irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050823

00:00.14Hmm-homewoot back in tune
00:00.26NSGNwith the word dials replaced with rings, i think thats what i want
00:00.32NSGNso it can be done?
00:00.43Drukenin theory... yes
00:01.02NSGNok then tonight i shall be buying a cheapo card on ebay to play with this
00:01.09Qwellin theory, communism works
00:01.27Qwell(in theory, so does democracy)
00:02.06NSGNif i had it my way, i'd kick the analog phones...but you know the parents...they arent gonna do that until they see this working for a while along side them
00:02.13DrukenQwell: i tried it out on my system... it worked
00:02.21NSGNyou tried what i'm talking about?
00:02.40NSGNaaweesome. thank you much
00:02.57NSGNwell then i guess i'll be ordering one of them cards. pretty much only place to get them ebay?
00:03.04NSGN(the cheapo clones ;-P)
00:03.04QwellNSGN: meh...when I lived with my mom, I would have just changed it, and told her to deal
00:03.13Qwell"bitch, *I'm* paying the bill.."
00:03.20NSGNhah, well...i think my mom would beat me up...she pays the bill
00:03.30NSGNand my food...
00:03.50DrukenQwell: i was nice to my parents... i at least kept the analog phones, and the 7 digit dialing for them.. hehehe
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00:04.26Qwell7 digit dialing?
00:04.26NSGNwhen i have my place...ittl be all digital
00:04.30NSGNbut this will be good practice
00:04.37Qwellits all about 23 digit dialing...for local
00:04.42DrukenQwell: yes.. 7 digit dialing..
00:05.26DrukenNSGN: i must warn ya... unless you build the dialplan yourself... it ain't gonna work
00:05.29Qwell"just dial 304 (your code), then 542 (the exit internal code), then 930 (exit PBX code), then 1, area code, number"
00:05.31Drukenast@home won't do it..
00:06.12Qwell"then dial your 3 digit password.  twice"
00:06.25DrukenQwell: well... i replaced the businesses phones... if they can't use ehm... i'm even poorer then i am now..
00:06.27NSGNdruken: thats ok. i'll stumble my way through normal asterisk if i have to...(though i'll need major help). cant i just modify some files in ast@home?
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00:07.55timecopchan_sip.c:8368 handle_response_register: Got 404 Not found on SIP register to service foo@provider, giving up
00:08.08timecopwhats that supposed to mena?
00:08.10timecopmean too.
00:08.13timecop(worked before)
00:08.44file[laptop]that to the REGISTER method the provider is sending a 404 Not Found?
00:08.59file[laptop]that you should do a sip debug and make sure
00:09.03NSGNdruken: ah well, i gotta go clean up and eat and stuff. i'll be back on later to figure all that out
00:09.05file[laptop]and then talk to your provider.
00:09.16NSGNwith a little help i think i'll be all set
00:09.23NSGNthanks for the help so far. later
00:09.26timecopthis is lovely.
00:09.29timecopso i do sip debug
00:09.30timecopto enable it
00:09.32timecopthen sip reload
00:09.34timecopand guess what?
00:09.36timecopit turns off debug.
00:09.50timecopGO LINUX.
00:09.57file[laptop]it shouldn't.
00:10.00timecopwell, it does.
00:10.02timecoptry it.
00:10.09timecophow else am I supposed to force a register?
00:12.01timecopya thats what I thought.
00:12.11timecopbut anyway, i guess if Im getting 404 and it worked before my account is shitcanned
00:12.28file[laptop]I would contact them and see
00:12.55Ariel_Dose any one use sipphone here that can do a test call?
00:13.06*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
00:13.40timecopfile[laptop]: kinda hard when it wasnt my account to begin with.
00:13.48timecopwork got it for testing like a year ago
00:14.35Hmm-homehhaha, i was trying to play soul to squeeze
00:14.38Kattywell the intro anyway.
00:14.51KattyDruken: :>
00:14.53timecopanyway, maybe someone should open a bug on the sip debug thing.
00:15.01timecopunless there's already one
00:15.10Nuggetyou could be that someone.
00:15.28Nuggethihi Katty
00:16.38nick125i hate having to wait on hold with myself
00:19.13Drukenisn't nano the gentoo pico ?
00:19.19Qwellnano is the clone of pico
00:19.25nick125is there a way i can make a queue fall over to voicemail after 5 minutes or so? (i must have did it wrong the first time)
00:19.30Qwellpico isn't technically open source
00:19.48nick125-rw-r-----  1 asterisk asterisk 290M Aug 22 18:19 full
00:20.10Hmm-homeok this song is impossible to sing and play at the same time
00:20.11timecopi got bug #5000
00:20.13timecopdo i win a prize
00:20.17anonobomberQwell: its not that it isn't open source, which it is by the way, its the license that it comes with isn't compatable with the GPL
00:20.23Qwelltimecop: only if you make a patch for it
00:20.26timecopi did
00:20.27nick125and i started on the 18th with that log
00:20.28Qwellanonobomber: well, whatever it is
00:20.31timecopwell, i told where the problem is.
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00:21.45*** join/#asterisk adrenaline (
00:21.47timecopperhaps not touching debug value during reload is the best solution.
00:21.54timecopsince you can always sip no debug to toggle it off.
00:22.17adrenalineHey I am having problems loging into cvs can somebody else login and let me know if it is just me?
00:22.23timecopjust you
00:22.30nick125ok, quick poll: whats the size of your /var/log/asterisk/full log?
00:22.30timecopi *jusT* pulled pri/zaptel/asterisk like 5 minutes ago
00:22.58nick125ls -lh will tell you how big btw
00:23.02adrenalineI logged in this morning but havent been able to since
00:23.16*** join/#asterisk voipheck (n=yakumo@
00:23.19timecopi dont even ahve asterisk/full
00:23.25timecopyou must be using some commie version
00:23.32nick125im using the stable
00:23.48adrenalineI have whatever comes with slackware
00:23.51timecopi got messages/event_log/cdr, etc.
00:24.22devonst17im trying to understand what asterisk is and how to use it ATM, so I dont have a /var/log/asterisk/full folder yet
00:25.48timecopits an expensive answering machine
00:26.21timecopmake install in zaptel has been borken for ever too
00:26.22timecopin cvs head
00:26.28timecopif [ -f  ]; then mv -f  .bak ; fi
00:26.28timecopmv: missing file argument
00:27.18timecopif [ -f $(MODCONF) ]; then mv -f $(MODCONF) $(MODCONF).bak ; fi
00:27.22timecopwhat hte fuck
00:27.27timecopwhat if people odnt have/use modules.conf
00:27.39nick125in the queues.conf, what format is the timeout variable?
00:27.43Qwelltimecop: if -f
00:27.49timecopuh huh
00:27.53nick125seconds? minutes? days? weeks? months? decades?
00:27.54timecop<timecop> if [ -f  ]; then mv -f  .bak ; fi
00:27.58timecopthis is what i get during makei nstall
00:28.14timecoplooks like someone fucked the makefile
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00:28.24timecop^^ those are spaces instead of tab
00:28.37timecoper wait. that doesnt matter unless its a build rule
00:29.28timecopanyway, something is fuckede.
00:30.28*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
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00:31.40Hmm-homeno, this song is pissing me off
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00:32.52blachDoes anyone have a working connection to IAXtel right now?
00:33.24Hmm-homemine hasn't worked for awhile
00:33.44SarahEmmsivana: you around?
00:33.46blach--that's fine.  I just set up * for the first time and my IAXtel connection isn't working.  Just making sure it wasn't on my end.
00:35.44Qwellblach: try freeworlddialup
00:36.14blachQwell what protocol(s) does it support?
00:36.31fileIAX2 and SIP
00:37.11*** join/#asterisk SexyKen (
00:39.15nick125how would i transfer a call to an extension in the dialplain?
00:39.16nick125how would i transfer a call to an extension in the dialplan?
00:39.25nick125me and spelling arent getting along today...
00:39.49fileyou would hit the transfer button on your phone, or use the transfer capability of app_dial
00:40.14nick125so, could i put this to transfer to extension 404:
00:40.25nick125Goto(404) ;
00:40.35filedepends what you mean by transfer
00:40.41fileif you mean you're in a call and want to transfer it elsewhere see above
00:40.51fileif you mean you want to jump somewhere else, type "show application goto" to learn the usage of goto
00:41.01file^^^ jump somewhere else in the dialplan when it's executing it
00:41.04blachnick125.  No special setup needed.  Just hit # or your transfer button.  Remember that you have to have specified the 't' option in the Dial command in the dialplan for the current call
00:41.28nick125i want to jump a caller to voicemail if a queue doesnt answer in 5 minutes
00:41.39bkw_twisted dear
00:41.42bkw_where are you
00:42.02filetwisted is currently unavailable, please try your call again later
00:42.06filethis is not a recording
00:44.12nick125i need to transfer it to voicemail
00:44.14adrenalineI went into the make file of zaptel and it told me to delete the # sign then I dl and installed asterisk but when i run modprobe ztdummy it sasy Unknown symbol
00:44.20adrenalineany ideas?
00:45.27SarahEmmwhat is the symbol? should be in dmesg
00:46.09adrenalineFatal: Error insterting ztdummy (/lib/modules/ Unknown symbol in module or unknown parameter
00:46.18*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
00:46.21adrenalineis the kernel an issue
00:47.00SarahEmmadrenaline: but what symbol? running 'dmesg' will show you near the ned
00:47.55adrenalineztdummy:Unknown symbol zt_recieve
00:48.02adrenalinethere are about 20 of these
00:48.07adrenalinein demesg
00:48.40surfduehey when im on one line and someone holds, it wont ring me
00:48.45surfdueuntill i disconet my first call
00:49.02surfdueis it possible to allow a certial anount of calls ringed in?
00:49.07surfdueor no
00:49.09adrenalineSarahEmm, do you think it is a kernel conflict
00:49.15adrenalineor maybe a slackware thing?
00:49.44luke-jr__silence/* are gone :(
00:49.55SarahEmmadrenaline: you have the 'zaptel' module loaded?
00:49.58adrenalineThe book says run modprobe ztdummy but doesnt say what to do if it doesn't work
00:50.12timecopso eh
00:50.14adrenalinethat is what I am trying to load
00:50.17timecopbkw_: wana look at a bug for me?
00:50.23SarahEmmyou're loading zaptel or ztdummy?
00:50.29adrenalinemodprobe ztdummy
00:50.43timecopi heard ztdummy fails it
00:50.45SarahEmmadrenaline: you have the 'zaptel' module loaded? <-- i asked this
00:50.49bkw_timecop, i'm lazy
00:50.50bkw_what is it?
00:50.55SarahEmmload it
00:50.59adrenalinebecause I am not using the board
00:51.14timecopSarahEmm: the whole point of MODPROBE is to LOAD DEPENDENT MODULES
00:51.20Qwelltimecop: not if the zaptel module is missing
00:51.28timecopif you make install in zaptel
00:51.29bkw_timecop, thats brain dead simple
00:51.32timecophow the fuck is it missing
00:51.40Qwelltimecop: it could be missing
00:51.40SarahEmmtimecop: i don't know how zir system is set up.
00:51.43timecopbkw_: of course, by "can you help with" i meant can it be put in cvs
00:51.47SarahEmmi don't like assuming anything.
00:51.54bkw_timecop, I don't have CVS commit
00:52.01SarahEmmalso possible they didn't run depmod or something
00:52.02bkw_I'm not worty
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00:52.41adrenalineSarahEmm, so should I modprobe zaptel then?
00:52.49sivanaSarahEmm:  you page me?
00:52.50Qwelladrenaline: lsmod, see if its loaded
00:52.51SarahEmmtry it, yeah. see if it loads.
00:52.55SarahEmmor yeah, lsmod :)
00:52.59SarahEmmsivana: any progress? :)
00:53.05timecopi see sip timers are finally in
00:53.05sivanaon CID?
00:53.13timecopjsut hwen my account which needed them has been cancelled
00:53.16adrenalineno phone stuff in lsmod
00:53.16timecopisnt that wonderful?
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00:53.22sivanaya, I just need to update the macro.. I'll do that tonite
00:53.27Qwelladrenaline: no zaptel?
00:53.29SarahEmmsivana: okay
00:53.32SarahEmmsivana: thanks
00:53.32Qwellthen yeah, try to modprobe it
00:53.43adrenalinesame error
00:53.53Qwellfor fun, do a `depmod -e`
00:53.58Qwell(was it -e?)
00:54.15SarahEmmadrenaline: personally i'd 'make clean' then 'make install' again in your zaptel tree
00:54.31adrenalinedo it again?
00:54.39visik7I've a question a little bit OT but I dunno where to ask: is there a symbian software to crypt phone calling ?
00:54.40Qwelland remove /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/, or whatever it is
00:55.04*** part/#asterisk thetalon (
00:55.12SarahEmmQwell: err, that's asterisk modules not kernel modules
00:55.20SarahEmmadrenaline: i would, yes. clean the tree and re-build
00:55.26Qwellerm, right, heh
00:55.43adrenalineSarahEmm, what do you think It corrupted the first time?
00:55.56Qwelladrenaline: anythings possible
00:56.43adrenalinesame error
00:57.20adrenalinedamn not enough info in the error
00:57.20nick125will this transfer to 404 if a queue is on hold for more then 5 minutes:
00:57.24nick125exten => 172,4,Queue(172|t|||300)       ; Sales
00:57.24nick125exten => 172,5,Goto(|404|)
00:57.45adrenalineThe book says something about the kernels have to match something
00:57.47QwellYou can remove the | around 404 in goto
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00:58.00Qwellthe first and last args are optional, which means Goto(404) will work
00:58.30adrenalinedo I need to recompile the kernel?
00:59.23SarahEmmit's not finding a symbol in the main zaptel module, recompiling kernel won't help
00:59.33SarahEmmwhat distro?
01:00.35adrenalinecould it be putting stuff in the wrong place maybe?
01:00.51*** join/#asterisk alk (
01:00.53adrenalineSarahEmm, what distro should I be using
01:00.59SarahEmmrun 'updatedb' then 'locate zaptel.ko' ?
01:01.03adrenalineI am building one at work too on a fedora box
01:01.09timecopwhat hte fuck
01:01.13timecopSarahEmm: are you dense?
01:01.34QwellSarahEmm: /ig
01:01.36timecopcd /lib/modules && find . | grep -i zaptel
01:01.43timecopwhat the fuck, youre gonna make him wait for 10 minutes for updatedb
01:01.48timecopwhen he can just search for it in the place it installs?
01:01.49Qwellare you fucking dense?
01:01.58Qwellfind /lib/modules -name zaptel
01:01.59anonobombertimecop: wtf, how about modinfo zaptel
01:02.08adrenalineno need to get hostile
01:02.10Qwellanyhow, back into my cave
01:02.13adrenalinewe are all having fun here
01:02.25*** join/#asterisk map71 (n=map@
01:02.29*** part/#asterisk SarahEmm (
01:02.42timecopQwell: that fails, its -name zaptel *
01:02.44*** part/#asterisk map71 (n=map@
01:02.45timecoper zaptel*
01:02.50*** join/#asterisk map71 (n=map@
01:02.53Qwellso add a *
01:02.56timecopwell yeah
01:03.00Wonkafind /lib/modules -iname *zaptel*
01:03.06Qwelland, yeah, iname
01:03.06nick125any suggestions to reduce choppyness of calls and such?
01:03.09filebe nice people, or else.
01:03.18timecopnick125: get better hardware
01:03.20Qwelland, actually
01:03.23timecop+ better bandwidth
01:03.28nick125timecop: not really an option, sadly
01:03.30Qwellotherwise your shell will glob the *
01:03.35Wonka"or else". that always reminds me of this movie with arnie...
01:03.38timecopthats if youre using some jewish shell
01:03.44adrenalinecomes up empty
01:03.51nick125im talking, maybe configuration stuff.
01:03.52Wonka"he doesn't know hos to use the three shells!"
01:04.05jaxxandemolition man
01:04.20timecopadrenaline: did you actually make install in zaptel or what
01:04.30jaxxanur kidding me! he was president!
01:04.38adrenalinetimecop yes
01:04.44nick125it really cant be b/w causing it
01:04.50adrenalinecd /usr/src/zaptel
01:04.51nick125its only using 40kbps
01:04.58adrenalinemake clean; make install
01:04.58nick125and i got a 1mbps upload lol
01:05.31*** join/#asterisk mago (i=maxgluck@
01:07.10surfduecan someone tell us what they suggest using instead of mpg123?
01:07.15nick125is there a way to make asterisk use wavs for moh?
01:07.50adrenalinemust be a slackware thing
01:07.54Ariel_wav files are too large
01:08.11nick125well, its giving us quality issues on hold music, its choppy
01:08.18adrenalineroot@overkill:/usr/src# modprobe ztdummy
01:08.18adrenalineWARNING: Error inserting zaptel (/lib/modules/ Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
01:08.19Ariel_surfdue, in the CVS head there is a native MOH setup
01:08.39*** join/#asterisk paulhuynh (
01:08.39Ariel_nick125, what is the load you have on the box?
01:08.43paulhuynhHELP again sorry
01:08.45nick125let me check
01:08.45timecopadrenaline: so, see dmesg
01:08.52paulhuynhIVR is dead
01:09.02adrenalineztdummy: Unknown symbol zt_receive
01:09.02adrenalineztdummy: Unknown symbol zt_transmit
01:09.03paulhuynhafter reinstall asterisk from barebone
01:09.10adrenalineI have about 20 lines like that
01:09.23jaxxanjeezus, i cannot get asterisk-addons-1.0.9 to compile for the life of me
01:09.24nextimeadrenaline : modprobe zaptel before to modprobe ztdummy?
01:09.29filepaulhuynh: well, is there an error or something?
01:09.42timecopadrenaline: whast the last line :(
01:09.48Ariel_paulhuynh, re-installed everything from scratch like including amp?
01:09.51adrenalineroot@overkill:/usr/src# modprobe zaptel
01:09.51adrenalineFATAL: Error inserting zaptel (/lib/modules/ Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
01:09.53timecopnick125: nice.
01:10.02timecopyeah, last line of dmesg
01:10.20Ariel_nick125, do that when you have a user on moh
01:10.30adrenalinewhy is it looking in /lib/mondules/kernel?
01:11.22nextimeadrenaline : cause in linux kernel modules are in the /lib/modules/`uname -r` path?
01:11.30adrenalineI hope I have better luck on the fedora box
01:11.55Ariel_nick125, what command are you using?
01:12.02Ariel_for your load info
01:12.05nick125im checking load with uptime
01:12.05adrenalinenextime, ya but did it compile it there in the kernel and is the kernelversion alright?
01:12.17nick125with two users:  19:11:57 up 10 days,  1:11,  2 users,  load average: 2.52, 1.66, 1.51
01:12.37Ariel_nick125, ok but what is the command?
01:13.08fugitivogw-test / # uptime
01:13.12Ariel_21:12:44  up 8 days, 21:38,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
01:14.12adrenalinewell giving up for now will try again tomorrow
01:14.36nick125so, is there a way to make it use less load and such?
01:14.37adrenalineI wish everything wasn't such a fight all of the time
01:16.07Ariel_dam can't get my load up. 21:15:13  up 8 days, 21:40,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
01:16.09adrenalinefor some reason I don't think it is putting the drivers in the kernel
01:16.28adrenalineI wonder If I compile the kernel If I can put the stuff there
01:16.54Ariel_nick125, what system is it?
01:17.04*** part/#asterisk Qwell (
01:17.08*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
01:17.12Qwellmeh, don't ctrl-w in xchat
01:17.13nick125its a 2.6ghz celeron, 512MB eec ddr, 40gb hd
01:17.21QwellAriel_: dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/null
01:17.33QwellThat'll get it up pretty quick.  Bonus points if you nice it
01:18.04nick125only using about 280MB of the ram
01:18.18Ariel_21:18:01  up 8 days, 21:43,  2 users,  load average: 0.14, 0.04, 0.01
01:18.41Ariel_that is with the command added from Qwell
01:18.47nick125what system?
01:19.10QwellAriel_: nice it...
01:19.10Ariel_it's a Celeron 2.4 512mg ram 40gig EIDE from shuttle
01:19.32SwKnice -20 dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/null
01:19.41QwellI don't know about -20, heh
01:19.44fugitivothat's mine
01:19.49*** join/#asterisk surfdue (
01:20.04fugitivothis is getting hot
01:20.22fugitivodual opteron
01:20.24SwKwodan:/home/krice> w
01:20.26Ariel_nick125, there must be something that is not running right on yours then.  your load is up higher then any of us.
01:20.40nick125Ariel_: btw, thats with two moh users
01:20.48Ariel_I had one
01:20.57SwKnick125: are you sure you dont have hung mpg123 processes?
01:20.58Ariel_then the setup from qwell
01:21.17luke-jr__silence/*.gsm are gone :(
01:21.26Ariel_nick125, i have an extension just for moh
01:21.50nick125root      6104 21.1  0.6   5480  3132 ?        S    19:21   0:01 mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -b 2048 -f 8192 fpm-calm
01:22.13SwKmy favorite extension is something like exten => 666,1,milliwatt()
01:22.26nick125USER       PID %CPU %MEM    VSZ   RSS TTY      STAT START   TIME COMMAND
01:22.27nick125root      6104 21.1  0.6   5480  3132 ?        S    19:21   0:01 mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -b 2048 -f 8192 fpm-calm
01:22.42nick125i think that might cause an issue
01:22.58Ariel_two moh playing and qwell test added.
01:24.18*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
01:25.00Ariel_1526471+0 records in
01:25.00Ariel_1526471+0 records out
01:25.02*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=Alex_Dot@
01:25.07Ariel_damm left that running..
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01:27.07nick125how would i do a goto to extension 404's mailbox?
01:28.35nick125ah thanks
01:28.41logicalonlineas long as its in the default context
01:28.53logicalonlineelse you gotta to VoiceMail(404@anothercontext)
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01:29.49*** join/#asterisk Corndawg_ (
01:30.36MikeJ[Laptop]any commiters around?
01:30.49Ariel_MikeJ[Laptop], you need to be committed?
01:31.04Ariel_There is an hospital near by.
01:31.13logicalonlineanyone play with jive's asterisk-im plugin?
01:32.15jaxxanCFLAGS+=$(shell if [ -d /usr/src/asterisk/new/asterisk-1.0.9 ]; then echo "-I/usr/src/asterisk/new/asterisk-1.0.9"; fi)
01:32.17denonman, I cant believe qwest is having a wide-spread long distance outtage ..
01:32.22denonfor HOURS no less
01:32.24jaxxanso you have to add that line in the asterisk-addons makefile
01:32.36jaxxanif you get directory not found errors
01:32.50jaxxanand just modify it with the correct path
01:33.13jaxxanshould add that to a readme file in that tarball
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01:34.44blitzrage~seen jtodd
01:34.45jbotjtodd <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 20d 2h 47m 25s ago, saying: 'Was there anyone organizing anything at OSCON tonight in Portland for Asterisk?'.
01:35.01optiwhats the syntax for include
01:35.03optiis it got issues? :|
01:35.15PBX-101anyone had a bad experience with a dual PCI riser card and multiple digium cards?
01:35.16opti#include => sip_custom.conf
01:35.23blitzrageopti: #include
01:35.35*** join/#asterisk smurfix (n=smurf@debian/developer/smurf)
01:35.39blitzrageor: include => context
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01:35.44*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw__] by ChanServ
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01:36.55luke-jr__Should I call SetAccount before or after ForkCDR generally?
01:37.27PBX-101my zaptel driver hangs on boot while loading the second TDM card with a dual riser PCI, any ideas
01:37.28map71luke-jr__: depends what you want!
01:37.38mmmurfhello -- can anyone suggest how i could acheive the effect where if the caller doesn't speak the agi script hangs up (the way voicemail works)?
01:37.47luke-jr__map71: I want to leave the normal CDR alone and have the new CDR on a diff account
01:38.04map71luke_jr__: Call SetAccount after ForkCDR
01:38.10luke-jr__ok, thanks
01:39.04magoanyone figures why in voicemail the feature of sending messages could not work? everything else does, logs in, receives messages, changes folders...
01:42.24PBX-101Dual PCI riser question
01:42.28*** join/#asterisk kimo_sabe (
01:43.49blitzragePBX-101: don't do it
01:43.59blitzragePBX-101: there's the answer to your question (whatever it was) :)
01:44.23magomap71: is it possible to have different CDR tables for each accountcode in realtime?
01:46.58*** join/#asterisk MustangMatt (
01:47.10logicalonlineWhy does the Newchannel manager event specify the exten as the CallerID instead of the CallerID set in the channel variable?
01:48.34twistedMY PHONE IS ALIVE!
01:48.41bkw__twisted lucky bastard
01:48.42Qwelltwisted: walking around the house?
01:48.47twistedbkw__, hah
01:48.53twistedbkw__, it powered back on this morning but was being flaky
01:49.11twistedbkw__, i got some electronics cleaner from home depot, ripped the fucker apart, sprayed it out, put it back together, and it's working 100% again!
01:49.21logicalonlineLike if you do a Dial from a Macro, the Dial event has the correct callerid, but if for example it dials a sip endpoint, a Newchannel event fires showing SIP/WHATEVER but it doesnt have the callerid that was in the dial event
01:49.22PBX-101thw question on dual pci riser is the zaptel driver hangs on load, any ideas why?
01:49.22Qwelltwisted: water?
01:49.27twistedbkw__, although the screen looks like pictures on a marble texture
01:49.29bkw__he washed it in the washer
01:49.33Qwellhaha, ouch
01:49.40twistedQwell, water + bleach + detergent + bump&grind
01:49.47*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
01:49.58QwellI bet the bleach kept it alive
01:50.05twistedseriously the displays look like marble texture with the pictures overlayed
01:50.09Qwelland, I also bet it came out fresh as a daisy
01:50.14twistedthe bleach is what fucked up the pixels
01:50.30logicalonlineat least your audio should be "clean"
01:50.34Qwelltwisted: did you put it in the dryer too, or just the washer?
01:50.38twistedso even if nextel denies my claim, i can just buy the two lcd's from somewhere and put them in
01:50.42twistedQwell, just the washer
01:51.04Qwellshould have thrown it in the dryer (with a dryer sheet) for good measure
01:51.13bkw__soft and fluffy phone
01:51.24logicalonlinetwisted do you have the protection plan on the phone?
01:51.52twistedlogicalonline, i was SUPPOSED to have, but the store didn't put it on there even though i requested it when I got the phone
01:51.53QwellI should detach my screen, and wash mine.  its a bit dirty
01:51.57twistedso it's in "internal claims"
01:52.35logicalonlinecause my biz partner had it and he destroyed his blackberry screen.  fell out on the drive and he rolled over it with the car, they replaced it no questions asked with the protection plan
01:52.42QwellI've actually seen quite a few things go through the wash, and come out in a surprisingly good shape
01:52.46Qwelllike money
01:52.52twistedall i gots to say is that home depot is your friend when it comes to washed cellphone repair
01:53.06twistedlogicalonline, yeah.
01:53.20twistedit was SUPPOSED to have been there..  got my bill and guess what. it wasn't.
01:53.33twistedgot my bill the day before this happened, so hadn't even had the chance to call them and bitch yet
01:53.58twistedbut i'm happy now :)
01:53.58logicalonlinecall reston and ask for the biz office
01:54.05logicalonlinetell them the retail store messed up and they will fix
01:54.14twistedlogicalonline, that's why it's in internal claims
01:54.19twistedi spoke with amy there earlier today
01:54.39twistedMikeJ[Laptop] !@$#^@#
01:56.38*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
01:57.24twistedi feel good about myself once again
01:58.54MikeJ[Laptop]what happened?
02:00.21*** join/#asterisk CoolAcid (n=jason@
02:00.50firebalrogIs anyone here using asterisk in a large deployment of 25+ phones?
02:01.20kimo_sabefirebalrog: 25+ is large?
02:01.59firebalrogFor me yes? Also We currently have 20 lines comming in on a T1 connected to a norstar system with vm
02:02.00bkw__INSIDE 9/11 part two is on right now twisted
02:02.24mtghfirebalrog: we have about 100 and are about to add 100 more phones
02:02.28mtghwe have 48 lines
02:02.29twistedbkw, i bet it'll be on later again too
02:02.39firebalrogWe need to replace it.
02:02.59firebalrogHow much computer are you using 3ghz? Ram?
02:03.15mtghwe are on a 2.8 xeon with 2gb of ram
02:03.22mtghand the load is always really low
02:03.32firebalrogAre you recording all inbound calls
02:03.56firebalrogThat is one of the features they want to add.
02:04.29firebalrogAlso would there be a way to mark the phone recording in the database as to the customer number?
02:04.48Qwellsay it!
02:06.04firebalrogHow is the voice quality?
02:07.38nick125it actually works right! :)!
02:07.44MikeJ[Laptop]bkw_, did you really just say you were shutting up..
02:08.10nick125firebalrog: well, i think that would be dependant on the codec you are using
02:09.06firebalrogWell I recently read in Network world that the voice quality was generally fine voip to voip but voip to analog was not as good?
02:09.09*** join/#asterisk littlezed (
02:09.23nick125firebalrog: well, we use asterlink, and its pretty good quality
02:09.39opus_reverse commit due to lack of disclaimer
02:09.48opus_ummm.. retype it in?? what the heck.
02:10.04firebalrogWhat kind of setup.
02:10.58nick125firebalrog: we are much smaller, with 6 agents, using gsm codec with the agents, and gsm codec to asterlink
02:11.29*** join/#asterisk Snake-Eyes (n=blog@
02:11.37nick125asterlink is a PSTN termination service
02:11.40firebalrogI am sure I could get it working but I don't know if I want to put my job on the line for it.
02:12.13firebalrogI am a network admin not a telco guy. What is PSTN
02:12.31nick125public service telephone network
02:12.58nick125oh forgot that, Qwell
02:13.31firebalrogNo, I think Qwell is right I remember it from my cisco class now.
02:13.57nick125yeah, i always mess up on PSTN
02:14.08*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (n=mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
02:14.16ryanscor public switched telephone network, thats the one I hear the most
02:14.18MustangMattWith a standard zaptel FXO card, can I make asterisk issue a different tone before the dial tone if messages are waiting? Similar to the functionality of SWB Call notes if anyone is familiar with that service.
02:15.23nick125firebalrog: but, the outbound quality is dependant on how you terminate it imho
02:15.30firebalrogI wish I knew a lot more about it. I downloaded the ISO and have ordered a x100p. I will setup here at home this weekend
02:16.18nick125yeah, thats what i would suggest
02:16.23nick125play around with it some
02:16.33firebalrogIf I setup the asterisk and two xten phones on the network can you intercom between them.
02:16.40*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
02:16.56anonobomberyou know what would be neat is a Public Hubbed Telephone Network so you could hear all the other conversations going on
02:16.56nick125you can call the phones inside the network
02:17.17firebalrogYea that would be it.
02:17.25nick125lets say i want to call extension 202 (my friend), i just dial '202', and it rings his phone
02:17.36firebalrogJust to play until the fxo card gets here.
02:17.37*** join/#asterisk toddf (
02:18.00firebalrogWhat if I want to call you through voip?
02:18.07bkw__MustangMatt, the FXO doesn't provide dialtone
02:18.08nick125yeah, play around with it, and try different configs and such, so you get a hang of it
02:18.38Vcoyou could always drop $10-$20 at <marginal iax/sip provider name here> for simple testing
02:18.41firebalrogI thought the line provided Dialtone
02:18.42nick125firebalrog: what do you mean? what if someone calling in from the FXO wants to talk to an extension?
02:18.43MikeJ[Laptop]mustang sally
02:18.45MustangMattbkw__: Oh I see. Hrmm.
02:19.17MikeJ[Laptop]think shutter tone
02:19.27MikeJ[Laptop]search shutter tone
02:19.31jbotsomebody said docs was Documentation can be found at or or or or
02:19.37twistedstutter.  not shutter.
02:19.46MikeJ[Laptop]I'm sleepy
02:19.47bkw__stutter tone
02:19.49Qwellmy phone has a shutter tone
02:19.49bkw__not shutter
02:19.56firebalrogI meant can I call you via IP only with no PSTN involved only Internet
02:19.57nick125firebalrog: asterisk is very configurable
02:20.07MikeJ[Laptop]thanks bkw_, I missed it what twisted just told me :P
02:20.08anonobomberbkw__: any new sexy audio files?
02:20.14bkw__anonobomber, not yet
02:20.18MikeJ[Laptop]Thats hot!
02:20.27nick125firebalrog: im not exactly sure, maybe someone here would know
02:20.27bkw__Thats sexy!!
02:21.05anonobomberMikeJ[Laptop]: give it a minute
02:21.10firebalrogWell thanks for the help Nick.
02:21.19nick125sure thing
02:21.19anonobomberMikeJ[Laptop]: ok still no...
02:21.31MustangMattSo can asterisk detect if an analog phone hooked up to a FXO card is off the hook? I'm guessing it can't.
02:21.41bkw__you don't get it
02:21.43MikeJ[Laptop]where or where is morty?
02:21.44bkw__and FXO doesn't give dialtone
02:21.49bkw__and FXS does
02:22.00bkw__you can not hook an analog phone to an FXO and make or take calls
02:22.09MikeJ[Laptop]MustangMatt, go up 20 lines or so.
02:22.18MikeJ[Laptop]then replace shutter, with stutter
02:22.20nick125FXO is what is supposed to get ringed
02:22.24Qwellbkw_: What if you put a battery in the mix?
02:22.37Nuggetsprinkle it with magic digium dust.
02:22.49MikeJ[Laptop]if you put a car battery in the mix, you can't make an fxo ring, but you can make it smoke!
02:23.02Qwellwho says it needs to ring? :p
02:23.02bkw__you can also piss off the telephone company
02:23.11MustangMattI understand what you guys are saying. I'm just not completely sure what I can and can't do with FXO. It sounds like all I can do is ring the analog port and not much else.
02:23.14firebalrogI could make a lot of things smoke with a car battery.
02:23.18jbothmm... fxsfxo is An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage.
02:23.27bkw__MustangMatt, NO
02:23.29MustangMattOr is that just a matter of fact due to it passing the ring through
02:23.39MikeJ[Laptop]what jbot just said.
02:23.47bkw__you don't get it.. you plug the line from the telco into the FXO
02:23.52MikeJ[Laptop]fxo hooks up to the line from telco, fxs hooks up to a phone
02:23.56MustangMattbkw__: Yes I have it plugged in.
02:24.02bkw__the x100p that digium sold for 99 bucks was NOTHING more than a 6 dollar modem
02:24.05MustangMattbkw__: My card also has an analog port for an analog phone.
02:24.07fugitivowhat jbot just said is easy to understand
02:24.12MustangMattbkw__: It's an x100p
02:24.13jbotextra, extra, read all about it, x100p is an obsolete card.  you don't want to bother trying to make it (or any of the "digium compatible" clones work.  Get a TDM01P, you will save your sanity.
02:24.22bkw__MustangMatt, its an Intel 537 modem
02:24.28MikeJ[Laptop]MustangMatt, that is not for a phone really.
02:24.36MikeJ[Laptop]that is not an fxs port
02:24.36Vcoit's just a passthru
02:24.43MikeJ[Laptop]what he said ^^^
02:24.50MustangMattOkay, that's what I was asking... It is just passthru thus the reason it rings.
02:25.03MustangMattSo I have zero control over it.
02:25.17MikeJ[Laptop]get an fxs
02:25.19jbotwell, pstn is Pubic Switched Telephone Network
02:25.53MustangMattMikeJ[Laptop]: I plan to I just got my first asterisk system up and working. I had the specific goal of using asterisk as an answering machine replacement and I've acheived it for the most part. Just polishing the edges.
02:25.56twistedjbot: pstn is also "please stop the nonsense"
02:25.56jbottwisted: okay
02:26.28jbothmm... pstn is Pubic Switched Telephone Network, or "please stop the nonsense"
02:26.35MustangMattMiikeJ[Laptop]: The only thing I can't really do that an answering machine can is give some visual or audio notification that there are voicemails waiting.
02:26.49QwellMustangMatt: You most certainly can
02:27.00Vcohave it email you your message
02:27.14Qwellbuild a serial device to power an LED
02:27.21nick125then wait for it to say 'you got mail!'
