irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050815

00:00.03elusiveI will buy the Ambient 3200
00:00.10elusiveit is US$ 9,00
00:00.12elusiveheh :)
00:00.16*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
00:00.29JerJeryou get what you pay for
00:00.40oithat is true!
00:00.41elusiveJerJer , all right, I know that
00:00.45JerJersomeone bought those for $9 for a crate full of them
00:00.48oii got a digium card and works fine
00:01.07bkw_I have a boatload of 6 dollar modems that work great
00:01.10bkw_callerid and all
00:01.37elusiveI do not want advanced things
00:02.16oielusive.. what are you doing to allow you modem to use a dyndns?
00:02.58elusivemy connection is cable, it is no a dial-up
00:09.22MikeJ__I get what I pay for.. but I am too cheap....
00:09.27MikeJ__so I get nothing ...
00:11.44*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
00:12.14asteriskjohnAnyone have any opinions about the Grandstream GXP-2000 phone?
00:12.44SwKasteriskjohn: home its probably ok
00:13.02SwKits got some nice features but i dont think it beats a poly or a cisco
00:13.04*** join/#asterisk Druken (
00:13.23oielusive.. i got the dyndns..
00:13.41oibut where i live there is no.. pp0e
00:14.01oiso the modem basically can not do anything to get configure to get the dyndns address..
00:14.04*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
00:14.19oiso what i am looking for is a program in linux that can do it ..
00:14.26asteriskjohnSwK: ok -- thanks for your opinion
00:14.32oii am using fedora 3
00:15.05JerJeri am pondering that addition to realtime where a database can share the registration stuff
00:15.34JerJerwhy would that have to be a realtime specific feature?   couldn't it be a more generic thing?
00:15.59Drukenevening JerJer
00:17.22bkw_realtime can already share registration stuff
00:17.32bkw_sip can't unless you apply the patch thats sitting on mantis
00:17.33JerJerbkw_:  yes, but for those that don't want to run realtime
00:17.38bkw_ah IC
00:17.41bkw_good idea
00:17.56bkw_wonder if you could do some sort of network shared memory pool
00:17.58*** join/#asterisk qbertibur (
00:18.11Drukendid they fix the show sip peers crap in realtime?
00:18.12JerJerlike some other resource that does the db lookups and populates peer info on the box
00:18.22JerJerevery so often or based on cli command
00:18.29bkw_push info out as needed
00:18.33bkw_instead of pulling it?
00:18.42JerJeryeah push would be better
00:18.46bkw_multicast it
00:18.52Supaplexif anyone knows how to unjam a quantum 4000 series dlt drive, I'm all ears
00:18.59bkw_you could setup res_multicast
00:19.02JerJerlike  iax2 peer add registration <full contact uri>
00:19.07JerJercli command
00:19.09bkw_ah true
00:19.29MikeJ__then you need to push all that stuff through manager, that's ugly.
00:19.34MikeJ__I like the idea...
00:19.41MikeJ__but there has to be a cleaner way
00:19.54JerJeryeah that could be a manger app too
00:19.58bkw_thats why I said multicast
00:20.02bkw_no need for a manager app
00:20.06bkw_if you havea cli command
00:20.09bkw_you can do it via manager
00:20.09MikeJ__pushing the info into astdb then treating it the same way it does with realtime would be nice
00:20.13bkw_no need to dup code
00:20.47bkw_I did a quick hack to do multicast MOH
00:20.47MikeJ__multicast is a pain.
00:20.51bkw_no its not
00:20.54bkw_if I did it in 10 min
00:20.57bkw_it can't be that hard
00:21.12JerJerjust gotta have kernel support
00:21.14MikeJ__doing the code is easy, but potentially you have to do stuff to your network
00:21.24bkw_tiz simple boi
00:21.27MikeJ__depending on the complexity there
00:21.33bkw_let the kernel do the hardwork for ya
00:21.37JerJeryeah it won't pass routers
00:21.40MikeJ__I know what your saying, I am thinking biggerr
00:21.47JerJerso all of the member boxes have to be on the same network segment
00:21.50bkw_always about size with you
00:22.04MikeJ__but you still have the nat issue with clustering registrations that needs to be dealt with
00:22.43Drukenbkw_: size matters :)
00:22.55bkw_bigger doesn't always mean better
00:23.14bkw_unless you're talking bank balance
00:23.15Drukennever said it did...
00:23.18MikeJ__not only do they need to be on the same segment, but if the clients are behind nat, all of the servers need to also send from the same ip (as it appears to the clients) such as behind a hide nat load balancer
00:23.35bkw_MikeJ__, but to broadcast registration info
00:23.43MikeJ__or we need a better poke a hole in nat solution
00:23.49bkw_or other stuff via multicast to a cluster is easy.. the boxes should ALWAYS be on the same subnet
00:23.54bkw_and yes muticast can pass routers
00:23.58bkw_if you set it up
00:24.17JerJeryeah just takes more thought
00:24.21bkw_So we need a NAT hole poker thingy
00:24.41SwKits called GRE
00:24.43Connor_isn't that what stun helps with?
00:24.52bkw_ding ding ding thanks SwK
00:25.03bkw_Connor_, no you're not on the same page
00:25.13bkw_skip ahead a few chapters
00:25.14Connor_figures :)
00:25.20JerJeryeah if the registration is going to and the gateway sending the call is
00:25.28JerJerthere wont' be a nat path there
00:25.31SwKbkw_: but then there comes the overlap IP issues with managing 100s of clients all trying to use with their linksys routers heh
00:25.44bkw_SwK yes you're right
00:25.55bkw_but IAX could use some sort of method to poke holes in nat
00:26.03bkw_i think we spoke about this at Cluecon didn't we?
00:26.07MikeJ__poke poke
00:26.09SwKthe real solution is to use IPv6 and eliminate NAT
00:26.16bkw_ok lets just do that
00:26.21MikeJ__yeah, ok...
00:26.25Connor_NAT would have it's place even with IPv6
00:26.35MikeJ__Connor_, no.
00:26.35bkw_no it wouldn't
00:26.43SwKConnor_: no it wouldnt
00:26.44MikeJ__keep reading ;)
00:27.02SwKthats what LinkLocal...
00:27.04bkw_each person could have their own freakin bazillion ip block or some shit
00:27.17Connor_I wouldn't want my machine on public IP's .. I like hideing multiple machines behind 1 ip.
00:27.17SwKthere are like 5 kinds of addresses with IPv6
00:27.19MikeJ__I want a freakin bazillion ip's
00:27.26bkw_Connor_, its called a firewall
00:27.43MikeJ__which is the same thing that your linksys is doing w./ nat
00:27.51SwKtheres Global, LinkLocal, MultiCast, AnyCast, and 1 or 2 more I cant remember off the top of my head
00:27.56MikeJ__you just don't let stuff through unless you have created a path
00:28.11MikeJ__SwK showoff!
00:29.57SwKMikeJ__: heh
00:30.03SwKMikeJ__: yeah and?
00:34.32bkw_asdjfowif people over think shit too much
00:34.41*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
00:34.58*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
00:35.49Connor_What are the benfits of doing SIP over TCP ?
00:36.06Qwelldoes * do SIP over tcp?
00:36.09Mavviepeople with Q.931 knowledge here? I'm looking for specs of the Initial Address Message (which tells you that a message is forwarded)
00:36.13file[laptop]it will
00:36.20Qwellfile[laptop]: eventually?
00:36.31file[laptop]see the bug tracker for a patch ;)
00:36.31bkw_patch is on da bug tracker yo?
00:38.10*** join/#asterisk _DAW (
00:38.15file[laptop]oh no I'm here
00:38.28bkw_This is the Postfix program at host
00:38.33bkw_I'm so sick of those
00:38.43bkw_every time I post I get one back
00:38.52Qwell/dev/null them
00:38.54ZX81file[laptop]: like/dislike?
00:39.00ZX81bkw_: same
00:39.07file[laptop]ZX81: meh not that great
00:39.10bkw_what is zx81 speaking about
00:39.17ZX81it took me ages
00:39.17file[laptop]ZX81: like the current one better
00:40.01*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
00:40.03ZX81this is where I live:
00:41.56bkw_can I come visit please?
00:42.05ZX81:) yes
00:42.11bkw_I need to order me a new keyboard
00:42.12ZX81I've got a big house :)
00:42.14bkw_my tab key is fucked up
00:42.19ZX81I got a new keyboard
00:42.22ZX81and a new mouse
00:42.31ZX8142 Inches Per second
00:42.36ZX81good for Counter Strike
00:42.42ZX81and has a blue light inside!!!
00:43.08ZX81yah vnice
00:43.12ZX81and new mouse pad
00:43.31*** join/#asterisk supaigtr (n=yurplsl@
00:43.42ZX81Maybe the next cluecon should be at my house :D
00:43.50ZX81then I don't have to go anywhere
00:43.59bkw_it couldn't be no worse than the hotel we had
00:44.05ZX81lol why
00:44.14bkw_I swear to god that bitch that was over all our stuff
00:44.18bkw_fucked up everything from day one
00:44.24ZX81lol bummer
00:44.26bkw_she inverted the hotel reservations
00:44.39file[laptop]what was with everyone being spread out everywhere?
00:44.40bkw_I even color coded them
00:44.49ZX81oh bkw
00:44.53bkw_I think that was the problem
00:44.55file[laptop]and our room being in the middle of nowhere?
00:45.02ZX81who was pink?
00:45.07Qwellbkw_: You color coded hotel reservations?
00:45.09file[laptop]I mean I had three different ways to get to it, all long!
00:45.10bkw_green, red, black
00:45.13ZX81file[laptop]: quarantine
00:45.18ZX81no pink
00:45.19bkw_green was GO GO GO yes yes yes room confirmed
00:45.25bkw_red was NO NO NO
00:45.25ZX81lol ok
00:45.29bkw_black was pending
00:45.37bkw_but she printed it on her trusty laser printer
00:45.39ZX81seems pretty simple
00:45.41MikeJ__why's it gotta be all racial?
00:45.44bkw_NO GREE
00:45.45Qwellbkw_: all black?
00:45.46ZX81in black and white
00:45.46bkw_no RED
00:45.54bkw_no they were missing totally off the page
00:45.59ZX81ALL BLACKS!
00:46.02bkw_so it was a list with lots of shit missing
00:46.06ZX81YAY Go our rugby team
00:46.07bkw_it didn't print the red, green lines
00:46.18MikeJ__no lines
00:46.30ZX81you could have used different hash printing thingies
00:46.30bkw_white spaces where the red and green went
00:46.31Qwellwait, instead of just printing it in b&w, it...completely skipped the colored ones?
00:46.37MikeJ__break down the barriers, stupid suv\minivan lady get outa the way
00:46.37ZX81you know different criss crosses
00:46.38bkw_Qwell, CORRECT
00:46.45QwellWhat a stupid ass woman/printer
00:46.45ZX81gonna make you jump jump
00:46.51bkw_she was stupid
00:46.57bkw_we would tell her something and she wouldn't do it
00:47.02bkw_or do the exact opposite
00:47.10bkw_she made me look really bad
00:47.15ZX81Our chinese suppliers are like that
00:47.16bkw_pissed me off
00:47.19ZX81exactly like that
00:47.21MikeJ__and then bkw_, out of nowhere, rearends this minivan
00:47.23bkw_tony realized she was a fuckup
00:47.23Qwellbkw_: talk to the hotel manager...
00:47.30Qwellbkw_: get the hoe canned
00:47.31bkw_the hotel manager was a PRICK
00:47.33ZX8110[12:47] MikeJ__: 01and then bkw_, out of nowhere, rearends this minivan
00:47.36QwellThen find his manager :P
00:47.40Inv_arpwtf? this HT486 limits bandwidth to 150k on the lan side
00:47.42bkw_IT WAS MIKEJ's fault
00:47.46QwellThats the good thing about dealing with chains
00:47.48ZX81what happened
00:47.57MikeJ__yeah.. keep telling people I made you hit her!
00:47.58file[laptop]yada yada yada blah
00:47.58bkw_Qwell, i'll have a chargeback once I get the final bill
00:48.01*** part/#asterisk qbertibur (
00:48.07bkw_I know that bitch charged us for rooms we didn't reserve
00:48.07ZX81you hit her?!
00:48.11bkw_or use
00:48.40MikeJ__twisted. you around?
00:48.49ZX81so, same hotel next time?
00:48.51bkw_yes twisted is "around"
00:48.54bkw_ZX81, HELL NO
00:49.15ZX81Go bush
00:49.17bkw_I would rather have it at the O'Hare hilton if that was the choice
00:49.19MikeJ__ZX81, which island do you live on?
00:49.27bkw_then nobody needs to get a car
00:49.36ZX81Bottom of the south island
00:49.37bkw_just walk to the hotel
00:49.40MikeJ__we should put it in a downtown
00:49.55MikeJ__cuz everyone wanted to go downtown
00:50.00MikeJ__so might as well just be there
00:50.00ZX81redlight district
00:50.10MikeJ__ZX81, how far from derek?
00:50.12bkw_if you say so
00:50.15bkw_it has to be near the train
00:50.17ZX81like 500 Kms
00:50.20ZX81not that far
00:50.35ZX81he's about halfway up the island
00:50.42ZX81I'm about 3/4 down
00:50.46bkw_islands are up?
00:50.50ZX81maybe a bit further south
00:51.17MikeJ__from the water
00:51.17MikeJ__that;s kindof how they are islands and not...
00:51.33ZX81and in engrish?
00:51.43*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
00:52.11ZX81I think the south Island (where me and derek are) is longer than the north island
00:52.21ZX81insofar as north->south
00:52.22bkw_I just spoke with Derek
00:52.33MikeJ__me too!
00:52.44bkw_I did some packet dumps for him
00:52.47bkw_I got one more to do
00:52.50ZX81I'll bet you did
00:52.56bkw_you dirty bitch
00:53.18MikeJ__as derek would say "How crude" <insert cool accent here>
00:53.58MikeJ__every time I see somone being all profane in this chan, that echos in my head... accent and all... cracks me up
00:54.12ZX81We won our local rugby game as well as our game against Australia
00:54.14bkw_I keep hearing peter's accent
00:54.15ZX81haha to them
00:54.21bkw_now thats sexy
00:54.32MikeJ__the nurse sure picked up on it ;)
00:54.38bkw_ya really
00:54.40bkw_that was funny
00:54.53Connor_Where you all talking about patch 4832 not working with NAT?
00:54.53MikeJ__he's probably asleep isnt he?
00:55.06ZX81it's midday
00:55.15bkw_no peter
00:55.17bkw_is sleeping
00:55.27bkw_its 3:55am there
00:55.29MikeJ__in turkey,
00:55.39MikeJ__let's prank call him.
00:55.42ZX81too early for sleep no?
00:55.48ZX81ddos the bitch
00:56.02ZX81I killed one of my server
00:56.07bkw_thats what I sent peter
00:56.09Connor_question.. Would not a LB fix this problem, since all the calls wouldbe from the same IP?
00:56.10ZX81I was installing snort
00:56.14bkw_DHL will be here tommorow to pick it up
00:56.40bkw_I ain't right
00:56.45file[laptop]he seems very excited
00:57.00bkw_I told peter when he gets it... to think of me every time he looks at it
00:57.10bkw_MOOSE PENIS
00:57.11ZX81anyone know how to write trillian plugins?
00:57.17MikeJ__my 8th grade teacher used to say ain't ain't a word cuz it ain't in the dictionary.
00:57.17QwellAnybody mind if I rant?
00:57.19file[laptop]POOSE MENIS
00:57.23bkw_Qwell, rant away
00:57.31ZX81MikeJ__ it probably is now
00:57.32MikeJ__and I said, you sure use it alot for not being a word
00:57.37QwellWhy do TV stations have commercials for tampons, but not sex toys?
00:57.40MikeJ__and cuz ain't a word either.
00:57.43bkw_a lot
00:57.45Qwellhell, they even have condom commercials
00:57.52ZX81Qwell: or razors?
00:57.53Qwellbut, I've never once seen a commercial for toys
00:58.01MikeJ__Qwell, I have.
00:58.03bkw_Qwell, good point
00:58.07QwellMikeJ__: On normal channels. :p
00:58.15MikeJ__local stations.
00:58.19Qwellat 2am?
00:58.19ZX81yeah but MikeJ__ watches different channels to the rest of us
00:58.21xhelioxOne of the local sex shops here advertises on tv
00:58.23Qwellfor a real doll?
00:58.25xhelioxbut they never get specific
00:58.34Qwellxheliox: I mean very specific.
00:58.36MikeJ__but they are more sensual type comercials.. not overtly advertising toys.
00:58.49bkw_We have sexshops
00:58.50MikeJ__Lovers Lane:  Couple who play together, stay together.
00:58.53bkw_we just can't talk about them
00:58.54bkw_its taboo
00:58.56ZX81like "hi, meet your new friend John"
00:59.07file[laptop]bkw_ lives in a silly pplace
00:59.07QwellI wanna see a commercial, like...
00:59.16Qwellwell, I'm sure you all get the point
00:59.17xhelioxThe Clit Tickler 5000, call now and we'll throw in a free bottle of KY.
00:59.20ZX81John, meat jane
00:59.23file[laptop]and I can't spell anymore
00:59.24Qwellxheliox: exactly!
00:59.31ZX81or meat
00:59.33QwellZX81: bad typo
00:59.34DrukenQwell: why tampons but not condoms?
00:59.39opus_bkw, can I borrow you for a second. i want to use but its not commited to CVS HEAD?
00:59.42QwellDruken: I see condom commercials all the time
00:59.46xhelioxI think the Oxiclean guy should do sex toy adverts.
00:59.55Qwellxheliox: nah man, the Dell guy
01:00.01Qwell"Dude, you're getting a dildo!"
01:00.04xhelioxIf he gets that excited about cleaning material.
01:00.14xhelioxImagine his reaction to porn.
01:00.36MikeJ__yeah, think that is going to happen in the us any time soon..
01:00.40xhelioxAnd depending on what happens, he could sell more of his stain removers...
01:01.19MikeJ__they just appointed one of the most hardcore right wing religious pundit to be a special advisor at the FCC
01:01.45xhelioxRight wing appointees in the Bush administration?!? Say it ain't so.
01:01.57MikeJ__it just gets worse and worse
01:02.10MikeJ__partisanship at it's absolut worst
01:02.22xhelioxI'm too blinded by a growing economy to care about freedoms and a war. Duh. is pretty good
01:03.34marvdamn leftists.
01:04.13opus_damn psuedotheologist
01:06.15opus_so, who here can cvs commit
01:06.22*** join/#asterisk sillium (
01:06.53opus_i'm not able to merge myself, don't understand the procedures.
01:08.27opus_MikeJ you have one of the last comments on that bug besides bkw, is this patch a go? or should I test it for everybody tonight..
01:08.51Carp1is asterisk@home just the software suite, or does it include a linux distro in the distribution?
01:09.08MikeJ__we need mark to comment on arcitecture before it can go anywhere
01:09.12SwKdamn i need more memory
01:09.15[Jedi]I'm using diax and I get "No authority found" when trying to dial-out
01:09.18[Jedi]what may be happening?
01:09.19QwellCarp1: asterisk@home is centos with asterisk and other "tools"
01:09.22Qwellsuch as amp
01:09.29*** join/#asterisk stkn (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
01:09.31*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
01:09.38opus_problem is , there's 10 patch files or whatever, some old some new. i'm not sure which ones I need or if they are already put in through other bugs. i.e. realtime direct? isn't this covered by another bug?
01:09.52bkw_I already updated that patch
01:09.56bkw_rev1 vs rev0
01:10.05bkw_File Deleted: app_voicemail.rev0.diff
01:10.21Carp1how is the ast@home suite?
01:10.29Carp1i've heard good reports.
01:10.31*** join/#asterisk TerryMR (n=terrymr@
01:10.51[Jedi]what's the reason of 'No authority found' error?
01:10.56bkw_ast@home is for people that dont know how to set it up
01:10.58jdiskywlkrI am having trouble installings asterisk.  I believe I have narrowed the problem down to this command(install -m 644 $x /opt/telecom/var/opt/asterisk/lib/sounds/digits), but I can't figure out why it is failing.  Does any one have any ideas?  
01:10.58opus_carp1 - its pretty good. a lot of time was spent on it. however i don't like how AMP is so integrated with it
01:11.03[Jedi]any hint please?
01:11.03bkw_[Jedi], user/pass wrong
01:11.30TerryMRbkw_: were you going to put the slides from the cluecon presentations on the website ?
01:11.30jdiskywlkrI receive the error install: 0.gsm was not found anywhere!
01:11.38[Jedi]bkw_: user/pass are correct
01:11.41bkw_TerryMR, most are already up
01:11.41opus_jdiskywlkr - the make script doesn't like nonstandard directories. try mkdir /opt/telecom/var/opt/asterisk/lib/sounds/digits and reinstall
01:11.46bkw_[Jedi], apparenlty NOT
01:11.51TerryMRwhere ?
01:11.57bkw_go look at the schedule
01:12.02[Jedi]but they are
01:12.03bkw_the ones that are clickable are up
01:12.10bkw_I gotta move that back to the top
01:12.36bkw_yes dear
01:12.37TerryMRok -  missed that .. to subtle :-)
01:12.42MikeJ__what'd I do?
01:12.53bkw_my app_voicemail patch.. I already updated it
01:13.01MikeJ__before I did?
01:13.13MikeJ__must have been about the same time
01:13.18bkw_might have been
01:13.37opus_fuck. my 'make' for /usr/src/asterisk just goes into an infinite loop
01:13.51jdiskywlkropus - it still fails.  a listing of sounds/digits shows that the directory does containg the files for $x
01:14.04MikeJ__bkw_, heh.. except you missed one!
01:14.13*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
01:14.20bkw_MikeJ__, honestly I put them both where they were before I touched it
01:14.26MikeJ__wow.. this sight gives me chills every time
01:14.30opus_jdiskywlkr - install in the stnadard directories and move them where youneed it :(
01:14.40MikeJ__crazy stuff
01:14.50bkw_you do realize thats the SECOND time I have fixed that bug in voicemail
01:14.56bkw_what kind of moron keeps moving that back around
01:15.03bkw_you should find the message number before the beep
01:15.08bkw_because if you have 120 messages in a folder
01:15.16bkw_the first 3 seconds of the message are cut off
01:15.49bkw_not acceptable
01:16.40opus_anybody else having make go into an infinite loop with CVS HEAD just a few minutes ago?
01:17.02opus_my date is correct. i'm not using nfs.
01:17.59*** join/#asterisk mago3-cn (i=maxgluck@
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01:26.15*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
01:26.18*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
01:29.12*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
01:30.41SarahEmmwhat species is file?
01:30.59*** join/#asterisk mago3-cn (i=maxgluck@
01:31.27*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
01:31.35opus_rucks drivers are telling KOMO 4 News they are hearing increasing discussion about parking rigs to protest high diesel prices.
01:31.47filethat went in one ear and out the other
01:32.32jdiskywlkrI just downloaded it and the make is working fine for me.  It's the make install that won't go
01:32.33*** join/#asterisk menger (
01:33.18jdiskywlkropus - Still no luck on the install
01:34.01brc__what he said
01:34.15mago3-cnhello guys, i'm having trouble appending network/mask for peers using realtime mysql. it doesn't do it when loading or reloading sip. is there any special character to replace "/" on the db?
01:34.35mago3-cnlook: ast_append_ha: appended to acl for peer
01:34.36luke-jr_Where is Asterisk's database stored?
01:34.40opus_jdiskywlkr - sorry I can't help. try adding some echo "got here" into the makefile
01:34.40mago3-cnthat is from flat...
01:35.09mago3-cnin an external server.
01:36.13jdiskywlkropus - thanks :)
01:36.30ZX81file: is it ok if I move neweb to / ?
01:36.32puowvipmy tdm400p's are dead
01:36.49ZX81just to try it for a few days
01:36.51fileZX81: go ahead
01:37.09fileit's your space :)
01:37.09ZX81fis problem it is too heavy?
01:38.03mago3-cni mean, sippeers and sipusers are linked to mysql in extconfig. everything else works... those are the only parameters that are not read properly when loading from db... i figured maybe "/" it's an invalid character, or permit and deny are not read from db?
01:38.47brc__ZX81, yo!
01:39.08mago3-cnany clue?
01:39.49*** join/#asterisk _DAW (
01:40.15opus_ok . asterisk infinite loop problem was having incorrect libpri/zaptel headers
01:40.24ZX81brc__ :D
01:40.30opus_problem isolated between keyboard and chair
01:40.37ZX81howr you
01:40.45wikibobscratch that
01:41.09wikibobbetter then yesterday
01:41.24ZX81what happened yesterday
01:41.25wikibobwhich is definitely not good
01:41.46wikibobgot the ol wisdom teeth out
01:42.16wikibobhoware you
01:42.19*** join/#asterisk Cybertoy (
01:42.20sskylesI've got a question, if anyone wants to answer. Say I've got a box with Asterisk running with only an ethernet card (no TDM or anything like that), a Cisco 2600 Series router that's got Ethernet and T1 with no additional hardware installed and a channel bank full of FXO cards with phones attached. Is it possible to get dialtone to the phones from the Asterisk box with only this hardware?
01:42.22wikibobwe missed you at cluecon
01:42.30mago3-cnpleeeease!!! help! i've been trying different configurations and can't finish putting the config in realtime!!! i just need to know how to make permit and deny work for realtime, help!
01:42.32ZX81I know
01:42.38ZX81I don't think I can go to USA
01:42.53ZX81I had one out
01:42.55ZX81still got 3
01:42.59mago3-cni think the problem is the "/" character
01:43.00wikibobI got none
01:43.08*** join/#asterisk Yukina (i=biancash@
01:43.14MikeJ[Laptop]bkw_, conf for a min?
01:43.54bkw_penis say what?
01:43.58mago3-cndoes varchar allows "/"
01:44.08bkw_why wouldn't it?
01:44.08Qwellmago3-cn: it should
01:44.14bkw_its a char
01:44.24Yukinaeu falo portugues
01:44.36RoyKanyone here using rate-engine?
01:44.37wikiboboh shit
01:44.44mago3-cnwell, i think asterisk doesn't interpret then permit and deny from a realtime...
01:44.45wikibobI think a asterisk box just died
01:44.47SamoiedYukina: eu t.. :)
01:45.00bkw_OMG wikibob said a dirty word
01:45.04Yukinaki legal
01:45.08wikibobit's dead
01:45.23bkw_ewwwwwww distorted view is a nasty podcast
01:45.37bkw_oh MikeJ[Laptop] i'm waiting
01:45.38YukinaSamoied vc tem msn?
01:45.40wikibobthis is bad
01:45.45mago3-cni'll pay
01:46.41Yukinaalguem aki fala portugues?
01:46.51*** join/#asterisk Rav1974 (
01:47.12Cybertoytudo bem?
01:47.39Yukinai vc?
01:47.41litagewhat significance does the number 164 in "e164" have?
01:47.51Qwelllitage: its right after 163
01:47.57rabelaisI'm a little confused how * successfully does a reinvite to bridge a connection between my phone in my apartment (behind a nat) and my service the sdp information, the local IP is given as on earth does the invite work with an ip like that?
01:48.25Qwellrabelais: NAT does funky things
01:48.33bkw_brc_ sorry kinda busy
01:48.34Qwellnobody really even knows how it works
01:48.37*** part/#asterisk Yukina (i=biancash@
01:48.44Rav1974I have a small office requiring about 8 sip lines.  I need recomendations
01:48.54bkw_lalong huli
01:48.56QwellRav1974: for phones, or what?
01:48.58Rav1974sip phones I mean.  I need recommenditions
01:49.01rabelaisin my sip.conf, nat=yes is set for my apartment phone...but that's sorta amazing...
01:49.16Qwellbkw_: Those 501s are fugly
01:49.22Rav1974Qwell: ya everyone is recommending the 7960
01:49.25QwellI couldn't recommend those with a straight face
01:49.36rabelaisbut the reinvite is sucessful, because the * server is no longer in the media path...
01:49.43Rav1974I need a cheaper alternative if its not to bad
01:49.45*** join/#asterisk [1]JohnJacob (
01:50.03*** join/#asterisk Tili (i=Tili@
01:50.15*** join/#asterisk twisted (n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted)
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01:51.03mago3-cnis there any person from digium that would be interest in a bug?
01:51.48Rav1974what is a good price for a CISCO 7960 new & used
01:51.56*** join/#asterisk Zer0Her0 (
01:51.57mago3-cnreally, i think asterisk doesn't read properly from mysql the permit argument
01:52.42mago3-cnnor deny
01:52.45*** join/#asterisk godsmoke| (
01:53.19mago3-cni mean, now that we are sharing;  acl.c:177 ast_append_ha: appended to acl for peer
01:53.27Rav1974Is there a speaker phone function on Cisco 7960 or other SIP phones & can you setup paging?
01:53.57mago3-cnthat doesn't happen if set in realtime, only from flat. and i have found that is the only way to receive calls properly...
01:54.31RoyKanyone here using rate-engine?
01:54.55QwellRav1974: the 7960 does, yes
01:55.13QwellI hear the polycoms do too, but...I know nothing about those
01:55.35Rav1974Qwell - how do you setup paging in *
01:56.11QwellRav1974: on the 7960, you just create an account, and on the phone, set that account to autoanswer
01:57.12Rav1974Qwell - thats cool, now about group paging?
01:57.23opus_arge, anybody have the source to this function? ast_insert_realtime or ast_delete_realtime
01:58.06SarahEmmuhh... wouldn't it in be the * source?
01:58.38*** join/#asterisk hmodes (
02:00.27brc_Rav1974, speakerphone, yes, paging, no...for most values of paging
02:00.36brc_I can't read
02:00.50brc_I'll leave now
02:00.53brc_hi Hmmhesays
02:00.53Qwellpaging is easy
02:00.57brc_long time no see
02:01.00Qwellgot a ceiling on your establishment?
02:01.04Qwellput speakers in there
02:01.09brc_Qwell, that JUST AIN"T THE SAME
02:01.13brc_trust me
02:01.21hmodeshowdy brc
02:01.25brc_you have paging speakers at an auto dealership, not an office
02:01.34brc_what's up yo?
02:01.38SarahEmmhmmm. if i bridge an IAX2 channel to a Zap channel, will text pass over that bridge?
02:01.43brc_I've messaged you a few times on aim but you never reply
02:01.51Qwellbrc_: when you put it like that, it makes sense
02:02.03*** part/#asterisk Cybertoy (
02:02.23Qwellbut, on a phone is no good.  What if the user is on the phone?
02:03.00Rav1974Qwell: I am hoping that it would still page on the speaker
02:03.12Rav1974if the user is on the handset
02:03.32*** join/#asterisk myasteriskliew (n=myasteri@
02:03.34bkw_OMG its hmodes
02:03.35h3xwhat a fuckin pain in the ass
02:03.37bkw_whats up boi
02:03.41bkw_OMG its h3x also
02:03.47bkw_man where are all of you hanging out these days
02:03.48QwellRav1974: doubt it
02:03.51h3xi wasted over an hour of my time trying to figure out why snom's new firmware for the 360 didnt work
02:03.55h3xand its coz you have to load a damn license key
02:04.18bkw_OMG really/
02:04.24brc_liek omg!
02:04.25h3xYes, its retarded.
02:04.25Rav1974Qwell so I guess the group paging feature isn't really looked into?
02:04.26drraywait until cisco hears about this
02:04.26brc_it's you!
02:04.38*** join/#asterisk iguy (
02:04.39bkw_cisco can eat me
02:04.41h3xand theres nothing for "SIP Disabled!" error message on the LCD in the FAQs
02:04.45bkw_with a wooden spoon
02:04.49*** join/#asterisk supaigtr (n=yurplsl@
02:04.52hmodeshowdy bkw
02:04.53h3xand nothing in the release notes
02:05.00h3xsaying "hey you need to generate a new license key to use this"
02:05.08h3xwhich is retarded because its free anyawy
02:05.14Rav1974i'm searching google but I couldn't find about group paging :(
02:05.16bkw_in that case
02:05.27bkw_Rav1974, doesn't exist really
02:05.46drrayfree as in herpes
02:06.05bkw_drray, you would know ?
02:06.48mago3-cnis there anything like rtcachefriends for deny and permit options in rt sippeers?
02:06.49h3xat least it dosent indefinately light up the led for intercom keys now
02:06.50h3xthats useful
02:06.59h3xit also has action url's
02:07.33bkw_I hate buzzword whores
02:07.46bkw_be talkin on the phone and someone be spewing buzz words like crazy
02:07.58bkw_I hate those type of people that use the words but have no clue about what they mean.
02:07.59Qwellbuzzword == buzzword
02:08.20bkw_cornhole equals butthole!
02:08.43*** join/#asterisk twisted_ (n=twisted@
02:08.55bkw_google that one yo
02:10.29*** join/#asterisk reticent (
02:11.27h3xi wish somebody would have came up with a standardized spec on paging headers for sip
02:11.49*** join/#asterisk thrash_ (
02:11.54filea standard?
02:11.56fileare you crazy?
02:12.08h3xFuck y'all, im going to H.323
02:12.35Connor_WTF is going on with /. ?
02:12.41Corydon76-homeOh, come on... what good is one standard, when you can have multiple standards?
02:12.44filethe Slashdot effect, of course
02:12.44brc_it's down
02:13.37Corydon76-homeWhat we really need is another SIP standard that completely conflicts with all the other standard ways of doing SIP...
02:16.21reticenthas anyone experimented with using the asterisk realtime module and database sip users/peers and voicemail users?
02:16.28reticenti'm experiencing some strange behaviour
02:17.13*** part/#asterisk Rav1974 (
02:17.36Netgeekswhat kind of strange behaviour?
02:17.43reticentmore specifically, i'm having an issue assciating as incoming call to a voicemail account to a sip user account where MWI can be sent
02:18.20*** join/#asterisk Gronker__ (n=Gronker2@
02:18.31Netgeeksand that issue is?
02:18.35SwK[Work]holy shit batman
02:18.43reticentit looks like asterisk is structuring a db query with information taken from the "From:" sip header field, which makes no sense as the information should be taken from either the sip URI or the "To:" sip header field to associate the call to an account
02:18.45MikeJ[Laptop]Corydon76-home, don't we already have that/
02:18.51SwK[Work]just passed the cheap gas joint and gas was $2.49/gal
02:18.51*** join/#asterisk twisted_ (n=twisted@
02:19.14Corydon76-homeMikeJ[Laptop]: what good are 5 or 6 ways to do something, when you can have 10 or 11?
02:19.18QwellSwK[Work]: Thats pretty low.  Where you at?
02:19.29MikeJ[Laptop]reticent, from to associate it with a peer for auth and such, to would be to dialplan..
02:19.46SwK[Work]Qwell: but friday night on my way home it was only like $2.30
02:19.47reticentthe issue isn't related to "rtcachefriends=yes"
02:20.02QwellSwK[Work]: yeah, it went up a few cents over the last week
02:20.05SwK[Work]thats like the ghetto cheap joint
02:20.11SwK[Work]a few cents my ass
02:20.15reticentMikej: in this environment i'm using Asterisk purely as a media and voicemail server, so all incoming requests are not authorized
02:20.18SwK[Work]thats like a 10% price jump
02:20.33QwellSwK[Work]: its all relative
02:20.49MikeJ[Laptop]reticent, so why are you using realtime for sip?
02:20.52Qwellgas is $2.70+ here
02:20.56Qwellfor normal unleaded
02:21.26reticentMikeJ: Because i believe that it would be an effective approach to being able to send MWI to the associated client
02:21.48MikeJ[Laptop]well... if you are not authing, then you don't match to a peer...
02:21.53mago3-cni solved my rt problems using deny and permit (in flat)  =(
02:21.56MikeJ[Laptop]sooo, not quite sure what you are getting at.
02:22.10reticentMikeJ: and it does work when i manipulate the sip_users database to contain the (what seems to me to be wrong, but this is only from my perspective) information that asterisk is looking for, MWI is sent properly
02:22.28MikeJ[Laptop]what seems to be wrong?
02:22.54supaigtrAnybody got experience with large asterisk deployments?
02:23.06MikeJ[Laptop]a call is match for auth on who it comes from...
02:23.14mago3-cnyou can use user/username/secret/realm but as you see, the info comes different from every place...
02:23.31mago3-cnuse also fromuser
02:23.34reticentMikeJ: i'm using the sip users table to associate voicemail accounts to SIP entities so that MWI can be sent. Although i'm not using Asterisk to locate the clients, i have an interesting SER configuration that works well if only i could get asterisk to send the MWI
02:23.56*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (n=Nuke@
02:24.16*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
02:24.39reticentFrom my understanding (which is apparently wrong =P), when a call comes in and is sent to a certain voicemail box, after that message is left asterisk will look for the associated sip_user account and send an MWI packet to that account
02:24.43mago3-cnhave you defined voicemail contexts? and specified them in the user table?
02:24.58*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
02:25.34reticentmago: yes, but it seems that asterisk is searching the database for an account that is associated with the client who leaves voicemail. Instead of the sip user account that is associated to the voice mail box
02:26.29mago3-cni think you have to authorize the peer where the calls come from
02:26.36reticentfor example, client 200 calls and is redirected to asterisk to leave voicemail for client 300.  Asterisk searches the database table for a sip_user account that has a name of "200" instead of "300".  I did a little experiementing and found that asterisk is taking this information from the sip "From:" header field
02:26.57fileI think you're overcomplicating and overthinking this
02:27.09MikeJ[Laptop]file to the rescue!
02:27.09fileAsterisk is going to do that when they call, to see if they have an account that they can authenticate against
02:27.19reticentperhaps, but it really doesn't seem that complicated to me
02:27.21twisteddun dun DAAAAhhh
02:27.28filethe From header determines the username for authentication...
02:27.33MikeJ[Laptop]smoke time
02:27.33mago3-cnas i said...
02:27.35fileoh fudge I broke channel.c
02:27.37filetwisted: hi
02:27.45MikeJ[Laptop]smoke time
02:27.45reticentfile: yeah, but its the MWI that i'm having a problem with
02:28.00reticentwhen it comes to sending MWI, it needs to send MWI to the client account that is associated to the voice mail box
02:28.09*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
02:28.14JamesDotComwho knows why a snom 360 comes up with "SIP disabled!"?
02:28.15reticentand when using Realtime Configuration with SIP Users, it doesn't work properly
02:28.19filereticent: like I said you're trying to associate something to a problem, and it's not the problem
02:28.23JamesDotComonly 1 broken, german link on slashdot ;(
02:28.27reticentif i don't use Realtime with sip users, it works without a problem
02:28.29filelook elsewhere
02:28.40fileMWI sending and calls are two separate things
02:28.54fileall asterisk does for MWI is loop through the list of users checking for voicemail, then sends a NOTIFY
02:29.04mago3-cnare you using raltime configuration plus realtime sipusers?
02:29.07*** join/#asterisk dijungal (
02:29.08reticentmago: yes
02:29.10*** join/#asterisk vuvie (
02:29.18*** join/#asterisk philm (
02:29.20mago3-cnthat's been warned not to work properly
02:29.22reticentfile: yes but how does it know where to send the notify? by looking at the sip_user configuration
02:29.34fileit doesn't look in the database
02:29.39reticentfile: it does
02:29.53fileit looks at the linked list, well astobj, for the user
02:29.55reticentfile: and it works if i change the name of the sip_user account, the MWI notify gets sent out
02:29.59blitzrageevening all
02:30.08reticenti'm using the latest code from CVS
02:30.24mago3-cni read on the wiki you may have sip configuration EXOR users
02:30.31twistedreticent, i don't have that issue
02:30.35filebut I know people who it works fine for
02:30.37twistedreticent, i use rtcachepeers=yes
02:30.43twistedseems to work great
02:30.46reticentperhaps i'm trying to use it in a way that it isn't designed to be used and the i am at fault not asterisk.. but it really seems like it should work this way given that it does work this way when not using realtime sip users
02:30.49fileyeah you have to...
02:31.04reticenttwisted: i do as well, otherwise MWI with sip realtime users would not work at all
02:31.07filewhen we get event based MWI, then you won't have to...
02:31.12twistedyou just said it didn't
02:31.28reticentno, i said asterisk is searching the database for the wrong information..
02:31.44*** part/#asterisk cgcorea (n=cgcorea@
02:31.47reticentto associate the voice mailbox to the realtime sip user
02:31.49twistedwhat wrong information?
02:31.57twistedmailbox= in the entry in the db
02:32.02fileoh I think I know what he's thinking
02:32.10filetwisted: wait wait
02:32.20twistedin realtime, you MUST specify the context
02:32.27filereticent: in order for MWI to work, the user has to be in the internal memory list of users... not just in the database
02:32.51reticentit searches the sip_user table for a name that is pulled from the "From:" sip header field of the incoming message (which is related the person making the phone call, not the voice mailbox that a message was dropped in)
02:33.12filetwisted: I know what his problem is, why he can't understand it...
02:33.17reticentfile: it seems to work fine when i change the sip_user table to reflect the "name" that it is searching for
02:33.19twistedfile: what is it?
02:33.20filetwisted: hop into 996 - maybe you can try to explain it for me
02:33.30twistedi'm not doing tech support tonight
02:33.32*** join/#asterisk ptiggerdine (
02:33.43philmWhere can I get a cheap VoIP incoming line from? I currently use voicepulse
02:33.52filereticent: dial IAX2/ and hit *1 to be unmuted
02:34.10reticentgive me a minute
02:34.29CoaxDI wonder.. when you need to buy a new derailleur for a bike, if you need to buy one for the specifc brand bike ya got
02:34.31opus_Arge. i'm not a good C coder. i hope my changes work
02:35.03opus_is there a way to connect to the realtime database, ... er, more correctly? I just inserted a database connect into my function.
02:35.05reticentfile: have to configure for IAX
02:35.18opus_which won't have connection pooling etc
02:35.20fileyou just need to put an extensions.conf entry for it
02:35.26twistedreticent, your users have to have registered to recieve mwi
02:35.28twistedend of story
02:35.37blitzrageCoaxD: don't think so
02:35.45twistedthat's they only way they will wind up in the cache
02:37.00filewhen you change the user to be what the call is coming from, then it gets loaded into memory... and then mailbox works because it's in memory and cached
02:38.57*** join/#asterisk Rav1974 (
02:39.14MikeJ[Laptop]reticent, same address shold work for sip too
02:39.46*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=root@
02:40.13reticenti'm in
02:40.28Rav1974I bought a Cactus.Lite without an FXO card.  I wanted to know how much these cost?
02:41.15chendyhi all
02:44.01NetgeeksIn realtime, when a sip device registers, isn't associated sip tables suppoed to be updated with a register time or something?
02:44.28SarahEmman FXO for a cactus, or for asterisk?
02:46.40QwellSarahEmm: VoCactus
02:47.01mago3-cnfile, so rt config and users work together?
