irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050906

00:00.13kusznirhmm...I think I might have found default context does not have any way to get to the local context.
00:01.05akrall_anybody gotten unicall to compile under cvs-head?
00:01.38jskcrkusznir:  did you do a init keys in the console?
00:02.42*** join/#asterisk _cleric_ (
00:02.54kusznirUmm...I don't think so because i don't know what you're talking about :)
00:03.36jskcrpaste you [iaxtel-outbound]  from iax.conf without usernames and passwords on pastebin
00:03.49Hmmhesaysthere is a tornado north of here
00:03.51tugalonedoes asterisk have nat traversal support?
00:04.47jskcrkusznir:  try setting it up as a peer in iax.conf ie
00:05.26jskcrthen use exten => _1800XXXXXX,1,Dial(IAX2/iaxtel-outbound/${EXTEN})
00:05.40*** join/#asterisk spootnick (
00:06.15tugalonecan't see it here - i guess not.
00:06.20spootnickdoes Dial() still jumps to priority x+102 when busy in Asterisk 1.2* ? to go watch the stove for a minute...
00:10.27tugalonecan v1.2.0-beta1be compiled on Mac OS X?
00:10.59tugalonethe front page mentions some support for it, but has anyone tried it here?
00:11.36hugo-v6wtf is zapatellar
00:11.42*** join/#asterisk Agrajag- (
00:12.46Agrajag-gday. im trying to find out how to go about just using asterisk as a sort of auditing tool for my normal home phone. i can't find any info on what hardware would be required or anything. any pointers?
00:12.47jskcrkusznir:  make sure your iax.conf has register => also
00:13.01kusznirit does.
00:13.24kusznircome to think of it, though, I don't know if my registration is still valid.
00:13.59tugalone"include/asterisk/poll-compat.h:92: error: conflicting types for 'poll' /usr/include/sys/poll.h:109: error: previous declaration of 'poll' was here" - doesn't.
00:14.13kusznirI have 2 register statements in there (one for iaxtel and one for asterlink (which I'm not using yet in the dialplan)), and only the asterlink has a "registered with host <ip> who sees me as <ip>".
00:14.33jskcrremove asterlink for now
00:14.48Agrajag-jskcr: yeah i've looked there, all i could find was which doesn't discuss what hardware is required?
00:15.02kusznirI did, and did a reload.
00:15.08jskcrAgrajag-:  how fast is your computer your using right now
00:15.27jskcrkusznir: log into iaxtel and make sure your accounts valid
00:15.29Agrajag-jskcr: err 2.8ghz
00:16.37jskcrAgrajag-: well on celerons you can run quite a few calls like a t1's worth
00:17.14jskcralso search you extensions.conf and make sure you dont have a rule overiding your 800 rule
00:17.18jskcrhya kram
00:17.43Agrajag-jskcr: im talking about what i need to be able to plug a single phone line/phone into my computer so i can audit it
00:18.15jskcrsingle line zaptel device or a sipura fx0 woul work okay too
00:18.31kusznirThanks for all the help.  Unfortunately, "real-work" calls now...I'll be back at it tonnight.  (btw:  my iaxtel accout is still good)
00:18.35Agrajag-ok, thanks, i'll check them out
00:18.36kramor a TDM01B, i'd like to add
00:18.53Agrajag-whatever's cheapest :)
00:19.42jskcrTDM01B would probable cause you the least headache
00:20.45Agrajag-hmm they seem to be a bit more expensive that i thought they might be
00:21.15HmmhesaysABANDON CARS lol, yeah right... drive the fsck away
00:21.37blitzrage...and people said this Ferrari was stupid - later suckah's!
00:22.02Hmmhesays"i've got room for one hot chick"
00:22.06Hmmhesays"maybe two"
00:22.18fileI hate waiting for calls
00:22.23blitzrage3 if you strap one to the roof
00:22.38*** join/#asterisk veteran (
00:22.40Hmmhesaysits nasty, I just took the bike out and went riding towards where it was supposed to start
00:22.57blitzrageHmmhesays: isn't that the exact thing you're NOT supposed to do? :)
00:23.13Hmmhesaysit was all nice and toasty warm, then suddenly I got blasted with cold air in about a 30mph side gust
00:23.25Hmmhesaysblitzrage it hasn't started yet here
00:23.32Hmmhesaysthey were thinking it was going to form about 15 miles north of here
00:23.49blitzrageHmmhesays: ahhh - luckily I live in a place where natural disasters don't happen
00:23.52Hmmhesaysafter that I turned around and hauled ass back home
00:24.17Hmmhesayslike the cops are going to pull a guy over doing 80 in a 40 on a bike riding away from a storm
00:24.26blitzrageHmmhesays: exactly :)
00:24.42Hmmhesayshey file
00:24.49*** join/#asterisk psyoptix (
00:25.15psyoptixis this the right place for user questions, or is this chan for developers?
00:25.42fugitivouser questions
00:25.46psyoptixcool, ty
00:26.42psyoptixBasically I upgraded * and zap* and now when I try to enter voicemail (via a sip line), it doesn't recognize my password.  I set the debug level high and verified that it isn't recognizing the digits reliably
00:27.16*** part/#asterisk Agrajag- (
00:27.35psyoptixanyone got an idea as to what coudl be wrong?  I sending DTMF inband, because with the  default (rfc2833?) I couldn't access remote DTMF-operated systems reliably
00:27.46psyoptixwhich is to say, at all.
00:27.52akrall_anybody gotten unicall to compile under cvs-head?
00:31.27psyoptixoh yeah. just got this msg on console: app_voicemail.c:3389 vm_execmain: Unable to read password
00:32.12psyoptixthe password is in the config file, which is owned by asterisk like everything else, why can't it read it?
00:33.13Hmmhesaysdoes cmd set still work in stable?
00:33.20Hmmhesaysor, not still work, but does it work at all
00:33.21hugo-v6psyoptix: dunno why, but maybe strange chars? missing "" or '' or no \n at the end of the file
00:34.41*** join/#asterisk IOscanner (
00:34.55IOscannerAnyone try the T.38 patch?
00:35.09psyoptixit was working before the upgrade... same format
00:35.11*** join/#asterisk liberie_ (
00:35.21akrall_Anybody knows how to implement chanspy on 1.0.9?  chanspy is on cvs-head but could it be ported to 1.0.9?
00:35.25psyoptixsomething different occured, I think with the voicemail upgrade
00:35.59psyoptixBTW, what does a leading - mean on the vm password?   I've forgotten and none of the examples say
00:37.25*** join/#asterisk drbrown (n=chatzill@
00:38.36CaNaBiS_bkw_, know how to convert from mgcp to sccp on a 7940?
00:40.04jskcrIOscanner:  Im gonna test out the t.38 patch this weekend
00:41.03*** part/#asterisk Romik (
00:43.06Hmmhesayscan mailbox numbers have letters in them?
00:43.51psyoptixwhat use would that be?
00:44.18Hmmhesayscause the mailbox numbers I have are alphanumeric
00:44.24Hmmhesayser.. the sip users
00:44.24psyoptixfor all the alphanumeric phones out there?
00:44.54Hmmhesayswould be like cell phones where you don't have to put in your mailbox number
00:45.28*** part/#asterisk akrall_ (n=akrall@
00:46.41*** join/#asterisk liberie_ (
00:47.14psyoptixI'm not sure I understand... putting in your mailbox number is only required under certain conditions, depending on the way you call VoicemailMain
00:50.56spootnickdoes Dial() still jumps to priority 102 when busy in Asterisk 1.2* ?
00:51.17*** join/#asterisk brc_ (
00:53.51Hmmhesaysaccording to the wiki <shrug>
00:54.07Hmmhesaysyou'd think it could just jump to the next priority
00:54.38Hmmhesaysor it should just jump to the next priority, then you can just send it to whatever s- context you want
00:54.39spootnickHmmhesays: probably. but there's also mention that 102 is the next priority for busy
00:54.54Hmmhesaysits actually n+101
00:55.01*** join/#asterisk IronHelix (
00:55.16hugo-v6damn shit. 3am and gf said she drives to me know (will arrive in about an hour) and i have to work at 8am
00:55.30spootnicks- doesn't suit me. I need to specify the extensions since i'm setting up fallthrough on busy for numbers on my isp
00:55.33Hmmhesaysyou know what to do right hugo-v6?
00:55.44psyoptixHmmhesays: IF NOT DIAL GOTO 102
00:55.47hugo-v6Hmmhesays: well i guess ;)
00:55.52Hmmhesayss- could so you fine spootnick
00:56.11psyoptixwhat asterisk really needs is less GOTOs and more COME FROMs
00:56.18Hmmhesayss-BUSY,1,goto(<my next number>,1)
00:56.21hugo-v6fsck through the night and go to work :>
00:56.29Hmmhesayshugo-v6 you got it man
00:56.41spootnickHmmhesays: s-BUSY... yeah, i saw it there. thing is, if I don't specify my numbers on this context i'm dealing with (external incoming calls), i don't get a ring
00:56.43Hmmhesaysgotta have your priorities
00:56.45spootnickor anything
00:56.59Hmmhesaysanswer the call first?
00:57.27spootnickyou mean, answer using the number, then "s" from that point and on?
00:57.42Hmmhesaysi got around some stupid ringing problems doing that
00:58.06Hmmhesaysif you use the if you use c on cmd dial you won't fark up your cdrs either
00:58.37*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (n=junky@
00:58.38spootnicki'm trying it right now
00:59.13Hmmhesaysanswer and set some variables if you need to, send it onto a different-context,s,1
00:59.28Hmmhesaysexten => s,1,Dial(${user},30)
00:59.28Hmmhesaysexten => s,2,Goto(s-${DIALSTATUS},1)
00:59.28Hmmhesaysexten => s-NOANSWER,1,Voicemail(u${user})
00:59.28Hmmhesaysexten => s-CHANUNAVAIL,1,Voicemail(u${user})
00:59.52Hmmhesaysi defined the ${user} variable earlier
01:00.05spootnickweird... it hanged up after answer()
01:00.18Hmmhesayspastebin your dialplan
01:00.19spootnicki mean, i answered using the number, then 's' from that point on
01:00.49Hmmhesaysi fix it for you if you send me a case of budweiser
01:02.07Hmmhesayshey, in dial if you do get a busy and n+101 doesn't it exist, it continues to the next priority in the current context doesn it?
01:02.21tzangerHmmhesays: at least ask for real beer
01:02.56spootnickHmmhesays: deal. pastebinned already
01:03.15Hmmhesaysahah link me
01:03.30Hmmhesaystzanger: sorry that is my favorite middle class beer
01:03.50*** join/#asterisk simprix (
01:04.17simprixDoes the TE110P support PRI in the united states ?
01:04.26spootnickHmmhesays: quick update,
01:04.54Hmmhesaysand you are getting no ringing?
01:05.29Hmmhesaysor what exactly is the problem?
01:05.30spootnicknope, it's ringing
01:05.37spootnicknow it just hangs up after answer
01:06.00Hmmhesayswhat does it say on your console?
01:06.04spootnickif i use the number, if answers fine. the only thing is i can't handle an "extension busy then jump to a different one" situation
01:06.39Hmmhesaysi think if n+101 doesn't it exist it will continue in the on to the next priority
01:06.48Hmmhesayscan someone say for sure?
01:07.35spootnickthen executing hangup...
01:08.01Hmmhesayswhy are you using n? priority?
01:08.40spootnickif you check the comments on the pastebin, that's the way it was working fine before
01:09.05spootnicki was using the full number until the point where an user hits a value for an extension
01:09.47Hmmhesaysyou need something to tell it to go to the s extension
01:09.59Hmmhesaysexten => did,n,goto(s,1)
01:10.47*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
01:10.47Hmmhesaysknow what i'm saying?
01:11.11spootnickyeah, i'm giving it a shot now
01:11.33Hmmhesaysi need to go find some booze
01:12.45geki just signed up with nufone and then i realized their web interface isn't even DONE YET
01:12.53geki'm sick of giving all these companies a free $10
01:12.53*** join/#asterisk bsd3 (n=bsd@
01:13.05gekcan someone tell me a termination provider that doesn't suck? i don't even care how muhc money it costs now
01:13.14hugo-v6Hmmhesays: i got vodka in my freezer for such cases ;)
01:13.51Hmmhesaysyeah i got some rumple mints
01:13.57*** join/#asterisk kshumard_home (
01:15.06psyoptixokay I have new information - if I bypass the voicemail password using s in the call to VoiceMailMain, I can't do anything... DTMF codes unrecognized.  Anyone got any clues?
01:15.18psyoptixThis is a SIP connection, used to work fine
01:15.43*** join/#asterisk simprix (
01:15.54simprixDo all the grandstream phones work with asterisk ?
01:16.09spootnickpsyoptix: dtmfmode=rfc2833 ?
01:16.20Hmmhesaysso file, can you answer my dial question?
01:16.30Hmmhesayssince i'm just to lazy to look
01:17.15psyoptixspootnick: no, inband
01:17.35psyoptixlast time I tried rfc2833, I coudn't access remote systesms that wanted DTMF
01:17.52psyoptixdid something changed to break inband?
01:17.52Hmmhesaysspootnick: did that work for you?
01:18.19Hmmhesaysheh, you need to read up on dtmf transporting there buddy
01:18.41spootnickHmmhesays: well, i now narrowed my dialplan down a little bit by using "s". but i still can't get the redirect on busy thing to work.
01:18.44*** join/#asterisk roulduke_ (
01:19.09psyoptixwhere do I read about DTMF transporting?
01:19.10Hmmhesaysis asterisk actually returning a busy though?
01:19.52psyoptixI don't recall anything about DTMF transporting in the manual...
01:19.57spootnickHmmhesays: yep
01:20.00psyoptixbut I'm not a telco guy
01:20.20hugo-v6how often have i told that the elmeg/snom phones rock
01:20.20Hmmhesaysspootnick rock
01:20.33*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
01:20.44spootnickHmmhesays: i'm dialing a busy extension. then, instead of redirecting to a second ext, i get a busy reply
01:21.00Hmmhesayslook where you are using dial
01:21.02hugo-v6i got the elmeg ip 290 which is the same as the snom ip 190. and its lovely. looks clean and works fine :)
01:21.02*** join/#asterisk file (
01:21.02NivexHmmhesays: and I thought *I* liked my tech.
01:21.04MikeJ[Laptop]Hmmhesays, this is a family channel!
01:21.12HmmhesaysMikeJ[Laptop], since when?
01:21.27NivexI always thought this channel was more PG-13
01:21.36hugo-v6Hmmhesays: since a few got kids and pets :)
01:22.12simprixDo all the grandstream phones work with asterisk ?
01:22.19Hmmhesaysso spootnick you just want me to tell you what to do? or should I bait you
01:22.24Hmmhesaysand make you figure it out
01:22.37*** join/#asterisk newsmafia (
01:23.05spootnickHmmhesays: nah, bait me. i like to struggle
01:23.29Hmmhesaysok, where in that dialplan are you sending a busy back to wherever you are sending the call to
01:23.30hugo-v6tell me the news from teh family
01:23.36Hmmhesays*wherever the call is coming from
01:23.51spootnickexten => 1,102,Busy()
01:24.06spootnickbut that doens't even get executed, as far as i can tell from the console
01:24.24geki need a termination provider with did's that doesn't suck!!!
01:24.38psyoptixHmmhesays: that link doesn't say anything about DTMF "transporting", although is does suggest * may have changed default codecs and thus broke my DTMF
01:24.50Hmmhesayswhere is the call before you want it to be at exten => 1,102,BUSY
01:24.55h3xhugo-v6: is the elmeg firmware the same
01:24.59MikeJ[Laptop]gek, they all suck... they are the phone company ;)
01:25.05*** join/#asterisk Gronker__ (n=Gronker2@
01:25.15*** part/#asterisk Gronker__ (n=Gronker2@
01:25.36spootnickHmmhesays: at exten => 1,n,Dial(${EXTENSION2},25,rmtT) (actually, noop, and that's getting executed, but for debugging only)
01:26.05*** join/#asterisk liberie_ (
01:26.07spootnickk, so next would be exten=> 1,n,GoTo(...) ?
01:26.27hugo-v6h3x: yep. its only labeld elmeg. the elmeg guys make the case and the snom ppl make the stuff that makes it work
01:26.43Hmmhesayswell... what do you think would make the call jump from priority 3 to 102?
01:26.45simprixis 512 ddr ram good for a pri configuration with 20 extensions ?
01:26.47h3xare they that much cheaper?
01:26.55spootnickHmmhesays: a busy dialstatus
01:27.23spootnickHmmhesays: i even tried to use that GotoIf to check ${DIALSTATUS}, but it didn't work as well
01:27.27Hmmhesaysspootnick, not quite
01:27.28hugo-v6h3x: for me and in .de yes. i get a elmeg ip 290 for about 100euros and the same snom for about 125euros
01:27.35*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
01:27.35psyoptixokay, rfc2833 fixed my local DTMF xmission
01:27.39Hmmhesaysdialstatus is the status when asterisk is dialing the call
01:28.23psyoptixI still think the config files need a comefrom command, just for symmetry
01:28.27h3xthey dont have the equivalent of the snom 360 huh
01:28.29Hmmhesaysin that case anyway, you have your busy at the wrong priority
01:28.41hugo-v6h3x: dunno. give me a second
01:28.58gekMikeJ[Laptop]: but there must be one that actually works. sixtel can't even activate my number or turn on international calling and nufone local did thing says "not implemented" on the website. just need another one to waste $10 on.
01:29.21Hmmhesaysdial jumps to n+101 on busy
01:29.22spootnickHmmhesays: ok, it's on set(CALLERID(name) = ...)
01:29.45Hmmhesaysyour dial line is already on priority 2
01:29.47Hmmhesaysyou do the math
01:30.03*** join/#asterisk CaNaBiS (
01:30.15Hmmhesaysno.... next priority plus 101?
01:30.37spootnickn+101 =)
01:30.47hugo-v6h3x: no they dont
01:31.01hugo-v6only the ip 290 which is a snom ip 190
01:31.17Hmmhesayswell current priority +101, n increments the priority by one
01:31.41hugo-v6Hmmhesays: isnt it ie 1 + 101 not 2 + 101 if 101 is bussy or on phne?
01:31.42spootnickHmmhesays: so what's the value for current priority?
01:31.46l1nuxwhoooooooo :D
01:31.54l1nuxwork fine
01:31.56hugo-v6s/if 101/if 1/
01:32.07Vcocdn/us or international?
01:32.08*** join/#asterisk CaNaBiS_ (
01:32.12Hmmhesaysthere you go spootnick I have baited you
01:32.17l1nuxnight all
01:32.22*** part/#asterisk l1nux (
01:34.31spootnickHmmhesays: does autofallthrough has to be set to no?
01:35.06spootnickso that's autofallthrough=yes ?
01:35.09Hmmhesaysyou need to create a priority 103 it looks like
01:35.40spootnickcreate priority 103? that's news for me
01:35.49Hmmhesaysjust try it
01:36.00Hmmhesaystell me if it works, its been awhile since i've had to do this
01:37.42psyoptix03:31 -!- l1nux [] has left #asterisk ["Konversation terminated!"]
01:37.53*** join/#asterisk CaNaBiS (
01:37.54psyoptixhaha... he's the Kompressor or something
01:38.23*** join/#asterisk huslage (
01:38.28Vcofucking kde apps
01:38.35Vcothats so gay
01:38.40spootnickHmmhesays: ok, thing is, it never reaches exten => 1,n+102,Goto(incoming-bigair,2,1) or whatever i put after that. i get the busy reply on the console, then when it timeouts, the "t" extension catches it
01:39.10spootnickspootnick: so apparently it's holding on the line when busy, instead of doind something else right away
01:39.12*** join/#asterisk Moc_ (
01:39.20spootnick(i'm talking to myself already)
01:39.51Hmmhesaysdo I have an old version of your dialplan or what?
01:40.51fileokay I'm back
01:41.04spootnickHmmhesays: here's the full latest one.
01:42.03Hmmhesaysexten => 1,n,Dial(${EXTENSION2},25,rmtT)
01:42.31Hmmhesaysdoes dial still return n+101 on busy?
01:42.43flewidi would have to make the agents login to local + remote queues on all of them right?
01:42.55flewidand everything duplicated on each server basically
01:43.05spootnickHmmhesays: i can see it says busy on the console. but it holds there instead of moving on to n+101 or whatever
01:43.19spootnickspootnick: i ain't sure about n+101. it doesn't seem to be executed at all
01:44.02Hmmhesaysis ${EXTENSION2} a valid user?
01:44.04flewid is what i mean of remote + main server
01:44.28spootnickHmmhesays: yes it is. i can dial it fine
01:44.47spootnickHmmhesays: internally or coming from outside
01:44.51spootnickall works
01:45.04*** join/#asterisk Snake-Eyes (n=blog@
01:45.24spootnickexten => 1,n+101,Goto(incoming-bigair,2,1)    <==== never gets executed
01:45.40*** part/#asterisk bsd3 (n=bsd@
01:46.17Hmmhesaysyour goto is not valid
01:46.38Hmmhesaysyou are telling the call to goto incoming-bigair extension 2 priority 1
01:46.41spootnickhow come? it's the same goto i'm using to handle the "i" and "t" extensions
01:46.46Hmmhesaystry extension s
01:46.54*** part/#asterisk veteran (
01:47.16*** join/#asterisk syle2 (n=blag@unaffiliated/syle)
01:49.40spootnickHmmhesays: i tried. same thing
01:49.50*** join/#asterisk huslage (
01:50.11spootnickHmmhesays: you meant  exten => 1,n+101,Goto(incoming-bigair,s,1), right? didn't work
01:50.38spootnickit doesn't surprise me actually. what i need is get the user diverted to number 2, priority 1
01:50.39Hmmhesaysexten => 1,103,Goto(incoming-bigair,2,1)
01:50.45clyrradcan anyone point me to a document that shows how to connect a software sip phone to an * box on a different network?
01:50.49*** join/#asterisk hat (
01:51.03Hmmhesaysin the same context?
01:51.22Hmmhesaysright now you are sending it to an invalid extension
01:51.58hathello, where is the output of NoOp dialplan application call?
01:52.21clyrradon the CLI
01:52.50hatthanks. let me check
01:53.12spootnickHmmhesays: ok, changed to exten => 1,103,Goto(2,1). but still, it doesn't get executed. it says "SIP/1235-df71 is busy", no busy tone to the calling party
01:53.32Hmmhesaysdoes it auto fallthrough then?
01:53.41spootnickit seems it's on hold you know... then the timeout arrives, and it send to the "t" extension, which means "operator" in my dialplan
01:53.42tzafrir_laptophi, where can I get the current asterisk tarballs from? both mirrors linked from give an empty dir on http and don't answer ftp
01:54.05Hmmhesaysok, someone else, if you have dial in priority 2, it will exit at 103 on busy right?
01:54.36tzafrir_laptopAlternatively: where can I get the zaptel 1.2 beta tarbal from? Can anybody upload it for me somewhere, please?
01:55.16tzafrir_laptopor mail
01:55.46spootnickHmmhesays: weird. i was even expecting i did something wrong on Dial(), kind of saying it should hold until the other side picks up
01:56.49tzafrir_laptoptzafrir_laptop, email email already appears in tons of places
01:57.06*** join/#asterisk Beccara (
01:57.20spootnickHmmhesays: dunno if it's worth mentioning, but this is asterisk 1.2 beta
01:58.00clyrradcan anyone point me to a document that shows how to connect a software sip phone to an * box on a different network?
01:58.23Vcooh i'm sure a few of them will have attatchments....
01:58.26Hmmhesaysshrug, haven't played with beta,
01:58.42Hmmhesaysbut change that goto to goto(2,1)
01:58.58spootnickHmmhesays: be amazed. take a look
01:59.00spootnickexten => 1,n,Dial(${EXTENSION2},25,rmtT)
01:59.00spootnickexten => 1,n,Goto(2,1)
01:59.04spootnickthat works
01:59.18Hmmhesayscool, they must have removed that n+101 crap
01:59.47Hmmhesaysbeing you can differentiate dialstatus now
01:59.56*** join/#asterisk zotz_ (n=zotz@
01:59.56spootnickbut it just doesn't sound right... i don't really feel safe when there's no sort of "query" to check if it's really busy
01:59.57tzafrir_laptopHmmhesays, you never goto x+101 if that priority doesn't exist
02:00.20Hmmhesaystzafrir_laptop I know
02:00.32Corydon76-homeYou can get the old +101 behavior if you add the option j to the Dial
02:00.55spootnickoh can i ?
02:01.02tzafrir_laptopI use a Goto(S-${DIALSTATUS) anyway even now
02:01.43Corydon76-homeYou mean Goto(S-${DIALSTATUS},1)
02:01.44spootnickHmmhesays: Corydon76-home is right. if you put j on dial, you can use 103. tested and it worked
02:01.56*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
02:02.11tzafrir_laptopCorydon76-home, right.
02:02.13spootnicki just don't wanna stick with the "old" syntax
02:02.15Corydon76-homespootnick: If you read UPGRADE.txt, you can find out all sorts of things
02:03.00spootnickCorydon76-home: good. tks a lot. it always gets down to RTFM, as i should have imagined
02:03.41spootnicki never quite understood how to use s-busy, s-noanswre
02:03.43tzafrir_laptopAnyway, can anybody help me with my upgrade effort by sending me a zaptel tarball?
02:03.51Corydon76-homeIt's not the manual, it's a listing of behavior changes in 1.2
02:04.07spootnickCorydon76-home: yeah, i meant the concept of RTFM
02:04.48tzafrir_laptopspootnick, you put whatever you want there. Possibly a Goto to another place.
02:04.55*** join/#asterisk _maydayjay_ (
02:05.19Vcogood lord, there are so many things wrong with this page  i don't know where to start...
02:05.23Vcotemplate or not..
02:05.56spootnicktzafrir_laptop: ok, but i mean, if I do need to say e.g.: "dial 3 for sales", then i think i need to use sth like exten => 3,1,...
02:06.18spootnicki just never figured out how s-busy fits in this scenario
02:06.33spootnickseems 3-busy would be reasonable, but i think that doesn't exist
02:07.56tzafrir_laptopspootnick, but then you wouldn't have used Dial in the first place
02:08.35spootnickwell, ok. i'll be going. Hmmhesays, i'll send that crap czech beer you asked for. Corydon76-home, tks
02:09.09*** join/#asterisk asteriskph (n=yakumo@
02:09.17tzafrir_laptopOr rather, in 3,1 you put Goto(phones-context,sales3,1) where 'sales3' may be replaced by the actual number.
02:09.31*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
02:09.34*** join/#asterisk Agrajag- (
02:12.21clyrradhow do you connect a remote sip phone to your * box?  Do you need any other port forwards orther than 5060 as definined in sip.conf?
02:12.40clyrradkeep getting connection timeout :/
02:13.41*** join/#asterisk bjohnson ( now seems to have some contents.
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02:26.21Vcoi guess that wasn't the power cord i thought it was....
02:28.56*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=JerJer@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
02:33.09Corydon76-homeOdd.  With the functionality provided by bug 5055, I would have thought somebody else would have tried it by now.
02:34.29MikeJ[Laptop]Corydon, heh.. yeah right
02:34.50fileCorydon76-home: hahahahahahahahahahahaha
02:37.45Corydon76-homeThis is indeed a disturbing universe.
02:37.58filebecause you're here?
02:38.20Corydon76-home~google "this is indeed a disturbing universe"
02:39.07MikeJ[Laptop]I'd rather go test that bug...
02:39.13MikeJ[Laptop]just kidding!!!
02:39.29Corydon76-homeHmm, and jbot is dead...
02:39.34MikeJ[Laptop]what's new
02:39.41MikeJ[Laptop]file killed him
02:39.49*** join/#asterisk valence (
02:39.50MikeJ[Laptop]with poisoned toast
02:40.21fileyay death
02:40.21*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes_ (
02:40.23MikeJ[Laptop]file, I hear that stuff is asidic
02:40.34MikeJ[Laptop]wash, quick
02:40.47MikeJ[Laptop]Corydon, it's late.. bugger off :P
02:41.02Corydon76-homeMikeJ[Laptop]: acetylsalicylic acid?
02:41.22Corydon76-homeWell, okay
02:41.29MikeJ[Laptop]lysergic acid diethylamide?
02:41.37MikeJ[Laptop]Corydon, you wish!
02:41.47MikeJ[Laptop]back boy, back!!
02:41.57Corydon76-homeI don't know if I wish or not.  I've never seen you.
02:42.03Corydon76-homeHave a pic?
02:42.08MikeJ[Laptop]yes I do.
02:42.37Corydon76-homeI have, however, seen file.
02:42.43MikeJ[Laptop]me too..
02:42.59filenever seen me in real life!
02:43.01*** join/#asterisk vuvie (
02:43.01MikeJ[Laptop]Corydon, he is but a young boy...
02:43.05MikeJ[Laptop]I have!
02:43.08*** part/#asterisk vuvie (
02:43.10Corydon76-homeMikeJ[Laptop]: he's legal, though
02:43.11fileyes, MikeJ has
02:43.23MikeJ[Laptop]but he was grumpy the whole time
02:43.28Corydon76-home18 is old enough!
02:43.32fileyup grumpy
02:43.37fileCorydon76-home: I'm 19 in October :P
02:43.44MikeJ[Laptop]somthing about getting stuck on a plane, and another plane blowing up or somthing like that
02:43.47Corydon76-homeWhere's Sleepy and Dopey?
02:43.55PakiPenguincheck this out :)
02:44.17MikeJ[Laptop]PakiPenguin, NO!
02:44.24Corydon76-homeIt's been Freenoded
02:44.27PakiPenguinMikeJ[Laptop], okay :)
02:44.30MikeJ[Laptop]stop telling people what to do?
02:44.37file[laptop]QaF is on!
02:44.53MikeJ[Laptop]do you know hom many times I had to tell my kid today to stop telling people what to do...
02:44.55MikeJ[Laptop]it's rude
02:45.44MikeJ[Laptop]see, watch this...
02:45.48MikeJ[Laptop]DO MY LAUNDRY!
02:45.52*** join/#asterisk drbrown (n=chatzill@
02:45.57file[laptop]buy me a plane ticket.
02:46.05file[laptop]and then I can do it
02:46.06MikeJ[Laptop]to where?
02:46.06Corydon76-homePakiPenguin: I disagree.  Spaces having semantic expression is EEEEEEEEvil
02:46.23file[laptop]to wherever laundry needs doing
02:46.24PakiPenguin:) hahah
02:46.30Agrajag-if i have a tdm400p card with an fxo and fxs, with asterisk, would i be able to run a custom external command, say, when someone picks up the the receiver on their analogue phone?
02:46.30Corydon76-homeYou should have chosen something better, like Ada
02:46.51MikeJ[Laptop]Agrajag-, yes
02:46.58Agrajag-awesome, ta
02:47.10Corydon76-homeYes, as long as you have the channel in immediate=yes mode
02:47.29MikeJ[Laptop]Corydon, he didn't ask how...;)
02:47.45Corydon76-homeMikeJ[Laptop]: he might be surprised otherwise... ;-)
02:47.50MikeJ[Laptop]Corydon, are you coming up to von?
02:47.59Agrajag-we have an office speaker system which plays music through one of those funky apple wireless devices, it'd be cool to mute it when someone picks up the phone :P
02:48.41MikeJ[Laptop]Agrajag-, there is already some stuff that lets you crank down the muzak when you are on the phone.
02:48.45Corydon76-homeIf you have an Asterisk convention in Huntsville, Atlanta, Nashville, Bowling Green, Knoxville, Memphis, etc., I'll go, though
02:48.46MikeJ[Laptop]muted.c ??
02:49.05drumkillawe've talked a bunch about having a true dev meeting in Huntsville
02:49.12MikeJ[Laptop]Corydon, it's too soggy down there right now
02:49.13drumkillawhere we get a bunch of people together and write code :)
02:49.24Corydon76-homedrumkilla: a true dev meeting?
02:49.34drumkillayeah, rent a big room and code
02:49.44Agrajag-hmm but this is rather specialised, the box is streaming it to an itunes thing running in a wireless router. it wouldn't be hard to do as long as asterisk can run an external command
02:49.44Corydon76-homeAs opposed to that con in chicago masquerading as a developer's con?
02:49.45drumkillawith whiteboards
02:49.46MikeJ[Laptop]drumkilla. we can't even get anyone to show up to a dev call... why bother trying
02:49.57drumkillaCorydon76-home: I never said anything about that :-p
02:50.09Corydon76-homedrumkilla: and beer?  :-)
02:50.15drumkillaCorydon76-home: heck yeah!
02:50.21drumkillaMikeJ[Laptop]: don't crush my dreams :)
02:50.39Corydon76-homeThat's how OpenBSD does a con... lots of coders and lots of beer...
02:50.44drumkillaI have a stupid lab that starts at exactly the same time as the call
02:50.49MikeJ[Laptop]Corydon, and all the woman you want...
02:50.50drumkillathat sounds pretty awesome
02:51.05Corydon76-homeMikeJ[Laptop]: woman, singular
02:51.07drumkillaMikeJ[Laptop]: remind me to call mark about von ... I'm going to see if I can come up for a couple days
02:51.16MikeJ[Laptop]I can't type tonight
02:51.32MikeJ[Laptop]drumkilla, I still have not gotten my tickets
02:51.36drumkillaI figured I could put the burdon on you to make me remember
02:51.38drumkillaoh well :)
02:51.52Corydon76-homeMikeJ[Laptop]: you coming to Phreaknic?
02:51.53MikeJ[Laptop]had to get kevin to hound donna to even return my call about when people were going
02:51.53*** join/#asterisk The_Ball (
02:52.05MikeJ[Laptop]Corydon, Probably no
02:52.09Corydon76-homeIt's so cheap, you won't believe that we're actually holding a con...
02:52.21MikeJ[Laptop]I am using up most of my go away points with my wife already
02:52.32Corydon76-homeGenerally, most of the Digium crew makes it to Phreaknic
02:52.34file[laptop]drumkilla: you can't catch me!!!
02:53.13drumkillag'night folks
02:53.26file[laptop]night night
02:53.56*** join/#asterisk hellagony (n=egutierr@
02:54.07file[laptop]I wonder what Holly is doing in Asia...
02:54.14clyrradhow do you connect a remote sip phone to your * box?  Do you need any other port forwards orther than 5060 as definined in sip.conf?
02:55.36JerJerif you do it right, you don't port forward
02:55.51t3thi JerJer
02:56.01t3tunless your * box is behind the nat :)
02:56.23clyrradYes the box is behind the nat.... we just can not get the phone to connect to the Asterisk box remotely not sure why
02:57.03clyrradWe have a port forward 5060 to the * box, but can not seem to establish a connection... Is there anything extra we need to add in sip.conf to allow remote soft phones to connect?
02:57.21t3tclyrrad, it's easiest to just put the * box in front of the nat
02:58.22clyrradwe have even disabled the firewall to debug with the same results.... Is there a different configuration needed to connect a remote phone as opposed to an internal phone?
02:58.37JerJerperhaps a in bindaddr
02:58.44clyrradalready done that
02:58.45fugitivoclyrrad: iax is easier for that
02:58.51file[laptop]you need localnet and externip set if behind NAT, and if it has a LAN IP...
02:58.55file[laptop]so the SIP messages contain the right IP
02:59.00clyrradiax to connect external soft phones?
02:59.27fugitivoi said easier, not best option
03:00.42*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
03:00.55clyrradWe will be using X-Lite for the softphones, they are supposed to connect to * on a non internal network, we can get them working internally, just not externally over another network
03:01.04clyrradusing SIP
03:01.33t3tclyrrad, can you see the packets from the outside hitting the * box?
03:01.36fugitivoi know, did you set what file said?
03:01.57spackleclyrrad: do you have NAT on both ends or just your Asterisk server end?
03:01.58clyrradyes, we have those set already
03:02.03clyrradboth ends
03:02.08fugitivonat=yes ?
03:02.13clyrradyes thats done
03:02.20clyrradon server side
03:02.40fugitivoqualify=yes ?
03:02.50t3tclyrrad, can you see the packets from the outside hitting the * box??
03:02.52clyrradthats we dont have...
03:03.25fugitivodoes the softphone register to the * ?
03:03.48clyrradno, thats what we cant get them to do, they time out
03:04.00fugitivothen it's another problem
03:04.02clyrradwe can get them to connect internally just not externally
03:04.07fugitivocheck if you see the packets with tcpdump
03:05.19fugitivoclyrrad: did you open 5060-5063 ?
03:05.20*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
03:05.20*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw__] by ChanServ
03:05.47fugitivoclyrrad: you'll need 10000-20000 also
03:05.52clyrradwe did 5060
03:06.11fugitivodo you see the packets?
03:06.22clyrradyes we saw them
03:06.53fugitivoyou get nothing on the cli?
03:06.59fugitivosip debug
03:07.04clyrradthast whats strange
03:07.06clyrradwe did a sip debug
03:07.16spacklewhat about a log on the firewall?
03:07.18clyrradand see nothing hitting the CLI
03:07.25fugitivothe packets are reaching the * box?
03:08.05clyrradthats what we are trying to determine, we are opening those other ports you mentioned
03:10.15clyrradwe finished the TCP forwards 5060-5063, and 10000 to 20000 are all being forwared to the * box, and we still get timeout
03:10.24clyrraddo we need UDP as well?
03:10.32fugitivoyou NEED udp
03:10.44clyrradon the same ports?
03:10.54fugitivo10000-20000 is only udp
03:11.24clyrradok we are removing TCP on those ports changing to UDP... is that why we cant see anyting on the CLI?
03:11.30*** join/#asterisk apardo (
03:11.39fugitivoyou had only tcp 5060 opened?
03:13.26Vco...uncomfortable silence......
03:17.18spacklebuttons on your underwear
03:17.32fugitivohow do you know??
03:17.51spacklesew, buttons on your underwear - get it?  sorry.
03:18.53spacklethe antici......
03:19.00spackle.....pation is killing me.
03:19.45*** join/#asterisk huslage (
03:20.35clyrradfugitivo... we have confirmed that 5060-5063 TCP are forwared to *, we have also confirmed 10000-20000 UDP are also forwared to * and we still get a timeout on the soft phones, and see nothing hitting the CLI
03:20.41Agrajag-if i just have a single fxo in my asterisk box, can i make calls from other networked computers just using their soundcard devices?
03:21.00fugitivoclyrrad: what about the packets?
03:21.04fileyou need 5060 UDP forwarded...d
03:21.26fugitivoclyrrad: udp! udp!
03:21.48Qwellyeah, make sure you do udp. :D
03:21.50clyrradfile... we are making that change
03:21.54QwellDon't pull a Qwell
03:21.58spacklearghh, the wait for LOTR:ROTK was shorter.
03:22.16clyrradfugitivo... .sip debug shows no packets, and tcpdump shows packets from what we belive is the softphone trying to connect
03:22.23QwellAgrajag-: sure
03:22.36fugitivoclyrrad: first you need 5060 udp forwarded
03:22.47clyrraddoing that now
03:23.13Agrajag-Qwell: what software do the client boxes need?
03:23.25QwellAgrajag-: a softphone
03:23.52clyrrad5060 is now UDP, still getting timeout and nothing hitting the CLI
03:24.18fugitivoclyrrad: do you see the packets?
03:24.35bkw__set verbose 100000000000000000000
03:24.48Agrajag-Qwell: ta
03:25.13clyrradwhich packets should i look for?  If you mean on sip debug we see nothing, if you mean on TCPDUMP we see what we belive is the remote soft phone tryign to connect, the IP address is that of the client machine running the remote softphone, is this the packets you are refering to?
03:26.13fugitivoclyrrad: tcpdump, just to see if forwarding is working
03:26.38fugitivoclyrrad: in whick port and protocol do you see the packets?
03:28.00*** join/#asterisk KaBewM (
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03:32.08clyrradfugitivo.... we have been watching and can not see the packets from anything other than SSH
03:32.41fugitivothen that's the problem
03:33.49*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
03:34.11fugitivo2 options
03:34.15fugitivo1- forwarding is not working
03:34.21fugitivo2- the softphone is not configured correctly
03:34.51clyrradthe softphone worked with this configuration when connected internally so cant be that
03:35.17fugitivobut internally will use another ip address, or no?