02:27.43Qwellbonus points for making it flash, x times per second, where x is the number of messages waiting
02:27.52MustangMattI probably will ultimately end up doing that but I'd like something on the box itself that could notify me. Or it sounds like if I had an FXS card I could possibly generate a different sound when you picked up the handset.
02:28.04Qwellyes, stuttertone
02:28.06Vcosomething not unlike a stutter
02:28.26QwellVco: What is that is they call that tone, that isn't unlike a stutter?
02:28.38MustangMattQwell: As in build an led device and hook up directly to the serial port? That would work I suppose.
02:28.50Qwellcheap and easy
02:28.50Vcowhy i believe they call it a stutter tone...
02:28.57nick125Qwell: can i use my little lcd screen instead? :)
02:29.00QwellMikeJ[Laptop]: I didn't call you
02:29.01MikeJ[Laptop]Qwell, yes?
02:29.03Qwellnick125: sure
02:29.07QwellMikeJ[Laptop]: ;]
02:29.13MikeJ[Laptop]teamwork, yay!
02:29.16nick125ok, now i neeed something to give me how many messages i got, and ill be set! :P
02:29.24Vcoget it to just keep ejecting and loading the cd tray over and over
02:29.31Qwellnick125: message_count(), or some such
02:29.35QwellVco: ha
02:29.51Qwellstutter eject?
02:30.21*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes_ (
02:30.37MikeJ[Laptop]like electrodes that shock you once for each message?
02:30.57nick125yeah, that would really make you answer those messages quick!
02:30.57QwellYou could also interface to your smoke/vm alarm
02:31.41Vcoyou could always script it to call out to an escort service to stop by and let you know that you have a message..
02:32.01QwellVco: stripogram?
02:32.05MikeJ[Laptop]externnotify can do pretty much anything?
02:32.14logicalonlineMikeJ: i wish my carriers help desk worked that way...
02:32.15*** join/#asterisk jim (
02:32.16nick125that would be a really interesting asterisk project lol
02:32.17MikeJ[Laptop]scrolling sighn
02:32.33MikeJ[Laptop]darn fingers...
02:32.38jbothmm... mbtt is Mavis Beacons Teaches Typing
02:32.55nick125noo!!! tuxtype2-4-ever
02:32.56Qwellisn't it just Beacon?
02:33.23MikeJ[Laptop]how about you google it and find out instead of waisting all of our time!
02:33.40jimWhen I first start asterisk, calls to our broadvoice account work.  For some reason the server after some time stops accepting calls.  Looking at ethereal it is returning status 484 address incomplete.  What might be the problem?
02:33.58*** part/#asterisk logicalonline (
02:34.03MikeJ[Laptop]is the address incomplete?
02:34.14jimhow can one tell?
02:34.17*** join/#asterisk Coriantum (
02:34.22MikeJ[Laptop]what does the verbose\debug show on the failed call?
02:34.23jimI have the ethereal dump right now.
02:34.50MikeJ[Laptop]start with what asterisk has to say, then go to the ethereal after that if need be
02:34.53CoriantumDoes anyone know how to show which codec a channel is using?
02:34.56jimmikej: problem is I don't usually run the server in verbose mode, and the bug only appears after the server has been up for a long time.
02:34.57nick125open up the asterisk terminal, and type in 'sip debug', 'set verbose 30', and 'iax2 debug'
02:35.22MikeJ[Laptop]jim, well, wait till it starts happening, then put it in verbose mode
02:35.29*** part/#asterisk shido6 (
02:35.59Qwellnick125: mine hit 2gb one day
02:36.07nick125-rw-r-----  1 asterisk asterisk  302M Aug 22 20:35 full
02:36.16nick125and its only been running for 3-4 days
02:36.32QwellI DoSed myself
02:36.50Qwell* shat itself, and logged itself to death
02:37.27*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
02:37.57CoriantumDoes anyone know how to show which codec a channel is using?
02:38.41nick125maybe show channel <channel num>?
02:38.48jimI am checking out the debug info now....  Thanks for the help, I'll be back soon.
02:39.08Coriantumnick125: I wish
02:39.50Qwellno, that does show it
02:39.56Qwelllook at the different format lines
02:40.01QwellNativeFormat, ReadFormat, WriteFormat
02:40.07bkw__also sip show channels
02:40.10bkw__also iax2 show channels
02:40.10Qwellthey were all 4 for me (ulaw)
02:40.17bkw__isn't this covered somewhere on the wiki?
02:40.23bkw__I mean that is the most basic question one can ask
02:40.57bkw__Vco, thats easy
02:41.03nick125yeah, sip show channels works, and shows the codec
02:41.03*** join/#asterisk logicalonline (
02:41.04nick125firefly*CLI> sip show channels
02:41.04nick125Peer             User/ANR    Call ID      Seq (Tx/Rx)   Format
02:41.04nick125192.168.1.9      200         1F481279-E6  00101/36159   ulaw
02:41.04nick1251 active SIP channel(s)
02:41.05Vcowell..thats what i thought
02:41.08bkw__nick125, STOP IT
02:41.12bkw__you use pastebin or i'll smack ya
02:41.18logicalonlineugh, latest cvs is seg faulting on me
02:41.27fugitivoyou called your asterisk box firefly?
02:41.31bkw__logicalonline, it has a reason.. what does the backtrace say
02:41.33nick125fugitivo: yeah dont ask
02:41.37bkw__and did you install all the asterisk-addons?
02:41.39MikeJ[Laptop]smack him!
02:42.08bkw__I don't know really why people feel the need to install all the addons
02:42.11bkw__when they don't need them
02:42.23Vcoi had to change the context=incoming under [general] in sip.conf
02:42.26bkw__infact you'll have trouble if you do install them
02:42.34bkw__just say fuck
02:42.35SwKcuz make all install is just easier
02:42.37bkw__we don't mind
02:42.50fugitivoVco: me?
02:42.50SwKass rape
02:42.54Vcojust not the c word
02:43.02QwellVco: clap?
02:43.04Vcoi found that out at the DMV
02:43.18jimI am in debug mode but stuff is scrolling by and I can't tell what I am looking for.  Any suggestions?
02:43.21QwellWhy am I the only one that blurted out a VD? ;/
02:43.31Vcowell..that and the workd inbred probably only comounded the issue
02:43.34fugitivojim: use the power of the buffer
02:44.02CoriantumHow many G729 channels should I be able to fit on a T1, in reality?
02:44.03SwKQwell: i thought you were talkinging about like left hand meets right hand
02:44.10QwellSwK: umm
02:44.11QwellI was
02:44.19jimfugitive: I can stop the output using ctl s, but there still is much stuff.
02:44.37SwKCoriantum: do the math... 8K/channel + overhead
02:44.58*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
02:45.17CoriantumSo 8K + 23000K... I don't think it will fit
02:45.17SwKjust dont forget about things like normal TCP/IP overheads and such
02:45.53SwK23000K is 2.3Meg... how the hell is that along going to fit on a T1?
02:45.54Qwell23000K for overhead?  damn
02:46.09SwKerrr 23meg
02:46.11nick125that seems a little much
02:46.17jimperhaps this is the important line "Found no matching peer or user for ''", but yet I see broadvoice when I do sip show peers
02:46.25SwKthats like  14 T1s
02:46.30Qwellper channel
02:46.47CoriantumI guess we better get a DS3
02:46.47SwKmight as well use ULaw
02:46.49fugitivojim: pastebin your broadvoice sip.conf
02:47.00SwKCoriantum: what exactly are you trying to do?
02:47.01QwellCoriantum: Where, exactly, did you get 23000K?
02:47.07nick125Coriantum: where did you get that overhead?
02:47.07jimfugitive: where is the pastebin?
02:47.12jbotwell, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
02:47.14bkw__I love it
02:47.21bkw__so many people.. so little clue!
02:47.26Coriantumfound it in the wiki
02:47.28Qwellbkw__: time for another cluecon
02:47.40bkw__Qwell, it was a hit.. I loved it.
02:47.46fugitivoi want to go to astricon but it's expensive
02:47.48Vcoand it's fun to read through when you are bored
02:47.52Qwellthis time, it needs to be in CA or something ;p
02:48.00VcoOsaka Japan
02:48.16fugitivoi'll be in the US by october and i'll miss astricon
02:48.33QwellVegas...I'll agree with that
02:48.34VcoMiss Astricon you say.........
02:48.41QwellVco: bad idea
02:48.56jimActually I just realized that the error message shows as the address, while sip show peers show the address as
02:49.02Qwellbkw_: make cluecon 2006 in Vegas, THIS weekend...and I'll totally be there
02:49.03jimIs that a problem?
02:49.20bkw__Qwell, its not 2006
02:49.30Qwell2006 cars are already being sold
02:49.36bkw__you have a point
02:49.40Qwellthat I do
02:49.44QwellSo, how's about it?
02:50.05jimwhy might my sip show peers show a different ip address than the one broadvoice is at?
02:50.12*** join/#asterisk florz_ (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
02:50.16*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (
02:53.34fugitivojim: did you pastebin your sip.conf?
02:55.37logicalonlinebkw: here's the bt
02:55.55logicalonlinelooks like its somethign with the new sip scheduler
02:57.20jimfugitive: I just submitted the pastebin, it is at (I took out the number and password).
02:58.20jboti guess moose is moose-penis
02:58.31bkw__tv = warning: Unhandled dwarf expresion opcode DW_OP_piece
02:58.39bkw__logicalonline, what kind of system is this?
02:58.44twisteddwarf expression?
02:58.52bkw__twisted 996
02:58.54twistedis that like dwarfs that are yelling at snow white?
02:59.22logicalonlinemm dell server pentium 1gz 1gb of ram
02:59.26logicalonlinerunning cent os 4
03:00.03fugitivojim: i use this conf
03:01.03Hmm-homewho wants to have a singalong
03:01.13*** join/#asterisk anonobomber (
03:01.17jimfugitive: I pretty much got my sip.conf from broadvoice directly....  Do you think it is flawed?
03:01.31fugitivojim: i don't know, mine worked, try it
03:02.05jimfugitive: It isn't that simple, my problem only comes up after hours of running asterisk, so I can't just change it and try.
03:02.25jimfugitive: in fact right now I would rather not restart as then it would work.
03:02.58fugitivojim: well, i didn't have that problem, you can change your conf now and in some hours you'll know if it works ;)
03:03.04jimfugitive: I do seem to see a problem with the fact that the ip address called in does not match the one shown in show peers.
03:04.15jimcan someone tell me if sip show peers ip address for broadvoice should match that of the call coming in?
03:05.21jimasterisk is not taking calls from broadvoice anymore, until I reboot the server.
03:13.00logicalonlinebkw: so any ideas?  i commented out the register to fwd and its happy now
03:13.04*** join/#asterisk adelas (
03:13.24*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
03:13.31*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
03:15.21FaithfulHow many channels does an E1 support?
03:15.55FaithfulThats a few
03:16.40*** join/#asterisk dCART77 (
03:18.23jimhmmm, I think I see part of the problem.  broadvoice geographically load balances, and asterisk registers by ip.  When the ip address it chooses to use changes, asterisk thinks that the ip address making the call isn't registered.  Can asterisk deal with this?
03:18.50jimcertainly asterisk can deal with geographical load balancing.
03:19.09jimI know many people use asterisk with broadvoice.
03:21.55*** join/#asterisk vuvie (
03:22.28fugitivojim: did you add your /etc/hosts entry?
03:22.33*** join/#asterisk chendy_ (n=Alex_Dot@
03:22.56opus_yes all of them come here and complain about it
03:23.10QwellBV sucks, heh
03:23.25fugitivojim: you should check which broadvoice server is better for you (ping) and add it in your /etc/hosts
03:23.31opus_broadvoice is the spam version of a steak dinner
03:23.34jimfugitive: I didn't, I am doing that right now, but I am not sure how that would fix the problem.  They can still call me from a different ip address than they are registered.
03:23.43fugitivojim: that will fix the problem
03:23.43Qwellopus_: They're good now?
03:23.59jimfugitive: how so?
03:24.58fugitivojim: well, they explain that in the help, so it should be a reason to do it
03:25.08*** part/#asterisk logicalonline (
03:25.58jimfugitive: it is in the same place as my issue, but it isn't clear to me how it will help.  I'll do it though and see what happens.
03:26.01Darwin35streamplayer sucks
03:26.08Darwin35bad code
03:26.18Darwin35it should be removed
03:26.20jimopus_: what do you prefer to broadvoice?
03:26.40Darwin35iax based
03:26.48JunK-YDarwin35: my opinion here: critic if u can do more.
03:27.21jimI always thought broadvoice was one of the only ones that allowed asterisk.
03:27.43Darwin35I am looking into it . but th hton a sin statements  are the issue
03:27.43*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
03:27.49*** join/#asterisk dikadika (
03:28.06jimwell, I will reboot my server and see if the /etc/hosts line does anything.
03:28.08Darwin35no voicepulse and many others
03:28.16jimthanks everyone.
03:28.25jimthanks fugitive.
03:28.30jimI have to go
03:28.32jimsee you all.
03:28.55*** join/#asterisk DJAJay (
03:29.36DJAJayhey guys is there a decent Windows  App to administor the Asterisk server from?
03:29.51Darwin35eww winders
03:30.02blitzrageWindows rocks
03:30.25blitzrageDJAJay: why Windows specific? PHP is cross platform
03:30.27harryvvblitz yea..thats why it some times logs me out on its own.
03:30.37harryvvit does not do it now though
03:30.46DJAJayim lookin for something pre compiled that works lol
03:30.50blitzrageharryvv: then your windows is screwed, mine never does that :)
03:31.26blitzrageharryvv: I've had WinXP installed on this computer since SP1 (now SP2, all updates) and no problems. I've never had my computer unformatted for so long before
03:31.32harryvvblitzrage only sometimes
03:31.39blitzragebut of course I'm in Linux all the time via putty :)
03:31.54harryvvxp been good for me but...there is some issues i want to have resolved
03:32.12blitzrageheck, I'm in a screen session running irssi :)
03:32.14harryvvi use xp pro for my 3d modeling
03:32.42blitzrageplease don't priv /msg without asking - much obliged.
03:33.16*** join/#asterisk loud (
03:33.22harryvvI dont know what it is about me and tornados have to many nightmares about them ;)
03:33.41harryvvMabey it was the fact I was chaced by a wall cloud in new mexico
03:33.43harryvvwho knows.
03:34.15harryvvI had been stationed in witchita falls tx. The only city to claim the largest tornado to ever form.
03:35.18*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
03:35.25harryvvImagine 3-4 vortices compine into 1 tornado that is 1.5 miles in diameter.
03:35.52harryvvA Popular Science magazine article was written about it ;)
03:36.41Hmm-homewhere were JunK-Y's cluecon pics at?
03:37.18harryvvI can see a asterisk box call every one in a given path that a tornado was heading in there direction.
03:37.46*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
03:38.11nick125i thought i would never ever hear those words in my life
03:38.18harryvvhear what
03:38.27nick125<darthpwnt> omg aol effing pwnz
03:38.39nick125aol and pwnz in the same line
03:40.06nick125thats like...impossible
03:42.52blitzrageip500 - 2.6.2 BootROM, 1.5.2 SIP phone image - Using TFTP boot, for some reason is authentication with the hostname@hostname instead of userId@hostname - anyone seen that before?
03:43.41harryvvmine works every time
03:43.51blitzrageharryvv: can I have a copy of your tftp configs?
03:43.52*** join/#asterisk epablo (
03:44.04Hmm-home~seen JunK-Y
03:44.05jbotjunk-y is currently on #asterisk (2d 12h 19m 35s).  Has said a total of 14 messages.  Is idling for 17m 17s
03:44.05blitzrageharryvv: I can't find any errors in mine...
03:44.15blitzrageHmm-home: see #asterisk-bugs
03:44.44Darwin35asterisk is a bug
03:44.51Darwin35you cant report it
03:44.56epabloHi people.. how it going?
03:45.21Darwin35love you to sweetie
03:45.28nick125for fun :P
03:45.40jbotmethinks cluecon2005 is
03:48.58epabloSorry for the basic question, but I have a mental mixup.   How much bandwith does a call with * need?  Let say I use codec XX that need Y for the RTP.  Do I need Y por leg of the call or 2Y of bandwith?
03:49.27blitzrageepablo: Y
03:49.35*** join/#asterisk audela (
03:49.52blitzrageepablo: actually, its Y + SIP overhead + IP overhead
03:50.00epabloblitzrage: thanks
03:50.02blitzrageignore the + SIP part
03:50.06blitzragebut + IP is true
03:50.56Darwin35where are the pictures of bkw and antm and the rest of the crew
03:51.02Darwin35more pictures
03:51.24*** join/#asterisk HellAgony (i=HellAgon@
03:51.35JunK-YDarwin35: there are somes there.
03:51.55epabloNow that my head is no longer mixed up, how do I make a layout for a LOT of users?  I found a link in, that says I should use SER, but I can't seem to see how the setup / loadbalancing goes
03:53.27*** join/#asterisk devonst17 (
03:54.45*** join/#asterisk brookshire (
03:55.45hugo-v6gd morning pals
03:56.56epabloWell thats all for now.  I'll keep looking for that one, thanks for your help
03:57.14epablosay says goodnight
03:57.22epablosays goodnight
04:03.25*** join/#asterisk Snake-Eyes (n=blog@
04:04.46*** join/#asterisk litage (n=nick@
04:04.57devonst17Anyone know how to use Bochs?
04:05.10devonst17the people in #bochs wont answer.
04:05.27nick125i dont knwo about bochs, but, i know about qemu
04:05.48MikeJ[Laptop]I know about monkeys
04:06.10nick125nice for you, MikeJ[Laptop]
04:06.27devonst17does qemu do SSE2/3 emulation?
04:06.34nick125not that i know of :/
04:06.42devonst17then its of no use to me.
04:06.44nick125it says i got a 2.8ghz pentium 2
04:06.53devonst17Thats impressive
04:07.02MikeJ[Laptop]that should have sse3
04:07.05twistedwuldn't that shit overheat and burn down the building
04:07.15MikeJ[Laptop]pentium 2...
04:07.23MikeJ[Laptop]yeah, that's not right
04:07.44nick125someone should fix that...
04:08.29*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linuxM (
04:10.33twistedNothing puts the smell of romance into the air like burning tires.
04:11.02MikeJ[Laptop]yes, romance
04:11.08Hmm-homeamp configs to hand written configs are not hard
04:12.29Hmm-homebasically what it amounts to is a handful of macros and a few agi's
04:12.43*** join/#asterisk viLeR (
04:13.37*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
04:20.09*** join/#asterisk rene1 (n=rene-@
04:20.21rene1hey all
04:22.16rene1i wanted to know if it is possible to interfase asterisk with nextel
04:23.27rene1what i would want ideally would be to place on net calls, something along the lines to what can be done with voip/gsm gateways and the cellular network
04:23.34hugo-v6i dont know on which to set pridialplan
04:23.37file[laptop]Gooooooogle it
04:24.00hugo-v6i read the zapata.conf dokumentation but i dont get it :/
04:24.33Vcocan i leave WaitExten in the background while still doing a playback/background with the available extensions a caller can dial?
04:24.33hugo-v6well set it to "unknown"
04:26.23Darwin35ok I have a patch that needs to go into matis
04:26.34Darwin35for streamplayer.c
04:26.42Darwin35I have the freebsd fix for it
04:26.42file[laptop]Darwin35: so put it up on the bug tracker
04:26.54Darwin35I forgot my login info
04:26.59Darwin35not used it in so long
04:28.05Darwin35but I just fixed it and it copiles
04:28.39*** join/#asterisk paulhuynh (
04:28.40Darwin35feel good have not done patching in awhile
04:28.59paulhuynhhow do i go about getting DID from india
04:29.19paulhuynhalso how do i find out URI for my asterisk
04:29.32Darwin35morgage your house car and anything of value and pay them for it
04:29.43paulhuynhi bought did today they what URI  or UIR i can't remember
04:30.05MikeJ[Laptop]Darwin35, e-mail should be on the way
04:30.06paulhuynhbut they said that is where they need to know where to send the call to
04:31.45*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
04:32.46MikeJ[Laptop]you have 3 mantis accounts
04:32.51paulhuynhany taker?
04:33.16MikeJ[Laptop]reset pwd on all 3
04:33.37Darwin35I should only have 2
04:33.46Darwin35the original and the one I did tonight
04:33.59Darwin35I do not know about the 3rd one
04:35.07MikeJ[Laptop]darwin35  ...
04:35.11paulhuynhok so i guess the answer is no
04:35.36*** join/#asterisk newmember (
04:35.43Darwin35not me
04:35.53file[laptop]paulhuynh: sip:<whatever extension in sip.conf you want>@<ip of your asterisk machine>
04:35.53MikeJ[Laptop]well.. it's darwin35
04:35.57Darwin35I have gmail annd
04:36.32file[laptop]whatever extension in extensions.conf that is reachable by the context that the server will come in on ^^^
04:36.33MikeJ[Laptop]how many darwin35's could their be
04:37.28paulhuynhwell i want the digital IVR to answer
04:37.37bkw_oh Hmmhesays
04:37.38file[laptop]I don't know your extensions.conf, I didn't write it
04:37.45file[laptop]and I'm not psychic
04:37.56paulhuynhif i paste bin can you help me
04:37.58MikeJ[Laptop]file[laptop], yes you are
04:38.17MikeJ[Laptop]paulhuynh, it's asterisk at home, isnt it?
04:38.17paulhuynhalso where can i get DID  for india
04:38.20Darwin35well I will wait till the new account is active for gmail
04:38.23Darwin35and login
04:38.31paulhuynhcorrect asterisk@home 1.5
04:38.38file[laptop]paulhuynh: we're not repositories for where you can get DIDs, search Google or Asterisk-Biz...
04:38.40MikeJ[Laptop]Darwin35, it should e-mail you
04:38.57paulhuynhi will google for those did
04:39.24MikeJ[Laptop]paulhuynh, have you looked on the wiki?
04:39.36paulhuynhwiki or did?
04:39.37jbotsomebody said docs was Documentation can be found at or or or or
04:39.43MikeJ[Laptop]the wiki
04:39.44paulhuynhyes i have
04:39.45MikeJ[Laptop]for dids
04:39.47Darwin35I did the confirm
04:39.50file[laptop]I just spent 3 hours looking at a derivative of SIP and modifying a new channel driver to work with it, my mind is not here.
04:39.55Darwin35but nothing else has come
04:40.13paulhuynhno luck so far from wiki
04:40.16MikeJ[Laptop]sip derivative.. fun
04:40.28paulhuynhOh i will
04:40.37paulhuynhas for UIR
04:40.41file[laptop]it's URI
04:40.42paulhuynhhow do i go about setting it
04:40.48paulhuynhoh sorry
04:40.50file[laptop]you don't set it in Asterisk
04:41.13paulhuynhwell my provider ask where it go
04:41.13file[laptop]a URI is comprised of an extension/number and an IP/host and port
04:41.32file[laptop]so for example, sip:145@, calls my extension (145) on my server (
04:41.39Darwin35I will deal in the morniing
04:41.52MikeJ[Laptop]I will awake in the morning
04:41.52Darwin35file can I pass the fix to you
04:41.54file[laptop]but since you're using asterisk at home, with AMP, good luck
04:41.56paulhuynhi understand the user@server
04:42.01paulhuynhoh ok
04:42.04file[laptop]Darwin35: no, pass it to Mike
04:42.06paulhuynhso it the amp issue
04:42.15file[laptop]I never said it was an AMP issue
04:42.16Darwin35hey mikej you there
04:42.23paulhuynhoh ok
04:42.28file[laptop]I just said good luck because I don't help anyone with AMP, nobody in here usually does
04:42.35paulhuynhi see
04:42.35file[laptop]because it's hell, useless, and doesn't teach anyone a thing
04:42.38Darwin35can I pass this fix real quick
04:42.46MikeJ[Laptop]Darwin35, you have 3 accounts, one you just mmade, you can't figure out any of them?
04:42.47Darwin35or wait till am ?
04:43.08MikeJ[Laptop]just wait..
04:43.16Darwin35I only have 2 I know of and the new one for gmail is not active
04:43.18MikeJ[Laptop]no one is doing any fixing of it tonight
04:43.55Darwin35night all
04:44.26MikeJ[Laptop]stop that!
04:44.48file[laptop]MikeJ[Laptop]: this SIP derivative is also TCP based *G*
04:45.32*** join/#asterisk nwhit_home (
04:46.35bkw_Dontcha Wanta Fanta? Wanta Fanta? Dontcha Wanta Fanta? Wanta Fanta?
04:47.39bkw_now the song is stuck in jor head
04:47.46bkw_now if I could only find tha tin MP3 format
04:47.48bkw_I would be quite happy
04:48.23paulhuynhso in a way i would have to create a unused extension to just able to recieve call via URI
04:48.50paulhuynhthen incomminng call would go into that extension
04:49.14*** join/#asterisk mago (n=maxgluck@
04:49.45zedkatufhi all, sorry to drag this one up again (but I'm new here :P) - does anyone have a url with a succinct explanation on how to get the speex codec implimented with asterisk?
04:50.08bkw_its there already
04:50.11bkw_install the libspeex
04:50.17bkw_then recompile asterisk
04:50.24bkw_is it me or are people getting L A Z Y
04:50.33file[laptop]very very lazy
04:50.39MikeJ[Laptop]bkw_, he asked for a url...
04:50.42zedkatufL A S
04:50.49zedkatuf(Lst At Sea)
04:50.54bkw_god its eazy
04:50.55zedkatufbeen there
04:51.20*** join/#asterisk mago (n=maxgluck@
04:51.23zedkatufanyway folks, will carry on rtfming
04:51.28blitzragefile[laptop]: do you use a-law or mu-law?
04:51.28bkw_tar xzfv speex-1.0.5.tar.gz
04:51.32bkw_cd speex-1.0.5
04:51.33MikeJ[Laptop]zedkatuf, there you go
04:51.36bkw_make install
04:51.40bkw_cd /usr/src/asterisk
04:52.02bkw_the speex lib just needs to be installed when you compile asterisk
04:52.04bkw_nothing more
04:52.11MikeJ[Laptop]hey bkw, you forgot the final make install ;)
04:52.22bkw_MikeJ[Laptop], i'm sure he's not that dumb
04:52.26bkw_I do give people some credit yo
04:52.29zedkatufumm, ok....<zedkatuf knows he's about to get hit hard by custard pies>
04:52.40*** join/#asterisk Insanity5 (
04:52.41blitzragefile[laptop]: I just realize we should be use Eh-Law (or A-Law which is the closest sounding one :))
04:53.02file[laptop]blitzrage: that was bad, very very bad
04:53.03zedkatufI'm using A@H....dudes, I can do all above (been using linux for 6 yrs & am use to the compile route)
04:53.09hugo-v6got someone experiences with msidn?
04:53.12blitzragefile[laptop]: oh come on :)
04:53.20file[laptop]very very bad
04:53.27zedkatuf..but Iwanted to know if someone had done it & I could just grab the .so file
04:53.42file[laptop]you can't just grab the .so
04:53.44bkw_Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
04:53.50bkw_doesn't that include linking
04:53.58file[laptop]I don't know, I don't care
04:53.59MikeJ[Laptop]nice, that's not gpl compatible...
04:54.05blitzrageI'm getting Aug 23 00:53:27 WARNING[26535]: ast_expr.y:486 ast_yyerror: ast_yyerror(): syntax error: syntax error; Input: when using the Set() application on latest head
04:54.08zedkatufrighty, so it's a bsd license...
04:54.08file[laptop]my brain is in low power mode
04:54.14bkw_blitzrage, show me the link baby
04:54.16blitzragedeleted the .h and .so files before install
04:54.24*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
04:54.29zedkatuf...Iwas looking for stng GPL :(
04:54.31MikeJ[Laptop]bsd w/ advertising inst compatible w/ gpl
04:54.36hardwireany good/free sips linux software
04:54.39hardwireI just need to host a sips server
04:54.46bkw_MikeJ[Laptop], nice yo
04:54.52blitzragebkw_: link?
04:54.57*** join/#asterisk oej (
04:55.00bkw_link to?
04:55.04hardwirewhat does pulver use?
04:55.10MikeJ[Laptop]those pictures...
04:55.13blitzragebkw_: you've confused me :)
04:55.18blitzrageoej: wow, yer still up?
04:55.22bkw_blitzrage, pastbin the line
04:55.26bkw_or paste the link here
04:55.28blitzragebkw_: lol - hold please
04:55.31bkw_so we can see how you call it
04:55.32MikeJ[Laptop]really this time
04:55.32bkw_damn you
04:55.41MikeJ[Laptop]damn me?
04:55.50MikeJ[Laptop]bkw_, go to bed
04:55.53MikeJ[Laptop]me too
04:55.54bkw_NO HOE
04:56.00MikeJ[Laptop]yes hoe?
04:56.02file[laptop]tastes like chicken
04:56.02bkw_you just want me in bed
04:56.05bkw_I knew it
04:56.11bkw_you better watch MikeJ[Laptop]
04:56.17oejblitzrage: Still up? ha ha ha
04:56.18bkw_he's trying to have his way with me
04:56.18MikeJ[Laptop]no, your man wants you in bed
04:56.25bkw_no he's watching teevee
04:56.25*** join/#asterisk nick125_lappy (
04:56.36blitzrageoej: I'll be up for a coupel more hours yet - trying to test something
04:56.43blitzragebkw_ et al:
04:57.02bkw_blitzrage, dear show me the line from your dialplan
04:59.35twistedaw damn
04:59.36*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
04:59.42twistedwho's gonna clean it this time?
04:59.47nick125_lappynot me
04:59.52blitzragebkw_: updated
04:59.59twistedit's blitzrage's turn to clean up the file explosion
05:00.00blitzragebkw_: notice two of the Set()'s work - two others don't
05:00.11blitzragetwisted: no way man - I did it last week
05:00.24nick125_lappyi did it yesterday
05:01.03blitzrageoej: did you just wake up? What time is it there? :)
05:01.05nick125_lappyaw cool
05:01.28twistedhe keeps talking to oej
05:01.30*** join/#asterisk pygrammer (
05:01.31twistedyet oej not here
05:01.40nick125_lappytwisted, maybe the same thing that file is
05:01.50blitzragetwisted: the really good stuff
05:01.56twistedblitzrage, apparently
05:02.06twistedoh wait
05:02.09blitzragetwisted: I type oe<tab> and it completes :)
05:02.15twistedn/m i'm smoking it
05:02.25twisted[23:56] oejblitzrage: Still up? ha ha ha
05:02.29blitzragetwisted: pass it over :D
05:02.37blitzragetwisted: yah, I thought I'd seen a reply :D
05:02.51twistedhow did oej bypass my eyeballs
05:02.52devonst17Does anyone have anymore of those funny phone lady wav files? :)
05:02.56hugo-v6hoes? where?
05:03.11*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
05:03.20twistedhave fun :)
05:03.29hugo-v6twisted: woohooo thx :)
05:03.32twistedoej, !?
05:04.20blitzragewish I had milk - I'd have cereal :)
05:04.25twistedblitzrage, use water
05:04.30nick125_lappy<DaZE> at my school.. the cop from DARE passed around 3 joints to show everyone... and he said "if i dont get all three of these back this schools getting locked down and everyones getting searched till i find it.." and like 30 minutes later when everyone got to see 'em and they got passed back the cop had 4
05:04.58devonst17that ones old,
05:05.04devonst17I have 2 of my favorites memorized:
05:05.59*** join/#asterisk HellAgony (n=HellAgon@
05:06.01tainted_devonst17 let's hear it
05:06.43devonst17"Once upon a midnight dreary, while pr0n I surfed, Weak and weary, over many strange and spurious sites of "Hot XXX galore". Whilst I clicked my favorite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, Mourning for my dear amour. "Tis not possible!" i muttered. "Give me back my free Hardcore!" Quoth the server: "404"
05:07.04*** join/#asterisk HellAgony (i=HellAgon@
05:07.29anonobomberdevonst17: did persian kitty go down on you or something?
05:08.02devonst17anonobomber: Huh? did i tell it wrong?
05:08.13*** join/#asterisk papsow (
05:08.16anonobombernah, i'm just giving you crap
05:08.31tainted_devonst17 what's the second favorite
05:08.41devonst17lets see:
05:08.45tainted_i've got my gong ready
05:08.47Netgeeksnow rewrite it so mourn the lost sip registration and I'll find it both appropriate for this channel and funny!
05:08.49hugo-v6zedkatuf: hihi got already 4h :>
05:09.05zedkatufhugo-v6 : :P
05:09.13hugo-v6where is my flying hores? *search*
05:09.24anonobombernick125_lappy: a program that reminds you to step away from the keyboard and locks your system for 20 minutes?
05:09.40hugo-v6these arent easy to catch ...
05:09.50blitzragebkw_: did you happen to see anything wrong in ast_expr.y ?
05:09.51tainted_u could not purchase better humor
05:10.03bkw_did you paste the extensions.conf sample?
05:10.05bkw_I must have missed it
05:10.06blitzragebkw_: that was previously working - and seems odd that two Set() would work, and two not
05:10.11blitzragebkw_: same page - I updated it
05:10.21nick125_lappyanonobomber, yeah, that might work lol
05:10.23nick125_lappy < LO
05:10.34tainted_was chan_local tweaked in .9?
05:10.42bkw_blitzrage, remove the spaces
05:10.52devonst17MrSmith: It seems you have been leading two lives, mr Anderson. In one life, you are Robert Anderson, assistant fry cook at the Jack in the Box in Misquite. In another, you go by the chat alias "Randerson", Spreading homosexual propaganda and being a generally immature pest.
05:10.53devonst17MrAnderson: One of these, has a future.
05:10.53devonst17How can you use the phone... when you cannot... speak?
05:10.53devonst17/mode +m randerson
05:11.13blitzragebkw_: I'm using AEL - it puts them in there
05:11.22devonst17or something like that... I dont know /mode too well
05:11.32bkw_blitzrage, AEL is broken
05:11.39blitzragebkw_: it was just working though :), and it's old
05:11.48bkw_try it in extensions.conf
05:11.50bkw_if it works
05:11.54puowvipbkw, do you ever sleep?
05:11.55bkw_AEL is broken
05:11.57blitzrageok, makes sense
05:12.04bkw_puowvip, yes
05:12.08*** join/#asterisk spoot_nick (
05:12.19tainted_./mode -v devonst17
05:12.33devonst17/mode -v
05:12.43devonst17I thought that just took voice,
05:12.54devonst17not prevented the person from saying stuff in the channel
05:12.55anonobomberthat only works in a channel when voice is used as a control mechanism
05:13.07devonst17thats what I ment
05:13.17spoot_nicki got my asterisk server to register with my ISP's sip proxy (another asterisk). how do i configure my local asterisk box to make calls through them?
05:14.03devonst17Can someone help me with setting up a Disk drive in Bochs?
05:14.57anonobomberdevonst17: bochs is ass slow, you might want to consider using something faster such as virtual mode linux, xen or vmware
05:15.23anonobombererr, user mode linux
05:15.40devonst17VMware I know doesnt emulate SSE2,
05:15.45devonst17Never heard of Xen
05:16.04devonst17and "user mode Linux" isnt that just starting in Single User mode?
05:16.56anonobombernah, its a set of kernel modules that allow you to boot a separate machine that is completely sandboxed from the system so you can hose it as bad as you want and its not gonna hurt the host system
05:16.56*** join/#asterisk jiro5281 (n=jiro5281@
05:17.06anonobomberyou can run everything even x servers in uml
05:17.33anonobomberdevonst17: check out Adios linux live cd if you want to play with uml some
05:17.39*** join/#asterisk Exstatica (
05:17.53nick125_lappyanyone here knowof a really small mp3 player for linux?
05:18.03anonobombernick125_lappy: mpg321
05:18.39nick125_lappylets hope the lappy doesnt freeze while trying to compile it
05:18.49*** join/#asterisk djin_ib (
05:18.54devonst17anonobomber: I am trying to get a Vmachine that will run MacOSx86,
05:19.01devonst17for that I need SSE2.
05:19.12devonst17so using my actual proc wont work.
