irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050826

00:00.22*** join/#asterisk eldu (
00:02.15zoanone of those are the real thing
00:02.27zoathe real thing is pink and says "asstricks inside"
00:03.25Fremannone of them are 80x15
00:03.51supaigtrshmaltz: vpm?
00:05.03*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@
00:05.38Assidcan someone help me
00:05.51Assidi am trying to setup inbound context to handle a DID
00:06.03Assidbut.. it keeps saying Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach '2122398008@'
00:06.15*** join/#asterisk roulduke_ (
00:09.39bkw_I need people to call 8666799920 ext 665
00:09.48bkw_just a few.. please
00:10.00*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
00:10.27Assidcan someone help me on this.. thats a live number
00:10.35Assidand it just refuses to pick it up
00:11.20supaigtrAssid: What was the problem?
00:11.33Assidit just doesnt pickup the call
00:11.41websaeanyone here use teliax?
00:11.43Assidand it says rejected connect attempt
00:12.01supaigtrIs this a IAX inbound?
00:12.02mmlj4websae: gimme a few days
00:12.08Assidi have a exten => 2122398008,1,Answer
00:12.14Assidyes its inbound
00:12.28criptosassid, you don have to Answer :)
00:12.45Assidso what am i missing here?
00:12.45criptosyou need to dial a channel :) What phones are u using?
00:13.12supaigtrIt looks like the call is being rejected from IP.
00:13.43Assidthe 66.234 ip ?
00:17.17*** join/#asterisk lung (
00:20.59websaeanyone using gentoo here?
00:24.19Assidcriptos: are u sure thats not my issue and is a provider issue ?
00:24.33paulcAssid: try insecure=very
00:24.46*** part/#asterisk criptos (n=criptos@
00:26.41*** join/#asterisk Gronker__ (n=Gronker2@
00:26.44*** join/#asterisk ledoktre (n=jon@
00:26.52ledoktrehello, all :-)
00:27.09pablassohi there
00:27.46ledoktreI have a <hopefully> simple question, regarding a discrepency I am finding with a IAX to SIP migration.
00:28.54pablassowhen i try to receive faxes it keeps sending "Training error" what could it be?
00:29.03Assiddo i put that in the context in the iax ?
00:30.12Assiddidnt work
00:30.35ledoktreI am working at migrating an office full of IAXy boxes to the Sipura SPA-1001's.  I am noticing on my SPA-841 (A Sipura Sip phone), and on the 1001's, when you dial any extension on the system, sip or iax, there is a good 5-10 second pause.  No errors.  Pick up an extension still using IAXy, dials immediately.  Any ideas?
00:33.01*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
00:33.55*** join/#asterisk NormAst (
00:34.07NormAstHi All... Long time now type!
00:34.13NormAstnow = no
00:34.13*** part/#asterisk aminorex (
00:34.28Assidpaulc: that didnt work
00:34.32nick125ledoktre: maybe theres some kind of connection issue where it takes a while to connect to the sip phones
00:34.50NormAstAny one able to get NFAS working on a DMS100 switch?
00:35.04pr0mok.  i've narrowed down my broadvoice problem...
00:35.33pr0mit seems that i'm able to register and make a connection using udp port 5060...
00:35.47supaigtrNormAst: Well kinda.
00:35.58pr0mbut the rtp stream for audio is only outbound at my gateway.
00:36.12pr0mno inbound rtp packets from broadvoice.
00:36.53pr0mhere's the real kicker.... the tech at broadvoice can call me over an ip-to-ip connection.
00:36.59*** join/#asterisk JunK-C (i=junky@
00:37.11pr0mwe think it's the pstn-to-ip translation that's getting mucked up.
00:37.26pr0mdo ya'll have any ideas how to fix this or where to look next?
00:37.36*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
00:37.48rg1_Is there a place I can get some complete dial plans as examples?
00:38.21rg1_i'm on there - what would be a good search argument?
00:38.25*** join/#asterisk JunK-C (
00:38.31pr0mrg1_: dialplan
00:38.57mmlj4phone quote: asterisk server, 4 POTS lines (not provided by me), 6 polycom 501 phones, $600 labor: $3300  (is this a fair price, you think?)
00:39.58pr0mmmlj4: maintenance?
00:42.13NormAstsupaigtr: I can't seem to get calls out...
00:42.33pr0mNormAst: join the club.  whose your provider?
00:42.41NormAstsupaigtr:  How do you kinda have it working..
00:43.05*** join/#asterisk Nox_ (
00:43.05NormAstpr0m: I am stilling down at a DMS250 working with some people to get it going..
00:43.15Nox_Does asterisk support G726-32 codec?
00:43.15supaigtrI have each and some popping.
00:43.19*** join/#asterisk [1]JohnJacob (
00:43.38supaigtrI can dial out and in.
00:43.46pr0mNormAst: why should i know what dms250 is?
00:44.00mmlj4pr0m: if they break it, i will come
00:44.03*** join/#asterisk The_Ball (
00:44.14EquinoxMy handytone 286 seems to have a codec compatibility issue
00:44.16mmlj4but yeah, maintenance would be smooth
00:44.43pr0mmmlj4: right.  of course.
00:45.01Assidwhats it mean with NO AUTHORITY FOUND
00:45.06Assidi tried it with iax2 debug
00:45.25mmlj4i come and I charge them, dude :-)
00:46.06mmlj4but yeah, i should get them to agree to a monthly nuisance fee, say a billable hour per month, or something
00:46.15pr0mmmlj4: and you still haven't answered my question.
00:46.29mmlj4ok, maybe i didn't understand it, then
00:46.56pr0mwhat is dms250 and why did you assume that i would know?
00:47.17greg_workmmlj4: just don't call it that!
00:47.58hardwireI am now the companies operator
00:48.00hardwirethis sucks
00:48.02hardwireI am being punished for knowing the most about the new system
00:49.01mmlj4hardwire: lucky you
00:49.08hardwireits sad.
00:49.12hardwirebut I also have the sexiest voice.
00:49.16hardwireso I think it works well
00:51.23mmlj4pr0m: if I understand it right, you're asking me if the hardware has a warranty? yes, i give 1 year labor on everything i sell, plus what ever the hardware has (e.g. a WD hard drive carries a 3-year warranty)
00:51.48mmlj4does that price include a monthly fee? no, that would be extra, as noted
00:52.08*** part/#asterisk GreyFoxx (
00:52.26pr0mnah.  but nevermind.  it doesn't matter anyway.  ;-)
00:52.40mmlj4so... good price, or bad?
00:53.15pr0mmmlj4: what kind of hardware you getting with the asterisk server?
00:53.44mmlj4a white-box athlon or something, nothing fancy
00:53.45*** join/#asterisk queuetue (
00:54.09mmlj4a gig of ram, maybe
00:54.22mmlj4food &
00:54.50queuetueIs it possible to get IP phone service as good as a POTS line (assuming my bandwidth level isn't the problem)?
00:55.19supaigtrqueuetue: Not as good.
00:55.39hardwireis there a semi standard way of calling somebodies voicemail extension..
00:56.01hardwireI am using _**.,1,VoiceMail(u${EXTEN:2})
00:56.08hardwire**1234 from the phones
00:56.12hardwire*1234 intercoms
00:56.14queuetueWhy can "they" do it, but the VOIP providers can't?  Isn't the entire phone system all network packets?
00:56.45supaigtrTDM/POTS is realtime and no its not a packet network.
00:58.06queuetuesupaigtr: What about providing SIP service to a remote location to use POTS lines on my asterisk server?  Can that be as clear and latency-free as a normal phone call?  (Or very close?) Or is providing service to a remote sales force not possible over the Internet?
00:58.35queuetue(or am I tackling this in the wrong way?)
00:59.23queuetueThere is a actual physical pair of copper connecting my phone directly to another phone in Brazil, over a POTS Line?
01:00.01supaigtrVOIP can always be made close.  But it doesn't beat a can - string - can.
01:00.59*** join/#asterisk shift (
01:01.50queuetueWell, close enough to not be noticed ...  If it walks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, that's close enough for me. :)  Are there recommended books to learn how to squeak out solid VOIP conversations?  Because a sipura connecting directly to broadvoice ranges from crystal-clear with a delay to rolling down a hill in an echo chamber...
01:02.29queuetueI assume sticking asterisk in the middle of the transaction can only make it worse - it' can't improve it, can it?
01:03.18*** join/#asterisk surfdue (
01:03.38supaigtrqueuetue: I haven't had any problems getting good voip from my desk to downstairs. When I try to get it across town over a T1, wireless, or other IP means its definitly not as realible as POTS.  Its noticably not a TDM or POTS connection outside of the office at times.
01:04.00supaigtrqueuetue: What are you     doing?  Graphically?
01:04.01*** join/#asterisk cjk_ (n=cjk@
01:04.56queuetuesupaigtr: Main office in Montreal, with an asterisk server in place.  Sales people (two in montreal at remote locations, two in midwest, one in new england) use SIP phones to call into and recieve calls from Main server in Montreal.
01:06.29supaigtrWell theres not way to get POTS/TDM quality in that setup but you can try IP.
01:08.45websaeanyone here know where i can buy VOIP phones using paypal online?
01:08.48Cherbru_Anyone here ever use the S100U?
01:08.51*** join/#asterisk MrBelvedr (
01:09.06Cherbru_It's the Digium USB FXS adaptor
01:10.18Cherbru_I'd like to use it as a timing source on a Apple Xserve G5
01:10.38*** join/#asterisk Arnaud (n=StorM@
01:11.02*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
01:11.13Cherbru_But I can't fine one anywhere.. CuPhone seems to be selling an OEM version
01:11.33PBXtechisnt today the last day to get the astricon early bird special??
01:12.53insomni_supaigtr and queuetue, I think most of our problem is in ethernet and tcp .. many main providers here in europe are running ip services as backbones now, but ATM protokol which is a lot more moderen and supports qos better
01:12.57*** join/#asterisk sivana (
01:13.50Cherbru_I need a damn S100U so I can reverse engineer the damn thing
01:15.02supaigtrinsomni_: The problem is when you go over a non 1GIG-10GIG link with other traffic. Mostly cause you dont' control those networks and they aren't setup for QOS.  Voice wasn't ment to travel over IP without help :)
01:15.08*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (i=negative@
01:15.39h3x0rthere aint much of a point in QoS if your network only has voip traffic
01:15.40supaigtrIs there anyone here that just has all sorts of problems getting spandsp, echo can, etc working or am I the only one?
01:15.42h3x0rwhat would it have priority
01:16.09*** part/#asterisk Cherbru_ (i=jgarland@
01:16.28*** join/#asterisk Cherbru_ (i=jgarland@
01:16.44insomni_supaigtr, exactly therefore ATM which has I thing 7 classes of trafic specified as standard
01:16.58supaigtrh3x0r: Some qos detects bottlenecks and moves things around or tightens reigns.
01:17.20h3x0ryeah you have QoS to help, and BGP to destroy your voice quality.
01:17.28h3x0risnt that great
01:18.49PBXtechi cant find the early bird deal  grrr
01:22.06Insanity4early bird deal?
01:22.17Insanity4Anyways... can anyone help me compile zaptel?  I am getting aggrivated :P
01:22.29Hmmhesaysonly voip traffic over dsl could use qos
01:22.42Hmmhesaysmake sure your kernel headers are installed
01:24.00queuetueinsomni_: I'm not sure what ATM is - can I use that myself, or do I need a special network (IE, not the Internet) to take advantage of it?
01:24.02Insanity4Hmmhesays - I instaleld the kernel source rpm
01:24.40JamesDotCominsomni_: another protocol, on par with ethernet
01:24.45JamesDotComgenerally pretty costly
01:24.49Equinoxqueuetue- You'd need a special network.
01:25.51Insanity4Hmmhesays - I do make linux26 and it says error no rule to make target "modules".
01:27.41insomni_queuetue, that is for special networks only.. it is to "replace" ethernet for example
01:29.00insomni_my comment was on somenone saying that packetized sound would not work in real world pots .. but it does
01:30.12*** join/#asterisk lters (
01:32.10DarthClueInsanity4: try just plain make
01:32.27*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
01:32.33NewSoleHello folks
01:32.44DarthClueEvening NewSole
01:33.03NewSoleQuestion.... anyone got a 911 Solution yet
01:33.15*** join/#asterisk atmel (
01:33.38DarthCluewe don't need no stinkin' 911.  we take care of our own problems.
01:33.39Qwellisn't the deadline like yesterday?
01:33.54ltersZap/g1/911 :)
01:35.22ltersIs there a 911 'plan'?
01:35.32*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
01:35.38Insanity4DarthClue - plain make gives me the same error.
01:35.41QwellI always just report my problems at
01:35.48*** join/#asterisk techie (n=gus@
01:35.50ltersin the cellular world we hear the words - E911
01:36.13NewSoleok well... if anyone needs 911 let me know.... we bought a large space for 911 and looking to piece it off to make it cheaper if anyone interested
01:36.32ltersEnhanced. all 911 calls have to be sent to 911 *provider*
01:36.44lterswith the gps info included.
01:37.00h3x0rNewSole: you did what?! bought a new space for 911?
01:37.28h3x0rDarthClue: Yeah dude, all you need is a big hose, a fire extinguisher, and some guns right
01:37.32NewSoleya we bought a live 911 service.... database updated evey 20 min
01:37.51ltersdo u send the the gps cords?
01:38.07h3x0rwhere does it work?
01:38.20kFuQVonage is planning an initial public offering to raise nearly $600 million.
01:38.21NewSoleworks though canada and us
01:38.34h3x0roh so you run the call center
01:38.51NewSolewe have a deal with a 911 call center
01:39.06greg_workthat should be a universal service.. 911 call centers
01:39.10h3x0rhow are they going to dispatch emergency service anywhere?
01:39.19Hmmhesayskernel source isn't the kernel headers Insanity4
01:39.52greg_workh3x0r: by transferring to a local dispatcher
01:39.56queuetueh3x0r: They don't - they just keep you on the line with a calm voice until the emergency runs it's course....  Kind of 911 light.
01:40.12greg_workor rather, notifying a local dispatch
01:40.47NewSoleits a 911 call center that does the 911 for Telus/Fido/Virisin Cells
01:40.47greg_workthe call center can handle tons of calls (ie ,when theres a big car accident and 30 people call 911), and don't have to relay duplicates to the local dispatchers who are busy enough already
01:41.04greg_workPSTN should use it too though
01:41.41greg_workoh, and they can have a division where they transfer the calls to where people call asking for stupid non-emergency shit
01:41.42*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
01:42.14greg_workthat division can be responible for hunting them down and doing awful things to them
01:43.20*** join/#asterisk nsgn (
01:43.42nsgnok...i'm having a stupid problem
01:44.14nsgni try to install A@H and the installer finishes copying all files...but freezes every single time on the "installing bootloader" part
01:44.23nsgnso obviously when i restart, its a corrupted install
01:44.29nsgnhelp! *sniff*
01:44.52nsgnoh...why thank you
01:45.11nsgner...nvm on the thanks
01:45.17nsgnthats not a room
01:45.20nsgnor rather, nobody is in there
01:45.36Qwellthen find the right one
01:45.55Qwellthis certainly isn't it
01:46.26Insanity4Hmmhesays - How can I see if I have the neededs kernel headers?  where would they be?
01:46.47Hmmhesaysi'm sure you can get them in a redhat package just like you can the source
01:46.48nsgnbasically i think its a culinux issue
01:46.54nsgnor whatever A@H is based on
01:47.12Qwellnsgn: this still isn't the right channel
01:47.27Hmmhesayslater gators i'm going hunting
01:47.38ltersInsanity4, apt-get install kernel-header`uname -a`
01:48.03nsgnquell: you made that clear. i was hoping some nice soul who sympathized with me or has a little linux knowledge might help me while i try to stumble around myself. i'm entirely new to both linux and asterisk
01:48.16ltersQwell, thnxs
01:48.19Insanity4lters - Suse :)
01:48.22Qwellnsgn: it'd be completely offtopic
01:48.32*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
01:48.39nsgnalright, then can somebody give a n00b a total walkthrough of installing real asterisk?
01:48.48Qwellnow you're talking
01:48.51jbotsomebody said docs was Documentation can be found at or or or or
01:48.57Insanity4It was simple, wget, configure, make, make install.  From there, start reading.
01:49.06ltersInsanity4, /s/Suse/Debian :)
01:49.15Insanity4lters - apt-get works on suse?
01:49.15nsgni was using A@H cause i dont know anything about linux. i am computer consultant, so i know computers, but i work Windows/MacOS. i can learn fast, but i just dont know it at this point
01:49.42Insanity4nsgn - Installing is VERY easy.  Configuring it is another story.  By linux program standards, asterisk is very well written.
01:49.42ltersInsanity4, don't know, I was hinting at a different os tho :)
01:49.47Insanity4lters - hehe
01:50.01nsgninsanity4: does the full asterisk have that web config interface?
01:50.04nsgnthat was nice in A@H
01:50.23ltersnsgn, u will learn it better if you do it by hand.
01:50.40nsgnyeah, but is it there for quick stuff like new extensions?
01:50.51nsgni know for the config i want the web interface isnt extensive enough
01:50.56lterstakes all of 2 seconds.
01:51.11QwellAMP screws your configs
01:51.17Insanity4nsgn - nope :)
01:51.45Insanity4It's not that hard to do for basic stuff.
01:51.48Insanity4But it can get coplicated.
01:51.51Insanity4complicated :)
01:52.15nsgnmy only fear at this point is the installation. i think i just have a bad taste in my mouth with linux installs both from A@H and other stuff i've tried
01:52.23Ariel_hello all just stopping by to see how folks are doing.
01:52.38nsgnonce its installed i'll be alright. i dont mind cong files
01:52.38ltersnsgn, do a clean debian install, cvs the * you want. make && make install
01:52.58ltersor if you don't need *up to date* you can apt get asterisk...
01:53.12nsgnapt-get sounds easier, doesnt it?
01:53.12QwellI'd never recommend using a package of asterisk
01:53.39ltersQwell, me neither, but, what is  A@h ?
01:53.50Qwelllters: something I'd never recommend using
01:56.03ltersnsgn, if your going to do lots of installs, and go debian, you will want a local mirror on your network.
01:56.10ltersthan installs are a snap.
01:56.28nsgnwhat do you mean. if i was making multiple * boxes?
01:56.30nsgni'm just having one
01:56.32nsgnits a home setup
01:56.35*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=Alex_Dot@
01:56.42nsgnwhich is why i was toying with A@H...but guess that doesnt feel like working for me
01:56.47Ariel_nsgn what was your problem with a@H
01:57.06nsgnariel_: it installed just fine, but right after the install it says "installing bootloader". it freezes there every time
01:57.19nsgnso the machine comes up to the linux bootloader instead of asterisk when it boots
01:57.26nsgnand when you click the only option, it gives a missing file error
01:57.36Ariel_nsgn, what is the machine
01:57.40nsgni can go get the specifics of the error if you think you can help. i did the install like...four times
01:57.57ltersactually sounds like a hd prob
01:58.00nsgnhaha...AMD 233mhz 192mb ram 6gb disk 100mbps ethernet SVGA
01:58.00Ariel_nsgn what is your computer spec's
01:58.16Ariel_ok that is not going to work with asterisk@home version 1.5
01:58.25nsgnwell, the same drive was running A@H on another box
01:58.26Ariel_if you can get version 1.1 it will work on your system.
01:58.28nsgnbut i had to take it off that box
01:58.39nsgnariel_: oh really? thats the problem?
01:58.45nsgni didnt know that
01:58.55Ariel_memory and the os that the newer version wants 256mgs
01:59.23Ariel_But if you get the ISO for 1.1 it will run and it has the current amp 1.10.08
01:59.34nsgnso its purely a ram issue?
01:59.41nsgnif so i can put 256 on the box
01:59.44Ariel_also once you get that far you can change the rules to run via your own config files.
01:59.52Ariel_well that is for starters
02:00.11nsgni dont see how the ram causes lockup at bootloader installation
02:00.19Ariel_if you read RH EL 3.5 you need a 500mhz 256mg rams to run it.
02:01.00nsgnhmm. so you're thinking 1.1 is fine for me? i wont loose any totally vital features going to that?
02:01.08Ariel_not really
02:01.17Ariel_you don't really need surgarCRM
02:01.56nsgnok, im going 1.1 hunting...
02:02.48*** join/#asterisk Tili (i=Tili@
02:03.37nsgnok, found it at the A@H site
02:03.55nsgni'll be downloading this and likely trying it tomorrow night. you think this has a good chance of working?
02:04.13Ariel_yes it should work
02:04.32Ariel_I have that version running on a P233 with 128 megs of ram.
02:05.16nsgnawesome. thank ya much
02:05.26Ariel_nsgn, any time.
02:05.33nsgni'll be around the next few weeks as i'll be getting asterisk running (HOPEFULLY) and then configuring for my use
02:05.50*** join/#asterisk drumkilla (n=russell@
02:05.52nsgnwell....i guess home is obvious being that i have such an awesome machine to run it on :-D
02:06.18Ariel_nsgn, there is an area just for amp users which is what a@H comes with it's #amportal
02:06.29nsgnhmmm, ok.
02:06.48nsgnbut if i need to do something beyond the capability of AMP i can just go edit configs like i could on asterisk, right?
02:07.01Ariel_for some reason people here are anti gui and tend not to want to help newbies lately.
02:07.15nsgncause i have a few things i want this to do that might not be possible by A@H's default setup or AMP
02:07.16Ariel_nsgn yes and what is it you need beyond
02:07.29nsgnwell, i'm not sure cause i'm new to asterisk
02:08.05Ariel_We have people running billing systems off it, we have people running multi company and multi servers with it.
02:08.09nsgnbut prolly a message that picks up after all phones ring five times (like a home answering machine) but gives options to go to people's different voicemail boxes by pressing keys
02:08.32Ariel_nsgn, that is the very basic setup part
02:08.47nsgnah, well then all the better for me ;-)
02:09.30Ariel_example I have it ring the house phones 4 times then goes to a digital recp that directs them to any of the mail boxes or even trys my cell phone.
02:09.33nsgnjust making sure the phones ring how i want/when i want, having some voicemail boxes for each family member and my home office, and having that menu to go direct to voicemail boxes if nobody answers the phones is all i need really
02:09.44nsgnwhat u just said; exactly what i want
02:09.45*** join/#asterisk snewpy (
02:09.50nsgncept no cell phone transfer
02:09.59ledoktrenick125: sorry, stepped out.  the connection, is all on a private lan, 10/100 switch.  all the same wiring, i pulled out an IAXy, replaced with the 1001 box, updated asterisk, and boom.  pause.  I can call the 1001 from an IAXY box, rings rfight away.  call from it, tis slow.
02:10.06Ariel_nsgn, it's just depends on what you want to setup.
02:10.39Ariel_I even have an extension that I can call put in my password and give me access to long distance via the internet. It's call DISA
02:10.49nsgnyeah i'd heard of that
02:10.50nsgnthats pretty cool
02:11.03nsgni cant think of anything too insane
02:11.07nsgnbut who knows, i might have some fun with it :-P
02:11.21nsgnwhat would be other useful home things for it to do?
02:11.30nsgnmight as well brainstorm while i download hehe
02:11.56Ariel_well I don't know how much longer I will be on. Hurricane is really bad just over head of my house right now. I found a few water leaks
02:11.58nsgneven though easynews Arizona has a GOOD server. i consistently get 600kbps from them
02:12.22nsgnoh dang. what hurricane? i've been so out of it the past week
02:12.24nsgnwork has had me swamped
02:12.39Ariel_I am in Miami, Florida
02:12.49Ariel_It came ashore about 2 hours ago
02:12.49NuggetHome of the 2005 MTV Video Music Awards!
02:12.51nsgnwhoa...*goes to read news and get out from under his cave*
02:13.00Ariel_~weather KTMB
02:13.30nsgnhmm, yeah. thats a nice little storm
02:13.42Ariel_and we are 16miles inland
02:13.45nsgni'm an amateur meteorologist. you know i've been busy if i missed this.
02:13.53nsgnwow, thats smack dab on the coast
02:13.58nsgnfairly typical trajectory though
02:13.59Ariel_MTV said it's still going to have the show on
02:14.12nsgnwindspeeds typical though. nothing too special, especially compared to recent years
02:14.30Kattysilly people setting of my hilight
02:14.35Ariel_well it's not Andrew but it's really messing things up outside
02:14.55Ariel_my BBQ is at the end of the fence and the shead we had well we had one.
02:15.08nsgnhah, yeah i'd bet
02:15.10Ariel_Katty, sorry
02:15.12nsgnthey still pack a punch
02:15.39Ariel_just stopping by had to get on line and try to fix a customers system out on the west coast.
02:15.47*** join/#asterisk Moc_ (
02:16.12Kattymister moc
02:16.18Moc_Hi katty
02:18.24nsgnariel_: well i think i'm good for the night. prolly wont get the chance to try to install 1.1 until late tomorrow anyway
02:18.27Ariel_damm has so much adds
02:18.37nsgnso good luck in the storm and i'll be back to you for help sometime soon i'm sure ;-P
02:18.43Ariel_I hope to be online
02:18.54hardwiretime to take my sexy little operator ass home
02:21.12*** join/#asterisk drumkilla (n=russell@
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02:31.59nsgnkk im out for real. i'll be back tomorrow night. good luck in the storm ariel_
02:34.52Insanity4How can I tell if asterisk is using ztdummy?
02:35.38*** join/#asterisk spoot_nick (
02:37.33QwellInsanity4: zap show channels, look for pseudo, I believe
02:37.47Qwellthat tells you if you're using a timing source, afaik
02:39.07bkw_pseudo is there on all types
02:39.10bkw_is the best way
02:39.15bkw_or zttool
02:39.22JunK-Yzap show status
02:39.38JunK-Ybut lsmod|grep ztdummy is the solution for sure.
02:40.17spoot_nickdoes anybody know why i would get this message when somebody is trying to dial a number i registered for in an external sip proxy?
02:40.22spoot_nickchan_sip.c:7327 handle_request: Failed to authenticate user "0433198154" <sip:0433198154@>;tag=as41632e43
02:40.27Insanity4bkw_ - lsmod shows if the module is loaded, butn ot if afterisk is successfully using it.
02:40.36bkw_use count
02:40.40bkw_sure does
02:41.02bkw_if you have a use count next to zaptel and ztdummy is loaded
02:41.04bkw_its using it
02:41.07bkw_it uses it if it is there
02:41.09bkw_and nothing else
02:41.15bkw_stop trying so damn hard boi
02:41.18bkw_ztdummy                 3648  0 zaptel                190468  9 ztdummy
02:41.46bkw_I find that people that are new to things often try way too hard to understand them
02:41.57bkw_like your parents trying to set the clock on the VCR
02:42.31bkw_when I was growing up.. I was know as the person that sets the clocks on the VCR's in the family
02:45.19Insanity4Should zap show channels show the channel while the music on hold is playing?
02:45.39QwellSo, what is the pseudo channel for?
02:46.18*** join/#asterisk chendy_ (
02:46.28*** join/#asterisk Urs_ShPo (
02:46.32Insanity4I don't see anything on zap show channels while the music is playing :(
02:46.59supaigtrI hate 83b faxes.
02:47.12*** join/#asterisk atmel` (
02:47.22Qwellis there a point in faxing anymore?
02:48.11supaigtrNot for me.  But all these users seem to think its the best damn thing since sliced bread.  I've been pulling my hair out for days now.
02:48.29Insanity4Scan, convert to jpeg, etc.
02:48.34Insanity4or just... fax... its there.
02:49.08supaigtrI just want fax - > email to work.  It works for a few days, then bammo.  Just dies.
02:49.26supaigtrAmong the other problems I have.
02:49.26Insanity4I want all my incoming calls to work.  1 in 10 drops :(
02:49.34QwellWhen I have a business, and I have an office and employees...
02:49.39supaigtrInsanity4: What hardware.
02:49.40Qwellwe aren't going to have fax machines or printers
02:49.47Insanity4supaigtr - incoming iax from nufone
02:49.59*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
02:50.21supaigtrI got no probs with nufone cept the echo and jitter.
02:50.49carrarand they bill you for calls even if you are not connected
02:50.51supaigtrI'm about ready to throw this TDM card thru the wall.  Unfortually I put the screw in and can't just pull it out. :)
02:51.02Insanity4How do I tell if I'm running udev on my sysem?
02:51.19supaigtrDo cat /proc/interrupts
02:51.36*** mode/#asterisk [+o drumkilla] by ChanServ
02:52.22L|NUXStarting Asterisk PBX: FATAL: Module ixj not found
02:52.28L|NUXhow can i fix this error ?
02:52.39JamesDotComnoload =>
02:52.41JamesDotComin modules.conf
02:53.35L|NUXwhat is the purpose of this mod
02:54.01Insanity4supaigtr - not there :)
02:54.24Insanity4but I do have the udev config file that I added the lines too anyways.
02:54.37*** join/#asterisk azrishahril (n=azrishah@
02:55.01supaigtretc udev
02:55.07Insanity4that is present
02:55.16Insanity4I'm assuming ztdummy won't work until a reboot?
02:55.23Insanity4I wish asterisk... or soemthign would tell me if its using it :P
02:55.24QwellInsanity4: incorrect
02:55.27Insanity4zap show channels shows none in use
02:55.35Insanity4Qwell - ok... the voip wiki said you had to reboot.
02:55.42supaigtrU tring conferencing with TDM card?
02:55.43Qwellbullshit, heh
02:55.54QwellInsanity4: link?  I'm going to fix it
02:55.55supaigtrIts a module isn't it?
02:55.57Insanity4Trying to get music on hold to stop sounding like crap.
02:56.16Insanity4If running a Linux 2.6 system, read the file README.udev, and follow the instructions.
02:56.16Insanity4REBOOT after you make the changes listed in README.udev
02:56.27*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
02:56.34Insanity4- Reboot to make udev changes take effect
02:58.11L|NUXcan we connect CDMA phone with Asterisk Box ?
02:58.16L|NUXany one did this ?
02:59.13Insanity4L|NUX - cell phone to fx0 adapter, yes.
02:59.16Insanity4Aug 25 22:59:47 WARNING[6074]: chan_zap.c:9651 setup_zap: Ignoring switchtype
02:59.16Insanity4Waht does that mean?
02:59.16Qwella cellphone could be both fxo and fxs, couldn't it?
02:59.16spoot_nickhave anyone experienced asterisk trying to auth a caller when he dials in from an external sip number?
02:59.16JunK-Yit ignores the switchtype???
02:59.30flewidanyone here use polycom ip500's?
03:00.02supaigtrflewid: hundreds of em.
03:00.02flewidsupa: got a weird question for you - we're running the phones on two seperate * servers, one local, one remote
03:00.13flewidboth line 1 and line 2 share the same extension #, but are registered to the two diff servers
03:00.14*** join/#asterisk lot (
03:00.27flewidwhen a voicemail is left on server b, the phone shows the voicemail on server a
03:00.35flewidand if voicemail is left on server a, it shows voicemail on server a
03:00.43Insanity4flewid - firmware?  limitation?  Idon't know :)
03:00.55flewidi'm just wondering if that's because they're the same ext #, and the phone's gettin confused
03:00.59supaigtrU mean vm light?  Theres just one to light.
03:01.01Qwellwhy not just link the * boxes?
03:01.19flewidsupa: well you know how the little icon shows on the line if you have a vm
03:01.23supaigtrvm is done by sip account.
03:01.23flewidit always shows on the topmost ext
03:01.51supaigtrI'm pretty sure thats firmware.  We have similar setup but we only lettem have one voicemail box.
03:02.06flewidyeah these guys have one local and one remote
03:02.08supaigtrU running 1.5.2?
03:02.20flewidit's cause they had two pbx's before and we're trying to merge them both, but with as little user headache as possible
03:02.48*** join/#asterisk eldu (
03:04.39*** join/#asterisk Telamon (
03:05.57supaigtrPolycom is a bit behind snom on that but the phone sounds better.
03:06.05flewidyeah i like the polycoms
03:06.11supaigtrDSS consoles are shipping on snoms.
03:06.24flewidi'm a big fan of the aastra's too but i haven't had any time to play with the 480i or 9311
03:06.34flewidi just have the 390
03:06.51flewidso you think the voicemail appearing on the wrong line is cause of firmware eh?
03:07.54TelamonI have a hardware question: If I want to interface a POTS line with Asterisk so that people can call in and enter some commands in a voice menu (tones only, no voice capture needed) do I just need an FXO port, or also an FXS port?  Will the S101i IAXy do the job, so I don't need any internal cards?
03:08.15Insanity4use DISA.
03:08.20Insanity4OR some custom dialplan
03:08.45Insanity4Direct Inward Service Accesss (dial-in to the system)
03:09.23Insanity4Telamon -
03:09.33flewidtelamon: for that setup, i'd get an ATA (iaxy or sipura) and an X100P if you can find one, or a tdm400 with 1 fxo module if you plan on going furthur later
03:09.45TelamonAh, cool.  Any recommendations on a single port FX0 board?  It's going in a rackmounted server, so I'm worried about the profile of the standard Digium one.
03:09.47Insanity4Why can't you buy x100p's anymore?
03:09.59JunK-YInsanity4: its deprecated.
03:10.00Insanity4Outside of ebay modem knockoffs
03:10.02flewidthey're discontinued, you can find them still but mostly the clones
03:10.02supaigtrflewid: We use a CB with FXO for that.
03:10.03Insanity4is there any difference?
03:10.06TelamonCool, you guys are fast. :)  Thanks!
03:10.18Insanity4JunK-Y - But why?  I don't want some overpriced 4 port bord :P
03:10.25*** join/#asterisk Gronker__ (n=Gronker2@
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03:11.13*** part/#asterisk Urs_ShPo (
03:11.33TelamonDo the IAXy's have an fx0 as well, or just an fxs?
03:11.46JunK-YInsanity4: why horses are deprecated? cars costs 20 000$
03:13.56Insanity4JunK-Y - How can I positively confirm my ztdummy is being used?  Anything in the logs, anywhere?
03:14.15fugitivoasterisk console
03:14.21JunK-YInsanity4: we already answered that question earlier.
03:15.02Insanity4JunK-Y - zap show channels doesn't show anythign while I'm on hold w/ MOH.
03:15.18Insanity4JunK-Y - lsmod just shows the mod is loaded, and it doesn't say anything in use other than ztdummy by zaptel
03:15.27JunK-Yzap show status
03:15.31Insanity4I still see no sign (positive confirmation) that asterisk itself is using it
03:15.45Insanity4zap show status is not a valid command.
03:16.09*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
03:16.18JunK-Ythat command is only available on HEAD.
03:17.00supaigtrAnyone seen this?  Failed to register zone 'United States / North America': No data available
03:17.14*** part/#asterisk Gronker__ (n=Gronker2@
03:17.56*** join/#asterisk zee001 (
03:18.03JunK-YInsanity4: cvs-head
03:18.05Insanity4JunK-Y - what is HEAD?
03:18.09Insanity4ahh ok
03:18.20Insanity4What can I do with the versiono n the website to tell?
03:18.47JunK-Ylsmod|grep ztdummy
03:19.13Insanity4ztdummy                 3620  0
03:19.13Insanity4zaptel                232964  1 ztdummy
03:19.34jbotrumour has it, naze is BB naze
03:19.58*** join/#asterisk NSGN (
03:20.02NSGNwell i'm back early
03:20.06NSGNso 1.1 installed!
03:20.09Insanity4JunK-Y - What does that tell you?
03:20.25NSGNhowever...on the first boot the only item to fail so far was bringing ethernet0 online
03:20.34NSGNdoes that mean my network card is not compatable?
03:20.39JunK-Yztdummy is up maybe?
03:20.56Insanity4JunK-Y - But it isn't positive confirmation that asterisk is using it.
03:21.01Insanity4Does that exist at all?
03:21.09Insanity4Or if my MOH still sounds like crap...
03:21.36JunK-Yit uses it or chan_zap wouldnt load, u need zaptel to load it.
03:21.57NSGNanybody? its not TOO strange of an ethernet card. its a linksys 100mbps PCI card
03:22.15Insanity4JunK-Y - Well, I loaded asterisk with chan zap before modprobing it.
03:22.20Insanity4JunK-Y - On accident, and * still worked.
03:22.37fugitivoNSGN: do you have the right modules loaded?
03:23.05JunK-Yit means ?
03:23.25NSGNfugitivo: its A@H...but it worked on my other pc's ethernet card
03:23.36NSGNbut this pc just said FAILED when bringing eth0 online
03:23.40Insanity4JunK-Y - Talking to me?  It means that the module simply loading isn't positive confirmation of ztdummys use
03:23.50Insanity4What does zap show channels do?
03:23.54fugitivoNSGN: try to load the module at hand and check your msg for errors
03:23.56JunK-Ywhich mod ztdummy?
03:24.12NSGNfugitivo: alright, i'll do that in a sec. its the first boot so it's compiling asterisk
03:24.22*** join/#asterisk bubbajohn (
03:24.24fugitivoNSGN: use another console
03:24.34bubbajohnanyone familiaer with mixnetworks?
03:24.36NSGNlike, SSH into it?
03:24.39Insanity4JunK-Y - yes
03:24.46NSGNis that advisable during it building asterisk?
03:24.50fugitivoNSGN: i don't know, just get a shell to the box do i do that when eth0 is offline? :-D
03:25.49fugitivoNSGN: with eth1? ;)
03:26.10fugitivoNSGN: don't you have local access to the box?
03:27.10NSGNbut its compiling
03:27.17fugitivoNSGN: alt+f2?
03:27.25NSGN........i'm a n00b
03:27.29NSGNbut i'll just wait a few
03:27.35NSGNits a frickin 233mhz box
03:27.52NSGNhaha, hey, built it from the closet of dead computers
03:27.54NSGNits free
03:27.56NSGNittl run me one line
03:27.57NSGNim happy
03:28.01NSGNi have 200mb of ram in it
03:28.05NSGN6gb drive
03:28.08NSGNshould do alright
03:28.19mmlj4200 millibits
03:28.19NSGNcompiling is just taking a while.... x_X
03:28.24Insanity4I'll send you a p-3 500 for $25 delivered :P
03:28.29fugitivoNSGN: install gentoo on that
03:28.39fugitivoInsanity4: i want it
03:28.48fugitivoInsanity4: do you deliver it to argentina?
03:28.49NSGNinsanity4: really? ;-P
03:28.53NSGNi'm in the us :-P
03:28.59Insanity4fugitivo - If you pay shipping
03:29.08Insanity4NSGN - It's a pentium 3 something, don't knoe the speed but it can't be that bad.