03:35.41clyrradyes, internally we use a 192... externaly we use a WAN IP
03:36.01fugitivoand is the correct ip entered in the softphone?
03:36.04hathi, how can i see the output of NoOP() ?
03:36.21clyrradfugitivo, yes we have trippled checked that
03:36.33fugitivothen forwarding is not working
03:37.19clyrradhrm.... trying it again we have made all the forwarding changes you mentioned, but will double check again
03:37.38fugitivowhat are you using as firewall/router?
03:38.11clyrradwith a VERY lean config
03:38.13DarthCluehat: NoOP outputs to the cli
03:38.25clyrradDarthClue... yes
03:38.28fugitivocheck the openbsd logs
03:39.19clyrradwhat are we looking for in the logs?
03:39.45fugitivodropped packets or something like that
03:39.50clyrradwe have dropped all block rules, we have got rid of everyting except those port forwards
03:40.47clyrradare you running * behind a openbsd FW?
03:41.18fugitivouse tcpdump in the openbsd
03:41.30*** join/#asterisk huslage (
03:41.30fugitivoand check if you can see the packets
03:41.56clyrradwe have been doing that... we can not see the packets you refer to
03:42.10fugitivoon the openbsd?
03:42.20fugitivoor * ?
03:42.29clyrradyup, and on * as well with sip debug ON
03:42.50fugitivoyou sure the softphone is configured correctly?
03:43.10*** join/#asterisk transgress (n=transgre@
03:43.26clyrradI am going to say Yes, based on the fact that it works connected to an internal * box....
03:43.29Vcocan you telnet any other port number to the asterisk server from outside?
03:43.37clyrradis there something different i need to add or change to connect to a remote * box?
03:43.49fugitivoclyrrad: just the ip address
03:44.24clyrradwe made the change to the WAN IP and tripple checked its the right one
03:44.26Vcogod dotnetnuke is a pig........
03:45.09clyrradantying about a NAT ip or something like outgoing proxy we need to add in XLITE? that would be different from an internal * box?
03:45.14fugitivoclyrrad: can you put * with no fw for 2 min to test it?
03:45.59clyrradno becase we are remote into the box... we have stripped out EVERYTHING all block rules you name it they are all gone, we are at a bare bones config with the port forwards you told us enabled
03:47.41clyrradhere are our firewall rules again
03:48.50clyrrad5060-5063 tcp are open, udp 5060 is open, udp 10000-20000 are all open
03:49.06clyrradhere is the pastebin
03:51.05*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
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03:52.39fugitivoclyrrad: ok
03:52.59fugitivoclyrrad: try a pass out for $int too
03:53.53fugitivopass out on $int inet proto udp from any to port $voip_udp keep state
03:54.17*** join/#asterisk pussfeller (n=todd@
03:54.20fugitivopackets in from $ext and out to $int
03:56.02fugitivoclyrrad: maybe you want to use pass in quick for forwarded packets
03:56.05clyrradok those changes have been made, try to connect
03:56.07*** join/#asterisk STUN (n=maxgluck@
03:57.04fugitivopass in quick on $ext proto udp from any to port $voip_udp keep state
03:58.03STUNany good source on configuring STUN with Asterisk?
03:58.31STUNI have already set up the server, but still can't register...
03:58.32clyrradok thats done
03:58.44fugitivoif it doesn't work i give up
03:59.01gambolputtyI have a * box with 1.2.0 beta 1 using realtime.  Incoming calls via SIP URL are not being processed by some test instructions I put in the default context.  Any ideas?
03:59.59clyrradare you able to connect to us?
04:00.13fugitivoyou didn't give me the ip
04:03.12fugitivodo you see any packet?
04:03.29clyrradno we can not see anyting on the CLI
04:03.49clyrradfrom the * box?
04:04.00fugitivoor bsd
04:04.12fugitivono, better bsd
04:04.22fugitivowe know that packets aren't reaching * box
04:05.15clyrradok we are going to tcpdump on the bsd try to connect again
04:05.58clyrradwe see sip on port 449
04:06.41clyrradwe are looking for your connection attempts to see if you are hitting any of the boxes
04:06.41fugitivoreplace any with your ip address on the rdr rules
04:06.48hathi, how to see the output of NoOp function? I cannot find it in the CLI console and /var/log/asterisk/full etc
04:07.10fugitivordr on $ext proto udp from any to port 5060 ->
04:07.36*** join/#asterisk tq (n=tq@
04:07.39*** part/#asterisk Agrajag- (
04:08.48spacklehat, what is your verbose setting?
04:09.33hatwhere ?
04:09.46hat/usr/sbin/asterisk -vr
04:09.59clyrradfugitivo... ok thats done
04:09.59hatactually, i also set the /etc/asterisk/logger.conf file
04:10.27clyrradhat.... when you start asterisk start it as asterisk -vvvvvgc then you should see the NoOp output
04:10.30spackleuse a few more v's or 'set verbose 10' at the console
04:10.59hatfunny :( clyrrad, even i set ;debug => debug
04:11.00hat;console => notice,warning,error
04:11.00hatconsole => notice,warning,error,debug
04:11.00hat;messages => notice,warning,error
04:11.00hatfull => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose
04:11.00clyrradfugitivo..... is that you?  We can see packets from this
04:11.03hatdoesn't work
04:11.36fugitivoclyrrad: yes
04:11.40hatthanks.  let me try
04:11.46fugitivoclyrrad: where do you see it?
04:12.03clyrradok we can see you on UDP 449
04:12.12clyrradand we can see our own connections as well
04:12.16fugitivowhat about now?
04:12.17clyrradthere you are again
04:12.20*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
04:12.21clyrradwe can see you
04:13.02WilliamKclyrrad, I can tell, is that a bad thing?
04:13.33fugitivoclyrrad: forwarding is not working, let me check your pf rules again
04:13.45WilliamKlast CVS build is broken
04:13.49clyrradwe are making another pastebin
04:13.49WilliamKof *
04:13.55Ariel_has anyone here worked with a wellgate/welltech 3804 before for use with asterisk?
04:14.00JerJerWilliamK:  define broken
04:14.30*** join/#asterisk opus_ (
04:14.30WilliamKMakefile is goofed
04:14.36QwellJerJer: non working
04:14.40WilliamKmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/asterisk/apps'
04:14.40WilliamKMakefile:99: *** missing separator.  Stop.
04:14.40WilliamKmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk/apps'
04:14.40WilliamKmake: *** [clean] Error 1
04:14.47WilliamKthat's the error
04:14.58JerJersmells like you had a confict
04:15.02JerJerwhat's on line 99 /
04:15.23opus_rm -rf /
04:15.25opus_whats up
04:15.34QwellWilliamK: works here
04:15.47WilliamKQwell, interesting
04:15.50opus_try rm -rf Makefile && cvs co Makefile
04:15.53WilliamKyou just pull from CVS?
04:15.58QwellWilliamK: 2 seconds ago
04:16.03Qwellafter you said something
04:16.19*** join/#asterisk alexis101 (
04:16.27JerJermy job here is done
04:16.28WilliamKand I pulled about 2 mins prior to that, wacky
04:16.28opus_williamK I am installing from CVS onto a new machine which should be done in the next 10 minutes, lets see if it happeneds there.
04:16.45clyrradfugitivo.... how does that pastebin look?
04:16.47alexis101hi there ... i have a question about extconfig.conf
04:17.01fugitivoclyrrad: is that all your pf.conf?
04:17.02QwellWilliamK: actually, Makefile hasn't changed since at least last night
04:17.07WilliamKthe only thing I have installed besides * that would have touched that makefile is spanDSP
04:17.13Qwellcodecs/Makefile has
04:18.10WilliamK<<<<<<< Makefile
04:18.11alexis101i am wondering where do i write the password to connect at the mysql database ???
04:18.14WilliamKthat's line 99
04:18.20WilliamKthe patching mess it up?
04:18.31clyrradfugitivo.... yes thats all of it
04:18.56QwellWilliamK: yeah, looks like its a conflict
04:19.10Qwellthere was*
04:19.29QwellWilliamK: You'll probably also see a >>>> line
04:20.57WilliamKok, removed the comments from the file and it builds
04:21.08WilliamKcvs goofed it apparently
04:23.09fugitivoclyrrad: ok, try this
04:24.01fugitivoclyrrad: that must work, if not, i give up, really
04:27.20*** join/#asterisk syle2 (n=blag@unaffiliated/syle)
04:27.38clyrradok done.... try again
04:30.07hathi, clyrrad, can i create an extension to dial two numbers and then connect this two calls together?
04:32.15*** join/#asterisk liberie (
04:32.19*** join/#asterisk Exstatica (
04:34.30opus_forward each call to a conference room
04:35.16QwellWon't that only connect whichever one answers?
04:35.27Ariel_Qwell, yes
04:35.32Ariel_use a call file
04:35.47*** join/#asterisk drbrown (n=chatzill@
04:36.08Qwell"Please hold while the other party connects."
04:36.48Ariel_have a macro call each line then transfer it to the meetme is another way of doing it.
04:37.01Ariel_or to each other. Hummm
04:37.49hathj, How do I dialout using an extensions.conf and connect to an outside number?
04:38.27hati have two numbers needed to be called by asterisk and to establish a call path between these two numbers
04:38.45hatBasically, i think this is a web based call back.
04:38.49hatplease help
04:38.52Ariel_exten => NXXNXXX,1,Dial(Zap/g1)
04:39.30Ariel_hat, look at the wiki for settings on call files
04:39.32hati think it doesn't work.
04:39.48opus_how many people TOTAL in the conversation?
04:40.02hatAriel_, i put a file which is modified from to /var/spool/asterisk/output
04:40.41hatto trigger one number and then an extension(callback extension) is invoked, within that extension, i try to Dial the second number
04:41.50Ariel_hat, there is a program out there called Vicidial which does that for you.  It's used as a preditive dialer.
04:42.21hatAriel_, what is Vicidial, an application of asterisk?
04:42.36hatAriel_, does my way work?
04:43.06Ariel_an add-on to asterisk from the people who bring you astguiclient
04:43.36Ariel_hat, you need to do it via the a call fine or the manager api
04:43.53hatFirst, i put one file to the outgoing directory and it does call the first numbre.
04:44.07Ariel_boy it's taking along time to download the manual from Welltech for there gateway.
04:44.44hatonce the first phone is pickup, the asterisk callback extension is invoked. Within
04:45.30hatthis extension, i try to Dial the second number, It does work but only one person can hear the voice
04:45.53hatI don;t know whether it is due to firewall problem or not
04:45.58opus_how many people TOTAL in the conversation?
04:46.21opus_then you have firewall problems
04:46.25Ariel_only one person hears the voice
04:46.48Ariel_what type of devices are you using for the dialing? sip /zap /????
04:47.06hatactually, there is no firewall, the asterisk server and two x-lite sip phones within the intranet
04:47.15opus_then you have nat problems
04:47.30hatwhere nat come from, within the same network
04:47.53hatopus_, do you mean my x-lite configuration wrong
04:47.58fugitivomy desktop icons are huge
04:48.18hatyes, xlite is strange, it always try to discover some NAT ...
04:48.34opus_hat just use the steps of elimination... if one x-lite works to the other, yay no network or conf problem
04:49.14bkw__FYI folks that get the Double Ringback on sipuras.. look for Sticky 183 and set it to YES
04:50.02Qwellanybody happen to know if ManxPower is still going to Astricon?
04:50.12hatopus_, the problem is that when i set verbose 10 from CLI, there is another error, let me login into that machine to get the error message
04:50.21*** join/#asterisk root (n=root@
04:50.29QwellROOT HAS LANDED!!
04:51.31Ariel_bkw_, sticky 183???
04:52.26Ariel_file[laptop], what can we assist you with?
04:53.16file[laptop]absolutely nothing
04:53.28opus_absolute asterisk
04:53.35Qwellabsolut vodka
04:53.41file[laptop]ANYWAY about the sticky 183
04:53.57Ariel_yes what about it?
04:54.02file[laptop]ariel_: a situation can occur where you get a 183 Session Progress with inband progress, and then a 180 Ringing... the Sipura mixes the audio together so you get two ringbacks
04:54.28file[laptop]sticky 183 causes the Sipura to ignore the 180 Ringing and use the inband progress
04:54.44Ariel_ok so where is the sticky 183
04:54.51file[laptop]ask bkw :)
04:55.35JerJer(00:49:22) bkw__: FYI folks that get the Double Ringback on sipuras.. look for Sticky 183 and set it to YES
04:55.45hatopus_, the error is Sep  7 12:15:50 WARNING[4880]: channel.c:2646
04:55.45hatast_channel_bridge: Private bridge between
04:55.45hatSIP/gwen-77f1 and SIP/yang-7864 failed
04:55.49JerJeri would presume in the advanced config methods
04:55.59hati don't know what is that
04:56.01JerJerok i am really outta here now
04:56.13opus_hat your codec don't match
04:56.37hatopus_, do you know how i trigger the two calls?
04:57.29hati put a call file into outgoing directory to trigger the first number,
04:57.34opus_private bridge between - make sure they both have the same codecs
04:58.08Ariel_hat use canreinvite=no on both setups for the sip phones
04:58.24hatand once the first phone is pickup, the callback extension is invoked by asterisk. Within callback extension, i call the second number. Ariel_, let me try
04:58.26opus_Ariel - whoah yeah
04:58.33hatwhat that?
04:58.52hatAriel_, what is the mechanism of noinvite
04:59.20Ariel_canreinvite=no will keep asterisk in the path for translation of codec's
04:59.49hatlet me try. wait.
04:59.49Ariel_canreinvite=yes it will try to get your device connect to each others instead of going through asterisk.
05:00.42hatAriel_, if i configure x-lite sip phone to use the same codes?
05:00.51hatanyway, let me try your suggestion first
05:02.15*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
05:02.20hatwhy nat=yes sir
05:02.50hatEven all components are within the same network?
05:04.35*** join/#asterisk blake (n=blake@
05:10.31*** join/#asterisk jeh (
05:10.36*** join/#asterisk Deedubb (
05:10.55alexis101anyone here make realtime work with voicemail ??
05:11.25*** join/#asterisk Stephnie (i=st@
05:11.27mog_homecouple times
05:11.48DeedubbHello. Can I buy a TDM10B and purchase voip phones to have a voip system internally but keep my analog system externally?
05:11.49alexis101because i had no problem with sip but voicemail driving me crazy
05:12.27alexis101WARNING[25443]: app_voicemail.c:2602 leave_voicemail: No entry in voicemail config file for **********
05:12.32Ariel_Deedubb, with the rules you create you can do anything
05:12.53mog_homeyou have it really connecting over mysql alexis101?
05:13.05Ariel_alexis101, check the context for voicemail you have setup
05:13.11fugitivomysql is evil
05:13.13DeedubbAriel_: but that card will enable me to connect my analog signal to my computer then I just use ether to talk to the phones right?
05:13.33Ariel_Deedubb, well yes
05:13.41DeedubbAriel_: the problem being I guess only one external call based on my current phone service
05:13.45Ariel_mysql is good
05:13.54Stephniehow to get the length of incoming digits? any function in asterisk?
05:13.59fugitivoAriel_: is a friend of sco, it's evil
05:14.05fugitivodid you read the news?
05:14.15Deedubboh another slashdot monkey
05:14.28Ariel_fugitivo, so if I did that then I would think that the world is coming to an end
05:14.33alexis101yeah well in my extconf i have these line voicemail => mysql,asterisk,voicemail_users
05:14.51Deedubbfugitivo: for your own sanity's safety: stop reading slashdot comments
05:15.14fugitivoi didn't read slashdot comments
05:15.20Ariel_fugitivo, I actually (don't let it be known) like MS SQL
05:15.27fugitivoi like ms sql too
05:16.14Ariel_mog_home, are you working?
05:16.29DeedubbI've called slashdot, they said they're sending people in here right away to get the story so asterisk can be poop-listed for this abomination!
05:17.34Ariel_mog_home, yes just was wondering. Manxpower was needing a te410p for some setup in Baton Rouge.
05:17.44*** join/#asterisk liberie (
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05:17.48mog_homewhats he need done
05:17.57mog_homei can pop on and hook him up
05:18.02Ariel_needs a card for the morning
05:18.07exeswhere could I find information about the best possible phone to purchase
05:18.26Ariel_polycom polycom polycom
05:18.50Ariel_cisco has sip firmware lisence issues
05:18.51exesI hear that the Ciscos can't utilize all the features of asterisk, this was from someone who has a cisco
05:19.15DarthCluepolycom if you don't want to spend an arm and a leg, cisco if you don't mind sacrificing your first born
05:19.19mog_homewell cisco wants you to use a call manager
05:19.36mog_homebut cisco7960 is in my opinion classiest sip phone
05:19.38Ariel_call manager sucks
05:19.42mog_homeif you have an arm or leg to spare
05:19.52mog_homewe are in #asterisk
05:21.46DeedubbWho has the cheapest VoIP phones in North America?
05:21.48*** join/#asterisk drooth (
05:22.09DarthClueprice or quality?
05:22.27DarthCluebudgetone has it on both
05:22.35mog_homethey pretty junky
05:22.40mog_homebut 40 bucks is 40 bucks
05:23.23DeedubbI'm just playing/testing
05:23.32mog_homeyour better off
05:23.35mog_homewith a good ata
05:23.39mog_homealso onloy a few bucks
05:23.54spackleagreed, sipura 2000 or whatever it is these days
05:23.57shido6fuck it $65
05:24.09fugitivoshido6: you lowered the price?
05:24.13shido6just now
05:24.26shido6Im putting up a page
05:24.26fugitivotell me when it's $50
05:24.27mog_homesipuras are like 50 used on ebay
05:24.29mog_homethey own
05:24.38mog_homeesp with a wireless phone
05:24.44shido6well mine have 2 ports and are new in the box
05:25.03spackleshido6: are they unlocked?
05:25.05fugitivoshido6: i get new ones for that price in argentina
05:26.17shido6PAP2-NA  "NA" unlocked
05:26.29shido6im in canada
05:26.39shido6and can ship from the us if necessary
05:26.52Deedubb2 phones can't talk directly to eachother eh? can 2 asterisk systems talk directly to eachother? like for branch offices?
05:26.54exesany opinions on the Polycom SoundPoint VoIP IP 300
05:27.03mog_homeyes deedubb
05:27.05mog_homethey can
05:27.06fugitivoDeedubb: sure
05:27.16mog_homeand 2 sip phones can talk directly to each other
05:27.22mog_homebut its not worth doing
05:27.29spackledeedubb, you can dial by IP address, pain in the ass.
05:27.39mog_homeand they can have the media stream pass directly to each other
05:27.42mog_homevia reinvite
05:28.05Deedubbbut I assume with asterisk I could setup a 3 digit number to point to that IP?
05:28.20Deedubband these phones don't have speed dial?
05:28.36spacklesome have programmable buttons.
05:28.40mog_homeyes you could
05:28.44mog_homebut you wouldnt want to
05:28.56mog_homego read sip.conf in asterisk
05:29.05Deedubbas soon as I get a phone
05:29.09mog_homeyou dial sip/PHONE_NAME
05:29.16*** part/#asterisk spackle (n=spackle@
05:29.19mog_homeand phonename is how you labled the phone in asterisk
05:29.29mog_homebut you can give it any extension
05:29.47shido6Deedubb yes, all day long
05:29.57mog_homeup to 2000 or something digits long
05:32.32*** join/#asterisk santoshr (i=1063@
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05:37.52hatopus_ and Ariel_
05:38.12hathi, i found the problem, it is due to one of my new microphone have problem :)
05:38.26santoshrhelp ... please.. if a call has been sent through a h323 channel.. how does the  called party transfer the line.. u know flash kinda thing.. how is tht done
05:38.26hatit is brand new. But it just cannot work. Really sorry
05:39.23opus_hat that one gets me like once every three months
05:39.31Ariel_hat, ok glad you resolved the problem
05:39.53hathehe. i just bought two microphone two days ago. and try to test this monring
05:40.08opus_what type of microphones?
05:40.19opus_i'm looking for a killer microphone for a speaker phone mic
05:40.20hatlet me see the brand
05:40.29opus_i want to have the mother-lode-of-god speaker phone system
05:41.13opus_Polycom(R) SoundStation VTX 1000 is only $1800
05:41.15Ariel_opus_, wow
05:41.19opus_fuck that
05:41.26hatAltec Lansing
05:41.37opus_I want to spend $30 and have like dual channel ultra wide band speaker system using a soundcard
05:41.40Ariel_IP-501 and IP-600 work great for speaker phones
05:41.41*** join/#asterisk oej (
05:41.46fugitivowhy is so expensive a speaker with microfone? :)
05:42.06Stephnie   <----- any help please?
05:42.07opus_they hold the patents that unlock the secret of all spreaker phones or something
05:42.08Ariel_because he can.....
05:42.23hatby the way, how to check whether the voice stream is go though my asterisk server or not?
05:42.51Ariel_voicemail system going through your sservice???
05:43.00Ariel_what does the cli say when you go to voicemail
05:43.02santoshrif a call has been sent through a h323 channel.. how does the  called party transfer the line.. u know flash kinda thing.. how is tht done
05:43.11hati didn't try voiceemail.
05:43.36Ariel_santoshr, don't know don't use anything to do with h323
05:43.37oejStephnie: There's no encryption in the Asterisk dial plan, you have to use external commands with system()
05:43.53fugitivosystem() is evil
05:44.03hatAriel_, in my callback service, i call two legs. I am wondering whether voice stream is going through asterisk server or not
05:44.04fugitivolike mysql and sco
05:44.15Stephnieoej: I am not good on external commands.....any help on that or idea?
05:44.21santoshrAriel_: i have a voip system .. in place.. wokring on h323.  i was to setup an pbx on h323
05:44.30mog_homewhy is system() evil?
05:44.34mog_homeand mysql?
05:44.35opus_Stephine - google for 'poker' 'agi' 'example' from i think pbx free ware, its a perl script
05:44.37mog_homei like mysql
05:44.38oejStephnie: Man OpenSSL or "man crypt"
05:45.12Ariel_I'm with mog_home
05:45.14Deedubbthanks for the info guys, good night
05:45.22Stephniethanks opus_ , and oej ...I check these things...
05:45.23mog_homei mean mysql is a company
05:45.25Ariel_Deedubb, good night
05:45.33mog_homethey are gonna sell things to customers
05:45.40*** join/#asterisk clive- (
05:46.04opus_"i'm sco certified" haha
05:46.08fugitivosystem() is evil because it can do nasty things
05:46.13mog_homeumm yeah
05:46.21fugitivoand mysql is nasty
05:46.23opus_MYSQL advertises OLAP technology, however they don't know what the fuck it means haha
05:46.23mog_homeany thing worth its salt can be used for great good or evil
05:46.53mog_homei mean asterisk can be used for telemarketing and sex hotlines, or to help get information to flood victimes
05:46.54Ariel_well good and evil is part of everything.
05:46.57opus_system("dial dirty 900 numbers and eat chicken after midnight")
05:47.16Ariel_teast like chicken
05:47.16opus_mog_home exactly
05:47.17Stephniefugitivo: if system() is evil then any other solution ?? ??
05:47.31shido6Asterisk can be used to detonate car bombs
05:47.36mog_homeand if you want safe system
05:47.47mog_homejust run asterisk as a user who has no ability to do anything
05:47.49mog_homebut run asterisk
05:48.05opus_Stephnie AGI
05:48.14fugitivomog_home: that's dangerous
05:48.20opus_cracking DTMF codes isn't that hard
05:48.24fugitivomog_home: asterisk user has privilegies over asterisk, evil!
05:48.30mog_homebut so is system apperantly....
05:48.56opus_run asterisk as root with strict selinux policy and turn on the NX bit :)
05:49.04Ariel_argh it's late I need sleep, sleep I tell you. Sleep I need...
05:49.26mog_homeew /me thinks selinux is over rated
05:49.28opus_later Ariel
05:49.39Ariel_opus_, working on a system can't go yet
05:49.53Ariel_that bed is sure nice a warm calling my name....
05:50.05mog_homemachine not doing your bidding ariel?
05:50.09fugitivoStephnie: what you need to do, is too complicated for me to understand at this hours
05:50.15opus_make clean && make bed
05:50.24Ariel_mog_home, it's in NZ and there having issues with a wellgate
05:50.46Ariel_wellgate/welltech FXO gateway
05:50.59Ariel_I told them to get a TDM04b instead
05:50.59mog_homesip based i take it
05:51.01Stephniefugitivo:   I just want to change the incoming digits to something and then send them to another machine..
05:51.05mog_homego digium
05:51.16fugitivoStephnie: why you want to do that?
05:51.21opus_AGI script will do it.
05:51.23mog_homestephnie i can do it
05:51.35mog_homebut you will have to go through digium for me to do it
05:51.40droothopus: the zyxel works!  I'm stoked.
05:52.05Stephniebecause of a very strange problem I have stucked in :S
05:52.10opus_drooth cool, you gotta go war voip driving now
05:52.11Stephniemog_home: how?
05:52.23droothopus: i know!  I should go now
05:52.26mog_homei would just open a tcp socket have shared key
05:52.28mog_homeand send it over that
05:52.37mog_homeor i would do it over my new spiffy jabber interface
05:52.46mog_homeor tack it on iax or sip packet
05:53.00droothopus: Put an extension for yourself in my config and I will call you from it at my local coffee shop (free wifi 24 hrs.)
05:53.05dudesdrooth - you get some work done today
05:53.17Stephniemog_home: is that for me ? :o
05:53.23santoshrasteriskph: dude u around
05:53.29mog_homeyeah stephnie
05:53.36mog_homeits not to complicated
05:54.02Stephnieok what you want me to do then?
05:54.09santoshrhow do i transfer a line
05:54.13mog_homecall or email digium a dev spec
05:54.23mog_homeand tell them matt o'gorman was gonna do it
05:54.28*** join/#asterisk grimse (
05:54.28mog_homethey will get to you in the morning
05:54.34mog_homeas it is 1 am out here
05:55.14Stephnielong procedure :(
05:55.42mog_homebut as soon as you pay i could have it done in a few hours i think
05:55.50mog_homeso can you take me through the flow?
05:56.54Stephniehow much I have to pay?
05:57.01Ariel_mog_home, have you played with echo issue's and clicking problem with the tdm04b's rev I?
05:57.02mog_homeim not in sales....
05:57.13mog_homeits usually interrupt related
05:57.15Ariel_rev I seems to have more problems then my E/H
05:57.24mog_homealso there is a new kick ass echo can
05:57.28mog_homein zaptel
05:57.33mog_homebut you have to define it
05:57.38Ariel_yes but the fxotune gives me errors
05:57.48Ariel_unable to fill buffer
05:57.49santoshrhow to lfash a line and transfer to a diff exten
05:57.55mog_homewhat version of code?
05:58.05*** part/#asterisk outsidefactor (
05:58.06Ariel_about 4 hours ago
05:58.54Ariel_well it's late going to keep working on it in the morning.  Got the well gate customer to wait till the morning as well.  (bed is really calling)
05:59.20mog_homeif it is still happening tommorrow
05:59.26mog_homemsg me
05:59.27Ariel_good night folks. See you all in testing land in the morning.
05:59.32mog_homeim sure we could get it fixed for you
05:59.33fugitivogood night ariel
05:59.35Ariel_mog_home, sure will thanks
05:59.40mog_homeno problem
06:01.51*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
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06:03.28NetgeeksHrm, can you nest Macros in the dialplan?
06:03.42mog_homei heard there was a bug with that at the moment
06:03.46mog_homebut i havent tested it
06:04.31Netgeeksokay, I guess I can give it a test
06:05.24mog_homeif it doesnt work it segfaults
06:06.06NetgeeksThe dialplan so very much needs LIST or ARRAY type variables...
06:07.39mog_homeyou can do some nifty stuff with ael, but i havent played with it
06:09.12*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
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06:10.43spootnicki looked through the AGI API, it doesn't seem to have any function to retrieve the number of ongoing calls. does anybody know how to retrieve it?
06:17.14*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
06:17.37opus_beer time!
06:19.59dudesit's not beer thirty ... it's whiskey is your friend time
06:20.41Netgeeksouch, nope, nested macros are a no-no
06:20.46*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
06:21.17mog_homeyeah thats what i thought
06:22.54NetgeeksHey dudes, hows it coming along?
06:23.04dudesNetgeeks - it goes
06:23.10*** join/#asterisk Russ (
06:23.41NetgeeksI'm getting REAL real close to a release of the project I've been working on
06:23.46dudesWish things would get more organized, but we managed 34 agents on a SC opteron
06:24.12dudeswith MOH and no issues.  We'll see how many it will take soon once more leads coem in
06:24.16Netgeeksgot the clustering all fixed, and am finishing up the trunk grouping, and it should be done
06:24.45NetgeeksThe billing module and ITSP module are on track for end of the month completion as well
06:24.49fugitivodudes: are you using opteron servers?
06:25.15dudesNetgeeks - we've been doing some mods to the core to cut code by 40% ... but I wish we'd finish the current core more
06:25.23dudesbut the new core will kick a lot of ass
06:25.44Netgeekshehehe, ah the woes of branched code
06:25.44*** join/#asterisk nick125_lappy (n=nick@unaffiliated/nick125)
06:26.27dudeswe just finished redesigning the code to work around the asterisk deadlock issues ... and now we have so much more stress testing to do soon
06:26.33dudespain in the ass
06:26.58nick125_lappyhey, anyone here know of some configs for asterisk 1.2 beta that are small, and dont have alll the comments and such, like those one configs that have comments but are small...cant remember the name
06:28.11Netgeeksnick125, have you been drinking?
06:28.35nick125_lappyno lol
06:29.19Netgeeksyou are looking for 1.2 beta configs that are small and don't have all the comments like those one configs that do have comments but are small?
06:29.38nick125_lappyim not paying attention
06:29.47dudesWell pay attention
06:29.58nick125_lappyconfigs that have small comments, not like the big ol huge ones in the sample configs
06:30.03Russwhats a good way to get started with DID and outbound calls with DIY hardware?
06:30.12Russ(in the US)
06:30.44Netgeeksnick125: ah, no I don't know of any off the top of my head
06:30.58mog_homeruss you can get dids from lots of people
06:31.13Netgeeksyou could just kind of go through the samples and delete all the comments, then you would have small files with no comments
06:31.24RussI know, there are tons of choices
06:31.32Russbut I don't have enough info to sort through them all
06:32.12*** join/#asterisk IgorG (n=gia@
06:32.18Russwhats the pricing on nufone?
06:32.21nick125_lappyi wish i could remember the name of those configs
06:32.48RussI know, their site doesn't have pricing information...
06:32.53DarthClueasterlink, 2 cents per minute, toll free did
06:33.01*** part/#asterisk IgorG (n=gia@
06:33.07RussI don't want a toll free did
06:33.09RussI want a local one
06:33.25Assidumm.. toll free means they charge you for incoming right?
06:33.28mog_homesorry i didnt know term rates
06:33.49fugitivotroll free
06:33.54DarthCluepicky, picky.  you almost always get charged for did, whether local or toll free
06:34.25RussI expect a monthly fee and per minute change
06:34.28Russer, charge
06:34.29*** part/#asterisk newsmafia (
06:34.47DarthClueRuss, asterlink may not have local, but they can get you per minute with no monthly commitment
06:34.52opus_dudes what are you working on curious
06:34.55hathi, who is using TE411P digium card? Which computer (hardware) is better?
06:35.02AssidDarthClue: for the DID yes.. but what about per minute charges of the call itself?
06:35.03mog_homehave tested it hat
06:35.25*** join/#asterisk mmmToop (n=chatzill@
06:35.33mog_homeit works great in dl360
06:35.34hatmog_home, what computer are you using?
06:35.39mog_homeand dell 2850
06:35.43DarthClueum, ok, maybe you guys need some coffee ... 2 CENTS PER MINUTE ... scroll up
06:35.54hattwo cpu or 1 cpu?
06:36.03mog_homeno compaq dl 360 g4
06:36.28*** join/#asterisk SaltY_ (n=altraide@
06:36.39hati never use compaq before. HOw is IBM server?
06:36.39opus_<dudes> Netgeeks - we've been doing some mods to the core to cut code by 40% ... but I wish we'd finish the current core more
06:36.45*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
06:36.46opus_asterisk codebase?
06:36.49*** part/#asterisk SaltY_ (n=altraide@
06:36.56mog_homehavent played with it
06:37.02mog_homehavent heard anything bad either
06:37.05dudesopus_ - gnudialer code
06:37.12Russhawe you heard anything about sipPhone?
06:37.20mog_homethey are fine
06:37.26Assidhrmm.. would a p4 2.4 be able to handle 20-30 simultanous calls in pass through mode?
06:37.28hatdell 2850? 1 or 2cpu?
06:37.30opus_oh, yeah drooth sent me a link about that
06:37.30mog_homealmost all pro. voip providers are the same
06:37.33droothopus: dudes is the guy who made the dialler I showed you be4
06:37.36mog_homeyes assid
06:37.41mog_homeif no transcoding
06:37.48mog_homei think we have one that is 1 one that is 2
06:37.54droothwe are talking about it; it's awesome!
06:37.59opus_cool dude:)
06:38.04droothcool dudes
06:38.12hatmog_home, how about the performance? cpu usage?
06:38.18Assidmog_home: upto how many do you think it would be possible.. only pass through.. no transcoding?
06:38.22opus_hey Netgeeks whens your super asterisk build coming out:)
06:38.27droothopus I put in the TOS bit and reset
06:38.29mog_home2.4 ghz
06:38.34mog_homewhat type
06:38.37mog_homesip zap iax?
06:38.44mog_homehat its a beast
06:38.49opus_drooth - the screen -x feature is fucking awesome never knew about it until today
06:38.50mog_homeyou can do loads of calls on it
06:38.55droothopus: serious???
06:39.03droothcool at least i can offer something
06:39.20hatmog_home, how many current call does dell 2850/2cpu server can handle? any idea?
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06:39.33mog_homehmm well two te411s
06:39.35hatIBM is not cheap compared to DELL
06:39.38droothopus u want me to try your ext. real quick
06:39.41mog_homeso 250 or so zap channels
06:39.43Netgeeksopus_ I'm finishing up the trunking section tonight, and probably will have it tested by the end of the week.  It will be ready then, but I've got two HUGE projects one due on the 15th and the other on the 19th, so I will probably not do much about it til the week of the 26th
06:39.46mog_homemaybe 500 or so sip
06:39.46opus_lemme check the exten
06:40.03Assid500 sip ?? on a 2.4 Ghz?
06:40.16hatmog_home, not bad. do you mean that all voice stream passing throuhg Dell server?
06:40.25mog_homei believe so
06:40.29fugitivomog_home: doing transcoding?
06:40.29mog_homebut no transcoding
06:40.33mog_homeactually i know so
06:40.49mog_homeit can do a full quad card of g729
06:40.50mog_homei think
06:40.54hatso powerful? I really don't believe :)
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06:40.57mog_homei believe
06:41.03mog_homeid have to get specs for you
06:41.08mog_homei think we have em on website
06:41.17hatplease let me know.
06:41.18mog_homei dont work in that lab
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06:41.26mog_homeyeah no problem hat
06:41.27Assidyep no transcoding.. its only there to route the calls.. and incase the other asterisk box isnt available.. then it will do voicemail recording.. and email it .. but till then.. it will only just route it
06:41.47mog_homewhat assid?
06:41.51hati have one IBM server with 2CPU already. And i need to get another one
06:42.02hateither dell or IBM. I am choosing
06:42.06mog_hometerminating a lot of calls?
06:42.12hatcallback service
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06:42.18hattwo number callback
06:42.42Assidyeah.. but the other asterisk box (which eventually gets the calls, the net keeps going down) so during that time.. i need to put it to voicemail etc.
06:43.03hatIn addition, is it possible to plug two te411p cards into the same machine?
06:43.07mog_homewell i know there are some people doing watchdog stuff
06:43.10mog_homelike that
06:43.13mog_homeyes it is hat
06:44.06Assidmog_home: what about a 3.0ghz HT, using agents/queue and agent recording ?
06:44.10hatthanks. mog_home. If you can pass me some specs about dell 2850 and loading testing result, i am very appreciate
06:44.18mog_homemuxing your recordings?
06:44.27Assidneed to sound like a conversation
06:44.33mog_homeyeah hat, i think we have em publicly available
06:44.47mog_homeyeah, assid, well what format are the calls comming in
06:44.58mog_homerecording in gsm?
06:45.00Assidilbc is heavier
06:45.06Assidyes.. recording in gsm as well
06:45.17Assidbut.. this has to do transcoding as well..
06:45.21dudesilbc isn't a bad codec ...
06:45.36dudeslpc10/20 ... ecks
06:45.45Assiddudes: ilbc is more resource hungry
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06:46.32dudesAssid - that it maybe.  But it's a good sounding codec and pretty good on b/w
06:46.54Assiddudes: gsm and ilbc are pretty comparable to one another
06:46.58fugitivogsm is good too
06:47.19*** join/#asterisk Osurac (
06:47.27dudesAssid - I like ilbc more than gsm myself
06:47.30Assidmog_home: any clue ?
06:47.43Assiddudes: i used to as well, now recently.. i just use gsm
06:48.08*** part/#asterisk Osurac (
06:48.16dudesI haven't tried GSM on the box we have asterisk on yet
06:48.26dudesBut on the old box ilbc was better
06:49.25hatmog_home, from where i can get the load testing result? thanks
06:49.30Assidmog_home: you still around?
06:49.36clive-I like gsm...its very easy on the cpu
06:49.50Assidyeah.. easier on CPU = more agents..
06:49.54mog_homeim back
06:50.12Assidspecially since your talking about transcoding + recording
06:50.12mog_homeso your recording to gsm from gsm?
06:50.23Assidyes.. PLUS.. transcoding..
06:50.59mog_homei would think at least a full quad span but i am not sure
06:51.00Assidthey bought this stupid voip router device (8 port)
06:51.05razuis there any way to control the volume on any sip phones ?
06:51.12razuon asterisk ?
06:51.18mog_homeyou can tast it assid real easily
06:51.21Assidwhich doesnt have gsm codec mentioned in there
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06:51.44mog_homei mean you get another pc
06:51.49mog_homethat just puts in iax calls in ulaw
06:51.58mog_homehave your other end answer in gsm
06:52.08mog_homeand record it
06:52.27mog_homeand barge the channel or listen till the recordings till they sound bad
06:53.00Assidmog_homethe recording+transcoding must happen on the same pc
06:53.15mog_homeyeah i know
06:53.20*** join/#asterisk Manipura (
06:53.24mog_homeyou have the second pc seperate
06:53.24Assidas of right now.. they are gonna be starting with 20 agents
06:53.30mog_hometaht isnt getting over loaded
06:53.37mog_hometo test the loading on the other box
06:54.26Assidwell.. not in production.. so i could use the same box for now..
06:54.37Assidi gotta yet "start" it sometime this week
06:55.31Assidhow many do you think i should be able to handle?
06:55.32Assidjust a guess
06:55.47mog_homei think maybe 96 channels
06:55.50mog_homebut im not sure
06:55.56mog_homeyou said it was single proc?
06:56.21Assidsingle proc physically.. HT .. so it catches it as a SMP (logical)
06:56.38ManipuraI have a question, what linux distro is it easiest to install * on
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06:56.47Manipuraso far, RH9 for me.
