irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050917

00:00.12athomsok returns makefile:172: target 'ztdummy.o' given more than once in same rule.
00:00.16swm_Topic: BKW RULES!!!! Brain Surgery Sucks! || RPID => || 488 codec error should be gone!!! || APPEND_ANI2 will now have XX digits ie 07 instead of just 7., thanks smcmahon for testing this for me <<--- I get credit YEAH
00:00.42athomsmake devices returns makefile:172: target 'ztdummy.o' given more than once in same rule.
00:01.21athomsdoes this mean there is an error in the makefile script?
00:01.32darkskiezcould do
00:01.50darkskiezlook at the commands it does in the makefile
00:01.52darkskiezand run them
00:01.57darkskiezjust a bunch of mknod's
00:02.22Kattyi can't believe it's a friday night and i'm not doing anything.
00:02.34darkskiezI dont feel well
00:02.34fugitivoKatty: why not?
00:02.41darkskiezThats my excuse
00:02.47athoms172 is a line#  ??
00:03.15FuriousGeorgethis started happening today when i call out.  can someone translate for me:
00:03.21FuriousGeorgeSep 16 14:38:51 WARNING[12459]: chan_iax2.c:5553 socket_read: Call rejected by No authority found
00:03.56*** part/#asterisk apeman (
00:04.09*** join/#asterisk redder86 (
00:04.33FuriousGeorgeiax2 show registry reports no problems, incoming calls still work fine
00:04.43Kattyfugitivo: cause there's no one around in mootown moossouri
00:04.55fugitivoKatty: meet new people
00:05.14Kattyfugitivo: blah. what people.
00:05.19Kattyfugitivo: christians?
00:05.25Kattyfugitivo: televangelists?
00:05.34Kattyfugitivo: my mother's best friends?
00:06.35fugitivoplay a multiplayer game
00:07.00Kattynone at my parent's house.
00:07.07Kattythis is dialup
00:07.45fugitivoplay with asterisk
00:07.53Kattyasterisk is at work
00:08.00fugitivoplay solitaire
00:08.03Kattyi am not at work
00:08.06swm_Why dont they install GMRS and FRS Capabilities into cell phones?
00:09.07fugitivog++: Internal error: Killed (program cc1plus)
00:09.39f0urtyfiveHey anyone want to take a look at this: compile error at help me figure out why it doesnt compile? :P
00:09.58twisted[asteria]Katty, dialup? yuck!
00:10.25Kattytwisted[asteria]: kidnap me from my mother's house.
00:10.32Kattytwisted[asteria]: and hurry
00:10.44twisted[asteria]Katty, you know I would
00:10.53twisted[asteria]if I had the means
00:11.19athomswhat is fcstab defined but not used?
00:11.57twisted[asteria]f0urtyfive, because the code is broken.
00:11.58Darwin35me so happy
00:12.17twisted[asteria]Katty, i'm sorry :(
00:12.18f0urtyfivetwisted[asteria]: Gah....
00:12.37twisted[asteria]anywho.. back to work for me :/
00:13.06Darwin35paid training and then move into the job
00:13.12Darwin35start oct 3rd
00:13.29f0urtyfivetwisted[asteria]: Any suggestions on alternatives?
00:14.08*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
00:15.01Kattytwisted[asteria]: s'ok.
00:15.10Kattytwisted[asteria]: i shall demand a raincheck anyway.
00:16.51*** join/#asterisk newl (
00:16.54swm_Katty is top amongst female computer users in the world. She is one to be listened to. -Steve
00:18.03twisted[asteria]Katty, rainchecks are good for 362.9 days
00:18.04*** join/#asterisk DigitalGod (
00:18.19Kattytwisted[asteria]: you better post date it then.
00:18.46swm_9/11/2006 ... The fall of the US once again
00:18.47twisted[asteria]Katty, hmm... yummy forgery :)
00:19.37mishehuKitty Katty
00:19.51mishehuthe chocolate wafer fingers of asterisk
00:19.53swm_Doba youba haveba alotaba funba inba hereba?
00:20.15*** part/#asterisk mtc (
00:20.37mishehuBlood is red, bruises are blue...  when strangers come here, we run them through!
00:20.48swm_My German Sheppard likes kitty's... smells them but doesn't eat them....
00:21.09Kattymishehu: yay!
00:21.10mishehu..blackmange rhymes with orange...   all the stars in their courses...  ...cannot catch their horses?
00:21.39swm_How do you stop a black child from jumping on the bed?
00:21.50swm_... Put velcro on the ceiling :)
00:22.01*** kick/#asterisk [swm_!n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted] by twisted[asteria] (keep your racial slurs out of here.)
00:22.13Qwellthank you
00:22.19*** join/#asterisk swm_ (
00:22.26swm_Woah that was a first
00:22.44twisted[asteria]won't be the last if i see more
00:24.50Kattyc is for cookie.
00:24.58Kattyand cat.
00:25.00swm_Blonde jokes okay in here? heh
00:25.32*** join/#asterisk phpboy (
00:25.34twisted[asteria]yea, but i'd rather put cookie in my mouth than cat.
00:25.49phpboywho's got a nice how-to on howto setup a duxbury ISDN card?
00:25.50Kattyi agree.
00:26.00Qwellthere are other "C" words I'd not put in my mouth
00:26.10twisted[asteria]i hear that.
00:26.31Qwellfiguring out those words will be left as an exercise for the reader
00:26.50phpboyof course to make it work with asterisk
00:27.14mishehuQwell: c...   unt?
00:27.23swm_oh shit
00:27.45swm_Qwell that wasn't very nice
00:28.20swm_I was thinking of the word cough
00:28.21phpboyplease help me friends :<
00:28.32f0urtyfivemishehu: If you can find one of those you can actually stick into your mouth, I dont think its named right ;)
00:28.33swm_friends are people I know
00:28.42Kattyphpboy: i don't have one.
00:28.55Qwellphpboy: if anybody knew, they'd help if they felt like it..
00:28.57twisted[asteria]uhm, i don't think duxbury is supported
00:29.04swm_katty: maybe a strap-on :)
00:29.05twisted[asteria]phpboy, and if it is, contact the vendor/mfg.
00:29.13mishehuf0urtyfive: appearantly you've never gone down on a girl before.
00:29.16swm_sorry twisted
00:29.22phpboyI'll aks google
00:29.33twisted[asteria]drumkilla, what's alamp?
00:29.37f0urtyfivemishehu: Or you've gone down on some very freaky ones
00:29.38drumkillatwisted[asteria]: I DUNNOWR!
00:29.38Qwella lamp?
00:29.39mishehuif it comes in contact with your tongue, it counts as being 'in' your mouth
00:29.47twisted[asteria]drumkilla, k just checking ;)
00:29.56swm_~jbot dict strapon
00:30.05swm_~jbot dict strap-on
00:30.07twisted[asteria]drumkilla, when you dragging your drum killing buttox back to HSV?
00:30.12mishehuf0urtyfive: hey, to satisfy your narrow definition of "in the mouth", the girl could have a big clit.
00:30.13drumkillatwisted[asteria]: who knows
00:30.14Qwellswm_: stop abusing the bot, its annoying
00:30.22twisted[asteria]swm_, calm yourself or be calmed :P
00:30.37swm_pop's a valium
00:30.43twisted[asteria]k good ;)
00:30.48drumkilla~thwack twisted[asteria]
00:30.49jbotACTION hits twisted[asteria] on the finger with a Holy Bible
00:30.55Kattymishehu: you can give live demos in chicago instead!
00:30.56mishehuespecially since a portion of the channel wouldn't be interested.
00:31.05swm_~beat everyone
00:31.07jbotACTION beats everyone with a large stick.
00:31.07twisted[asteria]Katty, !?
00:31.08Qwellwoah, where'd that come from?
00:31.15twisted[asteria]that was random :P
00:31.18mishehuKatty: were you volunteering as a participant?
00:31.24Kattymishehu: pfft.
00:31.30Kattymishehu: i'll be a virgin awhile longer, kthxbi.
00:31.32drumkillasmells like tuna in here.  wtf
00:31.35jbot[beat] noooo
00:31.58swm_~fuck myself
00:32.01mishehufile: stop chasing your tail
00:32.08swm_ah jbot needs that comand
00:32.14mishehuKatty: *shrug*  your loss
00:32.22filedrumkilla: how are you Mr. Bryant?
00:32.23Kattymishehu: hmm, not really (=
00:32.29drumkillafile: tipsy
00:32.48mishehu"we come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill..."
00:32.51phpboyI searched google and the first hit was the supplier of the hardward
00:33.03mishehuKatty: no!  he's chasing his tail already, don't give him any more sugar.
00:33.15*** part/#asterisk obsidian-studios (
00:33.19Kattymishehu: he'll wear himself out.
00:33.46swm_Katty: Ever put sesame oil on a kitty's nose :)
00:33.55Kattyswm_: no.
00:33.56X-Robthe grandstream guys are on my asterisk box _right now_
00:34.08X-Robmaking the GXP work with SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY
00:34.09swm_Katty: They go crazy
00:34.15Kattyswm_: i see.
00:34.23mishehuKatty: if I remember being a child once, it takes a while for that to happen
00:34.45Kattymishehu: k.
00:34.53Kattyswm_: it is not polite to slap me.
00:36.31mishehubefore I call the Human Society
00:36.52swm_Human society? lol
00:37.13swm_I hope human's wont have to wear tags around thier necks soon
00:37.24mishehuswm_: how about the chip in your head?
00:37.26*** part/#asterisk Samoied (
00:37.47mishehufeeding your thoughts back to the gov't.
00:37.49swm_I wouldn't mind having the cellular phone implanted in my head lol
00:38.00mishehuI would.
00:38.08mishehuI get enough calls as it is already.
00:38.23swm_They wll have a automatic ass wiper installed in your ass before they have a chip in the head
00:38.58swm_I dont see why they dont have FRS and GMRS capabilities installed in cell phones yet lol
00:39.40swm_Anyone know how to short out a fiber optic grid ?
00:39.54Qwellshort fiber?
00:40.00swm_Heh yeah
00:40.01f0urtyfiveswm_: Your FRS antenna would be the size of your phone
00:40.05QwellI don't know...shine a flashlight into it?
00:40.09f0urtyfiveswm_: and it would eat batteries like no tommorrow
00:40.19Qwellf0urtyfive: It could pull power from you
00:40.25swm_Change the batteries
00:40.32swm_Larger load
00:40.43f0urtyfiveUhh... and how do you "short" light?
00:40.48swm_Solar cell phones :) w/ battery for night :)
00:41.19RickTickhello all: What is the best priced/performance 4 or 8 port gateway for prepaid calling?  Any suggestions would help.
00:41.21swm_Umm. Shorting light... Umm. Put a 5 watt laser into a transmission box and pull the sheilding off the fiber?
00:41.54f0urtyfiveyou would only be able to cause packet loss on one strand at a time
00:41.59f0urtyfiveif you hit it with a laser
00:42.14f0urtyfiveunless you could somehow get em lined up or something
00:42.15swm_Umm, one strand? With a 5 watt laser? Hmm
00:42.41X-Roband only on one frequency of light in the cable
00:43.03f0urtyfivedidnt think of that
00:43.08Qwelljust bend it a little bit
00:43.09swm_What if you overpower the light going down all the cables at once?
00:43.20X-Robswm_ - you ever used a prism?
00:43.20f0urtyfiveswm_: Why not just cut it with scissors?
00:43.35f0urtyfiveAnd then cut it again a few feet a way
00:43.42f0urtyfivefiber is a bitch to splice in another few feet
00:43.45swm_I was thinking more of the lines as just not cutting them and making it seem like they were cut
00:43.57swm_splicing them back together anyways is expensive after thier cut
00:44.45X-Robcut a fibre in _three_ places, all spaced 2m apart.
00:45.01swm_Why not crystalize them with agron gas lol
00:45.13X-Robthey'll fix both ends and only discover the third one after they'd put it all back together again
00:45.44X-Rob(I know this from experience 8-\)
00:45.52f0urtyfiveX-Rob: Their was some contractor back a few weeks ago that sliced a thousand strand cable outside a datacenter
00:45.58swm_wonder if you could tap into a fiber transmission box underground and intercept the information some how
00:46.02f0urtyfivehad guys splicing for days :P
00:46.20f0urtyfiveswm_: I believe the FBI "supposedly" has something that can bend the fiber and read some of the light
00:46.28f0urtyfiveswm_: Otherwise you'd have to install a tap into the circuit
00:46.59swm_but you would also have to know what kind of information is transmitting down it,. hardward on both sides, etc.
00:47.11f0urtyfivethats the easy part after tapping it :P
00:47.21f0urtyfiveyou'd also need equipment to tap it with, and software :P
00:47.32f0urtyfivehonestly, I dont see the point :P
00:47.58swm_Just a curiosity. Ideas are what makes america so powerful heh
00:48.18*** join/#asterisk kshumard_home (
00:48.35swm_"The Ability of disagree and agree is what america is based on"
00:49.33swm_Anyone ever make a magnesium bomb in high school chemistry class? heh
00:50.06swm_Ya mix Hydrochloric Acid and Magnesium together and it creates a highly explosive gas :)
00:50.22X-Robuh. Hydrogen
00:50.36X-Robyou can make it easier with a battery and some distilled water.
00:50.41swm_Liquid Plumber, Water and Tin Foil/Aluminum Foil makes Hydrogen Gas tooo
00:50.53*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
00:51.32swm_in massive amounts
00:52.14yaboois there a free g729 codec or do I need to buy them from digium?
00:52.27Qwellno such thing as a free g729 codec
00:52.32swm_You need to buy it
00:52.37swm_Pay lots of money
00:52.59mog_homeall of 10 dollars
00:53.07swm_for one license
00:53.12yaboothanks for the info
00:53.15swm_for 1 call
00:53.19yabooneed to buy two licenses I guess
00:53.22mog_homethose guys are lame
00:53.35swm_So if you have 100 calls
00:53.37swm_100 licenses
00:53.40*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
00:53.48shido6where's the debian guy, I fixed his box
00:53.52swm_Nothing really special about G.729 besides the lower bandwith
00:53.58mog_homeif you need 100 transcodes
00:54.03mog_homeand it sounds good
00:54.14swm_Why not just hack it so you dont need a license?
00:54.28mog_homebreaking the law?
00:54.28Qwellswm_: because that would be illegal
00:54.57swm_LOL so what? people download 10000000000000000000000000's of MP3's every day and nothing is really happening to stop that
00:55.10Qwellcopyright != patent
00:55.17mog_homebut swm_ is right
00:55.29mog_homeyou will never get caught for massive violation in licenses
00:55.38mog_homebut it is amoral to violate and dangerous for a biz
00:55.43mog_homebecause if bsa comes down on you
00:55.46swm_There is so much illegal stuff going on I dont think any law enforcement agency has the power to stop even 3% of it
00:55.47mog_homeyou get screwed
00:56.15mog_homethey are the software police
00:56.27mog_homepeople rat out where they work
00:56.27swm_I have not herd of them yet lol
00:56.34shido6BSA? /etc/hosts.deny
00:56.35mog_homeand then they do full audit
00:56.43jbotmethinks bsa is the business software alliance, or spreaders of lies
00:57.01mog_homeyeah that is true
00:57.12swm_full audit? Elaborate
00:57.35mog_homethink like the irs
00:57.39mog_homefor software
00:57.53mog_homebut they often extort millions from companies
00:57.59mog_homethey are bad news
00:58.18Kyreethmog: It's easier to pay them than suffer the audit; it'll close your business down for a week or more.
00:58.24swm_Business Software Alliance (BSA). The BSA is based in Washington, D.C., and promotes the continued growth of the software industry through its international programs designed to eradicate software piracy. BSA conducts enforcement, public policy, and education activities in more than 60 countries, including the United States. Worldwide enforcement activities are a critical part of BSA’s response to software piracy. Worldwide, 1993 settlements were in the
00:58.36mishehubsa == Big Stupid Assholes
00:58.48mog_homebut at same time people that break software law suck
00:58.50mog_homein my opinon
00:58.55mog_homeif you dont like g729 rules
00:58.58mog_homedont play there game
00:59.00mog_homei dont
00:59.03mog_homeand i love my gsm codec
00:59.06mog_homeas it is free beer
00:59.16Qwellwait, repeat that?
00:59.18swm_I like ULAW I am not picky
00:59.20Kyreethmog: Certainly. Free is good, no audits necessary. Much peace of mind. :>
00:59.21QwellIf you use gsm, you get free beer?
00:59.34mishehumog_home: though I must say, g729 sounds better than gsm
00:59.38swm_I do have 8 729 License tho lol
00:59.42mishehuI've been using speex when I can.
00:59.45mog_homewell than pay there money
00:59.48mog_homebut i use gsm
00:59.51mog_homeas it sounds fine to me
01:00.03mog_homeand is itty bitty
01:00.05swm_Everything sounds great to me here. Any codec is fine
01:00.05mishehubut right now I can't use my 5 licenses of g729, because it won't load in 1.2.0b1 for some reason.  :-/
01:00.07mog_homeand not hard on my slow comp
01:00.16swm_Bitch at Digium
01:00.22swm_Run 1.0
01:00.23mog_homecan i check
01:00.38swm_Uh huh
01:00.45mishehuswm_: 1.0 won't run on this machine.
01:00.54mog_homewell /me works for digium
01:01.12swm_I'm sorry lol
01:01.37mog_homewhat happens when you try to load?
01:01.42Kyreethmog: Hey, really? Don't suppose you work on the PRI stuff? I've got a problem with PRI bridged calls, PROGRESS doesn't get passed on. :>
01:02.02mog_homewhat is being bridged?
01:02.03Qwellmog_home: shouldn't have opened your big mouth. :p
01:02.03swm_When I try to load? heh Lots of white stuff comes shooting out and squirts all over the place
01:02.30swm_couldn't hold that back
01:02.31Kyreethmog: 4-port T1 card, call comes in on span 2, goes out span 3.
01:02.37mog_homeoh okay
01:02.43mog_homeand both are pri?
01:02.54swm_Is it a digium card? Thats your problem
01:03.10Kyreeth versus
01:03.14mog_homeoww oww
01:03.32mog_homemmm tasty
01:03.41mog_homelike pickles
01:03.47drumkilla/kick swm_ mog_home
01:03.50swm_Dont tell me where you like them tho
01:03.50tzangermmm rainbow trout
01:03.55mog_homehey now
01:04.01mog_homedrumkilla where are you
01:04.04mog_homeits been like 2 months
01:04.05drumkillamog_home: on my way
01:04.06mog_homeand no lunch
01:04.51drumkillamog_home: astricon?
01:05.06mog_hometwice i think
01:05.28swm_* /shutup mog_home REASON: Digium scum
01:05.36*** join/#asterisk valence (
01:05.42mog_homeswm_ wtf?
01:05.51mog_homewhy you gotta hat
01:06.10swm_wtf = Water the Flowers
01:06.12drumkillamog_home: yeah, speaking
01:06.14drumkillaabout DUNDi
01:07.28drumkillaenough beating/slapping/killing/whatever
01:07.44mog_homestop the violence increase the peace
01:07.50mishehuswm_: if you feed that to me, I will aim for you.
01:07.58drumkilla#asterisk should be a happy place
01:08.17mishehudrumkilla: it would be if I knew why g729 wasn't working for me...  ;-)
01:08.21mog_homeamen love freedom and telephony for all
01:08.31drumkillamishehu: what error do you get when you load it
01:08.40drumkillait works fine for me (as well as many other people)
01:08.44drumkilladid you change NICs?
01:10.02mishehudrumkilla: can't find one
01:10.13mishehuit says it's loaded when I do "show modules like g729"
01:10.27mishehuthere's, and
01:10.30drumkillaso what's your problem
01:11.05X-Rob-- Saved useragent "Grandstream GXP2000" for peer 401
01:11.16mishehudrumkilla: show translation shows no statistics for g729, and when a few of our devices try to use g729, it drops the connection saying that it can't transcode g729 to slin
01:11.34drumkillaand load
01:11.36drumkillaany output?
01:11.54mishehuSep 16 20:11:42 WARNING[1730]: loader.c:131 ast_unload_resource: Firm unload failed for
01:12.18drumkillawell blah!
01:12.22drumkillathat doesn't help :)
01:12.33mishehuI know, I already tried that.  ;-)
01:12.34drumkillaput noload => in modules.conf
01:12.36drumkillarestart asterisk ...
01:12.42drumkillathen load
01:12.43mishehuhmm that I didn't think of.
01:12.45drumkillaand see if it says anything
01:13.28drumkillaswm_: enough
01:13.36bkw__yes please
01:13.39bkw__thats just gross
01:14.02swm_Oh wow it's bkw
01:14.15swm_My Idol
01:14.15mishehu== Found total of 0 G.729 licenses
01:14.21bkw__who is swm_?
01:14.31mog_homereregister mishehu?
01:14.36mishehuwtf???????? why the hell would I have to re-register the damn module if I didn't touch the file??
01:14.42mog_homegot me
01:14.44drumkillais the license file there?
01:14.47mog_homei can increment your account
01:14.48mishehumog_home: I can't.
01:14.50mog_homeif that is a problem
01:14.59mog_homejust msg me the key
01:15.25bkw__whats the w for?
01:15.27smcmahonOh BKW
01:15.28mishehu./register: relocation error: ./register: symbol __guard, version GLIBC_2.3.2 not defined in file with link time reference
01:15.44drumkillayou have the wrong register app version
01:15.46smcmahonCome out come out wherever you are
01:16.03mishehudrumkilla: yeah, well, it would be nice if the RIGHT one was available for download
01:16.11drumkillamishehu: it is
01:16.15mishehuand if I knew which one it was too
01:16.22mog_homeheh sorry for problemos
01:16.22Juggiejust steal it :P
01:16.26mishehudrumkilla: got a url handy?
01:16.32mog_homebad juggie
01:16.56drumkillaminus that last character ...
01:17.34smcmahonwoah a ELF Binary
01:17.49drumkillajust go there and get whichever one you didn't get last time :)
01:19.40DigitalGodBKW: W = William
01:19.55mog_homenice try though
01:20.07smcmahonS W M Stephen William McMahon
01:20.10mishehu'G729-48896B8C' is registered to a different host and has already changed Host-ID's
01:20.12mishehuonce.  You must contact Digium to be able to re-register this key again.
01:20.14smcmahonBrian Karl West?
01:20.19mog_homei got your mishehy
01:20.24mishehuNOOOOO, it's the same g0ddamn machine
01:20.26mog_homebut next time
01:20.30smcmahonBKW = Big Kreaming Weiner ?
01:20.30mog_homedont post key in channel...
01:21.09drumkillamishehu: did you change network cards?
01:21.30mog_homeno his .lic file went missing
01:21.36*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
01:21.43drumkillamog_home: oh
01:21.46drumkillathat's what i thought
01:21.54mishehudrumkilla: not unless I did so magically...  or unless udev reversed the shit recently.
01:22.02generalhani need some help setting up my Cisco 7960 ... can anyone hlpe me out please ?
01:22.04drumkillanah, if your .lic file is gone, that is it
01:23.20generalhani have all my cisco 7960a at work up and running, but i cant get mine at home to work ... can anyone lend me some advice as to what im doing wrong
01:23.35smcmahon says .BKW =  FontEdit Fontset Mirror Image
01:26.05*** join/#asterisk roterdan (
01:26.51smcmahonSWM = Single White male...
01:27.09mog_homethere is a suprise ^_^
01:27.12Qwellsome weird moron
01:27.37smcmahonWoo Hoo
01:27.42smcmahonWhooptie Fucking Doo
01:28.56*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
01:28.58smcmahonQwell: Qweer with excentric little labeto
01:29.11QwellQwell will eventually learn linux
01:29.21bkw__learn linux? or learn it sucks
01:29.22X-RobWooo. Shiny 19" LCD monitor
01:29.34smcmahonQueer will eventually learn linux ... Good one ...
01:29.44generalhanQwell: i need some help... what do i have to do differently to get my phone to work from home? i already have my router at work port forwarding to the asterisk box and my phone connects to it, but cant make a call, or recieve one. with no error messages in the console. any ideas ?
01:29.52Qwellgot me
01:30.08smcmahonHis port is forwarded
01:30.15smcmahonFirewall is not an issue
01:30.27Qwellforwarded != open
01:30.32mog_homethank you
01:30.34generalhanim using a cisco 7960 and i KNOW it got to the box because the picture and lines all showed up
01:30.54smcmahonUmm is it configured in sip.conf :)
01:31.03*** part/#asterisk cuga_ (
01:31.25generalhani know cause when i do an extension dial to that extension it doesnt give me an "invalid extension" message
01:31.34generalhanit trys to go to that ext. and just hangs up
01:31.37smcmahonhave your phone reconnect to the asterisk box and try to make a call, and pastebin it :)
01:31.51smcmahonIs it in a valid context?
01:32.11generalhanand i get nothing in the console
01:32.17generalhanohh duh ! LOL
01:32.18smcmahonsip debug
01:32.23generalhanhang on ill debug on it and pastebin it
01:33.55*** join/#asterisk Moc (
01:34.37smcmahonSome of the most simplest things can be a debug command
01:36.10mishehumog_home: where is the .lic file?  I think I'll make a backup of it, but don't see it.
01:36.31drumkillamishehu: /var/lib/asterisk/licenses
01:36.33drumkillai think ...
01:36.38mog_homestupid irc
01:36.41mog_homei said that
01:36.43mishehudrumkilla: ah ok.
01:36.47mog_homebut didnt put anything before it
01:36.53mog_homethought it was an ugly command
01:37.02smcmahonanyone use IAX2/guest@
01:37.03drumkillamog_home: surrrrrrrrrre
01:37.35mog_homeisnt that bkw_ chat line
01:37.40generalhan thats what keeps scrolling in the debug mode
01:37.46*** kick/#asterisk [smcmahon!n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla] by drumkilla (wtf)
01:38.03*** join/#asterisk smcmahon (
01:38.46DigitalGodDefine: SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
01:39.08X-Robfucking cocksucker
01:39.18X-Robdo you _really_ think we're going to hack your phone if you don't censor the IP address?
01:39.39DigitalGodHow do you hack a softphone?
01:39.46wunderkini dont think that smcmahon got his ritalin today
01:39.48generalhanits not a softphone
01:40.22generalhanand you guys all know soo much about linux and ports and this and that, that has my work domain IP and my home domain IP in it im just being careful
01:40.23X-Robwell, generalhan aka mr dickhead, '' is trying to regigster with the wrong password.
01:40.37X-RobI'm now going to go off and sulk somewhere.
01:41.03smcmahonwell if you ran Nessus aginst your network you would know of all the problems
01:41.10mishehuis it that time of the month here again?
01:41.24X-RobNo, it's just me raginging against the machine.
01:41.27generalhansmcmahon: what do you mean ?
01:41.35X-Robsmcmahon - *laugh*
01:41.40smcmahonLook up a linux application called Nessus
01:41.46X-RobHow naieve
01:42.01smcmahonWow what a name X-Rob
01:42.12X-RobI'm being a right arsehole today, aren't I.
01:42.20QwellX-Rob: a poorly spelling one, at that
01:42.22smcmahonNawh LEFT
01:42.29X-RobQwell - indeed.
