irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050902

00:00.18DarthCluewifi would be good too!
00:00.24Ariel_asterisk_newbie, more info will be needed to try to help. It could be your side or theres?
00:00.28Nuggetassuming the ethernet didn't cost them $19 a day like it usually does
00:00.29Faithfuldarkskie1: well it is the pivotal issue.  Yes a modem will dial up over g711 on a hardwired lan but if you try to go out over the iternet to a VoIP service provider to terminate your success is doubtful
00:00.32darkskie1Darth: yeh, thats seems the only option, I dont see why a phone cant provide an analogue socket.
00:00.38Ariel_hello DarthClue
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00:00.54darkskie1Faithful: I know, thats obvious.
00:01.21clyrradanyone know how to pickup a parked call with a regular phone thats connected to asterisk?  Says *8 but cant seem to get the call off park.  The call is parked on 101
00:01.28Faithfuldarkskie1: I can see no logic in what you are trying to achieve but that could be my problem not your.
00:01.29DarthCluedarkskie1: yep.  ethernet, analog, and wifi are what is needed in the room.  having a nice phone (polycom or cisco) makes it a bonus.  putting it all together into a complete system is just a bonus.
00:02.17Ariel_darkskie1, you can put channel banks into the hotel and provide analog connections to the rooms
00:02.31NuggetAriel_: that's what I was thinking.  much more reliable.
00:02.49darkskie1Ariel: channel banks are quite expensive though
00:02.49NuggetI guess the only thing you lose is consolidated billing alongside the asterisk routing of voice calls
00:02.51Ariel_Nugget, hi
00:02.56Ariel_darkskie1, no there not
00:03.01darkskie1especially when you need 600 lines
00:03.06Ariel_not for what your doing.
00:03.14Nuggetand 600 ATAs is cheaper?
00:03.48darkskie1Nugget: 600 IP Phones, which had an analogue port (which isnt hard to make surely) would be
00:04.15Nuggetperhaps not hard to make, but almost certainly hard to sell.
00:04.23darkskie1Plus the cabling infrastructure is expensive.
00:04.25Faithfuldarkskie1: Now it starts to make sense
00:05.14Ariel_darkskie1, look here you can get a c/b ta750 from ebay for under 500 dollars
00:05.21NuggetI know that cisco's stuff can do what you describe.  The 7960s in continental president's clubs have an analog jack on them.
00:05.25Nuggetno clue what's going on underneath
00:05.42darkskie1ive got a cisco 7960, no analogue jack
00:05.48Nuggetyes, I know YOURS doesn't.
00:06.05darkskie1well, there is  headset
00:06.11Nuggetthat's not what I mean.
00:06.22MulvaneI'm looking for something to act as a sip phone proxy. When a number rings, it will ring every software/hardware phone attached to the proxy and act like a pots. What can do this?
00:06.29darkskie1perhaps if u plug the modem into the headset port and dial...nah that wouldnt work....would it? wrong voltages and stuf...but it doesnt need ringing..hmm
00:06.54Nuggetjust provide all your guests with 300 baud acoustic couplers.
00:07.10darkskie1haha ;)
00:09.00clyrraddoes anyone know how to pickup a parked call from a regular phone?
00:09.19darkskie1clyrrad: dial the number where it was parked
00:09.26clyrradparked on 101
00:09.29darkskie1dial 101
00:09.33clyrradwhen i dial that it gives busy signal
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00:09.53darkskie1you dont have the parked bit included in extensions.conf
00:09.54jeofreyhi all need some help please
00:10.04darkskie1for that phone in that context
00:10.18clyrraddarksie1... I have include => parkedcalls
00:10.25clyrradin the context for that extension
00:10.44darkskie1do u not have extensions in the 1XX range?
00:10.56clyrradno all in the 2000 range
00:10.56darkskie1i think you may have collided your private extensions and your parking range
00:11.33jeofreyi have one account in one si provider and they give me username and password how can i configure the asterisk to connect to there server to use that accountand my other sip phone connect to my asterisk server
00:11.37darkskie1i would help
00:11.39darkskie1but its late
00:12.02clyrradanyone else here know?
00:13.35jeofreyexten => _42X.,1,Dial(SIP/user:passwd@${EXTEN:2},30,rT)
00:14.01jeofreyi have try this setup but its not working not even connecting to my provider server
00:14.10DarthCluenite all!
00:14.35Ariel_clyrrad, you said it's a regular phone
00:14.48Ariel_is it plugged into an anlog zap channel
00:14.52Ariel_or a ata
00:15.20clyrradits pluged into a ATA box
00:15.31clyrradbut even if I try from a SIP phone it does the same, will not pickup
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00:15.45Ariel_clyrrad, ok now we are getting some where.
00:16.02*** join/#asterisk bugz (
00:16.12clyrradwhat is the *8 for?  perhaps i need to use that?  When I enter *8 i get chan_sip.c:9191 handle_request_invite: Nothing to pick up
00:16.25bugznew, i need sound, i wanna hear the congrats sounds
00:16.28bugzmy sound card works otherwise
00:16.40bugzchan_oss.c:257 sound_thread: Read error on sound device: Resource temporarily unavailabl
00:16.44Ariel_*8 is to pickup a ringing phone that your in the pickupgroup.
00:17.21clyrradI see.... ok so I should be able to dial 101 and have it pickup the parked call, but it does not work.... Hrm... whats going on here....
00:17.45Ariel_clyrrad, what does the cli say when you try to pickup the call?
00:17.47clyrradin features.conf the context is called [general] not [parkedcalls]...
00:18.05clyrradCML sais nothing.... Just get a busy signal on the phone I try to use to pickup the call
00:18.19drbrownHow do you guage how fast a machine to use w/ an * installation???????
00:18.27Ariel_parkedcalls is not a context that is listed it's internal
00:18.49Ariel_general is where you setup the settings.
00:18.59clyrradOk... makes sence, becase I am able to park the call, just not pick it up
00:19.03Ariel_drbrown, it depends
00:19.58Ariel_Katty, how are you doing tonight
00:20.01clyrradAriel_ any idea what I am doing wrong?
00:20.01drbrownabout 20-25 phones w/ 8 fxo/fsx interfaces w/ an asterlink trunk
00:20.01drbrownsip phones
00:20.12KattyAriel_: good thanks. you? (=
00:20.18Ariel_clyrrad, not unless I take a look at your settings and see what is happening when you try to pickup the call
00:20.58Ariel_drbrown, any P4 will do with about 256 mgs of ram. now are you going to do any transcoding? meetme's
00:21.27drbrownNot sure. what about athlon 64
00:21.56*** part/#asterisk pussfeller (n=todd@
00:22.01Ariel_drbrown, yes it will work
00:22.06drbrownI am just about to start selling * as a product for my business, but am unsure where to guage power as far as a system
00:23.06Ariel_drbrown, well good selling it to your boss.
00:23.16*** join/#asterisk Primer (
00:24.17Ariel_drbrown, your business as you setup asterisk boxes for customers? or your own work place?
00:24.30PrimerIs there hardware that can interface a PC (for use with asterisk) with existing PBX systems?
00:24.57Ariel_Primer, yes but it depends on the pbx
00:24.58*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
00:25.19PrimerI overheard my boss talking about how he'd like to have our 800 number be done over VOIP, but I know he's unwilling to entirely replace our (Toshiba, I'm almost certain) PBX
00:25.36drbrownsetup * servers for customers
00:25.38Ariel_Katty, I am good. just a little hot since my A/C is broken.
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00:25.53KattyDarthClue: :>
00:25.56KattyAriel_: :<
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00:26.25bugzload => chan_alsa is set
00:26.28bugzbut it crashes now
00:26.46bugzwhen i type 'dial' asterisk ends with 'Killed'
00:26.46Ariel_argh alsa
00:28.16Kattyyum salsa
00:29.24DarthClueyum pizza!
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00:29.58*** join/#asterisk VixxEN (n=Asterisk@
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00:30.16pygrammerglm2k pygrammer: that's the thing. if the degradation is server side, then a hardphone won't improve things much.
00:30.30VixxENa lot of people
00:30.42pygrammerglm2k: my question is, why would it be server-side? what would i have done that woud make it bad server-side? maybe it's not server-side -- hard to tell
00:30.48VixxENhi everybody!
00:31.06bugzthis channel is going to have 3000 people in it next year
00:31.17ZX81hi VixxEN
00:31.22DarthClueVixxEN: yeah, most of us are just a figment of someone elses imagination.
00:31.27ZX81all year?
00:31.31pygrammerZX81: uh, 3002...
00:31.41ZX81I'm a figment of my own imagination
00:31.43fugitivothat looks like a cisco stadistic
00:31.47DarthClueok, i'm really leaving now.  really, i am.
00:31.48bugzno, 2999, off and on
00:31.51VixxENmaybe someone could save my life
00:32.03ZX81VixxEN hows that
00:32.04bugzill save you
00:32.30bugzif you can help me with alsa :P
00:32.30VixxENcoz if i donīt make work this thing, iīll go crazy
00:32.35DarthClueVixxEN: that will be $3995.99 USD or 2 gallons of gasoline
00:32.47bugzgas is 4 bucks here
00:32.57pygrammerwe paid $3.29 today for premium
00:33.00devonst17gas is 1.43 here.
00:33.04bugzdevonst17: where
00:33.06bugzill drive there
00:33.09VixxENhere is a little more expensive, (arg)
00:33.11devonst17my head...
00:33.25DarthClueup to $3.05 here for regular, gone up 60 cents in just 3 days.
00:33.28pygrammeri remember when it was 1.30 ... the good old days when i was 6
00:33.50VixxENnobody speak spanish here?
00:33.56pygrammerVixxEN: yo hablo mexicano!
00:34.09fugitivoVixxEN: yo
00:34.11DarthCluei remember paying 59 cents / gallon just a little over 6 years ago, those were the days.
00:34.12VixxENjajajajaja es una variante, pero sigue siendo espaņol
00:34.21pygrammerVixxEN: :)
00:34.21DarthCluegoodbye now.
00:34.23pygrammerVixxEN: yo se
00:34.35fugitivoVixxEN: #asterisk-es
00:34.45VixxENwell, could anyone give me a hand with as little problem here?
00:34.58pygrammerDarthClue: those were the days
00:35.07pygrammerwhen big chevy suburbans were cheap to fill up
00:35.47bugzVixxEN: hablemos el problemo y su tengo reliefo
00:36.22VixxENwell, i canīt get asterisk to work as a sip client
00:36.46*** part/#asterisk ZX81 (
00:37.17VixxENi got an account from one voip provider, then, i configure a trunk, an outbound routing,
00:37.52VixxENfinally, asterisk seems to register fine with the provider, but i canīt make or receive calls
00:38.28fugitivoVixxEN: did you setup your extensions.conf correctly?
00:38.44Ariel_VixxEN, are you using amp
00:38.58VixxENfugitivo, iīm using asterisk@home (and amp)
00:39.06fugitivoVixxEN: and?
00:39.15fugitivoVixxEN: did you setup your extensions.conf?
00:39.36VixxENit is supposed that amp setup extensions.conf.... or not?
00:39.54fugitivoi don't know, we're talking about asterisk, you should have extensions.conf :)
00:40.25Ariel_VixxEN, Are you using amp?
00:40.35VixxENyes ariel, iīm using amp
00:41.02Ariel_OK now what is the sip provider
00:41.19VixxENitīs a local sip provider, called Teletel
00:41.44VixxENi setup the account in xlite, and everything works fine
00:42.27VixxENfor example
00:42.45VixxENi setup the account in asterisk, including a register string.....
00:42.47Ariel_Can you post your trunk settings please post them on for us to see. don't put your passwords use XXXXX instead of the password.
00:43.24VixxENbut when i try to make a call, i get a busy message
00:43.27Ariel_VixxEN, did the local provider give you a sample config for asterisk?
00:43.39Ariel_VixxEN, yes it's due to a setting incorrectly.
00:43.54VixxENno ariel, they only give me user,pass,ip
00:44.16Ariel_you said that you can get calls inbound from them but not outbound?
00:44.41VixxENnot incomming, not outgoing
00:45.14VixxENthe only positive thing that i can see, is that asterisk is registered with my voip provider
00:45.32Ariel_VixxEN, so you registered with them for inbound calls
00:46.00*** join/#asterisk Rez (i=lorez@freenode/staff/lorez)
00:46.00fugitivoit'd be easy to see the extensions.conf
00:46.05fugitivothe problem is there, i'm sure
00:46.24VixxENi can paste the extensions.conf file in if you want
00:46.27Ariel_fugitivo, the extensions.conf for amp will not show you anything useful
00:46.42fugitivoAriel_: why? it uses includes?
00:46.56Ariel_fugitivo, yes it has lots of additional.conf files
00:48.22Ariel_amp uses allot of dailparities.agi and macro's for dialing out. And stores info in mysql for the settings
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00:49.13Ariel_VixxEN, is this a manuel entry you put your self into the sip.conf
00:49.48VixxENno, it was generated with trunk section in amp
00:50.47Ariel_VixxEN, are you only going to use them for outbound dialing?
00:51.04VixxENfor both, inbound and outbound
00:51.29Ariel_ok that setting you posted is just for outbonnd
00:52.00*** join/#asterisk DrukenHME (
00:52.02Ariel_VixxEN, are you behind a firewall/nat gateway?
00:52.11VixxENnoup, directly
00:52.30DrukenHMEwho's our  linksys rt31p2 specialist?
00:53.33VixxENariel, do you recommend amp?
00:54.07Ariel_VixxEN, it depends on how much you want to learn about asterisk
00:54.19Ariel_but yes I use it for my home and for some customers
00:54.30Ariel_But I also use non amp setups
00:54.32VixxENwell, i want to learn more, but quickly...
00:54.59Ariel_VixxEN, there is nothing quick about learning asterisk.
00:55.18jeofreyneed help please
00:55.29VixxENi create a outbound route,
00:55.37VixxENdial pattern 0|.
00:56.08VixxENwith trunk sequence teletel-mza1 in first place
00:56.12jeofreyhow i configure sip account from my provider to asterisk they are given me username and password
00:56.48VixxENthen, i load xlite, connect to asterisk with my extension number
00:57.19VixxENand, if i try to dial for example: 04075106... i get a busy line message
00:57.55Ariel_VixxEN, add fromuser=yournumber dtmfmode=inband canreinvite=no
00:58.18Ariel_VixxEN, for your type=peer section
00:58.21DrukenHMEhas anyone ever had an ata a 404 ?
00:58.49VixxENariel, i have to add that in [teletel-mza1]section? in sip.conf?
00:58.57DrukenHMEer... mixed thoughts there... has anyone ever had an ata give asterisk a 404 not here message ?
00:59.04Ariel_jeofrey, you also need to know which host to send the call to?
00:59.19Ariel_VixxEN, via amp trunk setup
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01:02.39VixxENput it, save it, reload it, and still getting the same msg
01:02.40PrimerAnyone here using asterisk for bulk 800 number service? I'd like to pick your brain. My boss wants to get a T1 for 24 channels of normal POTS, and I'm contending that we could bridge our Toshiba Strata (which he's unwilling to part with) to an asterisk box for all our 800 number incoming stuff
01:03.16PrimerWhat provider do you use? What are their rates, compared to "normal" phone companies?
01:03.39DrukenHMEPrimer: where in the world?
01:04.12Ariel_VixxEN, fromuser=123202 not 200
01:04.46funjoni'm assuming that since he called 800 number, not something like 0800, the US
01:04.48Ariel_Primer, yes you can do that. How many 800 calls are you expecting?
01:05.36PrimerDrunkenHME: West Coast, USA
01:05.54DrukenHMEfunjon: well, you can assume all you want... but more than just the united states use 800 numbers...
01:06.04DrukenHMElike canada for instance...
01:06.06PrimerAriel_: seeing that we only have about 5-8 tech support people on-call at any one time, from 8AM to 6PM PST...
01:06.21PrimerI don't know what that comes out to, but I'm sure you can get a picture from that info
01:06.28*** join/#asterisk surfdue (
01:07.01Ariel_Primer, OK well 800 numbers service I am getting from Nufone and asterlink for customers. .02 per minute and both have good service
01:07.17VixxENariel, it works!
01:07.41PrimerAriel_: are you limited by the number of channels or can you arrange a contract for "burtsing" the number of concurrent channels?
01:07.45DrukenHMEPrimer: are you looking for a 800 provider or how to do your own 800 on your pri ?
01:08.11Ariel_Primer, your only limite with your internet connection
01:08.42Ariel_VixxEN, on now to your inbound
01:08.49VixxENhaha ariel thank you!!
01:09.08VixxENnow it works for outbound
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01:09.16VixxENwhat i have to do to make it work for inbound?
01:09.44Ariel_put the same settings for the inbound except type=user and context=from-pstn
01:09.59Ariel_then you setup your did route to point the number to a device you want.
01:10.41PrimerDrunkenHME: I'm looking for annectodal evidence of success using voip for 800 service
01:11.35Primerok, boss is asking me if there's a device that has ethernet on one end, and...fxs(fxo?) on the other end but that end could connect to our PBX as if it were a T1 (for example)
01:11.42PrimerNOT an asterisk box with a special card
01:11.50Primerhe's really picky about some stuff...
01:12.04*** part/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
01:12.29fugitivoPrimer: eth and fxs = ata
01:12.42Primeryeah, but fsx implies one phone device
01:12.55jbothmm... fxsfxo is An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage.
01:13.10Primerso what is the analog end of a T1 called?
01:13.33Ariel_Primer, you dont' want an asterisk box then?
01:13.47PrimerAriel_: _I_ do, but my boss wants to know about alternatives
01:14.06PrimerAriel_: he tells me we get about 1200 minutes of 800 number per month
01:14.25DrukenHME1200 mins? that's nothing...
01:14.33Ariel_how are the phone lines (pots lines) plugged into the  pbx?
01:14.45Primerok, now he's telling me 1200-1800 minutes
01:15.00PrimerAriel_: copper in the walls to the Toshiba Strata
01:15.01Ariel_it's still like less the 50.00 via nufone
01:15.05jhehow can i connect the asterisk to my sip provider ???
01:15.36VixxENAriel_: in trunk settings, in incomming settings, i got a textbox named "user context"... that i have to put "from-pstn" or i have to put down with the other settings like "context=from-pstn" ?
01:15.36Ariel_jhe, by setting up a sip trunk
01:15.55jhecan you give me some idea please
01:16.07jheabout the setting
01:16.15Ariel_user context you should put something like your providers name-in
01:16.45Ariel_jhe, now that is a loaded question since there could be about 100 different ways to set them up
01:16.56Ariel_jhe, what info did the provider give you?
01:17.14jhethey give me username and password and there ip
01:17.16jhethats all
01:17.17*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
01:18.08Ariel_jhe, are you using normal asterisk setups or a gui like amp?
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01:18.20jhejust a normal
01:18.25jhei have try this ;exten => _42X.,1,Dial(SIP/user:passwd@${EXTEN:2},30,rT)
01:18.40jhebut not working not even hit the server of my provider
01:19.27*** part/#asterisk opus_ (
01:19.35redder86anyone here with libiax experience?
01:19.42*** join/#asterisk lyroy (
01:19.44VixxENAriel_: donīt work, i do it exactly like you told me, but canīt receive
01:20.17Ariel_VixxEN, what does the cli say on the asterisk box when you get the call? you might have to turn sip debug to find out.
01:20.48VixxENlet me see, iīll copy it to pastebin
01:21.48*** join/#asterisk Zaw (i=zaw@unaffiliated/zaw)
01:21.48lyroyDoes somone know where I can get a 1866 or 1800 DID, at the cheapest rates? anyone aware of a dedicated hardware device that has ethernet on one end and the analog end of a T1 on the other? This would be for bridging an existing analog PBX system to the internet
01:22.04Ariel_jhe try exten => _42X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:2},30,rT)
01:22.20PrimerI just want to get my boss off my back with regards to this magical device that he feels should exist
01:22.25Ariel_Primer, there is no analog end to a t1
01:22.26PrimerI for one would just use asterisk
01:22.29Ariel_a t1 is a t1
01:22.47PrimerAriel_: ok, the end of a T1 that'd plug into an analog PBX
01:23.08Ariel_your pbx uses a t1 cable for it's inbound calls?
01:23.18Primerfuck if I know :)
01:23.22PrimerI know asterisk
01:23.26Ariel_well it's important
01:23.28PrimerI don't know analog PBX crap
01:23.49Primerwell, surely there's some sort of standard interface for connecting a T1 to an analog PBX
01:23.50VixxENariel, the cli doesnīt say anything. Iīm making a call from my cellphone, and the operator tells me the same msg that tell me when the line is off (for example, configured in x-lite, and xlite closed)
01:23.57Ariel_Primer, pri/t1 from telco ---- box with ethernet (Why) ----- PbX
01:24.24Primeryes, my question too
01:24.32Ariel_Primer, sometimes you have to break out the t1 into 24 analog channels
01:24.46Ariel_for the pbx
01:25.02PrimerI'm gonna sell him on asterisk, but it'd be nice to show him this device, if such existed
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01:25.36Ariel_Primer, I dont' know how to brake it out to the pbx without that part it's going to be hard
01:25.52Ariel_Primer, right now is there a t1 line going directly into the pbx?
01:26.04Primerno, there are separate lines of copper
01:26.09Primerone for each line
01:26.32Ariel_Primer, ok now we are getting some were
01:26.40Ariel_Primer, was that hard?
01:27.08lyroyWhere I can get 1800 DID wich company do you recommend?
01:27.10Primerok, how about this. What's the one device you've seen that has the most fxs ports on it?
01:27.22Ariel_ok you can use a 24 port mediatrix 1124 or an adtran TA624 for that type of setup.
01:27.23h3xoh hell yeah
01:28.06Ariel_lyroy, I have used nufone and asterlink for that service
01:28.08PrimerAriel_: ok, this helps a lot, thanks for your input
01:28.46lyroyalright thanks ariel
01:29.14Ariel_Primer, but who is going to control the box?
01:29.57Ariel_VixxEN, your not seeing anything via sip debug
01:30.20VixxENyes yes, sorry, i forgot turning on sip debug
01:32.29Ariel_VixxEN, ok looks like your getting it from a cisco gateway. put in the user section inscecure=very
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01:33.53VixxENthe  same message
01:34.00fugitivothere's a typo
01:34.03fugitivoit's insecure=very
01:34.46Ariel_fugitivo, thanks
01:35.59VixxENnop, the same error
01:36.35fugitivowhat error?
01:37.02VixxENcant get incomming calls
01:37.04*** join/#asterisk Insanity5 (
01:37.18Insanity5IS it possible to get a sipura spa-2002 to do a server-based on hold signal (so it plays MOH)?
01:37.31*** join/#asterisk colinm_ (n=colol@VDSL-130-13-8-137.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
01:38.03fugitivoVixxEN: can you pastebin your sip.conf?
01:38.18VixxENgive me a second
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01:39.30*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
01:39.39adelasanyone have any ideas why i can't use the touch tone system in asterisk, i mean when calling into the box, the asterisk system won't detect any touch tone pressing
01:39.46fugitivoVixxEN: outgoing calls are working?
01:40.00VixxENfugitivo: yes
01:40.02Insanity5adelas - Probably doesn't hear any voice either.  Firewall issues :)
01:40.02adelasexample, cell call asterisk, asterisk gives touch tone options, but the cell phone presses the numbers and nothing happens
01:40.07adelastheres voice
01:40.14fugitivoadelas: you mean dtmf?
01:40.14adelasi can do a touch tone out
01:40.20Insanity5adelas - You sure?  Rotue your cell direct to the echo test and check.
01:40.24Insanity5Could be DTMF too :P
01:40.48fugitivoadelas: what codec?
01:41.16adelaswhen i'm on the cisco phones, i can use the keys for touchpad
01:41.32adelasso i can use touch tone systems outside
01:41.36adelasbut i can't do the reverse
01:41.48fugitivoadelas: it doesn't work with your ivr?
01:42.04*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
01:42.04adelasdosn't work
01:42.09fugitivoare you using the background function?
01:42.21fileDamin__: twat :P
01:42.22adelaswat do u mean by background?
01:42.38adelasi have calls directed to the digital receptionist
01:42.43fugitivoadelas: pastebin your ivr section of extentions.conf
01:42.57Ariel_fugitivo, hehe he is on amp as well.
01:43.07adelasyea and that
01:43.36adelaswhen i do a touchtone out with the cisco phone, it tries to do that thingy
01:43.43adelasand it works
01:43.45Ariel_adelas, your going to see if there is away to get the mediatrix to transmitte dtmf via inband or rfc2833
01:43.57jhe<Ariel_> jhe try exten => _42X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:2},30,rT)
01:44.12Ariel_jhe, yes
01:44.16jhei have try that already ariel but not even hit the server of my provider
01:44.26fugitivoadelas: so the ivr works from the inside, but not from the outside?
01:44.27Ariel_no you had it different
01:45.01fugitivoadelas: do you see something on the CLI?
01:45.05jheahhh ok i will try
01:45.12Insanity5IS it possible to get a sipura spa-2002 to do a server-based on hold signal (so it plays MOH)?
01:45.17Ariel_jhe, look at the location of the ${EXTEN:2}
01:45.19adelasin sip debug
01:45.26adelastheres no incoming keys
01:45.33Ariel_Insanity5, flash
01:45.40fugitivoadelas: but incoming calls are sip calls?
01:46.05adelasincoming calls / outgoing are sip
01:46.26Insanity5Ariel_ - Flash hangs up :(
01:46.27Ariel_fugitivo, the mediatrix is sending the calls this default context it's not login
01:46.29fugitivoadelas: did you try with dtmfmode=inband ?
01:46.34VixxEN :$3
01:46.34adelasyea tried it
01:46.37EquinoxDoes asterisk support atm at all?
01:47.42bugzive had to give up on the alsa
01:47.54fugitivoVixxEN: can you pastebin the from-pstn section of your extensions.conf?
01:47.55bugzi have about 24 hours to cram for a job interview
01:48.02Insanity5bugz - Doing what?
01:48.07bugzthis ;D
01:48.10Insanity5bugz - Morel ike... stress out over :)
01:48.16bugznah, ill be allright
01:48.20Insanity5bugz - Why, does it have a hands on test?
01:48.28fugitivoAriel_: which mediatrix? :)
01:48.36Insanity5Does anyone make a cordless phone that doesn't, well, suck quality wuse?
01:48.37bugzive pulled a thousand miles of cat 3 and 5, hooked up alot of nortels.. now im a unix admin
01:48.43bugzbut i want this job man
01:48.44Insanity5bugz - hehe
01:48.45adelasmediatrix 1204
01:48.46Ariel_fugitivo, he as a 1204
01:48.48bugzive never used it before
01:49.06bugzInsanity5: no i am going to need some ammo though
01:49.29bugzi can write iptables for anything from my head, this low level phone stuff is a mystery though
01:49.37Ariel_Insanity5, I am using a sipura 2002 with a vtech and a panasonic 2.8ghz
01:50.04Insanity5Ariel_ - Well I have a vtech.  And it sucks compared to this 1970s era rotary phone I got for $5 off ebay.
01:50.08adelasfugitivo any ideas?
01:50.08Insanity5quality wise, that is.
01:50.11fugitivoInsanity5: i use a linksys pap2-na with a siemens gigaset 4000
01:50.25adelasor have you played with a 1204 before?
01:50.33Insanity5Ariel_ - Problem is, I can't get the 2002 to detect rotary dialing.
01:50.34fugitivoadelas: not me
01:50.37Ariel_Insanity5, well yes my old Bell phone works best as well.
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01:51.25Insanity5Ariel_ - Would rotary dial detection be a function of the ata or asterisk?
01:51.32Insanity5ata, right?
01:51.38Insanity5Probably will never work :(
01:51.44fugitivoVixxEN: god, did AMP generated that for you?
01:52.00VixxENyes :P
01:52.02Ariel_Insanity5, no my old phone is the princes which is touch tone.
01:52.34Ariel_yes it has the push button on the hand set.
01:52.51fugitivoVixxEN: pastebin ext-did section too
01:52.55Insanity5I gotta get one of them off ebay :)
01:53.12Insanity5I feel stupid.  There's no example on how to add an extension to an sip registered useri n exteions.conf
01:53.48VixxEN  :P
01:54.21Ariel_fugitivo, told you
01:54.31Delta34anybody know what can cause this warning during when someone leaves a voicemail? file.c:550 ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame
01:54.48fugitivoVixxEN: i'm not going to ask you to pastebin ext-did-custom
01:55.00fugitivoi'll have another include
01:55.26VixxENit doesnīt exist :)
01:55.33jheim getting this ariel ...>
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01:56.09Ariel_fugitivo, if you have not used it it's not going to do you any good
01:56.50litagewhat is pwlib? debian tells me it's the portable windows library, but then openh323 also refers to it. any ideas?
01:56.56fugitivoVixxEN: can you create a clean context with a call only to a phone and then set that context in your sip.conf?
01:57.17adelashey , how can i put someone on automatic hold?
01:57.30adelaswhen 2 different lines call the same phone
01:57.33VixxENwell....if u tell me how (a)
01:58.03Ariel_jhe, it's not finding the host your dialing to
01:58.04Netgeeks_ewww, I bet your CLI is plagues with ERROR statements when it runs
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01:58.16Netgeeks_all those GotoIfs are going to generate errors
01:58.30Ariel_Netgeeks_, no they actually work great
01:58.48fugitivohow do you change something from that? :)
01:58.54fugitivoit's scary
01:59.00Netgeeks_hrm, they should be generating parse errors
01:59.02Ariel_fugitivo, it's not that hard
01:59.34Ariel_Netgeeks_, they don't there writen very well. I have used them in allot of other systems before some of them were added to amp
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02:00.06fugitivoVixxEN: can you pastebin your complete extensions.conf? just for curiosity
02:00.18Ariel_fugitivo, you can setup custom settings in the system.
02:00.30jheAriel im getting same result like before
02:00.40jhestill cannot get to my provider
02:00.42Ariel_jhe, it's not finding the host
02:00.50jheyes its not
02:00.51fugitivoAriel_: what do you mean with custom settings?
02:00.59Ariel_can you ping that address is your firewall open for sip out bound
02:01.19jheyes it is we dont have firewall
02:01.36Ariel_fugitivo, there is a section in it that you can setup custom settings extension_custom.conf
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02:02.17fugitivook, so extensions.conf just gives you the standard options?
02:02.18Ariel_I have it doing festiva, weather readouts and many more things.
02:02.44Ariel_fugitivo, yes things like macro's and dial statements things that don't change
02:03.02fugitivoVixxEN: pastebin your extensions.conf and extension_custom.conf
02:03.19Ariel_from the mysql database it writes out extens_additional.conf and sip_additional.conf and iax_additional.conf
02:03.35fugitivoforget it
02:03.45fugitivoi'm going to eat something
02:05.12VixxENariel, what do you think?
02:05.27*** part/#asterisk redder86 (
02:06.15hardwirestupid speakerphone
02:06.53Ariel_VixxEN,  try this for your inbound and change the name to your number that they gave you.
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02:09.20hardwireanybody found an nice external speakerphone conference setup that attaches to jheadset jhacks?
02:09.21Hmmhesaysremind me never to give my im information to anyone
02:09.28VixxENstill there Ariel_
02:09.32Darwin35head is now 1.2 + patches right
02:09.41file[laptop]Hmmhesays: awww can I have it?
02:10.00Hmmhesayshell no file, when people get my im info they think i'm tech support
02:10.13file[laptop]but you are!!!
02:10.21Ariel_Hmmhesays, can I get it
02:10.21Hmmhesaysfile[laptop] the minute you got it you'd instantly loose any troubleshooting ability
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02:10.52Hmmhesaysmaybe if you dcc me 'revolving door' by crazytown
02:10.57Hmmhesaysi lost my copy and I really want to hear it
02:12.09file[laptop]Hmmhesays: now, get in a speedo and dance around!
02:13.09file[laptop]I do!
02:13.15Ariel_VixxEN, so it does not work?
02:13.38Ariel_do you hear anything
02:14.19VixxENnoup, only the operator telling me that "the number you are dialing is unavailable"
02:14.27Hmmhesaysi don't feel bad downloading crazytown, cause they have been washed up for years
02:15.28HmmhesaysI haven't heard this song in YEARS
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02:16.32Ariel_VixxEN, they look like there sending you g729 format
02:17.09VixxENsomething with ulaw and alaw?
02:17.12Ariel_VixxEN, do you have g729 loaded
02:17.26VixxENhumm how i test it?
02:17.43Ariel_did you buy at least 2 lisc from digium for your server?
02:17.50Hmmhesaysi should really learn to play bass
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02:18.10Ariel_Hmmhesays, what you can't play air bass...
02:18.18VixxENlisc? liscense?
02:18.23Hmmhesaysoh I got the air bass down
02:18.24Ariel_VixxEN, yes
02:18.40VixxENno, i have to buy it? :S
02:18.59Hmmhesaysbut real bass would be cool, I got a friend with a bass and a mesa boogie head I should make him let me borrow them
02:19.03Ariel_VixxEN, well it's not free. Now can you ask them to send it to you via ulaw
02:20.03Ariel_VixxEN, are you in the US?
02:20.04HmmhesaysI need to get back in a band, IT is starting to rot my brain
02:20.10VixxENi donīt think so
02:20.16VixxENno Ariel_, iīm from argentina
02:20.33Ariel_humm wonder if they have software pattens there?
02:22.39Hmmhesayslast dance with mary jane, one more time to kill the paaaain
02:23.49bugzman, everyone hates alsa
02:23.52bugzbut oss is deprecated
02:23.58fugitivoi dont hate alsa
02:24.09bugz"hel0p" me
02:24.11Ariel_I dont' use oss nor alsa
02:24.12dudeswhy is oss deprecated
02:24.23fugitivobecause alsa exists
02:24.26Hmmhesaysoh man i'm jones'in for a singalong now
02:24.50bugzoss is deprecated because its not 'open' per se
02:24.58bugztheir goal was to make money
02:25.07Hmmhesaysyes file[laptop]?
02:25.10fugitivooss is really really old
02:25.33file[laptop]Hmmhesays: are you in a SER mood?
02:25.54file[laptop]I have something cool to show you
02:26.00Ariel_SER = Sip Express Router.....
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02:26.04Hmmhesaysdo I have to do anything?
02:26.07file[laptop]actually no, you're not going to see it
02:26.18Hmmhesaysok, fine. get my hopes up
02:26.30Hmmhesaysthen bring them crashing down
02:26.35file[laptop]yup that's me
02:26.39Ariel_Hmmhesays, you have hopes?
02:26.43file[laptop]I still like you though!
02:26.54Hmmhesayswell not really, normally i'm an emotionless shell of a human being
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02:28.14Hmmhesayshire some norwegian lesbians that can feed you grapes and no how to sing to fan air in
02:28.25file[laptop]hot hot hot
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02:28.45Hmmhesayshell yeah ./bloodhoung_gang
02:28.48Ariel_Hmmhesays, I am married with kids....hummm but nice dream
02:29.00Hmmhesaysi'm 23 and single
02:29.14Ariel_I have a girl that will be 23 in nov.
02:29.15file[laptop]and cute
02:30.22Hmmhesayshey dad!
02:31.03glm2kwow, Ariel_ you do need a pbx at home
02:31.18glm2kHmmhesays: lol
02:31.22Ariel_glm2k, yes I have one with extensions for each one
02:31.43glm2kHmmhesays: didn't know you like grandpappies >:)
02:31.48glm2kAriel_: figures.
02:31.51Hmmhesaysok, if you have kids and grandkids I want to see pics
02:31.59Hmmhesaysshare with the community
02:32.10glm2kHmmhesays: he said grandkid
02:32.16Hmmhesaysstuff it glm2k
02:32.39Hmmhesaysveruca salt has some seriously sexy voices
02:32.42DarthClue~seen Manx
02:32.44jbotmanx <> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 240d 15h 44m 35s ago, saying: 'hi , guys , anyone managed to get 3ware 9000 working in sarge , followed the instruction on the broken stuff page , but same kernel panic!'.
02:33.32Hmmhesaysshould I go out for ladies night tonight er what?
02:34.47DarthCluei wish manxpower was here.  i just found a site that has images of the damage area.  lots and lots of images.
02:35.16pygrammerdid anyone see bush's speech today?
02:35.22brookshirewhere is the link?
02:35.25Ariel_Hmmhesays, I don't have digital pictures mostly older normal ones
02:35.28pygrammerhe is such a fucking retard
02:35.43pygrammerhe always refers to people as "folks"
02:35.57pygrammer"those folks down there need a lot of supplies, you know"
02:36.07pygrammeryeah, they're just folks -- folks being looted, raped, and shot at
02:36.12pygrammerfolks from the good ole' us of a
02:36.30pygrammermeanwhile, bush sits in his 747-400
02:36.36HmmhesaysAriel_ I see
02:36.38pygrammerwith amenities galore
02:36.40Hmmhesayshow old are you?
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02:36.54pygrammerhe won't even step foot in new orleans for weeks
02:37.03Insanity5Is there a sip java applet out there anywhere?
02:37.24Ariel_pygrammer, that is normal for just about any pres.
02:37.26HmmhesaysOMG I grabbed the wrong beer can
02:37.33pygrammerAriel_: sure
02:37.48pygrammerAriel_: except he presents himself as some down-home cowboy
02:37.55pygrammernot some "liberal elitist"
02:37.58pygrammerso it's rather ironic
02:38.01Ariel_pygrammer, this is not the place for this
02:38.10pygrammeri know, i just found it funny
02:38.21Hmmhesaysthis is the "anything except politics" channel
02:38.37pygrammerlet's talk about fish
02:38.46Ariel_pygrammer, I understand what is going on there. I lost my house and was in the same thing when Andrew hit yere in 1992
02:38.48HmmhesaysI saw this big ass northern diving a couple weeks ago
02:39.06Hmmhesaysit just hung out I got about 6 inches away
02:39.12Ariel_VixxEN, did you get my message
02:39.15pygrammerHmmhesays: northern?
02:39.23pygrammerAriel_: too bad
02:39.33VixxENyep ariel, iīm working on that
02:39.45Ariel_pygrammer, it's life you pickup and move on.