06:56.58mog_homebut fedora and redhat are good
06:57.05AssidManipura: doesnt make a difference.. but debian is prolly the easist
06:57.11Assidapt-get install asterisk
06:57.16Assidunless you want the later versions
06:57.18Manipurafedora needed some weird kernel config or something I couldn't understand
06:57.18mog_homebuild asterisk
06:57.22mog_homefrom source
06:57.27Assidi use HEAD
06:57.34mog_homeeven if you use stable
06:57.48mog_homei trust digium cvs much more than debian redhat etc 's stuff
06:58.03Assidsomehow .. the first and ever time i tried stable.. it crashed on me
06:58.12ManipuraYep, me too.. after I failed my friend tried installing it with yast on his suse system... lol... never got it started
06:58.12mog_homeit happens
06:58.14Assidso i started following cvs
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06:58.54santoshrhow to flash a line and listen to a exten tht the party dials.. suppose i sent a call to call@ip over h323. and he want to send it to some other extension.. something tht happens a normal physical epbax call transfer.. how to do tht in asterisk
06:58.56*** join/#asterisk abel (n=abel@tor/session/x-93ba141b5cd28b82)
06:59.22wasimsantoshr: with zap channels you can use Flash(), with others you can use # transfer
07:00.32nick125_lappyi knew i should have done these configs earlier
07:00.35Assidhrmm.. is there a way to set a "transfer" while a call is ringing..
07:00.44santoshrwht would the syntax be for # transfer
07:00.49Manipuranick125_lappy is in the same time zone as me
07:01.05wasimsantoshr: you press #, asterisk says transfer, you dial the extension and hangup
07:01.31nick125_lappyManipura, neat
07:01.32Assidlike if im calling exten 1234 .. and during the rining of the call.. i want to cut away and go to another extension instead
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07:01.56ManipuraAlthough I'm canadian...... *evil grin*
07:02.00mog_homeyou want to drop the call / or give it to someone else?
07:02.13wasimsantoshr: you ahve to have T or t or both in your Dial options
07:02.31nick125_lappythis box should be fun, pretty much putting two different things on the same asterisk box....contexts should make this easy...hopefully
07:02.38Assidwell.. i wnt it to allow the user to change extenions BEFORE the call is picked up
07:03.28santoshrwasim: T or t ?
07:03.50nick125_lappyyay more fun, have to setup sip fun *cough*
07:04.34*** join/#asterisk Dybdahl (
07:04.54hatmog_home, just confirm with you that dell 2850 cpu works with te4110P card well, right? I just follow your experience and don't want to challenge myself :)
07:05.08nick125_lappyi hope this works with 1.2 lol
07:05.22mog_homeyes it will
07:05.27mog_homei dont have em
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07:05.35mog_homebut its what we use to test at digium
07:06.02hatsorry, what is "em"?
07:06.14mog_homewe use 2850s to test asterisk be
07:06.22mog_homeand we have tested 410 and 411 on it
07:06.43mog_homedell 2850
07:06.51mog_homeas well as the compaq dl360
07:07.12Russare there any DID services that let you keep your existing number?
07:07.13hati am scrared because digium te411p doesn't work on some hardware.
07:07.56nick125_lappyRuss, you could port it to somewhere, you might be able to do that with someone like voicepulse or broadvoice
07:08.28nick125_lappyporting the number usually takes about 24 hours or so
07:08.52hatmog_home, what os you are using on 2850?
07:08.54RussI heard bad things about broadvoice, but I also heard good things
07:09.04mog_homewe tested with fedora core 3
07:09.10mog_homeand redhat enterprise
07:09.31hatgood. i have redhat enterprise
07:09.54Assidmog_home: does asterisk use/require any special flags to use the full processing of a box?
07:10.03Assidlike if i have SMP
07:10.06mog_homebut it runs better as root
07:10.13Assidyeah.. it would run as root
07:10.13hatmog_home, is this : Linux mobmeee 2.4.21-4.ELsmp #1 SMP Fri Oct 3 17:52:56 EDT 2003 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
07:10.18mog_homeas root has slightly more importance than regular users
07:10.33mog_homeit wont matter it will execute threads on both procs
07:10.38mog_homeif you didnt edit the code
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07:11.14Assidokay.. thought maybe i have to compile with certain flags or something to get the little extra juice outta it
07:11.32mog_homewe try to be hardcore from the start
07:11.51Assidu in the dev team?
07:12.15Assidyou even
07:12.22Assidbad habbit :(
07:12.52hatdell 2850 with 2cpu and 2G memory is about USD$3000.
07:12.54mog_homei am a padawon in the dev team
07:12.58mog_homethey are jedis...
07:13.22hatis dell server stable? i have no experience of using dell server before
07:13.30mog_homeyeah its quality
07:13.33Assidhat: yep
07:13.52Assidmemory isnt that much of a requirement in asterisk
07:13.54Assidfrom what i heard
07:14.00Assidijts more just abt the cpu processing
07:14.02mog_homeits all about proc
07:14.10hatAssid, thanks. i will get one. IBM is much more expensive...
07:14.21mog_homewe could care less about mem
07:14.30hatAssid, i will run another application server in the same server.
07:14.41Assidyep..thats why im just sticking to 512
07:14.49mog_homeyeah thats fine
07:15.00Assidhat: so am i.. mail server (for sending out the voicemails) and ftp.. to login and download the agent recordings
07:15.12Assidand oh yeah.. postgres for CDR
07:15.23Assidor mysql.. not sure which to chose yet
07:15.48hatAssid, cool. solved my problem. I cannot make decision before discussion due to the uncertainty of compatibility issue
07:15.50Assidand ofcourse apache.. for logs
07:16.24hatAssid, i also use postgresql for cdr . is it possible to use postgresql to store extension definition also?
07:16.38Assidmog_home: if the muxing/recording server gets full.. how do i load balance with another server
07:16.48hatI am using JBoss application server to do the frontend work.
07:17.04Assidhat: realtime application .. new thing in CVS .. check it out
07:17.23Russhmm..thats pointless, the places that take your old number don't serve my area code
07:17.35mog_homethere is a patcvh
07:17.50mog_homei believe that starts recording as one
07:17.52mog_homeso there is no muxing
07:17.59Assidthis is what im thinking
07:18.10mog_homethat would be best way to record that much
07:18.13Assidthe server which does nothing but route the calls..
07:18.31Assidshould ring alternatively  on alternate servers
07:18.56Assidrouting server ->server A/B
07:19.06Assidjust gotta figure out how to do that
07:19.41Assidrouting server should have a pretty high limit since no transcoding.. and works with GSM
07:21.02Assidi know queue/manager/agent you can specify how to ring which extension.. but i cant figure out how to do it in the basic level
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07:21.46hathi, what is ETSI ?
07:21.54hatsorry, i am new to telephony
07:22.13Assidbrb... gotta get ready
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07:26.18hatHi, Assid, what is ETSI E1 ?
07:26.42nick125_lappywhats the new syntax for asterisk 1.2 for caller id?
07:27.00nick125_lappy(setting callerid)
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07:27.28nick125_lappyaint it like Set(CALLERID=())?
07:28.42X-Rob(from 'UPGRADE.txt'.)
07:29.10nick125_lappyah, i knew it was something weird like that lol
07:30.06*** join/#asterisk \PsyKo\ (
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07:33.19droothhey all, i noticed my TOS bit is being stripped on ougoing calls, any ideas why?
07:33.33hatAssid, what signaling used by your E1 line?
07:33.39droothit is happening on different phones
07:39.03*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=icechat5@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
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07:42.12manojoswali need paid support for asterisk
07:42.16manojoswalanyone who can help
07:42.29wasimmanojoswal: what areas?
07:42.39Zeeekbe sure to ask on the biz or user mailing list as well
07:43.00wasimbonjour monsieur zeeek
07:43.14manojoswali have an asterisk server set, i need to make automatic calls with a fixed message
07:43.14Zeeekhi wasim!
07:43.45manojoswalthe server was running, now its facing problems, message not being played
07:44.29wasimmanojoswal: whats the problems/
07:44.46manojoswalnot sure, i am a total non techie
07:44.54wasimmanojoswal: where is your techie?
07:45.06manojoswalif you can provide support we can chat on msn of something
07:45.13manojoswalhe is not responing
07:45.40manojoswalhe is not responding back he has left th porject in between
07:46.07wasimdon't you hate it when that happens
07:46.17oejmanojoswal: Where are you located?
07:46.24manojoswalpune, india
07:46.33wasimwheee ... nearby too
07:46.33manojoswalhate it badly
07:46.43manojoswalwhere are u located?
07:46.52oejI am in Stockholm, Sweden
07:46.56jalsotis here any iax guru? having some problems with iaxcomm bulk unregistration, UDP checksum mismatch, etc.
07:47.09*** join/#asterisk Bonzai090 (
07:47.29oejwasim: The IAX guru you are. Help friends need. Ahead you step. :-)
07:47.50oejBad Yoda-imitation...
07:48.07Bonzai090hi all.. i have a default extention 200 that all calls gets forwarded to how can  i get any of the other extentions to pick up that call if no one is at that extenention?.
07:48.29*** join/#asterisk teapot (
07:48.30oejBonzai090: Check call gruoups and pickup groups
07:48.38Bonzai090well all incomming calls en at extention 200
07:48.51Bonzai090oej ok thanks will google on that
07:49.01oejbonzai090: np
07:49.18*** join/#asterisk nagl (
07:49.33Bonzai090asterisk has been a steep learning curve i am short alot of hair lol
07:49.40nick125_lappyi think i just got my asterisk back up without going back to amp :o
07:49.51teapotcan someone tell me what a "native bridge" is
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07:49.56Bonzai090hreh nick125_lappy  i tiik me 3 days to get that right hehe
07:49.57*** join/#asterisk juice_ (
07:49.58jalsotI use asterisk cvs head [-08/17/05] and iaxcomm clients connected to * [on the same switch]. in 1st round they were registered [not all for 1st step - typo in pwd :)], but after some time they got unreacheable
07:50.09X-Robindians and aboriginies make it when they want to cross a body of water without getting wet.
07:50.16manojoswalwasim : can you pls chat with me on msn
07:50.26Bonzai090lol X-Rob
07:50.27nick125_lappyim soo tired im like shaking
07:50.32teapotand africans X-Rob
07:50.34jalsotturned on qualify, and somehow they got unregistered because they were not available
07:50.40Bonzai090nick125_lappy  get some red bull hehe
07:50.44jalsotany idea what can be wrong?
07:50.44oejteapot: A bridge is when Asterisk connects an incoming and outgoing call. Native bridge is used when both call legs are on the same technology, like SIP, IAX2, ZAP - then the channel can do briding, which means that we can do local tricks in the channel
07:51.01oejteapot: Like the RTP native bridge where we re-invites calls
07:51.27teapotoej: so on a zaptel (digium) card you would connect 2 channels directly ?
07:51.42teapot(without going via PCI... ?)
07:51.50oejteapot: I don't know much about zaptel, but that's possible
07:52.11oejteapot: I don't think it's hardware only, but maybe zaptel kernel-driver only, not involving Asterisk
07:52.29teapotoej: ah, ok
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07:54.07jalsotis it normal that I see checksum incorrect in UDP header for IAX2? tetherel showed that on asterisk box
07:54.23Netgeeksoej: you know much about the realtime architecture internally?
07:54.42oejNetgeeks: I can't claim to know that. A bit, but not all of it.
07:55.20shreeanyone here who can offer paid professional support on troubleshooting astrerisk
07:55.45oejshree: Would be easier if you told us the problem area. Everyone has different expertise
07:55.52Netgeeksjust wondering how difficult it would be to add a "system-id" field.  Where an asterisk system would only fetch lines from teh db where the system id field matched a value set maybe extconfig.conf or such
07:56.18oejNetgeeks: Good question. We need a global system-id in Asterisk for sure, that is a good use of it
07:56.20mog_homeor meerly cocky
07:56.25mog_homelittle bit of both
07:56.47mog_homehey oej
07:56.53shreeok, i have a a system that makes automated calls
07:56.53*** join/#asterisk Zeeek_ (
07:56.59oejHey, good morning mog_home
07:57.06mog_homeis there an easy system for automating the parsing of config files
07:57.19mog_homelike if i have [user] with info below
07:57.22oejmog_home: It's called asterisk
07:57.22shreeits simple, we upload a file in a particualal area
07:57.27mog_homeand i just need to make nodes of nodes
07:57.36mog_homei see how ast_variable_retrieve works
07:57.45mog_homejust dont know how to grab all my labels
07:57.47mog_homeoh wait
07:57.50shreeit parses the file and makes a call and plays a message on connect
07:57.55mog_homepbx_dundi's way makes sence
07:58.00mog_homeill just do it that way
07:58.12oejThe asterisk expert answers himself quickly ;-)
07:58.34mog_homewho says the code isnt self documenting....
07:59.02shreeanyone who can help on autodialer for a fee or suggest someone who provides support for a fee
07:59.20mog_homeas we can do it
07:59.27*** join/#asterisk Akelavlk (n=jansun@
07:59.29mog_homeand i need the money...
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08:01.09AkelavlkDoes anybody know, how to make 3-way calling?
08:01.16Assidheya mog
08:01.29Assiddoes GSM in VBR mode help?
08:01.42mog_homecouldnt tell you firmly, but i assume so
08:01.48mog_homeno wait
08:01.55mog_homeno wait
08:02.00mog_homeyes it should help
08:02.01Assidconfusing isnt it
08:02.07mog_homeman its 3 in the morning
08:02.23Assidokay.. how do you enable VBR for *<->* ?
08:02.35mog_homeliquid energy
08:02.35Assidhrmm i used to use it during my workouts
08:03.22mog_homeheh its not quite like gaterade
08:03.25Assidi found coffee and coke to be much more energising
08:03.27mog_homemore like liquid sleep
08:03.33Agrajag-gday. im a bit confused. if i have an fxo card, do i need an fxs card as well to be able to use an analogue phone? or can i use phones on the same line that's plugged into the fxo?
08:03.59*** join/#asterisk weazul (
08:04.00AssidAgrajag-: fxo is for connecting to your pots
08:04.17Assidhowever.. if you want to connect to a phone.. then you would need fxs
08:04.33Assidone gives dialtone.. the other uses it
08:04.51Agrajag-yeah - but you can have multiple devices using the same dialtone right?
08:04.57Agrajag-like i can have 3 phones on the same line
08:05.15Assidyour pstn exchange is FXS so you would need FXO.. but if you want to run it on your own pbx exchange.. you would need fxs
08:05.30AssidIF YOU WANT TO GIVE DIALTONE.. that is
08:06.01*** join/#asterisk juice__ (
08:06.27Agrajag-ok. so i can't have the asterisk box with an fxo card, so it can 'listen' on the line, and do things like auditing - and have the phones on the same line, but not plugged into the box?
08:06.50Assidnot sure i follow
08:06.55Zeeek_Agrajag- you can, but there are a few problems with this
08:06.58weazulgood morning all, is somebody awake who is familiar with asterisk and radius?
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08:07.08Zeeek_if it's ONLY for auditing, no problems at all
08:07.32Agrajag-ok, so what are the problems? what would i lose out on?
08:07.33Zeeek_if the phone si the be used as a phone, asterisk doesn't know about it
08:07.56Agrajag-it can't tell that i've picked up the phone somewhere else and the line is being used?
08:08.14Zeeek_if someone is on the phone asterisk will pick it up like an obnoxious mother in law
08:08.22Zeeek_No it doesn't know
08:08.43Zeeek_asterisk doesn't detect dialtone in fact
08:08.50*** join/#asterisk DanielArndt (
08:08.59Agrajag-ok. so i really need an fxo and a couple of fxs's to go with it
08:09.14Zeeek_yes or SIP or IAX phones
08:09.29Zeeek_or an ATA (analog to SIP/IAX)
08:09.42Agrajag-yeah. which i don't have - im looking for the least expensive option :)
08:10.00Zeeek_the ATA is around $80 ?
08:10.11Agrajag-hmm ok
08:10.14Zeeek_the phones (Grandstream) are less
08:10.35Zeeek_I have used 3 BT101 for over a year, and they work fine for those who are ona budget
08:10.35nick125_lappywhats the format for sending asterlink calls over sip?
08:10.41weazulbut grandstream phones sucks bigtime firmware is full of bugs
08:10.59Zeeek_not the ones I use
08:11.16Zeeek_but if you need a good phone, it costs
08:11.19weazulor you do not know it is a bug ;-)
08:11.20Agrajag-the other thing im not sure about is what devices can be used - at it lists "Generic X100P Intel IA92 WinModem compatible with X100P" - i dont suppose any modem can be used as an fxs though?
08:11.32Zeeek_weazul I like a couple of those bugs
08:12.00Zeeek_but I'm on a very old but stable firmware
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08:12.49Zeeek_Agrajag- there are multi channel ATA
08:12.57opus_i got some of those generic FXO cards
08:12.58opus_works great
08:12.59Zeeek_you can plug 2-4 phones into some of them
08:13.01opus_paid $3 on ebay
08:13.11Agrajag-yeah i've found cheap fxo cards
08:13.31Agrajag-but then i need something (fxs) to plug the phone in to
08:13.32opus_+dont suppose any modem can be used as an fxs though?
08:13.38opus_Nope you need special card
08:13.40mog_homethose are junky...
08:13.55opus_FXS has to supply like 48 AC voltage
08:14.33Assidis there a decent ip phone which supports GSM/ilbc codec?
08:14.43opus_no because GSM/ilbc sucks
08:14.58Assidhrmm.. well. not enough bandwtih to use ulaw
08:15.14opus_g729 then?
08:15.32Agrajag-ok i guess my cheapest/best option would be a TDM400P with 1 fxs and 1 fxo
08:15.49opus_even better: don't do any analog at all
08:15.59Agrajag-but i only have analog phones
08:16.00Assidnah.. i gotta test with tons of servers.. would cost quite a bit to buy that many licenses
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08:16.15opus_sellem before they become obselete!!!
08:16.35opus_it will be like the analog cellphone one day
08:16.50opus_APOIP. analog phone over IP
08:16.57STUNwhat will happen to ATAs?
08:17.08Agrajag-hmm well i think that day isn't going to be very soon
08:17.20opus_STUN they will be used to hold down paper when the wind blows
08:17.23AkelavlkDoes anybody know, how to make 3-way calling?
08:17.26X-RobAssid - PA1668 phones and GXP-2000' sboth support ilbc and GSM
08:17.36nick125_lappyanyone here use asterlink? if so, can you give me your sip line to make calls out?
08:18.27AssidX-Rob: how much are they?
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08:20.51nick125_lappyexten => s,4,Dial(SIP/<asterlink account number>@asterlink_host41/${ARG1}) ; arg1 is the phone number (i.e 1800-321-5432)
08:21.03nick125_lappy^^ whats wrong with that?
08:21.15nick125_lappyasterlink_host41 is the connection in my sip.conf config file
08:23.13nick125_lappyany ideas?
08:23.42weazulX-Rob: GXP-2000 is really a nice phone but still has verry buggy firmware!!!
08:24.15Assidi dont see GSM/ilbc in GXP-2000
08:24.35weazulAssid: be prepared for that
08:25.13weazulGXP-2000 has supports GSM
08:25.17Assidweazul: my friend said hes gonna get me the SPA-841 .. but i dont know/think hes gonan really get it
08:25.22AssidSupport popular vocoders including G.723.1 (5.3K/6.3K), G.729A/B, G.711 (a-law and u-law), G.726, G.728, and wide-band G.722 (Model 102D). Dynamic negotiation of codec and voice payload length
08:25.26Assiddont see GSM
08:25.50weazulyou've the phone right now?
08:25.54*** part/#asterisk Akelavlk (n=jansun@
08:26.10Assidnah.. seeing it on voipsupply
08:26.11weazulit's located on the account 1 tab . on the bottom
08:26.23*** join/#asterisk wuwu (n=wolfgang@
08:26.35weazulwhere you can select "Preferred Vocoder:"
08:26.42wuwuhi all, i have a question regarding call groups - specially sip callgroups
08:26.49Zeeek_even thge BT101 had gsm now
08:26.58weazulGSM is one of the codecs
08:27.00Zeeek_all the chinese IAX/SIP phones have it
08:27.06wuwuwithing ZAP it is possible to dial a complete group with ZAP/g1 - is this also possible within SIP channels ?
08:27.10X-RobZeeek_ - that's the PA1688 chip
08:31.46X-Robit roxx0rz.
08:31.46Assidweazul: dont have it right now..
08:31.46Assidhrmm.. maybe i should ask my cousin to get it from hongkong/china
08:31.46Zeeek_they're about $60
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08:31.46AssidZeeek_: which ones?
08:31.46X-RobWups. No ILBC on GXP-2000, but definately does have GSM
08:31.46Zeeek_the PA1688 phones
08:31.46X-RobDinner time.
08:31.46X-RobSorry for doubting you weazul 8)
08:31.46oejX-rob: Have you tested the latest firmware for gxp? Does it have subscriptions?
08:31.46AssidZeeek_: are they good?
08:31.47Zeeek_they are quirky but perfect for experimentation
08:31.47Zeeek_I have three of them
08:31.47Zeeek_all on IAX2 for the moment
08:31.47Assidwell.. i am gonna use them more than just experiments
08:31.47Zeeek_iLBC and gsm
08:31.47X-Roboej - it definately does _not_ have subscriptions
08:31.47Zeeek_nothing is good for $60!
08:31.47X-Robit's actually significantly broken
08:31.47oejX-rob: Well, the marketing guys told us about the subscriptions at Von in Santa Clara this year...
08:31.47X-Roboej, yeah. I've been emailing them sip traces for about 6 months now.
08:31.53Assidis the support supposed to say gsm ? or some kinda ?
08:32.24X-Robthey're going to be implementing subscriptions the saem as the snoms (eg, dialog+xml)
08:33.28X-RobI have to go cook dinner (sigh, pregnant wife has spoken), will be back later hopefully.
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08:36.52weazuldoes anyone has experiance with the new beta version of asterisk? is it stable enough or ....
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08:39.40oejweazul: Please test it. When we release it, we have considered it ready for production use, not before
08:43.05nick125_lappyim using the beta on a stable box, the beta itself is fine, its just my configs that are kinda...yeah..
08:43.54nick125_lappybut someone here could help me fix that :)
08:44.07nick125_lappy<nick125_lappy> exten => s,4,Dial(SIP/<asterlink account number>@asterlink_host41/${ARG1}) ; arg1 is the phone number (i.e 1800-321-5432)
08:44.12nick125_lappywhats wrong with that dial line?
08:44.13Assidactually.. im thinking of cleaning up my samples conf's
08:44.27Assidlike just taking the configs i want.. and removing the other contexts
08:44.34Assidcan make the loading/parsing a whole lot easier
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08:45.33nick125_lappyany ideas while that dial line doesnt work?
08:46.10nick125_lappyit seems like its trying to dial account number@asterlink_host41/${ARG1} with asterlink_host41/${ARG1} as the host
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08:48.29ScaredyCatnick125_lappy: are you registered with that server?
08:49.13ScaredyCatin that case just do:
08:49.39nick125_lappySep  6 01:25:17 WARNING[15325]: chan_sip.c:1863 create_addr: No such host: asterlink_host41/1<phonenumber>
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08:51.00ScaredyCatiax and sip have slightly different dial strings... you were trying what looks like an iax2 dialstring on sip
08:51.26nick125_lappyyeah i know
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08:51.58Zeeek_ScaredyCat longtime no C
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08:52.18ScaredyCatC++ now
08:52.40Zeeek_yeah, I've had enough of you! :)
08:52.52Zeeek_'sup ?
08:53.05ScaredyCatbusy... too busy :(
08:53.13Zeeek_me too
08:53.39RoyKarg. i want astmm :(
08:53.44Zeeek_having too much work is like discovering girls. Nothing else gets done
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08:54.38nick125_lappySep  6 01:53:13 NOTICE[15625]: chan_sip.c:8985 handle_response: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"Host41 Communications" <sip:1800*******@**.**.**.***>;'
08:54.46ScaredyCat18 hours days... I'm going to explode
08:54.55nick125_lappyi think that might be the problem...
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08:55.02RoyKZeeek_: heh
08:55.18ScaredyCatnick125_lappy: you have a space
08:55.41nick125_lappybtw, this is 1.2
08:56.14ScaredyCatyou have [asterlink_host41] in your sip.conf /
08:56.30ScaredyCatand it has your auth details?
08:56.37Zeeek_ScaredyCat you use asterlink? I have a quest.
08:56.45ScaredyCatI don;t Zeeek_
08:56.55Zeeek_ok then I don't have a question.
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08:58.22nick125_lappyit shows the asterlink server in sip show registry
08:58.27nick125_lappyas registered
08:59.20ScaredyCatok, so try replacing asterlink_host41 with it's FQDN or ip
08:59.27ScaredyCatin the dial
09:00.03nick125_lappyhow would i put the username in that too?
09:00.10ScaredyCatno need
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09:00.41ScaredyCatunless bkw_ has it config'd like that, but since ur reg'd we can try this first...
09:00.57ScaredyCatif it dowsn't work you may nedd to add fromuser= etc..
09:01.02ScaredyCatbut lets try this one fisrt
09:01.09nick125_lappysame thing
09:01.38ScaredyCatok, do you have a fromuser= in sip.conf entry for asterlink_host41 ?
09:02.03nick125_lappythats what i forgot
09:02.24nick125_lappybut it seems to do the samething
09:02.28nick125_lappywith the fromuser
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09:02.58ScaredyCatdid you change back the ip to asterlink_host41?
09:03.02ScaredyCatin the dial
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09:03.23ScaredyCatdid he give a fromdomain= too ?
09:03.40nick125_lappyi dont think so
09:03.56nick125_lappywhen i talked to him, he pretty much said all i needed to add was the fromuser= IIRC
09:04.24*** join/#asterisk Romik (
09:04.35Mimmuscan someone explain me the Asterisk mechanism of call accounting?
09:04.42Romikany body can advice which unix tooll can convert mp3 to .g729 ?
09:05.05AsylumJust wondering if anyone can help, I have the TE110P card cable connected to the ISDN connection... but no such luck. there isn't even a LED light up on the back of the card... I'm suspecting it's either drivers.. I have tried updating the drivers via CVS but after I follow all instuctions and reboot centos boot but asterisk doesn't...
09:05.07AhrimanesRomik: sox
09:05.23Ahrimanesoh.. g.729.. will have a look
09:05.32mog_homedont think there is one
09:05.38mog_homewell legal one
09:06.12ScaredyCatAsylum: did you modprobe the card
09:06.44ScaredyCatyou need to modprobe the driver each time you boot...
09:06.48AsylumYes I did. Still didn't work...
09:06.57Asylumevery single time?
09:07.08ScaredyCattype: ztcfg -vv
09:07.23ScaredyCatthat should error if the card isn't modprobed
09:07.34Asylum0 channels configured
09:07.43AsylumSo that means it is picking up the card?
09:07.44ScaredyCatnick125_lappy: can you wait for bkw_ to appear.. might be easier
09:07.48ogunIs there any way to check the number of agents logged on to a queue in the dialplan?
09:07.54AsylumSorry for my ignorence, this is my first setup..
09:07.59RomikAhrimanes: how with to convert .mp3 to .g729 to save CPU cycles...
09:07.59nick125_lappyScaredyCat, sure
09:08.02ogunSo as to hinder the last agent to log out?
09:08.03ScaredyCatogun show queue
09:08.10AhrimanesRomik: mentions: PCM, U-law, A-law, G7xx ADPCM files
09:08.42ogunscaredycat: That I know, but I was looking to do it in the dialplan. Specifically in my "agent logout" extension
09:08.42ScaredyCatAsylum: when you boot, before starting * you need to modprobe the card. but you need to have the config files set up too
09:08.55*** join/#asterisk Akelavlk (n=jansun@
09:08.56nick125_lappyasterlink_host41         5060     Unmonitored
09:09.00nick125_lappy^^ in sip show peers
09:09.02RomikAhrimanes:  there some web service, but i need to convert huge quantity .....i want command line utility
09:09.11AkelavlkHello, it's possible use two softphones from one IP?
09:09.26RomikAkelavlk: yes
09:09.28AkelavlkI run two DIAX from one PC and it's does not work..
09:09.33AsylumOk i'll look into it..  gives me some kind of idea
09:09.43AkelavlkRomik, how should I set up AIX clients?
09:10.06RomikAkelavlk: run different programs but from same IP
09:10.55AkelavlkI made a DIAX copy, and change configuration. but I can connect just from one. Second, show me error:the server could not be contacted.
09:11.24ScaredyCatogun: you could use setgroup (pre 1.2 /not cvs head) and getgroup to determin that..
09:11.35AkelavlkWhat is BEST AIX free softphone?
09:12.40Zeeek_my personal favorite is iaxphone version 1
09:13.02Zeeek_but I don't use any of them extensively
09:13.19ScaredyCatdid you change the PORT for one of the phones Akelavlk?
09:13.23ogunscaredycat: Thanks for the tip. Looks like just the thing for me.
09:13.41nick125_lappySIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required
09:14.10ScaredyCatogun: bear in mind that they screwed around with the setgroup etc in 1.2 and cvs head...
09:14.15ScaredyCat(god knows why)
09:14.20AkelavlkNo, I didn't change a port..
09:14.30ScaredyCatso if you upgrade you'll need to change stuff
09:14.52AkelavlkShould I use two ports, when I want use two softphones from one IP?
09:14.57ScaredyCatAkelavlk: well, 2 apps wont be able to open the same port...
09:15.03ogunscaredycat: Aye, noted. Probably part of the "change commands into Set()" big thingie
09:15.04ScaredyCatactually, changing it wont help either
09:15.09ScaredyCatnot on the same pc
09:15.12Kumbanghi everyone, do you guys run audiocodes with * cvs-head
09:15.25ScaredyCatogun: ya...
09:15.35AkelavlkAnd how can I setup IAX conf to run on two ports?
09:15.37ScaredyCatregular breakage if you ask me ogun
09:15.40nick125_lappyin my asterlink_host41 section, type, secret, host, fromuser, and nat
09:15.43RomikAhrimanes: this is unix command line?
09:15.45nick125_lappythats right, right?
09:15.53Zeeek_hi Ahrimanes
09:16.17Ahrimaneshey Zeeek_ :-)
09:16.32AhrimanesRomik: oh sorry no.. windows application but capable of batch conversion
09:17.06nick125_lappyScaredyCat, grr! i forgot to add its added
09:17.19ScaredyCatbut is it working :?
09:17.38nick125_lappyit says the circuit is busy
09:17.50ScaredyCatwell that's a start :)
09:19.45ScaredyCatso it's now challenging your auth, but letting you in...
09:19.53Mimmuswhy I'm getting always "h" as destination in my CDRs?
09:19.54jalsotdoes anybody know where can I find IAX2 new RFC?
09:20.12ScaredyCath = hangup extension
09:20.20mog_homehey is any dev still up?
09:20.27ScaredyCatthere's an RFC for IAX2?
09:20.41mog_homethere is a work in progress
09:20.42MimmusScaredyCat: ok, why?
09:21.02jalsotI have seen some new text files about IAX2
09:21.18jalsotnot just the classical iax.pdf from Mark..
09:21.22Mimmusall outgoing calls are directed to 'h' ext?
09:21.25jalsotanybody know where to find?
09:21.35nick125_lappyxlite says '404 not found'
09:21.55ScaredyCatwere you dialing a valid number?
09:22.04nick125_lappy91<my number>
09:22.31ScaredyCat91 being the country... no 00 first?
09:22.39nick125_lappy9 is the prefix, 1 is the country
09:23.47ScaredyCatok, but are you passing the 9 to asterlink too ?
09:23.57nick125_lappythe 9 is cutoff by the macro
09:24.01ScaredyCatok, good
09:24.05nick125_lappyso it sends 1<number here>
09:24.08nick125_lappyto asterlink
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09:24.41nick125_lappyi think it has to do with asterlink not authing the invite
09:24.49ScaredyCatsince it's in the us do you need to dial the 1 ?
09:25.03nick125_lappythats how i was told to dial it
09:25.10ScaredyCatie, can't you just dial 212 5551212
09:25.13nick125_lappyit worked before too, with my old iax2 setup
09:25.14ScaredyCatahh ok
09:26.22ScaredyCatyeas, and I guess you'r swithcing to sip for quality...
09:27.31Assidi didnt know there is any quality difference in sip/iax
09:27.35X-RobThere isn't.
09:27.36ScaredyCatthere is
09:27.44nick125_lappyyeah, there is
09:27.46Assidiax just has reduced headers.
09:27.47ScaredyCattry it.
09:28.01X-RobYou're insane.
09:28.06Assidmeans effectively it should be clearer since it has less bandwith requirements
09:28.08ScaredyCatsetup a miliwat and connect via sip and aix
09:28.58nick125_lappywell, if tehre wasnt issues, why would asterlink suggest everyone to move to sip?
09:29.38ScaredyCatbkw_'s already done some tests on it...
09:29.42Assidi hink they mean move to sip over traditional pstns
09:29.51ScaredyCatnot sure how 'laboratory conditions' it was
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09:30.06X-Robif there _is_ a difference, it's a bug, and it'll get fixed.
09:30.23Assidyeah.. there cant be a difference
09:30.26Assidits all on the codec
09:30.32Assidthats where quality differs
09:30.51Assidso long as the bandwith remains the same
09:30.56X-Roband ulaw is ulaw, no matter what layer 3 protocol you're using.
09:31.12X-Rob(or for !americans, alaw)
09:31.27Assidwhats the difference between alaw and ulaw?
09:31.38ScaredyCat1 byte
09:31.48Zeeek_I took the change to mean asterlink themselves found issues in their IAX2 stuff
09:31.59oejbkw_ found out that the IAX2 implementation in Asterisk doesn't scale very well when you have a large amount of traffic. SIP + RTP does.
09:32.02ScaredyCatthey did Zeeek_
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09:32.23Zeeek_oej thx for that clarification
09:32.42Zeeek_because I've never had good luck with asterlink but all the others I use work fine
09:32.47oejSIP + RTP handle audio in a separate thread, if I understand bkw_ correctly
09:33.10Assidso i gotta use sip now onwards?
09:33.12Zeeek_the problem I have is that the lag between us varies a lot and they refuse calls if the lag is too high
09:33.30nick125_lappyhrmm...i get that invite error, and this:     -- Got SIP response 488 "Not Acceptable Here (codec error)" back from
09:33.37Zeeek_I have no problem with voipjet, voicepulse IAX2
09:33.57Assidiax is supposed to be better than sip least until we fix the scalability issue in chan_iax2
09:34.12oejBetter in what sense?
09:34.24JamesDotComsip > iax
09:34.27Assidand effectively quality
09:34.42JamesDotComthe problem is
09:34.47JamesDotComso few people ever understand sip
09:34.51Zeeek_the IAX2 argument was put forth in earlier asterisk docs, yes
09:34.51ScaredyCatnick125_lappy: what codec are you trying to use?
09:34.55JamesDotComor take a look at the rfc
09:35.25ScaredyCatdid you sip debug and see the codec compatablilty
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09:35.59nick125_lappywhere does it say the codec compatability?
09:36.25ScaredyCatit'll give you a list of your codecs and the far end, then say witch you both have
09:36.39X-Roboej - wanna talk about 4877 if you've got a sec?
09:36.53ScaredyCatand then pick from those
09:37.07oejWhich one is that, X-rob?
09:37.10Assidwe really should have a general server where everyone can just login their asterisk boxes
09:37.15Assidfor this channel
09:37.18X-Robsnom transfers crash asterisk
09:37.31Assidand keep some kinda meetme rooms
09:37.35ScaredyCatsnom, don't talk to me about snom... yukc
09:37.43oejX-rob: That's an evil issue report, with several different issues. Any news?
09:37.51ScaredyCatassid, try iaxtel
09:38.04jalsotis this the latest IAX2 RFC proposal?
09:38.05X-RobWas hoping to ask for your assitance in debugging. Possibly in #asterisk-dev?
09:38.24Assidokay bottom line.. what would be better? iax/sip for around 10/15 simultanous calls?
09:38.36Mimmusdoes _. matches also 'h', 't', etc?
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09:38.50X-RobMimmus - yes. That's why you shouldn't use it.
09:38.57ScaredyCatjalsot: is that Iax or iax2?
09:39.10MimmusX-Rob: thanks, my dialplan is full of these!
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09:39.18jalsotScaredyCat: I guess, iax2 [April 26, 2005]
09:39.31ScaredyCatExpires: October 28, 2005 yea
09:39.35oejX-rob: right
09:39.39X-RobMimmus - you want to use _X.
09:40.03MimmusX-Rob: I will rewrite some contexts, thanks
09:41.28AssidScaredyCat: is the 1700 number pstn accesible number?
09:42.23ScaredyCatvia 3rd parties yes...
09:42.35MimmusX-Rob: THANKS, your suggestion seems to solve my problem with all CDRs having 'h' has destination!
09:42.39ScaredyCatiaxtel dialin numbers (2 stage dialing)
09:43.04ScaredyCatyouu just need to find one near you...
09:44.23*** join/#asterisk SrFr (
09:45.27*** join/#asterisk drbrown (n=chatzill@
09:46.35Mimmusthanks again to X-Rob. I'm leaving
09:46.39fulgaswith a h extension shouldn't all hangups be forward to that extension ?
09:46.53Assidlooks like i gotta shift my connectiosn from iax-> sip
09:47.02X-RobI'm the fucking GEEK.
09:47.09X-RobI fix L33T KERNEL PROBLEMS
09:47.28X-Rob...if only I could fix SIP transfers... sigh.
09:47.56ScaredyCatso, should I encrypt just the rtp or the whole protocol?
09:48.19Assidu wanna hav a encrypted transfer?
09:48.48Assidwhat swphone u gonna use?
09:48.56ScaredyCatmy own
09:49.28Assidis gnophone available for windows?
09:49.44SrFrI have a strange problem: in extensions.conf, I read the variable $agi_callerid with a shell script to use it. It works perfect. the variable contains the originating telephone number. But when I pick up a ringing phone with another phone using *8# , the $agi_callerid contains MY sip number (the sip number of the phone I pick it up with). very strange
09:51.44*** part/#asterisk mog_home (
09:52.23h3xdiax phone does url pops
09:54.22weazulhas somebody tested Asterisk 1.2.0-beta1 already?????
09:55.11h3xjust dont get it from cvs
09:55.33weazulok and are there big improvements in your opinion?
09:55.59h3xfrom what
09:56.19weazulfrom latest 1.0x head...
09:56.22AsylumScaredyCat: I've configured the zaptel drivers and i have 24 channels configured no erros.. Still can't dial in.. just get engaged signel any suggestions?
09:56.35h3xyou mean v1-0 stable?
09:56.46h3xwell it has asterisk realtime
09:56.49h3xso if you need that
09:56.59Asylumthere is now a flashing red light at the back of the card..
09:57.09weazulhmkay nice nice...
09:57.28h3xi upgraded for the sql modules from the dialplan to work right
09:58.47*** join/#asterisk transgress (n=transgre@
09:58.58*** part/#asterisk Akelavlk (n=jansun@
10:01.14ScaredyCatAsylum: did you also configure /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf ?
10:02.23*** join/#asterisk zobia (n=laura_sh@
10:02.44zobiaHello every one. who can help me with the dtmf digits problem
10:03.26*** join/#asterisk juice_ (
10:03.42zobiai dial from xlite to the asterisk server, when i input the digits to go to IVR system. my digits is gone
10:03.56zobiai mean the system did not receive any digits from my xlite.
10:04.14zobiai press the number for instance 1 then press #
10:04.32zobiamy dtmfmode set to inband
10:04.53zobiathanx in advanced
10:09.00zobiathank , i already solve the problem.
10:10.41AsylumScaredyCat: Yes i added switchtype channel and soo on
10:10.55*** part/#asterisk SrFr (
10:11.37*** join/#asterisk JessicaX^ (i=Jessie@
10:11.50JessicaX^Hmm i <3 asterisk
10:12.11JessicaX^Except some comedian made it keep saying people could lose weight when they phoned up.. lol
10:12.26AsylumScaredyCat: also done /etc/zaptel.conf with loadzone span bchan dchan
10:13.06ScaredyCatdid you restart * after doing that?
10:13.21Asylumnope. i'll do that now
10:13.37ScaredyCattake a look at zttool too.. it'll show the state of the card
10:13.58Asylumunloading zaptel hardware drivers failed
10:14.15Asylumerror while rebooting.. ok i'll try that once it's rebooted
10:16.52*** join/#asterisk Bonzai090 (
10:18.00Asylumok rebooted..
10:18.10Asylumzttool current alarms "Red Alarm"
10:20.55X-RobAsylum - so you have broken zaptel. Congrats.
10:21.13YoYoeh?  what kind of broken zaptel?