01:42.39Qwellregigster, raginging, naieve
01:42.49X-RobIt must be the new monitor.
01:42.54X-RobX-rays in my brain.
01:43.01X-Rob...or something like that...
01:43.02smcmahonNot enough lead sheilding ?
01:43.43smcmahonX-Rob: Probally smoked one too many blunts
01:43.53X-RobI think that coz I've moved my keyboard around, I'm not used to typing in this position. However, it does seem to be better for RST-avoidance.
01:44.15smcmahonwhat are you typing doggy style? heh
01:44.36X-RobYou're 15, right?
01:44.46QwellX-Rob: get out of my head
01:44.48smcmahonYah thats it
01:44.58X-RobQwell - heh.
01:45.14smcmahonGeeze.. Amazing... I grew up I thought I was 3
01:45.39smcmahonI thought age went down instead of up.
01:46.09smcmahonAlso thought earth was flat but some guy 2000 years ago said otherwise
01:46.43X-Robuh, about 300 years, wasn't it?
01:46.49X-Robthe 2000 year old guy said it _was_
01:46.49smcmahonLOL I'm not counting
01:48.08smcmahonMaybe they restarted the server who knows
01:48.48smcmahon~beat drumkilla
01:48.52jbotACTION beats drumkilla with a large stick.
01:49.21smcmahonWell you all have fun in here dont help to many people, I have to go out and eat with my lovely wife
01:49.41harryvvA report from new oreleans that said the phone lines were all down but there was some office with internet. firefighter started 5 vonage accounts and starting making calls out.
01:50.11*** join/#asterisk __Elf (
01:51.05harryvvebay bought skype for 2.5 billion dollars amazing.
01:51.09X-RobOK. I think this is better.
01:51.14harryvvor was that google
01:51.22X-Robharryvv - ebay bought skype.
01:52.03mog_home2.6 i thought
01:52.13mog_homelike 100+ a user
01:53.14FuriousGeorgeharryvv: especially amazing when you consider how superior gizmo is already
01:53.21FuriousGeorgebut maybe they got big plans
01:54.17FuriousGeorgedoes anyone know what it means when outgoing calls get denied with a  chan_iax2.c:5553 socket_read: Call rejected by No authority found
01:54.48*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
01:55.19X-RobFuriousGeorge - wants a username and password
01:55.38FuriousGeorgeX-Rob: i gave it one!
01:55.56FuriousGeorgeand iax2 show registry shows up as registered
01:56.04X-Robregistration is for _Receiving_ calls
01:56.09X-Robnot _making_ calls
01:56.19X-Robregistration tells the other machine 'This is where I am'
01:57.47FuriousGeorgeX-Rob: i put fromuser and uthuser= my username in my user entry for provider
01:58.01KattyFuriousGeorge: cute.
01:58.09FuriousGeorgethanks ;)
01:58.59KattyJunK-Y: hallo.
01:59.26X-RobFuriousGeorge - try, as a test, 'Dial(IAX2/foo:blah@'
01:59.34X-Robeg, specify the username and password there
02:00.21FuriousGeorgeill give it a whirl
02:01.11Kattyi suddenly feel like singing the grease song.
02:01.22Kattygrease lightening, or whatever.
02:02.11X-Robgreased lighnting is the _car_ song.
02:02.25X-RobBut that reminds me, I gotta put in my new audigy2 and firewire card.
02:02.44X-RobBTW: For anyone interested, Mini-DV Cameras are now _stupidly_ cheap.
02:02.58X-RobWe paid AU$600 for a 20x zoom camera the other day
02:03.11X-Rob(which is about US$1.43 or something like that)
02:03.27FuriousGeorgestill no authority
02:03.33FuriousGeorgeu sure thats a credentials issue?
02:03.38X-RobNo. I'm not.
02:03.43X-RobBut you're out of my clue-level there.
02:03.50FuriousGeorgei cant think of another place to put my login and password
02:03.52X-RobGoogle for iax no authority?
02:03.53FuriousGeorgewhats that mean?
02:04.11X-RobFuriousGeorge - I don't use IAX very much, so I don't know. Sorry.
02:06.39f0urtyfiveX-Rob: 20x optical zoom or digital?
02:06.56X-Rob'seven BILLION digital zoom'
02:06.59f0urtyfive600 Australian dollars = 461.1 U.S. dollars
02:07.01X-Robor something like that.
02:07.28f0urtyfiveit good quality?
02:07.30X-Robf0urtyfive - yeah. The USD has been dropping in value for ages now.
02:07.37X-RobYeah. It's uh. A samsung.
02:08.10f0urtyfiveI've always wanted to get one of those... although I would probably only find it useful if I was living in my datacenter, and could do high res video conferencing :)
02:08.16X-Robhas a USB port so you can use it as a webcam.
02:08.35X-RobI think it's that one
02:08.44f0urtyfivebut all the codecs I Can find for video conferencing are _awful_
02:09.03f0urtyfiveI cant find anything that can do both a respectable framerate and good quality video
02:09.15f0urtyfiveeverything I've tried so far only uses like 1/8th of my upstream capacity
02:09.42f0urtyfiveX-Rob: If you bought it for 461$ you got ripped off, overstock has it for 299$ :P
02:10.08X-RobOK, Then ship it to .au and convert it to PAL and pay 10% tax on it!
02:10.21X-Robbloody government.
02:11.44FuriousGeorgethere is definately something wrong on my providers end.
02:11.57FuriousGeorgeaccording to everything is fine with my configs
02:12.22f0urtyfivesomebody should setup a non-profit corp that just buys stuff in large ammounts and sells it at cost
02:12.30f0urtyfivelike 200 HD's
02:12.33f0urtyfiveand the like
02:13.00*** join/#asterisk pr0m (
02:13.09FuriousGeorgef0urtyfive: non-profits are for good causes, not techy dorks
02:13.16FuriousGeorgelike us :)
02:13.26f0urtyfiveFuriousGeorge: You can make a non profit for anything you want
02:13.34f0urtyfiveFuriousGeorge: It just wouldnt be a 501(c)(3) non profit
02:13.40funjonits not like 200G HDs are that expensive
02:13.49f0urtyfive(/me is in the process of creating a 501(c)(3) non profit
02:13.56f0urtyfivefunjon: Notice how I didnt have a GB in htere...
02:14.00FuriousGeorgef0urtyfive: have you ever heard of a nonprofit that buys and sells radiators or something
02:14.06f0urtyfivefunjon: I meant like a bulk order of 200 HD's
02:14.13f0urtyfiveFuriousGeorge: No, but why would they :P
02:14.27f0urtyfiveFuriousGeorge: Just saying, you could do it, no one would, but you could
02:14.34funjonwho's going to pony up the dough up front to pay for those drives?
02:14.38f0urtyfivefunjon: presales :)
02:14.58funjonif i give you my money, i want my drive now, not when the other 70 people give you money so you can buy the bulk box
02:15.08Darwin35 i need help with this patch being the orig changed
02:15.19Darwin35input pls
02:16.44mishehuhmm... does this sound normal - it takes longer to transcode FROM g729 TO slin than it does from slin TO g729 by an order of magnitude exceeding 10x ?
02:17.43mishehuhmm..  nm, I recalced it
02:17.53mishehuseems like just a quirk
02:19.08X-RobOK. Time to insert firewire and audigy..
02:20.50Darwin35can anyone help fix this patch
02:23.15JunK-Yyes, youppi will be with montreal habs :)
02:24.46FuriousGeorgeomg,this is beyond frustrating
02:25.35bkw__mishehu, ya if the system is underload when it loads them
02:25.39bkw__the calcs will be off
02:25.44bkw__thats why we added the recalc
02:28.28mishehubkw__: yeah, just a brainfart on my behalf
02:28.39mishehuI've spent the whole day writing php stuff
02:28.50FuriousGeorgecan someone make sense of this iax debug output for me
02:29.11*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
02:30.12mishehuFuriousGeorge: are you using md5 or rsa ?
02:30.39FuriousGeorgewhatever the default it
02:31.12FuriousGeorgewhere can i check that?
02:32.05FuriousGeorgei think the answer to your question may be that i am using plain text
02:32.09mishehuFuriousGeorge: I don't know what default is, I set it explicitly on each user
02:32.34mishehuwell that doesn't look very plain-texty to me.  it's trying to do an md5 challenge, which it would do if it was using md5 or rsa challenges
02:32.59FuriousGeorgei was wondering what the heck it is talking about a bad checksum for
02:33.06mishehutry setting auth=plaintext if you want to use plaintext (on the user)
02:34.10FuriousGeorgesame thing
02:34.27FuriousGeorgeit says "No Authority Found" in the CLI output
02:35.10FuriousGeorgei get the wierdes problems.  with sipphone, i can only receive calls when i comment out the user entry in sip.conf, at which point, of course, i cannot call out
02:35.54FuriousGeorgethats another unsolved mystery.  and outbound calling was working yesterday, i think my provider is having technical issues cuz i cant get in their web page either
02:36.05FuriousGeorgei mean log into my account
02:36.27FuriousGeorgevia their webpage
02:37.19MikeJ[Laptop]ANGRY MONKEY!
02:38.09FuriousGeorgeit really is beyond annoying though
02:39.08FuriousGeorgeespecially since it was working yesterday.  at first i thought i changed something but im starting to think its not my problem
02:40.20MikeJ[Laptop]pastebin me some confs
02:40.37FuriousGeorgeappreciate your offer
02:40.43FuriousGeorgegimme a sec
02:40.55MikeJ[Laptop]iax or sip?
02:41.30MikeJ[Laptop]you are talking about both, right?
02:42.26FuriousGeorgeacutally, my client is sip
02:42.36FuriousGeorgebut my provider is iax, and my * is in between
02:44.01*** join/#asterisk marv (
02:44.52bkw__oh Juggie
02:45.28MikeJ[Laptop]hello mr. K W
02:45.43MikeJ[Laptop]wassup boi
02:45.49bkw__work work work
02:46.00MikeJ[Laptop]good stuff
02:46.09MikeJ[Laptop]I came home to a list of chores...
02:46.21MikeJ[Laptop]didn't even get back to the computer till just now
02:46.25*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
02:47.30MikeJ[Laptop]X-Rob has joined the seventh layer of hell
02:47.41X-RobI have?
02:47.56X-RobI'm sure I would have noticed.
02:48.06harryvvSometimes I wonder why im here when i should be out persuing a home renovation biz :) co worker said there next door neihboor purchaced a home for 500k and renovated it and recently sold it for 1.2 million.
02:48.10MikeJ[Laptop]didn't notice it was a little warm?
02:48.11*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
02:48.24X-RobMikeJ[Laptop] - seems fine here.
02:48.32MikeJ[Laptop]yes.. renovate your home
02:48.37X-RobAircond's on tho, but it's been on for the last couple of weeks.
02:48.51harryvvmike, not my home :)
02:48.58harryvvinvestment property.
02:49.13FuriousGeorgeMikeJ[Laptop]: godspeed to you :)
02:49.14MikeJ[Laptop]yes.. renovate a home
02:49.33*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (
02:50.52MikeJ[Laptop]FuriousGeorge, iax debug?
02:50.54FuriousGeorgei have this dream that i install one computer somewhere, and it routes all my sip calls so that my clients will work w/ or w/o nat in b/w
02:50.58*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
02:51.14FuriousGeorgei mean
02:51.24MikeJ[Laptop]did you say if you comment out the peer (or the user) that outbound (or inbound) work fine?
02:51.28*** join/#asterisk spackle (n=spackle@
02:52.07FuriousGeorgeMikeJ[Laptop]: no thats only with sipphone and FWD.  that is also a very unpopular issue around here:)  apparently i can only take FWD calls via sipphone when i comment out peer entry
02:52.41FuriousGeorgebut outgoing works (until i comment out peer) lemme check sipphone forums and see if by some miracle someone knows what im talking about
02:53.14MikeJ[Laptop]well.. let's deal with the nufone issue first
02:54.10FuriousGeorgeby all means.  i already posted on the forums i was just seeing if anyone responded there
02:54.27FuriousGeorge...and no...
02:55.44MikeJ[Laptop]any response from nufone support?
02:55.53FuriousGeorgenot so much no
02:56.34FuriousGeorgei think they got annoyed when i accidentally posted my pw to pastebin then needed to get it reset friday afternoon
02:57.42FuriousGeorgehonestly, i think this isnt my fault.  i got it working first try yesterday, and today its not working.  at first i thought i broke it in my tinkering, but if that were the case i would have figured it out by now
02:58.04FuriousGeorgelemme try something
02:58.30FuriousGeorgestill not working
02:59.48MikeJ[Laptop]looks right to me...
02:59.52MikeJ[Laptop]call their support
03:00.10harryvvFuriousGeorge hear about the reports from new orleans? all phones down..internet was up at this one office a firefighter was at. He started 5 vonage accounts and started making critical calls :)
03:00.39harryvvshows that having telco equipment not located in the same region may be a smart move
03:01.05FuriousGeorgethat's pretty cool.  if only it were sipphone though :)
03:01.37harryvvwell vonage has part of the market captured with there huge marketing budget.
03:01.39spackleFuriousGeorge: When I set up Nufone - No worky, asked support, they said "should be working" and then it did.  Hang tight.
03:02.02MikeJ[Laptop]I won't go into it...
03:02.05FuriousGeorgeharryvv: sipphone makes gizmo.  gizmo is like skype but better.  check out
03:02.22harryvvbtw, I am looking into a 1800 did into the states. Who provides the most reliable service avaible?
03:02.37FuriousGeorgeharryvv: ive never had a problem with nufone incoming
03:02.43FuriousGeorgeand its free
03:02.53MikeJ[Laptop]FuriousGeorge, you do now ;)
03:03.06FuriousGeorgewell, free to get the did, 2c a minute
03:03.15FuriousGeorgeMikeJ[Laptop]: dont scare me, incoming is working
03:03.26MikeJ[Laptop]ummm, ok.
03:03.32harryvvFuriousGeorge and how many hours of there service have you used?
03:03.39*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
03:03.45MikeJ[Laptop]FuriousGeorge, well, call their support to get them to fix it like I said...
03:03.58harryvvthats not a measure of sucsess FuriousGeorge
03:04.14generalhanhas anyone here set up a phone on their asterisk box from a remote location ?
03:04.26FuriousGeorgeharryvv: givem a try what have you got to lose but 2cents a minute
03:04.37MikeJ[Laptop]also, especially with voip providers, outbound is easy to redirect wherever, I genereally suggest having at least 2 or 3 diff routes to choose from
03:04.40FuriousGeorgepeople in here lovem
03:04.59MikeJ[Laptop]inbound is the trick
03:05.01generalhanlove who ?
03:05.03harryvvthats nation wide 1800?
03:05.03FuriousGeorgeMikeJ[Laptop]: ur right, i do have other accounts, but its a matter of principal now
03:05.10FuriousGeorgeharryvv: ya
03:05.22MikeJ[Laptop]I don't have a single provider that I trust my inbound with.. not even my wireline providers
03:05.28FuriousGeorgeharryvv: and get a sipphone account too, so you can call 800's and other voip users free
03:05.55harryvvi dont need to
03:06.23harryvvI can call my home phone/asterisk and call out on voip like a calling card box.
03:06.29MikeJ[Laptop]but I can do stuff with wireline more reliably and with less points of failure due to 2 different netowks having 2 diff fiber loops going throgh my building, both with seperate paths and seperate in and outs to the building
03:06.50MikeJ[Laptop]I still have issues when we have power outages over 8 hrs
03:06.51*** join/#asterisk dca (
03:06.52harryvvWhat i really need now is a wifi phone
03:07.06MikeJ[Laptop]but that I can correct by having the provider redirect to another call center
03:07.13BrianR___MikeJ[Laptop]: heh.. lots of pstn providers serve my building - turns out they all go through the same verizon owned fox t-box in our basement :(
03:07.35harryvvhitachi makes a good voip phone what about others?
03:07.41MikeJ[Laptop]no.. I have sbc with one fiber mux in the basement, and att local with another.
03:07.48MikeJ[Laptop]and they take diff routes
03:07.51BrianR___MikeJ[Laptop]: Last time we had an extended power outage, I found out that verizon had inadquite backup batteries on the box, and no plans to check the alarm and roll a generator truck :(
03:07.53MikeJ[Laptop]and do not colo together
03:08.17BrianR___Even our AT&T T's go through the verizon box... Wish we were big enough to pressure the telcoms to fix it.
03:08.29MikeJ[Laptop]we had the big outage a little over a year ago when newyork to detroit went dark.. their bateries outlasted mine
03:08.43MikeJ[Laptop]but we repointed stuff to our other centers and we were fine
03:08.46harryvvBrianR___ what company do you own?
03:08.49BrianR___I'm going to try to rig up a backup internet pipe over wireless
03:09.10BrianR___harryvv: I work for Starent Networks. I own only a tiny, tiny percentage of the company.
03:09.29MikeJ[Laptop]sbc's CO is about a mile northwest, AT&T is about a mile southeast...
03:09.32BrianR___we're not a telecommunicaitons service provider - we just use asterisk to run our office PBX.
03:09.34harryvvMikeJ[Laptop] how many amp hours total did you have?
03:09.54MikeJ[Laptop]just the comp room runs about 9kva
03:10.12MikeJ[Laptop]and it will go about 75 min w/o generator
03:10.16BrianR___Verizon has only three marconi 7ah 48v packs. Wound up plugging their gear into one of our UPS's last power outage :(
03:10.17harryvvequate that into amp hours
03:10.39MikeJ[Laptop]right now we just have the big desil in our TX office.
03:10.44harryvvmy battery will do 15 amps for 7 hours.
03:10.45BrianR___harryvv: You need voltamp hours for it to be a meaningful measure
03:10.55BrianR___unless you're talking strictly 48v
03:10.57MikeJ[Laptop]we do a lot tmore than 15 amps
03:11.06harryvvBrianR___ this is a 12 volt batter
03:11.18harryvvmike it can do alot more
03:11.25harryvvits only one battery though :)
03:11.32harryvvA trojan Deep cycle
03:11.38MikeJ[Laptop]we have fuel contracts in TX.. we can go forever including desktops and comp room and AC
03:11.45harryvvusually 200 dollars a piece.
03:11.57generalhancan some one please help me get my sip phone working from home? please, im having issues
03:12.04MikeJ[Laptop]without a blip of even the desktops
03:12.04BrianR___We're also a manufacturer of telco gear... OUr product draws something like 70A at -48VDC fully loaded... I pity the telcos shopping for batteries to run our gear.
03:12.29MikeJ[Laptop]BrianR___, heh
03:12.29harryvvWhats the site BrianR___
03:12.38MikeJ[Laptop]generalhan, perhaps
03:12.42BrianR___harryvv: We're in Tewksbury, Massachusetts, US
03:12.46MikeJ[Laptop]but you need to ask a question first
03:12.56harryvvheard of the city
03:13.22generalhanwell im using Cisco 7960s at work, and i have them all up and running, but the one at my house just wont connect. i dont know if i set it up right, but ill tell you what ive done so far
03:13.29X-RobLunch. It's bloody lunchtime and no-one's here to feed me!
03:13.42harryvvgeneral check the firewall
03:13.55MikeJ[Laptop]generalhan, to a local box, or remote to the office/
03:14.01generalhani did a port forward on my router at work for port 5060 and directed it to the local IP of my asterisk box.
03:14.18X-Robharryvv - had a steak last night.
03:14.29generalhani dont have any firewall up on either side right now, disabled everything for testing
03:14.33X-RobI think we've got some sausages in the freezer, might chuck them on the bbq or something.
03:15.06MikeJ[Laptop]generalhan, what type of firewall/router
03:15.10X-RobMmm. Chicken. That's a good idea.
03:15.14generalhanso on the phone i put the TFTP address for the address of the router at work
03:15.15MikeJ[Laptop]and are you natting/
03:15.19generalhanits a NetGear FVS318
03:15.46generalhanand no, i dont think so
03:16.04harryvvbtw, one of the employees at work showed me her daughter sitting next to a Tiger on a chain asked where that was he said in Sumatra indonesia on december 25, 2004. she was heading to the beach when everyone was running in the oposite direction then she ran with the Tsnumai behind them.
03:16.32X-Robharryvv - being on the beach was the one of the safest places to be.
03:16.37MikeJ[Laptop]generalhan, is the ip on the box at the office somthing like 192. somthing or 172. or 10.?
03:17.08harryvvShe was very lucky. She ran to a Islamic temple as the Tsnami wave rushed past the building then got on a sat phone to call her dad she was okay.
03:17.21MikeJ[Laptop]generalhan, ok, so you are behind nat at the office.
03:17.30X-Roballahu akbar!
03:17.33MikeJ[Laptop]portforwarding udp 5060?
03:18.00MikeJ[Laptop]and at home?
03:18.18generalhani have a cheap little D-Link DI-624
03:18.31MikeJ[Laptop]just a phone, or an asterisk box too?
03:18.31generalhanalso with 192. addresses
03:18.38generalhanjust a phone
03:18.40generalhanno box
03:18.45harryvvX-rob...actually the safest place it to rush to the title wave of the first indications it will come ashore. Thats one one brave orphan god fauther did. He loaded all the children into the boat and headed into the wave. It was a long but tall wave and thay made it on the other side saving everyone.
03:18.47MikeJ[Laptop]generalhan, same block of 192.?
03:19.00generalhancontroled by my router at home not at work
03:19.21generalhani wish i could figure the whole VPN thing out so that i could just be on the domain at work
03:19.23MikeJ[Laptop]ok.. so what exactly is the 192 ip at work?
03:19.26generalhanwould make things a lot more simple
03:19.32MikeJ[Laptop]and what ip at home
03:20.18MikeJ[Laptop]If I am going to help you it is going to be in channel, not in PM
03:20.24generalhanIP of the asterisk box is and the IP of my phone (at home)
03:20.38MikeJ[Laptop]otherwise the other guy watching withthe same issue will PM me 5 min later
03:20.52MikeJ[Laptop]generalhan, the IP blocks are conflicting.
03:21.08MikeJ[Laptop]it the same network address
03:21.30MikeJ[Laptop]so when you set localnet in asterisk it will think the cisco is local and not use externip
03:21.37generalhani see
03:21.48generalhanso set up the DHCP at home for a 10. address?
03:21.57MikeJ[Laptop]use a differn block at home and try again
03:22.22MikeJ[Laptop]double nat is always a pain, I don't beleive it will work with duplicat address blocks
03:22.38X-Robgeneralhan - use 192.168.1.x at home
03:22.43X-Rob192.168.2.x somewhere else
03:22.47X-Rob192.168.3.x yet again
03:23.34MikeJ[Laptop]thank you, come again.
03:23.44wunderkinPLEASE come again :D
03:23.51generalhanthats just great ! LOL ... my router at home will only allow the 192.168.0.x lol so i cant even change it here
03:24.03X-Robgeneralhan - yes it will allow you to change it
03:24.09generalhanBEST $40 i ever spent ! lol
03:24.26harryvvgeneralhan dump it and get a free pentium 233 or greater load ipcop on it and open up the ports
03:24.47MikeJ[Laptop]generalhan, I bet it will
03:26.18MikeJ[Laptop]I want to smoke
03:26.25tzangerMikeJ[Laptop]: smoke what
03:26.53FuriousGeorgesuit yourself
03:27.00MikeJ[Laptop]not for many many many years.
03:27.08tzangerer not compose, composite (shading/etc)
03:27.11FuriousGeorgehes gone, now we can all talk about him
03:29.40FuriousGeorgei was having such a good asterisk day yesterday, now its all gone to shit
03:29.48FuriousGeorgei think i slid back down the learning curv
03:29.56FuriousGeorgeit's a slippery slope!
03:32.20Darwin35ok I missed if anyone helped with my pastebin
03:33.05shido6whats up man
03:33.28FuriousGeorgeDarwin35: now i dont know much about "programing", but i think i see whats going on.  did you see the matrix?
03:33.36FuriousGeorgehey shido6
03:33.45FuriousGeorgeare you asking me?
03:33.47shido6whats up?
03:34.07FuriousGeorgeeither i broke my install, or something is broken with my provider ;)
03:34.19FuriousGeorgebut isnt that always the case
03:34.25Darwin35I saw the matrix
03:34.33FuriousGeorgeSep 16 18:45:42 WARNING[15157]: chan_iax2.c:5553 socket_read: Call rejected by No authority found
03:34.34Darwin35but this is nothing to do with the movie
03:34.54shido6whats up furious
03:35.03FuriousGeorgeDarwin35: well you gotta get cypher from the matrix, then you gotta scroll that real fast, and hell be able to understand it
03:35.06shido6password problem?
03:35.38Darwin35its just trying to merge a patch  the lower half into the uper part
03:35.53Darwin35they changed things in the new libpri
03:36.12FuriousGeorgei can receive incoming calls
03:38.03shido6try it now
03:38.23shido6i chaned all your user info and forgot about your inbound
03:38.28shido6at your request
03:39.06FuriousGeorgeoh so i gotta change some stuff brb
03:39.22*** join/#asterisk X_Generalhan_X (
03:39.36X_Generalhan_Xso it still says im in here huh ?
03:39.39X_Generalhan_Xthat was a pain
03:39.50FuriousGeorgecan you pm me with the credentials i should be using?
03:39.58Darwin35well I tested my exten.conf the 2 major thigns not working is find me and call back busy
03:40.11X_Generalhan_Xi changed the IP scope on my router and it kicked me off (duh) but why does it still say that im in here ?
03:40.49*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
03:41.20*** join/#asterisk anthm (
03:41.20*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
03:41.35Darwin35whats up big man on campus
03:42.01X_Generalhan_XMikeJ: still no go. i changed my scope here to and it still just wont connect
03:42.05anthmnot much
03:42.17Darwin35I landed a job today
03:42.27Darwin35and it mean 1 more move in life
03:42.31Darwin35Denver CO
03:42.40Darwin35going to work for Teliax
03:43.14Darwin35going to do Tech support
03:43.26Darwin35its a job and I need it
03:43.46generalhanfinally it times out
03:44.01generalhangood news Darwin
03:44.11*** join/#asterisk PsyFel (
03:44.51Darwin35now comes the fun part finding a apt and egetting moved
03:45.01PsyFelHi all..
03:45.03generalhanwhen i connect to my asterisk box (at work) on my sip phone (at home) can i just put the tftp server as my external IP of the router at work ?
03:45.22generalhani already have ti port forwarding to the asterisk box from that router
03:46.15PsyFelthen yes you can... providing all your translations (Nat's etc) are mapping correctly..
03:46.34generalhani dont supose you could walk me though that ?
03:46.39PsyFelwhy dont you set up a tunnel between the two sites and just access the tftp server that way ?
03:46.56generalhancause i dont know how to do it correctly
03:47.06anthmdarwin if the place you move suddenly burns down i'm gonna get suspicious
03:47.06PsyFelwhat sort of routers do you have ?
03:47.28generalhanNetGear FVS318 at work, and a cheap little D-Link DI-624 at home
03:47.28PsyFelanyone using FreeBSD with asterisk ?
03:47.44PsyFelphh.. then you're going QoS problems anyway..
03:48.21PsyFelumm.. I take it that the tftp server is on an invalid IP ? are you currently connecting your home sip phone to work
03:48.29PsyFeland authenticating correctly ?
