irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050919

00:03.18tzangerleeloo dallas auto wash!
00:03.53Qwell[]L|NUX: What does sip debug say?
00:03.58jbot[pastebin] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
00:05.44L|NUXQwell[] :
00:07.35Qwell[]L|NUX: and what did they say when you called them?
00:07.36*** join/#asterisk nextime (
00:08.01L|NUXQwell[] : well its DID
00:08.07L|NUXQwell[] : and they are not online :(
00:08.18L|NUXQwell[] : and i don't able to called them
00:08.44Qwell[]why not?
00:08.55L|NUXbecause they are in another city :(
00:11.42Qwell[]"When I register to you via SIP, I get no packets back.  Can you help me figure out why?"
00:12.40*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
00:13.00Qwell[]They might be doing something stupid, like sending packets back to port 8891
00:13.46L|NUXQwell[]: well but i can connect using x-pro or eyebeam
00:13.57Qwell[]connect, or register?
00:14.15L|NUXwell i don't know what eyebeam or xpro do connect to register :)
00:15.24L|NUXshido6 : no luck :(
00:16.14swm_anyone know why automon would not work in features.conf?
00:16.27Qwell[]swm_: Its considered rude to ask the same question in more then one place
00:17.07swm_Qwell: Unless you have a answer to the long asked question, shut up
00:17.47Qwell[]automon works fine
00:18.04swm_Qwell: According to CVS HEAD IT DOES NOT
00:18.14Qwell[]works great on my box
00:19.10swm_Qwell: Running CVS Head
00:19.35swm_In Features.conf what do you have automon programmed as?
00:20.07swm_what section do you have it defined under? general or featuremap ?
00:20.29Qwell[]right where it says it should be
00:20.40Qwell[]I'd help, but you're an ass, so...nah
00:20.45swm_automon => *7
00:21.10swm_I'm an ass because I've asked the same question for 3 days now
00:23.20Qwell[]swm_: What is featuredigittimeout set to?
00:23.24*** join/#asterisk mick3 (
00:23.48mick3hi there, could someone help me with this message:
00:23.48mick3Sep 19 12:23:04 WARNING[6379]: Channel 'Zap/1-1' sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'default', but no invalid handler
00:23.58swm_featuredigittimeout = 500
00:24.00mick3(trying to call my pstn line attached to my * box)
00:24.08Qwell[]mick3: You need to have an extension s in extensions.conf, or use a different context
00:24.11L|NUXQwell[] : when i did changed bindport=8891 then it works
00:24.16Qwell[]swm_: And how quickly are you pressing *7?
00:24.31Qwell[]L|NUX: Thats just rediculous...
00:24.31swm_as fast as humanly possible
00:24.39Qwell[]and how fast is that?
00:24.47Qwell[]and WHEN are you doing it?
00:24.53swm_during the call
00:24.54mick3exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/501,20,tr)
00:25.01mick3Qwell[]: does that look correct?
00:25.04Qwell[]mick3: Change your context in your zap config
00:25.10mick3Qwell[]: I've done that
00:25.25L|NUXQwell[] : yup
00:25.25Qwell[]mick3: you did it wrong then...
00:25.27mick3in my zapata.conf...
00:26.16mick3hm, it works now
00:26.27mick3thanks Qwell[]
00:26.30mick3you're a * master
00:26.47mick3you should write an FAQ from the questions asked here :)
00:26.50Qwell[]Now might be a good time to mention I accept paypal donations.
00:27.01swm_** - ALL - ** my features work but automon
00:27.45*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
00:28.10Qwell[]swm_: You're doing it during what part of the call?
00:28.23Qwell[]I've had no luck with it working during ringing or anything like that
00:28.33Qwell[]so you get errors?
00:29.18swm_All I get is "attempting native brige of SIP/cisco0-0e9c and SIP/sipura0-c79b (every time I press a digit on the phone)
00:29.36swm_I do this while the active call is esablshed
00:29.47Qwell[]which device are you doing it from?
00:29.49swm_Wondering if there has to be some kind of flag set on the called phone
00:29.59swm_I'm calling the sipura from the cisco.
00:30.05swm_I've done it both ways
00:30.44Qwell[]works fine from my cisco
00:31.01swm_so if I call the sipura from the cisco and pick the sipura up, say hello.,.. press *7 for my designated record button, it will display the native bridge method for the buttons pressed, no other information appears, if I do a transfer it works. dunno
00:31.29Qwell[]have you tried doing it from the calling device?
00:31.51swm_done both ways yeah, doing it from the called device dont do anything at all
00:31.57mick3so, how would I configure outgoing pstn calls?
00:32.08mick3exten=> _494XXXX,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN}@,30,rtT)
00:32.10mick3does that look correct?
00:32.15Qwell[]swm_: Do you have something in your dialplan or elsewhere that conflicts with *7?
00:32.25Qwell[]mick3: Zap needs no IP
00:32.28swm_Nope checked that
00:32.40Qwell[]Zap/1/${EXTEN} should work fine
00:32.46Qwell[]and, why are you doing tT?  and r?
00:32.46mick3okay, thanks
00:32.52mick3I don't know, I copied it from somewhere
00:32.54Qwell[]both of those are horrible ideas
00:32.55mick3what do they mean?
00:32.57mick3t, T, and r?
00:33.00Qwell[]show application dial
00:33.09Qwell[]use EITHER t OR T, not both...especially not on a zap line
00:33.27mick3what would you recommend I use?
00:33.36swm_one t means transfer from the outside and the other T means from the inside
00:33.37Qwell[]whatever show application dial says, if you need it
00:34.16swm_t: Allow the called user to transfer the call
00:34.16swm_T: Allow the calling user to transfer the call
00:34.23Qwell[]one allows the calling user (which is what you probably want) to transfer the call.  The other allows the called user (you almost definitely don't want this on zap) to transfer
00:34.51swm_R: Indicate ringing to the calling party when the called party indicates ringing, pass no audio until answered. This is available only if you are using kapejod's bristuff.
00:35.05Qwell[]r, not R
00:35.13mick3hmm, I get 404 when I try to dial my 494xxxx
00:35.24swm_r: Generate a ringing tone for the calling party, passing no audio from the called channel(s) until one answers. Use with care and don't insert this by default into all your dial statements as you are killing call progress information for the user. Really, you almost certainly do not want to use this. Asterisk will generate ring tones automatically where it is appropriate to do so. "r" makes it go the next step and additionally generate ring tones where
00:35.26Qwell[]mick3: What does your new dial line look like?
00:35.31mick3exten=> _494XXXX,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN},30)
00:35.43mick3do I need to include pstn-outgoing in my sip-outgoing context?
00:35.50mick3ah, right
00:36.27mick3sweet, works
00:36.41mick3now to master incoming calls
00:36.54*** join/#asterisk techie (i=gus@
00:37.49harryvvwhats one of the best sip carriers now concerning call quality?
00:38.01Qwell[]harryvv: I'm liking astricon
00:38.13mick3how would I specify that a prefix is required on a Zap line?
00:38.13Qwell[]damn topic
00:38.17swm_Yeah Asterlink is the best one I can think of
00:38.17harryvvhow many hours of use have you used them for?
00:38.19mick3(to dial anything)
00:38.28swm_I've tried over 12 providers and asterlnk beats them all on features and quality
00:38.36Qwell[]harryvv:  20 cents worth
00:39.10harryvvwell then you have not used it long enough.
00:39.16a1fatwo dicks down
00:39.22a1fabroadvoice sucks ass :P
00:39.24harryvvswm and any audio problems or disconects?
00:39.54swm_harryv : No Asterlink is exellent, they use Asterisk for thier servers, and furthermore, they have exellent technical support
00:40.18mick3so, this is my pstn incoming:
00:40.22harryvvsmw, okay
00:40.23mog_homeswm_ you work for asterilink?
00:40.25mick3exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/501,20,tr)
00:40.26mick3;exten => s,2,Voicemail,u1010
00:40.26mick3;exten => s,102,Voicemail,b1010
00:40.26mick3;exten => 8500,1,VoicemailMain
00:40.30harryvvbkw owned asterlink?
00:40.38mick3does that look sorta correct?
00:40.38swm_I wish I worked for asterlink
00:40.45mog_homeno. anthm owns i thought
00:40.54mog_homebkw works for anthm was my understanding
00:40.56Qwell[]anthm is da man, yeah
00:40.57swm_bkw anthm and file are associated with asterlink
00:41.03mog_homei know
00:41.06mog_homei was just curious
00:41.21mog_homeill just bug bkw_ about it later
00:41.24harryvvI wonder how thay get the cheap rates nation wide
00:41.31swm_mog_home: about what?
00:41.47mog_homesomething i am working on, ill bug him bout it later no bigge
00:42.04swm_harryvv: multiple voip providers in other countrys call routing and many other factors
00:42.19Qwell[]mick3: if the stuff was commented out, maybe
00:42.22Qwell[]mick3: and don't paste in here
00:42.26jboti guess pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
00:42.44mog_homebut not really...
00:42.50mick3i'll pastebin it
00:42.52mog_homeat least in my head they are
00:43.00swm_~jbot dict jock strap
00:43.08swm_~jbot dict Qwell
00:43.09mick3Qwell[]: does this look correct?
00:43.22Qwell[]mick3: Is it the same crap you just pasted in here?
00:43.23mick3basically I want to know whether the voicemail stuff looks correct
00:43.26mick3yeah, basically
00:43.29Qwell[]sure, try it
00:43.32swm_Need some definition for qwell in jbot
00:43.50*** join/#asterisk Druken (
00:43.57swm_jbot: qwell, a very well oriented asterisk user
00:44.14*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
00:44.30Drukenjbot: qwell is a very well oriented asterisk user
00:44.32jbotokay, Druken
00:44.32swm_~jbot dict hooka
00:45.11swm_jbot: you suck
00:45.25Qwell[]<jbot> i forgot qwell
00:45.29Qwell[]<3 jbot
00:45.52jbotyou are swm_, or on #asterisk and it's Mon Sep 19 00:45:52 2005. Don't believe me? Ask festr!
00:46.21Drukenswm_: your having way too much fun with jbot
00:46.29swm_I know I cant help it
00:46.33Qwell[]Druken: This is a hourly thing
00:46.54Drukenswm_: most of jbots cmd's work in privmsg
00:47.08swm_Well if jbot would join a channel to tinker with him without actually disturbing the rest of the channel here, I would tinker with it somewhere else
00:47.18Qwell[]swm_: /query jbot
00:47.31jbotyou are mick3, or on #asterisk and it's Mon Sep 19 00:47:31 2005. Don't believe me? Ask [MUPPETS]Gonzo!
00:48.05jbotyou are jerjer, or n=JerJer@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer on #asterisk and it's Mon Sep 19 00:48:05 2005. Don't believe me? Ask _m_!
00:48.05swm_~slap mick3
00:48.06jbotACTION slaps mick3, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
00:48.23jbotyou are tzanger, or on #asterisk and it's Mon Sep 19 00:48:23 2005. Don't believe me? Ask Damin!
00:48.33jbotyou are jskcr, or n=jskcr@unaffiliated/jskcr on #asterisk and it's Mon Sep 19 00:48:33 2005. Don't believe me? Ask Primer!
00:48.37tzangerI was waiting for royk to have put something dumb in there
00:48.41jbotmethinks tzanger is the raddest fcking dude alive
00:48.55jbotjskcr has karma of 6
00:49.05jbotswm_ has neutral karma
00:49.11swm_~karma 900000000
00:49.11jbot900000000 has neutral karma
00:49.19jboti heard druken is not really drunk
00:49.20jbottzanger has neutral karma
00:49.20swm_~karma drunken
00:49.20jbotdrunken has neutral karma
00:49.29swm_~karma your momma
00:49.29jbotyour momma has neutral karma
00:49.34jbottzanger has neutral karma
00:49.45Qwell[]jbot: tzanger++
00:49.45swm_~beatoff everyone
00:49.47tzanger~seen my dick in a year
00:49.51jbottzanger: i haven't seen 'my dick in a year'
00:50.03jbotdruken has neutral karma
00:50.07Qwell[]~bot abuse
00:50.10jbotACTION huddles in the corner, whimpering 'please, please stop'
00:50.20bkw_someone said my name?
00:50.20swm_~abuse tzanger
00:50.22jbotACTION smacks tzanger across the face. "Take that, sucker!"
00:50.22jbottzanger has karma of 1
00:50.27tzangeryup that's what does it
00:50.37Qwell[]tzanger: now do me :p
00:50.39swm_~spank tzanger
00:50.41jbotACTION bends tzanger over his knee and tatoos 'ibot' on tzanger's pasty white buttocks.
00:50.51tzangeroh dear
00:50.56Qwell[]not like that
00:51.00bkw_~do tzanger
00:51.01jbotACTION does tzanger.
00:51.08tzangerwhoa that's not good
00:51.09swm_~fuck tzanger
00:51.20bkw_I think they removed that one
00:51.20Qwell[]bkw_: afternoon
00:51.20*** join/#asterisk qhrisnd (
00:51.27Qwell[]wonder why...
00:51.28swm_why bkw?
00:51.30swm_why why why
00:51.36tzangerwhich camera bkw?
00:51.45swm_bkw_:  what kind of digital camera? SLR Capabilities
00:51.51tzangerbtw digikam (KDE) is an AMAZING cam app
00:51.52bkw_its a Digital Rebel XT
00:52.01tzangerbkw_: very very nice
00:52.09tzangerI liked the EOS rebel (non-digital)
00:52.11tzangerI wanted a rebel D
00:52.13qhrisnddoes any one in here have any familiarity with Nuvio PBX services?
00:52.15bkw_I whiped out the credit card and said WTH and went for it
00:52.23swm_~do bkw_ and his camera
00:52.24jbotACTION does bkw_ and his camera.
00:52.32tzangerbkw_: whip out your credit card and ship one ot me
00:52.39bkw_UM NO
00:52.47tzangeroh dear
00:52.48Qwell[]a lollipop
00:52.49bkw_I honestly shouldn't have got one yet but I wanted it
00:52.51tzangeryou know where your dinner dangles
00:52.53bkw_and i'm glad I did
00:53.02bkw_It can keep up with me
00:53.06bkw_now I need a 6 gig Micro drive
00:53.22twistedbkw_, don't forget a life.
00:53.33bkw_Why would I ever need one of those?
00:53.44tzangerswm_: that reminds me
00:53.45twistedbkw_, to have something to take pictures of?
00:53.46bkw_swm you better start acting like a normal person
00:53.49tzangerdog shit removal service
00:53.54tzangerfrom $10/wk
00:54.02tzangersaw that on a truck today coming back from my mom's
00:54.12Qwell[]removal from where?
00:54.16bkw_twisted why would I do that.. I can find more interesting things to take pictures of
00:54.19swm_What's normal bkw_
00:54.25twistedbkw_, :P
00:54.27bkw_swm not acting like a monkey
00:54.50bkw_I can fill up a 512MB CF card in like 120 seconds with this camera
00:54.56bkw_just holding the shutter button down
00:55.04tzangerhm doesn't exist
00:55.04swm_I wasn't acthing like a monkey, I was throwing MONKEY crap.. lol
00:55.22twistedmonkeys fling their own poo
00:55.38syledepends what hole you put it in
00:55.44jskcr~rot13 vobg penfurf naq rkcybqrf ur qryrgrf uvf qngnonfr shyy bs fuvg
00:55.44jbotibot crashes and explodes he deletes his database full of shit
00:56.11twistedjbot: what are you?
00:56.15jbotI am a blootbot. For more info see <blootbot>
00:56.15Qwell[]decryption error?
00:56.15tzangergoogle image the ibrator, hahaha
00:56.29tzangerjbot's a blootbot?
00:56.34tzangermy blootbot's not that cool
00:56.50twistedjbot: blootbot?
00:56.52jbotmethinks blootbot is an IRC bot written in perl descended from infobot. Hosted on SF. Patches welcome, submit on SF or, or,.  I am a blootbot
00:56.52jskcr~rot13 vobg orngf oxj yvxr n erqurnqrq fgrc puvyq
00:56.53jbotibot beats bkw like a redheaded step child
00:56.58swm_I need a crypt bot in here
00:57.11tzanger20:56 < jbot> ibot beats bkw like a redheaded step child
00:57.15swm_Bloods and the Crypts heh
00:57.15tzangertoo funny
00:57.26tzangernot bloodbot, blooTbot
00:57.42bkw_well now someone needs to send me lots of cash for my photography habit
00:57.51swm_WTF is a bloot?
00:57.53twistedbkw_, you got a sugar daddy
00:57.55swm_~jbot dict bloot
00:57.56Qwell[]bkw_: Will a truckload do?  two maybe?
00:58.03tzangerwho's bkw's sugar daddy?
00:58.04jskcr~rot13 vobg vf gverq bs shpxvat vqbgf nfxvat uvz dhrfgvbaf nyy qnl vafgrnq bs ernqvat gur shpxvat znahny EGSZ CRBCYR!
00:58.04jbotibot is tired of fucking idots asking him questions all day instead of reading the fucking manual RTFM PEOPLE!
00:58.07bkw_twisted um no
00:58.11bkw_i'm my own sugar daddy
00:58.12tzangerno no no
00:58.15bkw_I make the most money here
00:58.16jbotrumour has it, wwjd is WWJD? JWRTFM!!!
00:58.31jbotACTION sings, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Wonderfull spam!
00:58.31*** join/#asterisk comfrey (
00:58.31twistedhere, as in, in your own world?
00:58.31tzangerI've been waiting for that one to come up :-)
00:58.35comfreyhey all...
00:58.43bkw_twisted here as in between greg and I
00:58.48tzangeroh my god who else knows about the stevespam.mod??!
00:59.00qhrisnddoes any one in here have any familiarity with Nuvio PBX services?
00:59.06Qwell[]ok, I'm gone
00:59.12comfreyi am getting invalid odule format upon modprobing zaptel...
00:59.29comfreyi have read all the docs and crossed my Ts
00:59.43twistedbut you forgot to dot your I's
00:59.46comfreyand still confused
00:59.49swm_wtd is stevespam.mod ?
00:59.51comfreyapperently so
01:00.12jskcr~rot13 unir lbh gevrq erobbgvat pbzserl
01:00.12jbothave you tried rebooting comfrey
01:00.23comfreyi could try that...
01:00.26L|NUXtwisted : how can i register my provider on different port without changing bindport in sip.conf ?
01:00.31comfreyshould make no diff eh?
01:01.33*** join/#asterisk littleball (
01:02.22*** join/#asterisk wolfson (i=hehe@
01:02.40*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
01:03.51tzangeryou don't reboot to solve problems
01:03.55tzangerthat's the WORST advice ever
01:04.12tzangerif it doesn't work, you've wasted time and possibly changed the conditions
01:04.22decunless you're in #windows :P
01:04.23tzangerif it does work, you have no idea what the underlying problem is
01:04.29tzangerno even in windows
01:04.33tzangerreboot is a mask, not a solution
01:04.58decyes, but half the time in windows it can't be fixed except for rebooting or reinstalling half your OS
01:05.14comfreyyeah, it worked not
01:05.18tzangerdec: which is why I prefer not to run it...  one thing I absolutely cannot stand is not being able to fix a problem
01:05.21comfreythanks for trying...
01:05.32tzangerand with windows it's too often the case that the software's closed or it's an OS bug you can't get around or fix
01:05.44tzangereven if I can't fix it myself, I can pay someone to fix it for me
01:05.51decsame here tzanger. if something breaks, I want to be able to know WHY it broke and fix it without just going "oh... reinstall time".
01:05.57comfreyany other ideas? i am using latest source and "make linux26" and all that
01:06.26syleBill Gates and Napoleon Dynamite team up in this movie....No REALLY!
01:07.03comfreyi have /usr/src/linux/ linked to the proper kernel-headers
01:07.25tzangercomfrey: what's the problem?
01:07.28comfreyFATAL: Error inserting zaptel (/lib/modules/2.6.8-2-k7/misc/zaptel.ko): Invalid module format
01:07.30*** join/#asterisk jalsot (
01:07.48comfreyseems like a common one and i have read all of the threads on it
01:07.52comfreybut no dice
01:07.53syleyou mean /usr/src/linux-2.6
01:08.14tzangercomfrey: odd...
01:08.25comfreyno... linux, me tries linux-2.6
01:08.39swm_tzanger: I dont reboot, I just flip the breaker on and off rapidly :)
01:09.03tzangerswm_: good way to generate surges
01:09.25tzangeryou got a friend in cocaine and you know he is to blame
01:09.27InfraRedswm_: do you lick the plug first ?
01:09.31swm_tzanger: if I wanted a surge I would just piss on the damn breaker box
01:09.44tzangerno that won't suge the computer... but it'll probably surge you :-)
01:09.52sylewhy don;t you stick your chocolate monkey in there
01:10.03tzangerI should probably finish learning how to play guitar first
01:10.16comfreyso i set the symlink up linux-2.6 and then it tells me it cant find source
01:10.22syleelectric or accoustic?
01:10.29comfreyso i put symlink back.
01:10.32syleor bass
01:11.13sylecomfrey read the damn readme
01:11.25sylemake linux26
01:11.43comfreyyes have read the readme many times
01:11.54comfreyand yes... "make linux26"
01:12.37tzangerI don't have to make linux26, it just works
01:12.40tzangersyle: both
01:13.03comfreytrue read the Makefile
01:13.05tzangerI prefer my acoustic though... electric is much easier to play
01:13.09sylei learned playing the blues
01:13.12comfreythere is logic to determine that
01:13.13syleits the easiest
01:13.28tzangerI need to learn the flourishes and the blues turnarounds and really really need to work on my leads
01:13.50*** join/#asterisk Samoied (n=Samoied@
01:14.15tzangerI love the blues licks though... and the turnarounds
01:14.24tzangerjust need to really practise them and get the muscle memory in
01:14.41tzangerI have no trouble with chords and basic flourishes
01:14.43tzangerbut that's not enough
01:14.54tzangerneed to work on making it sound less wooden or boring
01:15.11deccomfrey - make sure you have the latest module-init-tools installed
01:16.02sylecomfrey: did you at least do a yum update first and reboot?
01:16.54decstop telling him to reboot :)
01:17.09decas long as he rebooted to load the new kernel after he built it, it should be fine
01:17.13sylehow else you gonna load a new kernel
01:17.46comfreyyeah, module-init-tools are current
01:17.56comfreyand all is up to date.
01:18.23sylehow the hell is that up to date?
01:18.37tzangersyle: file /lib/modules/2.6.8-2-k7/misc/zaptel.ko
01:18.37syle[root@localhost ~]# uname -a
01:18.38syleLinux localhost 2.6.12-1.1398_FC4smp #1 SMP Fri Jul 15 01:30:13 EDT 2005 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
01:18.38syle[root@localhost ~]#
01:18.50*** join/#asterisk Moc (
01:18.53tzangerI seem to remember there being something interesting with SuSE and kernel modules
01:19.02comfreyLinux montomezuro 2.6.8-2-k7 #1 Thu May 19 18:03:29 JST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
01:19.11comfreydebian stable
01:19.17syleyour kernel is like 5 revisions back!
01:19.35deccomfrey - /var/log/messages doesn't get an error when you try to modprobe, does it?
01:20.04comfreythere is some kernel magic error too
01:20.07comfreyzaptel: version magic '2.6.8-2-k7 preempt K7 gcc-3.4' should be '2.6.8-2-k7 preempt K7 gcc-3.3'
01:20.18comfreyjust noticed
01:20.24decthere you go
01:20.31*** join/#asterisk websae (
01:20.37comfreyk so... hardcode gcc in makefile?
01:20.45tzangerwhy does country music make my ears hurt but alt-country not?
01:20.48sylewhy don;t you update your box
01:21.00sylesave yourself the problem of having to edit anything again
01:21.02decsyle - its not that out of date.
01:21.20sylesure it is
01:21.40comfreyi am not interested in living on a razor
01:21.41syledid you know there was a secret patch into 2.6.11 that closed an exploit
01:21.43decyou don't have to be running the very latest bleeding edge everything to have a fast machine.
01:21.51tzangerwow that's a lot of belly button lint
01:22.00dectzanger - was it blue?
01:22.00mishehuoooh a SEKKRIT patch that nobody knows about
01:22.05tzanger... blue??
01:22.18dectzanger - most belly button lint is blue, its a fact. :P
01:22.28tzangerdec: probably because people wear blue shirts
01:22.36mishehuI don't get belly button lint...  does that mean I am abnormal?
01:22.42syleyes, ie: wasn;t documented
01:22.53comfreymishehu: does your bellybutton smell funny?
01:23.16InfraRedcomfrey: sniff it and see
01:23.28mishehucomfrey: if I could put my nose to my belly button I could tell you for sure, but going by my gf's opinion, no it does not smell.
01:23.31tzangerI tell my daughter that if I undo her belly button her bum will fall off
01:24.01mishehutzanger: actually, you should show your daughters that undoing a belly button is like undoing the knot in a balloon
01:24.05comfreysmells ok to me
01:24.26mishehucomfrey: uhm, if you're not a sexy teenage girl, you should not put your nose in that area.
01:24.45tzangermy daughter's 5
01:24.58mishehutzanger: does that mean that she won't believe you?
01:25.10tzangermishehu: oh she believes me that if I undo her bellybutton her ass'll fall off
01:25.16tzangerterrified of it actually
01:25.21mishehucomfrey: doesn't count.
01:25.29mishehuget your nose away from me
01:25.45tzangerI tell you I have never laughed so hard as the night I told they kids I'd pay 'em $50 if they could lick their elbows
01:25.53tzangerdamn near spit my food across the table
01:26.00mishehutzanger: well, tell her that you were wrong about the bum, try my approach with the balloon, and see what she says.
01:26.08deccomfrey: hah.. on the contrary... I like to think i have myself in some sexy teenage girl somewhere ;P
01:26.27decgone too far
01:26.32decinformation. So either I just change that and
01:26.33mishehuI'll have to remember that elbow one
01:26.34dec> recompile zap, or I have to recompile the kernel AND zap.  As long as
01:26.45comfreyi sensed that might be around the corner
01:26.51deccomfrey - so have you done upgrades to gcc/kernel since you built that zaptel driver?
01:27.10comfreyoh, well dec, i have both gcc3.3 and 3.4 installed
01:27.27comfreyi just am unsure what the kernel was built with
01:27.37decwhen you run gcc -v, what do you get?
01:27.41comfreylooks like 3.3
01:27.50comfreythe default is 3.4 on this box
01:27.57comfreyto be precice
01:28.39tzangeruncle tupelo - fifteen keys++
01:29.15BrianR___tzanger: heh.. I have an uncle-in-law who can lick his elbow.. Has some sort of bone disease..
01:29.20deccomfrey - well it looks like the module was built with 3.4 and the kernel with 3.3 or vice-versa, which is why it won't load.
01:29.38comfreyright, i am specifying gcc-3.3 in the makefile
01:29.51comfreysee if that'l do the trick
01:30.00decin the zaptel makefile?
01:30.10decsounds like a good idea
01:30.13tzangerBrianR___: yikes
01:30.26tzangerdamn this farmer's out plowing int he middle of the dark
01:30.27BrianR___hmm... Looks like I'll have to use a global variable to get the call screening macro to work in asterisk 1.0.x :(
01:30.36tzangerhe's got about 17 million candlepower of lights though
01:30.56BrianR___towing a big genset behind the tractor to run all those lights? :)
01:31.09tzangerBrianR___: fuck that, he's got about 900HP of diesel under his ass
01:31.14deccomfrey - preferably, if the machine is not mission critical, you would compile the kernel with 3.4.4, reboot to load it and then compile zaptel with 3.4.4 also.
01:31.21decbut 3.3 will do :)
01:31.35comfreyyeah it is a production call center
01:31.55comfreyi think i may be using a nonstandard kernel
01:32.09comfreya pre-releasd security fix debian kernel
01:32.44comfreyso perhaps i will revert to standard debian kernel... which i thought i had done already...
01:33.03tzangerI rate down the ones that are fucked, then I should in theory be able to do a sql query to find the bad ones
01:33.04harryvvtzanger, who has a diesel that big?
01:33.10*** join/#asterisk valence_ (
01:33.17tzangerharryvv: the badass tractor he's plowing with
01:33.22tzangeractually it's not plowing I don't think
01:33.34tzangerthe equipment looks like a bunch of round metal blades
01:33.43harryvvwho does?
01:33.47harryvvsomeone from here?
01:33.51tzangerthey harvested the soybeans now they're taking all the plants and turning it under
01:34.10tzangerharryvv: not from #asterisk no
01:34.23tzangerI can't think of the nam of the farmer
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01:34.59tzangerI want to say bartlett farms but tha'ts not it
01:35.03harryvvjust went to one of vancouvers small biodiesel resellers. selling at 20 cents more then at the pump. Need a way to get the cost down though. Saw a guy pumping it into his Smart Fourtwo car.
01:35.24tzangerbiodiesel is a very good idea
01:35.25harryvvsaw that engine. tiny
01:35.28tzangermuch better than ethanol
01:35.33harryvvI have made biodiesel before
01:36.05harryvvbut now think its just better to spend the 1,500 to convert the vehicle and just run strait heated wvo
01:36.22harryvvwaste oil
01:36.34tzangeryeah waste oil/biodiesel I think is a great way to go
01:36.36tzangerwaste oil heat
01:36.41tzangerbiodiesel heat/engine
01:36.52tzangerand wind power for heat (hot water)
01:36.54harryvvno heat it so it passed though the injectors.
01:37.11tzanger'coz if you think about it you lose the most heat from your home when the wind's blowing
01:37.26harryvvput it underground
01:37.30tzangerjust run the generator output directly into heater coils in the cold air intake on the furnace to preheat the air / heat your hot water
01:37.45harryvvknow a couple people who have done that. says toasty in the winter and cool in the summer.
01:38.19tzangeryeah I want to get a little 3kW generator on a windmill for here
01:38.23harryvvohh and since its underground..put the garden on top of it ;)
01:38.33harryvvu own a house?
01:38.51tzangeryeah the only problem is that heat pumps are inefficient to start... why heat the earth .. just heat the air directly
01:38.54tzangera lot cheaper and more efficient
01:38.57tzangeryes, with 3/4 of an acre
01:39.26harryvvI grew up in a house with 3/4 acre
01:40.21tzangervery cool.  might look for a 5-7.5kW generator though and try to heat the barn too :-)
01:40.25harryvvtzanger, try this...scroung up as many old hard drives as you can..remove the old disk and then mount them in a old 9 foot tv dish. wala, heliostat to heat the house.
01:40.43tzangerthe platters?
01:40.53tzangerwhy not just buy mirrors
01:40.58harryvvhighly relective and more durable the glass mirrors.
01:41.11harryvvbecause the disk dont need to be cut
01:42.00littleballhi, who can help me clean my confusion about the relationship between T1 singaling bits(like A-bit,B-bit,C-bit and D-bit) , framing(like D4, ESF) , coding(like B8ZS) and protocol (like E & M)?
01:42.04harryvvenough of them might heat the oil in the concentrator high enough.
01:42.12tzangerlittleball: I'm  your man
01:42.28harryvvI love the idea of alternative energies.
01:42.38littleballtzanger, thanks, i am reading, but quite confused
01:42.41tzangerharryvv: hmm... I just want to dump wind energy into heating water in highly insulated water heaters -- preheat air and more hot water than you can shake a stick at
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01:43.08harryvvget alot of wind there?
01:43.24littleballtzanger, i try to understand these telcomm terms from OSS model pont of view
01:43.31harryvvalso, it takes alot of kilowatts to heat water.
01:43.47tzangerlet's talk DS (data specificaion)
01:43.57tzangerharryvv: yes but that's the point.  very very very efficient energy store
01:44.37tzangertraditional telecom transmits data at 8000Hz-sampled 8-bit PCM (pulse code modulated)
01:44.38harryvvtzanger, I have purchaced these books before.
01:44.49littleballtzanger, yes
01:45.17websaeanyone know how to get multiple extensions to ring when a call comes in?
01:45.18tzangerDS0 = 8bit 8000Hz = 64kbps
01:45.26tzangerthere are 24 DS0s in a DS1
01:45.30littleballtzanger, i understnad these
01:45.44harryvvaka channels right?
01:45.44tzangerT1 = DS1 + electrical specification
01:46.04tzangerit's almost impossible to have a real T1 these days, they're all just DS1s over HDSL2 (one pair)
01:46.18tzangerDS1 = 24 DS0s plus a frame bit
01:46.20harryvvDSO is probebly to small to start a locak voip service right?
01:46.23littleballtzanger, yes
01:46.33tzanger24 * 8 = 1536000 which is the data rate of a T1
01:46.45tzangerthe frame bit you don't get to play with, that's the telcos.
01:46.56tzangerer sorry
01:46.57harryvverror checking
01:46.59tzanger24 * 8 *8000
01:47.04harryvvover head basicly
01:47.17tzanger24 * 8 + 1 * 8000 = 1544000 bps = the line rate of a T1
01:47.17harryvv56 is usable
01:47.24tzanger64 is usable
01:47.30littleballunderstnad .
01:47.48tzangerthat 1 frame bit is not yours, as I said.  historically it was maintaed as a mark (1) for framing
01:48.14tzangerhowever these days the telcos use it as an 8kbps signalling channel to control remote DSU/CSUs so they don't have to fuck up your datastream to do testing/configuration/etc
01:48.15littleballis it called framing bit?
01:48.18tzangeryes framing bit
01:48.50littleball8*24 + 1 =193
01:48.55harryvvso is it then 56 usable for commercial reasons?
01:49.04harryvvthe rest for control?
01:49.06websaeid didn't use amp
01:49.07tzangerin the old days data was never sent... it's statistically impossible to keep a sampled audio stream at 00000000 so there was no need to worry about things like timing slips due to too many 0s
01:49.11tzangerharryvv: hang on
01:49.27harryvvI had one telco class and something was said about it.
01:49.48tzangerwhen you're transmitting data in the real workd you can't send 1V and 0V...  you need to balance things out because you can't recover the clock with an encoding format like that
01:50.05littleballtzanger, wait, i have a question
01:50.07tzangerAMI = alternat mark inversion.  basically a 0 is sent as "no pulse" and a 1 is sent as a pulse of the opposite polarity of the old one
01:50.25littleballabout "however these days the telcos use it as an 8kbps signalling channel to control remote DSU/CSUs so they don't have to fuck up your datastream to do testing/configuration/etc"
01:50.25tzangerso let's say a pulse is 1V.  111001 is sent as +1, -1, +1, 0, 0, -1
01:50.40littleballthis 8kbps is framing bits, right?
01:50.54harryvvohh interesting
01:50.57tzangeryes remember you have 24 8 bit channels sent 8000 times a second.  Those bits are yours
01:51.04tzangerthe frame bit is off-limits to you
01:51.23tzangerthe telco historically forced those bits as '1' to maintain a frame sync
01:51.37littleballtzanger, pls talk more about the function of these 8kbps first
01:51.40tzangerbut nowadays the clock rcovery circuitry can track mch much better
01:51.45tzangerit's not a function
01:51.47tzangerit's off limits
01:51.48harryvvTo bad this channel cannot organize discussions on this on a per calander date :)
01:51.50tzangeryou don't get to play with it
01:52.10tzangerif you controlled both ends you could screw with it but anyway
01:52.16tzangerjust think of it this way
01:52.24BrianR___Our T1's are only about 100 feet long... They go to a verizon owned box in the basement, where they cover the rest of the distance to the CO multiplexed on fiber. That's typical.
01:52.26tzanger1536000 bits are yours, every second
01:52.40tzanger8000 additional bits are there but you can't use 'em
01:52.41littleballany protocol terms related to this 8kbps framing bits?
01:52.58tzangerit's out of that scope
01:53.00tzangerit's layer 2 or 3
01:53.09tzangerback to AMI
01:53.29tzanger1s are sent as a pulse of the opposite polarity of the last one, and zeroes are sent as teh absence of a pulse
01:53.39harryvvThere is a T-1 book by Orilley
01:53.51tzangerstatistically speaking, the net voltage on that link will be 0V
01:53.57tzangerthis is VERY important for clock recovery circuitry
01:54.05littleballAMI is related to 8kbps framing bits?
01:54.08pr0manyone using NVFaxEmail?
01:54.13tzangerAMI is layer 1
01:54.36tzangeryou need to send a '1' == how do you encode it?  as a pulse of voltage.  Which way does the pulse go?  Positive or negative?  Depends on the last one you sent
01:54.38littleballphysical layer. wire?
01:54.41tzangeron the waire
01:54.43tzangerer wire
01:54.47pr0mit seems that the nvfaxemail app is cutting off my faxes about 1/3 way down the page.
01:55.02harryvvtzanger, work with alot of T-1 connections?
01:55.08tzangerharryvv: kind of :-)
01:55.27harryvvmy motherinlaws brother and wife are both retired telco techs
01:55.31littleballbased on AMI, frames are sent, right?
01:55.36harryvvdont dare to ask him a question
01:55.37tzangerlittleball: wait
01:55.50tzangerAMI is great so long as you don't send long strings of zeroes
01:56.03tzangerbecause without the '1's ever so often you have no signal to recover and things start to fall apart
01:56.18tzangerbut as I said, in voice networks this never mattered because your audio channel never was at 0000000 for long
01:56.26harryvvWhat purpous does ami serve again
01:56.43tzangerAMI keeps the net DC on the physical wire at 0V
01:56.48tzangerfor the clock recovery circuitry
01:56.54harryvvi see
01:57.11harryvvlike z reset for the clock?