10:21.21*** part/#asterisk zobia (n=laura_sh@
10:21.22X-Rob<Asylum> zttool current alarms "Red Alarm"
10:21.24YoYored alarm could indicate that the line is broken
10:21.43X-RobAll I'm saying is that zaptel, the concept, is borked.
10:21.54X-Robthere are many reasons for red alarm.
10:21.58AsylumSo that means that there is no connection between the box and the wall?
10:22.01YoYodun think so hoss
10:22.18AsylumOr could it be just the setup of the zaptel drivers?
10:22.26X-RobAsylum  - that'll be the problem.
10:22.32AsylumIt's a brand new TE110P Digium card
10:22.34X-Rob(unless it was working before)
10:22.37*** join/#asterisk DrJolo (
10:22.53AsylumWell, it's a new setup.. never done this before? so it could be my fault?
10:22.55X-RobAsylum - I like you.
10:22.58YoYoAsylum, do you know for a fact that this line is good?
10:23.01X-RobYou're in qld _and_ you're on westnet.
10:23.03Asylumno i don't..
10:23.07AsylumYes X-Rob :P
10:23.16X-RobStandard onramp?
10:23.18YoYohrrm... that doesn't help things
10:23.23Asylumonramp 10
10:23.39X-Robstick this in your /etc/zaptel.conf:
10:23.44X-Robloadzone = au
10:23.44X-Robdefaultzone = au
10:23.45YoYoiirc, the te cards need to be jumpered or T1/E1 operation... do you have it set correctly?
10:23.46X-Rob(sorry for the dump)
10:24.04*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
10:24.07jbotrumour has it, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
10:24.08X-Robyes yes
10:24.10X-Robhush 8)
10:24.34X-RobPr0n mustace!
10:24.37X-Robmustache even
10:24.57Baphcan anyone recommend a decent but inexpensive (read: cheap) PCI card with min 1xFXO 2xFXS max 2xFXO 4xFXS (or combination of cards)... so far, I'm looking at the TDM series (eg TDM22B)?
10:25.52YoYoBaph: if you need to keep things open for future expansion, get a T1 card and a channel bank
10:26.23Asylum11 channels configured
10:26.27Asylumstill a red light
10:26.32YoYored lights suck
10:26.39X-RobHow's your Onramp delivered?
10:26.42AsylumDo i have to modprobe it after changing config? reboot?
10:26.53X-RobAsylum - uh. Yes. I think
10:26.56X-Robrmmod te110xp
10:26.58X-Robmodprobe te110xp
10:26.59BaphYoYo, I'm looking at a SOHO setup, the max expansion I'll need will be probably 8xFXS 2xFXO... I'm still not even sure what connection (physical size) a T1 is lol
10:27.16X-Rob..(I think that ztcfg can fix it, but, it's easier to just unload and reload)
10:27.23Asylumi've been using  modprobe wcte11xp ?
10:27.38X-RobI just realised I had a brainfart
10:27.53Asylummo use rmmod wcte11xp ?
10:28.11Asylumdevice / resource busy
10:28.15X-Robshut down asterisk
10:28.24X-Rob(or whatever's trying to use it)
10:29.07*** join/#asterisk sigterm (
10:29.12Asylumreboot lol
10:29.27X-Robdon't reboot
10:29.33Asylum2 late?
10:29.45X-RobThis is linux. You really _never_ have to reboot it
10:30.04AsylumSo I should have just "shutdown.. asterisk.. then restart asterisk..
10:30.09JessicaX^I'm adding that to my "<3" list
10:30.10X-Robyou should have typed:
10:30.13Asyluminstead of the os..
10:30.13X-Rob'asterisk -r'
10:30.15X-Rob'stop now'
10:30.25Asylumi'll remember that.
10:30.32X-RobJessicaX^ - your <3 list?
10:30.35X-RobLess than three things?
10:30.59*** join/#asterisk sigmounte (
10:31.29X-RobAsylum - you'll need to. 'asterisk -r' will become your friend.
10:31.35X-RobWhere abouts in qld are you?
10:31.44AsylumBrisbane.. you?
10:31.56AsylumSo you can just come here and help me lmao :P
10:32.07X-Rob$80/hour + expenses, no problem 8)
10:32.26AsylumI'm setting it up for a friend who has just opened a real estate.. and it's starting to annoy me that i can't get it working lol
10:32.30Asylumstill a red light
10:32.35X-RobJessicaX^ - you're meant to say 'Turn it 90 degrees!'
10:32.55X-Rob..but it's not funny when I prompt you.
10:33.23X-RobScaredyCat - I'm a geek. I can't catch for shit.
10:33.36X-RobI have just discovered something INCREDIBLY ANNOYING.
10:33.37ScaredyCatneiher can ur team :P
10:33.52ScaredyCatbada boom boom
10:34.06X-RobCentOS 4.1 does _NOT_ have a perl-Net-Telnet RPM! Argh. Here I've been saying how nice it is, and it DOESN'T HAVE NET::TELNET!
10:34.09X-RobScaredyCat - hah.
10:34.20ScaredyCatuse cpan
10:34.24X-Robyeah yeah
10:34.35X-Robbut I'm trying to shrink the AMP dependancies down
10:34.43X-RobAsylum - Wups. Sorry. OK
10:34.47ScaredyCatand telnet ... *shudder*
10:34.59AsylumX-Rob: I stoped it then started it.. is says span configured for esf/b8zs  ? is this wrong
10:35.18X-RobScaredyCat - pray, how exactly are you meant to connect to the management interface w/o net::telnet?
10:35.23*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
10:35.29ScaredyCatyou're not...
10:35.34YoYoAsylum, then why did you specify that in your config?
10:35.40ScaredyCatit should be ssh
10:35.54ScaredyCatit's a crime
10:36.03AsylumYoYo: Just been reading from online forums YoYo..
10:36.11ScaredyCatand it should NEVER be open to the outside world
10:36.18JessicaX^It's a crime?
10:36.25X-RobAsylum - that's for US stuff.
10:36.32AsylumWell, I've been trying to get it working from stuff i've read on the internet!
10:36.33X-RobOnRamps use the configuration I gave you
10:36.36YoYoAsylum, esf/b8zs is US/T1 stuff
10:36.44YoYoyou need AU config
10:36.49X-RobNext question
10:36.58X-Robon the TE110, did you change the jumper to 'E1'?
10:36.59puzzledmorning all
10:37.01YoYoand I dunno what that might be... you guys are upside down there
10:37.06JessicaX^Ooh, can i offer a big hug to an Asterisk Developer? ^_^
10:37.11X-RobYoYo - I've given him the config  8)
10:37.25YoYoJessica: there's none around here... will I do?
10:37.41AsylumX-Rob i have changed that  span=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4 in the /etc/zaptel.conf
10:37.42JessicaX^Sure :)
10:37.49X-RobAsylum - see your /msgs
10:37.53JessicaX^YoYo :D
10:37.53Asylumbut it still says te110p span configure for esf
10:37.55X-Robnote how I've messaged you
10:38.27YoYoAsylum, rmmod, the insmod/modprobe again
10:38.29YoYothen ztcfg -vvv
10:39.07ScaredyCat5 bacon butties,  gone!
10:39.08YoYoalso, make sure you channel assignments are correct (but don't ask me, I dun rmeember the funky layout of the e1)
10:39.20YoYoso, Jessica, what's got you in such a good mood?
10:39.34JessicaX^Well, nothing much in particular
10:39.38JessicaX^I'm usually like this
10:39.58JessicaX^Oh, maybe it's this film - Unleashed - such a good film, it is :)
10:40.28X-RobScaredyCat - he's got an onramp 10, which is bchan=1-10 then unused=11-15,17-31
10:40.39*** join/#asterisk tandem1 (
10:40.45ScaredyCatonramp a provider?
10:41.05X-RobNah. We only have one telco that provides PRI here
10:41.10X-Robguess where the dchan goes 8)
10:41.16X-Roband 'OnRamp' is the name of the PRI
10:41.28X-RobWe also have 'OnRamp 2' for a BRI
10:41.36X-Roband then OnRamp 10/20/30 for PRI
10:41.48ScaredyCatwhy don;t they call it what it is
10:41.51YoYoScaredyCat, fractional PRI
10:41.52X-Robcoz they're telstra
10:41.58X-Roband they can do whatever the hell they want.
10:42.03YoYoservice is called Onramp
10:42.14ScaredyCatsounds offroad
10:42.34X-Robit was named when 'on ramp to the information superhighway' didn't sound lame.
10:42.38ScaredyCattoo much Kangaroo stew methinks
10:42.44X-Robin those 45 minutes.
10:42.51ScaredyCat4.5 ;)
10:43.09ScaredyCato, but your dchan is still 16 ?
10:43.14YoYoinformation superhighway
10:43.20X-RobScaredyCat - yep.
10:43.42Asylumcheck your msgs
10:43.52X-RobI'm not getting any messages
10:43.56Asylumyour not?
10:44.21Asylumdid you get that one?
10:44.26YoYowell, he's getting msg's from me
10:44.26ScaredyCatstop sending me messages
10:44.32AsylumPrivate messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems,
10:44.41X-Robthat makes sence.
10:44.56ScaredyCat/msg nickserv register pick-a-password
10:45.15YoYo/msg nickserv register this-password-sucks
10:45.22ScaredyCat/msg nickserv identify the-password-you-picked
10:45.39AsylumX-Rob ? working now?
10:45.41Asylumcheers gjys
10:45.42Asylumguys even
10:45.44YoYo/msg nickserv identify your-sucky-password
10:46.30ScaredyCatyou can now use the Asylum nick every time you come back, just remember to identify when you join the server
10:47.17YoYoand if someone else steals your nick, you can recover it
10:47.36X-RobThat was me!
10:47.43ScaredyCatno it was you YoYo :P
10:48.08YoYothat's ok... 'cause I'm +q on #FreeBSD for some fucked off reason
10:48.09ScaredyCatghost em
10:48.18YoYobut only on this nick
10:48.22YoYoI think I needs a new one
10:49.18YoYooh cool!  someone lifted the +q :)
10:49.27ScaredyCatbkw_: when you appear I have an idea
10:49.39YoYoomg, another idea?
10:49.41YoYowhat is it this time?
10:49.58sigtermheh you piss off jer lately?
10:50.13*** join/#asterisk Spacebar_ (
10:50.14sigtermhe's been a madman with that this past week
10:50.22YoYowho what?
10:50.29ScaredyCatyou only have to speak to piss him off
10:50.34sigtermjer.. #freebsd.
10:50.46YoYono... it was some bitch...
10:50.47sigtermScaredyCat: lately, yea
10:50.54sigtermquite testy
10:51.07YoYosomeone made a comment about how cool "make buildworld" was... then I asked if he's ever tried Gentoo
10:51.11YoYothen BAM!  +q
10:51.29YoYolike, I was there to badmouth FreeBSD and promote linux
10:52.17YoYobut, I use linux because nobody will get serious about getting Axtrix fully functional on FBSD
10:52.24*** join/#asterisk nesys (
10:52.32Zeeek_you could
10:52.48YoYoI do not have the technical knowledge to do so
10:54.41YoYobut, I'm reasonably happy with my Gentoo box
10:55.06Zeeek_the way to go then is to stimulate interest on #freebsd and lists - get a few competant people interested
10:55.08YoYoLinux wilson 2.6.10-gentoo-r6 #3 Thu Mar 17 17:32:24 EST 2005 i686 Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
10:55.22Zeeek_it would be good forasterisk, too
10:55.32YoYowhy dislike gentoo?
10:55.39ScaredyCatshit kept breaking
10:55.45YoYoZeeek, there are lots of FBSD users who are interested in Asterisk
10:55.59Zeeek_can't any of them make improvements then?
10:56.13YoYobut for some reason, we've not gotten the attention of anyone capable of getting zaptel fully ported
10:56.16ScaredyCatyou could ask jerjer YoYo
10:56.24Zeeek_I tried * on FreeBSD 4.7, still there in fact (on a rented server, no ZAP)
10:56.50Zeeek_it seemd to work ok other than ZAP and moh
10:58.16JessicaX^Hey hey!
10:58.22YoYoyeah, I had it working on 5.something, even with zap (x100), but what I need, is the tor2 and wct1xxp drivers
10:58.22JessicaX^turn those frowns around :)
10:58.39Zeeek_how were the cookies?
10:59.01JessicaX^They roxed
11:02.05X-RobDid you give her _special_ cookies?
11:02.29*** join/#asterisk Mother_ (
11:03.50*** join/#asterisk casterman (n=casterma@
11:04.50*** join/#asterisk Blazint (
11:05.41*** join/#asterisk jannnn (
11:06.04*** part/#asterisk nesys (
11:06.38*** join/#asterisk Tili (
11:06.41JessicaX^Yes, they were disco biscuits
11:07.27ScaredyCatwith lights?
11:08.10ScaredyCatright, that's it - I'm off to break iax2
11:08.11JessicaX^Nope ;-;
11:08.35jannnnI did setup an asterisk server a few month ago. connections between isdn and sip (snom,sipura adapter, grandstream adapter)and betwen sip-sip (grandstream and sipura) works. if I try to call the sipura from snom or
11:09.06jannnngreandstream the sipura is ringing but after the connect you can hear nothinh
11:09.16jannnnnothing.any hints where to search ?
11:09.24Zeeek_nat problems?
11:09.58Zeeek_jannnn descripe the network where asterisk is and the one where the client (phone) is
11:10.25jannnnI disable nat in the sip.conf. all phones are connectet via vpn (ipsec)
11:10.46Zeeek_that doesn't answer my quest
11:10.59Zeeek_hi ian
11:12.39Tilihi ScaredyCat.
11:13.09ScaredyCatlo Tili
11:13.13ScaredyCathow's you?
11:13.25TiliScaredyCat: got a few minutes?
11:13.31Tilii am good. how are you?
11:13.35jannnnasterisk with connection to pbx is behind sdsl 2.3 mbit phone is behind adsl 2mbit. the two networks are connectet via ipsec, they can connect via privat class with the server. the two phone (grandstream and snom) are on the same subnet, the sipura is on another. there is no "connection" from both client networks to each other, only to the server.
11:13.38ScaredyCatthis iax stuff is fun :)
11:13.42ScaredyCatgood here too
11:15.11*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
11:18.20TiliScaredyCat: what iax stuff?
11:18.23Tilihi RoyK
11:19.19RoyKusing asterisk behind a welltech sip proxy, i only get audio from the calling client. client->welltech proxy->asterisk SIP call starts, but asterisk never sends any RTP traffic back to the client
11:19.30jannnnZeeek_: do I need a "direct" connection between the sip clients ? I thought asterisk handels the connection so I need only the connection to asterisk ?
11:19.44*** join/#asterisk skeffling (
11:20.40RoyKjannnn: asterisk will bridge calls between sip clients, yes, asterisk cannot do native transfer/proxying on SIP
11:20.43*** join/#asterisk toddf (
11:20.58Bonzai090hey guys my callerid for incomming calles show up as unknown how can i get the phone number from my pstn ?.
11:21.17Zeeek_subscribe to the paid service?
11:21.35jannnnRoky: so I need to enable sip proxy at the clients ?
11:22.18Tilijannnn: RTP packets are sent between 2 SIP clients. so they just need  a way to do that directly.
11:23.07jannnnthanks, I think I'll find now a solution
11:23.23Bonzai090any ideas any one i do have callerid enabled on my phone lines
11:23.39ScaredyCatfingerprint call authentication!
11:24.17Tilijannnn: may be you can use an RTP proxy.
11:24.21darkskiezScaredyCat: what brought that on ?
11:24.40ScaredyCatI found my fingerprint reader
11:24.51Zeeek_Bonzai090 sometimes people have theirs turned off. You called yourself to see if it works?
11:24.53darkskiezbuild it onto the dial button on the phone
11:25.27Zeeek_he gets this way from time to time...
11:25.39Zeeek_from the peroid he spent in the jungle with fever
11:25.42ScaredyCatfingers.conf :: deadfingerdetect=yes
11:26.39Bonzai090Zeeek_  caller id internal works i see the extentions but if some one from outside calls me it does not show up. my mobile phones use to show up on my old pbx but it shows unknown now
11:26.45Bonzai090on my asterisk
11:27.31Bonzai090all i really want is the callerid to show up on the switchboard
11:29.20darkskiezwhat country u in
11:29.27Hallskianyone knows what's the minimum set of config files you need, opening /etc/asterisk is pretty daunting for a new user and it would be nice to be able to remove what's not needed and add things as we go along
11:30.11Bonzai090darkskiez  in south africa but i know we use the german exchange system here.
11:31.57*** join/#asterisk insomni_ (
11:32.34DrukenHMEi thought voip was illegeal in south africa ?
11:33.28memici always get -- Extension 's' in context 'pbx-trunk' from '597609' does not exist.  Rejecting call on channel 0/2, span 1
11:33.35memicwhen i take up the phone
11:33.42TiliHallski: read the manual for asterisk. Decide then what you need and what not.
11:33.43memicconnectet via hfc in nt mode
11:33.56Zeeek_maybe there's no 's' in pbx-trunk ?
11:33.57memicwhat means this Extension s
11:34.02HallskiTili: yes but is there a list of "these must exist for it to start"?
11:34.05memicmaybe read man
11:34.06Bonzai090DrukenHME  nope not any more its legal finaly
11:34.16HallskiTili: or is the answer no one except what you decide you need?
11:36.19TiliHallski: it really depends on what you want to do. you need extensions logger modules asterisk sip iax musiconhold voicemail zapata. Asterisk will complain for files it doesn't find. so you can add them if you are using that particular module/feature of asterisk.
11:36.32*** join/#asterisk drbrown (n=chatzill@
11:36.50HallskiTili: ah ok thanks, I think my problem was that the init.d-script on ubuntu didn't seem to work properly
11:36.53Hallskitill try it out, thanks
11:36.58memics = start
11:37.20memicsounds good
11:37.22*** join/#asterisk Morex (
11:37.25MorexHello all
11:37.33MorexQuestion for you.
11:37.43MorexI'm going to need to take 10,000 simultaneous calls.
11:37.50MorexAll to a single number.
11:38.04MorexSo I'm going to need to load balance the calls between several * servers
11:38.09MorexAnybody know how to do that?
11:38.32Bonzai090finaly i can chuck out a old panasonic pbx :>
11:38.53Bonzai090any one want a free panasonic analogue pbx?.. lol
11:39.12Bonzai090i'll even chuck in some phones
11:39.47Bonzai090lol ScaredyCat  i wont wish this POS on my worste enemy
11:39.56ScaredyCatbut Tili wants it
11:40.04X-RobMorex - I suggest you spend some money at digium.
11:40.07X-Robtell them that
11:40.16X-Roband ask 'em how much it's going to cost for them to spec it out.
11:40.17Bonzai090ScaredyCat  hmm as tempting as it is
11:40.18TiliI can take any crap as long as it has anything to do with telephony
11:40.23ScaredyCat*cough* sangoma *cough*
11:40.36Morexx-rob: It's all VOIP (IAX or SIP)
11:40.52MorexFor this one anyway
11:41.05ScaredyCatwhat does it terminate to?
11:41.23MorexWe're forwarding 100 of the calls to another number
11:41.29ScaredyCatfor just SIP calls use SER
11:41.43ScaredyCatthat'll handle bucket loads with a tiny machine
11:42.20MorexScaredyCat: Where do I get it?
11:42.28ScaredyCat1 sec
11:42.57*** join/#asterisk Lars (
11:43.14MorexScaredyCat: THANK YOU!!!
11:43.16DrukenHMEbonez39: sure, but free means i don't pay shipping either :)
11:43.36DrukenHMEBonzai090: that was ment for you :)
11:43.58Bonzai090DrukenHME  naa shipping is your baby lol
11:44.13Bonzai090any one got a idea on caller id on my incomming lines?..
11:44.22Bonzai090where can i look for a solution on that
11:44.29DrukenHMEhey now, free is free... don't be chincing out like publishers clearing house
11:44.56Bonzai090want to be able to "black list" people i dont want to speak to can only do that if there caller id comes up
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11:46.37Zeeek_Bonzai090 you should search the mailing list for people in your country or with your hardware
11:46.46Zeeek_if not in the US
11:47.20Zeeek_internal CID will always work in a properly configured asterisk. Externalm depends on a lot of shit
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11:47.25Bonzai090Zeeek_  hmmm i'll give a guy a call that i know in the area was hoping to get a quick answer right now i need to go and sort out some 7000 series cisco routers.
11:47.32Bonzai090thanks for the help guys
11:47.43jaikeanyone know how to disable call waiting on polycoms?
11:48.02oejjaike: I would like to know that as well... Haven't found a way to do it.
11:48.24ScaredyCatnp Morex
11:48.29jaikeoej: yup...messes up queueing
11:49.04MorexOK next question
11:49.25jaikethe polycom is getting more calls cause its putting the other calls in the queue in its waiting line
11:49.28MorexLet's say we get 20,000 people calling our 10,000 call system
11:50.00MorexWe want to answer the first 10,000 calls, and not accept the other 10,000 calls.
11:50.28MorexHow do we do that?
11:50.51DrukenHMEexactly what do you mean 10,000 call system ?
11:51.05darkskiezmorex: if you only have 10000 lines, that'll be easy.
11:51.17MorexDrunken: A system of load balanced asterisk servers handling 10,000 simultaneous calls
11:51.36MorexDarkskiez: We have effectively unlimited lines, but limited servers
11:51.58darkskiezunlimited lines?
11:52.07Morex(or rather, our VOIP termination provider has a lot of lines, but they're pooled between all their customers)
11:52.25darkskiezhow much bandwidth do you have to your voip provider?
11:52.27Morex...And we don't want to take more than we can handle otherwise the call quality will suffer.
11:52.39Tiliwhile dialing out, how can i transfer the calledparty on answer to another extension. We can only transfer both parties using G^context^exten^prio
11:52.51TiliI dont want user to send any DTMG
11:53.23DrukenHMETili: go research .call files
11:53.32darkskiezMorex: sounds like a fun project. when you figure it out, post about it on the wiki
11:54.20TiliDrunkenHME: already using outgoing calls.
11:54.27DrukenHMEMorex: i highly doubt it's possible... you would have to be able to track all the channels from all the servers...
11:54.30puzzledMorex: if you have the cash talk to the people at Signate
11:55.16DrukenHMEwell, what would the purpose of transfer on answer be ?
11:56.00ScaredyCatshare vars between servers
11:56.01Tilitransfer the called party so that astcc can let calledparty dial a number. this way i want to bill outgoing call by astcc and then number dialer by calledparty also through astcc.
11:56.07MorexHow about if we told each server to hang up the call immediately if it's dealing with too many?
11:56.39MorexBut then my * servers would be dealing with the hang up
11:56.49MorexMaybe SER can be configured to do it.
11:57.17DrukenHMETili: are you talking about a callingcard callback ?
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11:57.31TiliDrunkenHME: yes
11:57.49Bonzai090the Playback command can i add more than one file to play back in a row cause i have 3 files to play but there is a gap between them
11:57.57DrukenHMETili: ok, so you use the CID information from the incoming call, to create the call file
11:58.01TiliDrunkenHME: something that bills both callback call and call made by called party. seems like i am stuck
11:58.11ScaredyCatMorex: take a look at    start from  (New - An implementation of shared registrations - 14th Feb 2005) and read upwards... SetUnivar etc )
11:58.28Zeeek_ScaredyCat you updataed something on the site??????
11:58.53Bonzai090ahh ScaredyCat  that your site?..
11:59.03ScaredyCatbrb cat feeding
11:59.06Zeeek_yes what?
11:59.08TiliDrunkenHME: not exactly. i take number from incoming call and then call them back
11:59.22Bonzai090ScaredyCat  thanks for the site man was a nice learning ground 4 me :>
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12:01.29ScaredyCatnp Bonzai090
12:01.54ScaredyCatyes I updated the sie Zeeek_ and yes it's my site
12:01.57ScaredyCatso yes
12:02.00ScaredyCatto both
12:02.34Zeeek_OMG! you *updated* it?
12:02.42MorexScaredy: Thanks!
12:02.56memichm my hfc card dont want to call out
12:02.58Zeeek_last time I looked, it said something aboput there being FXO modules for the TDM400 someday
12:03.27Zeeek_bravo, it's the first site I've always recommended
12:03.44DrukenHMEi must say it's the first i've ever heard of it
12:03.46memici can call in but nothing goes out
12:10.56DrukenHMEScaredyCat: i'm curious, do you get spam in the websites email ?
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12:11.43ScaredyCatbut I use filtering..
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12:12.14Mimmuswhat's the exact meaning of ResetCDR?
12:12.18JessicaX^CanIt is also good
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12:12.34ScaredyCaton the server yes, but I also grab it from the server to a local server that applies even more agressive filtering
12:13.28littleballhi,sorry, trouble someone to explain to me one English sentence due to i cannot understand my friend's email(my English is bad). "The job is quite lobo." What does it mean?
12:13.51DrukenHMEScaredyCat: ahh... i have mine configured like hotmail, got the whole junkmail folder and mail gets deletted after 10 days
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12:14.04JessicaX^low paying
12:14.55ScaredyCatmust be non-uk english...
12:15.21littleballScaredyCat, i also think so. I cannot understand
12:15.29DrukenHMEsince when do they speak "ENGLISH" in the uk ? :)
12:16.20littleballScaredyCat, i can trigger call back already, thanks for your help !
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12:17.13TiliScaredyCat: how SRI solves problem of load balancing
12:17.14ScaredyCatDrukenHME: since we sent you lot over there ;)
12:17.29ScaredyCatlittleball: good glad it helped
12:17.37voipguyany body know of a good billing solution for asterisk?
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12:17.56ScaredyCatTili: it's not about load balancing, more about uptime for client side
12:17.59littleballit is nice and i am happy. i will notify you when i donate to your site :)
12:18.17FaithfulHey guys if I am running ilbc to my service provider is there any advantange in running ilbc locally on the phones too?
12:18.18ScaredyCatset/get univar can help
12:18.33ScaredyCatsince you can tell other servers call counts etc..
12:19.03ScaredyCatFaithful: sure, there's not codec translation
12:19.04Tilivoipguy: me
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12:19.40littleballyes, it works. Now i can use callback to trigger the call between two SIP phones. I think it should not a problem to trigger to E1 line numbers. (I am getting the digium card)
12:19.59ScaredyCatyes, you only need to change the channel...
12:20.07ScaredyCatand it'll work with your E1
12:20.35JessicaX^And in the blue corner,  weighing in at just under 100mb! It has been named as the best PBX ever, and is also known as the "southern Dandy." it's Asterisk! The Reigning Champion!
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12:21.09voipguyTIli: what do you recommend?
12:21.10ScaredyCat100mb JessicaX^? less than that...
12:21.18JessicaX^And, in the red corner, weighing in at over 2 GB, It has been named a rip-off of asterisk, and is also known as the "Drunken hobo", it's Microsoft Ampersand!
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12:22.16JessicaX^Yep, their rip off
12:22.24Uther_PI haven't heard of that!
12:22.33Uther_Poh well... they'll fuck it up anyway
12:22.44JessicaX^And it's a jab from Asterisk, it's all over!
12:22.48JessicaX^Asterisk wins!
12:22.49Uther_Pthey probably stole a bunch of asterisk's source too
12:23.04Uther_Pthat would be microsoft's mo
12:27.38JessicaX^Uther_P, this reminds me of Family guy
12:27.39visik7does zaphfc support all kind of hfc chipset or only hfc-s ?
12:27.39DrukenHMEi dunno, just voip and windows seems wrong...
12:27.39JessicaX^"Alright, so we attack the rice krispie place at dawn, assuming judd hersh delivers the goods!"
12:27.39Uther_Pheh, family guy rocks.. I have the first 3 seasons on dvd and all the rest on my pvr
12:27.39JessicaX^I gained my love of Journey through Family guy
12:27.39Uther_P"you saved my ass back there", "you saved my ass!"... ."here's to snap"... "to snap!"
12:27.39Uther_Pheh, hopefully not because of how they were singing it
12:27.39JessicaX^"OH MY GOD! I love this song, and i LOVE IT when amateurs sing the lyrics! BUT I HATE BASEBALL CARDS!!!!"
12:27.39JessicaX^the funniest bit EVER
12:27.40JessicaX^"Nobody messes with adam we"
12:27.40Uther_P(drops casket)... (old woman) "oh my god.... hey, that is journey"
12:27.40JessicaX^Quagmire is hillarious
12:27.40JessicaX^"What the hell is CPR?!?"
12:27.40Uther_Pyou know mother... this might have passed for a perishable banana pudding.. but with out the ;nilla waffers, its just another one of your retched culiary abortions!
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12:27.40JessicaX^NOW CLEAN IT UP!
12:27.40JessicaX^<3 Pheonix Nights too
12:27.40Uther_Pheh, "will somebody get patches the hell out of here before he decides to bend a fresh biscuit on the conveyor belt
12:27.40JessicaX^It's hilarious >_>
12:27.41JessicaX^ahahaha yeah
12:27.41Uther_Phaven't heard of it
12:27.41JessicaX^Download it
12:27.41Uther_Pokie dokie
12:27.42JessicaX^Or i'll send it to you, it's so funny
12:27.42JessicaX^"OOh! Look at them, she could breast feed a creche"
12:27.47Uther_Pyou got the bandwidth?
12:27.50JessicaX^I'm usually not into that kinda thing, lol
12:27.54JessicaX^YHep, i think so
12:28.45JessicaX^It's so funny though
12:28.45Tilivoipguy: what do u want. pre-paid or post paid.
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12:36.38Tilivoipguy: you can use astcc for pre-paid/calling card billing, although nobody really likes it
12:36.38JessicaX^it was those haxors :(
12:36.38ScaredyCatthat filled my scrollback :(
12:36.38Zeeek_painfull, that
12:36.39Zeeek_a full scrollback in the middle of the night and you have to get up
12:36.39Zeeek_and empty it
12:36.39Mimmuswhat's the exact meaning of ResetCDR? I'm reading "Causes the Call Data Record to be reset". Reset?
12:36.39ScaredyCatit means 'pretend the call started from now'
12:37.11Mimmusbut I have it in a macron called 'hangupcall'!
12:37.11memicanybody knows howto forward calls between sipphones?
12:37.12ScaredyCatthe question is why Mimmus
12:37.30ScaredyCatdo they have transter buttons memic
12:38.04MimmusScaredyCat: I'm using AsteriskAtHome, I noticed ResetCDR in this macro
12:38.04memicany they need to have internal numbers?
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12:41.43Mimmusmemic: as last resort, you can try with '#' button
12:42.05*** part/#asterisk jeremi (n=netnameu@
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12:43.10memicwill test
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12:43.49littleball"The job is quite lobo" means "You can get lots of personal time". It is Singapore English :)
12:43.54netnameusI'm using a polycom phone, and when I dial a number that requires an extension, and I dial that extension, nothing happens.  It's like i dont even dial the extension
12:44.22netnameusi've tried multiple places that i know people's extensions, but none work, so i think it's either the phone, or my asterisk setup
12:44.35netnameusany ideas?
12:45.53*** join/#asterisk newl (
12:47.04Bonzai090hmm i need a voice telling a customer that his call has ben forwarded via hong kong at premium rates of $14.50 per minute
12:47.14Bonzai090think that wil deter some anoying customers lol
12:47.17Hallskihmm, will you need some hardware to do conferences?
12:49.04ScaredyCatI presume nagios will let me send a heartbeat to it and alert if the heartbeat doesn;t arrive
12:49.38visik7ScaredyCat are u trying to clustering * ?
12:50.16ScaredyCatworking on it
12:51.04littleballScaredyCat, what is your strategy of clustering asterisk? One which level? OS, or Database.... etc?
12:51.41ScaredyCatos, * and db's
12:51.58ScaredyCattry different dtmf setting s netnameus
12:52.12Tilibye ScaredyCat. your pbx monitor is cool.
12:52.15ScaredyCatsounds like * doesn;t hear your dtmf
12:52.20ScaredyCatl8r tili
12:52.25ScaredyCattoo slow
12:52.34netnameuswhere can i change those ScaredyCat?
12:52.44ScaredyCatin sip.conf or on the polycom
12:52.59ScaredyCatit si a sip polycom, right?
12:53.14*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
12:53.17ScaredyCatin sip.conf or on the polycom itself then
12:53.29littleballI also plan to use cluster in the future. Is it possible to centralize all sip request to one big server and then distribute the real voice stream etc to satelite servers?
12:53.34ScaredyCatyou need to find a match... have you looked at the wikki/
12:53.49ScaredyCatlittleball: I'd use SER for that
12:53.51crash3mlittleball: using ser
12:54.14littleballSorry, what is "SER"? google it
12:54.41Bonzai090ScaredyCat  u recon i can get asterisk on a 4gb SD card?...
12:54.45netnameusdtmfmode=inband  what else can/should I try ScaredyCat?
12:54.53ScaredyCatyes Bonzai090 - easily
12:55.11ScaredyCatlook at my CF edition...
12:55.17ScaredyCatit's tiny
12:55.29Bonzai090ScaredyCat  hmmm will you be here in a hour or so's time?..
12:55.33ScaredyCatthough I run it all from ram..
12:55.48ScaredyCatdepends if I actually get soem work done ;)
12:55.50Bonzai090ScaredyCat  just wanna chat to you about that..
12:56.37Bonzai090heh ScaredyCat  so like the old cisco 1600 routers i can boot off the SD card and keep a backup of the sd card so if a clients pbx dies i can just put in the replacement card and charge them for it hehe
12:57.11ScaredyCatand you can even put their configs on a http server and pull them off at boot :)
12:57.25Bonzai090hmm ScaredyCat  now we talking hehe :>
12:57.40ScaredyCatyou haven't looked at them have you...
12:57.45Bonzai090besides memory is faster than hdd
12:57.47ScaredyCatyou bad bad person ;)
12:57.58ScaredyCatyes... CF is pretty slow...
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12:58.15ScaredyCatthere's a pxe boot version too... but only really good for loacl booting
12:58.21Bonzai090even maybe a usb2.0 memory stick hmmm
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12:58.42Bonzai090usb2.0 is about 400mb odd i think
12:58.44ScaredyCatyes, but I don;t have a machine that will boot off a usb stick, so I can't test it
12:58.50littleballConsidering Google support Jabber/XMPP by launching its GoogleTalk, any indications from this?
12:58.59Bonzai090ScaredyCat  all the new pc's seemto be able to do it
12:59.08ScaredyCati don;t have a new pc...
12:59.11ScaredyCatthey're all old
12:59.21Bonzai090ScaredyCat  time to invest in one man :)
12:59.32ScaredyCatshould be here at the end of the week :)
12:59.39Bonzai090mind you i am running a  7 use roffice off a celeron 1.7 with 256mb memory and a 40gb hdd lol
12:59.58ScaredyCat1.7 celeron - pure luxury
13:00.28littleballHi, anyone has some comments on what the future could be considering the emergency of GoogleTalk? I am interested in this?
13:00.39coppiceWe got evicted from our 1.7 celeron box
13:00.41Bonzai090hehe ScaredyCat  and my workstation is a lowely amd fx series with 1gb memory hehe
13:01.19coppiceBonzai090: only one core? :-)
13:01.37ScaredyCatI don't know what my new one is going to be, someone ordered if for me though I did say 'lots of ram and disk space'
13:02.03ScaredyCatit's a dell, but it's better than what I have here atm... :)
13:02.08Bonzai090coppice  for now.. i am waiting to see what amd is oging to do
13:02.10coppiceyou'll get a big case with lots of space for RAM and disk
13:02.28Bonzai090ScaredyCat  dell?... *shivers*
13:02.31ScaredyCatfinaly be ble to run vmwared boxen at real speed
13:02.31coppiceX2s are nice :-)
13:02.52Bonzai090well dell in south africa is bad cause there is only one service centre in the whole country
13:03.05Bonzai090coppice  now if only the x2 can come out with fx :>
13:03.17ScaredyCatwell dell service is generally bad anyway
13:03.39coppiceDell for small users is bad everywhere. for large corporates they are great
13:03.44ScaredyCatthe number of times engineers turn up with the wrong part
13:03.54yabooScaredyCat, told the dell rep who rang me why my survey on dell service was bad
13:03.55ScaredyCatand then have to wait for a new part
13:04.18Bonzai090well i done a quote on a dell SQAN for one of my clients.
13:04.19ScaredyCatyaboo:  an the reply was...
13:04.47ScaredyCatthe only good thing is you can get consistancy in the hardware..
13:05.12coppiceI had a stunking hot PSU for a Dell notebook. our support guy called for a replacement "if it works we can't replace it". He hung up and called again saying it was dead. I got a new one the next day, and nobody complained the swapped out one still worked
13:05.14yabooScaredyCat, told them there india call center was crap and the local people were good
13:05.26Bonzai0903 weeks later a truck pull sup with  my quote..  a 5TB san with snap shot and racks the works
13:05.31yabooScaredyCat, they were upset with that
13:05.38Bonzai090luckely i had the proff i only done a quote
13:05.59Bonzai090pitty wish i could keep the kit though 5tb of space will be just enough for my downloads hehe
13:06.03ScaredyCatyaboo: well, it's the same for uk banks... it's just stupid...
13:06.14coppiceBangalore - the land of sex and drugs and call centres
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13:06.23ScaredyCatparticularly as they can't make decisions, they have to stick to the script
13:06.53AkelavlkHello, I have problem with SIP phones. I can call from SIP phone, but when I try call from AIX I got " No route to destination" error.
13:06.58AkelavlkWhere is a problem?
13:06.59ScaredyCatapparently one guy in one of the call centres was flogging CC numbers
13:07.35Bonzai090heh ScaredyCat  he's prolly some one sprison b!tch by now lol
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13:08.00ScaredyCatsounds like a networking problem Akelavlk
13:08.20ScaredyCatright.. I must add this pricing to iax...bbl
13:08.29Bonzai090ok lemme go get some work done.. not that i am in the mood to do some work today..
13:08.37Bonzai090chat later ScaredyCat
13:08.49ScaredyCatoptimal temp is 15c for me
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13:09.29coppiceyou must be a true penguin type
13:09.29AkelavlkScaredyCat what kind of network problem? I have all phones and PCs on same network.
13:10.26Bonzai090hehe well the IBm technicians love me already i know when they come in to work on my SAn so i turn the server room temp way way down and sit and watch them through the glass windows thats between my office and the server room :>
13:11.05*** join/#asterisk Moc_ (
13:11.08Bonzai090nice to see them freeze then run for coffee then freeze again mwahahhaa
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13:25.26coppicebkw: how's the leaking?
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13:26.26Kattybkw_: i'm tired. fix it.
13:26.31Ariel_morning all
13:26.57*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (n=Hmmm@
13:27.38Hmmhesayseveryone miss me?
13:27.41Mimmusmy telco said me that my PRI has 10 incoming and 10 outgoing channels. I suppose they are 1-10 and 11-15,17-21, no?
13:27.58Mimmus(E1 line)
13:28.05JessicaX^An @!
13:28.14HmmhesaysMimmus, what makes you think that?
13:28.35Hmmhesaysdefine incoming and outgoing
13:28.36*** join/#asterisk elriah (
13:29.02darkskiezMimmus: I'd imagine you have 10 channels that can be used for incoming or outgoing calls.
13:29.09MimmusHmmhesays: I tried 1-10 and 17-25 but noticed some strange beahaviour
13:29.32Mimmusdarkskiez: 10 ONLY INCOMING AND 10 ONLY OUTGOING
13:29.48darkskiezOK, THATS INTERESTING
13:30.11elriahHi all.  I have to setup a remote phone.  It's a polycomo ip 300.  I want to have full functionality - will the remote location need a static IP if I'm using SIP?  (leaving out nat and port forwarding for now)
13:30.25darkskiezI dont define the channels on my E1, it seems to be auto-detected
13:30.56Mimmusit's a kind of magic!
