irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050828

00:00.20Ariel_blessen, that is what asterisk is made for
00:00.22blessenAriel: didnt get you...
00:00.42blessenso you saying that with vonage....i will not be able to make it work
00:00.57Ariel_for multiple accounts correct
00:01.14blessenvonage offers multiple accounts
00:01.15Ariel_vonage will not work
00:01.23Ariel_blessen, they suck
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00:01.39blesseni already bought them..isnt there anyotherway
00:01.51blessento setup such a thing...
00:02.50blesseni tried the things mentioned in the link which you gave...its not working
00:02.57Ariel_blessen, I think there working on bring a biz account that lets you setup your own voip server. But don't think it's rolled out yet
00:03.16Qwellsupposedly being rolled out very soon.  within the next week or so
00:03.17Ariel_blessen, vonage has always been a problem.
00:03.39Ariel_Qwell, yes via consultants but you never now
00:04.01Ariel_Qwell, are you on there consultant list?
00:04.10Qwelljust heard rumors
00:04.20Ariel_I know someone that is. I am staying away from it.
00:04.23*** join/#asterisk sigmounte (
00:04.52Ariel_bootcamp in florida?
00:05.04mmlj4lemme get the URL
00:05.48*** join/#asterisk [1]JohnJacob (
00:06.23mmlj4what's your beef with the consultant list/
00:06.30bkw__"Asterisk is not easy to learn or administer."
00:06.44Ariel_mmlj4, not asterisk ones but vonage ones
00:06.51mmlj4ah, ok
00:06.53bkw__you would benefit more from a ORA book on voip
00:06.54Ariel_bkw_, I have no issues with it
00:07.18mmlj4i got "Switching to VoIP" by them
00:07.19mmlj4that one?
00:07.25bkw__and cisco has one too
00:07.39bkw__Ariel_, its just a way to make money.... :P
00:07.46bkw__great business plan if you ask me
00:08.05Ariel_bkw_, well I think I have worked with asterisk long enough to be able to work with it.
00:08.14bkw__Ariel_, same here
00:08.23Ariel_over 3 years now
00:08.39Ariel_I still have a system on .5 of asterisk.. it's working and I don't want to change it.
00:08.50MikeJ[Laptop]Ariel_, YOUVE BEEN SUCKED IN!!!!
00:08.59Ariel_MikeJ[Laptop], sucked in???
00:09.00bkw__Ariel_, the dCap is a joke if you ask me
00:09.06bkw__and thats my opinion
00:09.10MikeJ[Laptop]to asterisk
00:09.14mmlj4bkw_: why?
00:09.33bkw__mmlj4, I know more people that have certs that dont know their ass from a hole in the ground
00:09.38bkw__its sad
00:09.48mmlj4well, yeah
00:09.50Ariel_MikeJ[Laptop], I have been working and into asterisk for over 3 years now. It's not a choice but a living now.
00:10.03bkw__Ariel_, same here
00:10.15fileand here!
00:10.24*** join/#asterisk meppl (
00:10.25mmlj4cooking supper &
00:11.44Ariel_strange I did not know they have a UofM training for asterisk in miami.
00:12.59Ariel_file, look at there sites for training centers
00:13.25MikeJ[Laptop]hello mr. file.
00:13.31blessenAriel :  when i make calls to outside
00:13.49blessenariel : i get the message saying that its busy
00:13.57blessenwhen i looked into my extension.conf
00:14.00blesseni see this
00:14.27bkw__file dear
00:14.39filethat's me
00:14.50blessenAriel: this is in the conf    [from-sip-external]
00:14.50blessenexten => _.,1,AbsoluteTimeout(15)
00:14.50blessenexten => _.,2,Congestion
00:14.50blessenexten => _.,3,Hangup
00:14.53fileor atleast I think it is.
00:15.21*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
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00:20.31ianmLooking for good tutorials - anybody got any descent links? I've just done the Todo on
00:21.20ianmWhoops - wrong channel ;)
00:21.52Ariel_blessen, you dont
00:22.01Ariel_have the account going to the right context.
00:22.17blessenAriel : like ???
00:22.35Ariel_blessen, you can change the default context in sip.conf to make it go to from-pstn
00:22.39Darwin35who did who adn where is the footage
00:23.01*** part/#asterisk Darwin35 (
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00:30.27blessenfor which user sip.conf..i could see the entry for the extensions i added
00:30.33blachHey everyone, I noticed IAXtel is back up, or at least acceping my registrtion.  Has anyone else had any luck placing calls?
00:30.35Hmmhesaysi'm gonna kick ass at pool tonight
00:30.42Hmmhesayshmmm whats your number?
00:31.41blachHmmhesays: 1-700-471-3688
00:31.53blachi tried to dial myself, and it said call was accepted by IAXtel but nothing came back to my server
00:32.05CoaxDBicentennial Man was an *awesome* movie
00:32.16*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:32.44blessenwhile using my softphone with asterisk@home ..i get busy tone always when i dial a US number
00:32.52blessenAriel: can you help me with this
00:33.07Hmmhesayshaha I dont' remember my dialplan for iaxtel
00:33.25blachHmmhesays: are you registered right now?  What's your number?
00:33.37blachI have a feeling the server is back up but not really routing calls
00:33.48HmmhesaysI gotta look at my configs
00:33.49Hmmhesayshold on
00:36.30*** join/#asterisk sambal (n=sambal@
00:39.51hmodessounds sexy
00:40.19Hmmhesayshaha looks like i changed my configs iaxtel aint' going to work for me now
00:40.48Hmmhesaysblessen, whats up?
00:41.17blachDoes anyone have Iaxtel configured right now?
00:41.45*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
00:42.03Hmmhesaysi just tried calling you
00:42.09Hmmhesayson iaxtel, got nothing
00:42.29*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
00:42.44Hmmhesays17007864911 is my iaxtel number
00:42.48blachI'll give it a go
00:42.52blachbut i hav ea feeling the server is not routing
00:42.59Hmmhesaysnaw, just use free world dialup
00:43.40blachDid I just connect to your console?
00:44.09blessenHi Hmmhesays...i dumped my asterisk server and installed a simpler version of asterisk@home
00:44.19blachI tried again and got a man's voice saying "The party you are trying to reach is ungregistered or currently unavailable. Please try your call again later."
00:44.31Hmmhesayshmmm my setup might be fubared right now
00:44.45Hmmhesaysblessen: Ariel_ said you are looking at the using asterisk with vonage?
00:44.57blachHmmhesays: well it sounds like progress.  I'm not sure why I cannot connect back to myself.
00:45.05Hmmhesaystry the echotest
00:45.22Hmmhesaysit'll work if they have their link to fwd setup 9999613
00:45.39blessenariel : yess....coz...i already bought vonage and wish to get this asterisk server working...and make calls and receive calls
00:45.49twistedif you've not visited new orleans, it's too late
00:45.54Hmmhesaysyou'll need to upgarde to the business plus plan
00:45.55blessenHmmhesays:  yess....coz...i already bought vonage and wish to get this asterisk server working...and make calls and receive calls
00:45.55blachCircuit busy
00:46.11Hmmhesaysyou can pm me if you want some details
00:46.13Ariel_blessen, you need to talk with Hmmhesays he has worked with vonage
00:46.31blessenHmmhesays: can i message you...
00:46.38Hmmhesaysyeah go ahead
00:46.42blessenHmmhesays: thanks
00:47.25blessenHmmhesays : i cannot receive any calls....which comes to my softphone account which i have with vonage
00:47.34Hmmhesaysthats not quite a pm
00:53.48twistedi love the NWS's sense of humor
00:53.50twistedMonday: Occasional showers and possibly a thunderstorm, mainly after 1pm. High near 87. Windy, with a north wind 45 to 50 mph increasing to between 70 and 75 mph. Chance of precipitation is 90%.
00:53.55twistedthat's for new orleans on monday
00:54.36wunderkinoccasional showers, chance of precip 90%?
00:54.39Ariel_twisted, yes I remember mine saying light rain
00:54.45twistedAriel_, lol
00:54.54twistedwunderkin, hahah... not to mention hurricane katrina
00:54.55Ariel_it almost took my roof out..
00:55.06wunderkinah yeah
00:55.10twistedAriel_, you didn't even really have a hurricane there :P
00:55.25Ariel_dam thing was north of us and took a direct line to us.
00:55.33Ariel_80 plus mph
00:55.55dersteer80 mph... we get that here in michigan
00:55.57dersteerthats nothing
00:56.09Ariel_dersteer, ok sure....
00:56.21dersteerthats just a light wind storm
00:56.27twistedyea sure dersteer
00:56.46twistedthat's why there's always reports of wind there.
00:57.00twistedAriel_, eek
00:57.23Ariel_twisted, lost a nice house in 1992 to andrew. But that is life
00:57.27*** join/#asterisk Qwellj2me (
00:57.40twistedAriel_, yeah, well, we're about to lose new orleans to katrina :P
00:57.48twistedthey've already started talking about the total destruction
00:58.01Ariel_twisted, I understand
00:58.11dersteerpeople that live down there deserve it
00:58.22twisteddersteer, no, YOU deserve it
00:58.24dersteerthere should be no state of emergancy... no rebuilding no nothing
00:58.33twistedfor thinking like that
00:58.53dersteerI get sick of insurance hikes every time florida gets hit
00:59.03dersteerI haven't
00:59.05twistedodd, i never get insurance hikes
00:59.08dersteerand I wouldn't
00:59.12twistedand i'm closer to the coast than you
00:59.18dersteerI stay far away from florida
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00:59.39dersteerevery time I see them on TV I laugh
01:00.12Ariel_dersteer, sorry to hear it. It's paridise. you just have to pay the price to live in it.
01:00.19*** part/#asterisk mansing (
01:00.20dersteerpay with your life :)
01:00.40dersteerI wouldn't like everything I own and my entire community leveled... I think I would move after the first one
01:00.40Ariel_dersteer, no you do with the winter stroms
01:00.51dersteerwinter is EASY
01:00.54dersteerget cold put more on
01:01.07dersteerget too much snow get out the snow blower
01:01.54dersteermy mom moved down to florida... I told her she was stupid.... then her house blew down
01:02.42*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
01:02.47Ariel_dersteer, I live for a little bit up north and was in a bad winter.  Sorry don't want that any more.
01:03.26dersteerwinter does suck, but its a ton better than a hurricane
01:03.41bkw__ok someone calll my FWD number 51991
01:03.48dersteerwinter especially sucks in my business
01:03.54dersteerI gotta climb towers in the crap
01:04.46dersteerat 120 foot up in the air with below 0 wind chills you want to get down QUICK
01:07.48*** join/#asterisk marcotux (n=perulinu@
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01:08.18*** join/#asterisk dasuberd1vid (
01:10.05Hmmhesayswe've been dancin' with mr brownstone, he's been knocking
01:14.53*** join/#asterisk todd_ (n=todd@
01:18.23*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
01:23.08Hmmhesayshey man
01:23.32newlAxel 'Hmmhesays' Rose
01:23.36Hmmhesaysnot much burning a cd before I go out
01:23.42Hmmhesaysgonna shoot some pool
01:24.26JunK-Yshoot some chicks 2?
01:25.21bkw__I woudl hook my iaxtel number back up
01:25.27bkw__but that was so unreliable last I tried
01:27.27*** join/#asterisk CoolAcid (n=jason@
01:27.31Hmmhesaysuhhhh caress me down, uhhhhh 'n thats the lovin' sound
01:29.14HmmhesaysI didn't know she had the g.i. joe kung fu grip
01:31.50*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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01:36.11DrukenHMEg.i. joe or j.i. jane?
01:36.17DrukenHMEer.. g.i. jane
01:40.28JunK-Ysomeone knows how to fix that issue:  ?
01:40.32bkw__I have 760 888 WEST
01:41.28Sedoroxadam west will sue you!!
01:42.20Ariel_ManxPower, how are you?  Katrina looks like it's heading your way.
01:42.27MikeJ[Laptop]JunK-Y, install the kernel sources correctly?
01:43.02MikeJ[Laptop]it debian isn't it
01:43.34ManxPowerAriel_: *nod*  Expecing to evacuate tomorrow afternoon or evening
01:44.04Ariel_ManxPower, it got us here. We did not take it like a real hurricane and she really did damage.
01:44.43ManxPowerI always evac for Cat 4 or Cat 5.
01:44.51ManxPowerFor cat 3 it's a toss up.
01:45.25MikeJ[Laptop]ManxPower, what are you waiting for?
01:45.29ManxPowerWe are only going to Jackson MS.  It will be pretty bad there, but by that time it will have traveled across enough land to be MUCH less.
01:45.47ManxPowerMikeJ[Laptop]: I'm waiting for more accurate storm track.
01:45.59ManxPowerIt's not supposed to even START being felt until sun night.
01:46.29ManxPowernot supposed to make landfall until monday morning
01:47.41ManxPowerAnd I am trying to limit the amount me, my two lovers, the host, the host's sister, 4 cats, and 2 dogs spend togather.
01:48.10Ariel_ManxPower, it says Monday pm for you.
01:48.21coppiceManxPower: I know how you feel about evac. When they are wiring the place with Cat 5, you've really got to get everyone out of the installers way.
01:48.40ManxPowercoppice: Exactly!
01:48.53techieIt'll be a strong Cat 4
01:49.04ManxPowerAriel_: updated to landfall around "monday early pm"
01:49.32coppiceI wonder how a cat 4 compares with the signals we use in asia for typhoons
01:50.11Ariel_well it's movie time. Going to watch a movie with the wife. See you all later.
01:52.43coppice"More extensive curtainwall failures with some complete roof structure failure on small residences. " That sounds strange. surely curtain walls should be tougher than the average tiled roof
01:53.05ManxPowerI don't even know what a curtain walls is.
01:53.58coppicethe complete sheet of glass type walls on towers are called curtain walls
01:55.02*** join/#asterisk Legend (n=legend@
01:55.11ManxPowerAh, OK
01:56.15JunK-Ysomeone knows how to fix that issue: ?
01:58.00*** join/#asterisk {eng}bar4ka (n=chatzill@
01:58.19ManxPowerJunK-Y: Looks like you have the kernel headers installed, but not the kernel source
01:58.54JunK-Yyes kernel-source too.
01:58.58*** join/#asterisk mosty (
01:59.10bkw__JunK-Y, what kernel version?
01:59.15bkw__and did you compile from that?
01:59.19mostyan E1 has 30 B channels and 1 D channel, does each trunk group require its own D channel? ie is a single E1 only good for one trunk group?
01:59.40bkw__mosty, you might wanna say Hi first.. I think you wanna research NFAS
01:59.47JunK-Y2.4.27 , kernel-headers and kernel-source are debian packages.
01:59.48mostyhi :)
02:00.44bkw__GOOD NIGHT INKERNET!!!!
02:01.26bkw__ok time to crank up the Enya
02:01.35bkw__and ignore the TV
02:02.49file[laptop]bkw__: good idea
02:04.11bkw__that is a bad number
02:04.13file[laptop]omg do we really have that?
02:04.14bkw__why is it in our pool
02:04.21bkw__file check with resport
02:04.23bkw__its in the list
02:04.26bkw__but not on any account
02:04.30bkw__but marked as provisioned
02:04.50*** join/#asterisk SwK (
02:06.00JunK-Ydamn!!! still doesnt work, ive no fucking idea what could be the problem
02:06.21bkw__2.4 kernel sucks monkey ballz?
02:06.28mog_hom12.4 rules
02:06.33mog_hom12.4 foreva!!!
02:06.47bkw__nevah is what you meant to say
02:06.58filebkw__: not in the database
02:07.01mog_hom12.4 is worlds better
02:07.04bkw__file odd
02:07.09mog_hom12.6 not so much
02:07.14mog_hom1its spiffy but not a shocker for me
02:07.24mog_hom12.2  and 2.4 rocked me
02:07.30dudesThey both have their ups and downs
02:07.48newlDon't forget about the solid 2.0.39. <g>
02:07.54filebkw__: sad is more like it
02:08.43coppice2.4 had the distinct advantage of actually working for most people :-\
02:10.17bkw__2.6 works
02:10.25coppice2.0.38 was gem. The later 2.2.x were really good. 2.4.5 up were good. We are at 2.6.13 and I'm still waiting for something trouble free
02:10.26bkw__I have not had any issues related to 2.6
02:10.42coppicebkw: you lead a sheltered life :-)
02:10.44bkw__I'm running 2.6.12 righ tnow
02:10.55bkw__I must not do the freaky shit that breaks it
02:11.28mog_hom12.2 was awesome for the time
02:11.33bkw__openbsd was better
02:11.34mog_hom1and 2.6 is just like 2.4 for me
02:11.39mog_hom1nothing amazing
02:11.48mog_hom1bahh bkw stop trollin
02:11.55bkw__I wasn't
02:12.05bkw__I was just making a factual statement
02:12.06MikeJ[Laptop]<insert your mom joke here>
02:12.09coppiceA lot of it a matter of the hardware. I use these weird out of the way board, from people you've never heard of like Tyan. I guess I should expect problems, eh? :-)
02:12.23bkw__I have heard of Tyan
02:12.28bkw__I don't live under a rock
02:12.45*** join/#asterisk SwK (
02:12.46bkw__i'm going to tell you stick with intel boards and intel chips
02:12.47filedo I wanna go to the store?
02:12.47MikeJ[Laptop]isn't Oklahoma under a rock?
02:12.51bkw__lots of freaky shit don't happen
02:12.53coppiceDuh! exactly. I use mainstream stuff, and keyboards and mice don't work
02:13.06fileAMD Opterons are gooooood too
02:13.07bkw__thats lame
02:13.12bkw__AMD Opterons are yummy
02:13.14newlI was wondering if someone was going to say that about OK. :)
02:13.28toddfMike: I'm from Oklahoma ... *grin*
02:13.32*** kick/#asterisk [MikeJ[Laptop]!] by bkw__ (how you like this rock!)
02:13.32*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
02:13.38bkw__toddf me too
02:13.45bkw__but i'm still here
02:13.53bkw__toddf where are you at now?
02:14.03coppiceAMD opterons are unreasonably prices, but work very nicely.
02:14.13bkw__I can't argue with that
02:14.17toddfbkw: `The Village' aka Oklahoma City
02:14.25bkw__you live in OKC eh
02:14.47bkw__Lets see the last time I was there
02:14.54bkw__May 3rd 1999 I think
02:15.00bkw__fun shit
02:15.18bkw__actually I think i have been back once since..
02:15.20toddfyeah. former job enticed me here, married here, fired me, now I do my own consulting here
02:15.36bkw__when did you move to OKC?
02:15.43toddfJune 2000
02:15.54bkw__You missed all the tornado fun
02:16.01toddfoh. heh.
02:16.03bkw__I was in that May 3rd one
02:16.13bkw__thats the reason I know that date WELL
02:16.24bkw__and when I say IN...
02:16.27bkw__I mean IN
02:16.29bkw__not near
02:16.31bkw__not next to
02:16.37toddfgonna idle again, this thing called wife wants attention ..
02:16.44toddfglad you survived....
02:16.47bkw__me too
02:17.11bkw__I was very lucky
02:17.38bkw__MikeJ[Laptop], that sip jitterbuffer must go in 1.2 even if its if def'ed out and shit
02:17.41bkw__it needs to be there
02:17.52bkw__I am shocked it wasn't in there before n ow
02:17.54bkw__its needed it
02:18.17coppiceI thought the jitterbuffer was in CVS now
02:18.30bkw__not for SIP
02:18.31*** join/#asterisk apardo (
02:18.35bkw__or RTP I should say
02:18.37bkw__just IAX2
02:19.20coppicethat's the key improvement in 1.2, so without it 1.2 is a waste of space
02:19.42mog_hom11.2 != waste of space
02:19.49mog_hom11.2 = much needed new stable
02:19.51bkw__without an RTP jitterbuffer it sure as hell is
02:19.58bkw__its a NEED
02:20.07bkw__like i said it should be there
02:20.19bkw__it can be patched in 1.2.1 or later if we find bugs
02:20.24bkw__but have it there as an option
02:20.40bkw__otherwise you'll have another pile of poo that doesn't get ran because its missing key features
02:21.13fileoh, wow, I just lost hearing in my right ear
02:21.29fileaha there we go, it's back
02:22.27*** join/#asterisk zzapp__ (
02:23.36coppicewhy does "1.2 = much needed new stable"? Its mostly fluff. the real feature additions are things like jitter management, plc, and other call quality improvements
02:23.59bkw__PLC is great... but without a sip jitter buffer I doubt it will work out well :P
02:24.19bkw__anything that can improve call quality is a plus
02:24.23coppiceyou means RTP has PLC but not jitter buffering?
02:24.30bkw__well all codecs have PLC
02:24.38bkw__they use your code
02:24.53filepacket loss concealment
02:24.54mostydo i need to explicitly tell asterisk to use ztdummy or another module for timing, or does it auto-detect what is available?
02:24.59ManxPowerLast I heard the SIP JB stuff isn't even going to be in 1.2
02:25.02pfnah, interesting
02:25.02bkw__packet loss concealment
02:25.12fileconceals lost packets! ooh
02:25.28bkw__ManxPower, it better be if people have any hope of using it over anythign with any jitter
02:25.39pfnI thought that's a function of codec
02:25.40bkw__jitter on rtp based stuff will make it totally not usable
02:25.40*** join/#asterisk Karucha (n=Karucha@
02:25.46bkw__pfn some codecs does it
02:25.50bkw__ilbc and g729 already have some plc in them
02:25.54bkw__if I recall correctly
02:25.57ManxPowerbkw_: you mean like it is now?
02:26.06pfnspeex should as well
02:26.11bkw__pfn I think so
02:26.21bkw__ManxPower, ya right now you can't use sip on jittery links
02:26.24bkw__it just won't work right
02:26.25coppiceif CVS doesn't have a decent jitter buffer for RTP 1.2 should be delayed until that is fixed.
02:26.31ManxPowerbkw_: exactly
02:26.38ManxPowercoppice: I totally agree.
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02:26.43bkw__I agree with that also
02:26.54ManxPowerThere was SOME talk about just making it #ifdef'd out.
02:27.02bkw__I said that also
02:27.02ManxPowerask kpflemming
02:27.10bkw__getting in there as an option we can get tested more
02:27.13bkw__if someone wants it
02:27.22bkw__and in say 1.2.1 or 1.2.2 we can make it default
02:27.22pfnis there a feature diff list 'tween 1.0 and 1.2?
02:27.23bkw__or something
02:27.33bkw__1.x == the suck
02:27.38pfnI've been avoiding migrating
02:27.40bkw__er 1.0
02:27.44pfnno time, really
02:27.46bkw__1.2 will be better
02:27.50pfnbusy with work, married life, etc.
02:27.53bkw__but still has some major steps to take
02:28.07bkw__jitter buffer being one of the larger ones
02:28.16ManxPowerpfn: called UPGRADE.txt
02:28.26pfnI'll wait for 1.2  ...
02:28.30pfnand then look at upgrade.txt
02:28.42mog_hom1grr ....
02:28.48coppiceVAD is needed too, but the priority is a little lower
02:29.00bkw__someone paid mark some money to do VAD last I heard
02:29.02bkw__but its not there yet
02:29.07ManxPowernow that RC1 is out I'll upgrade my personal server after the hurricane (assuming I still have a personal server)
02:29.09coppiceor rather VAD/DTX
02:29.16bkw__ya that
02:29.25bkw__clocking off the RTP stream is dumb
02:29.42coppiceits the DTX on the receive side that is really important. there is no comfort noise
02:29.53coppiceVAD/DTX is hard to do right
02:29.54ManxPowerI can live without VAD/CNG
02:30.01pfnso what has happened with config options since 1.0?
02:30.07bkw__I can't however live without a jitter buffer in SIP
02:30.08MikeJ[Laptop]it's beta 1 not rc1
02:30.11pfnonly files?
02:30.18ManxPowerMikeJ[Laptop]: my bad
02:30.34bkw__mog_hom1, I doubt it
02:30.34coppiceManxPower no you can't. you can't avoid DTX on the incoming side, and without comfort noise its nasty
02:30.47bkw__"are you there?"
02:31.06EquinoxAnyone use Polycom IP 500s?  I have a simple question:  How do I set the correct timezone?
02:31.08mog_hom1lets test it ^_^
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02:31.19ManxPowercoppice: Hmm?  if you are not using VAD you should have enough audio artifacts for it not ot be a problem
02:31.25bkw__Equinox, I have a simple answer.. read the manual ;)
02:31.50bkw__t.38 in 1.2 would be nice also
02:31.54coppiceManxPower: you have little or no control over whether the other end uses VAD.