02:47.55SarahEmmQwell: huh?
02:48.27mago3-cncommon, is a yes/no answer plz
02:50.16reticentthe sick thing is that i could manipulate the "From:" sip header field before it gets to asterisk and it would (should) work fine (err exactly how i want it to)
02:51.41opus_netgeeks - yes
02:51.46opus_however mine is incorrect
02:52.27opus_| regseconds |
02:52.30opus_| 1124076235 |
02:52.38opus_one million dollars
02:53.44NetgeeksI've never seen it update in the two or three places I've tried it
02:53.49Netgeeksregseconds always at 0
02:54.31opus_you need  rtcachefriends | yes                                            |
02:54.31opus_| rtnoupdate     | no                                             |
02:54.31opus_| rtautoclear    | yes                                            |
02:55.11*** join/#asterisk twisted[work] (n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted)
02:55.11*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted[work]] by ChanServ
02:55.15Netgeeksah, got it
03:01.01philmI'm looking for a voip provider for an incoming line any suggestions?
03:01.42SarahEmmphilm: where, first of all?
03:01.43SarahEmmIAX? SIP?
03:03.23opus_man i should have paid attention in Makefile clas
03:04.01reticentis anyone aware of any method to load information into memory (when using Realtime voicemail/sip_users) for an account without having that account registered?
03:04.14reticentI've found one method, but its not ideal.
03:07.11reticentI may be flogging a dead horse here :P but i'd be really surprised if there wasn't a way that i could get this to work
03:07.43opus_what do you mean by saying without having that account registered?
03:07.46chendyAlex asterisk # cat /proc/interrupts
03:07.58chendyNMI:          0
03:08.00chendyLOC:  337139043
03:08.02chendyERR:          0
03:08.03philmSarah: Atlanta, FL
03:08.04jbotextra, extra, read all about it, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
03:08.04chendyAlex asterisk #
03:08.10chendydoes it seem ok?
03:08.17philmEither protocol
03:08.45*** join/#asterisk diablopico (
03:08.54philmSarah: Atlanta, GA / SIP or IAX
03:09.00reticentopus, well it looks like asterisk is designed such that when using realtime configuration the account information is only loaded into memory when a client registers to that account
03:09.26opus_like, yuo mean, appears when 'sip show peers' ?
03:09.37*** join/#asterisk guugmember (n=Casa@
03:09.51reticenthowever, there are other ways,  when a voice message is left for an account, asterisk queries the database for a sip_user account looking for information associated with the calling user
03:10.36reticentthe only method i've found is to alter the "From:" sip header field before it reaches Asterisk tricking it into loading the sip_user information into memory and therefor sending a proper MWI Notify message to the configured contact for that account
03:10.57reticentopus, i suppose but i don't know if sip realtime users (once they are loaded into memory) show up when you issue that command
03:11.27diablopicowhile installing a Digium TE410p card i am getting an error when i modprobe wct4xxp ( any help ) ??
03:14.37diablopicowhile installing a Digium TE410p card i am getting an error when i modprobe wct4xxp ( any help ) ??
03:15.11*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
03:15.23opus_reticent - yeah its a big problem in the architecture
03:15.48diablopicoany solution ,, or do i get a refund from Digium ?
03:16.20opus_you probably don't have zaptel installed
03:16.40philmThanks, sarah, I still can't find one for <$10
03:16.50diablopicoi did make clean ; make install ,, and got no errors
03:16.59opus_did you do make rtfm?
03:17.39opus_if you reboot it might magically work.
03:17.54reticentgoogle is your friend =D
03:18.08*** join/#asterisk kswail (
03:18.12reticentgoogle for the error, you might some information (i can't help, never used that card)
03:18.19Qwellif all else fails, call Digium
03:18.29diablopicothanks ...
03:18.31diablopicoi think
03:19.33opus_i bet he never modprobed zaptel
03:19.39mogorman_homedoesnt matter
03:19.50mogorman_homebut usually some one from diium is in the channel
03:19.57mogorman_homebut i just got back from movies
03:20.12opus_the cycle of life goeson
03:23.02*** join/#asterisk chendy_ (n=chendy@
03:23.51*** join/#asterisk Maxx4life (
03:25.07supaigtrAnyone know if interrupts got fixed perm or just on a softboot?
03:27.33bkw_TWO WORDS... PASTE BIN
03:27.45twistedBUTT PLUG
03:28.00*** join/#asterisk _nvrs (
03:29.08sskylesSTRAP ON
03:29.18sskylesTAKE OFF
03:29.23sskylesUP NOSTRIL
03:29.45opus_DV DA
03:29.46NivexOFF TOPIC
03:29.48sskylesSUITCASE AIRPLANE
03:31.13opus_help. i get this error when i try to kick people that don't use pastebin: *** #asterisk : You need to be a channel operator to do that
03:31.29brc_no kidding
03:33.11tzangerbutt plug
03:33.14tzangerstrap on
03:33.47hmodesoh my
03:36.06mishehubah even
03:36.22chendy_hi there
03:36.39ptiggerdinemogorman_home, does the same.
03:37.04mogorman_homeow file
03:37.07mogorman_homeenough of that
03:38.05ptiggerdineyeeehooo It's a how down!
03:38.17sarah_awaylol. asterisk, asstricks, and asterhicks?
03:38.49sarah_awaynow i'm really away. bbiab. :)
03:38.52mishehuo/` swing your server 'round-and-'round... o/`
03:38.57*** join/#asterisk SwK[Work] (
03:40.18*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
03:40.43mishehuah, mr. file has network hiccups.
03:41.28file[laptop]my IRC client can't handle #asterisk
03:41.41file[laptop]the buffer grows so large that it crashes
03:42.27mogorman_homethat happened to me finally at 4 am last night
03:42.54file[laptop]I've been meaning to fix it, but I can't track it down
03:45.48*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
03:45.49mishehufile[laptop]: what irc proggie you use?
03:46.10Corydon76-homemishehu: you could have just sent him a CTCP VERSION
03:46.13mishehuI've never had a problem with BitchX
03:46.35mishehuCorydon76-home: and he could have faked the response or just denied it too.
03:46.50mishehuand I haven't done a ctcp version in...  hmm...   4 years at least.
03:47.06*** join/#asterisk godsmoke_ (
03:47.35mishehuI used to always make mine report as ircii on an atari 2600 back when I first got introduced to linux.
03:51.24*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:59.38mago3-cnhi, i'm getting from my provider a sip call coming from CALLERID@GWIP( it is not getting authenticated by anything else than creating the entry for sip and peer, nut it is undoable to create an entry for every callerid!
04:00.04mago3-cnwhat should i do???
04:00.50mago3-cnoh well, silence again
04:02.07mago3-cnwhy does digium lists this site online if no one helps?
04:02.24mago3-cnit would be enough with a form to ask for a quote
04:03.56*** join/#asterisk Gootch (
04:03.56mogorman_homewhat do you need mago
04:04.07*** join/#asterisk Casa_ (n=Casa@
04:04.10QwellJerJer: stop that :p
04:04.15QwellI'm about to send you a C&D
04:04.24Gootchcan I ask a question about Asterisk@Home here?
04:07.55*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
04:08.03[hC]Nugget: hey man, are you around?
04:08.26mishehumago3-cn: we are not hired here to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  this is a community supported channel, and as such, people come in and out all the time.  sometimes you just come in when it's rather quiet here.
04:08.50ZX81however, if you do want to pay someone
04:09.16ZX81mago3-cn: insecure=very
04:09.22ZX81option in sip.conf
04:09.27*** join/#asterisk Rez (i=lorez@freenode/staff/lorez)
04:09.36mishehuthat's a wonky provider, I'd not use it personally.  ;-)
04:09.38mago3-cnthanks mogorman: i need to authorize calls from deltathree network, they are sending me calleridnum@gatewayip: 19998887777@ for example... i know their network and mask, but it would be impossible to create a peer entry for every gw and a user for every callerid
04:09.58ZX81mago3-cn: or you could read my response
04:10.10mogorman_homewell i was about to say that...
04:10.13mogorman_homebut whatever
04:10.16mishehuZX81: he's not lagged network-wise, but maybe brainlag instead.
04:10.26ZX81be nice
04:10.32jbotrumour has it, zx81 is the creater of the Daily Asterisk News (see ~adn)
04:10.37jbotwell, adn is the Asterisk Daily News - for HTML and for RSS
04:10.44ZX81still works after all this time
04:10.52Gootchok... well ihave a quick question... i installed Asterisk@Home the other day... it seems to be working well.. but I'm struggling a bit with the actual setup here at my house... the only way for me to get this working is to install a wireless network card in the new machine... I already have a USB network adapter that I want to try and get working, but it requires a 2.6.x linux kernel... will asterisk work on 2.6.x?  i dont see why
04:11.06mishehuZX81: I'm brainlagged too right now.  if not, I'd be doing something useful instead of staring blankly at the screen.
04:11.13ZX81Gootch: yes
04:11.21ZX81mishehu: lol
04:11.27mago3-cni hope you were not trying to offend anyone
04:11.32mishehuGootch: I run it on 2.6.x
04:11.41ZX81mago3-cn: ?
04:12.07ZX81mago3-cn: you can add an option to sip.conf  The option is:  insecure=very
04:12.24Gootchok thats good to hear... asterisk@home uses CentOS 3.4... which uses the 2.4.x kernel... its based on RHEL... any advice on the best way to update my kernel?
04:12.55ZX81what does yum upgrade do?
04:13.17Gootchhmm.. upgrade hey? never though of doing htat ;)  update obviously just updates the 2.4.x kernel
04:13.21mishehuGootch: no idea, I've not touched centos.  I'm a slackware user myself.
04:13.32ZX81Gootch: exactly
04:13.36Gootchok... no problem, just thought i'd give you guys a shot :)
04:13.53ZX81upgrade works in Fedora
04:14.02ZX81should work in RHEL I guess
04:14.04Gootchi'll let you know in about 5 mins
04:14.09ZX81cept they're a bit more stable
04:15.57hmodesupdating rhel/centos is..  an adventure in rpm dependancies and fancy footwork
04:16.12Gootchdamn... pos centos
04:16.15Gootchsays nothing to do heh
04:17.04hmodes--force --nodeps is your best friend and your worst enemy
04:17.31Juggiedoing --force --nodeps can screw you greatly
04:17.31Gootchwell.. i guess i have to run a 300ft patch cable then
04:17.34*** join/#asterisk SwK (
04:17.37joeGootch: install centos 4
04:17.57hmodesyeah, fresh install is so much less of a headache then upgrading
04:17.58Juggiei can tell you that apt is much better then yum
04:18.16Juggieand apt can do distro upgrades
04:18.16Gootchjoe, that makes me a bit nervous too... i'm a pussy when it comes to this stuff
04:18.45JerJerhere kitty kitty
04:19.07joeJuggie: whatever, read the code then say apt is better than yum
04:19.26Gootchdo any of you have Asterisk@Home? or have you just installed Asterisk like a normal person would?
04:19.45sarah_awayGootch: normal person. but i write code for * so i'm not exactly a normal person ;)
04:19.57joeGootch: understandable, but it's much safer than trying to force shit and doing it manually
04:20.42sarah_semi_hereand welcome to #asterisk Gootch ;) *meows*
04:20.45Gootchjoe... do you think updating to centos4 would mess anything up?...
04:20.49Gootchlol thanks sarah
04:21.25*** part/#asterisk Casa_ (n=Casa@
04:21.35Gootchi'm really good at installing stuff on linux... but when it comes to updating i RULE!... kinda like rollerblading... i can go.. but i cant stop ;)
04:21.36joeGootch: since I have no knowledge of what you've done w/ your system it's hard to say, and fresh install are much easier to debug anyway
04:21.49SwK ?????????
04:21.54SwKis that for real?
04:22.15Himekosure, need more actor presidents
04:23.21QwellChristopher Walken would make a great president
04:23.29GootchJoe... allright... i understand that, probably should do that.. but i've put in about lets see... 72 hours configuring this system and trying to figure out how things are going to work... and i dont want to do that agian
04:23.46SwKhell I think I would make a great president
04:23.46Gootchhehe.. but i guess the second time would be quicker
04:23.55hmodesscp -r /etc/asterisk user@someotherplace:~/
04:24.07SwK(if the CIA didnt have me assassinated before I was sworn in
04:24.09joethen you should be able to back things up and take you much much less time the second time around :) like two hours :)
04:24.18hmodesformat, scp -r user@someotherplace:~/asterisk /etc/
04:24.54hmodesif you really get carried away there's maybe three other directories to copy
04:25.02Gootchall i want is a 2.6 kerner for christ sake lol
04:25.25hmodesso compile your own?
04:25.26Gootchok.. i'm going to reinstall
04:25.48Gootchi found a good article on updating your kernel from source
04:26.04Gootchbut will yum update it then or am i stuck compiling my own kernels from there on in?
04:26.34joeGootch: "all" umm ok then and go ahead and don't take advantage of the testing and hard work of those that insure the versions are stable as possible
04:26.35hmodeswell you could make your own kernel package and align it with your repository
04:26.41hmodesbut that's not very worthwhile
04:26.47*** part/#asterisk ZX81 (
04:27.33Gootchok... well thanks for all your help joe and hmodes... i'm going to back up like hmodes says.. and start from scratch
04:28.10Gootchhave agood night everyone.. i'll probably be back ;)
04:28.33Gootchwhat do you mean joe?
04:30.32Netgeeksthanks for the fully documented return
04:30.57Gootchif you are suggesting that i want to upgrade because i dont trust 2.4 kernel?  that's not the reason i want to upgrade... its because i want to install a wireless usb network adapter
04:31.00SarahEmmlol Netgeeks
04:33.17NetgeeksYou just have to love linux....  I could see that working when I was young and living at home...  Nod dad, you see, I've got this new racing steering wheel, and it's incompatable with the 302 V8 engine, so I want to install a 428 cobra jet engine instead
04:34.05Netgeekshrm, gootch didn't seem to like that analogy
04:34.21Netgeeksbut then again, I doubt dad would have either
04:35.21opus_man this printer sounds like the death machine
04:37.04*** join/#asterisk Cybertank_ (
04:38.44*** join/#asterisk mago3-cn (i=maxgluck@
04:39.58hmodesi need to remember to hang out in here off-hours more often ;p
04:44.12h3xstupid ass snom phone crashed.
04:44.43h3xi had to reload with tftp
04:44.59SarahEmmi think i'll get knee-deep in * code again tomorrow to try to get that working
04:45.39*** join/#asterisk ryansc (
04:45.51hmodesmmm, knee deep in *
04:46.46godsmokeTDD as in TTY
04:47.17SarahEmmi use it at home over a POTS line connected to an x100p
04:47.19godsmokelearn something new every day
04:47.28SarahEmmi keep a POTS line to use because you can't get over the IAX2 DIDs i have :)
04:47.34SarahEmmbut i wanna fix0r that so i can get rid of my POTS line
04:47.45godsmokeyou use TDD much?
04:47.47SarahEmmand i'm... err... excessively familiar with the tty code in * at this point ;)
04:48.04SarahEmmumm, communicating over the phone with businesses and individuals ;)
04:48.20godsmokeare you deaf?
04:48.35brc_from a howto "1. Authorized users should obtain the OSX files from Apple. It is illegal to obtain them from torrent sites by searching under the following keywords: "VMWare files for patched Mac OS X Tiger Intel" "
04:49.00SarahEmmgodsmoke: hard of hearing and autistic and don't speak much of the time
04:49.13godsmokeSarahEmm, so what do you use your IAX drops for then?
04:49.23SarahEmmgodsmoke: note the 'much of the time' and not 'all of the time' ;)
04:49.28godsmokeah, alright
04:49.31godsmokethat works I suppose
04:49.34SarahEmmat this point, not a heck of a lot, tho i do once in awhile
04:49.42SarahEmmmainly to test new code and such when i'm doing devel work on * so far
04:50.39godsmokeI want to know why verizon and covad are so stupid they can't even choose a proper pair for dsl
04:50.51SarahEmmbut i do use voice comms once in awhile. probably about 85/15 tty/voice
04:50.51hmodesit's amazing how many people who are obsessed with voip have very little use for it
04:51.01SarahEmmhmodes: asterisk is great for tty comms
04:51.07*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
04:51.15SarahEmmhmodes: it's just not commonly used for such yet, and had a lot of bugs and issues with that subsystem, which i'm slowly fix0ring
04:51.40godsmokewhat does a pbx at home offer a tty user?
04:51.41mishehuany of your guys who know perl give me a quick reminder - I need the Mime::Lite module for perl, but I don't remember the syntax for using cpan
04:51.53hmodesyeah, i'm still not quite sure why */iax hasn't evolved in to an aimkiller ;p
04:52.12*** join/#asterisk Cinen (
04:52.13SarahEmmgodsmoke: tty answering machine, gives me the ability (with some agi i wrote) to pull up a webpage on the * box and make outgoing TTY calls via a web browser or telnet session
04:52.32Inv_arpmishehu: cpan -i Mime::Lite
04:52.34SarahEmmmishehu: perl -MCPAN -mcpan -e shell; iirc
04:52.38*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
04:52.42SarahEmmthere's a cpan command? hehe yay
04:52.50godsmokeSarahEmm, hrm ... I'm not sure I see why a pbx is helpful in either of those situations
04:53.08godsmokeI mean, I'm sure a modem and some quick scripting is capable of the same things
04:53.21SarahEmmgodsmoke: well, not a normal modem
04:53.24SarahEmmand TTY modems ain't cheap
04:53.30SarahEmman x100p is $10 :)
04:53.37hmodesnaughty naughty!
04:54.15CinenI am having some trouble with the allcall.agi script used for paging.
04:54.17SarahEmmhmodes: ?
04:54.30godsmokeSarahEmm, don't worry about him
04:54.33godsmokehe's a little off
04:54.54hmodesmodems are cheap
04:55.06SarahEmmnot TTY modems
04:55.07godsmoke<SarahEmm> and TTY modems ain't cheap
04:55.19*** join/#asterisk Ethon (
04:55.23hmodesi was referring to the x100p comment
04:55.32SarahEmm*confused lots*
04:55.32hmodesand was about to follow it with 'kram's time isn't'
04:55.45SarahEmmhmodes: this is true...
04:55.49godsmokekram's time?
04:56.13*** join/#asterisk _blop (
04:56.14SarahEmmgodsmoke: as in, i should buy a real digium card, because a clone isn't giving any money back
04:56.26godsmokeit's too late for this crap
04:56.33hmodesyeah, i suppose
04:56.59hmodesi'm just a bit defensive, sorry
04:57.09godsmokeI think I'm now at like day 25 for this dsl loop
04:57.12SarahEmmit's okay, i'm fully aware i should...
04:57.14godsmokethat's not ok
04:57.23SarahEmmat the time i wasn't sure i'd ever use *
04:57.28SarahEmmnow i evidently will heh
04:57.37hmodesif you're doing good work, you deserve an exception no doubt
04:57.37SarahEmmbut i'm also moving away from using any POTS lines
04:57.43SarahEmmhmodes: mew?
04:58.05godsmoke* [SarahEmm] ( sarahemm
04:58.13godsmokewell, you gotta get your ppp somehow
04:58.23*** join/#asterisk Twister (n=jason@
04:58.37Twisteris there any way to simulate a fax call?
04:58.40hmodescanada is silly about pppoe it seems
04:58.41SarahEmmhmodes: err, i meant what? exception?
04:58.41*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
04:59.10hmodesSarahEmm: if you're contributing good work, you deserve to buy all the cheap dsps you need to do it :)
04:59.16SarahEmmahh lol
04:59.22Qwellerm...right, oE, not oIP
04:59.27SarahEmmso far it's been mostly small stuff to make various TTY functions that were there already actually work
04:59.34SarahEmmand i've added a few more small functions and features
04:59.39SarahEmmsome bigger stuff in the pipeline now tho ;)
04:59.47SarahEmmand some bigger apps i'll contribute back when they're working
04:59.48hmodesthat counts as good work in my book ;p
04:59.49godsmokeasterisk is just a big pile of ugly c :)
04:59.51godsmokebut I still love it
04:59.57SarahEmmokie hmodes, yay! :o)
05:00.07hmodes(not that you need my permission)
05:00.40SarahEmmhihi twisty :)
05:00.46Twisterhi hi *snuggle*
05:01.18godsmokestrange irc interactions
05:01.19SarahEmmgodsmoke: syn
05:01.24SarahEmmwhy strange?
05:01.31godsmokejust stereotypical
05:03.07Twister/agree @ DarthClue
05:03.24SarahEmmstereotypical? *confused*
05:03.30godsmokeforget it
05:03.36SarahEmmhow am i stereotypical in any way? *giggle*
05:03.38SarahEmmkitriches are Weird.
05:03.49SarahEmmhmodes: various worlds? *curiouses*
05:04.42hmodeswell, we're all from wherever we're from..  and here we are, ranting about whatever we're ranting about...  such is the beauty of irc.
05:04.52SarahEmmheh :o) *nods*
05:05.29godsmokeso what does SarahEmm do?
05:05.33Cinenanybody here familar with the allcall.agi for paging?
05:05.59ThumpClipRcan anyone make a suggestion of what digium card I should get for a 24 line T1
05:07.00mishehuwho's got a fax machine and would be happy to send me a test fax?
05:07.23mishehuDarthClue maybe?
05:07.25ThumpClipRwhy does 128 channels perform better than 64
05:07.32SarahEmmgodsmoke: 'network operations analyst' at my main job, and i do network eng consulting on the side
05:07.36SarahEmmgodsmoke: that and meow at people. :)
05:07.38DarthCluesilly mishehu, faxing is for kids!
05:07.50mishehuDarthClue: for kids and for the paying clients ;-)
05:07.53SarahEmmThumpClipR: uhh, any one port card
05:08.03CinenWhat number mishehu?
05:08.19*** join/#asterisk [hC-] (
05:08.36godsmokeso what does a net ops analyst do?
05:08.38movergood morning :-C
05:08.44godsmokeanalyze the ops?
05:08.58SarahEmmgodsmoke: lol
05:09.07[hC-]anyone seen an issue with g729 where one side can hear audio but the other cannot, or sometimes one side seems really slowed down and garbled?
05:09.17[hC-]one of my boxes is acting that way and i dont know why.
05:09.23SarahEmmgodsmoke: monitor a few thousand servers and network-related-gear-pieces and fix0r stuff that breaks, do regular maintenance on stuff, make changes to them..
05:09.35SarahEmmdo the day to day ops stuff on a big network basically
05:09.37mishehu[hC-]: iax2?
05:09.38godsmokewhere does the analysis come into play?
05:09.43SarahEmmit doesn't
05:09.48[hC-]mishehu: yes sir.
05:09.49SarahEmmi suppose when something breaks i figure out what's wrong
05:09.54SarahEmmthat's kind of analysis :)
05:09.58hmodesthe analyst comes in when shit goes south
05:10.09mishehu[hC-]: I've been experiencing that with other codecs too.  are you using rsa auth?
05:10.09godsmokeso your a network operations problem analyst
05:10.18[hC-]mishehu: nope, md5.
05:10.41SarahEmmgodsmoke: i'm a NOCstrich really.
05:10.46SarahEmmNetwork Operations Centre Ostrich.
05:10.50godsmokethat's a first
05:10.58SarahEmmyou've probably never met a kitrich before.
05:11.01SarahEmmmost people haven't.
05:11.01[hC-]mishehu: it only seems to happen when i go from one asterisk box, thru another (of mine) THEN out to the peer.
05:11.02godsmokeobsessed with ostriches, I imagine?
05:11.13SarahEmmgodsmoke: you could say that.
05:11.13moverwhere the fuck is ostrich? :-)
05:11.20SarahEmm<-- kitrich
05:11.27mishehu[hC-]: are you using trunking?
05:11.41[hC-]mishehu: what do you mean exactly by trunking?
05:11.57mishehu[hC-]: do you have iax2 trunking enabled?
05:11.58[hC-](with a response like that i would presume no, but..)
05:12.04[hC-]I dont believe so.
05:12.05godsmokeSarahEmm, are you a cisco whore?
05:12.22SarahEmmgodsmoke: yep.
05:12.26godsmokeoh boy
05:12.38niZonbuy me a 7960
05:12.38godsmokehow's your company dealing with cisco in the past 3 weeks? :)
05:12.46SarahEmmerr.. depending on what you mean by 'cisco whore' :P
05:12.47godsmokeniZon, they ain't that great
05:12.49hmodesyou haven't lived until you've watched an mgx8900 crash and burn :)
05:12.53SarahEmm'will give sex0rz for transit'
05:12.59godsmokemore like
05:13.03niZonbah i want xml for fun and entertainment
05:13.10godsmokewill give sex0rz for cisco recognition
05:13.12SarahEmmgodsmoke: err, in what way? (dealing with cisco wise)
05:13.17SarahEmmrecognition? whatcha mean?
05:13.19[hC-]mishehu: should i be?
05:13.21hmodesxml is neither fun nor entertaining...
05:13.24godsmokecerts/other crap
05:13.32SarahEmmyes :)
05:13.36godsmokeSarahEmm, well, um, you know -- how cisco is being a bitch
05:13.36[hC-]mishehu: I cant put my finger on what exactly is causing this to happen.
05:13.36SarahEmmkitriches are working on their CCIE
05:13.48SarahEmmgodsmoke: how so?
05:13.50godsmokeand how like, um, they have betrayed their customers
05:13.57SarahEmmpassword wise?
05:13.58godsmokemy friend works at GHI
05:14.00SarahEmmor what?
05:14.07godsmokethey're pulling all of their edge cisco stuff out
05:14.12godsmokeand replacing with juniper
05:14.13*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
05:14.15godsmokesince blackhat
05:14.16[hC-]huh. the 7960 can only have 3 lines defined?
05:14.21[hC-]I thought it could take 6.
05:14.21hmodescisco excels at betraying customers
05:14.23SarahEmmgodsmoke: oh, that. *shrug* i don't care
05:14.24[hC-]oh wait.
05:14.25[hC-]my bad.
05:14.27godsmoke[hC-], 6, if I remember
05:14.28SarahEmmi have no big issues with cisco
05:14.52mishehu[hC-]: well, I've had similar problems as well, but I've been too swamped to do the debugging myself.
05:15.00hmodes'sure, a v440 running pgw can handle 60cps'
05:15.02godsmokeSarahEmm, I don't mean the actual crap there, I mean, their response to the entire deal, how they claim they've had a patch for months, but didn't bother to release it, because they didn't want to tell people about the hole in the first place
05:15.06mishehu[hC-]: are you using head or stable servers on all links?
05:15.16*** join/#asterisk ComputerWarm (
05:15.20godsmokeit's a big deal to a lot of major companies
05:15.27[hC-]mishehu: its getting to the point for me that its unusable from branch nodes.. I'm using head from like.. february.
05:15.40[hC-]Is head "fairly safe" these days?
05:15.45SarahEmmgodsmoke: *nods* *shrugs* i'm not involved in any of that at my company
05:15.48SarahEmmthey choose what they want
05:15.48*** join/#asterisk [cc]smart (
05:15.51SarahEmmi run it
05:15.53Inv_arpwtf? the HT486 limits the lan side to 150k?
05:16.00[hC-]maybe i should cvsup
05:16.08SarahEmmInv_arp: didn't you come in saying the same thing lastnight?
05:16.17SarahEmmand why would you need more than 150k?
05:16.25Inv_arpSarahEmm: 3 nights in a row actually
05:16.31SarahEmmInv_arp: uhh okay.. why?
05:16.43ComputerWarmhello all question i have placed a few mp3`s in to the the correct directory and then added this to musiconhold.conf default => mp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3,-z it says starting music on hold when i place someone on hold but i don`t hear anything?
05:16.45Inv_arpSarahEmm: 150 kilobytes on a lan?
05:17.05hmodessolution: don't use grandstream nat
05:17.12SarahEmmInv_arp: uhh, it's an ATA isn't it?
05:17.19[hC-]huh. ive also noticed the occasional native bridge that one side thinks worked, and the other side does not.
05:17.22[hC-]end up with no call.
05:17.25SarahEmmyou're going to push over 75kbps on each port? how?
05:17.37Inv_arpSarahEmm: with a pass thru lan... to use for anything not just voip
05:17.39*** join/#asterisk mover (
05:17.46ComputerWarmany recommendations on fixing that?
05:17.48Inv_arplike a router
05:17.59SarahEmmthat's stupid and useless then :)
05:18.15Inv_arpnot when you dont have a switch
05:18.25hmodesswitches are cheap?
05:18.31SarahEmmwhere did you find this Inv_arp?
05:18.48Qwellhmodes: yes and no
05:19.10Qwellhmodes: I'm actually quite pissed.  I'm gonna have to buy a switch after I get my IAXy
05:19.18hmodes$10/port can't be argued, can it?
05:19.35Inv_arpSarahEmm: bought it locally... might have to buy a switch now because its so slow
05:19.42kramomg omg omg
05:19.57Qwellhmodes: $10/port is good.  But when you only need 1 aren't going to pay $10. :(
05:20.02Qwellwell, two ports, I guess
05:20.13kramasterisk got a slight mention in userfriendly!!!!
05:20.15mishehukram: lol wtf omg rotflmao stfu afaik afk
05:20.16ComputerWarmcan anyone help me with my problem plz
05:20.18*** join/#asterisk jeobjeobjeob (
05:20.23Qwellkram: awesome
05:20.31jeobjeobjeobhow does one set up blind transfers?
05:20.33SarahEmmhihi kram
05:20.43mishehuwhats userfriendly?
05:20.46mishehua publication?
05:20.49Qwellmishehu: cartoon
05:20.50kraman online cartoon
05:20.50SarahEmmInv_arp: err, i meant where did you find the 150k limit
05:20.56kramwe're in comics!
05:20.57Qwellkram: Congrats on that, heh
05:21.00mishehukram: nice.  is the author an asterisk user?
05:21.04[hC-]im gonna cvsup one box and see if that fixes it
05:21.57mishehu[hC-]: I'm using head too, but from july...
05:22.06DarthClue[hC-]: that will cause issues if your boxes are communicating with iax2.
05:22.27[hC-]DarthClue: what, if one is current head and one is head from february?
05:22.43krami don't know
05:23.12Inv_arpSarahEmm: when transferring files, etc....  my pc is behind it  and it connects to another linux box
05:23.14DarthClue[hC-]: you will have issues with that.  iax2 is a moving target and will be different enough to give you headaches.  if you are running cvs-head and what the boxes to talk via iax2 then they have to be the same version.
05:23.56[hC-]DarthClue: ok. that will make debugging this codec issue a little more fun. :) Would you say that i will most likely run into a headache with today's cvs-head, or should i be generally alright?
05:24.19*** part/#asterisk krisguy (
05:24.32DarthClue[hC-]: got some midol?  how about some loritab?  maybe some horse tranquilizers?
05:24.46[hC-]DarthClue: that's not  helping :P
05:25.22DarthClue[hC-]: it's 12:30am at my house.  I only speak the truth between the hours of 8pm and 8am.
05:25.27[hC-]I suppose that could be why im having problems right now then, when the native bridge hands off to someone like voipjet
05:25.35[hC-]i always end up with one side of the call, or jerky choppy slowed down audio
05:26.51QwellDarthClue: unless that was a lie.
05:26.55QwellDarthClue: in which case...
05:27.44DarthClueQwell: Don't make me hurt you.
05:27.44kramanyway off to bed
05:27.50*** join/#asterisk zoo (
05:28.00QwellDarthClue: You just did. :(
05:28.15SarahEmmnini kram
05:28.17DarthClueQwell: That's what you get with the force.
05:31.44*** join/#asterisk mover (
05:36.26hmodesi wanna drive a bus!
05:36.49DarthCluehmodes: get the license and do it then.
05:37.23hmodeswait, that sounds like i'd have to wake up early
05:37.31godsmokepeople are so depressing in here
05:37.58jeobjeobjeobi need some help with asstricks
05:37.59jeobjeobjeobi mean asterisk
05:38.08opus_am I really tired
05:38.12opus_or is this a bug
05:38.14opus_Aug 14 22:37:04 DEBUG[28877]: pbx.c:5821 pbx_builtin_gotoif: Not taking any branch
05:38.25DarthCluejeobjeobjeob: we charge extra for that.  paypal me the money and we'll see what can be done.
05:38.40jeobjeobjeobno free jobs?
05:38.43*** join/#asterisk Tili (i=Tili@
05:38.44DarthCluehmodes: yeah, it requires getting up really early, like 430am early.
05:39.15jeobjeobjeobthanks for the great help DarthClue
05:39.37hmodesyeah, too early
05:39.40hmodes_way_ too early
05:39.50DarthCluejeobjeobjeob: I don't turn tricks for free.
05:39.56opus_1 != 3 is true?
05:40.05opus_ok yeah i 'm tired
05:40.26jeobjeobjeobits that colon
05:40.40jeobjeobjeobGotoIf("SIP/231-7888", " [ 1 !=  3]?t|1:")
05:40.42jeobjeobjeob1 != 3
05:41.00jeobjeobjeobthe tertiary syntax is (boolean) ? true condition : false condition
05:41.53QwellDoesn't it need quotes?
05:42.15twistedopus_, what is your actual syntax, because that looks WAY wrong
05:42.21jeobjeobjeobyour qotes are wrong
05:42.22Qwellie, 1 != 1 would still be true
05:42.25twistedyou shouldn't see the []'
05:42.42*** join/#asterisk godsmoke (
05:42.44jeobjeobjeobits quotes within []
05:42.55twistedyou shouldn't see the []'s in the execution
05:43.24twistedi want to see the actual exten => line
05:43.45opus_twisted: exten => s,6,GotoIf( [ ${LEN(${results})} != 3]?s,7:t,1)
05:43.51twistedyeah, that's wrong
05:44.07jeobjeobjeobyou need quotes
05:44.10twistedexten => s,6,GotoIf($[${LEN(${results})} != 3]?s,7:t,1)
05:44.11opus_i read it in the manuals. that exist. in the future. :)
05:44.13twistedno, no quotes
05:44.22Qwelltake off the first space too
05:44.29twistedcompare my example to your statement
05:44.32twistedyou'll see what's wrong
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05:50.07opus_I still don't quite have it correct
05:50.31twistedyou need $'s in front of all of your []'s
05:50.32opus_its 'false' for 1 != 3 and 3 != 3 ?
05:50.47twistedremember that []'s indicate something that should be evaluated
05:51.07twistedand since we need to find out if the evaluation is true or false, we need to make sure we treat it as a var
05:51.24opus_Oh theres a major typo ok.
05:51.33*** join/#asterisk kswail (
05:51.38twistedyou've also got two priority 6's
05:51.41opus_thanks yet again. /dcc money
05:51.50jboti guess twisted is, but you can paypal him at
05:52.37twistedremove the first priority 6, and you should be good to go
05:52.49twistedjust remember to put the $ and remove the extra space in 7 if you uncomment it
05:53.12adelashey could someone help me with AMP asterisk
05:53.12adelasPhone add Config Result
05:53.13adelasTFTP "; Example /tftpboot/sip_phone/" Directory does not exist!
05:53.21adelaswat dose that mean and how do i fix it
05:53.28adelasthe directory does exist
05:53.33twistedadelas, it means that /tftpboot/sip_phone/ does not exist.
05:53.45adelasthe directory is there tho
05:54.04opus_you don't need it unless your using cisco phones (?)
05:54.04twistediit looks like it's looking in "; Example /tftpboot/sip_phone/" which isn't valid
05:54.12*** join/#asterisk godsmoke (
05:54.25twistedadelas, but this is not AMP discussion, we are just base asterisk
05:54.29twistedso i would talk to the AMP maintainers
05:54.46adelasand i can find them on irc?
05:54.58adelasi knew it
05:55.06twistedJuggie has the answer :)
05:55.10adelasits just me in chan
05:55.17*** join/#asterisk oej (
05:55.24Juggietoo many p's
05:55.24SarahEmmit's amportal
05:55.30SarahEmmyeah what juggie said ;) meow.
05:55.43twistedoej! hallo :)
05:56.44oejtwisted: Morning!
05:57.01twistedyea, morning :)
05:57.06twistedby 56 minutes
05:58.12[hC-]Hmm. why is it that some of my peers (that are remote) show up as very low ms, when using sip show peers, for example... but cisco phones directly connected to the box via a completely separated switch are much higher?  (60-120ms)
05:58.37twisted[hC-], because cisco phones are kinda dumb when it comes to response times on non-priority messages
05:58.45[hC-]Kinda figured.
05:58.46Netgeeksperhaps the ciscos are slow to.... nvm
05:58.50Netgeekstwisted beat me
05:58.54twistedNetgeeks, ;)
05:59.08*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
05:59.25jeobjeobjeobcisco phones are dumb in general
05:59.36Juggiei hate them
05:59.39Juggiethey suck ;)
05:59.49Netgeeksbut you can drop them from 5 feet and they keep working
05:59.49twistedI like them because they're easy to use
05:59.53twistedand reliable
06:00.04NetgeeksI dropped my sipura 841 yesterday....
06:00.06Juggiei've had expirence with 2 other models of phone besides cisco
06:00.11Juggieand both were better
06:00.16twistedbut damn if they aren't such a pain in the ass to adminster
06:00.17Netgeeksonly thing it does now is act as 12 toys for my cat
06:00.24twistedNetgeeks, ;P
06:00.42Juggieanyone who wants a good sip phone, i recomend mitel 5215/5220
06:00.44*** join/#asterisk mago3-cn (i=maxgluck@
06:00.46Juggiesolid business phone
06:00.57twistedJuggie, yeah, compusa is using those phones nationwide
06:01.01twistedthey're nice
06:01.18mago3-cnsomebody knows if i can have two sippeers tables defined in extconfig.conf?
06:01.20Juggiethey are probally using them with minet though
06:01.23Juggieas opposed to sip
06:01.38twistedJuggie, quite possibly... i haven't had the chance to really look into it
06:01.48twistedJuggie, can you tell what load they're using from the phone itself?
06:02.06twistedif so, i'll check it out next time i'm at compusa :P
06:02.23Juggietwisted, yes
06:02.28Juggiethose phones have two models
06:02.35[hC-]ok well the boxes involved have been upgraded, and now maybe 1 in 3 calls, i cant hear the person i call.
06:02.43[hC-]they can hear me just fine
06:02.51Juggiean old model which just supports minet, and then the new models with more memory i guess support both
06:02.52twisted[hC-], sounds kinda like nat
06:03.01twistedJuggie, yeah, these are newer
06:03.01[hC-]no nat involved.
06:03.06twistedDarthClue, me :P
06:03.14Juggietwisted, you can reboot the phone and hold down on superkey
06:03.18Juggieor the down arrow
06:03.25Juggieone of those get you into the pre-boot setup
06:03.33Juggieunlike the cisco which has to BOOT to get into setup
06:03.36Juggiewhich is ubergay
06:03.43twistedJuggie, no they dont'
06:03.49twistedJuggie, you can hit setup 3 times on boot to go into setup
06:03.55[hC-]twisted: it seems to only be happening when i go thru 2 * servers before reaching the peer, g729 the whole way thru (but ive seen the issue with ulaw in there too)
06:03.56twistederr settings
06:04.05Juggieare you sure?
06:04.08Juggiei'll try tomorow
06:04.09twistedi do it lots
06:04.15Twisterfor those who care i was able to get fax working nicely with the nvfaxdetet app
06:04.18[hC-]twisted: over iax2 and native bridge occurs...  
06:04.20Juggieeven before the network loads?
06:04.22twistedJuggie, when it's booting hit setup twice
06:04.25twistedthe screen changes, then hit setup again
06:04.36Juggiek, because i broke one by putting it on an invalid vlan
06:04.43twistedheh.. oops
06:04.44Juggieand i was never able to get into setup after that
06:05.01twistedyeah, as soon as it comes up, settings settings, wait for the screen change, settings again
06:05.08twistedand bam, you're in the settings menu
06:05.36Juggiei'll try.
06:05.45twistedif all else fails, you can hook it up to a serial console
06:05.58Juggieyah, i have a stack of mitel 5220's which are much better
06:06.01Juggieso i didnt bother
06:06.01twistedit's interesting to watch it boot on the serial console
06:06.24Juggiewhat intrigued me the most, was the mitel can pull configuration from http
06:06.36Juggieit would be possible to use php to generate config files on the fly
06:06.48Juggiewhich is sexy
06:06.52twistedthat is hot.
06:07.19twisted[hC-], does it cut out when the bridge happens?
06:07.52[hC-]twisted: i thought maybe, but i just forced one peer to use ulaw so that a native bridge wouldnt occur, and i never hear ring from the other side at all.
06:07.53Juggietwisted, yes.... it is... the only thing i wish it did, but it doesnt, is they wont pull a phone book off a remote server
06:08.06[hC-]twisted: this is confusing.. cause sometimes it will infact go thru just fine
06:08.12twistedthat sounds strange.
06:08.21twistedperhaps the peer doesn't have enough g729 licenses?
06:08.21Juggiebut, i have two working tapi plugins to use outlook to dial sip phones
06:08.30[hC-]twisted: happens on multiple peers
06:08.34Juggieso thats not really necessairy
06:08.37[hC-]twisted: also happens when i do ulaw to them.
06:08.40twisted[hC-], hrm.
06:08.50twistedthat is weird.
06:09.23Juggietwisted, using the http config though, you could load a phone book to the phone on boot
06:09.25Juggieit just isnt realtime
06:09.35twistedthat's one plus of the cisco
06:10.05[hC-]ok pardon me i am a liar, one of the boxes i am testing from does have nat enabled, but the iax peer fires up just fine.. and like i said. sometimes it works.
06:10.06twistedbut by all means not a reason to choose it over another
06:10.15Juggietwisted, its the only plus really :)
06:10.24Juggiebut i am going to get on mitel's case to support it
06:10.24twistedi wouldn't say the ONLy plus
06:10.28[hC-]im almost positive that it happens from the other box that is not natted as well, i will keep testing.
06:10.33Juggietwisted, name another :)
06:10.41twistedJuggie, xml services
06:10.49twistedJuggie, i can control manager functions via the phone
06:10.52Juggiemeh.... who has a phone and not a computer
06:11.04Juggietwisted, i am famaliar with cisco xml, but its just not that exciting
06:11.15twistedlike i said
06:11.20twistedthese aren't reasons to choose one over the other
06:11.28ThumpClipRtwisted u ever have a t1 or work with 1
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06:11.37twistedThumpClipR, every day
06:12.11ThumpClipRcool should i get a 411P for 24lines?
06:12.21Juggiehttp config, tftp isnt broken on mitel, you dont have to buy mitel fw, config is one file (instead of like 3-4), g729
06:12.23[hC-]are there still potential nat issues when using IAX2 that i can try to account for?