03:48.48*** join/#asterisk wolfson` (
03:48.51generalhanthats just it, it wont connect to the box at owrk
03:49.07PsyFelso ..... have you setup nat correctly ?
03:49.15generalhani dont know
03:49.24generalhani was hoping to get that help
03:49.30PsyFelwell thats your first point of call then...
03:49.41PsyFelyou need to read the ~wiki on nat setup
03:49.49PsyFeland port translation requirements..
03:51.49*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:52.15*** join/#asterisk zimdog (
03:52.50*** join/#asterisk apeman (
03:53.50zimdoganybody have experience with connecting * to a broadsoft switch
03:53.59Assidokay this is weird
03:54.03Assidi dont see iax2 reload in the cli
03:54.40Qwellerm, iax2
03:55.01Assidstill dont see it
03:55.07Assidim using the latest CVS
03:55.11Assidjust updated 10 mins ago
03:55.18MikeJ[Laptop]type:  reload <tab>
03:55.19QwellDo you have chan_iax2 noload'd?
03:57.14zimdogcan someone help with 407 proxy error?
03:57.31*** join/#asterisk generalhan (
03:57.48generalhangod i hate my computer
03:58.23Qwellit hates you too
03:58.55PsyFelAnyone running * under FreeBSD ?
03:59.04yabooanyone using a cisco router as there gateway to the pstn, got a 1721 router with 2 e/m card in it
03:59.06MikeJ[Laptop]PsyFel, yes
03:59.23MikeJ[Laptop]yaboo, many are using 5300's
03:59.34PsyFelIm using AS5300's..
03:59.45yabooMikeJ[Laptop], but with e1 etc I guess
03:59.57PsyFelMikeJ... TDM400P's ?
04:00.03redder86anyone here know what silence samples in slinear look like?
04:00.06PsyFelyeah i run 8 x E1's..
04:00.40yabooPsyFel, mines a smaller unit, and think the 2 e/m card can connect directly to the pstn I believe
04:01.09PsyFelwhat is the 2 e/m ? (which cisco wic is it??)
04:01.18zimdogcan someone tell me what is causing this error SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required
04:02.21yabooPsyFel, a 2 e/m card is a wic card with 2 rj45 connections believe it can be configured as a fxo or fxs
04:02.24Assidokay those errors still exist
04:02.26AssidSep 17 09:29:06 WARNING[10402]: Unable to get our IP address, Skinny disabled
04:02.26AssidSep 17 09:29:06 WARNING[10402]: Read error on sound device: Resource temporarily unavailable
04:02.40yabooPsyFel, flashing the unit currently with ip voice ios
04:03.24PsyFelyaboo: RJ45? it'll tell you the WIC code on it.. it'll be an FXO or FXS module and will be RJ11 not RJ45
04:04.03yabooPsyFel, no unit in front of me there rj45 connectors
04:04.20PsyFelyaboo: and what is printed on the module ?
04:04.28FuriousGeorgei have a dream, where sip clients and asterisk servers can communicate seemlessly, traversing network address translation, brothers and sisters
04:04.50PsyFelyaboo: in black text
04:05.01f0urtyfivePsyFel: Uhh... 1721 is modular...
04:05.03yabooPsyFel, VIC 2E/M on the back of the card
04:05.06FuriousGeorgeso i had this idea, and no one liked it last time i mentioned it here, but i think its cuz theyre jealous they didnt think aabout it
04:06.01FuriousGeorgeits a sip iax translator that one could install on their computer, and log their sip clients into it so that they will work with iax probiders
04:06.23f0urtyfiveWhy would you want to do that?
04:06.26generalhanPsyFel: you asked me about Nat settings before... if i can log in with my X-Lite softphone just fine shouldnt that mean that its all set up ok ?
04:06.28f0urtyfiveinstead of just providing SIP and IAX?
04:06.40FuriousGeorgef0urtyfive: whats the best iax softphone
04:06.55f0urtyfiveFuriousGeorge: No idea... I've heard bad things about IAX myself
04:07.07QwellFuriousGeorge: try iaxcomm
04:07.29FuriousGeorgef0urtyfive: reality is that people dont provide sip and iax
04:07.39f0urtyfiveFuriousGeorge: Sure they do
04:07.51PsyFelyaboo: i think that wic is only H323
04:07.57f0urtyfiveFuriousGeorge: Why do you want both anyway, IAX is inter_asterisk_protocal
04:08.06f0urtyfivenot inter-phone-to-asterisk-protocal
04:08.10FuriousGeorgeiax people provide sip, sire but not vice versa
04:08.18*** join/#asterisk litage (n=nick@
04:08.25FuriousGeorgecuz i would be able to use eyebeam with my * server or my sip client behind nat
04:08.32FuriousGeorgewhats the next best solution?  ser?
04:08.32yabooPsyFel, H323, does it do outbound to pstn?
04:09.26FuriousGeorgesip + nat  = not a trully remote client
04:09.31*** part/#asterisk redder86 (
04:09.38FuriousGeorgeaix + nat = make calls from my * box from the airport
04:09.49filethat's not exactly true
04:09.53litagei'm naming my servers after animals. Eg: file = camel, mail = albatross, ldap = owl. any suggestions for what to call the DNS server?
04:09.53fileIAX2 doesn't work through all NATs
04:10.03f0urtyfiveMy sip works fine through NAT :P
04:10.06generalhanIf i can succefully log in from home using X-Lite, to my * box at work, shouldnt that mean that i could plug in my sip hard phone and have it work? or is there a difference somewhere ?
04:10.12fileall in how you set it up...
04:10.25FuriousGeorgefile:  ok maybe not the airport, but i havent had to forward a port yet
04:10.28f0urtyfiveFuriousGeorge: Just setup a PSTN number that you can call that will redirect you out to whatever you want to call
04:10.51FuriousGeorgef0urtyfive: besides echo issues with that, its quite expensive solution
04:10.57f0urtyfivenot really...
04:11.01f0urtyfive3c a minute
04:11.08f0urtyfiveand thats for an 800 number
04:11.35f0urtyfiveand why cant you use your eyebeam with your asterisk server now
04:11.35PsyFelyaboo: dosent look like it.. its an interface to a PABX (ear&mouth) wic. you'd still need a voice-1v style wic as well
04:11.40f0urtyfiveeyebeam = sip...
04:11.41fileSIP will work fine behind NAT too... just all in how you set it up
04:12.16apemanlitage: dns = cricket ?  :)
04:12.22f0urtyfiveI just got a T1 turned up today that uses H323 to make calls on 5 lines
04:12.23FuriousGeorgefile:  i got sip working behind nat, but i cant control what ports are forewarded on other networks.
04:12.30FuriousGeorgeand i dont quite have the time to learn some ser
04:12.34PsyFelDoes anyone use a TDM400 under FreeBSD ? i need to pass modprobe attribs to it somehow ?
04:12.47f0urtyfiveFuriousGeorge: use an outbound proxy...
04:12.49fileyou don't need ports forwarded if you turn nat=yes on in Asterisk
04:12.56fileand register and have qualify on
04:13.02f0urtyfiveyeah, what he said :P
04:13.11FuriousGeorgef0urtyfive: where would i find an outbound procy
04:13.24litageapeman: why cricket? (just curious)
04:13.27fileit's really not that hard
04:13.29yabooPsyFel, this card is looking crappy then
04:13.37FuriousGeorgefile:  your saying that i can have my * server behind nat, and have eyebeam on a laptop, and worry as little as possible about nat
04:13.47PsyFelyaboo: yeah.. where did you get it from ??
04:13.48FuriousGeorgeindependant of port forewarding on the remote network
04:13.52f0urtyfiveFuriousGeorge: Why would you have an asterisk server behind a nat?
04:13.58fileFuriousGeorge: you don't put an asterisk server behind NAT
04:13.59f0urtyfivekinda defeats the purpose doesnt it?
04:14.02apemanlitage: its from the orielly book for DNS by Cricket Liu, it also has a cricket on the cover :)
04:14.19FuriousGeorgef0urtyfive:  it works, so no
04:14.19litageah cool. thanks for that
04:14.20fileunder that situation you would have to do the same thing for IAX2
04:14.29FuriousGeorgefile:  but i dont
04:14.45fileare you registering elsewhere?
04:14.48filewhat type of NAT?
04:14.53fileit depends on those things
04:15.04FuriousGeorgegranted i dont do much more than traverse some boxen with ipcop, but the client will only work behind networks in which i've forewarded the ports for it
04:15.21yabooPsyFel, free leftover stuff not needed for the work cisco lab
04:15.36filethe thing that makes IAX2 good behind NAT is because it uses the perceived IP address, and uses the same port for signalling and voice
04:15.44MikeJ[Laptop]hello mr file
04:15.47filehi MikeJ
04:16.06Darwin35need input
04:16.11PsyFelyaboo: ebay it.. and buy a voice FXO or FXS WIC instead..
04:16.12Darwin35more input
04:16.12MikeJ[Laptop]need output
04:16.18FuriousGeorgemy view on NAT, not being much of an expert in things telco, is that its probably best to put another layer of pertection b/w the internet and the box that controls the phone system
04:16.42Darwin35Johnny Five is Alive
04:16.48FuriousGeorgeas to ip traversal, i dont care how it works, i just know it works better :)  which brings me back to a sip <> iax translator for sip clients
04:16.56FuriousGeorge*nat traversak
04:17.01yabooPsyFel, ios recognise it as a voice-null interface
04:17.09f0urtyfiveWhy do you even have an asterisk box furiousgeorge?
04:17.13FuriousGeorge(i really do care a little how it works)
04:17.18f0urtyfiveWhy not just go straight to your provider from your phone?
04:17.25FuriousGeorgef0urtyfive: saves me a bundle on long distance, why do you have one
04:17.34FuriousGeorgef0urtyfive: and my toll frees are cheaper than yours ;)
04:17.35Darwin35furrious I gave you a sip.conf and a extensions.conf to use
04:17.42Darwin35I posted on pastbin
04:17.43f0urtyfiveWhy dont you just go straight to your voip provider from your phone
04:17.49Darwin35read and learn
04:17.50f0urtyfiveand skip an extra asterisk machine
04:17.51FuriousGeorgef0urtyfive: oh, i kinda do it for work
04:17.59FuriousGeorgeDarwin35: wtf are you talking about
04:18.14f0urtyfivefor work?
04:18.28yabooso PsyFel guess I can't replace this sipura 3000 for outbound then :-(
04:18.36FuriousGeorgeDarwin35: for the 9th time, i used the docs you linked me too yesterday.  my setup is identical to the docs
04:18.41f0urtyfiveyaboo: You have a sipura 3000?
04:18.51Darwin35and its still not working
04:18.58FuriousGeorgef0urtyfive: people give me money and i reinstall windows, or put a phone somewhere where there was no phone
04:19.04FuriousGeorgeasterisk was the next logical step
04:19.33f0urtyfiveI really really hope that your not using asterisk for business off a residential connection in your house...
04:19.49FuriousGeorgeDarwin35: we're talking about my idea for a sip <>iax translator so i can use eyebeam with nat cuz im silly and put everything behind nat and i still want it to be remote
04:19.57FuriousGeorgef0urtyfive: im not
04:20.11Darwin35then use stun
04:20.16f0urtyfiveFuriousGeorge: For the last time, SIP works FINE behind nat if you configure it correctly
04:20.16FuriousGeorgeat my house i use asterisk cuz the landlord wont fix the doorbell
04:20.21Darwin35there are many answers
04:20.28FuriousGeorgef0urtyfive: with 3rd party apps sure
04:20.37yaboof0urtyfive, yes
04:20.46f0urtyfiveyaboo: Mind if I ask a question about it?
04:21.06yaboof0urtyfive, sure
04:21.23Darwin35Furious use stun then.
04:21.37FuriousGeorgeDarwin35: and to answer your ?:  i can still only recieve calls in fwd when i diable outgoing calls, and the answer aint on that wiki page or any that ive found then
04:21.40f0urtyfiveyaboo: can you set it up, so that the phone uses the voip for outgoing and ingoing calls, and then if the phone line that is connected rings, it rings through to the phone attached?
04:21.41Darwin35it will fix you nat issues
04:21.50FuriousGeorgei was thinking about stun but i heard its broken from people wiser then me
04:22.08f0urtyfivef0urtyfive: IE, keep incoming calls on the existing phoneline, but send all the outbound calls to voip
04:22.12FuriousGeorgethen i thought about ser but it seems as, whats the word, esoteric as asterisk in its own special way
04:22.16f0urtyfivethat last one was yaboo:
04:22.33yaboof0urtyfive, yes but inbound still need the caller to type the extension
04:22.49Darwin35Furious did you upgrade to cvshead
04:22.51f0urtyfiveyaboo: inbound on the fxs or on the voip?
04:23.03Darwin35or are you still 1.0.7
04:23.09FuriousGeorgeDarwin35: its still in beta right
04:23.14Darwin35you should be atleast at 1.0.9
04:23.31Darwin35cvshead is not beta
04:23.35Darwin35beta is beta
04:23.55FuriousGeorgeDarwin35: did i mention i have no "formal training" or "computer coding skills" :)
04:24.06Darwin35you dont need them
04:24.09FuriousGeorgethe OSS is new to me
04:24.13Darwin35and your on linux or fbsd ?
04:24.20FuriousGeorgegentoo linux
04:24.23yaboof0urtyfive, can do inbound on the pstn
04:24.40FuriousGeorgei just emerge asterisk every few weeks and try not to overwrite my configs again
04:24.44f0urtyfiveyaboo: nifty... I may pick up one of those doodads :P
04:24.55FuriousGeorge(i really wait till i hear im a version behind)
04:25.15Darwin35well where I am at your way behind
04:25.16yaboof0urtyfive, people complain thou on noise in them, mine I have no problems
04:25.25Darwin35most my stuff is for cvs-head
04:25.32yaboof0urtyfive, on the fxs use a cordless phone
04:25.34FuriousGeorgeso CVS Head means its stable?
04:25.45Darwin35stable is a yoke
04:25.49FuriousGeorgeim confused
04:25.59Darwin35cvs-head is the dev branch
04:26.19PsyFel(bleeding edge).. if you like diagnosing errors and bugs use cvs..
04:26.24FuriousGeorgei do actually use two of these boxes for businesses, so i wouldnt want to be too experimental
04:26.28f0urtyfiveFuriousGeorge: What he's _trying_ to say is that Asterisk's CVS is all bass ackwards compared to normal projects, and things marked Development, arent really development :P
04:26.36Darwin35cvs 1.2beta is where most people should be by now
04:27.02FuriousGeorgeand i heard syntax for contexts have been changed so im trying to keep it consistent
04:27.07Darwin35cvs head more stable then 1.0.9 and loads more features
04:27.14FuriousGeorgeDarwin35: ur advocating i use beta at work?
04:27.25Darwin35we use head at work
04:27.36Darwin35even at the job I just got hired for
04:27.37FuriousGeorgehead is not beta but less stable
04:27.46Darwin35they are on mondays head
04:28.00FuriousGeorgeare you just making shit up now :)
04:28.31FuriousGeorgewhats mondays head?
04:28.33Darwin35cvs-head is updated many times a day at points
04:28.37FuriousGeorge~mondays head
04:29.07drumkillaFuriousGeorge: cvs-head, checked out on monday ...
04:29.34Darwin35was checked out at 11:45pm
04:29.36mishehuFuriousGeorge: you ever figure out the iax problem you were having?
04:29.59FuriousGeorgemishehu: i think i confused my provider with the password reset and hell fix it when he realizes
04:30.02f0urtyfivemishehu: I think he _is_ the iax problem he was having :P
04:30.04Darwin35Furious you have a lot to learn about asterisk /cvs/linux
04:30.18NuggetI put it in /usr/local/cvs/linux
04:30.28f0urtyfiveDarwin35: I would disagree with the CVS statement
04:30.31FuriousGeorgef0urtyfive: oh yee of little faith
04:30.37Darwin35all srccode on linus should go in /usr/src
04:30.40f0urtyfiveDarwin35: Seems to me that ASterisk's CVS is all backwards
04:30.44JoelsolankiHello Darwin35
04:31.03Darwin35whats up
04:31.04Nuggetwith asterisk, CVS HEAD is the only branch that exists (practically speaking)
04:31.23f0urtyfiveAnd thats not how CVS is supposed to work :P
04:31.28NuggetI agree.
04:31.31Darwin35heheh so true
04:31.33FuriousGeorgeok so asterisk development branch is 1.0.9 but newer right
04:31.42FuriousGeorgeits not 1.2
04:31.45Nuggetno, asterisk is CVS HEAD.
04:31.49JoelsolankiDarwin35: i have asterisk on redhat 9. i have linksys pap2 but dont know its not working. its able to connect to asterisk server. so i want to use any softphone.
04:31.56Darwin35no 1.0.9 is just one of the many stoping /freeze points
04:31.58Nuggetanything else is a neglected stepchild that nobody cares about.
04:32.14JoelsolankiDarwin35: can you suggest me any softphone so it works with asterisk
04:32.37FuriousGeorgeim not used to thinking about things not in version numbers
04:32.49Darwin35you can google sip softphones
04:32.59FuriousGeorgeand f0urtyfive if you wanna look at my configs and point out my problem be my guest, but you wont
04:33.00Darwin35theres loads of them
04:33.07Joelsolankiok let me find out.
04:33.08spackleDarwin, you mean firefly?
04:33.15Darwin35xten seems to be the most used I hear about
04:33.21Darwin35firefly sorry
04:33.24yabooPsyFel, I also got a isdn card on the 1721, but need a isdn at home for outbound voip
04:33.58PsyFelyaboo: yep.. you need an isdn line for that..
04:34.09spacklesnom has a sophtphone for download, has anybody used it?
04:34.11*** join/#asterisk R-Guy (n=ron-mirc@
04:34.11FuriousGeorgeso asterisk CVS-HEAD is the most recent version thats generally accepted as stable enough for production by the community
04:34.39yabooPsyFel, but isdn in aus is a timed call
04:34.40Darwin35man you r not gripping
04:34.46drumkillacvs head is purely a development branch.  You use it at your own risk - CONTRARY to what all of these people are saying.
04:34.57PsyFelyaboo: yep.. unless you're on an onramp express plan
04:35.11Darwin35beta 1.2 is where asterisk is at for most users.
04:35.16drumkillait's fairly constant right now, because we are preparing for the 1.2 release.
04:35.22drumkillabut after that, it will start getting torn apart again.
04:35.38drumkillawe encourage use of CVS-head, but you should not be surprised if you find problems.
04:35.58Darwin35its going to be reborn into asterisk-2006
04:36.14Nuggetsure, but historically CVS HEAD is less risky and less of a pain in the ass than any other branch or release.
04:36.16f0urtyfivedrumkilla: Define problems... like, delete all your configs and rm -rf / type problems, or like, my call glitched type problems
04:36.16Darwin35we can rebuild it we have the technoligy
04:36.19spackleoooh, don't go there.
04:36.26Darwin35make it better faster stronger
04:36.31FuriousGeorgeDarwin35: im gripping, ur not all in agreement.  im gonna err on the side of caution and stick with 1.0.9 till someone points me to a version number
04:36.43FuriousGeorgenot followed by beta
04:36.52*** join/#asterisk marv (
04:37.25FuriousGeorgenot that i dont want to help with the trouble shooting but truthfully, i wouldnt be of much use
04:37.39drumkillaf0urtyfive: well, of course nothing is ever intentional.  but as new features get added and architecture changes are made, unexpected problems are bound to come up.
04:37.45Darwin35it will connect calls at the speed of a vibrator. leap toll calls in a single bound
04:38.01yabooPsyFel, tell me more about a onramp express plan
04:38.15spackleStronger than a capital 'T', more powerfule than a silent 'e'
04:38.58Darwin35Turn more tricks on a saturday night then your mother or sister
04:39.31FuriousGeorgeword homeslice
04:39.43Darwin35tune in the playboy channel faster then your father on crack
04:39.44PsyFelyaboo: onramp express is used as a fixed cost per month on isdn when you specifically call one number
04:40.19f0urtyfiveAnyoen got any good USA termination with no commit? IE <1c/min
04:40.27f0urtyfiveor rather < 1.5c/min
04:40.43f0urtyfiveor good 800 origination < 2c/min, or good DID providers
04:40.43yabooPsyFel, seriuosly don't really call much and use primus as my pstn proviuder, PsyFel you in aus
04:40.50FuriousGeorgewow thats cheap for no commit
04:40.55PsyFelyaboo: yeah
04:41.04yabooPsyFel, in vic
04:41.08f0urtyfiveFuriousGeorge: Gotta shop around :P
04:41.10FuriousGeorgef0urtyfive: nfone = 2cents a minute and free toll free dids
04:41.41PsyFelyaboo: yeah
04:41.48f0urtyfivenot bad...
04:42.01yabooPsyFel, in eastern suburbs you?
04:42.02f0urtyfivebut I already have 2c / min on toll frees :P
04:42.15PsyFelyaboo: melb
04:42.17Assidhrmm.. latest cvs isnt working :(
04:42.19FuriousGeorgef0urtyfive: Gotta shop around ;)
04:42.32f0urtyfivedoes anyone actually use ?
04:42.57f0urtyfiveI figured it out, and you'd have to do at least 100,000 minutes / month for their USA termination to even get to 1c / min with their crazy 250$ fee monthly
04:43.15PsyFelis anyone doing any iax -> iax trunking and placing calls through second iax machine ?
04:43.37FuriousGeorgef0urtyfive: first ive head of them
04:44.10apemanPsyFel: I am, going from home <-> work asterisk boxes
04:44.17PsyFelim finding that when i do this, it works fine, but the iax box placing the call 'bridges it' between the two endpoints
04:44.25FuriousGeorgePsyFel: i suppose im a few lines of config from that, why?
04:44.51PsyFeland i lose the total time connected / called number etc etc
04:45.04PsyFelive got canreinvite set to no
04:45.14usamSpace Frog - Follow Me
04:45.15usam"I am the light that shines, I can guide you to the promised land, follow me"
04:45.30Assidchan_zap.c:10775: warning: passing arg 1 of `pri_set_error' from incompatible pointer type
04:45.31Assidchan_zap.c:10776: warning: passing arg 1 of `pri_set_message' from incompatible pointer type
04:45.31Assidmake[1]: *** [chan_zap.o] Error 1
04:45.37FuriousGeorgeoutta my league sorry.  im tackling call parking tomorrow.  seems simple enough
04:45.41Assidthats from the CVS tree
04:45.49X-RobAssid - look for 'error' not 'warning:'
04:46.39PsyFelthis is with 1.0.9 though..
04:47.02Darwin35wow my new boss just looked at my extensions.conf project and said he liked the whole lay out easy to fallow and understand...
04:47.17yabooPsyFel, seems cisco fxo cards ain't even reasonable in price
04:47.24Darwin35but saw the things that where broken also
04:47.32Assidchan_zap.c:51:2: #error "You need newer libpri"
04:47.33Darwin35I had marked
04:47.37Assidi already updated it..
04:48.03Darwin35when did you last update libpri
04:48.14Assidjust prior to trying to compile this
04:48.16PsyFelyaboo: you're better off buying a TDM400P or an X100P or clone if you're worried about price and dont use the cisco..
04:48.48yabooPsyFel, got a x100p and a sipura 3000
04:48.49Assidjust deleted it.. and checked out again
04:48.54PsyFelanyone got any idea on my iax bridging issue ?
04:49.03yaboobut thought got the cisco for free it could be of better use
04:49.32Darwin35yaboo what cisco
04:50.04Assidi saw the errors start with pri_ pri_.. so i went back and did it again
04:50.11yabooDarwin35, got a cisco 1721 with 32F and  128M with a isdn and VIC 2e?m cards in it
04:50.14Assidnow i removed the directory and checked it out again.. lemme see if that worked
04:50.35FuriousGeorgeDarwin35: you mentioned stun i think before, i mentioned ser.  with those solutions does the voip stream actually travel through the box running the sw (thereby increasing latency)
04:50.47PsyFelyaboo: i bought a wic 1BRIS/T last week off ebay for $30.. :)
04:51.20FuriousGeorgewhat im getting at is that would i have to run 4 sers/stun servers for 4 boxen to avoid what i just said
04:51.44file[laptop]depends on the type of NAT
04:51.44FuriousGeorgethat was really poorly phrased on my part :)
04:51.50yabooPsyFel, but you have a isdn at home I assume
04:51.56*** join/#asterisk apeman (
04:52.14PsyFelyaboo: nup.. it was for another 'project'..
04:52.30PsyFelyaboo: redundnant link setup
04:52.55yabooPsyFel, so you use a x100p yourself?
04:53.34FuriousGeorgefile[laptop]: what type of nat is ipcop
04:53.37PsyFelnah.. i have used them.. with varying degrees of success.. i've got about 20 of them.. each one has something different
04:53.44PsyFelabout it than the next..
04:53.58FuriousGeorgeand most of the time its just plain old residential router devices on the other side
04:54.00PsyFeli use a TDM400P at home..
04:54.12yabooPsyFel, found this on ebay, just need to know ill it work on the 1721?
04:54.30file[laptop]FuriousGeorge: I'm not a walking encyclopedia of NAT software
04:54.59FuriousGeorgefile[laptop]: excuse me, some people like a chance to sound smart
04:54.59file[laptop]but you can get away with rewriting the SIP messages to get rid of the internal LAN IP and put in the source IP, sometimes
04:55.20FuriousGeorgelol :)
04:55.32file[laptop]some NAT scenarios don't allow that though, because when audio goes out it'll go out a different port then in the SDP... and the other side has to send back to that port, or one way audio occurs
04:55.58FuriousGeorgei just thought, that types of nat would be like "residential routers vs real routers"etc
04:56.13file[laptop]no there's different types
04:56.17file[laptop]symmetric, full cone, etc
04:56.29file[laptop]even an imitation NAT, called PAT
04:56.43miahhi, any broadvoice users here?  i'm trying to setup asterisk to connect (first time with all this), and i keep getting auth failed..
04:57.01PsyFelyaboo: nup.. that vic is only used in thte ICS7750's...
04:57.14yabooPsyFel, bummer
04:57.35*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
04:57.56FuriousGeorgeso much to learn...  u guys think its silly to keep asterisk behind a firewall for security purposes
04:58.03miahnot at all
04:58.33miahif you have to put it 'outside', you could run a host based firewall.. if youre on linux 'man iptables'
04:59.17PsyFelFuriusGeorge: That's like saying "Do you think i need a firewall for my windows PC"... yes you do..
04:59.44file[laptop]NAT isn't a firewall though.
04:59.56PsyFelits better than nothing though
05:00.03FuriousGeorgePsyFel: people were saying it was silly to me earlier.  otoh, i suppose i could just put the * server in the DMZ and run the host based firewall id have no nat issues huh
05:00.12Darwin35no you need to rfthd on the box and insert a nopix instal cd
05:00.23FuriousGeorgelike miah said
05:00.26Darwin35or freebsd install cd
05:00.46PsyFelthere is nothing wrong with using NAT / PAT as a firewall.. so long as its done correctly..
05:01.19PsyFelif you can then team the rule sets with ACLs.. you're laughing..