01:57.13tzangerwhen you get to sending data... 00000000 is easily hit
01:57.17harryvva reset
01:57.22tzangeryes... kind of
01:57.24*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (n=chatzill@
01:57.32tzangeryou can send LOOOOOOOOOOONG strings of 0s with data transmission
01:57.35tzangerthis is (was) a problem
01:57.41shmaltzhi everyone
01:57.52tzangersince long strings of zeroes meant no signal on the line, and the receiving end lost track
01:57.52littleballtzanger, that is to say, AMI coding and SF(super framing) is used to decide how bits are sent through wire, right?
01:58.04harryvvsorta out of sync then
01:58.06shmaltzanybody seen the new madeover sprint/nextel site?
01:58.20tzangerAMI and B8ZS determine what's on the wire.  D4/SF/ESF determine how things are organized much higher up
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01:58.31tzangerharryvv: exactly
01:58.49tzangerAMI = send a pulse of the opposite polarity every time a '1' is to be sent, and send nothing for a zero
01:58.56harryvvshmaltz my step dad worked with Craig MCaw when his company was only 12 people in the late 70s :)
01:58.58littleballi see
01:59.14tzangerif the recevign end saw two pulses in the same 'direction' it called that a bipolar violation (BV) and flagged it as an error
01:59.37tzangerlittleball: with me so far?
01:59.43shmaltzharryvv who is Cragi MCaw
01:59.47tzangerAMI had no solution for sending long strings of zeroes
01:59.54littleballtzanger, so the sender and receiver must agree on AMI and B8ZS, right?
01:59.58shmaltz~google "Craig MCaw"
02:00.00tzangerlittleball: of course
02:00.08harryvvyea, step dad was right next to Craig and the Chicogo Mayor when thay turned on the FIRST ever cell test cite in the united states in the fall of 1978
02:00.14shmaltz~u sleeping?
02:00.19jbotsleeping is, like, the magical thing geeks have forgotten how to do
02:00.21littleballthis is the reason why zapatel.conf need to configure such info for card
02:00.38tzangerB8ZS = Binary Eight Zero Substitution (I think, it's been a while)
02:00.39shmaltzharryvv, who is craig?
02:00.49jbothmm... google is a search engine found at
02:00.54tzangerWhat B8ZS is is an exception to AMI
02:00.57harryvvshmaltz you dont know who Craig McCaw is?
02:01.01tzanger1s are sent as alternating pulses
02:01.03littleballwhat is on the wire is done.
02:01.11tzangerzeroes are sent as the absence of a pulse
02:01.20shmaltzharryvv, nope, who is he?
02:01.33littleballBut how many zeros are sent?
02:01.42tzangerif 8 zeroes are to be sent, the special pattern of "+1 +1 0 0 -1 -1 0 0" is sent instead of 8 "no pulse here"
02:01.57tzangernotice that there are TWO bipolar violations there... one in each direction
02:02.03tzangerso the net DC on the link is still 0V
02:02.26littleballthis special pattern is defined in B8ZS,  right?
02:02.26harryvvhe was one of the first to start the Cell phone revolution. He owned a pager company early 70s then he started McCaw cellular, then Cellular one. It was bought out by AT&T to become AT&T Wirlesss. ATT was bougght out to become Singular wirless. Craig McCaw created NEXTEL
02:03.05tzangerand the receiving side sees a datastream like "ok ok ok ok... WHOA BIPOLAR VIOLATION ok ok WHOA BIPOLAR VIOLATION IN THE OTHER DIRECTION ok ok" and the receiving side then says "oh shit I rememebr.. that's SOOPER SEEKRIT KODE for eight zeroes" so it emits 00000000 to the higher level whenever it sees that
02:03.43tzangerAMI = send a pulse of the opposite polarity of the last one for every '1', and nothing ofr '0'
02:04.01tzangerB8ZS = AMI + SOOPER SEKRET KODE for 0000000 to keep the clock recovery happy
02:04.13littleballok. i remember
02:04.14tzangernow, framing
02:04.31tzangerremember that you have 24 DS0s + 1 frame bit sent 8000 times a second
02:04.35littleballAMI and B8ZS are about bits level
02:04.37tzangerthe bits in the 24 DS0s are yours, all yours
02:04.52tzangerno, AMI and B8ZS are about electrical signals
02:04.56tzangerbelow bits
02:05.10harryvvread it
02:05.11tzangerremember that you have 24 DS0s + 1 frame bit sent 8000 times a second
02:05.43tzangernow we're talking about the call levels... a DS0 = an 8kHz 8-bit channel
02:05.59tzangerthe telcos needed a way to convey information about the call to the "other side" (the other telco switch)
02:06.15tzangerbut there are no free bits... the frame bits are off limits, and the 64k channel is not theirs to fuck with
02:06.34shmaltzharryvv, he also created a compnay that was in june 01 in $7b debt
02:06.35harryvvtzanger read up on Craig McCaw will be facinated :)
02:06.38tzangerso they said "you know what, they don't need those 8 bits 8000 times a second ALL THE TIME
02:06.40shmaltzXO Communications
02:06.57tzangerso they decided to group two DS1 frames together and call that a SuperFrame (SF)
02:07.14tzangerer wait
02:09.05tzangersorry not two
02:09.05littleball"you know what, they don't need those 8 bits 8000 times a second ALL THE TIME", WHY?
02:09.18littleballi see, 12
02:09.24tzangerthey took TWELVE DS1 frames and called that "clump" a super frame
02:09.32littleballwhat is the purpose?
02:09.34tzangerthey broke that into two 6 frame chunks
02:09.35shmaltzWorth reading:
02:09.52tzanger(I may have the frame #s wrong here but the idea is what counts)
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02:10.08mcunixjrDarwin35 - did you move yet?
02:10.09littleballdoesn't matter, i have a book in hand
02:10.19tzangeron frame zero and frame 6 they "stole" the least-signficant bit of all the voice channels
02:10.32littleballso rob,:)
02:10.40littleballto do what?
02:10.45tzangerso 5/6 of the time you had 8 bits, and 1/6 of the time you only had 7 bits of that 8 bit channel
02:11.07tzangerso the telco robbed 2 bits
02:11.09tzanger2 bits = 4 states
02:11.22tzangerthey now can convey channel state without rewriting the spec
02:11.25littleballtelco rob some bits from DS0 to do something, i think , right?
02:11.27tzangerand you won't notice any voice degredation
02:11.51tzangerthis is called robbed-bit signaling (RBS) if you're an american and CAS (channel-associated signaling) if you're Canadian.  Not sure what it's called elsewhere
02:11.59tzangerand it's why you have 56k modems not 64k modems
02:12.28tzangeranyway 2 bits = 4 states.  off hook, on hook, ringing and something else I can't remember
02:12.30littleballwhere is 56k come from
02:12.38tzangerlittleball: 7 * 8000 = 56000
02:13.02shmaltzanother one:
02:13.02littleballi see. so they assume all 7bits
02:13.17tzangernow the analog modems do acutally spend some time detecting when the channel is 8-bit or 7-bit clean to get as much throughput as possible
02:13.22tzangerwhich I think i spretty fucking cool
02:13.31littleballi see.
02:14.00tzangerthat's what a SuperFrame is.  it's 12 DS1 frames where they steal your LSB 1/6 of the time to create A and B signaling (channel status) bits to convey channel state
02:14.31tzangerthen they decided that 4 states isn't enough, so they just took 24 DS1 frames instead of 12 and called that an Extended SuperFrame (ESF)
02:14.41littleballi see. :) interesting
02:14.49tzangerframe #0,6,12,18 are only 7-bit clean and they get A,B,C,D signaling bits
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02:14.55littleballi see.
02:15.01tzangermost times bit C "follows" bit A and bit D follows bit B
02:15.19tzangeryou can see this with a TBERD or with ztdiag and a CAS-provisioned T1
02:15.24h3xtzafrir: CAS and RBS are two different things
02:15.25littleballfor signaling purpose. what kind of signalings?
02:15.28h3xRBS is always CAS
02:15.32h3xbut theres CAS that isn't robbed bit too
02:15.43tzangerh3x: PRI?  :-)
02:15.48h3xPRI isnt CAS
02:16.06tzangerwell no but how do they convey channel state with the alternate CAS?
02:16.08h3xits CCS
02:16.24h3xCommon Channel Signalling.  PRI and SS7 are CCS
02:16.26tzangerlittleball: clear as mud?
02:16.36h3xCCS and CAS are groups of signalling types
02:16.46harryvvI learned SS7
02:16.54harryvvpretty interesting tech
02:16.55littleballyes, CAS  is ? let me go over again
02:16.58docelmoLearned ss7?   sigh
02:17.19docelmoSay what is the best airport to fly into for Astricon?
02:17.20h3xim trying to think of a non-RBS CAS
02:17.23harryvvAlot of people dont know that when making a call, you dont hear the remote end ringing but is comming from the local telco
02:17.48h3xI guess a nailed up channel would be one :)
02:17.57tzangerh3x: :-)
02:17.57h3xlike a hoot-n-holler line
02:18.25harryvvyea, intrado is making waves
02:18.28littleballit seems that both RBS and CAS are used to convey channel states . Is it called signaling?
02:18.47littleballtzanger, am i right?
02:19.17tzangersounds close enough to be right.  the pedantic might find exceptions
02:19.28h3xyeah yeah
02:19.30harryvvdoc, common thats somethign you should find out. Thay dont give squat who you fly. Just find one with best on time fly outs and make sure thay are reliable
02:19.36harryvvdelta is in bankrupcy
02:20.39littleballdoes channel states include hangup, call waiting etc?
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02:20.39tzangeractually I appreciate people like h3x who can correct my knowlege
02:20.39tzangerlittleball: no
02:20.39h3xlittleball: sort of but not really
02:20.39tzangerlittleball: hang up is just an on-hook channel state
02:20.39h3xcall waiting is a beep sound in your ear :P
02:20.39littleballi see.
02:20.45tzangercall waiting is in-band.  i.e. originating switch tries to create a circuit to terminating switch and terminating switch says "hang on" instead of "no"
02:20.50h3xflash is a hook flash (represented by a 1/0)
02:20.54h3xthat is faster than a hangup
02:20.54tzangerthen the terminating switch beeps in your hear
02:20.55tzangerer ear
02:21.15nifterhi all, can someone tell me of a way to dial an extension while listening to an extensions away/busy message?
02:21.19tzangerlittleball: I'm not sure how call-waiting is done on a T1, it's a "higher level" than channel state
02:21.27littleballi see.
02:21.39tzangercall waiting is indicating to the busy circuit that there's someone else who wants to talk.  the channel itself doesn't give a shit
02:21.42h3xcall waiting only makes sense with loop start or ground startr
02:21.54tzangerh3x: ?
02:22.03h3xloop start is emulating a normal POTS line
02:22.08h3xwell it is a normal POTS line
02:22.10tzangeryeah I guess...  you can't start the loop since it's in use
02:22.21h3xYou can't do a call waiting feature on E&M or anything else like that
02:22.33h3xsame with 3 way calling
02:22.41littleballwhat is E&M protocol? is it above CAS or RBS like TCP is above IP?
02:22.51tzangerh3x: I figured it was all handled with a hookflash and inband indication
02:22.56tzangertherefore line signaling independent
02:23.00h3xE&M is a balanced robbed bit protocol
02:23.08h3xthere is an analog variation of E&M as well
02:23.15h3xit used to be a 4 wire circuit to tie PBXs together
02:23.17tzangerE&M is where I start getting fuzzy
02:23.19h3xfor trunk lines
02:23.36h3xonce again, T1 CAS emulates this analog signal with a couple robbed bits
02:23.51h3xE&M analog uses polarity reversal to signal a new call going one direction
02:24.04h3xand a wink going the other way to acknowledge the call
02:24.08h3xso that it eliminates glare
02:24.19h3xglare is when you have a call going both directions at the same time on one line
02:24.34h3xlike if you were to pick up a phone to dial out a call, and someone happened to be calling you at the same time
02:24.35littleballis is possible to describe their relationship by using TCP/IP etc as example? I think it will be easy to understand
02:24.42*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
02:24.49h3xit dosent happen very often but on a busy pbx or switch or whatever that would happen all the time
02:24.55h3xE&M Wink start eliminates that problem
02:25.07tzangerlittleball: not really well :-)
02:25.08h3xNo, you need to use your phone as an example
02:25.12tzangeryou can kind of allude it to a stack
02:25.13h3xbecause its a freaking phone line
02:25.20tzangerbut it's best to try and understand it as a phone
02:25.24tzangersince ... well that's what it is
02:25.36h3xYou know, T1s have been around since 1969
02:25.37h3xits really simple
02:25.48wunderkinno wonder that was a great year
02:25.51h3xIP came out in the 80s
02:25.53littleballi also think so and it cannot be too complex at that years
02:25.54*** join/#asterisk file2 (
02:26.05tzangervery very good piano music
02:26.09file2my internet is broken
02:26.11mishehuhmm ok, if asterisk -i initializes crypto keys at startup, how could I tell it that the key password is XYZ?  asterisk -i XYZ does not seem to do the trick.
02:26.14harryvvh3x thats what my uncle and ant inlaw tells me. Thay have worked on them since the early 70s. Even DSL been around since the 1970s.
02:26.43file214691 rx errors
02:26.46littleballh3x, is E&M is at the same level as ISDN?
02:26.50tzangermishehu: have you tried echo "XYZ" | asterisk -i ?
02:27.07h3xISDN is a simplified version of SS#7 ISUP
02:27.26tzangerSS7 is another area where I go cross-eyed :-)
02:27.30h3xIt passes messages over HDLC on a dedicated DS0 channel of a T1
02:27.47littleballD channel
02:28.08file2stupid isp
02:28.21file2crappy hold music too
02:28.34wunderkinyou broke my intarweb!
02:28.34mishehutzanger: no, but I will now
02:28.43h3xyou could classify SS7 stuff into an IP stack sort of
02:29.03wunderkinfile2: say that to them :)
02:29.13h3xSS7 is used for many things, even more than just setting up and tearing down calls
02:29.14littleballtzanger, h3x, roughly, i understand that telco stole bits from DS0 to maintain the channel states
02:29.23tzangerlittleball: yes
02:29.24h3xits original purpose is TCAP which carries database information
02:29.36websaeanyone know how to get a phone to ring using VOIP (SIP) Broadvoice connection?
02:30.00littleballafter that, i think E&M, ISDN(PRI,BRI) should come, right?
02:30.13h3xSS#7 has a foundation to transport the data called MTP2 i think
02:30.28h3xon top of that is ISUP (ISdn User Part), TCAP, etc.
02:31.11mishehutzanger: doesn't work for me.
02:31.18tzangermishehu: it was a guess :-)
02:31.22tzangeryou'd have to ask -users
02:31.38littleballi think not all T1 providers use E&M or any standared. So, A bit, B-bit values should be different for different telco
02:32.20harryvvtzanger you should write a helper on this
02:32.46websaeanyone here know how to get a phone to r ing?
02:32.57littleballtzanger , i think i almost clean my confusion . E&M is channel protocol, right?
02:33.05websaei have broadvoice using my asterisk box and then 2 extensions that i want to ring...anyone
02:33.10harryvvweb display extentions.conf in
02:33.13tzangerE&M is a channel signaling
02:33.24tzangerlike loop start, ground start, etc.
02:33.33littleballIDSN like PRI and BRI are also channel signal, right?
02:33.37tzangerE&M is a way to define the use of those A,B,C,D signaling bits
02:33.50tzangerharryvv: I do have one somewhere
02:33.54littleball"E&M is a way to define the use of those A,B,C,D signaling bits" fully agree this
02:34.05harryvvtzanger a web site to explain it?
02:34.20tzangerE&M, loop start,ground start, etc... those are all ways to signal channel state using those bits
02:34.33tzangerbecause those bits are used to emulate the two wires (tip and ring) of a real physical phone line
02:34.38tzangerharryvv: cisco has some good stuff
02:34.41tzangergoogle it up
02:34.47harryvvwhat key word
02:35.07tzangerno this is nothing to do with pri
02:35.20tzangerdamn where was this an hour ago when I was trying to explain it
02:35.36littleballtzanger, what stuffs are there on top of E&M,loop start etc?
02:36.14tzangerloop/groundstart and E&M are all on the same "level" -- they communicate channel status or channel requests
02:36.48littleballi see. i mean beyond these, what is their relationship with PRI?
02:36.52tzangernothing at all
02:36.58tzangerPRI is totally different
02:37.04tzangeras h3x said, PRI is CCS not CAS
02:37.37littleballPRI no stolen bits?
02:37.49tzangerPRI steals one of those DS0s
02:37.55tzangera PRI has only 23 voice channels not 24
02:38.01tzangerthe 24th channel is used for signaling and ONLY signaling
02:38.11tzangerso your DS0s are "clean"
02:38.21tzangerB channels are voice channels, D channels are signaling
02:38.26tzangerso you typically hear 23B+D
02:38.28tzangeror @B+D
02:38.30tzangerer 2B+D
02:38.34tzangerfor ISDN PRI and BRI
02:39.06tzangerthen when you start talking DS2 and DS3 you can start playing with NFAS which stuffs the signaling of more than one PRI into a signle D channel
02:39.11tzangerbut we'll save that for another day :-)
02:39.21littleballvery much
02:39.29tzangerno worries at all
02:39.33tzangerthere's LOTS of resources for this online
02:40.09tzangerlistening to "My Way" right now... all I can think of are those fucking Viagra commercials
02:40.12harryvvIts something that needs to be discussed more to stimulate more indepth discussion
02:40.35harryvvsay dso at 8 pm tomarro night then T-1 the next. have a pre planned callender of events.
02:40.45tzangerwe did NFAS with AS5248s and an M13 to squeeze every last channel out that we could (we weren't allowed ot use CAS)
02:41.20harryvvto bad irc did not advance to white board capabilities
02:41.24tzangernow we're using MaxTNTs and terminating DS3s directly with (IIRC) 4 NFAS groups (one for each DS2)
02:41.46tzangerDS2 = 4 DS1, DS3 = 7 DS2
02:41.47harryvvhow many channels can be ramed into a DS3?
02:41.53tzanger672 IIRC
02:41.55harryvvokay never mind.
02:42.07harryvvAlot in other words :)
02:42.08littleballtzanger, the channel discussed above is exactly what should be configured in asterisk configuration file?
02:42.10tzangerbut that's with CAS
02:42.22tzangerwith PRI and NFAS I think we were able to get 667
02:42.34tzangerthat not right... that's 5 NFAS groups
02:42.42harryvvWhat does one DS0 cost to lease per month
02:43.03harryvvPri is voice and DS0 is digital right?
02:43.15tzanger668 that's what it was
02:43.23tzanger668 calls on a single chassis
02:43.28spacklePRI and DS0 are both digital.
02:43.30tzangerharryvv: you can't lease a signle DS0 I don't think
02:43.34tzangerthat's a regular phone line
02:43.40littleballtzanger, i want to map the channel discussed above to asterisk configuration file such as /etc/zapatel.conf. the "channels" have the same meaning?
02:43.41tzangeranalog anyway
02:43.46harryvvI see
02:43.48tzangeryou can get ISDN BRI which is 2 B channels
02:43.57tzangerbut in north america it's almost not heard of
02:44.02harryvvSo to convert pstn to voip in a center what is typically needed?
02:44.10tzangerlittleball: asterisk channels are ds0s
02:44.20tzangerharryvv: PRI
02:44.21littleballi see
02:44.26tzangerTE110 + a telco's PRI
02:44.31tzangerto start
02:44.39harryvvand going out?
02:44.41spackletzanger: PRI is the best first step.
02:44.48littleballi bought TE411P card two days ago
02:44.59tzangerPRI can be inbound, outbound or in/out, and then the out varieties can have local calling areas or be all-LD too
02:45.11tzangerbut be careful
02:45.22tzangeryou can get PRIs and they won't turn up RDNIS or ANI or a dozen other little things
02:45.24spacklelittleball, I just got mine back upgraded to that.  Had to update to HEAD, but the card is working really well.
02:45.31tzangerthey're sneaky little fuckers, moreso than used car salesmen
02:45.43tzanger"oooh you wanted the STEERING WHEEL?  Well!  You didn't say that... jeez..."
02:45.57littleballspacke, i am using 1.0.9,will it work?
02:45.58tzangerlittleball: why'd you buy a TE411?
02:46.10tzangerharryvv: Redirecting DNIS
02:46.19tzangererdirected, redirecting, whatever
02:46.22a1falets talk about security
02:46.26harryvvokay let me look that u[
02:46.38a1faby default, what kind of security does asterisk have?
02:46.40tzangerit's the number that was ORIGINALLY called (zaps through any call forwarding to give you the originally dialled #)
02:46.53littleballspackle, do you mean i must check out the cvs head to use TE411P card?
02:46.57tzangera1fa: wrap it, that's the best security short of abstenance
02:47.11tzangerlittleball: yup.  VPM support is only in CVS HEAD of the zaptel drivers
02:47.13a1fai am going to wrap it with iptables
02:47.21littleballwhat is VPM?
02:47.33a1fawhat happens by default to?
02:47.37tzangerlittleball: that's what you paid extra for above and beyond the TE410
02:47.49spacklelittleball, I was using a very old edition of "stable" and zaptel didn't recognize the card until I upgraded.
02:48.09tzangerspackle: you can use CVS HEAD zaptel with 1.0.9 asterisk and it'll work just fine I hear
02:48.15littleballspackle, which old version you used?
02:48.26file2still no net...
02:49.02tzangeranyway it's my bedtime
02:49.03tzangerlater all
02:49.05spacklelittleball, it was probably one of the first versions of "stable".  I don't recall exactly, it did what I needed.
02:49.21a1fahm, anyone.. what is allowed by default on asterisk..
02:49.27harryvvtzanger, so the TE110 would be good for a small office then?
02:49.43a1facan you connect to any ports and login, etc?
02:50.20littleballspackle, which version you refer to as "stable"?
02:51.04littleballdo you mean 1.0.9?
02:51.10a1facan any one tell me what do these ports do?
02:51.10a1faudp        0      0  *                          13781/asterisk
02:51.10a1faudp        0      0  *                          13781/asterisk
02:51.10a1faudp        0      0  *                          13781/asterisk
02:51.14a1fa5060 <-- sip
02:51.25a1fa2727 <-- iaxy?
02:51.30a1faerr.. iax?
02:51.38littleballthanks. tzanger
02:51.47twistedi love bleach
02:51.49twistedit fixes everything
02:51.54spackle1.0?  I really don't know, I just pulled it from the "stable" branch.
02:51.57harryvv5060 is sip 4569 is iax
02:52.04a1fawhat is 2727?
02:52.06file2I miss the intarweb
02:52.08harryvvdont know
02:52.13twistedfile2, use bleach
02:52.20twisted2727 is mgcp
02:52.26harryvva1fa trying to configure your router?
02:52.28file2to blind my isp? sure
02:52.29littleballspackle, from CVS/Entries, you will know
02:52.48twisted2727 is mgcp
02:52.52twistedsay it with me
02:53.01a1fawhat is mgcp?
02:53.08jbotfrom memory, mgcp is Media Gateway Control Protocol
02:53.08file22727 is mgcp
02:53.18a1faaight.. nothing to leak out of there
02:53.28twistedgoogle == your friend
02:53.43a1facool.. how do i disable iax and mgcp
02:53.49a1fashould i just remove them from modules?
02:53.52twistedgoogle's first result on 'port 2727' is mgcp
02:54.03twistednoload =>
02:54.13a1faso do no load on those two
02:54.20a1fai dont use iax, and i dont use mgcp
02:54.51harryvvnever know when you may use iax
02:55.06file2I don't like being noloaded
02:55.13twistedbecause you know
02:55.19twistedrandom iax calls come at your box all the time
02:55.29twistedand if you noload it, you'll never get the chance to get them
02:55.29file2for sure
02:55.31littleballspackle, how do you check out from cvs? I need to get a version work for TE411P card
02:55.54file2do I dare try to call again...
02:55.56twistedif you leave me now
02:56.01file2meh in 5
02:56.01twistedyou take away the biggest part of me
02:56.08harryvvsay your router takes a crap with a sip call..iax is a alternative if you have a iax device to use.
02:56.08DarthCluenah, there really is no need to use iax
02:56.09twistedoooh ohohohhhhhh no baby please don't go
02:56.10spacklelittleball, the destructions are all on the digium website and I think come with the card.
02:56.15a1fatwisted: is that true about random calls?
02:56.20twisteda1fa, no.
02:56.27a1fawhat is that
02:56.36twistednever heard of mgmc
02:56.43littleballspackle, when i get the card, nothing instructions with the card coming
02:56.49spackletwisted: sounds like the early days of email.  oooh, I got one, I got one!
02:56.50a1famgcp, sorry
02:57.05twistedspackle, i was on fidonet.. of course i got some
02:57.14a1fafidonet owned
02:57.30a1fawhat was that, like back in the 96?
02:57.31spacklelittleball, Then check for destructions on
02:57.44twisteda1fa, keep going
02:57.45twistedfurther back
02:58.02Asylumdestructions = Instructions. heh
02:58.05spacklefidonet, back in the 80s
02:58.18a1fabut i got my fido account in 96 or so
02:58.23niftercan someone tell me of a way to dial an extension while listening to an extensions away/busy message?
02:58.27a1fai am young, dude:P
02:58.41*** join/#asterisk mcunixjr (i=mcunixjr@pdpc/supporter/gold/McUnixJr)
02:58.49twistedi made fidonet my bieotch back in 91
02:58.58twistedbut i got my account like in 89 or so
02:59.28a1fait still loaded the damn iax module
02:59.33a1faafter i told it noload
02:59.38twistedyou told it wrong then
02:59.40spackleahh, the good old days $100s of dollars in LD charges calling up BBSs
02:59.50twistedspackle, nah, i never paid to call LD
03:00.13*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (
03:00.15twistedthat reminds me
03:00.26twistedit's getting close to a new day on LoRD
03:00.37spackletwisted: had a friend who lost his computer to the Feds, decided I should pay the LD.  Better than jail.
03:01.13a1fawhat is the outbound proxy?
03:01.24twistedso if you liked playing legend of the red dragon (LoRD), come play Legend of the Green Dragon
03:01.35a1faLoRD > *
03:01.43twistedso come play that one
03:01.50twisteduse my referrer link
03:01.55twistedi need free booze
03:02.17a1fayou play
03:02.18*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
03:02.19a1fait is awesome
03:02.24websaewhat's a good voip provider?
03:02.30a1fasucks arse
03:02.39twistedoh no.
03:02.51riddleboxI am trying to get the asterisk gui AM working, but when I point my browser to it prompts me to download the file?
03:02.53twistedi much prefer LoRD
03:03.25twistedriddlebox, something makes me think that you don't have your webserver setup properly.  go ask the guys in #amportal
03:03.29websaewhat is LoRD?
03:03.39a1fahe just said what it was
03:03.48a1fagood ol' bbs days
03:03.51a1fai used to run Maximus
03:04.02a1faa3ed was my favorite tool
03:04.12a1fai changed splash daily :P
03:04.23a1famy friend used to run a pr0n bbs
03:04.32a1faPPV pr0n bbs
03:04.36a1fawith scans :P
03:04.37JerJeryeah a 'friend'
03:05.09twistedi had pr0n
03:05.11twistedon my bbs
03:05.14twistednot ppv either
03:05.20a1fahey twisted
03:05.22websaehrmm...what's a gooid IAX or SIP provider?
03:05.28a1fai am working on getting this AMP going
03:05.35a1faAMP uses sql, right?
03:05.37twistedhaha, have fun with that.
03:06.31a1fai need something easy for my dad to add sip users
03:07.05a1famcedit or pico or nano
03:07.11a1favim is pure evil
03:07.18a1fahe will fuckup something
03:07.36fugitivono dude
03:07.38fugitivovim is good
03:07.41fugitivomysql is evil
03:08.00DarthClueyep mysql is evil, postgre is better.  use emacs, everything but the editor
03:08.35zobiawhy so many people don't like mysql . i am using realtime with mysql . is it too bad?
03:08.48fugitivono, it's not bad, it's evil
03:09.11DarthCluezobia, once you have used a real database, you'll discover why mysql is so evil.
03:09.26zobiai used it for a long time
03:09.29file2back online
03:09.32a1famysql is good shit
03:09.42*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
03:09.44DarthClueum, is shit really that good?
03:09.48fugitivoyea, if you never used another database in your life
03:09.49file[laptop]here I am!
03:10.14zobiai use oracle and sql server too. but i feel mysql is not that bad.
03:10.24wunderkinand then there was rejoycing! or something
03:10.48fugitivoms access or mysql?
03:10.50twistedstill 49 minutes left until the new day on
03:11.05websaehrm...anyone know a VOIP/SIP/IAX provider that i can use that would allow me to port over my local number and my 800 number???anyone...? thanks
03:11.07file[laptop]I think they reset the DSLAM...
03:11.36Corydon76-homefile[laptop]: rock you like a hurricane?
03:11.45fugitivonow let's talk about desktop, linux, osx or windows
03:11.57twistedCorydon76-home, lol
03:12.01a1faAMP is shit to get working and such a big security risk
03:12.07twistedyeah file, how's Ophellia?
03:12.19Corydon76-homeIsn't it Rita, now?
03:12.27websaefile: does asterlink port over local numbers and 800 numbers?
03:12.29twistedcorydon76, they don't change names
03:12.31Corydon76-homeMeter maid?
03:12.46a1fahow do you tell
03:12.46Corydon76-hometwisted: no, but the new one is Rita
03:13.03twistedcorydon76, rita is in the gulf.  ophellia is up around new brunswick
03:14.28*** join/#asterisk file (
03:14.34Corydon76-homeTropical depression Ophelia?
03:14.38twistedDarthClue, that is, unfortunately, not on the list for this year
03:14.48websaeanyone know of a VOIP provider that PORTS 800 and LOCAL numbers??
03:14.57DarthCluetwisted, i'm sure we could find a way to get it on the list.
03:15.25twistedDarthClue, just wait until they run out of names
03:15.29twistedand send it in as a suggestion
03:15.41DarthCluewon't be long before they run out at this rate.
03:15.45twistedi know
03:16.16twistedhigh-action season
03:16.24Corydon76-homeWhat about voip providers for 900 numbers?
03:16.48Corydon76-homeI want my mortgage company to have to pay me to listen to their drivel
03:17.06DarthCluemuch higher than normal.  of course, it is still 90 degrees outside right now and it normally has cooled off by this time of year.
03:17.11filewoot it's great to be back online
03:17.38twistedintarweb-CLI> unload
03:18.04DarthCluetwisted, I'm looking for something more effective....
03:18.48DarthCluepowercompany-CLI> unload transformers, refuse any assistance, ship candles
03:19.18twistedjust enough to contaminate the building
03:19.32twistedand destroy the electronics
03:19.39fileI lost all my SSH sessions :(
03:19.47websaeanyone know of a VOIP provider that ports local and 800 numbers....anyone
03:20.02filewebsae: asking the same thing, to the same people, for a third time, is not a good thing
03:20.06DarthCluewebsae, if you ask again, we may have to flog you
03:20.13websaepresently i own a local number and 800 number for my business from my landline, but i want to switch over to VOIP....anyone know at all?
03:20.29websaeDarthClue- you have any ideas at all?
03:21.51*** join/#asterisk ApEtc (
03:21.58DarthCluewebsae, I'm normally a nice person, but i'm not sure you got the point.  Asking the same question over and over may get you kicked by an op, or worse, you'll be told to fuck off by everyone because you have just become an annoying little shit.
03:23.15FuriousGeorgewebsae: u mean local to you numbers?
03:23.17*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
03:23.38FuriousGeorgeor just non tollfree
03:23.41websaei mean...i have local and 800 number now supplied to a landline...want to go to voip
03:24.03FuriousGeorgeoh ports, nevermind
03:25.18*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
03:25.20websaeDartClue- to answer your question, yes I realize your point, and appreciate your kindness sincerely, but to make a big deal out of such a small matter is a bit odd, I do remind you we are only in an irc channel, however I do apologize for offending you and or anyone else here
03:25.33twistedmidol != suppository
03:25.54spacklehi bkw_
03:25.58websaefile- how much to port an 800 number with asterlink?
03:25.59DarthCluetwisted, i figured that was a good place to store them for later use
03:26.07filewebsae: $25
03:26.22*** join/#asterisk rob314_ (
03:26.29websaeokay, and then just the normal .02cents/min after that?
03:26.41websaei can't find the link to asterlink iax connection
03:26.57filewe don't recommend IAX2, we've had issues... audio quality has been crap
03:27.09websaewhat kind of connection do you?
03:27.17fileSIP works great
03:27.19bkw_you can use IAX but we don't recommend it
03:27.21websaejust looking for a link to the service
03:27.24*** part/#asterisk ilan (i=ilan@
03:27.28fileright at the bottom
03:27.29websaecould you tell me it?
03:28.12bkw_ok iPhoto has issues with these large images
03:28.18bkw_I loaded up 400 images I took tonight
03:28.21bkw_it went nannas
03:28.29bkw_guess its not really a pro tool
03:28.32*** join/#asterisk litage (n=nick@
03:29.32filebkw_: sillyness
03:29.38filebkw_: btw do we have any update on our soap opera?
03:29.54filecan you shuffle it my way?
03:29.58websaefile: any companies you recommend for local portability?
03:30.07bkw_the soap opera emailed me back twice
03:30.18filewebsae: not particularly... I don't know any
03:30.25bkw_i'm going to just tell her this is how it is.. if you don't like it what is your address where you want this server shipped
03:30.36websaeanyone here use a VOIP where it allowed them local porting?
03:30.36bkw_becase I'm going to kick it out of the tallest building before I ship it back
03:30.48filedammit boy, send me the e-mails I'm dying to read them
03:30.52fileI *love* this drama
03:31.46bkw_"Ok I have a balance with you and I'm mad that you used the credit card to pay that balance"
03:31.56bkw_wtf does this woman expect
03:32.03bkw_wrongful my ass
03:32.08bkw_I wanna see her do a chargeback
03:32.16bkw_the moment I get it.. her shit will be cut off
03:32.24bkw_as per our TOS
03:32.35fileshe wouldn't be a happy camper
03:32.58bkw_she'll shut up and pay her bill then.. I think she's more pissed she was overdrawn than anything and is just looking for someone to blame
03:33.17bkw_HONEY if 100 dollars causes you to over draw you have other issues
03:33.20fileand she always goes after us, 'tsk 'tsk
03:33.40bkw_file we aren't responsible for anything.. the service is provided as is without wty.
03:33.46bkw_love TOS's
03:34.21bkw_she messes with me i'll ship her back a brick instead of her server
03:34.44file"whoops sorry, your server went to our Phillipine office instead!"
03:35.11bkw_"Would you want to use that credit card on file to pay shipping charges?"
03:35.28bkw_i'll pack some lead weights in there with it to make it extra heavy
03:36.19filesilly world
03:36.54websaewhere can one purchase just a DID or port just DID, and not get the voip service?
03:37.09bkw_you'll never find that websae
03:37.12bkw_unless you go buy your own PRI
03:37.25bkw_because nobody is going to port a number and just let you use it without paying for some sort of services
03:37.41websaehrmm how about DID portability with service?
03:38.29bkw_try vonage, broadvoice, voicepulse?
03:38.41websaehmm does vonage work with asterisk?
03:39.12a1fatime to masturbate
03:40.13a1faquick questions
03:40.21a1fawhy do providers use outbound proxy
03:40.30a1fawhat is it anyway? regular proxy?
03:40.37bkw_centralized management
03:41.14a1fahow does that help
03:41.18a1fait holds users?
03:41.28filealso used for NAT traversal in some situations
03:41.28bkw_centralized call routing, user management
03:41.38bkw_all  kinds of reasons
03:41.53a1faso if i am behind nat
03:41.57MikeJ[Laptop]file likes sip.
03:41.58a1faand my server is outside
03:42.01bkw_HOLY HELL BAT MAN thats a 3.7 meg jpg
03:42.08bkw_I love sip
03:42.10a1fawill i have to run ooutbound proxy
03:42.12bkw_MikeJ[Laptop], I got me a new camera today
03:42.19MikeJ[Laptop]which one?
03:42.26filea1fa: no you'll just have to read the instructions and stuff :P
03:42.39a1fawhat instructions
03:42.40bkw_MikeJ[Laptop], Digital Rebel XT 350D
03:42.42MikeJ[Laptop]a1fa, you never HAVE to do anything
03:42.44fileteh wiki
03:42.49MikeJ[Laptop]bkw_, toys
03:42.56bkw_No dear this is not a "toy"
03:43.14fileit's a weapon!
03:43.22MikeJ[Laptop]I just got home from the amusement park
03:43.27MikeJ[Laptop]it was amusing.
03:43.29bkw_at the rate this bastard can take images I could fill out a 6 gig microdrive in like 15 min
03:43.31MikeJ[Laptop]and I am tired
03:43.33fileMikeJ[Laptop]: why didn't you take me? :(
03:43.57MikeJ[Laptop]file, becasue you were not here at 8am when we got picked up
03:44.08MikeJ[Laptop]sorry :(
03:44.18MikeJ[Laptop]best park on earth.
03:44.35MikeJ[Laptop]file, it's not poking when you use a bat
03:44.38*** join/#asterisk criptos (n=criptos@
03:44.38mcunixjrso who is mr asterlink here ?  :)
03:44.42harryvvbkw, you dont have access to canadian dids do you?
03:44.51filewe don't have US or Canadian DIDs :P
03:45.04filemcunixjr: what'cha wanna know
03:45.09a1faso there is special tweeking to make it work behind nat?
03:45.15harryvvfile okay
03:45.21mcunixjrfile - something odd with the credit card processing
03:45.27harryvvyea looking for one. might call local tomarro then.