13:31.32bkw_coppice, it seems to be better but the box isn't busy for another hour or so
13:31.42darkskiezi just specify the whole range, and the network seems to take care of the rest
13:32.09coppicebkw: if should *definitely* be better :-) I fixed a bad one
13:33.38Hmmhesayselriah functionality doesn't have much to do with sip
13:34.16*** join/#asterisk Dybdahl (
13:35.06elriahHmmhesays: Well, what I mean by that is, I want to have a fully functional remote phone that sits behind someones home internet connection (understanding that the quality might suck, but this is an experiment).  And, for example, when that extension gets a voicemail, I want the voicemail light to light-up like any local sip phones.  Is this possible?
13:35.15bkw_coppice, ;)
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13:36.09Ariel_Mimmus, most E1's line or channels are both inbound/outbound channels. I would very strange if they are just one way channels
13:36.43Hmmhesayselriah: yes
13:37.08elriahHmmhesays: Even if the remote IP isn't static?  i.e., it may change every so many days/weeks/etc?
13:37.18Hmmhesayselriah: yes
13:37.19KattyHmmhesays: mew
13:37.59elriahHmmhesays: Awesome!  Any recommendations on where to start?  Maybe a how-to somewhere?  doesn't have to be specific to the polycom phones ... (Thanks for the help, btw)
13:38.21Hmmhesaysassuming you are going to use asterisk with it?
13:38.54Hmmhesaysasterisk should be on a public ip
13:39.13elriahIt will be 1:1 natted ...
13:39.34Hmmhesaysstatic ip?
13:39.41*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
13:40.42Hmmhesaysstart on the wiki
13:40.52elriahThat's where I am now ...
13:40.57elriahReading through the articles ...
13:41.08Kattywikiwikiwikiwiki mushroommushroom
13:41.40Hmmhesayssetting up asterisk is such a broad topic, you need to just dive in. unless you want to pay someone to teach you
13:42.10elriahNo, I'm good on most accounts.  I have a functional system that I use every day and has about 4 phones.
13:42.18Hmmhesaysahh ok
13:42.21Hmmhesaysthen what is the issue?
13:42.49elriah* is pretty easy to hack into running.. I wouldn't claim any expertise, but it works..
13:43.00Hmmhesaysso you know how to register phones
13:43.14elriahYea, good there.
13:43.27Hmmhesaysset your externip and localnet
13:43.34Hmmhesaysba da bing, done
13:43.53elriahReally?  No port forwarding on the other end?
13:44.15AkelavlkHello, I have problem with SIP phones. I can call from SIP phone, but when I try call from AIX I got " No route to destination" error.
13:44.24Ariel_elriah, I would love to know why you think it's pretty easy to hack? you can always put firewall rules iptables with programs like shorewall.
13:44.28Hmmhesaysif you have a stateful router set your sip registration expiry to 60 seconds
13:44.38elriahSo the SIP registration is a persistent 'tunnel' of sorts?
13:44.48elriahAriel: No, no.. hack as in get working, not break into.
13:44.50Hmmhesaysno, it keeps the dynamic port map open
13:45.07elriahHmmhesays: Ahh.
13:45.08Hmmhesaystunnel is not the correct term
13:45.30*** join/#asterisk drbrown (n=chatzill@
13:45.56Hmmhesayspretty much any newer nat router is going to do that
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13:46.02elriahHmmhesays: Makes sense.  That sounds almost too easy.  Any gotchas?
13:46.07coppicesubterranean transport system be better?
13:46.32Hmmhesaysif your router isn't stateful, it won't work
13:46.50StephnieMath()  returns value with DECIMAL to get returns without decimal??? any help?
13:46.53Hmmhesaysand if you don't send me a case of beer for helping you, the gods will be angered
13:46.55*** join/#asterisk SwK (
13:47.08elriahHmmhesays: Well, it's probably something from BellSouth or a Cable modem.  I guess only way to tell is to try it.
13:47.20Faithfulis there a good tute for setting up call queues?
13:47.31elriahHmmhesays: Beer?  Done.  PM me an address.
13:47.31*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/cpm)
13:47.44Hmmhesayslol, I joke
13:47.56Hmmhesaysbut... yeah just try it. you'll know in a hurry if it works
13:47.59elriahWell, I appreciate the help.
13:48.24*** part/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/cpm)
13:48.54elriahI'll give it a shot.. If I see you in channel, I'll let you know how it went.
13:50.06*** join/#asterisk sams2100 (
13:51.03Hmmhesayselriah: cool
13:51.11*** part/#asterisk netnameus (
13:51.23syleis enabling MYSQL_FRIENDS in Makefile obsolete now?
13:51.29HmmhesaysI hang out in here to much, usually rambling about something or other
13:52.26Hmmhesayswhats wrong JessicaX^?
13:52.27AsylumWondering if anyone can help, I have my ISDN card setup, I can dial out but number is busy when dialing in.. AUS PRI onramp10
13:52.36elriahDoes SIP only use port 5060 inbound?
13:52.58Hmmhesaysit will use whatever you specify, 5060 is default
13:53.17elriahOk, thanks again. I'm out! Later all!!!
13:53.27*** join/#asterisk netnameus (
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13:54.12adrianvhi all
13:54.40netnameushow can I initiate a restart command to a polycom phone through asterisk?
13:54.44*** join/#asterisk [Jedi] (n=hhgds4@
13:55.08cpatrynetnameus: theres a script called somewhere on the wikis.
13:55.32adrianvi have a question also :)
13:55.50Hmmhesaysadrianv, ask it
13:55.52AkelavlkMy SIP registration is failed, I got error "handle_request_register: Registration from 'sip:' failed for ''" What's wrong?
13:56.02HmmhesaysAkelavlk, bad credentials
13:56.07adrianvmy problem is: i have a sip provider and an asterisk server @home
13:56.09netnameusthanks cpatry, i'll look
13:56.17adrianvsome extensions on it
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13:56.23AkelavlkBad what?
13:56.32Hmmhesaysusername or password
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13:56.48adrianvand i would like that all calls (except for my extensions) to be routed via my sip account
13:57.07AkelavlkMy sip.conf is [jano_sip]
13:57.25AkelavlkClient is set up correctly with same parameters..
13:57.26Ariel_adrianv, are you talking about outbound dialing or inbound calls
13:58.03syledo you have that in realtime at all?
13:58.09Ariel_adrianv, make a outbound route for everyone that uses something like a 8 or 9 and one for yours that uses the other number
13:58.25Akelavlksyle, how do you mean that? realtime?
13:58.52adrianvAriel_, i've set up sip.conf ... register =>
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13:59.05sylei been trying to figure out how to set it up with friends, i can;t find mysql_friends definition in channels Makefile
13:59.06AkelavlkAha realtime config. I have it in sip.conf file.
13:59.06RoyKwith asterisk cvs head and sangoma/wanpipe, i get really bad noise on incoming calls from pstn. outgoing calls to pstn sound ok, though
13:59.09Ariel_adrianv, that is not for outbound that is for inbound
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13:59.36syleakelavlk: are you able to use friends?
13:59.44adrianvAriel_, something like this: exten => _9., 1, Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1},,rT) ?
13:59.47syleakelavlk: or just peer and user
14:00.01sylei suppose could point them at same table
14:00.17Akelavlksyle, I just use friends. I didn't try anything else..
14:00.27Akelavlksyle, should I try peer type?
14:00.30sylewhich howto did you use?
14:00.32Ariel_adrianv, yes something like that. But you said you have asterisk@home why not use it's gui for it.
14:00.57RoyKadrianv: there really is no point of using ,r
14:01.03adrianvAriel_, rackmount server... no graphics on it :D
14:01.21Ariel_adrianv, so you still have asterisk@home on it don't you?
14:01.23Stephnie${123456789.444444}   <----- how to get  {123456789} ??? lenth of digits before decimal are unknown but after decimal lenth of digits are only 6 .... any help??
14:01.41adrianvAriel_, i do have..
14:01.51Ariel_adrianv, then use the web setup on it
14:01.58adrianvAriel_, it gives me the following error:
14:02.15adrianvAriel_, Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE to '"xlite1" <sip:1@>;tag=as0d49ad55'
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14:03.15syleakelavlk: which howto did you use?
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14:03.36Ariel_adrianv, ether remove the conf files there and user your own made ones or use the gui. They will conflict with your own rules unless you set them up in the custom.conf files even then it will be a problem.
14:04.15Ariel_the gui is on your via a web browser at http://IPADDRESS/admin
14:04.44bkw_I sure hope someone let that dog out of that house
14:04.52adrianvAriel_, hmmm..
14:04.54Akelavlksyle, and next one page with configuration examlple.
14:04.59Kattybkw_: humans are horrible sometimes :<
14:05.26bkw_I wouldn't leave my dog behind like that
14:05.48Hmmhesaysthe problem is... reproducing is so easy
14:06.01Kattyhuman or otherwise :P
14:06.35Akelavlksyle, this one
14:07.26bkw_Ariel_, I think if they can help they should :P
14:08.00Ariel_bkw_, I was in a similar problem back in 1993 belive me the last thing on your mind is dogs or cats but the kids and family.
14:08.16bkw_my dog is part of the family
14:08.18Ariel_sorry 1992 and I do belive in saving dogs /cats ect.
14:08.19bkw_along with my cats
14:08.41Akelavlksyle, what SIP softphone are you using? May be it's problem with softphone..
14:08.47Hmmhesaysyour animals have a higher chance of surviving on their own than children would
14:08.59bkw_Hmmhesays, ya that is true
14:09.01spackleAriel_: Where were you during the floods of '93?
14:09.10Ariel_belive me If you let them free the do get by better then with you.
14:09.22syleakelavlk: ? that url isn;t realtime
14:09.35Ariel_spackle, hurricane andrew 1992 took my house. and many others around me
14:09.55spackleAriel_: ah, I see.
14:10.22Ariel_bkw_, we found our dog actually she came back 3 days later with out a scratch.
14:10.55Akelavlksyle, I don't need load SIP accounts from DB. It's same like load data from file..
14:10.58adrianvAriel_, sorry.. but i couldn't find the web extensions.. my system is a gentoo (asterisk 1.0.9) should i use amportal?
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14:13.24FaithfulThis is wierd... I had a problem dialing out through a particular provider... it would complain about trunk timing being sent from the other end... but in the process of cleaning up my extensions.conf... the problem dissapeared ... does that make any sense???
14:15.21adrianvAriel_, sorry.. when i said '@home' i meant an installation of asterisk at home.. not that cd :)
14:15.34adrianvor distro
14:15.41shido6process of the day, clean up your dialplan (extensions.conf)
14:16.06*** part/#asterisk nesys (
14:16.31Akelavlksyle, shit. It was problem with SIP softphone. So don't use sipXezPhone-0.35a
14:17.18bjohnsonewww .. I'm afraind of my dial plan
14:17.40bkw_Now I wonder when the powers that be try to say "copy & paste" violates copyright law :P
14:18.11coppicebkw: have you seen that lexmark thing?
14:18.13Ariel_adrianv, ok
14:19.22Ariel_adrianv, no you should not use amportal if your able to learn the dial rules
14:19.27jbotdocs is, like, Documentation can be found at or or or or
14:20.39*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
14:20.56memichowto forward incoming calls to 2 sip phones?
14:20.59many*eek* "> AT+BLDN" "< ERROR" *bt-hs powered off and letnt power on again*
14:21.20memicmany thx
14:21.35manyyea many no problem.
14:21.48*** join/#asterisk littleball (
14:22.39adrianvAriel_, as i said... i've done everything by the book.. the only thing is that when i try to make an outbound call it gives me that error (Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE to '"xlite1" <sip:1@>;tag=as0d49ad55').
14:22.56*** join/#asterisk Meaty (
14:23.23adrianvAriel_, of course my internal extensions don't exist on my providers server so i'm stuck
14:23.59adrianvAriel_, i think i need to do something like NAT in order to place outbound calls
14:24.27littleballadrianv, what do you call?
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14:25.07adrianvlittleball, my setup is like this: some extensions for home and a sip account for everything else
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14:26.31adrianvwith NAT i mean, instead for the server at my provider he should see an inbound conn from instead of my_extension@asterisk.server
14:26.31littleballenable your log and check SIP/XXX. What is XXX there?
14:26.43littleballi encount this before.
14:27.14*** part/#asterisk Akelavlk (n=jansun@
14:27.18littleballAt the beginning,i try to Dial(SIP/1234), it failed. I need to call SIP/gwen etc.
14:27.40adrianvlittleball, i've setup this: exten=_9., 1, Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}
14:27.52*** part/#asterisk santoshr (i=1063@
14:28.01adrianvlittleball, when i call for example 98337
14:28.50adrianvSep  6 16:49:10 WARNING[509]: chan_sip.c:6864 handle_response: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE to '"xlite1" <sip:1@>;tag=as0d49ad55'
14:29.05adrianvand i end up with a busy tone
14:29.44Bonzai090any one got a idea on how to enable callerid for in comming lines want to pass the caller id to my extentions
14:30.21Stephnieadrianv: do you have any peer [8337] in your sip.conf?
14:30.25littleballCan you change SIP/{EXTEN:1} to SIP/peer name?
14:30.52littleballyes, i also think so. you need to check sip.conf
14:30.52adrianvlittleball, i've tried putting exten=_9., 1, dial(SIP/myuser:mypass@${EXTEN:1}
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14:31.10littleballcheck you sip conf for that peer
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14:31.29fulgastrying to register a * on a sip proxy... can make calls but can't received :|
14:32.08adrianvStephnie, [telip]
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14:33.06adrianvStephnie, i'm trying to trunk for calls outside my asterisk pbx
14:33.29littleballi think you should call or SIP/telip
14:33.46Stephnieso you want to dial 8337 through your SIP Provider...
14:34.09*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
14:34.29Stephnieadrianv:   it should be   Dial(SIP/8337@telip)  . . .
14:34.32supaigtrAnyone have a link on how to get IAX2 dial to work in both directions.  I have it working in one but the reverse gets rejected.  static - dynamic works dynamic -> static doesn't.  I'm sure it has something to do with register.
14:34.49adrianvlet me try that
14:34.52RoyKhow can i dump the raw audio from a PRI? as from the bchan? i keep getting terrible noise on incoming calls from a PRI :(
14:35.14Stephnieadrianv:   if you want to dial out 8337 through [telip] . . then that is the correct syntax
14:35.28mogormanhey stephnie, you gonna call in?
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14:35.53Stephnieme??? call where?
14:36.28tzangerquick 'top' question with asterisk
14:36.37shido6top lies
14:36.46tzangerI'm showing VIRT of 18M, RES of 9M and SHR of 4.6M
14:37.00tzangershido6: that's why I'm asking, I know it's not obvious
14:37.23tzangerdoes that mean that altogether, all the * processes are using 18M of memory, with 4.6 of that shared between all processes?
14:38.38adrianvStephnie, thanks.. it works
14:38.47Stephnie:) .np
14:38.49tzangerI mean with unthreaded processes RES is the resident size with SHR being all the COW pages/shared libs
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14:42.14coppicecows can read. they don't need pages
14:43.12elriahHmmheysays: Hey! Great success - can dial the remote extension and it works fine.  One problem - When trying to make outbound calls, the remote SIP phone is using really high ports (i.e., 12xxx, 17xxx) .. Is it suppose to do that?  I thought it was only 5060 ..
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14:43.45elriahudp ports
14:44.16bjohnsonelriah: yes.  set in /etc/asterisk config files
14:44.17coppice5060 is only for the SIP traffic
14:44.53lehelin my meetme.conf can i define a multiple number like: conf => 81XX ?
14:44.56elriahThanks - set where? I looked through sip.conf ...  So SIP sets up the session, but calls go through other ports?
14:45.15coppiceSIP is only a signalling protocol
14:45.52*** join/#asterisk loick (n=loick@
14:46.08elriahI see.  What config file holds these ports?
14:46.14JamesDotComit's the rtp traffic
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14:46.21JamesDotComdo a bit of basic googling/reading
14:46.37elriahThanks.  Will do.
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14:48.39elriahSo is RTP only UDP or does it use TCP as well?
14:48.56coppiceRTP is for streaming, so it only uses UDP
14:49.19elriahGreat.  Easy - thanks!!!!
14:49.46Faithfulguys... I think I have my queues.conf pretty well configured ... what do I need to do to make it happen?
14:50.53elriahWorks great now!!!!
14:51.21shido6I guess that works... my car is configured, how do I start her up
14:51.39elriah@shido6 eh? at me?
14:52.09Kattyhi anthm (=
14:55.09bkw_I still don't get why people think that the SDP has anything to do with the size of the rtp packets
14:55.23Hmmhesayscause someone planted in their brain that it does?
14:55.36Kattypeople like that need hugs.
14:55.50ScaredyCatbkw_: !
14:55.56Hmmhesaysi prefer to deliver a swift kick in the nuts
14:56.05KattyHmmhesays: you would.
14:56.07Hmmhesays<chuckle> j/k
14:56.07bkw_ScaredyCat, yes?
14:56.10KattyHmmhesays: you're the ANTI-HUG
14:56.16ScaredyCatI had an interesting idea...
14:56.19ScaredyCat1 sec door
14:56.29Bonzai090ScaredyCat :) got time to chat to me about SD instalation?..
14:56.51bkw_FYI I hate banks.. I have credit card processors.. I HATE THEM
14:57.01Hmmhesaysis that something like the anti-drug?
14:57.02bkw_they all need to be poked in the eye
14:57.05tzangeris it PCIX or PCIe that will take a standard PCI33 card?
14:57.10mogormannah man
14:57.19mogormanyou just need a swiss bankaccount bkw_
14:57.28bkw_no this is for credit card processing
14:57.35bkw_they can't choose an API that is sane
14:57.49bkw_they have some bastardized stuff to let us interface and its pissing m e off
14:58.48bkw_the question is .. where in chan_sip are values from the pvt copied to the user/peer?
14:59.09oejbkw_: Everywhere...
14:59.10ScaredyCatok... bkw_
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14:59.31ScaredyCatyou wont be particularly interested... since you're a sip kinda guy..
14:59.31bkw_oej, i'm going to try to make that one rtp patch per peer settings for packetization
14:59.38bkw_ScaredyCat, shoot
14:59.59oejbkw_: Just check for the other settings, like vmexten and you'll find every place it's copied
15:00.02ScaredyCatwhat about passing pricing info via iax during the call...
15:00.15bjohnsonbkw_: grab their head, and swipe it
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15:00.37muaddibhello all
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15:01.00muaddibQuestion does Asterix support Radius and if so where can I find more information on it I can't find much mention on the main asterisk site
15:01.07bkw_its Asterisk
15:01.09bkw_not Astrix
15:01.21mogormanthanks bkw_ was gonna have to kick some one in the head
15:01.22konradsAsterisk and Obelix :)
15:01.32muaddibbkw_: my mistake
15:01.35mogormanwhat is wrong in this picture
15:01.51bkw_go search for info on using asterisk and radius
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15:01.58Wonkakonrads: no, Asterisk and Obelisk
15:02.05ScaredyCatnot impressed then bkw_..
15:02.10ScaredyCatlo Bonzai090
15:02.25bkw_ScaredyCat, passing variables via the IAX2 connection
15:02.28bkw_that will never fly
15:02.32bkw_we did a patch for that
15:02.34mogormanbkw_ your gonna extend your rtp thing to sip and iax2 peers?
15:02.48bkw_mogorman, you work for digium you should know that iax2 doesn't use RTP
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15:02.56mogormanno not for that
15:03.03mogormanbut variable frame size
15:03.09muaddibAlso I seen this term mentioned alot on the website CDR? what is that
15:03.10bkw_again IAX2 can't
15:03.11mogormaninstead of 20ms frames
15:03.14mogormanhuge frames
15:03.25bkw_IAX2 doesn't suffer the same overhead as RTP
15:03.28ScaredyCati mean specifically pricing
15:03.29bkw_it wouldn't gain much from doing so
15:03.29mogormani thought it was a #define
15:03.37tzangertrunking kicks ass
15:03.42bkw_not even trunking
15:03.45bkw_just raw IAX2
15:03.48Hmmhesaysfile oh file where art thou
15:03.53coppicebkw_: what is this in the pastebin?
15:04.05bkw_coppice, a crash in rxfax/spandsp
15:04.09RoyKaHmmhesays: find / -type f -name file
15:04.25coppicebkw: oh dear
15:04.48bkw_memory usage is down because it crashes every few hours also :P
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15:04.56RoyKacoppice: i can't load app_[tr]xfax anymore :(
15:05.10bkw_RoyKa, did you recompile it?
15:05.12mogormanheh nice
15:05.36Hmmhesaysif I dial sip:1235@foo and that returns a 404, will asterisk return CHANUNAVAIL as a dialstatus?
15:06.01bkw_oej, i'm not even really putting much effort into the per peer rtp thing unless I can get feedback on an approved approach
15:06.06oejbkw_: "The ptime attribute in sdp gives the length of time in milliseconds represented by the media in the packet."
15:06.06bkw_its not worth my time to even try otherwise
15:06.09Ariel_argh why, why is there another storm forming off the coast of Floirda... Why.... Tropic storm warnings are not in effect from jupitor north.
15:06.23oejbkw_: I should also wait until that was sorted out. It's easy to add peer/user stuff later
15:06.37Hmmhesaysanyone know off hand?
15:06.53bkw_oej but rtp stacks don't really care It seems
15:06.55bkw_asterisk doesn't
15:07.17oejbkw_: Don't take Asterisk as a reference implementation :-)
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15:07.39oejbkw_: I don't know if it's used, found it in rfc 2327. Let's look in the RTP/AVP profile
15:07.55bkw_even my sipura doesn't care
15:08.03bkw_it will chew what ever you throw at it
15:08.19oejSo the packet length is included in the rtp packet?
15:08.37bkw_it seems so
15:09.05bkw_but if we need to support the ptime thing you spoke about we need this option in ast_rtp_write
15:09.20bkw_I looked all over and found nothing about ptime when I was looking for it
15:09.21malverian[work]Ariel_, You from FL?
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15:09.36spackleAriel_: it is supposed to be a busy storm year isn't it?
15:09.37Ariel_malverian[work], yes
15:09.42malverian[work]Same here.
15:09.49oejptime is sdp, let's check RTp
15:09.53Ariel_spackle, yes it is suppose to be that way
15:10.09oejThe RTP rfc might say "Don't use PTIME, we're doing it somewhere else"
15:10.31RoyKaAriel_ Sharon?
15:11.00bkw_oej well speex looks like the only one that needs to have a ptime param
15:11.06Ariel_RoyK, no
15:11.25Hmmhesaysanyone? anyone? ugh I'm going to have to test this
15:11.47oejbkw_: Did you try my patch I made for you earlier today? On the maxcalls stuff
15:11.54bkw_not yet just seen it
15:12.09bkw_i'll have to try it later today
15:12.12oejbkw_: Please try the IAX2 stuff also...
15:12.23bkw_will do
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15:12.46bkw_oej, did you see the nice thing in rtptimeout
15:13.01lehelin my meetme.conf can i define a multiple number like: conf => 81XX ?
15:13.03bkw_if you're using app_record.. asterisk sends no rtp back
15:13.15oejbkw_: Yes, I made a comment I believe. Maybe not. But I fully understand. We might have to use the cng generator
15:13.29oejbkw_: What about voicemail?
15:13.33Qwelllehel: You can use dynamic confs
15:13.38bkw_does the same thing
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15:14.18oejbkw_: That worries me as well
15:14.46spackleshould this work to record the channel as conf+datetime ? Monitor(wav,/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/conf${datetime},m)
15:14.53SwK[Work]RoyK: is that your video card?
15:15.05RoyKSwK[Work]: hehe. not me, no
15:15.10RoyKnot my card either
15:16.19spackleall i get is conf.wav
15:16.48Bonzai090heh wonder if there is a gsm file for sorry our city was hit by a huricane please tray again in 24 weeks time
15:17.09tzangerBonzai090: go to and get Alison to make it up
15:17.28lehelQwell: sorry, how do you mean dynamic confs?
15:17.42coppicebkw_: this seg fault was after much running, right?
15:17.45malverian[work]Is spandsp still the primary method of receiving faxes in asterisk?
15:18.04RoyKmalverian[work]: yes
15:18.22Bonzai090hmm is some survey builder
15:18.28bkw_coppice, maybe 3 hours
15:18.28RoyKmalverian[work]: afaik the only way
15:18.59coppicemalverian[work]: why would anyone want to create another soft-fax? is what he meant.
15:19.06malverian[work]coppice, True ;)
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15:19.21Bonzai090ahh betta
15:19.31malverian[work]It appears that all of the "whole" packages that include the app_txfax/rxfax are spandsp-0.0.1
15:19.38malverian[work]RoyK, I know, I saw in the readme :)
15:20.13coppicenobody should be using spandsp-0.0.1. That's dumb
15:21.17malverian[work]Where can the respective app_txfax and app_rxfax source be found?
15:21.27malverian[work]Not finding anything useful on the voip-info wiki
15:21.44coppicewhy would you look on the wiki?
15:21.44tzangermalverian[work]: or IIRC
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15:22.01lehelQwell you have any example of dynamic confs?
15:22.09RoyKlehel: see the wiki
15:22.18RoyK~google realtime voip-info
15:22.59malverian[work]tzanger, I grabbed spandsp-0.0.3.tar.gz, doesn't appear to have the code for the apps, just the spandsp lib itself.
15:23.21tzangermalverian[work]: spandsp is a support library for app_rx/txfax, look around on the site a little, the faxing apps are separate
15:23.21RoyKmalverian[work]: it's in a subdir iirc
15:23.30lehelRoyK: The requested URL /dynamic-meetme.tar.gz was not found on this server. ;)
15:23.32coppiceuse spandsp-0.0.2pre20. the apps are in the same directory
15:23.34malverian[work]tzanger, Alright, thanks.
15:23.39malverian[work]coppice, Okay.
15:24.22coppicebkw_: did it crash before the latest update?
15:24.32bkw_no that was today
15:24.34bkw_at 9am
15:24.57tzangercoppice: is 0.0.3 bad?
15:25.00tzangeror worse than 0.0.2pre20?
15:25.38coppice0.0.3 has changed the FAX architecture to accomodate T.38. It isn't well enough tested for serious use
15:25.46tzangercoppice: aha.
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15:26.46spacklehey lathos42, are you swimming in phones yet?
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15:27.27ScaredyCatoh no
15:27.47lathos42spackle: Not quite yet..  Still getting prices and doing the final convincing of management
15:28.21coppicebkw_: I think spandsp needs building with -g, so the traceback shows the parameters for the calls
15:28.36bkw_coppice, i'll do that tonight when I rebuild it
15:28.51bkw_I fear touching it while its getting hammered
15:28.55malverian[work]coppice, My distro has a package for spandsp 0.0.2pre18, any major reason I shouldn't use that version?
15:29.03bkw_MEMORY LEAK
15:29.44RoyKlehel: ah. i don't know about realtime meetme...
15:30.02coppicepre18 should be OKish. A couple of significant things were fixed in 19 and 20
15:30.14lathos42spackle:  I did have a good laugh this morning when CDW sent me a quote for the IP-501 + PoE cable at $291 per phone
15:30.37malverian[work]Hm.. perhaps I'll commit a new version of the package to cvs..
15:30.53spacklelathos42, I take it thats high?
15:31.33lathos42spackle: I had seen web pricing for them at a little over $200 with the cable..  Once I replied telling the sales rep that, she sent me back a quote for $206 per phone with the PoE cable
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15:32.22tzangerI fucking hate companies liek that
15:32.26tzangerI generally give them one kick at the cat
15:32.35spackletzanger: ditto.
15:32.39tzangerI ask for their best price and if they dick me around I don't buy from them no matter what they say they'll come in at afterward
15:32.52spackleLathos42: did you try
15:33.13lathos42spackle: Not yet, They're on my list though
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15:33.28spackletzanger: I used to work for a guy whose small joy in life was pitting companies against each other like that.
15:33.43Assidheya bkw_
15:33.53spackletzanger: waste of time.
15:34.07Assidi heard you did some iax vs sip connection tests
15:34.16lathos42the sales rep is supposed to call me this afternoon.. I'm going to ask her why she tried to overcharge me by almost $100 :)
15:34.22Assidand found sip to be superior in clarity as compared to iax?
15:34.54coppiceAssid: if you found that, something was buggy :-)
15:35.14Assidcoppice: no not me.. there was a discussion earlier
15:35.31Assidif anything iax i thought would be better.. since it has less overhead usage
15:35.32tzangerAssid: I find it extraordinarily hard to believe the transport "sounds" any different
15:35.45Assidseriously.. someone was discussing that earlier
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15:36.24Assid6 hrs ago
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15:37.34coppiceAssid: if there is *any* audio quality difference, something is broken. the protocols won't affect that
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15:38.17Assidcoppice: thats what i thought
15:38.19steve___tzanger i didn't test it on the other pinab, but I was seeing a load of 2.00 on the pbx box - it's transcoding g.729 back to ulaw
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15:38.55Assidbut apparently they were arguing saying the sip uses a seperate thread or something about sip headers+rtp helping it out or something
15:39.03Hogiehas anybody seen nufone ever return a busy for certain numbers all the time?
15:39.04tzangerhas anyone here seen screwy load/general lack of many transcodes because of using ztdummy on sip or iax calls??
15:40.12filethe implementation of a protocol can effect audio quality
15:40.39RoyKfile: with rtp-based protocols?
15:40.42tzangerfile: yes, but none of my tcpdumps shows the packets being "warped"... they're being received at almost exactly 20ms intervals most of the time
15:41.14tzangerfile: the only way a protocol implementation can fuck up audio is if it's sending packets out wrong or otherwise causing problems with the transmission or reception of said packets.
15:41.30tzangerfile: or, if it's reaching up into the next protocol layer and mangling the packet data itself
15:42.13filetzanger: yup.
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15:42.49Asylumhey ScaredyCat :)
15:43.09AsylumHey have you got time for me to pick your brain?
15:43.28ScaredyCatyeah, sure...
15:43.42AsylumOk, well, I have the ISDN card working now
15:43.45AsylumI can call out
15:43.48Asylumbut i can't call in
15:44.06ScaredyCatdo you get anything on the console at at=ll?
15:44.08Asylumi have setup the incomming parameters in amp portal.. but still no luck..
15:44.18ScaredyCatoh god... not amp
15:44.39Asylumnope i looked in the asterisk cli and nothing comes up when i try and call in
15:44.48ScaredyCatok... but can you see a call attempt coming in on the * console
15:44.51*** join/#asterisk t3t (
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15:45.12AsylumI think it must have something todo with the zaptel config files
15:45.24AsylumI'm in australia remember..
15:45.57AsylumAny Suggestions?
15:46.00ScaredyCatok, but you should get someting on the console at least
15:46.07ScaredyCattry turning on debug
15:46.18Assidsorry.. back
15:46.24Asylumand the command for that would be DEBUG= ??
15:46.37ScaredyCatpri debug
15:46.40Assidtzanger: and they were saying something abut bkw_'s report  or something
15:46.47*** part/#asterisk secure75 (
15:47.02Asylumpri no command...
15:47.22AsylumDEBUG=pri ?
15:47.34ScaredyCatPRI debug in the * console
15:47.55Asylumno such command
15:48.59ScaredyCatwhat version of * are you running...
15:49.05Hmmhesaysthats cool, asterisk doesn't destroy a channel sent to an ip that is not reachable
15:49.19Asylumasterisk@home 1.5
15:49.28Hmmhesayshey file
15:49.30ScaredyCatno, waht version of asterisk
15:49.34ScaredyCatshow version
15:49.41fileHmmhesays: hail!
15:49.51ScaredyCatshould be there then...
15:49.58Hmmhesays2005-09-01 15:19:47 UTC
15:50.11ScaredyCat@home might be the clue ..
15:50.17Hmmhesaysfile I have a question, what do I need SER to send back to asterisk to make the dialstatus chanunavail if I can
15:50.21ScaredyCatmaybe there's no pri stuff in that
15:50.30ScaredyCatwhich would be silly
15:50.33fileHmmhesays: hrm lemme look
15:50.53*** join/#asterisk jonathh (
15:51.15fileHmmhesays: nothing.
15:51.23fileyou can't :)
15:51.26AsylumI dunno but it's annoying the heck out of me
15:51.55*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (
15:51.56ScaredyCatis zaptel etc loaded?
15:51.57Hmmhesayshmm, ok so basically anything that fails is going to produce a noanswer
15:52.09ScaredyCatdo an: lsmod
15:53.30Asylumzaptel                180128  26  [wcusb wcte11xp]
15:53.50fileHmmhesays: shouldn't
15:53.54fileHmmhesays: congestion maybe
15:54.14fileyeah 404 should give you congestion
15:54.24ScaredyCatcan I get on that box Asylum
15:54.27fileand 403 forbidden...
15:54.43fileand a 503 service unavailable
15:54.47Asylumyeah wait up
15:55.09*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
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16:00.23*** join/#asterisk paryl (
16:00.45paryli'm trying to make a list of hardware that i'll need to replace my current pbx with asterisk
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16:01.14parylas far as the server goes... is anything special needed?  like dual cpu's, lots of ram, etc?
16:01.49paryl(i ask because i've heard stories of people running asterisk on such little hardware
16:02.19steve___paryl how many calls are you going to be doing?
16:02.45parylsteve: it's a full T1, 24 channels
16:02.58parylplus VoIP traffic to other locations
16:03.07*** part/#asterisk jonathh (
16:03.09paryl~40 stations
16:03.29steve___paryl what codec?
16:03.47parylno idea... yet another detail to address :)
16:03.58*** part/#asterisk case_ (
16:04.04paryli need it to be at least as good as regular POTS
16:04.18parylwhatever codec will allow for that quality or better
16:04.51SuPrSluGuse ulaw or alaw. which is what pots uses
16:05.27parylok.. are the others better/worse?
16:05.38SuPrSluGalthoough that'll use 64 kbps. gsm uses 13
16:06.03brad_mssw64kbps over tcp/ip is more like 80kbps
16:06.16SuPrSluGgsm is cell phone quality. i use it and think it's fine
16:06.59HmmhesaysI suppose I can tell asterisk to retry the route somewhere else on congestion
16:07.01SuPrSluGfor my needs. ymmv
16:07.34coppicegsm is more like ex-cellphone quality :-)
16:07.43parylSuPrSluG: 'cell phone quality' is fairly subjective :)
16:08.11coppiceThe GSM networks gave up using that codec
16:08.28parylthe big thing is i want the finished product to be as similar to our current voice quality as possible
16:08.29SuPrSluGparyl:true enough.
16:09.06*** join/#asterisk Stephnie (i=st@
16:09.15parylanyway, as far as hardware goes... is it just 'the more the better', or is there some way to figure out how much i need?
16:09.22*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
16:09.35StephnieMath(RV,42686305+9)   =  Result is 42686312.000000    <------- why asterisk returns the "wrong answer" ??? it should be 42686314 ...???????
16:09.43Stephnieany help???
16:09.45*** join/#asterisk azrishahril (n=azrishah@
16:10.22coppiceI guess it ran out of fingers :-)
16:11.02coppiceits beyond the precision they handle, I think. they seem to use single precision instead of double
16:11.17SuPrSluGreally  depends on concurrent calls. a call center will need more because the idea is to have everyone talking to customers all the time.
16:12.15*** join/#asterisk da_monumental_1 (
16:12.18parylSuPrSluG: this is a call center, so i guess as much as i can pack into a box :)
16:12.44*** join/#asterisk TheCops (
16:12.45Stephniecoppice: any solution?
16:13.01SuPrSluGthey have a page on the wiki called asterisk at large where they try to anser some of these questions
16:13.11TheCopsWhen I'm pressing # key during a call from a SIP client, I get asterisk say "Transfer", how the hell I can remove that ?
16:13.45coppiceStephnie: complain, and get them to use doubles
16:14.03SuPrSluGnext thing to ask yourself is will i be using channel banks or doing it in software
16:14.06parylanother question: we have ~6 analog lines that are connected to fax machines.  currently, our pbx has an 'analog' card that allows for regular modem connections over the T1.  how do i do this with asterisk?
16:14.19Stephnieahh...long procedure :)
16:15.03anthmTheCops, dont use the T or t flag or edit features.conf and make all the codes multikey combos not likely to be dialed
16:15.10konradsparyl: install analogue adapter :)
16:15.15konradsparyl: digium has FXO ports
16:15.21konradsparyl: so do some other.
16:15.40konradsparyl: odd that you do not use ISDN
16:16.30*** join/#asterisk TheTeddy (n=bay_dogr@
16:16.30TheCopshrmmm anthm, this is the blindxfer ?
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16:18.02parylkonrads: awesome... so the FXO cards are the equivilent to their 'analog card'?
16:19.09TheCopsanthm, I put blindxfer => ## and restarted asterisk, and the # still transfering
16:19.17SuPrSluGparyl. yes. look for tdm04b
16:20.02anthmtry making it 77 or *1 or something there is likely a bug in it
16:20.20SuPrSluGthe 04 designate the number of xfs/fxo modules. a 22 is 2 fxs/2fxo
16:20.50TheCopsanthm same thing, hehe let me read on google, thanks for giving me that way ;)
16:21.55parylso am i understanding correctly that the card here: can handle a total of 4 analog lines?
16:22.31konradsparyl: yes. Make sure you get the FXS and FXO right
16:22.59konradsparyl: FXS is where the phone plugs in and FXO is where the phone line goes in
16:23.10konradsFXO for dial-out and FXS for phone plugging in
16:23.59parylbut FXO can have incoming calls... right?
16:24.03jbot[fxsfxo] An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage.
16:24.05*** join/#asterisk Dolunay___ (n=kalamar@
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16:24.19parylso i need FXS ports then?
16:24.28JerJer[dead]paryl: do you receive calls on your normal telephone line?  from the legacy telco
16:24.38fugitivoif you need to provide dialtone, you need fxs, if you need to receive dialtone, you need fxo
16:24.47denonit's alive!
16:24.55konradsparyl: if you want to plug analogue line to the PSTN : you need FXO
16:25.06konradsif you want to plug a phone or faxmachine into asterisk, you need FXS
16:25.07paryli need to provide dial tone to fax machines... receive/send phone calls across the T1
16:25.12*** join/#asterisk mavi`` (n=CrAzYbOy@
16:25.18JerJerthen you need an FXS device
16:25.23konradsparyl: you need FXS
16:25.25parylgotcha.. cool
16:25.27denonsup jer
16:25.39parylare there any cards that handle more than 4?
16:25.46denonparyl: get a channelbank
16:26.13spackleparyl: it may help to think of FXS as S_upplying Dial tone.
16:27.02paryldenon: is that hardware or software?
16:27.50*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
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16:31.50SuPrSluGparyl:sound like you'll need both. since you have 6 seperate analog lines outside the t1. is that your setup?
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16:33.32parylSuPrSluG: i don't know what you mean by 'outside the t1'.  all incoming lines (a block of 100 numbers) are coming in across a T1.  I need to provide dialtone to my fax machines for sending/receiving
16:33.40spackleshould this work to record the channel as conf+datetime ? Monitor(wav,/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/conf${datetime},m) All I get is conf.wav is there another way to concatenate?
16:33.41*** join/#asterisk Ayano (
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16:33.58parylso it sounds like i just need two tdm40b cards?
16:34.03AyanoWhere can I find a list of voip providers?
16:34.40eKo1paryl: is the T1 connected to a channel bank?
16:35.05fugitivoany ip phone recommendation?
16:35.37TheCopsanthm, god, it is very hard to make working features.conf, I put the right syntax and it seem to dont work
16:35.46*** join/#asterisk ^^__AvUkAt__^^ (n=VictoR@
16:36.01paryleKo1: i don't know.  :\  it comes in to an adtran box, and then goes straight into the pbx.
16:36.02*** join/#asterisk oxcen (n=info@
16:36.05Ayanoip300 is about 150 I think
16:36.10JerJerblasphemy - thou shalt only have one god
16:36.32SuPrSluGparyl:that's a channel bank
16:36.37fugitivoit works ok with asterisk?
16:36.55parylSuPrSluG: what's a channel bank?  the adtran?
16:36.59*** join/#asterisk myiagy (n=myiagy@
16:37.12JerJersmells like someone needs to do some of his own research
16:37.18SuPrSluGgo to the wiki
16:37.21eKo1no kidding
16:37.43*** join/#asterisk tq1 (n=pedro@
16:37.48SuPrSluGor google asterisk + channel banks
16:37.49tq1alguien habla español?
