irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050911

00:00.09Kattyhmm, tab complete sorta works.
00:00.17fugitivobitchx is the client!
00:00.24Kattyirssi is teh client kthxbi
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00:01.32pc5Has anyone done a fax>email or email>fax gateway with asterisk?
00:02.03Qwellpc5: watch it if you do...lawsuits going around
00:02.20DrukenHMEQwell: lawsuits for?
00:02.47mykethose kinda gateways have been around for over a decade with hylafax and regular phone lines, not legal now?
00:02.57Qwellmyke: patents...
00:03.02fugitivonot if you are in the us
00:03.06mykef patents >:(
00:03.09anonobomberirssi smokes everything!
00:03.09tamp4xtelnet is the client fo0lz
00:03.33bkw__DON"T DO IT
00:03.36bkw__you betta don't
00:03.41bkw__fax to email == lawsuit waiting to happen
00:03.43Kattybkw_: hihi
00:03.49fugitivosilly patents
00:03.57mykestupid.  i had fax to email in like 1996.
00:04.02Kattybkw_: hmm, i dunno. our copier at work will do that.
00:04.09Qwellmyke: you're most certainly right though...tons of prior art
00:04.13bkw__tell that to our lawyers that have to defend us from J2/eFax
00:04.33fugitivobkw__: how is that issue going?
00:04.39bkw__no clue
00:04.42bkw__lawyers have it now
00:05.06Kattysilly patents.
00:06.07hardwireI have got to find the motivation to clean
00:06.11hardwireor my g/f is going to blow my brains out
00:06.18Qwellthat should be motivation enough
00:06.18fugitivopatents should not be applied to ideas
00:06.27hardwireQwell: you would think
00:06.34Qwellhardwire: wait until you're married
00:06.34bkw__what does he mean by "blow his brains out"
00:06.40bkw__that could be a good thing
00:06.44Qwellbkw__: certainly not the one in his penis
00:06.50hardwirefugitivo: I bet you fould find a reason for IP at some point
00:06.51bkw__never know
00:06.53Supaplexhaha bkw__ I was thinking the same thing :)
00:07.23hardwirefugitivo: if not just to protect the purity of an idea
00:08.06fugitivoone thing is patent a method of implementation of the idea, another thing is patent an idea
00:08.11hardwirefor instance.. if somebody would have patented e-mail advertisement as their idea.. and documented it.. once approved they could have been the only broker for it..
00:08.26fugitivothere're several methods to implement an idea
00:08.31bkw__then we would have only one company to blow up
00:08.40hardwirebkw_: problem solved for the next 100 years
00:08.42bkw__as it stands... we need to bomb many people all over to stop spam
00:08.52Qwellhardwire: until Disney increases patent length again
00:08.59Qwellor was it trademark?  nevermind
00:09.00hardwireQwell: heh
00:09.18Supaplexdisney is teh suck for that
00:09.36Qwelltrademark law is far less silly then patent law
00:09.38bkw__no matter how gay disney is that sucks
00:09.55hardwireTyra banks is an odd kind of hot
00:09.59hardwireI should just turn off the TV
00:10.01Qwellbut, I do want my trademark on Qwell Communications
00:10.01SupaplexQwell: that's unless the tm dillition protection act is passed. check
00:10.21Qwellhardwire: and close your irc client
00:10.33hardwirewhat are you my g/f!
00:10.39Supaplexthat's too similar to Qwest *shudder*
00:10.41FuzzyCatit was copyright for disney, not trademark...
00:10.46QwellSupaplex: nah, what I was thinking...
00:10.50QwellQwell Comm
00:10.53hardwireFuzzyCat: ah..
00:11.01QwellI'd get my ass handed to me if I ever did that
00:11.07hardwirebecause of the original mickey right?
00:11.23Supaplexsteam boat willey, and a whole bunch of other rip offs
00:11.25QwellMickey has a copyright?
00:11.46FuzzyCatbut it proves the point that big business runs the US...
00:11.47jskcrMickey has whats called a perpetual copyright
00:11.48hardwireQwell.. that would soundex return Qualcom
00:11.54Qwellhardwire: exactly
00:12.00Qwellthats why my ass would be handed to me
00:12.01jskcrThe copyright for mickey mouse does not expire
00:12.30mykewell, anytime it's near expiration disney tells the govt to extend the length of copyrights again
00:12.31hardwireSteam Boat Hitler.
00:12.55Qwellhow long do patents last?
00:13.02jskcr17 years
00:13.10Qwelltoo long
00:13.16hardwirehow long before its officially public domain?
00:13.37mykeactually there was a recent patent that, if passed, would make the patent office's own web site illegal
00:13.38hardwirejust past the ideafull lifespan of most humans :)
00:13.43jskcr18 years
00:14.17hardwiredamn tyra banks has some knockers.
00:14.24hardwireI am supposed to notice that.. right?
00:14.28FuzzyCatquick, patent them
00:14.41FuzzyCatthen demand to have use of them
00:14.49hardwireI will share stock
00:14.56Qwellpatent pool
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00:15.45jskcrthere are quite a few public companies who's main source of income is patent litigation
00:16.57hardwireso tyra is trying to become the next ricky lake
00:17.07Qwellbad fat actor?
00:17.11hardwireyou know what I thought was a hoot.. Ricky is in King of Queens
00:17.13hardwireI love that show
00:17.29pc5Has anyone done a fax>email or email>fax gateway with asterisk? :)  Let's disregard the legal issues... for a second.
00:17.30hardwireI have the first few seasons on DVD
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00:17.48Qwellpc5: tons of people
00:17.50hardwirepc5: yeh
00:17.57hardwirespandsp directly to blah
00:18.10hardwirefax to email via hylacax after doing a faxdetect on zap channels and redirecting
00:18.14hardwirehylafax even
00:18.51hardwireoh man.. The Man seems like a great movie..
00:19.13mrfrenzywhat's the advantages of spandsp vs hylafax?
00:19.32hardwireI would think the accuracy of the DSP
00:20.05hardwireI have done none of this
00:20.11nick125Sep 10 17:19:15 WARNING[19277]: file.c:493 ast_openstream_full: File /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/ does not exist in any format
00:20.11nick125Sep 10 17:19:15 WARNING[19277]: res_musiconhold.c:212 ast_moh_files_next: Unable to open file '/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/': No such file or directory
00:20.24nick125even though theres a mp3 in that directory
00:20.26hardwirenick125: tried making the directory?
00:20.28mrfrenzyokay, I'll have a look at it anyways ;)
00:20.30pc5hardwire - I've given up on getting spandsp compiled.
00:20.37nick125hardwire: it exists!
00:20.43hardwire/usr/lib/ or /var/lib/
00:21.05pc5hardwire - Hylaxfax seems like an offly difficult way to get a fax in an e-mail, doesn't it?
00:21.06hardwireon the same machine :)
00:21.09nick125firefly*CLI> moh classes show
00:21.09nick125Class: default
00:21.15hardwirepc5: yup
00:21.19nick125and that directory exists
00:21.29nick125moh files show shows the mp3
00:21.36nick125native moh btw
00:21.37hardwirepc5: just forward your fax number to an efax account :)
00:21.48Qwellfuck efax
00:22.00nick125languag..nvm this isnt #gentoo...
00:22.01hardwiresomebody is still bitter.
00:22.04Qwellthere are cheaper, better, less litigious
00:22.10bkw__nick125, you need format_mp3 to play mp3's with files based moh
00:22.15bkw__or convert to ulaw boi
00:22.17hardwireI would be super excited if faxing just stopped existing.
00:22.18nick125bkw__: its loaded
00:22.24hardwireit would make so many things so much nicer.
00:22.25Qwellhardwire: agreed...
00:22.31nick125yeah, email is much better heh
00:22.32hardwirescan to email
00:22.35hardwirehigher quality
00:22.36pc5hardwire - That takes $$$
00:22.37hardwiremutliple colors
00:22.43hardwirepc5: so does your time :)
00:22.49hardwireoh well
00:22.54hardwireI need to go atleast move something heavy
00:23.06hardwireand hide the seal club I get beaten with on occasion
00:23.08pc5The death of the fax machien will mean the introduction of network based scanners.
00:23.14hardwireI know when she finds me.. she will jsut beat me harder.
00:23.19pc5There's some simplicity level to faxing though that makes it desireable.
00:23.36hardwirepc5: yeh.. thats why most scanners have buttons on them now
00:23.51hardwirealso.. whats so simple about faxing.. its everywhere.
00:24.13hardwireif it wasn't so popular that little scan button on the scanner would be the preferred easy method.
00:24.30hardwireand outlook and so on would have "aquire image" on it
00:24.45hardwireever wonder why outlook doesn't have that by default?
00:24.50pc5hardwire - But scanners aren't in every office across america.
00:24.51hardwirewho is paying off MS?
00:24.56hardwireITS A CONSPIRACY!
00:25.03hardwireTHEY ARE PAYING OFF THE MAN!
00:25.09hardwirethis is where I break loose for a few
00:25.19nick125so, what do i do about native moh being evil again?
00:25.31hardwirebreathe in deep
00:25.33hardwireand poop in the corner
00:25.37hardwiresacrifice a goat
00:25.54jskcrnick moh skiping?
00:26.21jskcrsacrafice a tdm to the music on hold gods and they will be happy
00:26.59hardwireheavy lifting commencing.
00:27.11nick125moh isnt even playing
00:27.17hardwirewow.. this is one ugly woman
00:27.18nick125it says the directory doesnt exist even though it does
00:28.09nick125it seems like it only works half of the time lol
00:28.34hardwireoh jesus.. tyra banks has gone out of control
00:28.42hardwireI need to go gag myself
00:31.11Guggemandanyone here tried voipbuster with asterisk, and got unlimited calls to work ?
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00:32.12jeffikanyone know about "ACT" p104sld?
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00:34.04bzbwhi, anyone has a sample config for call group?
00:37.34jskcrDial (SIP/101&SIP/102&SIP/103)
00:37.51jskcrthere ya go
00:40.52pc5What is voipbuster?
00:40.58pc5Someone who will disappear in a month?
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00:41.31pc5lol, nevermind.  limit to 1 minute per call.
00:41.45Guggemandpc5 its limited to 1 minute if you dont pay
00:42.09Guggemandwhen you have 5 euro on your account the free destinations are unlimited time
00:42.26pc5Gee, I wonder how long that will last.
00:42.30BeFalouplease, someone tell me if I'm wrong, I want to call to a regular phone so what is needed is: Softphone -> asterisk -> provider?
00:42.42pc5BeFalou - One solution, yes.
00:42.49Guggemandpc5 probably not forever, but who cares :)
00:43.04pc5If you just want to call a number, softphone > provider works too.
00:43.05Guggemandits a big company, running a lot of voip sites
00:43.14pc5Guggemand - Should work if you cna get sip credentials.
00:43.17BeFaloupc5: if I don't use asterisk what would be on its place?
00:43.35BeFalouoh, that was my doubt...
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00:43.36Guggemandpc5 it _is_ working, but unlimited time calls are only working with their client
00:43.36kusznirBeFalu: if your just looking at one phone line, you don't need asterisk.  Softphone -> voip provider.
00:43.43pc5BeFalou - You just said you wanted to terminate a single call.  Don't need a pbv for that.
00:43.49Guggemandthats why i asked for people who have tried it
00:43.55kusznir(voip provider is usually an asterisk server ;) )
00:43.56pc5Guggemand - Probably closed somehow / not sip
00:44.03pc5pbv = pbx
00:44.06bzbwthx jskcr
00:44.18BeFalouhehe, so asterisk is only useful for offices and more?
00:44.22pc5BeFalou - If your setup is really large, I suggest giving digium a call and buying some consulting time :)
00:44.22Guggemandpc5 i guess, just wanted to know if my account is the only one acting like that
00:44.28pc5It'll be worth it to get it right the first time.
00:44.36pc5Guggemand - What, the freebies?  Dunno
00:44.43bzbwwhat is the difference between callgroup and pickupgroup in sip.conf?
00:45.03jskcrno prob bzbw
00:45.03jskcrIm off for thai food
00:45.39bzbwjskcr: Yammmi!
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00:46.17bzbwanyone know the difference between callgroup and pickupgroup in sip.conf?
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00:47.06kusznirbefalou: asterisk is for a lot of things.  If you wanted to provide a voice menu to callers; if you wanted to run your own calling card company.  If you wanted to do least cost routing, and had a few different providers to choose between.  If you want to host several softphones from a single provider.
00:47.23Vcoyou can also automate prank calling
00:47.42kusznirIf you want to connect to a provder that doesn't proide voicemail and similar services, if you wanted to run a voice or touch-tone responce service for something (look up account data, whatnot).......
00:48.09countIs anybody here a polycom cert. reseller?
00:49.05kusznirBut for basic single-line phone service, all you *need* is a phone of some sort (soft or hard) and a provider.  You *can* set up asterisk and use it for a learning experience (that's what I'm doing, actually)
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00:49.49kusznirSome people are also using an asterisk server at home for home automation stuff (call it, enter the right digits, and their lights turn on, the heater turns on, etc.)  That takes extra hardware, of course :)
00:49.56bzbwEmm, maybe I should ask this:  does Callgroup and Pickupgroup come in pair in sip.conf?
00:50.07Vcoor if you have an excessively unstrssfull life and just want to "mix it up a bit"
00:50.12nick125kusznir: thats a good idea! i should try that! :P
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00:51.32countbzbw: no
00:51.39countunrelated, I think
00:51.41bzbwcount: why?
00:51.49countpickupgroup?: Group that can pickup fellow workers' calls using *8 and the Pickup() application on the *8 extension
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00:51.52obsidian-studioshello all, what's the recommended protocol to use with * and Cisco 7960 phones? SCCP, SIP, or MGCP
00:52.18newmembersip works for me
00:52.20countI'm dense
00:52.22pc5does * do anything but sip?
00:52.27bzbwcount:then what is callgroup for? I saw in sip.conf.sample they seems related.
00:52.27countI got it mixed up, sorry bzbw
00:52.33Kattypc5: lots more stuff.
00:52.40countthere's an overview of how they work together
00:52.43pc5Katty - Thought it only did sip and iax
00:52.51pc5Katty - Ohh well :)
00:52.56countdoes sip, iax, h323 and others
00:53.04countmgcp/skinny too I think
00:53.09pc5Is h323 like... dead?
00:53.11obsidian-studiosI have heard SCCP is more robust that sip, but the wiki seems to lead me to believe the phone has more features with SIP
00:53.39counth323 is still big for corporate conferencing stuff
00:53.41konfuzedprimus canada uses h323 for some reason
00:53.50countnot for voip telephony for the public
00:53.53konfuzedfor their talk broadband
00:53.55countit's a pain in the ass :)
00:54.02obsidian-studiosalso seem the 7960 ship by default with SCCP support for use with CCM, and SIP support requires updating software in the phone
00:54.07Vcoi sorta wish i still did acid....
00:54.12pc5count - "big corporate conferencing stuff"?  Please explain.
00:54.33counth323 media gateways to link directories of video/voice conferencing systems together
00:54.40kusznirnick125: check out:
00:54.43pc5ahh ok
00:54.49countlike my polycom video systems at all our locations
00:54.52pc5count - CAn you get h323 phones for cheap now that sip is out?
00:54.52konfuzedPrimus Canada's Talk Broadband blows hard. Essentially useless
00:54.53tzangerVco: looks like a shitty tour
00:55.00Vco*rim shot*
00:55.03countno, I think h323 is usually more expensive
00:55.06obsidian-studioscount: video stuff is next on my list ;)
00:55.14pc5Where can you buy dids for your locality?
00:55.20pc5208 - idaho, hailey?
00:55.25countall over the place
00:55.40nick125kusznir: oo neat
00:55.56pc5count - With high quality termination?  IE... can be faxed across with the right connection?
00:56.01kusznirnick125: and (search for misterhouse on the page)
00:56.03pc5No backhauled with gsm/g729 crap.
00:56.16pc5count - I'd take an 800 # too, if they are available.
00:56.16countpc5: just find a provider who uses ulaw/alaw
00:56.32countits easier to just get a fax gateway
00:56.38pc5count - Like?
00:56.46pc5count - I can't find somoene who will provide an 800 number with g711u for a low cost.
00:56.59countwhats 'low'
00:57.02kusznirpc5: asterlink offers decent rates with 877-numbers
00:57.14pc5count - The closest I can find is nufone, and even though they terminate with g711u, they have issues with support and the quality is marginal.
00:57.30countwelcome to the world of cut-rate voip terminators :)
00:57.31nick125asterlink! they provde ulaw and all that
00:57.32fileAsterlink does 800, 866, 877, and 888
00:57.35konfuzedthe hole point of 800 number service is that the reciever pays per minute long distance charges even if the call is from next door
00:57.44tzangerpc5: you're so full of shit your eyes are brown
00:57.49konfuzedin other words expensive business service not for residential uses
00:57.51pc5tzafrir - Why?
00:57.57pc5tzanger - Why do you say that?
00:58.20tzangernufone's support was less than stellar but their quality has never been below perfect.  Sorry man, you've either never been a nufone user or you've got an axe to grind
00:58.49obsidian-studiosyou all were scaring me a bit, I have a client about to get an account or multiple with nufone
00:58.53countor he had a shitty connection on his end
00:58.57pc5tzanger - I have chat logs of support personnel asking me for help, starting to help me, and then leaving after I asked them if they left me nad they said "yes".
00:58.57kusznir* question: iax2 show peers shows status as "unmonitored" for my peers.  How can I "monitor" a peer?
00:59.05countpc5: use a T.38 relay
00:59.09pc5tzanger - But that's besides the point.  The 866 number quality for nufone is marginal.  period.
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00:59.19pc5tzanger - I can give you two numbers to take the pepsi challenge with if you wish.
00:59.28tzangerevery single time I thought I was having an issue with nufone it turned out to be on my end.  EVERY time.  and jerjer has taken the time on more than one occassion personally helped me out to figure things out and even fix bugs in asterisk due to our debug sessions
00:59.57tzangerpc5: are you sure it's not your connection or the path between you and nufone?
01:00.01pc5Well I can't get e-mail answer at all, and irc support is hopeless.
01:00.08pc5tzanger - I have 6 ms latency between myself and nufone
01:00.25pc5I have 40 ms latency to stanaphone, and the quality is MUCH better.
01:00.30pc5Do you want to take the pepsi challenge? :)
01:00.36tzangerpc5: have you done anything through support@?  The one time my ticket fell on the floor I asked jerjer about it (citing ticket#) and he got it fixed up quick, probably by bitchslapping whoever dropped the ball :-)
01:00.44pc5I'll put two phone numbers, one nufone, one not, and let you call and listen to MOH.
01:00.52countnufone only does dids for Michigan right?
01:00.57tzangerpc5: 6ms latency means nothing.  Path, providers in path and jitter are what counts
01:00.58Qwellcount: and toll free
01:01.01pc5count - and 800 #
01:01.08pc5tzanger - No jitter.
01:01.12countdo they do number port?
01:01.16countI guess not
01:01.18tzangerthen audio quality shoudl be perfect
01:01.19countunless it's in michigan
01:01.19pc5tzanger - And path to providers is between nufone and their providers.
01:01.20Qwellcount: tollfree
01:01.28mykeanyone here doing voip calling cards?
01:01.45tzangermyke: practically everyone if you look at the lists.  :-)
01:01.50mykeheh ok
01:02.17countIs there any polycom reseller who can give out the latest soundpoint 501 firmware/bootrom available?
01:02.21pc5tzanger - One thing I will say about nufone.  incoming 866 # dids are marginal.  period.  It sounds like it's backhauled frmo provider to nufone over gsm/g729
01:02.39tzangerpc5: that is really odd.  Have you asked support@?  or jerjer himself?
01:02.49tzangerI will admit I do not use nufone for origination, only termination
01:02.51pc5tzanger - Yes I've e-mailed jerjer twice.  asked him in irc once.
01:03.10pc5tzanger - I haven't tried them for term., so I can't say.
01:03.22bzbwafter reviewing, it seems that callgroup and pickupgroup is related, but what's really trying to do is this:
01:03.28obsidian-studiospc5: who are you using or would you recommend for 866/888 numbers, or any 800
01:03.38pc5obsidian-studios - I'm looking for someone, any ideas?
01:03.48DannyFobsidian-studios, asterlink works well
01:03.51bzbwwhen one call comes in, multiple phones will ring, if one phone pickup, the rest of them will stop ringing.
01:03.58pc5tzanger - But I took the pepsi challenge.  stanaphone did vs nufone did.  you CAN hear the difference.
01:04.00obsidian-studiospc5:  I was about to recommend a client go with nufone, but your scaring me
01:04.04tzangerpc5: heh... I find it odd (not impossible, but definitely odd) that origination and termination would be so different
01:04.10nick125asterlink! they are awesome :)
01:04.28pc5obsidian-studios - They might be fine for termination.  Who knows.  I can tell you to run from 866 origination.  It's not bad for voice, but sucks for MOH/fax.
01:04.50pc5tzanger - It could be possible that they bought 866# termination from a third party and are backhauling it.
01:05.11obsidian-studiospc5: voice is all it will be used for, and we will connect to nuphone directly I assume using AIX?
01:05.13tzangerpc5: seems odd if they do all their termination on their own
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01:05.29pc5tzanger - I don't know about origination though.
01:05.37obsidian-studiospc5: fax is going over a normal pots line and will not be associated with 800, at least not at the moment
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01:05.49countobsidian-studios: you mean IAX
01:05.49pc5obsidian-studios - Who knows.  Use for cheap high quality termination.  nufone may wokr too (for term)
01:05.57obsidian-studioscount: yep, my bad
01:06.11pc5obsidian-studios - Make an account, put $2 on it, and try :P
01:06.46obsidian-studiosok, guess I will have to experiment, I also need a provider that has a flexible policy for CID/ANI spoofing
01:06.51mykeit depends too much on the network, i've used nufone for a while, sometimes calls are fine, sometimes i can't get them to work at all
01:07.08obsidian-studiosnot for abuse or other reasons, for legal reasons
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01:07.37pc5obsidian-studios - None allow ani.  Unless you have a ss7 connection to the telco.  You do not.  But nobody cares, they only see cid
01:07.42obsidian-studiosmyke: that's no good, the intended use of nuphone would be considerable. not to many lines at first, but a high volume
01:08.03pc5obsidian-studios - just go to  it simply works.
01:08.10countyou should be able to set CID, but not ANI like pc5 said
01:08.27obsidian-studiospc5:  from what I understand nufone is one of the only companies that will allow the end user to push of CID info, or what ever the calling party sees on their phone as the calling # and party
01:08.33pc5asterlinks website sux
01:08.41pc5obsidian-studios - Just about.  voipjet now does too
01:08.50tzangerobsidian-studios: yup it works great too :-)  set CIDNum, name is looked up by the final switch
01:09.07filepc5: and what's wrong with it?
01:09.20tzangerI *really* disliked voipjet
01:09.22tzangerlike really
01:09.29pc5file - Took me three mintues to find the damn "sign up" link hidden at the bottom of some page
01:09.35pc5tzanger - Why?
01:09.42obsidian-studiosis there anyone out there worth a damn that I can push up CID info to?
01:09.42filepc5: there is a Sign Up button at the top too
01:09.59tzangerpc5: odd little technical issues, they spammed this channel.. just left me with a poor impression
01:10.06pc5file - Ohh well, I found it.
01:10.14obsidian-studiosI tried with the local telco, but no luck. I think my sales contact did not express it correctly or their equipment does not allow for it?
01:10.20pc5tzanger - Spamming = bad.  But they are obsessed with quality.
01:10.24pc5Does anyone here sell phone cards? :)
01:10.31countobsidian-studios: do you have digital phone lines?
01:10.37pc5Voip in and out, sound like it'd be aweful.
01:10.37tzangerobsidian-studios: Bell Canada lets me set CID name *and* number so long as the terminating call ends up in Bell's network
01:10.50pc5obsidian-studios - You need a pri
01:10.51tzangerif it hops off to Sprint or someone else's network my name gets replaced with the db lookup of the #
01:10.59countas long as you have a PRI you can set CID
01:11.07countI think you do it with an ISDN circuit
01:11.09obsidian-studioscount: digitial? like via comcast? pri? what's that like ISDN stuff?
01:11.20countT-1/3, ISDN channels
01:11.23obsidian-studiostzanger: got to do it in the us?
01:11.27countYeah, ISDN stuff
01:11.30countnot digital like comcast
01:11.35tzangerobsidian-studios: what part of "Bell Canada" did you miss?  :-)
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01:11.40obsidian-studioswell I am not sure enough lines are being used for that? or the cost?
01:11.49obsidian-studiosonly like 4 pots lines at the moment
01:11.59countthen you can't set CID on those
01:12.14pc5telco would have to do it (good luck!)
01:12.33countif you get digital phone service via ISDN or T bearer, then you can set CID with any pbx
01:12.37countthat doesnt suck
01:12.49fileBell Canada provides him with a PRI and he can set callerid name and number on it
01:12.55obsidian-studioswell what's the next step from pots? fractional T-1's are a bit $, and PRI's?
01:12.59fileinside of their network that information is passed between switches so it's delivered inside of the network
01:13.06filewhen it hops to another network, that switch disregards the name
01:13.13countPRI/BRI, Frac T1
01:13.19pc5file - But should retian the number
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01:14.12obsidian-studioshow many lines can you get via ISDN? is that basically what PRI/BRI is? I assume less than a fractional t1? What would a fractional T1 be sold in, 8 # blocks?
01:14.13pc5Who's the moron who ever thought of caller id name anyways?
01:14.17pc5obsidian-studios - 2
01:14.25pc5pri = 24 bri = 2 (isdn)
01:14.41obsidian-studiospc5: ok then for the $ that would be out of the question
01:14.52countthen you use voip or go without
01:15.24obsidian-studiosclient used to have a split T1, 768k data, and 3 or so voice lines, but it was $, for like 3/4 the price they now have a full data t1 and 3 pots lines
01:15.36hardwireI can't clean :(
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01:16.00hardwireobsidian-studios: a friend of mine set up dynamic data/voice via t1
01:16.25hardwirewith the t1 providers proprietary hardware
01:16.43hardwirekinda weird
01:16.48obsidian-studioshardwire:  well they need the data bandwidth, so that T1 is pure data. Now it's not out of the question to get another fractional T1 for voice, if the bang vs buck could be justified
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01:17.07countobsidian-studios: usually around 8 or so lines a frac t1 is gonna be cheaper
01:17.07hardwireI don't like fractional
01:17.10hardwireit makes no sense
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01:17.22counthardwire: what sense doesn't it make?
01:17.28countif you dont need 24 channels why pay for them?
01:17.36obsidian-studiosreally they are fine with the existing 3 pots lines, we might add one. However the problem is they need a line they can spoof on, thus using another internet connection, comcast most likely, to a VOIP provider that allows for CID spoofing and etc
01:17.42hardwirecount: he is paying for them.
01:17.46hardwireor was
01:17.54counthe was using them though
01:18.03pc5pri = $300/month wiht incoming did privleges.
01:18.11pc5Of course, that is here :)
01:18.12hardwirenot here
01:18.16obsidian-studioscount: so we are stuck in the bad spot, 4-8 lines, with more of the need for the flexibility with the T1
01:18.18hardwireits $650/mo
01:18.19*** part/#asterisk kashmish_ (
01:18.23hardwireeven under a 3 year contract
01:18.28pc5hardwire - RIP-OFF.
01:18.29countobsidian-studios: bummer
01:18.34hardwireits alaska
01:18.34pc5And I'm in the middle of NOWHERE in IDaho
01:18.43pc5Ok, well alaska costs more period, hehe.
01:18.49hardwirealaska is more in the middle of nowhere than anywhere in Idaho :(
01:18.54obsidian-studiosnot really, the full T1 is $460 a month on special ;) Not sure what a fractional one would run?
01:19.10hardwiresopanish rice
01:19.13hardwirespanish even
01:19.14countyou should be able to get 12 channels for $250 or so
01:19.21countmaybe a bit more for line fees
01:19.27hardwirecount: if I needed only 12 channels.. that would rule
01:19.30obsidian-studios4 pots lines with an ADSL is like < 200, so not sure what we could get a fractional T1 for pure voice purposes?
01:19.38hardwirebut up here its worth it to just buy the whole damn t1
01:19.46countI thought you had a T1 not ADSL
01:19.49hardwirebecause they charge up the whazoo for thhe circuit.. before they even add in the lines
01:20.01counthardwire: yeah, in that case
01:20.08countHere in civlized parts of the world, it's not worth it :)
01:20.14hardwireso I guess I am the first company to offer Alaska DID's
01:20.18countand for data, we use the cableco's fiber network :)
01:20.31hardwirealready have I think 2 clients
01:20.34hardwirekinda pathetic :)
01:20.34obsidian-studioscount: yes, t1, that was just a pricing example of a package they offered, I think the 3 pots lines alone run like $29+ per line or close to $120 with taxes and etc?
01:20.34countdoes alaska have more than one npa?
01:20.57pc5Sometimes you can get 12 chaneels and 768k data.
01:21.01hardwirelets see
01:21.17countobsidian-studios: @460$/mo for a T1, that's only $19/channel
01:21.21countso it's cheaper than what you've got now
01:21.34obsidian-studioscount: yes but they are only using 4 channels max now ;)
01:21.40hardwirecount: we have quite a few providres
01:21.44countsplit it with neighboring businesses :)
01:21.46filepc5: did you signup for an asterlink account?