02:40.01Hmmhesaysa northern is a fish
02:40.07pygrammerHmmhesays: oh
02:40.11pygrammeri just said that -- i know nothing about fish
02:40.20pygrammerand swordfish
02:40.30Hmmhesaysi enjoy beer and fishing for chicks
02:40.50Hmmhesaysalthough the fish is not an attractive dance move
02:40.56Hmmhesaysdon't try it unless you know you got her
02:41.28DarthCluewe've all witnessed your 'fishing' techniques Hmmhesays.  Not everyone jumps for a $20.
02:41.45Qwellbut the ones who do..
02:41.47Vcoi've always found removing the hook and nightcrawlers from their mouths always kinda ruined the mood
02:41.55HmmhesaysDarthClue: you have not even come close to seeing Hmmhesays in action
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02:42.48Hmmhesaysif you whoop a girl in pool bad and she still hangs around, shes a keeper
02:43.07Hmmhesaysseriously dude, you would not make a pretty woman
02:43.22HmmhesaysI don't care how drunk I am
02:43.24DarthClueyeah, but you or wikibob might
02:43.32VixxENwhat is Whoop?
02:43.42Hmmhesayswhup, whip, woop
02:43.46Hmmhesaysi dunno how to spell it
02:43.57VixxENsomething similar...
02:44.10Vcolike beat...without the shirt
02:44.14DarthClueto beat.  aka, if you make her look like she really doesn't know how to play.
02:44.46VixxENi understand
02:44.48Hmmhesayslast time I did do that, this girl gives me big hugs everytime I see her
02:44.55HmmhesaysI think she was used to beating guys
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02:45.25Hmmhesaysif you let a girl when just because shes hot, you are a pansy
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02:45.31Hmmhesays*win even
02:45.34netnameusMy xlite app can register on asterisk, but neither my polycom phone nor my sipura box will register.
02:45.34netnameusAre there logs I should be able to look at, or has anyone else seen this problem?
02:45.36DarthCluei haven't played since college, or i would have done a good job of making you drunk idiots look really, really bad
02:46.00HmmhesaysDarthClue: that bar didn't have any hand chalk
02:46.08Hmmhesaysthat was crap
02:46.11DarthClueHmmhesays: yep
02:46.25Insanity5Anyone set up fax-to-email in the past?
02:46.28Insanity5Is it easy?
02:46.36Hmmhesaysits amazing how much more accurate your shots are when you don't have to fight the friction of your hand
02:47.02bkw__Insanity5, don't do it
02:47.45Insanity5bkw_ - why?
02:47.53Insanity5DarthClue - huh?
02:48.39Vcoi don't see what the big deal is....these guys make it look really easy
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02:50.11QwellVco: it is easy
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02:51.24Insanity5Tehre just aren't any good howtos out there yet :)
02:51.41DarthClueit is easy.  it is also patent encumbered due to the fact that you can patent a 'process' and actually get away with it.
02:52.31pauldyhrm but since companies have actually been doing this since the late 80s does the patent have actual weight or is it yet another vanity patent
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02:54.29pauldyso it is a vanity patent
02:54.55DarthCluepauldy: probably
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02:59.36[hC]for some reason i lose one way audio when blind transfering on my cisco out to another IAX peer (notransfer=yes is set to prevent native transfers on iax trunks) is this typical, or?
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02:59.54pauldyInsanity5, let me know if you find anything worht a flip on the subject
03:00.05pauldysay I've looked as well but nothing really great
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03:04.28Insanity5pauldy - I found astfax which is promising for e-mail to fax.  However, it keeps trying to send our Zap/g2 -- any clue why?
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03:05.20Insanity5Where do you set the interface used for the "outgoing call queue"?
03:06.16[hC]ah craps.. cvs head is broken :P
03:06.22[hC]I wanted to upgrade.
03:06.25Insanity5hehe :)
03:06.30[hC]it wont compile :)
03:06.35[hC]ast_expr2f.c error
03:06.51SwK_cvs head is not broke
03:07.00SwK_i just checked it out and it compiled just fime
03:07.08[hC]i just did it right now, and go
03:07.10SwK_make clean && make
03:07.10[hC]er got
03:07.19[hC]ast_expr2f.c:1784: warning: no previous prototype for `ast_yyget_column'
03:07.19[hC]ast_expr2f.c:1860: warning: no previous prototype for `ast_yyset_column'
03:07.19[hC]ast_expr2.fl:95: error: conflicting types for `ast_expr'
03:07.19[hC]include/asterisk/ast_expr.h:26: error: previous declaration of `ast_expr'
03:07.19[hC]ast_expr2f.c:1259: warning: `yyunput' defined but not used
03:07.22[hC]i did a make clean
03:07.38SwK_make update then
03:08.01SwK_i literally checked out 5 minutes ago
03:08.07[hC]cvs update wants it gone
03:08.14[hC]? apps/apps_makefile.patch
03:08.14[hC]cvs update: move away `./ast_expr2.h'; it is in the way
03:08.14[hC]C ast_expr2.h
03:08.14[hC]cvs update: move away `./ast_expr2f.c'; it is in the way
03:08.14[hC]C ast_expr2f.c
03:08.42[hC]got 'er :)
03:08.45SwK_sometimes you want to cvs up -Pd
03:08.52[hC]Yeah, I did.
03:08.58[hC]it was conflicted for some reason
03:09.10Insanity5Where do you setup the default "outgoign call queue"?  I'm running a e-mail to fax program and it keeps trying to send it out zap/g2
03:09.11[hC]just removed it and re updated. seems to be fine now.
03:09.15Insanity5I need it to go out iax
03:09.48newmemberis a protocol that will give me all the * features when using a Cisco Access Server? eg MGCP, SIP etc?
03:10.38SwK_newmember: like what features
03:10.58SwK_and what you mean Access Server? like a AS5300 or a 28XX series?
03:11.18newmemberyes as5300, 5400
03:11.26Ariel_Insanity5, change your outbound rule
03:11.42SwK_new as5300 -> sip -> asterisk works fine
03:11.51newmemberwell I can either get a T1 care for a server or use a 5400 I have here, but I didnt know if I would loose features
03:12.04Insanity5Ariel_ - Where is it?  I'm searching the conf files and the wiki with no luck.
03:12.22Ariel_Insanity5, how did you setup your rules
03:12.27Insanity5Ariel_ - Shipping default.
03:12.33newmembermy only thought and I have no experience to back it up, is that this as5400 has run with out issues for  a long time, I cant say the same about my servers
03:12.34SwK_well with the 5300 you must have the VFCs and the DSP cards NOT the MICA cards
03:12.38Insanity5Ariel_ - I only added a dial extension for iax/voipjet
03:12.55Ariel_Insanity5, who did your system and setup then?
03:13.00Insanity5Ariel_ - Me.
03:13.19Ariel_ok so you have a device which needs to send a fax via ??
03:13.21Insanity5Ariel_ - cvs head, configure, make, make install, add entry in iax.conf and extensions.conf, uncommented default login name.
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03:13.38*** part/#asterisk lordcian (n=lordcian@
03:13.54Ariel_Insanity5, what device is it that your fax is on?
03:13.56Insanity5Ariel_ - I am using ast_fax which hooks into asterisk...somehow... with a "call" file and tries to send a fax out the "default outgoign queue" their words.
03:13.59shmaltzI got a message from Asterlink saying something is wrong with iax2 anybody know whats going on?
03:14.03Insanity5I want it to fax OUT on iax/voipjet
03:14.18Insanity5watching the console, it keeps trying zap/2
03:14.39Ariel_Insanity5, that is due to your dialing rules.  Outbound or turnk settings
03:14.42*** part/#asterisk ericm_06 (
03:14.55Insanity5Ariel_ - Well obviously, it isn't using the dialplan.
03:15.00DarthClueshmaltz: ongoing issues with iax2.  but not sure on the details of current problems.
03:15.04Insanity5Ariel_ - Because if I dial off a SIP device, it goes out IAX2
03:15.05Ariel_Insanity5, yes it is
03:15.12Nuggetof course it is using the dialplan
03:15.27Insanity5When why isn't it going out iax?
03:15.33Ariel_look at your default when a call file is dropped off it goes with a context
03:15.37Nuggetbecause you screwed up your dialplan, presumably.
03:15.43DarthClueiax/iax2 has bugs in it, many of which need attention to make it work right.
03:15.49Insanity5Ariel_ - I am trying to find out where that is.
03:16.04Insanity5Ariel_ - They said it was the outgoing queue... whatever that is.
03:16.42Ariel_Insanity5, yes it drops a file into the outbox. Now that file has settings like the phone number to dial and also the context
03:16.54Ariel_that is what you need to see if the setting for that file
03:17.10Insanity5Ariel_ - Which is on the program side?
03:17.41Ariel_when you see it in the cli you should see the context it's in from there
03:17.45Insanity5Sep  1 23:19:41 NOTICE[32595]: channel.c:2106 __ast_request_and_dial: Unable to request channel Zap/g1/12084123824
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03:19.12Insanity5Ariel_ - Does that tell you anything?
03:19.35Insanity5Should I try to copy the file out of the outbox before it deletes it?
03:19.46Ariel_Insanity5, what program
03:20.14Insanity5i'm running this to send a fax:   cat testfax.eml | ./ast_fax
03:20.25Insanity5testfax had a spot where I changed the phone number
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03:23.50Insanity5I just turned off asterisk and let it generate a call file... and Zap is in the damn call file
03:24.06Insanity5Channel: Zap/g1/12084123824
03:24.56Insanity5Ok I think I found the template
03:24.59Insanity5LEt me try changing it.
03:25.04twistedyou're trying to send fax via IAX?
03:25.10Insanity5I wish it couldj ust pass the # off the asterisk and let it handle it
03:25.19Insanity5twisted - I had 6 ms to the provider.  Think it might work with g711u?
03:25.30*** join/#asterisk Wayne_ (n=wayne@
03:25.40twistedfaxing over IP is tricky at best.
03:25.49twistedit MIGHT work
03:25.52twistedbut don't hold your breath
03:25.53`Sauronunless you're cisco
03:25.55`Sauronwho hacks it
03:25.56Insanity5Got a fax machine?
03:25.59`Sauronreally funny, actually
03:26.03Insanity5To test sending it to? :)
03:26.04pygrammeri'd feel a lot better if i didn't get all this static/distortion on the other side, but no one on the * mailing list has responded
03:26.16pygrammeryou guys said earlier that it's probably because i'm using a softphone
03:26.25Delta34what is ast_readaudio_callback?
03:26.33pygrammerbut i don't know, because when i call myself and use call waiting/multiple lines, it sounds great
03:26.39Ariel_Insanity5, You may also
03:26.39Ariel_want to take a look at the top 20 or so lines from
03:26.39Ariel_ast_fax.c to see if you wish to change any paths
03:26.53Insanity5Ariel_ - The defaults seem ok :)
03:26.59Insanity5If I open up the .call file
03:27.03Insanity5and take out the ZAP compeltely
03:27.09Ariel_well I dont have that file
03:27.12Insanity5Will it just take the phone # and find a match in the dialplan?
03:27.16Insanity5Ariel_ - It's in the archive.
03:27.32Insanity5Channel: Zap/g1/$[PHONE]
03:27.44Insanity5If I change that to just $[PHONE] --- will it just use extensions.conf?
03:27.50Insanity5To decide how to send it out?
03:27.52Ariel_Insanity5, ok change that to yoru outbound you want
03:28.11Ariel_no it's still going out zap
03:28.13Insanity5So I have to put iax2/voipjet -- or can I just leave $phone?
03:28.22Insanity5All .call files do?
03:29.42Insanity5Ditch the 4 digit "pin" or whatever was in extensions.conf for the default exten ->  entry?
03:29.44*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
03:30.22Ariel_ManxPower, hello
03:30.27ManxPowerhello Ariel_
03:30.36Ariel_glad to see you
03:31.02ManxPowerAriel_, Me and two others evacuated to Jackson MS, then to (near) Texarkana TX
03:31.15Ariel_I see so are you there now
03:31.18Ariel_in Tx
03:34.04ManxPowerI managed to get e-mail access working for my mail domain (outsourced it to my DNS registrar)
03:34.12ManxPowerNo status on my apartment
03:34.18Insanity5Where can you d/l txfax?
03:34.33Insanity5Nevermind, it's part of spandsp
03:37.29ManxPowerAriel_, Have you seen the news reports about Waveland MS / Bay St. Louis MS?
03:37.31Ariel_ManxPower, well I am glad your safe.  But I don't think you have many customers left in the NO area. Not much selling realestate there.
03:37.48Ariel_ManxPower, yes wiped off nothing left.
03:38.05ManxPowerI live(d) in Waveland MS.
03:38.14h3xyou did? heh
03:38.17Ariel_ManxPower, sorry
03:38.25ManxPowerFORTUNATLY, in an area a bit more protected than the parts of Waveland on the news.
03:38.26h3xthat sucks dude
03:38.49h3xim working on doing emergency DID forwards for disaster areas
03:38.55h3xits so much fun
03:38.58Ariel_Well still looks like your not going back there for at least a few weeks
03:39.08Insanity5or more
03:39.09ManxPowerI'll set up a web page for anyone that wants to donate cash.  Need to think about how to word it, where any excess money will go to, etc.
03:39.09h3xgo back to what? that place got leveled
03:39.50ManxPowerh3x, the news can be misleading.
03:39.59h3xthat is true
03:40.06ManxPowerthey show what's most shocking.
03:40.11Ariel_hay my home back in Andrew Naranja was leveled in 1992. We rebuild
03:40.30ManxPowermy place is in a somewhat more protected area than much of waveland, and also has a railway embankment between it and the water
03:40.31dudesh3x - how's it going
03:40.33*** join/#asterisk Borgon (
03:41.21ManxPowerWorst case: I move back to Michigan to live with family.
03:41.27Ariel_for us it took 3 weeks before we got anyone to come by and give us aid. We had to leave the area on foot 2 miles and then drive away.
03:41.28BorgonWhen using an iax softphone.. the operator would tell me to punch in numbers.. i tried using diax/iaxcomm and as i punch in numbers, the first 2 or 3 get repeated.. IS this a softphone problem or what?
03:41.36h3xwassap dudes
03:41.38*** join/#asterisk RaYmAn-B1 (
03:41.48dudesh3x - you free for a few minutes
03:41.53h3xyeah why
03:42.02dudescan I PM you ?
03:42.36Ariel_Borgon, are you going out to another iax2 provider or pstn
03:43.04Insanity5Ariel_ - Why did you do after walking 2 miles, steal a car? :P
03:43.05BorgonAriel_: softphone -> local iax2 pbx -> provider to psn
03:43.16Insanity5Ariel_ - Couldn't you walk out sooner?
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03:44.40DarthCluedoh, i missed ManxPower again.
03:44.40Ariel_Insanity5, it does not work that way.  We had a family memeber there and took her car.
03:44.52DarthClueI wanted him to see the photos and see if he could spot his place.
03:45.22Ariel_DarthClue, he said he has seen some and his place is not the one they show for waveland
03:45.55DarthClueno, these are photos done by noa i think. not news photos. they are for a pretty large portion of the area.
03:46.14Har|ocknot slepp online
03:46.16Har|ockhow odd
03:46.20Insanity5Ariel_ - Ahh... you could have drove away where you were, but you had to walk to a car?
03:46.26Qwellwasn't he off getting married or something?
03:46.44Har|ockseems liek 2 weeks ago now
03:46.52Insanity5Ariel_ - I figured you had to walk 2 miles because of crap in the way.
03:46.58Har|ockhe called me in the meantime already asking me if i had and laptops for sale
03:47.06DarthClueif he pops back in, give him this link ...
03:48.12Ariel_Insanity5, could not get to our area due to road closed by fallen trees light post and a real mess
03:48.33Insanity5Ariel_ - Why did you wait 2 weeks to get out?  crap in the way?
03:49.12Ariel_Insanity5, no protecting my left over stuff
03:49.24Ariel_also shell shock
03:49.38Insanity5Ariel_ - Were looters stealing stuff from houses?
03:49.43pygrammerdo you all use the jitter buffer?
03:50.09Ariel_Insanity5, yes
03:50.20Insanity5Ariel_ - Did oyu have to confront anyone?  I hope you were armed :)
03:51.34Ariel_Insanity5, No the person that lived next door was an DEA agent and he took care of that for us.
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03:52.19Insanity5Ariel_ - Lent you some firearms?  how nice of him :)
03:52.30Insanity5Or did protection detail.
03:52.48Insanity5Did they bug you though, or did they generally just head for unoccupied residences?
03:53.15Insanity5Qutie pathetic though... looters
03:53.23Ariel_I don't belive in firearms don't want one don't need one. He did the protecting.  I just let him (He is a little nuts).
03:53.52Insanity5Kind of challenging to watch two houses at 3 am though =)
03:54.23[hC]Anyone have any insight as to my CDR bug here?
03:54.47Ariel_at night it was so dark it was not a problem it was during the day that was the problems
03:54.56*** join/#asterisk hellop (
03:55.12Insanity5Ok, well then that's not too bad.
03:55.30Insanity5Ariel_ - Was it even safe to walk around outside?  I don't imagine suburban areas would be quite as bad as downtown NO
03:56.14*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
03:56.25file[laptop]omg omg omg Cresl1n
03:57.26Insanity5Ariel_ - But people are savages, I say.  How discusting.
03:57.26*** join/#asterisk Legend (n=legend@
03:57.39Ariel_well yes.
03:58.03Ariel_good night folks it's off to sleep on the cool floor. A/C is not working. So I have a few fans...
03:58.07Insanity5Especially... the shooting as hosptials.
03:58.34Insanity5Ariel_ - Broken AC stinks :(.  Not worth fixing it anymore this year though, at least in my area.
03:58.54DaPrivateerfwd still down?
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03:59.17*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
03:59.21pygrammeri really would like this to sound as good as the land line, but there's all this distortion and i don't know how to get rid of it
03:59.43pygrammertried jitterbuffer and everything
03:59.51pygrammerit's just crackling/distortion -- could be anything, even my headset
04:03.10MikeJ[Laptop]it's Cresl1n??? NOOOOOOO
04:03.21pygrammerhmm -- it's not as bad with my speakers, interesting
04:03.31MikeJ[Laptop]I was just watching the news
04:03.35MikeJ[Laptop]how depressing
04:03.57MikeJ[Laptop]I still have friends in the french quarter....
04:04.05pauldyamazing how tragedies such as this can really put a spotlight on the problems with scialist programs in the us
04:04.39MikeJ[Laptop]I just am amazed that the people in washington are sitting there saying we are doing everything we cann
04:04.49MikeJ[Laptop]but the buses are not flowing to come get people...
04:04.55pauldywhat would you do different mikeJ
04:05.01drrayI want to know when we stopped shooting looters
04:05.12pygrammerwhat outgoing provider/termination service do you all use?
04:05.26pygrammervoipjet? voxee?
04:05.43MikeJ[Laptop]pauldy, I dunno.. contact every public schoold district in tennesee, northern LA, MS, and FL and tell them they need every bus heading down I-10?
04:06.03pauldyMikJ how do you ensure fuel supplies to those buses?
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04:06.05MikeJ[Laptop]just a thought
04:06.17pauldythere is an infrastructure problem
04:06.30MikeJ[Laptop]there is gas outside of the immediate affected area.. and busses have big tanks
04:06.31pauldythis is what is the major complication hindering the rescue effort
04:06.45pauldythere is basically two ways in two ways out
04:07.03pauldynot so many of the fuel stations have already been hit hard by people speculating rises in gas prices
04:07.07MikeJ[Laptop]yes.. you send the busses in and out those ways.. they figured that part out already
04:07.14DarthClueFuel for buses in LA wouldn't be an issue, and neither would MS if they have a full tank to start.  Getting in on I-10 from the east is not possible but there are other ways in.  Buses typically have at least a 60 gallon tank on them.
04:07.25QwellDid you guys see the rediculous gas prices in AL?
04:07.41DarthClueQwell: gas prices are ridiculous everywhere.
04:07.45pauldyI did amazing how people will still pay the prices
04:07.47QwellDarthClue: $6?
04:07.50MikeJ[Laptop]yeah.. those guys are getting fined 5000 per fillup at those prices
04:07.56DarthClueQwell: that's just gouging
04:08.21QwellMikeJ[Laptop]: nice
04:08.32pauldyin any event MikeJ don't let the news fool you there are litteraly hundred of busses on the way there or on their way to various shelter locations in LA, Texas, and Arkansa
04:08.33DarthClue$3.19 is ridiculous considering we were at $2.40 last Friday
04:08.35Qwellwho was setting it so high, the stations?
04:08.52QwellDarthClue: I saw $3.31 on the way home from Vegas through the Mojave desert
04:09.04dudesDarthClue - we jumped the last two days from 2.69 to 3.17 today
04:09.05pygrammerconsidering the extent of the damage to the industry right now, $3.20 sounds about right
04:09.07Insanity5Generally, gas prices are supposed to be limited by a certain profit margin over what the gas stations *PAID* for their last shipment of gas.
04:09.11Insanity5Hence, the reaction delays.
04:09.18pygrammer$6 does not
04:09.22pygrammerbut, as they say, supply and deman
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04:09.28pauldyMy best guess looking at the situation is that by the weekend most everyone should be out of danger unless the idiots keep trying to hijack busses, and shooting at rescue workers
04:09.29drraygas is more expensive because of the futures market
04:09.29pygrammerif people are willing to pay $6, so be it
04:09.51QwellHawaii had a damn good idea
04:10.02dudesif gas goes to upto 6.00 I'm riding bike
04:10.03shmaltzwell it went up again today to $3.38 a gallon
04:10.12Insanity5Evacuating Hawaii would be a little more difficult :)
04:10.19QwellInsanity5: yeah, heh
04:10.19pygrammernow, i don't want to be construed as irrationally racist, but why is it all the people they show yelling, screaming, and looting are all black?
04:10.24drrayand it'll be back to 2.65 in a month
04:10.30shmaltzdudes, I already bought one, since I'm expacting the price of bike to rise as well
04:10.42drrayhorde bikes!
04:10.47Insanity5pygrammer - Because 69% of NO is black. Because everyone in the dome is black.   Because they, statistically speaking, were least likely to be able to afford to evecuate/have cars.
04:10.48pauldypygrammer, the unfortunate trueth is that the majority of urban poor in LA are black
04:10.51Qwellpygrammer: because alot of the coverage is from New Orleans.  New Orleans has a large percentage
04:10.57dudesshmaltz - I'd figure they'd go down cause they'd have a higher demand in the future
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04:11.08pygrammertrue, true, and true
04:11.11drrayLA to MI is some of the poorest sections of america
04:11.16drrayer, MS
04:11.24pygrammerit just doesn't help the negative stereotypes Americans still have to this day
04:11.26shmaltzdudes, anyhow bottled water still costs more than gas (at $1.25 for 24 oz)
04:11.28pygrammerthat's all I'm saying
04:11.30pauldythe real cause is ignorant poor people who are scared and unable to cope with the scale of this
04:11.41drrayit's a disaster, they happen
04:11.42dudesshmaltz - I don't buy bottled water
04:11.43pauldythe fact is the majority of the poor in the area are black
04:11.44Insanity5shmaltz - That's why I bottle my own.
04:11.48twistedpygrammer, it's just news.  discard the racist views and learn to take it in objectively
04:11.56Insanity5I buy it, but by the time hte bottle thrown away, I've paid 5 cents for it.
04:11.58dudesI figure the water from the faceut is good enought
04:12.02shmaltzdudes, but if you ride a bike you must drink (like gas in the car)
04:12.06Insanity5Lake Michigan water is damn good.
04:12.07Qwelldudes: uhh, heh
04:12.15Insanity5Some of the best, IMHO.
04:12.18pygrammertwisted: i'm just making observations, not injecting racist views
04:12.18Qwelldudes: not there you wouldn't
04:12.22dudesshmaltz  - that's what the coffee mug /w squirt and vodka is for
04:12.23pygrammeri say what many peoople are thinking
04:12.24Qwellat least, I'd sure as hell hope not
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04:12.28shmaltzat least where I live, you die after 10 min of riding if you don't drink
04:12.32twistedpygrammer, not saying you were - i'm just saying discard it
04:12.38pygrammertwisted: there is no such thing as objective
04:12.39twistedpygrammer, you bringing it up makes it thought of too
04:12.43drrayno you are saying what a lot people who don't think say
04:12.59pauldyshmaltz, where do you live the sahara
04:13.13Insanity5<scannerbo>  [00:11] whoever's closest can get over there the bus is supposed to go to the evacuess but the bus is stolen
04:13.14shmaltzpauldy, almost, south New Jersey
04:13.21dudesshmaltz - I used to ride all around town getting drunk when I was younger ... riding with my  mug in one hand and a twinky in the other
04:13.26pauldyI've made a 30 mile trip without water
04:13.38shmaltzon the week of 8/15 it was over 100 degree almost every day
04:13.50twistedi can't believe the astrodome is now shutting them out
04:13.53shmaltzpauldy, where do you live?
04:14.09twistedthey sent away 3 busses full of people who just arrived
04:14.09DarthCluei drive a school bus, i'm still planning on getting a bike to ride to / from the bus lot because i can't afford the gas.
04:14.14pauldyI'm about 80 lbs overweight so I consider myself representative of the lowest fitness levels
04:14.22pauldyshmaltz, dallas texas
04:14.34QwellDarthClue: go take your school bus to NO, and get some people out :p
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04:14.49DarthClueQwell: if i thought i could get away with it, i would
04:14.57pauldytwisted, have you not heard of the rapes and murders that have been commited at the super dome
04:15.09twistedpauldy, yes, but that's not why they stopped
04:15.17dudesWTF is wrong with people
04:15.20twistedand the superdome is uninhabitable for other reasons
04:15.46pauldyunderstood but the people as a group are creating a huge problem themselves
04:15.59pauldyno to mention the ignorance of their mayor in this situation
04:16.00twistedthere are a few bad apples spoiling the whole bunch
04:16.16pygrammerthe situation is pretty awful -- the CNN correspondent couldn't even go out onto the streets due to police warnings about roving gunmen
04:16.25drraythe mayor of new orleans is mr feelgood, totally unprepared for disaster
04:16.36dudesMartial Law ... Military Big Guns ... keep the bad apples at bay
04:16.47twisteddudes, that's the theory, anyway
04:16.48pauldyI agree 100% dudes
04:16.50pygrammerevacuees from the ICU were being poured on as they were evacuated
04:17.19twistedi love how people are so quick to point fingers
04:17.19pygrammerthings suck there
04:17.27dudesOne f'n low life loser got killed today ...
04:17.31dudesIt happens
04:18.09drrayeven without a hurricane
04:18.14fugitivowhere the hell are the iptables rules on fedora??
04:18.21pauldytwisted, its a mixture of misplaced frustration and plain ol politics
04:18.33twistedpauldy, i'm talking about people who aren't directly involved.
04:18.40pauldyI esp loved the piece from Kenedy pointing the finger at Bush for the disaster
04:18.55pygrammerpauldy: Kennedy is a dumbass
04:19.10pauldyarmchair quarterbacking is a national pasttime or are you unaware of this
04:19.11pygrammerall the Kennedys are/were
04:19.34twistedpauldy, i like to believe otherwise, although i know better
04:19.57pauldy;-) we all long for utopia
04:20.03pauldythen reality smacks us in the face
04:20.37twistedi just bitched someone out today for saying that all of the people left in new orleans were stupid fucks for not leaving
04:20.52twistedsince most of them COULDN'T leave
04:21.01pygrammerutopia is purely mental and can be achieved individually -- our own utopia
04:21.34pygrammertwisted: yeah, some people are idiotic
04:21.50pauldyfor me it simply props up my own personal views of socialist programs basicly creating pockets of learned helplessness and destroys inginuitive thinking
04:21.52twistedidiotic? how about just plain mindlessly stupid
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04:22.29pauldythere were options for these people find a road and start walking down it
04:22.38pauldythey expected someone else to take care of them
04:22.40twistedyeah, let's walk away from a hurricane.
04:22.43twistedthat'll work
04:22.52pygrammerpauldy: 100% agreed -- in theory
04:23.09pauldythis obviously excluses those unable due to disabilities and those who stayed behind carring for them
04:23.16pauldytwisted, not durring but afterwards
04:23.21twistedactually pauldy
04:23.24twistedpeople TRIED to do that
04:23.26pygrammerbut all the social and economical setbacks they face are hard enough, and being that they have Big Brother to lean on, they have no conceived incentive to flee
04:23.28twistedthey were stopped by the military
04:23.38pauldyno shit, I had not heard that
04:23.56twistedCDC wants them to stay contained
04:24.08twistedbecause of the shit they've been exposed to
04:24.10pauldyoh no lovely what they think they will spread collehra
04:24.10pygrammeri just hope they fucking get them out of that stagnant water
04:24.16pygrammertyphoid and shit
04:24.26twistedpygrammer, yeah, me too
04:24.32pauldythere is no evidence of typhoid
04:24.32twistedpauldy, among other things
04:24.40twistednot yeet
04:24.51twistedbut there are bodies and raw sewage and other things floating around in that water
04:24.54pygrammersince people are *quite obviously* too stupid to care for their own health and well-being
04:24.55pauldyyea leave them there for a bit and you will surely have reason to confine them
04:25.27twistedI just think they need to give them a checkup, and if they're clean, let them free
04:25.42pygrammerwell, my mom earlier was jumping to conclusions and blaming the mayor -- it really is representational of the general American population: blame, blame, blame
04:25.44twistedif you didn't notice, even the people that were bussed to the astrodome aren't allowed to leave
04:26.11pauldyI have to agree the mayor does shoulder a lot of blame
04:26.30twistedif you're going to point fingers, point them in the right places
04:26.42pauldymy wife and I had just sene a program describing the removal of wetlands and generally insecurity of levies that could lead to a situation just like this
04:26.43twistedthe US gov't cut off funding to the US Army corps of engineers
04:26.46pygrammeryeah, i mean i wasn't judging her, but just saying that people are quick to point fingers -- at this point, I don't know enough to point fingers, and I don't think anybody does
04:27.11twistedthey were trying to devise a method and implement procedures and attempt to at least make this avoidable
04:27.16twistedthen they lost 80% of the funding
04:27.20twistedto the war in IRAQ
04:27.32pygrammerwhat a joke that war is
04:27.34DarthCluei'm pretty that several people said "Get Out" and yet, no help was provided to those that couldn't.  someone up the chain dropped the ball.
04:27.40pygrammerwe can't even handle our own nation's problems adequately
04:27.49twistedpygrammer, agreed.
04:27.58pygrammerwhy are we trying to handle others?
04:28.01pygrammerit makes no sense
04:28.12pygrammerit's like, they've given up on us, so why not try to help others?
04:28.14twistedbecause we have an oil tycoon in office who is padding others pockets to have it his way
04:28.27pygrammerlet's screw up 30 more nations while we're at it, too
04:28.31pauldythats a harsh accusation
04:28.48pygrammerpauldy: the war in iraq is harsh
04:29.06twistedwhy do you think we're at war with iraq?
04:29.15twistedto battle terrorism?
04:29.17twistedthink again
04:29.24pauldyits a lot tammer than any other war we have been involved in
04:29.34pygrammerthere is no fucking evidence of international terrorism in Iraqa
04:29.47twistedwe're there for the oil.
04:30.01pygrammertwisted: well, i don't know why we're there, but it sure as hell isn't to battle terrorism
04:30.03twistedwhich is why i'm against being there at all.
04:30.07BorgonUSa thinks they are the world cops
04:30.14pauldyI beg to differ are there not suicide bombers hitting buildings, police, and our troops
04:30.20pauldyare those not acts of terror
04:30.29twistedpauldy, because we went there for no reason and started a fight.
04:30.30pygrammerpauldy: "international terrorism in Iraq"
04:30.41pygrammerwe are there
04:30.42pygrammeron our own accord
04:30.45BorgonWhy go into IRAQ? The real suffering is in AFRICA
04:30.48pygrammerand we should expect that
04:31.04pygrammerif China invaded the American mainland, would you not protect and defend yourself and your country?
04:31.04Borgona genocide happening right under our noses and media/gov dont report or talk about it enough
04:31.07twistedpauldy, if i decide to invade your land and force our lifestyle on you, aren't you going to retaliate?
04:31.11pygrammerwould you not do everything in your power to defend yourself?
04:31.30pygrammerBorgon: it doesn't get them enough publicity or money
04:31.36pauldytwisted, do you really believe that?
04:31.46pauldylets see when did we ever attack the french?
04:31.52twistedpauldy, yes I do.
04:31.56pygrammerpauldy: ?
04:32.00twistedwtf do the french have to do with iraq?
04:32.22pauldythe war for us independance
04:32.30Borgonold history
04:32.32Borgondoesnt matter today
04:32.43twisteddude, if you're going to attempt to debate your point, stay relevant.
04:33.08pauldyI am it is a parallel observation
04:33.12Borgonoil, gov contracts is whats fueling usa in iraq
04:33.13jacki thought france was with the usa even thne
04:33.14pauldywe have liberated iraq
04:33.22twistedpauldy, by who's view?
04:33.22pygrammerpauldy: ......
04:33.29Borgonpauldy: have you lived in iraq?
04:33.42Borgonpauldy: in my opinion the people seemed happier when they were with saddamm
04:33.47PrimerPardon my ignorace, but can I not Goto(acontext), then in acontext, Goto(theoneIwasjustin) ?
04:33.49twistedBorgon, yes they did.
04:33.56pygrammerpauldy: By whose standard have we liberated Iraq?
04:34.04twistedPrimer, you need extension|context
04:34.11Borgon985 approx dead a few days ago in iraq because of a stampede.. You called that liberation and civilized?
04:34.12pauldythey now have a centralized democratic govenrment ellected by the people
04:34.18Borgon985 in 1 day.. in 1 day
04:34.18pygrammerpauldy: what?
04:34.23Primertwisted: yes, I have that, I was paraphrasing...
04:34.28pygrammerthey have extended their constitutional deadlines twice
04:34.33pygrammeror is it three times?
04:34.36twistedpauldy, again, that is a US lifestyle that we have put in place in iraq by force
04:34.36pygrammerdue to nonagreement
04:34.42pygrammerNO ONE agrees with each other
04:34.43BorgonLOL @ pauldy.. youve been watching too much foxnews and other control media sources
04:34.45pygrammerit's total bullshit
04:34.55Primertwisted: ok, I see the problem
04:35.04twistedPrimer,  :)
04:35.08Primeryou were right
04:35.20PrimerI hadn't provided the correct extension
04:35.21pauldyBorgon, now I don't watch any particular news source
04:35.28Borgonpauldy: i can tell =)
04:35.31twistedPrimer, :)  glad to be of service
04:35.45pygrammerpauldy: besides, how many Iraqi civilians did it take to get this far (so that they are still debating what the Constitution should hold -- three times)?
04:35.54pygrammer25,000 (and that's conservative)?
04:36.13pauldypygrammer, o you not think it is important enough and historic enough to get it right?
04:36.26pygrammerget what right?
04:36.31twistedpauldy, perhaps they would be fine doing it themselves
04:36.32pygrammerwhat have they done right?
04:36.41Insanity5Has anyone got rxfax/txfax to compile?
04:36.44pauldythis is not McDonalds, Burger King or any other fast food frnashise capable of delivering what you want when you want it
04:36.44pygrammerit will take them years to get on their feet
04:36.46twistedpauldy, perhaps they were happier under saddam
04:36.52pauldyit is something they have to work through
04:36.54twistedpauldy, who are we to say what should happen with them
04:36.57pygrammermeanwhile, WE will be in Iraq helping them; WE will be paying for this fucking imperialism
04:37.23pygrammerWE will be paying for this $100B+ war
04:37.27BorgonIts funny
04:37.48BorgonConservactives are supporting the war on iraq... in my openion it shouldnt be called a war because we arent fighting iraqis
04:37.54pygrammerwhat about social security? what about skyrocketing taxes? what about medicare?
04:37.55pauldytwisted, what kind of question is that?
04:38.06BorgonReminds me of when everyone was making a big deal with the clinton scandal while the economy was good etc....
04:38.08twistedpauldy, a very good one.
04:38.17pygrammerwhat about helping people in Africa
04:38.26BorgonNow bush has screwed us with cafta.. war.. bad economy
04:38.39pygrammerwell, Borgon, I don't completely agree
04:38.52pauldytwisted, it is a cop out quesiton
04:38.54pygrammerbut I do agree that all his "War on Terror" shit is bullshit
04:38.55twistedBorgon, LOL
04:38.58Borgonpygrammer: i understand where you are coming from..
04:38.59twistedpauldy, no it's not.
04:39.05*** join/#asterisk maxx_ (
04:39.10pauldytwisted, it is what relivence does it have
04:39.14pygrammerBorgon: but it's not entirely his fault that the economy is doing "badly"
04:39.22pygrammeractually, it isn't doing all that badly
04:39.23twistedpauldy, do I have the right to tell you what to do?
04:39.23maxx_i just submitted a paypal dispute with sixtel to get my money back
04:39.24pauldydo you really believe we are their to suit our own needs of superiority
04:39.28maxx_i think the guy who runs it is dead. seriously.
04:39.30pygrammerexcept for iflflation and this real estate bubble
04:39.33Borgonpygrammer: yeah but in my openion its a major factor
04:39.48dudespygrammer - let's see ... We were in a recession even before clinton got out of office and he didn't do a f'n thing to try and fix it
04:39.51pygrammerand NAFTA is actually quite a good idea
04:39.54twistedpauldy, no, again, i believe we are there to get what we want out of it.
04:40.04pygrammerdudes: look at history!
04:40.04twisteds/we want/bush wants
04:40.06Borgonpygrammer: tell that to the local farmers here
04:40.13pauldyright oil so we can pay 3 dollars for gas
04:40.15pygrammerdudes: presidents can't do very much to fix economies
04:40.22dudespygrammer - I know
04:40.28Borgonpauldy: 3 dollars for gas is because not enough refinaries
04:40.28pygrammerdudes: it's a natural cycle
04:40.37twistedBorgon, yup.