16:37.53*** join/#asterisk pifiu (n=myassisb@
16:38.08tq1hola eKo1
16:38.12oxcenhello there. does asterisk+digium TD400 support fax reception and emission ?
16:38.33eKo1you mean sending
16:38.36fugitivooxcen: yes, if you don't have noise in the line
16:38.40oxcenyes sending
16:39.01SuPrSluGparyl:lots of info on the wiki as to what you want to do.
16:39.02JerJeronly after you get the required California emission test
16:39.03tq1eko1 has oido algo de asterisk en español (un proyecto de un mexicano, segun me cuentan)
16:39.15eKo1JerJer: hehe
16:40.13*** join/#asterisk ^^ezgisu^^ (n=_Agresif@
16:40.19eKo1tq1: ¿huh? Asterisk es Asterisk en todo idioma.
16:40.57doolphuh uh
16:41.27oxcenhow does asterisk save the received faxes ?
16:41.53eKo1raw audio?
16:42.14*** join/#asterisk ixx_ (
16:42.22fugitivoeKo1: asterisco :)
16:43.24*** join/#asterisk Derkommissar (
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16:43.31Derkommissari have a sangoma card.
16:43.39Derkommissarand when i do an ztcfg i get this error
16:43.40DerkommissarZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: No such device or address (6)
16:43.47Derkommissari belive i installed everything rigth
16:43.56Derkommissarand configured it too
16:44.13doolphno you are not
16:44.22doolphcheck your config
16:44.23Derkommissarwhy not ?
16:44.46*** join/#asterisk vefas (n=G_O_K_H_@
16:45.05Derkommissarthe module is there
16:45.08Derkommissarlsmod shows zaptel                208900  2 wct1xxp,wanpipe
16:45.43Derkommissari mean what else can it be ?
16:46.06spackleDerkommissar> what distro are you running?  have the devices been created or are they in udev?
16:46.07eKo1try to reboot
16:46.38Derkommissarits fedora core 3
16:46.48stknDerkommissar: check your /dev/zap device nodes
16:46.51spackleDerkommissar> so udev
16:46.58ManxPowerDerkommissar, ztcfg reads /etc/zapata.conf
16:47.38ManxPowerztcfg reads /etc/zaptel.conf and asterisk reads /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
16:48.03*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
16:48.23Derkommissarudev ? /dev/zap is a directory what should i check in it ?
16:48.48AyanoWhat is a good voip provider that can provide dids all over?
16:48.56*** join/#asterisk alexis101 (
16:49.30stknDerkommissar: any device nodes in there?
16:49.38*** join/#asterisk IOscanner (
16:50.34Derkommissarhow can i check the device nodes ?
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16:51.47ManxPowerAyano, they all suck.  Teliax seems to usually suck less.
16:52.18AyanoThank you
16:52.22ManxPowerNufone also sucks less, but they don't have DIDs everywhere, just Mich DIDs and Toll Free DIDs
16:52.25eKo1I don't get what the purpose of having multiple proxy setting in xten-xlite is. I mean, calls will always go through the default one.
16:52.45Ayanounless the primary one is down
16:52.48denoneKo1: redundancy, in case one sip gateway is down?
16:53.10eKo1i thought I could switch which proxy i wanted to use.
16:54.36*** join/#asterisk bjohnson_ (
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16:55.31stknDerkommissar: channel ctl timer pseudo should be in /dev/zap
16:55.43Derkommissarthey are
16:56.07Derkommissari did the thing in the udev folder, like the instructions say for kernel 2.6
16:56.19*** join/#asterisk astadmin (
16:56.35Derkommissarchannel  ctl      pseudo   timer
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16:57.31stknwanpipe module is loaded?
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16:57.57Derkommissarwanpipe               721884  0
16:57.57akrall_Has anybody writeen a php script to connect via sockets to Asterisk Manager and parse the output of command to show on screen?
16:58.07Derkommissarwanpipe_syncppp        24608  1 wanpipe
16:58.20Derkommissarwanrouter              31688  4 wanpipe_lip,af_wanpipe,wanpipe,wanpipe_syncppp
16:58.30Derkommissarwith all the zaptel modules and all the jazz
16:59.12Derkommissarzaptel                208900  2 wct1xxp,wanpipe
16:59.20eKo1akrall_: why, so they can be displayed on a website or what not?
17:00.00*** join/#asterisk Desombre (n=Sohbetim@
17:00.09akrall_eKo1: exactly
17:00.23eKo1that's disgusting
17:00.59akrall_the manager returns a lot of lines before and after the actual command output so you need to flush those lines before you can do some explode or something and use them..
17:01.11akrall_eKo1: why?
17:02.10eKo1because i'm sick and tired of porting everything to the web
17:02.27stknDerkommissar: any error messages in the dmesg output?
17:03.45DerkommissarZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: No such device or address (6)
17:03.50Derkommissaris the only message i get
17:03.57Derkommissarwhen i run ztcfg
17:04.19Derkommissarno errors in dmesg
17:04.21DerkommissarWANPIPE(tm) L.I.P Network Layer Stable 2.3.2-4 (c) 1995-2004 Sangoma Technologies Inc.
17:04.21DerkommissarWanpipeLIP: Protocols: FR PPP CHDLC
17:05.04SuPrSluGis it showing in lsmod?
17:05.20SuPrSluGzaptel that is
17:05.54kusznirHello all:  I'm having trouble placing toll-free calls through iaxtel.  My console shows:
17:05.54kusznirSep  6 10:00:41 NOTICE[25146]: chan_iax2.c:2742 auto_congest: Auto-congesting call due to slow response
17:06.07fileiaxtel is down, it usually is
17:06.17kusznirthe demo iax call to digium works.
17:06.26fileit can't handle the load.
17:06.33akrall_eKo1: the web is the future hahahhahahahaha
17:06.52akrall_I personally love CLI's but the end user.. thats another story
17:07.15Hmmhesaysit would be nice in asterisk to be able to set multiple variables with one cmd set
17:07.34filehot-n-sexy Hmmhesays, makes my world go 'round
17:08.06Hmmhesayscause if I want to set like 9 variables it is a serious pain
17:08.07filewhat evil stuff are you up to?
17:08.13kusznirfile: does asterlink charge for outbound calls to tollfree numbers?
17:08.32Hmmhesaysfile: just creating a dialplan for an ISP here
17:08.40filekusznir: I think so
17:08.57Hmmhesaysthe ldap integration isn't ready yet so i'm using variables to indicate things like if the DID is enabled or not
17:09.07*** join/#asterisk razu_ (
17:09.11filego for FWD
17:09.17malverian[work]astxs rocks..
17:09.23ManxPowerIAXtel goes down more often than a Venice Beach Babe
17:09.36pifiuim hating voip right now
17:09.43pifiuman i wish normal dsl connections had more upload
17:09.43Hmmhesayshow do I get there?
17:10.14denonpifiu: g.729 :)
17:10.34fileeverybody except the person I need to talk to is online
17:11.02Guggemandanyone know of a numberlist of the numbers that are free at voipbuster ?
17:11.10*** join/#asterisk BuckRogers (
17:11.14BuckRogershello all
17:11.24BuckRogersanyone here use SER with asterisk
17:11.43Hmmhesaysi'm in the process of it
17:11.51*** join/#asterisk I0scanner (
17:11.51Hmmhesaysshould be up and running in 2 weeks
17:11.56BuckRogersyeah how is it going for you
17:12.03Hmmhesaystain't bad
17:12.32BuckRogersyeah we've been fine tuning * for a large deployment
17:12.41Hmmhesayshow large?
17:12.53BuckRogersbut the more ive been reading the more that i think ser is nessary
17:13.04Hmmhesaysi'm limiting my calls to 120 per dual xeon box, so there isn't really much tuning to be done
17:13.30BuckRogerswell i need to start with the ability to do 96 concurrent but we need to expand that over time
17:13.41BuckRogers120 with or with out zap
17:13.45Hmmhesayswithout zap
17:13.52BuckRogersyeah same here
17:14.05Hmmhesaysgot an external gateway that can handle 29 t1's
17:14.29BuckRogersour provider is doing the transcoding when nessary
17:14.39BuckRogersfrom sip to pstn
17:14.50Hmmhesaysso as soon as the call capacity has to be more than 120 then another asterisk box will be added
17:14.57lehelppl: is this correct for a Dial command: ...{EXTEN:1},20,r,t) ???
17:15.04*** join/#asterisk paulc (
17:15.05Hmmhesaysand 5 t1's will be allocated to that box
17:15.14filedear god it's paulc
17:15.20paulcIt is it is! :-)
17:15.24BuckRogerswhat type of proccessor load are you looking at with the dual xeon at full load
17:15.38JerJer1000 bogo mips
17:15.52Hmmhesayshaven't turned it up yet in production, find out on friday though
17:15.52lehelHmmhesays: or 20,rT ?? ok?
17:16.06*** part/#asterisk oden (
17:16.15Hmmhesayslehel, rT is different than rt
17:16.17filepaulc: you pesky bugger!
17:16.24BuckRogersso you either celebrate over the weakend or work through it right :)
17:16.28paulcOI! LESS OF YOUR LIP YOUNG MAN! :-p
17:16.34lehelHmmhesays: i know..  't' -- allow the called user to transfer the calling user by hitting #.
17:16.35paulcdon't make me set your amish mother on  you
17:16.37filepaulc: Jan Polet :P
17:16.39HmmhesaysBuckRogers: from the research i've done there will not be a problem
17:16.40*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:d856:c704:0:0:0:0:1)
17:16.46paulcfile: LMAO
17:16.53paulcfile: No, it's JAAAAN POOLLLEEEEE-EEETTTTTT!
17:16.59JerJerdon't use 'r', 't' or 'T' unless you most absolutely have to
17:17.00filewith Jan Polet!
17:17.02BuckRogersyeah every thing that ive read lead me to the same conclution
17:17.05*** join/#asterisk h4mm3r` (
17:17.10Hmmhesaysyeah r fscks a lot of things up
17:17.40Hmmhesaysthe indicate ringing to the calling party flag
17:17.56*** join/#asterisk greekman (
17:18.08Hmmhesaysif you are having ringing problems it is better just to answer the call first and then send it to dial
17:18.13*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
17:18.23lehelwhat means this: {EXTEN:1}
17:18.29lehel":1" ?
17:18.32SedoroxSay.... has anyone worked with Vina Integrators at all?? know a default password.. or a way for me to get into it?
17:18.35Hmmhesaysremove the leading digit
17:18.40BuckRogersyeah we are pretty much going to be using astrisk to act as a bolt on for exisitng pbx's then connect them to our main * for voip terminatino
17:18.41paulclehel: It means strip 1 digit off the front
17:18.51lehelok! thanks
17:18.52stknDerkommissar: did you build wanpipe with tdm voice support?
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17:19.17*** part/#asterisk intrepidhero (n=briand@
17:19.18Hmmhesaysok, I see a design fault in my dialplan, crap
17:19.23ManxPowerWe had three different people working on getting the phone lines back up today, all doing it in totally different and conflicting ways.
17:19.34Hmmhesayslarry moe and curly?
17:19.41BuckRogershaha right on
17:19.49ManxPowerHmmhesays, something like that.
17:20.02paulcif you don't specify qualify=no, it's off by default right?
17:20.11JerJeryuk yuk yuk
17:20.12BuckRogersany of you guys work with isphone here
17:20.47BuckRogersHey (jer jer) how is the 911 issue working out for you
17:20.59*** join/#asterisk file[muon] (
17:21.20Sedoroxanyway? vina default password? :p
17:21.48JerJerBuckRogers:  there is no 911 issue for us
17:21.50lehelHmmhesays: i still can't transfer the call:(.. what could be the problem?. i have now: ...20,rt)
17:22.05JerJerbuy a phone with a transfer button
17:22.15Hmmhesaysmake sure you have transfers enabled in features.conf
17:22.23konradsBut we just bought 200 wihtout the button!
17:22.32JerJersucks to be you
17:22.42file[muon]paulc: okay puppy I'll call you when I'm finished :P
17:22.42ManxPowerYeah.  Next time do more research.
17:22.44BuckRogerso you got it all sorted out who did you go to for it, Introdo?
17:23.06paulcfile: bzzzzt that joke's older than yer mum
17:23.41konradsj/k :)
17:24.04lehelHmmhesays: pls have look at my features.conf ..
17:24.39BuckRogers(Hmmhesays) what type of deployment are you going for, commercial reseller or for one enterprise
17:24.46leheli can't see anywhere about transferring calls..
17:24.52*** join/#asterisk kg (
17:25.00BuckRogerslike are you going to be a service provider or more of a PBX installation
17:25.03HmmhesaysBuckRogers, commerical reseller
17:25.18BuckRogerswe are in the same boat been developing for a year now
17:25.20lehelit is the same to parking calls.. maybe, but still nothing about enabled or disabled
17:25.22Hmmhesaysthey are going to offer phone service in conjuction with their current tv and internet service
17:25.24file[muon]why is authentication not occuring argh
17:25.34DaPrivateercan anyone recommand a SIP wifi phone that supports WPA?
17:25.45HmmhesaysBuckRogers, they gave me 2 weeks to light up the first site
17:25.54BuckRogerswe are going for Small medium buisness market
17:26.09lehelHmmhesays: < pls have a look (features.conf)
17:26.20BuckRogersnice how is it looking for you?
17:26.23file[muon]this LCD is so very very clear
17:26.26*** part/#asterisk akrall_ (i=user@
17:26.28Hmmhesayslehel that features.conf is missing some stuff
17:26.45HmmhesaysBuckRogers, the thing here is, these customers won't know they are on an ip system
17:26.53BuckRogersim hopeing to get up and launched in 30-60 days, still negoatiating pricing with wholesalers
17:26.58Hmmhesayseach sight is getting 1 or more 24 port gateways punched down in the phone room
17:27.15ManxPowerThere are like 50 billion providers of VoIP outgoing.
17:27.31JerJerno 51 billion
17:27.37ManxPowerAnd 5 providers of incoming non-toll free DIDs with a national footprint
17:28.08BuckRogershmmhesays, how will they not know wont they have to use some type of a ata instead of Traditional phone line?
17:28.56paulcand few of those providers service the great white north :(
17:29.23develhuh.  is there a way to factory reset a grandstream bt100?  i have one that's gone stupid....
17:29.26Hmmhesaysthey customers are all in apartment buildings
17:29.30BuckRogersyeah there are a bunch but most of them are reselling others stuff, the question is who;s got the quility and the right price and a 911 solution that doesnt cost a arm and a leg
17:29.53paulcdevel: Go to menu, then reset, but type in the MAC address before you hit the select/ok/confirm button
17:30.13BuckRogersyeah we have been looking into getting in bed with a couple of the senor condo complexes that are going up like wild fire over here
17:30.17develthanks, paulc, i'll give that a try
17:30.28HmmhesaysBuckRogers, 1. the gateways will be in the phone room, each apartment will have dialtone at the jacks. 2. these guys are terminating their own traffic
17:30.29file[muon]paulc knows too much
17:30.36file[muon]you will find me... time after time!
17:30.38*** join/#asterisk simprix (
17:30.39Hmmhesaysor not enough
17:30.59Derkommissarto dial trough a zap card.. i just have to use dial like ,Dial(Zap/${EXTEN} ?
17:31.09simprixWhat is the easist voip phone to setup with asterisk, I am looking at polycom
17:31.15ManxPowerBuckRogers, Um, they are all reselling someone's service, even if it's their CLEC's service
17:31.16paulcfile: but do you know any of the songs in MY hit test?! ;-)
17:31.17BuckRogersis the appartment managment have sometype of evergreen deal with you?
17:31.54BuckRogersin other words they get a piece of the monthly pie
17:32.04ManxPowerThe good outbound / inbound toll free providers all have PRIs.
17:32.06file[muon]paulc: I think I know the first one
17:32.21HmmhesaysBuckRogers, its an odd deal, this isp owns the apartments
17:32.34*** join/#asterisk zoo (
17:32.35BuckRogersreally that is an odd deal
17:32.38Hmmhesays400 of them to be exact
17:32.44file[muon]why is this immediately throwing back a user is not authorized...
17:33.32BuckRogersive never heard of an isp owing appartments, not a bad deal though they kind of have a mini monoply that way
17:34.02mutilatorwe do the same thing
17:34.14*** part/#asterisk Morex (
17:34.21HmmhesaysBuckRogers, yeah they do, they also have a p2p networks between most of them
17:34.26Hmmhesaysso they can garuantee qos
17:34.30ManxPowerIt really ruins your day when the president of the company calls you EVERY FUcKING 10 MINS wanting to know why the phone lines are not working.  The answer is of course, THE DAMN CITY WAS LEVELED BY A HURRICANE.
17:35.00Hmmhesaysget direcway, port the numbers over to a voip provider
17:35.02BuckRogersahh man what the #@#@# can you do in that situation
17:35.04Hmmhesaysyou have 10 seconds
17:35.22ManxPowerBuckRogers, We had voice and data running by 9:30am.
17:35.43ManxPowerpaulc, I finally gave him the phone number of the NOC for our CLEC.
17:36.05paulcpassing the buck! which gets him off your back.. at the risk of wrath from the NOC ;-)
17:36.34ManxPowerpaulc, No.  I started answering the MIS manager's cell phone (we were on the road on the way to the office) and told him that reason I was answering the MIS manager's cell phone was "so we don't both die in a firey ball of death on the freeway"
17:36.41*** join/#asterisk meppl (
17:37.25simprixHow well does the polycom 301 work with asterisk
17:37.30paulcLOL.. funny how some people "just don't get it"
17:37.32paulcI can relate..
17:37.40paulcsimprix: Pretty well, although the 501/600 work better :)
17:37.40luke-jr__Is a "50 pair line" == T1?
17:37.41BuckRogersYah I would worry about your health too ManxPower
17:37.56BuckRogersscrew the guy and get thier in one piece
17:38.02paulcluke-jr__: No.. a T1 is usually 2 copper pairs.. and a T1 = 24 pairs if your talking POTS
17:38.10simprixpaulc: how is configuration
17:38.17*** join/#asterisk FullyFaltoo (n=eDi_LaW@
17:38.25luke-jr__paulc: hmm... any idea what a 50 pair would be? o.O
17:38.40paulcsimprix: If you do it from the web interface it's "alright", if you do it from the XML config files via FTP it's a joy, mostly..
17:39.30paulcluke-jr__: 50 pair cable doesn't really translate in to T1s or DS3s etc.. it's more like "here's a cable that you can connect 50 regular phones and/or lines to" (1 pair per line/device). Usually used at a punch down/demarc kinda deal.. or maybe a connection to a PBX that has line cards in odd sizes..
17:39.31simprixif i am installing a pri what is a good phone to get or will asterisk just pick a line our of the trunk, or do i need a phone that will have that many line buttons
17:39.32develthanks, paulc, that did the trick.  my phone is still doing stupid though.  i'll try firmware
17:40.02paulcsimprix: Asterisk will do the clever stuff in the middle, choosing a line etc.. forget "line buttons" - asterisk is a PBX not a key system :)
17:40.04file[muon]paulc: is the first one Usher?
17:40.14paulcfile: nope - the artists all begin with the letter A
17:40.20file[muon]bastard :P
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17:40.48Sedoroxanyone know the Vina Tech T1 integrator passowrd??? *puppy dog eyes*
17:40.49visik7how can I write in the dialplan the 'R' key ?
17:41.07ScaredyCatit's flashhook... you don;t
17:41.13PupenoLIs it possible to make the Digium bug tracking system CC my mails to another account ?
17:42.42paulcfile: ah yes, I can see why you'd think track 1 was Usher.. similar style.. but sadly not.. think UK act ;-)
17:43.03file[muon]I don't acknowledge the existence of the UK :P
17:43.26paulcBrim full of asher on the 45?
17:43.33Ashwho are you even
17:44.35ScaredyCatwho are any of us...
17:45.00mutilatori am me
17:45.06file[muon]I'm file
17:45.09file[muon]nice to meet you.
17:45.15mutilatori r baboon
17:45.27*** join/#asterisk dalabera (
17:45.42sigtermim term, nine to meet you
17:45.57file[muon]paulc: shouldn't you be working?
17:46.27paulcfile: I AM working
17:46.37file[muon]uh huh
17:47.19paulcfile: I'll prove it with a work related question!
17:47.24*** join/#asterisk subay_39 (n=EsS_SaBu@
17:47.52paulcI've got qualify=no in sip.conf and the phones are set to register every 60 seconds.. yet still sometimes a call destined for a phone goes straight to voicemail rather than ringing the phone.. can I blame the NAT on the router for expiring sessions too quickly?
17:48.26paulcbut.. seriously..
17:48.28ManxPowerpaulc, I don't know of any NAT routers that expire sessions in under 60 seconds, but I guess they could exist.
17:48.35file[muon]they do exist
17:48.37file[muon]they're evil
17:49.27file[muon]parser parser do your parsing
17:51.41lehelppl: ??> Sep  6 20:47:57 WARNING[31560]: cdr.c:421 ast_cdr_free: CDR on channel 'Zap/3-1' not posted
17:52.19eKo1that sucks
17:52.54leheleKo1: do you mean? i have some problem in mysql?
17:53.05cpatrylehel: cause it cant connect to db or u had a NoCDR() before.
17:54.11lehelcpatry: and what for is that NoCDR() ?
17:54.40file[muon]cpatry: Junky!!!
17:55.24ManxPowerfile[muon], Can you tell use some makes/models of NAT routers the time out NAT translations in less than 60 seconds?
17:55.34cpatrylehel: show application nocdr will tell ya.
17:55.37cpatryyo file!!!!
17:56.07file[muon]ManxPower: I haven't dealt with them in a long time, but I think my friend had a D-Link that did it
17:56.38paulcManx: This customer says he's got some kind of Cisco/Linksys router.. but it seems more Linksys than Cisco cos he uses a web interface to change settings.. no command line IOS type thing..
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17:57.29ManxPowerpaulc, Linksys routers do not time out NAT sessions in under 60 seconds.  HOWEVER, many of the older verisons of the router simply crash and reboot when they see SIP registrations.
17:58.04orospakrhi!  I know that g729 offers decent performance for road-warror sip clients on connected to the internet via dialup, but can speex offer the same?
17:58.07ManxPowerI had like three of the linksys rev 1 routers that did that.  Had to replace them all
17:58.52paulcI've got Linksys routers (albeit it consumer versions, nothing "big") at home and at work and they work fine.. but this customer's unit is a pain in the ass.. we'll try with a firmware upgrade then tell 'em to sling it and get a proper router..
17:59.12paulcinteresting thing is.. Polycom phones also don't get the correct time via SNTP behind this router.. and I know the config is good cos "works alright for me!" applies..
17:59.27ManxPowerpaulc, look on the bottom of the router for the hardware rev.  I'll bet you have a rev 2 or 3 and he has a rev 1 (might not have a rev listed)
17:59.30paulcthey'll sync to the correct minute, but the hours is always off.. might flip right for a few mins, then resync and go wonky again.. customer's not impressed. .
17:59.45paulcManx: Alright - I'll get 'em to check..
17:59.54ManxPowerpaulc, check your's too.
18:00.14file[muon]stupid auth api
18:00.17Wonkaaaargh. someday i'll hit anyone for saying "wonky"!
18:00.36paulcmine's a BEFW11S4 rev 2 :-)
18:01.14*** join/#asterisk dant (
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18:01.46ManxPowerpaulc, *nod*  And I'll bet his router has no rev listed.
18:03.00*** join/#asterisk [ViRii] (
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18:03.17ManxPowerI'm having a vision!  Oh god!  The horror!  The horror!  In my vision I see that your customer has a Linksys BEFSR41 Rev 1!
18:03.18[ViRii]hey guys, im new to asterisk find it really amazing so far i can only call into my polycom i600 phones. i cannot call out?
18:03.44ManxPower[ViRii], that's all controled by the SIP phone.
18:04.00sivanaManxPower: were you down in NO?
18:04.20ManxPowersivana, Waveland MS.  Apparently in the %10 of Waveland that was not leveled.
18:04.33sivanaI hope all is well
18:04.47ManxPowerWe evacuated to Jackson MS, then Texarkana TX, then I spent a night in Lafayette LA, and tonight I'll be in Baton Route LA.
18:05.05ManxPowersivana, There's a good chance all my stuff sat in water for 2 days.
18:05.12ManxPowerBut I can't get back to check on it yet.
18:05.19*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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18:06.03ManxPower[ViRii], your extensive search of the asterisk mailing lists about polycom configs did not help you?
18:06.20ManxPowersivana, there is still no power in my area.
18:06.37sivanaya.. that whole thing is strictly amazing
18:07.22[ViRii]yes i even used configs from
18:07.24ManxPowerI'm at my client in Covington LA at the moment.  Apparently one of the accounting people called up and said "I'm not coming back."
18:07.27[ViRii]i will try again
18:07.31ManxPowerI think 8 people lost their houses.
18:07.52sivanaya, amazing how a storm can wipe out a city
18:07.56ManxPower[ViRii], Did you use a web browser to config the phone, or did you use the FTP/TFTP method?
18:08.26ManxPowerand what is your dialplan on the phone?
18:09.02mutilatorwhen hookin my te110p directly to a channel bank
18:09.07mutilatorwhat should my timing be?
18:09.11mutilator0 or 1 or does it matter?
18:09.16*** join/#asterisk dsfr (
18:09.24ManxPowermutilator, timeing should be 0
18:09.25[ViRii]webbrowser currently
18:09.36ManxPowerand you'll need a T-1 cross over cable, of course.
18:09.43[ViRii]entirely new to this first asterisk install
18:09.49mutilatork just trying to figure out why i'm getting a fast busy
18:09.56mutilatorthey pickup the phone and it's busy
18:10.19spacklemank, shouldn't it be a '1' if he is supplying timin to the channel bank?
18:10.31spackleer, manx, shouldn't it be a '1' if he is supplying timin to the channel bank?
18:11.24Sedoroxanyone use lucent/vina tech/connect reach channel bank? I need the default password....
18:11.31spacklemutilator, do youhave the channels assigned on the bank and set up for loop start - or whatever you are using?
18:11.32*** join/#asterisk roche (n=roche@
18:11.40mutilatorloop yea
18:11.48mutilatordialing into it seems to work fine, it rings and they answer, but when they pickup to make a call it's busy
18:12.37spacklemutilator: what channel bank?
18:12.45mutilatoradtran ta624
18:12.59*** join/#asterisk roulduke_ (
18:13.18ManxPowerspackle, no, 1 means get timeing from line, 2 means get timeing from line is span with "1" fails, 0 means don't get timeing from line.
18:14.00*** join/#asterisk mariogamboa (n=sudaikdd@
18:14.09ManxPowermutilator, you didn't do something *stupid* like set immediate=yes, did you?
18:14.54mariogamboahi all
18:14.59rocheHi, I'm having a strange behavoir with my asterisk, I create phone peer in sip.conf with incominglimit=1,but the extension can't transfer a call , it can't put the incoming call on hold and call to other extension, in extension.conf  I have tT in dial option
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18:15.24mariogamboaanyone here have a problem with disconnect in conversion the call in fxo modules
18:15.52rochewhen I change the incominglimit=2 Its works , but it doesn't have sense
18:16.20mariogamboawhen that call from pstn incoming to asterisk sometimes cut or when i dial sometimes cut the call
18:16.23mutilatori'm not having much luck with these te110's
18:16.43ManxPowermutilator, they work fine for me.
18:17.26mutilatorheh well first i had problem was cause it was on a riser card
18:17.26spacklemanxpower, that's how you explained the timing to me, but Digium support explained it differently: 0, meant to accept timing from the line, 1 meant to provide timing to the line, which you would want to do for a channel bank, right?
18:17.31mutilatorso i was gettin pci master abort errors
18:17.41Hmmhesaysi see voipjet has taken a crap all over itself
18:17.45mutilatorthat went on for a while til i replaced it
18:17.55mutilatorthen saturday it died on me again so i go out there and flick the power back on
18:18.06mutilatorand the harddrive starts smoking and i hear a couple snap crackle pops
18:18.16mariogamboai have my signaling fxo_ks and callprogress=yes progozone=us but the call is cut is some cases
18:18.24*** join/#asterisk dasuberdavid (
18:18.25hardwireanybody having quite a few dropped call problems?
18:18.26ManxPowerspackle, what did they say "2" did?
18:18.27hardwiresip to zap
18:18.28mariogamboasorry is fxs_ks
18:18.31hardwireuh oh
18:18.36ManxPowermutilator, pci master abort errors are motherboard issues
18:18.40mutilatornow i replaced it with another pc and it just died again on me, so i have to have someone go out there and flick it on again and find out whats going wrong
18:18.51mariogamboai have droped problem with FXO connect to the pstn
18:19.05mutilatormanx: it was brand new, had a 2 port riser card
18:19.10ManxPowercallprogress=yes should be renamed randomlydisconnectmycalls=yes
18:19.15*** part/#asterisk BuckRogers (
18:19.32ManxPowermutilator, Well, yeah.  Many newer motherboards don't work well with Digium cards.
18:19.49ManxPowerAnd riser card ones can be the worst.  Just look at the mailing list archives
18:20.16mutilatori need to get a 1u server that'll work with these damned things
18:20.51spackleManxpower - we didn't get into that.  I have my channel bank set up as '1', maybe it works as a result of dumb luck.
18:21.14ManxPowerspackle, Well, it's all documented in the sample config files
18:21.37mariogamboamax the rename callprogress works in asterisk 1.0.9
18:22.13mariogamboawhat that mean randomlydisconnectmycall what is the function of it
18:22.37spackleManxpower: it is documented, but clear as mud as I recall.
18:22.59Hmmhesays~seen Ariel_
18:23.01jbotariel_ <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 3h 11m 55s ago, saying: 'RoyK, no'.
18:23.01mariogamboain the zapata.conf
18:23.11mariogamboai don't see this option
18:23.13ManxPowermariogamboa, it means exactly what the sample config files says: This feature is HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL and can easily detect false answers,
18:23.13ManxPower; so don't count on it being very accurate.
18:23.47ManxPowermariogamboa, try /path/to/asterisk/src/asterisk/configs/zapata.conf.sample
18:24.27ManxPowerI have never, in my 2+ years of working with Asterisk, ever heard of callprogress=yes working correctly and not causing problems.  don't use it.
18:24.53ManxPowermutilator, ask JerJer what he uses.
18:26.13spacklemanxpower: I'm going to change my timing around and see if anything breaks.
18:26.16Hmmhesaysback to perlinating
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18:26.56ManxPowerspackle, incorrect timeing can cause fax issues, as well as audio artifacts like mild clicks
18:27.02hardwiremutilator: there are lots of cheap 1u's that work
18:27.12mariogamboawell max the problem here in mexico i can maitain the comunication sudenly the calls drop when the another person quiet asterisk detect like a silence and cut the call
18:28.03hardwireso calls are just being dropped
18:28.21file[muon]hardwire: I'm wearing an Alaska t-shirt :P
18:28.26spackleManxpower, that describes what I was experiencing that led me to investigate timing.
18:28.33hardwirefile[muon]: why?!
18:28.51file[muon]my parents brought it back... from Alaska!
18:28.56hardwireno kidding
18:29.09hardwirethey have them on discount in Canada.. so maybe it was from there :)
18:29.22hardwirewell uh.. welcome to the fan club?
18:29.57brad_msswanyone here have the UTStarcom F1000 WIFI phone ?
18:30.46hardwireGot a FRAME_CONTROL (5) frame on channel Zap/1-1
18:31.07hardwireis that after the d-channel is processed.. it just represents it as Zap/1-1 ?
18:32.17hardwireit looks like a timing drop
18:32.23hardwireas per
18:32.33mariogamboamax the randomly
18:32.48mariogamboadoesn't exist in zapata.conf.example
18:33.31mariogamboain the case show me the callprogress no the randomly
18:34.52hardwireanybody have zttest doing all 100%?
18:35.01hardwire--- Results after 41 passes ---
18:35.01hardwireBest: 100.000000 -- Worst: 99.987793
18:35.34cpatryhardwire: it doesnt matter if isnt at 100%.
18:36.33hardwirewell why am I getting FRAME_CONTROL frames on b-channels?
18:36.52Hmmhesaysanyone know if asterisk dialstatus is congestion when a 404 is returned from a sip endpoint?
18:37.21cpatrydunno, cause ur d-chan has problem?
18:37.48hardwireI guess.
18:37.53hardwireit seems to be timing issues
18:37.53*** join/#asterisk pilot51 (n=pi_Chulo@
18:37.58hardwireI will call and see if I am slipping
18:38.18Sedoroxanyone have a T1 card (for asterisk.. pci) that they are willing to sell for under $100? :p
18:38.21*** join/#asterisk contegixmatthew (n=matthew@
18:39.08contegixmatthewgreetings.  i am looking for Brian Christie
18:39.30hardwireSedorox: you just aren't that lucky.
18:39.38SedoroxI figured as much
18:39.50Sedoroxneed the password for this thing first anyway... which I can't seem to find :(:(
18:40.19orospakrhi! asterisk 1.0.9 isn't compiling on x86_64, with this message:
18:41.08brad_mssworospakr: you need to have at least gcc 3.4.4 to use -march=k8
18:41.15*** join/#asterisk scream_01 (n=xxexclus@
18:41.20brad_mssworospakr: err, gcc 3.4.0 rather ...
18:42.03*** join/#asterisk afrosheen (
18:42.15brad_mssworospakr: I couldn't tell you if those cflags are built into asterisk or not though, i would assume not though ... what distro are you on ?
18:42.25orospakrbrad_mssw, ubuntu 5.04. :)
18:42.29Fallei have a problem with my TDM card. It dont detect hangup's. the "channel" stays in the callqueue untill someone picks it up even if the caller hung up 10 minutes ago. Any ideas?
18:42.36orospakryeah, gcc 3.3.5
18:42.51orospakris it work using gcc 3.4 or should I just change asterisk's makefiles?
18:43.04brad_msswgcc 3.4 should definitely work
18:43.21brad_msswbut you could also edit the makefiles if the -march=k8 and -mcpu=k8 are hardcoded in them
18:43.42*** join/#asterisk knight_ (i=[
18:43.43PupenoLAnyone familiar with chan_agent.c sources ?
18:44.02knight_anyone have asterisk@home hang on GRUB stage 2 after install?
18:44.04SuPrSluGwhen i have an inbound call and dial exten 211 asterisk dials 2 and comes back with invalid extension. why isn't it waiting for all the digits before dialing
18:44.47bjohnsoncontegixmatthew: I'm looking for Christie Brinkley
18:45.58Hmmhesaysquick easiest way to regexp a value out from between quotes
18:47.24file[muon]Hmmhesays: YOU
18:47.44orospakrbrad_mssw, thanks :)
18:48.05*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@
18:48.29Hmmhesaysfile what
18:49.15file[muon]it's all your fault the hard drive in this box is failing
18:49.20Hmmhesayswhy is that?
18:49.58spackle~seen ManxPower
18:50.01jbotmanxpower is currently on #asterisk (3h 16m 36s).  Has said a total of 55 messages.  Is idling for 23m 5s
18:50.06*** join/#asterisk erdal (n=JuSTiN__@
18:50.26Kattyi have accomplished much today.
18:50.32Kattyi moved my entire rest of office upstairs.
18:50.39file[muon]that's nifty
18:50.50Kattyi must post gifs soon
18:51.07file[muon]no no, jpgs or pngs
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18:52.05Kattyfile[muon]: silly rabbit.
18:52.29Kattyi'll put them in the gallery
18:52.33*** join/#asterisk Nix (n=Nix@
18:52.37Kattywith the other 38 pictures of me.
18:52.37hardwirehas echocan ever caused dropped calls?
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18:52.56Kattybkw__: afternoon (and you better say hi!)
18:53.21file[muon]high, high as a kite!
18:53.25file[muon]oh no it's Nix
18:53.47KattyNix: now i have to disinfect.
18:53.55KattyNix: but the lemony scented goodness will be mine!
18:54.10afrosheenbah, disinfect.
18:54.20Kattyafrosheen: he has nerdy boy cooties.
18:54.45afrosheenhardwire: echocan?
18:54.49*** part/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
18:54.51hardwireecho cancel
18:55.00*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
18:55.02afrosheenthe hardware card or the software option for tdm cards?
18:55.08file[muon]omfg it's Cresl1n
18:55.23sivanawhat does it take to make a copper pair into a T1?
18:55.28afrosheenyou can't just say echo cancel :)
18:55.37Cresl1nwhat's up my people?
18:55.46visik7does zaphfc contains inline asm ?
18:55.51Sedoroxsivana: some little box that just shocked the shit outta me about 30 mins ago
18:55.54Cresl1nsivana: t1 cards :-)
18:55.55gordonjcpafrosheen: no, you need to say echochochocho cancelcelcelcelcelcel...
18:56.11afrosheengordonjcp: gordonjcp
18:56.13sivanaCresl1n: what sort of cards? :)
18:56.17afrosheenthat's far end echo
18:56.22file[muon]gah dang it
18:56.26file[muon]silly server, WORK!
18:56.32Cresl1nsivana: digium cards :-)
18:56.32*** join/#asterisk t3t (
18:56.39Cresl1n(I'm a bit biased)
18:57.10Cresl1nTE110P, TE410P, TE405P
18:57.19afrosheeneasy question: what's better, a bunch of TDM cards for analog or a channel bank
18:57.22Sedoroxsivana: if you want to send it over just a pair (e.g. two wires) over a distance..
18:57.31Sedoroxyour gonna need one of these ( at each end
18:57.48sivanaand that's it?
18:57.49Sedoroxthen they would plug into your T1 device.. be it digium cards.. or a DSU/CSU... channel bank.. etc..
18:57.54SedoroxI'm not sure what the technical name is :p
18:58.01Cresl1nsivana: you want to use just a single pair of wire?
18:58.08Cresl1nthat's a different issue
18:58.14Cresl1nT1 is a 4 wire interface
18:58.20SedoroxT1 can be either....
18:58.22Cresl1none pair for tx and another pair for rx
18:58.30Sedoroxwitht hat device..
18:58.54afrosheenare you trying to do some kind of wacky closed-loop t1 between 2 sites with nothing in between
18:58.55Cresl1nyou can transport T1 over hdsl which (IIRC) can be over a single pair
18:58.56sivanamy PRI is delivered over 2 wire
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18:59.04Cresl1nbut a true T1 is a 4 wire interface
18:59.10Cresl1nas is a PRI as well :-)
18:59.15sivanaafrosheen: yes, over a dedicated copper pair
18:59.39Cresl1nsivana: if it's just a standard T1 you just need an interface card
18:59.54sivanaCresl1n: ie. that Adtran?
19:00.16Sedoroxthe itnerface card would be from digium
19:00.16Cresl1nsivana: what adtran?
19:00.19Sedoroxor sangoma
19:00.28SedoroxCresl1n: the link I posted.. from ebay
19:00.40Cresl1nah, ok
19:00.52sivanaok.. I have a couple TE405... I want to use a 2 wire loop to produce T1 between two sites
19:00.54mogormanebay the worlds largest fence...
19:00.55SedoroxI wish I new the technical name for that :p
19:01.00sivanawith a Digium card on each end
19:01.11Cresl1nsivana: you need more than 2 wires for a T1
19:01.25Sedoroxsivana: I believe you need that then.. which would put it on a pair..
19:01.26*** join/#asterisk Tambiah (n=Sevgineh@
19:01.34spackleSedorox: NIU or NUI - Network Interface Unit or something.
19:01.37Cresl1nsivana: you need 4 :-)
19:01.43Sedoroxahh ok
19:01.51sivanamy PRI is over 2 wire with a blue box with HDSL
19:02.02SedoroxCresl1n: why can't you just run it over the NIU?
19:02.05Cresl1nyou'd need a couple of those boxes at each end
19:02.16Sedoroxthe link I posted...
19:02.27Sedoroxtakes a T1 rj45 and runs over a pair..
19:02.28Cresl1nas long as it breaks it out to four wire at each end
19:02.53Sedoroxactually does 6.. but the one I have only has 4 connected in the device
19:03.11Sedorox"Network Controller Unit"?