06:12.38SarahEmmThumpClipR: depends if your motherboard is 3.3v or 5v pci :)
06:12.50ThumpClipRi cant really seem to find out what E1 and J1 are
06:12.57twistedE1 is european standard
06:12.59SarahEmmE1 is europe's version of a T1, 30 channels
06:13.01SarahEmmJ1 is Japan's
06:13.01twistedJ1 is japaneese
06:13.07twistedSarahEmm, off my wave :P
06:13.15twistedSarahEmm, it's all good
06:13.21twistedSarahEmm, i'm just being silly
06:13.40SarahEmmi know :)
06:13.59MGSsanchoanyone know of a usb to ethernet adapter that is fully linux compliant (and full source avaliable for)?
06:14.01twistedhydro kicking in good now ;)
06:14.11twistedMGSsancho, yep, i have a couple ;)
06:14.18twistedSMC makes some
06:14.30twistedand the pegasus II drivers in the kernel handle them nicely
06:14.38DarthClueshare the wave, but do so safely.
06:14.45twistedDarthClue, go to bed :)
06:14.53twistedbut do so safely
06:14.57MGSsanchoi wanna make a crosover cable to my ipod >_> if i can ssh into it.. oh man.. then asterisk.. it woule be a great backup for a buisness...
06:15.04*** join/#asterisk snewpy (
06:15.09DarthCluetwisted: i don't want to.  I'm tired of being safe, that is boring.
06:15.10twistedi would NOT trust an ipod to handle my phones
06:15.18MGSsanchoas a backup
06:15.22twistedeven as a backup
06:15.25twistedi would not trust it
06:15.27MGSsanchoand the cool fastor
06:15.35SarahEmmnini all
06:15.37*** part/#asterisk SarahEmm (
06:15.37twistedit'd be cool to tinker with
06:15.39twistedbut that's it
06:15.51ThumpClipRshould i even get a digium for use with a T1... Im seemingly have the best feeling about them
06:16.04ThumpClipRmost likely because i use asterisk
06:16.38DarthClueThumpClipR: analyze your needs and evaluate all available options before making your purchase.
06:16.48twistedbe smrt
06:16.49ThumpClipRjust looking for leads
06:17.11DarthClueDigium, Sangoma, there are more out there, but those are the leaders at the moment.
06:17.43|Vulutre|I love my Sangoma cards... less compat. issues to deal with
06:18.27mogorman_homeas they support community
06:18.32mogorman_homeand pay my bills
06:18.47twistedmogorman_home, you need a car.
06:18.52mogorman_homei do
06:18.53DarthCluebah, biased are you mogorman_home.
06:19.02mogorman_homewe should have the give mogorman a car fund
06:19.07twistedmogorman_home, if you got a car, we could hang out more.
06:19.13mogorman_homei know
06:19.16mogorman_homei get that a lot
06:19.26MGSsanchowherer you live?
06:19.54mogorman_homei have to much respect for mark
06:20.04mogorman_homemmm hybrid
06:20.08twistedevery time i see that >.< it makes me think you're popping a zit
06:20.09MGSsanchoadd extra battries
06:20.13MGSsanchobetter millage
06:20.16twistedhells yes.
06:20.25twistedI am seriously thinking of getting a hybrid
06:20.28mogorman_homei want a smart car
06:20.33mogorman_homegets same mileage
06:20.36mogorman_homeand takes diesel
06:20.45mogorman_homebut will probably end up with some 1000 dollar car
06:20.49[hC-]hmm. im not certain, but it would almost seem like these boxes get into a condition where one thinks a native bridge occurred, and the other does not
06:20.51mogorman_homeas school is about to start
06:20.53mogorman_homeand need car
06:20.53twistedmogorman_home, if i get a hybrid
06:20.57twistedmogorman_home, i'll seel you mine for 1k
06:20.58[hC-]im not certain yet though
06:21.08twistedmogorman_home, but i have to find a good deal on a hybrid.
06:21.11mogorman_homewhat do you drive twisted
06:21.14twistedmogorman_home, dodge neon
06:21.22twistedit gets good gas mileage too
06:21.25mogorman_homeyeah that is gonna be hard to find a good deal on a hybrid
06:21.34twistednah, the prius starts at 22
06:21.36MGSsanchoi'll sell you my ford bronco fo $3.5k
06:21.39mogorman_homeyeah well i am only gonna go 6
06:21.45mogorman_homei dont have 3.5k
06:21.51mogorman_homepoor college student
06:21.54mogorman_homeand getting married
06:21.55MGSsanchosame here
06:21.59twistedmogorman_home, you're getting married?
06:22.00MGSsancho<-- lives at home
06:22.02mogorman_homecombo makes life fairly expensive
06:22.05twistedmogorman_home, when?
06:22.13mogorman_homethis summer
06:22.17twistedmogorman_home, really?!
06:22.18mogorman_homemost likely june
06:22.22twistedmogorman_home, am I invited?
06:22.31mogorman_homeyour on the list
06:22.39twistedyou two seem so happy together
06:22.40mogorman_homebut its gonna be in mobile alabama
06:22.43twistedthat's fine
06:22.45twistedfun in the sun :)
06:22.46mogorman_homeyeah she is awesome
06:22.50mogorman_homeoh yeah
06:22.57DarthCluemogorman_home: where are the invitations?  you know that we all want to come and impress your in-laws with our immense knowledge of technology.
06:23.06twistedand i'll have to work with angler on a bachelor party ...muahahaha
06:23.22mogorman_homemy rents consider digium just an unending summer job
06:23.33mogorman_homeand consider all my techno stuff just as "computer games"
06:23.33twistedno comment :P
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06:23.48DarthCluewould it be acceptable to make sure that the wedding reception is properly supplied with wifi?
06:23.48twistedmogorman_home, what field do they want you in?
06:23.52mogorman_homeif i just did tech support calls yes
06:24.06mogorman_homeoh my parents
06:24.07twistedmogorman_home, your parents?
06:24.09mogorman_homea doctor
06:24.13twistedthey doctors?
06:24.15mogorman_homemy dad is one
06:24.24mogorman_homeand none of his 6 kids wanted to be one
06:24.31twistedwell, get your PhD in EE and compsci and you'll be a doctor too
06:24.36[hC-]ok i give up for tonight
06:24.38mogorman_homei think he is disappointed
06:24.52mogorman_homeno then i would be way to much like him
06:25.01mogorman_homeand i never want to be a doctor
06:25.05mogorman_homesuch a grueling job
06:25.08twistedi'm not talkign about a medical job
06:25.12mogorman_homeand all you get to show for it is oodles of money
06:25.15mogorman_homeoh phd
06:25.17twistedi'm talking about just being able to to put Dr. in front of your name
06:25.22mogorman_homemy dad did phd and the md
06:25.29mogorman_homehe is a bit of an over achiever
06:25.32twistedDr. Matt
06:25.34mogorman_homethat would be funny
06:25.38DarthClueDr mogorman?  could be interesting.
06:25.44mogorman_homebut that is a whole lot of school
06:25.45twistedDr Mog
06:25.57DarthClueDr O?
06:25.57mogorman_homei have been called that
06:26.00twistedmogorman_home, if i could afford to do it, I certainly would.
06:26.11mogorman_homeknowledge is power
06:26.11twistedbut as it is, i'm just now getting to the point where I could even afford to go to college
06:26.23mogorman_homei can afford it
06:26.35twistedbut seeing my current pay rate and knowledge, it would be a waste, IMO.
06:26.37mogorman_homebut affording it for me and my fiance, that is where i get to be mad cheap and tricky
06:26.43DarthClueSociety is slowly reaching the point where having a degree is not nearly as great as real world experience.
06:26.56twistedDarthClue, yep
06:27.01twistedi'm a perfect example
06:27.03mogorman_homeyeah, but the college degree is becoming standard for everyone to have
06:27.07adelascan someone tell me wat this means, it get from AMP trying to add a new cisco phone, Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /var/www/html/maint/cisco_cfg/phonedefault.php on line 230
06:27.29mogorman_homethere are cab drivers i have met that are college grads
06:27.31twistedadelas, talk to AMP
06:27.33mogorman_homethats just messed up
06:27.43adelaschan is idle like heck :P
06:27.55DarthClueadelas: we don't use AMP, sorry.
06:28.07adelashow do u guys config it then?
06:28.14adelasjust all commands no, gui?
06:28.16twistedadelas, asking in here is like asking a car manufacturer why another companies bolt-on equipment isn't working right.
06:28.18mogorman_homeone of the guys who wrote amp was real nice to talk to this weekend
06:28.20DarthCluewith chopsticks and ducttape.
06:28.30mogorman_homethe config files really arent that bad
06:28.42adelasso all u guys do is command typing? no gui>
06:28.52mogorman_homewell i have my own
06:28.56mogorman_homeits called vi
06:29.01twistedvi != gui
06:29.01mogorman_homeits hard to get at first
06:29.04mogorman_homebut it kicks ass
06:29.05adelasumm can you tell me wat "chmod 777 /tftpboot/" dose?
06:29.10DarthCluevim, emacs, echo, notepad...etc
06:29.14twistedsomeone needs basic linux help
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06:29.19mogorman_homemakes everything read write able
06:29.24mogorman_homeand executable
06:29.26twistedyeah, sets all permission bits
06:29.29mogorman_hometo the world
06:29.34mogorman_homefor that folder
06:29.35adelasdosn't seem to work
06:29.40mogorman_homebut not the things in the folder
06:29.55mogorman_homeyou would need an * afterwords
06:29.55*** join/#asterisk alexhopper (
06:30.00mogorman_homeor -R to make it recursive
06:30.02twistedadelas, I would suggest you learn a bit about linux before jumping into asterisk
06:30.15twistedadelas, not trying to be rude, but you need a good understanding of one before you can the other
06:30.22mogorman_homeor look into astwin32
06:30.26mogorman_homeor whatever its called
06:30.39twistedthat stuf is UGLY
06:30.44twistedUG LY
06:30.44mogorman_homethat would hurt
06:30.53mogorman_homelike in the can
06:30.56twistedyeah, and i bet it would smell bad after awhile
06:30.57mogorman_homeor the whole tuna
06:30.59adelasheh tried linux last summer, but i nuked it afer i couldn't get it and school started up again
06:31.17twistedadelas, sams publishing makes some very good books on linux
06:31.22mogorman_homethat makes more sense
06:31.23twistedadelas, as well as o`reilly
06:31.30mogorman_homeonly way to learn linux
06:31.38mogorman_homeis to install on your mission critical machine
06:31.42twistedbut the best way to learn, is to do it
06:31.43adelasdon't really have time to read, as i have 4 summer reading assignments to do ;|
06:31.45mogorman_homeand learn it
06:31.57mogorman_homei installed it on my box freshman year
06:32.01twistedreferences such as google will help you vastly
06:32.02mogorman_homethe week i had a term paper do
06:32.04adelastire my eyes out will kill me before school heh
06:32.11mogorman_homei learned how to get x and abiword working real fast
06:32.19adelasbeen using google for linux since last week
06:32.38adelasdamn, now i'm back to the "TFTP "; Example /tftpboot/sip_phone/" Directory does not exist!" error
06:33.01adelasi give up, now i wait for the amp channel
06:33.02twistedDarthClue, :P
06:33.35DarthCluethat was quite some time ago, in the dark ages of redhat and debian, long before knoppix or suse liveDVD.
06:33.38mogorman_homei think it already exists
06:33.48mogorman_homebah those things cripple you
06:33.55mogorman_homedo lsf the first time...
06:34.08mogorman_homei mean lfs
06:34.30twistedDarthClue, hah
06:34.44DarthClueyeah, but the live versions have been great for 'fixing' windows boxen when the end user can't remember what the password is.  especially since none of the windows shops have been able to fix them by the time i get the call.
06:34.47twistedback before all of the pretty distros
06:35.01mogorman_homei think the hardest thing for me at first
06:35.04mogorman_homewas passwd
06:35.15mogorman_homedamn i could never remember that
06:35.27mogorman_homeand it pissed me off that it wasnt just password
06:35.27twistedman i have destroyed MANY an install when I was first learning
06:35.30DarthCluetwisted: um, well, i was there about that time as well, but i try not to remember those days as they intersect with high school and college.
06:35.31mogorman_homefirst alias i had
06:35.39twistedDarthClue, :P
06:36.00twistedDarthClue, those days intersect middle/high school for me
06:36.16twistedBEFORE the drugs :P
06:37.38mogorman_homeim high
06:37.50twistedi'm high
06:38.09mogorman_homemuscle relaxents?
06:38.19twistedlortab == hard core pain reliever
06:38.24mogorman_homeisnt there an extra a in there
06:38.42mogorman_homethere was a big problem at this catholic school my friend went there
06:38.50mogorman_homewhere girls took that
06:39.04mogorman_homeand did certain things catholic school girls do...
06:39.17twistedi LOVE catholic school girls
06:39.19twistederr wait
06:39.22twistedlet me rephrase
06:39.27mogorman_homethey ended up doing locker searches for it
06:39.35twistedI *USED* to LOVE catholic school girls
06:39.44twistednow they get me arrested
06:39.45mogorman_homeas so many of the girls were in "pain"....
06:40.05*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:d856:c704:0:0:0:0:1)
06:40.13twistedoh gno
06:40.14mogorman_home"Thats what I love about highschool girls, I keep getting older they stay the same..."
06:40.20twistedanother 2002 netblock user :P
06:40.52twistedSwK, stop that
06:40.55twistedSwK, you made me yawn
06:40.58SwKtwisted: hah
06:41.06SwKi just watched "the Village"
06:41.09twistednow that i have lortab in my system
06:41.13twistedi'm gonna take some valarian
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06:41.47mogorman_homethis is the point where i say dont do anything that i wouldnt do
06:41.51twistedi will be passing out in about 30 minutes now
06:41.54twistedi can about guarantee
06:41.57mogorman_homebut its couple years to late for that
06:42.15twistedlortab makes me feel all slow and goofy
06:42.21twistedvalarian root helps me sleep
06:42.24twistedcombine the two
06:42.48twistedand my cat thinks valarian is the new catnip
06:43.12*** join/#asterisk MmmmToop (
06:43.38twistedam I the only one that read that as MmmPoop?
06:43.50MmmmToopthanks guys! ; )
06:44.01twisteddon't mind me, i'm chemically altered
06:44.54MmmmToop...cant read proerly I c : P
06:45.15mogorman_homewhats mmmmmtoop supposed to mean?
06:45.16DarthCluetwisted: there is nothing wrong with being chemically altered, nothing at all.
06:45.32MmmmToopit is my surname...with some mmm's in front
06:46.20twistedi should drink a beer now :P
06:46.35DarthCluetwisted: someting stronger, rum, or vodka.
06:46.46twisteddon't have anything stronger besides sake
06:47.08twistedand I am NOT taking a shot of sake while on this stuff
06:48.19MmmmToopmmm... sake ...that stuff is potent
06:48.59DarthCluetwisted, take it man, take it.  we'll cover for you tomorrow, well, maybe.
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07:00.24BhaalOh no, dads here
07:02.26MmmmToopbye...better go into office 9 already...
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07:20.48infinity1anyone know of a bootable CD with evms support?
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07:26.16Tiliif i dont answer a channel and use Dial application to connect to another server. i see only ringing message on my client even when the call is answered after Dial
07:26.48Tiliif i answer call then i see answered but that is not what i want. i want answer signal only after the call is answered by 3rd part. i am using IAX2
07:31.26*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
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07:52.32hwtwhat does a "Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)" mean?
07:52.50hwtwhen i try calling between two sip phones (snom 320)
07:53.08*** join/#asterisk Praktikant01 (
07:53.12hwtthey are on the same subnet, and on the same subnet as the pbx, so i don't think it's network related.
07:53.19Praktikant01good morning
07:53.25hwthi Praktikant01.
07:54.04Praktikant01will a extensions reload interrupt current calls ??
08:01.11*** join/#asterisk FlungDung (
08:05.49DarthCluePraktikant01: i don't believe that it would under normal circunstances.
08:12.46*** join/#asterisk Praktika1t01 (
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08:17.27*** join/#asterisk Tidge (
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08:18.46Tidgehi all - having a problem installing kernel modules for zaptel on ubuntu - anyone prepared to help?
08:20.38Tidgei found the same error i'm getting in pastebin along with some irc chat so i reckon it's been discussed here
08:21.27TidgeAND this is my first time on irc on this machine - so i need to know there's someone out there....
08:21.38Ahrimanesfair enough
08:21.55Ahrimanesbut unfortunately i dont use ubuntu
08:22.25Tidgecompiling from source as per debian instructions
08:22.45Ahrimanesok, well more specifically i dont use linux, hehe
08:23.25Ahrimanesnor zaptel.. so i probably am the wrong one to ask.. but just wanted to let you know there was life here
08:23.31DarthClue(Allison voice) We're sorry.  You've reached us during non-business hours.  If you would like immediate assistance, please provide us with your billing information and we will be happy to disturb one of our sleeping techs in order to provide with misdirection and bad advice.  Or, feel free to contact us again later when you get the same level of support for free.
08:24.09Tidgeduring /usr/src/modules/zaptel/make, i get SUBDIRS=/usr/src/modules/zaptel: No such file or directory. Stop
08:24.20DarthCluesorry, ubuntu isn't my deal or I would attempt to help.  but there is life out here, somewhere.
08:24.32Tilican we have a centralised database for authentication of calls and have multiple asterisk servers over internet.
08:24.41Tidgebut i'm 'make'ing in that dir and it does exist
08:24.45Tiliwhat is the best solution.
08:25.09*** join/#asterisk af_ (
08:26.45Tidgehi af_
08:27.29Tidgeany experience with compiling zaptel module for linux?
08:29.24sunilcan any one help me to solve this problem WARNING[15827]: rtp.c:1405 ast_rtp_bridge: codec0 = 273 is not codec1 = 4, cannot native bridge.
08:29.45sunilits regarding sip
08:31.02af_hi Tidge
08:31.40Tidgehowdy - have u compiled zaptel kernel module for linux?
08:34.59Tidgeis everyone on the phone?
08:35.33af_yeah, i did several times
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08:37.55MmmmToop...never had that prob...were using CentOS somewhere though that u should do zap first befor compiling Asterisk...?
08:38.27*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (n=darkskie@
08:40.37Tidgeuninstalled asterisk and tried compiling zap again - same problem
08:43.55Tidgewhen 'make'ing Zaptel module for TDM400 card on Ubuntu(Debian) Linux, i get SUBDIRS=/usr/src/modules/zaptel: No such file or directory. Stop. - the directory exists, no idea how to solve the error.
08:44.42DarthClueTidge: exactly what are you doing?  and what did you do before this?  it sounds like something is out of order but I'm not sure because I don't use ubuntu.
08:45.42*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
08:45.45Tidgedowloaded zaptel source, have digium tdm400 card in machine.........
08:46.15Tidgegot kernel headers in the right place and established neccessary symlinks.........
08:46.48Tidgethen ran 'make linux26' as in every instruction i've read on the net........
08:47.09Tidgeand then the meaningless error - the directory is there.
08:47.22DarthCluedid you try just plain make?  if not, try it.
08:47.28*** join/#asterisk r0m (
08:47.28Tidgedid too
08:47.35Tidgesame error
08:48.04Tidgechanged EXTRAVERSION in headers makefile too
08:48.12Tidgetried EVERYTHING
08:48.13r0mgood morning
08:48.24MmmmToopis your pc 'seeing' the zapata board? u can see on boot or look at interupts?
08:49.14DarthClueis this cvs-head?  if so, try going back a few days.  it is possible that the cvs-head download is corrupt.
08:49.23Tidgei'll have a look, but the error doesn't suggest that it can't find the card
08:49.55ThumpClipRhow can this line get PHP Parse error? $host="";
08:50.36Tidgelook at the line before
08:50.42*** join/#asterisk fenlander (n=neils@
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08:53.13ThumpClipRk some wierd " " from acrobat
08:54.21zoaayou dont need the card for making the drivers
08:55.10Tidgei'm sure the card is not the source of the make error
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09:04.04Tidgewhen 'make'ing Zaptel module for TDM400 card on Ubuntu(Debian) Linux, i get SUBDIRS=/usr/src/modules/zaptel: No such file or directory. Stop. - the directory exists, no idea how to solve the error.
09:05.22*** join/#asterisk t-pa (
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09:07.07Tidgewhen 'make'ing Zaptel module for TDM400 card on Ubuntu(Debian) Linux, i get SUBDIRS=/usr/src/modules/zaptel: No such file or directory. Stop. - the directory exists, no idea how to solve the error.
09:10.11*** part/#asterisk titled1 (
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09:15.29Tidgewhen 'make'ing Zaptel module for TDM400 card on Ubuntu(Debian) Linux, i get SUBDIRS=/usr/src/modules/zaptel: No such file or directory. Stop. - the directory exists, no idea how to solve the error.
09:20.40*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
09:21.05Inv_arpTidge:  the complete error
09:26.46zedkatufNewb Q: when I install AMP, it pute the perms as asterisk:asterisk , but apache is expecting www-data:www-data, so I get a "You don't have permission to acess /admin/index.php" as a ther an easy workaround which keeps both apache &AMP happy (& don't say "Get rid of AMP right now!!" ..I am aware of its shortcomings/annoyances :P)
09:28.07TidgeInv_arp: i found it in the paste bin already -
09:30.15*** join/#asterisk Martohtar (i=Martohta@
09:30.36TidgeInv_arp: that's why i'm here - i found the exact same error in the pastebin with some irc chat pasted by the same author
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09:31.39Inv_arpTidge: cd /usr/src/zaptel   does it exist?   you didnt run out of space rigt?
09:35.15Tidgeplenty of space and /usr/src/modules/zaptel exists (slightly different to pasted error - but same problem)
09:35.41Inv_arpdpes /usr/src/zaptel  exists?
09:36.33Tidgeno - /usr/src/modules/zaptel exists - and my machines error refers to /usr/src/modules/zaptel, not /usr/src/zaptel
09:36.50Tidgeit is the directory that i'm 'make'ing in
09:42.43wasimhas anybody faced issues with Monitor() dropping audio samples on raid/md
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09:46.30hwtwhat does a "Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)" mean?
09:46.37hwtthey are on the same subnet, and on the same subnet as the pbx, so i don't think it's network related.
09:47.23hwtmy extensions are configured like this:
09:47.25hwt2  default  1002  1  Dial  SIP/1002,60
09:47.47hwtand my sip-buddies:
09:47.48hwt2  snom2  NULL  NULL  NULL  NULL  yes  default  NULL  inband  NULL  NULL  dynamic  
09:47.56hwti use asterisk realtime.
09:48.06hwtbut the database backend seems to work good.
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10:12.01need-bookI wonder if Asterisk can support video conference
10:12.22Tilithe ethereal log for asterisk and sjphone shows me that asterisk starts sending RTP packets with PCMU codec and then after 4 packets it starts sending PCMA packets to SJPhone
10:12.24Tiliwhy is that?
10:12.29fenlanderneed-book: yes, sort of
10:12.47Tilineed-book: not an easy task to get video conferencing working properly.
10:12.56need-bookwhere can I find document
10:13.17need-bookand which softphone client I can use for video conference
10:13.21Tilihey has anybody been able to create some sort of IM app with asterisk as server. where contact lists are managed and users are stored in db.
10:13.46Tilineed-book: Gnomemeeting or Netmeeting
10:13.58fenlanderneed-book: take a look on the wiki for how to enable video in sip.conf
10:14.38fenlanderNetmeting? I thought that was h3232?
10:14.42fenlander323 even
10:14.58puzzledneed-book: Xten Eyebeam
10:14.59Tiliwell he didn't say about protocol at all
10:15.01Tilior i missed it
10:16.23need-bookyou said it is not easy to configure asterisk for video conference
10:16.39need-bookdoes anyone successful configure it
10:16.50fenlanderneed-book: yes - we use it all the time
10:16.52Tilii don't know anyone.
10:16.59puzzledneed-book: maybe ask on the mailing list
10:18.16fenlanderneed-book: let me know if you need any help / see any problems
10:18.39*** join/#asterisk Kernel_Core (i=Raph@
10:18.45need-bookthank fenlander
10:18.54need-bookI am just beginning
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10:19.07need-bookcould you tell me where to read guide to set up
10:20.09Tiliok ppl somebody answer my questions also. why do I see different codec/packets being sent by asterisk after 4-5 packets.
10:20.13christohow do I capture the value returned by an agi script?  eg  in   exten => 80182,a,agi,|${FOO}   I know this will return a string, which I want to assign to ${BAR}, but how do I do the assignment in the dial plan?
10:20.56*** join/#asterisk Cheetah (n=Snak@
10:21.10need-bookI read it, it seem simple
10:21.22need-bookjust change some configure in sip.conf
10:22.10Kernel_CoreHi all , I have one main asterisk box which connects through SIP to some provider , and I have 10 IAX connected asterisk box connected to my main asterisk , every of this 10 asterisk boxes , have 4 FXS line for termination , how do I set my extension.conf to dynamically route the termination traffic to this childs ( 10 asterisk boxes connected to my main asterisk server ) ?
10:22.33Cheetahis it possible to have some kind of caller group? for example there is user 115, 116 and 117 and there is a group number 100. if you call 100, every user's phone rings until someone picks it up
10:22.37Cheetahis this possible?
10:22.40need-bookfenlander: how many user can attend video conference
10:22.51Kernel_Coretraffic some through providers to main asterisk server , and this asterisk server should route traffic to childs !
10:22.54fenlanderneed-book: only 2 for standard asterisk
10:23.12need-bookif I need 3, how can I do
10:24.58Kernel_Coreis it possible to balance Voip Traffic between this childs ?! ( with maximum 4 calls for every child )
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10:29.26MmmmToopone of my clients is looking for a call centre implementation case study
10:29.38MmmmToopdoes anyone have a case study in a call centre enviroment?
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10:30.28buhyaA pic that proofs Bush smells muahahaha -->
10:30.48MmmmToopno...not a case study like that ;  )
10:31.45wasimMmmmToop: sure, we just setup a 100 seat this month
10:37.09Tidge - can anyone figure out why zaptel install can't find a directory that exists?
10:39.21macTijn'SUBDIRS=/usr/src/zaptel' is not a file or directory
10:39.43macTijnsee the 2 spaces ?
10:39.56Tidgewhich spaces?
10:40.05macTijnmake -C  SUBDIRS=/usr/src/zaptel modules
10:40.09macTijnthose 2 spaces
10:40.16macTijnsomething is missing there.
10:40.28Tidgeaha - thx
10:41.02Tidgewhat do u think it is?
10:41.09Tidgea filename?
10:41.25Tidgemissing in the makefile?
10:42.30MmmmToopwasim: 100 seater, that is great, was it inbound or outbound?
10:43.44wasimMmmmToop: both
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10:47.20Cheetahis it possible to have line indicators with asterisk?
10:47.34Cheetahi have a grandstream GXP-2000 and it has speeddial buttons with LEDs
10:47.44Cheetahand the manual say something about line indicators
10:47.49Cheetahanyone has experiences with that?
10:47.57*** join/#asterisk Tidge (
10:49.53Cheetahno? ;)
10:52.42Tidgescuse me all, but there is an error i'd like u 2 have a look at
10:53.01TidgeThe url of the pastebin is :.......
10:53.49Tidgeit has to do with compiling zaptel as a kernel module on linux 686 (Ubuntu)
10:53.50thalanybody is using a sirrix (TE/NT) 4port S0 card as upstream for his/her PBX?
10:54.07CheetahTidge, i hope you have the kernel sources and headers installed
10:54.17Tidgeyes yes
10:54.32Cheetahi never compiled zaptel, sorry ;D
10:54.37Cheetahcan't really help you with this
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10:57.41Tidgeer.... thanks cheetah, i guess we can turn the music back up then
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11:06.19JaVahello everyone
11:10.26wasimTidge: /usr/src/modules??
11:11.10Cheetahwasim, he left already. ;)
11:11.22wasimCheetah: yeah, but that's just silly
11:15.00moveranyone trying to get t38 stuff wprk with *?
11:17.15Cheetahwasim, do you know a solution to the problem I stated above? ;)
11:17.43wasimCheetah: line indicators? no, thats a phone function
11:18.00wasimCheetah: basically the phone is supposed to know, my registry is ACK, so let me turn this LED on
11:18.17Cheetahwasim, yeah, but the server somehow has to tell the phone that a certain line is active or inactive
11:18.25Cheetahjust like the MWI
11:18.50Cheetahits like subscription
11:18.52wasimCheetah: for like a pbx operator console app?
11:19.26Cheetahwasim, not directly.. possibly in the future, but I'd get a different phone for that purpose. :) right now I have a grandstream gpx2000 and it has a few speeddial buttons with LEDs
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11:19.38Cheetahnow I'm wondering how this would work
11:19.56Cheetahif the phone asks the server for the status of a certain number or whatever ;)
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11:29.32wasim303 to win ...
11:29.46Cheetahwasim, well, actually I'd like to map a number to a dial button to see (with the LED) if that person is currently talking on the phone
11:29.58Cheetahbasically a status thingie :)
11:30.01Cheetahand idea?
11:30.03wasimah ... gotcha
11:30.10wasimabout the grandstream .. no
11:30.27Cheetahand other solutions to that?
11:30.30wasimi guess you could do a speed dial and then an ChanIsAvail
11:30.46Cheetahnot directly what I'm looking for
11:31.10Cheetahand what about, for instance, you have a phone operator who needs to know which phone is free
11:31.19Cheetahor if a certain person is currently talking
11:31.26Cheetahwhats that?
11:31.36wasimflash operator panel
11:31.40wasimeww .. winblows
11:31.54wasimwell, most receptions have windows anyway i guess, yeah
11:31.56Cheetahdo they interact with asterisk or how does that work?
11:32.02wasimCheetah: yep
11:32.09Cheetahthanks a bunch
11:32.13Cheetahi'll look into that
11:32.41Ahrimanesyeah i dont like winblows either.. but it's almost certainly always there anyways
11:33.02Cheetahi'll just see which protocol it uses and then i will write my own app for Mac and linux ;)
11:33.06wasimi like flash_op though .. especially with moziax
11:33.22wasimCheetah: it uses manager api ... iirc
11:33.31*** join/#asterisk mino (N=mino@
11:33.47minohello guys
11:34.42minoi think i have a problem with my sip.conf, I add an voip gateway ( friend 1und1 ) to get calls from there and call with that out
11:34.57minoi can call out but no ones can call in
11:35.06Ahrimanesmino: firewall?
11:35.08minoif i look on "sip show peers"
11:35.39minohe said that at the gateway "1und1" and on the phone "mino" Unmonitored
11:35.53minoAhrimanes firewall at client site yes
11:36.25Ahrimanesmino: typically a restrictive firewall will allow outgoing calls but not incoming
11:37.11minookay, i know that, but i wonder why it says Unmonitored
11:37.29Ahrimanesmino: hm, set qualify=yes in sip.conf?
11:38.22minoat the gateway or at the phone? :)
11:38.42minooh okay i see it at both :)
11:40.29minookay now i see the Status of my gateway
11:40.49minobut my problem is that no one can call the voip gateway number
11:40.58minoif i look at debug screen, i see the incoming call
11:41.31minobut it seems that asterisk ignore the call
11:41.55minoand do not redirect to my phone
11:42.08minoi think the "fromdomain" setting is essential for that or?
11:42.26Ahrimaneshm, i'm not using that
11:42.43minois it not required?
11:43.26Ahrimaneswouldnt think so no
11:43.46minookay i comment out fromuser and fromdomain
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11:45.40minoat "sip show registry" is it normal that he said by state "Registered" ?
11:46.53*** part/#asterisk vuvie (
11:47.06minookay if i commeent out fromuser, fromdomain i cant call in and out :P
11:50.15Ahrimanesok.. well sorry.. have a customer comming for a meeting now, so cant help right now..
11:53.25*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
11:54.14minono problem :)
11:55.46RoyKanyone here using rate-engine
12:04.49AhrimanesRoyK: any sort of rate engine or a specific one?
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12:05.46RoyKAhrimanes: that one
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12:07.50AhrimanesRoyK:  hm no, but i might look into it, using astcc now for prepaid but rate-engine could be nice to adapt for this
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12:17.04[Jedi]RoyK: I use my own
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12:17.55[Jedi]all the ones I've found route calls based on a single unified destintation-dialcode table
12:18.09[Jedi]but each provider has different dialcods
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12:20.34RoyK[Jedi]: what is that?
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12:20.44DiamondBackUnbelivable, you should really try this -
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12:21.18minoin the
12:23.15minoAhrimanes can you through my debug msgs, if i would give you the url to them ? :)
12:23.33RoyK~seen inspired
12:23.34jbotinspired <mikael@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 11d 18h 38m 58s ago, saying: 'has anyone else seen this?'.
12:26.13Ahrimanesmino:  uhm sure.. not sure i can help though, but will try
12:28.17minothx, url at quer
12:31.05*** join/#asterisk cyro (
12:32.09cyrois anyone able to use asterisk with voipbuster ?
12:34.29*** join/#asterisk hhrp (
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12:34.43minookay Ahrimanes
12:35.19mino Incoming calls not work ( busy ), outgoing works perfectly, Voip Gateway ( 1und1 ) , Phone ( mino )
12:35.53puzzledmorning all
12:36.26puzzledanyone know why I can't use Goto(somecontext,s/,1) with cvs head of 8/14?
12:37.00hhrphow can i define a CID for all destination calls to H323 GW? i need all out going calls to have same outgoing CID?
12:39.51Ahrimaneshhrp: macro with ?
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12:44.45MRH2anyone know what this means I get it showing up in the consiole under certain cirumstances...
12:44.54MRH2WARNING [16424] chan_sip.c:2349 sip_write Asked to transmit frame type 64, while native format is 8 (read/write = 8/8)
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12:45.46hhrpyes, but what conf file do i set CID it doesnt say there
12:47.13Ahrimaneshhrp: you can use it in the dialplan in extensions.conf with a macro or set it statically in sip.conf/iax.conf
12:50.04hhrpi need to be able to do in_src_translate all my local numbers have different cids
12:50.19hhrpbut when they call to one outside line they need to send one static CID
12:50.24hhrpyou following me?
12:51.11BhaalCan anyone tell me how to get ethereal to display fwmarks?
12:51.15minoif i call my "MusicOnHold" Number he plays the sound to me but extemly loud, is there any volume seeting?
12:51.38*** join/#asterisk Praktikant01 (
12:51.45Praktikant01good day
12:52.56hhrpin musicohhold.conf
12:53.05hhrpcheck there are different options
12:57.51FaUlis there something like an automatic least-cost-routing for german telefon-lines?
12:58.32RoyKi'm working on setting that up now....
12:58.43Praktikant01Anyone else uses German ARCOR-isdn ??
12:58.45florzFaUl: kindof
12:58.53FaUlflorz: :-)
12:58.55FaUlRoyK: thx
12:59.13florzFaUl: has something
12:59.28minohhrp but as "quietmp3" it is also extreme loud
12:59.34minoand i test it with the std mp3s
12:59.44RoyKFaUl: read the schema.sql for breaf docs
13:00.00*** part/#asterisk thrash_ (
13:00.05minoanyone using 1und1 Voipp ? :)
13:00.34florzFaUl: the quality of the source isn't neccessarily the best, but at least it should cause little work
13:00.35RoyKFaUl: only it's not really the best i've seen.... it needs a few fixes
13:00.44RoyKFaUl: the current version doesn't work with cvs head
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13:00.51hiddenmanhi all
13:00.56hhrpanyone could tell how to override a CALLED ID when dialing a particular GW?
13:01.02MRH2prob a dumb question: is there an easy way to put the sip debug output into a file?
13:01.46FaUlRoyK: i don't use cvshead either
13:01.58hiddenmananybody works with GNUGK?
13:02.13florzFaUl: If you wanna do real overlap dialing, I've got some help script for generating the large part of the dialplan patterns.
13:02.19hiddenmani have little trouble: all outgoing RTP UDP packet going from wrong IP
13:04.26hiddenmanRoyK: i'm sorry, but i can get help anywhere :( #gnugk doesn't exist
13:04.27FaUlflorz: hmm, just trying this stuff out
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13:05.04florzFaUl: Well, then just carry on until it bugs you, if so ;-)
13:07.40*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
13:08.00Ariel_good morning everyone
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13:08.54Hmmhesaysmorning Ariel_
13:11.09[TK]D-FenderAnyone here have access to Uniden's support site so I can get the Admin info for the UIP-200?
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13:16.58minoit seems to be really strange, musiconhold are only crazy noises
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13:17.21minodefault => mp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
13:17.25minoi think thats right or?
13:17.50desmond_asteriskhi you guys
13:18.00desmond_asteriski need some help
13:18.08desmond_asteriskon asterisk CVS Head
13:20.24*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
13:21.25desmond_asteriskany one willing to help please
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13:21.47kimosabeis anyone running asterisk on freebsd if so on what version
13:22.10Ariel_desmond_asterisk, ask the question
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13:22.35HmmhesaysI feel a twinge of pain when customers using satellite ask me about faxing
13:22.46desmond_asteriskit is about the automon in features.conf
13:22.53Zawkimosabe: yes, you run into dependency hell while trying to build the port though. it fails to check packages which it's dependent upon for specific versions.
13:22.56desmond_asteriskany idee how to implement it
13:23.09Ariel_mino, default => quietmp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
13:23.31Ariel_Hmmhesays, yes I understand
13:24.39desmond_asteriskAriel_, any idee how to implement it
13:24.43bkw_desmond_asterisk, show application dial
13:24.45Hmmhesays'what do you mean faxing can't be done when your ping time jumps around more than kids on a trampoline'
13:24.46desmond_asteriskthe automon in features.conf
13:24.49bkw_you must have w or W on your dial to use automon
13:24.49mino[ebuild   R   ] media-sound/mpg123-0.59s-r9
13:24.51bkw_go read the docs
13:24.57minoAriel this verison is right or?
13:26.00Ariel_Hmmhesays, about 6 month ago we did a test on faxes over sat.  After about 2 hours we knew it's not going to happen.
13:26.04desmond_asteriskthe problem is when asterisk parses my features.conf fiel it doesn't say anything about mapping the automon key
13:26.44HmmhesaysAriel_: i've had the same experience, even on a *good* satellite connection, store and forward is the only option here
13:27.09Ariel_well we said your better off sending it via efax
13:27.15coppiceAriel: were you using T.38? that should work over a satellite
13:27.24Ariel_coppice, no
13:27.34coppicebkw_: they shouldn't use efax, should they :-)
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13:27.44Ariel_coppice, to few ata's support t38 correctly
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13:27.56coppicequite true
13:28.00bkw_efax can go to hell
13:28.04bkw_j2 can rot in hell
13:28.05puzzledthis automon feature is pretty cool
13:28.10Ariel_well yes there evil
13:28.17coppicethey will. its only a matter of time
13:28.23bkw_oh check this out
13:28.24desmond_asteriskpuzzled do you have it working?
13:28.44coppicein the meantime lets hope they gave great difficulty when they use the toilet
13:28.45Ariel_coppice, my major problem is that asterisk does not even support a pass through t38 right now.
13:28.55puzzleddesmond_asterisk: yup
13:28.58bkw_desmond_asterisk, do show features
13:29.01*** join/#asterisk pittalife (n=mvzrj@
13:29.05coppicereally, you don't say :-)
13:30.15Hmmhesayshow is spandsp working these days?
13:30.15coppicebkw_: what's the significance of
13:30.22desmond_asteriskit comes back with no such command
13:30.25coppicejust fine
13:30.28desmond_asteriskif i do a show features
13:30.40bkw_1987PAN and MMA members collaborate on standardizing MIDI Song-File formats and other extensions to the original MIDI specification.
13:30.40bkw_World's first email-to-FAX gateway established.
13:30.40bkw_World's first FAX-to-email gateway established.
13:30.47bkw_in 1987
13:30.56*** part/#asterisk pittalife (n=mvzrj@
13:31.07coppiceoh, goodee
13:31.21coppicethat just scraps in nicely :-)
13:32.15*** join/#asterisk cjk (n=cjk@
13:32.19desmond_asteriskpuzzled can you maby send me an example of your extensions.conf file
13:32.39puzzleddesmond_asterisk: what is you rproblem?
13:32.58hhrphow can i configure an extention a way that when i dial it it would give me a dial tone so i can dial an outgoing number?
13:33.14bendy24does anyone have experiance with the artdio fxos?
13:33.14bkw_hhrp, show application DISA
13:33.21Ariel_hhrp, disa
13:33.26desmond_asteriskfirst when i start up asterisk (asterisk -vvv) when it parses my features.conf file it doesn't say anything about automon
13:33.42coppicebkw_ have you talked to them, and checked exactly what they launched in 1987?
13:34.02desmond_asterisknext i don't have a idee what they mean with you need w or W spesified in you dial plan to get it working
13:34.10hhrpi found some info thanks
13:34.12desmond_asteriskmy phone send through dtmf tones the whole time
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13:34.42bkw_coppice, we are working on it ;)
13:35.10bkw_desmond_asterisk, show application dial
13:35.21bkw_you have to specify w or W on the Dial line to use those features
13:35.31kimosabezaw so what youre saying is it will not work on freebsd ?
13:36.04rikstahas anyone here got sipgate outgoing working? I'm having trouble
13:36.05Zawkimosabe: of course not, i have it working fine. i'm saying that you need to do some work on figuring out which ports need updated in order for it to compile.
13:36.07puzzleddesmond_asterisk: make sure asterisk and phones use the same dtmfmode (inband, rfc2833 or info). enable the features in features.conf. then in your dial statement do something like this (example) dial(SIP/5001,20,tTwW). answer the second phone and try to transfer, use automon etc.
13:36.55kimosabezaw what version u runnin on can you give me a small poointer on this
13:37.48Zawkimosabe: for instance, you need to update the comms/spandsp port because there's some libraries that need updated, and the asterisk port doesn't take care of it for you
13:38.17Zawi'm running asterisk-1.0.9 on freebsd right now
13:38.29kimosabewhat version bsd 4.11 ?
13:38.52desmond_asteriskthanks a lot puzzled
13:38.56desmond_asteriski wil try that
13:39.01desmond_asteriskyou guys are gr8
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13:40.56heath__i can't figure out the syntax for ${VAR1} minus ${VAR2} anyone?
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13:41.22puzzleddesmond_asterisk: look at the samples and do a lot of "show application <some app>" in the asterisk console to learn what they do
13:41.27bkw_I think
13:41.41Zawkimosabe: 5.3-RELEASE-p5
13:41.49kimosabethnkask man
13:41.56kimosabewill try
13:42.01Zawhave fun!
13:42.15kimosabei will believe i tried befor 9 hrs no luck
13:42.22desmond_asteriskthanks wil do
13:42.28desmond_asteriskthat should help a lot
13:43.20*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:43.26brad_msswcan you call a macro from within a macro ?