05:01.25file[laptop]you can get Asterisk to work totally behind it, it just takes effort and configuration...
05:01.47PsyFelive got asterisk running behind nat no problems..
05:01.55FuriousGeorgething is, call me lazy, but i would like my bosses to be able to use sip clients thru nat, and id like to not learn any 3rd party sw in the process
05:01.57PsyFelim using it here at home..
05:02.03PsyFelit just depends on how you do it..
05:02.08FuriousGeorgeso the DMZ with a host based fw seems like a happy medium no?
05:02.09PsyFeland what equipment you use
05:02.38file[laptop]if it's SIP and has an internal address you need to have externip and localnet set...
05:02.47file[laptop]for remote people behind NAT, you need nat=yes and canreinvite=no set
05:03.02file[laptop]as well as in the DMZ, or the proper ports forwarded
05:03.10file[laptop]that's pretty much how to get it working with NAT/PAT...
05:03.20FuriousGeorgefile[laptop]: yeah thats how i got it working, but its entirely dependant on the ports being forewarded on my clients side
05:03.22file[laptop]port address translation
05:03.29file[laptop]FuriousGeorge: nope
05:03.43file[laptop]FuriousGeorge: UDP is handled differently
05:03.54file[laptop]FuriousGeorge: you don't have to map it like TCP
05:04.05PsyFelyes you do..
05:04.15file[laptop]not on the client side
05:04.31PsyFelyou still have to pass udp packets to the right machine's port
05:04.54file[laptop]okay which scenario are we talking about
05:05.10file[laptop]if it's a person who has a phone at their house behind NAT, no you don't need to get them to muck with their NAT stuff usually
05:05.15file[laptop]if it's you who has Asterisk behind NAT - yes
05:05.19PsyFelif you're sitting behind a router with firewall on it and you're on a NATd machine your firewall has to know which udp ports to forward to you
05:05.21FuriousGeorgefor instance, i got this one boss, has an office shes never at.  so i put an * box there to fw the calls to one building via zap, and to where shes at to her laptop in a 3rd building via sip
05:05.39FuriousGeorgeyeah its me w/ * behind nat
05:05.44f0urtyfivePsyfel: Uhh... then whats the NAT for :P
05:05.54file[laptop]FuriousGeorge: I thought you meant like a regular phone behind NAT
05:05.55PsyFelthat is nat
05:06.00file[laptop]thus the term client
05:06.00f0urtyfivePsyfel: You only have to map incoming connections
05:06.09FuriousGeorgeregular phone?  nat?
05:06.11PsyFelthats right
05:06.12f0urtyfivePsyfel: connections initiated by your machine you dont have to map
05:06.25PsyFelno ..but inbound you do..
05:06.26f0urtyfivePsyfel: IE, so with SIP, your phone connects to the server, you dont need to map anything back
05:06.28FuriousGeorgeoh you mean regular sip phone
05:06.32file[laptop]inbound you don't always have to
05:06.41f0urtyfivebecause once it has an outbound connection, it allows it in also
05:06.44file[laptop]if you're registering, and have qualify=yes, it can force the UDP mapping open
05:06.46PsyFelif you're behind a ANT firewall you do..
05:06.50f0urtyfivebecause it knows what machine it should sent it to
05:07.31file[laptop]that's why all my phones here at home work, I have no static mappings setup - and yet they receive calls fine
05:07.42f0urtyfivefile[laptop]: me too
05:07.44file[laptop]nat=yes, qualify=yes works wonders
05:07.47f0urtyfiveI have 3 phones here
05:07.50f0urtyfiveno mappings
05:07.54PsyFelconnecting to what ?
05:08.01PsyFelan * box at home ?
05:08.15file[laptop]my Asterisk is on a dedicated box in NY...
05:08.15f0urtyfivenope, My machines are all colocated in my rackspace :)
05:08.23f0urtyfiveJersey City here :)
05:08.25*** join/#asterisk littleball (n=littleba@
05:08.34PsyFeland you're IP's must be trusted between the two sites then..
05:08.52f0urtyfivePsyFel: Thats how NAT works
05:09.06file[laptop]f0urtyfive: we should give a diagram or explain it better
05:09.08PsyFelIm lost.. i dont understand what we're actually talking about anymore...
05:09.10f0urtyfivemy phone makes an outbound connection to the IP of my server
05:09.19f0urtyfiveso ->
05:09.42f0urtyfiveso, when stuff from on port X comes in to my NAT box
05:09.48f0urtyfiveit knows to send it back to
05:09.50Assidi am trying to setup this iax<->iax connection
05:09.54PsyFelyep.. itll auto translate to your phone..
05:09.58Assidbut.. i dont think it wants to connect
05:10.06file[laptop]it has to know, since UDP is connectionless
05:10.07PsyFelthats right cause the connection is already established..
05:10.18Assidshouldnt  a type friend take care of everything
05:10.31FuriousGeorgeAssid: what r u trying to connect to?  a voip provider like nufone or another * box
05:10.32PsyFeland it knows the reverse path is already learned..
05:10.45f0urtyfivePsyFel: Hence Network Address Translation :P
05:10.56file[laptop]see - UDP is a connectionless protocol, the NAT box HAS to remember it
05:11.14f0urtyfivefile[laptop]: not sure what you mean by that...
05:11.21*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
05:11.27PsyFelthats exaclty right.. i know all this.. didnt this start off though as whether you could use NAT /PAT as a firewall ?
05:11.33file[laptop]there's no connection established like TCP
05:11.38FuriousGeorgeshido6: youre back
05:11.39Assidanother asterisk box
05:11.40f0urtyfivePsyFel: Dunno wasnt here
05:11.52file[laptop]UDP is fun.
05:11.52FuriousGeorgeAssid: iax2 show users
05:12.04f0urtyfivePsyFel: But, You can use NAT as a firewall because it just throws out connectiosn that are inbound but havent been sent anything yet
05:12.36PsyFelif you're using PAT though as a firewall you do have to pass UDP ports to a location..
05:12.39shido6why am I adding h323 functionality to this...
05:12.47FuriousGeorgeb/c uve been drinking
05:12.54AssidFuriousGeorge: yes.. the account is there
05:12.56shido6thank you
05:13.13Assidand i am even using register to register it
05:13.17FuriousGeorgewhat about on the other box Assid
05:13.32Assidits there as well
05:13.39Assidsame username and password
05:13.44FuriousGeorgewhat happens when you make a call
05:13.45file[laptop]er wait maybe it's over, gah I think it is
05:14.26Assidiax2 show peers doesnt register it.. and iax2 debug shows tons of connections
05:15.05Assidall auths and pings and what not
05:15.08PsyFelAssid: are you using A@H ?
05:15.38*** join/#asterisk clyrrad (
05:15.42file[laptop]goodnight folks
05:17.31PsyFelare you using AMP ? or manually ?
05:18.35wunderkinSep 16 22:15:45 WARNING[6950]: app_queue.c:671 queue_set_param: Unknown keyword in queue 'markq': eventmemberstatusoff at line 156 of queues.conf  <-- that was taken out? it wasnt changed from the example config
05:20.57PsyFelAssid: you shouldnt have to use register.. iax2 -> iax2 works beautifully..
05:21.35*** join/#asterisk dudes (
05:21.41wunderkinfile dont go
05:22.10wunderkinthis memberstatus stuff is annoying while watching the manager :(
05:22.52PsyFelAssid: is that what you're after ?
05:23.24*** join/#asterisk wasim (n=wasim@pdpc/supporter/active/wasim)
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05:27.13*** part/#asterisk Xen^ (i=linux@
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05:34.14Assidsomething like that but..
05:34.19Assidbut why cant i use friend
05:35.02FuriousGeorgeholy lag batman
05:35.02wasimfriend == bad
05:36.31AssidFuriousGeorge: nothing in it
05:37.51PsyFelFuriousGeorge : did you fix your NuFone problem
05:38.57*** join/#asterisk outsidefactor (
05:39.39FuriousGeorgePsyFel: i did thanks to shido
05:39.53smcmahonWhat was the problem with the nufone thing
05:40.13FuriousGeorgeapparently, when he reset my password l and I are not the same thing, they just look identical in my client
05:40.41DigitalGodThat makes perfect sense
05:41.18AssidSep 17 11:09:12 NOTICE[6271]: chan_iax2.c:4964 register_verify: No registration for peer 'delhibox1' (from 5....
05:41.58smcmahonmostly everyone thinks iax2 sucks... didn't you know that assid ?
05:42.02FuriousGeorgei needed a comma b/t password and I...  or is that l
05:42.13FuriousGeorgebut you get my drift
05:42.34smcmahonAffirm FuriousGeorge.... BTW you should change that to CuriousGeorge!
05:42.46FuriousGeorgesmcmahon: then it wouldnt be funny
05:43.12ManWtheMetalBatsee now thats funny
05:43.13Flaming-DogshitOh Oh I'm on fire
05:43.29ManWtheMetalBatPISS ON IT
05:43.46Flaming-DogshitI'm flaming dogshit I cant piss... I'm just a pile of shit lol
05:45.12swm_Time to get some sleep
05:56.01PsyFelWhat error you getting now?
05:57.17Assiddoesnt show up in iax2 peers
05:57.26Assidmeans it aint connecting
05:57.27PsyFelon either end ?
05:57.46PsyFelwhat does it say in debug ?
05:58.09*** join/#asterisk djin_ib (
05:58.23Assidneither end shows anything
05:58.26Assiddebig goes crazy
06:00.00Assidthats debug
06:00.11*** join/#asterisk zamsler (
06:00.31zamslerI hap a problem and need some advise...
06:01.15zamsleris everyone sleeping?.
06:01.47wunderkinqwell never sleeps
06:01.51Assiddoes it make sense?
06:02.13PsyFeland whats the debug on the other saying ?
06:03.08zamslerI have a queue setup to call an external number.. when the call is bridged, it stops recording the call.
06:03.58AssidPsyFel: similar.. goes nuts
06:04.01zamslerzap -> IAX.. should that matter.
06:04.12Assidi just want it to atleast connect to each other
06:04.13PsyFeliax.conf => canreinvite=no
06:04.37PsyFelAssid : is it giving anything meaningful ?
06:05.10Assidnot really
06:05.20PsyFelAssid : did you follow the method on that wiki ?
06:05.42Assidafter regauth...  i get inval
06:06.39zamslerhmm didn't work.
06:07.38PsyFelAssid : are these 2 x machines close to each other ?
06:08.58zamsler does that look right??
06:09.55PsyFelhow far apart are they ?
06:10.52PsyFelchan_iax2.c only does native bridging when both sides of the bridged call
06:10.53PsyFelare IAX
06:11.10Assidwell.. 300ms lag worth
06:11.18Assidbut should be working
06:11.22zamslerholy.. 300ms...
06:11.31PsyFelthats too much lag..
06:11.37Assidi have the same thing at home here.. and it works fine when i connect to nufone
06:11.42zamslersounds like dialup.
06:11.51PsyFelthats like from Australia to Ireland over British Telecom ! :)
06:11.52Assidits in another country
06:12.21zamslerAssid, over sat?
06:12.21Assidthe lag aint the problem
06:12.36Assidthe authentication seems to be
06:12.42zamslerwhat error do u get?
06:12.52PsyFelpost your modd'd iax.conf's then..
06:13.11zamslerand the iax2 debug
06:15.08PsyFelwhats wrong with your's zamler (it looks the same as what im doing)..
06:16.05*** join/#asterisk gdsm (
06:16.46zamslerMy recording stops when the call is bridged.
06:16.46*** join/#asterisk optim (
06:16.46AssidPsyFel: you wanna try connecting from your * to mine
06:16.46zamslerit only happens with external numbers in a queue.
06:16.56optimhi is anyone using Polycom IP 300 phones with Asterisk?
06:17.25zamslerAssid, it is the qualify?
06:17.33Assidi just added that right now
06:17.46Assidwas trying everything.. so i decided to add it
06:17.51zamslerand what is the iax2 debug?
06:18.01Assideven the nat=yes isnt required since its over iax
06:18.04optimim using the latest bootrom for the Polycom and it wont register
06:18.30PsyFelwhere's your host address for the incoming ?
06:18.59Assidthe receving? well.. dyanic
06:19.05Assidi tried with that too
06:19.07Assiddidnt help
06:19.20PsyFelno the other one..
06:19.30Assidthe calling server?
06:19.36Assidthat i got in the register line
06:19.53Assidin your pm..
06:20.02zamslerand codecs match?
06:20.04Assidi even tried without register
06:20.07Assidzamsler: yes
06:20.14PsyFelok.. have you tried without register.. ?
06:20.19Assidas i said.. iax2 show peers --doesnt tregister
06:20.21Assidyes PsyFel
06:20.37PsyFeland what did that give ?
06:20.55Assidsame thing
06:21.08PsyFeli still think its a lag issue.. looking at those debugs.. 10018ms LAGRQ
06:21.21PsyFelINVALID INVALID and Retry
06:22.05PsyFelplus.. even if you do get this working.. it'd be unusable anyway.. the lag is too much
06:22.18Assidwell.. its just supposed to be 300ms
06:22.22Assidmax 400
06:22.29PsyFelyou have to keep it under 70ms to be legible..
06:22.32zamslerAssid, put the IP address on the incoming.
06:22.35Assidand i use that even today at home with asterisk
06:23.00Assidzamsler: i did.. i put the calling servers host
06:23.02Assiddidnt work
06:23.16zamslervoip will work with upto 300ms latencies, but they must notfluctuate. at all.
06:23.38Assidrtt min/avg/max/mdev = 381.677/381.802/381.928/0.630 ms
06:23.52Assidits pretty stable at that
06:24.08zamslerAssid, I do not konw what to tell you.
06:24.11PsyFelok.. so at the moment.. what have you got in your configs (as posted ?)
06:24.11Assidas  i said.. 300-400 ms. is yet doable.. since i do use it
06:25.35PsyFelthose instructions i posted work perfectly if followed correctly..
06:26.12Assidwell.. the only thing as such i changed is the host part.. where i have it host=dynamic
06:26.40PsyFelwell that host name in RECV is wrong isnt it..
06:27.26PsyFellowfar ?
06:27.30zamsleris that the hostname of the box?
06:27.37Assidyes.. of the calling box
06:27.39zamslererr the correct.
06:27.47zamsleryou have a problem..
06:28.04zamslerI can not ping it from my network
06:28.16zamslercomes up not resolvable.
06:28.38PsyFelits not lowfar its lowfare
06:28.39Assidi just pinged it from this box
06:28.49PsyFelhe's got it wrong on the config
06:29.11Assidnah.. i was using ip a few mins ago
06:29.21Assiddecided to use hostname instead.. typed it wrong
06:29.22zamsleryeah is what you pasted.
06:29.28zamsleryou are only 100ms from me.
06:29.39Assidyeah.. my bad..  it is lowfare
06:29.43Assidand it still doesnt work
06:29.48PsyFel215ms from me..
06:30.05Assidas i said.. i get a request on the calling server for authentication.. but doesnt work
06:30.11PsyFelok.. get rid of qualify
06:30.28PsyFelget rid of canreinvite
06:31.25Assidthats what i had earlier
06:31.28Assidand still doesnt work
06:31.55zamslerAssid, what release of *?
06:32.13zamslerwhat distro?
06:32.42PsyFelwhere is the trunk=yes ?
06:34.05PsyFelin the calling server section get rid of the username / canreinvite/ and get rid of the disallow and allow lines in both too..
06:34.16PsyFellet get back to basic and start again
06:35.24Assidokay no username?
06:36.26*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linuxM (
06:36.41PsyFel like that
06:37.27PsyFelreload and iax2 debug
06:37.31PsyFelnow what do you see
06:38.35PsyFelsorry i forgot the trunk=yes line on the RECV server line too.. add that too
06:39.15Assidokay debug now doesnt even show a connection
06:39.29Assidno connection
06:39.37PsyFeliax2 show peers
06:41.01Assid0 iax2 peers [0 online, 0 offline, 0 unmonitored]
06:41.09*** join/#asterisk af_ (
06:41.09PsyFeldid you reload both ends ?
06:41.15Assiddelhibox1/delhi  (Unspecified)   (D)  0    (T)      Unmonitored
06:41.37PsyFeldid you use the extensions.conf extension to try to call it to bring up the line
06:44.50*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
06:45.02Assiddoesnt even show a connection
06:48.24Assidshouldnt the receiving be peer?
06:48.40PsyFelim just changing the configs for you again..
06:49.20Assidi think i see it
06:51.10PsyFelIf the calling server does not have a fixed IP address or DNS namespace then the iax.conf file description of the calling server located on the receiving server should specify host=dynamic.
06:54.25Assidcalling server does,.,..
06:54.49PsyFelcopy em off my link
06:56.33Assidokay it shows on the calling server
06:56.39Assidbut.. not onn the recv
06:56.42*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
06:57.30Assidiax2 debug on the calling server shows tons of debug
06:57.36Assiderr.. inval
06:57.40PsyFelbut its only setup for one way at the moment.. so is it working via the extension ?
07:11.31*** join/#asterisk timschmidt (
07:12.50Assidbut.. i dont see anything on the receiving sever
07:13.03PsyFel - have a read.. esp right at the bottom
07:14.24Assidam not using sip.. except to connect to the calling server
07:17.16Assidbrb.. gotta go say hi to someone
07:17.28Assidmy heads starting to pain on this
07:41.46*** join/#asterisk djin_ib (
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07:46.59zoayo yo
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07:54.12Assidthis really doesnt make sense
08:08.15*** join/#asterisk Exstatica (
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08:16.50*** join/#asterisk Tekmaven (n=Tekmaven@
08:35.59*** join/#asterisk planetWayne (
08:36.50planetWaynereal quick - whats the command that tells you the status of your x100p cards (alert level type thing) ?
08:37.04zoacat /proc/zaptel/1
08:37.12zoaor zttool
08:38.07Assidumm.. whats the advantage of drunking?
08:38.22*** join/#asterisk mjr^^ (n=muhajir_@
08:38.23planetWayneMmmm - I guess a 'Unable to open /dev/zap/ctl: No such device' is baaad?
08:39.52mjr^^will the asterisk fwd the calls using the same standard as cisco-ata-186
08:42.24FuriousGeorgewhy do contexts end with the Hangup command in all the examples if everyone can just use kewlstart?
08:43.30Assidwhat exactly is a trunk
08:44.15FuriousGeorgei think the technical meaning is that a trunk is where your internal lines meet the "going external" lines
08:44.23FuriousGeorgetbh im not entirely sure either
08:44.33FuriousGeorgei know it has something to do with the external lines
08:51.09gdsmtrunk is a pipe to else where
08:55.56Assidumm.. do you need a trunk to be in both sides? caller/callee * boxes?
08:56.35gdsmassume two sites (either internal or external)
08:57.19gdsmall calls from one site to the other go down the trunk, instead of making individual connections
08:57.33djin_ibDoes anyone have an idea how I can resolve these this error?
08:57.35djin_ibchan_zap.c:7428 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 2
08:57.43Assidhrmm.. thats good..
08:57.52Assidso do i need it in the config for both ends?
08:57.52djin_ibIt only happened after a 1.0.7 -> 1.0.9 upgrade
08:59.57djin_ibmmm, only seems to happen on port 2 :(
09:00.54gdsmdjin_ib if you go back to 1.0.7 do you still get the error?
09:01.52djin_ibgdsm, no then it's gone
09:02.57djin_ibbut 1.0.7 has issues in asterisk-addons. That's why I wanted to upgrade :)
09:03.36gdsmdjin_ib I was hoping it was a frame check sum error on your HDLC rather than a potential code problem.
09:04.26*** join/#asterisk NormSteel (
09:04.36djin_ibNo, it looks like a code problem. Same issue on zaptel 1.0.9/
09:06.00*** join/#asterisk Xen^ (i=linux@
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09:07.44NormSteelanyone know if it posible to make calls from a local asterisk server out the work over a remote asterisk server with just and iax account?
09:08.33djin_ibgdsm, I checked all obvious sources, irq, dma, etc.
09:12.37*** join/#asterisk Mike_TK (
09:14.24djin_ibNormSteel, exten => _X.,Dial(IAX2/username:passwd@iaxserver,30)
09:18.01Assidwhats the initial _ for?
09:18.53FuriousGeorgelets * now there are special characters comming ;)
09:18.54NormSteeldjin_ib, thanks
09:18.57Spacebarbeginning of the string
09:19.24FuriousGeorgeu dont need to use it if you dont use X and N or [X-Y]
09:20.56FuriousGeorgefor example exten => 911,1,dial(zap/1) is ok but to specify 411 or 911 its exten => _[4,9]11,1,dial(zap/1)
09:21.09*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
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09:24.36Assidthis doesnt like me
09:24.39Assidthe new CVS is broken
09:25.09FuriousGeorgei had one last ? to ask the channel but i cant remember.
09:25.37niZonanyone heard of an asterisk to ventrilo/teamspeak bridge?
09:25.46FuriousGeorgeAssid: post your sip or iax.conf and your dialplan if u want ill take a look b4 i go to bead
09:25.55FuriousGeorgeniZon: no but i remember my question now
09:26.08Assidit works on my home * box to the calling server
09:26.17Assidbut.. not from the actual one i want to link
09:26.39FuriousGeorgesip/iax2 show registry <---  depending on which you are using
09:26.54FuriousGeorgewhats ventrilo/teamspeak
09:27.38Mike_TKAssid: CVS HEAD was ok yesterday evening.
09:27.54djin_ibRecent CVS 1.0 has same HDLC Abort issue :(
09:28.17djin_ibYeah: Sep 17 11:26:21 NOTICE[26529]: chan_zap.c:7434 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 2
09:28.20FuriousGeorgeanyway, i dont know how much luck im gonna get with an answer now, but what are the odds that i get asterisk to be able to answer a call from a proprietary pbx
09:28.47FuriousGeorgei dont think Assid is making calls on a t1 though, are you
09:28.49*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
09:29.01Assidwell that box has more bandwith then i do
09:29.04Assidand if i can connect
09:29.04*** join/#asterisk tafazzi (
09:29.10Assidthat one should def. be able to
09:29.35FuriousGeorgeyou should be able to at least connect with 4mbps of bandwidth
09:29.51FuriousGeorgewhat service provider assid
09:30.00Assiddude.. im in india
09:30.05Assidbandwith more exp than water
09:30.15FuriousGeorgewhat service providers do indians use?
09:30.24Assidthere are quite a few
09:30.47Assidif i was 1 km away.. id have another provider. giving 30-40K/sec download speeds
09:30.49jovuis there any way to get asterisk to silently /dev/null certain calls based on caller id ?
09:31.02Assidjovu: you mean hangup
09:31.05FuriousGeorgei was confused for a second, and i meant to say 4kbps
09:31.19Assidhehe... yeah we have more than 4kbps
09:31.23jovuassid, well i`d rather it didnt ring my phone atall and just rang out as if noone answered
09:31.34djin_ibjovu, sure
09:31.48FuriousGeorgejovu: absolutely
09:31.55FuriousGeorgei forget how off hand though
09:32.06jovuor just go directly to voicemail instead of ringing
09:32.17djin_ibjovu, look for 'ex-girlfriend' macro
09:32.42FuriousGeorgejovu: check out u'll see it there i bet
09:32.55Assidmy older CVS tree works fine..
09:33.02jovuhaha, ex-girlfriend
09:33.13FuriousGeorgeAssid: you gotta tell us what asterisk says, or show us docs
09:33.41djin_ibjovu, it's indeed funny, but it's there :)
09:34.12FuriousGeorgei mean or show us configs, omg im so tired im illiterate
09:34.25Assidokay found it
09:34.30Assidits ridiculous
09:34.44Assidthe server has a couple of ips
09:34.49Assidso if you dont use the main one..
09:34.52Assidit doesnt authenticate
09:35.50FuriousGeorgei had a hell of a day making outgoing calls today because when someone gave me my new password my irc client made l and I look exactly the same
09:36.04Assidcopy /paste
09:36.22FuriousGeorgeand thats how i finally figured it out
09:36.49*** join/#asterisk mjr^^ (n=muhajir_@
09:36.51FuriousGeorgei thought i broke it with my tinkering but no
09:36.58FuriousGeorgeanyway, ill see yall soon
09:38.30*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
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09:40.06Assidit needs it as the primary ip
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10:12.00Mike_TKHi all! Is there is any movement with sip jitter buffer?
10:12.45Mike_TKI mean does any patches exists that can be applied to MAIN / HEAD / 1.2b?
10:18.23zoahmm, not recent cvs-head probably
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10:38.08JoelsolankiHello Room, any body over here. I need support with extension.conf i m not able to call. i m using sjphone for testing purpose.
10:38.19Joelsolankianybody here ?
10:48.18*** join/#asterisk NoRemorse (
10:49.00NoRemorsehi all, is there a dect solution for asterisk? ie some sort of pci or usb or ethernet "box" that allows multiple dect handsets to operate of an asterisk box as a pbx?
10:50.14*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
10:50.40joelsolankiHello room
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11:03.17NoRemorseoh yeah....
11:05.49joelsolankiHello any body over here who can help me
11:06.54MikeJ[Laptop]not without asking a quesion ;)
11:07.56joelsolankii have asterisk setup on redhat 9. i have sip voip provider so i m using sip.conf. let me paste the configuration in pastebin
11:08.32MikeJ[Laptop]make sure to paste all your passwords in there so everyone can use your accounts
11:09.26MikeJ[Laptop]yet you still have not stated a problem... hmmmm
11:11.21joelsolankii am using sjphone for testing purpose
11:12.50MikeJ[Laptop]ok, I'm going back to bed..
11:13.26joelsolankican u wait 2 mins
11:14.15joelsolankiMike: i pasted the config something is wrong with extension.conf
11:15.11NoRemorsei'll take a look whats the problem tho?
11:15.32joelsolankiNoRemorse: i m not able to make calls
11:15.38NoRemorseok hang a tic
11:15.49joelsolankilet me tell u the debug message on asterisk console.
11:17.04NoRemorseassuming your provider has given you an account and password, it is not in your config?
11:17.48joelsolankii have a peer connection. i dont need username / password ..i just have to put ip address of my provider.
11:18.01joelsolankithey will setup accesslist for my asterisk and it works.
11:18.29NoRemorseok. whats debug message?
11:18.46joelsolankihere is the debug
11:19.20Guggemandmaybe it Sip and not SIP ?
11:19.59*** join/#asterisk littleball (
11:20.10joelsolankiGugglemand: means ???
11:20.21NoRemorsedoes a dial sip,712 work?
11:21.42NoRemorsehmm lets assume it does
11:21.55joelsolankiNoRemorse: how to test that ?
11:23.36joelsolankiNoRemorse: when i dial only 500 then something with digium works.
11:23.50NoRemorseI found your prob
11:23.52NoRemorseexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@iphone}
11:23.57NoRemorsemake it
11:24.02NoRemorseexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@iphone)
11:25.05joelsolankiNoRemorse: let me change it above lines .
11:25.54NoRemorseexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@iphone)
11:26.04NoRemorse) instead of }
11:26.15joelsolankioh ok
11:26.21NoRemorsesimple typo
11:26.58*** join/#asterisk lexande (n=lexande@
11:27.15lexandewhich VoIP services permit reselling?
11:27.37NoRemorseany wholesale one? :)
11:27.46lexandesuch as?
