irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050813

00:00.00bkw_twsited my pretty... how are you
00:00.02twisted[asteria]bkw_, speaking of paste....
00:00.47filebkw_ scares me!
00:00.53bkw_why do I do that?
00:00.58bkw_How can I scare anyone?
00:01.00filemeh why not
00:01.01bkw_I'm mostly harmless
00:01.08funraps-assorry guys
00:01.11funraps-asgot excited
00:01.13bkw_I don't bite
00:01.17funraps-asI'm working through an example
00:01.23funraps-askilling my extensions
00:01.25bkw_ask file, peter, twisted or swk
00:01.28funraps-asi'll let you know soon
00:01.33bkw_I have slept with all those guys.. not a single thing happened
00:01.40SwKi didnt do it
00:01.52funraps-asbkw is a chick
00:01.58JunK-Ybkw_: how much did u pay them? :P
00:01.58twisted[asteria]might as well be
00:01.58SwKbkw is a gay man
00:02.03filebkw touched me!
00:02.06bkw_ALL FREE
00:02.12bkw_I might add you're all great in bed
00:02.13thumpclipfresh install of asteriak@home and the web interface works but i cant get /admin any got any advice!?
00:02.16JunK-Ybkw_ is really really sexy chick !
00:02.28bkw_you funny
00:02.29twisted[asteria]bkw_, hah.  swk said you poked him too much
00:02.38bkw_NO I think that was the other way around
00:02.53twisted[asteria]"Reverse engineering"?
00:03.10bkw_all I know... is I woke up with swk's arm around me... and something was poking me in the back
00:03.50bkw_anyway they almost got me to go to a strip club
00:03.58bkw_if I didn't have to go to the ER for 6 hours with peter
00:04.00twisted[asteria]you should have gone
00:04.06SwKbkw_: you must have not been that great cause i dont remember a thing
00:04.10twisted[asteria]sounds like an excuse
00:04.15bkw_swk nothing happened
00:04.22bkw_other than your elbow in my kidney :P
00:04.33fileyeah, a likely story
00:04.39bkw_file you were there
00:04.44twisted[asteria]Hmmhesays, yea man
00:04.47fileyeah, threesome
00:05.03filespread across two beds! OMG
00:05.06bkw_Hmmhesays, is a harry guy
00:05.12fileharry... haha
00:05.14bkw_he has longer hair on his arms than most guys have on their heads
00:05.20Hmmhesaysi've hopped the wagon and i'm hitchin' a ride!
00:05.25SwKi dont think file changed clothes the whole time we were there tho
00:05.26HmmhesaysI could
00:05.34twisted[asteria]you should cornroll your arm hair
00:05.47bkw_swk he couldn't the air port lost his bags
00:05.53SwKbkw_: i was getting to that
00:06.07fileyou silly people
00:06.11bkw_the funny part was the digium guys winning the sangoma T1 card
00:06.14twisted[asteria]the airport didn't lose them
00:06.20twisted[asteria]the NTSB did
00:06.21bkw_no the airport did
00:06.22SwKbkw_: i couldnt help but laff when he told me his shit was there like 2 days before we left
00:06.24thumpclipdunno whats going on
00:06.25filethe airport misplaced them for a bit
00:06.26bkw_NO in toronto
00:06.29filethen they caught back up to me!
00:06.32bkw_when he was stuck there
00:06.35bkw_for 24 hours
00:06.41Hmmhesaysdear penis, I don't think I like you anymore, you used to watch me shave, now all you do is stare at the floor
00:06.54SwKHmmhesays: dear redney...
00:07.00thumpclip<--needs advice please! fresh install of asteriak@home and the web interface works but i cant get /admin any got any advice!?
00:07.12SwKthumpclip: nuke it and just install asterisk
00:07.14twisted[asteria]thumpclip, go talk to the people who made asterisk@home
00:07.29HmmhesaysI don't think I like you anymore, when  you get to drinking  you put me places i've never been before
00:07.39thumpclipoh so Asterisk@home is not recommended
00:07.54SwKspark plug?
00:07.57fileyay my email works again
00:08.04SwKwhat kinda plug?
00:08.07twisted[asteria]butt plug
00:08.10jbotupdatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep, or super extractor,
00:08.20Hmmhesaysbuuuuutttttttt pluuuuuugggg
00:08.36twisted[asteria]we tried that gag on tell me
00:08.41twisted[asteria]she didn't quite get it.
00:08.52twisted[asteria]eventually she sent us to sports
00:09.02bkw_IAX2 in OPAL is getting encryption now
00:09.19fileOMG BECKY!
00:09.22filethat's like, so, cool!
00:09.33bkw_I dare not speak of the othe rstuff we did this week
00:09.35bkw_it would get me shot
00:09.41filebkw_: you've said too much
00:09.43fileSO SHUTUP!
00:09.48bkw_I know NOTHING
00:10.27Darwin35all they did was sit by the pool and drink martinies and talk about the idea of the confrance
00:10.30filehi Damin
00:10.50filebkw_: oh right, I forgot, any further idea when/when we will hold the powwow?
00:11.09bkw_no go forth and create
00:11.13bkw_bring ideas to table
00:11.20bkw_the powwow is gonna OWN
00:11.31twisted[asteria]i need to chat with you
00:12.01DaminDarwin35: We did an awful LOT more than that! :)
00:12.04fileI say Toronto!
00:12.13Twisterhey all, im having a chan_sccp issue with my cisco 30vip phone, heres a pastebin with the cli output and the config file,if someone will take a look at that and give me a hint at what could be wrong, id appriciate it, the problem is (as you can see from the output)is that the phone isnt registering nraps-as> let me bring up gw and try
00:12.13Twister[19:44] <mag
00:12.18filebecause, well, it's easy for me to get there and less chance of me going to hell again
00:12.19Hmmhesaysoh noes u will catch teh SARS
00:12.23Twistererr sorry bout that
00:12.56Twistertheres the pastebin
00:17.01BeirdoHmmhesays, that's not funny]
00:17.45Hmmhesaysif you believed the media it wasn't
00:17.57Beirdoif you lived in Toronto, it's not
00:18.04Beirdoand I live in Toronto  :)
00:18.26Hmmhesaysand true to form, the media whipped the public into a frenzy about it
00:18.41Beirdothere was a potential for a true epidemic, and it was not clear it was under control
00:19.33Hmmhesaysyou see the thing is, there is always potential for a true epidemic
00:20.01Hmmhesayswe could see the influenza wipe out north america in the next 6 months
00:20.57Beirdotrue enough
00:21.41Hmmhesaysbut, say I died from something strange, or maybe two or 3 people died of something strange... the media catches wind and all of the sudden the world is in danger
00:21.58Hmmhesayslife as we know it will end, so on so forth
00:22.28Beirdowe didn't know how SARS was spread, it spread fast in several highly populated areas...
00:22.38Beirdoand we didn't know how to control it
00:22.47Beirdoof course peopel were scared
00:23.27Hmmhesaysfueled by the media
00:23.44Hmmhesaysfatality rate for it was like 4%
00:23.57Hmmhesaysi think there is a higher fatality rate for driving cars
00:24.10*** join/#asterisk Piranha- (i=piranha@
00:24.15funraps-asinterested in h323
00:24.27Beirdoyou don't get it
00:24.33HmmhesaysI understand
00:24.47opus_how do I check for null variables with GotoIf?
00:24.50Beirdoit's the fear of the unknown and the high risk.  The media didn't blow it out of proportion
00:25.12*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
00:25.32HmmhesaysI disagree that they didn't, however you are entitled to your opinion
00:25.38Hmmhesaysand I respect that
00:28.43Beirdoheh :)
00:29.14Beirdonow, the idiots who told their employees not to go to Toronto...  they blew it out of proportion
00:29.36Hmmhesaysthere is one thing we agree on
00:29.46Beirdoa few hundred affected people out of 4M...  once they know where the problem was contained
00:29.56JunK-YHmmhesays: why not the #asterisk-diamonds ? :P
00:30.09HmmhesaysJunK-Y: cause they don't serve you canadians there
00:30.21twisted[asteria]SwK, you suck
00:30.24SwKeveryone getting so scared tehy are shitting in their pants and giving up all their freedoms under "Anti-terrorism" banner deserve exactly what they are going to end up with
00:30.45Hmmhesaysthe republic of texas? kicking their ass?
00:31.01SwKHmmhesays: that and the police state they are getting
00:31.55HmmhesaysIIRC texas still has the power to secede from the union
00:32.28SwKyes they do
00:32.35SwKthey are the only state that can
00:32.55DrukenBeirdo: what about toronto isn't funny?
00:33.00Hmmhesaysand they do have a fair amount of natural resources (oil)
00:33.36BeirdoDruken, joking about SARS isn't funny
00:33.38*** join/#asterisk Himeko (
00:33.52*** join/#asterisk DruidFyr (
00:33.52Hmmhesaysits about the same as joking about the flue now
00:33.54Beirdonow if you wanna joke about (former) Mayor Mel...  go nuts
00:35.31Drukeni thought sars was a bit lame...
00:35.37Drukenbut that was me...
00:35.48Drukenwash your hands and you'll be fine :)
00:36.20Hmmhesaysdon't suck lung juices out of your infected girlfriends mouth
00:36.21*** join/#asterisk Samoied (n=Samoied@
00:36.21Drukentell me, what does washing your hands do for a respratory disease ?
00:36.55*** join/#asterisk oplog2 (
00:37.07Hmmhesaystell me why doctors rarely get sick because they are around that shit all day
00:37.28Hmmhesayscoming straight from a doctor "I wash my hands"
00:37.36Drukenthey can self administer drugs :)
00:37.42Hmmhesaysi was like "no shit huh?"
00:37.52Hmmhesaysshe says "yep, thats it"
00:38.19Hmmhesayscause I coughed in her face when she was giving me the throat exam
00:38.43DrukenBeirdo: i'm not FROM toronto, but close enough... i'm there for at least 5 hours a day.. hehe
00:38.48funraps-asanyone here can help with h323 users
00:38.58Hmmhesaysi could, but i'm off the clock
00:39.10Hmmhesayswhats your major malfunction soldier
00:39.27Beirdowell, I'm not originally from Toronto, but I live here now
00:39.34Beirdoanyways, I got a game to play
00:39.44Beirdopuzzlepirates time
00:39.48*** join/#asterisk Himeko (
00:39.52Hmmhesaysheh I live in fargo, there is an epidemic of stupidity here
00:40.31BeirdoI truly pity you for your winters
00:40.40harryvvHmmhesays does the movie live up to its name?
00:40.45*** join/#asterisk jeobjeobjeob (
00:40.49Hmmhesaysharryvv not even close
00:40.56jeobjeobjeobim trying to use ztdummy
00:41.03jeobjeobjeobi got zaptel and ztdummy to compile
00:41.05Hmmhesaysthe cops are obsessed with traffic tickets and busting under age drinkers
00:41.06jeobjeobjeobbut i can't load ztdummy
00:41.40harryvvHmmhesays thats the price you pay for living in a small town
00:41.50Hmmhesaysits medium sized
00:41.55Hmmhesaysnot like a village
00:42.04harryvvobay the law and you wont get a ticket ;)
00:42.31Twisteranyone in here use chan_sccp?
00:42.33godsmokeobey the ulaw, and you wont have crap sound
00:42.53Hmmhesaysyeah well when the police force look like they just got weened off their mamma's teet and have huge chips on their shoulder it doesn't help either
00:43.00harryvvi got busted for doing 95 in a 60 at 1 am on ahighway in williams arizona. he saw I was millitary and gave me somewhat of a break even though I did not ask for it.
00:43.25harryvvi paid my ticket
00:43.51harryvvIt was a absolute totally suprise to darkness and zipped past him while he waited along the higways.
00:44.03Hmmhesaysi would have sniped your tires
00:44.16harryvvexcuse me?
00:44.22Hmmhesays<chuckle> was a joke
00:44.32harryvvi see
00:44.40Hmmhesaysapparently you don't play video games
00:44.55harryvvlast person to let air out of my tires got a letter of counseling which stayed on his record for two years :)
00:44.59harryvvno I dont
00:45.22Hmmhesaysmy imagination is probably more active also
00:45.48harryvvI would rather build a custom bike or something else then play games
00:46.03Hmmhesaysif I had the money i'd agree
00:46.10Hmmhesaysbut i need some distraction from life
00:46.30harryvvsoftware has such a short shelf life. people cannot apriciate software vs say..something you built and will allways have a artistic feel.
00:46.35Hmmhesaysfile: if I could get a date has proven how much of an un-dateable freak I am
00:46.55harryvvone of the things that may help me is rhino3d.
00:47.09fileHmmhesays: that's sad
00:47.25Hmmhesaysfile: you're telling me
00:47.31harryvvjust go out work out clean your self up and ask for a date.
00:47.39harryvvbe casual about it
00:47.46*** join/#asterisk Mehmet (i=Gokchee@
00:47.49*** join/#asterisk DruidFyr (
00:47.49Hmmhesaysthis is fargo dude
00:47.58harryvvmost of all, be friends with the girl first before asking her out
00:48.05bkw_Hmmhesays, that stupid song is in my head
00:48.11bkw_I just heard it on the teevee
00:48.13Hmmhesaysbkw_ which one?
00:48.21bkw_the fanta one
00:48.25bkw_or how ever you fucking spell it
00:48.27harryvvfanta one?
00:48.28bkw_curse you
00:48.32Twisterwhen using chan_sccp with my cisco 30VIP it gives me an error message in the cli (listed in the pastebin) and i looked in /var/logs/asterisk/full and it said it couldnt find the device
00:48.39Twisterive got the correct mac in
00:48.41Hmmhesaysharryvv: i know how to play *the game*
00:48.51Hmmhesaysdon't you want a want a fanta
00:48.59bkw_anta Fanta, Don't ya wanta?
00:49.08bkw_Wanta Fanta, Don't ya wanta?
00:49.09harryvvbtw, anyone ever program asterisk and a calander database to call you for reminder apointments?
00:49.44Hmmhesayscan you use dates at triggers in postgres?
00:49.51harryvvdont know
00:50.29bkw_bet you can
00:50.34Twisternot that i know of harryvv: but i bet that wouldnt be too hard to write as a php agi
00:50.40Hmmhesayshrm, you could use cron to execute a script to read the database and schedule the calls for the day
00:50.41bkw_ewww php
00:50.46filetouch me alllllll night long
00:50.48bkw_god damn leave php where it belongs ON TH EWEB
00:51.33bkw_or Inkernet
00:51.39Hmmhesaysi could use some vodka
00:51.50bkw_ya know its bad when spandsp can't talk to spandsp without bad lines over a fucking crossover PRI
00:52.24Hmmhesaysi need to join a band
00:52.30Hmmhesaysnot like a marching band either
00:52.34bkw_I got a band for ya
00:52.49bkw_its under my zipper..
00:52.59HmmhesaysOMG MY EYES
00:53.01bkw_wait NEVER
00:53.24Hmmhesaysyou got me there bkw_ YOU GOT ME GOOD
00:53.40bkw_i'm gonna start sleeping 20 min every 4 hours if I can.. so I can work 24/7 just about
00:54.56bkw_Training error 0.367384
00:54.56bkw_Training succeeded (constellation mismatch 0.581832)
00:54.56bkw_Fast carrier trained
00:56.11*** join/#asterisk newl (
00:56.23*** join/#asterisk hhrp2k (
00:57.19dudesAnyone got the source for asterisk 1.0.9; if you do could you stat channels/chan_agent.c for me please?
00:57.34bkw_wtf would a stat prove?
00:57.42dudesI'm just wondering about something
00:57.59dudesjust the size block
00:58.44harryvvbkw, try 1 hour for every 8 hours.
00:59.32harryvvto have the best rest you need to be in stage three of REM
01:00.35*** join/#asterisk JBirdman (
01:00.40harryvvive driven 27 hours strait once.
01:00.45harryvvfoolish of course.
01:01.10bkw_md5sum would have done better
01:01.20bkw_Shake your grove thing... ya ya
01:01.38*** join/#asterisk hhrp2k (
01:01.44agave-txlinkbkw, what does your nick mean?
01:02.12bkw_bravo kilo wiskey
01:02.17bkw_brian keith west
01:02.26agave-txlinkokay, coo :)
01:02.27bkw_i'm original
01:02.34bkw_their can be ONLY ONE bkw_
01:02.45bkw_the planet isn't big enough for two
01:02.56hhrp2kim trying to register my ATA 186 with SIP on my * server, im getting Registration from 'Lelik <sip:111@69.xx.xx.xx;user=phone>' failed for ... what is the prob?
01:03.15agave-txlinki was wondering if it might be an acronym or something like bad kitten wars or something :-D
01:03.22hhrp2kdo i have to user register => for my ata since im the provider or not
01:03.34bkw_MOOSE PENIS!!!!
01:03.55*** join/#asterisk Godsey (n=lanny@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Godsey)
01:04.05agave-txlinkbut i was suddenly made stupider for reading hhrp2k's register => question
01:04.13agave-txlinkhhrp2k: no broly, you don't need to use register =>
01:04.42agave-txlinkhhrp2k: you need an entry in sip.conf for the ATA... do you have one?
01:04.53hhrp2klike [ata]
01:04.58hhrp2kand username etc?
01:05.00agave-txlinkhhrp2k: yes
01:05.11agave-txlinkhhrp2k: and you're sure the secret is the same?
01:05.23bkw_I would die for you.. I've been dying just to feel you by my side... to know that you're mine
01:05.31Sedoroxnot in whisper down the lane agave-txlink :p
01:05.32bkw_file dear do you want this song?
01:05.43agave-txlinkbkw: what is that, sounds like garbage
01:05.45*** join/#asterisk CdtDelta (
01:05.47hhrp2ksame like  PWD1 on ata
01:05.48agave-txlinkand you can take that to mean the band or how i really meant it
01:05.58bkw_yes its #1 Crush
01:06.22hhrp2khost = dynamic
01:06.27agave-txlinkhhrp2k: i recall playing around with that steaming pile of cisco a couple of years ago.  i got frustrated and quit.  well not really but there is something special you have to do for the ata-186
01:06.31filebkw_: what song?
01:06.37bkw_#1 crush
01:06.41filesure why not
01:06.43agave-txlinkhhrp2k: now i'm just guessing but have you tried md5secret instead of secret?
01:06.43Twisterhmmm...the latest CVS of chan_sccp dont work with cisco 30vip firmware l2.j2
01:06.56hhrp2kmd5 where?
01:06.57Twisterjust so anyone who cares knows
01:07.24bkw_keep it up
01:07.32agave-txlinkhhrp2k: hold on let me look at my cisco 7960 entry
01:07.47ltersTwister, what does it do?
01:07.48hhrp2kagave? md5 a different method of auth on ata?
01:07.50filebkw_: you like it up, and hard?
01:07.56*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
01:08.01bkw_you know it
01:08.13agave-txlinkhhrpk: no in sip.conf.  for my cisco 7960 I had to have username=123 secret=123 and md5secret=ad135908acd
01:08.20agave-txlinkor whatever the md5 was of my actual secret
01:09.02bkw_REMEMBER NEVER EVER let mikej lead
01:09.09hhrp2kwhere do i put my md5 in ata?
01:09.28bkw_you don't
01:09.31agave-txlinkhhrp2k: you don't.  your cisco might be md5 hashing your secret to keep it safe over the wire
01:09.36agave-txlinkhhrp2k: you put the md5 hash in sip.conf
01:09.42bkw_echo -n "user:realm:secret" | md5sum
01:09.53agave-txlinkrealm = asterisk
01:09.59bkw_unless you changed it
01:10.07agave-txlinkhe didn't
01:10.16bkw_you can change it now ya knwo
01:10.29agave-txlinkyeah i heard
01:10.50agave-txlinkyou might be able to turn off md5 hashing on the ata-186 too
01:10.50hhrp2khow can i find out hash value?
01:10.53agave-txlinkbut i'm too lazy to check
01:10.57agave-txlinkhhrp2k: bkw just showed you how
01:11.13agave-txlink<bkw_> echo -n "user:realm:secret" | md5sum
01:11.29hhrp2kok thanks let me try
01:11.30agave-txlinkbut if you're a noob the best thing to do is pitch that ata-186 in the trash and get you the linksys
01:11.37agave-txlinkit's a lot friendlier :)
01:11.50hhrp2kwhat is realm?
01:11.55agave-txlinki just told you :D
01:11.56agave-txlinkrealm = asterisk
01:12.22hhrp2kdo i have to put it there?
01:12.22asterisk-supportsee this is why I was fired from doing tech support
01:12.32asterisk-supportlast job I had I went postal
01:12.41hhrp2ki mean you sure it has to be asterisk
01:12.43asterisk-supportusers were stabbed with cat5e patch cables
01:12.47asterisk-supporthhrp2k: yes.
01:13.24agavewaste of cat6
01:13.25hhrp2ksorry i,m not familiar with this stuff ;)
01:13.42agavehhrp2k: no problem but that is why I said if you're a newbert the ata-186 is the most frustrating device to learn with
01:13.44*** join/#asterisk Netrunz (n=ff@
01:13.57agavewell except for those crappy chinese toys that have no manual and prompts are in Engrish
01:14.12chinese-ataplease be holding one for the menu changer
01:14.13hhrp2ki put asterisk word in there
01:14.16NetrunzHello guys. What do you think would be the best way to let an extension enable/disable its voicemail through phone keypad?
01:14.20hhrp2kand my id and pass
01:14.25hhrp2kit gave me md4
01:14.38hhrp2kstill having same prob
01:14.45hhrp2kRegistration from 'Lelik <sip:111@69.xx.xx.xx;user=phone>' failed for ...
01:14.54chinese-atahhrp2k: okay i am sensing now that your ata-186 is possessed
01:14.58hhrp2kwhy does it say user=phone?
01:15.04hhrp2kno ata is fine
01:15.15hhrp2ki suspect bad config in *
01:15.46hhrp2kwhy does it say user=phone?
01:15.50NetrunzHello guys. What do you think would be the best way to let an extension enable/disable its voicemail through phone keypad?
01:15.50hhrp2kthats weird
01:15.59agavehhrp2k: honestly i do not know.  :(
01:16.24agavenetrunz: you could whip something up with realtime and one of the sql drivers
01:16.44agaveor with the asterisk internal db
01:17.00Netrunzlike setting a var or something?
01:17.22Netrunzah ok
01:17.26agavei have never used the internal db
01:17.28agaveit was just an idea
01:17.32Netrunzme neither
01:17.37Netrunzwait i did for faxing
01:17.46UmaroI think there's an example for that on the wiki
01:17.55agavethe unholy transmission of modulated traffic through ip networks
01:18.04NetrunzUmaro really?
01:18.09NetrunzI looked all over
01:18.16Netrunzcan u post a link please?
01:18.28Netrunzagave faxes come on the pstn :)
01:18.42UmaroSo, if my SIP provider says "we can't do T.38.. but we can do T.30!", what should I take that to mean? I mean, obviously I know what T.30 is, but...
01:18.59agaveumaro: then you're screwed if you're using asterisk because it doesn't support either.  :D
01:19.01NetrunzT.30 is still a bet
01:19.25NetrunzT38 would be the best BUT...
01:19.33NetrunzIt is unsupported
01:19.57Netrunzthat is why I receive faxes with spandsp on a fxo and then send it in email
01:20.01agaveif you only fax one page docs you can sometimes get away with faxing over ulaw
01:20.20Netrunzyea 3/10 times it works
01:20.25agavebut your success rate is going to like a bum picking up chicks in an upscale bar
01:20.41Netrunzagave that was a good one :)
01:21.17Umarothat's not for voicemail, but it does show you how to use it to turn on/off features like that
01:21.20NetrunzThanks Umaro I'll go check it out
01:23.04agavespeaking of t.38
01:23.33agavenothing like the providers who claim t.38 support on ingress traffic, but then send their egress traffic over public internets
01:23.41NetrunzThe only hardware supporting t38 I know of is cisco proprietary
01:23.55agavepretty much any softswitch supports it
01:23.56UmaroI have been trying to get openh323/t38modem working... lol
01:23.57JerJeruse store and forwar
01:23.58agavelucent tnt/apx
01:24.07JerJerno need for T.37 or T.38 - just do it
01:24.09*** join/#asterisk Pete_Largo (
01:24.35Pete_Largohi everyone
01:24.44*** join/#asterisk PhreeStyle (
01:24.50*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
01:25.27hhrp2kdo i need to put anything special in sip.conf
01:25.29agavehi pete
01:25.44JerJer(21:01:40) Shido: you know you're a geek when....
01:25.44JerJer(21:25:23) Jeremy: ...when os x is already on your x86 platform before it hits slashdot
01:25.45hhrp2kin order to let it know that its running sip server where client can reg
01:26.23agavei thought about switching to os x but i would have to format my drive and lose countless megs of ...  movies
01:26.27agavewhich may or may not be pornographic
01:26.32Pete_Largohhrp2k - if the client is a SIP client then it must be set up in sip.conf
01:26.39agaveand before you judge me i said megs not gigs
01:26.53agaveand i said may or may not
01:27.07Pete_Largohhrp2k - likewise, if you use a SIP server (almost any voip 'carrier'), then it also must be configured in sip.conf
01:27.21agavePete_Largo: he's trying to get an ata-186 to register with his asterisk
01:27.43Pete_LargoI've never used an ATA-186
01:27.53agavei did but it was literally two years ago
01:28.11Pete_LargoI do know that it must be in sip.conf if he wants it to register...
01:28.18agaveit is already went through that
01:28.52Pete_Largoso, agave, how much of may or may not is?
01:29.17agaveoh i'm just screwing around the real problem is my frigging mail spool won't even fit on a dvd-rom anymore
01:29.30agavesadly, no
01:29.40agavei get zero spams per day due to my wizardly sidekick network admin
01:29.50SplasPoodattachments?   or how many years?
01:29.57Pete_LargoI get lots of spam, but not nearly as much as I use to
01:30.02agavesince feb 2003
01:30.28agavealmost no attachments, i delete that stuff out to try and keep lookout express from thrashing the disk too badly
01:30.39SplasPoodmailing lists then?
01:30.45agaveno.. i purge the mailing lists, too.  :(
01:30.54agavefor instance, my current inbox folder has 1507 messages in 10 days
01:30.55SplasPoodthen WTF is taking up all the space? :)
01:31.02agavelots of people email me
01:31.19SplasPoodlots of people email me too
01:31.21agavelookout subtotals stuff
01:31.21SplasPoodbut text is text
01:31.21Pete_LargoI think you meant mail store, not mail spool
01:31.23agavelet me see
01:31.24SplasPoodit compresses very well
01:31.28agavepete: yes i meant store, thank you
01:31.57agaveI have sent 29000 emails
01:32.01agavethat is the count on my sentbox
01:32.03agavesince feb 2003
01:32.14agaveoops, mar 2003
01:32.17agaveoff by a month
01:32.20SplasPoodI get prolly... 1000-1500 a month
01:32.35SplasPoodnot counting mailing lists
01:32.49SplasPoodsince the asterisk lists are so damn chatty :P
01:32.50agavereceived over 250,000
01:32.53agavenot counting mailing lists
01:34.03agaveanyway that and the telecom industry's die hard attachment to microsoft excel have kept me using windows
01:34.26SplasPoodwhy has a large mailbox kept you using windows?
01:34.29agavealthough i have geeked it up enough to remove most of the running services and processes and removed the xp newbert gui
01:34.59agavesplaspood: it's mainly the excel thing. and i'm lazy.  
01:35.13SplasPoodoh exporting them out of pst ?
01:35.34agaveyeah if thunderturd can import my addresses and mailstore then i would be happy
01:35.38agavebut it won't solve my excel problem
01:35.52agaveand openoffice won't read sbc's freaking files
01:36.08agaveit's a conspiracy they have with microsoft to keep me from switching to openoffice
01:36.59agavebut seriously i am giving this laptop to one of my employees and getting a new one this weekend
01:37.05agaveand this time... i'm going linux
01:37.12agaveand making somebody else do the sbc stuff with excel. muahaha
01:37.17SplasPoodgo mac os x
01:37.22SplasPoodits a good compromise...
01:37.38agaveif they would actually release it for intel i would buy it in a heartbeat
01:37.53agavei know you can download it off the internets but i'd rather have an actual copy, heh
01:38.07SplasPoodWell...  I'm hoping they'll do good things for pc hardware... apple does make a nice box
01:38.12bkw_I'M BACK!!!
01:38.18bkw_file dear did you like that song?
01:38.33agavei used to be a mac hater back in the day
01:38.38SplasPoodme too
01:38.40agavebut when i saw teh os-x
01:38.49SplasPoodbut someone shoved an ibook in front of me for a week
01:38.52agaveit was like seeing the ugly girl in high skrewl transformed into a beautiful swan
01:38.55JerJerditto - i hated mac's for years
01:38.55SplasPoodand after that I get the shakes if I go back to windows
01:39.01JerJeruntil OSX came out
01:39.18mtghmacs are great for *nix people and stupid computer users
01:39.28agavewindows isn't great for anybody.
01:39.31agaveexcept gamers i guess
01:39.33file[lap1op]bkw_: haven't listened to it
01:39.44JerJerOSX has quite a few games
01:39.45bkw_or lamers?
01:39.49agavegamers lamers
01:39.50JerJereven world of warcraft
01:39.50agaveit's all the same things
01:39.52bkw_yes OS X has lots of gamees
01:40.07agavewell hell linux has games
01:40.12agavegive me linux doom and i'm happy
01:40.21Twisterworld of warcraft works on linux
01:40.28agavei remember back when I had a lowly 486-66
01:40.33Twisterive never gotten it to work personally but ive heard of people doing it
01:40.39agavei got sick playing linux doom because it was so much smoother than the dos version on the same box
01:41.36bkw_linux has a long ways to go before its a good desktop OS
01:41.36agavewhat's a good linux distrib for desktop type use?
01:41.42agavelol the ironing
01:41.43bkw_Suse might be
01:41.51bkw_OH HELL NO
01:41.52bkw_not gentoo
01:41.56agavei use slackware for servers
01:42.04*** join/#asterisk PhreeStyle (
01:42.05agavei've used it since before kernel 1.0
01:42.14bkw_well aren't you special
01:42.17agavei'll take pkgtool over rpm and apt-get any day
01:42.26bkw_agave, me too
01:42.32SplasPoodunbuntu maybe
01:42.36agavei don't even know what emerge is
01:42.40SplasPoodhowever you spell that
01:42.45agavei actually usually compile my own shit
01:42.49agavebut for bullshit packages i like pkgttool
01:42.50SplasPoodf*** gentoo.
01:42.53Sedoroxemerge (program)
01:43.02bkw_I used to think like that
01:43.02Sedoroxand it downloads and compiles the problem, and its deps, for you
01:43.04bkw_but Now I know better
01:43.18agavefreudian slip
01:43.19bkw_never thought of it as a problem
01:43.35bkw_guess it could be if you dont know how to do said steps
01:44.01agavemaybe i still use windows because i'm attracted to the dangerous aspect of possibly getting 0-day-sploited at any time
01:44.03Sedoroxbah... trying to install OES for the 4th time tonight.... but eh
01:44.05bkw_Brain Surgery Sucks!