13:44.04brad_msswhmm, wonder why it doesn't want to work properly then
13:44.41newlIt works fine.  I was testing some new scripts earlier.
13:44.59brad_msswdoes a menu system work from within a macro ?
13:45.12brad_msswthat may be my issue if it does not
13:46.30brad_msswactually, yeah, that's the issue
13:46.42bkw_ya I said you could do it.. I didn't however say it would work :P
13:47.00brad_msswI've got a menu system that calls a macro and passes a certain argument .... it then prompts for more menus
13:47.01puzzledanyone know a commandline app that plays wav files?
13:47.08brad_msswhmm, can you pass an argument to a context ??
13:47.16brad_msswusing a Goto or anything ?
13:47.47brad_msswor do I need to do a DBput DBget or whatever it is ?
13:47.59*** join/#asterisk Syrus_ (
13:48.30puzzledbkw_: any idea why in head Goto(s/,2) doesn't work but Goto(_X./,1) does?
13:48.53bkw_um because you don't do that
13:48.59bkw_s/ is for a call without callerid
13:49.04bkw_it will go there if you just do s,2
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13:49.18puzzledbkw: yes, I want to loop spam.gsm to the bastards so I thought of using a Goto
13:49.29bkw_you don't have to worry with the /
13:49.34bkw_it's parsed on the fly boi
13:49.40bkw_just goto(s,2)
13:49.47bkw_will go to s/ if their is NO callerid
13:50.01bkw_exten => s/,1,NoOp,This is for no callerid
13:50.14bkw_exten => s,1,NoOp,This is if the call has callerid
13:50.23bkw_goto s,1 will go to the right place
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13:50.28puzzledbkw_: excellent thanks
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13:50.34nroejhi all
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13:52.31Praktikant01is it possible to build a extensions which depends on the callers number ??
13:52.50Praktikant01how ??
13:52.51bkw_exten => s/5551212,1,Goto
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13:53.05bkw_or exten => 123/9285551212,1,Goto
13:53.09bkw_or something else
13:53.12bkw_be creative
13:53.30Praktikant01ah, so the number after / is the calling one ??
13:53.42Praktikant01ok, thx
13:54.36*** join/#asterisk dijungal (
13:54.47dijungali cannot get adore softphone to make calls on asterisk
13:54.51dijungalany reason why..?
13:55.04jeobjeobjeobquestion: how is the include statement handled (like, is it an inline include)?
13:55.08dijungalit goes from connecting to disconnected without even placing the call to asterisk
13:55.20bkw_jeobjeobjeob, depends #include or just include =>
13:55.27jeobjeobjeoband does that allow me, for example, in meetme.conf to include other rooms contexts from other files
13:55.33jeobjeobjeobim talking about include =>
13:55.44bkw_jeobjeobjeob, #include does .. include => is for dialplan includes
13:55.52bkw_so you can include a context inside another one
13:55.59DannyFlo folks
13:56.11bkw_#include will literally include another file inline while it parses the file
13:56.16DannyFhi bkw
13:56.26bkw_er hi
13:56.32jeobjeobjeobsuppose that the included file has a context blah
13:56.42jeobjeobjeoband the file that includes the other file has a context blah
13:56.45bkw_jeobjeobjeob, go play
13:56.51dijungalhas anyone used adore softphone with asterisk
13:56.55bkw_I could spend all day telling you the 100000 way syou can do this
13:57.00bkw_dijungal, no
13:57.03jeobjeobjeobthat;s true
13:57.07jeobjeobjeobok fine
13:57.12bkw_it would be most helpful if you post where the softphone came from
13:57.16dijungali have signed up to asterisk out... now i am forced to use a g723 or g729 phone.. :|
13:57.20bkw_jeobjeobjeob, the best way to learn it .. is to play ;)
13:57.26DannyFgot a question from a client if someone attempted to connect a ventrillo server as an extension in *...
13:57.27brad_msswhow do you return to a previous context, without necessarily knowing what context made the Goto() ?
13:57.27Praktikant01whats wrong if asterisk cuts off the 0 ore 00 from incomming calls ??
13:57.34*** join/#asterisk sivana (n=sivana@
13:57.52bkw_brad_mssw, their is no return
13:58.03puzzledPraktikant01: look for TrunkMSD value at the top in extensions.conf
13:58.14dijungalhas aone on signed up to asteriskout ..?
13:58.15RoyKbrad_mssw: use macros
13:58.17bkw_dijungal, what are you speaking about?
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13:58.29bkw_something here man.. we don't have Ms. Cleo working in here gives you VOIP term.
13:58.47dijungalets u csall pstn lines
13:58.48Praktikant01puzzled: i dont have something like that in extensions.conf
13:58.51newlmmm marshmallows
13:59.02tzangermarshmallows?  what time is ti there
13:59.04Zeeekhey now
13:59.05DannyFnewl, ;)
13:59.07tzangerI just read the jbot thing
13:59.32bkw_dijungal, I recommend you contact them for support
14:00.03dijungalbkw_: that's what i am doing right now..
14:00.10dijungalbut i'm in a queue it seems
14:00.43bkw_bit impatient eh?
14:01.23DannyFnever hurts to ask ;)
14:01.33bkw_google is your friend
14:01.39DannyFindeed ;)
14:01.42bkw_and yes it could hurt to ask... depending on the mood of people
14:01.48DannyFtrue *grin*
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14:03.21MmmmToophas anyone implemented * in a call center?
14:03.23Zeeekdioes asterlink do international calls?
14:03.54MmmmToopsure see: &
14:04.46MikeJ[Laptop]hey bkw_, I hear you are really good at asterisk.. I'm new around here.. can you set up my new asterisk box?
14:05.43MmmmToopI will do if for you at a low price of $8000 ; )
14:05.55Nuggetyeah, I promised my boss that asterisk could totally replace our phone system, so I replaced everyone's phones with x-lite over the weekend.    I'm going to get fired if I can't get it working this morning so you have to tell me what to type now!
14:06.15MmmmToophow much is it worth ;  )
14:06.31Nuggetow do I make it answer a call?  the office opens in 10 minutes.
14:07.16Zeeekbkw_ does asterlink do international? Cause I can't get it happening
14:07.23bkw_Zeeek, nope not yet
14:07.29Zeeekthat explains it then :)
14:07.33Nuggetdo I need a sound card to run asterisk?
14:07.35Ahrimaneshey Zeeek  :-D
14:07.44ZeeekI'm making a list of all the ways to call myself back in foreign countries
14:07.53newlHmmhesays: Why does buttered toast always land face down?
14:07.57Zeeekhey Ahrimanes
14:08.12Hmmhesaysnow that IS a good question
14:08.15Hmmhesayssame way with pizza
14:08.24Zeeekso I see nufine does international but I can't get that to work either
14:08.29desmond_asteriskpuzzle can you maby be more spesific with that SIP/dial example you gave me for automon
14:08.32Hmmhesaysalways on the carpet too, never the tile
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14:08.43ZeeekI've tried with 011nnn and nnn
14:08.45desmond_asterisklike lets say you have *1 for recording
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14:09.00desmond_asteriskwhere and what would i exactly have in my extensions.conf
14:09.01DannyFnope, dont look like anyone tried getting * and ventrilo talking to eachother...
14:09.07desmond_asterisksorry for bugging you so much
14:09.13desmond_asteriski am a newby
14:09.15coppicebuttered toast only lands face down 65% of the time. Its only when you add the marmalade it become 100%
14:09.32desmond_asteriskbut i have to start somewhere i gues
14:09.47Ahrimanesbutter and marmalade have larger mass than toast.. larger mass falls faster.. thus it lands face down
14:09.51DannyFcoppice, 95% with marmelade but 100% when you add wall to wall carpeting
14:10.17coppiceyou are probably right
14:10.17brad_msswhow do you use an asterisk '*' in the menu system ... all digits seem to work, but making  * or even *1  do something from a menu system, doesn't appear to work
14:11.05*** join/#asterisk MichaelSaunders (
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14:11.27desmond_asteriskpuzzled can you maby be more spesific with that SIP/dial example you gave me for automo
14:11.51MichaelSaundersMy audio is over poor quality when transferred using sip for one asterisk box to another. 1 box doesnt have a timing device would this cause the problem
14:12.11desmond_asteriskpuzzled, like lets say you have *1 for recording where and what would i exactly have in my extensions.conf for it to work
14:12.19desmond_asteriskpuzzled,sorry for bugging you so much
14:12.32X-GenAhrimanes: i thought it would depend on the centre of gravity of the butter&whatever else u put on the toast
14:13.08Rav1974is the grandstream gxp-2000 phone any good?
14:13.30Zeeekhow can you be sure the bread is always buttered on the same side?
14:13.34AhrimanesX-Gen: something like that, but center of gravity shifts heavily because toast has so much smaller mass than butter and marmalade
14:13.38AhrimanesZeeek: haha
14:14.07desmond_asteriskAnyone got automon working????
14:14.10Zeeekso about nufone international dialing...
14:14.40Zeeekmy understanding is to use 011 like everyone else
14:14.59Zeeekso to call Paris, 011331....
14:15.22desmond_asteriskAnyone got automon working????
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14:16.23Darwin35retrieving vm from iax phones is not working
14:16.28Zeeek~seen jerjer
14:16.30jbotjerjer is currently on #asterisk (5d 19h 37m 23s).  Has said a total of 751 messages.  Is idling for 9h 57m 45s
14:16.57Darwin35when you eneter your password it just says its incorrect
14:17.05Darwin35but it works fine for sipop
14:17.06*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
14:17.26Rav1974is the grandstream gxp-2000 phone any good?
14:17.53desmond_asteriskAnyone got automon working????
14:18.05darkskiezWhy does toast land butterside down?
14:18.15Zer0Her0it's heavier on that side
14:18.31Zeeekwhat is voip?
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14:18.48HmmhesaysI think you eat it with your tea
14:18.49Ahrimanesthink it has to do with buttered toast by the looks of the discussion here Zeeek
14:19.14Zeeekis there a non-dairy version of voip?
14:19.18Ahrimanesdeluxe voip seems to include marmalade too
14:19.29darkskiezcan i eat toast and use a gxp-2000 ?
14:19.33hhrpwhat do they mean when they use exten => s,  - what s is?
14:19.43Hmmhesaysthe non-dairy version attempts to taste good, but it isn't quite there
14:19.56Rav1974darkskiez: it would be kind of hard if you can't hear the person because of static
14:20.14desmond_asteriskwell then can anybody use automon and eat toast or something then
14:20.14Zeeekso can the non-dairy version of voip dial using IAX and via the 's' extension reach a GX200?
14:21.02darkskiezis it any good though?
14:21.08Ahrimanesno you need the dairy version for that Zeeek
14:21.20Rav1974you guys are crazy with the toast BS
14:21.38Darwin35ok its a dtmf issue
14:21.52coppiceRav1974: you have a different theory of the behaviour of toast?
14:21.53Zeeekit usually is
14:22.10Darwin35it seems tho its in the codec
14:22.19desmond_asteriskAnyone got automon working in features.conf
14:22.26Rav1974coppice: ya just freaking eat it with lots of butter, forget about the hovering cat
14:22.33Darwin35I justed tested from a iaxy and got the same issue
14:22.34darkskiezif you tape buttered toast onto the back of a cat and drop it, which way does it land?
14:22.39coppiceDTMF over IP is a conspiracy to keep telephony consultants employed
14:23.07coppiceRav1974: you eat the stuff? yuk!
14:23.12Zeeekcoppice yeah it was much better when you told the operator the number you wanted, and with today's outsourcing, that'd be even cheaper
14:23.13Darwin35my issue is iax and voicemail
14:23.29Darwin35everything else is workin sip & voicemail works
14:23.51Darwin35but I cant get voicemail from any of the 25 iax based phones I have
14:23.53Praktikant01need help with clir, using hfc-s zaptel
14:24.22Darwin35I have 25 x401 they work great with the latest iax firmware
14:24.32Darwin35but no vm and thats a killer
14:24.34ZeeekDarwin it works for me
14:24.51Darwin35what codec
14:24.57Zeeekulaw I think
14:25.29ZeeekI'm not at the ofice where the phones are
14:25.30desmond_asteriskAnyone got automon working in features.conf
14:25.44Darwin35and what ver of asterisk
14:25.51Zeeekasking that qiestion over and over is unlikely to have the effect of a good answer
14:25.55Darwin35I am on head as of 8 am this am
14:26.01ZeeekDarwin35 1.6
14:26.22Darwin35your not on head
14:26.26Darwin35I am on head
14:26.29Zeeeknope, sorry
14:26.53Zeeekone of the reasons is that suddenly vmail stops working :)
14:27.51hhrp* is pretty powerful platform
14:28.00hhrpdamn i wish i knew about it earlier :)
14:28.18*** join/#asterisk t-pa (
14:28.33Darwin35its a pbx not a platform
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14:28.52Darwin35*nix it the platform
14:28.54hhrppbx/voip gatewaying whatever terms is
14:29.23hhrpworks pretty good for my little use
14:29.27Beavehhrp :  yep. it is fun/nice/powerful.
14:30.20blitzrageDarwin35: its a converged telephony platform - not a pbx
14:30.44Rav1974ok pls answer my question: is the grandstream gxp-2000 phone any good? Any review sites that I should check out?
14:30.47blitzrageor a telephony toolkit, also another valid term - I hate it when people call it a PBX - it does more than that
14:30.48Zeeekwho uses asterisk and iax/sip providers for worldwide dialing? Anyone? If so, do thaey all use 011NXXXXX. ?
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14:31.22tb23hi guys, is anyone else having trouble registering g729 codecs at the moment?
14:32.07Darwin35dont tell people to answer your question thats rude
14:32.18Darwin35and if you want reviews learn to use google
14:32.28coppiceRav1974: people have "attitudes" about grandstream phones. its hard to get an objective opinion
14:32.43Darwin35zeek yes and teliax is great
14:33.19ZeeekI just quit them, but only because I have several providers on the continent (I am in Eu)
14:34.06Zeeekso I have several working but nufone was the last and I have a big balance on my acct with them.
14:34.10Darwin35they are my main provider then it falls back to asterlink
14:34.18Zeeekasterlink doesn't do intl
14:34.46desmond_asteriskAnyone got automon working in features.conf
14:34.47ZeeekI am trying to get a system where I send an SMS to asterisk and it calls me back anywhere in the world. The SMS cost is almost nothing
14:35.13Darwin35I have yet to play with sms
14:35.19Rav1974* understands SMS? wow
14:35.28Zeeekit's very useful from cell to asterisk and back
14:35.38Darwin35ahh cool
14:35.52ZeeekI can SMS the * box to tell me anything (as long as it's programmed in ext)
14:35.52Darwin35in time I have to many projects right now to deal with sms
14:36.42desmond_asteriskAnyone got automon working
14:36.53Rav1974so how do you sms out to a cellular from *
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14:37.18Zeeekyou type show application sms at the CLI prompt
14:37.38Zeeekit tells you how, or follow the details on the wiki
14:38.18Rav1974one of the things I wish * did was group paging
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14:40.57ZeeekDarwin35 when you use teliax for intl calls, what does your callerid look like? Do you set it differently?
14:41.33*** join/#asterisk Skram- (
14:41.37hhrpi wonder is there a lot of businesses running *?
14:41.50Beavehhrp :  sure.
14:42.10hhrpseems like an alternative to mid size pbxs
14:42.22hhrpim not sure about companies with 50 or so nodes
14:42.27hhrpi mean phone lines
14:42.55Skram-physical POTS lines you are talking about/
14:43.36hhrplike up to 50 incoming pstn lines
14:43.39Skram-Well, I am sure many companies are keeping some of those and using Digium/Ast Cards, aswell as getting virtual in and outbound lines which are more cost affective, though not as reliable.
14:44.19hhrpbut i guess...if you get 50 incoming lines switched directly over Ip thats less problem
14:44.42hhrpopen isp
14:45.09Skram-* :D
14:45.19brettnemhhrp: we've got an asterisk server providing 400 pots lines to an apartment complex
14:45.27X-Gen~seen kram
14:45.28jbotkram is currently on #asterisk (1d 13h 34m 44s).  Has said a total of 11 messages.  Is idling for 9h 17m 44s
14:45.34Beavehhrp : I can't see 50 being any problem.
14:45.49brettnemdepends on what you do with those 50 really..
14:45.56Skram-Its just a lot of digium cards.
14:45.59brettnemlines arn't a problem.. simultanious calls might be
14:46.06brettnemwho says it's digium cards at all??
14:46.17Beavebrettnem :  well,  with the proper hardware I mean.
14:46.27brettnemwho says it's hardware? :P
14:46.36Skram-Well whatever brand you use to interface the POTS lines with Asterisk.
14:46.57brettnemwhy not just use ATAs and just do SIP with asterisk. no hardware in the PC
14:47.04BeaveWell,  if I have two DS1s,  and say two T100P (type) of cards and a decent machine,   i dont think 50 lies would be a issue.
14:47.13Skram-brettnam, well as far as I know, a RJ-11/RJ-14 from the local telco arent equiped with a wireless switch which is iax or sip compatible.
14:47.28Beaveor are we not talking about that type of connections.
14:47.29*** join/#asterisk secure75 (
14:47.40brettnemethernet to your customer.. give them an ATA
14:48.10brettnemSkram-: I don't get your point.. you arn't getting service from the local telco.. so why does it matter what they provide
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14:48.31Skram-brettnem: how else do you get physical lines to your asterisk box?
14:48.58brettnemasterisk box-> ethernet-> big freakin switch-> ethernet to 10,000 users-> lots of ATAs
14:48.59Skram-maybe you didnt specify by saying they arent physical lines, but im pretty damn sure thats what hhrp and da Beave were talking about.
14:49.09Skram-Ok, Whatever.
14:49.15brettnemyou'll get physical lines out of the ATAs
14:49.31*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (i=negative@
14:49.38Hmmhesaysfear not, I have returned
14:49.43brettnemasterisk box--> ethernet--> digital gateway--> channel banks
14:49.49brettnemthank goodness!
14:50.07newlHmmhesays: check your broadsword at the door.
14:50.35Rav1974brettnem: just 1 server or multiple servers?
14:50.39brettnemSkram-: there are a handful of digital gateways that take SIP/MGCP in and drops out T1s
14:50.51Rav1974brettnem: for the apartment
14:50.53Hmmhesaysthey are a bit spendy
14:51.03brettnemRav1974: depends on the call load.. think codecs + simultanious call count.. + redundancy.
14:51.14brettnemRav1974: 2 for redundancy..
14:51.33darkskiezhow can u plug a single t1 into two * boxes?
14:51.33sivanaI find it hard to believe that we're stuck with the Bells for fax lines
14:51.51brettnemwho's plugging t1s into anything?
14:52.06darkskiezi was curious
14:52.09brettnemsivana: fax over G.711 works.. just poorly
14:52.15Hmmhesaysyou can split t1's between asterisk boxes  in various ways
14:52.20Hmmhesaysg711 works great over a lan
14:52.22sivanapoorly isn't productive
14:52.26brettnemdarkskiez: there are ways to do it. but I don't know why you would
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14:52.37brettnemsivana: you just have to engineer it right.. for now..
14:52.38sivana* doesn't fax well
14:52.49Beavebrettnem : How are the lines coming in for this apartment complex again?
14:53.07sivanaI have an FXS to a fax machine and the best I get is 1 - 2 pages
14:53.08coppicebrettnem: you mean it works, except when it doesn't
14:53.17brettnemthe asterisk portion really just converts g.711 to G.729..
14:53.24sivanacoppice: can you disclaim your fax shit so it can go into head? :)
14:53.28brettnemthere is a custom MGCP gateway in there somewhere..
14:53.32sivanayour dsp stuff I think
14:53.59bkw_sivana, why? it works fine just like it is
14:54.03sivanaJerJer seems to think your DSP stuff would work for FXS
14:54.08coppicesivana:not spandsp, but I am getting ready to donate rxfax and txfax so it is easier for people to build it
14:54.09sivanabkw_: bs
14:54.22brettnemBeave: but the PSTN connectivity comes in SIP G.711, converts to g.729, goes to a MGCP gateway, the out to the property.
14:54.27sivanabkw_: can you fax from FXS? nope.. 1 to 2 pages at best
14:54.35bkw_thats not spandsp's fault
14:54.37sivanacan you fax from TDM400? nope
14:54.39bkw_or anything spandsp can fix
14:54.45bkw_its a problem with the TDM board
14:54.51sivanabkw_: no, but the dsp stuff might actually make it work
14:54.52Beavebrettnem :  short answer,  all voip.   Okay - didnt catch that the first time around.
14:54.57bkw_sivana, doubt it
14:55.05bkw_a frame slip is exactly that.. a frame slip
14:55.13tzangersivana: that's a TDM problem
14:55.15bkw_you can't recover it when zaptel decides to toss a frame here and there
14:55.15tzangerit *did* work great
14:55.19tzangerI was doing it
14:55.36coppiceI don't think its a problem with the board. its the driver. I used to have 100% reliable faxing with a fax machine plugged into a TDM400 in the early days of developing spandsp
14:55.37tzangersomething changed in the wctdm driver and it's been a backburner bugfix for myself and several others
14:55.38brettnemBeave: it doesn't entirely matter if it is.. the imporant parts are the concentrations you expect to get..
14:55.43Skram-neither did I.
14:55.54bkw_coppice, exactly.. something has changed to cause this problem
14:55.56sivanaI can't fax from FXS, I can't fax from TDM400 -- hardly "works"
14:56.05tzangerI just need the time to start backtracking drivers through CVS until it works agian
14:56.10Rav1974how about receiving faxes from fxo (PSTN) lines? does that work
14:56.17tzangersivana: as I said, it's a wctdm driver issue
14:56.19bkw_Rav1974, I do it
14:56.21Beavebrettnem : Well,  it is important to understand what your trying to accomplish.  
14:56.22brettnemlets all bring our torches and pitchforks to atlanta!!!
14:56.41Rav1974bkw_ I am talking about in a business critical enviornment?
14:56.48Hmmhesaysastcc is b0rken
14:57.02brettnemBeave: sure.. but it can as easily be done with T1.. the only thing you really need to be concerned about there is the redundancy..
14:57.03sivanaRav1974: in a business situation, stick with Bell for the fax line... it's just not up to snuff
14:57.24bkw_works fine if you have a PRI
14:57.29file[laptop]bkw_: David cut his mouse finger and he's whining to me, hahahaha
14:57.30bkw_we do it THOUSANDS of times a day
14:57.32Beavebrettnem : right on.  
14:57.32coppicefaxing over E1/T1 is fine
14:57.56tzangerfile[laptop]: hahaha
14:57.58sivanabkw_: I have a PRI, I have channel banks, I have TDM400... 1 to 2 pages at best
14:58.05Rav1974sivana: I want to keep the POTS, but use the FXO port into * so it emails me the faxes
14:58.12bkw_use rxfax on the PRI works great
14:58.13coppicesadly I had a clearout of old drivers, and no longer have a TDM400 driver that works
14:58.24*** join/#asterisk mariogamboa (n=sudaikdd@
14:58.29mariogamboahi all
14:58.33sivanabkw_: rxfax... I'm talking about TDM faxing
14:58.41mariogamboai need some help with polycom 501
14:58.41tzangercoppice: that's alright, I blew away my test system drive which had some HEAVILY modified test code of yours too :-(
14:58.48bkw_Rav1974, FYI taking a fax and mailing it violates like two patents
14:58.51coppicesivana: if you can't fax to spandsp with a PRI fix your clock soucing
14:58.52file[laptop]Analog, oh Analog, I dislike you
14:58.58file[laptop]Analog, oh Analog, I do not respect you
14:59.03sivanacoppice: no, spandsp works fine
14:59.03tzangerI was tracking odwn the "sending a DTMF digit to a zaptel driver causes the timestamps coming back from the card to lose time" bug
14:59.06hhrpwhere can i look up commands for exten => 1,1,answer etc? like what answer is...
14:59.18file[laptop]hhrp: show application <name> on the Asterisk CLI
14:59.19brettnembkw_: that's a bunch of baloney..
14:59.20`Sauronbkw: Bummer. I did that stuff like, 5+ years ago
14:59.21sivanaI'm talking about:  Fax Machine -> FXS -> * -> PRI
14:59.23bkw_hhrp, show application answer
14:59.25file[laptop]hhrp: like show application answer
14:59.27coppicesivana: you said you can only do 1 or 2 pages
14:59.45brettnembkw_: how about recieving a fax, performing a PDF conversion and THEN emailing?
15:00.02bkw_brettnem, I can't comment on that due to us getting our asses sued off by J2/Efax
15:00.17brettnembkw_: that totally sucks
15:00.27brettnemyeah I saw it
15:00.28file[laptop]get sued by the company that keeps receiving spam faxes for me from long ago, 'tsk 'tsk
15:00.28bkw_read that
15:00.31brettnemthose bastards
15:00.33tzangersivana: that is broken because of wctdm driver issues
15:00.42tzangerbrettnem: I was doing that
15:00.47bkw_FYI folks.. Asterisk's voicemail violates one of those patents J2 has
15:00.48tzangerexcept replace email with "copy to samba share"
15:01.04tzangerbkw_: which one, the "do not accept DTMF when the mailbox # is being spoken" ??  :-)
15:01.10coppicebkw_ its your cash they want, not your ass. that is just wishful thinking :-)
15:01.19tzangercoppice: hahaha
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15:01.22sivanatzanger: FXS can either equal Channel Bank or TDM400P... either way, rxfax/txfax is hard to convince when the customer want's to use their fax machine
15:01.35tzangersivana: I have *zero* issues with a T100P+Adit600 FXS and faxing
15:01.37brettnemyeah, what the heck do they think they'll get by suing individuals in an open source community..
15:01.40tzangerit's just an expensive way to go abou tit
15:02.09coppicesivana: if a channel bank won't work fix the clock sync
15:02.16bkw_ding ding ding
15:02.19tzangernow now
15:02.21bkw_clock sync is the number one thing to fuck a fax up
15:02.24tzangersivana's a smart cookie
15:02.24sivanatzanger: I'm using a CAC FXS Channel bank... I get to send 1-2 pages then it errors
15:02.34tzangersivana: odd
15:02.35tzangerright now
15:02.37pawallsAnyone know of a Asterisk sip config option that would cause hardphones to lose their registration after like 5 minutes? I have max expirey time set to 3600 sec
15:02.46coppicesivana: so fix the clock sync
15:02.48tzangerI have two fax machines in two ports of an adit600 going to span 2 of a TE405
15:02.50tzangerworks just fine
15:02.52tzangerhas for the last year
15:03.05pawallsAnd the phone (snom and grandstream gxp1000 tested) is also set to expire after 3600 secs
15:03.06sivanatzanger: when I go down there tomorrow.. give me an adit600 :P
15:03.13tzangerthe ODD time I get a bad fax in or out but that is NO different than I did when it was hooked up to a POTS line... Canon fax blows
15:03.14coppiceI *really* must get around to putting a self-diagnosis facility in spandsp
15:03.24sivanatzanger: btw.. do you want the CE200 to play with?
15:03.26tzangersivana: the AB1 should work just fine too
15:03.30tzangersivana: yes
15:03.39tzangerI don't have a spare Adit600 or I'd give it to you in a heartbeat you know that
15:03.40sivanaI can drop it off with Mark
15:03.47tzangersivana: cool, he's actually the guy I'd be working on itt with
15:03.51sivanaor you can come with him :)
15:03.52coppicecanon faxes have lots of problems generally. rather incompatible with anything that isn't canon
15:03.58tzangersivana: I wish, I can't take the time off
15:04.02tzangercoppice: yup
15:04.07sivanabah... workaholic :P
15:04.08brettnemI've actually got a couple of adit 600's. I like em.
15:04.13tzangerwe've never had issue with the older panasonic standalone fax
15:04.28file[laptop]I have a fax machine... I wonder how it works with spandsp
15:04.31sivanahow can I test the clock sync then?
15:04.48file[laptop]nah, I'm too lazy to try it
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15:04.59sivanathe other option would be to set up the FXS port to launch rxfax, then spawn txfax
15:05.13coppicewell, there's the "if spandsp doesn't receives faxes properly, the clocking must be wrong" test
15:05.43tzangersivana: yeah that's store and forward" fax
15:05.45hhrpwhat this command used for exactly? Authenticate(password[|options]) i mean if i use DISA it stills asks for a password
15:06.08Hmmhesaysexactly what it says it is used for, to authenticate
15:06.15*** part/#asterisk Guggemand (
15:06.17coppicethere does seem to be a problem for some people with txfax these days. something seems to have changed and broken it. I haven't had time to find the cause
15:06.18brettnemhhrp.. DISA provides dialtone and redials into a context.. authenticate is just a simple inline auth
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15:06.23sivanaif it's a timing issue on the other span for the channel bank, I'd like to find out how to fix it
15:06.26Darwin35ok first stage of dial weather works
15:06.27bkw_coppice, works fo rme
15:06.39sivanabkw_: what version?
15:06.40coppicebkw_ you txfax heavily?
15:06.49hhrpi have password in DISA(123, ) so i works as auth too
15:06.50bkw_not heavy.. just a few times for testing last week
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15:06.59Darwin35but I have to get it to read just the area code of the caller id so I can choose the stste
15:06.59hhrpi mean it wont letcha in unless you know 123
15:07.09bkw_what was your PBX ip again?
15:07.20coppicewell a lot of people who heavily rxfax without problem don't seem to be able to txfax as well recently
15:07.42bkw_file get that
15:08.16bkw_I was on da phone already
15:08.21bkw_its monday.. mondays suck
15:08.31Beirdoit's the law
15:08.31mariogamboai need some help with polycom 501 to configurate for asterisk
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15:09.16file[laptop]I forgot to forward my calls bleh
15:09.23mariogamboaok ok i know my english is some bad
15:09.25mariogamboai know
15:09.32Qwellsome bad?
15:09.40bkw_hehe be nice
15:09.49bkw_I'm sure we make a whole lot of sense to him/her
15:09.50Qwellbkw_: I've not been mean yet :p
15:09.51Darwin35this kills voicemail is working with sip but not iax
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15:10.07Beaveconfigurate is perfectly cromulent word.
15:10.09file[laptop]oh it's mtstation...
15:10.19bkw_Beave, yes it is
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15:10.33bkw_isn't it the act of configuring?
15:10.43file[laptop]David David where are you
15:11.49BeaveWe'll,  it embiggens the act.   So, the word remain cromulent.  Okay.  enough of this.
15:12.02desmond_asteriskplease can anyone help
15:12.03Qwelldesmond_asterisk: yes
15:12.09desmond_asterisko god thank you
15:12.13BeaveI'm being silly.
15:12.26desmond_asteriskQwell is your automon working
15:12.29Hmmhesayswhy must people use wink start
15:13.06Qwelldesmond_asterisk: yes, but you're too needy...I can't deal with that right now
15:13.14pawallsCould SIPAddHeader() be used to add the "intercom" header for Snom auto-answer ?
15:13.22pawallsAnyone done this before?
15:13.41desmond_asteriskall i need is a proper example of what should be in the extensions.conf file for it to work
15:13.53desmond_asteriskmy boss is breathing down my neck automon asterisk
15:14.05Qwell~google automon asterisk
15:14.19BeirdoI don't think the bot googles anymore
15:14.29X-Gendesmond_asterisk: send me your paycheck and i'll have a look at your problems :P
15:14.30desmond_asteriskeverything look okay i just need a good example for that w in your dial plan
15:14.36tzangerBeirdo: that's right, he uses yahoo search now
15:14.43Qwelldesmond_asterisk: You don't do squat in the dialplan.
15:15.03desmond_asteriskthat is what the says
15:15.12desmond_asteriskneed to put w or W in your dialplan
15:15.16desmond_asteriski googled like mad
15:15.16Beavedesmond_asterisk :  I'm sure theres plenty of "example" extensions.conf if you look around via google.  
15:15.30desmond_asteriskyes there is but nothing about automon
15:15.55Zeeekcan anyone confirm that nufone international calls are working at the moment?
15:15.58Qwellfunny...I found it, and got it working
15:16.20Qwelltook me all of 5 minutes
15:16.20hhrpi see, authenticate got an IVR menu
15:16.29desmond_asteriskso Qwell help a guy in need
15:16.40desmond_asteriskall other stuff is working it is just this one little thing
15:16.41Qwellshow application dial
15:16.45desmond_asteriskasking 5 min of your time
15:16.50Skram-ill try to make a quick call.
15:17.00Qwelldesmond_asterisk: $150/h, 2h minimum
15:17.06desmond_asteriskwel maby i am not as good as you
15:17.06Skram-ive never used them for international.
15:17.14ZeeekI'm trying to set up something for travel starting tomorrow and nufone is the only one not working right now
15:17.18desmond_asteriskwel lets see
15:17.31*** join/#asterisk brookshire (
15:17.37Zeeekyou can just see if it rings
15:17.41Skram-try voipjet.
15:17.41*** join/#asterisk hypnotek (n=hypnotek@
15:17.49desmond_asterisk$150 * R6.50 = A shit load ful of South African Rand
15:17.55Zeeekvoipjet and voicepulse and ICH all work
15:18.04Zeeekwith 011nnnnnn
15:18.05wunderkinbrettnem: are you here?
15:18.08*** join/#asterisk razu (
15:18.09Qwelldesmond_asterisk: * 2 hour minimum
15:18.55desmond_asteriskyes that gives you like in a really realy shut load full of SA rand
15:19.07*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
15:19.16Zeeekironically, calling my own cell from voipjet is cheaper than calling it from a landline here or another cell
15:19.29Zeeekless than HALF price
15:19.29desmond_asteriskso now you have to show me you are a good persone and show me to do it in 5 min so that i can help other people aswell
15:19.48brettnemSA rand?
15:19.56Qwellhow does that quote go?
15:20.07Qwellsomething about fish, and google, and eating?
15:20.22Zeeekthere is a reason for the ignore command
15:20.22brettnemgive a man a fish and he'll google for a day?
15:20.26desmond_asteriskcome on this is asterisk it is open source and linux people need to help people to make it grow
15:20.37QwellGive a man a google link, he'll be an idiot later.  Teach a man to google, and he'll be an idiot later.
15:20.40Beirdohit him with a fish, and he'll google before asking next time
15:20.41Qwellsomething like that
15:20.43brettnemdesmond_asterisk: there is a LOT of resources online to google it out
15:20.52*** join/#asterisk neonkl (i=neon@
15:21.00doolphwhat he wants
15:21.02*** join/#asterisk caryon (n=caryon@
15:21.03QwellBeirdo: I like that one though :p
15:21.10desmond_asteriskal if have learned about linux and all the stuf is from google
15:21.19desmond_asteriskso believe me i can google
15:21.28brettnemgood, then use your resources.. RTFM
15:21.35brettnemor.. heh.. RTFW
15:21.45desmond_asteriskThere is no FM on that
15:21.56h3xtheres a commercial open source CRM called Sugar
15:21.56Beirdothen read the source
15:21.59desmond_asterisknever mind thanks for the greate help
15:22.02h3xso somebody started a new one called Cream
15:22.02brettnemSugar is good
15:22.08tafazziThe wiki is a good point to start and find thing about asterisk
15:22.38h3xoh its for publishers.  blah
15:22.40desmond_asteriskjust remember on die new asterisk site to remove this irc link because it is useless
15:23.16wunderkinbrettnem: any word yet on the cards? ready to purchase them now.. just looking around for places to purchase them.. trying the used market ..
15:23.22*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:23.29*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal)
15:23.31desmond_asteriskit says if you need help or support come here but all you get is shitty replies from some people
15:23.34desmond_asteriskgreate help
15:23.35brettnemwunderkin: my cfo has been on vacation for a week.. just got back today.. so let me ask him.
15:23.42tzangerdesmond_asterisk: are you asking good questions?
15:23.43tafazziwunderkin used market is a good point to start....
15:23.47Qwelldesmond_asterisk: If you're willing to pay, you'll get great support
15:23.52desmond_asterisk* not talking about those that really help
15:23.53wunderkinbrettnem: cool thanks, let me know
15:24.16brettnemdesmond_asterisk: We all like to help.. but we don't set people up for free
15:24.28twisted[asteria]brettnem, some people do, some people don't
15:24.30Qwelland this is incredibly simple...
15:24.38doolphdesmond_asterisk this is channel for help, but real help, not stupid things
15:24.41Qwelldesmond_asterisk: I already told you the answer
15:24.50brettnemwhat was the question? heh
15:24.52desmond_asteriskso what is the use of a open source comm if people is getting like microsoft users
15:24.55desmond_asteriskall about money
15:24.56twisted[asteria]desmond_asterisk, the thing is this:  you cannot demand/expect help from anyway
15:25.13Qwellbrettnem: how to add a W to dial
15:25.25doolphwhat's W
15:25.26Qwellmy answer: show application dial
15:25.42brettnemQwell: good answer. :)
15:26.18DannyFdesmond_asterisk, patience is a virtue, if folks dont answer it usually means nobody has a clue ;)
15:26.20Qwellhow he found out that it needed a W is beyond me though
15:26.23bkw_oh a bit snappy eh
15:26.24twisted[asteria]wheee... someone irritated Qwell
15:26.33bkw_DannyF, WRONG
15:26.43bkw_we have a clue.. just too busy, lazy, tired to answer
15:26.50bkw_its NEXT!!!
15:26.52bkw_with three !
15:26.54*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
15:26.58twisted[asteria]or it's something simple we know you could easily find the answer to on your own.
15:27.08bkw_twisted so true
15:27.08DannyFtrue twisted
15:27.11twisted[asteria]bkw_, i think he's trying to keep from infringing on your trademark :)
15:27.20twisted[asteria]Qwell, meh?
15:27.21sivanabkw_: do you have fax working without the use of txfax/rxfax/spandsp?
15:27.37bkw_sivana, actually yes
15:27.46sivanabkw_: using what configuration?
15:27.51bkw_I go out of a Patton 2977 into a To2
15:27.52brettnemI bet hylafax?
15:27.53bkw_er tor2
15:27.57rikstaanyone here in the UK know about reverse billing SMS and asterisk? if it's possible
15:27.58bkw_then to PSTN
15:28.08brettnembkw_: patton 2977
15:28.17bkw_two port T1 modem card
15:28.17twisted[asteria]bkw_, heh.. we found a bug in the patton 20xx series with t.38
15:28.20bkw_has 48 mmodems on it
15:28.23twisted[asteria]bkw_, patton says they fixed it though :P
15:28.33brettnembkw_: hylafax?
15:28.45sivanaI meant no software based fax
15:28.52bkw_we have a circuit that allows us to talk for 10 min without paying a penny for it
15:28.57bkw_so we share that with faxing
15:29.03doolphare you using hylafax + asterisk¿?
15:29.13doolphbut do you need a real modem right?
15:29.15pawallsIs there an easy way to modify the INVITE URL from the dialplan?
15:29.17sivanaok.. so the answer really is no
15:29.25bkw_we use spands/rxfax and asterisk/hylafax
15:29.36pawallsEg.. if I wanted to change <> to <;foo=bar>
15:29.38brettnembkw (asterisk+tor2) -> patton 2977.. right?
15:29.39doolphdo you use real modem?
15:29.43bkw_brettnem, yes
15:29.48bkw_we pass that thru asterisk
15:29.57bkw_on the same box
15:30.02*** join/#asterisk cristianovoffice (
15:30.07bkw_we go out one port into the same box on a Tor2
15:30.15bkw_hey it works
15:30.17brettnemthat just gives you fax to file and file to fax.. right?
15:30.19bkw_so I don't knock it
15:30.25bkw_brettnem, yep
15:30.25file[laptop]son of a
15:30.27mogormanmaybe you should
15:30.27file[laptop]stupid chan_local
15:30.28file[laptop]I HATE YOU
15:30.38bkw_oh the love
15:30.39twisted[asteria]file[laptop], :)
15:30.39bkw_I feel it
15:30.53brettnemfile[laptop]: do a T1 hairpin.. <g>
15:30.54DaminI'm ordering pizza from Giardanos today! :)
15:30.56bkw_he he he ho ho ho
15:30.58bkw_willy wonka
15:31.07bkw_Damin, killer
15:31.10brettnembkw_: that new movie totally sucked
15:31.13twisted[asteria]ther eit is
15:31.17bkw_brettnem, I LOVED IT
15:31.20bkw_so poo on you
15:31.27pawallsAnyone know if what I asked is possible?
15:31.36brettnemmy daughter screamed the whole time thru.. doh!
15:31.45bkw_that might have somethign to do with it
15:31.50mogormanwilly wonka was okay
15:31.53file[laptop]DIE DIE DIE
15:32.06file[laptop]my call forwarding isn't working because chan_local is acting like an idiot
15:32.08brettnemI think it sucked compared to the old one.
15:32.14file[laptop]so I already missed a call today
15:32.19mogormanit was equivalent
15:32.24mogormanin my opinion
15:32.28bkw_brettnem, it was better.... I loved it
15:32.35brettnemyou fools!!!!!!!
15:32.42mogormanwhoa where did he come from
15:32.52bkw_Wonka has been here for ages
15:33.01mogormani seem to get hit a lot
15:33.08bkw_you can lick his chocolate bar if you like
15:33.10file[laptop]so yeah Asterlink Sales and Support works again now :P
15:33.11Wonkamogorman: all those guys hilighting me on all irc... :)
15:33.21Wonkabkw_: :p
15:33.22bkw_er giggles
15:33.25pawallsIs there a different channel I should be in to ask Asterisk related help questions?
15:33.28file[laptop]stupid son of a chan_local GAHHHHHHH
15:33.36file[laptop]it's a Monday.
15:33.40bkw_Wonka... melts in your mouth.. not in your hand!
15:33.42file[laptop]it's a classic case of the Mondays
15:33.48Qwellbkw_: bad
15:33.50Wonkabkw_: many little smarties!
15:33.52mogormanso asterisk
15:33.58Wonka"viele bunte Smarties!2
15:33.58mogormancan anyone help me
15:34.02mogormani have this great idea
15:34.06mogormani am gonna be the next vonage
15:34.06brettnemhello matt
15:34.08bkw_mogorman, you work for digium... you don't need help
15:34.11*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
15:34.11mogormanif you guys help me
15:34.13file[laptop]mogorman: over my dead body
15:34.14mogormanill give you a dollar
15:34.17shido6help you do what?
15:34.20brettnemmatt, you are the next vonage
15:34.24mogormanbecome vonage
15:34.27bkw_I have a chair.. someone have some rope?
15:34.34mogormanI met vonage
15:34.41mogormanI look nothing like them
15:34.43bkw_Wonka, she looks UNDERAGE
15:34.47brettnemand he was sitting on a flaming pie? right?
15:34.51shido6have you built a company and sold it before, mogorman?
15:35.01Wonkabkw_: 16 is legal here, if she wants to
15:35.10bkw_Wonka, where is here?
15:35.38ZeeekWonka that one is about 13
15:35.54brettnemmogorman: what's your idea?