02:32.02bkw__tiz correct
02:32.22ManxPowerin the subnet section of dhcpd.conf put:
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02:32.51ManxPowercoppice: Maybe YOU don't, but I'm a corporate geek.
02:33.09denonhmm .. how come the topic calls it RC1?
02:33.13denonisnt it really beta1?
02:33.19ManxPowerI don't use services that require VAD.
02:33.29denon(ie: we should get out of the habit of calling the first "beta" and RC)
02:33.33ManxPowerHeck, I don't use any ITSP in production at my clients.
02:33.36coppiceOK, *most* people are getting calls from a wide variety of places, and have to deal with whatever they get.
02:33.55ManxPowercoppice: *nod*  The service provider geeks will REALLY care about CNG
02:34.16ManxPowerFor us corporate geeks it can be a non-issue
02:34.28*** topic/#asterisk by denon -> Asterisk 1.2.0 Beta1 - || Astricon 2005 - Anaheim, CA - Oct 12-14 - - Speakers wanted!
02:34.32coppiceNo. the users will really care about CNG, especially the corporate ones
02:34.44ManxPowercoppice: why?
02:35.11ManxPowerThey have lived without it for this long 8-)
02:35.12coppicebecause a huge number of current complaints stem from this not being handled properly now
02:35.46coppiceAdd DTX/VAD and the mailing list traffic would drop 10%
02:36.04ManxPowercoppice: Seems to me that the people complaining are those that signed up with a service provider, got business cards printed, and published the number before they did any testing.
02:36.14bkw__add that bloody jitter buffer also
02:36.25EquinoxManxPower- Thanks.. But I need to set it in the .xml files.. I tried adding -14400 (I was trying -4 and -0400 and -04 )
02:36.27coppicethat's irrelevant. they still need it
02:36.32bkw__ManxPower, yep we get that alot...
02:36.40EquinoxManxPower- This phone will be traveling a bit so the DHCP server I don't have control over
02:36.41bkw__we tell people until the number works DO NOT PRINT ANYTHING
02:36.42ManxPowerEquinox: Can't help you with that.
02:36.48EquinoxManxPower- Thanks anyway :)
02:37.24ManxPowerYes, VAD/CNG will save bandwidth.
02:37.41bkw__a major savings
02:37.43coppicethat is not the important part
02:37.51ManxPowerThe vast majority of my VoIP is had a 100Mbps LAN between the phone and the server. 8-)
02:37.57mostywhen i switch from ztdummy to wcte11xp i can't hear anything, what could be wrong?
02:38.14bkw__mosty, did you unload ztdummy?
02:38.15bkw__do you have no spanlines? in zaptel.conf?
02:38.17ManxPowermosty: your wcte11xp is shareing an interrupt.
02:38.22denonManxPower: I always feel silly jacking 7960s into gigabit ports .. but ..
02:38.38ManxPowerdenon: most of our phones have PCs behind them.
02:38.44bkw__no usually when this happens you have no span lines in zaptel.conf
02:38.50bkw__I can produce it like clock work
02:38.59bkw__mark said its not a bug
02:39.02bkw__but I beg to differ on that one
02:39.08denonManxPower: oh? Ive sorta discouraged that as of late .. especially with more gigabit to the desktop, but also in case we need to push a phone update for some reason
02:39.11coppiceor clock fail in this case
02:39.18denonManxPower: though, admittedly, its nice to have QoS and save a port
02:39.35ManxPowerdenon: Our reason is saving cost on network drops
02:39.44ManxPowerand saving switch ports.
02:39.44denonnod, cant argue with cheap
02:39.47mostybkw: i have a span line in zaptel.conf
02:39.56ManxPowerour users can hardly use e-mail, they don't generate a lot of network traffic.
02:39.59bkw__ztcfg -vvv and I bet its what coppice said clock fail
02:40.15denonManxPower: thicknet was made for people like that :)
02:40.19denonscrew homeruns..
02:40.24denoner thinnet
02:40.38ManxPowerdenon: almost all network traffic is to/from internet and so is limited by our WAN speeds (384k for most offices)
02:40.50denonwhere are you, uganda?
02:40.57ManxPowerdenon: no, Louisiana.  Close.
02:41.03bkw__hell I have more bandwidth than that
02:41.06denonah, yeah .. that was my next guess :)
02:41.11bkw__I have 3.0/512k
02:41.32mostyZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)
02:41.36bkw__ding ding ding
02:41.40ManxPowerdenon: Why would they need more bandwidth?  WORK related internet usage is accessing the MLS (property listing service), and a few things for corporate.
02:41.43bkw__you using udev?
02:41.57bkw__did you install a package or make it yourself?
02:41.59denonManxPower: spose so .. I just like overhead
02:42.11denonManxPower: you dont aggregate voice traffic over the wan?
02:42.13mostybkw_, i'm using the packages in debian sarge. not sure if i am using udev
02:42.21ManxPowerdenon: I LIKE our Frame Relay and Point-to-Point T-1 network.  It works, it's simple, it's reliable.
02:42.27bkw__the /dev entries are not there
02:42.45denonManxPower: yeah, I really like frame clouds for multiple office scenarios too
02:42.47ManxPowerdenon: we don't send much voice traffic via the WAN, the places we do have full T-1 service.
02:42.59ManxPowerdenon: We have something like 15 offices.
02:43.04denonbeats the heck out of most Internet vpn scenarios with regards to reliability
02:43.06ManxPowerMOST calls are to/from PSTN.
02:43.29ManxPowerdenon: we have like 20 calls per DAY between corporate and the largest remote office.
02:43.38denonhah, point taken
02:43.45ManxPowerAND we have free calling anywhere in Louisiana and Mississippi from our CLEC.
02:43.52denonat that point, 2c/min is much cheaper than any bandwidth
02:44.05denonoh, and free is cheaper still
02:44.10ManxPowerso all offices can call each other for free via PSTN.
02:44.15denonthough not as convenient as dialing an extension ;)
02:44.25ManxPowerdenon: true, and it uses PSTN ports.
02:44.37denonand pstn dials so slow ..
02:44.45denonwell, pots does anyway
02:44.59ManxPowerdenon: the whole free calling thing from the CLEC really fucked up all our cost saving spreadsheets we were using to justify moving to VoIP.
02:45.10denonyeah I bet
02:45.24ManxPowerThat happened 2 or 3 years ago.
02:45.34denonbut this way you get to shove a * box at each location, instead of just sip phones on everyone's desk
02:46.00mostybkw_, how can i create the device files? where do i find the major/minor/type numbers?
02:46.27mostyoh wait, i fixed it
02:47.02ManxPowerdenon: we have a spare PRI and Internet T-1 aquired when they bought a company a few months ago.  Under contract.  We'll be putting an Asterisk server on it.
02:47.13h3x0rhey bkw did you get t.38 working yet
02:47.14ManxPowerIt's not being used at all now.
02:47.40denonManxPower: tie some DIDs on it and host asterisk confs :)
02:47.43ManxPowerThe accounting people got their asses whipped by management when they found out about the lines (AFTER the purchase of the company)
02:47.53h3x0ri need to run another A/C circuit to my rack with the max tnt in it so i can fire that up and test
02:48.00denonManxPower: they didn't list it as liabilities?
02:48.01ManxPowerI think buying out the contract is like $60,000.
02:48.22ManxPowerdenon: one would hope so.
02:48.25denonManxPower: that's grounds for a lawsuit, selling a company without disclosing liabilities..
02:48.45ManxPowerdenon: I think the other company disclosed them, our accounting people just missed it.
02:48.56twistedslashdot fall down go boom
02:49.07Qwelltwisted: you broke it
02:49.19denonManxPower: ah .. well .. you reap what you sow :)
02:49.57denonthink im gonna get away from the glowing pixels for a while
02:49.59ManxPowerdenon: the accounting department tries several times per year to convince upper management to fire the IP department and have accounting do IT.
02:50.01mostybkw, manxpower, coppice: thanks- i have it working now
02:50.08denonManxPower: bwahaha
02:50.13ManxPowerSo ANYTHING that the screw up is good for us.
02:50.19denonI bet
02:50.27denonanyway .. gonna head, catch ya later manx
02:50.37ManxPower'night denon
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02:52.06QwellManxPower: is that the same dept with the win server?
02:52.42ManxPowerQwell: yes.
02:52.48ManxPowerand an AS/400
02:52.53Qwelleww, why?
02:53.06ManxPowerQwell: some stupid accounting application.
02:53.18ManxPowerThat project was a disaster too.
02:53.52ManxPowerThey were trying to run the Windows clients for the AS/400 application over the WAN.  Didn't work, so they had to buy a Windows Terminal Server for the remote offices to connect to at corporate, so they could connect to the AS/400
02:53.58Qwellyou should go to upper management, and try to convince them to fire the accounting dept.  let IT do accounting
02:54.02ManxPowerthen they ran out of disk space on the AS/400.
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02:54.10ManxPowerQwell: Nuh uh!
02:54.22Qwellthats great
02:54.27ManxPowerso the whole system cost 3x what it was supposed to.
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02:54.46Qwellscrapped the whole thing too, didn't they?
02:54.53ManxPowerwe added a Linux Samaba server for their disk storage for %10 of the cost of adding disk to the AS/400
02:54.53mcunixjr_hi - is there a list of vendors that provide only DIDs (yes i looked on Voip-info, list is outdated)
02:55.01mcunixjr_I am in need of DIDs in New Mexico
02:55.07ManxPowerQwell: nope, they are still running it.
02:55.31Qwellsounds like my work though
02:55.35ManxPowerGranted, scanning real estate leases and all the paperwork for property sales does take a bit of disk space.
02:55.41Qwellwe spend like $30 million on something
02:55.51Qwelland we scrap the whole damn thing
02:55.51h3x0rmcunixjr_: what ratecenter in NM
02:56.00mcunixjr_anything in 505
02:56.10ManxPowerI'm a consultant.  When I say "We" I usually mean "my largest customer"
02:56.19Qwellwell, yeah
02:56.32h3x0rive got bernalillo, los lunas, and albuqurque
02:57.00mcunixjr_h3x0r albuqurque would be great - where do i sign up?
02:57.02ManxPowerThe hurricane is really pissing me off.
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02:57.16h3x0rare you going to be calling outbound too
03:05.55ManxPowerWe were supposed to deploy the Tellabs echo cancel hardware AND set up VLANs at one of the offices on tuesday.
03:05.55mcunixjr_h3x0r yes
03:05.55QwellManxPower: where are you located?
03:05.56ManxPowerI'm near New Orleans, LA.
03:05.56Qwellahh, right, I knew that
03:05.56ManxPower50 miles east to be specific.  Client office is about 23 miles north of New Orleans.
03:05.56h3x0rmcunixjr_: new number or trying to port?
03:05.56mcunixjr_new number
03:05.56Qwellthats a nice little drive
03:05.56mcunixjr_need 5 of them now
03:05.56h3x0rmultiple calls at a time to the same number?
03:05.56mcunixjr_could happen
03:05.56mcunixjr_its for a small educational non profit
03:05.56h3x0rare you USF eligable? heh
03:05.57mcunixjr_USF ?
03:05.57mcunixjr_i dont know what that is
03:05.57h3x0runiversal service fund
03:05.57Qwellnope :p
03:05.57h3x0rdo you need e911
03:05.58h3x0r^$@!@#^%&$!^#$@  Now checking for the cheapest available.... DID %@#!#^%#@!^$@
03:05.58mcunixjr_need beeping noises
03:05.58mcunixjr_DO YOU WANT TO PLAY .... DID
03:05.58h3x0rim trying to find a different carrier, all you have in albq is Level 3
03:05.58h3x0rand the problem with them is they dont do outbound unless you take the "residental" product that includes some outbound minutes and e911
03:05.58ManxPowerTeliax has numbers most places (I suspect they use Level 3)
03:05.58bkw__h3x0r, you never said what you could get me a DID for?
03:05.58h3x0rbkw where for again
03:05.59h3x0rManxPower: yes but the problem is you also have to pay L3 a $100 setup fee for a new market if you dont already have it, which once again sucks
03:05.59bkw__I love Unlimited **
03:05.59bkw__with a 1500 softcap
03:05.59bkw__funny shit
03:05.59ManxPowerh3x0r: that's the ITDP's problem, not my problem.
03:05.59ManxPowerbkw_: *nod*  the softcap is pretty interesting too.
03:06.01bkw__i'm sure that will hold up in court
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03:06.09h3x0rManxPower: well that could be why they dont have the market listed if they dont have it
03:06.13bkw__Unlimited means exactly that
03:06.18bkw__can't go changing webster now
03:06.44Qwellsure you can
03:06.49Qwelltollfree?  it still costs ME money :p
03:06.56h3x0rdammit kmc has NM numbers in the LERG but they won't sell them voip
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03:07.11Qwellcell providers do the whole "unlimited data" thing
03:07.15Qwellhell, so do ISPs
03:07.29Qwellbut, we all know what Rogers and the like do
03:07.34bkw__of all places
03:07.42bkw__Eufaula has DID's
03:07.48bkw__they are a shit spec on the map
03:07.52Qwellbkw_: Can you get me a 900 DID?
03:08.02bkw__Qwell, sure 900 GAY FUCK
03:08.08Qwellhey, whatever works
03:08.22Qwellno, but really...
03:08.29bkw__we can't
03:08.30Qwellare there any providers that can handle 900?
03:08.41QwellI've never really seen anybody talk about toll DIDs
03:08.42bkw__900 is like a huge fraud place
03:08.49geoff_which is the best choice for setting up a PBX system...i expect to revcive multiple calls at same which one will you guys suggest...vonage or anything else.,..and i prefer to use linux
03:09.03Qwellyeah, I know, I'm just curious about it
03:09.05Corydon76-homeI actually wouldn't mind getting a personal 900 number
03:09.06h3x0rmcunixjr_: Well, all i could find was level3
03:09.33Corydon76-homeHand it to any company wanting a phone number.
03:09.34JunK-Ynow im getting, anyone has idea how to solve that problem?
03:09.48bkw__Corydon now thats an idea
03:09.51Corydon76-home"You want to talk to me?  You get to pay me to listen to your drivel"
03:10.00Qwellnah, I'd program it into the front gate at my apartment
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03:10.04Corydon76-homebkw__: prior art
03:10.15bkw__Corydon like that matters?
03:10.17Qwelldial my house every time I come home, have it senddtmf a 9
03:10.18MikeJ[Laptop]you call that art?
03:10.21bkw__soon it really wont
03:10.36bkw__if they have their way.. first patent ... first person.. fuck prior art
03:10.49bkw__people can go patent shit that is obvious and be valid
03:10.55Corydon76-homeNo, patents can still be invalidated with prior art
03:11.04bkw__as of now it can
03:11.09bkw__but if they get to change the laws
03:11.11bkw__it won't matter
03:11.13Corydon76-homeEven with the new system
03:11.19MikeJ[Laptop]Corydon76-home, do you have a few mil to fight that?
03:11.24bkw__the new system has more checks
03:11.29MikeJ[Laptop]it's pattent by bigger wallet
03:11.37bkw__trust me we are getting our asses sued off by J2/eFax
03:11.40coppicebkw_ It depends how they do this. if they really follow europe, first to patent will solve most of the US patent system problems
03:11.47Corydon76-homewhich is why the patent system needs to be completely eliminated
03:11.52Qwellbkw_: which is complete and utter bullshit
03:12.07QwellIP fax is so damned obvious
03:12.08bkw__the act of taking a fax from switched to packet
03:12.10Corydon76-homeThe biggest companies don't rely on patent... they rely on trade secret law
03:12.22bkw__and sending it via email or even the act of storing it is a violate of their patents
03:12.33pfntell that to IBM
03:12.38coppiceCorydon76-home: rubbish.
03:12.52bkw__a patent is a way to terrorize the little guys
03:12.59Corydon76-homecoppice: Big companies don't rely on trade secret law?
03:13.35h3x0rbkw_: you have got to be fucking kidding me
03:13.36coppicethey don't often rely on it. unless you mean things like MS's agreements being trade secrets. :-)
03:13.47Corydon76-homecoppice: I know of several that COULD patent, and choose not to, since trade secrets have a much longer potential term
03:13.48bkw__go read
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03:14.17h3x0rbkw_: has a did list for excel on it now
03:14.23coppiceindividual patents are not that important to big companies. its the pool of patents that matter. its a club memberhip ticket
03:14.24mcunixjrgot disconnected
03:14.28Corydon76-homebut they still retain documentation to have prior art, in case their competitors try to patent it later
03:15.02bkw__ala G.723.1
03:15.06bkw__ala G.729
03:15.07Corydon76-homeThe phrase I heard was "A patent is a license to steal."
03:15.13mcunixjrh3x0r -  any luck ?
03:15.20coppiceCorydon76-home: trade secrets are *not* prior art
03:15.30h3x0rmcunixjr: Dammit I msg'ed your nick with the _ in it
03:15.38Corydon76-homecoppice: Michelin used them as such
03:15.54mcunixjri got disconnected - then reconnected
03:16.13Corydon76-homeAs long as you have the process documented and notarized, you can use it as prior art
03:16.44Corydon76-homeAny court will throw out a patent if you have properly documented and notarized evidence of prior art
03:18.22coppiceThere are many examples where that has not happened. taking prior art to court is notoriously risky
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03:20.59Qwellh3x0r: Wanna give me a tour of your DC this weekend?  heh
03:21.24h3x0rwhat are you in vegas?
03:21.30QwellI will be tomorrow
03:21.46Qwell4 days...I have a feeling I'll get a little bored
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03:22.09h3x0ralright we'll see how it goes... i am going to be busy deploying an inbound call center on the other side of town most of this week
03:22.24QwellI was mostly kidding anyhow, heh
03:22.32bkw__coppice, is right if you take prior art you're walking this thin line
03:22.46bkw__chances are this same judge as already heard this patent case and will not even look at it properly and rule against you
03:22.56bkw__this is what we are going thru with this J2/efax case right now
03:23.41coppicebkw: you mean you have the same judge that heard other J2 cases? haven't they gone to reassessment by the PTO?
03:24.38bkw__coppice, yes
03:24.50bkw__we are pushing for the reassessment
03:25.09bkw__no matter how you slice it.. taking a fax off the wire and putting it on disk violates one of their patents
03:25.12bkw__sending it via email does also
03:25.22bkw__the 021 patent covers storage
03:25.30bkw__the 638 covers the email part of it
03:25.49bkw__021 has been bought by big players like AT&T, MCI, Sprint and many others
03:25.52bkw__including cisco
03:25.59bkw__so that is one that you will have a hard time to invalidate
03:26.11bkw__638 on the other hand is one that you could have invalidated if you play it right
03:27.22jbotit has been said that pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
03:27.57bkw__i'm not pasting you ninny
03:28.00bkw__i'm typing
03:28.10Sedorox*bits the finger*
03:28.29coppicebkw: you mean those big guys have paid J2 for 021?
03:29.19twistedbkw_, 996
03:31.36bkw__coppice, no its one of those patent clugs
03:31.38bkw__er clubs
03:31.40bkw__j2 joined in
03:34.34*** join/#asterisk sundays` (
03:34.50sundays`hey everyone
03:37.04coppicebkw: try pulling the rico act on them :-)
03:37.42bkw__we might do that ;)
03:37.59mcunixjrwhats a patent club?
03:38.11coppicea rico act target :-)
03:38.44mostywhat is a "span" wrt ISDN?
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03:39.13coppicehow come the cellular companies in the US have been sidestepping rico act charges by buying up those sueing them? shouldn't there be something to stop that?
03:39.21Corydon76-homeWhat's worse about that is that if you can prove racketeering, the organizations involved all lose all their patents
03:39.29mostyie what's the difference between a "single-span isdn" and "quad-span isdn" card?
03:39.58mog_hom1but isnt that impossible to prove
03:39.58Mavviemosty: 3 ISDN spans.
03:40.01mog_hom1like defemation
03:40.09mog_hom1its fairly hard to prove in court
03:40.24mostymavvie: heh. but what is a span?
03:40.25Mavviemosty: single span = 1 ISDN channel, quad span = 4 ISDN channels.
03:40.26Corydon76-homedefamation is fairly easy to prove in court
03:40.48mog_hom1not really, as you can say its your opinion
03:40.48mostymavvie: ok, and i can split up a single span into multiple groups right?
03:40.48Mavviemosty: easiest is to compare it with a PRI interface
03:40.52mog_hom1you have to prove intent
03:40.52Corydon76-homeassuming that defamation actually occurred
03:40.56Mavviemosty: yes.
03:41.04mog_hom1defamation of character
03:41.17coppicemog_hom1: no. in cases like the mpeg2 cartel, they went to great lengths to get the government nod that is was OK. mpeg4 has dragged on forever, because that group couldn't get the government nod.
03:41.17mog_hom1and it was
03:41.25Corydon76-homemog_hom1: doesn't matter if it's opinion or not.  It matters how others treated it
03:41.35mog_hom1i can say your an ass
03:41.39mog_hom1and claim it was opinion
03:41.45mog_hom1doesnt matter what others think about it
03:41.47mostymavvie: and i do that by defining groups in zapata.conf? (and i assume multiple groups share the same D channel?)
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03:41.59mog_hom1much like what happened with flynn vs that preacher guy....
03:42.04Mavviemosty: yes.
03:42.09Corydon76-homemog_hom1: but if you saying so stops others from doing business with me, it's defamation
03:42.15mostymavvie: cool, thanks a lot
03:42.27mog_hom1for example
03:42.49mog_hom1damn well i cant think of anything
03:42.50Corydon76-homeOr actually, it's probably easier to go for slander
03:42.54mog_hom1i am lame at times
03:43.05coppicethis if off topic. the topic is rico
03:43.20mog_hom1im just saying corydon very few people ever win a case
03:43.24mog_hom1on that
03:43.47Corydon76-homemog_hom1: very few people ever win a case, period.  Almost everything is settled out of court
03:44.19mog_hom1also true
03:44.54Corydon76-homeAnyway, I'm going to bed
03:46.31sundays`umm... this documentation is making my head hurt
03:48.39sundays`i am using the win32 asterisk to play around with
03:48.51*** join/#asterisk neonkl (i=neon@
03:49.07sundays`yeah i know....  :/
03:49.11*** join/#asterisk devonst17|afk (
03:49.16sundays`but i just wanted to play around with it
03:49.23sundays`before building a box up to run it
03:50.11sundays`its basically the same thing?
03:50.15mog_hom1colinux version....
03:50.23sundays`cept no support for modem cards?
03:50.25mog_hom1you could try colinux version
03:50.37mog_hom1but astwin32 is not same as asterisk
03:50.37sundays`whats the colinux version?
03:50.47sundays`oh  :/
03:51.48*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:52.02sundays`i wouldnt mind being prompted for all the configs i need to change to get a basic setup going
03:55.22*** join/#asterisk blessen (n=Bless@
03:56.06blessenHmmhesays: can i chat with you
03:56.37sundays`mog_hom1: can i pm you?
03:56.52mog_hom1i wont stop you ^_^
03:57.23blessenCan any one tell me a replacement for vonage account
03:57.42blesseni wish to setup a pbx system serving multiple phones
03:57.51blessenusing voip
03:58.04blessenwhich all do you all suggest
03:58.12blessenother than vonage....
03:58.22blessenok..does they have any site...
03:58.23Qwellbroadvoice is no good
03:58.33Qwellasterlink has been good to me
03:58.39mog_hom1asterilink is good too
03:58.40blessenand is it easy to configure them with asterisk for multiple calls...
03:58.51mog_hom1but asterlink isnt like vonage
03:58.57mog_hom1they are much more real termination
03:58.57Qwellbroadvoice costs more to do more then one simul call
03:59.00mog_hom1if you want a signle line
03:59.05mog_hom1broadvoice is good
03:59.23blesseni need get multiple calls from the same connection
03:59.31Qwellblessen: give asterlink a look
03:59.32blessensince its voip..
03:59.45mog_hom1voice pulse is good provider too
04:00.00blesseni already bought vonage..but find it difficult to intergrate it with asterisk server
04:00.12blessenso i was thinking of a switch over...
04:00.19mog_hom1yeah vonage doesnt like to play ball with many people
04:00.44blessenso i do not want to make another thats why i am asking everyone
04:00.59blesseni tried for one week nearly to setup this...and failed...
04:01.09blessenso please help me with this..
04:02.00blessenbroadvoice is voice over ip..right....
04:02.10blessenand can work with asterisk......??
04:02.34mog_hom1and is cheapp
04:02.46Qwelland down more then half the time
04:03.19mog_hom1not that bad...
04:03.27QwellI see people come in here daily
04:03.59blessenso what are my optionss
04:04.21Qwellhow many minutes per month?
04:04.30Qwelldo you need incoming?  tollfree?  local DIDs?
04:04.59sundays`anyone from australia?