03:45.31filedefine odd
03:45.40harryvvmc using cc asterisk?
03:46.05harryvvcalling card asterisk?
03:46.19mcunixjras in - there is a mail ing address and a billing address..... - for some reason it looks like even tho i put in a different address for billing, it wants to use the mailing address to verify cc
03:46.23MikeJ[Laptop]harryvv, he is talking about his asterlink account
03:46.39fileit shouldn't
03:46.49mcunixjrand then at then end
03:47.08mcunixjrit said Your Credit Card Info seems not completely correct please phone our client.....
03:47.20a1fawow nice camera
03:47.21filemcunixjr: username?
03:47.25fileand let's take this to #asterlink
03:47.33*** join/#asterisk newmember (
03:47.34bkw_mcunixjr, ya file can assist you in #asterlink
03:47.43MikeJ[Laptop]very good shot
03:48.57MikeJ[Laptop]twisted, nice
03:49.36bkw_its the shiznit
03:49.47bkw_it has all the goodies from the 20D without the price tag
03:49.49bkw_fast start up
03:49.51a1fawhat needs to be tweeked to make it work with nat
03:50.00twistedbkw_, tha's why i like film cameras too
03:50.01twistedINSTANT ON
03:50.06MikeJ[Laptop]a1fa, read sip.conf.sample
03:50.11bkw_twisted this one is biatch
03:50.24twistedlol you said it was digial
03:50.47bkw_it is digital
03:50.48twistedfast startup != instant on
03:50.55MikeJ[Laptop]FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT
03:50.58bkw_no no its less than 200ms
03:51.20bkw_from on to my finger hitting the shutter button in on move and it snaps a picture
03:51.36MikeJ[Laptop]twisted, you have a pitchfork?  Crazy!
03:52.11MikeJ[Laptop]bkw_, a cookie?
03:52.24bkw_or cookies
03:52.41MikeJ[Laptop]I'm sleepy
03:52.58MikeJ[Laptop]gunna go talk to the boys...
03:53.11MikeJ[Laptop]then pack
03:53.12bkw_OOOOH really?
03:53.15MikeJ[Laptop]then go sleepy
03:53.21bkw_that sounds so WRONG
03:53.28X-Robbkw - you bought the 350 eh?
03:53.30twistedyeah it does
03:53.33X-Robnot a bad camera at all.
03:53.41bkw_X-Rob, its pretty kick fuckin ass
03:53.53bkw_Moc says its smaller than the 20D
03:53.56a1fanat? yo?
03:54.03bkw_a1fa, we said check sip.conf.sample
03:54.07twistednat == satan's networking
03:54.18bkw_it tells you localnet/externip
03:54.19bkw_read it
03:54.21bkw_love it
03:54.23bkw_spank it
03:54.26bkw_use it
03:54.30X-RobYeah, I'm pretty sure it is. I've had a play with the 20D, only read reviews of the 350.
03:54.31bkw_ok NEXT!!! ;)
03:54.44bkw_they have an SDK for this camera
03:54.48bkw_so you can write custom apps for it
03:54.49X-RobI'm such a wuss. I'm perfectly happy with my coolpix 4500.
03:54.50bkw_wonder wtf that means
03:54.57bkw_I got burned with coolpix
03:55.13bkw_every single Nikon I tried had hot pixels
03:55.14a1fabkw_ :P
03:55.24X-RobThat'd suck. I've had 3, never had a problem with 'em
03:55.38bkw_I have had perfect luck with kodak
03:55.50bkw_and DAMNED IF I ever have a hot pixel with the Canon
03:55.52X-Robbut I also learnt how to photograph on an ancient nikon 35m body, so I'm a bit biased towards 'em
03:56.00bkw_for the price I paid it should have a back up CCD to use :P
03:56.20X-RobIf I do upgrade my camera, I'm gunna get one of the 3-CCD ones.
03:56.25twistedbkw_, like an aeroplane?
03:56.30twistedextra engines?
03:56.33bkw_ya ya
03:56.41bkw_DSLR ROCKS
03:56.50twistedbkw_, send me one
03:56.52twistedi'll write a review
03:56.55bkw_twisted haha
03:56.58X-RobSo, BTW, has anyone actually READ my fucking -dev post about fxotune being broken?
03:57.04bkw_I think I did great with my DX7590
03:57.19bkw_X-Rob, does anyone actually care about legit posts on that list
03:57.21bkw_it seems nobody does
03:57.27twistedbkw_, no way dude
03:57.36X-RobThat's an extraodinarily good point, bkw 8-\
03:57.37bkw_they argue about bullshit and never talk about real issues
03:57.37drumkillaX-Rob: there's pretty much one person that is going to have an answer for you.
03:57.41drumkillaand that is the guy that wrote it.
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03:57.46X-Robdrumkilla - yeah.
03:57.52drumkilla... so email him
03:57.59X-RobYou know, that's a damn good idea.
03:58.09bkw_who would have thunk it
03:58.13X-Robplease exuce me for being so fucking thick.
03:58.20bkw_but ya see all the headers of the files SAY DO NOT CONTACT THE AUTORS OF X OR Y
03:58.24twistedX-Rob, two words: jenny craig
03:58.30bkw_it says use the bug tracker, irc and mailing lists
03:58.36bkw_jenny crank?
03:58.55twistedthat's right
03:59.02drumkillaX-Rob: then file a bug in mantis about it
03:59.03twistedkp commited changes to tons of headers
03:59.05bkw_is that better than the Oprah diet?
03:59.05drumkillaand someone will get to it when they can
03:59.18twistedyou're not supposed to talk to the authors directly
03:59.23X-Robdrumkilla - I might as well just write a note and stick it under my keyboard for all the good that will do.
03:59.31drumkillaX-Rob: oh come on ...
03:59.41drumkillayou can't expect people to drop what they are doing to help *you*
03:59.44twisteddrumkilla, we're all losing faith.
03:59.49drumkillaput it in mantis, and people will look when they have time.
03:59.53twistedit's sad, but true.
04:00.00bkw_ya ya
04:00.02drumkillaif you don't like it, you can ask for your money back.  :)
04:00.10X-Robdrumkilla - it's not _my_ problem. I think someone who committed the file has committed the wrong one. Half the functionalty is ifdef'ed out.
04:00.17drumkillathen file a bug
04:00.27*** join/#asterisk Qorky (n=spam@
04:00.28bkw_that goes back to the whole "does anyone actually care" thing
04:00.30drumkillaand it will get taken care of
04:00.31filebkw_: I read the emails, VERY interesting
04:00.36bkw_file ain't it
04:00.46twistednew day on
04:00.48Corydon76-homeI keep track of the bugtracker, and I fix my bugs...
04:01.00Qorkyif i change stuff in sip.conf can i reaload that info without stopping a running system? like reload ___ ?
04:01.11bkw_Corydon you're like the exception to that :P
04:01.15X-RobQorky - 'sip reload'
04:01.27bkw_someone needs to go kick the filter off for the -cvs list
04:01.34bkw_his last commit never made it thru
04:01.42bkw_on the -cvs list
04:01.50harryvvI have yet to find out why the sipura spa 1000 does not show a option to show why CWCID does not show on the phones display when a second caller is calling in. Anyone here might have one and figured it out?
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04:02.12bkw_harryvv, its the phone that does that NOT the sipura.. if the phone can't do CWCID then its not gonna work
04:02.23bkw_not all phones support CWCID
04:02.37harryvvbkw, the phone does support cwcid on pstn
04:02.49bkw_do you have it enabled on the services?
04:03.15harryvvit shows as enabled. Or at least thats what it looks like. you familliar with the configuration page?
04:03.18bkw_my left eye is messin with me
04:03.34bkw_its telling my right eye to look the other way
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04:04.06bkw_Remember happiness runs in a circular motion!
04:04.53filebkw_: that woman is so very very... irritable and picky
04:05.27bkw_I have my boots ready for her tomorrow
04:05.27*** part/#asterisk dav0_ (
04:05.33harryvvSupplementary Service Subscription
04:05.33harryvvCall Waiting Serv:
04:05.34filebkw_: what'cha gonna do?
04:05.45bkw_callwaiting is not the same as call waiting caller id
04:05.49harryvvCWCID Serv: yes
04:05.57harryvvbkw, old buffer scan
04:06.03bkw_go change the Callerid method
04:06.09fileI can't believe she wants us to do billing completely separate for things on the same account... gah
04:06.32bkw_I have mine set to BELCORE
04:06.36bkw_it works on my sipura
04:06.44bkw_and bell 202
04:06.49bkw_for FSK
04:06.56*** join/#asterisk dav0 (
04:07.02bkw_bellcore n. ameraica china
04:07.04harryvvi know where the bellcores are
04:08.34*** part/#asterisk dav0 (
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04:08.56harryvvbaa mabey i dont
04:09.18bkw_under advanced
04:10.36bkw_bottom of the page
04:11.05harryvvits set to north american/china
04:11.44harryvvif its that..then there is another issue.
04:11.54bkw_must be
04:11.55bkw_mien works
04:11.59bkw_what firmware you running?
04:12.02*** join/#asterisk outsidefactor (
04:12.02bkw_3.1.5 here I think
04:12.19bkw_go to the user tab
04:12.20*** join/#asterisk dav0 (
04:12.24bkw_and make sure you have it yes there also
04:12.42file[laptop]bkw_: I keep reading over this e-mail and just like shaking my head
04:12.51harryvvfirmware on the spa?
04:12.53bkw_file I really don't know what to do...
04:13.03bkw_I think the best thing is to just let her go
04:13.25harryvvSoftware Version:2.0.13(g)Hardware Version:2.0.1(9640)
04:13.26file[laptop]I agree, she's never going to be happy
04:14.29harryvvfire the customer if its a real drag on the bussiness hehe
04:16.04drumkillaX-Rob: I assigned it to mattf and sent him a reminder
04:16.12jake1932X-Rob: hmm. that explains alot
04:16.16drumkillaHe will probably see it sometime this week
04:16.22X-Robthanks drumkilla
04:16.45drumkillabut cut him some slack, he's a full time student as well ...
04:17.26X-RobI'm just trying to help, I'm not putting shit on anyone
04:17.36jake1932i'm just happy you pointed that out - I was really close to selling my TDM400 card
04:17.53X-Robjake1932 - they work well.
04:18.10jake1932maybe yours does
04:18.30X-Robwhat's up with yours?
04:18.37jake1932echo city
04:18.47drumkillaX-Rob: I understand, just giving you a heads up that it might take a little while
04:19.07*** part/#asterisk spackle (n=spackle@
04:19.14X-Robdrumkilla - s'okay 8)
04:19.22X-Robjake1932 - you using CVS HEAD?
04:19.37X-RobKB1 echo can?
04:19.45jake1932it's in there by default
04:19.51*** join/#asterisk toddf (
04:19.52X-Roband you have echos?
04:19.53jake1932but I doubt the gains are set right
04:20.02X-Robgains should be 0 and 0 to start with.
04:20.09jake1932they are and I get echo
04:20.28file[laptop]ohhhhh say can you hear, echo with me!
04:20.36X-RobPastebin your zapata.conf
04:20.43harryvvTo bad astericon could not have been 2 weeks ago. I was in Lincon city spending my break there with the wife. Could have gone :)
04:22.58criptoswhat does it takes to make a astricon?
04:23.10drumkillato make a astricon?
04:23.35jake1932the bug you just pointed out would make sense why fxotune wouldn't work
04:23.55X-Robyeah, and it doesn't work - it is borked.
04:24.10X-Robif you set debug = 1 it will at least run, but give you possibly useless information.
04:24.22criptosyeap :) To have an astricon at my city?
04:24.28jake1932yeah - i'd rather wait till it's fixed
04:24.28X-RobAnd, I hate to say, your zapata.conf is perfect 8-\
04:24.36drumkillait's international talk like a pirate day!
04:24.38X-Robyou seriously should not be getting echo.
04:24.53X-RobAll hail his mighty noodles!
04:25.09jake1932no biggie - i'll give it some time
04:25.34X-Robjake1932 - I'd be thinking tha tyou've got a bad FXO card.
04:25.44X-Robhave you contacted digium?
04:26.01jake1932not abou the echo - i figured they would help install it
04:26.11jake1932(which they did)
04:27.15jake1932I have a SIPURA 3000 with echo issues also
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04:28.04jake1932(which some have said works perfectly) - the telco ran a brand new line for me about 2 years ago
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04:29.07jake1932my BRI line works perfectly though
04:29.28harryvvjake, sometimes i get the echo
04:30.01jake1932harryvv: did you get to use fxotune (before it borked)?
04:30.26X-Robfxotune's never worked
04:30.27*** part/#asterisk Samoied (n=Samoied@
04:30.36harryvvdont know what it is
04:30.37bkw_OK this is kick ass
04:30.49Mocwhat ?
04:30.56jake1932fxo tune is supposed to adjust the gains for the tdm400
04:30.59X-Rob*kicks moc's arse*
04:31.01harryvvi see
04:31.07MocX-Rob ??
04:31.12harryvvim on a x100p
04:31.14X-Robjake1932 - all it does _now_ is adjust the impedance
04:31.22X-Robmoc - a joke.
04:31.27X-RobI was trying to be funny.
04:31.28harryvvdoes it change it automaticly?
04:31.33X-RobI, obviously, failed.
04:31.34jake1932supposed to
04:31.47MocX-Rob, Im half asleep...
04:31.47jake1932just by running with the -s option
04:32.14harryvvlike a impedence checking bridge then adjust where the cards impedence matches the end point for maximum power transfer with no echo return?
04:32.26bkw_OK thats it I gotta get out of town tomorrow night
04:32.29bkw_and take some pictures
04:32.38Moc<Moc> btw... svn rock ;)
04:32.39Moc<Moc> it make version control fun hehe
04:32.39Moc<Woosta> You need to step away from the screen for a while my friend
04:32.44harryvvI just got back from the oregon coast
04:32.44Moclol he is right ...
04:32.56jake1932can the x100p have variable impedence? i thought it was fixed
04:33.00harryvvmade a blue/green glass float :)
04:33.20Mocbkw_, ha your new cam ;) Told you it was cool..
04:33.34harryvvjake, mmm you mean software based or hardware?
04:33.46bkw_the pictures I took of the stars is KICK ASS
04:33.49bkw_just gotta get out of town
04:33.53bkw_to get nice ones
04:33.59Mocha hehe I see heh
04:34.00harryvvwhere to bkw?
04:34.07X-Robjake1932 - it is fixed.
04:34.23MocX-Rob how things going ?
04:34.47harryvvLEts have astericon at Lincoln city oregon ;)
04:34.56harryvvendless miles of beaches.
04:35.08X-RobMoc - I've had a prick of a headache all day. The wife is due to give birth in 15 days, and I've just rewired the entire house so it runs through a SPA2000 and a TDM422.
04:35.12X-RobI want a scotch.
04:35.17X-RobBut thanks for asking 8)
04:35.50harryvvX-rob mmm fun.
04:36.38Mochave any lock with the TDM card ?
04:36.45X-RobYeah it's all working.
04:36.48Mocmy both card on a shelf now !!
04:36.59Mocnever got good result out of the FXO with them ..
04:37.20X-Robis this another 4mb jpeg?
04:37.28Mocbkw_, what iso is this ?
04:37.32X-Robbkw - there's a lot of noise in that.
04:37.37bkw_I think it was 800 or 1600
04:37.39bkw_very grainy
04:37.54Piranha-with iax, once I am authenticated with my server at Site A, I would be IAX2/User  right?
04:38.09bkw_same with that one
04:38.12harryvvwe had a pool like that in the 70s
04:38.13bkw_this is why I gotta get out of town
04:38.13Mocbkw_, use 800 on another type of digital camera and it will be alot worst..
04:38.22Moccanon does a good job at iso
04:38.24*** join/#asterisk mick3 (
04:38.25bkw_yes they do
04:38.33mick3so, using asterisk on my pstn line, thre is lots of echo, how do I fix this?
04:38.36harryvvbkw, what city do you live in?
04:38.41bkw_McAlester, OK
04:38.46Piranha-mick3: jitter buffer
04:38.48bkw_its too bright at night around here
04:38.48file[laptop]aka the middle of nowhere
04:38.51Mocyou can see stars in the US ? ;)
04:38.55harryvvohhh yea heard of it
04:39.01mick3Piranha-: how do I do that?
04:39.07harryvvA big tornado went though there in the past?
04:39.10X-Robbkw - how long was the exposure on stars and night?
04:39.15jake1932mick3: what device?
04:39.18Piranha-you can usually do it on your device.. but asterisk has it too
04:39.26bkw_OMG lots of stars
04:39.35bkw_you can't see that many with the naked eye
04:39.52mick3jake1932: digum x101p
04:39.58bkw_if I can get out of town then it will be nice and dark
04:40.00harryvvbkw, go waaaay out in the country where there is no lights. It is even MUCH better in the mountains really high up.
04:40.48harryvvI was in witchita falls tx for four months. Close to you?
04:40.52X-Rob^^^ I'm in the middle of nowhere.
04:40.58harryvv15 miles to oklahoma
04:41.18bkw_its a few hours away
04:41.37harryvvX-rob your area?
04:42.13bkw_WHY NOT!!
04:42.46harryvvBTW...I looked at my millitary base I was stationed has there been changes. Showed my wife where all the nuclear warheads are stored and she said "ohh fricken great that means other rouge countries can see where thay are now"
04:42.49X-Robharryvv - that's a shot of my place.
04:43.01*** join/#asterisk mcunixjr_ (i=mcunixjr@pdpc/supporter/gold/McUnixJr)
04:43.01harryvvit was on google earth
04:43.21X-Robharryvv - they already knew.
04:43.21harryvvgoogle earth is just so cool
04:43.28harryvvX-rob im sure thay did
04:43.57harryvvbut its cool to see a place where you were in the service that has actually undergone changes.
04:44.15harryvvOhh north and south korea are crying foul on google earth.
04:44.17bkw_wonder how many good deals you'll be able to get on cars from New Orleans ?
04:44.32harryvvbkw, dont buy one that was flooded
04:44.32mcunixjr_question:  i want to set up main greeting to say: "thank you for calling xxx company, we appreciate your bizness, we love you etc, if you know your party extension type it now, otherwise you may leave a message after the tone"  then if they type in an extension it then rings the extension, then if there is now answer, it would then go to that person voicemail box   - how to do this?
04:44.56harryvvI had to deal with a flooded one once..what a night mare to purge the engine and tranny.
04:44.59bkw_mcunixjr you look at the example config and the macro std-exten
04:45.03*** join/#asterisk dos000_ (
04:45.06mick3so, how do I stop the echo on my x101p?
04:45.21bkw_mick3, you first make sure the jack is wired properly
04:45.27bkw_if its reversed you'll get echo
04:45.30mick3I believe it is
04:45.34bkw_flip it and try again
04:45.35harryvvThat Transmission had to been the cleanest tranny on the west coast. fortnally the federal goverment paid for her car repairs :)
04:45.40mick3how do I do that?
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04:45.45mick3I live in NZ btw
04:45.50bkw_oh good luck
04:45.57bkw_in NZ its all up in the air
04:46.02harryvvBungie jumping capital of the world :)
04:46.02mick3is it?
04:46.15mick3have you heard this confirmed from NZ * userS?
04:46.45harryvvI have not
04:46.58mick3hm, k
04:48.34X-Robmcunixjr - actually, the _easiest_ way to do that is to install asterisk@home.
04:49.29bkw_OH NO don't tell him that
04:49.32bkw_make him learn it
04:49.53bkw_asterisk@home is a crutch
04:50.29mcunixjr_already did the asterisk at home bit....installed it for one non profit...
04:50.33mcunixjr_now i want to do it right
04:50.42harryvva crutch?
04:50.44bkw_good man
04:51.04mcunixjr_there should be an example site for configs :)
04:51.07mcunixjr_help us newbies :)
04:51.11harryvvbkw, you mean to rich like desert that makes you sick from being to sweet
04:51.45mick3i agree
04:52.22MikeJ[Laptop]there is the wiki and a sample config section..
04:52.33MikeJ[Laptop]contributions appretiated :D
04:53.28*** join/#asterisk zcat[1] (
04:53.56*** join/#asterisk hrisc (
04:54.31*** part/#asterisk Uberbot (n=Uberbot@
04:54.32hriscanyone have the makefile patch for spandsp pre20 for cvs head
04:54.45bkw_oh god its in there
04:54.47bkw_its not hard to do
04:54.54bkw_I even had a standalone makefile for the two apps
04:54.59MikeJ[Laptop]bkw_, you spent a grand on a camera?
04:55.18bkw_MikeJ[Laptop], yes.... its my hobby.... asterisk was my hobby and I have spent FAR more on it... so
04:55.19hrisci cant figure it out
04:55.26zcat[1]ARGH!!! How do I just get a simple cisco ATA to log into a bare-minimum asterisk install?!!
04:55.30mcunixjr_nice example config
04:55.32harryvvanyone here hams?
04:55.39*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
04:55.42mcunixjr_harryvv - n6mcj
04:55.47MikeJ[Laptop]in regards to spandsp, you should be able to use astxs to compile it against your currently installed asterisk
04:56.21harryvvmcunixjr_ this is a good story to read. Ham in Olympia WA got a transmittion from a station 50 miles out of new oreleans asking for help.
04:56.29bkw_NOW this is a lens
04:56.31MikeJ[Laptop]you can get some examples of how astxs works off of
04:57.48MikeJ[Laptop]I still can't get my iaxy to register..
04:58.07MikeJ[Laptop]just nothing
04:58.10MikeJ[Laptop]nothing at all
04:58.22hriscwell we are even i got my iaxy to work but fax is kicking my but
04:58.42bkw_NO BABY this is the lens to have
04:58.49MikeJ[Laptop]fax isn't bad...
04:59.07zcat[1]anyone; is there a simple howto for morons you could point me to?
04:59.08bkw_Angle of View
04:59.08bkw_4 Degrees
04:59.09criptosMike, what is with the iaxy? I have a few...
04:59.18bkw_for that price I would rater have a mac
04:59.20MikeJ[Laptop]zcat[1], yes
04:59.25jboti heard docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
04:59.33zcat[1]I'm following the docs..
04:59.42bkw_Tonight it became clear i must get a zoom lense can't photograph the moon very well
04:59.50hriscso nobody has a Makeile
04:59.54MikeJ[Laptop]criptos, provisions fine, never get anything out of it
04:59.57*** part/#asterisk rob314_ (
05:00.13MikeJ[Laptop]no registrations, no iax traffic, nothing
05:00.31MikeJ[Laptop]hrisc, you don;t need one.
05:00.32mick3hi zcat[1]
05:00.58zcat[1]hi mick3
05:01.35bkw_get that make file
05:01.50bkw_it will build app_rx/txfax standalone outside the asterisk directory
05:02.08MikeJ[Laptop]astxs -install -autoload
05:02.13MikeJ[Laptop]astxs -install -autoload
05:02.16hriscok ok mikeJ i will RTFM but if it dont work I swear I will go get my glock and out a few rounds in this asterisk box
05:02.22X-Robbkw_ IS A HAWT S3KSY B1tch!
05:02.42bkw_get too
05:02.52bkw_MikeJ[Laptop], takes more than that
05:02.58bkw_you have to pass the -ltiff -lspandsp
05:03.02bkw_so it will link those
05:03.10bkw_I can't recall the syntax for that
05:03.20MikeJ[Laptop]y, you would...
05:03.28MikeJ[Laptop]going to look at the script.
05:03.34bkw_i sent coppice this makefile
05:03.39bkw_and I guess he didn't want it
05:03.59criptosmike: defective iaxy...
05:04.18criptostheyre, as any cpe/ata, easy to setup, and or they work, or they dont..
05:04.46MikeJ[Laptop]well.. .I'll trade it this week I suppose
05:05.03MikeJ[Laptop]bkw_, [-append=<varname>:<value>]
05:05.23Piranha-yo.. whats the command for dialing a iax client connected ? Rather than having 2 separate iax servers?
05:06.26bkw_here is some interesting reading someone passed to me
05:06.37Piranha-I was trying that
05:06.39MikeJ[Laptop]yeah.. don't know how to do that w/ astxs.
05:06.43MikeJ[Laptop]but should be able to
05:06.55Piranha-it gives me an invalid context error.. so I specify with @intern
05:07.01Piranha-and then still gives me an error
05:07.57zcat[1]OK< I hve the simpelest possible config, I just want one sip phone to talk to another sip phone, they still won't register!!
05:08.07Mocoh well sleep time ... bbt
05:08.10bkw_bet you sip is disabled
05:08.16bkw_netstat -na | grep 5060
05:08.19zcat[1] what am i doing wrong?!
05:08.32bkw_if the box can't find its hostname sip will disable itself
05:08.36zcat[1]Sep 19 17:08:10 NOTICE[21293]: Registration from 'Bruce Kingsbury <sip:8492@;user=phone>' failed for ''
05:08.52bkw_show me your sip.conf entry
05:09.12MikeJ[Laptop]astxs -install -autoload -append=LDFLAGS: -append=LDFLAGS:-lspandsp -ltiff
05:09.20MikeJ[Laptop]that might work.
05:09.23bkw_there ya go
05:09.24MikeJ[Laptop]not that
05:09.56MikeJ[Laptop]astxs -install -autoload -append=LDFLAGS:-lspandsp -append=LDFLAGS:-ltiff
05:11.29mick3zcat[1]: y uohave no secrets
05:11.29X-RobMikeJ[Laptop] - I'm hosting so you don't need to use sourceforge.
05:11.31mick3or usernames
05:11.39mick3zcat[1]: you obviously need username=sdf and secret=sdf
05:11.49MikeJ[Laptop]somone try that and see if it works at least..
05:11.55MikeJ[Laptop]I think it will
05:12.09zcat[1]obviously? the howto I was following says this config should work
05:12.22mick3i dunno, I know mine works
05:16.01*** join/#asterisk |Vulutre| (
05:17.46zcat[1]yay, dialtone!!
05:19.01Piranha-thats not a good sign
05:22.36*** join/#asterisk newmember (
05:23.29harryvvim outa here
05:24.23mcunixjr_so it seems gnuinter is down?
05:24.27Qorkygrr. any have a good sff convertor for windows ?
05:24.34*** part/#asterisk harryvv (
05:26.22Qorkyanyone i mean.
05:38.02zcat[1]Sep 19 17:37:35 NOTICE[22418]: Cannot find extension context 'sip'
05:38.07zcat[1]What's that mean?!!
05:38.41mick3it means it can't find the context
05:38.52mick3have you referenced it/included it in extension.conf?
05:38.54zcat[1]oh.. ok :)
05:39.10mick3do you have a [sip] in extension.conf
05:39.20mick3pastebin your exten.conf
05:39.21zcat[1]exten => 8492,1,Dial(sip/phone2,20,tr)
05:40.35mick3pastebin your exten.conf :P
05:40.52mick3i dont think yo ucan do it like that either
05:40.56mick3I htink it needs to be
05:41.05mick3exten => 8492,1,Dial(SIP/8492,20)
05:41.07*** join/#asterisk Asterunk (
05:41.18mick3no t or r either
05:41.50X-Robmick3 - type 'show application Dial'
05:42.04zcat[1]type where?
05:42.36X-Roband zcat[1], mick is right. It's 'Dial(SIP/foo)
05:42.43X-RobSIP not sip
05:42.55*** join/#asterisk abcbooze (
05:43.16abcboozeanyone here done any SIP development with RTC 1.2 API?
05:43.17X-Robno, sip.
05:43.34abcboozeyou read my mind!
05:43.51X-Robabcbooze - 'SIP developemnt with RCT 1.2 API' is nonsensical.
05:43.55X-RobRTC even
05:44.05X-Roband, obviously, development spelt correctly too.
05:44.06abcboozei mean its already laid out for you
05:44.14X-Robwhat do you want to do?
05:44.22abcboozeget callerid info
05:44.32abcboozeeverything else works
05:44.36Asterunkhi all - am looking to change the sound used when someone joins a meetme conference.. ie the noise that announces to current room members someone has joined.. but am having problems locating the file for it - any give me a pointer ?
05:44.43*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
05:44.44X-Robs,1,Set(foo=CALLERID(name)) ?
05:44.56abcboozeno no for inboudn calls to the 'softphone'
05:45.01abcboozefrom asterisk
05:45.14abcboozei cant figure out where it would be sent
05:45.19X-Robyes. that's accessable from the function CALLERID
05:45.25abcboozein RTC?
05:45.41abcboozehrmm i have to look over MSDN again I somehow missed it
05:45.42X-Robtype 'show function CALLERID'
05:45.48mick3zcat[1]: show application dial in the asterisk console shows what the letters t and r mean
05:45.50X-Robthis is in asterisk
05:45.57X-Robnot MSDN
05:46.08abcboozelittle miscommunication
05:46.33zcat[1]I think my head is going to explode.
05:46.50mick3everyones head explodes when dealing with asterisk
05:46.56abcboozewithin the RTC API, when asterisk rings the softphone it sends callerid info, how can I retrieve the info from RTC to display in a callerid field in my app
05:47.06*** join/#asterisk djin_ib (
05:47.12X-Rob'RTC' means 'Real Time Clock'.
05:47.18X-RobOR that's what I think it means
05:47.21X-Robwhat do _you_ think it means?
05:47.52abcboozeReal-time Communications (RTC) Client API
05:48.24abcboozebasicly a MS sip stack API
05:48.34abcboozewhich is in both windows and wince
05:49.28abcboozewant a copy of my softphone? =)
05:49.36abcboozeonly works in windows
05:49.53abcboozeand doesn't support inbound callerid =/
05:51.27Asterunkhi all - am looking to change the sound used when someone joins a meetme conference.. ie the noise that announces to current room members someone has joined.. but am having problems locating the file for it - any give me a pointer ?
05:52.09abcboozeview the meetme app source
05:52.11tengulreWho love Japanese girls ?
05:52.13abcboozeim sure its listed in there
05:52.45abcboozebut im pretty sure it would be in teh sounds dir
05:59.03X-Robabcbooze - it's not. it's in enter.h and leave.h
06:01.20zcat[1]ok, now I'm starting to understand what's going on..
06:01.31Asterunkthanks x-rob
06:04.07*** join/#asterisk RaYmAn-Bx (
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06:16.48*** join/#asterisk shaZwaz (n=shaZwaz@
06:17.31shaZwazhi all
06:20.37*** join/#asterisk __Elf (
06:24.51shido6how do you reinstall bundles in cpan
06:26.26twistedAvast mateys!  Today be talk like a pirate day!
06:27.27twistedshido6, Arrr, ye simply charge the cpan again with th' install bundle!
06:32.17shido6twisted nope
06:32.21shido6says its up to date
06:33.14shido6so I did a cpan -r DBD
06:35.08twistedArrr!  me do not understand yer lubber speak!
06:36.24twistedbut I sorry t' heard yer trouble.  here, have summa th' best rum in th' sea!
06:38.10*** part/#asterisk Asterunk (
06:38.40shido6what the f....
06:38.44shido6pass me some of that...
06:39.01shido6im trying to get astcc installed
06:39.07shido6and it wont read my .conf
07:00.18*** part/#asterisk zcat[1] (
07:01.25*** join/#asterisk szer (n=szer@
07:02.19shido6whats up?
07:06.08*** join/#asterisk Jzalae (
07:11.14*** join/#asterisk justinnnnn (n=justinnn@
07:11.16justinnnnnhey ppls
07:11.49justinnnnnis there anyway to automaticaly tell us when X amount of zap channels r in use ??
07:11.53justinnnnnlike we have an isdn 10 service...
07:12.00justinnnnnis there someway the system can tell me i have 9 lines in use ?
07:14.01dav0zap show channels ?
07:14.27justinnnnnnah that doesnt work properly
07:14.34justinnnnndoesnt show all our outgoing / incoming calls for some reason
07:14.37justinnnnnshow channels does...
07:15.10dav0what does zap show channels tell you ?
07:15.21justinnnnnnothing :(
07:15.35justinnnnnjust those until it gets to line 10
07:15.39justinnnnnbut... if i make or recieve a call..
07:15.46justinnnnnit doesnt change...
07:15.56justinnnnnshow channels works tho... correctly shows me the channels
07:25.06*** join/#asterisk Johnsie (
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07:26.05*** join/#asterisk Johnsie (
07:29.40*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
07:37.27moveranyone compile res_config_mysql.c witout errors on the latest CVS???
07:38.13moveri need a tipp :-(
07:38.25moverSystem ist 32Bit AMD Sempron
07:39.04moveri have checkout latest CVS and got the following error on addons:
07:39.17moverres_config_mysql.c:428: error: storage size of `mysql_engine' isn't known
07:44.24X-Robinstall mysql-devel
07:54.25*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
07:57.07sigtermanyone around to help a lost soul on time based incoming calls?
07:57.19sigtermmy example extensions.conf is at:
07:58.15*** join/#asterisk bon (
07:58.55X-RobUh. I've never seen 'include' used like that
07:59.25sigtermjust taking it from examples on voip-info *shrug*
07:59.29X-Robwhat page?
07:59.53X-RobI think what you _actually_ want is 'GotoIfTime'
08:00.10sigtermwell thats the thing, ive found a few, and there are several ways i guess, they are reversed , heres the urls'
08:00.22bonwow so i'm a greenhorn ;)
08:00.23X-Robtype 'show application gotoiftime' in your asterisk console for instructions
08:00.52X-Robwell there you go, I never knew that.
08:01.11X-RobBut it's probably easier to use gotoiftime 8)
08:01.59sigtermthanks X-Rob, ill try it again with that and see if this time i get it going
08:06.26sigtermjust seems to bypass it every time
08:11.51sigtermX-Rob: this look right to you?
08:16.19*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
08:18.47moverX-Rob: rpm -q mysql-devel
08:19.01moveri have still mysql-devel installed
08:19.27moverprevieous CVS versions (25.08.05) are compiled without errors
08:19.42moverthe latest addons wont compile
08:20.29*** join/#asterisk cjk (n=cjk@
08:20.40cjkhi, anyone here who know a good tapi programmer
08:24.16sigtermah bingo
08:24.27sigtermthanks X-Rob, set me on the right path
08:24.44sigtermtesty lil thing to get working
08:27.46boni suppose i shouldn't run the asterisk main daemon as root? .)
08:28.27|Vulutre|bon: I do all the time, no issues
08:30.08cjkhello, does anyone know a tapi software that enable opens an url when trying to dial a number, so something really basic?
08:30.20*** part/#asterisk sep (n=sep@
08:30.32bon|Vulutre|: well i just installed it, so i have totally no clue what is where etc :)
08:31.14|Vulutre|bon: you are fine w/root
08:31.24bonwhy i can't dial user@host and only ext?
08:31.29bongives me 404
08:32.01*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
08:33.24bonwhen i try to call it says not found
08:33.33bonbut when i dial extension, calling works
08:48.41*** join/#asterisk littleball (
08:49.24*** join/#asterisk Sloboda (n=sloboda@
08:49.51SlobodaHi! Does anyone deal with iaxComm?
08:49.52*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
08:50.33littleballhi, i installed te411p card, the output of ztcfg -vv is :
08:51.05littleballhi, where should i paster something?
08:51.21PoWeRKiLLwhat do I have to write in zapata.conf to start billing the call only when answered ?
08:53.41SlobodaLet me try another question. Is anyone known with terminal station with pxe-loading and soft-phone?
08:54.30X-Roblittleball - pastebin.
08:54.31AhrimanesSloboda: should be easy..
08:54.35jboti heard pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
08:55.31SlobodaAhrimanes: Yes, I want talk about it :-)
08:56.17littleballX-Rob, where is pastebin
08:56.26jbotextra, extra, read all about it, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
08:56.29SlobodaAhrimanes: iaxComm drops with segmentation fault, but it works fine at "normal" system.
08:56.30PoWeRKiLLthe callprogress is not working
08:57.01AhrimanesSloboda: hm, what linux etc..?
08:57.38SlobodaAhrimanes: Build host is gentoo
08:58.19AhrimanesSloboda: ok, tried to gdb the core dump?
08:58.44SlobodaI put all libs what iaxComm needs. Kernel is 2.4.28 with alsa with oss emulation. /dev/dsp -> /dev/sound/dsp etc
08:59.16SlobodaNo, I am not well with gdb.
09:00.02SlobodaAnd it seems to me that I need to put gdb with libs to cramfs for debugging :-(
09:00.06AhrimanesSloboda: ok, kind of hard to tell what it might be
09:00.44AhrimanesSloboda: well a copy of the kernel, iaxcomm binary and core dump on another host should suffice
09:01.24littleballhi, when i try modprobe wct4xxp, the output is :
09:01.25littleballZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 97: No such device or address (6)
09:01.25littleball/lib/modules/2.4.21-4.ELsmp/misc/wct4xxp.o: post-install wct4xxp failed
09:01.25littleball/lib/modules/2.4.21-4.ELsmp/misc/wct4xxp.o: insmod wct4xxp failed
09:01.36littleballwho can help me?
09:02.47SlobodaAhrimanes: Really. Without symlink /dev/dsp, iaxComm tells that it could not initialize wxWindows, nothing about sound.
09:04.45SlobodaPerhaps, does anyone propose another soft-client, easy to build into embedded system.
09:05.43littleball(1)i did mobprobe zaptel (2)modprobe wct4xxp (3)/sbin/ztcfg -vv
09:05.53*** join/#asterisk mjr^^ (n=muhajir_@
09:06.56sigtermnite people, thanks again X-Rob
09:07.29SlobodaAhrimanes: It seems to me, that iaxComm need some file, lib or anything else that normally exists at "distribution" system, but I have not put it to my one.