19:03.19Cresl1nI see :-)
19:03.24sivanaSedorox: so with one at each end, i can create a T1 loop over a pair?
19:03.30SedoroxI would think so...
19:03.38*** join/#asterisk ^^DuDu (n=IsLaK_Er@
19:03.46jontowcan TDMoE do that sort of thing?
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19:04.05Cresl1njontow: you have to have an ethernet connection
19:04.08Sedoroxthat would provider the voltage over the line (yea.. be careful with that.. -200vdc.. nice little shock.. as I've recently experienced)
19:04.18Cresl1njontow: how many wires are used in ethernet?
19:04.19jontowyes, that i understand
19:04.20spackleJontow: on the same subnet
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19:05.13spackleEthernet uses two pair doesn't it?
19:05.17Sedoroxif I had a camera.. I could take pics of how this one is setup...
19:05.20konradsspackle: yes.
19:05.27konradsspackle: rest shouldn't be used
19:05.29Sedoroxspackle: yes.. except for gigabit
19:05.38jayk-i'm trying to set up asterisk so that i can transfer a call to voicemail. i put exten => _*1XX,1,Voicemail(u${EXTEN:1})  and exten => _*1XX,2,Hangup  into extensions.conf, but when i dial *<EXT> from my cisco 7960 cisco phone, it doesn't go through.
19:05.40Sedoroxgigabit uses all 4 pairs
19:05.56jayk-for some reason, the phone or the asterisk server isn't accepting "*" then the extension. anybody have any ideas?
19:08.07[ViRii]i can dial to my analog line. its attached to a x100p clone. from there the call is forwarded (configured via amp) to an extension. i can receive the calls there however when trying to dial from the phone i get a busy tone.
19:08.44*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
19:10.01PupenoLIs there any use in that agents prompts for username, checks it, and then prompts for the password, *instead* of prompting for both and then checking.
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19:12.58jayk-anybody have any ideas?
19:13.40FuzzyCat[ViRii], that's because AMP is useless and does more harm than good
19:13.43TheCopsI have callwaiting option on the line that asterisk using for my IVR system. You can hear "Beep beep" when you're on a phone and you get another line. for now, I'm transfering the line to an extension that have Flash cmd and Dial command for call back the guys who transfered the call to that extension. There's another way to manage call waiting with asterisk ?
19:14.04SedoroxPupenoL: yes
19:14.30PupenoLSedorox: and what is it ?
19:15.06Sedoroxexten => 221,1,AgentCallbackLogin(${CALLERIDNUM}|${CALLERIDNUM}@local)
19:15.16SedoroxI don't think you need that last part tho
19:16.08PupenoLSedorox: I am sorry, but I don't get it.
19:16.10[ViRii]fuzzy: thanks
19:16.45Sedoroxwhen I dial 221... I get prompted for my password, then #, so I type it, then it says agent logged in
19:16.54[ViRii]then how/what would i configure to get my phones to hit the pstn for outbound dials
19:17.04Sedoroxit passes the number your calling from into the login, and uses that as the username
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19:18.38PupenoLSedorox: ok, but that does force it to be impossible to ask for username and password and then checking when you are not using the caller id as username ? (I'll check it anyway).
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19:19.47Sedoroxif you just hit #
19:19.57Sedoroxthen it asks for agent ID and password
19:20.06Sedoroxsince it loops around.. but doesn't have the ID this time...
19:20.58FuzzyCat[ViRii], edit extensions.conf
19:21.37[ViRii]ack !
19:22.14enderis there anybody here that I was talking to about storing directory contacts in IP-301 and IP-501 phones w/ the latest firmware?
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19:26.52Ariel_hello everyone
19:28.23FuzzyCatis that a real name? sounds like a place
19:29.48MooingLemurhmm.. asterisk segfaults in voicemailmain.  trying to figure out if it's my config or due to the fact it's running in a vserver.
19:30.07MooingLemureverything else works :P
19:31.12FuzzyCatshouldn't make any difference
19:31.15mutilatorSep  6 15:29:41 NOTICE[2982]: chan_iax2.c:2230 auto_congest: Auto-congesting call due to slow response
19:31.27mutilatorwhy might i be getting that when callin an iax line
19:31.31FuzzyCatI've run vmware *'s no probs
19:31.42FuzzyCatslow response...
19:31.55mutilatorshow peers shows it's there
19:31.59mutilator1ms response time
19:32.19mutilatorthe other asterisk doesn't show anything
19:32.31FuzzyCatnetworking prob?
19:33.17mutilatorof what kind
19:33.21mutilatorthey peer up fine
19:33.26*** join/#asterisk clive-- (
19:33.26mutilatorbut the call isn't doing anything
19:33.43*** join/#asterisk Veto (
19:33.58Derkommissarhow come i dont get the calledid name in zap ?
19:34.43Ariel_Derkommissar, hello long time no see.
19:35.11mutilatorDial(IAX2/m2k-trunk/1989${EXTEN}) should work right?
19:35.31FuzzyCatDerkommissar, from the PSTN?
19:35.46FuzzyCatyou'll never get it from the pstn.
19:35.50*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
19:36.13FuzzyCatbut if you mean from * to the phone, then the phone needs to support it
19:36.50MRH2hi I have an error message on the console with current cvs  i haven't seen before - ne1 know what it refers to
19:36.54MRH2chan_local.c:134 local_queue_frame: blah wasn't locked while sending 1/35
19:37.50*** join/#asterisk Rankin (n=TEKiN@
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19:38.58Sedoroxanyone... connectreach/vina login password?!? ;-)
19:39.18mutilatori found the prob
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19:41.25mutilatorthe fscking slash pimped me
19:41.35mutilatori had Dial(IAX2/m2k-trunk:1989${EXTEN})
19:43.18Hmmhesayswho's poling me
19:43.20Hmmhesays*poking even
19:43.40file[muon]not I
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19:44.12Hmmhesaysit wasn't a nice poke either, it was one of those weird ones that makes you feel violated afterward
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19:46.51KattyHmmhesays: oh.
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19:48.10Hmmhesaysperl is making my head hurt today
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19:49.30fugitivowhat are you doing with perl?
19:49.37bendy24holy mother of perl
19:52.21Hmmhesaysi should probably have headphones on
19:54.09spackleshould this work to record the channel as conf+datetime ? Monitor(wav,/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/conf${datetime},m)
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19:54.49spackleI just get conf.wav instead of conf+datetime.wav
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20:00.52brad_msswwhat's the best way to access the asterisk database from a script (say like php via a webpage) ?  Just need to issue some DBget and some DBput commands, but running   asterisk -rx   doesn't connect if you're the apache user (even if the apache user is in the asterisk group)
20:01.33Hmmhesaysok one of the salespeople just pawned me out for $60/hour
20:01.36Hmmhesayswhat a bunch of crap
20:02.03file[muon]poor Hmmhesays
20:02.25oejbrad_mssw: Check the options for the pipe in README.asterisk.conf
20:04.32brad_msswoej: err, what version of asterisk does that come with, I don't see it in 1.0.9
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20:05.16oejbrad_mssw: Sorry, that is 1.2beta
20:05.46oejbrad_mssw: Check asterisk.conf to find the pipe that we use, then go to that directory and check the permissions for the pipe
20:06.21oejbrad_mssw: Look for astrundir
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20:08.08brad_msswoej: cool, yeah doing a  chmod g+w  on the /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl did the trick ... thanks
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20:08.34oejPlease test 1.2
20:08.53clive--oej I am downloading it now
20:09.04clive--what are the reports of it so far
20:09.11brad_msswoej: err, wait, it always resets permissions upon asterisk restart ... crap
20:09.33oejYes, we changed that in 1.2
20:09.33brad_msswoej: know of any way to change that other than to manually reset it every restart ?
20:09.37brad_msswah, ok ...
20:09.45brad_msswhmm, maybe I'll just code to the manager IP interface ...
20:10.00brad_msswI should be able to do dbput/dbget with that, no?
20:11.25*** join/#asterisk zoo (
20:11.49darkskiezI'm messing around trying to add an UPDATE message to chan_sip to allow update to the outgoing callerid by adding a remote-party-id header on the cisco phones; Is this the right procedure? reqprep, add_header, add_header_contentLength, add_blank_header,  send_request ? I'm not sure if i'm to increment p->ocseq or not, reqprep seems to do it, but it doesnt seem to get incremented in the sip trace.
20:12.43eKo1darkskiez: i suggest you ask in #asterisk-dev
20:12.58darkskiezits as dead as elvis in there
20:14.43FuzzyCatelvis is alive and living in Chelmsford
20:15.35Maverici thought elvis was alive in my pants
20:15.36DrukenHMEpfft, elvis
20:15.39darkskiezout partying with the other dev's
20:15.51file[muon]...oh joy
20:16.00darkskiezthe point being, the aliveness of elvis is debateable.
20:16.08darkskiezand that of asterisk-dev
20:16.23JessicaX^alvis is alive
20:17.54cpatrysure, hes playing guitar with Kurt Cobain,.
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20:19.24mutilatoranyone know where i can get some inexpensive 1u servers for making remote channel banks?
20:19.40mutilatorother than ebay..
20:19.45afrosheenmutilator: inexpensive and 1u are not compatible
20:19.46paulcdefine "inexpensive" ?
20:19.47mutilatorlookin for like $300-$400
20:20.15Wonkagas prices rose 0.2EUR/l _before_ oil prices rose...
20:20.16mutilatori missed a deal on some dual p3 servers
20:20.20mutilatorlot of 5 for $750
20:20.26afrosheenWonka: welcome to speculative market pressure
20:21.03DrukenHME$1.90???? WTF do you live?
20:21.15afrosheenhe said 'litre'
20:21.23afrosheenthat's nowhere near a gallon
20:21.24DrukenHMEafrosheen: point?
20:21.28Wonka1.149EUR/l super, this afternoon
20:21.49DrukenHMEwe are paying $1.30 a litre
20:21.54Wonka1 gallon == 3.7854118 litre
20:21.58eKo1It's about 4 USD per gallon over her.
20:22.01DrukenHMEand that is expensive as shit
20:22.09afrosheenit'll be that high here in the US by the end of the year I bet
20:22.12paulcgas has been in the high $1.xx a litre in eastern Canada last week.. here in the west it's between $1.10 and $1.20 a litre right now
20:22.19Hmmhesaysheh, i just got in trouble for "seeming" uninterested in helping a customer
20:22.31paulcI thought a gallon was 4.5 litres.. or maybe that's UK gallons not dodgy US ones..
20:22.35WonkaHmmhesays: use a cluebat on him
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20:22.55Wonkahm, that was what units told me
20:22.58HmmhesaysI told him I was in the middle of something and I had to call him back
20:23.02paulcof course.. the correct response is "Well if that's how I seem, it's probably because that's how I AM"
20:23.04darkskiez0.99 (British pounds per litre) = 6.91499343 U.S. dollars per US gallon
20:23.07Hmmhesaysand I told him I wasn't going to be around after 4
20:23.08mrfrenzyhah you lucky bastards, here it's $1.59 / litre
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20:23.16fugitivoi think it's time to open #gas, it's been a hit lately
20:23.18afrosheendarkskiez: what are you guys paying for diesel
20:23.32darkskiez1.04 (British pounds per litre) = 7.26423553 U.S. dollars per US gallon
20:23.38*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
20:23.40FuriousGeorgehey all
20:23.42darkskiezof diesel
20:23.46afrosheenweird how diesel used to be cheaper all the time
20:23.57afrosheenit's a less-refined distillate right
20:24.01Wonka$ units usgallon l
20:24.27FuriousGeorgei once bought gas in the late 90's for 87 cents/gallon
20:24.37DrukenHMEafrosheen: actually, there's another step in making diesel
20:24.40afrosheenFuriousGeorge: 1999
20:24.43FuriousGeorgein hindsight, shoulda got a few thousand gallons
20:24.48Wonka$ units brgallon l
20:24.52afrosheenFuriousGeorge: lol
20:25.20Wonkadarkskiez: biodiesel is foo. eats tubes...
20:25.23SedoroxI like the idea...
20:25.25eKo1you mean methanol
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20:25.33Sedoroxbut... I dunno about smelling like fries
20:25.33FuriousGeorgehow much does a gallon of butane cost here in the US?
20:25.44FuriousGeorgeyeah thats it
20:25.47afrosheengallon of butane..who knows
20:25.51FuzzyCatbio fuels are too inefficient...
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20:25.52afrosheenpropane = better
20:25.54FuriousGeorgeor is it propane
20:26.02Wonkaafrosheen: brassica napus is better than corn
20:26.09FuzzyCatit takes more energy to grow and harvest it that it gives out
20:26.12FuriousGeorgewhat do they run their cars on in brazil?  propane?
20:26.16afrosheenI say we all drive busses with 10 chinese guys pedaling on board
20:26.19mutilatorso no leads on any servers?
20:26.30afrosheenlabor is cheaper than gas
20:26.30Wonkabiodiesel is "Rapsölmethylester"
20:26.31paulcwe're still laughing at the $300 1U server idea..
20:27.18darkskiezin that case I want people to push me to work
20:27.18afrosheenmutilator: yeah that's too low
20:27.18mutilatori've found em
20:27.18paulccos it's too dirt cheap?
20:27.18mutilatorup to $500 i'm lookin]
20:27.18Sedoroxgranted.. needed to by ram...
20:27.18Sedoroxand fix up the cooliing.. but still :p
20:27.18afrosheenSedorox: what kind of parts are inside
20:27.19Sedoroxdual PIII 1g
20:27.21SedoroxSCSI and SATA
20:27.26afrosheensata on a p3? wow
20:27.26gooagleregarding the Sangoma a101u cards, anyone feel these have inferior echo canceling versus the new te110p? I am getting a ton of echo on the a101u
20:27.33Sedoroxyea.. addon
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20:27.34afrosheendecent board
20:27.45Sedoroxyea.. hopefully its shipping today :p
20:27.59afrosheenbut sata and linux is questionable at times
20:28.09SedoroxI know
20:28.14eKo1stick with scsi
20:28.14Sedoroxdon't have a sata drive right now
20:28.16afrosheenit's all about what distro, what kernel, what libs bla bla
20:28.18FuzzyCatnever had any trouble with sata and linux
20:28.19Sedoroxso only using the scsu...
20:28.20drumkilla_laptopI miss you, file.
20:28.21*** join/#asterisk Blagg (n=ALBERT_M@
20:28.28Sedoroxbut its actually gonna be our PBX
20:28.29afrosheenFuzzyCat: yes but others have
20:28.29paulcaww.. drumkilla's no trouble :)
20:28.32FuzzyCatand there's 30 servers in the cab
20:28.34Sedoroxso.. it'll be running asterisk
20:28.40FuzzyCatall linux+sata
20:28.41Sedoroxfugitivo: hehe
20:28.52Sedoroxyea.. it depends on the sata chipset mainly.. I think
20:29.06afrosheenand there are like 30 of them out there
20:29.13fugitivohu? what?
20:29.15afrosheenit'll improve with time just like anything else
20:29.19Sedoroxstupid tab completetion
20:29.21FuzzyCatwell, we don't buy cheap shite servers that cost $300 ;)
20:29.24Sedoroxwell yea...
20:29.34paulcyou want it to work, you pays your money..
20:29.40paulcthere's a thin line between frugal and sensible?
20:29.42SedoroxFuzzyCat: well yea.. but the opurtunity came up.. so.. I took it
20:29.43afrosheenyou knows it clarts
20:29.50fugitivoa complete server for $300?
20:29.54FuriousGeorgehow big are the propane tanks home depot gives you for 12.95?
20:30.02afrosheenFuriousGeorge: call and ask
20:30.07FuzzyCatSedorox, just buy another card... unless it's 1u  ... then ur fecked
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20:30.19afrosheenFuriousGeorge: you can still buy propane powered or supplemented trucks, at least here in Texas
20:30.26Sedoroxits 1u
20:30.43Sedoroxbut what do I need another card for?
20:30.53FuzzyCatto replace the crappy sata one
20:30.56Sedoroxright now.. the pci slot is only used by the sata card.. so...
20:31.02FuzzyCatahh ok
20:31.02SedoroxI duno what model it is yet
20:31.06Sedoroxso all I know.. it could be good
20:31.08afrosheensince you're not using sata you're good to go
20:31.14Sedoroxright now...
20:31.24*** join/#asterisk Heidi_ (n=Dostca@
20:31.25afrosheenpersonally I love sata
20:31.29SedoroxI was actually gonna get a 80-120gig sata to use just for asterisk (program.. voicemail.. etc...)
20:31.31afrosheenbut I've been lucky with chipsets
20:31.35FuzzyCatsata or satay
20:31.37FuriousGeorgeafrosheen:  i bet i can find a good mechanic here in newark, nj who hook me up with a propane installation.  assuming its only 10 gallon for 12.95, even at 4/5th efficency of 87 octane normal gas, thats still a helluva savings
20:31.38Sedoroxand the scsi for the system. but we're saving money...
20:32.08afrosheenyeah those seagate 80g sata drives with NCQ are super fast
20:32.11fugitivodo you really need scsi for asterisk?
20:32.20Juggieummm no
20:32.23Sedoroxno.. but its in the server
20:32.24FuzzyCatyou don't even need a hdd
20:32.25Sedoroxso why not? :p
20:32.30Juggieno one needs a fast hdd for *
20:32.38fugitivoi'd use a CF for the system, ide or sata for data
20:32.38Juggiebecause your cdr should be on another server
20:32.40eKo1you can run it of a cd
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20:32.51Maverici wouldn't waste money on a good controller until they get asterisk working async and multithreaded
20:33.02Juggieafrosheen, asterisk does almost NO hdd io
20:33.02Mavericany heavy i/o
20:33.03opus_async, where
20:33.12Mavericcan cause calls to be not very pleasent
20:33.17afrosheenthat entry goes right next to gates' 'nobody will need more than 640k' comment
20:33.18Mavericcutting in and out
20:33.27*** join/#asterisk The_Ball (
20:33.41Juggieafrosheen, give me a scenario when asterisk would do alot of hard drive IO
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20:33.49afrosheenbusy voicemail server
20:33.53Sedoroxwell... we're also debating on setting this as a hot spare main server.. so if needed.. we can fall over to it.
20:34.01cpatryJuggie: monitoring ? :)
20:34.04FuzzyCatno - you use a SAN for voicemail
20:34.09FuriousGeorgeanyone know if any of these presence/im projects on the horizon are expected to work w/ exten eyebeam?  its what we use at work
20:34.13afrosheenso you don't have a SAN
20:34.13MavericJuggie there are times that you do have a need for heavy i/o in a production enviroment
20:34.16fugitivorecording or some AGI that uses a lot of HD
20:34.28Juggieafrosheen, if your voicemail server is busy, and then that means its hopefully redundant... so your voice mail should be stored in a sql table :)
20:34.29afrosheenyeah there are plenty of scenarios, don't be such an elitist
20:34.29JuggieNEXT :P
20:34.34Sedoroxyea... ivr and voicemail was thinking about putting on the sata...
20:34.54afrosheennot everyone using * has an IBM scale data center
20:35.06FuzzyCatyou don;t need to.,..
20:35.12FuzzyCatit's just common sense
20:35.16Juggieif you are pushing enough voicemail to have to worry about HDD performance
20:35.24Juggieyou should consider redundant voicemail servers with an sql backend
20:35.29mutilatorlike that is what i need
20:35.43fugitivoi don't like the idea of sql for asterisk
20:35.46FuzzyCatif you spread the load over servers and they can register with any one (load balancing) then then need to be able to get their voicemail
20:35.56FuzzyCatwhat else ru gonna do rsync their voicemail
20:36.06fugitivothat means another service, more problems
20:36.30JuggieSQL voicemail works fine
20:36.51fugitivosure, until it stops working fine :)
20:36.52Juggieits actually very sexy, leave voicemail on one server, pick it off another, etc.
20:36.58afrosheenFuzzyCat: it's not a race, you can spell out 'are you' ;)
20:37.16FuzzyCatru takin da ps :P
20:37.22afrosheenr u 4 bbq
20:38.06afrosheenso what's everyone's favorite channel bank, the adtran?
20:38.08FuzzyCatanyone, it doesn't need to cost the earth...
20:38.14Juggiewhat linux distro should i put on a HP server, 2*3.2 Ghx proc, 4GB RAM, 3*75gb HD
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20:38.27afrosheenJuggie: centos..debian...whatever
20:38.28fugitivowhat linux distro do you use?
20:38.35Juggiei normally use fedora
20:38.40fugitivothen use fedora
20:38.47FuzzyCateeww gentoo...
20:38.48afrosheenI recommend centos4, highly
20:38.49Juggienah, i dont want to wait for compiling
20:38.53Juggiei prefer apt-get love
20:38.55FuzzyCatyeah, stick with what u know
20:39.00fugitivoi recommend gentoo, but if you use fedora, why change?
20:39.05MavericJuggie i like apt as well as the next person
20:39.09Maverici'm a debian man
20:39.17Juggieapt-get rocks, yum/up2date blows
20:39.19Mavericbut recently been using gentoo and it has a lot of nice things
20:39.21afrosheenyou can use apt on rpm-based distros
20:39.25jaybuffethello all...  what cost am i looking at for hardware to support a small business (20-30 lines).. i believe we have a t1 coming is currently
20:39.26FuzzyCatwusses - whats wrong with tarballs
20:39.26Juggiei know
20:39.34knight_apt-rpm rocks
20:39.35Juggiei use it on all my fedora systems
20:39.37afrosheenFuzzyCat: they stain the carpet
20:39.38Mavericfedora blows
20:39.43knight_even though i despise rpm
20:39.52mutilatorwould a 500mhz 256mb ram run a 24 port channel bank -> iax trunk fine
20:40.02afrosheenjaybuffet: are you replacing all the phones with sip phones or what
20:40.05FuzzyCatI hate rpm, you never know what the buggers have done
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20:40.08fugitivoi started using linux (slackware) 10 years ago, packages didn't exist
20:40.16jaybuffetafrosheen: yes probably
20:40.16Juggiemutilator, maybe, if you stick to ulaw only
20:40.21gooagledoes the te110p versus the te100p have additional echo cancelling?
20:40.23mutilatorya, i would
20:40.26afrosheenback in my day, we had to type every line of code by hand..seriously...c64 :)
20:40.29Juggiethen probally
20:40.30mutilatorthe backhaul pipe is huge
20:40.34Juggieas there is no codec translation
20:40.46fugitivoafrosheen: how do you type code today??
20:40.48afrosheenjaybuffet: what does your current call volume look like there
20:40.55afrosheenfugitivo: bah you download it from india
20:41.01Juggiemutilator, if you are doing voicemail, convert all the gsm files to ulaw/wav files
20:41.04Juggieso theres no transcoding
20:41.06fugitivoafrosheen: lol
20:41.12mutilatorif not then what.. go to gsm?
20:41.16afrosheenfugitivo: they do all the typing
20:41.19jaybuffetafrosheen: i would say 8-10 people on at one time usually
20:41.24zedkatufHas anyone come across this problem: I can do inbound phone calls, but I don't hear the "ring ring" from the ohone that I'm calling from..the phones connected to my asterisk box ring's just a bit annoying...
20:41.30afrosheenjaybuffet: how about total call volume, how many hours per month
20:41.38Juggiemutilator, you cant go to gsm, because if you do gsm, you have to transcode when * talks to a t1 port
20:41.42FuzzyCathours? minutes surely
20:41.57afrosheeneither or
20:42.09jaybuffetafrosheen: oh.. you got me
20:42.12mutilatorhow about 2x700?
20:42.13Juggiedoes apt-rpn work on centos?
20:42.22mutilatorhandle 2 of those banks?
20:42.22FuzzyCatdoens't everyone say 1 million possibly more then never do it
20:42.23Juggieer, apt-rpm
20:42.25mutilatorusing ulaw
20:42.27afrosheenJuggie: yeah it's binary compatible with rhel3
20:42.56Juggiehrm, maybe i should try centos then
20:42.57afrosheenjaybuffet: assessment is half the deal when you're planning something like this
20:43.07FuzzyCattao/centos etc...
20:43.15FuzzyCatbut I'm going off centos...
20:43.21afrosheenJuggie: it's worth a shot, great distro as far as I'm concerned..good for a server
20:43.35Juggiewhich this is
20:43.38jaybuffetafrosheen:  but i would need a look up table or something to compare my assessment to.  does that exist ?
20:43.41afrosheenalot more stable than fedora as well
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20:43.53Juggiei havnt had any problems with fedora
20:43.53FuzzyCatif you install php and mysql on a centos box from the install php doesn;t support mysql - how dumb is that
20:43.55Juggiestability wise
20:43.55afrosheenjaybuffet: the phone company will know how many minutes you used last month I think
20:44.03darkskiezzedkatuf: than can be down to configuration, also see the options you can specify to the dial command.
20:44.13afrosheendoes the phone company track minutes on hard lines to businesses?
20:44.32zedkatufdarkskiez: v much a newbie atm so tracking down problem could be tricky..but tnx for the pointer
20:44.55FuzzyCatfedora moves on too quickly
20:45.10afrosheenI heard fedora3 was a disaster from a few people
20:45.29Juggieworks fine here
20:45.30FuzzyCatpuzzled like fedora
20:45.50FuzzyCatbut he's a rhe so has no choice ;)
20:46.13eKo1rhe > fedora
20:46.15afrosheenjaybuffet: you're probably looking at spending about $200 per phone, if you want nice phones, around $2k on a server, and maybe adding a second t1 dedicated to voice
20:46.22FuzzyCatpersonally I think rh made a mistake...
20:46.35opus_fuzzycat - i got php and mysql to work out of the box.. with centos 4?
20:46.47jaybuffetafrosheen: called accounting.. gonna go look at the phone bill
20:46.51opus_yes 4.1 also
20:47.01opus_RHEL also supports it
20:47.07afrosheenjaybuffet: that'll just help you see what kind of bandwidth you'll probably be eating for the phones alone
20:47.12FuzzyCatit don't work here....
20:47.14opus_i think you are missing /etc/httpd/conf.d/ ?
20:47.17Hmmhesaysok, i'm going to quit this place now
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20:47.41opus_fuzzycat hmm. weird
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20:47.54opus_fuzzycat doesn't matter.
20:47.55FuzzyCatyah... a pita if you ask me...
20:47.55blitzrageJunK-Y: j00 around?
20:48.19FuzzyCatopus_, it does to me ;) if I can get away with not rebuilding php I want to
20:48.20opus_you can get a nice server for around $1100
20:48.39afrosheenopus_: or two for 2200, nice to have a live backup
20:48.39blitzragecpatry: sounds like I might be heading to Montreal in November
20:48.47blitzragecpatry: just wanted to give you a heads up :)
20:48.48cpatryreally? u have any date?
20:48.50afrosheenblitzrage: take your snow shoes
20:48.50opus_afrosheen what servers do you use, curious
20:48.59blitzrageafrosheen: I live in Toronto - I know what its like :)
20:49.05afrosheenopus_: dell 2830 1u servers
20:49.06blitzrageafrosheen: November - won't be that much snow yet anyways
20:49.08cpatrylet me know, i'll ask for some days off to chill in downtown.
20:49.23blitzragecpatry: I've been told Nov. 11th - so I assume a day on either side of that too
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20:50.04afrosheenblitzrage: what is it with people in toronto and computer experts, I swear that town is a genius vortex
20:50.19fileblitzrage is very silly with his expertise
20:50.38Kattydarkskiez: beep.
20:50.40jarrodhow would I create a new indiciation in asterisk to play the hangup tone that pulls battery for 900ms
20:51.10afrosheenfile: I've known alot of canadian programmers in the past, all of them very unorthodox and very good
20:51.22cpatryjarrod: show application playtones
20:52.04opus_it must be the w33d
20:52.16fileafrosheen: scary
20:52.17afrosheenor the shrooms
20:52.38R3DB0xi need to order 8 corded VoIP phones and 2 cordless VoIP phones any suggestions on what to get for either or both?
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20:52.50FuriousGeorgeanyone looking to sell any fxo/fxs/tdmp?
20:53.00FuzzyCatR3DB0x, where are you located?
20:53.06R3DB0xTx USA
20:53.06afrosheenfor cordless get some iaxy's and plug regular cordless phones into them
20:53.23jarrodthat doesnt list a disconnect tone
20:53.26opus_redbox - Polycom Ip501's at $179 each, and two ATA's $69each, with cordless phone bases $59/each (at fry's)
20:53.28afrosheenfor corded..polycom ip501s
20:53.31FuzzyCatahhh shame... instead of wireless voip you could use dect, but iirc the US doesn't have it
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20:54.12random_user324afrosheen: so about 500 calls monthly aveaging 1500 minutes
20:54.15afrosheenthe polycoms are somewhat retarded to set up but they're a set and forget type fo deal
20:54.26afrosheenrandom_user324: ha nice nick
20:54.42R3DB0xi dont have a fry's near me....the url is right?
20:54.50random_user324afrosheen: got disconnected...  i hate that
20:54.51afrosheenR3DB0x: skip that, get the iaxys
20:54.54opus_well, anywhere that sells a good cordless phone
20:55.23afrosheenrandom_user324: so how much bandwidth do you guys use for data currently and what is your t1 costing you
20:55.26opus_you can also hook up CAT5 to a wireless DVD base station and use the transponder with the IAXY within 100 feet. (hehe)
20:55.29R3DB0xafrosheen, where can i buy the iaxy
20:55.35brad_msswthe UTstarcom F1000 works fine for wifi style cordless ... except for attended transfers :/
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20:57.20afrosheenthe iaxy's are cool to send home with people for remote extensions as well since iax penetrates firewalls
20:57.30afrosheendeals with nat gracefully actually
20:57.35R3DB0xafrosheen, may i msg you
20:57.55brad_msswwell, except the iaxy's don't do g729 or g726
20:58.13afrosheenulaw or alaw over cable/dsl is decent enough
20:58.42brad_msswdepends, on a 128/256 cheap-o dsl link, it's not that great
20:59.12Hmmhesaysi just had to explain to a guy what a default route is
20:59.20blitzrageafrosheen: yah - it can be - I'm here. I think I make up 10% of the genious here
20:59.22brad_msswHmmhesays: where do you work
20:59.27FuzzyCatsave be geebus
20:59.33blitzrageok, I'm outta here - I got shit to do!
20:59.47Hmmhesaysbrad_mssw,  i shall not disclose that information, lets just say I won't be here much longer
20:59.53Hmmhesaysthey pissed me off a bit to much today
21:00.00brad_msswheh, ok
21:00.35twisted[asteria]blitzrage, 10%?
21:00.35brad_msswi deal with stupid people all day ... and these people call themselves developers too ... granted ... VB6, C#, RPG, crap
21:00.38twisted[asteria]blitzrage, thinking a little high are we?
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21:01.08random_user324afrosheen: accounting is confusing me.. at one point they said they had a t1.. now im not so sure
21:01.08HmmhesaysFuzzycat jobs yours
21:01.30bjohnsonbrad_mssw: he works at NASA
21:01.32FuzzyCatno ta
21:01.38FuzzyCatI only want your chair
21:01.41afrosheenrandom_user324: whoever is paying the bill should know :)
21:02.07random_user324afrosheen: u would be surprised
21:02.16afrosheenrandom_user324: why are you considering a move to VOIP anyway
21:02.29*** join/#asterisk Seba_soy (n=s@
21:02.36Seba_soyhi people
21:02.48Seba_soysomebody had problem with FAST-ENTERED dtmf?
21:02.58Hmmhesaysi need a cigarette, now.
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21:03.12Seba_soyI need a good Mate
21:03.24Hmmhesaysdo you have dangly bits?
21:03.28FuriousGeorgei need 2 CCs of cigarette, stat!
21:03.35Seba_soydangly bits?
21:03.39afrosheenfruit basket?
21:03.53random_user324afrosheen: because i need to become more indespensible than i already am.. :-) j/k
21:03.53Hmmhesaysan outie
21:04.02jarroddoes asterisk not support mgcp network disconnect?
21:04.11jarrodL/osi for 900ms
21:04.22Seba_soysomeone had problems with FAST-ENTERED DTMF?, When I dial repeated numbers, Asterisk only take one.
21:04.26afrosheenomg people use mgcp?
21:04.36jarrodsometimes it is necessary
21:04.37FuzzyCatit's not even plugged in
21:04.49afrosheenrandom_user324: seriously though
21:04.55Seba_soyI am using 1.2.0beta1
21:05.07afrosheenrandom_user324: what does your company seek to gain
21:05.33random_user324afrosheen: because in my opinion it offers more flexibility..  lower tco..
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21:05.59afrosheenrandom_user324: ok so you're clear on why you need it, have you already sold it to your boss?
21:06.02Seba_soycan somebody tell me why asterisk does not takes all dtmf when I pressed it too fast?
21:06.22Seba_soyspecially repeated numbers
21:06.24random_user324afrosheen: yeah.. they want it.. i just need to do a cost/time analysis
21:06.25afrosheenSeba_soy: enable mod_caffeine in line 41 of /etc/asterisk/sleepy.conf
21:06.31Ariel_Seba_soy, is it asterisk or you phone not sending it to it.
21:06.45brad_msswSeba_soy: how are you connected to asterisk ? Zap, IAX, SIP ? and is it an ATA?
21:07.04afrosheenrandom_user324: I'll tell you right now you'll probably spend a few months getting it perfect
21:07.46develso how carried away can i get with my dialplan in extensions.conf?  can i have 400 sip users, each with their own incoming context and sub-plans, so i might have as many as 1000 [context] entries in extensions.conf?
21:07.49afrosheenrandom_user324: probably the most important thing is your linux distro of choice and your hardware
21:08.00Seba_soySIP, phone is a PSTN phone, call is received by a Cisco 5300, and then routed to an IVR in Asterisk USING SIP. IVR ask for a code, but when user dial fast dtmf and they are repetead, asterisk only recongnizes one of them
21:08.11Seba_soyif I diala 11112222
21:08.15Seba_soyastersisk takes
21:08.41distortioare you using rfc2833?
21:08.42Seba_soyrfc2833 and CISCO-RTP
21:08.47random_user324afrosheen: ive been trying to move to gentoo because ive 'heard' its fast, better, whatever.. i still like debian however
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21:09.02opus_<Seba_soy> can somebody tell me why asterisk does not takes all dtmf when I pressed it too fast?
21:09.03Seba_soyit only happens with repeated numbers
21:09.04afrosheenrandom_user324: stick with what you know, that's rule #1 when going into something new
21:09.11opus_RFC2833 or inband?
21:09.29random_user324afrosheen: well we currently spend about $900 a month on phone...  so im hoping to cut that down a little
21:09.29Seba_soyRFC2833 on asterisk side, DTMF-RELAY CISCO-RTP in cisco 5300
21:09.29distortioive seen the repeated number problem a lot with inband
21:09.39opus_seba_soy who is your provider?
21:09.43Seba_soyusing g729
21:09.46afrosheenrandom_user324: you'll definitely accomplish that, even if you buy another t1 dedicated to voice
21:09.59distortioset the cisco to rfc2833
21:10.08afrosheenrandom_user324: another key is to find a good IAX trunk provider to handle your outbound and inbound calls
21:10.09random_user324afrosheen: so looking at the contract.. it seems we have a fractional t1 (128k).. does that sound right ? (not to me)
21:10.11Seba_soycisco does not have rfc2833
21:10.21afrosheenfractional..big ouch
21:10.25FuriousGeorgei dont understand why everyone's setup wants to make the user dial 9 before getting an outside line.  whats the benefeit of that?  is that just a legacy thing from older pbx?  people like to hit a number and hear a diatone again?
21:10.32opus_Seba_soy does this happened only with a provider?
21:10.36afrosheenFuriousGeorge: yeah people expect that
21:10.57afrosheenFuriousGeorge: after we got our system up here we had people hitting 9 all the damn time
21:11.05develFuriousGeorge, around here, we call those people "idiots" and tell them to get with it.
21:11.07Seba_soyopus_ if I use an aplicattion programmed in CISCO LANGUAGE it works ok
21:11.11Ariel_FuriousGeorge, it's a PBX switch type system. IN asterisk you don't need that any more
21:11.12FuriousGeorgeafrosheen: maybe cuz i dont spend my life in a cube but i kinda expect normal dialing
21:11.17Seba_soyTCL works OK
21:11.27afrosheenFuriousGeorge: creatures of habits users are.
21:11.29opus_seba_soy what is cisco language?
21:11.31FuriousGeorgeAriel_: thats what i figured.  devel:  its the muscle memory
21:11.50distortioseba: rtp-nte            RTP Named Telephone Event RFC 2833
21:11.59brad_msswSeba_soy: sometimes they call rfc2833    AVT
21:12.02Seba_soymaybe my CISCO IOS is too old
21:12.06distortioset "dtmf-relay rtp-nte" in your peer
21:12.14Seba_soyI dont have that option
21:12.15FuriousGeorgeso we all agree there is no advantage to the "dial 9 for an outside line thing"
21:12.24Ariel_falalalalal argh I hate meetings so we can set the agenta for the next meeting. argh
21:12.24opus_furiousgeorge nope
21:12.27afrosheenFuriousGeorge: it's what you'd call a legacy feature
21:12.39Ariel_FuriousGeorge, none
21:12.41develFuriousGeorge, we use prefixes sometimes for forcing to a particular provider (i.e. voicepulse over voipjet, etc)
21:12.48distortiothen try to use dtmf in h245 signaling, that is second best
21:13.00opus_Seba_soy well I've seen your problem but your before
21:13.03Seba_soy#dtmf-relay ?
21:13.04FuriousGeorgedevel: i see, rather than breaking it down by every possible are code
21:13.16FuriousGeorge*area code
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21:13.28opus_seen yo problem before ,jezus christ
21:13.29Seba_soyso, I can try 245-signal?
21:13.32develsomething like that, or for "testing"
21:13.52Seba_soyActually I set CISCO-RTP
21:15.18jaybuffetafrosheen: seems we have 12 local numbers and a toll free..
21:15.20afrosheenjaybuffet: you're definitely going to need alot more bandwidth, probably a full t1 just for voice
21:15.42Seba_soydistortio: so, you say I have to try 245-SIGNAL?
21:15.46afrosheenjaybuffet: I think we pay about $700 a month for bonded t1's = 300K/sec :)
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21:16.43jaybuffetafrosheen: but as u can see we dont take that many calls (500 calls, 1500min/month avg)
21:16.53Seba_soysomebody has a A-Z list?
21:17.00Seba_soyI want to terminate calls on all world
21:17.04afrosheenjaybuffet: you said an average of 8-10 people on the phone at any given time, is that internally or externally
21:17.05Seba_soyprepay :)
21:17.24jaybuffetafrosheen: i would say half and half
21:18.03distortioseba, ive got what chu need
21:18.39afrosheenjaybuffet: so...8 calls simultaneously inbound and outbound, on an iax'll use something like 50-60KB/sec for that, both directions
21:19.01afrosheenjaybuffet: maybe up to 110KB or so, depending on codecs, trunking efficiency, all that jazz
21:19.01distortioi havent registered so i cant msg you :D
21:19.16Seba_soydistortio: I tried h245-signal, with same results... :/
21:19.35afrosheensomeone has a big write-up of codec vs. codec somewhere
21:19.44jaybuffetafrosheen: so i guess that makes sense that we currently have an int-t 128kb (don't know what int-t stands for, but its on the phone bill)
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21:21.07afrosheenjaybuffet: fractional t1, and yeah you'll need to upgrade that to a full t1
21:21.17afrosheenjaybuffet: what are you paying for it now
21:21.55jaybuffetafrosheen: $200
21:22.18Seba_soyI am looking for terminate to SPAIN, ITALY, EUROPE, CHILE, LATINAMERICA, USA
21:22.45afrosheenjaybuffet: pretty high for that much bandwidth, sdsl is cheaper at those levels I think..anyway plan on spending around $500-$600 per month for your full t1
21:22.59afrosheenjaybuffet: where are you in the US
21:23.31distortioseba- msg me your email
21:23.36jaybuffetafrosheen: florida
21:23.43afrosheenbtw is anyone offended by all this chit chat, should we take this private?