01:44.10agavekind of like having sex without a condom with a girl you just met
01:44.23agaveor guy depending on how you roll
01:44.31bkw_was about to say....
01:44.34Sedoroxor both?
01:44.40bkw_oh no you didn't
01:44.50bkw_NOT GOOD
01:45.24bkw_you could pull a screaming seagull
01:45.39file[lap1op]could pull something else
01:45.45bkw_do you know what a screaming seagull is?
01:45.52Pete_LargoI don't
01:45.53agavei'm getting so old, i just pull a muscle
01:45.58Pete_Largobut I'm afraid to ask
01:46.04file[lap1op]involves sand.
01:46.05agaveand is not afraid to ask
01:46.15bkw_ok when you're about to cum you pull your junk out and stick it in the sand then stick it back in.
01:46.25file[lap1op]see? I was right
01:46.37bkw_I think tha twould hurt both parties in volved
01:46.38Pete_Largowhy would anyone want to do that?
01:46.43agavemy favorite is the buckin' bronco
01:46.48file[lap1op]thus the "screaming seagul" name
01:46.51bkw_how about an Angry Pirate?
01:46.53SedoroxPete_Largo, why does anyone get into S&M? :p
01:46.55agavewhich is where you call the girl [or guy] by her/his sibling's name
01:46.57agaveand then ride the bronco
01:47.16bkw_Angry Pirate is when you cum in her  eye and kick her in the shin... so she's hoppin around on one leg with one eye covered
01:47.25agavebkw you forgot the best part
01:47.28agaveyou have to go "arrrrrR"
01:47.30agavewhile she's dancing around
01:47.34bkw_hahahaa true
01:47.46agavemy gf hates national talk like a pirate day
01:47.53agavebecause the entire office will do it
01:47.59agave[except for her of course because she's above that]
01:48.01twistedwhen is NTLAP?
01:48.06agavelet me check
01:48.09agaveoctober i think
01:48.21twistedbecause I'll make it an office requirement ;)
01:48.22agaveseptember 19
01:48.30twistedso next month
01:48.36*** join/#asterisk Spot (
01:48.39bkw_Fosters Australian for shit Americans will drink but Aussies will not
01:48.46twistedi still like
01:48.51agaveand i kid you note we do this every year
01:48.54twisted"Australian for Beer, American for urine"
01:48.58bkw_ya ya
01:49.02agavespeaking of beer
01:49.04agavei have a joke
01:49.07twistedi want some beer
01:49.09twistedbut i can't have any :(
01:49.10agavewhat does miller lite and sex in a canoe have in common?
01:49.14bkw_I recall twisted going "I like dick"
01:49.19agavethey're both fucking close to water.
01:49.20bkw_but it was a trick I must admit
01:49.24twistedagave, nice.
01:49.45file[lap1op]LIES! it was true!
01:49.47*** join/#asterisk vmlinuz (
01:49.56twistedfile[lap1op], meh?
01:50.06file[lap1op]what an interesting response
01:50.06twistednice misspellin of laptop
01:50.11file[lap1op]my IRC client did it
01:50.18agavecheck out these pirate names
01:50.18file[lap1op]and I'm too lazy to /nick
01:50.20agaveMark "Cap'n Slappy" Summers and John "Ol' Chumbucket" Baur
01:50.24twistedand my irc client is making me mis letters
01:50.28agavedid anyone else read that as John "ol' cumbucket' baur ?
01:50.36agavei mean when you start with the cap'n slappy
01:50.36twistedagave, yeah
01:50.38bkw_twisted thats your keyboard.. or your one handed typing
01:50.39agavewhat do you expect people to think?
01:50.40file[lap1op]get your freak on!
01:50.42twistedbkw_, hah.
01:50.51twistedagave, boobies.
01:50.55file[lap1op]oh god I can't believe I just said that
01:50.56bkw_oh boobies
01:51.01bkw_I like boobies.. NOT!!!
01:51.03file[lap1op]I feel like my IQ just dropped 10 points
01:51.07agavei love boobies
01:51.15bkw_boobies are the enemy
01:51.16twistedyou do too like boobies
01:51.21bkw_NO I DO NOT
01:51.27bkw_strictly dickly here
01:51.27twistedyou were grabbing mine
01:51.28zamslerboobies are evil.
01:51.34bkw_man boobies are diff
01:51.41agaveactually the vagina is evil, boobies are an unwitting accomplice
01:51.43file[lap1op]bkw likes teh man boobies
01:51.43twistedno they'r enot actually
01:51.51bkw_thats hot
01:51.59file[lap1op]he grabs them alllll night long
01:52.07bkw_I don't have man boobies
01:52.15twistedit's when he started rubbing on my nipples that I got scared
01:52.16bkw_I have actually lost weight since last week
01:52.24twistedbkw_, me too, i'm on my steroid diet
01:52.24bkw_twisted I do not recall this
01:52.39bkw_I have not been hear your nipple except for that once with an ice cube
01:52.40twistedbkw_, haha.. me either.
01:52.50SpotGuys is this place Askerisk open source... or only open source ;)
01:52.50twistedsphincter say what?
01:53.02bkw_its friday guys
01:53.06twistedindeed it is
01:53.07bkw_pull the stick out
01:53.07file[lap1op]YAY FRIDAY
01:53.15twistedand i'm about to eat some lortab ;)
01:53.20bkw_YAY FOR DRUGS
01:53.46agavetwisted, loritab and codine
01:53.49agavehell loritab and coding
01:53.55bkw_talwin is the best
01:53.58agaveit's a natural progression
01:54.03bkw_beats both codine and loratab
01:54.12agavei have actually never had codine or loratab
01:54.14*** join/#asterisk jamincollins (
01:54.16agaveor any drugs for that matter
01:54.16twistedlortab == hydrocodone
01:54.22twistedhydrocodone =~ codine
01:54.39agavei finally found a pickup line that works
01:54.42bkw_Pentazocine (pen-TAZ-oh-seen)
01:54.50agave"excuse me miss, but does this rag smell like chloroform?"
01:55.02twistedyeah that's good stuff
01:55.11bkw_yes it is
01:55.20twistedi should ask for that on wednsday
01:55.52*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
01:55.53file[lap1op]gah I lost my dedicated server info so now I need to email and get my port number... so I can look at my bandwidth usage... funnnnnn
01:56.30MikeJ[Laptop]I stole them!
01:56.45MikeJ[Laptop]but SwK made me do it
01:56.46twistedfile[lap1op], how much you paying for that dedicated server?
01:57.04MikeJ[Laptop]yeah, when you work for a web hosting company
01:57.14file[lap1op]$89/mth for 1.2TB bandwidth, 2.8GHz Celeron-D, 512MB of RAM, 80GB hardrive
01:57.21jamincollinsis there a way to initiate an internal transfer from one analog extension that's answered a call to another analog extension when both stations are on a channel bank?
01:57.22twistednot bad
01:57.27twistedfile[lap1op], pm me info
01:57.27MikeJ[Laptop]just ship a server to bitterman
01:57.28jamincollinsI've found this link:
01:57.37file[lap1op]MikeJ[Laptop]: I've been tempted
01:57.39twistedMikeJ[Laptop], you know, i've thought about that
01:57.41jamincollinsbut it appears to be talking about making an external transfer
01:58.10file[lap1op]but if Bitterman touches your stuff, it will die a horrible death
01:58.13bkw_FYI Hydroxycut is da bomb
01:58.25bkw_OMG THERE HE IS
01:58.25*** part/#asterisk Spot (
01:58.29bkw_the very very bad boy
01:58.32MikeJ[Laptop]there goes the neighborhood!
01:58.38MikeJ[Laptop]who is the bad boy?
01:58.59MikeJ[Laptop]what did I do?
01:59.11bkw_i'm still going over last saturday
01:59.22MikeJ[Laptop]you said you were fine
01:59.25bkw_fucking whore in the van
01:59.28bkw_all her fault
01:59.39MikeJ[Laptop]well, I DID cut her off I suppose
01:59.57MikeJ[Laptop]I need to actually know where i am going to lead a caravan
01:59.57bkw_tiz ok
02:00.05bkw_my care wasn't hurt
02:00.07bkw_nor was my care
02:00.12bkw_I didn't expect all that extra weight
02:00.16bkw_otherwise I would have stopped in time
02:00.19file[lap1op]wth are you two talking about
02:00.28bkw_me running into that hoe in the van
02:00.28MikeJ[Laptop]are you trying to say that peter is fat?
02:00.33mishehufile, bkw, mikej
02:00.36SwKbkw ran over 1 legged nun walking her 3 legged dog
02:00.39bkw_I had katty, darth, me and peter
02:00.40Pete_LargoI'm not fat
02:00.50MikeJ[Laptop]not you, Nix.
02:00.52bkw_Peter you were not in my car last weekend
02:00.56mishehubkw_: the big white ugly ass van
02:01.05bkw_I don't recall it being white
02:01.07bkw_blue maybe
02:01.13MikeJ[Laptop]it was tan
02:01.15Pete_Largolucky me
02:01.19jamincollinsThis seems to indicate that it's possible but doesn't seem to give any information on how:
02:01.32mishehubkw_: we're getting old apparantly
02:01.36mishehuold and senile
02:01.37bkw_ya really
02:01.45bkw_ok this is #asterisk now get your asterisk box and a hammer and POUND away
02:01.47mishehuI just remember that I was 1cm from the car in front of me.
02:01.48MikeJ[Laptop]jamincollins, # transfer?
02:02.01mishehubkw_: sledgehammer?
02:02.05bkw_mishehu, hehe
02:02.24mishehubkw_: especially since I have to update cvs head again because iax2 trunking is all fscked.
02:02.37bkw_its been fscked for months
02:02.48MikeJ[Laptop]I thought it was happy now?
02:03.17jamincollinsMikeJ[Laptop]: #?  doesn't that disconnect?
02:03.24mishehuMikeJ[Laptop]: not w hen I place a call and I can hear the other party but they can't hear me.
02:03.27bkw_no * does if you ahve the right flags on dial
02:04.12bkw_I think i'm gonna send peter my moose penis doll
02:04.19bkw_to hang onto till next time we meet
02:04.39JerJeri haven't been fscked in months :(
02:05.11mishehuJerJer: you must be doing something wrong.
02:05.11JerJerbuts its my own fault...I kicked the bitch out for lying
02:05.13*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
02:05.19Umarook, so I am having the one-way audio IAX trunk issue, which I am told is caused by one side not being able to authenticate the other side
02:05.19bkw_Bitches lie
02:05.31bkw_Umaro, both ends must be friends
02:05.34JerJerUmaro:  more like codec
02:05.35mishehuUmaro: I donno, I haven't had time to try to debug it.
02:05.37MikeJ__hey, does anybody here know what voip is?
02:05.40bkw_for it to work right unless you play nice and know what you're doing
02:05.42JerJernot must be friends
02:05.49bkw_yes they do for trunking
02:05.57UmaroJerJer: should I read that as must not be friends, or?
02:05.59JerJerjust a valid peer
02:05.59bkw_thats exactly what mark said
02:06.08mishehuJerJer: what codecs?  I've tried speex, gsm, and ulaw, all with teh same result (both ends set for only one codec at a time)
02:06.09bkw_a friend has to be in there somewhere
02:06.11bkw_or it won't work
02:06.12JerJerfunny we do it with just peer's all the time
02:06.23jamincollinshow is # used for transfers on analog stations?
02:06.26bkw_you mean you have trunking working.. its been broken for MONTHS
02:07.04bkw_but I haven't labbed it up since last time it was broken
02:07.04mishehubkw_: not true.  pointer's box is a friend on my machine, and mine is a friend on his.  I call him, everything's fine.  he calls me, no audio from me to him.
02:07.06bkw_so it could be fixed
02:07.13JerJerlook at the code  a peer is very simply both a type=user and type=peer
02:07.32JerJerand iax2 trunking without jitter buffer has been acceptable for at least a month now - perhaps more
02:07.40mishehuwhy *is* trunking so borken?
02:07.48bkw_ya the jitter buffer is fux0red
02:07.50JerJerlast i knew it was only broken with jib
02:08.16mishehumy machine doesn't have jb enabled, perhaps the other ends do.
02:08.32MikeJ__mishehu, is this head to stable?
02:09.07bkw_who uses stable
02:09.08bkw_its a POS
02:09.15*** join/#asterisk orb_mindflip_org (
02:09.17mishehuMikeJ__: yeah, I'm only running head on this em64t machine because that's all that I can run on it...  anything from the stable branch as of the date I reloaded it with a 64bit build segfaults 2 seconds after launch.
02:09.23orb_mindflip_orghey all
02:09.42Umarook, so I have my firefly client, two * boxes both with a friend entry for firefly, and a friend entry for each other, but when I take out notransfer=yes, I get one way audio, where asterisk (and it's pstn endpoint channel) can hear firefly, but firefly can't hear the pstn
02:09.59Umarodisallow=all and allow=ulaw on all three
02:10.07mishehuI'd have run stable just to keep from encountering all sorts of day-to-day changes that break something somewhere else
02:10.38Umarothis is stable, of course
02:10.43orb_mindflip_orgquick question.. totaly new to Asterisk ... I plan to buy a card to interface with my phone but in the meantime.. can I use skype or some other software based phone to call in so I can do some testing? If so, any one in particular that you sugest using?
02:10.45Umaroany ideas? :(
02:10.55*** join/#asterisk dfriend (n=dfriend@
02:12.13Darwin35umaro cvs up to head
02:12.28agaveumaro: sjphone
02:12.39Darwin35ok linux sflphone
02:12.46Darwin35its a nice client
02:13.14*** join/#asterisk kingtux (
02:14.15Umaroagave: you think it's firefly, seriously?
02:14.31Umaronot that it's impossible, just that I really don't want to switch, lol
02:15.06Darwin35i have not seen many linux/unix softphines that are woth it but find sflphone to work and be clean and easy to use
02:15.24Darwin35infact we mergerd it into gastman
02:15.35Darwin35and a few new features
02:15.47Darwin35that we are going to put out once we finish testing
02:16.05opus_does anyone have sound files for follow me?
02:16.20Darwin35look in the sounds-addons
02:16.29Darwin35aka asterisk-sounds
02:16.40Darwin35or make them yourself
02:17.10CoaxDHoly SHIT! Jasmin Wagner is gonna release a new album in 2996!
02:17.16CoaxDer 2006
02:17.40*** join/#asterisk mosty (
02:18.37*** join/#asterisk Godsey (n=lanny@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Godsey)
02:18.49Darwin35testing database bage now for adding useres to the database
02:18.55hhrp2kanyone has cisco ata186 connected via sip to *
02:19.06hhrp2kim catching hell cant reg it on *
02:19.20Darwin35when was the last time you updated you asterisk-sounds from the site
02:19.45agavei had a customer call today with a problem
02:19.48agavehe couldn't use the IVR system
02:19.52agavehe said it kept "looping around"
02:20.00agaveso I put him on a conf call and asked him to see the IVR
02:20.03agaveand what do I hear?
02:20.15agaveclick-click-click   ...  click-click-click-click-click .... click-click ...
02:20.29*** part/#asterisk orb_mindflip_org (
02:20.29Darwin35him having sex on his office desk with his wife
02:20.38agaveno, rotary phone for the lose
02:20.39opus_i'm all uptodate on sounds
02:20.42agavei can't believe people still have those
02:21.19opus_well i guess its festival :(
02:21.43mishehuagave: was he some real old guy?
02:22.43agaveit wasn't you was it?
02:23.01mishehudo I look old?
02:23.07agavejust joking
02:23.20mishehutold the old man to get out the crowbar so he can buy a touchtone phone
02:23.30mishehuhe obviously needs it to get the cash out.
02:23.45agavewell i have this problem lately with people saying they are getting "static"
02:23.45Darwin35festival 1.96 is alot better then 1.4.3
02:23.48agaveand i think they are full of shit
02:23.54agavebecause i use the pbx too
02:23.57agaveand i never hear any freaking static
02:24.07agaveso monday i am having one make a test call to me
02:24.25agavei have a good feeling I am going to hear someone's cell phone make those pop/tic/static noises they make when you put them too close to your phone/computerspeakers/etc
02:24.28agaveor something equally inane
02:25.14xhelioxDarwin35: I had never used sflphone before.. just installed it, very nice. Native alsa support = yum.
02:25.49Darwin35smile glad to hear
02:26.19Darwin35I find it to be the best of the *nix clients
02:26.28xhelioxI can see why you'd think that
02:26.31Darwin35I about have it fully working on fbsd
02:26.36xhelioxI had been using sjphone
02:26.39xhelioxbut it's a bit quirky
02:27.04Darwin35well use it and then put a review on it and tell your friends about it
02:27.12Darwin35hope more will use it
02:27.21xhelioxI don't really have a reason to use it :)
02:27.25Darwin35we are working to get iax2 support into it
02:27.27xhelioxI have a bunch of IAXy's :)
02:27.32bkw_yeppers trunking was fixed
02:27.48Darwin35iaxy's yuck
02:28.03Darwin35I now like my x401 iax2 phones
02:28.26Darwin35with the latest flsh they work grat
02:28.26xhelioxThey've worked fine for me, at least at home
02:28.34*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
02:28.50bkw_it even works with the jitter buffer
02:30.15Darwin35well once the new ver of gastman is released with all the added features I hope people use it. should be in the next2 weeks
02:31.10Darwin35and it even works with touchscreens
02:32.41Darwin35need to add sms to it
02:33.20*** join/#asterisk Jzalae (
02:34.45bkw_did I say that outloud
02:35.15xhelioxgastman, does it suck now or something?
02:37.39Darwin35its very basic
02:38.02Darwin35I just desided to dadd features and a dialer and a database interface
02:38.24xhelioxwhat are the alternative manager interfaces?
02:38.41hhrp2ki figured how to hook ata 186 up to *
02:38.43hhrp2kfucking hell
02:38.44xhelioxI thought AMP sucked. :)
02:38.44Darwin35and a few others
02:38.46hhrp2kbut it worked
02:39.40*** join/#asterisk stapla222 (n=peter@
02:40.36Darwin35not played wirh amp
02:40.42Darwin35I prefer to use the files
02:40.49Darwin35edit directly .
02:40.59Darwin35but thats me
02:41.05xhelioxme too, I'm mostly curious for people who'd want to admin the system on a basic level
02:41.52Darwin35well when I am done with the new ver of gastman it will have ne wtabs for adding  to sip.conf and iax.conf for extensions
02:42.32MikeJ__then you'll be the gas man
02:42.35Darwin35and a interface for editing extensions.conf
02:43.23Darwin35it was a good start just no one took the time to make it grow
02:43.28Darwin35so I took it on
02:46.24Darwin35brb fone
02:47.00bkw_yes I see phones all over, your point?
02:47.11mostyi'm trying to debug an iax2 connection, and i keep getting an error saying "no authority found", but i can't find the term authority anywhere in the asterisk docs on various websites. can anyone point me in the right direction?
02:47.27bkw_no user or password found to match
02:47.36*** join/#asterisk Tili (n=Tili@
02:47.36bkw_check your user and passwords
02:47.39bkw_then also check how you dial
02:48.42stapla222hi everyone
02:49.07stapla222how can i trim my voicemail wav files so the "beep beep" disconnect tone isn't played
02:49.26mostybkw, my dial line is like this: exten => 5555,1,Dial(IAX2/contextname:supersecret@destination/${EXTEN})
02:50.07bkw_use the power
02:50.10bkw_of asterisk boi
02:50.24bkw_you NEVER EVER do that with your password in the dial line
02:50.41bkw_tiz not wise
02:50.45bkw_it ends up in the CDR records
02:50.56bkw_and logs
02:51.08SwKsend me all your logs
02:51.14mostyi originally had the password in iax.conf, but i wanted to try this method to make sure it really was using the password i thought it was
02:51.52bkw_I'm going to do VoIP over SMTP
02:51.53bkw_you watch
02:51.56bkw_it's gonna be a hit
02:52.26bkw_no no FTP
02:53.25Netgeeksis type=friend a no-go in realtime?
02:53.36bkw_yes its users and peers
02:53.39bkw_you can do this with views
02:53.44bkw_if you use a real database
02:54.50mostybkw: on the destination machines iax.conf, i have: [contextname] \n type=peer \n auth=plaintext \n secret=supersecret \n host=sourcehostname \n sendani=no \n context=from-sip
02:54.53stapla222can anyone help with that voicemail wav file issue ?
02:55.12bkw_repeat after me
02:55.18bkw_users receive calls... peers send calls
02:55.31bkw_peer = egress call
02:55.34bkw_user = ingress call
02:55.44MikeJ__blah blah blah
02:55.52bkw_so if thats the destination you need type=user or type=friend
02:56.00bkw_Ok MikeGay
02:56.10mostybkw: ahh that seemed to do something- i get a different error now, to do with no such extension on the destination
02:56.18bkw_ding ding ding
02:56.21bkw_now check in from-sip
02:56.23bkw_for the extension
02:56.28bkw_you're trying to dial
02:56.34bkw_or change context= to something else
02:58.03MikeJ__you wish boi
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02:59.58*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
03:00.07*** join/#asterisk trig_hm (
03:01.26bkw_OH DON'T MAKE ME
03:02.57*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
03:05.15twistedsimmah down now
03:05.18twistedFUCKING PAYPAL
03:05.30twistedpaypal has thwarted my plans to get my dedicated server up tonight
03:05.40file[lap1op]stop touching Paypal in a naughty way
03:06.00twistedit decided that "this transaction cannot be funded through instant transfer"
03:06.09twistedfucking bieotches
03:06.23twistedbut here's the specs for anyone who's interested
03:06.58twistedfor $69/mo i get 1g ram, 40gb hd, 1TB/mo, 2.4ghz Cel-D, 5 ip's, and remote power management
03:07.49Nuggetnot bad at all
03:09.12Tilitwisted which hoster
03:13.18*** join/#asterisk newmember (
03:16.08Darwin35I still need callback busy
03:16.18twistedthat's what I said
03:17.14twistedTili, XL
03:18.09Tilitwisted url
03:18.10Umarotwisted: XL?
03:19.23mostybkw_, i have it all sorted out now. thanks for the help
03:19.38*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
03:20.50ZX81hi all
03:21.06file[lap1op]it's ZX81!
03:21.21ZX81hey guyz
03:21.41ZX81how's you been?
03:21.57ZX81sore wrist this morning tho
03:22.00file[lap1op]'tsk 'tsk
03:22.02ZX81too much counter strike
03:22.05file[lap1op]server still treating you well?
03:22.11ZX81indeed indeed
03:22.16file[lap1op]good good
03:22.28ZX81anyone else having problems with PA1688 based IAX phones not being able to answer incoming calls?
03:22.56ZX81i.e. it rings the device, but if you pick up, nothing happens, and if then when you hang up it goes to the next priority
03:23.13file[lap1op]that's sad
03:23.20ZX81lol yah
03:23.29ZX81cos it means I have to use the sip image
03:23.38bkw_OMG ITS ZX81
03:23.43file[lap1op]OMG OMG OMG BECKY
03:24.09ZX81how was cluecon?
03:24.18ZX81you guys need to do a writeup for da noos
03:24.24bkw_Ivery very productive
03:24.38file[lap1op]and it gave me an insight into airport hell
03:24.40bkw_MikeJ__, is going to do some reviews... I can't do a review becuase it would be very biased
03:24.49bkw_poor file
03:24.50ZX81bkw_: :)
03:24.54ZX81what happened?
03:25.01file[lap1op]yeah well not much can screw up between Moncton and Toronto thank god
03:25.10ZX81famous last words
03:25.12bkw_plane crash
03:25.16bkw_not with file on it
03:25.17file[lap1op]ZX81: stranded in Toronto while in transit to Chicago for almost 2 days due to plane crash
03:25.23file[lap1op]well, my plane was near that one
03:25.32ZX81oh cos of the thing in canada
03:25.39ZX81where it fell off the runway
03:25.49bkw_everyone made it off the plane
03:25.49ZX81good work getting everyone out tho
03:25.50bkw_which is great
03:26.05sylewhen was that
03:26.13sylefriend just got back from chicago today
03:26.26ZX81week or so ago
03:26.26bkw_last week boi
03:26.34ZX81file[lap1op]: still using ddr?
03:26.38bkw_I got to spend 6 hours in the ER while there
03:26.40bkw_FUN FUN FUN
03:26.43file[lap1op]ZX81: of course
03:26.50ZX81bkw_: WHY?!
03:26.56ZX81meet george clooney?
03:26.57bkw_Peter was sick.. had to take him
03:27.00file[lap1op]Peter Nixon got sick
03:27.06ZX81sick == er?!
03:27.09file[lap1op]the hotel poisoned us
03:27.14bkw_or something
03:27.15ZX81sucky mc suck suck
03:27.25bkw_thats ok
03:27.30file[lap1op]they made good cookies though
03:27.32bkw_I got to talk to peter for 6 hours
03:27.49bkw_while everyone else went to the titty bar
03:27.57ZX81I had to go to a hospital once in Belgium during a business meeting - turned out I was violently allergic to snails
03:28.05bkw_that sucks
03:28.06Ariel_did someone say titty bar????
03:28.09*** join/#asterisk twisted (n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted)
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03:28.15JerJernum num num num
03:28.29bkw_I bet i'll end up with the bill for peter's visit.. the ER's computer didn't know how to deal with Turkish addresses
03:28.31ZX81twisted runs back on hearing about the titty bar through his spies
03:28.42ZX81bkw_: :)
03:28.45bkw_tiz ok
03:28.46Netgeekssooo in realtime, I have a peer entry and user entry for a sip device.  When the device registers, realtime only loads the peer, not the user, so the device gets a 403 forbidden when trying to place a call
03:29.00JerJerthat's what you get
03:29.11bkw_try only a peer entry
03:29.27Netgeekspeer = friend?
03:29.46bkw_but sip sucks in finding peers as a last ditch effort to make the call work
03:30.01*** join/#asterisk mago3-cn (i=maxgluck@
03:30.02bkw_all that crap sucks in chan_sip
03:30.05ZX81sip sux.
03:30.11bkw_iax2 is no better
03:30.11*** join/#asterisk juice (
03:30.12JerJerbut asterisk needs a type=user to authenticate calls
03:30.18JerJerno questions asked
03:30.22Netgeekssee JerJer
03:30.27bkw_you sure about that one?
03:30.28Netgeekshe knows what I'm asking
03:30.37Netgeeksyep, 403 forbidden without it
03:30.39file[lap1op]you can authenticate peer entries.
03:30.44brc_anybody home?
03:30.50ZX81not me
03:30.50file[lap1op]using peer entries rather...
03:30.51JerJerum yeah we have a couple people doing sip thru us
03:31.06bkw_thats right it was SIPUSERS/SIPPEERS
03:31.10bkw_while it was at one time peers only
03:31.21*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
03:31.30Netgeeksand of course it worked when it was only peers, now it doesn't work
03:31.37bkw_you sure abou tthis?
03:31.38ZX81JerJer: do you have a link to a rate sheet I can send someone?
03:31.45NetgeeksI love taking the two steps back before the one step forward!
03:31.49bkw_i'm making calls with a peer only
03:31.50bkw_to asterisk
03:31.50ZX81brc_: isn't that hot?
03:32.02JerJerbkw_:  via the general context then
03:32.04*** join/#asterisk oplog2 (
03:32.08brc_perhaps fire isn't the best way to describe it
03:32.10brc_it's worse
03:32.16Netgeekswith head from about three days ago, I'm not having any luck
03:32.20*** join/#asterisk The_Ball (
03:32.30bkw_yes you can do it with peers ONLY
03:32.36JerJerthen enlighten us
03:32.39bkw_and not via general
03:32.44bkw_try it you'll see
03:32.53JerJer403 forbidden - just did it
03:32.53ZX81by dialing with IP
03:33.02JerJeruncomment the user and boom it works
03:33.08JerJerhead 7-30-05
03:33.19JerJerleme flip to the dev system
03:33.34bkw_actually its asterisk being stupid
03:33.51JerJerplus i don't want my egress gateways to have peers - just users
03:34.08bkw_I think I exposed a bug
03:34.21ZX81brc_: what's wrong?
03:34.27bkw_OH yes this is a bug
03:34.40SwKbkw_: what bug is that?
03:34.43Ariel_damm an 80 year old ex marine is being hold up in his home due to he decided to fire his guns.... argh 80 year old...
03:34.43ZX81so it doesn't work?
03:34.59ZX81Ariel_: fire his guns at what?
03:35.05ZX81the local constabulary?
03:35.15Netgeeksneed me to post this bug to mantis?
03:35.23Ariel_don't know police and swap has his house cornered
03:35.26file[lap1op]stop firing you're gun, you'll get it everywhere
03:35.26Ariel_it's on the news
03:35.33bkw_ok this is strange
03:35.48bkw_changing shit in sip.conf doesn't actually change on reload it seems
03:35.58ZX81wrong server?
03:36.02Ariel_but he is 80 year old dammm even the old folks go nuts
03:36.05file[lap1op]it should, it just takes a bit
03:36.12file[lap1op]yay DNS resolution
03:36.18ZX81Ariel_: :)
03:36.46file[lap1op]ZX81: the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire
03:37.04bkw_ok this is a good one
03:37.39Netgeekshrm, 'realtime load sipusers name 100'  Shows the device information but doesn't populate a user entry    
03:37.47ZX81file[lap1op]: did you see my latest attempt I msgd you?
03:37.48Ariel_damm I am having problems with head today and sip accounts like from broadvoice and sipphone on a customers system.... argh
03:37.55*** join/#asterisk twisted (n=twisted@asterisk/friend-and-developer/pdpc.professional.twisted)
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03:38.02bkw_this is so a bug
03:38.05NetgeeksTwisted, your shit is broked
03:38.08bkw_ok here is why I can make a call with a peer only
03:38.13ZX81it's not quite finished yet
03:38.16file[lap1op]ZX81: apparently not
03:38.18bkw_./SIP/Registry/17                                  :
03:38.23bkw_I have no user for 17
03:38.24bkw_AT ALL
03:38.26brc_ZX81, just had oral surgery and the lidocaine's wearing off
03:38.28bkw_but its there in the database
03:38.50bkw_if you change a friend to a peer and ONLY reload
03:38.50ZX81brc harsh
03:38.52bkw_it can still make calls
03:38.55bkw_till you restart
03:38.56twistedi love it
03:39.00twistedsome fuckhead jumped on my wifi channel
03:39.05twistedso i first tried to flood him out
03:39.07twistedno go
03:39.14brc_the vicodin ain't cutting it
03:39.17twisted(causing major network issues)
03:39.24twistedthen i found he's not running secure
03:39.25bkw_brc_ what did you have done?
