone
03:15.51mogormanits the plastic
03:15.59mogormanthats where the cisco money is
03:16.02mogormanand the screen
03:16.09mogormanthe rest is name
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03:16.36_Eagle_well, those 7960's probably cost them $15-20 to manufacture... the rest is markup
03:16.38SplasPoodDr_Ray: you don't like blue leds?
03:16.55Dr_RayI don't like how bright it is
03:16.56mogormani disagree Eagle
03:17.06LostFrogok.. I changed my T1 cable to xover and now I have sync.
03:17.08mogormanit proably is 50-70
03:17.22Dr_Raycongrats Lostfrog..
03:17.35Dr_Raynow get tone on your fxs port
03:17.47_Eagle_ok... still doesn't justify a $300 phone looking like a $29.95 phone just because it's not cisco
03:17.58LostFrogCool.. all of the alarms just went away.
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03:18.00Dr_RayI be the cisco 7960 is at least $50 in pats
03:18.20mogormannot to mention marketing
03:18.20LostFrogprobably more like $80-$100
03:18.23mogormanand support etc
03:18.30LostFrogretail, not wholesale..
03:18.41LostFrogProbably $40-50 wholesale.
03:18.50Dr_RayI could probably beat someone with a cisco handset and cause some damage
03:19.08Dr_Raynot as nice as the payphone handle
03:19.08mogormani know there is a led weight in the middle
03:19.09LostFrogI think my AVAYA handset would break in two.. and that is a real PBX phone.
03:19.18mogormanthat 50 cents makes it seem so much nice
03:19.43wunderkinoh.. lead ;D
03:19.58Dr_RayI think it's the apple argument, some stuff is made by nerds, some stuff is made by designers..
03:20.43coppiceand apple stuff is made by nerds who are wannabe designers
03:20.59mogormanlol coppice
03:21.10_Eagle_other than the cisco 7960/7970.... i've yet to see a single ip phone that looks like it is worth more than $29.95 from the outside
03:21.10SplasPoodif got a polycom soundpoint
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03:21.37mogormansnoms look allright
03:21.42mogormanbut not greatly ergonomic
03:22.16wunderkinbt101 is beautiful if you like barbie!
03:22.33coppicethe cisco look like pieces of junk
03:22.45mogormanyou dont like cisco7960?
03:22.52_Eagle_i bet you could go to walmart or kmart and buy a couple of $29.95 phones, put them next to almost any ip phone, and most people couldn't tell the difference
03:23.00[hC]coppice: what do you prefer?
03:23.08coppiceits really cheapy plasticy, except for the lead weighted handset
03:23.09[hC]I like the ciscos
03:23.47coppiceI don't think handsets should provide muscle building
03:23.52LostFrogbt101 is great if you don't want it to work more than a month.
03:24.08Dr_Raymy bt101 has been fine for a year
03:24.14jskcrgxp-2000 are okay if you can deal with a shitty speaker phone
03:24.15wunderkinmine too
03:24.17Dr_Rayit was down for 1 week
03:24.26jontowcoppice; back in the day, and i mean like 3-10 years ago.. they weighted the cheap  handsets of analog phones, too
03:24.31jontowi have a bunch randomly laying around
03:24.33Dr_Raywhen I power cycled it during the reboot
03:24.38coppiceI think all current IP phones are severely lacking in one way or another
03:24.42jontowespecially those "classy" beige ones
03:24.59jontowbut i agree with everone, the current crop of IP phones generally is not up to par
03:25.15jontowand admittedly.. an older meridian phone still beats the pants off a lot of them
03:25.30jontowproof in point, i've tried repeatedly.. our office still uses those meridians
03:26.05coppicebut even a 7960 is cheaper than most of those old PBX phones
03:26.21Dr_Raythe 7960 is cheaper than the mitel console it replaced
03:26.26Dr_Rayfor us
03:26.38LostFrogI just bought a snom 360.. I don't think it looks bad or cheap.
03:26.41jontowbut the 7960 still lacks..i still say its at the front of the pack in a lot of ways
03:26.56jontowlostfrog; use it for a year, beat on it, learn its flaws, then come back :)
03:27.02LostFrogof course, I may change my opinion when I plug it in.
03:27.04jontowi said the same about a bunch of them
03:27.14jontowthe sipura spa-841 looks nice too
03:27.15jskcrpart of dealing with voip fones is finding the ones that work with the least of problems
03:27.22jontowbut the speakerphone is a wavy pile of crap
03:27.24Dr_Raywe are still on second/third generation ip phones
03:27.54jontowi'll admit, the most comfortable IP phone i've used yet.. cisco 30VIP / 12SP+
03:28.07jontowalso the oldest..
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03:28.37Dr_Raypart of the problem is a lot of analog phones look retarded too
03:28.47Dr_Raywhen I walk down the isle of the target
03:28.48_Eagle_i think the cheasy cheap looking ip phones are part of why many businesses havent switched to voip yet
03:29.27_Eagle_how do you convince them to pay $350-400 for something that looks like it's worth $29.95...  and then have your whole business depend on them for phone service....
03:29.28Dr_RayEagle - I believe having a cisco 7960 as part of the demo/presentation got us approved for asterisk at work
03:29.38jontowi think the fact that it is IP based and a lot of companies currently have completely retarded IT staff is the reason, but thats just my opinion..
03:29.48wunderkinive seen at a casino here and the new bank of americas are using cisco ip phones.. 7960 probably didnt see
03:29.51konfuzed_Eagle_: that's what the ATAs are for - they get to use the same dumb looking phone that they are used to
03:30.23jontowwhen you can't rely on your web browser to bring up and internal page, your email to work 1/2 the time, why would you expect that you could make a phone call if its all based on the same technology that your employees just can't seem to figure out, and tech support has been continuously mystified about?
03:30.33Dr_RayI'm torn, I'd like cisco to do a sip image for 7970, but I don't want to pay $500 for a phone right now
03:31.48jontowdon't get me wrong.. im the guy who makes all that nonsense work at my office.. i'm just saying we work for a lot of other offices on a contracted basis.. and man are a lot of them so far off being able to switch to VoIP it is unreasonable.
03:32.07jontowVoIP requires a solid network or a solid admin
03:32.10_Eagle_konfuzed:  yeah... but where can you find an ATA that does ground start?  meridian systems need ground start to be full featured....
03:32.23jontowif you have 1 or the other, you *MIGHT* be alright.. but neither and you're completely doomed
03:32.34_Eagle_plus, what about people who want to replace their phones because they're all 10 years old, or for a new business, or new location?
03:32.35konfuzedkeep it simple its just a phone
03:32.37jontowso.. yeah, keep it in mind
03:32.53jontowkonfuzed; thats fine, but nothing will be simple, ever again.. ;)
03:32.57jontowengineers touched stuff.
03:33.04jskcrI have a stack of about 20 ata's I tested with asterisk
03:33.12jskcrmost of them suck
03:33.26konfuzedjskcr: which ones dont suck
03:33.43jskcrsipura's and a few others
03:34.05__ElfI like my IAXys quite a bit
03:34.23jontowi like the IAXy, but ~$100 each is too much for me to afford for a single port
03:34.33jontowon a personal basis, anyway
03:34.38konfuzedjskcr: I'm looking at buying another ata and want to confirm which one sucks the least ;^)
03:34.56jskcrdont get grandstream
03:35.05jskcrthere voip phones are ok but the ata's suck
03:35.05jontowwas just ggonna ask about GS, hahaha
03:35.13konfuzediaxy is just plug a phone in and stop complaining kinda gear
03:35.20konfuzedthats what im looking for
03:35.22jontowkonfuzed; agreed.
03:36.09konfuzedhow bout snom
03:36.24konfuzedI just discoverd snom is on
03:36.29jskcrthe best ata adapter is, drum  roll please
03:36.30konfuzedso thats a big plus
03:36.35jontowi'll probably stick to the fact that the only reason VoIP won't make market share is because people can't maintain the underlying technology..
03:37.06Dr_Raypart of the problem is a lot of people don't understand what VoIP is..
03:37.06jskcr#1 leadtek
03:37.11jontowthe big $$ phone companies, they know how to manage their shit, thats why they'll continue to have more business and absolutely dwarf the number of VoIP minutes vs. POTS minutes every day
03:37.13jskcr#2 linksys pap2
03:37.17jskcr#3 sipura
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03:37.50[hC]you know.. the linksys pap2 is a sipura SPA-2000
03:37.58[hC]i havent found a difference  yet.
03:37.58konfuzedleadtek makes an ATA ???
03:38.10__Elfwell it all ends up on the phone companies' networks in one way or another anyways
03:38.15jskcrkonfuzed:  have you seen the packet8 ata
03:38.16jontowuntil data networks have competent techs with better response time and more knowledge of the technology.. it just ain't gonna happen ---doesn't mean i won't keep working on the infrastructure where i am and push VoIP out where possible :)
03:38.19jskcrthats a leadtek
03:38.19__ElfI think they don't really have any reason to care
03:38.34_Eagle_thats good to hear.... i bought a bunch of PAP2's for testing/research... havent opened the box yet though
03:38.49_Eagle_the price is definitely right
03:39.11jskcrthere are firmware differences between the pap2 and the sipura's
03:39.32konfuzedis it more than words?
03:39.53jontowthey do, only because it does scare them.. specifically the fact that their voicemail systems that cost $50k-$150k to purchase and $20k/yr to maintain can be built and maintained using free software and cheap hardware for maybe $5k and require minimal maintenance, period.
03:40.25jontownot that we're going to "take over their playing field" by any means.. they're laughing about it.. i know guys in the industry and they still do'nt see a huge threat, they just see technology changing
03:40.47jontowand as usual, they'll take their sweet-ass time deploying it, to slow down progress and keep themselves generating cash as they have been
03:41.17konfuzedjontow: theres a big difference between having the best technology and selling services or products
03:41.36konfuzedand thats where the big phone companies have open source tech beat
03:42.15Dr_Raythe only thing that the big phone companies have is ownership of the copper wire
03:42.22Dr_Raythey are dead
03:42.24jontownot at all true
03:42.26konfuzedand marketing branding muscle
03:42.27jontowthey have trust
03:42.31__Elf(or fiber, nowdays)
03:42.38jontowthats bigger than wiring, guys.. hate to say it
03:42.44jontowthey've been doing their job for >100yrs
03:42.53jontowthat means something to a lot of people
03:43.06__Elfin the end even if you're using VoIP, you're still probably using a telco for transit
03:43.07konfuzedthey can out sell the masses cause they have the acsh to throw at it
03:43.19Dr_Raythey've been doing it poorly, telcos rate poorly, and are viewed as neccessary evils..
03:43.37konfuzedand they continue to out market and out sell
03:43.46_Eagle_yes, people trust that their POTS line will always work...  but... most of them *HATE* the phone company
03:43.49jontowyeah.. but a question my boss tossed at me one day that i couldn't answer.. is voice a commodity or not?  just think about it..
03:44.08Dr_Raythe wire is the commodity
03:44.25jontowyeah, but the people who pay the money [business customers who have been faithfully using their nortel MICS or  what-have-you] with the phone company will continue doing that until the hardware dies
03:44.26__ElfI think phone companies don't care so much about POTS any more
03:44.35konfuzedsorry but there is a pacakge of commodities utilized to deliver a phone call
03:45.00coppicevoice is definitely a commodity
03:45.01konfuzedPOTS is a way simpler business operation model then VoIP
03:45.04__Elfand if anything is going to kill POTS, it's cellular, not VoIP
03:45.14jskcror voip with wifi-max
03:45.17konfuzedvifi voip will kill cellular
03:45.26Dr_RayI can sell a FXS line for $25 a month
03:45.29konfuzedoooooooooo   ViFi
03:45.36konfuzedVoIP WiFi   ;^)
03:45.42coppicekonfuzed: hardly
03:45.44jontowmy problem with wifi is very shitty rangeg
03:45.50jontowi mean.. very shitty.
03:45.55jskcrwifi-max had a 35 mile range
03:46.03jskcrerr has^
03:46.05jontowcome live in northern ny
03:46.13jontowjust tell me what kind of wifi will work here
03:46.36konfuzeddid you not see the world record for wifi range on standard gear
03:46.45konfuzedcheck it out in slashdot
03:46.49coppiceif I move from country to country, various cellualr networks pick up my phone. I don't bother to look at who has it at any time, and I really don't care. something like that is definitely a commodity
03:47.04konfuzedjontow: a MESH grid
03:47.28konfuzedcoppice: id hate to see your cell phone bill
03:47.31coppicekonfuzed: ah, a cellular system :-)
03:47.34jontowgood luck getting NY state to allow you to put up towers in their forest preserves which vastly dominate this area.
03:48.12jontowand yet.. cell phones work most places
03:48.18konfuzedjontow: good thing no one is living in those preserves and so dont need phone service
03:48.27jontowthe preserves border it all
03:48.54coppicekonfused: I don't get many roaming calls, so I don't pay that much. what you are implying is true, though. the cellular systems have maintained roaming charges at a level which limits their use, even though the service is a commodity
03:48.56jontowyou have to drive around 'em to get anywhere, and yes, we still need phone service.. as bad as anywhere else
03:49.04konfuzedyeah but are people hanging out there all the time with life threat needs to make a phine a call
03:49.22__Elftrue, but what if they were drowning at sea?
03:49.22jontowyou'd be surprised
03:49.27__Elfdoes that mean cell providers need to cover all the oceans?
03:49.46wunderkinelf thats when you need a satellite phone
03:49.48coppiceIridium does -)
03:49.57konfuzed__Elf: have you ever seen a drowning person trying to use a phone
03:50.16jontowthere are some remarkably beautiful areas that get a lot of traffic by people on foot.. and a couple of them actually get cell service, here..
03:50.16konfuzedthey may aswell email for help
03:50.28__Elfhaha, the point was, you can't expect cellular service everywhere
03:50.34__Elfjust because there's a need for it
03:50.43T-E-Ais asterisk capable of picking up the phone recording and conversation when a phone elsewhere in the house is picked up and the caller is not on a safe-list of some sort? (operating on conventional phone line)
03:50.43konfuzedmy point is the keep it simple part    ...............
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03:51.16coppicecellular is driven by profit, not need. if the need is sufficiently widespread to make a cell profitable one will appear
03:51.19T-E-Aerrr.. and recording*
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03:51.29jontowand it is, here.
03:51.53konfuzedI find people inventing all kinds of bizarre scenarois as to why the entire concept is of no use or will never work because of 50 silly situations that I too rare to be of any real impact
03:52.21jontowi just think the range is too poor to gain widespread use anywhere outside cities
03:52.30jontowwhich, don't cover the vast amoutn of area
03:52.38jontow(can you say.. Palm VII?)
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03:52.40Cresl1njontow: range of what?
03:52.55_Eagle_it will take some time, but voip, as a technology, will eventually all but replace the standard analog/pots/TDM phone network technologies
03:52.59jontowwifi voip
03:53.07coppicejontow: right. any long range low power demo is highly directional.
03:53.11Cresl1nah, yes
03:53.13jontoweagle; that i can agree with
03:53.20jontowbut it... will take a lot of time
03:53.26wunderkin_Eagle_: yes i heard somewhere that BT in the UK is going completely voip
03:53.28_Eagle_most cell phones these days use VOIP already... people just dont know it
03:53.30jontowin fact, a generation pretty much has to die off, i think.
03:53.43konfuzedcoppice: yeah but just keep boosting the power and things have a way of getting better and  better
03:53.56Cresl1ncell companies much more territory than wifi is able too
03:54.03coppicekonfuzed: and then you have cellular
03:54.13jontowvoip is an easy transport, switching is easy.. you can do it in software with hardware only as an interface to decode/encode, obviously.. ;)
03:54.18Cresl1nI think the cell networks are the future with a lot of that
03:54.31Cresl1nwifi voip is kind of a toy
03:54.43__Elfcell data (gprs, edge, etc.) + DIY VoIP would be fun
03:55.01Cresl1nwhy use wifi voip when cells work just fine for example?
03:55.13jontow;) exactly
03:55.17coppiceI just wish WiFi would work properly across a room
03:55.32jontowwhy reinvent a wheel that already has billions of spokes?
03:55.32Cresl1nin fact, I'm using gprs right now
03:55.41konfuzedcoppice: my only real compaint about cellular is the vast financial rip off established via Phone-Drug-Lords
03:56.05konfuzedthis is not a business that has pricing based on costs in any way
03:56.18Dr_Raynothing is sold based on what it costs
03:56.19konfuzedother than the cost of marketing and executive perks
03:56.20jontowmy apartment is .. not very big, and yet i can't get wifi to adequately go from one end of it to the other
03:56.20Dr_Raynot in america
03:56.21coppiceI pay $10 a month for all the minutes I can use. what is so bad?
03:56.30jontowstock equipment, sure, but .. its a really, really small example
03:57.02__Elfthe trick is to take your AP /out/ of the metal box
03:57.35wunderkinyou have to take your garbage can/pots/pans off of it for it to work ;)
03:57.45coppicemost telecoms is heavily weighted to marketing cost. recruiting new subs is so expensive
03:57.52jontownope, its simply that the signal doesn't penetrate the walls
03:57.57Dr_Rayone of our buildings is metal doorframes and metal siding..
03:58.18__Elfwalls are a bit different than an open room :P
03:58.21wunderkincoppice, um $10 for unlimited is not the price in the usa.. its not very common to even see an unlimited offer anymore i think
03:58.26jontowthe world isn't an open room, elf.
03:58.37__Elfno, but then plan your RF setup accordingly
03:58.45Cresl1nmost people don't need unlimited though
03:58.48jontowthere are a lot of places cellphones work great that are surely not open and that wifi wouldn't penetrate for shit :)
03:58.55coppicethe signal stops 802.11 working through walls. bugs usually stop it working within a room
03:58.55Cresl1nit's ~40-50 for unlimited around here
03:59.01__Elfyeah 2.4 gets eaten a lot more than 1900
03:59.24coppicewunderkin: its not unlimited, but I can't use up all my 1800 minute/month allowance anyway
03:59.29Dr_RayI use A around the house
03:59.45wunderkincoppice: yes.. ok.. well 1800 is still a lot for $10
04:00.13jontowDay changed to 02 Oct 2005 <-- damnit.. not again
04:00.31__Elfif you really want unlicensed long range wireless networking, probably the 900 stuff is the way to go
04:00.36__Elf2.4 is really just the wrong band for it
04:00.50jontowi've been agreeing with that for quite some time
04:00.52coppiceUMTS works at 2.4GHz
04:01.05Dr_RayI'm waiting for the FCC to take some spectrum and give us a real wifi network
04:01.18jontowlet's  all use {U,V}HF! heheheh
04:01.30__Elfget a ham license :P
04:01.32Dr_RayI had hoped that some of the tv spectrum would have been used for that.. but no
04:01.59SplasPoodhrm, were the default sound files used for the 'p' option to Dial() changed since 1.2beta ?  They seem to be MIA
04:02.01jontowam workin on it
04:02.04coppiceDr_Ray: why on earth would you expect that? :-\
04:02.26Dr_RayI said hoped
04:03.03jontowthe real issue is obsoleting all the wifi gear we have now
04:03.13coppiceDr_Ray: I guess you are the kind of person who believes they are trying to provide HDTV :-)
04:03.18jontowand millions and millions and millions of dollars of networks that have been built out..
04:03.22Dr_Raynot at all :)
04:03.30_Eagle_coppice:  i pay like $100/month for 2000 minutes...  i wish i could just pay $10 :-)
04:03.32Dr_Raythe wifi gear we have now is cheap
04:03.35__Elfah I don't know if it'll be obsolete, it still serves its purpose
04:03.45__Elfpeople will probably just come out with multi band/standard cards
04:03.47jontownow, on the same token.. if someone can convince the FCC and get a bunch of prototype gear built  to show investors.. you might have something ;)
04:03.47__Elffor the end user
04:04.30Dr_Raycoppice, they are simply selling spectrum to the highest bidder
04:05.35_Eagle_and the people who buy that spectrum dont even use most of it
04:05.56_Eagle_they just like to lock everyone else out of the market
04:06.12Dr_RayI downloaded a spectrum map when I was thinking of buying an I-com pc radio, and it's sliced up into a bunch of little fifedoms
04:06.14jontowand again with an analogy that i've given.. sounds like IP space
04:07.29jontow(does Hewlett Packard really need 2 full class A's?)