04:40.37BorgonIF the usa would invest in refinaries then we wouldnt have this problem
04:40.43pygrammerdudes: artificial means of boosting it always fail
04:40.45Borgonbut ist a big monopoly with bush and the saudies
04:40.51dudesI was just saying that everyone is blaming Bush when even while clinton was in office we were going into a recession from the dot com boom
04:40.51pygrammerbecause it's usually about printing more money, which means soaring inflation
04:40.55twistedBorgon, OR - if we gain control of iraq's refinaries :)
04:40.59pygrammeror getting into more of a deficit
04:41.11Borgontwisted: right right =)
04:41.13pygrammeractually dudes, i'm not blaming Bush for shit about the economy
04:41.17pygrammeri don't know where you got that
04:41.27dudesI didn't say you were
04:41.30pygrammerdudes: besides, in the early-mid 90s, the economy was pretty impressive
04:41.31dudesdude you need to chill out
04:41.33pauldytwisted, you really need ot take some time and look at the situation and realize that iraq is more than war for oil
04:41.38BorgonI dont blame bush totally for the economy but i do blame him for being an idiot and the Iraq invasion
04:41.48Borgonbecause thats what it was.. we invaded iraq
04:41.48twistedpauldy, i have taken plenty of time to look at it, kthx
04:42.02kramokay question folks...
04:42.07kramif you were searching for a loved one...
04:42.07pygrammerBorgon: are you an American or Canadian or Mexican?
04:42.10pauldythen why do you continue to see it in such a simplistic view
04:42.15Borgonpauldy: excuse me?
04:42.17kramwould it be easier to type in their *name* or their *phone number*?
04:42.20dudespygrammer Borgon: but it's not entirely his fault that the economy is doing "badly" --- I was just agreeing
04:42.27pauldythere is no studdering Borgon
04:42.29twistedkram, their phone number, probably
04:42.33twistedkram, assuming it's listed
04:42.41pygrammerpauldy: perhaps because Bush sees *everything* as black and white
04:42.45Borgonpauldy: why would i be a american/canadian or mexican?
04:42.53twistedkram, otherwise their name and most recent known location
04:42.55kramokay that's what i'm thinking
04:42.58Borgonpauldy: arent there other nationalities?
04:42.59kramthis is on a phone remember
04:43.01pygrammer1. Abortion -- bad; rationale? radical Christianity
04:43.10twistedkram, :)
04:43.10pygrammerBorgon: that was me
04:43.15pauldyBorgon, uhm see this is why I question your viewpoint you can't even read irc
04:43.20Delta34can someone let me know what failed to write frame at the end of a voicemail mean?
04:43.25pauldyBorgon, I never said anything about your nationality you questioned mine
04:43.26Delta34I get the voicemail just fine
04:43.26pygrammerBorgon: because you were saying stuff about NAFTA, which is about north america, and you related it to your local famrmers
04:43.38Borgonpauldy: am sorry your name seems familiar to pyg
04:43.48Borgonpygrammer: anyways am from panama, and am in the south.. attending georgia southern
04:43.49pauldy;-) right
04:44.10pygrammeroh, does NAFTA apply to central american countries?
04:44.13pygrammeri didn't think it did
04:44.18dudesI think farmers need to quit bitching ...
04:44.20Borgonpygrammer: it does to some
04:44.27pauldyin any event I think the war in iraq is truely more for the sake of creating a democratic foothold in an area surrounded by fanatics
04:44.33*** join/#asterisk asr_ (
04:44.37pygrammerpauldy: talk about fanatics ...
04:44.40Borgonpygrammer: mexico/costa rica/guatemala and hondoruas or nicaragua.. 3 of them i cant remember
04:44.50pauldywe had good reason to go in there as there was a tyrant who had connections with many of the people we were fighting
04:44.53pygrammerBorgon: ah, ok -- thanks for that tidbit
04:45.09pygrammerpauldy: you do know that saddam and bin Laden abhor each other -- right?
04:45.12twistedokay, you know what, i'm out of this debate - it's going nowhere fast.
04:45.14Borgonpauldy: thats the problem.. Did they welcome us to help them or did we push in the door and said.. hello we are bringing democracy even if you dotn want it
04:45.16pauldyI think in the long run it will have been a terrific strategic move to help stabalize the region
04:45.29Borgonpauldy: some people are just left alone.. thats why we are in the west and they are in the east with a big ocean between us
04:45.31pauldyBorgon, do you live in Iraq
04:45.33pygrammerpauldy: you do know that saddam and bin Laden abhor each other -- right?
04:45.42twistedBorgon is beating me to most of the punches anyway :)
04:45.51Borgonpauldy: am talking about the islamist extremist
04:46.05pygrammertwisted: hmm, i didn't think he could answer me very well either :)
04:46.15pauldypygrammer, who said they did they had their differences but the one common enemy they had was the Us and if you missed it there were meetings between alquida leaders and sadam
04:46.16Borgontwisted: feel free to throw in a few sucker punches hehe
04:46.25twistedBorgon, ;)
04:46.33twistedpygrammer, *nods*
04:46.41pygrammerpauldy: ok, so they met
04:46.42jackyeah i missed that meeting
04:46.48pygrammerpauldy: once? twice?
04:46.58pygrammerpauldy: did saddam *EVER* display aggression against the US
04:47.05pauldyI don't know but do you discount the significance
04:47.17pauldymany of those who ran into the towers had never met
04:47.22Borgonpauldy: you voted for bush didnt you?
04:47.31pauldynot the first time
04:47.34pygrammerpauldy: correlations and assocations aren't valid unless there's some relation to us
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04:47.42pauldybut for his second term I sure did
04:48.00twistedVco, yeah, we tend to get sidetracked sometimes though :)
04:48.00pauldypygrammer, you don't understand that paradym is no longer valid
04:48.10Delta34does failed to write frame mean I am missing loading a module?
04:48.12pygrammerpauldy: why not?
04:48.19twistedDelta34, not necessarily
04:48.20pauldythe attacks taught many people a lot about the lengths these people are willing to go through to get their target
04:48.31pygrammerisolationism seems to have worked much better than nation-building
04:48.46twistedDelta34, actually, more than likely not.  it just means the frame couldn't be written, which depends on the channel type you're using to determine the reason
04:48.47Borgonpauldy: bottom line.. saddam wasnt a threat.. we are spending billions of dollars in a country that wasnt a priority
04:48.48pygrammeror at least a moderate version of the former
04:48.49pauldyyea just like it did for the american involvement in WWII
04:48.58Borgonpauldy: dont forget the lives that are being lost also
04:49.01pygrammerpauldy: omfg
04:49.08*** join/#asterisk r0m (
04:49.10Delta34its during a voicemail, when the user hangups
04:49.15Delta34i get the voicemial
04:49.24Delta34its written in my spool directory
04:49.25pauldyBorgon, bottom line the only people who didn't support the iraqi invasion all were found to be skimming off the various programs ment to help the people of iraq
04:49.30twistedDelta34, yeah, that's because the channel was disconnected, therefore the frame couldn't be written to a non-existant fd
04:49.32pauldyso is that the side your supporting?
04:49.50Delta34so its not a problem?
04:49.51pygrammerpauldy: firstly, we got attacked once. how many times did england and france get attacked? besides, the US knew about the impending pearl harbor attack, but they specifically chose not to do anything about it
04:49.56twistedDelta34, shouldn't be, no.
04:50.33pauldybut an issolationist simply looks at what happens afar as just that something that happened afar it does not concern those not directly involved
04:50.40kramokay, phone number it is
04:50.54krami'll want you guys to test it soon :)
04:51.05twistedkram, is this for what I think it's for?
04:51.07pygrammerpauldy: it really doesn't
04:51.13kramof course it is
04:51.15twistedkram, that rocks.
04:51.20pauldythats what bites the issolationist in the ass is when it does hit them they are usually not prepaired in the least
04:51.23pygrammerlet's stop talking politics
04:51.28kramalready got a provider with 8 T1's lined up
04:51.36twistedkram, sweet!
04:51.38pygrammer------------ NO MORE POLITICS ------------
04:51.47kramthe length of time that will last will depend upon how rapidly word spreads.
04:51.54kramwe will need a toll free number provider as well
04:52.12Qwellkram: what you building over there?
04:52.15twistedkram, just keep in mind that L3 has lost all major facilities in southern MS, LA, and AL
04:52.39twistedbrookshire, level3
04:52.39Borgonpauldy: do you agree with the iraqi invasion.. eventhough there is no common usa intrest in it? Lives are being lost, money is being wasted?
04:52.42pygrammerOfficials at the Astrodome in Houston, Texas, say the facility is full and cannot accept any more New Orleans hurricane refugees.
04:52.55twistedbrookshire, i got an email about it today from l3 support
04:52.55Insanity5Ok.. has anyone compiled rxfax/txfax before?
04:53.00maxx_hmm. is sixtel located in new orleans?
04:53.21Borgondo a whois or traceroute to see
04:54.03twistedkram, if I wanted word to spread fast, I'd issue a press release, and make a few phone calls to major news carriers and the red cross
04:54.05kramaccording to capouch, the wireless 802.11 guys are getting ready to try to deploy down there with * and sipuras on car batteries
04:54.18Legendkram: /me waves
04:54.27twistedkram, is capouch down there?
04:54.30Legendwhat are you guys planning
04:54.35Legendcapuch isn't down there
04:54.38Vcothe could always loot home depot for some solar kits
04:54.43pauldyBorgon, I don't believ eit is a waste I see the glass half full
04:54.44Vcoseriosuly tho
04:54.46brookshireshould we put this on
04:54.51Legendhe is helping organize things on
04:54.52twistedbrookshire, hell yes
04:54.55JerJerkram:  more than just that - we just went in on 10 generators, a dozen aps and 15-20 sipuras
04:55.00pygrammerso, no one here's had distortion/crackling/anything?
04:55.03twistedbrookshire, put it anywhere you can put it
04:55.05Legendthe FCC has asked part-15 to head to new orleans, and put in IP
04:55.18pygrammeri'm the only one?
04:55.20brookshirei don't know what to say
04:55.21fugitivopygrammer: still with that problem?
04:55.25pygrammerfugitivo: yes
04:55.34fugitivopygrammer: did you change... something?
04:55.34LegendJerJer: who are you working with?
04:55.37pygrammerthough it seems better, but it still is far away in quality from my land line
04:56.00Borgonpauldy: right, i see no benefit out of the invasion..Sure females can now dress like tramps if they wanted
04:56.00fugitivopygrammer: try a hardphone
04:56.00JerJerLegend: a ham radio EC of Texas
04:56.05pygrammerfugitivo: i don't have one yet
04:56.05LegendJerJer: ok
04:56.21pygrammerfugitivo: do you really think that will solve my problems?
04:56.28JerJerthey already have one-leg of  a 45 meg link coming out of eastern texas
04:56.29Borgonbut it really doesnt help the cause... no biological/wpn were found and bin laden hasnt been stopped.. iraq is like a free target zone for the islamist extremist because weare in their turf
04:56.32fugitivopygrammer: no, but it's an option
04:56.34twistedJerJer, there's at least one large datacenter still running in downtown NO
04:56.49QwellDirectNIC is going strong
04:56.53fugitivopygrammer: get an ata, it's like $60 with 2 fxs
04:56.55twistedQwell, that's the one :)
04:56.58LegendJerJer: we have a wireless backhaul that can hit nola as well
04:57.13Vcoi've been telling him to get an ata for like 3 days
04:57.15Qwelltwisted: down to one or two providers though
04:57.20pygrammerfugitivo: hm
04:57.25LegendJerJer: would you mind shooting at email to the emergency-relief list? or one to me, and ill forward it on, i hate to see duplication of effort
04:57.37twistedQwell, true, but last i heard, they're working on rebuilding their pipes
04:57.39pygrammerso everyone else here has crystal-clear, land-line-like quality with voip... ???
04:57.48file[laptop]hell no
04:57.48Qwelltwisted: indeed, was just reading up on the blog
04:57.49LegendJerJer: i was in indonesia after the tsunami doing this same thing, so i know firsthand how things works in these situations
04:58.01pygrammerfile[laptop]: explain? what is yours like?
04:58.02Insanity5pygrammer - Damn near it.
04:58.09pauldyBorgon, if you want to continue discussion please join me in #politics
04:58.12file[laptop]it depends
04:58.14twistedkram, did i ever tell you that we had some dundi calls terminated through our office after the tsunami
04:58.15pygrammerInsanity5: Ok, and what phone do you use?
04:58.19JerJerLegend:  i'll have the right person send the email
04:58.25LegendJerJer: great
04:58.26twistedkram, come to find out, it was someone that was there calling family here to tell them they were ok
04:58.27pauldythe channel is getting some topical traffic and politics isn't part of it
04:58.28file[laptop]but you can never get the same quality because your calls usually travel over the public internet
04:58.31JerJerwe just offered some cash and LD
04:59.06pygrammerfile[laptop]: yeah -- but i'm trying to pinpoint *my* problem -- static, noise, generally bad quality
04:59.17pygrammerand this is on a pretty nice line - 5 mbps/2mbps
04:59.26Insanity5pygrammer - What provider?
04:59.35file[laptop]what protocol is it going over? what provider? did a trace route? look at pings?
04:59.37Qwellpygrammer: unfortunately, you can't control the 10-15 routers in between
04:59.42Insanity5pygrammer - First thing -- ping -t (wnidows)  ping (linux) the host and look for latency, consistent and below 130ms.
04:59.46Qwellneither can your ISP
04:59.49pygrammerso, maybe it's my * server -- a RAM problem or something, or maybe it's the fact that i'm using a softphone, maybe it's my headset, i have NO FUCKING IDEA and it's frustrating!!!!
04:59.57pygrammerInsanity5: for internet? Cox
04:59.59pygrammerQwell: true
05:00.06Insanity5pygrammer - For termination
05:00.12pygrammerInsanity5: for termination, voipjet/voxee
05:00.17pygrammer21 ms ping average
05:00.25pygrammerto each/both
05:00.35Insanity5pygrammer - And it doesn't jump by more than +/- 10 ms?
05:00.44Insanity5pygrammer - Now check the codec.  You have bw, so use g711u
05:00.49pygrammerInsanity5: Am
05:00.50Insanity5disallow=all, allow=whatever
05:00.51fugitivopygrammer: get a real phone first, then try all the other options
05:01.03pygrammerInsanity5: i am using ulaw
05:01.03Borgonpauldy: thanks for the invitation but i dont think it would help..
05:01.10Insanity5Now conenct to your * server and dial an extension... without going outbound
05:01.13Insanity5is the quality ok there?
05:01.14pygrammerpygrammer: i believe in all directions
05:01.21pygrammerInsanity5: no, not really
05:01.35Insanity5pygrammer - Ok, well thep rovider is out of the question.  the echo test should sound ok.
05:01.46Insanity5pygrammer - Try another softphone too :)
05:01.51pygrammerInsanity5: well, strangely, the on-hold music sounds good
05:02.00pygrammerbut the voice of like comedienne mail sounds bad
05:02.03Insanity5pygrammer - What about the echo test?
05:02.12pygrammerInsanity5: how i do i configure that in extensions.conf? what's the command?
05:02.26Insanity5pygrammer - well the lady that talks should be about cell phone quality... after all its recorded in gsm, not 711u
05:02.35pygrammerInsanity5: yeah
05:02.42pygrammertrue -- so Echo() is it?
05:02.43Insanity5pygrammer - The default extensions.con has it in it.  Just dial extension 600
05:02.54pygrammeri don't use [default]
05:02.59pygrammerit's Echo() though, right?
05:03.01Insanity5Well, time to reinstall the default file.
05:03.14Insanity5Because if you made it by hand, who knows what you screwedu p.
05:03.20Insanity5Back your file up, and copy the .sample over it.
05:03.33Insanity5dial extension 1000 from your sip phone
05:03.37Insanity5You should have the menu demo
05:03.48Insanity5Listen, does it sound ok?  Ok dial extension 600, test the echo
05:04.01Insanity5You can also dial straight to 600.
05:04.07pygrammerInsanity5: yep, hold on
05:04.08pygrammerlet me try
05:04.55pygrammerInsanity5: see, the thing is, even with playback(demo-echotest), allison doesn't sound even gsm quality; the quality itself isn't terrible, but what's bad is that there's some crackling/general distortion when she starts a sentence or a word
05:05.02*** join/#asterisk YoYo (
05:05.21Insanity5lol.. scanner said bus broke down on i-10.  Great :)
05:05.39Insanity5pygrammer - I had that too with xlite, but it wasn't --bad--.
05:05.48pygrammerInsanity5: i'm using iaxcomm
05:05.56Insanity5pygrammer - Why don't you try another sip server.
05:05.56pygrammerand the echotest sounds fine -- maybe it's just how she recorded it or w/e
05:06.04Insanity5It might bte the transcoding
05:06.07Insanity5try connecting with gsm
05:06.15Insanity5she does sound like crap
05:06.21Insanity5If you want to know how it sounds, dial 866-249-2403
05:06.43pygrammerInsanity5: yeah, echotest sounds practically perfect
05:06.55Insanity5pygrammer - Might just be gsm
05:07.05Insanity5pygrammer - Good news is, you don't need to listen to the girl
05:07.08Insanity5dial that #
05:07.11pygrammerInsanity5: ok -- what do you mean by another sip server?
05:07.13pygrammerInsanity5: ok
05:07.14Insanity5and see if that's what you expect, or not.
05:07.23Insanity5pygrammer - Someone elses asterisk box that is known working
05:07.27pygrammerInsanity5: dial that on a land line?
05:07.31pygrammerto see how it sounds right?
05:07.42pygrammeri'll try it on both
05:07.58Insanity5pygrammer - yes
05:08.03Insanity5pygrammer - land line
05:08.13pygrammerInsanity5: Bush
05:08.18Insanity5pygrammer - That's about the quality you can expect with nufone.
05:08.25Insanity5and crappy gsm recordings
05:08.57pygrammerCongestion Congestion Congestion!
05:09.00Insanity5Should be about what you get over sip phone
05:09.08Insanity5Does it sound ok or like crap?
05:09.08pygrammersure you gave me the right number?
05:09.12Insanity5call again
05:09.13pygrammerno, it's busy
05:09.19Insanity5I'm havingp roblems with nufone termination
05:09.24Insanity5Awaiting their reply (still)
05:09.36Insanity5You might have to call a few times.
05:09.38pygrammerInsanity5: Still busy
05:09.40Insanity5try again
05:09.41pygrammercalled 4 times
05:09.42Insanity5It'll go through :)
05:10.15pygrammerah, there
05:10.42pygrammerno crackling or anything - just cell-phone quality
05:10.57Insanity5Well try adding zaptel dummy driver
05:10.59Insanity5see if that helps
05:11.07pygrammerwhat are your * specs?
05:11.17pygrammeri have it
05:11.26Insanity5pygrammer - Installed, compiled in, and in use?
05:11.28Insanity5* specs?
05:11.30BorgonWhen i use iax softphones.. I make a call etf fine, but when asked to phone numbers.. the first or 2nd digits get repeated.. any ideas?
05:11.34Insanity5pos p-3 800mhz
05:11.47fugitivopygrammer: try calling 914 301 8268
05:11.50Insanity5768, with a craplaod of stuff running
05:12.02pygrammerInsanity5: yeah, i'm beginning to think it's RAM
05:12.03Insanity5fugitivo - the 866# worked fine for him :P
05:12.15Insanity5fugitivo - It's his server.
05:12.16pygrammerInsanity5: i am running a 400 mhz PII w/ 128 megs of RAM
05:12.19Insanity5your ok
05:12.28fugitivoyour machine is ok
05:12.31pygrammer115 megs are consistently in use
05:12.32kramokay guys
05:12.38pygrammerfugitivo: i'll try
05:12.49pygrammerInsanity5: let me call your number once more with voip
05:12.50Insanity5pygrammer - Well, it will usei t all.
05:12.53pygrammerto  hear how it sounds
05:12.55Insanity5pygrammer - Call all you want
05:12.58gekam i an asshole for disputing my paypal transaction to sixtel?
05:12.59Insanity5I don't care :P
05:13.06Insanity5gek - Why, they down?
05:13.11gekhe never set up my did's or international calling or anythin i wanted
05:13.15kramcall 2564286142 and see if you can figure it out
05:13.19gekand ignores all my support tickets
05:13.25gekso my money is just sitting there
05:13.27pygrammerInsanity5: hey!
05:13.28Borgongek: if they are suffering from weather problems then i thinky ou ar
05:13.29Insanity5gek - Sounds like many othe providers.
05:13.31kramthat's just a test version, not the final number
05:13.34twistedkram, calling
05:13.37pygrammerInsanity5: it sounds noticeably WORSE calling via voip...
05:13.37gekBorgon: they're in colorado
05:13.47Borgongek: in that case charge back =)
05:13.47pygrammerInsanity5: i'd really like to get to the bottom of this... god damn i
05:13.58fugitivopygrammer: what codec?
05:13.59Insanity5pygrammer - try xlite
05:14.09pygrammerInsanity5: i'm using iaxcomm via iax; xlite was even worse, but ok
05:14.13pygrammerfugitivo: i already told you -- ulaw
05:14.19pygrammerulaw in ALL directions, AFAIK
05:14.23fugitivopygrammer: so no transcoding?
05:14.26pygrammermaybe i'm using gsm over the net -- i can check
05:14.28BorgonWhy is it when i make calls and.. push in the numbers when asked by the operator.. the 1st digits are repeated messing up my transaction?
05:14.28pygrammerfugitivo: nope
05:14.38Insanity5pygrammer - if gsm over the net, then you are transcoding
05:14.42fugitivopygrammer: weird, try my number
05:14.54twistedkram, option 1 didn't seem to work the second go around
05:14.58pygrammerInsanity5: nope: disallow=all
05:14.58pygrammerallow=ulaw ; best quality!!!
05:15.06pygrammerthat's in [general] in iax.cofn
05:15.08twistedkram, second cycle through the menu that is
05:15.15pygrammernot transcoding
05:15.16Qwellkram: its asking for a phone number, but tells you about 7=q, 9=z
05:15.17pygrammerulaw all around
05:15.21fugitivopygrammer: don't use it in general, use it for the registration
05:15.35fugitivopygrammer: or check if it's really using ulaw
05:15.49twistedkram, yeah, option 1 tries to do what option 2 says
05:15.55pygrammerfugitivo: ok -- the registration being under [voxee] or w/e?
05:16.04pygrammerfugitivo: by default, it is under [general]
05:16.07pygrammeri just modified it there ...
05:16.07kramno, it doesn't
05:16.13krambut let me get her to touch up that prompt to explain more clearly
05:16.15Insanity5pygrammer - Just make sure you have the ztdummy installed (it's a PITA).  Do a lsmod and make sure zaptel/ztdummy are listed.
05:16.23fugitivopygrammer: i don't know your iax.conf, check if when the call is generated, it's really using only ulaw
05:16.23Borgonpygrammer: when using a Iax softphone.. The call is made fine, but when asked to punch in numbers.. the digits sometimes get repeated.. why?
05:16.25twistedkram, i just called, hit option 1, and entered my phone number, and it said 'there are no messages'
05:16.42pygrammerInsanity5: yeah it was a PITA -- i had to get it working for on-hold music
05:16.50pygrammerif on-hold music works -- which it does -- it's definitely installed and modprobed
05:17.04kramwhere di you hear 7/q 9/z?
05:17.06Insanity5pygrammer - Onhold (and prompts) don't require it... but sound like shit wihtout it.
05:17.11Qwellkram: option 2
05:17.18kramoh duh
05:17.20pygrammerInsanity5: they didn't work without it
05:17.23pygrammerbut ok, hold on
05:17.35Insanity5pygrammer - Did for me, hehe.
05:17.42pygrammerInsanity5: alas, it isn't modprobed!
05:17.49pygrammeroh, that's right -- had to restart my system a couple days ago
05:18.14pygrammerlet's see if this is a bit better :)
05:18.28twistedkram, ahhhhh, i get it now
05:18.29pygrammerInsanity5: weirdly, i haven't found any info on the net relating to ztdummy needing to be installed to get good voice quality
05:18.29*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
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05:18.36pygrammerInsanity5: you'da thunk it'd be widely documented ...
05:18.42Insanity5pygrammer - but a recorded gsm... is justl ike MOH I'd think.
05:18.44twistedkram, it checks for any for you first, then asks you to enter THEIR phone number
05:18.57Insanity5pygrammer - MOH with voice :)
05:19.03twistedkram, or am I still missing it?
05:19.11Borgonhellalo, My digits keep getting typed 2 times.. when i try to punch in numbers with a IAX softphone .. why is that?
05:19.24pygrammerInsanity5: hmm, because i believe ztdummy is only needed for *incoming* calls to support MOH and voice prompts
05:19.29pygrammerit isn't required to make calls, that i know of
05:19.35pygrammerlike listening to data on the other end
05:19.41Insanity5pygrammer - Never used MOH for outgoing calls?
05:19.47*** join/#asterisk bluesky (n=maxgluck@
05:19.53kramokay cleanups coming along
05:20.11pygrammerfor instance, i called newegg tech support today on voip and they had MOH -- needless to say, it sounded TERRIBLE on voip and AWESOME on my land line, so it's definitely something
05:20.14kramfirst ditching the "7/q 9/z" part
05:20.22pygrammerjust crackly and distorted and awful
05:20.44kramthe second will ditch the "there are no messages recorded for you" since that's totally pointless
05:21.02kramand if there *is* a message for you it will say "Before I record your message, I want to play some messages that may have been left for you."
05:21.10Insanity5pyg - Well you can expect the quality on the 866 #.  Dial extension 1002 for some tunes to sample.
05:21.10pygrammerInsanity5: it still doesn't sound very good
05:21.14twistedyeah, that'd make more sense :)
05:21.19pygrammerInsanity5: when i call your toll-free number via voip with iaxcomm
05:21.44Insanity5Your server probably sux
05:21.45twistedkram, might also want to tell them to enter their area code too
05:21.49Insanity5try xlite with
05:21.51pygrammerInsanity5: i thought you said it was ok
05:21.51*** join/#asterisk CMike (
05:21.54Insanity5call an 800#
05:21.56twistedsince there are several NPA's affected
05:21.58Insanity5pygrammer - COnfiguration wise :)
05:22.15Insanity5pygrammer - Or use iaxcomm with a demo account on
05:22.19Insanity5see if it's your computer
05:22.19pygrammerInsanity5: well, there are so many variables -- i'm behind a NAT, but sip gets through ok, and besides i'm using IAX to terminate and call out
05:22.55pygrammerInsanity5: i *am* using iaxcomm with voxee or voipjet
05:22.57Insanity5pygrammer - Remove variables one by one :)
05:22.57Borgonpygrammer: did you modify externip/nat settings for sip to work?
05:23.05Insanity5pygrammer - But you're going through your asterisk box
05:23.11Insanity5go staight from iaxcomm > voipjet
05:23.16pygrammerlet me switch to voipjet -- i was using voxee, but i can switch to voipjet -- no difference that i recall
05:23.16*** join/#asterisk asr_ (
05:23.21pygrammerInsanity5: my * box is natted
05:23.27pygrammerBorgon: sip works -- you can call it incoming
05:23.44pygrammerit does give me 401 unauthorized, but i think that's stanaphone, as it still works
05:24.20Insanity5pygrammer - but connect your softphone straight to their servers, not to your asterisk box, to remove one element.
05:24.25Insanity5I doubt it's the problem though.
05:24.29pygrammerInsanity5: ok, i'll try
05:24.33Insanity5It's probably a codec issue
05:24.40Insanity5Try setting up a DID and seeing how it sounds on a landline.
05:24.43pygrammerInsanity5: good idea = free DID.
05:24.51pygrammerInsanity5: I *use* stanaphone
05:24.55BorgonWhen i make a call with a iax softphone and talk with an operator.. they tell me to punch in my numbers.. but when i punch the numbers in they seem to get repated like 9934355 or whatever
05:24.55pygrammerthat's my main number
05:25.08Insanity5answer it and send it to extension s,1,default or whatever the demo is.
05:25.09BorgonWhy is that?
05:25.30Insanity5Borgon - Not enough information to help you.
05:25.56Insanity5Someoen needs to build fax support in asterisk.
05:26.06pygrammerInsanity5: ok, will do both of those things
05:26.17BorgonInsanity5: i am using iax2 with iaxcomm and diaxfone.. they keep messing up the numbers everytime i punch them in
05:26.20pygrammerInsanity5: will you still be on in like 10 mins? please tell me you will -- this has been an all-day, exasperating thing
05:26.22Insanity5pygrammer - You just have to remove variables one by one until you get it working.  And by all means, use the sample configs as a base.
05:26.28Insanity5pygrammer - I'll probably be asleep.
05:26.41Insanity5pygrammer - It sounds like no timing drivers to me though
05:26.49pygrammerInsanity5: ztdummy is up now
05:26.50Insanity5I had the same problem until I Added ztdummy
05:26.52pygrammeri modprobed it, and it's up
05:26.53DaPrivateerfwd still down?
05:26.56Insanity5And you restarted asterisk?
05:26.59pygrammerInsanity5: yep
05:27.07Insanity5And you did the udev changes if you're runnign 2.4.x?
05:27.15pygrammeri'm not running 2.4
05:27.17pygrammeri'm running 2.6
05:27.22Insanity5err, 2.6
05:27.29Insanity5you need to do it (I think)
05:27.35pygrammerwhat do I need to do?
05:28.16*** join/#asterisk asr_ (
05:28.24Insanity5READ /usr/src/zaptel/README.udev and follow the steps
05:28.36Insanity5assuming, you grabbed zaptel/ztdummy with cvs
05:28.38*** join/#asterisk djin_ib (
05:28.53Insanity5If oyu need me to e-mail the file to you, send me your e-mail adderss.
05:29.04*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
05:29.20pygrammerInsanity5: I didn't, and I don't have it
05:29.24pygrammerInsanity5: pm, 1 sec
05:29.34*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (
05:29.52*** part/#asterisk devonst17 (
05:29.57Insanity5reboot after you amke those changes.
05:29.57*** join/#asterisk devonst17 (
05:30.36*** part/#asterisk devonst17 (
05:30.38pygrammerInsanity5: this is weird -- i set stanaphone to use context=demo, but when i call, i get "press 1 to enter your personal greeting, press 2 to hang up." or something
05:30.41*** join/#asterisk devonst17 (
05:30.42pygrammer??? wtf is that?
05:30.48pygrammerdidn't sound like Allison, either
05:31.14gekis stanaphone good?
05:31.27Insanity5gek - voice quality is.  pricey.  Not bad.
05:31.28pygrammergek: it's ok
05:31.31fugitivoit's free for incoming
05:31.34pygrammerInsanity5: ow, in
05:31.34pygrammerlinux-2.6, udev+sysfs has become the mechanism of choice for populating
05:31.34pygrammeryour dynamic /dev with device nodes.
05:31.40pygrammeri don't think 2.6 needs to do it
05:31.54Insanity5pygrammer - I did it.  add it anyways and reboot
05:32.04BorgonAre there any win32 IAX softphones that allow  punching the numbers during a call?
05:32.35pygrammerInsanity5: i don't even have a file that contains udev on my hard drive
05:33.00CMikeanyone in here good on setting up a 210P on a E1 ?  I get some errors and bad sound .. :(
05:33.03*** join/#asterisk Gronker__ (
05:33.09Insanity5ls /etc/udev ?
05:33.15pygrammerInsanity5: no file
05:33.26*** part/#asterisk Gronker__ (
05:33.35Insanity5Don't know then buddy :)
05:33.42Insanity5Try the things I suggested and work your way back down.
05:33.53pygrammerInsanity5: stay on for like 10 minutes :-D
05:34.06Insanity5I'll probably fall asleep :P
05:34.33PrimerI've noticed that recordings that come from asterisk will skip a few miliseconds even on the local network
05:34.41pygrammerInsanity5: it's only 1:34 AM! :)
05:34.50pygrammerI go to bed in 4 AM
05:34.54bkw__Primer, any IAX2 involved?
05:34.55Primeris there something that can be done about this?
05:35.09*** join/#asterisk bluesky (n=maxgluck@
05:35.22Primerbkw_: well, when I call my iax did, I hear it, but I also hear it on my local network on my sipura 2k
05:35.24Insanity5pygrammer - Paste me zap show cadences
05:35.30Insanity5and zap show channels
05:35.36Insanity5And spare everyone in the channel the pain
05:35.43bkw__Primer, who knows
05:35.46pygrammerr1: 125,125,2000,4000
05:35.46pygrammerr2: 250,250,500,1000,250,250,500,4000
05:35.46pygrammerr3: 125,125,125,125,125,4000
05:35.46pygrammerr4: 1000,500,2500,5000
05:35.55*** part/#asterisk Insanity5 (
05:36.18*** join/#asterisk Insanity5 (
05:36.23pygrammerInsanity5: ??
05:36.24Insanity5Accidentalyl clsoed window :(
05:36.25Primerbkw_: is this unheard of? surely not
05:36.33Insanity5ok... that's good
05:36.33pygrammerthat's zap show channels
05:36.39*** join/#asterisk hellop (
05:37.03pygrammerohhh -- i think incoming calls aren't even getting to my asterisk box and that stanaphone changed their default message when you call the number, so it confused me
05:37.16pygrammergotta debug this now -- this problem only now appeared; i'm beginning to think stanaphone's servers are always messed up
05:37.59Insanity5It's nat
05:38.01pygrammernope, it's getting to my * server, but it says 401
05:38.05Insanity5only one in 5 stanaphones come in
05:38.14Insanity5for me anyways :)
05:38.15pygrammerInsanity5: why?
05:38.26pygrammerbecause of NAT?
05:38.37pygrammeri got rid of those 401s for a long time -- they just spontaneously decided to come back
05:39.12Insanity5I never foudn out why... or cared
05:39.14Insanity5I just went to iax
05:39.20pygrammerInsanity5: what provider?
05:39.34pygrammeriax is probably the best provider
05:39.44Insanity5nufone for origination, but that's anothe story.
05:39.45pygrammerInsanity5: oh, i use voipjet for outgoing termination, but they don't do incoming termination
05:40.15pygrammeryou know, voip is *soooooo* frustrating.
05:40.19pygrammernothing just works
05:40.22pygrammerat least for me :(
05:41.37glm2kpygrammer: if nothing seems to work, blame the software.
05:42.08pygrammerk, got demo to work
05:42.18pygrammerInsanity5: sounds virtually as good as yours
05:42.21pygrammerso i think it's an outgoing thing
05:42.23pygrammerwith *
05:42.34pygrammerglm2k: heh
05:42.39pygrammerlemme try directly connecting to voipjet or voxee
05:43.26Insanity5pygrammer - Sounds like somethign we did fixed yourp roblem :)
05:43.41Insanity5Has anyone compiled rxfax before?  I can't patch the makefile.patch.  It just hangs with no stdout
05:44.02pygrammerInsanity5: no, incoming always worked
05:44.07pygrammeroutgoing was what didn't work
05:44.15pygrammerand still doesn't work, EVEN CONNECTING DIRECTLY to voipjet!!!
05:44.20pygrammerit's gotta be my softphone or headset
05:44.39pygrammeri connected directly via iax to voipjet
05:44.44pygrammerso i bypassed one variable
05:44.48pygrammerand still sounds horrible
05:45.27Insanity5Well there you go :)
05:45.45pygrammerso -- the thing is, though, i don't think it's my headset, as audio sounds perfect in it
05:45.46Insanity5voipjet works fine for me hehe
05:45.56Insanity5who knows.
05:46.16pygrammerspecifically set it to ulaw in iaxcomm
05:46.17Insanity5lol... listening to scanner.  They're trying to take back over a stolen bus on i-10
05:46.44pygrammerare you in that area?
05:46.48pygrammerhow did you get a scanner feed from that area?
05:46.59pygrammerlink link link!
05:47.14pygrammerok, i can't get sidetracked :)
05:48.45pygrammerlemme try xlite
05:49.17*** join/#asterisk rnasby (
05:49.26rnasby/msg NickServ help register
05:50.23CMikehm strange... I get -- Extension '' in context 'pri-ericsson' from '' does not exist.  Rejecting call on channel 0/1, span 2
05:50.30CMikeanybody recognize that ?
05:50.40CMikeI have a _XXX. match ..
05:50.49CMikeor.. uhm.. no match apperently
05:51.53pygrammerxlite is such a PITA
05:53.14blitzrageevening y'all
05:53.27Qwellblitzrage: afternoon
05:53.44blitzrageits actually morning here (technically)
05:54.36Qwellfile[laptop]: don't be a wussy!
05:54.46file[laptop]Qwell: ok.
05:55.06file[laptop]but Asterlink doesn't run itself during normal business hours!
05:55.12file[laptop]well, technically it does... but that's beside the point
05:55.55rabelaisam I not allowed to push a new extension within a macro?
05:56.07pygrammerInsanity5: well, it sounds about the same to the provider or via asterisk
05:56.22pygrammerso maybe it's the softphone, maybe it's the net connection (though i doubt it's that), or maybe it's something totally unexpected
05:56.25Insanity5pygrammer - Well, your problem probably isn't *
05:56.36pygrammerit's not awful, but it's not really what i would choose to talk on for an hour-long conversation
05:56.37Insanity5Now go figure it out :)
05:56.48pygrammeror even a 5-minute one :)
05:56.53Insanity5If you get cell phoen or better quality, be happy.
05:57.17pygrammerInsanity5: well, it's not really quality so much as choppiness/skipping/distortion sort of thing
05:58.02Insanity5pygrammer - Sounds like a shitty net connection
05:58.33Insanity5I'm going to bed
05:58.37Insanity5but test it with antoher provider
05:58.38pygrammeri don't know -- i get great latency, very fast downloading (average about 550-650 KB/sec), etc.
05:58.41Insanity5maybe it sjus the provider
05:58.48Insanity5latency matters.  that's about it.
05:58.54pygrammeri've tested it with both voipjet/voxee
05:58.55Insanity5no jitter, below 140ms
05:59.03pygrammerwell, i certainly get jitter :(!
05:59.08pygrammerthis is sooooooooooooooo frustrating
05:59.11Insanity5do you get jiter in your ping?
05:59.11pygrammermakes me want to give up on *
05:59.19Insanity5Do ping -t 40
05:59.20pygrammermaybe people just aren't as picky as me, but it seems to me a pretty critical problem
05:59.30Insanity5and make sure your latency is consistent without a delta of more than 20ms
05:59.36file[laptop]pygrammer: softphones+headsets aren't the best
05:59.53file[laptop]with that, I sleep
06:00.03Insanity5go buy a spa-2002
06:00.05pygrammerfile[laptop]: right, but no one's given me a good indication of the difference between the two and a hardphone
06:00.16*** join/#asterisk cianhughes (
06:00.17Insanity5they aren't terrible, but most headsets suck to.
06:00.30Insanity5Anyways, you know what to do.