01:21.48counthardwire: NPAs
01:21.51countarea codes
01:21.59hardwirejust the one
01:22.11hardwireits split up stupidly
01:22.20hardwireto call out of area 907.. its 14 cents per minute
01:22.33hardwireso ten digit dialing can get you in trouble
01:22.38countobsidian-studios: negotiate!
01:22.44counthardwire: ouch!
01:22.53obsidian-studioscount: yes I have a decent rep and they seem to be a decent company, FDN
01:22.56hardwireits a monopoly up here
01:22.58count$24.99/mo for unlimited LD here :)
01:23.14obsidian-studioscount: however when I asked about the CID stuff it was a no go, but that might have been only via pots lines
01:23.17hardwireno other state needs the telco to use a helicopter as their primary means of wire administration
01:23.19obsidian-studioswill get in touch with them on Monday
01:23.24countobsidian-studios: you cannot do CID spoofing on pots
01:23.31newmemberhardwaire: are you n anchoridge?
01:23.32countthe lines dont' carry that data
01:23.35obsidian-studioscount:  but I should be able to on T1
01:23.38hardwirenewmember: yeh
01:23.58hardwirenumber plan area
01:24.01nick125file: why are you dancing on the table?
01:24.07filebecause I can!
01:24.18hardwirenewmember: whats up
01:24.19nick125file: did you take your meds today?
01:24.23fileof course not!
01:24.24DannyFhaving a good day file ?
01:24.25countI need polycom firmware :(
01:24.44obsidian-studiosok now back to my current problem or question? Cisco 7960, SCCP or SIP, I am not really going to consider MGCP at the moment
01:24.52hardwireas long as nobody here badmouths it
01:24.52filemeh it's a decent day
01:24.53countobsidian-studios: SCCP is voicemanager only
01:24.59countSIP unless youve got VM
01:25.24nick125file: well, let me give you some music to dance to so you dont look stupid
01:25.31hardwirehow does that tie into everything?
01:25.37obsidian-studioscount: ok, I got a bit of experience with SCCP because of 7910 phones, which I tought was a mistake, but seems to be a decent protocol and decent phones
01:25.41fileI'm listening to A-Teens! that's music to dance to.
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01:26.02countSCCP might be great and awesome and stuff
01:26.07countbut its not an industry standard
01:26.15countand afaik only cisco gear and some open source stuff supports it
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01:26.37obsidian-studioscount: ok, just did not want to through the troubles of getting SIP firmware on the phones if it was not needed
01:27.06obsidian-studioscount: I am a little biased toward Cisco gear when in the budget
01:27.14hardwireSMDI alerts legacy pbx's about voicemail state
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01:27.26countyeah, tahts what it appears to do
01:27.38countobsidian-studios: do you have Call Manager, or are you using asterisk?
01:27.43countor something else
01:27.47obsidian-studioscount: no CCM, just *
01:27.51countI'd go sip
01:28.09hardwirespecial olympics are playing Bochi
01:28.09obsidian-studioscount: I just prefer Cisco phones
01:28.17countor you go that way
01:28.17obsidian-studioscount: and routers and switches ;)
01:28.21countthats for 7920 though
01:28.29countcisco routers fall down and die easy
01:28.39countdepends on what you use 'em for i guess
01:28.50obsidian-studioscount: yes, I was reading on the wiki about the features with SIP and the 7960's so I was not sure if those are lost with SCCP?
01:29.00countyeah, most likely they are
01:29.05countthere isn't hardly anything about SCCP support
01:29.10countbut tons and tons about SIP
01:29.11hardwireI need to sell these voice over .. many things .. boxes
01:29.13hardwirethey are just so old
01:29.21obsidian-studioscount:  they have always been good for me, but I also have a damn old and extremely reliable linux router that boots of a zip disk and runs out of ram
01:29.22hardwirethey even have a nice proprietary 4.8kbps codec
01:29.31DannyFwas something about SCCP on sineapps a while back
01:29.40countlinux routers
01:29.52obsidian-studioscount:  I might get away from Cisco routers if I can build small footprint generic linux boxes and boot them from a cdrom and run out of ram
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01:30.14countwhat do you route with?
01:30.25hardwirea router.
01:30.31newmemberobsidian-studios- try to use CF cards
01:30.33obsidian-studioscount:  actually I really wanted to have a fun install of gentoo on a machine that I would chroot into to maintain configure, and etc. Then burn to a cdrom and boot a dedicated router from that
01:30.39hardwirenewmember: I was about to say that
01:30.40countI mean, which routing package on linux
01:30.43hardwireI use ITX systems w/ CF
01:30.51obsidian-studiosnewmember: CF is $ and I hear they burn out after a while
01:31.02hardwireso do lasers.
01:31.07countwhy not just netboot them
01:31.11count0-foot print
01:31.14hardwirecause they are the routers :)
01:31.22hardwirejoke joke joke
01:31.31hardwireI use debian on CF
01:31.32countwhat is a router-distro
01:31.37newmemberobsidian-studios they might if you use them for VM, otherwise should last a while
01:31.45L|NUXcount : iproute2
01:31.55hardwireI throw routing crap into shorewall or /etc/network/interfaces
01:31.56L|NUXcount :
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01:32.01hardwireall via iproute2
01:32.06L|NUXcount : probably dead but helpfull
01:32.07obsidian-studiosnewmember: well I would be running gentoo on cf not sure if it would like all the compiles and etc?
01:32.27hardwireobsidian-studios: compile it elsewere?
01:32.28L|NUXcount : its
01:32.32countisn't that dead now?
01:32.33obsidian-studiosbasically I want a version of Gentoo I can run out of a ramdisk, easily maintain, and can't be compromised
01:32.34hardwirequagga is great stuff
01:32.37countI thougth quagga or whatever came out
01:32.39L|NUXcount : zebra is good same like cisco :)
01:32.42hardwireI use that for all dynamic routing :)
01:32.54obsidian-studios:) my machine still runs LRP :) 2.2 kernel
01:33.01counthooray for crust
01:33.06L|NUXobsidian-studios : :)
01:33.16hardwireman I want pizza.
01:33.17DannyFL|NUX, try going to and see :)
01:33.25obsidian-studiosoff a zip disk, I ran out of room on floppies :)
01:33.35obsidian-studiosI do not like coyote and all the others
01:33.47L|NUXDannyF : i think it told him
01:33.49countthat's hilarious
01:33.51L|NUX<L|NUX> count : its
01:33.53obsidian-studiosnow the biggest problem with my custom router is termination cards?
01:34.19obsidian-studioswho makes a good data T1 card? Should I buy a digium card for use with say a router? Not really doing voip or * termination?
01:34.27countare you routing anything besides ethernet?
01:34.35countyeah, I was just going to ask
01:34.38obsidian-studioscount:  not at the moment :)
01:34.45countthen why not just use an L3 switch
01:35.13obsidian-studioscount: because I do not know what that is?
01:35.29obsidian-studioscount: you mean a Layer 3 switch?
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01:35.42L|NUXcount : this is good for you
01:35.46obsidian-studioshow does that help me terminate a T1 at a linux box for generic data use, non-*
01:35.47hardwirelayer layer layer..
01:35.49hardwire3 times..
01:35.50CoaxDBeen a long time since i could just sit down, and read a novel all afternoon
01:35.55hardwiremwea ha ha haaa
01:35.56hardwireright count?
01:36.00CoaxDI read "The Giver" by Lois Lowry
01:36.08CoaxDMy god, what a fucked up book
01:36.10countL|NUX: AWESOME!  I always wanted an arcnet router!
01:36.29countobsidian-studios: you said nothing but ethernet
01:36.38countobsidian-studios: if you need t-1 termination, then yeah, get a real router
01:36.42countor a linux box
01:36.52obsidian-studioscount: sorry, that's done after termination, ethernet
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01:37.10counttell your provider you want ethernet handoff :)
01:37.11obsidian-studiosmy goal for a Linux router in place of a Cisco router is the wan interface aspect
01:37.14count's what I do
01:37.26obsidian-studiosDSL, Cable, T1, no one vendor to get good cards from?
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01:37.33countL|NUX: whats scary, is that is actively developed
01:37.50count3/26/05 was last release
01:38.07L|NUXcount : yupz
01:38.28obsidian-studioscount:  how is that done? I thought wan type connections always were limited to those types of transports, DSL, Cable, T1, T3, OC etc? Not sure about Frame Relays?
01:38.30jammcqhey guys, I have asterisk running on my gateway.  If I connect to the gateway from the inside network, and my buddy connects from his house, we can call each other, but we can't hear anything.
01:38.30countoh man, it's even got the uber1337 web interface
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01:38.51jammcqif I connect to an inside asterisk server, which THEN connects to the asterisk on the gateway, we can carry on a conversation
01:38.56countobsidian-studios: metro ethernet :)
01:39.05obsidian-studioscount: in the US?
01:39.10countobsidian-studios: my provider just provides a transciever/convertor from whatever to ethernet
01:39.20obsidian-studioscount: pretty sure we do not have that support here?
01:39.27countI got T-1s, SONET, ATM for a WAN
01:39.32countand it all hands off as ethernet to me
01:39.33obsidian-studiosguess I will have a decent length call into FDN on monday
01:39.58obsidian-studioswow, so you just plug a switch into the wan connection and be done with it?
01:40.00kusznirtzanger: are you here?
01:40.10countobsidian-studios: basically
01:40.45countwe're about to upgrade to 100Mb/s and GigE at all our sites
01:40.47countno more tdm
01:40.57countwe still use POTs for telephone though :(
01:40.57obsidian-studioscount: that's is definitely possible on a business line, but what about home? or soho? I love the Cisco cable router, UBR924/925, I use a 924 at my location for analog phones with *
01:41.32countit might be cost effective for soho/home use
01:41.35obsidian-studioscount: I think pots is still one of the most reliable mediums no?
01:41.50counthah, no, the pots lines get cut or go out more than the sonet ring :)
01:41.57countI think we're just ina  strange area though
01:41.59obsidian-studioscount:  I am still considering the * on Linksys WRT54g routers
01:42.09countfor personal use?
01:42.22obsidian-studioscount: I mean pots vs t1
01:42.45obsidian-studioscount: not so much personal but business use for clients from remote home offices and etc
01:43.07countthat'd work
01:43.22countthe wrt54g should be able to handle the load of a single call
01:43.31countI saw it could do like 3 connections without transcoding
01:43.39obsidian-studioscount: can't decide if over a vpn, I should just have the phones connect directly to *, or put a WRT54g router in with *, let the phones on the soho side talk to the mini *, and the mini * would relay to the main * install connected to the business pots lines and etc
01:43.59X-Robcount, it'll handle a reasonable amount, but I wouldn't be doing any transcoding
01:44.10X-Robshould be able to handle 20-30 calls
01:44.22X-RobI'd doubt it would manage more than 3-4 simultaneous transcodings tho
01:44.22countI would just go straight to the * box obsidian-studios.  That's so less complicated :)
01:44.28countX-Rob: maybe that's what it was
01:44.42obsidian-studiosok, I knew it was less complicated, but not sure if it was as flexible or robust
01:44.59countyou're only as robust as the weakest combination of your components
01:45.00obsidian-studiosbecause doing dhcp, tftp, and etc via the vpn might be a pain
01:45.10countso, the more components the lower your robustness usually :)
01:45.29countput a wrt54g onsite to setup a vpn tunnel
01:45.30obsidian-studiosI figured only thing going across the vpn would be native iax stuff and it would be better than doing sip or other stuff over the vpn?
01:45.34countand then run everything over that
01:45.58countdepends on hwo your vpn terminates - does it do static nat or pat?
01:46.06countRTCP wouldn't like PAT with multiple users on the same vpn
01:46.06X-Robobsidian - you're talking about the packaging, not the contents.
01:46.10obsidian-studiosnot in place yet, but most likely static
01:46.20X-Robiax and sip are the box around the packet, which is ulaw,ilbc,g729 etc
01:46.51countok, you confused me X-Rob
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01:47.03countwhats that got to do with what he said?
01:47.03obsidian-studiosX-Rob: yes but to do IAX between * boxes thats all I need. to do phone to * I need dhcp, tftp, and sip/sccp
01:47.13X-Rob<obsidian-studios> I figured only thing going across the vpn would be native iax stuff and it would be better than doing sip or other stuff over the vpn?
01:47.29X-Robcount, I'm trying to head off a mis-understanding.
01:47.32obsidian-studiosX-Rob: that's what I am basically asking and trying to figure out
01:47.39X-Robhe seems to think that IAX is less CPU intensive than SIP.
01:47.42X-Robthere's no real difference
01:47.54obsidian-studiosX-Rob: no, it's less stuff over the vpn I am concerned with
01:48.04X-Rob'stuff'as in 'data'?
01:48.13X-Robyou've got bandwidth limitations?
01:48.15countdhcp is only a couple of pakets :)
01:48.24obsidian-studioslike doing dhcp and tftp stuff locally via mini * on the WRT54g vs doing it all via the VPN
01:48.28X-RobDHCP won't work happily over a VPN.
01:48.35X-Robyou need to bridge, as DHCP is broadcast.
01:48.44countor have a dhcp relay agent
01:48.50X-Rob...or have a relay agent, yeah
01:48.55shmaltz_X-Rob, relay agent shoud dl
01:49.29obsidian-studiosso just plugging phone in via vpn to connect to * via sip might be more than doing it via a local mini *
01:49.39X-Robobsidian-studios - just so you know, I do exactly what you're talking about.
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01:50.03obsidian-studiosX-Rob: is that an offer of service?
01:50.04X-RobWRT56GS's (bigger flash), openwrt, openswan, asterisk if needed.
01:50.17X-Robobsidian-studios - are you in Australia?
01:50.25obsidian-studiosX-Rob: ok, well I would most likely get the biggest, baddest
01:50.31obsidian-studiosX-Rob: nope, US, FL
01:50.41X-RobDefinately not coming to the US.
01:50.54obsidian-studiosX-Rob: not here during hurricane season at least ;)
01:50.56X-RobCanada maybe, but the US is crazy!
01:51.08obsidian-studiosophelia was just sitting next to us for a few days
01:51.11countwhat do you expect with 400K homeless :)
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01:51.27countophelia is only a cat1 and they're calling for evacuation in charleston
01:51.42X-Robcount - uh, nah. Not that. That's just sad. I'm talking 'bout your PATRIOT act and DMCA and 'lock up and throw away the key' policies.
01:51.50countdon't worry
01:51.51obsidian-studioscount: well charleston should have balls after how bad they were hit in the late 80's
01:51.55countwe'll come down and get you in .au
01:52.18obsidian-studiosX-Rob: unfortunately they all exist because of good reasons world we live in I guess
01:52.18X-Robquite probably
01:53.03countso nobody has polycom firmware
01:53.09countstupid ass reseller only restrictions
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01:53.19X-Robobsidian-studios - Uh. pointing at someone, saying 'You're a terrorist', and locking them up forever without needing proof.. I can't think of any good reason for that.
01:53.32X-RobThat's your country, not mine.
01:53.47CoaxDHahaha. I just did a search for my old Legend of the Red Dragon IGMs out there
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01:53.51CoaxDthere's still google hits
01:53.53obsidian-studioswell I must say a productive night on IRC, I learned to avoid nufone, that I most likely do not need a VOIP provider, SIP with 7960's and *, and the * via vpns ;)
01:54.02CoaxD(Afraid. very, very afraid.)
01:54.07X-Robobsidian-studios - question re your VPNS
01:54.19X-Robare you concerned about sniffing?
01:54.30countin this dmca world gone mad
01:54.32obsidian-studiosX-Rob:  why vpn? just security of calls and data going via wans
01:54.36sozo-i'm getting chan_sip.c:5874 check_auth: stale nonce received from
01:54.42sozo-is there any way to disable the check?
01:54.58obsidian-studiosX-Rob:  not so much govt sniffing and etc, but possibly telco stuff or unwanted recipients
01:55.10X-Robfair enough - but it's a lot easier to not tunnel asterisk .. means users can take the phones and plug them into the internet anywhere and it just works.
01:55.44obsidian-studiosgranted to sniff packets via wans is not easy without some interaction with a isp, backbone or a hop the connection is going across
01:56.11obsidian-studiosX-Rob: that's really opening the door to who can listen
01:56.43obsidian-studiosX-Rob: I mean you need a tap for a pots, or regular phone line, just spitting packets across a public network. One is just giving up information with no effort
01:57.07X-RobJust pointing out, that it's easier to _not_ tunnel it.
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01:57.48obsidian-studiosX-Rob: I know it would be easier, I am all for easy, but the mission is secure, which means deterrents $, and more work for me
01:58.46obsidian-studiosX-Rob: which is why I was thinking dealing with a vpn, static * to * via iax would be better and less effort than having the phones connect directly to a single remote * via the vpn
01:59.28obsidian-studiospart of all this is I am doing a presentation on * this month for the local lug. Many of which have Linksys routers and are interested in *
01:59.33X-Robok.. So, sitea has phone1/2/3/4/5 and wrt56gs(a). siteb has phone5/6/7/8/9/a and wrt56gs(b)
02:00.00X-Robsitec has phoneb/c/d/e/f and P4/3g with a PRI card
02:00.24obsidian-studiosX-Rob: basically
02:00.30X-Robopenswan on all machines, asterisk on all machines, only allow ulaw into _all_ the asterisk boxes.
02:00.43obsidian-studiosX-Rob: ideally
02:00.50*** join/#asterisk Th0ranwrk (
02:01.03X-Robshouldn't take you more than a day.
02:01.16obsidian-studiosso only thing traversing the vpn would be iax, not dhcp, tftp, and sip
02:01.25X-Robwhy tftp?
02:01.32obsidian-studioscisco phones require it?
02:01.34countcheap cisco phones
02:01.45countmy polycoms do http/s :)
02:01.48obsidian-studioswell the 7960's are not cheap? but?
02:01.52X-Robyuo might have a problem there. You've only got 32mb of flash in the wrt's.
02:01.57X-Robhow big are the images?
02:02.20obsidian-studiosall from the 7910-7960's require tftp for config, very small data it's just running all the protocols over the vpn, and the delay
02:02.34obsidian-studiosas it is, it takes the phones a minute or two once powered up to connect and etc
02:03.21obsidian-studiosX-Rob: you do not need full images, just the text/xml config files, only a few kb at best if that
02:05.08X-RobEnjoy 8)
02:05.19countdoes anyone know who run ?
02:05.49obsidian-studiosX-Rob: that's what all the local luggers are running for the most part, I am one of the local * people, so they were asking me about it. I know they want me to mention it at the * presentation
02:06.21countpoor florida
02:06.31countno wonder you guys have trouble with the elections every year
02:06.39obsidian-studioscount:  why? because I am doing a * presentation?
02:06.41*** join/#asterisk komnieve (
02:06.46countheh hehe
02:06.53obsidian-studioscount: hey I was in CA then, I had to come back to kick people in the butt so they could vote properly
02:07.03countcali CA or Canuckia CA?
02:07.21obsidian-studioscount:  but considering half the people I know in CA in business do not even vote? not sure what's worse, CA as in California
02:07.52obsidian-studioscount: at least we all have guns here :) we just need to be able to take them in when we vote ;)
02:08.14obsidian-studiosin the south everyone is nice, because everyone is armed ;)
02:09.14L|NUXcan some one please take a look into my extensions.conf and tell me what i am missing
02:10.14komnieveHi all - so I am in the process of setting up a demo * box, I'd like to do something that shows some abilities far beyond traditional pbxs - in an enterprise environment, current ideas : user enters in an isbn number, gets the price of the book from amazon... user leaves a message and it appears on a web interface... the various guis available - any more ideas?
02:10.26komnieveL|nux - whats the error your getting?
02:10.44L|NUXkomnieve : can not dial number even local extension :(
02:10.47L|NUXand nothing on console
02:11.01countare you registered?
02:11.05komnieveare you using a sip phone?
02:11.15L|NUX1002/1002             D   N  48186    OK (503 ms)
02:11.16komnieveso when you dial in - the call appears in the console?
02:11.44L|NUXi am using sip phone but when i dial call des not appear on console :(
02:11.54L|NUXi also have dundi peers
02:12.05komnievedo you have your sip.conf file up?
02:12.12L|NUXi am trying to work with dundi but messed up with extensions.conf
02:12.25L|NUXif i don't then it won't allow me to authenticate
02:13.23komnievefrom the console - do you have sip debug on?
02:13.51L|NUXi did
02:13.54komnieveand when you launch is it with -vvvvvgcd ?
02:14.15komnieveno errors messages at all?
02:14.27countheh, is your phone broke?
02:14.55L|NUXnah man
02:14.59L|NUXi am using softphone
02:15.36obsidian-studiosL|NUX: which one? I have not been able to register with some
02:15.50komnieveso with sip debug on, try to call in - and throw up your sip.conf somewhere
02:16.07obsidian-studiosspecifically linphone, and sip-communicator, but I was able to with KPhone
02:16.36*** join/#asterisk ardinc (n=Yagmur_Y@
02:16.57L|NUXobsidian-studios : i registered and worked with sip-communicator but not that much good
02:18.45*** join/#asterisk Thoran (
02:19.31L|NUXthis is when i dial out
02:20.19L|NUXor in my extensions
02:20.43tamp4xg fuckiung damnit
02:20.48tamp4xkernel panic again
02:20.52fileL|NUX: that pastebin you did is perfectly normal, it's Asterisk asking the device for it's authentication credentials
02:21.12tamp4xnow im gomna smash these te410p cards with a sledge hammer for 4 hours straight
02:21.15L|NUXfile : so
02:21.25L|NUXfile : 1002/1002             D   N  48186    OK (311 ms)
02:21.30L|NUXsee i am connected
02:21.30obsidian-studiostamp4x: ? custom kernel woes?
02:21.34filethat's registration
02:21.36X-Robtamp4x - wtf. You shouldn't be panicing.
02:21.39fileregistration does not effect calls
02:21.52fileregistration is your device's way of saying, "hey asterisk - here I am if you need to call me"
02:22.06tamp4xi have to drive 5hours to swap server with new te410p cards
02:22.25hardwireman I hate your nick.
02:22.38fileI wish this would install faster
02:22.52L|NUXi installed lasted cvs
02:22.57obsidian-studiostamp4x: a production system had a kernel panic?
02:23.07fileL|NUX: you haven't given enough sip debug
02:23.19L|NUXfile : what you need
02:23.21fileL|NUX: what you pasted above is perfectly normal - it's up to your device to send the call again with your username/password
02:23.22L|NUXcome in pvt
02:23.34fileI don't do private help unless you want to pay $200/hour
02:25.39*** join/#asterisk ome (
02:27.14*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
02:27.20tamp4xyes obsidian
02:27.31tamp4xa kernel panic 4 times a day for the past week
02:27.44obsidian-studiostamp4x: new kernel or something change recently?
02:28.19tamp4xsame set up on 2 other machines
02:28.58omejust instaled * from beta- conf problem... IAX2  static users(iax.conf) not appearing with 'iax2 show users'.. but sip, users are present -help/ideas?
02:29.10obsidian-studiostamp4x: what distro? custom kernels or default ones?
02:29.12hardwireis it just me.. or did file just make himself out as a hooker?
02:29.20obsidian-studiostamp4x: just problems on the one, or on all machines?
02:29.22filehardwire: you'd like that wouldn't you!
02:29.28hardwirespank me harder
02:29.29MrMAGOanyone using portaone's client for asterisk?
02:29.34X-Robshow us yer bits, file
02:29.39hardwireI should cook my woman some food
02:29.48filemy bits and bytes are private!
02:29.48hardwireor she will beat me
02:29.49fileI'll never show you my class!
02:29.58obsidian-studioshardwire: man times have changed used to be the other way around :)
02:30.03file(C++ reference people)
02:30.07hardwireobsidian-studios: yeh
02:30.10hardwirethe beating is a recent thing
02:30.16hardwirebut I really do, do the cooking
02:30.23tamp4xits on a dell poweredge 2850
02:30.25hardwirecause she really realyl sucks at it
02:30.26fileyou - cool?
02:30.28fileer cook
02:30.30distortioMrMago: why spend 25-35k on a client for asterisk
02:30.33obsidian-studioshardwire: to bad you can report the beatings :) they would laugh at you. if you touch her, life
02:30.34hardwirefile: yeh
02:30.38hardwiretonight is pesto cavatapi
02:30.42tamp4xwe even edited grub.conf to boot into single processor mode and still shit
02:30.47tamp4xe1000 disabled
02:30.49filejust get a pizza, far easier
02:30.50hardwireoh well
02:30.54hardwirefile: oh yeh
02:30.55MrMAGOi want the client, which is free, not the server
02:30.55hardwireUncle Joes
02:30.56tamp4xand still monkey ass crap
02:30.58hardwireright down the street
02:31.01hardwireamazing gourmet pizzas
02:31.04hardwirestraight from the checkbook
02:31.07X-Robtamp4x - sounds like bad RAM or CPU
02:31.08fileI could go for a cheese pizza
02:31.11MrMAGOalready have a server
02:31.12hardwireI can't afford pizza at all
02:31.15hardwireoh well
02:31.19obsidian-studiostamp4x: what distro, where is the kernel panicing? anything on console or in logs?
02:31.43*** join/#asterisk [1]JohnJacob (
02:31.57sivanahow do I compile ztdummy?
02:32.16countsivana 'make'
02:32.31tamp4xnothing foudn in logs, asterisk was set to core dump
02:32.53sivanacount: ty
02:33.04counttamp4x: asterisk won't dump if you are having linux kernel panic trouble
02:33.06obsidian-studiostamp4x: you sure it's * causing the kernel panic or the digium card? as opposed to something else failing in the system?
02:33.21tamp4xthe digium cards
02:33.23countpull the card and see what happens :)
02:33.36tamp4xbecause we have 2 more machiens with exact same set up
02:33.37sivanaack.. I think USB is disable
02:33.55countsivana: you're on 2.4?
02:34.08obsidian-studiostamp4x: many things can fail and cause a kernel panic, bad memory or etc?
02:34.22countoh, sorry to hear that :)
02:34.32obsidian-studiostamp4x: of course swapping or pulling digium card should let you know
02:34.45tamp4xim just gonan install a new server with new cards
02:37.03countI'll take the 2850
02:37.39sivanacount: needs to be uncommented
02:38.03sivanain the zaptel Makefile
02:38.05countuncommented from what
02:38.27countthat's um, step 3 in the instructions on the wiki
02:38.35MrMAGOhow does one install Asterisk::AGI??
02:38.36*** join/#asterisk pattieja (
02:39.02pattiejaI just setup my first IAXy
02:39.45pattiejaI had to upgrade from Asterisk 0.7.2 to 1.0.7 (Debian sarge), but after that it worked fine
02:40.06*** join/#asterisk redon (n=DeLi_CoC@
02:40.11pattiejaonly issue is that every time I hang up a call from the IAXy, Asterisk dies with a segmentation fault
02:40.22countI thought it worked fine? :)
02:40.58pattiejaI set the automatic restart in the asterisk config file, so at least it comes back after a few seconds
02:41.18pattiejacount, the sound from the device is great!
02:41.39pattiejaI'm fairly pleased that I only have this issue for my first attempt
02:41.51pattiejaI may need to get the latest CVS and update the installed version
02:42.03pattiejabut not tonight
02:42.26*** join/#asterisk subay32m (n=YaGMuRLa@
02:42.31pattiejaI was wondering if anyone else in here (currently) has worked with an S101I (IAXy II)?
02:42.40*** join/#asterisk roulduke_ (
02:43.08pattiejait doesn't appear that they will take a fully qualified domain name as the "server=" parameter
02:43.45pattiejaI was hoping they would since I have multiple Asterisk servers setup using dynamic IP addresses
02:44.11pattiejaI use dynamic DNS ( to map the FQDN on the Internet
02:44.20pattiejaI was afraid of that
02:45.22*** join/#asterisk _Soul_ (
02:45.25pattiejathat puts a kink in my plans
02:46.06MrMAGOhow does one install Asterisk::AGI?
02:46.13Hmmhesaysshe was very pretty
02:46.13_Soul_greetings. just messing with asterisk, i think im gonna lay low around here, and learn a bit
02:46.41*** join/#asterisk aaronz (
02:47.14Hmmhesaysso I took her for a motorcycle ride
02:47.17Hmmhesaysshe enjoyed it
02:47.35HmmhesaysI speak the truth
02:47.36fileone thing lead to another and she took a ride on you?
02:47.40*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (n=Brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
02:47.43tamp4xno ass after the ride? you = fail
02:47.49Hmmhesaysfile: no, she had to get to work
02:47.56fileawww :(
02:48.00Hmmhesayshowever, tonight she is going to call me
02:48.02obsidian-studiosHmmhesays: on some one else ?
02:48.16Hmmhesaysobsidian-studios: <shrug> who knows
02:48.17pattiejagood night
02:48.28Hmmhesaysi have the problem where I dont' really give a shit about much
02:48.32Hmmhesaysso if she is... whatever
02:48.36*** join/#asterisk Defraz_ (
02:48.38aaronzi would like to setup an asterisk server that gives me voicemail access when i call from a specific number, but forwards to another sip number if avail or goes to voicemail otherwise.....  how difficult is this to setup?