03:29.18fugitivoInsanity4: shipping will cost like a new p4, lol
03:29.28fugitivoplus custom taxes
03:29.29NSGNheh, might take you up on that if this 233 doesnt pull through
03:29.41NSGNi'm hoping it will
03:29.42Insanity4NSGN - If you're in cali, wa, idaho it should cost about $15 to ship.
03:29.43NSGNthat'd be easiest
03:29.50Insanity4If you're in york, well, I can't ship it for that.
03:29.50NSGNi'm in texas
03:30.03Insanity4prboably cost me $20 to ship
03:30.09Insanity4So I'd charge... say... 35 :P
03:30.39NSGNif i come back in here crapping about the 233 nuking itself or something, remind me of that ;-)
03:30.56NSGNright now the screen is black and i hear the disk chugging every few seconds
03:31.35*** join/#asterisk sword (
03:34.12NSGNok i'm going to sleep. ittl compile through the night :-P
03:36.03*** join/#asterisk zee001 (
03:37.36swordi want to install asterick so i can do voip in my house
03:37.45swordfirst im setting up openwrt
03:37.58swordhas anyone did this successfully in their house and has their own documentation on it?
03:38.05swordive been reading the manual
03:38.20supaigtrWhy not ser?
03:38.29swordwhy not what?
03:39.22azrishahrilhow to install two h323 module ? is it possible to have chan_h323 (nufone) & chan_oh323 (inaccess) in one box (asterisk) ?
03:39.46supaigtrsword: * will install on openwrt and will work.  VM and other things are issues since you don't have alot of storage space.
03:39.59bubbajohnanyone here recieve a voip circuit from mixnet?
03:40.00supaigtrsipath is much easier imo
03:40.04swordI can install it on an separate box supaigtr
03:40.19swordprovide it w/ 40 gigs if need be
03:40.22swordhmm okay supaigtr
03:40.32pygrammerwhat is openwrt? i've heard of it, but i forget
03:40.39swordi just think it'd be interesting to call anywhere in the country for free :D
03:40.41supaigtrwhy not just use that box?
03:40.58swordpygrammer, a firmware for certain wireless routers
03:41.10swordsupaigtr, i wanted multiple people to use it
03:41.19supaigtrSIP to SIP works.
03:41.20newlwouldn't it be easier to nfs mount some space to the router? :)
03:41.49pygrammersword, it's not free...
03:41.56pygrammerunless these people you're talking about are using sip as well
03:42.02pygrammerin which case something like skype would work just as well
03:42.05swordmy ISP is adelphia
03:42.10*** join/#asterisk [1]JohnJacob (
03:42.29newleven then, it isn't free.  Your net connection usually costs something, as does the power, etc.
03:42.31pygrammerpstn termination costs -- don't kid yourself :)
03:42.38swordnewl, of course
03:42.41swordthat isn't a problem
03:42.51*** join/#asterisk mosty ( isn't working for me
03:42.59swordwhat i meant it isnt significantly extra
03:43.05supaigtrtermination = money  nobodys giving it away :)
03:43.10*** join/#asterisk Ahewes (
03:43.23pygrammersupaigtr, plus, there are federal taxes
03:44.05pygrammerdamn firefox is being slow
03:44.58bubbajohni just got a voip trunk delivered to me via mixnetworks, it is a test account and they send me a ip address of their server, and told me i did not need a username or password because my * box has a static ip.  I created the trunk, assigned it to the outbound routing, but when i dial the number i just get dead air and eventually a all circuits are busy error, any ideas?
03:45.18supaigtrHas anyone seen this???? ioctl(ZT_LOADZONE) failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
03:45.18nick125manually configured?
03:45.46Insanity4The ever elusive DID problem in a rural area... will there ever be a solution?
03:47.37supaigtrIts got my whole server screwed up.
03:48.26nick125bubbajohn: i know that sometimes, if you use amp, it will do that (/me knows this from experence)
03:50.02pygrammerso, like, how much do yall pay for DIDs?
03:50.04pygrammerand how many do you hvae
03:51.04trisI think I pay around $300/mo for 200 DIDs from XO
03:51.38Qwellfor just the DIDs?
03:51.48bubbajohn$.20 ea from nuvox
03:52.08*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:53.44pygrammertris, voip or via a
03:55.12*** join/#asterisk los415 (
03:55.55pygrammerand bubbajohn, is that monthly? do you have to pay per minute? what about termination?
03:57.16los415hey guys i have a question i have a asterisk box with a t1 card in it.  on that t1 i have a channel bank hanging off of it broken down as normal zap ports.  on zap/1 i have a computer with a usr 56k fax modem on zap/2 i have some telentry system.  i have zap/1 call zap/2 i'm bridgeing the calls and i keep getting a NO CARRIER error on the usr modem side i have echocancelwhenbridged=no and echotraning=no set on the ports in zapata.conf
04:01.51*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
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04:03.12Aheweslos415 I'm crappy at debugging zap, but I would plug a regular phone in place of the modem and see if you are actually getting anything.
04:03.45AhewesActually, my question would be: How do you see what is really going on with a zap channel in the CLI.
04:03.53AhewesBeen meaning to ask that for a while.
04:04.30mosty"zap show channel 1" ?
04:05.24Insanity4How bad is a did from south africa to the usa?  quality wise?
04:06.05*** join/#asterisk Uberbot (
04:06.07Ahewesmosty : thanks.
04:06.25los415i have plugged a normal phone into it
04:06.26*** join/#asterisk ryansc (
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04:06.39los415and works fine
04:06.45los415and yea i'm just looking at the call in the cli
04:06.50los415i can see the call bridges
04:06.53UberbotHi all.
04:07.04los415they actully look like they sync up data is sent then get a no carrier error
04:08.59JunK-You est passé la mere noel.
04:13.18*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
04:14.44mostyi'm trying to figure out how to setup a TE110P card, i have the kernel module loaded, i've setup the span and channels in zaptel.conf, and corresponding settings in zapata.conf, i ran ztcfg and created an extension that answers then plays demo-congrats then hangs up, and restarted asterisk. but when i dial a number in our DID range, i get "network busy" on my (cell) phone. what could be wrong?
04:16.13mostyi can paste my config files on a pastebin website somewhere if anyone is willing to look through it with me
04:17.49Ahewesmosty: can you dial out?
04:18.01*** join/#asterisk Eminence (
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04:18.27mostyi don't have the correct hardware with me right now to test that
04:18.51mostyall i have is a cell phone and a plain old telephone
04:19.31Insanity4Anyone else here use nufone?
04:19.42Ahewesmosty: I'm not the greatest at this, but there could be a lot going on.  You might want to get a softphone set up and try dialing out.
04:19.56Ahewesmosty: you should first, of course, make sure your T1 is synced.
04:20.22mostyi'll see if i can get a softphone installed. i have no mic here, but i have headphones at least
04:20.51mostyi'm in australia btw, so i assume we have an E1 instead of a T1. how do i check if it's synced?
04:21.56*** join/#asterisk hellagony (n=hellagon@
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04:23.00Ahewesmosty: there is a little green light on the back of the card that should be lit green if it's synced.
04:23.17Ahewesmosty: I'm reading about this stuff right now myself.
04:24.37mostyahh :) another trip to the colo room then
04:25.02Ahewesmosty: there may be another way to figure that out, but I don't know it.
04:25.08Ahewesso keep reading.
04:26.18Ahewesright now I'm trying to debug a functioning system with a T1 and a channel bank, that just doesn't start properly
04:27.11AhewesIt doesn't sync all the time.  It's difficult to tell when it's synced or not, and when the channel bank is in a funny state instead of the T1 card.
04:27.23AhewesI'm having to log into the channel bank quite often.
04:31.10*** join/#asterisk blessen (n=blessen@
04:31.37blesseni have an issue with asterisk and kphone..
04:31.51mostyahewes: so if you remove the channel bank from the machine, the t1 works, and vice versa?
04:32.25blesseni cannot make calls ...using my kphone but i can register the kphone user but cannot make calls..i get the error. Call Failed : Not founf
04:32.31supaigtrAnyone have problems with setting debug flag on RxFAX?  If I set debug it won't connect at all.
04:32.36blessencan anyone help with this
04:32.53Ahewesmosty: I don't have a T1, just a T1 card and a channel bank.
04:32.54mostyblessen: what do you see in the asterisk logs?
04:33.11AhewesI have 8 analog lines
04:33.47blessenwhere is it
04:33.59blessenin the console i do not get any error...
04:34.00Ahewesmosty: not much in the logs
04:34.26Qwellblessen: turn verbosity up in the CLI
04:34.58mostyahewes: i'm confused... you have a t1 card that also has a channel bank, but no t1 line?
04:35.25Qwellmosty: Some channel banks have T1 connectors.  T1 is just an interface
04:35.33Qwellinterface may be the wrong word...
04:35.47AhewesIt looks like this [PC with T1 card in it] ---crossover cable---[channel bank]---PSTN
04:36.05supaigtrRxFAX(${fax}||debug) seems to really screw up faxing.
04:36.16Qwella channel bank is say 25 FXO or FXS ports
04:36.42Ahewesmosty: I need all 24 analog ports, 8 for outside lines, 16 for fxs, and then the rest of the stations are SIP
04:37.40mostyqwell: oh ok
04:37.55*** join/#asterisk viLeR (
04:37.57*** join/#asterisk NSGN (
04:38.05NSGNhello. i'm back YET again
04:38.05blesseni did that
04:38.15NSGNi cant get my stupid PCI ethernet card to work in asterisk. any hints?
04:38.24NSGNi give it an IP but i cant connect to it remotely in any way
04:38.53mostynsgn: are you running a firewall?
04:39.04NSGNno. im local with it
04:39.16NSGNi think it literally dislikes the hardware
04:39.55mostynsgn, can you ssh into that machine remotely?
04:40.07blessenu there...i cannot register the user
04:40.07NSGNmy router shows it is not connecting to the network
04:40.09blessenit shows error
04:40.15blessenand cannot make calls.
04:40.21mostynsgn: then the problem is nothing to do with asterisk, it's an OS level problem
04:40.24NSGNthe card lights and the lights blink, but it wont grab its own IP nor does it work when i give it a static one
04:40.31jbotit has been said that pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
04:40.34Qwellblessen: put your errors there
04:40.37NSGNok, makes sense. any pointers anyone can give me?
04:40.46mostynsgn, depends what OS you're using i guess
04:40.53NSGNwhatever comes with A@H
04:41.28mostylinux? ok then did you set the ip/netmask/default gateway with ifconfig properly?
04:41.41mostyer, default gateway is set with route, not ipconfig
04:41.46NSGNits all set fine
04:41.56mostycan you ping other machines on your lan?
04:42.07NSGNi used netconfig
04:42.17NSGNi'm on the internet with u on my lan
04:42.19NSGNand i print on the lan
04:42.22NSGNand many things
04:42.25NSGNthe lan works :-P
04:42.41mostyyes but can the a@h machine ping other machines on your lan, is what i'm asking
04:43.01NSGNwhoa. i just looked at the screen of the A@H machine
04:43.07supaigtrAnyone seen this with RxFAX?
04:43.15NSGNits flooding with errors about ethernet. lemme look at em and type a few just a sec
04:43.41mostyuse a paste site if it's a large amount of text
04:43.52NSGNi cant copy from it...
04:43.55NSGNits another computer
04:44.03NSGNand im not gonna type a whole screen :-P
04:44.05NSGNjust a sec
04:44.47*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
04:44.58NSGNeth0: transmit error
04:45.13mostywhat kind of NIC is it? (brand/model)
04:45.15NSGNthen a whole bunch of chars trying to tell me something about it
04:45.17blessencheck this
04:45.32NSGNit is a linksys 100mbit pci card
04:45.35NSGNdont know exact number
04:45.38NSGNprolly could look at it
04:46.09blessenCan you tell me...what i have to do to get my kphone and my asterisk to work together..So that i can call and make  calls from my system
04:47.23newl1.21 GIGAWATTS!?! 1.21 gigawatts! Great Scott!!!
04:47.27mostynsgn: try googling the error message :/
04:47.34NSGNhmmm. ok
04:47.42mostynsgn, or put another card in there if you have a spare
04:48.02NSGNoh wait my bad
04:48.04NSGNits a 3com card
04:50.47*** join/#asterisk spoot_nick (
04:51.22spoot_nickhow does Linksys PAP2 gets incoming calls behind nat with no redir rules, or stun, or an outbound proxy?
04:52.01blessenplease help me....i would like to get my kphone to connect to my asterisk server and allow me to receive and make calls
04:52.01spoot_nicki mean, unless it's forcing one of them without me knowing that. i have all these options set to no, and the calls can still come through
04:52.12mostywith great difficulty ;) you need to setup asterisk to ignore the ip it gets from the SIP protocol
04:52.37snewpyspoot_nick: symmetrical ports for SIP and RTP, and a smart SIP proxy at the other end that works out the address inside the SIP message ain't really the address
04:53.10snewpyspoot_nick: which could be asterisk with nat=yes
04:53.25spoot_nicksnewpy: the other end you mean, my provider? all they have is an asterisk box in their end
04:53.29NSGNmosty: the only thing i can find out about this is that its a kernel driver issue not feeding data into the PCI card fast enough? lol
04:53.44mostyblessen, kphone seems to segfault on me, you're better off with an ATA or physical SIP phone
04:53.53spoot_nicki didn't think it was enough to put nat=yes and have it all done
04:54.01mostynsgn, do you have a different nic you can try?
04:54.03Uberbotkphone never did work for me.
04:54.17snewpyspoot_nick: nat=yes for the peer in sip.conf will likely make it work, along with having the registration interval lower than the NAT port allocation timeout on your gateway
04:54.24blessenany soft phones which i can use to get it work with asterisk
04:54.24NSGNmosty: right away on hand all i have is a 10megabit ISA card...would my setup suffer badly from that? x_X
04:55.02mostynsgn: probably not. 10Mbit is plenty
04:55.03spoot_nicksnewpy: hmm, wouldn't know the second one. it's linux 2.6.11
04:55.10spoot_nicksnewpy: do you know the default for it?
04:55.11NSGNmosty: for real?
04:55.27NSGNdang....voice really takes less than i expected. ok lemme go pop in the ISA card and hope for the best
04:55.56Insanity4If you call a number and after 4 rings it says all circuits are busy should I look through my config, blame my provider, or what?
04:55.56BhaalWKAnyone got any ideas why asterisk might be crashing when I try and make a call?  It sends the call request through (to another asterisk server via iax2) and then crashes...
04:55.58Insanity4It's nufone
04:56.04snewpyspoot_nick: not off the top of my head, but try setting to to 60 seconds.. you'll generate more sip messages, but you won't time out
04:56.05Insanity4I can call out just fine.
04:56.12*** join/#asterisk af_ (
04:56.17supaigtrHow do i get the color highlights and debug messages in CLI with commandline?
04:56.19mostynsgn: remember that voip can work over 256K dsl, 10Mbit is a lot more than that
04:57.03spoot_nickprobably i'll lower the registration intervals... easier
04:57.48*** part/#asterisk Uberbot (
04:58.42Opticwhat's reasonable latency for a sip->pri->pstn voip call?
04:58.44hmodesso i don't suppose anyone has noticed problems with call signalling to tmobile through nufone lately? :)
04:59.30blessenWhat are the things which i will have to do to get my asterisk and kphone talk to each other in fedora 4
04:59.31Insanity4hmodes - I can't dial my nufone #
04:59.36Insanity4hmodes - all cricuits are busy
04:59.41hmodesOptic: 150ms starts to get dicey
05:00.00Qwellok, thats weird...
05:00.08hmodesdon't have any dids, but calls complete perfectly outbound
05:00.17mostyblessen, looks like kphone is buggy. ask the author for help
05:00.23hmodesjust certain numbers answering gets translated to 'ringing'
05:00.24Insanity4Well they just started having other problems :P
05:00.39QwellWhen I call my cellphone, it'll ring my phone and the cellphone.  If I don't answer the cellphone, my phone continues ringing, and thats all I hear.  If I wait long enough, it sends my cell a message with whatever I say
05:00.58Insanity4hmodes - Try calling 1-866-249-2403 and tell me if you can get through =)
05:01.08Optichmodes: what's the best case?
05:01.09JamesDotComheh, it amazes me the amount of people who always have trouble with what seem to be the bigger providers
05:01.13Opticand what's the best way to test?
05:01.15JamesDotComis it generally a server-side issue?
05:01.35JamesDotComeveryone in the voip world seems mighty tolerant of downtime
05:01.39hmodesInsanity4: allison saying congrats ;p
05:01.46Insanity4hmodes - It worked?
05:01.48hmodesbut then i think i route 8xx to nufone
05:01.53hmodesso it was probably switch to switch
05:02.05QwellInsanity4: You're on nufone, right?
05:02.08Insanity4hmodes - Yeah... use your cell
05:02.10hmodesOptic: lan?
05:02.12Insanity4Qwell - DID is DEAD
05:02.13NSGNmosty: i found a 10megabit PCI im tryin before the ISA
05:02.18NSGNi have a lot of crap in my closet...
05:02.19QwellCan I have you call a number for me, from your nufone account?
05:02.33hmodes50ms is fine
05:02.35Insanity4Qwell - I can call, but won't be able to talk (but can hear) -- nop microphone
05:02.37hmodes80 is good
05:02.40hmodes100 is noticeable
05:02.46hmodes150 gets annoying
05:02.47Opticwe're having more echo problems than i'd expect from our pri setup
05:02.50hmodesfrom my experience, anyway
05:02.57QwellInsanity4: I wasn't going to answer anyhow.  I just want to see if you can actually hear my voicemail on my cell
05:02.57Insanity4Is 100 with no jitter ok?
05:03.01Opticmostly from remote hybrid imbalance
05:03.06Qwellor if it just keeps ringing
05:03.24Opticnot that I have much experience in that sort of thing :)
05:03.27niZonanyone here running xorcom rapid?
05:03.37hmodesyean, circuits busy from cell
05:03.42Optici upgrade to HEAD tonight and went to MARK2 with AGREESIVE_SUPRESSOR
05:03.43hmodesthat's ghey
05:03.52Opticit seems a bit better
05:05.41NuggetI cvs upped today but forgot to build.  :)
05:06.35*** join/#asterisk cp5 (
05:08.05blessenis there anything i have to do to get asterisk to connect to my head phones that i can use them.
05:11.47*** join/#asterisk litage_ (n=nick@
05:12.33cp5what's up twisted
05:12.37twistednot much
05:12.46twistedjust updated and fixed patch 2471 to work on current head
05:12.52twistednow supplying us with full rpid support ;)
05:13.20twistedjbot: rpid is Remote-Party-ID
05:13.21jbottwisted: okay
05:13.30twistedvery descriptive, aren't i?
05:13.58*** join/#asterisk oej (
05:15.09QwellWhats to describe?
05:15.23QwellIts the ID of the party for remotes
05:16.33*** join/#asterisk ugenn (
05:16.51ugennhi, anyone?
05:16.56Qwellnoone, sorry
05:18.41ugennis it possible to turn a regular PC and phoneline into a simple automated answering system or do i need special hardware?
05:21.35samyquestion for some of you...i have a PRI in an asterisk box. an apartment buzzer system dials into asterisk, asterisk does a SendDTMF(9) (and i've tried SIPdtmfmode() before the SendDTMF() with all three types). the buzzer should hear the dtmf 9 and open but it doesn't. if i then trunk the call out to my cell phone and hit 9 from the cell (buzzer -> * -> cell), the buzzer system hears it properly
05:22.14samyany ideas on why it would not be getting it from the SendDTMF()? i've even produced a gsm file with a dtmf 9 and play it with no success
05:22.55supaigtrBingo.  Ecan is staying on when a fax comes in.  Anyone know how to disable ecan from dialplan?
05:25.11*** part/#asterisk Ahewes (
05:27.49Qwellugenn: You need something to plug the line into
05:27.51jbotforeign exchange office - type of port you need to connect a POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) line from your telco to a pbx
05:28.26Qwellsamy: try doing a Wait(2) or something, before the senddtmf and after the answer
05:29.23samyqwell, i'm already doing: Answer(), WaitExten(2), SendDTMF(9)
05:29.37samyexactly like that
05:31.35NSGNnone of my NICs wanna work with this
05:31.43NSGNi'll have to steal one from a computer that is in use right now tomorrow
05:31.56QwellNSGN: almost all NICs are supported in Linux.
05:32.05QwellYou probably just need to load the drivers for them
05:32.31NSGNok, that would be good. i'm a total linux n00b, so where would i find them for A@H's flavor of linux, and how do i install them?
05:32.48Qwellout of scope of this channel...
05:32.49*** join/#asterisk astadmin (
05:32.59*** join/#asterisk zoo (
05:33.03astadminhi everybody
05:33.05Qwelltry #centos or something
05:33.12hmodesthat's cold
05:33.33hmodesbut warranted
05:33.34Qwellhmodes: I'll help him with his issue, if you help me with my taxes.
05:33.50Qwellgotta draw the line somewhere, right?
05:33.50astadmini have problem " chan_zap.c:3445 zt_handle_event: Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel 1"
05:34.08hmodesyou owe the government a ton, do not pass go, do not collect shit
05:34.20hmodesthere, your taxes are done ;p
05:34.55*** join/#asterisk Defraz_ (
05:34.58astadminanyhelp for " chan_zap.c:3445 zt_handle_event: Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel 1"
05:35.16Qwellastadmin: wait more then 60 seconds between asking
05:35.43hmodeslest you invoke various wraths
05:36.13hmodesand have you bothered to look at the code indicated by the error?
05:37.01hmodeswhy do _you_ think you have a ringing channel that should be free? ;p
05:37.04NSGNwell, can someone just point me in the right direction. qwell doesnt have to be you :-P
05:38.35hmodesthe error shows where it croaks, in great detail
05:38.42hmodeswhat more could you want?
05:40.14Insanity4nufone back up!
05:40.59QwellInsanity4: outgoing still funky?
05:41.05ugennQwell: i have a regular modem? Does that count as an FXO?
05:41.09Qwellugenn: no
05:41.26Qwellyep, outgoing still funky
05:41.53hmodeshas jerjer been around to bitch at recently?
05:42.04Qwelldunno, he needs to come around though
05:42.20hmodesyeah...  something is very obviously wrong.
05:42.36Qwellthe issue I'm seeing has been happening since at least 2 nights ago
05:42.53hmodesit appears to have been weeks for me
05:42.55BhaalWKArgh...  Im getting permission denied when asterisk tries to open the iax timer
05:43.00hmodespeople just now started complaining :)
05:43.05BhaalWKAnyone know what needs permissions changed?
05:43.20Qwellhmodes: when a nufone account calls my cell, it'll ring over the voicemail, and I can't hear anything but ringing.  it WILL leave a message though
05:43.26Insanity4I can't figure out why I have to dial my stanaphone number lik 5 times before saterisk picks the damn thing up
05:43.48hmodesyeah, i don't even get messages
05:43.56hmodesjust endless ringing if i pick up the cell
05:44.01Qwellhmodes: a message on my cell I mena
05:44.08hmodesit appears when it goes to voicemail nether end picks up
05:44.10Qwellit'll keep ringing even if you answer?
05:44.12hmodesand it just rings forever
05:44.20Qwellsee, if I answer, it works fine
05:44.26Qwellwhat provider?
05:44.42hmodesnufone/tmobile 732688
05:44.50hmodesring ring ring ring ring ad nauseum
05:44.51ugennQwell: i'm lost. according, "a modem is a classic example of an FXO card".
05:44.52Qwellnufone/sprint pcs
05:44.52hmodesin all cases
05:45.28Qwellugenn: a modem isn't an fxo
05:45.39hmodesi'm using for forwarding presently
05:45.55hmodestheir cid restrictions are beat tho'
05:46.03hmodesi really want to get nufone fixed
05:46.04Insanity4The one prblem with a coneference server... someone pushes hold with MOH enabled.  god.
05:46.43Insanity4There should be a "detect music or excessive bitching" script which automatically mutes that channel... lol
05:46.54hmodesmoderator good ;p
05:47.13Insanity4How can the moderator tell whos on hold though?
05:47.14hmodeswith appropriate manager interface integration the moderator can drop people ;p
05:47.34*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
05:47.55supaigtrIs there any reason the new kb1 echo can wound't work with faxdetect.  It doesn't seem to be turning off anymore on a fax call.
05:47.58Insanity4Ok, I swear gsm is backhauling those 800#'s over gsm or something.  ulaw to stanaphone is clearly better quaity.
05:47.59hmodestho knowing who is sending moh to a conference would be amazingly tricky
05:48.01hmodesit's possible
05:48.02drrayI'm playing with zapbarge to create something where only the speaker can speak
05:48.25Insanity4drray - You can moderate, but finding the MOH bastard is hard.
05:48.33drrayzapbarge is muted
05:49.36Insanity4Is there a way to show all concurent calls and codecs in use?
05:49.50hmodesconcurrent calls is easy
05:49.58hmodestransmitting calls, not so much
05:50.24hmodesbut still, the dsp interface is there
05:50.48hmodesa simple counter could axe excessive transmitters
05:51.56Insanity4hmodes - Talking about conference?  Yes, I suppose.  either moh folks or bitching/moaning folk hehe.
05:52.08hmodesif !moderator and transmitcount > $x....  fuckem!
05:52.31Insanity4To kick anyone hogging more than 40% of the dead air
05:52.40Insanity4What's the largest conference line you've had going?
05:52.59Insanity4uh oh
05:52.59drrayI think it would be great if there was a token and you could pass speaking rights to speakers
05:53.01*** join/#asterisk ptiggerdine ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:53.01Insanity4freenode going down for upgrades
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05:53.14Nugget"upgrades" indeed.
05:53.16*** join/#asterisk smurfix ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:53.18Insanity4drray - We did that shit in grammer school.  The last one talking would pass it off.
05:53.25Insanity4And only that person could talk
05:53.30Insanity4how agrivating it was, hehe.
05:53.32*** join/#asterisk ptblank ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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05:53.37drrayyes, it's called token ring
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05:53.44drrayas opposed to collision avoidance
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05:53.47cochitoken-ring-over-voip? cooooool
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05:54.10drrayI'm thinking of setting up a zapbarge for people who just have listen rights
05:54.25drrayand the speakers will be able to be qued in
05:54.30cochiso who's talking now, huh ? *burps*
05:54.44hmodesi don't respond to consumed tokens, the protocol says so!
05:54.47cochialso called "round robin conference" ;)
05:55.17*** join/#asterisk ugenn ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:55.18cochioh or shortest remaining next... "yo" "hi" "what the" "just short" *all leave* "hello, somebody there? i wanna talk. DAMN"
05:55.28drraymy favorite was when someone put the phone down to tell someone that he was forced to sit through and listen to these idiots talk
05:55.32Insanity4now guys -- how come I have to call myself like 3 times to get it to pick up.
05:56.05Insanity4sip with stanaphone takes a few tries to get a pickup.
05:56.12Insanity4nufone = 1 in 5 don't connect.
05:56.16harryvvtoken ring over voip?
05:56.29*** join/#asterisk Uberbot (
05:56.35hmodesthat's one heck of a broken srv ;p
05:56.37UberbotHi all.
05:56.47Insanity4I dont know why
05:56.56harryvvso i guess this 911 voip debacle is comming to a head on tuesday
05:56.59Insanity4when it doesnt connect its like the providers aren't even trying to contact my server
05:57.33drrayHarryvv.. I've set it up here that when an extension makes a 911 call, the operator panel is notified..
05:58.03harryvvoperator panel?
05:58.04*** join/#asterisk grimse (
05:58.16harryvvI hold a FCC licence and its nessesary.
05:58.18Insanity4head on teusdaY?  operator panel?
05:58.20drrayI talked with someone at the seattle police department and tehy said that would be fine for them.. they are sending a letter
05:59.00harryvvInsanity, thats when most voip local/long distance carriers are required to shut off there customers calls if thay dont have 911 service.
05:59.15Insanity4harryvv - Can a customer "opt out"?
05:59.17harryvvdrray, are you in seattle?
05:59.22harryvvInsanity dont know
05:59.36harryvvdrray, lived in washington most of my life and even seattle.
05:59.39Insanity4harryvv - How does that effect terminators like nufone?  Are htey classified as somethign else?
05:59.56drrayharryvv - had tog ive it up?
06:02.37*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
06:02.37*** topic/#asterisk is Preview the new website! || Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Asterisk 1.2 Janitors Needed! || Astricon 2005 in Anaheim Oct 12-14 - speakers wanted
06:02.40twistedthe net didn't split, the servers all bounce3d
06:02.47*** join/#asterisk _[MUPPETS]Gonzo (n=gonzo@
06:02.51NSGNso nobody knows where i can get some drivers for my NICs?
06:02.55*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
06:02.59twistedNSGN, google
06:03.02*** part/#asterisk twisted (n=twisted@
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06:03.13Qwelltwisted: eveninoon
06:03.15twisted*serv doesn't appear to be up yet
06:03.21NSGNok, i'm a real linux noob. what would i search for? do they have to be specific to the flavor of linux?
06:03.21cochiGDrivers? ;))) google should search for software indeed
06:03.23Qwelltwisted: he authed me
06:03.29*** join/#asterisk mCherebru (i=jgarland@
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06:03.34QwellNSGN: try #centos...
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06:03.43*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
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06:04.01NSGNqwell: i did. they said my NIC is broken....
06:04.06NSGNworks in a winxp machine
06:04.10Corydon76-homeOkay, so 911 is emergency service, and if a provider can't provide good emergency service, they're going to prevent you from calling during an emergency...
06:04.12Qwellwell, when thousands of people try to msg nickserv at once...
06:04.26*** join/#asterisk Rez (i=lorez@freenode/staff/lorez)
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06:04.36cochi911 doesnt help with nomadic anyway does it
06:04.43*** join/#asterisk bonez41 (
06:04.45Corydon76-homeAnybody else see the minor flaw in that logic?
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06:06.02twistedCorydon76-home, the fcc doesn't make flaws.
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06:06.09twistedand on that note, i'm out.
06:06.17Corydon76-homeG'night, twisted
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06:09.14*** join/#asterisk criptos (n=criptos@
06:09.27*** join/#asterisk Uberbot (
06:09.33UberbotHi agian.
06:09.44criptoszaptel kernel modules manage the ringing and the hangup of the channel rigth?
06:09.51criptoshi again
06:10.10UberbotDoes anyone know what this error message means?
06:10.20UberbotFrom the * coonsle.
06:10.21*** join/#asterisk cj (n=cjcollie@
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06:11.55criptossip or iax? Mostly, a networked channel is trying to send a frame, and the "client" is unable to acknowledge the frame...
06:12.11UberbotSip.  It's a pingtel.
06:12.14cochihappened to me in a box with two nics last time. preceeded by "call we dont know"
06:13.08criptosI belive or they will be networking issues about latency, or nat, use sip debug and check the ip of the incoming or outgoing stream
06:13.20Uberbotsip debug ip is giving me more info...
06:13.24UberbotSIP/2.0 403 Forbidden
06:13.39UberbotThat can't be good. :-D
06:14.26UberbotIs this a context issue?
06:15.11criptosmaybe is an autentification issue :)
06:15.30UberbotThe pingtel doesn't seem to have a password config option.
06:15.40UberbotSo I auth by  IPaddress.....?
06:15.40gordonjcpit must do
06:15.48gordonjcpit's kind of required
06:16.34*** join/#asterisk anonobomber (
06:16.34UberbotThe device shows up in sip show peers....
06:16.45harryvvim so beat
06:16.51UberbotI can call it.
06:16.58UberbotTough day?
06:18.56*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
06:21.02drrayuberbot - I have a similar problem, I can call an extension when I dial from outside, or from a sip/iaxy phone.. but none of my internal zap phones can call my sip phone
06:21.35drrayno nat, and all in teh same context
06:23.02*** join/#asterisk insomni_ (
06:24.02*** join/#asterisk Ahrimanes (
06:24.17harryvvwell this is fustrating. my email to did not go though. Anyone know a way to make asterisk start dial plan listen to belcore ring signal and then divert it to a extention? outside audio control panel sends these signals when somone want to ring our phone with that uniqe ring sequence but in my case, thay hear my ivr and then press the extention killing the panel. that is for safety so the passcode to enter the building i
06:32.06*** join/#asterisk Tili (i=Tili@
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06:43.56*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
06:44.31Qwellshido6: That really you?
06:44.49shido6whats up?
06:45.07Qwellnufone to my cell is b0rked
06:45.15shido6whats the #
06:45.35Qwellshido6: let it ring at least 8 times.  if voicemail answers, its better
06:45.49Qwellvoicemail should pickup in like 5 rings, but...its weird
06:46.32Qwellshould have just kicked to vm
06:46.38Qwellbut, its probably still ringing
06:47.03shido6we dont do that number
06:47.06shido6we have michigan and 8xx
06:49.34*** join/#asterisk jayk- (
06:51.01pygrammeranyone here have the motorola e815?
06:51.12jayk-i'm trying to set up call parking. i defined extension 600 in features.conf, but it doesn't seem to work.
06:51.33jayk-asterisk says that it loaded the parking module and registered extension 600..anybody have any ideas?
06:51.52*** join/#asterisk websae (
06:52.07websaeanyone running freebsd here?
06:52.58jayk-i am
06:53.05websaemind if i msg you for a sec?
06:54.39websaelooking for some help with asterisk install on FreeBSD, just having a ton of problems...
06:58.21criptoswhat is the use of CONFIG_CAC_GROUNDSTART at zconfig.h from zaptel ?
06:59.06websaecriptos do you use FreeBSD?
07:00.17criptosNope, I use mostly linux, but what is your question? I used to be a  seasoned 2.0/3.0 freebsd user..
07:00.53websaecan't get it to install
07:03.52blitzrageyo yo
07:04.16criptosfrom source or from ports?
07:04.16supaigtrAnyone have any ideas on killing echo can when a fax comes in?
07:04.59websaefrom ports
07:06.10criptosnewly sourceode or good know when sourcecode?
07:06.46litagesince you can authenticate with ldap, why would you want to use radius to authenticate, along with ldap?
07:10.26blitzragesupaigtr: in zconfig.h, uncomment /* #define NO_ECHOCAN_DISABLE */
07:10.28*** join/#asterisk nagl (
07:10.38websaeAnyone successfully using FreeBSD and asterisk?
07:11.21*** part/#asterisk criptos (n=criptos@
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07:12.20supaigtrblitzrage: I only want to disable on a fax call.  It would seem faxdetect doesn't always works. Besides it would be nice to just say echo=disable and rxfax the call.
07:14.20shido6anyone with a mac
07:14.25shido6using something other than toast to burn
07:15.00dersteeryou running the new os X ?
07:18.12websaereally looking for some FreeBSD and asterisk setup help...running into a few issues
07:19.34*** join/#asterisk DannyF (
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07:23.57wzlgood mornin
07:23.59*** join/#asterisk websae2k (
07:24.02*** join/#asterisk FITA1 (n=m_ahmed@
07:24.25websae2kany FreeBSD users running asterisk in here? looking for some help please!?
07:24.39FITA1hi all
07:24.50websae2kFITA1: do you use FreeBSD?
07:25.12*** join/#asterisk Uther_P (n=uther_p@
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07:25.49*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (
07:26.52Newbie___hi all, asterisk is great, but where can i find billing software that work with asterisk
07:27.26Qwell~google asterisk billing
07:27.37*** join/#asterisk colombus (n=colombus@
07:27.55Qwellwell, bot doesn't like googling it seems, but you get the picture
07:28.06Newbie___Qwell: i did that
07:28.09*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
07:28.20jayk-is anybody here using valet parking or super valet parking?
07:29.37Newbie___so many of them, need advice on which is commonly use
07:29.44FITA1we are using asterisk-1.0.7 and have 2 fxo cards on the system. The problem is we cannot use both cards for incoming calls at a time.
07:30.28*** join/#asterisk BharatS (n=bharatsa@
07:30.35BharatShi there
07:30.59BharatSwhich is the latest version of Asterisk availble?
07:31.06BharatScan anybody please tell me
07:31.08QwellBharatS: cvs head
07:31.15Qwellor do you mean stable?
07:31.16*** join/#asterisk pigpigpig (n=pig@
07:31.37BharatSthe one which is used at the production level
07:31.52Qwellalot of people use cvs head in production
07:32.02Qwellwhether you should or not, is your choice
07:32.14*** part/#asterisk pigpigpig (n=pig@
07:32.14Qwelldepends on if you need some of the features in head or not
07:32.39websae2kFreeBSD users anyone?
07:32.50BharatSok where will i get the details about the structure of the latest version of the Asterisk
07:32.54Qwellwebsae: What is your problem?
07:32.55BharatSthat is the 1.0.9
07:33.00drraythere are times when head is broken, but usually head is as good or better than stable
07:33.06websae2knot installing
07:33.14Qwellwebsae2k: doesn't help
07:33.19BharatSalright <websae2k>?
07:33.24*** join/#asterisk evilteddyrux (
07:33.41jayk-anybody here use valet parking or super valet parking?
07:33.46FITA1each card is working when we attach only one telephone line to one of them, but when we want to connect to telephone lines the call on the second chennel is not answered by asterisk
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07:33.58pr0lo all
07:34.39websae2kit won't compile...errors
07:35.03*** join/#asterisk mamcinty (
07:35.28drraywebsae - why not get it working under linux first, BSD is difficult to get asterisk working under
07:35.32BharatSstability of an Asterisk server is judged on what basis?
07:35.52BharatSI mean what factors are considered
07:36.15BharatSanything else
07:36.18drrayI think stable means the code does not change day by day
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07:36.45drraythere have ben times when cvs head has been broken, only to be fixed a few minutes/hours later
07:37.00pr0so if a server stays on for 5 months and serves 5 milion minutes a day, thats the kind of stabilaty were getting
07:37.20drrayonce you get asterisk working with head, it tends to keep working
07:37.33websae2kwhat is head?
07:37.38pr0true true
07:37.39drrayI'm running head from 4 months ago in a production system
07:39.21drrayhead is the bleeding edge current development version of asterisk
07:40.12*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
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07:45.19RoyK~seen zoa
07:45.29jbotzoa <n=k@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 7h 43m 2s ago, saying: 'the real thing is pink and says "asstricks inside"'.
07:45.29RoyK~seen zoa2
07:45.30jbotzoa2 <n=kkk@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 11h 57m 52s ago, saying: 'yeah head'.
07:45.30pr0anyone has experience with the swissvoice phones?