04:07.42jontowor how about Apple.. full class A?
04:07.56__ElfI hope they're running some dark space telescopes in there or something
04:07.58jontowFord Motor Company? full class A?
04:08.00_Eagle_they probably dont even need a class B, if they used nat internally
04:08.16jontowi bet if you scanned the block, you'd find >50% of it unused
04:08.21jontowon all of those examples
04:08.41jontowford has 19/8
04:08.57jontowMIT 18/8
04:09.00jontowapple 17/8
04:09.03__Elfone IP per car sold :P
04:09.17jontowHP 15/8 and 16/8
04:10.46jontowoh wait
04:11.03_Eagle_i wonder how many public ip's are assigned to machines that are completely firewalled from the net?
04:11.09jontowford also has another giant block.. -
04:11.36jontowbtw, they registered for those blocks in 1988 and 1989 :)
04:11.49jontowyou can find some interesting things with whois(1) and
04:12.39__ElfI wonder if there will eventually be some drive to take back unused address space from people?
04:12.40SplasPoodI wonder as an asset how much a Class A is considered
04:12.51jontoweagle; i'd say hundreds of thousands is a VERY low estimate, there, btw ;)
04:12.52*** join/#asterisk ms345 (n=mike_sim@
04:13.04Dr_RayI don't think people will buy class A's though
04:13.10jontowi don't think you..can
04:13.25SplasPoodits just the right to announce it...
04:13.26jontowits a mighty big PITA to get a full class C right now from most providers
04:13.33_Eagle_if you change ownership, you have to re-justify with ARIN... and then pay the new fees
04:13.37argos73hehe - somewhere around here, I have a printout of *every* host on the inet...  circa 1989, when such a thing was actually possible...
04:13.38coppiceAn individual told me he had a class B, just because he asked for it early enough
04:13.41SplasPoodoh really...
04:13.46SplasPoodwe have two /16s
04:13.48jontowargos73; /etc/hosts style?:)
04:13.54argos73pretty much
04:13.59SplasPoodand I have a globally routeable /24
04:14.09Dr_Raybring on IPV6, or IPV9 from our chinese overlords
04:14.35__Elfif only IPv6 weren't such a disappointment :(
04:14.48coppiceIPV6 will be big next year. always next year :-)
04:14.57Dr_Raywell, it's hard to replace something that works
04:15.07Dr_RayIPV6 needs a killer app
04:15.10__Elfand even harder to replace it with something that doesn't :P
04:15.26Dr_Raylike these 64 bit cpu's
04:15.28coppiceIPV6 people like to tell you what it fixes. they are rather quiet about what it breaks
04:15.48Dr_Raythere are no reasons I can think of to go right now
04:16.01[hC]I think my routable space is up to two /18's now
04:16.06jskcrDr_Ray:  I got a p4 3ghz em64t 64bit processor with 2 meg l1 and 2 meg l2 cache this week
04:16.16coppicethe ISPs love NAT, so they resist it aggressively
04:16.18*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
04:16.22*** join/#asterisk hansin321 (
04:16.29[hC]NAT is crap.
04:16.31Dr_Rayjskcr - very cool
04:16.41__Elf64 bit cpus.. /64 prefixes handed out to everyone.. well hey, every byte of memory can have a globally routed address!
04:16.48*** join/#asterisk [ViRii] (
04:16.52__Elfthere's your killer app! :P
04:16.54hansin321installed * 1.2beta1 and did a Make Samples. I am not getting any sound output to my speakers (I had this working no problem w/ 1.0.7). I am running the Alsa server and can dump noise to /dev/dsp. Any thoughts?
04:17.00Dr_Raythat would be interesting
04:17.40h3xwell, same thing
04:18.00Dr_Raywell, the trademark office seems to have more sense than the PO
04:18.13konfuzedwhats that stand for exactly anyway
04:18.44Dr_Rayheh, xxxip
04:19.10[hC]show of hands, who else is attending astricon
04:19.15[hC]I really wonder how many people have registered
04:19.42Dr_RayIt needs to be in another city
04:19.45[hC]It ended up costing me about 1k to go :S
04:19.46Dr_Raylike Vegas
04:19.47_Eagle_where is astricron held?
04:19.52[hC]anaheim, CA
04:19.56[hC]im flying from miami
04:20.03jontownortheast USA is the only way i'd be able to make it :/
04:20.06_Eagle_yuck... california
04:20.14[hC]the flight was cheap on jetblue
04:20.18LostFrogNext time it comes to the east coast, maybe I will attend.
04:20.27Dr_RayI just can't miss work
04:20.32_Eagle_is it different every year?
04:20.48*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
04:20.52Dr_RayI'd rather go to astericon in europe than in LA
04:20.58[ViRii]jetblue: who is that? =P
04:21.12Dr_Rayjetblue is a lowfrills airline
04:21.17Dr_Raywell, with directv
04:21.34[ViRii]i would charter an airplane before id fly any other way now adays =P
04:21.48[ViRii]its not too expensive
04:22.02Dr_Raythe jetblue flight from seattle to NY, leaves at midnight
04:22.19Qwellmy flight to astricon was dirt cheap
04:22.28[hC]where are you flying from?
04:22.28Qwell$0 from anaheim
04:22.31[ViRii]and you will be flying a jet? not a rattle trap?
04:22.46_Eagle_someone *really* wants to convince me to go to ISPCON...  which i think is in san jose or something
04:22.51Dr_Raynice, make sure you get a hotel.. qwell
04:22.55QwellDr_Ray: indeed
04:23.06_Eagle_and i'm like no way
04:23.22Qwellwasn't ispcon the other day or something?
04:23.25[ViRii]id go just for the hell of it if they paid me
04:23.41_Eagle_maybe ill go to baltimore in the spring... but not california
04:23.42Dr_Raywork won't pay me to leave, I need to work on that
04:23.56_Eagle_was it last week?  hell, i dunno when it was... might have been
04:24.07[ViRii]i wouldnt do it any other way =
04:24.11LostFrogWe'll all just stay with Qwell.
04:24.25[hC]I spoke with the hyatt, apparently i got the last available room for the special price
04:24.56[ViRii][hc] id imagine rooms are going to be scarce
04:25.26_Eagle_i'd love to see a website with "asterisk success stories"
04:25.30_Eagle_anything like that exist?
04:25.38Dr_Raythere are some on the wiki
04:25.55_Eagle_i saw like 3 or 4 on a year ago or so
04:25.59_Eagle_are there new ones?
04:26.13_Eagle_i'm talking like.. lots more...  40-50-60 stories....
04:26.18_Eagle_gotta be hundreds out there, right?
04:26.42_Eagle_i'd love to hear about new services people have created
04:26.44_Eagle_stuff like that
04:27.09Qwellfor the record, the disneyland hotel is about a mile away...I bet there are rooms there
04:27.18hansin321Does anyone know where I can tell Asterisk to load the driver instead of  Basically I need to have Asterisk use Alsa instead of OSS, or so I think.
04:27.20_Eagle_hosted telephony services especially
04:27.31Qwellif A) You can't get the special price, and B) disneyland hotel is cheaper
04:27.45hansin321woops, is there a better channel for asking this?  Sorry of so.  Thanks Dr._Ray.
04:27.58__Elfthere are tons of hotels in the area because of disneyland
04:28.23*** join/#asterisk lancey (
04:28.26lanceyhi guys
04:28.28Qwellthere are a bunch on Beach, but...yeah
04:28.34Qwellbit further then DL
04:28.37Dr_Rayhansin - you are free to ask here, just remember we are free to not answer
04:28.53[hC]man.. actors get all the perks
04:28.55lanceycould i kindly ask someone of you for a bit of favour
04:29.02__Elfdunno, I saw a bit pretty close to disney when I was driving by a while ago
04:29.06lanceyi suspect my telco is not routing international calls to me
04:29.07[hC]fame, money, the chance to kiss hot actresses like jessica alba on tv
04:29.08Qwelllancey: does said favor include payment?
04:29.13lanceyQwell: nopez :)
04:29.22[hC]why dont people in IT get to kiss jessica alba.
04:29.27Qwelllancey: Then see what Dr_Ray just said. :p
04:29.34lanceyi just need somebody to check this number: +35986510210 and tell me if it gets a dial tone
04:29.34Qwell[hC]: uhh...
04:29.39hansin321makes sense.  thnaks again.
04:29.47lanceyi'm not gonna pick up the call
04:29.48[hC]Qwell: its just not fair.
04:29.48Qwellbecause what they say about us...isn't just stereotypes? :P
04:29.56[hC]I guess
04:30.03[hC]I dont fit the stereotype so much though
04:30.08[hC]so maybe someone can make an exception for me
04:30.12Dr_RayHc - it's actually quite fair
04:30.12Qwelllancey: That number isn't valid
04:30.38lanceyQwell: thank you, that was what i needed
04:30.42[hC]so are we all gonna show up to astricon with nerd badges on our chests declaring our irc nicks?
04:30.52[hC]Dr_Ray: how so!!?!?
04:31.17wunderkin"I am [hC]"
04:31.25wunderkinoh i mean "Hello, my name is [hC]"
04:32.06Qwelllancey: it isn't a valid US number, anyhow
04:32.14lanceyQwell it isn't US
04:32.18_Eagle_if you were a real nerd, you would put your nickname in binary format
04:32.20lanceyit's here in Bulgaria
04:32.26Qwelllancey: then it kinda helps if you say WHERE it is
04:32.34__Elfor barcode :P
04:32.37lanceywell, +359... where could it be?
04:32.38Qwellespecially somewhere like Bulgaria, where 99% of us won't recognize the format
04:32.46_Eagle_barcode is good too... yeah
04:32.55lanceyhehe, dial codes different out ther?
04:33.02SplasPoodOct  2 00:32:32 WARNING[1135]: file.c:805 ast_streamfile: Unable to open priv-callpending (format ulaw): No such file or directoryOct  2 00:32:32 WARNING[1135]: file.c:493 ast_openstream_full: File priv-callerintros/9176629826 does not exist in any formatOct  2 00:32:32 WARNING[1135]: file.c:805 ast_streamfile: Unable to open priv-callerintros/9176629826 (format ulaw): No such file or directoryOct  2 00:32:32 WARNING[1135]: file.c:493 ast_openstre
04:33.03Dr_RayI think you should get a tshirt with your zapata.conf on it
04:33.10SplasPoodanyone know where I might find those?
04:33.10Qwell_Eagle_: sad...
04:33.19Qwell_Eagle_: At work...I *DID* have my name in binary...
04:33.40lanceyso, anyone else willing to help?
04:33.51lanceyQwell did you actually try to dial this number?
04:33.58Qwellno, its an international call
04:34.02QwellI'm not made of money. :p
04:34.13lanceyi will not pick up in case it rings
04:34.17Qwell2c/min I can handle, $2/min I cannot...
04:34.19lanceybut what i suspect is you will get busy
04:34.33lanceyokay, never mind
04:34.45lanceythank you for telling me it's not a valid US extension :)
04:35.19*** join/#asterisk tessier (
04:35.35_Eagle_lancey:  find someone with a decent international rate...  like..  check Vonage's rate to Bulgaria... and if its like 8 cents or something, then specifically ask for someone with a Vonage account to help you...
04:35.36Qwellmeh, I'd have to modify the dialplan on my thanks
04:36.48lancey_Eagle_ it won't hurt anyone to try, it's not gonna cost anything
04:36.58lanceywhat i need is to just check intl calls get routed to me
04:37.10lanceynot to actually test what it sounds like
04:37.17_Eagle_lancey:  thats asking people to trust you...  :-)
04:37.18QwellWhy not internationally dial yourself?
04:37.26lanceyQwell from!?
04:37.41LostFrogland line.. cell phone..
04:37.42Qwellfor instance, in the US, I could technically do 01117145551212
04:38.01lanceyi have an account with only one VoIp provider, and it gets busy
04:38.02QwellI assume, heh
04:38.16lanceythis can't assure me the telco is wrong, though
04:38.25_Eagle_calls to canada should be like 2-3 cents...  maybe 10 cents on a really bad LD plan....
04:38.40_Eagle_yet SBC charged me 79 cents/minute when i called canada a couple months ago
04:38.52lancey_Eagle_ what has Canada got to do with this?
04:38.56_Eagle_so i'd hate to think of what they would charge me to call Bulgaria... maybe $35 dollars/minute?
04:39.00QwellThats way too expensive
04:39.04lancey.79$ geez :)
04:39.19QwellI can get like 79c/min to Easter Island, heh
04:39.26Qwell(not really)
04:39.29_Eagle_yeah, i know
04:39.34_Eagle_and funny thing is...
04:39.48lanceyok guyz, thank you anyways
04:39.57_Eagle_i complained about the 79 cents rate on another irc channel... to some "friends" or people i thought were "friends"....
04:40.05*** join/#asterisk casio_ (
04:40.12_Eagle_and they bitched me out left and right telling me i was wrong for thinking 79 cents was too expensive
04:40.17lancey`awayjust some more people who, when hearing the world "bulgaria", get ridiculous
04:40.20Qwellby "friends", do you mean "idiots who don't know anything about rates"?
04:40.21lancey`awaybye for now
04:40.27_Eagle_they said "canada is international...  could be $2/minute and be fair still"
04:40.35Qwelllancey`away: hey, go to hell.  I have a good friend from Bulgaria
04:40.36_Eagle_i argued with them for an hour, then gave up and left
04:40.47__Elf#telecomCEOs ? ;)
04:40.56lancey`awayQwell so
04:41.09lancey`awayi'm going home
04:41.13lancey`awayhell maybe later
04:41.53_Eagle_i almost choked when i saw my bill
04:41.53Qwell_Eagle_: IMO, anything where you don't need to dial 011 (from the US), can hardly be considered intl
04:42.08_Eagle_79 cents to canda...  i said to myself "what is this, 1964?"
04:42.33Qwellat 79c/min, in 1964, you'd better have been calling USSR
04:42.44Qwell(If my dates are off, I apologize.)
04:42.44_Eagle_thats on my residential line...  with SBC....
04:42.58_Eagle_i have that all distance unlimited local/us plan...  $49.95/month
04:43.05Qwellthats bs
04:43.37_Eagle_i expected the international rate to be billed per minute, i knew it wasnt included in the unlimited... but i figured canada would be like 7 cents or 10 cents....
04:43.40_Eagle_not 79 cents
04:43.56wunderkin_Eagle_: ..... voip ...... :P
04:44.07_Eagle_with my voip lines for my business, they go thru a PRI from my clec....
04:44.16_Eagle_and my rate to canada is CHEAPER than it is to the US
04:44.17*** join/#asterisk Blazint (
04:44.25_Eagle_like 2 cents/minute
04:44.27hansin321Anyone have any thoughts on how long the Beta cycle will be for 1.2 ?  Basically wondering if any ideas on stable release.  Obviously as is the case with Open Source, it will be released when ready, just curious if there were any time goals.
04:44.45Qwellhansin321: I've heard that they want to release at Astricon
04:44.48Qwellsee topic
04:44.55wunderkin_Eagle_: um thats sad.. i get less than that with no commit
04:45.03Qwellwhether its still a goal or not...I don't know
04:45.07_Eagle_my big mistake was not stopping to realize that 416 area code was canada and not in the US, and then use the voip line instead of the resi line
04:45.22wunderkin_Eagle_: yeah i know.. that sucks...
04:45.23hansin321very cool.  I guess there will be some news coming out of it I'm sure.  Great.
04:45.27NiHoyou probably stil have an old binary in /usr/sbin
04:45.36hansin321Astricom that is.
04:46.02_Eagle_i just never imagined 79 cents was even possible
04:46.06wunderkinQwell: yeah thats what ive heard too but i think it may be a little early since beta 2 isnt out yet
04:46.20LostFrogok.. I'm stumped again.
04:46.21_Eagle_now i double check any unfamiliar area codes before i dial
04:47.16Qwell_Eagle_: If they're gonna charge extortionate rates, they should force intl 011 dialing
04:47.52_Eagle_there's no logical reason to charge 79 cents to canada
04:48.07_Eagle_even 25 cents would be rape
04:48.24_Eagle_79 cents is like holding a gun to your head and stealing your wallet
04:48.26_Eagle_should be illegal
04:48.53__Elfwhat do you think about toll calls within same area code?
04:49.13__ElfI ran into that a while back, made me a bit mad
04:49.16Qwellalso silly, just like 11 digit same areacode dialing
04:49.17wunderkininter/intra/instate sux too
04:49.19Qwell310 for example
04:49.21_Eagle_personally, i think all in-state calls should be considered local calls
04:49.50wunderkinno not local, it should be long distance.. thats fair
04:50.06wunderkinsince it may not be carried through the same telco
04:50.20_Eagle_give it 5 years...  no one will charge per minute anymore, except for international
04:50.42_Eagle_access fees will go away, and become bill and keep
04:51.03*** join/#asterisk Yaro (n=jarek@
04:51.10_Eagle_will happen sooner or later.. hopefully sooner
04:51.25Yarohi everybody
04:51.41_Eagle_the cost to terminate a call today is so minimal its not even worth charging for practically...  as far as actual hardware cost
04:51.45wunderkinhi dr nick!
04:51.53_Eagle_but access fees keep the prices artificially inflated
04:52.06_Eagle_without access fees, calls wont cost per minute anymore
04:53.32_Eagle_90% of LD costs is the access fees... the other 10% is the administrative cost to do billing and accounting and stuff to keep track of those billions of minutes of calls
04:55.05_Eagle_when access fees eventually become bill and keep, companies like vonage will start making billions of dollars, and even small VOIP companies will be able to do $19.95/unlimited and make a ton of money
04:55.30*** join/#asterisk glm2k (
04:56.01_Eagle_either its getting really hot in here, or i'm overtired... cuz i'm sweating
04:56.15_Eagle_time to go cool off...  maybe check the thermostat
04:56.21jontoweating hot wings? :)
04:56.23_Eagle_seeya folks
04:56.47_Eagle_havent eaten anything in 4 or 5 hours :-)
04:56.58jontowwell fix that
04:57.04jontowbut to cool down, don't eat hot wings.. :P
04:57.05_Eagle_naww.. almost bedtime
04:57.43_Eagle_1am...  should go to bed now... just too hot to do so...  need to cool off first
04:58.00_Eagle_seeya folks
05:02.06Yarois enybody can help me with asterisk 1.0.7 ? I can not bring him up after reboot, i have 1 card TE410P and it seems to me, everything ragarding module wct4xxp is ok, it is loaded without any warnings, in /var/log/messages everything looks ok, ztcfg also works ok, but everythime when I want to start my asterisk there is 2 errors in log files : ERROR[29350]: chan_zap.c:6215 mkintf: Unable to get parameters
05:02.06YaroERROR[29350]: chan_zap.c:9155 setup_zap: Unable to register channel '1-15'
05:03.21jontowyaro; yikes.. that sounds ugly
05:03.37jontowztcfg works ok btw, or .. gives the output that its configured 15 channels?
05:03.54QwellYaro: you should upgrade to latest stable
05:04.45Yarojontow: yest, it zaptel works perfectly ... I think ... I mean avery channels seems to be visible
05:04.57YaroQwell: zaptel, asterisk or both ?
05:05.02Qwellall of the above
05:06.00YaroQwell: that could very difficult or impossible I'm afraid ... because of some modiffications ... I have to use 1.0.7 at the moment :-(
05:13.31jontowyaro; diff -u and crack a bottle ;)  much like for me, it shall be a long night, heheh
05:13.44jontowbut, thats only after a reboot
05:13.52*** join/#asterisk Luke-Jr (
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05:13.54jontowi'd at least start with a recompile of each
05:13.59[hC]so, if i have an IAX peer with someone like voipjet, is it bad to be sending dial requests from multiple boxes using the same credentials? does it confuse the other side?
05:14.12jontowperhaps including libpri if necessary, an do it in this order.. libpri, zaptel, asterisk
05:14.17[hC]obviously i cant register on both... i dont think.