04:05.06sundays`recommend a good provider?
04:05.07blessenincoming calls...
04:05.09*** part/#asterisk mosty (
04:05.13*** join/#asterisk mosty (
04:05.16ianmAnybody suggest any other company for toll-free to SIP / IAX (rather than nufone and Junction) ?
04:05.54blesseni wish to have mulitple phone  connection  using asterisk pbx and softphone......
04:05.57blessenthis is my need
04:06.39Qwellblessen: Do you need local DIDs, or would you prefer a tollfree DID?
04:07.04blessenDID? means...
04:07.09mog_hom1your phone number
04:07.13pygrammerdirect inward dialing
04:07.32pygrammerI NEEEEEEEEEEEEEED DIDs!!!
04:08.04mostyhow would i setup a dialplan that will try to dial a zap extension, and if that's busy dial an iax trunk instead?
04:08.25blessenwhats the difference between local did and toll free did
04:08.30pygrammerexten => s,1,Dial(ZAP/1)
04:08.40Qwellblessen: 800
04:08.41pygrammerexten => s,2,Dial(IAX/2)
04:08.58Qwellwon't dial goto +101 on fail?
04:09.10blesseni would go for local DID...coz...
04:09.16mostypygrammer: oh ok, so than hangup(102) ?
04:09.21pygrammerthen add 201 or 301 or w/e
04:09.33mostyer, s,102,hangup()
04:09.50pygrammeryou don't need (or want) hangup...
04:10.16blessenQwell: will use local DID...
04:10.25adelashey how can i make my phone give a tone
04:10.36adelaslike when i get options to press #1 2 3 ect
04:10.52adelason some phone bussiness, i can't press the button as it dosnt' make a tone sound response
04:11.38pygrammerwhat kind of "tone"
04:11.48adelaslike when it says press 1 to replay
04:11.56adelaspress 2 to speak to representative
04:11.57pygrammeryes, but what kind of tone?
04:12.05adelasthe phone dosn't make any kind of sound
04:12.11adelasso that otehr phone system dosn't know
04:12.23adelashow would i fix this?
04:12.30blessenalso does anyone have good tutorial on how to configure asterisk with vonage and softphone
04:12.34pygrammerwhat kind of phone?
04:12.39adelasits cisco 7960
04:12.40pygrammeroh, you mean DTMF tones
04:12.50pygrammermeh, i haven't gotten a 7960 yet, don't know much about 'em :D
04:13.01Qwellwrong dtmfmode
04:13.02pygrammerask someone else here; they're all 7960 geeks
04:13.16adelashow do i fix it?
04:13.19pygrammer^^ or what qwell said
04:13.20adelasas i'm still a nood
04:13.22mog_hom17960s rule...
04:13.22pygrammer"Qwell knows best."
04:13.27ianmsenddtmf ?
04:13.32adelasqwell, how would i fix this?
04:13.37pygrammerno, dtmfmode in sip.conf
04:14.15adelaswat do you mean?
04:14.23*** join/#asterisk criptos (n=criptos@
04:14.35adelasdtmfmode the touchtone?
04:14.50Qwellchange your dtmfmode in sip.conf and/or on your phone
04:14.54Qwellthey MUST match
04:15.02pygrammerMUST MUST MUST :)
04:15.02Qwelland inband only works with ulaw/alaw, so don't use it
04:15.10adelastheres nothing that mentions dtmfmode in sip.conf
04:15.13Qwellthen add it
04:15.18adelaswats the line to add?
04:16.07adelasand i might ask wats inband mean? and ulaw/alaw?
04:16.14Qwelltry dtmfmode=rfc2833
04:16.19Qwelland on the sec
04:16.31adelasulaw/alaw is alllowed in sip.conf
04:16.49Qwell"Out of band DTMF" avt_always
04:17.29pygrammerbasically, your only option is rfc2833
04:17.37pygrammerunless you're using ulaw in all directions
04:17.47pygrammeror alaw
04:17.49*** part/#asterisk Karucha (n=Karucha@
04:17.57pygrammerbut i don't use alaw :S
04:18.02QwellI think the default on the 7960 is g711
04:19.37*** part/#asterisk {eng}bar4ka (n=chatzill@
04:20.47ianmI have a norstar PBX connected to * and I'd like to be able to page (from * to the Norstar PBX) The feature is #60xx - but * doesn't send the #.....
04:20.54ianmanybody had this problem before?
04:21.11Qwell# usually means "I'm done dialing digits.  Send this."
04:21.25ianma ha
04:21.50ianmso I guess you wouldn't be able to then..
04:21.58QwellCan you change it to *60xx?
04:22.08ianmThe Norstar expects a #
04:22.28criptosianm How are u trying to pass the #? can you put the extension?
04:22.37ianmSure - just a sec
04:23.10ianmexten => s,1,senddtmf(#6012)
04:23.19ianmI think that's how I was trying it last week ;)
04:23.38criptoswhy are u using the extension s?
04:23.49ianmcough cough - LOL
04:24.30ianmok - seriously -
04:24.35criptosWith what hardware are u connectiog to ur nortstar?
04:24.58criptoszapata channels then..
04:25.08criptosWhy you dont try something like
04:25.12ianmok - I have a SIP client - trying to page over zap
04:25.23ianmI setup an extension in extensions.conf
04:25.42criptosexten => 111,1,Dial(Zap/1/#6012)
04:25.55ianmOhhhh -
04:26.01*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
04:26.18criptosin this way, when you dial 111 at your sip client, then, asterisk will pickup the zap channel, and DIAL # 6 0 1 2 as if YOU were dialing it...
04:26.31ianmwow -
04:26.45ianmhow about if I needed to send a flash on the ZAP before #6012 ?
04:27.14criptoswhy would you need that?
04:27.55ianmI'm reading the Norstar ATA handbook and it says you need a flash before the feature code (#6012)
04:28.30criptoslet me think.
04:28.55ianmI don't get what's different from a flash to the initial grabbing of the line though !!
04:29.11criptosI dont uderstand that also..
04:29.22Qwellpulse dial a 1 :p
04:30.05ianmhow about: exten 111,1,Flash(); exten 111,2,Dial(Zap/1/#6012)
04:30.21QwellThat should work
04:30.31Qwellno ; though...
04:30.34*** topic/#asterisk by bkw__ -> Asterisk 1.2.0 Beta1 - || Astricon 2005 - Anaheim, CA - Oct 12-14 - - Speakers wanted! || A core dump is your computer's way of saying "Here's what's on my mind, what's on yours?"
04:30.44criptosThat will NOT work, becose, flash is not been sent to any channel...
04:30.58Qwellbkw__: been reading core dumps all day?
04:31.15*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
04:31.17bkw__ACK and you shall receive.
04:31.35bkw__And God said "Let there be light." But then the program crashed because he was trying to access the 'light' property of a NULL universe pointer.
04:31.42Qwellianm: try it without flashing the line
04:31.47Qwellsee what the nortel does
04:31.57ianmok guys - I'll try the Dial method via exten on Monday and let you know :)
04:32.00criptosyeap, that would be a good option...
04:32.14ianmSince I'm not a workaholic and can't test a page from my home ;)
04:32.23ianmbut thanks for your help
04:32.59bkw__Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good. And when it is bad, it is better than nothing.
04:33.02adelasqwell, the touchtone thing still dosn't work
04:33.17adelasi'm using ulaw
04:33.18adelasboth ways
04:33.28coppiceI used to find MS documentatio to be worse than nothing
04:33.50*** join/#asterisk Ier-Ministre (
04:33.51adelasand when i add extentions, i used rcf
04:34.24criptosIf the only good sex is filthy sex, the only good doc should be what kind of docs?
04:34.38Qwelladelas: You have to change it on your phone too
04:35.07bkw__Mac OS X. Because making Unix user-friendly is easier than debugging Windows.
04:35.09twistedi would SO read more manuals if they were written in shaprie on naked women's bodies
04:35.12coppicethe best sex is an act of giving out of love and caring. documentation is certainly like that
04:35.16adelasqwell, how would i change it on my cisc 7960?
04:35.35Qwelladelas: settings, 4, 9
04:35.37*** join/#asterisk Maveric (
04:36.04adelaso wtf i didn't see those option down there
04:36.06*** join/#asterisk yartelecom (n=no-email@
04:36.09adelasi thought it was only phone lines
04:36.18coppicemost documentation is "i need to produce 10,000 words on.... er, what was is now... oh, this stuff"
04:36.49adelasqwell, do i change it to none?
04:37.01criptosOh, I see, I see why this comparsion between sex and documentation, both things are EXTREMELY RARE at a geek life!
04:37.22Qwellthats what I use, anyhow
04:37.42mog_hom1too many similariteis to sex and docmentation
04:38.02coppicecriptos: dunno. I've engaged in both today, and its only lunchtime
04:38.51*** join/#asterisk tekati (
04:39.23criptoscoppice: you are bragging about :)
04:39.41coppiceyeah, man. I write documentation :-)
04:40.51criptosAnd how does it feels? :) Does it hurts a lot as many people say?
04:40.54is_when i try to compile with make i get this error
04:40.55is_"Makefile", line 21: Missing dependency operator
04:40.55is_"Makefile", line 23: Missing dependency operator
04:40.55is_"Makefile", line 28: Need an operator
04:41.02is_how can i fix it ?
04:41.19criptosis_ download head, :)
04:41.19coppicecriptos: well, the sex felt better than the documentation
04:41.24bkw__thats hot!
04:41.27bkw__thats sexy!
04:41.42Qwellthats docy!
04:41.44Qwelldoesn't work
04:42.05coppicethats lucid!
04:42.10coppicethat docy!
04:42.26coppicenope. this isn't really getting anywhere
04:42.54is_criptos i have download asterisk-1.0.9.tar.gz
04:43.28criptosis_ and you are using what distro?
04:44.06Qwelluse gmake
04:44.13*** join/#asterisk mcunixjr_ (i=mcunixjr@pdpc/supporter/gold/McUnixJr)
04:45.10is_its work
04:45.12is_thank you
04:45.51mog_hom1or linux
04:49.43*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=turnerd@
04:50.28[hC]hey, i just put notransfer=yes into all my iax peers, as well as the general section of iax.conf. I havent seen it successfully native bridge since i did that, however it still claims that it is 'Attempting native bridge".. is this normal, or should the attempt messages go away when notransfer=yes is set?
04:52.34criptoshc, is perfectly norman that * attempts to bridge first..
04:52.56criptosthere is a ast_verbose, reduce your debug level, and many messages will go away..
04:53.21criptosBtw, what is the benefit, for no being able to native bridge iax?
04:54.39[hC]i have audio issues with native bridging
04:54.52criptosbut is''t a native bridge more efficien?
04:55.17[hC]in theory
04:55.24[hC]but in practice it can introduce shitty outcomes
04:55.27criptosthe sound frame get copied from one channel to another almos witout further manipulation..
04:55.32[hC]it messes with cdr records
04:55.39[hC]and sometimes you lose audio one way
04:55.48file[laptop]that's a native transfer
04:55.51criptosI have iaxy devices, and that is not an issue...
04:55.53file[laptop]a native transfer is not a native bridge
04:56.18[hC]I have two * boxes, one in my office, one in colo
04:56.38[hC]i sip register to the one in my office, it iax registers to the one in colo, and the one in colo connects to my IAX peers
04:56.55[hC]when i dial out, it does a native brdige between my office * box and the peer (voipjet, etc)
04:57.11[hC]and about 60% of the time, with a native bridge, i lose audio one way, or the call quality goes to crap
04:57.29[hC]so i just wanted to make sure that notransfer=yes was being honored even though i still see native bridge attempt messages
04:57.38file[laptop]a native bridge is not a native transfer
04:57.49criptosthat is strage, how is your connection, vpn or what?
04:58.00criptosfile, what is the difference then?
04:58.08[hC]criptos no, both public internet.
04:58.08file[laptop]you can't stop a native bridge, it just means two channels are bridged together in the asterisk core
04:58.31file[laptop]with an IAX2 native transfer, the two IAX2 endpoints will go directly instead of going through a middle box
04:58.48[hC]i might be mising it by accident
04:58.51criptoshc, have you tried using a vpn? I use a vpn between my * servers, and the works very, very fine :)
04:58.54[hC]but the console seems to call both of those things a native brdige
04:58.55file[laptop]notransfer=yes causes that not to happen.
04:59.01file[laptop]no it does not.
04:59.10[hC]ok i must have been misreading then
04:59.22[hC]because it would say attempting native brdige between IAX2/office and IAX2/voipjet
04:59.34[hC]ill look closer next time.
04:59.57[hC]It would have been nice to figure out what exactly is causing audio to be lost one way
05:00.14[hC]but i havent dug far enough into the code to see what asterisk actually DOES upon transfer that could potentially lose audio
05:00.32[hC]i found one thing on voip-info about how if the peer (voipjet, etc) doesnt know who the new server is, it will refuse to send audio
05:00.35[hC]something like that.
05:01.04criptoshc, does the server register both ways?
05:01.07file[laptop]it shouldn't care, and in fact with native transfers it goes through a process to see if they can talk directly first without transferring the call over...
05:01.38JunK-Yfile: ya, the codec negociation.
05:01.55[hC]the fact remains that my * box about 5 seconds after the call is answered claims to attempt a native bridge
05:02.00[hC]i can hear audio
05:02.04[hC]then it says that it completed it
05:02.07[hC]and one way audio vanishes
05:02.15file[laptop]JunK-Y: no, not codec negotiation...
05:02.19[hC]all boxes are on public IP, no firewall
05:02.25[hC]and the best part is, it SOMETIMES works.
05:02.39JunK-Yhc: native bridging should be transparent at audio.
05:02.50criptoshc, I strongly reccomend you to use a VPN between the 2 * boxes..
05:02.50[hC]so I'm learning.
05:03.09JunK-Yfile: so how's call that process?
05:03.17[hC]criptos i'd really rather not. plus, that wouldnt help anything since the problem only occurs when the box in my office direct connects to the outside peer.
05:03.32file[laptop]JunK-Y: you want to know how an IAX2 native transfer occurs? or what
05:03.44[hC]and in that case, there is no more communication between my office box and the box in colo
05:04.33file[laptop]hi twisted
05:04.37twistedwhat's up
05:04.50file[laptop]trying to get the energy to get undressed and slip into bed
05:04.50JunK-Yno, just how's call what u said "process to see if they can talk directly first without transferring the call over..."
05:05.12criptoshc, I do a lot of calls, dialgin and bridgin 3 city, using iax, and never had that issue...
05:05.15is_there is a web interface for asterisk ?
05:05.28[hC]criptos, well.. who knows..
05:05.40[hC]I have it with every single peer and remote box
05:05.43[hC]on and off
05:05.51[hC]anyways ive got to run unfortunately.
05:05.54[hC]thanks for the advice
05:05.56criptossome times, echo, or lag, but sno sound... I really belive, that since we setup vpns and stablish static routes...
05:05.57file[laptop]JunK-Y: 'datz what an IAX2 native transfer does before it actually transfers the call... both sides make sure they can send/receive packets from eachother
05:06.05criptosI dont have that trouble..
05:06.22file[laptop]brb - slipping into my bed
05:06.29JunK-Yand that verification is after the codec negociation right?
05:06.37criptosfile do you know the chan_iax2 file?
05:06.39[hC]file[laptop] can you think of any reason why i would lose audio in one direction after the native transfer (or bridge?) happens?
05:06.40file[laptop]it's after the call is going
05:07.04file[laptop][hC]: native transfers don't always work... I disable them myself
05:07.27file[laptop]off the top of my head do I know why? no
05:07.37[hC]well ill just leave em off for now
05:07.39[hC]seems to have helped
05:07.43file[laptop]criptos: yes, I wish I didn't - but I do
05:07.46[hC]plus, it will help my CDR records :)
05:07.51[hC]anyways, gotta jet
05:07.53[hC]thanks guys
05:08.00criptosbecose I want to add callpickup stuff to iax2 chan..
05:08.09criptosAnd I''m quite lost on its internals.
05:08.46file[laptop]I knew there was a patch for it.
05:08.54file[laptop]oh wait
05:08.55file[laptop]that's mine
05:08.59MikeJ__yeah.. some guy...
05:09.11MikeJ__test that..
05:09.18MikeJ__comment on the bugnotes please
05:09.21file[laptop]I do that in an evil way, it'll never get into CVS
05:09.32file[laptop]and I *might* update it to do specified contexts
05:09.42MikeJ__well.. let kp comment on it?
05:09.44MikeJ__i dunno
05:09.52file[laptop]I don't really care, it's just one of those things that people bitched about that I said, "oh here - shutup"
05:10.11file[laptop]and there's a reason nobody did it before
05:10.12MikeJ__we need to get the rest of this shiz in mantis either moving or killed.. one of the two
05:11.27criptosdirected_pickup doesn`t work fine with iax channels..
05:11.39file[laptop]it's channel independent, my thing is
05:12.04*** join/#asterisk geovanni (
05:12.15file[laptop]callgroup/pickupgroup stuff doesn't work with IAX2, no, it was never made as a client protocol for phones and thus isn't there...
05:12.18geovanniHello everyone!
05:12.19file[laptop]I may have a patch for it
05:12.21JunK-Yi'll provide info about that one, but it doesnt work for me.
05:12.35criptosIt seems to be channel independant... but like app_intercept or app_changrab, it doesn´t make all the trik, also, you NEED to know what is the extension...
05:12.57criptosiax2 was't tougth as client protocol?? Hell, thats new for me!
05:13.00file[laptop]there, callgroup/pickupgroup stuff for chan_iax2
05:13.35MikeJ__as file goes.. there.. now suuuudddup...
05:13.53file[laptop]I have no clue why I did that patch as I have never used it, so it must have been to shut something else up
05:13.57criptosIf isn´t so, why devel kit once haved wfxusb and why then, is the iaxy at production?
05:14.13twistedfile[laptop], iax2 is too also a client protocol
05:14.22twistedfile[laptop], look at the iaxy
05:14.27file[laptop]it was never originally designed for it, that's why the pickup stuff wasn't there
05:15.04MikeJ__get water from it?
05:15.04twistedthe internet wasn't originally designed for what we use it for today
05:15.10mog_hom1yes it was
05:15.17mog_hom1the internet was made for porn
05:15.24twistedas funny as that is
05:15.26mog_hom1and it is an excellent delivery device for it
05:15.29coppicetwisted: What about the Lena picture, then? :-)
05:15.32geovannican Asterisk be setup to "forward" any call incoming into the office's extension to an IP phone...?
05:15.38twistedDARPA (which was the original internet) was meant for military purposes
05:15.38mog_hom1and is constantly getting better at it
05:15.45mog_hom1thats what they said
05:15.46MikeJ__geovanni, no.
05:15.50twistedcoppice, hmm?
05:15.58twistedcoppice, i'm not familiar with a "Lena" picture
05:15.59mog_hom1but back then they could transfer ascii pron at a page an hour
05:16.04mog_hom1just enough for those old generals
05:16.05MikeJ__geovanni, ok.. yes.. I was just kidding :D
05:16.08mog_hom1movies sucked
05:16.20geovanniMikeJ__huh!! :(
05:16.30MikeJ__geovanni, ok.. yes.. I was just kidding :D
05:16.35coppicetwisted: the internet was for R&D purposes. not for actual military use. As such the Lena picture was a heavy part of early content
05:16.39mog_hom1like aalib but worse.
05:16.41MikeJ__tap tap tap... isthere an echo in here?
05:17.00file[laptop]echo noooooo
05:17.25coppiceaalib - don't you just love those descriptive names :-)
05:17.53coppiceit helps people drive cars? it helps them give up alcohol?
05:18.02geovanniAnyone going to the Astricon 2005 in Anaheim, CA?
05:18.09mog_hom1hell yes
05:18.14twistedcoppice, DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is the independent research branch of the U.S. Department of Defense that funded a project that in time was to lead to the creation of the Internet. Originally called ARPA (the "D" was added to its name later), DARPA came into being in 1958 as a reaction to the success of Sputnik, Russia's first manned satellite. DARPA's explicit mission was (and still is
05:18.14twistedthe military and to respond quickly and innovatively to national defense challenges.
05:18.26mog_hom1and view porn
05:18.34pygrammeranyone used iaxcomm with dmix?
05:18.40mog_hom1aalib stands for A AscII library
05:18.56coppicetwisted: so, you see I was right
05:18.56mog_hom1is used for displaying graphics in ascii
05:19.03mog_hom1has a plug in for mplayer as well
05:19.11file[laptop]my fish is sick! oh wait, I don't have a fish
05:19.38MikeJ__no fish, no lake, no beach volleyball
05:19.45coppiceanyway, Lena being an important early part of the internet really gave us a foretaste of things to come :-)
05:23.06*** join/#asterisk s^3 (n=sonne@tor/session/x-a860d713fd2433bf)
05:23.33brc_hi file
05:23.35brc_hi file[laptop]
05:23.50brc_long time no see
05:24.03MikeJ__don't talk to both of the file's at once, you'll confuse them.. they are sleepy
05:24.17brc_you still working on that t.38 implementation?
05:24.29brc_both of them?
05:24.33brc_or just one of them
05:24.36brc_is sleepy
05:24.41MikeJ__somone posted a t.38 implementation based on spandsp this week
05:24.49brc_'sit work?
05:25.16coppiceMikeJ: where?
05:25.19MikeJ__it's on the wiki
05:25.53MikeJ__"still in alpah"
05:26.09MikeJ__2005-08-26 - Recent upload of T.38 module... still in Alpha and T38
05:26.30coppiceoh, that one. its not much use for 99% of people. its actually quite old
05:27.11MikeJ__like I said...
05:27.16MikeJ__havn't tried it...
05:27.48MikeJ__just saw it
05:27.53coppiceI'm not clear why he actually produced that. I guess he has a very specific need.
05:28.06MikeJ__so what's the scoop with your work?
05:28.30coppicelooking for time to work on it
05:28.34MikeJ__is it planned to be released gpl?
05:29.06coppiceyep, but I aim to make enough non-gpl to get the essential elements into CVS
05:29.33file[laptop]sleepy time, night night everyone
05:29.35MikeJ__I saw some of those pieces already
05:30.33MikeJ__are the "into cvs" pieces ready yet?  If so, might be usefull to try to get those in before 1.2?
05:31.04MikeJ__even if the spandsp stuff isn't ready yet
05:31.13mog_hom1yes we would lave spandsp in stock cvs
05:31.20MikeJ__not spandsp
05:31.26MikeJ__other stuff for t.28
05:31.47mog_hom1doesnt like hopping from box to box
05:31.58mog_hom1to get source
05:32.55MikeJ__write a script..
05:32.55coppicespandsp won't go into CVS, as it is pure GPL. I will make app_rxfax and app_txfax non-GPL enough to go into CVS, so at least building Asterisk is easy.
05:33.56MikeJ__coppice, the apps could go in addons as pure gpl
05:34.22MikeJ__it's the other bits that are more intertwined that probably would need to go into asterisk
05:34.30coppiceits simpler if they go in the main area as not-quite-GPL
05:34.41MikeJ__fair enough
05:35.00criptoso no, not another gpl discussion, not today...
05:35.17MikeJ__did mark actually go for that, as the link to pure gpl, I don't think they can go in by policy
05:35.34MikeJ__like the mysql stuff was all moved to addons for that reason to my understanding
05:35.57coppiceI said to mark I would do this when things were stable, and he didn't say no.
05:36.20coppicecriptos: there is no discussion. I am just saying what I will do with my code
05:37.51coppiceactually there is almost nothing in app_rxfax and app_txfax. they just glue the fax machine in spandsp and asterisk together
05:38.20MikeJ__so, are the asterisk integrated pieces stable at this point?  The reason I ask is we will get into a not in 1.2 feature upgrade issue and it will only be in head for another who knows how long untill 1.4
05:38.45mog_hom1under a year is my guess
05:38.59mog_hom1digium has more developers now and is growing
05:39.09mog_hom1and asterisk community is getting bigger
05:39.23mog_hom1i imagine at somepoint we will have something like 6 moth releases
05:39.24criptosbut there is no documentation, architecture definition...
05:39.31mog_hom1but this is pure speculation
05:39.35criptosSo, is really hard to develop for *
05:39.44coppicethey are just apps, so there is no problem putting them into 1.2.1. They are stable enough, but I think there are 1.1.x issues. 1.0.x seems OK, but with 1.1.x people complain about app_txfax giving trouble.
05:39.48mog_hom1well i guess having a job at digium helps
05:39.57mog_hom1but asterisk isnt that hard
05:40.05mog_hom1i have read far worse code
05:40.13adelasasterisk got soo big its on
05:40.40coppicemog_hom1: yeah. people who complain about the * code haven't looked at much commercial source :-)
05:40.56criptosI also have read worse code, but the way * is "implemented' adds a layer of dificulty..