02:48.49obsidian-studiosHmmhesays: if it's another girl, you might want to join
02:48.57Hmmhesaysspiked hair: check, smell good: check
02:48.59obsidian-studiosor guy, if you are into that :)
02:49.03Hmmhesaysdeoderant: check
02:49.10Hmmhesaysphone: check
02:49.14aaronzi.e. my cell phone diverts to my gizmo number if unavail, but i need a way to check the messages from my cell phone
02:49.15Hmmhesayswallet: check
02:49.24Hmmhesaysall systems go, ttffn
02:49.34*** part/#asterisk pattieja (
02:49.38aaronzthis would effectively allow me to use voip whenever im at home or work, but cellphone otherwise
02:49.47tamp4xeasy cheesy aaronz
02:49.50*** join/#asterisk pbd (
02:49.53obsidian-studiosHmmhesays: prophylactic, check ;)
02:50.00*** part/#asterisk ome (
02:50.15aaronztamp4x: what route should i take for this configuration?  are there tutorials on exactly this, or a particular gui i should use?
02:50.18Hmmhesaysohh good one
02:50.26aaronzive never setup asterick before and it seems quite complicated
02:50.29tamp4xgui? they have a gui for asterisk
02:50.45obsidian-studiosHmmhesays: these days you might want to take multiple forms with you and some bleach :)
02:51.00aaronztamp4x: thats why i was saying tutorial for editing the config files
02:51.12*** join/#asterisk ^ (n=DeNiZ__G@
02:51.23syle2i wouldn;t suggest using a gui unless you don;t know unix at all best tutorial around.
02:51.34obsidian-studiostamp4x: I thought there was a couple gui's for *? or * management programs?
02:51.35tamp4xi agree with phd
02:51.52pbd* is just a little bit too complex for a simple tutorial.. ok, a LOT too complex.
02:51.55obsidian-studiosanything other than manuals scares me
02:52.04tamp4xi dunno, i know i have to program a gui for soem dummies who use my systems
02:52.09pbdA gui would hold your hand.. but without underlying knowledge, might make your job *worse*.
02:52.13obsidian-studiosby manuals, I mean manually configuring *
02:53.08aaronzyah but if you want a simple setup at home... this is wayy too complex for the avg person
02:53.08pbdAMP seems pretty nice- but I'm only just beginning to look at it after a couple years hard slogging through the .confs. :)
02:53.19obsidian-studiossomeone on our lug mentioned this the other day?
02:53.36aaronzi would imagine a setup like mine would be the most common requested setup for avg ppl to use VoIP when possible, but cell phone otherwise
02:53.37pbdaaronz: Asterisk isn't a home answering machine- it's not designed for your application.. it's designed to replace key systems and small PBXs.
02:53.49aaronzpbd; but cant it be used for this purpose?
02:53.52obsidian-studiosbut I guess they have a gui to get info to them, and they send you back * config files and instructions?
02:54.18aaronzmaybe i should just code this myself and avoid astrisk with existing SIP libraries?
02:54.21obsidian-studiosaaronz: most likely but will require time, effort and possibly some $
02:54.38pbdSo.. you're essentially getting a caddilac when you're asking for a bicycle.. then wondering why the manual is 300 pages and all you really needed was to know how to change the tires.
02:54.48obsidian-studiosaaronz: it can be small or large, all up to you, but it's design is for large
02:55.08obsidian-studiospbd: nice analogy
02:55.09aaronzi understand... but it seems there would be enough demand for simple setups that it can be facilitated
02:55.20obsidian-studiosaaronz: *@home ;)
02:55.36pbdaaronz: Can it? sure.  but- it's not simple.  I've heard good things about Asterisk@Home- that's a more streamlined config for what you might be looking to do..
02:55.46aaronzalso seems to require formating my entire disk
02:55.55pbdbut.. I've not seen any two people that have the same needs.
02:56.01aaronzi can imagine
02:56.03obsidian-studiospbd: I do not like * @ home, but it was also mentioned in our lug
02:56.09aaronzhowever, what im talking about
02:56.24aaronzis essentially the method that the avg person can switch towards voip
02:56.29obsidian-studiosaaronz: hang in there learn, and take your time, it will come, but with some effort because * is deep
02:56.38aaronzbefore WiMax blankets our cities and makes cell phones worthless
02:56.42pbdaaronz: What does.. AAH?  Linux doesn't require a reformatting of your drive.. nor does Asterisk.. but it has to be running to work. :)
02:56.46obsidian-studiosaaronz: it's like the avg windows person switching to Unix
02:56.50X-Robobsidian-studios - why don't you like A@H?
02:57.02aaronzpbd: *@home seemed to have just an iso install
02:57.07aaronzand its manual said it would erase your hd
02:57.12aaronzlike its a whole distro
02:57.14obsidian-studiosX-Rob: seemed to do somethings in a non-standard way. also most already have linux installed, and just want *, with a simple base * config
02:57.18aaronzrather than additional software
02:57.24pbdobsidian: I haven't played much with AAH, but I've read the glossies- I think it's probably worthwhile for some.  I'd never use it as a learning aide, though.
02:57.27_Soul_i heard someone installed wimax at new orleans, is it true ?
02:57.33X-Robaaronz - it is. It's CentOS 3.4 with Asterisk, AMP, and all the prerequisites
02:57.44obsidian-studiosX-Rob: if it was  minimal config for * @ home users like aaronz is trying to do, then I would think differently
02:57.47shido6what is ?
02:58.00X-Robobsidian-studios - how 'non-standard'? The only think that gives me shit is the way they originally said to set up httpd (eg, run httpd as asterisk)
02:58.22X-Robobsidian-studios -
02:58.28obsidian-studiosX-Rob:  a few * config files seemed to have different names?
02:58.37*** join/#asterisk rickxu (n=rickxu@
02:58.39X-Robstep-by-step Asterisk and AMP installation for most major distros
02:59.13obsidian-studiosX-Rob: not trying to bash it, *@home is not bad, I just did not like it isntalling Linux for me, or * for that matter. I think most can handle both those aspects. It's the end config people need help with, call plans, extensions, etc
03:00.14X-Robwhich is what AMP is
03:00.17obsidian-studiosI guess a free * repository of example config setups would help most
03:00.21X-Rob(which is the webby interface that A@H users)
03:00.34obsidian-studiosX-Rob: not familiar with amp, heard of it, but will need to get more familiar for my presentation
03:00.58obsidian-studiosman I have to say, * has a great marketing cdrom, not sure why they do not put the flash demo and etc on their web site
03:01.06X-RobAMP is the user interface that A@H uses
03:01.13obsidian-studiosI meant digium has a great marketing cdrom for *
03:01.29X-Robif you've use A@H you've used and old version of AMP
03:01.42obsidian-studiosX-Rob: oh, I did not know AMP was bound to A@h
03:01.50X-Robother way round
03:01.52X-RobA@H uses AMP
03:01.53obsidian-studiosI thought one could use AMP with *
03:02.10obsidian-studiosso it's the same as one using AMP with * after the install of linux and *
03:02.51X-RobAMP is a webby configuration tool for asterisk. It runs on Linux and requires a couple of perl modules, mysql, php and obviousy asterisk
03:02.58X-Rob(brief overview)
03:03.45obsidian-studiosX-Rob: ah, that's why I have not messed with it, most my * installs are on dedicated machines, where the web server is on it's own dedicated machine. Also I am not a fan of mysql, I prefer firebird, and when I have to postgresql. I have to look into adding firebird support to *
03:03.49*** part/#asterisk jammcq (
03:03.59pbdPerhaps someone here can answer me one thing about AMP- it's too much to ask.. but can it import an existing dialplan and AMPify it?
03:04.15X-Robpbd - no. And it's highly unlikely it ever will
03:04.49pbdRob: It doesn't surprise me- the conf files are a bit too complex- but it was a hope. :)
03:04.52X-Robbut, 90% of the stuff you want to do with asterisk _can_ be done with AMP.
03:04.58*** join/#asterisk PaNiC[ (n=CIKITA_M@
03:05.09*** join/#asterisk Gronker__ (
03:05.20*** part/#asterisk Gronker__ (
03:05.31pbdX-Rob: For me and my company.. more like 60%.  But, it makes a nice maintenance tool for simpler installs.
03:06.18*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
03:06.36pbdI've got to give it a thorough review to see if I can hit the complexity I'm going after (namely, highly customized for each of my customers) with AMP.. from the demo site, I already see it doesn't have inbuilt support for H.323 trunks, which is a problem.
03:06.59pbdNot that I mind hacking it in..
03:07.37X-Robh323 gives you cancer.
03:07.53X-Robyou can use custom trunks and set them up as h323, but really it's not for you
03:08.05X-Robit's for people who don't know about dialplans and want an easy way to add and remove extensions
03:08.18pbdH.323 just makes my hair grey, not fall out.  Unfortunately, there are situations (integration work, mostly- a specialty of mine), where h.323 is a must.
03:10.14*** join/#asterisk jdiskywlkr (n=kvirc@
03:11.04pbdSomeday, I want to take a tool like AMP, or write my own, and have it support custom features that could be bundled and added as services, distributed via XML or similar, and sold as upgrades to the PBX functionality.. like most key systems have (only for less money and with more flexibility)
03:11.55obsidian-studiospbd: I would like a stand alone tool to generate the config files or manage them. Remotely via a wire protocol or something would be ideal
03:12.36pbdAMP could be used in that way.. since it's a web interface, your wire protocol is HTTP.
03:12.45obsidian-studiospbd: I have been looking for a gtk/gnome project, maybe a basic * config gui, but I am a novice * user, so I would need major help on the features, or just clone amp :)
03:13.06obsidian-studiospbd: but requires a web server, I do not want a web server on my * servers ?
03:13.28pbdI started in on creating the XML parser last year, looked at AMPs basic feature set, and stopped- wasn't worth the time to redevelop it.
03:13.30obsidian-studiospbd: only things I run with * are things that pertain to * or things like ssh, ntp, etc
03:13.57X-Robobsidian-studios - well, you just go off and recreate the wheel.
03:14.10X-Robwhile everyone else is using apache and xml-rpc
03:14.20obsidian-studiosX-Rob: it's not recreating, it's providing something different and an alternative
03:14.34pbdobsidian- the web server won't kill Asterisk- I find it a necessary service.  For instance, a great many SIP hardphones have built in web browsers (XML browsers, really), when you get to the high end phones.. and the functionality is limitless when you combine it with Asterisk.
03:15.10obsidian-studiospbd:  it just goes against how I lay out networks. It gives me another version of apache to upgrade, maintain, secure etc
03:15.18pbdI've got some very handy apps written for the 7960.. a directory app, for example, that also provides click-to-dial when accessed via a web browser.
03:15.55*** join/#asterisk SwK (
03:16.03pbdobsidian: So use the bare minimum apache, and secure it once.  you're already doing ssh and ntp- they've got similar problems.
03:16.07*** join/#asterisk hanchi (n=telliott@
03:16.17X-Robobsidian-studios - you're being deliberatly negative. If you have a 'network', you already have an update repository.
03:16.23pbdThe real power of VoIP is not the dialtone.. it's the applications.
03:16.25obsidian-studiospbd:  also I can't use amp without mysql right, so now I also have to install configure, secure, and deal with that as well no?
03:16.44obsidian-studiosX-Rob:  yes, but that's not what I am talking about, it's the physical aspects of upgrading
03:16.55X-Rob...and if you don't, now's a good time to set one up. The time you spend building it will repay itself hunderd-fold when you're rolling out application updates
03:17.00obsidian-studiosX-Rob:  I run gentoo so I upgrade allot and use etc-update allot for config files and etc
03:17.12pbdI can't speak to the needs of AMP.
03:17.18X-Robgentoo. bleh.
03:17.20obsidian-studiosX-Rob: most networks only have a single instance of apache on the web server
03:17.30X-Robobsidian-studios - what?
03:17.37pbd'most networks'?
03:17.49X-RobThat doesn't make sence.
03:17.57obsidian-studiosX-Rob: yes sure say that when you want a newer version of a program, or there is a security vulnerability, or you want programs compiled with only the features you want and etc
03:18.03X-Rob..single threaded apache? (guessing)
03:18.09obsidian-studiospbd: most of the networks I admin
03:18.25obsidian-studiospbd: dedicated servers running dedicated services, not single servers running allot of services
03:18.39X-Robor are you saying that you only run a httpd on your
03:18.42obsidian-studiosso there is a machine running apache, *, mail, and other services
03:18.54X-Robboy oh boy. Have I got bad news for you.
03:19.05X-RobYou know how lots of things have ethernet interfaces on them?
03:19.09obsidian-studiosX-Rob: yes, I put services on different machines, and share the data via nas/nfs
03:19.12pbdObsidian: Erm.. that's a pretty closed network.  I don't advocate having all services on one box- but some things are needed to integrate and provide more than basic services.
03:19.15X-RobMost of those things have a web server on them.
03:19.30X-RobHave fun disabling the webserver on your hp jetdirect cards
03:19.43*** join/#asterisk websae (
03:19.45X-Robbeing that there's no other way to configure 'em, you're outta luck there.
03:19.46obsidian-studiosX-Rob: qmail does not require a web server, tomcat has it's own. no need for apache on my dns servers, etc
03:19.52pbdIf all you're doing is providing dial tone, then you're fine.. but when you get to the concept of providing business communcations tools.. your network becomes 'blurry'.
03:20.03websaeanyon use the SIPURA 841...what does it mean when the line indicators are yellow, anyone know, thanks!?
03:20.04X-Robhow about any SIP or IAX phones you have? They all have web servers
03:20.17nick125hey, anyone here know a way to increase the volume of a wav on command line?
03:20.20obsidian-studiosX-Rob: not that I have to maintain and upgrade
03:20.26X-RobYes you do.
03:20.32pbdnick: Look at the SOX documentation.
03:20.36obsidian-studiosif there is an exploit tomorrow for apache, I now have two machines to worry about instead of one
03:20.50nick125pbd: i tried using vol and it messed up the file
03:20.55nick125(vol in sox)
03:20.56X-Rob..if there's an exploit for the PA1688 phones, you have a hundred of them to worry about.
03:21.01obsidian-studiosfor firewalls I now how to open up more ports to more machines
03:21.13pbdnick: Then I'd suggest more quality time with the documentation. :)
03:21.15X-Robblah blah. As I said. You're being deliberately negative.
03:21.17websaehey nick125
03:21.18websaehow are you doing?
03:21.21nick125whats a way to increase the volume about 2x
03:21.29nick125websae: fine, you?
03:21.31X-RobMy care factor is zero.
03:21.32obsidian-studiosX-Rob:  true on the phones, but it's not about negativity, it's about design
03:21.50X-RobAnd you shoudl design it _right_
03:21.51websaedoing well nick125...are you in any other irc servers where i can private msg you, still having issues with freenode
03:22.03obsidian-studiosX-Rob: on the phones there is no choice
03:22.16X-RobYes there is.
03:22.20obsidian-studiosX-Rob:  if you are saying distributed services on distributed machines is not a good design then?
03:22.28obsidian-studiosX-Rob:  you a mainframe person?
03:22.31X-RobYou could firewall the phones, and disable access to port 80, and do all the configuration through the keypad
03:22.37X-Robit's insanely annoying, but you can do it.
03:22.50obsidian-studiosbut I have two machines running apache
03:22.54pbdobsidian: Unfortunately, managing networks is not something you can do with limited time- despite what some might think.  Upgrades are a fact of life, if you need to have complicated services.
03:22.58X-RobI worked for Ahmdal for a while, but as an open-systems consultant. Teaching them about unix and stuff
03:23.03glm2knick125: sox -V -v amp file.wav ampplifiedfile.wav where AMP is the amplitude or volume
03:23.14obsidian-studiospbd:  I know, I am not looking to create more work
03:23.26X-Roband that's your problem
03:23.34obsidian-studiospbd:  so web based guis could save me some time, but they will also create more work for me and introduce possible problems
03:23.34X-Robyou _are_ creating more work by not doing it properly the first time
03:23.44nick125glm2k: what would i put for the amp?
03:24.02X-Rob*kick* hurry up you piece of shit computer
03:24.02obsidian-studiosX-Rob: ?  at least this way loosing one machine does not take down all networks
03:24.03nick125would 2.0 work there?
03:24.04glm2knick125: gimme a sec...
03:24.19X-Robobsidian-studios really? Turn off your firewall.
03:24.22obsidian-studiosX-Rob: also is part of a foundation for redundant dedicated servers and services, then clustering
03:24.36pbdobsidian: It's not creating more work- it's what's needed.  Think of it this way- yes, you have two servers to maintain.. but I'd rather do so one at a time, in small bites, and have the upgrade be broken- than have one monolithic web server that craps out completely and takes down my business when my upgrade goes south.
03:24.40obsidian-studiosX-Rob: not sure how that's practical
03:24.53X-Robone machine == take down all networks.
03:25.21obsidian-studiosthus me using many machines, and single services on each. worse case I loose a service for a period of time
03:25.38pbdRedundancy and clustering doesn't enter the picture here, obsidian.. because you can't really upgrade part of a cluster and expect it to work properly- you've got to do it all.
03:25.59pbdobsidian: but a 'service' is a directory on a web server- not the web server itself.
03:26.01obsidian-studiosreally with *, even for active clients, I have to deal with it once or twice a month if that. for some a long time in between me having to configure things
03:26.02X-Robpbd - give up. He's not going to listen, and doesn't want to learn.
03:26.16X-Robhe's just sitting there saying 'I'm right' and that's it.
03:26.28obsidian-studiosseems like allot of effort to install AMP and it's dependencies for once and a while config changes?
03:26.42pbdYour approach only works in the small case, things like ntp and, etc.. that actually don't like to cluster well to begin with.
03:27.00hanchiin extensions.conf i have "exten => _9x.,1,Dial,Zap/3/${EXTEN}, and i get an outside dial tone, and then a ring followed by the you must first dial a 1 and the area code to dial this number, I think it is dialing the 9 in front of the number, how do I strip off the 9 for the outside line??
03:27.07obsidian-studiospbd: clustering would be done once there are redundant clusters for the services, so I would take down one cluster at a time yes, but the other would be dealing in the mean time till I bring the one back on ,and deal with the other
03:27.10pbdX-rob: Silicon personality, or someone writing a term paper, perhaps. ;-)
03:27.14glm2knick125: try 2.0
03:27.27glm2knick125: iirc, it's a multiplier
03:27.30pbdobsidian: then you still have the problem of upgrades- no savings.
03:27.31obsidian-studiospbd: ntp is not something I would really need to cluster, I do not run dedicated ntp servers at least not yet
03:27.35X-Robhanchi - it is.
03:27.42sozo-hanchi: ${EXTEN:1}
03:27.45X-Robyou want to use ${EXTEN:1}
03:27.58X-Robsnap, sozo- 8)
03:28.04obsidian-studiospbd: my point is in a given network I only want 2 apache servers, primary and backup, not apache on servers just so I can maintain aspects of the server or programs it's running
03:28.27X-Robobsidian-studios - well, that's fine.
03:28.38X-Robyou spend all your time screwing around with linking stuff backwards and forwards
03:28.42pbdobsidian: then you've made your network monolithic, and put it in jeopardy.  Not to mention limited your service offerings.
03:28.43X-Robthe rest of the world will do it the normal way.
03:28.57obsidian-studiosamp is great but seems to be more effort for once and a while configs or changes?
03:29.04X-Robwe're not talking about AMP
03:29.05X-Robyou are
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03:29.31X-RobI already said ages ago that AMP is not for you.
03:29.35obsidian-studiospbd: monolithic? distributed services and shared data among machines is not monolithic
03:29.45X-Robbut, it's not distributed
03:29.50X-Robyou said you've got one apache server
03:29.54pbdYou're right, obsidian- having more than one web services server, running a separate instance of the core OS (which, to a service point of view, is apache, not linux) does equate to more work.. but each service will have it's own needs, and they may not combine well.
03:29.57obsidian-studiosX-Rob:  my point was that if I made a tool for * it would be to fill a void that amp is not filling
03:30.04X-Robso if you've got a webby interface to your oracle stuff, it's got to go across the wire
03:30.21ZX81hi all
03:30.27obsidian-studiospbd: which is why I do not put many services on a given machine, only the core service for that machine
03:30.36pbdobsidian: I think Rob's point is, while there may be voids in AMP, you've picked the wrong one- you just need to open your mind a little to it.
03:30.41ZX81is there a way to list just realitime iax2 peers and not ones defined in configs?
03:30.45obsidian-studiospbd: with regard to *, I do not see myself running any other core daemon on it
03:31.07obsidian-studiospbd: for env's with constant changes and etc, sure AMP is great
03:31.10X-Robpbd - I don't want him to run AMP. He'll be demading support on wanting to have apache on one machine, sql server on another, phone configuration on a third, and apache on a fourth.
03:31.30pbdobsidian: then you've severely limited your options.  Heck, creating the tool you envision would require some sort of daemon to accept the changes and update asterisk- apache is just a better tested version of that.
03:31.50X-Robpbd - ref my 'apache and xml-rpc' comment of about 1/2 an hour ago
03:32.01obsidian-studiospbd: but really aside from maintenance or ongoing stuff amp is over board
03:32.02pbdX-rob:  yeah.. I'm just explaining it slower. :)
03:32.14obsidian-studiosideally my tool would just generate the configs files based on a gui
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03:32.30X-Robnext thing is he'll be saying that he doesn't use perl because it's too hard to keep up to date.
03:32.31obsidian-studiosin a perfect world it could control * in real time, but that's not what I am after in a sense
03:32.31ZX81I have a gui
03:32.33ZX81in C#
03:32.36ZX81for windows XP
03:32.41ZX81that i am working
03:32.55NetgeeksThere are implementations of what you want out there obsidian.. to a degree... Asterisk, with a hybrid realtime and dialplan from database config, with a remote db and a web app to manage the db...
03:33.00ZX81currently creates agents.conf, queues.conf and a bit of extensions.
03:33.03obsidian-studiosZX81: cool, linux person here, maybe I will write on in Java so it can be used on all platforms
03:33.24ZX81compiled in SharpDevelop
03:33.28pbdobsidian:  Unfortunately, you're defining a toolset methodology that most of the IT world dumped a few years back- it's too slow to engineer changes, and what most businesses need are instant changes.
03:33.29ZX81so, could try using mono
03:33.43X-Robs/a few/20/
03:33.45obsidian-studiosX-Rob: I would not look for support on AMP, I stay away from many apps like it due to the dependencies on the same machine. I also run dedicated db servers, file servers, and etc.
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03:34.47obsidian-studiospbd: I know at Linux world several years back at a BOF Sun was asking what they could do. I mentioned a remote sys config and management utility that could run via some wire protocol, it's own port and etc. Not require a full blown standard service like apache
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03:35.00pbdObsidian: if you've got such a large hardware budget, and obviously a large application development budget (to integrate all that stuff), I'm surprised you don't have a budget for worrying about upgrades.
03:35.20obsidian-studiospbd: basically I was getting at an open source program like the Control Station was to Cobalt server appliances
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03:35.58obsidian-studiospbd: you missed the entire upgrade aspect. I am always upgrading. Constantly. It's part of the reason I went to gentoo. However I do not want more than I am already doing without good reason and etc
03:36.25X-Robobsidian-studios - no. The reason you're constantly upgrading is because you went to gentoo.
03:36.26obsidian-studiospbd: if you have never messed with Gentoo long term, then you would have no clue, but there are a few steps to upgrading
03:36.32X-Robyou've got it back to front there.
03:36.39pbdAnd you've missed my point- the services you're providing should be rich, and richly integrated- that's a dern good reason to integrate services on a single machine.
03:37.05X-Robobsidian-studios *shakes head*
03:37.18obsidian-studiospbd:  they totally are, gentoo, use flags, I compile apps with specific stuff for other apps
03:37.21X-RobI truly give up.
03:37.29obsidian-studiosbut I do not like programs that expect everything to be local on one machine
03:37.51pbdActually, my approach to upgrading is- don't do it for the sake of some technote somewhere.  Do it because you need to- perhaps a known security issue- but *not* because of some tweak that someone else found needed doing that isn't relevant to you.
03:38.16X-Robpbd - here's a question for you. You have 20 machines, all doing seperate things. You use debian, or redhat, or something, on all the machines. The same OS on all the machines, because as a good integrater/admin, you've standardised on something.
03:38.35X-Robnow. There's a significant issue in sshd. What do you do?
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03:38.40obsidian-studiosX-Rob: like RHEL, it does not have the lastest version of apache, tomcat, java etc. And I am not going to wait on RH, or another RHEL release. I considered Debian, before Ubuntu took off. I am very pleased with my up to date ness of Gentoo
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03:39.12X-Robobsidian-studios - if any admins that worked for me randomly upgraded shit just because it was new, they'd be fired in a week.
03:39.20X-Robyou just don't do that. That's crazy talk.
03:39.26obsidian-studiosX-Rob: first off ssh is not exported in most cases. If I need I can setup a binary repository for gentoo and push out binaries that I have specifically compiled at least once with the features I want
03:39.47slak-what port do i need open for my soft phone to contact my remote * box
03:39.54obsidian-studiosX-Rob:  which is why I have two networks, one running gentoo ~x86 for testing and future stuff that will be in stable
03:40.04pbdX-rob: depends on my risk profile.  But, for something as critical as sshd, I'd probably update.... sshd.  Not RHEL, or SuSE, or SLACK, (or whatever my distro is)
03:40.17obsidian-studiosservers only run x86, and I have never had any issues, less than ever before with RH
03:40.23pbdslak: what protocol is your softphone running?
03:40.30X-Robwould you like another one?
03:40.34X-RobLets say you're using, oooh, debian.
03:40.40slak-pbd: i gues its iax
03:40.51X-Rob(are you comfortable with debian? or would you prefer RHEL? Mandrake? Pick one)
03:40.56obsidian-studiosX-Rob:  also, I do not have to take down servers to upgrade between major release, Gentoo does not have major releases, only profile updates
03:41.27pbdslak: Since it's saturday night, and I'm tired.. I'll give you a break.  Go over to, look up the port that IAX uses, and open that one up.  UDP only- that's my clue for the evening. ;-)
03:41.35obsidian-studiosX-Rob: debian is not keeping up with the open source world well, Ubuntu is trying to correct that in a way
03:41.50X-RobDamn I wish I still had my cluebat.
03:41.50pbdRob: It really doesn't matter to me.. they all wear tuxedos. ;-)
03:42.01slak-pdb is there a soft phone for win32 that actually works?
03:42.05slak-diax doesnt even launch
03:42.09slak-iaxcomm is broken pos
03:42.14slak-something with a log file pergaps
03:42.21X-Robobsidian-studios - you've now agreed to do what I said waaaaaay up there. Local Update Repostiories.
03:42.22obsidian-studiospbd: yes Linux is linux for the most part, but this is a constantly changing open source world, distros must keep up
03:42.29X-RobYou have the machines check the repository once a night.
03:42.29pbdslak:  I use DIAX, but it has it's issues.. it runs fine, just not indefinitely. :)
03:42.34obsidian-studiosX-Rob: I can do that, but that's not my point
03:42.42X-Robyou put things in the repository when you're certain they're working
03:42.43obsidian-studiosX-Rob:  you probably are not familiar with etc-update
03:42.55X-Robof course I'm not.
03:42.56slak-pbd: i added registeration to diax and it crashed now it wont launch
03:42.57wunderkinpbd: you have problems with it crashing after awhile too?
03:43.02slak-i triedt to clear configs
03:43.05slak-and it didnt fix it
03:43.08obsidian-studioseven if I rpm or apt-get a package, there can still be differences in the config files
03:43.09slak-weird bug in event log
03:43.20obsidian-studiosX-Rob: so I must deal with those differences, and etc or ignore
03:43.21X-Robobsidian-studios - not if you make your own packages.
03:43.29pbdRob: Hate to say it, but SUS (microsoft) lets us do just that, and we do, for all our windows clients.  Having a corporate environment depend on windowsupdate is silly- SUS allows proper extraction of that.
03:43.48pbdslak: Try emailing the developer- I've found him to be very responsive.
03:43.56X-Robpbd - Yeah, I know. It's sad to say that even microsoft can clue onto a good idea, but obsidian-studios can't.
03:44.32X-Robobsidian-studios - now, take a step back, and think. 'How do I avoid configuration file changes'?
03:44.36obsidian-studiosFYI, it takes me less than an hour per week to update between 10-20 machines. Most of the time is lost because I am not doing all at once
03:44.50pbdobsidian: But why have you updated apache?  To correct a security problem?  I've not seen one that has broken my config files- that would be a bug in it's own right.
03:44.58obsidian-studiosX-Rob:  look there are major differences with how most OS and Linux distros see things
03:45.07obsidian-studiosI prefer the BSD ports way, it's very old
03:45.10X-RobI truly give up
03:45.25X-Robpbd, good luck with the cluebat.
03:45.31obsidian-studiosonly way to keep up and deal with an open source world is by using sources, not binaries
03:45.43obsidian-studiosX-Rob:  run binaries others have made for you. I will run my own
03:46.02pbdobsidian:  I don't think Rob's advocating running someone else's binaries.
03:46.20obsidian-studiospbd: well pushing them out
03:46.28pbdbut it does sound to me like you're doing a lot of updates that will only get you in more trouble.
03:46.31obsidian-studiosI do not push the same binaries for all machines
03:46.38obsidian-studiosall machines have different use flags, and etc
03:46.53obsidian-studiospbd: I am not new at this, I have been admin linux servers for 4+ years now
03:47.07pbdobsidian: For your design, that's appropriate- you would have a lot of inert machines if you didn't.  But the design itself is flawed.