05:19.49anonobomberi've heard of some people successfully running that under vmware
05:19.56blitzragebkw_: I know what it is - its because I haven't added the right keys to the DB
05:20.10devonst17anonobomber: yes,
05:20.18timecopfucking stupid fuckign norton firewall bulshit and stupid fucking people that use them
05:20.23devonst17anonobomber: that would be an option if my Proc supported SSE2/e.
05:20.31timecopwhyt the FUCK does it block eyebeam from registering even after you fucking allow it
05:20.36timecopfucking piece of shit
05:21.18blitzragebkw_: empty values - just finished converting the dialplan over and though of that :)
05:21.34timecopanyone heard of this problem before?
05:22.01hugo-v6tütütü.... /me waits for mISDN to compile....
05:22.07*** join/#asterisk nick125_lappy (
05:22.09hugo-v6time for a ciggy
05:22.10nick125_lappylike i was saying...
05:22.38nick125_lappylets try again
05:23.30nick125_lappystill compiling
05:23.35nick125_lappylets hope it doesnt lock up again
05:23.58timecopif your shit locks up compiling, you've got bigger issues.
05:24.00anonobombernick125_lappy: how crappy is your lappy?
05:24.17*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
05:24.19nick125_lappywell, i usually cant even emerge bins on here wihout it locking up
05:24.29timecophow's una?/
05:24.35[hC]regarding queues.conf - why is it that it seems to ignore me entering retry = 0, and retries anyways?
05:24.38nick125_lappyi think its overheating, but, according to the computer shop, overheating doesnt matter
05:24.44[hC]haha... timecop
05:24.48[hC]i havent been in lwz in so long
05:24.56*** join/#asterisk apardo (
05:25.02[hC]you still in .jp?
05:25.07nick125_lappythey also say i should use windows too...
05:25.09timecopyes, unfortuantely.
05:25.15[hC]getting sick of it yet?
05:25.30devonst17I want to go to Japan
05:25.34*** part/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
05:25.38anonobombernick125_lappy: i hope you told them that you grew out of fisher price toys a long time ago
05:25.39timecopno you dont
05:25.52devonst17timecop: Why not
05:26.00nick125_lappyanonobomber, i would have asked for a manager, but, that guy is the manager
05:26.14timecopit fucking sucks.
05:26.16devonst17timecop: Are you aiming for an undergrad in languages?
05:26.18[hC]so, anyone have any ideas why queues.conf wont let me specify retry = 0, and retries at least once anyways?
05:26.24anonobombernick125_lappy: what cpu is in it?  there is probably something you can do to reduce heat
05:26.34nick125_lappyamd athlon4
05:26.43timecopwell there's your problem
05:26.48devonst17timecop: Im learning Japanese, im going to learn Hebrew next, get my bar mitzvah... :)
05:26.53nick125_lappyi wannaget a centrino
05:26.58timecopjesus christ
05:27.00nick125_lappybut those cost money sadly :/
05:27.01timecopits an amd laptop?
05:27.09Vcowhy japan?
05:27.10nick125_lappyamd athlon4
05:27.28Vcoi mean other than the fact it r0x0rs
05:27.34devonst17Vco: exactly.
05:27.41hugo-v6devonst17: bar mitzvah isnt that nice, i wouldnt do that ;>
05:27.51devonst17hugo-v6 you get money... :)
05:28.08devonst17hugo-v6 and... all my other jewish friends would stop buggingm e.
05:28.14*** join/#asterisk citats (
05:28.15devonst17*bugging me.
05:28.24Vcodon't complain..
05:28.43hugo-v6devonst17: pfff i would gave a shit on that. wanking is better with that little piece of meat ;)
05:28.50Vcoi spend a few days off and on trying to figure out why i couldn't get my sip and zap to ring in diffrerent contexts..
05:29.04devonst17hugo-v6: lol
05:29.16Vcojust to finally cluein i was staring at my zap the sip.conf..........
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05:40.03hugo-v6well... strictly speaking im too :>
05:40.27hugo-v6im awake since a few hours now, but its gettin worst not better
05:40.29Vcowith a woman
05:40.44[hC]damn queues
05:40.50[hC]why do they retry when i tell them not to
05:41.33hardwireq-value: you can set up the probability of registration for each line through this value.
05:41.38hardwireany idea what that really means?
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05:42.46hardwireI see
05:44.44[hC]hey shido
05:45.32[hC]you might know this.  in my queues.conf, ive set retry = 0, retry = 1, no matter what i set, it always retries the timeout value twice. I've tried passing |n to Queue() and it still retries twice. I need it to NOT retry at all
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05:46.16shido6what timeout value
05:46.18shido6remove it
05:46.30Vcospeaking of japan.....
05:46.33[hC]in queues.conf?
05:46.42[hC]I want it to ring the queue for 10 seconds, then exit.
05:46.46Vcoanyone know where the hell to get a DID for japan?
05:46.48[hC]right now it rings for 10 seconds twice.
05:47.15h3x0rare you using stable or head
05:47.29[hC]It wuold be better if it were possible to ring the two extensions in that queue for 10 seconds, then ring those plus another 2 extensions for another 10 seconds, but right now i have to do it using two queues.
05:47.40[hC]from like a week ago
05:47.52pygrammerwhat's the difference between AGI and manager?
05:47.55h3x0rperhaps the problem is your strategy ?
05:48.13[hC]Im pretty sure the problem is in whatever is causing asterisk to retry when i tell it not to.
05:48.27[hC]Unless you can think of a better way of implementing this
05:50.58*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=blitzrag@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
05:52.13[hC]All i need to do is ring two extensions for 10 seconds, then the original 2 plus 2 more for another 10
05:52.35blitzrage[hC]: you need to use the Local channel
05:52.55blitzrage[hC]: if you want to continue ringing the remote channels - either that, or you need two Dial() statements
05:53.01[hC]Instead of member => SIP/xxx
05:53.17[hC]right now i have in my dialplan
05:53.23blitzrage[hC]: oh - you're talking about queues? I just re-joined
05:53.31[hC]i have static members of a queue
05:53.32blitzragesorry ;)
05:53.35[hC]np :)
05:53.43[hC]i figured that was the easiest way to do it
05:54.03[hC]my problem is i set the timeout to 10, and tried setting retry to 0, but it retries once... (tries twice total) for 10 seconds each
05:54.04blitzragewhat are you trying to do?
05:54.05[hC]even when i pass |n
05:54.22[hC]I want it to go on to the next step in the dial plan after 10 seconds
05:54.50[hC]if i set my timeout to 5 seconds, that accomplishes it, but it ACTUALLY does 4 individual call setups so the phone screens go nuts
05:54.57blitzrage[hC]: you want to use the Local channel
05:55.04[hC]and theres a super high potential of answering in the middle of a transition
05:55.09[hC]so, use the Local channel how?
05:55.24*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
05:55.50blitzrageexten => s,1,Dial(Local/ext1@context&Local/ext2@context2). Then you can use a Wait() in the second context to delay something happening
05:56.14blitzragethen you can make ext1 and ext2 do whatever you want in the context
05:56.19Inv_Arpsometimes my inbound sip connection gets unregistered... sip reload fixes it ... what should I look for to help prevent this
05:56.54[hC]Hmm. Really? Ive run into problems in the past if the extension im trying to dial with a double dial like that is down/busy/forwarded/etc
05:57.06[hC]where as queues will simply not ring the extension if theres an issue with it
05:57.19blitzrage[hC]: hrmmm, fair enough
05:57.44[hC]blitzrage: it seems strange though, that i cant seem to get asterisk to NOT retry the queue
05:57.52nick125_lappyno more caffeine mints!!
05:58.39bkw_I can't sleep
05:58.43nick125_lappyme neither
05:58.52pygrammerwhat's the difference between AGI and manager?
05:58.59blitzragebkw_: I hate when that happens
05:59.05bkw_sucks ass
06:00.03blitzrageI cancelled a gcc upgrade in yum because I figured it was a bad idea to be updating the compiler while running it :)
06:00.05[hC]bkw_: you can tell me why Queue() is ignoring |n on me, then.
06:00.15bkw_[hC], because it sucks
06:00.30bkw_app_noqueue and chan_segfault
06:00.31Inv_Arpbkw_: quick ques before u fall asleep.. what clues should i look for if sometimes I get unregistered from sip provider, sip reload fixes it
06:00.33h3x0ryou should work for steve jobs
06:00.35h3x0rhe loves NEXT
06:00.43h3x0rwell until he ran out of money anyway
06:00.59bkw_Inv_Arp, you using cvs head?
06:01.08Inv_Arpbout 2 weeks old
06:01.27pygrammercan anyone tell me??????
06:01.33h3x0rdid bkw work at the dmv or what?
06:01.34pygrammerwhat is the difference between manager and AGI
06:02.49[hC]aaaaaaaaaaah im gonna pull my hair out.
06:02.50bkw_pygrammer, AGI is like CGI
06:02.55bkw_manager is like um the manager
06:02.58bkw_AGI is dialplan
06:03.01bkw_manager is out side that
06:03.04h3x0rmanager is a way to play big brother on your pbx
06:03.19h3x0rit sends you messages on all the calls going through the system through a TCP socket
06:03.30h3x0rand you can execute commands to manipulate shit
06:03.52h3x0rfor instance, flash operator panel uses manager
06:03.57h3x0rthat is a good example
06:04.12nick125_lappyoh sh*t
06:04.21Vcogastman would be another
06:04.22pygrammerso you'd use a combination of them if you were writing your own web application
06:04.32nick125_lappyi just forgot i have to be up in 5 hours to go
06:04.36bkw_well guys.. I know why I can't sleep
06:04.42h3x0rdepends on what you want to do
06:04.45Vcoparanoid delusions?
06:04.49h3x0ragi deals with custom programming on a single call
06:04.59h3x0rmanager is when you have to deal with all the calls or want to watch the progress of a call and make a decision
06:05.05bkw_INSIDE 9/11 was really graphic.... and I closed my eyes and picture that dude falling from the towers.. and just can't get to sleep
06:05.17h3x0rsee what happens when you watch tv
06:05.23bkw_ya really
06:05.29bkw_but you can't help but look
06:05.33bkw_its like a train wreck
06:05.38pygrammeryeah, i want to do both -- writing inbound call center management software for the Web
06:05.41h3x0rWhy dont they show us shit about killing fuckin ragheads from afghanistan
06:05.51h3x0rthey dont get graphic enough with iraq
06:06.01h3x0rfor us to enjoy the billions we are spending on the military
06:06.01bkw_they pussy footed around Bin Laden
06:06.08h3x0rwho cares about some stupid ass thermal sky radar crap
06:06.17bkw_they were too scared once because they could have whacked a crown prince by mistake
06:06.36bkw_so they didn't send the bombs
06:06.40h3x0rid rather see the video camera feed of the bomb going down and hitting some shit
06:07.02bkw_well we are too concerned with killing innocent people
06:07.16h3x0rthey should have made it pay per view
06:07.22h3x0rthat would have paid for the war
06:07.25bkw_we as in the US
06:07.32bkw_h3x0r, yes i twould ahve
06:07.34h3x0rnow, you could have an interactive war
06:07.38h3x0rgo to a web site
06:07.41Vcolike wargames
06:07.50h3x0rfor $1000 you can blow up some shit
06:07.54bkw_I was waiting for the Shock & Awe
06:07.57bkw_it never came
06:07.58Vcojust hook up a buncha analog modems to hardware in another country
06:08.10Vcosorta like that guy with the xmas lites in his yard...
06:08.39h3x0rmy palm pilot is probably like 100 times faster than the biggest computer they had back in those days
06:08.44Vcousing office XP can be like a wargame
06:09.12nick125_lappyusing windows xp is like actually being in the war
06:09.26h3x0rwhen the bomb hits
06:09.26Vco"terminate that goddamn paperclip........"
06:09.32bkw_Oh guys did I tell you .. I got ripped a new one today because a customers faxes are upside down
06:09.36blitzrageh3x0r: wow - you watch a lot of Fox news don't you?
06:09.41nick125_lappybkw_, ...
06:09.43[hC]ok mr queue, prepare to die
06:09.46blitzragebkw_: ummmm... upside down?
06:09.47h3x0rthey sent them upside down right
06:09.50gordonjcpbkw_: I believe the phrase is "lol what?"
06:09.52bkw_blitzrage, yes upside down
06:09.59bkw_they were faxed upside down
06:09.59blitzragebkw_: did you laugh and say, "ummmm... turn them over" ?
06:10.11Vcotel lem they installed the wrong toner or some shit
06:10.15bkw_I honestly didn't know what to say
06:10.26h3x0rthe toner cartridge is upside down
06:10.36bkw_I told anthm around 10am.. Oh look an upside down fax .. I'll be you someone will bitch about that.
06:10.40bkw_NOT more than 3 hours later
06:10.40blitzragebkw_: tell them its simply a problem with quantum-time field and you'll put in a trouble ticket to have it fixed
06:10.42bkw_OMG someone did
06:10.45nick125_lappybkw_, i feel sorry for you
06:10.49gordonjcpwe had one of the managers here complaining that his faxes were faint
06:11.03h3x0rbkw_: tell him the fix is to turn the monitor upside down
06:11.05manymaybe they couldnt rotate pdr by 180 degree.
06:11.05bkw_well my paypal is if you really feel sorry for me
06:11.26nick125_lappyyeah good idea has that ?
06:11.31pygrammerhas anybody used pyst or pyastre?
06:11.32gordonjcpthe toner roll was finished, there was a great big orange light and a "REPLACE ROLL" message on the screen
06:11.35manymaybe their software hasnt?
06:11.38bkw_<- Mac LOVER!!!
06:11.47nick125_lappypygrammer, what is your language you are programming in?
06:11.49h3x0rdid you port * to the mac
06:11.51denonbkw_ loves anything gay <G>
06:11.52h3x0rand run it on xserves
06:11.56bkw_nick125 I program in ENGLISH
06:12.02[hC]I FIXED IT
06:12.04[hC]EAT MY ASS QUEUE()
06:12.14Vcospeaking of gay
06:12.15nick125_lappyoh, the 'Pygrammer' kinda gives it away...
06:12.36bkw_Ok thank you Nancy Drew
06:12.45h3x0ryou know what
06:12.51h3x0ri was looking at a book at borders today
06:12.56h3x0rit was an orielly book about voip
06:13.04h3x0rand i was actually suprised to find useful information in it
06:13.10bkw_its an ORA book
06:13.13bkw_most of them are good
06:13.13gordonjcpI program in MACRO-11
06:13.16bkw_except the C book
06:13.20bkw_the ORA C book is pure shit
06:13.23bkw_total bullshit
06:13.23h3x0rnot any of their programming books
06:13.26h3x0ryeah dude
06:13.32Vcoyou mean more usefull than one of the "How to Burn a DVD" books that sell for $35?
06:13.35h3x0rint printf()
06:13.40h3x0rfoo = printf()
06:13.42bkw_the C++ cookbook will be out in oct
06:13.46h3x0rstupid fucks
06:13.54Vcoit's like theres some sort of "Financial Natural Selection" thing
06:13.55bkw_Oh ya how to burn a DVD
06:14.09bkw_ya know what I don't think I have ever read the fucking manual on any software
06:14.10bkw_I just use it
06:14.13h3x0rthat book actually has USEFUL shit in it
06:14.17bkw_it can only go X number of ways
06:14.23h3x0rits mostly about asterisk
06:14.24nick125_lappywouldnt this work if i put this in somewhere: Festival(System("echo 'hi'")) ?
06:14.29nick125_lappy(just an example)
06:14.45bkw_like um NO
06:14.49nick125_lappywell, if i put it in a extension of something
06:15.09Vcoput it in hi.conf
06:15.16nick125_lappyexten => 1,1,Festival(System("echo 'hi'"))
06:15.17Vcothat'll totally work
06:15.23bkw_that will not work
06:15.28h3x0rfor instance, in that book they have shit like "this is how you set up fax receive with spandsp, and have it look up the extension's email addresses in LDAP" and stuff
06:15.38h3x0rinstead of
06:15.45h3x0r"this is what a voip phone looks like"
06:16.00nick125_lappybkw_, hey, least i got it close, right?
06:16.20nick125_lappywell, im using the System() as an example
06:16.21bkw_you can't wrap apps like that boi
06:16.26bkw_YOU CAN NOT DO THAT
06:16.51nick125_lappyhow would i do something like that, where it would send System() output to Festival?
06:16.59Qwellnick125_lappy: setvar
06:17.24h3x0rthe only thing that sucks is that ORA is running out of animals...
06:17.46bkw_now this is a book you'll need:
06:18.17bkw_how about The Joy of Gay Sex, Revised & Expanded Third Edition
06:18.18nick125_lappythat when dealing with ms windows
06:18.30h3x0ri dont even wanna know how they expanded it
06:18.36bkw_ya really
06:18.39bkw_Dare I ask
06:18.44bkw_that kinda scares me.. and i'm gay
06:18.53bkw_101 Gay Sex Secrets Revealed
06:19.05bkw_secret 1.. NO LUBE.. NO FUN!! NEXT!!!
06:19.23bkw_har har har
06:19.50bkw_its like that movie "Deep Impact" its not a porn movie.. but the title fits yo?
06:20.17bkw_The Lesbian Sex Book, 2nd Edition : A Guide for Women Who Love Women
06:20.20nick125_lappyyeah you did
06:20.27bkw_thats what you guys wanna see eh?
06:20.42h3x0rgod damn it
06:20.43bkw_oh here is one
06:20.43bkw_Lesbian Sex Tips: A Guide for Anyone Who Wants To Bring Pleasure to the Woman She (Or He) Loves
06:20.46h3x0rmy girlfriend tried to trick me
06:20.55bkw_h3x0r, what did she do?
06:21.02h3x0ri went to go to checkout on amazon and she stuffed a shitload of stuff in the shopping cart to save
06:21.44hugo-v6bkw: concerning lube, youre damn right :>
06:22.03*** join/#asterisk zoo (
06:22.38h3x0rhey is there an odbc module or anything besides that stupid MYSQL() thing in asterisk-addons
06:22.41h3x0rthat you can use from dialplan
06:22.43h3x0rnot for CDRs
06:22.51bkw_h3x0r, ODBC is easy  yo
06:23.01pygrammerso, going back to my earlier question, no one uses PyAstre, Pyst, or Python with Asterisk???
06:23.05h3x0ri thought your odbc thing was cdr
06:23.11bkw_well use it as a model
06:23.15bkw_it shows you how to do everything
06:23.26nick125_lappypygrammer, if you find something, let me know, ok? :)
06:23.46pygrammernick125, are you a python guy? :)
06:23.54nick125_lappyyeah :P
06:23.57h3x0rill check that out
06:24.06bkw_h3x0r, I can find you a simpler example if you like
06:24.11bkw_the one on unixODBC might still be broken
06:24.13pygrammerthe only smart ones here :
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06:25.01h3x0rhey by the way
06:25.03h3x0ri need that record script
06:25.13h3x0rfor monitor that does the sox shit
06:25.26h3x0rim doing the mux and compress on a seperate file server box
06:25.46bkw_use app_muxmon.c
06:25.48bkw_from the bug tracker
06:25.51bkw_it will do it realtime
06:25.55bkw_and uses less cpu no spikyness
06:25.56h3x0rit breaks
06:26.02bkw_it breaks?
06:26.02h3x0rdidnt you see my bug report
06:26.06*** join/#asterisk chris78 (
06:26.06h3x0rit fucking crashes asterisk
06:26.07bkw_did you bug anthm?
06:26.18h3x0ri havent had the time to do a debug and dump that in for bugs
06:26.18bkw_oh post your backtrace?
06:26.20Vcoshit goes here ----------> Boom
06:26.26bkw_if you dump the bt full
06:26.27bkw_i'll fix it
06:26.31bkw_shit it shouldn't be that hard
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06:26.36h3x0rin any case, codec translate to gsm at the end of the call is going to be a problem
06:26.37bkw_unless kp's been fucking around with shit again
06:26.39h3x0runless it does that real time too
06:26.55bkw_h3x0r, it does that realtime also
06:26.59h3x0rno shit.
06:26.59bkw_it uses the chanspy API
06:27.06bkw_then againi their might be a bug in there
06:27.12bkw_on some platforms or compilers
06:27.16h3x0ris it smart enough to do it based on the um
06:27.22h3x0rextension you give it or what
06:27.29hugo-v6hmmm my dog whants to go out and i have to go to my garage... but i dont want to *sigh*
06:27.33bkw_you can call it in the dialplan
06:27.34bkw_or the cli
06:27.43bkw_it will also only record when the call is bridged
06:28.08h3x0ri still donno if its gonna like doing this when i have 60 calls running on a p4 box
06:28.12Vcoanyone have any luck using any hardware from Nexcom?
06:28.16bkw_h3x0r, it should do it
06:28.21bkw_I do it all the time
06:28.28h3x0rYou know what, it may be fucking up because im using nfs3 to another box to store the shit
06:28.37Vcomostly any of the embedded platform P4 type stuff
06:28.39bkw_eww that might be it
06:28.45h3x0rMonitor works fine
06:28.48bkw_that would suck
06:28.52bkw_well post da dump
06:28.56bkw_and i'll look at it
06:29.00h3x0ri will when i recreate the problem
06:29.25h3x0rlook at 4735
06:29.32h3x0rmaybe those messages gives you some kind of clue
06:29.38bkw_oh look
06:29.40bkw_what a freak
06:29.42*** join/#asterisk faraz (n=kvirc@
06:29.46bkw_and he calls himself a Christian
06:29.48farazhey all
06:29.50h3x0rAug 18 11:49:05 ERROR[21601]: channel.c:935 ast_queue_spy_frame: Too many frames
06:29.54h3x0rWhat the hell does that mean
06:30.04h3x0rmaybe the problem isnt even in muxmon
06:30.09farazman what the heck is the problem with these tdm400p cards?
06:30.12h3x0rbut it only does that if i have muxmon turned on
06:30.13hugo-v6bkw: pat sucks.
06:30.14bkw_h3x0r, its reading too slow from the fram queue
06:30.18bkw_hugo-v6, yes he does
06:30.19farazdigium says im the ONLY one with the static line noise issue
06:30.22bkw_and not in a good way
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06:30.25h3x0rand how does that happen
06:30.36bkw_faraz, I hear that the TDM cards suck ass
06:30.41Vcoobviously he hasnt read the book
06:30.42h3x0rthat happened when there was only like 6 calls going on
06:30.43bkw_I hear some people have high failure rates
06:30.46h3x0rand it was zaptel in zaptel out
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06:30.53farazdude what do i use then?
06:30.59JamesDotComi had a problem last week which digium said was a once off which they couldnt figure out :~
06:31.02pygrammerwow, that was weird -- X-windows just froze up on me...
06:31.07pygrammer*never* had that happen to me
06:31.13farazsee the zaptel card works AWESOME
06:31.19djin_ibbkw_: small question, are the technical details of IAXTEL public? We plan provide a similar free IAX access the in the NL, but are uncertain how it will perform.
06:31.22faraztill there is a power failure/surge- and that happens a lot in my coutnry
06:31.24pygrammeri think it was xmms
06:31.30bkw_djin_ib, no clue
06:31.40h3x0rpygrammer if that never happened they wouldnt have made ctrl-alt-backspace exit it
06:31.41djin_ibbkw_: ok, thanks.
06:31.48farazafter the power failure, the UPS takes over and boom.. superb noise on the TDM
06:31.57pygrammerh3x0r, i did, but it was frustrating :D
06:32.08farazthis also, happens randomly
06:32.13h3x0rfaraz get a ups that has sine wave output
06:32.25farazfunny enough, i can cut the power locally ALL I WANT, have the UPS take over and the card works fine
06:32.37farazits just when there is a power surge/ outage that SOMETIMES the tdm develops a problem
06:32.43hugo-v6doesnt pat want to go for president?
06:32.44farazits extremely frustrating
06:32.47gordonjcpfaraz: more spike suppression?
06:32.50bkw_pat can bite me
06:32.56gordonjcphugo-v6: that would be frankly *terrifying*
06:33.03bkw_yes it would
06:33.06farazthe UPS got a line conditioner :(
06:33.08gordonjcpreal "Escape From New York" stuff
06:33.18bkw_he's the ying to osama's yang
06:33.18Vcoscrew pat....
06:33.20farazthe only thing i am lacking is GROUND
06:33.23Vcohe's the man
06:33.27farazmy electrical earth connection sucks ass
06:33.38farazis that necessary?
06:33.39bkw_we'll see our first female president in 2008
06:33.43bkw_you wait and see
06:33.46hugo-v6i hope for you he wont. i guess much conservative ppl in .us would vote for him :/
06:34.09bkw_I'll take Hilary .. we already know she ran this country for 8 years already
06:34.16bkw_she had her hands so tight around bills nutz
06:34.19bkw_he did what she said
06:34.20hugo-v6hrhr good point
06:34.40farazif it is i guess i need to spend on it
06:34.44bkw_but so help me god.. if she fucks her male interns
06:35.00pygrammershe's smarter than bill
06:35.04bkw_yes she is
06:35.06bkw_much smarter
06:35.38pygrammerher iq is higher, empirically
06:35.50hugo-v6well... but shes a little to conservative too i think. ie the thing with ea games and gta san andreas
06:36.11bkw_let her have her lame ass attempt at control
06:36.14bkw_it will not work
06:36.21bkw_thats like trying to say "You can't have sex without a lic."
06:36.26bkw_never gonna happen
06:36.30bkw_she's show boating for support
06:36.53hugo-v6hmmmm... i guess youre right
06:37.29bkw_those people in politics have to rub people the right way.. its one of the only legal forms of prostitution left
06:37.40bkw_and the bigger the check.. the more rubs
06:38.00Vcogod she's the last thing on the planet i'd want a lap dance from......
06:38.01dudesCondoleeza rice '08
06:38.08bkw_oh HELL NO
06:38.09Vcosecond to her maybe
06:38.22dudesI'd vote for her
06:38.24bkw_Condo can take a hike
06:38.32opus_sealab 2020
06:38.33dudesinto the White House
06:38.43bkw_never gonna happen
06:38.46bkw_she's black
06:38.55opus_she's a ho
06:38.57bkw_I don't have anything against her
06:39.00bkw_or black people at all
06:39.06bkw_i'm just saying we live in a racist nation
06:39.11bkw_never gonna happen
06:39.15bkw_not in my life
06:39.24Vcohell ya
06:39.52farazis ANYBODY here successfully using a TDM card from digium? :)
06:39.58dudesHilary is a Curt ...
06:40.17dudescunt* rather
06:40.26pygrammeropus: what the fuck is that?
06:40.30bkw_faraz, I seen a post on the list where a TDM board burned up in a server
06:40.48dudesI *'ed it
06:40.51opus_pygrammer - utah rave raid
06:40.55opus_like a few days ago.
06:41.02opus_arent you pissed??!?!
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06:41.37bkw_rave raid?
06:41.59bkw_I know why everyone in the middle east is pissed off... they don't drink enough
06:42.01opus_`mplayer --nocache -fs`
06:42.09pygrammeropus_, sucks
06:42.17pygrammeropus_, who raided it?
06:42.21pygrammerthey look like military
06:42.44opus_bush was visiting utah
06:43.07opus_some weird shit happened. its off of\
06:43.30Vcothat or they
06:44.41bkw_what is this .mov file?
06:45.04opus_thats the promoter's word
06:45.14opus_bkw - see the dialykos link
06:47.01pygrammeryeah, but who raided that rave in the video you posted?
06:47.46opus_apparently delta force?
06:47.58NetgeeksSeems to STILL be a bug in HEAD where SIP freezes up after some time, anyone else seeing this?  sip reload fixes it
06:48.08opus_netgeeks realtime again?
06:48.36Netgeeksthere a patch anywhere for it?
06:48.41opus_mysql or odbc?
06:49.07opus_is your network stable?
06:49.22opus_like what hardware do you have
06:49.27bkw_ok thats wrong
06:49.29bkw_soooo wrong
06:49.44opus_dude i'm pissed
06:49.59bkw_were they outside the city limits?
06:50.07zedkatufan hr away bkw_
06:50.10Guggemandi have this fucked up sip provider that gives me wrong username and password once in a while, and that causes * to stop trying to register
06:50.18opus_"The police wanted this party shut down, so they made it happen. Even though everything about this event was legal."
06:50.21bkw_I don't see where the county or city can dictate how many people can be on private property
06:50.34bkw_thats not right
06:50.38zedkatufbkw_ - let's hope this provokes a storm
06:50.47bkw_it won't
06:50.48zedkatufie some legal action
06:50.50Netgeeksopus_ it's dual Xeon 3.0s
06:50.54zedkatufur prob right
06:51.00bkw_the only time people will go "oops" is when they are taking us all into custody
06:51.05bkw_and carting us off to the camps
06:51.08bkw_for our own protection
06:51.11opus_what was it, in every apple there is a hidden orchard .. i hope this shit blows up like a mother fucker
06:51.22dudesbkw_ - One can say the same for smoking in your own business.
06:51.37bkw_well i'm one for less government control
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06:51.40bkw_thats for sure
06:51.49dudesbkw_ - aren't we all =)
06:51.53bkw_they had no right doing that.. if it was a legal gathering
06:51.55opus_netgeeks - have you tried your exact same config on different hardware, both network and cpu?
06:51.59bkw_I hope they get sued
06:52.14bkw_now if a few had drugs on them.. that doesn't say anything about the majority of the people
06:52.34bkw_shit will happen like that.. you can't control everyone... god damn that pisses me off
06:53.21dudesI bet half the swat guys smoke pot
06:53.22opus_i got like million raver friends that are going to be pissed
06:53.38bkw_you should do a million raver march
06:53.41bkw_accross Utah
06:53.50bkw_they can't arrest that many people
06:54.00bkw_call it a flash rave
06:54.01bkw_show up
06:54.02opus_you'd need some serious speaker system
06:54.03bkw_rave for a moment
06:54.05bkw_and leave
06:54.13bkw_na everyone bring an ipod
06:54.21dudesRun like you stole some shit from K-Mart Boy
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06:54.43bkw_I have been in something similar
06:55.03bkw_we were at the lake and the sheriffs dep came out and dumped everyones Liquor out
06:55.11bkw_they stood in the shadows recording the whole thing
06:55.15bkw_just in case someone acted out
06:55.22bkw_they did it just because the park ranger hated gay people
06:55.25bkw_and everyone there was gay
06:55.33gordonjcpis that even legal?
06:55.36bkw_let me tell you.. the blew up faster than anything I have ever seen
06:55.41opus_it is if you don't have a gun
06:55.52bkw_yes its legal to have Liquor on state property but 3.2 is the limit on the water
06:55.55bkw_but not on dry land
06:56.19bkw_the following monday .. man the sheriff's dep.. and the park ranger were in deep shit
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06:56.27bkw_when you piss off gay people.. we call in the big dogs
06:56.40gordonjcpbkw_: no, I mean coming along and dumping it out?
06:56.46bkw_no its not legal
06:56.50gordonjcpI mean that would be a criminal offence over here
06:57.03bkw_improper disposal of Liquor
06:57.09gordonjcpunless you were underage, and shouldn't have had it
06:57.20bkw_they even went into cars and campers and took anything they could find
06:57.24bkw_without a warrant
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06:57.26zedkatufbkw_ (speex installed - tnx)
06:57.37bkw_zedkatuf, yay
06:57.42pygrammerbkw_, what do you think about gay marriage? if you could, would you get married?
06:57.55opus_zedkatuf - whoah on CVS HEAD
06:57.56bkw_I have been with my current boyfriend for 10 years
06:58.10gordonjcpbkw_: going into someone's car like that *would* be illegal
06:58.20zedkatufbkw_ : soz no comprendo
06:58.23pygrammerbkw_, so ceremony and all?
06:58.25bkw_if a cop asks you to search your car.. you say NO
06:58.32bkw_they can ask.. but you can say NO
06:58.38gordonjcpbkw_: I've only had my car searched once, and it damn near killed the guy searching it
06:58.45blitzrageneed a warrant
06:58.48opus_well they can make up any reason to search your car and can no matter what
06:59.04bkw_even with probable cause they still have to have a warrant to have the evidence stand up in court
06:59.10bkw_how you think these drug dealers get off so easy
06:59.14gordonjcp"Don't put anything under the car, especially not your head"
06:59.16bkw_they have damn good lawyers
06:59.22zedkatufbkw_ : re whoah on cvs head - not sure what u mean here, sorry
06:59.27gordonjcpwhat was the first thing he did?  Stuck his head under it
06:59.28bkw_zedkatuf, I didn't say that
06:59.37bkw_opus_, did
06:59.46bkw_gordonjcp, what happened?
06:59.55opus_nope.. Searches of Cars and Their Occupants
06:59.58opus_Cars may be searched without a warrant whenever the car has been validly stopped and the police have probable cause to believe the car contains contraband or evidence.
07:00.07zedkatufopus_ : re whoah on cvs head - not sure what u mean here, sorry
07:00.14bkw_opus_, but if they have nothing to back up probable cause they can't
07:00.21zedkatuf(soz getting confused with all the conversation :P)
07:00.23bkw_like me saying No you can't is not probable cause
07:00.34opus_its you can't argue with them
07:00.34gordonjcpbkw_: it's a big old Citroen, with hydraulic suspension.  After a minute or so, it switches a valve off to stiffen the suspension (saves the battery)
07:00.46bkw_no I spent 27k on an attorney here in oklahoma
07:00.51gordonjcpbkw_: except mine was slightly sticky and depressurised the suspension if the engine was off
07:00.54bkw_I know the laws she gave me a nice lesson on it
07:01.19gordonjcpso, 45 seconds after turning the engine off, when the suspension computer goes into standby... <click-psssssshhh>
07:01.23gordonjcpdon't be underneath it
07:02.11bkw_While a police officer cannot search a car simply because the car was stopped for a traffic infraction, the police can order the driver and any passengers out of the car for safety considerations, even though there is no suspicion of criminal wrongdoing other than the traffic infraction. The police also can "frisk" the occupants for weapons if the officers have a "reasonable suspicion" that the occupants are involved in criminal a
07:02.12bkw_ctivity and are reasonably concerned for their safety.
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07:02.15pygrammertoday i was driving at DCA (Reagan National Airport in D.C.) and these cops are just obnoxious; they remind me of shepherds, tending to their sheep
07:02.47bkw_opus_, just saying NO to a request to search is not probable cause.
07:03.01bkw_the officer would have a fun time with me.. because I know my rights very well.
07:03.02pygrammerthis one wsa tailgating me, with his LIGHTS on, as though he wanted to pull me over, and then he started honking at me with his modified Crown Vic horn, so i pulled over, then he pulls up and motions for me to just keep going, like i was a fucking moron or something
07:03.29pygrammerwhat kind of a cop would have his LIGHTS on when he just wanted people to keep going
07:03.35gordonjcpa nutcase?
07:03.36pygrammeryou have your LIGHTS on when you're gonna pull someone over
07:03.43bkw_a Nut case
07:03.45pygrammernot just to be an asshole
07:03.53gordonjcpmy favourite was when I got pulled over for doing 67 in a 60 limit up north
07:03.55gordonjcpsmall place
07:04.03gordonjcpthink about that carefully
07:04.03bkw_or warning?
07:04.14gordonjcpwarning, but the guy was a real arsehole about it
07:04.31bkw_I respect cops.. but they need to respect me.  I don't put up with an asshole cop
07:04.43pygrammerand then i looked inside, and he was this huge fucking morbidly obese guy, talking on a cell phone and looking at me with this contemptuous smirk
07:04.46gordonjcpbkw_: like I say, it's a small place, the village where I stayed had about 150 people, the next village where the police station was had about 300 people
07:04.58bkw_i'll tell them right off.. "Look I respect you.. you have one of the hardest jobs.  So lets drop the tough guy routine!"
07:05.05gordonjcpso - small place, everyone knows everyone else, right?