11:28.21joelsolankiNoRemorse: after changing it, it works, it is not giving me the last error but new error. let me paste it to pastebin
11:29.26lexandethe only one i've come across in my searching is deltathree, and they won't tell you how much it costs
11:30.21joelsolankii got the error on asterisk console when i dialed
11:30.44NoRemorsesorry lex I dont use any wholesale providrs other than sptel in AU
11:32.40NoRemorsenot sure try adding context=default
11:32.48NoRemorseunder [iphone]
11:33.48joelsolankiok let me try
11:34.52NoRemorseoh nm dont
11:34.54NoRemorseGot SIP response 503 "Service Unavailable" back from
11:35.06NoRemorsemeans the number u are sending your provider is not being parsed
11:35.25NoRemorseawesome ip address of the provider btw lol
11:35.47joelsolankiso u mean to say problem is from voip service provider ?
11:36.51NoRemorseno.. u are probably not sending the phone number correctly
11:37.14NoRemorsewhat number are u dialling? (replace last 4 digits with x if u like)
11:37.28joelsolankii m dialing 14024645971
11:38.00joelsolankireplace last 4 digit ..means ? how to do that?
11:38.18NoRemorsewhat country is your provider and what country are you?
11:38.36joelsolankimy country is india and service provider is in usa.
11:38.46NoRemorseand the number u are dialing is where?
11:39.30joelsolankiit is of usa
11:39.42NoRemorsehmm it should work :(
11:39.56joelsolankiyes that is what i m thinking
11:40.08joelsolankisomething related with codecs ?
11:40.11NoRemorsetry a 1800 freecall it could just be an account credit thing
11:40.21NoRemorsecould be, what codec does the provider use?
11:41.04NoRemorseput this in extensions.conf
11:41.05joelsolankitried 1800 got " call rejected: 484 Address is incomplete "
11:41.09NoRemorseexten => 199,1,Dial(IAX2/
11:41.11NoRemorseand dial 199
11:41.19joelsolankiok let me put it
11:41.35NoRemorsealways a good test for your * install :)
11:43.47joelsolankiyes 199 works
11:43.57joelsolankione lady is speaking from digium :)
11:45.42joelsolankiNoRemorse: what do u think ? :)
11:45.54NoRemorsecool so your * is working, it will be either a codec issue or number format config, try allow=all for your provider and extension 712
11:47.17joelsolankiok let me do it. hang on
11:48.37joelsolankii kept allow=all in iphone in sip.conf but same error.
11:50.41joelsolankiNoRemorse: I m using xlite softphone. softphone has only g711u / g711a / gsm
11:50.49NoRemorsethats the prob.
11:51.02*** join/#asterisk Abbas (i=Abbas@
11:51.03NoRemorseyour provide ris using sonething else then
11:51.11joelsolankihmm i also think so.
11:51.30joelsolankiNoRemorse: i have linksys pap2 box. will it work?
11:52.05NoRemorsesorry havent used them before, why dont you try an iax client? they have g729, try the firefly one
11:52.38joelsolankiNoRemorse: but will it work with my sip.conf configuration ? IAX client ..
11:52.54AbbasWARNING[3721]: acl.c:197 ast_get_ip: Unable to lookup ''   y this message comes   i am unable to dial through this peer
11:52.57NoRemorseno, iax.conf :)
11:53.34NoRemorsecreate a new extension say 713 in iax.conf
11:53.41joelsolankidoes iax.conf require any special hardware ?
11:54.19AbbasNoRemorse    WARNING[3721]: acl.c:197 ast_get_ip: Unable to lookup ''   y this message comes   i am unable to dial through this peer
11:54.20joelsolankior iax.conf will directly connect to my voip provider ?
11:55.27NoRemorseno it doesnt need to, it is for your client remember :)
11:55.46NoRemorsesip.conf configures your sip provider and iax.conf configures your softphone client (in this case)
11:56.21Abbasan anybody help me ?
11:56.22NoRemorseabbas is it a sip peer? or iax?
11:56.26PsyFelAbbas : the answer is there.. ACL  you are blocked by the look of it..
11:56.44PsyFelAbbas : or your DNS isnt setup right
11:56.56NoRemorsedoesnt need dns it is an ip address?
11:56.57joelsolankiNoRemorse: oh means sip.conf will connect to my voip provider and iax.conf is for my softphone client ?
11:56.58AbbasNoRemorse    its SIP peer
11:57.11NoRemorsejoelsolanki: thats what I said :)
11:57.20NoRemorseabbas from console type sip show peers
11:57.35PsyFeltrue.. so long as default gateway is right he should be able to traceroute to it.. test that first Abbas
11:57.49joelsolankiNoRemorse: :) Thanks, can u tell me where can i download iax client for window ?
11:58.05PsyFeliax is an asterisk connection method
11:58.30NoRemorsesure joel hang a tic
11:59.37Abbasi did  sip show peers     i cannot see this peer in it
11:59.42Abbaswhat should i do
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12:00.25NoRemorsethen it is not even configured as a peer, put it in sip.conf
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12:00.38joelsolankiNoRemorse: ok thanks i m downloading and testing. let u know.
12:00.56Abbasbut  if i dont define peer in sip.conf  and use this IP to send traffic   in my extensions.conf  it works
12:02.27NoRemorsethought u said it didnt work?
12:02.38Abbasits actually a VOIP GW   i just defined   type=peer, host=IP, insecure=Very disallow=all allow=g729   and used the peer name in exten.conf
12:02.38NoRemorsebut yes u r right.
12:03.00NoRemorseTHEN sip show peers should at least list it as unreachable
12:03.10Abbasif i use the same IP without defining in sip.conf it works fine
12:03.23Abbasbut when i send traffic on peer it does not
12:03.42PsyFelwhat builld of asterisk are you running Abbas ?
12:06.51PsyFelabbas: that ip you listed '' i cant traceroute to it either.. it timesout..
12:07.45PsyFelmaybe its a port filtering issue ?
12:08.13*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
12:09.27joelsolankimy machine was hanged. can u tell me again from where to download iax client
12:09.56AbbasPsyFel   i tried again   by changing the IP    when i put the host=IP:port   it doesont work and when i put a simple IP it does not give the SRV lookup error
12:10.30Abbasbut i need to give a port as my GW is not listening on default ports
12:12.07joelsolankiHello where to download the iax client for windows.
12:12.21PsyFel[22:04] [NoRemorse]
12:12.26*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
12:12.39joelsolankiOk thanks
12:13.09PsyFelumm i relaly think this is the root of your issues then.. if you change it all back to default ports it works yes ?
12:13.49Abbasbut   if i put the IP:port in exten.conf   rather than making a peer  it works fine
12:14.09*** join/#asterisk valence (
12:14.09Abbasonly when i put IP:port in peer its says lookup problem
12:16.29*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
12:17.06Assidokay this is really weird.. normally.. if you put a context on an incoming iax it shows up as exten@config
12:17.26Assidhowever.. if ia m calling from *->* the receiving end uses exten@
12:17.31Assidno context
12:17.56PsyFelyou need to define the context in the iax.conf
12:18.17PsyFelso you obviously got the iax connection problem solved ?
12:19.04PsyFelAbbas: im not sure about the peer / port redirection issue you're having.. i'd have to set it up myself to test..
12:19.10Assidyeah.. i had to put in the username and password
12:19.21Assidunauthenticated connections had issues
12:19.38PsyFelbut there were usernames and passwords in the configs we did..
12:19.40AssidSep 17 17:49:31 NOTICE[29554]: chan_iax2.c:6683 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach '3400@'
12:20.04Assidyes.. but that wasnt enough.. the calling box must have  it.. for the receiving box to authenticate
12:20.23Assidneed to use primary ip
12:20.31Assidnot the other ips bound on the box
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12:20.52PsyFelhaha.. so it was an ip issue.. cool.. that makes more sense..
12:21.04Assidthat + user
12:21.13Assidneeded to be authenticated user
12:21.23Assidalthough its funny
12:21.24joelsolankiPsyFel: firefly also dont have g.729 suppor. i think it is paid.
12:21.30PsyFelbut you were using register.. and the register command passes the username manually..
12:21.42Assidasterisk SHOULD use the same ip it got the connection on
12:21.48joelsolankimy voip provider has g.723 and g.729 support. so i think no softphone supports it.
12:22.22PsyFelcant answer that joel.. i only copied the link for you
12:22.37Assidnow i keep getting this error
12:22.43Assidhow can it not have a context
12:23.05PsyFelare you still doing it via register?
12:23.10joelsolankiok no probs. just want to know. i have linksys pap2 which has g.723 and g.729 support. so it should work with my provider.
12:23.24joelsolankiasterisk doesnt require g.729 license right ?
12:23.35PsyFelit has g729 passthru only.
12:23.47PsyFelunless you purchase the g729 license from digium
12:24.15PsyFel$10USD per license
12:24.35joelsolankiok but i want to know wheather if my endpoint devices like linksys pap2 has g.729 support then do i have to implement 729 support in asterisk ?
12:24.44AssidPsyFel: yes..
12:24.52joelsolankimy voip provider has also g.729 support enabled.
12:25.07Assidalthought he new cvs is more temperamental to something 2 days older
12:25.18PsyFeljoel: do a debug and see which protocol its trying to use..
12:25.34joelsolankihmm ok
12:26.17PsyFelAssid: so long as you have the context set in both RECV and SEND iax.conf's and its the RIGHT context for those machines.. then you should be fine
12:29.35*** join/#asterisk JonUK (
12:29.44JonUKhi everyone
12:29.47Assiddoesnt work
12:30.09JonUKreally stupid question... whats the command to put in the extension file, so the person calling hears a standard ringing tone?
12:35.41*** join/#asterisk DeeJay01 (
12:36.05DeeJay01Anyone awake here?
12:36.40DeeJay01Ah, 1 out of 100
12:36.49pr0m1 out of 309.
12:36.54DeeJay01Ok, whatever.
12:37.15DeeJay01How well do you know asterisk configs?
12:37.31DeeJay01I have a simple problem for someone who knows it even a little...
12:37.34*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
12:38.23DeeJay01I would like to add a second email address to my voicemail.conf file so both email addresses receive any voicemails.  Do you know what the syntax should be?
12:38.25ariel_morning everyone
12:38.45*** join/#asterisk nowster (
12:39.20pr0mnope... but i think that's covered on under voicemail.conf
12:39.48DeeJay01Ok, I'll have a peak now.  brb.
12:39.50nowsteranyone come up with the problem that echo cancellation works fine for calls made out on an FXO, but incoming calls are very echoey (same line)
12:40.41nowsterlooking in ztmonitor, it appears that the incoming ringing current is being echoed back on the TX channel.
12:41.02nowster...which might mean that it's trying to do echo training before the call has been answered.
12:42.10PsyFelwhat sort of FXO card nowster?
12:42.11pr0mDeeJay01: it's in there.
12:42.17nowsterX100P clone.
12:42.26PsyFelthat'll be your problem..
12:42.41DeeJay01I'm still trying to find it.
12:42.44PsyFelive got 20 of em all doing different strange things.. just like htat..
12:43.17nowsterPsyFel: right. Do the digium cards work much better in that regard, then?
12:43.34ariel_nowster, are you using CVS head or stable?
12:43.49PsyFelabsolutely.. i solely run the TDM400P's now for PSTN connections..
12:44.39Assidargh.. still doesnt work
12:44.44PsyFelplus the added advantage of 1 card for 4 lines so only 1 interrupt
12:44.47ariel_nowster, if you update the zaptel drivers to head version Which they do work with stable you can change to KB1 for the echo setup. Which seems to do a great job
12:45.17DeeJay01Think I found it.  Will give it a try.  Thanks pr0m.
12:45.19nowsterariel_: will have a play
12:45.31Assidfirst and foremost.. for some strange reason its coming on port 25186
12:45.35nowsterKB1 is one of the echo cancel algorithms?
12:45.43Assideven when iax says its bound to 4569
12:46.05ariel_nowster, you need to edit the kconfig.c and pick the KB1 instead of the default MARK2 before you compile the drivers.
12:46.09nowsterariel_: the zaptel driver I'm currently using is from zaptel-1.2.0-beta1
12:47.25ariel_nowster, check the zconfig.h to see if it's there
12:47.27nowsterariel_: actually, I *am* using KB1 as a canceller.
12:47.59nowsteras I was saying, it's great on outgoing calls, but crap on incoming calls
12:48.00PsyFelwhich chipset is your clone ?
12:48.05*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
12:48.07ariel_ok then next change your txgain and rxgain like one to 4.0 the other one to 2.0 depending on your ztmonitor settings
12:48.14nowster0000:00:09.0 Communication controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface
12:49.26PsyFelhave you gone through all the echo cancellation procedures on wiki ?
12:49.57ariel_nowster, if you keep the tx and the rx with different value about 2 point apart it will help.
12:50.23nowsterIt *seems* like the training is working fine on outgoing calls, but getting triggered at the wrong time on incoming.
12:50.35nowsterI'll go and tweak the gains.
12:51.13PsyFelman.. ive got clones that 'blip and blop' others go silent for seconds at a time randomly, some have really loud RX or TX channels..
12:51.35PsyFelive just lost all faith in them i suppose..
12:51.45PsyFelive tried all different brands..
12:52.09nowsterthe clones are really only winmodems
12:53.04PsyFeli was going to say that you could have all mine.. but you're in the UK.. so tuff.. im not going to post em ! :)
12:54.04nowsterOn the upside, I've got a Fritz ISDN card working perfectly at work with the CAPI drivers.
12:54.48DrukenPsyFel: i'll take them :) i'm in canada
12:55.00PsyFelstill too far from Australia :)
12:55.01ariel_I have a real x101p and also some tdm400p's and have to say that the x101p works just fine for me.
12:55.20PsyFelreal as in NOT clone ?
12:55.38Drukeni use three x100p clones, and they work better than my tdm400p
12:55.52AssidSep 17 18:25:41 WARNING[26599]: chan_iax2.c:6878 socket_read: Call rejected by No authority found
12:55.54AssidSep 17 18:25:41 NOTICE[26599]: chan_iax2.c:1573 iax2_destroy: Avoiding IAX destroy deadlock
12:56.18PsyFelyeah.. ?? i dunno.. i thought initially that i just had a bad batch.. so i tried others.. but kept getting different issues..
12:56.34Drukenwhat issues are you getting?
12:56.40ariel_password or user name Assid
12:56.55Assidthats the one
12:56.56PsyFel[22:55] <PsyFel> man.. ive got clones that 'blip and blop' others go silent for seconds at a time randomly, some have really loud RX or TX channels..
12:57.09PsyFeland others have echo issues..
12:57.34Drukenwell, the RX/TX and echo problems could be the machine and phoneline combo....
12:57.40nowsterDruken: I'm having echo problems on incoming calls, but not on outgoing calls on the same channels
12:57.43PsyFelit was funny though.. i could litterally pull a card out and swap it for another and the initial problem would disappear, but a new one would occur
12:57.58Drukeni've had an x100p card in my machine, horrible echo... put it in another machine, worked like a fucken dream
12:58.01PsyFelnah.. the problems would shift..
12:58.33PsyFelive put a TDM400P in that machine same phone lines and works perfectly.
12:59.07Drukennowster: that's funny, i have the exact opposite
12:59.08PsyFelim sure they do work for some people.. but i spose im just not one of those people :)
13:00.03PsyFelanyway all.. im off to eat and sleep.. later..
13:00.51Assidokay found something weird..
13:00.59Assidno audio
13:01.17Drukenfirewall ?
13:03.11Assidyeah.. now i set the sip correctly.. BUT.. i get audio broken down like crazy
13:03.20Assidlike slow motion tv
13:05.17*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (n=gambolpu@
13:05.25*** part/#asterisk PsyFel (
13:05.27Assidthis part i dont understand
13:05.33Assidwhy its coming so bad
13:06.32Assidi think im almsot done for the day.. if i can get this
13:07.25nowsterAssid: choppy audio?
13:07.32Assidyeah.. i guess
13:07.35Assidits like slow motion
13:07.44nowstercould be network congestion?
13:07.59*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
13:08.06Assiddont think so..
13:08.14Assidi am niot missing words
13:08.17Assidas such
13:08.30Assidits just like when you play something in slow motion
13:08.39Assidit chops and the audio comes real slow
13:08.46Assidim gussing its something to do with the iax timing
13:09.36nowsterAssid: look at jitter in the iax conf
13:11.36Assidnah.. this one i am testing through sip.. softphone
13:14.37Assidnow all i need it to do is work.. so i can get some sleep
13:14.48Assidvery simple request
13:17.27*** join/#asterisk ptblank (
13:21.14tzangerAssid: that is indicative of a congested line
13:21.24Assidnah.. was the zaptel
13:21.25tzangermissing words is just extreme congestion when packets are dropped
13:21.40tzangerhow on earth does zaptel get you slow motion audio?
13:21.47Assidcvs update didnt work.. had to delete the whole thing
13:21.48tzangerclock sync issues will get you the occassional buzz or chirp
13:21.54tzangerAssid: use -d
13:21.57tzangercvs up -d
13:22.01tzangerand P
13:22.02Assidoh crap
13:22.05Assidthats why
13:22.06tzangercvs up -dP
13:22.16tzangerremove old files and prune old directories
13:22.51Assideither which way.. the update was only 12 hrs difference
13:22.55Assidor less
13:23.27tzangerAssid: if you're not subscribed to asterisk-cvs when using -HEAD you're a crazy man
13:26.07Assidhehe.. will subscrive later today
13:26.12Assidhow many mails per hour/day ?
13:27.53tzangerddepends on the day
13:27.58tzangersometimes one or two, sometimes 50
13:28.11Darwin35ok stop monopolizing the channel you 2
13:29.09tzangermorning Darwin35 :-)
13:33.40Assidcrap.. one of the routers at my friends office doesnt have dyndns support
13:33.47Assidand its on the dhcp plan
13:33.53tzangerbah dyndns sucks anyway
13:34.19tzangerwhen it registers to asterisk just grab the ip there :-)
13:34.31Assidhrmm.. that one doesnt
13:34.39Assidindependant for now
13:34.42tzangerbah, you're screwed then :-)
13:34.49Assidthen i will look at dundi if possible
13:34.49tzangerjust haver it register for the sake of getting hte ip
13:34.52tzangerwho says you have to pass calls
13:34.58Assidyeah.. thats true
13:35.10Assidi gotta clean up my contexts
13:35.24tzangerthat is the #1 problem with people using asterisk
13:35.40tzangerthey dump everything into the [default] context and then wonder why they pull their hair out trying to make it work nice and clean
13:35.55tzangerit took some work but my contexts are very clean now ... it's heaven
13:36.05Assidnah.. i do have clean in one box. the other one i tried to .. but it acted stupid for some strange reason
13:36.11*** join/#asterisk redder86 (
13:36.44Assidi gotta play with queue now.. and get that up.. so he wont bug me noi more
13:36.51clyrradCan anyone help me with call parking?  I am able to park calls, and the system announced the call is parked on '101' the problem is no other phone can pickup the parked call.  I have tried entring '101' on the second phone and it will not pick up the call.  Any idea why?
13:37.00Assidenjoy your shower. gonn go for a walk
13:37.16Assid*8 clyrrad
13:37.32clyrradI have tried that as well
13:38.01tzangerclyrrad: does the other phone have "include => parkedcalls" (or include => local, which should include parkedcalls) in its context?
13:38.12tzangerno *8 picks up a ringing line in the same callgroup
13:38.18tzangerer pickupgroup sorry
13:38.37clyrradtzanger.... yes all phones have include => parked calls
13:38.53swm_Woo Hoo, Oregon has West Nile Virus
13:39.34clyrradCLI has this error:  ERROR[12296]: chan_sip.c:4357 transmit_response_with_sdp: Can't add SDP to response, since we have no RTP session allocated.
13:39.45tzangerclyrrad: what happens when the user dials 101?
13:39.53tzangerusually parked calls are 700s
13:39.55tzangerby default
13:40.12clyrradit tries to call 101 as an extension
13:40.50tzangerclyrrad: are you sure alison says one oh one and not seven oh one?
13:40.55tzangerdid you change your call parking configuration?
13:41.14clyrradbascialy it acts the same way as it does when yo dial extension 2000 (which is a sip phone), it see's 101 as a phone not a parked call
13:41.21clyrradYes, i changed from 700 to 100
13:41.46tzangerchange it back
13:42.10clyrradis there a problem using 100?
13:43.50clyrradthat was a good guess... but it does the same thing on the 701 now
13:44.14tzangerclyrrad: do you have an exten => _X. or exten => _. in your context or any included context?
13:44.37tzanger(or any kind of wildcard match along those lines)
13:44.40clyrradexten => _X.,2,Congestion
13:44.41tzangerwell fix it
13:44.51swm_Picture, if you theoretically can, a naked Jessica Lynch lying there on the floor, writhing in pain, with an [Iraqi] guard holding her dog leash. Or hooded, standing on a box with electrodes attached to her fingers and genitalia. Or screaming in terror as guard dogs attack. How about a video of her smeared with feces with a banana stuck up her ass, being forced to masturbate as the guards point and laugh
13:44.58tzangersomething is matching your 701 before the parking
13:45.11tzangeryou're including parkedcalls AFTER it too...  stuff like that should be at the very very top
13:45.35tzangerinclude => parkedcalls
13:45.35tzangerinclude => pri_local
13:45.35tzangerinclude => pri_tollfree
13:45.49clyrradi see, im sure its not the [bogon-calls] becase i would hear the congestion tone
13:46.06tzangerinclude = nine11
13:46.06tzangerinclude = phones
13:46.12tzangerinclude = international
13:46.26tzanger(international has parkedcalls at the top of its list, through logndistance and local)
13:46.30clyrradim double checking the dial plan
13:46.46tzangerwhich means 911 matches first, then any of my extensions, then "pseudo" extensions such as parkedcalls
13:47.05clyrradi think i found the culprit
13:47.06tzangerclyrrad: show dialplan *contextname* is a big help
13:47.15nowsterThere's a bug in the Wiki. It uses <font face="courier"></font> instead of <code></code>
13:47.22nowsterfor monospaced text
13:47.28tzangernowster: the wiki is a bug
13:48.11tzangeranyway shower for real this time :-)
13:48.22tzangerclyrrad: let me know if you got it working
13:49.51*** join/#asterisk crash3m (i=crash3m@unaffiliated/crash3m) is better
13:50.52clyrradtzanger... well its not treating it as an extension now, its getting the congestion tone, so we are definatly on to something here
13:51.46redder86how do you represent zero energy in 16-bit signed linear audio?
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13:57.42clyrradtzanger... does this look correct to you?
13:58.09nowsterredder86: 0   (the range for signed 16 bit is -32768 to +32767)
13:58.59tzangerclyrrad: yup looks good
13:59.17tzangernow you're getting congestion so I'm guessing parkedcalls is not getting included
13:59.27clyrradbut I am able to park the call
13:59.28*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
13:59.43clyrradand to do that parkedcalls needs to be included....
13:59.47swm_How come one touch record does not work?
14:00.37tzangerclyrrad: correct
14:00.49tzangeras I said it should be one of the first things included
14:00.49swm_CVS-HEAD as of January of 2005 States that in Features.conf if you define automon => *7 it will work as a one touch record
14:01.09clyrradso that means its being included, there must be another reason for the congestion tone then
14:01.25swm_if you have congestion blow your nose
14:02.04*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
14:02.05tzangerswm_: chest congestion doesn't get helped by blowing your nose :-)
14:02.11tzangerclyrrad: hmm
14:02.30tzangershow dialplan *whatever* and pastebin it, showing all the dialplans that lead up to the one including parkedcalls
14:03.27tzangerbasically walk the tree and try to find where it's matching or not matching
14:03.31redder86nowster: I thought 0, but when I put a bunch of zeros in an slinear audio stream and pass it through IAX I get a really bad noise
14:04.03tzangerredder86: odd
14:04.23tzangerredder86: try 0x8000 then?
14:05.44tzangerclyrrad: hmm it's right there
14:05.57tzangernice name, by the way.  That's my name too
14:06.12swm_tzanger: would help if he just posted his whole dialplan not from the asterisk cmd line
14:06.17tzangerwhat does show dialplan parkedcalls say
14:06.25tzangerswm_: yeah but I'm trying to prevent that
14:06.36tzangerif the phone dumps into the my_phones context that's all we need
14:06.39swm_why not ssh in and look
14:06.53tzangerunless int-extensions, voicemail or outbound is matching
14:06.54redder86tzanger: hmmmm... maybe the audio source is messing with my zeros before transmission...
14:07.39clyrradnot sure why it still shows 100 and 700.... thats odd
14:07.40AssidHT aint that great
14:07.41tzangerclyrrad: you've got 100 and 700 there
14:07.59swm_extensions reload
14:08.02clyrraddid reload a few times
14:08.02swm_from the cli
14:08.09Darwin35that was fun
14:08.17tzangeryeah but does that correctly parse if he's messed with parking.conf?
14:08.18swm_darwin35 what was fun
14:08.24swm_nope it doesnt
14:08.38swm_kill asterisk
14:08.40tzangerthat's why I was asking for the restart :-)
14:08.58swm_LOL been a while since I had problems with that feature
14:09.04clyrradok i'll kill * and restart it
14:09.07Darwin35I just hard mapped serveal nmbr fbi/atf/doa/dod/cdc/fcc/fbi/ssa/fema/dohls/
14:09.17*** part/#asterisk outsidefactor (
14:09.28tzangerDarwin35: why?
14:09.39swm_Where did you aquire that information?
14:09.46Darwin35used there initals to map thenir 3 digit exten
14:09.54Darwin35just a project
14:09.59swm_Send me a copy
14:10.09Darwin35make it easier for people to reach these services
14:10.15tzangerDarwin35: I suppose
14:10.31tzangerI'd rather just have 912 and then say "press 1 for FBI, press 2 for ATF.."
14:10.39swm_Darwin35: so whats Homeland Security's number
14:10.42tzangerrather than stare at the fucking keypad "f...f... which # is f..."
14:10.46Darwin35to reach the sociall security 800 you just dial 772
14:10.53Darwin35it dials the 800 nmbr for you
14:11.12clyrradtzanger... ok reboot did the trick
14:11.25Darwin35I grabbed all the nmbrs off each companies web site
14:11.30swm_does the CVS-HEAD of asterisk have parking.conf ?
14:11.32tzangerdidn't ned to reboot, just issue "restart when convenient" at the CLI
14:11.48tzangerswm_: might have all been brought into features.conf
14:12.13clyrradtzanger... still getting the same congestion tone....
14:12.21tzangerclyrrad: ok
14:13.01tzangernow go through the ohter included contexts (and the contexts they include) and look for anything that might match 701
14:13.01swm_Could it be in his features.conf ?
14:13.01clyrradand i can see on the CLI it sais 701 has been added to parkedcalls
14:13.01*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
14:13.01tzangerclyrrad: ok good
14:13.12tzangerswm_: it looks like that part of it's working, it's the extension matching that's causing him pain
14:13.17swm_Prints Asterisk code on paper, pours lighter fluid on it, then pisses on the ashes
14:13.21Darwin35now to figure more to map
14:13.49tzangerswm_: lighter fluid doesn't transform paper to ash... you gotta light it
14:13.58tzangerand you don't need lighter fluid to help it burn :-)
14:14.01swm_Yah I know .. been awake for 30 minutes
14:14.19swm_I thought asterisk was spontaniously combustable ??