03:47.12obsidian-studiospbd: I have lost allot of $ due to exploits, and etc, I will not again while I am waiting on others binaries
03:47.43obsidian-studiospbd: I compile apps differently for pIII's, P4s, AMD procs, AMD64 procs, etc
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03:47.57pbdYou're *too* conservative in your approach- to a fault, which, unless you're doing corporate banking or securities, will eventually bite you on the ass.
03:48.33obsidian-studiospbd: well it's done me well, and I have only ended up here, because of experiences in the past
03:48.36pbdSomeday, your client/boss/whatever will want to put on something that requires integration- and your environment won't support it.  Been there.
03:48.48obsidian-studiosalso most good ISP's and etc I know distribute things as well
03:48.57pbdDistribution is not isolation.
03:49.10bkw__ok ok let me get caught up so I can pick a side
03:49.13obsidian-studiospbd: possibly but clients rarely dictate how things are, and so far no boss ;)
03:49.14pbdProper distributed services are also integrated services.  Scalability also demands it.
03:49.30X-RobMorning bkw 8)
03:49.36bkw__yo X-Rob
03:49.41mog_homelol i was thinking same thing brian
03:49.43bkw__let me know when the AMP dudes are in the conf
03:49.43pbdClients will dictate it when they see the bill, and get my proposal for a less costly, more efficient, more *rich* environment. ;-)
03:49.49obsidian-studiospbd: sure, and I can deal with the services on their own, beefier machines, multiple and load balance and etc
03:49.50mog_homebut i was gonna be contrarian
03:49.55X-Robbkw_ - not gunna happen for a while now.
03:49.59X-RobThey all went 'bah, too hard'
03:50.09X-Roband then 'all' ended up only being one person
03:50.10bkw__I can already tell obsidian-studios needs to shush
03:50.11X-Robso fuggit.
03:50.18bkw__we don't care
03:50.19obsidian-studiospbd:  yes and eggs in a basket, drop the basket all break
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03:50.28bkw__obsidian-studios, not if you have alot of baskets
03:50.33bkw__20 baskets
03:50.38bkw__its easy to manage
03:50.40bkw__easy to clone
03:50.42bkw__easy to update
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03:50.49bkw__tried and true
03:51.05obsidian-studiosbkw__: that's what I have, I just did not see the point of having another apache install, introducing a mysql install, and etc just to run AMP for once and a while things
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03:51.18obsidian-studiosor for the novice installing all for amp
03:51.23obsidian-studiosI am not just asking for me
03:51.25pbdBrian is running his filter program again.. pulling out bits and pieces.  Amazing how well it works, though.
03:51.43X-Robthe, uh, able-to-be-beaten table, that is
03:51.50bkw__pbd, what?
03:52.16obsidian-studioswhen I do my lug presentation and someone like  aaronz says can I use amp to manage my * install, I can say sure but you have to install apache, and mysql as well. If they are not familiar with them, that's a step curve on top of (
03:52.18obsidian-studiosof *
03:52.22pbdYou've just made a synposis of the last 20 minutes.. almost word for word, by taking one relevant phrase out of each line. ;-)
03:52.48bkw__steep curve of asterisk?
03:53.03bkw__pbd :P
03:53.28obsidian-studiosbkw__: newbs have a step learning curve with *
03:53.28mog_homeparens dont have a good name
03:53.35obsidian-studiosbkw__: steep
03:53.45bkw__not really
03:53.50bkw__just have to read and follow
03:54.00mog_homelazy people have problem with *
03:54.02mog_homenot stupid
03:54.07X-Robkill lazy people.
03:54.18X-Robfucker. FUCKER.
03:54.21mog_homeand lazy people should pay asterlink, digium etc to config boxes or wait for amp to mature
03:54.45pbdSee, now there's the fundamental problem.  I come to * from 20 years in the IT game, last 5 having 'hard core' telephony exp.  Newbs expect that Asterisk is a great replacement for that aging answering machine next to their bunk bed.
03:55.06obsidian-studioswell I do not know aaronz, but I would not assume lazy at first, but wanting to do something small with a large program. So there is allot to read to accomplish the small task. I do not see AMP making it any easier?
03:55.30pbdIt's not.  It's a PBX. Designed as one, looks like one- configs a little too much like one, but there's light in that tunnel... ael shows promise.
03:55.40slak-ugh i cant get my * box to accept my softphone connection, the current setup uses sipura ata units
03:55.51slak-im trying to connect to it via softphone via vpn
03:56.14pbdslak: What client, what error... NAT?
03:56.16slak-what do i need to config besides add an account to iax.conf
03:56.30slak-no error at all just cant even establish a connection with asterisk server
03:56.31pbdActually, a good geek would *never* make that mistake.
03:56.33slak-no nat
03:56.34pbdThey usually read.
03:56.34X-RobOK, I totally agree that AMP sucks arse for prerequisties. And the way it has to have apache running as asterisk. That's just evil. But, that's being fixed.
03:56.35bkw__ya they use Linux
03:56.48mog_homei think asterisk should focus on being enterprise level 5 switch grade as apposed to being nubb easy to use
03:56.50slak-pbd: client is diaxc
03:56.51bkw__the problem I find is most LUG's are full of assholes that think they know how shit works because they can install Redhat
03:56.57t3tX-Rob, what made you choose centos?
03:56.59Moc_we just need to make a good Manager Interface ;)
03:57.09pbdslak: Have you gone through the config in the diax help file?
03:57.11obsidian-studiosX-Rob: I just know from talking to other app developers. Many are starting to put things like web servers in apps, instead of apps in web servers
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03:57.46pbdslak: And do you see anything in the logs on your asterisk server side?
03:57.49X-Robt3t - it's a decision I made because Mandrake turned crap 8)
03:57.59t3tX-Rob, fair enough. thanks
03:58.00pbd(you did restart/reload *, right?)
03:58.42obsidian-studiosbkw__:  in areas that Linux is not used much in business env. like here in FL, many play with it, instead of work withi it
03:58.58bkw__obsidian-studios, and you know this for a fact
03:59.03pbdslak: and have you turned up the verbosity to see if your client is even making it?  You can ping the * box from the machine that diax is on, right?
03:59.07bkw__I like how you're the know it all on what people use in FL
03:59.16slak-udp        0      0 *:iax                   *:*
03:59.23obsidian-studiosbkw__:  well not all of FL, but deff in the Jacksonville area
03:59.33slak-yes i can ping, i tried to connect to it via VPN and non vpn
03:59.35pbdobsidian: What dope are you smoking, exactly, that makes you say Linux isn't used in business environments in florida?
03:59.38slak-all ports are open
03:59.43obsidian-studiosbkw__:  but it's all totally different from when I was in S.F., California
04:00.04obsidian-studiospbd:  not as widely, as I have seen in other areas
04:00.16bkw__obsidian-studios, you're full of shit
04:00.17obsidian-studiospbd: it's mostly still old school Unix and windows
04:00.27pbdobsidian: What do you base this on, low attendance at your LUG?
04:00.28bkw__I don't like linux as much but I'm not going to go out and say something that isn't true
04:00.45obsidian-studiosbkw__: CSX headquartered here does not do much with Linux, Fidelity National Financial, located here, does not do much if anything with Linux
04:00.52slak-pbd: cant connect the box and cant register ;/
04:00.55obsidian-studiosPGA Tour, only runs a few Linux servers in a large network
04:01.03bkw__obsidian-studios, but many people do use linux
04:01.05obsidian-studiosBlue Cross Blue Shield is not big in LInux
04:01.13obsidian-studiosPrudential is not big in Linux
04:01.14pbdI'd say that's completely ass-backwards.  In SF (or in the silicon valley area), there are a lot of people playing- and just as many people USING linux as anywhere else, per capita.
04:01.23bkw__I don't expect banking people to use Linux
04:01.24bkw__it's not wise
04:01.34obsidian-studiosAOL has a massive call center here, hardly any linux
04:02.02Qwellbofa uses Linux
04:02.02pbdslak: well, there's your problem.. if you cant get from one box to the other...
04:02.17pbdslak: can you at least ssh into the * server from that machine?
04:02.17obsidian-studiospbd: I knew people within Cisco's Fiber R&D center that swapped out some unix machines for Linux boxes for better network throughput?
04:02.25slak-yes man im logged in there right now
04:02.28slak-asteirsk console
04:02.35obsidian-studiosQwell: bofa is one of the most state of the art banks out there
04:02.38slak-established a fully open vpn connection
04:02.40pbdslak: So you do have connectivity.
04:02.49Qwellobsidian-studios: My bank (unnamed, very large bank) uses Linux, to an extent
04:03.07slak-netstat shows asterisk is listening on *:iax
04:03.16obsidian-studiosbkw__:  so my point, when looking around the corporate landscape of Jacksonville, not much LInux, and in the LUG hardly any that use it withing businesses
04:03.29obsidian-studiosQwell: awesome are they in Fl?
04:03.32pbdslak: netstat is correct.
04:03.35Qwellobsidian-studios: they are
04:03.36bkw__obsidian-studios, and we know the LUG is the defacto know it all
04:03.53bkw__lets shut up about this .. its pointless
04:03.59obsidian-studiosbkw__:  no not at all, just a sign a bit on the local linux community and etc
04:04.08mog_homethank you brian
04:04.15bkw__ZIP IT
04:04.16mog_homeno next
04:04.18pbdslak: I didn't see above well enough- got lost in the lunacy.. have you turned up verbosity and iax2 debug on your console?
04:04.29blitzrageno soup for you!
04:04.37slak-pbd: im looking to see how
04:04.49pbdslak: set verbose 3 (or so).. iax2 debug
04:05.05pbd(cli commands.. it's late, I'm talking shorthand.. stop me if I'm going past you)
04:05.16slak-iac2 debug
04:05.37slak-ok it spit out a bunch
04:06.01*** part/#asterisk rickxu (n=rickxu@
04:06.20pbdNow, you're going to have to go through it a bit- it should explain your issue, if you see any traffic from your softphone client.. my guess is, you've got a registration mismatch, which should be fairly easy to spot.
04:06.52slak-ah nope nothing relevant to my softphone
04:06.56slak-only my iax trunk
04:07.05pbdIf you've got a lot of other stuff defined, you might have to filter through it a bit- the verbose 3 will show you other trunks coming and going, etc.
04:07.11slak-i dont think * is set up to establish connection
04:07.13slak-er accept
04:07.39pbdslak: If you've got an iax trunk going.. and it's listening to the udp port.. you're set up to at least see failed registration attempts.
04:07.50pbdI'd check your diax config- make sure you've got the right IP, etc.
04:08.14slak-maybe i can pastebin some configs for u to look at/
04:08.36pbdUnless you've got a firewall filtering out that iax port (which you already looked for), you should at least see the start.
04:08.53slak-no firewall things should be wide open
04:09.08pbdSure.. but I'm running on about 10 hours less sleep this week than I should have.. so.. no guarantees.
04:09.19pbdStart with the diax client.
04:11.24pbdBut.. take a *hard* look at your diax config, make sure things are what they should be.  IP address is the one I'm thinking.
04:11.47pbdSince asterisk is listening on that port.. if something tried to hit it- even in a failure, you should see it in the log.
04:12.18*** join/#asterisk jimmy_deanPB (
04:12.54pbdI've not played around with the deny clauses in iax.conf- I don't know if they'd generate a debug if a denied box tried to hit it.. that's the only other possibility I can think of.  Anyone out there tried that one?
04:13.03*** join/#asterisk Exstatica (
04:13.35slak-diax says :registration never:
04:13.54pbdYou do have the 'register' checkbox checked, right? ;-)
04:15.30pbdWhere does diax say never?
04:15.47slak-when i hover over the red number 1 box
04:16.45pbdhangon.. firing up my diax client.
04:17.25pbdThat registration never is meaningless.
04:17.50*** join/#asterisk Umaro (n=umaro@
04:18.29pbdAll it means is that it didn't successfully register yet..
04:19.04slak-heres my iax.conf
04:19.28slak-diax is what i added for my softphone
04:19.37slak-the stuff above is m iax trunk to asterlin
04:21.26pbdHmm.  You're missing a username in there.
04:23.03pbdthere is the relevant section of mine
04:23.11UmaroAnyone have the latest polycom firmware, or have access to their site?
04:24.42pbdUmaro: Can't say that I do.
04:25.29slak-still dont see anything in asterisk logs ;(
04:25.55pbdAnd you have a username in the diax config?
04:26.12slak-pbd do i need something in extensions.conf for my softphone
04:26.14pbdAnd the register box is checked?
04:26.18brc_anybody got a polycom?
04:26.25brc_got a question
04:26.57pbdslak: Not for registration, no- you do if you need a context to land in, or to be called, but to get registration, no.
04:28.02pbdslak: It's possible I'm fuzzy- but there's definitely something squirrely here- and it's probably big and obvious, like a typo.  Since they're usually invisible.. how about running ethereal on the client pc and seeing if traffic is leaving and getting responses?
04:28.34pbdIf you're not seeing registration attempts in asterisk, yet everything is defined correctly, either diax is giving up, or there's something blocking packets.
04:28.55pbdDiax wouldn't give up (in my experience) unless it's misconfigured... but it doesn't sound like it is.
04:28.56slak-subscribe to our digital telephone
04:29.27pbdI'm running DIAX, simultaneously connected to two different asterisk boxen, across a VPN, using, as we speak- so I'd have to rule out a general failure.
04:29.53pbdI'm running diax 0.9.10g.. generally, I have no problems with it.
04:30.06pbd(although it won't stay up for more than 24 hours.. I think a small memory leak)
04:30.28slak-one sec let me fireup etherreal
04:31.39slak-do i need to append a port number to server line in diax
04:32.02pbdAre you using a nonstandard port for IAX?
04:32.25pbdThen I'd have to say no.
04:32.56kusznirOk, asterisk call routing question:
04:33.13kusznirLets say I have 3 * boxes at different locations, each serving up local extentions.
04:33.44kusznirI want to have IAX between each box, and lets say for the moment that only one has a trunk of some side to the outside.
04:34.14kusznirIs there a way for the * boxes to figure out how to route calls amonst themselves without having to hand-code what extentions go to what boxes?
04:34.45jbotrumour has it, dundi is
04:35.22kusznirI've read their web page; unfortunately I don't understand how to use it in *.  I suspect dundi was involved in the solution somehow.
04:35.25mog_homei like jbot
04:35.53t3tkusznir, through dudi they can exchange routing information, but if you onlly have one with an external trunk, it should be pretty easy to hard-code the extensions on the isolated box
04:36.21pbdThat's almost too easy... I'd say we should have him cook up a central mysql application and use realtime. ;-)
04:36.48Corydon76-homeOr use 5055
04:36.57kusznirFor example, how do you define what extentions are served by your * locally?
04:37.16t3tpbd, realtime isn't new enough... I think he should use the MYSQL function and create tables for routing that are queried in the dialplan
04:38.04pbdkusznir: Define them as extensions in the relevant contexts... dundi should do the rest.
04:38.09t3tkusznir, you make them up? what do you mean?
04:38.27pbdSeriously, read up on dundi config with asterisk.. it should be painfully obvious.
04:38.29Darwin35I need more functions for my pbx
04:38.34Darwin35ideas ideas
04:38.37kusznirWhere do I find dundi config for *?
04:38.43Qwellkusznir: the wiki
04:38.51Darwin35in the extensions.conf.sample
04:38.59pbdDarwin: ability to make coffee?
04:39.20Darwin35home automation
04:39.46kusznirsome have integrated misterhome into their * config....
04:39.58Darwin35misterhome hmmm
04:40.44nick125t3t: in version 2.0 which might get released before the next decade passes
04:43.07Darwin35I cant find the misterhome src
04:43.12Darwin35whats the url I think.
04:43.25Darwin35google just comes up with junk pages
04:43.38slak-hey pbd my diax client is behind nat
04:43.43slak-does that make a difference?
04:44.26pbdslak: Might.  But.. so is mine.
04:44.39*** join/#asterisk [1]JohnJacob (
04:44.47Darwin35ok got it
04:44.59Darwin35I have it working with myth tv
04:45.41Darwin35but the mythtv box died 1 week ago
04:45.49*** join/#asterisk coppice (
04:46.21Darwin35I have a door phone and buzzer
04:46.55coppicecan someone try and see what they get?
04:46.59pbdslak: Generally.. iax is less prone to NAT weirdness than SIP/H.323.. and when it does crop up, it would be a one-way packet loss situation.
04:47.13Qwellcoppice: Smart call processing for dumb telephony hardware
04:47.19X-Robcoppice - it was down earlier
04:47.23Darwin35I get the webpage
04:47.31X-Robno DNS here
04:47.45coppiceX-Rob: I didn't ask someone to try it in the past :-)
04:47.48Darwin35try reseting your net connection
04:47.52*** join/#asterisk dudes (
04:48.04slak-dude i dont even see any attempts of diax trying to establkish connection with my iax box
04:48.07Darwin35and clear your resolve.conf
04:48.18X-Roband frangliate the combulator.
04:48.35X-Robcoppice - nope. No DNS
04:48.36coppiceI have server troubles. I just moved the stuff to a homepage bundled with my ADSL, and set up DNS forwarding's dns servers aren't all working...
04:49.10coppiceX-Rob: if the others see it, maybe you still have the old DNS stuff in cache
04:49.51*** join/#asterisk jimmy_deanPB (
04:49.57t3t1/3 of the time you won't reach the site
04:50.11*** join/#asterisk rootfiend (
04:50.29coppicewell, that is what I am trying to fix
04:50.34t3tthey set up dns in a non-standard way as well... there are 2 glue records and 3 servers
04:50.45pbdWell, folks.. I've got to get the dog walked, and the long nap taken.
04:50.51slak-thanks pbd
04:50.57X-RobI'm not even getting any NS responses.
04:51.07pbdSlak: sorry- and good luck.. ethereal should yield you a clue.
04:51.29X-Robwoo, has DNS
04:51.31t3tX-Rob, your resolver probably chose the broken server to use
04:51.36coppicethe DNS is now being handled by the free DNS service of my domain registrar
04:51.43X-Robt3t, I'm trying to query the NS records.
04:51.52X-Robfrom .org
04:51.55*** part/#asterisk pbd (
04:51.56X-RobI'm getting nothing
04:51.59coppicet3t: shut up
04:52.00t3tX-Rob, from which server?
04:52.18X-Robalthough, who the fuck is ultradns?
04:52.24t3tcoppice, I'm just relaying the facts... dns servers with glue setup wrong and 1/3 of the servers down is poor in my book.
04:52.34X-Robdig org NS says '' everywhere
04:52.38t3tX-Rob, one of the best dns providers on the planet
04:52.57t3tX-Rob, they were one of the pioneers of anycast dns
04:53.02coppicet3t: you aren't following the conversation. I just moved from that to using my registrar
04:54.21X-Robok, tld2,3 and 4 of ultradns (who seem to be the .org guys) know that the NS is
04:54.32X-Rob(I didn't check any more) - is joker correct?
04:54.45coppiceyeah. joker is my registrar
04:55.06X-Rob;; ANSWER SECTION:    86400   IN      A
04:55.13X-Rob(from joker)
04:55.28X-Robso that looks like it's fixed.
04:58.10*** join/#asterisk hadi57 (i=al_moghr@
04:59.10coppicet3t: I just checked the old DNS setup. you should have seen 4 entries, 2 of which should have been removed a while ago.
05:00.25slak-ehstd s
05:00.43slak-whats a good sip phone for windos
05:00.56Moc_anyone know cheap/good web designer ?
05:01.06*** join/#asterisk atmel (
05:01.32Moc_no flash... good html/css and basic graphic..
05:02.20kusznirslak-: xten-light is free and seems to be pretty decent.
05:02.34kusznirand it supports a bunch of OSes including win.
05:02.38t3tcoppice, how long ago did you change the authoritative servers with the root?
05:03.02coppice2 or 3 years
05:03.18t3tso what change did you make recently?
05:03.35coppiceoh, sorry. a few months ago when I canged from to
05:04.06coppicewell I changed it a few minutes ago. I thought you were referring to older changes
05:04.53*** join/#asterisk criptos (n=criptos@
05:05.05criptoshello all!:)
05:06.16*** join/#asterisk [1]JohnJacob (
05:07.29*** part/#asterisk Umaro (n=umaro@
05:07.40criptosHello all!
05:08.28*** join/#asterisk nick125 (n=nick125@unaffiliated/nick125)
05:10.38t3tcoppice, did you used to use ultradns for your authoritative dns servers?
05:11.01t3thi criptos
05:15.11*** join/#asterisk nick125 (n=nick@unaffiliated/nick125)
05:18.05brc_anybody got a source for polycom firmware?
05:18.09brc_trying to get ahold of 1.5.3
05:18.23t3twhat's new in 1.5.3, brc_?
05:18.35brc_dunno, don't have the change log
05:18.37kusznirI've read the dundi GPA and the various config options for *, and think I get a handle on it.  I get the impression that "small-fish" (single-line end users) are not generally invited to participate in dundi, is this correct?  (in this case, I'd be in inbound-only peer).
05:18.47brc_and the new bootrom
05:18.52*** join/#asterisk nick125 (n=nick@unaffiliated/nick125)
05:18.57*** join/#asterisk bobessutio (
05:19.12X-Robkusznir - you don't have to peer with anyone except yourself
05:19.14t3tkusznir, true because of it's method of authentication
05:19.24bobessutioanybody have used chanspy and asterisk cvs?
05:19.37brc_3.0.1 is the new bootrom, freedomphones only has 2.6
05:19.45t3tthere isn't an easy way to keep the cruft out of dundi w/o having a trusted peer list and limited access
05:20.17t3tbrc_, but what's your goal?  Is there a specific problem that's fixed with the latest images or do you just want to have the latest?
05:20.17kusznirHow sucessful is the dundi network currently?  I mean, are there a lot of participants in the "main" network/tree/whatever?
05:21.17kusznirdundi seems to make a lot of sence; why go VoIP -> ptsn -> voip when it would be possible to just do a direct IP->IP call.  Yet, it seems like its difficult to find a connected peer and get on.
05:21.19brc_I'd like to use the latest...deploying some new 600's
05:21.46t3tkusznir, doesn't look like many here:
05:22.15t3tbrc_, wouldn't you rather use an image that's been pretty thoroughly tested?
05:22.58brc_not particularly
05:23.05t3t... and tested with * since polycom doesn't support it.
05:23.17brc_I can always roll back if need be
05:23.31t3tisn't the same true about rolling forward?
05:23.56brc_meh, it's a little different
05:24.05brc_going from a known, to unknown state
05:24.29t3twouldn't you test on your bench network before you deploy?
05:25.17brc_seriously, why the inquisition?
05:25.24brc_if you can't help me, say so and move on
05:25.45brc_sheesh, irc lemmings these days...
05:29.22t3tI'm sorry that I even attempeted to teach you one of the principles of structured systems engineering.  For the lurkers: "Don't fix what isn't broken in a stable system when you don't even know what the fix is?"
05:30.30criptost3t: And what about an holisitc approach?
05:30.41brc_haha great domain t3t
05:30.47t3tI'll leave that to Zen
05:30.49t3tthanks, brc
05:31.44brc_criptos, your ideas intrigue me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter...
05:32.13*** join/#asterisk wolfson (i=hidden-u@
05:32.15brc_asterisk -- homeopathy style!
05:32.26jbotA clone of vi/ex, the standard UNIX editor.. URL:
05:32.38X-RobOK. That wasn't what I was expecting.
05:33.09criptosCommon, linux has a lot of hippi style, why not treat linux as the homeopaty for sistems? I have done some reiki to an * box to fix "echo" :)
05:33.26brc_~elvis is also "X-Rob *bahahahahah* OK. That wasn't what I was expecting."
05:33.28jbotbrc_: okay
05:33.43jbotA clone of vi/ex, the standard UNIX editor.. URL:, or "X-Rob *bahahahahah* OK. That wasn't what I was expecting."
05:33.50brc_criptos, bwhahahahaha
05:34.42Corydon76-homebrc_: so... have you taken a look at 5055 yet?
05:35.42Corydon76-home5183 is a gem, too
05:36.32criptosYeah! Sure, Think about this... there are a LOT of MD saing, I used to be alopath, now I´m homeopat, And there is a lot of tech people who says, I´m used to be a microsoft guy, now I´m a linux guy..
05:36.52brc_5183 is long overdue
05:37.02criptosHow much for a 5183?
05:37.15Corydon76-home5183 is free
05:37.42Corydon76-homeIf you want to pay me for creating it, I have no problem with that...
05:37.51bkw__5162 is golden also
05:37.53bkw__if you use sip
05:39.04criptosI´m confused, is´t 5183 a polycom phone?
05:39.11criptosor what is?
05:39.15bkw__its a bug number boi
05:39.19*** join/#asterisk Gronker__ (
05:39.28criptosFile.. u are gonna get dizzy and the puke...
05:39.47criptoshuuuuuuumm... I was looking at the wrong wall...
05:40.13*** join/#asterisk tartar (
05:40.21brc_not listed eh
05:40.28Corydon76-homeOf course not
05:40.55Corydon76-homeMaybe when I do something impressive...
05:41.39Moc_1h41.. hehe time passing fast..
05:42.21Netgeekshrm, how is 5055 used in the dial plan?  I see you have a conf sample, but did you have a dialplan sample somewhere?
05:42.34*** join/#asterisk bwzb (
05:43.12*** join/#asterisk MGSsancho (
05:43.30Corydon76-homeOr for writing, Set(ODBC_WHATEVER(arg1,arg2,arg3)=foo)
05:43.53*** join/#asterisk _nvrs (i=RUR@
05:43.54Netgeeksyou open and close the connection for each query I take it?  or do you open a single connection for the channel and close when the channel goes away?
05:44.12Corydon76-homeThe connection is cached by res_odbc
05:44.15Netgeeksbah, Elvis
05:44.29bwzbhi, anyone use know how to use callgroup in sip.conf?
05:44.44Netgeeksthis is good stuff, Corydon
05:44.53Corydon76-homeThank you
05:44.54bwzbI tried to define a group of sip user to receive incoming calls
05:44.55Netgeeksbye bye asterisk-addons
05:44.56*** part/#asterisk Gronker__ (
05:45.19Corydon76-homeAs usual, this is me overengineering the solution to a problem
05:45.33Corydon76-homethus saving me more work later
05:46.05Netgeeksinterested in a little cash on the side?  I've got some patches (mostly small) I am looking to have done.  Was going to post on -dev tomorrow....
05:46.23Corydon76-homeI do stuff I'm interested in doing
05:46.26brc_what sort of patches
05:46.33Moc_wasnt there a asterisk documentation project on the way ?
05:46.44Corydon76-homeIf the stuff you want is interesting, I may take a stab at it
05:47.07Moc_I wanna do documentation for a project, and wonder what to use ... (generate html,ps,pdf document ?
05:47.18NetgeeksI want setvar= added to zaptel channels, I want a register= directive for peer entries instead of the clunky register=> line.......
05:47.26brc_Moc_, docbook
05:47.28coppiceMoc_ Docbook
05:47.33Moc_ha that it .. docbook thanks..
05:47.41Corydon76-homeNetgeeks: okay, sure
05:47.42coppicebut find yourself a sane schema
05:47.45Moc_was searching for the name ..(only had doxygen in mind hehe
05:48.09coppicethe schemas from Docbook itself look real ugly.
05:48.39Netgeeksand I wanted a system-id that is used in realtime.  basically an extra field is added to the realtime tables and if the system-id matches that field or if the field is all, the entry is read and used, if not it is ignored
05:48.45coppiceusing xmlto is the starting point for getting to like Docbook
05:49.02Corydon76-homeCan't help you on realtime
05:49.14NetgeeksThats fine
05:49.42Corydon76-homeNetgeeks: which peer entries for register=?  SIP?  IAX?
05:50.01Netgeekssip is my biggest concern, but I'd like it in both
05:52.01Corydon76-homegoing to bed.  ttyl
05:55.53*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
05:59.05*** join/#asterisk mithro (
06:12.03*** join/#asterisk JanKinZ (n=^^DuRaKu@
06:14.06Darwin35night kids
06:17.19*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
06:19.33*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
06:19.58*** join/#asterisk file[lap1op] (
06:28.39RoyK08:28 sunday morning :P
06:29.49coppice6 hours ago it was
06:30.13Qwellits between noon and midnight...its technically afternoon
06:32.06glm2khmm, 2331 hours. by your definition then... good afternoon1
06:33.58coppicei think anything after 18:00 is evening, but when is it odding?
06:34.13Qwellbetween midnight and 6am
06:35.06Qwellthat time period isn't named
06:35.21Qwellgood dawn?
06:35.24Qwelldoesn't work
06:35.30Qwellmorning is 6am-noon
06:35.49glm2kwell, next best thing, breakfast
06:35.57Qwellnot a time period
06:36.00glm2ki know, i know, it's the meal
06:36.34Qwellwhen does it stop being evening, and start being night?
06:36.37Qwellglm2k: morning
06:36.48coppicethat could mean immediately after marriage :-\
06:37.12nick125i really need to find a new sip client
06:37.24nick125xlite is taking up 100MB of ram :/
06:37.51*** join/#asterisk af_ (
06:38.04nick125before i killed xlite: free: 186MB, after, free: 275MB
06:38.11coppiceah the good old middle eastern programmer strikes again - Mustafa Leak
06:39.45*** join/#asterisk Dosi (n=Tutuklu@
06:41.00nick125so, anyone here knwo of a good linux sip client that doesnt suck, and has working dtmf?