21:23.57brad_msswjaybuffet: where in florida ?
21:24.03NuggetYou guys are preventing me from starting an argument about mysql.
21:24.17jaybuffetbrad_mssw: tampa
21:24.41afrosheenno wait, vim
21:24.47brad_msswjaybuffet: you should be able to get some cheap bandwidth around there, maybe even fiber to the door
21:25.11brad_msswjaybuffet: sdsl should also be cheap around there
21:25.15jaybuffetbrad_mssw: its close.. but not for business.. thats what they say
21:25.44brad_msswjaybuffet: also, some cable companies (like Cox here in gainesville) have business offerings
21:25.57brad_msswjaybuffet: for real cheap ...
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21:26.08afrosheencomcast does too but I'm not really proud of their uptime if my home service is any indication
21:26.30brad_msswheh, usually the business offerings are better
21:26.32afrosheenif you don't get 9 9's in your SLA forget it
21:26.42Seba_soysee you people in a while...
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21:26.45brad_msswyeah, true ... cox does offer slas
21:26.53develdo the 9s have to all be together? :)
21:27.00afrosheenpreferably with a decimal somewhere
21:27.02jaybuffeti mean i have roadrunner now.. no downtime issues... 6mb/768kb..
21:27.17afrosheenjaybuffet: yeah but it's lopsided, no good for *
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21:27.34afrosheenwonder if RR has business offerings in your area
21:27.45jaybuffetafrosheen: ok.. but basically t1 isnt my only option
21:28.10adam1234blahanyone from nufone here?
21:28.36afrosheenjaybuffet: yeah bandwidth is bandwidth, it's just that traditionally t1's have been super reliable
21:28.55jaybuffetafrosheen: thats what i figured.. but cost a premium too
21:29.04afrosheenwell you get what you pay for once in awhile
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21:29.10Nir_Shey all
21:29.15afrosheenany company with a nice SLA will get my business though
21:29.30brad_msswjaybuffet: just for reference
21:29.36Nir_Sany AMA-BUF masters around here ?
21:29.37jaybuffetbrad_mssw: thanks
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21:30.14jaybuffetafrosheen: so what are my phone options if i want to go pure voip
21:30.23jaybuffetdoes that make sense
21:30.43afrosheenphone options as in...handsets?
21:30.58Ariel_polycom, polycoms, polycom... great phones
21:31.09afrosheenyeah we love polycoms, it's all we have here
21:31.32knight_polycom's are not really worth the money imho
21:31.36jaybuffetafrosheen: sorry.. didnt finish.. phone providers
21:31.40knight_overpriced junk
21:31.43SwK[Work]y0 knight_
21:31.46knight_hey SwK!
21:31.51afrosheenknight_: how many do you have
21:31.55SwK[Work]anyone have the default passwords for audiocodes MP10Xs handy?
21:32.08knight_afrosheen, used them for years... they're nice, but not worth the cash.
21:32.14jaybuffetafrosheen: we have business RR right now.. thats our net connection
21:32.17afrosheenknight_: they're not that expensive
21:32.27knight_afrosheen, you think they aren't overpriced?
21:32.28afrosheenjaybuffet: oh..then what's the fractional t1, is that through RR?
21:32.41knight_SwK, nope
21:32.49afrosheenknight_: for a business, our 500's and 501's for less than $200 is a bargain
21:32.54FuriousGeorgedoes nufone allow you to call toll free's other voip numbers like sipphone?
21:32.57jaybuffetafrosheen: the frac t1 is dedicated to voice currently.. the RR is for our inernet
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21:33.07Ariel_FuriousGeorge, yes
21:33.12afrosheenjaybuffet: oh so you guys have a channel bank?
21:33.15Ariel_48 state tollfree
21:33.34FuriousGeorgeAriel_: nice b/c sipphone has been ticking me off
21:33.36jaybuffetafrosheen: i believe so.. thats the 2 boxes with tons of phone lines in and out
21:33.55mwgbcI am having problems with NVBackgroundDetect.  It is not transfering to the talk exten on a simple "hello"  Any ideas?
21:34.18afrosheenjaybuffet: sounds about right
21:35.06Ariel_FuriousGeorge, sipphone sometimes works sometimes does not for inbound on my setup. don't know why?
21:35.35jaybuffetafrosheen: is that good bad.. or just says a little more about our setup
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21:35.58Ariel_ahh meeting over..... finally I was almost sleeping....
21:35.58PyroStevei figured out my damn dtmf problem
21:36.11PyroSteveand its not an easy dtmfmode issuse
21:36.17mwgbcDoes anyone know anything about NVBackgroundDetect?  Documentation is spotty
21:36.21Ariel_PyroSteve, what dtmfmode problem
21:36.31Ariel_mwgbc, not I
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21:36.55FuriousGeorgeAriel_: whats ticking me off about them currently is that ive tried to open accounts with 3 different emails and im not getting activations
21:37.02PyroSteveAriel_, well i seem to get random problems with remote IVRs detecting my dtmf tones
21:37.03mwgbcbrad_mssw: Yes, that is what I was referring to as being spotty
21:37.07brad_msswmwgbc: should be pretty straight forward, no ?  I haven't used it, but was thinking about doing so ...
21:37.20PyroSteveAriel_, so after hours of troubleshooting
21:37.23brad_msswmwgbc: what is it doing if it's not jumping to the 'talk' exten ?
21:37.29rg1_can someone direct me to a URL/other for setting up a Polycom 501 IP phone on asterisk - I just got mine in today and no manual :(
21:37.36mwgbcbrad_mssw: I am having problems with it transfering to the talk exten on a simple "hello"
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21:37.55PyroStevei found that IVRs that wont detect my key presses is because asterisk doesn't know the call is answered
21:37.57brad_msswmwgbc: it says it will continue to the next priority if nothing is detected, or the 'fax' priority if 'fax' is detected ...
21:38.01afrosheenjaybuffet: it's good to know, you have some options...but you'll probably be converting that voice fractional t1 to a data full t1
21:38.08mwgbcbrad_mssw: It is dumping to the next dialed call
21:38.13PyroSteveand those calls are SIP calls going through broadvoice
21:38.26PyroSteveand ones that do work
21:38.29brad_msswmwgbc: not sure what you mean
21:38.46rg1_thx ariel
21:38.58mwgbcbrad_mssw: Yes, but I am saying hello, it is just not picking it up.  I am using Asterisk in an autodialer sense
21:39.06PyroStevethe asterisk console says that the call is answerd and attempts a native bridge
21:39.21jaybuffetafrosheen: so you wouldnt recommend getting rid of the t1 and going with business class cable ?
21:39.33brad_msswmwgbc: ok, what does your section of dialplan look like ?
21:39.34Ariel_PyroSteve, so the problem is bv
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21:39.54PyroSteveso im not sure if its a remote PBX problem thats not communicating with bv or if its bv
21:39.57afrosheenjaybuffet: it's a toss-up, if you can call both of them and play them against each other for price, length of contract, etc. you'll probably have a winner
21:40.23jaybuffetafrosheen: thanks for your help
21:40.24PyroStevebecause the problem never happends on call that Asterisk can detect weather the call is answered
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21:40.39PyroSteveand that call status is passed to my xlite client
21:40.44brad_msswmwgbc: I mean you should probably have right after NVBackgroundDetect()   Goto(talk,1) or similar ... because it doesn't specifically detect talking doesn't mean anything ... it's doing it's detection off silence patters
21:40.57PyroSteveand when the buttons are pressed on xlite
21:41.12PyroStevethey dont get sent through unless the call is answered
21:41.47jaybuffetwhat do i need in order to go pure voip (what are my provider options, vonage, ?)
21:42.13mwgbcbrad_mssw: Yeah, I was trying to avoid that due to answering machines.  If it detected "Hello" -silence- then I thought it would go to talk, but if it continued for a longer period of time then it would mean an ans machine.
21:43.14brad_msswmwgbc: wait, you're using NVBackgroundDetect() when dialing out ?
21:43.30mwgbcbrad_mssw: yes, is there another way?
21:43.54mwgbcbrad_mssw: I mean to get the detection I want for outbound?
21:44.01PyroStevethe same thing dtmf problems happens with voicepulse
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21:44.20brad_msswmwgbc: seems like there was another command ... hold on
21:45.32brad_msswmwgbc: nvfaxdetect() maybe ??
21:45.49brad_msswor did you need to outgoing audio?
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21:46.48brad_msswmwgbc: there is a topic on basic answering machine detection here :
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21:51.12mwgbcbrad_mssw: This is for an autodialer.  What it does is spawn a call using python and psql then answer and monitor for fax or voice.
21:51.23mwgbcbrad_mssw: Thanks for the link
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21:51.56nick125_lappywhen i try to make a call out to my asterlink trunk:
21:52.10nick125_lappySep  6 14:44:57 NOTICE[9262]: chan_sip.c:8985 handle_response: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"Host41 Communications" <sip:******@>;tag=*********'
21:52.50bkw_nick125_lappy, lets go to #asterlink and we'll get you fixed
21:52.54nick125_lappythe first ****** is the asterlink username
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21:59.25opus_fucking i hate dealing BULL SHIT fucking VOIP providers
21:59.54shido6I know what the f$%C you mean
22:00.47opus_am I smoking crack or shouldn't poviders set the ToS bit?
22:00.49JessicaX^Easy now
22:02.16PyroSteveWith XLITE
22:02.42PyroSteveIve found the some IVRs will not actually answer the call
22:03.00PyroSteveand xlite does not think the call is connected
22:03.06PyroSteveand dtmf tones will not be sent
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22:03.40PyroStevebut with other UAs like the SIpura SPA-841, the phone doesnt care and will still send dtmf tones
22:03.56PyroSteveand thats the results and broadvoice
22:04.02PyroStevebut with voicepulse
22:04.36PyroSteveniether will my xlite or my spa-841 can dial dtmf
22:04.53PyroStevewhich in that case, its voicepulse that filters the digits
22:05.05PyroStevebecause the call is 'aswered'
22:05.15PyroStevemust be something to screw tolls
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22:06.58PyroSteveanybody ever run into this problem ?
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22:07.35derek_1234I have followed the asterisk list for a couple of years.
22:07.49derek_1234in that time, I have been severely saddeded by the attitude.
22:07.58derek_1234I have consulted with others.
22:08.28derek_1234In the collective view, the asterisk devel & user lists has the worst attitude of all open source groups
22:08.38FuzzyCatis that directed at anyone in particular or are you ranting
22:08.45derek_1234Asterisk people - be ashamed.
22:08.54derek_1234there are several people in mind.
22:09.06file[muon]only several?
22:09.08pfnderek_1234 who made you such an authority?  shush
22:09.10derek_1234My question is, and I am not ranting, is how can we improve the general attitude.
22:09.12FuzzyCat383 ?
22:09.19FuriousGeorgepots <-->  <--> pots = no echo       pots <-->  <--> sip = consistent echo              IAX2 <--> * <--> POTS = echo and jitter.    i use gsm and its one concurrent conversation so it cant be bandwidth
22:09.22opus_<derek_1234> In the collective view, the asterisk devel & user lists has the worst attitude of all open source groups
22:09.26fugitivoderek_1234: if you don't like the attitude, don't read it
22:09.29FuriousGeorgeive tried pinging the servers so its not latency
22:09.37opus_you should try to file a bug!!!
22:09.38FuriousGeorgeso what is the source of my terrible echo
22:09.47derek_1234file one bug ?
22:09.55derek_1234file 100000 bugs.
22:09.59derek_1234100000 lines of code.
22:10.09FuzzyCatfile a bug... poor file
22:10.17fugitivoderek_1234: don't use asterisk
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22:11.19derek_1234sigh - i would love not to use *
22:11.20file[muon]derek_1234: fork your own asterisk if you don't like this community!!!
22:11.34opus_file & derek i'll help with that
22:11.34fugitivoderek_1234: then don't use it
22:11.35FuzzyCatactaully he's right...
22:11.37derek_1234However, there does not appear to be any other reasonably close project.
22:11.50FuzzyCatyou're all horrible people... and I don;tlove u any more..
22:11.51derek_1234Anyhow, why fork asterisk ?
22:11.55fugitivoderek_1234: buy a call manager from cisco
22:12.00derek_1234I would end up with my own copy of crap code.
22:12.30file[muon]derek_1234: but it would be your own, your very own!
22:12.31derek_1234by all standards of quality code, asterisk is 100% shit.
22:12.40derek_1234no, it would not be my own.
22:12.47derek_1234it would be part digium's
22:13.26bkw_HEY don't drag my ass into this.. I'm over here collecting info for an FBI Subpoena
22:13.33fugitivoderek_1234: your precious!
22:13.35bkw_don't make my include your info too
22:13.36malcolmdfeed the troll....yum, yum....
22:13.47FuzzyCatlol, FBI... hahhaha...
22:13.59FuzzyCatI'll just tell em you hacked me bkw_
22:14.01derek_1234fearless Band Idiots  == FBI
22:14.55malcolmdmmmm, muffinz
22:14.56derek_1234enough shit stirring.
22:15.02mtghDoes anyone in here work for an ISP, I need to talk to someone about katrina things
22:15.06mtghPlease PM me
22:15.23derek_1234It appears you all agree with me: the list attitude is pretty poor, when compared to other projects.
22:15.47opus_bunch of bandits!!!
22:15.50derek_1234So - how do we improve the list attitude...
22:15.53FuzzyCatthe list is poor because of the holier than thou posters
22:15.57file[muon]derek_1234: drugs?
22:16.03derek_1234right now it rates as abysmal.
22:16.05file[muon]Free drugs with mailing list subscription.
22:16.10derek_1234what do we do ?
22:16.30FuzzyCatthere's nothing you can do...
22:16.37opus_fork bomb
22:16.39FuzzyCathow many ppl on it... 1000
22:16.40t3tfile, are you using a sub-atomic particle to communicate on the channel?
22:16.42derek_1234Rubbish - that is defeatist...
22:16.53file[muon]t3t: you better believe it!
22:16.54FuzzyCatno it's not  it's being practical
22:16.55FuriousGeorgeso the pc im using to gain some * skills is an old celeron 1ghz.  what are the odds that these echo problems i get when voip is introduced into the equation are caused by a slow pc?
22:17.14derek_1234There is something we can do - next time someone is called a troll, they can demand and get an apology.
22:17.20t3tfile, sure beats that piece of junk notebook you usually use
22:17.29FuzzyCatthousands of people from all over the world in one place, they're bound to piss each other off
22:17.32file[muon]my Powerbook is not a junk notebook
22:17.43fugitivomoderate the lists!
22:17.45malcolmd...i'm not apologizing
22:17.47t3tfile, it is if you turn on FileVault
22:17.53t3t...but anyway...
22:17.53file[muon]pfft no
22:17.55FuzzyCatyour a troll malcolmd
22:18.04malcolmdFuzzyCat: and? :)
22:18.14FuzzyCatcan I cross your bridge
22:18.23opus_spelling nazi!!!
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22:18.50FuzzyCatthat's, "spelling Nazi" I think you'll find opus_
22:19.00malcolmdFuzzyCat: did you bring me a pumpkin muffin?
22:19.11t3tI'm looking for some assistance from the 'seasoned veterans' around here...
22:19.15FuzzyCatyes, but  bkw_  stole it
22:19.33malcolmdd'oh :(
22:19.48FuriousGeorgedoes anyone think that echo problems with one conversation over voip could be caused by a slow pc? (1ghz celeron)  i have a dsl connection and i use gsm, my latency to the server is 50 ms, i'm starting to think its not a bandwidth issue with my dsl
22:19.49FuzzyCatI think he's using it as bait for the FBI
22:20.10opus_furiousgeorge - iax or sip, echo usually means the problem is on the opposite side btw
22:20.18FuzzyCatFuriousGeorge, my * box is lower spec, no echo here
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22:20.33fugitivoFuriousGeorge: imposible, mine is p2 400 and i don't have echo with ip calls
22:20.46FuriousGeorgeopus_: what you mean on the other side?  like with my VOIP dialtone provider?
22:20.57FuzzyCatip calls should never get echo
22:21.01opus_furious if you hear echo, then the problem is on the other side
22:21.17opus_sometimes echo cancellation algorithms don't work well with jitter buffers
22:21.29t3tTake a look at and join me in #distributedhelpdesk if you can lend a hand in a brainstorming session
22:21.41opus_and if you are using jitter buffer, which is new in asterisk 1.2 beta for SIP atleats (what about IAX? has this been in IAX2 for quite a while)
22:21.56opus_then turn it off wtf
22:22.49*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (
22:23.07FuriousGeorgeopus_: caller <> IAX <> * <> POTS <fxo> POTS (remote office)
22:23.30FuriousGeorgeif i hear echo on the pots on the right, the problem must be with * and the FXo according to what you say right?
22:23.33opus_do you get echo : * <> POTS <fxo> POTS (remote office)
22:23.38opus_or do you get echo
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22:23.55opus_OK on the right side
22:24.18opus_FuriousGeorge try finding a zaptel expert; I don't know how any of the analog stuff works./\
22:24.43opus_there are hundreds of posts/websites about asterisk/zapta/echoing problems
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22:24.57opus_probabaly one of the best covered areas
22:25.07FuriousGeorgeno echo with POTS <fxs>  <fxo> POTS (remote office)     but i do get echo with POTS <fxs>  <sip> EYEBEAM
22:25.08Hmm-homeuse external gateways with good echo can
22:25.18FuriousGeorgedamn bold
22:25.23drraythere was just a mailing list thread that covered a lot of zap echo, and what to do
22:25.42visik7how can I connect a RTCP phone to asterisk ?
22:25.52FuriousGeorgeopus_: no echo with POTS <fxs> ASTERISK <fxo> POTS (remote office)     but i do get echo with POTS <fxs> ASTERISK <sip> EYEBEAM
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22:26.43visik7sorry wrong question
22:27.02opus_POTS <fxs> ASTERISK <sip> EYEBEAM: try a faster box first, then try FXS echo cancellation google search if persisting. echo cancellation can take CPU power i think
22:27.23jskcrhy all
22:27.25FuriousGeorgeshould mention there are two firewalls b/w eyebeam and * in that last scenario, but there is only one firewall on the serverside when i go IAX <dsl> ASTERISK <fxo> POTS
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22:27.47FuriousGeorgeand there is terrible echo AND jitter that way
22:27.53Hmm-homethat is me
22:27.55Hmm-homeat home
22:28.06opus_furiousgeorge - make sure the ToS bit is set for each packet going to and being sent from each destination.  Check with tcpdump -i eth0 -vvvv host look for [ToS 0x18] (0x18 = good)
22:30.43knight_is there an asterisk@home channel?
22:30.47FuriousGeorgeopus_: installing tcpdump
22:31.11jskcrknight_: noper you better off looking at the sourceforge site.
22:31.23jskcrthere are asterisk@home forums there
22:31.30knight_indeed there are
22:32.18jskcrif its a asterisk related question you can ask it here
22:32.18knight_i'm a long time asterisk user, but wanted to test asterisk@home, and all the zap extensions ring busy... odd.
22:32.22knight_nothing on the mailing lists...
22:33.04jskcrdoes zttool show any alarms on the channels and is you fxo's setup  as z/1 and not z/g1?
22:33.15knight_yeah, no groups
22:33.24FuriousGeorgeopus_: i see nothing about ToS when i do a tcpdump.  am i missing a switch
22:33.28knight_there is a red alarm on a x100p card that i'm NOT using
22:33.38knight_but no alarms on the TDP400M
22:33.40FuriousGeorgeim not really familiar with the command
22:33.59FuzzyCatknight_, ur the 5th person with the same issue today...
22:34.02opus_FuriousGeorge what version of asterisk? check grep 'tos' /usr/src/asterisk/configs/*
22:34.05knight_Fuzzy, really?
22:34.07FuzzyCatare you using AMP ?
22:34.16FuzzyCatto configure it
22:34.20knight_well, asterisk@home 1.5 (which uses AMP, yep)
22:34.26FuzzyCatwell don't
22:34.31FuzzyCatproblem solved
22:34.41knight_it's not really that kind of situation
22:34.48knight_i'm just testing asterisk@home
22:35.06knight_i use regular asterisk by hand for production uses
22:35.15FuzzyCatit's the same (or sounds like it) that all the others had ... whcih is a 2second fix by editing the extensoions.conf
22:35.18FuriousGeorgeopus_: ok i found ToS in a bunch of the * configs
22:35.35knight_FuzzyCat, what is wrong with the extensions.conf?
22:35.53FuzzyCatiirc [ext-local] is broke (AMP uses the manager i/f to add it...
22:35.54opus_FuriousGeorge if you want to be evil, set that bit on your bittorrents haha
22:36.16FuzzyCatdo a show dialplan ext-local and it's there, but useless
22:36.36FuzzyCatmod the [default] and add ur own...
22:36.49FuzzyCatbesides, use realtime :)
22:37.22FuriousGeorgeopus_: im afraid i dont get it :( what do you mean by setting that bit?
22:37.39FuriousGeorgei notice i have tos=lowdelay in iax.conf
22:37.55FuriousGeorgeand whats ToS in * have to do with bt
22:37.58knight_ext-local looks fine
22:38.41knight_the real problem exists inside dialparties.agi
22:39.21FuzzyCatagi, for dialing, sigh
22:39.43FuriousGeorgeso i would set the type of service in BT to the same info in the header of iax packets and i send that to people i file share with vs. the data they look for?  is that it
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22:40.28opus_it would prioritize bt traffic on the internet, causing massive chaos.. cats sleeping with dogs, etc
22:40.39FuriousGeorgei see
22:40.52FuriousGeorgebut everyone would have to do it
22:42.01FuzzyCattbh knight_  I cba looking too deep when it's a 3 second fix...
22:42.39FuriousGeorgei guess before i figure out what the source of this echo is im gonna have to try IAX <dsl> ASTERISK <fxs> POTS, and POTS <fxo> ASTERISK <sip> LOCAL SOFTPHONE
22:42.57knight_exten => s,3,Macro(dial,${RINGTIMER},${DIAL_OPTIONS},${ARG2})
22:43.00knight_that's the culprit
22:43.40FuzzyCatwas there a new release today or something?
22:44.41FuzzyCat${ not {$
22:44.41opus_sorry i'm very sinical today. i'll leave
22:45.24FuzzyCatI'll let you off on the spelling ;)
22:45.43JDLSpeedyFuzzyCat: u use Asterisk?
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22:46.06JDLSpeedyI didn't know that
22:46.35FuzzyCatwhy else would I be here
22:46.45FuzzyCatexcept for insanity...
22:46.58FuzzyCatwhich is fair enough, but not the reason
22:48.31FuzzyCatstop hiding behind jbot_  you norweigan pussy
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22:48.46RoyKfugitivo: sorry
22:49.04nick125_lappypoor kitty...
22:49.05FuzzyCathehehe,tabcompletion... too complex for RoyK
22:49.52iLuvCandyhi all, how do i forward one of my did's to a number ?
22:50.01iLuvCandywhat conf. file do i need to use?
22:50.10DrukenHME150lbs of krispy kreme's would be what ? 12 donuts?
22:51.05nick125_lappyno fighting, children
22:51.29DrukenHMEyeah, children are defenceless, and should not be fought
22:52.30FuzzyCat~googlefight RoyK and Wet Lettuce
22:52.39FuzzyCatpffft useless bot
22:52.46RoyK~lart FuzzyCat
22:53.04FuzzyCatScaredyCat catbot, googlefight RoyK and Wet Lettuce
22:53.04FuzzyCatCatBot Hoooyah!
22:53.04FuzzyCatCatBot oooff!!
22:53.04FuzzyCatCatBot Woooooomph!
22:53.04FuzzyCatCatBot Wet Lettuce wins! (0 Vs. 525,000)
22:54.20FuzzyCat~seen RoyK_do_anything_useful
22:54.24jbotFuzzyCat: i haven't seen 'royk_do_anything_useful'
22:54.30FuzzyCatme neither
22:54.48RoyK~seen FuzzyCat_being_close_to_sane
22:54.50jbotRoyK: i haven't seen 'fuzzycat_being_close_to_sane'
22:55.48FuzzyCatyou know, I'm a total idiot
22:55.53RoyKMe too
22:55.55nick125_lappyyou both are
22:56.11FuriousGeorgei concur :)
22:56.19RoyKyes, I, RoyK am a big retard
22:56.41iLuvCandyanyone? what conf file do i need to modify - i will like to forward calls that come to my DID 4444 to go to 1877 343 3333 or something like that.. where do i modify the conf file?
22:56.52iLuvCandyor which conf file do i need to modify?
22:57.17DrukenHMEiLuvCandy: you need to modify your dialplan, extensions.conf
22:57.29*** join/#asterisk fuzzycat (n=ScaredyC@
22:57.35DrukenHMEthat is as far as i'm willing to help if your not willing to  RTFM
22:57.58fuzzycat~seen Royk_Shagin_cows
22:57.59jbotroyk_shagin_cows <n=ScaredyC@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2m 37s ago, saying: 'moo'.
22:58.17FuzzyCatI hate lc
22:58.33RoyKFuzzyCat: fucking pot head
22:58.58FuzzyCatSeal killer
22:59.05FuriousGeorgepot heads are good people
22:59.13FuriousGeorgeuntil they run out and want to smoke mine :)
22:59.15*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
22:59.20*** join/#asterisk Roldyx (n=Roldyx3@
23:00.36Roldyxfugitivo, negocios en vista
23:00.46Roldyxfugitivo, enviame un privado
23:00.55RoyKwith a spoon
23:01.17FuzzyCatllama llama duck
23:01.43FuriousGeorgeopus_: i guess one thing i could do is set up this number on a different * box and see what happens
23:02.22FuriousGeorgebut will i miss an important part of the thrid consecutive law and order rerun, thats the problem
23:03.54FuzzyCatyou mean you gave me a did on your system...:P
23:04.16DrukenHMEi wonder how old my asterisk install is....
23:04.37visik7run version in console
23:04.39nick125_lappyi think my asterisk install is -20 minutes old...
23:04.55DrukenHMEAsterisk CVS-HEAD-03/30/05
23:04.58DrukenHMEnot tooooo old...
23:06.00RoyKDruken: either update regularly or use 'stable'
23:06.30RoyK'stable' means 'the bugs won't get fixed, it's as stable as windows 95'
23:06.31DrukenHMEwhat would i want to upgrade regularly? so everything can be broken ?
23:06.39*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks (
23:06.39opus_FuriousGeorge : yup. try every possible combination. use the process of elimination. make your boss pay for the pizza
23:07.04drrayif it's just one box (not hooked to other asterisk boxes) then I see no need to upgrade from head, unless I want new features
23:07.44FuzzyCatso long as it's not a 2004 install
23:08.03DrukenHMEwell, it's connected to other boxes.... but it works the way i want it to... without breaking :)
23:08.22drrayI'd not upgrade
23:08.31drrayI don't upgrade my kernel either
23:08.41drraybut my box is not on the intraweb
23:08.42DrukenHMEi haven't seen any new "features" that i'd be intrested in, since that install...
23:09.09drrayas opposed to smax?
23:09.17RoyKwtf? is CLEARLY a security issue, but noone seems to care.......
23:10.08RoyKshit. asterisk bug tracking is BAD
23:11.03FuriousGeorgeopus_: works much better on this other pc, but i havent tested the comparable scenario at that other location which is a call starting on IAX and terminating locally via fxs
23:11.06FuzzyCatRoyK, only allow connections from and use ssh
23:11.31RoyKFuzzyCat: that's a workaround, not a solution
23:11.36FuriousGeorgeopus_: all signs seem to point to a combination of voip with fxo being the problem
23:11.55FuzzyCatit's a safe way to use the manager interface..
23:12.01FuzzyCatit's the only way I'd use it
23:12.16RoyKFuzzyCat: having a manager interface means you should allow other addresses in
23:12.46FuzzyCattelnet is insecure - end of story
23:12.49RoyKFuzzyCat: i know that's the 'safe solution', but still it should be possible to open up for others
23:12.57*** join/#asterisk ianm (n=ianm@
23:13.36DrukenHMEi belive i only allow connections to manager from and telnet isn't even installed...
23:13.41knight_no wonder, there's no association between zap channel and callerid
23:13.41DrukenHMESSH only!
23:13.48knight_AGI Tx >> agi_callerid: unknown
23:13.48RoyKFuzzyCat: asterisk mananger supports md5 auth, and that's enough for most of us (them), so it should be usable for people outside
23:14.00*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
23:14.08FuzzyCatthe manager i/f is just dangerous...
23:14.40DrukenHMEi guess asterisk was running as root?
23:14.45opus_RoyK haha  Closing request due to no response.
23:15.02RoyKopus_: it wasn't my bug
23:15.06opus_i know
23:15.09opus_thats terrible.
23:15.22opus_how about somebody forward that to bugtraq and see if it gets reopened
23:15.41RoyKopus_: please do
23:15.49*** join/#asterisk bjohnson_ (
23:16.06RoyKbjohnson: høh? flere nordmenn her?
23:20.01FuzzyCatThe Asterisk development team was prompt and responsive to the
23:20.01FuzzyCatvulnerability alert. Portcullis was provided with an alternate means of
23:20.01FuzzyCatcontact additional to email, if it was to be required. Wade Alcorn
23:20.01FuzzyCat(Portcullis), Mark Spencer (Asterisk), Kevin Fleming (Asterisk)
23:20.01FuzzyCatcooperatively provided and verified a solution to the problem.
23:20.10FuzzyCatlooks like it was fixed but not closed
23:20.54fugitivoFuzzyCat: what alert?
23:21.05*** join/#asterisk ctooley (
23:21.08FuzzyCatmanager i/f overflow bug
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23:24.26*** join/#asterisk DeanLand (
23:25.13DrukenHMEwho knows how to create dictionaries for voice activated systems?
23:25.48DeanLandhello, anyone here who can help a confused chatzilla user -- cannot get te registration syntax so it works
23:26.32DeanLandI thin k it is a syntax problem -- but not for sure
23:26.34opus_PAB phat ass belly
23:26.36FuzzyCatDeanLand, /msg nickserv register <password>
23:26.47RoyKFuzzyCat: that's pretty bad.....
23:26.50FuzzyCatDeanLand, /msg nickserv idenfity <password>
23:27.05FuzzyCatnasty SIP expoit ...
23:27.27Juggieanyone know if the 3.2ghz xeon's are 64bit
23:27.37FuzzyCatAn attacker could send "Messages-Waiting: yes" messages to all phones using the SIP-environment. Almost every phone processes this status message and shows the user an icon or a blinking display to indicate that new messages are available on the voice box. If the attacker sends this message to many recipients in a huge environment, it would lead to server peaks as many users will call the voice box at the same time
23:27.50file[muon]Juggie: well if they say they have EM64T, then yes :)
23:28.02Juggiefile, not sure server came in from HP today
23:28.05Juggiei havnt looked @ it yet
23:28.11Juggiei dont know what model it is or anything
23:28.14DeanLandFuzzyCat, here's teh response I got: No default action for objects of type IRCNetwork
23:28.25Juggieall i know is 2x3.2ghz, 4gb ram, 3x72gb hdd
23:29.25DeanLandAH!  It worked -- 2nd time around --MUCH THANKS
23:30.03opus_who is the guy here that goes by  Corydon76 on the bug list..
23:30.44MulvaneWhat do I need to do to have multiple sip phones on one voip line act like pots?
23:30.46FuzzyCatCorydon76 oddly enough
23:32.20DrukenHMEMulvane: use something like SER
23:32.51MulvaneCool..I already installed that package..Just can't seem to figure out how to get it to act like that
23:32.53RoyKMulvane: SER can prolly do that
23:32.59ianmMulvane: Do you mean DID's into SIP?
23:33.00MulvaneLeast I know I have the right thing
23:33.12RoyKMulvane: but then, SER needs to be configured correctly
23:33.21DrukenHMEMulvane: well, before ya get all excited... define "act like a pots line"
23:33.31MulvaneI have voip. I have 1 harware sip, and 2 software sips..I want them to act like a plain old telephone system
23:33.51DrukenHMEwell, in what aspect?
23:33.57ianmHow is your POTS coming in ?
23:34.06MulvaneIn that when 1 rings, they all ring and I can answer from any of them
23:34.17FuzzyCateasy, don'tneed SER
23:34.24DrukenHMEok, then that is easy
23:34.25ianmno ser needed
23:34.37FuzzyCatyou just do Dial(SIP/phone1&Phone2&phone3)
23:34.54FuzzyCatyou just do Dial(SIP/phone1&SIP/Phone2&SIP/phone3)
23:34.59DrukenHMEjust didn't know if you wanted a handoff solution, so you can move from extension to extension... cause pots can do that.... but voip can't...
23:34.59ianmExcellent stuff :)
23:35.02FuzzyCatand it'll dial all 3...
23:35.12ianmSIP can too :)
23:35.18FuzzyCatin the real sip world it's called forking
23:35.31RoyKFuzzyCat: it's SIP/asdf&SIP/1234 etc
23:35.32opus_i smoke POTS everyday
23:35.39ianmDial(SIP/phone1,14&SIP/phone2,14,SIP/phone3,20) etc....
23:35.42MulvaneSo is that an asterisk solution?
23:35.48ianmwill ring phone 1 and 2 for 14 seconds
23:35.48DrukenHMEianm: really? you can ring all three, pick one up, and then pick another one up and join the conversation ?
23:35.55ianmthen call phone 3 if nobody has answered
23:35.56FuzzyCatI already corrected it
23:36.19ianmIt's amazing ;)
23:37.11FuzzyCatDrukenHME, no you can't do that
23:37.19ianmPhew !!!
23:37.24DrukenHMEFuzzyCat: i'm awear :)
23:37.31FuzzyCatyou asked...
23:37.51MulvaneFuzzyCat So what I need is asterisk?
23:37.59DrukenHMEnot really.... was sorta proving my point to ianm
23:38.00ianmWould be a cool feature though ;)
23:38.02FuzzyCatthat's all u need
23:38.02*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
23:38.14FuzzyCatthat's possible...
23:38.26FuzzyCatyou just do Dial(SIP/phone1&SIP/Phone2)
23:38.29ianm<point proved !!> LOL
23:38.53FuzzyCatyou just do: exten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/phone1&SIP/Phone2)
23:39.04FuzzyCatexten => _X.,2,Dial(SIP/Phone2)
23:39.06visik7how can I write in the dialplan the 'R' key ?
23:39.15FuzzyCatit's flashhook, you don;t
23:39.23FuzzyCatfor the 2nd time today
23:39.56ianmThank you ~Ian goes off to feel better about himself !!! ~
23:40.07opus_dude, who here works on bug tracking in asterisk
23:40.43*** join/#asterisk kshumard_home (
23:41.05Ariel_opus_, every time I see your name it brings me back to the days of the FidoNet BBS world...I used to run some Opus BBS systems.
23:41.29opus_Ariel I remember Opus BBS systems
23:41.38FuzzyCataahhh fidonet :)
23:42.14Ariel_yes fidonet was the well in a way the internet. It would exchange messages and files via dial up.
23:43.10DrukenHMEor even the internet email....
23:43.21DrukenHMEthere was a email gateway
23:43.21visik7Ariel_ are u of the colinux team ?
23:43.32Ariel_visik7, no
23:43.53visik7oh sorry
23:44.21*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
23:44.40Ariel_ManxPower, did you get your card td410p
23:45.40Ariel_yes I remember those days......
23:45.41DrukenHMEoh, and in gecho
23:45.46fugitivoi was ascii artist
23:45.53Ariel_ansi colors
23:45.57fugitivoansi too
23:46.04DrukenHMEthat was the day....
23:46.13ianmAnsi color makes me feel good !!
23:46.19Juggiei had a fidonet node :p
23:46.23DrukenHMEthe only half descient bbs i can find that runs on linux is schronet...
23:46.26*** join/#asterisk Byte (i=byte@2001:4bd0:1000:0:202:44ff:fe47:d3ee)
23:46.37DrukenHMEBBS over telnet baby!!
23:46.39Juggiewell i dont remember it
23:46.48Ariel_So did I but that was back in 1985 called Impulse... don't remember the number
23:46.51Juggiei used to kick ass in BRE though
23:47.13Ariel_Mine ran on Opus
23:47.17wunderkinhere we go with bbs talk again :)
23:47.39Ariel_wunderkin, what has it become now.
23:47.44fugitivomine ran on pcboard
23:47.48DrukenHMEwunderkin: you know you miss them
23:48.04wunderkinhehe yeah i ran a small bbs, for me and one other occasional user haha
23:48.06DrukenHMEicky, pcboard... almost as bad as wildcat
23:48.14wunderkinyaya i used wildcat
23:48.18wunderkinand a few others
23:48.23fugitivopcboard was gret
23:48.26Ariel_wildcat oh no
23:48.34wunderkini got out of it when the new wildcat came out
23:48.42Juggiei ran iniquity, the coolest software around :P :)
23:48.50fugitivoyou could program your own modules... what was that language called
23:48.52fugitivoppe ?
23:48.52DrukenHMEi remember iniquity
23:49.00FuzzyCatAriel_, what's ur real name
23:49.05ianmwildcat !! WOW !!!
23:49.14FuriousGeorgei bet Ariel_ 's real name is FuzzyCat
23:49.48ianmThat was an awesome piece of OS for it's day....
23:49.55FuzzyCatAriel_, one moment please, processing
23:49.58DrukenHMEAriel_: do you have red hair and no legs?
23:50.20fugitivopcboard bbs accessible via telnet!
23:50.46Ariel_I am just a short fat,loosing his hair, rest going gray Cuban American....
23:51.05DrukenHMEnothing like being honest....
23:51.06fugitivoThis page last updated : March 6th, 1996
23:51.22FuzzyCatAriel_, 'The Digital Impulse'?
23:51.34Hmm-homedesign wise, is there any problem in asterisk setting 4000 unique global variables in extensions.conf?
23:51.46Ariel_No it was in Washington State nodes called The Impulse
23:51.55fugitivoHmm-home: why you need 4000 global variables???
23:52.13Hmm-homeI don't care to explain
23:52.20fugitivothen why ask?
23:52.27DrukenHMEhmm,.... bit of an attitude...
23:52.29Ariel_Hmm-home, ok try and see if you run out of memeory
23:52.52Hmm-homeattitude? lol funny
23:53.08Ariel_it's coffee time...
23:53.26DrukenHMEit's coca-cola time!
23:53.34fugitivowhisky time!
23:53.35Hmm-homei need to store some peristent data, not going to use agi, not going to use sql
23:53.37FuzzyCatcorrection - if it was just Impulse.. or MPULSe_BBS,Vorselaar,Hannes_Van_De_Vel) then it's 2:292/8210
23:53.39fugitivommmmmm whisky
23:53.55Ariel_Hmm-home, use dbput/dbget
23:54.05Hmm-homeI'd rather not use the database
23:54.37fugitivoHmm-home: i think it's not a clean design using 4000 global variables in extensions.conf, but, it's my opinion
23:54.37Hmm-homeI can't imagine 4k global vars taking up more than a few meg
23:54.47Hmm-homefugitivo: it is temporary
23:54.59fugitivoHmm-home: one time use?
23:55.01Hmm-homefugitivo: tell me why it is not clean design?
23:55.16Hmm-homefugitivo: just in place till I can finish the ldap stuff
23:56.39fugitivoHmm-home: it's like programming, i won't put 4000 constants in one code
23:57.30FuzzyCatnaaa, put em in the .h file ;)
23:57.43*** join/#asterisk asterisk99 (
23:57.49Ariel_Hmm-home, I think there is a size limite on the extensions.conf
23:57.57Hmm-homein theory each global var should not take more than 10 bytes
23:58.35Hmm-home10 x 4000 = 40000
23:58.50fugitivoHmm-home: if it's temporary you could try with agi and a database or agi and a text file if it doesn't work from extensions.conf
23:59.02Hmm-homefugitivo: thats not going to happen
23:59.02asterisk99anyone knoow why I would get a "No rule to make target 'clean' . Stop.' error when I try 'make clean' for zaptel??????
23:59.23Hmm-homei am not firing up an interpreter each time a call comes in
23:59.37fugitivoasterisk99: because there's no make clean for zaptel?

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