15:36.08bkw_ya know i'm going to try to make it to the linux thingy there this next time
15:36.14bkw_TRY is the key word
15:36.15Wonkaaccording to, even 14-16 can be legal
15:36.28mogormanwell you know
15:36.30bkw_that ain't right
15:36.31mogormanbe vonage...
15:36.39bkw_no screw vonage!!!
15:36.39brettnemand.. how?
15:36.41Qwellrecht.html...if I didn't know what that word meant in German...
15:36.48file[laptop]wth are you all talking about now?
15:36.50brettnemyou don't really WANT to be vonage.. really
15:36.54hhrpin Answer(x) does x parameter reflects amount of rings before it picks up or not?
15:36.59*** part/#asterisk DagMoller (n=DagMolle@tor/session/x-c633b5b6587d36df)
15:37.01*** join/#asterisk lordcian (n=lordcian@
15:37.11brettnemI don't know if I've ever used Answer(x)
15:37.12bkw_hhrp, no does answer say it has an arg?
15:37.15Wonka"recht" as in "juristical stuff"
15:37.19Wonka"legal stuff"
15:37.21QwellIf delay is specified, asterisk will pause execution for the specified amount of milliseconds if an answer is required
15:37.25hhrpi think im wrong
15:37.27bkw_ya its like a wait+answer
15:37.31QwellWonka: yeah, but...if you didn't know what it meant..
15:37.48hhrpok i need wait defines amount of calls
15:37.54lordciananyone know the workaround for the polycom ip500 issue where you can dial out but not receive calls?  I know i've seen reference to it but cannot locate.
15:38.23file[laptop]why must this toll-free be broken? why?
15:38.25*** join/#asterisk Tili (i=Tili@
15:38.35file[laptop]does it hate me that much?
15:38.36lordciannot the one way sound issue, i have that solved...but my ip500's always report as busy on inbound
15:38.49DannyFfile[laptop], I know the feeling
15:38.56brettnemanyone know of a simple way to emulate jitter?
15:39.00ZeeekSkram- so does nuf=one dial out to Internatioanl ?
15:39.18DannyFZeeek, nope
15:39.19DaminDoes ANYONE like Monday mornings?
15:39.25file[laptop]Damin: NO
15:39.27brettnemI think bkw_ does
15:39.33Wonkaand now, i leave and head home
15:39.35ZeeekDannyF I was sure it used to work
15:39.40DannyFit did
15:39.45pawallsDoes doing a "sip reload" lose SIP subscriptions?
15:39.46DannyFuntill they got screwed
15:39.46QwellDamin: people who sell shirts that say "it must be Monday" probably like mondays, due to the income they provide
15:39.53lordcianpanwalls: no
15:40.03brettnemQwell: ha!
15:40.04*** join/#asterisk Pakipenguin (i=uppal@unaffiliated/pakipenguin)
15:40.10Pakipenguinhello everyone
15:40.13Zeeekok, so they cut it off? That's fine, they're not the cheapest for that anyway
15:40.14mogormanmonday is my favorite time of year
15:40.16file[laptop]bkw_ likes Mondays because I took over Asterlink so he doesn't have to deal with the people
15:40.25Pakipenguini wanted to know , i am thinking about getting a channel bank
15:40.26bkw_he hijacked it
15:40.28brettnemstatus of sip jitter buffer?
15:40.30bkw_he did .. he did
15:40.34Qwellsomebody reset my password, would ya?
15:40.35file[laptop]I did I did
15:40.37bkw_brettnem, DOA
15:40.41Qwellfreaking idiots broke my old one
15:40.44Pakipenguinhow does the channel bank interact with asterisk?
15:40.45brettnemson of a bitch
15:40.51Pakipenguini mean thru ethernet ? or what?
15:40.54QwellPakipenguin: T1 card
15:40.56brettnembkw_: what happened?
15:40.59pawallslordcian, Any idea why devstate subscriptions would just get lost after ~10 mins?
15:41.00bkw_patch rot
15:41.11tafazziPakipenguin what do you mean?
15:41.12PakipenguinQwell: so i need a channel bank and  T1 card
15:41.13Pakipenguini see
15:41.21brettnemasterik needs a jitter buffer damnit
15:41.23file[laptop]I'm going to work outside in a bit
15:41.27Hmmhesays*ahem*  'patch rot' could apply to many things
15:41.33file[laptop]calls are forward to my cordless, so that's good...
15:41.36tafazziChannel banch demultiplex aver a T1 or E1 channel
15:41.43lordcianpanwalls: no
15:41.52Pakipenguini see tafazzi
15:42.04DaminGiordano's shipping on two pizzas is $29.
15:42.07Hmmhesayshey file[laptop]
15:42.19Pakipenguinso with a channel bank , i will get a t1 out from the channel bank which i'll put into my asterisk box using a t1 card? right?
15:42.28DaminThat means that I'd end up paying $61 for a pair of 12" pizzas..
15:42.33Hmmhesayshow goes it?
15:42.43file[laptop]how are you?
15:42.48tafazziPakipenguin every port of a channel back is  "tunneled" into a T1 or E1 (or more) virtual multi channel. Is used to convert from RJ-11 to Digital flow.
15:43.03Hmmhesaysnot bad monday here too
15:43.07tafazziRight Pakipenguin
15:43.21HmmhesaysI'm contemplating visiting your fine country to see greenday
15:43.29Pakipenguintafazzi: neat! , so i can have both fxo and fxs in one channel bank?
15:43.40file[laptop]Hmmhesays: ooh yay
15:43.51Pakipenguinand tafazzi: which channel bank do you suggest , keeping the cost level low too please
15:44.13file[laptop]it's always about cost
15:44.13tafazziIf the channel bank supports both. Usually channel backs are fxs...
15:44.27tafazziUset to connect internal phones...
15:44.37DrWho17I can't seem to find a list of Channel SIP builtin service codes, is there a list somewhere of what's currently supported?
15:44.59Pakipenguini know what fxs is ,  i see , which one do you suggest that support both?
15:45.33tafazziWhere do you live Pakipenguin? T1 = USA E1=Europe...
15:45.49h3xT1... USA, Canada, Japan
15:45.52tafazziRhino has good channel bank and prices are o.
15:45.58pawallsbrettnem, Thanks :-/
15:46.01DrWho17just get an adit 600 for a channel bank, lots on ebay, and lots of experiences with them
15:46.04brettnempawalls: sure think
15:46.05file[laptop]DrWho17: you mean like call forwarding and stuff?
15:46.06bkw_NEVER FEAR
15:46.09DrWho17file[laptop]: yes
15:46.11*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
15:46.19Pakipenguinbrettnem: they support both fxo and fxs?
15:46.22file[laptop]DrWho17: all implemented by the phone usually, or ATA
15:46.25DrWho17file[laptop]: just what features are built in to Sip like on ZAP
15:46.33file[laptop]DrWho17: otherwise you implement them in dialplan
15:46.37brettnemPakipenguin: who?
15:46.39DrWho17and what functions I will need to implement in the dialplan
15:46.53file[laptop]DrWho17: none are implemented in chan_sip due to the fact that they're implemented by... the SIP device yay
15:47.01Pakipenguinbrettnem: adit 600
15:47.07DrWho17file[laptop]: oh, hrm
15:47.21brettnemPakipenguin: they don't do FXO
15:47.35*** join/#asterisk dfutak (
15:47.35pawallsbrettnem, While I have someones attention: Is there any way to add arguments to the INVITE URL from the dialplan? (eg. <> and change it to <;blah=baz>)
15:47.37*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
15:47.57brettnempawalls: I know what you are refering to, but I don't know how..
15:48.12tafazziHow many ports do you need Pakipenguin? Maybe an adit is too big...
15:48.14DrWho17file[laptop]: ok, I thought I saw at one time service features built into channel sip on the wiki
15:48.29pawallsbrettnem, It appears that _VXML_URL appends to _outside_ of the "<>"s, which doesn't help :-/
15:48.34file[laptop]DrWho17: well, there's one... call pickup... but that's implemented in any channel driver that uses the Asterisk call pickup stuff
15:48.49brettnempawalls: provide a patch. :)
15:49.11DrWho17file[laptop]: *70 seems to work as well
15:49.20file[laptop]*70 is implemented by your ATA or phone
15:49.34bkw_yep yep
15:49.38Pakipenguinbrettnem: suggest some thing that has both fxo and fxs , i cant buy 2 :(
15:49.57file[laptop]wth happened to switch-6
15:49.59DrWho17file[laptop]: if I make a *70 extension and playback, it gets to asterisk and plays it back
15:50.07brettnemPakipenguin: I can't make that recommendation. I have no need for FXO
15:50.13file[laptop]bkw_: drone 6 is going beserko
15:50.14DrWho17I've set my ATA's to pass everything through
15:50.28file[laptop]DrWho17: then it's in your dialplan
15:50.31MikeJ[Laptop]even gall stones?
15:50.46file[laptop]DrWho17: chan_sip itself does not implement any features, that's it - period.
15:50.54*** join/#asterisk FarrisG (
15:51.04FarrisGOk... My asterisk server is running
15:51.12DrWho17but chan_mgcp and chan_zap do, err
15:51.12FarrisGI can't connect to the console
15:51.19file[laptop]DrWho17: yes they need to
15:51.29file[laptop]DrWho17: MGCP hands over almost complete control to the server for everything
15:51.32FarrisGwhen I do an "asterisk -rv" I get "Unable to connect to remote asterisk"
15:51.41file[laptop]DrWho17: Zap is analog, it has to handle that stuff internally
15:51.44lordcianFarrisG: then how do you know asterisk is running?
15:51.49lordcianpidof asterisk?
15:52.05FarrisGlordcian: The processes are running, and the dialplan works
15:52.15lordcianhow wierd
15:52.18file[laptop]DrWho17: on SIP it doesn't need to because the SIP device is usually smart enough to do it
15:52.34file[laptop]oh good god what the hell
15:52.43file[laptop]it's definitely a Monday
15:53.04DrWho17file[laptop]: yes, but that's not workable for me, I'll just implement them all in the dialplan, and use devices that pass all the * codes through
15:53.09pawallsbrettnem, Hmm.. I guess I'll just allow another var to append to the invite.. but is that even valid SIP INVITE syntax?
15:53.13file[laptop]DrWho17: then do so
15:53.13*** join/#asterisk jeremywhiting (
15:53.52brettnemI wish MGCP didn't suck.
15:53.58darkskiezFarrisG: running asterisk as non root?
15:54.02DrWho17file[laptop]: well, I already have, but I was hoping to scale some back because the features were built in, less SQL hits
15:54.07jeremywhitinghi all you dialplan masters, is there a way to have a call dial on multiple sip phones but not show as a missed call on all the phones that don't pick it up?
15:54.32FarrisGdarkskiez: Running as root
15:55.06darkskiezrunning asterisk -r as root ?
15:55.07brettnemI *almost* got the MGCP stack in Vovida to work..
15:55.19jeremywhitingwe're using polycomms and the boss wants it to not show as a missed call on all the other phones if one phone picks up
15:55.24FarrisGdarkskiez: yes
15:55.34brettnemjeremywhiting: good luck
15:55.37darkskiezFarrisG: and is asterisk definately root too?
15:55.39jeremywhitingdo callgroups do this sort of thing?
15:55.42DrWho17brettnem: it works in asterisk as well
15:55.46brettnemno, that's a phone thing
15:55.51FarrisGdarkskiez: Yes
15:55.52darkskiezjeremywhiting: write to phone manufacture
15:55.54brettnemDrWho17: what works? MGCP??
15:56.00*** join/#asterisk secure75 (
15:56.04brettnemDrWho17: hardly.. the stack sucks
15:56.18pawallsI guess it is.. they put ";phone=true" in there..
15:56.24brettnemDrWho17: I get crashes regularly.. and lots of missing or broken features..
15:56.24DrWho17brettnem: it works with my Occam's/Adtrans
15:56.25*** join/#asterisk azrishahril (n=azrishah@
15:56.54brettnemDrWho17: I get regular crashed w/MGCP + ADIT 600
15:57.07DrWho17I don't have MGCP for my adit 600's
15:57.11DrWho17the MGCP module
15:57.16DrWho17didn't try
15:57.39brettnemyou get all features with the occam/adtran stuff? threeway calling? call waiting? etc?
15:57.40*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
15:59.23DrWho17brettnem: with the Occam, call waiting/caller id worked, didn't try 3-way
16:00.33*** join/#asterisk file (
16:01.01*** join/#asterisk kshumard (
16:02.47DrWho17brettnem: no longer using any, was using the Occam bl 1200's, 48 port ADSL/MGCP
16:03.24brettnemDrWho17: that seems like a nice setup. Why didn't you like it?
16:03.33DrWho17there was a registration error, but Mark Spencer fixed it from the debug, and I compiled a new version from CVS while the occam engineers were here
16:04.16DrWho17brettnem: well, it's easier to do Sip VoIP over our existing DSL clients.
16:04.27brettnemDrWho17: ah
16:04.35brettnemjust ATAs?
16:04.40DrWho17ATA's at their home, instead of having to replace our Lucent Stinger Dslams all over the place
16:04.53brettnemthat makes sense..
16:05.04brettnemDrWho17: what region are you in?
16:05.08DrWho17brettnem: Michigan
16:05.31brettnempawalls: that works?!
16:06.16*** join/#asterisk toddf (
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16:07.03mariogamboahi all
16:07.13mariogamboai need some help with polycom 501
16:07.21mariogamboai can register with asterisk pbx
16:07.31mariogamboai can't register
16:07.51*** join/#asterisk djin_ib (
16:08.23Hmmhesaysmaybe you should let the phone register?
16:08.52pawallsbrettnem, I made a patch that allows it..
16:08.53*** join/#asterisk minded (n=minded@
16:08.57mariogamboayeap but how
16:09.08pawallsAbout to test..
16:09.09*** part/#asterisk tafazzi (n=ddrig@
16:09.11brettnempawalls: nice, did you post it on the bugtracker?
16:09.17pawallsbrettnem, After I test it ;)
16:09.30mindedhey guys, my voicemail with asterisk isnt working, when i dial in from an outside line and dial extension.. 107.. if he doesnt answer, it goes to the general voicemail and asks me to put in the extension of the mailbox i am trying to reach, instead of going directly to 107's voicemail
16:10.14brettnemdo you have voicemailmain and voicemail mixed up?
16:10.25mindedwhat do you mean
16:10.27mindedi dont believe so
16:10.34mindedis Voicemail(${DNID})
16:10.43mindedthe correct format, to go to the exten i dialed's voiecmail
16:11.16mindedwell i think it should be USERID
16:11.19mindedim having the same problems either way
16:11.24mindedso i dont think its the ID im using
16:11.57DrWho17the priority for unavailable should be right after your DIal
16:12.02rikstacan someone tell me the best calling card app in their opinion plz
16:12.21mariogamboahow i can register a line in asterisk with a polycom 501
16:12.31mindedshould i pastebin it
16:12.36mindedfor you to read?
16:12.39brettnemminded: do a NoOp(${DNID}) and see if the output matches a valid mailbox in your [default] of voicemail.conf
16:12.47Hmmhesaysfile[laptop] where are you
16:13.01brettnemhe's over there ---->
16:13.28fileover here
16:13.28brettnembeep beep
16:13.43pawallsI hate CVS...
16:13.53Hmmhesaysoh king of SER, if you were to pick one module for handing natted endpoints, what would it be?
16:14.00Hmmhesays*handling even
16:14.06brettnemnathelper seems to work..
16:14.10*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
16:14.11filenathelper I've had good success wih
16:14.11brettnemfor me.. most of the time..
16:14.12fileer with
16:14.24brettnemfile: what's this direction:active baloney?
16:14.44pawallsHow do I merge changes from a newer revision? (I didn't cvs update, like a dumbass, before making my changes) cvs update -j HEAD channels/chan_sip.c doesn't seem to do anything.
16:17.22mindeddoes it look like there is a problem there?
16:17.24brettnemWhat sets USERID?
16:17.39mindedi believe the exten = USERID
16:17.48mindedso if i dial 107, USERID will be set to 107
16:17.52brettnemnot if you didn't make it like that..
16:18.01brettnemwhich I don't see.
16:18.03mindedi have to decalre USERID?
16:18.21brettnemjust like JHKJHKJHKJ=null
16:18.25mindedright but
16:18.30mindedi thought USERID was defined in asterisk already
16:18.46mindedwell, how would i set it to the extension dialed
16:18.49brettnemoh.. I dont' think it is unless it's one of the new ones.. I'm about 2 weeks behind.
16:18.56brettnemuse ${EXTEN} instead
16:19.38ComputerWarmhello all question i have placed a few mp3`s in to the the correct directory and then added this to musiconhold.conf default => mp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3,-z it says starting music on hold when i place someone on hold but i don`t hear anything?
16:20.28*** join/#asterisk secure75 (
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16:21.16neonkli am getting an warning when running asterisk 458 soundcard_init unable to open/dev/dsp : resource teemporialy unavailable
16:21.33brettnemnoload => chan_oss
16:21.39neonklwarning 1679
16:21.50neonklyes on load
16:22.01brettnemput a noload =>
16:22.05brettneminto modules.conf
16:22.06*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:22.13mariogamboaanybody here have polycom 501 works with asterisk
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16:29.28bkw_I SWEAR TO GOD
16:29.35bkw_who keeps breaking this shit
16:29.38Beirdonot me
16:30.22djin_ibbreaking what?!?
16:30.32file[laptop]bkw_: it's Monday, I NEED TO KILL SOMEONE OR SOMETHING
16:30.47Qwellfile[laptop]: quake
16:30.49X-Genbkw_: SVN doesnt tell u who last checked something in ?
16:30.54pawallsAny reason why the "options" structure doesn't get passed to initreqprep ?
16:30.59pawallsSeems like it would simplify things a bit...
16:31.22pawallsAny chan_sip.c people in here?
16:31.43file[laptop]pawalls: clarify further why you think it would simplify things
16:31.50Skram-can someone point me in the right direction..../
16:31.54Skram-have you ever 'installed' or added an app_whatever.c file into asterisk? I just plopped one in, restarted and said show application <name> and it says "Your application(s) is (are) not registered" How do I 'register' this app.c file?
16:31.57*** join/#asterisk yifang (
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16:32.06jonathhhello you wonderful people
16:32.10*** part/#asterisk jonathh (
16:32.17file[laptop]Skram-: it has to be compiled, like using astxs
16:32.28Skram-damn it
16:33.07brettnemthat was nice of jonathh to pop in and complement us all
16:33.18brettnemI would like cake
16:33.21X-Genbrettnem: i think he is new here
16:33.31brettnemoh.. that explains it.
16:33.37bkw_no drumkilla was at fault
16:33.43bkw_he put a !res in there
16:33.46bkw_which totally broke it again
16:34.02X-Genbkw_: KILL KILL KILL !
16:34.24pawallsfile[laptop], Right now each function that calls initreqprep (only 3 to be fair) sends vxml_url specifically.
16:34.40*** join/#asterisk mariogamboa (n=sudaikdd@
16:34.45brettnemI think we need to make asterisk stress balls
16:34.56pawallsfile[laptop], In order to add support for optional uri_option, I have to change the initreqprep function as well..
16:35.02twisted[asteria]brettnem, nah, just make asterisk tables
16:35.02*** part/#asterisk lordcian (n=lordcian@
16:35.12twisted[asteria]that have the asterisk logo in a circle in front of each seating position
16:35.19twisted[asteria]the harder you bang your head
16:35.22pawallsfile[laptop], Would just be more sensible to pass the entire options structure as a reference
16:35.24twisted[asteria]the more it glows
16:35.27brettnemoh cool!
16:36.12file[laptop]pawalls: patches welcome.
16:36.19brettnemmmmm patches
16:36.42pawallsI get that a lot around here ;)
16:37.06brettnemif 300 people are submitting patches.. it's GOT to be good, right?
16:37.26pawallsDepending on the screening process those patches go through... :-x
16:37.37brettnemscreening process?/ wha?
16:38.10brettnemit could be like a self branching project
16:38.21*** join/#asterisk jsanchez1 (
16:38.24bkw_I swear to god if I have to fix another patch that gets broken because of "minor mods" or "tweaks" i'm going to strangle someone
16:38.32jsanchez1i have a question..
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16:38.36*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
16:39.09tzangerres_whoopass needs chan_can
16:40.25brettnemoutta lunch
16:40.36jsanchez1i have numbers 226204xxx and the situation now is, that i have to include 900 extensions, is there a way to make it better? maybe exten => 226204{some_variable},1,Dial(SIP/226204{some_variable},20)  ??
16:40.52Qwelljsanchez1: how about 226204XXX ?
16:41.09jsanchez1Qwell, yes but what with the Dial?
16:41.36jsanchez1Qwell, that easy?
16:41.40Qwellthat easy
16:41.44Goshenmy IAXy doesn't seem to support message waiting indicator, does IAXy support message waiting indicator?
16:41.46brettnemI think a syntax where you can use parens and $1/$2 substitution would be cool
16:42.10*** join/#asterisk Netrunz (n=ff@
16:42.32NetrunzHi Guys. how do I check if a mailbox for voicemail exists for a specific user?
16:42.46Qwellbrettnem: [234].*\([1-3]\).*\([789]\) ?
16:42.55GoshenNetrunz: check voicemail.conf?
16:43.07Netrunzgoshen how?
16:43.23Netrunzi mean in dialplan :)
16:43.38*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
16:43.44Netrunzi saw a command mailboxexists
16:43.47Goshenexten => *98,1,Voicemailmain(s${CALLERIDNUM})
16:43.47Goshenexten => *98,2,Goto(incoming,s,1)
16:43.49Netrunzbut it is only in cvs
16:44.01pawallsjsanchez1, Actually.. you need "_226204XXX" as the extension.
16:44.20Netrunzgoshen if i do that it will prompt the user for the mailbox
16:44.22Qwellpawalls: ahh, right
16:44.49GoshenNetrunz: right, if it prompts the user for a mailbox, the extension they are dialing from doesn't have on set up
16:45.06brettnemQwell: yeah, like that
16:45.09GoshenNetrunz: if I dial in with an extension that is set up, it goes into the box and tells me if I have message waiting
16:45.30Netrunzgoshen yup but i want the user to have a message that says that they haven't activated voicemail if the box doesn't exist
16:45.32GoshenNetrunz: If I dial in and I don't have one set up for that extension, then it asks for an extension and password
16:45.50GoshenNetrunz: then say that :)...thats beyond me scope
16:46.08*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
16:46.17GoshenHow about message waiting indicator and IAXy...anyone here know if IAXy supports it?
16:46.25Netrunzgoshen :) i hope they will put the mailboxexists cmd in the next versions
16:46.38*** join/#asterisk Godsey (n=lanny@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Godsey)
16:46.58Netrunzor i can write it in the db
16:47.03jsanchez1Qwell one more question
16:47.20jsanchez1pawwalls the same
16:47.46jsanchez1Qwell, pawalls, i have other Hangup extension, as
16:47.59jsanchez1exten => 226204something,2,Hangup
16:48.15*** join/#asterisk Umaro (n=umaro@
16:48.21Skram-Help? Please:
16:48.25pawallsjsanchez1, You are missing the "_" at the front
16:48.48Qwelljsanchez1: read the sample'll do you well
16:49.05jsanchez1pawwals, Qwell i didnt found it there
16:49.16Qwellit talks about pattern matching in there
16:49.22*** join/#asterisk Laureano (
16:49.26Zer0Her0wow, asterisk is amazingly easy to setup. i set the whole day asside to working on this
16:49.42QwellZer0Her0: its easy for those that read...
16:49.44brettnembkw: pbxfreeware site looks weird
16:50.09jsanchez1Qwell, so first extension would be exten => _226204XXX,1,Dial(SIP/{EXTEN},60)  second one exten => _226204(dontknow),2,Hangup
16:50.10brettnemleft menubar shows up after main page content
16:50.12sylewhats a quick way to program a sip phone to ring at 9:30 every morning with a message to wakeup
16:50.22Qwelljsanchez1: the extension would be exactly the same
16:50.41jsanchez1Qwell, jesus
16:50.58Qwellthats the second time I've been called that this morning...
16:51.05jsanchez1ha haha
16:51.10brettnemsyle: cronjob + .call file
16:51.34Zer0Her0Qwell, yes very true, but sometimes certain things are missed in documentation but between documentation and general ease of use it's great.
16:51.37sylebe nice if asterisk had an internal cron function
16:51.51*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
16:52.08brettnemwhy would asterisk need an internal cron if it's built into the OS?
16:52.18sylesection called [time] and you could do 9:00-11:00 do this
16:52.40brettnemsyle: really cron works nicely.. do file
16:52.40sylethat would only work on incomming calls qwell
16:52.47Qwellnot true
16:52.56bkw_you want it dynamically on the fly during a call boi
16:53.12brettnemwhat's that for?
16:53.27brettnemhe said he wants a call every day at 9am.
16:53.27bkw_ExecIfTime(09:00-19:00|*|*|*?${IF($[${CALLS_TODAY} > 3]?Goto|escalation,s,1:NoOp)})  
16:53.56bkw_if its between 9am and 7pm and they have called more than 3 times
16:53.59bkw_they need extra help
16:54.04bkw_so we send them elsewhere
16:54.14brettnemthat's not what he wanted to
16:54.38sylewhy can;t i find that execiftime on wiki, you spelled it right?
16:54.48bkw_syle, its fairly new
16:54.51brettnemok.. just walk... away...
16:55.07bkw_btw execiftime is broken without a patch I just put up for it
16:55.35brettnemsyle: that only executes on an call that hits that extension.. it won't fire off a call automatically without an event triggering it.
16:55.58syleyeah i kinda figured, i was just curious about that function , never seen it lol
16:56.13brettnembkw_ like to make stuff up.. ;)
16:56.25brettnemhe and his nutty apps
16:57.06neonklwhat me be reason when i loading asterisk i am getting this  WARNING[2154]: chan_skinny.c:2587 reload_config: Unable to get our IP address, Skinny disabled
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16:58.21brettnembkw_: what resets CALLS_TODAY daily? :)
16:58.34bkw_its a .db file thats reset daily
16:58.46mutilatori got my te110p in today
16:58.53brettnembkw_: .db file?
16:58.53mutilatorbut the server i bought won't load linux
16:59.07brettnem"wont' load linux"
16:59.15syleuse fedora core 4
16:59.21outtoluncanyone know if there is gonna be a 3 port card thats priced in the middle of the 2/4 port boards <G>
16:59.23jsanchez1mutilator, ha ha ha , what do you mean wond load linux?
16:59.33brettnembkw_: how do you load/unload individual external databases?? what are you doing?
16:59.35mutilatorthe debian netinst cds
16:59.40mutilatorkernel panic on boot
16:59.51mutilatorright after the hdd's are detected
17:00.12jsanchez1what exactly?
17:00.18syleso don;t do a netinst hehe
17:01.25mariogamboaany here can help me with a polycom 501
17:01.31*** join/#asterisk kswail (
17:02.39*** join/#asterisk coldfeet (
17:03.19coldfeetGuys I have a problem with SER + Asterisk + Voicemail
17:03.25coldfeetMy pstn comes into ser
17:03.34coldfeetand all ip phones are registered with ser
17:04.11*** join/#asterisk yaaar_work (
17:04.19coldfeetwhen pstn call comes in, it is mapped to a internal number and directed to asterisk, it hits a auto attendant, u press 1, calls IP phone, no answer goes to voicemail...and all this works ...
17:05.15coldfeetthe problem is internal extensions within asterisk, where I assign 100 to recption etc, when 100 is dialied it dials via ser
17:05.26mutilatorunable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address .......
17:05.28coldfeetwhich again rings, but when no one answers it does not trip to voicemail
17:05.29mutilatoris what it says
17:05.32develmorning all.  so has anybody considered a realtime module for database storage of voicemail?
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17:06.19coldfeetin the 1st scenario I realised that for it to trip to voicemail one leg of the call is dropped, in the 2nd scenario both seem to be, and hence no voicemail
17:06.53coldfeeti can pastbin the extsnions.conf file if useful
17:07.00*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
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17:07.37mariogamboahelp please?
17:08.29develmariogamboa, what's the deal?
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17:08.47brettnemsooooooooo.. Anyone know of a good way to un T.38 calls?
17:09.56mariogamboahow i can configure the soundpoint polycom 501 to register with my asterisk pbx
17:10.21develmariogamboa, have you looked over the web interface of the polycom?
17:10.32file[laptop]coldfeet: have you set a timeout on the Dial?
17:10.35mariogamboai can't
17:10.43develmariogamboa, you can't?
17:10.50coldfeetfile: nope
17:10.54*** join/#asterisk Johann (n=nobody@
17:11.01file[laptop]coldfeet: well then it won't go to voicemail if no one answers
17:11.15file[laptop]coldfeet: unfortunately Asterisk isn't psychic
17:12.09Johanni need to talk to someone in charge of the digium bug database...i believe i am having a problem similar to but need to know what information to get next time it happens to re-open the bug
17:12.18*** join/#asterisk zoo (
17:13.26yaaar_workanybody have a good source for some comparison on various architectures for g.729 transcoding performance? i'm particularly interested in how amd64 does...
17:13.47neonkl<neonkl> please help me what to do
17:13.51neonkl<neonkl> WARNING[2154]: chan_skinny.c:2587 reload_config: Unable to get our IP address, Skinny disabled
17:13.51neonkl<neonkl>   == Registered channel type 'Skinny' (Skinny Client Control Protocol (Skinny))
17:13.51neonkl<neonkl>  []Jul 17 01:04:34 WARNING[2154]: chan_oss.c:239 sound_thread: Read error on sound device: Resource temporarily unavailable
17:13.51neonkl<neonkl> please help me what to do
17:13.52neonkl<neonkl> WARNING[2154]: chan_skinny.c:2587 reload_config: Unable to get our IP address, Skinny disabled
17:13.54neonkl<neonkl>   == Registered channel type 'Skinny' (Skinny Client Control Protocol (Skinny))
17:13.56neonkl<neonkl>  []Jul 17 01:04:34 WARNING[2154]: chan_oss.c:239 sound_thread: Read error on sound device: Resource temporarily unavailable
17:14.02file[laptop]Don't... do... that
17:14.07file[laptop]use a pastebin if you must paste
17:14.18file[laptop]and those are warnings, not errors
17:14.32file[laptop]a NOTICE is not an error, a WARNING is not an error
17:14.46neonklpls help me
17:14.58file[laptop]well what's the problem?
17:15.10Hmmhesaysdual 2.8ghz xeon 2 gig of ram for 90 simultaneous calls should be good
17:15.12neonklok thanks
17:15.30NetgeeksHmmm: that a statement or a question?
17:15.36coldfeetfile: just added timeout, but it seems to still destroy both legs of the call
17:15.41Hmmhesaysthinking out loud Netgeeks
17:15.52Hmmhesayswhat better place to do it than here
17:15.53file[laptop]coldfeet: well paste console output of the call, pastebin it
17:15.58NetgeeksHmm: I ran some tests about 6 months ago
17:16.20NetgeeksI was using Sangoma and Digium cards trying to determine if there was a difference in performance
17:16.29jarrodanyone had any luck passing t38 with SER?
17:16.46file[laptop]jarrod: it doesn't proxy the RTP so it shouldn't care, well - doesn't proxy under normal circumstances
17:16.58HmmhesaysNetgeeks: tdm in this setup
17:17.03Hmmhesays*no tdm
17:17.13jarrodfile: im using NAThelper / rtpproxy
17:17.26file[laptop]jarrod: then see if rtpproxy supports proxying T.38 if it needs to
17:17.35NetgeeksA dual Xeon 3.0G with 1GB Ram system maintained without loss 160 sip to tdm calls with the digium cards
17:18.05Netgeeksout past 160 it had hdlc errors on the pri lines causing call loss
17:18.07file[laptop]jarrod: Google is thy friend
17:18.14Netgeeksyes, but this will give you a benchmark
17:18.50Netgeeksusing the sangoma cards, we hit 368 calls with no loss
17:18.52pawallsWhy the heck do my phones stop working if I set them up on a NAT'd connection?
17:19.03pawallsAfter like 5 minutes of no activity, it's like the routes get lost.
17:19.16file[laptop]pawalls: router tearing down the UDP mapping?
17:19.23file[laptop]pawalls: qualify=yes usually fixes that
17:19.24Netgeeksran out of PRI channels before we could hit the limit with the sangoma cards
17:19.35yaaar_workNetgeeks: 368 calls of sip->pstn? what codec, and how fast was the machine?
17:19.51pawallsfile[laptop], In sip.conf ? Yes.. it's possible the router is timing out the mapping.. I'm willing to accept that as a possibility.
17:19.51yaaar_workanybody done g.729->pstn on an amd64 machine?
17:19.52Netgeeksg711 on sip side, to Sangoma PRI on tdm side
17:20.03Netgeeksdual Xeon 3.0GHz system 1GB Ram
17:20.20file[laptop]pawalls: some routers are incredibly evil
17:20.21yaaar_workNetgeeks: ah, so no heavy lifting in the transcoding.
17:20.23*** join/#asterisk hypnotek (n=hypnotek@
17:20.24coldfeetfile :
17:20.30coldfeetits the extensions.conf file
17:20.31Netgeeksyaaar: correct
17:20.35coldfeetsection 1 works fine
17:20.52coldfeetafter that if I dial 105, again it dials out to ser, but when no answer it does not fall through
17:21.12pawallsfile[laptop], It's actually a linux router.. is there a proc option I could change to fix that behavior?
17:21.15yaaar_worki'm basically just trying to figure out what the cheapest thing i can fit in 1u to transcode 92 channels of g.729->pstn via digium or sangoma
17:21.20NetgeeksI was doing the testing for a client who was all 711
17:21.21HmmhesaysNetgeeks: no shit?
17:21.23file[laptop]pawalls: dunno
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17:21.27pawallsfile[laptop], Also, can I set qualify=yes in [general] or does it have to be per-phone?
17:21.38brettnembest sip aware router out there?? anyone??
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17:21.45HmmhesaysNetgeeks: did you document this at all?
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17:22.36bkw_everyone can bite me
17:22.39bkw_i'm so sick of people today
17:22.50NetgeeksJT ran a test last year and determined that a Dual Xeon 3.0GHz system (using the systmes from .  He was able to get all 4 ports on a digium T1 card fully loaded using g.729 encoding on all sip legs
17:22.51HmmhesaysI don't believe you could ever be sick of me bkw_
17:23.18NetgeeksHmm: no, only documentation I have are about 4 5x7 sheets of notepaper with my results and test setup scribbles
17:23.35DannyFNetgeeks, publish! :)
17:23.43yaaar_workNetgeeks: yeah, and since then it's gotten better on the digium cards. they've got new firmware as of 7/2005 and say a dual 3.0 will now push 120 w/o echo cancelling cards, and 150 with
17:23.58brettnemso. anyone.. sip aware router?? the stuff I got is CRAP
17:24.12yaaar_workNetgeeks: but i'd rather get a slower, cheaper box if i can still make it swing 92 channels (a full 4xPRI card)
17:24.22bkw_Hmmhesays, never
17:24.31file[laptop]yow'sa my attention wondered there for a minute or two
17:24.44file[laptop]bkw_: someone is stealing IPs and David is not happy
17:24.56yaaar_workand also, i can get amd64 boxes cheaper per flop than xeons, so i'm kind of wondering how they do at this....but can't find much info on people trying them out
17:25.13yaaar_workof course, that in itself makes me want to stay with xeons, where more testing is happening....
17:25.44file[laptop]I really really just... bad Monday
17:26.02coldfeetfile: worked it out, seems like the timeout in my asterisk dial, needs to be shorter than the one in SER, else SER hits its timeout...however I think there should be a better way of doing this, especially
17:26.09Netgeeksyaaar: I've heard rumor, (I'm building a dual-core dual proc machine this week) that AMD 64 systems can handle transcoding alot better for the price than Intel.  I'm going to Compare a single dual core and a double dual-core AMD 2.0GHZ 64 bit system to a dual Xeon 3.0GHz in the next couple of weeks
17:26.12bkw_file I know
17:26.17NetgeeksI will document the results.
17:26.22file[laptop]coldfeet: 'tsk 'tsk
17:26.49NetgeeksHowever, I won't be testing g.729 as I don't have enough licenses to do the test effectively, but I'll bracket g729 by testing ilbc and something less intensive
17:27.17coldfeetwhat i dont get is that if the call comes in from pstn, then even without timeout in Dial it works
17:27.23pawallsEven after my changes to chan_sip.c, the snom phone does not auto-answer when intercom=true is set!
17:27.30DannyFNetgeeks, ask Digium to lend you a bunch
17:28.38*** join/#asterisk airwolf (
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17:29.04brettnemdoes anyone know of a sip aware router that DOESN'T SUCK?
17:29.19Qwellbrettnem: my linux box
17:29.25Johannany bug marshalls around?
17:29.34pawallsbrettnem, Have to ask a lot of times in here to get an answer, I've noticed :-P
17:29.35file[laptop]I love my WRT54G and it handles SIP fine, and RTP
17:29.39brettnemQwell: got some extra ports on it.
17:29.50brettnemfile[laptop]: what firmware you run on that??
17:29.51DannyFbrettnem, intertex take a peak at their stuff
17:30.03file[laptop]Sveasoft Archemy...
17:30.03brettnemthat swedish company?
17:30.07Darwin35ok back
17:30.10Qwellbrettnem: none, actually...I need to get a switch
17:30.10DannyFbrettnem, yupp
17:30.13pawallsAnyone here use SNOM phones?
17:30.20brettnemfile[laptop]: and does it do QOS and ALG stuff?
17:30.21pawallsAnd if so, has anyone gotten intercom working?
17:30.28file[laptop]brettnem: QoS yes
17:30.46brettnemfile[laptop]: what kind of limitation on simulatious calls does it have?
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17:30.59file[laptop]well it's not exactly sip aware, it just works with SIP
17:31.09file[laptop]it's aware enough not to screw up
17:31.16pawallsCan anyone explain what this means? "For requests to pass authentication, the phone needs to be configured such that it uses the realm="snom" parameter in the digest challenge."
17:31.25brettnemfile[laptop]: I don't know if I need an ALG, but I do need configurable queing.. can it do that?
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17:31.41file[laptop]brettnem: never tried, it's just a Linux running little Broadcom board
17:31.52brettnemright.. so what does it do SIP for you?
17:32.08file[laptop]I refined my response and said it was not exactly SIP aware, but it works with SIP
17:32.13file[laptop]but you could run a SIP proxy if you wanted
17:32.24yaaar_workNetgeeks: you know you can test the g.729 without licenses.....
17:32.33brettnemfile[laptop]: well my linksys bridge works with sip too.. :P
17:32.39JerJerno you cannot
17:32.46Hmmhesaysanyone here deal with legacy key systems at all?
17:32.48yaaar_workNetgeeks: although, I'm not sure whether the oss g.729 driver will work on amd stuff
17:33.04brettnemactually, there is a g.729 license from Intel that is available without cost for educational purposes..
17:33.05JerJerthere is no such thing as oss g.729
17:33.11brettnemor so I hear..
17:33.19yaaar_workNetgeeks: academic use and internal testing are explicitly allowed without licensing fees
17:33.22JerJerbrettnem:  only using their implementation
17:33.34yaaar_workJerJer: sure there's a wrapper around the intel sample code
17:33.49JerJeryaaar_work: find that provision in the VoiceAge license
17:33.53yaaar_workbrettnem: the problem I see for Netgeeks is that that code may only run on intel procs
17:33.54Netgeeksyaaar:  If I do a show translation throught the testing procedure. and bracket the g729 with ilbc on the high side and gsm or some such on the low side, it should be good enough
17:34.02pawallsHow does one "set the realm parameter for digest challenge" for a phone?
17:34.04twisted[asteria]tell me
17:34.12yaaar_workJerJer: i don't expect them to mention it in their license.
17:34.13twisted[asteria]who's your housekeeper and what you keep in your house
17:34.20twisted[asteria]what about diamonds and gold
17:34.23NetgeeksOnce I get further down the road, I'll ask digium if they can loan licenses for the test, but I don't know if thier agreement allows them to do that
17:34.26twisted[asteria]is that what you keep in yo mouth?
17:35.16airwolfi got a question here. If a gateway is register to the * , one of the sip client (LAN) want to have 1 step dailing to the gateway FXO port. how can it be done? Normally if u dial to the gateway FXO port, it will give u a dial tone then u can dial the number.  
17:35.23GoshenHow about message waiting indicator and IAXy...anyone here know if IAXy supports it? it isn't working for me.
17:35.35brettnemso how is this ix66 gizmo?
17:35.54NetgeeksAnd even if I did use that other g729 codec, I have no idea if it would be at allrepresentative of the digium g729 codec.  It would be no better than using ilbc as a bracket, I would think
17:36.05GoshenAirwolf: I was woundering the same thing, I haven't read how to do that anywhere
17:36.16NetgeeksUnless you plan to use that g729 codec in particular in your production systems
17:36.24file[laptop]Darwin35: bkw's sanity is currently unavailable - please leave a message after the tone... <BEEP>
17:36.42Darwin35ok file need help with iax and vm issue
17:36.46yaaar_workNetgeeks: yes, I see your point
17:36.53file[laptop]then ask in here and get help like everyone else
17:36.58NetgeeksThat being that, I wouldn't want to publish a document that indicated I used an unlicensed g729 codec..... ;)
17:37.03airwolfGoshen: u understand what i mean right?
17:37.15Darwin35vm works with sip  but when I try to retrieve from any of my 25 iax exten it fails to auth for vm
17:37.24yaaar_workNetgeeks: like I say, that should be legal as long as you're using it for reference/academic/research purposes.
17:37.32GoshenAirwolf: completely...I want to do the same thing, so I can access the phone companies features
17:37.46file[laptop]Darwin35: so do an iax2 debug and see what you're getting for DTMF
17:38.01GoshenAirwolf: basically you want to dial an extension with opens the zap channel without dialing anything
17:38.07airwolfand can even link to the existing PBX system
17:39.21airwolfi think it can be done
17:39.32GoshenLet me know if you find a way
17:40.13airwolfbut i think because of the Dial command
17:40.16brettnemexten => s,1,Dial(Zap/1)
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17:40.54yaaar_workNetgeeks: JerJer: look here: ....see section "Study or experiment with g.729 for free"
17:41.00airwolfbecause it is dialing the user
17:41.20airwolfbut if we can just pass the code to the gateway then i think it will works
17:42.00airwolfi struggling with this for quite sometime already
17:43.01JerJerWarning Please see Marks responce on the user list (dated 25 Sep 2004) regarding use of G.729 codec from other sources. In short this violates the GPL license and jepordizes the asterisk project, as it circumvents the main revenue stream for Digium
17:43.21airwolfAnyon can help with this matter?