03:39.37brc_3'rd molars
03:39.40twistedso i jumped on his network, changed his admin password, (linksys) and disabled the wireless
03:39.44SwKtwisted: hah
03:39.44bkw_I had all 4 taken out at once
03:39.46brc_they were growing sideways
03:39.49twistedSwK, hehehe
03:39.55twistedit's the guy upstairs
03:40.00twistedi can hear him beating on shit
03:40.00SwKtwisted: you should have re-routed all his shit to tubgirl
03:40.01bkw_he'll be pissed
03:40.13bkw_anyway.. someone confirm this
03:40.16twistedbkw_, yeah, well, he was fucking with my wifi
03:40.36bkw_take a type=friend in sip.conf.. change it to peer.. do a reload.. it will still be able to make calls
03:40.49bkw_buggy bug bug
03:40.52Ariel_bkw_, head
03:40.54brc_bkw_, what ver?
03:41.17Ariel_let me see I have one here I am about to roll back for sip problems....
03:41.23bkw_well i'm gonna go watch teevee
03:41.29bkw_email the result
03:41.49Ariel_bkw_, your right
03:42.00Darwin35how did you get
03:42.20JerJerbuy a mac
03:42.29SwKDarwin35: buy a .mac account
03:43.46brc_are you sure? maybe space aliens abducted him, took him to another planet, gave him super powers, then brought him back, then he used them to remotely turn an admin at apple hq into a zombie and create an account for him~! MUHAHAHAHAH!
03:43.49twistedfortunately XL was nice about paypal's fuckup
03:43.55twistedthey're gonna have my server ready tomorrow am
03:44.09brc_or he could've just bought a $99 .mac account and that's the drugs talking
03:44.12twistedand they'll just let me pay via echeck
03:44.17Ariel_rm -rf /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
03:44.19hhrp2kI need to terminate calls that I dial from a phone to a oh323 GW, whats the right syntax?  exten => _00XXXXXXXXXXX,1,DIAL(OH323/IPaddress) ?
03:44.21Ariel_argh wrong window
03:44.24hhrp2kit doesnt seem to work
03:44.32twistedbkw_, are you on drugs too?
03:44.42brc_oh comon
03:44.45brc_ya'all suck
03:44.48hhrp2kit doesnt know how to transfer dialed # to gw
03:44.53hhrp2kany idea?
03:44.59hhrp2kon correct syntax?
03:45.35hhrp2kusually its like DIAL(OH323/ext@ip)
03:45.51hhrp2kbut my dial out ext is the number user dials off the phone
03:46.12hhrp2khow to make * understand that it needs to put that # into ext?
03:47.30Ariel_hhrp2k, you mean for transfer via the # hack.... last part of your dial string ,tT
03:48.10Ariel_damm putty connection timed out....
03:48.11hhrp2ka user dial a number 0017732221111
03:48.12*** join/#asterisk mago3-cn (i=maxgluck@
03:48.19*** join/#asterisk MrBelvedr (
03:48.20mago3-cngood night everyone
03:48.23hhrp2ki need that number to be dialed to OH323 gw
03:48.36hhrp2kim really confused on how to implemet it
03:48.46hhrp2kuser is registered SIP phone
03:49.23hhrp2kwhen i put DIAL(OH323/number@ipgw) it works
03:49.28Ariel_exten => 00XXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(OH323/IPADDRESS/${EXTEN})
03:49.52hhrp2kok i see the syntax
03:50.00hhrp2kso it will copy ext there right?
03:50.05hhrp2kthanks let me try
03:50.06Ariel_hang on
03:50.13Ariel_i have a typo
03:50.26Ariel_exten => 00XXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(OH323@IPADDRESS/${EXTEN})
03:50.44Ariel_or depending on system:
03:51.07Ariel_exten => 00XXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(OH323/${EXTEN}@IPADDRESS)
03:51.33hhrp2kif i leave
03:51.50hhrp2k00X  it should still take all the rest digits after 00 right?
03:52.06Ariel_00X. not 00X
03:52.11bkw_Also guys SIP/peer/exten sucks
03:52.15bkw_IAX2/peer/exten sucks
03:52.16syleyou mean Dial(OH323:Secret@IPADDRESS/${EXTEN})
03:52.21bkw_IAX2/user@peer/exten is proper
03:52.28bkw_SIP/exten@peer is fine
03:52.50sylei prefer IAX2/peer/exten keep username and secret together in iax.conf
03:53.03bkw_it doesn't really
03:53.12bkw_what username shall it use?
03:53.16Ariel_there are way too many ways to dial
03:53.19bkw_trust me thats broken
03:53.24sylethe one you tell it in peer context
03:53.32bkw_and you trust asterisk will do the right thing every time
03:53.36bkw_be specific
03:53.44bkw_thats the best way to not get your ass in a sling
03:53.44syledude it does the same thing
03:53.51bkw_dude I have seen it broken
03:53.51sylelook at the http headers sent in the data stream
03:53.59bkw_http headers in iax2
03:54.01bkw_since when
03:54.09sylewell i mean sip but whateve
03:54.17*** join/#asterisk gaffer (n=cliff@
03:54.28bkw_syle, trust me I have seen both of those alternate methods on sip and iax be broken at one time
03:54.33bkw_they were added after the fact for lazy people
03:54.37sylewhether you put username or not does not make a difference it still is going to rewrite it as user:secret anyways
03:54.41Ariel_argh broken pipe argh
03:54.49Ariel_forgot to re do zaptel
03:55.30MrBelvedri have a regular POTS line coming into my business, it is my main business line. How do I connect my asterisk box to it? What is the hardware I need?
03:55.44Ariel_sipura 3000
03:56.04MrBelvedrbut I want to keep my POTS line
03:56.06bkw_syle, i'm just saying that method was secondary and broken at some point along the way
03:56.19bkw_so don't trust it be specific is all i'm saying
03:56.20MrBelvedrI don't want go get rid of the POTS ariel
03:56.30hhrp2kdoesnt dial
03:56.34MrBelvedri thouhg I need zaptel
03:56.45hhrp2kexten => 00XXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(OH323/${EXTEN}@IPADDRESS)
03:56.48hhrp2kwont work
03:56.51Ariel_MrBelvedr, an Sipura 3000 has an FXO for your pots line and a FXS for an analog phone
03:57.03sylethen why don;t we all do username:secret ....some peopel care about security and secret not showing up in cdr records, other are even more paranoid and don;t want username either hehe
03:57.32*** join/#asterisk maxgo3-cn (i=maxgluck@
03:57.36Ariel_MrBelvedr, you could get your self a TDM01b card if you want as well.
03:57.38hhrp2ki need it to somehow put 00xxxxx-dialed number in front of        OH323/dailednumber@IP
03:58.05sylei find most people do it way you do it though bkw
03:58.14Ariel_hhrp2k, are your saying you want to add 00 to the number there dialing?
03:58.44sylei guess i pride myself in actually knowing whats going on in the config file thats why i do it the other way
03:59.17MrBelvedrthx Ariel, where is the cheapest place to get the Sipura 3000?
03:59.37Ariel_voxilla, voipsupply are about the same prices
03:59.54bkw_syle, it really doesn't matter i'm just telling you what I have seen in the past.. damn you don't have to get all defensive about it
04:00.03file[lap1op]kurg blah
04:00.24syleactualyl i guess you weren;t around last night, i had a big arguement with owner of nufone about this in channel last night lol
04:00.40bkw_Asterisk is consistently inconsistent
04:01.02bkw_syle, I have had my fair share of arguements with Jerjer
04:01.10maxgo3-cncan i do something in sip.conf like user=${CALLERIDNUM} under a [userlabel]?
04:01.13Ariel_who has not.
04:01.26bkw_NO COMMENT
04:01.34MrBelvedrnufone - thumbs down
04:01.44MrBelvedrstay away, far away
04:01.59MrBelvedrcheck out teliax if you want some decent service
04:02.05hhrp2kAriel, yes 00 should copy to  @number
04:02.25*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
04:02.54bkw_*cough* asterlink
04:02.59Ariel_hhrp2k, your dial string then is exten => XXXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(OH323/00${EXTEN}@IPADDRESSGW)
04:03.05bkw_ok guys teevee time now
04:03.10*** join/#asterisk newast (
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04:06.53MrBelvedris the sipura 2000 ok to get? what are the advantages of sipura 3000 over the older models?
04:07.46tzafrir_laptopMrBelvedr, an extra FXO port (if you need it for your settings)
04:07.53kingtuxanyone running dns server
04:08.10Ariel_2000 has 2 FXS ports the 3000 has FXO and a FXS which you need a FXO for your pots line
04:09.01MrBelvedrok with the 3000 will it work with iax?
04:09.09Ariel_no sip
04:09.49hhrp2kare you sure that it knows that particular number should coinsie with {$EXTEN}
04:10.01opus_how long is a north american ring?
04:10.14MrBelvedrariel how can I do what I want with IAX?
04:10.18hhrp2kis {$EXTEN} a default var registered in *?
04:10.44Ariel_MrBelvedr, you can't
04:11.21Ariel_hhrp2k, in the exten => XXXX will put the numbers dialed into the ${EXTEN}
04:12.31hhrp2knumber of Xs is number of dialed digits that it will catch?
04:12.47MrBelvedris SIP still a bitch to get working on a NAT network?
04:13.06hhrp2kbut if 00 is gonna be in the numbers why do i need to add additionals?
04:13.08Ariel_hhrp2k, yes
04:13.34*** join/#asterisk kashmish_ (
04:13.46Ariel_hhrp2k, I asked you if your going to be dialing it or not if the user is not going to dial it in but you need it then you have to add it to the dial string.
04:14.24Ariel_MrBelvedr, yes but from your question you said you have an asterisk box how to get one pots line to it.
04:14.27hhrp2kok i guess misunderstood
04:14.33hhrp2kthen no need to add 00
04:15.33MrBelvedrthx ariel
04:15.39Ariel_any time
04:15.53MrBelvedrwhat counry are you in Ariel
04:16.10*** join/#asterisk ZeeLax (
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04:16.53Ariel_SarahEmm, hello.....
04:17.07hhrp2kgives me busy doesnt wanna dial
04:17.10*** join/#asterisk elric (
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04:17.37SarahEmmhihihi file
04:17.40*** join/#asterisk Johaan (
04:17.43SarahEmmsivana: you here?
04:18.16*** part/#asterisk newast (
04:20.32hhrp2kdoesnt wanna dial
04:21.14Ariel_hhrp2k, what does the cli say?
04:21.56hhrp2ki dont see any output
04:22.46Ariel_then your pattern is not being matched correctly. But it should say something.
04:22.59hhrp2kseems so
04:23.11hhrp2kwhen i do reload
04:23.20hhrp2kshould it reload all the ext conf
04:23.57Ariel_yes but if your just playing with the dial command you only need extensions reload
04:24.30hhrp2ki got it to work finally
04:24.35hhrp2kthanks for help ariel
04:24.53hhrp2kit was missing _
04:24.53Ariel_hhrp2k, what was wrong?
04:26.51brc_opus_, it's in one of the asterisk config samples
04:27.00brc_indications.conf maybe
04:27.35opus_hmmm. alot of functions want to go to exten+101 for dial plan logic, that sucks.
04:27.43hhrp2kbut now it doesnt wanna dial to local extentions
04:27.45hhrp2kWARNING[7884]: chan_sip.c:701 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 34bc410c014bc74d2757c35a0f8bf755@69.
04:27.45opus_can I wrap them in a macro and check for variable?
04:27.50hhrp2kgiving this error
04:28.11hhrp2kcould it be sip gw nt regged
04:28.12JunK-Yso wikibob, how was the surgery?
04:28.19bobikiwI don't remember
04:29.09Netgeeks  <-- everyone should use this as the sound file played to a caller before a call is dialed
04:29.17JunK-Yit was for what exactly? get a longer stick? mouahah
04:29.22Ariel_hhrp2k, you have your context set incorrectly then.
04:29.33wikibobnot exactly
04:30.36wikibobI think I'll go back to bed
04:30.37Ariel_Netgeeks, british sounding lady
04:30.43NetgeeksAriel: nod
04:30.55NetgeeksI had her do the full sounds.txt as well
04:31.45hhrp2kit was working just now
04:31.50hhrp2kwith the same context
04:32.11Ariel_hhrp2k, then your pattern matching is incorrect.
04:32.33opus_man british accent sounds so different then in the states
04:32.38hhrp2kwhat do you mean exactly?
04:32.50Ariel_outbound dialing should not be in the same context as your local extensions
04:33.01hhrp2kCalled cisco2
04:33.01hhrp2kAug 13 00:32:04 WARNING[7884]: chan_sip.c:701 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 77f83c565d9e7b484a1a15f021fa7622@69.
04:33.03Ariel_opus_, yes
04:33.14hhrp2kok got it
04:33.34opus_i can hardly understand what she is saying, but i'm half def anyway
04:33.44opus_can't hear women that well:)
04:33.44Ariel_sexy voice
04:34.08Ariel_you have to play it a 2nd time to hear it correctly.
04:34.10hhrp2kbut how do i separate them
04:34.13hhrp2ki got 2 locals
04:34.20hhrp2kthey need to call out and local
04:34.31twistedi want my server now
04:34.33hhrp2ki had all out and local exten = under one context
04:34.35Ariel_hhrp2k, you need to read up on contexts
04:34.49opus_how can I check the length of a Read(variable) variable?
04:34.54opus_is there a gotoif based on length?
04:35.16*** join/#asterisk Spicoli (
04:35.37SarahEmmliquid filled pressure
04:35.47JunK-Yopus: LEN with GotoIf ?
04:35.53Ariel_hhrp2k, do a little reading on the sample file /usr/src/asterisk/configs/extensions.conf.sample
04:36.35opus_gotoif isn't really documented that well
04:36.37Spicolihi everyone
04:36.38*** part/#asterisk kashmish_ (
04:36.47opus_took me an hour just to figure out how to test for null!
04:36.47Spicolican anyone spare a bit of time to help a newbie?
04:37.21Ariel_Spicoli, ask away. I can only help till the wife gets home
04:37.21JunK-YISNULL function?
04:37.42SpicoliAriel_: Thanks, so basically I'm following the asterisk@home setup
04:37.49opus_no such function
04:37.56*** join/#asterisk jontow (
04:38.11JunK-Ydebian*CLI> show function ISNULL
04:38.19SpicoliI've gotten it working to the point where I can dial 7777 on my budgetone 101 and it takes me right to the digital receptionist
04:38.42opus_, but how come GotoIf is not located in functions?
04:38.49Spicolihowever, when I actually make a call from my cell phone to my number, it takes me to some other voicemail
04:39.11JunK-Yopus_: the whole concept of functions came after.
04:39.17SpicoliI'm using broadvoice for the incoming calls
04:39.38Spicoliand I can see the call arrive when I watch the logs, I just don't know what is happening after that
04:40.03Ariel_Spicoli, did you setup the did route correctly
04:40.29JunK-Yopus_: i hope you'll be fine with all that.
04:40.37JunK-Yim jetting to bed. see ya folks.
04:40.46Ariel_JunK-Y, see you
04:40.49SpicoliAriel_, I think so. I used the AMP gui
04:41.29Spicoliunder incoming calls I have it set to route from pstn to my digital receptionist recording
04:41.44Spicoliwhich is exactly what happens when I dial 7777
04:42.00Spicolibut on a real call, it doesn't
04:42.05*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
04:42.24SpicoliI believe my trunk is setup alright though, because otherwise I probably wouldn't even see the outside call come in
04:42.30Ariel_Spicoli, did you create a did route for the did that bv gave you?
04:42.33opus_this doesn't say if it follows boolean logic or not for IF
04:43.05SpicoliAriel_, nope, either I missed that in the asterisk@home setup instructions, or it isn't there
04:43.11Ariel_GotoIF blah 1 else 2
04:43.46Ariel_Spicoli, add it via amp gui and route it to your digital recp
04:44.26SpicoliAriel_, what would my DID number be?  I've got all the broadvoice info, but I don't see a DID number
04:44.58Ariel_did number is your phone number 10 digits that you picked or they gave you.
04:45.17SpicoliAriel_, excellent, let me give that a shot
04:45.52*** join/#asterisk Maveric (
04:46.31Ariel_Spicoli, there is a channel here just for amp users #amportal --- tonight it's slow so no one is getting on your case about amp problems.
04:47.18SpicoliAriel_, well, DID number didn't fix it......sorry about using the wrong channel.  I'll switch over.  Thanks for your help!
04:47.50Ariel_Spicoli, it's ok you can still use this one... after you set the did route up what does it say on the cli?
04:48.31*** join/#asterisk whisker (
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04:49.23*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (i=grey@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Corydon76-home)
04:51.07opus_i'm leaving. time to get drunk
04:51.13*** join/#asterisk Moc (
04:51.30Umarohaving quite the time finding the bug # of anthm's new music on hold patch.. anyone got it?
04:52.06JunK-Ymake a search by reporter on anthm, u'll find it.
04:52.29maxgo3-cncan anyone give an example: Peer auth= override all other authentication settings if we match on realm
04:54.03maxgo3-cnhow should i adde it?
04:54.03UmaroJunK-Y: still didn't find it :(
04:54.21*** join/#asterisk SkramX (
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05:03.47hhrp2kis it possible to record a call in  *
05:04.11hhrp2khow could i do it?
05:04.15ryanscthe company I work for has it for all calls
05:04.34*** join/#asterisk Spicoli_ (
05:05.04hhrp2kwhich conf is it in?
05:05.05ryanscput that in your extension list
05:05.13ryanscfor me its sip_additional
05:05.20ryanscyou put it in with every extension you want monitored
05:05.36*** join/#asterisk rumba1207 (
05:05.36hhrp2kin sip?
05:05.47ryanscwhereever your extensions are listed
05:05.57ryanscI think * puts it in sip
05:05.59denonanyone have a cdma fax solution they like? (besides telus, way too pricey)
05:06.21denonneed to send printed materials to mobile users, but no laptops etc (very portable solution)
05:06.26hhrp2kand where can i listen to it then?
05:07.22ryanschhrp2k : ill look ive forgotten
05:07.44hhrp2klemme know plz i can test it now :)
05:09.06*** part/#asterisk ryansc (
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05:09.52*** part/#asterisk ryansc (
05:10.03*** join/#asterisk Wikipedia-Gast (
05:10.48*** join/#asterisk ryansc (
05:11.03hhrp2kdid you find where to monitor them
05:11.12ryanscmy clients freaking out though
05:11.19ryanscits in /var/spool/asterisk
05:11.22ryanscshould be in the root
05:11.38ryanscas there is ./asterisk/recordings
05:11.57ryanscwhere some go, but the majority appear to be in the /var/spool/asterisk folder
05:13.35hhrp2kare you sure about command?
05:13.54ryanscyes that was taken right out of my configs
05:14.36ryanscit also records on demand so you can play it mid call
05:15.31ryanscdo you have amp installed? thats what initially setup the command for one line we just duplicated it for all extensions
05:15.32hhrp2ki mean record_out=always?
05:15.45hhrp2kwhats the command on extention?
05:15.50hhrp2kmonitor or smth?
05:16.03ryanscI missed your question
05:16.14*** part/#asterisk SarahEmm (
05:17.01ryanschere is a link so you can see how it is setup in an extension
05:17.34ryanscand thats in my sip_additional.config that amp setup
05:17.47ryanscshould work just fine wherever your extensions are listed though
05:17.48r0mgood morning people!
05:18.53ryanscuh morning?
05:19.01ryanscits almost am for me
05:19.36*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
05:22.15ryanscfigure it out hhrp2k?
05:22.45*** join/#asterisk Katty (
05:23.59KattyDarthClue: my visitor from canada is here until wednesday (=
05:24.10ryanscwheres here?
05:24.13DarthCluevisitor from Canada?
05:24.22Kattyyes, i have company
05:24.47twistedyou have a visitor from canada?
05:24.54twistedlook out, they might try to invade!
05:25.09Kattyit'll be ok, you'll see
05:25.15twistedKatty, okee
05:25.22twistedDarthClue, heh.
05:25.25Kattyi just don't know what i'm going to do for 4 more days
05:25.36adelas`o god
05:25.37twistedKatty, you can help me set up my new server ;)
05:25.43adelas`how do u get asterisk to work?
05:25.49Kattymust entertain visitor
05:25.56adelas`does asterisk have a gui interface?
05:26.02twistedKatty, m/f?
05:26.04Kattyadelas`: not that i'm aware of
05:26.06Kattytwisted: male
05:26.18twistedKatty, g/s/l/b/
05:26.18DarthClueKatty: um, leave irc?  take him to amateur night?
05:26.30Kattytwisted: zomgwhat?
05:26.31adelas`seriously?? theres no gui interface for asterisk?
05:26.32ryanscasterisk itself doesn't however you can install amp for basic configs
05:26.43KattyDarthClue: he's asleep in the other room. i'm on laptop
05:26.45twistedKatty, just trying to gather enough info to toss out ideas for entertainment
05:27.01Kattytwisted: k
05:27.01ryanscif your wanting something quick go look at
05:27.11twistedKatty, like pool?
05:27.14adelas`i already got the asterisk installed
05:27.19adelas`just don't know how to use it
05:27.23adelas`since i barly know linux
05:27.27Kattytwisted: the only places with billards are bars. i'm not going to a bar
05:27.31twistedKatty, oh
05:27.33ryanscyes ive been there
05:27.54twistedKatty, what about bowling?
05:27.56ryanscim fairly sure you can download amp independantly of @home
05:28.02ryanscthough im not sure where
05:28.02Kattytwisted: no bowling in cape
05:28.10Kattytwisted: at least that i'm aware of anyway
05:28.20Kattytwisted: this was not a solutions moment
05:28.24Kattytwisted: this was a girly rant moment
05:28.28twistedKatty, oh
05:28.37twistedKatty, heh.  I'm a problem solver ;)
05:28.44Kattyyou so are
05:28.54Piranha-anyone know of a good PBX? someone told me this was a good channel to ask in
05:29.09KattyPiranha-: nope
05:29.18twistedDarthClue, lol
05:29.22DarthCluePiranha-: you were misinformed.
05:29.31Piranha-damn.. my source is faulty
05:29.38sigtermpirahna: who told you this, let me hunt this person down
05:29.50DarthCluetwisted: certain parts of the manual simply state...good luck...this is not a typo.
05:29.52KattyDarthClue: :>
05:30.02twistedDarthClue, haha
05:30.42DarthCluetwisted: i spent a week reviewing the manual, my head really hurts now.
05:31.00Kattythe manual is insanity
05:31.06*** join/#asterisk keru (n=keru@
05:31.06Kattyand every other page has HUG written on it
05:32.33*** join/#asterisk [1]SkramX (
05:32.34Kattyhug plskthxbi
05:34.47drraysubway makes a tasty footlong meatball on wheat with bacon
05:37.16Kattybacon :<
05:37.24Kattyexploited moocow :<<<
05:38.03Kattyi don't maul people for eating meat around me
05:38.23Kattytwisted: does disneyland have vegan food?
05:38.28DarthClueI know.  If you did, I would be dead by now.
05:38.30argos73grilled up some bacon-wrapped filets tonight...  nice and rare...  mmmmm   :)
05:38.56twistedKatty, I think so.. not sure
05:45.51*** join/#asterisk coppice (
05:46.04Himekoi could really go for some nice bbq
05:46.22Himekocept i just had all my wisdom teeth out yesterday
05:47.32coppicenot right now. its really hard to bbq in a typhoon
05:47.53Himekojust bring the bbq inside
05:48.30Himekoor make due with an electric grill i guess
05:48.56coppicejust eat the stuff raw
05:49.18Himekoi do at times
05:49.27Himekobeef sashimi
05:49.44*** join/#asterisk rene1 (n=rene-@
05:49.57coppicethe japanese do eat raw beef in some provinicial areas
05:50.16Himekoin the big city too
05:50.23Kattykobe :<
05:50.25Himekohorse too
05:50.29coppiceI was thinking more of salmon, though. mykids just complained the salmon for lunch was cooked :-)
05:50.57Himekoi love salmon sashimi too
05:51.05argos73Himeko: had mine out about two years ago... got real tired of pudding within a couple days. :)
05:51.26rene1thereis this arab dish made of raw beef cooked with lemon and salt
05:51.47niZonraw beef cooked with lemon and salt...
05:51.51Himeko3 of mine were straight pulls pretty much, but one had to be cut up
05:51.56niZonemphasis on cooked
05:52.07Himekocooked via the acid
05:52.14coppicelemon or lemongrass?
05:52.17rene1thats what imeant
05:52.40argos73one of mine broke eating a steak about a week prior to the pull (hence, my visit), and the other four(!) were easy..
05:52.42rene1lemon i think
05:52.46argos73(had extra wisdom, i guesss)
05:53.09coppicelemongrass beef is yummy
05:53.18argos73yup.  two in the upper-right
05:54.25rene1i have an asterisk box linked via vpn to a sipphone, both can ping each other, but asterisk box never seems to get register requests
05:54.33coppicewhy do wisdom teeth behave in such dumb ways? :-)
05:54.44argos73heh - good question
05:54.50*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
05:55.28argos73when i was still doped up after the surgery, I asked the nurse if I could string them into "an African tooth necklace"...  got a funny look...
05:55.48Piranha-quick... what voip provider does everyone recommend. I want a vote :)
05:56.00Piranha-im using dialpad and it's retarded
05:57.16DarthCluePiranha-: what features are you looking for in said provider?
05:57.24Piranha-well ulaw
05:57.50DarthCluepstn incoming / outgoing?  codecs?  VOIP Only? etc
05:57.51Piranha-im using it as a substituion to my pstn long distance... so if I could set my pstn number as the number that shows up on someone's callerid, that would be rad
05:58.18DarthCluePiranha-: USA or another country?
05:58.37Piranha-USA is cool... im in canada
05:58.44Piranha-the broadvoice servers seemed pretty responsive
05:59.16Piranha-but I would like to set my callerid as my pstn number (dialpad does that) although dialpad is garbge
05:59.35DarthCluePiranha-: Asterlink, Nufone, there are a few others that may support that option.
06:00.13*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
06:02.14Piranha-nuphone doesnt have unlimited plans though do they
06:02.55DarthCluePiranha-: most of the responsive providers don't.  The big boys usually offer unlimited plans with limited support.
06:03.17Piranha-well dialpad seemed excellent on paper
06:03.20Piranha-11.99$/month ...
06:03.37Piranha-then found out they only support 729 and 723... and they are very unreliable
06:03.39ryansctheyve changed since they came online
06:03.45*** join/#asterisk dudes (
06:04.07ryanscthey worded it weird to make it sound unlimited for 10 a month and we wound up with a $73 phone bill
06:04.22Piranha-thats odd
06:04.44ryanscI use broadvoice now and I average about 4,000 minutes a month
06:04.52ryansca majority of those are out of state calls
06:04.55Piranha-yeah broadvoice seems like my best solution
06:05.02Piranha-i should get a free month with my voxilla purchase
06:05.17ryanscid say its worth it
06:05.18Piranha-I get 1/2 the ms reponse with broadvoice
06:05.27Piranha-versus dialpad
06:05.31Piranha-and I like the multiple choice of servers..
06:06.00ryanscthough ive heard some complains with the colorado numbers provider, they seem to route when they feel like it as ive heard people get about a %50 call success rate sometimes
06:06.20ryanscI get 80-100% out of the PA providers
06:07.04ryanscoutbound with a stable network gets out everytime unless its a serious issue on their end which is rare from my findings
06:08.30Piranha-shit.. these dialpad chat peoplle are stupid
06:08.34Piranha-"Pradeep: Could you tell me how much Sipura devices , you have setup?"
06:08.34ryanscuhoh that doesn't sound good
06:09.24Piranha-me: "1 Sipura device. 1 Asterisk server"
06:09.28Piranha-Pradeep: ok
06:09.29Piranha-Pradeep: how many devices are connected to your server?
06:09.33Piranha-like... how does this matter
06:09.47ryanscas far as how powerful does it need to be
06:10.25Piranha-like... allow ulaw with your sevice, and im sure some of your problems will be fixed
06:10.35Piranha-does it allow ~30% packet loss without noticing?
06:11.00Piranha-well ... he's giving me a refund... finally
06:11.39Kattythe paper shredder at work will eat 3inch binders
06:11.44Kattyit's dreamy
06:12.01ryanscuh yikes
06:12.11DarthClueKatty: you scare me.
06:12.14Kattyalso cost a few grand
06:12.15ryanscthat sounds like some of the tree shredders we have around here
06:12.23KattyDarthClue: yay?
06:12.31ryanscmy boss got mad at me because I put a cd through his shredder
06:12.40Kattyi see
06:12.45Kattyours eat cds too
06:12.57ryanscprobably fingers too
06:13.10ryanscI second that
06:13.17twistedjust run MSDN through it
06:13.38argos73nah - put em in a microwave.  much more fun.
06:13.46ryanscnever done that... yet
06:13.46Kattytwisted: way to be Mister Solutions
06:14.01ryanscI did put one in basically a table saw once
06:14.11ryansckinda turned to gel
06:14.19gordonjcpmicrowaving CDs is good
06:14.24gordonjcpstand it on top of a cup of water
06:14.46argos73also liked the Mythbusters episode where they attached a CD to a router...  *boom*
06:14.53twistedKatty, ;)
06:14.54ryanscthat was interesting
06:15.00ryanscive done that actually
06:15.11`SauronHum di dum.
06:15.18Kattyhi Sauron
06:15.20ryanscspin it up on a overpowered cd player motor and let it go skipping across a gym floor
06:15.23`SauronHi Katty
06:15.39`SauronHow to reflash your Gumstix in 101 different ways
06:16.08Kattyhug it
06:16.10UberbotI'm trying to connect to fwd via iax2.
06:16.23UberbotWhen I ask fwd to call me, I get: chan_iax2.c:5448 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from
06:16.28Uberboton the console...
06:16.53`Sauronanyone remember KERMIT?
06:17.01sskylesI had an old Yamaha CDX-1 do that once. I heard this whirring noise and I opened the cd tray. The CD came flying out like a UFO, zipped across the room and smashed when it hit the wall.
06:17.14Kattykermit and pink floyd
06:17.18`SauronUberbot: Not the frog
06:17.48UberbotSauron, did you once live in New Mexico?
06:17.48ryansckermit, I used that a lot
06:17.50Kattynitenite, DarthClue
06:17.55`SauronI got the rootfs image down to 2.7MB
06:18.00UberbotI used it a lot!
06:18.01`Sauronnow to see if I can do something useful with it
06:18.07`SauronUberbot: No, I didn't.
06:18.16`SauronI think I've spent all of 30 minutes in New Mexico
06:18.32UberbotKnew someone here who used Sauron as a nick.
06:21.03`SauronI've used this nick for neigh on 10 years
06:21.03`Sauronif not more
06:21.03`Sauronbut never lived in NM
06:21.03Uberbotchan_iax2.c:5448 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from
06:21.03gordonjcp`Sauron: is it "saw-ron" or "sow-ron" ;-)
06:21.03UberbotAny ideas as to where to look to fix this one?