05:41.08mog_hom1i agree coppice
05:41.18mog_hom1everything is modular
05:41.24criptosfor example, each channel is completely diferent from other channels..
05:41.24mog_hom1there are only a few really messy things
05:41.24coppicecriptos: lets face it - the * architecture sucks
05:41.27mog_hom1like voicemail
05:41.34mog_hom1and chan_zap
05:41.55adelasasterisk should be imported to gui mode ;|
05:41.59criptosYeap, everything is "modular", that is the issue, it? so modular, that there is no architecture
05:42.34adelasasterisk should come up with a offical asterisk gui, where cli is only for debugging :P
05:42.37mog_hom1channels, resources , and  apps
05:42.49mog_hom1asterisk needith not gui
05:42.58mog_hom1maybe easier way to edit config files
05:43.17MikeJ__phpconfig works good ;)
05:43.36coppiceI just applied to a spandsp project page at sourceforge, so I hope downloads will soon be more reliable
05:43.46adelasgui for asterisk makes life easier to learn asterisk :)
05:44.19MikeJ__coppice, if it suited you, you could put spandsp in asterisk addons and pure gpl
05:44.45mog_hom1guis may ramp up instant usability
05:44.50coppiceI have no wish to put spandsp into anything. It is a standalone library
05:44.53mog_hom1but they greatly hender doing complex things
05:45.30coppiceeven MS are finally working that out
05:45.38mog_hom1what is the best text editor
05:45.41mog_hom1or notepad
05:45.53mog_hom1or word
05:45.57MikeJ__ok.. sleepy time for me
05:46.05mog_hom1coppice emacs guy?
05:46.11criptosI use joe.. :)
05:46.29coppiceno. nedit and scite are pretty good, though
05:46.34criptosand vim...
05:47.18coppicenedit got kicked out of FC4, because they won't take unicode seriously :-(
05:47.24mog_hom1well in my opinion vim is the greatest as it is so easy to do complex things in it, however it isnt exactly user friendly
05:47.27mog_hom1however if it was
05:47.37mog_hom1it would be too slow and annoying
05:47.54coppiceI find it much easier to do complex things with other editors
05:48.14coppicepossibly because I can actually remember how
05:48.23criptosgreate things arent user friendly, or you think a ferrari is user frienldy? (Chicks friendly is other stuff)
05:49.59criptoswow, I`m insigthfull today :)
05:50.02coppicecriptos: great things tend to be user friendly. extremist things tend not to be.
05:50.30criptoscoppice: like?
05:50.33mog_hom1like windows copice?
05:50.39mog_hom1or mcdonalds?
05:50.43criptoslike a vcr?
05:51.13mog_hom1well tivo would be the exception that proves the rule
05:51.26coppicephilips made great vcrs, which were user friendly. didn't sweep the market though, there is an interesting story there
05:52.02coppiceferraris are extremist. solid reliable comfortable get you home accords and camrys are user friendly
05:52.52*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
06:06.20devonst17|afkWhere is a list of all of the funny Wav files that have been circulating around in here?
06:13.14WilliamKcan anyone tell me the best way to un-patch the apps makefile for *?
06:14.56coppiceyeah. update from the original
06:17.30WilliamKcoppice, compiled spandsp and it broke *
06:17.33WilliamKwon't start now
06:18.27WilliamKcannot open shared object file
06:27.45*** join/#asterisk The_Ball (
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06:39.19Pete_LargoI have a little problem... I am building a new asterisk server from cvs head tonight, when I have everything compiled, installed, and working, I cannot get asterisk to start as a service although zaptel will start as a service.  I am running RH8.  The error I am getting is one that I've never seen before, and a google search didn't turn up any clues... the error is ::: execvp: Permission denied :::  did something change recently
06:39.31coppiceWilliamK: which shared object cannot be opened?
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06:40.55justincasegetting errors when i make zaptel- :[
06:41.06Qwelljustincase: what errors?
06:41.12justincasemake: cc: Command not found
06:41.12justincasemake: *** [gendigits.o] Error 127
06:41.31Qwelllooks like you'll need to install cc
06:41.38QwellI don't know though
06:42.28*** join/#asterisk SysOp (
06:42.40coppiceWilliamK: is spandsp in /usr/local/lib, and is that directory in your /etc/
06:43.40Qwell(and did you run ldconfig after adding it?)
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06:44.59WilliamKyes, and no to #2
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06:45.32coppicehates wasabi splits - banana splits are much better
06:45.58[Latre]someone use astcc ?
06:46.55WilliamKok, I added it to in /etc/ and ran ldconfig
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06:47.03WilliamKno affects so far
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06:48.06WilliamKaka still broken
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06:48.55Pete_Largoy to where my asterisk init script wont work any more?  any pointers or help are greatly appreciated.
06:49.23WilliamKokie, fixed
06:49.25*** join/#asterisk af_ (
06:49.25WilliamKmy mistake
06:50.20[Latre]Pete_Largo do you run asterisk as user or root?
06:51.36twistedUpdate:  Hurricane Katrina upgraded to category 4 hurricane with sustaned winds of 145mph
06:52.06mostypete_largo: can you see what file you're getting permission denied on?
06:52.13[Latre]Pete_Largo can you paste the complete error in pastebin
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06:54.13Pete_Largoand the file contents are here...
06:55.02[Latre]Pete_Largo is asterisk@home ?
06:55.23Pete_Largoit's cvs head, dowloaded tonight
06:55.30[Latre]if you run asterisk with:   asterisk -vvvvgc
06:55.38[Latre]what happend?
06:55.48Pete_Largoworks like a champ
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06:56.24mostyi have a single span isdn card (te110p), and i want to split it into two separate groups, so that i can use one group for DID, the other for outgoing, while being able to guarantee that each DID number always has a line free. do i set up this partition in just zapata.conf? or do i need to set it up in zaptel.conf too?
06:56.44Qwellisdn or T1?
06:57.08[Latre]Pete_Largo works?
06:57.26mostyqwell, i'm in australia so it's 30 B channels and 1 D channel
06:57.39Pete_Largoi works fine from the command prompt #   I just can't get it to start as a service
06:57.47Qwellmosty: I think just zapata.conf
06:57.54[Latre] problem is the script....... you use the script in astersik source?
06:57.56Qwellit already works, right?
06:58.41[Latre]put :   ls /usr/src/asterisk/redhat
06:58.51Pete_Largono, I used a script that I had on another * box, can't remember where it came from
06:59.00mostyqwell: well i can dial in and out, so that works. but i want to reserve one incoming line for my DID numbers, so i need to separate it so that outgoing calls cant tie up all the lines
06:59.13Qwellmosty: yeah, zapata.conf then only, I believe
06:59.23QwellPete_Largo: its probably running safe_asterisk
06:59.34mostyqwell: ok, then that narrows down my search a bit- thanks
06:59.54[Latre]Qwell is problem with context in zapata
07:00.02Pete_Largowell, I used the script in the /usr/src/asterisk/redhat directory and it works fine now
07:00.09Pete_Largothanks [Latre]
07:00.31[Latre]Pete_Largo ok :)   do you speak spanish?
07:00.38Pete_Largono, but my wife does
07:00.47[Latre]why pete largo ?
07:00.53Pete_LargoPete from Largo
07:01.01Pete_Largoit's the name of a city
07:01.08Pete_Largoin Florida
07:01.36[Latre]florida..... nice.....what happend with the hurricane?
07:01.48Pete_Largonothing here, just a little rain
07:02.08Pete_Largowe went to an amusement park today, water park called Adventure Island...
07:02.34[Latre]the VMA to be cancell?
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07:03.35[Latre]someone use astcc ?
07:03.37Pete_Largothanks again for the help, night y'all
07:03.55[Latre]c u
07:04.14Pete_Largoleaving now
07:05.10niZonthe asterisk manager interface isn't very fun :(
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07:22.33Hmmhesaysoh therapy can you please fill the void, am I retarded or am I just overjoyed
07:23.47coppiceoverjoyed could be a sign of the endorphin rush that accompanies pregnancy
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07:50.45magoanyone succesfully installed areskiCC?
07:51.24Latremago i want to install astcc
07:54.58magoi'm almost done with areski
07:55.35magoi have no experience at all with perl
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07:58.25[Latre]me neither
08:00.53mostyis it possible to restrict the number of zap lines that can be connected at the same time via direct indial?
08:01.39opus__yeah anything possible
08:01.53opus__simulate a semaphore with asterisk dialplan variables.. read Set() and about variables.
08:02.15opus__'show functions'
08:03.15mostyit's easy to restrict the number of zap lines used for outgoing calls by setting up groups of zap channels. i was hoping there'd be a simple way to to that for this
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08:48.28mostyis it possible to restrict which zap channels a direct indial number will be connected on?
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09:02.24shadebobmosty : in your displan just replace exten=>s,xxxxxxx by exten=>number,xxxxxxx
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09:05.07mostyshadebob: then if no extensions match, the dialler just gets a dialtone and we hope they hang up soon?
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09:05.59r0mgood morning
09:07.59shadebobmosty : view and use GotoIf with condition {EXTEN}="number"
09:09.05mostyhmm ok
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09:43.47qwer^^any one with knowledge of quintum technologies
09:44.19newltwisted: funny. :)
09:44.31qwer^^wher can i get complete reference and information on quintum technologies
09:48.36qwer^^hmmhesays: hello si r
09:48.54qwer^^hmmhesays:wher can i get complete reference and information on quintum technologies
09:49.07mostyqwer: google ?
09:50.14qwer^^mosty: any specific link ? or can u plzz explain  in brief...
09:51.06qwer^^mosty: do u have any information abt quintum system
09:51.14mostyqwer: no, but google does
09:53.57qwer^^mosty: thank u:)
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09:58.18niZonFWD is toast today
09:58.19podzaphi, why does asterisk have 15 threads running, taking 4MB each?
09:58.26podzaphow can I turn it down?
09:58.28niZonlaggy and lots of failed calls
10:03.44niZoni dunno if you can
10:03.59niZontry restarting it
10:04.04niZonor upgrading
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10:05.18s^3could anyone point me to a config sample where a sip-voip connection is rerouted to a arbitrary phone number ?
10:06.02mostys^3: through what sort of gateway?
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10:07.00mostyyou just need to dial the extension using the right channel
10:08.25s^3mosty: and how do i make the translation  <phonenr>@mysipgateway -> <phonenr> ?
10:09.18mostys^3: using the Dial command in your dialplan
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10:13.13s^3mosty: they way you describe it makes it sound hypertrivial... well lets see whether I as a complete newby can do it
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10:52.48*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
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11:13.43MmmmToopafternoon ;  )
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11:24.42DrukenHMEwtf am i doing awake at 7:30 on a sunday morning?
11:25.11MmmmToopyes...what on earth are you thinking! ...go back to bed!  ;   )
11:25.39DrukenHMEwould love to... but definatly not a reality in my world...
11:25.51DrukenHMEalready been up for like half an hour to an hour
11:25.59coppiceDrukenHME: I was up at 7:30AM... damn kettle went bang when my mother in law was boiling water :-( I've been yawning all day
11:26.03DrukenHMEonce i'm awake...i'm awake
11:30.59DrukenHMEdamn in-laws
11:31.20MmmmToopthey visiting...?
11:31.44DrukenHMEno... god no.... comment about coppice's experince
11:32.59coppicenot exactly visiting. this one never actually goes away, despite having her own home
11:34.56DrukenHMEi'd be puttin my foot down :)
11:35.24coppiceshe's no problem. she looks after the kids. the faulty kettle was the problem
11:36.03DrukenHMEyeah... i'm just one of those... i only want the daughter, not the entire family.. hehehe
11:36.10DrukenHMEnot like my family lives at my house...
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12:33.03logicalonlinei'm getting distorted audio when using chanspy with sip. rest of sip calls sound great. anyone know what causes this?
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12:35.07newl[Airwolf]: Jan Michael Vincent fan? :)
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12:35.57[Airwolf]newl, no
12:36.04[Airwolf]just the chopper :P
12:36.08qweeeis there any device/software which can disable my caller line identication??
12:36.55newl[Airwolf]: fair enough.  I like it too.  Built a scale R/C heli many moons ago. :)
12:38.29[Airwolf]thar's cool :P
12:39.03coppiceflying R/C helicopters is truly masochistic
12:39.18newlIt's far more entertaining than flying fixed wing. :)
12:39.42coppiceyeah, but all the mangled parts during learning make you want to weep :-)
12:39.51newlNothing like being able to fly backwards, inverted. hehe
12:40.00newlhah yeah, been there, done that
12:40.02drrayand at mach 2 with a tailwind
12:40.18newlthe more ya fly, the more expensive your crashes become
12:40.49coppiceonce you get competant you don't crash too much
12:41.28coppiceI could never let the thing stare me full in the face. I only ever met a couple of guys who really could
12:41.50newlnose in?  it's just like flying fixed wing, only you're not moving foward.
12:42.32coppicewhen its pointing away its like fixed wing. when it points at you its a whole different world
12:42.58newlI just about crapped myself when it happened the first time, the wind caught it, whipped the tail around and I wasn't really ready to be there yet. :)
12:43.34drrayI would fly one inside
12:44.03coppicethe books aren't much help. they tell you to work from hovering to circuits. figures of 8 are *much* easier
12:44.18newlright, like I said, fixed wing nose in and heli nose in are the same (except cyclic), you place stick under low [blade|wing]
12:45.15coppicethese little electric R/C choppers seem to fly well inside
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12:45.52newlI've not been game to fly my electric in the house yet.  The Mrs would kill me if something got broken. 8)
12:47.23coppiceactually, I can't imagine flying the small electric ones outside. the wind would make it really hard, even on a fairly calm day
12:48.24newllight breeze isn't too bad but they're not really fun to fly when it's windy
12:48.33newlyou're fighting nature too much
12:48.52newlthat's when you bust out with the big iron[tm] and take the .90 for a fly. :)
12:49.13coppiceIt takes all the output from a glow plug engine to fly one. I'm amazed an electric one can get off the ground
12:49.46ManxPowerI hate rain
12:50.21zoai always wanted a RC heli
12:50.29zoabut from what i heard its damn difficult
12:50.39zoaone bit of sidewind and you can go buy another one
12:50.54coppicezoa: I knew an ex air-sea rescue guy who gave up with R/C :-)
12:51.03zoathose predator electric things seem nice
12:51.34zoai had a plane and a car before
12:51.38zoai lost both
12:51.44zoathe plane because it went out of reach
12:52.01zoathe car because i turned to fast, the battery pack got swung out of the car
12:52.21zoaand somehow when i lost battery the default setting was full gas
12:52.33zoa100km/hr out of control
12:53.00zoaquite a crash :)
12:53.28zoaif i ever have the money for it, ill buy a heli again
12:53.34newlzoa: most that get into helis buy sims to learn on while they're building.  The sim saved my ass more than once when learning at the field.
12:53.56newlRaptor 30's are cheap.
12:54.00coppicein my day there were no sims :-)
12:54.21zoawhat is a sim ?
12:54.25zoacomputer program ?
12:54.35newlcoppice: in those days, I was driving the cars instead though I'd wanted a heli. hehe
12:54.36zoaor that circle thing to save if from crashing to hard
12:54.42coppicethere is a sourceforge project to autopilot a heli
12:54.49newlzoa: flight sim, yeah
12:54.57coppicezoa: the circle things are useless
12:55.03zoaflight sim will not help much i think
12:55.05*** join/#asterisk sigwerk (
12:55.18zoahow about flying above water with some balloon thingies ? :)
12:56.02zoai'd like one with auto pilot
12:56.02newlnah, the hulahoops are fine, the ones that get into trouble are the cross sticks with a heli that isn't set up properly that resonate so much they cause either a boom strike, or a blade strike by the stick(s).
12:56.04zoamust be nice
12:57.14zoathat flying r/c ufo by sikorski is also nice
12:57.43newlbest flight sim is RealFlight (, TruFlite (UK product) isn't too bad (it's the one I bought).
12:57.54*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
12:57.55ManxPowerUh oh.  This hurricane is going to be *bad*
12:58.19zoanewl, gimme a copy:)
12:58.28zoai want an rc heli in bulgaria
12:58.32zoalosta place to fly it
12:58.45newlheh, it's useless w/o a controller (or the interface to the pc)
12:59.00zoai have a controller, but its an old one
12:59.03zoano interface on it
12:59.32Ariel_morning folks
12:59.32newlmight buy RealFlight..I've got a mate that has it and the multiplayer mode is a riot. :)
13:01.14coppiceadverts for porn spam? they're trying to sell spam? does hormel know about this? :-)
13:09.02*** join/#asterisk dasuberd1vid (
13:10.11*** join/#asterisk infi (i=what@
13:12.17*** join/#asterisk MmmmToop (n=chatzill@
13:19.24infianyone who might have cisco 7920 experience, do you know if there is a commonly-used end-to-end encryption method that can be used between the 7920 and asterisk?
13:19.34infihi ariel, mmmmtoop :)
13:19.58infiI basically want to be able to do something like this:
13:20.37*** join/#asterisk tugalone (
13:21.29coppicethe ciscos have encryption. right now * does not
13:21.49*** join/#asterisk kuonSama (
13:21.52kuonSamahi all
13:22.24inficoppice, is it LEAP?
13:22.31kuonSamacan I dial from asterisk and make a phone ring?
13:22.32ManxPowerFuck.  Looks like this is the strongest storm to hit new orleans in at least 50 years.
13:22.38coppiceno. what use would leap be?
13:22.41infior TKIP?
13:22.53coppiceits SRTP
13:23.00inficoppice, I'm not sure, I don't know what protocols are designed for this particular purpose, and I'm just reading the specs
13:23.12infithanks, I'll check it out
13:23.15coppiceSRTP is designed for this purpose
13:23.22sigwerkmanx: aye time to pack the bags and head for higher ground eh :(
13:23.24Ariel_kuonSama, that is a strange question. But yes
13:23.30kuonSamaI mean, I got extension 100 and 103, I dial 103 from asterisk, and 100 ring when 103 answer, then 100 and 103 are in conversation
13:23.34infioh, secure rtp
13:23.37ManxPowersigwerk: my ride will be here in a few hours.
13:23.59Ariel_kuonSama, yes
13:24.21jbotwell, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
13:24.55Ariel_kuonSama, it's the basic function of asterisk. It's a software PBX.
13:25.37kuonSamayea but I never found out how to dial from asterisk lol
13:26.27Ariel_kuonSama, your trying to use asterisk as the phone?
13:26.52Ariel_Asterisk is the server not a softphone
13:26.57kuonSamayea I know
13:27.01*** part/#asterisk zoo (
13:27.22kuonSamaI want to initiate the call from asterisk between two phone
13:27.23*** join/#asterisk Kerne_Core (n=Kernel@
13:27.48kuonSamaI got a cisco 7960, and we will make a study, and I want to allow the user to dial from the computer
13:28.21kuonSamaand I found no CLI softphone for macosx, so I want to dial via a script that command asterisk
13:28.23Ariel_kuonSama, look for call files on the wiki
13:29.16Ariel_kuonSama, you can also use applications like vicidial to do it as well.
13:29.35Kerne_Corehi all , I have 2 asterisk boxes , "A" machie has dynamic ip address , so it registers to "B" Machine with register command in iax.conf ,  ( Machine A has 4 line for FXO ) but when I want to generate a call to it from "B" Machine I get Call rejecteted ,  No Authority Found !
13:29.41Kerne_Corewhat should I do to fix it ?!
13:29.46kuonSamaok I'll look, thanks
13:30.09*** join/#asterisk Atmosfear (
13:31.03Ariel_Kerne_Core, your setup might not be dialing an account on the correct context.  Can you post your settings remove your passwords on and let us take a look.
13:31.24Ariel_Kerne_Core, also post your dial string that your using to call between the boxes.
13:31.27Atmosfearis there a way to create a rule to apply an agi script for cid rewriting to all outgoing connection (internal phonea->anywhere) on zap channels, if immediate=no and overlapdial=yes is used?
13:31.32*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
13:31.35Kerne_CoreAriel_, : wait ....
13:31.54*** join/#asterisk Tili (i=Tili@
13:31.57Atmosfearcurrently I have applied the rewriting only when dialing out to the pstn, but I wanna aplly before reaching internal extensions aswell
13:32.05Ariel_Atmosfear, yes there is. Just make the agi part of the outbound dialing rule
13:32.30Ariel_Atmosfear, or in your case before it dials you local phones
13:32.36Atmosfearthat's what I currently have, but if I call internal phones I also want to do rewriting
13:33.50Atmosfearof course I could prepend every internal extension with a call to the agi script, but I thought there'd be a better way
13:34.27Ariel_Atmosfear, use the power of a macro
13:34.41Ariel_That is what there made for
13:35.05Atmosfearyea, I had that idea aswell
13:35.12AtmosfearI'll give it a try
13:35.36Atmosfearonly I'll have stacked macros which doesn't m,ake things more easily readable :-)
13:37.35Atmosfearwell I'll just put it into my stdexten macro
13:38.16Kerne_Coredamn mozilla, crashed !
13:39.37Ariel_Kerne_Core, firefox...firefox....firefox
13:40.06*** join/#asterisk Zaw (i=zaw@unaffiliated/zaw)
13:43.04*** join/#asterisk grimse_ (
13:43.07Kerne_CoreAriel_, :
13:44.58Ariel_Kerne_Core, caps???? your setup is for home not HOME
13:45.13*** join/#asterisk methos (
13:46.18Kerne_CoreAriel_, : both of them were the same !
13:46.26*** join/#asterisk kshumard_home (
13:46.26Kerne_CoreI tested with "home"
13:47.11Ariel_exten  => _X.,1,Dial(IAX2/${EXTEN}@HOME,20)
13:48.11Ariel_you can do a test direct dial like exten => _X.,1,Dial(IAX2/home:hchell@ipaddress/${EXTEN},20)
13:49.10*** join/#asterisk grimse__ (
13:49.38*** part/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/cpm)
13:49.41QwellAriel_: You flowchart your dialplan?
13:49.52Ariel_Qwell, yes sometimes I do
13:50.00QwellAriel_: I'd love to see an example sometime
13:50.05Ariel_at least when I have things to fix.
13:50.12Ariel_it's on a yellow pad.
13:50.25Qwellway to halfass it :p
13:50.46Ariel_Qwell, I used to use a black board when I was working for the other co.
13:51.28Qwellwell, bbl...4 days...ugh
13:53.41Kerne_CoreAriel_, : I did direct dial , as you mentioned but ..... Rejected connect attempt from, who wastrying to reach '22721911@'
13:54.04Ariel_on so now check to see the settings you have at the other box.
13:54.21Kerne_Corewhich box ?!
13:54.28Ariel_the one you tried to call
13:54.40Ariel_do you have home setup there correctly.
13:56.15Ariel_Kerne_Core, also remove trunk setting for now. On the 2nd box do you have ztdummy or a zap device installed?
13:56.58Kerne_CoreAriel_, : It works now , but , I dont want to mention the ip address of the host in my extentions.conf
13:57.21kshumard_homeDoes the older T100P card have a jumper to select E1 or T1 mode?
13:57.21EmrahAnyone know if the Linksyss sip stack is open source too?
13:57.22Kerne_CoreI don't want to mention ip address
13:57.29Kerne_Corecause the address is dynamic !
13:57.35EmrahGPL licenced?
13:58.36Kerne_Coreso exten => _X.,1,Dial(IAX2/home/${EXTEN},20)
13:58.36EmrahKerne_Core: What are you trying to do?
13:58.51Kerne_Coreis it correct ?
13:59.09ManxPowerI would use Dial(IAX2/user@home/${EXTEN},20)
13:59.34ManxPowerbut if you have a username=blah in the [home] section, the username in the dial is not required.
13:59.43EmrahMe too. But if home isn't registered and the IP address is not updated it will not work
13:59.46Kerne_CoreI know it ...
14:00.00Ariel_Kerne_Core, sorry had a call. what ManxPower said
14:00.36Ariel_kshumard_home, the older cards were either t1 or e1's you would buy them that way.
14:00.48Kerne_Corethanks , it works now !
14:03.47*** join/#asterisk xheliox (
14:04.02kshumard_homeAriel_, Gotcha, thanks
14:07.56sig-termnite people, manx, good luck =)
14:20.44*** join/#asterisk oden (
14:23.57*** join/#asterisk KnoppixIRCien (
14:24.25KnoppixIRCienya kkun ?
14:28.48ManxPowerWow!  New Orleans has for all practical purposes just declared martial law.
14:28.57ManxPowerThey are not calling it that, of course.
14:29.18*** join/#asterisk ahecker (
14:30.38ManxPowerfugitivo: they are expecting the levies to break.