17:43.22*** join/#asterisk zoa (n=kkk@
17:43.23JerJerand a wiki will not hold up in court
17:43.24brettnemairwolf.. what's the network look like? sipPhone-->asterisk-->zap?
17:43.24*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
17:43.42Darwin35 there is iax2 output
17:43.43brettnemrevenue stream for digium eh?
17:43.50JerJerwhere does VoiceAge legally state the allow the use of other implementations ?
17:43.55airwolfbrettnem: no
17:44.05brettnemairwolf: draw it
17:44.13JerJerbrettnem:  Mark had to leave a kidney on deposit to get voiceage to even talk with Digiumn
17:44.16puzzledevening all
17:44.17airwolfsipphone--> asterisk-->gateway(FXO port)
17:44.45airwolfinstead of having a zaptel card in a pc, i am using a gateway to link with PSTN
17:44.50Darwin35its not giving enough info
17:45.02brettnemairwolf: you could do a DISA and fake it
17:45.19airwolfwhat is DISA?
17:45.28airwolfmay i have more info?
17:45.36brettnemDISA command (hey, don't bug me about it) provides dialtone.. collects digits and drops you in another context
17:45.36file[laptop]Darwin35: there be no DTMF
17:45.51SwK[Work]what up file
17:46.03file[laptop]Darwin35: do you have one of those silly IAX2 phones that does DTMF as inband?
17:46.07brettnemyou'll hear a lot of people in here whine about the DISA command being a security hazard
17:46.08airwolfbrettnem, could u show me an example?
17:46.08Darwin35ok then there is a dtmf issue in iax2
17:46.16file[laptop]Darwin35: no there isn't, it's your phone
17:46.25yaaar_workJerJer: a)VoiceAge doesn't have to state anywhere that they allow the fair academic/research use of their IP as required of them by US patent legislation. b)I've read Mark's response and it doesn't hold up at all. This is a seperate module and does not violate the GPL, and since the purposes in question are testing only it doesn't circumvent Digium's revenue stream, since to go into...
17:46.26Darwin35I have a x401
17:46.27yaaar_work...production I'd be buying from them anyway. Further, why I should care whether Digium's revenue stream is jeapordized by me using something from an alternate supplier escapes me. I've seen the same argument applied to Sangoma cards, and it's BS.
17:46.30file[laptop]Darwin35: I've already talked to someone about this already
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17:46.38Darwin35it works other wise
17:46.47file[laptop]they found out it was sending DTMF as audio, instead of DTMF frames
17:46.51file[laptop]and Asterisk don't do that
17:46.53brettnemairwolf: go read up on the DISA command.. when you run it.. it plays dialtone.. collects digits and drops it as a newly placed call somewhere else (in another context perhaps)
17:46.55airwolfbrettnem, where u found this command? in *?
17:46.58Darwin35I can dial other extens with no issues
17:47.09Darwin35this is only happening with vm
17:47.26file[laptop]Darwin35: do a local IVR.
17:47.31file[laptop]using background
17:47.33file[laptop]and see if you can dial stuff
17:47.37brettnemyaaar: Amen brother!
17:47.53brettnemairwolf: yes.. look it up.. show application DISA.. go read the wiki some..
17:48.08airwolfalright..thanks a lot
17:48.24yaaar_workJerJer: on the other hand...I'm not sure it matters at this point, because as Netgeeks mentioned, the differences in the code of the free implementation and digiums may make the test invalid. so......i'll bet you've got ample g.729 licenses....wanna do a test on amd64 hardware and just put the issue to rest?
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17:49.07Hmmhesayswhen are the ip601's supposed to be out?
17:49.29brettnemwow.. getting a lot of unsolitcited pm's today!
17:49.38file[laptop]brettnem: welcome to the club
17:49.41puzzledHmmhesays: new 601's? any idea what they have to offer over the 600's?
17:49.42yaaar_workHmmhesays: I thought the ip600 already had the improvements (more memory mostly) that differentiated the 500/501 and 300/301
17:49.48brettnemdid someone put a sticker on my back?
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17:49.56file[laptop]brettnem: I swear I didn't!!!
17:49.58Hmmhesaysi may be going nuts
17:50.37*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
17:50.41mindedbah guys i cant figure this out
17:51.07[hC]Anyone experience problems when going thru multiple asterisk boxes before reaching your peer, and potentially after a native bridge occurs, that you can only hear one side of the phone call?
17:51.08Hmmhesaysbrettnem: he put that on my back the other day
17:51.11Qwellm/sg file[laptop] Can you help me with asterisk?!??
17:51.15[hC]I keep having this problem, but sporadically.
17:51.15Skram-minded what are you trying to do?
17:51.17mindedi changed it to ${EXTEN} it still didnt work brett
17:51.29brettnem"didn't work"
17:51.39file[laptop][hC]: you didn't say hi, and you didn't say the technologies involved
17:51.39*** join/#asterisk Pakipenguin (i=uppal@unaffiliated/pakipenguin)
17:51.43mindedi setup the voicemail, and it was working at one time, but now it seems that when you dial an extension, lets say 107
17:51.45[hC]Hi guys!
17:51.47*** join/#asterisk generalhan (i=general_@
17:51.49[hC]and err...
17:51.55Pakipenguinhello everyone
17:51.56generalhanwhats up everyone ... .
17:51.58[hC]IAX2, G729...
17:51.59mindedit goes to a generic voicemail and says, enter the extension of the voicemail you are trying to reach
17:52.04mindedinstead of going to 107 voicemail
17:52.07file[laptop]minded: check your dialplan and look at the CLI and see what it's trying to do
17:52.10*** part/#asterisk Laureano (
17:52.14brettnemminded: what vm context?
17:52.15file[laptop]the first step to help, is trying to help yourself!
17:52.21mindedive been trying! :-D
17:52.24mindedwhat do you mean brett
17:52.35[hC]seems that if i transcode to ulaw i have better success, but it still happens sometimes. If i call straight out from the box that is directly connected to the peer, im fine.
17:52.36file[laptop]brettnem: I'll dance for muffins.
17:52.39mindedi did look at the cli a minute ago file, it said s-NOANSWER did not exist
17:52.43mindedor something along those lines
17:52.48generalhananyone know if there is a way to reorganize the order that the ${DATETIME} Var. is listed ?
17:53.00Darwin35ok set dtmf=outband and vm works
17:53.06file[laptop]minded: your dialplan logic is slightly aflame
17:53.09brettnemminded: pastbin that extension.conf
17:53.11file[laptop]Darwin35: voila :P
17:53.12mindedand just a fyi, thousand foot krutch is a good band
17:53.15mindedi did
17:53.17Darwin35I left it the default rfc2833
17:53.28file[laptop]IAX2 doesn't have RFC2833
17:53.31cpatrygeneralhan: use ${EPOCH} ?
17:53.38mindedis EXTEN now
17:53.40Pakipenguinanyone heard from the guy who was doing asterisk's google summer of code project?
17:53.47Darwin35but its the default in the iax.conf.sample
17:53.50file[laptop]Pakipenguin: which one of us
17:53.56Darwin35and I did not think to change it
17:54.02generalhancparty: why would i want to do that >?
17:54.05brettnemminded: you set up voicemail.conf? right?
17:54.12PakipenguinSRTP implementation
17:54.14file[laptop]Darwin35: no it isn't... IAX2 only has one DTMF method, and that's out of band...
17:54.17generalhancpatry rather
17:54.18file[laptop]Pakipenguin: nope
17:54.32Darwin35well it fixed it
17:54.38Darwin35now they all get mail
17:54.44mindedits all set up correctly, all the voicemail works, its just nto automatically going to the extensions voicemail
17:54.45file[laptop]Darwin35: yeah you're on crack or something LOL
17:54.48brettnemminded: pastebin CLI output too
17:54.51mindedkk sec
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17:55.26generalhananyone know if you can take the DDMMYYYY format of {DATETIME} and switch it around to MMDDYYYY ?
17:55.41file[laptop]brettnem: you're silly, you beat me to it
17:55.45brettnemgeneralhan: sure you can..
17:55.54lovalvarneed some direction to help for: call limiting user accounts and say if their time is up drop the call with voice prompt or something.
17:56.00generalhanbrettnem: how would i go about doing that ?
17:56.05brettnemI don't know!
17:56.12generalhanthen how are you sure you can ?
17:56.13brettnemfile[laptop]: beat you to what?? heh
17:56.20file[laptop]brettnem: asking for that CLI output
17:56.24brettnemgeneralhan: i'm just sure?
17:56.30file[laptop]lovalvar: show application Dial -> type it on the Asterisk CLI and read
17:56.38brettnemfile[laptop]: oh.. I thought you were talking about the fish
17:56.42generalhanthat question mark at the end of that sentence didnt instill much confidence
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17:56.47file[laptop]and now, I go to check the mail - brb
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17:57.00kkrizkais there a webpage somewhere on hwo to use astcc?
17:57.15brettnemgeneralhan: really.. between some awsome substring logic and string concatonation, you can do it..
17:57.36alexhopperkkrizka: Google is your best friend
17:57.44lovalvarfile[laptop] Asterisk CLI, what is the command to invoke it ?
17:57.54kkrizkaalexhopper: I didn't have much luck with that, only one site that said how to install it
17:57.55brettnemhere in the #asterisk channel, we don't give out fish
17:58.03twisted[asteria]we don't?
17:58.10brettnembkw__: very clever new name!
17:58.18alexhopperI like fish!
17:58.18file[laptop]lovalvar: asterisk -r if asterisk is running, asterisk -vvvvc to start asterisk with the CLI
17:58.34file[laptop]alexhopper: so long and thanks for all the fish
17:58.53alexhopperfile: exactly
17:58.57brettnemfile[laptop]: he looks mostly harmless to me
17:59.12lovalvarfile[laptop] thankx it helped :) a lot to learn
17:59.28generalhanbrettnem: since you seem to be the guru in here right now lemme ask you another question
17:59.36brettnemhey, I'm a guru!
17:59.44yaaar_workbrettnem ++
17:59.53file[laptop]brettnem: congrats!!!
18:00.03generalhanhave you used the context = contextout command in the queues.conf before ?
18:00.04brettnemthank you! thank you my friends!
18:00.12file[laptop]minded: when you use a Goto to go to s-${DIALSTATUS} the ${EXTEN} then becomes it
18:00.38mindedk so what does tha tmean
18:00.51file[laptop]it means you can't do it like you're trying, because the extension turns into s-NOANSWER
18:00.54*** mode/#asterisk [-o bkw_] by bkw_
18:00.55file[laptop]instead of their actual extension
18:01.02brettnemright.. look, it's looking for a vm box called -NOANSWER
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18:01.15twisted[asteria]bkw is having a crisis.
18:01.19generalhanive been reading about it and it sounded so simple to impliment it, but i put it in the queue context that i want to use it in and it doesnt work at all
18:01.24file[laptop]so you could set a variable to their extension number, do the goto, and then use that variable
18:01.27bkw_na its ok
18:01.31twisted[asteria]or as katty would put it, bkw_ has insaned.
18:01.34brettnemgeneralhan: I think I did like 4 months ago.. why?
18:01.40mindedthan use USERID
18:01.42brettnemtwisted[asteria]: ha!
18:01.51bkw_its ok
18:01.56mindedhm so
18:01.58mindedinstead of
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18:02.07mindedexten => _XXX,5,Goto(s-${DIALSTATUS},1)
18:02.08brettnemminded: yeah you can save that ${EXTEN} into something else.
18:02.10mindedi would do
18:02.16file[laptop]bkw_: tomorrow is Tuesday, it can only get better
18:02.21generalhanwell its suposed to be just "context = <the context that i want it to go to> right ? and then on any number they press during the queue will take them out to that context ?
18:02.21mindedexten => _XXX,5,USEREXTEN=${EXTEN},Goto(s-${DIALSTATUS},1)
18:02.23brettnemminded: GOTO changes the value of${EXTEN}
18:02.34mindedwould that work brett?
18:02.36mindedexten => _XXX,5,USEREXTEN=${EXTEN},Goto(s-${DIALSTATUS},1)
18:02.44file[laptop]minded: you can't execute multiple things... and you have to use Set... to set a variable
18:02.53brettnemgeneralhan: sounds good.. what does the sample conf say?
18:02.58mindedok so on a line before that
18:03.10brettnemminded: fancy multitasking there eh? ;)
18:03.14generalhanthats what it says ! LOL
18:03.22generalhanso thats what i typed, but nothing
18:03.37file[laptop]then on the next line, your Goto
18:03.41file[laptop]then... yeah
18:03.50mindedthan i use
18:04.00mindedfor the voicemail()
18:04.04brettnemdamn wiki
18:05.56*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by ChanServ
18:05.56twisted[asteria]bkw_, pick a nick
18:06.06brettnembefore we pick one for you!
18:06.19file[laptop]just a slight indentity craze
18:06.21file[laptop]er identity
18:06.52brettnemgeneralhan: context=<somecontext name>
18:07.01brettnemshould work fine.. make sure it's under the right queue name
18:07.10bkwestI give up
18:07.13brettnemalt-tab hell
18:07.27generalhanbrettnem: crap, thats how i have it set too ... why wont this work for me ?
18:07.29Netgeeks*sigh* HEAD still has teh SIP registration bug....
18:07.41brettnemmaybe your extensions.conf for the outqueue is broken?
18:07.49mindedworks guys
18:07.54mindedyou all are amazing
18:07.57brettnemI need a sidecar for my taskbar!!
18:08.03brettnemminded: wahoo
18:08.18generalhanbrettnem: you mean where i have <somecontext name> defined ?
18:08.21Hmmhesayshmm, this guy should be happy, $130 per seat is el cheapo
18:08.32airwolfBrettnem, can SENDDTMF works for all gateway?
18:08.36brettnemgeneralhan: right.. that should map to a context in extensions.conf
18:08.44mindedhey i am a programmer, and i used to be a coder in #script on gamesnet, and I know what its like to help people and be unappreciated, but let me tell you brettnem and file[laptop], i really appreciate what you are doing :)
18:08.47brettnemairwolf: I have never, and hope to never, use SENDDTMF
18:08.55generalhani couldnt have done it wrong LOL its just a map to a VM box LOL
18:08.57file[laptop]minded: so I take it it worked?
18:09.00mindedyes sir
18:09.01mindedthank you
18:09.13brettnemminded: thanks for your appreciation. :)
18:09.16file[laptop]now, can you go on a killing spree for me?
18:09.24mindedfile[laptop] your name is very familiar
18:09.33mindedis freenode the only server you rae on
18:09.46file[laptop]but I was on the Asterisk Daily News site... if you read that
18:09.50mindedmaybe ive just seen you in here before
18:09.57brettnemairwolf: did DISA not do it for you?
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18:10.10mindedfile do you play mmorpg's?
18:10.16brettnemfile[laptop]'s a star.. on the front page of google he is
18:10.17file[laptop]I code, code, and code some more
18:10.26puowvipdo you code?
18:10.28Hmmhesayswhats a 16 port crisco switch go for these days?
18:10.34brettnemcrisco?? haha
18:11.43brettnemimail sucks
18:11.56brettnemit's official
18:12.23airwolfbrettnem, is this only 1 step dialing?
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18:12.29file[laptop]yeah, it's a bad day
18:12.29puzzledis box1 iax <-> nat  - internet - nat <-> iax box2 a problem with properly mapped portforwarding & cvs head?
18:12.33brettnemI love when thunderbird pops up "You have 0 new messages"
18:12.35file[laptop]it just got worse
18:12.43file[laptop]the support agents got ahold of my e-mail address
18:12.52Hmmhesaysbrettnem: its a little disappointing
18:12.56airwolfbrettnem, i still cannot get it
18:13.02docelm0What would cause a call to be rejected ( chan_iax2.c:5448 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from  if its setup in IAX.CONF?
18:13.21puzzleddocelm0: maybe an IP restriction with deny
18:13.24airwolfbut uset still have to wait for the dialtone then follow by the number ya?
18:13.27brettnemairwolf: have your sip phone auto dial a number.. 500 say.. then have exten=>500,Disa(no-password,sip-out)
18:13.54brettnemthen [sip-out] exten=>_NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/fxoport/${EXTEN}) or whatever..
18:14.04brettnemairwolf, isn't that what you wanted?
18:14.08mindedanyone ever setup a VNC
18:14.08JerJerdocelm0: you need a type=peer with host=dynamic
18:14.14mindedfor windows <-> Linux
18:14.20airwolfbut this will create 2 step dialing ya?
18:14.24brettnemactually.. that all seems off to me.
18:14.30airwolffirst dial 500 then
18:14.43brettnemairwolf: I'm a little sketchy with sip fxo interfaces since I never really need them.
18:14.48airwolfdial the pstn number again
18:14.59docelm0I have type=friend and host=hostname(static IP)
18:15.02brettnemcan you not dial right to the sip fxo?
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18:15.18docelm0This has never happened before..  There are no deny commands either.
18:15.29brettnemexten => NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/FXO/${EXTEN}) <--- just like that?
18:15.42airwolfcant do it this way
18:15.55airwolfbecause the gateway is register as a sip client in asterisk
18:16.04JerJerdocelm0:  then you cannot register
18:16.07brettnemsip client?
18:16.17*** join/#asterisk TripleFFF2sdf (
18:16.20puzzledhmm voip-info is not responding
18:16.22TripleFFF2sdfhey guys
18:16.23docelm0Its registered
18:16.27brettnempuzzled: yeah I saw that..
18:16.35airwolfjust consider as an extension
18:16.39brettnemyay google cache
18:16.55airwolfthen if u use dial then it will just open the FXo port and give u a dial tone
18:16.56TripleFFF2sdfqhickie.. anyreason i dial 401 as extensions realtime on a background cmd and i get 08 __ast_pbx_run: Invalid extension '4', but no rule 'i' in context
18:17.01brettnemairwolf: then you should be able to dial(SIP/FXO/${EXTEN})
18:17.09airwolfthen follow by the PSTN number u key in
18:17.22brettnemairwolf: is that how your device really works? are you SURE of that?
18:17.42TripleFFF2sdfwhy is not accepting 3 digit.. i stops at one digit
18:17.46TripleFFF2sdfbut i cant see why
18:18.03brettnemairwolf: you also might want tto try Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@IP.ADDRESS.FXO.DEVICE)
18:18.31Hmmhesaysyay! cylogistics finally got back to me
18:18.43file[laptop]Hmmhesays: and the verdict is, "go away we hate you"?
18:18.54brettnemairwolf: if your device REALLY is expecting -->DTMF<-- once you SIP connect to it then: Dial(SIP/FXO,,D(${EXTEN}))
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18:19.01Hmmhesayshow can they hate me file[laptop]
18:19.08file[laptop]I dunno
18:19.09file[laptop]you're too cute
18:19.32brettnemI'm soo hungry
18:19.38ComputerWarmhello all question i have placed a few mp3`s in to the the correct directory and then added this to musiconhold.conf default => mp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3,-z it says starting music on hold when i place someone on hold but i don`t hear anything?
18:19.47airwolfi am hungry too
18:19.54docelm0Does voicepulse have some funky way to register to their network?
18:20.03brettnemvoicepulse.. um.. sucks
18:20.10airwolf"Dial(SIP/FXO,,D(${EXTEN}))", what is the D for?
18:20.16brettnemBUT.. don't take my word for it.
18:20.23brettnemairwolf: show application dial
18:20.25Hmmhesaysif you are going to say something sucks, at least make an analogy as to what it sucks more than
18:20.44*** join/#asterisk MattH (
18:21.05airwolfsorry, i dont get it :(
18:21.10file[laptop]yay outside
18:21.15brettnemvoicepulse is to a vacumm cleaner as the sun is to shining
18:21.22TripleFFF2sdfbackground doesnt take X as argument for get exention # of digit
18:21.23MattHHi... curious.. does anyone know what would cause "multiple" key presses to be recorded by asterisk?  ie.. I dial *98 and when I get into voicemail I enter a password of 0000 and it comes through as 000000.. or I type in extension 233 and it gets 2333
18:21.37TripleFFF2sdfMattH try rfc or inband
18:21.43brettnemairwolf: go into asterisk.. from the CLI type "show application dial" and read it
18:21.46TripleFFF2sdfchange the dtmftone hingy
18:22.04MattHI'm using rfc .. I'll try inband
18:22.09MattHrfc has always worked fine for me
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18:22.17TripleFFF2sdfstill doesnt explain whuile exten 1,2,3 works but 401 402 403 doesnt..
18:22.25brettnemchanging from RFC to inband shouldn't make things better...
18:22.36TripleFFF2sdfsays 4 doesnt exist
18:22.41TripleFFF2sdfdoest wait for all of them
18:22.53TripleFFF2sdfis that dtmf issue as well ?
18:22.56file[laptop]rfc2833 ALL THE WAY
18:23.16airwolfbrettnem, My gateway have to configure the port to register to asterisk (just like a phone)
18:23.17brettnemit's the only way to be sure
18:23.25brettnemairwolf: got that
18:23.28airwolfso, when u dial just like dialing an extension
18:23.37MattHinband doesn't seem to work at all for me
18:23.41brettnemgo on?? yes?
18:23.42MattHRFC seems to be duplicating digits
18:23.44DrWho17hrm, does nanpa have documentation somewhere on call feature implementation?
18:24.01brettnemDrWho17: nanpa has docs on verticle feature codes.. is that what you want?
18:24.09DrWho17such as which should be handled in what order
18:24.20airwolfthen..if i send the dial command it will just open the FXO port (which is an extension to asterisk)
18:24.21brettnemwhich what should be handled? what are you talking about?
18:24.33DrWho17brettnem: well I know what the codes are
18:24.33airwolfi am not sure how to achieve 1 step dialing
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18:24.54DrWho17well, I mean should DND be done before callforwarding all
18:24.58brettnemairwolf: so if you were to just dial(sip/fxo) what do you get?
18:25.07airwolfa dial tome
18:25.22airwolfthen u got to key the PSTN number
18:25.24mindedif anyone has setup a VNC from windows to linux, please let me knkow
18:25.25brettnemDrWho17: ATIS might have some docs, but not NANPA.. they just give you
18:25.25DrWho17if there is a standard order to how the features should be implemented, I haven't tested this with Verizon
18:25.31brettnemairwolf: then do what I told you
18:25.43brettnemDrWho17: no
18:25.54brettnemDrWho17: ATIS might have some recommendations..
18:26.10DrWho17ok, I just wanted to follow the standard if their is one
18:26.17brettnemheh.. good luck
18:26.42brettnemminded: it's pretty much the same thing
18:26.52mindedfor some reason its not workin for me
18:26.58brettnemminded: you ran vncserver?
18:27.00airwolfwhat i wanna achieve is if i dial 01862889125, it will trip the 018 and pass the PSTN number direct to the gateway PXO port in 1 step
18:27.02hardwireI keep finding different bugs around the office
18:27.06hardwiremoreso than I used to ever find
18:27.08brettnemthen it gave you a terminal number?
18:27.10hardwireI think we have a leak
18:27.22blitzrageairwolf: ${EXTEN:3}
18:27.33brettnemairwolf: yes do what I told you.. Dial(SIP/FXO,,D(${EXTEN:3}))
18:27.54brettnemblitzrage: he's using a SIP FXO device that you can't pass the outbound exten in the URI..
18:28.07airwolfBrettnem, alright .i will try and let u know ^_^
18:28.13airwolfThanks a lot
18:28.47hardwireI never would have thought of incorperating AIM/MSN with Asterisk for CID
18:28.56hardwireor.. anything for that matter
18:28.58JerJerwe can't take much more of this Capitan
18:29.30tzangeryeah that does look cool
18:29.38tzangerhardwire: I did it with jabber a while back
18:29.47blitzragebrettnem: ahhh, I didn't really read the scrollback :)
18:29.49hardwiretzanger: that owuld be spiff
18:30.06hardwiretzanger: I wanted to do something similar.. with the use of google for map lookups if a valid phonebook entry was foudn
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18:30.43hardwirealso I wanted to rewrite the Caller ID based off of what google returns :)
18:30.49tzangerit's pretty straightforward
18:31.07blitzrageJerJer: me too
18:31.22tzangeryikes jerjer uses mirc
18:31.33tzangerman I gotta transfer my service off to another provider now... I feel... dirty
18:31.49blitzragemirc is the root of all that is evil
18:31.57brettnemtzanger: but.... he uses VNC and leaves it running on there...
18:32.14tzangerbrettnem: I use irssi and do it with screen
18:32.15hardwirehow can you think with that desktop
18:32.24blitzragebrettnem: ditto
18:32.38blitzragetzanger: ditty
18:32.42brettnemtzanger: I use miau irc_bouncer. very cool
18:32.49blitzragefuck, I'm going to eat - brain no worky
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18:32.57brettnemeat brains?
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18:33.49blitzragegah... mirc, MS VC++, trillian and Netscape - JerJer, I used to have respect for you! :)
18:34.18brettnemwait to you hear what nufone is running on top of!!!
18:34.39blitzrageI heard NuFone runs on Win 3.0 :)
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18:35.08brettnemI thought it was just a fancy TSR that ran from autoexec.bat at boot?
18:35.14brettnemhit ALT-N for nufone!
18:35.20blitzragebrettnem: woh woh... thats WAY too complicated :)
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18:35.58mindedthe linux vnc is working but
18:36.08mindedwe cant like.. access files on the machine
18:36.12mindedall i see is a terminal window
18:36.24brettnemwell that's probably not supported by the server
18:36.27brettnemblitzrage: thanks
18:36.32mindedim using realvnc
18:36.36JerJerblitzrage:  that is from a year ago and a customer paid for that crap
18:36.38brettnemthe server.. server.
18:36.59mindeddo you know how i can get support for it
18:37.00hardwireminded: vnc isn't for file sharing.
18:37.04brettnemminded: use SCP instead of VNC.. really
18:37.06tzangerI wonder how good the Coldfire's MAC would be at the general DSP stuff asterisk needs
18:37.08Hmmhesaysare people retarded.. geebus, a 90 seat phone system is going to cost MONEY
18:37.10mindedSCP ?
18:37.20brettnemcp over ssh
18:37.28hardwireminded: use a file sharing protocol.. vs a terminal sharing protocol
18:37.37brettnemlook it up.. it's like FTP but goes over SSH and is encrypted and fun
18:37.43mindedk so
18:37.45Hmmhesaysunder $200 dollars a seat is a damn good price
18:37.48mindedi can do windows to linux
18:37.49mindedand vice versa
18:37.50mindedwith scp
18:37.59brettnemminded: winscp
18:37.59hardwireminded: google is the way
18:38.18*** join/#asterisk GaVa (n=fernando@
18:38.24mindedwhy search on google when you have mr. technology (brettnem) here :)
18:38.30brettnemHmmhesays: at my last job, we had those fancy mesh chairs.. those were like $800 per seat
18:38.38Hmmhesayshahah brettnem
18:38.39GaVaanyone here has used sipp?
18:38.48h3xThere is now a new VNC that does file transfer and other things
18:38.48hardwireminded: because your newbness is killing my coffee buzz.
18:38.53brettnemGaVa: I have
18:39.03mindedim just a little confused cuz
18:39.05Hmmhesaystightvnc has done file transfer for as long as I can remember
18:39.08GaVabrettnem: are you familiar with the rtp echo feature?
18:39.08brettnemwe all start off newbies
18:39.11hardwirebrettnem: dare you poke me!
18:39.17mindedi have stuff open on the linux computer
18:39.19brettnemGaVa: actually, I didn't use the echo
18:39.21mindedthat i cant see on the vnc
18:39.25mindedlike my asterisk console
18:39.25h3xits for windows only though
18:39.27hardwirebrettnem: and I killed a lot of peoples good moods too :)
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18:39.38Hmmhesaysthere is tightvnc for X
18:39.39hardwireI am a newb at all sorts of things :)
18:39.54Hmmhesaysbut i dunno why you need it, winscp3 works fine
18:39.59h3xUltra VNC is the opposite, it does its best to make the screen look identical
18:40.02GaVabrettnem: how do i send media to a specific port on my machine? cause that's how the rtp echo thoing works..
18:40.03fugitivovnc is bad
18:40.05brettnemminded: winscp works really nicely.
18:40.05h3xusing DDI
18:40.20fugitivothere're better options
18:40.20mindedwill winscp give me access to the desktop like VNC should
18:40.20Hmmhesaysi tried blowing smoke signals into the computer
18:40.30ariel_hello everyone
18:40.38brettnemminded: it will work just like FTP.. but encrypted and nice.
18:40.43brettnemin fact.. it looks like ftp
18:40.44[hC]Hmm.. Anyone know what would cause this? When I place a call from my * box that is directly connected to one of my voip peers, calls work flawlessly. When I place a call from another * box, that dials THRU my main & box to the peer, I only get one side of the audio. I am using IAX2 and cvs head from last night ( up until last night i was using cvs head from feb., same issue) and g729. All boxes have properly licensed g729 codecs, and sometimes the calls DO wo
18:40.46Hmmhesaysminded: it will give you access to the files on that particular machine, in a windows like fashion if you desire
18:40.47fugitivominded: scp is secure copy, only copy trought a secure shell
18:40.48[hC]im totally confused.
18:41.06mindedscp is how i will do file sharing with the server
18:41.12brettnemGaVa: not entirely sure. I'm pretty sure sipp can set all that up..
18:41.13h3xhc, notransfer=yes
18:41.19fugitivominded: it's not file sharing, it's file copy
18:41.25brettnemscp != sharing.. just copy
18:41.26mindedhowever, we are moving the box to another location, and i need VNC to let me watch and reload etc the asterisk console
18:41.32mindedk, file copy
18:41.38festr_hello, anyone could help me with queues?
18:41.50brettnemVNC to watch you reload the asterik console?!
18:41.51fugitivominded: huh? use ssh for that
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18:41.56brettnemWAIT a sec..
18:42.01jaikefestr: whats ur q?
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18:42.09brettnemfirst.. get RID of X!! don't use a graphical interface
18:42.09RoyK:%s/te410p/a104/g :)
18:42.22mindedi have VNC set up right now, and i can see the linux desktop, but i CANT see the terminals that are open on the linux box
18:42.26[hC]h3x: i want that, or i dont want that.
18:42.27brettnemssh in.. use that to reload asterisk and stuff.
18:42.33GaVabrettnem: u give it a port to listen to, it echoes what comes into that port. but how do I send media to that port? that's not a sipp issue per se, more of a general linux thing...
18:42.44festr_jaike: i've queue roundrobin strategy, but if one of dynamic agents is in ringing state, no more calls to members is made
18:42.46brettnemminded: if you are using a system with X-windows with asterisk, you are asking for a world of pain.
18:42.51mindedlol im so confused, i have 10 people telling me different things!
18:43.00[hC]h3x: that prevents native bridging from occurring, right?
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18:43.06fugitivominded: everybody will tell you NOT TO USE X
18:43.08Hmmhesaysyou will learn young padawa
18:43.08mindedthe box that has * on it is using fedora linux
18:43.10brettnemGaVa: your SDP comming from sipp (presumably in your xml call files) specifies that)
18:43.16mindedwhat is X?
18:43.26JerJercurrent view:
18:43.39Hmmhesaysyou can't fake you're tired when the bottles your best friend
18:43.41jaikefestr: how do you agents join the queue? agentcallbacklogin?
18:43.42GaVabrettnem: ok, thnx, i'll do some testing
18:43.44brettnemminded: do NOT use any kind of graphical interface.. no X, no gnome, no KDE, no motif.. nada!
18:43.52hardwireJerJer: thats better
18:43.53mindedso realvnc is a no no
18:43.56festr_jaike: no, dynamic adding via manager
18:43.56mutilatori'de get this because... ?
18:43.57mutilatormake -C  SUBDIRS=/usr/src/zaptel modules
18:43.57mutilatormake: *** SUBDIRS=/usr/src/zaptel: No such file or directory.  Stop.
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18:44.06brettnemJerJer: very respectable. :)
18:44.09mindedcorrect brett?
18:44.12jaikehmmm..i do mine via the login
18:44.13mindedrealvnc = no go
18:44.15festr_jaike: for example, location is Zap/g2/number
18:44.23hardwireJerJer: mine looks just like that.. except dual 1280x1024
18:44.25[hC]Is there a potential issue with audio being screwed up in one direction when allowing native bridging to occur?
18:44.25brettnemminded: do NOT NOT NOTNOTNOTNOTNOTNOTNOTNO use xwindows of anykind..
18:44.25fugitivominded: reinstall your asterisk box, select "Server" in the installation, start from that
18:44.35hardwireand I don't freaking use gaim for IRC :)
18:44.37hardwirebut I will live
18:44.44mindedguy sseirously im so confused
18:44.51mindedreinstall my asterisk box/
18:44.55mindedthat doesnt make sense
18:44.55jaikeminded: just edit /etc/inittab..and change default init from 5 to 3
18:45.08fugitivominded: maybe you should learn some basic linux stuff before going with asterisk
18:45.15hardwirefugitivo is right.
18:45.15mindedasterisk is setup
18:45.16mindedit works
18:45.16festr_jaike: si the scenario is, when there is few customers in the queue and one of dynamic member is not taking calls for 30sec, but the second could answer the call immidiatly there is problem
18:45.25mindedthere is nothing wrong with asterisk
18:45.27brettnemhe doesn't need to reinstall.
18:45.34h3xminded, running a GUI on a asterisk box will affect voice quality
18:45.36brettnemjust stop the x-windows stuff..
18:45.37JerJerhardwire:  i broke down and picked up a dual output nVidia card
18:45.45hardwireJerJer: thats what I have
18:45.47JerJersimply couldn't make linux initialize two video cards
18:45.50hardwiredual DVI to my monitors
18:45.52mindedhow am i going to control the linux box from a remote location
18:45.56festr_jaike: i could solve this to change strategy to ringall, but i need to make every call to the first member and only when he is bussy to the second
18:45.58brettnemminded. can you ssh into it?
18:46.04mindedlet me check
18:46.04h3xJerJer: you need the new asus board with dual PCI-Express 16x slots
18:46.05jaikefestr: use least recent
18:46.07brettnemminded: SSH is the typical way to manage it..
18:46.12hardwireJerJer: bah.. its simple to do.. but GLX and a few other things can be tricky
18:46.15h3xthen you can run 4 heads
18:46.15JerJeri've got two 19 inch Dell monitors  - Flat screen, CRT
18:46.17brettnemminded: 100% text based
18:46.20h3x6 with matrox boards
18:46.21jaikeor lower your wrapuptime
18:46.22hardwireh3x: thats my next step.. the ASUS with dual 16x
18:46.27hardwireand tri head setup
18:46.30h3xhardwire: hell yeah
18:46.32hardwirefor my BZFlag pleasure
18:46.34brettnemminded: figure out how to ssh into it.. and we'll move forward.
18:46.40mindedok so
18:46.40fugitivoJerJer: that means lot of space!
18:46.56hardwireh3x: thanks to some peoples help I got dual head + glx working sans twinview.. which proves trihead + glx should work perfectly
18:47.00mutilatoranyone know why i get that error when compilin zaptel?
18:47.01jaikeminded: use putty for ssh login..winscp for copying files
18:47.10mindedputty, thats the program name
18:47.22mindedk, ill look at it real quick, sec
18:47.30JerJerfugitivo: yeah i have a huge charcoal colored desk - almost half of which is taken up by monitors
18:47.42klasstekGL works fine on multiple monitors with the ATI cards.
18:48.12fugitivoi'm using dual head with ati and linux 64bit
18:48.25mindedseems to me ssh is designed for people that know linux a bit better than i
18:48.28brettnemputty good
18:48.39brettnemminded: start using it.. and you'll know linux better
18:48.49h3xthey are bars that hold two monitors
18:48.49brettnemyou HAVE to do it this way..
18:48.52h3xi can go vertical with them if i want too
18:48.55fugitivominded: is the only way to know linux
18:49.02mindedcan you tell me why i dont want to use vnc
18:49.05mutilatorthere a problem with zaptel in cvs?
18:49.06hardwireto know :)
18:49.06mindedother than DONT USE IT!!!!!
18:49.21brettnemX-windows takes up too cpu resources
18:49.34hardwiremutilator: hello there monkey boy
18:49.36mindedok so, it will affect the quality of the sound on the asterisk server, if i use it?
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18:49.44fugitivominded: first, you don't need innecesary programs using your cpu power in your server
18:49.52mutilatorhey hardwire
18:49.54brettnemyes, it will hurt your performance terribly.
18:49.54h3xminded: dude, asterisk interface is text anyway
18:49.58h3xuse screen and ssh
18:50.02mindedwhat is screen?
18:50.07brettnemheh.. don't worry about screen!
18:50.12brettnemstart with ssh
18:50.15fugitivominded: second, it's possible that you'll have quality problems with asterisk + X
18:50.24h3xscreen lets you detach a text session
18:50.28sylesomeone does not know what screen is ....can you say nooob!
18:50.34h3xand lets you have multiple "virtual consoles" under one session
18:50.40brettnemhey, we all start off as nooobs.. be nice
18:50.42Qwellh3x: more importantly, screen lets you reattach from elsewhere
18:50.50h3xQwell: Exactly
18:50.56h3xand id imagine that is why hes asking about vnc
18:50.59brettnemyes, and it's confusing for someone new to the console.. so lets not confuse him with that.
18:51.06DrWho17use ssh to manage your asterisk server, or http at worst
18:51.18h3xWell screen aint that hard to use
18:51.20JerJerbrettnem:  no, people have to take some initiative themselves
18:51.28fugitivominded: you shouldn't use X in your servers, X is for a desktop computer
18:52.02mindedi will not use x
18:52.05mindedi can use ssh
18:52.13mindedmy boss said he would rather use ssh anyways
18:52.16sylecause you use windowsxp for a client and linux for a server
18:52.17mindedinstead of visual
18:52.29mindedputty, is a good choice
18:52.31brettnemok, so you can kill your x-session with "telinit 3" but really you should edit /etc/inittab and change your default runlevel to 3 instead of 5
18:52.38brettnemputty is very good yes
18:52.45mindedwhy cant i just do
18:52.48mindedor whatever
18:52.48jaikeif u use vnc...99% of your resources will go to X and vnc..1% will go to asterisk
18:52.57brettnemjaike: well put
18:53.03mutilatorah nvm
18:53.06brettnemminded: you want to make sure the x-server is NOT running
18:53.09mutilatorneeded the kernel sources
18:53.12brettnemand doesn't start
18:53.15syleputty is gay, get securecrt
18:53.23brettnemputty is fine..
18:53.27mindedso change /etc/inittab default from 5 to 3
18:53.31mindedk sec, let me go do that
18:53.34sylewell maybe for you
18:53.39sylebut for peopel that do alot no
18:53.58brettnemwhat is wrong with putty?? not enough whistles and bells for you??
18:54.16coldfeetguys I have a mysql query select id from subs where username='calleridnum' or username='exten';
18:54.16syleconsidering my life is spent in ssh i want a nice interface yes
18:54.25mindedk i changed
18:54.29brettnemheh, and why is putty not a nice interface?
18:54.30mindedid:5:default... to id:3:default
18:54.43brettnemminded: good.. now you'll never automagically go X
18:54.45coldfeetnow sometimes this returns two ID's cause calleridnum and exten exist in the db, if this is the case how can I select just the first ID only on these cases
18:54.49mindedok now
18:54.56mindedi have to download the source for putty on linux box
18:55.04mindedok phew
18:55.06file[laptop]coldfeet: LIMIT 1?
18:55.07mindedi didnt want to do that
18:55.12brettnemhow are you in your box now?
18:55.23mindedim talking to you from my laptop, the linux box is right next to me
18:55.26coldfeetfile : I cant believ it I am missin all the obvious ones today
18:55.35sylethis is #asterisk not #linux
18:55.37brettnemoh, so you are making your mods fromthe terminal?
18:55.50mindedya im changing things from the actual box
18:55.53fugitivominded: honestly, you should learn some basic linux stuff
18:56.03brettnemok, get putty for your PC.. and ssh to your other box
18:56.16mindedfugitivo: i really dont have a desire to know linux right now, im just trying to set this up for my boss (who knows linux)
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18:56.19adelasdo u guys know where the AMP files are stored at? the default ones?
18:56.22mindedi have a deadline, the end of the day to have this setup
18:56.24generalhanbrettnem: i changed the default queue-thankyou message to one of my own in the queue.conf .... but it still plays other ones ... how can i disable any of them but the one that i recorded ?? please tell me you know how !!
18:56.29mindednot really enough time to leanr linux
18:56.36DrWho17minded: just turn up telnet, and use telnet
18:56.39coldfeetfile: didnt work, it returns one but the incorrect one :-)
18:56.44DrWho17what distro is it
18:56.48fugitivominded: you don't have the desire to learn linux, but you came here for help?
18:56.52brettnemoh come on guys
18:57.02DrWho17brettnem: doesn't he want to manage asterisk remotely?
18:57.05brettnemhow about gopher?
18:57.05mindedactually i came here for asterisk help, and brettnem helped me
18:57.13mindedand now hes willing to help me with this too
18:57.16minded... is that ok?
18:57.17sylewhere is a kick op when you need one
18:57.18JerJergo buy Sysmaster
18:57.19brettnemyes.. you can use ssh just like telnet.. it's easy.. really
18:57.21DrWho17brettnem: most linux distro's have telnet standard, windows has a telnet client
18:57.24brettnemPFFFT sysmaster
18:57.37mindedok brett, im downloading putty onto my laptop right now
18:57.39brettnemputty easy to get.. and ssh is usually set up.. really
18:57.47JerJerbrettnem:  as long as they are supporting Digium, they are ok with me
18:58.11fugitivominded: the only help you're receiving right now is linux help, that's why you should learn linux basics, asterisk runs under linux
18:58.28jaikeminded: join #linux :)
18:58.33mindedmy asterisk is fine, i set it all up already and its working fine, i just want to know how to work with it from a remote location lol
18:58.47fugitivominded: join #linux then
18:58.56DrWho17ok, install ssh then
18:58.56coldfeetI guess what I am looking for is that if both calleridnum and exten return a value then the query should just select for calleridnum, or vice versa, if select id from subs where username='calleridnum' returns nothing then do the second query
18:58.56mindedwhy, brettnem is helping me just fine
18:58.59brettnemjeeze guys.
18:59.09mindedok brett, i have putty running here
18:59.13Pakipenguinmy asterisk aint doing any transcoding at all :(
18:59.14mindednow what on the linux box again
18:59.21fugitivominded: because your help is OFFTOPIC ?
18:59.28Pakipenguinhow do i enable it to do transcoding ?
18:59.31sylebrett you should join him, most people in here have like 10 years of unix exp , this is disruptive
18:59.34Pakipenguinlike from gsm -> ulaw
18:59.46*** part/#asterisk jdg (
18:59.54DrWho17coldfeet: can't you do a gotoif based on the result of the query?