06:21.03`Sauronmake sure you're allowing connections (in *) from that IP
06:21.03UberbotI don't think I'm restricting.....  Where do I look?
06:21.09`Sauroniax.conf I'd imagine
06:21.26`SauronHum, this is fun.
06:21.35`Sauronso I think I could BARELY fit Xfbdev on here.
06:21.43`Sauron# df -k
06:21.44`SauronFilesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
06:21.44`Sauron/dev/mtdblock2            3840      3084       756  80% /
06:23.59*** join/#asterisk spyroux (
06:25.20`SauronThe gumstix is alive again.
06:25.24`Sauronand it got quiet here
06:26.37`Sauronnite katty
06:26.49twistednitenite katty
06:27.18twistedi want my server now.. i'm so anxious
06:27.20ryanscsomeone has good humor
06:27.50twistedready to pour the gentoo love into it's circuits
06:28.18twistedsince i'll never actually see it, that's the most love i can give it :P
06:28.37Tiliwhich file has the source code for pbx dundi
06:28.54twistedTili, asterisk/pbx/pbx_dundi.c
06:30.28Tilithanks twisted.
06:30.50Tilitwisted: does it work for private networks. like can i specify servers which it uses. I think so but i wanted to confirm
06:31.55*** join/#asterisk santiago (n=santiago@
06:33.19*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin_ (i=uppal@unaffiliated/pakipenguin)
06:33.25Tilipbx DUNDi is not with v1-0
06:33.40*** join/#asterisk djin_ib (
06:36.38mog_hometili it was backported at some point and on the bug tracker i thought
06:36.45mog_homebut no one maintained and
06:36.54mog_homeit wasnt in before stable
06:37.00mog_homeso it couldnt oficially go in
06:37.03Tilimog_home: so it doesnt work well
06:37.08Tilior what?
06:37.22mog_homeno dundi is great
06:37.35Tilimog_home: cool
06:37.42mog_homeits just not in stable
06:37.44mog_homeget head
06:37.48Tilii'll see it then
06:37.53mog_homeor if you NEED stability
06:37.54Tilii am getting head.
06:37.55mog_homeget BE
06:38.00Tiliget BE?
06:38.06mog_homeasterisk business edition
06:38.10mog_homefrom digium
06:38.14TiliUSD 995
06:38.23mog_homebut if there is a bug you hit
06:38.27mog_homeyou will get it fixed
06:38.43Tilino i would rather use STABLE and try compiling DUNDi with it if i need it. i just want to test it right now
06:38.53mog_homeyou cant really do that easily
06:39.12mog_homeas i remember dundi had to be hacked up to fit in stable
06:39.14Tilimog_home: i know depends how much it solves my problem and how efficiently
06:39.18mog_homebut you could just wait for 1.2
06:39.25mog_homeit is coming along
06:39.44*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
06:39.49mog_homebut to be honest
06:39.52mog_homehead is fairly stable
06:40.02mog_homethere are parts that arent
06:40.07mog_homebut as a majority it is
06:40.13drraywait, is head 1.2?
06:40.14Tilimog_home yeah i think so too.
06:40.24mog_homehead is head
06:40.30drrayhow does one play with 1.2?
06:40.33mog_homewe will take a snap shot of head
06:40.38twisteddrray, 1.2 will be derived from head
06:40.40mog_homewhich will be 1.2 rc1
06:40.51mog_homethen we will do bug fixes on it
06:41.00mog_homeand then eventually it will be 1.2
06:41.04twistedmog_home, lay off the caffeine :P
06:41.15ryanscdoes @home have a built in tftp server?
06:41.16drrayyou are scaring the package kiddies
06:41.36twistedryansc, why don't you go ask teh @home people
06:41.57ryansctheres an at home on freenode?
06:41.59twisted#asterisk != #asterisk@home
06:42.20twistedwe deal with asterisk. others maintain their own distrobutions/packages/etc.
06:42.32ryanscand @home is part of that
06:42.38ryanscit contains asterisk
06:42.43twistedasterisk  is contained within
06:42.58twistedasterisk@home is a distro that someone created
06:43.04twistednot part of the official project
06:43.10ryanscI realize
06:43.13mog_hometwisted can you tell me if redhat 3 contains tftp
06:43.17mog_homei mean i run asterisk on it
06:43.24mog_homeso it should be covered
06:43.30twistedmog_home, hmm.. sure, let me look in my big book of everything
06:43.30mog_homeryansc, make sense?
06:43.33drrayyou can yum install tftp
06:43.33ryanscI just saw one of the only places was a forum not an irc channel
06:43.58twistedi'm not trying to be an ass
06:44.14twistedbut people make these things, and then everyone expects the real project to support it
06:44.17twistedand it just drives me nuts
06:45.31twistedhey mog, i got me a dedicated server ordered tonight
06:45.45twistedshould be ready for me to load gentoo on tomorrow am :)
06:45.56mog_homewhat kinda box?
06:45.59twistedyeah, i'm gonna do cool * related stuff on it
06:46.23twistedcel 2.4, 1g ram, 40g hd, 1TB/mo bandwidth, etc.
06:46.26mog_homefor you or asteria
06:46.31twistedfor me
06:46.35*** join/#asterisk Maveric (
06:46.39mog_home1 terabyte
06:46.45twisted$69/mo ;)
06:46.47mog_homewhere is it gonna be?
06:46.52mog_homethats cheap
06:47.01twistedeither InterNAP or nap of the americas
06:47.10twistedcan't honestly rememeber which
06:47.16drrayI am tired of flash oeprator panel, is tehre a better one?
06:47.26mog_homegastman ^_^
06:47.41twistedgastman is amusing
06:47.50drrayI've been toying with making a gkrellm plugin
06:47.52mog_homegastman is fun to watch at digium
06:48.03mog_homeas it blows up as a call rings 10 people in a queue
06:48.03twistedmog_home, i bet it looks like a cluster
06:48.11mog_homeand then it is a single call a sec later
06:48.29mog_homeand when calls are backed up in the queue
06:48.53mog_homeits a blob of blonde haired people on the phone
06:49.02twistedget this
06:49.16twistedI can have any hardware I want installed in the box for $20/instance
06:49.58twistedso i could send them a te110, get a loop from XO or something, and it costs me only $20 to have them throw it in
06:50.00mog_homet1 on site?
06:50.21argos73grrr....  you'd think a t1 located in a colocation space would be stable....
06:50.23mog_homeconected to pstn?
06:50.28twistedmog_home, yep
06:50.38twistedthat's what I said
06:50.56twistedi doubt i'm going to do that unless my idea takes off
06:51.00twistedbut still
06:51.10twistedhaving that ability :)
06:51.11mog_homei would just have to sell termination or webspace to make it brake even
06:51.27mog_homebut would be awesome to have that kind of bandwih to get to
06:51.32*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (i=nobody@gentoo/developer/
06:51.32twistedmog_home, you could get a VPS
06:51.43mog_homedid you hear digium getting 10mb link to the world
06:51.48twistedmog_home, yeah
06:51.55mog_homeyeah i thought about that
06:51.57twistedi saw them dragging it :)
06:52.14mog_homeheh whats really nice is the gateway box out there can burst to 100
06:52.23mog_homeso if i ever log in there i could download reallly fast
06:52.34mog_homeand then transfer over the pipe
06:52.45twistedthis thing will burst to 10
06:52.46twistedbut still
06:52.53twistedthat's pretty good
06:53.12mog_homewhats the latency from here to there usually
06:53.14mog_homesub 20ms
06:53.24twistedto the facility?
06:53.33twistedlemme check
06:54.28twistedabout 18-20ms over my crap
06:54.59JerJerthose ulaw folks that are up still - go outside and look east
06:55.01twistedfrom here (home)
06:55.07twistedwhat's up/
06:55.08mog_homethats pretty good
06:55.18JerJerMeteorite shower -  we saw quite a few in just 20 minutes
06:55.27twistedit's too foggy/hazy here :(
06:55.33twistedmy windows face directly east
06:55.34drrayto many city lights
06:55.44mog_homedamn i was about to go outside twisted
06:55.44JerJer30-40 large ones and many more small ones
06:55.56JerJeri'm in the middle of nowhere
06:56.01twistedyou should get photos
06:56.06twistedand/or video
06:56.11mog_homewatch for supermen
06:56.23mog_homethey could be disguised as small children
06:56.31mog_homewait to see if they can pick up a truck
06:56.36mog_homethen you'll know
06:56.38*** join/#asterisk audela (
06:57.03twistedJerJer, gonna be at astricon?
06:57.25JerJerduno yet
06:57.41mog_homewe are hoping to get 4/5 matts there
06:57.43twistedjust signed up today
06:57.47twistedmog_home, i won an iaxy :P
06:57.59mog_homehowd that work?
06:58.01mog_homeyou can have mine
06:58.07mog_homei need an iaxy2
06:58.09twistedi was one of the first 50 full access
06:58.21twistedi have a couple originals
06:58.25mog_homei am gonna try to speak this year
06:58.28twistedi think i'm getting a 2 at the con
06:58.40twistedi'm not talking this year
06:58.41mog_homethats all we have these days
06:59.05mog_homegood finally some piece and quite....
06:59.06twistedi'm going as a sponge this year
06:59.16JerJeri might rap about voip fraud
06:59.19twistedpeace and quiet you mean?
06:59.19JerJerduno yet
06:59.25sskylesThe iaxy2? Is that the one that looks like a wedge?
06:59.30twistedJerJer, it'd be a good topic for the buisness tract
06:59.34mog_homeit depends on how you look at it
06:59.40mog_homei see spelling as more of a religion
06:59.43twistedsskyles, no! it's a race car!
06:59.59mog_homeno one is right but people sure do have a lot of faith in it, and that their way is right
07:00.05sskylesSmoked gray plastic?
07:00.19twistedmog_home, i am a walking dictionary
07:00.26twistedhowever, my grammar has been known to be off
07:00.28mog_homeso that makes you waht
07:00.32mog_homea high priest?
07:00.34sskylesStill doesn't support damn DNS names!
07:00.36JerJerme fail english, that's unpossible
07:00.45mog_homedns is of the devil
07:00.52twisteddns is for weenies
07:01.02twistedyou should know your providers IP
07:01.03JerJersskyles:  implement gethostbyname in 4k of ram
07:01.10sskylesYeah, but I bought it to be portable. I don't want to have to go in and change the IP address everytime!
07:01.14mog_homeexactly its only 4 bits..
07:01.22twistedyou don't have to change the device's ip
07:01.28twistedjust your provider
07:01.34twistedthe device can be set to dhcp
07:01.38sskylesThe server is behind a firewall.
07:01.44mog_homeif you have a public static ip its easy peasy
07:01.44twistedyer point?
07:01.53twistedso is mine
07:01.57twistedbut i set it to the external ip
07:02.00twistedand i can take it anywhere
07:02.01drrayan Iaxy with a WRT54G works pretty nice together
07:02.04sskylesThe internal IP is different than the external IP, which changes from time to time!
07:02.27drrayalthough I'll drop the iaxy when/if they ever get the FXS ports working under the openwrt firmware
07:02.40twisteddrray, talisman
07:02.44mog_homelol not gonna happen sorry
07:02.54twisteddrray, talisman for the wrt (sveasoft)
07:03.00mog_homewould be sweat
07:03.07mog_homesweet* though
07:03.13drrayI don't believe the fxs ports work under talisman
07:03.18drrayI hope I am wrong
07:03.25mog_homei dont think they work anywhere yet
07:03.30sskylesNow who wants to carry one of those around?
07:03.49twisteddrray, actually, i'm wrong
07:03.51twistedgood call
07:04.22mog_homeyou could just get a soekris
07:04.24mog_homeand a tdm card
07:04.29mog_homeand lug it around...
07:04.53twistedi wanted to build a t1/sip translator out of one of those
07:05.08twisted4 port t1, all ulaw -> ulaw
07:05.12mog_homewas dissapointed with transcoding
07:05.20twistedwould work fine, but the throughput sucks
07:05.23drrayI wish you were right
07:05.52twistedtwo 100 ports, and they can only burst to 20
07:05.52drraywell, my application is payphones, so I have a room in the closet at the location
07:05.53twistedwhat a waste
07:06.10twistedthree 100 ports
07:06.12mog_homebut it is pretty good for the price
07:06.18mog_homeare you selling one to dnubb
07:06.27mog_homehe told me he was getting one from asteria
07:06.27twistedi'm not, SwK os
07:06.30twisteder os
07:06.31twisteder is
07:07.30twistedi'm gonna go sleep now so i can get up and work on my server ;)
07:07.57sskylesYou won't sleep though.
07:08.04sskylesYoull toss and turn thinking about it!
07:08.34mog_homewhat is this sleep you spak of
07:08.40sskylesYeah... hehe
07:12.00*** join/#asterisk Tili (n=Tili@
07:12.49Tilihow can i setup DUNDi so that it works only on my private network and nobody else connects to my server
07:21.18*** join/#asterisk Defraz_ (
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07:27.41*** join/#asterisk chris (
07:28.40chrisCan I connect asterisk to my callvantage TA digitally? or do I have to use the analog telephone cable?
07:30.03UberbotDoes anyone know now to increase the volume of my voice on the other end of a call?
07:30.12*** join/#asterisk thumpclip (
07:30.14UberbotBesids SHOUTING....
07:30.22JerJerif zap
07:30.30JerJeroh your vice
07:30.42JerJeryell at your ip phone manufacture
07:30.55UberbotTrying to use minisip....
07:35.03chrishiya everybody...  What's the best way to start digitally recording my incoming voip calls with asterisk?
07:35.10chrisI'm a n00b
07:35.52thumpcliphi mog;chris
07:36.43thumpcliphow r u all
07:36.52chrisdoin good, and you? :)
07:37.20thumpcliphaving fun! experimenting
07:37.25chrisThe voip is callvantage.  I haven't ordered my pci card yet for asterisk...  is there a way to make asterisk work with the callvantage using the ethernet...?  I have the dlink router which uses/used to use mcgp instead of SIP but I'm not sure on the details.
07:38.01chrisAt first I thought I'd have to build a freeBSD router to catch all the TA's traffic and then extract the audio signal later....
07:38.07chrisbut there has to be a better way with Asterisk
07:38.25thumpclipto to hear ur doing well as well! im actually in need of advice myself
07:38.37thumpclipmog r u by chance advanced in knowing asterisk and possibly have installed asterisk@home
07:39.35mog_homei have installed asterisk@home
07:39.44thumpclipchris sup with u.. u dont sound like a noob
07:39.46mog_homebut i do not reccommend it
07:39.51thumpclipcool really
07:39.52chrisnew with asterisk
07:39.57thumpclipi have astwin installed
07:40.09X-Robsucks to be _you_ then
07:40.14thumpclipdamn lol
07:41.07*** join/#asterisk ryansc (
07:41.08thumpclipi installed debian; got kernel sources; built asterisk under VPC
07:41.15christhumpclip is that asterisk@home a small distribution on a cd?
07:41.42thumpclipinstalled in vmware working better than astwin
07:41.52thumpclipyeah CentOS
07:42.35thumpcliponly problem is that i cant save anything into extensions.conf
07:42.41chrisI started with CentOS last july!  I remember compiling EVERYTHING under the sun just to get a gtk environment built for the ED2K gui to work...
07:42.43thumpclipusing vi or the web interface
07:42.51chrisbut I haven't worked with it since.
07:42.58chrisis CentOS still on 2.2.x?
07:43.06X-RobCentos 4.1 is the current standard
07:43.06mog_homei read that as vi web interface
07:43.08X-Robis 2.6.11
07:43.10mog_homeand i was in heaven...
07:43.27X-Robor 2.6.8 or something. Something moderately recent, anyway.
07:44.59*** join/#asterisk KaBewM (
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07:45.54*** part/#asterisk SoloFlyer (
07:46.18chrisI thought CentOS was a build on the free RedHat AS sources...?  Did they upgrade from the 2.2 tree to 2.6 recently?
07:46.32*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
07:46.34mog_homei think es
07:46.45mog_homebut redhat has been at 2.6 for a while
07:47.27*** join/#asterisk SqWaw (
07:48.12audelahi mog_home: I have asterisk@home too..just interested to know why you don't recommend it
07:48.22mog_homewell where to start
07:48.24PakiPenguin_chris, centos 4.1 is based on totally centos :)
07:48.25mog_homefirst off
07:48.33mog_homeit is a nice thought
07:48.39mog_homebut def. cripples you
07:48.47zedkatufcripples in what sense..
07:48.49*** part/#asterisk SqWaw (
07:49.05mog_homethe default config files are a pain to read as there are several hundred linked together
07:49.17zedkatufwhy did they do that?
07:49.29mog_homethey use different version of asterisk than what is released via digium cvs
07:49.33mog_homeand that bothers me
07:49.41X-Robmog_home - that's A@H
07:49.49X-RobThe web interface is AMP
07:49.49mog_homecrippled in the sense asterisk@home works for what it tries to do
07:49.52X-RobAMP works with everything
07:50.06mog_homeyou want anything more or less than what they give you
07:50.08X-RobAnd A@H uses asterisk 1.0.[something]
07:50.09mog_homeyou cant really do it
07:50.12chrisPakiPenguin, cool.  I'll have to have a look at it again soon.  Maybe build my DNS on it... (smallish P133 w 48meg RAM)
07:50.24mog_homethis is why i am not a fan
07:50.26zedkatufcan u just carry on with cmndline ..?
07:50.28mog_homeand i have to support it a lot
07:50.31mog_homewell you can
07:50.37mog_homebut amp can overwrite changes
07:50.39*** part/#asterisk SarahEmm (
07:50.46mog_homeas it sometimes has trouble parsing your changes
07:50.49mog_homeit is a mess it more dificullt than with just plain ol' asterisk?
07:50.56ryanscbeen there, had that happen
07:51.03mog_homeasterisk config files are easy
07:51.12zedkatufis that cos it's an older version?
07:51.16mog_homeit just takes a few days to pick up
07:51.17chrisSo how do I connect asterisk and a softphone to my residential voice over IP provider like AT&T or vonage?
07:51.17X-Robmog_home - you drunk or something?
07:51.28*** join/#asterisk rec (n=rec@
07:51.31X-Rob<mog_home> as it sometimes has trouble parsing your changes
07:51.36ryanscI had problems making contexts for my asterisk install, thats why for playing I used amp
07:51.39mog_homei can tell you
07:51.41X-RobAMP doesn't parse anything. It generates the configs from a database.
07:51.44mog_homethat i have been on customers boxes
07:51.50mog_homewhere amp will delete your changes
07:51.53mog_homewell not delete
07:52.01mog_homebut completely overwrite that section
07:52.06zedkatufso AMP chucks settings in a db or sthng??
07:52.07mog_homethus deleting it
07:52.20X-Robmog_home - that's when you use extensions_custom.conf
07:52.21mog_homeno it writes to the config files
07:52.24X-Robthat doesnt' get overwritten
07:52.27ryanscit rewrites the whole file for you
07:52.33ryanscor at least it does for me
07:52.38mog_homeX-rob have you ever really wrote dial plans
07:52.46mog_homeits just easier to do in config files
07:52.50zedkatufso basically use AMP just to VIEW only ??
07:52.50mog_homeamp is a nice thought
07:52.54mog_homegive it a few years
07:52.59X-Rob*chuckles quitely*
07:53.02mog_homewell look at the config files
07:53.07X-Robzedkatuf - I said before, AMP does not _READ_
07:53.09X-Robit's _writes_
07:53.15zedkatufthat's BAD
07:53.19X-Robyou use AMP to generate the config files
07:53.26X-Robwhat's bad?
07:53.36mog_homex-rob i work in tech support
07:53.38zedkatufbad in the sense that if u go to cmndline & mod things.....
07:53.48X-Robmog_home - you poor thing.
07:53.51zedkatuf.....when u next view in AMP it may or may not respect what you;ve done?
07:53.52mog_home50% of our tech support calls are *@home related
07:53.53*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
07:53.53chrisIs there a good tutorial for asterisk on gentoo?
07:53.55mog_homethere is a reason
07:54.01X-Robzedkatuf - *sigh*.
07:54.16zedkatufsoz X-Rob...I just can't type &ead screen at same time
07:54.16mog_homeit doesnt do what it tries to
07:54.18X-RobYou obviously don't understand how asterisk works
07:54.32zedkatufthat's why I'm here partly
07:54.34mog_homethis is why he wants asterisk@home
07:54.38zedkatufbut Iam slowly RTFM'ing
07:54.39mog_homeand that is why i dont like it
07:54.41X-Robhow much do you know linux?
07:54.44mog_homeit treats you like an idiot
07:54.47zedkatuffarily well
07:54.51mog_homeand you dont learn stuff that is fairly simple
07:55.09mog_homejust get debian
07:55.10X-Robzedkatuf - Well, I'd suggest grabbing CentOS 4.1, Asterisk CVS and AMP CVS
07:55.19mog_homeand install either the debian packages for asterisk
07:55.20mog_homeor better
07:55.24X-RobIT's just like AAH but it doesnt' suck anywhere near as much 8)
07:55.25mog_homejust get it from cvs and build
07:55.46X-Robmog_home - You know how much debian documentation there is for AMP? Zero
07:55.55ryanscdoes amp itself screw things up as much as @home?
07:55.58mog_homedo you know how much you should use amp
07:56.00chrisX-Rob: Is gentoo okay, or really is centos the developers method???
07:56.12mog_homegentoo is okay
07:56.21X-Robchris - the AMP DEvelopers use CentOS, but I've tried to make it as portable as possible
07:56.31mog_homebut digium dev work on all diff oses
07:56.37zedkatufmog_home: so AMP/A@Home are only really for idiots like me & v busy peeps
07:56.46Piranha-Too bad we all cant go back in time and teach ourselves *nix in our mama's woumbs .. .that would be something
07:56.47X-Robryansc - AMP doesn't screw things up
07:56.53mog_homeit really isnt that hard to learn things zedkatuf
07:56.55chrisX-Rob - I dunno about AMP yet... I know about Asterisk.  What's AMP?
07:56.58mog_homemake samples
07:56.59mog_homeread em
07:57.03mog_homeyou will learn
07:57.06ryanscI mean as far as the linking dozens of configs together rob
07:57.12X-Rob_people_ screw things up who want to do non-standard stuff and then start fiddling with extensions_additional.conf and wondering why their stuff gets deleted
07:57.28X-Robchris - AMP is a web based admin thingy for asterisk
07:57.32zedkatuffair enough criticism
07:57.42drrayis amp better than flash operator panel?
07:57.52zedkatufdrray: that's for viewing only
07:57.57X-Robamp is different to FOP
07:58.03zedkatufAMP is a web-based config tool for idiots like me
07:58.06X-RobAlthough, AMP does _contain_ FOP
07:58.06drrayI know, but I am looking for a better viewer
07:58.07mog_homeyeah it is for diff purpose
07:58.12zedkatuf(&/or lazy peeps)
07:58.18chrisX-Rob - if AMP is just php/apache stuff then it shouldn't matter... but if it's lots of perl & c libraries... then I suppose it's worth looking at their recommended distribution.  
07:58.27X-Robryansc - what's the problem with linking lots of configs togeher?
07:58.35mog_homehuman editable
07:58.45X-Robchris - There's a lot of dependancies. Have a look at the wiki
07:58.46mog_homeit is much harder to find things x-rob by hand
07:58.57christhanks :)
07:59.03ryanscI prefer just a few configs vs dozens
07:59.03X-Robmog_home - which is why there's an #amportal channel
07:59.23X-Robryansc - there's three config files. extensions.conf and extensions_custom.conf don't get changed by AMP.
07:59.32mog_homethat doesnt have anything to do with the configs being easier to edit and read by hand
07:59.39X-Robextensions_additonal.conf is what is generated by the web interface
07:59.44mog_homeif i showed you the digium dial plan
07:59.44drrayso amp uses flash operator panel
07:59.46ryanscit seems to spread things out to much
07:59.46X-Robmog_home - I find it easy to read.
07:59.51mog_homeand compared it to a simple amp dial plan
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08:00.05mog_homeyou would see the digium one is smaller and less complex
08:00.17X-Robdoes the (make samples) digium dialplan have call diversion, call waiting, and voicemail?
08:00.18mog_homeeven though we do much more complicated things in asterisk on our box
08:00.32X-Robno, it doesn't 8)
08:00.44X-Roblet me check before I say that
08:01.08X-Robdoesn't have diversions
08:01.35X-Robor call waiting.
08:01.46chrisSo I'm back... I still don't know where to get started.
08:01.53chrisI'm using AT&T Callvantage.
08:02.00X-Robchris - OK.
08:02.08X-RobWhat do you _want_ to do?
08:02.13chrisI want to be able to record my calls without doing an A/D conversion.
08:02.26X-Robare you using asterisk already?
08:02.48chrisI'm ready to make it happen tonight though.
08:03.17X-RobI can't help you with AT&T, being that I'm australian - you might wnat to see if there's any asterisk docco for it
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08:03.37X-RobAnyway, AMP has a 'record all calls by default' option, if you want to go the easy way
08:04.46X-Rob(eg, Asterisk@Home)
08:04.56chrisWell, what I do know is that my telephone adapter they provide which is a dlink 1120m will work inside and outside of my firewall...  is there anyway to forward the ports which normally go to the telephone adapter through asterisk first so that they get recorded?
08:05.13mog_homecall waiting on by default for both zap and iax, call diversion call parking is on by default last i checked, and voicemail is 8500
08:05.24mog_homenot that the samples are really intended for use
08:05.53mog_homebut hey you cant win em all
08:05.59X-Robmog_home - which is my point. You have to set it up. AMP does it for people.
08:06.05X-RobHowever, you seem to be thinkign that AMP is for power users
08:06.06X-Robit's not.
08:06.11X-RobNot even a little bit.
08:06.21mog_homeamp isnt even good for low end users
08:06.24mog_homeis what i am saying
08:06.29X-RobIT's for beginners who want to get into VoIP and play with it without having to learn all this hard stuff.
08:06.30mog_homeat least not yet
08:06.32X-RobWhy are you saying that?
08:06.34mog_homebut you dont learn
08:06.41mog_homeif amp was to be good
08:06.45X-RobIf it sucks for some reason, it'll get fixed.
08:06.49drrayyou are better off spending the 3 hours getting HEAD working
08:06.51mog_homeit would actually teach you what it was doing
08:06.55mog_homeand be readable
08:07.03mog_homeso people could wean off it if they wanted
08:07.04chrismog_home: in general, use the software with the most hype.  (barring microsoft)
08:07.10X-Robmog_home - do average windows users want to learn about regedit?
08:07.23mog_homewhat does that have to do with anything
08:07.29X-Robdrray - if you spent three hours geting HEAD working, there's something wrong with your setup.
08:07.46mog_homehe meens configured rob
08:07.47X-Robmog_home - average voip users don't want to learn about extensions.conf
08:07.51drrayfirst time usage
08:07.58thumpclipanyone know a sound command for after answer to see if my server is picking up my did
08:07.59mog_homewhich is pretty standard for a decent config
08:08.11drrayasterisk was not the weak link in the chain, the channel bank was a pain in the arse
08:08.12chrisThat's like saying linux users don't deserve to setup their own fstab or build their own kernel...
08:08.22X-Robchris - beginners don't.
08:08.25X-Robdon't _want_ to
08:08.33mog_homebut there is a diference
08:08.34X-Robthe people that want to go further do.
08:08.40mog_homeimagine there was a tool that did fstab
08:08.45mog_homebut then you wanted to learn it
08:08.50mog_homeand the file it made was in arabic
08:08.52mog_homeit would suck
08:08.55drraylet's stop the flamewar, and get back to me, is tehre a better tool than flash operator panel to view active zap calls?
08:09.00X-Robbut, AMP config files aren't in arabic
08:09.05X-Robthey're commented, and quite readable.
08:09.09mog_homeno they arent
08:09.13mog_homethey are not readable
08:09.18mog_hometrust me if you dealt with it
08:09.20drraysorry mog
08:09.22mog_homenearly as much as we do
08:09.26mog_homeyou would agree
08:09.33X-RobMog, I'm an AMP author
08:09.37mog_homebut i dont do that any more
08:09.37X-Robso yes, I do deal with it a lot
08:09.39mog_homeso im happy
08:09.43mog_homei bet you do
08:09.55X-Robwhich is why I'm puzzled about you complaining so much
08:09.57mog_homebut trust me working 8+ hours a day
08:10.02mog_homewith hundreds of people
08:10.05mog_homehaving same problems
08:10.07mog_homeover and over
08:10.15mog_homehalf of them because they are nubbs
08:10.32mog_homebut the other half because asterisk@home didnt do what it should
08:10.34X-RobYou know, I woould have thought that you would have submitted a bug report if there was a problem
08:10.40X-Robor a feature request
08:10.41mog_homei am not the user
08:10.45mog_homei am the fixer ^_^
08:10.49mog_homebut if you would like
08:10.58mog_homei will give your email to our support team
08:11.17mog_homeim sure they would be happy to send you complaints ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H feature requests...
08:11.20X-RobI charge for support though.
08:11.47mog_homei dont think our customers would want to do that
08:11.53mog_homemost of the time they just drop amp
08:12.00mog_homeupset that it couldnt do something simple
08:12.05mog_homeor we just work around amp for them
08:12.16mog_homeI would ask one thing of yall though
08:12.21X-RobYou haven't actually said what the problem _is_ though
08:12.28X-Robapart from 'extensions.conf being obfuscated'
08:12.33mog_homeif you could add three w's before your dial statements
08:12.39mog_homefor zap
08:12.47mog_homeas 90% of your users have tdm cards
08:13.02X-Robthree w's?
08:13.03mog_homeand seizing the line can fail if you dial to fast
08:13.07X-RobYou can't get a dialtone for 9 seconds?
08:13.32mog_homeexten => _9.,1,dial(zap/g2/www${EXTEN:1})
08:13.42mog_homea w = 100 ms
08:13.53mog_homeso 300 ms is enough time to get dial tone
08:14.01X-Roboh, there ya go. so it is. Sorry, was in modem land for a moment.
08:14.12mog_homeno problem
08:14.26X-Robwell you can. In outbound routing go 9|www
08:14.29mog_homebut that would be one thing, I send an email to our support team
08:14.38mog_homeim sure you will start getting emails
08:14.40mog_homei know
08:14.44mog_homethats what we change it to
08:14.49mog_homebut if it worked out of the box
08:14.53mog_homelike you guys try to do
08:14.54X-Robbut that's not AMP's problem
08:15.11mog_homewell in theory i wish the wctdm driver was a little smarter
08:15.19mog_homebut it is easier to do at the asterisk config level
08:15.29mog_homeand a 300 ms delay hurts no one
08:16.09X-Robput 'start=600' into zapata.conf then
08:16.16X-Robor 300
08:16.18X-Robor whatever
08:16.20X-Robnot an AMP problem.