05:14.32*** join/#asterisk `Sauron (
05:14.41Yarojontow: it IS very long night :-( ... morning actually :-)
05:15.58Yarothanks anyway ... probably I have to recompile them both :-( ... I need a bucket of coffe
05:17.41*** join/#asterisk clive (
05:18.52jontowbucket?! hmm
05:19.49Yarojontow: at 6am cups do not work anymore :-)
05:20.00Qwelltwo words
05:20.45[hC]time for another beer and maybe a snack
05:21.30swm_... Qwell dont forget to gargle
05:21.55QwellAdded swm_!*@* to ignore list.
05:21.58QwellDid I miss anything?
05:22.11newmemberIs there a description of what features are in 2.0?
05:22.22swm_I didn't think Linux Slackware allowed Multi Processor (SMP) Support
05:24.35*** join/#asterisk LL-CoolJ (
05:25.51LL-CoolJWhaddup homes gimmie some skin brotha.
05:28.16Qwellokay, that commercial was actually funny
05:28.48QwellPHB walking around an office - "Jenkins?  Jenkins?" "Uhh...sir...Jenkins doesn't here.  He's supplier."
05:28.58Qwellcut scene to airport, discuss low rates
05:29.13Qwellcut back to office - PHB: "...I was going to give him a raise."
05:31.03glm2ki saw that qwell :)]
05:35.16*** join/#asterisk Malthus (
05:35.22Malthushi all
05:36.10Malthusdoes #include accounts/*/iax.conf syntax (the asterisk) work in asterisk 1.0.x?
05:48.34LostFrogswm_: why would you think that?
05:48.48LostFrogIf I remember correctly, it comes with SMP kernels.
05:49.26LostFrogThank you all for your help.. my channel bank is up and working.
05:49.50*** join/#asterisk coppice (
05:50.19Malthus#include /path/*/file doesn't work in 1.0.x?
05:56.05LostFrogHow do you find the version of asterisk.
05:56.27LostFrogAsterisk -V just returns 'Asterisk' for me.
05:56.31Qwellshow version
05:57.01LostFrogNo version number
05:57.13LostFrog'Asterisk  built by...'
05:57.33LostFrogdamn aah
05:58.21*** join/#asterisk frogy (
05:59.07LostFrogI'm running 1.2.0-beta1 and I don't see globbing in the source code for reading config files.
05:59.30LostFrogI could be wrong..
05:59.42MalthusI saw it on sineapps docs
06:00.20Malthusthe sineapp doc was a README.config from cvs
06:05.47*** part/#asterisk _Thor (
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06:15.53mepplguten morgen
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06:24.23*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (n=matt@
06:25.10Sedoroxanyone know if you can use a Cisco UBR924 's voice ports.. through the ethernet on it? like make it a ATA.... basically?
06:25.25*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
06:25.41|Vulture|Anyone here use SNMP with *?
06:29.02*** part/#asterisk clive (
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06:38.50*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
06:47.53*** join/#asterisk mthem (n=merlin@
06:49.08mthemhey all, have a bit of a problem with a TDM400P and TE405P working on the same box, anyone with experience in this please help
06:50.10mthemzaptel is good, bot the minute i define the new channels in zapata.conf, asterisk exits on chan_zap
06:50.23mthemztcfg exits clean
06:50.38mthem98 defined and resistered
06:50.58mthemmy TDM400P has 2 FXO ints
06:51.09mthemthe TE405P has the rest
06:51.32mthemTE load before TDM.. so i dont get why here is a prob
06:54.33*** join/#asterisk mthem (n=merlin@
06:55.37mthemi see no posting how come?
06:55.52mthemno one online
06:56.11*** join/#asterisk eivindtr (
07:00.23|Vulture|mthem: any lights on?
07:00.36|Vulture|and does a zttool report OK?
07:00.45*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
07:06.17argos73mthem: when it exists on chan_zap, does it show any errors with -vvvgc?
07:07.14*** part/#asterisk Sedorox (n=Brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
07:09.01mthemsorry, taking somewhere else
07:09.15mthemya zttool, reports all green
07:10.34argos73mthem: had a similar problem when channel types in chan_zap were wrong - fxs vs fxo
07:11.15mthemright, but wouldnt ztcfg report error on wrong signaling?
07:12.09argos73ztcfg works outside zapata.conf
07:12.18mthemthe TDM400P is a 02b, connected to 2 POTS lines
07:12.46argos73err, had wrong channel types in zapata.conf
07:12.49*** join/#asterisk opus__ (
07:13.05mthemlet me see the -vvvgc output, hang on
07:14.22mthemOct  2 00:17:59 WARNING[4530]: loader.c:543 load_modules: Loading module failed!
07:15.00mthem97 and 98 are the TDM400
07:15.26mthemruns well as long as i do not define 97 and 98 in zapate.conf
07:15.48mthemin zaptel 97 and 98 are defined
07:16.03argos73you get those "unregistered channel" errors when 97/98 are not defined?
07:16.42mthemshould i load wctdm before wct4xxp ?
07:17.45*** join/#asterisk jbot_ (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
07:17.45*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk 1.2.0 Beta1 - || Astricon 2005 - Anaheim, CA - Oct 12-14 - - Sign Up Now!
07:17.50digimeopus_: up late? :)
07:18.45mthemwe are running realtime, think that might be a prob? this is our first server with 2 diff. interface cards
07:19.11mthembut zapata is loaded staticly
07:19.17digimeopus_: what time are we hooking up tomorrow
07:19.29argos73if it's having problems with channels 94-96 (which should be in T1 card), I'd guess a syntax prob first...
07:19.33opus__maybe around noon?
07:19.36argos73(or other "logical" issue)
07:19.41opus__digime, how are you?
07:19.55mthem1-96 loads just fine it is the last 2 channels i cant make work
07:19.57digimeopus: okay, will be AFK 1pm-3pm.  free before and after.  looking forward to the OS reload.
07:20.00mthemhere is the zaptel
07:20.24mthemfxoks = 1-96
07:20.26mthemfxoks = 97,98
07:20.28digimeopus: all is good.  did you see my email with the URL for the extensions config
07:21.20mthemnow as long as i dont add chan 97,98 to zapata im good
07:21.37argos73have you tried "fxoks = 1-98" ?
07:21.41mthemeven though zttool shows all spans green
07:22.28mthemno... that is a possibility, but ztcfg configures just fine with the current setup
07:22.55argos73keep in mind that ztcfg doesn't even look at zapata.conf
07:23.48argos73i'm always a little suspect at * conf file parsing for some reason...
07:23.57mthemno go
07:24.57mthemthinking it has something to do with asterisk not being able to see what channels belong to what span
07:25.13*** join/#asterisk adelas (
07:25.24mthemthe is not a span difined for the TDM400P
07:26.07argos73"the is" -> "there is" ?
07:26.12mthemright ;)
07:26.15argos73k :)
07:26.54adelasanyone have a recomendation of a good fxo gateway?
07:27.29argos73don't think you need to define such span, but can't check right now - TDM400 is sitting on the bench right now...
07:27.31mthemmark already went to bed ;) so i have no fact sheet..... i would just love to have this up and running this weekend since this is a production server
07:29.29argos73dunno...  planning to run to work tomorrow anyway to install tdm400 card - might be more helpful then...
07:30.15mthemif i define the channels as 1 and 2 and remove the same from the Ts i can get up and running but that is not right.... and i would hate to redo 96 channels because i have to plant the card in front
07:30.27mthemthat would be great
07:30.49mthemsame setup? Ts and POTS?
07:31.21argos73basically...  have a 205P and TDM400 (2 fxo, 2 fxs) card
07:32.38mthemgreat, i talked to jeremy mcnamara earlier today he though i shoud define the TDM card when it is no full as 99 and 100, but that is a no go too
07:32.42argos73should be around in the afternoon (EST) if nothing blows up
07:33.20mthemhaha, ya know the feeing.... really... had a box with no ground blow up, for real
07:33.51argos73hehe - been there, fire-extinguished that... :)
07:34.17mthemthought it funny... boss did not
07:34.38argos73bosses never appreciate the humor...
07:35.09adelasanyone have a recomendation of a good fxo gateway?
07:35.32mthemwell what can u do done is done, roll with it and enjoy the visual
07:35.39|Vulture|mthem: you get your issue resolved?
07:35.56mthemwhat do u mean "a good fxo gateway"?
07:36.32mthemnaa, not yet, did you follow the post?
07:36.44adelassomething that is easy to use and setup
07:36.50|Vulture|I've seen FXO gateways out there but I recommend a TDM for testing an TE110P/Channel Bank for production
07:37.01adelasto work with asterisk
07:37.06|Vulture|mthem: no sorry Ive been working on this cacti stuff
07:37.11mthemzaptel loads good, but when i define it in zapata.conf (realtime) it
07:37.12mthemOct  2 00:27:16 WARNING[4595]: loader.c:543 load_modules: Loading module failed!
07:37.24adelasi need to find a fxo gatway, no fxo cards
07:37.29|Vulture|oh I haven't messed with realtime
07:37.37SplasPoodOct  2 03:35:51 WARNING[12783]: ast_expr2.fl:168 ast_yyerror: ast_yyerror(): syntax error: syntax error, unexpected TOK_EQ, expecting TOK_MINUS or TOK_COMPL or TOK_LP or TOKEN; Input: = 1 ^Oct  2 03:35:51 WARNING[12783]: ast_expr2.fl:172 ast_yyerror: If you have questions, please refer to doc/README.variables in the asterisk source.
07:37.43SplasPoodmm.. that looks fun
07:37.55|Vulture|SplasPood: when the hell did you see that?
07:38.07|Vulture|your running CVS right?
07:38.10mthemdont think realtime has anything to do with it since it can only load static
07:38.20SplasPoodwell I'm running CVS HEAD, and I just tried to setup a new provider for outbound.. voxee
07:38.39SplasPoodin the process I made some modifications to my outbound dialing macro, but I don't really see anything specific wrong
07:38.45|Vulture|mthem: okay well you see the status as green on the zttool right?
07:38.57|Vulture|mthem: so both card are loaded viea ztcfg -vv
07:39.02SplasPoodthat, then the error above..
07:39.11mthem|Vulture|: the cacti stuff, does that include a XML and MIB for a TE405P card?
07:39.14argos73adelas: have a multitech fxo gateway here - works nicely for outgoing calls, but haven't figured out the incoming bit yet
07:39.29|Vulture|mthem: no I use a plugin I wrote for nagios to monitor my * servers
07:39.42mthem|Vulture| would love to see true span utilization
07:39.45|Vulture|I wish I could do it via SNMP but the * SNMP plugin is like 2 years old
07:40.47adelasargos, need to have incoming calls work with dtmf
07:41.08adelasthats my problem right now with my mediatrix gateway, been like 2months+ and still can't figure it out
07:41.11adelasor get any help with it
07:41.23|Vulture|mthem: I monitor PING and LOAD with cacti, and PRI/Extensions/Uptime with Nagios
07:42.06mthem|Vulture| k, not too familiar with nagios, use solarwinds orion for pages
07:42.23mthem|Vulture| i understand that is how it compliments cacti
07:42.36argos73adelas: running into similar problem with multitech gizmo
07:43.03adelasi did however get incoming calls to work somewhat
07:43.08adelasjust no dtmf right now
07:43.13adelasdont' recall wat i did tho :(
07:43.40argos73try different settings of dtmfmode?
07:43.50mthemwhat is the advantage with these stand alone fxo gates over asterisk with a CB?
07:44.30argos73price-per-channel, mostly
07:44.45argos73when dealing with small numbers of channels
07:44.53adelasi tried all different types of dtmfmodes
07:44.57mthemwhat does it run in a 24 channel setup?
07:45.01SplasPood|Vulture|: So I went back to 1.2beta and I get the same error...  i'm confused
07:45.19SplasPood|Vulture|: outbound IAX calls... dunno bout outbound SIP, but inbound is fine
07:45.20adelasonly people that acutally mention me about this mediatrix is people trying to make $$
07:45.22|Vulture|SplasPood: do you have a h, execute?
07:45.36adelas, not much info on the multitech gateway
07:47.00mthemi have a great source for cheap ABII's if the CB is the cost problem
07:47.29mthemCAC CBs
07:48.38argos73heh - my biggest problem is how to purchase the Digium cards...  wife gets a little grumpy when I put stuff on the personal credit card... :)
07:49.04argos73"is work going to pay us back for this"  :)
07:50.16SplasPood|Vulture|: I think i figured it out.. I was doing a GotoIf comparison with an undefined variable, in my h, yes
07:50.40|Vulture|yea that would do it
07:50.41mthemhehe, well 24 channels = $800 + $450 + $239 = less than i can find the MVP810s for...
07:51.08mthemserver + TE100P + CB
07:51.47argos73if you're talking about more than 2-3 channels, the CB is the way to go
07:52.06argos73MVP130 = $150, IIRC
07:52.10mthemoh, i get it, these are for SOHO installs
07:52.24mthemnot MDU and such
07:53.23argos73anywho, I'm off to bed...  cya
07:53.42LostFrogI wonder if I should call my boss at 4AM.. :)
07:54.17mthem|Vulture| have time to look at the problem and give me your 2 cents?
07:54.54mthem|Vulture| If you have experience with TDM and T's in the same box
07:59.37|Vulture|that I do
07:59.41|Vulture|fire away
07:59.58mthemTE405P and TDM400P
08:00.04*** join/#asterisk casio_ (
08:00.21mthemfxoks = 1-98
08:00.40mthemthe last 2 channels are the TDM with 2 FXO ints
08:00.45mthemloads fine
08:01.26mthembut once i define 97,98 in zapata.conf i get error on chan 97
08:01.41|Vulture|those channel banks
08:01.46|Vulture|they are FXS?
08:02.09mthemred daughter boards, so no
08:02.32|Vulture|on the TE405P what do you have going into that?
08:02.46mthemall 4 spans
08:02.52|Vulture|okay which are all FXS ports?
08:02.59|Vulture|or incoming FXO lines?
08:03.12*** part/#asterisk Malthus (
08:03.18|Vulture|cause the signalling with TDM and TEXXP cards are strange
08:03.20|Vulture|its reverse
08:03.25mthemall connecting to cutomer phones
08:03.58|Vulture|okay so you want fxoks = 1-96;kxsks=97-98
08:04.01|Vulture|that should work for you
08:04.03mthemexept for the TDM which is connected to 3 SBC lins
08:04.15mthemto 2 SBC lines
08:04.59|Vulture|yea so the CBs go to phones (FXS) and the TDM is for external phone lines (FXO)?
08:06.11|Vulture|urg okay
08:06.14mthembut how does asterisk know what channels belong to what device? via the load sequence?
08:06.23mthemthe driver load i mean
08:06.25|Vulture|then yea
08:06.40|Vulture|based on zttool
08:06.49mthemok, the TDM is span 5
08:06.53|Vulture|okay good
08:06.54mthemso that is cool
08:07.00|Vulture|you want this
08:07.05|Vulture|your spans=
08:07.18|Vulture|fxsks= 1-96
08:07.26|Vulture|urg sorry
08:07.28|Vulture|I mean
08:07.36|Vulture|fxoks = 1-96
08:07.43|Vulture|fxsks = 97-98
08:07.45|Vulture|put that in there
08:07.48|Vulture|execute ztcfg -vv
08:07.51|Vulture|make sure that loads
08:07.59|Vulture|then we will work on zapata
08:08.34mthembut the TDM connects to regular POTS lines, shoulkd that not be configured as FXO?
08:09.10mthemmaybe not... ill try
08:09.12|Vulture|no its reverse
08:09.15|Vulture|watch the fun
08:09.48|Vulture|your gunna be like "WTF" why would they do that
08:10.55mthemOct  2 01:14:30 WARNING[4639]: loader.c:543 load_modules: Loading module failed!
08:11.06mthemChannel 96: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 96)
08:11.06mthemChannel 97: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 97)
08:11.06mthemChannel 98: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 98)
08:11.06mthem98 channels configured.
08:11.11|Vulture|okay good
08:11.14mthemreload drivers?
08:11.23|Vulture|edit zapata.conf
08:11.40|Vulture|paste your config into
08:12.21mthemits in realtime, i can give u a sql dump
08:14.14*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
08:14.41mthemthat was not that smart... DIDs and everything ;)
08:14.57mthemagain done is done
08:15.08|Vulture|oh just take it down so on;y I can see it
08:15.18|Vulture|I got it in my browser now
08:16.02|Vulture|okay switch your signalling
08:16.11mthemon what span?
08:16.16|Vulture|change 1-96 to fxs_ks
08:16.25|Vulture|and 97-98 to fxo_ks
08:16.31mthemthat will do no good, it is connected to CBs
08:16.47SplasPoodthis is odd.. when I make an outbound call it works, and I pick up the call (on my cell) and hear silence... the voip handset placing the call keeps ringing...  If I hit a single digit on my cell phone, the call will connect and bi-directional audio will work...   Any clues?
08:16.48|Vulture|hmm wtf... now Im confuse hahaha
08:16.57|Vulture|lemme pull up my confs
08:17.12|Vulture|I have PRIs with Channel banks but not CB+TDMs
08:18.10mthemTs in FXO to CBs and 2 channels to POTS
08:18.24mthemshould be all FXO
08:18.40mthembut zapata does not like it... it sucks
08:19.00wunderkinyou have 2 incoming analog lines?
08:19.09|Vulture|I was thinking the same thing
08:19.12|Vulture|and 4 CBs
08:19.15mthemfor fax
08:19.34mthemfax over iax is not good
08:19.59wunderkinyeah the 2 would be fxs and the other would be fxo
08:19.59mthemthe 2 POTS are connected to a TDM400
08:20.26|Vulture|yea mthem thats how it works
08:20.33mthemhow come FXS im not the office on those lines?
08:20.34|Vulture|reverse your signalling
08:20.42|Vulture|and just try asterisk
08:20.55|Vulture|signalling is reversed
08:20.55*** join/#asterisk tombone (
08:21.03wunderkinwhat all modules would be on that tdm400 whatever i dont use them so i dunno
08:21.08|Vulture|FXS==fxoks FXO==fxsks
08:21.24tomboneHi, anyone willing to answer a config problem?
08:21.30|Vulture|ye ajust ask it
08:21.39|Vulture|I don't like TDM's personally
08:21.51mthemjust so im clear... what you are saying is the 4 ts in FXO and the 2 pots in fxs?
08:21.53|Vulture|hell I don't like digiums new TE110P either
08:22.03tombonetrying to simply dial out via Voxee using IAX2
08:22.06|Vulture|mthem: correct
08:22.11tomboneCall is Accepted
08:22.18mthemwith no driver reload?
08:22.20tombonebut then hangup right after
08:22.26wunderkinare there just 2 fxs ports on that card?
08:22.37tombonestrangle enough it was working before... no changes
08:22.45wunderkiner fxo
08:22.51mthemred boards, fxo
08:23.00mthem2 daughters
08:23.00wunderkinyes and there are 2?
08:23.03coppice|Vulture| what's wrong with the TE110?
08:23.11|Vulture|coppice: very harware picky
08:23.20|Vulture|well its actually not the TE110P
08:23.23|Vulture|its just Intel
08:23.31coppiceyou mean the link or the PCI bus?
08:23.41|Vulture|but intel won't fix the problem so it renders the TE110P an erroring problem
08:23.46mthemChannel 94: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 94)
08:23.47mthemChannel 95: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 95)
08:23.47mthemChannel 96: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 96)
08:23.47mthemChannel 97: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 97)
08:23.47mthemChannel 98: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 98)
08:23.47mthem98 channels configured.
08:23.53|Vulture|mthem: yes
08:23.56|Vulture|now start *
08:24.15mthemok, and same signaling for zapata... here we go
08:25.16mthemOct  2 01:28:53 WARNING[4672]: loader.c:543 load_modules: Loading module failed!
08:25.42wunderkinmthem: um you made changes to /etc/zaptel.conf?
08:25.47|Vulture|okay its failing on channel 97
08:26.02mthemfxoks = 1-96
08:26.04mthemfxsks = 97,98
08:26.16|Vulture|yea the zaptel.conf is fine
08:26.17wunderkinthat was yes/no, did you reload the modules?