19:00.12generalhanANYONE: i changed the default queue-thankyou message to one of my own in the queue.conf .... but it still plays other ones ... how can i disable any of them but the one that i recorded ?? please tell me someone knows how !!
19:00.26mindedbrettnem: can i pm u
19:00.28brettnemgeneralhan: try to blank out the variables..
19:00.37generalhanhmm ok
19:00.47jaikegeneralhan: record blank wav files
19:01.15generalhanso just for each of the "queue-youarenext"  in the queue context put a "queue-youarenext =  " ??
19:01.19coldfeetDrWho17: let me try but what do I check for I mean which variable after mysql shows that there was a result
19:01.40DrWho17what method are you using in asterisk to read from your database?
19:01.42generalhanJaike: i dont want to do that, cause some of my queues i use those defaults just not in this specific one
19:02.41jaikequeue-youarenext = silent.wav
19:02.50coldfeetMysql query ${connid} select blah blah
19:03.08coldfeetQuery resultid ${connid} select phplib_id from subscriber where username='${CALLERIDNUM}' or username='${NEWNUM}'
19:03.16generalhanthen at the frequency that i request the caller will hear a break in the hold music while that tries to play
19:03.34fugitivogeneralhan: comment the lines
19:03.51generalhanfugitivo: comment which lines ?
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19:03.58jaikei think commenting the lines dont work
19:04.11coldfeetthis works great if caller inbound is from pstn cause calleridnum is non-existant in my DB, but when ip to IP they both exist and hence I get to phplib_id which then sends calls to wrong context
19:04.26ComputerWarmhey do you guys know much about pwlib?
19:04.26lovalvarhow can I terminate a call based on CREDIT ? how can this be done
19:04.30coldfeetwhat I want is really when calleridnum dont exist, then do the second query
19:04.46JerJerlovalvar:  write a call rating system
19:04.57jaikemake silent.wav really short..millisecs
19:05.15Corydon-wNo... nobody knows much about pwlib
19:05.23hhrpwhy would i have 3 processes mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -b 2048 -f 8192 keinelust.mp3
19:05.31Hmmhesaysi bet craig southeren knows a hell of a lot about pwlib
19:05.33mindedhow  are you supposed to get help in #linux :x
19:05.33jerokeinelust lol
19:05.35hhrpits my musicon hold
19:05.42DrWho17coldfeet: if the calleridnum doesn't exist in your table then goto the second query?
19:05.49hhrpnobody listening to it now
19:05.51Pakipenguinhow do i know how many g729 lisc. i have ?
19:06.00hhrpbut i got 3 processes in bg
19:06.02Corydon-wHmmhesays: yeah, well, besides him and all the other openh323 weenies... ;-)
19:06.02fugitivominded: first you should show the others, that you WANT to learn linux
19:06.25Hmmhesaysopenh323, had done more for the voip community than you probably realize
19:06.27Hmmhesaysdon't knock it
19:06.37generalhanI just did the "queue-youarenext = " and it worked perfectly, it didnt even call on that file ! just so everyone knows that seems to be the best way to get that done !!! thanks Brettnem ! good call !
19:06.40generalhanthanks everyone for you help !
19:06.43mindedfugitivo: i dont think you understand, i only have to get this 1 thing done, than i will not touch this linux box ever again
19:06.56ComputerWarmHmmhesays agre... do you know about pwlib?
19:07.02fugitivominded: that way you won't receive any help
19:07.09Corydon-wHmmhesays: Just because I'm forced to run H.323 doesn't mean I have to like it... :-P
19:07.15jaikehmmm..i did that didnt work for me..had to record silent wavs
19:07.18mindedright, because help is only for linux experts, forgot
19:07.22jaikegeneralhan: what version you using now?
19:07.26mindedyou dont need help til ur an expert, k bbl
19:07.27Hmmhesaysif they hadn't done the work on openh323 I doubt voip would be where it is today
19:07.36HmmhesaysComputerWarm: i don't know a lot about pwlib
19:07.41DrWho17GotoIf($[${CALLERIDNUM} = ""]?<priority success>:<priority failure>) after the query,
19:07.52generalhani dunno ! LOL
19:07.58generalhanwhat do i type to find out ?
19:07.58jaikeshow version
19:08.03ComputerWarmHmmhesays should be simple. but i am unsure as to why i am getting this error ln: `': File exists make: *** [install] Error 1
19:08.18Corydon-wHmmhesays: In a way you're right... if the steaming pile of donkey dung hadn't been around, nobody would have expended the effort to make a better protocol...
19:08.20hhrpso why would i have 4 of those running?
19:08.29fugitivominded: nobody wants to help someone that isn't interested in learning
19:08.33Corydon-wHmmhesays: or so you may think
19:08.41mindedsure im interested in learning, what i need to know :)
19:08.52HmmhesaysCorydon-w: i hardly think h323 is a steaming pile of donkey dung
19:08.56jaikeill stl 1.0.7
19:09.00fugitivominded: ok, search in google what you need then
19:09.11JerJerHmmhesays: W O R D
19:09.15mindedbeen doing it all day bro, beat ya to it :)
19:09.24coldfeetanyone know howto check for a NULL result from mysql other than using count
19:09.30JerJerSIP isn't that much better, unfortunately
19:09.36hhrpanyone check ps-ax see how many mpg123 do you have
19:09.45JerJerhhrp: all of them
19:09.45Qwellhhrp: 12
19:09.52Hmmhesaysh323 still transports thousands of calls a day, probably an hour
19:09.52hhrpall same?
19:10.15JerJerHmmhesays:  more and more are moving to SIP
19:10.18Corydon-wHmmhesays: and lemmings still run en masse over cliffs... your point?
19:10.29JerJerand IAX is growing quite nicely as well
19:10.31mutilatori build walls!@!@
19:10.37mutilatori save my lemmings
19:10.41Pakipenguinhow do i know how many g729 lisc. i have?
19:10.58HmmhesaysJerJer: of course, however, to say h323 is a bad protocol is just ignorant
19:10.59DrWho17how much money did it cost
19:10.59docelm0show g729
19:11.13Hmmhesaysh323 had its place, and did its job, relatively well
19:11.20JerJerfor its time
19:11.22jaikeshow much did u pay digium?
19:11.23Corydon-wHmmhesays: I never said it was a bad protocol... just a steaming pile...
19:11.26JerJernow we need to progress
19:11.26jaikehow much did u pay digium?
19:11.30Pakipenguinnope nothing
19:11.35Pakipenguini paid for 4
19:11.38HmmhesaysCorydon-w: that doesn't make any sense
19:11.41Pakipenguinbut show g729 shows nothing :(
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19:11.51hhrpif you pay for 4
19:11.55hhrpwill 10 work?
19:11.57Hmmhesaysunless i'm a misinterpreting the meaning of 'steaming pile'
19:11.57JerJerPakipenguin:  did you register the licenses ?
19:12.08Pakipenguini did JerJer :(
19:12.15Corydon-wHmmhesays: you're taking this too literally
19:12.17JerJerPakipenguin:  contact Digium
19:12.26Pakipenguini am doing it
19:12.39hhrpwhy pay when there are free ones
19:12.58Hmmhesaysit seems to me you are making unfounded statements
19:13.03JerJerhhrp: there are  not free ones
19:13.07Pakipenguinhhrp: where where?
19:13.08JerJerG.729 is a patented process
19:13.12hhrpthere are by intel
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19:13.38Hmmhesaysdon't get me wrong, I don't do much with h323 anymore, but it was a decent protocol for the time
19:13.47JerJerHmmhesays:  H.323 to this day still suffers major interoperability problems
19:13.52fugitivoisn't g729 free in some countries?
19:13.54DrWho17don't the free ones suck, and violate asterisk's license?
19:14.02generalhanJaike: it didnt work as well as i thought
19:14.05jaikejust wondering..what protocol does vonage use?
19:14.09DrWho17just reference implementations haxored
19:14.12Qwelljaike: sip
19:14.12hhrpmy works perfect
19:14.18ComputerWarmdoes anyone know how to resolve this error with pwlib ln: `': File exists make: *** [install] Error 1
19:14.27JerJerthe free ones are not optimized, violates the GPL and threatons Digium's ability to provide G.729 legally
19:14.33HmmhesaysJerJer: i'm aware, and i'm not saying h323 is great, or flawless or anything like that
19:14.36DrWho17jaike: I think the customer can set the codecs
19:14.43fugitivoJerJer: isn't g729 free in some countries?
19:14.45Hmmhesaysbut coming in here and saying h323 sucks, just to say it sucks is ignorant
19:14.51DrWho17they advertise faxing too, I'd like to know how they handle that
19:15.19generalhanJaike: it does clip all those out ... but it still uses others of them !LOL. so instead of saying "there are 2 calls waiting"  i deleted "thereare" and "calls waiting" so it just says "TWO" if im the second in queue ~~~ LOL
19:15.37jaikeyup....we fax via vonage...wonder why its better...having problems faxing with asterisk
19:16.02DrWho17jaike: well, they have you use a second port, which is probably g.711
19:16.08generalhanso i would have to go through and actually say to stop those in each context which means a line for every possible word they could say !
19:16.09brettnemjaike: probably because they don't use asterisk :P
19:16.14DrWho17but it is over voip, and analog -> digital
19:16.18brettnemgeneralhan: glad that worked for you
19:16.22generalhanbrettnem: your plan was ALMOST perfect !!
19:16.24DrWho17conversion takes place
19:16.30brettnemgeneralhan: almost..
19:16.39generalhanit still says the numbers ! LOL
19:16.54generalhanso instead of saying "there are 2 calls waiting" it just says "two"
19:17.13jaikeannounce-holdtime = 0
19:17.16generalhanso i would have to, in each context, put in every recorded word that they might say and put a space in there
19:17.35jaikeannounce-holdtime = 1                           ; When to announce holdtime: 0 = never, -1 = every announcement, 1 = once
19:17.36generalhanJaike: then i dont get to play my recorded message whenever i want
19:18.10jaikehmmm...thats a problem
19:18.11blitzrageOT: anyone ever export calendar data from Outlook 2003 to .ics (iCal) format?
19:18.12generalhani have a recording that says something like "all reps are busy please wait" that i want to play at a frequency of 60 seconds, so i NEED that line in there
19:18.25brettnemblitzrage: I have for calendar sharing
19:18.51brettnemgeneralhan: that's not the holdtime
19:19.12jaikegeneralhan: asterisk *is* a version 1 product
19:19.13ComputerWarmdoes anyone know of a channel that supports h323?
19:19.15blitzragebrettnem: I'm trying to get rid of Outlook, just wondering if you know of a little app to export the data from Outlook so I can import it into my ICS system?
19:19.18blitzragefile[laptop]: zup?
19:19.26file[laptop]blitzrage: oh, nothing much... you??
19:19.27QwellComputerWarm: h323
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19:19.30brettnemblitzrage: well..
19:19.32*** part/#asterisk zaf (
19:19.33blitzragefile[laptop]: just got back from shopping :)
19:19.40file[laptop]blitzrage: shopping can be good
19:19.44Corydon-wComputerWarm: have you, oh, I dunno, perhaps, maybe, TRIED IT?
19:19.44file[laptop]blitzrage: what'cha get
19:19.45ComputerWarmQwell there is no one in that channel already tried it
19:19.48brettnemblitzrage: outlook does have a calendar publish thingy.. that could do it.
19:19.53Qwelloh, irc channel?
19:19.54blitzragefile[laptop]: new backpack and a couple pairs of sunglasses
19:19.59file[laptop]blitzrage: yay
19:19.59generalhanbrettnem: can i use something like announce-holdtime=0 for announce-queueposition = 0 ??????
19:20.01blitzragebrettnem: oh yah?  hrmmmm
19:20.09ComputerWarmCorydon-w you really have a problem
19:20.11generalhanis there a command for that ?
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19:20.25QwellComputerWarm: That'd be like somebody starting a channel for http, sip, ftp, etc
19:20.25jaikemy problem with the queue is how to set the recording file name to include the receiving extension number
19:20.26Corydon-wComputerWarm: no shit, Sherlock
19:20.42ComputerWarmCorydon-w go fuck yourself
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19:20.57QwellComputerWarm: way to get yourself help
19:21.00Corydon-wComputerWarm: I have a problem with people who ask incessantly without trying it out for themselves...
19:21.08Corydon-wComputerWarm: the same way the rest of us learned.
19:21.23generalhanbrettnem: any idea if that's possible ?
19:21.34Corydon-wIf you don't want to learn, go PAY SOMEONE to do it for you
19:21.41Darwin35yes got my trackballback
19:21.46ComputerWarmCorydon-w all i have been asking for is help with one problem. i don`t need to hear a bunch of shit
19:22.01brettnemgeneralhan: try it and let us know
19:22.06JerJerComputerWarm: i don't recall you asking a specific question
19:22.14generalhanwell i did ! LOL
19:22.22generalhanqueueposition isnt a valid command !
19:22.24Corydon-wGo compile the channel for yourself... The instructions are plain as day, and if you follow the instructions, you WILL get a channel
19:22.31ComputerWarmJerJer ya i was asking if any one knew how to resolve a error
19:22.42*** join/#asterisk {Agatha} (n=berezovs@
19:22.45Corydon-wComputerWarm: have you read the README?
19:22.51brettnemgeneralhan: you're just going to have to work with it some..
19:22.53ComputerWarmYES I HAVE
19:22.57Corydon-wIt says how to resolve that error EXPLICITLY
19:23.14brettnemwahoo it's warming up in here!
19:23.16fugitivoI agree with Corydon-W
19:23.20*** part/#asterisk {Agatha} (n=berezovs@
19:23.28generalhanbrettnem: i mean i guess i could just go and put in the filename for every recorded number in the context with a "= " too
19:23.36generalhani just dont want to type that much ! LOL
19:23.42ComputerWarmblah there is really no point in asking for help in this channel.
19:23.47blitzragejbot: gwypf is Get What You Pay For - this channel is full of volunteers who are here to help you. However, we can't hold your hand. If you need a specific problem solved immediately, there is a list of for-hire consultants located at:
19:23.47jbotblitzrage: okay
19:24.04brettnemgeneralhan: there is a way to do it.
19:24.19*** join/#asterisk angrek (
19:24.19brettnemblitzrage: nice
19:24.24blitzragebrettnem: :D
19:24.39generalhanbrettnem: are you sure about that ? or are you just saying there SHOULD be some way ?
19:25.12brettnemgeneralhan: upon closer inspection of my previous comment.. I stick with it
19:25.33jbotextra, extra, read all about it, gwypf is Get What You Pay For - this channel is full of volunteers who are here to help you. However, we can't hold your hand. If you need a specific problem solved immediately, there is a list of for-hire consultants located at:
19:26.00jaikethere are a lot of things i wish asterisk queues could do..but for a free product...its great
19:26.09Qwelljaike: send in a patch
19:26.24brettnembtw: we probably want it to do that too
19:26.34blitzragejaike: and it keeps getting better if you create a patch to add/fix functionality - if you can't program, pay someone else to do it, and contribute back!
19:26.53brettnemlots of ways to contribute..
19:27.03blitzragebrettnem: agreed - WRITE DOCS!
19:27.05brettnemor be like JerJer and buy lots of digium stuff!!
19:27.24generalhanALL of Diguims stuff
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19:27.36brettnemstuff? or staff?
19:28.06jaikejust got digium cards for 2 pri
19:28.10DrWho17what happend to Digium's channelized DS3 card?
19:28.17file[laptop]what channelized DS3 card?
19:28.21file[laptop]oh THAT channelized DS3 card
19:28.21generalhanok no more thinking without food ... im outta here !
19:28.53DrWho17oh, haven't been following it closely, but saw an announcement some time back
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19:29.25jpmcallisterHello everyone
19:30.00brettnemok.. free support for me is over for today.. see ya guys
19:30.25coldfeetguys in order to enter in select count(*) in extensions.conf,m does the (*) need to be escaped, have tried \(*\)
19:30.56jaikecya brettnem..ill park here for a while..always learn something new by just reading
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19:31.05*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
19:31.26[hC]So, ive been researching this.. When IAX2 calls only manage to achieve one way audio (when native bridging) ive seen people suggest notransfer=yes. This doesnt seem like the ideal solution. Can anyone explain or point me into the direction of what is actually causing the one way audio problem? All boxes involved have public IPs so there's no nat involved..
19:32.03jaikehc: you have firewall blocking udp packets?
19:32.04blitzragebrettnem: found an app to export Outlook to iCal data
19:32.21tzangerblitzrage: what's it called
19:32.23syleAug 15 14:31:40 WARNING[31874]: pbx.c:1648 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'rxfax' for extension (incoming, fax, 2)
19:32.23hhrpIn order to record a call do you neccessary have to have Monitor() command in exten => ?
19:32.26tzangeror better yet, URL
19:32.27syleoww what the fuck
19:32.31sylewhere is rxfax?
19:32.37blitzragetzanger: will let you know if it eats something :)
19:32.47[hC]jaike: no firewalling whatsoever, no. Sometimes the calls DO infact set up and work right.
19:33.02fugitivosyle: did you install it?
19:33.05jaikehow bout selinux
19:33.31[hC]hmm i just found this..
19:33.32[hC]It should be noted that trunking requires both sides to know each other (i.e. they need to be valid peers). If one side has trunk=yes and the other does not cannot validate the peer, you will get one-way audio. The easiest way to make this work is to use a register line to register to the systems you want to trunk with.
19:33.33*** join/#asterisk TNSLLC (n=nada@
19:33.38TNSLLCevening all
19:33.40[hC]I wonder if voipcall is using trunking.
19:34.08TNSLLCQwell: you around ?
19:34.22hhrpIn order to record a call do you neccessary have to have Monitor() command in exten => ?
19:34.30Qwellhhrp: I use automon
19:34.51hhrpi dont want calls recorded from some extentions tho
19:34.59hhrpi just want to choose particular ones
19:35.07Qwellso make a macro
19:35.15hhrpbut if i set monitor on outgoing ext line then everything is recorder
19:35.31hhrpyou mean separate them by context?
19:36.24Qwelljust make a macro, and pass it a true/false value for whether or not to record
19:36.30Qwellor, let the macro query a db or something
19:36.54jaikeif you want a simple could make an exten for outgoing that doesnt record
19:37.25TNSLLCQwell: care to make some cash? cash as in the soft green type with Ben Franklins picture on it? msg me if so
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19:37.39hhrpwhy would you need sip.conf commands like record_in=always
19:37.50hhrpif it records anyway bu monitor in extentions
19:38.11QwellTNSLLC: or you could just tell me what you need...
19:38.33jaikemy boss wants to call without recordings .. so i put in _92. for no recordings
19:38.48Qwelljust give him a seperate context
19:38.50puludoes anyone know of an iax friendly voip provider that can support domestic US collect calls?
19:38.57jaike_91. calls with recordings
19:39.12opus_pulu nufone
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19:39.51hhrphow do i make it so it doesnt overwrite the file all the time?
19:40.03hhrpeach time theres a new call it overwrites the old file
19:40.24jaikeexten => _91.,1,SetVar(CALLFILENAME=${CALLERIDNAME}-91${EXTEN:2}${DATESTAMP}-${TIMESTAMP})
19:40.25jaikeexten => _91.,2,Monitor(wav49,${CALLFILENAME},m)
19:40.31Qwellit should default to date, time, callerid to, callerid from
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19:40.44Qwellif you omit the filename
19:40.56TNSLLCQwell: a paid programer / tech to setup a large Asterisk system, all hardware and software will be purchased by my company, as will all the travel, hotel, and so on plus a flat fee to have someone setup the system
19:40.57*** join/#asterisk liberie (n=liberie@unaffiliated/liberie)
19:41.14hhrpthanks jaike
19:41.24puluopus_: it seems nufone only has dids in michigan
19:41.25opus_whats a better way to do  "Run Macro If"
19:41.33QwellTNSLLC: yeah, go ahead and msg me
19:41.48Qwellpulu: its a collect call, it won't matter where the DID is. :p
19:41.49hhrpwhat wav49 is ?
19:41.57hhrpi mean usually its wav
19:42.05opus_pulu - iaxtel??
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19:42.09Qwellwav49 is like gsm, isn't it?
19:42.28jaikecompressed wav...gsm size but readable by win media player gsm
19:42.48hhrpstill good quality but smaller size?
19:42.56hhrpgood thanks
19:43.09jaikeu only have 3 options (i think)..wav wav49 gsm
19:43.12zoabut bigger than gsm because it has an additional header
19:43.37jaikei got tired installing quicktime on computers who needed to play gsm
19:43.39zoahey look its little file
19:44.02file[laptop]but not little where it counts
19:44.09zoawhere did you lose a sector ?
19:44.18file[laptop]who knows, I don't!
19:44.26hhrpcash $$$
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19:45.08jaikepulu: try voicepulse
19:45.22jaikepretty decent iax provide
19:46.16jaikehhrp: by the way..make sure u have the correct soxmix version installed
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19:47.07pulujaike: they do incoming collect calls?
19:47.30jaikepulu: to 5 simul max
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19:47.41jaikethats per account..not per DID
19:47.45Qwellincoming collect calls are way different then incoming calls
19:48.01rene1hi, ive just compiled asterisk for debian, how do i modprobe zaptel and wcfxo at startup
19:48.14pawallsHow do you guys prefer patches to be submitted? (eg.. what diff options)
19:48.25Qwellpawalls: there is a guide on the main bugs page
19:48.28r0mgood evening
19:48.36*** join/#asterisk af_ (
19:49.12*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
19:49.17SarahEmmhihi :)
19:49.59rene1hi SarahEmm
19:50.07zoahey sarah
19:50.40SarahEmmsivana: you 'round?
19:51.01*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
19:51.37hhrpwhat is this warning about?
19:51.38hhrpWARNING[19834]: chan_sip.c:4836 check_auth: Stale nonce received from 'sip:tol
19:51.43sivanaSarahEmm: yes
19:51.56SarahEmmsivana: any luck on the cid issues?
19:52.17sivanaya, I'll have it fixed this afternoon
19:52.21hhrpjaike, what versoin of soxmix do i need
19:52.23SarahEmmthanks much :)
19:52.24SarahEmmyou r0x0r
19:52.52wunderkincan someone look at my backtrace? its from head pulled just a bit ago
19:53.15jaikedepends on your asterisk version...but the latest soxmix..ive not had problems
19:53.46jaikebefore..merging of in and out files was a mess
19:53.50mistraldoes anyone know how much the VoiceBlue GSM gateway is ?
19:54.06hhrpso w/o it that setup wont work?
19:54.21jaikerecording will work...youll have two out
19:54.36hhrpi see
19:54.56hhrpif i get soxmix and install it
19:55.10jaikejust compile the latest soxmix...thats what i did
19:55.13hhrpdo i need to do anything extra but exten => like you showed in example?
19:55.16jaikedidnt have problems eversince
19:55.36pawallsSo I need to sign this disclaimer for a 10 line patch?
19:55.48Qwellpawalls: yep
19:56.05SarahEmmpawalls: hey, once it's done once it's done
19:56.15*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (i=uppal@unaffiliated/pakipenguin)
19:56.16jaikei got v.12.17.7
19:56.33pawallsSarahEmm, I suppose.
19:56.39PakiPenguincan i put in 2xtdm40b & 2x tdm04b in one pc?
19:56.45SarahEmmthen any future patches don't need to worry it about
19:56.52SarahEmmuhh something like that.
19:57.17*** join/#asterisk patrick^ (
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19:59.03PakiPenguincan i put in 2xtdm40b & 2x tdm04b in one pc? sir?
20:00.43greg_workPakiPenguin: probably, though, at that point its probably worth looking into a T1 board + channel bank
20:01.22PakiPenguingreg_work: do you know of any good channel bank that support both fxo & fxs?
20:01.25pawallsSarahEmm, What the heck does the $1.00 thing mean?
20:01.38Corydon-wTA750 supports both
20:02.16PakiPenguinCorydon-w: make?
20:02.27SarahEmmpawalls: i'm not sure. i didn't get my $1 from digium anyway ;)
20:02.33SarahEmmpawalls: you can also use
20:02.50PakiPenguinoh i see
20:02.56hhrpany knows what is this WARNING[20953]: chan_sip.c:4836 check_auth: Stale nonce received from ' ?
20:03.13Corydon-wEach daughtercard in the TA750 contains 4 channels -- either FXS or FXO
20:03.20FaUlwhat the hack means   == Primary D-Channel on span 2 down
20:03.42PakiPenguinCorydon-w: how much are they for? generally , like 8 fxo and 8 fxs
20:03.45SarahEmmFaUl: it means the primary D channel on teh second span is down.....
20:03.54SarahEmmhhrp: what version?
20:04.01tzafrir_homepawalls, read it carefully before you sign it
20:04.07Corydon-wFaUl: it means your PRI is screwed up
20:04.08FaUlSarahEmm: should not be, what reason could this have
20:04.13SarahEmmFaUl: well, it is heh
20:04.22hhrpnever used to do it
20:04.24FaUlCorydon-w: hmm, that sucks
20:04.35SarahEmmFaUl: any alarms on your smartjack? does zttool show any alarms?
20:04.59pawallstzafrir_home, Hmm, disclaim.changes definitely seems more straight forward.
20:05.05FaUlwhere can i fetch zztool
20:05.19SarahEmmzttool. it comes with zaptel. you can also just cat /proc/zaptel/<nbr>
20:05.22Corydon-wIt's part of zaptel
20:05.40Corydon-wbut you need libnewt-devel installed
20:05.50tzafrir_homeit is simpler, but this is something you shouldn't really sign, unless you never want to do any coding related in any way with Asterisk
20:06.02MikeJ[Laptop]newt's are cool
20:06.18SarahEmmtzafrir_home: uhh... except you can't do any coding to submit to asterisk without signing.
20:06.26tzafrir_homeok, that was a bit extreme
20:06.29FaUlit says Span 2: ZTHFC2 "HFC-S PCI A ISDN card 1 [TE] layer 1 ACTIVATED (F7)" AMI/CCS
20:07.07SarahEmmFaUl: was this ever working?
20:07.21FaUlSarahEmm: i'm not quite sure
20:07.49cpatryzap show status to see the alarm if u running HEAD.
20:08.09FaUlcpatry: not head
20:08.31tzafrir_homezaphfc and head are not the best of freinds
20:08.38SarahEmmi dunno then faul
20:08.41pawallstzafrir_home, I assume you mean unless I don't want to file any patents in any way related to the code I contribute to Asterisk.
20:08.43SarahEmmi've never touched PRI stuff with * before, sowwy
20:08.56cpatrytzafrir_home: i really love head.
20:09.03pawallscpatry, Don't we all...
20:09.05tzafrir_homepawalls, patents are irrelevant. this was about copyrights.
20:09.10*** part/#asterisk lovalvar (
20:09.11tzafrir_homeyou can still file patents
20:09.23SarahEmmhi Beirdo :)
20:09.28Beirdohey there
20:09.41Beirdoyou got yourself a room on puzzlepirates yet?
20:10.00SarahEmmBeirdo: nope!
20:10.09Beirdowow.  You're slacking :)
20:10.13Wonkaand the cvs server is giving head?
20:10.18SarahEmmWonka: yep.
20:10.20pawallstzafrir_home, I don't see anything in disclaimer.changes that would keep me from releasing my own competing product to Asterisk in the future. As long as I don't try to claim rights over the code I contributed to Asterisk.
20:10.32Beirdono wonder the CVS server's so popular.  frigging whore
20:10.40SarahEmmBeirdo: i've bwwn working, and now am on a weekend but coding on a project i'm working on
20:11.01BeirdoI was working on my gunning last night
20:11.08Beirdoand boy do I suck at it
20:11.12SarahEmmit's my best skillx0r
20:11.28BeirdoI'll sail all night and never get below Excellent
20:11.33Beirdobut gunning?  bleck
20:11.45Wonkahaven't been with the army for some years now
20:12.00Beirdoshould get more people hooked
20:12.06BeirdoSarahEmm is evil.
20:12.22SarahEmmi am?
20:12.26Beirdoand if I'm bad...  my GF is worse
20:12.31Wonkamaybe i should ask my old sarge next summer if there's some army-camping-event...
20:12.37Beirdoyeah, you got me hooked
20:12.43Beirdoevil, I tell you
20:13.24*** join/#asterisk dwildes (n=dwildes@
20:13.24Beirdowe need to get a shipwright and a tailor shop
20:13.28Beirdothen we'll have em all
20:13.30jaikeanyone using updatecdr parameter in agents.conf? its supposed to change source channel to the agent number
20:13.50jaiketried it..but cdr still records the source chan
20:14.12tzafrir_homepawalls, it would put you in a bad position should you ever decide to fork. And one of the basic things a free software license should allow is forking. Usually this assures users that a fork is not needed.
20:14.32SarahEmmwell, they won't allow any patches in without a disclaimer
20:14.36SarahEmmso there's really not much option
20:14.56tzafrir_homeSarahEmm, yes, there is: not to submit patches.
20:15.23tzafrir_homeSome folks have been practicing it.
20:15.56Netgeeksyou could maintain the patch yourself updating as required as asterisk code changes
20:16.12pawallsThat's a pain in the ass..
20:16.12SarahEmmi'd rather submit them and give back to the project.
20:16.15NetgeeksThats what I do for several patches I use
20:16.21JerJerit wouldn't get used then
20:16.42Netgeeksbut that because my patches got rejected because they "didn't fit within the asterisk design"
20:16.48pawallsI fail to see how that could possibly be legally binding.
20:17.27tzafrir_homeJerJer, aparantly bristuff is widely used
20:17.38pawallsI guess someone that has not contributed code (apparently) have to fork the project.
20:17.52greg_workNetgeeks: what did the patches do?
20:18.30cpatryu are refering to which bug # ?
20:18.54reticentis anyone aware of a unix utility that will convert from unix to windows text files (newline to carriage return newline)
20:19.05Qwellreticent: unix2dos
20:19.12tzafrir_homereticent, dos2unix, unix2dos, tr, sed
20:19.21NetgeeksI guess centralized voicemail services (supporting remote MWI ) and the ability to register sip devices to any asterisk in a "cluster" and have them all able to contact the registered device
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20:19.43Netgeeks... is not part of the "design"
20:20.07QwellNetgeeks: odbc storage
20:20.09Qwelldoes part of that
20:20.25Netgeeksyes, yes it does
20:20.39Netgeeksbut I don't want to have to save all that voicemail in a database
20:21.01Netgeekswhy in the world do something so complex, when you can have a centralized system that stores it cleanly on a nice raid array?
20:21.27Netgeeksjust sip or iax redirect the call to one of your centralized voicemail servers, and walla
20:21.51JerJertzafrir_home: not those running -head
20:22.24JerJerNetgeeks:  specifically what bug number(s) are you talking about?
20:22.40*** join/#asterisk Dulak (
20:22.55QwellDulak: .
20:23.07DulakHey Qwell, ltns.
20:23.15NetgeeksJerJer: 4371
20:24.00JerJer"Suspended due to 3 weeks no response. I would really like to see this work continued. If you are still interested in this bug, please reopen with the responses to oej as requested. Thanks."
20:24.22Netgeeksbecause they didn't like the way it was configured
20:24.24JerJerand "You have too many different functions in one mantis issue. Please split this up so we can separate discussion on remote voicemail (stays in this report) and the other functions. Thank you!"
20:24.41Juggiegetting code submitted now sucks
20:24.42Netgeeksif you break them up, you lose the functionality
20:24.48Juggiei have had 4403 waiting for 4 damn weeks
20:24.54Netgeeksit's not three different features
20:24.59oejJuggie: 4 damn weeks is nothing :-)
20:25.05Netgeeksit's three functions that make one feature
20:25.11SarahEmmbut i've not submitted any really bi things i guess
20:25.21JerJerthen defend your position with proof
20:26.29*** join/#asterisk efrain (
20:26.50SarahEmmwooo. cepstral voice purchased.
20:27.04pawallsSo now I'm not sure if I want to contribute this code or not...
20:27.14efrainHI anybody knows how to set up asterisk to send and recive IM via Msn Messenger
20:27.20PBXtechdamn this mpg321 program
20:27.46Juggiei think i will have to attend this thursdays conf call and do some bitching
20:28.17SarahEmmefrain: err.. write a module? ;)
20:28.48X-Genpawalls: wait untill they send u a legal letter asking for the code ;)
20:28.48Qwelloej: morning
20:29.06PBXtechdoes a reload no reload the musichold.conf file?
20:29.16SarahEmmefrain: afaik there's no app already written to send text between MSN Messenger and Asterisk
20:29.17oejOr evening
20:29.20efrainwhat you mean sarah
20:29.23Qwelloej: whenever
20:29.23SarahEmmhihi oej
20:29.45Qwelloej: I'll definitely be at Astricon, btw. :)
20:29.54SarahEmmwho else is going to astricon?
20:30.16efrainbecause i can connect to asteriks with no problems using messenger 5.1
20:30.24SarahEmmyou mean SIP, for voice?
20:30.27oejAbout 500 other people... From registrations, it looks like it will be a large meeting
20:30.33SarahEmmefrain: so what is the issue?
20:30.35Qwelloej: how many so far?
20:30.47file[laptop]*sigh* I'd like to go to Astricon, but alas - I can not
20:30.52SarahEmmawww file
20:30.53efraini dont know how to build the app
20:30.54Qwellfile[laptop]: You suck!
20:30.58SarahEmmbut not sure yet if i can afford it
20:31.02SarahEmmefrain: what app?
20:31.07oejQwell: Haven't got the latest statistics, but the registrations are coming in regurlarly now
20:31.20file[laptop]yes I'm CrAzY
20:31.21*** join/#asterisk ixx_ (
20:31.23efrainIM messaging
20:31.36SarahEmmerr... is there one, for MSN Messenger IMing?
20:31.38SarahEmmi didn't think there was
20:31.43blitzrage<-- going to Astricon :)
20:31.43Qwellfile[laptop]: You should go, just find a different airport to fly into
20:31.45oejefrain: Asterisk does not support SIP messaging out of band, only within a call
20:31.58oejefrain: Depending on what file[laptop] has done...
20:32.07file[laptop]oej: I have a snapshot of my branch up ;)
20:32.23file[laptop]if someone is REALLLLLLY curious
20:32.31DannyFfile ;)
20:32.39oejfile[laptop]: I am curious
20:32.41DannyFHej Olle
20:32.45efrainyes but i dont want to use asterisk for voice, i what to use it for IM, what to do please
20:32.48oejDannyF: Tjena
20:32.50file[laptop] tgz of it there
20:32.58file[laptop]well, minus the three .
20:33.06oejefrain: Don't use Asterisk, user SIP express router.
20:33.11jeroanyone succeeded with fax modulation over {sip|iax|...} ?
20:33.33file[laptop]as well a text chatroom app is included for testing
20:33.55DannyFfile neat
20:34.01*** join/#asterisk jack_ (
20:34.02efrainguys why to use SER?  asterisk for me is great i love it
20:34.04file[laptop]and you can message other SIP devices...
20:34.20DannyFefrain, cuz it's not a proxy and SER is ;)
20:34.29PBXtechdo you have to restart * to reload musichold.conf ??
20:34.42efrainOK great
20:36.05file[laptop]ugh my mother keeps mowing the lawn
20:36.05X-Genwasim: what bri card are u using ?
20:36.06*** join/#asterisk brookshire (
20:36.07file[laptop]right by my window
20:36.13file[laptop]I'm counting the times she goes back and forth, it's at 4
20:36.15blitzragefile[laptop]: and YOU'RE not mowing it?!
20:36.22wasimX-Gen: nevermind, wrong channel, it was a pun
20:36.25zoamoving the lawn
20:36.28zoawhere do you live ?
20:36.29file[laptop]blitzrage: nope.
20:36.35file[laptop]zoa: mowing you twat :P
20:36.38zoaon some riding trailer ?
20:36.48blitzragefile[laptop]: yer a bad son :)
20:36.52file[laptop]zoa: apparently you can't read
20:36.53X-Genfile[laptop]: i'll sell u some sheep, dont need to mow the lawn
20:36.55zoayou should give your lawn gps
20:36.56file[laptop]blitzrage: yup.
20:38.47PakiPenguinwasim: is the superata in production/ testing?
20:38.50file[laptop]over to my desk I hop
20:39.47*** part/#asterisk efrain (
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20:40.41fileI'm about to test... something
20:40.55jack_I'm farly new to asterisk. How do you guys find it so far?
20:41.23SarahEmmbut i use it for weird thing sso i'm not the best reference heh
20:41.30Hmmhesaysiaxtel's echotest b0rken right now?
20:41.49files/iaxtel's echotest/iaxtel
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20:43.21PBXtechflash panel is a PIG
20:43.33SarahEmmheh, yep
20:43.45Beirdoasterisk rules :)
20:43.53SarahEmmasterisk++ :)
20:44.02[hC]Can anyone tell me what asterisk does after a native bridge to determine whether it can or cannot send audio to the new bridged endpoint? It seems that on a lot of my calls, AFTER native bridging as occurred, that audio for one side goes missing.
20:44.06mistralis there any sort of gui app that would be suitable for a secretary to use ?
20:44.07PBXtechFOP was taking the processor to 4.0 load
20:44.11[hC]I cant figure out what circumstance the other end is using to determine this (and fail)
20:44.43DannyF[hC], wild guess one of your endpoints are behind a NATed firewall?
20:44.59[hC]DannyF: negative. all public ip's.
20:45.24kshumardwhen calling the voicemail application, how many channels exist? 1 channel between me and asterisk that is full-duplex, or 2 half-duplex channels?
20:45.25DannyFfirewall, with transparanet routing?
20:45.34wasimPakiPenguin: lol, no, it didn't even get off the design board
20:45.49rikstaBeirdo: :)
20:45.54[hC]DannyF: no firewall infact. The only thing that is behind a nat router is the actual phone itself, via SIP. but the problem definitely seems to be related to the IAX and native bridge.
20:46.23[hC]DannyF: the phone connects to one * box, which connects to another (for routing) which connects to yet another (voip peer)
20:46.41[hC]DannyF: when i call out from the second in line there, (the routing box) the problem doesnt happen.
20:46.45DannyF[hC], SIP Phone is on the same net as it's * box?
20:46.47PBXtechis there a reliable sip/iax provider that can handle bulk DID numbers ie 300 for a customer?
20:46.56christois anybody able to work out this AGI problem?
20:47.17[hC]DannyF: some yes, some no. ACtually now that i think of it, it happens even when not calling from a SIP phone. i get the same problem when i dial in over my PRI
20:48.03DannyF[hC], static or HEAD version of *?
20:48.08*** part/#asterisk angrek (
20:48.14fileI really wish my phones had a backlight
20:48.21SarahEmmwhat file phones?
20:48.37fileIP600 and 7960G
20:48.37DannyFfile, so do I... 841's reek at that
20:48.39[hC]DannyF: HEAD. Ive tried head from february, and also from last night.
20:48.50SarahEmm7960 doesn't have backlit?
20:49.00[hC]SarahEmm: nope :(
20:49.05DannyF[hC], and it behaves identical!?
20:49.09[hC]only the 7970
20:49.11[hC]DannyF: yep.
20:49.15SarahEmmi guess its designed for in office use so no backlight really required
20:49.22SarahEmmexcept my office 'cuz i keep lights off :P
20:49.34DannyFSarahEmm, same here ;)
20:50.16*** join/#asterisk lorien420 (n=lorien@
20:50.20PBXtechis there a better command than top to give load values?
20:50.30SarahEmmPBXtech: top works fine.. uptime will give them to you also
20:50.40PBXtechper process?
20:50.49SarahEmmoh. ps?
20:50.52[hC]DannyF: Ive seen alot of reports on the mailing list of this same issue. Usually it happens for people after a few minutes, and i have yet to find a solution. Im just trying to find out what asterisk does to try to figure out where its supposed to send audio, in hope that i will find the cause of my problem.
20:50.59filethe IP600 is not liking me
20:51.08PBXtechtop it is :)
20:51.15lorien420so I'm trying to get a NAT/SIP solution to work. * is not behind a NAT, but one of the voip phones is. I can call other phones from this one, but the phone doesn't get voice from asterisk like voicemail.
20:51.16SarahEmmPBXtech: what's the issue with using top?
20:51.54jack_guys I'm looking for a someone who can come to my office in Boston and configure and set up asterisk PBX is there anybody who can help me?
20:52.10PBXtechnothing, just was wanting to see every process, not just the top bunch
20:52.14filejack_: there's a list of consultants on
20:52.39DannyF[hC] well the usuall is what happens to lorien420 i.e the RTP gets nuked in a firewall when one dont use qualify or have a utterly stupid router/firewall but yours sound different..
20:52.42SarahEmmpbxtech: use watch with ps?
20:53.14jack_thanks file. I've tryed some of them and they turned out to be fraud
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20:53.42lorien420DannyF: I'm using qualify actually. Other non-nat phones can call the nat'd phone, but when I pick up the nat phone it immediately hangs up.
20:53.54mistraljack: fraud in what way ?
20:53.56DannyFlorien420, ouch
20:54.08lorien420DannyF: Any ideas?
20:54.10DannyFlorien420, what phone is it?
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20:54.21lorien420DannyF: Snom360 both ways
20:54.52DannyFlorien420, sorry dont have any of those....
20:55.46DannyFlorien420, does the firewall have any timeoutsettings you can play with?
20:56.33lorien420DannyF: Not that I know of.
20:56.52DannyFlorien420, is it "SIP aware" ?
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20:59.01tzafrir_homePBXtech, vmstat?
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21:00.22DannyFfile, no more incomming on that 800# btw
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21:01.26lorien420DannyF: I don't think so. There are certainly no SIP settings on it.
21:02.16DannyFsometimes like on a speedtouch etc it's better to turn the bleeping thing off, google a bit and see if it's the same for your make/model
21:03.33DannyFcuz on some appliances "SIP Aware" actually means "Marketing Guy: Ohhh a new cool acronym, lets tell our Techies they have 10 minutes to make something of it so we can spin it!!!"
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21:07.35filewho wants to give me some Dell hardrive rails?
21:07.47*** join/#asterisk Raenius (
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21:08.36[hC]hmm. this is interesting. i just tried putting in register lines from my voice gateway to the pbx in my office. It registers with all my other voip peers just fine,b ut registering with my clients office pbx's (all of them) fails. IT gives me "Registration Rejected, Cause Code: 29'
21:08.41[hC]any idea what causes that?
21:09.34fileDannyF: ok back to you! :)
21:09.42fileDannyF: you're confusing me
21:09.45PBXtechdoes FOP have any performance problems being renice'd?
21:10.11DannyFfile nvm check your mail *grin*
21:10.40*** join/#asterisk Spicoli (
21:11.03[hC]huh. i had to set type=friend on them instead of type=user
21:11.07[hC]what the heck..
21:11.13bkw_I have 10 mini DV tapes full to process
21:12.04christookay, I have googled all over and tested a load of different things, but I still can't get the 'stream file' AGI command to work - can anybody see what I'm doing wrong here?