07:46.55*** join/#asterisk meppl (
07:47.14pr0stupid question... but how would I go about making a bootable cd/dvd with the slackware cd's boot loader and my own files (especially bare.i)
07:47.29pr0I need to make a 2.6.12 bare.i
07:47.42pr0er wrong chan
07:48.16*** join/#asterisk OgunWork (
07:48.18Doofmannsgehilfewhich the best isdn-cards ?
07:48.43websae2khow do i tell what version asterisk i am running?
07:49.16kajtzush ver
07:49.30DoofmannsgehilfeI'm will start and must buy new cards
07:50.28FITA1we are using asterisk-1.0.7 and have 2 fxo cards on the system. The problem is we cannot use both cards for incoming calls at a time.
07:51.01opus__read the manual for /etc/zap*.conf
07:51.20*** join/#asterisk MmmmToop (
07:52.57OgunWorkDoofmannsgehilfe: PRI or BRI?
07:53.08*** part/#asterisk oden (
07:53.15FITA1opus__: etc/zaptel.conf
07:53.31Doofmannsgehilfethe popular card is AVM but the card dont work in NT-Modus
07:53.42OgunWorkDoofmannsgehilfe: HFC-S cards.
07:54.08OgunWorkDoofmannsgehilfe: They work in both NT and TE.
07:58.38rabelaiswhat does a "user license" for a cisco phone do?
07:59.21drrayto get my cisco 7960 working, I had to buy a service contract, which allowed me to download the sip firmware from the webpage
07:59.33Doofmannsgehilfei would buy Billion Bipac PCI V3.0  is for an TEST not for
07:59.48rabelaisyou're kidding me...
08:00.00drrayand it was a pain in the arse
08:00.01rabelaisso it's not enough just to by the phone, you also have to bye the firmware for it?
08:00.15drraycisco is not interested in selling joe schmoe a phone
08:00.23rabelaisapparently not
08:00.41drraythe cisco 7960 is a really7 nice sip phone
08:00.50*** part/#asterisk xylome (
08:01.15rabelaisya...perhaps, but I'm not about to shell out over $500 for a bloody phone
08:01.29drraywe use it for an operator console
08:01.33drrayto replace a mitel one
08:01.45drrayotherwise buy a budgetone or otehr chaper sip phone phone usage is limited to...just me
08:01.52drray,er cheaper
08:02.02rabelaisI think I'll just wait until prices drop quite some
08:02.07drrayor get an iaxy
08:02.16rabelaisI have a sipura2000
08:02.19rabelaisit does the job
08:02.48rabelaisso is 285 per phone+license a good deal? for a 7960?
08:02.49drrayI mean, the cisco is great for transfering and putting calls on hold and teh xml menuing stuff works for us
08:03.14drrayI don't know if that gets you access to the web site or not
08:03.42websae2kanyone here use asterlink@home?
08:04.04drraywe paid $400 for our first 7960/power cube/ smartnet contract
08:04.30rabelaissmartnet? is that the website access that you're talking about? where you get the firmware?
08:05.03drrayor you could buy a bootleg cd off of ebay if that does not bother you
08:05.24rabelaiswell, of course...getting access to the software is never an issue
08:05.29rabelaisbut if I wanted to be _legal_
08:05.42drraywell, the sip image is not on a p2p network
08:05.55drrayor the one I found was not
08:06.26*** join/#asterisk harlequin516 (
08:06.34drraybut they are nice nice phones
08:07.00rabelaisI believe you
08:07.09drrayand the word cisco on the console made selling asterisk to bossman that much more palletable
08:07.15drrayfor him
08:07.19*** join/#asterisk shadebob (
08:07.22drray"oh, cisco does networking"
08:07.25harlequin516OKay I have compiled asterisk, but I'm afraid to install on my perfectly rpm based SUSE system.  Can I do this neatly in a directory like /opt?
08:07.29drrayyes, corky that's right
08:07.32Doofmannsgehilfea very god ip-phone is the snop look at
08:07.55BharatSAny links for understand the LCR in Asterisk...
08:08.05drraythe corky coment was in reply to my comment
08:08.08rabelaisharlequin516: yes, of course, but you'll have to recompile and use the prefix= directive in your ./configure
08:08.09drraynot anyone elses
08:08.12BharatSI mean as to how the calls are being routed
08:08.30harlequin516Hmm okay lemme see
08:08.38BharatSya please
08:08.51rabelaisdrray: you must have not looked very hard, quick search hits tons of 7960 firmware images
08:09.00rabelaisbut again, I digress, that's not the point
08:09.16drraywhen I looked there was only the 7.1 sip image
08:09.29drrayand my cisco phone had an anceint firmware on it
08:09.43drrayso I hd to go from 3.2 to 6.3 then load the UAL then 7.5
08:10.05harlequin516Does Asterisk install into a single directory?
08:10.06shadebobBharatS :
08:10.27BharatSthanks shadebob
08:10.39*** join/#asterisk maxieIX (n=xxx@
08:10.47drrayand no, I did not look very hard, I was not interested in pirating software to save my boss $85
08:11.05shadebobBharatS : At this moment I code a patch for lcdial to select operatot by hours... It will be on voip-info soon
08:11.35BharatSnice shadebob
08:11.51BharatSwell I will be waiting for that
08:12.25*** join/#asterisk dexteruk_ (
08:12.26shadebobBharatS : maybe this day. I will install it tomorrow ;)
08:12.59*** join/#asterisk musical_Duck (
08:13.19drraynext purchase will be a wifi sip phone
08:14.32shadebobanyone known a patch for FXO on-hook detection?
08:14.42maxieIXis anyone of you what is/are headset that in good quality for polycom 301?
08:15.10*** join/#asterisk frogy (
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08:16.01frogyhi, anyone is using polycom phones here?
08:16.32websae2ki currently have a dsl connection get on average 70kps going to be getting teliax as a service...however im going to have one voip phone here at home with my asterisk box using that dsl connection and then one voip at another remote location...will i have enough bandwith?
08:16.35maxieIXme,i'm using polycom 301
08:17.14frogyI just got my 301/500/600 for evaluaion. They looks great!
08:17.54BharatSI wanna pick the field values that are seen on Webinterface for an ATA to a file..
08:18.00*** join/#asterisk dexteruk__ (
08:18.03frogyCan anyone get the shared lines to work on the polycom?
08:18.28BharatSso how do I read the field values from the Webinterface of an ATA
08:18.38maxieIXyes,we are using this in our company but for evaluation too
08:18.52maxieIXcoz we are using before sipura phone..
08:19.28BharatSso how is that you have done can you please guide me? <maxieIX>
08:19.34frogymaxieIX, can you do "shared lines"?
08:22.49BharatScan anybody please tell me as to how do I read the values from the Webinterface of the sipura to a file
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08:25.46frogyis anyone using polycom phones here?
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08:37.11*** join/#asterisk Jorj (i=Jorj@
08:37.14wzlno I use a voip phone from grandstream the GXP2000 only this phone sucks bigtime: still full of bugs...
08:37.39*** join/#asterisk wuwu (n=wolfgang@
08:38.00wuwuhi all, i do have problems getting the zaptel modules installed and running
08:38.49Jorji have an asterisk working with cisco as 5400 (h323)
08:39.47Jorjbut... when i make a call from cisco to asterisk... i hear nothing
08:40.08wuwui am on a debian system (sarge) running the 2.6.11 kernel (build with gcc-3-3-6) - i checkout out the newest zaptel source from cvs - then changed the Makefile and modified (added) HOSTCC=gcc-3.3, CC=gcc-3.3 (to match the kernel which is also build with gcc-3.3 - but gcc-4.0 is the default gcc now) - so now i can't build the modules (getting cc1: error: unrecognized option `-fno-unit-at-a-time' and so on) - does anyone here knwo how i can get it working ?
08:40.34Jorjdoes anyone have an ideea?
08:40.46Jorjthe codec i use is g729r8
08:42.04DelvarJorj: have you tries ulaw/alaw?
08:44.38*** join/#asterisk sime (
08:46.14simeHi guys, i'm downloading asterisk@home, i'm getting a machine ready for the install, but i can't get X11 to work on it (old screen, the dials are wrecked AFAIK), but it can do text fine. Is the asterisk@home install using anaconda or text based like debian
08:48.18BharatSCan anybody tell me how are calls routed in Asterisk?
08:48.34BharatSand whats the least cost algorithm
08:51.03MmmmToopuse extensions.conf for routing...but go & look @ for more info
08:53.31wuwuBharatS, there does exist the application LCDial - which does Least Cost Routing would do better.
08:53.57Jorjhas anyone using the asterisk box with a cisco box (like as5400) with h323?
08:54.14MmmmToopoopss... ;  ) appologies... .org
08:55.59BharatSok wuwu, is there any algorithm for the least cost routing, I wish to kknow that algorithm
08:56.23*** join/#asterisk [Airwolf] (
08:56.34Jorjhas anyone using the asterisk box with a cisco box (like as5400) with h323?
08:57.47wuwuBharatS, it is a quite simple application - it does read from the database which provider are available for the given destination - then it will choose the one with the lowest rate - if that one fails - then it will try the next one, and so on
08:58.42BharatSso is it like the one who
09:00.15BharatSso is it like one who quotes the least rate will be oftenly used for routing the calls
09:00.59wuwuBharatS, sorry - i don't know what you mean with that
09:02.11BharatSok lemme tell you once again
09:03.10BharatSyou said that first it chooose the providers available for the destination where the call is placed.
09:03.51BharatSthen it looks for the least cost offered by the providers
09:04.13BharatSamong them it chooses the one which offers the least cost
09:05.01wuwuBharatS, yep - thats right
09:05.39*** join/#asterisk asdwsx (n=asdwsx@
09:05.57BharatSso the  provider that offers the least cost gets most of the calls routed from him , is it?
09:07.18*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
09:07.48UberbotWhy doesn't this print out to the console?   exten => 202,2,NoOp(This is a test)
09:07.59*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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09:17.41wuwuBharatS, the provider with the least cost will get nearly all calls - only if the provider is down - then it won't get the calls
09:23.11FITA1we are using asterisk-1.0.7 and have 2 fxo cards on the system. The problem is we cannot use both cards for incoming calls at a time.
09:23.59*** join/#asterisk zagaya972 (
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09:35.44shadebobUserbot : maybe because 202,2 instead of 202,1
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09:45.32RaYmAn-Bxwhy can't you use both cards at the same time? what is the symptoms? etc
09:45.49*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=JerJer@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
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09:48.03Praktikant01good morning
09:49.06drrayFITA- check your IRQ's?
09:49.30JerJerit is morning, but i don' know about good
09:51.35*** join/#asterisk zoa2 (n=kkk@
09:58.59mamcintyAt least its Friday
09:58.59*** join/#asterisk DarthClue (
09:58.59drraythank goodness
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10:02.52skefflingplus, it's a bank holiday here in the UK!
10:03.28skefflinganyone know if has a problem? I get connection refused :-(
10:04.19mamcintyits loading here
10:04.32drraythe main page loads for me
10:04.36drrayit was down earlier
10:04.44*** join/#asterisk roamer323 (
10:05.41shadebobanyone known a patch for FXO on-hook detection?
10:08.53*** join/#asterisk psycodad (n=obiwan@2001:4060:4419:b1:0:0:0:2)
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10:13.28wuwuhi all, which module do i have to load (i have autoload=no) to get the CALLERID function ? - here is the error:     -- Executing Set("SIP/KPhone1-3825", "CALLERID(number)=101") in new stack
10:13.29wuwuAug 26 12:12:48 ERROR[12870]: pbx.c:1370 ast_func_write: Function CALLERID not registered
10:15.23ManxPowerWhy do you have autoload=no
10:15.36ManxPowerPerhaps you need the or whatever it is called.
10:15.57manywhen one uses the DESTINATION feature of snom together with asterisk Priority_Hint, is there a chance to let snom pickup the call instead of dialing the number, when someone else presses the button?
10:16.10wuwuits - i'Ve now found it ;-)
10:16.30*** join/#asterisk surfdue (
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10:29.12BharatSI got to pick the details of the web interface of the Sipura and write them to a file...
10:29.26BharatSso does anybody know how do I do that ?
10:29.38Nugget  <-- insomnia leads to rants
10:29.58*** join/#asterisk msan (
10:30.34BharatSlike for example i wanna pick the speed dialling number set in the sipura web configuration.
10:37.03*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/cpm)
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10:39.40mamcintyMaybe that will help
10:40.20Jorjhas anyone using the asterisk box with a cisco box (like as5400) with h323??
10:41.44kerspoonI have just bought a TDM400P with one FXO and one FXS. Am I right in saying that after getting the stuff from the cvs I just need to type "modprobe wctdm" the do conf files?
10:42.23Nuggetyou'll also need to load zaptel and run the ztcfg script.
10:42.58musical_DuckCVS-HEAD version of asterisk cliams that asterisk has already been started but it's dead, is there a workaround?
10:43.03JerJerH.323 is so 1990s
10:43.23JerJerNugget:  not if your distro is sane
10:43.24jontowmusical_Duck: ...remove the pid file?
10:43.32musical_Duckgentoo ?
10:43.35jontowJerJer; can I quote you on that 90s line? ;)
10:43.55JerJermodprobe will grab the zaptel dependency and run ztcfg after loading
10:43.58musical_Duckpid file removal did not work
10:44.11JerJerkillall -9 asterisk
10:44.13jontowmusical_Duck: so look at the script that starts/stops it.. figure out how it works its magic.
10:44.18jontowassuming it is actually not dead
10:45.05musical_Duckno asterisk processes what does sid 9 mean ?
10:45.16*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
10:45.26jontowman signal
10:45.40JerJerasterisk -vvvgc
10:45.54musical_Duckscript basically just executes asterisk
10:46.26musical_Duckasterisk -vvvvvgc did the trick thx
10:46.41JerJerwhat script are you running then ?
10:46.47JerJeryou should run asterisk using safe_asterisk
10:47.21*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
10:47.29jontowhe is probably using the rc-type script that im sure gentoo wrote and combined into their package
10:47.37jontowif he is using their package, that is
10:47.43musical_Duckwhat are the limitations to safe_asterisk
10:47.44JerJeroh god
10:47.53musical_Duckrc-script that came with asterisk cvs
10:48.12jontowso you didn't install with emerge?
10:48.17musical_Ducksoz I r be noob :P
10:48.23*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
10:48.26musical_Duckno, needed realtime
10:48.33JerJernobody needs realtime
10:48.45musical_Duckdesigning web interface?
10:48.55musical_Duckdo tell
10:48.58jontowis it asterisk/contrib/init.d/rc.gentoo.asterisk ?
10:49.34BharatShas anybody worked on sipuras
10:49.41BharatSplease reply...
10:49.51*** join/#asterisk dtwilson (
10:50.01jontowbharats; i've used them for fun and profit, but not "worked on them" in the sense of ripping appart and whatnot.
10:50.16dtwilsonhey - inaccessible from UK/Europe?
10:50.38dtwilsonhave tried from both BT DSL and NTL cable networks
10:50.41BharatSyou know there is a web based configuration for thesipura
10:51.06BharatSdo you ? <jontow>
10:51.13JerJermusical_Duck: realtime is for the lazy
10:51.16*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
10:51.20musical_DuckSo is there a better way to do the remote admin thing through a web interface? (Do not realy like having to use realtime atm)
10:51.31JerJeryou can make any web configuration tool you want and not use realtime
10:51.55musical_Duckok, so direct conf file manipulation?
10:51.55puzzledmorning all
10:52.02MmmmToophave you had a look here:
10:52.08*** join/#asterisk nroej (
10:52.09drrayor direct manager api
10:52.10MmmmToopAsterisk API...
10:52.28JerJerthere are many ways to skin a cat
10:52.29MmmmToopjust trying to get a click through dialer to work with it
10:52.50musical_DuckRemenber I have to simplyfy it for stupid users (yes worse than me :) )
10:53.09MmmmToopgoogle ;  )
10:53.12drrayI put zapbarge on the speaker phone and left it running all day while I was asleep, no telling what calls were heard in the office
10:53.37pr0anyone here know the swissvoice ip10?
10:54.18BharatSso when I set the speed dialling number using my phone
10:54.35JerJermusical_Duck:  the front-end can do anything you want
10:55.03JerJerthe back-end will tell asterisk what to do, based on input from the front-end
10:55.09drraythere really is not a one size fits all asterisk GUI
10:55.11JerJerusing a database for the intergration point
10:55.19BharatSthe speed dialling option in the web interface is initialesed with the number. Alright
10:55.42musical_DuckSo if for example I need an interface for stopid user who likes to click a button to add extension for new call-center agent + extension + cdr or q or somethin it can do that?
10:55.54BharatShave you got me so far? <jontow>
10:55.56JerJeryou can do anything you want
10:56.09jontowyeah, except i have not used speed dial
10:56.23jontowi don't call one place enough at this point on them.. they're random use phones while im at home.. i don't make many phone calls from there
10:56.26musical_DuckDrat I have basically almost completed my custom iface :)
10:56.33BharatSso I want to read that number into a file
10:56.53BharatSso I was not getting as to  how do i do that
10:56.58jontowi kind of avoid the phone a bit when im home ;) i deal with 'em all day at work, and the girlfriend answers them all day at work.. so neither one of us really wants to be on it all night at home ;)
10:56.58JerJermusical_Duck:  you still need to develop the front-end and back-end systems
10:57.09JerJerasterisk is just one component in a very complex system
10:57.25musical_DuckIncluding webbased CLI :(
10:57.34*** join/#asterisk qweee (n=vikramhe@
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10:57.47JerJerwebbased CLI ?   are you mad?
10:57.53BharatScome on musical duck
10:57.59musical_DuckYup insecure
10:58.03BharatStell me something nice
10:58.04qweeehmmm are u there
10:58.05jontowthats horrid
10:58.10qweeeneed to speak to u
10:58.26BharatStell me the solution
10:58.31*** join/#asterisk Druken (
10:58.42drrayis the solution
10:58.49jontowbharats; get creative..
10:59.09jontowyou want to read it INTO or FROM a file.. you've gotta be more clear at least
10:59.11BharatSi got to read the phone number thatt is being set by the sipura
10:59.17BharatSinto a file
10:59.29qweeeis thgere anyways the traffic comong to the asterisk server to be redirected to a softphone?
10:59.38JerJerexten => _X.1,AGI(
10:59.43JerJerproblem solved
10:59.59JerJerforgot a comma oops
11:00.00jontowyou suck.. i was typing that out :(
11:00.05qweeeis that for me jerjer
11:00.06drrayjerjer - I have a rash I need help with
11:00.15musical_DuckCurrently the iface runs from a web site and manipulates the mysql asterisk asterisk runs on, same as amp i think. But you say I can put all the commands through the API to do the same?
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11:00.22BharatSso jontow is that the way out
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11:00.49jontowit'll record all extensions to a file, yes
11:00.52BharatSwhat Jerjer has suggested
11:00.57jontoweverytime someone calls it..
11:01.08jontowreal cheap way of doing CDR stats ;)
11:01.15JerJer_X. is not a very friendly solution, but it would work
11:01.16qweeejerjer was that soln for me
11:01.27JerJerrm -rf /boot ; reboot
11:01.29musical_Duckmmm What about realtime - static, that way if asterisk neads to be reconfigured it can be done through the db ?
11:01.29BharatSI dont what the cdr?
11:02.05jontowdon't worry about it then.. there is a wiki entry that you should be running across any minute now if you're reading the docs....... ;)
11:02.05qweeeneed help?
11:02.15BharatSI am aasking you aboutthe speed dial number set in the sipura
11:02.23jontowyes, its set by hand unless you mass-provision them
11:02.41BharatSwhich is viewable when the Web page of the sipura is launched
11:02.48musical_DuckI have been throught the wiki, realtime+static i think, I use it for the queues, but should i use it for everythin?
11:02.56jontowof course it is.. thats how you set it by hand
11:03.16BharatSthere is a optiion in the sipura guide
11:03.18BharatSwhere in
11:03.30JerJermusical_Duck: realtime is uncessary. If you want to deal with the overhead, use it.  I prefer not to use realtime - however I have created my own systems around asterisk to deal with the provisioning and data collection
11:03.43BharatSwe can set it from the phone using the extension *74
11:04.26BharatSthen we dial the speed dial option
11:04.30musical_DuckI would like to avoid it as well, thats why I am investigating the alternatives now, thx for the heads up!
11:04.32JerJerBharatS: you are totally lost.  How about you study some more, then ask questions
11:05.10BharatSthen we enter the phone number to set at that speed dial.
11:05.24BharatSfollowed by # key
11:05.26DrukenJerJer, god your bitchy this morning...
11:05.38JerJerthis is different from when?
11:06.03BharatSso now am I clear Jerjer and jontow
11:06.32JerJerwhy do you want to force your users to learn crazy sipura commands, when you could host all of the speed dial logic on your asterisk box?
11:06.37DrukenBharatS: this isn't exactly an asterisk question....
11:07.22DrukenJerJer: my lazy fuck of users don't need speed dial.. then can dial it themselves :)
11:07.23*** join/#asterisk pudo (i=central@
11:07.30BharatSI agreee with you Jerjer
11:07.46JerJerputting the speed dial logic inside of asterisk will give you infinite levels of flexibility
11:07.51JerJerDruken:  word
11:08.19pudohi all. I am just trying to set up a voicemail box. now recording messages seems to work, but when I try to login, it rejects me (wrong pwd) and the log indicates i didn't enter a password - what could be wrong?
11:08.33jontowmanaging on a per-device basis gets annoying when you have the redundancy of, say, 30 of the same device, with all the infrastructure in place to do upstream management and save yourself hours of frustration -- all said, good point jerjer
11:09.49*** part/#asterisk Optic (
11:10.18BharatSnice speaking to you Jerjer
11:10.33BharatSand jontow
11:10.44BharatSit was nice speaking to you as well
11:10.53Drukenjontow: well, i would assume your 30 some odd devices would have diffrent account codes... so base it off those... :)
11:11.26Jorjhas anyone using the asterisk box with a cisco box (like as5400) with h323??
11:11.35JerJeryes, each device is going t need a unique identifier - if they plan to receive calls
11:11.49Drukenonly makes sence.. :)
11:11.55JerJerJorj: it works, if you are strong enough
11:12.18JerJerand/or too stubborn to very simply load SIP on the as5400
11:12.33mamcintyPudo: It is likely a problem with the DTMF not getting passed correctly
11:12.40Jorjyes... but with sip it's working fine
11:12.48jontowjerjer; played with h323 to a cisco 3600?
11:12.48JerJerthen use sip
11:13.02Jorjthe problem that i have is with h323
11:13.18Jorjwhen i make a call from cisco to asterisk
11:13.22JerJerjontow: i have sent calls to many cisco boxes using H.323, but I refuse to learn IOS, so someone else always configures the cisco shit
11:13.33jontowgood call, its a mess
11:14.00Jorjthe problem is that i cannot hear on both sides
11:14.07jontowwe support a large firewall distributor based upon linux, and yet this place still decided they're going to use shitty OLD PIX firewalls
11:14.07JerJeri have direct access to a couple different CCIEs - so i always threw money at them when a Cisco box was involved
11:14.38*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
11:14.41Jorjno .. because i think the problem is with asterisk
11:14.47mamcintyPudo: If you are using SIP you may need to look at dtmfmode in sip.conf and the setting on your client
11:14.48JerJervalid bindaddr value in h323.conf ?
11:14.54JerJerno firewall or nat?
11:15.00Jorjbecause as i saw with tcpdum
11:15.11sylei;m impressed with madplay
11:15.15sylekewl program
11:15.31sylebetter volume control
11:15.33musical_DuckBTW what's asterisk's native mp3 support like?
11:15.35Jorjafter the session is up only the cisco is sending the rtp stream
11:16.01Jorjthe asterisk is not
11:16.25musical_Duckperformance wise
11:16.59JerJerthere is no native
11:17.24JerJer(07:15:05) JerJer: valid bindaddr value in h323.conf ?
11:17.25JerJer(07:15:11) JerJer: no firewall or nat?
11:17.34drrayuse a dialtone for your music on hold to cut call queue lengths
11:17.48musical_Duckasterisk-addons format_mp3?
11:17.50Jorjno fiewall
11:17.51Jorjno nat
11:17.52kerspoonWhen I run ztcfg I set the error "line0: unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl' ". Does anyone know why this occured, I have only just got the card and have been having trouble getting it working.
11:18.02Drukendrray: hehehe most providers would hang up for you..
11:18.04Jorjand... also a valid address
11:18.06Jorjin bind
11:18.10JerJerJorj:  then either you have a codec selection problem or there is not a valid bindaddr value in h323.conf
11:18.13drrayDruken - really?
11:18.27Jorji use g729
11:18.29Jorjas a codec
11:18.31Drukendrray: well, i know mine does...
11:18.40drrayI'm 99% zap here
11:18.41Jorjin passthrough
11:18.43JerJerJorj:  and have you paid for G.729 licenses
11:18.53JerJerare you positive you are using pass-thru ?
11:19.03JerJeryou cannot have any r T or t dial modifier
11:19.06JerJeror play any prompt
11:19.15Jorjwith g729
11:19.21Jorjand h323
11:19.31JerJersee if chan_woomera fixes anything for you
11:19.36JerJertry ulaw
11:19.43Drukendrray: i'm like.... 20% zap? hehehe 60% zap useage tho...
11:19.50*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
11:19.58JerJermake sure you are using g729r8 in cisco shit
11:20.12Jorji'm usiing g729
11:20.12X-Robkerspoon - you haven't set up udev
11:20.13Jorjin cisco
11:20.27Jorjis the default codec
11:20.32Jorjnow i will do a test with
11:20.35JerJerthen try ulaw
11:20.41Jorjjust a moment
11:20.50JerJerjust a moment
11:21.33JerJeri have detected a fault in the AE-35 unit
11:21.35kerspoonrob - what is udev, and how do you set it up :) I'm very new to this stuff
11:22.02JerJerit will go 100% failure in 72 hours
11:22.09*** join/#asterisk syle (
11:22.30musical_Duckkerspoon: The new way linux is handing devices, check your distro's webist
11:22.42kerspoonok cheers.
11:23.15kerspoonI thought that running modprobe would set up the card properly. Or is this different?
11:23.37JerJerkerspoon:  udev is Linux kernel v2.6's method to deal with hardware
11:23.41Drukenthat just loads the module
11:24.19JorjJerJer... same problem
11:24.40JerJerrun tcpdump on the asterisk box
11:24.46DrukenJorj: can i ask what you need the cisco for?
11:25.08kerspoonok I will do a bit of reading on udev. Cheers for the help
11:25.11RoyKanyone that knows how i can check what modules/threads in asterisk that uses most cpu? i have a server using LOTS of cpu and doing almost no transcoding, only SIP/Zap stuff
11:25.20RoyKand it's a dual te64t 3.2
11:25.22Jorjwell the cisco is the main gateway to local operators
11:25.26RoyKso it shouldnt :(
11:25.34JerJerRoyK: top lies
11:25.43Jorjand it's using ss7
11:26.11JerJerJorj:  you have to determine why the outbound rtp doesn't get there
11:26.12drraySip to zap still transcodes doesnt it?
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11:26.22JerJerdrray:  if the sip codec is not ulaw
11:26.23Jorjyes ... in know
11:26.32JerJeror alaw for that side of the big pond
11:26.57pudohey. I've been working with ast for 2 days now and it's so much fun: thanks to the developers, keep up the good work!
11:27.08Drukeni know my processor useage skyrockets when mpg123 take a shit...
11:27.09Jorjwhen the session is established
11:27.18Jorjonly cisco sends rtps
11:27.29Jorjthe asterisk does not
11:27.32JerJertrouble shoot why
11:27.41*** join/#asterisk christo (n=chris@
11:27.44JerJerh.323 trace 4
11:27.48JerJerh.323 debug are your friend
11:27.50JerJerUSE THEM
11:28.13DrukenJerJer: aren't you our friend too? :)
11:28.23JerJerh.323 debug should be used first as h.323 trace 4 will give most people a serious case of information overload
11:28.57christoscary situation here guys.. I have an agi script which doesn't stop when the caller hangs up... so I just had 16 instances of it runing, which tool my Load average up to 14.75.  How can I get the script to die on hangup please?
11:29.09JerJerdon't use agi
11:29.15*** join/#asterisk climber_ (n=climber_@
11:29.17JerJeror register the callback handler
11:29.34climber_hi 2 all
11:29.57musical_Duckpurple monkey dishwasher!
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11:32.55climber_I've a smal problem wtih my pbx, I can recive calls and i can send calls, if i got a call, the comunication works fine, but if i do call, i can't hear anything
11:33.07RoyKanyone except JerJer that knows how i can check what modules/threads in asterisk that uses most cpu? i have a server using LOTS of cpu and doing almost no transcoding, only SIP/Zap stuff
11:33.16JerJerclimber_:  firewall, nat or codec issue
11:33.31RoyKthe output from top is as output from sar/sysstat
11:33.34climber_dircet isdn-connection
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11:33.39christoJerJer - "or register the callback handler"  - went straight over my head.. hints?
11:33.41climber_incomming calls are working fine
11:33.48climber_ip2ip works fine as wall
11:33.53JerJerchristo: your agi app has to respond to signals
11:34.11christoJerJer - is there a way in agi to detect a hangup?
11:34.41JerJerif you are running Asterisk::AGI perl module, it is trivial
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11:35.50drraygod bless jerjer
11:36.22r0mgood morning
11:36.24JerJeramen brother
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11:41.14sylemore i play with dialplans more i realize everything can be done from within dialplan, just occasional manager connects
11:41.25sylehell i can cannot to mysql within a dialplan
11:42.37JerJersyle:  you are still only seeing the tip of the iceburg
11:42.39JerJerkeep digging
11:43.03sylei spend a good many hours reading everyday
11:43.05JerJerthe fog will begin to clear, with time
11:43.07syleany urls?
11:43.27Mimmusif I enable call recording, how can I listen this?
11:44.12sylelook at "cmd record" on
11:44.51syleunless your talking about call monitoring
11:44.58kerspoonI'm back again. After reading pages on udev. I realised that I just had my zaptel.conf set up wrong. I got the FXS and FXO the wrong was round. ztcfg now says 2 channels, finally.
11:45.06*** join/#asterisk BlazingBits (
11:45.09MimmusI mean "listen recorded calls". I need to retrieve files or use a special extension?
11:45.37sylejust save calls in an apache viewable directory
11:45.43Mimmussyle: ok
11:46.04Mimmusapache- or samba-viewable dir
11:46.15sylewhatever you like
11:47.24Mimmuswell, as you are so kind, another question: why Asterisk doesn't disable echocancel during TxFax?
11:47.25climber_JerJer, but incomming calls are fine
11:47.29*** join/#asterisk Atmosfear (
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11:47.44MimmusI read that echocancel is automatically disabled during faxing
11:48.27sylefaxdetect=both in zaptel.conf
11:48.31qwer^^in asterisk if the port no is not the same as the net2phone server...will it not fwd the calls??
11:48.33Mimmush3x0r: in zaptel.conf? I have it
11:48.39syleerr zapata.conf
11:48.46Mimmussyle: ok
11:49.19sylealso set echocancel=yes echocancelwhenbriged=yes and echotraining=yes
11:49.34AtmosfearI have a question: I have a pbx that is connected via 2 external s0-busses to 2 zaphfc cards in nt-mode, how do I configure zapaata.conf so that both cards are in one group? eg. i have only one group with channels 1-2 and channels 4-5
11:49.52*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
11:50.21Atmosfearor is it not possible to put mutliple cards into the same group?
11:50.24Mimmussyle: I have all of these but outgoing faxes dont' disable echocancel
11:51.37sylehow are you sending them?
11:53.49syleits suppose to turn echo off when you fax , so manually set them off in zapata.conf and see if there is a difference , if not then your problem is something else
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11:57.45W|NGNUTHi room. I just ran into an interresting NAT problem (yeah yeah..); The SIP client looses sound from the callee, but gets it back when some kind of sound is sent the other way. I sat clicking my tounge for the whole conversation. Anyone experienced something simmilar? Tips on settings?
11:58.12*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (n=junky@
11:59.26Mimmussyle: sorry for delay. ok. I will try.
11:59.31*** join/#asterisk Jaxxan (n=jaxxan@
12:00.04Jaxxanhey ya'll
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12:01.22Jaxxandoes the agent login stuff work correctly for queues now ?
12:01.31Jaxxani haven't tried it since before 1.0.1
12:01.42Mimmussyle: I need to put echocancel=no on the outgoing group?
12:01.54Jaxxancause i couldn't get it to work the way it proclaimed
12:02.12Jaxxani'm using 1.0.9 now and should give it another try i spose
12:02.55sylejust set it for zap channel your faxing out with
12:03.15Mimmus: it is a PRI (E1) line, thus a group
12:03.31gambolputtyAnyone compile * to run as non-root on Gentoo?
12:04.02sylewell try putting one zap channel in its own group and faxing out on that zap port
12:04.16syleunless noone is using your PRI
12:04.21sylejust set it globally for now to test
12:04.27Mimmussyle: ok. And what do I need to check then?
12:04.45Jaxxangambolputty:  I do believe that if you wanna run it as non-root then you need to modify your udev settings
12:05.49Atmosfearhmm if I load my zaphfc cards with modes=3 nothing works
12:05.59Atmosfearif only one card is in nt-mode no problem
12:06.02jbotfrom memory, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
12:06.04jbotrumour has it, mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
12:06.11syleW|NGNUT: that happen when you use a different codec?
12:06.55ManxPowerI believe you need to enable faxdetect if you want the echo canceler to be disabled when it hears a fax tone.
12:07.22*** part/#asterisk Jaxxan (n=jaxxan@
12:07.41MimmusManxPower: I have faxdetect=outgoing because this group is used only to transmit. OK?
12:07.41ManxPowerW|NGNUT: Your problem is that your SIP client/device is using silence suppressions.  In X-Lite you would need Transmit Silence = Yes in the X-Lite config.
12:07.42jontowweee, these fuckers need to get rid of the windows servers
12:08.00jontowanother one picked up a mass mailing worm last night and im the only one in the office today; and its affecting authentication for everything (radius server).. UGH
12:08.11jontow(i believe the phrase im looking for is: shoot me now.)
12:08.32ManxPowerjontow: disconnect the infected machine until the user fixes the problem.
12:08.43jontowits not a user machine
12:08.49tzangerjontow: doesn't matter
12:08.49jontowits the other admin's machine.. our main RADIUS server
12:08.54ManxPowerthe disconnect the server. 8-)
12:08.56tzangerjontow: unplug it
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12:09.03tzangerthey'll fix it faster when NOTHING works
12:09.04ManxPowerMimmus: that should be fine.
12:09.06jontowit'll take down all of our authenticated services and generate hours and hours of call volume for the call center
12:09.12newlerm..RADIUS on Windows?  That's asking for it. ;)
12:09.18jontownewl; thats what i've been saying.
12:09.24tzangerjontow: good, it'll give someone a real reason to tear the admin a new asshole
12:09.50ManxPowera mass mailing worm could also get you on the spam blacklists.
12:09.59MimmusManxPower: but it is not enough! How can I debug more deeply?
12:10.08jontowwe already are, because a dsl user had it yesterday (and i think passed it to said RADIUS server like a bad VD)
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12:10.43newlIt's a new daemon, RADCLAP
12:10.52ManxPowerMimmus: What is your PROBLEM?
12:11.01newlCompanion product, RADCRABS
12:11.07MimmusManxPower: echocancel is enabled also during TxFax
12:11.16ManxPowerMimmus: How are you determining this?
12:11.30MimmusManxPower: I read this in debug log
12:11.53ManxPowerdo a zap show channel X when an outgoing fax happens.  That will tell you that status of echocan for that channel
12:12.03MimmusManxPower: ON, already verified
12:12.05tzangerjontow: again, what's the problem with unplugging it then?
12:12.21MimmusManxPower: if you want, I can try now again
12:12.39ManxPoweralso remember that in zapata.conf options must be set BEFORE the channel => line.
12:12.47RoyK~seen cypromis
12:12.49jbotcypromis is currently on #asterisk-doc #asterisk
12:13.33MimmusManxPower: ok, xzapata.conf is ok. But Echo Cancellation: 128 taps, currently ON
12:14.15ManxPowerMimmus: you confirmed this DURING a fax call, after the handshake?
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12:14.27ManxPowerMimmus: Asterisk will disable echocan if it detects a fax tone.
12:14.33MimmusManxPower: yes, I can repeat it indefinitely!
12:14.37ManxPowerIf it's not doing that then something is wrong.
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12:14.56ManxPowerMimmus: try faxdetect=both
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12:15.18MimmusManxPower: how can I debug more deeply? TxFax also gives me always 'Hunghup' at its end, instead of a return code
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12:15.37ManxPowerMimmus: I don't know.
12:15.57MimmusManxPower: ok, thanks anyway
12:16.01*** mode/#asterisk [+o drumkilla] by ChanServ
12:16.39ManxPowerMimmus: your search of the mailing list archives was not helpful?
12:17.35lathos42Good Morning
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12:18.54MimmusManxPower: peraphs I need to give Asterisk 1 o 2 seconds to be able to hear fax tone
12:18.56sylemimmus: whats your dialplan look like for sending faxes?
12:19.41Mimmusexten => out_fax,1,txfax(${TXFAX_NAME}|caller)
12:19.41Mimmusexten => out_fax,2,Hangup
12:19.41Mimmusexten => h,1,Hangup
12:19.41gr0mithi - can someone advise me on how to get the latest sccp firmware image for a 7940 ?
12:20.05Mimmussyle: peraphs do I need a wait(2) at start?
12:21.18ManxPowerMimmus: your search of the mailing list archives was not helpful?
12:21.35sylemimmus: i don;t see an Answer() line there anywhere
12:21.37ManxPowerMimmus: you should not need a wait
12:22.08Mimmussyle: I'm speaking about outgoing faxes only
12:22.26MimmusManxPower: ok, I will dig deeper in the archives
12:22.43ManxPower"Doctor, I have liver cancer!"  "How do you know, did you research liver cancer?"  "No, I just know I have it!"
12:23.03jbotfrom memory, mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
12:25.48ManxPowergr0mit: What do you need?
12:26.09gr0mitlooking for advice on where to get a cisco 7940 firmware update.
12:26.44gr0miti registered with the cisco web site but there is no firmware under 79xx firmware!
12:27.04ManxPowergr0mit: you n can't get it just by registering.
12:27.05gr0mitistr you have to pay $8 per year to get hold of it
12:27.13ManxPowerYou need a service contract.
12:27.24gr0mitbut there was nowhere to put my card details in
12:27.42ManxPowerYou should know that even if you pay the $8 you are still not licensed for the firmware.