14:14.31Darwin35no just the endusers
14:14.43swm_lol good call
14:15.07Darwin35they become flaming queens when things dont work right
14:15.31Darwin35Flame on girl friend flame on
14:15.47*** join/#asterisk NoNeo (
14:15.52file[laptop]yay... heavy rainfall warning
14:15.57swm_New York Times states that a new open source software for the linux platform pisses off people so much they spontaniously combust sometime during the compiling and install process of asterisk. Police spokesman for the New york city was not around for comment.
14:16.35wunderkinis that what happened on south park?
14:16.37Darwin35File frab a bar of soap and bottle of shampoo and go out and take a god given shower. its free and refreshing
14:16.56swm_souuth park?
14:17.46swm_whats that? Kyle Kenny Eric and Stan? And the best character of all "Timmy" Oh wait. Then there is little Jimmy... Woah he's funny... Lemme think some more, Oh yeah butters is a little wierd
14:18.03clyrradwow, this is crazy... I have commented out everyting that could be pattering matching.  All I have is include parkedcalls and int-extensions, still getting the congestion tone
14:18.12Darwin35THis just in People who use freebsd/linux/unix less likely to procreate. thus the drop in the human/geek population......
14:18.30swm_why not set your asterisk to debug and call the extension :) then pastebin it
14:18.49jontowdarwin35; oddly, i've proved this wrong.. my gf and i both use unix .. and learned on monday that she's pregnant :)
14:19.14swm_jontow: Who's the daddy? heh
14:19.15Darwin35wow so inter speacies breading works
14:19.49Darwin35congrats man
14:20.01jontowme :P
14:20.07swm_I never knew that monkey dna was compatible with humans
14:20.15clyrradok here is the debug
14:20.26swm_jst kidding
14:20.34Darwin35hard part will be when he/she surpasses your knowlege level and just looks at you and say I love you dad go back to your rocking chair
14:20.59spackleThey do that at age 3
14:21.44jontowkinda hoping for a girl.. that way i get a chance to shoot at teenage boys later on
14:21.54Darwin35the harder part is when they stop bothing me I am trying to work . and your just trying to learn something new from them
14:22.10spackleAt least they think they know everything at 3, and it gets worse from there.
14:22.44swm_clyrrad: dont do a sip debug, instead load asterisk with -vvvvvvc or -vvvvvvr whichever you prefer and capture that. I dont want a sip debug
14:23.06swm_Thanks darwin35
14:23.08clyrradswm_ thats is running with vvvvvgc
14:23.19swm_okay just do what you did without the sip debug
14:23.54swm_It's too early to dissimulate between sip messages and actual debug cli stuff
14:25.07swm_~jbot dict sip
14:25.13Darwin35ok my buddy chris just eamiled me our new ver of gastman should be out by next friday
14:25.15clyrradok going to pastebin the results.  Whats odd is that when the second phone dials 701, and gets the busy signal nothing appears on the CLI
14:25.48Darwin35and it has a  tab for exten.conf sip.conf and iax.conf and mgcp.conf
14:25.56swm_What kind of phone is the second phone and how does it connect to your asterisk box?
14:26.18Darwin35each opens the conf file for that tab and has a save button at the bottom and a reload/restart
14:26.22swm_WTF is gastman?
14:26.35Darwin35x11 gui interface to asterisk
14:26.52swm_Oh thought it was some kind of indegestion control for asterisk
14:26.54Darwin35gtk based
14:27.16swm_first 3 letters were gas so... ya know
14:27.49Darwin35g for gtk ast for asterisk man for manager
14:28.06ariel_Darwin35, hope it's a complete rewrite. The old gastman was well plain bad.
14:28.22Darwin35it is . chris cleaned it up alot
14:28.30Darwin35been working on it for 2 months
14:28.35*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
14:28.58swm_clyrrad: how does your second phone your trying to recover the parked call connect to your asterisk box?
14:30.07clyrradin the exact same way that the first phone does
14:30.16Darwin35it will be ver 1.0-beta. and then go from thier .
14:30.28clyrradthey are connected to the switch
14:30.34AssidSep 17 20:00:22 WARNING[31140]: chan_sip.c:2448 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 64, while native formats is 2 (read/write = 2/2)
14:30.38Assidman.. this went nuts
14:30.57Assidsupposed to be in gsm
14:30.58Darwin35ok i need more companies to make exten for
14:31.07swm_Sep 17 10:24:28 ERROR[5136]: chan_sip.c:4357 transmit_response_with_sdp: Can't add SDP to response, since we have no RTP session allocated. Call-ID 3f4e8d3b738a8b8e5d8498a95f74f554@
14:31.18Assidswm : u usiong head?
14:31.22swm_What does that mean?
14:31.32clyrradyes, I get that but the phones work.... I am not sure what it means
14:32.11clyrradit does that even when i dont park calls
14:32.18swm_clyrrad: whats mydware
14:32.49clyrradit was a mistake
14:32.53clyrradlet me fix the pastbin
14:33.04swm_yah that helps
14:33.29clyrradit didnt paste properly here you go
14:33.38Assidswm_: are you using CVS ?
14:34.20Assidthere was one issue that came up like that in cvs .. was fixed after a while
14:34.48redder86tzanger: yes, it is 0.  My audio source was screwed up.
14:34.51swm_Line 193 and 194 kinda stick out on that paste bin like a soar thumb
14:34.59swm_Sep 17 10:24:27 WARNING[5136]: file.c:504 ast_openstream_full: File nufone/queue_from_sales does not exist in any format
14:34.59swm_Sep 17 10:24:27 WARNING[5136]: file.c:816 ast_streamfile: Unable to open nufone/queue_from_sales (format ulaw): No such file or directory
14:35.14clyrradthey are part of the queue, just missing audio files
14:35.26Assidep 17 20:00:22 WARNING[31140]: chan_sip.c:2448 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 64, while native formats is 2 (read/write = 2/2)
14:35.29clyrradLOL i will remove that, but the parked calls acts the same with or with out that
14:36.14swm_clyrrad: what specific phone are you using to do this
14:36.32clyrradGNet S104
14:36.42swm_have you tried dialing the pickup command with a # after it?
14:37.05Assidwhen i keep playing with MoH it goes nutt
14:37.37swm_clyrrad: what happens when you try to dial the call pickup command for the parked call and add a # after dialing that command?
14:38.15clyrradI just hear the congestion tone quicker than i would if i didnt press the #
14:38.52Assidi think i found a bug
14:38.55Assidcan someone try this
14:38.57swm_Assid: I use CVS Head
14:39.09Assidcall your extension.. and keep jumping lines.. so it goes into MoH
14:39.20swm_Yah and what happens?
14:39.28AssidSep 17 20:06:42 WARNING[31140]: chan_sip.c:2448 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 64, while native formats is 2 (read/write = 2/2)
14:39.36Assid* goes nuts and fills up
14:39.40swm_So dont do that then
14:39.52Assidyeah.. but kinda tough to tell a person dont do that
14:40.10swm_Well most people dont sit there and jump lines for fun
14:40.34Assidjust jump 2-3 times
14:40.38swm_Kinda like sitting there picking up the phone 2000 times to see if you will get a different dialtone sometime
14:40.54clyrradhere is the pastebin with those errors fixed
14:41.06swm_I'm jumping but my house is shaking when I do it, gonna wake my wife up if i keep it up
14:42.43swm_clyrrad: What do you dial to pickup the call?
14:42.53swm_clyrrad: which version of asterisk are you running
14:43.02clyrradfrom cvs
14:43.06swm_cvs head?
14:43.52swm_where is 701 defined as the pickup ?
14:43.58clyrradIm sorry it is ---- HEAD Asterisk CVS HEAD built by root@pbx on a i686 running Linux on 2005-09-14 23:28:31 UTC
14:44.11clyrradno, 701 is the call im trying to pickup
14:44.27swm_okay now that is defined in features.conf right?
14:44.31clyrradam i supposed to dial 700 to pickup?  Becase when I do i get added to the parked call and stay on hold
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14:45.14swm_do you have pickupexten defined in features.conf ?
14:45.31clyrradyes *8
14:45.35swm_try that
14:45.42clyrradit does nothing
14:46.31clyrradmaybe we should change *8 to 700?
14:47.28swm_Do your phones have a configurable built in dial plan?
14:47.52ariel_you suppose to pickup a parked call that is on 701 with dialing 701
14:48.04clyrradswm_ the dial plan for the phones is disabled
14:48.06swm_But it does not work on his asterisk box
14:48.14ariel_*8 is for pickup groups if a phone is ringing and your in the same group
14:48.54clyrradyes, thats right and all the CLI says when i do *8 is Nothing to pick up
14:49.04swm_he is has a parked call on 701, and he tries to pick it up, and dials 701 from the second phone, it does not even recognize he dialed 701. thinking that thier is a problem with a phones internal dial plan maybe it is indeed not disabled
14:49.38ariel_it's either an internal phone problem or you dont have it in the correct context
14:49.59swm_ariel: explain what correct context
14:50.36ariel_where is the extension for the phone setup? are they all in the same context like they all belong to internal-extensions
14:51.01clyrradYes, all the phones are internal extensions
14:51.11ariel_what phone is it?
14:51.35clyrradIts a GNET S104
14:52.10ariel_I have not heard of that phone.
14:52.22swm_Did you put "include => parkedcalls" somewhere in your extensions.conf
14:52.22swm_that your extension phones can get to it ?
14:53.11clyrradyes, its the very first line in the internal phones context
14:53.27clyrradand the phones do get to it becase I am able to park the call, I just can not pick it up
14:53.51swm_Really odd
14:54.20Darwin35I will paste bin a list here soon of nmbrs just trying to add a few more
14:54.36clyrradYah, I have been pulling my hair out over this, I dont see where it can be going wrong
14:55.16swm_I agree with you, I am totally stumped
14:55.31nowsterBlast! I've just locked solid my linux gateway at home.
14:55.39clyrradI wonder if its somethign im missing in the features.conf
14:55.52swm_what does features.conf look like
14:55.54nowsterNetwork level is OK. It's passing packets.
14:56.01nowsterNothing else working. :(
14:56.38*** part/#asterisk redder86 (
14:56.43Xsecretsdoes anyone have a good link to look at for tips on reducing static on digium tdm400p cards?
14:56.46clyrradswm_ maybe its a bug?  Are you able to use parked calls?
14:57.21swm_well tinkering with it.. lol nothing so far. hold on
14:57.26XsecretsI found one thing from the maling list that said it had been discussed a bit but I can't seem to find a searchable archive of the list.
14:57.42clyrradhahaha, are you using the CVS-HEAD as well?
14:58.02spackleXsecrets - of knoppmyth fame?
14:58.20Xsecretswell I don't know about fame, but yes that's me.
14:58.36spackletdm400p with echo.
14:58.38swm_Yeah I use CVS Head
14:58.51spackletdm400p with or static
14:58.54clyrradwill be interesting to see if you get the same error
14:59.20Xsecretsspackle: well it's not really echo more static, it's not real loud, but users complain just the same.
14:59.29Wonkaswm_: i use my own head... *duck*
15:00.03ariel_Xsecrets, change the settings of your txgain and rxgain. there is a program to see your output it's called ztmonitor
15:00.06Xsecretsit's like a quiet constant static that kind of goes away when you talk then comes back giving a feeling somewhat like talking on a radio or walkie talkie.
15:00.07spacklehave you adjusted rxgain or txgain?
15:00.13swm_clyrrad: Trying some crazy stuff with asterisk parked calls hold on
15:00.45spackleyou'll find ztmonitor wherever you compiled zaptel
15:00.53clyrradthe way I understand the parkedcalls context is when a call is added * is supposed to add an extension at the parked call's location.... So if it parks at 701, there should be new extension '701' available to all other phones
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15:01.12XsecretsI did try adjusting it a little bit I went to 4.5 cause that's what I saw somewhere, but I'm not sure what direction to adjust it.
15:01.53swm_lol i set my parked calls to 349 to park and 350-370 to answer, if i dial 349 ... it only recognizes 49 of the 349
15:01.55Xsecretswhat do you look for on ztmonitor? I'm not at the box right now. It did run the zttest or whatever it is and got 99.98%
15:02.05ariel_tx is the sound your sending out  rx is the sound your getting in.
15:02.24spackleXsecrets, does your card have its own interrupt on the box?
15:02.58Xsecretsspackle: yes it does.
15:03.06XsecretsI guess I could try to adjust
15:03.13clyrradhow do you check what it recognizes?
15:03.17swm_lol this is wierd. to park my calls I have to dial 3349 dont know why..., to answer i dial 350, Works fine for me on CVS Head
15:03.42Xsecretsthe rx down till hte static dissapears and see if that causes problems.
15:03.59*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
15:04.09spackleXsecrets, There is a really good thread about using ztmonitor, I think it is on the Wiki.  It's best if you can call a test line.
15:04.53spackleXsecrets, you can use ztmonitor to watch a conversation and adjust the settings so that they are closer to the middle.
15:05.04clyrradswm_ that is very wierd
15:05.32swm_it works normal now
15:05.36fugitivooh god, i slept only 3 hours
15:05.54ariel_fugitivo, then go back to sleep
15:05.58fugitivoi can't
15:06.07spacklefugitivo is addicted to IRC
15:06.19clyrradswm_ how are you parking the call?
15:06.25clyrradwhen you answer the phone
15:06.29clyrraddo u put the call on hold?
15:06.32clyrradhow do you park it?
15:06.44fugitivothat redbull&vodka is a sleep killer
15:06.55clyrradFor me I am pressing TRANSFER 700#
15:06.58ariel_clyrrad, I just transfer it to the parking i don't put the call on hold
15:07.12spackleXsecrets, are you using any other hardware besides the card?  Hardphone of any kind?
15:07.29clyrradariel_ you pressing TRANSFER button on your phone first?
15:07.43ariel_clyrrad, yes
15:07.46fugitivoclyrrad: problems transfering with an ip phone??
15:07.48swm_First time I have to transfer the parked call, I have to dial 3349, to do it the second time, I have to dial 349... To pick it up, I dial 350 - 370 ... I dont understand why i have to dial 3349 the first time and 349 th second
15:08.19Xsecretsspackle: this system is using the digium card to connect to 3 pots lines and using aastra phones.
15:08.39clyrradWhen you are 'trasfering' the call how are you doing it?  Do you have a 'transfer' button on your phone?  Or are you just pressing the numbers while the call is live?
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15:08.45clyrradfor me it works to park the call both ways
15:08.54Xsecretsspackle: and I haven't really worked very hard on it, but haven't had much success connecting mythphone to asterisk.
15:09.22spackleme either, that's why I asked.
15:09.35swm_Umm for me to transfer the call, I use the features blindxfer method and transfer it that way
15:09.54XsecretsI'm looking over that wiki page about ztmonitor now, I will work with that a bit this afternoon and see if I can get some good results.
15:09.58ariel_I press the transfer button or the flash keys on others
15:10.11swm_flash keys?
15:10.46fugitivoanyone knows the atcom 320? the flash button doesn't work for that phone
15:11.09spackleXsecrets, neat stuff with asterisk mythtv and slimserver for callerID and messages.
15:11.22ariel_swm_, yes I have a few analog phones attached to sipura ata's
15:11.24clyrradOn my IP phone when I press TRANSFER it opens up line 2
15:11.35fugitivospackle: what is slimserver?
15:11.39clyrradinstead of working the transfer on the current call
15:11.44clyrradthat must be the problem
15:11.50fugitivoclyrrad: mine works the same way
15:12.00swm_See thats how my phones work, I have a ATA186 and Sipura 2000 hooked to a Comdial Multi-Line phone system.
15:12.01clyrradhow do you park calls then?
15:12.16spackleslimserver is a music server/software.  There is a hardware device associated with it from slim devices
15:12.31clyrradIf as soon as you press TRANSFER line 2 opens up, how do you get the line 1 into the parkedcalls?
15:12.57fugitivospackle: do you have a box with mythtv?
15:13.01swm_clyrrad you talking to me
15:13.15spackleyes.  knoppmyth actually.
15:13.24clyrradyes and to ariel_ and fugitivo, everyone who has line 2 open up when the press the TRANSFER button
15:13.35spackleyou can stream musiconhold to asterisk from slimserver, and listen to voicemail on slimserver.
15:13.42fugitivospackle: is that a knoppix? cd only?
15:13.42clyrradcurious how you guys are getting your calls parked
15:14.27spacklefugitivo:  It can install knoppmyth for you from CD.
15:14.30fugitivospackle: nice, i want to build a box like that, what card are you using for tv capture?
15:14.33swm_I call in from my 800 number via cell phone, activate bindxfer and transfer it into the queue, then pick up another line/phone and call it up from whatever is announces to me as the parked call extension to dial
15:15.22spacklefugitive hauppauge wintv pvr 250 x2 and an hdtv 3000
15:15.35spacklefugitivo: hauppauge wintv pvr 250 x2 and an hdtv 3000
15:17.08clyrradswm_ when my calls come in they go into the queue, then we answer the call internally.  Now what happens is we need to move around, so need to park the call from the desk phone where the call came in, and pick it up on the cordless.  Just not sure how to use TRANSFER this must be the problem, when I press TRANSFER call 1 is put on hold, and line 2 opens.  I dial 700 and that parks LINE 2, instead of LINE 1, so when i
15:17.47Xsecretsspackle and others thanks for the pointers. I have to go actually do some work. thanks again.
15:18.16Darwin35anyone know where there is a good weather.agi script that gets weather by the zipcode
15:18.54spackleXsecrets, come back any time, I will be happy to help you as much as I can.
15:19.02ariel_clyrrad, your phone is hold the line not asterisk that is the problem. It's actually not sending it to asterisk box.
15:19.57Xsecretswouldn't happen to know of a 1004hz test number would you?
15:20.34fugitivospackle: wow, hdtv capture card? does it work in linux?
15:20.49Xsecretsguess I could check with the telco and see if they have one.
15:21.12spacklehere is one: 303-458-0009  I think it is in colorado though.
15:21.24Xsecretsfugitivo: the pchdtv3000 was made specifically for linux they don't even support windows though there are some drivers.
15:21.29clyrradariel_ Exactly! thats what I have discovered with the help of you guys, so I guess my transfer button works different then yours _Areil, and differnt from yours swm_
15:21.45fugitivoXsecrets: great, i didn't know that
15:22.00ariel_clyrrad, can you disable the 2nd line?
15:22.07swm_so is clyrrads problem fixed now?
15:22.11spacklethe pchdtv3000 needs a lot of horsepower to work, something I'm lacking right now.
15:22.14fugitivospackle: i don't have hdtv here, how is the pvr-250 quality?
15:22.30clyrradclyrrads problem is not fixed but definatly has been identified as to what is causing this
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15:22.42swm_I dont know why I have to dial 3349 and 349 sometimes.. Really odd with asterisk blindxfer
15:23.05spacklefugitivo: excellent.  I think some kind of cleanup occurs in software.
15:23.08clyrradariel_ the phone has line 1-10 on the actual phone, I wouldnt want to disable that, there are times when i need line 1 to be on hold an dial out on line 2-10
15:23.40fugitivospackle: do you use it as a videocard too?
15:23.57ariel_clyrrad, 10 lines wow
15:24.03clyrradswm_ do you have a wait() or something thats causing it to miss the first key?  Try to wait a bit before you enter the park extension to see if its getting caught there..
15:24.14fugitivospackle: can you record and see the recordings at the same time?
15:24.14spackleno, nvidia is the best display to use with Mythtv (imho)
15:24.22clyrradariel_ yes, I dont need 10, really need only 2 so need to find a better solution then disable the lines
15:24.48fugitivospackle: or can you record and see a tv channel at the same time?
15:24.50swm_clyrrad: we'll test that theory out
15:24.54ariel_clyrrad, funny I use only one line and the rest via the setup of asterisk.
15:25.13spacklefugitivo: with two cards, I record two shows simultaneously, and playback at the same time on that box, plus watch a show on a "slave" machine, or front-end.
15:25.27clyrradariel_ please explain what you mean
15:25.53spacklefugitivo: I usually watch show just behind when they started so I can zip through the commercials.
15:26.21swm_clyrrad: actually waiting anywhere from 1 to 45 seconds doesn't make a differnece on what is dialed come to find out
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15:27.24fugitivospackle: does it work with directv?
15:28.11clyrradswm_ why is that?  There is something running there that's not allwing DTMF input becase its dropping or not getting the first '3' thats why you have to pres 3349 sometimes so that it ends up with '349' so something is running not taking input
15:28.20spacklefugitivo: there are hacks to make it work with about anything.  Pretty sure it has been made to work with Satellite
15:28.20swm_Cisco ATA 186 Custom Dialplan "9..........|8...|7..........|11.|18.........|3..|4..|5...........|6>#35......................" Looks okay for 3xx extensions
15:28.52ariel_clyrrad, asterisk lets you park, transfer to meetme's and many more with just one line.
15:29.02pr0manybody using fax detection or fax to email?
15:29.08joelsolankiSep 17 20:54:53 NOTICE[5475]: channel.c:1736 ast_set_read_format: Unable to find a path from g723 to alaw
15:29.08joelsolankiSep 17 20:54:53 NOTICE[5475]: channel.c:1703 ast_set_write_format: Unable to find a path from alaw to g723
15:29.23joelsolankiHello all
15:29.26fugitivopr0m: i do fax detection
15:29.33JunK-Yjoel: cause u have a problem with g723.
15:29.41swm_joelsolanki: pastebin that crap dont post in here in huge chunks please
15:29.43pr0mfugitivo: what app do you use and over what channel type?
15:29.44fugitivojoelsolanki: no no, don't do that, you fill my 10 lines bitchx console
15:29.50JunK-Yshow modules like 723 gives u somethin?
15:29.50clyrradswm_ ya your dial plan looks okay for getting the extension but is there anyting running before that?
15:30.00fugitivopr0m: i just transfer to a sip channel (fax machine)
15:30.09joelsolankisorry for that.
15:30.11*** part/#asterisk DeeJay01 (
15:30.22pr0mfugitivo: your fax machine "speaks" sip?
15:30.33swm_clyrrad: there is nothing that matches any of my parkedcall extensions in my dialplan, So I cannot dissimulate what the problem is
15:30.36fugitivopr0m: no, it's a fax machin
15:30.45fugitivopr0m: the ata speaks sip
15:31.03swm_joelsolanki: Google might have information on that problem
15:31.10pr0mfugitive: i see ... the incoming channel is sip.... the outgoing is analog.
15:31.21clyrradswm_ thats the problem I was having, looking though * everywhere come to find its an issue with the phone
15:31.22joelsolankiswm: ok i m checking on google.
15:31.34pr0mfugitivo: so you're not using asterisk for fax detection... the ata does that for you?
15:31.52clyrradpr0m... it didnt work for me
15:32.04pr0mcylrr: what apps did you try?
15:32.04clyrradfax over voip was nothing but problems
15:32.10fugitivopr0m: no, asterisk detects the fax, and send it to the sip extension... fax,1,Dial(SIP/lala)
15:32.14swm_clyrrad: I can answer the calls no problem and get them in the queue with a little extra dialing. Try adding a extra 7 before your call pickup heh
15:32.38swm_clyrrad: 7750 or whatever it is
15:32.53clyrradswm_ LOL, you know i actaully did try that and feel pretty dumb now that i know the phones TRANSFER button is the issue LOL
15:33.09clyrradIm gonna have to find a manual on this phone
15:33.12pr0mfugitivo: oh ok. what cmd are you using for fax detection?  ie. fax => s,1,Dial(SIP/44)
15:33.49fugitivopr0m: faxdetect=both in zapata.conf, then fax,1,Dial(SIP/whatever) in your extensions.conf
15:34.13swm_no it's called fagdetect not fax ...
15:34.32pr0mfugitive: so you're using the pstn for incoming calls?  i'm using iax2 for incoming calls.
15:34.32clyrradpr0m... that is exactly how I was doing it and it did not work, but I was using VOIP and extensions.conf, the fax machine did receive faxes, but could not transmit them
15:34.52swm_Woo hoo
15:35.14fugitivopr0m: yes, pstn, you'll have problems with voip faxes
15:35.16pr0mcylrrad: i sent a fax over iax2 the other day.  didn't need any special extensions or apps in asterisk.  transmission was ok.
15:35.33clyrradthen your lucky
15:35.41DigitalGodEveryone go to #Asterisk-Nudes to see hot asterisk users naked
15:36.06bkw__DigitalGod, only if you show us first
15:36.08pr0mi was going to setup fax detection over iax2 then send to zap/1 which is connected to a fax machine.
15:36.09fugitivoDigitalGod: hot asterisk users? there's not such thing
15:36.22DigitalGodMaybe Katty :)
15:36.34f0urtyfiveHow do you kill echo's on a line, I talk and then I can here myself talking a second later
15:36.50DigitalGodUmm dont stand near a canyon
15:36.50fugitivof0urtyfive: explain your route call and hardware
15:37.06clyrradswm_ any luck finding the problem?
15:37.39f0urtyfivefugitivo: Just using IAX 2, Cisco 7960 -> Asterisk -> IAX2 PSTN provider
15:37.52f0urtyfivewell, sip from the phone to asterisk
15:37.59fugitivof0urtyfive: you shouldn't have echo
15:38.08DigitalGodNope have not figured out the oddness of that
15:38.09f0urtyfivewell its only occasionally
15:38.15f0urtyfiveand usually only at the beginning of what I'm saying
15:38.19f0urtyfivelike the fist syllable
15:38.32fugitivof0urtyfive: who is your provider?
15:40.35fugitivoask if other people is having echo with that provider
15:40.48swm_If anyone here can answer this question, My question is, If 349 is defined in features.conf to be the place to park a call, and when you dial it, asterisk only recognizes 49, So to make it work, you dial 3349 and it works ... odd enough, but to pick up the call, 350 works just fine, Question is, Why does 3349 have to be dialed for a extension that should only be 349.
15:41.37*** join/#asterisk AbdulQadir (n=aqadir70@
15:42.09fugitivoswm_: do you have anything in your extensions.conf with 34 ?
15:42.17fugitivoor 3
15:42.23fugitivoor something similar
15:42.57*** join/#asterisk enemy^x (
15:43.20enemy^xcan anyone help me with registering quadbri=?
15:43.52clyrradswm_ to me it seems its not getting the first '3'
15:47.18AbdulQadircan any one help 'how to save recorded file with call-end time'
15:50.38enemy^xI`ve just managed to get the QuadBRI card working with OK, but I`m having problems getting incomming calls to work, doesn't seem to actually get logged at all. I`ve added the entries in zapata.conf, but I still can't understand where to register the numbers etc.? Should this be in extensions.conf? Did I miss something?
15:50.40joelsolankiswm: Hello
15:50.57fugitivoswm_: you don't have any _3. in your extensions.conf?
15:50.59enemy^xI was expecting to see something in the logs even without configuring anything else than zapata.conf
15:51.05Qwellfugitivo: _X. would do it too
15:51.18joelsolankiHello all
15:51.26fugitivoQwell: do what?