06:41.24*** join/#asterisk hadi57 (i=al_moghr@
06:42.00nick125dtmf doesnt work in it
06:42.10glm2kreally? nice to know then.
06:44.15X-Robhow does it 'not work'?
06:44.41X-Robare you using rfc2833 signalling?
06:46.50*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
06:49.07*** join/#asterisk KaBewM (
06:50.20WilliamKanyone know what the status is on getting NI-2 to work with 2B Channel Transfer?
06:50.40Inv_arpnick125: tried linphone
06:51.13*** join/#asterisk Blazint (
06:51.28nick125im gonna try that
06:55.43*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
07:04.47hugo-v6iirc there was a documentation for snom phones to get the msg led blinking if voicemail is waiting. does someone remember wher to find it? googled a minute and didnt find it
07:05.38Qwellhugo-v6: mailbox= doesn't work?
07:06.11h3xWilliamK: dosent it work already
07:10.31*** join/#asterisk audela (
07:10.37WilliamKh3x, only on 5E
07:11.36hugo-v6Qwell: i got that in my sip.conf
07:19.33*** join/#asterisk zoo (
07:21.07Netgeeksyay!  *applause*
07:34.05*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:d856:c704:0:0:0:0:1)
07:35.06hugo-v6Qwell: found it:
07:38.16*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (n=jcolp@
07:38.52hugo-v6well. strange behavior, phone tries to call this:
07:39.07hugo-v6um wrong link
07:39.38hugo-v6damn irssi
07:40.00hugo-v6"asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as01915295
07:40.43hugo-v6i dont know what should the phone call. but what it cals i wrong.
07:41.06hugo-v6damn cant type this morning
07:42.42hugo-v6ah got a workaround
07:43.07X-Robyou want the 'message' button to work?
07:44.27*** join/#asterisk af_ (
07:45.17hugo-v6X-Rob: jep got infos about that
07:45.25hugo-v6im in the mailbox now.
07:45.41X-Robanything else you want a hand with? 8)
07:46.24hugo-v6X-Rob: well im sure if i look a moment ill find it. but if u ask so nice ;) the sample mailbox (i jut copied the line) wants a password now
07:46.36X-RobYes, it does.
07:46.44hugo-v6well which? ;)
07:46.49hugo-v6or where to set?
07:46.52X-Robit'll be in your voicemail.conf
07:51.30hugo-v6well yes. i guess its the entry after the =>
07:51.34hugo-v6but it wont work.
07:51.55hugo-v6well give another try after i was on a walk with my dog
08:03.03*** join/#asterisk aggelos (
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08:56.21boofooHello, anyone have a good source for pxo cards?  (not those 6.95 ones on ebay) ;)
08:57.12mrfrenzyyou mean fxo
08:57.22boofoooops, yeah, those. :P
08:58.55boofoothe x100p cards are no more? =(
08:59.43*** join/#asterisk fone543 (
09:00.06*** part/#asterisk earthsound (n=chatzill@
09:01.41fone543*** GTarget@EFNet ( has joined #asterisk
09:02.08fone543<in@EFNet> #asterisk on efnet and #asterisk on freenode are linked
09:02.56fone543<mrfrenzy_@EFNet> Who runs these freaking bots?
09:03.12fone543*** [iL]TraXo@EFNet ( has joined #asterisk
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09:03.32mrfrenzytell me about it
09:03.33X-RobIf we wanted to be on efnet, we would be.
09:03.35X-RobFUCK OFF
09:03.42mrfrenzyover in the efnet channel the bots kick and ban eachother all the time
09:03.50boofooeww botwars.
09:03.55fone543<in@EFNet> they are fixed now
09:04.12fone543<in@EFNet> ill configed bots are a mess
09:04.17X-Robefnet is a mess
09:04.26fone543<in@EFNet> true
09:04.44fone543<mrfrenzy_@EFNet> no it doesn't have to be if you know how to manage a botnet
09:05.03boofooso like, anyone have a source to get x100P cards i'm running out of links. =(
09:05.10fone543<mrfrenzy_@EFNet> these bots have been waring eachother for 24 hours
09:05.13fone543<in@EFNet> i was trying a new op script, and having a hard time implementing, it has been repaired
09:05.14*** join/#asterisk outsidefactor (
09:06.03X-RobAah. "Manage a botnet." You know, I've never dreamt that someone would be _proud_ of that.
09:06.12X-Robusually you say that while looking embarrassed
09:06.22fone543<in@EFNet> i was blushing
09:06.24fone543<mrfrenzy_@EFNet> what's wrong with eggdrops builtin auth features?
09:06.42fone543<in@EFNet> this isnt a bot discussion channel, feel free to /m me =
09:07.09*** join/#asterisk EksTeSi (
09:07.19fone543<in@EFNet> so I have been enjoying the meetme code very much
09:07.24EksTeSihey does any1 had a tdm400p ?
09:07.41mrfrenzyin: since the bots provide 90% of the text in the channel, it certainly feels like it
09:07.54fone543<in@EFNet> hehe
09:07.57EksTeSishould the led's be lit up when I plug in and turn on ?
09:08.11mrfrenzywhen you plug what in?
09:08.32EksTeSia digium card
09:08.34fone543*** [iL]TraXo@EFNet ( has left #asterisk
09:09.04fone543I wonder if that'll help
09:09.14mrfrenzyhehe lets hope so ;)
09:09.28mrfrenzyI hate these opless freenode channels :/
09:09.39wasimwe have ops
09:09.48EksTeSidamn wonder if I got a bunk card here
09:09.52boofooanyone? Favorite place to buy cards? :)
09:09.58EksTeSiI don't see it int he bios or lspci
09:10.01wasimboofoo: digium / sangoma
09:10.13wasimEksTeSi: you have plugged the power in?
09:10.14fone543boofoo, ebay
09:10.29fone543EksTeSi - if it's not in lspci, it's borked.
09:10.31wasimEksTeSi: modules are all firmly in?
09:10.41EksTeSithe white one inside... hmm i'll try a different power cable in there
09:11.00EksTeSiback to the question though... should I see the led's that have modules light up ?
09:11.12mrfrenzywasim: and you approve of this (poor quality) linking?
09:11.14*** join/#asterisk mkl1525 (n=mkl1525@
09:13.42RoyKashes test?
09:13.48EksTeSiok no leds until modules get loaded
09:13.52EksTeSik hmm
09:14.04wasimEksTeSi: yes, but you should still ahve pci
09:14.25EksTeSiyeah I am lookin when the bios boots at the interupts n seeing nothing
09:14.31EksTeSiI should see it there first
09:14.40EksTeSisomething fishy
09:14.54fone543IT's dead.
09:14.57fone543try a different slot
09:15.02RoyKEksTeSi: what board?
09:15.20RoyKEksTeSi: if lspci doesn't show anything, it means it's not there.....
09:15.54mkl1525Hi, our company is thinking about moving to asterisk. Checked against all features our current pbx provides and there seems no feautre missing. The only question is if/how we can use our analog fax machine (it's a hp laserjet mfc3330), we would like to use a  BN8S0 card with hfc-s chipset - has anyone experience with this combination?
09:15.55RoyKEksTeSi: also, you won't see any interrupts until the driver's loaded
09:16.36EksTeSireally ? the hardware is invisiable to the bios ?
09:16.44RoyKforget the bios
09:16.50RoyKjust use linux
09:17.05EksTeSiyeah I know.. but the bios is the raw hardware...
09:17.17RoyKmkl1525: the only current solution for fax is spandsp, a software fax driver that can send and receive faxes and save/manage them as image files
09:17.21EksTeSiI got the modules loaded.. no errors.. but nothjing showing still
09:17.27RoyKlspci -vvv
09:17.34RoyKand pastebin that
09:17.43jbotwell, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
09:17.43wasimztcfg -vvvv while you're at it as well
09:19.21RoyKps axfu | awk '/^wasim/ { print $2 }' | xargs kill -9
09:19.53mkl1525RoyK, sorry didn't mention that our plan is to first setup voip only in our internal network and take 4-5 isdn lines to the outside world, so that I could connect the fax to the  BN8S0 directly - would fax be possible in this configuration?
09:19.57*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
09:20.18wasim> /home/royk
09:20.54RoyKmkl1525: fax over IP doesn't work with asterisk.
09:21.06RoyKFoIP requires T.38, which doesn't exist in asterisk atm
09:21.07*** part/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
09:21.34wasimmkl1525: get a quad-bri from junghanns
09:22.08mrfrenzyRoyK: but spandsp-asterisk-voip provider should work?
09:22.32RoyKmrfrenzy: as i said above :)
09:22.32mrfrenzygood, you got me scared there
09:22.49mkl1525thanks will have look
09:23.39RoyKhm. chan_canandstring should be using chan_alsa or chan_oss :)
09:25.10EksTeSiit's like the card isn't even plugged in... vapourcard... damn
09:25.17RoyKEksTeSi: there's not any tdm card visible in your bus.
09:25.20RoyKtry another slot
09:25.22RoyKor another box
09:25.25RoyKor another card
09:25.28EksTeSiyeah I just juggled the slots
09:25.38EksTeSihmm yeah gonna try another box...  this is a p166
09:25.42EksTeSiold school box
09:25.44RoyKtry another card or another box
09:25.52EksTeSino more cards to try : (
09:25.52jalsotdoes anybody know how to get HANGUPCAUSE into cdr and why it is not included?
09:26.38EksTeSiok gonna boot down my main beast here n try that... bbl  , thanks...
09:26.43*** part/#asterisk EksTeSi (
09:27.33RoyKjalsot: iirc it's there
09:28.03jalsotRoyK: where? :)
09:28.24jalsotI only saw in manager API's Hangup event
09:28.35jalsotnot in cdr_*
09:29.02RoyKjalsot: hm. no.
09:29.10RoyKit's not there
09:29.11jalsotI don't mean disposition, but disconnect cause, in case of ISDN, Q931 DC
09:29.56RoyKjalsot: hm. that'd be nice
09:30.46jalsotI started adding it into, however don't know where to put chan->hangupcause into cdr
09:31.01RoyKjalsot: cdr_custom.conf
09:31.21RoyKjalsot: i beleive cdr_custom can take chanvars
09:31.26RoyKhaven't tried it, though
09:31.35jalsotRoyK: as far as I know, it can only use variables from the cdr variable set
09:31.48jalsothmm, will try
09:34.33*** part/#asterisk secure75 (
09:35.50jalsotok, tryed
09:36.01jalsotput at the end of cdr_custom definiton: ,"${HANGUPCAUSE}"
09:36.19jalsothowever I'm getting allway 0, so this does not work in that way
09:36.51RoyKi tried myself
09:36.55RoyKand only 0
09:37.21*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
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09:40.08jalsotok, going to go deeper into...
09:41.20RoyKjalsot: try to get it to accept chanvars :)
09:41.25RoyKthat'd be nice
09:41.46jalsotRoyK: hmmm, how do you mean?
09:42.37jalsotaccording the sources, the problem is, that the CDR engine is called 1st and setting HANGUPCAUSE variable is called only after that
09:42.48*** join/#asterisk kg (
09:43.02RoyKjalsot: if we could have cdr_custom use channel variables, that'd be a good generic change as opposed to hardcoding new fields in there
09:43.04RoyKjalsot: ah
09:43.17RoyKjalsot: where in the code?
09:44.14*** join/#asterisk Aboulafi1 (
09:44.40RoyKbtw HANGUPCAUSE is probably not included in CDR, since CDR is mainly for billing and HANGUPCAUSE doesn't really have too much to do with that....
09:45.15jalsothmm, I can be wrong
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09:45.59jalsotdisconnect cause is very important for billing, the reason of disconnection is what customers want to see
09:46.24jalsotand CDR stands for call detail record ;)
09:47.24jalsotRoyK: you have to know, that I'm a newbie with asterisk source codes, just need to fix this hangupcasue so I had to go deeper...
09:47.39RoyKbut then disposition tells you what you need to know, doesn't it?
09:48.44RoyKimho HANGUPCAUSE is more for the techies
09:48.47RoyKnot for the users
09:48.51*** join/#asterisk MooDog33 (n=_MAVI_GO@
09:48.52jalsotdoes it tell, if e.g. 'unallocated/unassigneg number' or 'number changed' or 'invalid number format' ?
09:49.17RoyKjalsot: no, but that's not user info. that's admin info
09:49.30jalsotyes, but you can translate that for the user
09:49.31RoyKusers then get NOANSWER and that's ok
09:49.43RoyKfrom disposition
09:49.51jalsothow would they know to try or not try again the given number?
09:50.09jalsotif it is unassigned, it's not worth to call again
09:50.39jalsotand in a call center why would the agent call the given number 10 times?
09:50.55RoyKif it's unassigned, the telco to which the number is assigned or the telco being closest to that ss7 zone will terminate the call and tell the user 'not assigned'
09:50.58jalsotif after 1st try we know it's a wrong number, for example
09:51.04RoyKwith ISDN Early media
09:51.11RoyKmeaning the call is not answered
09:51.18RoyKand noone is charged
09:51.21*** join/#asterisk mosty (
09:51.39jalsotthat's true
09:51.49jalsotbut not everywhere
09:52.00RoyKalso, if you want to signal the user based on HANGUPCAUSE
09:52.09jalsotI can call a number even from mobile when no IVR giving back, that this was a wrong number
09:52.22RoyKcreate a macro that checks for it and plays some audio to the user
09:52.34*** join/#asterisk EksTeSi (
09:52.41RoyKjalsot: please
09:52.43EksTeSiok i is back
09:52.45jalsotRoyK: won't be also DC for that as well?
09:52.50EksTeSidoesn't look promising : (
09:52.55mostyhow can i tell asterisk to allow unix connections from a particular user?
09:53.01EksTeSican you guys spot the hardware ?
09:53.06RoyKEksTeSi: that's a very old computer you're trying to use
09:53.17EksTeSithis is modern one now
09:53.27RoyK0000:00:0b.0 Communication controller: Unknown device e159:0001
09:53.30RoyKperhaps that one?
09:53.36EksTeSiyeah was wondering that
09:53.42EksTeSidoesn't look right though
09:53.46EksTeSidoes it ?
09:54.03RoyKi've never had any card like that
09:54.08*** join/#asterisk bumbum (n=YaLnIz__@
09:54.32RoyKjalsot: signal the user audiably based on HANGUPCAUSE. don't stuff that into CDR
09:55.22jalsotRoyK: signaling back audiably is a good idea, however for some statistic scripts it's not enough
09:55.58EksTeSiNetwork controller: Jens Scoenfeld for the TE110p or the TDM400p is apparently what the tdm400p should be showing
09:56.06jalsotCDR is about call details, not saying anything about billing, take a look for an TDM switch, it is pushing tons of information as CDR
09:56.21jalsotto make bills from that is the task of a billing engine
09:56.35jalsotit can use additional info but it is not forced to
09:57.05RoyKthen do the stats from the dialplan. SetCDRUserField(${HANGUPCAUSE})
09:57.22jalsotyes, but when to use that?
09:57.32jalsoton the h extension?
09:58.03jalsotI made it in this way already, but it'a an ugly solution
09:58.38RoyKi really can't see what's so ugly about it, as long as it works
09:58.58RoyKwhat's ugly, is logging it manually with a deadagi script :P
09:59.30jalsotthe docs say, that in h extension some channel variables can be lost, it is not suggeste to process channel variables in the hangup extension
09:59.38jalsotaaaaaah, AGI
10:00.04jalsotyes, one way, but everytime start a new process is even more ugly
10:00.04RoyKperhaps fastagi, then
10:00.17jalsotI use fastagi as well, and don't like it much
10:00.27RoyKit's not as ugly as agi
10:00.29jalsotgiving troubles with file descriptors
10:00.40RoyKperhaps a bug?
10:00.42*** join/#asterisk Aleyna^^ (n=ZoR-Erke@
10:00.43jalsotyes, but there are still some strange things
10:00.44RoyKif it is, report it
10:01.01jalsotI asked many times here, on mailing list, nobody answered
10:01.08jalsot'bad file descriptor'
10:01.13RoyKfile a bug in
10:01.22RoyKadd all available data/info
10:01.33RoyKalso, read the docs about mantis first
10:01.40jalsotyes, I will do that probably
10:01.46jalsotback to CDR ;)
10:02.04RoyKread that first
10:02.22jalsotRoyK: thx, I issued some bugs already ;)
10:03.06*** join/#asterisk newl (
10:03.37jalsotthinking about why is hangupcause not available in cdr_custom..
10:03.50jalsotchecked again sources, it should be
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10:08.22RoyKjalsot: it works well with exten => h,1,NoOp(HANGUPCAUSE is ${HANGUPCAUSE})
10:08.47jalsotRoyK: yes, I know
10:09.47jalsotUse with great care: Apparently some channel variables get destroyed when the call is hung up,....
10:10.04jalsotso it looks to be not a reliable way
10:10.11RoyKexten => h,3,SetCDRUserField(HANGUPCAUSE:${HANGUPCAUSE})
10:10.14RoyKthat works too
10:10.28jalsotmainly if it is about CDRs, where data loss is unaccepted
10:10.31*** join/#asterisk uludag_univ_ (n=YaBaN@
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10:11.17RoyKjalsot: try it
10:11.30mostydoes anyone know how to allow certain users to connect to asterisk with "asterisk -r" ?
10:11.40RoyKjalsot: and hangupcause is _created_ when people hang up
10:12.03RoyKjalsot: so destroying it at that time isn't too smart
10:12.07jalsotRoyK: it works, however according that note, this way should be avoided
10:12.27RoyKthink about it
10:12.46RoyKyou don't create a variable at hangup and then destroy it at the time of creation
10:13.00RoyKLet There Be Light, no! wait!
10:13.02jalsotis it too smart to not have a basic info in the CDR?
10:13.25RoyKcdr userfield is what i use
10:13.42RoyKjust stuff it with a semicolonseparated list of stuff not usually fit in there
10:14.04RoyKlike SIP client's IP
10:14.05jalsotRoyK: at the moment I use in the same way
10:14.13h3xI have the same fuckin problem with SetCDRUserField
10:14.17RoyKif it works, don't fix it
10:14.25RoyKh3x: problem?
10:14.27h3xim using it to keep track of some captured digits from customers dialing in the ivr
10:14.28jalsoth3x: what exactly? :)
10:14.34RoyK~nickometer h3x
10:14.55h3xthe problem is the agent can change the cust # if the customer mistyped it
10:15.55RoyK~nickometer h4mm3r`
10:15.56h3xer wait no that part works fine
10:15.56h3xits the monitor file part
10:15.56h3xi cant use the hangup extension to change the monitor filename so it has the cust # in it
10:15.56h3xi cant use manager to change it easily because it dosent know the other variables that need to be changed from the web server side
10:15.57h3xer, copied
10:16.04RoyKh3x: can't you create the file with monitor with a good name in the first place???
10:16.16h3xcoz the cust # can change
10:16.19h3xthats the whole problem
10:16.32h3xcoz the agent can change it
10:16.35RoyKcustomer number changing after a dialup?
10:16.35h3xfrom their web browser
10:16.43h3xit hits Queue
10:16.48h3xQueue sends a url pop to the browser
10:16.54h3xthe agent can change or make a new account number
10:16.58RoyKthen create a daemon that is filed all uniquids and connect that to the agent
10:17.12RoyKor just, simply, store all as uniqueids
10:17.18RoyKand then relate that to the customers
10:17.22RoyKfar better IMHO
10:18.30h3xstorage isnt the problem
10:18.33h3xthe file name for monitor is
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10:23.11h3xthe point is
10:23.25h3xneed to be able to search for the cust # in voice files
10:23.44h3xyou cant tell what the monitor string is from manager
10:23.51h3xi guess i could pass it in the url somehow
10:25.50*** join/#asterisk Uygar_ (n=_Mu_R_aT@
10:26.18*** join/#asterisk AsteriskPBX (
10:28.59RoyKh3x: i thought differently
10:29.09*** join/#asterisk Kabbash (n=BeNN@
10:29.10RoyKh3x: just use uniqueid for monitoring filename
10:29.36RoyKh3x: log that to a database with src,dst number etc, and update that with the customer#
10:30.02RoyKh3x: app MYSQL() in -addons will do that nicely
10:31.13ScaredyCatuseful security addition too...
10:36.03*** join/#asterisk grimse (
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10:46.58djin_ibWould there be an advantage to use app_MYSQL from extensions, rather that AGI to a perl script?
10:47.05jbotA clone of vi/ex, the standard UNIX editor.. URL:, or "X-Rob *bahahahahah* OK. That wasn't what I was expecting."
10:47.12X-Rob~elvis is The amount of adsl required for asterisk
10:47.13jbot...but elvis is already something else...
10:47.33X-Rob~elvis is also The amount of adsl required for asterisk
10:47.34jbotokay, X-Rob
10:47.38jbotA clone of vi/ex, the standard UNIX editor.. URL:, or "X-Rob *bahahahahah* OK. That wasn't what I was expecting.".  The amount of adsl required for asterisk
10:48.53jbotadsl is, like, (Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line) This is a new technology just starting to come out that is the phone company's answer to cable modems. It supports data speeds over 2 Mbps downstream (to the user) and slower speeds upstream (to the Internet). This technology should eventually supplant ISDN if it ever comes down to a reasonable price point.
10:52.18*** join/#asterisk Tofallis (n=_isimsiz@
10:55.07ScaredyCatdjin_ib: yes, less resource usagew
10:55.43*** join/#asterisk [MysTerYgIrL] (n=DeviL_Of@
10:55.52ScaredyCat~elvis is dead
10:55.55jbot...but elvis is already something else...
10:55.57wasim5/329 :)
10:55.59djin_ibScaredyCat, mm. OK.
10:56.28ScaredyCatif for example ur using perl, then the interpreter has to start up etc...
10:56.53ScaredyCat~elvis is also dead
10:56.55jbotScaredyCat: okay
10:57.05djin_ibYes I understand. I cannot replace perl entirely, but I am going to look into some replacing.
10:57.46*** join/#asterisk __Soul__ (
10:57.50X-Robjbot: keys
10:57.52jbothmm... keys is at
10:57.53ScaredyCathave a look at res_perl or res_js which are more efficient
10:58.15ScaredyCatbut allow you to use perl or javascript
10:58.22X-Robjbot: forget elvis
10:58.26ScaredyCatwhich might make you happier
11:11.25jbotwell, elvis is dead
11:11.32*** join/#asterisk Yarchuk (n=GURBETKU@
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11:20.23PoWeRKiLLhow can I overwrite the src number from the dialplan ?
11:26.00*** join/#asterisk nettie (
11:26.02PoWeRKiLLdarkskiez change only clid in the cdr but the src don't change
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11:29.34darkskiezwhat are you calling? pstn?
11:31.30PoWeRKiLLpstn -> asterisk -> sip
11:31.49PoWeRKiLLin asterisk I want to change the src of the call
11:32.14darkskiezchange the callerid ?
11:33.35djin_ibdarkskiez, you declared war on Doretel on voip-info :)
11:33.49darkskiezI was pissed off
11:34.09djin_ibI understand. He even called me at the office . . .
11:34.21darkskiezreally? geeezus
11:34.49djin_ibwanted to pay me a visit when we was visiting Amsterdam next month :)
11:34.56*** join/#asterisk Jinxy (
11:35.14darkskiezI just got totally fed up with every time I saw some interesting pages had changed
11:35.28darkskiezAnd i clicked history to see what was new and interesting
11:35.35darkskiezand it was another sodding doretel advert
11:36.07djin_ibDeleting on 'Removed Advertising' didn't do it for me either.
11:36.30darkskiezIm a little worried now
11:36.34djin_ibWell, he's persistant. Have to give him that.
11:37.17darkskiezincase he goes all a bit aggressive like that bloke from sveasoft
11:38.08darkskiezthey are selling updated linksys firmwares
11:38.18darkskiezbut they are gpl'ed code
11:38.24Wonkai'd rather use OpenWRT
11:38.48darkskiezWonka: me too, but I like using sveasofts just as it makes me feel warm that i'm pissing them off.
11:38.59darkskiezand I'm that sort of person sometimes.
11:40.12mosty1. you can sell GPL'ed programs. 2. sveasoft allows redistribution of the GPL'ed portions of their product
11:40.31darkskiezmosty: its changed a lot now
11:41.00darkskiezmosty: they didnt distribute source, they then watermarked it and cancelled peoples access who had paid if they found out they had redistributed it.
11:41.20h3xdarkskiez: And digium used to sell GPLed circuit boards for $1500, whats your point
11:41.21mostythey distribute the source for the GPL'ed portions of their products
11:42.04darkskiezi'm not adverse to selling gpl'ed stuff, especially if its hardware
11:45.07*** join/#asterisk skeffling_ (n=Andrew_H@
11:46.43djin_ibjust finished reading. Nice fellow, this James :)
11:47.34*** join/#asterisk Longworth (n=KALFAM@
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11:51.29darkskiezWhat did ya say to mr shane
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12:02.56djin_ibNot much, explained him that it wasn't personal. Btw, this was done by mail. Mr. Shane has little concept of timezones and expected me to be at the office 21:30 :)
12:03.24djin_ibMost of the converation was in the 'comments' in 'Removed Advertising'.
12:03.33darkskiezive read that
12:04.08djin_ibHe wasn't that unpleasent. Even invited me to diner :)
12:04.29djin_ibHad to double check that with my wife first ;)
12:04.51darkskieztypical sales dude
12:05.12djin_ibyeah . . oh well.
12:06.46nettiehi guys, I'm still trying to connect my asterisk box behind nat to my sip voip provider, unfortunately without luck :( "sip show registry" shows that asterisk successfully registered with the voip ISP, calling the pstn number associated to my account makes my sip phone ring but when I pickup the phone I cant hear anything. I have a cisco router and I tried almost everything.. I enabled sip ip insepction, I enbled sip nat helper, I also tri
12:07.05nettiestreams and enable port address transaltion ont he router.. all this without success.
12:07.20djin_ibchecked the RTP ports?
12:07.32djin_ibdarkskiez :)
12:07.43nettiedjin_ib what you mean with "checked"?
12:07.53djin_ibThought you were in Germany ;)
12:08.13djin_ibnettie, this error is usually in RTP ports being blocked.
12:08.21nettienope I'm not :( why you actually help only germas ;)
12:08.42djin_ibnettie -> meant for darkskiez :)
12:09.02nettiegot it
12:09.19darkskieznettie: canreinvite=no
12:09.30darkskiezadd it to your sip phone conf bit
12:09.40nettiemy rtp.conf is actually configured to use ports 10000 -> 10005
12:09.49nettiedarkskiez: trying now
12:09.51*** join/#asterisk AstroBnX (n=Corona@
12:10.32jalsotdoes anybody know what does this mean? channel.c: Don't know what to do with control frame 15
12:10.36nettiedarkskiez careinvite=no go as global ?
12:10.52darkskiezcant remember
12:10.57nettiek, will check
12:11.16darkskieztry it on the phone bit first
12:11.49nettieregarting rtp ports
12:12.20nettieI decided to use 10000->10005 and open the firewall and enable port address transaltion accordling
12:12.42nettieis that enought or I must do something else?
12:12.54nettieof course I enabled nat and definte the external ip address in sip.conf
12:13.26nettiecareinvite=no didnt help .. exactly the same
12:13.32nettieI'll triplecheck the rtp settigns
12:14.48darkskieztry nat=no
12:15.04darkskiezthe nat setting is a little confusing at to what it actually does
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12:16.49darkskiezthink yes should be force, no should be rfc, never and route are fine.
12:18.19nettieseems it's going a bit better
12:18.21nettieI mean
12:18.40nettiewhen I say something on the pstn phone I hear it on the sip phone
12:18.59nettiewhen I say something on the sip phone I hear it back on the sip phone echoed
12:19.02nettiekinda strange ;)
12:20.20*** join/#asterisk kusznir_ (
12:21.00darkskiezcant help ya past here
12:21.31djin_ibSep 11 14:20:10 WARNING[10813]: app_addon_sql_mysql.c:316 aMYSQL_fetch: ast_MYSQL_fetch: numFields=1
12:21.44djin_ibIs that a warning of information?
12:22.12djin_ibI'm trying a app_MYSQL query and the query works, but shown this line.
12:22.43djin_ibnettie, iptables on Asterisk machine?
12:23.08djin_ibnettie, sorry. Didn't read all the info.
12:23.42nettiedjin_ib there's iptables
12:23.46nettiebut I'm not actualyl using it
12:23.50nettieI have a cisco router
12:24.03djin_ibnettie, no my mistake.
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12:45.21Stephniebindport= <--- change the port of asterisk it possible to change the ports of any specific peer?
12:45.28Stephnienot all the box
12:45.49djin_ibStephnie, no
12:46.20Stephnieactually I was to listen at 5060 and dialout at 5067 .....:(
12:46.28Stephniewhich is not possible in a single box
12:46.31djin_ibor at least, I don't think so ;)
12:46.49djin_ibdialout to where?
12:46.57nettienpI think I figured out.. the problem isnt asterisk, it's the sip phone. It actually works locally (lan-to-lan) but when the call arrives from the internet it just doesnt work. I'm saying that because I was able to leave a message on the voicemail system calling from the pstn. It totally worked.