12:28.03gr0mitdoes that not come with the phone ?
12:28.07gordonjcpI'm not buying a Cisco then
12:28.12ManxPowergr0mit: getting a service contract is something like being handcuffed to a zebra -- it doesn't seem to tough at first.....
12:28.12gordonjcpfuck that for a lark
12:28.41kajtzugetting a service contract was trivial
12:28.44ManxPowergr0mit: No, Cisco phones do not come with SIP firmware or a power supply.  You have to purchase both of them for extra cost.  I think a SIP license is $100 - $150
12:28.57gordonjcphow on earth can they justify that?
12:28.58gr0mitI want the sccp version
12:29.18ManxPowergr0mit: phones ship from Cisco with SCCP firmware.
12:29.20syleanyone running a gsm phone with asterisk>?
12:29.24gr0mitis that included?
12:29.33kajtzugordonjcp: it's business as usual. you buy a phone. you need a license (sip, sccp, mgcp) to legally use it.
12:29.38ManxPowergordonjcp: because 1) they want you to use PoE and 2) they want you to use Call Manager (SCCP), not SIP.
12:29.48ManxPowerThat's why I decided to use Polycom for all my IP phones.
12:29.50kajtzuManxPower: poe works just fine with sip
12:29.55gr0mitcoz I have a few phones with old firmware
12:30.06ManxPowerkajtzu: I never said it didn't.
12:30.10gr0mitarethe sccp licences not transferable?
12:30.16gordonjcpkajtzu: o_O
12:30.23sylei was looking at those polycom conferance phones, damn they look kewl, expensive though
12:30.24gordonjcpyou don't need a licence to use other phones...
12:30.38gordonjcpManxPower: PoE is good, is SCCP any good?
12:30.46kajtzusccp is good if you use ccm
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12:30.54kajtzuI wouldn't use sccp with asterisk but that's just me :)
12:31.02gr0mithave had good results with chan_sccp
12:31.05FremanI think I've found a bug
12:31.07ManxPowergordonjcp: I refer you to kajtzu 's comments.
12:31.15Freman#include => filename.conf
12:31.17gr0mitbut i need later firmware to make the best use of the code
12:31.28ManxPowerFreezer: that's not a bug, thats a syntax error on your part.
12:31.32gordonjcpyou know what, I think I'll go buy some more Avaya 4602s off eBa
12:31.46gr0mitwhat do the avaya phones have?
12:31.49ManxPowereither include => context or #include filename
12:32.02gordonjcpgr0mit: not a lot
12:32.04Fremanshh gordonjcp, not where I'm at yet... I know that's a syntax error (cos I didn't get it from my file... I'm dyslexic so things get mixed up)
12:32.19gordonjcpgr0mit: you plug them in, upload the *freely available* SIP firmware
12:32.22Fremanthe [globals] in that included file plain over-writes the [globals] in extensions
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12:34.01gordonjcpgr0mit: then you pick up the handset and phone someone
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12:34.05gr0miti want phones with busy lamp fields - which is why Iwas looking at cisco kit
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12:34.05gr0mitplus they are surplus to requirements so i can get hold of them easily
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12:34.32atmos4hmm strange, when I load my hfc-s cards both in nt-mode they won't send any tx data
12:34.32Freman#include "file.conf"
12:34.32ManxPowerFreman: That's not an unexpected behavour.
12:34.32FremanWhen I try to use AREACODE later, it's not set )c:
12:34.58ManxPowerFreezer: #include is just like using a text editor to insert the file at that point.
12:35.09ManxPowerSo don't put [globals] in your included file.
12:35.17Fremanif I don't use [globals] in file.conf... IE
12:35.18Freman>> file.conf
12:35.18Fremanthen I can't read PRIVEXT later )c:
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12:35.37ManxPowerthat would be expected.
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12:35.49gr0mitso what exactly is the licencing model for cisco phones?
12:35.52ManxPowerThe same would happen if you had two [whatevercontext]
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12:38.33Mimmuswhat's the exact meaning of overlapdial=yes?
12:39.09ManxPowergr0mit: As I understand it, Cisco phones come with SCCP firmware and license.  The Cisco SPARE phone does not come with any firmware or license.  If you want a different firmware you have to purchase it.  You cannot transfer software licenses.
12:39.18gordonjcpgr0mit: like I say, you get H323 on the Avaya 4602, but the SIP firmware is a free download
12:39.23ManxPowerMimmus: That's just an alias for "screwupoutgoingcalls=yes"
12:39.39gordonjcpbut I can't get the voicemail light working yet
12:39.50ManxPowergordonjcp: he wants a vast busylamp field.
12:40.16MimmusManxPower: ?
12:40.26gordonjcpManxPower: ooooh, we can do vast busy lamp fields
12:40.34gordonjcphow much money do you want to spend?
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12:40.49ManxPowerMimmus: How was that unclear.
12:40.52gordonjcpand how vast do you want the lamps to be?
12:41.19MimmusManxPower: my english is bad!
12:41.24gr0mitneed approx 10 BLF
12:41.44gr0mitso alternative is the snom360
12:41.59gr0mitbut i want cheep cheeeep
12:42.15lathos42gordonjcp: Dont forget the Bright blue LEDs
12:42.20gordonjcpyou don't fancy spending, say, 35,000 ukp?
12:42.27gordonjcpnot including the art?
12:42.36gr0mitnope.  was thinking of a max of £90
12:42.38W|NGNUTManxPower: Thanks! Silence suppression was indeed on.
12:42.39gordonjcplathos42: no need
12:42.41gr0mitinc vat
12:42.57gr0mitcoz i am a cheapskate
12:43.09gordonjcplathos42: when a phone rings, it will pick out that person's statue in one colour of light, when the line is picked up it will fade to another colour
12:43.18MimmusManxPower: do I need overlapdial=yes using a PRI (E1) line?
12:43.28ManxPowerMimmus: NO!
12:44.01gr0mitMimmus: Yes.
12:44.03gordonjcplathos42: a pair of high-quality video cameras will relay that to an Abekas video mixer and distribution panel, and thus to banks of 56" plasma screens mounted on the walls
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12:44.13ManxPowerMimmus: But that has nothing to do with fax tone echo can disable
12:44.19gordonjcplathos42: elaborate and expensive, but quality costs, yeah?
12:44.28lathos42gordonjcp: Absolutely
12:44.41ManxPowergordonjcp: I think it would be much cheaper to just train users to not need a busy lamp field.
12:44.55ManxPowerTakes about a month before they stop screaming.
12:45.11MimmusManxPower: I'm pretty sure that I read it on the wiki!
12:45.21gordonjcpManxPower: mmm, ok
12:45.28ManxPowerMimmus: half the wiki is wrong
12:45.31gr0mitwell it is very useful and users see it as a retrograde step when they lose sight of who is on the phone at a glance
12:45.41gordonjcphow about just fitting shock collars to them, and zap them when they scream?
12:45.48ManxPowerWE just Flash Operator Panel
12:45.54ManxPowergordonjcp: don't tempt me.
12:46.02gordonjcpjust a thought, y'know?
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12:47.00Fremanit seems to be very.... dependant on what it forgets and what it remmembers
12:47.16ManxPowerlathos42: they have them for dogs.
12:47.21ManxPowersound activated.
12:47.23Fremanit remmembers this
12:47.39Fremangets forgotton
12:47.44ManxPowerFreman: file on
12:48.01jontowwe have tv's hooked to a distribution box, it takes SVGA input and splits into the correct # of signals and resolution for the tvs
12:49.47fugitivogood morning
12:49.54Fremanexten => ${IncPrivPin},3,SetVar(IncPrivDialing=${IncPrivPrimaryLine})
12:49.58Freman2005 works
12:50.01christofugitivo good afternoon :)
12:50.11fugitivogood whatever
12:50.12Fremanbut IncPrivPrimaryLine  is blank
12:50.12ManxPowerFreman: what do you expect us to do about your problem?
12:50.34Fremanwas hoping someone had an idea
12:50.58atmos4ah, found the problem: If I execute ztcfg after modprobe zaphfc modes=3, the cards don't send tx after starting asterisk
12:51.04atmos4if I omit the ztcfg it works
12:51.23jontow.. it runs a flash app that displays queue contents/times, # of agents in call (not even *WHO* is in call), current alerts, etc (we do ISP support mainly)
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12:51.28ManxPowerFreezer: the idea is not to have duplicate [globals]
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12:52.17drraythank you drive through
12:52.28sylewinamp pisses me off, refreshes all the time on my songs, bitch when you got 14 thousand
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13:01.27FremanI don't have a duplicate globals any more
13:01.36Fremanis there a max length for variable names?
13:02.13FremanThat's it
13:02.27Fremanthe problem is there seems to be a limit on the length of variable names
13:02.35syleduplicate globals lol
13:02.41syleyour not a programmer are you
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13:02.49FremanI am actually
13:03.14Fremanthe duplicate globals was an attempt at fixing an issue which had no logical reason for occouring
13:04.23sylelogical would be NoOp'ing in different parts of your code
13:04.32FremanI did
13:04.42Fremanand asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvc showd the variables being loaded
13:04.54syleno point in more than 3 v's
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13:05.30Fremanyeh, but it's easier to hold down the v key then type 3 v's
13:05.47sylei cat /etc/motd and copy and paste personally
13:06.09Freman-- Setting global variable 'IncPrivLoopMax' to '3'
13:06.16Fremanthese variables all set in the same place
13:06.27Fremannow, if I try to use IncPrivSecondaryLine it'll be blank
13:06.40FremanINCPRIVPRI (which used to be primaryline) will work
13:06.48Fremanand so will incprivdialling
13:07.03syleinteresting, i wouldn;t have the balls to mix upper and lower case with asterisk
13:07.16Fremanupper and lower case works
13:07.29Fremanyou can even use - in your variable names
13:07.52sylei'd stick to using variables name like C
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13:08.19FremanIf asterisk extensions was a programming language... or even a well documented scripting language - I wouldn't have a problem with it (c:
13:08.48sylehows it not well documented?
13:09.11syleall you need really
13:09.23jaybuffethello.. i have a question about asterisk..  i'm not too familiar with phone systems, but we have a small radio show we do and would like to set up a system similar to the larger places where we can have a single number to dial and we can put them on hold and put them on the air one at a time or prescreen... make sense. im kinda confused myself
13:10.26anthmyou need valetparking =D
13:10.30syleas for variable max length i am not sure
13:10.38sylei;d check c source to see what the buffer array is set to
13:10.40anthmvariables are all malloced
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13:10.48anthmname and val
13:11.35sylehmmm anthm might know answer to your max length off top of his head lol
13:11.54jaybuffetanthm: was the valetparking thing for me..
13:12.24gordonjcpmmm, yeah that would do it
13:12.38Fremanwell, now I'm sure of how #include "" works, and I'm aware of a max length to variable names... I'll be right
13:12.47jaybuffetanthm: is that a module for asterisk?  i guess i can google it.. it gives me a place to start.. thank you
13:13.51ManxPowerwhy would the built in parking of Asteirsk not work for him?
13:14.42anthmdid you read his question?
13:14.56anthmor you planning to get defensive for the fun of it?
13:15.24ManxPowerhe needs to put people on hold and take them off hold.
13:15.45Fremannow my MOH is WAY too loud
13:16.03gordonjcpManxPower: wonder how you'd (easily) do the desk feed -> MOH thing?
13:16.18gordonjcpcan you make a channel capture from a live source?
13:16.42ManxPowerheck a Queue sounds like it might work for him as well.
13:17.03ManxPowercall comes in, someone pre-screens the call, transfers the caller to a queue with FIFO
13:17.11anthmin selective order, valetparking can do that by stacking parked calls into the same lot name whereby you can pull them back off the stack ask them what they are calling for and repark them to a new stack where the host can pull in a call based on the type of question/comment it was
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13:17.35atmos4can I somehow display the ${DIALSTATUS} to console for debugging?
13:17.38ManxPowergordonjcp: where in jaybuffet does he talk about sedk feed -> moh?
13:17.59anthmmaybe if the queue code didnt suck donkey $%%$^
13:18.03jaybuffetwhat is MOH ?
13:18.03ManxPoweratmos4: Noop(DIALSTATUS=${DIALSTATUS}
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13:18.16ManxPowerjaybuffet: music om hold
13:18.25atmos4ManxPower: thx i'll try
13:18.26HmmhesaysManxPower: just the man I was looking for
13:18.53ManxPoweranthm: if you keep things simple it doesn't suck as much.
13:18.55jaybuffetok.. yeah.. i would probably need that too
13:18.59HmmhesaysI'm kind of a n00b to bind and setting up srv records
13:19.05Hmmhesaysit was giving me hell yesterday
13:19.08anthmwhat does that mean exactly ?
13:19.13bkw_srv records are easy
13:19.22Fremanrofl, my MOH is so damn loud I have to move my head away from the phone and even then it's entirely distorted... my original install had it too quiet
13:19.32Hmmhesaysbkw_ haha they should be, just never done it in bind
13:19.35jaybuffetand be able to pick up any line on hold.. not just the next one
13:19.44ManxPowersip-1           SRV 0 0 5060
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13:19.51bkw_Hmmhesays, hehe it took me two seconds to do them in bind :P
13:19.52Hmmhesaysand there is like 0 documentation on it
13:19.56gordonjcpManxPower: when you have people calling into a radio programme, while they are holding waiting to talk on air they need to be able to hear the programme output
13:20.08Hmmhesaysbkw_ well you are just a lot smarter than I am
13:20.17ManxPowergordonjcp: *shrug*  If you say so, but jaybuffet didn't say so.
13:20.30Hmmhesayshaha you think I didn't read that, problem is, it didnt' work right
13:20.41bkw_you using bind 4?
13:20.45ManxPowerof course if you are using ASTERISK to lookup the DNS SRV, it will only ever connect to the first one.
13:20.48*** part/#asterisk oden (
13:21.01bkw_ManxPower, you're thinking enum also
13:21.06Hmmhesaysversion 8 i believe
13:21.14ManxPowerMy SIP client uses DNS SRV, not Asterisk.
13:21.19ManxPowerbkw_: maybe
13:21.28anthmwhile you are at pbxfreeware you can look at play-fifo that reads audio from a fifo and decys the unused music when nobody is listening so whatever you pump into the fifo will be heard as moh
13:21.33*** join/#asterisk NSGN (
13:22.31Hmmhesaysthe examples on the wiki are different than what I've found googling, and differen that what ManxPower just posted
13:22.45ManxPowerHmmhesays: Who do you think is right?
13:22.54bkw_the wiki is right
13:23.01Hmmhesayswell obviously you use them, so I'm leaning your way
13:23.04ManxPowermine is a paste from a working config.
13:23.16bkw_ManxPower, is wrong becuase you need _sip._udp
13:23.23bkw_I don't know why he didn't show that in his example
13:23.27ManxPowerbkw_: only if you use a client that requires that.
13:23.33ManxPowermy SIP clients do not require that.
13:23.39bkw_you must put a dns srv record in with _sip._udp
13:23.57ManxPowerbkw_: *shrug*  Mine works.
13:23.59bkw_its not an srv record without it
13:24.10bkw_or properr one I should say
13:24.19ManxPowerSee the SIPura FAQs.
13:24.23jaybuffetanthm: so what im looking for is on that site..  and asterisk is capable...  do i need to do anything with the telco ?
13:24.31bkw_ManxPower, check the RFC
13:24.34Hmmhesayssome examples have
13:24.48ManxPowerHmmhesays: *nod*  That is the pedantic way to do it,.
13:25.04anthmif you have a way to get more than 1 call at the same time eg t1 line or voip inbound service
13:25.05ManxPowerI didn't say mine is correct, only that it works in my production enviroment.
13:25.07bkw_check chan_sip
13:25.13bkw_how it looks for srv records
13:25.16bkw_it looks for _sip._udp
13:25.23bkw_channels/chan_sip.c:                    snprintf(service, sizeof(service), "_sip._udp.%s", peer);
13:25.23bkw_channels/chan_sip.c:                                    if (ast_get_ip_or_srv(&peer->addr, v->value, "_sip._udp")) {
13:25.23bkw_channels/chan_sip.c:                    if (ast_get_ip_or_srv(&outboundproxyip, v->value, "_sip._udp") < 0)
13:25.26ManxPowerbkw_: Um, I don't use DNS SRV with chan_sip.
13:25.33bkw_doesn't matter its how its down
13:25.39jaybuffetanthm: ok thank you
13:25.39*** join/#asterisk daXas (n=on@
13:25.48ManxPowerbkw_: do you currently run DNS SRV records?
13:25.56bkw_I will in a few hours...
13:25.56*** join/#asterisk Hopper (n=MattH@
13:26.05Hmmhesaysso I was doing it right, it was probably firefly doing something wrong
13:26.06bkw_I'm actually setting this up today and have in the past
13:26.13bkw_Hmmhesays, bet so
13:26.15HopperQuick question.... does anyone here know does the mysql_vm routine addon still work in the current CVS-HEAD?
13:26.31daXashi all, anyone using app_switch ? ... i think it is not for CVS-HEAD .. i can not compile it ..
13:26.36ManxPowerHmmhesays: I suspect that, like Asterisk, firefly requires the RFC pedantic format.
13:27.10ManxPowerThe SIPura even has a config option for "require _sip._udp in DNS SRV = Yes/No"
13:27.20Hmmhesaysyeah I'll look at the docs if they exist
13:27.26shadebobis it a solution to desactivate a port on a TDM400?
13:27.28bkw_lame if you ask me
13:27.43ManxPowershadebob: zap destroy channel X
13:27.54ManxPoweror remove the port from your config.
13:28.07shadebobzap destroy ... thanks
13:28.22hellop_pda/msg nickserv
13:28.23ManxPowershadebob: ya know how I found out about the options?
13:28.35ManxPower"help zap"
13:29.02*** join/#asterisk squirrelv5 (n=squirrel@
13:29.11Hoppernever mind stupid question.. blah as always docs answer question
13:29.25Hmmhesaysbkw_ you were right about the button up too
13:29.38bkw_Hmmhesays, ;)
13:29.41ManxPower Question 12
13:30.12NSGNahh, well i finally got A@H to install on my 233 mhz machine ^_^
13:30.21NSGNhowever i'm having NIC issues :-/
13:30.24bkw_ManxPower, thats because Sipura does it wrong.  You will need those to work with everything else out there.
13:30.34bkw_go read the rfc
13:31.00ManxPowerbkw_: I didn't say it was right.  I said it works in my production enviroment.
13:31.13bkw_only if all clients are broken like SIPura
13:31.21zoa2ah brian
13:31.25zoa2you silly bastard
13:31.33zoa2you didnt post something on mantis!
13:31.54bkw_zoa2, I will in a few
13:31.57bkw_been kinda buys boi
13:32.01zoa2i can imagine
13:32.07zoa2any traces of a memory leak ?
13:32.21bkw_one single call.. none that I can tell
13:32.28zoa2ah k
13:33.06NSGNwhoa...i just found a crazy fix for the 3com NIC issue under A@H
13:33.11Hmmhesayswell firefly seems to have 0 documentation
13:33.25NSGNdisable kudzu at runtime and it works
13:33.34bkw_Hmmhesays, firefly sucks in the first place
13:34.49zoa2brian, did you ever try idefisk ?
13:35.04zoa2softphone, but windows only
13:35.05*** join/#asterisk Nobbie1 (
13:35.10NSGNeexxcellent now i can SSH into my A@H box. i'm good to go! now i just need some hardware
13:35.13zoa2(but working hard on a linux native version)
13:35.16Hmmhesayswell i'd like a client to test this out
13:35.22NSGNPSTN interface
13:35.27zoa2Hmmhesays: go for idefisk :)
13:35.33zoa2like thousands did before
13:36.42HmmhesaysI will
13:37.43Nobbie1Hello all
13:37.56Nobbie1need help with Asterisk and Broadvoice
13:38.20Nobbie1have been able to get outbound calling working but incoming keeps getting a busy tone
13:38.35FremanI fixed my sound problem
13:38.39Nobbie1I have no more hair left trying to figure this one out
13:38.47Fremanthat's rude
13:39.25ManxPowerFreman: why is that rude?
13:39.55NSGNok this is stupid. AMP wont let me log in with the default password.....
13:40.04Fremanwell, asterisk on my prototype box used mpg321 it uses mpg123 on the production box....
13:40.12Nobbie1try maint and password
13:40.30bkw_mpg321 don't work right
13:40.35ManxPowerFreman: You could have just done "make mpg123" in the source directory.
13:40.48Fremantis gentoo
13:40.50Fremanyou emerge (c:
13:40.51puzzledor use madplay
13:41.01bkw_Freman, um still 0.59r is what you use
13:41.02bkw_even on gentoo
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13:41.15Nobbie1anyone running with Broadvoice?
13:41.19bkw_if you use the wrong one you'll get some strange behavior
13:41.22*** join/#asterisk Blissex (
13:41.33Fremanmodifying the default moh class : default => custom:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3,/usr/bin/mpg123 -q -r 8000 -f 1 -b 2048 --mono -s
13:41.57bkw_you can take out the -b 2048
13:42.00bkw_its not needed
13:42.02SwKwhat would be nice for MOH would be a nif
13:42.07Fremanemerge -vp mpg123
13:42.08Freman[ebuild   R   ] media-sound/mpg123-0.59s-r9  -3dnow -esd +mmx -nas +oss 0 kB
13:42.21bkw_i'm telling you 0.59s has issues
13:42.34Fremanof this... my ear drums are painfully aware
13:42.45bkw_very loud I take it
13:42.56bkw_-f 1?
13:43.01bkw_funny stuff
13:43.04Fremanvailable versions:  0.59s-r8 0.59s-r9 ~0.59s-r10
13:43.10FremanI don't have an r availible
13:43.20Fremananyway... -f1 works nice (c:
13:43.22bkw_go build it
13:43.25bkw_its just 1 binary
13:43.33bkw_or convert  your files to ulaw
13:43.36bkw_like i'm gonna do
13:43.46bkw_and use native music on hold
13:44.10jontowhooray for rawplayer
13:44.23bkw_don't even need that if they are in a native format
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13:47.43Fremanwell, I got my g729 codec working... happy about that
13:47.45mishehuI hate mornings.
13:47.52bkw_mishehu, root beer?
13:48.04syleput on some linken park music, then mornings are bareable
13:48.04bkw_that should wake you up yo
13:48.15mishehubkw_: you root your beer?  wow, you must be bored.
13:49.03mishehuso according to UPGRADE.TXT in cvs head (as of last nighit), the new IAX2 dial string should be DIAL(IAX2/user@host-exten@context) ?
13:49.51Mimmuswith PRI and DID, do I need overlapdial=yes?
13:49.57hellop_pdafreeman, notice a difference?
13:49.58zoa2no you dont need it
13:50.19Mimmuszoa2: wiki tells yes!
13:50.30bkw_mishehu, you're shitting me right?
13:50.31Mimmuswhat's the exact meaning of overlapdial?
13:51.11*** join/#asterisk spackle (n=spackle@
13:51.24bkw_mishehu, what line in upgrade.txt?
13:51.35mishehusec, let me pull it up
13:51.47mishehuI was have zombified last n ight when I was doing this work
13:52.18ManxPowerMimmus: Perhaps you didn't believe me when I said you should not use overlapdial?
13:52.23bkw_because if its that dumb ass format i'm going to raise a bitch fit
13:52.51mishehu* The naming convention for IAX channels has changed in a minor way such that the call number follows a "-" rather than a "/" character.
13:53.03MimmusManxPower: no! I leave my desk due to a technician in machine room and lost any reference
13:53.13musical_DuckNew CVS? as of last night? Is it worth it?
13:53.17mishehuif I remembered how to get the current line number to display in vim, I'd let you know exact line
13:53.27MimmusManxPower: thank you for your continous help!
13:53.33zoa2the wiki is wrong
13:53.44Mimmuszoa2: can I correct it?
13:54.01Mimmusthe wiki is wrong and now is down
13:54.06drray:set number
13:54.18bkw_mishehu, oh thats the inbound channel names...
13:54.18spacklebkw_: do you have a set of best practices for eliminating echo?  I have a PRI terminating to a digium card and the remote end hears echo.
13:54.22musical_DuckJa, that wiki had me runnin in circles for a while grrrr
13:54.23bkw_that was done months ago
13:54.46bkw_spackle, thats a good question
13:55.06ManxPowerspackle: other than the extensive thread over the past few days on the asterisk-users mailing list?  No.  Pretty much everything is covered in that thread.
13:55.09spacklebkw_: I just wondered if you had settings you turned off or on by default.
13:55.34spackleManx, I saw that, some good stuff showing up there.
13:56.23spacklebkw_: because you knew they do nothing or cause problems.
13:57.30musical_DuckSo looks like I am stuck with a realtime asterisk system ATM due to time constraints.  Is there a way to make asterisk cache all realtime configs?
13:58.26DrWho17musical_Duck: you can cache sip, check rtcachefriends=yes
13:58.41DrWho17there are some other rtcache settings as well
13:59.57musical_Duckthx, everybit helps
14:00.26atmos4ManxPower: btw. I have some strange behaviour: if call an ext from a sip client, then redirect the call to a zap ext, then answer the call on zap ext, then redirect callk to sip client and hangup zap phone, the zap channel doesn't get freed until i also hangup the sip phone
14:00.41*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
14:00.47Hmmhesaysgood lord outbound proxy setups are shit
14:00.54spacklebkw_: if only I'd waited until after cluecon.  8-(
14:00.56ManxPoweratmos4: I'm sorry to hear that.  I can't help.
14:01.26atmos4ManxPower: ok
14:02.44*** join/#asterisk Doofmannsgehilfe (
14:03.43musical_DuckAnyone ever build a web-interface for asterisk using php's SWFMovie->streamMp3 thinger?
14:04.03musical_DuckTo listen to call recordings that is?
14:04.43NSGNok, i have a small problem. i cant get my softphone (x-lite) to log onto my SIP server
14:05.09musical_Ducksome info plz
14:05.28NSGNi'm using sip debug on the terminal of the * machine
14:05.34NSGNx-lite sends register
14:05.41NSGNwith all applicable info
14:05.49NSGNand it sends 403 forbidden right back at it :-P
14:05.50ManxPowerNSGN: WHAT is the error message?
14:05.59ManxPoweri.e. Registration refused....
14:06.03NSGNx-lite says login failed! contact administrator
14:06.10*** join/#asterisk \etc\bin (n=squirrel@
14:06.10musical_Duckgtg quittin time cheers all
14:06.11NSGNhowever i'm using the right password.....
14:06.23NSGNi just remade the extension several times to be sure
14:06.24ManxPowerNSGN: I don't care.  I care about what's on the Asterisk CLI.  The Registration refused message.
14:06.43*** part/#asterisk \etc\bin (n=squirrel@
14:06.58NSGNi dont see registration refused
14:07.29ManxPowerNSGN: maybe you need to turn off sip debug
14:07.29NSGNi just see it receives the whole request, then sends back the info, but at the top of it it attaches 403 forbidden
14:07.35NSGNok, its off
14:07.38NSGNshall i relogin>
14:07.44NSGN*? from xlite?
14:07.55*** join/#asterisk huehner (
14:08.06ManxPowerNo idea.  We need to see the registration refused message that will print on the Asterisk console.
14:08.18ManxPowerNow, if you are trying to make a CALL then that's not a registration.
14:08.23NSGNwell, the asterisk console prints nothing when i try to log in
14:08.31NSGNim not calling, i cant even get x-lite to say logged in
14:08.32ManxPowerdefine "log in"
14:08.44NSGNopening the app with the proper extension number and password in it's settings
14:08.54NSGNand waiting for it to say logged in in it's main window
14:08.57ManxPowerNSGN: That's unfortunate, since the Registration refused message will contain the exact information to fix your problem.
14:09.18NSGNwell...why the heck wont it display? i kicked up the verbos mode to 4
14:09.33ManxPowerNSGN: I don't know.
14:09.39NSGNwill it not show up on a SSH connection? should i go look at the actual screen of the machine?
14:09.43ManxPowerI start use "asterisk -rvvv" and it works just fine.
14:10.04*** join/#asterisk Cheetah (
14:10.25ManxPowerNSGN: *sigh*  Put the output of the sip debug on
14:10.37Nobbie1anyone running with Broadvoice?
14:10.44Nobbie1I have no more hair left trying to figure this one out
14:10.48Nobbie1have been able to get outbound calling working but incoming keeps getting a busy tone
14:10.50ManxPowerthen paste the section of sip.conf for the sevice.
14:10.54bkw_FYI asterisk fuckign blowws
14:11.08ManxPowerNobbie1: Well without the console error messages nobody can help you
14:11.11bkw_no audio passing pile of shit
14:12.03fugitivoanyone is using the atcom at-320 ip phone?
14:12.21Cheetahi've got another question :D
14:12.22Nobbie1ok thanx for the response ManxPower...wanted a response before i entered that
14:12.40Mimmuscan I define a voice mailbox without defining an extension?
14:12.45Cheetahis it possible to "break" into an existing channel/conversation with another phone?
14:12.47NSGNmanxpower: you'll have to help me get to the sip.conf file. i'm an A@H user, a linux newbie
14:12.50NSGNwhere is it located/
14:12.54Cheetahlike two people are talking and someone wants to join in
14:13.05Cheetahi dont want to do this with conferences room
14:13.17NSGNok, just a moment
14:13.40NSGNwhat is a text editor i can open it in that is built into centos?
14:14.06ManxPowerNSGN: I don't provide OS help.
14:14.12NSGN(sorry for my raw n00bness...i'm a unix guy, but am new to all this linux stuff)
14:14.18ManxPowerNSGN: If you have not set up the device in sip.conf then it will not work.
14:14.32*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (
14:14.38ManxPowerNSGN: what would you use to edit a text file on Unix?
14:14.40NSGNi used AMP to set it up...but regardless i need to learn to edit the files by hand
14:15.07ManxPowerNSGN: Sorry, I can't help with AMP problems.
14:15.10NSGNpico maybe
14:15.26NSGNbut pico doesnt seem to be on this linux build
14:15.32ManxPowerNSGN: how about vi.
14:15.39ManxPowerThat's what unix guys use.
14:15.39NSGNhm, that worked
14:15.42ManxPoweror "less"
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14:15.48ManxPoweror "cat"
14:16.04NSGNhere comes that file
14:16.08spackle.... waiting for emacs.....
14:16.21ManxPowerNSGN: if you flood the channel with the info I will put you on /ignore.
14:16.38NSGN...thus my pastebin link
14:16.39ManxPowerNSGN: Sorry, I cannot help you with AMP configs.
14:16.50ManxPowerBest of luck getting it fixed.
14:16.58NSGNthen help me config it for real. i dont care about amp, i just didnt know any other way. i'll do it normally. i need to learn to anyway
14:17.10ManxPowerNSGN: you need to learn Linix first.
14:18.09NSGNi can stumble around decently enough (especially with google standing by, heh) if you dont wish to help just say so. i'm sorry, i'm new and i came here to get a little help. i had a rough ride even getting this stuff installed because of hardware issues
14:19.35Nobbie1ok everyone
14:20.40*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
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14:21.10Nobbie1here's the debug maybe you can see what i am missing
14:21.19Nobbie1Sip read:
14:21.19Nobbie1INVITE sip:3473420008@ SIP/2.0
14:21.19Nobbie1Call-ID: ff027d-4b@
14:21.19Nobbie1CSeq: 1 INVITE
14:21.19Nobbie1From: "New York     NY"<sip:2126555478@;user=phone>;tag=pstv
14:23.04fugitivoflash doesn't work in my atcom 320
14:24.13MimmusManxPower: if I comment out overlapdial=yes, outgoing calls dont't work anymore!
14:24.20*** part/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
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14:24.35ManxPowerMimmus: you prolly have pridialplan= something other than unknown
14:25.07MimmusManxPower: yes, I have  pridialplan=local
14:25.16MimmusManxPower: wrong?
14:25.47atmos4or try switching immediate
14:26.02ManxPoweratmos4: that will make everything fail.
14:26.10ManxPowerMimmus: Well it might be correct if you only ever made local calls.
14:26.57ManxPowerWhat part of "; PRI Dialplan:  Only RARELY used for PRI." in zapata.conf.sample was unclear?
14:27.16MimmusManxPower: this is waht happens when you collect info from many sources... noone is authoritative
14:27.21ManxPowercomment out PRI dialplan.
14:27.41ManxPowerMimmus: generally the *.sample files that come with your verison of Asterisk are where you want to look.
14:28.18ManxPoweratmos4: Have you read the zapata.conf.sample comments for immediate=?
14:28.31MimmusManxPower: I think always that they are tailored for USA (I'm in Italy)
14:28.52ManxPowerMimmus: You can argue, or you can try it.
14:29.20ManxPowerAnd yes, sometimes you need prididialplan and prilocaldialplan for non-USA, but it still seems fairly uncommon.
14:29.51ManxPowerand immediate=yes will break incoming PRI calls.
14:30.02MimmusManxPower: I will try when current users hanghup... and I can restart Asterisk
14:30.06ManxPoweroverlapdial can break outgoing calls (but not all them)
14:34.40ManxPowerlathos42: money
14:34.45*** join/#asterisk Defraz_ (
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14:35.36ManxPowerI want a nap
14:35.38lathos42ManxPower: Naah, Money doesnt bleed enough to be a good sacrifice
14:36.48ManxPowerlathos42: it's always worked for me.  Post bounty, get code, pay money.
14:36.53ManxPowerQuite simple, really.
14:38.01HmmhesaysI got my first real 6 string, bought it at the 5 and dime, played it till my fingers bled, was the summer of 69
14:38.27ManxPowerApparently Hmmhesays is bored too.
14:38.32spacklemake it stop
14:38.38ManxPowerI'll be bored until my two cisco routers arrive this afternoon
14:38.52*** join/#asterisk file[lap1op] (
14:38.53Hmmhesaysnaw just waiting for a unit to reboot
14:38.59Hmmhesaysand grab a new config file
14:39.03spacklemanx: and then you will be nickled and dimed-to-death
14:39.15ManxPowerspackle: I doubt it.
14:39.19*** join/#asterisk mariogamboa (n=sudaikdd@
14:39.28mariogamboahi all
14:39.32ManxPowerspackle: I already manage about 15 Cisco routers.
14:39.38mariogamboai have a little question
14:40.15ManxPowerUgh.  I have to go to New Orleans on monday.
14:40.19zoa2i got my first real sex dream, ...
14:40.34mariogamboain avaya i can make a cor for restrict the users to make calls with account code in asterisk how i can assign the account code to make only local or local cellular o local cellullar and international
14:40.45spacklezoa: wrong channel
14:41.29ManxPowermariogamboa: you would do that using contexts, Authenticate, and your dialplan.
14:41.47ManxPowerOr you can just have your LD carrier require an auth/account code and make your life much simplier.
14:42.09*** join/#asterisk file[lap1op] (
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14:42.30mariogamboai need the account code for example jim have permision to make call only local  susan have permision to make local and cellular
14:43.04mariogamboabut when jim put your account code he can make too cellular call
14:43.41*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
14:44.03ManxPowermariogamboa: you have a dialplan problem.
14:44.35fulgasanyone knows if ser supports clustering ?
14:44.52crash3mdefine 'supports clustering'
14:44.55mog_homei dont know fulgas, but ser can support like 10,000 calls
14:45.00mog_homeyou need more?
14:45.22*** join/#asterisk NSGN (
14:45.46fulgasotherwise i wont ask :)
14:45.51NSGNgod i'm a noob. ok, so i've set up two extensions on my test machine. i called one from the other and left some voicemail. now how in the heck do i check the voicemail?!
14:46.04*** join/#asterisk edwin__ (
14:46.06mog_homewell maybe, but a lot of people come in here askign for things they dont need
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14:46.13mog_homeyou need voicemailmain nsgn
14:46.22fulgasoks :)
14:46.23mog_homeexten => 1000,1,voicemailmain
14:46.24drrayNSGN extension.conf
14:46.32mog_homeis an example
14:46.40mog_homeput it in extension.conf
14:46.50fulgasneed it to a new voip provider
14:47.02NSGNok, so with that in there one would dial 1000 to check their own voicemail?
14:47.15mog_homeor any ones
14:47.19mog_homeif they knew the pass
14:47.26mog_homedo a show application voicemailmain
14:47.29mog_homein asterisk
14:47.30NSGNhmm...i wonder why A@H doesnt come with that line in the file
14:47.33NSGNseems like they should have
14:47.35mog_homeprobably does
14:47.37drrayor caller ID
14:47.44mog_homedo a grep for voicemailmain
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14:47.47NSGNwell dialing 1000 is not a valid extension
14:47.49mog_homeyoull probably find it
14:47.53drrayyou have to add it
14:47.53mog_home1000 was an example
14:47.57mog_homeyou can make it any number
14:47.58NSGNgot ya
14:48.01NSGN*goes grepping*
14:48.01drrayon mine it's 6
14:48.09mog_homeand at work its 8500
14:48.17mariogamboahow i can make a good dialplan for restrict users to make calls
14:48.19mariogamboaany info
14:48.19mog_homeyou can have up to like a 2000 line extension
14:48.28mog_homemario contexts are your friend
14:48.53mariogamboayep i know
14:49.11mog_homejust set up a context for each level of user
14:49.18mog_homethen default those users to those levels
14:49.21mariogamboabut i don't know how assign to context the level
14:49.31mog_homethe level is in your mind
14:49.33mariogamboaor if i can with callgroup
14:49.35mog_homenot a real thing
14:49.47mog_homehave context for each type of dialing right
14:49.55mog_homethen create contexts for each group
14:49.57mariogamboais right
14:50.09drraythen you can include them in the default to nest them if needed
14:50.10mog_homethen include those contexts for each group accordingly
14:50.25NSGNhey where is that extensions file?
14:50.30mog_homeand just tell each sip, zap ,iax channel
14:50.32NSGNlike, where is it located i mean
14:50.38NSGNah, k
14:50.41mog_homein asterisk@home you have 3
14:50.48mariogamboabut the group how i can make
14:50.50mog_homeas they include things on top of things
14:51.00mariogamboai need some example
14:51.02mog_homewhat do you mean grouip mario
14:51.12mog_homewell for that you would have to call me at digium
14:51.16drraydo a google for hitchhikers guide to asterisk
14:51.18ManxPowerWow, lots of people are /msg'ing me today and getting automatically put on /ignore.
14:51.21mog_homeand go through our express support
14:52.14mog_homehappy to give advice, but doing it for you
14:52.30mog_homei just cant do
14:54.51sylehey mog
14:54.56syleyou play final fantasy 11?