21:12.34bkw_I capturing Craigs talk righ tnow
21:12.39*** join/#asterisk jayk- (
21:12.47jayk-anybody know of a digital to analog convert that will work with asterisk?
21:13.07citatschristo: add %input = $agi->ReadParse(); before your stream_file
21:13.35*** join/#asterisk oi (n=oi@
21:13.38DannyFjayk- like IAXy, Sipura 1K,2K & 3K, Grandstream etc?
21:13.39pawallsI need a representative from Asterisk that I can ask questions about this Disclaimer of. Anyone have a recommendation?
21:14.03jayk-dannyf, what's the iaxy model?
21:14.14DannyFs101 or something ;)
21:16.54christocitats - I have added  %input = $agi->ReadParse();  and I'm trying to stream a file like this:  $agi->stream_file("vm-youhave",'');   but still not a sausage.
21:17.34citatschristo: have you answered the call?  dont remember if stream file will autoanswer if it hasnt been alrady
21:18.18christochristo - I don't specifically answer the call.. the call to the agi script is the first thing that happens.. perhaps I should be calling cmd answer() in the dial plan first?
21:18.53*** part/#asterisk the_devil_dont_s (n=Adam@
21:19.03citatschristo: either in the agi or in extensions i would make sure its answered
21:19.22christocitats - okay.. I'll try doing that in the extensions first and see how that goes.. thanks for the idea :)
21:20.40PBXtechwhat are those square PC's that are popular * boxes
21:22.17PBXtechi wanna try a mac mini
21:22.19citatsSarahEmm: is that a deskdrawer pc then?
21:22.23SarahEmmi suppose so :)
21:22.48brookshiremac mini's are fun.. just not very upgradable
21:22.59adelasdude due
21:23.05adelasu can make ur own mini's
21:23.13file[laptop]DannyF: AH
21:23.13PBXtechmac's have a citrix client right
21:23.19brookshireadelas: but it's not a mac
21:23.21PBXtechyea ive seen the hack
21:23.27file[laptop]brookshire: MATTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
21:23.32brookshireHI FILE!
21:23.35adelasthe scene has already has a mac to pc ;P
21:23.42file[laptop]how are you?
21:23.44christocitats - still nothing.. I have  exten => 810502,1,Answer   exten => 810502,2,agi,    the call is answered, the script is called and it returns with 0, but nothing is played :/
21:23.50PBXtechby the time you buy a sse3 processor might as well but the readl thing
21:24.05file[laptop]I have an SSE3 processor...
21:24.12pawallsDisclaimer.changes seems pretty reasonable.
21:24.17citatschristo: does your script work from the command line?  /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/
21:24.18file[laptop]brookshire: yay
21:24.24brookshireit's nice out today
21:24.26brookshirelike 85
21:24.30brookshirefeels great
21:24.42file[laptop]brookshire: every day is nice when you're out!
21:24.45mago3-cnwhere can i get the patch for sip domain handling please?
21:24.49brookshirei'm so glad i'm not in alabama where it's like 105 and 100% humidity
21:26.07PBXtechplus the redneck factor
21:26.37christocitats - well, yes and it prints  STREAM FILE vm-youhave  to stdout, which is kinda what I'd expect
21:26.45SarahEmmi need to get a rackmount case for my * box soon
21:26.53mutilatoranyone use an adtran TA 632 with *? j/w how i can get my fxs ports workin
21:27.03citatschristo: try turning on 'agi debug' on console and see what you see
21:27.43*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (
21:28.19christocitats... hmm.. I didn't know you could debug agi like that.. very useful!.. And it's returning:  Invalid command syntax - Usage: STREAM FILE <filename>   etc..
21:28.36christoI better go and fiddle with my stream file line
21:29.06mutilatorer TA 624 sorry
21:29.57file[laptop]brookshire: what'cha doink in Denver?
21:30.03christocitats - gottit
21:30.12citatschristo: great
21:30.22christocitats - FYI, I needed to specify the empty quotes in the second arg liek this:  $agi->stream_file('vm-youhave',"\"\"");
21:30.34christoto say 'no digit required' iyswim
21:31.07citatsi wish that asterisk-perl guy would release an updated set of modules
21:31.27christoand some decent docs ;)
21:31.36citatssomeone should smack him or something
21:32.02[Jedi]i wish perl disappeared from the whole world
21:32.25pawallsSay what you will about perl.. it's one of the most fun languages I've ever coded in.
21:32.33[Jedi]sure :D
21:35.09brettnemhello all :)
21:35.38brettnemhey, anyone know how I can trap a 404 error to play a specific message?
21:35.49*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
21:35.49*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by ChanServ
21:35.54brettnemie: if dialstatus=404 then playback('notfound')
21:36.08brettnemcause 404=congestion is  just plain wrong.
21:37.11brettnemany ideas?? I think I'll open a bug
21:37.50MikeJ[Laptop]brettnem, why is it doing 404?
21:37.59MikeJ[Laptop]can't match an exten?
21:38.11brettnemwell the upstream asterisk isn't matching an exten
21:38.16brettnemit is NOT because of congestion
21:38.22brettnembut that's what asterisk reports
21:38.29MikeJ[Laptop]well, on the upstream side, you can certainly change that.
21:38.41brettnemMikeJ[Laptop]: I don't control the upstream
21:38.49[hC]should it be possible to register multiple times with the same username? or should i have one per * box that registers?
21:38.58MikeJ[Laptop]hmmmm, do you get 404 in dialstatus var
21:39.03brettnemapp_dial.c needs to return NOTFOUND
21:39.11brettnemMikeJ[Laptop]: no, I get CONGESTION
21:39.16brettnemwhich is just wrong.
21:39.29MikeJ[Laptop]patches happily welcomed.
21:39.44MikeJ[Laptop]typically I have seen that same behavior in the pri world.
21:39.47brettnemyeah, I'm not that good. :)
21:39.55MikeJ[Laptop]you call a bad number, you get congestion tones.
21:39.56brettnemnah, PRI returns a route not found
21:40.12MikeJ[Laptop]what do you want to do differently?
21:40.14brettnemPRI is smart enough to give descriptive errors.. like a cause code 3.
21:40.21*** join/#asterisk Uther_P (n=uther_p@
21:40.21brettnemI want ${DIALSTATUS} = NOTFOUND
21:40.29*** part/#asterisk Uther_P (n=uther_p@
21:40.33MikeJ[Laptop]ok, so you just want those codes to flow up to dial status.
21:40.41MikeJ[Laptop]uno momento
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21:43.52brettnemMikeJ[Laptop]: so what do you think?
21:44.42*** join/#asterisk dsvanlund (
21:44.49MikeJ[Laptop]well.. just looking at the app_dial code
21:44.55*** join/#asterisk zedkatuf (
21:45.21MikeJ[Laptop]looks like asterisk internally just has AST_CONTROL_CONGESTION
21:45.37brettnemyeah, it's a mistake..
21:45.48*** join/#asterisk w0w0 (
21:46.17brettnemasterisk enumerates causes to it's own internal cause codes.. NOT FOUND (q.931=3, SIP=404) is not supported..
21:46.25rikstaanyone in here offer termination in pakistan/india?
21:46.38Beirdoriksta: not me
21:46.46brettnemok, I'll submit a bug
21:46.49MikeJ[Laptop]so in order to add that, you would need to add an AST_CONTROL_NOTFOUND to the channel
21:46.50*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
21:46.51brettnem404 != congestion
21:46.57MikeJ[Laptop]then add it to every channel driver
21:47.01MikeJ[Laptop]every single one
21:47.05MikeJ[Laptop]and app dial
21:47.15MikeJ[Laptop]don't bother putting a bug in for that
21:47.18MikeJ[Laptop]put a bounty in
21:47.19rikstaBeirdo: :)
21:47.27rikstadon't blame ya
21:47.30MikeJ[Laptop]no one is going to just grab that and run with it for free
21:47.34brettnemI think reporting 404 as congestion is a bug
21:47.37brettnemyeah I know..
21:47.47Beirdobring me a baseball bat and I'll terminate a server though
21:47.53Beirdosmashy smashy!
21:47.56MikeJ[Laptop]well, up to you..
21:47.59riksta:) i feel like smashing stuff tonight
21:48.10MikeJ[Laptop]but it won't get fixed that way.
21:48.13rikstain a foul mood
21:48.13Beirdothis server tossed a disk
21:48.19Beirdojust before I was gonna go home
21:48.22dsvanlundHello all. Just wondering if anyone is using IAX2Provision successfully? Don't know if I should write a bug report or blaim myself. For me it doesn't send the PROVISION command.
21:48.26brettnemahh! see, even you said "fixed"
21:48.29Beirdoso now I have to wait for it to resync... fsck, etc
21:48.30rikstaBeirdo: nice, hope you had raid
21:48.36Beirdoit's in RAID5
21:48.56MikeJ[Laptop]brettnem, hey, I was just offering my suggestion for you to have a solution to your problem...
21:49.00Beirdoif not, I'd have to restore
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21:49.10MikeJ[Laptop]if you don't like my advice you don't need to follow it
21:49.14*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (n=Brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
21:49.28MikeJ[Laptop]but you will be stuck with the same issue.
21:49.29rikstai need to get a new server, i wouldnt go to dell if they paid me, i swear i have had the hugest amount of problems with them incompetant fools
21:49.33brettnemMikeJ[Laptop]: I tend to agree with you, I have to pass it by my management..
21:49.47rikstaincompetent even
21:49.49*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
21:49.53brettnemI don't have the authority (um. money) to post bounties
21:50.11brettnemMikeJ[Laptop]: what's something like that worth? it didn't seem like a lot of work, just a PITA.
21:50.17Cresl1nwhat's up my peoples?
21:50.19MikeJ[Laptop]even better would be to ask around how much people would want to do that work
21:50.24brookshireOMG HI!
21:50.24MikeJ[Laptop]hello all
21:50.30Cresl1nhow's it going?
21:50.33brettnemCresl1n: just trying to get NOT FOUND reported as NOT FOUND
21:50.47brettnemok, MikeJ[Laptop]: how much you want?? ha
21:50.52brookshiresitting at a coffeehouse on the internet, yay!
21:50.53MikeJ[Laptop]brettnem, considering by my read it touches every channel driver, it would be a lot of work
21:50.55Sedoroxhere's one for ya'll.... I moved my X100P clone from the old box.. to a newer one... (from fbsd to Novell's OES Linux, based on Suse 9.3)... and when I logged in.. it asked me if I wanted to configure a "TJet 300 ISDN Interface.." found it funny that it thinks its a ISDN card.. when its just fxo...
21:51.09brookshirecrest: denver is nice.. it's like 85
21:51.18Cresl1nbrookshire: that's hot
21:51.21brettnemthis cause code stuff changed recently.. it's ugly now
21:51.37MikeJ[Laptop]Sedorox, that's what it sees them as, same chipset of somthing
21:51.38Sedoroxriksta, I really like dell servers.. but I haven't delt with them on a one-on-one.. but I know my college is all gateway stuff...
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21:51.50MikeJ[Laptop]brettnem, which stuff?
21:51.54Sedoroxwhen I did lspci.. it says modem/isdn interface
21:52.09Sedoroxjust funny it picks isdn over normal modem :p
21:52.11rikstaSedorox: i think their servers are good, it's just actually getting the right one and having them deliver it that is the nightmare
21:52.13brettnemthe whole AST_CONTROL business.. I think it used to be all under AST_CAUSE
21:52.27Sedoroxriksta, wierd.. never had that problem
21:52.40rikstaSedorox: would you believe me if i told you that dell sent the last servers i ordered to the wrong address SEVEN times? despite me ringing up literally more than 10 times to correct it
21:53.08SedoroxI could see if.. if your sales rep isn't competant...
21:53.10rikstaand they only delievered it the 1st time 3 weeks later than promised
21:53.28rikstathen the switch was missing
21:53.30rikstafrom the delivery
21:53.32rikstawhich was nice
21:53.39MikeJ[Laptop]gotta run.
21:53.40Sedoroxwe (my school dist where I work actually) don't have problems with them...
21:53.45SedoroxMikeJ[Laptop], see ya
21:53.49Sedoroxriksta, sucks /
21:53.54rikstai'll probably never order from them again
21:54.01rikstaso they lost quite a lot of business
21:54.46enderI'm getting some weird messages from my fxo/fxs card.
21:54.51enderNO BATTERY on 1/4!
21:54.51enderBATTERY on 1/4 (+)!
21:54.51enderNO BATTERY on 1/3!
21:54.51enderBATTERY on 1/3 (+)!
21:54.54*** part/#asterisk lorien420 (n=lorien@
21:54.56enderwhat the heck do these mean?
21:54.59SarahEmmender: tdm400p?
21:55.48SarahEmmare you sure you have your signalling set up right?
21:56.22SarahEmmand have phone lines plugged into the FXO ports?
21:56.24enderyeah it usually works just fine, although once every couple of weeks two of the ports just stop picking up lines.
21:56.38SarahEmmhrm =-/
21:56.49SarahEmmlooks like it thinks you're unplugging the line
21:56.56SarahEmmor the line is dying
21:57.03Sedoroxbad phone lines?
21:57.06endercould be.
21:57.29SedoroxI know the places around here.. the lines really need to be replaced..
21:57.53brettnemdon't other channel drivers report 404s???
21:57.57enderseems it'll work fine for weeks then I"ll have to reboot the entire box to get it to pick up the lines again.
21:58.42enderRING on 1/4!
21:58.42enderNO RING on 1/4!
21:58.45enderI have those too
21:59.48*** join/#asterisk nvrs (
22:00.33tzafrir_home"battery" is the connection to the trunk. 404 is HTTP-speak that was snuk into SIP
22:01.45Sedoroxyay it works....
22:01.45Drukenender: notice that happens about every 20 days or so ?
22:02.00Sedoroxthis will be nice... one box in my dorm to do novell stuff... asterisk.. and my vpn to home...
22:02.05Sedoroxinstead of 3
22:02.12brettnemtzafrir_home: what that 4040 for me?
22:02.44brettnemthere is no AST_CONTROL for route not founds
22:03.08enderDruken: soemthing like that.  I have only rough estimates.
22:03.27Drukenwelcome to ZAP :)
22:03.30enderDruken: it's been 31 days since the last reboot, however I don't know at which point it stopped picking up those lines.  We're in test mode and they aren't used tha tmuch.
22:04.28Drukenender: i have the same problem... i have a digium tdm400p that dies all the time, and 2 no name wana be cards that never die...
22:04.54Drukenfigures that the cards i paid 5 bux for work better...
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22:08.51pawallsbrettnem, Write  patch ;)
22:08.53sivanacan anyone here write firmware?
22:09.05SarahEmmsivana: for what device?
22:09.09SarahEmmor just in general?
22:09.19sivanain general, but also a specific device :)
22:09.26mistralyes anyone can who can program :)
22:09.26SarahEmmi've been known to
22:09.28Drukensivana: you read email ? :)
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22:09.39tzafrir_homesivana, I figure that writing a firmware is pretty simple.
22:09.39SarahEmmwhatcha talking about sivana?
22:10.07tzafrir_homeMaking one that does no damage and is different than other smaples I have is a bit tricky, though
22:10.12pawallsI think we need to write new firmware for Snom phones that doesn't suck.
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22:15.01JunK-Y114.8 cents/1 liter of gaz!!!
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22:15.15bkw_expensive shit eh
22:15.27JunK-Ygod, its amazing!
22:16.16SwK[Work]i told the boss that if gas prices didnt go back down i was only working from the office 2 days a week
22:16.32JunK-Yheheeh, it wont go down for sure.
22:16.38SwK[Work]monday and thursday (and it just so happens payday is on thursday heh)
22:16.52Sedoroxits $2.64/gal/USD... around here...
22:17.01JunK-YSedorox: its nothin.
22:17.13Sedoroxi know.. but for around here.. its a record high...
22:17.16SedoroxI believe...
22:17.20SwK[Work]its like 2.50USD/Gal (give or take) for the cheap shit around here
22:17.25JunK-YSedorox: like here.
22:17.37Sedoroxyea.. sucks :(
22:17.40SwK[Work]and I live in a "cheap" gas area
22:17.49JunK-Yin gallon, it would be like 4.50$
22:18.09Sedoroxeven my school... which is normally the same price as here...
22:18.16SedoroxI think its a little less then that.. but yea.. still sucks
22:18.21SwK[Work]i about shit when i saw gas prices last night... I got about 1/2 a tank on friday and it was like $1.32/gal... same station sunday night was like $2.52
22:18.24SedoroxI think california is over $3.00
22:18.37SwK[Work]2.32 that is
22:18.52bkw_Ok greg just gave me a really dirty look
22:19.06enderDruken: how do you recover?  Complete reboot?
22:19.12JunK-Yswk: its for a gallon, imagine us, its currently at 1.14$/liter.
22:19.33SwK[Work]thats a .20 spike... and what I really dont get is crude prices JUMP and gass prices at the pump immediately jump... crude prices come down in 2 or 3 days, prices at the pump dont come down for liek 3 weeks
22:20.00Sedoroxthats $4.32/gallon... :/
22:20.01SwK[Work]JunK-Y: thats cause your military wont go take over a middle-eastern oil giant like Iraq
22:20.38JunK-Ywe helping, if we can call it help :)
22:20.46SedoroxJunK-Y, where you at? canada?
22:20.59JunK-Yyes, montreal, canada
22:21.04SwK[Work]Sedorox: he's french canadian
22:21.17JunK-Yswk: yes FRENCHY!
22:21.44JunK-YSedorox: where are ya from ?
22:21.51SedoroxPennsylvania US
22:22.04JunK-Yswk: our stripper rocks :)
22:22.10SwK[Work]JunK-Y: so when is Quebec seceding from canada?
22:22.21JunK-Ydunno, never
22:22.50Sedoroxcanadian women ( at least on the west coast of canada) are hotttttt
22:23.21JunK-YSedorox: u say that cause u never came to montreal baby!
22:23.29SarahEmmmost of our canuckian people here are central->east i think
22:23.31SarahEmm<-- torontonian
22:23.37Sedoroxlike I said.. west.. I've never seen from the other parts
22:23.46SwK[Work]JunK-Y: yeah but memphis strippers will blow you for $25
22:23.58Sedoroxphilly's like... $10
22:24.05JunK-Yswk: my gf cando the same shit for nothin' :)
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22:24.09ohadhi all
22:24.14JunK-Yi could charge her too :P
22:24.18SwK[Work]JunK-Y: i should hope so
22:24.27Sedoroxyou would charge your g/f to blow you?
22:24.32JunK-Y1.14$/liter !!!!!!! :P
22:24.33SwK[Work]JunK-Y: actually everyone pays for it one way or another
22:24.48JunK-Yya, with cinema and restaurant :P
22:24.56SedoroxJunK-Y, I think it might take ya to make a liter :p
22:25.10SarahEmm#asterisk has the weirdest conversations....
22:25.18SedoroxSarahEmm, ahahha
22:25.21file[laptop]the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire
22:25.21JunK-Ynever underestimate the power of...
22:25.30SedoroxI've seen weirder from other places
22:25.45JunK-YSarahEmm: start a new one then
22:25.50ohadquestion: i have Asterisk runing being a t1 with 14 pri's and about 20did's. what happens if there about 20 ppl. who call to the main number and they are in the queue at the same time? will that use up 20lines? also, does Asterisk have a funcation of telling the person who is waiting in a queue how much time or what position they are in the queue?
22:26.19Sedoroxyes.. and yes
22:26.21enderso my asterisk thinks that my 2 FXO ports are offhook, and they won't respond to any calls on those lines.  HOw might I force them to be back onhook?
22:26.24Sedoroxoh.. and yes
22:26.29gtigeneWhat is the best way to convert EPOCH times output by Asterisk into year/month/day/hour/minute/second format?
22:26.58JunK-Ygtigene: ${DATETIME} ?
22:27.20gtigenejunK-Y: the times I need to convert are in the log file for call queues
22:27.26ohadSedorox, are you talking to me?
22:27.30Sedoroxa T1 is 24 lines.... the normal setup is that if you have 20 dids... you can have upto 24 people call... there is no did-channel assignment (normally) so if you have 20 people call in.. no matter what the did... your gonna use up 20 channels...
22:27.33Sedoroxohad, yes
22:27.35JunK-Ygtigene: in a perl script?
22:27.44SwK[Work]gtigene: a php script?
22:27.49SwK[Work]or a shell script
22:27.51gtigeneJunkK-Y: Yes perl would be good
22:27.53JunK-Yi repeat: a PERL script!
22:27.54SwK[Work]or excel macro
22:27.58Sedoroxyes... the agent/queue.. I actually have setup myself.. and it tells people like every 30-60 secs what their place is in line
22:28.14ohadSedorox, yeah that is what i thought.
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22:28.51Sedoroxohad, however... I think you might be able to assign did-channel.. but I think the normal is that you have like 1-X dids for people to call... and it goes through as long as the channels (24 on a normal T1) are open...
22:29.04ohadSedorox, does that agent/queue come with asterik? or do i need to write it myself? and what about the amount of est. time they will have to be in the queue?
22:29.29JunK-Yohad: it already exists in *
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22:29.43Sedoroxit does... I'm not sure with the time.... but if you check out and search for queue.. it gives ya a good guide
22:29.45SedoroxI got mine setup using it
22:30.15JunK-Ydebian*CLI> show applications like queue
22:31.29SarahEmmender: 'offhook/onhook' status is for FXS ports only
22:31.42SarahEmmender: does cat /proc/zaptel/<nbr> give any alarms?
22:32.55harryvvfor some reason this version of ast does not give a alarm when the pstn is pulled
22:32.59enderSarahEmm: well, I've stopped asterisk and restarted the zaptel service.
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22:33.21SarahEmmender: that's fine, still. does it return any alarms?
22:33.36ohadJunK-Y, cool. thanks
22:33.41ohadSedorox, thanks a lot!
22:33.46Sedoroxyup :)
22:34.03enderSarahEmm: not right now.
22:34.30enderand now the ports work.
22:34.45Sedoroxyou running stable or cvs?
22:35.09enderConnected to Asterisk 1.0.7 currently running on asterisk (pid = 9931)
22:35.20Sedoroxnot farmiliar with the TDM400P.. sorry.. only use clones so far..
22:35.26enderI think it may have more to do w/ the zaptel drivers than the asterisk version.
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22:35.38Sedoroxwhat version are the drivers?
22:35.41enderthankfully this is a temporary solution, will be going away soon.
22:37.26Sedoroxis that like redhat or something?
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22:38.31los415hey guys i have a te405p when i go to start zaptel driver i keep getting this error
22:38.33los415Running ztcfg:  ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: No such device or address (6)
22:38.53los415has anyone run into this issue i loaded the latest cvs head zaptel driver
22:39.25*** part/#asterisk nachoguy (n=boster@
22:39.51NetgeeksIos415: what kernel are you running?
22:40.52los415it's a straight rh 9 install
22:40.59los415havent done anything to the kernel
22:41.46Sedoroxhave you ran ztcfg?
22:42.32los415yea i ran ztcfg -vvv and everything seems ok
22:42.55los415well at the last line i get a ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: No such device or address (6)
22:42.56Netgeekshrm, well, if you are running 2.4, then the easy answer I had all prepared is worthless...
22:43.41los415yea kind of weird i have never ran into this issue
22:43.51Netgeekssince you own a digium card, I wholly recommend calling thier tech support line, and putting some of thier talent to work.  The will help you get it working
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22:44.53manipuraHello everyone... I haven't been around for a few months... Just want to check things out again. Thinking about getting back into the Asterisk business
22:45.28SarahEmmhihi manipura, welcome back. meow.
22:46.31manipura~seen cybermage
22:46.35jbotcybermage <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 492d 6h 15m 54s ago, saying: 'biot: Thanks'.
22:47.00manipuraThis channel has sure grown in the last couple months
22:47.31NetgeeksOh COOL!  jbot has a seen feature!  My life is perfect now....  just what I needed
22:47.36harryvvits the 4th or 5th largest in freenode
22:47.43Netgeeks~seen My_Car_Keys
22:47.43jboti haven't seen 'my_car_keys', Netgeeks
22:47.51Qwell#gentoo has got to be, by far, the largest
22:47.54Netgeekswhat good are you jbot
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22:50.05jbotsomebody said kitrich was a cross between an ostrich and a kitten
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22:50.48NetgeeksI wonder how Drumkilla is doing on his cross country drive
22:51.23Drukenyou mean he went without an aircard to stay in touch ? :)
22:51.47Netgeeksapparently so
22:51.48generalhanHey guys !!!!!!! Who's the queue.conf Guru in here right now ?????????????????/
22:51.59Netgeeks~seen drumkilla
22:51.59jbotdrumkilla <n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 5d 16h 22m 6s ago, saying: 'Netgeeks: i'm too tired to think about programming right now ... sorry'.
22:52.51harryvvwhere is drumkilla going?
22:52.58Netgeeksback to school
22:53.24Drukenbah... school... it's only for the odd
22:53.24generalhanwhen i want to record my queue calls i set the monitor = yes .... but where are the files recorded to ??????
22:53.40NetgeeksI don't remember the specific location.. I want to say North Carolina, but I think that was someone else
22:53.53Qwellwhere he was before
22:54.05Qwellor NC maybe, heh
22:54.05Drukengeneralhan: did you look in /var/spool/asterisk/monitor ?
22:54.15harryvverr va spool
22:55.00Netgeeksoh man, Katty and Sarah have hacked my new linux computer even before the install is done!
22:55.05generalhanwell ... first i was looking for an answer ... then i wa sgoing to ask the person that answered tha tquestion if i can use the same format for saving recorded calls as i do in extensions.conf ... (i.e. CALLFILENAME=/root/asterisk/recordedcalls/...)
22:55.18*** join/#asterisk Beccara (
22:55.44*** join/#asterisk Beccara (
22:55.54*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
22:55.54*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by ChanServ
22:55.54*** join/#asterisk CoolAcid (n=jason@
22:56.08manipura!kill Netgeeks
22:56.18manipura~kill Netgeeks
22:56.19jbotACTION shoots a ionized anti-photon gun at Netgeeks
22:56.29SarahEmmNetgeeks: what? did it meow at you?
22:56.38Wonka~kill Beccara
22:56.38jbotACTION shoots a magneto-ionized pseudoquark gun at Beccara
22:56.42Netgeeks'Installing MeW'
22:56.57bkw_yo yo yo
22:57.06SarahEmmk177y h4x0rz
22:57.19Drukenoh shit, there goes the room, bkw_ is here... :)
22:57.39QwellDruken: he's harmless
22:57.42Wonkah4x0r k177y
22:57.46*** join/#asterisk abatista (
22:59.04SarahEmmlol Wonka
22:59.38*** join/#asterisk mago3-cn (i=maxgluck@
22:59.49DrukenQwell: was a joke, a ha ha ....
23:00.01*** join/#asterisk Cinen (
23:00.30*** join/#asterisk Beccara (
23:00.37NetgeeksWell, thats too clean to be Sarah's desk
23:00.51eKo1anybody know the difference between g703 and g704?
23:01.04QwelleKo1: a 1
23:01.09*** join/#asterisk Beccara (
23:01.18QwellDon't ask geeks questions like that. :p
23:01.38eKo1any other differences?
23:02.15NetgeeksQwell is saying g703 is deprecated in favor of g704?
23:02.29Qwellno, unified diff...
23:02.39Qwellerm, < g703 \n > g704 ?
23:03.31NetgeekseKo1: apparently there is a difference since they are identified differently, yes.  However, neither Qwell nor I seem to have the faintest clue as to what actually that difference is
23:03.45*** join/#asterisk SwK (
23:03.55eKo1yes, it seems that we're going nowhere fast with this discussion.
23:03.58SarahEmmNetgeeks: LOL. yes, way too clean.
23:04.07SarahEmmsarah's desk is, at the least, littered with electronic and computer bits
23:04.13SarahEmmat most, it's piled 12-15" high with bits.
23:04.22Qwellyou can measure your bits?
23:04.46QwellI've always measured mine in space-time
23:04.58bkw_measure what?
23:05.04bkw_dare I ask?
23:05.06Qwellbkw_: Your bits.
23:05.12SarahEmmi think qwell means like computer bits
23:05.12bkw_squishy bits?
23:05.13*** join/#asterisk Cinen-Alt (
23:05.13SarahEmmnot... bits.
23:05.27eKo1after some google, it seems the difference is unchannelised and channelised respectively.
23:05.27QwellSarahEmm: umm, yeah, whichever
23:05.53*** join/#asterisk sneak (
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23:05.59bkw_eKo1, its easy eh?
23:06.07SarahEmm*hides under jbot*
23:06.37eKo1I'm still confused though.
23:07.43Netgeeksifconfig -a
23:11.03*** join/#asterisk dcm_ (n=Craziman@
23:11.28Nuggetcould be worse.  you could have erped "IPCONFIG /ALL"
23:11.37*** join/#asterisk DonnieMoss (
23:12.07SarahEmmor myr00tpas5wd
23:12.14Qwellor scp /mnt/pr0n/pr0n.tgz
23:12.19QwellThat would've been bad too
23:12.31generalhanANYONE: can i set an absolute path for the recorded calls in queue.conf ???????
23:12.52Netgeeks~seen ANYONE
23:12.53jbotanyone <> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 24d 11h 26m 19s ago, saying: 'PerfDave, in the meantime .. no sound?'.
23:13.05Netgeeksanyone hasn't been here for a few weeks, sorry
23:13.26generalhanyes he has
23:13.28bkw_generalhan, check the sample config
23:13.29generalhanive seen him ! LOL
23:13.41generalhani did .. they all just have monitor = yes
23:14.00generalhannothing about CALLFILENAME=/path/to/me/recordings
23:14.16NetgeeksI think there is a variable you can set (I'm sure it's on the wiki) with the absolute path
23:14.50generalhanwell ive set it up that way in extensions.conf .... but ive checked the queue pages and they dont say anything
23:14.59generalhanbut i find it hard to believe that you can do it in one plance and not the other
23:16.04twisted[asteria]bkw_, are you over your mid-nick crisis?
23:16.17bkw_twisted no I was just trying to get back in to a channel :P
23:16.23JunK-Yapp_muxmon !
23:16.48twisted[asteria]I am sofa king tire duh
23:17.03generalhanbut where do i SetVar() to define MONITOR_FILENAME} ?
23:17.11bkw_in the dialplan
23:17.17bkw_before you drop the caller into the queue
23:17.21generalhani see
23:17.25generalhanthat makes sense
23:17.50twisted[asteria]read this aloud to yourself
23:17.53bkw_send bkw_ money
23:17.56twisted[asteria]I am sofa king wee taw did
23:18.13twisted[asteria]then smile and accept your fate
23:18.20hermieI want to open a store called "Sofa Kingdom"
23:18.28twisted[asteria]hermie, lol
23:19.50twisted[asteria]blast.  i'm going home
23:20.00bkw_I never left home
23:20.02Wonkayou're disgusting, twisted
23:20.47GoshenHow about message waiting indicator and IAXy...anyone here know if IAXy supports it? it isn't working for me.
23:20.58Cresl1ngoshen yeah
23:21.06QwellAnalog phones have MWI?
23:21.07Cresl1ngoshen works for me
23:21.17Cresl1ngoshen: yeah, stutter tone
23:21.18bkw_stutter tone
23:21.19QwellHow does that work?
23:21.24Goshenreally? I don't get any message waiting stutter tone
23:21.30bkw_you pickup the phone and it stutters before it gives dialtone
23:21.31Qwellie; is there a light that lights up?  How does it check?
23:21.33GoshenI get it on my sipura
23:21.34Cresl1ngoshen: it's probably not setup right
23:21.46Nuggetthere is a standard for MWI on analog lines.  a lot of phones support it.
23:21.51GoshenThe IAXy not provisioned right?
23:21.52Cresl1ngoshen: do you have a mailbox= line where your iaxy is configured?
23:21.55QwellNugget: besides just stuttertone?
23:22.08NuggetI have no idea how it works, but it does.
23:22.13Qwelldoes the phone just check for a stuttertone or something?  It must...
23:22.13GoshenI wounder if it is because I provisioned it as Goshen, not the extension number
23:22.30Cresl1ngoshen: I don't think that would matter
23:23.03Nuggetit might be a magic call waiting packet or something
23:23.06NuggetI dunno, though.
23:24.02QwellThe IAXy doesn't have a switch port, does it?
23:24.13*** join/#asterisk jskcr (n=jskcr@unaffiliated/jskcr)
23:24.19Qwellsomebody sell me a switch then :p
23:24.39puowvipokay qwell. 500 bucks
23:24.51Qwellpuowvip: For a 128 port?  done
23:24.54*** join/#asterisk whytcat (
23:25.11puowviphey, you didn't say how many ports.
23:25.25QwellThis actually kinda sucks.  I've got exactly 4 network devices at home, and exactly 4 ports on my router...
23:25.49JerJeri'll buy you one if you really want one
23:26.01QwellI setup bridging, so 3 of those 4 ports are on the same subnet...if I get a switch (I'll need to soon), my bridging essentially goes to waste - as does my quad ethernet card
23:26.26QwellJerJer: buy me 8, and you've got yourself a deal
23:26.43*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
23:26.49Qwellflip 8 switches to give the IAXy a connection...
23:27.37Nuggetyou can get a five port switch for like fifteen bucks.
23:27.39Qwellswitches are layer 2 usually, no?
23:27.47SarahEmmunless you get an L3 switch
23:27.50SarahEmmwhich is a Lot more money
23:27.52SarahEmmor a router :)
23:27.55Qwelland hubs are layer 1?
23:28.16QwellI should just get an el cheapo hub
23:28.32SarahEmmwhy not a cheap switch
23:28.40hermie"We talk like the people on TV" should be the Midwest's official slogan.
23:28.47NetgeeksI don't hink you can buy hubs anymore
23:28.50SarahEmmuhh okay..
23:28.58SarahEmmNetgeeks: you can buy 'switching hugs' ;)
23:29.00SarahEmm... hubs
23:29.07crash3mNetgeeks: unfortunatly, you can
23:29.09Netgeeksah, the N-Way hubs!
23:29.30Nugget  <-- nway!  :)
23:29.31Qwellscrew it.  I'll just make some freaking round-robin cables
23:29.36Netgeeksactually I was trying to find a hub the other day, my hub I use for sniffing stuff went kaput
23:29.46NuggetQwell: that's sure not the lazy approach!
23:29.53SarahEmmget a switch with port spanning abilities :)
23:29.55SupaplexQwell: dont' forget to remove the robin before you crimp the ends. ;)
23:29.58*** join/#asterisk jskcr (n=jskcr@unaffiliated/jskcr)
23:30.17QwellNugget: I'm only lazy when I don't have a stupid idea.
23:30.26Netgeeksget FDDI cards!
23:30.48Qwellscrew it!  I'm getting wireless bridges for everything
23:32.10NetgeeksI remember the days when one of the major hubs for the internet was MCI's hub in Northern Illinois (um, I don't remember it's dns name - something springs) was a FDDI ring....  lol
23:32.59puowvipyou mean ameritech-nap
23:33.16Netgeeksnope, one of the routers on thier fddi ring was connected to the ameritech nap
23:33.28Netgeeksand the ameritech nap was full atm
23:33.35Netgeeksfirst ATM nap actually
23:34.01Netgeeksor I should say first ATM only nap
23:34.13Qwell16 port netgear switch for $59?  Seems a bit lower then I would have expected...
23:34.23SarahEmmQwell: seems reasonable
23:34.28SarahEmmmy 24pt rackmount switch was $75 new
23:34.58MRH2can ne1 point me in the direction of a var that references which extension an agent is logged in at given an agent number... trying to get $somevar_agentid = SIP/1000
23:35.16QwellWhats a pretty good brand these days? ;/
23:35.33Netgeeksnetgear is good for cheap switches
23:35.51SarahEmmmy 24pt is linksys
23:35.52SarahEmmworks fine
23:36.13Netgeeksyou won't get line speed... I've got an 8 port netgear and a 16 port netgear for my home office and I clocked them both maxing out around 48Mbps
23:36.39Qwellmy router doesn't get line speed...
23:36.43Qwell110mhz sparc :D
23:37.09Qwell"Qwell, you shouldn't get that card.  You won't be able to use it to it's full potential." "Sure I can!"
23:37.14Qwell" was I thinking?"
23:37.47Netgeeks110MHz... that sounds like a clone processor... I forget the name of those guys that made them....
23:37.50wunderkincan someone look at my backtrace of a core dump? its from head pulled earlier today
23:37.58QwellNetgeeks: roth?
23:38.03NetgeeksThats it!
23:38.06Qwellnah, thats the 170
23:38.16QwellI think
23:38.20NetgeeksI've got two dual 125's in my sparc 20 box here
23:38.31Netgeeksalso have some dual 90's hanging around too
23:38.37Netgeeksand 2 single 150's from roth
23:39.06Qwellmy sparc has so much freaking ram, compared to what it is
23:39.14Qwell110mhz, 256mb ram
23:39.19Netgeeksbut bit by bit my ram for the sparc is failing
23:39.23Qwellsits there all day, doing nothing but passing packets back and forth
23:39.24*** join/#asterisk asteriskjohn (
23:39.37NetgeeksI had 1G in it, but now it's down to 600ish
23:39.44[Jedi]110mhz? it must be very tiny
23:39.46Qwell8 32mb sticks...those things cost a fortune when they were purchased, I'd bet
23:39.51Qwell[Jedi]: heh, not really
23:40.06[Jedi]I got a Netra 1405t
23:40.15NetgeeksThe memory was 'donated' to me
23:40.16Qwellmaybe its 18"
23:40.28[Jedi]Qwell: is it a UltraSPARC?
23:40.29QwellNetgeeks: mine came with the ram.  $50 for the whole thing
23:40.32Qwell[Jedi]: ss5
23:40.33[Jedi]Qwell: or just sparc v8?
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23:40.46Qwellsparcstation 5
23:40.57[Jedi]not very useful today, right?
23:41.05Qwellnot really, no
23:41.06NetgeeksI actually got paid from a company that owed me money in hardware instead, two Sun UltraSparc 2 systems, dual 300 procs in each and 2GB ram each... I took some ram out and put in the sparc 20
23:41.16QwellNetgeeks: not too shabby
23:41.31[Jedi]dual 300... ultra80?
23:41.43[Jedi]or a netra or what?
23:41.44NetgeeksUltra 2's
23:42.01Netgeeksthe original ones, looks like a 4U pizza box
23:42.18QwellI love the design of them
23:42.43Netgeekshehe, they are both running SER on sparc linux... doing nada
23:42.59QwellNetgeeks: I tried installing gentoo on my ss5...
23:43.03[Jedi]I haven't been able to make SER work didn't work
23:43.17[Jedi]I'd really like to but I haven't :D
23:43.24[Jedi]so our "proxy" is an asterisk
23:43.53NetgeeksSER is just different than asterisk.  Take a week and spend it playing with SER and it will fall into place
23:44.05[Jedi]yup but haven't much time
23:44.18[Jedi]and for now we have VERY few VoIP customers
23:44.29[Jedi]so asterisk is enough
23:44.46Qwellanybody mind one more stupid offtopic question?
23:45.38*** join/#asterisk jskcr (n=jskcr@unaffiliated/jskcr)
23:45.47Qwell8 port switch, connected to a 1 port router.  Transfering from switch-port-A to switch-port-B, will the packets go through router, and slow it down, or only through switch, and go as fast as possible?  ie; if switch is 100mbit, and router is 10mbit
23:46.16[Jedi]Qwell: it depends
23:46.26Qwellone subnet, /24
23:46.34Wonkathe router doesn't influence other switch ports
23:46.51[Jedi]Qwell: if the machines route their packets directly to the ethernet and ask for hosts with ARP, then traffic does not go through router
23:46.53Wonkaif it's really only between switch ports
23:47.02Wonkaand not somehow via the router
23:47.06jskcrswitched ports work on localnet so you can actually unplug the router since its the localnet
23:47.13Qwellok, great.  I should have done this quite a while ago
23:47.37Qwellnow to convince my wife that I actually need a 24 port switch, for 5 devices...
23:47.37[Jedi]with /24 your traffic should't go through router
23:48.22mago3-cnhello, this time is really urgent: i just installed cvs-head and asteerisk doesn't load... i'm getting this: WARNING[11238]: loader.c:258 ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_config_load
23:48.22WonkaQwell: what do you need a 24 port switch for?
23:48.43jskcrrecomple asterisk-addons mago3
23:48.49jskcrerr complie :P
23:48.49mago3-cni checked and is there
23:49.03sigtermjskcr: one more time =)
23:49.06Sedorox[Jedi], yes it does.. you need to route it somehow :p
23:49.09QwellWonka: Don't ask...
23:49.09jskcrcvs co asterisk-addons and recompile
23:49.24WonkaQwell: but i did already! :>
23:49.24Qwellsimple because I don't have an acceptable answer
23:49.35[Jedi]Sedorox: no it doesn't
23:49.35Qwellbesides "because I want one!" ;/
23:49.36mago3-cndone that
23:49.43[Jedi]Sedorox: for traffic inside that /24
23:49.51Sedoroxwell for inside it.. yes
23:50.01[Jedi]Sedorox: I guessed that was the question
23:50.04Sedoroxbut if you wanna go outside... its gonna need a router at some point :p
23:50.08[Jedi]of course =D
23:50.11jskcrmago3 ya recompiled them and make installed em?
23:50.45SedoroxI mean.. I have enough ipv6's (/48)...
23:50.48Sedoroxjust want v4
23:50.53jskcrmago3-cn:  worst case you can do a cvs -D "1 week ago"
23:51.29SarahEmmanyone else here using cepstral?
23:51.45bkw_we do
23:51.46Netgeeksooooh, bkw...  I'm attacking your armies in Kamchatka from Japan!
23:52.04Netgeeks.... not that RISK, eh?
23:53.15wunderkinbkw_: speaking of risk.. will you look at this backtrace for me? :D
23:53.23wunderkinits from todays head
23:53.23mago3-cnjust did the checkout, i'm in the directory
23:53.34mago3-cnmake clean; make install?
23:53.38zedkatufNewb question: Can asterisk route VOIP-based incoming calls to my VOIP fone (sorry for such a basic Q, but my brain is full with RTFM'ing & a nice simple asnwer here would be greatly appreciated)?
23:54.08Wonkait can
23:54.14zedkatufok, many thanks
23:54.43zedkatufI'll attack some more docs tomz to see exactly how :)
23:55.11WonkaSarahEmm: use a / instead :)
23:55.31SarahEmmi'm aware
23:55.35SarahEmmsometimes kitriches typo
23:56.42jskcrmsg ibot karma
23:57.00jskcrdammit wonka ya stole my slash :P
23:59.13Sedoroxso Wonka... how's the candy coming today? :p .... sorry.. had to :p

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.