08:26.34mthemno, told that would not be needed
08:26.37|Vulture|mthem: try to unload and reload
08:26.44|Vulture|usually a ztcfg -vv takes care of that
08:26.45wunderkinum yes it is if you change zaptel.conf
08:26.47wunderkini thought
08:26.57|Vulture|ztcfg -vv reloads the channels
08:26.59wunderkinif you make changes to zapata then ztcfg is ok
08:27.01tombonehate to bug, is there a line for questions?
08:27.05|Vulture|just don't try it when ppl are on the phone :P
08:27.25|Vulture|tombone: this is it
08:27.36wunderkintombone: the line is busy, for just 95 cents, we can call you when the line is available, please press 1 to accept
08:27.41|Vulture|I think there might be #asterisk-newbies
08:27.56mthemmodprobe wct4xxp
08:27.56mthemZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 97: No such device or address (6)
08:27.57mthem/lib/modules/2.4.20-8smp/misc/wct4xxp.o: post-install wct4xxp failed
08:27.57mthem/lib/modules/2.4.20-8smp/misc/wct4xxp.o: insmod wct4xxp failed
08:28.11|Vulture|hmm okay
08:28.20|Vulture|thats strage
08:28.25wunderkinyou unloaded all the others?
08:28.26|Vulture|its the signalling
08:28.27mthemwhy would the TE405P think it needed to load 97,98
08:29.02|Vulture|mthem: did you load wctdm or wcte4xxp first?
08:29.18mthemwct4xxp first
08:29.26mthemTs first then POTS
08:29.34|Vulture|load the wctdm first
08:29.43|Vulture|Ive seen that when I load te11xp first
08:29.50mthemdone that worked
08:30.08|Vulture|do zttool
08:30.16|Vulture|both are OK?
08:30.21mthembut would the TDM not capture 1,2 ?
08:30.27mthemall ok
08:30.32|Vulture|okay run *
08:30.41|Vulture|run ztcfg -vv first
08:30.46|Vulture|make sure its set
08:31.07mthemChannel 94: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 94)
08:31.07mthemChannel 95: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 95)
08:31.07mthemChannel 96: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 96)
08:31.08mthemChannel 97: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 97)
08:31.08mthemChannel 98: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 98)
08:31.08mthem98 channels configured.
08:31.16|Vulture|run *
08:31.28mthemrunning... now to zapata.conf
08:32.01mthemno go
08:32.09mthemOct  2 01:35:47 WARNING[4742]: loader.c:543 load_modules: Loading module failed!
08:32.41mthemonce defined in zapata.conf all fails
08:32.56|Vulture|whats the signaling for 97-98?
08:33.22mthemim affraid i have to load the TDM before the TE405P
08:33.30mthemand redo the zapata
08:33.51|Vulture|I have my tdm after my TE110P
08:34.21*** join/#asterisk st3v (
08:35.26st3vcan anyone recommend a setup to replace two talkswitch devices? I am thinking about setting up a Dual Xeon machine with one of the Digium cards
08:35.49st3vI need to have at least 25 telephone connections
08:35.58|Vulture|25 POTs or 25 phones?
08:36.12st3vregular voice telephones
08:36.23|Vulture|oh damn you almost made it...
08:36.29|Vulture|you would need 2 channel banks
08:36.43|Vulture|how many phone lines?
08:37.36mthemill haqve mark or jeremy look at it, thanks for all the help
08:38.17|Vulture|okay I would get a Digium TE210P or TE205P with 2 channels banks, I use TSU-600s but Ive seen people use 750s
08:38.28st3vhow many telephones can each channel bank support?
08:38.38|Vulture|or a Sangoma A102U
08:38.43|Vulture|24 lines
08:38.51|Vulture|you have to buy modules for the TSU units
08:38.59mthemdepending on the model
08:39.09|Vulture|so put all 6 modules of FXS in 1
08:39.17|Vulture|then put 1 FXS and 1 FXO module in the other
08:39.33|Vulture|that will give you 4-FXO and 28-FXS
08:39.45|Vulture|room for expansion
08:40.44|Vulture|for all that its gunna cost about $1,500 if you get the banks off ebay
08:41.16st3vis it better to get a 3.3V PCI or 5V?
08:41.29st3vthe motherboard has both
08:41.48*** join/#asterisk newmember (
08:41.53wunderkinit would be the best then to get 3.3 since thats what the new boards use.. i would say, but it depends on your hardware situation
08:42.21|Vulture|what kinda hardware you using?
08:42.30LostFroggrrr.. is down.
08:42.49st3vdual xeon 2.8GHz, ASUS NCCH-DL, 2GB RAM
08:42.55LostFrogCan you use PlayTones to provide a dial tone?
08:43.59st3vso, lets say I get the Digium TE210P. Do I need to get any extra hardware to connect the phone lines?
08:44.05|Vulture|st3v: as long as you don't plan on doing faxes over it I would say that the TE2XXP would be fine
08:44.17|Vulture|st3v: yes channel banks, you would need 2 of them
08:44.30LostFrogyes.. I can.. but how do I stop it at the first digit pressed?
08:44.34|Vulture|st3v: something like this
08:45.21bonwhat kinda hw would you suggest to build a server for * without any hw cards, just using external peer for in/out calls with about ~2000 numbers
08:45.37coppicesometimes it feels like the main purpose of * is to provide a healthy second hand market for channel banks :-)
08:46.12|Vulture|* sucks.. don't use it... don't buy my cheap Adtran units!
08:46.24|Vulture|$200 for something that retails new for $3k not bad
08:47.57LostFrogok.. this should be easy, when I pick up a zap channel, I want a dial tone. when I press the first button, I want the dialtone to stop. when I match a pattern I want it to dial..
08:48.52|Vulture|okay night guys
08:51.19*** join/#asterisk daniel_kisu (n=daniel@
08:51.22tomboneAny ideas? I'm dialing out through Voxee.  The call is apparently accepted, but is hungup claiming no answer.
08:51.50tomboneIt worked earlier, but suddenly started doing this.
08:51.58LL-CoolJAnyone know what the PCI card slot that takes the smaller brackets is called?
08:52.42LostFrogLow profile?
08:52.45LL-CoolJwell yeah i have a 2U case but, Whats it called? ??
08:53.41LL-CoolJBought some D Stepping processors for a board that did not support dual D stepping processors, they released a bios update to support them. Yippee
08:54.38LL-CoolJWhy do they call it low profile. lol
08:54.46coppiceeven though the release the BIOS update, it doesn't guarantee the board will work
08:55.47*** join/#asterisk zoa (
08:56.55LL-CoolJIt works great now. Linux finds both processors, I am clocked at 7956.07 Bogomips, from the original bogomips of 3287.62
08:57.26LL-CoolJRan Diagnostics and a Benchmark for 2 days on it straight and worked great.
08:57.42coppicewhat about under load? on a lot of boards the regulators aren't up to the huge drain of those things
08:57.44st3vanyone recommend any other channel banks?
08:58.55coppicethe AMD dual cores come with a monster heat sink, yet don't seem to take a lot of power
08:58.58LL-CoolJNo I had it pegged out at 100% usage for 2 days. Works great
08:59.23LL-CoolJIt's a Intel SE7500WV2
09:00.11coppiceah, well, they might have made plenty of allowance for their crappy power consumption on their own boards :-)
09:01.08LL-CoolJI cant find one review on it
09:01.12coppicethey burn watts like electricity comes for free
09:01.19st3vok.. amd fanboi
09:01.31coppicenot at all.
09:01.37LostFrogWhen you pick up a zap extension, should you automatically get a dialtone?
09:02.57coppiceAMD have often had terrible power consumption issues. right now they have hit a sweet spot
09:03.06LL-CoolJMotherboard Type Desktop
09:03.06LL-CoolJPackage Quantity 1
09:03.06LL-CoolJSystem Type PC
09:03.06LL-CoolJChipset Intel E7501
09:03.06LL-CoolJForm Factor SSI TEB
09:03.06LL-CoolJData Bus Speed 533 MHz
09:03.08LL-CoolJCompatible Processors Xeon
09:03.10LL-CoolJProcessor Socket Socket 604
09:03.12LL-CoolJMaximum Processors Supported 2
09:03.14LL-CoolJMaximum Supported RAM Size 12 GB
09:03.16LL-CoolJRAM Technology DDR SDRAM
09:03.36coppiceA 533MHz motherboard can support the dual core chips? :-\
09:03.56LL-CoolJThey have one that can do the 800mhz
09:04.35coppiceOh, a dual core xeon? maybe they run cooler, and the package is better. the dual core PIVs are the problem ones for heat
09:05.22LL-CoolJLOL Yeah It's umm. 604 Pin Xeon Processors
09:05.27st3vthat is a xeon board.. there are no dual core xeons
09:05.58LL-CoolJst3v: Define Dual Core
09:06.02coppicethere are, but only limited sample
09:06.20LL-CoolJI may or may not be running dual core depending on the definition
09:06.31st3vdual core: 2 cores in one processor. Dual processor: 2 processors with 1 core each.
09:06.45st3vthe xeons will have hyperthreading, which are not cores
09:07.12coppicebut turn off the hyperthtreading, as things usually work better like that
09:07.20LL-CoolJYeah I have HyperThreading technology. POP server is hella faster running it
09:07.34st3vcoppice: only if running single threaded apps
09:07.50st3vit depends what you are running
09:07.53LL-CoolJOk someone want to define the pro's and con's of hyperthreading ?
09:07.58coppicenope. running asterisk is faster with HT off on my dual xeon
09:08.42st3vLL-CoolJ: go here and click on dual core demo:
09:08.43coppiceactually * used to not work reliably on a dual xeon with HT on, but that might have been solved by now
09:08.49st3vit talks about hyperthreading also
09:09.41LL-CoolJYeah I build my Dual Xeon Intel server for around $350. 1 GB Ram, 1/2 TB Disk Space (6 SCSI Drives),  External Dual Channel 64-bit Scsi card, ... Registered ECC Memory...
09:10.01LL-CoolJI just dont understand the dual power supply, I have to plug the 2U box in with two power cords heh
09:10.18st3vredundant power supplies
09:10.23st3vif one fails, you still got another
09:10.40LL-CoolJAh I thought one kicks in if I needed more power, tho I only use 350W
09:10.50coppiceby X2 4200+ machine is blindingly fast compared to my dual xeon 2.4GHz machine. I have no idea why. it seems like the basic speeds of the machines shouldn't be more than 100% apart
09:11.10coppicedual power cords probably means redundant supplies
09:11.20st3vyou can't compare an old 2.4GHz machine with an X2 4200
09:12.11st3vthe amds are more efficent per clock
09:12.17st3valso the bus speed is much higher
09:12.43coppiceyeah, that's why I allowed 100% difference as reasonable. on lots of things I get 5 to 10 times the speed
09:13.00LL-CoolJI have a AMD 3200 ... It kicks ass compared to my wife's DELL ... that thing sucks. Tho she demands she runs windows XP
09:13.12LL-CoolJI prefer windows 2000 for a microsoft product
09:13.15st3vwell it is a newer technology.. the pentium 4 is at the end of the ropes
09:13.28st3vxeon is a pentium 4
09:13.34LL-CoolJYep XEON Kicks ass
09:13.53st3vI meant the amd x2 is a newer technology
09:14.01LL-CoolJAMD or XEON ... LOL I still have 2 Pentium 2 servers. heh
09:14.02coppicethe P4 started at the end of the ropes :-) It took a really dumb marketing dept to throw put the PIII for that
09:14.38st3vamd can't compete with the pentium-m though
09:14.43LL-CoolJMy P2 w/ win2k Runs faster than a P4 w/WinXP
09:15.05bonso which machine would you then suggest for running *?
09:15.10coppicethe turion isn't bad, and its already 64 bit. the pentium M is the kind of machine the P4 should have been, though
09:15.11bonor what kinda specs do your servers have
09:15.53coppiceat least it looks like intel are heading back toward sane engineering
09:16.40LL-CoolJMy servers are Dual Xeon 2.0 Ghz 604-Pin 1 GB ECC Registered SCSI SE7500WV2 Intel Boards w/  SR2200 2U Rackmount cases. 12 of them.
09:17.03coppice2.0GHz should be in the Smithsonian :-)
09:17.03*** join/#asterisk d0little (
09:17.27bonLL-CoolJ: how many lines/exts does that serve?
09:17.29LL-CoolJIt hauls ass ... Asterisk only needs really 1 Ghz for normal operation.
09:17.46LL-CoolJbon: A FUCKING LOT
09:17.46bonyeah, that's what i am looking for
09:17.49d0littleI m trying to debug an IAX connection, but I can't seem to understand why the IAX connection doesn't establish, "iax debug", shows nothing problematic, can anyone suggest something?
09:17.53bonnormal operation :)
09:18.15coppicethat depends entirely on what you are doing. nothing available is fast enough to do transcoding well
09:18.18st3vwhat kind of channel banks do you guys use
09:18.32bonso a 3.0GHz prescott with 1 gig ram should be fine for around 1000 users?
09:18.48LL-CoolJbon: It's basically sufficent memory and speed. I can have 8 active calls on a Pentium 133 w/ 128 mb ram
09:19.16*** part/#asterisk d0little (
09:19.21LL-CoolJoh yeah and consider audio/voicemail accts. Disk space comes in there
09:19.44bonsure sure
09:19.53bonthat should be about 200g raid5
09:20.12LL-CoolJIf ya got the $$$ to do that
09:21.22LL-CoolJI reduced pop3 speeds from 23 seconds to 6 seconds using dual processors
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09:21.50LL-CoolJand hyperthreading and linux slackware smp support. But i'm checking over 85 email accts and sorting them, and such
09:21.53bonpop3 is that the thing used for receiving mail in the ice age? :)
09:22.05st3vLL-CoolJ: what kind of hardware are you using for asterisk?
09:22.09bondo use nptl on slack as well?
09:22.33LL-CoolJYeah I love ice age technology. I really want to switch to Outlook's Email server version, they ported something for linux to do it that way. "Exchange" but... I'm debating yet.
09:22.51LL-CoolJWTF is nptl?
09:22.58bonnative posix linux threads
09:23.06bonbeing used in slack since 10.1 afair
09:23.23bongive it a try
09:23.38bonreduced load on my machine quite a lot
09:23.44bonand responds much quicker
09:23.49LL-CoolJUmm is that a 2.4 kernel or 2.6?
09:24.15LL-CoolJAhhh I love my 2.4 kernel. I hate upgrading heh
09:24.20coppicebon: do you have to choose that? i thought it was just the normal way of things now
09:24.40LL-CoolJcoppice: I had to turn on SMP support and other features to do dual processing
09:24.52coppicethat's understandable
09:24.54LL-CoolJbon: Do you use redhat?
09:25.02boncoppice: if someone's still using old glibc :)
09:25.04zoahey ho coppice
09:25.05LL-CoolJ-or- slackware
09:25.34LL-CoolJbon: Old GLIBC?
09:25.55bonwell for nptl you need kernel and glibc capable of using those threads
09:25.58coppiceas in good old glibc :-)
09:26.46zoaoh my god, its him!
09:28.10coppicesniffinf train tracks? :-\
09:28.21zoai was also thinking the same at first sight
09:28.51zoathey never learned me that in the english courses
09:29.05swm_Nah more like sniffing a 24 foot trantrack up
09:30.07LL-CoolJHow do wales have sex? ...
09:30.22LL-CoolJThey rip open the submarine and suck out all the sea-men
09:31.24coppicewales and sex usually means a joke about sheperds
09:31.42bonshepherds bush
09:31.51bonthat used to be a station of tube where i used to live
09:31.53LostFrogI think he meant whales.
09:32.10coppiceits the area of london where BBC TV are based
09:32.47*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
09:32.58LostFrogRole playing games??
09:33.07LostFrogThose are made by terrorists?
09:33.20*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
09:33.39swm_Sorry had a little to many train tracks i think heh
09:33.58*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
09:33.58zoayou must have huge nostrils by now
09:34.10zoaa little mike tyson eh ?
09:34.18swm_LOL I'm joking. I'm a Grand Juror I cant do that stuff
09:34.33swm_Never have never will. I stick to Green Mary J for my relaxation
09:35.15swm_I did tell the District Attourney I was going to throw a Kegger the last day of my Jury duty.. heh
09:35.29LostFrogHe'd probably join you.
09:35.48swm_Yeah bring a Hooka and some Medical mary J and pass it around heh
09:35.55zoawhat is a kegger ?
09:36.03swm_Keg of Beer
09:36.08swm_Umm... ALOT OF BEER
09:36.13zoaaha, thats better
09:37.34swm_Kegger = Keg Party = Drunk = DUII = Driving Intox = Jail = License Suspended for 90 days = Fucked = Pissed off = Driving without license = Jail = 1 Year Suspension = Pissed off = Driving without a license = 5 Years Suspended = Jail = Pissed off = Permanently Suspended = Pissed off = 1 Year Jail = Sucks :)
09:38.28swm_1 Year in Jail = Introduction to Bubba ...
09:38.39LostFrogKill screw = Death penalty.
09:38.55LostFrogGuard. CO.
09:39.09zoasomebody change the topic
09:39.22LostFrogHow about those tadpoles?
09:39.33zoato psychedelic mushrooms or so
09:39.43swm_LOL It's considered Assult 3 to spit in someone's face. Assult 4 is for hitting someone, Assult 2 is hitting someone with deadly intent. and Assult 1 is using a weapon designed to cause death on someone for the purpose of potentially causing death
09:40.20LostFrogHow else would you use a weapon designed to cause death? To make tea?
09:40.35*** join/#asterisk cornflakes^^ (n=burnproo@
09:40.50swm_Uhh I ate 1 Oz of Miushrooms and tripped for 2 1/2 days... Walls were moving and morphing it was pretty wild shit... dont recommend it tho, my sister came home after her walk on shrooms and was flipping out of her mind, me tripping on them did not help ...
09:40.55cornflakes^^good day guys
09:41.15cornflakes^^has anyone can help on call queueing
09:41.28swm_Well I guess you could stick the barrel of a shotgun up to a water heater and shoot off about 400000 rounds to warm up 2 gallons of water
09:41.47coppicebut mushrooms are a very economical way to trip. just go to the local park and pick em :-)
09:41.48LostFrogIt would be contaminated with lead.
09:41.52cornflakes^^please, i'm relatively new to this stuff
09:42.21swm_Well I'm thinking of pressing the barrel up to the metal frame of it, .. Not shooting thru the tank it'self... It'd prolly only warm it 4 or 5 degree's after 400000 rounds....
09:42.37LostFrogahh.. ok
09:42.53LostFrogWe have a pool?
09:43.00bondo we?
09:43.03swm_Yeah, I designed it yesterday
09:43.03LostFrogO_O we have blondes??
09:43.15swm_Blonde's with no brains...
09:43.17bonand who designed the blondes?
09:43.26bonno brains but b^_^bs?
09:43.41zoaweird science
09:43.50zoaor was that the inventor of the brunettes ?
09:43.54swm_What do you call a blonde with 1 half working brain cell contaminated with cancer? ... Gifted...
09:44.12LostFrogYou aren't supposed to tell the punchline.
09:44.28LostFrogIt is???
09:44.35swm_~beat cornflakes^^'s small little half developed dick
09:44.38jbotACTION beats cornflakes^^'s small little half developed dick with a large stick.
09:44.38LostFrogWhat is stuff??
09:44.56LostFrogThat's a waste of a large stick.
09:45.17swm_Thought he would feel like a man when jbot stuck it in replacement of the damaged technology
09:45.30coppicedon't taunt us blondes
09:45.48swm_Ya know we'll umm we'll be probally pissing binary sooner or later
09:45.49LostFrogwhy? It's not like you can organize and revolt.
09:46.20LostFrogTwo blondes get together and it's a shopping trip, not a protest.
09:46.42swm_I thought when two blondes get together they make 1 brain cell
09:46.54LostFrogThat's giving them credit, swm_.
09:47.28coppicewhen two blondes get together we tend to discuss why such a huge number of brunettes want to be like us, and bleach their hair :-)
09:47.31swm_Oh yeah, wasn't it like each blonde has 1/32 of a brain cell or something? So if they all jump in the pool they think at 1 byte a second or something.
09:48.11zoathis is getting out of control :)
09:48.41coppicethat's what happens when you start on the mushroom omelette
09:48.42LostFrogI don't even like being myself, why would I want to be like someone else? :)
09:48.42swm_Could you imagine if you received 1 byte a second via the internet? Umm.... 20000067532 days later I just downloaded the first file of asterisk.