09:07.50*** join/#asterisk ful|work (n=fulgas@
09:08.04SlobodaAhrimanes: And iaxComm is silent about what it needs and I have no idea :-)
09:08.14AhrimanesSloboda: oh.. that can be rather hard to debug yes, are you able to build it statically? that way you wont need libraries to be on the cramfs..
09:10.00shido6not really
09:10.03SlobodaAhrimanes: I have already downloaded statically binary. It runs imediatly at any system except my one.
09:10.53mjr^^i have a doubt if my pins r registered to use on a sip device ten i should b able to use those on X-pro soft phone right?
09:11.23mjr^^any one wit a solution ?
09:11.56*** join/#asterisk zoa (
09:12.10SlobodaAhrimanes: To say truth, I hope to meet here iaxcomm developers.
09:12.31mjr^^shido6: but it gives me an error , after registering myself i get an diff pin to be used on sip device
09:12.32AhrimanesSloboda: hehe ok
09:13.22*** join/#asterisk Heng (n=hengff@
09:13.38mjr^^am not able to place a call usin x-pro ,,  :(
09:14.02Heng1st time i in irc already? someone pls confirm...
09:14.24AhrimanesHeng: you are on irc
09:14.26mjr^^Heng: yes ur in
09:14.47Hengoh good...good afternoon.
09:15.07shido6yes Heng, you're in
09:15.48AhrimanesSloboda: there are ways to discover what a program requires to run though..
09:15.49mjr^^shido6:plzz help me out
09:16.11HengI have discovered a possible bug in Dial application...where/ hoe should I discuss it over irc?
09:17.38Hengok. should we discuss it first before posting it at just what to know the correct way.
09:18.23AhrimanesHeng: well if it can be reproduced on other systems than your own, that would be good
09:18.46mjr^^am not able to use which i registerd for a sip device .. wht might b te problem .. i can use it well on their dialler
09:19.13HengI can reproduce it on different servers with various stable version...from V1.0.2 to V1.0.9.
09:19.42AhrimanesHeng: ok, what's the problem?
09:20.21HengI discovered that the S option does not disconnect a call longer than 40 minutes but it works well for calls below 35 minutes.
09:20.58Hengit is the same symptom for L(x) option in Dial command.
09:21.18AhrimanesHeng: sample extension for this?
09:21.34*** join/#asterisk Laerte (
09:21.48moverX-Rob u read my answer?
09:22.22HengDial(SIP/xxxx|20|S(2400)) or Dial(SIP/xxx|20|L(2400000))
09:22.44*** join/#asterisk lexande (n=lexande@
09:22.50Hengbut it works well with L(X:Y:Z) option
09:23.08lexandewhat's a cheap wholesale VoIP provider?
09:23.20*** join/#asterisk MustangMatt (
09:23.56PoWeRKiLLsomeone know how to detect ring on TE410 cause all my call are mark answered in the database
09:24.46MustangMattHave you guys seen this PhoneGnome device? I'm curious if anyone has any experience. Seems like it would be a decent and cheap solution for non-technical long-distance people that wasn't to talk to me.
09:24.59Hengsome how the chan->whentohangup does not work if calldurationlimit > 2400 seconds
09:24.59MustangMattwasn't = want
09:25.03X-RobOK I'm back
09:25.12X-Rob(pie and mashed spuds for dinner! Yum)
09:25.16AhrimanesHeng: hm.. i'd say you should make a post on with complete description and samples..
09:25.30X-Robmover - what was your answer?
09:26.33HengAhrimanes: Has any body experience the same thing?
09:27.38AhrimanesHeng: i havent heard of anyone else having this problem, but i think most others tend to use callingcard app for this sort of thing
09:28.15X-RobHeng - OK. That looks interesting.
09:28.31HengAHrimanes: hmm..
09:29.01SlobodaAhrimanes: Sorry, was away. Well, what ways are to discover what a program requires to run? I know nothing except ldd
09:29.38HengX-Rob: yes...I spend 3 nites tracing the code and I can't do anything as it ended with chan->whentohangup. By the way, it was tested under canreinvite=yes.
09:29.40AhrimanesSloboda: well ldd tells you all you need to know about libraries, strings can probably find config filenames for you etc...
09:30.17mjr^^am not able to use which i registerd for a sip device .. wht might b te problem .. i can use it well on their dialler
09:30.22X-Robunsigned int calldurationlimit=0
09:30.25mjr^^any oine plzz guide me.
09:30.31X-RobHeng - what number are you saying _doesn't_ work?
09:30.59Ahrimanesunsigned int should be able to hold more than 2400.. hehe
09:31.09X-Robunsigned int == 65535
09:31.13HengX-Rob: Tested with 35 minutes--OK, 40 minutes - call never disconnect.
09:31.26X-Robwhat specific number are you putting in there?
09:32.01SlobodaAhrimanes: I was found nothing with strings
09:32.38SlobodaAhrimanes: Perhaps, should I try another phone?
09:32.41HengX-Rob: 2400...
09:32.50X-Robthat's 2.4 seconds.
09:33.04AhrimanesSloboda: yeah, might be something strange in iaxcomm
09:33.12Hengcalldurationlimit is in sec.
09:33.15*** join/#asterisk sneak (
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09:34.03X-RobOK. When I say 'what specific number are you putting in there'
09:34.08X-RobI mean, 'what specific number are you putting in there'
09:34.22X-Robnot what you think I'm asking.
09:34.57X-Robso you're doing Dial(...|L(2400000)) and that's barfing?
09:35.03X-Robuh, not hanging up even 8)
09:35.44X-Roband what _specific_ number does work?
09:36.00HengX-Rob: sorry. pls bear with me. My english is not good. Yes. not hanging forever.
09:36.19X-RobHeng, that's OK.
09:36.32X-Robyou said that 35 mins does work
09:36.37HengX-Rob: Thanks
09:36.50X-Robwhat number exactly are you putting in that _does_ work?
09:37.03HengX-Rob: yes. below 35 minutes works like a champ
09:37.08X-Robwhat number exactly?
09:37.32HengX-Rob: Dial(....|L(2100))
09:37.38X-Rob2.1 seconds?
09:37.46Hengsorry 2100000
09:37.47X-Robor 21000000?
09:37.48moverX-Rob: i have mysql-devel installed
09:38.15X-Robmover - hurm. Odd. It compiles fine for me? 8)
09:38.24Heng2100 seconds ...2100 000 ms
09:38.26X-RobHeng - trying now.
09:38.54moverX-Rob: what cvs version you use? Todays or?
09:39.13X-Robmover yep
09:39.29lexandewhat's a cheap wholesale VoIP provider?
09:39.45moverwhats your chckout command? Perhaps there are some differences?
09:40.52*** join/#asterisk Johnsie (
09:40.55X-Rob[root@wpm4l-gw asterisk-addons]# md5sum cdr_addon_mysql.c
09:40.56X-Rob906aa8d451cc137500cd827c123eb049  cdr_addon_mysql.c
09:40.56X-Rob[root@wpm4l-gw asterisk-addons]#
09:41.33InfraRedlexande: which country
09:42.06Henglexande: wholesale provider = termination partner- the party which able to do connection to last miles for large volume traffic.
09:42.15InfraRedamerican providers i spoke to want commitment of 10k spend per month
09:42.22lexandewell, i'm in Tanzania.  but i'm just looking for a provider that will let us connect to the PSTN in europe and america
09:43.25InfraRedif .uk is close to you
09:43.30HengLexande: May I know your monthly vol?
09:43.35InfraRedyou can speak to magrathea telecom
09:43.37lexandewe're an ISP with about 1000 users and we'd like to provide them with VoIP by letting them connect to our asterisk server, but we need a PSTN termination service that doesn't prohibit resale
09:43.58InfraRedi use them, they're clueful and excellent service
09:44.08boni'd like to have it working :)
09:44.09X-Roblexande - easier to provide it yourself, possibly? Get a T1 or E1
09:44.15InfraRednot major major cheap but they're headache free
09:44.17bonany clue why i can only dial extension@host and not user@host?
09:44.22bonalways gives me 404 not found
09:44.33moverX-Rob : 5a2ef5a9ea05ab83cea9c806f9683297  res_config_mysql.c
09:44.33lexandeX-Rob: these things do not exist in tanzania
09:44.46X-Robmover - rm res_config_mysql.c
09:44.47InfraRedlexande: magrathea telecom in the uk
09:44.49X-Robthen 'cvs -z9 update'
09:45.06X-Roblexande - you don't have ISDN?
09:45.17lexandeX-Rob: and anyway the selling point for our users would be cheap international calls, which we're not going to get if we use the national phone company.  nope, no ISDN.
09:46.01X-Robhow does a company with more than 4 or 5 phones connect to the PSTN now then?
09:46.02InfraRedlexande: how do people connect to you?
09:46.15InfraRed(as an isp)
09:46.18moverX-Rob done: make result: res_config_mysql.c:428: error: storage size of `mysql_engine' isn't known
09:46.24*** part/#asterisk Sloboda (n=sloboda@
09:46.38X-Robmover - delete asterisk-addonds and reget it possibly
09:47.05moverX-Rob : still do it before. No success. Same error
09:47.27moverif there Switches für usinf MySQL native 4.0 and 4.1 depended?
09:48.08*** join/#asterisk iwik (n=iwik@
09:48.19Henglexande: You would need to find out where is Tanzania international internet gateway connected? If go to US, then better find a termination partner in US.
09:48.24lexandeInfraRed: mostly through cat5 cable strung through the trees, though we're replacing it with DSL and fiber in some areas
09:48.48lexandeHeng: the other end of our satellite link is in Norway
09:49.04X-Roblexande - with modems. You can't do V90?
09:49.31HengLexande: then you better find a partner in Norway..or lese the quality can be bad with limited bandwidth.
09:49.56InfraRedlexande: try magrathea then
09:50.28lexandeX-Rob: we could, and we may for local calls, but what about international?
09:50.29HengX-Rob: HOw the testing? R you running 2400000 or 2100000 or both?
09:50.45lexandeInfraRed: how much do magrathea cost?
09:50.45X-RobHeng, putting more debugging into app_dial
09:51.28HengX-Rob: by the way, I'm running Stable 1.0.9 on CentOS with Dell server.
09:51.37lexandeHeng: we only have 4 megabits of bandwidth total, so we're already going to be having quality problems, i don't think a little extra distance to a provider outside norway is going to make much difference
09:51.42X-RobHeng, can't help you.
09:52.20HengX-Rob: sorry..don't understand.
09:52.24X-RobI use CVS HEAD
09:52.27X-Robor 1.2
09:52.44X-Robno use me trying to fix a bug that is probably already fixed.
09:52.56InfraRedlexande: email them and aks
09:53.04InfraRedi have a huge pricelist here
09:53.12HengX-rob: Is the same. Tested with latest CVS. same problem.
09:53.15InfraRed2.6k enteries i think
09:53.33X-RobHeng, it might be better to put a bug on
09:53.36lexandeInfraRed: priced based on  what?
09:53.40X-Robmake sure you have at least 4 lines:
09:53.42InfraRedlexande: prefix!
09:53.44X-Rob1: This works
09:53.52X-Rob2: Dial(sip/foo|20|L(10000))
09:53.54X-Rob3: This Doesn't
09:54.02X-Rob4: Dial(sip/foo|20|L(1000000))
09:54.06InfraRedlexande: email them and ask
09:54.10X-RobYou have to be _exact_
09:54.19InfraRedi think tracey will reply:)
09:54.24InfraRedshe always replies quickly
09:54.56X-Robmover - something wierd is going on.
09:55.08X-Robpaste the entire compile results to pastebin
09:55.18jbotsomebody said pastebin was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
09:55.36HengX-ROb: You mean it did not disconnect for L(1000000)? it is only 16 minutes
09:55.48X-RobHeng, no, I was giving you an example
09:55.57X-RobYOU must put EXACT numbers in
09:56.02Hengoh. understand.
09:57.15Hengok. going off now. Good luck to Lexande. Thanks X-Rob.
09:57.17lexandeInfraRed: is there a monthly cost or a monthly minimum amount of traffic they want?
09:57.27X-Robsorry heng
09:57.54InfraRedlexande: no
09:58.09InfraRedlexande: but minimum you can pre-buy is £500
09:58.56moverX-Rob i found the error
09:59.07moveryou need to know what it is?
09:59.19X-Robif it's something that you didn't paste me, then no 8)
09:59.59moverno its not my fault
10:00.08moverin Makefile ist the line CFLAGS+=-I../asterisk
10:00.29moverthat didnt work for me but CFLAGS+=-I../asterisk/include work well
10:00.45moverall will compile wo errord
10:00.46moverall will compile wo errors
10:04.42moveri guess this error affect not only mysql. I use suse 9.3 pro
10:05.26*** join/#asterisk ReD5 (
10:05.42ReD5evening all...
10:05.52X-RobIndeed it is.
10:06.41X-RobMight have an early night tonight.
10:06.45X-Robnothing much happening here.
10:06.56ReD5Does anyone know how to get Asterisk to stop bridging calls between iax servers ?
10:07.09X-RobA challenge.
10:07.23X-Robyou want asterisk to get out of the loop, you mean?
10:07.31ReD5not exactly..
10:07.35ReD5let me explain
10:08.04ReD5ive got a central asterisk server with the voip account on it that places all calls from all other asterisk servers that connect to it..
10:08.08ReD5eg my home etc..
10:08.36ReD5once call  is placed and setup however after about 11secs the 'central' server bridges the call between the endpoints and it
10:08.40ReD5jumps out of the lopp..
10:08.57ReD5so its call detail records never accurately show connected time etc etc..
10:09.02X-Robyou want it to stay _in_. Ahha.
10:09.08lexandeInfraRed: can you just email me the pricelist?  i'd rather not go emailing other companies before we know whether we can afford their services
10:09.30ReD5i dont want it to bridge basically..
10:09.57ReD5but the canreinvite=no and i cant find anythign else that'd do it..
10:10.13X-RobI'm trying to find brian's email to the list that explains when and where asterisk does it
10:10.48X-Robiax doesn't have a canreinvite
10:12.05X-RobThe easy way is to put a t on the dial string
10:12.13X-Robbut that's not the _correct_ way.
10:12.17InfraRedlexande: ask them directly, you may get it cheaper
10:12.40X-Robahha. it's 'notransfer=yes'
10:12.47ReD5(sorry.. canreinvite was from memory.. ive just checked and yes its not iax)..
10:12.57X-Rob;notransfer=yes         ; Disable IAX native transfer
10:13.14lexandeInfraRed: would just like to get a general idea, their website is almost totally devoid of information
10:15.37X-RobReD5 - got a harder one?
10:15.47ReD5hang on.. testing :)
10:16.22ReD5nup.. that didnt work ! ..
10:16.43X-RobWell it should have
10:16.50ReD5-- Attempting native bridge of IAX2/home@home/3 and IAX2 6666666/66666666
10:16.51X-Robwhat version of asterisk are you using?
10:17.13X-Robwell fuck that off and get CVS-HEAD
10:17.36X-Robdon't waste your time with broken shit 8)
10:17.37ReD5cant..... need to stay with freebsd ports..
10:18.17X-Robwell, I s'pose it depends on how much you care about your call records?
10:19.33X-Robof course, the base problem here is freebsd.
10:19.42ReD5good on ya..
10:19.58X-Robwhat else are you using your asterisk machines for
10:20.11ReD5nothing.. just asterisk..
10:20.23ReD5ohh and my home one does samba..
10:20.27X-RobSo why on earth are you giving yourself heartache by running freebsd?
10:20.29ReD5and sendmail..
10:20.32ReD5and amavisd
10:20.34X-Rob_and_ sendmail!
10:20.38X-Robfreebsd _and_ sendmail?
10:20.45ReD5works beautifully ;)
10:20.56bonyou just think it does
10:21.02X-RobOr, here's an idea, CentOS (aka RHEL), Asterisk, Postfix.
10:21.19ReD5then i have to yum yum everything though !
10:21.22X-RobAsterisk is developed on RHEL/Whitebox/Centos
10:21.27X-RobNo, you don't.
10:21.30X-Robyou install from source.
10:21.37ReD5might as well use A@H then !
10:22.22bonomg i pray one day i will understand all this mess :)
10:22.22X-RobOnly if you use the new beta, which is 2.6 kernel-based
10:23.08bonyes shido6? .)
10:23.11ReD5i used to be a big slackware fax for years without a problem until i decided to try FreeBSD...
10:23.12X-RobHere's the go. If you use linux, and a rhel based distro, _most_ of the clued peopel here will be able to help.
10:23.20*** join/#asterisk jaxkz (
10:23.21ReD5and ive been a FreeBSD advocate ever since..
10:23.22X-Robotherwise you're stuck.
10:23.47AhrimanesReD5: :)
10:23.48X-RobHowever. As I said originally, you can use a 't' on your dial string. That'll ensure the asterisk box gets kept in the loop
10:23.54*** join/#asterisk Cheng29 (
10:23.54ReD5my problem isnt FreeBSD.. its only asterisk 1.0.9
10:24.07X-RobYour problem is 'you have to stick with freebsd-ports'
10:24.18ReD5and i like doing so as well ;)
10:24.32Ahrimaneswell running cvs head on production systems isnt really a good way to avoid headaches..
10:24.39ReD5these are production machines... i cant run cvs
10:24.42ReD5head ..
10:24.51X-Robit's more stable than 1.0
10:25.07Ahrimanesexcept when fx authentication breaks
10:27.29*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
10:30.38ReD5sorry.. being a production machine, we are not allowed to run non-release versions of anything..
10:30.59ReD5even then.. once released, we normally wait a week before trialling..
10:31.26ReD5if it was for my home machine.. no problems.. but my home machine isnt the problem.. it works fine..
10:32.37shido6get on the mailing list if u run cvs head, thats all ReD5
10:32.53ReD5im on every mailing list now :)
10:32.57X-Robred5. I just release smegpbx 1.2
10:33.05X-Robabout 2 weeks ago.
10:33.08X-Robgo download it.
10:33.15ReD5sorry.. its not a product we use ;)
10:34.33X-Robdude, you're being a dick.
10:34.39X-Robor, whoever makes these rules is a dick
10:34.52X-Robtell them to pull their head out of their arse.
10:35.10X-Robor, possibly, don't use asterisk. That may be better.
10:35.27ReD5this is how business works though... if it was just me stuffing around then no problem..
10:35.34ReD5we use callmanager as well..
10:35.34Ahrimanesthose rules are the reason i havent lost a night of sleep in many years as a sysadm
10:35.58X-RobAhrimanes - your users must hate you then.
10:36.09ReD5cause they dont have outages ??
10:36.12ReD5yeah i spose..
10:36.23X-Rob'sorry, gotta upgrade the system, but I won't do it at night, billing is down for the next 8 hours. go home'
10:36.33AhrimanesX-Rob: no, users are happy
10:36.49X-Robbut you just said you don't lose sleep
10:36.52X-Robbut you also do upgrades
10:36.57X-Robso how the fuck does that work?
10:37.00X-Robyou do it in magic time?
10:37.18AhrimanesX-Rob: loosing sleep = getting called up because system has crashed
10:37.28Ahrimanesplanned update/upgrade is not loosing sleep
10:37.44X-Roblet's just redfine words to suit ourselves here.
10:38.18X-Rob'coz I wouldn't have been sleeping now, really'
10:39.22X-RobSo, openssh just released a significant vunerability
10:39.30X-Robuh-oh. can't upgrade for two weeks
10:39.42X-Robyay for script kiddies scribbling all over my box.
10:40.03ReD5haha... our servers arent open for ssh attacks..
10:40.08AhrimanesX-Rob: ssh is not accessible on my servers for the very same reason
10:40.15X-Robwell fucking whatever
10:40.18X-Robhowever you do VPN
10:40.27ReD5only via encrypted tunnels..
10:40.43X-Roband what do you think SSH is?
10:41.01ReD5all our vpn gear is cisco pix
10:41.03X-RobMy god, are you two tag-team idiots or something?
10:41.09X-RobOK dud
10:41.12X-Robthe word is 'vpn'
10:41.16X-Robnot 'encrypted tunnel'
10:41.20X-Robssh == 'encrypted tunnel'
10:41.22ReD5'via encrypted tunnel'
10:41.27X-Rob'vpn' == 'virtual private network'
10:41.43ReD5im quite enjoying this... :)
10:42.05X-RobI'm astounded that people pay both of you and you honestly think you're doing the right thing.
10:42.09ReD5saves me watching some crap on the tv
10:42.09X-Robnot upgrading for two weeks.
10:44.10X-RobAnyway, it was an example. Cisco recently had a VPN vunerability.
10:44.17X-Robyou waited two weeks to upgrade then?
10:44.32*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
10:44.57ReD5no they didnt.. they had an IOS exploit that only effected version prior to 12.1T
10:45.06Ahrimanesdepends on severity and sla's to customers
10:45.17X-Robrecently == 18 months ago
10:45.41X-Robactually, it could have been two years now.
10:46.09ReD5exactly.. by the time it has been released that cisco has an exploit, they have already released the updates to all customers that have contracts with them.
10:46.09X-RobBut I notice you didn't say 'shit no, of course I upgraded'
10:46.33X-Robso you upgrade IOS's just for the sake of it then?
10:47.08ReD5no we definately dont upgrade IOS for the 'sake of it'..
10:47.24X-Robbecause,eg, the ATM SNMP vunerability was out in the wild for weeks before they got a patch out
10:47.45ReD5all these things are on net for us.. not accessable externally..
10:47.47X-RobReD5 - I'm just pointing out where you're speaking out your arse.
10:47.58Ahrimanesnot really
10:48.28X-Robyour PIX is accessable externally.
10:48.41X-RobI'm tired of talking to wannabes.
10:48.50X-RobI've solved your problem (for the third time, put a 't' on the dial string)
10:48.59ReD5btw that didnt work..
10:49.16X-Robit's impossibly for it _not_ to work.
10:49.22ReD5it dosent work.
10:49.31X-Robt says 'let outgoing calls transfer by pushing #'
10:49.48X-Robso if you dial a call with that, it always stays there ,listening.
10:49.50X-Robit can't bridge it.
10:51.42cjkhello, is there a way to tell ast_realtime to first check the static configuraiton and then the realtime dialplan?
10:52.35ReD5exten => _X.,1,Macro(dialout-trunk,4,${EXTEN},90,t)
10:52.40ReD5-- IAX2/66666/16384 is making progress passing it to IAX2/6user@6peer/5
10:53.10jbothmm... pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
10:53.26X-Robyou _are_ a retard.
10:53.29X-Robthat's a Macro
10:53.31X-Robnot a Dial
10:53.51X-RobGo slap your head and fix it
10:53.53X-RobI'm going to bed.
10:55.10ReD5thank you... now i understand why its not working.. thats all i needed to know...
10:59.34*** join/#asterisk Jas_Williams (
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11:07.23PoWeRKiLLI have 2 * box when i do * -> iax -> * -> zap the call is written as answered in the first * and it's not really answered in zap
11:07.48*** join/#asterisk szer (n=Miranda@
11:08.18RoyKPoWeRKiLL: it is??
11:09.08sivanaPoWeRKiLL: do you have notransfer=yes ?
11:24.56*** join/#asterisk szer (n=Miranda@
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11:34.01morlacguys, I connected 2 servers together using cross E1 cables. Each server has a TE410p, total 4 spans occupied on both server. Then I generated 120 call files and spooled them all together at once. Asterisk made the 120 calls in < 30 secs and the other server answered all successfully (running an AGI app)... Does this simulate a real-world simulation?
11:35.00macTijnpretty much... did you check the sound quality ?
11:35.10macTijnnot too much hickups ?
11:36.02morlacactualy, no, quality is not an issue, my concern was dropped calls...utilization was 25% system and 15% user
11:37.01morlacIll try to barge into some channels today using IAX (G7.11 codec) to check the qual
11:37.30morlacIm asking becuase some ppl told me thats almost impossible
11:38.35*** join/#asterisk djin (
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11:44.08RoyKer. what's the code to .nl?
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12:05.32*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
12:05.36ZX81hi all
12:05.46*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
12:05.58ZX81does anyone know if there is a way to discern the difference between user not online and user does not exist?
12:06.05ZX81both return chanunaval
12:06.45ZX81in the console it says No such host:
12:06.58ZX81but there doesn't seem to be a way to get this over to the dialplan
12:07.24jboti heard fish is FISHFISHFISH! DO THE FISH DANCE! "Give a man a fish and you'll feed him a day. Teach him how to fish and he'll feed himself for the rest of his life." This is so appropriate, instead of asking us to tell you exactly what to do, why not read some docs, then come back and ask specific questions which aren't covered?, or ...
12:07.44ZX81kk will make hack
12:07.46ZX81ty all
12:13.02*** join/#asterisk lathos42 (
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12:25.48morlacanybody satup R2 on sangoma?
12:26.12mog_homenope but i imagine it is similar to setting up R2 on digium
12:26.17*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (i=dennis@
12:27.21morlacnot realy, the setup patches Zaptel to deliver frames directly into zaptel/libpri, according to docs.
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12:31.59mog_homeis the same on either card, both need the patches
12:35.31morlacstrange, then am doing everything as the docs say, yet, I fail to receive any events on my R2 channels
12:35.52morlacit is if the line is not recieving anything, yet there are no alarms on it
12:36.14*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
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12:46.11RoyKmorning, zeedo
12:48.13*** part/#asterisk lexande (n=lexande@
12:48.16ZeeekAfternoon RoooyK
12:49.46Ahrimaneshey Zeeek :)
12:50.13Zeeek'sup Ahrimanes
12:51.34AhrimanesZeeek: not much.. thinking about calling it a day :)
12:53.46*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (n=gambolpu@
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12:55.27Zeeekdid you do anything yet?
12:59.34AhrimanesZeeek: oh did lots.. not much work related though
12:59.41Zeeekyeah, well...
12:59.53Zeeeksurfing pr0n sites doesn't count
13:00.29Ahrimaneswell that's one thing i didnt do (yet)
13:00.43Zeeekgo for it!
13:00.53Ahrimanesam making a dating site for the "weight" challenged in denmark..
13:01.10*** join/#asterisk littleball (
13:02.13mutilatorahoy mateys it be talk like a pirate day
13:02.37*** join/#asterisk Laerte (n=io@
13:03.07Zeeekyo.... ho ho
13:06.24littleballhi, what is crc4 in "span=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4" ? should it be crc4 or crc?
13:07.23littleballSome docs use crc, and others use crc4
13:07.52*** join/#asterisk Luke-Jr (
13:07.56RoyKhow can i make sox read mp3?
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13:11.51zoaits crc4
13:11.52zoai think
13:12.45littleballzoa, but from digium website, it use crc
13:14.14buzzydanyone have success with shoutcast for moh?
13:18.21*** join/#asterisk inspired (i=mikael@
13:18.37DrukenWrkbuzzyd: yes
13:19.28littleballhi, has E1 31 or 32 channel?
13:19.45buzzyddid you just do default=mp3:/blah/empty/dir,http://shoutcastsever:8080
13:19.55buzzydas per
13:20.13RoyKlitage: E1 has 32 channels. chan 0 is sync, chan 14 is D chan and 30 Bchans
13:21.11*** join/#asterisk Meaty (
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13:22.15littleballRoyK, why    span=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4
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13:22.37littleballthis is from
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13:23.57mistralwhy would asterisk reject a sip client from registering
13:25.12mistralas in i am sure the username / password are correct but the asterisk machine reject with a 403 (Forbidden) error
13:25.32Hmm-homeit don't matter if we sit forever and the fish don't bit
13:26.45*** join/#asterisk MicC_ (
13:26.53MicC_hey a bit of an emergency
13:27.02MicC_I have 2 T1s with 12 channels each
13:27.17MicC_occasionally I am getting all circuits busy on an outbound.
13:27.24buzzydDrukenWrk: did you just what was mention on to get it working as I can't seem to get it running
13:27.49MicC_I configured all the channels in Zaptel.conf (23+D for each T1) was that my mistake?
13:28.06MicC_even though I only had 12 on each T1 ?
13:28.53bkw_might be
13:29.01bkw_why not try it and see
13:29.04RoyKlitage: looks rasonable
13:29.12MicC_degraded is better than no service
13:29.23Hmm-homed channel isn't always 24
13:29.26MicC_I am weary of making changes during active period
13:29.38MicC_its T1
13:29.42Hmm-homeMicC_: its not working anyway
13:29.44MicC_could they have made it like 13 ?
13:29.47*** part/#asterisk GreyFoxx (
13:29.51RoyKanyone that knows how i can fix this? i want to play low music in the background while the user calls out (or others dial in). first start off low music. then playtones(ring). is that possible?
13:29.55Hmm-homeMicC_ possibly 16
13:29.58MicC_Hmm-home: its an occasionalyl (like 30% of LD calls)
13:30.05MicC_oh...its not E1
13:30.09MicC_got that right
13:30.23Hmm-homeMicC_ i've seen some weird thing with T1
13:30.24MicC_I had my lab system up for months
13:30.35RoyKlitage: eh. yes. 16, not 14
13:30.36MicC_1D (24) and 6B (1-6)
13:30.51tzangerOnce at a social gathering, Gladstone said to Disraeli, "I predict,
13:30.51tzangerSir, that you will die either by hanging or of some vile disease".
13:30.51tzangerDisraeli replied, "That all depends upon whether I embrace your
13:30.51tzangerprincipals or your mistress".
13:31.00littleballRoyk, thx
13:32.40*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (n=Hmmm@
13:32.42*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
13:32.44Hmmhesaysok now i'm at work
13:32.49littleballhi , Must i connect to the E1 line when i test the installation of TE411P card?
13:32.51bkw_short trip
13:32.52mistralis there a global all / disallow for sip clients ? i cannot get any sip client to register with asterisk ?
13:33.11Hmmhesaysbkw_: i've perfected the are of "human cannonball"
13:33.14MicC_I thought Digium would only activate channels that it was getting setup on the D channel
13:33.17Hmmhesays*art even
13:34.07bkw_Hmmhesays, you should see my new camera
13:34.20Hmmhesaysbkw_, oh?
13:34.34RoyKbkw_: new cam?
13:34.36bkw_I went and bought a Digital Rebel XT
13:35.12*** join/#asterisk diego_br (n=liebert@
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13:35.24*** join/#asterisk Mimmus (
13:35.35Mimmus"Call failed to go through, reason 3": what is this?
13:35.44littleballMicC_, what do you mean "geting setup"? does it mean i must connect the line first? because i am at home and not connect to E1 line, i am wondering whether i can test the installation of the driver or not
13:36.01*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
13:36.04puzzledbkw_: nice camera
13:36.16Ariel_hello everyone
13:36.21puzzledhi Ariel_
13:36.38Ariel_hello puzzled
13:37.39Hmmhesaysfinally some tunes at work
13:38.00littleballHi,  must i connect the E1 line for testing the TE4110P card? because i am at home and are not able to connect to E1 line, i am wondering whether i can test the installation of the driver or not
13:38.19*** join/#asterisk klictel (n=klictel@
13:38.35*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (n=Hmmm@
13:38.40bkw_has anyone ever heard of a loopback plug? cross over cable to connect two ports and simulate this stuff?
13:38.58Ariel_bkw_, yes
13:39.07MicC_bkw_: yes
13:39.10bkw_ok good
13:39.12MicC_I made 1 out of an
13:39.21bkw_I was replying to littleball's apparent issue
13:39.22MicC_RJ45 and a piece of twisted pair
13:39.33bkw_<- sarcastic
13:39.41jaxkzThere is a guide on how to build one on
13:39.49littleballbkw_. sorry?
13:39.55Hmmhesaysyeah that seemed like an odd question for you bkw_
13:40.03MicC_I seem to be using only Zap/3-1 on calls
13:40.05puzzledbkw_: have seen them on telco E1/PRI modems so they can test the link
13:40.08bkw_it was more of a statement than a question
13:40.08MicC_that normal?
13:40.49HmmhesaysI brought a dvd of tunes to work today
13:40.51littleballbkw_, i don't know whether i need to connect my card to E1 line or not for testing the driver such as modprobe
13:40.51*** join/#asterisk spackle (n=spackle@
13:41.11littleballbecause i get some problem when i do modprobe
13:41.20MicC_channel => 1-23
13:41.20MicC_channel => 25-47
13:41.22RoyKbkw_: is that the one The Rest Of The World calls an EOS 350D?
13:41.30MicC_thats my group settings in zapata.conf
13:41.33MicC_that look right?
13:41.39puzzledRoyK: think so
13:41.47bkw_RoyK its a Rebel XT everywhere else too..
13:42.03puzzledbkw_: nope, doesn't exist in .nl. called a 350D here afaik
13:42.04RoyKnot as far as i know, it isn't
13:42.18bkw_it has both names on the manual
13:42.26puzzlednikon even
13:42.34bkw_guess the americans need letters :P
13:42.44puzzledthose are heavy!
13:42.47bkw_but yes its a 350D
13:43.00RoyKthe plastic variant of a 20D :)
13:43.00bkw_it has most of the features of the 20D
13:43.15bkw_pretty damn sturdy plastic if I do say so my self
13:43.23Mimmusis there a good guy here able to explain what is "Call failed to go through, reason 3" error?
13:43.31RoyKwell. i like the larger, heavier, more robust 20D :P
13:43.32bkw_look in cause.h
13:43.51bkw_RoyK, I like it.. its better than the original 300D
13:43.55RoyK12Mpix, full-frame 24x36mm
13:43.58bkw_faster startup times
13:44.02Mimmusbkw_: causes.h, thanks
13:44.10RoyKbkw_: i know. the old 300D sucks on ISO 400+
13:44.13puzzledRoyK: get a real camera like a D2X
13:44.16spackleArrgggh, gor mornin me hearties!  On this fine talk like a pirate day 2005!
13:44.30*** join/#asterisk newl (
13:44.31puzzledis that a bot?
13:44.38RoyKpuzzled: I've got a real camera. Linhof Technica 4x5" from 1935
13:45.00bkw_well for me the 350D is a lot of camera
13:45.01RoyKi'm getting the 4x5" enlarger today
13:45.07bkw_I do need really large CF cards
13:45.15bkw_because at the rate that thing can keep up with me I need it
13:45.17RoyKbkw_: i just got a 2GB kingston card
13:45.21Mimmusreason 3 = "AST_CAUSE_NO_ROUTE_DESTINATION". Boh!
13:45.31bkw_RoyK, I was thinking a 6 gig micro drive :P
13:45.50RoyKbkw_: seriously? on the 20D i get 250 pics on 2 gigs using raw format
13:45.52puzzledbkw_: save your pics in raw or uncompressed tiff format. you won't regret it later
13:45.56RoyKyou don't need more than that
13:46.05bkw_actually I do
13:46.08RoyKpuzzled: raw is fine. and not so large
13:46.13bkw_at the last wedding I took 803 pictures
13:46.24Mimmushow can I intercept these hangup causes in dialplan?
13:46.25bkw_I take LOTS of pictures
13:46.46bkw_RoyK, the funny thing is the lady I took them for hauled them all down to wal-mart and had all 803 printed 4 times.. even the bad ones
13:46.58RoyKwith large format, you rarely take more than, say, 10 pictures an hour
13:47.04puzzledbkw_: must have been some bill
13:47.10tzangerbkw_: hahahaha
13:47.11RoyKbkw_: rotf
13:47.18tzangerI love digital processing.... take only the ones you want
13:47.19bkw_I had instructions not to miss a thing
13:47.30MicC_using zap/g1 on a trunk requires me to have group=1 and channels 1-23 configured in zapata.conf?
13:47.31bkw_so I didn't
13:47.31RoyKtzafrir: i do that in the darkroom as well.....
13:47.46bkw_and it does take LOTS of pictures to get some good ones
13:47.47tzangerand throw all the mostly good ones up for the grandparents, they tell you which they want (could make a little checkbox type app) and you can get them printed and sent to the photostore near them
13:47.48RoyKMicC_: shut up. this is about photography, not asterisk
13:47.57tzangerbkw_: yes that's teh whole idea of photography
13:48.05bkw_out of the 803 I would say 300 are great
13:48.12RoyKbkw_: and then never stop to see what you're doing
13:48.19MicC_./part #asterisk && /join #photography
13:48.23tzangerin fact that's one of the "secrets" of good photography... you cull your poorest shots and only show the ogod ones... people think you're an amazing photographer
13:48.26RoyKbkw_: better limit yourself to max 10 pics
13:48.27bkw_my pictures came out better than the pro they hired
13:48.42RoyKnot really a pro then
13:48.56RoyKi'm doing weddings sometimes
13:48.57bkw_well this was with my kodak DX7590
13:49.03RoyKbut generally on film
13:49.04RoyKnot digital
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13:49.14bkw_this guy was using digital
13:49.24bkw_one of those really nice Kodak DCS units
13:49.28bkw_the 6k versions
13:49.52puzzledbkw_: which lens did you get with the Rebel?
13:49.56RoyKi've shot some really good wedding photos with my EOS 3 and kodak E100G or E100GX and then printed them using IlfoChrome
13:49.56bkw_but this is like the third wedding I have done pictures for and have whiped the pro every single time
13:50.04RoyKyou don't get anything better than that
13:50.04bkw_puzzled, the default 18-55mm one
13:50.12RoyKbkw_: THAT SUCKS
13:50.23RoyKi tried it once
13:50.31bkw_yes yes I wanna get a couple more lenses
13:50.34MicC_gawds! I hate it when my free support is slow
13:50.35RoyKit's almost as bad as my old 100-300
13:50.38MicC_the nerv
13:50.47bkw_MicC_, *SMACK*
13:50.55puzzledMicC_: find a paypal account to fill up :)
13:50.56MicC_I think my problem qualifies as Digium supportable
13:51.03RoyKbkw_: just get the el-cheapo $100 50/1.8. it rocks
13:51.12bkw_I was gonna ask about that
13:51.17puzzledthose are nice
13:51.18bkw_I wanted that one
13:51.19RoyKusing that for a while, you'll never want to go back to the 18-55
13:51.27RoyKbkw_: it's really worth it
13:51.40RoyKbkw_: or if you want something that's really good, get the 50/2.5 macro
13:52.08RoyKbkw_: it might be too sharp to use for portraits, though. you don't want to see all the contours in the model's face......