06:00.30*** join/#asterisk hellagony (i=hellagon@
06:00.30pygrammerInsanity5: i listen to music and podcasts with this thing -- sounds great
06:00.39pygrammeri'm no audophile, but i know terrible audio when i hear it
06:00.46Insanity5Shoudl sound ok--- your receiver may hjate you
06:00.51Insanity5sometimes theyre poorly coded too
06:01.00Insanity5but it shouldn't jitter
06:01.03Insanity5party you're calling
06:01.18Insanity5GOODNIGHT :)
06:01.23Insanity5go figurei t out
06:01.24pygrammerGOODNIGHT :'(
06:01.25Insanity5sounds like conenction
06:01.30pygrammeri can't figure it out til i wait 5 days
06:01.31pygrammerfor a hpone
06:01.33pygrammer*phone to arrive
06:01.41pygrammerand i don't know which one either got me on in 2
06:01.46pygrammeri think i'm doomed to failure
06:01.55*** join/#asterisk grimse (
06:01.58Insanity5google for voxilla
06:02.01Insanity5$69/free ship
06:02.08pygrammeri don't have an analog phone though
06:02.15pygrammeror at least one that's decent
06:02.36pygrammergood night
06:02.37Insanity5or buy one off ebay
06:02.48Insanity5Got my old skool rotary for $10 and its excellent.
06:03.02pygrammerno cid though
06:03.06Insanity5who cares
06:03.08Insanity5get a box
06:03.10Insanity5or deal with it
06:03.19pygrammerdeal with what?
06:03.23pygrammerunacceptable quality?
06:03.25Insanity5caller id box -- $1 or 2 dolalrs.  Salvation army.
06:03.28Insanity5No... lack of CID.
06:03.34pygrammerOh. :)
06:03.52pygrammerdoing a ping test
06:03.58pygrammeraveraging like 20 ms
06:04.30Insanity5as long as they'ere no jitter (above 40ms) your ok
06:04.56pygrammerok, night.
06:05.06Insanity5When you hit ctrl-c it tells you your average deviation.  better be under 20-30 ms
06:05.17pygrammeris max dev
06:05.27*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (i=uppal@unaffiliated/pakipenguin)
06:06.14pygrammercan anyone post a recorded conversation or just audio file of what a softphone and headset sound like in general, so i can get an idea of what they're referencing relating to bad quality with headset+softphone?
06:06.23pygrammerand perhaps even one of a hardphone, so i can tell the difference
06:06.33pygrammercuz at this point i really have no way to gauge
06:06.44pygrammerdoesn't have to be long -- just long enough to distinguish quality
06:06.52pygrammerto make sure i'm not totally off here
06:07.02shido6should sound like toll quality
06:07.07shido6if it sounds worse
06:07.38pygrammerwhat is toll?
06:07.39shido6you need to check a number of things, do you have the right mic? does your soundcard deal with full duplex? does your system handle echo cancellation
06:07.41Insanity5pygrammer - Aroudn that of my 866 #
06:07.47shido6toll - meaning it should sound like the PSTN
06:07.50shido6a regular phone
06:07.53Insanity5shido6 - And in most cases.  It's easier jsut to get a damn phone
06:07.58drrayit should sound better
06:08.01shido6yes it is -
06:08.15pygrammershido6: yeah, it's most likely my system
06:08.27pygrammershido6: but, see, to test my mic and headset and all
06:08.36pygrammershido6: i got audacity and recorded audio samples -- they sound wonderful
06:08.37Insanity5dial your own damn system and hit 600
06:08.43pygrammerInsanity5: it sounds fine
06:08.48pygrammerit's hard to tell
06:08.51pygrammersince it comes back so fast
06:09.07Insanity5You can record it with Monitor() in your dialplan.
06:09.09pygrammerok, i don't think i'll ever get this resolved
06:09.10Insanity5But thats not the problem
06:09.14Insanity5now go figure it out :)
06:09.18pygrammeri really don't
06:09.34pygrammerno one can relate to my problems--that's the worst kind of problem
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06:10.15Insanity5It's not asterisk
06:10.16Insanity5thats why :)
06:10.19pygrammerInsanity5: allison sounds terrible when i dial 600, but oddly my voice sounds "ok"
06:10.36Insanity5allison sounding bad is a music on hold problem
06:10.39Insanity5her voice sux anyways
06:10.42Insanity5at gsm
06:10.50pygrammerInsanity5: no, it's not quality really, it's distortion.
06:10.53pygrammerit's crackling
06:10.56pygrammerit's skipping
06:11.00pygrammerit's those *really* annoying problems
06:11.10pygrammerthat aren't necessarily a function of voice quality
06:13.20pygrammerping to * server: rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.148/0.170/0.253/0.037 ms
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06:19.11pygrammernow, i don't know if this is normal, but on the echo test there's a noticeable delay
06:19.23pygrammerLag      Jitter  JitBuf  Format
06:19.23pygrammerIAX2/200@200/1     200         00001/21723  00150/00149  00351ms
06:19.43pygrammer00351ms lag
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06:23.46glm2kpygrammer: you sound like an electron
06:25.40pygrammerglm2k: well, this is really frustrating man...
06:25.53pygrammermaybe i ought to try it with my old 600 mhz laptop and see if it works any better
06:26.02pygrammermaybe my sound is just fucked, but i just don't know wtf is going on
06:26.45pygrammerglm2k: can you call my number and see if you think Allison sounds normal?
06:26.56pygrammerjust so i can verify incoming is all good
06:27.17YoYoanyone here use a VWIC-2MFT-T1-DI to hand off the voice channels from a hybrid T1?
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06:29.25glm2kpygrammer: on which network? because i've temporarily stopped trying to get them to work for now.
06:29.36pygrammerglm2k: no, just on a land-line
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06:29.40NoRemorsehi all, the ring tone a ata-186 sends to the phone, ie ring ring... is that configurable?
06:29.41pygrammerto make sure allison sounds ok
06:29.57pygrammerglm2k: i PMed you
06:30.13NoRemorseor is it something asterisk tells it to do via sip?
06:30.27s34npygrammer: do you have a new phone yet?
06:30.38jbothmm... google is a search engine found at
06:30.41pygrammers34n: no
06:30.51YoYo~google ata-186 ring cadence
06:30.55pygrammers34n: i'm having tons of problems related to crackling/distortion/etc on outgoing calls, which i've been working on all day
06:31.22s34npygrammer: using your soft phone?
06:31.25YoYohmm... jbot not do google searches anymore?
06:31.27pygrammeri think it may be due to my using a softphone/headset, but i think the headset's fine, and on an echo test my voice sounds fine -- just allison's doesn't
06:31.33pygrammers34n: yeah, iaxcomm
06:31.43pygrammers34n: i've been telling everyone the same thing in #asterisk all day :)
06:31.45pygrammerso far, no luck
06:32.05pygrammerInsanity5: was helping me earlier but he went to bed, and this isn't really a documented problem -- it doesn't have anything to do with * i don't think
06:32.09NoRemorsethanks yoyo
06:32.46s34npygrammer: have you tried a different soft phone?
06:32.54s34nperhaps a sip one?
06:33.19YoYoD&I T1 for cisco anyone?
06:33.23pygrammers34n: tried both iaxcomm and xlite
06:33.31YoYoheck... E1?  anyone play with 'em?
06:33.31StephnieI need to call at a SIP Address....and I am getting error...
06:33.42Stephnienot error but a warning..
06:33.44s34npygrammer: same result?
06:34.30ManxPowerpygrammer, now you understand why All Softphones Suck
06:34.34pygrammers34n: yeah -- i've even tried connecting directly to my termination providers
06:34.40s34npygrammer: how do you sound to tht other end?
06:35.08ManxPowerStephnie, if you'd paste the damn error we might be able to help
06:35.22pygrammerManxPower: yes, but there are bound to be many people who use softphones with asterisk, and i've googled and found no similar problems -- i asked people here earlier and they all said even with a softphone, it should sound like or better than a landline
06:35.25Stephnieits a is ...
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06:35.58pygrammers34n: my parents told me i sounded like i am on a land-line two times today, albeit with some occasional cracking -- of course, they're not particularly savvy on this kind of stuff, but my dad uses vonage so he'd probably know
06:36.06ManxPowerpygrammer, with softphones you are at the mercy of your OS audio drivers
06:36.31s34npygrammer: how many different endpoints sound crackly?
06:36.35pygrammerManxPower: yeah
06:36.49glm2kpygrammer: no showstoppers from my end of the test
06:37.01pygrammerManxPower: but, why would it be that i can record my voice in audacity and it sounds crystal clear, i can listen to music, it sounds perfect, etc., with this headset?
06:37.33YoYomanx: you play with crisco routers much?
06:37.46ManxPowerYoYo, all the time.
06:37.55NoRemorseyoyoy, I cant find anything indicationg that the ring cadence can be configured on the ata-186, just some stuff about setting distinctive ring in extensions.conf
06:37.59pygrammerglm2k: see pm
06:37.59ManxPowerWell, all the time until they all lost power.
06:38.00YoYoany experience with the VWIC-2MFT-T1-DI ?
06:38.14ManxPowerpygrammer, because neither one of those things require realtime lowlatency audio
06:38.22glm2kpygrammer: big difference between headset -> sound card -> linux -> file and headset -> hardware -> linux -> * -> network => etc...
06:38.36ManxPowerYoYo, I use Cisco routers to route packets, not phone calls.
06:38.42pygrammerglm2k: hmm
06:38.46YoYoNoRemorse: it looks like you need to set ALERT_INFO or some such.  dun ask me how
06:39.11s34npygrammer: I guess you have poor audio from more then one endpoint?
06:39.12YoYoManx: that card isn't for making phone calls... it's a D&I card, which I think can break out the voice portion of a T1
06:39.15pygrammeri'm beginning to think this headset/my audio card/drivers/whatever can't handle incoming network-based audio very well, but can send it alright
06:39.23NoRemorseah ok, I'll play with that, thought it would have been at the client end
06:39.25YoYofor handoff to Asterisk, of course :)
06:40.08pygrammers34n: yes -- Insanity5 gave me his toll-free number to try -- sounded great on land line, awful on voip, even when  i tried directly connecting to termination providers (2, actually -- voxee and voipjet) to bypass a potential variable, asterisk; also tried my bank, my home phone, my cell phone, everything
06:40.28YoYoNoRemorse: it's been a long time since I played with an ata186... is there nothing in the config about the cadence or ring-type or something like that?
06:40.45NoRemorsenah only tones.
06:40.55NoRemorseie what it geenrates in the speaker as opposed to the ring
06:41.02YoYoI see
06:41.04s34npygrammer: did it used to work?
06:41.09YoYoso why you wanna change your ring cadence anyways?
06:41.11ManxPowerYoYo, *nod*  I only ever run data channels into our Ciscos.  We let out CLEC handle how to split out the channel before they get to us.
06:41.46NoRemorsesorry there is RingOnOffTime which is 2,4,25 for america, but it is too simple to do an Australian cadence
06:41.48pygrammers34n: no, only monday got a headset to experiment with -- it's cheap, but it works on other audio recording/listening very well
06:41.56YoYoManx: and how do they do that?  mine wants to hand off ethernet and a bunch of analog lines :/
06:42.04pygrammerit could very well be my integrated sound chipset
06:42.05NoRemorsecos I am in australia and our phones dont ring like american ones :)
06:42.08pygrammerit's a piece of crap
06:42.13pygrammerno biult-in hardware mixing so i have to use dmix
06:42.22s34npygrammer: is sound better or worse from speakers than from headset?
06:42.40pygrammers34n: i think about the same, but it's harder to tell when it's not around your ears like a headset is
06:42.46YoYoNoRemorse: you don't talk like amercians either... so what's yer point?
06:43.13pygrammerjust sort of crackly -- not anything that's indistinguishable, just not acceptable by my (and probably most reasonable people's) standards
06:43.21gekNoRemorse: i'm in oz too.. can you recommedn a good termination provider here?
06:43.55NoRemorsewell, imagine you are a customer and you have bought a voip service off someone, and instead of the phone sounding like it "should" it sounds like you have been trasnported to the other side of the planet.
06:43.58s34npygrammer: you must have the vinyl filter :)
06:44.06NoRemorsegek: cts?
06:44.35pygrammers34n: what's that?
06:44.42s34npygrammer: It's real nostalgic for us old people ;)
06:44.52NoRemorseif u just want cts, SPTel/Comindico are prolly easiest/cheapest
06:45.11s34nIt makes digital sound like it's coming off a vinyl record...
06:45.24*** join/#asterisk RoyKa (
06:45.25YoYoNoRemorse: imagine that I just spent $200 on a new cordless phone, and it's ring sounds like nothing on this sweet earth and can't be changed!
06:45.42NoRemorsehehe havent come across that situation sorry.
06:45.46s34npygrammer: is you phone in the mail?
06:45.54BorgonYoYo: ask for a refund
06:46.06pygrammers34n: no, do you think that will solve my problems?
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06:46.25NoRemorseI think yoyo is thinking from the point of view of the technical perspective, ie who fuken cares what he ring sounds like.
06:46.27s34npygrammer: I was just curious
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06:46.41YoYoBorgon: I would, but this is the first cordless phone I've found that will allow me to walk > 20 yards (meters) from my house
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06:47.37Borgonhey i got a question... What kinda lighting is bad for bugs on your screen? bright or dark?
06:47.38YoYoNoRemorse: no... I'm thinking from the consumer's pov... I hate the sound my phone makes... but I live with it because it otherwise does what I need :)
06:48.04NoRemorseah.. you are an easy to satisfy consumer :)
06:48.04s34npygrammer: you don't happen to have another pc handy to test with... ?
06:48.07YoYoI wish I had a solution for you... but I've not seen or heard my ATA186 in a couple years now
06:48.25pygrammers34n: i have a laptop, but i'll have to make a cat-5 cable to test it with
06:48.34pygrammermaking cables is a pain sometimes :)
06:48.40Borgonliving in the south sucks
06:48.41YoYoFWIW, my employee has it, and he attached a cordless phone, and he has a choice of like 20 different ring tones to choose from :)
06:49.02YoYohey... there's an idea... if the customer dun like the ring cadence, tell them to get a phone with prorammable ring tones :)
06:49.12s34nBorgon: south what?
06:49.25YoYoBorgon: where at?
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06:50.01YoYobugs? screen?
06:50.06Borgonyes yes
06:50.17BorgonHere is my dilemma
06:50.21*** join/#asterisk ball (
06:50.24YoYojust dun open the screen
06:50.27YoYoor close the door
06:50.48s34nor use a better debugger
06:50.49YoYoI keep my front door closed, and the bugs stay away (they go to the street light)
06:50.56BorgonIf i keep the lights on in the appt.. The window shoots out lighting that attracts bugs in the window.... and if i turn the light in the appt off .. the bugs get on the screen.
06:51.14*** join/#asterisk zoo (
06:51.23YoYodoes the screen not keep the bugs out?
06:51.42BorgonSo i dunno which is best.. turn the light off to and keep the bugs on the screen.. or leave it on and attract more bugs in the room
06:51.44ballDoes kphone play well with Asterisk?
06:51.58Borgonits getting through a crack in the AC window..
06:52.01YoYoif you have a screen, how do the bugs get into the room?
06:52.03ballYoYo: not if they're flying out of the software ;-)
06:52.05s34nball: yes
06:52.08Borgonthey are like little fly insects
06:52.19YoYocracks around the AC...
06:52.19balls34n: thanks
06:52.29YoYogo to the hardware store and buy yourself a can of expanding foam
06:52.33glm2kBorgon: attracted to light? moths?
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06:52.40YoYoit'll seal up those cracks real good
06:52.47s34nball: I just read an article of somebody who set up kphone with LTSP
06:52.50Borgonglm2k: could be, am not from the south so i am not familiar with these kinda insects
06:52.57YoYoif the bugs are still getting in, check yer screens for holes
06:52.59YoYoor close the windows
06:53.01s34nball: and asterisk
06:53.13Borgonlike little "fly" looking coca roaches
06:53.19Praktikant01If someone calls me he this my main-msn in his display when the call is established, what is wrong ??
06:53.42balls34n: thanks, bookmarked.
06:53.49YoYorather have 10,000 different kinds of bugs than 10,000 mosquitos :)
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06:54.25Borgoni exaggarated in that statement, i never lived in a place with these kinda flys
06:54.36s34nYoYo: except when those bugs are scorpions, flying ants, ...
06:55.04YoYoscorpions are kewl!
06:55.56s34nYoYo: you've never been a victim of one
06:56.24aminorexscorpio thai chix are cool. scorpion bugs are annoyingly dangerous
06:56.44aminorexi've been a victim of the former, not the latter.
06:56.47YoYook... now steph is making me think...  AND IT HURTS
06:56.51glm2ki can think of a couple of bugs that are deadlier than a scorpion, the kissing bug for example.
06:57.02YoYosteph: did you not provide a password when dialing?
06:57.02glm2kno known cure for them i believe
06:57.03*** join/#asterisk iguy (
06:57.29YoYoor are you supposed to be dialing as guest?
06:57.52YoYoer... shit, is that right?  guest@address/extension@context ?
06:58.16YoYobeen a long time since I played with such stuff
06:59.17YoYoyeah... SIP/user@host/ext@context
06:59.34YoYothough a guest login will probably not require a context
07:01.21s34nglm2k: around here you don't bump in to too many scorpions--only occassionally
07:01.52s34nglm2k: mostly black widows and brown recluse
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07:08.32Netgeeks_gah, can't bring up your pastebin stephanie, did you expire it?
07:08.43dos000is there a converter ot get bnc connector type to fxs so that a card that requires bnc connectors (like the sangoma cards) can be directly connected to sandard phones ?
07:09.31Netgeeks_the only cards I know of that Sangoma has that have BNC connectors are DS-3 cards
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07:09.45drrayyou'd need a channel bank and a tdm card
07:09.54dos000Netgeeks_, yes thats exactly what i am refering to
07:09.56Netgeeks_So, the answer is yes, there is a way to convert form DS-3 to fxo/fxs
07:09.58drrayactually a series of tdm cards
07:10.29drraydo they make channel banks that plug in ds-3 cards?
07:10.46Netgeeks_You'd have to run from the card to a DSX-3 panel, from there to a DSX-1, and from there to channel bank with fxo/fxs cards
07:11.03dos000drray, no idea but i taught the sangoma card *is* a tdm card
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07:12.04Netgeeks_Well since tdm stands for Time Division Multiplexing, yes, a DS-3 is Time Division Multiplexed
07:12.33Netgeeks_The problem here is nomenclature...  Digium's 'tdm' card isn't really TDM
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07:12.51dos000Netgeeks_, why is that ?
07:13.09Netgeeks_you have 4 ports, that are either fxo or fxs... there is no multiplexing going on
07:13.56dos000what is the largest capacity fxs card out there ?
07:14.06timecopa T1 card + a channel bank
07:14.09Netgeeks_voicetronix has a 12 port I think
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07:15.28timecopthey dont even say the prices
07:15.47Netgeeks_And I have not the faintest idea how well or not they work with asterisk
07:16.33dos000if i had modems connecting through the pstn and terminating on the digium card how many simultaneous connections i can get and speed ?
07:17.04dos000timecop, i hate when they dont mention prices
07:17.18drrayyou could get one modem per fxs/fxo port, and speed would be 28.8k
07:17.33MGSsanchoim guessing $2k
07:17.40rabelaisis there a way to pattern match _only_ two permutations of two numbers with one exten line? i.e. I want to match 45 and 54, but not 44 or 55...[45][45] would match all four, is there a way to match just the first two in one line?
07:18.03dos000drray, are you sure ? i was under the impressing that you be limited by the cpu horse power in this case
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07:18.24geki am gonna get drunk tonight
07:18.24drraywell, I have 11 incoming PSTN lines, serving 177 extensions
07:18.26drrayall zap
07:18.43dos000drray, using digium ?
07:18.59dos000what is the server load like
07:19.03drrayI was using digium, now I am using a govarion (tor2) card
07:19.30drrayat most I have 5 calls going at once
07:19.36drrayso server load is fine
07:20.14dos000drray, i mean how much cpu is used when you serve full 11 modems neously
07:20.51drray00:20:48 up 33 days, 20:52,  2 users,  load average: 0.16, 0.22, 0.23
07:21.05drrayI have 4 calls going right now
07:21.18Qwelldon't they have like modem banks, that can connect over a T1?
07:21.46Qwellrabelais: I don't think so
07:21.48drraydos000 mine are voice
07:22.15drraywell, one of them is internet, cause I recognize phone number
07:22.18rabelaisthat sorta sucks...can't I enable regex matching somehow?
07:22.29moverany sip guru here? i have an invite question
07:22.43Qwellrabelais: You could code regex pattern matching
07:23.09MGSsanchocan asterisk work in 64bit mode? will a simple compile with +sse3 +athalon64 extentions run fine?
07:23.22QwellMGSsancho: should
07:23.31MGSsanchoand drivers?
07:23.37rabelaisdoes the extensions.ael have a more advanced pattern matching system, or is it the same?
07:23.52Qwellrabelais: check the sample config for it
07:23.57dos000drray, my question was on the data/modem side
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07:29.21drrayok, I'll bite
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07:29.39drrayHow does one use asterisk and TDM to provide frame relay?
07:31.29NoRemorsegood eveining
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07:40.37wasimdrray: frame relay?
07:41.11Zeeekso I tried changing the lang_fr to use UTF-8, which would work but then I'd have to go through all the hi wasim
07:41.26Zeeekgo through all the texts everywhere
07:41.27wasimbonjour Zeeek
07:41.40newmemberwhat OS is centOS based on?
07:41.41Zeeekshit windows! Hello
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07:43.31wasimnewmember: fedora
07:45.01newmemberis there a specific release?
07:45.08rabelaisdoes the variable ${CALLERIDNUM} exist? or is there just the variable ${CALLERID} ??
07:45.43wasimrabelais: README.variables
07:45.57aminorexcentos is RHE, gpl
07:46.56aminorexi don't track it personally, but probably if you correlate one version pair, you can correlate follow-ons by increment.
07:47.08rabelaiswasim: thank you
07:47.46PakiPenguinhey wasim
07:49.30PakiPenguinwasim, superata coming soon?
07:49.35wasimPakiPenguin: nope
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07:49.49PakiPenguinwasim, really? , how was the response with farfon?
07:49.54wasimPakiPenguin: adits have a product in that range
07:50.06wasimPakiPenguin: misreable, we couldn't quality manage the release
07:50.12PakiPenguinwasim, too costly isnt it? for us?
07:50.23PakiPenguinwasim, i see , so you scraped it? or still working?
07:50.35wasimPakiPenguin: its working but in a different form
07:50.47wasimPakiPenguin: for teaching DSP and communication in universities
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08:02.40ManxPowerDoes anyone know of a channel that can help me diagnose exactly which virus/trojan this laptop has?  (Symantec AV doesn't detect it, but ethereal is showing outgoing connecitons to port 135, 139, and 445
08:03.14drrayit's a webbased spyware/anti virus
08:05.28*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (n=PoWeRKiL@
08:05.31ManxPowerdealing with this stuff via dialup should be in the CIA manual on torture.
08:06.46mrfrenzyManxPower: you really shouldn't be on the net if you know it's infected
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08:08.43pygrammeris the budgetone 101 ok:?
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08:09.40ManxPowermrfrenzy, in theory, that is true.
08:09.53pygrammeror, actually, the gxp-2000 is loaded with features and is only $109
08:10.03ManxPowerbut while I wait for stuff to download.....
08:10.14mrfrenzyManxPower: you know there is something called CD-R?
08:10.34mrfrenzyand even CD-RW if you think it would be 'wasting' one to burn the latest definitions
08:11.07drraydial-up spyware is not going to be a huge burden on the intraweb
08:11.22ManxPowermrfrenzy, Never heard of it.
08:11.52ManxPowerThe only computer I took with me when I evacuated was my laptop.
08:11.53mrfrenzydrray: it spreads just as quickly over dialup
08:12.06drraypygrammer - I have a budgetone 101, that is alright
08:12.33mrfrenzyManxPower: aah you've evacuated, then I have some understanding, I just guessed you where trying to help some friend with a virus
08:12.37glm2kManxPower: if that's a new bug your lappy got, can you send me sample, zipped up if you will? >:)
08:12.42pygrammerwell, i'm debating which model to get, and how much to spend
08:12.44NoRemorseManxPower: u live where the hurricane was?
08:12.55ManxPowerNoRemorse, yes.
08:13.09ManxPowerglm2k, I can't even find the damn thing.
08:13.11NoRemorsetoo bad man, Just had a look at the area on google earth....
08:13.22NoRemorsenot much left
08:13.23ManxPowerThe only reason I even know it is on the system is etherreal
08:13.44NoRemorsethose ports look like maybe just microsoft networking broadcasts maybe?
08:13.47ManxPowerNoRemorse, Can you zoom into an address?
08:13.56NoRemorsenot really.
08:14.04*** join/#asterisk meppl (
08:14.11NoRemorsethey have links on their page for the devestated areas
08:14.39ZeeekManxPower glad to know you're ok!!
08:14.45ManxPowerNoRemorse, NONE of the news reports are about the specific location I live in.  ONly for the locations close to the beach for the city where I live(d).
08:14.58NoRemorseI cant get over whats (not) left of the mariner
08:15.05ManxPowerZeeek, Only a moron would not get out of the way of a Catagoty 4 or 5 storm
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08:15.41NoRemorseManxPower: check out google earth u will be surprised at the detail u can see
08:15.52ManxPowerNoRemorse, that's a download, isn't it?
08:15.57glm2kit is
08:16.06ManxPowerI think I looked at it once and decided that my laptop was too slow.
08:16.07NoRemorseyes, its small, it streams the images
08:16.26NoRemorsewant me to save a screenshot and dcc it to you
08:16.26WonkaUSA has fucking many morons
08:16.46glm2kWonka: you talking about Willie? >:P
08:16.46ManxPowerNoRemorse, No thanks.  I'm depressed enough already.
08:16.47Wonkasome of them even shoot at helicopters trying to evacuate people from stadiums...
08:16.59Wonkaglm2k: GWB is not the least moron there...
08:17.21glm2kWonka: i've seen worse
08:18.00ManxPowerI suspect their (warped) idea is "If I shoot at people in uniforms they will arrest me and take me out of this hell hole"
08:18.15glm2kthat's logical
08:18.28ManxPowerWhereas the reality should be "If I shoot at people in uniforms they will shoot back"
08:18.36Wonkai wonder why those 'merkins tend to rebuild all of their stuff ten times all over instead of building stuff that can resist at five times the cost of one "normal" rebuild...
08:18.40drraymanx - so is the mayor of new orleans just a figurehead, welcome to mardis gras kind of person?
08:18.58drrayWonka - because we americans like new things
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08:19.21WonkaManxPower: yeah, my idea too... they should send in some fighter helicopters, detect the muzzle fire and shoot the fuck back
08:19.24ManxPowerdrray, no.
08:19.25glm2kWonka: because of something called insurance
08:19.34ManxPowerHe's the former president of the local cable TV company
08:19.53pygrammeranyone used a gxp-2000?
08:19.59Piranha-umm.. adding voicemail boxes in 1.2?
08:20.04drrayManx - any clue when you will head back?
08:20.16djin_ibHi ManxPower: good to see you back!
08:20.42Wonkaokay, yes, it's not nearly as warm here normally... but _my_ house has taken storms with 130km/h without losing a Dachziegel (shingle?)
08:20.56glm2ka shingle it is
08:21.03ManxPowerWell, if you can call being 6 miles outside a town of 2,000 people in texas somewhere "back"
08:21.18Wonkait was more like "thanks i'm inside, nothing can happen to me" than "i hope the roof stays on"
08:22.12WonkaManxPower: for my view of US standards, "6 miles outside a town of 2,000 people in texas" surely is "back"
08:22.14ManxPowerA storm this powerful has not hit New Orleans in recorded history
08:22.22WonkaManxPower: more like "back side of nowhere" even
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08:22.53WonkaManxPower: don't step over the edge of the world there, accidentially...
08:22.58ManxPowerIt was worse the Betsy or Camille
08:23.06pygrammerso no gxp-2000 users here?
08:23.13pygrammerManxPower: btw, congrats on getting out
08:23.18pygrammerhope your stuff is ok
08:23.26glm2kreal question is: how far back does recorded history go for new orleans?
08:23.54ManxPowerglm2k, a couple of hundred years at least
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08:24.03Wonkaglm2k: i don't think that ares took something like that ever in manned history
08:24.35glm2kfor all we know, a storm like this hit 300 hundred years ago
08:25.10glm2kthe cause could be anything from slowly circulating water in the gulf to a cat sneezing in norway
08:25.11ZeeekAnecdote time:
08:25.21ManxPowerAnd really, New Orleans would have fared pretty good if the levies didn't break.
08:25.28glm2ki agree.
08:25.33ZeeekA co-worker's BT101 went nuts and died when I called it
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08:25.51ZeeekNothing would light up so no way to config
08:26.03ZeeekPS appeared to work (powered the hub)
08:26.14drrayZeeek - my Bt101 got retarded one day but I was able to fix it.. it's not bad for a cheap phone.. but there are better phones out there
08:26.31ZeeekBut in the end, the PS was not able to provide the current. Looking at the phone it requires 400ma. Looking at the PS it provides 400ma. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm
08:26.50ZeeekHe checked with a different supply and it works!
08:26.57*** join/#asterisk Danett (
08:27.14Zeeekdrray I'm very happy with my BT102. I think it's been very good so far, if a little cheesy
08:27.29drrayI've since moved on to cisco 7960's
08:27.33Zeeekbut now I'm awaiting my ip500 that I bought months ago
08:27.37drraybut the bt101 was great
08:27.45drrayit's entry level
08:28.05ZeeekI can't justify that kind of phone except if I went to my parten and said "I'm a geek, come on, I want one of these!"
08:28.25Zeeekin fact I talk on the phone very rarely
08:28.35drrayheh, I got work to buy a bt101 and the asterisk dev kit (back when it was still a x100p
08:28.38PakiPenguinZeeek, i am getting a linksys pap today
08:29.51Wonkai don't like phoning really...
08:29.59Wonkaeven less, if i have to pay for it
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08:30.20Wonkaso, voip would be a measure to "make" me call more :)
08:30.38Wonkabut only people i can call for free
08:31.01*** join/#asterisk basty (n=basty@
08:31.07NoRemorseits funny how when the internet came along we all used phones less to communicate....
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08:31.53WonkaNoRemorse: why talk to people you cannot really understand, if you can type away and communicate with them in text much more easily...
08:31.53drraywhat's funny to me is that how long the struggle was to get data over telephone, and how quickly we are now getting rid of telephones by going over data
08:31.59WonkaIRC is the roxx!
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08:32.26pygrammerso no one has used the gxp-2000?
08:32.45NoRemorsesorry never heard of it
08:33.04pygrammergrandstream gxp-2000*
08:33.24bastyI have a very strange problem with external calls tho my asterisk server. I am running Asterisk 1.0.8-BRIstuffed-0.2.0-RC8h on FreeBSD5.4-Rel. Internal calls work without any problems. External hangs up after 19secs. If i put "canreinvite=yes" into my sip.conf - the connection during the phone call is open for more than 19secs but I cant hear the remote side. Anyone has an idea ?
08:33.26NoRemorseoh. no sorry only played with the 101
08:33.51pygrammerNoRemorse: what phone do you primarily use?
08:34.30NoRemorsefor everyday use I have a ata-186 with a doro dect cordless
08:34.53pygrammerwhat is dorodect? never heard of them
08:35.04NoRemorsebasty: that sounds similar to a prob I had with a senao wifi voip phone
08:35.21NoRemorsedoro is a brand dect is a technology, basicly digital cordless
08:36.05bastyNoRemorse: hrm, did you finally fix it ? ;-)
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08:36.10NoRemorsepygrammer are u looking for a product to roll out en mass?
08:36.21NoRemorsebasty: no I sent it back, was the phone
08:36.31Zeeekhow d'you like the doro products? I've seen them in stores
08:36.47NoRemorsenot that good tbh
08:36.48bastyNoRemorse: For right now I am using a softphone (x-lite). The strange thing is, that it works internal without worries.
08:37.21NoRemorsebasty what are u delivering calls externaly via?
08:37.39ZeeekNoRemorse didn't think so, but thought I'd ask. Seimens is  a big brand name here in eu but most of mine suck for one reason or another
08:37.42bastyNoRemorse: I dont think you know them, its a German VoIP Gateway called MK-Netzdienste.
08:37.52ManxPowerSoon I'll have either so much work I won't know what to do first, or I'll be begging for any consulting job I can get. 8-)
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08:38.02NoRemorsebasty: sip? iax? h.323?
08:38.05ZeeekManxPower when it rains....
08:38.09bastyNoremorse: Sip
08:38.37ManxPowerZeeek, My largest customer is 30 miles north of New orleans, north of the lake
08:38.43NoRemorsetried any other providers? maybe start eliminating things
08:39.00wasimManxPower! You're alive!
08:39.06ManxPowerZeeek, on the bright side, I'll be we'll get ANY disaster recovery funding we want for a while.
08:39.12*** part/#asterisk sycofly (
08:39.30ManxPowerwasim, A1: Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.
08:39.37bastyNoRemorse: Nah, didnt use others yet, because MK-Netzdienste is the only account I have to test with.
08:39.43ManxPowerwasim, A2: I'm not dead yet!
08:39.49NoRemorsebasty: google free sip cts
08:39.59NoRemorsealot of places do free trials
08:39.59wasimManxPower: is it really bad down there?
08:39.59bastyNoRemorse: They are expensive! ;)
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08:40.20ManxPowerwasim, that's what I hear.
08:40.21pygrammeri'm deciding between a sipura 841 vs. grandstream gxp-2000 vs. polycom ip301 though the polycom is a bit above what i want to spend
08:40.32ManxPowerI evacuated to about 500 miles away
08:40.38wasimManxPower: phew ...
08:40.45NoRemorsepygrammer: a one off or for mass sale?
08:40.53ManxPowerThe lines at the gas stations were staggering.
08:40.57pygrammerNoRemorse: looking to buy one
08:41.01bastywell thanks anyway....
08:41.03NoRemorseah ok
08:41.07Rowtersa good player for gsm?
08:41.18NoRemorsetbh I'd suggest an ata and a cordless
08:41.27drrayRowters - for win32 there is a winamp plugin
08:41.29wasimRowters: play
08:42.07Rowtersdrray, yeah just downloading it
08:42.20NoRemorseanyone know if iaxy is ever gonna do g729
08:42.37wasimNoRemorse: doubt it ... not in the current layout
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08:42.39ZeeekManxPower well, Nature 1 : man 0
08:43.09NoRemorseeven gsm would be good, rules it out of being usefull on trashy dsl lines (ie 256/64 etc)
08:43.38NoRemorseZeeek: natur 10e+56 man 0
08:43.45ManxPowerZeeek, At this point we are just waiting until we can get back and see what the actual damage is to various places.
08:43.56ManxPowerThere's three of us staying here.
08:43.58pygrammerNoRemorse: that would cost me more than a sip phone :-P
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08:44.08pygrammerata = ~$70 + $50-100 cordless
08:44.09ZeeekManxPower you were renting, right?
08:44.14ManxPowerwe each REALLY want to see our apartments/houses/whatever
08:44.21wasimrenters insurance?
08:44.26ManxPowerZeeek, Thank Dog yes.
08:44.37Zeeekprobably was better off then.
08:44.52ManxPowerwasim, no.
08:44.55Zeeekbut you had to leave some personal possessions behind?
08:45.06Zeeeklike your Polycom ? :)
08:45.18ManxPowerBut the actual value of a total loss is not THAT great.  The provlem is that all my customers were also hit bad
08:45.25pygrammerwhat model?
08:45.31ManxPowerZeeek, It was a customer's polycom.
08:45.46drrayManx - hopefully you'll get some CE dollars to work for them to rebuild
08:45.51NoRemorsegotta go bye all
08:46.20ManxPowerI packed about 10 days worth of clothes, the two cats (and litter, food, etc), and my laptop.
08:46.20DanettIs there a way of disconnecting a call when the duration exceeded 1 minutes but wich can be cancelled by pressing a key on the telephone?
08:46.33ManxPowerOh, and my SPA-2100, of course.
08:46.58wasimDanett: yep
08:46.58ManxPowerI would miss my TiVo a lot. 8-)
08:47.08Danettwasim: can you point me in a direction?
08:47.16wasimDanett: AbsoluteTimeout
08:47.30Danettthank you
08:47.52wasimand continue the diaplan, and use a key to reset the timeout or cancel it
08:48.34DanettHow can i add such an event?
08:48.53ManxPowerUm, actually responsetimeout might be more what you are looking for.
08:49.56Danetti will look into it
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08:50.37serg_bthere is no way to get control into dialplan while call is still bridged
08:50.59Danetti bridge a call
08:51.13Danettaccessnumber -> asterisk -> asterisk -> mobile phone
08:51.24serg_bof course, when you use dial comd your call is bridged :)
08:51.43Danetttrue,so... i cannot get control then?
08:51.49serg_bthere is call timeout in dial cmd (see docs) but i have no idea how to cancel it
08:52.09newmemberdoes the default install have *45 echo test?
08:52.23serg_bhmm.. may be res_features ? but you need to write your own feature to implement this
08:53.37Danettok. How can i trap *6 then from a phone in asterisk?
08:53.46serg_bL(x[:y][:z])' -- Limit the call to 'x' ms warning when 'y' ms are left
08:53.58serg_bres_features only
08:54.39serg_bwhen you activate t or T feature on call, each keypress seen by ast_feature_interpret
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08:56.43serg_bi seen somwhere on mantis patch for dynamic features.
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08:59.28Danettpretty difficult
08:59.53serg_byes. there is another way: external apps
09:00.06konradsI need help with CAPI dialstrings
09:00.42PakiPenguin_wasim: did you give it to some uni in lahore or isb?
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09:04.21wasimPakiPenguin_: not as yet, we're just waiting for some more development framework
09:04.27wasimPakiPenguin_: it should be ready by end of this year
09:04.33PakiPenguin_i see wasim
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09:04.56Zeeekwsim any news on the farfon front?
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09:06.16RoyKhow can i do a (regex?) match on callerid, as in perl 'if (callerid =~ /^\d{9}$/)'? or perhaps do asterisk matches? but not on the extension :P
09:07.36Danettexten => num/clid
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09:07.44wasimZeeek: well, a little, work progresses slowly on the framework for educational institute
09:08.37hmodesgoogle's dns servers, of which 3/4 are in the same geographical region, all look like osx/darwin servers to nmap
09:08.40ZeeekRoyK you running the latest v ?