08:16.36X-Robbut if you think that should be a standard of zapata.conf, feel free to submit that as a feature request
08:16.41mog_homeyou realize this is the same stance is what i was saying earlier
08:16.49mog_homeabout the asterisk config files
08:16.52X-RobYou were saying it was amp's problem
08:16.54mog_homenot being a pbx out of the box
08:17.02mog_homeyou were saying it was an asterisk problem
08:17.17X-RobIt's a hell of a lot more of a pbx than 'make samples' is
08:17.26mog_homelol i dont know
08:17.35mog_homepretty much every major feature is outlined
08:17.40drrayI guess I need to use perl and manager.api
08:17.41X-Robbut you can't _use_ it
08:17.41mog_homewish i could say the same for amp....
08:17.50mog_homeyeah you can
08:17.53mog_homedial 500 ^)^
08:18.07thumpclipdang im about to start beating myself over the head asterisk is picking up my calls from DID i have iax2 debug and verbose modes on I tried 1,Answer;2,Playback(allison7/pls-try-call-later) and I hear nothing it gotta be something small anybody your help will be appreciated
08:18.10X-Robgo 'make samples' and then make an outgoing call from a sip phone to a IAX provider
08:18.30X-Robthumpclip - do 'asterisk -vvvvr' and then dump the output to
08:18.35mog_homeit will work
08:18.38mog_homeyoull call digium
08:18.41mog_homedial 500
08:18.47thumpclipcoo thanks
08:18.48mog_homeit will connect you to an operator ^_^
08:18.49X-RobAn IAX provider
08:18.54X-Robeg, broadvoice or someone
08:18.57mog_homedigium does iax relaying...
08:18.59X-Roband set up 4 phones too
08:19.11mog_homethere are some default phones configured in sip
08:19.16X-RobYou seem to want to have users using regedit
08:19.24X-RobAMP wants users to be using a webby interface
08:19.25mog_homethe config files are simple
08:19.29mog_homethey follow a standard
08:19.31X-Robif they want more, well, they can damn well learn it themselves.
08:19.35mog_homeany ape can read them
08:19.39mog_homeno it didnt
08:19.51drrayI'll be quiet now
08:19.52X-Robmog_home - AMP is not instructional
08:19.57X-Robit's for using
08:20.00X-Robnot for learning.
08:20.03X-Robyou _can_ learn from it
08:20.07X-Robafter you've grasped make samples
08:20.16mog_homeand will continue to denounce it
08:20.21mog_homeuntil it gets fixed
08:20.27X-RobUntil *WHAT* gets fixed??
08:20.29mog_homebut that does not seem to be happening
08:20.39X-RobBE specific, use small words.
08:20.41mog_homebut there are cool things down the pipe people
08:20.56mog_homei have seen some pretty cool config file editors that are on their way to go public
08:21.01mog_homeunfortunately the best one
08:21.05mog_homewritten in mono ^_^
08:21.21mog_homex-rob trust me you will be getting the emails
08:21.38mog_homejust advice
08:21.49mog_homei cant see digium paying for amp support
08:21.53mog_homethat would be funny though
08:22.11X-RobYou'd think digium would be able to read config files.
08:22.18X-Robso they wouldn't need it
08:22.25mog_homewe do
08:22.30mog_homebut like i said
08:22.40mog_homea large percentage of people calling for support
08:22.46mog_homeare asterisk@home customers
08:22.54mog_homeuntil they move on to  debian/redhat etc
08:22.59mog_homeand then they are happy
08:23.05mog_homeand it "works"
08:23.36X-RobAMP "works" too.
08:23.43X-RobYou just seem to have this dislike of it
08:23.46mog_homei wish i could agree
08:23.49X-Robif the reason is 'I just don't like it'
08:23.54mog_homebut the number of callers dont match
08:23.56mog_homeif it worked
08:23.59mog_homewe wouldnt get calls
08:24.01X-Robwell that's fair enough. But you have these alleged hidden reasons that you don't want to share
08:24.02*** join/#asterisk MmmmToop (
08:24.20NetgeeksI don't like AMP for one good reason!
08:24.23X-Rob'It's sucks because of a s3kr3t reason that I cannot tell you'
08:24.32NetgeeksI didn't write it  ;)
08:24.42X-RobNetgeeks - well, that's a good reason not to like it 8)
08:24.44mog_homei have no beef with it myself
08:24.54mog_homei do not use it, it doesnt bother me
08:25.01mog_homemy problem is from the different end
08:25.06mog_homeour customers dont like it
08:25.22X-RobSo tell 'em not to use it, or, tell the AMP guys what's not working.
08:25.33mog_homeit causes them problems, such as bad config files, difficult to customize configs, and poor readability
08:25.35X-Rob(or the A@H guys, whatever)
08:25.37zedkatuffolks..Iam thte lowest of the low atm as I'm using Asterisk@Home....but I'm wondering abt moving over to gentool already & just Dng THe Right Thing re installing asterisk etc...comments welcome...
08:25.39mog_homewhich is what we do
08:25.47mog_homewhich is what i was saying
08:25.48thumpclipX-rob im using vmware i cannot get all response from asterisk -vvvvr
08:26.03thumpclipi see the calls in amp though now searching for logs
08:26.27thumpclipsays answered but nothing played
08:26.37X-Robmog_home - and I"m sure they love having to re-learn how to create sip.conf, iax.conf and extensions.conf to get everything they had before.
08:26.49mog_homewell x-rob
08:26.50X-Rob(and zapata.conf too, I guess)
08:26.54mog_homemost of them have real simple configs
08:26.57mog_homeand we help em out
08:27.02mog_homebecause we are cool like that
08:27.07mog_homethey learn the syntax
08:27.10X-Robif they're real simple configs, they _should_ be using AMP
08:27.11mog_homethey go home happy
08:27.21mog_homeand they were
08:27.29X-Robif you watn to train 'em, go right ahead. As I said, AMP is for using, not training.
08:27.30mog_hometill amp didnt do something they needed
08:27.36X-Robif you want to use it for traning, no wonder you hate it.
08:27.42X-Robdefine 'something'
08:27.46mog_homei dont want to use it
08:27.53mog_homeoh some complex little macro
08:28.08mog_homeor a set of steps the want configured
08:28.11mog_homeit varies
08:28.39X-Robso what's the most common problem - the start=300 issue?
08:28.45X-Robor 400 I guess
08:28.49mog_homewell that and dialing issues
08:28.59mog_homeother dialing issues i mean
08:29.04mog_homethey have 3 routes
08:29.11X-RobI'll put a feature request in for that to be put into zapata.conf as a default. It can't hurt anyone or anything
08:29.14thumpclipi like vi how do i dump screen and send it to pastbin through bash
08:29.15mog_homeand they have different rules for how they want calls out
08:29.26mog_homethat i would appreciate x-rob
08:29.31X-Robmog_home - OK, that sucks arse with earlier A@H's
08:29.42X-Robnew AMP has significantly funky routing that may not have made it to A@H
08:30.06X-Roband coz it sucked, it was fixed.
08:30.08mog_homex-rob i think you misunderstand my beef with amp
08:30.13drrayok, gastman was written by kram, I get it now
08:30.41X-Robthumpclip - I think your first problem is that you're using VMWare. I don't know how well that's going to work with asterisk.
08:30.42mog_homereason i recommend gastman is it amuses me
08:31.00thumpclipwhat number makes the line ring a couple of times
08:31.05thumpclip1,Ring 2,Ring
08:31.17X-Robthumpclip - an incoming call? Use 'Wait'
08:31.33X-Robthen Answer(), and then whatever you want.
08:32.14mog_homei think what would be nice if amp was more like phpmyadmin
08:32.30mog_homeand was easier for people to install
08:32.38Zgarbihow can I limit count of outgoing channels (per context?)
08:32.41X-RobThat's another significant issue. It's a bitch to install.
08:32.47mog_homei have more beef with A@H than amp
08:32.58mog_homelike i didnt realize the routing was fixed in amp
08:33.13mog_homeand people had problem with A@H older amp
08:33.31X-RobAMP CVS supports roaming users ala cisco callmanager.
08:33.41X-Robbut the only thing we can't do is move HINT's around. 8-(
08:33.45mog_homeahh spiffy
08:33.52mog_homeyou could
08:33.54X-Robbye drray
08:33.59mog_homewith gotoif
08:34.08X-Robnah, HINT is totally different.
08:34.25mog_homeno i know
08:34.31mog_homebut you could move the hint around
08:34.35mog_homevia gotoif
08:34.43X-RobNope. HINT's are specifically maped to a device
08:35.11mog_homenot that i dont believe you
08:35.17mog_homei thought you could pass it a var
08:35.38Zgarbihow can I limit quantity for outgoing channels per context?
08:35.59X-RobZgarbi - not terribly easily.
08:36.44mog_homea match all
08:36.48mog_homewith a gotoif
08:36.48thumpclipwhat about 1,Answer;2,Dial2515550000?
08:36.50mog_homeand a var
08:36.51X-RobNOTE: You must use the above syntax, id est, constant strings for the device and extension definitions. Dialplan variable constructs, such as SIP/${EXTEN}, make no sense here.
08:36.52ZgarbiX-Rob this means it's not too easy?
08:37.26X-Robbut it doesn't actually work
08:37.34X-Robplus, at the moment, HINT's break on an extension reload
08:37.43mog_homeyeah i knew that
08:38.01X-RobZgarbi - I hate to say this, but AMP supports what you want 8)
08:38.09mog_homehrm i hink you are right
08:38.14mog_homeabout the hint
08:38.26mog_homeamp strikes again ^_^
08:38.34ZgarbiAMP? what is AMP?
08:38.43mog_homeasterisk management portal
08:38.49mog_homeit is a gui for asterisk
08:39.00mog_homex-rob can tell you about it...
08:39.05Zgarbiis this new?
08:39.17X-RobZgarbi - IT's what Asterisk@Home uses to configure asterisk
08:39.19Netgeeksabout 9 months new?
08:39.34mog_homeit has to be older than 9 months
08:39.47ZgarbiI use usual asterisk and newer hear about AMP
08:40.22*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (i=uppal@unaffiliated/pakipenguin)
08:40.28mog_homewell amp is gaining ground pretty fast
08:40.36mog_homeat least for the low end of the asterisk community
08:40.41mog_homelow end meaning smaller installs
08:41.03adelas`AMP is such a pain in the asss to install
08:41.17adelas`i'm only half way installin (by the instruction)
08:41.20mog_homeone of the bigger complaints
08:41.39adelas`and i'v spent my whole day now
08:41.52sylemove for me baby
08:41.57mog_homehey x-rob can you run asterisk as root and use amp or is that restriction gone?
08:42.07NetgeeksMost Open Source packages are a pain in the arse to install... because of all the goober open source licenses out there, you can't package your dependancies... and dependancies are whats screws everyone up
08:42.18X-Robmog_home - the issue is the apache user having permissions to write to the asterisk config files
08:42.23X-Robadelas` - which distro?
08:42.38Zgarbii found it's here -
08:42.42mog_homebut couldnt you simply give apache write access to the config files as well
08:43.01mog_homeor put it in another group
08:43.05X-Robmog_home - probably. but that's been reasonably low on the priorities at the moment, as most people use a dedicated machine
08:43.20mog_homeyeah true
08:43.20X-RobI want to make it a hell of a lot more portable
08:43.28X-Robbut that'll be after AMP2 or something
08:43.37X-Robwhich is gunna be all modular and funky and bugger all work has been done on it 8)
08:43.42drraymaybe include its own webserver?
08:43.59X-Robdrray - hurm. Possibly not a bad idea.
08:44.06X-Robit doesn't _need_ apache
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08:45.27drrayI admire your efforts (or any effort) to make this more turnkey, the problem I have (even before asterisk) is turnkey solutions typically stink..  I see a lot of them in the hospitality industry.
08:46.12X-Robdrray - I want to have rpm -i amportal (or apt-get or whatever)
08:46.15X-Roband it just works
08:46.25X-Robbut that'll involve tidying up a lot of stuff.
08:46.43drraywhy not a yum/FC-CEntos solution?
08:47.37drrayi'm not trying to be insulting, but AMP looks harder than getting CVS Head working
08:47.40X-Robif you use centos, there's a script you can run that installs everything for you
08:47.52X-Robtakes about 15 minutes with a fast net connection
08:47.53*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
08:48.01X-Robor FC
08:48.05mog_homeooh spiffy
08:48.07X-Robor MAndrake
08:48.33X-RobThe debian weenies don't want to document anything, and I spent a traumatic 1/2 day trying to figure out why SuSE's 'yast' sucks so much before I gave up
08:48.43drrayI got called a package kiddie in here a few days ago  :)
08:49.01mog_homemy buffer overflowed...
08:49.12mog_homeanyways debian is decent
08:49.37mog_homemuch better at package resolving
08:49.50X-RobI had an issue with getting debian to work on my devel server I think
08:50.22mog_homedebian is usually pretty simple , just sometimes has out of date packages
08:50.49X-RobMy devel server is somewhat unusual and tends to confuse dumb installers.
08:50.55*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin__ (i=uppal@
08:50.58X-Rob4 SCSI drives, two SATA drives
08:51.18X-Robthe machine boots from SATA, but dumb installers see that the SATA drives are hdc and hdd, and then go 'well, you must be booting from SCSI then'
08:51.43mog_homeand this causes you some problems.
08:51.44ryanscI would have thought that was ide
08:51.45mog_homefun in the sun
08:51.48X-Robthen install the scsi drives as sda..d, then they go 'OOh. SATA. They're /dev/sda too!'
08:52.45X-RobMost debian installers break... ubuntu, knoppix, gentoo, debian obviously, and another one gets upset.
08:53.05X-RobI usually work around it by pulling the SCSI card when doign an install
08:53.12mog_homewell not all debian based distros use debian installer
08:53.20X-Robbut other times I just get pissed and don't bother installing it 8)
08:53.39mog_homeit doesnt matter how good of a distro it is
08:53.42mog_homeif it doesnt install
08:54.02*** join/#asterisk W|NGNUT (
08:55.38X-Robanyway, dinner time
08:55.48X-Robgunna get pizza and booze. Woohoo
08:55.58drray2am here
08:56.08X-Rob./ctcp x-rob time
09:01.47chris4am here
09:02.18mog_homethe part is going down in #asterisk
09:03.00af_where could I find a java sip user agent?
09:05.13Inv_arpaf_:  tried freshmeat?
09:07.26af_"0 projects found"
09:07.56mog_homeany reason you need java sip?
09:08.15af_I would prefer a java applet to a installable application
09:08.29*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
09:11.54mog_homescroll down to soft phones
09:12.04mog_homethere are a few written in java
09:13.50mog_homehope it helps
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09:20.58gordonjcpsomeone wobbled ZX81's ram pack
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10:16.20luckyirishdoes anyone know how to access the webmail interface on Asterisk@home no user name password seems to work
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10:22.47mog_homeits your extension
10:22.51mog_homeand then your pin
10:22.54mog_homefrom voicemail.conf
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11:02.38*** join/#asterisk Uther_P (n=uther@
11:03.11Uther_PI know this is a off-channel topic question, but there is much briliance here....
11:04.55Uther_PI have a linux system running Xvnc under xinetd, using the fluxbox window manager and connecting with Window's RealVNC port.  seemingly at random (usually when switching focus to another window) the display will hang... and I get nothing until I HUP the fluxbox process... but when I do, all text that I typed while it was hung gets sent to the window that had the focus... any ideas
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11:08.16tzafrir_laptopUther_P, but why would you use vnc instead of using X?
11:08.44tzafrir_laptopcygwin includes an X server
11:08.58tzafrir_laptopssh to the X box
11:09.08tzafrir_laptopssh to the linux box, that is
11:09.35tzafrir_laptopin fact, I started doing something to automate that, maybe someone will take it onwards:
11:10.14tzafrir_laptopI never ended up needing it
11:11.00X-Robtzafrir_laptop - I'd suggest he's using Xvnc so he can detatch
11:11.04X-Robwhich you can't do _without_ Xvnc
11:11.28tzafrir_laptopX-Rob, does he need to detach?
11:11.40X-Robwell, that's the only reason to run Xvnc
11:11.43tzafrir_laptopDoes he need tons of X desktops running?
11:11.50Uther_Ptzafrir_laptop: X is a bulky protocol, and connecting from windowz
11:11.51X-Rob..or that, yeah.
11:12.06Uther_Pmeans I would need something like exceed to connect to X
11:12.09tzafrir_laptopand taking precious memory? Or taking much time to swap-in when connecting?
11:12.19X-Rob'precious' memory?
11:12.24tzafrir_laptopUther_P, no, I meant the best X server: Xorg
11:12.26X-RobI bought a gig of ram the other day for AU$150
11:13.02X-RobUther_P - My guess is that something is causing the vnc server to have a dummy spit.
11:13.06tzafrir_laptopX-Rob, because the moemry used for that is not used for caching files and other things that the server is supposed to do
11:14.06X-Robtzafrir_laptop - *Shrug*. These days I don't worry about memory utilization too much - unless a single process is using over 1G 8)
11:14.35tzafrir_laptopUther_P, X is a great protocol for a LAN. It has a number of known weaknesses that make it problematic for the moment for low-latency connections.
11:14.45X-Rob*agree tzafrir_laptop*
11:14.48tzafrir_laptopOTOH, with vnc you get crappy image
11:14.57Uther_PI started wondering if it may be some bug in the communication between Xvnc and Realvnc (possibly in the transmission of the cursor, as the local cursor option is enabled)... then maybe that the Xvnc server gets confused and stops updating from the framebuffer for some reason
11:16.20Uther_Pand maybe hup'ing the fluxbox gives it a kick in the ass
11:17.03Uther_Phowever... I'm leaning more twords the problem being with fluxbox, since it wasn;t doing this with kde (but kde was eating up the resources when many users were connected)
11:18.05tzafrir_laptophmmm, "HUP the fluxbox process": do you send it SIGHUP?
11:18.45tzafrir_laptopIsn't SIGHUP supposed to kill a window manager (or any decent interactive program)?
11:19.23X-Roban interactive program should receive a hup and basically care lots about what's going on around it
11:19.53X-Robeg, check to make sure all it's FD's are valid, and if they're not, then die happily
11:20.03tzafrir_laptopSIGHUP means something like "your terminal is gone". Usually such a program cleans up and leaves.
11:20.20Uther_Pa hup signal usually just restarts a process (or whatever if the process is trapping it)
11:20.34X-Robhowever, hup has also evolved into a 'reload' option too
11:20.43X-Robno-one uses USR1/USR2
11:20.46tzafrir_laptopDaemons have no terminal to begin with, so for them this signal means something completely different: "re-read configuration".
11:20.52X-Rob(Except bind)
11:21.28Uther_Pcan you suggest what I might try to troubleshoot or debug this problem?
11:22.12Uther_Pshort of adding a buncha logging in the fluxbox code
11:22.13tzafrir_laptopThe trouble seems obvious: you killed the window manager
11:22.27Uther_Pheh, did you read the problem?
11:22.35tzafrir_laptopYou told it that it should die, and it listened.
11:23.13X-Robtzafrir_laptop - he tol dit that it shoudl die, and it got better.
11:23.18Uther_Pthe trouble is the display was LOCKED, responding to no clicks or text... but the processs still running in an idle state... IF i hup the fluxbox process, ir comes back to life
11:23.45tzafrir_laptopI read the problem: "all's well until I send SIGHUP to the WM. and then the X server ants exactly like there is no WM".
11:24.23Uther_Pnot only comes back to life, but all the text I may have typed while it was hung gets printed in whatever I was in.. (not sure if it got sent after the process restarted, or if it didn't update the display until it was restarted
11:24.34tzafrir_laptopX-Rob, try (as root): X :1
11:24.41Uther_Ptzafrir_laptop : hehe, dude, that is nothing like what I said
11:25.08tzafrir_laptopand then running a bunch of other xterms, with the proper geometery switches. That will replicate his problem.
11:25.56Uther_P"I have a linux system running Xvnc under xinetd, using the fluxbox window manager and connecting with Window's RealVNC port.  seemingly at random (usually when switching focus to another window) the display will hang... and I get nothing until I HUP the fluxbox process... but when I do, all text that I typed while it was hung gets sent to the window that had the focus... any ideas"
11:26.29Uther_Pit may have confused talking about the hup... I was relaying all information based on my troubleshooting
11:26.29tzafrir_laptopUther_P, do you have cygwin installer there? Because Xorg behaves just the same. This is exactly how an X server with no WM behaves.
11:27.24Uther_Pthe windows are still there though... it just not updatingh the display... and the WM is still running when it happens
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11:28.20tzafrir_laptopUther_P, so let's get some more facts. ssh into the machine. trace the Xvnc process using ps fax
11:28.35tzafrir_laptopwhat are its children?
11:29.49tzafrir_laptopCheetah, you actually have an on-topic question?
11:29.50Uther_Pwell, unfortunatly I don't have access to the server at the moment... however, the only thing in the x startup is fluxbox... and fluxbox is still running when this problem happens
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11:30.08Cheetahcan I make asterisk tunnel voip calls coming from SIP clients in the same subnet, so that I dont have to fix the firewall for every single phone?
11:30.58tzafrir_laptopUther_P, find a way to prove me wrong. I told you one way (ps fax)
11:31.19Uther_PCheetah: you could setup an IPSEC tunnel... or you could use ssh to tunnel the ports... that is, if you know which port the media is going to be sent on as well
11:31.45tzafrir_laptopCheetah, basically , yes. However, please provide more details. Maybe you could also "tunnel" calls using an IAX connection in the middle?
11:32.52tzafrir_laptopI'm not sure ipsec is the best idea. A bit difficult to setup, and also overhead-wise. Anyway, it is certainly *not* the only alternative. There are a bunch of udp-based vpns such as openvpn
11:32.56Uther_Ptzafrir_laptop: I am more than willing to try it if I could right now... is it possible for the WM to have lost its communication with the Xvnc process? and if so... how would it reconnect when sent a hup signal?
11:33.45*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
11:34.00tzafrir_laptopUther_P, try running fluxbox or another wm (even twm). If one is running, your new one will get rejected.
11:34.20tzafrir_laptopdo you have an xterm availble for commands?
11:35.05Cheetahtzafrir_laptop, i will send you a little drawing of the network structure, ok?
11:35.38tzafrir_laptopBTW: are you aware of the fact that VNC is an unencrypted connection? someone can start sniff data, theoretically.
11:36.23tzafrir_laptopI'm not sure about practical attacks, but the simplest way is to tunnel everything over ssh. also have a look at tightvnc.
11:36.47Uther_Ptzafrir_laptop: its running internally (not a close internal, but rfc1918 addresses)
11:36.47tzafrir_laptopCheetah, sorry, I'm about to go back to other stuff...
11:37.05Cheetahtzafrir_laptop, well, basically
11:37.26Cheetahi have a NAT router between the internet and the SIP phones in the company and I dont want to give every SIP client an official ip addres
11:37.44Cheetahi'd prefer to route all calls over asterisk, so that I only need one ip address
11:38.03whiskerset canreinvite=no
11:38.27Cheetahwhisker, are you talking to me? ;)
11:38.42Cheetahlemme check what this causes
11:39.40*** join/#asterisk catout (n=duncan@
11:40.16Cheetahwhisker, will this cause asterisk to "proxy" the packets from the SIP client from the internet to the SIP client in the internal network, so that no NAT-ting is required?
11:41.19Cheetahokay, i will try that.. thnx
11:42.45Cheetahwhisker, imagine this:
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11:43.56Cheetah(internal sip phones), 2, 3 and 4   there is the asterisk server at  and it has a mapped internet ip of 62.217.25.x   .. i dont have enough ip's to set up a NAT to a real IP for every of the 30 phones in the company...
11:44.05Cheetahso I have to force asterisk to stay in the media path, right?
11:44.08Cheetahso it handles the stuff for me
11:45.57whiskeryou have a router that destination NATs to the asterisk box?
11:46.22Cheetahyeah, the asterisk box has an official IP address using NAT..
11:46.36Cheetahbut I can't give all SIP phones an official (transparent) ip
11:47.03Cheetahso there has to be something like a "gateway" as known in internet sharing that makes sure the packets arrive at other external sip clients
11:49.01whiskeri've never tried an implementation with the pbx with a private ip address. i don't think it would work as you would need something like ip_conntrack_ftp to parse out the auxillary voice rtp connection
11:49.56xhelioxYou can use port forwarding, no?
11:50.30Cheetahwhisker, well, its not a big problem to make the PBX a non-natted machine
11:50.35Cheetahi could simply put it behind the router
11:50.38Cheetahand give it an official IP
11:50.54Cheetahthe main problem wast the media stream between the SIP clients if they are both behind fierwalls
11:51.03Cheetahso i wanted asterisk to "bridge" the voice data for me
11:51.52whiskerCheetah: that does work (might depend on your SIP clients though, i use cisco 7940s with nat_received_processing=yes)
11:52.20Cheetahi have the new Grandstream GX2000
11:54.32whiskerthe grandstream i had worked through nat
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12:05.09Cheetahwhisker, but what if both SIP clients are behind nat? :D
12:05.33whiskerboth in the same subnet?
12:08.08Cheetahimagine user A who's client is behind a NAT in USA  and user B who's clien tis behind NAT in Germany
12:09.34gambolputtyI have * on my firewall, SIP/NAT problem solved :)
12:09.46whiskeras long as the pbx's have public ip addresses it is invisble to the clients that they are not talking to the final client
12:09.50Cheetahgot it
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12:34.07Cheetahits me again
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12:34.18jeobjeobjeobim trying to get ztdummy to work
12:34.22Cheetahwhen i put a client on-hold I just hear some very low sounds instead of the mp3 i put into the mohmp3 folder
12:34.31jeobjeobjeobzaptel works fine, but i can't modprobe ztdummy
12:34.32Cheetahi guess the mp3 decoder is screwed
12:34.41jeobjeobjeobthere,s no error but its not loading either
12:34.50jeobjeobjeobcheetah: are you actually using mpg123?
12:34.54Cheetahi also get a message when starting asterisk that "the sound may be choppy" because "a timer could not be initialized"
12:35.07Cheetahjeobjeobjeob, well, i use the default config that comes with debian
12:35.08jeobjeobjeobcheetah: d yo have any digium cards?
12:35.11Cheetahwithout chainging anything
12:35.16Cheetahjeobjeobjeob, digium?
12:35.34jeobjeobjeobthe debian default is to make mpg123 a symlink for mpg321
12:35.43jeobjeobjeobso you have to remove it with apt-get remove mpg321
12:35.49jeobjeobjeobthen get the source for mpg123
12:35.56jeobjeobjeobas for digium cards, those are used for timing
12:36.05jeobjeobjeobztdummy is the workaround
12:36.13Cheetahjeobjeobjeob, will this fix my problem?
12:36.30jeobjeobjeobyou _need_ to remove mpg321
12:36.36jeobjeobjeobto make the music work
12:36.38Cheetahjeobjeobjeob, i'm doing it right now
12:36.43jeobjeobjeoband installing mpg123 from the source
12:36.47Cheetahbut do I have to install mpg123 from source after that?
12:36.58jeobjeobjeobyes you _need_ to
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12:38.29Cheetahthanks for the help :D
12:38.50Cheetahis that also the reason that asterisk tells me that the "sound will be choppy"?
12:39.28tzafrir_laptopyou don't need to remove mpg321. just install the deb of mpg123
12:39.42tzafrir_laptopor better: use a "rawplayer"
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12:40.14jeobjeobjeobfrom my experience, soundwillbechoppy came from using mpg321 unknowingly
12:40.14Cheetahtzafrir_laptop, rawplayer.. lemme check if they provide a deb for it
12:41.01tzafrir_laptopthe package asterisk-moh-wav  configures a rawplayer nicely...
12:41.21tzafrir_laptopCheetah, it is in non-free,
12:41.44jeobjeobjeobhey laptop: do you know how to get ztdummy functioning?
12:41.50Cheetahtzafrir_laptop, i will check if I can use rawplayer
12:42.47tzafrir_laptopCheetah, "rawplayer" means that you configure musiconhold.conf to use the "custom" method and prepare a script to dump a file to standard output
12:43.11Cheetah*cries* :D
12:43.15tzafrir_laptopIn that package I've added to Rapid, I wrote the simple scripts to:
12:43.16Cheetahi just want to play a music on hold
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12:43.49tzafrir_laptop1. use mpg123/321 to convert an mp3 file to wav and sox to downsample it
12:44.07tzafrir_laptop2. a very simple wrapper around sox to play that wav file
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12:44.39tzafrir_laptopThe result: a deb that "Just work" like the Murdok intended to
12:45.42tzafrir_laptop(and takes much less CPU time)
12:48.27tzafrir_laptopBTW: calims that the source has some known security issues and recommends to install the fixes from Debian or from Gentoo. Does the Asterisk source contain such fixes?
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12:49.13tzafrir_laptop(Debian have issued at least two fixes, and there is at least one outstanding issue with the package mpg123, which nobody realy bothers fixing)
12:50.30tzafrir_laptopjeobjeobjeob, back to your ztdummy problem. What's the error message?
12:55.45jeobjeobjeobztdummy isn't loading
12:55.48jeobjeobjeobi can load zaptel
12:55.51jeobjeobjeobmodprobe zaptel is fine
12:55.55jeobjeobjeobthen i do lsmod and see it
12:56.10jeobjeobjeobi know ztdummy exists, as it doesn't give me an error running modprobe ztdummy
12:56.46jeobjeobjeobi must be missing some trivial configuration setting, but what do i need to do to get ztdummy to load?
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13:14.36Romikanybody can advice regarding problem?  []Aug 13 16:13:31 WARNING[15431]: loader.c:258 ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: gzread
13:14.36RomikAug 13 16:13:31 WARNING[15431]: loader.c:440 load_modules: Loading module failed!
13:14.42jeobjeobjeobdoes any one know how to use asterisk?
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13:19.48jeobjeobjeobztdummy is not loading
13:19.56jeobjeobjeobdoes any one have any idea why it wouldn't load?
13:19.57*** part/#asterisk Uther_P (n=uther@
13:21.05gordonjcpjeobjeobjeob: what exactly is the error?
13:21.19jeobjeobjeobi can load zaptel
13:21.24jeobjeobjeobmodprobe zaptel returns nothing
13:21.32jeobjeobjeoband lsmod reveals that zaptel is indeed loaded
13:21.37jeobjeobjeobi try modprobing ztdunny
13:21.51jeobjeobjeobbut ztdummy does not appear anywhere in lsmod
13:22.12jeobjeobjeobi am sure it compiled, because there is no error message when loading ztdummy
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13:23.15gordonjcpso you say "modprobe ztdummy" and it does not give you an error?
13:23.21gordonjcpor indeed anything else?