13:52.19*** join/#asterisk Blazint (n=blazin@
13:52.23bkw_RoyK, thats what photoshop is for :P
13:52.42RoyKbkw_: or get the 50/1.4
13:53.16bkw_I wanna get a good zoom lens for taking pictures of things like the moon
13:53.21RoyKbkw_: argh. my copy/paste doesn't work from X to Aqua again. can you tinyurl it, please?
13:53.28bkw_RoyK, yes
13:53.33puzzledbkw_: get a 400mm 4.5 with a 2x extender
13:53.46RoyKpuzzled: hehe. that old 400/4.5 rocks :)
13:53.59RoyKi'm looking at an old 300/2.8 (no IS) right now :)
13:54.18bkw_puzzled, hehe I'm not made of money  boi
13:54.54RoyKpuzzled: no, i can't do a backtrace. it doesn't coredump :P
13:54.55*** join/#asterisk epablo (n=epablo@
13:55.13RoyKdrumkilla: ping
13:55.18RoyKpuzzled: that was for drumkilla
13:55.26puzzledthought so
13:55.27RoyKabout #5251
13:55.39HmmhesaysI wish aerosmith songs weren't so damn hard to sing
13:55.56epabloHii guys
13:56.00arguileWhat are the advantages of a digium 2 FSX port card over something like the Sipura SP2002/SP2100?
13:56.02puzzledHmm-home: you first have to sell your soul before that's made possible
13:56.09puzzledoops Hmmhesays
13:56.11Hmmhesayspuzzled: i know
13:56.13arguileAm I likely to see a very noticable increase in performance with a PCI based card over an ethernet appliance that only talks SIP?
13:56.18epabloHmmhesays:  I think thats whats makes them so good
13:56.21Hmmhesayspuzzled: they are both me, so whatever
13:56.41Hmmhesaysi want to play "shut up and dance" but there is no way I can sing it
13:57.20puzzledbkw_: for me half the fun of buying new photo equipment is saving for it and trying to scrape the cash together as fast as possible
13:57.39bkw_puzzled, hehe same here
13:58.00Ahrimaneshehe geeks.. :)
13:59.52puzzledat $100 the 50/1.8 is in close reach. should go shopping tomorrow and promise myself not to come home with something that has an extra "0" in the price
14:00.04*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
14:00.38bkw_puzzled, same  here I go to get something that costs 100 bucks come back with something that costs 1000 bucks
14:00.41bkw_DAMN THEM
14:01.29*** join/#asterisk grimse (
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14:04.12bjohnsonAvast ye land lubbers.  Today be International Talk LIke a Pirate day!
14:04.49epabloI don't understand how to do a correct setup using IAX.  How does the auth work?
14:05.22bjohnsonepablo: the answers that ye seek be found on the wiki
14:05.51epablobjohnson:  Been there, tried to make that work, but it didn't
14:06.09bjohnsonepablo: keep the faith and raise another sail;
14:06.28epablobjohnson:  LOL.. Let me be more specific
14:06.59mistralok i give in. Why will asterisk not let a sip client register ? I mean the username / secrect is correct and there not nat or anything like thta involved. Asterisk just says registration failed. No other errors can be found
14:07.23bkw_mistral, post your sip.conf entry on pastebin
14:07.25bjohnsonarguile: it not be performance that matters, but other treasures may be found
14:07.53mistralbkw: just the config for the client ?
14:08.25bkw_yes dear
14:08.52mutilatorheh funny
14:08.56*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (i=brown@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Corydon76-home)
14:09.00bjohnsonmistral: there be many reasons why asterisk tells a sip packet to walk the plank.  Increase your logging and discover the treasure of information that awaits
14:09.19bkw_1 remove record_in/out
14:09.22bkw_those do NOTHING
14:09.27mistralbjohnson: this works on other asterisk config
14:09.34arguilebjohnson: Awast, d'ar be other treasures? Tell me more m' matey!
14:09.38Hmmhesaysargh can openoffice not export to csv?
14:09.40epabloI have servers A & B.  I need to be able to send calls both ways. I setup a friend on each one: on server A one called server B and viceversa.  Both have he same username for auth.  But Wen I send the call: Dial(IAX/serverB/exten I get an "No authority found"
14:09.44bkw_mistral, that looks correct
14:09.57mistralbkw: yes it works on 1 asterisk server but not on the other
14:09.58bkw_epablo, because you dont' dial like that
14:10.00*** join/#asterisk scanna (
14:10.06bkw_you dial like this IAX2/username@peer/exten
14:10.10bkw_otherwise it has NO clue what username to use
14:10.16epabloHmmhesays: yes.. look at the end of the file types when saving..
14:10.43Hmmhesaysnevermind, found it
14:10.47mistralbkw: any ideas ?
14:10.50Hmmhesaysso the Greenday show rocked folks
14:10.51*** join/#asterisk stevek (n=chatzill@
14:10.54HmmhesaysI recommend seeing them
14:10.55arguilebjohnson: D'ar be expanable ports me know (n' more ports be always good fer better sailing)
14:11.13bkw_mistral, for me to really solve it I would have to be paid for my time.. but from what I can see your config should be working
14:11.22stevekwho's here at von?
14:11.30bkw_oh ya its VON
14:11.39bkw_don't expect much to get done on the bug front
14:11.54stevekheh.  Kram looks like he's working on code..
14:12.09bkw_bet he's creating something new
14:12.15stevekhe's on the "podium", but we're in a little breakout room, with maybe 100 people in it..
14:12.38stevekhe's typing away --  either that, or pron.
14:13.49stevekhmm..  he probably has a curses based pron interface.
14:14.04jaxkzBackup inbelaccount Ja (ISDN/PSTN)
14:14.11jaxkzI assume they mean ISDN/POTS
14:15.01stevekis today TLA pirate day?
14:15.22spackleArgh me hearty, it tis!
14:15.32bkw_OH STOP IT
14:15.57bkw_I'll poke ya in the eye if you talk like tht
14:15.59Hmmhesaysbkw_, with what?
14:16.04bkw_take your pick
14:16.16spacklebkw_, you are way too tense - Me heartie!
14:16.37*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (n=chatzill@
14:16.50bkw_guess I need a long vacation
14:16.53shmaltzanybody here using a Mediatrix 1204 (4 FXO)?
14:17.25spackleshmaltz, I have one, never have made a call through it yet.
14:17.27Hmmhesaysomg dropkick murphy's covered "its a long way to the top if you wanna rock n roll"
14:18.33shmaltzspackle, what do you have the FXO dial prefix set to?
14:18.33eivindtrHi all. I experience this: Client Registeres OK, but fails to authenticate when it tries to place a call! Anyone seen this before? I use 1.0.9 with sipfriends..
14:18.34*** join/#asterisk Uther_P (n=uther_p@
14:18.34spackleshmaltz, I dunno, sorry it is at the bottom of my "to do" list.
14:19.44shmaltzspackle thanks
14:20.03Uther_Pcan you use a variable as part of another variable name?   e.g.  if ${One} == 'This'  then would ${${One}That}  == 'ThisThat'  ?
14:20.31bkw_Uther_P, why not try it
14:20.33bkw_before asking
14:20.37*** join/#asterisk Moc (
14:20.47spackleshmaltz, for nothing - right?  Search the list archives, there is at least one person who thinks they are the greatest thing since sliced bread.
14:21.08shmaltzI know, Im reading it now
14:21.14Uther_Pnormally I would have... but I'm totally rewritting my dialplan method, and its all broken at the moment..
14:21.38spackleUther_P: if it is a built in variable, note they are case-sensitive.  That screwed me up for a week.
14:21.52*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
14:22.06Uther_Ponly builtin's,  not globals?  :/
14:22.15spackle${DATETIME} not ${datetime}
14:22.41spacklenot sure, but if it appears in docs as caps, better stick to caps.
14:23.25Uther_Pno, I refer to a variable I set it globals, it does'nt work with those? just builtins?
14:24.21spackleUther_P, oh I bet it will.
14:24.32synthetiqi have a little problem...when people dial 911, it cuts off after 30sec -1 minute, anyone know what cna be causing it
14:24.49*** join/#asterisk Blazint (n=blazin@
14:27.28epabloI don't get the type (user,peer) on the IAX calls. Could someone please explain them?
14:27.38bkw_users send calls to us
14:27.41bkw_we send calls to peers
14:28.27epablobkw_:  does the declaration ([bla]) need to have the same name as the username?
14:28.49bkw_its recommended on users but on peers it doesn't matter
14:29.27epablobkw_:  So I set up users on the incomming server and peers on the outgoing ones, correct?
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14:29.44bkw_seems right yes
14:30.29epablobkw_:  If a set up friends on both machines (to make them call each other)  They should look alike except for the IP, right?
14:30.44bkw_OMG yes just try this stuff
14:31.14bkw_I come from the school of "Just Do It"  as in try shit out a few ways before asking or going to google :P
14:31.55*** join/#asterisk Navman (n=surfer@
14:32.31epablobkw_:  Thanks, I'm going to do that.  I did some test and they didn't work, then read the wiki and didn't really get it.  That's why I came here to ask.
14:34.59bkw_I think I fucked my eye up
14:35.12bkw_my eyes dried out lastnight while sleeping.. and stuck to my eye
14:35.22spackleArgh! would ya like to be borrowin' me eye patch?
14:35.31bkw_my left eye is fux0red up
14:35.36bkw_and is messin with me HARD right now
14:35.43Darwin35bkw normal state of being
14:36.13Darwin35BKW I got a new job
14:36.18Darwin35and am moving to Denver
14:36.24bkw_Darwin35, damn boy
14:36.36bkw_just don't burn this one down
14:36.37Darwin35well I got screwed over here
14:36.53Darwin35going to work for Teliax
14:37.20Darwin35doing tech support
14:37.32Darwin35I will come burn yours down first
14:37.38Darwin35so you can rebuild
14:37.48Darwin35and go back to iax
14:38.22*** join/#asterisk anthm (
14:38.22*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
14:38.37Darwin35woops he is here we can not speak now
14:38.51bkw_Darwin35, with you working for our competition i'm sure it will be a good thing
14:38.52Darwin35for he is an op who will kick you just for the fun of it
14:40.16Darwin35we can still be friend right
14:40.35Darwin35liek   we where last summer
14:41.33bjohnsonme god, a summer romance
14:41.58bkw_OH NO.. not just NO but OH HELL NO!!
14:42.02*** part/#asterisk epablo (n=epablo@
14:42.24Darwin35Hell he has never met me
14:42.39Darwin35you have not even seen a pic of me
14:42.53anthmbkw_ i told ya.. lol re: 49rs and statictical calculation of thier impending ass beating
14:43.14anthmbut i couldn't have thought 42-3
14:43.44bkw_ya greg is all mad about it
14:44.02bkw_damn it.. WHY OH WHY couldn't the 49ers won
14:44.12bkw_but them loosing keeps him distracted that I spent 1k on a digital camera
14:44.16anthmremind him there are 2 games on tonite instead of 1 that'll cheer him up
14:44.23bkw_ya he already knows
14:44.30bkw_he was all excited about that yesterday first thing
14:44.57Darwin35american foot ball yuck its for wimps all those pads
14:45.11bkw_Darwin35, you're about to get beat into a bloody pulp
14:45.13Darwin35get real play aussie rules or rugby
14:45.35jaxkzBlue Bulle!
14:45.40sylewhy not UFC lol
14:45.47jaxkzUFC owns
14:46.03jaxkzBut it became softer with time
14:46.07*** join/#asterisk phpboy (
14:46.21jaxkzthe first ufc's are good, but the ones from the last 3/4 years suck
14:46.29phpboygentoo + asterisk + bristuff ... good idea?
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14:46.46bkw_as long as you install from src and don't emerge it
14:46.53fugitivoemerge rocks!
14:47.00jaxkzit's like: windows + cygwin + asterisk + win32 drivers ;)
14:47.14phpboybkw_: Why should I emerg it?
14:47.18bkw_I hate doing work for some people.. the instantly assume you're now their IT dept. asking you to do things that were not part of the original request... BAH
14:47.22file[laptop]win32 drivers?
14:47.25bkw_phpboy, NO do not emerge it
14:47.35bkw_file for?
14:47.37phpboywhy not?
14:47.44file[laptop]bkw_: what jaxkz said
14:47.46bkw_phpboy, portage is out of date MAJORLY
14:47.48bkw_on asterisk
14:47.53jaxkzfile[laptop]: i was just talking shit
14:47.58file[laptop]jaxkz: I know
14:47.59phpboyyeah, I noticed that much
14:48.05*** join/#asterisk Katty (n=katrina@
14:48.06file[laptop]heathen for even saying it! blasphemy! horror!
14:48.21phpboyso I should install bristuff (which installs asterisk automatically) manually?
14:48.42Kattyfile[laptop]: careful, i'm feeling highly explosive today.
14:48.57file[laptop]Katty: awwww
14:49.00InfraRedKatty: over new orleans?
14:49.06phpboybkw_: u agree with that?
14:50.09file[laptop]bkw likes it hard and manual
14:50.13phpboyI want to install bristuff MANUALLY
14:50.20phpboyit installs asterisk automatically
14:50.24bkw_BAD BKW_
14:50.30bkw_I wish I knew what I ate that made me sick
14:50.46phpboybkw_: u agree with my person?
14:50.50KattyInfraRed: no.
14:51.02bkw_No I don't agree with your person.. your person has "php" in its name
14:51.02Kattyfile[laptop]: i woke up at teh witching hour last night feeling absolutely icky.
14:51.03file[laptop]bkw_: well go back over what you ate and think!
14:51.13bkw_and the world should be nuked of php
14:51.17phpboybkw_: don't be a hater
14:51.21bkw_I don't have
14:51.25bkw_php belongs on the web
14:51.32bkw_stay there and out of my shell scripts
14:51.38Kattybkw_: :<
14:51.41phpboyok :<
14:51.59malverian[work]Asterisk code has some insane macros..
14:52.00bkw_php is for lazy people that can't learn a real lanugage
14:52.02phpboyso asterisk is cool with gentoo ?
14:52.15fugitivophpboy: YES
14:52.20bkw_OMG its linux
14:52.24phpboybkw_: A real language?
14:52.31bkw_thats like saying "will unleaded work in my nissan?"
14:52.45bkw_"No your nissan takes special gas that costs extra"
14:52.50file[laptop]people think asterisk is special, that it requires some super duper Linux distro
14:52.56phpboybkw_: stop being such a silly puppy
14:53.05bkw_no your question was exactly that
14:53.19phpboywell.. asterisk _ zaptel drivers on BSD is a mission :/
14:53.20bkw_and no it does NOT require a sound card
14:53.20spacklehe can't help it, his eye is dry
14:53.22file[laptop]today is Monday, ranting day!
14:53.31bkw_spackle, BE NICE
14:53.38bkw_I swear I'm falling apart today
14:53.38phpboybkw_: u german?
14:53.56spacklebkw_ getting older is hard.
14:54.12file[laptop]bkw looks twice his age :P hahahaha
14:54.28file[laptop]that would be pushing it
14:54.37bkw_i'm 28 so :P
14:55.02file[laptop]bkw is a geek!
14:55.07bkw_I think I have seen a few german porn movies
14:55.17spacklebkw_ it get worse after 30, you realize you don't know everything anymore, you start to forget things.
14:55.31bkw_spackle, I do that now.. thank god we have google
14:55.55fugitivoand you realize that kids are faster than you
14:55.59spackleI wouldn't even know my own address if it weren't for google.  - And the WANTED posers
14:56.11bkw_fugitivo, NEVER
14:56.28fugitivobkw_: yes, you'll see
14:56.28bkw_I can still out think most of these kids coming out of the school system
14:56.52bkw_fugitivo, the problem is these days nobody teaches basic logic
14:56.57bkw_how to solve a problem to logic
14:56.59bkw_er thru
14:57.06jaxkzYou don't solve the problem
14:57.12bkw_and you see it all the time in this channel
14:57.13jaxkzYou seek someone who can solve the problem for you
14:57.18fugitivobkw_: true, but they learn faster
14:57.20jaxkznow that's management!
14:57.29bkw_fugitivo, I learn fast too boi
14:57.41spacklebkw_ no, McDonald's ruined it for everybody, everytbody wants it now, they want to know now, and they don't want to do or learn anything for themselves.
14:57.57spackleeeek, BKW_ is rubbing off on me.
14:57.59malverian[work]Does anyone know if there is any way for an application (asterisk app) to pull information from a channel driver?
14:58.07malverian[work]Eg.. I want to get the list of SIP users.
14:58.10file[laptop]that reminds me of someone...
14:58.27bkw_isn't their a sip peer function?
14:58.45bkw_why yes their iss
14:58.48bkw_er is
14:59.10malverian[work]bkw_, In the cli.
14:59.13*** join/#asterisk jero (
14:59.17jaxkzin the clit
14:59.20bkw_malverian[work], sip show peers
14:59.25bkw_sip show users
14:59.36malverian[work]bkw_, chan_sip sets up that cli function, but it's not accessible to app plugins.
14:59.40malverian[work]bkw_, That wasn't my question :-P
14:59.48bkw_SIPPEER function var
14:59.53bkw_show function SIPPEER
15:01.11file[laptop]ugh, commence clock gong mode alpha
15:01.24tzangerclock gong mode alpha?  heh
15:01.30malverian[work]I'm trying to make an app that gets a list of all SIP peers.. but this may be useful code to start with..
15:01.53file[laptop]tzanger: my step-dad collects antique clocks
15:02.05file[laptop]SO - lots of clocks making noise since it just turned 12 here
15:02.34spackletzanger, did you see Greenday in twin cities?
15:02.54malverian[work]bkw_, Hrm.. those functions are also added by the chan_sip module. I'm talking about accessing the entire userl datastructure from another module.
15:03.17file[laptop]malverian[work]: haha, no
15:03.43bkw_malverian[work], can't do it
15:03.46bkw_no go
15:03.48bkw_bad idea
15:04.12file[laptop]bkw_: the roof is on fire?
15:04.23sphingcan someone explain to me the externip configuration option in sip.conf
15:04.26bkw_no malverian[work]'s sip thingy
15:04.47file[laptop]sphing: it puts your external IP address into the SIP messages, used in conjunction with localnet
15:04.56sphingbut it doesnt really
15:05.04file[laptop]yes, yes it does
15:05.07sphingVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK01c3eaa4;received=
15:05.12sphingstill has my internal there
15:05.26file[laptop]do you think it has to be replaced everywhere?
15:05.46malverian[work]Maybe there is a better option...
15:05.51sphingno i do understand it... the problem is the hardware i'm trying to connect it to doesnt like that
15:05.58malverian[work]I can iterate through all ACTIVE SIP channels..
15:06.19malverian[work]I want to write an application that will get me a list of all active users on a channel.
15:06.37malverian[work]So that I can dial all SIP users.
15:06.52file[laptop]malverian[work]: have fun with that
15:06.59*** join/#asterisk stevek (n=chatzill@
15:07.16malverian[work]file[laptop], Hopefully there is something I can dig out of ChanSpy for this. The "scan" function it has.
15:07.22file[laptop]sphing: *yawn* modify chan_sip
15:07.26Ariel_argh yet another storm coming my way.....
15:07.28file[laptop]malverian[work]: it doesn't work like you think it does
15:07.47Hmmhesaysanyone remember the command for iptables to remove all filters?
15:07.51stevekok.  so far, VON sux
15:08.09file[laptop]hi stevek
15:08.20file[laptop]stevek: is it because we're not there?
15:08.37stevekat least the WiFi works, and there's power strips in the middle of the seats.
15:08.47stevekfile: must be :)
15:08.48fugitivoHmmhesays: you mean flush? -F ?
15:08.51file[laptop]ah yes yes
15:08.53spacklestevek, is it more of a sucking or more of a blowing?
15:09.14stevekthere's plenty of blowing, yeah.
15:09.37malverian[work]file[laptop], I don't do this by choice, if there was just something like.. "Dial(SIP/*)" that would work, I'd certainly use that instead :-P
15:09.55file[laptop]malverian[work]: you're going to have fun.
15:10.19bjohnsonmalverian[work]: dial all sip users?  at once?
15:10.32Hmmhesaysthat would be the one fugitivo
15:10.33malverian[work]bjohnson, Yes.. I need this for our nightline here at work.
15:10.34bjohnsonmalverian[work]: like have meetme call them?
15:10.48sivanahow do I reload zapata.conf without restarting?
15:10.48spacklemalverian[work]: or groups in sip.conf?  group=10  dial(sip/group10)?
15:11.07malverian[work]spackle, Yes, but then I have to define each sip user to be in that group.
15:11.39file[laptop]chan_sip doesn't even support groups
15:11.48malverian[work]Well there you go then ;0
15:11.54bjohnsonmalverian[work]: other than getting the list of users, would the rest be as simple as a macro that called them and then forwarded them to the meetme extension?
15:12.09*** part/#asterisk InfraRed (
15:12.27malverian[work]bjohnson, I just want to ring each phone in the building. I don't want to talk to them all at once.
15:12.57spacklemalverian[work]: I thought you wanted some kind of paging
15:12.58malverian[work]bjohnson, So assuming ${GROUP_ALL_SIP} had a list of all sip users (SIP/101&SIP/102&SIP/103, etc) then I'd just Dial(${GROUP_SIP_ALL})
15:13.01*** join/#asterisk Cheng29 (
15:13.20*** join/#asterisk Mike9 (
15:13.26malverian[work]The problem is that I don't want to update that variable when we add phones.
15:13.29bjohnsonmalverian[work]: just ring them but don't do anything if they answer?
15:13.40bjohnsonstrange even
15:13.55spackleexcept on april 1.
15:14.22stevekso, I'm here in a meeting about IP issues, and there's some lawyer here, that seems to think all open-source == GPL.
15:14.37stevekand he's of course, totally misleading the clueless ppl here.
15:14.53file[laptop]stevek: eep
15:14.53bjohnsontell him to go learn some law
15:14.58malverian[work]bjohnson, No.. bridge the call.
15:15.07file[laptop]stevek: when they ask for questions, bring it up
15:15.20Uther_Pcan you have priority 1 handled specifically, then have priority 2 handled by a wildcard extention?  e.g.  exten => 100,1,Whatever   /  exten => _1XX,2,Whatever   <-- if I dialed 100 with that, would it only use the 1st priority, or would it also use the 2nd priority of the wildcarded extensions?
15:15.27malverian[work]bjohnson, Just like what happens when you Dial(SIP/101&SIP/102) whoever answers first gets the call.
15:15.33tzangerspackle: no I didn't see green day... why would I have?
15:15.41bjohnsonstevek: ask something like "Do you realize you don't know what you're talking about?"
15:15.43stevekI guess the ppl from sip foundry will probably explain that..
15:15.47spacklestevek: maybe he's affiliated with MircoSoft
15:16.42spackletzanger: somebody was, couldn't remember - maybe blitzrage.  sorry.
15:17.12bjohnsonstevek: tell him that the book publishing system is built on open sourse
15:17.17*** join/#asterisk jontow (
15:17.38bjohnsonyou can have it all, but there are possibly use restrictions
15:18.31bjohnsonbetter yet, tell him it's International Talk Like A Pirate Day
15:18.41bjohnson(and he failed to do so)
15:19.54sphingfile[laptop]: i successfully register, however when i call my asterisk box i dont get anything
15:20.11sphingtcpdump doesn't see any sip packets
15:21.22Mike9bjohnson.. just out of curiosity, where did you hear about that today at?
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15:22.30bjohnsonMike9: I didn't hear about that today
15:22.32cjkhi, how can i force to give a "not found (404)" error back" is there any command for this?
15:22.36bjohnsonI've been counting down to it
15:22.40Mike9ahh ok.. hehe
15:22.52*** join/#asterisk LoRez (i=lorez@freenode/staff/lorez)
15:23.14spackleWell blow me down.
15:25.29spackleno we're getting somewhere.
15:25.41bjohnsonpirate training
15:25.58*** join/#asterisk MrMAGO (n=mglucksm@
15:26.11spacklebjohnson, I was training my 4 year old daughter to talk like a pirate.
15:26.27spackleshe thinks it is a legitimate language.
15:26.57spacklewhat does shiver me timbers mean again? "shake my bones"
15:29.11*** join/#asterisk nel (n=nel@
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15:31.49obsidian-studiosis down or something? I was on the site, but can't get it to come up at the moment?
15:31.58Uther_PI think so
15:32.16obsidian-studiosUther_P: great just my luck ;)
15:32.27groogswho runs voip-info?
15:33.02*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
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15:34.09Hmmhesaysjust out of curiousity, what do you guys thinks its worth to write a perl script that stores a list of blocked ips in a flat file and allows you to add or remove ips with switches if they are found
15:34.17Hmmhesays25-30 bucks?
15:34.20*** join/#asterisk epablo (n=epablo@
15:34.23clint_I don't know, but I'd like to buy him a new server or something, cause it's been down a lot lately....
15:34.25groogsoh now i see, nameservers
15:34.38groogshe probably runs it off cable/dsl
15:34.53stevekclint_: you can buy me a new server instead..
15:35.11clint_You don't run a service I use every day... But when you do, I'll think about it... :)
15:35.25obsidian-studiosgroogs: yes, and whois puts him in Hawaii
15:36.19*** join/#asterisk wolfson (n=hehe@
15:36.56groogsobsidian-studios: if you whois my domains, you'll find my own city.. but i dont host the domains here
15:37.23groogscourse, since it is dyndns, it probably IS hosted there..
15:37.33obsidian-studiosgroogs: true, but I bet it's hosted on the islands, hopefully not though
15:38.31epabloI'm trying to relay a IAX call to OH323.  When I do so, the call drops when answer.  I'm using g729 all the way.  Any ideas why this could be happening?
15:38.31groogsi wonder how much traffic it gets
15:40.50obsidian-studiosseems to be back ;)
15:41.03olivier_<epablo>Do you have g729 licences ?
15:41.11drrayit needs a mirror
15:41.22drray(to state the obvious)
15:42.04spackleAye, the botty to be had there is priceless.
15:42.10spackleer, booty
15:48.08*** join/#asterisk rob314 (n=rob314@
15:48.33epabloolivier_:  Yes.  found the problem.. it was a parameter ont he  H323 line..
15:48.54epabloolivier_: Had 245 tunnuling of when it should be on
15:49.11sigtermmorning people
15:49.21file[laptop]DESTROY MORNINGS
15:49.35sigtermim with ya on that one
15:49.48shido6no running in circles, file?
15:50.17spacklefile, isn't it afternoon there now?
15:51.01NivexArr matey!  Why be the morning so bad?
15:51.52bkw_file is afternoon there
15:51.59bkw_file so you're gonna get hit with this storm?
15:52.12groogsshiver me timbers, it be national talk like a pirate day
15:52.37Kattywell, shiver me timbers it's lunch time
15:52.49sigtermspeaking of, time to see if were going to get smacked this week by all these hurricanes coming
15:52.50file[laptop]bkw_: storm, what storm?
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15:53.25bkw_Ophelia or how ever ya spell it
15:53.37file[laptop]ah no
15:53.53file[laptop]atleast I think not
15:54.28file[laptop]rain tomorrow, a mix of sun and cloud wednesday, sunny thursday, rain friday
15:54.41bkw_some mornings I feel like i'm a kindergarten teacher
15:55.18bkw_it takes most of the morning making sure people are doing their jobs
15:55.44obsidian-studiosbkw_: do they take a nap when you turn out the lights ;)
15:55.59bkw_no they stop working if I turn around for two seconds
15:56.11file[laptop]and they forget stuff that you constantly tell them
15:56.12obsidian-studiosbkw_: that's taught in college :)
15:57.12*** join/#asterisk insomni (
15:57.24file[laptop]bkw_: sooooo yeah guess what
15:57.57file[laptop]bkw_: we might be able to use IAX2 natively in the new platform without Asterisk, and I added DTMF support and full G726 bitrate support to the media platform ;)
15:58.34steve____you don't manage ppl, you lead them....  you manage things.
15:58.36Essobi"new platform"?
15:58.45bkw_file sounds interesting
15:58.56bkw_file we almost ready for a test?
15:59.04file[laptop]bkw_: yes
15:59.13bkw_doh I gotta write that one thing I told you about
15:59.18bkw_OHHHHHHH GREAT
15:59.24file[laptop]everything on my end is ready to go for that portion
15:59.33cjkhi, how can i force to give a "not found (404)" error back" is there any command for this?
15:59.42spackledid you do dat one ting we talked about?
15:59.42file[laptop]cjk: don't have the extension exist.
15:59.47steve____even more trippy, you can't force them to follow you...  they have to chose to do it.
15:59.47Kattyfile[laptop]: feed me.
15:59.51spackleoops, that for talk like a gangster day.
16:00.22file[laptop]they'll make you smarter
16:00.36Kattythey're not vegan :<
16:00.50redder86steve___: you can lead, but that doesn't mean they will follow.  They still have to choose to do it, and it sucks when they don't because then you have to deal with "employee management".
16:00.52spacklemaybe they were the brains of a vegan?
16:00.53Kattyunless they're plant brains#ER$%$%^
16:01.08Kattyspackle: i only eat plants.
16:01.23spackleI know some people who qualify.
16:01.23bkw_she's not a carnivore
16:01.47spackleexcept theat they are made out of meat.
16:01.47bkw_spackle, thats not right
16:01.56bkw_I like steak, fish, chicken
16:02.13bkw_If god didn't want us eating his creatures he shouldn't have made them so tasty
16:02.38bkw_MOOO MOOO steak is good
16:02.41Kattybkw_: it smells yummy, that's for sure....except steak, i don't like steak.
16:02.52Kattybkw_: but the industry doesn't make it quick and painless :<
16:02.54filesomeone unbreak my e-mail
16:02.55bkw_chick is better for ya
16:03.04bkw_er chicken
16:03.04redder86as an employer you *can* manage employees - you can't really manage people.  You *can* deal with their employment status.  And that's the part that sucks.  It'd be so much better if people went to work and worked.
16:03.05Kattyi'll nibble a chick anyday.
16:03.09bkw_slip of the keyboard
16:03.23spacklefreudian slip of the keyboard
16:03.24Kattydepending on the chick, obviously.
16:03.31bkw_redder86, ain't that the truth
16:03.36fileTotal eclipse of the heart!
16:03.54Kattyfile[laptop]: no singing.
16:03.56Kattyfile[laptop]: not before lunch stuffs.
16:04.12obsidian-studiosunless it's rap or heavy metal ;)
16:04.24spackleor polka
16:04.35Kattymaybe pink floyd this early.
16:04.38nelI have a question about ser proxy, does anybody has experience with it?
16:04.45Kattyand maybe some of madonna's softer songs. but definately NO rap or metal.
16:04.58filenel: ...maybe
16:04.58redder86I ended up "selling" that business and going out solo.  I make more money and I don't have to deal with employees that don't want to work.
16:05.36steve____redder86 how old are you, if you don't mind me asking?
16:05.37nelI would like to use sip proxy to register the phones, my question is, if I'm using sip how do I forward calls to asterisk voicemail?
16:05.53epablonel:  Tried some stuff.. but it didn't work out for the billing
16:05.53Kattybye now.
16:05.55fileyou write your ser.cfg to allow it to do that.
16:06.09redder86That said, I could still make more money now if I had some more help, but that means employees (or contractors) and that means dealing with that whole mess again.  So really, I could, in theory, make more money with employees... but only if they shared my vision.
16:06.09cjkfile[laptop]: but i want to send a 404, and the extension will exist because it matches everything. my agi will define what happes afterwards
16:06.13redder86steve___: I'm 31
16:06.17nelepablo: that's another quiestion I have. which one should do the accounting ? SIP Proxy or Asterisk?
16:06.18epablonel:  in the ser.cfg  FWd the calls to the asterisk
16:06.22filecjk: it doesn't work like that.
16:06.40nelepablo: do I have to create all the phones in asterisk as well?
16:06.41filecjk: the only time a 404 is sent is if the extension doesn't exist
16:07.01cjkfile: i know, but isnt there a way to force sending some error codes
16:07.03epablonel: Not the phones.. only the vmboxes
16:07.08redder86steve___: I was running my small business when I was 24.
16:07.18filecjk: not really, all that stuff happens transparently because Asterisk is protocol independent
16:07.21nelThanks , I will try that
16:07.31cjkfile: i see
16:07.42steve____redder86  good job...  you can learn piles from seeing things from that side of the face  :)
16:07.44epablonel:  I have a prepaid system and couldn't find the way to cut the call when I ran out of funds
16:07.49*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (n=Hmmm@
16:07.55filehot-n-sexy Hmmhesays!
16:08.03epablonel: So I ditched ser alltogether
16:08.16*** join/#asterisk azzie_ (
16:08.32azzie_how do you guys use MailBoxExists() in AEL language?
16:08.39azzie_wiki says the functions jumps "to priority n+101 if the specified voice mailbox exists. "
16:08.43azzie_but how do I use it in AEL then ?
16:08.54syleeveryone is running their small business since they were 24 lol
16:08.58blitzrageafternoon y'all
16:09.01filehail blitzrage!
16:09.23spackleblitzrage, did you see Greenday in the twin cities last week?
16:09.23bkw_I wonder if people will understand that comment "about as useless as tits on a bore hog"
16:09.29blitzragespackle: nope
16:09.35blitzrageobsidian-studios: you may kiss the pinky ring
16:09.43spacklewish I could remember who that was.
16:09.50bkw_blitzrage, now the question is why do you have a pinky ring
16:09.55bkw_only fags say pinky
16:10.02blitzrageor Canadians
16:10.08bkw_ok I'll accept that
16:10.11blitzragebkw_: just an expression :)
16:10.15redder86steve___: I could never make it as a toughie-corporate CEO type.  I can't fire and hire and remove my concern for the employees, but it really does hurt when they didn't reciprocate the concern for me and my business as I had for them and their incomes.
16:10.17spacklewhat does everyone else say?
16:10.23bkw_little finger
16:10.28Hmmhesayshey file
16:10.38bkw_as opposed to middle finger
16:10.44filehi hi
16:10.50Hmmhesaysi'm writing a little inteface for iptables
16:10.51blitzragezoa: let me know when you get back
16:10.52obsidian-studiosbkw_: put the ring on another finger and I am game ;)
16:11.06blitzrageHmmhesays: YAIPTI
16:11.17Hmmhesaysblitzrage: yeap
16:11.40blitzrageguess who doesn't have any motivation to do work right now....
16:11.49spacklegeorge bush?
16:11.50Hmmhesaysthis one will only perform 3 functions
16:11.54blitzragedamnit - isn't there motivation in pill form yet?
16:12.00blitzragespackle: :D
16:12.07spackleno but it comes in whips.
16:12.17Hmmhesaysthank you, that is all
16:12.35blitzrageHmmhesays: whats to argue? :)
16:12.50Hmmhesaysnothing, that could have been the start of one, so I just ended it right away
16:13.04spacklesorry, I should have said Bill Gates.
16:13.04blitzrageyah - everyone knows Bush sucks :)
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16:13.19blitzrage<-- isn't helping
16:13.22Hmmhesaysblitzrage, thats a matter of opinion
16:13.47*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
16:13.53blitzrageManxPower: zup zup
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16:14.22Hmmhesaysthey make some kick ass music videos
16:14.25ManxPowerblitzrage, So, I went to the local Radio Shack to get an ethernet switch (there are no electronics stores in this town of 6,000 people)
16:14.28christois it okay to specify an IAX trunk in iax.conf without using a [context] section?
16:14.34mykeblitzrage> damnit - isn't there motivation in pill form yet? --- sure but it's schedule II
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16:14.44ManxPowerThey didn't have any, but told me that the local Feed and Farm Supply Store carried then.
16:15.06ManxPowerSo I went down to the local feed and farm supply store and sure enough, they had a computer department.
16:15.14spacklewere they overpriced?
16:15.25ManxPowerHe was out of ethernet switches, but I saw a Cisco 7960 on his desk.
16:15.35ManxPowerTurns out he was having problems connecting it to his Asterisk server.
16:15.44spackleno way.
16:15.46sivanatzanger: ping
16:15.50fileManxPower: that's scary
16:16.04ManxPowerAt that poinit I started feeling like Alice in wonderland
16:16.19tzangerI'm here
16:16.58spackleManxPower, did you make a new firend?
16:17.51blitzrageanyone seen the new Nintendo controller? Whats so innovating about a remote control?
16:18.27fileblitzrage: 42, obviously
16:18.30*** join/#asterisk _Sam-- (
16:18.31spackleblitrage, I never did appreciate the nintendo button pad thingy.
16:19.37blitzragefile: HHGG reference? bah
16:19.47ManxPowerspackle, I got out of there as fast as I could, after referring him to
16:19.48blitzrage<-- never seen / read HHGG; never will
16:20.47spackleManxPower, of course you did, he might have show you the backgroom where the Mad hatter and March Hare were just installing gentoo.
16:21.05*** join/#asterisk Tangent (
16:21.22ManxPowerspackle, *nod*
16:22.23blitzrageSymantec has attacked the perceived security advantages of Firefox and Apple Macs by drawing unfavourable comparisons with Microsoft's software and describing Mac fans as living in a "false paradise"
16:22.25mykeyou didn't refer him to this channel?