09:08.59hmodesand level3's are the same machine in the same location
09:09.05hmodesand it's a poorly secured sun box
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09:09.34Zeeeksecurity by obscurity, what else?
09:09.36RoyKzedkatuf: cvs
09:09.49hmodesbut...  this is not even remotely obscured!
09:09.53Zeeekthere are regex in the new versions?
09:09.57hmodesit's in public record!
09:10.24Zeeekhmodes yes, that is a little extreme of them
09:10.31hmodesi at least make a vague effort to make my shit hard to identify
09:10.32mrfrenzyManxPower: a friend got this yesterday
09:10.49hmodesthis is just blatant lack of attention to detail right here
09:10.59Zeeekhmodes look what happened to formmail.cgi :)
09:11.12hmodesand so help me, if google is using macs as dns servers
09:11.20hmodesit's going to totally shatter my world view
09:11.30RoyKDanett: no, i mean any variable. also, with num/clid, clid can't must be static iirc
09:11.46Zeeekhmodes mass suicides will surely occur if that news got out, yes
09:12.07sskylesWhy now? Macs are superior.
09:12.11Zeeekclid can be [1-9@XN etc RoyK
09:12.13sskylesnow = not.
09:12.20hmodesall four of their horribly distributed whois records report SInfo(V=3.75%P=powerpc-apple-darwin7.9.0%D=9/2%Tm=43181631%O=53%C=-1)
09:12.21PakiPenguin_:) yeah they are :p
09:12.27hmodeswell yeah, macs rock
09:12.33hmodesbut they're such an anti-google item
09:12.38hmodesand if google is using them
09:12.41hmodesthat's _great_
09:12.44sskylesOh yeah...
09:12.59hmodesbut you'd think they would take the time to not make them so easily give up their identities
09:13.16hmodesalso, i fail to understand how four macs could adequately serve google's dns needs
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09:13.27PakiPenguin_ <-- neat :p
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09:13.49hmodesthere's either got to be some uber load balancing involved that I can't see
09:13.56hmodesor they're intentionally lying
09:14.07sskylesMaybe their load balancing.
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09:14.09PakiPenguin_hmodes, xserves clusters
09:14.32ZeeekPakiPenguin "applies Goal-Directed methodology to touch-screen capabilities along with voice recognition technology to make all telephone operations clear and simple"
09:14.44Zeeekthat alone makes me not want to know more :)
09:14.45konradsI need help with CAPI dialstrings. I tried calling via mISDN's test tools to alocal number in PBX ``17''. Call came through
09:15.04konradsNow i use this dialstring exten => 666,1,Dial(CAPI/contr1/17)
09:15.12Zeeeksomeone went to university to learn to write like that!
09:15.22Zeeeklooks neat tho
09:15.29konradsthis is error string i get
09:15.31PakiPenguin_it feels neat too :)
09:15.38PakiPenguin_we have a demo unit here
09:15.45PakiPenguin_too bad its not voiped!
09:15.52sskylesKind of looks like what Windows would look like if it were a Telephone!
09:16.14Zeeekif it were white, it'd look like a MAc
09:16.24sskylesVery surreal and phony at the same time.
09:16.37*** join/#asterisk Henguei (n=smoka@
09:16.54Zeeekhey wait, that's me too!
09:17.28PakiPenguin_wasim, usr dsl modems have them afaik
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09:19.37konradstell me at least what is the difference betwene => and = in config files?
09:20.48RoyKkonrads: it's easier to ignore it and just accept the fact that some use = and some use =>
09:21.08RoyKkonrads: asterisk config is quite a mess
09:21.23RoyKs/ config//;
09:22.12konradsit is syntactically identical?
09:22.35sskylesI think there's an art to making * configs look nice.
09:22.48sskylesBut who cares.
09:22.51PakiPenguin_sskyles, define/show nice
09:23.09sskylesI'm too tired to do that right now.
09:23.41Delta34having issues installing zaptel 1.2, where you get restorecon
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09:23.45RoyKkonrads: the asterisk configuration syntax is quite analog to the american english language. it's a complete mess made up mostly by the illiterate
09:24.08Zeeekbe afraid, RoyK, be very afraid
09:24.12sskylesJust like there is an art to speaking...
09:24.42Danettis there a way to get these messages out of the console: ak
09:24.45PakiPenguin_RoyK, your location's locked
09:24.51PakiPenguin_there's a missle coming your way , RUN!
09:24.53Danettchan_sip.c:694 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 7EC2DD45-9D4E-4B3C-BAAE-7E44638FCF8F@ for seqno 36591 (Non-critical Response)
09:25.20RoyKboth of them...
09:25.31Delta34danett, are u using cisco 7.5 phones?
09:27.59DanettNo i am not
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09:42.03Danettno one knows how to remove the chan_sip maximum retries error messagE?
09:43.06RoyKDanett: Use The Source, Luke
09:44.02Danettyes i could do that
09:44.13Danettbut the messages should come from some pool wich can me cleaned
09:44.54Danetteven without verbose the messages pop up
09:45.22Zeeekat what level?
09:46.04RaYmAn-BxI get them fairly often as well..with verbose at 0
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09:48.10Zeeekyeah me too. When I get really tired of them, I remove the register line for FWD :)
09:48.20*** join/#asterisk stkn (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
09:48.59ZeeekI definitely would loveto see better control over errors and time stamps on each line
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09:53.19fulgasanyway of checking how many calls a peer has?
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09:53.58mastixhi everybody
09:54.21mastixis anybody here how can tell mesomething about asterisk and h.323
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09:55.45ZeeekFor some reason asterlink doesn't work well from europe... or at least from my connection. I use nufone, voicepulse, voipjet and many other with no problems.
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09:58.00jayk-i'm trying to get asterisk paging/intercom to work with Cisco 7960 phones. i followed the instructions from the wiki page. it seems to work, except i can't hear anything, and i get these errors.
09:58.14jayk-Sep  2 02:57:55 NOTICE[8730]: pbx_spool.c:229 attempt_thread: Call failed to go through, reason 3
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10:02.32Zeeekit's early for h323
10:02.44wiizardtoo early
10:02.55Zeeekor too late, depending on what we mean
10:03.03Danettnah early, i concur
10:03.05wiizardnah its definately too early
10:03.20ZeeekI suggest you ask the H323 questions after 16h GMT
10:03.35Zeeekor maybe even 19h
10:03.35wiizardwhen most are awake
10:03.37wiizardor waking
10:04.59PakiPenguin_mastix, , what are you using for h323 ?
10:05.09mastixdo you thing that nobody from europe dont use h.323?
10:05.28PakiPenguin_use yate?
10:05.44mastixpakipenguin: i hate h.323
10:05.51konradsare there positive reports wtih CAPI and Asterisk?
10:05.53mastixbut our customers still want it
10:05.59PakiPenguinmastix, same here :p
10:06.07PakiPenguini am install h323 support right now for *
10:06.17konradsi am running CVS chan_capi and asterisk 1.2.0 on kernel 2.6.12
10:06.18mastixare you succesfull
10:06.27PakiPenguinmastix, i've been successful before
10:06.30PakiPenguinlets see this time
10:06.49mastixis it native part of *
10:06.59mastixor do i have to install it from openh323
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10:07.52PakiPenguinZeeek, ever used the linksys pap?
10:07.56mastixgood to know you had a succes once:-)
10:08.03ZeeekI know nothing, nothing...
10:08.14davidinnosorry i'm a new user, someone can help me?
10:08.24Zeeekdavidinno ask, ask
10:08.27mastixdavidinno: what do you need
10:08.33PakiPenguinZeeek, die :p
10:08.37davidinnoi installed now asterisk
10:08.54Zeeekgood first step to get it working:)
10:09.01mastixok nice question
10:09.05davidinnoand i need information about hW
10:09.14Zeeekask, ask
10:09.33davidinnocan i use an isdn modem as fxo?
10:09.59davidinnoor i must buy an x100p?
10:10.20davidinnomy boss want use and isdn line for test
10:10.38davidinnoISDN4Linux Any ISDN terminal adapter supported by isdn4linux should provide connectivity.
10:10.51Zeeekfor a test, you may want to buy a cheap X100 clone
10:11.02jayk-anybody have an idea about my paging/intercom problem?
10:11.13*** join/#asterisk jollyr (i=user@
10:11.25PakiPenguindavidinno, if you have an isdn line , go buy any HFC-S support isdn modem(PCI) and use it
10:11.27PakiPenguinits awesome
10:11.47jollyranyone here tried out the gnudialer?
10:11.49davidinnocan i buy an chep modem isdn?
10:12.04davidinnowith linux support?
10:12.10davidinnofor tes?
10:12.41jollyrhi there
10:13.26jollyrany docs on successfull installtion of gnudialer in Debian sarge?
10:13.26davidinnois right "any modem that allow me to connect to internet is ok?"
10:13.32*** join/#asterisk Dybdahl (
10:13.42PakiPenguinyeah davidinno
10:13.52PakiPenguindavidinno, what is your location
10:14.12davidinnoand how can install it in asterisk config?
10:15.53*** join/#asterisk oden_ (
10:16.05PakiPenguindude , use bristuff
10:16.14davidinnowith modprobe i can install it in linux
10:16.30PakiPenguindavidinno, do a lspci and paste the output in pvt or pastebin
10:16.34PakiPenguinand show it to us
10:16.56davidinnoi havent jet an pci isdn modem
10:18.01PakiPenguinlspci would help!
10:19.17davidinnoPakiPenguin with an isdn modem and 1 lan can i use all function of asterix?
10:19.30PakiPenguinyeah davidinno
10:19.33PakiPenguini suggest you read wiki
10:20.22davidinnook tanx
10:21.37PakiPenguinwasim, which is better asterisk-oh323 vs. h323 channels in *
10:22.23davidinnowasim is another pbx project?
10:22.54PakiPenguinwasim, lol iax2 is doing h323 :p neat
10:22.57wasimdavidinno: wasim is in a misunderstood poor lil boy
10:23.06wasimeww s/in//
10:23.13wasimthat turned out very perverse
10:23.46PakiPenguinwasim, seriously, if you are forced to use h323 for some customer , what will you use?
10:23.57wasimi think h323
10:24.40mastixguys do you want to tell me that * has native h.323 support???
10:25.14mastixpls pls say it :-)
10:25.18PakiPenguinmastix, look in channels in /usr/src/asterisk
10:25.39davidinnomy boss asked my to find a good Ip phone i found 7905G cisco that supporto sip and 323 now i'm using a dexgate 3000 but is not good
10:26.21mastixdavidinno: 7905G is very nice but if you want something cheaper use grandstream
10:26.45jollyri used gxp200 and good enough
10:27.02wasimi'd get a pa168 based phone
10:27.08wasimyou get iax2 then as well
10:27.12jollyrwith 4 lines and capable of  call que
10:27.17wasimand they are 1/2 the price of a gs
10:27.33mastixwasim what is for 1/2 of gs?
10:27.40wasimmastix: any pa168 phone
10:28.01mastixpakipenguin: i make new instalation
10:28.07PakiPenguini see
10:28.16mastixis there a channel in /usr/src/asterisk for h.323
10:28.23mastixjust compiling :-)
10:28.30jollyrpa168 what brand?
10:28.47wasimatcom, yuxin, a bunch of others
10:28.51mastixwasim i have gs for 55 :-)
10:28.53wasimyou can get a list from centralitycommunications
10:29.25jollyrasterisk --h323 combines has been pack in asterisk@home
10:30.00wasimthere are not 3 implementations of chan_h323 (manousus, jerjers and digiums)
10:30.06wasimi think atleast
10:30.30wiizardh323 is some handy biznitch
10:30.35PakiPenguinwasim, govt. blocked h323 , you know that?
10:31.10davidinnowith gxp2000 can u park calls?
10:31.36davidinnofrw is assisted?
10:31.56jollyrtransfer , hold
10:32.15davidinnocan u share a line for conference?
10:32.18wasimPakiPenguin: ptcl has been lately
10:32.52jollyr100 usd
10:33.01DrukenHMEmorning everyone
10:33.33davidinno100 euro is very less then 160
10:33.35*** join/#asterisk [Jedi] (n=hhgds4@
10:33.49mastixguys i got lost here
10:33.49[Jedi]I'm having a big problem with Dial()
10:33.53Zeeekyer velkome
10:34.01[Jedi]it hasn't limited my call as I told it to do
10:34.13DrukenHMEZeeek: you ever had an ata give a 404 ?
10:34.39[Jedi]Zap/g15/00963115215XYZ|30|HL(790000:60000:30000) <- should have limited the call for 790 seconds, right? but not, the call lasted 74 minutes
10:34.51DrukenHMEi got one doing it... and i can't figure out why..
10:35.01[Jedi]anyone may give a hint on this ?
10:35.53[Jedi]how can this happen?
10:36.42*** join/#asterisk Rowter (
10:37.54jollyranyone has a document of gnudialer installation over debian
10:40.10*** join/#asterisk surfdue (
10:40.37puzzledmorning all
10:42.49*** part/#asterisk jollyr (i=user@
10:47.37DrukenHMEwhere would i get a "debug server" ?
10:48.10*** join/#asterisk Nir_S (
10:48.17*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (i=me@
10:48.20JamesDotComDrukenHME: syslog server
10:48.24Newbie___hi all
10:48.24JamesDotComlook at syslog-ng
10:48.45Newbie___does anyone knows where can i buy pre-configure callback for asterisk ?
10:49.12DrukenHMEJamesDotCom: well, my rt31p2 has both syslog and debug....
10:51.23h3x  <----  Can somebody tell me if they have seen this problem before
10:51.34h3xit happens when i add app_dbodbc.c to asterisk 1.2 beta 1
10:51.40h3xbut it seems like as if its an asterisk bug maybe
10:53.56DrukenHMElooks like an error in your app_dbodbc
10:54.11h3xbased on what
10:54.17*** join/#asterisk razu (
10:54.48h3xline 32 is an include statement
10:54.52h3xwhich includes an asterisk header
10:54.56h3xand that is what causes the error.
10:55.16DrukenHMEyeah... hmm....
10:55.22h3x#include <asterisk/file.h>
10:55.27h3xthat is what starts the mess. heh
10:55.52h3xi bet i know
10:55.57h3xits <asterisk/file.h> in all the other app
10:56.12h3xerr i mean its "asterisk/file.h" in the others and <asterisk/file.h> in odbc
10:56.52h3xthat didnt matter
10:58.20DrukenHMEJamesDotCom: where does that syslog-ng log to ?
10:58.26h3xit dosent even include asterisk.h
10:58.28h3xthis is weird
10:59.20glLoadIdentityh3x, try to build it from toplevel asterisk directory
10:59.26h3xI did...
10:59.29h3xwell im doing it again
11:00.03*** join/#asterisk nagl (
11:00.50DrukenHMEmental note... check how large /var/log/messages file is before opening it...
11:01.15PakiPenguinDrukenHME, tail -f might help
11:05.08h3xit looks like the headers are all different
11:05.12h3xi pasted them from another app
11:05.15h3xlets see if this works
11:05.35DrukenHMEi think i blew up one of the ports on my rt31p2
11:05.39h3xOh yeah, it bombed big time
11:07.15h3xUm..  isnt cvs head the same thing as beta 1.2.0
11:07.17h3xi mean
11:07.22h3xa snapshot of it?
11:08.55*** join/#asterisk razu (
11:09.09h3xits stable with backports?
11:09.45jontowto an extent, yes--i can't answer it perfectly, but my understanding is that they branched cvs stable and tagged it as 1.2.0 beta
11:10.08mcnhi all. anyone know how I can run a command and put the output into a variable (in the dialplan)?
11:10.09jontowand its a bugfix-only branch until after the release, in which case it'll be pretty much just bugfix and stable feature port
11:10.26h3xapp_dbodbc has been publically deprecated by the author and he isn't updating
11:10.26h3xit. Functionality provided by ast_data is provided by RealTime. You will need
11:10.26h3xCVS-HEAD to use RealTime. Or wait a month for 1.2 to come out.
11:10.34jontowmcn; run an AGI script and set the channel variable you want there?
11:10.40mcnI want to run a command to find out a temperature, and then use saynumber() to speak it
11:10.41*** join/#asterisk [1]JohnJacob (
11:10.48h3xdepreciated by what
11:10.58jontowdeprecated, not depreciated
11:11.05mcnhmm, ok. don't know anything about AGI scripts yet. i'll have a look, thanks.
11:11.31h3xlooks like im gonna have to use the mysql app for now
11:11.36h3xi hate that thing
11:11.38jontowmcn; no problem :)  quick google and "show application agi" at the CLI will tell you a lot.. for your purposes, perl works great for AGI, and doing it with standard /bin/sh scripting is very easy, too
11:12.48mcnjontow: ooh, nice :-). doesn't sound as bad as I thought it was. I'll have a look around!
11:12.58jontowi have a couple examples laying 'round.. i'll see if i can find a good one and put it up on the web for you to browse through :)
11:13.05[Jedi]Anyone has ever had a problem with Dial() ignoring the timelimit ?
11:13.32jontowactually.. i have one thats perfect, it does exactly what you want to do, but instead it gets load average :)
11:14.15jontowand i already created a basic release tarball of it.. hmm
11:14.16*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
11:14.19jontowsomethings not right there.. heheh
11:14.37mcni'm monitoring the machine room temperature, and want asterisk to call out when it goes too high. got everything done except the "get the number into *" bit... ;-)
11:16.54h3xif the temp gets high your asterisk box will prob melt
11:18.01mcnh3x: too right. aircon failed the other w/e and the room got to 32 degrees before someone noticed
11:18.10DrukenHMEGot SIP response 404 "Not Found" back from
11:18.14DrukenHMEany takers?
11:18.19mcnnormally around 22 deg. hence people are getting worried... ;-)
11:18.48*** join/#asterisk [2]JohnJacob (
11:19.11jontowours broke too
11:19.24h3x# Obsolete things...
11:19.31h3xWhy are they saying that postgres got obsoleted?
11:19.57jontowours hit ~34C the other day until an AC kicked on... someone had some 'splainin to do over that one :)
11:20.46mcnapparently it's due for renewal in the next couple of years or so, but until then we have to put up with belts breaking, and other such stuff
11:21.02mcnthere is also a backup unit, but that's half dead too...
11:21.54*** join/#asterisk elwin (
11:26.19jontowmcn and everyone else who wants it:
11:27.34mcnjontow: nice, thanks
11:32.16*** join/#asterisk basty (n=basty@
11:33.24mcnjontow, that looks so easy! thanks for the help! :-)
11:34.02h3xWARNING[10016]: loader.c:543 load_modules: Loading module failed!
11:34.07h3xheh, if it aint one thing its another.
11:34.17jontownp :)  glad to help someone way too early in the morning for me to even be awake..
11:34.24bastyI am sorry to bother again, but I still have this weirdo Problem with my Asterisk. I am running FreeBSD 5.4-Rel with Asterisk 1.0.8-BRIstuffed-0.2.0-RC8h. Internal calls work - External doesnt. External calls go through a external Sip-Gate-Provider. I am able to setup a phoencall for at least 19secs without problems. After 19sec. the call hangs up for no reason. If i put "canreinvite=yes" into my sip.conf. The connection doesnt hang up - but I am not allowe
11:35.13mcnhmm. early in the morning. yup, it's 12.30 and i'm eating my lunch, but still half asleep ;-)
11:35.28jontow:D  07:30 here
11:35.52jontowgotta stay occupied somehow, when im the only one in the office
11:36.00mcni didn't even wake up until about 8.15
11:36.02*** join/#asterisk O-Zone (
11:36.07O-Zonehi all
11:36.14O-Zonesomeone can help me with tx_fax please ?
11:36.26bastyjontow: you got an idea? I mean I want you to be awake of course ;-)
11:36.26*** join/#asterisk florz_ (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
11:37.07jontowbasty; i was going to suggest making sure your logging is correct so that you may figure this out easier..
11:37.13jontowsince, having not experienced the problem.. thats all i got
11:37.32jontowin ${prefix}/etc/asterisk/logger.conf  ...
11:37.38O-Zonei wanna know why tx_fax dn0't send any data
11:37.40jontowmessages => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose
11:37.41bastylemme check.
11:37.45O-Zonesimpli get fax but don't send anything
11:37.49jontowthen restart asterisk (a reload may do the trick)
11:38.02jontowthen, tail -f /var/log/asterisk/messages
11:38.03jontowand make a call
11:38.15bastyI will try..thanks.
11:38.23jontowmake sure you tune that down a bit before running in production though.. the logs grow pretty heavily like that
11:38.55bastyokay..found first problem: Removed default indication country 'de'
11:39.02bastyhow comes it doesnt accept "de" as country ?=
11:39.23bastyI think i definded it in the file called in indications.conf
11:40.44[Jedi]can I instruct asterisk to ignore any DTMF pressed after some point?
11:40.51jontowtake a look in asterisk/indications.c
11:40.53[Jedi]after any point?
11:41.16RoyK[Jedi]: in an ivr?
11:42.00[Jedi]Dial() has ignored the 'timelimit' of a phonecall
11:42.15[Jedi]and I think it's because the caller pressed '#'
11:42.26[Jedi]because it's the only difference between it and the other calls which are correctly limited
11:42.36h3xgod damn it!!!!
11:42.38jontowhmm, he dropped
11:42.44h3xits built in to asterisk now as res/res_odbc.*
11:42.54h3xive wasted i dont know how much time on this
11:43.04h3xThats it, I'm going to update the wiki
11:43.18[Jedi]jontow: he dropped?
11:43.29jontowyou're learning ;)
11:43.37[Jedi]and the outgoing dial wasn't dropped too?
11:43.39jontowjedi; yes, basty dropped.. i had a bit of an explanation typed out for him
11:43.47[Jedi]oh sorry
11:43.53[Jedi]I thought you were talking to me :D
11:43.56h3xmaybe thats just for cdr's though
11:44.34[Jedi]RoyK: is there any way to do what I said?
11:45.35*** join/#asterisk Byte (
11:47.19Bytecan anyone help me with this problem: - I'm trying to change non-numeric callerids but it's changing the callerid of the other side of the call :|
11:47.41[Jedi]I'm quite lost, don't know what to do
11:47.55[Jedi]if my outgoing calls aren't limited then I'm in problems
11:48.10*** join/#asterisk wzl (
11:50.25h3xbyte what are you trying to do ?
11:50.43*** join/#asterisk jeh (
11:51.14Bytewhen I get a call in with a non-numeric caller id number, asterisk is sending it to my phone as caller id number "asterisk"
11:51.28Byteso I should probably fix that instead of trying to change it some other way...
11:53.45h3xcall in from the outside and to a local extension?
11:54.03jehi have problems getting a SIP call in a queue redirected to some arbitrary other SIP client using an AMI Redirect. i get a reply from asterisk saying 'Redirect successful' but my call is hung up after a few seconds. it never rings the second client
11:54.12Bytewell I can't actually test exactly that.. I'm calling myself
11:54.29jehi can redirect to a meetme extension, but not "normal" users
11:55.07*** join/#asterisk zignig (
11:55.10h3xso basically you screwed up your callerid= lines in your technology's config files
11:56.14*** join/#asterisk Samoied (
11:56.17ByteINVITE sip:phone1@ SIP/2.0 | From: "Simon Arlott" <sip:*393242097@>;tag=as0fbb1377
11:56.21Byteh3x: I have no callerid= lines
11:56.35h3xif you did
11:56.36Bytethat's what happens if I make a call with my calleridnum set to 242097
11:56.40h3xthen you would get caller id set up right
11:56.59h3xcallerid="Jane Doe <(212) 555-1212>"
11:57.12h3xiax.conf sip.conf etc.
11:57.29Bytewhy is that any different from setting the callerid in my phone's context before it makes the outgoing call?
11:57.35*** join/#asterisk Maksim (n=max@
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11:57.46h3xwhat, doing it in extensions?
11:57.58ByteINVITE sip:phone1@ SIP/2.0 | From: "Simon Arlott" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as0e0b9a7e
11:58.08h3xYou realize that when you call the outside world in the US, its not going to send the name you are using anyway, just the number
11:58.18jehor maybe one can't run two different soft phones on the same system?
11:58.21ByteI'm not even in the US
11:58.39h3xare you using a US voip provider though?
11:58.46zignigjeh: you could run on different ports
11:58.49Byteer.. well yes, fwd ;p
11:58.58Bytebut that's not for calls to pstn
11:59.18newlCID/CND data isn't guaranteed anyway across internationally connected carriers. :)
11:59.23jehzignig: well, neither client complains, but i can't even call the other so there is something wrong...
11:59.26Byteh3x: when I set my callerid to 242097 and call myself over fwd, the call comes in from 242097 to me and goes to my phone
11:59.38Byteh3x: when I set my callerid to moo and call myself over fwd, the call comes in from moo to me and goes to my phone as "asterisk"
11:59.54zignigjeh: you will have to route through the "lo" interface on both clients.
11:59.56MikeJ[Laptop]newl, cid info isnt' guaranteed within the us anyways
11:59.57h3xsounds like you need a callerid asreceived line or something in your fwd config
12:00.00Byteit's in my asterisk logs as a call from "moo", but it's going to the phone as "asterisk"
12:00.11zignigByte: MOO!
12:00.15zignigByte: :)
12:00.15jehzignig: hm, ok
12:00.22Wonkazignig: apt-get moo
12:00.29h3xMessage from syslogd@localhost at Fri Sep  2 05:00:24 2005 ...
12:00.29h3xlocalhost kernel: CPU0: Temperature above threshold
12:00.38h3xI just love it when mpg123 goes freaking nuts and causes this to happen
12:01.03zignigjeh: what I want to be able to do is click on a sip:1234567 link in a web browser and initiate a call on a hardware sip phone.
12:01.11zignigWonka: :) yep.
12:01.11Byteh3x: a callerid asreceived line?
12:01.23zignigWonka: you running debian too ?
12:01.29jehzignig: that would be pretty nice
12:01.39*** join/#asterisk Blazint (
12:01.47Wonkazignig: 'course. several installations. but mostly own kernels
12:01.53Byteh3x: the call is coming in on the in-fwd context with the right caller id, it's then going out to the phone claiming to be from "asterisk"
12:01.55MikeJ[Laptop]Byte, read the sample configs.. you will see
12:01.57zignigWonka: ofcourse.
12:02.20zignigWonka: what does your asterisk do that is cool ?
12:02.35*** join/#asterisk lehel (n=asd@
12:03.00ByteMikeJ[Laptop]: where?
12:03.30zigniglehel: hello
12:03.45*** join/#asterisk lathos42 (
12:03.50Wonkazignig: not much yet, can't really play around... i've got only ISDN up to now
12:03.56lathos42Good Morning
12:04.13zignigWonka: you can do speex down to 8Kb/s over the net.
12:04.26lehelWonka you have ISDN.. chan_capi?
12:04.28zignigWonka: it works , but it sounds like a cheap walkietalky
12:04.44Bytecan't someone just help me? :| there's nothing in the sample configuration about this, and it's impossible to google since the callerid number it's using is "asterisk"
12:04.52Wonkalehel: AVM B1 and chan_capi, yes, but i don't call out much, because of the cotss..
12:05.02Wonkaalso, chan_zap with zaphfc
12:05.46lehelthere is somewhere a pricelist of outgoing calls?
12:06.02leheli have both too.. works fine all
12:06.36Wonkai am in germany, where telephony is mostly non-free
12:06.58Wonkaand i don't want to talk to that railway schedule information robot all the time
12:07.14Wonkabut it is convenient for testing
12:07.39lehelWonka you can transfer calls with "#" ?
12:07.42Wonkaalthough only usable over SIP providers, and they all just do *law-codecs with 64kBit/s
12:08.03Wonkawas that a question?
12:08.20zignigWonka: why? :P
12:08.39leheli don't know why i can't.. it's not working.. should?.
12:08.59lehelit is something about configuration of CAPI?
12:09.18[Jedi]When I press "#" I get Attempting native bridge of Zap/11-1 and Zap/1-1 "
12:09.32[Jedi]how can I completely disable this ?
12:09.35Wonkadidn't try that yet
12:10.12Byte#define DEFAULT_CALLERID "asterisk"
12:10.23Byteif (!l || (!ast_isphonenumber(l) && default_callerid[0])) l = default_callerid;
12:10.27Bytethat's the point of that? :/
12:10.43Byteif it's not a phone number, it sets it to something that is also not a phone number?
12:11.31*** join/#asterisk hadi57 (n=al_moghr@
12:11.50DanettSomeone from South-Africa here
12:12.12zignigDanett: .au sorry
12:12.14*** join/#asterisk stkn (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
12:13.18DanettI need to know if south-africa support more the 10 digits like germany
12:14.07*** join/#asterisk Mother_ (
12:14.29jontowsoooo, peter... whaaats happening..   yeah, im gonna need you to go ahead and...
12:16.46[Jedi]if I press "#" Dial() ignores the timelimit
12:16.47*** join/#asterisk drumkilla_laptop (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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12:17.08jontowso take a looksee at the source for the Dial app
12:17.17jontowsee whats doing it.. file it as a bug, optionally including a patch
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12:18.35lehelWonka i need some help pls
12:19.32drumkilla_laptopjontow: !!!
12:19.42drumkilla_laptopdo you do anything else but chat on irc?  :-p
12:19.54Wonkalehel: with what`
12:20.05*** part/#asterisk trig (
12:20.12leheli want to be able to call from my zap an outside line connecting to the other asterisk box, wich contains the isdn card
12:20.15]data[hi folks, quicky question, got 2 grandstreams talking sip to asterisk, it doesnt work with the native bridge, even if i put 'canreinvite=no' in both sip entries, it still tries to native bridge, is there another command i need?
12:20.50lehelwhat do you think Wonka it is possible?
12:21.39Wonkaso you want a call * - zap - ISDN - ISDN card - * ?
12:21.40jontowim working on a few DNS issues actually :)
12:21.58drumkilla_laptopfun times
12:22.07sivanatzanger: ping
12:22.17drumkilla_laptopi'm getting gcc-4
12:22.17PakiPenguindrumkilla_laptop, ever worked with h323?
12:22.34drumkilla_laptopd'oh, gcc-4.0.1 for my laptop so I can fix the rest of the pointer signedness warnings
12:22.42Byteh3x: I found the bug that's preventing me fixing it with a macro
12:22.46drumkilla_laptopPakiPenguin: nope
12:22.53Byteh3x: Zapateller is doing strange things to the callerid
12:23.03*** join/#asterisk popvoxdave (
12:23.05lehelsomthng like that *(Zap) calls ISDN by *(Isdn Card)
12:23.07h3xhaha that figures
12:23.22h3xthat app probably dosent get updated often to reflect new structs
12:23.29sivanawow... bkw_ you there?
12:23.30Bytewhen I use Zapateller after setting the callerid of the *incoming* call, the *outgoing* call is changed
12:23.44drumkilla_laptoph3x: if it didn't get updated to reflect new structs, it wouldn't compile :)
12:23.49lehelWonka and dialing an analog phone connected to the (Zap)*
12:23.54h3xit gets updated enough
12:24.07leheldialing from..
12:24.10h3xbut not tested throughly :P
12:24.11Bytewell something's wrong with it
12:24.29Wonkalehel: i don't know anything about analog... i use zaphfc, which is a driver for a HFC-S ISDN card
12:26.40ByteI still can't get it to do what would be correct though
12:26.47*** part/#asterisk Mother_ (
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12:32.36*** join/#asterisk [jedi] (n=hhgds4@
12:32.56[jedi]Is there any way to disable 'transfer' with "#"?
12:33.26[jedi]I really need it :/
12:34.03h3xyeah you take the T and t options out of your dialplan
12:35.49[jedi]I haven't these
12:36.26*** join/#asterisk azrishahril (n=azrishah@
12:36.38[jedi]h3x: I haven't these options in my dial plan
12:37.26leheltransfer in zap [jedi]?
12:37.32h3xthen # transfer shouldnt be working
12:38.33[jedi]It "doesn't" work - it just makes my Dial() ignore the timelimit!
12:38.33*** join/#asterisk Katty_ (n=katrina@
12:38.44lehelh3x i have a transerf problem too, my is invers: i want to be able to transfer calls but i cannot! it is CAPI
12:39.28[jedi]h3x: would it be possible to make a Hangup() when a transfer is attempt?
12:39.36[jedi]that would suffice I guess
12:40.56Danettdoes someone know a good fxo/fxs combined card?
12:41.09puzzledDigium's TDM400P
12:41.10h3xsipura makes an ATA
12:41.12h3xthat does both
12:41.56Danetti don't want an ata
12:41.59Danetti want a pci card
12:42.00[jedi]where can I get more info about the "T" and "t" options in dialplan?
12:42.10h3xthose pci cards suck
12:42.16h3x[jedi]: show application dial
12:42.45Danettcan i hook up the ata with asterisk then?
12:42.53Danetti still need an aditional card then right
12:43.47h3xyou plug it into ethernet
12:43.57h3xlike i was saying
12:44.05h3xsipura makes one thats 1 fxo 1 fxs
12:44.20Danettthey provide drivers?
12:44.26h3xyou dont need a driver
12:44.28h3xit converts to voip
12:44.38[jedi]h3x: Now I do Dial(Zap/g15/0057311XXXXXXXXX|30|HL(275000:60000:30000)
12:44.45[jedi]h3x: that shouldn't allow T nor t, right?
12:45.03h3xunless you have an option set in a technology config file
12:45.19[jedi]what's that?
12:45.48h3xsip.conf zapata.conf iax.conf whatever
12:45.53*** join/#asterisk docelm0 (
12:46.47[jedi]I had "transfer=yes"
12:46.56tzangerbkw_: what, precisely, is the problem with chan_iax2?  your asterlink email gives no details whatsoever and I don't recall seeing a bug number
12:46.59h3xthat figures
12:47.21Danetth3x: wich type of sipura
12:47.29*** join/#asterisk Blazint (
12:48.02h3xthe one on their front page that is teal colored
12:48.19h3xthe spa-3000
12:49.48*** join/#asterisk Katty (n=katrina@
12:50.32Danettthis is pretty good
12:50.46Danettyou can use it as gsm gateway
12:50.53h3xit supports a lot of codecs
12:51.00[jedi]h3x: that wasn't the problem. I still get " Attempting native bridge of Zap/3-1 and Zap/1-1 " when I press "#"
12:51.17Danettshit man, it's the cheapest i have ever seen
12:51.18h3xOh you mean that dock n talk
12:51.39h3xhehe its great for dumping those non rboc minutes
12:52.13Danettwhat do you mean
12:52.15tzanger[jedi]: that's not an error
12:52.30sivanatzanger: faxing works 1000x better with Digium card
12:52.33*** join/#asterisk nicodejo (
12:53.13tzangersivana: really
12:53.13sivanaI was able to send out 2 pages at once
12:53.13tzangersivana: I'm suprised sangoma hasn't gotten back to you
12:53.13sivanaI couldn't even do 1 yesterday
12:53.13nicodejohello !
12:53.13*** join/#asterisk ymorin (
12:53.13tzangersivana: doesn't that usually jam the machine?
12:53.15[jedi]tzanger: but I need to disable it
12:53.17sivanaone after the other
12:53.22[jedi]tzanger: when I do "#", the timelimit in Dial() is ignored
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12:53.45tzanger[jedi]: no, the channel will come in and out of native bridging as needed
12:53.57nicodejoi'm french student and i builded a debian with an asterisk package
12:54.08tzanger[jedi]: I'm not sure what you mean by the time limit
12:54.20[jedi]tzanger: the maximum call duration
12:54.48h3xanybdoy else have endless loop problem doing "make install" on asterisk 1.2.0 beta 1
12:55.24*** part/#asterisk pussfeller (n=todd@
12:55.54[jedi]tzanger: asterisk absolutely ignores the time limit I give it in the Dial() string, just by pressing "#" in the calling phone
12:56.10tzanger[jedi]: are you getting transferred out of hte loop?  i..e is 'notransfer=yes" set in your iax.conf peer/user?
12:56.27[jedi]no, it isn't set
12:56.35[jedi](I'm using zapata)
12:56.42h3xhehehe next 2600 magazine... "How to bluebox an asterisk box"
12:56.57tzanger[jedi]: are you sure you're using hte right dial option?
12:58.08jontowcausing hell with asterisk installations is easy if the admin doesn't know much about the dialplan..
12:58.10[jedi]tzanger: yes
12:58.14*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
12:58.36[jedi](sorry ... :D)
13:00.25tzangerit's an AGI
13:00.29tzangerI don't know anything about AGIs, sorry
13:01.25[jedi]I but it's not an AGI problem
13:01.34nicodejobut i've got a problem with my bri card because when i load the capi module in asterisk , asterisk can't find
13:01.41[jedi]the problem is Dial() ignoring the time limitation
13:01.42nicodejoplease help me
13:01.55*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
13:04.01wiizardyay for the speed of a voicemaster
13:04.05wiizardstupidly slow
13:04.09nicodejo[] => (Call Parking Resource)
13:04.09nicodejoSep  2 14:13:16 WARNING[2859]: loader.c:391 load_modules: Loading module failed!
13:04.35SwK_[Jedi]: dont call Dial In your AGI
13:04.38SwK_thats BAD BAD BAD
13:05.03[jedi]why ?
13:05.32nicodejoand in /usr/lib/modules i haven't got
13:05.37[jedi]SwK_: I can change it now...
13:05.40SwK_dial is blocking so if you end up with a high call volume you hav ea ton of copies of your AGI plus whatevr interpretter you are running loaded
13:06.16[jedi]SwK_: I use FastAGI and the server is in an external Sun UltraSPARC machine
13:06.32SwK_set variables exit the AGI the call Dial, and then if you need post dial processing do a deadAGI on the h extension
13:06.44[jedi]yes, I will use DeadAGI
13:06.47[jedi]in the R2
13:06.54[jedi]but this is the R1 version :))
13:07.06[jedi]anyway, I do the AGI outside the asterisk machine, in a quite powerful machine
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13:09.18[jedi]SwK_: I would have the same problem if I dial() outside AGI I guess...
13:09.48tzanger[jedi]: have you tried it
13:10.11SwK_dunno havent had a need for dial timelimits lately
13:11.24[jedi]tzanger: yes
13:11.28[jedi]tzanger: same problem
13:11.38*** join/#asterisk razu (
13:11.50tzanger[jedi]: hmm
13:11.58tzanger[jedi]: simplify
13:12.06tzanger[jedi]: for testing, just have an exten that dial()s with a timeout
13:12.08tzangerdoes it time out?