13:23.38jeobjeobjeobwhich gives the impression that it loaded
13:23.48jeobjeobjeobbecause `modprobe zaptel` gives no response either
13:23.57jeobjeobjeobbut tailing /var/log/messages reveals that it was loaded
13:25.36jeobjeobjeobon the other hand
13:25.55jeobjeobjeobafter `modprobe ztdummy`, no change in messages
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13:30.36Romikgordonjcp: may be you can help me? i have compiled asterisk gcc 3.4 and 4.01 is same error: []Aug 13 16:13:31 WARNING[15431]: loader.c:258 ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: gzread
13:31.48Romikonly this modules include references to this function: grep gzread /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/*
13:31.49RomikBinary file /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ matches
13:32.30gordonjcpsounds like some sort of library is missing
13:32.39gordonjcpI don't use g729 so I don't really know
13:32.59jeobjeobjeobromik: change the order of config
13:33.26jeobjeobjeobgordonjcp: how would i define a ztdummy channel?
13:33.34SuPrSluGare most ksu units able to connect to asterisk?
13:33.37gordonjcpjeobjeobjeob: no idea
13:33.58gordonjcpjeobjeobjeob: I just use ztdummy to make conferencing and MOH work
13:36.42jeobjeobjeobprecisely why im trying to use it
13:36.53jeobjeobjeobhow did you set it up, so maybe i can do the same
13:37.12gordonjcpI didn't set anything up, I just installed the module in lkm.conf
13:37.32jeobjeobjeobwait, you had to dl zaptel
13:37.36jeobjeobjeoband ztdummy at one point
13:37.39jeobjeobjeoband compile?
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13:39.49SuPrSluGjeobjeobjeob:got to the cli and do a zap show channels  u should see dummy in there
13:40.27jeobjeobjeobi see extension pseudo
13:40.41SuPrSluGthta's ir
13:40.47SuPrSluGthat's it
13:40.55jeobjeobjeobbot no language and no moh
13:41.02SuPrSluGyou will be able to conference and moh
13:41.13SuPrSluGhave u set up moh?
13:41.17jeobjeobjeobyes ..
13:41.23SuPrSluGand conference
13:41.23jeobjeobjeobthe issue here is that it fades in and out
13:41.29jeobjeobjeobconference doesn'
13:41.30jeobjeobjeobt work
13:41.32jeobjeobjeobi tried it
13:41.38jeobjeobjeobthere's a valid conf room
13:41.41jeobjeobjeoband i tried dialing in
13:41.55jeobjeobjeobcould you cat /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
13:42.04jeobjeobjeobor whatever zapata.conf points to
13:42.07jeobjeobjeobif you are using ztdummy
13:42.13jeobjeobjeobbecause my problem could be that
13:42.16SuPrSluGare u using mpg123 ver. 59r
13:42.44jeobjeobjeobmp3 player works
13:43.14SuPrSluGtype in mpg123 -v
13:43.22jeobjeobjeobthe problem is that lsmod doesn't show ztdummy
13:43.23*** join/#asterisk Ultralisk (n=ultralis@
13:43.38jeobjeobjeobHigh Performance MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 Audio Player for Layer 1, 2 and 3.
13:43.38jeobjeobjeobVersion 0.59r (1999/Jun/15). Written and copyrights by Michael Hipp.
13:43.38jeobjeobjeobUses code from various people. See 'README' for more!
13:43.38jeobjeobjeobusage: mpg123 [option(s)] [file(s) | URL(s) | -]
13:43.39jeobjeobjeobsupported options [defaults in brackets]:
13:43.52SuPrSluGit won'tcuz it's not attached to any real hardware
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13:44.16jeobjeobjeobi do have .59r
13:44.26Romik10 jeobjeobjeob: 01what order of what config?
13:44.52SuPrSluGr u able to dial the conf room? paste the output?
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13:46.56jeobjeobjeobUnable to open '/dev/zap/pseudo': No such device or address
13:47.49FaUlhm, i've got a problem with calling internal
13:47.56SuPrSluGsounds like a udev type problem
13:48.07FaUli've two telefons connected to one hfc-s-card in tn-mode
13:48.17SuPrSluGdo you have /dev/zap/psuedo?
13:48.37FaUlbut if i try to call the one to the other via the asterisk it rings one time and than says that the line is busy
13:49.09jeobjeobjeobi do have /dev/zap/pseudo
13:49.35jeobjeobjeobroot@app1:/dev/zap# ls
13:49.37FaUlany ideas? i googled a bit and found out that i'm not the only one with that problem but i can't find a solution
13:49.37jeobjeobjeobchannel  ctl  pseudo  timer
13:50.25SuPrSluGpermissions should be 644
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13:52.14tzafrir_laptopwhy 644? asterisk needs to actually write there? 660 should probably be nicer, assuming you gave it a sane group
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13:52.59jeobjeobjeobif anyone is using ztdummy, could you cat /etc/zaptel.conf and /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf?
13:53.06Ariel_morning everyone
13:53.07jeobjeobjeobi think i poorly configured the files
13:53.12mog_homeyou dont need anything
13:53.15mog_homein either
13:53.19mog_homejust the defaults
13:53.38Romik10anybody could advice me on problem: []Aug 13 16:53:55 WARNING[23230]: loader.c:258 ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: gzread
13:53.39RomikAug 13 16:53:55 WARNING[23230]: loader.c:440 load_modules: Loading module failed!
13:53.41SuPrSluGanyone using ksu's  to connect to asterisk?
13:54.17tzafrir_laptopjeobjeobjeob, ztdummy needs no configuration. You only needs the actual device file to be at /dev/zap/pseudo
13:54.53tzafrir_laptopYou can use mknod to create it manually if it's not there, though usually there are better ways
13:55.16Romik10tzafrir01: could you please advice me on my problem?
13:55.21jeobjeobjeobi don't think ztdummy is loading
13:55.25jeobjeobjeobhow do i make it load!
13:55.25jeobjeobjeobas in
13:55.29tzafrir_laptopRomik, please don't use colors.
13:55.42tzafrir_laptopjeobjeobjeob, lsmod |grep zaptel
13:55.43mog_homemodprobe ztdummy
13:55.58jeobjeobjeobzaptel                228036  0
13:55.59jeobjeobjeobcrc_ccitt               2144  1 zaptel
13:56.10tzafrir_laptopRomik, how can I? this is digium's codec
13:56.10Romiktzafrir: it's not me...i just copy paste from the screen
13:56.13jeobjeobjeobroot@app1:/dev/zap# modprobe ztdummy
13:56.13jeobjeobjeobroot@app1:/dev/zap# lsmod | grep zaptel
13:56.13jeobjeobjeobzaptel                228036  0
13:56.14jeobjeobjeobcrc_ccitt               2144  1 zaptel
13:56.19jeobjeobjeobno difference
13:56.43tzafrir_laptopjeobjeobjeob, no error messages?
13:56.51mog_homedid you build ztdummy
13:56.55Romiktzafrir: which library exports gzread ?
13:56.59tzafrir_laptopmodinfo ztdummy
13:57.01mog_homeare you running 2.6 or 2.4
13:57.30jeobjeobjeob2.6 im running
13:57.34jeobjeobjeobi built ztdummy
13:57.45jeobjeobjeobasterisk cli gives
13:57.45jeobjeobjeobUnable to open '/dev/zap/pseudo': No such device or address
13:57.45jeobjeobjeobUnable to dup channel: No such device or address
13:57.45jeobjeobjeobUnable to open pseudo channel - trying device
13:57.46jeobjeobjeobUnable to open pseudo device
13:57.46tzafrir_laptopgzread: gzip?
13:58.06tzafrir_laptopjeobjeobjeob, right. You first need to load ztdummy
13:58.14jeobjeobjeobroot@app1:/dev/zap# modinfo ztdummy
13:58.14jeobjeobjeobfilename:       /lib/modules/2.6.8-2-686/extra/ztdummy.ko
13:58.14jeobjeobjeobdescription:    Dummy Zaptel Driver
13:58.14jeobjeobjeobauthor:         Robert Pleh <>
13:58.14jeobjeobjeoblicense:        GPL
13:58.15jeobjeobjeobvermagic:       2.6.8-2-686 preempt 686 gcc-3.3
13:58.17jeobjeobjeobdepends:        zaptel
13:58.19jbotpastebin is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
13:59.05tzafrir_laptopnext thing to try: insmod    /lib/modules/2.6.8-2-686/extra/ztdummy.ko
13:59.38Darwin35do you have it loading at boot
13:59.57Darwin35you have to have it kld
14:00.03Darwin35at boot time
14:00.39jeobjeobjeoboh that worked!
14:01.11Darwin35people dont read the readmes and the wikik  first it just kills me
14:01.31jeobjeobjeobi went through the wiki's instructions
14:01.42jeobjeobjeobi think the problem was that in eeded to explicitly do an insmod
14:01.51tzafrir_laptopthat insmod is exactly what 'modprobe ztdummy' should have done
14:02.00Darwin35well on linux modprobe helps also
14:02.04RomikDarwin35: may be you can help me with following problem: WARNING[23274]: loader.c:258 ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: gzread ?
14:02.36Darwin35I dont use g729
14:02.48Darwin35they dont have a fully working ver for fbsd yet
14:02.53Romikdarwin35: what do you use?
14:02.57Darwin35so I gave up on it
14:03.26zoa2anyone here with ISCSI experience ?
14:04.14tzafrir_laptopRomik, have you tried
14:04.28tzafrir_laptopseems to indocate libz indeed
14:07.31h3xzoa2: Have you seen AoE
14:09.12Romiktzafrir : just installed libzzip-dev libzzip  libzzi liblzo1 liblzo-dev libbz2-1.0 libbz2-dev
14:09.18Romikbut problem still present :(
14:09.55*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
14:09.58*** join/#asterisk kswail (
14:12.27tzafrir_laptopRomik, remember you have two sets of libraries. Maybe you need to install the version for lib64 or vice-versa?
14:12.42tzafrir_laptopThis is part of amd64 I'm not familiar with
14:13.10Romiktzafrir : is x64 platfrom and g729 also for should be no problem
14:26.41*** join/#asterisk Gunnar_ (
14:27.50coppiceDarwin35: won't the linux g.729 work on BSD?
14:31.28h3xwhy would it
14:31.32h3xits closed source
14:31.46coppicewhat relevance has that?
14:31.58h3xwell if digium dosent give you a so for freebsd
14:32.12h3xor are we talking about ready tech
14:32.28coppiceduh! why do you need a special library for bsd?
14:32.49h3xuh, because shared objects are platform dependand
14:33.09h3xit isnt like you can compat_linux just a library
14:33.36coppiceare they? I thought BSD would run most linux libraries. the calling conventions are the same, and so on
14:34.27h3xno the whole binary environment must run under compatibility
14:34.58coppiceif there are systems calls yes, but what if it is just a compute library?
14:35.31coppicejust a moment. I guess the licence checking means this one is not pure compute
14:36.11*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
14:39.56jeobjeobjeobwhat's the advantage of using freebsd over a flavor of linux?
14:40.56h3xSanity.  you can sleep at night.
14:41.36gordonjcpI prefer netbsd
14:41.51DaminI prefer TI99/4A embedded basic..
14:41.56gordonjcpthat way I can keep all my configs and stuff the same between machines, and indeed architecture
14:42.04gordonjcpDamin: patient kind of chap then?
14:42.11coppiceI prefer relaxing on the beach
14:42.34coppicebut it has been raining all day
14:43.11coppiceI remember when the 9900 was the hottest processor around
14:44.05NuggetI remember when the GTIA chip was the bee's knees for graphics.
14:44.46coppiceI remember when graphics was a bunch of cards with hundreds of chips
14:46.12coppiceand 19" rack minicomputer had 4K of RAM :-)
14:46.25ltersJerJer, can I msg u?
14:48.25*** join/#asterisk Darkos (
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14:50.36JerJercan you?
14:51.48*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
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15:09.55*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
15:11.45mistralanyone know why i just get an "All circuits are busy message" when i try to dail out ?
15:12.31mog_homecould it be your channel/group is in use
15:12.34*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (n=junky@
15:12.41mistralno i am only uses on system
15:13.01mog_homeis the card up?
15:13.09mistralits a voip provider
15:13.10mog_homeor connection over iax sip whatever
15:13.18mistralas far as i know it is
15:13.24mog_homecall in?
15:13.30mistralcant seem to call in either
15:13.39mog_homewell then your connection with them is down
15:13.44mog_homedown to china town
15:14.06mistralsip show registry command seems to suggest its up
15:14.23mog_homedo a sip reload
15:14.28mog_homesee if it registers again
15:14.46mistralyes its showing as registered
15:15.26mog_homedo a sip debug of when you try to make an ingoing or outgoing call
15:15.40mistralwhere does it dump info ?
15:15.44mistralon astrisk cli ?
15:16.33mistralnow how do i figure out wheres its going wrong from that info ?
15:16.50mog_homeget the debug and drop it to
15:16.51mog_homeill look
15:16.59*** join/#asterisk MobileLoic (
15:19.56mistralfor network ways the asterisk box is the phone i am using is @ (no nat involved) and the * box is behind a nat router
15:20.17mog_homewhatever your talking too i dont see it respond
15:20.36*** join/#asterisk techie (n=gus@
15:20.59mistralso that could be a nat problem then
15:21.36mog_homewell either they arent getting traffic from you
15:21.42mog_homethey dont care to respond
15:21.48mog_homeits getting lost in transit
15:22.16mistrali can ping the box its trying to contact no problem
15:22.39*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
15:23.08mog_homewell that may be but your udp packet on 5060 might not get there
15:23.12*** join/#asterisk b0ef (
15:23.25mistralany way to test for that ?
15:23.49mog_homeif you have control of both end points its easy, just open up netcat on both ends
15:23.59file[lap1op]mog_home: the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire
15:24.03mog_homei dont know of an easy way to do it otherwise
15:24.09mistralyeah i only have local end other side is voip provider
15:24.18mog_homefile, you know how to send a udp packet over 5060 see if it get there?
15:24.29mog_homeother than what i just said
15:25.03mistralok tcp dump shows
15:25.07mistral10. >  udp 732 (DF)
15:25.07mistral217. >  udp 594 (DF) [tos 0x10]
15:25.10mistralon router
15:25.23*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
15:25.51file[lap1op]that's cute
15:26.02mistralwhats cute ?
15:26.19file[lap1op]your setup just confuses me, it's too early in the morning
15:26.35mistralits asterisk @home
15:31.16*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (i=kev@
15:31.51MikeJ[Laptop]oh hell.. the roof is on fire again/.
15:38.36*** join/#asterisk omarc55 (
15:38.57bkw_NEVER FEAR
15:39.00bkw_BKW is here!
15:39.45Supaplexquick, hide the vemen!
15:41.17vmlinuzmorning all
15:41.46file[lap1op]bkw_: have you been into the drugs again? 'tsk 'tsk
15:49.30Ariel_Wow we got a bid on our airplane on ebay.
15:51.49MikeJ[Laptop]why you getting rid of it?
15:51.51mistralif you look at why would asterisk be sending back a 407 Proxy Authentication Required to a voip it is registered with ?
15:52.10Ariel_MikeJ[Laptop], we want a larger faster plane now.
15:52.18Ariel_We are trying to get a Tiger
15:52.19crash3mmistral: SIP aware NAT device is mangling the packet?
15:52.21MikeJ[Laptop]we have a piper saratoga...
15:52.46mistralcrash3m: nat is linux and it doesnt have anything loaded to mangle packet
15:53.32wunderkinairplanes on ebay.. never thought of that..
15:53.55Ariel_we got it on ebay 3 years ago
15:54.01MikeJ[Laptop]mistral, what are you inviting too...
15:54.20mistralhow do you mean by that ?
15:54.39MikeJ[Laptop]you said you were registered...
15:54.52MikeJ[Laptop]what is it that you are sending invite too?
15:54.54Ariel_I have been having problems with SER systems sending sip calls to some of my asterisk boxes and they look just like your messages mistral
15:54.59wunderkinariel_, cool ill have to keep it in mind.. thinking about getting private pilot + instrument rating.. just need the time.. can probably get the money
15:55.08mistralthen on an incoming call asterisk sends a response back to ask for proxy auth
15:55.15*** join/#asterisk jtar (
15:55.17jeobjeobjeobhow would you record a meetme?
15:55.29jeobjeobjeobi mean, is there a config i could set to record a meetme?
15:55.42Ariel_wunderkin, I got my Private 4 years ago. But took me over 20 years to finish it.
15:56.06file[lap1op]mistral: the authentication credentials were not in the INVITE, so Asterisk sent back a request for them
15:56.10Ariel_I kept starting then things would get in the way.
15:56.57Ariel_finally 4 years ago I said enought and decided to do it non stop to get it. I got it in 3 months
15:57.12MikeJ[Laptop]mistral, insecure settings can fix that.
15:57.20MikeJ[Laptop]or fix the other side.
15:57.24mistralfile[lap1op]: but astrisk is registered with the other host and logged into it. Not the other way around
15:57.37file[lap1op]I'm just telling you what I saw
15:57.41MikeJ[Laptop]registration does not = auth
15:57.45file[lap1op]registration means nothing btw, it's just a way so the other side knows where you are
15:57.51mistralahhh ok
15:57.54file[lap1op]as MikeJ just said, has no effect on authentication
15:57.56mistralso how do i fix this
15:57.58MikeJ[Laptop]you can auth pretty much anything
15:58.10MikeJ[Laptop]you listen to what I just told you up 6 lines or so
15:58.18*** join/#asterisk pbxbart (
15:58.20mistralyeah by insecure settings ?
15:58.29*** part/#asterisk pbxbart (
15:58.33file[lap1op]a peer entry with insecure=very
15:58.40MikeJ[Laptop]or fix the other side to send auth with invite
15:58.50Ariel_MikeJ[Laptop], it works for some systems.. insecure=very  but on some it's not working.
15:59.12MikeJ[Laptop]see, file, I was trying to get him to actually read what the setting does, so he can understand it
15:59.34MikeJ[Laptop]Ariel_, I would need to see the sip trace where it was not working to know what you are talking about
15:59.35file[lap1op]that's overrated
16:00.05file[lap1op]who needs to... dare I say it... read
16:00.05MikeJ[Laptop]Ariel_, how fast does that thing go?
16:00.15mistraldoesnt seem to make a difference
16:00.50*** join/#asterisk jsaunders (n=js@
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16:00.58Ariel_MikeJ[Laptop], it's a very fun plane to fly. Since you can land just about any where
16:01.02MikeJ[Laptop]but enogh room to stuff the kids in the back
16:01.15MikeJ[Laptop]yeah, I saw stol... how long of a runway do you need
16:01.16Ariel_4 seats
16:01.22jsaundersI'm assuming it's relatively simple to direct call logs to an sql db...  can anyone point me in that direction?
16:01.51MikeJ[Laptop]sure... cdr :)
16:01.52Ariel_I have gotten if off in less then 500 feet with putting the flaps down when you hit 50 knots on the runway.
16:01.59jeobjeobjeobjsaunders: isn't there a mod in the wiki?
16:02.27jsaundersSounds good to me.
16:02.33Ariel_jsaunders, asterisk-addons has it
16:02.35jsaunderspgsql will be the db of choice
16:03.28jeobjeobjeobmysql >>> pgsql
16:03.29MikeJ[Laptop]please take this db conversation to #asterisk-religion
16:03.43h3x#db-religion silly
16:03.45Ariel_yes sir
16:03.50jsaundersOnce a day MikeJ, atleast once a day.  Heh.
16:03.53h3xi was gonna say rdbms but mysql isnt
16:04.05jsaundersNice save h3x.
16:04.15MikeJ[Laptop]why do you think I set up that chan
16:04.30jsaundersC'mon...  there isn't actually an #asterisk-religion chan is there?
16:06.02*** join/#asterisk BrainStormerToo (
16:06.03MikeJ[Laptop]Ariel_, the only problem is, I would need to finish my license
16:06.23Ariel_MikeJ[Laptop], it's a great training plane. It will not stall
16:06.25*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
16:07.08MikeJ[Laptop]well..I have the saratoga to use and dad does not charge me for it...
16:08.39MikeJ[Laptop]but I want a little plane
16:09.19craziman2what is the "s" extenstion?
16:09.20*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/cpm)
16:10.06h3xits all microsoft's fault
16:10.47Ariel_no it's xerox
16:11.03Ariel_they started the gui then apple and MS took it for them selfs
16:11.10h3xxerox didnt make the stupid start button
16:11.25h3xand somebody would have thought of the gui eventually
16:12.50h3xin fact it would be better if it came later
16:12.54*** join/#asterisk Guggemand (
16:12.56h3xthen the world would have matured on text interfaces
16:13.06h3xmaybe the general public wouldnt be so stupid now
16:13.19*** join/#asterisk kswail (
16:13.20h3xwe'd have 64 bit DOS and shit.
16:14.03*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
16:14.06*** part/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/cpm)
16:14.06SwKnothing can fix that fact that the general public will always be stupid
16:14.27h3xit could have been better
16:14.36SwKface it there are people that shill have 12:00 blinking on their VCRs
16:14.46*** join/#asterisk dasuberd1vid (n=david@
16:15.02SwKwhat up dasuberd1vid
16:15.10h3xVCRs are dead
16:15.14Ariel_I remember the my first novel 2.1 setup
16:15.29h3xnovell dammit
16:15.34h3xits not a book novel
16:15.35MikeJ[Laptop]ok.. off to the resturant...
16:15.36SwKh3x: vcrs are still in heavy use
16:15.43MikeJ[Laptop]talk to you all later
16:15.52*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
16:15.59h3xno, they sit there and blink 12:00 and people rent movies and shit
16:16.10*** join/#asterisk Blake0PS (
16:16.15h3xyou cant use a vcr to automatically record a program if you didnt set the time
16:16.18ZX81~seen file[lap1op]
16:16.19jbotfile[lap1op] is currently on #asterisk (16h 41m 32s) #tacobeam (16h 41m 32s) #elinux (16h 41m 32s).  Has said a total of 104 messages.  Is idling for 16m 14s
16:16.34MikeJ[Laptop]he's around
16:16.43ZX81cool ty
16:17.04Ariel_it's lunch time.....
16:17.21ZX81at 4:17am?!
16:17.23Blake0PSHow do I start Asterisk on boot in Debian?
16:18.11Ariel_don't know if debian uses the startup script that asterisk has but in centOS make config will do in in the /usr/src/asterisk
16:19.09Blake0PSlet me look to make sure i did make config
16:19.58*** join/#asterisk JonUK (
16:20.13JonUKhi can anyone spare a few minutes to help with an * and mysql problem?
16:21.53JonUKwhen I perform a MYSQL(Query ... the resultid is being returned as 0 or null
16:23.42JonUKhowever, if I perform the query via the console, the corrent results are being returned, so I know its not a permissions problem
16:27.22jeobjeobjeobare you using the mysql asterisk cmd?
16:28.04JonUKyes I am
16:28.24jeobjeobjeobdid you try connecting first?
16:29.04JonUKyes, and I have checked that I can log on from the console with the same user details
16:29.58jeobjeobjeobso you have something like exten => s,1,MYSQL(Connect test localhost root rootpw whatever_db)
16:30.20JonUKyes, that is line 1 of the macro
16:30.39tzafrir_laptopBlake0PS, you use the debs?
16:30.58jeobjeobjeobthen exten => s,2,MYSQL(Query res ${test} "select * from meetme")
16:31.19Blake0PStzafrir_laptop : I use * CVS on Debian
16:31.25JonUKwould it be easier for me to paste the macro to a pastebin etc?
16:31.34tzafrir_laptopthe debs come with their own script, which is IMHO better than the one supplied with the source tree. I have no idea if the one from the source tree actually works
16:31.38JonUK2 seconds then...
16:31.40*** join/#asterisk CoolAcid (n=jason@
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16:33.56jeobjeobjeobyou are inconsistent
16:33.58jeobjeobjeobtwo things
16:34.09jeobjeobjeobyou need to escape the spaces
16:34.10jeobjeobjeobas in
16:34.26jeobjeobjeobexten=s,2,MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} SELECT\ name\ from\ cidname\ where\ number\ like\ ${ARG1})
16:34.54jeobjeobjeobsecondly, you have to put the expression in quotes
16:35.17JonUKok trying that now
16:35.20jeobjeobjeobthe mysql command should be, in plaintext, "select name from cidname where number like 'whatever'"
16:35.22jeobjeobjeobsans quotes
16:35.33jeobjeobjeobbut you need the single quote around the var
16:36.41*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
16:38.20JonUKjeobjeobjeob: OK, I have made the changes sugggested, but still getting the same results. I have put the debug output into a new pastebin
16:38.47MikeJ[Laptop]file, ZX81 was looking for you
16:38.56file[laptop]that can't be good
16:39.35*** join/#asterisk DrScriptt (
16:40.38JonUKjeobjeobjeob: its like the resultid is just not being set when the query command is executed
16:40.45file[laptop]all thy fault
16:40.58DrScripttDoes any one have any idea how to place a call (in our out bound or even extension to extension) on hold one one extension and then pick that call up on another extension?  The closest that I can think of is call parking but that is unacceptable to my client.
16:41.22file[laptop]DrScriptt: well that's what it's called.
16:41.27file[laptop]you park a call on an extension, then pick it up elsewhere
16:41.30file[laptop]thus the name - call parking
16:41.55DrScripttI have done that with Asterisk successfully but the proccess is unacceptable to the client.
16:42.02file[laptop]hit them over the head and ask them how they want it done
16:43.27Himekothey want a key system right
16:43.37DrScripttI'm looking for the functionality of older 4 line phones where you could see that someone was on each respective line and when they put them on hold on their phone the light for the line they were on would start flashing and you could then pick up that line directly from your phone.
16:43.44DrScripttyes / no / maybe
16:44.06Himekothey should go buy a key system them
16:44.26DrScripttIs it not possible to have Asterisk or any other VoIP system do this?
16:44.46DrScripttAm I stuck with a legicy key system?
16:44.58DrScripttPlease say no, I'd like to jump forward 30 years of technology.
16:45.01h3xDrScriptt: Tell your people how to use a real PBX
16:45.09DrScripttI'd love to.
16:45.19h3xall legacy pbx's dont use shared line keys
16:45.23h3xin pbx mode
16:45.34DrScripttI, being the consultant that is putting this system in, do not have the athority to tell my clientell what their phone system will do.
16:45.43DrScripttIf I can not make it do what they want I have to pull it out.
16:45.46h3xyou can do shared line keys with the sipura spa-841
16:45.58h3xand the snom 360
16:46.03h3xbut you cant do it with those with asterisk
16:46.06file[laptop]but does asterisk support it? no
16:46.17h3xuse snom 4s platform with snom phones
16:46.28Blake0PSlet me guess, your client is over 50 years old?
16:46.29h3xit'll let you do it
16:46.38DrScripttNo, about 25.
16:46.56DrScripttHe is comparing this technoligy to 50 plus year old equipment though.
16:47.39DrScripttPart of the problem is that this client only has about 5 lines coming in and 4 extensions and thye don't think they are large enough to have to conform to a PBX style system.
16:47.41h3xyou can't buy 1A2 phones anymore, get over it
16:50.54MikeJ[Laptop]file, can't you do that with pesence?
16:51.48file[laptop]yes, but in asterisk - no
16:51.59Romikanybody can help me with following problem: WARNING[23274]: loader.c:258 ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: gzread ?
16:54.58syleiaxy better than the sip ata;s?
16:55.15Ariel_syle, depends on what your going to use it for.
16:55.24Ariel_in my view no but that is just my view
16:55.54*** part/#asterisk CoolAcid (n=jason@
16:56.09sskylesWished I'd have bought another Sipura SPA-2000.
16:56.55jeobjeobjeobromik: how about including the files in a different order?
16:57.27*** join/#asterisk _blop (
16:58.53DrScripttOk, crazzy idea.
17:00.08DrScripttWhat if I program a button that when a user is on a call said button transfers the curent call back to the ringing group with a distinct ring of silence (thus the line appearance would just flash).
17:00.25DrScripttThen all I would have to do is ensure that the ringing group appeared on the same ""line on all phones.
17:00.33DrScriptt(we are using GXP-2000 4 line phones)
17:00.49silliumi have two ISDN cards: one in NT mode and one in ET mode
17:01.10silliumnow i could connect an isdn phone over a cross wire to the card in NT mode
17:01.21DrScripttThe problem I have with that is that I'm going to be receiving the calls in via SIP (VoIP provider) and all the calls will be comming in in the same context and thus I will not have a direct way to decide which ringing group to ring the group to in the first place.
17:01.45DrScripttThus I would have to set up som Global Variables that define which call this is and which ""ringing group / line this call is to appear on.
17:01.47*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
17:01.47silliumbut would it be possible to connect two phones over an IAE to the the NT card?
17:01.58DrScripttThis way I could ring a given call on a given line on all phones.
17:02.25silliumIAE is something like that:
17:03.09silliumit means that the wires get spliced parallel
17:03.12*** join/#asterisk CoolAcid (n=jason@
17:03.29silliumany idea if it's possible?
17:03.54silliumor do i need one isdn card in NT mode for _every_ phone in the house
17:04.35silliumor do i have to connect the phones (and/or) the IAE's in row?
17:04.40DrScripttAny one have any comment on my idea?
17:05.25*** join/#asterisk wizhippo (
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17:10.10Ariel_DrScriptt, if it's what you want to do go for it.  But I don't like to make the phones look like an older key type system. I use flash operator panel and you can transfer between lines and queues with it.
17:10.16*** part/#asterisk Darwin35 (
17:10.42DrScripttI agree with you, but my client does not.
17:10.50DrScripttI have to cater to my client.
17:11.00DrScripttPersonally ust use the damn call park feature.
17:11.08DrScripttBut my client is paying the bills, if you know what I mean.
17:11.25Ariel_DrScriptt, yes you do. But I have no luck with GS phones. And I feel that the only thing really missing from asterisk setups are intercom's.
17:11.26*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
17:12.02DrScripttAriel_ do you think that my idea at least sounds like a possible solution (however convoluted it may be)?
17:12.52Ariel_DrScriptt, your going to do this but your going to have to take it off later on and it's going to make more work for you and head aikes..  This is just my view. You need to educate the customer more.
17:13.20Ariel_I have lots of customers that wanted the same thing. But after they get used to FOP and the way parking works they don't want to go back
17:13.28DrScripttAt present I need to be able to do this or we will loose the sale which will hurt the company that I work for.
17:13.41DrScripttI wish that I could educate my user with a clue by 4, but alas I can not.
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17:13.55Ariel_DrScriptt, go for it them.  But GS would work better is they support hint
17:14.34*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
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17:18.14*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
17:18.24file[laptop]KITRICH ALERT
17:18.30SarahEmmhihi file!
17:18.31SarahEmmFILE MEOW
17:19.05file[laptop]my hair is beginning to curl, time to get it cut
17:20.37*** join/#asterisk TheCops (n=mdb@
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17:24.20`SauronHum, is there a program that can (easily) parse the default cdr-cvs file and show me info about calls?