16:22.46_Sam--if i had an incoming full data t1, the digium cards can act like a router/csu?
16:23.17spackleFor A small fee I can install this little blue button to get you down
16:23.19fileblitzrage: bah
16:23.22_Sam--i thought so, just wanted to be sure before i told my ISP to keep their cisco
16:23.31zzzirkQ: My telco is claiming that I'm not presenting them with an ANI on an outbound call.  Am I missing something on how to tell them that on my TE110P?
16:24.16zzzirkAnd then on inbound calls it's claiming the extension doesn't exist when I get the number that is being called in on.
16:24.34zzzirkThis is my first time dealing with PRI so I'm a noob in that respect.
16:24.40filezzzirk: well, are you sending calls to the right context where the extension exists for the number?
16:24.58zzzirkI wasn't but I figured that part out
16:24.58fileif it says it doesn't exist, I beg to differ
16:26.08dsfrCan anyone hook me up with is currently down.
16:27.32*** join/#asterisk Luke-Jr (
16:27.58bkw_put asterisk-perl.tar.gz
16:28.13Darwin35gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/home/projects/asterisk/asterisk/cdr'
16:28.13Darwin35gcc -shared -Xlinker -x -o cdr_odbc.o -lodbc
16:28.13Darwin35/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lodbc
16:28.13Darwin35gmake[1]: *** [] Error 1
16:28.18*** join/#asterisk jimmy_deanPB (
16:28.29cripitothis sounds familiar? 2005-09-19 12:27:36 WARNING[2276]: channel.c:709 channel_find_locked: Avoided initial deadlock for '0xf66149f0', 10 retries!
16:28.47fileDarwin35: rude!
16:29.03shido6sleep time
16:29.16Darwin35sorry just new issue on head
16:29.19cripitoin an asterisk server with 230 sipphones
16:29.32fileDarwin35: it's not an issue...
16:29.42fileDarwin35: it tried to compile cdr_odbc, but it couldn't link to the library
16:30.04NORANDOMScripito: thats alot of freakin phones
16:30.09cripito:) TRUE
16:30.23NORANDOMScripto: telemarketing?
16:30.35cripitoi unload the and the issue disappear
16:30.40cripitocolection noramdoms
16:30.45Darwin35grr but why i have unixodbc installed
16:30.59cripitoa call center for a colection agency
16:31.00NORANDOMSi don't have enough knowledge of asterisk to help you or i would cripito :(
16:31.02NORANDOMSi just got into it
16:31.25NORANDOMSbut im sure someone here for sure can help
16:31.32cripitothat's ok..
16:31.43cripitoyeap looks like something with the cdr
16:31.53NORANDOMSwhats cdr stand for?
16:31.58cripitob/c i disable the and no more warning
16:31.59NORANDOMSis that just call info?
16:32.14cripitoi am using cdr_addon_mysql
16:32.18drraywith the d word spelled correctly
16:32.21drrayof course
16:32.39cripitocall detail record
16:32.50NORANDOMSah so who you called, how long etc?
16:33.19cripitohummm bkw  is not around :(((
16:33.38NORANDOMShas it been working correctly?
16:34.07cripitobut something at the maximum traffic we got this
16:34.32cripitonow looks ok without the cdr
16:34.35NORANDOMSsounds like you have a good testbed for asterisk
16:34.37cripitobut i need the cdr :((
16:34.50NORANDOMShow big is the server supporting so many phones?
16:35.03cripitoi have 4 servers :)
16:35.21NORANDOMShow do they interconnect? IAX?
16:35.33MicC_Hmm-home: I figured out my problem earlier
16:35.34cripitothis one is dual Xeon 3.02 2Gb ram
16:35.46cripitoand only have sip / iax
16:35.48cripitono zaptel
16:35.56MicC_Telco fuxed the T1 config...D channels is up but no Q.931 is being sent.
16:36.03NORANDOMSthey connect to the real pos network how?
16:36.15NORANDOMSpst i mean
16:36.29*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
16:38.10MRH2anyone recommend a VPN  which works best in terms of performance for VOIP - SSL? IPSEC?
16:38.26*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (n=Brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
16:38.41Nuggetunencrypted voip, just talk in pig latin.
16:40.07MRH2I am already ROT 26 ing the passwords
16:41.46zzzirkany reason that I'd have trouble with voice transmission from PRI -> SIP when I can have SIP -> SIP work just fine?
16:42.11bkw_I'm going to sue your ass ROT26 is there to protect text.. if you reverse engineer it you're violating the DMCA
16:42.23fileGoogle hates me
16:42.34NORANDOMSi do to
16:42.41NORANDOMSjust to follow the crowe
16:43.12spacklebkw_: geez, now you are down on the lists and the wiki, where can an honest guy go to get information about Asterisk?
16:43.40spackleis there anything left to like in the Asterisk world.
16:43.42cripitobk there is any issue with deadlocks related to cdr_mysql ?
16:43.58bkw_spackle, its the truth all the lists are worhtless
16:44.08spackleand irc?
16:44.24bkw_IRC is nice most of the time
16:44.35spacklebkw_ I think you are showing signs of burnout.
16:44.36gambolputtyMRH2:  openvpn works well for me
16:44.43bkw_spackle, not really
16:44.57*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
16:45.02spacklebkw_ yes, really.
16:45.42bkw_spackle, to be honest the users list was gone long before I got here.. the dev list is worthless because they talk about things that are pointless they keep passing things to -users that can't or won't be answered.. its quicker to answer the person instead of dinging them on the head for trying to find help.
16:46.15*** join/#asterisk sphing (
16:46.31bkw_the time wasted with the meaningless bullshit could be spent just answering the persons questions in the first place and save us all the trouble of the list looking like a bunch of clowns
16:46.32spacklebkw_: everyone's passing the buck?
16:46.35drray"check the users list" is not a good answer
16:46.44drraythere needs to be a faq
16:47.21Darwin35ok fixed and compiled
16:47.30bkw_Don't get me started on the disorganization of the entire project
16:48.23fileplease, don't...
16:48.33bkw_yes lets finish up that rate plan today if we can please
16:48.37bkw_I wanna launch that this week
16:49.17fileaye aye
16:49.20spackleso is asterlink leaving asterisk behind?
16:49.25bkw_Entire Florida Keys ordered evacuated
16:49.28bkw_OVER 65mph winds
16:49.30bkw_what pussies
16:49.42cripitothey usually do that bkw...
16:49.51bkw_thats dumb over 65mph winds
16:49.54filespackle: not totally
16:50.27Darwin35what happened to app_meetme
16:50.38mutilatorsouthern coast will be uninhabitable by next fall!
16:50.47fileDarwin35: what are you babbling about now, it's still there!
16:50.51bkw_app_meetme has died at the hands of the maintainers
16:50.54Darwin35hmm ok
16:50.59mutilatorwaste land of swamp and disease
16:51.02drrayI grew up in TExas, the southern coast has always been uninhabital
16:51.02*** join/#asterisk cpatry (n=grepmoo@
16:51.15MeatyThat's my system :  [Pri]->[PBX1]->Iax2(on Internet)->[PBX2]->[Channels Bank]->Copper Wires->[Standar Phones]. I have many channels banks on my system, sometimes we hear echos on Standars Phones and rarely we hear other people talking on conversation (normally when we have echo).  Anybody know what can be the probleme ?
16:51.38spacklefile: moving to heavy use of the woomera stuff?
16:51.52bkw_Meaty, you need to go buy a book or something and understand where echo comes from before you can even begin to solve it
16:51.54filespackle: not particularly
16:52.13filecpatry: working
16:52.29fileit's a crazy concept
16:52.46spacklefile: something so new and cutting edge that if you told me, you'd have to kill me?
16:52.49fileespically when the call center agent is making 0 sense
16:52.52filespackle: potentially
16:52.57cpatrywhich touch mainly SER, asterisk or web ?
16:53.08spacklefile: very well then.
16:53.14filebut I don't kill, often
16:53.31Beirdohow Canadian of you :)
16:53.35fileit's SER... with a custom module... and a custom SEMS build
16:53.50spackleme either, it's more fun to maim and play with your food.
16:55.25*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
16:55.28cpatrycoo coo
16:55.36*** join/#asterisk loud (
16:55.58fileit's sweet :)
16:55.58*** join/#asterisk beeblebrox87 (n=beeblebr@
16:56.30filebkw_: guess what an agent told me today
16:56.44beeblebrox87hey, i'm trying to use asterisk with broadvoice, but whenever i try to make a call i get ' Got SIP response 400 "Bad Request" back from ' in the asterisk output
16:56.49bkw_I don't dare wanna know.. I'm still in shock over the 1900 Bank of America fax
16:57.08beeblebrox87there are a lot of suggested solutions to this on google and, essentially, none of them work
16:57.09bkw_beeblebrox87, DON'T PANIC!!!
16:57.23spacklefile: that they would put you back in the Matrix?
16:57.26cripito:) i disconnect my broadvoice b/c of that
16:57.30filespackle: ha
16:57.35beeblebrox87bkw_: okay :)
16:57.36cripitothey work 2 days and the next one don't work
16:57.44filethey were saying that a customer was faxing their own number, from their control panel
16:57.48fileI was like, "what?!"
16:57.49*** part/#asterisk epablo (n=epablo@
16:58.21beeblebrox87bkw_: i'm not panicking, now what?
16:58.32bkw_beeblebrox87, it was a joke.. did you not get it?
16:58.48beeblebrox87bkw_: i got it, yes
16:58.55beeblebrox87now what?
16:58.55filebkw_: you have me in a Hilary Duff mood now
16:59.02bkw_was about to say if you didn't your nick should be stripped away
16:59.12Beirdofile: do her good
16:59.30redder86file: they were faxing from Control Panel?
16:59.53fileredder86: ...yes
17:00.00bkw_bloody hell
17:00.50MRH2Ta Gambol - how many simultaneous calls do u process? does openvpn add much latency?
17:00.54bkw_haha guess the word tits got my email blocked from someone
17:01.02bkw_Trend SMEX Content Filter has detected sensitive content.
17:01.11bkw_Warning message from administrator:
17:01.11bkw_Sender, Content filter has detected a sensitive e-mail.
17:01.16bkw_Policy = Dirty Words
17:01.22bkw_since when was tits a dirty word
17:01.25*** join/#asterisk apardo (
17:01.31redder86file: what were they faxing from Control Panel... device listing?
17:01.44fileredder86: our control panel you twit :P
17:01.49*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
17:01.57redder86file: oh... :-)
17:02.05beeblebrox87so how do i get asterisk to work with broadvoice?
17:02.16*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
17:02.38fileincense and peppermints.
17:03.10redder86I've got a spandsp softmodem for use with Asterisk and HylaFAX if anyone is interested in bleeding a bit with it.
17:03.41bkw_works with hylafax?
17:03.42MRH2Does TitS gets through?
17:04.12redder86bkw_: yeah, I tied libiax2 and spandsp together... works okay so far in testing.  There is still lots for me to do, though, on it.
17:04.25fileredder86: that scares me
17:04.32redder86file: it scares me, too
17:04.37bkw_yes it scares me majorly
17:04.43bkw_if you need someone to test it.. send it on over
17:05.14redder86bkw_: I'll do that
17:05.43redder86bkw_: it may be another week before I will feel comfortable enough with it, though, to distribute it
17:06.53*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
17:07.06redder86bkw_: I will get around to posting it on sourceforge, too
17:07.47*** part/#asterisk cpatry (n=grepmoo@
17:08.11fugitivoi'm not in the us, it doesn't scare me
17:08.40redder86spandsp's T.31 modem required a bunch of fixes, I've submitted them to coppice, and he's applied some of them, probably will apply all of them.  But I keep hoping that he'll pop in here for me to bounce some ideas off of.
17:08.57bkw_did you fix many memory leaks?
17:09.14redder86fugitivo: it doesn't scare me because I'm in the US, but because it's IAX.
17:09.16Hmmhesaysis there any easy way in perl to replace text within a file?
17:09.17*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
17:09.21bkw_redder86, exactly
17:09.39redder86bkw_: so far the only fixes I've needed to do were in the T.31 code of spandsp, no memory leaks.
17:09.48bkw_it leaks like a stuck pig
17:09.51redder86oh, I did fix a few things in libiax2.
17:09.58fugitivoredder86: that's nice!
17:10.08redder86but that can't be helped... to use libiax2 you must fix it.
17:10.26redder86I submitted those fixes to Steve Kann
17:10.45LoRezredder86: have your softmodem code up somewhere?
17:10.54redder86since Digium's repository is rotten.
17:11.22bkw_redder86, don't say that too loud they might stop talking to ya.. not that they ever paid attention to ya in the first place
17:11.22redder86LoRez: I'll have it on sourceforge in a week or two.
17:11.45LoRezredder86: oh, well, I was wanting to bleed today :(
17:12.02redder86bkw_: I even fixed a REGREL bug in Asterisk and reported a problem with IAX negotiations of the refresh rate.
17:12.23redder86LoRez: I need to write up some documentation first, and I don't have time to do that today.
17:12.29*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
17:12.40Kattyi see.
17:13.02bkw_WHY THE HELL am I always three steps ahead of everyone around here
17:13.16Kattybkw_: because you walk too fast.
17:13.22redder86bkw_: have you reported the leaks to coppice?
17:13.27bkw_redder86, yes
17:13.28*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
17:13.30bkw_he fixed one
17:13.32bkw_bu tit still leaks
17:13.45redder86are you using it with txfax/rxfax?
17:14.08bkw_I fix something.. and 30 min later I have people bitching at me saying its broken... when infact I found it broken and fixed it long before they started yelling at me :P
17:14.11bkw_redder86, ya
17:14.21redder86abandoned HylaFAX?
17:14.28bkw_we use hylafax for outbound
17:14.29redder86and the 2977?
17:14.34bkw_no we still use it
17:14.38bkw_its purring along fine
17:14.56bkw_till some ass hat fucking Nigerian fucker tries to rip us off and send 40k faxes in one lump sum
17:15.13file[laptop]and then we get unhappy
17:15.17file[laptop]and people DIE!
17:15.26bkw_I have to hand approve all faxes with over 50 destinations on it
17:15.34bkw_dirty bastards
17:15.45bkw_thats how I catch these fuckers
17:15.51bkw_they signup with valid cc info everything matches
17:15.55bkw_and yet its fraud
17:16.03redder86bkw_: what's the latest in the efax lawsuit?
17:16.05bkw_I call the CC holder they have NO clue its going on
17:16.12Darwin35I did it
17:16.12bkw_redder86, I can't talk about the efax stuff
17:16.21Darwin35I shot the sheriff
17:16.22bkw_nobody in our company can talk about it right now
17:16.53file[laptop]yeah, don't even bother asking me either - I don't get those memos
17:16.55redder86the cc they sign up with is theirs?
17:17.41redder86I should read below before writing.
17:18.01redder86slow brain, not connection
17:18.49redder86er... won't register
17:19.03cripitohey Sep 19 13:16:25 WARNING[18778]: chan_iax2.c:666 jb_warning_output: Resyncing the jb. last_delay 0, this delay -1861, threshold 1000, new offset 1861
17:19.05bkw_why are they using an IAXy?
17:19.13redder86it was provisioned in Hawaii, but now it won't register from the hotel in Japan.
17:19.17cripitojitterbuffer issues?
17:19.22bkw_cripito, no its not an issue
17:19.26bkw_its just doing what it should
17:19.34bkw_your timestamps are all over th eplace
17:19.49redder86they're using an IAXy because back in the day when I set them up I didn't want to set up a STUN server.
17:19.56bkw_and to be honest the iaxy firmware shouldn't be in the CVS tree its not GPL
17:21.23bkw_paging mr file to 42
17:22.03JerJerthen file a god damn lawsuit or stop your bitching
17:23.14redder86I'd recommend against the lawsuit approach.
17:23.16fugitivohere we go again
17:23.22*** join/#asterisk pussfeller (n=todd@
17:23.25enderhas anybody heard of using a Fujitsu phone w/ an asterisk system?
17:23.30redder86again?  I must have missed the first one.
17:23.31enderFujitsu handset?
17:24.37Kattytwisted[asteria]: stop breaking things.
17:26.23JerJerredder86:  is the hotel redirecting based on MAC to an http authentication-type page?
17:29.15redder86JerJer: I don't think so.  He's had a different IAXy that I also provisioned in Hawaii work just fine from this same hotel.  He forgot that one and had me hastily provision this on on Saturday, and he never bothered to test it until Sunday an hour or two before he left, and I was unavailable at that time to fix whatever the issue may have been.
17:29.40BrianR___does asterisk set a variable with the ANI for an incoming call over PRI?
17:35.18*** join/#asterisk cianhughes (
17:36.17sivanaanyone have a PRI usage grapher?
17:37.47arguileI'm trying to find a impartial analysis of the (dis)advantages of IAX vs. SIP. Other than the obvious proprietary vs. standardised most of what I can find is evangalism.
17:37.55*** join/#asterisk apeman (
17:38.00arguileIAX signaling is a binary protocol, is there really a noticable wire difference for just the signalling when dealing with call volumes of a residence?
17:39.02*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
17:39.52CoaxDdepends on what the wire is
17:40.01CoaxDprotocol isnt terribly chatty other than what it NEEDS to send
17:40.34*** join/#asterisk Luke-Jr (
17:41.18zzzirkdoesn't IAX encapsulate the audio stream, or does it use RTP for that as well?
17:41.42fileokay who wants a lesson on IAX2?
17:41.59zzzirkmy understanding was that it encapsulates the audio
17:42.02filezzzirk: I bet you do!
17:42.18fileinternally in Asterisk there's frames that fly around between channels, audio frames, control frames, etc
17:42.32sivanawhat's Asterisk?
17:42.33filewhat IAX2 does is encapsulate those raw frames and send them to the other side
17:42.48CoaxDiax2 == advantages.
17:42.58CoaxDiax2 == no need for opening a bunch of random ports
17:43.11CoaxDiax2 == no need to have zillions of useless overhead bytes flying around
17:43.20CoaxD(i.e. trunking)
17:44.24redder86file: that was the entire lesson?
17:44.26zoaarguile, have a look at the bandwidth calculator
17:45.16zoaDarthClue: well that depends
17:45.21zoai do quite a big volume
17:45.23zoawithout problems
17:45.29zoabut true, i did spend some time on it
17:45.30DarthCluezoa: define big
17:45.37zoa100.000 calls a day
17:45.53zoa100 simultaneous per server
17:46.05DarthCluehow many of those are iax?  and how many registrations per minute?
17:46.16CoaxDzoa: Are those outbound sales calls or something?
17:46.22zoayeah outbound sales
17:46.26CoaxDzoa: Sweet
17:46.26zoaall of them are iax2
17:46.30redder86ideally you don't register except for endpoints
17:46.39zoaregistrations per minute, not so much
17:46.51zoai think most of the iaxclients have some bugs though
17:47.00zoawhere they reregister hammer the server when the registration fails
17:47.07*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (n=Ariel@
17:47.11zoathat was the problem with iaxtel for example
17:47.11luiteI have a pc with an analog modem, but now I'm siwtching to SIP on my interal network. Is it possible to have some kind of 'virtual SIP' modem in windows, , so that I can still use my dialup programs with asterisk?
17:47.20zoa(and with another big iax2 provider i know)
17:47.27JerJerzoa: um yeah
17:47.31zoabut that got fixed now
17:47.36CoaxDluite: Uh
17:47.58zoawell the iaxclient might not have been fixed, but the code in asterisk was optimized before astricon europe
17:48.03MicC_zoa: how are you spreading the clients among the servers?
17:48.05redder86I believe that a recent CVS change now allows registration refresh times to be other than 60 seconds, too
17:48.16CoaxDMicC: He's doing all outbound. thats easy to do on outbound.
17:48.24zoamicc, i just register half of them on one
17:48.27zoaand the rest ont he other one :)
17:48.27luitethe problemen is that those programs only support analog modems
17:48.31zoayeah thats easy
17:48.35MicC_thats easy
17:48.48CoaxDmicC: incoming's a bit more of a challenge
17:48.52*** part/#asterisk obsidian-studios (
17:48.56zoaredder86: yes but that wont help you if the clients hammer you
17:48.57MicC_I have an active/standby working well
17:49.05redder86zoa: indeed
17:49.10MicC_Voicemail is a bitch (some fucked up counter)
17:49.17zoain older version there were some very slow lookups
17:49.23zoaon registration
17:49.24*** join/#asterisk ianm (n=ianm@
17:49.26zoacausing mad load
17:49.40zoa120 registration per second would cause a load of 20
17:49.48zoaeven if there were only 3 calls going on
17:49.49MicC_inbound...what happends if the phone is registered to the other server?
17:49.55zoabut thats all history now
17:50.05CoaxDzoa: Do you even understand what load average actually MEANS?
17:50.08redder86only in CVS HEAD or is it also in v1_0 ?
17:50.30zoacoax yes
17:50.37CoaxDzoa: Please give me your definition
17:50.48zoafirst one is a five minute interval
17:50.54zoa2nd one 30 minutes i think
17:50.56CoaxDzoa: No. I'm asking you what the NUMBERS MEAN
17:51.12zoaah, on itself it doesnt mean a thing, its just how many processes require all cpu power
17:51.19CoaxDzoa: Wrong. :)
17:51.29zoaah no ?
17:51.31zoawhats it then ?
17:51.31CoaxDzoa: Nope. :)
17:51.36redder86zoa: you were set up, he was going to say wrong for anything ;-)
17:51.39CoaxDzoa: Okay. set up an 11 machine network.
17:51.45CoaxDzoa: Make 1 an NFS server
17:51.55CoaxDzoa: Make 10 nfs clients
17:52.12CoaxDzoa: start read()'ing from a file on the nfs server
17:52.14bkw_the load average is the average run queue ?
17:52.28CoaxDzoa: better yet, 1 client, 1 server
17:52.29bkw_or some such shit like that
17:52.39CoaxDzoa: Start 100 individual read processes on a file
17:52.42CoaxDzoa: Shut down the NFS server
17:52.52CoaxDzoa: Your box will be using 0% CPU, but have a load average of 100.00
17:52.54ManxPowergod hates me
17:53.08bkw_no dear
17:53.16CoaxDzoa: The definition of 'load average' is 'how many processes are in a wait state"
17:53.32bkw_CoaxD, ya the run queue aka wait right?
17:53.32zoak, but still that makes no difference :)
17:53.38bkw_guess my terms aren't exactly right
17:53.55zoaanyhow, it was bad
17:53.57redder86Why did he need an 11-machine network to do that test?
17:53.57CoaxDbkw: Well, whenever the processor needs to block for something, it is put in a wait state
17:54.11bkw_asterisk is ONE HUGE BLOCK on the cpu
17:54.12zoaasterisk can indeed do calls with a load of 100
17:54.21CoaxDbkw: no.  those blocks take microseconds
17:54.24zoabut not if the registrations are causing it
17:54.33bkw_CoaxD, it was a joke dear
17:54.41bkw_now pull the stick outta your ass
17:54.45CoaxDzoa: Because in one case, the load average is caused by cpu.  in the other, it is not.
17:54.46bkw_as I was abou tto say
17:54.52CoaxDbkw; Baby, you PUT it there.. :)
17:54.58bkw_I have seen the load average of 100 on a BSD box and the load of 100 on a Linux box...
17:54.59CoaxDbkw: (I want it there, god damnit!)
17:55.08zoabrian, it depends
17:55.11zoasometimes its not so bad
17:55.17zoaload of 100 can be ok for asterisk
17:55.17fugitivobkw_: load average of 100???
17:55.22bkw_No it can't
17:55.27zoai've did perfect calls on a load average of 100
17:55.27CoaxDbkw: Sure it can
17:55.30bkw_anything over 5 and you're askin for it
17:55.30zoai heard you CoaxD :)
17:55.38redder86CoaxD: how does one determine where the load is coming from if the CPU is quite idle, as well as memory and disk?
17:55.42zoai can only agree
17:55.45zoalook at the cpu usage
17:55.49bkw_if you're using spands you can't have deal with 5+
17:55.49jeroredder86, IO
17:55.54CoaxDbkw: If the load isnt a processor deficiency, but rather, is...say...a bunch of processes waiting on an unrelated disk..
17:55.58jeroif load and cpu=idle, then you have io problems
17:55.59*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
17:56.12redder86jero: can you give an example?
17:56.13CoaxDbkw: Aagin, depends on what is causing the load average.  Load average is only a generic number.
17:56.17*** join/#asterisk Kernel-Kris (
17:56.24bkw_load also goes up if you run out of swap
17:56.29jerolike disk controler or hdd or things like that. your blocking calls take a lot of time
17:56.30bkw_the box will eat itself
17:56.39*** join/#asterisk stevek (n=chatzill@
17:56.40bkw_asterisk likes to use swap and not give it back when it crashes
17:56.41redder86jero: okay, thanks
17:56.48jeroand your load grows as your cpu spends a lot of time waiting in blocking calls
17:57.03CoaxDyou people have no idea how unix works, do ya? :)
17:57.04redder86jero: yeah, gottit.  Thanks.
17:57.08CoaxDload average is a generic number.
17:57.25CoaxDin order to get a REAL idea of what is going on, you have to look for WHY there are processes in a wait state.
17:57.41jeroredder86, vmstat is your friend on linux
17:57.50zoaanyhow, this is not what the subject was
17:57.55CoaxDif the load is 700.00+ and your box still seems responsive (and top still shows 99% cpu idle), you can be reasonably assured that you have a downed NFS server, and 700+ apps are waiting on it to come back up
17:58.04zoathe question was can iax2 work under high load
17:58.17CoaxDzoa: And the question was answered.
17:58.20bkw_zoa NO
17:58.23bkw_it can't
17:58.29zoawell, its not completely answered
17:58.33zoait can be made to work
17:58.35CoaxDbkw: if the load is PROCESSOR BASED, you are CORRECT
17:58.41zoaalthough not indefinately
17:58.48redder86jero: thanks again
17:58.48zoaCoaxD: there are some other issues
17:58.50bkw_CoaxD, not in the case of IAX
17:58.53zoawhen you do a lot of channels
17:58.57zoasomething still goes wrong
17:58.59CoaxDbkw: If the load is generated from a bunch of processes that can't get ahold of the disk, thats entirely a different matter
17:59.00stevekwhat is the IAX2 bottleneck?
17:59.00bkw_the locking will go funky
17:59.03zoabut 100 is ok
17:59.12CoaxDbkw: Yes. becasue it is caused by processor deficiency
17:59.17*** join/#asterisk vlrk (n=vlrk@
17:59.22CoaxDbkw: The scheduler can't get to it all fast enough, and causes problems
17:59.25stevekI've had at least 400 IAX2 calls at once..
17:59.40CoaxDbkw: But if the problem is being disk I/O bound and has NOTHING TO DO with Asterisk...
17:59.41zoastevek, that causes quality issues sometimes
17:59.57*** join/#asterisk djin_ib (
18:00.03stevekI guess it depends on what the calls are doing..
18:00.05zoaasterisk really has some locking issues
18:00.07e-HernickAre you claiming that asterisk can't scale to 400 IAX2 calls, given hardware powerful enough ?
18:00.25vlrkdoes any body worked on the ICD
18:00.32bkw_stevek, try it with say 100 or so people doing a register every 60 seconds along with a qualify
18:00.35bkw_it will go funky in no time
18:00.43zoabrian, that was fixed
18:00.47stevekyeah, I don't do register at all.
18:00.50bkw_you can get calls up easy but if you have alot of registration traffic at the same time it goes funky
18:00.52bkw_zoa when?
18:00.57bkw_because as of 8/16 it still does it
18:00.57vlrkiam facing problems realted to compiling and installing along with asteirsk
18:01.03fugitivobkw_: how does fwd work with iax?
18:01.03stevekIt seems that register, has some O(n^2)-ness in it..
18:01.12zoadunno, its something that kevin did for iaxtel
18:01.20bkw_he did realtime with cacheing
18:01.29zoahe fixed something else too iirc
18:01.44filenothing like a call with paulc!
18:01.59stevekit seems instead of walking a linked-list of peers, if you just used a hash instead, it would help a bunch..
18:02.09filestevek: been down that road
18:02.14stevekI guess that's what realtime effectively does..
18:02.31fileI wrote our new SIP based platform to use hash tables with linked lists
18:02.51fileworks well
18:03.07stevekfile: heh; what do I know, I don't have registrations; all my calls are in-bound ounly.
18:03.40fileuses an in-memory cache with database connection
18:03.50zoafor those who want to test the registration stuff
18:03.50fileso that if the database goes kaboom, doesn't matter *YAWN*
18:04.06fileI woke up too early this morning
18:04.29zoaim off
18:04.34filebye bye zoa
18:04.39ManxPowerI found service via Speakeasy
18:05.01fileManxPower: yay
18:05.05filearen't they a good ISP?
18:05.19*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
18:05.55spacklebjohnson: ping
18:06.56NORANDOMSwhats a good # to start sip phone extensions?
18:07.06NORANDOMSis there a rule about it not starting with 1 or anything?
18:07.18spackle1 is bad.
18:07.25spackle9 is not good.
18:07.28NORANDOMSyea i thought it probably would be
18:07.32NORANDOMSwhat do you use spackle?
18:07.40spacklewill you use 3 digits of 4?
18:07.53NORANDOMShrm i doubt i'll have that many phones
18:07.54NORANDOMSso 3
18:08.13spackleright now we have 200-3xx but I wish I had used 4 digit numbers
18:08.14NORANDOMS3 would be up to 99 phones right?
18:08.36*** join/#asterisk sigwerk (
18:08.52NORANDOMSi guess you could extend it a 100 though
18:08.55spacklein that case yes.
18:09.07NORANDOMSbut what do most go with 5xx? 4xx?
18:09.19KattyNORANDOMS: my extensions start at 2000
18:09.37NORANDOMSah ok i'm just curious if there is a telephony standard for ext's
18:09.40spackleif you use 4 digit extensions and you get a DID block from the telco you can have direct dial.  Then you use what they give you.
18:09.42SedoroxI start at 2xx
18:09.43KattyNORANDOMS: not really, no.
18:09.49Sedorox3xx is for outside extentions...
18:09.52brettnemhey all
18:09.57brettnem~seen Hmmhesays
18:10.14jbothmmhesays is currently on #asterisk (2h 2m 25s).  Has said a total of 10 messages.  Is idling for 1h 58s
18:10.14KattyNORANDOMS: just however your organize it
18:10.14Sedoroxyea.. whatever you feel like
18:10.20NORANDOMSthanks for the input. So you could dial 310 it would use a tdm card and dial 1888-356-6562?
18:10.26*** join/#asterisk krokas_ (
18:10.29NORANDOMSis that how a outside ext works?
18:10.29KattyNORANDOMS: yep
18:10.38KattyNORANDOMS: or an iax number.
18:10.40NORANDOMSvery intresting
18:10.42KattyNORANDOMS: whatever.
18:10.42brettnemHmmhesays: you around?
18:10.53NORANDOMSthanks for the help guys
18:10.53Kattybrettnem: he's probably recovering from too much fun sunday night.
18:11.06SedoroxNORANDOMS, in that.. it would be 310-1888-356-6562 to dial it completely
18:11.13brettnemKatty: what happened sunday night?? what did I miss??  heh
18:11.18Kattybrettnem: i dunno.
18:11.22Kattybrettnem: want me to call and ask him?
18:11.41*** join/#asterisk Beave (
18:11.52brettnemdid he hire you yet?
18:12.02Kattyhe's in north dakota
18:12.04Kattyi'm in missouri
18:12.14Kattyif anyone is going to hire me it'll be mishehu or twisted[asteria] ;)
18:12.17brettnemhow far is that?
18:12.23spackleKatty, I didn't know you were in Misery.
18:12.24Katty16 hours
18:12.28Kattyi think
18:12.44Kattyspackle: there's a /lot/ of things you don't know about me.
18:12.54spacklethats a given.
18:12.55brettnem16 hours isn't too bad of a commute
18:13.01Kattybrettnem: :P
18:13.12spacklewhen you have your own lear jet?
18:13.27*** join/#asterisk xheliox (
18:13.34zoai have my own lear jet
18:13.36Kattybkw_: where can i find mister nix?
18:13.48bkw_he's offline right now
18:13.53bkw_I think he went somewhere with his wife
18:13.54zoa4 to 5 cm long
18:13.55spacklezoa, I bet it's really handy.
18:14.09zoait can park on my desk
18:14.10Kattybkw_: he might be awhile then.
18:14.23zoabrian, any more testing done with the jb ?
18:14.52spackleKAtty are you in St. Joe?
18:15.00zoaslav is going to try it in channel.c
18:15.12Hmmhesaysonce I crossed the line I think i must have zigged when I should have zagged
18:15.13Kattyspackle: no
18:15.19zoato see if it fixes the memleak
18:15.29spacklecape gerradeau?
18:15.41brettnemah ha!
18:15.49brettnemHey there Hmm-home
18:15.52KattyHmmhesays: have you recovered from teh weekend?
18:15.53brettnemer Hmmhesays
18:15.55Hmmhesaysyou brettnem
18:16.06HmmhesaysKatty: yes I was all recovered last night, the greenday show rocked
18:16.07brettnemyes, me brettnem, you Hmmhesays
18:16.13KattyHmmhesays: yay!
18:16.33spackleHmhesays, you saw greenday in the twin cities.
18:16.38Hmmhesaysspackle yes
18:16.42spackleI've been asking all morning who it was.
18:16.49Hmmhesaysi haven't been watching
18:16.55spackleI saw them Saturdany night, they were great.
18:17.12*** join/#asterisk pussfeller (n=todd@
18:17.19spackle, or Saturday for those of you using the _OLD_ spelling
18:17.44Kattythey're Jehovah Witnesses.
18:17.47Hmmhesayssaturday night we went and partied uptown
18:18.23spacklecould be worse, could be raining
18:18.29Kattyone of my co-workers had their dogs stolen...when they called the police, apparently lots of dogs have been disappearing.
18:18.35Kattythey're suspecting testing labs in alabama.
18:18.38brettnemspackle: "conventional" spelling
18:18.46spackleNew chinese restaurant in town?
18:18.56KattyDarthClue: oh yes. i am /so/ scary.
18:19.32KattyI am Katty! Hear me ROAR! mew.
18:19.39DarthClueKatty, I know exactly what you are capable of.  I know better than to cross a cat.
18:20.59spackleonlyw two things come from alabama................. asterisk and adtrans
18:20.59brettnemdoes anyone else see this hurricane in the gulf as the next disaster.. I wonder why there isn't more news about it... I can't figure it out
18:20.59Hmmhesaysand velcro gloves
18:21.00Kattyyay, velcro
18:21.23spackleonly one thing better than velcro gloves.....     velcro shoes.
18:21.28*** join/#asterisk mutilator (n=animenod@
18:22.04mutilator* using 69mb ram * 20 processes
18:22.13brettnemVelco was developed by a swiss amateur mountaineer named George de Mestral
18:22.26*** join/#asterisk pussfeller (n=todd@
18:22.27brettnemspackle: I saw that on dave berry's blog
18:22.34*** join/#asterisk Laerte (
18:22.41spacklehow'd they get to the name velcro then?
18:23.01bkw_i'll be what are the chances
18:23.05spackleand not GeorgedeMestral-o?
18:23.14brettnemnot sure?
18:24.11spacklebrettnem: bjohnson's been going on about it for a week.
18:24.27DarthCluevelco is an alien technology brought to earth by your 3rd grade teacher who is from one of the moons of Venus.
18:24.44spackle"moons of venus"?
18:25.01arguileDo either IAX or SIP support compression codec changing mid-call? ie. if server load is approaching peak scale back compression quality?
18:25.09bkw_iax2 no
18:25.21mutilatorvenus has no moons DarthClue
18:25.21bkw_sip can its called a re-invite
18:25.21bkw_asterisk no
18:25.26bkw_DarthClue, Venus has no moons.
18:25.32spacklehe must have been thinking of one of the moons of mercury
18:25.33arguilebkw_: Danke
18:25.34bkw_mutilator, haha
18:25.35brettnemok.. so the word "velcro" is a combination of the french words for velvet and hook.. that's "velour" and "crochet"
18:25.48spackleyay google
18:25.54brettnemnow get back to work
18:26.21brettnemactually. wikipedia has got a remarkable amount of information in it.. good stuff..
18:26.42brettnemgreat name.. velcro..
18:26.42DarthCluesure it does, they just have forcefields that prevent you from seeing them.  i mean, do you really think we would have re-elected that idiot if we knew there was a more intelligent choice for supreme underlord.
18:27.01brettnemHmmhesays: any luck with that sip return status business?
18:29.18spacklewhat idiot?
18:30.17fileoh god reinvites
18:30.27filewho talked about a reinvite... bkw? BAD BKW BAD!
18:30.45spackleIs there an Asterisk command to send raw sip instructions? - like for a phone that can reboot using the info command?
18:31.05filereboot using the info command? yow'sa that's interesting
18:31.41brettnemthere was that sip notify business..
18:31.58spackleerp, yeah, that's it.
18:32.21filethat's better
18:32.42brettnemI think that's already in CVS right?
18:32.43*** join/#asterisk wolfson` (n=hehe@
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18:33.28DarthCluefor the polycom ...
18:34.20fileDarthClue: don't you have a bus to drive?
18:34.50spackleIt's a good bus, it's a magic bus.
18:35.07DarthCluenot till about 2:30, and I really don't have to leave the lot till like 3:10 and I'll be done by 4 but can't clock out till 5 which is really stupid.
18:35.30DarthClueI spent 14+ hours working with asterisk yesterday, I'm back on the habit again.