14:55.13mog_homepso fan myself
14:55.24mog_homenever liked any ff games after 3
14:55.28NSGNok i found a line referring to voicemailmain.....exten => a,1,VoiceMailMain(${ARG1})
14:55.34sylejust wondering, i visited my mog home so many times in that game hehe
14:56.00mog_homensgn thats not it
14:56.08sylei had to purposely get myself banned online so i could have a life again
14:56.15mog_homemy friends used to give me mogs
14:56.24mog_homei had a big fluffy doll at one point
14:56.30NSGNwhat part of the file should it be under? there are some headings/subheadings in here
14:56.58mog_hometo be honest nsgn this is why i stay out of asterisk@home, but here is what i would do if i were you
14:57.08ManxPowermog_home: These people are wanting private Asterisk consulting for free.
14:57.09mog_homegrep VoiceMailMain *
14:57.14mog_homeinside of asterisk@home
14:57.17ManxPowerI laugh at them and then put them on /ignore.
14:57.37HmmhesaysI tell them pm's are for paid support only
14:57.41NSGNok. *goes grepping..again*
14:57.47mog_homemy rule of thumb is if i dont have to login or think i am happy to do it for free
14:57.47Hmmhesaysthen if they insist they get on ignore
14:58.09mog_homebut anything more they should head to digium
14:58.14zoa2i get people asking for free support all the time too
14:58.16mog_homeunless its interesting then i do it
14:58.18ManxPowerHmmhesays: I used to do that.
14:58.20zoa2they think its only 30 minutes
14:58.22ManxPowerNow I'm just sick of it.
14:58.33zoa2they forget that there are 20 people asking it at the same time
14:58.40Hmmhesayseveryone's problem is a 'quick one'
14:59.01mog_homenot mine, they are always huge, but motly interesting
14:59.13mishehuand everybody's problem is the most important
14:59.27Hmmhesayslet me rephrase everyone says their problem is a quick one so they shouldn't have to pay
14:59.36ManxPowerI get almost as mad when people call my cell phone.
14:59.42mog_homeheh obviously my 1 line pbx is more important than zoas multi 1000 lined pbx
14:59.49mog_homemine is down NOW
14:59.57ManxPowerFortunatly I leave it powered off most of the time.
15:00.06mog_homemanxpower thats why i dont have one
15:00.19mishehuManxPower: my mistake was giving out my cell # when I first started consulting...  I should have coughed up for the landline from the get-go.
15:00.22ManxPowermog_home: People are supposed to call my extension and then hit 0 if they want my cell phone.
15:00.24*** join/#asterisk CoffeeIV_ (
15:00.27mog_homei am inredibly hard to reach if you dotn have the right channel
15:00.43ManxPowermishehu: get a new cell number.
15:00.57ManxPowermy cell phone also doesn't have voicemail.
15:00.59mishehuManxPower: I still get idiots calling my cell, and I let them go to the message that says "if this is a business related matter, please call XXX-XXXX", and they still leave the message on the cell!
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15:01.22NSGNok i guess i'll have to be adding an extension for voicemail. that grep string just returned nothing
15:01.26mishehuManxPower: I might.  am thinking of getting one of those treos, so I might tell sprint to fork over a new number.
15:01.27Hmmhesayssome people get in a technophobe frenzy and they just can't think
15:01.32mog_homensgn can i login for a sec
15:01.35mog_homeill show it to you
15:01.44zoa2i never want to talk to people on the phone :)
15:01.50Hmmhesaysme either, i hate it
15:01.54zoa2they could hunt you down forever
15:01.56mishehuyeah, nsgn, how about free root for everyone?  ;-)
15:02.01zoa2especially since most people are from the states here
15:02.03zoa2and im not
15:02.09zoa2and then they start calling you in the middle of the night
15:02.13zoa2for free support
15:02.15zoa2no thanks
15:02.16Hmmhesaysi don't want to talk to people in the states either
15:02.16mog_homewelll nsgn you could message me...
15:02.18ManxPowerI did tech support at major software vendors for about 6 years.  I hate the phone.
15:02.23mishehuzoa2: isn't that what IVR's are for?
15:02.24mog_homeas that would be less public
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15:02.27NSGNheh, i dont think my router is set up to let external SSH come in ;-P
15:02.44mog_homewell how about you post your extensions some where
15:02.46ManxPowerGet your average call time down!  Get the queue wait times down!
15:02.48mog_homeill show it to you
15:03.08mog_homeheh /me is glad digium is not like that
15:03.09mishehuManxPower: never "Help them fix their problem, even though we know they're dumb as mud!"
15:03.10NSGNok, you want the whole extensions file or just a part or what?
15:03.14ManxPowerFinally one April Fools day I hacked the reports and made my average call time 10 seconds and too 20x more calls than all the other techs.
15:03.20mog_homeall 3 or 4 of them
15:03.29ManxPowerThey didn't whine quite as much after that.
15:03.45mishehuManxPower: they feared you after that
15:03.49mog_homereminds of me of summer job at mcdonalds
15:03.57Hmmhesaysfsck phone support, unless you are a friend I don't want to talk to you
15:03.57mog_homeavg serving time is 56 seconds
15:04.05mog_homeby end of summer 15 seconds
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15:04.16mog_homesuch a lame job
15:04.30mishehuHmmhesays: and if your favorite actor/actress suddenly calls up to ask you out on a date?
15:04.35ManxPowermog_home: You started each conversation with "Welcome to McDonalds, geeze you're fat!
15:04.44CoffeeIV_Is the asterisk database -- not the mysql used by AMP, but the one whose contents are shown by "database show" at the CLI> prompt -- built from a text file that I could have scripts edit ?
15:05.00ManxPowerCoffeeIV_: no it's a Berkley DB
15:05.10mog_homeno "welcometomcdonaldshowcanihelpyoutodaywouldyoulikefrieswiththatthanksgoodbye" < 5seconds
15:05.26Nuggetding fries are done
15:05.47mishehumog_home: if you were in chicago still, you'd have to use a mexican accent for that
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15:06.11CoffeeIV_ManxPower: thanks -- any idea what file holds the Berkley DB ?  I know how to handle those -- I probably should interface to it through asterisk, but I'd like to at least make sure it is backed up
15:06.16mog_homei learned maybe 30 languages working there
15:06.33mog_homeit amazes me how few people speak english in the south
15:06.35Hmmhesaysmishehu: is she naked?
15:06.39mishehumog_home: I'm sure one of those languages was bad english
15:06.51mog_home20 of them where southern one word
15:06.58mishehuHmmhesays: she's on the phone, unless it's a vidphone, would it matter if she's nekkid?
15:07.02mog_homeyou take all words and make them one long long word
15:07.27mishehuhell, if natali portman called me up to ask me out on a date, I don't think I'd ask her "btw, are you naked?"
15:07.49mishehui'd probably just say "betaH" (means "of course")
15:08.09mishehumog_home: did you go down to the 'hood to learn ebonics?
15:08.17ManxPowerCoffeeIV_: look in /var/lib/asterisk
15:08.20mog_homei got that to
15:08.23mog_homeand spanglish
15:08.35NSGNmog_home: i'll get them files in a few. client on the phone
15:08.39mog_homeand many other english odd language i dont speak combos
15:08.52criptosHi, I Have random hangups, only in long distance incoming calls, any ideas?
15:09.06CoffeeIV_ManxPower: /var/lib/asterisk/astdb sounds very suspiciously named -- thanks a million man
15:09.07*** join/#asterisk pc4 (n=pc@
15:09.11ManxPowercriptos: set busydetect=no and callprogress=no
15:09.12elduhello is there a way to force an incoming comm to use a specific codec ?
15:09.24mog_home"looks foggy ask again later"
15:09.29ManxPowereldu: yes.
15:09.35mog_homecan you give more info criptos
15:09.41pc4What other provides provide 800 # incoming DIDs, unlimited simultanous calls (per minute), iax, and let you set your own CID?
15:09.47Hmmhesaysmishehu: i have an active imagination
15:09.50criptosWhat more info you whant mog_home?
15:10.01ManxPowerpc4: almost all carriers.
15:10.01rkingcriptos: i think they're saying you're bying cryptic
15:10.13mishehuHmmhesays: so do I, but isn't that what the internet is for - dl'ing nekkid pics of your favorite star?
15:10.22pc4ManxPower - Well, most consumer oriented ones like broadvoice don't.
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15:10.37mog_homewhat kind of lines you are running, how these calls come in, when they disconnect, are you sure its only long distance etc
15:10.38mishehuI couldn't find much else useful on this new fangled information superhighway
15:10.38ManxPowerBut why do you want to set your own caller id for INCOMING calls?
15:10.45elduManxPower: :) i mean for exemple 10 telco numbers on a sip trunk, can i force a codec to be used by only one of my telco number ?
15:10.49mog_homesaying my lines get hangups is increadibly vague
15:10.54pc4ManxPower - For outgoing calls.
15:10.54ManxPowereldu: yes.
15:11.00pc4ManxPower - I'm trying to find somethign with decent voice quality... nufone stinks there.  my stanaphone account sounds 10 times better.
15:11.06ManxPowerpc4: you only specified incoming 800 DID.
15:11.08elduManxPower: any tips to do that ?
15:11.09criptosManxPower, I`m using groundstart fxo signalling, I have 8 analog ptsn lines... And have no disconection announcement, why should be work better without busydetect instead using it?
15:11.16ManxPowerpc4: I use NuFone and Teliax
15:11.28mog_homeyou in the states criptos
15:11.40ManxPowercriptos: busydetect and callprogress don't work well and will cause random hangups.
15:11.42pc4many - Is the quality on nufone marginal for you?
15:11.51ManxPowercriptos: are you SURE you have groundstart lines and not loopstart lines?
15:11.55mog_homemeh busydetect isnt bad
15:11.56ManxPowerpc4: no.
15:12.00*** join/#asterisk libpcp (
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15:12.04mog_homeand manx is right on the groundstart part
15:12.06libpcphi all
15:12.14Hmmhesaysmisheshu: my favorite stars are already nekkid in movies
15:12.19libpcpis anyone using sangoma card connected to an e1?
15:12.21criptosNo, I in mexico... I have loopstart, not groundstart
15:12.22ManxPowereldu: well disallow=all and allow=thecodecyou want for the [provider] section of sip.conf.
15:12.23mog_homewhat kind of car are you using?
15:12.31mog_homecriptos what card ?
15:12.38blitzragereminder: TAUG meeting tonight at 7:30pm at Toby's Good Eats
15:12.40ManxPower<criptos> ManxPower, I`m using groundstart fxo signalling,
15:12.43jbothmm... taug is The Toronto Asterisk Users group. The website can be found at
15:12.50mishehuHmmhesays: ah, those kind of stars
15:12.50ManxPowerIf you have loopstart lines, why are you using groundstart signaling in Asterisk?
15:12.50criptossorry, is loopstart :)
15:12.51pc4ManxPower - call 1-347-534-2667 and dial extension 1001... listen to the quality.  then call 866-249-2403 and do the same.  866 is nufone #.  It sounds like crap.
15:12.53mog_homeor tdm400p
15:12.57zoa2bkw, if you set the jitter buffer to a negative size, maybe it will go faster :)
15:12.58mishehustars of moan
15:12.58criptosMy mistake...
15:12.59ManxPowertry using fxs_ks
15:13.05zoa2you need to use a negative buffer
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15:13.06mog_homeyeah bingo
15:13.13libpcpis sangoma uses zap channel ?
15:13.14ManxPowerpc4: maybe it's your codec?
15:13.16zoa2than it will send you the packets earlier than they arrived
15:13.21elduManxPower: yup i did that, it works fine, but with this [provider] i got many telco num, i want them all use one codec and only one or two of them to use another codec
15:13.22zoa2but dont overdo it
15:13.29zoa2or you will know what the guy says before he said it
15:13.32pc4ManxPower - g711u -- but it sounds like gsm.
15:13.37criptosSo, I try to use fks_ks and without busydetect and callprogress?
15:13.38ManxPowereldu: you can't set the codec on a per incoming call basis
15:13.40pc4ManxPower - Unless nufone is getting those dids via gsm
15:13.45ManxPowercriptos: yes.
15:13.56ManxPowerpc4: no, NuFone's DIDs come in via PRI
15:13.57criptosWell, lets try that...
15:13.59elduManxPower: exactly what i wanted
15:14.01mog_homenever ever use busydetect and callprogress
15:14.01mishehubah.  need to put things back togthere here...  rearranged everything...  blah.
15:14.03mog_homeits either or
15:15.05ManxPowereldu: get 2 accounts with different userids and passwords.  But some DIDs on one account and some on the other account.
15:15.30elduManxPower: yes i thought i will do like that
15:15.41ManxPoweryou CAN specific the codec on a per accuont basis.  This assumes that your provider authenticates as a different user for different accounts when they send calls to you.  Not all of them do.
15:16.51criptoschannles are now fxs_ks at zaptel and zapata.conf and there is no support for busydetect or callprogress...
15:18.15elduManxPower: interesting, ill ask them asap, coz atm i dont use any kind of auth
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15:18.27eldujust ip to ip sip trunk
15:19.06libpcpmaybe someone can answer my question. i just want to know if sangoma card is using zaptel channel in asterisk, because show channels doesnt show zaptel channels
15:19.21mog_homeit would show it as taht
15:19.31mog_homesangoma piggybacks off the zaptel stuff
15:19.37mog_homeand zapata
15:19.43mog_homeyou probably didnt config it
15:19.57ManxPowerlibpcp: the drivers for sangoma are zaptel compatable.
15:20.06libpcpso how can i use the sangoma card to dialout?
15:20.14mog_homeyou have to configure it
15:20.16mog_homefor asterisk
15:20.22mog_homeyou havent
15:20.22ManxPowerlibpcp: In Asterisk it's exactly the same as a Digium card.
15:20.33ManxPowerNo idea how you set up the drivers, you would have to talk to Sangoma about that.
15:20.37mog_homebut if you dont configure zaptel or zapata
15:20.44libpcpyeah i configured it but what about in the exten part. should it be Zap/1-x ?
15:20.56mog_homeor whatevre
15:21.01mog_homebut if you did zap show channels
15:21.03ManxPowerlibpcp: Dial(Zap/g1/5551212) just like ANY OTHER zap dial
15:21.06mog_homeand nothing showed up
15:21.10mog_homeasterisk doesnt know about it
15:21.42ManxPowerlibpcp: you did not configure /etc/zaptel.conf or /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
15:22.12libpcpif i do zap show channels it says no such command zap
15:22.20mog_homethen you dont have chan_zap
15:22.23mog_homein asterisk
15:22.28ManxPowerlibpcp: then you did not install zaptel before building Asterisk
15:22.34*** join/#asterisk DirtyD (
15:22.40mog_homemake sure you built zaptel, libpri,asterisk in that order
15:22.52libpcpManxPower: i did. that the first thing i did before installing asterisk from source
15:22.55ManxPowermog_home: WOW!  You mean just like the docs?!?!
15:23.03DirtyDhow is the world of opensource voice recognition for Asterisk coming along?
15:23.06mog_homeomg yes, arent they wonderful
15:23.10ManxPowerlibpcp: then asterisk did not see zaptel..
15:23.21mog_homegood dirtyd
15:23.30ManxPowerIf "show modules" does not show then asterisk is not built for zap
15:23.37libpcpwell i should try to recompile the asterisk again
15:23.38greg_workquick poll: TIA 568A or B?
15:23.44mog_homecould these docs be at
15:23.51mog_homeanswers point to yes
15:24.06tzangergreg_work: if you're in Canada?  A.  If you're in US: B
15:24.22DirtyDmog_home: what should I be researching to get voice recognition up and running with Asterisk.
15:24.28criptosis there any document, about the architecture of the iax_channel? I need callpickup at iax, after searching, now I belive that the easiest way is to code it..
15:24.34mog_homeit already is there dirtyd
15:24.36ManxPowergreg_work: for what?
15:24.37mog_homego to voipinfo
15:24.43DirtyDok thanks.
15:24.43mog_homesearch for sphynx
15:24.52mog_homeor is it sphinx
15:24.55mog_homei cant remeber
15:24.55bweschkeOlle Johansson? are you on this channel?
15:24.59criptosbut I have found chan_iax2.c quite "dark" and undocumentend...
15:25.09DirtyDthanks, man.
15:25.10mog_homecode is self documenting
15:25.12zoa2olle is not here i think
15:25.16zoa2his name is oej here
15:25.21mog_homebut he is not...
15:25.31tzangerno code is self-documenting, don't kid yourself
15:25.32bweschkek. thanks. trying to test out patch 3644 with a snom 360 here
15:25.39mog_homehave you read asteirsk
15:25.45ManxPowergreg_work: B is for Ethernet
15:25.49ManxPowerA is common for telecom
15:25.50mog_homeasterisk* its as easy as quantum physics
15:26.02criptosYeap, but it takes long to understand pure code, that documented code or a reference...
15:26.20bweschkesip show subscriptions is showing the subscription as active
15:26.31mog_homeyeah, i can read all the chans now just fine, except chan_zap which is a blackhole to me
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15:26.41zhamrockzzsorry guys i got disconnected
15:26.47criptoswell, so, I have a few questions. So far, I`m able to know if I pressed the pickupexten...
15:26.59zhamrockzzits weird because chan_zap is not showing in my modules
15:27.00*** join/#asterisk hotgrits (n=hotgrits@
15:27.07zhamrockzzill try to recompile asterisk again
15:27.16criptosAnd there is a ast_pickup_call(ast_peer *c) function..
15:27.16mog_homeeep class...
15:27.25bweschkebut when I go offhook on the subscribed extension - I don't see any sip msgs in sip debug going to the snom phone
15:27.53criptosBut, at iax2 everythings seems to be controlled by a ** to chan_iax2_pvt called iaxs
15:27.54bweschkerelated to the state change
15:27.59ManxPowerbweschke: you won't until it makes a call
15:28.15ManxPowerbweschke: SIP phones collect the digits, THEN talk to the server.
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15:28.33criptosI have modified chan_iax2 to accept callpickup pickupgroup at peer definition in iax.conf..
15:28.39bweschkebut if my snom is 1000
15:28.50bweschkeand I've subscribed to 1001 with 1000
15:28.58criptosbut, the thing I`m been unable to do, is to find that info at the iaxs structure :(
15:29.01criptosany help?
15:29.28bweschkeand then I INVITE 8500 with 1001, should I see a msg going to 1000 after the rtp streams get nailed up?
15:29.28ManxPowercriptos: perhaps #asterisk-dev? or asterisk-dev mailing list?
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15:30.31criptosI will go there :)
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15:32.07criptosevreyone seems to be dead at #asterisk-dev, has it been takeover by Umbrella corporation?
15:32.34spacklecriptos: yeah, and what happened to the 996 conference?
15:32.38ManxPowercriptos:  if you want immediate help expect to pay for it.  Otherwise be patient.
15:33.26MimmusManxPower: finally I tried without overlapdial=yes. It doesn't work.
15:33.41criptosmanxpower, no, I dont wat immediate help, I just was expecting a sign of life :)
15:33.45anthmwhat's your question?
15:34.30ManxPowercriptos: it's before noon EDT, they are all still asleep
15:35.54fileI'm trying to write out documentation but noooooooooo, uunet and cogent have to be bitches
15:36.26nick125that sucks
15:36.33ManxPower"Closing Ticket because of no response for 3 days."
15:36.56Juggiedear god, they finally commited my patch :)
15:37.15ManxPowerJuggie: how many weeks did it take?
15:37.16nick125ManxPower: lol
15:37.17filelatency here, latency there!
15:37.44ManxPowernick125: I'm getting tired of users having "urgent problems" and never responding to requests for more information.
15:37.45Juggie5 or 6
15:37.50criptosEvery thing is about latency :)
15:38.22criptosManxPower, I tougth that if you help other, other will help you, and well, you need to wait :)
15:38.32Juggiemanx, only 5-6 weeks hah
15:38.38Juggieit was a greuling process :)
15:38.42elduManxPower: are you still there ?
15:38.43nick125ManxPower: yeah, i get what you are saying
15:39.00ManxPowercriptos: I assume you are not longer needing developement help?  anthm is trying to help, but you are ignoreing him.
15:39.34*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:39.51MimmusManxPower leaved!
15:40.07*** part/#asterisk NSGN (
15:40.10jontowwait.. wrong movie.
15:40.10MimmusManxPower: I said that may english is very bad!
15:40.50Mimmusand here in Italy it's 17:40 friday
15:41.08nick125its only 9:41am here lol
15:41.21nick125it feels like 17:40 though :P
15:41.22Mimmusmy eyes are crossed
15:41.54MmmmToop_guess it it time to go home to wife....mmm
15:41.57criptosSo, I have "issues" with chan_iax and ast_pickup_call...
15:41.58MmmmToop_chat tomorrow...
15:42.12*** part/#asterisk MmmmToop_ (n=chatzill@
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15:42.38Mimmus-2, -3 diopters due to Asterisk
15:42.52criptosAs far I understand, chan_iax manages almos everything in a ** chan_iax2_pvt structure called iaxs
15:43.20_T3_good morning guys
15:43.29anthman array of pvts
15:43.35criptosast_pickup_call(ast_channel *c) expect ast_channel..
15:43.40Mimmus_T3_: morning?
15:43.52criptosand the obly ast_channel structure I see at chan_iax2_pvt is owner...
15:43.53_T3_sorry i just wake up
15:44.33Mimmus_T3_: ahhh, 17:45 in Italy: I'm dead tired
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15:44.58Hmmhesays10:45am in fargo and i'm not doing so hot
15:45.01_T3_is friday there ?
15:45.02anthmowner is a pointer to the channel that the pvt is joined to
15:45.13criptosTo make callpickup and pickupgroup, I also modifed read then from the iax.conf file, and those info is stored at a ** iax2_peer structure called peerl
15:45.33filepeers don't use the system, users do
15:45.47anthmpeerl is a global linked list of the peers read from the config file or realtime
15:45.52criptosSo, Mi big big questions, is how Do i get for iaxs[] to peel...
15:46.10anthmthat are used per call to configure newly invented pvts
15:46.18_T3_ok, who use REALTIME?
15:46.25*** join/#asterisk jets (
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15:47.43anthmyou need to add it to the code that sets up new pvt
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15:48.04anthmso when one is spawned it has the peer used to create it and the new pvt in the same scope
15:48.12anthmyou then cp it into the pvt
15:48.17anthmso you have it when you need it
15:48.52*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
15:49.27criptosat new_iax I suppose..
15:50.16*** join/#asterisk NSGN (
15:50.34NSGNOK i'm back, and whoever was gonna help me with the extensions.conf file, i'm ready now
15:50.38criptosnew_iax returns apointer to a chan_iax2_pvt structure,it does create a tmp, but no further info is provided about the peer, creating it.
15:51.00bvaneNSGIN what do you need help with
15:51.16anthmmoreso you need to deal with users
15:51.21criptosAnd there is find_callno, wow! NOW I`m getting..
15:51.22anthmlook at check_access
15:51.36*** join/#asterisk Matt-E- (
15:52.02anthmthat is where it copies everything from users to the new pvt
15:52.16*** part/#asterisk Matt-E- (
15:52.59criptosies is the "native channel" who will get copied to the iaxs structure?
15:53.07*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
15:53.26NSGNbvane: well i was having the darndest time figuring out what extension my voicemail was on, but i found out now it is *98
15:53.29anthmiaxs is an array of pbt
15:53.42_T3_i have this error: chan_sip.c:5782 register_verify: Peer '501' is trying to register, but not configured as host=dynamic
15:54.03_T3_i'm using realtime
15:54.13anthmiaxs[callno] is a struct iax2_pvt
15:54.42Juggierealtime static is such a waste of code
15:54.42filedatabase, database, fetch me a row
15:54.47bvaneNSGN good..
15:54.48anthmwhen a new one is being setup you have that 1 chance to take any data you can from the user or peer it's being configured by
15:54.50Juggieall the static could should be entirely removed
15:54.52lathos42anthm: Is changrab written so that if the I did a changrab(SIP/399) and SIP/399 was ringing, it would connect me with the phone that was doing the ringing?
15:55.06criptosand is build from a creating call + user info, for what check_access shows me.
15:55.09Juggiei have no idea why there are TWO database formats
15:55.11NSGNbvane: now i'm toying with voicemail. i think i'm actually in decent shape now. i'm sure i'll have more questions soon though
15:55.11*** join/#asterisk pfn (
15:55.13Juggieone for dynamic & one for static
15:55.14anthmyou have both obj in scope and you must cp the data onto the pvt because they will never meet again
15:55.38*** join/#asterisk CoaxD (
15:55.46CoaxDnetwork stupidness
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15:55.53_T3_i dont know relly
15:55.58criptosbut the data copied if from the user structure ant not from the peer structure rigth?
15:56.00Juggieanthm, is it just me or is that stupid, realtime static vs dynamic have dif table formats
15:56.07_T3_the only thing that i want is manage everything from database
15:56.18Juggiei have no problem with static & dynamic config, but i'm not sure why they cant share a format.
15:56.23anthmlathos42, it will take that exact channel, if you add a |-b it will take who it's bridged to
15:56.40anthmwaht is realtime static
15:56.55Juggieoh you should see this
15:57.12Juggiewhat a hunk of crap code this is... <goes to get a link>
15:57.18NSGNok i have one already
15:57.33_T3_any guide
15:57.34Juggieanthm, see
15:57.39Juggielook at the dable structure
15:57.43_T3_i read that already
15:57.56Juggie_T3_ is your name anthm?
15:57.58_T3_but this is the message that i obtain
15:58.09Juggiethe message you obtain is self explanatory
15:58.12NSGNhow do i make a custom voicemail greeting?
15:58.24NSGNnevermind...i found it. geez this is confusing sometimes
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15:58.35Juggiethe host is trying to register to you, and it can go one of two ways
15:58.36anthmoh that, oh ya i made that table =p
15:58.43*** join/#asterisk Santiago (n=santiago@
15:58.44Juggie1) the host is not supposed to register, fix them.
15:58.48lathos42anthm: Hmm.. The guy who did the patch for 1.0.x must have broken something..  it works as designed when the call has been answered, but while its ringing it connects me to the phone that's ringing, not the phone that originated the call..
15:58.48_T3_i know that, but iun the database exits a record with host=dynamic
15:58.55criptosIf sip is trying to register, then sip configuration expects, that only register sip phones will be using dynamic IP, so, or you put host=dynamic at your sip.conf entry or you tell the phone not to register.
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15:59.09Juggie2) they are and you havnt set it right in the database
15:59.16Santiagocan anyone give some information about asrisk experiences..?
15:59.20Juggie_T3_, do a 'sip show peers'
15:59.28_T3_Asterisk CVS-NHEAD-08/24/05-20:08:55 built by root@voipserver on a i686 running Linux on 2005-08-25 01:05:25 UTC
15:59.35Juggiethats show version
15:59.38_T3_i download a few days ago
15:59.38Juggiei asked for sip show peers
15:59.44_T3_ok ok ok
15:59.50Santiagoi  have a hotel...
16:00.02_T3_Name/username              Host            Dyn Nat ACL Mask             Port     Status
16:00.02_T3_502                        (Unspecified)               5060     Unmonitored
16:00.02_T3_501/501                    (Unspecified)               5060     Unmonitored
16:00.02_T3_333                        (Unspecified)               5060     Unmonitored
16:00.02_T3_123                        (Unspecified)               5060     Unmonitored
16:00.02_T3_4 sip peers [4 online , 0 offline]
16:00.12Juggiesee how DYN is there
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16:00.17Juggie(and dont paste in the chan BTW)
16:00.20anthmok so what was the question about the table?
16:00.23_T3_yes but is empty
16:00.33Juggiethus the table is not configured properly
16:00.37_T3_when i use the sip.conf
16:00.49Juggieanthm, no question about the table, it just sucks :)
16:01.00_T3_in the Dyn column is "D"
16:01.08Juggieit was a great idea @ the time, but with the realtime dynamic tables, static should just use the same table design
16:01.31anthmwhat is a realtime dynamic table ?
16:01.32Juggiewhich is considerabally easier to edit, etc.
16:01.42_T3_ok, some help about the table
16:01.43NSGNok here's a real one. so i record a busy message, but after it that lady says the deal about recording after the tone. how can i make * not play that, just my busy message then the tone?
16:02.01Juggieumm like the realtime sip/iax table
16:02.03*** part/#asterisk gr0mit (
16:02.27_T3_from there i take the example
16:02.40Juggieif you used that format, and told it to be static, it would be great. no need to have code in * to parse two dif formats.
16:02.59CoaxDNSGN: I'm not entirely sure its possible
16:03.10CoaxDNSGN: You could, however, record a very short gsm file and replace the prompt with it
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16:03.16NSGNcoaxd: eh? that seems odd, being how flexable * is
16:03.26CoaxDNSGN: The voicemail system is hardcoded in a lot of ways
16:03.33mog_homeor you could pay for a nice developer to add that option
16:03.34NSGNcouldnt i just change the pattern it runs through for taking a voicemail in extensions.config, or is it hardcode?
16:03.36mog_home^_^ ^_^
16:03.37Juggielook at the parameters for Voicemail()
16:03.40anthmkeep in mind you need a table strucure system that covers the entire config format
16:03.45_T3_i dont use that structure
16:03.47CoaxDNSGN: No
16:03.53CoaxDNSGN: You're only calling Voicemail()
16:03.57NSGN:-/ darn
16:04.00CoaxDNSGN: The pattern in question isnt in extensions.conf
16:04.05CoaxDNSGN: It is in Voicemail()
16:04.07mog_homebut for cash
16:04.10anthmif you went to implement what you are talking about you'd get stuck in the middle with the patient's chest cracked open and say "ohhh oops"
16:04.12_T3_mysql> desc ast_config
16:04.13_T3_| Field      | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
16:04.13_T3_| id         | int(11)      |      | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
16:04.15_T3_| cat_metric | int(11)      |      |     | 0       |                |
16:04.16CoaxDNSGN: Really, you probably could eliminate 2 lines of C code...
16:04.17_T3_| var_metric | int(11)      |      |     | 0       |                |
16:04.19NSGNheh, well if it comes down to it i'll replace the stupid file it plays
16:04.19_T3_| commented  | int(11)      |      |     | 0       |                |
16:04.21_T3_| filename   | varchar(128) |      | MUL |         |                |
16:04.23_T3_| category   | varchar(128) |      |     | default |                |
16:04.24Juggiestop stop
16:04.25_T3_| var_name   | varchar(128) |      |     |         |                |
16:04.27_T3_| var_val    | varchar(128) |      |     |         |                |
16:04.29CoaxD./k _t3_
16:04.31_T3_8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
16:04.31mog_homebig table...
16:04.32NSGN....what is going on?
16:04.33criptosanthm, a user and a peer are built at the same time? So, callpickup and pickupgroup configurationshould be added to the user.. becose this info goes to the pvt rigth?
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16:04.45mishehuthank you for not using a pastebin
16:04.51anthmadd it to the user
16:04.55CoaxDNSGN: I suggest replacing the prompt in question - in the voicemail prompt directory
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16:04.58anthmthen cp it to the pvt in check_access
16:05.05CoaxDNSGN: With like a 1/4 second prompt
16:05.10JuggieNSGN, see
16:05.17Juggielook specifically at the voicemail options
16:05.36NSGNnext question: wtf does the "digital receptionist" thing in AMP even do? i make one...and its like..ok, what does it do?
16:05.46NSGNeither its kinda dumb or i'm missing it's point
16:05.50NSGNlatter more likely
16:05.57mog_homeis there #amp?
16:06.03anthmlathos did you try app_intercept ?
16:06.07mog_homeif so we should send people there...
16:06.13CoaxDNSGN: Bwahahaha. i love how you put that
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16:06.22CoaxDNSGN: It is *exactly* what i say, when i've got an issue like that
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16:06.36CoaxDNSGN: (I dont know the answer to your question)
16:06.43Juggieso, Voicemail(sb${EXTEN}@default)
16:07.10NSGNso if i made a voice menu like that ( i think thats what it tries to make ) then how would i get someone to it?
16:07.12Juggiesb=play busy, but not introduction
16:07.14criptosOk, now, I have the callpickup info at the chan_iax2_pvt, but ast_pickup_chan at res_features.c expects a ast_channel *c to answer the phone, now from chan_iax2_pvt how do I get that info? and also, ast_channel has callpikup and picupgroup, so when does the info at iax2_pvt structure get passed to a ast_channel structure?
16:07.26NSGNcan you give it an extension?
16:07.32Juggiensgn, your question does not compute.
16:07.43lathos42anthm: I havent yet..  will it play nice with app_changrab so I can have 1 extension that will either grab the ringing call, or grab the on-hold call?
16:08.09CoaxDNSGN: Read up.
16:08.15CoaxDNSGN: Thats what the docs are for.
16:08.19CoaxDNSGN: And start playing with it. and testing.
16:08.21NSGNjuggie: ok, so say i wanted all phones in the house to ring for 15 seconds, then for some voice message to pick up giving options to go to different voicemail boxes for diff family members
16:08.35CoaxDNSGN: You have all the tools. (A softphone client is all you need. hell, dont even need a mic to test IVR stuff.)
16:08.56anthmapp_intercept is virtual *8
16:09.04NSGNcoaxd: ok. then here is my final question for a while. i dont have a PSTN line or a VoIP provider connected to this * setup at the moment. how would i test what an incoming caller would hear?
16:09.16criptoswhere is that app_intercept?
16:09.17anthmits entire mission is for what you want
16:09.22JuggieNSGN, that is very easy, i suggest you read up on dialplan logic.
16:09.23NuggetMSGN: download a soft phone and call yourself.
16:09.34Nuggetlike x-lite or something
16:09.40NSGNi have xlite...its one of my extensions
16:09.45NSGNi dont wanna test my own voicemail
16:09.47Nuggetcall yourself with it.
16:09.59NSGNi wanna test what an incoming PSTN line would hear when they call and asterisk handles it
16:09.59*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
16:10.02Nuggetso call yourself with it.
16:10.02NSGNbut i dont have the PSTN hardware right now
16:10.03Juggiethen use a cell phone
16:10.08lathos42anthm: Ok, so as long as it has a intercept value to grab onto, it doesnt care what state the call is in?
16:10.12NSGNwhat number do i dial?
16:10.17Nuggetwhat number did you set up?
16:10.20Juggieget the hardware then :)
16:10.28Juggiewhat you want is very simple
16:10.30Juggiekeep reading
16:10.39Nuggetasterisk won't do diddly squat for a caller unless you tell it what to do in the dialplan.
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16:10.42anthm has app_intercept
16:10.43Juggiei could do it for you but then i'd hjave to charge you
16:10.55Nuggetif you haven't done that, then there is no "what a caller would hear"
16:10.55Juggieso you may as well learn yourself
16:11.06CoaxDNSGN: You really need to read the documentation
16:11.12CoaxDNSGN: And stop relying on IRC for your information.
16:11.18NSGNnugget: understood. so how do i test that dialplan how it would sound for an external user without the PSTN hardware. is there a way to call from my softphone and have it be like an external incoming call?
16:11.24CoaxDNSGN: Asterisk is very flexible. it will do *anything*. but you have to TELL it what to do.
16:11.30Nuggetcall it from your softphone.
16:11.31NSGNcoaxd: i have my head in docs :-P dont think i'm not reading
16:11.33JuggieNSGN, absolutely
16:11.38CoaxDNSGN: Everything has a dialplan.  You need to figure out how to configure dialplans and contexts.
16:11.58CoaxDNSGN: Once you try it and figure it OUT, you will become VERY proficient at asterisk very quickly
16:12.05Juggiewe are here to help with complex problems, what you are doing is very simple
16:12.10Juggiego read some more, play around
16:12.16Juggieand if you are still having trouble, come back.
16:12.37criptosthanks antm, I will verify that ...
16:12.42anthmIntercept([<Channel Name>|<varmatch>|auto])
16:12.43anthmIntercept an unanswered channel:
16:12.54Hmmhesaysheh bind responds with a no host found when it gets sent
16:12.58Juggieon the other hand, if you want instant gratifaction, send me money and i'll configure it all for you :)
16:13.05NSGNok, well thanks all
16:13.07NSGNlunch then work
16:13.08criptosthanks :)
16:13.11CoaxDNSGN: Welcome
16:13.18*** part/#asterisk criptos (n=criptos@
16:13.23Juggieits funny
16:13.29Juggiepeople feel so overwealmed at first
16:13.34Juggieand then they realise how simple it is
16:13.38Hmmhesayspeople don't ever want to pay anything
16:13.48*** join/#asterisk asteriskDOTbz (
16:14.02CoaxDHmmhesays: Do YOU want to pay anything?
16:14.15Hmmhesaysnope, but I don't want people to fix anything for free either ;)
16:14.45CoaxDWhat does a * develoepr want to charge me to write up a nice * record-on macro that'll store everything neatly by year, month, day  ? :)
16:14.47*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
16:14.55CoaxDI'd do it, but.. I dont have time :)
16:15.05CoaxD(Note: Directory creation needs to work.)
16:16.15Hmmhesayshey file, whats up
16:16.16CoaxDsee?  When you actually WANT to do business with a * developer, they're never around.
16:16.25*** part/#asterisk MuppetMaster (n=MuppetMa@
16:16.25fileCoaxD: toast.
16:16.34fileHmmhesays: not toooo much, you?
16:16.38*** join/#asterisk hellagony (n=hellagon@
16:16.42Hmmhesaystinkering with some hardware
16:16.49filecool cool
16:17.25christian[asgi]anthm: that's up front right?
16:17.37jontowuh-oh.. zap issues.. wonder what i broke :(
16:18.18jontowcool, i think my boss disabled interlata on the PRI
16:19.36endom0rphhi, is it possible to have an extension reroute on busy/noanswer to a oh323 external voice processing system passing the original called extension number and reason(busy/noanswer). I get the extension number of the h323 when I just add a Dial on busy no-answer. Do I need a different command/macro?
16:20.15Santiagoanyone can introduce me to *
16:20.20_T3_i change to new table structure
16:20.28Santiagoi have many hotel clients interested.
16:20.35*** join/#asterisk ]bodhi[ (
16:20.36Beirdothere, did my part, he shouldn't drown now
16:20.44_T3_F1  F1  F1
16:20.47jontowsantiago; can
16:20.49fileSantiago: we're not here to sell you asterisk/etc, Google/websites do that
16:20.54filesell you on asterisk rather
16:21.11Beirdoasterisk...  Santiago...
16:21.18BeirdoSantiago.. asterisk..