09:48.55zoafor all belgian people in here, de standaard (.be newspaper) has some wrong price, and now the company subscription is for free, lets all go submit :)
09:49.17coppiceswm_ Have you ever looked at a site in .ph? :-) whats that
09:49.29zoado you speak .ph coppice ?
09:49.45zoawhatever language that might be
09:49.47coppiceno, but I suffered worked there far too much
09:49.56zoahow long did you work there ?
09:50.03zoaand where are you from originally ?
09:50.15coppicea few weeks here, a few days there
09:50.18*** join/#asterisk NirS (n=NirS@
09:50.27zoais the language arabic ?
09:50.38zoai mean
09:50.40zoahow do they write it
09:50.46coppiceno. Tagalog and English are the main languages
09:50.55zoais it like strange chars, or latin script
09:51.00coppicethere are lots of minor languages, though
09:51.10zoais it human readable ? :)
09:51.10coppiceits Romance
09:51.20zoaah k
09:51.30zoanot funky
09:51.46zoathey have 30 letters here
09:51.53coppiceIts all greek really :-)
09:52.07zoalooks a little like it but not really :)
09:52.20coppiceI live in a place where they have 70,000 characters :-)
09:52.26zoaand that is
09:53.00zoahmm, thought that would be hong kong, but your hostname says .hk
09:53.03zoaso no clue again
09:53.38coppiceeh? what do you think .hk means?
09:53.44LostFrogAnyone want to help me with my zap/dialplan problem?
09:54.08zoaah just googled for it
09:54.11zoaits hong kong anyway
09:54.13LostFrogHari Kari
09:54.15zoabut thats not a country right ?
09:54.26LostFrogIt was a british protectorate.
09:54.39coppicenot really, but it has always had a UN ID
09:55.01zoacool you city has its own tld
09:55.20zoai'd love to visit it once
09:55.28zoadid you move there for work ?
09:55.48coppiceyes and no. I came here on a project. like it. moved here
09:56.08zoaare home rental prices not very extreme ?
09:56.19zoawell appartment rental
09:56.41coppicerental prices are amongst the world's highest, but other countries seem determined to catch up
09:56.51*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
09:57.18zoai rent a house for 300 euro / month :)
09:57.26zoain a capital
09:57.34zoayou probably have a square meter for that
09:57.42coppicefor 300 euros you could rent a rabbit hutch here
09:57.42zoahey ho puzzle
09:57.53zoawhat does a square meter cost there ?
09:57.55zoaapprox ?
09:58.03puzzledhey zoa
09:58.08zoa50 euro ?
09:58.21coppicesomething like that. depends where
09:58.21zoahmm probably more
09:59.20zoaarrange some astricon there, so that we can all come visit and stay at your place :p
10:00.28coppiceI suggested bkw try Phuket for his next gathering. he seemed to like the idea :-)
10:01.15zoaphuket is that aids prostitute thing in thailand, right ?
10:01.33zoabrian would like that :)
10:02.24coppicewell, its the sort of low cost Spanish holiday style resort destination of asia. they tend to attact hookers. since the tsunami its really cheap, and you can say you helped to rebuild their economy
10:03.03zoalol at that last phrase
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10:04.12coppiceits not just about hookers. if you live in asia it is a family holiday destination
10:04.39zoai was in thailand before, really like it, but didnt visit phuket
10:04.39coppiceand its pronounced poo-ket :-)
10:05.06zoathai people are great
10:05.17zoaalways friendly and smiling
10:05.19LostFrogWith a little soy sauce.
10:05.24InfraRedeconomy rebuilding is *SO* gay
10:05.33zoaand that spice that tastes like soap
10:05.39coppiceand always have truly unpronouncable names
10:06.32coppicezoa: you ate the soap? I hope you didn't drink the tea in the seafood places :-)
10:06.42*** join/#asterisk leszq (n=leszq@
10:06.46leszqhi all
10:07.57zoai really like the thai food, but i always order twices the amount of dishes i wanted
10:08.10zoabecause one out of 2 dishes contained some horrible tasting spice
10:10.24coppiceyou mean you only half like thai food. try Yunnan or Sichuan. much hotter, and less variety of spices :-)
10:15.40zoai am no longer trying anything
10:15.48zoajust spent 2 weeks with mad mad diarrhea :)
10:18.08coppicespice helps to stop that
10:21.15zoayeah it kills you
10:23.12coppicei always used to thing spice caused diahorrea. then i discovered its just the poor hygiene that tends to go with spicy food that is the problem :-)
10:34.41zoayeah :)
10:34.49zoapoor hygiene, thats why i didnt like india
10:34.56zoai was never that sick before
10:35.07zoai went with my parents and sister
10:35.15zoawe had 3 toilets for 4 persons
10:35.22zoaand we were still fighting for them
10:35.41zoai also know why there was very often a sink in front of the toilet
10:36.24*** join/#asterisk wolfson` (
10:51.30coppiceI'm off to India tomorrow. I've had very little trouble there, but when I have..........
10:52.04*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@
10:52.54coppicemantis sucks
10:53.27frenzycan someone please help me with this warning chan_sip.c:4836 check_auth: Stale nonce received
10:53.58frenzywhen on on the phone it causes my call to drop
10:54.03*** join/#asterisk switch (
10:54.04puzzledfrenzy: search the mailing list. i've seen something about that before
10:54.15X-Robcoppice - you off to india _again_?
10:54.20X-Robdidn't you just come back from there?
10:54.54coppiceindia, UK, germany, home and now off the india again.
10:54.55zoai think you just need to get used to it
10:54.59X-Robooh, and for those who missed it
10:55.10X-Rob is my new daughter
10:55.10zoacoppice, where do you actually work ?
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10:55.37zoa -> strange daughter you have :)
10:55.38X-RobThat's mum (Tharyn) and Daughter
10:55.47X-Robzoa - heh. That's Tharyn's dad.
10:55.53coppiceX-Rob: been there. done that :-)
10:56.00zoaah found her, congratz!
10:56.23X-Robcoppice - Yeah, I've seen your family piccy. I've got two boys from a previous relationship, who are here at the moment (they're 13 and 15)
10:56.59X-RobThe youngest greg wouldn't put her down, he was all over her. The older one wasn't really interested.
10:57.17coppicewhen she was born I had zero problems picking her out in the nursery :-)
10:57.28X-Robwhere was she born?
10:57.46coppicein a hospital :-\
10:57.52X-Robwhat country 8)
10:58.04coppiceour country. where else?
10:59.06X-RobI was hinting: 'was it because she was the only non-pure-asian' or did you just get daddy-vibes?
10:59.09coppiceshe looks a bit mixed now, but she looked 100% european when she was born. she stood out somewhat in a nursery full of chinese
10:59.33zoaah so thats why you moved, not because you like it, but you liked her
11:00.05coppiceI felt sorry for my wife back then. she produced this lovely baby and most people thought it wasn't hers
11:00.26zoathats kinda hard
11:00.28coppicezoa: I caught yellow fever :-)
11:00.30X-RobThere's no photos of me feeding her!!
11:00.33zoathey could say it wasnt yours
11:00.43zoabut not here, hmm wonder how it got up there :)
11:00.44X-RobIt's on video. that'll have to do.
11:00.59coppiceX-Rob: I think your wife needs to do that :-\
11:01.17zoai want to see the picture of xrob breast feeding :)
11:01.50coppicewhat he and his wife do is, I expect, rather private ;-)
11:01.51X-Robcoppice - A standard policy for babies over 4kg is they do a blood sugar check, and if it's under 'n', then they give the baby a 20ml of formula.
11:02.03X-RobJade was under 'n', so I got to give her a bottle
11:02.55coppiceIf a woman is as productive as my wife that would not be necessary. However Sin Mei was a modest 3.4kg
11:03.34newlX-Rob: at least you'll be $3000 richer. B)
11:04.16newlcoppice: baby bonus payment from the government.
11:04.35coppiceyou get paid for sex? :-)
11:04.52X-Robbasically, yeah.
11:05.10coppiceno wonder aussies seem such a happy bunch
11:05.48zoa3000$ thats like more than a years pay here
11:05.48X-RobThey recently introduced a Goods and Services Tax in .au, and all the mothering groups were saying it was going to add a significant cost to raising a child, because suddenly all this tax free stuff is taxed. So the goverment went 'fine. You're getting a damned gst, but here, have a token payment to shut you up'
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11:06.50X-Robcoppice - Jade was 4.3kg I think. Basically, 'a lot' 8)
11:06.52coppiceIf only the taxes had been higher I might have had the good sense not to have children
11:07.44coppiceI know a rather slight Chinese lady who's daughter was a little over 5kg
11:07.53zoai was also over 5kg i think
11:08.11zoai also was 3 weeks overdue
11:08.32coppice3 weeks overdue usually gets you yanked out. its very bad
11:08.43zoayeah it was not so fun i heard :)
11:09.08coppiceafter 40 weeks the life support provided by mum rapidly breaks down
11:09.36frenzyhmm cant seem to get anything from about chan_sip.c:4836 check_auth: Stale nonce received
11:10.03X-RobAnd my _evil_ sister in england just came clean a couple of hours ago saying that she's 12 weeks up the duff.
11:10.03coppiceyou should definitely find things about stale nonce
11:10.24coppicewhat a charming expression
11:10.27X-Robfrenzy - there's been stuff all over the lists recently 'bout stale nonces, but I haven't been following them.
11:10.54coppicejust slightly more refined than a bun in the oven, or banged up
11:10.58X-Robcoppice - Hurm. Australian Colloquialism, I guess.
11:11.07X-Robvery common over here.
11:13.17zoawhat would stale nonce be, litterally translated ?
11:13.18JamesDotComand australian colloquialisms are just full of charm :D
11:13.40X-Roba nonce is a sip session identifier, isn't it?
11:17.38zoayou've been to busy playing with the girls eh!
11:29.32*** join/#asterisk nesys (n=nesys@2001:1418:1a6:0:20d:93ff:fe28:3ef8)
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11:41.31X-Robzoa - heh. The girls won't let me in outside of visiting hours. The nurses get _cranky_
11:51.34*** join/#asterisk enota (
11:54.29coppiceah! chan_sip.c seems to ahve started its long awaited cleanup. I'm damned if I am going to chase it
11:58.07NormAsthmmm.... SIP.... SIP COFFEE.....
11:59.43zoai think chan_sip needs a rewrite from scratch
12:01.31X-Robzoa - see #openpbx 8)
12:05.06DrukenX-Rob: visiting hours?
12:06.26*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
12:06.40coppiceX-Rob: yaaf
12:09.17X-RobDruken - <-- My new Daughter.
12:10.01coppiceThe old daughter wore out, and was a rather old model anyway :-)
12:10.01X-Robjbot: yaaf?
12:10.12coppiceyet another asterisk fork
12:10.28X-Robcoppice - This one's got a good chance.
12:10.42X-Robbkw's with it, and it seems to have a fair whack of momentum. AMP's going with it.
12:10.50coppiceprobably the best to date
12:12.33X-RobMoc, bkw, anthm etc, seem to have the bull by the horns, and they've picked a reasonably good name, too. Funky, useful patches are going in (like, support for chrooting) and, best of all, THEY USE SUBVERSION.
12:12.34*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
12:12.43X-RobCVS is _such_ an arse of a program.
12:13.21coppiceits surprising the good names still left, despite people calling their company dumb names like octasic and teridian
12:13.43X-Robthat's a real name?
12:13.49coppicei was surprised to find was still up for grabs this year
12:14.25coppiceused to be TDK semiconductors, but was bought out. now they have an embarassingly horrible name
12:14.26X-RobOK, my _last_ company Name was 'Roligram Paste', but that was because 'ROb, LIlian, GReg, MAthew' and 'PAmela and STEphane' were in it, and it was just a shelf company anyway
12:15.01X-Rob'teridian'. You can tell someone spend $100k on that name.
12:15.11X-RobThat's, yes, embarrisingly stupid.
12:15.32coppicepeople just try random things until a whois says its available
12:16.04zoatoo much names are taken
12:16.08zoaits a sad story
12:16.14coppiceby squatters
12:16.20zoamost of them by domain squatters
12:16.28coppiceotherwise known as registrars
12:16.33X-RobMy current company name is 'Why Pay More 4 Less', 'WPM4L' and 'Why Pay More For Less'
12:16.41X-RobOK, it's a stupid name
12:17.00X-Robbut a big chain of $2 shops should have bought it before a little it guy did.
12:17.26coppiceI let a few names go. all are now held by registrar/squatters
12:17.36*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
12:17.47X-RobRoyk - did you hear I had a girl?
12:18.10coppicehush. your wife might hear :-)
12:18.13X-Robwell. When I say 'I' I mean 'I sat there and said "Want some more nitrous?"'
12:18.25X-Rob(and when she said no, I had some!)
12:19.34X-RobAnyway. Time for sleep for me I think. Going to take the boys tomororw and buy them some cheap RC cars or something.
12:19.47coppicemy wife kept yelling "ho tung" (very painful) the obstetrition just said "if you can still talk coherently use that extra energy to push" :-)
12:19.56InfraRedX-Rob: is the clid script yours?
12:20.04X-RobInfraRed - clid? No.
12:20.11X-Robcoppice - *laugh*
12:20.18InfraRedcallerid agi thing
12:20.55coppiceInfraRed: X-Rob is only interested in cute young women
12:21.45X-RobInfraRed - last AGI script I did was the pageall
12:22.03InfraRedurl ?
12:22.10X-RobSomeone asked me about doing some custom AGI stuff on whirlpool recently
12:22.15X-Robbut I haven't replied to him yet
12:22.29coppicewhirlpool? they run * on fridges now?
12:22.33*** join/#asterisk syle (n=blag@unaffiliated/syle)
12:22.37InfraRedvoip fridge
12:22.39X-Robwhirlpool is an australia broadband forum.
12:22.47InfraRedcalls you when the beer is running low
12:23.05X-Robyou know, that's a surprisingly good idea!
12:23.15X-Robnow, if only everything had RFID chips in it, I could tell
12:23.25InfraRedX-Rob: 404 on that url ?
12:23.28X-RobI'm now, officially, pro-RFID
12:23.28InfraRed13:22 < X-Rob> uh.
12:23.39coppicewith the heat modern CPUs generate, it seems an excellent idea
12:24.10jboti guess fisting is fun
12:24.19X-Robgo jbot. You take those rfids!
12:28.42Pazzohi guys -
12:29.37PazzoI'm trying to build asterisk 1.2 beta on debian sarge the debian way (dh_make, dpkg-buildpackage...)
12:29.41X-Robanyway. bedtime.
12:29.45X-Robnight all.
12:30.01Pazzothe main package builds fine, but I'm running into trouble with asterisk-addons
12:30.47Pazzoseems that it somehow expects to find asterisk header files somewhere, but I don't get the idea how to make it happy
12:30.55coppicedebian way? is that just off redhat road?
12:30.58Pazzo(good night X-Rob)
12:31.15Pazzocoppice: trying to build a debian package
12:33.28Pazzodoes anyone know where to find a prebuild asterisk-1.2.0beta1.deb or a short doc on how to create such a package?
12:34.02*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
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13:16.53N4SHwhat is the bet refernce book for asterisk?
13:19.27jbotdocs is, like, Documentation can be found at or or or or
13:29.04*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
13:33.40coppice~lies, damned lies, and documentation
13:39.18*** join/#asterisk terracon (
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13:50.36*** join/#asterisk MuppetMaster (n=MuppetMa@
13:50.43MuppetMasterHello everyone.
13:50.52MuppetMasterDoes anyone know how SIPAddHeader works?
13:52.20*** join/#asterisk djin (
14:05.18jeffikHello All: anybody know of a usb sip phone that will savfe sip settings in the phone itself?
14:11.32djinjeffik, 1st click:
14:20.02*** part/#asterisk MuppetMaster (n=MuppetMa@
14:21.33*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
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14:36.12cioMorning, all.  How often does the CVS HEAD get updated?  And where do those updates get posted?
14:38.09*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
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14:45.56Simon-does anyone know how to get an x101p to use the other phone line wires? the extension I'm using is swapping them :/
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15:11.46festranyone checked this? ./src/spandsp/t38.h
15:12.08festrthere is patch to chan sip for t38 support
15:12.33*** part/#asterisk nesys (n=nesys@2001:1418:1a6:0:20d:93ff:fe28:3ef8)
15:15.57*** join/#asterisk theblue (
15:15.59theblueHi all.
15:16.28theblueI'm new to asterisk, could someone here help me set it up?
15:16.51*** join/#asterisk Jzalae (
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15:19.01thebluefestr: I've tried there, but I just don't understand the tutorials on it.
15:19.12festrtheblue: so ask
15:19.12theblueSince all I want to be able to do is call into it, and be able to use Asterisk applications from the outside.
15:20.47*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
15:21.15theblueHi wunderkin
15:21.17SpaceBassi cannot seem to bridge calls from a Broadvoice account to another sip provider
15:21.25SpaceBassis that kind of thing blocked at the provider level?
15:24.14theblueCould someone here walk me through setting Asterisk up with Free World Dialup?
15:25.15SpaceBassi think there is a tutorial out there
15:26.11*** join/#asterisk file (n=jcolp@
15:27.05QwellSpaceBass: several
15:27.30SpaceBassQwell:  was that a response to my issue or my coment about tutorials
15:28.19SpaceBasscan someone take a quick glance at
15:28.46SpaceBassfor some reason calls on Zap/1 are coming into the wrong context (context for zap/2)
15:28.49filebad Qwell! now we'll have to clean it up
15:28.50*** join/#asterisk IPmonger (
15:29.53QwellSpaceBass: What is(n't) it doing?
15:30.26SpaceBassQwell:  calls on zap/1 should be sent to context from-pstn and zap/2 should go to from-pstn-mck
15:30.38SpaceBassall calls are going to from-pstn-mck
15:31.05SpaceBassand its erratic... IE it was working for a week, nothing changed
15:32.24*** join/#asterisk nesys (n=nesys@2001:1418:1a6:0:20d:93ff:fe28:3ef8)
15:32.59Qwellis there more stuff before what you pasted?
15:33.10SpaceBassthats my zapata-auto.conf
15:34.03SpaceBassthe zapata.conf is
15:34.22SpaceBassI have the feeling its right in front of me... i've been looking at these for days and just dont see it
15:34.30Qwelland zapata_additional?
15:35.07QwellAMP is like a retarded chimp
15:35.16SpaceBassI upgraded from AAH 1.5 (or something) to 2.0b... i backed up the new zapata stuff and just replaced them with my files from the 1.5 install
15:35.48SpaceBassAMP is ok for home users, etc... the next box i build I'll compile from CVS and do it all manually
15:36.03SpaceBassno zapata_additional
15:37.53Qwelldoubt it's messing anything up, but why is the "Span 1: " line uncommented?
15:38.19SpaceBassin -auto?
15:38.26*** join/#asterisk coppice (
15:38.49SpaceBassits comented... I just missed it when I copied and pasted it
15:39.01Qwellwell, whats before that?
15:39.19Qwellpaste the whole file
15:40.13*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (n=chatzill@
15:40.31shmaltzanybody here using Adit 600 fxo card?
15:41.08theblueSo no one here can walk me through setting up Asterisk?
15:41.34Qwelltheblue: nope
15:41.38jbotextra, extra, read all about it, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
15:41.54theblueUm, thanks.
15:42.03SpaceBasstheblue:  search for kerry garison & asterisk
15:42.08SpaceBassI think thats the dudes name
15:42.11theblueWho is Kerry Garison?
15:42.19SpaceBassgood entry level guide
15:42.28theblueOk, then
15:42.36coppicesounds like a fort in Ireland
15:42.43theblueIf anyone is able to walk me through, though, feel free to /msg me.
15:42.50SpaceBasslol... I'll let you know if it is when I get back in a few weeks
15:42.55Qwelltheblue: I'll install it for you, for $100
15:43.20theblueQwell: I have it installed, but I need to configure it.
15:43.25Qwelltheblue: I'll configure it for you, for $100
15:43.33SpaceBasstheblue:  using regular asterisk or asterisk at home?