12:47.13*** join/#asterisk litage (n=nick@
12:47.27djin_ibStephnie, SIP to another server?
12:47.52Stephnieyep..Sip to SIP
12:47.52nettienow.. considering that the phone works locally, anyone know how to tell asterisk to proxy not only the signallign but also the rtp streams and stuff?
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12:48.24Stephniedialing out by using a SIP Peer with different port...:S
12:48.52djin_ibStephnie, that's no problem, add :5067 to you sip registration to that other server.
12:49.48djin_ibDoes anyone have app_MYSQL experience. I have a short question.
12:50.08djin_ibIs this a true warning of notifications, as the query and the rest of the dialplan work:
12:50.17djin_ibSep 11 14:44:03 WARNING[10813]: app_addon_sql_mysql.c:316 aMYSQL_fetch: ast_MYSQL_fetch: numFields=1
12:50.44djin_ibDamn, I mean "warning or notification" instead of "warning of notifications"
12:50.55Stephniedjin_ib: registeration is to receive the calls...I need to get the digits from a carrier at 5060 port and dialout from a peer by using 5067
12:52.27djin_ibStephnie, what is your 'Dial' in extensions.conf?
12:53.39djin_ibOk, but at one point you relay the call to the provider, don't you?
12:53.46Stephnie222333 <---- received by a carrier thru 5060 and need to dialout thru outgoing1 by using port 5067
12:54.20djin_ibIn the OutGoing1 context, what is the link to the outgoing provider (no need to post user/pass ;)
13:02.00djin_ibStephnie, the 5067 shouldn't matter. That's where you connect to on another server.
13:02.26Stephnieyes but my another server also wants me to change SIP LISTEN PORT
13:02.48Stephnieregistration + SIP LISTEN PORT should be 5067
13:03.47DrukenHMEso just open up 5067 for registration as well as 5060, and just change your sip.conf block to connect to that serfver at 5067
13:04.12DrukenHMEwhat kinda shitty carrier wants that stupid changes? those aren't the standard ports
13:04.34StephnieYES!!! i'm about to change that shitty carrier
13:06.20DrukenHMEgood job :)
13:06.39Stephniewhen I do bindport=5067  ..then everything works.....
13:06.53Stephnieregister =>   to 5067 as well
13:07.15Stephniethen my Asterisk box is unable to listen at 5060 :)
13:07.33StephnieAsterisk should listen at 5060 and dialout at 5067 ..
13:07.38Stephniewhich I think not possible
13:09.04*** join/#asterisk sweetgril (n=Sevgineh@
13:10.48DrukenHMEever tried putting in multipul bindport lines?
13:11.06DrukenHMEsometimes that works, or seperate the two ports with a comma
13:11.26Stephniebindport=5060,5067   something like that?
13:12.01DrukenHMEgotta get creative
13:12.52Stephnielet me check
13:12.57djin_ibStephnie, you only use the 5067 provider to dialout, don't you?
13:13.03DrukenHMEwhat file do you set that shit in btw?
13:14.51*** join/#asterisk _ahmad (i=st@
13:16.17DrukenHMEi don't mean to laugh, but my sip.conf doesn't have those...
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13:16.28DrukenHMEcourse, i use all standard ports
13:20.31*** part/#asterisk outsidefactor (
13:20.50_ahmadmultiple lines and comma doesnt work
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14:07.13Vasilygood afternoon :)
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14:09.04TAMPAXim at work on a sunday morning!!
14:09.30TAMPAXhave to 300 miles to repalce a stupid server with bad memory (thats wha tit hink it is)
14:13.14*** join/#asterisk BlazingBits (
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14:18.04festraccountcode is set on incoming channel?
14:18.12festror outgoing channel?
14:19.34*** join/#asterisk M2c98Ao (i=male_30@
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14:21.34festrThe account code can be
14:21.35festroverridden on a per-user basis for incoming calls
14:21.42festrso incoming :)
14:23.50*** join/#asterisk Egonis (
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14:26.30Adhello i have a problem with connect an asterisk server to another asterisk server
14:27.43Adcan someone help me ?
14:27.49Egonissame here.... :)
14:28.01Egonismaybe we can help each other
14:28.37Adit works but  i see the wrong extension
14:29.00EgonisAd: How do you mean 'see the wrong extension'?
14:29.05Adi see the extension  from the trunk between the asterisks
14:30.00Adext 1011 is connected to asterisk 1
14:30.16Adexte 2011 is connected to asterisk 2
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14:31.03Adif i call from 1011 to 2011    i see the trunk name in display of 2011
14:31.51*** join/#asterisk Baph (
14:32.24EgonisWell, if you're calling to 2011, it should make sense to display '2011' -- if you want the extensions to match, can you match them on both ends?
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14:34.47Adi don't understand that
14:35.21Egonislol... if I call you at your office... let say I call from a landline, and ask to be transferred to extension 2011, wouldn't it make sense that it appear as 2011?
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14:44.59borgasman"nvidia 7800 doesnt work" so LAME ROFTLOL »
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15:10.54Egonisborgasman: OMFG!
15:11.34*** join/#asterisk asterisk99 (
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15:12.45asterisk99Does anyone know where Polycom keeps their docs for their IP300 admin web interface??? Unless I've gone crazy... I can't find it
15:13.28Egonisasterisk99: did you try google? ;)
15:13.56asterisk99Egonis: yes ... they show one screen shot and no explanation of the fields
15:14.11Egonislol, very nicely done on their part! wow
15:14.55asterisk99Egonis: Hehhehe.. The quality of the phone is fantastic... but the docs suck
15:15.09Egonisasterisk99: How much was it?
15:15.16EgonisI'm looking for a new SIP Phone
15:15.58asterisk99Egonis: The IP300 wholesale was $5 less than the Sipura ($100) ... and the quality is 2-3X better
15:16.21EgonisI'm currently using the GNet IP104S
15:16.56*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
15:17.12asterisk99Egonis: I am impressed... Sipura's SP841 button are "Mickey Mouse"; Grandstream is a piece of crap; The polycom feels like a Meridian!!!!!!
15:17.55Egonisnice... mine feels like a plastic toy! :)
15:18.13Egonisan 80's cracked, partially see-through plastic toy
15:18.51asterisk99Egonis: The Polycom is the bestt I've seen so far in the $100 price range.... the plastic housing and design is a class act ... no cheap toy feel to it
15:19.08EgonisDo they sell in Canada?
15:19.31asterisk99Egonis: Yes... I am Toronto
15:19.40Egonisnice! Where?
15:19.55Egonisi.e. where did you get yours?
15:20.21asterisk99Egonis: Check yout Williams in Mister-and-Mrs-Sauga   (Mississauga)
15:20.39tzangerWilliams is a coffee pub
15:20.47EgonisI live in Missingsausage.... NO WAY! WILLIAMS COFFEE PUB??
15:20.50tzangerasterisk99: what version of polycom?
15:21.05*** join/#asterisk kiwnix (n=egarcia@
15:22.20Egonisasterisk99: So where can I grab one?
15:24.01EgonisHow are Aastra Phones?
15:24.24tzangerEgonis: I have the PT390 (POTS ADSI phone) -- I like it a lot
15:24.30tzangerI'd imagine their IP versions are good too
15:24.42*** join/#asterisk nesys (
15:24.50Egoniscool... I should try that, should I be more privvy to SIP though?
15:25.05tzangerwell as I said mine's a POTS phone, it's plugged into a TDM20
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15:35.43kshanyone good with ser and asterisk ?
15:36.31kshneed to know how i can deliver messages/MWI/notify from sip authenticated clients to asterisk
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15:39.16bkw__ksh you really cant
15:39.43bkw__well you can but it gets ugl
15:39.46bkw__er ugly
15:43.37EgonisI can't seem to do an 'asterisk -r' command, it doesn't find a remote server to connect to, although 8 daemons are loaded locally
15:48.22Egonisnevermind.. ran asterisk -v to see any error messages
15:49.16*** join/#asterisk shadebob (
15:52.14kshbkw__: i know. thatz why im asking
15:52.21kshcouldnt find a nice solution
15:52.22Egonisnevermind.. ran asterisk -v to see any error messages
15:52.29Egonisoops.. wrong paste! :)
15:52.38kshand it sucks if your asterisk still runs while the client is gone
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15:54.25asteriskmonkeyis anyone on from digium that is good at log related quesitons
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15:57.21ScaredyCatdoes the ip300 have a backlight?
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15:58.31asteriskmonkeyanyone know why i get alot of "null"'s in my asterisk log?
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16:02.49Egonisis ulaw the best codec for sip?
16:03.08bkw__ulaw is a codec
16:03.11bkw__sip is signalling
16:03.16bkw__don't mix or confuse the two please
16:03.18mog_homeulaw is the best codec for audio
16:03.23mog_homeits uncompressed
16:03.24Egonisoh... ..??? so in sip.conf, I disallow=all, allow=ulaw
16:03.32mog_homebut sometimes you want something smaller
16:03.37mog_homesay gsm or g729
16:03.40bkw__as to not piss off the alaw people
16:03.44Egonisis gsm good quality?
16:03.47mog_homeit depends on the situation
16:03.49mog_homei like it
16:03.51mog_homesome hate it
16:04.02mostygsm is nice for a low bandwidth free codec
16:04.02mog_homegsm is like a cell phone
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16:04.09bkw__we must not be mean and just assume everyone uses ulaw
16:04.26bkw__two bytes
16:04.28mostyg729 is a nicer low bandwidth (but non-free) codec
16:04.28mog_homei mean the coversion is like 2 bit flips
16:04.37EgonisHow can I mix & match codecs? i.e. I have sip phones in my office.. but also have bat-phones outside the office at ppl's crappy dsl connections
16:04.38bkw__g723.1 is nice
16:04.38asteriskmonkeyso bandwidth wise what is gsm vs ulaw?
16:04.46mog_homethat it is
16:04.52bkw__if you do 90ms g723.1 you can do it over dialup
16:04.52mog_homegsm is a lot smaller
16:05.03mog_homegsm is like 13k
16:05.04bkw__GSM will be about 16kbps
16:05.07bkw__with overhead
16:05.16mog_homeulaw = 64k
16:05.21asteriskmonkeyah ok
16:05.23mog_homebut you have to add overhead to my numbers
16:05.30mog_homewhich can very
16:05.32EgonisWhere do I set these codecs? in sip.conf? or is that just authentication?
16:06.55Egonishandy tool!
16:06.55asteriskmonkeydamn that is an advanded calculator
16:07.02mostyegonis: you can put sip-specific codec settins in sip.conf
16:07.20Egonismosty: i.e. allow=? or codec=?
16:07.56mog_homeyou should use dissallow=all
16:07.57mostyegonis: i have disallow=all, then a bunch of allow=codecname settings in there
16:08.12Egonisin my order right now, I have ulaw, ilbc.. and nothing else as yet
16:08.17bkw__that patch is needed to change the packet sizes per peer in sip
16:08.51bkw__mog_home, you can do allow=codec,codec,codec,codec,
16:09.02mog_homeyeah but its ugly
16:09.27bkw__no its not
16:09.32bkw__that also does your pref order
16:09.43mog_homeso does my way
16:09.48bkw__I like one line
16:09.50mog_homeorder in which they were declared
16:09.51bkw__it looks better
16:09.58bkw__yes it does
16:09.59mog_homenot in mine eyes
16:10.09bkw__you're old skool
16:10.16mog_homethe world does not move to teh beat of just one drum
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16:10.21mog_homewhat might be right for you
16:10.27mog_homemight not be right for some
16:10.30mog_homeyou take the good
16:10.32kshbkw__: you know a link where i can find infos ?
16:10.33mog_homeyou take the bad
16:10.38mog_homeand then what do you have
16:10.40ScaredyCatnaa just means ur wrong mog_home ;)
16:10.44mog_homemy opening statement
16:10.54mog_homeumm no scaredycat
16:11.02ScaredyCatlighten up ah
16:11.10ScaredyCatbbl dwd
16:11.26mog_homeheh never ^_^
16:11.42mog_homebkw_ bandwith calculator doesnt do iax nor iax trunking....
16:11.57bkw__mog_home, so we don't use IAX or IAX trunking anymore
16:12.11mog_homesay it isnt so
16:12.39*** join/#asterisk nagl (n=nagl@
16:12.39asteriskmonkeyi love iax
16:12.42mog_homeits time for mass
16:12.47bkw__well when you have 100's of people registering every second
16:12.51bkw__it don't do quite so well
16:12.56mog_homesorry we will have to exchange yelling at each other later
16:13.21Egonisalways the ones that go to church, so much anger -- tsk tsk
16:13.35sivanabkw__: you use ser in front of *?
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16:14.03sivanaEgonis: are you synced?
16:14.17bkw__sivana, we are moving to that
16:14.36sivanasame here... documentation/examples are pretty scarce
16:14.46bkw__we have a resident ser guru
16:14.54sivanalucky you :)
16:15.14sivanaI've been playing with AEL.. I really like it
16:15.26sivanamuch easier to follow and more logic... just buggy
16:16.41asteriskmonkeyanyone else here have a PRI?
16:20.27sivanahaha... 2003 project
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16:26.36DrukenHMEhey sivana
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16:27.17sivanahow goes it
16:27.22DrukenHMEgood, you?
16:27.28sivanacan't complain
16:27.32RazorJackI have a pap2-na, and asterisk 1.0.9. On my asterisk I setup a exten => 9,1,dial(Zap/4) so I can hit 9 and get dialtone, however my pap2-na blocks this and never gets sent. Tried using iaxcomm, same thing.... is it something with asterisk?
16:28.44sivanaDrukenHME: I guess Norm is going tandem or something... so he won't need the PRI in Barrie
16:29.04DrukenHMEtandem ?
16:29.16Inv_arpRazorJack: arent those units usally locked or somethin
16:29.26RazorJackpap2-NA <-- unlocked
16:29.28sivanaDrukenHME: ya, not sure what that means
16:29.39sivanaInv_arp: not the -na
16:29.45bkw__RazorJack, because thats a stupid way to do it
16:29.49bkw__just make a dialplan
16:29.51sivanaInv_arp: but you still need to be authorized by Linksys
16:30.01bkw__I NEVER give raw control of a port
16:30.11bkw__people can go happy dialing what ever they want
16:30.27RazorJackbkw_ ummm its from-internal context
16:30.38RazorJack1 sec dialplan -> ([89]|*xx|[3469]11|0|00|[2-9]xxxxxx|1xxx[2-9]xxxxxxS0|xxxxxxxxxxxx.)
16:30.53DrukenHMEsivana: only to buy them :)
16:30.59RazorJackand its from-internal context
16:31.12RazorJackonly sip phones can dial 'whatever they want' aka office phones
16:31.39bkw__you're giving up control of the line
16:31.56bkw__if you press 9#
16:32.01bkw__on the sip side
16:32.03bkw__it should do it
16:32.15*** join/#asterisk MaNiaCC (n=LeGaL@
16:32.21RazorJacknope, busy signal, and it never seems to get sent to the asterisk
16:32.36bkw__remove the dialplan line
16:32.44RazorJackfrom the pap2-na?
16:33.12RazorJackare you like 3 bkw_?
16:33.42bkw__RazorJack, no
16:33.46*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (n=Brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
16:33.47RazorJackok :)
16:33.49bkw__it's sunday for me
16:33.50DrukenHMEwell, for a 3 yr old, he's still smarter than you
16:33.57RazorJackdoubtful :)
16:34.12bkw__RazorJack, don't know me too well
16:34.15RazorJackunless its at women
16:34.18Supaplexhe's almost 3
16:34.54RazorJackanyway, removing dialplan did nothing, nothing gets sent
16:35.05*** join/#asterisk Corndawg_ (
16:35.50bkw__works here
16:35.59RazorJackwhat services do you have on your pap2-na?
16:36.00bkw__I smell user error
16:36.05bkw__I have a sipura
16:36.07bkw__same thing
16:36.10RazorJacksame thing yep
16:36.12DrukenHMEi have my own custom dialplan for my pap2 :)
16:36.30bkw__I have the default dialplan
16:36.33bkw__9# works
16:36.52RazorJackoh 'default' or blank?
16:37.21*** join/#asterisk skyer (n=Tutuklu@
16:37.56bkw__but have you checked the sip debug?
16:38.05bkw__to make sure you're not making a mistake in your context's
16:38.20*** join/#asterisk Corndawg_ (
16:38.22RazorJackyup, using mikrotik's syslog server, damn thing scrolls on same line, heh
16:38.40RazorJackand sip debug shows NOTHING
16:38.46bkw__nat involveD?
16:38.50RazorJackno nat
16:38.56bkw__you sure sip is actually listening
16:39.11bkw__you do realize sip goes disabled when it can't find its own hostname
16:39.14bkw__you'll have to add it to /etc/hosts
16:39.16bkw__and restart
16:39.29RazorJackhostname resolves
16:39.38bkw__just hostname
16:39.42bkw__chances are it can't find it
16:39.48bkw__because chan_sip is retarded
16:40.00bkw__you'll have to add it in /etc/hosts just to be safe
16:40.10Sedoroxlike if your box is host needs to resolv
16:40.29bkw__netstat -na
16:40.33bkw__make sure 5060 is there
16:41.14RazorJackweird, that gave me some debug to work with
16:41.55RazorJackwait, nm, its from wrong unit.......
16:44.04bkw__guess he's got smrts
16:47.20Moc_couldnt unlock my pap2 from vonage yet :(
16:48.37ScaredyCatuse this to unlock it:
16:49.10Moc_I tryed that aproche... I had to do a RMA on it after...
16:49.53bkw__ScaredyCat, you're silly
16:50.19DrukenHMEwhy not just buy some -na's?
16:50.30DrukenHMEi've seen some dickhead selling them on ebay
16:51.57Moc_because Im stuck with one ...
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16:54.26DrukenHMEhmm, that guy is wrong... he says you need a computer to configure a pap2 first... no ya don't.. it's got an IVR config as well...
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16:56.58morlachi all
16:58.19morlacanybody knows how much a solution of 4 E1s with DSP capability from Aculab and Dialogic would cost? it is needed for SS7 solution
16:58.26*** join/#asterisk jeremywhiting (
17:01.44Moc_hi sivana
17:01.50sivanaMoc_: hey
17:02.03sivanahow goes it
17:02.20Moceverything is going well, you ?
17:02.28sivanaDrukenHME: that link to ebay is a locked one :P
17:02.43sivanaMoc: can't complain... rewrote our entire billing platform
17:03.36Mocso will receive a bill soon ? ;)
17:03.40sivanayup :)
17:04.09DrukenHMEsivana: locked to where?
17:04.22sivanaDrukenHME: that link is a PAP2...which is locked
17:04.43sivanaeven though he says it's unlocked in the title
17:04.49sivanaunless he's hacked it
17:04.52*** join/#asterisk ctooley (
17:05.18sivanaclue: check the model number
17:05.19DrukenHMEwell... i'm looking at one of my pap2-na's boxes.. and it says pap2 on the front of it :)
17:05.28ctooleyWhat is the proper way to put caller id (with name) in a call file so the outbound call goes out with specific CallerID information?
17:05.34morlacsivana> no ideas about the cost?
17:05.49sivanaDrukenHME: what does it say as your model number?
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17:06.09DrukenHMEbut the back of the unit inside says pap2-na
17:06.27sivanaof the box or the unit itself
17:06.41sivanaI could of swore all mine says -na as the model as well
17:06.55DrukenHMEthe box says pap2, the unit says pap2-na
17:07.09sivanahmm.. touche :)
17:09.15ctooleyActually, what is the string format for putting Name in caller id at all?  Even in a SIP peer.
17:09.22DrukenHMEthe only diffrence in the boxes i see from those pictures and mine, are his says VoIP Voice and mine say Wired
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17:15.06sivanaanyone using AEL, asterisk extension language?
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17:16.09bkw__AEL still parses down to the same type of dial plan
17:16.31bkw__its like taking generic corn flakes and putting them in a name brand box
17:16.51sivanayes, I see that
17:17.03sivanaI noticed that last night while doing some tests.. kinda sucks
17:17.11ctooleyIs anyone else using the new ExternalIVR?
17:17.12sivanaI thought it had a real parser
17:17.22bkw__ctooley, from what I hear its broken
17:17.26sivanactooley: no, I looked at it but then got confused :)
17:17.41DrukenHMEexternal ivr?
17:17.48ctooleybkw_:  I hope you're not still going on me telling you it was broken. :)
17:17.53sivanaya, it's like running system()
17:18.10ctooleyno, not really
17:18.11*** join/#asterisk crich1999 (
17:18.28ctooleyAsterisk is still doing all the core hard work.  But it's like having libasterisk. :)
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17:19.12DrukenHMEand the point of it is?
17:19.14sivanaa macro to do the ivr seems easier
17:19.21*** join/#asterisk websae (
17:19.25ctooleyasterisk becomes your library for doing telephony work and timing and all of that crap you don't want to do, and I can just write a nice usable telephony application.
17:19.28websaewhat's going on everyone
17:19.34morlachi all
17:19.43websaeanyone have any ideas when I leave a doesn't save???
17:19.50jake1932anyone have problems with talking over someone in a VOIP conversation?
17:19.54websaeso when i check it...says i don't have any new msgs when i just left one
17:20.01ctooleywebsae first guess is probably incorrect permissions.
17:20.19crich1999I get sometimes curious recursive compilation processes with the new 1.2-beta1 ? Someones got a clue ? first there is a rm -f versio.h.tmp, then a mkdep > version.h.tmp .. don't know why this happens ?
17:20.20websaewhat do you mean ctooley?
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17:20.24DrukenHMEjake1932: uhmm.... think ya can expand on that a lil?
17:20.31morlacanyidea how much would a 4E1 ss7 card would cost from Aculab or Dialogic?
17:20.58mostymorlac, perhaps you could ask aculab or dialogic
17:21.03websaeincorrect permissions how so?
17:21.03jake1932DrukenHME: i'm talking and they talk then they stop I stop - like someone coming towards you you can't pass
17:21.14sivanawebsae: on the voicemail folder
17:21.19morlacmosty> If time would allow, I would have
17:21.22voip126<jontow@EFNet> dude, holy son of a bitch
17:21.27ctooleywould guess that the permissions on the voicemail directory aren't allowing writes
17:21.40jontowthats wild, i can see myself on both sides
17:21.51mostymorlac: you probably won't get an answer until you do ask them though'
17:22.05websaeso i need chmod it what?
17:22.07voip126<in@EFNet> jontow, i linked #asterisk on efnet and open projects
17:22.17morlacmosty> I see, thanks man
17:22.25voip126*** sivana@EFNet ( has joined #asterisk
17:22.32DrukenHMEoh... icky.... just what we don't need
17:22.41jontowwild, i say.. wild.
17:22.55voip126<in@EFNet> give it a chance guys
17:23.00voip126<sivana@EFNet> bah
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17:23.46sivanakinda lame I think
17:24.05DrukenHMEi used to do that kinda shit with eggdrops like 5 years ago....
17:24.25voip126<jontow@EFNet> :)  it works well, but needs parsing of the messages on this side to make it cleaner
17:24.35sivanacan't decide if I like it or it's annyoning
17:24.41voip126<in@EFNet> 10-4
17:25.02Nivexsivana: I vote for annoying.  If I wanted to be on EFNet, I'd go to EFNet.
17:25.19sivanait does bridge the channels together, that part is cool
17:25.29sivanaI don't like the <user> thingy
17:25.36voip126<in@EFNet> ok, ill fix the parsing and try it again some time this week
17:25.43websaehrm I tried giving the voicemail folder permissions...but still having the same issue...where i'll leave a msg, check it and will say i have no new msgs
17:25.44voip126<in@EFNet> unlinking
17:26.06voip126<jontow@EFNet> make it appear the same on both sides, and it'd be alright imo.. plus its freaky as hell when it dumps the /names list :D
17:26.08websaeany ideas anyone?
17:26.10*** join/#asterisk Baph (
17:26.48sivanawebsae: voicemail works, it seems to be a permission thing
17:26.49jake1932is there a way to calculate dealy in the codec?
17:27.11sivanajake1932: are you looking for:  show translation
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17:27.37websaeyeah i tried chmoding it though
17:27.40jake1932yes :) - tnx
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17:27.44websaeand still having the same issue for some reason
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17:32.18websaeany ideas anyone
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17:40.36jake1932it looks like "show translation" only shows delay introduced when translating - I'm using ulaw from my phone to the VOIP provider.  besides using traceroute - where else should I look for delay?
17:40.37*** join/#asterisk Elmendorf (n=ozlemozg@
17:41.38ctooleyis there a limit to the number of call files I can drop at any time, when using SIP?
17:42.14mostyjake1932: ping times to your provider?
17:42.27mostyctooley, what is a call file?
17:43.07ctooleymosty a file you put in the asterisk outgoing spool for Asterisk to handle.
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17:43.40jake1932mosty: I'm getting about 85ms
17:44.06websaeanyone know why my voicemail wouldn't work...i have the permissions set find for the folder...but when i leave a voicemail and then check it, says i don't have any...any ideas please?
17:44.11mostyctooley: you just want to know how many simultaneous sip channels you can have?
17:44.39mostywebsae: run asterisk with debugging/verbose options and see what it says when you create voicemail?
17:44.44jake1932mosty:do you ever experience talking over someone in a VOIP conversation?
17:44.44ctooleyno, I want to know if Asterisk has an upper bound on simultaneous call files.
17:45.06mostyjake1932: if the delay on the line is large
17:45.17websaemosty:-- x=1, open writing:  /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/200/INBOX/msg0000 format: wav, 0x990ef38
17:45.22jake1932mosty: what do you consider a large delay?
17:45.55mostyctooley: i wasn't aware that asterisk wrote calls out to files
17:45.59jake1932mosty: and is it reasonable to measure this delay using ping continuously?
17:46.15mostyping isn't very good, because its packets are small
17:46.25websaeany ideas mosty?
17:46.39ctooleymosty: you're getting it backwards.
17:47.22ctooleymosty: I can write a script to put a file in a directory and Asterisk will call the number I put in the file (the file has a specific format) and then when the person answers connect the person to the context that I put in the file.
17:47.26websaecause voicemail just isn't there
17:47.28mostyjake1932, there's a page on the wiki that has numbers for what is considered high delay
17:48.10jake1932ctooley: according to - you can manage it - but there doesn't seem to be a set number
17:48.22ctooleymosty: so my concern is that since this is such a simple DOS mechanism, the asterisk team may have put an artificial limit on the number of them it would process at any given time.
17:48.30*** join/#asterisk likewhoa5 (
17:48.30mostyctooley: so these are just small files? i'd say the number is large, depending on your fs and mount options
17:48.32ctooleyjake1932:  That's what I thought.
17:49.01mostyctooley, oh i see what you're asking, but i don't know the answer
17:49.13websaeno has issues with voicemail not be able to be checked when someone leaves one?
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17:49.53mostywebsae: what format are you saving voicemail as?
17:50.41websaemosty: i am using wav and wav49
17:51.20websaejust am not understanding why it's not checking it and playing the msg
17:52.09mostywebsae: do the files actually exist in that directory?
17:53.14websaemosty: no
17:54.05*** join/#asterisk ryanm (
17:54.08mostywebsae: increase the verbosity of asterisk and try to get some more debugging info
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17:56.01websaethat's as high as i could get it to go
17:56.22mostyand it doesn't say anything about not being able to write the voicemail files?
17:56.23sneakanyone know why my monitor() recordings come out so choppy?
17:56.29Qwellthey should have used a longlong
17:56.49websaesays -- x=1, open writing:  /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/200/INBOX/msg0000 format: wav, 0x990ef38
17:56.56websaenothing about not be able to write though
17:57.37jake1932websae: is there anything at all in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/200/INBOX?
17:57.43asteriskmonkeyDoes anyone else have a t1 card ?
17:58.09asteriskmonkeyjake1932 what version of asterisk you running? i have 1.0.9
17:58.11websaethere is no files
17:58.30jake1932asteriskmonkey: I think it's 1.09
17:58.42Qwellwebsae: You aren't using ODBC_STORAGE, are you?
17:58.43jake1932asteriskmonkey:you having problems with it?
17:58.45asteriskmonkeyi am having an issue.. i see a ton of (null) 's in my asterisk logs, is that normal?
17:58.57Qwellif so, it would save it there for only a second, and delete it when it puts it into the DB
17:59.20jake1932asteriskmonkey: nulls? I don't get anything like that
17:59.36asteriskmonkeyjake: oh then something must be wrong then.. grrr.
17:59.56jake1932asteriskmonkey: I was getting yellow and red alarms for a minute till I replaced the motherboard
18:00.00asteriskmonkeyjake1932: I have a ni2 pri.. what flavour t1 you have
18:00.18websaewell i am using asterisk@home
18:00.19jake1932asteriskmonkey: I'm connected to another PBX
18:00.20asteriskmonkeyi get no alarms.. used to get shit loads of collisons but i changed the irq and all was well
18:00.24QwellI have a chocolate PRI - works great
18:00.28websaewhich does use mySQL i thought
18:00.42jake1932asteriskmonkey: using E&M
18:01.00asteriskmonkeymmmm... is there a digium guy on that could help debug this
18:01.04asteriskmonkeyits driving me nuts
18:01.39jake1932is there a free utility to test voip latency?