15:51.35Qwellmatch a 3
15:51.39joelsolankion asterisk console i m getting error Unable to find path from slin to g729
15:51.55Qwelljoelsolanki: Do you have g729 licenses?
15:51.56joelsolankii just want to use g729 codec but from where slin is comming?
15:52.00fugitivoswm_: you don't have any _3. or _X. as Qwell said?
15:52.08f0urtyfiveAnyone here using ?
15:52.50fugitivof0urtyfive: stanaphone will give you a free new york number for incomming calls, why don't you register and try the echo?
15:53.08f0urtyfivefugitivo: I have another provider, I havent tested yet :P
15:53.09joelsolankiQwell: i dont have any licenses for g.729 i m using asterisk. my asterisk connects to my voip provider who supports g.729 and my endpoint which is linksys pap2 also has g.729
15:53.12f0urtyfive1 sec
15:53.26fugitivof0urtyfive: or try with another provider so you know if the provider is the problem
15:53.48fugitivojoelsolanki: you need a license per channel for g729
15:53.57Qwellnot if its passthrough
15:54.20joelsolankiI am intermediate then also i will need license ?
15:54.32Qwelljoelsolanki: one of the ends are trying to use slin obviously.  disallow=all, allow=g729
15:54.43joelsolankiok ..
15:54.59joelsolankiQwell: let me change config and test out.
15:55.05Qwelldo that on both sides
15:55.27f0urtyfivefugitivo: Actually I think it might be an isse with the phone I was talking to...
15:57.19*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
15:57.28fugitivospackle: what about the pvr-350?
15:58.02*** join/#asterisk bsd3 (n=bsd@
15:58.11bsd3hi, friends!
15:58.44spacklefugitivo - people really like that one.  It can do output too.  The pvr 500 has dual tuners.
15:58.58fugitivodo they work ok in linux?
15:58.58spacklebut support is still new for it.
15:59.22Qwell#mythtv is that way ->
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15:59.30spacklefugitivo, all of mythtv takes some tweaking and tuning, it is a lot like Asterisk.
15:59.42bkw__Why is nobody bitching about the HUGE Astricon advert when you go to
15:59.58f0urtyfiveget a tivo
16:00.01f0urtyfivetheir 50$
16:00.12*** part/#asterisk bsd3 (n=bsd@
16:00.13Qwellbkw__: because people only like to bitch about cluecon
16:00.16fugitivobkw__: because nobody goes to
16:00.17zoabkw_, i dont mind about it
16:00.23bkw__yo zoa
16:00.29zoayo mr mr brian!
16:00.31spacklebkw__: I liked cluecon.
16:00.35fugitivof0urtyfive: no tivo in my country
16:00.37bkw__well its just disturbing that when we were talking about Cluecon everyone bitched and moaned
16:00.46bkw__mr. zoa
16:00.52Qwells/everyone/one person in particular/
16:01.22f0urtyfivefugitivo: Why not? :P
16:01.36f0urtyfivefugitivo: Switch it to PAL, stick a USB ethernet port on it
16:01.37spackleIt's hard work to put something like that together.
16:01.40f0urtyfiveyou got any country you want
16:02.10Mocyea, kind of sad..
16:02.32*** join/#asterisk Laibsch (
16:02.35spacklehi Moc.
16:02.42Mochi spackle
16:02.58f0urtyfivefugitivo: If its a problem with the phone on the other end, can I use software echo canceling to fix it?
16:03.05spackleMoc, messed around with the h323 that comes with asterisk-addons.
16:03.29Mocouch.. good luck ;)
16:03.30spackleMoc: works OK with my polycom 3000 speakerphone
16:03.39LaibschI installed debian from the packages in testing.  asterisk fails to start.  Output of "asterisk -vvvvc" is at  Maybe you can take a look?
16:04.06Mocspackle, you can make phone call on the polycom 3000 ?
16:04.09spackleMoc: looks like it needs a gatekeeper to call an extension directly though.
16:04.25f0urtyfiveLaibsch: Your is fucked...
16:04.28spackleMoc, From Asterisk to the 3000 - no problem.
16:04.32MocI could receive a call, but never got to make a call
16:04.37Mocyea same here..
16:04.48spackleMoc, Same deal, needs a gatekeeper.
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16:05.09spackleMoc, would it be hard to make chanspy work with unistim?
16:05.21Laibschf0urtyfive: That means the package in Debian testing is broken?  Does not look like that would be a conffile, would it?
16:06.05Mocspackle, chanspy is supose to spy the channel, shouldnt require any change for it to work..
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16:06.26Mocbut unistim is something I gota get working again... someday..
16:06.40RickTickhello all: What is the best priced/performance 4 or 8 port gateway for prepaid calling?  Any suggestions would help.
16:06.48f0urtyfiveLaibsch: Its probably a mismatch of some library and whatever version your running (/me hates premade binaries)
16:06.50spackleMoc, what are you working on these days?
16:07.04f0urtyfiveLaibsch: BTW, with the "fucked" status, I'm just guessing :P
16:07.29Laibschf0urtyfive: OK, thanks for your help.  I'll issue a bug report then, since that is what it looks like.
16:08.10Laibschbug report with Debian, of course.
16:18.52Mocspackle, alot of stuff, changed job..  and they book me completly...
16:18.54*** join/#asterisk viLeR (
16:19.00Mocvery cool..
16:19.23spackleMoc, new company?
16:25.57spacklestill a lot of windows or more variety?
16:31.28enemy^xI need some help getting incomming calls to work with quadBRI card, anyone here have any experience on this?
16:34.41bkw__42 42 42
16:37.06mmlj4seen manxpower
16:37.07*** join/#asterisk n0rf- (
16:37.20n0rf-hi everyone
16:37.55tzafrir_laptopseen everyone
16:38.06tzafrir_laptop~seen everyone
16:38.11jboti haven't seen 'everyone', tzafrir_laptop
16:38.35n0rf-too bad
16:38.38n0rf-everyone is gone
16:38.56tzafrir_laptopnever been here, actually
16:39.03Wonka~seen anyone
16:39.04jbotanyone <> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 57d 4h 52m 30s ago, saying: 'PerfDave, in the meantime .. no sound?'.
16:39.17Wonka~seen someone
16:39.18jbotsomeone <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 4d 17h 58m 54s ago, saying: 'dammit JeffM2501: i can't get that stupid song out of my head ... ah ah ah ah, staying alive, staying alive'.
16:39.39n0rf-so i might be lucky to catch someone in here after all :)
16:41.14n0rf-a question: i'm looking for a solution to connect * to GSM on the cheap/without the use of an isdn card. so i've spotted a couple of gsm modems on ebay. everyone ever done it or have general pointers on how they'd attempt to pull it off?
16:41.19tzafrir_laptopn0rf-, but was there anything you wanted to ask?
16:44.41n0rf-on a sidenote: using a pci card of any type is impossible as the machine doesn't have any pci slots
16:52.20*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (i=orange@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Corydon76-home)
16:52.38enemy^xanyone know how to compile asterisk with gcc4? I get a static declaration on channel.h:64
16:52.44enemy^xerr.. channel.c
17:00.17*** join/#asterisk insomni (
17:04.38*** join/#asterisk techie (
17:11.07RickTickn0rf: like a gsm gateway?
17:11.49*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
17:13.27RickTickn0rf: 1 min to response before, I step away
17:15.10RickTickn0rf: check this site
17:19.35*** join/#asterisk nesys (
17:21.42*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
17:25.47n0rf-RickTick: yeah like a gsm gateway, i've seen the voiceblue ones. but i just need 1 channel (for home use) so something cheaper would be awesome :)
17:39.42RickTickn0rf: for your gsm phone?
17:41.19RickTickn0rf:  check this site
17:41.55RickTickaway now do some chores around here
17:43.07mog_homenice picks from cluecon
17:43.43bkw_brc took most of those with my camera
17:44.47*** join/#asterisk Kernel-Kris (
17:56.08n0rf-RickTick: i've also seen those, not what i'm looking for either. I'd need also need some sorta ATA on my * box then.
17:57.16n0rf-basically it should be possible to use a normal modem to use with asterisk ain't it? would that work with a gsm modem as well?
17:58.39*** join/#asterisk Juxt (
18:04.19*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
18:06.00SpaceBasshey folks
18:06.06SpaceBasshaving problems wiht DISA
18:06.23SpaceBassit works about 25% of the time... the rest of the time I just get a fast busy after my password
18:07.17SpaceBassis there a debug mode that will show what is being entered?
18:12.09*** join/#asterisk nesys (
18:13.57Juxtcan someone suggest a good help desk software?
18:14.06*** join/#asterisk nesys (
18:15.37SpaceBassfree? or comercial?
18:15.44SpaceBassremedy and altiris are good comercial apps
18:15.54SpaceBassdoont know any free / open source ones
18:17.11SpaceBassanyone in Ireland
18:17.38Juxtyeah looking for some free ones (initially)
18:19.21SpaceBassi cannot figure out the damn irish phone system
18:20.17Juxtthey have phones in ireland?
18:20.27SpaceBassnot 100% sure!
18:20.42Juxtwhy would a pub need a phone?
18:24.20*** join/#asterisk Rez (i=lorez@freenode/staff/lorez)
18:27.58joelsolankiAnybody using open source prepaid calling system in asterisk ?
18:28.24Juxti have my own agi script for that :-)
18:28.55joelsolankican u provide me that. and give some information regarding that ?
18:29.31Juxtnot this second but drop me your contact info and i'll mail it to you on monday - my email is
18:29.56joelsolankiok no problem.
18:30.18*** part/#asterisk Juxt (
18:30.37sudhir492Juxt: I would like to get your agi scripts too
18:39.32joelsolankianybody over here using asterisk prepaid billing systems ?
18:40.10joelsolankiI want to setup billing system in asterisk, can anybody provide some information regarding that ?
18:41.22*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
18:42.10*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
18:47.15*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
18:48.03*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
18:52.13*** join/#asterisk WoolfHarris (
18:52.36WoolfHarrishey there can anyone help me with music on hold for a second
18:53.17WoolfHarrismy music mp3's sound weird
18:59.06Darwin35did you convert it to the right htz
18:59.25Darwin35where did you get them
18:59.43Darwin35theres alot that can make audio/mp3 soud weird on asterisk
18:59.47Darwin35timing issues
19:03.02WoolfHarris8000hz mono correct?
19:05.12WoolfHarristhe music sounds slightly distorted and too loud on the inbound trunks
19:05.23WoolfHarrisI have it set to the quiet settings
19:06.16WoolfHarrisim using the royalty free music from the wiki
19:06.36*** join/#asterisk redder86 (
19:06.44WoolfHarrisI have also tried some mp3 from a friend of mine who has his own band in New Orleans
19:07.01WoolfHarrisrecordings of his unique performances
19:07.15*** join/#asterisk adker (
19:08.14WoolfHarrisany ideas Darwin?
19:10.17*** join/#asterisk RobertoOvani_ (
19:10.25RobertoOvani_hi every one
19:10.49RobertoOvani_anybody can help me about nat port forwarding for SIP ?
19:11.23Ahrimanesjust say no
19:11.43RobertoOvani_sorry ?
19:12.17Ahrimaneswhat do you need to know?
19:12.21RobertoOvani_i mean :
19:12.27bjohnsonWoolfHarris: what program?
19:12.39RobertoOvani_I installed asterisk 1.0.9
19:12.42RobertoOvani_i'm a newbie
19:12.48RobertoOvani_and i'd like to make SIP work
19:13.11RobertoOvani_i have to make Xlite work
19:13.21RobertoOvani_if clients are outside my nat, they don't work
19:13.33RobertoOvani_i know that rfc says : port 5060
19:13.52RobertoOvani_my asterisk pc is behind nat (
19:13.58AhrimanesRobertoOvani_: read this:
19:14.36RobertoOvani_I read it, but i didn't find something like : "which port do you have to forward"
19:15.26RobertoOvani_I read that I have to write
19:15.56RobertoOvani_i don't know which ports i have to forward to my asterisk
19:16.13RobertoOvani_do you use sip with asterisk ?
19:16.14ariel_rtp ports forward for the voice stream is 10,000 to 20,000  besides 5060 for registration.
19:16.25RobertoOvani_ah, ok
19:16.39ariel_RobertoOvani_, yes most of us uses sip
19:17.02RobertoOvani_and you forwarded 10 thousand ports ? ?
19:17.11RobertoOvani_isn't it a bit insecure ?
19:17.59ariel_well you asked you can limite the ports if you edit the rtp.conf file. But there udp only not tcp
19:18.39RobertoOvani_ah, ok
19:19.03RobertoOvani_so, 5060 + 10000:20000 , ok
19:19.11RobertoOvani_other ports ? ?
19:19.39ariel_if your going to use iax2 then you need to forward 4569 udp only as well
19:20.15RobertoOvani_i know that... in fact, when i installed asterisk, my first choice was iax2, and it always works
19:20.28RobertoOvani_but i have some hardphones
19:20.37RobertoOvani_and they don't support iax, so i need to use sip
19:20.46RobertoOvani_5060 ... tcp ?
19:21.05RobertoOvani_nothing tcp ?
19:21.19ariel_no unless you want to use ssh
19:24.07*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
19:24.25oelewapperkehow do you debug a failed registration ?
19:25.15Qwelloelewapperke: sip?
19:25.35*** join/#asterisk dudes (
19:25.38oelewapperkeQwell: yes
19:25.44Qwellsip debug
19:25.52oelewapperkeSep 17 21:32:44 NOTICE[32303]: chan_sip.c:7708 handle_request: Registration from '<;user=phone>' failed for ''
19:26.35oelewapperkehow do I disable sip debug ?
19:26.43Ahrimanessip no debug
19:26.44Qwellsip no debug
19:27.32oelewapperkeman that was annoying
19:27.47Qwellannoying, but it'll tell you why registration fails
19:27.59oelewapperkeSending to : 8648 (non-NAT)
19:27.59oelewapperkeTransmitting (no NAT):
19:27.59oelewapperkeSIP/2.0 403 Forbidden
19:28.06oelewapperkeso that means wrong password ?
19:28.08oelewapperkeah no
19:28.16*** join/#asterisk RobertoOvani_ (
19:28.21oelewapperkethat message (first time) means "please provide password" right ?
19:28.24Qwelloelewapperke: pastebin a good portion of it
19:28.28jbotmethinks pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
19:28.55oelewapperkeQwell: it doesn't seem to believe the device is natted
19:29.00oelewapperkeit's in
19:29.13QwellThats a silly LAN
19:29.16oelewapperke(yes 1, I have tunnels to 10/8 networks all the time)
19:29.25oelewapperkesame for 192.168/16
19:29.34Qwellyou've got like 4 VALID networks to choose from, you know?
19:29.50RobertoOvani_ariel_ thanks a lot !
19:29.58ariel_nat/ sip/ different networks will be a problem.
19:30.01Qwellin sip.conf, set externip and localnet
19:30.16ariel_you can have more then one localnet
19:30.20ariel_RobertoOvani_, np
19:30.24RobertoOvani_localnet =
19:30.32RobertoOvani_is that syntax right ?
19:30.34Qwell.120/24?  Thats invalid
19:30.50oelewapperkeQwell: asterisk is not natted, but the phone is natted on a different network than the asterisk
19:30.53Qwellyes, but isn't it on 1.0.0.x?
19:30.59Qwelloh, heh, wrong person
19:31.11Qwelloelewapperke: the phone is on the 1.x network?
19:31.18Qwelland * is...where?
19:31.24oelewapperkepublic internet
19:31.25*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
19:31.54Qwellso...a device with a publicly routable address...which really isn't at trying to connect to your asterisk box on a completely different network?
19:32.01QwellYeah, thats not going to work, no matter what you do, heh
19:32.22oelewapperkeso I need to give the phone a 10/8 address then ?
19:32.28oelewapperkeasterisk checks directly for that ?
19:32.32RobertoOvani_ariel_, i have one local net, that is>
19:32.42Qwellno, but every router between your phone and PBX will...
19:32.49QwellI don't see how it works now for anything else
19:32.58RobertoOvani_so, could  "localnet=" right  ?
19:33.00oelewapperkemy router is configured to nat the network
19:33.11Qwelloelewapperke: the internet is not
19:33.14oelewapperkeso asterisk sees the phone with an ip address of
19:33.17oelewapperkeon upc be
19:33.24Qwellok, on *
19:33.26*** join/#asterisk Juxt (
19:33.31Qwellnat=yes, canreinvite=no, qualify=yes
19:33.35Qwellin sip.conf
19:33.49*** part/#asterisk Juxt (
19:34.04*** join/#asterisk Juxt (
19:34.35Juxtanyone else can't get to ?
19:34.58oelewapperkethe dns is offline, so no
19:35.24oelewapperkeQwell: that worked ! thx !
19:35.39oelewapperkeonly canreinvite was changed tough
19:35.44oelewapperkestill thanks doesn't work
19:35.54*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
19:36.38RobertoOvani_anybody knows where i can find italian voices for asterisk voicemail
19:36.54RobertoOvani_are those available ?
19:37.51oelewapperkedamn I was confused by the sip show users output
19:37.55oelewapperkedunno if it registered :-(
19:38.07oelewapperkedamn it doesn't
19:39.06oelewapperkeQwell: this is the debug output :
19:39.09*** join/#asterisk jsaunders (i=js@
19:39.25*** join/#asterisk smps (n=maher@
19:39.50oelewapperkeand this is the sip.conf entry :
19:40.31oelewapperkeit doesn't seem to believe that the phone is natted
19:40.49Qwelldunno, gotta run
19:42.42Qwellyour sip.conf entry has dentelefon and myphone - no phone
19:43.34oelewapperkeso what do I change ?
19:43.49Qwelleither change your phone to myphone, or [myphone] to [phone], or something
19:43.55Qwellleaving though...
19:44.08Qwell(phone to myphone, on the GS)
19:44.27oelewapperkeGS ?
19:45.03oelewapperkeQwell: does line 36 mean that it sends the packet to that ip address ?
19:45.23oelewapperkewalrus:/etc/asterisk# tcpdump host
19:45.23oelewapperketcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
19:45.23oelewapperkelistening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 96 bytes
19:45.23oelewapperke21:52:10.939942 IP > UDP, length: 403
19:45.47oelewapperkeso it does
19:45.51oelewapperkestupid asterisk
19:50.56*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
19:51.46WoolfHarrisanyone have any hints as to why Asterisk plays Mp3's distorted or too loud?
20:00.56oelewapperketiming issues ?
20:05.36*** part/#asterisk redder86 (
20:13.02*** join/#asterisk brimstone (n=brimston@pdpc/sponsor/digium/brimstone)
20:17.10dudesAnyone with IE free to test something for me?
20:18.17dudesWoolfHarris - what application are you using?
20:19.55smpsdudes, say your preyes
20:20.36smps<dudes> Anyone with IE free to test something for me? <- this
20:20.58dudeswhat's it say in the applet
20:21.34*** join/#asterisk jdiskywlkr (
20:22.15dudesI suppose it's blank?
20:22.49smpstest  test2 http://devel...........
20:24.06dudesthanks =)
20:25.13*** join/#asterisk nick125 (n=nick@unaffiliated/nick125)
20:25.18dudesWhat version of IE were you using?
20:27.55smpsim not using IE
20:28.01smpsmozilla firefox :)
20:28.17dudesI'm trying to see if that works in IE =)
20:29.06smpsah sorry
20:29.24dudesgrr I hate not having windows here
20:29.28dudesI don't hate it
20:29.36dudesbut it can come in handy for these f'n things
20:31.17smpsit should be fine in IE ...
20:31.38smpswhile the user uses sun java ...
20:31.52dudesThe thing is it isn't working in IE from past tests.
20:32.09sigtermcan someone tell me if this setup that i wrote would work to 1) ring all phones for 20 seconds, and if no answer, goto voicemail?
20:32.46sigtermor am going the wrong route on this
20:33.57dudesWhat's it do when you dialer extension 667
20:34.21sigtermdunno im not at work to try it out
20:34.31sigtermhehe im just wondering if the 'theory' is correct honestly
20:36.37dudesPerhaps doing a exten => 667,1,ChanIsAvail(SIP/301&SIP/302&SIP/303&SIP/304&SIP/305,20,rt) 2,Cut(THECHAN=AVAILCHAN,,1) 3,Dial(${THECHAN}/1${EXTEN}|20|tm) 4,VoiceMail(u667)
20:36.58dudeserr, dont' think you need to Cut '
20:37.34dudesyou have IE?
20:37.47sigtermheh sorry, firefox
20:38.08sigtermhrm well wait a sec, i can i guess
20:38.30sigtermok sure, whats up
20:38.43dudestell if you see anything or if it's blank
20:39.11sigtermso far just blank
20:39.23sigtermsays applet MyApplet started tho
20:41.57*** join/#asterisk dudes_ (
20:41.59dudes_f'n power
20:48.34*** join/#asterisk kiwnix (n=egarcia@
20:50.14dudes_sigterm -
20:50.54dudes_that should be what you're looking for (though it will only dial if the chan is free.) and I dont' think it will try the next if one fails.
20:51.03*** join/#asterisk KaBewM (
20:51.05sigtermhrm says not found
20:51.45*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
20:51.57dudes_hold on
20:52.20dudes_try again
20:52.39sigtermthere we go
20:52.56dudes_saved it in the wrong folder
20:53.01dudes_opps =)
20:53.37dudes_I may ask for you help later too =)
20:53.40sigtermthanks alot for that, opened my eyes a bit to what other ways it can be done
20:53.40dudes_if that's ok
20:55.30*** join/#asterisk rene- (
20:57.48rene-in sip.conf one can restrict/allow ip traffic per the permit/deny syntax (permit|deny=<ipaddress>/<network mask> ) how does this map to asterisk realtime, since you have a permit, a deny and a mask column??
20:58.29rene-well at least the schema in the wiki has those columns
20:59.24dudessigterm - you free to try again?
20:59.28*** join/#asterisk JAy--- (
20:59.37dudessigterm -
21:00.07sigtermstill blank
21:00.18JAy---Hello, I just configured outbound trunks but my question is, will incoming calls come in on those same trunks?
21:01.54tzangerdamn make up your mind kram  :-)
21:01.55dudesAt least I know
21:01.55MikeJ[Laptop]hello kram has returned
21:02.06MikeJ[Laptop]easy come, easy go
21:02.18tzangerJAy---: they're channels...  you can use them however you want
21:02.38tzangeryou can select them when making an outgoing call, and when a call comes in on them their context=> tells asterisk what to do with the incoming call
21:03.00sigterm[OS] Fedora Core release 4 (Stentz) (2.6.12-1.1398_FC4) :: [Uptime] 6 days, 10:38 :: [CPU] 1-AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1800+ @ 1537MHz (256 KB/9% load) :: [Sensors] CpuTemp: 146.3°F CaseTemp: 124°F SystemFan: 4591 RPM rpm ::[Memory] 481M Used, 757M Total (36% Free) :: [Video] nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] (1280x1024/24 Bit/60Hz) :: [Disk] 115.19G Used, 236.40G Total (46% Free) :: [Network] Broadcom Corporation BCM4401 100Base-T (et
21:03.00sigtermh0: 356.83M In, 169.77M Out)
21:03.02JunK-Yi just star a bass war with my neighboor, kinda funny :)
21:03.03sigtermwrong button sorry
21:03.04JAy---perfect.. thank you
21:03.21tzangerJunK-Y: hahaha
21:03.21sigtermthanks needed that, wipes poop button off xchat
21:03.51tzangermy closest neighbour is about 500m away, if we got into a bass war we'd start an earthquake
21:04.03fileOKAY, who knows C++
21:04.12JunK-Ytzanger: i dont live on a farm :)
21:04.15tzangerJunK-Y: :-)
21:04.40JunK-Ysup boy?
21:05.18fileheader insanity
21:05.21tzangernada, mowed the lawn, my ass is wet now, just listening ot some trance and this channel
21:05.29fileperhaps a bug in GCC...
21:06.06JunK-Yi prefer techno/ hardcore vs trance, trance is too relax for myself.
21:06.56jsaundersSmoke more ganj.
21:07.02fileit's an insane loop, that's what this is...
21:07.18tzangerJunK-Y: I'm into it all
21:07.19fileI have a header that needs the other one, and that header needs the first one
21:07.27tzangerfile: so wrap it
21:07.28JunK-Yjsaunders: i dont smoke, my mom is against all that shit :)
21:07.41jsaundersNooo...  of course not....  neither do I.  ;)
21:07.44tzangerfile1.h: #ifndef _FILE1_H_
21:07.49tzanger#define _FILE1_H_
21:07.51tzangerdefs here...
21:07.54filetzanger: yes I know, already doing that
21:07.57tzangersame with file2
21:08.01tzangerthen what's the problem
21:08.16fileit doesn't work like that :P
21:09.11*** join/#asterisk SimonR (
21:10.20SimonRI'm having a problem with zaptel...
21:10.23*** join/#asterisk anthm (
21:10.23*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
21:10.44SimonRAsterisk chokes when it tries to load the Zaptel module.
21:11.04SimonRSep 17 16:54:56 WARNING[16633]: chan_zap.c:909 zt_open: Unable to specify channel 1: No such device or address
21:11.04SimonRSep 17 16:54:56 ERROR[16633]: chan_zap.c:6784 mkintf: Unable to open channel 1: No such device or address
21:11.04SimonRhere = 0, tmp->channel = 1, channel = 1
21:11.05SimonRSep 17 16:54:56 ERROR[16633]: chan_zap.c:10156 setup_zap: Unable to register channel '1-12'
21:11.05SimonRSep 17 16:54:56 WARNING[16633]: loader.c:414 __load_resource: load_module failed, returning -1
21:11.10dudesDo you have zapata.conf configured currently?
21:11.16SimonRany ideas?
21:11.31dudesperhaps modprobe your zaptel device?
21:11.44SimonR[root@asterisk4 directleap]# ztcfg
21:11.44SimonRZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)
21:11.59SimonRyes, zapata.conf is the same as when it was working
21:12.57SimonRI'm not sure if the modules are loaded correctly:
21:12.58SimonR[root@asterisk4 directleap]# lsmod
21:12.58SimonRModule                  Size  Used by    Not tainted
21:13.03dudesis you run lsmod do you see zaptel and the corresponding driver for your device (ie wct4xxp?) and use
21:13.04SimonRztdummy                 2464   0  (unused)
21:13.05SimonRzaptel                178560   0  [ztdummy]
21:13.23dudeswhy do you have 12 some channels if you're using ztdummy?
21:13.25SimonRthere's no wcfxo, or wct400p
21:13.38SimonRThere are 3 TDM400P cards installed
21:14.00SimonRon the box that's working, I see this:
21:14.01SimonRwcfxs                  36096  12
21:14.01SimonRzaptel                179776  34  [wcfxs]
21:14.07dudesThen modprobe wctdm
21:14.11SimonRthe wcfxs is not there on the broken box
21:14.21dudesor modprobe wcfxs
21:15.01SimonRsweet, I reinstalled asterisk from cvs-head, and now 'modprobe wcfxs' works without producing an error.
21:19.29*** join/#asterisk _Simon (
21:19.45_Simonhey guys, I'm planning to work on an asterisk client, what public server can I test against?