15:43.40theblueSpaceBass: Regular.
15:43.51theblueI don't have a spare computer for Asterisk At Home.
15:44.01coppiceQwell: shouldn't a small job be cheaper. say $99?
15:44.02SpaceBasstry at home
15:44.08Qwellcoppice: yeah, probably
15:44.15Qwell$98, since I like the cut of your jib
15:44.18SpaceBassyou don't need to use the complete ISO, you can get just the at home package
15:44.28theblueSpaceBass: From where?
15:44.39SpaceBassme? usa
15:44.43Ikarushmmmm, would a dual P3 600 Mhz box be capable of transcoding 25 streams without breaking a sweat ? (prolly GSM codec on the net to ISDN)
15:44.49coppiceQwell: lets leave my job out of this
15:44.58Qwellcoppice: You cut jibs?
15:45.03SpaceBasssorry... its sunday.... theblue  you can get just the at home .tgz from their sourceforge site
15:45.29SpaceBassQwell:  throw a working zapata config at me while your throwing things
15:45.36coppiceQwell:no. I just mistype jokes
15:45.58shmaltzanybody here using Adit 600 fxo card?
15:46.03SpaceBasswhen i restart asterisk, it works fiine... for a while... and Its not like I can break it by calling the zap/2 line... it just changes when it wants to
15:46.03Qwellcoppice: I think that went over my head
15:46.32QwellSpaceBass: aah IS a bug
15:46.41coppiceQwell: s/job/jib
15:46.49Qwellcoppice: I see. :P
15:47.33*** join/#asterisk festr_ (
15:47.37SpaceBassi still say at home has some benifits
15:47.44Qwellsuch as?
15:48.01Qwellnot allowing you to do what you want?
15:48.32coppiceI certainly like being at home.
15:48.35SpaceBassits easier for less techie people to get started with * and VoIP... which in my mind is a pretty big benifit... no from a newbie hand holding standpoint, it gets old
15:48.43Qwelleasier?  not really
15:49.14SpaceBassthat might be an opinion... but I think it has merit...
15:49.29Qwellsure, get rid of AMP and phpmyadmin
15:49.34Qwellthen I'd consider using it
15:49.44SpaceBassis it easier for me to copy files with cp in a bash shell vs a GUI drag and drop, yes... but my wife and mother wouldnt agree
15:49.57festr_anyone here have tryed spandsp 0.0.3pre2?
15:50.01Qwellwhy would your wife and mother be configuring a PBX?
15:50.23SpaceBasswhy would I? it has nothing to do with my job (yet)
15:50.37coppicefetstr_ Yes! :-)
15:50.43QwellFYI: If I hired you to config my * box...
15:50.47Qwelland I caught you using AMP...
15:50.52Qwellyeah, you wouldn't work there anymore
15:50.55nesyshi folks ... there's a good web interface for *?
15:51.06SpaceBassbut my point is I think there is a valid use case for home users and AAH fills that
15:51.29QwellIf AMP didn't suck so much...maybe
15:51.46QwellI don't have much against GUIs, just ones that break things
15:51.50SpaceBassi allowed me to get started with a minimal skill set and now I know enough that my next install will be all file based
15:52.06coppicefestr_: spandsp-0.0.3pre2 is a work in progress.
15:52.06SpaceBassthe OS X port has some neat gui stuff going on
15:52.19SpaceBassI haven't played with it lately though
15:52.53SpaceBassQwell: I get your point about it breaking things... there is a bit of a shift on how the conf files work... from from time to tiime it does break things
15:53.01QwellSpaceBass: tip; don't say one liners that can be taken directly out of context. :p
15:53.10Qwellfor isntance, <SpaceBass> I haven't played with it lately though
15:53.22SpaceBassI was talking about my johnson.... what is that not cool here?
15:53.22sylespacebass jerks off?
15:53.24Qwellreplace "it" with asterisk, or "the osx port", etc
15:53.40blitzragemorning all
15:54.03SpaceBasslook, if I cannot vent some sexual fustration in between tech rants, then I am just going to leave
15:54.49Qwellblitzrage: chanserv merged #asterisk with #asstricks earlier
15:55.00blitzrageQwell: ahhhh... well then that makes sense
15:55.13sylei wouldn;t leave, hail to the perverts, they actually make channels fun
15:55.50blitzragewelp, I'm off to go design the network for Astricon
15:56.12wunderkindialup -> hub -> 2,000 computers
15:56.48sylethis is first year more people have high speed over modems
15:56.57syle55% and growing
15:57.25coppicehigh speed uses modems, but we know what you mean :-)
15:58.11coppiceis that 55% figure for the US? if so, that is a pretty spectacular figure considering how low it was until recently
15:58.19syleyes the US
15:58.48syleso obviously VOIP is taking off
15:58.52coppicea year ago people were telling me it would remain low in the US for years
15:59.10SpaceBassi had heard the numbers were going up
15:59.13syleskype people(napster owners) have over 55 million members
15:59.32coppicethat means nothing
15:59.37SpaceBasshearing that user base was ebays main interest
15:59.40syleof which 14 million use voip with them
15:59.52syleto the pSTN
16:00.17syleso thats like opening your little VOIP webpage and having 14 million members hehe
16:00.17SpaceBassthey only posted something like 50m in revenue
16:00.39sylenaw much more than that
16:00.44SpaceBass60m then
16:00.45sylethey didn;t post voicemail etc
16:00.47SpaceBassit was one or the other
16:01.07syleor the merger with vox
16:01.13syleerr partnership
16:01.17syleadded another 14 million
16:01.31SpaceBassstill doesnt make them worth 2.6 billion or what ever ebay paid
16:01.53sylei think ebay calculated it well
16:02.06sylethey pay 2.6 but they will make 10 bill i;m sure
16:02.07Qwellskype is a fad
16:02.14SpaceBassskype IS a fad
16:02.20blitzrageskype sucks
16:02.23syleyou think so?
16:02.28blitzragevery much so
16:02.31SpaceBass2.6b could have built the same technology and then some... they bought the user base
16:02.32blitzrageebay over paid
16:02.39coppiceI don't think the buyer of Skype has any meaningful was to assess its value. However, that has rarely been a stumbling block in telecoms sales :-)
16:03.01syleit might suck , but you know what they say, you can become a millionare selling rocks to people if you know how to market, and those napter guys do :) i doubt it will be a fad
16:03.40syle+ i think both owners have doctorate degrees in computer science
16:03.48coppiceits not them any more. it has been sold
16:03.53*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
16:04.09Darwin35man we should be on beta 2 by now
16:04.14Darwin35or beta 3
16:04.21QwellDarwin35: get to fixing bugs...
16:05.04Darwin35<== has hard enough time keeping asterisk ported to fbsd
16:05.19Darwin35I am currently fixing libpri in our ports
16:05.26wunderkinyes there have been several problems with the manager
16:06.03*** join/#asterisk docelm0 (
16:06.11sylewish i could run fbsd, but i don;t trust it on fbsd yet
16:06.44sylerealtime mysql or postgres?
16:06.52docelm0Can anyone explin how to fix this on asterisk? channel.c:1445 ast_indicate: Unable to handle indication 3 for 'SIP/'
16:07.08shmaltzanybody here using Adit 600 fxo card?
16:07.11sylei looked at mysql 5.0
16:07.15syleseems ok
16:07.20sylehas trigger support
16:07.25sylewondering about stability
16:07.36Darwin35I am a postgress person my self
16:08.01Darwin35but we have both at work
16:08.08Darwin35and they work the same
16:08.11sylei started using mysql before postgres was stable so kinda stuck with that
16:08.12*** part/#asterisk azzie (
16:08.26Darwin35postgress is older then mysql
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16:08.34syleit had no support
16:08.56Darwin35been on fbsd forever and lifetime
16:09.14sylei like fbsd, i just don;t trust SMP
16:09.24syleon a single processor machine i like to install it
16:09.25Darwin35smp on 6.x rocks
16:09.30Darwin35much better
16:09.34sylenot production
16:09.41Darwin35but we are only beta 5
16:09.47SpaceBassI'm about to start an asterisk project at work and wold prefer to use os x (close enough to bsd) but suspect I'll have to use RHEL
16:09.55SpaceBassnot sure if I'll use realtime or not
16:10.05Darwin35osx has issues of its own
16:10.28sylewell fbsd is popular for that big ports collection
16:10.41sylei dont; think any OS compares
16:10.50Darwin35well we where the birthplace of the ports tree
16:11.04Darwin35now everyone is cloning it for thier ver of linux
16:11.16sylesmart move
16:11.32*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
16:11.37sylewell i beleive the move is to yum
16:12.03docelm0Does anyone know what this means   Unable to handle indication 3 for 'SIP/'
16:12.04Darwin35I love portupgrade
16:12.08sylei woud like better a cd /usr/ports/blah ; make install hehe
16:12.26Darwin35portsupgrade does all the work for you
16:12.37Darwin35yes tru
16:12.50sylei usuially just cronned cvs
16:12.58T0aDin SIP
16:13.11T0aDshould I give a LAN ip address or should i give a public IP one ?
16:13.23syledarwin any move from cvs to svn you think?
16:13.24SpaceBassT0aD: what are you trying to do?
16:13.29Darwin35once you install a bunch of ports . and you learn cvsup you can cvsup the tree and run portsupgrade and it updates needed installed ports
16:13.42Darwin35not sure
16:13.58Darwin35I will ask the devteam monday in our meetibng online
16:14.07syleare they finally including cvsup in base install
16:14.17sylethat use to be a pain in the ass
16:14.26Darwin35no you have to pkg_add it
16:14.30Darwin35but its fast
16:14.54Darwin35there is discussion on it still
16:15.04shmaltzanybody here using Adit 600 fxo card?
16:15.05T0aDSpaceBass, to be able to speak over VoIP, cause for now I can only just make a phone to ring.
16:15.12Darwin35<== 1000%Nerd
16:15.28Darwin35I admit it
16:15.32SpaceBassT0aD:  still need more info... are the asterisk box and SIP client on the same lan?
16:15.42T0aDim doing PLC modem -> H323 -> gatekeeper -> Yate (LAN) -> Asterisk (REMOTE) -> phone lines
16:16.11docelm0jesus christ!
16:16.17sylewell thats is a real pain in the ass
16:16.20T0aDim doing PLC modem -> H323 -> gatekeeper -> Yate/SIP (LAN) -> Asterisk/SIP (REMOTE) -> Phone Server (REMOTE/public ip)
16:16.21Dr_Raywhat do you think of Yate?
16:16.43sylei mean you install fbsd you want cvsup there to update ports and your src tree right away
16:16.46Darwin35brb phone
16:16.50docelm0Can anyone help on this  Unable to handle indication 3 for 'SIP/'
16:16.59sylemaybe you can convice them :)
16:17.06T0aDSpaceBass, no
16:17.27T0aDim sending that: c=IN IP4
16:17.46SpaceBassT0aD:  then you have to use the public IP
16:17.49T0aDand I received that: c=IN IP4
16:17.58T0aDmy god
16:18.05T0aDso i have to nat that stuff
16:18.13SpaceBassyeah, including the RTP ports for SIP
16:18.24T0aDI dont know how to do that
16:18.26syleand not that graphical version of cvsup
16:18.32sylecommand line
16:18.47SpaceBassif you can use yate, you can configure your firewall :)
16:18.54*** join/#asterisk hhrp (
16:19.07T0aDconfiguring my firewall is ok
16:19.08festr_coppice: do you know some more information about spandsp 0.0.3? t38 is only for storing tiffs with rxfax?
16:19.19docelm0I am guessing no one knows what this is?   Unable to handle indication 3 for SIP/
16:19.25T0aDbut how can I change the local IP im sending in SIP control packets ?
16:19.35SpaceBassdocelm0:  did you try googeling for "unable to handle indication 3"
16:19.43hhrpmy DISA stopped recognizing passwords..what could be the problem? I have not changed anything...
16:19.53coppicefestr_: there is termination and gateway code in there, but it is still a work in progress
16:19.58docelm0I am not new here..  I know all the steps before askign the channel
16:20.16festr_coppice: termination and gateway what does it meen?
16:20.34SpaceBassdocelm0: I wasn't trying to be fip... that would be the only idea I'd have... never seen that error
16:20.43festr_coppice: it will be possible to transform t38 udptl to ulaw?
16:21.07docelm0The only reason I am here is cause my boss wants this issue fixed now....
16:21.12coppicefestr: termination is like app_rxfax/app_txfax and gateway is PSTN<->T.38
16:21.41festr_coppice: aha so it will be possible to tranform t38 to ulaw so pstn - t38
16:22.11syledocelm0: great do you know how to run sip debig and pastebin your log instead of being so vague to?
16:22.18hhrphow can i tell which codec is used when theres a call initiated?
16:22.20Darwin35ok the new libpri patch is being submitted. I just sent it in
16:22.30SpaceBasshhrp:  sip show channels
16:22.39SpaceBassor iax2 show channels ... etc
16:22.48hhrpwhere will it show codec?
16:22.49Darwin35now to get festival a install script and festival is ready to go for fbsd
16:22.54coppiceyep. app_rxfax and app_txfax now have the ability to talk audio ot T.38. The gateway stuff will go into chan_zap, so it can talk T.38 from a PSTN connection
16:22.57SpaceBassformat collumn I htink
16:23.33Darwin35man festival 1.96 is nice
16:23.48Darwin35much improvement
16:23.53festr_coppice: do you know some more information, when zaptel stuff will be finished for this/
16:23.54sylebetter sounding?
16:24.16CleanerXDarwin35, changelog for libpri?
16:24.20Darwin35I am about to put it into ports tree
16:24.47hhrpwhat is this warning? Asked to transmit frame type 256, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 4/4)
16:24.58Darwin35I just updated the patch-Makefile for libpri
16:25.00coppicefestr_: it may depend on the changes happening to chan_sip.c They will need to stabilise
16:25.05hhrpi have all of codec set to 256 in oh323
16:25.11Darwin35thats the only issues with it
16:25.31T0aDSpaceBass, i think you re wrong.
16:25.41SpaceBasswouldnt be the first time
16:25.42CleanerXhm Darwin35 are you capable of debugging d-channel messages?
16:25.43sylewell most people that i know that are serious about text to speech in asterisk run swift instead of festival
16:25.56CleanerXDarwin35, I have a pretty strange problem
16:25.59festr_coppice: and gateway stuff, you mentioned zaptel, this is done or work on progress? last queston i swear :)
16:26.01hhrpi think i know whats the prob
16:26.14Darwin35clear is it on fbsd or linux
16:26.16SpaceBassT0aD:  I dont know about your specific setup, but I know if you are doing sip over the internet and either the client or * box is natted, you have to forward the ports
16:26.29hhrphow to reload oh323 ?
16:26.32CleanerXgimmi a sec I'll send it to pastebin
16:26.38*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
16:26.39hhrpreload oh323 wont do
16:26.45Darwin35cepsrtal does not run on fbsd
16:26.49coppicefestr_: the gateway functions work in isolation. they are being integrated now. probably quite a lot needs doing to make it really robust, though
16:27.03Darwin35there for have to use festival
16:27.28syleanyways thats last i heard on festival type stuff
16:27.29T0aD<SpaceBass> T0aD:  I dont know about your specific setup, but I know if you are doing sip over the internet and either the client or * box is natted, you have to forward the ports
16:27.30festr_coppice: thanks for informations
16:27.36sylehavne;t heard anything from digium after that
16:27.44T0aDi receive no specific connections from those servers on the public interface
16:27.45SpaceBassthats what I wrote
16:27.55SpaceBassso everything IS on the same lan?
16:27.59coppicedo the ceptral voice work with festival? I wonder how similar festival and cepstral are these days
16:28.37*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (i=grey@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Corydon76-home)
16:29.03*** part/#asterisk nesys (n=nesys@2001:1418:1a6:0:20d:93ff:fe28:3ef8)
16:29.12Darwin35ok clearx waiting for paste
16:29.42CleanerXProblem is this:
16:30.02CleanerXwe have 5 hicom pbx
16:30.07Darwin35as for festival it works. and I dont think they will drop support for it
16:30.17CleanerXone pbx has the uplink via E1
16:30.28shmaltzanybody here using Adit 600 fxo card?
16:30.43CleanerXthe others are linked to the uplinked pbx
16:31.14CleanerXif I use E164 numbering scheme, calls get forwarded to the correct hicom pbx
16:31.23cioheh.. I'm running * on my OQO with debian...
16:31.47CleanerXif I switch to unkown numbering sheme calls won't get forwarded to the other pbxs
16:31.51*** join/#asterisk f0urtyfive (
16:31.55Darwin35and cepstral has no plans to release a ver for fbsd
16:32.19CleanerXjust to the one which is connected via E1
16:32.42hhrpwhat is rule -t in context?
16:32.43Darwin35but then again Freebsd/Solaris/anything no linux is a unsupported os for asterisk and there for it is up to the ports to do thier best to make things work
16:33.07Darwin35ok I will look at it in a min
16:33.12Darwin35I have it page marked
16:33.20shmaltzcio, I'm running it on a K6-2 350 mhz
16:34.15Darwin35but I love asterisk on my dec alpha dual 21264 600 mhz server
16:34.59Darwin351 gig ram and 2 40 gig scsi drives
16:35.03SpaceBassdo any chips have a signifigant benifit for asterisk?
16:35.13SpaceBassIE risc vs cisc... power pc or intel, etc?
16:35.16T0aDSpaceBass, no, the phones are on LAN with LAN ips
16:35.21T0aDand the SIP server is remote
16:35.46SpaceBassT0aD:  ok and how do they communicate with the SIP server? over the net, VPN, etc?
16:35.57SpaceBasswhat is the sip sever? where does asterisk come into play?
16:36.04cioshmaltz: No real reason to run it on my oqo, just messing around with cvs head remotely and thought it was cool to point out :)
16:36.06T0aDover the net
16:36.09T0aDNAT gateway
16:36.11docelm0syle yes..  if you want to see the debug..   I just figured someone could tell me the issue..
16:36.15T0aDIP proto
16:36.20Darwin35asterisk is a sipserver/pbx/all in one in a box
16:36.29SpaceBassok... so you have to use the public IPs and configure the NAT for the translation
16:36.37shmaltzcio, the one on that stupid 350 mhz is a production asterisk box
16:36.39T0aDsomeone suggests me to put phones with public ips
16:36.53SpaceBassDarwin35:  sorry, I was asking T0aD what sip server he was using...
16:36.53T0aDSpaceBass, im already doing that
16:37.12T0aDbut in the SIP control channel im sending Local IPs, like
16:37.17cioshmaltz: How's it running?  I bet it does pretty good ... * seems pretty easy on the resources ...
16:37.19SpaceBassno opinions on processors with asterisk?
16:37.23T0aDbut since in the SIP headers you have all the route informations.
16:37.33Darwin35it really does not matter
16:37.37hhrpwhere can i find into on rule -t?
16:37.41T0aDSpaceBass, im currently using Yate (SIP/LOCAL) -> Asterisk (SIP/REMOTE)
16:37.43Darwin35space I find they all work about the same
16:38.15Darwin35but I am a amd / Dec Alpha person My self
16:38.18SpaceBassDarwin35:  thanks... I'm trying to make a case for an xserve or g5 power mac for my work project... not sure there is a case other than my preference
16:38.34shmaltzcio, I make sure no transcoding so it runs realy nicely
16:38.50SpaceBassI am sure they'll want me to use our prefered hardware vender (HP) and RHEL for the OS... which I'm ok with
16:39.23Darwin35I thought Gentoo Owned linux by now and was the default flavor
16:39.38SpaceBasslol... not for us
16:40.18Darwin35ok install script fixed
16:40.35Luke-Jrany ideas why my PAP2-NA likes to drop calls?
16:40.35Darwin35now to put in the patched dir and test it
16:41.15Darwin35routing between you and your voip provider might be bad
16:41.20Darwin35do a trace routr
16:41.35Darwin35then check your configuration
16:41.51Darwin35then call your provider adn have them backtrace and look at logs
16:42.10Darwin35then check nat settings
16:42.29hhrpcould anyone tell where to find info on rule '-t' ??