07:05.18gordonjcpnot two hours later, I'm driving along a small back road
07:05.25gordonjcpsingle-track, barely wider than my car
07:05.28gordonjcpbit fast
07:05.31gordonjcpas you do
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07:05.46gordonjcpand there is something half-on, half-off the road up ahead, another car
07:06.05hugo-v6bkw: and after that you get smashed
07:06.05gordonjcpit's the local plod, who'd given me the hassle before
07:06.12bkw_hugo-v6, na
07:06.16bkw_I don't have a driving record
07:06.18bkw_ZERO tickets
07:06.21gordonjcpbkw_: round the corner, bit too fast, lost it, half-on half-off the road
07:06.30gordonjcpso what did I do?
07:06.33hugo-v6o i got many :p
07:06.34gordonjcpgot my towrope out
07:06.40gordonjcphooked him up to the Volvo
07:06.46gordonjcppulled him back
07:06.56gordonjcpunhooked him, and sat there waiting for him to leave...
07:06.57hugo-v6so. now going with my dog now and then search for a new car.
07:07.12bkw_I should really go to bed
07:07.14bkw_but i'm not tired
07:07.16Mimmushi, how can I check the exit code of 'system' command in a dialplan?
07:07.18gordonjcpbarely said a word to the guy
07:07.18bkw_which sucks
07:07.33gordonjcpI *never* got so much as a look from him after that
07:07.52pygrammerthe only kind of person that would become a cop has a serious superiority complex and some other unresolved issues
07:08.01hugo-v6bkw: 2-3 glasses of wine or beer sould help
07:08.07bkw_but me likes a man in uniform
07:08.17hugo-v6bkw :>
07:08.26hugo-v6my gf does it too. i hate uniforms :/
07:08.27pygrammeryou're very explicit with your sexual preference
07:08.29bkw_hugo-v6, hrm whats the 6 for?
07:08.44bkw_pygrammer, yes i'm very open and opinionated
07:08.50hugo-v6for ipv6. but atm im with v4 on
07:08.56bkw_some call me holier than thou.. I just say i'm a bitch...
07:09.02hugo-v6my usual nick is hugo-egon ;)
07:09.09hugo-v6no thats not my name :)
07:09.14pygrammermaybe you're both :)
07:09.20bkw_pygrammer, not sure
07:22.17*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
07:22.17*** topic/#asterisk is Preview the new website! || Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Asterisk 1.2 Janitors Needed! || Astricon 2005 in Anaheim Oct 12-14 - speakers wanted
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07:35.30Romikhello, how i can check if timer device is OK for asterisk without restarting ?
07:36.23dudesRomik - bandwidth any errors about timing in logs
07:37.41*** join/#asterisk Beccara (
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07:40.39blitzragesleep? who needs sleep
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07:44.30blitzrageme too _
07:44.34blitzrage3:44am here
07:44.48blitzragenight all!
07:45.47cochiwell it's 9:44am here but anyway ;)
07:47.47Romikdudes: how i can check it on running asterisking, without restarting?
07:47.54wzlindeed here it's 9:50 am too
07:48.05cochiasterisk -r   ? ;)
07:48.34Romikcoichi: no, i want to know if timer device is OK or not, without restarting asterisk
07:48.57cochiwzl: Goede morgen ;)
07:49.02*** join/#asterisk djin (
07:49.04Romiklike to get this error, but without restarting:
07:49.06Romik[] => (Inter Asterisk eXchange (Ver 2))
07:49.09cochioh ok. i'll shut up :)
07:49.45*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
07:49.46wzlwhehe cochi goede morgen :P
07:50.06dudesRomik -  Warning, flexibel rate not heavily tested! (mpg123)
07:50.16cochihehe just looked it up. i'm not so familiar with dutch, just my girlfriend ;)
07:50.33dudesRomik - do you have a zap card?
07:50.36*** join/#asterisk astadmin123 (
07:51.01Romikdudes: on this specific server, i do not have
07:51.12dudesRomik - do you have ztdummy loaded
07:51.22dudesRomik - lsmod | grep ztdummy
07:51.47Romikdudes: i working on it, but i just need  to know about timer, without restarting asterisk
07:51.52astadmin123my asterisk didn't hangup on FXO channel after entering to voicemail
07:52.12dudesRomik - Well if you're getting a timing error it's not loaded
07:52.32Romikdudes: actual my problem is on Fedora zaptel does not compiled....on debian i have no problem...
07:52.33dudesand timing is done via the zap drivers
07:52.39_GiGi_i have E1 line on sangoma and i need connect to it fax server...
07:52.50dudesRomik - *Fedora* says it all
07:53.17astadmin123can someone helpme to resolve issue on voicemail hangup
07:53.31Romikdudes: i have 4 asterisk servers on debian - no problem, and 1 on's sux....
07:53.31dudesastadmin123 - do you have hangup in extensions.conf
07:53.48dudesRomik - my advice is to put debian on the fedora box
07:53.55Romikdudes: even debian 64 bit work fix
07:53.58astadmin123it hangs up normally if before voicemail
07:54.02_GiGi_or, some hardware/software SIP fax server ? :)
07:54.18litagedoes Asterisk support G.728?
07:54.23astadmin123but when it enters to voicemail then it keeps on going
07:55.02astadmin123and Zap channel (FXO) remain busy
07:55.24Romikdudes: i do apt-get dist-upgrade on fedora.....if this will i will move to debian
07:56.19dudesRomik - If something doesn't compile you could always RPM all the missing stuff
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07:59.01astadmin123dudes: sorry to disturb you, can you help me to solve voicemail hangup problem for on FXO channel
07:59.23astadmin123as its working fine with FXS and SIP
07:59.45dudesastadmin123 - X100P Clone card?
08:00.19astadmin123dude: its X110P card
08:01.03dudesI asked if you had the X100P
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08:02.32dudesSo someone dials the FXO and dials an extension which Dials to a FXS/SIP user.  If they dont' answer then they get sent to the users voicemail
08:02.34astadmin123dude: no, i have X101P
08:03.36astadmin123dude: yes, but if calling party hangs up (during voicemail message), it keeps on playing voicemail
08:04.48sangeei set the maxtime variable using setvariable using agi script, how do i use that value in Dial command to set the call duration?
08:05.03dudesso you have a 1,Dial(sip(zap)/channel|20|tm) (or whatever) then you have 2,Voicemail(200|u:1) (or something) then 3,hangup ? for example
08:06.05astadmin123dudes: yes, you r right
08:06.43dudesAre you using head or stable
08:10.03dudesI know with the X100P clone I have CID doesn't work in head but I don't have the hangup issues.  But I did with earlier versions of asterisk
08:10.11dudesso possibly that may resolve your issue
08:10.37sangeeI calculated call duration usign agi script and put that value using setvariable, how can i use that value in dial command to set the duration?
08:10.44dudesOr perhaps you don't have a timeout on your voicemail
08:11.16dudesIt could also be a issue with how the card is configured in zapata.conf
08:12.33astadmin123any specific configuration in zapta.conf
08:13.44dudesNothing hits be but I'm too drunk and tired to think
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08:15.11dudesastadmin123 - But on my setup I run my fxo from a diff box to the pbx here via iax
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08:18.15astadmin123ok, but how can i configure timeout on voicemail ?
08:20.02morlachello all
08:21.23morlacis it normal that asterisk spikes cpu upto 99% every few seconds with no calls (actually no cables are connected)? I use TE410p with XEON 3.4GHz and MFC/R2 chan_unicall? any pointers are realy appreciated.
08:21.42slakeQuestion: Would it be possible for me to get a SIP account with a company like broadvoice, and then set up my asterisk server to be constantly connected to my voip provider waiting for calls, and act as a sip proxy on my local network, basically handle voicemail and stuff, while I connect to it on my end with a softphone?
08:21.48*** join/#asterisk skeffling (
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08:24.36drrayslake - yes
08:24.46slakeCool :)
08:26.29*** join/#asterisk shadebob (
08:27.29_GiGi_asterisk have pseudo-modem device ?
08:28.25morlacwhats a pseudo-modem?
08:33.42*** join/#asterisk Tili (i=Tili@
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08:38.10Mimmushow can I check exit code from 'system' command in a dialplan?
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08:54.20r0mgood morning
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09:07.12_GiGi_morlac: hm i need write some to pseudo tty device and recive it on hylafax :)
09:09.09*** join/#asterisk hiq (n=hiq@
09:09.11_GiGi_and ? asterisk can write ? or not ? :)
09:09.22hiqhi all
09:09.44morlacnot directly as far as I know, unless you programme an asterisk application
09:14.38RoyK_GiGi_: write?
09:17.07*** join/#asterisk fulgas (n=fulgas@
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09:29.37*** join/#asterisk Praktikant01 (
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09:30.27Praktikant01i nned help, my asterisk doesn't send the callerid to my phones, but if i look into the missed calls feeld then the number is shown ...
09:30.49Praktikant01i just don't see it during ringing
09:31.59Praktikant01anyone knows whats wrong ??
09:32.40Praktikant01my exten looks as follows: exten => number,1,Dial(Zap/g4/number,60,r)
09:44.52*** join/#asterisk adelas` (
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09:49.43*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@
09:50.27frenzyhow do I accomplish a 3-way call on Asterisk ?
09:56.34msancan asterisk get fax by digium card e1/t1?
09:56.58zoalook at
09:57.22msanusing spandsp?
09:57.28msanthanks zoa
09:57.59RoyKworks nicely
09:59.35*** join/#asterisk adrenaline (
10:00.18msanwell, now i'm using bri hfc-pci and it works fine, but i need more channels
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10:04.35h3x0rall my bitching at snom paid off.
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10:04.52h3x0rthey are fixing all my gripes for the next release.
10:05.09h3x0rwell everything but the font size they said they would...
10:05.39*** join/#asterisk Mike_TK (
10:07.01*** join/#asterisk lethal-gr (
10:07.13lethal-grhi all
10:07.45Praktikant01i need help, if i get called my softphone shows the number, but my real phone does not, but it shows the number in th missed calls list, any hints ??
10:08.30lethal-grconfigure your phone to receive sip info dtmf
10:08.47lethal-grsomething like that should me
10:08.50lethal-grshould be
10:08.51Praktikant01its not a sip-phone
10:09.01lethal-grwhat is then?
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10:09.05Praktikant01its connected to a nt-port using zaptel
10:09.13Praktikant01its a isdn-phone
10:10.00Praktikant01i also tested to set a callerid to the incomming number just for testing, but its doing the same
10:10.07Praktikant01so maybe a zaptel problem ??
10:10.28lethal-gri haven't tried that yet so i don't know
10:10.40Praktikant01shell i post my extension for incomming calls ??
10:11.13msanPraktikant01: in your zapata.conf
10:11.13moverRoyK not on my TE405P
10:11.25msancallerid=asreceived  usecallerid=yes
10:11.28Praktikant01msan: ??
10:11.41Praktikant01msan: it is enabled
10:12.10Praktikant01msan: thats what im doing
10:14.42Praktikant01msan: the number is also shown in the missed-calls list from the phone
10:14.54*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
10:14.59Praktikant01it is only not shown during ringing
10:15.31RoyKmover: what?
10:15.34moverPraktikant01 : set the CALLERIDNUM not CALLERID. CALLERID set in come cases only the displayname
10:15.51RoyKmover: i use te410p and sangoma a104. works well
10:16.00Praktikant01mover: thx ill try
10:16.30moverRoyK i guess i have some timeig bugs in config
10:16.43movertiming i mean
10:17.01moveri have span=1,1,0,...
10:17.23moverno success and =1,0,0... even no success
10:17.35RoyKmover: if voice works, fax should also work
10:17.36moveri am clueless
10:17.43RoyKfax over ip never works :P
10:17.44frenzyAug 23 10:16:54 WARNING[3106]: chan_sip.c:701 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call cbc5311adffc5949@ for seqno 13992 (Non-critical Response)
10:17.46*** join/#asterisk Delvar (
10:17.54moverthe faxes are shreddered always :-)
10:17.55frenzywhat does that mean ?
10:17.58RoyKmover: what are you trying to do?
10:18.14RoyKjust receive fax with rxfax?
10:18.32movertxfax completely dont work
10:18.40moverfaxes on the other side dont answer
10:18.45RoyKtalk to coppice when he gets on
10:18.50RoyKhe wrote the stuff
10:18.57jbotcoppice is probably rather like underwood, only different
10:19.05RoyK~seen coppice
10:19.08jbotcoppice <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 17h 36m 42s ago, saying: 'a question about questions about questions :-\'.
10:19.19moverok i will do so
10:19.34RoyKhe usually comes in around 1500-1700 CEST
10:19.46moverhe has another case about hells echoes from me =)
10:20.07moveryea i know
10:20.23moverPraktikant01 and ? success?
10:20.50Praktikant01the anoying phone, ill try it in a few minutes
10:21.36moverPraktikant01 try a noOp(->${CALLERID}) before the Dial app to see the settings
10:21.54moverit mus something like 12345<12345>
10:21.56Praktikant01mover: ill try
10:22.02moveror ""<12345>
10:22.13movernot only "12345"<>
10:22.26moverthat mean no callerid is present
10:23.42cochimhh. is the NT1 supposed to have its LED lit if plugged to an HFC card in NT mode?
10:24.13Praktikant01mover: this is what the noOp shows:  "->01755934541"
10:25.23cochianybody here using HFC/NT-Mode (preferably from Germany) ?
10:25.27frenzyhelp please..
10:25.53Praktikant01cochi: yes
10:26.02cochiand working? *hoping*
10:26.08Praktikant01cochi: yes
10:26.35Praktikant01cochi: im using 4 hfc-s cards with the zaptel drivers 2 in nt-mode
10:26.43cochiah :)
10:26.56cochiusing isdn cross cable or some modified ntba setup?
10:27.33cochijust wondering if the led on the ntba is supposed to be lit. mine's not :|
10:27.40Praktikant01cochi: pluged the cross-kabel into an old ntba and the other thing(phone) to the other prot from the ntba
10:27.49Praktikant01cochi: it won't lit
10:28.02*** join/#asterisk Delvar (
10:28.13cochimh ok.
10:28.20Praktikant01cochi: use zttool to see if the port is active ore down, requires a phone ore something connected
10:28.37Praktikant01mover: it doesn't work :-(
10:29.02cochiah and then the TxA-D/TxA-D should show sth different than --- ?
10:31.07Praktikant01cochi: the last pattern is de ore ac, deaktivated ore activated..
10:31.19*** join/#asterisk Beccara (
10:32.07cochiwell i suppose the cabling's wrong. my girlfriend was (like always) not reading docs but rewiring herself ;)
10:32.08Praktikant01cochi: it should also show if the card is in te ore nt-mode
10:32.36Praktikant01if it shows ac, ther is a working connection
10:32.39cochiwell nt + ac. so that config seems ok. sadly there seems to be little docs on the zttool, i'm curious how to read thx Rx/Tx fields
10:33.13cochimh. well the device i connected is signalling "isdn not connected".. that's why i asked
10:33.49Praktikant01cochi: strange, the card is in nt-mode ??, which distribution do jou use ??
10:33.53cochimaybe i should plug it in directly at the computer, to sieve out probable errors in patching the wires ;)
10:34.04cochimh debian. still 1.0.8 though
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10:34.40Praktikant01cochi: u need the ntba!!, hm, u are using the zaptel-drivers ??
10:34.59*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
10:35.46Praktikant01just remove the ztcfg in the file /etc/init.d/zapata (ore the file),so, if not ztconfig is run 2times and nothing will work
10:35.50*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
10:35.51blop => ouch, i was going to buy a dell 750 :D
10:36.50Praktikant01cochi: do you like to talk german ??
10:36.59RoyKblop: use sangoma instead :)
10:37.03cochii could. doesnt make any difference ;)
10:37.21*** join/#asterisk jontow (
10:37.24cochi90% sure the wiring is f*cked up
10:37.36Praktikant01cochi: so, just remove the /etc/init.d/zaptel and reboot ..
10:38.36optihey can anyone help me
10:38.43optiim trying to install amp
10:39.05frenzydoes anyone know what software does inphonex/varphonex use ?
10:39.15cochimh k, trying that reboot
10:39.46Praktikant01cochi: how do jou load the zaphfc-modul ??
10:40.07Praktikant01cochi: be sure that it is loaded before hisax etc
10:40.19RoyKPraktikant01: wtf?
10:40.39RoyKPraktikant01: hisax is isdn4linux, and is NOT related to zaphfc/bristuff
10:41.10Praktikant01RoyK: if it is loaded before the card is claimed by hisax and the zaphfc-driver is not working
10:41.27RoyKnever load hisax
10:41.34RoyKunless you're using i4l
10:41.47Praktikant01RoyK: thats what i meant, often peoble just hav it installed ..
10:41.58blopRoyK i'd prefer using digium :D
10:41.58hugo-v6misdn is a nice alternative
10:42.13RoyKblop: why? because they're worse?
10:42.23blopworse ?
10:42.33RoyKmore hardware specific problems
10:42.45RoyKno flashing of the card possible unless you ship it back to digium
10:42.45blophum :(
10:42.54RoyKno hardware hdlc
10:43.07RoyKno low-profile form factor
10:46.13Praktikant01cochi: still there ??
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10:55.23shadebobanyone known when digium change si3210 to si3215 SLIC on the FXS cards?
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11:03.25puzzledshadebob: no but it makes sense that they did it with the latest boardturn which I think would be with the release of the new cards that have hardware echo can on them
11:05.31shadebobpuzzled : I don't known why they change SLIC (price ?) because si3215 have less functionnality than si3210.... :s
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11:11.12puzzledshadebob: dunno. price is always important and if they don't need the funcitonality of the 3210 then why not use the 3215 if it suits their needs
11:12.47shadebobpuzzled : sure .... but too bad for me :s
11:21.58*** join/#asterisk surfdue (n=surfdue@unaffiliated/surfdue)
11:23.57clive-does anyone know how the intel 945 chipset performs with asterisk ?
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11:26.45[Latino]hi all, does anyone knows if a Grandstream ATA-488 (1FXS+1FXO) could be used as a Trunk of 1 channel ?
11:28.27*** join/#asterisk GenghisKhan (
11:28.48GenghisKhanhello all
11:29.12GenghisKhani'm having troubles with hooking my asterisk pbx to fwd
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11:45.10gr0mithas anyone got experienceof the Aastra IP phones?
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11:45.18pr0lo all
11:45.47gr0mitis it possible to get their buttons/LEDs to behave like the SNOMs with busy lamp field?
11:47.31frenzymy asterisk is going crazy
11:47.38frenzywith high load
11:48.39frenzyhow do I disable MOH and mpg123
11:48.53*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
11:49.01jontowin musiconhold.conf .. comment out any entries
11:49.08oobmetallica is a pornlink autogreeting spam bot in this chan
11:49.11jontowand then don't reference it in your dialplan
11:49.26jontowoob; anything good? :P
11:49.32jontowif not.. someone oughtta resolve that
11:49.35oobdidn't check
11:49.39jontowdon't blame ya
11:50.38jontowTURN HIM TO GLUE.. and.. i need coffee :/
11:50.56Ahrimanesmmm coffee
11:51.45*** join/#asterisk astadmin123 (
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11:52.52morlacanybody has some experience with chan_unicall?
11:53.11*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@
11:53.24frenzy[14:49] frenzy: "comment out"
11:53.25frenzy[14:50] frenzy: or comment it ?
11:53.31timecopremove it.
11:53.33timecopcomment it out.
11:53.48timecop> /etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf
11:53.49timecopor whatever.
11:53.54timecopmake it 0-bytes.
11:53.59*** join/#asterisk razu (
11:54.31astadmin123i have problem with FXO hanup, anybody can help me with that ?
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11:55.31frenzytimecop: sorry abt that.. got disconnected.. what I pasted was the last message my irc window displayed.
11:56.28*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@
11:56.39*** join/#asterisk Freman (
11:56.51Fremanwhich version of zaptel drivers should I be looking at
11:57.17Fremangentoo has 1.0.9 which is keyworded, or 1.2.0 which is hardmasked... is it worth trying the 1.2.0 driver?
11:57.27frenzy; Music on hold class definitions
11:57.28frenzy;default => quietmp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
11:57.28frenzy;;default => mp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
11:57.29frenzy;random => quietmp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3,-z
11:57.31frenzy;unbuffered => mp3nb:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
11:57.33frenzy;quietunbuf => quietmp3nb:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
11:57.35frenzy; Note that the custom mode cannot handle escaped parameters (specifically embedded spaces)
11:57.37frenzy;manual => custom:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3,/usr/bin/mpg123 -q -r 8000 -f 8192 -b 2048 --mono -s
11:57.41pr0asterisk 1.0.9 is lewt
11:57.50frenzythats my musiconhold.conf... had commented it before..
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11:58.07Fremanno, zaptel driver
11:58.10Fremannot asterisk version
11:59.03pr0um, i'm running zaptel-1.0.9.tar.gz as well
11:59.07pr0stable as shit
11:59.22pr0but... still has fxo problems here in south africa
12:01.49lethal-grany1 has a pri isdn?
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12:02.35BhaalsterAlright, quicky question, how do I add a timeout rule?  instead of numbers just put 't' ?
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12:04.25Fremanexten => t,1,whatever
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12:09.57Mimmushi, can I ask a question?
12:10.16*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
12:11.00frenzyMimmus: isnt that already a question ?
12:11.10Mimmusfrenzy: it's true!
12:11.41Mimmushow can I debug txfax?
12:12.04MimmusI put simple .call file under .../outgoing, it disappears without results
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12:14.05timecopwatch the console
12:14.29Mimmusa simple 'asterisk -vvvr' no?
12:18.38MmmmToophi guys...has anyone tested the voice quality on Asterisk
12:18.57MmmmToopI have seen a few benchmarks like MOS etc. but wondering how to test
12:18.58frenzyhuh ?
12:19.18frenzyyou can dial 600 to do an echo test
12:19.37MmmmToopMOS (Mean Option Score) = 4 (> = toll quality)
12:20.01MmmmToopoh...will give it a bash
12:25.19Mimmustxfax doesn't output anything, how can I debug it?
12:26.34Mimmusasterisk 'eats' file I put under /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing but doesn't output anything
12:26.44lethal-grany1 tried receiving+trasmitting fax? i am using digium fxo/fxs pci card
12:27.02Mimmuslethal-gr: I'm using a Digium TE410P card
12:27.29Mimmuswith a E1 line
12:28.16lethal-grMimmus:E1 = channels?
12:28.35Mimmuslethal-gr: E1 = 30 channels
12:28.54lethal-grMimmus:here is called PRI
12:29.12lethal-grMimmus:where did you bought the card?
12:29.32Mimmuslethal-gr: PRI everywhere! T1 in usa, E1 in europe
12:29.49lethal-grMimmus:c00l i c
12:30.16Mimmuslethal-gr: I bought card from an online italian reseller
12:30.48Mimmuslethal-gr: 1300 euro
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12:36.33Rav1974hello everybody
12:36.57Rav1974I wanted to know if anyone has experience with the ADIT 600
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12:40.06robbinshey folks, any * utilities that will bind to zap interfaces and dump the frequencies it sees from the telco??
12:42.05RoyKdon't think so... you mean the layer 1 stuff?
12:42.26Rav1974does anyone use ADSI?
12:44.36robbinsyeah, specifically dailtone frequency, ringing frequency, etc.
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12:53.29Fremanthat would rock
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12:53.41cjkj #gentoo
12:53.42Fremancos then I could rip the cover off the network card and lay the digium card down on it's side with a pci riser
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12:57.05KattyHmmhesays: i got debian up.
12:57.41Kattyand sound works too (=
12:58.09Hmm-homealsa is good that way
12:58.38Kattyi just worked.
12:58.44Kattydon't know if it's using alsa...didn't look
12:59.00Kattynow i get to play with that machine which has a serial mouse :/
12:59.08Hmm-homeoss works too
13:00.56Hmm-homeopen sound system?
13:01.59Hmm-homei think thats right
13:02.08Hmm-homeok time to go to work and play with SER some more
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13:05.59bhimaWow. Sixtel activated my DID today!
13:06.20bhimaI only requested it, like, six months ago.
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13:07.42jac]Z[obyanyone can halp with the asterisk webmin module?
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13:07.52jac]Z[obyhalp = help
13:08.22jac]Z[obyi got webmin installed
13:08.30jac]Z[obynow i want the asterisk moule integrated
13:09.00jac]Z[obythere is a module for download at the
13:09.19jac]Z[obyand within the webmin you can install modules
13:09.47jac]Z[obyonly the problem is the t it responds with : cant'find
13:11.19ManxPowerjac]Z[oby: the webmin modules is old, not maintained, and does not work,.
13:11.36*** join/#asterisk qwer^^ (n=muja@
13:11.41jac]Z[obyhmm thx
13:12.08jac]Z[obynow im sad
13:12.14jac]Z[obywell  anyway thx a lot
13:12.22jac]Z[obywill be back when ive got more questions
13:12.28*** part/#asterisk jac]Z[oby (n=me@
13:13.21qwer^^sir we need help one of our asterisk server sending traffic to n2p is having a problem. conjestion is the message we get for all calls
13:13.39*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
13:14.42qwer^^sir kram can u help us
13:15.35qwer^^sir jerjer can u help us
13:18.22lethal-grso what is the best codec for voip over adsl lines?
13:19.14ManxPowerI can't handle all these newbie questions
13:19.16*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
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13:19.29Fracturethe beta site looks great ;)
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13:22.38manypoor manx.
13:22.43lethal-grManxPower this must be the master of voip. :PPp
13:24.22lethal-gror he must have knew all from the day he was born
13:24.22*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
13:24.47MmmmToopnot sure if this clasifies as an advanced question! ...hope it does: ...busy setting up voice it better to do it in agents.conf or manually in extensions.conf?
13:25.35FremanI've trained the cats to chase car keyhs
13:25.45Fremannow I just need to let them out side and see what they bring hime
13:26.39*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
13:26.48vrmI'm looking for chips for building sip/voip phones
13:27.03mutdoritos make good phones!
13:27.17*** join/#asterisk jimmy_deanPB (
13:27.57Mimmusasterisk doesn't elaborate .call file under /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing. Any help?
13:29.28bhimaChips for building VoIP phones? Have you tried digikey?
13:30.12Rav1974does anyone use ADSI?  What is the status of its development?
13:31.22drumkillaSomeone try to go to real quick
13:31.44cpatrydrumkilla: GREAT! :)
13:32.00drumkillajust stopped responding for me ...
13:32.14drumkillaah, there it goes
13:32.36cpatryit was slow like hell before, that would be great now.
13:33.51*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (i=negative@
13:33.58Hmmhesaysfear not Hmmhesays has returned
13:34.11qwer^^somebody help our server is down
13:34.15KattyHmmhesays: :>
13:34.17*** join/#asterisk funxion (
13:34.24Hmmhesayswhy is it down
13:34.30HmmhesaysKatty :)
13:34.47qwer^^it shows conjestion for all calls
13:35.07funxiondoes anyone know of a handheld keyboard/display combo to carry around a data center ?
13:35.09cpatryfor zap?
13:35.45bhimafunxion: You mean you want a handheld VT320 style terminal?
13:36.47funxionnot really a terminal but more a like a small laptop display, keyboard, and mouse to hook vga and ps2 to servers in data center
13:37.18bhimaso you want a small keyboard and a VGA display?
13:37.31bhimaps2 connectors are not hot swappable.
13:37.37qwer^^is there anybody who can be a helping hand
13:37.44Hmmhesaysqwer^^: first thing you can do it reboot
13:37.56funxionis what I meant
13:37.56Hmmhesayssecond thing you can do is post your error with verbosity up on
13:38.20r0mgood afternoon
13:38.34bhimafunxion: get a small USB keyboard, and the smallest VGA LCD you can buy?
13:39.00funxionIm trying to find them connected I saw some guys in 60 hudson that had them
13:39.01bhimafunxion: or set up your data center properly with either serial console or KVM switches.
13:39.08funxionha ha
13:39.28funxionI have tons of KVM's I need to get rid of them running out of space in data center
13:39.33funxionneed the rack room
13:39.44bhimaGet denser KVM swtiches, then.
13:39.58funxionthey dont really exist
13:40.27bhimaPlugging in VGA connectors all day long to look at machines doesn't seem like a good way to run a data center.
13:40.55bhimaGet an LCD display and a keyboard and duct tape them together.
13:41.20funxionwell most of them are controlled remotely or dont need to be touched but in the vent that you need a console which is rare I would like to have a space saving way of doing it
13:41.56funxionIm losing at least 48U in rack space to KVM's and prolly another 30 to rackmount folding lcd's
13:42.58bhimaHow much rack space do you have total?
13:43.23funxionwe hav like 26 cabinets and maybe 30 or so aluminum racks
13:43.36funxionplus a DMS and liebert
13:45.00*** join/#asterisk _DAW (
13:45.21Hmmhesaysfunky cold medina
13:45.27*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
13:45.58*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (i=beige@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Corydon76-home)
13:46.18Ariel_hello everyone
13:46.20funxionone of my coworkers went to high school with tone loc
13:46.24Hmmhesaysmorning ariel
13:46.28Hmmhesayshaha really funxion?
13:46.38funxiontthats what he says
13:47.05Hmmhesaysmy dad was roomates with a guy who went to highschool with prince
13:47.43mishehumy uncle was friends with mandy patinkin in high school.
13:48.00mishehu(for those who don't know who mandy patinkin is, think the princess bride)
13:48.12*** join/#asterisk mutil (n=animenod@
13:49.23funxionI used to live down the street from Jeff gordon
13:49.39funxionwhen he won his first brick yard 400
13:49.48*** join/#asterisk Eminence (
13:50.01Ariel_ok so what's with the celb talk today...?
13:50.20Rav1974does anyone use ADSI?  What is the status of its development?
13:50.37devonst17|bedI met john draper
13:50.44*** join/#asterisk Saulgood (n=Saulgood@
13:50.47*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:50.52Ariel_Rav1974, asterisk supports version 1 not version 2. And other then that it's dead
13:52.40r0mi met marc gold
13:53.29*** join/#asterisk DeeJayTwo (
13:53.44*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
13:53.50jbotdocs is, like, Documentation can be found at or or or or
13:53.56jbotmailinglist is, like, Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
13:54.25Ariel_wow ManxPower just pop in and posts the doc's...morning
13:54.34*** join/#asterisk newl (
13:54.35ManxPowerAriel_: Trust me, the channel needs it.
13:54.36Rav1974Ariel_ thanks for the info
13:55.13*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
13:55.28ManxPowerSO many people here this morning that have not read the docs nor the mailing list archives.
13:55.57*** join/#asterisk pa (n=Paolo@unaffiliated/pa)
13:56.08Ariel_I see. I did not get in till after 9:40 am...(Was at a customer since 7am)
13:58.42ManxPowerUse less power?
13:58.43*** join/#asterisk burmese986419 (n=cheebuu@
13:59.04Ariel_ManxPower, yes I wish. It's so hot that the A/C dose not stop all day.
13:59.23ManxPowerAh.  Still in the south.
13:59.33*** join/#asterisk oden (
13:59.42ManxPowerAriel_: What do you consider a "high electric bill"?
13:59.49Ariel_ManxPower, yes but from the call I got this morning it's even hotter in New York.
13:59.50*** join/#asterisk tobiasWolf (n=konversa@
13:59.53Rav1974anyone have an adit 600 manual
14:00.26ManxPowerThat's pretty high.  Have you considered levalized billing?
14:00.27Nivexjeebus!  My highest bill was $105 in central NC.
14:00.42ManxPowerNivex: Um, it's a lot hotter in florida
14:00.51Ariel_My winter bill is around 97.00
14:00.58NivexApparently about 150% hotter :)
14:01.16ManxPowerIn New Orleans it's not uncommmon for people to have $400/month power bills.
14:01.25ManxPowerNivex: Actually more than %150 hotter.
14:01.36tobiasWolfhi all
14:01.44ManxPowerSince in the north it's not hot EVERY day and it cools down at night.
14:01.48Ariel_We have a weathy power co. Called Florida Power and Light. That most of there Officers make more then 2 mil per year.
14:02.14Katty<windows> i know! let's update the kernel without the option of reverting!
14:02.15Ariel_temp at night has been in the low 80's
14:02.16ManxPowerMy power bill is about $105/month all year.
14:02.22Ariel_Katty, morning
14:02.29Katty<window> and we'll even make it so that if it goofs something up, you won't be able to use your computer!
14:02.31ManxPowerbut I have levalized billing.
14:02.36Katty<windowsusers> yay, updates!
14:02.43Katty<katty> :<<
14:03.20ManxPowerKatty: Just treat Windows like a man.  i.e. if he pisses you off kick it in the nuts and find a different one.
14:03.33KattyManxPower: funny.
14:03.39ManxPowerI heard Linux is very sexy.
14:03.54KattyManxPower: i think you sorta missed the point.
14:03.56KattyManxPower: that was a rant.
14:04.06KattyManxPower: it requires no solutions, suggestions, or fixlets.
14:04.28KattyAriel_: :>
14:04.38tobiasWolfcan anybody give me a clue what i have to do, if i want * to deliver in landline to sms to an sms capable phone ? from phone to * runs perfectly and the sms are stored in files, now i want these file to be delivered back into the phones but everytime i try to connect to the phone it rings and you hang take the call. that cannot be correct because the sms should be received silently
14:04.39ManxPowerKatty: I know.  I like to rant too.
14:04.51*** join/#asterisk zoo (
14:04.59KattyManxPower: i see. then i have no idea why you were making suggestions.
14:05.16ManxPowerKatty: Because I'm trying to be funny.  Apparently failing at it 8-)
14:05.25KattyManxPower: i see.
14:05.34Ariel_tobiasWolf, you need to send them via a sms gateway
14:05.45ManxPowertobiasWolf: very few people use SMS with Asterisk.  Your search of the mailing lists did not give you anything useful?
14:06.28ManxPowertobiasWolf: where are you located?
14:06.31*** join/#asterisk chendy (
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14:07.40tobiasWolfariel: well, the docu states that with app_sms can act as an service center
14:08.05ManxPowertobiasWolf: that would be for INCOMING calls.
14:08.34ManxPowerGoogle: Results 1 - 10 of about 788 from for  sms
14:08.40tobiasWolfmanxpower: yes, this way is no problem
14:09.00tobiasWolfmanxpower: sure, had google on it myself, but no real solution
14:09.03tobiasWolffor me
14:09.04ManxPowerso I ask again, did you read the mailing list archive messages and I ask again where you are located.
14:09.14KattyHmmhesays: paging Hmmhesays to the front desk.
14:09.55*** join/#asterisk Mimmus (
14:10.33Mimmusplease help me: I'm struggling since two days with txfax
14:10.39ManxPowerAt least you are in Germany so you have a chance to make it work
14:10.44tobiasWolfmanxpower: yes i think i have read every useful source of information. i am located in germany with normal isdn connection
14:10.49*** join/#asterisk Francois (
14:11.03KattyHmmhesays: i have a definition that does not parse.
14:11.03ManxPowertobiasWolf: you need to dial your SMSC
14:11.17ManxPowerMimmus: ask a question.
14:11.30tobiasWolfmanxpower: you mean the smsc of the telekom ??
14:11.35Mimmushow can I debug txfax? asterisk takes .call file under outgoing but doesn't elaborate it
14:11.37KattyHmmhesays: cabaret.
14:11.41Katty`Sauron: :>
14:11.50`SauronWhat up
14:11.55PoWeRKiLLSomeone know how to dial a * in the sipura ?
14:11.55Hmmhesayswhatchu talkin' bout Katty
14:12.17ManxPowerMimmus: stop Asterisk, then start asterisk as "asterisk -cvvvddd"  That will give you additional debugging information
14:12.32MimmusManxPower: immediately!
14:12.37ManxPowerPoWeRKiLL: you press the * key on the phone.
14:12.55Katty`Sauron: thankfully not my weight. you?
14:13.13*** join/#asterisk jake1932 (
14:13.53darkskiezwhat codecs are best at handling packet loss
14:14.00PoWeRKiLLManxPower I try but I get busy tone
14:14.04ManxPowertobiasWolf: and you read the README.sms
14:14.15ManxPowerPoWeRKiLL: then you are not allowing it in your sipura dialplan
14:14.49PoWeRKiLLManxPower I know but change to what ?
14:15.26tobiasWolfmanxpower: sure, yes
14:15.31Katty`Sauron: gosh. sounds so....busy and interesting.
14:15.34ManxPowerPoWeRKiLL: Um, you don't understand dialplans in the Sipura?