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18:01.48Qwelljake1932: ping
18:01.56websaenot using ODBC though
18:02.14websaeit just not saving vmail to the folder
18:02.20websaeeven though seems to be opening write
18:02.26websaebut when i check voicemail nothing there
18:02.27asteriskmonkeyhere is a link to a part of my log
18:02.40jake1932Qwell: but the packets don't simulate a VOIP call?
18:02.42Qwellwebsae: why not pastebin the log of a voicemail being saved?
18:03.04Qwelljake1932: there was some java site online, would tell you if your connection was capable of stuff
18:03.08Qwellvoip specific
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18:03.46fone846<in@EFNet> nop, not fixed
18:03.57bzbwhi, I'm trying to define a group like "ACDGROUP=SIP/201&SIP/202" to be used in Dial(${ACDGROUP}|25), but * does not take it, anything wrong?
18:04.18*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
18:04.29fone846<in@EFNet> freenode has a strange irc service running
18:05.19asteriskmonkeytwisted? kram ? you around
18:05.39jalsotdoes anybody use muxmon here?
18:05.40asteriskmonkeydrumkilla_lab around
18:05.58bzbwumm, maybe this is a tough question.
18:06.19Qwellbzbw: why not just setup queues?
18:06.31Qwellbut yes, that does look right, assuming you're doing it in extensions.conf
18:06.51asteriskmonkeyanyone know why this has so much nulls
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18:07.19asteriskmonkeyis there a way of telling if you should use cpe or master mode?
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18:07.42bzbwQuell: this is more a general question, as I see many samples by calling a predefined group.
18:08.01websaeQwell: did you get that?
18:08.26Qwellbzbw: that looks right - what happens?
18:09.04websaearound line 270
18:09.29bzbwQuell: * give me something like SIP, ""|25 kinda error. looks like it does not take the defination.
18:10.01asteriskmonkeyAriel you around?
18:10.14Qwellwebsae: voicemail.conf, do you have it being sent to email addresses?
18:10.26Qwellbzbw: where are you setting that var?
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18:10.51bzbwQuell: in global context in extension.conf
18:10.52Qwellwebsae: look specifically for delete=1, also
18:10.54TiveronDoes anyone here have any experience with an Epygi Quadro2x PBX?
18:11.18Qwell(or delete=yes)
18:12.06jake1932Qwell: from it says my MOS score is 4.3 - (the top being 4.4) - so that should be real good
18:12.27Qwellwebsae: thats why its not there
18:12.32websaewhat should i set that too
18:12.42Qwelldo you want it to stay on your asterisk box?
18:13.04websaeuntil i want to delete it
18:13.21websaewhat would delete=1 mean?
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18:14.44Qwellnow might be a good time to mention that I gladly accept paypal donations
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18:15.29jake1932is there anyone that wouldn't?
18:15.36Qwelljake1932: quite a few
18:16.00websaeQwell: thanks for debug with that issue
18:16.15jake1932Qwell: because they have a set fee structure - so you don't need to donate :)
18:16.21Qwelljake1932: ;]
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18:16.46bzbwQuell: just an update, i was wrong, it was in general context, that's why it's not working
18:16.51asteriskmonkeyqwell,jake no idea on those nulls ?
18:17.14bzbwbut I wonder if I can put in other context other then Global
18:17.31jake1932asteriskmonkey: no doubt - that's a lot of nulls
18:17.59jake1932asteriskmonkey: are you sure there coming from your T1 card?
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18:18.55Qwelltsk, tsk, tsk, bad spelling
18:19.02jake1932i know
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18:19.26jake1932I'm typing faster than I can think
18:19.30Qwellnot you
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18:19.50Qwelljake1932: but, you too, yeah
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18:20.49jake1932is there an IRC client that proofreads?
18:21.00Qwellgaim, with the spelling plugin
18:21.19QwellI wouldn't really call it an irc client though...its not great
18:21.20jake1932gotta check that out - tnx
18:21.22Qwell(but, most aren't(
18:21.44jake1932Qwell: i'm using it now - seems alot better thanHydraIRC
18:21.45asteriskmonkeyjake1932: i dont know where else the nulls would come from or how to isolate a test
18:21.46fugitivobitchx is the client!
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18:23.03jake1932but I'd have to install CYGWIN
18:23.22fugitivooh, you're using windows
18:23.39jake1932yep - no great solution for outlook/exchange yet
18:23.45fugitivoi think there's a windows version of bitchx
18:23.57Qwelljake1932: Novell released their exchange plugin for evolution.
18:23.59Qwellits open sourced now
18:24.03hanchiwhich is the most stable SCCP channel driver for use with a Cisco 7960 by itself and with one or two 7914 side cars
18:24.11EgonisI'm doing a remote SIP connection to asterisk, with a physical SIP phone (using nat)
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18:24.23Qwelljake1932: it uses outlook web access, afaik
18:24.27jake1932very nice - need to check into that
18:24.28EgonisIt works 80% of the time, I dial 8500 for vm, but sometimes it connects, but plays back no sound
18:24.36Qwellso, that has to be enabled on exchange, but thats about the only real problem
18:24.39Egonisis it because of a lack of connection reliability?
18:24.39fugitivothere's a plugin for kontact too
18:24.55QwellI'd imagine there are plugins for quite a few clients now, since that plugin was open sourced
18:25.24jake1932Qwell: tnx - i'll look into that
18:25.53jake1932I may soon be a convert
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18:29.42hanchihas anyone had any luck with a 7960+two 7914 side cars, I have been told it can only be done with SCCP and is not stable
18:30.04Qwellhanchi: sccp only, correct
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18:30.22Qwellthere are quite a few different ways to do sccp in *.
18:30.31hanchiwhich channel driver would be the most stable with it skinny, sccp, sccp2
18:30.39Qwellgot me..
18:30.48Qwellif you send me one, I'll test it out for you. ;]
18:31.22hanchithe only side cars I could find were for the Snom 360 and the Cisco 7914, does anyone know of any others
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18:38.05EgonisWhen I dial extension 8500 (vm) when using authenticated SIP, it answers, and then disconnects immediately with no error msgs... however, when using unauthenticated sip, it works fine... what is the issue?
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18:39.12Sync"/msg NickServ help register"
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18:42.18nick125anyone here know of a cheap fxo device (thats from the pstn, right?)?
18:42.37jontowfxo is an incoming line, yes
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18:43.19Synchi, can anybody help me to use asterisk as an IVR server of gnugk?
18:43.23jontowthere is always the somewhat obsolete X100P clones
18:43.27jontow.. that suck, but work.
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18:43.35jontowthey can be had for next to nothing on ebay, iirc.
18:43.43fugitivonick125: x100p clone, check ebay, but you'll have echo and disconnect problems
18:43.44jontowi always had audio problems and callerid issues with 'em though.
18:43.47nick125i was kinda hopeing for something like the sipuras
18:43.52jontowif you want cheap.. thats your option
18:43.59jontowbut the SPA-3000 has 2 FXS and 1 FXO
18:44.06jontowand they work well, from what i know.
18:44.37Assidisnt there a cheap equivelent of a x100p clone  for fxs?
18:44.53jake1932mine doesn't work well
18:45.07jake1932thinks my voie is DTMF
18:45.21jontowi have 3 that went through a fire ;)
18:45.25fugitivoAssid: pap2-na is cheap for 2 fxs
18:45.42jake1932I'd like to burn mine
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18:46.09jontowits worth it
18:46.12jake1932could not shake the echo problems
18:46.56jake1932echo on teh fxs - echo on the fxo - and I had the newest firmware
18:47.04Assidfugitivo: how much is it?
18:47.25fugitivoAssid: $65 or $70
18:47.44jake1932how well does the IAXy work - it's an fxs, right?
18:47.55fugitivoyes, single port
18:47.56Qwelljake1932: they work pretty well, supposedly
18:48.17jontowi have had *0* problems with my IAXy
18:48.25jontownot the cheapest, but by far the coolest :)
18:48.31Qwellexcept the whole lack of DNS thing...
18:48.38jake1932so far the only thing stable has been the 7960 and asterisk
18:48.40kgIAXy works like shit
18:48.48kgat least for me
18:48.48jontowkg; how so?
18:48.54fugitivopap2-na works really well
18:49.05kgjontow: I'm tired of typing the same thing 1000 times :]
18:49.37Assidmaybe i should just invest in SPA-841
18:49.39kgI couldn't get any help unfortunately. Those damn things won't native transfer/bridge/whatever it's called
18:49.49Assidjust wondering how much it would cost to ship to india
18:50.12QwellAssid: find a local distrubutor
18:50.19Assidnot here :(
18:50.27fugitivoAssid: i'm sure you can get the pap2-na there, it's linksys
18:51.19Assidwould prefer the ip phone tho.. i thought it was as cheap as the x100p .. i wouldnt mind it
18:51.21jake1932kg: doesn't asterisk do the bridge?
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18:55.01kgjake1932: no, I want other software to do the bridge. It works for software clients.
18:55.23Qwellnick125: should
18:56.09fugitivowho uses ALL options from voicemail.conf?
18:56.09nick125well, its $110 per phone, if i get a cheap budgetone
18:56.13jake1932or should I say having a lot of problems
18:56.35Qwellnick125: get a cheapish switch, instead of bridges everywhere
18:56.45nick125$50 for a wireless bridge (house isnt wired for ethernet), and $50 for the phone
18:57.00nick125Qwell: i have a switch, its the the thing of that this place isnt wired for ethernet
18:57.09Qwellare any of the phones near each other?
18:57.15nick125Qwell: not really..
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18:58.02kgdid you guys try the new kb1 echo cancellation in zaptel?
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19:00.33jake1932kb1 - no
19:00.51kshany1 good with ser and asterisk ?
19:00.58jake1932kg: have you tried kb1?
19:01.01kshneed messages from ser delivered to asterisk
19:01.04jontowexpect(1) rocks my world, btw.
19:01.16kgjake1932: not yet
19:01.27kgI was hoping to hear some opinions :)
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19:03.10tapanhi, i want some help "how to use Asterisk as IVR server with gnugk"?
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19:03.30jake1932what is gnugk?
19:03.53tapanopenh323 Gatekeeper
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19:04.44kshis gatekeeper better than ser ?
19:05.02jake1932ser is sip - no?
19:05.06djin_ibopenh323 instead of SIP?
19:05.17jake1932gnugk appears to be for h323
19:05.37tapanright now my service is running with gnugk
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19:06.00kshim seekin an intelligent way to handle my voip solution
19:06.02tapanthats why, if i can add IVR with that, that will be great with my running services
19:06.12kshser and asterisk is like a pain in the ass
19:06.23MikeJ[Laptop]ksh, that isn't true
19:06.35MikeJ[Laptop]no more than the typicall challenge of ser at least
19:06.48kshwell, i really stuck
19:06.55kshand noone seems to be able to help
19:06.56MikeJ[Laptop]ser is a.. ummm... feature rich program...
19:06.57file[laptop]*German like* I KNOW NOTHING!
19:07.00kshand no docs exist
19:07.12kshindeed it is
19:07.13MikeJ[Laptop]ksh, people are willing to help..just not for free
19:07.35kshdifferent aspect
19:08.14kshanyways, relantions between ser and asterisk need to be better
19:08.23MikeJ[Laptop]people who have spent the time to really learn ser do not bother helping people for free, because there are too many people willing to pay for it.
19:08.32MikeJ[Laptop]generally that is
19:08.46file[laptop]plus when you need SER help it's usually something complex
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19:08.57MikeJ[Laptop]and people who have a real need for ser, should have the money to pay for help
19:09.49tapancan you tell me a good GUI for Asterisk?
19:09.58Qwelltapan: to do what?
19:10.11MikeJ[Laptop]what your saying is like saying that modifying an extension on a nortel meridain-1 is a pain inthe ass.. it isn't you just don't know how to, and no one is willing to show you for free
19:10.45tapanQwell: i want to use IVR feature of Asterisk with gnugk
19:11.02QwellI don't know what gnugk is
19:11.16tapanopenh323 Gatekeeper
19:11.17jake1932tapan - did you link gnugk to asterisk so you can do regular calls?
19:11.21kshthats the aspect of open source, isnt it ?
19:11.39kshi could do it myself, just dont have the time atm
19:11.40tapanyes, i did
19:12.03kshand tought there is a "quick" solutoin
19:12.10kshas we can speek of "quick" here
19:12.13jake1932tapan - if you can do regular calls, just do some reading up on the asterisk dialplan (extensions.conf)
19:12.47jake1932tapan - here's a good read if you haven't -
19:12.52tapanlet me explain you what i do in gnugk
19:13.12tapanif i dial to my gnugk say "555" it passes that to asterisk
19:13.36tapannow i want to hear IVR for that number
19:14.05tapanJake, thanks, i am going to that page
19:14.18jake1932tapan: you first need to know what context for h323 you're using in your dialplan
19:14.54jake1932tapan: then you would use something like exten => 555,1,SomeApp
19:15.11tapanJake: can you pls recommand a good GUI for Asterisk?
19:15.35jake1932tapan: I checked out the GUIs and found it much easier to learn how to use the dialplan
19:16.32jake1932tapan: and I'll almost guarantee - it'll be much easier to gt help in here if your aren't using the GUI
19:17.14tapanok, can you recommand a good manual page for those stuff?
19:17.36jake1932tapan:  I just gave you the link
19:18.08sphingis there a voip provider that doesn't give busy signals
19:18.16tapanok, i think yes, you have given me a good things
19:18.32jbotrumour has it, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
19:18.50jake1932that's right - jake1932 does give good things
19:19.06jake1932good luck tapan
19:19.16tapanthanks for your help
19:20.06asteriskmonkeylol i do voip in toronto :)
19:20.53jake1932sphing: i wish buies were the only problems I got
19:21.16asteriskmonkeyjake1932 wheres your t1?
19:21.45jake1932asteriskmonkey: at a client site - my asterisk box with t1 tie works flawlessly
19:22.00jake1932asteriskmonkey: my home stuff is a different story
19:22.20asteriskmonkeyjake1932: lol, is there a way of telling if signalling is master or slace/
19:23.29jake1932asteriskmonkey: hmm - I don't think it would work in the wrong configuration
19:25.24EgonisWhen I try to use Meetme, I get the following message: Sep 11 15:25:04 WARNING[8215]: pbx.c:1293 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'Meetme' for extension (default, 1000, 1)
19:25.50QwellEgonis: meetme.conf
19:25.51file[laptop]Egonis: do you have a zaptel timing device? if you compiled asterisk and then zaptel, you have to recompile asterisk so it picks up the zaptel stuff
19:26.02file[laptop]and thus builds meetme.
19:26.02Egonisno zaptel device...
19:26.08file[laptop]no zaptel device? then no meetme.
19:26.12file[laptop]unless you use ztdummy
19:26.35Egonisfile[laptop]: in my meetme.conf, I solely have [rooms], conf => 1000
19:26.45file[laptop]Egonis: that's not the problem, there is no meetme application compiled
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19:26.55file[laptop]that means it didn't pick up the zaptel headers - which means zaptel isn't installed
19:26.57fugitivoEgonis: meetme will not work if no zaptel or ztdummy
19:26.57Egonisfile[laptop] so how would I go about recompiling w/ meetme?
19:27.16Egonisfugitivo: Should I install ztdummy then? I am using no hardware at all
19:27.17QwellEgonis: compile zaptel with ztdummy (or get a timing device), and recompile asterisk
19:27.26Egoniswill do
19:27.28Egonisty all!
19:27.31sivanaEgonis: you need to go into the zaptel folder, open Makefile, uncomment the ztdummy
19:27.39Egoniswill do
19:27.49Qwellunless you're on 2.6 - then its the default (in cvs head)
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19:28.11EgonisQwell: I am using 2.6
19:28.21EgonisQwell: You mean kernel? or Asterisk?\
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19:29.19asteriskmonkeyjake1932: yes the nulls are the only things bothering me
19:30.05asteriskmonkeyit works ok but i still have some issue with calls from-pstn getting echo on there end.. that might be a gain issue.. although again the nulls are buging me alot
19:31.58jake1932asteriskmonkey: is it only when you make pri calls - or does it happen on sip calls too?
19:33.01asteriskmonkeythe echo so far has only been noticed from people on the pstn side (From public switch) i occasioally get a minor echo on my iax connection but rarly
19:33.15jake1932asteriskmonkey: the nulls
19:33.19asteriskmonkeyah the nulls
19:33.26asteriskmonkeythey always happen damn it
19:33.30asteriskmonkeysip aswell
19:33.38jake1932asteriskmonkey: just sip to asterisk
19:33.45asteriskmonkeyi think there comming from the te110p digium card
19:33.46jake1932asteriskmonkey: (no pri involved)
19:35.12Egonisfyi: emerging (gentoo Linux) zaptel, and then re-emerge asterisk was easy as pie! Thanks again guys...
19:35.29Qwelleww, asterisk packages
19:35.46QwellI don't trust them
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19:36.33jake1932asteriskmonkey: are you using Manager for something?
19:36.38EgonisHowever -- I get the following message upon /etc/init.d/zaptel start: line 142: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
19:36.55Egonisdo I need to mknod?
19:37.08asteriskmonkeyjake1932: ahah! its only when i make calls in or from the pri
19:37.20asteriskmonkeysimple sip connections dealing internall do not cause anything
19:38.08jake1932asteriskmonkey: even pri debugging should do that
19:38.23asteriskmonkeyso ... where do i go from here?
19:39.38jake1932asteriskmonkey: it's difficult to say where those nulls are coming from
19:40.16EgonisSo I ran a script which creates the device nodes for zaptel -- however, I got the following message again: Unable to open master device: '/dev/zap/ctl'
19:40.29EgonisAlthough those nodes appear to exist
19:40.36jake1932asteriskmonkey: we at least know that it's something to do with the PRI now though
19:40.56jake1932asteriskmonkey: or zaptel driver?
19:42.23jake1932asteriskmonkey: it's almost like someone left some debugging code in there
19:49.19EgonisWhen I try meetme, although it works (audibly), I get the following messages: Sep 11 15:48:50 WARNING[22639]: chan_zap.c:770 zt_open: Unable to open '/dev/zap/pseudo': Permission denied
19:49.19EgonisSep 11 15:48:50 ERROR[22639]: chan_zap.c:6731 chandup: Unable to dup channel: Permission denied
19:49.19EgonisSep 11 15:48:50 WARNING[22639]: app_meetme.c:227 build_conf: Unable to open pseudo channel - trying device
19:49.19EgonisSep 11 15:48:50 WARNING[22639]: app_meetme.c:230 build_conf: Unable to open pseudo device
19:49.35sivanaEgonis: did you modprobe ztdummy?
19:49.46Egonissivana: good question, I modprobed zaptel
19:49.53Egonisnow I did.. hrmm
19:50.13Egonissivana: same msgs
19:51.16sivanamight want to try Google, I personally have no idea :)
19:51.25sivanaI'm battling ztdummy as it is on a test machine here :)
19:51.40Egonissivana: doing that now.. (sigh)
19:51.49Egoniszaptel is an interesting little toy, now isn't it?
19:51.56asterisk99Does anyone here use  the Polycom IP300 ???
19:52.07sivanaya... needs to be rewritten from the ground up IMO
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19:58.24Egonissivana: Did you install zapata before zaptel?
19:58.46Qwellthere is no zapata package.  its just zaptel
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19:59.13Egonissivana: Found a discussion article about that being an issue.. so I'm installing zapata, then zaptel
19:59.16Egonisno idea why, just trying it
19:59.29Qwellhmm, there is a zapata package?
19:59.34Egonisapparently cures the issues -- again, no idea why
19:59.37sivanazapata is just a conf file
19:59.44Qwellsivana: s'what I thought
19:59.57sivanaEgonis: what did you do with zapata?
20:00.10Egonissivana: Nothing, just emerged the package
20:01.23sivanawhat's the package file name
20:01.56Egonissivana: I use gentoo, so I just type 'emerge zapata' want the .tar.gz filename? one sec
20:02.00sphingsivana: isnt a gentoo person
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20:02.07QwellI said it before, and I'll say it again...asterisk packages suck
20:02.12sivanabasically.. nuff said now :)
20:02.21fugitivoEgonis: emerge zaptel
20:02.35sivanaya, I have no idea it was a gentoo thing
20:02.38Qwelltry compiling the actual asterisk source
20:02.50EgonisQwell: Gentoo downloads only sources, and compiles for you
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20:02.52fugitivoUSE="zaptel" emerge asterisk
20:02.58EgonisQwell: that's the whole point of gentoo
20:02.59QwellEgonis: yes, I know what gentoo does
20:03.10Egonisfugitivo: Thank you! I didn't know there was a zaptel use flag!
20:03.11QwellI've never had luck with the gentoo packages though, or any package for that matter
20:03.26QwellEgonis: emerge -pv asterisk
20:03.28Qwelllook at all the use flags
20:03.34Qwellsame with zaptel
20:03.46EgonisQwell: Ah, yes.. good point! :)
20:03.46fugitivoQwell: it's not really a gentoo package, it's the original source file
20:03.47QwellI still wouldn't recommend emerging it though
20:03.54Qwellfugitivo: butchered
20:04.36fugitivogentoo just download the file and follow ebuild instructions for compiling
20:05.04fugitivothey don't modify or alter in any aspect the source files
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20:06.22Egonisfugitivo: Yeah.. just don't ~x86 certain packages! ;)
20:06.33mykejust don't use gentoo
20:06.46Qwellmyke: yeah, real men use Fedora
20:06.58mykei can't figure out the attraction
20:06.59Qwellgambolputty: alot of people do.  me included
20:07.03mykei use slackware and my * works
20:07.07Qwellmyke: there are plenty of reasons to use gentoo
20:07.10gambolputtyI have Fedora also
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20:07.34mykeyeah, reason #1: your linux experience is going way too smoothly and you'd like a way to make it consume 10x as much time and become much more frustrated
20:07.37fugitivomyke: i started using slack in 1995, everything was compiling
20:07.59EquinoxDoes slackware still recompile to add security patches?
20:08.14fugitivomyke: now it's compiling, but gentoo does it all for me...
20:08.40fugitivoi never liked packages
20:08.40Qwellgentoo is by far my favorite distro.  I used RH/Fedora religiously for years...I just got tired of the BS
20:08.40mykelet's see how much you like gentoo when you suddenly have a gentoo-based system with a horked compiler and you need some tools like dump on there to save the important bits
20:08.58Qwellmyke: not difficult
20:09.06mykegentoo is my most hated, least favorite linux distro
20:09.07QwellI've always got my trust 40mb gentoo install CD
20:09.13sphingmyke: you don't like gentoo... but there are reasons to use
20:09.24Egonissivana: It didn't help at all! :(
20:09.26sphingie... my C3 machine
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20:09.46fugitivomyke: why do you hate gentoo?
20:09.51fugitivomyke: and what do you use?
20:10.02sivanaEgonis: no idea :)
20:10.04mykeslackware, and because it doesn't give you the option of binary packages
20:10.12sphingyes it does
20:10.13mykeso installs take forever, it's like doing LFS almost
20:10.14Egonissivana: lol.. just informing, not asking
20:10.23fugitivomyke: since when do you use slackware?
20:10.27sphingmyke you can install binaries for packages if they exists
20:10.33mykeright, if you have another gentoo box to build them on
20:10.40mykewhich is what i had to end up doing, 4 hours later
20:11.00fugitivomyke: i use gentoo because i don't like binary packages
20:11.05mykei started using slack again about 6 months ago
20:11.24mykefugitivo: that's fine, but they should still exist.  all the other distros have both source or binary packages
20:12.05fugitivomyke: there's no reason for binary packages in gentoo, but anyways, there're some binary options, like openoffice-bin
20:12.17sphingmyke: we've established that you dont like it... but wha tis the need to bash people who use it
20:12.25mykeone reason is so you can get a complete workstation installed in about 7 mins
20:12.45mykesphing, maybe those ppl would find their life is a lot easier if they used something else
20:13.05sphingmaybe you'd find your life easier if you stop worrying about other people finding their life's easier
20:13.06fugitivomyke: i don't think a newbie will use gentoo
20:13.19mykefugitivo: from what i've seen on here, they are
20:13.23fugitivomyke: new people will choose fedora, or suse, or something like that
20:13.46gordonjcpwhat is the *point* of gentoo?
20:13.55Qwellgordonjcp: flexibility
20:13.57fugitivogordonjcp: emerge
20:14.13gordonjcpbut it's not any more flexible than any other distro?
20:14.15Qwelldon't let people lie to you about it being all about performance...thats not it at all
20:14.18Qwellgordonjcp: by far, yes
20:14.31fugitivoi agree with qwell
20:14.32QwellUSE="-X" emerge somepackage
20:14.35sphinggordonjcp: not many distros can run as smoothly as gentoo on a C3
20:14.38Qwelllets see debian/fedora/suse/whatever do that
20:14.46gordonjcpyou just end up watching a ton of compiler messages scroll up
20:14.49fugitivoUSE="zaptel pri" emerge asterisk  ;)
20:15.02gordonjcpit takes forever to actually install anything
20:15.07Qwellgordonjcp: not really
20:15.10fugitivogordonjcp: no
20:15.11Qwelljust KDE and openoffice, really
20:15.17Qwelland those have binary packages
20:15.17sphinggordonjcp: what about a c3 machine?
20:15.22Qwellanything "huge" has a -bin package.
20:15.26Qwellfirefox included
20:15.44gordonjcpsphing: what about a *what*?
20:15.49sphingprocessor on
20:15.51fugitivoand if you have a decent machine, you don't have to worry about time
20:16.06sphingnot 100% x86 compatible
20:16.27fugitivosphing: i used 30 of those (thin clients) with a gentoo dual opteron server
20:16.52sphingfugitivo: off gentoo no?
20:17.14fugitivothe server provides everything a desktop needs to the thin clients
20:17.19asteriskmonkeyjake1932: think ill recomiple the newer zaptel in and see if that gets rid of my nulls
20:17.19fugitivoeven sound
20:17.39Qwellfugitivo: have you seen the ndyio(sp) ultra thin clients?
20:17.53sphingfugitivo: i'm saying i use gentoo specifically on my c3 machine because from what i read it was missing some x86 instructions
20:17.57fugitivoQwell: no, what do they run?
20:17.58Qwellshit, what were those called...
20:18.06fugitivosphing: really?
20:18.07Qwellfugitivo: one sec, lemme find a link - its pretty slick
20:18.38sphingfugitivo: i by no means am an asm expert but i read somewhere that c3's lacked a specific mov instruction
20:18.51Qwellfind the pdf
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20:19.29mykethere's still ppl doing thin clients?
20:19.41Qwellmyke: sure
20:19.49fugitivoQwell: oh yes, i saw them, incredible, but not 100% desktop capable
20:19.55Egonissivana: Are you having permission denied msgs in zaptel? Found the fix
20:20.24fugitivoQwell: my thin clients were sound and usb storage capable :)
20:20.34Qwellthese have sound, don't they?  thought they did
20:20.47Qwelland client usb is coming in a later version, supposedly
20:20.48mykedo they have something better than NAS for sound?
20:20.57sivanaEgonis: no.. I'm using slackware and I had the USB disabled
20:21.11Egonissivana: ah, okay.. I'm using 2.6
20:21.20fugitivoQwell: i'll like to see how they solve the usb storage on the thin client, it's not easy
20:21.24sivanaEgonis: so ztdummy isn't working.. now I'm trying to enable USB and having fun :)
20:21.33Qwellfugitivo: some sort of emulation layer
20:21.36sivanaat the same time upgrade to 2.6.13
20:21.37QwellI'd assume
20:22.02fugitivoQwell: you have to mount the thin client usb in the server
20:22.06sivanaI don't usually do this kind of stuff, I have a tech guy... but being Sunday and all :)
20:22.08Qwellfugitivo: yeah, I know
20:22.54fugitivomyke: i found nas the best solution, but you get a little delay with sound
20:23.48mykei like thin clients.  of course my systems involve a lot of old 486s and tokenring.
20:25.04sivanado I have to enable udev in make menuconfig?
20:26.25sivanaI tell you.. we've got electricians doing plumbing
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20:28.25mog_homeanyone here know anything about cars
20:28.34Egonissivana: in make menuconfig, you won't find udev, you want to disable 'automount devfs tho', and then install the udev package (how to do this in slack? no idea)
20:28.39Qwellmog_home: just that if it doesn't start, it probably needs gas
20:28.46Egonismog_home: ahh..yeeah, odd question here tho
20:29.03Egonismog_home: Is it turning over?
20:29.07mog_homei just filled my car with gas and it wont start
20:29.12mog_homenone of the electrics work
20:29.15mog_homelike lights etc
20:29.18Egonismog_home: since when?
20:29.21mog_homeand i had gotten a clean start the last time
20:29.24mog_home20 min ago
20:29.25Egonismog_home: and THAT'D be a problem!
20:29.34Egonismog_home: Battery OR Alternator
20:29.40mog_homeyeah the cab driver told me that
20:29.59Egonismog_home: Get a jumpstart from someone, let it run for 10mins to charge the battery.. if she dies again... maybe you need a new battery, or worse
20:30.09Qwellmog_home: that happened when I bought my truck.  the very day we got it, we drove it like 50 miles, stopped at the store, went in, came back out, and the clicker unlocked the doors when we got back out
20:30.13mog_homeokay thats what i was thinking
20:30.17Qwellbut, turn the key...nothing.  clicker stopped working too
20:30.28Qwellbattery cable was loose :D
20:30.32mog_homei think i will get a jump
20:30.35Egonismog_home: If you put a voltmeter across the battery leads, if it reads 14-15v, it's charging.. if less, it's a bat alternator (I think, read a manual somewhere to be sure)
20:30.36mog_homeclean the battery
20:30.57gordonjcpmog_home: start at the very start
20:31.08gordonjcpclean the battery terminals - disconnect negative first
20:31.35gordonjcpcheck that there is actually anything in the battery at all
20:31.50Qwellgot a power meter with you? :p
20:32.03gordonjcpthere aren't normally any fuses that will kill power to *everything*
20:32.07QwellWhat kind of geek are you?