16:21.22Beirdothere, you're introduced
16:21.24Beirdohave fun :)
16:21.26fileawww how cute
16:21.50*** join/#asterisk shadebob (
16:22.27_T3_J u g g i e
16:24.13SantiagoBeirdo funny... thanks...
16:25.33lathos42Is there a Dialplan app that will check the status of a channel, ie whether its ringing or answered?
16:26.17_T3_flash operator panel
16:26.27cpatrylathos42: type show application dial and see variable dialstatus
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16:26.37jbotAn XSL formatter written in Java that outputs PDF. URL:
16:26.37*** part/#asterisk pbxbart__ (
16:27.33jbotAn XSL formatter written in Java that outputs PDF. URL:, or the Flash Operator Panel
16:27.50*** join/#asterisk Al_Pocke (
16:28.17cpatrylathos42: work a bit, i wont do it for ya.
16:28.20_T3_ok, i do everything about config realtime mysql
16:28.38_T3_everything is working but i dont have any peer
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16:30.39CherebrumI just posted a bounty on voip-info. see:
16:30.44_T3_Atention.....realtime users... please talk with _T3_ now....
16:30.56tzanger_T3_: that's a quick way to an /ignore
16:30.57_T3_thank you
16:31.10*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
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16:32.00_T3_never happend again
16:33.51*** join/#asterisk SimonR (
16:34.22lathos42anthm:  How much would you want to write an app that combined app_intercept and the answered pickup of app_changrab?  I'm going to attempt to put together an AGI to do it myself, but i'd like an option to give my company if they Really want call pickup functionality
16:35.08SimonRAnyone know who does free origination?
16:35.11anthmbut are you sure app_intercept is not all you need?
16:35.23SimonRAs in a CLEC that gets paid for the inbound minutes and will give you 0 cents per minute?
16:35.58lathos42anthm:  Our current phone system has the ability to either pickup a ringing call, or an answered call from one button on the phone..  I need to emulate that behavior for the new phone system
16:36.15bkw_The public internet SUCKS!!!!
16:36.19CoaxDSimonR: Everybody does
16:36.31CoaxDSimonR: NuFone, Broadvoice, VoicePulse, etc
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16:37.18SimonRmost of them won't give you a large number of phone lines, however.
16:39.44anthmhow do you pick up an answered call with 1 button ?
16:40.52lathos42anthm: well, its not technically one button..  there's a Pick-up button on the phone, and it asks for the extension you want to pick up.. it then either grabs the call that is ringing into that extension, or the call that extension has on hold
16:41.54anthmok, so yeah let me know I can do it in 1 day if need be
16:43.10cpatrylathos42: what kind of phone is that exactly?
16:43.21lathos42anthm: Ok, cool.. I'll let you know one way or the other
16:43.23*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (n=Nuke@
16:44.30lathos42cpatry: Its a Merlin Magix phone system
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16:46.02jief-hello, i was wondering if any of you use Eicon 4 FXO cards? If yes, how do they compare to Digium cards?
16:46.05lathos42Ok, its lunchtime for me
16:47.07*** join/#asterisk NSGN (
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16:47.37NSGN-_- so i suppose the fact that my on-hold music plays in three second increments is because my * server is 233mhz? -_-
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16:47.56gooagleanyone had any luck with hardware echo canceler devices?
16:48.34rkingNSGN: what file type is your music?
16:48.43NSGNjust some defaults
16:49.07rkingNSGN: you should probably use the native format, so you don't have to process as much, no?
16:49.19NSGNthat'd make sense. what IS the native format? heh
16:49.26NSGNa wav/aiff?
16:50.56rkingoh, hrmm.. i have a doc here for the iaxcomm format... but yeah, i'd think either wav/aiff would help
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16:51.18NSGNiaxcomm? how the heck would you encode a song into that? :-P
16:51.24rkingmp3 decoding is pretty processor-intensive
16:51.35rkingNSGN: ringtones is what the iaxcomm doc is talking about
16:51.36NSGNi'm about to load up a wav
16:51.43NSGNoh, ok
16:52.32NSGNargh, what folder do you put hold music in?
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16:56.09criptosHi again...
16:56.40criptosabout the hanging up, I set busydetect=no and callprogrees=no using ks singalling, and now. * nevers hangup a call...
16:57.09NSGNwell this is lovely. apparently i dont have privileges to access that folder via FTP
16:57.24criptosand also, is down rigth?
16:57.51jief-NSGN: it totally makes sense to not have access there
16:57.58jief-as only root should have access to /var/lib
16:58.03NSGNwell.. how do i put a stupid song in there? :-D
16:58.23jief-you upload it to your ~, then you move it where it belongs with the root account
16:58.28jief-and change permissions and so forthj
16:58.43NSGNheh, guess so is down? or it´s me :)
17:00.07filecriptos: just you.
17:00.10*** join/#asterisk atmos4 (
17:01.11puowvipI wonder how many concurrent calls does a DS3 handle
17:01.12mariogamboawow i resolve the context in my asterisk
17:01.29cpatrypuowvip: 672
17:01.32mariogamboabut i have a doubt about access code
17:01.42cpatryat24 chan per t1
17:01.45criptosfile, can you emailme app_intercept? I`m really unable to get to
17:02.01mariogamboahow i can implement access code not for extension if for users
17:02.07mariogamboaany ideas
17:02.10filecriptos: sure, what's your email?
17:03.01jief-puowvip: a DS3 is 32 PRI, and there's 24 lines available per PRI as far as i know
17:03.39cpatryits 28, not 32, iirc
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17:05.44gooagleI keep reading about turning down the jitterbuffer to decrease echo... Where do I find this setting?
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17:06.59_T3_one question?
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17:07.36_T3_realtime is working, but i cant see my peers using sip show peers...why?
17:10.01jief-cpatry: you were right, its 28, not 32
17:10.27Hmmhesaysack this is not workikng right
17:10.48*** join/#asterisk fulgas (n=fulgas@
17:11.16samyany ideas on why it would not be getting it from the SendDTMF()? i've even produced a gsm file with a dtmf 9 and play it with no success
17:11.22samyquestion for some of you...i have a PRI in an asterisk box. an apartment buzzer system dials into asterisk, asterisk does a SendDTMF(9) (and i've tried SIPdtmfmode() before the SendDTMF() with all three types). the buzzer should hear the dtmf 9 and open but it doesn't. if i then trunk the call out to my cell phone and hit 9 from the cell (buzzer -> * -> cell), the buzzer system hears it properly
17:11.30samywrong order for messages, heh
17:11.36NSGNalright...i just did a test call through my * server between two software phones...and the audio quality was total crap. what the heck is wrong?
17:12.38atmos4NSGN: change the codec config
17:12.48NSGNon the softphones or *?
17:12.56NSGNand what is a good codec?
17:12.56atmos4if you have lan ulaw and alaw should be fine
17:13.32atmos4I use something like disallow=all\nallow=ulaw\nallow=alaw
17:13.41atmos4where \n is a linebreak
17:14.15*** join/#asterisk blessen (n=blessen@
17:14.30atmos4besides you should make sure the soundcards of the pcs at least have a microphone boost option
17:14.50atmos4because without it passive microphones from headset are about unusable
17:15.01NSGNthese are mac laptops, good mics and speakers. i use ichat on em all the time
17:15.14NSGNand skype
17:15.27NSGNso where would i make those codec changes?
17:15.35blessenHi spackel : let me first of all thank you for what you have done for me by helping me configure asterisk with kphone:-) was really nice of u...
17:15.41atmos4skype has an inbuilt ampflification, it works even when I use my onboard sound which has no mic boost
17:15.57atmos4but for everything else I needed to switch the mic to my audigy
17:16.04NSGNwell this wasnt quiet sound, this was buzzing and corruption
17:16.08blesseni have one more issue ...spackle
17:16.13atmos4NSGN: in the sip peer
17:16.30atmos4eg. your friend entry in sip.conf
17:16.40atmos4just look at the comments and you'll get the idea
17:16.48blessenspaclkle may i chat with you directly
17:17.37atmos4also I had quite a difference in quality with different softphones, sipps from ahead gives me the best quality and surrounding noise suppression so far
17:17.37*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:d856:c704:0:0:0:0:1)
17:17.42atmos4but it's win only
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17:18.26atmos4besides the fact that their installer is so stupid it deletes the nero install ;-)
17:19.00NSGNok i'm in sip.conf
17:19.08NSGNi see the codec stuff
17:19.11*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
17:20.04NSGNthats what its set to right now
17:20.07NSGNdoesnt that seem right?
17:21.38gooaglein zapata.conf is jitterbuffers is not defined, does it default to 0 or ?
17:23.15atmos4NSGN: looks ok
17:23.25NSGNhmm, then what is with my audio quality?
17:23.46NSGNthere was a digital sounding pulse/buzzing that made the person almost inaudable on the other end
17:24.06mariogamboahow i can make call with accountcode
17:24.21mariogamboadepend of accound code is the line the user can take
17:24.45atmos4NSGN: have you reloaded asterisk and reconnected the sip clients?
17:25.10NSGNno. this setup is pretty fresh. as of last night
17:25.21ManxPowerNSGN: don't allow both ulaw and alaw
17:25.28*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
17:25.52ManxPowerIf you are in the USA/Canada/Japan(?) then allow ulaw.  If you are anywhere else, allow alaw.
17:26.01NSGNbut not both?
17:26.08bjohnsonno point
17:26.11ManxPowerNSGN: correct.
17:26.21NSGNbut would that screw my call quality?
17:26.25ManxPowerAsterisk has a history of poor transcoding between ulaw and alaw
17:26.41bjohnsonand is usually not even needed
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17:26.46ManxPowerbjohnson: *nod*
17:26.52blessencan anyone help me with getting asterisk configured for vonage along with kphones complete details and configurations are pasted here
17:27.05bjohnsonCC info?
17:27.09NSGNmanxpower: hm, the corruption did sound like when i mixed up codecs in video editing once
17:27.14NSGNand quicktime was playing in an odd one
17:27.14NukemizerDoes or can Asterisk support Megaco +  protocol ?
17:27.20atmos4NSGN: try sip show channels to see what codecs it's using (console)
17:27.42syleok i give up , whoever wrote cmd MYSQL should be shot
17:27.44NSGNi'm disabling alow right now
17:27.59ManxPowerA duplex-mismatch could also cause audio issues.
17:28.41*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
17:28.55NSGNwhat would cause that/what is that
17:29.06NSGNargh, i cant edit sip.conf cause its in use
17:29.18ManxPowerblessen: you cannot connect Asterisk to Vonage unless you have a BYOD account.
17:29.31ManxPowerNSGN: of course you can.
17:29.39NSGNwell, vi isnt too happy about it :-P
17:29.54NSGNgives me a page of complaining then wont let me
17:29.55ManxPowerI think Vonage calls that "softphone account", but you don't get unlimited calling on it.
17:30.01syzygyBSDany idea why asterisk console would tell me it is running soxmix but never does?  I copy the command from the console into a shell and run it and it works though.
17:30.17ManxPowersycofly: path?  permissions?
17:30.23*** join/#asterisk Ahmuck (n=chatzill@
17:30.31ManxPowerNSGN: it's in use by another VI session.
17:30.37*** part/#asterisk criptos (n=criptos@
17:30.40NSGN..i'm pretty sure it's not
17:30.41*** join/#asterisk frogy (
17:30.41Ahmuckgood morning.  what are the min requirements for asterisk
17:30.52NSGNat least not one I started
17:31.04Hmmhesaysok the example right out of the damn RFC2782 doesn't work
17:31.37*** join/#asterisk Lex (n=icechat5@
17:32.25LexHi everyone, Is there a channel for the 1.2 RC?
17:32.34ManxPowerNSGN: "killall -9 vi"
17:32.54ManxPowerthen run it again just to be sure.
17:32.58NSGNvi: no processes killed
17:33.08NSGNagain, same reply
17:34.48blitzragequestion: which alarm systems work with the alarmreceiver app? Any experiences?
17:34.56NSGNoh well, i've gotta go to work now
17:35.04NSGNa client way out in nowhere land.. x_X
17:35.13ManxPowerNSGN: do you have permission?
17:35.15NSGNi'll be back this evening to address whatever the heck this quality issue is
17:35.16*** join/#asterisk psycodad (n=obiwan@2001:4060:4419:b1:0:0:0:2)
17:35.18shadebobManxPower : after a Zap Destroy can I reload channel without reload zaptel driver ?
17:35.25NSGNmanxpower: i'm SSH as root
17:35.27ManxPowershadebob: no.
17:35.39ManxPowershadebob: you said you wanted to kill a channel, not that you wanted to resurect it.
17:36.02ManxPowerin CVS-HEAD you MIGHT be able to to a reload
17:36.15ManxPowerIf not you would have to unload and then load
17:36.30ManxPowershadebob: maybe you really just wanted to hangup an active channel?
17:37.17shadebobManxPower : no. I want to stop an FXS channel for block phone on certain condition. If condition is OK i need to resurect it
17:37.20NSGNmanxpower: but i'll be back later with a few hours to mess with it
17:37.29ManxPowershadebob: you can't do that.
17:37.35*** join/#asterisk Moc (
17:37.39NSGNthanks all, later
17:38.21ManxPowerI guess you could do something like dial Zap/5/ in a .call file.  that would pick up the fxo port and not actually dial and never timeout.
17:38.34ManxPowermight piss off your telco, however.
17:38.38shadebobManxPower : with an unload - load on stable it's ok....
17:38.52shadebobManxPower : thanks
17:39.14ManxPowershadebob: when you cannot unload if you have any active zap calls.
17:39.27endom0rphis it possible to have an extension reroute on busy/noanswer to a oh323 external voice processing system passing the original called extension number and reason(busy/noanswer). I get the extension number of the h323 when I just add a Dial on busy no-answer. Do I need a different command/macro? thanks
17:40.05shadebobManxPower : * wait for hangup all active zap channel and after unload chan_zap maybe?
17:40.22shadebobManxPower : I haven't an * near me
17:41.53*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (
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17:42.53syzygyBSDis there a program to append two gsm files rather then mix them with soxmix?
17:43.45zoa2its called cp
17:43.57zoa2just copy file1 + file2 to file3
17:44.06nick125no, its called cat
17:44.12zoa2or cat
17:44.16zoa2does cat do binary well ?
17:44.23nick125cat file2 >> file1
17:44.31zoa2thats for ascii iirc
17:44.37zoa2on windows it works with copy
17:44.43zoa2and i think on linux the cp might do it
17:45.07syzygyBSDI will try cp
17:45.08jarrodhow do i remove the last digit from the dialplan .. similar to EXTEN:1 for popping off the first
17:46.30cochiuhm tried :-1 maybe?
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17:48.21netsurferhi guys, from time to time i'm hearing broken up audio on my * box, its 1.8ghz with 512mb/80gb - its basically just running * and has at most 2 - 3 calls going thru it (all using GSM) at any one time. Is it likely to be a bandwidth issue or cpu/ram ?
17:48.54BrianRnetsurfer: bandwidth - the cpu is way overkill
17:48.55*** join/#asterisk Romik (
17:49.02BrianRnetsurfer: also make sure you have realtime enabled
17:49.16frogyis anyone know if the "shared lines" features available in the asterisk-cvs?
17:49.22netsurferBrianR - that will help with the broken up audio ?
17:49.51bendy24netsurfer: sounds like a bw issue
17:49.59bendy24try some QOS goodness
17:50.06*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
17:50.25netsurferbendy24 - ok.. thanks for the tip
17:50.27BrianRnetsurfer: If it's related tointermittant load from other processes on the machine, yes. Otherwise you probably have a bandwidth problem.
17:50.39*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
17:50.56netsurferBrianR - all its running is * mysql and apache
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17:51.09netsurfersurely 1.8ghz and 512mb is enough for all that ?
17:51.21bendy24yeah, im runniong 800mhz
17:51.24bendy24and its fine
17:51.29[hC]is there a way to get a better organized version of 'show channels' so i can see current in/outgoing calls? I can piece them together as is using show channels but i usually have to follow thru a couple channels if they're bridged to see who's calling what
17:51.42netsurferim not choosy, but the users might be ;)
17:51.59spacklemaybe a better network card?
17:52.28bendy24netsurfer: hows the cpu load?
17:52.42bendy24try running top and watch it for a while
17:52.57netsurferbendy24 - have done, it seems fine
17:53.05bendy24bw issue for sure then
17:53.11dudesif you're running top remotely account for that the bandwith it uses
17:54.01bendy24anyone have any luck compiling h323 on tiger?
17:54.01syzygyBSDcat works to append bianary files too
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17:54.47bendy24damn pwlib refuses to build
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17:54.51shmaltzanybody here know how to use the onboard echo  can with the TE406?
17:55.04bendy24i think its the openssh libraries
17:55.56[hC]Anyone ever come across a CDR record storage issue where the proper incoming caller ID is detected as far as asterisk is concerned (NoOp ${CALLIERIDNUM} shows the right data) yet when it logs to CDR it sometimes shows a previous caller's callerID?
17:56.08eKo1Dang it, why am I getting "Unable to create channel of type 'zap'". zttool shows no alarm on the channel I'm trying to dial through and ztcfg isn't complaining either.
17:56.19ManxPower[hC]: never in my wildest dreams.
17:56.32ManxPowereKo1: what does "zap show channels" say?
17:56.53[hC]ManxPower: Hm. Im trying to figure out where the error may be, im running CVS head. If asterisk outputs the correct caller ID, i would assume its something in the cdr code.
17:56.59*** join/#asterisk dswillia (
17:57.04[hC]ManxPower: trying to narrow it down
17:57.04ManxPowereKo1: what card do you have?
17:57.20ManxPowereKo1: pri?
17:57.37ManxPowerpri debug span 1  Also check the value of HANGUPCAUSE after the dial.
17:57.54ManxPoweryou can look up the cause codes on the web.  google for isdn pri cause code
17:57.56eKo1I'm noticing that InAlarm: 1 when I do 'zap show channel 1'. That's bad right?
17:58.14ManxPowereKo1: dunno.  zttool says "OK"?
17:58.21*** join/#asterisk adjacent_ (
17:58.30dswilliai just had a sip trunk delivered to me, and they are telling me that I need to insert a pin # they have given me before the number i.e. pin#+1+areacode+7digit number.  Which conf file would I need to configure to obtain this?
17:58.40eKo1ManxPower: on span 1 it does.
17:58.44ManxPowerall ztcfg does is apply your config to the card, it doesn't verify the line is working.
17:58.47eKo1which is the one i'm using.
17:58.53ManxPowerpri debug span 1  Also check the value of HANGUPCAUSE after the dial.
17:59.09mariogamboahow i can define password for my user to make call via password
17:59.09ManxPowereKo1: can you receive calls?  Is this a new PRI?
17:59.10spackleeKo1: my card gets stubborn after I have monkeyed with the settings and I actually have to power cycle the machine to get it back.
17:59.27jarrod:-1 then only gives the last digit
17:59.33*** join/#asterisk myiagy (n=myiagy@
17:59.35jarrodany other way to pop the last digit off an extension?
17:59.43ManxPowerjarrod: README.variables
18:00.04eKo1ManxPower: yes, it is a new PRI
18:00.15ManxPowereKo1: your telco didn't finish turning it up
18:00.19blessencan anyone help me send and receive calls using asterrisk with vonage ...using kphone as soft phones
18:00.32*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
18:00.34ManxPowerblessen: do you have a softphone or BYOD account?
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18:00.43blesseni use softphones
18:00.56eKo1ManxPower: Actually, the PRI line is connected to a PRI<->SS7 switch that I have and I don't see any ISDN frames being sent to it.
18:01.13ManxPowerblessen: Vonage will not let you connect with ANYTHING except the device they provide unless you have a special "softphone account"
18:01.16spackleblessen: manx wants to know if you have a softphone account with Vonage.  You need one to use it with Asterisk IIRC
18:01.28blessenManxPower:  have a vonage account
18:01.36blessenyes i have a softphone account
18:01.55ManxPowerOf course, conage does not provide unlimited calls with the softphone account.
18:01.55jarrodmanx: perhaps you didnt know my question was not covered in that README?
18:01.59rikstaare sangoma e1 cards supposed to show as "0000:03:03.0 Network controller: Unknown device 1923:0300" in lspci ??
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18:02.01blessenspackle.: you back..i thought you where busy
18:02.19eKo1hmm, the hangupcause is AST_CAUSE_NOTDEFINED
18:02.50blessenManxPower: Yes, i have a softphone account with vonage
18:02.56ManxPowerjarrod: it's a documentation bug
18:03.03ManxPowereKo1: Um, it's a number, not a string.
18:03.17spackleblessen: just at lunch.  And running out of ideas.  everything *looks* good.
18:03.28blessenspackel : :-(
18:03.39eKo1yes, the number is 0 and #define AST_CAUSE_NOTDEFINED 0 is what's in causes.h
18:03.48blessenSpackel: you tried your best and i did a  lot..thanks a lot boss...
18:04.03blessenspackle: sorry you did a lot :-)
18:04.19eKo1I don't see any debug on span 1
18:04.39blessenspackle: i thank you for that..but i got to get this working soon..
18:04.40clint_Anyone off the top of their head know how to do 'account codes'?
18:04.50harryvvaccount codes?
18:04.50spackleblessen: you are very close.  I to wonder are people using kphone successfully with Asterisk.
18:05.14eKo1pri show span 1 says "Status: Provisioned, In Alarm, Down, Active"
18:05.17clint_account codes: dial number, second dialtone, dial account code used for billing sorting..
18:05.21harryvvFCC extends deadline for VoIP providers
18:05.47ManxPowereKo1: never heard of that.
18:05.49blessenManxPower: can you help complete configuration is at
18:06.05ManxPowerblessen: I CANNOT help you.
18:06.13jarrodeKo: check linecode/fram and signaling
18:06.17ManxPowereKo1: what about  pri show span 2
18:06.30ManxPowerjarrod: he has no alarms in zttool
18:06.35eKo1span 2, 3, and 4 aren't there since I'm not using them
18:06.47*** join/#asterisk |Barcode (
18:06.56ManxPowereKo1: unless, of course, you or asterisk is confused about which port is which span....
18:07.10eKo1OK, now zttool is show a red alarm.
18:07.31jarrodhere we go down a rabbit trail
18:07.35ManxPowerI'll bet you have a bad crimp on the cable.
18:07.39eKo1it was OK just a while ago.
18:07.51eKo1I crimped that stupid cable with both hands very tight.
18:08.15harryvvmanx, bandwith problems?
18:08.25ManxPowerharryvv: HUH????
18:08.29eKo1OK, I guess I have to go over there and check that dang cable.
18:08.51harryvva crimp in cat5 can upset the impedence of the cable and bottle neck the cable bandwith
18:09.19spackleharyvv: so can overweight electrons.
18:09.23harryvvtwist or crimp some where on the cable can do that.
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18:09.34ManxPowerharryvv: his line in bouncing between RED and OK
18:09.49harryvvconnection problem
18:09.56harryvvdo a wiggle test
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18:12.23jeobjeobjeobwhere would i get sounds from the chick who made the recordings used in asterisk?
18:12.40spacklejeobjeob: :)
18:14.46ManxPowerjeobjeobjeob: her name is Allison
18:15.24*** join/#asterisk Guggemand (
18:15.34BrianRI'm thinking Polycom IP501's for the offices and Budgetones for the cube farm. Any thoughts?
18:16.10ManxPowerBrianR: do you really hate the pepople in the cube farm THAT much?
18:16.12spackleBrianR: save yourself the headache and go all 501's or get 301's for the cubes.
18:16.34ManxPowerI would not give my ex-wife a Budgetone.  I'd give her a cup of cyanide, but not a Budgetone.
18:17.04BrianRspackle: 301's run around $140?
18:17.19BrianRHas anyone found a cheap source for the POE adaptors? Aparently the 501 and 501 don't have built in POE?
18:17.27spackleBrianR less if you buy bulk
18:17.34ManxPowerBrianR: correct.  you need the special polycom cable for PoE
18:17.44BrianRIt's like $40 from voipsupply :(
18:18.17ManxPowerBrianR: At least one company will sell you polycoms with PoE cable, without wall power adapter for the same price.
18:18.26spackleBrianR, the Unidens and the Sipura phone are in the $100 ballpark too, but the polycoms are so much nicer.
18:18.30ManxPowercontact VoipSupply and/or Voxzilla.
18:18.31rikstaare sangoma e1 cards supposed to show as "0000:03:03.0 Network controller: Unknown device 1923:0300" in lspci ??
18:18.45BrianRspackle: Yes. They seem to be the nicest phones in the under $200 price range.
18:19.16spacklebrianr: ask voipsupply for their quantity pricing.
18:19.19frogycan anyone get the "shared lines" feature on polycom working with asterisk?
18:19.36BrianRspackle: Not sure if I qualify - I only plan to buy about 30 phones total..
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18:19.55ManxPowerfrogy: never tried.  I beat my users until they admitted they really didn't need that feature.  Only 1 of them died in the process.
18:19.58BrianRfrogy: What does the share dlines feature do?
18:20.53magohello, i'm looking for someone to install a calling card application on an asterisk server, any volunteer?
18:21.07shmaltzwhy would I get echo only when calling a pots?
18:21.22ManxPowershmaltz: Um, because only POTS can cause echo.
18:21.23BrianRManxPower: what's that feature do anyway?
18:21.24frogyBrianR shared line is kind of one extension shared by multiple phone sets.
18:21.27shmaltzmago, yeah, here just paypal me the money first :)P
18:21.43BrianRfrogy: Aah. Can't one play games with the dialplan to get the same effect?
18:21.47ManxPowerBrianR: google the mailing list for "busy lamp field" or "BLF"
18:21.50jbotit has been said that mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
18:22.00magoshmaltz, shure, first we have to agree on the terms
18:22.14shmaltzManxPower, that much I know, but it only happnes when going SIP < > Asterisk <> PRI <> POTS and not when PRI <> Asterisk <> PRI <> POTS
18:22.29BrianRManxPower: the polycoms have semi-working BLF support. If you use the buddy list feature it does a SIP subscribe and shows which extensions are in use.
18:22.31shmaltzmago, you said volunteer
18:22.41ManxPowershmaltz: No, the echo is still there, but it's SO short it sounds like "sidetone" when VoIP isn't involved.
18:23.07harryvvbroanr worked with the 500s
18:23.26shmaltzManxPower, when calling SIP <> Asterisk <> PRI <> Cell Phon (digital) No echo only when calling POTS
18:23.37ManxPowershmaltz: That would be expected.
18:23.44harryvvBrianR I mean have you worked with the 500s also?
18:23.56shmaltzManxPower, as always thanks
18:24.05BrianRshmaltz: turn up the echo cancellation stuff in the zapata.conf file
18:24.08jeobjeobjeobwhen you call a goto, and it finds an invalid extension, does it return to the previous place?
18:24.12frogyBrainR, not quite, it because if someone seizes the lines, the rest cannot use it until it is free again.
18:24.22shmaltzBTW, did you get the setvar for sip.conf backed rolled at the end?
18:24.22BrianRharryvv: Yes. I have 4 of the IP500...
18:24.22ManxPowershmaltz: see
18:24.28magoseriously, anyone willing to install areski or astcc? let me know how much you charge... also appradius to work with phone extensions calling out...
18:24.50shmaltzBrianR, I did, and I have a TE406 with the onboard echo can and still
18:24.57BrianRfrogy: Aah.. Maybe that makes more of a difference if you're trying to simulate a key system with pots lines or something.
18:25.10ManxPowershmaltz: Asterisk SHOULD be canceling out the echo.
18:25.20harryvvBrianR get all the buttons to work?
18:25.26shmaltzManxPower, meaning?
18:25.30BrianRfrogy: At least our key system has a PRI, so the concept of two sets being able to seize the same extension number won't seem so foriegn to users.
18:25.43ManxPowershmaltz: meaning that if you have the echocan daughter card and still have echo, call digium.
18:26.19BrianRharryvv: There was some stuff I couldn't make work - but aparetnly the IP500 doesn't actually have a web browser.
18:26.25frogyBrianR, exactly, and that's been required by customers all the time.
18:26.34shmaltzManxPower, I emailed them already will wait for their response. Did you ever get that setvar patch for sip.conf to work with 1.0-9?
18:27.06*** join/#asterisk cinix (n=beecards@tor/session/x-c37076dee6c25432)
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18:27.14cinixHas anyone else had the problem where you can call out fine, and you can always hear the other end fine, but sometimes the other end can't hear you? And it changes from one phone call to the next, everything will work great, i'll hang up and dial again and they can't hear me.
18:27.20BrianRfrogy: Maybe it's desirable for keeping the "feel" of a key system when replacing one with VOIP sets - but i'm not convinced it's got any other practical use.
18:27.39shmaltzcinix, Nat nat nat nat
18:28.02shmaltzfrogy, use FOP
18:28.04ManxPowershmaltz: ended up not needing it.  I upgraded my polycoms to 1.5.2
18:28.08cinixoh hmmm.
18:29.00shmaltzManxPower, I need ${BLINDTRANSFER} to work in 1.0-9 do you know who can help me?
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18:29.50veteranis "leavewhenempty" in queues.conf only in cvs?
18:29.58frogyBrainR, it is more than just the feel. It's such a common feature that's in the PBX that users like to see.
18:30.03cinixIf I use port forwarding on the IAX and SIP ports do you think it will still happen?
18:30.11shmaltzanybody know how to figure out in the dialplan if 302 redirect has been given by a SIP client?
18:30.23frogyshmaltz, I'm using FOP already.
18:30.27*** part/#asterisk mago (n=maxgluck@
18:30.51ManxPowershmaltz: ${RDNIS} should be poulated.
18:30.58shmaltzfrogy, its not a PBX feature, its a key feature
18:31.01BrianRfrogy: The whole concept of lamps and line numbers is not a PBX thing - it's a key system thing
18:31.29shmaltzManxPower, you mean when using  302?, hm, makes sense, thanks
18:31.47ManxPowershmaltz: see the pastebin I'm about to give you
18:31.56shmaltzI will
18:33.00BrianROn a PBX, it's definantly a "feel" thing. Key system style exclusive buttons are actually a feature-reduced version of the busy-lamp-field & speed dial you'd get on a hybrid key system or PBX with SIP SUBSCRIBE support.
18:33.08*** join/#asterisk PupenoL (n=pupeno@
18:33.25shmaltzManxPower, thanks for that I like the way you check for a blank var (always had this problem) I used to use ${LEN()} thants for that tip
18:34.26*** join/#asterisk cinix (n=beecards@tor/session/x-d46c70502847868d)
18:34.56cinixI read that there are NAT options I can use in the configure files, what's my best course of action?
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18:35.05ManxPowershmaltz: I think that example is from before $LEN existed.
18:35.18shmaltzI see
18:35.27ManxPowerbut it still works....
18:35.53shmaltzManxPower, have you ever tried using promiscrdir in sip.conf?
18:36.00cinixbut it's not SIP I'm using by IAX, and I only am affected by outgoing voice, exact opposite as I'd expect in a NAT problem. hmm
18:36.28shmaltzcinix, what technology you using end to end?
18:36.30ManxPowershmaltz: no.  I feel that is is an evil option
18:36.48ManxPowerI don't want want users to be able to get out of the PBX
18:37.07shmaltzManxPower, I agree with you, unless it would be configurable, right now I'm using the DP for all
18:37.31cinixsoft sip client -> asterisk server -> iax pstn provider
18:37.53ManxPowerOK.  Pizza arrived.  Once UPS arrives I'll officially be having a "good day"
18:37.55shmaltzcinix, beween sip and * you have nat?
18:38.20ManxPowercinix: then you don't need anything special
18:38.31shmaltzcinix, then get a different provider, who is the provider?
18:38.45cinix:-P okay why are you laughing
18:39.09ManxPowercinix: you're not doing something silly like running asterisk on your NAT router, are you?
18:39.10shmaltzbecause my wife just joked with me :)
18:39.37cinixManxPower, yes, but it connects with IAX which I thought was fine.
18:39.48ManxPowercinix: so what is your specific problem?
18:40.04cinixI call and talk to someone works great, hang up, call someone else I hear them great, they can't hear me.
18:40.20shmaltzManxPower, never realized its on the wiki
18:40.23shmaltzscroll down to HINT
18:40.31cinixIt's very irregular, I can go days with no problems, then days where no one can hear me, without any intervention on my part.
18:40.40ManxPowerA huspand and wife are watching the news on television.  There's a story about gay marriage on.  The husband turns to his wife and asks "Haven't they suffered enough?"
18:41.22shmaltzcinix, its a providers issue
18:41.25ManxPowermen usually laugh at that joke, women usually just glare at me.
18:41.27shmaltztry nufone
18:41.43ManxPowercinix: I strongly doubt changing providers will make any different
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18:42.15shmaltzManxPower, I do think so based on experience with them
18:42.33harryvvgay marrige is something that should have never happened.
18:42.50ManxPowerharryvv: I feel the same about straight marriage.
18:43.13cinixwhen I call fwd's echo server it always works
18:43.31cinixused to do that as soon as it wasn't working because I thought it was my mic or something. without fail never had a problem
18:44.13harryvvmanx, marrige is of a religions meaning
18:45.12ManxPowerharryvv: It SHOULD be a religions meaning, but is IT a religions and a govt meaning.
18:45.31shmaltzI think marrige is a commitment just like * is, there fore gay marrige is silly, who takes out the garbage in a gay marrrige?
18:46.04ManxPowerI've been with my boyfriend for 6 years I think.
18:46.05MikeJ[Laptop]The Kids!
18:46.16ManxPowerMikeJ[Laptop]: We finally agree on something!  *grin*
18:46.24syleits not a commitment, guys marry for passport or taxwriteoff and women for money like it always has been
18:46.30harryvvSome study showed that unmarried couples that live together break up far mor often then those who marry.
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18:46.37MikeJ[Laptop]same ones who mow the lawn and pick up the house
18:46.46harryvvi want a house
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18:46.53harryvvon the oregon coast :)
18:46.59MikeJ[Laptop]harryvv, you are making arguements for gay marriage now?
18:47.01shmaltzharryvv, of corse since married ppl are commited
18:47.07harryvvmike, nops
18:47.09Delvarim off home!
18:47.11ManxPowerharryvv: I think that's because it's such a hassle to get divorced.
18:47.20harryvvmabey :)
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18:47.34MikeJ[Laptop]harryvv, but you said married couples stay together... commitment is good right?
18:47.50rikstaanyone got a sangoma t1/e1 card that can lend me a hand for a minute please?
18:48.05MikeJ[Laptop]sangoma does ;)
18:48.06ManxPowerI'll bet the correlation is more of couples w/kids staying togather more than couples without kids, regardless of marriage status.
18:48.19rikstaMikeJ[Laptop]: :)
18:48.26ManxPowerriksta: Not many Asterisk users run Sangoma, so there are not a lot of people to help you.
18:48.42rikstaManxPower: oh really? i was advised to get one from here :)
18:48.51ManxPowerriksta: not from me.
18:48.56MikeJ[Laptop]studies also show that long term gay couples stary together more often than married strait couples...
18:48.58ManxPowerI hear they are good cards.
18:49.02ManxPowerJust not many people use them
18:49.13rikstai'm having trouble with the kernel patches it applys, missing symbols and such
18:49.14MikeJ[Laptop]that being said, I am happily married to a woman.. so what do I know ;)
18:49.25BeirdoMikeJ[Laptop]: studies can say whatever people want them to say, unfortunately
18:49.33ManxPowerI was married once, a long time ago.
18:49.35Beirdohard to find the truth
18:49.41rikstahey Beave
18:49.44rikstaBeirdo: even
18:49.47MikeJ[Laptop]kids are fun..
18:49.54harryvvmike, makes the couple think more seriosly what thay are getting into when thay tie the knot. To often young couples dont look down the road and are only foccused on the getting married :)
18:49.54MikeJ[Laptop]I need to go hug mine
18:49.55hardwiresnom is going to hate me
18:49.55Beirdohey, riksta
18:49.57hardwirefeature request after feature request
18:49.59hardwirejust give me the damn code
18:50.04BeirdoMikeJ[Laptop]: good idea :)
18:50.05spackleI like women so much, I think I would still like them if I was one.
18:50.14ManxPowerkids should be locked away until they turn 18
18:50.25hardwirespackle: after the years it would take to get over liking yourself.
18:50.25harryvvmanx, we were kids
18:50.26MikeJ[Laptop]I could never personally marry a guy... they are too difficult ;)
18:50.29ManxPowerBut a lot of people love their pet humans.
18:50.29shmaltzI believe that the longest living person was married to the oposite sex
18:51.00spackleschmaltz, usually their spouse is long dead though.
18:51.20hardwiregay/lesbians live shorter lifespans?
18:51.30shmaltzalso, that study is simply not true, since there is far more straight cpls that lived far longer than the longest gay couple did
18:52.07ManxPowerIf I cared that much about living longer I'd stop smoking, not get married.
18:52.09harryvvmanx, kids are NOTHING compares to a kid that has autism.
18:52.12shmaltzjust like it must be that there are 2 trees with the same amount of leafs on it
18:52.13spackleyeah, that's like saying grandstreams have more problems than polycoms. . .
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18:54.07clint_Ok, so now that we're done with the important stuff :)
18:54.07shmaltztaz-^, hello
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18:54.21clint_Is just down, or is my ISP retarded?
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18:54.37ManxPowerclint_: Yes.
18:54.39harryvvmanx, my step dad had to have his chest opened up and have 1/3 his lungs cut out from years of smoking.
18:54.52harryvvclint its probebly down
18:55.04clint_ManxPower:  I knew they were retarded... :)
18:55.07ManxPowerharryvv: and all he had to do was get married!
18:55.27harryvvclint try this
18:55.36harryvvmabey there dns is down
18:55.40shmaltzclnt_ you ISPs fault
18:55.44ManxPowerIf you think I'm an asshole online, wait until you see me when I'm quitting smoking.
18:55.58Beirdothat does many people in, ManxPower
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18:56.08hardwireI just registered (206) 965-9506 with my voip provider
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18:56.13clint_ISP between me and them...  Looping route...  Ah well.
18:56.16hardwireand.. so.. I called it.. to see if I get a not found error
18:56.21ManxPowerBeirdo: I need to get Welbutrin
18:56.22*** join/#asterisk Moc (
18:56.22harryvvohh hardware forgot your in seattle
18:56.25hardwireits the worlds largest adult entertainment network
18:56.26hardwirehow nice
18:56.31hardwireharryvv: I am in Alaska
18:56.45harryvvi see thats a did
18:56.45Beirdomy friend in TN just went on Welbutrin...  he was at 3-4 packs of Marlboro a day
18:56.48hardwirenot 9506
18:56.49Beirdoit will be rough
18:56.53*** part/#asterisk Charlie88 (
18:56.57ManxPowerhardwire: Alaska?  That explains alot.