14:30.59ManxPowerIf that happens the city could be underwater for a month
14:31.40EmrahAnyone know if the linksyss sip stack is open source too? Licenced under the GPL licence?
14:32.42ManxPowerwind gusts recorded at 190Mph (205Kph) in the storm that's heading for New Orleans
14:32.48*** join/#asterisk [2]JohnJacob ( 305kph
14:33.02coppicesounds a little breezy.
14:33.16coppicewhen does it hit landfall?
14:33.20EmrahNo one nowes that?
14:33.46netsurferfox news reckon early monday
14:33.48coppiceour typhoon predictions are usually pretty good
14:34.28*** part/#asterisk oden (
14:34.45ManxPowercoppice: land fall sometime around 6pm monday local time
14:35.33coppiceso its still quite a way out. that sounds nasty
14:35.46ManxPowercoppice: it's a BIG storm, areawise
14:36.17coppicesome of the big area storms over here have been pretty weak. i'm not sure area says a lot
14:36.39ManxPowercoppice: no, but this is both big and strong.
14:38.08coppicedoes show the arc you need right now :-)
14:38.34gordonjcpbit windy here
14:38.39gordonjcpwe're expecting 120mph winds
14:52.01fugitivoi hate admin's spam
14:52.02EmrahAnyone can help me to find if it exists the linksyss sip stack?
14:52.22EmrahIf it's open source surely
14:52.31EmrahIf it's not I don't need it :)
14:52.46*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
14:53.12EmrahI don't know if Linksys use ciscos sip stack actually
14:53.52EmrahI thought that they had some partnership with Cisco or Sipura
14:54.06*** join/#asterisk Tincho (n=martin@
14:54.23EmrahSo I don't know if it's completely open source actually
14:54.26fugitivocisco bought linksys
14:54.38Emrahfugitivo: Thanks
14:54.46fugitivothat doesn't mean that they use cisco technology
14:54.52EmrahDo you know if their sip stack remain open source and if it's possible to find it?
14:55.00fugitivoi have no idea, sorry
14:55.06EmrahThanks :)
14:55.14EmrahDo you know if a company sell SIP stacks?
14:55.25fugitivodid you check their site?
14:56.00EmrahNo trace of the sip stack. Maybe it's implemented in their routers source code but I didn't read it actually
14:56.53*** join/#asterisk gonzo- (n=gonzo@
14:57.14*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
14:58.23EmrahThanks a lot fugitivo
15:00.23*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
15:07.16puowvipfor you hams out there, 14.325Mhz USB re hurricane Katrina
15:09.06*** join/#asterisk asteriskph (n=yakumo@
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15:09.53infipuowvip, is there screaming?
15:10.48*** join/#asterisk dasuberdavid (
15:10.52puowvipno. it's the operations net.
15:11.50drrayer, ultra
15:11.57puowvipupper sideband
15:17.59*** join/#asterisk Katty (n=angela@
15:19.20*** join/#asterisk Karucha (n=Karucha@
15:19.54*** join/#asterisk af_ (
15:19.55*** part/#asterisk Karucha (n=Karucha@
15:20.22Kattyv8 splash is yummy
15:21.07*** join/#asterisk devonst17_ (
15:21.35*** part/#asterisk devonst17_ (
15:21.40*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
15:22.42RoyKMikeJ[Laptop]: ping
15:24.38*** join/#asterisk Tili (i=Tili@
15:25.18Tiliwhat power supply IAXy needs. The latest one which looks like something from Star Trek
15:26.27*** join/#asterisk insomni (
15:31.09MikeJ[Laptop]RoyK, pong
15:31.41*** join/#asterisk pnviking (
15:33.50RoyKMikeJ[Laptop]: yes, it's the same error :P
15:33.57coppicepuowvip: but USB runs a 1.5MHz, 12MHz or 480MHz :-)
15:34.37Darwin35Coppiece and the group gouten morgen
15:39.24*** join/#asterisk nocturz (
15:42.04*** join/#asterisk apardo (
15:44.30ManxPower160 Mph winds expected where I live.
15:44.48netsurferand ur still @ home? heh
15:45.19ManxPowernetsurfer: Yes, my ride is exected in about 2 hours
15:45.37ManxPowerit's not like I have to be in any big hurry.
15:45.38netsurferah k.. wise getting outta there lol
15:46.05ManxPowernetsurfer: um, this might be the strongest storm in recorded history to hit New Orleans.
15:46.15ManxPowerIf not it'll be close to it.
15:46.22ManxPower19 ft storm surge expected.
15:49.23coppice19ft sounds pretty small
15:50.13*** join/#asterisk samueltc (
15:52.02ManxPowercoppice: not when the city is 10 ft below sea level
15:52.35*** join/#asterisk W|NGNUT (
15:53.06coppiceonly 10'. the dutch would call that a hill
15:53.52ManxPowerThe Dutch are....odd.
15:57.29MikeJ[Laptop]the dutch don't have hurricanes with 20+ft above sea level surges...
15:57.52MikeJ[Laptop]the french 1/4 is going to be under water to the 3rd floor
16:00.13coppicethe dutch have the north sea giving them waves above 20' with great regularity
16:01.05MikeJ[Laptop]waves are different than storm surges
16:01.28fugitivoyeah! let's surf!
16:01.38*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
16:01.42MikeJ[Laptop]yes, 160mph wind surfing... lets...
16:01.45coppicetrue, but they aren't exactly on the esge of a boating lake
16:01.59MikeJ[Laptop]coppice, ?
16:02.03coppicesounds like the plot of Point Break
16:04.13*** part/#asterisk Eminence (
16:04.17fugitivo1.2 is taking forever to compile
16:05.21*** join/#asterisk fallen (i=MrFixIt@unaffiliated/thefallen)
16:06.18Tiliwhat power supply IAXy needs. The latest one which looks like something from Star Trek
16:07.29MikeJ[Laptop]Tili, echocancel=yes
16:08.12TiliMikeJ[Laptop]: ok ok
16:13.20MikeJ[Laptop]Tili, instead of spending 1/2 hour wondering.. .why don't you spend 2 minutes looking it up.
16:13.30MikeJ[Laptop]I found the answer in less than that
16:13.46TiliMikeJ[Laptop]: well i tried looking it up.
16:14.15MikeJ[Laptop]not very hard... it's right off the digium webpage on the iaxy
16:14.47Tili6V DC
16:14.58TiliMikeJ[Laptop]: thanks
16:15.02*** join/#asterisk Gerriall (n=NonYa@
16:15.14MikeJ[Laptop]ahhh.. the interweb strikes again!
16:17.38*** join/#asterisk pjq (
16:18.26pjqHi everyone, are there any known issues with the outbound proxy support in asterisk cvs-head?
16:18.59pjqI've just updated asterisk so I can help towards 1.2.0 and the outbound proxy setup i had working no longer works
16:25.31*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
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16:26.23*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw__] by ChanServ
16:31.55fugitivorealtime or not realtime?
16:33.46fugitivoi don't like the idea of having a database for a production system
16:34.20*** join/#asterisk ericm_06 (
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16:41.01*** join/#asterisk newmember (
16:41.28file[laptop]can someone enlighten me and tell me what "Shasta" is in the context of internet access...
16:41.48brimstonea fun drink while your waiting for you modem to connect?
16:42.07file[laptop]my ISP uses it apparently for one of their upper business packages, but I have never heard of it...
16:42.17file[laptop]and silly Matt
16:42.24brimstonei like shasta
16:42.40file[laptop]all night long?
16:42.48brimstonewhatever it takes
16:42.54file[laptop]I thought so
16:44.32*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
16:46.53*** join/#asterisk Ferris_B (
16:47.37file[laptop]what, is, up
16:47.58ManxPowerYay!  My ride should be here in 45 mins.
16:49.09file[laptop]parental unit detected.
16:49.40Sedoroxquick.. close the porn!
16:50.28bkw__lube job will return on modern marvels!
16:50.33bkw__i'm not joking here
16:51.31file[laptop]bkw__: o...k
16:53.47*** join/#asterisk sphing (
16:54.39*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
16:55.21Hmmhesaysnot much going to eat at the super buffet with the family
16:55.49file[laptop]ooh, supper buffet!
16:56.04file[laptop]er super
16:56.12file[laptop]what makes it super?
16:56.19brimstonesuper buffet extreme!
16:56.30file[laptop]mmm, extreme
16:56.48brimstonenot your ordinary EXTREME, but super EXTRME!
17:00.05brimstoneyeah, that was a lame response
17:00.09brimstonehow about this one
17:00.37*** part/#asterisk s^3 (n=sonne@tor/session/x-a860d713fd2433bf)
17:02.13Hmmhesaysits huge
17:02.20Hmmhesaysand it has this big stir fry thing too
17:02.28brimstoneit's EXTRMEME!
17:03.39file[laptop]crazy crazy going crazy
17:05.01*** join/#asterisk zoo (
17:08.09Ferris_BWasn't there a website irc folk could post code / confs to for help from other irc members?
17:08.28Ferris_Bah yes, ty
17:09.25*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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17:15.04Darwin35File did it . it was file with nfs trying to mount samba
17:15.54*** part/#asterisk Darwin35 (
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17:16.35Darwin35it was file I tell you . I saw it.  it was file on nfs trying to mount samba
17:18.37ManxPowerI always knew file was a bit kinky.
17:20.19*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
17:23.46Ferris_BAnyone ever hear of this? When I use my softphone to register to server A and attempt to dial a sip hardphone on Server B, it rings my softphone instead
17:24.02Ferris_B^ on server A
17:24.25ManxPowerFerris_B: sounds like both devices are registering with the same username/password
17:24.37*** join/#asterisk pauldy (
17:24.56Ferris_BHow odd, I'll double check my confs
17:24.57*** join/#asterisk pauldy (
17:25.36pauldyanyone here have admin on the asterisk forms and can resend my authorization e-mail
17:26.56*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (n=ajf@
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17:28.55*** join/#asterisk `Kk (
17:29.01fileManxPower: so when do you leave?
17:29.51fugitivo175mph... scary
17:30.41jalsotcan anybody help discovering segmentation fault problem?
17:31.02jalsotAsterisk CVS-NHEAD-08/17/05-20:51:51
17:31.29Kk_has anyone tried out this WRT+Asterisk combo ?
17:31.40pauldyyou are autoloading modules and somehow have an old modue int he modules directory thats loading
17:32.07pauldyeasiest way to find it is go to the modules dir and ls -l
17:32.21pauldylook for the modules whos dates are not like all the others
17:32.33jalsotpauldy: these are for me?
17:32.49pauldyjalsot, yup
17:33.09*** part/#asterisk Ferris_B (
17:34.06kshumard_homeKk_, I have...
17:34.09jalsotpauldy: checked, every file has the same date: 2005-08-17 20:52
17:34.33jalsotasterisk crashed after some hours of operation
17:34.39Kk_[kshumard_home]: so ?? did it work ?
17:35.04ManxPowerfile: as soon as my ride gets here.
17:35.13ManxPowerThey SHOULD be here any min now.
17:36.04pauldyjalsot, sorry looks like a mod problem but it could be a lib issue too
17:36.15kshumard_homeKk_, Yeah, I didn't have too many problems with it.
17:36.22*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
17:36.28kshumard_homeKk_, I never tried to put a ton of channels through it, but I could make a few calls just fine
17:36.47kshumard_homeKk_, Note that not every feature will work well... MOH is a good example
17:36.59kshumard_homeKk_, It can be done, but you have to hack a fair bit to make it happen
17:37.02jalsotpauldy: thanks, thinking how to go further...
17:37.56Kk_[kshumard_home]: i was wondering if i could set up a small office pbx.. o wanna use it for internal calls.. and use an exertenal sip provider for outgoing call.. like Vonage ..
17:38.02*** join/#asterisk blessen (n=blessen@
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17:38.47Kk_[kshumard_home]: thinks this is possible ?
17:39.39pauldythe first thing I woul do is reboot the machine then recompile zaptel, libs, and asterisk  then asterisk addons if you have it
17:39.42kshumard_homeKk_, I would think so, yes.
17:40.02Kk_[kshumard_home]: tks a lot then...
17:40.07kshumard_homeKk_, But for about the same price you could get a cheap (old) machine on eBay and be able to do everything asterisk does
17:40.10ManxPowerThe morons closed one of the the three bridges to get out of New Orleans on the east side.
17:40.11kshumard_homeKk_, more or less
17:40.15pauldyjalsot, maybe try a different branch too
17:40.21*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
17:40.44Kk_[kshumard_home]: i live in brazil.. stuff ain't that cheap here
17:40.50kshumard_homeKk_, The WRT can't do floating point math, so you can't transcode or do several other things
17:41.39kshumard_homeKk_, Hmm... I guess the shipping would be pretty expensive, then. I really would recommend an x86 machine, though.
17:41.49kshumard_homeKk_, Just because the WRT *can* do this doesn't mean that it should
17:42.05kshumard_homeKk_, If it's an office PBX there will be an expectation of reliability and I don't know that I would rely on the WRT for that
17:42.17kshumard_homeKk_, But, ymmv.... it may work just fine for you
17:42.50Kk_[kshumard_home]: yep.. it might
17:42.58jalsotpauldy: ok, I will; there is nothing valuable in gdb dump? does the segfault relate to chan_local, doesn't?
17:43.02blessenwhich voip service provider should i use ....i cannot connect asterisk with vonage
17:43.20dersteerbroadvoice is good
17:43.22blessenand i should like to have features like adding extra number to my same account ..
17:43.42pauldyjalsot, from my experience it relates to something being used by chan_local which could be pretty much anything from modules to moh
17:43.56blessenwhats the difference between sip and IAX protocols
17:44.10blessenjust found that broadvoice is an IAX one
17:44.12blessenand vonage is sip
17:44.18blessenso can any one comment on it
17:44.43pauldyblessen, different ways fo getting the job done, IAX is more robust and genereally better but sip is more widley used
17:44.45jalsotwhat I use: pbx_spool for generating calls which are connected to Local channel [because I need to set CLIR before dialing out]
17:44.52Kk_[kshumard_home]: i have to desing a project for a company, which has it's central office (centralized internet and network) and others 63 branch offices, linked by FR..
17:45.13pauldybroadvoice is supporting iax now?
17:45.56dersteerpauldy: no
17:46.03dersteerdon't know where he got that
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17:46.25Kk_[kshumard_home]: i'm thinking on use a power server on central office... and wrt on branch (since only 3 or 4 people will use it)
17:46.33blessenso if i pickup IAX then will i be able to get calls from any part of US...
17:46.46blessenfor each numbers which i buy from broad voice
17:46.47kshumard_homeKk_, That sounds feasible
17:47.07*** join/#asterisk Roldyx (n=Roldyx3@
17:47.13DannyFblessen, only if broadvoice will send u calls using IAX
17:47.21filethey just do SIP
17:47.26dersteerbroadvoice doesn't support IAX... just sip
17:47.34DannyFthere u go
17:48.29blessenso can you tell me...what i should do first
17:48.37blessengo to broadvoice and get a softphone account
17:48.38Roldyxi need replace alsa.conf line output_device
17:48.44pauldyare there any form moderators or admins here?
17:48.51blessenand then install asterisk and get it configure it
17:48.55DannyFblessen, or Teliax
17:48.57Roldyxi have a lot of problem with alsa
17:49.02DannyFwho does support IAX
17:49.15dersteerRoldyx: ran alsaconf?
17:49.16pauldyfreeworld dialup does don't they
17:49.35DannyFpauldy, yes but they dont have DID afaik
17:49.35Roldyxdersteer, of course!
17:49.50Roldyxdersteer, look at this
17:50.05blesseni am sorry broadvoice use sip
17:50.06DannyFblessen, take a peak at
17:50.15Roldyx-- Executing DateTime("ALSA/default", "") in new stack
17:50.18DannyFheard only good things about them
17:50.26blesseni already have a vonage softphone account
17:50.35blessenbut not able to get it working with asterisk
17:50.48Roldyxdersteer, but i can ear nothing
17:50.50blessensorry..i am using aasterisk@home version 1.0.9
17:50.52DannyFI'm not terrobly surprised
17:50.56Roldyxdersteer, but i cant ear nothing
17:50.56dersteerhmmm... thats odd
17:51.31Roldyxdersteer, and look at this
17:51.39blesseni  tried to get it working for one 3 days..but no use,..:-( vonage with asterisk
17:51.43DannyFblessen, is this forhome use or SOHO?
17:52.04blesseni am planning to start  a small business for my self...
17:52.18DannyFk i'd take a look at teliax then
17:52.24Roldyxasterisk  3588        root  mem       CHR     116,24             135818 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0c
17:52.24Roldyxasterisk  3588        root  mem       CHR     116,16             135786 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p
17:52.24Roldyxasterisk  3588        root   12u      CHR     116,24             135818 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0c
17:52.50DannyFblessen, i'd take you on myself but I'm no where near ready to launch yet ;)
17:53.26blessenoooh...u goint to start :-)
17:53.36DannyFany decade now ;)
17:53.45blesseni got really mad getting asterisk@home with vonage....
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17:53.54blessenany idea to get it working....
17:54.06blessenrather than changing the vonage account...
17:54.06DannyFblessen, yeah i'we seen you jumping through hoops here ;) has been 3 days in total now/..
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17:54.50blessenfedup with all ....:-(...never felt it was that tough.....
17:56.20blessenso u all suggest broadvoice right..
17:56.30*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
17:57.39dersteerworks for me
17:59.16pauldyI like broadvoice
17:59.28fugitivoi don't
17:59.57fugitivoblessen: vonage doesn't work with asterisk
18:00.49pauldyso you have a 2 out of 3 recomentation thats a super majority
18:01.18dersteerI've been pretty impressed with their service... but I haven't tried anything else
18:01.24dersteerso I might not be the best judge
18:01.29dersteerworks great here thou
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18:05.18DBooneanyone tried the gentoo ebuild for 1.2.0 ?
18:05.42fugitivowheres is the ebuild?
18:06.07DBooneI'm just doing a sync, right now...;name=asterisk
18:07.08fugitivoi did the sync yesterday
18:07.12fugitivoand didn't see the ebuild
18:07.23fugitivoi compiled asterisk without using emerge
18:07.39DBoonedoesn't specify a time tho :)
18:07.42Ferris_BArgh, anyone have any luck ringing a sip hardphone on one server from an iax softphone on another server over iax?
18:08.06Ariel_Ferris_B, yes happens all the time.
18:08.06fugitivoFerris_B: me
18:08.19Ferris_BI know im overlooking something small and silly
18:08.25Ferris_Bbut when I dial the iaxsoft, it rings itself
18:08.37Ferris_Bscuse me, dial from the iax soft, to the sip
18:08.47Ariel_Ferris_B, do you have the same extension on each system?
18:08.57*** part/#asterisk Roldyx (n=Roldyx3@
18:09.17Ferris_BIf that helps, relevant extensions, sip, and iax confs on both machines
18:09.35*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
18:11.36Ariel_Ferris_B, why * extensions. And where are you including the local context for the other system in your inbound route from the other box?
18:12.22Ferris_B* extensions so I can differentiate those to end users as inbound extensions
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18:13.08Ferris_Band the second question, well, because Im figuring this stuff out sort of ad hoc :-p
18:13.48Ariel_well you should setup your system with different contexts. And then include context to the ones you want to give access too.
18:14.30Ariel_like from boxb  include=> sip include => outbound
18:14.32Ferris_Bgotcha, will do
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18:14.50Ferris_Bbox b being paragon? the box with the softphone?
18:14.52*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks (
18:14.56Ariel_Ferris_B, also * extensions will be come a mess since * is used for telco functions
18:15.03blitzrageI like to create contexts called 'basic', 'trusted', and 'admin', then assign those contexts to the users/peers in the channel configuration file, then within the contexts in the dialplan, include the contexts / features you want to enable
18:15.23Ferris_Bgood idea
18:15.30Ariel_blitzrage, nice I have something similiar in mine
18:15.38fileargh I'm thinking of buying another desk
18:15.43filesomeone thwap me
18:15.51blitzrageeveryone does it slightly different, but the concepts are the same
18:16.10blitzrageback latah
18:16.13Ariel_Ferris_B, I would recommend something other then * for extension like a number for 6 for one box 7 for the other or others that are not in the general area codes.
18:16.34Ferris_BYou think that's what's causing the problem?
18:16.34blitzragephysical layer yo!
18:16.35*** part/#asterisk Kk_ (
18:16.57Ariel_Ferris_B, not yet but it will later on when you start adding features
18:17.55Ferris_BI'd def. love one
18:18.21Ferris_BI'm taking a hacknslash approach to figuring this out, some best practices type info would be great
18:18.31Ariel_Well looks like Katrina is now 175mph storm and going to go sailing up the missisppiee river
18:18.43fileI'm talking desks with my friend on the phone
18:18.49filewe're looking at the Ikea site, erp
18:19.08dersteermore good TV with that storm comming
18:19.13Ariel_Ferris_B, I use a sheet of paper with like a flow chart of what I want to do then make my dial rules from that.
18:19.24dersteerwonder if theres any trailer parks around there
18:19.43Ariel_dersteer, yes there many there
18:19.49Ferris_BDid you see why the sip connection won't go through?
18:19.49Ariel_well maybe not next week
18:19.56dersteerwill be interesting then
18:20.05Ariel_Ferris_B, context
18:20.24Ariel_you should setup your dial plan a little better.
18:20.42Ferris_BI guess once I rebuild it correctly the answer will present itself
18:21.08Ariel_Ferris_B, your a fast learner
18:21.22Ferris_Bheh, I try
18:21.39Ferris_Bthanks for the pointers/motivation, im off to save the world ( s/world/dialplan/g)
18:21.51Ariel_Ferris_B, I have a customer that his extensions are 61XXX miami box and 62XXX Ohio box.
18:22.02Ariel_makes it very easy to call each other.
18:22.14Ferris_B5 digit extensions pretty common?
18:22.21Ferris_BMakes it much more scalable, to be sure
18:22.24Ariel_4 or 5 are used allot
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18:22.50Ariel_some use 2 some use 3 but if you plan it our ahead of time it's easy to maintain and upgrade later on.
18:23.29*** join/#asterisk Defraz_ (
18:24.14Ariel_Ferris_B, also locally here they dial the 4 digit extension for users and add the 6 when they want the other office. I assign extensions to them so it makes it fairly easy to maintain.
18:24.16NetgeeksKatrina is mean like that (taking out your power and all)
18:25.08Ariel_Netgeeks, I have power at home. But need to do some work.  At work the building took a major hit to the roof. Water in the center. We have a large tarp over the building right now.
18:25.48Netgeeksthats good
18:25.53gordonjcpAriel_: messy
18:26.10gordonjcpwe've had a pretty squally day, it's calmed down no
18:26.28Ariel_ahh yes it's a mess to clean up. (Since this building house a paper distributor..) I sub-let an office.
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18:27.42gordonjcpAriel_: I was pretty lucky in January, lost a bit of my roof about 9'x4'
18:28.07gordonjcpthat's on my house up north (NW Scotland)
18:28.20Ariel_argh lost my hard drive for my old asterisk box.  Need to swap it with the one at home.
18:28.28gordonjcpI was down in my flat in Glasgow that night, could feel the whole building move in the wind
18:28.48gordonjcponly about 110mph down here
18:28.59DBooneanyone have quality problems when recording calls with Monitor?
18:29.29DBoonethe call itself is fine, the recording is very bad quality, sounds like a bad voip call would sound like..
18:29.44DBoonewav format, 1.0.8
18:31.32twisted^^^ OMFG
18:32.32dersteergoing to be some rebuilding work
18:32.41gordonjcpsounds a bit fake to me
18:32.53twistedgordonjcp, uh.... yeah.  tell ya what
18:33.06twistedif that's fake i'm  a liar
18:33.15gordonjcpdoesn't sound like it was written by anyone at NOAA
18:33.28twistedit is
18:34.02gordonjcpsounds suspicious
18:34.13twistedof what?
18:34.33NetgeeksLooks like a normal dangerous weather announcement from the NOAA to me
18:34.33gordonjcpjust doesn't sound like the way severe weather warnings are written
18:35.10gordonjcpwhy would that be in a weather warning?
18:35.11Ariel_twisted, are you in that area?
18:35.13twistedif you read the headline in red
18:35.14gordonjcpthat's just scaremongering
18:35.18twistedit;s not a weather warning
18:35.22twistedthat's a realistic statement
18:35.29*** join/#asterisk yartelecom (n=no-email@
18:35.29gordonjcpit sounds bogus to me
18:35.37Netgeeksit's a "get the hell out of dodge you idiots" message
18:35.40twistedthen call NOAA and ask to talk to the writer
18:35.49gordonjcpanyway, if your buildings can't stand a bit of wind, you've built them wrong
18:36.03DannyF"a bit" :)
18:36.08ManxPowerIt may be the strongest storm to hit new orleans in at least 100 years.