20:32.23mog_homeso give the car a jump, and then clean the terminators
20:32.37gordonjcpwell, clean the battery terminals first
20:32.45Qwellsoda works wonders
20:32.53Qwell(if you've got nothing else handy)
20:32.55gordonjcpand always disconnect the negative lead first, and connect it last
20:32.57mog_homebaking soda and water?
20:33.23mog_homeyeah ill disconnect the negative lead then the postive
20:33.26mog_homeclean terms
20:33.30mog_homeplug it back in
20:33.34mog_homethen jump if needed
20:34.05Qwell#asterisk - we know cars too
20:34.06Egonisgood start
20:34.25Lathos42Qwell:  That thought just crossed my mind
20:34.26mog_homethanks, i just need to get a friend to come out there with me and hook me up
20:34.29Qwell#asterisk - we pretend we know cars too
20:34.35b0efany way to force asterisk to output a specific samplerate and format?. The way it is now, it's opening the device in another format than other applications
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20:39.24slak-anyone try setting your * callerid to one of a cellphone, calling that cellphone and being put directly into the voicemail
20:39.37slak-bypassing any authenticating PIN entry
20:40.10Qwellslak-: really?  what provider?
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20:40.26slak-so far it has worked for me with tmobil and cingular cellphones
20:40.29Qwellslak-: I hear that with some providers, setting it to a DID they own will give you free cell-to-cell minutes
20:40.37slak-i heard some shit on my sisters voicemail that scarred me for life
20:40.37Qwellie sprint-sprint, supposedly
20:40.51Qwellslak-: I'll try that for you with spring
20:41.00Qwellsprint, rather
20:41.23slak-it doesnt work with verizon
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20:42.50Qwellslak-: takes me straight to VM without ringing
20:43.00slak-password prompt?
20:43.09Qwellno, VM to leave a message
20:43.12Qwellwtf, haha
20:43.18Qwellnew message from 555-555-5555
20:43.39slak-i set my id to 666 666 6666
20:43.41slak-or all 1's
20:43.54QwellI set mine to my DID...sprint thinks its all 5s though
20:44.03slak-your DID?
20:44.08slak-or sprints did
20:44.20Qwellit said the message was from 5s
20:44.31QwellI set it to my sprint did though, which took me right to VM
20:44.48slak-try a tmobil number
20:45.00slak-set it to that tmobil cell callerid and call it
20:45.24Qwelldon't know any
20:46.20Qwelljust called myself with my wifes DID, showed her name on the display, heh
20:46.24Qwellthat was expected though
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20:46.40slak-why cant we set name on callerid's aswell
20:46.47slak-atleast not via asterlink
20:46.51Qwellbecause its looked up on the client side
20:46.54Qwellin a db
20:47.09Qwellmost of the time anyhow
20:47.34slak-and too bad only 10digit numbers work
20:47.41slak-i want my callerid to be 31337 :d
20:47.52mykedepends, on my local telco 4 digits work
20:48.01slak-thats cool
20:48.08mykeso ppl would see me as "2600" or something
20:48.20Egonismod the sourcefiles! ;)
20:48.28slak-i set it to something less then 10 digits and it defaults to my iax providers did
20:48.29QwellYou can set cidnum to whatever you want
20:48.41mykei don't think it's a * restriction, probably depends on what the telco will accept
20:49.10clive-anyone know about ompiler optimisations?
20:49.10slak-hey anyone know voice scrambler softphones?
20:49.18slak-i wanna put a filter on my voice
20:49.30slak-clive what about it
20:49.45fugitivoare you a terrorist?
20:50.17clive-slak, hi
20:50.22slak-sup mang
20:50.52clive-I am looking at options talking about ICC and a whole bunch of stuff..just wondering which ones to choose
20:52.22slak-sorry mang
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20:52.54slak-im using my DJ headphones for  a mic
20:53.06slak-sounds great
20:54.05SpaceBassanyone ever played with integration with IM clients like AIM or google talk?
20:54.25QwellSpaceBass: look at like...umm... hookdahek?
20:54.30QwellI think thats what its called
20:54.31slak-i think its  a softphone+aim
20:54.43Qwellor do you mean actual integration, like putting a softphone in them?
20:54.50SpaceBassQwell:  thanks, just this second saw that on google
20:55.00Qwellit'll msg you callerid
20:55.08Qwellyou can do other things with it though, I'm sure
20:55.24SpaceBasswhat I'd like is for AIM or google talk users to be able to start an audio conference that basically connectes to my * box and then rings an extension
20:56.05slak-how would they dial your * box
20:56.09SpaceBassjust a bored and thought I'd play around
20:56.11slak-via ip?
20:56.18SpaceBassslak-:  by starting an audio conference with a screenname
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21:09.52slak-anyone own a pda and use it as a phone
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21:10.56mykei would like to knwo about that too as i will have a treo soon hopefully
21:11.05Himekoslak- yes
21:11.10SpaceBassblackberry here
21:11.14Himekoa treo is a phone
21:11.24Himekosame with a blackberry
21:11.38Himekohe is talking regular pda and a softphone
21:12.09Himekoi've been running sjphone on my axim
21:13.20Baphdoes any1 know of any applets that I could use to stream audio over the web (I basically want to be able to goto a website, and use that website as a softphone, through my * server)?
21:14.24myketreo is a phone but still charges per min for regular ld, but can have unlimited internet
21:14.33mykeso softphone is still of interest there
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21:16.15Qwellmeh, Nextel sucks
21:16.22Qwellthey won't give me a list of prefixes in an NPA
21:16.28Himekoi don't recall seeing a palm softphone yet
21:16.32Himekobut maybe there is one
21:18.35Darwin35who did what to who with what pport
21:18.44Hmmhesaysmine hair is getting blue
21:19.05Darwin35dont forget to make your poodle match
21:19.45smcmahonI hate softphones :)
21:21.09smcmahonI dont think palm will ever have a softphone, I know Windows CE PDA's do. Most of the ones I run across are PTT softphones tho.
21:21.16smcmahonPTT = Push to Talk
21:21.19Darwin35I would rather be hit with a softphone then a hard phone
21:21.36smcmahonLOL How do you hit someone with a softphone?
21:21.44Qwellsmcmahon: see above
21:22.01Qwellsphing: milliwatt test?
21:22.21sphingboris did it in goldeneye.. why cant i?
21:23.04Darwin35My heart to thouse of the flood of this year and to those of 911
21:23.19smcmahon* Actually I wouldn't take the time to take it out of the computer so I'd huck the computer at ya as well ...
21:23.23sphingwhat are some use flags for an asterisks system
21:23.31Qwellsphing: gentoo?
21:23.37QwellDon't emerge asterisk, heh
21:23.40Darwin35but at the same time I think we need to do some mass cleansing of the planet
21:23.51QwellDarwin35: ala your namesake?
21:23.58QwellI think they're doing fine
21:24.31sphingQwell: yea i wasnt going to emerge asterisk but none the less... any prereq's
21:24.31Darwin35I just think its time to limit how many kids are born to a family
21:24.38fugitivosphing: zaptel pri
21:24.56Qwellsphing: ncurses, I think
21:25.16Darwin35I thinnk those on welfair should have tubes tied or sniped
21:25.19fugitivoQwell: why don't emerge asterisk?
21:25.29Qwellfugitivo: I just don't like asterisk packages :p
21:25.31mykeok so what's everyone's favorite server vendor?
21:25.33Qwellthey never work right
21:25.39Darwin35now back to asterisk
21:25.39Qwellmyke: Dell
21:25.50fugitivoQwell: i didn't have any problems emerging asterisk
21:25.56Darwin35build your own
21:25.59Qwellfugitivo: some people do - especially on Debian
21:26.18fugitivoQwell: but again, gentoo doesn't build the packages, just get the sources and compiles
21:26.26mykedarwin, still need a parts source...
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21:26.33Qwellfugitivo: but it can do funky stuff, regardless
21:26.45Darwin35pkgs suck
21:26.53Darwin35yyou should build from src
21:27.11fugitivoDarwin35: that's what emerge does
21:27.13Darwin35then you can add in features you want that pkgs dont have
21:27.13Qwelland its so difficult to go from a package to cvs head, if you need to test something
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21:27.27Qwellbecause you have to unmerge everything, then get from cvs, then compile...etc
21:27.28fugitivothat's true
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21:27.53Qwelland its often out of date
21:27.55mykein the time you spent figuring out the mystery options to emerge you could have already downloaded and compiled *
21:27.56fugitivoyou can build your own ebuild
21:28.03fugitivoso you get the lastest cvs
21:28.12Qwellfugitivo: or you could just cvs up && make && make install
21:28.16kusznir_fugitivo: I just emerged asterisk on one of my boxes and it worked great out of the box.  They actually have the lastest beta release if you unmask it.
21:28.32fugitivokusznir_: yes, i do that
21:30.42fugitivoQwell: yes, it's easier to maintain with emerge, emerge will keep your system clean
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21:35.52blitzrage~seen drumkilla
21:36.01jbotdrumkilla <n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 3d 19h 22m 39s ago, saying: 'and the only cure is more cowbell?'.
21:36.01shidananyone have problems with registering the second line of a sipura 2002?
21:36.51Qwellblitzrage: evening
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21:46.12Chuji350 people idling in here these days?
21:46.27Qwellgone up in the last few months
21:46.37Chujiyeah, no kidding
21:46.46ChujiBut the mailing list seems slower these days
21:46.54QwellChuji: because they all come here now. ;]
21:47.03ChujiMust mean that the software is getting more stable, or the wiki is getting better
21:47.13ChujiQwell : Yeah, could be
21:49.02DrukenHMEi think it's more that we don't want to sift threw the 10000000000 messages every day in our email....
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21:51.58fugitivoDrukenHME: that's true :)
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22:06.35sphingare there any good howto's for setting up a simple sip server with asterisks
22:06.50Qwellsphing: on the wiki
22:06.53jbotwikis is, like,
22:07.49sphingcool thanks
22:09.39mog_homehey guys thanks for help with car
22:09.45mog_hometurns out terminals were loose
22:09.50mog_homeand everything is okay now
22:12.08Ariel_It's sunday.. Football season started today. Yeppeeee
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22:21.17fone988<HIVlntine@EFNet> sup2u@freenode
22:21.18fone988<HIVlntine@EFNet> roffle
22:21.20fone988<HIVlntine@EFNet> etc
22:22.01Assidhrmm.. whats better to use postgres / mysql for cdr logging?
22:23.16QwellAssid: I use mysql, works good
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22:23.50QwellAriel_: geeks don't watch football
22:24.43fone988<WhiteWolf@EFNet> i'm not sure if it works both ways
22:24.57JessicaX^wow, i just realised
22:25.00Ariel_Qwell, who said we are all qeeks and yes allot do watch football.
22:25.01Assidhrmm.. i guess i could use mysql.. i have used it a bit longer than phsql
22:25.05JessicaX^ are actually windows zealots
22:25.18JessicaX^What a bunch of port smoking retards ._.
22:25.20QwellAssid: whatever you're more familiar with
22:25.47drraythe Texas-OSU game was a nailbiter
22:26.01fone988<HIVlntine@EFNet> CD PUB
22:26.04loudyou know Raven Alder ?
22:26.23sphingdrray: i was at the florida game so i missed most of it
22:26.34drraywell, I tivo'd it
22:26.42drrayI'd rather have been at a game
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22:29.15DrukenHMEDarwin35: you around?
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22:29.41fugitivoAssid: don't use mysql, it's evil!
22:29.54syle2oww great a database war lol
22:30.08syle2why not a OS war between linux and freebsd while your at it lol
22:30.40fugitivothere's no war, mysql already lost ;)
22:30.41fone988<in@EFNet> FreeBSD > *++
22:31.10sphingin the extensions.conf wiki example everything is Zap/# ... what other options are there other than Zap
22:31.28fugitivosphing: SIP, IAX2
22:32.26sphingso i would have to have every line configured in its respective conf file right?
22:32.49fugitivowhat do you mean?
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22:33.01sphinglike if I wanted to incoming to go to SIP/1
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22:33.07sphing1 has to exist in sip.conf
22:33.39sphingand its all starting to make sense
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22:36.12psyoptixwhere can I read about how to transport SIP DTMF (rfc2833) to a Zap channel?
22:36.35fugitivowhat do you mean with "transport" ?
22:36.42psyoptixforward properly
22:37.10psyoptixoh nevermind, it seems to be working now
22:37.41sphinglol "exgirlfriend logic"
22:37.43sphingthats hilarious
22:37.58mrfrenzyelaborate sphing
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22:39.08sphing"Other options for defining extensions include an option commonly referred to as the ex-girlfriend logic. This logic will match the dialed extension, wether it came from outside or inside, based on the callerid of the person calling it. For exmaple:"
22:39.19sphingfrom the voip-info wiki
22:39.38fugitivoit's a basic function with a nice name
22:39.54sphingi just love the name its so funny
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22:45.25eerIf I want to be able to make calls to external numbers in belgium, what service provider would you recommend? I want good, but as cheap as possible calls...
22:46.00websaeanyone know why my friend connected just fine using his sipura 841 phone to connect to my asterisk box here (he was behind linksys router), now he went back to his dorm room at his college, and all the line indicators are just yellow, and he's not on the server...any ideas?
22:46.17Moceer, you could look at people maintain providers listing
22:46.25eerthx moc
22:46.31Qwellwebsae: he was on the same NAT as the asterisk box before?
22:47.02websaedifferent one (in another state)
22:47.11Mocwebsae, first thing, check if at his dorm room, he have full open internet acces
22:47.47Moche should atless beable to register...
22:48.13websaewell his softphone worked
22:48.14websaethe xlite
22:48.21criptosKansas city kick ass!.... NYJ ass!
22:48.26Mocfrom his pc at the dorm room ?
22:48.36criptoshi websae!
22:48.39websaehe has to logon with clean access....
22:48.42websaehey criptos!
22:48.45websaehow is it going
22:48.57Mocwebsae, he use a router on his side ?
22:49.31criptosgood, good... :)
22:49.56websaejust plugs into rj45 jack
22:50.23websaeinto his dorm room
22:50.31websaeim guessing that goes to a switch
22:50.33sphingwebsae: xlite uses stun
22:50.45sphingso it can login from just about anywhere behind just about anything
22:50.54websaehmm okay
22:51.07websaewell his line indicators are yellow
22:51.12websaeon his sipura 841
22:51.27sphingi'm assuming is a hardware phone
22:51.44websaeit works behind the router has his friends house
22:51.57sphingare you receiving his data on your side...
22:52.06sphingits possible that he can get out.. but you cant get in
22:52.19fone988<synapze@EFNet> in: u should format that spy bot
22:52.25fone988<synapze@EFNet> so u dont have to decode the message
22:52.25fone988<synapze@EFNet> hehe
22:52.55sphingis he talking to someone of efnet on freenode?
22:53.16websaei don't see anything
22:53.19websaein the logs
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22:53.45websaehe picks up a ip address for the dorms dhcp address
22:53.45SpaceBasswebsae:  whats the sae part stand for?
22:54.08sphingwebsae: is it a private ip?
22:54.32websaeshould i have some sort of nat setting changed
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22:54.34websaeor something
22:54.36websaeon his phone
22:54.55SpaceBasswhats the phone? soft phone or hard?
22:55.01websaesipura 841
22:55.44SpaceBassis the * server behind a firewall or nat router
22:56.10sphingwebsae: i'm rather new to asterisk but if hes behind a dorm filewall, from experience they are VERY tight with inbound traffic, you probably cant get back in
22:56.28SpaceBassactually, schools are usually wide open
22:56.37sphingnot mine
22:56.38websaethat's what i thought too
22:56.42SpaceBassi find they filter very little... or didnt used to
22:56.53websaebecause when he logs on to his windows xp machine he has to login to some sort of cisco clean access thing
22:57.13websaewell it shows he is registered on the * box of mine
22:57.47sphingwebsae: wait wait... he has to login like a webbrowser?
22:57.48SpaceBassone idea might be setting up an old pc $40 off ebay with a router distro, setting up a VPN connection to you and then putting the sipura on that
22:58.20SpaceBassbut if they require network authentication then it could be tricker
22:58.48SpaceBasswhich -fyi- is what sucks about WiFi SIP phones and hotspots... I have a tmobile account but cannot make calls from starbucks b/c the phone cannot log in
22:59.04websaeno he logs on with this program they all have to have installed on their machines
22:59.14sphingwebsae: when he gets a computer on
22:59.19sphinghe fires up a webbrowser
22:59.21sphingthen what happens
22:59.25websaeit works
22:59.35sphingno authentications?
22:59.39websaewehn he fires up a machine he gets a login prompt with this software he installed cisco clean access
22:59.43websaelogs in witht that
22:59.58sphingwell theres your problem... the phone can't login
23:00.03websaemy asterisk server says he is logged in
23:00.09websaethat he is registered
23:00.20sphingyou're sure it says the hardphone logged in... or that the softphone logged in
23:01.36websaejust that his line indicators are yellow
23:01.44websaeand not green
23:01.47websaeand no dial tone
23:02.05SpaceBasssometimes those things restrict some traffic, not all
23:02.45websaehow wouldi check if he is registered on my *box
23:03.10sphingi have no idea..
23:03.43sphingwhat i would recommend... is having your friend start some server... (netcat) and you try to connect to it from your house
23:04.25sphingwhats probably happening is that he can register because he is outbound but the traffic from the asterisk server cant come inbound...
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23:05.12SpaceBasswebsae: still currious about the name
23:05.29Qwellsip show subscriptions, to see who is registered, isn't it?
23:05.51websaeit shows
23:05.59websaeit shows him logged in
23:06.05websaebut line indicators are yellow
23:06.07Qwellmy 7960 isn't showing up though, so, no clue
23:06.09websaeinstead of green
23:06.27sphingwebsae: as far as i know registration is one way..
23:06.37sphingie the phone can make all the outbound traffic it wants
23:06.41h3xsnom 360 is supposed to do xml browsing soon
23:06.49h3xthat is going to rule
23:06.59sphingbut cant receive the data from the *
23:07.15Qwellin order to be registered, I believe it has to be able to get data back, and confirm it
23:07.16Qwellor something
23:08.07sphingQwell: i think some setups do... not all
23:08.30Qwellwebsae: run a sip debug, see what happens
23:08.43sphingwebsae: tell your friend to get a hub and fire up ethereal or another NIC and setup a gateway then use ethereal
23:09.11fone988*** snide@EFNet ( Quit (Ping timeout: 360 seconds)
23:09.16websaehrmm okay
23:09.22websaei'll have to wait for my friend to get back later
23:09.43websaeI'll be back on later guys, really am appreciating your help with troubleshooting this pain the butt setup...thanks
23:10.23*** part/#asterisk FuLg0r3 (
23:10.24websaeanyone know where to purchase a new notebook from inexpensively yet with a lot of good features?
23:10.50Assidis HEAD newer than what beta has to offer?
23:10.58Qwellwebsae: they have notebooks at riteaid.  $0.88.  Its spiral bound, 100 pages COLLEGE RULED.  Very nice notebooks.
23:11.14SpaceBasswebsae:  ebay
23:11.18*** join/#asterisk FuLg0r3 (
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23:11.44websaethey hae a website?
23:11.58Qwellwebsae: You didn't catch that what I said was a joke...nevermind
23:12.33websaewas reading too much into it
23:15.02blitzrageQwell: evening! :)
23:15.09*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (n=Brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
23:15.11Qwellblitzrage: sure, its evening now, heh
23:15.34blitzrageQwell: hehehe
23:15.41blitzrageQwell: 7:15pm here
23:15.42Qwellhow ya been?
23:15.55blitzrageQwell: oh not too shabby - in a conference call right now - supposed to have another one in 45 mins
23:16.01blitzrageQwell: yourself? sucks, making me move
23:16.23*** part/#asterisk JessicaX^ (n=Admin@
23:16.23blitzrageQwell: ugh - thats why I work for myself :)
23:16.29Qwelltrying to figure out a way to break my lease without actually breaking it...
23:16.36jboti guess elvis is dead
23:16.47blitzragejbot: you're a liar!
23:16.54blitzrageElvis Lives!!!
23:17.04X-RobI'm going to Bundaberg.
23:17.10X-RobThey make Rum and Sugar there.
23:17.16Ariel_what you don't go to Vegas and have not seen all the Elvis's there?
23:17.22X-Robthey also have a hospital that habitually kills their patients
23:17.27X-Rob(google bundaberg hospital)
23:17.58Qwellhabitually, or ritually?
23:18.37X-Robthey'd hired a doctor who wasn't actually a doctor.
23:19.01Ariel_X-Rob, I might have to go to your part of the world next year. If all goes well around March.
23:19.50*** join/#asterisk KaBewM (
23:20.46*** join/#asterisk Jr_FLORIPA (
23:20.57h3xvegas sucks now
23:20.59Jr_FLORIPAAlguem fala Portugues?
23:21.03h3xall these asshoeles keep moving here
23:21.12Qwelljbot: translate br en Alguem fala Portugues?
23:22.44*** join/#asterisk fulgas (
23:23.22Jr_FLORIPAI am With a problem in My HT488 could help me?
23:23.22X-RobAriel_ - Well, I'm up the hot end of the country, not down in the antarcic
23:23.51Ariel_yes I know. But it's closer to you then where I am at now on the other side of the world
23:23.59X-Robgood and valid point.
23:24.38Ariel_We are going to see if we can also stop in the Philippines to see the rest of my wifes family.
23:25.12X-Robbut melbourne is about 2100km away from me.
23:25.26X-RobWhat an evil URL
23:25.39X-RobSorry, didnt' realise it was so long when I copied it.
23:26.18fugitivosomeone doesn't know how to use POST
23:26.24*** join/#asterisk ecd (
23:26.31X-RobThey used to POST, but then you couldn't link to directions
23:27.03X-RobThere's probably a fair bit there that could be trimmed and it would still work.
23:27.34Ariel_X-Rob, we here keep forgetting that your island is really large
23:29.12X-RobWell. Think of it this way. The bottom of the country is in the antarctic, the top is in the tropics
23:29.39DrukenHMEanyone know if sox can take an mp3 and make it a gsm ?
23:29.52QwellDrukenHME: should be able to
23:30.05Ariel_X-Rob, it's like us here in the US Where I live is in the Tropic's and up north is well really cold......
23:30.16*** join/#asterisk Exstatica (
23:30.26mykefor some definitions of "really cold"
23:30.30Ariel_DrukenHME, yes
23:30.59DrukenHMEAriel_: got a CMD line that i can be lazy with?
23:31.28Qwellsox myfile.mp3 -r 8000 -c 1 myfile.gsm
23:31.33Qwellper google
23:32.54mykeyhou'll probably need to mess with sox
23:32.59*** join/#asterisk FuLg0r3 (
23:33.05mykelooks like you need to patch sox and get a gsm library first
23:33.25Ariel_you may need to resample the file as well
23:33.27X-RobAriel_ - Portland is not _cold_
23:33.52Ariel_Portland is 3000 miles or more away from me.
23:34.13Ariel_and to me it's really cold
23:35.58mykeportland is cold??
23:36.30Ariel_myke, sorry I hear it gets cold there
23:36.39mykei think it's balmy
23:36.45mykeminneapolis, now that's cold
23:37.05Ariel_for me anything uder 70 degrees is cold.
23:37.09mykecold starts at -10
23:37.18myke30 is normal
23:37.24Qwell65f is cold
23:37.25myke70 is mid-summer
23:38.02myke65 is start thinking about maybe putting on a wetsuit when you go wakeboarding
23:38.11Ariel_In winter it's cold here below 70 due to most places don't have any heaters
23:38.40*** join/#asterisk Snake-Eyes (n=blog@
23:38.45Ariel_argh we stop going the beach due to it being too cold at 75
23:38.55Ariel_that is when the snow birds come down.
23:39.11blitzragetoo cold at 75? lol
23:39.12*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
23:39.18myke75 is about the best you can hope for at the beach here
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23:41.02Ariel_myke, problem here is that the water is normally between 76 to 85  degress year round.  And in winter the water is warmer then the air so we native don't go swiming
23:41.05pc4Is there a number > CID name databse out there/
23:41.18DrukenHME75 is cold? WTF?
23:41.21Himekoi'd jump in
23:41.21Ariel_e164... enum
23:42.01Ariel_DrukenHME, I live in a year round warm place. So if it's below 75 we think it's cold
23:42.02Himekowe have polar bear clubs here
23:42.11Himekothey cut holes in the ice and jump in
23:42.17mykethat's what's up
23:42.35DrukenHMEAriel_: yeah... we go between +35C and - 35C
23:42.48Ariel_DrukenHME, argh
23:43.12Ariel_that is exterms on both sides
23:43.26Ariel_~weather KTMB
23:43.37pc4Where can I get some good royalty free on hold music?
23:43.40pc4~weather ksun
23:43.44DrukenHMEAriel_: well yeah, we are NORMALLY mid 20's on both ends of the scale
23:43.46X-Robpc4 -
23:43.59X-Robthere's a link on the front page to 400mb or so
23:44.01myke~weather fca
23:44.05X-Rob~weather syd
23:44.13myke~weather gpia
23:44.18X-Robfuck you jbot
23:44.31Himekoya we usually get -40 hear at least once a year for a few days
23:44.55X-RobDrukenHME - Where the smeg are you?
23:45.01*** part/#asterisk litage (n=nick@
23:45.07DrukenHMEOntario canada my friend...
23:45.14*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
23:45.25X-RobThat's where the SO wants to go.
23:45.33DrukenHMEhot and humid in the summer, cold and snowy in the winter
23:45.48pc4X-Rob Not quite my taste :(
23:45.49X-Robbugger that.
23:45.56DrukenHMEthe SO ?
23:46.00X-RobSignificant Other
23:46.06DrukenHMEahh, hehe
23:46.09DrukenHMEit's nice here
23:46.15DrukenHMEbeautfil land
23:46.16X-Robnah. It's nice _here_ 8)
23:46.25Ariel_X-Rob, from the tropic's to the cold hummm not very good in the long run.
23:47.52DrukenHMEhehe you guys are just babied... you get used to it... it's just weathering
23:48.13DrukenHMEyour used to the hot... so it's normal for you... i'm used to the temp shifts... it's normal for me
23:48.59pc4Anyone want a coupon for a free 1st month of service and free activiation for broadvoice?  Must have your own ata/softphone.
23:49.01newlone never gets fully used to the temperature shifts in one climate after living in another for so long, trust me. :)
23:49.14Ariel_DrukenHME, it would still mess with me.  Your only able to go flying in General Aviation Airplanes 1/2 the year.
23:49.44DrukenHMEwhat is a general aviation airplane?
23:49.46pc4Ariel_ - You can fly airplaines in the cold.  But alaska presents some other challenges :)
23:49.52pc4Druken - Anything but military/airlines
23:49.54Ariel_pc4, hehe I have one as well. Can't use it.
23:49.54Himekoalberta weather is much better than ontario
23:50.09Himekonot very humid
23:50.13newlno it isn't, you can't legally go topless in Alberta. haha
23:50.22DrukenHMEHimeko: not really... it's cold and wet in alberta...
23:50.23Ariel_DrukenHME, I like flying small airplanes
23:50.27pc4Druken -
23:50.51DrukenHMEAriel_: we have a shitload of small aircraft airports around here
23:50.52Himekoi don't think so
23:51.05DrukenHMEtoronto island, buttonvilla air port, barrie has one...
23:51.13Himekobeen living here for 97% of my life
23:51.18Ariel_DrukenHME, yes I have a few freinds up there that are pilots.
23:51.27Himekothe other 3% was in a very humid place
23:51.28pc4It's expensive :(
23:51.35pc4And Australia doesn't help
23:54.47DrukenHMEyeah i guess not...
23:55.00fone988<sivana@EFNet> hey
23:55.33X-Robpc4 - what did I miss?
23:55.59pc4X-Rob - Did you miss anything?
23:56.08fone988*** ariel@EFNet ( has joined #asterisk
23:56.08X-Robyou mentioned australia. I'm the token aussie.
23:56.13fone988<ariel@EFNet> uh great
23:56.16X-RobI'm wondering what I missed
23:56.17fone988<ariel@EFNet> no more freenode for me.
23:56.19pc4X-Rob - Cost of general aviation
23:56.28pc4nothing really... just made a comment.
23:56.39newlX-Rob: watch the race yesterday?
23:56.40DrukenHMEare we really doing this annoying link thing?
23:56.44fone988<ariel@EFNet> fone i love you
23:57.03X-RobDrukenHME - /ignore fonewhateveritwas
23:57.09pc4Anyone want a coupon (free) for a free month of service for broadvoice?
23:57.25DrukenHMEX-Rob: i've seen 3 diffrent nicks for it just today....
23:58.10X-Robif people wanted to be on freenode, they would be.
23:59.08DrukenHMEmakes sence to me....

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