13:13.27*** join/#asterisk asr_ (
13:13.42[jedi]yes, it times out
13:13.47[jedi]if I don't press "#"
13:13.52[jedi]if I press "#", it doesn't
13:13.55tzangerif you don't press #
13:14.02tzangeryou do reaise that # initiates a transfer
13:14.07tzangerand that's probably killing the timer
13:14.17[jedi]yes, and that's what I want to disable completely
13:14.30tzangerthen in features.conf disable it
13:14.41tzangeror take out the 't' or 'T' dial option, even better
13:14.52Danetthow can i do route by tones?
13:15.07*** part/#asterisk sskyles (
13:15.09[jedi]tzanger: I don't have such options in Dial()
13:15.19tzanger[jedi]: odd
13:15.20[jedi]tzanger: where in features.conf should I disable it? I don't see it
13:15.48*** join/#asterisk MattH (n=MattH@
13:15.49[jedi]My dial() -> Zap/g15/630589777|30|HL(110000:60000:30000)
13:16.10*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
13:16.16MattHHi.. I download CVS-HEAD.... setup extconfig.conf and res_mysql.conf but for some reason my voicemail doesn't seem to be going to the sql database... still reads the voicemail file
13:16.17MattHany thoughts?
13:16.31tzanger[jedi]: that's odd, # shouldn't be doing anything then
13:16.40tzangerwhen you hit # does alison say "Transfer" ?
13:16.54*** join/#asterisk nain (n=nain@
13:17.12tzangerI'm guessing it's a bug involving H
13:17.25tzangerwhat version of asterisk is this?
13:17.53[jedi]Asterisk CVS-HEAD, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2005 Digium.
13:18.47[jedi]I can remove H if needed
13:19.26*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
13:19.49ByteI can now get caller id numbers going to the phone even if they're not numeric
13:21.07tzanger[jedi]: try without H
13:21.22Byteand once I modify chan_sip.c to correctly encode everything it'll work with anything...
13:21.38nicodejosorry i found the package and the module but,
13:21.41nicodejoSep  2 14:30:10 NOTICE[2955]: chan_capi.c:2635 load_module: CAPI not installed!
13:21.41nicodejoSep  2 14:30:10 WARNING[2955]: loader.c:345 ast_load_resource: load_module failed, returning -1
13:21.41nicodejoSep  2 14:30:10 WARNING[2955]: chan_capi.c:2811 unload_module: Unable to unregister from CAPI!
13:21.41nicodejoSep  2 14:30:10 WARNING[2955]: loader.c:440 load_modules: Loading module failed!
13:22.52jontowmy IPX is gonna lose power
13:22.53jontow^:jontow@shortstack:~% uptime
13:27.13nainlast day some one sugest me to set the parameters of limits.conf when i was getting '' Unable to write to fd 60 (32, Broken Pipe)" but instead of solving my problem it decrease my average call duration from 7 to 1 and now it's amaze how to set back or to solve it. However i have revert back my settings.
13:27.26MattHdo I need to do something to enable mysql relatime? it doesn't seem to be running
13:27.54MattHor working rather
13:28.09nainCan any one suggest how to resolve "Unable to write to fd 60 (32, Broken Pipe)" this error. This cause to hangup calls
13:28.20MattHI'm getting this:   == Binding voicemail to mysql/asterisk_vm/users
13:30.42MattHugh it's in addons
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13:34.31[jedi]THANKYOU VERY MUCH
13:34.44tzanger[jedi]: I'd file a bug
13:34.48[jedi]I will
13:34.55[jedi]removing H solved it
13:34.56tzangerH should detect * and not reset the timer
13:35.32[jedi]in fact, H detects *
13:35.38[jedi]and hangs up
13:35.42[jedi]but # doens't!
13:35.55naintzanger: jedi: Can any one suggest how to resolve "Unable to write to fd 60 (32, Broken Pipe)" this error. This cause to hangup calls
13:36.12tzangernain: give us some more details
13:36.12[jedi]I mean, putting H makes "#" reset the timer
13:36.29tzanger[jedi]: I know, what I am saying is that it should detect DTMF but NOT reset the damn call timer
13:36.43[jedi]that's it
13:36.50[jedi]I will file a bug monday
13:37.07tzanger[jedi]: My gut guess is that it's detecting DTMF and assuming that it's gonna be a * so get ready to terminate the call... oh it's not *, drop out (and leave some vars uninitialize/cleared)
13:38.51[jedi]again, THANKS for your help tzanger
13:39.11naintzanger: I am running asterisk 1.0.9 with asterisk-oh323.0.6.6 channel driver. I am taking call in h323 then transcoding g729 codec into ulaw and send it to sip provider. After or before the call established i am getting "unable to write fd 60 (32,Broken Pipe)" After this call hangup. I can't understand what's the reason
13:39.14tzanger[jedi]: no problem, glad to help
13:39.19[jedi]we have thousands of calling cards in the streets and one of them figured out that with # his calling card had no limit
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13:39.33Danettwhat is the best codec for gsm (besided gsm itself)
13:39.42tzangernain: simplify.  Can you try this without h323 or sip (find out whether it's h323 or sip doing this)
13:39.55tzanger[jedi]: yikes
13:40.12tzanger[jedi]: sounds like you shoudl have a programmer on staff to fix these bugs and contribute back to the community
13:40.23naintzanger: How can i test ?
13:40.39tzanger[jedi]: tha't sthe sheer beauty of open source -- if there's a bug, you can fix it instead of waiting impotently for a vendor to make it a priority
13:40.50[jedi]tzanger: I'm that programmer, and I was already looking at app_transfer.c :DDD
13:41.02tzanger[jedi]: excellent.
13:41.15tzangernain: can you make a h323-only or sip-only call and get the same result
13:43.22naintzanger: I have tried only by using SIP but the Average call Duration remain same. Calls dropped also in SIP. Last day Average Call duration was 7 min but suddently it drop to 1.4
13:43.43tzangernain: so what does that tell you
13:44.24naintzanger: I can't understand wheater it is the codec issue. I read that Broken Pipe is related to codec. but What about fd 60 as last day some one told me that fd = file descriptor
13:45.26naintzanger: I also increased the file descriptor in /etc/security/limits.conf as describe in Asterisk readme file but by doing this i get in more trobble
13:46.42tzangerfd is file descriptor yes
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13:48.22naintzanger: I tried it using default ulaw to ulaw codec but still same results.
13:48.34tzangernain which should be indicating to you that it's not the codec
13:48.37tzangerbut one of the endpoints
13:48.41*** join/#asterisk doughecka_ (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
13:48.49tzangerI odn't use h323 nor do I use SIP so I won' tbe able to help much
13:49.14doughecka_my asterisk box is getting stuck on loading zaptel channels on bootup
13:49.29doughecka_how can I skip it so I can get past it and change a config?
13:49.32naintzanger: so who can help me regarding h323 to sip ?
13:49.41tzangernain: not sure
13:49.43sivanatzanger: is the KB1 any better?
13:49.45naintzanger: is there any h323 guru here in iirc ?
13:49.48tzangersivana: yes
13:50.00tzangernain: also which h323 implementation are you using?
13:50.16nainasterisk oh323 0.6.6 by
13:50.27Danettweird. the DISA module isn't picking up my password anymore
13:50.32tzangernain: have you contacted them?
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13:51.24naintzanger: no, how to contact them? Also I also tried ooh323c implementation but no results
13:52.12doughecka_tzanger: anyway for me to skip past loading zaptel on bootup?
13:52.38tzangerdoughecka_: noload =>
13:52.43naintzanger: as when i contact digium they asked me to use ooh323c comes with asterisk -addons . i tried it but same
13:52.46doughecka_on startup of linux
13:52.47tzangernain: I don't know... jeez, use your head a little
13:53.05doughecka_it stops while its loading the modules for zaptel, and I cant get a console
13:53.07tzangernain: ok, like I said I don't know what to tell you, you're not doing much in way of troubleshooting
13:53.18tzangerdoughecka_: oh.  put zaptel in the blacklist file
13:53.27doughecka_well, I cant get console
13:53.41doughecka_anyway to disable loading services as a kernel argument?
13:53.59naintzanger: thanks for your kind help which you can do.
13:54.37nainbut i am trying to troubleshoot it since last months but not getting reasonable solution
13:54.41tzangernain: As I said, I don't use h323 or sip.  You've got a lot of little details you need to reduce to the smallest set of variables that cause the problem
13:55.00tzangerdoes h323->h323 do this?  does sip->sip?  use only ulaw for now
13:55.10tzangerreduce your system to the simplest system that causes the error
13:55.13Danettwhat might format = 8 mean?
13:55.16Danettwich codec
13:55.34sivanacan I reload zaptel drivers without modprobe after make install?
13:55.55[jedi]try rmmod
13:55.58davidinnohello i'm a new user
13:56.02tzangersivana: yes
13:56.10tzangerrmmod wct4xxp zaptel and hten modprobe wct4xxp
13:56.12[jedi]locate what drivers are you using and rmmod them
13:56.15davidinnoi need some information relavive installation of asterikx
13:56.32tzangerdon't forget ztcfg -vv if your modules.conf doesn't automatically do it
13:56.42[jedi]by the way
13:56.53davidinnoi see in documentation that i can use any modem isdn supported by linux
13:57.18davidinnobut i don't know how install a modem first in fedora
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13:57.22[jedi]when I modprobe the zaptel modules and do the ztcfg -vv, I have to make a "sleep 3" between them, only with my 2.6-kernel machines, because if I don't do it, the zaptel devices in /dev aren't created
13:57.27davidinnoand after in asterisk
13:57.31sivanatzanger: so I need to modprobe then
13:57.34[jedi]It's not a problem to do the "sleep", but... :D
13:57.35tzanger[jedi]: yes, that's because of udev
13:57.40davidinnosome one can help me?
13:58.07[jedi]It's not a problem for me, my init scripts do it and it works
13:58.08tzangerdavidinno: I'd ask your fedora support forums/group, get familliar with the system before you try something like Asterisk
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14:00.16mastixwhere can i find more information about h.323 channel
14:00.57mastixi found on voip-info that there is one implementation for h.323
14:01.03mastixby default
14:01.08mastixhow can i check it?
14:02.30spacklemastix: you mean check if it is installed?
14:02.56mastixthere is written that there should be something in directory called channels
14:02.58Hmmhesayshow is cvs-head right now for production use?
14:03.03mastixbyt where can i find it?
14:03.13spacklemastix: dial the ip address of your asterisk server with an h.323 client and see if it logs the connection on the console
14:03.51spacklemastix: there should be an h323.conf or oh323.conf file in /etc/asterisk
14:04.12mastixthere isnt
14:04.15*** join/#asterisk trout_ (
14:04.38spacklemasix: you may have to get it from CVS then?
14:04.38mastixok i try to make one
14:04.50*** join/#asterisk bsd3 (n=bsd@
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14:05.36`SauronWhat's the difference between type = user, type = peer and type = friend?
14:05.39`SauronI can never remember
14:05.51mastixok what should i get from CVS
14:05.54mastixh.323 channel
14:05.58mastixor config file?
14:06.06bsd3hi, friends!
14:06.58bsd3i have a question about on passwords, can any one help?
14:07.30mastixspackle: do you know which package should i download to get h.323 channel
14:07.40mastixand is it on digium cvs?
14:08.39*** join/#asterisk wasim (n=wasim@pdpc/supporter/active/wasim)
14:08.59bsd3mastix: from cvs? get asterisk-addons it also contains an h323 chan from ObjSys
14:10.11mastixok i have already compiled and installed asterisk-addons but where can i find any documentation for this h.323 channel?
14:11.15mastixor do i need to compile it with some special parametrs?
14:11.49bsd3mastix: there must be a directory whatever/astrisk-addons/astrisk-ooh323c
14:12.05*** join/#asterisk PiruchoOSX (
14:12.17bsd3mastix: cd whatever/astrisk-addons/astrisk-ooh323c
14:12.34mastixi have got it :-)
14:12.40bsd3mastix: make; make install
14:12.57mastixi read now make file for addons and there is nothing about h323
14:14.10bsd3mastix: the README other info is in that asterisk-ooh323c dir
14:14.11*** join/#asterisk rob314 (n=rob314@
14:14.13mastixyou know i was confused because on voip-info is that h.323 is in standard source code :-/
14:14.21mastixi see i have it thx
14:14.40*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
14:14.57bsd3mastix: you need to use gngk for better routing
14:15.02bsd3mastix: you're welcome!
14:16.13bsd3friends! i see there is big security concern in *, it shows all passwords in clear test in the CDR's
14:16.16*** join/#asterisk memic (
14:16.30memici have this hfi card an get f*** no dialtone
14:16.41memicevery seems to be connected fine
14:17.56mastixbsd3: can i use it without gk if i need it just for gateway?
14:17.59bsd3if I Dial(CHAN/username:password@some.domain/EXTEN) how do I hide this password from CDR's and the IP packets?
14:18.15bsd3mastix: NP
14:19.34bsd3mastix: the ObjSys's H323 chan drivers also does not support DNS name resolution as yet
14:20.07mastixok it aslo doesnt matter in my case
14:20.14mastixthx very much
14:20.22bsd3you're welcome!
14:20.47bsd3mastix: you may use the IP addresses
14:21.52bsd3can we use md5sum instead of clear text passwords when dialing to VoIP chans?
14:23.38serg_bbsd3: in new asterisk code you can set md5secret for sip peer/user
14:24.36serg_b;       auth = <user>#<md5secret>@<realm>
14:25.32bsd3serg_b: that's only for SIP not IAX2 i think
14:26.14bsd3so we need to modify IAX2 chan driver for that?
14:26.32serg_bi think so
14:26.33kshumardiax2 has native support for md5 passwords....
14:26.42kshumardcheck out /usr/src/asterisk/configs/iax.conf.sample
14:26.46kshumardslash on md5
14:27.02bsd3kshumard: ok, thanks
14:27.07kshumardbsd3, np. : )
14:27.14bsd3kshumard: le me check
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14:27.35doughecka_whenever I bootup
14:27.42*** join/#asterisk drbrown (n=chatzill@
14:27.47doughecka_it says loading zaptel hardware modules: wcte11xp
14:27.51doughecka_and it just sits there
14:29.25drbrownDoes anyone know of a device, or method to setup a SIP paging system using asterisk & snom IP phones????
14:30.13*** join/#asterisk heppycat (
14:30.14tzangerdoughecka_: put zaptel in the  blacklist
14:30.22tzangerand if that doesn't work, delete the .ko file
14:30.53drbrownby paging system I mean accross all the speaker phones at the same time
14:31.10*** join/#asterisk Beccara (
14:31.59doughecka_what blacklist?
14:32.09doughecka_I can take it out and it boots fine
14:32.23doughecka_but I want it fixed so I can get my pbx up and running
14:32.57doughecka_can I change the script to something simple so it just loads the modules and runs ztcfg before passing it back to the next service?
14:33.14skefflinghello, anyone using sipsak? I'm jsut trying it out and getting SIP/2.0 405 Method Not Allowed errors. Is there anything in Asterisk I need to configure to allow messages?
14:33.23doughecka_I can MANUALLY zaptel start from console, its just not running right on bootup
14:33.33memicanybody has tried an analog-digital-converter on an hfc card in NT mode?
14:34.07memic*CLI> Sep  2 16:27:48 NOTICE[2753]: chan_zap.c:7819 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
14:34.08memicSep  2 16:27:50 NOTICE[2753]: chan_zap.c:7819 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
14:34.17memicalways getting this error
14:34.57mastixi am not lucky today
14:35.15mastixi have compiled ooh323c driver from digium cvs
14:35.46mastixbut it didnt created
14:35.56mastixbu just chan_h323.o
14:36.05mastixand chan_h323.lo
14:36.16mastixis .o same as .so???
14:36.23bsd3mastix: it will creat a
14:36.38*** join/#asterisk oej (n=oej@
14:36.45bsd3mastix: try make install
14:37.12bsd3mastix: it will install that as lib
14:37.32mastixit wont :-(
14:37.35mastixi tried
14:37.49mastixcp .libs/ /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
14:37.49mastixcp: cannot stat `.libs/': No such file or directory
14:38.06mastixinstall rule is simple
14:38.17*** join/#asterisk TheCops (
14:38.21mastixit just look for
14:38.57TheCopsThere's a way to make a extension and listen music with musiconhold from a sip users and make a call to this sip user at the same time (The music stop and the phone ring)
14:39.38*** join/#asterisk Katty (n=katrina@
14:40.27*** join/#asterisk Moc (
14:40.33Kattywhat's up with debian's runlevels?
14:40.52Hmmhesayswhat about them?
14:41.07mastixbsd3: do you thing it will work when i cp chan_h323.o in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ as
14:41.31*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
14:41.38bsd3mastix: is make install not doing it for you?
14:41.58KattyHmmhesays: i can't get to console
14:42.05memicany ideas about that hfc shit
14:42.08KattyHmmhesays: i go in, expecting to change it to console. and it's set at 2
14:42.20KattyHmmhesays: so i change it to 3
14:42.25KattyHmmhesays: and it still goes into the gui
14:42.28KattyHmmhesays: and it won't even let me kill x
14:42.37Hmmhesaysthat is because debian runlevels have nothing to do with gdm
14:42.37KattyHmmhesays: wtfbbq!??!!11oneone
14:42.42*** join/#asterisk azrishahril (n=azrishah@
14:42.48KattyHmmhesays: then how to do i switch it to kdm?
14:43.26bsd3mastix: ok, there should a ./, copy this as to /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
14:43.59*** join/#asterisk [1]JohnJacob (
14:44.28KattyHmmhesays: i found this: but it's not in kat
14:44.43Hmmhesayshold on a second
14:44.47Hmmhesaysi'm switching over to xchat
14:45.06bsd3can anyone tell me is the cvs HEAD is equiv to -v1.2.0-beta1 or something?
14:45.51*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (n=Hmmm@
14:46.33Hmmhesaysyou have kdm installed?
14:46.41Kattyi have kdm and gdm
14:46.44Kattybut i don't want into a gui at all
14:46.59Kattyi just want to get out to the console when it's up. and /then/ if i startx, i want it to go into kde
14:47.02mutilatorrm -f /etc/rc2.d/S99gdm
14:47.06Hmmhesaysoh, remove the symlink from /etc/rc*.d
14:47.07mutilatorrm -f /etc/rc2.d/S99kdm
14:47.08Nivexoh in that case you need to remove the symlink in /etc/rc2.....
14:47.11Nivexmutilator:beat me to id
14:47.23KattyHmmhesays: mew?
14:47.29KattyHmmhesays: why? how?
14:47.50*** join/#asterisk djspeck (
14:47.59HmmhesaysKatty: gdm is starting because a script is getting called to init when you boot
14:48.14Hmmhesayswhat runlevel do you want to start?
14:48.24Kattywhichever one goes to console and not gui
14:48.27*** join/#asterisk Morakai (n=jmwoodga@
14:48.31djspeckhey guys, i am a asterisk starter and have a problem with misdn --> extension can never match
14:48.31Hmmhesays2 or 3
14:48.44KattyHmmhesays: what's the difference?
14:48.45mutilator2 more than likely
14:48.51Hmmhesayssingle user and multiuser
14:48.55Hmmhesaysfor 2 and 3
14:49.00KattyHmmhesays: 3 then
14:49.07KattyHmmhesays: if three is multiuser and not gui
14:49.15mutilatorjust type 'runlevel'
14:49.19mutilatorat a console
14:49.31Hmmhesaysso go to /etc/rc3.d/ and look for the gdm symlink
14:49.43KattyHmmhesays: k
14:49.47Hmmhesaysits probably S99gdm
14:50.07djspeckCAN SO HELP ME? extension can never match --> misdn
14:50.11*** join/#asterisk Chuji (
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14:50.36HmmhesaysKatty: when you find it, remove it or rename it
14:51.01KattyHmmhesays: how do i tell if it's a symlink?
14:51.03Nivexdjspeck: 1) BREATHE!  2) don't yell.  3) Can you provide a bit more detail?  I don't understand your question.
14:51.16KattyHmmhesays: i remember doing it once, but don't recall how i saw if it was pointing elsewhere
14:51.18HmmhesaysKatty anything in /etc/rc3.d is a symlink
14:51.24KattyHmmhesays: oh
14:51.27JerJer4) learned propers chinglish
14:51.42KattyHmmhesays: then yes, it's S99gdm
14:51.51KattyHmmhesays: and if i remove the symlink, it should go to console, yes?
14:51.56NivexJerJer: Be nice.  Not everybody's from 'round these parts :-P
14:52.11HmmhesaysKatty: sure thing
14:52.15KattyHmmhesays: hot
14:52.19Hmmhesayscause you won't call the gdm init script
14:52.40Samoiedanyone know this error:
14:52.42Samoiedchan_sip.c:5710 check_auth: stale nonce received from
14:52.52mutilatordid you even check ya runlevel kajtzu?
14:52.54mutilatorKatty rather
14:52.59djspeckNivex: in misdn.conf i defined a port with context incoming
14:53.03SamoiedI use 1.2.0-beta1
14:53.18Kattymutilator: i may not know a whole lot about what i'm doing, but i'm not a complete idiot
14:53.23Samoiedand the peer is an Linksys-PAP2NA
14:53.37djspeckNivex: in extensions.conf i defined a simle [incoming]
14:53.50Kattymutilator: if i needed to know what runlevel i was in, i would have asked.
14:53.58mutilatoryou did
14:54.03mastixbsd3: problem is that make doesnt create :-(
14:54.05Kattymutilator: this is why i asked Hmmhesays for help and not you :P
14:54.09mutilator10:49:10] <Katty> Hmmhesays: 3 then
14:54.09mutilator[10:49:17] <Katty> Hmmhesays: if three is multiuser and not gui
14:54.10*** join/#asterisk Uther_P (n=uther_p@
14:54.13djspeckexten --> s,1,Answer()
14:54.20Kattymutilator: i did not ask 'what runlevel am i in?'
14:54.30KattyHmmhesays: :>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
14:54.35mutilator[10:48:54] <Katty> Hmmhesays: what's the difference?
14:54.37mastixbsd3: but make finished without error
14:54.41Hmmhesaysvorkin' is it?
14:54.50mutilator[10:48:34] <Katty> whichever one goes to console and not gui
14:55.00bsd3mastix: are'nt you using the latest sources from cvs HEAD?
14:55.00mutilatordoesn't said to me like you knew what you were in at all
14:55.01KattyHmmhesays: yes, yes it is.
14:55.14Kattymutilator: oh, but i did. what had me confused is why it wasn't working properly
14:55.18mutilatorsaid = sound
14:55.21JerJerNivex:  all your base are belong to us
14:55.21Kattymutilator: or did you entirely miss that part?
14:55.28Uther_Pinittab defines which ttys get allocated for which runlevel (if thats what you were asking)
14:55.38djspeckNivex: asterisk says: extension can never match
14:55.42mastixi hope in CVS isnt betta version
14:55.45Kattyanywho, moving on
14:55.50Uther_Pif not, heh, I came in late, sorry
14:55.55mutilatorit was working properly.. you just had a gui..
14:56.25JerJerdjspeck:  exten => s,1,Answer
14:57.02Kattymutilator: i'm going to say this nicely, but only once. drop it. move on.
14:57.34mutilatorheh k whatever
14:57.45adelasanyone here fimiliar with DTMF on a mediatrix?
14:58.03djspeckJerJer: extension can never match, so disconnecting
14:58.04Kattymutilator: thx (=
14:58.21*** join/#asterisk tod (n=tod@
14:58.27kshumardbsd3, 1.2beta is CVS-HEAD as of last Friday evening
14:58.42JerJerdjspeck:  's' is not a matching exension
14:58.58djspeckJerJer: ??
14:59.37JerJerthe 's' extension is NOT a matching extension
14:59.44JerJeri cannot be more clear with my jive
14:59.48todDoes anyone know what I need to do to use Realtime extensions with 'include =>'? I have realtime working for everything except that.
15:00.06bsd3kshumard: i checkedout with -v1.2.0-beta1, can I ommit that flag now if there be a need to uodate?
15:00.08Uther_Pthe wiki does
15:00.16JerJerdjspeck:  you do not match on the 's' extension which only gets used in special cases
15:00.42*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
15:00.44djspeckJerJer: how can i answer all calls that come over the given interface??
15:00.48*** join/#asterisk thetalon (
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15:01.01JerJerdjspeck:  read documentation, then ask questions
15:01.18Uther_Psee JerJer, you *could* be more clear with your jive :P
15:02.52NuggetWake 'em up and smack 'em yack 'em.
15:02.58*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
15:03.01NuggetCold got to say!
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15:03.37doughecka_t1 is saying everyone is busy/congested at this time
15:04.04thetalondoughecka_ do a pri show span 1
15:04.11thetalonis your PRI up?
15:04.34doughecka_its there
15:04.36doughecka_hold on..
15:04.50tzangeranyone hear from ManxPower yet?
15:05.23doughecka_wheres he at
15:05.32tzangerdoughecka_: New Orleans
15:05.36Uther_Pthat sucks
15:05.38doughecka_he lives there?
15:05.48mastixbsd3: can you tell me with wich version of addons it should work?
15:05.49adelashope he wasn't one of the stupid ones that camped out
15:05.58Uther_Pwell... he isn't "living" there currently
15:05.58*** join/#asterisk kshumard (
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15:06.08doughecka_adelas: seen the blog about the guy who stayed in the datacenter? never once lost internet connectivity
15:06.15doughecka_trully amazing
15:06.37doughecka_check yesterday's slashdot
15:06.37trout_6 new sipura 2002's, 2 of them melting
15:06.44NivexThe blog is at:
15:06.45trout_I thought maybe this product would be better by now. :)
15:06.49*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
15:07.14Uther_Phaha, no connectivity now
15:07.14bsd3mastix: me using 1.2.0-beta1
15:07.14Juggie#interdictor is the channel for him
15:07.23Juggiethey are down to only one oc3 though
15:07.32mastixbsd3: with h323???
15:07.42Uther_P"The operation times out when attempting to contact"
15:07.59doughecka_its not even hitting the T1
15:08.00Juggieuther, its up
15:08.01Nivexstrange, works for me.  try this:
15:08.44bsd3mastix: everything libpri zaptel asterisk and asterisk-addons are -v1.2.0-beta1
15:09.25mastixbsd3: and did you try to compile h323?
15:09.35Uther_Pahh, I'm in Dallas, anything going that direciton is flaky as all traffic is being rerouted
15:09.59bsd3mastix: yeah, mine is working fine
15:10.39Juggiethe blog isnt hosted @ his the datacenter
15:10.59Juggieits the NOC for directnic
15:11.02mastixbsd3: what system do you use i mean OS?
15:11.05Juggieand they are suprisingly still up
15:11.06bsd3mastix: someone have told right a few secs back that cvs HEAD is now 1.2.0-beta1 since last Friday
15:11.22*** join/#asterisk charles___ (
15:11.25charles___hey guys
15:11.35bsd3mastix: Knoppix a Debian based Linux
15:11.46charles___Does anybody know the differences between TE400 and TE405 ? Is it just the T/E capabilitiy ?
15:12.00bsd3/me uname -a
15:12.00bsd3Linux cto 2.6.12-xfs #1 SMP Tue Jun 21 12:16:13 IST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
15:12.53Nivexwhoever was looking for ManxPower, might try:
15:13.12Nivex(or anyone else in the affected area)
15:13.27todanyone here use realtime?
15:13.47mastixhmm it is not this problem but it is realy strange
15:14.33QwellNivex: ManxPower has been around quite a bit in the last few days
15:14.34djspeckNivex: Sorry, but i dont understand the documentation, i just want to answer all calls that come over misdn...
15:14.51KattyHmmhesays: yay for .xinitrc
15:14.55*** part/#asterisk thetalon (
15:14.57charles___Does anybody know the differences between TE400 and TE405 ? Is it just the T/E capabilitiy ?
15:14.58RoyK[ot] how do i create a new branch with cvs?
15:15.37Uther_Pyou know scientists say that most hurricains start around africa... if you take the chaos theory into account, then what we have to do is goto africa and kill all the butterflys
15:16.11lehelwhy this happening?: Sep  2 18:13:49 WARNING[12847]: cdr.c:421 ast_cdr_free: CDR on channel 'Zap/2-1' not posted
15:16.24QwellUther_P: or bring more butterflies to the US
15:16.37Uther_Ptrue, then it wouldn't be our problem at least
15:16.47mastixbsd3: i have it
15:16.53mastixi dont know why
15:17.18mastixbut it created libchan_h323.1.0.1
15:17.42mastixso i cp it as to /modules
15:17.49bsd3mastix: ok, you may cp that as
15:18.09bsd3mastix: yeah, will work fine
15:18.12mastixnow asterisk listening on port 1720 thats great :-)
15:18.20*** join/#asterisk jaike (n=jaike@
15:18.24[jedi]I hate 323
15:18.39mastixjedi: i hate 323 as well
15:18.47NivexUther_P: yeah, but it would be our luck that doing so would cause some other even greater catastrophe.
15:18.58mastixbut i have to use it as lot of customers want it :-(
15:19.03bsd3[jedi]: that's matter of taste
15:19.32JerJerjoin the H.323 hater club
15:20.18Uther_Pyea, murphy's law
15:20.19jontowi already joined it by not using it, i feel special
15:20.53Uther_Pmurphy's law + accom's razor == making the wrong decisions from the simplest answers
15:22.42Qwellcharles___: There is no TE400.  There is the TE405/406P and TE410/411P.  One is 5v pci, the other is 3.3v pci
15:23.02*** join/#asterisk [1]JohnJacob (
15:24.03charles___Qwell: TE400 is the zapata official card
15:24.11charles___Qwell: the opensource card
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15:24.48charles___Qwell: T400P
15:24.52Qwellthats old
15:25.21bsd3/me asterisk -are -x 'show version'
15:26.09Qwellcharles___: That card isn't sold anymore.
15:26.25doughecka_dumb thing isnt working with me
15:26.36Pkunkwhy would freeze up for 5 mins while loading ?
15:26.40charles___Qwell:  yes it is sold, and also you can make one yourself, it's totally open design, with the diagram available
15:26.53bsd3/me asterisk -r -x 'show version'
15:27.18Pkunkafter 5mins , asterisk loads up fine and i get the CLI
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15:27.35djspeckJerJer: it seems i had done everything right: the s extension ist on star/quit
15:27.40*** join/#asterisk help (n=neils@
15:28.36bsd3/me sudo asterisk -r -x 'show version'
15:29.59*** part/#asterisk bsd3 (n=bsd@
15:30.00charles___Qwell: and it's much cheaper
15:30.03Qwellcharles___: as far as I know, the old Tormenta 2 card has been deprecated
15:31.25JerJerist on star/quit?!   mkay
15:31.30JerJerthank you, drive thru
15:32.08charles___Qwell: I'm trying to know if there is any difference on them or just the selectable E1/T1 jumpers
15:32.13QwellJerJer: ever get a chance to take a look at the voicemail thing I mentioned?
15:32.34*** part/#asterisk jaike (n=jaike@
15:33.19JerJerwe are not doing any thing special
15:33.29JerJerit has to be something with that voicemail system
15:33.45QwellJerJer: like I said before, it works with another provider
15:34.08JerJerthen use the other provider
15:34.20QwellJerJer: Will you release my DID?
15:34.34Qwellif not, I'm stuck for a while
15:34.41JerJerwe very trivially dumb our calls onto TDM via a nice little telica switch
15:34.43JerJernothing more
15:34.49moverany chan_sip.c guru here?
15:34.50JerJerdumb ?  dump
15:35.24*** join/#asterisk netnameus (
15:35.35RoyKmover: ask your question insead and wait to see if someone answers...
15:35.41SwK[Work]anyone gotta copy of the SPA-2100 config generator for linux?
15:35.48netnameusanyone know why I can connect to my asterisk box with xlite, but not with my sipura or polycoms?
15:36.33*** part/#asterisk _CN_ (
15:36.46spacklenetnameus: check the cables, its always the cables
15:36.58JerJerSwK[Work]:  Sipura does
15:37.06mastixof god
15:37.09netnameuscan't be the cables, b/c my polycom gets its config from ftp
15:37.10SwK[Work]yeah but then I gotta dig thru email and fine my login
15:37.16netnameusso i know it's connecte
15:37.16JerJerpoor baby
15:37.38mastixi have just install asterisk 1.2 beta
15:37.57mastixand using old configuration cant register any phone
15:38.01spacklenetnameus: passwords/security?  Are the phones registering on Asterisk, but just not working?
15:38.03doughecka_stupid thing, getting stuck on loading zaptel hardware modules
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15:38.40QwellJerJer: So, I'll take that as a no?
15:38.50eKo1anyone here use xten on linux and have no sound when using it?
15:39.00netnameusspackle, no they both say "not registered"
15:39.08netnameusi've double and triple checked the u/p
15:39.21JerJerQwell:  toll-free numbers are the definition of a portable number - you can take it anywhere you wish
15:39.25doughecka_this sucketh
15:39.33QwellJerJer: Will you release it though?
15:40.00spacklenetnameus: remove evertything extra from sip.conf for each phone, and check the passwords a 4th time ;-)
15:40.44QwellJerJer: I'm suddenly reminded of; "reason: unsatisfactory business relationship".  I'd not like for that to happen to mine
15:40.46WonkaeKo1: you need OSS to use xten xlite on linux
15:41.04JerJerthen make sure you don't have a negative balance
15:41.06*** join/#asterisk _Pkunk (
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15:43.02netnameusspackle:  this is the only thing in my sip.cfg  what can i remove?
15:43.05doughecka_its also getting stuck on depmod -a when make installing zaptel
15:43.58netnameusand my phone cfg:
15:44.44doughecka_Corydon-w: !
15:44.52doughecka_know anything about T1s?
15:44.59spacklenetnameus: I meant your sip.conf file for sip phones registering to Asterisk.
15:45.04Corydon-wdoughecka_: yep
15:45.16*** join/#asterisk brookshire (
15:45.45doughecka_basically loading zaptel hardware modules: [ok] it just stops at that point
15:46.00monanyone had cdr_addon_mysql working
15:46.35*** join/#asterisk heison (
15:46.42heison~seen JerJer
15:46.47jbotjerjer is currently on #asterisk (2d 1h 14m 4s).  Has said a total of 122 messages.  Is idling for 5m 43s
15:46.49JerJerhe's dead
15:46.51azrishahrili have more than 1 h323 gateway ... and i'm using chan_oh323 (inaccess version) , how to configure oh323.conf that support multiple h323 gateway with different faststart/h245tunneling mode ?
15:47.16doughecka_Corydon-w: this dumb thing is pretty messed up now, it DID work, but now I cant even create the devices
15:48.05*** join/#asterisk hotgrits (n=hotgrits@
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15:48.57hotgritsanyone able to tell me why Digium's ftp site is broken?
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15:49.03Corydon-wdoughecka_: you using the modules compiled against your current version of kernel?
15:49.35Corydon-wdoughecka_: i.e. have you upgraded your kernel recently?
15:49.37*** join/#asterisk asr_ (
15:50.00Corydon-wPerhaps someone upgraded your kernel source without upgrading your kernel
15:50.09Corydon-wI've seen that happen, too
15:50.15*** join/#asterisk coppice (
15:50.18doughecka_ok, cool
15:50.32doughecka_yay, now its back up, but now, I cannot for the life of me get any calls out
15:50.41hotgritsanyone able to tell me why Digium's ftp site is broken?
15:50.46doughecka_just bounces back saying its busy
15:50.55doughecka_let me try making my zapata.conf a little more simple
15:50.56Corydon-whotgrits: No, we're not able to tell you.
15:51.02hotgritsguess not
15:51.16Corydon-whotgrits: Do you need everything spelled out for you, or doesn't silence work as an answer?
15:51.36hotgritscorydon-w: send me a fast busy. :)
15:54.28hotgritsah. responds.
15:54.32*** part/#asterisk hotgrits (n=hotgrits@
15:54.36Sedoroxanyone have a T100P (or T1 PCI Card) they would be willing to sell cheap? :p
15:54.41doughecka_ok, still nothing goes out my t1
15:54.49Corydon-w$500 isn't cheap?
15:55.04Corydon-wdoughecka_: is it FXO signalled or PRI?
15:55.17doughecka_assuming its a pri
15:55.35Corydon-wThat may be a bad assumption
15:55.40SedoroxI got a Lucent T1 integrater I wanna work with
15:55.48Corydon-wDo you have at the very least a Green Alarm?
15:56.05*** join/#asterisk hotgrits (n=hotgrits@
15:56.50doughecka_its green
15:56.54doughecka_zttool says ok
15:56.59Corydon-wOkay, good
15:57.10doughecka_thats in zaptel.conf
15:57.20netnameusspackle:  THAK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!
15:57.23Corydon-wSo what does 'pri show span 1' show?
15:57.35netnameusI've been at this for 3 days now, and i never thought to look in sip.conf
15:57.54netnameusi've got it working, now i just need to find the culprit so i can add the stuff back i need
15:58.08spackleooh cool gratitude.  You are very welcome.  It is fun when things click.
15:58.11*** join/#asterisk naif (
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16:03.41coppiceGreen alarm? "May all your alarms be green ones" :-)
16:03.56RoyKanyone here that knows if it's possible to queue a call and when agent hangs up, send the call into a new ivr?
16:04.31bkw_coppice, I tried what you said for spandsp.. it just didn't work :(
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16:06.15coppicebkw_ I saw your e-mail. when I gave you should deal wih cleanups when calls do not terminate cleanly. I think it should be reducing the poblem. I think what remains is the thread dies, and nothing triggers a cleanup.
16:07.20coppicein testing my threads never die
16:07.52bkw_so that is the problem ?
16:08.30coppiceI just said. nothing triggers a cleanup and release of remaining memory. I'll have to fix that
16:08.59coppiceI there anything in * right now that returns more then one ast frame at a time?
16:09.59*** join/#asterisk r0m (
16:10.01netnameusanyway to get my polycom phone to try and register again w/o restarting the phone?