18:36.09Ariel_gordonjcp, it's not just the wind but the flood of water
18:36.16gordonjcpmmm, ok, floods are bad
18:36.23twisted"a bit" !=> 150mph
18:36.27Netgeeksthe flying SUV's might be an issue too
18:36.37gordonjcptwisted: every year we get 140mph winds for at least a week
18:36.37ManxPowermy ride is delayed by a drawbridge that broke (1st alternate route) and a car fire (2nd alternate route)
18:36.57dersteergreat setup
18:36.58twistedTHAT sounds fake
18:37.08gordonjcptwisted: usually two weeks or so of 110mph steady, gusts of around 150
18:37.16gordonjcpwe call it "January"
18:37.33gordonjcpwe just build stuff to withstand it
18:37.50Netgeeks  Nice java based map of all reporting weather stations in and around the US
18:38.47Netgeeksgordonjcp:  Where do you live?  In a historical town, an average of 6 feet below sea level on the coast?
18:39.54gordonjcpNetgeeks: no, currently in a fairly sheltered city halfway up the west coast of Scotland
18:40.10gordonjcpbut I have a house in a fairly exposed part of the north-west
18:40.17NetgeeksYour statement that the buildings aren't built right is like me saying The folksin memphis failed to build thier buildings right when the next 8.0 earthquake hits there
18:40.49NetgeeksIf you get 140 MPH winds on a yearly basis you are definately going to build differently than if you don't
18:41.00NetgeeksNo doubt, when it's all over, they will rebuild differently
18:41.02twistedno shit
18:41.46gordonjcpNetgeeks: well, if you don't build it a certain way, you get an unrivalled opportunity to try building it again
18:41.57NetgeeksVery true
18:42.37gordonjcpearlier this year my car got blown about 100 yards by the wind
18:42.37dersteergoing to be a expensive storm
18:42.38Ariel_~weather KLIA
18:42.40NetgeeksHaving lived in San Fran area for a while, I am quite familiar with that process
18:42.52gordonjcp~weather EGPF
18:43.06gordonjcp25kt my arse
18:43.31Ariel_~weather KMSY
18:43.40gordonjcpLight rian showers my arse, too
18:43.47gordonjcpit's been torrential all day
18:44.14Ariel_if you read that looks like a nice day for New Orleans
18:44.18gordonjcpah, 1350, that was hours ago
18:44.36gordonjcpsix hours ago, in fact
18:44.42gordonjcpit was calmer at lunchtime
18:45.49dersteerthey are doing "mandatory evacuations" ???? they take you out by force?
18:46.30ManxPowerdersteer: Yes.
18:46.56ManxPowerThey are mostly going house to house to make the people that are staying and sign waivers.
18:47.40gordonjcp"Are you getting out?" "Nope." "Well sign this to say it's not our fault"
18:47.41*** join/#asterisk file (
18:47.46gordonjcpthat kind of thing?
18:48.33dersteeroohhhh ok
18:48.55*** join/#asterisk file[lap1op] (
18:49.03NetgeeksActually it's *knock* *knock* you must leave now, oh you are staying?  can we have a copy of your last will and testament?
18:49.46ManxPowerPretty much.
18:50.01NetgeeksMy guess is most of the problems they are having will be with the homeless and poor who have no way of evacuating
18:50.07ManxPowerBasically they sign a paper that says that they understand that there will be no emergency services.
18:50.23ManxPowerNetgeeks: *nod*  That's something like 1/3 the population of New Orleans
18:51.05gordonjcpNetgeeks: surely it would be easy enough to gett all the homeless and herd them onto a bus?
18:51.11gordonjcpor even a few buses?
18:51.40Ashthere are a lot of buses running
18:51.50Ashthey are bussing people from 12 locations across the city to the superdome
18:51.54NetgeeksI'm guessing the number that fall into homeless/poor/unable to evacuate is about 150,000
18:52.20NetgeeksSo thats about 2,000 busses
18:52.51Ashbut you can fit a lot of people into the superdome, so that's good at least.
18:53.09NetgeeksHere's to hoping it stands up to teh wind and water
18:53.33AshI'm kinda wondering how well it'll hold up
18:55.11*** part/#asterisk Ferris_B (
18:56.44Netgeeks~weather KBVE
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18:58.03Netgeekshrm, i wonder if jbot has access to WXNET stations
18:58.14Netgeeks~weather CW3802
18:59.17Netgeeksalready three or four of the oil rig stations are offline
19:01.33Ariel_Netgeeks, most oil rigs are able to take 200mph wind and raging seas.
19:02.08twistedman this is like... freaky
19:02.13twistedi'm glad I got to visit new orleans
19:02.21twistedManxPower, you out yet?
19:02.24NetgeeksYeah, just saying the weather stations from some of the rigs are no longer sending data
19:02.47Ariel_noaa looks at 4 digit codes
19:03.14Ariel_K for US C for Canada then 3 digits
19:04.30drumkillaoh, look at that ... there's a hurricane
19:04.54Ariel_drumkilla, yes there is where have you been.
19:05.05Ariel_oh wait are you not some where in alabama
19:05.15twistedit's not just a hurricane
19:05.16drumkillayeah, I just moved a couple weeks ago
19:05.23twisteddrumkilla, it's going to possibly destroy NOLA
19:05.26NetgeeksHe's in NC now?
19:05.36drumkillaclose :)
19:05.55dersteerwonder if it'll hit michigan :)
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19:06.18Ariel_actaully there saying yes the great lakes will get part of the storm
19:06.47dersteerwe could use the rain thats for sure.... haven't had a good rain in a while
19:08.19Ariel_argh my 3 low end pc's are foobard.
19:08.22*** join/#asterisk dasuberd1vid (
19:11.24Netgeeksyep, that message was definately NOAA... they are spewing them out like leaflets
19:13.16ManxPowerIf they would stop closing roads it would be easier for people to get out of NOLA.
19:14.05twistedoh no
19:14.33Ariel_ManxPower, you were not able to get out?
19:15.24ManxPowerMy ride has been delayed
19:15.41Chujihope your ride has an outboard engine
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19:16.02ManxPowerthe bridge on one of the eastbound ways out of New orleans broke and so that route is closed.
19:16.11ManxPoweranother route had a car fire on it, so that was closed.
19:16.29ManxPowermy ride is having to back track 20 miles to get to the other route.
19:16.48Ariel_ManxPower, are you in an area that is below sea level?
19:16.59ManxPowerAriel_: not since I moved out of New Orleans
19:17.22Ariel_ok so your not actually in New Orleans how far out are you?
19:17.41ManxPowerAriel_: 50 miles east of New Orleans, 20 miles west of Biloxi.
19:17.48ChujiTE cards won't work in PCI-X slots will they?
19:17.54AshManxPower: what city?
19:17.58ManxPowerWaveland MS
19:18.00AshChuji: they will
19:18.03AshManxPower: i love waveland!
19:18.11ManxPowerAsh: where are you located?
19:18.17*** join/#asterisk af_ (
19:18.17Ash(I used to have to drive over to Bay St. Louis for work from time to time)
19:18.28Ashwell, I'm in las vegas
19:18.42ChujiHmmm, I wonder if the new PowerEdge 850 will work with the TE cards then?
19:18.43ManxPowerMy ride is coming from New Orleans.
19:18.48Ashbut I used to live in Baton Rouge, and work had me driving all over southern louisiana
19:19.02ManxPowerthen we are heading north to Jackson MS to stay with a friend.
19:19.09AshChuji: I have a TE110P in a poweredge 1800 and it's fine
19:19.16*** join/#asterisk Tincho_ (n=martin@
19:19.19Ashand a TDM400P as well
19:19.27AshManxPower: ah, an excellent idea
19:19.46ChujiAsh : Is the PCI-X 5v or 3.3?
19:20.05Ariel_pci-x is 3.3v
19:20.49ChujiOK, then a TE210P should work in it right?
19:21.11AshChuji: probably, but I would check with digium before you buy
19:21.17Ariel_it should. Wonder why they did not make them dual voltage
19:21.29Asha lot of the low-end poweredge servers have had issues with digium cards in the past
19:21.36twistedthere are new cars here from louisiana now
19:21.53ManxPowertwisted: where are you located?
19:21.59twistedManxPower, huntsville
19:22.07ManxPowertwisted: Ah.
19:22.13ManxPowerThe original plan was to go to Birmingham
19:22.22ManxPowertwisted: you work for Digium now?
19:22.26twistedManxPower, nope
19:22.56Ashhas anybody heard about whether Baton Rouge is safe?
19:23.12Ariel_Ash, nothing is really safe in that area
19:23.12twistedAsh, are you kidding
19:23.31Ashtwisted: no, I'm not; I just hadn't heard anything in the paper
19:23.48AshI do not live in the area so I'm not being bombarded by the news about it
19:23.52ManxPower"Michael Adams is known to his friends as "Mr Stupid", while UK tabloid the Sun classifies him as "Britain's dumbest thief". And no wonder, since the bungling blagger lifted a laptop from a Manchester CCTV store while no less than eight cameras recorded the sorry scene for posterity."
19:23.54Ashbut my in-laws live in BR
19:26.02ManxPowerBR will get some flooding and lots of wind
19:26.09ManxPowerBut it's not in tanger of being swept out to sea.
19:26.16ManxPowertanger == danger
19:26.39Ashyeah, I figure they are relatively safe; they are on high ground there
19:27.25ManxPowerI need coffee.
19:27.34ManxPowerride is here!
19:28.57twistedyay!  manxpower is getting out
19:29.16twistedNOAA local is calling this
19:29.16twistedhurricane dennis
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19:33.26Darwin35it was bkw with twisted on manxpower with a bit of asterisk thrown into the brew
19:34.57twistedwtf r u talking about?
19:36.10tzangerok I'm an asterisk vetran but I thought that fxotune only set up the coefficients on a little FIR filter on the TDM FXO modules and had zero to do with impedance matching...  am I mistaken?
19:36.14*** join/#asterisk Skyhawk_1 (
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19:36.51tzangeranyone here in New Orleans?  I gotta ask... you guys get hit by hurricanes almost every year and you're enitre city's under sealevel...  why the hell do you still live there?  Is insurance not unbelievably high?
19:37.15Skyhawk_1was wondering if anybody knows of a good logging program to check who calls who
19:37.36tzangerSkyhawk_1: nothing obvious but the CDR records are all there for you to make something
19:38.12Netgeeksnice timing to ask that question, tzanger... nothing like hitting someone when they are down?
19:38.13Skyhawk_1tzanger .. yeah thought that .. was hoping not to reinvent the wheel if possible :P
19:38.48Skyhawk_1tzanger : guess when you love the city you live in you will do anything
19:39.01Blake0PSMy extensions.conf is basically [default] (extensions including outbound dialing over FXOs) [incoming] (IVR that points to extensions in [default]). How do I limit callers coming in on [inbound] from making outbound calls over the FXOs?
19:39.08tzangerdon't be silly, this is Asterisk.  We're all about reinventing the wheel because in that reinvention comes new innovations
19:39.32tzangerNetgeeks: it's specifically because of this badass hurricane that I'm asking, do you seriously have that big a chip on your shoulder?
19:39.34fafniri made an oval wheel
19:39.37fafnirbut it didnt work as well
19:39.42fafnirso i went back to version 1.0
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19:40.29NetgeeksIt's specifically because of the badass hurricane that is about to devastate most resident's of the city...  most of them won't ever see what they call home again
19:40.33kshumard_homeY'know, you can make a square wheel that will actually roll...
19:40.37tzangerit's got nothing to do with kicking people when they're down.  I am willing to put good money on the fact that most New Orleaners are there on their own volition so their choice to stay is their choice and my questioning that choice is nothing like kicking them when they're down
19:40.43kshumard_homeAs long as the surface you're rolling it on is shaped right. : )
19:40.44Netgeeksthey'll be looking at a soggy pile of rubble
19:41.53NetgeeksSo yes, I believe asking that question now was in poor timing
19:41.59tzangerNetgeeks: again -- for most it's a choice to live there, I'm asking why they'd choose to risk losing everything, including their life, every year
19:42.15gordonjcpcan't believe this
19:42.30gordonjcp50mph winds, torrential rain, all that
19:42.31tzangerI know that for myself if I lived in tornado alley or on the gulf coast I'd question it
19:42.36gordonjcpand there's an ice cream van outside
19:42.40NetgeeksMight as well ask that of all the people living in Los Angeles and San Francisco, and oh lets not forget the freak heat waves in Chicago that killed hundreds years ago
19:42.54tzangerhell a tornado touched down 10km from here last week but that's a freak occurance
19:43.00*** part/#asterisk naturalblue (n=Adam@
19:43.02tzangerNetgeeks: actually I want to ask them that too.  what exactly's your problem?
19:43.05Netgeeksand why not ask the questions of the folks living in hawaii, and oh, those folks in washington state that used to live on the side of Mount Helens
19:43.07tzangerfreak events are not a reason to move
19:43.22tzangerbut EVERY FUCKING YEAR this kind of thing happens...  what is the allure to stay?
19:43.23NetgeeksHell, earth itself is a time bomb, lets ask everyone
19:43.35NetgeeksHurricanes happen every year
19:43.37tzangerwow, Netgeeks, you really do have a problem with honest questions
19:43.43Netgeeksthis one is a once in a 100 year event
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19:43.50gordonjcpand not only is there an ice cream van outside, in the horizontal torrential rain...
19:43.58gordonjcpthere are kids buying ice cream
19:44.11tzangerNetgeeks: hurricanes don't happen in the gulf coast every year?  Florida isn't ina  state of emergency almost every year?
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19:44.46Netgeekshrm, this one is a once in a 100 year event....  did you miss that?
19:44.48tzangeras I said, practically the entire city of New Orleans is under sealevel and surrounded by water on three sides... there's gotta be something really alluring to stay there
19:44.57Netgeeksjust like the 100 year floods of the mississippi
19:44.58tzangera category 5 hurricane yes
19:44.59drraycheap land
19:45.10Netgeeksit floods every damn year, but once in about 100 lots of people die
19:45.13tzangerdrray: hmm that is true, look at NV
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19:45.27drrayand the belief that the goverment will bail out the people with money
19:45.58techiethis will be a major catastrophe
19:46.15Netgeeksand the folks in the SF Bay area are overdue for a 7.5+ quake, so now is the perfect time to ask them before it happens
19:46.22NetgeeksMost will say, it won't happen to me
19:47.11Ariel_well I don't think there is any place really safe 100% of the time.
19:47.20Ariel_You live where you live and make the best of it.
19:48.44Ariel_from Fires, floods, Winter Stroms, Hurricanes, Earth Quakes, Tsunamies, you name it, there is always something going on.
19:50.07Ashtechie: but it's only relatively recent knowledge that this sort of thing would destroy the whole city
19:50.09Ariel_JunK-Y, how are you doing? hope all is well up north.
19:50.19MrBelvedrquestion: is it possible to have a pots line coming into my house, and have asterisk "watch the line" and pick up if nobody is home after 5 seconds of ringing?
19:50.33AshMrBelvedr: sure.
19:50.39MrBelvedrkinda like a standard answering machine
19:50.44Ariel_MrBelvedr, yes and no.
19:50.46Ash5 seconds of ringing is not very long though.
19:50.53JunK-YAriel_: not too bad :)
19:50.56MrBelvedrwhat hardware will asteris require?
19:51.01MrBelvedrwhy "no"?  :)
19:51.08Ariel_MrBelvedr, if you get a sipura 3000 you can do just that.
19:51.13MrBelvedrok cool
19:51.43Ariel_the sipura 3000 has a pass through and you can then have it pickup via asterisk after so many rings or sec's.
19:52.00Ashtechie: it's mostly the destruction of the river delta due to the levies that keep new orleans mostly safe from mississippi river flooding that have caused new orleans to become more vulnerable :)
19:52.07MrBelvedrwhat is the latest and greatest UI  inerface for asterisk?
19:52.42Ashyou win some, you lose some
19:52.47MrBelvedrthx Ariel, last time i was here you told me that, thanks for confirming
19:53.24Ashyeah, the sipura 3000 is pretty slick.
19:53.31Ariel_MrBelvedr, I have been using for my customers AMP via Asterisk at home.
19:54.14MrBelvedrAriel how much will you charge me to set it all up?  i have the script done already
19:54.23MrBelvedrjust need some help pulling it all together
19:54.44Ariel_$ 50.00 per hour.
19:54.45MrBelvedri already have the box set up and running asterisk
19:54.59MrBelvedrthat is kinda out of my price range
19:55.06MrBelvedrthx though for your advice
19:55.13Ariel_MrBelvedr, no problem.
19:55.46Ariel_MrBelvedr, what were you expecting for a price? just wondering?
19:55.55MrBelvedrAriel is it possible to do this with IAX or only SIP?
19:56.07Ash$50/hour is pretty damn cheap
19:56.16AshMrBelvedr: what exactly are you trying to do?
19:56.19MrBelvedri was hoping to spend less than $100 for the installation, this is just my hobby
19:56.39Ashmake it be an answering machine, or do you want to use IAX/SIP for long distance or something as well?
19:56.47MrBelvedrhere is what I want:
19:56.48Ariel_MrBelvedr, then I would suggest you look at asterisk@home come presetup with most of what you need.
19:57.16Ariel_Ash, yes I have been thinking of charging more. But it depends on how things work out this coming month.
19:57.32MrBelvedrok cool, will asterisk@home work behind a router/firewall though?
19:57.43Ashyeah, asterisk@home is a good idea.
19:58.09Skyhawk_1i think that there should be a easy website to hire a "freelance" when needed .. i know often i would pay between $40  -$80 when in need of help
19:58.26MrBelvedrread what I want, my main concern is the SIP problem. I want this rig to be behind a firewall. But i guess if I am only using the analog line the firewall and SIP will not be an issue, correct?>
19:58.45Ariel_MrBelvedr, you can get that setup no problems
19:59.06MrBelvedrskyhawk check out
19:59.12Ariel_Skyhawk_1, well that would not be a bad idea.
19:59.19MrBelvedrit is great for small projects
19:59.21AshMrBelvedr: that's a very easy setup. the sipura will talk SIP to the asterisk box, which is fine.
19:59.23Ariel_for asterisk setups.
20:00.20Ariel_MrBelvedr, I would be more then happy to help you out and teach you what you need to do. Most of what your looking at is simple seutp with A@H
20:00.40Ariel_MrBelvedr, also there is a section here #amportal that is also very helpful.
20:01.08Ariel_If you setup the basic part you should not need more then 1 or 1.5 hours of help with it.
20:01.10MrBelvedrok i am there thx
20:01.53MrBelvedrwill a@h coexist peacefully with a custom AGI script i have for another project?
20:02.13MrBelvedror does a@home need exclusive right to write to the extensions.conf file?
20:02.15Ariel_MrBelvedr, should not be a problem.
20:02.35Ariel_it uses extensions_custom.conf for your other items
20:02.36Skyhawk_1MrBelvedr : nice site .. will keep it in mind next time i need help
20:02.45Ariel_and also you can do lots of modes to the main ones.
20:04.19*** join/#asterisk lgj (
20:04.23lgjhello all
20:04.49lgjanyone available that knows the file.c code for ast_openstream and streamfile ?
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20:05.43lgjlo machos20052006
20:06.07lgjyou wouldn't happen to be a module person?
20:06.18lgjer that is know about asterisk's guts
20:06.22machos20052006no se ingles
20:06.31lgjahh :P n/p
20:06.42lgjno habla espano :(
20:06.45machos20052006ni yo
20:08.11lgjneed to chat with someone who know about asterisk's guts a bit... having an issue with ast_openstream and ast_streamfile in a custom module
20:12.54*** part/#asterisk machos20052006 (
20:17.42clyrradI have a company directory sound file that plays in Background() and lets the caller know each persons extension number, when a caller tries to enter extension 2000 Asterisk only takes the first digit '2' does not allow the rest of the extension to be entered.  I have set TIMEOUT(response) and TIMEOUT(digit) = 5  Where am I going wrong?
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20:20.42gravemindis there any extension using 2?
20:22.40fugitivowhat asterisk version?
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20:27.03pauldyclyrrad, I think it is because youare using the background
20:27.49pauldyclyrrad, there is another function you cna call that will probably do it a little more like what you expected
20:28.06fugitivobackground is the correct function
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20:29.54slak-hey guys i cant seem to load wctdm module and asterisk wont start, chekc this out
20:30.24slak-config worked with 1.0
20:30.28slak-im upgrading to 1.2
20:31.18_Raptor_ok, i have following config: Zap/1: analog telephone, Zap/4: telephony line, with number 12345 and i want that if someone calls 12345 is is bridged from zap/4 to zap/1 (works fine already) but only for 30seconds and if no one takes off the phone the bridge should be stopped an the call should fall back to asterisks dialplan
20:31.19pauldyfugitivo, there is more than one function to do the job fugitivo
20:31.35_Raptor_this is what i tried: exten => s,1,Dial(Zap/1/30/T)
20:31.48slak-in 1.2 zaptel.conf do i still use wcfxs=1-4 for a tdm04b card
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20:32.55slak-is that valid in zaptel.conf in 1.2
20:33.09slak-Found a Wildcard TDM: Wildcard TDM400P REV E/F (3 modules)
20:33.22wunderkin_Raptor_ it should be dial(zap/1|30|t) and yes, if there is no answer after 30 sec it will stop
20:33.59slak-wunderkin  can u help me out mang?
20:34.03slak-i cant seem to start *
20:34.14slak-modules are loaded, zaptel and wctdm
20:34.25slak-trying to use my old config with 1.2 beta1 release
20:34.29slak-old config is cvs-stable
20:34.44wunderkinslak-, not really ive never used them much
20:34.58_Raptor_wunderkin: thx, i'll try
20:35.58EmrahAnyone know where I can find a commercial SIP Stack maybe?
20:36.11EmrahDo you know a provider which is selling some commercial SIP Stacks?
20:36.26lgjEmrah, you can't use the gnu sip stack?
20:36.35EmrahIt just for information
20:36.52EmrahI'd like to try and compare 2 or 3 tips of sip stacks
20:37.03EmrahJust wondering where I can find an commercial one
20:37.07_Raptor_wunderkin: fine, works, thx. is there anything like the escaping # too so i do not have to wait 30secs
20:37.14lgjEmrah, well search for commerical ones on google and you will find many
20:37.21lgjthey cost lots of cash
20:37.46wunderkin_Raptor_ explain
20:37.58lgjany of you guys ever written custom modules? I have a little hickup I want to chat with someone about
20:38.09Emrahlgj: What do you mean by GNU Stip Stacks? I'm now trying OSIP.
20:38.44lgjEmrah, I belive that is it, been a while since I looked for just a stack, since asterisk does what I need :)
20:39.01lgjEmrah, that is OSIP...
20:39.15slak-Aug 28 17:47:37 WARNING[27867]: chan_zap.c:890 zt_open: Unable to specify channel 2: No such device or address
20:39.26slak-zaptel and wctdm are loaded
20:39.29lgjyep osip is it Emrah
20:39.47lgjslak-, check your zapta.conf and a few other things...
20:39.54pauldyclyrrad, I can't seem to find what I was looking for but I can tell you this
20:40.01_Raptor_wunderkin: AFAIK it is possible have an transfer context which is used if someone presses # while dialing
20:40.12pauldywhen you use background the digits dial are returned to the context you are currently in
20:40.42pauldyso when youa re dialing the 2 and it isn't accpeting any other digits you are being dirrected to a rule in your dial plan
20:40.44slak-lgj im trying to use my zapata.conf from 1.0 stable branch
20:40.52slak-lgj and this is 1.2 beta 1
20:41.08pauldyeven if it isn't defined as exten => 2,s
20:41.52slak-lgj: this should work with 1.,2 right?
20:42.03lgjslak-, hehe I havn't even tried to work with beta, I am deep in the midle of custom modules for a company in the stable branch
20:42.18Emrahpauldy: What are you trying to do?
20:42.42lgjslak-, did you install the new drivers for the zaptel stuff, i think they may have changed some stuff
20:42.49slak-can someone take a look at that pastebin of my zapata.conf and clue me in why asterisk wont start
20:42.54lgji know they did in the libpri
20:42.54pauldyEmrah, I was looking for a function to help out clyrrad
20:42.55slak-wctdm and zaptel get loaded at
20:43.03slak-yes i installed everything new
20:43.05_Raptor_wunderkin: or let my try in another way: is any solution that i call my 12345 (then the bridge will be established) and with some magic key it breaks the bridge so i can go on with my menu of the dialplan?