18:57.08hardwireManxPower: i'm not from here you jerk.
18:57.14*** join/#asterisk Bile_One (
18:57.16ManxPowerBeirdo: it helped the last time I quit.
18:57.22shmaltzI used to smoe 2-3 packs marlboro a day I quit Oct 2 years ago
18:57.43cinixod I just started talking to someone wasn't working at first, and it started working mid call. first time that happened. i'll couldn't make it even flicker and I was dancing all over the room thinking it was the headset
18:57.49ManxPowerBeirdo: Of course at $120/month welbutrin isn't any cheaper than smoking
18:57.54harryvvshmaltz good for you get alot of your taste buds back?
18:57.57Beirdoheh, true
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18:58.01Beirdobut a bit better for ya
18:58.08shmaltzmy friends would laguh at me with my cig in my mouthe and both hads on teh keyboard my nose was always burned :)
18:58.32shmaltzharryvv, it's over now, don't want it, and I'm starting to hate the smell
18:58.57harryvvbtw, one person who quite smoking back in the 30s? he name is lamay and while he died along ago, he took all his cigarett and alcohol money to buy cars. Today the lamay car collection is one of the largest in the world.
18:59.30sylewhat a bunch of bs
18:59.32Beirdommmm, booze
18:59.48hardwireI will destroy the old pbx.. call me if you have issues
18:59.53hardwirealmost all my line indicators lit up
19:00.02ManxPowerI'll be back after I upgrade my cisco
19:00.17shmaltzManxPower to what version?
19:00.19jeobjeobjeobwhat makes cisco better than pcom?
19:00.27hardwireits.. cisco.
19:00.33shmaltzanybody know if Uniden UIP200 supports autoanswer?
19:00.40jeobjeobjeobso its only brand name
19:00.42hardwirewhat makes nike better than reebook?
19:00.45hardwirebok :)
19:00.52hardwirebok bok bok
19:00.53harryvvsyle excuse me? thats a well known fact in Tacoma where I am from.
19:00.56spacklejeobjeobjeob: I don't think it does.
19:01.05jeobjeobjeobi meant functionally
19:01.06puowvipUniden makes ip phones?
19:01.16jeobjeobjeoblike, i can think of a few reasons why pcom is better than csco
19:01.16puowvip(Uniden isn't out of business yet?)
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19:01.28shmaltzpuowvip, yep, and the best ones for the price
19:01.28syleyou a hick?
19:01.40spacklepuoivip: yeah, much better than some of their other phones.
19:01.57puowvipHuh. ok
19:02.08Beirdohardwire: cheaper slave labor of course
19:02.24Bile_OneDoes any one use SER for NAT traversal?
19:02.38BeirdoI use IAX for NAT traversal :)
19:02.51Bile_OneI would like to, but have to use SIP.
19:03.04shmaltzimagine me giving you an emila address you can put into google talk, and when you make a call to it, it's like calling my main 800 number
19:03.05shmaltzwell, it's going to happen soon
19:03.12BeirdoI'm SER is the best tool to help, but I don't use it
19:03.20shmaltzor my tech support hot line
19:03.21bjohnsonBeirdo: thought you had to toss the cigars?
19:03.29Beirdoyeah, I did
19:03.47Beirdolast one I had was in TN almost 3 months ago
19:03.54rikstahe still loves the scotch tho ;)
19:04.05Bile_Onehaa haa haa
19:04.07rikstahey bjohnson
19:04.20bjohnsongot any left overs
19:04.27Beirdonope, smoked em all
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19:04.47Beirdoyou want a decent small humidor, let me know
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19:04.51queuetueWhat's the default password on a grandstream 100?
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19:04.55Beirdoholds about 20
19:05.28spacklequetue: admin
19:05.47queuetuespackle: Thank you.  I don't think I got a book. :)
19:06.13Bile_OneYou download the book at their site.
19:06.18shmaltzanybody here using zap show status?
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19:06.39bjohnsonBeirdo: got a lawyer friend who could use one
19:06.43cpatryshmaltz: sure.
19:06.47bjohnsonhe's a cigar newbie
19:06.56shmaltzcpatry, what card do you have?
19:07.07Beirdobjohnson: ahh, cool, it has a dried out humidifier, and a working humidity meter
19:07.18cpatryX100P, TE410P, ZTDUMMY
19:07.22cpatryand T100P
19:07.27Beirdoso it will take a few days to get back to proper moisture
19:07.31cpatrywhy, is there any problem ?
19:07.32Beirdobut I have no need for it
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19:08.05shmaltzcpatry, on the one with the TE410, what does it show? what card is in?
19:08.40cpatry? what card is in? huh?
19:08.46shmaltzmine shows just t4xxp
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19:08.54jorgitohi everybody
19:08.58bjohnsonBeirdo: where are you these days? TO or Ottawa?
19:09.08Beirdobjohnson: Toronto.
19:09.19shmaltzcpatry this is my output:
19:09.20shmaltzDescription                              Alarms     IRQ        bpviol     CRC4
19:09.21shmaltzT4XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 1                OK                  0          0          0
19:09.25Beirdountil tomorrow, then I'll be away for a week in Puerto Rico
19:09.29jboti heard pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
19:09.39bjohnsonBeirdo: I'll meet you there for the pickup
19:09.48bjohnsonwhua ha ha
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19:09.50BeirdoI'm not bringing it to PR
19:09.54Beirdoshe'd kill me
19:10.16bjohnsontell her it's your toiletries luggage
19:10.52harryvvI say have the next voip convention at the oregon coast. Good write off :)
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19:13.21fiXXXerMeHi everyone.  Is this the right channel to ask a few questions about asterisk?
19:13.57DirtyDHi. I'm looking to create a more advanced IVR for asterisk, one that I could use to do automated credit card payment, etc. The basic extensions.conf files seems to lack key features. Is there another API that I could use? Has there been much work in this area? Perhaps a particular keyword I can google?
19:13.59*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=dennis@
19:14.24shmaltzcrazy ppl:
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19:15.42DannyFDirtyD, you'd wanna look into AGI
19:16.15DannyFDirtyD, there is nothing you can't do
19:16.34[hC]its so tempting to try AMP, even though ive already gone and almost implemented everything they have
19:16.47[hC]the interface is just so handy
19:16.55Bile_OneIf one is trying to do nat traversal do I need to use a SIP proxy, or a STUN server?
19:16.57DirtyDahh wonderful.. AGI, that's what I needed, kinda like a CGI ;)
19:16.58DannyF[hC], it's a nice app
19:17.09DannyFDirtyD, yupp ,)
19:17.22sylethats funny shmaltz, all they need to do is have live sex shows now and they'd made tons of money
19:18.03fiXXXerMeWould asterisk@home be a good choice for a business with about 35 employees?
19:18.11[hC]DannyF: just that i do so many things "my way" i fear it wont let me be creative enough
19:18.46DannyF[hC], well nothing says your installation have to be compatible with anyone elses :)
19:19.36harryvvfiXXXerMe ask Ariel
19:19.59fiXXXerMeWho is that?
19:20.04harryvvhe has done 100 with not at home but with asterisk with asterisk portal manager
19:20.22DirtyDDannyF: Is there a way to include Voice recognition using AGI?
19:20.31harryvvamp is what he uses
19:20.49Hmmhesaysi hate phone support omg
19:20.53DannyFDibbler, saw someone working on it, but havent seen anything published
19:21.01DannyFDirtyD, *
19:23.28mutilatori still get PCI Master Abort errors
19:23.44mutilatormy irq on the te110p isn't shared either
19:23.57shmaltzwhere in usr/src/asterisk is the source for the cli commands?
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19:24.30cpatrybut theres a lot in almost each files
19:24.38mutilatorrunning zttest tests and i get 99.98%-100% all the time
19:25.22shmaltzcpatry, where is the zap show status?
19:25.35*** part/#asterisk Uberbot (
19:26.07shmaltzcpatry, thanks
19:26.16*** join/#asterisk taz-^ (i=demon@
19:26.29queuetueOn that same budgetone 100, It is reporting 403 - forbidden...  Does that imply bad password, or something else?
19:27.13harryvvqueuetue what extention is it assigned?
19:27.29queuetueharryvv: I assigned it 307
19:29.09queuetueThe sipura on 305 works fine... I can get to the web interface ...  I'm not sur ehow much could go wrong with it at this point. :)
19:30.41*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
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19:34.27queuetueWrong password - it works! :)
19:34.38queuetueDoes it flash blue all the time?
19:34.47slak-hi, all of a sudden 4 of my sipura ata's deregistered froma asterisk, when i call their extensions it says the number is busy leave vm, and this is the log in asterisk console: Aug 26 16:26:21 NOTICE[5926]: app_dial.c:764 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP'
19:34.52slak-any idea wtf?
19:35.12slak-i tried to powercycle the ata units they fail to authenticate with asterisk
19:35.12Netgeekswhat version of asterisk?
19:35.22slak-both places can ping eachother'
19:35.27slak-Netgeeks stable
19:35.45rikstawhy can't i get to any more?
19:35.47rikstacan anyone else
19:35.48slak-Asterisk CVS-v1-0-08/17/05-10:50:16
19:35.53Netgeeksat the CLI, try the command 'sip reload'
19:35.59Netgeekssee if that helps
19:36.11slak-i tried restarting and reloading *'
19:36.29pc4Ok guys... no bs... what is the best ata to buy for most practicle home uses?
19:36.35pc4Counting price/value/firmware/whatever.
19:36.47pc4slak- - Which model?
19:36.48slak-Netgeeks still cant register no idea why
19:36.48Netgeeksslak: no luck after restarting and reloading asterisk?
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19:37.22Netgeekshrm, okay, sorry i was shooting for a known bug issue I thought it might have been.  I have to run, doc appointment in 20 mins
19:37.49queuetueI have my first digium card.  I'm about to power down and pop it in - what do I need to do after boot to set it up?  (I am an Asterisk@home user.)
19:38.09pc4slak- - Which model?  And ebay?  or some website?  Where should I buy it?
19:38.38MicroHi, I'm trying to use /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing, and when I move my call file in, I get "Unable to request channel, call failed reason 0"?
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19:41.11sylemy cat likes celine dion
19:41.15sylehes falling asleep
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19:41.24cinixyou consider that liking?
19:41.38cinixprobably boring it into a sleep
19:42.07hardwirefile: the spa-841 was good to you right?
19:43.46shmaltzthats what happens if you piggyback of someone elses wifi
19:43.53Hmmhesaysanyone got their resume on on here
19:43.57Hmmhesays*in here
19:44.12*** join/#asterisk paulc (
19:44.15Hmmhesaysget any job offers from it?
19:44.30mutilatori have no degree
19:44.39Hmmhesays<shrug> i've only got an aas in networking
19:44.44Hmmhesayswhat a piece of shit that thing is
19:44.48paulcnor me.. and look how I did..
19:44.50Beirdoan ass?
19:44.52paulcoh wait.. yeah.. look :(
19:45.05HmmhesaysI could have taught every IT class I had to take to get that
19:45.08mutilatorany degree is gold to empoloyers for some reason
19:45.14paulcwhat's your degree in?
19:45.17mutilatoremployers even
19:45.20puowvipI don't know *anyone* who has *ever* found a job with monster, dice, yahoo-hotjobs, etc. EVER.
19:45.29puowvipit's all bunch of BULL SHIT.
19:45.39Beirdoit's the man...
19:45.43mutilatorwell actaully
19:45.43mutilatorcome to think of it
19:45.44Beirdohomey don't play that
19:45.51Hmmhesaysmy official aas is for networking & microcomputer operating system
19:45.51mutilatori have gotten offers for parttime/contract things
19:46.01mutilatorwhere a school or company needed like 100 pc's installed
19:46.03mutilatorbut thats about it
19:46.08CoffeeIV_I know people who have gotten a job by posting their resume on a simple homepage -- make sure you submit it to google
19:46.10HmmhesaysI wouldn't do bitch work like that
19:46.27mutilatorneither do i
19:46.35paulcYeah - I've had a couple of email me after seeing my CV online.. but most of my stuff has come from referrals and happy customers etc :)
19:46.38Delta34can someone answer some questions regarding a t1 setup vs a pri setup on *?
19:47.08cinixGoogle alreayd knows who you work for, and who you have worked for, and where you live, and your phone number
19:47.20cinixwhy submit more info to them? they should just auto create it for you
19:47.23mutilatorheh i apply for jobs like crazy tho
19:47.23Hmmhesaysand about that hefty chick you took home last night
19:47.29mutilatormy app history in 10 pages
19:47.32Delta34for a pri i only need to set 11 digits to my carrier
19:47.44mutilator20 per page
19:48.10Delta34for a t1 i hav to send 21 digits to the carrier, 11 digits for dnis and 10 digits for ani
19:48.23CoffeeIV_I have no problem with google knowing everyhting as long as it stays this easy to put false information in it
19:48.27paulcDelta34: The difference between in band and out of band signalling?
19:49.10*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
19:49.55Delta34so for t1 u always need to send and receive extra digits?
19:49.55Darwin35there are no jobs to be had in the USA that are helpdesk/tech Releated anymore. they have all been outsourced to asia
19:50.19Darwin35at 1/16 the cost
19:50.27mutilatorwho wants to be a helpdesk tech tho
19:51.03paulcDelta34: No - the difference is in the signalling.. with PRI you send a call setup message that contains the presentation caller ID as well as number to dial.. T1 is more like a handshaking thing..
19:52.26Hmmhesaysno one in their right mind wants helpdesk
19:53.00Darwin35I enjoyed being a helpdask tech and listening to people make ass of them selves
19:53.10*** join/#asterisk jero (
19:53.15jerohi folks
19:53.49Darwin35welcome jero
19:53.58*** join/#asterisk Zeut (
19:54.04|BarcodeDarwin35: I hear you on that one. Yesterday one guy was trying to tell me that the RJ-45 connector was the wrong size for the NIX.
19:54.07|Barcodeer.. NIC
19:54.31Zeuthello all, I have a question I hope is easy to answer.
19:54.34Hmmhesaysspeak of the devil
19:54.39Hmmhesayshelp desk call
19:54.41ManxPowershmaltz: I was upgrading the flash chip
19:54.56ZeutI have an AAH box setup and working, I 3 polycom 500 phones with latest SIP working.
19:55.31ZeutThe phones can call each other, and used to be able to call Asterisk to check their voicemail, but now when ever * would play a recording to the phone, the phone doesn't hear anything.
19:55.34ZeutAny ideas?
19:56.07Darwin35brb call
19:56.38mutilatorgod damn mother fscking pice of shit digium card!
19:56.52Zeutit's very weird, all this was working recently, but just stopped working, and I don't know why.
19:58.45*** join/#asterisk mago (n=maxgluck@
19:58.50ZeutAug 26 15:58:18 DEBUG[2856]: Call from user '201' is 1 out of 0
19:58.50ZeutAug 26 15:58:18 DEBUG[2856]: build_route: Contact hop: <sip:201@>
19:58.50ZeutAug 26 15:58:18 VERBOSE[2856]:     -- Executing Answer("SIP/201-ec07", "") in new stack
19:58.50ZeutAug 26 15:58:18 VERBOSE[2856]:     -- Executing Wait("SIP/201-ec07", "1") in new stack
19:58.51ZeutAug 26 15:58:18 DEBUG[2856]: Stopping retransmission on '5a108cbb-4ad81ef5-bf876d0a@' of Response 2: Found
19:58.51ZeutAug 26 15:58:19 VERBOSE[2856]:     -- Executing VoiceMailMain("SIP/201-ec07", "default") in new stack
19:58.53ZeutAug 26 15:58:19 DEBUG[2856]: Ooh, format changed from unknown to ulaw
19:58.55ZeutAug 26 15:58:19 DEBUG[2856]: Scheduling timer at 160 sample intervals
19:58.57ZeutAug 26 15:58:19 VERBOSE[2856]:     -- Playing 'vm-login' (language 'en')
19:58.58*** join/#asterisk fwae (n=pc@
19:59.15jbot[pastebin] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
19:59.20Nivexoh, slow bot today
19:59.30Zeutoh sorry....
20:01.45Zeutcool, I didn't know about, very nice, anyway I have now posted my log to if anyone would care to take a look.
20:01.58ZeutIt's as though someone hit a mute button on the * server.  Very weird...
20:02.10rikstaanyone using a sangoma a101
20:02.52Cresl1nnot here
20:03.17*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
20:03.48rikstaError: Device wanpipe1 is not supported by kernel                << that really can't be good. Seeing as I compiled all the modules to the letter from the instructions :)
20:04.06*** join/#asterisk queuetue (
20:04.17shido6what were the kernel paramaters to disable acpi/apci ?
20:04.24*** part/#asterisk DirtyD (
20:04.50rikstapci=noacpi too
20:04.52shido6its the line you put on the knerle
20:04.59shido6at boot
20:05.08*** join/#asterisk vagonetta (
20:05.32Hmmhesayswahoo i've been waiting for these guys to call
20:06.00vagonettaopays y cafe 150 sobn lo pero que puede haber no lo vayan a usar nunca
20:06.27jbotextra, extra, read all about it, twisted is, but you can paypal him at
20:06.51Zeutok, I have some more information.  I just rebooted my server to different kernel that doens't have the zaptel modules built for, now the sound works fine to my digium phones.
20:07.00ZeutI would think that these issues are unrelated but apparently not.
20:07.07*** join/#asterisk methos (n=lot@
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20:09.05*** join/#asterisk MattH (n=MattH@
20:09.05*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
20:09.16MattHHi... is there an example someplace of how one would go about pointing a DID number down an IAX pipe to another server?
20:09.49Hmmhesaysand in english?
20:10.23shido6dislplan logic
20:10.24Sedoroxexten => <didnumber>,1,Dial(IAX/user@host/${EXTEN])
20:10.26Sedoroxexten => <didnumber>,1,Dial(IAX/user@host/${EXTEN})
20:10.48MattHwhere user is what's defined in [] or the user registered on that machine?
20:10.54shido6then give user at that host a context where that ${EXTEN} actually exists
20:11.29ZeutOk, I Have reposted my asterisk log, this time once where it fails and once where it works, anyone see what might be going on here?
20:11.33Sedoroxuser would be the [] in iax.conf
20:11.45Sedoroxor... the username= part.. I foget.. I think the [] for remotes connecting
20:12.23MattHk thanks
20:12.31Sedoroxthink of it this way
20:12.36Sedoroxits like dialing a phone...
20:12.43Sedorox'cept your pointing to a extention...
20:12.53Sedoroxand the remote machine needs that extention in the dialplain...
20:13.14ManxPowerriksta: I have a suggestion for you about your Sangoma card.
20:14.18Hmmhesaysthe sangoma guys are pretty nice
20:14.51*** join/#asterisk viLeR (
20:15.04Hmmhesaysthey won't bite your head off like I will if you call me
20:15.07*** join/#asterisk lot (n=lot@
20:15.16paulcHmmhesays is the new BOFH?
20:15.25paulc"Hmmhesays Helpdesk - please hold..."
20:15.29paulc(for eternity)
20:15.33*** part/#asterisk rob314 (n=rob314@
20:15.51ManxPower"To continue in english enter the score for the 2006 World Series."
20:15.53*** join/#asterisk Doofmannsgehilfe (
20:15.56rikstaManxPower: I am doing no need for caps
20:15.57ManxPower"Please wait...."
20:16.00Hmmhesayspaulc <chuckle>
20:16.04magohello, anyone knows a good postgre db client for xp?
20:16.16HmmhesaysI would put them in queue with yanni and michael bolton live
20:16.26crash3mI'd say phppgsql, but it sucks horribly IMHO
20:16.34ManxPowerHmmhesays: You ARE evil.
20:16.52Hmmhesayshaha damn straight
20:17.15paulcLMAO :D  YANNI!
20:17.21Hmmhesaysand I like long walks on the beach, and a girl who can kick my ass at pool
20:17.30Hmmhesaysor at least come close
20:17.57paulcoh dear.. only one inflatable life saving ring..
20:18.00paulcwhich way to throw it?
20:18.26mutilatoreveryone needs a terrawind!
20:18.29Hmmhesaysfile is there a module for ser to send register requests round robin style a few different registrars?
20:18.32mutilator Terra Wind Prices from the $850,000's as shown $1.2M
20:18.36mutilatorthats pretty badass tho
20:18.38Hmmhesaysi'm not seeing anything like that
20:18.55HmmhesaysI want this (NOT SAFE FOR WORK)
20:19.06Hmmhesaysor those offended by nudity
20:19.21fileHmmhesays: WELL... no
20:19.35*** join/#asterisk Exstatica (
20:19.37paulchmm.. sunny leone.. versus - she's got nothing on Da Juana! :)
20:19.45paulcuh.. even
20:19.58MattHhrmm well the call is going
20:19.59paulcTerra Wind looks cool
20:20.02MattHcalled voipswitch2/200
20:20.09MattHbut it just sits there... odd no errors on the receiving side
20:20.43jeobjeobjeobwhy does directory die on me?
20:20.46jeobjeobjeobi tried using director
20:20.49jeobjeobjeobit finds the names
20:20.52*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
20:21.01jeobjeobjeobbut when i ask it to dial the number (using 1) it plays dir-nomore
20:21.05Hmmhesaysare you using welsh names in it?
20:21.13*** join/#asterisk cekc (
20:21.19paulcthose bloody welsh - they get everywhere!
20:21.51Hmmhesaysjeobjeobjeob, the extension doesn't exist in the context your are in
20:21.51jeobjeobjeobit finds names
20:21.57Hmmhesayslol paulc
20:22.04Hmmhesaysto many vowels in there though
20:22.11jeobjeobjeobwait, i call directory(vm)
20:22.12cekcI have asterisk running now with the sample configuration, where do I go to configure it so that I can dial it from a SIP phone?
20:22.21jeobjeobjeoband it finds the names
20:22.33jeobjeobjeobbut voicemail works fine
20:23.24Hmmhesaysyour point being?
20:23.45harryvvsaw a hydrogen fuel cell car yesterday. it was # 2 V-FC for the city of vancover. that thing was fast :)
20:24.05Hmmhesaysi saw a '69 chevelle yesterday that was pretty quick
20:24.20*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
20:24.25harryvvHmmhesays what makes this interestng is the amount of steam that comes out the tail pipe
20:24.44paulc#2 V-FC?
20:24.48jeobjeobjeobexten => #,1,Directory(cust-u1005)
20:24.51Hmmhesayspaste the relevent portions of your dialplan dude
20:25.00Hmmhesaysand fedex me a sammich
20:25.16harryvvI think V stands for vancouver and FC stands for fuel cell. So this is vancouver cities # 2 fuel cell car. A ford focus.
20:25.16Hmmhesayswhile I crank up the will smith and take my pants off
20:25.26harryvvCar probebly cost $150,000
20:26.09*** part/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
20:26.15harryvvPaul, yea it was in front of me on highway 99 and turned off onto the knight street bridge in a pretty fast clip of 120 kph
20:26.29Hmmhesayswhats that like 65mph?
20:26.45harryvv100 kph is 62 mph
20:26.53Hmmhesaysso closer to 75mph
20:27.01jeobjeobjeobthose are the relevant entries
20:27.05*** join/#asterisk apeman (
20:27.16*** join/#asterisk [1]JohnJacob (
20:27.24harryvvmy next car will be a older toyota diesel
20:27.36bendy24toyata mkes diesel?
20:27.51*** join/#asterisk lot (n=lot@
20:28.05Hmmhesaysdoes extension 136 exist in context cust-u1005 ?
20:28.08harryvvthe toyota imported diesel landcruisers and trucks up to 1989
20:28.18bendy24bah, just get a vw tdi
20:28.25harryvvthere are alot of right hand diesels made after that period.
20:28.27HmmhesaysI want a shopping card with an oldsmobile small block 350
20:28.31harryvvtdi does not have a bed.
20:28.32Hmmhesays*shopping cart
20:28.54bendy24true, no bed for vw's
20:29.08harryvvperfer it be a truck
20:29.31jeobjeobjeobcontext in the extensions.conf or voicemail
20:29.36*** part/#asterisk earthsnd (
20:29.36bendy24the vw toureg has a 10 cylender diesel
20:29.45bendy24its truckish
20:29.55harryvvand toyotas are known to be tough and reliable...ask a Cia agent or Taliban members in Afganastan. Thay drive them.
20:29.55Hmmhesaysjeobjeobjeob, in extensions.conf
20:30.04jeobjeobjeobwhy do i need one in extensions.conf?
20:30.23Hmmhesaysiirc thats where your call is going to go
20:31.03Hmmhesaysexten => 136,1,DIAL(SIP/BOBBARKER)
20:32.16*** join/#asterisk xtrvd (
20:32.23Hmmhesaysda juana byrd isn't nearly as hot as sunny leone
20:32.57Hmmhesaysalthough I haven't seen her nekkid
20:33.17paulcLMAO :D
20:33.19paulcdon't go there!
20:33.32paulcshe's crazy but nice.. always makes me laugh when she phones me up.. strong texas accent..
20:33.57*** join/#asterisk newmember (
20:33.57xtrvdI currently have a configuration for an IAX service provider on my asterisk box, but I've signed up for a free Italian number from and I was wondering how I go about setting up an incoming SIP account on Asterisk in conjunction with my current IAX provider.
20:34.24Hmmhesaystheres a loaded question with not enough info
20:34.44jeobjeobjeobbut ...
20:35.02Hmmhesaysxtrvd: do you want to register with a sip provider?
20:35.02rikstaxtrvd: you can just copy a configuration of how everyone else does it, eg FAQ on or
20:35.22Hmmhesaysmy nose is running
20:35.30rikstarun after it!
20:35.39xtrvdHmmhesays:  I want to register with the SIP Provider, yes, but I don't want to change how my current IAX system is running.
20:35.41Hmmhesayswhoa, Male stripper kills drag queen with samurai sword
20:35.50Hmmhesaysxtrvd: why would you have to do that
20:35.53xtrvdI just want the SIP to add onto my current service,
20:35.59Hmmhesaysok, whats the problem?
20:37.00xtrvdI'm trying to figure out how this configuration is going to look like.  How does one get the SIP account to register to the servers?
20:37.19xtrvdHmmhesays: That's not right...
20:37.24*** join/#asterisk RoldyxRoot (n=root@
20:37.52Hmmhesaysxtrvd: in sip.conf
20:38.06xtrvdAdding the user in sip.conf registers with the provider?
20:38.08Hmmhesayslook at the config for broadvoice or fwd one of the million other providers out there
20:38.19jbotwell, fwd is Free World Dialup:  Brainchild of Jeff Pulver.  URL:
20:38.38jbotwikis is probably
20:38.44Hmmhesaysthanks junk-Y
20:38.50Hmmhesayser... cpatry
20:39.03Hmmhesaysxtrvd: check out the sample for free world dialup
20:39.03rikstaxtrvd: you can just copy a configuration of how everyone else does it, eg FAQ on or
20:39.22xtrvd*sigh* I've been looking at the FWD setup and numerous others for the past hour but haven't figured it out; that's why I came here,
20:39.30xtrvdBut I'll see if i can find a more specific question.
20:39.31Hmmhesayswhat can't j00 figure out?
20:40.33xtrvdAfter I've added the entry into the sip.conf complete with the 'general' context, how does one specify how to route the incoming call>
20:40.38*** join/#asterisk websae (
20:40.45Hmmhesayswith a peer/user entry
20:40.46RoldyxRooti need make a throbleshooting about it
20:40.57Hmmhesaysjust like it shows in the fwd config on voip-info
20:41.30RoldyxRooti ve a lot of problem with asterisk
20:41.48Hmmhesaysis there an echo in here?
20:42.12Hmmhesays<chuckle> we've all probably said that at one point or another
20:42.18Hmmhesayswhats your major malfunction son
20:42.28*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
20:42.42Hmmhesaysrmmod full metal jacket
20:42.45*** join/#asterisk cjk (n=cjk@
20:42.49RoldyxRootHmmhesays, sorry i speak spanish
20:42.51Hmmhesaysrmmod, wtf am I thinking
20:42.51file[laptop]oh god the phone
20:43.26HmmhesaysRoldyxRoot, what issue are you having
20:44.22RoldyxRootdial 113
20:44.27magoany user of appradius?
20:44.46RoldyxRoot-- Executing Hangup("ALSA/default", "") in new stack
20:45.02RoldyxRootbut i dont ear nothing
20:45.09websaeanyone running CENTOS in here?
20:45.40Hmmhesaysevery aah user is running centos
20:46.03xtrvd'aah' user?
20:46.13Hmmhesaysasterisk at home
20:46.31RoldyxRootHmmhesays, tell me what do you think?
20:46.54HmmhesaysRoldyxRoot, not a clue sorry
20:47.03websaeanyone using the AAH?
20:47.19Hmmhesaysyou seem to have a question websae what is it?
20:47.49*** join/#asterisk Uberbot (
20:47.52RoldyxRootsomebody speak spanish?
20:47.57*** join/#asterisk johnASG (
20:48.02*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
20:48.03RoldyxRootalguien habla español?
20:48.06UberbotHi all.
20:48.16fugitivoRoldyxRoot: yo
20:48.45websaehola me llamo brandon
20:48.53websaecomo estats RoldyxRoot
20:48.58websaeQue necesitas?
20:49.58bjohnsonun cervesas
20:50.01RoldyxRootwebsae, no puedo escuchar absolutamente nada
20:50.18RoldyxRootwebsae, skype funciona bien
20:51.08websaetu solomente quieres hablar sobre asterisk
20:51.18eKo1what the hell, since when are we speaking español here.
20:51.19websaeestas usando asterisk ?
20:51.21xtrvdIf I do a 'register =>'  in my sip.conf, that will forward the calls to extension 116 in my extensions.conf ?
20:51.56eKo1¿quien, yo?
20:53.11RoldyxRootwebsae, sip, pero no puedo escuchar mi contestador
20:53.55xtrvdDoes anybody have an answer for that last question regarding the end of the register command in the sip.conf?
20:54.04ManxPowerxtrvd: that will request the provider send the calls to extension 116 on your server.  Many providers ignore the request.
20:56.13xtrvdHmm, I see.    I'm trying to figure out how I can have my newly created SIP account actually connect 'into' my * box for redirection.  I can't seem to figure out where to go after the registration in sip.conf
20:56.48cekcthis sip stuff has me stumped too
20:56.59cekci've only had asterisk for a few hours though
20:57.28xtrvdI've found the wiki has been a godsend, but I'm trying to route incoming calls only, and I can't figure it out
20:58.13Hmmhesaysregister, put an extension in your default context for the incoming did
20:58.23Hmmhesayswham bam, quick and dirty way
21:01.34*** join/#asterisk sigmounte (
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21:01.56endom0rphis it possible to have an extension reroute on busy/noanswer to a oh323 external voice processing system passing the original called extension number and reason(busy/noanswer). I get the extension number of the h323 when I just add a Dial on busy no-answer. Do I need a different command/macro? thanks
21:02.10*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes_ (
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21:04.06Drukenendom0rph: i'm not sure what your asking...
21:04.14xtrvdendom0rph: I don't quite understand your question either...
21:04.42endom0rphok basically trying to use external voicemail and voice recognition
21:04.47Hmmhesayswell folks i'm out of here for awhile
21:04.59endom0rphI need to know which extension the call came from
21:05.36fugitivoendom0rph: ${CALLERID} ?
21:05.37Drukenwell, your dialing an oh323 right? why not just dial the extension ?
21:06.01endom0rphI tried CALLERID but that didn't work
21:06.43endom0rphI dial the extension with a 5 sec time out then dial the external system, but it doesn't automatically add the CALLERID
21:06.55ManxPowerIf there is callerid information it will be in ${CALLERID}
21:06.56fugitivoendom0rph: what external system?
21:07.06websaeanyone here running CENTOS?
21:07.09endom0rphexternal voicemail
21:07.11websaethe at home asterisk?
21:07.18fugitivowhy are you using external voicemail?
21:07.33harryvvweb i am
21:07.45Drukenendom0rph: can't you dial the entension on the remote system ?? oh323/host/extension ?
21:07.54endom0rphI am testing the external voicemail and wanted to use a software pbx
21:08.07ManxPowerender: Um, then nothing is sending the callerid info along with the call
21:08.50endom0rphManxPower-  not sure I am explaining it well :)
21:09.08endom0rphDruken - yes I can dial direct and that works
21:09.11fugitivoendom0rph: how are you dialing the extension and then the external system?
21:09.20ManxPowerendom0rph: that's obvious
21:09.27RoldyxRootfugitivo, me has abandonado
21:09.57fugitivoRoldyxRoot: el cliente de irc te bloqueo por 10 minutos porque me enviaste demasiados mensajes seguidos, perdon
21:10.06Drukenendom0rph: so i'm missing the problem then.... is it a CID problem ?
21:10.20RoldyxRootfugitivo, ok
21:10.36fugitivoRoldyxRoot: entra a #asterisk-es
21:10.43endom0rphfugitivo - I have a exten Dial to the phone with a 5 sec time out then a dial to the oh323 number after it times out
21:11.39ManxPowerender: then you do not have a callerid= line in zapata.conf for that extension
21:11.40fugitivothe oh323 number is the external system?
21:11.48*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
21:12.03ManxPowerender: What DEVICE are you dialing from?
21:12.04endom0rphscenario 201 dials 200..... 200 doesn't answer.... the exten then dials 555 (the oh323 external system)
21:12.06DrukenManxPower: why must people complicate things?
21:12.06ManxPoweri.e. the phone
21:12.13endom0rphManxPower x-lite
21:12.19*** join/#asterisk dasuberdavid (
21:12.28ManxPowerendom0rph: and what is the callerid= line for the sip.conf entry for the x-lite?
21:12.35ManxPowerDruken: 'cause they are lazy.
21:12.54DrukenManxPower: i usually simplify things because i'm lazy....
21:13.05ManxPowerDruken: that's the way normal people do it.
21:13.22endom0rphManxPower - Callerid= unknown
21:13.34ManxPowerendom0rph: why?
21:13.44ManxPowerendom0rph: no wonder nothing is getting the correct callerid.
21:13.53ManxPowercallerid=Robert Dobbs <666>
21:14.10endom0rphthis is under general
21:14.12fugitivoendom0rph: what is the result of ${CALLERID} when calling the phone, and what is the result when calling the external system?
21:14.17ManxPowerender: That is not what I asked.
21:14.26ManxPowerI said "the sip.conf entry for x-lite"
21:14.45endom0rphManxPower - sorry I am new to it :)
21:14.50ManxPowerfugitivo: you skipped a LOT of troubleshooting.
21:15.02ManxPowerendom0rph: I'm waiting for the answer.
21:15.13endom0rphok it says callerid="Chris"<200>
21:15.56ManxPowertry callerid=Chris <200>
21:16.16ManxPoweryou need a space before the < and some SIP devices refuse to accept the quotes.
21:16.26rikstawhen i ping i get time to live exceeded, and i cant view the website!!!
21:16.33ManxPower<ManxPower> callerid=Robert Dobbs <666>  <-- correct, pedantic format
21:16.35*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
21:17.04*** part/#asterisk xtrvd (
21:17.30ManxPowerendom0rph: once you set that and issue a "reload"  define an extension that just says something like exten => 299,1,Noop(CALLERID=${CALLERID})
21:17.43endom0rphManxPower - that had no change
21:17.53RoldyxRootfugitivo, me volvieorn a baniar?
21:17.53ManxPowerthen dial 299 x-lite and watch the Asterisk console for the informative noop message with the current callerid info
21:17.57magocan anyone tell me how to change a postgresql user password?
21:18.10ManxPowermago: I'll bet someone on the postgress channel can
21:18.33Drukenpostgres is a cunt for permissions
21:18.35ManxPowerpaste the one noop line, as printed on the asterisk console
21:19.11ManxPowerI need a car in my driveway.  Apparently many people think nobody is home if there's no car in the driveway.
21:19.47DrukenManxPower: make one out of cardboard :)
21:20.07Drukenor put a sign up, "Yes, Were Home!"
21:20.38Drukenmake it look like those yes were open signs :) hehe
21:22.00ryanschas anyone used the x100p clone cards from ebay?
21:22.07Drukeni do
21:22.18ryanschave you had people tell you the audio is really low?
21:22.30ryanscby probably 50 percent?
21:22.32ManxPowerDruken: I suppose I could just buy a car.
21:22.33Drukenyes, i did..
21:22.44ManxPowerI bought mine from newegg
21:22.47DrukenManxPower: do you need one?
21:22.49ryanscis there a way around that problem?
21:22.55ManxPowerDruken: Yes, but I don't have a license.
21:23.07ManxPowerHaving a car in the driveway might motivate me to get one.
21:23.10Drukenryansc: yeah, boost the outgoing audio
21:23.21DrukenManxPower: too true
21:23.21clint_Allright, I asked this before, but now that I've spent an hour with google, perhaps someone else's here that knows...   Any ideas on long distance account codes like those used in law offices, etc.? i.e. lift handset -> dial LD number -> second dialtone -> enter account code -> code appears in CDR with call...
21:23.22ryanscthat will do it? I must have been changing the wrong file then
21:23.31Drukeni should get mine back... since i drive for a living...
21:23.40ryanscwhat file is the audio control in?
21:23.45ManxPowerDruken: Greyhound closed the local bus station so my transportation options are VERY limited.
21:24.07Drukenwhere do you live again ?
21:24.51endom0rphManxPower - --Executing NoOp("SIP/201-61c5", ""Chris External" <201>") in new stack
21:25.17Drukentake those quotes out
21:25.23ryanscDrunken: where was the audio control section located?
21:26.54endom0rphManxPower - --Executing NoOp("SIP/201-a082", "Chris External <201>") in new stack
21:27.32lathos42anthm: Well, I successfully wrote an AGI, albeit ugly, that combines app_intercept and app_changrab
21:28.13anthmwell congrats =D
21:28.41lathos42anthm: Thanks.. I'm kinda proud of myself.. its my first AGI, and my second Bash script
21:28.45rikstaManxPower: i know you probably don't care...but i worked out all the sangoma trouble myself, it's working fine ;)
21:29.33ManxPowerendom0rph: the 2nd one you pasted indicates the callerid is correct inside of asterisk.
21:29.57ManxPowerendom0rph: Now, does the callerid show up correctly on the phone you are CALLING?
21:30.09ManxPowerriksta: Great!