14:15.47*** join/#asterisk SexyKen (
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14:15.54tobiasWolf2. Connection to an POTS line with an SMS capable phone to send messages - probably initiated via the m
14:15.55tobiasWolfanager interface or "Outgoing" directory
14:16.02PoWeRKiLLYes I add *x.| but it's desn't allow to dial *
14:16.17ManxPowerwell paste the dialplan line?
14:16.47*** join/#asterisk vurd (
14:17.13Ariel_I really hate the IVR for big company's
14:17.45*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
14:18.01ManxPower*xx and *x. are redundant redundant
14:18.18ManxPowerI assume you have the exact same dialplan for all lines on the sipura?
14:18.19vurdHello,... tell me please way to configure asterisk... with SIP clients... and sip asterisk must send 302 moved temporary to another asterisk
14:18.49ManxPowerand I assume you have exten => _*x. in your extensions.conf?
14:18.51brad_msswPoWeRKiLL: are you talking about the sipura 841 ?
14:19.46vurdI should edit extensions.conf for this feature ?
14:20.12PoWeRKiLLManxPower yes I have it
14:20.17Ariel_the sipura 841 uses many *XX for internal settings
14:20.17ManxPowervurd: no need to.  Asterisk will honour the 302
14:20.30PoWeRKiLLbrad_mssw I have both Sipura 1001 2100 and 841
14:20.34*** join/#asterisk TheSexyKen (
14:20.36brad_msswPoWeRKiLL: you have to do a couple of things ... first make sure you're in the advanced section
14:20.46brad_msswPoWeRKiLL: I just went through this like 2 days ago, and got it working on mine
14:20.58PoWeRKiLLKool please explain me :)
14:21.17ManxPowervurd: assuming the 302 just tells Asterisk an extension
14:21.19brad_msswadvanced of the admin login that is
14:21.41brad_msswunder regional, delete all the Veritical Service Activation Codes
14:22.15*** join/#asterisk der[mat] (
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14:22.18der[mat]hi *
14:22.24vurdManxPower, i need such envirement when sofphone attempt register on one asterisk it's recieve message 302 and go to asterisk 2 for registration
14:22.29brad_msswUnder Ext1 (and Ext2), use a dialplan of  x.|*.|**xxx|*xxx  ... or whatever is appropriate for your environment, it does seem to be somewhat buggy though
14:22.50ManxPowervurd: Why?
14:23.01vooduhalCan anyone tell me what the what the outbound proxy for asterlink is?
14:23.22brad_msswand set your DTMF Tx Method to AVT, and in your sip.conf  make sure you have  dtmfmode=rfc2833
14:23.37brad_msswPoWeRKiLL: and it should just work ... at least it worked for me
14:23.42*** join/#asterisk mkrufky (n=mk@
14:23.57ManxPowervurd: I don't believe Asterisk sends 302 messages, only receives them,
14:24.11*** part/#asterisk zoo (
14:24.14PoWeRKiLLI'm trying right now
14:24.14vurdManxPower, such testcases
14:24.16brad_msswPoWeRKiLL: the DTMF mode seemed very important ... and the dialplan is not 100% sane ... so you have to play with it
14:24.19der[mat]after installing asterisk-h323 as a .deb i can't found the h323.conf
14:25.07der[mat]but it must be there, or?
14:25.09PoWeRKiLLbrad_mssw it's not :( I trying to call forward byt dialing *21*Number and i got busy tone when dialing *21*
14:25.19*** join/#asterisk SexyKen (
14:25.24ManxPowervurd: What are you trying to accomplish?  What problem are you trying to solve?
14:25.32*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
14:26.02ManxPowerPoWeRKiLL: Um, *xx will match *21 then send the call to asterisk.
14:26.10ManxPowerso *x, is never called.
14:26.39PoWeRKiLLManxPower so why it's not working ?
14:26.56ManxPowerPoWeRKiLL: could be one reason
14:27.09ManxPoweris the call ACTUALLY getting to Asterisk?
14:27.20brad_msswPoWeRKiLL: ok, you probably want to add *xx*x.  to your dialplan  ...
14:27.32brad_msswPoWeRKiLL: like I said, the 841 dialplan gave me lots of issues
14:27.44ManxPowerDoes this work? (*x.|[3469]11|0|00|[2-9]xxxxxx|1xxx[2-9]xxxxxxS0|xxxxxxxxxxxx.)
14:27.48vurdManxPower, I want next... when softphone register at one asterisk... asterisk tell to softphone 302... and it go to another asterisk
14:28.01ManxPowervurd: Why?
14:28.05ManxPowervurd: Asterisk CANNOT do that.
14:28.07brad_msswManxPower: that did not work for me when i tried it
14:28.14brad_msswManxPower: unless my firmware revision is flaky
14:28.34vurdManxPower, it may be usefull when asterisk very busy .... and another asterisk will help first
14:28.38ManxPowerwell 0 and 00 overlap
14:28.39*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
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14:28.49ManxPowervurd: you cannot do that with Asterisk
14:29.20ManxPowervurd: Asterisk is NOT a SIP proxy.
14:29.46*** join/#asterisk doughnut_42 (
14:30.34Dovidmorning all
14:30.47Dovidanyone here have the Snom 360 ?
14:30.56pr0not me
14:31.03pr0got some 190s around here
14:31.05*** join/#asterisk coppice (
14:31.23Dovidi programmed it from the phone but i cant seem to set the password
14:31.25hugo-v6pr0: working with leds vor ie voicemail and stuff?
14:31.45DovidManxPower: I love polycom too but u goto do what the clients want
14:32.14pr0I dont think I like the snoms anymore... their network-ports suck
14:32.23pr0gotta wiggle them every now and then to work
14:32.47lathos42ManxPower: Have you had any problems with your polycoms crashing?
14:32.51*** join/#asterisk Maaaaaaa (
14:32.54Dovidand how do i give it a firmware update ?
14:33.14ManxPowerlathos42: no.
14:33.19PoWeRKiLLbrad_mssw trying
14:33.21hugo-v6pr0: whats about the leds? working for voicemail?
14:33.27pr0The best way is in the web-interface
14:33.40pr0hugo, the led comes on when a voicemail is left
14:33.51pr0but I didnt do anything special to make it work
14:33.56ManxPowerSomeone that saw one of my posts and just called me has experienced first hand what happens when you make an unsolicited call to ManxPower
14:33.59*** join/#asterisk JP_ (n=JP@
14:34.02djindoes anyone have a quick link for E1 crosscable pinlayout?
14:34.04hugo-v6mkay. sounds good.
14:34.21lathos42ManxPower: Didja put the hurt on 'em?
14:34.28ManxPowerdjin: AFIK it's the dame as T-1 crossover.
14:34.34pr0Did it according to that yello
14:34.40ManxPowerlathos42: I managed to just be mean.
14:34.47pr0Did it according to that yello 'voip telephony with asterisk' book
14:34.50*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
14:34.57lathos42ManxPower: That's not as much fun as being cruel
14:34.58djinManxPower, ok: does anyone have a quick link for T1 crosscable pinlayout?  :)
14:35.19ManxPowerlathos42: well he WAS wanting to buy services from me.  Services I don't sell, but still....
14:35.30ManxPowerdjin: I always just look at the diagrams on the WIKI
14:35.37lathos42ManxPower: Well I guess that's slightly forgivable then
14:35.58pr0ManxPower, thats right son, prostitution is never the right way
14:36.16ManxPowerThe guy posted he wanted $0.05/min rates.  That is easy.  He REALLY wanted $0.005 rates.
14:36.41pr0thats a bit rough, thats like cheaper than diamondcard
14:36.51djinManxPower: Stupid me, found it. Thanks
14:36.55file[laptop]cheap people
14:36.56lathos42What a tricky beast that decimal
14:37.01ManxPowerpr0: He's not going to get those rates without MASSIVE comitments.
14:37.12ManxPowerSince I don't sell VoIP services, I could not help him.
14:37.16pr0****zzzziiiiip :)
14:37.35ManxPowerdjin: the Wiki is useful for a few things 8-)
14:38.01lathos42I should probably get to figuring out what is wrong with the interaction between my SPA-3000 and my Polycom IP 501
14:38.03djinManxPower, I know, I know . . :)
14:38.20ManxPowerdjin: The Wiki is pretty useless for a lot of things.
14:38.52ManxPowerdjin: but the cable diagrams and the tellabs info is useful 8-)
14:39.22*** join/#asterisk TheSexyKen (
14:39.43PoWeRKiLLI got it :) (00[1-9]x.|*xx.|x|*xx*x.)
14:40.21lathos42ManxPower: You scared him away
14:40.40lathos42Oh wait, different nick
14:40.55ManxPowerlathos42: Maybe my three meter tall mouse scared him away.
14:41.31cpatrywhen using a GET DATA with 5 digits how can i do, if the user press, for example, *, it stops the get data and doesnt wait to other digit?
14:41.36*** join/#asterisk pr0- (
14:41.39cpatryi see a need here.
14:42.58cpatrylathos42: u'r the nerd here :)
14:43.33tobiasWolfmanxpower: i have reread some sources just to make sure i haven't overlooked sth. but i am pretty sure of that i understand it correct that the doku and the wiki states the app_sms is capable in acting as an smsc and delivering an sms directly to an phone (not over another smsc from an telco). but there is no direkt hint how to do it. i guess that nobody can give a little help?
14:43.52vooduhalCan anyone tell me what the what the outbound proxy for asterlink is?
14:44.45vooduhalThank you file[laptop].
14:45.05lathos42cpatry: I'm not a nerd, I just play one on TV
14:45.51*** join/#asterisk SexyKen (
14:46.17ManxPowerfile[laptop]: AsterLink's lack of a support link disturbs me.
14:46.41file[laptop]you get a welcome letter when you signup, it even contains my personal e-mail address :P
14:46.44*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (i=negative@
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14:47.06file[laptop]plus if you click Company there's links/phone numbers
14:48.19*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
14:48.27file[laptop]I need foooooood
14:49.09*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
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14:50.20*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
14:50.32Hmmhesaysfood is good
14:50.38Hmmhesaysi could use a fair dog right about now
14:50.46MimmusManxPower: restarting asterisk with -vvvvddd seems to help with my problem (txfax doesn't work). Thanks
14:50.50anthmbut brain surgery sucks
14:53.49*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
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14:56.07Mimmus(msg msan sto riavviando il faxserver aziendale (piantato pe ri fatti suoi...), per verificare il tutto.
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15:02.53*** join/#asterisk Lee__ (
15:04.13Ariel_why do people think I am going to think that a person form uganda has 10,000,000 dollars for me? And all I need to do is write them back. Why?
15:04.15Lee__what might be the cause of a bunch of: NOTICE[921]: chan_iax2.c:4937 register_verify: No registration for peer   log entries? I have one user defined as type=user. What's up with the "peer" error?
15:05.34Kattyi've a 133 running debian. gnome and kde are too resource hoggy. suggestions?
15:05.40Lee__Ariel_: because all you have to do is give them your bank account information. It's that easy!
15:05.49Lee__Katty: uhhh, don't run X?
15:05.52Hmmhesaysbeause uganda natives are all rich
15:05.55KattyLee__: very funny
15:06.24Lee__what's wrong with not running X? you obviously have a crappy computer and are willing to compromise.
15:06.39*** join/#asterisk keef (n=btktech@
15:06.45Lee__I'm rocking the PII 233 laptop without a curses web browser and movie player.
15:06.55Lee__and full mouse support via gpm
15:06.57Ariel_133 is really really old
15:07.00keefGotta love the PII
15:07.03GreyFoxxOr just use a less resource intensive window manager :)
15:07.37*** join/#asterisk royth (n=royth@
15:08.06Lee__keef: a friend gave it to me because it was "broken". turns out the power button was chipped off. I hot-wired it and it turned on.
15:08.24keefThats tight, I got a P2 cuz some one was tossing it out.
15:08.30KattyLee__: the problem is that people here don't know how to use linux.
15:08.35keefWorks fine for me, actually I use it everyday
15:08.36KattyLee__: and they must use x
15:08.43Lee__Katty: perhaps you should spend some time learning then?
15:08.50Ariel_Katty, there are lots of use for X
15:08.52Kattyi know how to use linux, dear.
15:08.55Kattyit's my coworkers that don't
15:09.03Lee__so how is an xterm going to help them?
15:09.18Lee__cause that's all you'll get on a P133
15:09.19KattyAriel_: how about fluxbox?
15:09.24KattyAriel_: how's that on resources?
15:09.27Ariel_Katty, have you looked at an special desktop linux distro that really works well... ubuntu
15:09.31keefDoes anyone in here, know of any good tools for monitoring *servers?
15:09.38KattyAriel_: no, i'm using debian.
15:09.47KattyAriel_: end of story.
15:09.49*** join/#asterisk shadebob (
15:09.49keefmy co-worker and myself just set up to servers with about 50 phones
15:09.50Ariel_Katty, it's based on debian
15:09.56KattyAriel_: i don't want ubuntu.
15:09.59keefubuntu is tight
15:10.00KattyAriel_: i am running debian.
15:10.06Kattythere is no discussion
15:10.13Kattythank you :)
15:10.17Kattyright. back to x.
15:10.24yellowsnowKatty: fluxbox / busybox and XFCE are doing fine on me debian 133 laptop
15:10.43keefmy co-workers swears by debian
15:10.53Kattyyellowsnow: thanks (=
15:11.07Lee__I fail to understand how a slow ass web browser in a windows manager is more "user friendly" than a curses browser with a mouse pointer.
15:11.34Lee__if you're going ghetto, do it right.
15:12.28keefgetting just one way convo?  can you hear anything on either end?
15:12.34Lee__keef: AFAIK there's no good way to monitor lots of phones in realtime. prolly some commercial app that will do it.
15:12.40*** join/#asterisk NSGN (
15:12.48NSGNhello again all
15:12.54lathos42keef: Yeah, the Polycom is sending Audio OK, and if I put the call on hold and pick it back up, the sound is fine
15:12.55keefthanks lee, we are working with  sip proxy now
15:13.06keefLathos, its your RTP is not working
15:13.19keefI had that extact same problem, check your firewalls
15:13.25NSGNwell...i have run into a pretty stupid problem. my paypal account is messed up. anybody know what stores that might be locally accessible might have one of those clone cards?
15:13.45der[mat]can someone give me an example for the extensions.conf when using a third party gatekeeper?
15:13.56Lee__SIP + NAT == forward UDP ports 10000 - 20000 to Asterisk. gotta love SIP!
15:13.59keefyou have to make sure you are allowing ports 10000->200000 UDP or you will get that problem
15:14.05lathos42keef: What if I told you that both of the devices are plugged into the Same switch, and I dont have any firewall rules running on my * box?
15:14.26keefhmmmm that is really odd,
15:14.26Darwin35morning mikej and the group
15:14.29ManxPowerlathos42: what codec?
15:14.29lathos42ManxPower: ulaw
15:14.43ManxPowerlathos42: you confirmed this using "sip show channels" during an active call?
15:14.55Darwin35whats wron mikej ?
15:15.19lathos42ManxPower: Yep
15:15.30NSGNanybody know if any hardware like that could be found local?
15:16.37ManxPowerlathos42: do you see RTP happening when you do a tcpdump?
15:16.37keeflathlos: your sure you have IPtables off?  Assuming your running VOIP on a linux/unix box
15:17.12lathos42To thicken the plot further, its only the fxo port on the SPA-3000 that has a problem with the Polycom.. I can call the extension that i've registered to the fxs port just fine
15:17.49keefHas anyone used Argus, or Naigos to monitor SIP and IXA???
15:18.28lathos42And I can call out on the fxo port with my SPA-841 just fine
15:19.15ManxPowerlathos42: do you see RTP happening when you do a tcpdump?
15:19.29ManxPowernothing useful in sip debug either?
15:19.39lathos42ManxPower:  I'm compiling tcpdump right now.. didnt have it installed
15:19.44ManxPowerlathos42: you confirmed this using "sip show channels" during an active call?
15:20.10lathos42ManxPower:  Confirmed that its using ulaw?  Yep
15:20.36ManxPowergood, since the SIPuras like to use G726 if it's allowed
15:20.59file[laptop]yay no more crashy
15:21.09lathos42ManxPower:  let me make sure that the Sipuras are using Ulaw together.. I thought you were asking about the polycom..
15:21.54lathos42Yep, the SIPuras are both using Ulaw when they call each other
15:22.35*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
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15:23.43Hmmhesaysthis usb mouse in X is pissing me off
15:25.07tszmany thoughts on whats the best (easiest, stable..) distro for * ? dedicated box..
15:25.26crash3mif I grep for "DEBUG\[####\]" in var/log/asterisk/messages, the #### will only pertain to a certain call right?
15:26.01*** join/#asterisk toddf (
15:26.35Hmmhesaysdebian works ok
15:26.48Hmmhesaysthere are a lot of redhat/fedora core fans in here too
15:27.00Hmmhesayscent os
15:28.09tszmyeah i was gonna do a bsd cause we have that on one of the servers but looks a bit tricky?..
15:28.15tszmmore used to debian
15:28.29tszmbut am tempted to redhat seems more common..
15:28.39Ariel_tszm, if you know or are used to debian then use it. It does work well
15:29.09lathos42ManxPower:  I'm currently trying to filter out rtp traffic..  the network is very chatty today
15:29.09tszmis there a particular kerenel etc .. just use stable?
15:30.20Ariel_tszm, I have found that for now 2.4 works great. 2.6 is also working but somethings need some extra settings
15:31.46keefI have head that cent OS is having trouble with MYSQL can anyone confirm?
15:31.55Hmmhesayswell I suppose editing the right X config file would be cool
15:31.59*** join/#asterisk azrishahril (n=azrishah@
15:32.06keefWe have two *servers running cent, seem to be fairly stable
15:32.06Ariel_keef, not on my systems there not
15:32.08HmmhesaysAAH runs on centos with mysql just fine
15:32.27Ariel_I run all my servers with CentOS
15:32.37keefI have not seen any issues either, but my boss mentioned possible issues the other day
15:32.51Darwin35ok I have not gotten a responce from mantis from my account setup lastnight
15:32.51Ariel_I am now running all my desktop's with Ubuntu
15:32.52keefjust making sure I was not going to have a big problem on my hands in the future
15:33.11HmmhesaysI use frankendebian otherwise known as knoppix on desktops
15:33.13Ariel_keef, no one can garantee that.
15:33.15Darwin35I want to get this path in for stramplayer
15:33.27Darwin35patch even
15:33.38keefjust trying to head off any possible issues
15:33.45keefpatch even?
15:35.13Darwin35streamplayer.c patch
15:35.36*** join/#asterisk ap0ught (n=me@
15:36.02keefyo ap0ught
15:36.08ap0ughtyo keef
15:36.22lathos42ManxPower:  Well, for whatever reason, my computer isnt picking up the RTP traffic between my phones.. not even on the connection between the two SIPuras
15:36.24Darwin35mikj can I pass you the fix
15:36.54Darwin35mantis has not sent me any thing to confirm the account I created lastnight
15:36.59keeflathos42 are you in control of the network your on?  If not have your admin check for RTP traffic
15:37.04Darwin35wich is the one I plan to use
15:37.19keefwe have run into issues with the net admins blocking stuff and then we get one way comunications
15:37.30azrishahrili have multiple h323 gateway , how do i configure oh323 to route voice traffic to this multiple gateway ? i have done it with only 1 gateway . can anyone assist ?
15:38.04Hmmhesaysexten => _X.,1,DIAL(OH323/${EXTEN}@gateway1)
15:38.12Hmmhesaysexten => _X.,2,DIAL(OH323/${EXTEN}@gateway2)
15:38.17*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
15:38.21Hmmhesaysexten => _X.,3,DIAL(OH323/${EXTEN}@gateway3)
15:38.24Hmmhesayssomething like that
15:39.03azrishahrilwhat is every gateway has different set of configuration such as different type of FastStart , TunnelingMode ?
15:39.06lathos42keef:  Well, being the network admin, I can say with 99.999999 assurance that nothing internally is being blocked.. and I do see RTP traffic, just not between my phones
15:39.20Hmmhesayssumnabiatch, this usb mouse is kicking my arse
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15:39.40ManxPowerLOL!  I dialed a fax machine on one speakerphone while I was on another speakerphone with someone.  The voice call detected the fax tone and disabled echocan
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15:40.26azrishahrilHmmhesays : any tips on how to configure multiple h323-gw with different FastStart / TunnelingMode ?
15:40.41ManxPowerI NEVER have echo.
15:40.45file[laptop]hot-n-sexy Hmmhesays YAY
15:40.45Hmmhesaysazrishahril: nope, those parameters are global
15:40.51Hmmhesayshey file, fix my X
15:40.51mmlj4hey ManxPower :-)
15:40.57mmlj4hope you feel better soon
15:41.04ManxPowermmlj4: Me too.
15:41.21mmlj4what dreaded disease did they decide you have?
15:41.39ManxPowerI have NO energy, I'm grumpy, my sinuses are all messed up, and I have no energy, but at least my chest isn't hurting anymore.
15:41.45file[laptop]Hmmhesays: rm -rf /
15:41.48file[laptop]that fixes everything
15:41.50ManxPowermmlj4: bronchitus(sp!)
15:41.52Hmmhesaysi know!
15:41.56mmlj4ah, yeah...
15:42.26Darwin35who can I get to put his one patch on the mantis
15:42.30*** join/#asterisk yogurt2ungue (
15:42.33Darwin35hey Manx
15:42.37Darwin35how goees
15:42.38*** join/#asterisk LordWolF (n=wolf@
15:42.52LordWolFsup all
15:43.11lathos42keef, ManxPower: Could it possibly be something with the configuration of the Polycom in the sip.conf?  I'm able to call other extensions with the Polycom just fine.. just not the darned fxo port for some reason
15:43.13azrishahrilHmmhesays : one of my h323 enabled ; h245Tunnelling=yes while the other one configured with h245Tunnelling=no
15:43.43Hmmhesaysazrishahril: what are you talking about
15:43.53file[laptop]why am I watching Dawson's Creek?
15:44.19ManxPowerlathos42: no idea.
15:44.20Hmmhesaysok if I alt-ctrl-backspace that should restart X right, and thusly my new mouse settings take effect
15:44.30file[laptop]Hmmhesays: yesssss
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15:44.51azrishahrilHmmhesays : AS5x00 configured with h245Tunneling = yes while my other h323-gw configured with h245Tunneling = no
15:45.07Hmmhesaysazrishahril: then you have a problem
15:45.23dtwilsonhello all - anybody here use Xorcom rapid? I've just installed on a box with two x101p cards - they've been detected fine but can't seem to dial in or out through the pstn
15:46.19keeflathos: It is possible, but I am not really sure either... Unfortunatly I don't have any polycoms to test with
15:46.56azrishahrilHmmhesays : maybe i shall try chan_oh323 then ... h323.conf does not require me to specify h245Tunneling . what do you think ?
15:47.03ManxPowerlathos42: try turning off reinvites
15:47.12Hmmhesaysazrishahril: you are mistaken
15:47.12ap0ughtthe snoms are great to find out what is happening end to end.
15:47.16ManxPowerazrishahril: there are FOUR h323 drivers for Asterisk.
15:47.50bkw_file[laptop], unlink / is much faster
15:48.12bkw_azrishahril, you need h323?
15:48.16bkw_use chan_woomera
15:48.20bkw_works like a charm
15:48.24Kattywoo mura
15:48.31bkw_woo ma rah
15:48.32azrishahrilchan_woomera ?
15:48.45bkw_woo mah ruh
15:48.45Kattybkw_: i'll woo your ma rah in a minute.
15:48.51ManxPowerazrishahril: I was thinging chan_ooh323 which is in asterisk-addons CVS
15:49.35Kattylike a trans am in 6th gear.
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15:49.48file[laptop]yay outside
15:49.53Kattyfile[laptop]: yay!
15:50.01bkw_fresh air
15:50.04bkw_NO NO NO
15:50.11file[laptop]yes, outside
15:50.23bkw_Katty, never
15:50.27bkw_I don't drink often
15:50.38Kattymaybe you should start ;)
15:50.41astadmin123someone one can help me to resolve this issue
15:50.45astadmin123WARNING[1791]: channel.c:472 ast_channel_walk_locked: Avoided initial deadlock for 'Zap/3-1', 10 retries!
15:50.49bkw_because I talk a lot.. and shake a lot of hands apparetnly
15:50.56Kattyyes, yes you do.
15:51.07ManxPowerastadmin123: your search of the mailing list archives didn't help?
15:51.14Hmmhesaysok, this is just pissing me off
15:51.14lathos42ManxPower: Turning off Reinvites did the trick
15:51.18bkw_astadmin123, thats um asterisk doing this... "I don't suck.. I don't suck.. I don't suck"  then sometimes it goes "Doh, I suck!"
15:51.28Darwin35bkw got a min
15:51.31keefManxPower: you got the knowledge!
15:51.33*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
15:51.34bkw_same thing
15:51.45Hmmhesaysanyone familiar with mice in X?
15:51.46Kattyda powur
15:51.49file[laptop]my neighbor is outside too on his deck
15:51.53file[laptop]I can see/hear him
15:51.53KattyHmmhesays: i just got done with mine :P
15:52.01*** join/#asterisk Uther_P (n=uther_p@
15:52.04KattyHmmhesays: got the ps2 /and/ the serial working :>
15:52.12HmmhesaysI hate mice
15:52.22azrishahrilwow ! have to try chan_ooh323c & chan_woomera then
15:52.27Hmmhesaysmy touchpad works but not my usb mouse
15:52.45KattyHmmhesays: do you have xf86cfg?
15:53.02KattyHmmhesays: you can simulate adding a new mouse...and playing with drivers etc before you manually edit the config-4 file
15:53.07HmmhesaysI configured XF86Config-4 appropriately
15:53.11Uther_Peeeuuie gui
15:53.15lathos42ManxPower:  Well, it worked for one call anyways
15:53.24*** join/#asterisk frenzy (n=frenzy@
15:53.30KattyHmmhesays: k, can't help then
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15:54.03MRH2hi recording calls neway to get the jitter buffer active  for asterisk record  but let the endpoints handle jitter for themselves
15:54.04ManxPowerlathos42: a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away I had a similar problem.  The fix was to set all the QoS settings on the polycom and the other phone to 0
15:54.26asdfsgis it possible to get a live handler when a call is connected ?
15:54.36astadmin123WARNING[1791]: channel.c:472 ast_channel_walk_locked: Avoided initial deadlock for 'Zap/3-1', 10 retries!
15:54.36illvm_anyone have any idea why after I make a phone call, then that phone goes to an unavailable state until it is rebooted?
15:54.39azrishahrilbut i have time contraint . need to terminate outbound call using h323-AS5x00 ASAP
15:54.57astadmin123anybody know about that error "WARNING[1791]: channel.c:472 ast_channel_walk_locked: Avoided initial deadlock for 'Zap/3-1', 10 retries!"
15:54.57ManxPowerastadmin123: your search of the mailing list archives didn't help?
15:54.59ManxPowerastadmin123: your search of the mailing list archives didn't help?
15:55.07file[laptop]azrishahril: then you hire a consultant instead of going for free help in here if you need it that quick
15:55.12EquinoxAnyone have a clue why iptables is giving: /lib/modules/2.4.21-4.0.1.EL/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_tables.o: init_module: Cannot allocate memory
15:55.16astadmin123Manxpower: no
15:55.21EquinoxThis is insmod ip_tables
15:55.32astadmin123i search, but didn't find anything on that
15:55.46astadmin123can someone give me any idea about that
15:55.56jbotsomebody said mailinglist was Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
15:56.03ManxPowerastadmin123: there is no easy fix to deadlocks
15:56.35astadmin123but why these happened, any reasone
15:56.39azrishahrilanyone can provide my with consulting services ? requirement asterisk to terminate calls to AS5x00 with different faststart & h245tunneling mode ... and also inbound h323 termination
15:56.47EquinoxAh crap wrong channel sorry :)
15:56.48*** part/#asterisk Equinox (
15:56.50astadmin123harware problem or config prog
15:56.57astadmin123harware problem or config prob
15:57.06*** join/#asterisk drumkilla (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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15:57.12asdfsgdoes the app dial can provide an handler when a call is connected , a way i can retrieve the timestamp and src and dst ..
15:57.13bkw_ManxPower, yes their is an easy fix for deadlocks.. unlock when you lock.. thats the easy fix
15:57.23lathos42ManxPower:  I'm going to play around some more with settings.. I appreciate your help with this
15:58.00azrishahrilfile[laptop] : how much do you charge per hour for professional consulting service ?
15:58.18file[laptop]I don't do H323
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15:58.43brad_msswso ... why does rxfax() save a tiff file in landscape mode all stretched weird, and you have to use tiff2pdf with -p paper to restretch it to the right dimensions ?
15:58.50brad_msswis that a bug, or intended ?
15:58.59brad_msswusing 0.0.2_pre18
15:59.40Lee__I think the going rate for public consulting inquiries in this channel is $10000/hour, no?
15:59.46ManxPowerbrad_mssw: that does not happen to me
16:00.00ManxPowerLee__: mine is $2,000/day + expenses
16:00.15Lee__not bad
16:00.23brad_msswManxPower: odd, my tiffs are 1728x1040
16:00.27azrishahrilanybody can assist me with h323 ?
16:00.30ManxPowerFor people I like, I give discounts
16:00.47*** part/#asterisk doughnut_42 (
16:00.50ManxPowerbrad_mssw: well if they are 1728 height and 1040 width it's not landscape
16:01.09*** join/#asterisk olivier_ (
16:01.15brad_msswManxPower: no ... 1728 width and 1040 height is what is received
16:01.22yogurt2unguesorry people, where do I download a rpm of asteisk-oh323?
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16:01.39brad_msswManxPower: it's really weird ...
16:01.44azrishahrilwith $10000/hour or $2000/day ... any guarantee that asterisk system is stable + can work based on requirement
16:01.45Hmmhesaysprobably from a redhat repository
16:02.20yogurt2ungueHmmhesays nop, only asterisk or asterisk-devel
16:02.22ManxPowerazrishahril: only if I designed the system from the ground up.
16:02.32brad_msswManxPower: do you use 0.0.2_pre18 ?
16:02.50Hmmhesaysdebian has oh323 debs
16:02.58ManxPowerand since I don't do consulting for CVS-HEAD and only consult for Digium cards, IAX2 and SIP....
16:03.21yogurt2ungueI know Hmmhesays, I work with debian
16:03.27Darwin35mikej you there
16:03.34Darwin35before I run
16:03.47azrishahrilManxPower : how about h323 ?
16:03.56ManxPowerazrishahril: Did I list H323?
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16:05.32mariogamboahi all
16:05.49mariogamboatoday i put my asterisk in production :)
16:06.14mariogamboai have a doubt how i can capture a call from another extension
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16:08.44JerJer81.208.92.211: 4669 Time(s)  <-- that's a lot of cvs updates in 24 hours
16:09.15JerJerfiguring a round robin dns of 3 mirrored a records
16:09.24azrishahrilManxPower : nope ... sorry for asking
16:09.35drumkillaJerJer: wow
16:10.32ManxPowerkpflemming has had a lot of updates, but I don't think it was 4699 updates
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16:10.50Lee__would there exist a utility to do Manager API stuff with a curses GUI?
16:11.01JerJerdescr:        Fastweb Networks block
16:11.18drumkillaManxPower: I think he meant updates from his cvs mirror, not code updates
16:11.41JerJeryes cvs up's
16:11.47JerJerfrom the client side
16:12.04JerJerdoing the morning examination of logwatch  :)
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16:12.39MikeJ[Laptop]just get all the mirrors to nullroute the ip.. he won't do that anymore.
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16:13.11cochiomg i got my error :|
16:13.15keefanyone have any good suggestions on how to monitor Jitter for each phone on my network?
16:13.19cochiEicon card conflicted with HFC... damn. anyway
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16:13.47drumkillaJerJer: you using cvsup?
16:14.17eKo1Will a bad LBO setting in zaptel.conf prevent me from successfully connecting my E1?
16:15.14ManxPowereKo1: maybe
16:15.46eKo1zttool is always showing RED alarms.
16:15.48*** join/#asterisk wd (n=wd@
16:15.58eKo1I don't know what the heck it could be.
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16:17.34JerJerdrumkilla:  i use cvsup to pull the data down
16:17.42JerJerbut nobody can cvsup from my mirror
16:17.59drumkillaapparently it doesn't work on a 64-bit arch, heh
16:18.10drumkillaI had to rig up the digium mirror to use rsync and cron :/
16:18.15JerJercvsupd doesn't seem to function
16:18.25bkw_cvsupd works great on mine
16:18.35bkw_I had to compile static binaries on another box
16:19.02filebkw_: I can't find that song I wanted and it's driving me crazy
16:19.09bkw_the Fanta song?
16:19.32bkw_so thats what you call it
16:19.37bkw_"Drill Bit"
16:19.43drumkillaover the line.
16:20.30Darwin35junkyt I got it .
16:20.34*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (n=Sed@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
16:20.46tobiasWolfok, i am done for the day. but i will finally got this running ... someday ;-|
16:21.13fileI need to buy more RAM
16:21.30drumkillaCresl1n: !!!!!!!
16:21.53Cresl1nlong time no see!
16:22.02Hmmhesaysin the skin?
16:22.08fileyes, skin
16:22.09bkw_bad thoughts.. bad thoughts....
16:22.09drumkillaI'm still not unpacked :(
16:22.34filesuch nasty corrupted minds
16:22.36fileI love it!
16:23.07bkw_I swear I had nothing to do with his corruption
16:23.12illvm_you said peer and user right?
16:23.12bkw_it was not my fault
16:23.17drumkillawhich one?
16:23.20Uther_Pheh, noone has yet  mentioned putting file on their hard drive
16:23.22drumkillafile was all your fault
16:23.38bkw_fsck file?
16:23.47bkw_Cresl1n, no comment!
16:23.56bkw_i'm gonna shut up
16:24.01filefeeling funny down below eh?
16:24.06filebkw can take care of that
16:24.27bkw_don't forget to set the sticky bit!
16:24.34fileyeah I'm on Windows right now, probably not hard to
16:24.46bkw_you ain't right
16:25.36Uther_Pyou need to setup a date.. just touch
16:25.38wddoes anybody know a sip-phone for console?
16:25.46filejbot: sex?
16:25.48jbotupdatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep, or super extractor,
16:26.14bkw_that in't right
16:26.17bkw_er aint
16:26.19Uther_Phhaha, thats great
16:26.24Hmmhesayswhat is this sex you speak of, i've never partaken
16:26.35bkw_Hmmhesays, LIAR
16:26.47Hmmhesaysawwww shucks, you got me
16:27.05bkw_you have "do me" written across your forehead
16:27.15Hmmhesayslol, is that a good or bad thing
16:27.27fileit would be better if your gay level was higher
16:27.45bkw_wanna fanta?! dontcha wanta?! wanna fanta?! dontcha wanta?!
16:27.56Hmmhesaysdodging the question
16:28.02bkw_muhahah Hmmhesays i'm going to capture that comercial
16:28.05bkw_so I can get the soundtrack
16:28.30darkskiezdont forget about the pornview imageview package.
16:28.51anthmyou guys handle the gayness i'll sacrifice myself for the sake of humanity and handle all the women
16:29.06fileanthm: wouldn't your wife slightly object?
16:29.11Hmmhesaysi'm on anthm's side here
16:29.15wdhmm, hmm...any idea about sip-phone for console? :)
16:29.45jontowwd; pick one.. abstract its interface vs. operations, then remove interface, re-add interface of your liking..
16:29.54Hmmhesaysbkw_ you will never let me live that down will you
16:30.18jontowor just use the iaxclient libraries and do it that way(?)
16:30.35ManxPowerjontow: iaxclient supports SIP?
16:30.37wdjontow: thanks a lot
16:31.11jontowwd; there are very few GUI based SIP clients that work well for unix-based OS' period.. so the choices kinda suck.