17:24.43`SauronI found several on the wiki, but most of them were either overkill for the job, or required the CDR be put in a database first
17:25.02file[laptop]chances are you're not going to find exactly what you want so you'll have to make it
17:25.20DrScripttThank you for your oppinions and ideas.
17:28.16jeobjeobjeob`sauron: write your own
17:28.27`SauronNo, really?
17:28.34jeobjeobjeobthat's what i did
17:28.43jeobjeobjeobmight as well
17:28.54`SauronPlease send all your opinions to /dev/null.
17:29.06`Sauronjeowhatever: And why don't you share your creation?
17:29.53jeobjeobjeobbecause its really simple to program
17:30.00jeobjeobjeoband because i use a different cdr format
17:31.03jeobjeobjeobphp is your friend: fgetcsv
17:31.32jeobjeobjeobi do some calculations in the dp itself
17:32.07`SauronI am sad to inform you, that for this particular use, PHP is not the right tool(tm).
17:33.12*** join/#asterisk TheCopss (n=mdb@
17:33.23`SauronHere's jeobjeobjeob, and over there is the point he missed... ->
17:34.07jeobjeobjeobby this time you could have written your own solution
17:34.19`SauronI already have.
17:34.30jeobjeobjeobthen why are we still having this conversation?
17:34.39`SauronI'm just picking on dweebs like you who think php is the end-all in scripting languages.
17:34.44`SauronFor fun?
17:34.52jeobjeobjeobi never said php is the end-all
17:34.52`SauronBecause I have to waste 10 minutes before lunch?
17:34.54`SauronI dunno.
17:35.20jeobjeobjeobyou remind me a lot of king george the II
17:35.43`SauronWas he a crotchety old IT guy as well?
17:35.50jeobjeobjeobhe's our president
17:35.53`SauronYou can add "arrogant" to that, if you want.
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17:37.30sideonehello all.
17:37.30SarahEmmhiya rene1
17:37.34SarahEmmand sideone heh
17:37.44sideoneanymore ones?
17:37.52SarahEmmanymore ones? What?
17:38.44*** join/#asterisk Blake0PS (
17:39.00rene1i wanted to know if i must open a 10k port range for rtp packets as per the wiki asterisk+firewalls recomendation, could i just use one port? is it possible/needed to enforce this in the UA?
17:39.24Blake0PSWhat is the most common button to press for call transfers from analog phones? I see Asterisk supports #
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17:39.44sideonesoo.. i am starting a company and an office.
17:40.05SarahEmmsideone: okay...
17:40.07sideonei am ordering an integrated t (6 lines voice or so) rest data
17:40.14*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
17:40.23sideonei would like to setup the office, and have started reading through lots of guides
17:40.36sideonei want to know what everyone recommends for the setup? all digital
17:40.44SarahEmmerr, for what part sideone?
17:40.57sideonei guess a cisco 1700 will head the gateway and terminate the t1
17:41.11sideoneSarahEmm: all :)
17:41.19SarahEmmand you're using Asterisk behind that i assume?
17:41.27sideonehells yeah!
17:41.34sideonethis thing is amazing!
17:41.36SarahEmmwhat do you need for phones?
17:41.55Blake0PSCisco 7960s are nice :)
17:42.07sideoneis there a listing of what features you can do on the stations?
17:42.12sideonelike a comparison
17:42.14filebleh gotta call Dell on Monday
17:42.35Blake0PSotherwise you can get the 12SP+ or 30VIP for about $10/phone. They are pretty simple devices.
17:42.54sideoneonly 10$/station?
17:43.15Blake0PSI knew a guy that bought 50 of them in a lot for $5/each a little over a year ago
17:43.16sideone1500 i can get 5 stations 7960
17:43.33SarahEmmfile: whyfor?
17:43.36sideonei may not need that though
17:43.44Blake0PSpeople still resell them
17:43.49sideoneid rather spend about mid
17:43.58sideonenot so cheap and not so highend
17:44.17sideonebtw, how many stations are in your setup?
17:44.33*** join/#asterisk zotz (n=zotz@
17:45.11Blake0PSmy home pbx has a 7960 and a 12SP+, the pbx i'm developing for a small company is going to have a shit ton of soft phones and 1 analog phone
17:46.08sideonecant you break a did line off the trunk for a fax?
17:46.20sideoneerr.. not did
17:46.31sideonethe info port?
17:46.57sideonealso whats a step below the 7960?
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17:53.36sideoneso i think the 7940s would be good
17:53.51Blake0PSany cisco sip phone is delicious :)
17:53.52SarahEmmthey look nice on a desk anyway :)
17:54.01SarahEmmpast that kitriches dunno
17:54.05sideonedoes it work well with asterisk?
17:54.12SarahEmmfrom everything i've heard yes
17:54.16SarahEmmas long as you have SIP firmware on it anyway
17:54.30Blake0PSSCCP works too but it's kinda kludgey
17:54.31sideonegot my cco account, im sure ill be ok
17:54.40sideonewhat is sccp?
17:54.49Blake0PSskinny client control protocol
17:54.53sideoneoh gotcha
17:54.57jbotrumour has it, sccp is Proprietary protocol used between Cisco Call Manager and Cisco VOIP phones. Also supported by some other vendors.  Also Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP), a routing protocol in SS7 protocol suite in layer 4, provides end-to-end routing for TCAP messages to their proper database.
17:55.04SarahEmmyeah, SIP seems to work a lot better generally from what i've heard
17:55.05sideoneshould i run sip exclusivly?
17:55.13Blake0PSit's another signalling method, but the interface on sccp firmware is so different
17:55.15sideonebtw, im just starting this project
17:55.27sideonemy telecom is a bit week, but networking is good
17:55.54Blake0PSoh okay, let me speak networking then
17:56.02Blake0PSSIP can't go through NATs, so beware
17:56.14Blake0PSbut you can IAX through a NAT just fine
17:56.15sideonewhat about transversal nat?
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17:56.28sideoneso transcode the sip to iax?
17:56.35sideonewithin ast?
17:57.03Blake0PSyeah, use SIP to contact the Asterisk box but dialing outside your box over IP should be done with IAX _IF_ you are behind NAT
17:57.30sideonecool, can i add vonage or something to sip for the ip dialing as well as my int t1
17:57.47Blake0PS7940 --SIP--> Asterisk --IAX--> NAT --Provider
17:57.59Blake0PSVonage is proprietary bullshit, fuck vonage.
17:58.07sideonewhat would you use instead?
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17:58.26SkramXWell, if you dont want to interface with Asterisk, Vonage is as reliable as the other good voip carriers.
17:58.26sideoneim not on the voip bandwagon just yet
17:58.35SkramXthough its only as reliable as your net connection;
17:58.44sideonei want everything going through asterisk
17:58.47Blake0PSvonage is great for home users, not for business
17:59.02sideoneSkramX:  im getting an integrated t1
17:59.05SkramXOk, Well if you buy a digium card and wire the vonage line to asterisk, it would be great.
17:59.11sideoneand maybe an ip line for ld
17:59.14SkramXOk, Can I move in.. hehe
17:59.51sideoneok so prior to the ip method
17:59.55Blake0PSDigium card = ~300 dollars...
18:00.13sideonewhat should i use for the telcom end of the t1 ?
18:00.24sideonei dont have any equipment yet besides the linux box
18:00.43sideonei dont knwo if the telco is providing any equipment either
18:00.48sideonejust put in the req
18:01.07Blake0PSdigium sells T1 cards
18:01.16Blake0PSbeyond that, i don't know, haven't done anything with it.
18:01.29sideonewhats the 1 port vs 4 port thing?
18:01.39sideoneif i have 1 t1, i just need 1 port correct?
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18:02.05sideonewas that  a newb question, SkramX ?
18:02.27ta[i]ntedcan someone help me set up a single x100p card?
18:02.33ta[i]ntedi'm new to zaptel
18:02.45ta[i]ntedor point me to a faq
18:02.55SarahEmmsideone: err ,yeah
18:03.05sideonethought as much
18:03.08SarahEmmta[i]nted: have you read the wiki?
18:03.10jbotit has been said that rtfw is, the only place to get any real answers about * and it's many, many uses.
18:03.15sideonewhat does emm mean btw?
18:03.38SarahEmmemily. middle name. i'm unimaginitive. ;)
18:03.44sideoneid say.
18:05.12*** join/#asterisk human39_ (
18:05.29sideonesarah have you worked with the telco side of asterisk setups?
18:05.30Blake0PSbeware, clone cards will only leave you disappointed
18:05.40SarahEmmsideone: not with T1s, but yes
18:05.43SarahEmmi run an x100p at home heh
18:05.51ta[i]ntedBlake0PS i modded the .c file
18:05.59sideonehave you see a good guide for the t1 side ?
18:06.00SarahEmmwhy ta[i]nted?
18:06.05SarahEmmsideone: what's the question?
18:06.18sideonei have no idea what i will need for the t1 config
18:06.25sideoneim getting an integrated t
18:06.30sideoneand have no equipment yet
18:06.33SarahEmmwell for plain voice PRI you'd need a digium or sangoma T1 card
18:06.38SarahEmmi'm not sure what you need to split the data stuff off
18:06.46sideonewhat kinda digium?
18:06.52SarahEmmany single port T1/E1 card
18:06.53sideonei can do that with a cisco csu/dsu
18:06.59sideoneok whats the 4 port?
18:07.07SarahEmmsideone: right, but then how do you plug into the digium card? it has a csu/dsu in it already
18:07.14SarahEmmsideone: it has 4 ports. err.... isn't that obvious?
18:07.20SarahEmm4 t1/e1 ports
18:07.25human39_hello all, I got a set up issue I was wondering if somebody could shed some light on me.  I have my asterisk box hooked up to my home phone setup.  I have a IP phone that rings when my home phone rings, thats fine..and how I configured it.  But the problem seems to be when I pick up any other phone up in the house (non IP) my IP phone starts to ring.
18:07.30human39_any clues?
18:07.33sideonethought so, but SkramX  had laughed when i asked
18:07.47SarahEmmsideone: it's just that. 4 T1/E1 ports.
18:07.58sideonei see what you mean with splitting the line
18:07.58SarahEmmta[i]nted: why modded the C file?
18:08.17SarahEmmi'd say use an add/drop CSU/DSU but that doesn't help because the T1 cards all have CSU/DSUs built in
18:08.30sideoneim gonna cruise the forums for a bit to see whos done it.
18:08.43sideonehmm that would be some cool signaling.
18:08.46sideonebrb 20
18:08.47ta[i]ntedSarahEmm so generic detects as digium
18:09.01sideonewhich digium would you recommend btw?
18:09.12sideonejust the single port t1? are they all the same?
18:09.24Blake0PShuman39_: You're sharing an analog line between analog phones and an X100P right?
18:09.39SarahEmmta[i]nted: err, that's how it should work already
18:10.01SarahEmmta[i]nted: you have an x100p clone card?
18:10.05Blake0PSSarahEmm: No, my generic detected as a clone
18:10.12SarahEmmright, but it works the same
18:10.21SarahEmmwhy does it matter if it says 'clone' or 'digium' ta[i]nted?
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18:10.26human39_Blake0PS, yes.  The asterisk box is just sitting on my phone setup like any other phone.
18:10.33ta[i]ntedSarahEmm it doesn't
18:10.34tzafrir_laptophuman39_, the clues are in the CLI trace. set verbose 3 and watch it
18:10.38SarahEmmsideone: i have no idea as i've never used it :)
18:10.39ta[i]ntedi just thought it might
18:10.41SarahEmmta[i]nted: doesn't what?
18:10.45SarahEmmoh, make a difference.
18:10.48SarahEmmta[i]nted: what issue are you having?
18:11.40Blake0PShuman39_: Just a thought, but you pickup the analog phone and boom, your line is hit with voltage. the X100P interprets this as ringing and alerts the IP phone?
18:12.11tzafrir_laptopta[i]nted, why would you need to edit a C file, BTW?
18:12.32Blake0PSta[i]nted: The problem with the X100P clones is that they are crappy hardware, not that they are detected as clones
18:12.32SarahEmmtzafrir_laptop: to make it look like zie has a real digium card not a clone, zie said.
18:13.18SarahEmmBlake0PS: they work for some uses :)
18:13.18Blake0PSta[i]nted: It's the hardware, not the software, that causes echo
18:13.31*** join/#asterisk KaBewM (
18:13.49Blake0PSSarahEmm: Yeah they work great for inbound, but outbound voice is so echo-ey... I was thinking about using one for a backspoofer *ssh*
18:13.55sideonehmm not much help in the forums.
18:14.00SarahEmmBlake0PS: ahh.
18:14.15SarahEmmBlake0PS: they seem to work fine for TTY/TDD use instead of voice :) either the echo isn't enough to cause issues or i'm not having echo issues
18:14.15human39_Blake0PS, maybe.  for instance if I just pick up the phone..and just hang it up, a few seconds later my IP phone starts ringing
18:15.21human39_Blake0PS, the same goes for if Im on the regular phone.  My IP phone keeps ringing.
18:15.30Blake0PShuman39_: Yeah, like was said above, set asterisk to verbose and watch the CLI.. I've heard nothing but bad things about sharing an analog line between analog phones, answering machines, fax, and asterisk
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18:16.14Blake0PShuman39_: It has to be an issue with the line voltage
18:16.42human39_Blake0PS, any clue how one could fix it?
18:17.04human39_I'm very wet behind the ears about this stuff still
18:17.08Blake0PShuman39_: Get a second line or hook your analog phones through asterisk and an FXS card
18:17.14tzafrir_laptopSarahEmm, then why won't a second phone connected on the same line start ringing?
18:17.36tzafrir_laptopAsterissk should only ring when it gets ringing voltage, right?
18:18.41tzafrir_laptophuman39_, as for your IP phones: this is something different. the CLI trace should tell you more. Look at what commands are issued
18:18.42Blake0PStzafrir_laptop: if you think of it in terms of the OSI model, it's at the bottom. basically the X100P has to interpret the voltages as either "off hook" or "ringing"
18:19.35human39_tzafrir_laptop, this is the verbose output I am getting-
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18:20.38Blake0PSsee, your zaptel card thought the line was ringing
18:20.40SarahEmmtzafrir_laptop: huh? what are you talkinga bout? *confused*
18:21.54human39_Blake0PS, yes, obviously it did.  Could it have something to do with the phone I am using?
18:22.20Blake0PSmore so with the analog line
18:22.21tzafrir_laptophuman39_, but the "call" immidietly hung up. From that trace it doesn't show that the channel has survived and was transfrered onwards
18:22.50tzafrir_laptophuman39_, is there anything immdielty after that? anything about SIP/something?
18:23.03human39_tzafrir_laptop, no, thats it.
18:23.33human39_Verbosity is set at 8
18:23.34Blake0PSI think the card realized that the line isn't ringing and killed the call
18:23.49tzafrir_laptopSanity check: any chance the sip phone is connected to anything else?
18:24.35human39_the I have sixtel going to the sip phone also, but I dont receive any calls
18:24.52KaBewMhmm sixtel,
18:24.57KaBewMtheres your problem
18:25.17tzafrir_laptopdo you have more than one sip phone?
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18:25.23human39_tzafrir_laptop, no.
18:25.31human39_just one sipura IP phone.
18:25.44tzafrir_laptopip phone or ATA?
18:25.58human39_the 841
18:26.28silliummh.. maybe i should pose my question in a different way: is it possible to connect more than one isdn phone to an isdn card in NT mode?
18:27.03human39_for example, Im going to make a call.  on my cordless analog phone.  Different jack..etc.  My IP phone will start ringing.
18:27.40tzafrir_laptophuman39_, what do you see on your CLI? any trace of that?
18:27.51*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
18:28.47tzafrir_laptopit seems that your dialplan set that phone as the default (s extension) action of some contexts.
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18:30.13podzaphi, does anybody know where to buy a sipura spa-2000 in .fi?
18:31.08human39_thats what I see, the second call happens when I hang up the analog phone
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18:31.21human39_but when its a incomming seems to ring the entire time.
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18:34.42human39_I do have "context=homephone" in my zapata.conf
18:43.03*** join/#asterisk DonnieMoss (
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18:46.08crazimanI just installed rxfax and spandsp... now I get  loader.c:258 ast_load_resource: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
18:47.13crazimanany ideas?
18:47.23MikeJ[Laptop]craziman, yes, did you do make insttall on spandsp?
18:47.33tzafrir_laptopcraziman, where is
18:47.46craziman[root@smokey /]# find -name -print
18:48.11MikeJ[Laptop]did you compile rxfax after spandsp what installed?
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18:48.45tzafrir_laptopMikeJ[Laptop], this would have prodiced a different error (e.g: symbol missing), right?
18:48.54crazimanafter I installed spandsp,  I patched the apps and recompiled asterisk.
18:49.01mago3-cnhello everyone, any comments on areskiCC?
18:49.15SkramXa better install docs
18:49.24SkramXi think thats the one that wasnt very well documented
18:49.27SkramXI may be wrong..
18:49.36crazimanno errors on the patch nor any sean on the recompile
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18:50.06tzafrir_laptopdid you run ldconfig any time after installing spandsp? is /usr/local/lib in /etc/ ?
18:50.59SkramXareskicc works with mysql too, the docs only talk about ptres
18:51.02SkramXpm me
18:51.03SkramXbbaq later
18:51.13crazimanwait.. I didn't change
18:51.14mago3-cnSkramX: are you talking about what I asked?
18:51.42mago3-cngreat, already have mysql running
18:51.45crazimanand that was the problem
18:51.54UmaroOkay, so if a real zaptel timer isn't an option and I need to use meetme, zaprtc or ztdummy?
18:51.57tzafrir_laptopcraziman, alternatively, is should be in LD_LIBRARY_PATH
18:52.13tzafrir_laptopztdummy if you use 2.6
18:52.29Umarotzafrir_laptop: ok.. still having quality issues :/
18:52.36mago3-cnbut it works? which will you use also for sip, iax, etc friends and users, and mysql?
18:53.24mago3-cnwhich would you use i meant...
18:54.46SkramXmago3-cn i havent tried it yet
18:55.05SkramXbut it would be nice if it has instructions for mysql aswell, but i just need to sit down and figure it out
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18:57.51bkw_everyone raise your hands if you KNOW IAX2 doesn't scale...
18:57.59UmaroAnyone know anyone who will sell and ship a X100P to panama?
18:58.22*** join/#asterisk Spicoli (
18:58.30tzafrir_laptopUmaro, search ebay.
18:58.34*** join/#asterisk Moc (
18:58.37SpicoliDoes anyone know if I can use my budgetone 101 to make calls on voipjet, which is IAX2?
18:58.51MocSpicoli, sure, through an asterisk box
18:59.21SpicoliMoc: hmmm...I couldn't seem to get it to work, so I've just been using broadvoice (SIP) for outgoing
19:00.06SpicoliI activated "iax2 debug", but I don't get any iax2 messages at all when I try to dial out
19:01.00*** join/#asterisk lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin)
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19:04.45Umarotzafrir_laptop: I heard the X100P clone cards didn't do as good of timing.. FUD?
19:08.06*** join/#asterisk rana (n=rana_bhu@
19:08.43bkw_OMG do people not realize what t.38 really is
19:09.09*** part/#asterisk rana (n=rana_bhu@
19:12.25Moct.38 is a tax document ;)
19:14.12*** join/#asterisk _Raptor_ (
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19:15.41_Raptor_is it possible to match in iax.conf more users with same password. something like [*] secret=foo so that userA is able to auth with "foo" and userB too
19:15.59_Raptor_so i can see the different callerids in the channel stats
19:17.39hardwire_Raptor_: you can multi register .. but it will only be effective for calls through your server from the clients.
19:17.51hardwirenothing from the server to the clients
19:18.37_Raptor_you mean that 2 people can login with userA:foo?
19:19.19_Raptor_i know, but the problem is then that i see callerid userA on both channels.
19:21.08tzafrir_laptopbkw_, paragraph breaks help readability, you know
19:21.30bkw_sorry constant flow of info out of my mind.. you're lucky its even readable in the first place
19:23.24tzafrir_laptopbkw_, what exactly prevents efficient handling of many IAX calls?
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19:23.38bkw_one thread doing all read and writes to and from the socket
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19:24.15bkw_chan_iax2 reinvents the wheel on that
19:24.18bkw_and does it very badly
19:24.27bkw_the kernel could do all that and do it much better
19:24.34tzafrir_laptopbkw_, stick to facts, please
19:24.36bkw_than trying to do it in user space
19:24.39bkw_it is a fact
19:25.11bkw_having a single thread do all reads and writes off the queue in chan_iax2 is a problem
19:25.16bkw_that queue starts to grow
19:25.19bkw_the delay does also
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19:25.38bkw_once you have 30-40 calls that have a delay of 300ms by default it starts to degrade to the point that makes it not usable
19:25.45bkw_this is an issue mark knows about
19:25.53bkw_and we have talked about many ways to solve this
19:25.54tzafrir_laptopand why is that not a problem if the handling is in kernel-space?
19:26.05bkw_because you're not having to pass it up into userspace
19:26.33bkw_it saves having extra copy operations
19:26.40bkw_that are needless in the first place
19:26.49tzafrir_laptopYou do have to pass it to userspace eventually. What extra copy?
19:27.12bkw_it has to go all the way up the tcp stack and back out
19:27.21bkw_you can hair pin this in kernel space and make it much faster
19:27.40bkw_the same reason doing rtp bridging using iptables is much faster and more efficient
19:27.40tzafrir_laptopAFAIK there isn't much copying in the networking stack
19:28.20bkw_have you seen IAX deployed from the US to .pk or .ph?
19:28.23tzafrir_laptopif there is copying in chan_iax, maybe it should be eliminated
19:28.26bkw_using 30-40 calls?
19:28.44file[laptop]it's not pretty
19:29.01bkw_well having one thread that does all read and writes in the single queue for all calls is a pain
19:29.12bkw_you know that "I should never be called" message you get
19:29.20bkw_thats a result of something calling iax2_read
19:29.23bkw_or iax2_write
19:29.27bkw_it has no read and write functions
19:29.31bkw_its all in that silly queue
19:29.57bkw_file i wonder if we can use that iptables trick on IAX
19:30.10file[laptop]bkw_: I was thinking about that
19:30.13bkw_if each call had its own queue and thread it would work much better
19:30.20bkw_it would be on par with sip
19:30.25file[laptop]bkw_: but there's more to an IAX2 packet then an RTP packet
19:30.44file[laptop]call numbers for example
19:30.45bkw_file true.. but a native bridge happens you can just send it all at that level
19:30.50bkw_oh shit yes thats true
19:31.03*** join/#asterisk doughecka (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/doughecka)
19:31.04file[laptop]the other box would freak out d00d
19:31.18mago3-cncomments on ASTCC?
19:31.25Mocbkw_, how is IAX2 implemented in OPAL ?
19:31.31Umarotrying realzap and rtai now.. let's see if it does better than ztdummy
19:31.50bkw_Moc I haven't had time to look at it.. i'm working with Derek to collect info to do iax2 encryption and trunking in OPAL
19:31.52MocUmaro, what kernel are you running ?
19:32.38MocUmaro, ok ztdummy doesn't work right unless you have 2.6.13, OR you force it to use a new RTC code..
19:32.48UmaroMoc: truly?
19:32.57MocI get no lag since I set it up (work number one with CentOS 4 (RHEL4) stock kernel)
19:33.06UmaroMoc: nice.. zttest reports 100%, or?
19:33.42Mocyou get lag with ztdummy now ?
19:33.49Umarodefine lag :)
19:34.03UmaroI get quality issues when using meetme and IAX2 trunks
19:34.12Mocok that could cause this too.
19:34.19*** join/#asterisk asteriskDOTbz (
19:34.23Umaro2.6.13 isn't out?
19:34.28Mocbtw you are trunking with the same Asterisk version you have
19:34.38MocUmaro ;) I dont think so
19:34.41bkw_trunking with CVS-head was tested lastnight
19:34.48bkw_it works iwth and without the jitter buffer now
19:34.51bkw_as of lastnight
19:34.58bkw_maybe a week ago too
19:35.02bkw_but I do know I tested it lastnight
19:35.03UmaroMoc: ok, so how do I force it to use a new RTC code?
19:35.21MocUmaro, open ztdummy.c
19:35.35Mocand : #define USE_RTC
19:35.35bkw_make -DUSE_RTC
19:35.54bkw_wait you can export that
19:35.59Moc#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= VERSION_CODE(2,6,13)
19:36.06Mocis the current code to activate it !!!
19:36.11Mocall because of bkw ;)
19:36.46MocAnyway, USE_RTC made all my problem disapear
19:36.48bkw_it doesn't work on my boxes
19:36.52UmaroMoc: ohyeah?
19:37.05bkw_*** Warning: "rtc_unregister" [/usr/src/build/zaptel/ztdummy.ko] undefined!
19:37.05bkw_*** Warning: "rtc_control" [/usr/src/build/zaptel/ztdummy.ko] undefined!
19:37.05bkw_*** Warning: "rtc_register" [/usr/src/build/zaptel/ztdummy.ko] undefined!
19:37.17Mocbkw_, what kernel are you using ?
19:37.22Mocstock from redhat ?
19:37.25Umaroso what's the deal with ztdummy, anyway? do I have to run ztcfg, or do I just have to load the module?
19:37.37UmaroMoc: stock from redhat? lol, does not compute
19:37.51tzafrir_laptopUmaro, no need for ztcfg with ztdummy
19:38.09*** join/#asterisk phil0u (n=philou@
19:38.13Mocbkw_, it work numero 1 with CentOS 4 stock kernel : 2.6.9-11.ELsmp
19:39.49bkw_it would work if I recompile my kernel on all my boxes
19:40.16bkw_not really an option yo
19:40.47Moccompile it on one, and copy it to all the other ;)
19:41.07Netgeekshi Sarah
19:41.33*** join/#asterisk nroej (
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19:42.51Netgeekshey dudes, how did your testing go?
19:43.35*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@
19:43.43UmaroMoc: So was it that it wasn't using the RTC at all, or it just wasn't using the right one?
19:44.50*** join/#asterisk hohum (
19:44.52dudesNetgeeks - We never did any lastnight.  We had to fix some of the stats stuff for open/closers
19:46.17dudesNetgeeks - We will be doing some testing tonight ... to test everything out.  Find any bugs and another night of coding =)
19:46.25Umarodudes: what project?
19:46.29Netgeeksah.  I'm dead tired today, got like 4 hours of sleep last night....  I can't wait to get this project done so I can sleep again
19:47.02dudesNetgeeks - What's the statues on your project?
19:47.25dudesUmaro - Gnudialer
19:48.11_Raptor_is there a possibility to match for an extension that starts with three digits followd by a hyphen and some character and split it up into number and text, for example 123-abcd shoud do SetVar(num=123) and SetVar(text=abcd) ?
19:48.27Umarodudes: cool, cool.. how many agents per server are you guys doing now?
19:48.45dudesNetgeeks - I know I'm looking forward to a decent night sleep once we get all the beta work done.
19:49.09SarahEmm_Raptor_: how would you enter that? (excluding abcd which you can technically but most people can't)
19:49.55dudesUmaro - We haven't been stress testing lately.  Hoping to get some done soon though.  But we got 30 on here before audio began to miss (2800 XP-M /w X running)
19:50.10SarahEmmwhy X?
19:50.25dudesSarahEmm - Cause it's my Desktop
19:50.30Umarodudes: awesome.. lines per agent?
19:50.30_Raptor_SarahEmm: by an iax call.
19:50.42dudesUmaro - 3/1
19:51.20dudesUmaro - 7/1 just hung the origination server =) But that's was a mobile P4 2.4Ghz /w 256MB RM
19:51.37_Raptor_my intension is: i want to transfer more than username and password to the asterisk - it also should get a kind of nickname
19:51.59Umarodudes: how are the agents connected?
19:52.32dudesUmaro - However you want them to be.  But we use IAX/SIP for our testing
19:53.21_Raptor_ok, so is it possible to split up 123-456 into 123 and 456?
19:53.22bkw_patch it... post it.. get it going
19:53.28bkw_show application cut
19:54.01Umarodudes: what kind of trunks were you using?
19:54.10bkw_swim trunks?
19:54.23UmaroI must be doing something wrong, because 120 channels is a pipedream
19:54.30dudesUmaro - IAX
19:54.43bkw_Umaro, on?
19:55.26dudesUmaro - we've jammed 200+/w a brief 50ms break per 10 calls
19:56.35Umarobkw_: well, a dual xeon 3.4Ghz, but that was with me trying to do backgrounddetect, too
19:56.52dudesUmaro - Hmm
19:56.53Umarobkw_: that was out a sangoma A104
19:57.24file[laptop]bkw_: yeah quiet you :P
19:57.25bkw_well a dual box does NOT help IAX2
19:57.30bkw_due to the one thread for all reads and writes
19:57.49bkw_now if read and write were split into two theads
19:57.55Netgeeksbut it does allow you to browse porn while running asterisk....
19:57.56bkw_now we be talking a little improvement
19:58.00dudesUmaro - I've seen a Dual 3Ghz Xeon w/o HT handle 280 some SIP to ZAPs at one time no problem
19:58.00Daminbkw_: Does Opal / Woomera solve that?
19:58.10bkw_Damin, it should totally solve that
19:58.35bkw_the first step is to get woomera ported to using OPAL
19:58.39dudesNetgeeks - Have you ever played around with Aheeva?
19:58.46bkw_then we pickup sip, iax2 and h323 from a single instance
19:58.53Daminbkw_: One thing I was considering in that situation was the extra latency involved in tranferring the data accross two sockets..
19:59.16bkw_its not much if any
19:59.26bkw_you're just passing slinear data around
19:59.45NetgeeksAheeva?  I think she and I might have hooked at nanog 12....
19:59.55bkw_man I hate knowing things that would make you all fall out of your chair.. but I can't tell you about them yet
20:00.01dudesIt's some asterisk based dialer
20:00.26file[laptop]bkw_: you've said too much, shutup you twat :P
20:00.29Netgeeksah, okay, I forget what that nanog 12 girls name was... ;)
20:00.39dudesNetgeeks - haha
20:00.43Netgeeksno, I haven't played with aheeva
20:00.53Daminbkw_: Yes.. In one instance you are saving interrupts and preventing blocking, but on the other hand you are addking more kernel overhead in transferring the data accross the sockets..
20:01.14bkw_Damin, but lowering the interrupts more than makes up for it
20:01.16tainted_anyone know what could be causing this:
20:01.17tainted_You do not appear to have the kernel sources for your current kernel installed.
20:01.17tainted_make: *** [linux26] Error 1
20:01.25tainted_i have kernel-devel package installed
20:01.26Daminbkw_: So I guess the real question is which is more efficient...
20:01.34dudestainted_ - kernel-headers =)
20:01.41Daminbkw_: Well, that certainly reduces opportunities for blocking.. ;)
20:01.58bkw_and we can do some zero copy and stuff like that to spead it up
20:01.59bkw_er speed
20:02.19Daminfile: Why? It isn't like everyone doesn't already know..