21:20.33dudessigterm - you around
21:22.14*** join/#asterisk Syncros (
21:22.22*** join/#asterisk xheliox (
21:22.35_Simonanyone know a public server I can test with?
21:23.12sigtermdudes: yea
21:23.41sigtermk it came up with "Cookie enabled: true"
21:24.02dudesNow I have a place to start coding =)
21:26.01dudesWhat ver of IE do you have?
21:27.44*** part/#asterisk _Simon (
21:28.51*** part/#asterisk Juxt (
21:29.14dudesonce more please
21:30.51sigtermsome text on the window now
21:31.00dudestest test address
21:31.22dudesI have to do one quick thing then I'll ask your your help again
21:31.23sigterm2 urls and the word test
21:31.32dudestwo URL's
21:31.34Darwin35alal I  got was cookies enabled=yes
21:32.07dudestest test is what I got
21:32.11sigtermyea shows: and below that,                  test
21:32.29*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
21:32.45Darwin35Error! Unable to open script!
21:32.45Darwin35Campaign:     Record Id:     Agent:     Logout
21:34.01dudesthats when you goto ?
21:34.07dudesthe cgi
21:34.48*** join/#asterisk r1sk (
21:35.19dudesput in any number
21:35.22dudesie 2 or 3
21:35.38Darwin35crm login
21:35.49dudesare you using IE?
21:36.11Darwin35no konquerer and mozialla
21:36.37dudessigterm - did you just try it?
21:36.40dudesdid it say logged in?
21:36.44Darwin35I login with 2 and get a hangup button and the screen says logged in
21:37.13dudesAt least I know it works in konquerer (never tested it myself.)
21:37.39sigtermdudes: yea
21:37.44dudeswhat number
21:37.54dudesdon't close it yet
21:38.02*** join/#asterisk |Vulutre| (
21:38.18dudesyou should get some info on your screen in a minute
21:38.30Darwin35Locating server...
21:38.37Darwin35nohting else
21:38.39Darwin35wiht 1
21:38.41|Vulutre|Anyone here using Polycom's with: bypassInstantMessage it doesn't seem to be working for me with SIP1.5.2
21:38.46dudesyou may have to restart your browser
21:40.00Darwin35ok it is hung at locating server and I closed and restarted the browser
21:40.04sigtermuhm oh yea
21:40.14sigtermbut its off my window to the right
21:40.18dudesis it popping info to you
21:40.27sigtermi only seee some begininings of the lines on the screen
21:40.44dudesCan you take a screencap?
21:40.50r1skhi all... anyone know about how to fix low voicemail wav file volume?
21:43.21dudeswell it's working =)
21:43.24*** join/#asterisk pbd (
21:43.27sigtermhehe yea
21:43.29dudesjust not formatted currently
21:43.33sigtermjust window placement stuff, no biggy
21:43.46dudesDarwin35 - if you reload your browser it'
21:43.49dudesll log in
21:44.25dudessigterm - did your screen go back to crmlogin.html
21:45.53Darwin35it opens 4 diff browsers 1 says looking for server with a hangup button 1 blank browser 1 with server found and 1 with loged in
21:46.24dudesDo any of them pop info
21:46.37*** join/#asterisk citats (
21:46.41pbdCan anyone out there save me some legwork and tell me if they know if an IAX softphone that will allow me to log on to multiple accounts on a single asterisk box?
21:46.54sigtermdudes: yea
21:47.11dudesjust badly formatted =)
21:47.18dudesthanks for your help
21:47.42dudespbd - kiax for linux I believe supports multi accounts
21:47.45sigtermnp good luck
21:48.11dudesI'm going to get some lunch and do laundry since that's mostly done
21:48.14pbddudes: Sadly, Windows is a better choice for me- the wife has to be able to use it. :)
21:49.03dudescan't help you there then (but maybe firefly or moziax or diax)
21:50.27*** join/#asterisk xheliox (
21:51.04Darwin35you should make it a application and not a applete
21:51.09Darwin35applettes suck
21:51.15pbdNo to diax- tried it.
21:51.27pbdDon't know about moziax or firefly.
21:51.48dudesDarwin35 - all the applet does is monitors a manager connection for agent events
21:52.14dudesWhen it gets a call it calls and updates the iframe with the info
21:52.43dudesIt's not a applet that renders any text or anything
21:56.54*** part/#asterisk pbd (
22:01.01*** join/#asterisk Tili (
22:01.39|Vulutre|anyone here use Polycom IP500 phones?
22:02.01sudhir492I have many
22:02.20sudhir492IP500s work great
22:02.20|Vulutre|sudhir492: does your 1 touch voicemail bypassing Instant messaging work?
22:02.36sudhir492Nope :-)
22:02.38|Vulutre|yes I have many of them too I just noticed that they aren't working with 1 touch messaging now
22:02.50|Vulutre|I think its a SIP 1.5.2 "feature"
22:03.27Darwin35ahh ok
22:04.10sudhir492I have loaded SIP recently
22:04.22*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
22:04.33sudhir492Havent tried to figure out how to make one touch messaging work yet
22:05.54|Vulutre|mine was working but now it goes to that stupid messaging center.. and * doesn't even support the IMs
22:08.18*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
22:14.46bkw__PEOPLE SUCK!!!!
22:15.11file[laptop]but thank god for terms of service agreements
22:15.12Qwell[]What now?
22:16.08file[laptop]Qwell[]: sillyness
22:16.21Qwell[]isn't it always sillyness?
22:16.30file[laptop]this is of great proportions
22:16.55file[laptop]well, there's capital letters...
22:17.04Qwell[]There are always capital letters.
22:17.09Qwell[]What concerns me, is the 4th "!"
22:17.18file[laptop]lemme look
22:17.24file[laptop]yeah, it went to 4
22:18.03*** join/#asterisk Druken (
22:23.41Chujiafternoon Druken
22:23.58Chuji(check local listings)
22:24.05Chuji-6:00 here
22:24.30Drukenimoho 6 or after is evening
22:24.59ChujiYou guys ever check out
22:25.10Drukeni wish i had a fat wallet...
22:25.10ChujiThe forums there are pretty kick ass
22:25.27ChujiI've found some great deals on things over the last couple months
22:26.13ChujiJust bought a set of pots and pans from Amazon that was a great deal
22:26.20*** join/#asterisk BoyGenius (
22:26.34ChujiIt's supposed to save you money, but I find myself buying shit I don't need sometimes
22:26.41Drukentzanger: yeah that's usually what i have
22:26.46Qwell[]Is that that coupon site?
22:26.51tzangerChuji: :-)
22:26.56BoyGeniusi got plent of things for sell, buy from me instead... :)
22:26.57tzangerI like myself
22:27.03tzangeror rather the guy who tells me about all the deals likes it
22:27.31ChujiQwell[] : Sometimes there are coupons. It's just a forum where people post deals they find on the web, and then members rate the find
22:27.39ChujiIt's a busy fricken forum though
22:27.46tzanger937kB/sec from an ftp site
22:28.19Chujitzanger : trading warez again?
22:28.20*** join/#asterisk Elrond (i=[
22:28.26Drukentzanger: we should make something up like a bumper sticker for the car that states we use asterisk :)
22:28.32tzangerChuji: no, grabbing sangoma drivers
22:28.48tzangerDruken: why would we do that
22:28.56Druken937? what kinda connection are you on dude?
22:29.19tzangerDruken: nice fast one :-)
22:29.26ChujiI only get like 750 tops on our 10mb at the office
22:29.28tzangerit's at the colocation at 151 front
22:29.32Drukentzanger: i dunno... i seen one of those old LINUX bumper stickers the other day
22:29.45Druken151 front as in downtown ?
22:29.46tzanger10mbps blended (multihomed) I do have access to 100mbit unmetered too through cogent
22:29.51tzangerDruken: yes
22:29.54shido6you dont get the asterisk sticker when you buy digium gear anymore?
22:30.05Qwell[]shido6: I didn't. :(
22:30.11BoyGeniusme neither
22:30.23Chujishido6 : I've never got an * sticker for buying digium stuff
22:30.27shido6stop buying the cheap stuff:)
22:30.34Chujialthough I generally get it voipsupply
22:30.36BoyGeniuseven a year ago when I bought two tdm400p s
22:30.46DrukenChuji: hehe b2b
22:30.57ElrondIs there a quick intro on the website on setting up asterisk as a sip-server behind a nat?
22:31.07Qwell[]Elrond: On the wiki there is
22:31.14jbotit has been said that wikis is
22:32.00Drukeni say digium buy a bunch of license plate frames from me, and give those away :)
22:32.04tzangershido6: I don't like the asterisk sticker.  if it was the chat bubble with the * in it... then you bet... but the one they have is rather ... retroish
22:32.16shido6ok dokie
22:32.57tzangerthe PCI IDs are the same but the subsystem IDs are different
22:33.52tzanger00:09.0 Network controller: Globespan Semiconductor Inc.: Unknown device d002 (rev 01)
22:34.01Drukentzanger: isn't 151 that secure building like almost right next door to the dome?
22:34.01tzanger00:0c.0 Network controller: Globespan Semiconductor Inc.: Unknown device d002 (rev 01)
22:34.06tzangerDruken: yes
22:34.19Drukeni've been there many times... thought it was a banking building?
22:34.30tzanger:-)  nope it's 8 floors of networking
22:35.11BoyGeniusdoes anyone know where I can find a good time based IVR tutorial / howto
22:35.53Qwell[]the wiki, probably
22:35.59*** join/#asterisk kshumard_home (
22:36.02BoyGeniusI have been there many times
22:36.12jbotmethinks wikis is
22:36.12BoyGeniusI had a good one before, but that was over a year ago
22:36.23BoyGeniusok thanks for nothing
22:36.51BoyGeniusyes, I have been through it before
22:36.54BoyGeniusmany times...
22:37.01Drukenwhat are ya lookin for?
22:37.05Qwell[]well fuck you too. :)
22:37.12Drukentime based IVR doesn't explain much
22:37.20Qwell[]Would you like us to find it for you on the wiki?
22:37.38BoyGeniuswanting to have * say good morning, good afternoon, or good evening based on the time of day
22:37.48Qwell[]show application gotoif
22:37.51Drukenthat's in the god damn wiki
22:37.53BoyGeniusno Qwell, I have seen the one on the wiki, and it did not help much
22:38.03Qwell[]What you're asking for is extremely simple...
22:38.11Qwell[]erm, gotoiftime, rather
22:38.13BoyGeniuswell I have the time commands
22:38.20BoyGeniusbut passing it to the diffrent contexts...
22:38.34BoyGeniusok, I'll look at that, thank you
22:38.44Drukenlazy mofo :)
22:38.51Qwell[]ungrateful lazy mofo
22:38.59BoyGeniusno, I was unaware of that command
22:39.08Qwell[]repeat after me
22:39.11Qwell[]it is on the wiki
22:39.16Qwell[]which we pointed you to...
22:39.27Qwell[]but, I'm not going to argue anymore...
22:39.37BoyGeniusok, but if I don't know the command to look for, then how am I supposed to wiki it?
22:39.41Drukeni vouch we add that to the title... "it's on the wiki"
22:39.57Qwell[]~google time based IVR
22:40.00Qwell[]$30 says its the first hit
22:40.00BoyGeniusand for the record, I had it setup diffrently before(a year ago), but lost my configs
22:40.22BoyGeniusAgain qwell, that response on the wiki did not help me much
22:40.27Drukenwell, shit, if you had it setup.. you should remember how ya did it :)
22:40.28BoyGeniusso shut the fuck uyp Qwell
22:40.34BoyGeniusnot from a year ago
22:40.44BoyGeniusbad long or short term mem
22:40.49Drukentsk tsk tsk, backups...
22:40.58BoyGeniusit is lost in the backups,
22:41.02BoyGeniusfrom an old business
22:41.12BoyGeniusall sevcurely stored in another state
22:41.42BoyGeniusthanks, for the command, I'll look at that route
22:41.54ElrondQwell[] - Thanks for the hint abuot the wiki, found it.
22:42.13Qwell[]I rest my case
22:42.56Drukentzanger: so you got a room there, or just a user?
22:43.44tzangernot an entire room
22:44.01Drukenhow much for 4u's? hehehe
22:44.21BoyGeniusagain, the wiki pages on the IVR was not helpful for what I was looking for, hence the reason I asked for ather suggestions in the forum
22:44.26Darwin35ok the java client works and looks nice
22:44.29*** part/#asterisk BoyGenius (
22:44.51Darwin35kopete yuck
22:45.02Darwin35sorry wrong window
22:45.11Drukenhe must be suffering from pms or something...
22:47.02Darwin35boy what are you trying to do
22:47.22*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
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22:47.46Drukenboy left...
22:47.56Darwin35thats easy you setup timing and have it use a gsm file for those times
22:48.23DrukenDarwin35: your java client sucks ass... :)
22:48.48*** join/#asterisk PsyFel (
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22:51.47*** join/#asterisk MacWeenie (
22:52.38Darwin35you have not seen my java client
22:52.44Darwin35its not even for asterisk
22:52.58Darwin35so lick my sweaty balls bitch
22:54.16Drukenwell, unless i'm reading it wrong, everything you were typing to boygenius was coming here too
22:54.17MacWeeniehi, i would like to have a phone system where customers can call up, and order products via a menu system, and it automatically updates a SQL database..  could someone point me to a tutorial that addresses something like this directly?
22:54.40fileMacWeenie: you're going to have to learn and piece the parts together
22:54.57*** join/#asterisk mithro (
22:55.10MacWeeniefile, k.. looks like i will be making the tutorial then:)
22:55.26Drukenpost it on the wiki
22:55.34MacWeeniewill do
22:55.56Darwin35the java client msg was just me rambling
22:56.45ReD5Hey Darwin.. i was looking through your pastebin for extension project.. some good stuff in there.. well done..
22:57.11Darwin35need help with adding more features and fixing broken items
22:57.29*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (n=gambolpu@
22:57.30Darwin35but I think its clean and easy to falllow yes ?
22:57.41Darwin35or was it confugsing
22:58.00ReD5yeah its well documented which makes it easy to follow...
22:58.09tzangerwell I'm outright lying to the driver in hopes the cards are similar enough :-)
22:58.12Darwin35the fine me isa big need fix and the call back busy
22:58.18tzangerwho's betting I'm gonna oops the kernel
22:58.42Darwin35TZ crossing fingers
22:59.12ReD5the thing i hate about debugging peoples configs is working out which contexts are calling what and what is actually active at the time of problems.
22:59.37ReD5esp so with big macro driven ones..
22:59.51Darwin35well thats why I spent so much time documenting so it should be easy to fallow and fix
22:59.54tzangerhmm this mouse is not afraid of keyboard noise
23:00.05Darwin35well I have writen this over 2 years
23:00.07tzangerhe's getting bolder
23:00.21tzangerReD5: that's why you take a lot of time ot document
23:00.27tzangerbecause it's NEVER clear 6 months later
23:01.03Drukeni can usually walk my dialplan...
23:01.25tzangerwanpipe1: Initializing LAN Interface
23:01.25tzangerwanpipe1: Enabling ADSL (ATM OAM) Watchdog
23:01.25tzangerwanpipe1: ADSL HW Addr: 00:30:eb:c0:93:63
23:01.25tzangerwanpipe1: Configuring Interface: w1ad
23:01.25tzangerwanpipe1: ATM configured for Bridged LLC ETH/ATM
23:02.11Drukentzanger: what exactly are you doing?
23:02.19tzangerwanpipe: UNKNOWN ADSL card found, cpu(s) 1, bus #0, slot #12, irq #11
23:02.19tzangerafter sdla_adsl_hw_select, number_pci_cards is 1
23:02.23Darwin35I have more thats going to go into it that was not in the file like dial by name
23:02.33tzangerSangoma makes an S518 and sells them for $150
23:02.33*** join/#asterisk HolyGod (
23:02.39tzangerI found a Gnet ADSL card for $75
23:02.48tzangersimilar device, I was curious as to how similar
23:02.53Darwin35internal dsl modem
23:03.22tzangerDarwin35: beats the shit out of any external
23:03.39Darwin35I stick to my cable modem
23:03.45tzangerwith an internal modem with linux drivers all the buffering is under the control of the kernel
23:03.47MacWeenieif I have a vonage #, is there a documented way for me to get an asterisk box to use that phone number?
23:03.51tzangerno need to limit your upstream
23:04.03tzangerMacWeenie: yeah port it to a provider who plays nice with asterisk
23:04.21Drukeni thought vonage didn't give LOA ?
23:04.45MacWeenieLOA?  sorry.. a bit new to this
23:04.57Darwin35ReD5 use it if you can
23:05.03Darwin35work on what you can
23:05.12Darwin35just give back to the project
23:05.15*** part/#asterisk Elrond (i=[
23:05.31tzangercome on mouse.. the trap's right there
23:05.40tzangertake a little lick of peanut butter... it won't kill you...
23:05.58Darwin35what mouse
23:06.03tzangerin my house
23:06.04Darwin35let it live
23:06.11Darwin35it never hurt you
23:06.18Drukenpeanut butter is awesome for mouse traps
23:06.18tzangerder maus das ist in mein haus
23:06.23Drukencats like it too
23:06.24tzangerI know
23:06.33tzangerDruken: yes it smartens up the cats significantly :-)
23:06.55Drukenwhen they try to lick the mouse trap? it sure does...
23:07.24Darwin35dinner time back in a bit
23:07.30tzangerthat little spring is just begging to release its stored potential energy...
23:07.51tzangerI feel like tom green in road trip... waiting ofr the snake to eat the mouse
23:07.58tzangerunleash the fury, mitch....
23:08.34Drukenshit, thanks tzanger, now i'm gonna have to watch that movie tonight
23:08.39tzangerDruken: :-)
23:11.06tzangerwell it continues to try and train, this is a good thing
23:11.59swm_If anyone here can answer this question, My question is, If 349 is defined in features.conf to be the place to park a call, and when you dial it, asterisk only recognizes 49, So to make it work, you dial 3349 and it works ... odd enough, but to pick up the call, 350 works just fine, Question is, Why does 3349 have to be dialed for a extension that should only be 349.
23:14.06*** join/#asterisk ApEtc (
23:16.48Drukenwho in their right mind would print the source?
23:16.52*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
23:17.38swm_Someone who gets free paper and toner
23:18.00swm_and ... Builds big fires in their back yard
23:18.25Drukenoh, well i build big fires in my backyard
23:18.44Drukenbut i prefer pine needles and skids
23:19.04swm_Yah I prefer gasoline and oil mixture, and a big blanket to do smoke messages to my friends across town heh
23:19.30Drukeni tried that once... but the god damn blanket caught fire :)
23:19.39Qwell[]are smoke signals morse code, or binary?
23:19.49swm_love to send the message "Backyard is on fire" ... ... If you couldn't tell
23:20.21DrukenQwell[]: i'd say binary
23:20.32swm_It's a form of morse. I dont think indian's established a character set based on 1's and 0's back then...
23:21.15Drukenhey, it's either on or off...
23:21.37Qwell[]fugitivo: Next time, NSFW the link, would ya? :P
23:22.13fugitivonote safe for work
23:24.03fugitivodon't send again that kind of stuff
23:24.04Drukenuhmm... definatly NSFW
23:24.18swm_that shit is so old
23:24.35swm_*Rolling on the Floor Laughing My Ass off*
23:24.38Drukenit's still fucken nasty
23:24.45filehe never stops
23:24.55Qwell[]file: fix it :P
23:25.02swm_I read a article on it because BKW sent me a similar link to the same picture, anyways. It's suppose to be orange juice
23:25.12fileQwell[]: I wish
23:26.00swm_Find it ODD NO-ONE has a answer to my problem with asterisk tho
23:26.23fugitivoi was going to eat before seeing that picture
23:26.41Qwell[]fugitivo: c'mon, it couldn't have been THAT bad
23:26.44*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
23:26.53fugitivodid you see it?
23:26.59Qwell[]of course
23:27.34*** join/#asterisk jsmith (n=jsmith@
23:28.17swm_I think that is alot better than the guy who stuck his hand in a meat grinder :)
23:28.32jsmithHopefully :-)
23:29.04jsmithI've gotta come visit the channel every once in a while... but mostly just to check out the signal-to-noise ratio
23:29.08swm_search for tubgirl1.jpg tubgirl2.jpg tubgrl3.jpg and so on... they get nastyier by the photo
23:29.21swm_RATIO's suck
23:29.30Qwell[]jsmith: currently, its low
23:29.43swm_PING PONG
23:29.44Qwell[].25/1 maybe
23:29.47jsmithQwell[]: Hence the reason we started the Asterisk Documentation Project
23:29.51fileif I had a shotgun it would be lower
23:29.57jsmithQwell[]: And wrote the book, etc.
23:30.05jsmithfile: You want a shotgun?
23:30.06Qwell[]"the book"?
23:30.14swm_Yeah but I gotta bullet proof vest
23:30.26Qwell[]oh, that "the book"
23:30.42filejsmith: is it out yet
23:30.43Qwell[]~"the book"
23:30.51jbotit has been said that thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony by Jim Van Meggelen, Jared Smith & Leif Madsen, published by O'Reilly Media. It can be found at
23:30.54jsmithfile: Yes.
23:30.58Qwell[]heh, nice
23:31.17jsmithfile: Now if Amazon would just update their stupid page -- it's been out for almost a week now
23:31.17swm_I'll copy it for ya
23:31.27fileteh blitzrage is giving me one
23:31.43jsmithfile: You're going to Astricon, right?
23:31.50filejsmith: no
23:31.52Qwell[]jsmith: he's weak is that?
23:31.57filetoo far away, too expensive
23:32.07jsmithfile: I'm ashamed...
23:32.08fugitivoi agree with file
23:32.16jsmithfile: I hear you there...
23:32.35jsmithfile: My only hope is that I become famous from signing everyone's book
23:32.39filejsmith: hehe
23:33.14fileit would take me almost an entire day to fly there... with all the connections...
23:33.14Qwell[]total cost to Qwell: $10 in gas, and whatever he spends on drinks
23:33.25Qwell[]file: It'll take me like...6 minutes
23:33.27jsmithMan, I hate doing all-night-all-weekend network upgrades.
23:33.38Qwell[]jsmith: Is there any other kind? :)
23:33.43jsmithAs long as the S/N ration is bad, I'll complain about nothing to do about Asterisk.
23:33.46jsmithfile: You're working?
23:33.48fugitivoanaheim has a nice hockey team right?
23:33.52anthmno votes for no cos it's a scam to advertise polished turds and scam stupid ppl?
23:33.54Qwell[]fugitivo: the Ducks?
23:33.59fugitivoyes, the ducks
23:34.02jsmithQwell[]: That's *Mighty" ducks
23:34.05Qwell[]anthm: votes for no on what?
23:34.16filejsmith: I'm working on something
23:34.29jsmithfile: Yeah, a bunch of secret projects.... I know.
23:34.30fileswm_: stop picking on me
23:34.48filebecause you're really getting on my nerves
23:35.14Qwell[]Anaheim used to have a nice baseball team too
23:35.18Qwell[]but the new owner is a retard
23:35.36Qwell[]"Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim"...what a moroon
23:35.41swm_~jbot dict nerves
23:35.43fugitivoQwell[]: you live in Anaheim?
23:35.48Qwell[]fugitivo: close enough
23:35.52fugitivodon't start with the dict
23:36.35wasimthere are 1.2 million nerve fibers in the optic nerve alone
23:36.58fugitivoi like fibre optic
23:37.12Qwell[]jsmith: So, whats this I hear about a book signing?
23:37.14wasimand upwards of 100 billion nerve cells in the brain (a few notables excused ... bkw__ et al)
23:37.25jsmithQwell[]: You didn't hear a thing :-)
23:39.10anthmtwisted, changrab can do the thing you want now fyi
23:39.16twistedanthm, cool
23:40.57twistedi want it to bring me wemonz
23:41.05twistedand anthm hooked it up ;)
23:41.14fileanthm r0x0rs teh s0x0rs
23:41.31twistedi can see from this single line of code that it will work
23:42.04anthmit even has a bouns, you can spec that you want to move the calls that the paticular ppl are *bridged to* rather than the actual guy
23:42.11twistedstrncpy(&twisted.harem, sizeof(twisted.harem), wemonz);
23:42.23anthmon both sides or one or the other
23:42.32twistedanthm, cool
23:42.43twistedalthough my arguments are backwards
23:43.02*** join/#asterisk tessier (
23:43.38anthmmaybe you should make tw_strcpy and tw_EVERYTHING like some ppl then it would be ok
23:44.16twistedbrb - partaking in my forest fights
23:45.16bkw__wasim, you're talkina bout me?
23:46.03bkw__you saying I don't have enough nerve cells in my brain?
23:46.17swm_[away]Well you are kind of ill tempered ya know bkw
23:46.24bkw__ill tempered?
23:46.32swm_[away]lol kidding of course
23:46.36Qwell[]bkw__ ill tempered?  never!
23:46.41bkw__a bitch.. sure
23:46.47Qwell[]I'll give you that
23:46.52bkw__i'll agree with that one
23:46.53swm_[away]Maybe a bitch when ya dont get laid lol
23:47.20swm_[away]I know a few cunt's out there lol
23:47.49swm_[away]Oh no not the C word
23:48.29bkw__swm_[away], stop being a dork
23:48.40swm_[away]~jbot dict dork
23:49.02bkw__a dork is a whale penis
23:49.14Qwell[]I heard elephant
23:49.19swm_[away]Well shit I got you beat then, Your like a toothpick compared to me
23:49.21Qwell[]maybe it was whale
23:49.22X-RobYou must have good hearing.
23:49.58bkw__WTF the commerical breaks in this show are less than one tivo 30 second skip
23:50.11filegirls just wanna have fun!
23:50.22bkw__i'll have to take your word on tha tone
23:50.26swm_[away]Girls suck
23:50.33Qwell[]some of them very well
23:50.59swm_[away]bkw qwell went to the corner show him how to be a man heh
23:51.05X-RobQwell[] - why else do you think I married her??
23:51.17Qwell[]X-Rob: indeed
23:51.55X-RobShe can suck-start a kenworth.
23:52.16swm_[away]LOL I think my wife can suck start a 3 phase disel generator
23:53.05X-RobYes yes, it's not funny when you take someone else joke.
23:53.10X-RobThink of another one.
23:53.58swm_[away]I only watch two shows on TV. Cops and South Park
23:54.20bkw__swm_[away], dude get out a bit
23:54.22Qwell[]Shouldn't you be _[away], or something?
23:54.43swm_[away]I never get out I live inside my house pretty much for various reasons
23:55.04*** join/#asterisk __Elf (
23:55.05X-Robcourt order, I guess.
23:55.12swm_[away]Umm nope
23:55.13X-RobAnyone have any other guesses?
23:55.22Qwell[]X-Rob: biting my tongue, sorry
23:55.30ReD5Restraining order set my entire populance..
23:55.34swm_[away]Can't tell you or the mob would have to kill ya
23:56.07*** join/#asterisk tessier (
23:56.08X-RobNo, usually, the mob kills the one that does the telling.
23:56.10X-Robso, tell us!
23:56.17*** join/#asterisk florz (n=florz@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
23:56.29X-RobThat'll do.
23:56.30wunderkinleave already

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