16:31.12ManxPower<wd> hmm, hmm...any idea about sip-phone for console? :)
16:31.13anthmspeaking of we need some more women it's always the same train of thought with only club...iax
16:31.32JerJershe could have went to the strip club too
16:31.50Hmmhesaysalthough I think bkw_ wanted to do *more* than smack me
16:31.56*** join/#asterisk djin_ib (
16:32.05jontowi apologize if its #asterisk and IAX isn't an option.. just letting him know its an option otherwise ;)
16:32.08bkw_I would have went
16:32.13bkw_but I took a detour to the ER
16:32.22anthmyou were vulnerabe too
16:32.43anthmhiccup, it's only 2:30 there's a bar down the road open till, hiccup, 4am
16:32.56Hmmhesaysit sure was
16:33.24Hmmhesaysit was those damn shots
16:33.29frenzywhat is that for ?
16:33.43filefrenzy: sets caller ID number
16:33.48ManxPowerFreezer: "show application setcidnum"
16:33.52frenzyI know its Set CallerID Number
16:33.54anthmI wish I had video of junky doing his first 2 shots ever back to back
16:33.54frenzybut that is for PSTN right ?
16:34.16ManxPowerfrenzy: no.
16:34.17cpatryanthm: it was so funny?
16:34.21filefrenzy: no.
16:34.28anthmyah you were a riot
16:34.30Hmmhesaysi wish I had video of trying to light cold rumple mints on fire
16:34.35cpatryanthm: next year!
16:34.40frenzyso ?
16:34.49anthmand the drunk bartender telling you all the laws
16:34.50frenzydo I need that enabled for SIP
16:35.01*** join/#asterisk myiagy (n=myiagy@
16:35.04anthmbesides the one that says bartenders can't be drunk =p
16:35.06frenzyto show my DID when calling out ?
16:35.11filefrenzy: you don't enable it, it's an application that you can use in extensions.conf if you wish...
16:35.17Hmmhesaysnext year I will be drinking much much less
16:35.31ManxPowerfrenzy: That all depends on how you are reaching the PSTN
16:35.52frenzyvia the Net
16:35.58frenzyVoIP to PSTN
16:36.08ManxPowerfrenzy: then your provider has to allow you to set calleridnum
16:36.08anthmjunky puts away a shot of whiskey: "....ooh THAT's BAD IT BURNS"
16:36.11ManxPowermost of them seem to
16:36.53bkw_watching junky drink was funny
16:37.01anthmso we get him a tequillia, "is this better?" "no, worse", "WORSE?... OK!" Glug
16:37.09frenzyManxPower: am setting up asterisk as a voipswitch
16:37.16ManxPowerpot burns much less
16:37.16DrWho17jontow: try x-lite
16:38.01frenzycrap.. how do I disable MOH properly
16:38.03DrWho17ManxPower: depends on how its rolled
16:38.06bkw_cpatry, we gotta do that again.. it was so much fun
16:38.12frenzyits hogging up my CPU
16:38.14jontowdrwho; im not looking for one..  i have x-lite, i don't have a linux desktop.. only freebsd or netbsd ;)  (granted, it also works there.. with some quirks)
16:38.21bkw_"You can't have two bottles.."
16:38.21jontowand its not open source
16:38.25cpatryno problem, i'll be there.
16:38.29bkw_and the bitch bartender was DRUNK off her ass
16:38.40ManxPowerfrenzy: rm /etc/asterisk/musiconhold
16:38.43ManxPowerfrenzy: rm /etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf
16:38.48cpatrywe saw the couple at the strip later that night, btw
16:38.48anthmI liked the guy tho he was nice
16:38.54bkw_anthm, ya
16:39.03anthmhe noticed the beer looked flat and gave me a new pitcher
16:39.04bkw_we gotta do that again when I don't gotta drive
16:39.23fulgasanyone uses sipp ? need a scenario to test against asterisk, anyone got one ?
16:39.26ManxPowerDrWho17: true, but it's still much better for you than alcohol
16:39.48bkw_fulgas, its easy
16:39.52bkw_just add the -m option
16:39.54*** join/#asterisk Lobz (n=nuCbka@
16:39.55anthmunless you plan to concentrate on anything =D
16:40.24bkw_I still wanna send those jerks at the hotel a box of dog shit
16:40.33Lobzäîþðûé âå÷åð
16:40.58JerJertraceroute ?.?.?.?
16:41.05frenzyParsing '/etc/asterisk/rtp.conf': Found
16:41.20*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
16:41.22Lobzåñòü ðóññêèå òî ? )
16:41.27ManxPowerfrenzy: why don't you start be reading the docs.
16:41.48jbotfrom memory, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
16:41.56jbotmethinks mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
16:42.03fulgasbkw_: wants to test aserisk performance, i.e, how many calls wil be able to process per second
16:42.12JerJerall of them
16:42.17bkw_fulgas, depends
16:42.20bkw_how fast is the box?
16:42.22frenzyI cant seems to fix two problems
16:42.32frenzyand I cant find a solution on the lists
16:42.47fulgasneet to test against a openssi cluster
16:42.52ManxPowerfrenzy: I still have not seen any problems, only general questions.
16:43.13frenzychan_sip.c:701 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded
16:43.27ManxPowerfrenzy: that means "the device is not responding"
16:43.42frenzywhat "device"
16:43.47ManxPowerfrenzy: common problem if you or the device is behind NAT and you didn't set up all the required stuff correctly to use NAT.
16:43.53ManxPowerfrenzy: any voip endpoint
16:44.00DrWho17a sip device
16:44.13ManxPowerBut since you didn't SAY you are behind NAT.....
16:44.21frenzyi'm using grandstream..
16:44.30ManxPowerfrenzy: is it behind nat?
16:44.33frenzywhat "extra" config is required
16:44.41DrWho17what kind of grandstream
16:44.44ManxPowerIs asterisk behind nat?
16:44.45frenzysip.conf does have nat=ok
16:44.56ManxPowerfrenzy: nat=yes will be more effective.
16:44.58frenzyNo, asterisk isnt behind Nat
16:45.12DrWho17oh, well I bridge my DSL modem, and use the pppoe client on the HT486
16:45.12ManxPowerand you need qualify=yes as well
16:45.12rkvaralaiam seeing for paulc is he there here
16:45.47frenzyits on qualify=40
16:45.58ManxPowerfrenzy: what moron told you to set that?
16:46.13ManxPoweryou want qualify=yes to start out with.
16:46.25frenzybut isnt default too low?
16:46.26ManxPoweryes == 2000
16:46.35Lobzplz how to compile asterisk-1.0.9 on freebsd 5.4  ..... pwlib error (
16:46.35RoyKSATA1, SATA2 ... SATAn :)
16:46.57frenzythe asterisk is at a remote location
16:47.23ManxPowerfrenzy: nat=ok is the same as not having a nat= line.  you want nat=yes
16:47.44frenzymy bad
16:47.47frenzyits nat=yes
16:47.54ManxPowerLobz: Asterisk does not require pwlib
16:47.57frenzythe phone works
16:48.20frenzybut when I'm talking it gives me that error on asterisk CLI >>> chan_sip.c:701 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded
16:48.30*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
16:48.41frenzythe other error is chan_sip.c:4832 check_auth:
16:48.44*** join/#asterisk eksffa (
16:48.46frenzythat screws me up
16:48.47bkw_ding dong the witch is gone!
16:48.50JerJerwarnings are not errors !
16:49.05frenzymay bad <two)
16:49.09anthmunless you add -Werror to gcc =>
16:49.26frenzyits causing my sip device to disconnect and reconnect
16:49.40frenzyand if I'm talking... line drops
16:49.56bkw_you using cvs-head?
16:51.57Lobzsuggest me is asterisk-1.0.9  release ? for freebsd 5.4
16:52.51bkw_go use cvs-head
16:55.22Hmm-homeI'm going to make some hot dogs now
16:55.36Hmm-homefor a delicious mid day treat
16:55.39Beirdomake em, or cook em?
16:55.40eKo1man, why did you say that. now i'm hungry
16:55.51Beirdomaking em is rather unappetizing
16:55.59Hmm-homewell cooking them
16:56.00Beirdocooking them is yum :)
16:56.12Hmm-homepickles ketchup and mustard
16:56.15*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
16:56.15Hmm-homefair dog style
16:56.21eksffaanyone knows if there is any sort of limitation when running an AGI before a Dial and an AGI _after_ the Dial? (prio 1,2,3 respectively)
16:56.36Beirdobacon bits, onions, relish, mustard, ketchup :)
16:59.55Uther_Phot dogs.... ick
17:00.03Uther_Pmystery meat
17:00.47frenzyManxPower: why don't you recommed qualify=40 ?
17:00.58*** join/#asterisk hadi57 (n=al_moghr@
17:01.39bkw_40 ms?
17:01.42bkw_damn thats low
17:01.54Uther_Phehe, the sip device would have to respond every 40 ms
17:01.54Lee__my pings don't even come back that fast
17:01.56bkw_repeat after me.. qualify IS NOT ICMP ping
17:02.19*** join/#asterisk map71 (
17:02.35frenzymy HT is on keep-alive 20
17:02.47frenzythat 20,000ms  right ?
17:03.16frenzysoooo, on asterisk qualify=yes is much realistic (or still low) ?
17:04.23*** join/#asterisk [1]JohnJacob (
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17:05.22Uther_Pfrenzy:   <--- you decide based on your connections
17:06.38*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
17:07.09Darwin35ok back
17:08.45*** part/#asterisk tobiasWolf (n=konversa@
17:11.36frenzythanks for everyones help !
17:11.41frenzyreally appreciate
17:11.45*** join/#asterisk skeffling (
17:13.39Dougnakacommon fixes for crackling on an asterisk system?
17:13.54Dougnakaany ideas? all outbound calls are crackling on my new asterisk server...
17:14.13filesaying how the outbound calls are going out is a good thing (ie: technology)
17:15.15frenzyanyone know of a open source callback tht works with asterisk ?
17:16.09Dougnakaoutbound over a TDM400P
17:16.18Dougnakalocal and long distance calls
17:16.25*** part/#asterisk Morex (
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17:19.07filewhoever was looking for paulc, there he is
17:19.28paulcHere I am!
17:19.32paulcI AM I AM :-)
17:20.10Beirdoand how they are armed
17:20.34mut25Watt 900mhz amplifier
17:20.41*** join/#asterisk illvm_ (
17:20.42muti can knock out phones all across town
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17:22.41coldfeetHi is their a replacement for chan_spy or is it still in operation, most of the posting I have read seem to suggest it has vanished
17:23.09illvm_if i can make calls but can't register then that's a problem in the user type right?
17:23.17*** join/#asterisk brusso (n=BrunoTad@
17:24.45brussohello all
17:27.57keefanyone have any good ideas on how to monitor jitter and other phone specific info?
17:28.38*** join/#asterisk slak- (
17:29.22frenzyanyone know of an open source callback for asterisk ?
17:29.22slak-hi, i have asterisk setup with a digium card and ptsn lines, the echo is a real big problem and I'm sick and tired of dealing with it, I'm thinking of getting a voip number instead and trying it out...will echo be an issue there too?
17:30.09slak-and where do you guys purchase voip numbers?
17:30.28Uther_Pslak-: I had the same problem when going from pots lines to voip phones... sidetone + delay can cause some bad echo problems... when I replaced my pots lines with voip, the problem went away
17:30.31mutthe voip gods
17:30.44slak-Uther_P what provider did you use
17:30.51slak-my boss is about to tear me a  new asshole
17:30.57*** join/#asterisk shadebob (
17:30.57slak-for not having this echo issue resolved
17:31.05Hmm-homewhat echo issue?
17:31.07slak-so i told him we'll try going 100% voip
17:31.18Uther_Pmy T1 provider offered VoIP... Cbeyond
17:31.19slak-Hmm-home just echo on digium card/pots
17:31.30Hmm-homegot echo can on?
17:31.33Uther_Pmut: gods? jeez, whats the tithing on that
17:31.45slak-hmm i got all them option ons, tried tweaking txgain
17:31.52Hmm-homeyou don't have your gains set out of whack do you?
17:32.04slak-i didnt try compiling different echo cancellers yet
17:32.19slak-but screw it, i think 100% voip is a better configuration anyways
17:32.27Uther_Pecho can come from many different places
17:32.35Hmm-homebut.. i can't speak much on the issue I don't use any digium hardware
17:33.07illvm_exit ISP speakeasy offers VOIP
17:33.13Uther_Pslak-: I agree.... I had problems with my ssytems hanging up on the digium kernel drivers anyway... I'm better off with all voip
17:33.16slak-would that be the best provider for me
17:33.35Hmm-homewhat kind of package are you looking for?
17:33.52Hmm-homevonage has a new business service that is quite good
17:33.53slak-right now just one line, unlimited calls
17:34.04Hmm-homemy test account never hiccups
17:34.10Hmm-homecept for my shitty network
17:34.16slak-this is what im doing right now..setting up a test number
17:34.19slak-so we can evaluate it
17:34.23slak-see how the head hancho likes it
17:34.41Hmm-homethe smallest package is 4 simultaneous calls 5k minutes a month for 150
17:34.44slak-i can intergrade it into my current POTS asterisk setup right?
17:34.49Uther_Plucky you.. I was thrown in.  I had to have it working for the business lines quick
17:34.57bkw_whats up with all these locking up systems with digium cards and drivers as of this week?
17:35.16shido6yes slak
17:35.17paulcfile broke shit?
17:35.34Darwin35file is always breaking stuff
17:36.00Hmm-homeyou can pm me if you want some more info
17:36.15rkvaralahello friends iam running asterisk1.0.9 in port 6080
17:36.18Uther_Pbkw_: this was happening with mine a while back... then the fxo card stopped working all together... but I was switching to voip anyway, so I didn't bother with it
17:36.21dtwilsonhmmm I'm having a crap time trying to get outgoing calls working on this xorcom rapid install of mine
17:36.25slak-dude why do all these voip providers sell shitty features like voicemail and caller id etc
17:36.35slak-i want all that to be handled by my local asterisk
17:36.43rkvaralabut when any softphone try to register at 5060
17:36.47dtwilsonoutgoing via zap trunks (x101p)
17:36.49Hmm-homebecause those are features you'd find tied into normal telephone service
17:36.51Darwin35they sell like normal phone service
17:37.02slak-can someone suggest a minimal voip provider, just number, unlimited minutes
17:37.05Darwin35to those not using asterisk
17:37.07Uther_Pslak-: i fyour provider doesn't offer caller id, how's your asterisk box gonna handle it?
17:37.08rkvaralain asterisk-1.0.9 iam geeting debug message related to that
17:37.10Hmm-homemost people are technophobes
17:37.30anthmit's called value-added-service go look it up in a biz model book
17:37.48Darwin35teliax is a great provider and they support iax2
17:37.56slak-wtf is iax2
17:38.20Darwin35you deal with voip and asterisk and you dont know iax2
17:38.21Hmm-homeits a type of steak
17:38.24bkw_oh file
17:38.38Darwin35get a grip marry and go bach to highschoool
17:38.39slak-Darwin35 i forgot all about it
17:38.40Hmm-homegoes good with fava beans and a nice chiante
17:38.45slak-ive been stuck with my little POTS config
17:38.47slak-for a year now
17:38.55bkw_iax2 is what we support also
17:39.03Darwin35iax2 is a protocall like sip wiht less nat issues
17:39.08slak-could not select db
17:39.17slak-nice website fuckers
17:39.36bkw_that is interesting
17:39.37Darwin35something happened
17:39.46bkw_ya it couldn't select a db
17:39.54Darwin35I have bkw for my 888 nmbr
17:40.04*** join/#asterisk meppl (
17:40.16rkvaralahi paulc
17:40.20slak-bkw whos that fruitcake on your frony page
17:40.31Hmm-homedoes asterlink do any international stuff?
17:40.34*** join/#asterisk pbxbart (
17:40.39bkw_Hmm-home, we can
17:40.43*** part/#asterisk pbxbart (
17:40.56slak-is bkw a core * developer?
17:40.57paulcthat's file!
17:41.00bkw_Hmm-home, international can get you screwed faster than a promp date
17:41.45bkw_bkw918 is me
17:41.50Hmm-homewestern europe would be what i'm looking for
17:41.56Hmm-homeno grass huts
17:41.59bkw_Hmm-home, we can do that.. I know you...
17:42.04twisted[work]any reason why would ignore contexts > 3?
17:42.08cpatryslak-: sure, bkw is MY core coder :P
17:42.26Hmm-homebkw_ : we'll have to chat about it some time
17:42.54cpatrybkw_: yta baby!
17:42.59bkw_Hmm-home, let me know
17:43.01bkw_cpatry, ;)
17:43.08twisted[work]bkw_, messed with ael enough to know that ?
17:43.50slak-what voip providers do number porting
17:43.54bkw_twisted in my honest opinion AEL is pure crap
17:44.05shadebobAnyone known Digium policy about S100M. why they change si3210 to si3215 on new S100M card?
17:44.07paulcthat's a really nice hall of fame! :)
17:44.08bkw_its a poor try at something that is already broken in the core.
17:44.39twisted[work]bkw_, i didn't ask your opinion
17:44.50bkw_well i'm giving it to ya anyway
17:44.53slak-touch wangs and make up
17:45.00twisted[work]bkw_, i asked if you had messed with it enough to answer the question
17:45.04christian[asgi]twisted: testy testy
17:45.12bkw_twisted and from my opinion you can tell I haven't right?
17:45.21twisted[work]bkw_, no
17:45.22coldfeetcan someone give their opinion on chan_spy, I am open to everyones :-)
17:45.26bkw_that would be NO
17:45.26filebkw_: he hasn't done his QT4 dance today
17:45.35twisted[work]bkw_, you could have used it up and down, inside and out, and gathered your opinion from that.
17:45.36bkw_coldfeet, IT TOTALLY ROCKS.. but i'm biased
17:45.38*** join/#asterisk stkn (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
17:45.53slak-bkw whats your voip server i[
17:45.57christian[asgi]chan_spy is not as good as chan_peep. But I prefer chan_voyeur
17:46.04slak-i wanna see what knd of response i get from you
17:46.07coldfeetbkw: is it still supported, posts I read said it has vanished..whatever that means
17:46.27bkw_coldfeet, its in CVS-HEAD
17:46.37slak-not bad
17:46.46bkw_anthm wrote it.. anthm is my boss.... :P
17:46.47coldfeetoh, okay I guess that cool then, cheers
17:46.51bkw_everyone give it up for anthm!!!!
17:47.01christian[asgi]hip hip
17:47.04christian[asgi]ummm  .. ok
17:47.05bkw_coldfeet, you can paypal him large sums of cash if you wish
17:47.09h3x0rdid he already give it up for you? hahahah
17:47.35filepeople need to email me back
17:47.36Uther_PI'm not giving it up for anthm, besides, I'll assume he likes women
17:48.28fileyes, I must follow the orders of Master anthm and Master bkw_
17:48.34christian[asgi]so stop dancing you darn yes queens... er men.
17:48.57twisted[work]file, master bkw sounds a lot like master<something>
17:49.02*** part/#asterisk rkvarala (n=rkvarala@
17:49.21filechristian[asgi]: just for you, I started playing dancing queen on my iTunes!
17:49.26paulcfile what about master paulc? ;-)
17:49.38paulcI AM I AM!
17:49.45h3x0ryou guys should find one more and get a room at the 4 Queens hotel here in vegas
17:49.47twisted[work]how you doin, you saucy vicar?
17:49.49*** join/#asterisk holos (n=asdf@
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17:49.59paulcLMAO :D I'm still saucy.. slightly stressed.. but mostly good.. yourself?
17:50.00christian[asgi]I'm going back to work.
17:50.11twisted[work]paulc, pretty good.. trying to figure out wtf is up with ael at the moment
17:50.32christian[asgi]josh.. can you come over to my desk in about 25 minutes to lay out that agi I need to write?
17:50.54christian[asgi]or go to lunch first
17:50.56christian[asgi]then after lunchy
17:50.58astadmin123anyhelp for "Avoided initial deadlock for 'Zap/5-1', 10 retries!"
17:51.01twisted[work]christian[asgi], sure, as long as 25 minutes is after lunch
17:51.02holosAnyone use Monitor? What are you compressing/storing your files as? I've been using .ogg but I'd like to get the file sizes down some more.
17:51.03twisted[work]you read my mind
17:51.09filebkw_: yes Master Brian
17:51.12christian[asgi]ok.. take ken with you to lunch
17:51.18bkw_go to da asterlink channel
17:51.23fileI already answered you there
17:51.56paulctwisted: sounds like fun.. I've yet to dabble with ael.. looks fun-ish though?
17:52.09ManxPowerAEL looks Totally Awesome
17:52.16astadmin123i am getting this warning message on Zap channels "Avoided initial deadlock for 'Zap/5-1', 10 retries!"
17:52.20*** join/#asterisk MoniTor (n=BanKamat@
17:52.30Corydon-wManxPower: unfortunately, it doesn't Totally Work
17:52.36ManxPowerastadmin123: what is the output of "show version"
17:52.38*** part/#asterisk slak- (
17:52.45ManxPowerCorydon-w: *nod*
17:52.46MikeJ[Laptop]yeah, there a quite a few issues with AEL still to fix
17:53.05astadmin123ManxPower: Asterisk CVS-v1-0-02/17/05-17:34:40
17:53.20ManxPowerastadmin123: why have you not upgraded?
17:54.06astadmin123ManXpower: i have installed it from bootable CDs
17:54.15KattyHmmhesays: gnome comes up on startx.
17:54.22KattyHmmhesays: how do i make fluxbox come up instead?
17:54.29ManxPowerastadmin123: well upgrade
17:54.37astadmin123ManxPower: which contain preinstalled asterisk
17:54.39Uther_Pyou must change your .xinitrc
17:54.42ManxPowerastadmin123: well upgrade
17:55.04astadmin123ok thanks ManxPower
17:55.11KattyUther_P: to?
17:55.19ManxPowerget 1.0.9 or cvs -r v1-0
17:55.23KattyUther_P: exec /usr/bin/fluxbox?
17:55.42Uther_P.xinitrc is a script... in order of things run on startup... the exec'd (or the last) thing run is the shell
17:56.09Uther_P(e.g. when the exec'd process dies, the session dies)
17:56.33Kattyi see.
17:56.37KattyHmmhesays: let me know when you're back (=
17:57.21*** join/#asterisk EvilMetal (n=StorM@
17:57.21Uther_Pits quite simple... but yea.. just putting in exec /usr/bin/fluxbox should be fine
17:57.46KattyUther_P: well, that doesn't work.
17:57.51KattyUther_P: that's what i tried first.
17:58.32frenzychan_sip.c:8112 sip_poke_peer:
17:58.42Uther_Pthen you are a different user or you are logging in remotely
17:58.57Uther_Pif you are logging in remotely, it would be the .xsession file
17:59.04Kattyi'm on this machine.
17:59.10Kattylogged in as root
17:59.14Kattyand starting x as root
17:59.17*** join/#asterisk cliffton_2005 (
17:59.23Uther_Pand its the /root/.xinitrc file you changed
17:59.32Uther_Per, ~root/.xinitrc
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18:01.53Uther_Pif that doesn't change it... then your X is different from everyone elses
18:02.31Kattythere isn't a xinitrc file in my root folder.
18:02.40Kattyso i suppose i could put one there.
18:02.46Uther_Pmust have a . in front
18:02.56Uther_Pif there isn't one, then it uses the default.
18:03.25Kattytisn't there.
18:03.40Kattyand the default would be?
18:03.52Uther_P"echo 'exec /usr/bin/fluxbox' > ~root/.xinitrc"
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18:04.57astadmin123ManxPower: how can i upgrade my current installation
18:05.17astadmin123ManxPower: i will be really thankful to you for any help
18:05.42*** join/#asterisk vooduhal (
18:08.00Hmmhesayssomeone said my name
18:08.11Hmmhesaysmy irc client is going beep beep beep bep
18:08.20fulgasanyone got a openssi cluster working with asterisk ?
18:08.23Uther_Pkatty was asking about xinitrc
18:09.07Hmmhesaysi see
18:09.31Uther_PI guess what I told her worked
18:09.44*** join/#asterisk eldu_ (
18:09.48Uther_Pshould have, unless her X works different from everyone elses, heh
18:10.21Hmmhesaysdoubtful, xfree86 4
18:10.23Uther_PI'm hoping someday people will realize how much it sucks and stop using the gui for *ux operating systems
18:10.35Hmmhesaysthat will never happen
18:10.41Uther_Pmaybe mature a little
18:10.43Uther_Pbut... I doubt it
18:10.46Hmmhesayslack of a gui is what keeps linux out of the limelight
18:10.50Hmmhesaysfor desktop os's
18:10.55Kattyfluxbox sure isn't pretty
18:11.00Uther_Pyea i know.. it still sucks
18:11.05HmmhesaysKatty: nope but it has a small footprint
18:11.15KattyHmmhesays: can you get icons onto the desktop somehow?
18:11.16Uther_Pheh, its customizable
18:11.26HmmhesaysI guess you don't like computers being able to do multimedia applications
18:11.39Uther_Pyou can do multimedia without a gui
18:11.52Hmmhesayswhy would you want to
18:12.01Uther_Pbecause I dont like guis
18:12.07astadmin123anyone, how can i upgrade my current Asterisk Version
18:12.14*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
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18:12.18Hmmhesaysthat statement just seems a little pig headed
18:12.33*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
18:12.34Uther_Pyou consiter it pig headed that I don't like gui's?
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18:12.44holoslathos42: What was wrong?
18:13.00Hmmhesaysno... just make a general statement you don't like gui's
18:13.08Hmmhesaysyou watch movies on the command line?
18:13.24Hmmhesaysyou do video editing on the command line?
18:13.32Uther_Pto watch require a graphics mode... graphics modes do NOT require a gui
18:13.44Lee__Hmmhesays probably isn't aware of the aalib output driver for mplayer  :)
18:13.55lathos42For some reason, I think the SPA-3000 was confusing the Polycom with its reinvites.. so as soon as I set canreinvite=no, it worked like a charm
18:13.55HmmhesaysI'm asking if you actually do that
18:13.58Lee__or the framebuffer output mode
18:14.21HmmhesaysLee__ I am well aware
18:14.35HmmhesaysI just like gui's for some things, and not for others I don't have a general dislike for them
18:14.35Uther_PHmmhesays: I generally don't watch movies on a computer.. .but if I had to, yea I would
18:14.52Hmmhesaysthey have their place in the computing world
18:15.08KattyHmmhesays: icons?
18:15.16shido6coregraphics in sse3 allows itunes to work
18:15.54*** join/#asterisk r0m (
18:16.06r0mgood evening
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18:16.27Uther_PKatty: fluxspace
18:16.52Hmmhesaysyeah you can
18:17.22Kattyheh, gnome nibbles.
18:17.24Kattythat's funny.
18:17.28Kattyfunny looking, anyway.
18:19.09*** join/#asterisk _stef (
18:19.10vooduhalCould anyone point me toward an example/docs of setting up * with asterlink.  In boudn is working great but I can't seem to get outbound calling working.
18:19.23*** join/#asterisk Falle_ (
18:19.29puowvipwonder how long digium warranty takes
18:19.38puowvipor I should say, wonder how long digium hardware warranty takes
18:19.43_stefhello all
18:20.03*** join/#asterisk udfc (
18:20.25_stefI have a questio about lan design
18:20.46_stefwhere should I put the asterisk server?
18:20.48*** join/#asterisk L0rdy (
18:20.50Piranha-broadvoice down for anyone?
18:20.53malverian[work]If I want to hook up many analog lines up to my asterisk box, the main hardware I need is a channel bank?
18:21.03_stefbehind a firewall or not?
18:21.11Darwin35broadvoice is always down just like voicepulse
18:21.20dtwilson_stef - that depends on how you want to use asterisk
18:21.52malverian[work]So assume for example I have an incoming T1 from my service provider, and I want to have 50 SIP phones and 12 analog phones (for fax machine, paging, etc)
18:22.09dtwilsonif you want to allow remote workers to connect with their sip phones and perhaps use your Zap trunks, then outside the firewall
18:22.10malverian[work]I would  probably be best off getting a dual span T1 card and an Adtran 750 ?
18:22.29Piranha-Darwin35 what provider you think is reasonable
18:23.31*** join/#asterisk stef_ (
18:24.41Lee__Darwin35: strange that voicepulse wasn't down at 10AM today when I made a call. I guess that means they aren't always down.
18:24.51dtwilsoncan anyone tell me why I can't make outgoing calls? here is my asterisk debug output
18:25.12dtwilsonI've been stumped for about 3 hours on this now
18:25.21DrmCtchrcan anyone explain this delay :Aug 23 11:18:41 VERBOSE[17414]:     -- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/48-1'
18:25.21DrmCtchrAug 23 11:18:47 DEBUG[17414]: No echocancellation requested
18:25.51DrmCtchr6 seconds between simple switch 'start' and next event
18:25.55Hmmhesaysfinally fan control on my dell
18:26.26Uther_Pdtwilson: you are picking up 2 lines at the same time?
18:26.37*** part/#asterisk stef_ (
18:26.42Hmmhesays1. fan control 2..... 3. murder people?
18:27.10DrmCtchris it just crappy coding?
18:27.11Uther_PI've found murdering my fans is the best way to keep them in control
18:27.17dtwilsonUther_P yeah was just thinking about that - it's all default dial plan made by Xorcom rapid
18:27.31Uther_Pdtwilson: looks suspect
18:27.32malverian[work]Question: If I need to hook up 12 (or more) analog lines to my asterisk box, what are all the pieces of hardware I need?
18:27.37lathos42Uther_P: I've found shock therapy to work the best in my tests
18:27.42dtwilsonbut my understanding is that it's supposed to check which line is available then only use one
18:27.59Uther_Pdtwilson: start simple, see if it dials, then go from there
18:28.28dtwilsonUther_P I do normally start simple - I didnt write the dialplan - it's a default config from Xorcom
18:28.30DrmCtchrmalverian[work] get 3 4port cards from
18:28.43malverian[work]DrmCtchr, FXS cards?
18:28.52DrmCtchranalog lines from CO or extensions detemins fxs or fxo
18:28.53*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (n=Sed@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
18:28.53malverian[work]DrmCtchr, Hmm, I suppose that would be cheaper than setting up a channel bank.
18:29.17Sedoroxcheaper solution to a channel bank?? what did I miss?
18:29.17malverian[work]DrmCtchr, "CO" ?
18:30.34malverian[work]TDM400P seems what I need..
18:31.11DrmCtchrfxo cards
18:31.20DrmCtchrsorry for delay im playing with the source
18:31.28Sedoroxoh.. thought you ment for fxs :p hehe
18:32.16DrmCtchrmal you need fxo ... fxs is for making a dialtone (basicly) for analog extensions
18:32.43Sedoroxtdm400 should do either/or
18:32.54DrmCtchryes depending on  the daughtercards your purchase
18:33.25DrmCtchranyone know how to turn up debugging output on asterisk ?
18:33.34DrmCtchr(logged output)
18:33.47malverian[work]DrmCtchr, Well I want internal analog extensions :-P
18:34.02malverian[work]DrmCtchr, I have a T1 and a TDM110P for our PRI.
18:34.15DrmCtchrok then you need fxs
18:34.17malverian[work]DrmCtchr, I want to be able to hook up some fax machines and such.
18:34.20DrmCtchryou said CO
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18:34.31DrmCtchrthat usually means the lines are inc from the PSTN
18:34.33malverian[work]DrmCtchr, I said "CO" ? because I didn't know what CO meant ;)
18:34.41DrmCtchrcentral office
18:34.46malverian[work]DrmCtchr, Roger.
18:34.58malverian[work]DrmCtchr, So the Wildcard TDM400P would work for me?
18:35.01*** join/#asterisk slak- (
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18:35.52slak-dudes i just purchased an iax2 account to add to my POTS asterisk config. i'm tryin to add this iax2 to jsut one extension (for testing) and i'd like for asterisk to answer on that iax2 number aswell
18:36.01slak-ive set up sip for my test extension to use iax2
18:36.04malverian[work]DrmCtchr, Or the TDM40B ?
18:36.10slak-and have iax.conf correct
18:36.15slak-but i need help with extensions
18:36.24malverian[work]I guess they are the same card..
18:37.54christian[asgi]anyone know any voip phones that can handle 40+ extensions?
18:38.02DrmCtchrtdm40b is the fxs bundle with 4 fxs ports yes
18:38.13christian[asgi]DrmCtchr: yes
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18:38.31DrmCtchrstatement =]
18:38.37Uther_Pchristian[asgi]: 40+?  you mean the phone having that many itself?
18:38.48christian[asgi]Uther_P: yes
18:38.55DrmCtchrchristian you need 40 active conversations at once ?
18:39.02christian[asgi]like a cisco with 2 sidecards is around 30
18:39.04dtwilsonUther_P: managed to reduce my problem to using a single trunk and it works grand now thanks :)
18:39.08DrmCtchrcant you just park extra calls till you can talk to them ?
18:39.15christian[asgi]DrmCtchr: no.. it's for 911
18:39.22Uther_Pdtwilson: no prob... looks like the problem is how the macro calls the dial function
18:39.29slak-Uther_P help mme buddy ;D
18:39.33christian[asgi]DrmCtchr: we'll be doing mgcp or sccp
18:39.59*** join/#asterisk rajesh_ (
18:40.10DrmCtchryou just need a button for each 'line' on the fone then
18:40.11Hmmhesaysanyone tried using firefly with wine?
18:40.13rajesh_is it possible to change the cdr?
18:40.20rajesh_in particular, the src and dst fields
18:40.32rajesh_using either the manager API or dp magic?
18:40.40christian[asgi]DrmCtchr: yes.. 1 button for line appearance per line.
18:41.32rajesh_or would it require hacking the source code?
18:41.42christian[asgi]DrmCtchr: I just can't use sip
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18:42.45christian[asgi]like Mitel 5448 IP
18:43.00*** join/#asterisk MoniTor (i=_OYA_@
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18:44.18rajesh_or am i being really stupid?
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18:46.00Darwin35SFLPHONE rocks for sipclients
18:46.36qwer^^how do we make the invite pswd as header and then carrying the call in asterisk
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18:47.44paulhuynhhow do you go about setting a URI in asterisk
18:48.15qwer^^can i get some help from asterisk experts
18:48.45udfcAnyone here using and supporting * in a 100 person + 3 remote location setting.
18:48.53*** part/#asterisk slak- (
18:49.09rajesh_is it possible to c hange the src and dst fields of the cdr in the dp or via the manager?
18:49.14*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
18:49.18Piranha-fucking broadvoice
18:49.20Piranha-pissin me off
18:49.32Piranha-fwd doesnt work right now...
18:49.37qwer^^can we make the asterisk forward calls the same way as the soft phones work?
18:49.37Piranha-cant call the tech people
18:49.43*** join/#asterisk oden (
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18:51.06jaikeguys..this may be a trivial question but am wondering why sometimes the CLI is colored and sometimes all black and white
18:51.17Uther_Pjaike: -c
18:51.30Uther_Pjaike: start asterisk with -c and its colored
18:51.33*** mode/#asterisk [+b Zeynep-[23f]!*@*] by drumkilla
18:51.35*** kick/#asterisk [Zeynep-[23f]!n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla] by drumkilla (drumkilla)
18:51.49[1]ap0ughtI am also wondering about that jaike
18:51.49jaikewe do...-vvvvc
18:52.03jaikeright now its black and white again
18:52.08Uther_PI've never had that problem
18:52.14*** join/#asterisk mrempire (
18:52.46Uther_Pjaike: perhaps its the termcap of your terminal
18:53.16rajesh_is there a way to hack the cdr to make a new record when dialing?
18:53.22Uther_Pbkw_: haha
18:53.24[1]ap0ughtwhen mine happens I am connecting from the local box to asterisk
18:53.33*** join/#asterisk docelm0 (
18:53.46jaikebut the thing is..when i restart asterisk its ok again
18:53.51jaikecolored i mean
18:53.57docelm0Say this may be a dumb question but is the hotel included with Astricon 2005 price?
18:56.34rajesh_can you write to CDR(src)?
18:57.27*** part/#asterisk brusso (n=BrunoTad@
18:57.36cpatrydocelm0: no, apparently not, but if u reserve the hotel, u could say you're for astricon, u suppose to get a discount.