16:10.18bkw_coppice not that i'm aware of
16:10.25r0mgood afternoon
16:10.36*** join/#asterisk zoo (
16:10.55coppiceI don't think the software allows for this, which is very bad
16:11.08fileHmmhesays: poke
16:11.24bkw_coppice, well atleast now I know i'm not going nutz ;)
16:11.53*** join/#asterisk djspeck (
16:12.01coppiceif you do FEC for RTP, UDPTL, etc. some reads will return multiple frames
16:12.26djspeckhello everybody, there is now sound on misdn when i use Playback or MP3Player.... CAN SO HELP ME??
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16:12.54djspeckNOW --> NO
16:14.03*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
16:14.05FuriousGeorgehi all
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16:14.48anthmthe ast_read calls the channel driver specific read function with the number of samples that will make the timer happy
16:15.13anthmmost write as many frame as they can to satisfy that
16:17.41coppiceanthm: that seems to assume you are reading and writing a simple sample stream. what about codec blocks?
16:18.39coppiceor T.38 messages
16:19.00charles___anybody knows a company that can sell me a DID that I can have multiple incomming calls ?
16:19.22*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
16:19.52JerJercharles___:  there are many
16:20.02JerJerpick one that provides the DID you need
16:20.09djspeckdoes anybody know why i don't hear anything at my hfc-isdn-card??
16:21.19anthmeach channel implements it on it's own
16:21.57anthmthe only one that is not a pain to use in a channel driver is format slin since you can make it any size you want very easy
16:22.05FuriousGeorgehow much is a DID, anyway
16:22.09FuriousGeorgea small one :)
16:22.47*** join/#asterisk MoniTor (i=meliss@
16:23.18coppiceanthm: how can they handle it? if i do an RTP read and get 42 G.729 frames, it seems I can only return one of them to the caller.
16:23.42*** join/#asterisk meppl (
16:24.16anthmif you are doing it in asterisk, you gotta queue the other ones
16:24.41coppicequeue them where?
16:25.49anthmevery channel has a private struct so you could append the data there i guess
16:26.39coppicebut what would provoke the caller program to perform further rtp reads to pick them up?
16:27.09anthmmore threads =D
16:27.44anthmlaunch an extra thread per chan to monitor rtp and queue frames to a stack where the asterisk code can take one when it wants to
16:28.00coppiceso right now this doesn' work at all, and doing things like FEC for RTP and UDPTL doesn't fit into the grand scheme?
16:28.29monhi. can asterisk work if both server and client is behind NAT using SIP
16:28.32anthmnot really
16:28.33JerJersomeday SIP and IAX will need to be smarter in how they deal with packets
16:28.53coppicesomeday seems to be today
16:29.01JerJerwe need a PIKE-like idea in asterisk
16:29.23djspeckHI everybody, is there someone who can help me: now i can answer calls, but i don't hear anything when i try to playback somethin.!!!
16:29.25coppicewhat's a PIKE-like idea?
16:29.38cypromisit's the opposite of a not PIKE-like idea
16:29.54JerJerpike is the SER module that is a traffic cop
16:30.15JerJerit only allows requests to be processed that are a part of a valid SIP session
16:30.29JerJerplus other things
16:31.19*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
16:31.26coppicewell, it sounds like i'm not missing something. things seem genuinely broken :-(
16:31.33[hC]Hey guys. Any of you play with chan_sccp?
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16:32.29JerJercoppice: you aren't missing much, if anything
16:32.44*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
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16:33.22[hC]So.. Ive discovered a nasty CDR storage bug, but im not really sure where to start debugging the thing.
16:33.32[hC]notice the callerid number reported by the pri, then the number saved in CDR
16:33.57bkw_[hC], post your extensions.conf
16:34.18bkw_oh you're using cdr_addon_mysql.c
16:34.18[hC]bkw_: the relevant lines to the number i dialed are listed there. you want the whole thing?
16:34.25[hC]bkw_: it happens with or without it.
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16:34.33[hC]bkw_: it does it in the Master.csv file, too.
16:34.36bkw_haha the lines that process that call
16:34.38anthmyou can probably manage something most movement in asterisk is triggerd by a socket event
16:34.52coppiceanthm: ast frames can be linked in chains. does it seem reasonable that when you have several to report you return a chain of them?
16:35.19*** part/#asterisk RazaMetaL (
16:35.20[hC]bkw_: even if i unload cdr_addon_mysql.c it stores incorrectly
16:35.27[hC]bkw_: but it only does it *sometimes*
16:35.28coppiceanthm: but there is no socket event
16:35.40anthmthere is a frame q on chan
16:35.49anthmif you put extra ones there
16:35.56*** part/#asterisk mon (
16:36.10anthmthe core will deliver them ahead of a new read
16:36.18anthmthat is how chan_iax works
16:36.34coppiceyeah, so it sounds like it would only require the queue add code to be able to deal with a group of frames
16:36.34anthmit never really writes it always queues the frames
16:37.12anthmwhat iax does is has the famous "i should never be called"
16:37.19anthmthe read is a stub
16:37.30anthmthen some thread gets data and always queues it
16:37.49anthmthen the core will deliver them everytime asterisk asks for 1
16:37.51JerJeryes, it gets called  :)
16:38.06JerJergrrr  yes == yet
16:38.17*** join/#asterisk Godsey (n=lanny@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Godsey)
16:38.43anthmwhenever you see it it means something forgot to poll the socket first
16:39.14anthmcos if you poll the socket by the time you react you can be sure it stuffed some frames into the queue
16:39.22JerJersomeone was in here yesterday with that 'error'    :)
16:39.32anthmon every other channel you need to read from the socket when you get a poll
16:39.34JerJerit was an SLIN frame or something - can't rememba
16:39.55JerJerhe was running old stable crap - his fault
16:40.22coppiceyou mean stable manure?
16:40.41*** part/#asterisk hotgrits (n=hotgrits@
16:41.03[hC]hmm. debug doesnt output anything about  cdr-csv
16:41.07[hC]guess its digging time.
16:41.19djspeckdoes anybody know why i don't hear anything at my hfc-isdn-card??
16:41.32djspeckhello everybody, there is now sound on misdn when i use Playback or MP3Player.... CAN SO HELP ME??
16:41.32JerJerpump up the volume
16:41.56JerJersorry 80s flashback
16:42.23[hC]what the heck is broken here.
16:42.57coppiceyou have a broken heck? :-\
16:43.13[hC]it appears so
16:44.13*** join/#asterisk redder86 (
16:44.25redder86What does ICH mean?
16:44.37coppiceI Can't Help
16:45.16fugitivoshould i go with a xeon for 32 simultaneous calls zap->sip using ulaw?
16:45.18coppiceIf you mean in Intel chipset terms, I think its something like integrated comms hub
16:45.25redder86hi Steve
16:45.50djspeckcall from misdn, playback no sound, help!!
16:45.51redder86I'm trying to use libiax2 and in iax_call there is a parameter "ich"
16:46.09redder86I don't think that it want's an I-Can't-Help entry there ;-)
16:46.26puzzleddjspeck: there is no need to repeat your question
16:46.34djspeckok sorry..
16:46.44redder86anyone here familiar with using libiax2 ?
16:46.57coppicesadly, yes
16:47.13redder86I'm having a difficult time with it... as it's undocumented.
16:47.24djspecki just repeated it for the peoples who joined new.
16:47.24redder86not unlike most other Asterisk things
16:47.43coppicenot entirely true. there is some documentation aruond
16:48.11redder86for example, I don't get registrations showing up in the CLI when they "succeed", but I do when they fail.
16:48.17redder86with iax_register
16:48.26*** join/#asterisk doughecka_ (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
16:49.05JerJeropen-source not documented?!!?!?!?
16:49.05redder86the 4th parameter to iax_call is "ich"... which includes, at least, the IP address of the server to place the call to.
16:49.30redder86Hi Jeremy.  Did you get my e-mails about some bridging problems?
16:50.06fugitivoanyone is using opteron?
16:50.24fugitivo(and asterisk)
16:50.52puzzledfugitivo: not me but I know someone is using dual opterons with asterisk. a tyan box iirc
16:50.59redder86ich is probably "i connect here"
16:51.16puzzledsounds like a Microsoft marketing term
16:52.18fugitivowhy nobody uses opteron? :)
16:52.28redder86that parameter probably means "user:pass@server/exten"
16:53.18redder86ugh... formatted parameters
16:53.18*** part/#asterisk thalunil (
16:53.31redder86yeah, that's it
16:54.13redder86but now the call's not getting placed
16:55.28redder86it places the call okay as a guest user but not as the authenticated user
16:55.38brettnemhmm can't connect to google talk today.. :P
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16:56.18azrishahrilhowto create multiple peer in oh323.conf ?
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16:56.32redder86Steve, you still there?  Is there some code in unicall or spandsp that shows how to set up a device node to talk to the T.31 portion of spandsp?
16:57.14redder86I want to set up a little daemon to talk with spandsp... just ATI commands at first.
16:57.51*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
16:58.02redder86coppice: I want to be able to open up the device, with say, minicom and send commands and get responses.
16:58.20CunningPikeGreetings - does anyone know where the #asterisk-stable channel has gone?
16:58.21coppicethere is an almost complete T.31 module for unicall
16:58.29CunningPikeWhen I try to JOIN nothing happens
16:58.35redder86coppice: yeah, but I can't get it to work
16:58.51redder86coppice: did you get my e-mails?
16:59.00coppiceisn't life sad
16:59.26redder86well, it's sadder for those in LA than for me
17:01.07redder86Not saying that I expected replies, but you did get my e-mails?
17:01.33redder86I was trying to be helpful with feedback.
17:03.02coppiceyeah. I cleaned up the build for the net version
17:03.25*** part/#asterisk CunningPike (
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17:05.47todanyone here know how to use includes with realtime? (not realtime static)
17:06.28todI'll take that as a no.
17:07.00todanyone using realtime at all?
17:07.42*** join/#asterisk dwmw2_gone_ (
17:07.43todok... maybe I should give up on the realtime thing.
17:07.58todor I can just sit here and talk to myself
17:08.15FuriousGeorgedoes anyone know of any project that will get the eyebeam sip client's messenger working with *
17:09.51RoyKFuriousGeorge: look for it on if it's important, leave a bounty there and see if someone takes it......
17:10.48spacklefuriousgeorge: I thought it did work as long as you specified the correct codecs
17:10.52*** join/#asterisk Seba_soy (n=s@
17:10.58Seba_soyHELLOOO HELLOOOO
17:11.33Seba_soysomebody here?
17:11.44FuriousGeorgespackle: i tried the peer to peer before, and it didnt work
17:11.53FuriousGeorgeisnt file working on a presence server?
17:12.31spacklefuriousgeorge: can't say.
17:12.42*** join/#asterisk simprix (
17:13.13simprixDoes asterisk have the ability to email people their voicemail messages
17:13.19Seba_soynobody says hello here?
17:13.27Seba_soyyes simprix
17:13.32Seba_soyasterisk does that
17:13.47*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
17:13.52Seba_soyfugiotivo, do you speak spanish?
17:13.58simprixIs there a link somewhere i can read up on this Seba_soy
17:14.01fugitivoyes, but it's fugitivo :)
17:14.09Seba_soyyes, syre,
17:14.15simprixthanks alot
17:14.27jbot[docs] Documentation can be found at or or or or
17:14.28Seba_soywhere are you from fugitivo
17:14.31aminorexfugio tivo would mean something like "flying tivo"?
17:14.43Seba_soyme too
17:14.45Ariel_good afternoon
17:14.46Seba_soycapital federal?
17:14.51fugitivozona sur
17:15.00Seba_soylaburas con asterisk?
17:15.07*** join/#asterisk adelas` (
17:15.10Seba_soylo mismo
17:15.14Seba_soyando con un drama terrible ahora
17:15.21Seba_soypero creo q es por un tema neto de asterisk
17:15.33Seba_soyun tema de DTMF
17:15.35*** join/#asterisk anti (i=russ@gentoo/developer/anti)
17:15.56fugitivoen ingles, asi no se enojan
17:16.04*** part/#asterisk SpamapS (
17:16.09KattyDarthClue: i have debian on the laptop.
17:16.16Ariel_si por fovor en ingles
17:16.26fugitivoAriel_: :)
17:16.32KattyDarthClue: and thanks to Hmmhesays and google, it goes straight to console rather than gui. and goes into kde on startx, rather than gnome.
17:16.45Ariel_fugitivo que?
17:16.46fugitivoKatty: that's the way
17:16.48redder86coppice: I also get chan_unicall reload problems when I 'reload' from the CLI
17:16.50Hmmhesayswhy? cause g-g-gnome sucks
17:16.51*** join/#asterisk Dybdahl (
17:16.55KattyHmmhesays: exactly.
17:16.59Seba_soyI have a cisco 5300 with 4 E1, then I send calls to this cisco, dial-peer is configured using CISCO-RTP DTMF, then I send calls to my Asterisk box, where an CallingCard app accept the call and ask for CARDNUMBER
17:17.00Kattyfugitivo: ?
17:17.03Hmmhesayskde is good
17:17.18KattyHmmhesays: so is my salad.
17:17.20fugitivoKatty: console first, and kde, that's the way
17:17.30Hmmhesaysi have my post drunk powerade fired up here
17:17.37Hmmhesaysi'm golden
17:17.39Kattyfugitivo: uhh, right. else i wouldn't have configured my laptop that way.
17:17.45blitzrageHmmhesays: lol
17:17.47KattyHmmhesays: yay!
17:17.51charles___anybody knows a company that can sell me a DID that I can have multiple incomming calls ?
17:17.55Seba_soybut, when user enters cardnumber too fast, and specially those cardnumbers with two or more repeated numbers (1222333) asterisk only takes first of them,
17:18.03*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
17:18.09Seba_soyexample: if user enters 111222333 asterisk only takes 123
17:18.10blitzragecharles___: usually you have to pay for that...
17:18.13charles___anybody knows a company that can sell me a DID that I can have multiple incomming calls ? with a good price :P
17:18.14*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
17:18.14HmmhesaysI have like 8 on my vonage account
17:18.21blitzrageHmmhesays: interesting :)
17:18.21charles___blitzrage:  yes, but 2 cents a minute is too much
17:18.22Hmmhesays8 incoming calls to one did
17:18.34charles___Hmmhesays:  really
17:18.42redder86coppice: any idea what "Unregistered channel type 'Modem'" means?
17:18.43charles___Hmmhesays:  but do you get your vonage on asterisk ?
17:18.44Hmmhesaysbut you won't get below 2 cents a minute
17:18.48KattyAriel_: :>
17:18.50Hmmhesayscharles___, yes
17:18.56Seba_soydid toy read fugitivo?
17:18.58charles___Hmmhesays:  2cents a minute incomming man
17:19.17Hmmhesaysthey are blocks of minutes, and it equates to 2.5 cents a minute
17:19.18charles___Hmmhesays:  I have no problem paying for outgoing, but not incomming
17:19.19coppiceredder86: no. is that coming from the t.31 code?
17:19.30Hmmhesaysits not a per minute charge
17:20.04Hmmhesays$600/month for 16 simultaneous incoming calls and 24k minutes
17:20.18redder86coppice: I think so.
17:20.32KattyHmmhesays: think they have that for a mobile plan yet?
17:20.33redder86coppice: it's on the CLI after I "reload"
17:20.34BrianR___I have 1.8c/min toll free incoming from somewhere.... Hold on.
17:20.36coppicei'll take a look.
17:20.54HmmhesaysKatty: mobile as in wireless?
17:20.57Seba_soysomebody can tell me why Asterisk does not see DTMF when I enter it too fast and is repeated? example: 222333, asterisk only takes 23
17:21.00KattyHmmhesays: as in mobile phone (=
17:21.01Hmmhesaysgsm, cdma style?
17:21.04redder86coppice: I wonder if that could be some clue as to the problem
17:21.06KattyHmmhesays: nextel does corporate plans.
17:21.17charles___Hmmhesays: how do you get password for sip, from vonage ?
17:21.21shido6Seba_soy, its echo
17:21.22KattyHmmhesays: but i think they hit a certain ammount, and they're unlimited.
17:21.25KattyHmmhesays: way before 24k
17:21.30Seba_soyhow I can solve it?
17:21.39shido6echo can - or stop using the speakerphone to dial
17:21.44Hmmhesayscharles___,  they give it to me
17:21.47shido6turn down your sound out on whatever device you are using
17:21.53Seba_soyit is causing problems on my callingard app.
17:22.01shido6yeah I can imagine
17:22.04spackleI want to record a conf, can anyone tell me why this doesn't save with the datetime filename? Monitor(wav,/var/spool/asterisk/spool/conf${datetime},m)
17:22.11Seba_soyI am sending it from a cisco 5300
17:22.22Seba_soyshido, can you show me how?
17:22.42*** join/#asterisk cianhughes (
17:22.56charles___Hmmhesays: so I can get a cheap home line and get 8 incomming calls ?
17:23.19Hmmhesaysyou can get 8 incoming calls to asterisk, what you with it from there is your problem
17:23.27Seba_soyi am in privato to no disturb here
17:23.43Hmmhesaysthe 8 simultaneous call plan is 300/month for 12k minutes US and Canada
17:23.59charles___Hmmhesays:  wow that's expansive
17:24.05Hmmhesays<shrug> not really
17:24.20Hmmhesayscompare that to 8 pstn lines
17:24.46Hmmhesaysyou'll be paying 30 bucks a trunk minimum for just local service
17:25.08*** join/#asterisk dwmw2_gone (
17:25.55Hmmhesayscharles___, you could get the 5k minute plan for 150/month and get 4 simultaneous calls, then add a few lines for 10 bucks a pop
17:26.27*** join/#asterisk NirS (
17:27.14charles___5k minutes incomming counts ?
17:27.24Hmmhesaysyes incoming counts
17:29.10FuriousGeorgehow much beyond those minutes
17:29.24Hmmhesays3.5 cents a minute on the 4 line plan
17:29.38tzangerI hate "line" packages
17:29.46tzangercharge me per minute per line and don't worry whether it's 1 or 100
17:29.49Hmmhesaysthey call it lines to relate to legacy customers
17:29.58Hmmhesaysits simultaneous calls
17:30.03tzangerI know
17:30.06tzangeras I said why limit to 4
17:30.11tzangeryou're already charging per limit
17:30.12tzangerwhy the limit
17:30.24Hmmhesaysbecause they have to pay for the equipment for legacy customers to hop onto the ip network
17:30.25*** join/#asterisk stepcut (n=user@
17:31.07Hmmhesaysif you have customers with 4 simultaneous incoming calls, and 4 people call in from pstn lines somewhere, the company has to have a hop on point somewhere
17:31.14Hmmhesayswith 4 available trunks
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17:31.36Hmmhesaysthat is one reason why it is limited
17:31.42Hmmhesaysand sold in "lines packages"
17:32.15Hmmhesaysyou can just tell a customer we'll allow as many incoming calls as you want, they could easily fux0r their network doing that
17:32.56Kattyneo dykes suck.
17:33.10Kattykthx, that is all.
17:33.14Hmmhesaysbut canoe reeves 'neo' rocks
17:33.20Kattyyour socks.
17:33.23Hmmhesaysright off
17:33.30Kattyi have kitty socks today.
17:33.34Ariel_Hmmhesays, how is the SER setup going /reading learning?
17:33.35Kattyno surprise there.
17:33.41HmmhesaysAriel_ going good
17:33.46HmmhesaysI'm getting my head around it
17:33.52Ariel_I see
17:34.08Hmmhesaysi've gone from knowing next to nothing to a semi working config
17:34.36Hmmhesaysthe guys who wrote the admin manual did a helluva job
17:34.53shido6now you have to figure out how to turn that into a workable business plan
17:35.05FuriousGeorgeHmmhesays: how compilicated is ser?  is a distro installation, rigt?
17:35.06shido6and procedures for when customers bitch
17:35.16Hmmhesaysshido6 that is in the works
17:35.34Hmmhesaysi've got the general design down, just need to fill in the blanks in the config
17:36.00HmmhesaysFuriousGeorge, define complicated
17:36.06Ariel_Hmmhesays, glad you have a handle on it.
17:36.11FuriousGeorgerelative to *
17:36.35HmmhesaysFuriousGeorge, there is a distro install with SER on it, but it is not a distro install itself
17:37.01bjohnsonHmmhesays: canoe reeves?  is that the Canadian version?
17:37.03Hmmhesaysconfig is completely different than asterisk
17:37.03FuriousGeorgei see, can it run on a box along side * or is that not recommended?
17:37.10*** join/#asterisk kiwnix (n=egarcia@
17:37.11Hmmhesaysyes it can
17:37.28FuriousGeorgefacinating :)
17:37.28fileHmmhesays: I improved you know what
17:37.32filea lot.
17:37.49FuriousGeorgeyour golf swing?
17:37.57HmmhesaysI haven't even had a chance to look at the code yet
17:38.25Hmmhesaysbut a comparison of what is different would be kick@ss
17:38.36fileit handles progress better
17:38.45*** join/#asterisk robin73 (
17:38.55fileI'm trying to come up with scenarios to test it against
17:39.02HmmhesaysFuriousGeorge, you can run it on the same box
17:39.34robin73hi there
17:39.35Ariel_argh the laws in the US need to be changed a bit.  Federal Troops can't go into NO or that area until there State Goverment has depolyed there national gaurd and then asked to federize them... RED TAP sucks.
17:39.43Hmmhesaysscenarios as in, busy, congestion type scenarios?
17:39.44malverian[work]What date of CVS head is planned to be 1.2?
17:39.44FuriousGeorgeHmmhesays: i know because you just told me so a min ago :)
17:39.52fileHmmhesays: yeah
17:39.54Hmmhesaysoh, doing about 10 things at once here
17:39.57fileHmmhesays: anything to make signalling go weird
17:39.59malverian[work]Like.. are changes from the past few days going to make it into the 1.2 release?
17:40.16robin73does someone now where to find detail list of feature of Asterisk 1.2.0 beta1
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17:40.28Hmmhesayshow about a ringing then, a disconnected network
17:40.36shido6sometimes I wish we didnt need money
17:40.38NivexAriel_: Even with current laws, I fail to see the reason why this process has taken days instead of hours.  If someone could fill me in I'd appreciate it.
17:40.40puzzledrobin73: think there is a link on the astricon site
17:40.40Hmmhesayscause some guy cut your fiber with a chainsaw
17:40.47shido6and Tesla should have kept to himself
17:40.52fileHmmhesays: interesting idea
17:40.54Ariel_robin73, bugs will be fixed but as far as I know no new features will be added until 1.3 head comes out.
17:41.08Hmmhesaysand Tesla the band wasn't playing fairs righ tnow
17:41.18fileHmmhesays: now - back to work, slacker!
17:41.19ipbxnecesito ayuda con un proyecto de telefonia IP
17:41.29malverian[work]Ariel_, In my opinion it's good that the federal government can't just suddenly begin policing a state. :-P
17:41.31Hmmhesaysyeah boss
17:41.31Ariel_Nivex, the state has to react first. our army national is not allow in our streets
17:41.44robin73thx puzzled, in fact i'm search detail on the feature : Asterisk Realtime Architecture
17:42.04puzzledrobin73: get latest cvs and look in the doc directory
17:42.12ipbxtengo una pbx convencional pero ya no tengo mas extensiones y he pensado en voip
17:42.20todrobin, I'm trying to get realtime to work right now
17:42.23Ariel_I just made that the Governors are not asking yet.. there just crying oh boy what are we going to doooooo
17:42.28puzzledipbx: in english please
17:42.40fugitivoipbx: #asterisk-es
17:42.51robin73puzzled_, ok
17:42.53todI'm stuck on includes
17:43.05malverian[work]Anyone have scripts to convert to the new AEL extension format?
17:43.13Ariel_ipbx, you need help with your ip setup. good but we need the info in english so we can help you.
17:43.37ipbxi have pbx clasic but i need others extensions. i dont have more extension
17:43.59ipbxi need to buy a module but is more expensive
17:44.07ipbxfor the pbx
17:44.23ipbxi thing in voip
17:45.07Ariel_ipbx, ok what pbx is it? how would you like to connect to it? via T1/analog ports?
17:45.17shido6I dont think you understand...
17:45.37shido6the refineries were targetted and NO was collateral damage
17:45.59shido6the not so far east was a test of the same machine
17:46.00ipbxwait moment
17:46.04ipbxlet me see
17:46.23KattyHmmhesays: !
17:46.32KattyHmmhesays: !!11oneone
17:46.37KattyHmmhesays: i have 3 day weekend!
17:46.41ipbxthe pbx is norstar-plus
17:46.56Hmmhesayssame here
17:47.38fileI have a 2 day weekend
17:47.44ipbxariel_ there some way to conect the pbx to network
17:47.58fileand it's going to be interesting because Moncton/Dieppe/Riverview is going to be crowded with Rolling Stones fans
17:48.12Ariel_ipbx, there are many ways butit depends on what you need for your pbx.
17:48.36ipbxi dont have more extensions
17:48.42ipbxin my pbx
17:49.17ipbxi think the phoneip is good solutions
17:49.19Ariel_ipbx, how do you expect to plug asterisk into this.  pstn (phonelines) ---- Asterisk ---- PBX ----- phones
17:49.38KattyHmmhesays: road trip!
17:50.04Ariel_ipbx, you put the asterisk box between your phone lines and the pbx then add extensions to the asterisk box for new users
17:50.58malverian[work]shido6, You honestly believe that? :-P
17:51.01ipbxhow can i do that?
17:51.16shido6believe what?
17:51.33shido6that the refineries were targetted?
17:51.41ipbxonly have asterisk in a pc with two network card
17:51.50malverian[work]That the government controls the weather.
17:51.55shido6not the government
17:52.17Ariel_shido6, that is bull crap
17:52.27shido6what is bull crap?
17:53.24shido6tesla's experiments or the fact that his findings are being used today?
17:53.27shido6what are you talking about?
17:53.27dwmw2_gonea misguidedly polite way of saying 'bullshit', usually employed by those who believe, for some strange reason, that certain words are 'bad' despite only referring to natural bodily functions
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17:54.07malverian[work]shido6, You believe that people are controlling the weather right now?
17:54.11paulhuynhHelp i have three sip provider
17:54.16malverian[work]shido6, Using some magic "Weather Control" machine.
17:54.29paulhuynhi like to setup so it would call the first one if fail go to second
17:54.32paulhuynhand third
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17:54.34shido6not controlling - you dont have control when you're in the car swerving from side to side because you never took a lesson
17:54.40pygrammeranyone used the gxp-2000 here?
17:54.51paulhuynhbut asterisk is not behavior correctly
17:54.51bjohnsonshido6: it's a plot to get rid of the french
17:54.51shido6if they had control there would be no collateral
17:55.15shido6but its a great way to get FEMA more funding with collateral
17:55.32bjohnsoninfluencing weather has been going on for years.  ever heard of cloud salting?
17:55.32malverian[work]shido6, So you believe that someone caused Katrina?
17:55.43shido6"people" yes
17:55.46spacklea dimention not only of time and space, but of asterisk...
17:55.47malverian[work]bjohnson, This is significantly different :-P
17:55.49shido6not one person
17:55.51KattyHmmhesays: my hilight sure is going off lots lately.
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17:56.00malverian[work]shido6, You're being very vague.. just out with it.
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17:56.23bjohnsonmalverian[work]: so chalk it up to holes in the ozone, it's still influenced by humans
17:56.30netnameusif i have an asterisk2002, do i need to use different ports for both of my phones?  (i.e  5060 and 5061(
17:56.35Ariel_shido6, I do not for a minute belive it was controlled or cause by us.
17:56.39KattyHmmhesays: next they'll say i'm a terrorists because my computer beeps at irregular intervals.
17:56.40spacklehe has to be vague because of echelon
17:56.53malverian[work]bjohnson, I mean deliberately controlled.
17:56.55bjohnson"their" watching
17:56.55Ariel_netnameus, no
17:57.02malverian[work]Or deliberately caused.
17:57.14netnameusthanks Ariel_
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17:57.42bjohnsonI also don't understand this wasp witch hunt
17:57.46bjohnsonerr .. terrorist hunt
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17:58.04shido6terrorism.... do we really want to get into that
17:58.17bjohnsonby any chance is the home defence group based out of Salem
17:58.22shido6the entire witch hunt as you put it isnt about terror
17:58.24shido6its about money
17:58.29shido6not even oil.
17:58.36spacklebjohnson, it's one of those things you have to do every coupla hundred years to keep folks on their toes.
17:59.19Ariel_ipbx, you need a consultant to work with you. More information is need from you and your system.
18:01.11paulhuynhthing they can help
18:01.27ipbxariel only need the requeriments for to do that
18:01.30Ariel_paulhuynh, with more info we can help.
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18:01.52Ariel_ipbx, if you don't know how your going to plug into the system how can we give you requirements.
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18:05.06malverian[work]Can someone explain what "catch a { .... }" actually does?
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18:05.15Ariel_ipbx, if you have 4 or 8 phone lines going into the pbx right now you will need 4 or 8 fxo ports for the asterisk box. and 4 to 8 fxs ports to send the calls to your pbx.
18:05.30malverian[work]Does it mean like if you have...
18:05.37malverian[work]1 => { .... }
18:05.41malverian[work]2 => { .... }
18:05.48malverian[work]catch a { .... }
18:05.58malverian[work]That if they pressed "100" it would get in the catch?
18:06.20malverian[work]Wouldn't i => { .... } do the same thing?
18:06.30malverian[work]Also.. does something get assigned to "a" or is it just there for run?
18:06.32pygrammerhow about the 7910G? anyone tried that?
18:07.08pygrammererr i think that's sccp only or w/e
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18:08.13jpablohi, anybody can recommend something to plug fxo lines in ? something like an ata with multiple fxo ports. i tested digium multiport cards, but they are somewhat unstable.
18:08.35pygrammerNugget: whatever
18:08.45paulhuynhcan you help me please
18:08.56Nuggetyru talkn lk tht?  :)
18:09.37pygrammereasier than type whatevr
18:09.45Nuggetit's a shitload harder to read.
18:09.51malverian[work]Anyone have an answer for my question about AEL?
18:09.58ipbxalguien puede ayudarme
18:10.10pygrammerNugget: i'm ordering a gxp-2000 i think -- ever tried it?
18:10.18Nuggetnope, sorry.
18:10.39pygrammerdamn i'm debating whether to order it -- i've heard it's decent but the handset feels light and cheap
18:10.45pygrammerthat's expected though for a $104.95 phone
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18:11.09spacklepygrammer, don't do it.
18:11.16pygrammerspackle: why not?
18:11.40TheCopsI have a snom 320 and I can make programmable keys, When I'm using the first key, I've got a line, how can I see if the line is "in use" on other snom 320 phone on the network ?
18:11.43spacklepygrammer, has anybody said they are happy with them?
18:11.48paulhuynhI reallly need help
18:11.53Ariel_paulhuynh, yes but I am going to need more info then 3 voip providers
18:12.08BorgonWhen using a IAX2 softphone, and talking with the operators.. the digits of a phone number sometime repeat while am dialing.. why is that?
18:12.17pygrammerspackle: yeah, the display is backlit, and people like it except for the handset
18:12.24paulhuynhOne is CVC
18:12.34paulhuynh2 broadvoice
18:12.38spacklepygrammer, do you have any other hard phones?
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18:12.49paulhuynh3 is a IDV it my friends who have SER
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18:14.06spacklepygrammer, It just seems like GrandStream is always 1 firmware release from a decent phone, but the next release breaks something new.
18:14.06paulhuynhcan we go to PM
18:14.11jpabloso any hardware someone would recommend to termine something like 4 fxo lines to an asterisk?
18:14.12BorgonI did a cvs install and patched my sip.conf for RPID... How can i get a new copy of a virgin sip.conf without screwing up my current config?
18:14.55spackleBorgon: look in the directory you downloaded cvs to.
18:15.23CoffeeIVI would like my * to ring my cell phone when I get a voicemail message at work.  In the future I might want it to IM me when I get a voicemail . . . is there a good example somewhere of how to carry out some arbitrary action when a voicemail arrives ?
18:15.42Borgonspackle: one second.. i make /usr/src/asterisk
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18:16.28spackleBorgon, so in usr/src/asterisk there is a samples or etc. directory that should have sip.conf.  Depending on your distro you can 'locate sip.conf'
18:16.52pygrammerspackle: sorry, just got my fedex shipment of one addtl stick of ram :-D
18:16.56pygrammerspackle: nope, i don't have any hardphones
18:17.06pygrammerspackle: i need one though because softphones for me sound awful
18:17.11paulhuynhAriel_can we go to PM
18:17.19pygrammerspackle: and we were trying to debug the problem yesterday here but no one could figure it out
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18:17.23bjohnsonjpablo: 4 SPA 3000
18:17.24Ariel_paulhuynh, yes
18:17.30bjohnsonjpablo: or a channel bank
18:17.33pygrammeri know what you mean though regarding grandstream and firmware
18:17.40pygrammerbut i don't need everything to work for the price i'm paying :)
18:17.54pygrammeri just need something that i can make calls with, get caller id, call waiting, basic features like that
18:18.02jpablobjohnson: i saw the spa 3000, i would love if sipura had something like that, but with 2 fxo ports, instead of just one.
18:18.09bjohnsonbuy 2
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18:18.36spacklepygrammer, I only have older grandstreams, but I would still pick the Sipura over the new grandstream.  But would prefer low-end polycom.
18:18.37jpabloyes, but i have no use for the fxs port, would be a waste of money.
18:18.44netsurferlo ppl
18:18.46malverian[work]pygrammer, I have a gxp-2000
18:18.53malverian[work]pygrammer, Notification LEDs don't work.
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18:19.04pygrammerspackle: oh, yeah
18:19.04bjohnsonjpablo: the ones that have 2 fxo ports, will cost more than 2 spa 3000
18:19.07pygrammermalverian[work]: yeah, i've heard that
18:19.10pygrammermalcolmd: other than that, how is it?
18:19.21pygrammermalverian[work]: other than that, how is it?*
18:19.53iCEBrkrSo, any reason why VoicePulse doesn't provide CallerID Names for 'Connect' customers??
18:20.12jpablobjohnson: yes, that's why a sipura two fxo port ata would rock :-P
18:20.17malverian[work]pygrammer, Kinda cheaply made.. light handset etc.. but other than that works well.
18:20.52pygrammermalverian[work]: would you recommend another phone over that one, or should i get that one for an entry-level (aka cheap) phone?
18:21.01pygrammergood sound quality and everything
18:21.04jpablobjohnson: i found this:  just 50 bucks cheaper than 4 300s.
18:21.24malverian[work]pygrammer, That's probably the best cheap phone you'll find.
18:21.32pygrammermalverian[work]: ok
18:21.47malverian[work]pygrammer, You can do good central configuration on a TFTP or http server.. good full duplex handset.. (speaker gets a little weird though).
18:21.48iCEBrkrpygrammer: I'm with spackle on that one.. I'd get a Sipura over a Grandstream.  At least you have a REAL phone
18:21.57spacklemalverian[work], have you used sipura or uniden uip200?
18:22.01malverian[work]pygrammer, Has a built in 10/100mbps hub.
18:22.13malverian[work]spackle, Nay. Are those also good?
18:22.27pygrammeri've heard some bad things about the 841's LCD display
18:22.30pygrammeryou have to stand up to see it
18:22.44malverian[work]pygrammer, The gxp actually has a really nice LCD display.. it's like 8 line.
18:22.48malverian[work]pygrammer, With backlight.
18:22.56pygrammermalverian[work]: yeah, that's one of the things that attracted me to it
18:22.58malverian[work]pygrammer, And adjustable angle.
18:23.01spacklepygrammer, yes, but the sipura's phone parts work.
18:23.06jontowpygrammer; i agree .. the 841's display is great, BUT.. its very poorly angled
18:23.08malverian[work]I was really surprised by the sheer number of features..
18:23.39paulhuynhis there any DID provider have unlimited inbound
18:23.55paulhuynhI need a 302 number or if they can LNP that is even better
18:23.58spacklepygrammer, it sounds like you just want somebody to tell you it works OK, so you have that.
18:24.09pygrammermalverian[work]: yeah -- the only problems i see are that 1) the handset probably feels poorly made; 2) the leds on the side don't work
18:24.11iCEBrkrThe Sipura2K is an ATA on crack!  It's awesome
18:24.39malverian[work]pygrammer, Yeah, and the speakerphone gets echo sometimes.. but that may just be this individual one. I've only used 1 of them.
18:24.43pygrammerspackle: well, sort of -- i just need a hardphone
18:24.54pygrammermalverian[work]: no, i've heard the speakerphone is unusable on it, too
18:24.56malverian[work]pygrammer, And I've not seen anywhere else that people had that problem.
18:24.59pygrammerbut i hate speakerphone for the most part
18:25.21malverian[work]pygrammer, For personal use I would totally get it.. (new firmware is supposed to come out to fix LED eventually).
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18:25.28malverian[work]pygrammer, But for professional.. I recommend snom.
18:25.37pygrammermalverian[work]: yeah -- snom is good
18:25.42malverian[work]pygrammer, Supports device state hinting, etc.
18:25.50malverian[work]pygrammer, Auto-answer for intercom, that sort of thing.
18:25.55pygrammeror maybe just an ATA with a cheap analog phone -- but that would still be $100+ when it's all said and done
18:26.34paulhuynhneed a good reliable provider
18:26.46spacklepygrammer, That would be a good route - you can actually hook two phones up to a Sipura 2000 ATA.  They are very nice.
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18:26.58spackleas iCEBrkr says
18:27.16jontowi really like my spa2002
18:27.18pygrammerspackle: my only concerns with an ATA are that they might transmit all and the correct information to each of the phones properly
18:27.27jarroddigium is the duck
18:27.35malverian[work]pygrammer, Get an fxs card, and use a normal analog phone :-P
18:27.41jontowjarrod; how so?
18:28.10jarrodnot that their product is bad.. but i have problems dealing with their staff EVERYTIME i purchase something from them
18:28.17pygrammeri never thought it would be so hard to pick out a phone ...
18:28.47jarrodwhether its being shipping weeks after they said it would or over billed or rma not being handled correctly
18:28.49jarrodthey suck
18:28.52malverian[work]pygrammer, We found our GXP-2000 for under 70$, so it's certainly a good option.
18:28.54jpablopygrammer: buy cisco, nobody was ever fired because of buying cisco :-P
18:29.03spacklepygrammer, If I could only have 1 sip product I would pick the Sipura 2000.  Loaded with features, gives you two sip identities, works really well.