20:43.15pauldyEmrah, he was using background and trying to dial a 5 digit extension
20:43.32pauldybut his dialplan was triggering on the first digit
20:43.39Emrahpauldy: Use digittimeout
20:43.43lgjslak-, I am afraid it will be hard to debug from here
20:43.44pygrammeranyone use iaxcomm and dmix?
20:43.52lgjpygrammer, iaxcomm
20:43.55Darwin35iaxcomm ?
20:43.56lgjnice little ap
20:43.58lgjer app
20:44.11Emrahpauldy: Like exten => 123,1,Background(bla)
20:44.12Darwin35iax softphone
20:44.14pauldyI've done it before and i was looking for the other function I used that allowed it to work but I can't find it
20:44.23wunderkin_Raptor_: look at show application dial, h/H options
20:44.30Emrahspecifie before the Background cmd this paramter DigitTimeout(5)
20:44.46_Raptor_ok, thx wunderkin
20:44.49Emrahok pauldy
20:44.54pygrammerbut i'm wondering how to use a software mixer like dmix so i can listen to xmms and get audio from iaxcomm, like when my phone rings
20:45.07pygrammeras my integrated chip shit doesn't do hardware mixing on its own
20:45.19lgjpygrammer, you will need a sound daemon if we are talking about linux
20:45.19pauldythere is another function that takes an input of file,digits,timeout
20:45.47pauldyI used that with a macro to do what he is trying to do
20:45.49lgjpygrammer, /dev/audio is a single app use unless you have a sound deamon dealling with the sharing
20:45.57pygrammerlgj: i'm using alsa/dmix
20:46.02apardonow we have ip phones in spain from telco companies: (sorry, in spanish)
20:46.06pygrammerbut iaxcomm doesn't have alsa support
20:46.14pygrammerand no options to wrap sounds it plays
20:46.19pygrammerin other programs
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20:46.30pygrammeri've even redefined dsp0
20:46.41pygrammerbut it still won't play
20:46.41lgjpygrammer, then you have hit the nail on the head...
20:46.44pygrammerPa_SetLatency: numBuffers = 5, framesPerBuffer = 160, powerOfTwo = 10
20:46.44pygrammerPa_SetupDeviceFormat: could not SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT
20:46.44pygrammerPortAudio error at opening separate input stream: Host error.
20:47.03lgjlgj, maybe you are the one to write alsa support into iaxcomm :)
20:47.06lgjer pygrammer that is
20:47.45DBooneweee, asterisk 1.2 workin' over here..
20:47.52DBoonestill really crappy call recording tho :(
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20:49.07lgjI will ask again to the chan, anyone know about custom module code using a allocated channel and ast_streamfile... having a problem getting it to play the files, no translator enabled?
20:49.28Darwin35does it still use wx
20:49.53_Raptor_wunderkin: nope, neigther H nor h worked. i think the problem is that i have no answerd call at this moment, so i cannot hang up
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20:52.15blessenwhich voip service provider will you suggest to use for pbx systems to work with softphones
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20:52.47blesseni heard of it good..or vonage is the best
20:53.31pygrammernever heard of "boradvoice"
20:53.40fugitivoi don't like broadvoice
20:53.53lgjblessen, check out
20:53.55pygrammerwow, i'm stupid :)
20:54.04Darwin35I have to get it to compile onfbsd
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20:54.09Darwin35give me time
20:54.10lgjblessen, look at thier voip providor section and choose one of the many listed there
20:54.29lgjblessen, some better than others.. price vs reliablity most of them have comments from users
20:54.54lgjblessen, i am using junctionnetworks for testing only good service to expensive for our production tho
20:54.54*** join/#asterisk Rav1974 (
20:55.04pygrammermaybe I'll start a voip carrier
20:55.06pygrammera "special" one :D
20:55.23fugitivoa free one?
20:55.33pygrammerno, just a special one :D
20:55.36slak-guys i tried to use my 1.0 config with 1.2 and asterisk isnt starting
20:55.38pygrammer"We're your special VoIP carrier."
20:55.46pygrammer"Subscribe to our service!"
20:55.47DBooneI have special needs, can you help me?
20:55.54pygrammerSure, because we're special!
20:56.10pygrammerIn whatever way you interpret the word, we can satisfy that definition
20:56.33Nuggetasterisk: the short bus of telephony.
20:56.45lgjslak-, I don't want to sound mean, but check the dist config file and compare to your current one. like I said it is prob somthing minor... after that RTFM :)
20:57.28lgjpygrammer, don't laugh...
20:58.13pygrammerit's my "ring" toe
20:58.26pygrammerwell, the corresponding one; i don't know what you call that
21:01.05Blake0PSI have those pygrammer
21:01.17Blake0PSwhatever you do do not cut your nail
21:01.35pygrammerit hurts
21:02.16MrBelvedrif anybody wants a small job
21:02.18Blake0PSleave it grow long or the skin around your toenail will engulf the nail. at that point every time you bump the nail it will cut into the flesh
21:02.34Blake0PShaving a nail there keeps the skin at bay
21:02.53gravemindi had an ingrown nail once
21:02.59gravemindi actually fixed it with a pair of tweezers :p
21:03.35blessenwhich pbx sysetm is the best asterisk or sipx....
21:03.50gravemindblessen: are you expecting an unbiased answer?
21:03.51fileblessen: that's a complicated question
21:04.15blesseni just want to know..which is easier to get installed and configured and working
21:04.19blessenwith less effort
21:04.29gravemindis that necessarily better?
21:05.18*** part/#asterisk mago (n=maxgluck@
21:05.20lgjblessen, sipX seems like a sip router with a little pbx stuff tucked into it.
21:05.45pygrammerMrBelvedr: i might consider it
21:05.48lgjblessen, Asterisk is a full featured PBX...etc. but as gavemind said this is the asterisk channel....
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21:06.03gravemindit also looks like its just sip
21:06.10pygrammeri hadn't even heard of SipX
21:06.14gravemindnor i
21:06.21MikeJ[Laptop]MrBelvedr, if you put a wait in the dialplan, then an answer, does it wait for that period of time?
21:06.22lgjnor i, and yes it looks like sip only
21:06.24pygrammeram I ignorant?
21:06.28gravemindi doubt sipx has iax support, hardware drivers, etc
21:06.32MikeJ[Laptop]I don't know what that 3000 does by default
21:06.34fileI hear about a lot of things though
21:06.35pygrammerthat reminds me of that south park episode with Michael Jackson
21:06.40pygrammer"you're just ignorant!"
21:06.56MikeJ[Laptop]I know about sipx
21:06.57lgjfile, i wonder, as ser kicks most everything for just sip routing
21:07.11filethat's what SER was designed to do.
21:07.23MikeJ[Laptop]sipx is sip only, but is no ser
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21:07.32MikeJ[Laptop]it is a pbx, not a highend proxy
21:07.51lgjfile, exactly the page for sipx seems to claim it can be a ent. sip router
21:08.09filesipx itself is a combination of many things
21:08.26gravemind"sipX does not require any additional hardware as it interoperates with any SIP compliant gateway, phone or application."
21:08.27MikeJ[Laptop]enterprise, maybe to some extent, certainly not carrier
21:08.32gravemindso it has no hardware support
21:08.34filemodularized *yawn*
21:08.42gravemindit assumes you have existing infrastructure
21:08.53gravemindor that you're using sip enabled phones
21:09.08fileSIP is teh thang
21:09.30MikeJ[Laptop]what is going on mr. file?
21:09.48fileMikeJ[Laptop]: contemplating drafting my own protocol spec for server<->client communication because every other protocol annoys me... you?
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21:10.15filealso looking at getting another desk, another LCD, keyboard/mouse...
21:10.27MikeJ[Laptop]just finished up cleaning 12 gb up off my laptop hardrive so I have room to do dual boot
21:10.38pygrammerfile: what kind of desk
21:10.45filepygrammer: WELL,*10389
21:10.50filejust that.
21:10.52fileI like it
21:10.52MikeJ[Laptop]now I need to go find a blank cd to put tools on so I can boot and re-size my partitions
21:11.03fileand it's not terribly expensive
21:11.21MikeJ[Laptop]file, that's not a desk
21:11.23pygrammerthat's cheap for furniture
21:11.23DannyFfile i had one of those to quite comfy :)
21:11.33fileMikeJ[Laptop]: yes it is :P
21:11.39fileDannyF: yeah, my friend has one... quite nice
21:11.40pygrammermine was like $45 at target :-D
21:11.42pygrammerit's this veneer shit
21:11.52filewell that's in Canadian dollars...
21:12.05pygrammerand i have this imitation Aeron chair; it's actually quite comfortable -- for a Chinese producct
21:12.20MrBelvedrmikeJ, i don't know answer to your question.
21:12.24pygrammerdoesn't look Canadian to me
21:12.27pygrammeroh there
21:12.32pygrammeri see IKEA CANADA
21:12.37fileyeah, twat :P
21:12.59Rav1974Ikea - you are paying for sawdust
21:13.15filegah it's only 6PM and I'm yawning
21:13.16MikeJ[Laptop]MrBelvedr, try
21:13.28MikeJ[Laptop]trying to find "MY" desk online
21:13.28gravemindi could use one of those desks.
21:13.46filegravemind: yow'sa
21:13.57Rav1974TE110P to ADIT 600, do you need a crossover T1?
21:13.58gravemindit has 19" racks on it :P
21:14.19Rav1974I have been trying to make it work all day
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21:14.26fileMikeJ[Laptop]: hop to it now
21:14.27pygrammergravemind: wow, that's funny -- a "producer's" station
21:14.35shido6wire your crossover correctly and test
21:14.45gravemindpygrammer: how so?
21:14.53Rav1974shido6: could you please verify if this is correct pinout?
21:15.25Zilasbwhy I always keep getting those strange errors:
21:15.27ZilasbDEBUG[11212]: chan_sip.c:771 __sip_autodestruct: Auto destroying call '3f7673f5343b00d0@x.x.x.x'
21:16.02fileZilasb: that's not an error, it's a debug message
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21:16.21slak-doh i tried everything i cant resolve this error on wcfxs module load with 1.2
21:16.23slak-or wctdm
21:16.24slak-line 205: Cannot get number of tones chanel 1
21:16.24slak-line 205: Cannot init tones chanel 1
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21:16.28fileZilasb: you shouldn't look at debug unless you're trying to debug something because you'll think something's wrong when it's not, then you'll come in here asking questions
21:16.28slak-for all 4 channe;ls
21:16.34slak-file: help :O
21:16.44MikeJ[Laptop]file, I can't find it.. .pottery barn website no longer has it
21:16.46slak-i switched to 1.2
21:17.00fileI'm not your personal support slave, and I don't do zaptel to begin with
21:17.25slak-let me get another 5$ credit
21:17.33slak-and dont be so rude
21:18.45Zilasbfile: ok since there is nothing wrong what actually it means? where those autodestructions come from?
21:18.58fileZilasb: chan_sip schedules destructions of packets and stuff
21:19.18fugitivoZilasb: secret messages that need to be autodestroyed in 5 seconds
21:19.24bkw__ok ok I setup an svn repository
21:19.34slak-bkw__: i cant get my zaptel card to work with 1.2 ;/
21:19.36MikeJ[Laptop]bkw_, BASTARD!
21:19.41lgjfile, you have any experiance with custom modules? I have a minor issue I wan't to run by someone....
21:19.45slak-line 205: Cannot get number of tones chanel 1
21:19.45slak-line 205: Cannot init tones chanel 1
21:19.46bkw__slak-, which board?
21:19.46gravemindbkw__: is it full of pie.
21:19.46filelgj: with what?
21:19.47MikeJ[Laptop]slak-, use the zaptel from 1.2 as well
21:19.50gravemindsvn co pie :/
21:19.53slak-Mik i am
21:19.56slak-eveyrthing is new
21:19.57bkw__what board?
21:20.05bkw__what module name?
21:20.16slak-im trying to load tctdm
21:20.25bkw__no clue
21:20.37MikeJ[Laptop]what's it do?
21:20.40lgjfile, I have a custom module that I am working on it works great, basicaly does a request and dial in two directions and then bridges them...
21:20.48slak-well i get this bug on load with 1,2
21:21.12lgjfile, but I cann't get the ast_openstream and ast_streamfile to send a sound file to the first channel
21:21.17MikeJ[Laptop]slak- what's it do?
21:21.20filelgj: dunno
21:21.27slak-MikeJ should i still be using fxsks-1-4 in zaptel.conf
21:21.27lgjfile, cool n/p
21:21.46slak-MikeJ[Laptop] Found a Wildcard TDM: Wildcard TDM400P REV E/F (3 modules)
21:21.47bkw__I think anthm could answer that question
21:21.47slak-my card
21:21.53lgjfile, just wondered if you had ever seen Aug 28 16:16:35 WARNING[9285]: file.c:475 ast_openstream: File thankyou does not exist in any format
21:21.53lgjAug 28 16:16:35 WARNING[9285]: file.c:787 ast_streamfile: Unable to open thankyou (format ulaw): Success
21:22.07MikeJ[Laptop]slak- you probaly want an = not a - in there somwhere
21:22.15lgjthe file is there in ulaw
21:22.17slak-MikeJ yes thats how it is
21:22.22lgjthat is what I don't get.. *sigh*
21:22.32slak-Aug 28 18:31:26 WARNING[11100]: chan_zap.c:890 zt_open: Unable to specify channel 2: No such device or address
21:22.37filelgj: so it's in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds?
21:22.38MikeJ[Laptop]lgj, that message means the file does not exist (at least in the sounds dir where it is looking)
21:22.54lgjfile, yeah it is in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
21:22.59lgjboth as .wav and .ulaw
21:23.07lgjI tried the simple stuff :P
21:23.09filelgj: try a playback and see if it sees it
21:23.12MikeJ[Laptop]slak-, ztcfg
21:23.23filejust like make an extension that plays it back
21:23.33lgjI am wondering if I have to set a translator manualy on a requested channel outside of the pbx stack context
21:23.53lgjfile, this is all inside of a custom module the pbx's config...etc. doesn't come into play.
21:23.54slak-output of ztcfg
21:24.19filelgj: start simple, make sure playback can play back the file first
21:24.33filelgj: because if another application can't do it, then start looking outside of your module
21:24.49lgjfile, yeah way past that... was using a stock sound before my test sound
21:25.01lgjfile, that was gsm format and it said the same thing.
21:25.03MikeJ[Laptop]slak-, ok so ztcfg is failing, which is why you are getting the messages when you start asterisk..
21:25.17MikeJ[Laptop]somthing is messed in your zaptel.conf
21:25.20lgjI belive I have missed some initalzation on the channel, even tho it bridges and passes audio just fine
21:25.31slak-Mike im using a working copy from v1.0 stable
21:25.34fugitivolgj: remove the .wav, leave only the gsm
21:25.35lgjMikeJ[Laptop], thats what I told him... :)
21:25.35MikeJ[Laptop]restart with sample confs and try again
21:25.49MikeJ[Laptop]restart with sample confs from the version you are using and try again
21:26.08lgjfugitivo, but it isn't finding it in any format... thats the issue. you have experiance with custom code?
21:26.09slak-dude only thing i need to add to zaptel.conf is fxsks=1-4
21:26.27slak-Found a Wildcard TDM: Wildcard TDM400P REV E/F (3 modules)
21:26.28MikeJ[Laptop]ok, don't take my advice... good luck then.
21:26.45fugitivolgj: it says "unable to open", maybe the file format is incorrect, leave only the gsm and try again
21:26.58slak-thanks mike
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21:27.30lgjfugitivo, yeah I was using a stock sound file that comes from the install and it still didn't work that is why I thought it was a transcode issue
21:27.38blachWell, IAXtel doesn't work, and upon someone's recommendation I signed up for FWD last night, but now /it/ is not working (at least via IAX2) -- are there any other services which are more reliable?  I realize of course that they are free.
21:28.13MikeJ[Laptop]blach, yes..
21:28.22lgjblach, pay for your service :)
21:28.38blachNah, I am only playing around for fun.
21:28.46blachNone of my friends use VoIP stuff anyway
21:28.59lgjblach then set up and asterisk box for them :)
21:29.01Darwin35voip is the schnizzle
21:29.03Sedoroxblach: stupid question.. but did you actually sign up for the iax2 fwd? there is a checkbox you have to check for it.. or else it won't work...
21:29.14blachSedorox: yes , it was working superbly last night
21:29.23Sedoroxany errors on the commandline?
21:29.28Sedoroxeither just sitting or when you dial?
21:29.36lgjblach, do you see it registed ? and/or can you find fwd ?
21:29.38Sedoroxor receive...
21:29.39lgjer ping
21:30.05MikeJ[Laptop]hi ho.. hi ho...
21:30.10blachNo, now it registers, but when trying to place or receive a call (the callme application gets through to me about 1/5 times , actually), then it de-registers and goes through a re-registration process -- which is slower than usual
21:30.32blachHave not succeeded in making any outgoing calls, but the CallMe app works sometimes
21:31.00blachIs anyone else currently connected to FWD via IAX2 only
21:31.02SedoroxI've never used the call me.. hear it sucks... :p
21:31.08SedoroxI haven't tried recently
21:31.11Sedoroxbut mine did work
21:31.12fugitivoblach: yes
21:31.14slak-ok fixed
21:31.24Sedoroxblach: the other thing.. try dialing their echotest...
21:31.34Sedoroxthats what I usually use for testing
21:31.56blachSedorox: Tried.  Not getting through.  As I said the problem seems to be that the registration process takes several minutes.  Finally it says "registered" but cannot make outbound calls
21:32.21Sedoroxyea.. but.. I think it should still dial through even tho it isn't registered
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21:32.29Sedoroxregister I believe is only for incoming calls...
21:32.39Sedoroxsomeone correct me if I'm wrong...
21:32.58fileyou're not.
21:33.02Sedoroxwhat does iax2 'show peers' show?
21:33.06Sedorox'iax2 show peers'
21:33.08Sedoroxfile: kk
21:33.16fugitivothe peers
21:33.16gravemindshows the peers associated with the iax2 module
21:33.43gravemindplaces calls might be routed to as configured in iax.conf
21:33.49blachshows that i am connected
21:33.55Sedoroxhmmm ok
21:34.14blachShow registry, however, shows "request sent"
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21:36.58blachWhat # is the echo test -- 613?
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21:37.19Sedoroxweird.. getting respond 503..
21:37.28Sedoroxthen again.. this box is f*d right now.. so.. :p
21:37.34Sedoroxhaven't reconfigured asterisk for my dormnet
21:37.58blachWell -- i can dial toll free calls through FWD so maybe my dialplan is hosed
21:38.04blachi dont think i changed anything since last night :O
21:38.05Sedoroxcould be...
21:38.23SedoroxFWD       (S)  4569      OK (851 ms)
21:38.34fileI think their server is a little overloaded
21:38.42blachHowever the registration, deregistration thing does make me think they're having server problems .. oh hey wow
21:38.46blachlook at that
21:39.07fileprobably reached the scalability that one would hope, and went over the edge
21:39.18filetoo many registrations...
21:39.19Sedoroxyet I only have a 26ms ping...
21:39.21fileand packets...
21:39.27Sedoroxcould be
21:39.44filebacklog in the socket queue....
21:39.47fileyay ellipses
21:42.10blachOkay well at least I know that the problem is on their end now
21:42.29Sedoroxmost likely
21:42.58Sedoroxmy computer (and equip) is really pissing me off today :-/
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21:43.47fileeep oej
21:44.00blachAre there any ATAs that speak IAX2?  I want to give my dad an "extension" on my home system, but he lives 2 hours away and my * system is behind a firewall so I don't want to mess with SIP
21:45.04SedoroxI've sene a few on ebay...
21:45.14Sedoroxand _ I think _
21:45.18Sedoroxbut I don't know the brand off-hand
21:45.58blachAh , here's one made by digium
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21:46.54EmrahAnyone has an idea or some example names for commercial sip stacks please?
21:47.29EmrahI'd like to developpe an open source SIP / IAX2 software maybe and I'm looking for some SIP Stacks.
21:47.36blessendoes anyone have working configiration for asterisk with vonage..i mean the sip.conf entry and extension.conf entry
21:47.37Rav1974shido6: still no joy.  something wrong with the config of the TE110p
21:47.52file[laptop]blessen: you can only use Asterisk with vonage on their softphone option
21:48.30blachblessen: as file said, you have to "upgrade" to the softphone option, or pay for a business account
21:48.50blessenyes..i hav softphone account and i can register it without any issues..but i cannot make calls using this account..and canot pickup any calls
21:49.24Rav1974I went thru various docs about the settings from TE110p to ADIT 600 to the letter.  The ADIT's T1 light doesn't go green.  (LOOPBACK to it is fine).
21:49.25blessenHost                            Username       Refresh State     <my number >        15 Registered
21:49.26blachblessen: go to and search for vonage asterisk
21:49.34*** join/#asterisk fugitivo_ (n=ajf@
21:49.55blesseni did what is said there....i can make calls between the extensions which i have created...but not to any other number :-(
21:50.05blachblessen: in sip.conf make sure your context= puts incoming calls into the correct context
21:50.24blachblessen: as far as the outgoing calls, what does the Dial command in your dialplan look like
21:50.43blesseni dial from softphone and i am using asterisk@home
21:51.01blessenwhen ever i dial i get busy message
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21:51.53lgjfile, figured it out :)
21:52.06lgjthanks all for your ideas
21:52.06oihelp to a newbie!
21:52.07file[laptop]what was it?
21:52.13file[laptop]oi: if you don't ask a question, we can't help
21:52.19blachblessen: Yes What does the Dial command in your extensions.conf look like?
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21:52.28clyrradwhat is the best way to have your main menu play back 2 times automatically then hangup the call?
21:52.46oiwhy is it that i got my analog phone configure.. and all i get is reorder tone when calling anyone?
21:52.49blachclyrrad: use a global variable and gotoif ?
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21:52.59blessen;exten => _1<my number>,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:2}@vonage,,r)
21:53.07lgjI feel stupid for it, i didn't have the format module loaded... but the asterisk code should say no formats loaded instead of just error :)
21:53.09file[laptop]oi: because your dialplan isn't setup correctly?
21:53.10oimy sip phone works fine.
21:53.14clyrradblach... Will give it a shot, thanks
21:53.23oiyes, I know that
21:53.38oithat is why i am asking for
21:53.41blachblessen: that ought to say Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:2}@vonage,,r) should it not?
21:53.45blachyou need the server name in there
21:53.49file[laptop]oi: well we're not psychic - we don't know how you call out
21:54.03oii use 9 to call out.
21:54.13file[laptop]oi: I mean provider wise
21:54.19oibut even if i call internally it gives me the reorder tone.
21:54.22file[laptop]oi: as well, does anything show up on the Asterisk CLI?
21:54.32blessendidnt get you...i just took that entry from the site and psted it by changing to my details
21:54.46file[laptop]oi: are your phones registered? have you done a sip debug to see what your phones are doing?
21:54.48blessenand in sip.conf...
21:54.53file[laptop]oi: are they going to the right context?
21:54.55blessenusername=<my vo id>
21:54.55blessensecret=<my void pass>
21:54.59EmrahAnone knows how to change the disa timeout? When I dial like _413. for international for example, I have to wait 10 seconds and then 5 seconds to establish the connection
21:55.10EmrahAlso, no idea for my SIP Stack?
21:55.22oii got internal-extensions context configure
21:55.23EmrahJust to tell me if you have an idea for some SIP Stacks
21:55.33blachblessen: i dunno then
21:55.40blachblessen: does the console give any clues?
21:55.55oiwith exten => 300,1,dial(zap/1|15)
21:56.24oithe sip phone with exten => 301,1,dial(sip/301|15)
21:56.36oinow the sip can dial de zap.. but the zap can not dial de sip.
21:56.49file[laptop]well is the zap setup to go to that context?
21:56.51blesseni get busy signal and at console it says playing busy
21:56.57fugitivo_my iax2 calls are not stables
21:57.05fugitivo_random hungup
21:57.07oion the zapata.conf file.. i got it connfigure with context=internal-extensions
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21:57.21file[laptop]oi: it's a pure configuration issue and I'm going to watch Doctor Who
21:59.15oianyone can offer help??
22:00.56blachoi: First, can you call the ATA from another, known, working  extension
22:02.20*** join/#asterisk pifiu (n=myassisb@
22:02.43pifiudoes anyone know the # to dial to enable call fowarding?
22:02.48pifiufor bellsouth
22:02.49oiof course
22:02.55pifiulike 74#, 73# wtf is it
22:04.29blach*73 ?
22:04.50blachoi: is this an ATA or is it a zaptel PCI card
22:04.58oiguys thanks .. i got my issue covered
22:05.08oiit is a pci
22:05.25oiI just found out that was the context not in the right order.