18:57.59docelm0ok thats what I was wondering
18:58.23ast_freakHow do I turn a wav into a gsm?
18:58.34jaikeast_freak: sox
18:58.58ast_freakDo I need to use toast?
18:59.10jaikecompile sox and look up the command at wiki
19:00.24docelm0$114 / night @ Hyatt
19:00.27docelm0for Astricon
19:01.16*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:d856:c704:0:0:0:0:1)
19:01.24udfcAnyone here using and supporting * in a 100 person + 3 remote location setting.
19:02.26docelm0Im doing 100phone in 2 location
19:02.28udfcok, anybody using enough sip phones that QOS on the ethernet network has been an issue
19:02.38docelm0And no
19:02.58udfcare the two locations connected ?
19:03.16docelm0yes via Private T1
19:03.28udfcany echo problems
19:03.41udfcon your pri (im guessing pri's)
19:04.29*** join/#asterisk astadmin123 (n=shafqat@
19:04.39paulhuynh81sorry i'm back
19:05.19paulhuynh81I need help on how to setup URI for asterisk
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19:07.37Uther_Pcost effective? probably not, heh
19:07.47udfcthat might depend on how you define "cost effective" 8-)
19:09.26lathos42:)  Well, our company doesnt seem to have a problem paying $900 a month for a Data T1 to the internet
19:09.49udfcr u in the boonies ?
19:10.26*** join/#asterisk ircleuser (
19:10.51lathos42Somewhat..  we're about 10 miles outside of Lansing, MI
19:11.01iCEBrkrAnyone know if Asterisk can integrate with an old NEAX 2000 system?
19:11.39lathos42But that rate is from a contract they signed 2 years ago
19:12.36*** join/#asterisk spackle (n=spackle@
19:13.40rajesh_is it possible to force the destination channel to write its own cdr?
19:14.08Corydon-wForkCDR ?
19:14.45*** join/#asterisk Hmmm (n=Hmmm@
19:14.45lathos42We're within a small city, so its not like we're out in BFE
19:14.45Hmmmmuch better
19:14.54rajesh_forkcdr bombs out
19:14.55brad_msswudfc: what codec are you using ... over a t1, ulaw is only really going to be able to provide you with 23 connections IIRC
19:14.59rajesh_when i run it on the dest channel
19:15.02brad_msswudfc: without interference
19:15.08brad_msswudfc: err, dropped packets
19:15.25rajesh_basically, if i have a simulring with both sip peers and external numbers, i want to bill appropriately
19:15.53*** join/#asterisk Seyr (
19:15.55rajesh_is there a way to determine, in the dp, without depending on the dial app, whether the recipient was a sip peer or an external number?
19:17.12Seyranyone know what can cause the MWI on a 7960 to stay on, even if there are no messages?
19:17.15iCEBrkrrajesh_: yea, and you'd run billing after the call was placed.. Thus running billing against your CDR or DB
19:18.06rajesh_i mean, suppose im simulringing two phones with two different sip peers
19:18.12rajesh_how do i know which one picked up?
19:18.12*** join/#asterisk paulhuynh81 (
19:18.26paulhuynh81need help asterisk URI setup
19:18.27Corydon-wYou only know after the fact, due to the CDR
19:18.31frenzycan anyone help me out.. looking for a call-back application for asterisk
19:18.37wdyou may know me feelings: I made my very first call via Asterisk:)
19:18.38iCEBrkrrajesh_: what Corydon-w said
19:18.53Corydon-wfrenzy: see call.sample in the asterisk tree
19:19.02rajesh_suppose there's a dial followed by a voicemail or some other app
19:19.08rajesh_where will the info be held in the cdr?
19:19.12*** join/#asterisk astadmin (n=shafqat@
19:19.34iCEBrkrrajesh_: you can do some logic using the src, dst and channel information
19:19.35Corydon-wDial can't usually be followed by another app... it's usually the last app, if a bridge occurred
19:19.54ManxPowerCorydon-w: see the "g" option to dial
19:20.11Corydon-wManxPower: I said "usually"  ;-)
19:20.35ManxPowerCorydon-w: 8-)
19:20.40astadminanyone know how to integrate Asterisk with Zultys PBX
19:20.46rajesh_so there's no way to force a cdr record for the dest channel?
19:21.14rajesh_the other question is: are the CDR(src), CDR(dst), ... vars read-only or writable?
19:21.36frenzyCorydon-w: call.sample ?
19:21.49Corydon-wfrenzy: or
19:21.52astadminAsterisk integration with Zultys..............any comments.....any docs
19:22.15Corydon-wrajesh_: use the CDR UserField if you want writable
19:22.44greg_workastadmin: in what way?
19:23.08*** join/#asterisk [skeeter] (i=aa@
19:23.21ManxPowerastadmin: well since we know NOTHING about their PBX....
19:23.34Ariel_I need a good 4 port FXO gateway for asterisk that works. And it's cost effective does anyone know of one?
19:23.46greg_workAriel_: heh
19:23.53ManxPowerAriel_: Adtran
19:24.00*** join/#asterisk rg1_ (
19:24.09Ariel_greg_work, mediatrix and weltech are not any good.
19:24.23spackleAriel_: some people swear by mediatrix, some swear at them.
19:24.28Ariel_adtran ??? I did not know that they had any sip gateways
19:24.40rg1_ok, anyone here that can help me fire up my Asterisk where I have an incoming PRI?
19:24.40HmmhesaysI disagree, mediatrix has a very stable product in their fxs devices
19:24.49*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
19:24.52astadminManxpower: any help for the integration of Asterisk with Zultys
19:24.54Ariel_1204 fxo
19:25.02ManxPowerastadmin: well since we know NOTHING about their PBX....
19:25.04Ariel_Hmmhesays, not the fxs ones
19:25.06Hmmhesays1204 fxo is one you can swear at, the rest of their line is pretty good
19:25.15rg1_Manxpower - you know anything about the config in zaptel.conf and zapata.conf for a PRI?
19:25.28greg_workastadmin: in /etc/asterisk/integration.conf, just put zultys=yes
19:25.31ManxPowerrg1_: What is your specfic issue?
19:25.38HmmhesaysI like the mediatrix config files
19:25.41greg_workit's under the [magic] keyword
19:25.42*** join/#asterisk RazorJack (i=RazorJac@
19:25.51rajesh_how would i use a call file?
19:26.05Ariel_I have a customer that no matter what they do there tdm04b is really shitty.
19:26.20rg1_i'm having a problem with what the config should look like in zaptel.conf - its an NI2 PRI circuit
19:26.24astadminManxPower: ok, so how can we integrate Asterisk with other PBX
19:26.47Corydon-wrajesh_: by reading the sample file
19:27.00Seyrrajesh_: take a look here
19:27.06greg_workastadmin: as i asked before, in what way do you WANT to integrate it?
19:28.09Corydon-wastadmin: usually by buying a whole lot of extra hardware for your old PBX
19:28.21ManxPowerastadmin: Why don't you ask Zultsys
19:28.34ManxPowerCorydon-w: Zultsys maybe a SIP PBX
19:28.35*** join/#asterisk razu (
19:28.52astadminwant to send and receive calls between Asterisk and PBX
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19:29.16spacklezultys makes sip phones too.
19:29.20ManxPowerastadmin: I don't know how to interface with Zultsys since I have never even SEEN a Zultys PBX
19:29.22astadminyes Zultys is a SIP BX
19:29.30*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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19:29.37ManxPowerIn fact I doubt anyone here has seen a Zultys PBX
19:29.44[hC]hey shido, you here man?
19:29.54spackleI heard a zultys PBX once.
19:29.54[hC]hey i just signed up for an account at nufone
19:29.55shido6just being blown away by rosetta
19:30.00*** join/#asterisk Trionnis (
19:30.04shido6whats up?
19:30.05[hC]but i cant for the life of me find the iax.conf account settings.
19:30.14[hC]were they emailed out when i created the account maybe?
19:30.26shido6to the email account u signed up with
19:30.36shido6if that doesnt work anymore
19:30.37[hC]haha, i know where MINE is... :P
19:30.47shido6drop us a line at sales/support w/ transaction ID
19:30.50shido6and we'll hook ya up
19:30.57*** join/#asterisk sigmounte (
19:31.00[hC]you liking osx x86 still?
19:31.00rg1_anyone have a URL I can go to, to see some "standard" configs for PRI's on wct4xxp digium cards?
19:31.07shido6Im loving it
19:31.13shido6brings back memories
19:31.35*** join/#asterisk oden (
19:31.44bkw_rg1_, the wiki has examples
19:31.56dasuberdavidshido6: how well does osx x86 run?
19:32.09Trionnisanyone have an idea why a recent CVS build from today won't start on a redhat server?
19:32.10shido6it boots in 11 seconds
19:32.17shido6I login in and get full screen in 3 seconds
19:32.24shido6shit just works
19:32.26dasuberdaviddoes it have good hardware support
19:32.27shido6QE doesnt tho
19:32.36astadminso, how we can integrate asterisk with other PBX, have to register it as SIP client or ?
19:32.37dasuberdavidwhats QE?
19:32.43shido6and I have vesa 2.0 until ati shits a new driver for my radeon 9800
19:32.57dasuberdavidyeah lol
19:33.01Nuggetuntil it runs WoW I'll stick with my powermac.  :)
19:33.13bkw_Nugget, i'm with ya
19:33.24TrionnisI start it with "asterisk -vvvvc" and it gets to "[] => (iLBC/PCM16 (signed linear) Codec Translator)" and drops back to the command line
19:33.24Trionnisno error, nothing in the logs
19:33.27shido6Quartz Extreme
19:33.31*** join/#asterisk the882 (i=the882@
19:33.47shido6not yet at least...
19:34.17rg1_bkw - where do i see the wiki on this please?
19:34.41bkw_rg1_, what kind of PRI?
19:34.46rg1_katty - URL?
19:34.56jbotmethinks wikis is
19:34.58rg1_a PRI NI2 from XO communications
19:35.17jbotextra, extra, read all about it, fxofxs is An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage.
19:35.53Hmmhesaysi'm downloading season 1 episode 1 of wanted
19:35.59HmmhesaysI caught it last night and now i'm intrigued
19:36.03KattyHmmhesays: that 133 is still zomgslow even with fluxbox. :<
19:36.31Hmmhesayseven with fluxbox huh?
19:36.37Hmmhesayshow much ram you got?
19:36.42Kattyi mean 64
19:36.46Hmmhesaysthat should run fine
19:36.55Kattysure. but when you open mozilla
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19:36.57Kattyor open office
19:37.09Hmmhesaysdon't use mozilla, it will eat all your ram
19:37.14Kattyi put one of the co-workers down in front of teh box.
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19:37.22Kattythey said it was Too Slow To Use
19:37.27Kattyso we get a new one (=
19:37.41Hmmhesaysdon't waste a pc
19:37.46Hmmhesaysuse it for something
19:37.50Kattyi'm scrapping it (=
19:37.57Kattyit has a Real Modem(tm)
19:38.09Hmmhesaysput ser on it, you could serve your whole town
19:38.31iCEBrkrcrap, who was trying to help me with the NEAX 2000 <-> Asterisk stuff?  I'm just trying to figure out if I can intergrate the two.
19:38.37lathos42Put it under your desk, use it as a footrest
19:38.47Kattyor better yet, we can throw it at lathos42
19:38.48HmmhesaysiCEBrkr, you can integrate everything together
19:38.49Kattytarget practice.
19:39.03Kattylathos42: :>
19:39.06iCEBrkrHmmhesays: hehe
19:39.22KattyHmmhesays: can you make the coffee pot ring through the serial port?
19:39.26HmmhesaysiCEBrkr, what are you trying to accomplish
19:39.30lathos42As much as I love computers, I wouldnt want to be on the receiving end of one being thrown at me
19:39.34HmmhesaysKatty: yes, if you give me some dev money
19:40.08iCEBrkrHmmhesays: Just some small tests.. I'd like to get some calls routed from the NEAX system through Asterisk and vice versa??/
19:40.23Hmmhesaysneed more info
19:40.42Hmmhesaysis this a completely legacy pbx, no ip functionality?
19:41.01iCEBrkrHmmhesays: I'd like to make my extension from the NEAX system route through the Asterisk box to my desktop (Sipura2k on this end)
19:41.17iCEBrkrHmmhesays: It's pretty old, I'm pretty sure it doesn't have IP-anything :P
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19:41.29Hmmhesaysare they analog extensions?
19:41.41Hmmhesayslike you can plug a phone you find down at walmart into time
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19:41.56paulcor do they have ze blinkenlights? :)
19:41.56iCEBrkrHmmhesays: I've requested an analog line, but I don't if they through through the NEAX system.
19:42.14Hmmhesaysrephrase that it didn't make much sense
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19:42.28Hmmhesaysthat or your 'through' key was stuck
19:42.43iCEBrkrI got an analog line for my Asterisk box... But I'm not sure that it's connected to the NEAX system.
19:42.51Kattythat's pretty bad if Hmmhesays doesn't understand it...and he even speaks/translates kat.
19:43.11HmmhesaysiceBrkr: i meant analog extensions on the station side of the pbx
19:43.19paulcanyone from junction networks in here?
19:43.24iCEBrkrHmmhesays: Not sure.
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19:43.30Hmmhesayswhat kind of phones you got plugged directly into the NEAX
19:43.44iCEBrkrHmmhesays: They're digital.. NEC DTerm SeriesIII
19:43.52HmmhesaysiCEBrkr, that is a problem
19:44.00Hmmhesayswhat you got on the trunk side of the pbx?
19:44.06brad_msswis there a way to tell what codec is being used for a sip call via the asterisk CLI ?
19:44.11Hmmhesayssip show channels
19:44.21iCEBrkrHmmhesays: Some ConnectReach frac T-1 garbage.
19:44.33brad_msswheh, ok, didn't realize it showed that ... thanks
19:44.34Hmmhesaysdata and voice on the same t1?
19:44.40iCEBrkrHmmhesays: Yeah.
19:45.06*** part/#asterisk PakiPenguin (i=uppal@unaffiliated/pakipenguin)
19:45.12Hmmhesayswell, without analog style extensions on the station side, you'll have to do your voip integration on the trunk side
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19:45.23iCEBrkrHmmhesays: That's what I figured. :(
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19:45.32Hmmhesayswhich is not to big a deal, i've done many installs as such
19:45.46iCEBrkrHmmhesays: I'd have to talk to the guy that maintains the thing and see if there's some sort of analog 'line card' in this thing.
19:45.47afrosheenanyone know anything about shared call appearances and polycom phones?
19:46.05HmmhesaysiCEBrkr, if there is that opens up more possibilities for you
19:46.09lathos42afrosheen: I dont think its implemented yet
19:46.16afrosheenbasically all I need to do is have 2 extensions registered to the same number
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19:46.19iCEBrkrHmmhesays: Yup, exactly
19:46.40iCEBrkrafrosheen: Why?
19:46.44HmmhesaysiCEBrkr, but if not... trunk side integration isn't so bad, it is seemless to the station users
19:46.57Hmmhesaysallows for ip failure, so on so forth
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19:47.07afrosheeniCEBrkr: we have a sec. that's in a cube and at a desk, floats between both, needs one single number everyone can reach her on
19:47.29iCEBrkrafrosheen: Why not have your Dial() app dial multiple extensions?
19:47.35Hmmhesaysyou mean you need two phones to ring at the same extension
19:47.45afrosheenyeah, i.e. shared presence
19:47.55iCEBrkr"Ring group"
19:47.59Hmmhesaysexten => XXX,1,DIAL(SIP/PHONE1&SIP/PHONE2)
19:48.12afrosheenno good, ring group isn't available from the directory
19:48.24afrosheenbut Hmmhesays's solution looks good
19:48.34iCEBrkr(03:47)< iCEBrkr> afrosheen: Why not have your Dial() app dial multiple
19:48.38Hmmhesaysexten => XXX,1,DIAL(SIP/PHONE1&SIP/PHONE2&SIP/BananaPhone)
19:48.39lathos42Hmmhesays:  Hey, that's a pretty nifty trick
19:48.40iCEBrkrI think we said the same thing.
19:48.42Hmmhesaysring ring, ring ring
19:48.53afrosheenring ring peel
19:49.27syleugly in [global]   THISPHONE=SIP/PHONE1&SIP/PHONE2    exten => XXX,1,DIAL(THISPHONE)
19:49.56Hmmhesaysyou don't have to set that as a global variable
19:50.05Hmmhesaysjust set it within the context <shrug>
19:50.17syleyou don;t have to set anything as a global variable, just helps sometimes
19:50.23holosWhen I dial Zap/g1 and it chooses say Zap/1-1 (FXO) but there is no cable plugged in or dialtone on Zap/1-1 it stil connects and emmits a large scretching sound. Is this normal?
19:50.41Hmmhesaysyou sure you got an fxo module in there?
19:50.58holosHmmhesays: Ya. I can connect a line to it and dial out on it..
19:51.07Hmmhesayseven with said screeching?
19:51.15ManxPowerholos: yes.  Don't send a call to the port if you don't have a line plugged in
19:51.29holosIt doesn't screech when there is a cable plugged in..
19:51.30HmmhesaysiCEBrkr, if you want to some pointers on what I use for trunk side integration drop me a pm sometime and I'll give you some pointers
19:51.47holosManxPower: I know it's not a good think, but the behaviour wasn't expected..
19:51.54afrosheenso it's not possible to have both phones register to the same ext. number correct?
19:52.01ManxPowerholos: Asterisk does not check for dialtone or line voltage on the TDM400P FXO moduiles
19:52.08Hmmhesaysafrosheen: not in asterisk
19:52.12ManxPowerafrosheen: correct.  Have them register as different users
19:52.18blitzrageso, when a call comes in on IAX2, it first looks for the hostname to match on? Because I have this situation: *1 sends call to IAX2/lmadsen (aka *2). *2 has both lmadsen and lmadsen2 friends configured. Both have the same hostname configured, but different usernames and passwords - yet Asterisk tries to match on lmadsen2 (its the closest to the bottom of the file).
19:52.24blitzragesame thing if I make them separate user/peers
19:52.28ManxPowerI have my phones register as the MAC-a|b|c|d depending on the line.
19:52.50Hmmhesaysyou can register multiple 'extensions' in ser
19:53.02Hmmhesaysand ser will fork the call to each of them
19:54.36afrosheenso basically the sec. will have 2 different extensions but ext. xxx will ring both of her phones
19:54.44Hmmhesaysafrosheen, correct sir
19:54.52afrosheenthe critical thing is that it be available from the directory
19:55.10Hmmhesaysactually _XXX is the correct syntax for that
19:55.24Hmmhesaysbut... so make a directory entry for that extension <shrug>
19:55.41ManxPowerYour SIP user id is NOT your extension.
19:55.57ManxPowerafrosheen: all Directory does is read voicemail.conf
19:56.19Hmmhesaysor whatever config file you want it in if you make a change to 1 line in the source
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19:59.03lathos42I could drive my boss crazy by having my extension ring all 3 IP phones on my desk at once :)
19:59.47Hmmhesayswow this female is actractive, except for her pointy knees
20:00.25afrosheenyou're the first guy that's ever had a problem with knees
20:00.54Hmmhesayswho likes pointy knees, geez
20:01.11afrosheenwho notices knees?
20:01.32Hmmhesayshmmm not really a problem, just an observation
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20:01.40afrosheenonly time I have a problem with legs is if they 1. don't touch the ground or 2. are bowed out
20:02.07Hmmhesayslol don't touch the ground?
20:02.13Beirdoor 3.  they are on your GF and wrapped around someone else
20:02.19afrosheenwell that goes without saying
20:02.54Hmmhesaysmaybe shes giving him a massage?
20:03.05afrosheenthat's bad too
20:03.21Beirdodamn, I'm zonked
20:03.38Hmmhesaysluba is seriously hot
20:03.45blitzrageBeirdo: I hear that - up till 4am the past two nights, woken up at 11am by phone calls
20:03.53asdfsgsomeone know if at the time that app_dial.c is called , if cdr->src is set ?
20:04.01Beirdoblitzrage: ouch...
20:04.16Beirdofor me it's just hours of mucking around with cabling in the machine room
20:04.22blitzrageBeirdo: and I'm going to be up in the attack for a few hours tonight running network cable
20:04.28Hmmhesaysthank god I don't have to deal a lot with cabling
20:04.29lathos42You know, I'm sad that SBC got rid of the Time of Day service.. now I dont have anywhere to forward Telemarketers to
20:04.35Hmmhesaysit drives me nuts, no one labels anything
20:04.44Beirdowell, we label religiously
20:04.48blitzrageHmmhesays: that is annoying
20:04.52ManxPowerblitzrage: what I do is go to sleep at 7pm, wake up at 3am then do the night maintaince.
20:04.55rg1_hey bkw, you still out there?
20:05.00ManxPowerthen I'm not quite so grumpy in the morning
20:05.02afrosheenwe started labeling with our last Server Room Move TM
20:05.08afrosheenboy what a long day that was
20:05.10toddflathos42: maybe you can snarf an agi script for time of day service?
20:05.10Hmmhesayssucks when you gotta put the ringer on a bunch of jacks
20:05.24DrWho17hrm, is there an easy way to turn call waiting off for a sip client?
20:05.27afrosheentoddf: I've seen 'em
20:05.39afrosheenDrWho17: depends on the phone
20:05.42Beirdowell, this room is rows of racks with patch panels, etc.  labelling's a must
20:05.51Hmmhesaysyou can do it with dialplan variables too
20:06.03DrWho17afrosheen: well, I've killed all the internal ata stuff
20:06.05Hmmhesaysthe way AAH does it
20:06.11DrWho17I'm handling the features within the dialplan
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20:06.37afrosheenDrWho17: so do the..*70 or whatever it is do kill it via the phone
20:06.48DrWho17yea, that's outbound call waiting
20:06.52DrWho17works fine
20:06.59Hmmhesaysno, for inbound too
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20:07.07DrWho17I'm talking about turning off call waiting for inbound calls
20:07.26afrosheenwe had to edit the configs of our polycoms for that, but you're not doing it that way
20:07.36DrWho17Hmmhesays: *70 is a onetime turn off of call waiting
20:08.26DrWho17afrosheen: yea, I have a web management interface, so I didn't want the ata's to handle anything internally
20:08.34Hmmhesaysok, what you saying DrWho17?
20:09.22DrWho17Hmmhesays: I want to be able to turn off call waiting for all inbound calls for a sip client, so that if they are on the phone, the user will get a busy
20:09.36DrWho17I was hoping there was an easy way
20:09.57Hmmhesaystheres a couple ways you can do it
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20:10.49DrWho17easiest would be a callwaiting parameter in the sip config for the user, but there doesn't appear to be one
20:11.06fugitivoAug 23 17:09:44 NOTICE[31547]: chan_iax2.c:1375 iax2_destroy: Avoiding IAX destroy deadlock
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20:11.17fugitivosometimes i have a lot of those messages and a hungup
20:11.19fugitivoany idea?
20:11.58HmmhesaysDrWho17 just check if the channel is available before you dial it in the dialplan
20:12.38Hmmhesaysif not, go to busy
20:13.41DrWho17Hmmhesays: ok, that's not too rough
20:14.08DrWho17I wish there was a callwaiting=yes or callwaiting=no parameter though per sip client
20:14.12Hmmhesaysnope, if there is no channel available it will jump to n+101 and that is where you play your busy
20:14.20afrosheenDrWho17: yeah it sounds like it needs one
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20:14.30Hmmhesaysso make one....
20:14.35Hmmhesaysyou can set variables in sip.conf
20:14.43DrWho17there is for zap/mgcp
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20:15.36slak-where in extensions.conf can i specify the outgoing caller id for a dialplan
20:15.36Hmmhesaysif callwaiting=yes in the dialplan go to myCallWaiting context,  if callwaiting=no goto myNoCallWaiting context
20:15.41DrWho17Hmmhesays: sure, I'll make one now
20:15.58asdfsgdrumkilla_ , have a moment ?
20:16.02DrWho17but I was hoping for a built in one, that's why I asked about an *easy* way to do it
20:16.30Hmmhesaysthere is nothing hard about what I described :D  3 more lines in the dialplan? 1 in sip.conf
20:16.34DrWho17I will have to add another if context, and value to fetch from the database
20:17.07slak-drumkilla where in extensions can i specify the outgoing caller id for my iax dialplan?
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20:17.21Hmmhesaysok, so 30 more seconds of work :D
20:17.21slak-exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(IAX2/userid@asterlink/${EXTEN:1})
20:17.31slak-where does outgoing callerid fit into that string
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20:18.07Hmmhesaysactually no, do it all in the dialplan that would be a better idea
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20:18.34slak-hey dudes!!! help please
20:19.05wunderkinslak-, um..  try setcallerid?
20:19.15slak-wunderkin  i dont know how that works mang
20:19.20slak-i cant do it in sip.conf
20:19.28Hmmhesayswasn't talking to you slak
20:19.35DrWho17checks nanpa to see if there is even a code to deactivate call waiting
20:19.43wunderkinwell, yes you can.. but using callerid= or something like that.. look MUCH harder dude
20:19.51afrosheenslak-: you can put it in sip.conf per extension
20:20.03slak-wunderkin no man i cant do that because then my local caller id is wrong
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20:20.11slak-and local extensions see the outside caller id
20:20.17X-Genhey freaks
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20:20.27X-Genhow do i disable all writes to /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv ?
20:20.35slak-i only want this caller id set for calls dialed via iax2
20:20.51afrosheenX-Gen: is asterisk running as root or another user
20:20.51wunderkinwhy are you talking about sip.conf if it is an iax provider?
20:21.10X-Genafrosheen: running as root right now
20:21.22X-Genjust a test * install
20:21.34afrosheenX-Gen: you can modify the perms on it, chmod 644 or so
20:21.36slak-wunderkin how can i set callerid for calls made via iax
20:21.47slak-i figure in extensions.conf in my iax dialplan?
20:22.18shawarmaHi! I have a problem with Asterisk and my firewall. I've made it accept calls and place calls so SIP is obviously working fine.. However, only the outgoing sound is working... I just need to understand something here. The ports I define in rtp.conf... Are they not for ingoing rtp connections too?
20:22.20X-Genafrosheen: i tried to trash the dir, then i get errors in the * log (gonna try the permissions thing now)
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20:22.55wunderkinslak-, yes thats one way, the other way is in iax.conf.. look at the example configs.. wiki.. mail list.. you have been given a push on what you need to look for, so now go look
20:22.58Hmmhesaysshawarma what ports did you define in rtp.conf
20:23.18shawarmaHmmhesays: 27000 to 28000 to avoid collision with my ATA.
20:23.37shawarmaHmmhesays: And SIP on 5065 for the same reason.
20:23.46Hmmhesaysget out ethereal
20:23.51Hmmhesayssee if you are getting rtp both ways
20:23.52slak-hmm i wonder how the fuck is asterisk accepting connections for IAX when i dont have that port open on my firewall
20:23.58iCEBrkrHmmhesays: Lemme do some more research on this NEAX box and how it's provisioned and I'll get back to ya.. I know you're here a lot :P
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20:24.05afrosheeniax = magic
20:24.15wunderkinslak-, udp not tcp
20:24.27DrWho17Advanced Call Waiting Deluxe (*76)
20:24.40DrWho17doesn't say what the deactivation code is though, err
20:24.45shawarmaHmm.... I just don't know where to look. There's an awful lot of traffic to go through and I don't really know what to filter on.
20:24.47Hmmhesayssame one
20:24.56ManxPowerDrWho17: Is that the feature where the PBS tells the 2nd caller to sod off?
20:25.03ManxPowerPBX, even
20:25.12iCEBrkrI hate PBS :P
20:25.18afrosheenDrWho17: generally, feature disable is feature +1
20:25.25Hmmhesaysred green show is funny on pbs
20:25.26afrosheennot always but usually
20:25.37BeirdoRed Green Show is from CBC :)
20:25.40shawarmaHmmhesays: But when I put 27000 to 28000 in rtp.conf, that tells the other end which ports I'd like my incoming connections on, right?
20:25.43slak-wunderkin i guess one asterisk established a connection with a voip provider it doesnt need any ports open on the firewall?
20:25.49afrosheenHmmhesays: if you they don't find you attractive, at least let them find you useful
20:26.00afrosheens /useful/handy
20:26.03Hmmhesaysshawarma: it should, but some devices may not like that port range
20:26.03DrWho17ManxPower: no, actually what happened is one of my test users bitched at me because his voicemail on busy wasn't hit, when someone called him while on the line
20:26.08Hmmhesaysafrosheen: hell yeah
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20:26.19Beirdoit's recorded about 5 blocks from where I live :)
20:26.21shawarmaHmmhesays: Have you got better suggestions?
20:26.27BeirdoToronto's good for SOMETHING
20:26.32DrWho17after explaining twice that it was because of call waiting on his account, I decided I probably should implement that thing
20:26.44afrosheenRGS rocks
20:27.06qwer^^i would like to know which is te latest version of asterisk
20:27.16afrosheencheck the cvs?
20:27.25DrWho17afrosheen: yea, I'll probably just come up with something, *77 is taken
20:27.33DrWho17anonymous call block
20:28.04Hmmhesayslook up the code on qwest or mci
20:28.37Hmmhesays*70 is cw disable for qwest
20:28.42DrWho17for outbound
20:28.46iCEBrkrqwer^^: 1.0.9 is stable.. I assume since it's the one you get when you download from the site :)
20:28.50DrWho17on a per call basis
20:29.08Hmmhesayshow can you disable call waiting on outbound
20:29.12DrWho17Hmmhesays: I tried to stick with the nanpa classes where I can
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20:29.25DrWho17Hmmhesays: you dial *70, before dialing your outbound number
20:29.31ManxPowerI always just disable CW in the SIP device
20:29.32kkris digium's cvs server constantly down, or busy?  I can rarely ever cvsup my asterisk source
20:29.36shawarmaHmmhesays: Is 27000 to 28000 particularly bad or is anything outside the regular 16384 to 16482 a bad idea?
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20:29.39qwer^^icebrkr:any patches for it
20:29.43DrWho17for the length of that outbound call, anyone who dials in will get a busy signal
20:29.53HmmhesaysI wouldn't say bad idea, but there might be interop problems
20:29.58afrosheenyeah digium's cvs server = crap
20:30.13afrosheenhard to download anything from them these days
20:30.35DrWho17I want them to be able to just turn it off all the way, just add another variable to the user config, and read it in, and check channel status should do it
20:30.40kkrthats weak :/
20:30.42kkrany mirrors?
20:30.52afrosheenwhat was the result of the Google Summer of Code Asterisk project? anyone know?
20:30.56shawarmaHmmhesays: I've gotten linphone to work through the same firewall (without setting up any forwarding or anything, actually) and to the same provider. Same account, too, actually.
20:31.08iCEBrkrqwer^^: Dunno..
20:31.18Hmmhesaysshawarma, then what is the problem?
20:31.22slak-im still confused on how to set default caller id for calls made via iax in iax.conf...ive looked at examples can someone hint
20:31.39shawarmaHmmhesays: That asterisk won't..
20:31.42dasuberdavidslak-: "callerid="
20:31.46slak-didnt work
20:32.19kkrI am having a problem with hangups not being detected on my FXS ports..  is this common?  I've been googling and whatnot for days and still cant get it fixed.
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20:32.36Hmmhesaysshawarma, make you are you aren't reinviting through that firewall
20:33.01kkrwhen an inbound call comes in, the box picks up fine..  it just always has to time out before it forceably hangs up the line, even when the caller hung up way earlier.
20:33.04ManxPowerslak-: it might work if you used the correct format for callerid=
20:33.10Kattymmm, popcorn
20:33.12ManxPowercallerid=Robert Dobbs <666>
20:33.14X-Genhow are opteron servers for * box's ?  now that opteron kicks intels but
20:33.21ManxPowernotice the total lack of quotes
20:33.39shawarmaHmmhesays: Could you elaborate on that a bit? What is reinviting and how do I avoid it?
20:33.51shawarmaHmmhesays: A link to an explanation would be just fine.
20:33.55Hmmhesaysin your sip.conf for your peer you need canreinvite=no
20:34.16fileafrosheen: it's not over.
20:34.38shawarmaHmmhesays: Thanks.
20:35.08kkrdamn laptop keyboards
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20:36.08slak-ManxPower  still not working mang ;(
20:36.40shawarmaHmmhesays: Can you explain why I wouldn't want to allow reinvite? It seems that reinvite is the magic that allows Asterisk to force the rtp streams onto specific ports..
20:36.52pablassohey guys... i got a problem here, i got internet access
20:36.58Hmmhesaysshawarma: that isn't very accurate
20:37.03slak-how much bandwidth is g726 codec using?
20:37.04pablassobut cant see port 80 of any computer
20:37.14pablassowhat could it be besides a firewall?
20:37.41pablassosorry for the offtopic...
20:37.43shawarmaHmmhesays: Hmm... the configuration I used (which I copied from somewhere else) already says canreinvite=no... I'll try setting it to yes and see what happens.
20:37.52Hmmhesaysin the most basic of terms a reinvite tells the calling party and the called party send the rtp directly between them, not through asterisk
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20:39.11shawarmaHmmhesays: Oh! In all cases, my Asterisk will be a party in the call.
20:40.03Hmmhesaysonly if its not reinviting
20:40.19kkryou guys wont even tell me to go to hell or anything?  No response is worse than that..
20:40.20Hmmhesaysshawarma: grab an fwd account and do an echotest
20:40.29Hmmhesayskkr: what is your question
20:40.33Hmmhesaysand ... go to hell
20:40.38kkrthanks :)
20:40.42kkrwhen an inbound call comes in, the box picks up fine..  it just always has to time out before it forceably hangs up the line, even when the caller hung up way earlier.
20:40.48kkrI am having a problem with hangups not being detected on my FXS ports..  is this common?  I've been googling and whatnot for days and still cant get it fixed.
20:40.54kkrbackwards :/
20:40.58Hmmhesayson your fxo ports?
20:41.20shawarmaHmmhesays: An echotest between my asterisk and another server? How would I listen in on that?
20:41.21Hmmhesayscause hangup not detected on fxs ports means your card is b0rken
20:41.32kkryeah fxo sorry
20:41.33Hmmhesayscall up and echo test and look for rtp coming back
20:41.35Kattyborken :<
20:41.38kkrits signalled with fxs
20:41.50Hmmhesaystry using kewlstart
20:41.53kkri am
20:42.18Hmmhesayswhere these lines at?
20:42.22kkrwhen i pick up a phone plugged into a fxs, it picks up the offhook/onhook just fine
20:42.29kkrright next to me.
20:42.36Hmmhesaysyes you are having problem with far end disconnect
20:43.02kkrhmm.. so I gotta call the telco then eh
20:43.17Hmmhesaysfind out if your lines are actually kewl start
20:43.22Hmmhesayssometimes they call it forward disconnect
20:43.26kkrive tried groundstart too
20:43.40Hmmhesaysi doubt you are using groundstart in north america
20:44.13kkrok well just to be clear..
20:44.24Hmmhesayswait, are you in a grass hut?
20:44.25kkrI normally had this line plugged right into a regular analog phone.
20:44.40kkrit works fine
20:44.52kkrthen i took that line, and plugged it into the asterisk fxo port
20:44.59kkrand plugged the phone into the fxs
20:45.05Hmmhesayswell I suggest you read the disconnect supervision portion of the wiki
20:45.14kkrthanks for the pointers
20:45.20DrWho17kkr: try messing with the callprogress stuff
20:45.25wizhippois there a way I can make asterisk use ulaw for incoming calls to my ip client when the call is from my tdm card, and gsm or what ever codec if the call is coming in from ip?
20:45.41kkrI had the busydetect and callprogress both to 'yes' and 'no' with combinations of the two with no luck
20:46.00DrWho17ok and busycount?
20:46.08kkrset to 4
20:46.13kkrand 6
20:46.18DrWho17ok, weird
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20:46.36kkras far as asterisk is concerned, the caller never hung up.
20:46.37jake1932wizhippo: just change your voip provider entries to gsm
20:46.49kkruntil it times out, and then is forceably hung up.
20:46.58jake1932wizhippo: inside sip.conf or iax.conf
20:47.07ManxPowerkkr: sounds like you are either not in the USA/Canada or you are not plugged into a regular POTS PSTN line.