21:30.24UberbotI just had a iax2 to zap phone call just cut out and dissappear.  Is this common?
21:30.45rikstait seems that the beta software is the one to use, the previous one doesn't like 2.6.12 anyway :) (if anyone ever asks)
21:30.51ManxPowerriksta: As I've said before, lots of people say the Sangoma cards are good cards.  However, Sangoma does not appear to contribute much to Asterisk's source tree, not many people are using it and so support on the channel will be tough.
21:31.08rikstaManxPower: well now i can help anyone else :)
21:31.34ManxPowerUberbot: not that I know of
21:31.44h3x0rlike as if digium has a bunch of people hanging out here 24/7 or something
21:31.58ManxPowerUberbot: unless you are doing something stupid like set callprogress=yes or busydetect=yes for the zap port.
21:32.34ManxPowerI don't have any of their cards, I just scammed a t-shirt at a trage show.
21:32.50netsurferheh.. been there got the t-shirt
21:33.12Drukensounds like me and my AMD shirts...
21:33.21Drukengot like 3-4 of them... don't own a single AMD processor
21:34.51*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (
21:35.06Hmmhesayseveryone breathe a sigh of a relief i'm back
21:35.28Drukens'cuse me...
21:36.06*** part/#asterisk lathos42 (
21:36.10Hmmhesayshopefully it wasn't beer and chili night last night
21:37.29endom0rphManxPower - I'll do some more work on this rather than waste your time, you've made me look at some different things. I'll come back another time if I still need help. Thanks
21:38.09Drukenendom0rph: why not just use asterisk's voicemail? it's a nice system... :)
21:38.28Hmmhesayshaha this company just called cause they need a sip/t1 pbx setup by the 9th of september, I just kind of chuckled and said it would be ok
21:39.19Drukenas long as the hardware is available... that's an overnight jobbie
21:39.37endom0rphDruken - because my job is working on the other voicemail but a normal pbx is big to carry around! I am running 3-4 voicemails and asterisk under VMWare, plus a complete voice access system
21:40.11Drukensounds nasty....
21:40.58*** join/#asterisk Atannia (
21:41.03endom0rphdruken - you bet and learning asterisk isn't helping but it is a great system! I will get it working somehow
21:41.07*** part/#asterisk johnASG (
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21:41.27*** part/#asterisk Atannia (
21:41.28Drukenendom0rph: you have access to the h323 system right?
21:41.50endom0rphyes it is running as a vmware virtual system
21:43.00endom0rphdruken - I can dial into the vm and all works but I need to know who's voicemail the diverted call is from that is the sticking point
21:43.28*** join/#asterisk papsow (
21:43.38Drukenendom0rph: so is your problem with callerid not being right on the h323 or you can't get the right voicemail to answer after it calls your phone ?
21:44.28*** join/#asterisk kg (
21:45.00endom0rphdruken - callerid not getting through on the h323... voicemail shows the called extension as 555 (h323 vm number) when it should be 200 (the x-lite I called)
21:45.44ManxPowerendom0rph: now is the time to search the mailing lists.
21:45.50jbotfrom memory, mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
21:46.20ManxPowerendom0rph: you can also try a different H323 driver for Asterisk (there are 4 of them)
21:47.40endom0rphManxPower - Thanks I have done a lot of googling but getting the right search term is proving problem. especially when everone says why don't you use asterisk vm lol
21:47.52endom0rphI'll check the other drivers though
21:48.24*** join/#asterisk taz-^ (i=demon@
21:48.50ManxPowerendom0rph: chan_h323 (included with Asterisk), asterisk-oh323 (Objective Systems?), chan_oh323 (in the asterisk-addons tree), and ( ?)
21:49.32ManxPowerIf *I* needed H323 I would try chan_ooh323 from asterisk-addons first.
21:49.56*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
21:50.14endom0rphManxPower I have the asterisk-addons one downloaded from sourceforge
21:50.41Hmmhesaysinaccess networks i think is oh323
21:52.25ManxPowerendom0rph: The correct place to get is the asterisk-addons tree from Digiums servers.
21:52.31ManxPowerHmmhesays: you are correct.
21:52.48*** part/#asterisk kg (
21:53.17Hmmhesaysi think i'm going to vomit
21:53.52Hmmhesaysclay aikin is singing some horrible song on oprah
21:54.29eksffaanyone can help me making an AGI call run twice in the same dial plan?
21:54.42*** join/#asterisk stkn (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
21:54.44Hmmhesaysexten => _X,1,agi(my.agi)
21:54.51Hmmhesaysexten => _X,2,agi(myagi)
21:54.53ManxPowerexten => _X,2,agi(my.agi)
21:54.58eksffaHmmhesays: does not work after a dial call
21:55.10eksffaexten => _17XXXXXXXX,1,AGI(before.agi)
21:55.11eksffaexten => _17XXXXXXXX,2,dial(SIP/${EXTEN},20)
21:55.11eksffaexten => _17XXXXXXXX,3,AGI(after.agi)
21:55.15Hmmhesaysi typo'd, i'm eating pizza and laying in my bed
21:55.16eksffawasnt it supposed to work?
21:55.26ManxPowereksffa: see the "g" option to Dial and the exten => h,1,Blah as (hopefully) documented in extensions.txt
21:55.41eksffaManxPower: tried it later, see this
21:55.56ManxPowerexten => _17XXXXXXXX,2,dial(SIP/${EXTEN},20,g)
21:56.02Hmmhesaysok i'm going to go wash the motorcycle now
21:56.09brettnemcause I think.. you know.. a bunch of o's are a good thing..
21:56.14ManxPowereksffa: Doing stuff after a dial happens is...complicated.
21:56.42eksffaManxPower: I tried with the "g"... still the same behavior
21:56.55eksffaI really needed it to work after the dial
21:57.05ManxPowereksffa: different things happen dependind on if the caller or the callee hangs up first.
21:57.19eksffaManxPower: like what?
21:57.46ManxPowerIf the destination (called person) hangs up then using "g" on Dial will make it go to the next priority.
21:58.09ManxPowerIf the Caller (person that dialed) hangs up, exten => h,1,Whatever will be called if it exists.
21:59.10rikstais there a mirror? all i get is  "From ( icmp_seq=1 Time to live exceeded" when pinging
21:59.11ManxPowereksffa: sounds like you have the exact same hangup processing needs as CallingCard apps.
21:59.28ManxPowerAnd you can read the docs from the billion or so calling card apps for Asterisk to see how they handle it in the dialplan.
22:00.25*** join/#asterisk criptos (n=criptos@
22:00.41criptosanyone using app_intercept?
22:00.46eksffahmm, where can I find this doc?
22:00.52criptosgood afternoon
22:01.39*** join/#asterisk _unnamed_ (
22:01.45ManxPowereksffa: I don't know, I never need calling card applications.  There's astcc in digium's CVS, asteki or something like that.  Do a mailing list search for "calling card"
22:01.50jbotfrom memory, mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
22:02.23eksffaManxPower: right, Ill search in the asterisk-users ML
22:02.28eksffathank you
22:02.41*** part/#asterisk websae (
22:02.53ManxPowereksffa: I'm a CorporateGeek, not a ServiceProviderGeek
22:03.09*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
22:03.26ManxPowereksffa: so I don't need things like billing users for calls, calling card stuff, web interfaces, etc.
22:03.43ManxPowerMY users have enough trouble dialing an analog phone.
22:04.01ManxPower"I don't use text messaging on my cell phone.  It's too complicated." <-- actual user comment
22:04.14criptosthats a good definition Corporative Geek vs SPGeek
22:04.39ManxPowerActual conversation - Me: You do not need to dial "9" when using the fax machine.  User: So, do I need to dial "9" when I send a fax?
22:04.42fugitivoManxPower: are you kidding? in argentina all the people uses sms because it's cheaper than a regular mobile call
22:05.09h3x0rthis country is ass backwards
22:05.10ManxPowerfugitivo: in the usa you do NOT get free incoming calls or sms to cell phones.  You pay for incoming calls/sms
22:05.18h3x0rManxPower: depends on the carrier actually
22:05.22h3x0rsome of them dont charge for incoming
22:05.31h3x0rlegacy at&t wireless dosent
22:05.31fugitivoManxPower: here you pay too, but it's cheaper
22:05.34ManxPowerh3x0r: *nod*  A few of the smaller ones don't, if you have the right plan.
22:05.42h3x0rat&t isnt "small" :P
22:05.57wunderkinonly one i know of that doesnt charge for incoming would be cricket.. who else?
22:05.57ManxPowerh3x0r: Um, AT&T doesn't have mobile service anymore.
22:05.59h3x0rand its like that on all plans
22:06.01h3x0ryes they do
22:06.05h3x0rthey just dont market new phones
22:06.06wunderkinthey are cingular now
22:06.10ManxPowerthey were bought by Congular
22:06.12fugitivoManxPower: did you try MetroPCS?
22:06.18*** join/#asterisk Jaxxan (n=jaxxan@
22:06.19h3x0rits called the "blue" and "orange" networks.
22:06.25ManxPowerfugitivo: I stick to major carriers.
22:06.33ManxPowerCingular, Verizon, Sprint, etc.
22:06.35*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:d856:c704:0:0:0:0:1)
22:06.43fugitivoManxPower: that's expensive
22:06.51ManxPowerfugitivo: but more reliable.
22:06.54h3x0rI don't think sprint charges for incoming sms either.
22:06.57h3x0rprobably do on MMS though
22:06.59ManxPowerand customer service is not too bad.
22:07.01fugitivoManxPower: i know
22:07.03Jaxxanhey ya'll
22:07.11h3x0rthey never did when i had sprint PCS
22:07.16wunderkinoh, i meant incoming calls
22:07.40ManxPowerVerizon charges 2 cents per incoming text message and 5 cents per outgoing text message, if you do not have a text messaging plan.
22:07.53h3x0rI'm pretty sure its a minority of carriers that charge for incoming sms
22:07.57ManxPowerh3x0r: URL for free incoming service with AT&T?
22:08.19ManxPowerh3x0r: Cingular charges 5 cents per incoming text message if you don't have a plan.
22:08.25ManxPowerI don't know what sprint charges.
22:08.32h3x0rYeah but its like $5 a month for a zillion sms's
22:08.47ManxPowerh3x0r: what makes you think they still offer that plan to new customers.
22:08.57*** join/#asterisk jayk- (
22:09.10h3x0rthey still have decent sms plans
22:09.13ManxPoweralmost all my calls are incoming to my cell phone and almost all text messages are incoming
22:09.14h3x0ron the orange network
22:09.25jayk-i'm trying to get my voicemail message light indicator to work on my cisco 7960 phone. it works fine inside our office, but at home over my cable modem, the light won't come on. does anybody have any ideas?
22:09.34h3x0rverizon rapes everybody
22:09.37ManxPowerh3x0r: blue is TDMA and orange is GS<?
22:09.42h3x0rno they are both GSM
22:09.42fugitivoSprint charges _everything_
22:09.53h3x0rand they also have the blue TDMA network still
22:09.57ManxPowerjayk-: add qualify=yes to the sip.conf entry for your home phone
22:10.07h3x0rcingluar blue still has a shitload of TDMA traffic from wholesale customers that sell prepaid phones
22:10.29ManxPowerh3x0r: less and less.  They keep decommissioning TDMA towers.
22:10.50*** join/#asterisk l-fy (n=diana@yate/developer/l-fy)
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22:10.56h3x0rThey are selling NEW phones that do TDMA
22:10.57l-fyis there anyone in .kr?
22:10.59h3x0reven at walmart
22:11.04ManxPowerone of my clients finally switched to Verizon after Cingular decommissioned so many TDMA towers he was getting signal about %50 the time.
22:11.12l-fyi really need a firmware for a vizufon cip 4500 and one 5500
22:11.13jayk-what does qualify do?
22:11.15criptoshumm... any one working with app_intercept nicely?
22:11.28h3x0ryou seen Trac Fone?
22:11.28*** join/#asterisk riksta (
22:11.32h3x0rThat uses AT&T TDMA
22:11.51h3x0rthe GSM wholesale product sucks ass.
22:11.52ManxPowerTracPhone?  Is that one of those "rape me in the ass" prepaid things?
22:12.07h3x0ractually tracfone is better than virgin mobile or anything else
22:12.11criptosjayk helps to deter the latency of a connection to a phone/peer and in some channels, that info is used to configure jitterbuffers properly.
22:12.13h3x0ryou can buy a card that has minutes that take a year to expire
22:12.21ManxPowerh3x0r: cost per min?
22:12.33h3x0rwhich if you work out what a monthly plan costs
22:12.36h3x0ris about the same
22:12.38criptosMostly, the recomendation should be no to use qualify
22:12.39ManxPowernot terrible, I guess.
22:12.52ManxPowercan you refill without speaking to a human?
22:13.07h3x0ryou can link it to a credit card if you want for auto recharge
22:13.14ManxPowerh3x0r: that's handy.
22:13.25ManxPowerMaybe I'll consider it when my CONTRACT runs out.
22:13.26h3x0rthis is the other thing, the system on the orange side of cingular isn't worthy of setting up a prepaid phone thing
22:13.48ManxPowerh3x0r: I don't care about colors, I care about GSM and TDMA 8-)
22:13.49h3x0rit lacks the features to show this stuff to the user in real time
22:13.58h3x0ractually its delayed 24 hrs or osmething but still
22:14.21r0mgood evening
22:14.32h3x0ri guess they expect you to set up a WAP interface but tahts stupid coz usually youd ont want data enabled on a prepaid phone
22:14.33*** part/#asterisk l-fy (n=diana@yate/developer/l-fy)
22:14.34jayk-ManxPower: didn't seem to work. i set qualify=yes, reloaded and rebooted my phone. it's on a public IP address, no nat traversal
22:14.40h3x0rmaybe they have fixed this by now
22:14.54h3x0rthere are more features in the blue HLR than the orange one
22:15.06h3x0rboth gsm and tdma
22:15.18ManxPowerjayk-: Ah.
22:15.27h3x0rits going to be many years before they actually phase out the blue networks
22:15.46ManxPowerh3x0r: I still don't see unlimited incoming anywhere.
22:15.49h3x0rin fact i bet sprint will sooner phase out iDEN than blue
22:16.04UberbotManxPower.  Thanx for the pointer on my dropped call.  I'll investigate.  It could also have been a network issue......
22:16.06h3x0rIt isn't advertised that way, its just how their billing system works
22:16.11ManxPowerSprint usees CDMA.
22:16.15ManxPowerNextel uses iDEN
22:16.20jayk-ManxPower: any other ideas on how to get the message light indicator to work?
22:16.22h3x0rSprint bought Nextel
22:16.27criptosMy grandmother uses Wheels...
22:16.29h3x0rSprint is decommissioning iDEN
22:16.42ManxPowerh3x0r: I had forgotten about that.  It was approved?
22:16.49ManxPowerjayk-: sip debug
22:17.08ManxPowermake sure it's mailbox=vmbox@vmcontext not @extensionscontext
22:17.24h3x0rhaha they have a new logo
22:17.25ManxPowerh3x0r: good.  I never liked nextel.
22:17.34h3x0rme either.
22:17.37ManxPowerWell, I never liked iDEN.
22:17.42h3x0rfree mobile to mobile killed push to talk
22:18.06h3x0rbut sprint's CDMA sucks a lot more.
22:18.15h3x0rif i was them, id do the opposite
22:19.08UberbotManxPower, I was doing callprogress=yes on the zap channel.  Can you tell me why this was "stupid" beyond the fact that it was experimental?  Thanx.
22:19.17h3x0ryou know whats funny though
22:19.24h3x0rat&t is going to reemerge and resell sprint pcs
22:19.36h3x0ronce their non compete runs out
22:20.02h3x0rDid you know that almost 50% of the minutes of traffic on Sprint PCS's network is wholesale ?
22:20.09criptosUberbot: callprogress, at source code states that only works for usa, and isn`t reliable...
22:20.22UberbotGood enough for me.  Thanx.
22:20.28h3x0rsuch as virgin mobile, etc.
22:20.35ManxPowerh3x0r: Yeah.  I read an article about it.
22:20.36h3x0rprepaid phone vendors
22:20.36Uberbot"Use The Source...."
22:20.52ManxPowerMy next cell phone will be a quad-band GSM phone.
22:20.53criptosUberbot: are u having issues with random hangups?
22:21.03*** part/#asterisk criptos (n=criptos@
22:21.11ManxPowerBut that won't be for at least a year.
22:21.16UberbotI'm only doing initial testing.  Most of my calls had been short.
22:21.21h3x0rtdma is so fucking crisp and clear now if you are in an area with lots of towers
22:21.29h3x0rcoz they have been moving everybody to gsm
22:21.34h3x0rtheres like nobody on the tdma towers
22:21.35UberbotThen I called a co-worker and it dropped the call after about 20 minutes.
22:21.45*** join/#asterisk Rav1974 (
22:21.51UberbotHe was still quite impressed, though.
22:21.57h3x0rhell i wanna switch back to AMPS
22:21.59ManxPowerUberbot: callprogress randomly disconnects calls.
22:22.10h3x0rid have a whole tower to myself.
22:22.23ManxPowerh3x0r: my phone lets me force analog.
22:22.27*** join/#asterisk tessier (
22:22.35h3x0rbut paying for roaming sucks
22:22.43*** join/#asterisk criptos (n=criptos@
22:23.12NuggetI miss having analog cellular to fall back on, but being able to take my phone overseas offsets the loss.
22:23.16UberbotSo it seems.  Thanx.
22:23.37h3x0rnugget thats what triband GSM is for
22:23.49Nuggettriband GSM doesn't let you fall back to analog cellular.
22:23.56h3x0rbut everybody else has real GSM
22:23.57NuggetI *have* triband gsm, silly.
22:24.21Nuggetnot japan.  I still can't take my phone to japan.
22:24.25Nuggetthey're nutty.
22:24.27ManxPowerhmm...not bad call quality
22:24.39Nuggetbut all I was saying is that I miss having analog cellular.  sometimes you just need it.
22:24.49h3x0rid buy a japanese phone
22:24.52h3x0rthey have better shit than us
22:25.24ManxPowerI was pretty disapointed with the cost of pre-pay cell service in europe
22:25.32Rav1974hello guys
22:25.36h3x0rdude its europe
22:25.38ManxPowerI must have spent $200 on it.
22:25.49h3x0rthe ghetto costs as much as living in LA
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22:25.51Rav1974hoping to get some support with TE110P
22:25.52h3x0ror new york
22:25.59ManxPowerFortunatly I used up most of my mins before leaving each country.
22:26.17Rav1974i just plugged in the TE110P, and I don't know how to configure it with the ADIT 600
22:26.28Rav1974is there some docs you could point me to?
22:26.51ManxPowerRav1974: your extensive search of the mailing list archive and wiki (which is down at the moment) didn't help?
22:27.06ManxPowerooo....  /umode +E
22:27.24jbothmm... docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
22:27.26jboti guess mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
22:27.46ManxPowerh3x0r: not when they automagically generate nicks to get around bans
22:28.32Rav1974ManxPower: no it is a little confusing for me since I didn't do any configuration.  I used asterisk@home
22:28.45ManxPowerI can't help you with Asterisk@Home
22:29.06*** part/#asterisk apeman (
22:29.16h3x0rlilo is spamming
22:29.21criptosI not using asterisk@home can u help me.. ha ha ha :)
22:29.23[hC]Do i have to start privmsg lilo and spam him back again
22:29.38drrayI've blocked more people in the last two days
22:29.53CoaxDhC: Guess so
22:29.55h3x0rhc, send him some porn
22:30.06[hC]i wonder if the lilo pr0n we made is still up
22:30.11CoaxDoh, yeah
22:30.12CoaxDit is
22:30.29ManxPowerthat's /etc/zapatel.conf
22:30.41criptosdammnn.. app_intercep seems to work fine, but when a call is intercepted iax2 protocol, the call get lost...
22:30.57ManxPower/etc/asterisk/zapata.conf would be:
22:31.10[hC]i just msged him
22:31.11ManxPowerchannel => 1-24
22:31.18criptosevetn app_intercep says:     -- Releasing IAX2/compras/17 and IAX2/asis2@asis2/23
22:31.23[hC][18:30] >lilo< Hi, i pasted some spam reports up on, maybe it will help you figure the problem out
22:31.30[hC]<lilo> thanks
22:31.34ManxPowercriptos: try notransfer=yes in iax.conf
22:31.39[hC]im going to be k-lined in a second.
22:31.43criptoswhat seems weird to me, is IAX2/asis2@asis2/23
22:35.56*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
22:35.56*** topic/#asterisk is Preview the new website! || Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Asterisk 1.2 Janitors Needed! || Astricon 2005 in Anaheim Oct 12-14 - speakers wanted
22:36.10Delta34am i suppose to store the ani as a callerid
22:36.22eismanI just got ANI/DNIS working over T1 to my asterisk box.
22:36.39eismanasterisk wants it in *ANI*DNIS format
22:37.01eismanare you getting 20 digits as DTMF?
22:37.06*** join/#asterisk websae (
22:37.17websaeanyone here running ASTERISK@HOME?
22:37.24ManxPowereisman: You don't have a PRI?
22:37.34Delta34so i need to tell carrier to change from *DNIS*ANI to *ANI*DNIS
22:37.35eismandon't have the card available
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22:37.51ManxPowerDelta34: I think he's on a PRI.
22:37.52criptosmanxpower, notransfer=yes at iax.conf, stoped an reloades, didn`t work
22:38.06eismanI am running D4/AMI E&M wink to a TE110P
22:38.09ManxPowerDelta34: use pri debug span x to see if you are ACTUALLY getting the ANI and stuff.
22:38.27eismanDelta, are you getting the DTMF right now?
22:38.38Delta34number works
22:38.44ManxPowereisman: Um, this isn't 1975 any more.  Why not use ESF/B8ZS?
22:38.45Delta34i get call to come in correctly
22:38.51Delta34just caller id all screwed =)
22:38.59ManxPoweryou don't get DTMF on PRIs
22:39.04ManxPowernot for callerid stuff.
22:39.04eismanManxPower, you tell that to the Mitel system I have sitting here.
22:39.48eismanDelta34, is this a T1 or PRI?
22:40.07ManxPowerDelta34: Why did I think you had a PRI?
22:40.24eismanManxPower, yea we are $250k+ into this phone system and are going to have to fork lift it out of here in teh next year.
22:40.24Delta34i am using same as u eisman d4/ami e&m wink to dual port digium card
22:40.39[hC]Is there anyone here that really understands what happens in a native bridge handoff procesS?
22:40.45ManxPowerDelta34: then he is the world expert right now.
22:41.03ManxPower[hC]: Only mark I think, and only after he's had a few drinks.
22:41.05[hC]im having nothing but problems trying to figure out why calls act funny after a native bridge.
22:41.11[hC]I think i read an article once about it
22:41.14[hC]on -dev
22:41.17*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
22:41.21[hC]i wish i had a better rss feed for -users and -dev
22:41.22*** join/#asterisk riksta (
22:41.24[hC]all i get is subjects
22:41.28Delta34so how should i do this? *ANI*DNIS
22:41.49eismanDelta, if you can get your provider to change the DNIS/ANI string, do so.  If not I'm trying to find the code where * looks at it, a code change may fix it quick.
22:41.50Delta34set ani as a callerid variable?
22:42.18eismanif you get it *ANI*DNIS, asterisk will do it for you.
22:42.48eismanand $CALLERID, $CALLERIDNUM will be ANI
22:43.49criptosmaxp no, didn`t work... I have this now:    -- Attempting native bridge of IAX2/asis2@asis2/14 and IAX2/compras/16
22:44.11Delta34so does your match look like this _NXXNXXXXXX,DNIS
22:45.45*** join/#asterisk insomni_ (
22:45.52websaewhat is a trunk?
22:46.12criptoswebsae: a group of lines.
22:46.35websaeteliax...would that be a trunk if i have service witht hem?
22:46.45drrayif you had a connection to them
22:47.00criptosIn telephony speaking, you now, how each "world" has it`s owns terminology: Trunk = Group.
22:47.29*** join/#asterisk pablasso (n=pablasso@
22:47.43websaehmm okay
22:47.44websaethank you
22:47.53*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
22:48.08jeffgusis anyone else around here getting /msg's from random people on freenode?
22:48.32cochijeff, known problem
22:48.38cochithere was some notice about /mode +E  or so
22:49.02cochi[00:26] -lilo- [Global Notice] Hi all. Apparently we're having problems with message spam. One good interim solution might be: "/umode +E" .... no messages other than from registered users. Please consider registering and autoidentifying if you haven't already done so.
22:49.18[hC]When is the next big asterisk con?
22:49.32[hC]I really want to be in a like minded area for a while and be able to trade tricks with people :P
22:49.40jeffguscochi,  thank you
22:50.00jeffguscochi, i wanted to ask that question in a more appropriate channel, but #freenode didn't give me a voice
22:50.28criptosAstricon Anaheim
22:50.29criptosAnaheim, California, USA
22:50.29criptos12 October?14 October 2005
22:51.04[hC]Maybe i'll try to go to that
22:52.13ManxPowerWow!  I may have just found a piece of telecom equipment I've been looking for off and on for 6 months.
22:52.18ManxPoweron eBay.
22:52.22pygrammerhey, can one transfer a call via Manager?
22:52.26eismanDelta, it looks like it would be a non-trivial code change to make asterisk understand to blocks of 10 digits instead of the delimited string *ANI*DNIS
22:52.26[hC]ManxPower: whats that?
22:52.42ManxPower[hC]: I'll tell you on monday when I've won the auction.
22:53.01pablassohi guys
22:53.13drrayManxPower just bought a beige box
22:53.16[hC]ManxPower: lol. :) I'm in Florida. We were just hit by a hurricane, all the power is out for at least 2more days, I cant get to a bank anyways. :)
22:53.37pablassoyou think is possible sending a fax via one iax server to another iax server with ulaw as codec?
22:53.44cochi.oO(That's american. no power, hazards but chatting here)
22:53.44ManxPowerdrray: I prefer purple.
22:53.49drraymanx :)
22:53.51[hC]This might be a stupid question
22:54.04[hC]But If i do g729 from a phone to *, then * does ULAW from it to a voip peer,
22:54.13[hC]will it sound any better than if i did g729 instead of ulaw in the second part of the call?
22:54.25pygrammercan i transfer a CALL via the Manager interface???????
22:54.32pygrammeri.e. with a web application
22:54.40pygrammerBlind and/or supervised
22:54.45eismanhC: I doubt it, but you won't need to transcode.
22:54.50drrayFlash oeprator panel
22:54.59drraycan do transfers
22:55.04[hC]eisman: well right now i do g729 -> * g729 ->
22:55.08Hmmhesaysit's like 20 lines of code in perl or php
22:55.09cochiwasn't g729 compressed and ulaw not?
22:55.10drrayalthough I hate flash operator panel
22:55.11criptosWhen changing from one codec to other codec, there is a reformating, and yes, u waste time, becose you need to decode/re encode. So using the same format, you save time and cpu..
22:55.15[hC]i was just curious if i would gain anything by switching the second part over ulaw
22:55.17pygrammerHmmhesays, not using either one :(
22:55.27Hmmhesaysprobably pretty easy in python too
22:55.31[hC]im having a lot of call quality issues when native bridging occurs, and i might just disable it
22:55.36pygrammerusing Python
22:55.37pablassoyeah g729 is compressed and ulaw is not
22:55.55cochiso how could quality improve if you exchange ulaw by g729?
22:55.59pygrammernow, i'm wondering what the best python interface to manager and/or AGI (the dialplan) is
22:56.01eismanit may be compressed, but is ulaw lossy?
22:56.05Hmmhesaysexamples of connecting to the manager with python on the wiki i believe.... could be mistaken
22:56.09cochicompression is either lossless or lossy. so it can at best stay same eh? ;)
22:56.19[hC]cochi: cause the second part of the call is not subject to codec manipulation based on lag,etc.
22:56.24eismanerr g729 rather
22:56.33Hmmhesaysyou will not get decent lossless compress in realtime on anything
22:56.34pygrammerHmmhesays, didn't see any exampes
22:56.35cochimh ah now i see your point. ok. still nooby :)
22:56.36[hC]cochi: it wouldnt get any better sounding, but it could potentially suffer from less jitter.
22:56.39pygrammerwhich page?
22:56.45Hmmhesayspython use sockets?
22:56.48Jaxxaninstead of playing hold music when a call is in a queue, is there a way to just do "ringing" ?
22:57.04pygrammerHmmhesays, yes
22:57.12eismanput an mp3 of ringing in the moh folder?
22:57.12pygrammerJaxxan, yes
22:57.17Hmmhesayscheck the php or perl example they, they are straight forward
22:57.33pygrammerbut it's a different interface with python
22:57.39criptospythin uses sockets, also php, even shellscript can use sockets
22:57.50Hmmhesayscan't be that i different
22:57.55criptosand the use of sockets at python is pretty easy....
22:58.15Jaxxanso in the queues.conf what would i use for musiconhold = ?
22:58.19Hmmhesaysbasically you are just flushing text throuh a socket to the manager
22:58.26Jaxxanor do i just comment that line out ?
22:58.30pygrammeryes, i've used sockets in python, but i was asking what's the best module for creating python-asterisk apps... i.e. pyst or something?
22:58.33pygrammeror pyastre
23:01.25Jaxxanis there a ringing sound file included ?
23:01.38criptosyou can generate it with tones...
23:01.53criptosthere is a app to generate tones :) playtones(ring) will do the trick .
23:02.08Jaxxancan i do that in a queue though /
23:02.18Jaxxani see
23:02.28*** join/#asterisk fatalis_ (
23:02.39Jaxxannot sure how to do that though )=
23:03.12*** part/#asterisk fatalis_ (
23:04.32pygrammerok, so no one here does python/asterisk work?
23:04.35pygrammeri know there are modules to interface with asterisk manager/agi
23:04.38pygrammerjust not which is bets
23:05.23criptosI decide based on documentantion and code understanding...
23:05.39pygrammerdo you use python with asterisk?
23:05.48ManxPower[hC]: It doesn't support PRI, but we don't really NEED PRI support.
23:07.05ManxPowerJaxxan: um....use the "r" option to Queue
23:08.39Jaxxanlike that ?
23:10.07*** join/#asterisk vexorg (
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23:10.26*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
23:10.53[hC]ManxPower: ah, cool :) I dont really have a use for something like that yet.
23:11.07criptosany one using app_intercept?
23:11.38ManxPower[hC]: I strongly suspect many of our Asterisk issues are problems with messed up gains.
23:11.55[hC]ManxPower: really.. hmm
23:11.57ManxPowerbut since we can ONLY measure the gains on Zap interfaces with Asterisk....
23:12.07ManxPower[hC]: fax problems, mostly
23:12.07[hC]ManxPower: do share your findings :)
23:12.12ManxPowerbut some modem issues
23:12.49ManxPower[hC]: we'll be installing a hardware echocanceler (tellabs) on tuesday on our largest asterisk install.
23:13.01ManxPowerthen we can up the txgain on the pri and maybe fix the fax problems.
23:13.30[hC]ManxPower: what termination do you use mostly? and by largest install, do you mean most PRI channels, or sip/iax trunks, or what? (and how many?)
23:13.48ManxPower[hC]: 20 channel PRI.
23:13.55ManxPower60 polycom phones
23:13.59Jaxxanif i use Queue(operator) the call isn't answered (which is what i want), but when i do Queue(operator|r) the call is answered but it plays ring tones they way i want. )=
23:15.17ManxPower[hC]: we'll be doing a full PRI into Asterisk and a channel bank into the corporate PBX soon as well.
23:15.30ManxPowercurrently it's CT1 to carrier's channel bank into the corporate PBX
23:15.44paulcJaxxan: what's the strategy for the operator queue though?
23:15.56Jaxxanhey there you are
23:16.11[hC]ManxPower: cool.
23:16.22ManxPower[hC]: It sucks.
23:16.42[hC]ManxPower: haha :)
23:17.02websaeI am setting up X-LIte....and i entered my server info for domain/realm and sip proxy and phone just isn't connecting
23:17.02[hC]ManxPower: right now i have two 23 channel PRI's lit up, and about 65 cisco 7960's deployed
23:17.07websaehow do i get it to connect
23:17.17ManxPowerI have like fxo_ks, fxo_ls, e&m/wink and DACS channels going thru 1 asterisk box on 2 CT1s
23:17.22[hC]ManxPower: and about 4 * boxes, spread out in various places
23:17.27[hC]Full PoE, etc.
23:17.50ManxPower[hC]: you a corporate geek or a service provider geek?
23:18.08websaeanyone here familiar with Xten and the X-Lite phone?
23:18.22criptosMe, a little bit
23:19.13pygrammerI am
23:19.17ManxPower[hC]: I manage 9 Asterisk systems, but most of them are small.
23:19.25pygrammerI use it on both winblows and linux
23:20.03*** join/#asterisk Damin_ (
23:21.08websaeanyone here use Asterisk@home?
23:24.39niZoni can't compile zaptel :(
23:24.42niZonmany many errors
23:24.45christian[asgi]why not?
23:25.11niZonIt doesn't seem to like the kernel header files
23:25.25niZonmany many errors
23:25.28criptoshumm.. you have the HOLE kernel installed?
23:25.32christian[asgi]doesn't sound fun
23:25.32niZon/usr/include/linux/device.h:183: error: syntax error before 'ssize_t'
23:25.35criptoskernel----src bla bla..
23:25.41niZonyeah i have the source installed
23:26.04criptoswhere do u haveit installed? is it at /usr/src/linux-2.4.27?
23:31.07christian[asgi]recent kernel upgrade?
23:31.20niZondebian netinstall default
23:31.29christian[asgi]oh.. debian
23:31.46christian[asgi]Wish I knew something about Debian to help you out.
23:31.55niZoni think i might just do the lazy thing and use zorcom rapit
23:32.12christian[asgi]oh rapid
23:32.14niZoni just hope it included ztdummy/zaprtc
23:32.23niZoner includes
23:32.23christian[asgi]you can't compile anything on rapid
23:32.26christian[asgi]no compiler
23:32.35niZonyeah i know
23:32.44christian[asgi]did you read that link already?
23:34.39*** join/#asterisk Lathos42 (n=Lathos42@
23:34.54Wi_Fidoes aah have an irc channel?
23:35.09niZonlooking at it now
23:35.34christian[asgi]it should Wi_Fi
23:35.40Romikwhat this means? Aug 26 23:35:31 NOTICE[28763]: chan_iax2.c:5773 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, requested/capability 0x400/0x600 incompatible  with our capability 0xf900.
23:35.55christian[asgi]codec mismatch
23:36.00*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
23:36.16Romikchristian: how i can know which requested and which need?
23:36.35christian[asgi]Romik, both your boxes?
23:36.43Romikchristian: yes
23:36.49christian[asgi]in iax.conf
23:37.10christian[asgi]make sure the peers both have allow=<codec> for the same codecs
23:37.58Romikdisallow=all and allow=g729
23:38.12ManxPowerRomik: go buy some G729 licenses.
23:38.28Romikmanxpower: why? ;)
23:38.48Romikalso anybody can tell me why i see negative jitter?
23:38.51christian[asgi]Romik: try with gsm first
23:38.58ManxPowerRomik:  because if you want to use G729 you want G729 licenses
23:39.38Romikmanxpower: are you from Digium?:)
23:40.05christian[asgi]MaxPower: I am in a lot of the rooms you're in.. But I was thinking of buying that shirt for my brother.
23:40.25ManxPowerRomik: no.
23:41.15Romikmanxpower: do you know why i have negative jitter? and how it can be?
23:42.20*** join/#asterisk Ash (
23:42.27Ashholy lots of people batman
23:42.46ManxPowerRomik: the version of Asterisk I run doesn't have a jitterbuffer.
23:42.58ManxPowerchristian[asgi]: See #*tricks channel
23:43.01websaeanyone know anything about XTEN XLITE phone?
23:43.07websaelooking for some help please :)
23:43.23Ashhas anybody ever seen ztmontior report audio on a channel when that line is not connected anywhere?
23:43.44christian[asgi]Ash: tdm400?
23:43.45Romikmanxpower: i do not undestand how jitter can be negative
23:44.03Ashchristian[asgi]: a TE110P running PRI
23:44.46christian[asgi]Ash: I don't know why on a t/e
23:45.03*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
23:45.04ManxPower   They have some REALLY HORRIBLE designs, but they have a few good ones.
23:45.04Ashchristian[asgi]: do you know why on a tdm400?
23:45.30christian[asgi]Ash: Noisy modules.. noisy card.. bad either...
23:46.05websaeanyone here used the XLITE softphone still looking for some help connecting
23:46.14Ashok, another question then; has anybody dealt with echo cancellation on polycom 301s or 501s?
23:46.44christian[asgi]Ash: Do you get it from phone to phone, or only through tdm/asterisk?
23:46.47niZon250MB in like 5 minutes
23:46.59Ashchristian[asgi]: only when they're heading through the PRI
23:47.27Ashztmonitor shows their levels as ridiculously high, so we tuned the gain on the phones down
23:47.32Ashbut that causes other fun problems
23:47.35fwaeCan ou buy a sipura adapter at any retail stores (compusa/bestbuy), or do they offer any unlocked selection?
23:47.53christian[asgi]Ash: are you running echo can in zap?
23:48.07Ashchristian[asgi]: yep
23:48.19Ashturning up the echocancel/training settings helped a lot
23:48.35Ashbut we are still seeing some echo
23:48.38christian[asgi]Ash: have you tried with Aggressive?
23:48.52Ashnot yet
23:48.59Ashis it a whole lot better than the default?
23:49.18christian[asgi]Ash: Aggressive silences the line when you're not talking
23:49.28Ashmm, that might help
23:49.37fwaeCan you unlock something like this for use on any serveR?
23:49.39christian[asgi]Ash.. it will still have to train a bit for sidetones I believe
23:49.47Ashbecause I think most of the problem is delayed sidetone audio
23:50.23Ashyeah, but that's not too huge a deal
23:50.32AshI will try building it with the aggressive option
23:50.38christian[asgi]Ash: good luck
23:50.46Ashthanks for the suggestions!
23:51.09christian[asgi]Ash: yw..  set the training=yes to something rediculously low like training=200
23:53.38fwaeIs there ANY sip ATA that is at retial stores and unlockable?
23:54.37christian[asgi]fwae: haven't seen any.
23:54.51christian[asgi]fwae: where are you located?
23:55.53*** join/#asterisk neron (
23:56.51Wi_Fidoes aah have an irc channel?
23:57.38christian[asgi]the a@h affirmation channel.  Where the blind lead the blind.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.