16:42.35Darwin35and when all this is done if still issues iiinnstall stun
16:42.43Darwin35-t is time out
16:42.58Darwin35-T is transfer
16:43.00hhrpbut how do i fix it so it doesnt give me that message
16:43.14Darwin35set your time out limit
16:43.16hhrpconsole complains theres no rule -t in context
16:44.55Darwin35exten => 9187707036,2,Dial(IAX2/1004|20|T) ; 20sec timeout
16:46.13hhrpbtw why when theres a busy signal on asterisk, a phone doesnt hang up by itself?
16:46.27hhrpi can only hang up by pressing the button
16:46.40hhrpor handing the handset
16:46.41JohnsieI thought 'T' was for letting the remote party transfer and 't' was for letting the local party transfer?
16:47.14JohnsieThe timeout would already be implied by adding a value, then a pipe, then other miscellaneous flags.
16:48.25*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
16:48.43Darwin35yeah thats a hardset time out
16:48.48*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
16:49.03Darwin35I could not find the other setup I use to have
16:49.10Darwin35so showed the one I had
16:50.14*** join/#asterisk enzo86 (
16:50.19enzo86hey all
16:50.28docelm0If anyone would like to look at my SIP debug for the indication 3 issues its located here:
16:50.44enzo86anyone know if you can set a date/timestamp in a remote console
16:51.01Darwin35  here are the dial plan basics needed for settup a dialplan dial string
16:51.16Darwin35and a generic setup
16:51.25*** join/#asterisk terracon (
16:51.43docelm0I dont see why it wouldnt work this is like the 30th time I have setup a config like this..   I have never seen the indications problem in asterisk however..
16:52.22hhrpcan you set codec parameters in sip.conf
16:52.23hhrpAsked to transmit frame type 256, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 4/4
16:52.29hhrpi keep on having same prob
16:52.34docelm0Setup is as such:   PSTN(PRI) -> Cisco 3640 -> SER -> ASTERISK -> ASTERISK -> SIPURA ATA
16:52.39hhrpwhen its ringing
16:53.38Qwellkram: y0 y0
16:53.47docelm0your call setup needs to match both ends.  If you know the codecs supported on the other side of you then its not a big issue..
16:53.47Darwin35Kram we love you
16:53.55Darwin35now make cheapper hardware
16:53.57docelm0sup sup
16:54.00Qwellkram: free beer your idea?
16:54.04enzo86kram jason here from
16:54.09kramfree beer?
16:54.14kramcool nice to meet you jason
16:54.24enzo86how can i set a date/timestamp in the cli
16:54.43enzo86we are debugging calls to cisco
16:55.43Darwin35hey Kram realtime works on fbsd
16:56.33[hC]enzo86: not sure about the cli, but if you tail /var/log/asterisk/full, it has timestamps.
16:56.47docelm0Now if someone could explin my indications issue and no ring..
16:57.37docelm0   :)
16:59.14hhrphow can i fix this warning WARNING[1605]: chan_sip.c:1842 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 256, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 4/4)?
17:02.41*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
17:03.40hhrpwhere can i set up frame amount for codecs?
17:07.02*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
17:07.02enzo86for anyone that wanted to know
17:07.31NiHoasterisk -rT does it for you
17:07.40NiHone need to set the prompt its already tere
17:07.57*** part/#asterisk enzo86 (
17:09.55Darwin35or that mightbe fore speex only
17:10.31docelm0So anyone know about progress indicators?   The problem I am having is that when a caller calls into the asterisk box it doesnt send a ring to the caller
17:10.40docelm0that is my ultimate problem
17:12.28*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
17:12.29tzangerdocelm0: how about some details :-)
17:12.47docelm0  Here is the SIP debug
17:13.10docelm0the config is:  PRI -> CISCO -> SER -> Asterisk -> asterisk -> SIPURA
17:13.21docelm0the 1st asterisk isnt giving answer
17:13.40docelm0the 2nd is but then craps out about not being able to support the indicator
17:14.43*** join/#asterisk tekati (
17:16.41[hC]so i have two * boxes.. is it safe to let them both dial my voip peers with the same username/password? or should i get individual accounts for each * box
17:16.53SarahEmmanyone know offhand what the difference between the polycom x00 and x01 phones are?
17:17.04Qwell[hC]: incoming won't really work
17:17.09SarahEmmanyone know offhand what the difference between the polycom x00 and x01 phones are?
17:17.15QwellSarahEmm: from what I hear, the 301 is a crappy 300
17:17.16SarahEmmsorry, didn't mean to repeat ;)
17:17.27Qwellbut, he later said that what he thought was a 300 was a 500, so...
17:17.27SarahEmmQwell: a crappy one? huh? why more expensive then?
17:17.37*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
17:17.37[hC]Qwell: yeah, i dont have any incoming from them. I have seen it mess up where the remote end tries to send RTP though if its SIP. or I guess IAX return packets. Especially if the boxes are trying to register=>
17:17.41SarahEmmthe 501 is $6 more than the 500
17:19.14QwellSarahEmm: checked the specs at
17:19.24SarahEmmyeah, they're confusing :P
17:19.29Qwellthey usually are
17:19.36SarahEmmthe 301 lists how many line appearances, the 300 doesn't list it at all
17:19.46SarahEmmthe 300 says 'speakerphone', the 301 says 'full duplex speakerphone'
17:19.51SarahEmmand a few other things...
17:19.56Qwellmmhmm, half duplex speakerphone sucks
17:20.00SarahEmmthat it does
17:20.16SarahEmmbut i won't use speakerphone anyways likely
17:20.23SarahEmmi don't even use voice much, really. but i want the option to.
17:20.43*** join/#asterisk AJ-Mpls (i=DJAJay@
17:20.50AJ-MplsAnyone using AstBill??
17:21.12QwellSarahEmm: Did you ever decide if you're going to astricon?
17:21.45SarahEmmas usual lately
17:22.24docelm0I am trying to go..  I will end up knowing by the end of the week..   sigh
17:22.33Hmmhesaysi'm listening to coolio
17:24.25[hC]so uh.. what does stale nonce ACTUALLY mean...
17:24.42Qwellthe nonce is old
17:24.53[hC]let me rephrase...
17:24.58[hC]whats a nonce?
17:25.02Qwella nonce
17:25.06Qwell~google define:nonce
17:25.43hhrpi have a chopping sound when allowing gsm codec
17:25.55hhrpi believe it might be a frame problem
17:26.02hhrpanyone has experience with it?
17:26.29hhrpi got DID--over GSM->oh323---over--g729->
17:26.46[hC]i got nonce: time being, present...
17:26.50[hC]that makes no sense..
17:32.23AJ-MplsAnyone try install AstBill?
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17:34.19CleanerXDarwin35, you had a time to look at the stuff?
17:35.28*** join/#asterisk wasim (n=wasim@pdpc/supporter/active/wasim)
17:36.00Plebeuz1.2 is stable?
17:36.12Qwellit will be
17:36.28Plebeuz1.09 is the latest stable?
17:36.57Plebeuzhow the program work?
17:37.08Plebeuzi like skype or something?
17:37.16Qwellnot even close
17:37.26jbotwell, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
17:37.45tzangerAsterisk is a software PBX for Linux.  Skype is a software internet phone for Windows.
17:38.32PlebeuzQwell, i cont find the docs on the page....
17:38.36PlebeuzQwell, i cant find the docs on the page....
17:40.02SarahEmmsivana: you around?
17:40.12tzangerI haven't seen him around lately
17:40.15tzangerhe's not on my MSN either
17:40.50SarahEmmanyone here using voctel for DIDs?
17:41.03tzangerwhat's up?
17:41.12Moc_I got voctel for 1800
17:41.35SarahEmmMoc_: any issues lately?
17:41.35tzangerand with a wave of my magic penis...
17:41.38SarahEmmi'm running 888 and DIDs
17:42.16Moc_SarahEmm, let me try them..
17:42.23Moc_their down again !!!
17:42.36tzangerhe appears!
17:42.43Moc_sivana :(
17:43.14tzangergod damn sivana fix your network this is making me look bad. :-)
17:43.49sivanae6 active channels
17:43.49sivana3 active calls
17:43.52tzangereveryone knows I help so when it fails it looks bad on me :-)
17:43.59sivananothing wrong with it
17:44.16sivana8 active channels
17:44.16sivana4 active calls
17:44.29*** join/#asterisk Moc (
17:46.36*** join/#asterisk afoldo (n=afoldo@
17:48.04tzangerheh I have asterisk running in a Xen instance and I've passed through the TE405P to it :-)
17:48.24MocSarahEmm, ok it aint down, I didnt try the right numbers ;)
17:49.37*** part/#asterisk afoldo (n=afoldo@
17:53.44Plebeuzconfigure: error: termcap support not found
17:54.00Plebeuzwhere i find this package?
17:54.14Plebeuzor tha is included in what package?
17:54.33Plebeuzok i have downloaded termacp
17:54.40Plebeuzthen u gunziped the file
17:54.50SarahEmmlol moc, okay.
17:54.52*** join/#asterisk tombone (
17:54.55SarahEmmthen it's something acting up on my end.
17:54.55tzafrir_laptoptermcap? in ncurses?
17:55.01Plebeuznow i have
17:55.09SplasPoodheh...  all my outbound dialing issues I had with two diff IAX providers went away while I slept?! :P
17:55.12Plebeuztzafrir, i think so
17:55.48Plebeuzwhat i do with the file ??
17:55.53*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
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17:58.47tomboneNewbie question:  I'm not getting any sound through OSS/dsp -- any debugging ideas?
18:01.11SarahEmmdoes it work outside *
18:01.42tomboneset vol. with alsamixer, works in skype, etc.
18:02.11Plebeuzi finded termcap package
18:02.23Plebeuzand now i am making asterisk with no errors
18:02.31SarahEmmhrm. what happens when you try to dial from console using OSS?
18:03.03Plebeuzi can dial free of charge?
18:03.34tomboneI always get a Don't know how to display on OSS, Condition 14 error
18:04.03*** join/#asterisk fordvoice (
18:04.23tomboneOct  2 11:02:50 WARNING[3508]: chan_oss.c:851 oss_indicate: Don't know how to display condition 14 on OSS/dsp
18:04.52SarahEmmPlebeuz: err... it's not that simple. Asterisk is just the PBX software, not a service. if you want to dial anything, you need some kind of interface hardware or a VoIP service to connect it to.
18:05.23SarahEmmi dunno, sorry tombone :/
18:05.32tombonehave you ever seen that warning?
18:06.01SarahEmmi don't use console
18:06.22tomboneis there an alternative to OSS?
18:06.32tombonehow do I activate it?
18:06.33SarahEmmif you have ALSA sound card drivers :)
18:06.39tomboneyeah, I've got them
18:06.40SarahEmmyou need to build ALSA drivers for your sound hardware first
18:06.45tombonedone already
18:07.00SarahEmmuse then :)
18:07.08SarahEmminstead of chan_oss
18:07.16tombonewhere do I specify that?
18:08.01SarahEmmand in HEAD anyway you should use Console/dsp for the channel in extensions.conf
18:08.04SarahEmmi don't know if you're on head tho
18:08.06*** join/#asterisk Craziman2 (n=Craziman@
18:08.18tombonewhat is HEAD?
18:08.31SplasPoodCVS HEAD, latest development tree
18:08.51Moctombone, HEAD is also Asterisk Beta 1 1/2
18:09.08tomboneok... where is the console/dsp setting?
18:09.18tombonewhere in extensions.conf
18:09.46Craziman2Hey guys... I am getting this message "Oct  2 13:09:10 WARNING[21951]: chan_iax2.c:5067 socket_read: meta trunk cmd 1 received, I only understand 0 (perhaps the remote side is sending trunk timestamps?)" and one way audio on a 1.0 to latest cvs box... seams like there was something I could disable to make the iax connection work... any ideas?
18:10.41CleanerXDarwin35, you had a time to look at the stuff?
18:10.45*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
18:11.06*** join/#asterisk gig (
18:11.45tomboneyeah, I should have been using ALSA -- thanks
18:14.25*** join/#asterisk xorol (
18:15.39gigif i want to use calleridnamelookup.agi.... should i put that agi in /usr/src/asterisk/agi before i compile asterisk?
18:18.11Plebeuz/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lssl
18:18.27SarahEmmyou need that library then...
18:18.33SarahEmmyou do understand what Asterisk is, right Plebeuz?
18:19.01PlebeuzSarahEmm, no
18:19.12PlebeuzSarahEmm, i installed openssl
18:19.36SarahEmmwell, it's not in a place asterisk knows about it then
18:20.40giganyone know?
18:21.59*** join/#asterisk firestorm-voip (
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18:31.34JasonGTHello can anyone help me with A@H 1.5 and Handytone 488 with F/W configuration?  Thanks
18:35.30Qwellgig: any time is fine
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18:43.33tomboneI'm not getting any audio on my console -- I heard a ringback for a second earlier, but nothing anymore... any ideas?
18:45.55*** join/#asterisk alrs (
18:46.11Dr_Raytombone - alsa installed and working?
18:47.25Inv_arpJasonGT: whats the prob?
18:49.29*** join/#asterisk Juxt (
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18:53.02st3vIf I get a Wildcard TE210P, and I need to get 24 regular phone lines out of each port, what kind of channel bank do I need?
18:53.05tomboneyup, alsa is working
18:53.19*** join/#asterisk micheles (
18:53.19SarahEmmst3v: one with 1 T1 port and 24 FXS ports :)
18:53.37SarahEmmassuming you mean you want to plug 24 POTS phones into it
18:53.49tomboneI'm getting sound on the other end of the connection
18:54.05Juxti am having a hard time calling macros out of *-realtime, can anyone help?
18:54.06st3vactually I want to replace a talkswitch setup using 2 phone lines
18:54.13tombonejust not on my console -- right after I switched to ALSA I heard a ringback tone, but nothing after that...
18:54.18micheleshi, is there a specific channel for fax detection problems ? i have a simple question, is a x100p generic ebay clone worth spending time on it to detect incoming faxes, or is it difficult ?
18:54.34st3vand about 20 phones connected to it
18:54.42tomboneDr_Ray still there?
18:54.45Juxtmicheles: the ebay clone works just as the real time
18:54.51SarahEmmst3v: okay, if you want that you need something with 2 FXO interfaces and 20 FXS interfaces.
18:54.53Juxti had it sat up and working quasi-well
18:55.03SarahEmmst3v: assuming you mean normal analog POTS phones
18:55.17st3vyeah normal analog phones
18:57.52*** join/#asterisk devonst17 (
18:58.13st3vso I need 2 FXO ports to connect to the regular POTS phone lines, and 20 FXS for all the phones?
18:58.33michelesJuxt, you mean i could as well get it to recon incoming faxes ?
18:59.24JasonGTInv_arp I have not found any examples of a working setup and have tried a configs and can get the fxs port working but not the fxo.
18:59.35*** part/#asterisk rnovotny22 (i=rnovonty@
18:59.54Sedoroxif you need 20 fxs... I would get a channel bank
18:59.54SarahEmmyep st3v
19:00.19SarahEmmSedorox: that's what i said :)
19:00.25SarahEmmthat's what st3v said too :)
19:00.27SarahEmmand hihi
19:00.40st3vdo you recommend any particular channel banks
19:00.48Sedoroxadtran's I hear good stuff about
19:01.02SarahEmmi've heard good things about adtran too tho
19:01.28Sedoroxbut they are up there in price..... has a good listing of different channel banks that have been tested with *
19:01.44st3vmaybe I'll get em on ebay
19:02.41*** join/#asterisk iDunno (
19:02.51SedoroxI need a new voip phone..... tired of this budgetone
19:02.53*** join/#asterisk tessier (
19:02.58Sedoroxnot sure if I wanna get a polycom or cisco
19:03.13Dr_RayI use a zhone, they are a pain, but they are cheap, if you don't need caller ID passed, or remote disconnect supervision
19:03.26SarahEmmSedorox: heh, yeah.. it was a tossup between cisco and polycom for me
19:03.35SedoroxSarahEmm, same here :p
19:03.36SarahEmmi don't see a huge advantage to the ciscos
19:03.39SarahEmmand they're more money
19:03.40Juxtpolycom has a better speakerphone
19:03.40Sedoroxplus I don't have the money for either right noe
19:03.57SarahEmmyeah.. i likely won't use the speakerphone much tho
19:04.04Sedoroxyea.. I've heard the poly seems better overall
19:04.04SarahEmmwhat advantages do the ciscos have, assuming SIP?
19:04.15Dr_RayI think the cisco's look better
19:04.26Sedoroxhehe same here :p
19:04.32Dr_Rayyou have to pay for a service contract to get firmware from cisco
19:04.32SarahEmmphysically? yeah, they do.
19:04.54Sedoroxbtw.. I used a cisco wireless voip phone earlier this week.... it is a nice phone.. sounded good too... granted it was using callmanager tho...
19:05.00tomboneDr_Ray -- any ideas on the sound problem?
19:05.20Dr_Raytombone - no sir
19:05.37*** join/#asterisk jgloudon (
19:05.48SarahEmmSedorox: and no SIP firmware for 'em afaik
19:06.13Sedoroxyea... dunno
19:06.17Sedoroxbut it was nice at least :p
19:06.29Dr_Raythe local office depot has a zyxel wireless handset on the shelf for sale, it's tough to get out of there without buying it
19:06.36Sedoroxthe Aastra phones loook nice too... but I hear the screen isn't very functional
19:07.01jgloudonhello, I'm trying to find a maintainer
19:07.13jgloudonto ask about some of the bounty items
19:07.40Sedoroxdirect the question to the person listed on the bounty
19:08.58Sedoroxat leas I would think you would get a better response that way
19:11.04jgloudoncool, i was following the directions on the wiki
19:11.32Sedoroxo ok
19:11.41Sedoroxthen go with that :p
19:13.54JasonGTHello can anyone help me with A@H 1.5 and Handytone 488 with F/W configuration?  I have got the fxs port working with * but not the fxo.  I have searched for some config examples but have not came across annything yet.  Thanks
19:14.23Sedoroxbbl.. shower...
19:15.41*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
19:17.25tomboneasking again:  anyone one have any clues on why I'm not getting any sound through the console?  works through the connection.
19:18.20fugitivotombone: bad alsa configuration
19:18.55tomboneasterisk alsa config or external?
19:20.28michelesfor fax detections, shall i use nvdetect ?
19:21.18michelessorry nvfaxdetect ?
19:23.09JunK-Yyo here.
19:23.28tombonefugitivo -- still there?
19:23.57*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
19:33.06tomboneI'll try again -- when dialing out, I hear ringback on the console, until I pick up the other end of the connection. Hanging up and dialing out again -- I get no sound on the console period.  It only comes back when I stop and start.  No problems with the sound on the channel.
19:33.25tomboneAny ideas?
19:36.30*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
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20:23.33andrownzhey, i'm new to Asterisk, i've read for a minut the Asterisk Digium Handbook, i'm wondering if i can set up Asterisk to work as peer2peer? for ex : i would like to talk to someone that's in another country, do i have to set up two asterisk at both ends?
20:24.06supaigtrI can use any sip device to do that without *.
20:24.13supaigtrI U
20:24.15SarahEmmyou're aware asterisk is a PBX, not an actual SIP client, right andrownz?
20:24.39SarahEmmokay.. you could link your Asterisk PBX with someone else's somewhere else using IAX2
20:24.41andrownzbut i don't really like using skype black box or others like
20:24.45andrownzyou see what i mean?
20:24.49SarahEmmbut it seems overkill
20:25.06supaigtrandrownz: Why not just use sip clients?
20:25.18andrownzlike what?
20:25.30supaigtrFirefly works well if you want a softphone.
20:26.01*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
20:26.33andrownzif two guys on two computers want to talk remotely with some microphones, sip is enough?
20:27.09SarahEmmyeah, you don't need asterisk
20:27.11SarahEmmuse FWD or such
20:28.00andrownzhey firefly is a firewall ..
20:28.59andrownzi guess they have the same name :)
20:29.24supaigtrYea its a TV show too.
20:29.35supaigtrAnd a movie, and a bug.
20:29.52andrownzand my nickname in a minute
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21:04.17*** join/#asterisk Juxt (
21:04.24Juxthello everyone
21:04.44Juxthow can i do SIP register => with *-realtime?