20:47.14kkrthe fxo port should be 'offhook' right ?  when I do a zap show channel 3, it shows it state as offhook.
20:47.16wizhippojake1932, crap forgot about there, thanks
20:47.25kkr3 would be the fxs port w/ the pots line.
20:47.26ManxPowerAsterisk will always disconnect if it sees the battery drip for 500 ms from the telco
20:47.41ManxPowerdrip == drop
20:47.50brad_msswcan sip renegotiate a codec on the fly? or is it only at the beginning of a session?
20:47.55kkrI should hook up a voltmeter and check that stuff out
20:48.10ManxPowerbrad_mssw: yes, but asterisk can't.
20:48.22ManxPowerkkr: who is your telco?
20:48.39kkrI work for the state of minnesota..  my telco is a quasi-private company called Intertech
20:48.47kkrwho gets their lines from Qwest
20:48.49brad_msswManxPower: oh, bummer ... was wanting to enable g729 pass-thru on devices, but still allow those devices to talk to non g729 devices using a diff codec
20:49.04ManxPowerkkr: then you need to tell them you need "Far End Disconnect Supervision"
20:49.29ManxPowerkkr: i.e. EXACTLY like the local ILEC would provide by default.
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20:49.46DrWho17good luck with that
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20:50.05kkrI appreciate the adivce ManxPower
20:50.15kkradvice that is
20:52.07jake1932brad_mssw: wouldn't simply enabling all the desired codecs enable you to connect to talk to g729 as well as others?
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20:52.54nroejhi all
20:52.54brad_msswjake1932: doesn't appear so since g729 is pass-thru only ... I just tested it, trying to call from a sip phone set to allow g729 and ulaw a zap extension
20:53.06wizhippojake1932, that's not working I have my voip provide to use gsm only, in my iax.conf I have my iax client saying it can use both ulaw and gsm with ulaw being the first.  when a call comes in via the tdm it picks gsm, i even have my iax client to preffer ulaw.
20:53.12brad_msswjake1932: it should have used ulaw I would think, but it tried to use g729 instead, and it failed
20:53.14ManxPowerIf you want to use G279 then buy some G729 licenses
20:53.16jake1932brad_mssw: how many lines?
20:53.24muti wondered why no one was talking
20:53.31muti was scrolled half way up my buffer
20:53.32shawarmaHmmhesays: I did the ethereal thing. I can see I send the SIP INVITE packet with a port number in the right interval and then I get an SIP ACK from the server but that's it... RTP is UDP, right? I'm filtering on UDP in my ethereal...
20:53.37jake1932ManxPower:exactly where I was going with this
20:53.52brad_msswjake1932: just did a quick test from 1 sip line to 1 zap line ...
20:54.05brad_msswManxPower: right, yeah, that's where my other question comes in
20:54.14jake1932brad_mssw: but how many lines utimately?
20:54.27ai-aif there is a delay in IAX audio shouldnt the softphone drop packets to keep up with the audio stream?
20:54.42ManxPowerWe bought 10 G729 licenses 18 months ago and never have G729 problems
20:54.42jake1932brad_mssw: Digium has the g.729 licences for $10 each
20:54.47brad_msswManxPower: if I purchase 10 licenses now, can I purchase 10 more later (e.g. add-to) ... or do I have to purchase 20, and discard my other 10?
20:55.05ai-aim getting an increasing delay for people connecting to my PBX from the internet via IAX.
20:55.06ManxPowerbrad_mssw: Digium will let you add to your licenses, but it's not a simple thing
20:55.08afrosheenyou can buy some now and some later
20:55.08brad_msswjake1932: right, i know ... I was just seeing if I could reliably test g729 first from device to device to see if it's worth it
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20:55.28Hmmhesaysyou need to specify rtp in ethereal
20:55.40afrosheenbrad_mssw: dev to dev it's a waste, your concern with 729 should be trunking, i.e. outbound internet bandwidth
20:55.54brad_msswManxPower: hmm, ok, so I should think for the future when purchasing then
20:56.14jake1932brad_mssw: I bought g729 licenses myself and it works just fine.  you might want to consider how many lines you use though vs. your machine type for transcoding
20:56.16afrosheenai-a: how is your ping to your ISP and IAX provider looking? going up?
20:56.31brad_msswafrosheen: well, my main problem is I have remote sales people that work from home that have UT Starcom F1000's ... and they don't support GSM ... and with ulaw, when they do anything else, it gets real choppy
20:57.37brad_msswjake1932: yeah, probably just go ahead and bite the bullet
20:58.00shawarmaHmmhesays: Ethereal speaks rtp? Wow.
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20:58.41ai-aafrosheen: its not a constant delay, it starts out fine,, then slowing increases to upto 30 seconds.
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20:58.45brad_msswif you exceed your g729 licenses, will it automatically use a different codec ... or will calls just not complete ?
20:58.55brimstonebrad_mssw: not complete
20:58.59ai-aafrosheen: do you have an IAX client, you can see for yourself.
20:59.12Hmmhesaysshawarma, yeah
20:59.52brad_msswhmm, might be worthwhile to make a patch to take g729 off the supported codec list if all licenses are in use ....
20:59.53afrosheenbrad_mssw: your users need QoS-capable routers at home, end of story
21:00.01afrosheenbrad_mssw: we've dealt with that here as well
21:00.21brad_msswafrosheen: yeah, true on that ... just hard to mandate that ... especially since some travel and use them at other hotspots
21:00.32jake1932brad_mssw: you might be able to update a global variable that keeps track of liceneses in use
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21:00.59afrosheenbrad_mssw: you have people making calls from public wireless hotspots?
21:01.08paulhuynhhow do you create a URI with asterisk so i can gave it to my sip provider
21:01.13paulhuynhfor incoming call did
21:01.23brad_msswafrosheen: not often, it's been done, and some want to do it more ... we just got this stuff
21:01.32afrosheenbrad_mssw: big security no-no there
21:01.32shawarmaHmmhesays: No data... I just noticed that Asterisk has put its private IP in the contact header of the SIP OK packet... that doesn't seem right.
21:01.38brad_msswafrosheen: heh, yeah, i know :/
21:01.55afrosheenunencrypted voice stream..anyone in that place could listen
21:01.58ManxPowershawarma: that is a CLASSIC issue of not having Asterisk's NAT setup right
21:02.05brad_msswafrosheen: yep :/
21:02.18Hmmhesaysshawarma: that is exactly right
21:02.30afrosheenbrad_mssw: sounds like you need to write a user guide and come up with a booklet to hand out to your road warriors
21:02.32shawarmaHmmhesays: I read somewhere that nat=yes didn't do sh*t to asterisk acting as a server but rather let it do workarounds for clients behind NAT or something.
21:02.48Hmmhesaysyou need to set externip in the general sip config
21:02.55shawarmaHmmhesays: Already done that.
21:02.59afrosheenshawarma: any reason why your server is behind nat? or is it just your clients
21:03.37shawarmaafrosheen: My server is behind NAT. I only have one external IP and that's used for my router (obviously).
21:03.54afrosheenshawarma: oh so this is a personal, asterisk-server-at-home deal
21:04.11ManxPowershawarma: and do you have localnet= and externip=
21:04.17ManxPowerand port forwarded all ports from the outside to the asterisk server?
21:04.35shawarmaafrosheen: At home, yes. Personal, no. :-)
21:04.36paulhuynhDID question
21:04.43paulhuynhfor did asterisk URI
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21:05.03afrosheenshawarma: call your ISP and buy a second IP address, you have to get away from your local NAT
21:05.03ai-ashawarma: use the asterisk box as a nat server and forward all ports from the router to it.
21:05.09ManxPowerdouble nat works, you just have to know what you are doing
21:05.16shawarmaManxPower: I believe i have forwarded the right ports. I defined the rtp ports in rtp.conf to 27000 to 28000 and forwarded those, and the 5065 sip port.. I have NOT though, set the localnet thing..
21:05.25shawarmaManxPower: That's probably pretty stupid of me..
21:05.26afrosheendouble nat is just for hair loss or SER users
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21:06.06shawarmaafrosheen: Unfortunately, I can't. I can choose between static IP or multiple IP. Those two options are mutually exclusive.
21:06.06Ariel_paulhuynh, I don't understand your question?
21:06.08ManxPowershawarma: there are TWO RTP streams, one from asterisk -> SIP client (set in rtp.conf) and one from sip client -> Asterisk (set on the SIP device)
21:06.15shawarmaManxPower: I know.
21:06.29ManxPowershawarma: without localnet and externip it's not going to work
21:06.32paulhuynhcan someone help me create a sample to create a URI address for my did provider to send call to.
21:06.51shawarmaManxPower: Right. I can see why, now that I think about it. It makes total sense.
21:06.53paulhuynhI know it in extension_additional.conf
21:06.54shawarmaManxPower: I'll try it.
21:07.14ManxPowerpaulhuynh: you tried asking on the Asterisk@Home mailing list?
21:07.29paulhuynhbut no one have answer
21:07.47shawarmaManxPower: the syntax is something like localnet=, right?
21:07.55Ariel_paulhuynh, I still don't under stand?
21:08.09shawarmaManxPower: Or is it
21:08.10paulhuynhthey all you a another server server to register and external extension then calll in coming from that extension
21:08.21paulhuynhwell when you buy DID
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21:08.38HmmhesaysI love it when sales people sell hardware I'm not familiar with and are suprised when customers come back saying I don't seem to be familiar with the product
21:08.39Ariel_paulhuynh, you can route did's via amp interface
21:08.41paulhuynhDID provider ask you what is your URI for them to send all call to
21:08.57paulhuynhURI shoudl be like
21:09.03Ariel_paulhuynh, your IP address and login info you create on the box
21:09.06shawarmaManxPower: Great.. just a small question: What does nat=yes do actually?
21:09.08Hmmhesaysthat just makes my day
21:09.30ManxPowershawarma: nat=yes makes asterisk do the NAT required for the SIP client to be behind a NAT router.
21:09.34paulhuynhcan we use PM
21:09.45bdeHi. I am trying to a H323 phone from a SIP phone, and am using a gatekeeper. When I dial H323/247 (my extension) it just goes back into the default context, where I don't have a rule set up for it. I was wondering what rule I need to create in order to actually ring the H323 phone.
21:09.56shawarmaManxPower: so there would never be any reason to NOT set nat=yes, right?
21:10.00ManxPowerAriel_: charge him for private consulting if he wants PM
21:10.08shawarmaManxPower: I mean, why would you not allow your clients to be behind nat?
21:10.08afrosheenshawarma: in your situation, you're correct
21:10.09ManxPowershawarma: well, if the client isn't behind nat
21:10.33ManxPowershawarma: for MOST SIP devices nat=yes is OK, even if they are not behind nat
21:10.39Ariel_ManxPower, yes I should
21:10.45afrosheennat=yes sets up some kind of port mangling/static port routing for *, at least that's what I've seen it do
21:11.05afrosheenclients will get random 4 digit ports assigned to them rather than 5060
21:11.09shawarmaManxPower, afrosheen, Hmmhesays: you guys rock! I have succesfully completed an echo test!
21:11.13ManxPowerAriel_: Usually I just tell them to sod off
21:11.26shawarmaManxPower, afrosheen, Hmmhesays: Thank you so very, very much!
21:11.35afrosheenthank manx, not me :)
21:11.47malverian[work]Anyone here know a lot about how RTP and SIP interact and agree on session IDs?
21:11.50MicroHi, I'm looking to do call broadcasting using a postgresql datasource. Is there functionality in Asterisk to define outbound callplans, or should I write a script that interacts with the terminal?
21:13.05Hmmhesaysanyone use round robin dns for load balancing asterisk registrations amongst asterisk boxes?
21:13.11Hmmhesaysme thinks it looks like a good idea
21:13.47ManxPowerHmmhesays: I use SRV records, but only with SIP clients, since Asterisk's SRV support pretty much sucks
21:14.43Hmmhesayscan you elaborate a little
21:15.12malverian[work]Does anyone know if SIP defines a RTP session id in INVITE packets or if you have to use a separate RTP port for each open line you have on a SIP phone?
21:15.15shawarmaHmmhesays: This is SUCH a relief. I can finally focus on the fun stuff: Conditional call diversion, voicemail, IVR..
21:15.26Hmmhesaysthats good
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21:15.34Hmmhesaysfeel free to make a donation to my paypal account
21:15.36ManxPowerHmmhesays: Asterisk will only ever try the first host listed inthe SRV record.
21:16.08ManxPowerfortunmatly the SIPuras do it right
21:17.14afrosheenshawarma: AMP made all that stuff very easy :)
21:17.17HarmacistWhat is the linux support like for using an HCF controllerless modem w/ Asterisk?
21:17.29shawarmaafrosheen: Huh?
21:17.37ManxPowerhardwire: none
21:17.53Hmmhesaysamp works just fine provided you know what you are doing in the first place
21:17.56ManxPowerUnless you mean an HFC ISDB BRI card.
21:17.59hardwireManxPower: hi
21:17.59ManxPowerISDN too
21:18.07Harmacistthank you
21:18.11Hmmhesaysotherwise you will end up paying one of us a lot of money to figure out what you screwed up <chuckle>
21:18.26ManxPowerthere are several ways to make HFC BRI cards work with Asterisk
21:18.44HarmacistBRI!=56k, correct?
21:18.54afrosheenshawarma: asterisk manager portal,
21:18.58DrukenBRI == ISDN
21:19.04Harmacistthanks, just wanted to be sure
21:19.10Hmmhesaysif you are going to use amp you might as well just download AAH and forgo the painful installation
21:19.19ManxPowerBRI aka ISDN2
21:19.26afrosheenpainful shmainful, if you start with a good distro you'll be fine
21:19.40afrosheenif you're using SuSE forget it
21:19.51Hmmhesaysi tried installing amp on debian, and swore at it for about an hour and said fsck it
21:20.05afrosheendebian woody or sarge
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21:20.12Hmmhesaysstable sarge
21:20.24Hmmhesayswhen the whole point of amp is to make things easier.... just go with AAH
21:20.56zedkatufHmmhesays: yep 2nd that
21:21.29Harmacistand I'm assuming with Asterisk, I can setup a config, such that, when an incoming call comes in via my VoIP DID, it can ring both my softphone and my cell at the same time, and hang up the cell when I answer on my softphone?
21:21.31afrosheenyeah I guess so
21:21.36Hmmhesaysthe aah guys have done a good job
21:21.40zedkatuf(I'm an asterisk newb & tried installing amp/asterisk etc w/ debian testing/unstable & eventually gave up & used teh A@H iso instead )
21:21.56brad_msswis it possible to make a SIP phone ring differently if it's being called from a local extension vs the outside world?  or in general a way to define the ring cadence on a per-call basis?
21:22.07afrosheenI got it to install on debian in about an hour, centos is much easier, mandrake is simple also
21:22.12Hmmhesaysalert_info can change the ring cadence
21:22.18Hmmhesayszedkatuf: i'm no asterisk newb though
21:22.32zedkatufahh, k..didn't mean to imply etc :)
21:22.34Hmmhesayson cisco's and polycomm's for sure
21:22.46Hmmhesayshaha, I don't really care if you were anyway :)
21:22.47blitzrageCentOS r0x
21:22.58afrosheenyeah I'm starting to like centos alot more now
21:23.00brad_msswHmm, ok, i'll check it out ... thanks
21:23.08blitzrageFedora is useless
21:23.11afrosheendidn't trust it at first because older versions of redhat were crap
21:23.12HmmhesaysFedora is bloated
21:23.42zedkatufRe Centos: r there securityu packages (not entirely able to define what I mean sorry :P)
21:23.54Hmmhesaysyum yum yum yum, yum yum yum yum yuuuuuuuum
21:23.55afrosheencentos = redhat enterprise
21:24.07afrosheenonly, with the redhat removed
21:24.16Ariel_mandrake is no more it's now mandriva argh what a name
21:24.16zedkatufHmmhesays: ok, I'll dig :)
21:24.19afrosheenthey port all the security updates over just like rh does
21:24.32afrosheenAriel_: yeah some crack smokers in france for sure
21:24.36ManxPowerAriel_: Yeah.
21:24.39Hmmhesaysdig what?
21:24.58ManxPowerAriel_: Mandrake is going thru what all distros are going thru -- they have lost direction.
21:25.12ManxPowerOnce they get it back, I'll use their new version.
21:25.15afrosheennot really, they've just been acquiring people left and right
21:25.19Ariel_ManxPower, I was about to say that. But I will let you do that for me
21:25.21file[laptop]vooduhal: still conscious?
21:25.24Hmmhesaysdebian is about the same as its always been
21:25.31afrosheenslow and steady
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21:25.36Ariel_see you all later leaving to a take a flight in my plane
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21:26.20Hmmhesayseven debian testing is damn near rock solid
21:26.30ManxPowerafrosheen: I use the .2 releases of Mandrake.  They have not had one in AGES.
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21:27.06ManxPoweri.e. 8.2, 9.2
21:28.08Hmmhesaysgeebus the stock kernel is bloated
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21:32.17Fremanmeh, left a long emerge running last night on my asterisk box... don't you hate it when  they don't go all the way but stop from an error 2 packages in (IE just after you go to bed)
21:32.59RaYmAn-Bxyep. It's even worse if it's obvious that it's your own fault
21:33.10FremanI'm not owning up to that *grin*
21:33.30Fremanre mandrake... whole OS is bloated....
21:34.03ManxPowerFreman: Only if you install lots of crap.
21:34.06FremanI use debian testing, or gentoo for servers, and ubuntu or gentoo for desktops (gentoo depending on how much time I have)
21:35.04FremanI used to love mandrake... but something was wrong with 10+ for me... don't know what it is, just all of a sudden it started to annoy me like red hat dows
21:35.24ManxPowerFreman: We use 9.2
21:35.31Hmmhesayskind of like that girlfriend you've been with for to long?
21:35.33afrosheen10.1 puked on me twice, I gave up on it
21:36.14FremanI've got a 9.2 box on a cyrix 333 that's been running since the day I installed it
21:36.46afrosheenyeah we have an 8.2 server that refuses to die
21:37.08zedkatufnewb Q: if I want to use speex as my default codec, do I just type allow=speex in sip.conf & poss in extensions.conf as appropriate ?
21:37.31zedkatuf(or in my trunk.....?)
21:37.34ManxPowerzedkatuf: and make sure the speex developement libs are installed before you build asterisk
21:37.50zedkatufI compiled 1.1.10 last night ok
21:37.54zedkatuf& recompiled asterisk
21:38.05zedkatufso I think I must have the devel libs
21:38.16zedkatuf..easy way to find out I guess :)
21:38.23ManxPower"show translations" will tell you
21:38.43zedkatufin CLI?
21:39.11zedkatufasterisk1*CLI> show translations
21:39.11zedkatufNo such command 'show translations' (type 'help' for help)
21:39.14ManxPowertry it
21:39.34ManxPowersorry, show translation
21:39.36zedkatuftry it = as in allow=speex in above location(s)
21:39.50zedkatufspeex is listed
21:40.06zedkatufbut not being transcoded by anything atm for obvious reasons
21:40.23zedkatuf(ie all the entries in each column are -)
21:40.30ManxPowerzedkatuf: um, if it's listed with - then it's not installed
21:40.57zedkatufnot installed because I've not specified it's use in sip.conf for example u mean?
21:41.29ManxPowerno, I mean is not built/loaded.
21:41.34Fremanpeople on 512k connections ring up and complain about their download speed (35kb in IE)...
21:41.45ManxPowerAre you sure Asterisk cound the speex libs and include files?
21:42.08zedkatufafaik yes..I could check config.log I guess to make sure
21:42.30zedkatufno existo
21:42.32zedkatuf:P is in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
21:44.05zedkatufso mebbe I just need to add to sip.conf & restart asterisk
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21:53.45zedkatuf..dunno if it should be the other way round though!
21:55.10zedkatufhmm: show translation : does that show active transcoding of just what's loaded when asterisk restarts?
21:55.15clint_WRT the new JB:  How do I set the equivalent of the minexcessbuffer in the new JB?
21:55.15paulhuynhcan I PM you
21:55.17mishehuzedkatuf: why would it make a difference whether you are sending or receiving?
21:55.47zedkatufhehe: mebbe it doesn't!
21:56.02zedkatufI'm just too new/thick to know the answer to that one atm :)
21:56.46zedkatufpaulhuynh: Ariel_ is on a plane I think
21:57.23zedkatufcool: speex shows up in translation table now
22:03.24*** join/#asterisk carrar (
22:09.43hardwirethe snom rings are just .. amazingly bad.
22:10.03hardwirewho wants one.. much less two emergency vehicle sounds?
22:11.04ManxPowerI like my rings to....ring
22:16.05cpatrywhen using a GET DATA with 5 digits how can i do, if the user press, for example, *, it stops the get data and doesnt wait to other digit?
22:16.20*** join/#asterisk adjacent (
22:19.47afrosheenI'll be happy when I get my polycoms to play wav rings I specify, still can't get it working right
22:20.07*** join/#asterisk roulduke (
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22:33.25opus_Is there a way I can have a Macro annouce something to a Queue answering agent??
22:33.57*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (
22:35.27nick125surfdue: ping
22:35.54devonst17nick125: pong
22:36.12opus_so.. Queues can't invoke macros?
22:36.34shawarmaHey, in case anyone is interested: Some guy is selling FXO cards for ten bucks on eBay..
22:36.38opus_is there any way I can make a channel like SIP/255 that invokes a macro before dialing?
22:36.46opus_shaw i bought mine for $3
22:37.01opus_$10 is a rip! :)
22:37.11devonst17shawarma: what is a FXO card?
22:37.19yellowsnowopus: as far as I know, not without patching app_queue.c
22:37.39shawarmadevonst17: A card with an FXO port on it. FXO is a port that you can connect to a wall phone socket and do magic. :-D
22:37.51shawarmaopus_: No shit? Well, it's quite cheap compared to what I found elsewhere.
22:37.54devonst17shawarma: coo!
22:38.08jbotsomebody said fxofxs was An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage.
22:38.16devonst17Vco: Im interested in this stuff, but I dont know anything about it... :-(
22:38.40devonst17Vco: and I am currently involved in too many projects to take on learning Asterisk,
22:38.46shawarmaopus_: Besides, it's $25 for shipping all the way to Denmark, so $3 or $10 for the card is pretty much the same thing.
22:39.01devonst17Vco: but I am hanging in here to learn stuff via osmosis I hope.
22:39.05*** join/#asterisk jaike (i=aa@
22:39.17shawarmaVco: Good strategy! I do it all the time.
22:39.44opus_yeah but its only $.70 cents or something yuor money for our money
22:40.12*** join/#asterisk optim (
22:40.42shawarmaopus_: Er... Huh?
22:40.57hardwireis pickupchan() mainstream at all now?
22:40.58shawarmaopus_: A USD costs about 6.5 DKK.
22:41.30*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
22:41.39shawarmaopus_: But the shipping is 25 USD.
22:41.50opus_buy 100 of them then
22:41.52shawarmaopus_: You said it.
22:41.53Vcoi'm just tired
22:41.59jaikeanyone using agentcallbacklogin? need to figure out how to automatically logout an agent from an extension when another agent logs in on the same extension
22:42.08shawarmaopus_: LOL! Yeah, maybe I should have. ;-D
22:42.17Vcoi've been staring blankly at my screen all afternoon...
22:42.18shawarmaopus_: Who cares if I only need one? :-D
22:42.30opus_jaike . on the agent log off extension, just agentlogin the other agent
22:42.45RaYmAn-Bxshawarma: just remember the risk of getting extra tax on top of that :P And note that those cards might well be 'fake' crappy ones (so many people complain about them and all the problems with them constantly)
22:42.47shawarmaopus_: I've got this cool plan: there's a mobile phone company here in DK that offers free calls between two cellphones. I
22:42.54devonst17Does anyone know a lot about Bochs?
22:43.02Vcolet me guess
22:43.02devonst17I got farther then I had last night,
22:43.04opus_shawarma yeah thats a good idea
22:43.06devonst17but its bein a pain in the ass.
22:43.17opus_shawarma you going to hook it up for free? :)
22:43.20Vcogsm gateway porting back into an * box
22:43.28ManxPowershawarma: free calls between phones on the same carrier is pretty commmon in the USA.
22:43.39opus_shawarma how about spoofing the caller ID to pretend to be from the other phone, does that work?
22:43.39jaikeopus: we have a log of agents..hard to monitor who has logged in our not
22:43.42ManxPowerUnfortunatly, free incoming from landline to cell phone is not common
22:43.55opus_jaike do you use realtime by chance?
22:44.02shawarmaopus_: I'll hook a GSM modem and an FXO port together to let my asterisk use the GSM gateway to call my cell cheaply from a landline. And the other way around: I have a toll free number (the GSM modem's number) I can call and get a dial tone to call other numbers cheaply via landlines..
22:44.07jaikeopus: nope
22:44.27jaikeill read on it
22:44.27opus_i'm using realtime.. sucks
22:44.37jaikeoh ok..thought it was a solution
22:44.41opus_Realtime queue appears not to e documented
22:45.01Vco2 channels................1000Eur
22:45.01Vco4 channels................1600Eur
22:45.36jaikeagentlogin is really working for us now....with agentmonitoroutgoing, agents cant make calls unless theyre logged in
22:46.09jaikeand in the cdr..the src channel now shows the agent all calls can really be monitored
22:46.14shawarmaManxPower: Ok. It's quite unheard of here.
22:46.31jaikejust need to figure out the automatic logoff thingy
22:46.38shawarmaopus_: I don't think I can spoof CLID...
22:46.48ManxPowershawarma: *nod*  But in the USA the cell phone user pays for ALL non-mobile-to-mobile calls.
22:47.16shawarmaManxPower: Huh? You PAY for ACCEPTING calls?
22:47.24ManxPowershawarma: Yup.
22:47.27opus_manxpower is it based on callerID ? thats the question
22:47.35ManxPoweropus_: I doubt it.
22:47.40jaikeus too..per min
22:47.56shawarmaManxPower: That's nuts.
22:48.30shawarmaManxPower: How much does a typical landline call cost pr. minute? And how about mobile<->mobile?
22:48.52opus_cellphone $50/month
22:49.04opus_we have the spanish american war tax to pay :)
22:49.11JerJerten billion dollars
22:49.22ManxPowershawarma: In the USA/Canada most lines have free local calling
22:49.49shawarmaManxPower: Here a mobile call (from mobile to pretty much anything else) costs .80 DKK ( about 13 cents). A landline<->landline call costs .07 DKK (about 1 cent), so I'd be saving a lot of money if I do the GSM-modem trick.
22:50.09shawarmaManxPower: How about a call to a city a hundred miles away?
22:50.12ManxPowershawarma: most carriers here have an addon for free mobile-mobile (only same carrier) for some small additional fee.
22:50.21opus_shawarma < 100 miles usually free
22:50.29ManxPowershawarma: more then 10 - 20 miles is usually a pay call
22:50.36RaYmAn-Bxshawarma: which company is it that does the free mobile to mobile calls?
22:50.43ManxPowerBut it TOTALLY depends on the location/state/carrier
22:50.47opus_well, i'm in a big state:)
22:50.47Vcounless you're in canada
22:50.51shawarmaRaYmAn-Bx: In Denmark?
22:51.01RaYmAn-Bxshawarma: ja, jeg er også dansker.
22:51.02Vcomost phones here are geographically at least 10-20 miles apart
22:51.08nick125i think most carriers in the US do m-2-m for free..
22:51.18shawarmaRaYmAn-Bx: Hæhæ. Unotel. totalt ukendt selskab for mig indtil jeg læste om det på Musimi i dag.
22:51.55shawarmanick125: It's secret code.
22:52.06Vcothey're saying you're gay
22:52.10nick125nono, this is secret code:
22:52.13nick125!x0 0x0x0x0x000x0x0x0x00 0vvv00xxx0
22:52.25shawarmanick125: Your mom!
22:52.30RaYmAn-Bxshawarma: anyways, which company was it?
22:52.36shawarmaRaYmAn-Bx: Unotel.
22:52.53shawarmaRaYmAn-Bx: but I guess 3 has the same thing going on.
22:53.15shawarmaRaYmAn-Bx: To all other 3 subscribers even.
22:53.41shawarmaRaYmAn-Bx: but they're a lot more expensive pr. month for the subscription. I think unotel was quite cheap.
22:55.10gtigeneIn the context of Asterisk, what is the function of "database integration"? (What features or benefits does it give you?)
22:55.13RaYmAn-Bxshawarma: they say 1kr connection fee though..(unotel)..Even on the so-called free calls
22:55.15shawarma...and besides, I already had the GSM modem hooked up to my computer for sending SMS, but fsck that if I can call myself for free and playback a message instead.
22:55.57shawarmaRaYmAn-Bx: Yeah, that's true. But as soon as you speak for more than a minute, you're saving money.
22:56.24shawarmaRaYmAn-Bx: And if we're talking international calls, you only have to speak for 3 seconds before you're saving money bigtime!
22:58.06shawarmaRaYmAn-Bx: Cell -> GSM modem = 1 DKK. GSM-modem -> asterisk  is free of course. asterisk -> UK landline phone via Musimi = 0.20 DKK/min, I think. If I call directly from my cell phone to a UK landline it's probably 5 DKK pr. min.
22:58.23gtigeneIn the context of Asterisk, what is the function of "database integration"? (What features or benefits does it give you?)
22:58.57shawarmaRaYmAn-Bx: It's an interesting experiment, at least.
22:58.59RaYmAn-Bxshawarma: but I don't think it's very cheap/easy to get that working (except possibly if you have a bluetooth phone?)
22:59.04*** join/#asterisk shrush (
22:59.07shrushhi all
22:59.09RaYmAn-Bxshawarma: I agree. It would be quite nice
22:59.12shawarmaRaYmAn-Bx: I already have the GSM modem.
22:59.23RaYmAn-Bxand it supports voice?
22:59.31shawarmaRaYmAn-Bx: I just need a cable between that and the FXO card I just bought off of eBay for $10.
22:59.36shrushcan anyone give me a quick understanding of what the OK (xxx MS) represents in sip show peers... specifically, what is used to detect the MS rating?
22:59.55shawarmaRaYmAn-Bx: Yeah. Most GSM-modems also have an FXS port, so that you can hook up an ordinary phone to it.
23:00.29jaikeping time..of the sip peer in ms
23:00.56ManxPowershrush: The amount of time it takes to get a response from a SIP client to an OPTIONS packet.
23:01.58shawarmaRaYmAn-Bx: Or an FXO port on another device, of course... so cheap cell phone calls, here I come. :-D
23:02.03shrushManx: I have very high (100-200 MS) ratings on a LAN... any clues on why this is so high? my cable modem to my office is lower than some of the LAN clients on a 10/100 switch.
23:02.29shawarmaOh well, I need to get some sleep.
23:02.31ManxPowershrush: Don't worry about it.  SIP devices take a long time to respond to options packets.
23:02.49shrushManx: so this isn't a clue for anything in terms of SIP to SIP echo?
23:03.21ManxPowershrush: In theory SIP/SIP calls cannot have echo.  (assuming you are using a SIP hardphone and not an ATA or softphone.
23:04.00shrushI have two cisco 7940s that occassionally sound like they're underwater
23:04.20jaikei think 200ms is high for ciscos
23:04.35jaikemost peers in my network are between 10 - 50ms
23:05.12shrushmmmmm... I am using g729 too, I tried it with ulaw and thought the g729 would help but no such luck.
23:05.22shrushthinking of trying this echocancel=3D128 thingy
23:05.33ManxPowershrush: what sort of ethernet switch?
23:05.40shrushunmanaged cisco catalyst
23:05.43ManxPowerechocancel only applies to zaptel
23:07.39*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
23:07.48nick125_lappyshrush, whats the normal ICMP ping time over that swithc?
23:08.02jaiketried replacing the switch?
23:08.32nick125_lappythe ping over the switch should be less then a second
23:08.38shrushthree pings just averaged .877 MS
23:09.09shrushthe pbx pinging the phone seems normal (.877) but the sip show peers is very high and I have frequent echo
23:09.22jaikeu might be having firmware problems
23:10.28shrushI am thinking of going back to 6.3... 7.5 has had some locking issues as well... anyone using 7.5 and not having these issues?
23:11.29timecopcool. sip debug + reload has been committed
23:11.57*** join/#asterisk Nivex (
23:12.46shrushSIP firmware... ?
23:15.00nick125i would try going back to 6.3
23:18.29*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
23:19.22[hC]shido6: however, i can place a call out thru just the iax peer
23:19.29[hC]oops, supposed to be a msg
23:21.23*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
23:25.04litagedoes Asterisk support G.728?
23:28.14*** join/#asterisk pbxbart (
23:28.15[hC]h,mm.. occasionally im having problems where i cant hear audio until the native bridge on an IAX trunk completes
23:28.18[hC]what would do that?
23:28.36[hC]After the native bridge comes up, its fine. in the few seconds before that.. dead.
23:28.44[hC]usually just in one direction
23:28.50*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
23:28.50dudesnot sure, but do you have canreinvite=no in your context?
23:29.06[hC]no sip involved actually
23:29.12dudesoh ok
23:29.13[hC]im dialling into a DID and dialing b ack out to a PSTN line
23:30.02*** join/#asterisk atmel (
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23:32.45dudes[hC] - what kind of machine are you using?
23:33.13*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (n=chatzill@
23:33.24[hC]Uhh.. Dell poweredge 1850
23:33.30[hC]p4 2.4ghz or something
23:33.35shmaltzanybody here seen cross talk with TDM40B ?
23:34.03flynuxdoes anyone have a mysql "create table mgcpfriends" statement for RealTime MGCP config ?
23:34.30fileMGCP is not realtime capable *yawn*
23:34.56flynuxok thx
23:37.25*** join/#asterisk _hannes_ (
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23:46.59*** join/#asterisk paulc (
23:47.38paulcI thought something was broken - it's deadly quiet!
23:47.51fileI'm working on a support system :P
23:48.01paulcWhat's wrong with Cerberus?
23:48.15filethat's internal
23:48.28fileI want something for Asterlink :P I'm not liking stuff hitting my email directly and that
23:50.21fileoh dear god this is hard
23:50.33*** join/#asterisk pablasso (
23:51.10paulcjust add another queue!
23:51.13paulcCerberus is your friend
23:51.40filehush you
23:52.05pablassohi, im trying to receive a fax with RxFax(somefile.tif) but asterisk says: "Unable to find a path from g723 to slin", i googled around, but i could not find an answer about this, any ideas?
23:52.20filepablasso: you can't receive a fax on a compressed codec like g723
23:52.21filedon't even try
23:52.30fileyou'll be lucky if it works on ULAW
23:53.52paulcthe colours in this new x-chat are wonky
23:53.53nick125no fighting $whatthehelleveryouare!
23:54.14nick125i hate the white xchat theme, the black one rocks :P
23:54.21pablassohum i see, let  me try with ULAW..... so you think that there is no reliable way to send the fax with asterisk?
23:54.22fileyou can't hide from me
23:54.28*** join/#asterisk malandro (n=awefawe@
23:54.57malandrohi does anybody know a call about one shop billing in asterisk?
23:55.03paulcI think I skipped the black theme on install.. then flipped the foreground and background colours round.. but it's still got nasty auto name colouring all over the place..
23:55.24*** join/#asterisk Equinox (
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23:57.03paulcs'better :)
23:57.21filepaulc: I gave you a ring btw, so expect to see a missed calls thing :P
23:57.28paulcooh.. but it's not colouring names any more.. just the brackets..
23:57.31malandrohi does anybody know a call about one shop billing in asterisk?
23:57.36paulcfile: I'm at work, not at home..
23:57.43filepaulc: well, they're close!
23:57.51filemalandro: that made no sense to me
23:57.54paulcnor me
23:58.13fileyay House is on
23:58.18paulcI think it was meant to be "Hi. Does anyone knnow about billing for a call shop that's using asterisk?"
23:58.42file"You can't get everything for nothing."
23:59.06malandrohi paulc
23:59.09malandrodo you know?
23:59.13*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
23:59.22paulcNope, but there was something on the mailing list about it the other day I think.. maybe check the wiki? ??

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.