18:36.00*** join/#asterisk Cybertank (
18:36.06DarthClueno, asterisk, it's a habit, a very bad one too.
18:36.19beeblebrox87hey, i'm trying to use asterisk with broadvoice, but whenever i try to make a call i get ' Got SIP response 400 "Bad Request" back from ' in the asterisk output
18:36.29*** join/#asterisk __Elf (
18:36.43bkw_OMG nasa is going back to the apollo type design for a launch system
18:36.54beeblebrox87bkw_: yes didn't you know that?
18:36.59bkw_its kewl
18:37.03spackleaha, sip notify, thanks Darthclue.
18:37.05beeblebrox87wings are heavy and not very useful
18:37.17spacklevery retro, like everything else this decade.
18:37.18bkw_this looks interesting
18:37.51beeblebrox87bkw_: it won't be, it will have its funding cut to pay for another war just like every other nasa program in the past 35 years
18:38.10bkw_brb food
18:38.21beeblebrox87since apparently nobody can answer my question about broadvoice/asterisk, where should i ask?
18:38.51bkw_try broad voice?
18:38.58conveybeeblebrox87: I will paste my * config for broadvoice.
18:39.44spacklebkw_ now who's passing the buck?  ;)
18:39.54bkw_I don't know how to help him
18:39.56bkw_or I would
18:40.00bkw_the best bet is to ask his provider
18:40.04bkw_th eone he pays MONEY to
18:40.09beeblebrox87how do i ask them?
18:40.14beeblebrox87if i email them they will take ages to reply
18:40.24spacklebkw_ and if you wanted to save the world, you would have been a social worker ;)
18:40.28PakiPenguinwhich var i can set , so i can identify a call coming in from a specific ip from cdr
18:40.31beeblebrox87and i can't call them because my broadvoice connection isn't working yet
18:40.45PakiPenguinlike the ones with prefix 2020 , i want to set some name for them in the cdr , how do i do that?
18:41.13wunderkinbeeblebrox87: they arent going to help you with asterisk anyways, your best bet would be to search the list for the correct settings, and try other proxies
18:41.35beeblebrox87wunderkin: i searched the list and tried other proxies, basically nothing worked
18:41.56wunderkinbeeblebrox87: i think i had the same problem, i havent used it for awhile.. havent bothered
18:42.03beeblebrox87for a while it also said 404 not found
18:42.32wunderkinwell with a 404 you probably arent sending out the correct exten to them
18:42.45beeblebrox87the 404 went away, now it's a 400
18:43.15wunderkinmy config was also working before, but with a different version of asterisk
18:43.30*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
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18:47.19*** join/#asterisk Romik_ (n=romik_@
18:52.11mykeare there ways for users to get at their voicemail other than dialing a special extension?
18:52.34*** part/#asterisk Romik_ (n=romik_@
18:53.02bkw_um use a little though here
18:53.12bkw_link of a did to VoiceMailMain
18:53.15bkw_drop em in
18:53.21bkw_and let them etner the exten and password
18:53.24bkw_or anything similar
18:53.35mutilatoryeh thas what i do
18:53.45mutilatorin michigan
18:55.12mykeok i think i got it, just leave off the ext for voicemailmain and it asks for an ext
18:55.16mutilatorhey bkw.. how do i get Action: status to show the exten dialed
18:55.20mutilatorinstead of 's'
18:55.26mutilatorcause i pass the call out via a maco
18:57.03*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
18:57.51mykealrite so how would i use variables to set up an entire block of extensions, say i want 2600-2699 all config'd the same way but not create 100 separate entries in extensions.conf?
18:58.02*** join/#asterisk wolfson (n=hehe@
18:58.16jbotrumour has it, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
18:58.18jbotrumour has it, mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
19:05.16mutilatoranyone know what premissions you need to do Action: Status in the manager?
19:05.44bkw_nope would have to check the code
19:06.15ManxPowerSpeakeasy has something called "extended reach DSL" that I had to get.
19:06.38spacklesounds like idsl - is it?
19:06.39ManxPower$185/month, but it was the only option other than a T-1
19:06.41ManxPowerspackle, no.
19:06.52ManxPowerthat also have IDSL, but IDSL sucks
19:07.21spackleyeah, idsl sucks, but it can go out a little farther.
19:08.15spackleis extended reach DSL really DSL?
19:08.22RickTickhello all: Anyone using a Solphone fxs gateway ?
19:09.05filemyke: exten => _26XX,1,Do(Whatever)
19:12.35*** join/#asterisk konfuzed (
19:14.54mutilatorit needs read AND write 'call' rights
19:14.55ManxPoweranyone here know about purchasing your own receiver for use with DirectTV?  If so, please /msg me
19:15.06konfuzedok then, ive finally gotten a small budget approved for purchasing some devices.
19:15.09*** join/#asterisk mariogamboa (n=sudaikdd@
19:15.14mutilatormanx: i own 2 if ya wanna buy one
19:15.27spacklefor you pretty lady, $2
19:16.00ManxPowermutilator, where are you located?
19:16.13ManxPowerThe place we just moved into had a DTV Dish on the roof.
19:16.22mariogamboai have a little problem with # key i need to programing a pbx via remote control for thi need to login with 997# but when press # the asterisk answer transfering i need to cancel this feature how i can do that?
19:16.51mariogamboai see in features.conf the option blindxfer => ## but doesn't work
19:16.59ManxPowermariogamboa, don't use the "t" or "T" option.
19:17.11ManxPowermariogamboa, ## only works on CVS-HEAD/1.2x
19:17.15konfuzedhaving reviewed many options I need some real user feedback as opposed to the marketing materials.
19:17.31mariogamboat ot T option where
19:17.43mariogamboain the station i'm make the call
19:18.00konfuzedIve garnered the sense that Sonom devices are the most effective devicas that work with IAX
19:18.03ManxPowermariogamboa, in the dial line
19:18.28ManxPowermariogamboa, you're using Asterisk@Home aren't you?
19:18.31*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
19:18.51konfuzedcan anyone corroborate that or offer other more reliable/stable options
19:19.36NORANDOMShow do you send sip messages?
19:19.36mykefile thx
19:19.42NORANDOMSto say another sip phone?
19:19.49ManxPowerkonfuzed, Polycom phones and SIPura ATA devices.
19:20.02mariogamboai'm using asterisk@home
19:20.07ManxPowermyke, that would depends on the SIP phone, but usually not, also prolly not using Asterisk
19:20.09konfuzedthats a very interesting combo
19:20.24ManxPowerkonfuzed, Polycom doens't make ATAs and SIPura doesn't make very good phones.
19:20.28NORANDOMSim using asterisk with 2 cisco 7960gs and 1 grandstream
19:20.56mariogamboawhy is no posible with asterisk@home make that?
19:20.58konfuzedpoly com for their handling audio quality I presume
19:21.23konfuzedDoes SIPura also work with the iax protocol
19:21.33*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
19:21.38konfuzedIm not entirely stuck on it but I do want to work with IAX
19:21.39ManxPowerno.  almost no phones use IAX
19:22.23konfuzedsonom has iax compatible devices, although I amy have crossed my communiations review on that
19:22.31konfuzedis this true?
19:22.52ManxPoweryes, SNOM supports IAX, but I hear it's not maintained and is buggy.  You should check with someone that uses IAX w/SNOM
19:23.10gnarf37i have a g.729 liscense question
19:23.14h3xfuck it, use sip
19:23.16konfuzedvs an actual VoIP hardphone a  VoIP ATA or other gateway based on SNOM (uh not sonom)
19:23.28gnarf37i was just watching the console and saw a out of licenses message
19:23.30*** join/#asterisk n0rf- (
19:23.37gnarf37there were only 6 active calls, but i have 10 liscenses
19:23.48beeblebrox87where can one get support for asterisk@home?
19:23.54*** part/#asterisk nachoguy (
19:24.07gnarf37there were however 12 channels, because of the agent queueing system taking up 3 channels per call
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19:25.03conveyanyone know a good SIP based carrier that has DID's in Colorado?
19:27.29mariogamboais posible to make the transfer blind make with # make with another for example #1 or ## in asterisk@home
19:27.32spackleanthm, don't you dig that picture though?
19:28.26conveyazzie_: thanks,  I will try, broadvoice does not have CO DID's yet.
19:29.30ManxPowermariogamboa, no
19:29.52ManxPowerasterisk@home uses 1.0.x asterisk, and that' s not supported in that version
19:30.21Ariel_mariogamboa, aah if it's version 1.5 or below it uses stable.  But you can edit the files your self. Also the 2.0 beta uses 1.2 asterisk beta and it does support the ##
19:30.37bkw_nice to see they corrected the spelling of creator in all those graphics
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19:31.15spackledid they spell Kirk wrong?
19:31.16Vetois ; the only allowable comment in * conf files?
19:31.42Ariel_I just dont' understand our futures market.  Since there is a new storm going into the gulf the price for barrel was down to 62 now today it jump to 65/66
19:32.05mmmToopVeto...have used # before & it seems to work
19:32.16ManxPowerAriel_, any indication where the storm is heading?
19:32.25bkw_its a pussy storm too
19:32.27bkw_not very strong
19:32.35bkw_any excuse to jack up gas prices now
19:32.37Ariel_ManxPower, yes there saying key west then up around brownsville
19:32.45beeblebrox87would having asterisk 1.0.9 explain why i can't connect to broadvoice?
19:32.53bkw_beeblebrox87, yes
19:32.54spackleit's shown on
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19:33.12konfuzedvs an actual VoIP hardphone a  VoIP ATA or other gateway based on IAX not specifically SNOM (uh not sonom)
19:33.22Vetocool, want to clean out my .conf files and ^\; gets even things I want to put in the new one.  thinking of using # for optional or different configs.
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19:34.39beeblebrox87bkw_: there are lots of online tutorials for setting up asterisk@home with broadvoice
19:34.44generalhanwhats going on everyone
19:34.46beeblebrox87none of them work but that's beside the point
19:35.03bkw_beeblebrox87, when are you going to learn the world is full of stupid people that write bad documentation
19:35.04Ariel_well 70 mph winds now and it's not even over the really hot waters yet.  So it's going to be a big storm from the looks of it.
19:35.18bkw_Ariel_, I doubt it
19:35.20bkw_we'll see
19:35.30Ariel_bkw_, I hope really your right.
19:35.38generalhananyone know how to change the default transfer key from "#" to "*" ??
19:35.43Ariel_We are already getting some rain and wind here from her.
19:35.56Ariel_generalhan, features.conf
19:36.03beeblebrox87bkw_: a while ago, i know that these tutorials are bad documentation, as i said above.  but they can't be totally made up documentation
19:36.07bkw_Ariel_, everyone is a bit on edge because of katrina
19:36.18bkw_generalhan, look in features.conf boi
19:36.21Ariel_bkw_, you don't say.... Really....
19:36.31bkw_beeblebrox87, you wanna make a bet
19:36.35bkw_most of the wiki is made up
19:36.38bkw_and totally wrong
19:37.29generalhanim in features.conf now and all i have in there is about parked calls, is there information on the wiki pages about how to do it ?
19:37.38bkw_look at features.conf.sample
19:37.39beeblebrox87bkw_: why?
19:37.47generalhanoh ok
19:37.48bkw_beeblebrox87, because people are stupid
19:38.01beeblebrox87stupid people don't make stuff up
19:38.03Ariel_generalhan, do you have stable 1.0.09 or cvs head
19:38.11bkw_beeblebrox87, no they just document incorrectly
19:38.18bkw_or lack understanding on how it really works
19:38.24beeblebrox87yes, i know they've documented incorrectly
19:38.36bkw_repeate after me 1.0.9 is pure SHIT
19:38.46bkw_er repeat
19:38.50bkw_damn monday
19:38.59beeblebrox87that's clear to me from the fact that using their documents fails to produce a working system
19:39.16*** join/#asterisk Umaro (n=umaro@
19:39.19beeblebrox87but what they claim to have documented must be possible, or they wouldn't have gone out and documented it wrong
19:39.29UmaroHey guys.. anyone have the new polycom firmware?
19:39.39Ariel_generalhan, you can't change it with 1.0.9
19:39.50bkw_trying to document asterisk is like trying to piss in a cup while trying to ride a bull
19:39.52Ariel_Umaro, new as in what version?
19:40.11Ariel_bkw_, was that not called pissing in the wind
19:40.15UmaroAriel_: I think it's like 2.6.3
19:40.18beeblebrox87bkw_: so the documents are all rubbish, right?
19:40.21bkw_Ariel_, yes
19:40.22spacklebkw_ that sounds very colorful - or wet
19:41.03Ariel_Umaro, I have 2.6.3 but it's the old firmware. The 3.0 is not very good. They have a sip version of 1.5.3 now and a newer beta coming out.
19:41.33UmaroAriel_: oh right, sip 1.5.3
19:42.12beeblebrox87bkw_: and if the documents are all rubbish (and forum posts and mailing lists are simply other forms of documents) then the only thing for a confused user to do is to come here and ask you
19:42.13Ariel_Umaro, argh I have 1.5.2 still on my server.
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19:42.29beeblebrox87so, bkw_, how do i make asterisk@home work with broadvoice?
19:42.36UmaroAriel_: dang. :/
19:42.39bkw_beeblebrox87, no clue
19:43.02Ariel_beeblebrox87, there are doc's out there it works just fine.
19:43.28bkw_but since I don't use broadvoice I have no idea
19:43.33bkw_I do recall it being easy
19:43.35L|NUXhow can i register a provider at 8891 port
19:43.41bkw_even the broadvoice wiki has info on it how to do this
19:43.44L|NUXi get this error
19:43.45L|NUXwww*CLI> sip show registry
19:43.45L|NUXHost                            Username       Refresh State
19:43.45L|          2105999            120 Request Sent
19:43.45L|               f4fahmed           105 Registered
19:43.53L|NUXSep 19 14:43:49 NOTICE[22228]: chan_sip.c:4956 sip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for '' timed out, trying again (Attempt #3)
19:44.08EgonisGAH! Brand new Aastra 9133i, DEAD!
19:44.31Ariel_L|NUX, most providers don't send registration info back unless it's to 5060 or 5061
19:44.44beeblebrox87bkw_: what broadvoice wiki?
19:44.49L|NUXAriel_: now what i can do :(
19:44.51spackleEgonis: as in DOA, or as in only used two times?
19:44.58Egonisspackle: DOA
19:45.04Wonkai'be had this when my NAT did funny things to sent packets...
19:45.13Egonisspackle: That saleslady is going to PAY! :$
19:45.25Ariel_L|NUX, get a different provider or use standard port
19:45.32bkw_beeblebrox87, you behind nat?
19:45.54L|NUXAriel_ : well but if i want to use this how can i do ?
19:46.20spackleEgonis: these things happen.
19:46.49beeblebrox87bkw_: yeah, that's an example of the "bad documentation" that you mentioned
19:46.59Ariel_beeblebrox87, that sample works
19:47.19beeblebrox87Ariel_: a number of other documents claim that it doesn't.
19:47.20bkw_I suspect you're not behind nat but are behind PAT instead
19:47.25Ariel_not everything is wrong on the wiki but you need to also take what they say on the wiki.
19:47.59Ariel_beeblebrox87, it does provide a good start at what you need to do.
19:48.09beeblebrox87Ariel_: i'm also using asterisk@home so howtos like the linked one don't help me much
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19:48.33bkw_beeblebrox87, what kind of NAT/Router do you have?
19:48.35Ariel_beeblebrox87, why not asterisk@home setups amp which works just look for settings via amp
19:48.43beeblebrox87bkw_: i don't have a NAT/router
19:48.48bkw_public ip?
19:48.58bkw_any firewall?
19:49.00beeblebrox87Ariel_: found quite a few, none of them worked
19:49.15Ariel_beeblebrox87, really now
19:49.16beeblebrox87bkw_: some firewall, but only on known-evil ports
19:49.28bkw_does the box even register?
19:49.39beeblebrox87yes, it registers
19:49.50bkw_what does sip debug say when you get a call?
19:49.52beeblebrox87and it connects to freeworlddialup
19:49.53bkw_can you make a call?
19:49.58bkw_what does the debug say?
19:49.58NORANDOMSis broadvoice any good?
19:49.59generalhanAriel_: did you say taht you cant adjust that default transfer button with 1.0.9 ?
19:50.07Ariel_generalhan, yes
19:50.11beeblebrox87when i try to make a call i get ' Got SIP response 400 "Bad Request" back from '
19:50.15bkw_generalhan, I'm going to say this once more.... 1.0.9 is shit use CVS-HEAD
19:50.30bkw_beeblebrox87, as much as you like that is still not a SIP debug so I can see the interaction
19:50.40bkw_beeblebrox87, what codec are you trying to use?
19:50.43Ariel_beeblebrox87, post your settings on without your password.
19:50.53beeblebrox87how do i get sip debug then?
19:51.09bkw_beeblebrox87, "sip debug" at the CLI
19:51.21Ariel_bkw_, what do you thing it is?
19:51.25bkw_I just need to know if he's trying to use g726
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19:51.47bkw_the codec number needs to be something other than 2 for it to work with g726
19:51.52bkw_that was changed in CVS-HEAD
19:51.56bkw_but I don't think it was in 1.0.x
19:51.59rtomson-homeHello folks.
19:52.01beeblebrox87bash: sip: command not found
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19:52.09bkw_beeblebrox87, asterisk -r
19:52.14bkw_sip debug
19:52.15beeblebrox87oh right
19:52.31*** join/#asterisk pandect (
19:52.35rtomson-homeI have a quick question about polycom IP 601's with Asterisk using SIP. -
19:52.35generalhanAriel_: well that sux, cause now i have to disable it for the whole system, cause some of us need to go through menus that have #
19:52.54pandect!seen fall0ut
19:53.01pandectno luck :)
19:53.03rtomson-homeI have a client with a new PBX and the only 601 looses audio, the 501's are all fine.
19:53.05Ariel_generalhan, the # in my view was always a hack that did not like
19:53.15rtomson-homeAny ideas?
19:53.48generalhansee the "blindXfer" button on my cisco 7960s doesnt work, so i needed that to transfer people to others voicemails
19:54.10beeblebrox87bkw_: how much of the sip debug output do you want?
19:54.46Ariel_bv only uses ulaw
19:54.47bkw_generalhan, yes it works just fine
19:54.51bkw_Ariel_, WRONG
19:54.59Ariel_bkw_, really.
19:55.01bkw_they support g726 and g729 also
19:55.04Ariel_when did they change
19:55.09bkw_been that way for a long time
19:55.12bkw_they just don't publish it
19:55.25bkw_generalhan, you wanna transfer someone to a voicemail box
19:55.26mutilatorso if my call is dialed in a macro
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19:55.37mutilatorthere is no way to show the extension in the manager api
19:55.56bkw_so you setupp *XXX , where XXX is the extension so you have exten 123 and you wanna transfer someone to 123's voicemail you just setup *123 to go straight to voicemail and blind transfer that call right on over
19:56.03generalhanbkw_: yeah, so that if the receptionist takes a call for some one not in they can just transfer them to the VM Box
19:56.15bkw_I just told you how
19:56.20generalhani see that not
19:56.27generalhanbut i cant do a "blind transfer"
19:56.34bkw_yes you can
19:56.40bkw_you gotta make sure you do it correctly
19:56.49generalhanhow do i do a blind transfer
19:56.54bkw_you hit blind transfer
19:56.58bkw_dial the exten
19:57.00bkw_press transfer
19:57.10bkw_when you hit transer the caller is put on hold they hear music
19:57.15generalhani already told you that the blindXfer button doesnt owrk
19:57.16bkw_you dial the exten.. then press transfer
19:57.16steve____bkw_ you go girlferand!
19:57.20bkw_GO ENABLE IT
19:57.27bkw_if it doesn't work their must be a reason
19:57.37bkw_FIND OUT WHY instead of trying to monkey foot around it
19:57.49generalhani have been tryting to figure out why
19:57.51bkw_trust me the 7960 does a great job at all transfers
19:58.41*** join/#asterisk faa_ (i=faceoff@
19:58.51faa_hi, is it possible skype and asterisk?
19:59.09bkw_their API is NOT open
19:59.15bkw_you would have to reverse engineer it
19:59.21faa_I just read that is open
19:59.26bkw_go read
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19:59.29bkw_it must display a dialog box
19:59.30faa_sorry. no open.
19:59.35faa_but there is API
19:59.42bkw_you can use the API but it must display that stupid dialog box
19:59.44bkw_and you can't get rid of it
20:00.02bkw_I wish we could use skype with asterisk
20:00.07bkw_that would be hawt
20:00.12pandectHi, I'm receiving lots of "kernel: Uhhuh. NMI received for unknown reason 31 on CPU 0."
20:00.25bkw_pandect, did you google it?
20:00.31pandectbkw_: That's why I'm here :)
20:00.36beeblebrox87sip debug output at
20:00.49ManxPowerI don't suppose anyone knows a person in SBC's DSL department?
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20:00.57pandectbkw_: It seems in Jan '05 a user called 'fall0ut' came to this channel with the exact same problem, on IBM xSeries 305 (which I have)
20:01.24pandectI was hoping someone might have an idea on a solution to the problem.
20:01.41gordonjcpwhy would that be an asterisk problem?
20:01.45ManxPowerpandect, the usual solution is to use a different system.  as I understand it, it's a bios/motherboard issue
20:01.46bkw_beeblebrox87, I don't see the problem here was this inbound or outbound?
20:02.24bkw_ah I see this
20:02.40pandectManxPower: BIOS/motherboard, as in a hardware failure, or a mis-match/misconfiguration, or a firmware problem?
20:02.44bkw_beeblebrox87, is this cvs-head?
20:02.50pandectManxPower: Using a different system is not necessarily an option.
20:03.11bkw_pandect, go buy a sangoma card then
20:03.12ManxPowerpandect, As I undetrstand it, a firmware issue
20:05.09Hmmhesaysi've said it before and I'll say it again
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20:05.11Hmmhesayscustomers eat your soul
20:05.14beeblebrox87bkw_: outbound.  and no, it's 1.0.9, but if you can tell me how to upgrade it without breaking asterisk@home then i'd be glad to
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20:05.19file[laptop]Hmmhesays: very true
20:05.31bkw_beeblebrox87, don't use 1.0.9 is the best way to make it work.. go install a real distro
20:05.33bkw_and install asterisk
20:05.34Hmmhesaysthey take any shred of happiness you have it and devour it
20:05.42bkw_and learn the right way to set it up and it should all be good
20:05.51beeblebrox87bkw_: i would like to, but i didn't set up this machine, and i don't have physical access to it
20:05.54bkw_Hmmhesays, thats only because you let them
20:06.05mutilatoranyone know where i can get some inexpensive low end 2-3u servers?
20:06.05ManxPowerStill no SIP jitterbuffer in CVS-HEAD?
20:06.10NORANDOMSbkw_: gentoo a good distro for *?
20:06.14Hmmhesaysno, you can try hard not to, but they do anyway
20:06.19bkw_NORANDOMS, yes just don't emerge asterisk install it from src
20:06.25mutilatori basically need a dummy box to go from 3 channel banks and send out via IAX to another server
20:06.26NORANDOMSyea thats what i did
20:06.34mutilatorno codec translation at all
20:06.34bkw_good man
20:06.38NORANDOMSi love how basic gentoo is. It isnt packed full of shit
20:06.44mutilatorand i need new..
20:06.53NORANDOMSits as basic as you need for a PBX
20:06.55bkw_NORANDOMS, I got a distro thats more basic than gentoo
20:07.04NORANDOMSbkw: whats it called?
20:07.08bkw_I can fit a running asterisk in like 12 megs
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20:07.24bkw_NORANDOMS, its called PBlX thats a lower case L there
20:07.25CleanerXbkw_, this is a questionable service policy
20:07.28NORANDOMSdamn. but does it run well on embedded systems with flash cards?
20:07.34bkw_CleanerX, for?
20:08.07NORANDOMSi've thought about making gentoo fix on a 1gig CF and using them on embedded boxes for servers
20:08.09CleanerXbkw_, your current advices that sound like don't use anything your system is configured to
20:08.24bkw_CleanerX, what?
20:08.28CleanerXnot using emerge
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20:08.38bkw_no because the portage in gentoo doesn't have a cvs build
20:08.41bkw_and its on 1.0.9
20:08.47bkw_and NOBODY SHOULD RUN THAT
20:08.51beeblebrox87bkw_: if i had set up this machine it would be running debian with asterisk cvs-head hacked into a deb package.  but i didn't set it up, so it's running asterisk@home.  is it possible to make it work in its current state or, if not, is it possible to install cvs-head without breaking things?
20:09.02generalhanbkw_: i have been looking all over google and the wiki and i can find a single solution to the "transfer failed" when i try and Blind Xfer. you have suggestions ?
20:09.19bkw_generalhan, you need to look at the sip debug
20:09.25bkw_when the transfer fails
20:09.27bkw_to see why
20:09.32bkw_bet it will be something to do with URL encoding
20:09.53BrianR___I'm using 1.0.x in production here...
20:10.25Kattybkw_: beep!
20:10.48bkw_BrianR___, good for you
20:10.51bkw_its a pile of shit
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20:11.08bkw_I never recommend 1.0.x for production
20:11.20Connor_hey guys, question, when making a IVR menu.. I'm going to be using 1-9 and 0, for menu options, I also want the person to be able to dial the extension of a person.. But, you end up with a long delay because of digit timeout.. anything that be done?
20:11.35CleanerXhehe, i wouldn't recommend any asterisk version for production
20:11.37bkw_response timeout and digit timeout
20:11.43bkw_CleanerX, hahahahaha
20:11.46BrianR___heh heh
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20:12.23BrianR___it's just office phones - my needs are pretty simple.
20:12.43Connor_bkw_: what would be good values to use for those?
20:12.45bkw_only  hand full of channels you're fine
20:12.46beeblebrox87BrianR___: how do they connect to PSTN?
20:12.55BrianR___beeblebrox87: PRI
20:12.57bkw_Connor how long does it take someone to dial two digits?
20:12.58bkw_2 seconds
20:13.10bkw_you could always do a goto
20:13.12Hmmhesaysdo they have fingers?
20:13.12bkw_from say option 1
20:13.18bkw_and then no delay would take place at all
20:13.23bkw_if you know your parties extension press 1 now
20:13.25Connor_Well, 4 digit extentsions..
20:13.32bkw_then in that context say
20:13.38bkw_please enter your parties extension
20:13.48Connor_That's what I was going to do, but they ended up using all the menue options.
20:13.58Hmmhesaysor "Please enter your PARTAY EXTENSION
20:14.19NORANDOMSplease slap me in the nuts by pressing 8
20:14.22Connor_dork? me?
20:14.34Connor_I didn't use all the menu options, the customer decided too.
20:14.38Hmmhesaysbkw_: I add a little color to this channel, you like it
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20:15.57NORANDOMSi want some color
20:15.59fiber0ptiI set up a queue with one agent. The agent logs in and then someone dials the extension for the queue. The queue rings the agent and while on the phone someone else calls the queue extension and then the agent gets another call, why isn't this second person put on hold until the agent is ready?
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20:19.01synthetiqwhat does a 501 error mean
20:19.06beeblebrox87so, since apparently nobody here is able to help, where can i get help on getting Asterisk@home to work with Broadvoice?
20:19.21Hmmhesays$25 bucks and it will be working asap
20:19.24NORANDOMSasterisk@home is pretty basic aint it?
20:19.25Hmmhesaysotherwise its just a pain in the arse
20:19.44Corydon-wAnything in the 500 range means that you got a fatal error
20:19.47Hmmhesaysi need some drinking money tonight
20:19.59Corydon-wUsually an unimplemented feature
20:20.02NORANDOMSgimme s ome hmm
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20:20.50beeblebrox87NORANDOMS: yes it's pretty basic, that doesn't stop me from getting "Bad Request" errors every time i try to make outgoing calls
20:21.04Hmmhesaysits not so basic if you don't know what you are doing
20:21.14beeblebrox87Hmmhesays: how would i get the $25 to you?
20:21.25synthetiqi was told something about options not avialable
20:21.25Hmmhesaysand you get to talk to me in private message
20:21.28Hmmhesaysthats the sexy part
20:21.30NORANDOMSsend 12 to him 13 to me
20:21.44NORANDOMSHmm: are you a guy?
20:21.50Hmmhesayshaha yeah
20:21.54Hmmhesaysjust trying to freak him out a bit
20:21.57NORANDOMSyea thats pretty sexy for $25
20:22.00NORANDOMSi'd pay it
20:22.07beeblebrox87you've succeeded in freaking me out
20:22.20NORANDOMS"please sir. to fix your broadvoice your wife needs to be steped through this"
20:22.29NORANDOMS"so is he out of the room yet baby. lets fix your pbx
20:22.29bkw_ok what am I missing?
20:22.33Hmmhesaysyou'll still have your box running in like 5 minutes
20:22.59Hmmhesays$25 bucks or a date with your hot sister
20:23.01NORANDOMSHmmhesays is selling sexy talk + asterisk server fixings at $25
20:23.15NORANDOMSa price worthy of such great help
20:23.17bkw_hell i'll pay that and I know how to fix asterisk so thats pure sexy talk with Hmmhesays
20:23.19beeblebrox87don't know about date, i can give you her phone number
20:23.34Hmmhesays24.50 plus the phone number
20:23.35NORANDOMSsee you can get her # man.
20:23.51NORANDOMS.50c discount for a chicks #
20:23.57Hmmhesaysthats right
20:24.13Hmmhesaysthats 4 bits man
20:24.15Uther_Pin a recursive #include,  if the first #include was in a different directory, would the second one reference its cwd, the parent's cwd, or the asterisk home directory always (/etc/asterisk)?
20:24.19NORANDOMSi'l send you topless pics of me  how about that hmm
20:24.19beeblebrox87nah, can't afford the $24.50
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20:24.29Hmmhesayswell... how hot is your sister?
20:24.44beeblebrox87how should i know?
20:24.50Hmmhesayspicture please
20:24.56NORANDOMSdoes she have nice sized breastys?
20:25.03NORANDOMSa bag can fix her face
20:25.19Hmmhesaysis she the star of ? nsfw
20:25.25beeblebrox87where can i get help setting up asterisk@home to work with broadvoice without selling my sister into prostitution?
20:25.34generalhanbkw_:if i show you the sip debug on that line when i tried to blind transfer can you make some sense out of it ? cause i have no clue what im looking at
20:25.45Hmmhesaysno here, thats for sure
20:25.47bkw_generalhan, i'll try
20:25.54generalhanthanks, gimme just one sec
20:26.04Hmmhesaysbeeblebrox87, paste your sip.conf on pastebin
20:26.10Hmmhesaysi'll stop harassing you now
20:26.11bkw_someone find me a printer driver that can do an http post to a remote server for printing
20:26.42bkw_404 Not Found
20:26.51generalhanalready ! LOL
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20:27.06bkw_the extension your trying to transfer to is no there
20:27.07generalhanok so, the service "blind transfer" is not found ?
20:27.20Hmmhesaysin some countries selling your sister into prostitution is a valid payment for tech support
20:27.21bkw_no the extension you enter when you blind transfer isn't there
20:27.22Ariel_beeblebrox87, #amportal will help you out with it.
20:27.35generalhanwait now thats not what i thought you meant. they are there. i can call that extension right now and get the guy i was testing with
20:27.44Ariel_Hmmhesays, nice
20:27.47generalhanit was his cell and he was calling and waiting on his phone
20:28.01generalhani know the extension is good, i called him on it to tell him what i was doing
20:28.01bkw_set the variable TRANSFER_CONTEXT
20:28.05HmmhesaysAriel_ you gotta read up a little for that statement to be in context
20:28.05bkw_before the call hits the phone
20:28.12bkw_and make sure its the same context you can dial out on
20:28.24bkw_so you transfering to 7003?
20:28.29*** join/#asterisk screenname (
20:28.31generalhanno transfering to the 7111
20:28.34generalhanim on 7003
20:28.45Ariel_Hmmhesays, what the 24.50 fee...
20:28.53Hmmhesaysoh hhaha
20:28.58bkw_thats interesting
20:28.59Hmmhesaysi guess you did read up
20:29.00bkw_this cvs-head?
20:29.03bkw_someone broke chan_sip
20:29.10bkw_try it with cvs-head
20:29.14bkw_if at all possible
20:29.19generalhanhow ? im not real familiar with that at all
20:29.26bkw_the 7111 doesn't show in this sip debug
20:29.35bkw_Refer-To: sip:7111@
20:29.37bkw_there it is
20:29.46bkw_Looking for 7111 in incoming
20:29.46bkw_Looking for 7003 in incoming
20:29.48bkw_see those lines
20:29.54bjohnsonbkw_: CUPS has a web interface and you can send a test page to the printer from it.  Is that what you are looking for?
20:29.55bkw_does 7111 or 7003 exist in incoming?
20:29.56*** part/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
20:30.14*** part/#asterisk screenname (
20:30.17bkw_generalhan, it doesn't look like it from this debug
20:30.29generalhani would say no ...
20:30.32*** join/#asterisk Ikarus (
20:30.35bkw_include => context where the extensions exist into incoming
20:30.39bkw_and i'll bet you that will work
20:30.43NORANDOMSim going to install my new mail server at my datacenter
20:30.46NORANDOMSi'll be back later folkz
20:30.53generalhanthe incoming accepts the phone numbers and transfers them out through a different context labeled [extension-dial]
20:31.17bkw_then you MUST set the TRANSFER_CONTEXT variable to "extension-dial"
20:31.23generalhanso include => extension-dial some where in the incoming context ?
20:31.29bkw_that will work
20:31.39IkarusOkay, I am going to be a pain, but can anyone send me to a page that lists companies that build Asterisk based phone systems (I have 2 ISDN and 1 analog line in, and need VoIP out)
20:31.42generalhanhow do i set the TRANSFER_CONTEXT ?
20:31.52*** join/#asterisk alerios (n=alerios@
20:31.53generalhanor is that done with the include line you just told me to put in
20:31.57bkw_just do the include
20:32.00bkw_they both will work
20:32.01generalhanill try
20:32.04bkw_either way you go about it
20:32.04generalhanbe back in a sec
20:32.08NORANDOMSCisco IP Phone 7985G is very elite
20:32.10*** join/#asterisk zedkatuf (
20:32.12NORANDOMSanyone seen that shit?
20:32.36bkw_kinda largish
20:32.37NORANDOMSthat shit is insane
20:32.44NORANDOMSyea but very intresting
20:32.48NORANDOMShow much do they have?
20:32.51NORANDOMSi mean run
20:33.10fileand a heart
20:33.15*** join/#asterisk epablo (n=epablo@
20:33.26bkw_I have been most helpful today to newbies
20:33.35epabloHi people
20:33.51spacklebkw_ you have been mahvelous today.
20:34.01bkw_I must dear
20:34.12filebkw_: almost... to helpful...
20:34.17fileare you drugged?!?
20:35.13bkw_No I have been on the path of spiritual enlightenment
20:35.23aleriostalkin about newbies, I have a question
20:35.32spackleno his brain has been replaiced with an alien organism.
20:35.33bjohnsonno you can't feed them
20:35.42spacklebjohnson, there you are.
20:35.48bjohnsonno I'm not
20:36.07spackleoh, well nevermind, won't tell you a cute story about my 4-year-old then.
20:36.16bjohnsonstop following me
20:36.44spackleI tol you never to call me here.
20:36.48bjohnsondoes it have anything to do with eating bugs
20:36.48*** part/#asterisk epablo (n=epablo@
20:36.49spackleI told you never to call me here.
20:36.50aleriosI'm using the Absolutetimeout and Dial (with L() option) to set a timeout for my calls, but when the calling user transfers a call the timeout does'nt work
20:37.01spacklenope, more talk like a pirate day stuff.
20:37.03alerios¿how can I make it work?
20:37.11bjohnsonwalk the plank
20:37.17bjohnsonraise the mainstay
20:37.25bjohnsonbe off with ye
20:37.32spacklebjohnson, no, "hoist the main sail"
20:37.59spacklewhen she re-interpreted it she said it meant to have a big garage sale.
20:38.16spacklesorry, it was funny at the time.
20:38.17bjohnsonhost the main sale
20:38.27NORANDOMShoist ye boner
20:38.37bjohnsonye scruvy dog
20:38.38spacklearghhh!  Away with ye spackle!
20:38.51bjohnsonthat be his young daughter ye be insultin
20:38.55fiber0ptiI setup a queue with two agents and set the ringall strategy however with the two agents logged in it only rings one of the agents. Does anyone have any experience with this?
20:38.59arguileBilge rats, the lot of you!
20:39.10bjohnsonload the canons
20:39.19NORANDOMSwhats the diff between 7960 and 61?
20:39.26spackleprepare for broadsides!
20:39.40NORANDOMSfeature wise not # wise
20:39.41bjohnsonmath joke
20:40.49NORANDOMSyou dont understand how much you have hurt my feelings
20:41.02*** join/#asterisk dextro (n=Miranda@
20:41.14spacklewhats so bad about being drunk?  Ask a glass of water!
20:41.45NORANDOMSi want a 7914
20:41.57filespackle: that was horrible
20:42.00NORANDOMSjust so my 7960 looks leet
20:42.24spacklehow do you keep the crisco phones from sliding off your desk?
20:42.48NORANDOMSstab them with stuff?
20:43.01spackleshake them in flour?
20:43.16NORANDOMShug you?
20:43.41spacklefile: It's kind of like BKW's theory on photographs, make a lot of jokes, and then cull the bad ones.
20:43.58fiber0ptiDoes anyone know how to fix a problem with the variable CALLERIDNUM returning the wrong value?