21:05.20*** join/#asterisk HolyGod (i=[
21:06.16Juxti really wouldn't want to store sip.conf in static
21:09.26*** join/#asterisk tombone (
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21:10.29tomboneI've got an ongioing sound problem... can anyone help?
21:13.03tomboneOK. What's the best place to ask questions relating to audio and asterisk?
21:14.14*** join/#asterisk KaBewM (
21:14.21Proteque_ask the quation. see if someone answers
21:14.26Proteque_dont ask to ask.
21:18.16SarahEmmhe has been, for hours Proteque_
21:18.20SarahEmmbut nobody knows, it seems. :)
21:18.47tomboneOK, I'll try again. I'm running ALSA w/jack having no sound problems elsewhere.
21:19.12tomboneDialing out with Asterisk, I hear a ringback, I answer the other end (through IAX/PSTN),
21:19.20tomboneand hear my voice for a second, then it stops.
21:19.22tomboneCall continues
21:19.25tomboneI hangup.
21:20.00tomboneDialing again, I hear no ringback on the console, and no voice...
21:20.20tombonethough I can still hear mic->console->IAX2->PSTN->phone
21:20.49tomboneif I restart asterisk, I get the same thing over again. Console sound works for a little bit, but then stops...
21:23.07tomboneI also get these warnings:
21:24.07tomboneNo ideas?
21:27.18*** join/#asterisk xheliox (
21:28.34InfraRedanyone using asterisk on fbsd?
21:28.57arp2I'm sure there are
21:30.36InfraRedi am having issues compiling asterisk-addons
21:32.02*** join/#asterisk rnovotny22 (n=rnovotny@
21:33.24rnovotny22Does anyone know how to group VOIP #'s for outgoing calls?
21:34.26*** join/#asterisk Craziman2 (n=Craziman@
21:34.42Craziman2getting " loader.c:258 ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: fax_set_phase_d_handler
21:34.42Craziman2Oct  2 16:32:14 WARNING[9594]: loader.c:440 load_modules: Loading module failed!
21:34.42Craziman2" any ideas?
21:37.01Craziman2Anyone around?
21:38.17*** join/#asterisk Craziman2 (n=Craziman@
21:39.07Craziman2Getting an error... " []Oct  2 16:35:04 WARNING[10284]: loader.c:258 ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: fax_set_phase_d_handler
21:39.07Craziman2Oct  2 16:35:04 WARNING[10284]: loader.c:440 load_modules: Loading module failed!
21:39.07Craziman2"  Any ideas?
21:39.59SarahEmmwe heard you the firs ttime :)
21:47.05*** join/#asterisk carbon60 (
21:47.27carbon60Anyone used an SMS gateway to manage the MWI on GSM phones?
21:47.47*** part/#asterisk leszq (n=leszq@
21:49.04rnovotny22Is it possible to group Voip numbers the same was as PSTN lines?
21:49.20Sedoroxyou mean extentions?
21:49.42Sedoroxlike have it 2131 is the same as 555-123-2131?
21:49.57Darwin35we regret to inform you all asterisl is now know as gastrisk
21:50.06rnovotny22No, I have 2 Broadvoice lines, I would like to be able to automatically use the line that is available
21:50.08Darwin35its become to bloated
21:50.32twistedstep 1 of twisted's new home entertainment system is complete
21:50.38Sedoroxoh... not totally sure how to do that.. but I'm sure its fairly easy...
21:51.02Darwin35itscalled active rollover
21:51.22Darwin35but as far asI know bv allows 5 outbound channels so its hard
21:51.48rnovotny225?  They are only allowing us 1!
21:52.03Darwin35ok then they changed
21:52.20Darwin35let me find the roll over.
21:52.42Sedoroxnew == 1.2.0 beta
21:52.51rnovotny22If 1 caller is online then bv still picks up and says its unavailable.
21:52.58Darwin35;exten => s,1,GotoIf($[${sipline1} = Congestion]?3:2)
21:52.58Darwin35;exten => s,2,Dial(${sipline1},15,rt)
21:52.58Darwin35;exten => s,3,GotoIf($[${sipline2} = Congestion]?5:4)
21:52.59Darwin35;exten => s,4,Dial(${sipline2},15,rt)
21:52.59Darwin35;exten => s,5,GotoIf($[${sipline3} = Congestion]?7:6)
21:53.01Darwin35;exten => s,6,Dial(${sipline3},15,rt)
21:53.03Darwin35;exten => s,7,GotoIf($[${sipline4} = Congestion]?9:8)
21:53.05Darwin35;exten => s,8,Dial(${sipline4},15,rt)
21:53.07Darwin35;exten => s,9,Playback(all-outbound-circuts-busy)
21:53.09Darwin35;exten => s,10,Hangup
21:53.11Darwin35errr wrong window
21:54.06Darwin35thats the basics of it
21:54.22rnovotny22Thanks Darwin.  I'll give it a try..... let you know shortly!
21:55.49*** join/#asterisk badminca (n=badmin@
22:05.15SplasPoodgod, all the examples in the wiki are MIA
22:05.27iDunnothe wiki is 'fun' ;)
22:08.12*** join/#asterisk epablo (
22:08.18epabloHi people..
22:08.58epabloNeed some help making a bridge with 2 calls.  Got one on hold.. and the other one comes from .call file..
22:09.04*** part/#asterisk carbon60 (
22:09.43epabloGot got the first channels id.. just tried a dial(local/1^channel) but I got a busy on it
22:10.18epabloThis is for a collect calls app I've been working on.
22:11.31*** join/#asterisk Pr0ph37 (
22:15.40wunderkini thought app_transfer was for that .. tried using it once but dont remember what the problem was.. could have been my fault.. also check app_changrab
22:16.28epabloI looked at the command transfer, but I cant transfer to a ongoing call.
22:16.37epabloLet me take a look at changrab
22:16.43Darwin35 for new people who need a basic to work with
22:19.46SplasPoodanyone have a number that always rings busy?
22:20.22epabloWhere is that app?  I don't have it on aterisk 1.0.9
22:21.51SplasPoodI need to test my dialstatus handling
22:22.28*** join/#asterisk Romik (
22:22.55QwellSplasPood: try calling adelphia tech support
22:23.14Qwellthey might've just blocked my number though. :p
22:23.25SplasPoodheh whats the #
22:23.36Qwellno, I'm joking
22:24.20SplasPoodI just need a number I know will ring busy...  That woulda worked :P
22:24.40QwellSplasPood: call a radio station
22:25.06Qwell800-562-1067, thats busy alot
22:25.19Qwellnormal or circuit busy...but, yeah
22:26.42epablowunderkin:  I can't get changrap to build. :s
22:27.08Craziman2Still trying to figure out "/usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: fax_set_header_info" if anyone can help
22:27.13file[laptop]I see alive people
22:27.14SplasPoodin new stack    -- Called    -- SIP/ is making progress passing it to SIP/7001-4e9fOct  2 18:26:58 WARNING[8787]: chan_sip.c:8960 handle_response: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE to '"2122015706" <>;tag=as40f03a97'    -- SIP/ is circuit-busy
22:27.29SarahEmmsounds like you're using the wrong password for authentication ;)
22:27.33file[laptop]SplasPood: that termination spot doesn't always work
22:27.45file[laptop]about once a week it goes like that
22:27.51SplasPoodI hate having to put overrides into my enum shit
22:28.25X-RobCraziman2 - install spandsp and then run ldconfig
22:29.25Craziman2X-Rob : span dsp installed with no errors, ldconfig returns nothing and still get that message
22:29.43SplasPoodQwell: heh, it answered..
22:30.00QwellSplasPood: thats a first
22:30.17SplasPoodwell asked me to hold cause I was important to them
22:30.46SplasPoodSomeone should compile a list of ring-busy numbers, etc for the wiki
22:31.32epabloHas anyone been able to build app_changrab?
22:33.26*** join/#asterisk bonez41 (
22:36.27wunderkinepablo: um yes you may need head, what are you using
22:37.00epabloOk.. found a patch that says it might make it work with 1.0:
22:39.41epablopatching file app_changrab.c
22:39.41epablopatch: **** malformed patch at line 4: */
22:39.41epabloAny one know why this could happen?
22:39.43X-Rob^^^ For anyone that missed it, that's my new daughter - Jade Olive Thomas
22:39.54X-Robepablo - it means you're not applying a patch file.
22:39.57X-Roblook what line 4 is.
22:40.08epabloits a */
22:40.19X-RobAnd what's line 3 and 5?
22:40.25epablo--- app_changrab.c.orig 2005-06-20 22:10:50.000000000 +0200
22:40.25epablo+++ app_changrab.c      2005-06-22 11:43:54.000000000 +0200
22:40.25epablo@@ -8,11 +8,12 @@
22:40.44epablosorry that would be 1-3
22:40.54epablo5 would be a blank line
22:40.59X-Robtry vi'ing the file, see if it says [dos mode] down the bottom.
22:41.28epablonop.. but its a copy past from an url..
22:41.44X-Robjust apply the patch manually then.
22:42.59X-Robif you've copied and pasted the patch, it's only goign to be a few lines. Do it manually
22:45.00*** join/#asterisk digime (
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22:48.09*** join/#asterisk epablo (
22:48.26epabloThanks guys...
22:48.44epablohas got to go!
22:48.49*** part/#asterisk epablo (
22:48.53*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
22:48.59Qwellfile[laptop]: sucker
22:50.44*** join/#asterisk milkyflava (
22:51.32milkyflavaI have 4 POTS lines into a tdm400p and I need to be able to have an inside caller when they dial out to search through all 4 lines to find a free one to dial out on, what is this called?
22:51.44milkyflavamulti-line hunt group?
22:52.01milkyflavahi SarahEmm
22:52.31Qwellmilkyflava: just groups, afaik
22:52.39milkyflavathanks Qwell
22:52.57Qwellsetup in your zap config, then you just do a Dial(Zap/g1), or whatever
22:53.01milkyflavaI'm having a hard time finding the info in google because I have no idea what it's called. :)
22:53.15milkyflavazapata or zaptel?
22:53.23QwellI always forget which is which, heh
22:53.33milkyflavalol, ok, I will figure it out from there
22:53.38Qwellthe one in /etc/asterisk/
22:53.40milkyflavathanks again!
22:53.42X-Robmilkyflava - in your zapata.conf, above 'channels => 1-4' put 'group => 0'
22:54.01X-Robthen when you dial, rather than goign 'Dial(Zap/1)' you go 'Dial(Zap/g0)'
22:54.03X-Robg for group
22:54.07milkyflavaok, I did that, and I can get it to dial out when the line is port 0 but no others
22:54.10Qwelltrunk group
22:54.41QwellX-Rob: groups can start at 0?
22:54.45milkyflavaat the moment I have only one line for testing, if I had all 4 would it probably work?
22:54.49X-Robmilkyflava - well your zapata.conf is wrong.
22:54.52X-RobQwell - uh. Yes?
22:55.12X-Robmilkyflava - yes, it would work
22:55.32X-Robit won't dial on a line that's in alarm (eg, no battery), so if you don't have a line plugged into it, it won't work either.
22:55.39milkyflavamaybe thats all I am seeing then, I am moving the one active pots line I have from port to port but it will only work in 0
22:55.55X-Robmilkyflava - your /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
22:56.13milkyflavaok, I am using asteriskathome
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22:59.07milkyflava thanks for the help
22:59.24milkyflavais it just me or is this hard to grasp?
23:01.50Sedoroxand yet again... Mac to the rescue...
23:02.55SedoroxI had a Cruzer mini 512 die on me a few months ago.... not even a year old.... well there is a open ticket with sandisk.. but I haven't sent it back.... just decided to puts around... and linux wouldn't read it... windows wouldn't... put it in the mac.. said it couldn't.. but gave me the option to initalize and erase and partition... did it.. and now it works perfectly
23:04.51InfraRedsounds like a user error
23:05.12X-Robmilkyflava - you don't have any 'channels' in your zapata.conf
23:05.14X-Robthat's your problem.
23:05.27milkyflavaheh, I was just noticing that
23:05.41X-Robput 'channel => 1-4' atafter the ';faxtedect=no' line.
23:05.41Sedoroxlol InfraRed
23:05.51*** join/#asterisk alerios (n=alerios@
23:05.52X-Roband take out those #includes
23:05.52Sedoroxwell... I tried everything... like.. not even fdisk in linux would read it
23:05.55Sedoroxwas messed up
23:05.56X-Robyou don't want them.
23:06.20milkyflavaso I would put 'channels => 1-4 under the [channels]?
23:06.32X-Rob'channel' means 'end'
23:06.37X-Rob(not "channel_S_")
23:06.45X-Robor 'submit' or 'enter' or ...
23:06.50X-Robyou have that at the end of a section.
23:07.03*** join/#asterisk Carp1 (
23:07.11X-Robso take out the includes, and put 'channel => 1-4' at the bottom
23:07.38Carp1Does anyone know the SIP server address for NuFone?, or some such perhaps?
23:08.29Qwellthat'd be the one
23:08.41Carp1Damn, its not easy connecting to NuFone using anything but asterisk
23:09.19milkyflavaX-Rob: Does this now look right?
23:09.58Qwellmilkyflava: just don't let amp rewrite your config ;]
23:10.33X-Robmilkyflava - perfect
23:10.57milkyflavaSweet! Thanks X-Rob! This has been driving me crazy
23:11.09X-RobQwell - AMP _doesn't_
23:11.11*** part/#asterisk simbulu (n=simbulu@
23:11.15X-Robthat's some fith asterisk@home shit
23:13.40Carp1anyone ever use nufone with a softphone?
23:14.32milkyflavaWe just bought some Grandstream GXP-2000's and they are very cool phones anybody have any issues with these?
23:14.45X-Robmilkyflava - They're getting to be really good phones.
23:15.00milkyflavaand cheap for all the features they have
23:15.15X-Robin a couple of weeks new firmware with busy lamp and call pickup will be released
23:15.18X-Rob(and intercom)
23:15.32X-Rob...and as soon as you have intercom, you have paging too...
23:15.37milkyflavaI noticed that version 2.something
23:16.13milkyflavaThese phones won't stay at this price too long then
23:18.16milkyflavaThanks for all the help X-Rob. I am heading downtown to try it out and see if that worked.
23:18.38X-Robthey will
23:18.49X-Robnoone can keep stock of 'em
23:18.55X-Robthey're selling like hot cakes.
23:19.00milkyflavawe got 11 of them
23:19.11*** join/#asterisk kingtux (
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23:19.35X-Rob is the paging script that will work with the new firmware
23:20.23Sedoroxso the gxp-2000 is recommended?
23:21.13X-RobI like 'em, for a cheap phone.
23:21.13X-RobThe Snom's are much more hr0n tho.
23:21.39SedoroxI have a budgetone 100 now.. and when I get the money I wanna upgrade... I've mainly been looking at the 7960, IP601, and GXP2000
23:21.46Sedoroxfor me its a toss-up right now
23:22.04X-Robyou could get about 8 GXP2000's for what a 7960 will cost you.
23:22.28SarahEmmnot sure what the diff between 500 and 501 is tho
23:22.30Sedoroxwell features is another thing right now too
23:22.57Sedoroxbut eh
23:23.05SedoroxI don't have the money.. so I'm not spending too much time on any of it :p
23:23.14milkyflavaX-Rob: is your site?
23:24.02milkyflavaThat site has been cut-n-pasted in many emails lately. :)
23:24.18X-RobYou must also say 'awww' about my new daughter.
23:24.38JamesDotComX-Rob: where in .au are you?
23:24.41X-RobI hope you're clicking on my google ads too ;-)
23:24.59JamesDotComahh, qld
23:25.12milkyflavashe is cute man, good pic, caught her smiling
23:25.27X-RobThere's a link to a google satellite piccy of my place.
23:25.50milkyflavayou are definitely a techie
23:26.35milkyflavawas that your first child?
23:26.42JamesDotComstupid google satellite, i only have crap resolution pics of my area
23:26.43X-RobI've actually been reasonably slack in keeping it up to date. AMP 1.10.009 is out, and I haven't mentioned it at all.
23:26.45JamesDotComand that's in melbourne
23:27.10X-RobYeah, sydney's the same - crap resolution of 1/2 the city, and all of the north shore.
23:27.56*** join/#asterisk Craziman2 (n=Craziman@
23:31.33milkyflavayou all are coming into spring right now in .au?
23:32.00X-RobPretty much so.
23:32.09X-RobI'm up in the tropics - yesterday was 32c here.
23:32.12netsurferbaah they stole our summer
23:32.35milkyflavaI'm in alaska i.e. not the tropics
23:32.37X-Rob32 degrees Celsius = 89.6 degrees Fahrenheit
23:33.56milkyflava89.6? even in the hottest days of summer we dont get that
23:35.58X-Robit usually hangs around 39c on the warm days. We'll get a couple of weeks of hot which is 40+
23:36.13Carp1I got NuFone registered with x-lite but I can only make outgoing calls....any idea on how to get incoming?
23:36.24X-Rob39 degrees Celsius = 102.2 degrees Fahrenheit
23:36.34X-RobCarp1 - it means you're not registering.
23:36.42X-Robyou're authenticating, but not registering
23:36.55*** part/#asterisk kingtux (
23:37.35Carp1Whats the difference between Username and Authorization User?
23:38.07milkyflavathanks again for all the help.
23:38.37*** join/#asterisk Seyr (
23:39.48Seyrim trying to have one asterisk box forward a call to another asterisk server that just has Answer & Hangup on that extension and I keep getting an error - handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user
23:40.26Seyri've done this before and have no clue what im doing wrong this time :-(
23:41.20Seyron the first * box I just have it set to Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@x.x.x.x) and on the second * box I have a peer defined for the first one
23:41.38Seyranyone know what I may have missed?
23:41.58file[laptop]got it insecure=very?
23:42.13Seyryeh, and even changed it to insecure=port,invite
23:42.25file[laptop]sip debug
23:42.26Seyrand even set autocreatepeer=yes
23:42.43Seyrive done that and see nothing obvious
23:43.11file[laptop]you're not looking at the right stuff then, it should say "Found user, Found peer" whatever...
23:43.37Seyron the box receiving the call?
23:43.59Carp1x-rob: it says Registered
23:44.29Carp1Proxy (Default) - address here : Registered
23:45.29tomboneHi, I've got a problem with sound -- on a simple dial out, I hear a ring back the first, time and some voice on the other end after picking up the call.  But, after, the sound output on console cuts out, and I just have the mic. Any ideas?
23:45.48Seyrfile, the only errors on sip debug are "SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required" and "SIP/2.0 404 Not Found"
23:46.19file[laptop]Seyr: pastebin a sip debug on the server you're sending the call to
23:46.31file[laptop]and how are you doing authentication
23:46.36file[laptop]username, or ip address based?
23:46.58file[laptop]k then pastebin it...
23:47.34file[laptop]Found user '226'
23:47.53Seyrmy UA calling first server is 226
23:48.21SeyrUA 226 -> Server1 ext 555 -> Server 2 dialplan
23:48.30file[laptop]OKAY here's how it works
23:48.47MikeJ[Laptop]yes, please tell
23:48.51file[laptop]Asterisk uses the user part of the From header on the INVITE to get the username
23:49.08file[laptop]and it's finding a user entry by that username, 226, so it's challenging for credentials
23:49.15file[laptop]as users have priority over peers.
23:49.26Seyrah... yeh, there is user 226 on both boxes
23:49.33*** join/#asterisk paravoid (i=paravoid@
23:49.40file[laptop]changing your callerid will work...
23:49.41Seyrim slowly moving things from Server1 to Server2
23:50.38paravoidI've got a Cisco 7905g and apparently I need to compile a tftp configuration to change most of its settings
23:50.58paravoidand I can't get the zip until tomorrow, can anyone (with a CCO e.g. :) help?
23:51.15paravoidSIP image of course :)
23:51.21paravoid(not really an asterisk question, I know)
23:51.57MikeJ[Laptop]file, also, if using head, he can use the full domain now if he wants, that domain patch went it
23:52.13Seyruse full domain?
23:52.38*** join/#asterisk coppice (
23:52.49MikeJ[Laptop]form the from in the sip invib
23:52.58MikeJ[Laptop]can't typw
23:55.03*** join/#asterisk konfuzed (

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