22:06.18oiI got another question.. how can I configure autoattendand.. meaning recording and allowing things to happen when we access the autoattendant
22:06.38bkw__go read the docs
22:06.50bkw__the extensions.conf has a good example
22:07.30pifiublach nope
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22:08.45blachpifiu:  google "bellsouth call forwarding" and the answer is there in the very first link
22:08.51JunK-Ysomeone know how to fix ?
22:09.01blachI think we should teach schoolchildren the wonders of google from an early age
22:11.25pifiuWOW lol i feel retarded
22:11.27pifiulet me go try that
22:12.15hmodesis anyone aware of a legitimate case where a sip 183 sess progress can have 0 length sdp?
22:12.22hmodes'cause * doesn't seem to account for it
22:12.23pifiuno doesnt work
22:12.23EmrahAnyone can help me? It's not difficult if you know some Open sources or commercial SIP Stacks?
22:12.33blachpifiu: what did you try?
22:12.44file[laptop]hmodes: no... that scenario should never occur...
22:13.04hmodesyeah, that's kindof what i thought
22:13.11hmodesprogress should == audio ;p
22:13.23EmrahAnyone can help me? It's not difficult if you know some Open sources or commercial SIP Stacks?
22:13.26file[laptop]well, session progress is inband audio...
22:13.53file[laptop]if you have no SDP... then no inband audio... no progress... makes no sense
22:13.57blachpifui: then look in the front of your phonebook. they always used to have the codes there
22:16.23pifiunope nothing there
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22:18.02blachfifui: then call them tomorrow, but since their webpage says it's 82 #, your guess is as good as mine.
22:19.38pifiuyeah ill see what they say
22:19.39pifiuthanks man
22:19.44oifile... i got my problem solve
22:20.44oiblach: what is the site again?
22:21.12clyrradblach... almost able to get it going with GotoIf exten => s,4,GotoIf($[${MENU_REPEAT} = 3]?14:1) but I get a syntax error on the CLI, my syntax looks correct to me can you see the issue?
22:21.58EmrahDo you know where I should search to find some OS SIP Stacks and some commercial of them?
22:22.27Ariel_JunK-Y, do you have the kernel source
22:22.46oiany one got an idea of how to setup autoattendant?
22:23.28Emrahoi: would help you
22:24.00clyrradany takers on the above syntax problem that I posted?
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22:31.35vetterok gurus... sip --> * box ---> pstn (x100p clone) --> normal landline.  The person on the landline hears echo of what they are saying.  If I call extention to extension over sip, I can hear myself in the headset as well, any ideas?
22:33.38Romikvetter: play with rx/txgain
22:34.38vetterok, but I am also getting the same exact thing when I go sip --> * --> sip trunk -->pstn phone
22:40.43MikeJ[Laptop]vetter, sounds like that is being introduced from the sip phone..
22:40.51MikeJ[Laptop]what kind of phone is it?
22:41.26MikeJ[Laptop]bkw_, yes indeed
22:42.28opus__hey whats up
22:42.37opus__no jitterbuffer in 1.2, awww
22:42.43JunK-Ysomeone know how to fix ?
22:42.48MikeJ[Laptop]big rainstorm in southern US.
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22:43.41vetterits a xten softphone
22:44.02bkw__opus__, clarify.. no sip/rtp jitter buffer
22:44.02MikeJ[Laptop]JunK-Y, use somthing other than debian?
22:44.03opus__JunK-Y - umm, add -m64 or something to line 30?
22:44.21bkw__and it better be there
22:44.28JunK-YMikeJ[Laptop]: i need a better solution than that.
22:44.37bkw__ya know what
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22:44.46bkw__the jitter buffer code should be pluggable
22:45.03opus__and licensed by microsoft
22:47.03opus__Results of Search in 1976 to present db for:
22:47.03opus__"jitter buffer": 139 patents.
22:47.04*** join/#asterisk Nav (
22:47.19bkw__oh fuck the patents
22:47.35mog_hom1in soviet russia
22:47.39mog_hom1patents fuck you
22:47.46bkw__or the buffer jitters you!
22:47.57Navor in europe :-)
22:47.58MikeJ[Laptop]in america, so do convicts if you are in jail?
22:48.03Navbye bye software patents :-)
22:48.06fugitivo_patents sucks
22:48.18mog_hom1patents make sense
22:48.20mog_hom1for somethings
22:48.23mog_hom1like codecs
22:48.25bkw__just not softwaare
22:48.26opus__In a private line multiplexing device a multi-priority buffering system is used to control the transmission of supervisory signaling information and normal messages onto an available communication channel.
22:48.27bkw__and NOT codecs
22:48.29opus__uh oh
22:48.30Navanyone aware of any changes to chan_sip in 1.2.0 which would cause authentication problems?
22:48.33mog_hom1why not bkw
22:48.38bkw__its software
22:48.44mog_hom1its a formula
22:48.49mog_hom1like a drug
22:48.56bkw__ok so you're saying you can patent 2+2?
22:48.58mog_hom1is a little diff than just software
22:49.16bkw__I don't think it is
22:49.22mog_hom1no but can you patent nuclear fusion formulas?
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22:49.24bkw__I just despise patents en general
22:49.40mog_hom1same, most are dumb
22:49.42fugitivo_it's not the idea, it's how you implement the idea
22:49.42opus__software patents are dumb
22:49.54opus__fug except if software
22:49.59mog_hom1but there is only one way to do g729
22:50.00NavI have an account with - under 1.0.9 everything works. If I update to 1.2.0 beta then calls fail with authentication errors (same config, just hit redial)
22:50.07Navdowngrading makes everything work again
22:50.07vetterok i have 2 x100p clone cards, do I need ztdummy to provide timing or do the clone cards have it?
22:50.10Navseems rather odd
22:50.13mog_hom1but i dont really care
22:50.15mog_hom1im gone
22:50.23opus__vetter the cards will do it if your config is setup correctly
22:50.33MikeJ[Laptop]Nav, did you read UPGRADE.txt
22:50.38opus__Nav - some of the configs changed, see upgrade
22:50.42bkw__mog_hom1, so when are we switching to SVN?
22:51.02MikeJ[Laptop]Nav, check the sample confs from 1.2... too many changes to remember...
22:51.08mog_hom1bkw_ what makes you think i would have access to such proprietary info...
22:51.14Navthe only thing it mentions are port->bindport and "The "Registry" event now uses "Username" rather than "User" for
22:51.20opus__bkw - the latest SVN _will_ corrupt your work every 1000 revisions or so in my experience
22:51.24fugitivo_mog_hom1: sure, there's only one way to do g729, but you can do g723, or something else
22:51.43X-RobThat's nice of it.
22:51.47mog_hom1it makes sense to me to have patents for codecs
22:51.47bkw__opus__, really?
22:51.50mog_hom1not for scroll bars
22:51.56X-RobBut, I've never had any problems with it.
22:52.00opus__bkw - yeah every once and a while I'll find control data in my code
22:52.03bkw__using db? or fs?
22:52.04mog_hom1or i patent the ipod
22:52.07MikeJ[Laptop]Nav, when you find it, please let us know, it means we missed somthing in upgrade file
22:52.17bkw__opus__, using it over NFS/Samba?
22:52.26opus__could never recreate it. I think it might be an issue with dates/times and NFS
22:52.28opus__bkw nfs
22:52.34bkw__problem solved
22:52.50bkw__thats a NO NO unless you have strict posix locking
22:52.58bkw__and locking on NFS is just shit
22:53.05MikeJ[Laptop]it's documented up the wazzu in svn docs
22:53.10opus__funny. everyone is bitching that microsoft patent the ipod so apple will have to pay microsoft, except that microsoft owns 20% of apple.
22:53.13NavMike9: ok, no prob
22:53.24Navdamn autocomplete
22:53.26*** part/#asterisk Karucha (n=Karucha@
22:54.00MikeJ[Laptop]somone kick that namestealer so we don't have autocomplete issues like this anymore
22:54.01opus__strick locking ? does samba have strick locking or something
22:54.24MikeJ[Laptop]opus__, no... run svn local to the store.
22:54.31bkw__samba locking is better than NFS thats for sure
22:54.50MikeJ[Laptop]save yourself heartache
22:54.50opus__i've had some nightmears with samba locking, the samba team just gave up on my bug report :(
22:54.58opus__but that was under windows
22:55.02*** join/#asterisk hanchi (
22:56.16*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
22:56.17hanchitrying to set up asterisk for the first time, i followed the example in "The Little Asterisk Book" by Andy Powell, and I keep getting wrong password errors for the sip registration.
22:56.31JunK-Yopus__: why add -m64 exactly??
22:57.11hanchiedited sip.conf again and confirmed the entries and reset passwork in Xlite
22:57.19RoyKbkw_: ping
22:57.39lgjhanchi, 1.2 beta or current stable ?
22:58.01hanchigot from CVS, let me check
22:58.14hanchiis on fedora core
22:58.32lgjfor a first timer I would say get the release 1.0.9 and then your book should be appro
22:58.36hanchiis there a CLI command to get the version
22:58.49lgjwhen you connect to it's console
22:58.59lgjasterisk -rc
22:58.59JunK-Yhanchi: show version
22:59.14lgjit is also there when you first connect
22:59.19Navwhich is blank on 1.2.0beta1 :-)
22:59.22JunK-Yor asterisk -V from shell
22:59.37NavAsterisk  built by root@virtual on a i686 running Linux on 2005-08-28 18:07:57 UTC
22:59.48bkw__roulduke, what did ya need?
23:00.22lgjhanchi, my guess is you have cvs HEAD, and that has minor config diffrences from stable, I would say get the 1.0.9 current realease
23:00.29hanchiAsterisk CVS-HEAD built by root@asterisk.police on a i686 running Linux on 2005-08-27 05:50:24 UTC
23:00.39*** join/#asterisk Arnaud (n=StorM@
23:00.53hanchiwe are a police department
23:00.59hanchithis is for a project at the new city hall
23:01.01bkw__and you use asterisk
23:01.07opus__JunK-Y are you using a 64bit os?
23:01.07hanchii am a computer crimes investigator
23:01.09bkw__remind me to never call you guys for help
23:01.11fugitivo_police department using asterisk?
23:01.17bkw__hanchi, kewl....
23:01.23*** join/#asterisk litage (n=nick@
23:01.24mog_hom1there are people using 911 for asterisk
23:01.24lgjhanchi, yep i havn't played with cvs-head yet so can't help you really, like I said your book was writen for 1.0.x
23:01.25*** join/#asterisk mithro (
23:01.34hanchiit's for city hall, not us
23:01.34opus__mog - where?
23:01.44lgjhanchi, and your using cvs-head ?
23:01.45mog_hom1some different places
23:01.46hanchiyou would have a good laugh if you knew what we were using for phones
23:01.49mog_hom1they call in to support
23:02.03fugitivohanchi: softphones?
23:02.33hanchii will wipe the box and do a clean install of fedora core 4, and load the 1.0.9, and try again
23:02.48*** join/#asterisk Storm (
23:02.55MikeJ[Laptop]you really don't need to do this
23:03.13hanchijust trying to setup a test platform, will use Cisco 7960 at the install site
23:03.15MikeJ[Laptop]what is your problem
23:03.23lgjMikeJ[Laptop], you can handle him, I gotta go ppl.
23:03.25MikeJ[Laptop]those work fine w/ head
23:03.51hanchikeep getting wrong password erros on the sip registration for the xlite phone
23:03.54MikeJ[Laptop]so what's broke
23:04.14*** part/#asterisk Romik (
23:04.21hanchiAug 28 17:59:49 NOTICE[2777]: chan_sip.c:9835 handle_request_register: Registrat
23:04.21hanchi0.86>' failed for '' - Wrong password
23:04.28MikeJ[Laptop]xlite works for me.
23:04.46hanchichecked sip.conf and it matches the example given, and confirmed in xlite
23:04.47MikeJ[Laptop]do you have the pwd in xlite.
23:05.01MikeJ[Laptop]what does sip debug tell you?
23:05.30hanchiyes, went back and went to system settings, sip proxy, and put it in again, and updated settings, several times
23:05.49MikeJ[Laptop]what does sip debug tell you?
23:05.51hanchino luck, rebooted asterisk box, and pc, and restared xlite, same error
23:06.32hanchiwhat do i need to do for sip debug
23:07.00MikeJ[Laptop]type sip debug
23:07.09MikeJ[Laptop]that is my sip.conf for my xlite
23:07.36MikeJ[Laptop]and enable debug to console in logger.conf
23:07.55*** join/#asterisk trash (
23:09.25opus__the SIP over TCP patch looks cool
23:09.30opus__because it uses TLS
23:09.41opus__although I think SIP over TCP isn't cool, TLS is cool
23:11.04blessenDoes anyone have working configuration for asterisk with vonage.....
23:11.16hanchilooking at sip debug results, all i see that jumps out is SIP/2.0 403 forbidden
23:11.25fugitivoblessen: vonage doesn't work with asterisk
23:11.30blesseni mean the sip.conf entry and extension.conf entries...i tried the ones on the net but didnt work
23:11.38blessendoes vonage work with sipx
23:11.46opus__fugitivo i think i recall it does if you have a sip account
23:12.09fugitivosomebody said it only works with vonage bussiness
23:12.38blessenis it...???? do you know why it will not work
23:12.39opus__doh " is not possible to connect Asterisk (or any other SIP UA) directly to your standard Vonage service. "
23:13.06MikeJ[Laptop]hanchi,can you pastebin that
23:13.12h3x0rpeople would be running call centers and shit with it if you could
23:13.29fugitivoblessen: it seems it's blocked by vonage, not an asterisk issue
23:14.19Blake0PSyou could do it analog-ly but that's a kludge
23:14.34blessendoes vonage works with sipx pbx ..any ideaaaaaaaa
23:15.01h3x0rblessen someone already answered your question
23:15.08dudesread !
23:15.26h3x0rirc needs some kind of CTCP to highlight a previous line
23:15.28h3x0rand make it blink
23:15.31h3x0ropus__ doh " is not possible to connect Asterisk (or any other SIP UA) directly to your standard Vonage service. "
23:15.39X-Rob'Pay attention you fuckwit' usually works.
23:15.44opus__it already does
23:16.00hanchiit is 14 lines long, do you want me to paste it all
23:16.01dudesX-Rob - haha
23:16.01h3x0rvonage smonage
23:16.07h3x0rthey suck anyway
23:16.13blessenh3x0r: i didnt see the reply
23:16.19dudesNever f'ed with Vonage
23:16.28h3x0rblessen, there was like 3 followup msgs to his msg
23:16.36dudesI think they are nazi's
23:16.46h3x0rI wonder if vonage still runs on cisco call manager
23:16.53h3x0rthat deal must have made cisco rich
23:17.02blessenok got it
23:17.05NavMikeJ[Laptop]: ok - for UPDATE.TXT - details of the [authentication] block and auth=user:secret@realm stuff would be really helpful - it works once that's in there
23:17.06fugitivocisco was rich before vonage
23:17.08dudesI know I can clear theit damn locked out boxes now
23:17.15NavI guess the older stuff is now ignored
23:17.42Nav(details of which bits can be trimmed from the config once that's in there would help too
23:17.52Navthanks for the help guys :-)
23:17.56h3x0rwell im sure they have more ccm licenses than anybody else on earth
23:18.11litagewhich distro is most commonly and most successfully used for an asterisk server?
23:18.23h3x0rfedora core 2
23:18.35fugitivolitage: don't do that question :)
23:18.47dudesDebian is better
23:18.47Navdunno - I have a pile of slackware machines running 1.0.9 happily, but if you can build it, chances are it'll work
23:19.00h3x0rhe didnt ask what distro was better
23:19.20Navthe sensible answer is "whichever you're most familiar with"
23:19.31fugitivoh3x0r: well, it's almost the same "most commonly and most successfully"
23:19.34h3x0rfc2 sucks balls, but its one of the few you can just do a "make install" and everything works
23:19.49fugitivoi like gentoo, just "emerge asterisk" and it works
23:19.51h3x0rand dont have to dig for a 3rd party init script
23:20.02h3x0rfugitivo: but is that stable or head
23:20.11mog_kinda_homei think they use 109
23:20.16fugitivoh3x0r: depends on the ebuild, by default it's stable
23:20.29h3x0rthats nice
23:20.29*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (n=ScaredyC@
23:20.40h3x0rbut gentoo is a retard to install unless you start with stage 3 which defeats the purpose
23:20.46fugitivoanyways, i downloaded today 1.2-beta source and did make &&make install and it worked without problems
23:21.03mog_kinda_homestage 1 isnt that bad on real hardware
23:21.09h3x0rdid you compile zaptel too?
23:21.19fugitivoh3x0r: if you use good software it's easy and fast
23:21.23fugitivosorry, good hardware :)
23:21.27h3x0rmog_kinda_home: well nor is make world on freebsd, but the thing is its a hell of a lot of commands on gentoo
23:21.32fugitivoh3x0r: libpri, zaptel and asterisk
23:21.35h3x0rand if you forget to do something you get to start over
23:21.43mog_kinda_homeemerge -upv world
23:21.47mog_kinda_homehow hard is that
23:22.14fugitivogentoo is easy after you install 2 or 3 boxes
23:22.21h3x0rim so glad theres not 100 different bsd "distros"
23:22.28*** join/#asterisk comadreja (n=comadrej@pdpc/supporter/active/comadreja)
23:22.28fugitivothey're going to release a graphic installation soon
23:22.52h3x0roh god
23:22.56ScaredyCatgentoo is for ppl with too much time on their hands...
23:22.58blessenso inoder to get my asterisk server working..i have to use some other voip provider or upgrade my vonage account right....which one do you all suggest and ..and if i am going to chose a voip provider which one is the best and works with asterisk server@home
23:22.58h3x0rthats like putting a gui on SVR1
23:23.05ScaredyCator 20 boxen with distcc
23:23.12fugitivoScaredyCat: wrong
23:23.13h3x0rScaredyCat: Amen brother
23:23.20clyrradcan anyone tell me how to allow asterisk to make international calls?  To a number 011.........., I know this should be in extensions.conf but can not figure out how to get it working... does anyone have an example?
23:23.38h3x0rif gentoo is gonna steal everything from netbsd then why dosent it have ports... err wait a minute
23:23.43h3x0rit sort of does.
23:23.46fugitivoScaredyCat: who uses gentoo, knows that any upgrade, update or new package install will be easy and fast to do
23:23.54Navclyrrad: that'd depend what channel type or provider you're dialling through
23:24.00*** join/#asterisk methos (
23:24.04clyrradI am using IAX2
23:24.17h3x0ryou know all redhat variants are a royal pain in the ass now that rpmfind is gone
23:24.19Darwin35the only way to go
23:24.22h3x0rer findrpm or whatever
23:24.23ScaredyCatwas that a question  fugitivo
23:24.31fugitivoScaredyCat: no
23:24.48fugitivoand excuse me, but compiling on redhat was always a pain in the ass
23:24.59h3x0ri didnt mean compiling, i mean installing packages
23:25.01clyrradNav.. the provider is FreeWorldTel
23:25.10fugitivoi don't like packages
23:25.15ScaredyCatgentoo is fine if you have the time,quite frankly I'd rather install a distro direct and be able to get on with what I want to do...
23:25.16h3x0rwhy make your cpu do all the work that one did already
23:25.29Darwin35thats why you move to fbsd and use the ports
23:25.39Darwin35it does all the work for you
23:25.46h3x0rhell yeah dude
23:25.47fugitivoScaredyCat: you need the time to INSTALL it, after that, it's easier to mantain than any distor
23:25.49h3x0rfreebsd rules
23:25.52h3x0rjust not with zaptel, yet
23:25.52ScaredyCatrpm's emerge yum are for the weak...
23:25.59Darwin35yes we have zaptel
23:26.01hanchiyour sip.conf looks like it worked, great! thanks for the help.
23:26.08Darwin35its in ports
23:26.14Darwin35and libpri
23:26.18h3x0rbut it still isnt stable with t1s is it
23:26.20Darwin35and bristuff
23:26.30h3x0rwhich stable branch
23:26.50Darwin35I think 1.0.9 is whats in ports
23:26.57Darwin35but I use head
23:26.59h3x0ri mean
23:27.10h3x0rbranch of freebsd
23:27.15h3x0r5.x ?
23:27.27Darwin35I am on 6.0
23:27.35h3x0rhow do you compile head on freebsd then
23:27.45h3x0rarent there a bunch of patches in ports
23:27.47Darwin35it compiles righ t out the box
23:28.02h3x0ri cant believe you were able to do this without a seperate makefile
23:28.16h3x0rwell i can believe it but didnt seem feasible for sanity
23:28.36h3x0rhehe has anybody tried it with FreeSBIE yet
23:28.40Darwin35just edit the rex make file and add -L/usr/local/lib to the odbc line
23:28.53Darwin35thats it
23:29.13h3x0rany bad bugs?
23:29.35Navright, time to go see what's new in 1.2 - thanks for the help
23:29.38Darwin35I am working on spandsp now
23:30.06Darwin35I ave no issues but I dont use sip phones all our phones are iax2
23:30.25fugitivoDarwin35: what phones do you use?
23:30.44Darwin35aka netweb 401
23:31.46*** join/#asterisk apardo (
23:32.38fugitivoDarwin35: is that the atcom 320?
23:33.00*** join/#asterisk Snake-Eyes (n=blog@
23:33.16Darwin35no  they are formerly
23:33.26Darwin35now a diff company
23:33.41fugitivoit looks like the same phone
23:33.44*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
23:33.46ScaredyCatfrom china..?
23:34.05Darwin35ok maybe it is the 320 this one is not marked
23:34.15Darwin35its got the pa-1688 chip
23:34.21fugitivodo you have problems hanging up?
23:34.52h3x0rdoes it do g.729
23:35.18ScaredyCatthat looks like the phone on ...
23:35.20Darwin35the x200 is the newer ver
23:35.30ScaredyCattried one of those... ugly buggers
23:35.31Darwin35and I am waiting for 1 to arrrive
23:35.40Darwin35not with new flash
23:35.44Darwin35they work great
23:36.03fugitivoi don't like it
23:36.36Darwin35they have serveral diff ones
23:36.41ScaredyCatif they're anything like the iax ata's then they'll have the same security flaw..
23:36.56fugitivoScaredyCat: what security flaw?
23:37.06Darwin35yeah what sec flaw
23:37.47ScaredyCatthe one where you can download an app from the manuf. site and scan the network for phones and reconfigure them without needing a password
23:38.11*** join/#asterisk kshumard (
23:38.12Darwin35the palmtool
23:38.46Darwin35we dont have ours on the open net
23:38.59Darwin35ours are to our asterisk box only
23:39.14Darwin35and the palm tool does not work on unix
23:39.20Darwin35so no issue
23:39.24ScaredyCatimho it's a major flaw - particularly as the app if freely available...
23:39.51ScaredyCatstopped us doing a deployment it's just a big hole...
23:40.45fugitivohow do you reconfigure it without a password?
23:41.26X-RobScaredyCat - you turn off 'debug' on the Phone or ATA and it won't respond to palmtool any more.
23:42.00X-Robit's just a big 'didn't rtfm' to be specific
23:42.14ScaredyCatthere wat no fm
23:42.31ScaredyCatjust some dodgy CD that no drive we tried it on could read
23:43.11X-RobIT's on's website (the PA1688 manufacturers)
23:50.16MikeJ[Laptop]hanchi, what change fixed it?
23:52.18Darwin351.44040 firmware for them is now out\
23:52.28florzany hints how one easiest/cheapest could connect ~ 80 analog phones to an asterisk?
23:52.56h3x0rfxs channel banks and a quad t1 card
23:53.33*** join/#asterisk Tincho (n=martin@
23:53.49florzwell, yeah channel banks is pretty obvious, I'd say, but any particular recommendations for that kind of size? =:-)
23:54.08h3x0rthey only come in 24's or 30's (t1/e1)
23:55.30h3x0rso you need 4 t1 ones and you get 96 ports
23:55.59*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
23:56.50florzuh, difficult math =:-)
23:57.14h3x0rbut are you sure you wanna do that
23:57.19Zilasbhave anybody played with areskicc?
23:57.31Ariel_is anyone having fwd problems with iax2 setups?
23:57.31h3x0rflorz: how are you connecting to the telco
23:57.58florzh3x0r: not at all yet, and nope, not sure at all about anything at all ... ;-)
23:58.11h3x0rintercom calls?!
23:58.32florzh3x0r: I'm just gathering information on possibilities ...
23:59.02h3x0rwell keep in mind that if you do it this way and use voip to connect to the telco your asterisk box is going to have a difficult time compressing and echo canning 80 calls
23:59.07h3x0runless you spend some bank on it
23:59.36h3x0rif you are doing t1/e1 then you need two cards

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