20:44.13*** join/#asterisk Kyreeth (
20:44.25spacklefiberOpti - how is the value incorrect?
20:45.04fiber0ptispackle: I'm logged into a softphone for exten 160 yet it returns 150
20:45.12fiber0ptithe person using 150 of course returns 150
20:45.23MicC_I have to deploy 50 IP501 Polycoms in 2 hours tomorrow
20:45.23filefiber0pti: where have you set the caller id?
20:45.35fiber0ptifile: I didn't set it any where.. I didn't know you had to
20:45.43fileAsterisk isn't psychic
20:45.47MicC_I have the slightest idea on how to do it.
20:45.56spackleMicC, not a problem with FTP.
20:45.58sigwerkMicC_: start working on your configs now :) boot server
20:46.06NORANDOMSmicc: from #training efnet?
20:46.07fiber0ptias outlined on calleridnum is "The current Caller ID number"
20:46.07generalhanbkw_: thanks a lot, that include statement worked out just fine.
20:46.08MicC_got the boot server and sample files
20:46.13MicC_NORANDOMS: yeap
20:46.19MicC_small werld
20:46.20NORANDOMSi'm watchy
20:46.27MicC_hey Watchy
20:46.28bkw_generalhan, told ya.. fix the problem not work around it
20:46.31MicC_long time no talk
20:46.32generalhanbkw_: my phone still said transfer failed ... but the blind transfer still worked ? ! lol
20:46.34filefiber0pti: correct, but it goes funky on SIP... don't ask why, it's a long story
20:46.41bkw_generalhan, its stupid ;)
20:46.47NORANDOMSi got no polycom exp to help ya micc :/
20:46.48fiber0ptifile: any way to fix it or a work around?
20:46.50bkw_iif you set the transfer_context I bet it would work
20:46.51filefiber0pti: your best bet is to set the callerid explicitly in sip.conf for the users, ie: callerid=Joshua Colp <145>
20:46.51generalhanstupid or not ! you got it to work. thanks again
20:46.51MicC_sigwerk: can I get the config off an existing phone?
20:47.03fiber0ptifile: gotcha, I'll give it a try
20:47.11spackleMicC, do you have at least one phone in your possesion?
20:47.31generalhanbkw_: how would i go about making it transfer directly to a VM Box by entering an extension ?
20:47.32MicC_yes...just 1 demo phone...but a fucking manager took it an won't give it back
20:47.44NORANDOMSmicc: haha your fucked
20:47.46fiber0ptifile: thanks, it worked
20:47.53NORANDOMSgo beat the shit out of him
20:48.04MicC_no kidding
20:48.12NORANDOMSwhy would he take it
20:48.13MicC_he's a bit of a boob anyway
20:48.19MicC_I got 45 in the mail coming tomorrow
20:48.25spackledesk decorations.
20:48.27MicC_NORANDOMS: cuz its the prettiest.
20:48.36MicC_we had to go VOIP and our phones got stuck at the border
20:48.40NORANDOMSbut dont you have to learn this shit before tommorow?
20:48.45MicC_everyone else is on softphone....but 5 people
20:48.50NORANDOMSand now you aint got no fone?
20:49.08MicC_those 5 have my demo phones (2 IP300s, 2 Astra 480is and 1 really nice IP501
20:49.10brettnem'you aint got no fone'
20:49.16spackleMicC: go to the freedom phones site and dl the manual
20:49.33MicC_spackle: got that. Its somewhat helpfull.
20:49.46spackleset up an FTP site for them to configure from?
20:49.56MicC_I just need a sample that isn't convoluted like the one on the site.
20:50.12MicC_tftp, I can pass the necessary info
20:50.32MicC_its the contents of ipmi.cfg (wutever)
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20:50.56spacklemean sip.cfg?
20:51.00MicC_what I am asking I guess is does someone have something already I could "modify" ?
20:51.06MicC_thats one of them
20:51.11MicC_there are like 3 of them
20:51.38MicC_mac addy.cfg ipmdi(wutever).cfg and phonename.cfg
20:52.01MicC_ipmd has been mushed with sip.cfg now I guess
20:52.27spacklewhen I deploy mine I'm going to do a ln -s for the mac addy's and the extension numbers
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20:53.42spackleMicC, whats wrong with the configs on the site?  Just take them and monify them.
20:54.02spackleThey are hard to read initially, but you get used to them.
20:54.20SimonRHas anyone localized Asterisk by adding a new set of tones to the zaptel/zonedata.c?
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20:56.57FuriousGeorgehey all.  can anyone recommend a pocket pc or some handheld to run a softphone.  (ideally something x86 running win32 :()
20:57.05spackleMicC, maybe Lathos42 can help you, he's doing a big polycom deployment.
20:57.18fugitivoFuriousGeorge: wait for 2006
20:58.03*** join/#asterisk halogen8 (
20:58.32FuriousGeorgefugitivo: how many arms do you think it will cost?
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20:58.42fugitivoreally cheap
20:58.48hardwireto the fo
20:58.53hardwireI had to re-identify.
20:58.53brettnemheh, but not a phone..
20:59.19fugitivohe wants a handheld, not a phone
20:59.27brettnem3 hours of browsing time!?
20:59.41brettnemgreat.. I can check my email in that
20:59.46spacklebrettnem, 3 hours of crappy browsing time.
20:59.48FuriousGeorgethats pretty cheap
21:00.00brettnembut will it support google earth? that's what I want to know
21:00.13fugitivobrettnem: no, it runs linux
21:00.23brettnemlinux? what's that?
21:00.32jbotrumour has it, linux is wonderfull :D, or a wonderfull OS
21:00.40glm2kit is?
21:00.49jbotextra, extra, read all about it, gwypf is Get What You Pay For - this channel is full of volunteers who are here to help you. However, we can't hold your hand. If you need a specific problem solved immediately, there is a list of for-hire consultants located at:
21:00.59FuriousGeorgefugitivo: what kind of softphone could i run on that?  no linux or win32
21:01.02brettnemwell, you still gwypf
21:01.04FuriousGeorgeit looks cool though
21:01.32brettnemit's a neat Idea, I'll give them that..
21:01.48fugitivoFuriousGeorge: version 2006 of the os will come with a softphone, don't know which one, but it's linux, and the sdk is free, so a lot of apps will be developed
21:01.54brettnemno wimax eh?
21:03.05FuriousGeorgeim actually asking a question
21:03.32hardwiream I missing anything
21:03.46hardwiregetting a 488 error on a remote phone Ican call..
21:03.48hardwirebut it cannot call me
21:03.59*** part/#asterisk Samoied (
21:04.01brettnemhardwire: codec problem
21:04.14hardwirethats what I thought at first
21:04.16fugitivoFuriousGeorge: hold on, i'll give you the url of the sdk
21:04.20hardwirebut I went through g729/gsm/ulaw
21:04.25hardwireon the * server as well as the phone
21:04.35brettnemwhat phone?
21:04.45hardwiresnom 360
21:04.50hardwireits the only one of two remote phones that do this
21:04.54hardwireno internal phoens do this
21:04.56hardwireno nat
21:04.58hardwireit has a public IP
21:05.06brettnemI got 488s on a sipura trying to do 2 simultanious g.729 calls
21:07.08fugitivoFuriousGeorge: you have some nice screenshots too
21:08.10brettnembetter use it quickly. ;)
21:08.15*** join/#asterisk hellagony (n=egutierr@
21:08.33nelwhat do you guys recommend for a 1000 users environment SEr Proxy + ASterisk with Ser in stateful mode or  Ser (stateless) + Asterisk?
21:09.05hardwirebrettnem: I keep seeing that as an issue with those
21:09.13brettnemstateless is always better if you can do it..
21:09.18sivanawhat would an entry in extensions look like if I'm using a SIP URL?
21:09.21brettnembut for 1000 users, it won't really matter much
21:09.50Ariel_ok time to drive home.
21:10.05nelbrettnem: I was thinking in registering the users on the proxy and fwd to asterisk for voicemail and PSTN gateway
21:10.43brettnemnel: that's a fine setup.. you might be able to get away without SER depending on call volume, codecs, etc..
21:10.49brettnembut that's a good setup.
21:11.47*** join/#asterisk clinthome (n=clinthom@
21:11.51brettnemhell, use SEMS and get rid of asterisk. :D
21:12.03nelbrettnem: hmm..I just thought of SEr because we have two  buildings and the users could be created in two different proxy servers (one for each bldg) for redundancy and also it would be easier maybe to manage the users that way using serweb instead of using IAX and duplicating extensions.conf and sip.conf ...what are your thoughts?
21:13.00generalhanif i want the message waiting light to go on a phone for more than one VMBox can i do that by adding more mailbox=EXTEN lines to the sip.conf ?
21:13.19brettnemnel: I don't know if serweb is really usable.. but sure that'll work.. duplicating extensions and sip.conf isn't a big deal.. lots of ways around that.. realtime, dundi, rsync,etc..
21:13.40brettnemgeneralhan: use a 'comma'... I think
21:13.48brettnem#exec <-- cool
21:13.52generalhanso mailbox=7000,7001,7002 ?
21:13.59brettnemI think that works..
21:14.05generalhansweet ill try it out thanks !
21:14.05brettnemdid you try it?? no?? why not?
21:14.09nelthanks brettnem
21:14.19brettnemheh.. trial=error?
21:14.31brettnemnel: np, good luck.. have you used SER before?
21:15.05nelbrettnem: I'm just playing around with it
21:15.10nelI was looking at dundi
21:15.15nelto see how that works right now
21:15.19brettnemdundi kinda sucks.. :)
21:15.20filebrettnem: I use a CVS build
21:15.38brettnemfile: yeah, I was going to.. but the LCR module didn't compile right against it..
21:15.44nelok I will look at realtime
21:15.45brettnemfile: openser or ser?
21:15.47nelor rsync then
21:15.57brettnemnel: check out #exec for the config files.. very cool
21:16.06*** part/#asterisk krokas_ (
21:16.06nelwhat is that?
21:16.10brettnemfile: why not openser? they seem to know what they are doing?
21:16.23brettnemnel: go look it up
21:16.28jbotit has been said that docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
21:16.30filebrettnem: I don't use most of the stuff in SER to begin with
21:16.35filejust the core.
21:16.50brettnemwell if I could code in C, I'd probably do the same
21:17.03brettnemI'm a 30K foot kinda guy
21:17.11brettnemvery footsy aparently
21:17.22enderSo I have one * box at a location connected to a large PBX, then another * at our office connected to the sip phones.
21:17.50brettnemoh yay
21:17.53enderwhen calls come in throug the PBX (and eventually dedicated PRI) for the SIP phones, how do I ensure that caller ID passes through the IAX2 channel between the * systems?
21:18.23*** part/#asterisk alerios (n=alerios@
21:22.25Kattyto arms, me lads! the spoils of the snack machine shall be ours, to each in a fortieth share!
21:24.47SimonRHas anyone localized Asterisk by adding a new set of tones to the zaptel/zonedata.c?
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21:26.56bkw_SimonR, I think you actually add them to indications.conf also
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21:28.14imcdonaHas anyone had any luck connecting an Avaya system to asterisk via h.323?
21:28.27*** join/#asterisk epablo (n=epablo@
21:28.43epabloAnyone know what to do with this: Sep 19 18:28:10 NOTICE[31480]: rtp.c:298 process_rfc3389: RFC3389 support incomplete.  Turn off on client if possibl
21:29.08bkw_turn of silence supression
21:29.23epabloon the clients?
21:29.41Connor_would have to be, asterisk doesn't support it.
21:30.21epabloIs there a way of negotiating that?  setting it up in the sip.conf
21:31.03filenot particularly no
21:31.12*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
21:31.25fileAsterisk already sends a silencesupp element with no so the other side should respect that, but they don't
21:32.01epabloIt's weird.. I have 2 * boxes.. running 1.0.9.  both with the same clients.. All I did was change the IP's.  And they don't work on the new one
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21:38.10illc0mmanyone know of any IAX providers with e911 capability for 727 NPA
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21:48.00generalhanright now i have my extensions.conf file set up so that if any users picks up and dials a * plus their exten. it goes to the VoicemailMain, is there any way to make that two *s or something different than just an * ?
21:50.13CoffeeIV_when someone leaves a voicemail and exits after talking with a #, my new voicemail notification script runs correctly.  WHen they just hang up, it doesn't.  I think this is because the voicemail() app returns -1 on a hangup, just like there was an error.  That doesn't seem right -- how can I get Voicemail to not give -1 on a hangup, or work around this ?
21:50.13fileyes, change it in extensions.conf :)
21:53.41*** join/#asterisk nagl (n=nagl@
21:54.46generalhanfile: heres my issue, i really want to get the voicemail transfer to work. so i was gonna use _*XXXX with a blind transfer to get it to do that . but then i dont know how to get my VoicemailMain to work out. cause when i changes the * to something else, like exten=> 1XXXX,1, VoicemailMain .... it doesnt work. what exactly do i have to do ?
21:55.20*** join/#asterisk mariogamboa (n=sudaikdd@
21:55.24mariogamboahi all
21:55.37mariogamboai have a little problem with zap channels
21:55.57mariogamboatoday my zap channels works weird
21:56.28mariogamboai make group for my channel 3 4 5 6 7 assign group=0 and the channel 1 2 group 1
21:56.59*** part/#asterisk Primer (
21:57.33mariogamboabut when i dialout to zap/g0 try to make a call from ZAP/1-1  what happen ?
21:58.04mariogamboawhy asterisk try to make a call in the channel 1 is a extension channel
21:59.31mariogamboaany sugestions
22:01.28|Vulutre|Anyone here able to install spandsp3 on HEAD?
22:05.05WonkaDisconnected from Asterisk server
22:05.16CoffeeIV_I have a system() call I want to make after the Voicemail() call (when someone leaves a message).   If they exit the voicemail "nicely" by hitting #, my system call gets run.  If they just hang up after speaking like everyeone does, it doesn't.  I tried putting the system() at the n+101 extension for errors, but that didn't work either.  How can I run something after every voicemail message, even with the claller exits by hanging up ?
22:07.42*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (n=darkskie@
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22:13.48Ikarushrm, what is asterisk's own language supposed to resemble
22:13.52ianmCoffeeIV_: you could always hack * - especially the Hangup command ;)
22:14.09endercan somebody help me figure out why my zap calls get hung up as soon as something answers?
22:14.37ianmender: have you debugged ? at * cli ?
22:14.59X-RobIkarus - it's not supposed to resemble anything.
22:15.36IkarusX-Rob: it looks like an C collides with Perl thing
22:16.44enderianm: yeah, but I can't gind a way to debug zap specifically
22:16.50enderianm: all I get is:
22:17.01azzie_Ikarus, and with shell too
22:17.04SimonRbkw, with regard to the thing, can you elaborate?
22:17.19SimonRI was under the impression that indications.conf is only used to GENERATING tones
22:17.20ianmender: I see what you mean !!!
22:17.31SimonRrather than detecting tones from the local phone company
22:18.10Ikarusazzie_: ah, a mess
22:18.11*** join/#asterisk pressure_man (
22:18.15ianmender: so you have a call coming in on ZAP which is dialing an IAX2 account?
22:18.32enderianm: not really.
22:18.45pressure_manis there a way to include a file from extensions.ael?
22:19.49enderianm: I have sip phones which connect to an * box, this * box uses IAX2 to reach another * box which uses ZAP via a T1 card to a Fujitsu PXB.
22:19.56Ikarusah well, time to arrange the most dirt cheap VoIP phones for some testing at work
22:20.16azzie_Ikarus, somebody's fevered imagination ;-)
22:20.20ianmender: Wooo
22:20.39enderianm: basically when I try to call my cell phone from my office phone, it goes to the local * box -> remote * box -> Zap -> PBX -> World
22:20.47*** join/#asterisk phpboy (
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22:20.56X-RobIkarus - the PA1688 phones are good value.
22:20.56ianmender: ok - makes sense
22:21.01enderianm: it will ring the cell just fine, but as soon as I answer the cell, bam, hangup.
22:21.13phpboywhat's the url for the asterisk wiki?
22:21.16phpboyI forgot :<
22:21.29IkarusX-Rob: how close are those to dirt-cheap ?
22:21.35ianmender: hmmmm
22:21.36phpboythanks :D
22:21.41X-RobI think they're less than US$40 ea if you buy more than 50
22:21.50enderianm: I haven't begun to try the other way yet, DIDs may not be 'live'
22:21.54X-Robusually can pick 'em up on ebay for around $50.
22:22.00enderianm: is there a way to debug zap specifically?
22:22.10IkarusX-Rob: that is the nice direction
22:23.15ianmender: Have you looked at the full asterisk log in /var/log/asterisk ?
22:23.27enderianm: hrm, not yet.
22:23.28ianmender: on both boxes
22:24.35ianmender: That might give you some info... I know you can put a debug option onto zap - I think it's in the /etc/modules.conf file...
22:24.35enderianm: ah yes.
22:24.35ianmender: but that will show it ringing / answered etc... not much help I don't think....
22:24.35ianmender: anybody else got any good ideas ?
22:24.35enderianm: messages file doesn't show any call related stuff.
22:24.36ianmender: on debugging ZAP
22:24.36Hogiewill asterisk run on my xbox?
22:24.43ianmender: not /var/log/messages - but /var/log/asterisk/full
22:24.48X-RobHogie - yep
22:24.59ianmender: just tail -f it and watch it happen as you place the call
22:24.59enderianm: I don't have a full file.
22:25.10enderianm: I have /var/log/asterisk/messages.myhostname
22:25.12ianmender: really? what version do you have ?
22:25.15HogieI finally got my xbox colocated, just need to find a use for it
22:25.23ianmHogie: LOL
22:25.29X-Robender - put this in /etc/asterisk/logger.conf:
22:25.29X-Robfull => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose
22:25.32enderah, I have to add a full; line to logger.
22:25.47ianmender: sweet :)
22:25.57ianmX-Rob: awesome - thanks bud
22:26.35enderianm: still nothing call related.
22:26.48file[laptop]you coloed an xbox?
22:26.50file[laptop]now THAT, is scary
22:26.58*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (n=darkskie@
22:26.59ianmender: you'll need to reboot
22:27.14ianmender: I mean restart *
22:27.24phpboyfuck me
22:27.26darkskiezok, my adsl modem router reboots when I try and make a call with asterisk, sometimes.
22:27.28phpboywhat server room is that?
22:27.31FuriousGeorgeso i got this proprietary old school switched pbx at one of my location, and it has a lose line (a station) that no one is using.  we're slowly migrating to * but i was just thinking that migration would be smoother if i could take a call off that system
22:27.38Hogiefile: it runs linux, so why not colo it?
22:27.38darkskiezanyone heard of that?
22:27.41ianmHogie: that is tooooo funny !! LOL
22:27.48FuriousGeorgewhat are the odds this is possible?
22:27.56file[laptop]Hogie: because my name is Josh, that's a perfectly good reason - honest
22:28.13HogieLinux 2.4.22-xbox-Gentoox #1 Sat Jun 4 16:39:29 BST 2005 i686 Celeron (Coppermine) GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
22:28.13enderianm: I did
22:28.33ianmender: so do you see a file in /var/log/asterisk called full ?
22:28.43enderianm: yep, it only has daemon stuff in it.
22:28.46generalhanhey guys, im trying to get a voicemail transfer to work with a _*7XXX,1,Voicemail(u${EXTEN}) but i have already used the _*7XXX for the VoicemailMain command for users to check the VMs, is there another way to do it, like using 2 *s instead of one for the VMs ? or is there a different way to do a voicemail transfer ?
22:28.59X-Robhogie, go check asterisk out of CVS. Have fun 8)
22:29.15ianmHogie: let us know how it goes ;)
22:29.59CoffeeIV_generalhan: have you tried simply putting exten => _**7XXX in the .conf file ?
22:30.11generalhanand it doesnt work.
22:30.24generalhanthe call just terminates with a fast busy tone'
22:30.32HogieI wonder what I could actually do with it...
22:30.56CoffeeIV_generalhan: did give any errors in the /var/log/asterisk/full ?  or at the *CLI> prompt ?
22:31.11X-Robhogie - not much, really.
22:31.35generalhanno errors. i have the sip debug on, but it returns soo much that i cant really make anything out of it. would you like to see the output on the sip debug ?
22:32.21Hogiehmmm, I could make it a voicemail machine
22:32.26Hogieyeah, that would rock
22:32.30CoffeeIV_generalhan:  I'm not sure I could make any sense out of it.  can you just use _*8XXX or some other number and work around it that way ?
22:33.05*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
22:33.24BBHosshello all
22:33.53pressure_mancan asterisk 1.2 no longer '#include' files from sip.conf?
22:34.04BBHossanybody in here from around hunstville, al?
22:34.14X-Robpressure_man - that is incorrect. #include still works.
22:34.24pressure_manit doesn't for me
22:34.36generalhanCoffeeIV_: is there a way that i can have it put a "7" in front of that and take out the 8 in the code once they press that ?
22:34.41wunderkinBBHoss: umm.. digium?
22:34.46pressure_man#include './inc/' doesn't work
22:34.57ianmender: I wonder if a reboot would help out ? my full log shows everything that is happening .... it's huge - (I'm on * 1.2 b1 though)
22:35.18*** join/#asterisk Veto (
22:36.06X-Robpressure_man - try using two .'s
22:36.14enderianm: now I'm getting full logging.
22:36.18enderianm: ah more interesting stuff.
22:36.28enderSep 19 15:29:10 DEBUG[25348] channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: Zap/1-1
22:36.31CoffeeIV_generalhan: I have no idea what you mean by that . . . what numbers does the user press ?
22:36.32enderSep 19 15:29:10 DEBUG[25348] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels IAX2/asterisk@ and Zap/1-1
22:36.35enderSep 19 15:29:10 DEBUG[25348] chan_zap.c: Hangup: channel: 1 index = 0, normal = 9, callwait = -1, thirdcall = -1
22:36.37ianmender: excellent :)
22:36.37X-Roband you don't need to put 's around it
22:36.55enderBefore that:
22:36.56enderSep 19 15:29:10 DEBUG[25348] chan_zap.c: Exception on 9, channel 1
22:36.56enderSep 19 15:29:10 DEBUG[25348] chan_zap.c: Got event On hook(1) on channel 1 (index 0)
22:37.01ianmianm: hopefully that will help shed some light on your situation
22:37.14pressure_manX-Rob: my original was #include "./inc/" and that worked fine
22:37.22pressure_manthe lives in /etc/asterisk/inc/
22:37.41pressure_mani've tried explicitly specifying the path (instead of a relative path), but that doesn't work either
22:37.47X-Robso you don't need './'
22:38.04X-Rob#include inc/
22:38.07X-Robthat should work.
22:38.11generalhanok if the user wants to check their VMs they hit (lets say this is the person at exten 7000) *7000 when they pick up the phone. and it just asks for their password. no i need a way for people to do a voicemail transfer using _*7XXX,1,Voicemail(u${EXTEN}@default) but ofcourse that doesnt work cause *7000 would just take them to the VoicemailMain for exten 7000
22:39.09pressure_man#include inc/ still does not work
22:39.11*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (n=Brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
22:39.11enderianm: and then logging stopped.  WTF>
22:39.58MicC_hey guys
22:40.00ianmender: place a call and see if it shows up in the full log
22:40.02MicC_small problem
22:40.17BBHosssorry to interrupt your chain of thought, but does anyone know of a good wireless SIP phone or one that works well with *?
22:40.29MicC_I have 2 T1s and 2 D channels all plugged into the same Digium (TE210P lke the 410)
22:40.34MicC_first channel is up fine
22:40.37MicC_second isnot.
22:40.37enderianm: yeah, it stopped logging to full all of a sudden.
22:40.43ianmBBHoss: Good question - I'd like to know that too
22:40.56ianmender: what version are you using ?
22:40.58enderthis is annoying.  I can hear the first second or so.
22:41.10MicC_how should that exact config be build in /etc/zaptel.conf (assuming I have the signalling right)?
22:41.24MicC_I have bchan=1-23 and 25-47
22:41.28enderwell, it's not echo stuff, I disabled that no help.
22:41.33MicC_and D chan 24 and 48
22:41.35*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
22:41.58CoffeeIV_generalhan: you can either somehow check for what extension the person is calling from, and not ask the passwd in that case, or you can just use a different number than 7
22:42.06pressure_manhmm. permission denied
22:42.17ianmender: the full log should tell you why is hungup ~maybe~ or maybe it's a bug !!! Can you call another SIP ok ?
22:42.51pressure_manthe include files are chmod 644... why is that permission denied? is asterisk trying to write to them?!
22:43.20enderianm: yes, but other sips are all local, they don't involve the Zap.
22:43.27enderianm: it's only this T1 zap that isn't working.
22:43.57ianmender: right - I see - I'm sorry - I'm stuck for a good answer other than watch that full log
22:44.17enderyeah, if noly it would log to the full file...
22:44.35ianmYou might like to try a reboot ????
22:45.01ianmor restart syslog ? would that help guys ?
22:45.07enderperhaps, although extremely silly.
22:45.12ianmis syslog and asterisk loggin married ?
22:45.30enderit writes the daemon stuff to the full log, but no call stuff.
22:46.21phpboywhat's the name of that codec that runs at 1KB ?
22:46.42pressure_manX-Rob: solved
22:46.45enderok, this time I got call stuff.
22:47.02pressure_manX-Rob: the directory the includes live in need "other" right of at least read/execute
22:47.15pressure_manie, chmod 755
22:47.26ianmpressure_man: that is good to know :)
22:47.27pressure_manbut the includes themselves can be chmod 640
22:47.50pressure_mansorry, 644
22:48.07pressure_man(and probably 640, too.... ;-)
22:48.13pressure_mandepending on ownership
22:48.17phpboyis there anything special that you have to do with an installation of asterisk on gentoo?
22:48.19enderianm: damn nothing really there.
22:48.35pressure_manso, back to the original question - is there any way to #include files in extensions.ael?
22:48.48Corydon-wphpboy: well, cursing usually works for me...
22:49.17ianmender: is a reboot possible ?
22:49.39enderianm: I suppose... ain't going to help.
22:49.55*** join/#asterisk toddf (
22:50.08phpboyso nothing out of the ordinary?
22:50.10pressure_manis asterisk 1.2 still on target for a release this month? i read earlier they were aiming for sept 20, but that date might slide a bit...
22:50.22ianmender: sorry I'm not much help
22:50.52NORANDOMSanyone done php scripting with asterisk?
22:51.13CoffeeIV_Is there a way to use GotoIf to call an app (like Voicemail) and go to a specific extension if it returns -1 ?
22:51.27enderianm:  there is the call log from the system w/ the zap card.
22:51.42enderhrm, this is interesting.
22:52.04enderSep 19 15:40:39 DEBUG[25563] chan_iax2.c: We don't do requested format ulaw, falling back to peer capability 65407
22:52.29ianmender: a ha - a codec problem :)
22:52.34enderI wonder what would be keeping a system from doing ulaw...
22:52.51BBHosswould anybody recommend VoIP for a SMB?
22:53.08pressure_manserver message block?
22:53.08NORANDOMSvoip for a small business?
22:53.10BBHosssmall biz
22:53.14NORANDOMSyes of course
22:53.22BBHosswe have 3 lines
22:53.28NORANDOMSits way cheaper doing it yourself then paying a company to
22:53.32NORANDOMSand you get voicemail etc
22:53.36BBHoss2 for phones
22:53.41BBHoss1 for phone/fax
22:53.47NORANDOMSits up to you but i'd do it
22:54.06BBHosswhat connection wuld you recommend
22:54.20BBHossgot cbale ATM
22:54.22NORANDOMSwell i wuld just get 3 pstn lines
22:54.29ianmender: thanks for the pastebin
22:54.44NORANDOMSheh and connect them with $15 pci wildcat cards to the pbx
22:54.45enderianm: so I have the, any ideas why ulaw wouldn't be available?
22:54.49ianmIs this an ok error guys?
22:54.49BBHossi thought those were like regular lines
22:54.51ianmchan_zap.c: Exception on 9, channel 1
22:54.55NORANDOMSthey are
22:55.02enderianm: ltos of that yeah.
22:55.10NORANDOMSbut i didnt know if u wanted a voip pbx or voip phone provider
22:55.26BBHossi want to use * for voip
22:55.36NORANDOMSso you want a provider
22:55.37ianmI think I remember someone saying somewhere that it's IRQ sharing - and maybe changing the PCI slot would help.....anybody else ?
22:55.43NORANDOMSinstead of like AT&T
22:55.56BBHossi've got 2 pstn cards coming so i can play around with it
22:56.09NORANDOMSi'd just stick with pstn for now
22:56.29dextrois anyone here using app_valetparking or something similar?  I recently downloaded it from and after a little work getting it to compile it seems to function, I just wanted to know if anyone is using a more recent version that compiles cleanly or where people might be discussing using this app....
22:56.32BBHosswell then i won't get savings from voip
22:56.46enderianm: according to /proc/interrupts, the card is on it's own interrupt.
22:56.52ender185:    8074764    8130136   IO-APIC-level  wct2xxp
22:56.52ender193:     202928         46   IO-APIC-level  eth0
22:56.59NORANDOMSwhy did you order 2 pstn cards?
22:57.16BBHoss1 line a piece right?
22:57.19ianmender: ok - that blows that theory ;)
22:57.25BBHoss2 lines
22:57.29NORANDOMSbut whats the need if you want a voip provider?
22:57.42NORANDOMSdont need pstn if you want a provider of voip
22:57.54BBHossi want to set up the skeleton of the * network
22:58.01BBHossand add voip later
22:58.08NORANDOMSah ok then that makes sense
22:58.19NORANDOMSi would recommend that
22:58.32BBHossare there any providers that have line hunting?
22:59.12enderI guess I should find out what Exception 9 is
22:59.13NORANDOMSi'm new to all this. so what the hell is line hunting?
22:59.13BBHoss1633 busy --> ring 1518
22:59.13SimonRYou don't need hunting with voip
22:59.19SimonRAll calls go into the box in the same way
22:59.20*** join/#asterisk litage (n=nick@
22:59.24SimonRImagine you have an autoattendant
22:59.31NORANDOMSyour pbx takes control of line hunting
22:59.34SimonRyou could have 10 people listing to the "press 1 for sales" prompt at the same time
22:59.38NORANDOMSyou dont do it yourself
22:59.45NORANDOMSwell youd make your pbx do it
22:59.49NORANDOMSnot the phone co
23:00.07BBHossso two people can be on a voip line?
23:00.24tzangerBBHoss: depends on the provider but yes
23:00.50enderor more importantly, why ulaw isn't working.
23:00.58ianmender: I took a quick on google - I not seeing your exact expection....
23:01.00BBHosswhats a provider that can offer service in 256 areacode, and transfer my existing line to voip
23:01.12tzangerBBHoss: you want a consulting rate sheet/
23:01.15ianmender: someone said it was the call waiting indicator that gave then anothr exception....
23:01.42ianmender: maybe a look at the chan_zap source code might tell us why it's failing on exception 9 ?
23:01.49BBHossi just want to know who can take my number
23:01.53BBHossi want to keep 1633
23:01.57*** part/#asterisk pressure_man (
23:02.29mariogamboaanyone here have this problem i have my zap/g0 created with channels 34567 and group1 12 but when i make my trunk with zap/g0 and try to make a call the call goes to ZAP/1-1 no to ZAP/g0
23:02.50enderianm: you ran the same google I did.
23:03.18BBHosssomeone please give me a link to a good provider(s)
23:03.25*** join/#asterisk pussfeller (n=todd@
23:03.54ianmender: LOL
23:04.03*** part/#asterisk darkskiez (n=darkskie@
23:04.21*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
23:05.27riddleboxwhat gui tool do you guys use for asterisk?
23:05.47BBHossor whatever @home version uses
23:05.53ianmAnybody know if we can see the source code for chan_zap online ? rather than downloading the CVS ?
23:06.05Ariel_has anyone one here used bv and a sat connection?
23:06.06enderI still think it could be the ulaw problem.
23:06.30BBHossyeah amp
23:06.36ianmender: I think you're right - but that exception has complaining about something !!
23:06.43ianmender: often too !!
23:06.59Ariel_BBHoss, I use for one of my providers for inbound did as VoicePulse connection. There pretty good for iax2 setups.
23:07.13|Vulutre|Anyone install spandsp3 yet?
23:07.49enderthis full logging thing is pissing me off.
23:07.51Ariel_|Vulutre|, hello how are you doing? and not me yet
23:08.01|Vulutre|good, good, hows the weather Ariel_?
23:08.23|Vulutre|I just had to put that office in Miami in "Bad Weather Conditions"
23:08.45Ariel_starting to get windy and raining
23:08.48Ariel_off and on
23:09.40BBHossdamn this is kindof like phreaking in a way, all the telco terms and stuff :)
23:11.14JohnsieI use nano.
23:12.15|Vulutre|hmmm spandsp3 is confusing
23:12.20|Vulutre|no Makefile patch
23:13.34BBHossDigium is like located a few miles from me
23:13.37BBHosskindof cool
23:13.49BBHossnot really anything down here to be proud of
23:14.22|Vulutre|be nice if they fixed their compat. issues with the TE110P cards
23:14.58enderianm: hrm, nope.  Used alaw and no change.
23:15.40enderwait nope, says it can't do taht either.
23:16.06ianmender: !!!
23:16.33*** join/#asterisk bumblefsck (
23:16.36enderyeah, I'm thinking that there is a library issue.
23:16.56enderI think I may know...
23:17.19enderthis binary package put the x86_64 libraries in /usr/lib  rather than /usr/lib64
23:17.47enderno, thats not it.
23:18.10ianmwould you have to rerun ldconfig maybe
23:18.11*** part/#asterisk beeblebrox87 (n=beeblebr@
23:18.24ianmender: i bet it's already looking in their though'
23:19.25enderianm: it is.
23:19.43*** join/#asterisk LoRez_ (i=lorez@freenode/staff/lorez)
23:20.49ianmender: I think you're right - it's something to do with the codec.....
23:20.50*** join/#asterisk Corndawg_ (
23:22.03*** part/#asterisk roamer323 (
23:22.16enderianm: show audio codecs shows that it is there though.
23:24.08ianmender: hmmmm - I wish I could help you more - but I'm out of ideas.... sorry
23:24.29*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
23:25.29*** join/#asterisk beeblebrox87 (n=beeblebr@
23:27.04BBHossreformat, reinstall ;)
23:27.56beeblebrox87hey, i'm trying to connect to broadvoice over a satellite connection but my latency is too high so i when asterisk tries to make an outgoing call it gets kicked off before it can connect.  how can i get broadvoice to wait longer?
23:28.02*** join/#asterisk pussfeller (n=todd@
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23:29.17mcunixjrDarwin35 - liking new job?
23:30.21*** join/#asterisk clinthome (
23:31.10BBHossbroadvoice i think has its own config
23:33.02beeblebrox87BBHoss: where?
23:34.24*** join/#asterisk __Elf (
23:37.29*** join/#asterisk Johnsie (
23:42.19*** join/#asterisk scubasteve (
23:42.26scubasteveHey folks, long time no see!
23:42.40BBHosswheres a good providor for voip that will let me use my existing phone #?
23:42.51*** join/#asterisk bumblefsck (
23:43.13JerJerdepends if your existing number is portable and if there is a provider in your area
23:43.23BBHosswhy woukld it not be portable?
23:43.50BBHossan how would i get it portable if its not
23:44.21*** join/#asterisk rayvd (
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23:45.13BoyGeniusanybody what?
23:45.15*** join/#asterisk kEpEx (
23:45.56kEpExsomeone can give me a little of help in spanish
23:46.01BBHoss[18:43] <JerJer> depends if your existing number is portable and if there is a provider in your area
23:46.01BBHoss[18:43] <BBHoss> why woukld it not be portable?
23:46.01BBHoss[18:43] <BBHoss> an how would i get it portable if its not
23:47.15bumblefsckswm_ what city?
23:48.03Darwin35McUnix slow start but yes
23:48.23Darwin35and now comes the fun of rolloing into the job and just go
23:49.01swm_Salem, Oregon
23:49.37mcunixjrDarwin35 - Dave was nice today - stayed on the line and helped me figure out --- one should never put '-' in the DID config for inbound numbers :)
23:50.16swm_~jbot dict fart
23:51.00swm_~bitchslap bkw_
23:51.01jbotACTION beats the sh*t out of bkw_
23:51.46swm_~kill boygenius
23:51.48jbotACTION shoots a super-inverse tachyon gun at boygenius
23:52.07jbotkitty is, like, the best kitty that soviet has
23:52.22jbotjbot: woem
23:52.54enderleave the fucking bot alone.
23:53.36jboti heard christ is less popular than the Beatles
23:54.03swm_~beat ender
23:54.04jbotACTION beats ender with a large stick.
23:55.08bkw_swm_, i'll unimatrix your ass upside the head if you don't stop it
23:55.12enderswm_: grow up.
23:55.44*** join/#asterisk MamboKing (
23:56.53MamboKinganyone know of any testing going on with VoIP providers in Canada? :)
23:57.17generalhananyone here use voicepulse wholesale service ?
23:58.26beeblebrox87i'm trying to connect to broadvoice over a satellite connection but my latency is too high so when asterisk tries to make an outgoing call it gets kicked off before it can connect.  how can i get broadvoice to wait longer?
23:58.31MamboKingI have a test box I'd like to use to call montreal from hamilton ontario :) need to demo it
23:59.26bumblefsckdon't most US SIP providers also cover canada?  do you need a canada area c ode?
23:59.39BBHossbye all
23:59.53MamboKingno, doesn't matter where the provider is from at all

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.