18:29.12pygrammerjpablo: too expensive
18:29.22pygrammerjpablo: cisco is an over-priced bullshit company
18:29.27jontowjarrod; i've yet to have any problems with them, ever.. but i don't deal with 'em much.. never needed to
18:29.30Uther_PI'm sure someone's been fired for buying cisco.. after something like "you spent HOW MUCH?!?!"
18:29.39pygrammerUther_P: heh, pretty much
18:29.42jpablopygrammer: sipura == cisco :-P
18:29.43bjohnsonUther_P: exactly
18:29.43pygrammermalverian[work]: really, where?
18:29.55pygrammerspackle: what do you use?
18:30.09bjohnsonjpablo: sipura=cisco but they haven
18:30.13spackleUther_P: or "how much MORE did they say we have to spend to make it work?"
18:30.17bjohnsonjpablo: sipura=cisco but they haven't jacked up the prices yet
18:30.17malverian[work]pygrammer, I don't know.. I had our tech support department look for cheap prices ;)
18:30.17jontowi have an spa-841, cisco 7960, polycom ip600, grandstream budgetone, spa-2000 and spa-2002 (as well as an iaxy)
18:30.24jontowall are very good.. and there are pros/cons of each
18:30.36pygrammermalverian[work]: ahh... so you have multiple of them?
18:30.45jontow7960 / ip600 con: price
18:31.08pygrammerspackle: does the spa-2002 support all the features a voip phone does?
18:31.16pygrammerit transmits all the correct information to the phone and everything?
18:31.21jontowpygrammer; pretty much ;)  has more tunables than the 841, hah
18:31.33pygrammerjontow: good
18:31.46pygrammerso maybe i'll just get one of those -- but then i still need a decent pots phone ... :)
18:31.48jontowyou can change just about everything about it if you can find and decipher the option..
18:31.50pygrammerwhich will cost me another $50-100
18:31.57jarrodecho on our pri span is horrible
18:32.03jarrodanything besides echocancel=yes ?
18:32.22jontowjarrod; yes.. you can play with gain, as well as set the number of taps for echo cancellation..
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18:32.38jontowand rxwink
18:32.44jarrodwhats this new echo cancellation card do?
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18:33.24pygrammerthere's a spa-2002 with 100 free iConnect minutes for $69.95 on voipsupply
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18:33.54pygrammerbut, i still need a decent analog phone
18:34.19jontowpygrammer; to say a bit.. the only item i've ever tried to buy on voipsupply that was backordered was the spa-2002..
18:34.37pygrammerwell, the sipura 841 is  backordered atm]
18:34.39pygrammer-- until today :-D
18:34.43paulhuynhso no did
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18:35.51pygrammerthat looks like a nice phone, but that would be $190 for the spa-2002 and that
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18:35.58spacklepygrammer: I use a Sipura 841 at my desk, a grandstream budgetone and Uniden uip200 for testing, and a polycom 300 at home.  I have several Sipura 2000's with corless and polycom conference phones on them.
18:36.12citatsjames@pundit1:/var/log$ exit
18:36.12citatsConnection to closed.
18:36.12citatsjames@miles:~$ screen -x
18:36.14citatsjames@miles:~$ mutt
18:36.16citatsjames@miles:~$ screen -x
18:36.18citats<ender:#asterisk> adrenaline: it may be an issue w/ the new firmware.
18:36.25citatsfrickin mouse
18:36.35pygrammerspackle: would you recommend the 841?
18:36.39pygrammerit's certainly cheap
18:36.40jarrodblame it on the mouse
18:36.53jontowthe 841 is all around a good phone.. it just has some shortcomings
18:36.58citatsat least it wasnt something bad in my buffer :)
18:37.11pygrammerjontow: such as?
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18:37.17paulhuynhI really need somehelp
18:37.18spacklepygrammer, for the money I think it is a good phone.  It works pretty well.  I'm still deciding what phones to standardize on at work.
18:37.19jontowi already listed them
18:37.24paulhuynhfor real guy
18:37.45jontowspeakerphone generally sucks, buttons are too soft (and apparently stick.. haven't had that yet, but in time maybe), display is at a crappy angle for a regular height desk
18:37.57jontowit lacks a pass-through ethernet port too, but thats never been a problem for me
18:38.23spacklejontow, what phone do you actually USE?
18:38.49jarrodi like this polycom 501
18:38.52pygrammerjontow: yeah, the buttons look very cheap
18:38.55pygrammerrubber i think
18:39.09pygrammerjarrod: i'd like one, too, but don't want to spend $200 atm
18:39.48jontowi use the 841 at home and a cisco 7960 at work
18:39.51lathos42spackle: What do you think of the Uniden UIP200?
18:39.54adrenalinecitats, What did you discover?
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18:41.06spacklelathos42: Uniden is a decent phone when used on LAN.  It get freaky across NAT or VPN.  It has a solid feel, adjustable display tilt.  100 mbit dual lan ports and POE, so really decent in the price range.
18:41.40paulhuynhI really could use a asterisk expert like now
18:41.46paulhuynhi have no phone serveice
18:41.47pygrammerjeez there are so many options -- i'll probably never get one
18:41.50paulhuynhPLEASE help
18:41.56lathos42spackle:  Hmm.. I may have to check it out as an option to put out on our Manufacturing floor
18:42.01SexyKenHey guys -- I'm having some problems with incoming calls on my toll-free. They're very choppy & staticy and I can't really find out why. We're using ulaw as our codec and we're on a 10mbit line with nomore than 5 simul. calls and have a 3ms 1hop ping go our provider.
18:42.17iCEBrkrpaulhuynh: Who's your provider?
18:42.28spacklelathos42: it would probably be good for that.  Very basic.
18:42.35paulhuynhi have three
18:42.49iCEBrkrpaulhuynh: And you can't make/get ANY calls with 3 providers?
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18:42.59iCEBrkrgeesh, dos brokken
18:43.12Kattyhmm, dos.
18:43.14shido6whats up paulhuynh?
18:43.21paulhuynhwill asterisk suppose to call sip1/sip2/sip3/ZAP1/ZAP2
18:43.21pygrammerSexyKen: i have the same problem with outgoing calsl
18:43.25davidiinnocentisome one can help me with a new installation of asterisk?
18:43.27pygrammeri think it's due to my using a softphone
18:43.32paulhuynhasterisk call SIP1
18:43.33lathos42spackle: We've already decided on the Polycom IP 501's for the offices, but I dont know if I'd want to have them out in the dirty production area.. seems like a waste of $200
18:43.34pygrammerdavidiinnocenti: for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ :-D
18:43.58davidiinnocentihow much?
18:44.00spacklelathos42: couldn't talk you into the 601's then?
18:44.01*** join/#asterisk Connor_ (
18:44.04iCEBrkrpaulhuynh: What's the Asterisk CLI say?
18:44.06paulhuynhsip1 start the call and send it to asterisk asterisk drop the packed and setup another call through sip2
18:44.12jontowlathos42; for dirty production environments, you may wish to invest in SPA-2002's and then run an analog phone to the dirty area :)
18:44.12bjohnsonpaulhuynh: yes.  like shido said
18:44.25bjohnsonpaulhuynh: dials themm all at the same time
18:44.32spacklelathos42: The Unidens do not have built in www so you configure via tftp, another good feature for that enviroment (plus POE)
18:44.32paulhuynhasterisk CLI will in on
18:44.46bjohnsonpaulhuynh: first answered stops the ringing on the other extensions
18:45.32bjohnsondavidiinnocenti: post the questions as specifically as you can
18:45.41redder86in IAX2 are passwords MD5 encoded?
18:45.53bjohnsonredder86: only if you specify them as such
18:45.55paulhuynhhow do you do that
18:46.02paulhuynhsip1 is the cheapest
18:46.11bjohnsonredder86: defined in iax.conf.  each channel can be different iirc
18:46.12paulhuynhthan sip2 than sip3
18:46.21redder86bjohnson: ugh, I'm having a heck of a time getting libiax2 to register
18:46.25bjohnsonpaulhuynh: you didn't ask very clearly
18:46.31lathos42spackle: Configuring via tftp is always good..  Configuring via a web interface for a bunch of phones doesnt seem like my idea of fun
18:46.45bjohnsonpaulhuynh: you want the macro on the wiki to call one then the next .. not all at the same time
18:46.59bjohnsonpaulhuynh: superdial macro
18:47.00*** join/#asterisk fugitivo_ (n=ajf@
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18:47.19lathos42jontow: Well, they want all the transfer features and the like, since they've got Avaya MLX phones at the moment
18:47.31paulhuynhi'm using asterisk@home
18:47.50bjohnsonpaulhuynh: you'd better ask them then
18:47.53azrishahrilanyone know how to configure chan_oh323.conf to support multiple h323 gateway with different fastStart & h245Tunneling ?
18:49.24davidiinnocentii need some information about how to install and configure an isdn modem in asterisk
18:49.29davidiinnocentian linux
18:49.38paulhuynhok how about DID
18:49.46paulhuynhi need a good did provider
18:50.00doolphpaulhuynh what is a good did provider for you
18:50.05*** join/#asterisk jsaunders (i=js@
18:50.29lathos42spackle: And you could probably talk me into the IP600, but it would be a matter of talking the people who make the decisions into it :)
18:50.42jsaundersSorry for off topic but, does anyone in here know anything about gnugk routing and/or know of a gnugk irc channel with people actually in it?
18:51.24jontowlathos42; i've found the cisco 7960's to be good with such things
18:51.26davidiinnocentibjohnson can u help me?
18:51.29jontowbut they're a bastard to reboot ;)
18:51.37spacklelathos42: just your luck, all the suits will want unidens once they have the creme'de-la-creme but don't realize it.
18:52.49davidiinnocentisomeone can help me (i istalled now asterisk)?
18:52.54azrishahrilanyone know how to configure chan_oh323.conf to support multiple h323 gateway with different fastStart & h245Tunneling ?
18:53.12lathos42spackle:  By creme'de-la-creme you mean the Polycom, right?
18:53.20spacklelathos: yep.
18:53.21PrimerHas anyone ever encountered playback audio sounding like this: "This is a sentence that is read from asterisk" sounding like "This is entence that rom asterisk", but not like "This is . .. entence that .. .... .rom asterisk"? I thought this might be due to packet loss, but then I discovered this also happens on my local network
18:53.50*** join/#asterisk pardove (n=pardove@
18:54.02lathos42spackle: They already like the Polycom since i've got it setup here in my office sitting next to a SPA-841
18:54.10paulhuynhunlimited + caller did
18:54.14pardovedoes * support "Call Return"?
18:54.15*** join/#asterisk doughecka_ (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
18:54.19paulhuynhis what i'm looking for
18:54.28paulhuynhmy current did charge per min.
18:54.33paulhuynhfor incoming
18:54.35lathos42spackle: The president commented that she thought the SPA-841 looks too "Darth Vader" whatever that meant exactly
18:55.04spacklelathos: she was being 'technical'
18:55.06jeroanyone knows how to configure a PRI line on a toshiba strata DK-series pbx ? looking for resources
18:55.37lathos42I was going to recommend the SPA-841s until I got one for testing and realized it doesnt have a physical transfer button
18:56.03pardovedoes * support "Call Return"?
18:56.17spacklelathos42: this is why testing is so important (and fun)
18:56.33*** join/#asterisk buddah (n=djbrianc@
18:56.40buddahis there a way to turn off call waiting on polycoms?
18:56.40redder86pardove: that would seem to be a phone thing
18:57.06lathos42spackle: She almost balked at the fact that the Polycom is so wide until I took our current phone and turned it sideways, and showed her it takes up the same amount of space
18:57.17ipbx/msg nickserv set hide email on
18:57.21redder86pardove: I suspect that you could implement it in the PBX, but I'd normally expect that to be a phone featuer
18:57.25pardoveredder86: i dont think so. the pbx should do it
18:57.29davidiinnocentihave someone patience to help a beginner?
18:58.00spacklelathos42: current phones must not stand up as much?
18:58.03pardoveredder86: has anybody do it?
18:58.30SexyKenDoes anyone have a polycom ip 600?
18:58.39*** join/#asterisk netnameus (
18:58.51lathos42spackle: Mine doesnt.. but I dont have the taller base installed on it
18:59.06buddahanyone know how to disable call waiting on polycom ip phones?
19:00.35Ariel_buddah, dial rules use setgroup and then check groups
19:01.05Ariel_also you can add incominglimit=1 in the sip.conf setup for them.
19:01.14adrenalinecitats, are you here?
19:01.21Ariel_I would check the spelling on the incominglimit
19:01.37Ariel_don't remember the exact spelling.
19:01.43pardovehas anybody implemented "call return" feature on *?
19:01.50*** join/#asterisk linuxbgn (
19:02.03buddahyou dont know spelling for incoming, and limit?
19:02.04redder86pardove: you can do just about anything in the dialplan with AGIs
19:02.09buddahor for what it is
19:02.24CoffeeIVhas anyone ever written an agi script to do some arbitration action when a new email is received -- like call a cell phone and play the message, for instance ?
19:02.40adrenalineDoes anybody know how to get rid of the annoying message beep on the Polycom 301
19:02.44Ariel_buddah, I am not at my desk so don't have the exact setting since I am very sleepy. No sleep last night.
19:02.44linuxbgnhow can i configure an isdn modem under asterisk?
19:04.21*** join/#asterisk PiruchoOSXXX (
19:05.33pardoveredder86: how an AGI program find that who has transfered the call to be able to return and failed call to him?
19:06.11linuxbgnISDN4Linux Any ISDN terminal adapter supported by isdn4linux should provide connectivity. but how
19:06.20redder86pardove: somehow, I'm sure
19:06.25*** join/#asterisk carbon60 (
19:07.22pardoveredder86: the operator does a blind transfer so there is no way to the AGI program to find the transferer? please help if you know the answer... ;-)
19:07.37BorgonIf i wanted to apply RPID patches, would i have to get a virgin cvs source.. patch it then do make/make install or.. do i have to have asterisk installed then apply the patch?
19:07.54linuxbgnsomeone help me or i asked an so stupid thing?
19:08.03*** join/#asterisk Jondo (
19:08.07netnameusdoes anyone know where i can view (if they even exist) the spa-3000 logs?
19:08.34JondoHi, I'm trying to set up port forwarding for SIP. I have tcp5060 forwarded. What range of ports to I need forwarded for voice?
19:08.36carbon60Does anyone know how to differentiate inbound SIP calls based on To instead of the R-URI? I have a provider that does this for "virtual numbers" (Additional DIDs).
19:09.38paulhuynhdo you use IM
19:09.49paulhuynhPM is been temp. blocked
19:09.57Ariel_paulhuynh, yes
19:10.10lathos42My SBC account manager gave us a good laugh today when she said we should call CDW for our Polycoms..
19:10.29buddahwe order through them
19:10.32buddah172 each
19:10.33paulhuynhwhat is your IM
19:10.39paulhuynhis it MSN or aol
19:10.44lathos42buddah: Really
19:11.08buddahits like 176 i think
19:11.15buddahwe got 172 on 20
19:11.32lathos42buddah: Hmm..  They must have obscenely high web prices then.. because their website said $232 a piece
19:11.40buddahoh wow
19:11.44lathos42buddah: for the 501, right?
19:12.20lathos42buddah: They dont by chance throw in the PoE cable do they? :)
19:12.39buddahthey always come with PoE
19:12.41buddahdont they?
19:12.48buddaheveryone i have gotten so far does
19:12.57buddahwaiting on our first order from cdw to come in
19:13.00buddahshould get here tuesday
19:13.02buddahand another friday
19:13.12*** join/#asterisk rob314 (n=rob314@
19:13.15carbon60buddah: They come with a cable for the power supply, not the PoE cable. That's an extra, AFAIK.
19:13.23lathos42buddah:  Are you getting the cables that need the power brick?
19:13.27redder86Bizfon sells their PoE cables (called "power injectors" by them) for $22
19:13.34carbon60The PoE cable doesn't have the power jack on it.
19:13.36buddahoh yeah, power brick that plugs into the ethernet cable
19:13.44buddahit pulls right out from the jack
19:13.47buddahwith no block?
19:14.22lathos42buddah: Yeah, they have their cables that have the PoE chips in them so they can handle power from a PoE switch
19:14.36carbon60Yeah, the retarded part is that you still need a custom cable. Can't just plug a normal cat5 into a PoE switch.
19:14.38*** join/#asterisk Shoragan_ (
19:14.56BorgonIf i wanted to apply RPID patches, would i have to get a virgin cvs source.. patch it then do make/make install or.. do i have to have asterisk installed then apply the patch?
19:15.14lathos42redder86: got a URL for Bizfon?
19:15.30carbon60Anyone go for my question? Please?
19:18.09redder86lathos42: surprisingly enough:
19:20.03lathos42redder86: Oh ok.. i went to their site and didnt see any mention of PoE cables or power Injectors
19:20.24redder86lathos42: I had to call them to order
19:20.38redder86lathos42: we had some of their phones, so they recognized us as a customer
19:20.49redder86lathos42: I don't know if that makes a difference to them or not
19:21.15redder86they're nice phones, but they only work with their PBX
19:22.27lathos42redder86: But they make cables compatible with the Polycoms?
19:22.48pardovewhen a sip client transfers (blind transfer) a call? does * save the transferer address somewhere like a variable?
19:23.11redder86lathos42: I think a PoE adapter is a PoE adapter... I'm not sure how they could be different.
19:23.29redder86lathos: I would think that PoE is standardized.
19:23.36carbon60pardove: AFAIK, no. It's a completely new call leg.
19:24.39lathos42redder86: Well the Polycoms have cables that take the "Standard" PoE and converts it into whatever means the phone needs.. they have a Standard version and a Cisco version of the cable
19:26.16*** join/#asterisk [1]JohnJacob (
19:29.35sivanatzanger: ping
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19:31.26spackleI want to record a confeence and name it with the datetime, can anyone tell me if there is something wrong with this syntax? Monitor(wav,/var/spool/asterisk/spool/conf${datetime},m)
19:31.54*** join/#asterisk razu (
19:33.34netnameuswhy would i get a "congestion" returned when trying to dial voicemail?  or another extension?
19:34.10lathos42err phones
19:34.30spacklenetnameus, wrong context?  Or extension doesn't exist.  Does it happen on all extensions?
19:34.46netnameusoh, i think you're right, i need the context
19:34.48spacklelathos42, and what happened?
19:34.51netnameusone moment
19:37.05lathos42spackle: They're going to call me back with a quote.. but i'm not very hopeful..   She wanted to talk to her Phone system specialist before giving me the quote..  So they're probably going to try to sell me a complete phone system
19:38.21spacklepcconnection carries polycom too.  Did you already hit up voipsupply for a quantity discount?
19:38.36lathos42spackle: Yeah, got a quote from voipsupply yesterday
19:38.59spacklehow many phones are you getting?  Do you get much of a break?
19:39.39lathos42spackle: We're looking at 70 phones.. so we got a little bit of a break.. but Voipsupply's web pricing is higher than some of the other places i've seen
19:40.21*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes_ (
19:41.45lathos42Hmm.. it looks like Polycom part # 2200-11531-025 is the phone bundled with the IEEE PoE cable
19:44.58file[laptop]Hmmhesays: hmmmmm
19:45.46*** join/#asterisk zoa (
19:47.46*** join/#asterisk Thumann (i=Thumann@
19:47.58Thumannhi all
19:48.08Thumannanyone here tried the junghanns octo/quadbri cards?
19:49.58*** join/#asterisk skeffling (
19:51.19file[laptop]yay break
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20:00.17zoaanybody from france here ?
20:01.38file[laptop]what crazyness are you up to now?
20:01.46gordonjcpI have some french cars, if that's any good
20:01.54jerowhat kind ?
20:02.12gordonjcpjero: Citroëns
20:02.16gordonjcpbig old ones
20:02.20jerowhich ones ?
20:02.36jerods cx gs ?
20:02.46gordonjcpcx and xm, and most of a gsa
20:03.26jerookay :) nice ones
20:03.35jerothe xm is not that old
20:04.41spackleI want to record a confeence and name it with the datetime, can anyone tell me if there is something wrong with this syntax? Monitor(wav,/var/spool/asterisk/spool/conf${datetime},m)
20:04.53r0mgood evening ladies and gents
20:05.06gordonjcpjero: my XM is '91, reasonably old
20:05.19gordonjcpjero: one of the last of the series 1 24-valves
20:05.56gordonjcpOops! You don't have permission to view this page.
20:06.42*** mode/#asterisk [+o drumkilla] by ChanServ
20:07.07spackleanybody know what happened to the thursday dev conferences?
20:08.05*** join/#asterisk jeremywhiting (
20:10.19SedoroxDoes asterisk have a built in function of recording a voicemail/memo, then sending it to multiple boxes?
20:11.43[Airwolf]Sedorox, yes
20:12.17SedoroxHmm documented in the wiki?
20:12.54[Airwolf]I have read it once, don't remember where on the wiki anymore
20:13.02*** join/#asterisk Tiveron (
20:13.15spackleSedoraox: some of it is in voicemail.conf isn't it?
20:14.11TiveronI'm having a strange problem with Asterisk and a Grandstream GXP2000 phone. Can anyone give me a hand?
20:14.49spacklestate your question
20:15.03Tiveronheh. ok...
20:15.18Sedorox'tis cool
20:15.28Sedoroxspackle: not sure.. I don't remember reading naything like that in it
20:15.54spackleSedoraox: I thought there were some examples.  It is on the wiki though.
20:16.07*** join/#asterisk iwishiknew (
20:16.14Sedoroxkk, I'll look, thanks
20:16.19TiveronI've got Asterisk installed with a Digium Wildcard (1FXO/3FXS). I've got 1 PSTN phone plugged into the wildcard, as well as a Dovado SIP interface with another PSTN phone...
20:16.21iwishiknewI need a free porn channel, #20,000 is dead
20:16.52Sedoroxgot a asterisk for a small company.. and every few months the owner comes to me "Can we do XX"
20:16.55iwishiknewwant to make it undead?
20:17.02Tiveronthen there's the Grandstream 2000. If I dial a number in the 705 area code, a woman's voice answers after dialing "705..". She says "seven one" and then nothing.
20:17.19*** part/#asterisk iwishiknew (
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20:17.35Tiveronfrom any of the other phones everything works properly. Is this a feature code I'm hitting in the grandstream or something? any ideas?
20:18.38Tiveronby the way, my trunk is set up to be the wildcard's FXO interface (channel 4).
20:19.09Tiveronif I unplug the trunk cable, the voice still answers, so it's occurring somewhere either in Asterisk or the phone itself.
20:19.43*** join/#asterisk oej (n=oej@
20:19.53[Airwolf]Sedorox, then you should say: "Sure, 25$ an hour and everything is possible" :P
20:20.59*** join/#asterisk Cunk (
20:21.05spackleTiveron, good checking.  The Grandstream doesn't have a voice config menu does it?  I would search through the dial plan for *71* and see what I could find.
20:22.21Tiveronthe grandstream doesn't have a dial plan that I've seen in the web config. I don't believe there's a voice config. If there was, I'd imagine you'd have to hit a sequence of #'s and *'s to enable it, wouldn't you?
20:24.02Sedorox[Airwolf]: yup, but unfortinatly, we're starting out right now.. so everyone who's involved with it is just volunteer
20:25.08CunkWhere can I find some instructions on how to install two versions of * on the same machine (i.e. production and development)?  Is it as simple as playing with ./configure parameters before compiling?>
20:26.04*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
20:27.35cpatryu could yes, if there's any future possibilities at full time or shit like that.
20:27.37`Sauronjust bring it up
20:27.39`Sauronfeel it out
20:27.55Hmmhesaysthere are future possibilities, they said I got a job if I want it, just let them know
20:28.09Hmmhesaysbut I want to milk the consulting gig
20:28.11Hmmhesayscause its good pay
20:28.22spacklefor doing IRC?
20:31.22*** part/#asterisk lathos42 (
20:31.42Hmmhesaysok email away, I didn't mention the employment part, I want to milk this consulting for another week
20:33.01HmmhesaysI can't read this guy at all his mind is all over the place
20:33.08Sedoroxspackle: you don't happen to have a link to it do you? I can't seem to find it.. then again.. my keywords might be off...
20:33.16eKo1dag nabbit, xten on linux sucks swollen donkey balls...
20:33.26Hmmhesaysthey called me in to do a one building install and suprised me with "ok how do we set up our entire 400 location network"
20:33.58*** join/#asterisk JDLSpeedy (i=joe@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JDLSpeedy)
20:34.17file[laptop]Hmmhesays: magic of course
20:34.31HmmhesaysI was all in a single unit pbx type install mindset
20:34.49file[laptop]oh I know a scenario I need to recreate
20:35.13JDLSpeedyI have a issue where the person I called can hear me, but I can't hear them
20:35.15JDLSpeedyany ideas?
20:35.20file[laptop]JDLSpeedy: NAT?
20:35.31Hmmhesayshaha, beat you
20:35.47JDLSpeedybut I have all ports sent to me
20:36.04Hmmhesaysdoesn't mean your endpoint is sending out the right source ip
20:36.07file[laptop]you still have to set externip and localnet
20:36.38h3xhas anyone noticed the infinate loop in 1.2.0-beta1 in cvs
20:36.46h3xwhen running make install
20:37.07*** join/#asterisk rking (
20:37.44rkingiaxcomm is acting funny (not ha-ha) on my buddy's MacOS - is there a different recommended client?
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20:38.13TheCopsSomeone know if hint is only for monitoring state of SIP device and not Zap or Meetme ?
20:38.15pjzX-Lite is pretty nice
20:38.40spacklesedorox:   and
20:40.05redder86X-Lite sucks
20:40.29rkingpjz: yeah, we saw that one.. but it's for $$. =\  i'm ok with that, but i'm selling asterisk vs skype at my company, and any tiny speedbump is going to make them cry like little tiny babies.
20:41.24gordonjcprking: Skype is really good
20:41.33gordonjcprking: it may even be what you want
20:41.39rkinggordonjcp: hehehehahaha ho hohohheeeeee
20:41.40gordonjcprking: but Skype only works with Skype
20:41.47Sedoroxah, think I see it........... Hmmm...
20:41.54gordonjcpand once you want to do more difficult stuff...
20:41.54rkinggordonjcp: and it only does max 5 person conferences.
20:42.11rkinggordonjcp: exactly.  it's hot-orange handcuffs.
20:42.11h3xeyebeam !
20:42.59rkinggordonjcp: and it's always crashing on us, and we have no recourse.  at least with iaxcomm i could send a backtrace and feel like i did something.
20:43.08SkramXhello all
20:43.50Sedoroxdamn.. fwd really has its problems, isn't it
20:43.56gordonjcprking: a good argument could be this - it's a company that relies on giving stuff away, and hoping people will buy extras for t
20:44.18JDLSpeedyis there a way to set the externip using a host name and not a ip?
20:45.02*** join/#asterisk Mulvane (
20:45.12rkinggordonjcp: oh, we already pay plenty.  i probably do $10/wk of skypeout, not to mention other people dialing normal long distance into bridges, etc, because we can't get more in a conf.
20:45.39file[laptop]JDLSpeedy: yes, put in a hostname instead of an IP.
20:48.02*** join/#asterisk XTR-II (
20:48.37Wonkanewest mISDN, and ist fills the log with stuff, _and_ i cannot hear a dialtone in NT mode...
20:48.44*** part/#asterisk netnameus (
20:48.57Wonkaneither can i hear the prompts of the voicemail stuff
20:49.00adrenalineAny Polycom 301 users here?
20:50.49*** join/#asterisk wolfson (
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20:56.06jsaundersWhat "console" network sniffer / packet analyzer can I use to decode h323 messages in realtime?
20:56.26jsaunderstethereal?  Or is there an alternative?
20:58.46Sedoroxah ha... exten => 240,1,voicemail(261&201)
20:58.48Sedoroxdoes the trick :)
20:58.50*** join/#asterisk Dybdahl (
21:01.27rkingSedorox: what were you trying to do?  i got here after you asked your question.
21:02.16Sedoroxsend voicemail to multiple users at one time
21:02.23Sedoroxlike.. send a voicemail to all in the tech dept.
21:02.51Sedoroxso in this case.. voicemail would be more of a memo
21:07.59*** join/#asterisk [1]JohnJacob (
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21:15.17enzo123anyone up for heading to NO ?
21:15.26enzo123setting up VOIP ?
21:17.20shido6I can go with you via IM
21:17.40shido6maybe offer an 8xx number
21:17.41shido6for inbound
21:17.44shido6to call relatives
21:18.07zoaanybody here with a dreambox ?
21:18.10shido6are you going?
21:18.18enzo123looks like alot of people are going
21:20.09enzo123wow , not much traffic on here today
21:20.25h3xthe spammers are taking labor day off i guess
21:20.33*** join/#asterisk slak- (
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21:20.43slak-hi, can i send SMS to cell phones using *?
21:20.43slak-and sip
21:20.48brc_~seen Maveric
21:20.51jbotmaveric is currently on #asterisk (19h 30m 13s)
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21:22.15enzo123~seen wolfson
21:22.17jbotwolfson is currently on #asterisk (31m 28s)
21:22.56*** join/#asterisk FuzzyCat (n=ScaredyC@
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21:24.04FuzzyCatmmmm fishy
21:24.36VixxENhi everyone!
21:25.17VixxENis anybody alive here?
21:25.35enzo123its slow today
21:25.35VixxENhi enzo!
21:25.58VixxENenzo, r u a kind of asterisk guru?
21:26.06slak-so can I use * to send an SMS text to my cell?
21:26.19slak-not via email, just str8 sms thru my sip provider
21:26.45enzo123how is your sip provider going to get it to the cell network ?
21:27.02slak-well how does verizon send SMS to cingular?
21:27.05slak-the same way
21:27.09enzo123just shoot a email to or whatever
21:27.19slak-thats not what i meant tho
21:27.29*** join/#asterisk Jondo (
21:27.31enzo123thats the easy way to do it
21:28.08slak-dude i really hate MS Visual Studio adcvertizing
21:28.16slak-it totally distracts one from the text on the webpage
21:28.22slak-with their stupid animated ads
21:28.28VixxENcould anyone help me with my asterisk?
21:28.34stepcutslak-: verizon probably talks to cingulars SMSC via SMPP, but they won't let you
21:28.46slak-stepcut  ah ok
21:28.59stepcutslak-: because you are small time, you have to go through an aggregator, like clickatell
21:29.16JondoHi I have some questions about the dialplan: under [default] I have included [another] context. Considering I have nothing else in [default] it should just go to [another] context right? But I just get busy tone every time.
21:29.26FuzzyCatVixxEN, ask the question, then we'll see if anyone can help
21:29.49slak-Jondo  your context is messed up
21:32.26Jondoslak-: I can't for the life of me figure out what it is.
21:32.36joean open source soft phone out there that people would recommend, linux and windows?
21:32.47slak-paste your extensions.conf on ill take a loook at it
21:33.09eKo1joe: well, xten sucks on problems....
21:33.25eKo1iaxcomm looks interesting
21:33.49joethanks eKo1, FuzzyCat .
21:33.56DaPrivateerwth... is FWD still down for everyone else?
21:34.19FuzzyCatfwd is BKWD at themo
21:34.28FuzzyCatthe mo
21:35.49zoacoming soon: idefisk for linux
21:36.47slak-someone else take a look at Jondo extensions.conf i got to run
21:36.50slak-soryr Jondo
21:36.57slak-its a short simple one people
21:37.34enzo123FWD is fubar ?
21:38.18jeroanyone knows how to configure a PRI line on a toshiba strata DK-series pbx ? looking for resources
21:38.19FuzzyCatfwd iax is... dunno about sip, don;t use it
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21:39.16enzo123sip is ok
21:39.18enzo123apollo*CLI> sip show registry
21:39.18enzo123Host                            Username       Refresh State             52766              145 Registered
21:39.30*** join/#asterisk xlyz (
21:39.32Jondoanyone help me? please?
21:39.34*** part/#asterisk xlyz (
21:39.41FuzzyCattried making a call enzo123 ?
21:40.38enzo123612 works
21:48.35VixxENFuzzyCat: i got a problem in my inbound settings, iīm getting some errors and canīt receive calls from my sip provider
21:49.05VixxENthatīs the cli output with sip debug
21:52.20VixxENhelp? anyone? :'(
21:53.23lesouvagejundo: with _XXXX, in the first line every number fits so you will never come to further lines. I'm not sure but I think that's the reason. If you want to take of with asterisk without to much problems try Xorcom Rapid. ready to go and and a clear structure in the config files.
21:56.09*** join/#asterisk zippp (
21:56.48zipppI have a sip problem, whenever I set a phone to register with my * server and do not put the phone in sip.conf I get a message on the * console saying reg failed
21:57.09zipppbut, when I put the phone in sip.conf I get nothing in the console and the phone doesn't register
21:57.48fugitivozippp: are you using -vvvvvvvvvv ?
21:57.55zipppjust 3 vvv
21:57.59zipppI try 10
21:58.19fugitivosip show peers
21:58.22fugitivodo you see it there?
21:58.35zipppthe phone is there
21:58.40zipppbut not registered
21:58.44fugitivothen it's registered
21:58.55fugitivooh, o
21:59.04fugitivocan you see the host column?
21:59.12zipppit isn't registered
21:59.29fugitivotry more verbose modes and sip debug
21:59.54zipppI try -vvvvvvvvvvvv
22:00.00zipppI try sip debug
22:00.11fugitivothen the phone isn't trying to register
22:00.12Ariel_fugitivo sip debug
22:01.03zipppSIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
22:01.11fugitivothat's something
22:01.14fugitivowhat else?
22:01.17zipppI had to restart phone
22:01.21fugitivopastebin the debug
22:01.24ByteDial(SIP/ext@peer) connects to peer and tries to make a call to ext@peer, but how can I do Dial(SIP/ext@host@peer) and have it connect to peer making a call to ext@host?
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22:04.28fugitivozippp: pastebin your sip.conf
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22:07.58zippplooks like the problem is that in the sip register msg it is sending a nat'd ip (
22:08.47zipppyou can set the phone to use any IP/port in the SIP msgs, but asterisk should rewrite that from the source ip not the message ip
22:08.56zipppa sip.conf option?
22:09.30*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (
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22:15.54zipppyea, just had to put nat=yes
22:16.28zipppthere is no rfc1918 checking in * sip
22:19.05*** join/#asterisk festr_ (
22:19.15*** join/#asterisk Rav1974 (
22:19.23Rav1974hello hello :)
22:20.05Rav1974I'm so glad to be here since my asterisk with 24 fxs ports was working so great
22:20.13Rav1974but now has died :(
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22:20.45Rav1974so I'm really happy because there might be someone who isnt on vacation to help me just a little bit
22:21.51Hmmhesaysthis is the acid rock section of the song, all you burned out acid hippies singing along, with your campires going and your barbeques on
22:24.32*** join/#asterisk sigmounte (
22:25.58Rav1974crash3m: dont forget the lava lamp in the background
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22:28.15crash3mRav1974: too stoned to remember :P
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22:52.08crash3m*shudder* these uniden uip200's are the biggest piles of shit
22:52.50Vcoi was looking at buying one to try out...and then i found a post somehwere that generally said the same as you..
22:52.51*** part/#asterisk CoffeeIV (
22:53.06Vcolike not 'there are some issues here and there"
22:53.16Vcobut full on "pos'
22:54.14crash3myeah, total junk, but I'm sure the Katrina victims wont bitch....assuming they work when they get there
22:55.14*** join/#asterisk apardo (
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22:56.06Vcoy'know, i just can't help but be cynical....when you see fighting and shooting and shit going on....and then see a report that there are starting ot get aid shipments in.....of food, water, and guns
22:56.07Rav1974how do I install "screen"???  to share an SSH window
22:56.20Vcoi mean i get the point...
22:56.22Vcobut still
22:56.43Rav1974I wanted to see what the tech was doing on my computer... he said screen would let us share a session
22:57.03pfnyum install screen
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22:57.13crash3mVco: an aid shipment...of guns???
22:57.59Rav1974pfn: thanks
22:58.15*** join/#asterisk festr_ (
22:58.43Rav1974pfn: do I need xwindows or any other packages?
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22:59.56pfngoogle for gnu screen, and read up
23:02.10Rav1974pfn:I was searching for ssh screen and I wasn't getting anywhere :) thanks for the tip
23:02.27*** part/#asterisk ericm_06 (
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23:04.23JondoAnyone know if there's any problems with running concurrent Originate's through one manager api connection.
23:04.58crash3mregister then tell me disconnected....piece of shit
23:05.20*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
23:05.45GaryHhi, anyone got any experience with running chan_capi (either -cm or kapejod's) with 1.2.0beta1?  I tried it tonight and I'm having problems with the early B3
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23:15.08PrimerRav1974: ssh in, run screen, then have the tech login as your user, and have him screen -x
23:17.22*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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23:19.44Malthushi all
23:20.05Malthusis there a free (or nonfree) area code to zip code database?
23:20.10Malthusor web service
23:21.27komnieveis anyone interested in fixing a spandsp error (sporatic inbound faxes - half page / random drops) on a box using a tdm400p for inbound faxing - flat rate negotiable
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23:24.50MicroChip32didnt think so
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23:28.39*** part/#asterisk GaryH (
23:29.05Rav1974What other port forwards are required for SIP 5060 + RTP ->5040???
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23:33.24RaYmAn-BxRav1974: rtp uses a port within a range of can setup the range asterisk uses in rtp.conf..Obviously those ports need to be forwarded as well, otherwise you'll get absolutely no sound
23:33.46*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (
23:33.49Rav1974RaYmAn-Bx: thats whats happening :) thanks
23:34.06*** part/#asterisk Jondo (
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23:36.41Rav1974RaYmAn-Bx: how many ports do you need for each call?
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23:40.17RaYmAn-Bxwell..1 :)
23:40.34RaYmAn-Bxthat is, 1 for each device
23:40.48RaYmAn-Bxor it depends I guess
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23:52.46*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
23:52.50FuriousGeorgehey all
23:54.59FuriousGeorgeif my permissions and my rules for udev are set up right, why would i bet getting this: line 142: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
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23:56.25FuriousGeorgethats when i run a ztcfg -vv
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23:57.38Ariel_FuriousGeorge, load the drivers
23:57.55FuriousGeorgeholy crap youre good :)
23:58.11Ariel_modprobe zaptel ... modprobe w????? then ztcfg -vv
23:58.41FuriousGeorgethanks im good now.  wctdm pulls in the rest ;)  i just had one of those moments
23:58.43*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
23:59.02Ariel_FuriousGeorge, any time

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