20:02.27bkw_well Damin knows about the beans
20:02.28tainted_dudes that's up to date too
20:02.29bkw_he was there man
20:02.39file[laptop]bkw_: does he know the latest stuff?
20:02.42DaminAm I under some sort of an NDA?
20:02.57bkw_file yes
20:03.00dudestainted_  -
20:03.02bkw_Damin and I had a talk about it
20:03.12dudesIt tells you want you need to do with the source/headers
20:03.36Daminbkw_: One question that cropped up was how to handle synchronization between multiple spans on a card, given different clocking..
20:03.47bkw_you can do per span clocks
20:03.53Daminbkw_: THAT will be an interesting solution for someone to solve. ;)
20:04.22bkw_well Sangoma hardware already does per span clocks
20:04.23Daminbkw_: Yeah, but if you are talking about 20mz interrupts, you are pushing clock drift off and have to account for it w/ bigger buffers, hence increasing latency..
20:04.40bkw_well we talk 10ms to be safe
20:04.42Daminbkw_: So there are still some interesting problems to solve.. :)
20:05.06bkw_well I think David and Craig solved those with nenad
20:05.10bkw_they just have to put them in now
20:05.25bkw_because Craig has solved that exact problem in Opal with sound cards
20:05.44DaminIcckk.. :)
20:05.46DaminSound cards..
20:05.52bkw_ya ick
20:06.01*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
20:06.05DaminHey.. here's an idea.. let's take a sound card w/ a DSP and make it emulate a MODEM! :)
20:06.07bkw_but its a solution that has been used and works... granted somethign better might creep up
20:06.16bkw_Damin, isn't that a winmodem?
20:06.33Daminbkw_: Well, not really "Win".. I prefer "soft"modem..
20:06.49bkw_because you don't "win" anything but sucky connections
20:07.18bkw_we still have work to do on the frame slip issues
20:08.03bkw_which is one that is also solved in OPAL
20:08.14bkw_or so says craig
20:08.18Daminbkw_: I think the interesting application is not really running everything on the same box... but scaling the card up to a DS3 level w/ the Codec + Echo Can and then handing off via OPAL to a remote server..
20:08.47bkw_abstracting your TDM out to its own process is a plus
20:08.53Daminbkw_: It would let you build a true gateway box...
20:08.58bkw_then you have less that can go wrong in that code
20:09.12bkw_as I always say.. Less is more!
20:09.29bkw_zaptel has one bottleneck that causes dual machines to be useless
20:09.45file[laptop]my parental units are mia...
20:10.03file[laptop]creepy, just as I said that they returned
20:10.04bkw_did you kill them?
20:11.32file[laptop]they went shopping again
20:11.54tzafrir_laptopwhat does it win you?
20:12.04tzafrir_laptopthat abstraction?
20:13.18tzafrir_laptopIf a certain part of Asterisk is broken, putting it away in a separate process will only ignore the problem. Now you have two processes that need to run in real-time priority
20:13.45tzafrir_laptopSo each of them may hang the system or cause choppy audoi
20:14.10tzafrir_laptopNot to mention that zaptel itself sits in the kernel anyway
20:14.58bkw_if you think that.. sure
20:15.12MikeJ[Laptop]bkw_, help
20:15.13bkw_but woomera wasn't ment to be run on a WAN
20:15.18bkw_LAN only
20:15.36bkw_MikeJ[Laptop], yes"?
20:15.51MikeJ[Laptop]can't install anything
20:15.54MikeJ[Laptop]tests fail
20:16.22MikeJ[Laptop]using ppm, but need to use cpan for some things cuz they are not available in ppm
20:16.27twistedbkw sure is chatty
20:16.32Umarodudes: does gnudialer have cvs?
20:16.33MikeJ[Laptop]working on SVN:Mirror
20:17.09bkw_tzafrir_laptop, no actually you take away complexity from asterisk and put it in woomera
20:17.21tzangerAug 13 16:15:29 WARNING[13038]: chan_iax2.c:661 jb_warning_output: Resyncing the jb. last_delay -1142, this delay 6025, threshold 3206, new offset -7166
20:17.22MikeJ[Laptop]File::chdir is prereq and I can't get it installed
20:17.26tzangerthat happens and the call hangs up
20:17.34bkw_its a warning
20:17.36tzafrir_laptopbkw_, but complexity does belong in asterisk: dialplan and such
20:17.47bkw_we didn't say take that out
20:17.50MikeJ[Laptop]diaplan isn't complex
20:17.56tzafrir_laptopotherwise we have latency issues
20:17.56bkw_we said take the channel complexity out
20:17.57MikeJ[Laptop]it's signalling crap
20:18.08MikeJ[Laptop]audio is the only thing that needs realtime
20:18.22tzafrir_laptopbkw_, pushing too many channels on the same socket?
20:18.30bkw_they aren't the same socket
20:18.41tzafrir_laptopwell, at least not that
20:18.41bkw_you apparently didn't read the chan_woomera code
20:18.43MikeJ[Laptop]there's a socket in my pocket
20:18.55bkw_MikeJ[Laptop], thats a hole
20:19.01bkw_now stop playing pocket pool
20:19.13MikeJ[Laptop]any ideas...
20:19.19bkw_no idea
20:19.21bkw_I don't run winders
20:19.23MikeJ[Laptop]I wonder if that mod just dosn't run on windows...
20:19.32bkw_do ppm
20:19.35MikeJ[Laptop]ok, switching to my linux box
20:19.37bkw_install the module
20:19.46MikeJ[Laptop]yeah, that mod is not available via ppm
20:19.47bkw_ppm = cpan on windows eh
20:20.32tzafrir_laptopcan't you build perl modules on your own even with activestate?
20:20.51blitzragebkw_: you said 'eh' :)
20:20.56MikeJ[Laptop]tzafrir_laptop, yes, but the checks fail
20:20.57bkw_blitzrage, I do all the time
20:21.09blitzragebkw_: I'm glad to hear that :)
20:21.11bkw_blitzrage, *smack*
20:21.18blitzrage<-- to blame
20:21.39tzangerbkw_: actually no
20:21.41blitzragebkw_: you can be an honourary Canadian
20:21.43tzangerit's a warning tha tends up in a call hangup
20:22.44bkw_blitzrage, thats kewl sangoma gave me a nice sweat shirt with the canadian thingy on it
20:22.59blitzragebkw_: yah, those are nice sweaters
20:23.04bkw_you have one too eh?
20:23.07blitzragebkw_: yup
20:23.16tzafrir_laptopwhat do you know, this is already packaged on Debian, though not part of the default perl package
20:23.27tzafrir_laptopFile::Chdir, that is
20:23.35blitzragebkw_: I have tons of clothes with Canadian flags and leaves on them :) (in fact, I'm wearing one now)
20:23.53tzafrir_laptopI thought it was part of the default
20:24.11blitzrageif anyone ever needs to by me something for xmas or bday - get me Canadian clothing :)
20:24.41bkw_wrap your ass up in a maple leaf?
20:24.51*** join/#asterisk jdg (
20:25.01bkw_ok is this hunger.. or thirst
20:25.48file[laptop]bkw_: ya know, blitzrage is near where teh powwow would take place - we could track him down and attack
20:26.08tzangerthat's a canadian doob
20:26.14tzangerpot in a maple leaf
20:26.22SarahEmmyay canadia!
20:26.30file[laptop]blame Canada
20:28.19blitzragetzanger: just like those Canadian flags with the red pot leaf in the middle? :)
20:29.00file[laptop]blitzrage: so what have you been up to?
20:32.51bkw_ther egoes digium
20:33.04file[laptop]you broke their interweb, didn't you?
20:34.33bkw_I didn't do it
20:34.35bkw_I promise
20:34.35*** join/#asterisk mithro (
20:34.38mog_homenew link
20:34.46bkw_about damn time
20:35.11DaminI do not think it is going to be likely that I'll get much backpacking in between Astricon and ISPCON.
20:35.33DaminI definitely will NOT be hiking in Yosemite, unless I hike in the valley..
20:36.03*** join/#asterisk newmember (
20:36.27file[laptop]very interwestink
20:39.43DaminSo instead of screaming up the valley at 100 miles / hour to get to Santa Clara, I think I might take a couple of days and drive north on Highway 1, camping along the way on the beach..
20:40.20file[laptop]and my name is George
20:40.53SarahEmma.k.a. kitriches.
20:41.06*** join/#asterisk the_devil_dont_s (n=Adam@
20:41.09SarahEmmnot kitriches! :)
20:42.12bkw_ok its time to clean house
20:42.19file[laptop]oh no
20:42.53mago3-cnanyone knows where i can get a key to install php-pgsql?
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20:47.25SarahEmmWonka: not kitriches either? :)
20:48.03Wonkai don't know what that is, so, being careful, no
20:48.49blitzragefile[laptop]: zup
20:50.43_Raptor_is there a possibility to set a variable with the output of a external programm like SetVer(foo=`date`) ?
20:50.43SarahEmmWonka: hehee.
20:50.45SarahEmm<-- kitriches
20:52.53blitzragefile[laptop]: and I'm not too far from the airport, so you guys can come and visit
20:53.53filewhat about if I came early? eh? EH?
20:54.17*** part/#asterisk jdg (
20:54.44blitzragefile[laptop]: shouldn't be a problem, I should have room on a couch for you to crash if you wanted
20:55.03blitzragethat pretty much goes for anyone coming to the Toronto area anytime
20:55.59blitzragefile: isn't it immediate online?
20:56.08fileha no
20:56.12filethey mail you
20:56.51blitzragestupid gov't
20:56.59blitzrageoh well, at least I can fill it out online
20:56.59fileso yes, I may take you up on that offer... hrm
20:57.15blitzragefile: np - just let me know ahead of time to make sure I'm in the country :)
20:57.38fileit would be in October
20:57.51blitzragefile: as long as its not between the 8th and 15th I'll be around
20:58.02blitzragefile: I'll be in Anaheim during that time
20:58.36filegot a nice flight for that?
20:58.48blitzragefile: well, I got a flight... it'll be via coach :)
20:59.04filehaha nice way to put it... "a flight"
21:01.12*** join/#asterisk HJ2000a (
21:02.17HJ2000agreetings, can someone point me to a beta/development precursor to v1.2?
21:02.27MocHJ2000a, CVS HEAD
21:02.35Mochi file
21:02.40filehi Moc
21:02.45HJ2000aheya Moc, thanks
21:03.48HJ2000asorry to ask a newbie question but anychance you can explain how to snag the CVS HEAD (i've compiled it fine before)
21:04.13MocHJ2000a, check the instructions at
21:04.34HJ2000ai have read them and ended up here..ok thanks
21:05.05MocHJ2000a, check the download page.
21:05.13Mocinstruction to get cvs head are there
21:05.25HJ2000acool, i'll give it a closer look now, sorry about that
21:05.34HJ2000ahas anyone here compiled on OS X?
21:05.43Mocnp, if you have specific question, ask it
21:05.49MocHJ2000a, bkw_ did !! mou haha
21:06.12HJ2000ai've been running 1.0.7beta3 but am really eager to start learning about the new features
21:06.27Moc1.0.7beta3 ?
21:06.39xhelioxwhere was a 1.0.7beta3?
21:06.44mog_homeupgrad your bison
21:06.51mog_homeand you will be able to make it yourself
21:06.55HJ2000aright on
21:06.59mog_homeinstead of sunrise telephony stuff
21:07.02*** join/#asterisk r0m (
21:07.09HJ2000agood to know....beta3 was a sideproject
21:07.15HJ2000aactually just v1.0.7
21:07.19HJ2000abut compiled for osx
21:07.25HJ2000awith binaries, etc
21:07.41HJ2000ai get a nice error right now:
21:07.42HJ2000acvs checkout -r v1-0 zaptel libpri asterisk asterisk-addons asterisk-sounds -d
21:07.42HJ2000acvs checkout: No CVSROOT specified!  Please use the `-d' option
21:07.59Mocyou havent called the export line
21:08.08Mocvtw -r v1.0 will be Stable, not HEAD
21:08.08HJ2000ai am a dummy...omfg
21:08.12mog_homeand that is stable
21:09.01HJ2000ahow do you get head?  i dont see mention on
21:09.11Moccvs checkout zaptel libpri asterisk
21:09.43HJ2000ai did a search on the page, no head
21:09.52*** join/#asterisk Superman (
21:10.14HJ2000ai am obviously in need of reading up on cvs
21:10.42MocHJ2000a, head is the term we use to mention what is being in current developpement
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21:11.15HJ2000aawesome, then it's coming down right now
21:11.22Mocyou can't have more bleadingedge than that..
21:11.41Mocexcept if you patch with code from the site
21:11.44HJ2000aso i just need to install the newer version of bison and i'm good to compile (assuming i have the latest dev tools with GCC4)
21:12.06Supermanhas anyone messed around with AMP ?
21:12.06Mocgcc4... donno if * work with it yet... well I didnt tryed it yet
21:12.13SarahEmmwe get a lot of people here asking how to get head...
21:12.28bkw_ok dishes done
21:12.31MocSarahEmm, calm down...
21:12.38bkw_yes gcc4 is fine
21:12.46SarahEmmmoc: mew?
21:12.48bkw_I compile asterisk on my mac with gcc4
21:13.05SupermanSarahEmm, if you are asked how to give head ... just tell them how.
21:13.07Mocbkw, wonder if * compile on Mac for x86
21:13.16bkw_it should
21:13.24bkw_if you update bison
21:13.35Mocyum update bison ? ;)
21:13.53HJ2000ai'm rebooting the mac i'm gonna install it on
21:14.06HJ2000athis is quite bizarre
21:14.13Mocdamn, downloading Battlestar galatica in HDTV is time consuming !!!
21:14.15SarahEmmSuperman: i direct them to the asterisk site's page on how to get head usually.....
21:14.15HJ2000ai've been running 1.0.7 just fine
21:14.26HJ2000aand i am using mpg123 and ffmpeg
21:14.47Moc8gig per episode !
21:15.00HJ2000ahere's the deal tho, i attempted to reinstall those audio apps and every single time they end up in /usr/bin they interfere with asterisk
21:15.04*** join/#asterisk phil0u (n=philou@
21:15.25HJ2000ai can't figure out what the deal is because it works fine with 1 system i'm running
21:15.54HJ2000arebuilding literally everything from scratch on multiple systems has resulted in the same damn thing -- asterisk will not work if i use mpg123 and/or ffmpeg
21:16.18HJ2000ai can't figure out why
21:17.24_Raptor_can anyone tell me whether it is possible to get data from outside into an asterisk variable?
21:17.35HJ2000ayes it is
21:17.40HJ2000ayou can set using AGI
21:17.53SarahEmmHJ2000a: what's the issue exactly?
21:18.18HJ2000ahere's one example
21:19.59*** join/#asterisk zed_pda (
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21:29.56rapt0ri wanna buy a domain for 10 years, where can i get a special price for such prepay ???   not only .com, .us etc are cool too!
21:30.09*** part/#asterisk rapt0r (
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21:30.21SarahEmmthat was odd
21:30.56RaYmAn-Bxrapt0r: not all TLD's even allow that. I quite like good things about as well
21:31.04SarahEmmraptor's gone
21:31.35RaYmAn-BxI regret setting up my irssi to ignore join/parts in various channels.
21:33.09_Raptor_HJ2000a: mhmm, is it also possible to set a var by executing an command like setvar(foo=`cat /etc/hostname`) or anything like that?
21:33.32HJ2000aoh yeah totally
21:33.38HJ2000awithin the extensions.conf?
21:34.01HJ2000awhat is ur goal?
21:34.43HJ2000aexten => s,1,SetVar(NAMEOFVAR=/path/to/something)
21:34.53*** join/#asterisk pussfeller (
21:35.13_Raptor_i want something like that: exten => XXX,1,MagicCommand(FOO=`echo ${EXTEN} | xxd`)
21:35.16_Raptor_for example
21:35.51HJ2000asorry still dont follow in more english terms what's your objective
21:36.28HJ2000asetting a variable in asterisk is easy to do, setting a variable and passing between another app and asterisk is easy to you have some examples of how to do it
21:36.42HJ2000awhat are yo missing, that example above doesn't tell me anything
21:37.20_Raptor_HJ2000a: you know the backticks in bash?
21:37.30HJ2000ano, sorry
21:37.35_Raptor_ah, ok
21:37.37HJ2000ai'm no expert...more of a hack for sure
21:38.32HJ2000aare u trying to echo priority number into a variable?
21:39.04HJ2000asorry, i mean extension #
21:39.15tainted_i have an analog phone line - i would like asterisk to handle incoming calls through that line.. what hardware do i need?
21:39.25_Raptor_`` are called backticks, here an example: RES=`echo foo` does: echo foo returns foo to the stdout and is passed to RES
21:40.06_Raptor_HJ2000a: no, i want to run an external unix program an its output (normally to stdout) should be passed to an interal asterisk variable
21:40.29HJ2000ayeah, that's clearly described on the URL i posted
21:40.43HJ2000awhen i meant a description, what you just wrote explains what you want to do
21:41.07HJ2000awrite an AGI script and use set_variable
21:41.24HJ2000aanyways, that's one of many options
21:42.37_Raptor_ok, i'll try
21:42.45SarahEmmtainted_: either an x100p clone or a TDM400p with one FXO module in it
21:42.50HJ2000ai used perl
21:42.51SarahEmmtainted_: most people would likely recommend the latter.
21:44.00brc_If your system displays a 3xx error that is preceded by a two-digit hex number, the number is the scan code of a failing or stuck keyswitch. Try cleaning the switch.
21:44.41*** join/#asterisk vmlinuz (n=nabudoco@
21:46.16wunderkinanyone have any te410ps or a104s for sale
21:46.19brc_make sure the boot indicator byte at offset 1BEh 446 of the master boot record is set to 80h.
21:47.11SarahEmmbrc? mew?
21:48.25SarahEmm*purrrssss happily*
21:48.29tainted_SarahEmm how do i get asterisk to 'pick up the call'
21:48.37SarahEmmtainted_: err, it should pick it up by itself
21:48.42SarahEmmtainted_: do you have a card yet?
21:48.48tainted_it's installed
21:48.53SarahEmmwhy did you ask what card to use then? *confused*
21:48.54SarahEmmwhat card?
21:48.56*** join/#asterisk dimas (
21:49.00tainted_to make sure i had it right
21:49.10SarahEmmdoes * see the card?
21:49.17tainted_u mean ztcfg?
21:49.23SarahEmmno, i mean asterisk
21:49.28SarahEmmdid you set up zapata.conf?
21:49.35tainted_how do i tell if asterisk sees the card
21:49.47SarahEmmrun 'zap show channels' from the * cli
21:49.50SarahEmmwhat does that output?
21:49.55SarahEmm(don't paste long things here use pastebin)
21:49.58jbotwell, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
21:49.58tainted_'no such command'
21:50.05SarahEmmtainted: err
21:50.13tainted_i compiled zaptel
21:50.17tainted_b4 asterisk
21:50.19SarahEmmtainted_: show modules like chan_zap
21:50.22SarahEmmwhat does that output?
21:51.00tainted_no chan_zap
21:51.09SarahEmmthen you're not loading chan_zap
21:51.15SarahEmmdo you have chan_zap in your modules dir?
21:51.27tainted_i may have slimmed down my modules.conf ages ago
21:51.28tainted_lemme check
21:52.54tainted_parse error: No category context for line 1 of zapata.conf
21:53.13SarahEmmline 1 should be [channels]
21:53.13tainted_hang on
21:54.05tainted_how i have two zap channels
21:54.08tainted_pseudo and 1
21:54.11SarahEmmnow set verbose 99
21:54.13SarahEmmand call the line
21:54.26*** join/#asterisk alexhopper (
21:54.46tainted_but nothing in cli
21:55.12the_devil_dont_shi there
21:55.13SarahEmmwhat does cat /proc/zaptel/1 output?
21:55.17SarahEmmhi the_devil_dont_s
21:55.27the_devil_dont_shas anyone ever setup asterisk@home with voipuser
21:56.00tainted_Span 1: WCFXO/0 "Generic Clone Board 1" RED
21:56.01DarthClueAAH is the spawn of satan.
21:56.12SarahEmmtainted_: RED indicates a RED alarm. that means your phone line is likely not plugged in.
21:56.44tainted_it is plugged in
21:57.00the_devil_dont_stainted: how do you figure
21:57.29SarahEmmtainted_: the card doesn't think so.
21:57.33tainted_i'm looking at the line
21:57.37SarahEmmtainted_: it's plugged into the right port?
21:57.45tainted_the one marked 'LINE'
21:57.56SarahEmmand have you plugged an analog phone into the line right where it normally plugs into the card, and made sure it has a dialtone?
21:58.10tainted_has dialtone
21:58.12*** join/#asterisk QbY (
21:58.56tainted_how can i refresh
21:59.07tainted_still red
21:59.24QbYwe have asterisk monitoring (recording) all of the calls in our queues.  now, we are trying to retrieve one of the calls and the file size is 33 -- even though it was a 20 minute call, moreover, the file is 'empty' nothing was recorded..  i've taken a look further and found 3/10 recordings are the same..  any ideas???
21:59.29blitzragefile: GST and RST registered!
22:00.18SarahEmmtainted_: there's no refresh.. when it picks up a dialtone it should report it
22:00.29SarahEmmpastebin your zaptel.conf and ztcfg -vvvvv outputs tainted_
22:01.09tainted_pastebin down
22:01.49MikeJ[Laptop]which one?
22:01.57MikeJ[Laptop]try then
22:02.50MikeJ[Laptop]woo hoo.. .installing perl mods... finally!
22:04.40SarahEmmunable to open /dev/zap/ctl
22:04.42SarahEmmthat's not normal :)
22:04.46tainted_do i need to modprobe it
22:04.51SarahEmmno, you need to create it
22:04.57SarahEmmdo you have a directory /dev/zap?
22:04.59SarahEmmare you using devfs?
22:05.23tainted_no /dev/zapp
22:05.34SarahEmmokay, create a directory /dev/zap
22:06.10SarahEmmand create nodes in it for ctl (196,0) channel (196,254) pseudo (196,255), timer (196,253), 1 (196,1), and 2 (196,2)
22:06.54tainted_can u give me an example?
22:06.55*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
22:07.09SarahEmmmknod /dev/zap/ctl c 196 0
22:07.19SarahEmmreplace the filename and last number
22:07.21SarahEmmfor each one
22:08.10SarahEmmthen ztcfg -vvvv again and make sure yo don't see that
22:09.57*** join/#asterisk sideone (
22:10.03tainted_ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)
22:10.23SarahEmmdo you have the module loaded for the card?
22:10.26SarahEmmpastebin your lsmod
22:11.34sideonelo SarahEmm
22:12.01SarahEmmyou didn't load any zaptel modules tainted
22:12.04SarahEmmmodprobe wcfxo
22:12.19sideonei think i need the 1port with cisco 9740s and there was an adtran device that breaks the channels from a t1 to 2 different cards.
22:12.22MikeJ[Laptop]what card?
22:12.26tainted_ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)
22:12.27tainted_FATAL: Error running install command for wcfxo
22:12.34*** join/#asterisk _ioscanner (
22:12.43sideoneso chans 1-x go to the data, and y-z go to the t1 diggium
22:12.45tainted_modprobe was working before
22:12.47sideonesound right?
22:12.47MikeJ[Laptop]what card?
22:12.57sideonesince this is an integrated t1
22:13.03_ioscannerAnyone know if you can build zaptel drivers into kernel source?
22:13.16sideoneWildcard TE110P
22:13.23_ioscannerT-1 with T100P
22:13.24SarahEmmtainted_: err... hrm
22:13.25MikeJ[Laptop]tainted_, what card
22:13.28_ioscannerfun I have been there done that
22:13.45tainted_MikeJ[Laptop] Generic clone
22:13.55*** join/#asterisk {tasker} (
22:14.01{tasker}hello all
22:14.03MikeJ[Laptop]head or stable?
22:14.09tainted_stable 1.0.7
22:14.28MikeJ[Laptop]lspci, is it there?
22:14.34_ioscannerYou ill taint if you don't use the same compiler you used to build the kernel
22:14.53_ioscannerso the running kernel uses 2.95 you must build zaptel with 2.95 or it will taint
22:15.06{tasker}need help -> I'm having one-way DTMF issues
22:15.20tainted_02:01.0 Communication controller: Unknown device e159:0001
22:15.22sideone_ioscanner: getting in late in the conversation, are you running an integrated t?
22:15.53Netgeeksdid anyone ask him if he did a kernel upgrade or has one of the "auto-upgrade" systems running?
22:16.14_ioscannerI have both running
22:16.31Netgeekschange kernels, you have to recompile
22:16.38Netgeekszaptel and asterisk that is
22:16.51_ioscannerchange kernels
22:16.58_ioscannerI never run with the stock kernels of a dist
22:17.11_ioscannerI can't get t-1  to run on anything older then 2.6.5 with hdlc support
22:17.16tainted_SarahEmm any ideas?
22:17.30SarahEmmtainted_: not offhand... sowwy =-/
22:17.31_ioscannerit jsut will not build correct with zaptel driver
22:17.36Netgeeksyou will need to compile (make clean, make, make install) zaptel, libpri, and asterisk on the new kernel
22:18.30SarahEmm{tasker}: what help mew?
22:18.38Netgeekstasker's problem is EVIL
22:18.45{tasker}one-way DTMF :(
22:18.49_ioscannerI am not having a problem
22:18.55_ioscannerThe other guy is
22:19.21{tasker}dialing into Asterisk, it recognizes my DTMF
22:19.31{tasker}when it transfers out my call, DTMF is not relayed
22:19.43brc_25% off @ borders/walden
22:19.43{tasker}but the other side can send me DTMFs
22:19.46_ioscannerMy question owas does anyone know if I can build zaptel drivers into the kernel source?  Is there a kernel patch?
22:19.59SarahEmm_ioscanner: err.. why?
22:20.30_ioscannerI would like to build complete kernel and make pkg to ship to 150 locations it take too long to upgrade 150 locations
22:20.51_ioscannerI would rather build new kernel and push new kernel  and new asterisk pkg
22:21.22{tasker}anyone have any ideas?
22:21.26*** join/#asterisk luke-jr_ (
22:22.22_ioscannerTasker: what phone
22:22.35{tasker}Cisco as5300 ----> asterisk ----> AS5300
22:22.55{tasker}DTMF doesn't pass through to the terminating end
22:23.05{tasker}but does pass through from terminating to originating
22:23.29{tasker}AS --- DTMF ----> asterisk ---- (no dtmf) ----> AS
22:23.54{tasker}this way works: AS <-- DTMF <---- asterisk <---- DTMF <--  AS
22:24.17{tasker}I debugged RTP in Asterisk and it is receiving rfc2833 events
22:24.20{tasker}but not passing them through
22:25.12_ioscannerdid you set dtmf inband or out of band on the working side.  What is it set to the other way around?
22:25.15{tasker}from remote to originating it passes RTP through but doesn't seem to be the case with originating to term
22:25.21*** join/#asterisk mago3-cn (i=maxgluck@
22:25.24{tasker}same config
22:25.29{tasker}both ends
22:25.39{tasker}I see the events in Asterisk
22:25.46{tasker}when debugging RTP
22:26.01{tasker}but it's not passing through from originating to terminating
22:26.07the_devil_dont_sbecause of issues with setting up sip/iax connections to the world and tainted obvious disapproval, i am dropping asteriskathome, i am downloading xorcom rapid, but before it completes those anyone have anything bad to say about this distro.
22:26.19_ioscannerThe problem might bo the the end that is not working maybe it is not passing rfc2833. I know with cisco stuff I talk to I have to use inband to get my DTMF to pass
22:26.30{tasker}i tried both ways
22:26.41{tasker}whichever node becomes the originating side cannot send DTMF
22:27.00{tasker}ASterisk intercepts and doesn't pass thru
22:27.04{tasker}or so it seems
22:27.20{tasker}Cisco to Cisco is fine
22:27.30{tasker}Cisco ---> asterisk ----> Cisco works only in one direction
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22:27.43{tasker}from terminating end to originating end
22:27.47NetgeeksDTMF in asterisk is evil....  nearly as evil as callerid
22:27.51{tasker}whichever side originates makes no difference
22:28.07NetgeeksI just spent 4 hours troubleshooting a dtmf issue... no joy, never got it to work
22:28.17{tasker}one-way issue as well?
22:28.24*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
22:28.29Netgeeksyep, asterisk ate the dtmf and wouldn't pass it along
22:28.39{tasker}both directions or just one?
22:28.39Netgeekshead from 2 days ago
22:28.57Inv_arpwtf? the HT486 lan interface limits the bandwidth to only 150K
22:28.57{tasker}this isn't going to get fixed
22:29.19{tasker}i would use 1.0.9 but that's got another fine issue
22:29.35{tasker}RTP starts sending to and there's absolutely no workaround
22:30.02{tasker}has to do with how Cisco sends the media address. Unfortunately, it was fixed in HEAD only
22:30.33{tasker}but that eating DTMF issue seems trivial
22:30.55{tasker}whichever side initiates the call cannot pass DTMF to the other side
22:31.07*** join/#asterisk ACiDV (
22:31.10{tasker}but Asterisk sees it. It just doesn't pass thru
22:31.26{tasker}we can't be the only two with this problem
22:31.26NetgeeksI think you are talking to a dead channel, tasker
22:31.39{tasker}dead channel?
22:31.42{tasker}oh here
22:32.10Netgeeksnope, we aren't but the issue is a developer needs to have the problem, or you need to document it very well and put it on and pray someone takes interest
22:32.27{tasker}i went through the code myself
22:32.39{tasker}it's such a speghettied mess it makes my brain hurt
22:33.09Netgeeksgotta love Open source
22:33.50{tasker}msot open source projects follow a set coding method
22:33.55{tasker}or contributions get rejected
22:33.57{tasker}look at the kernel
22:34.03{tasker}Asterisk doesn't
22:34.05Netgeeksasterisk follows one...  hehe
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22:34.15{tasker}it's called "FreeForAll"
22:34.39{tasker}wasn't messy enough?
22:34.40Netgeeksyeah, they do reject if your spacing is off!
22:34.42{tasker}to easy to follow?
22:35.03SarahEmm{tasker}: lol, my spacing was wrong
22:35.05{tasker}maybe the * guys want to protect their code by obfuscation
22:35.15{tasker}oh, i see
22:35.17SarahEmmi fix0red it and it's accepted now
22:35.30*** join/#asterisk Spicoli (
22:35.42{tasker}can you point me to where I might find a DTMF relaying issue?
22:35.47{tasker}in the code, that is
22:36.39{tasker}this stupidity was still not fixed in CVS: ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Dropping extra frame of G.729 since we already have a VAD frame at the end\n");
22:36.58{tasker}i removed the "return 0;" and added -> s->len = s->len - (s->len % 10);
22:37.20{tasker}the voice quality improved to near clarity when dealing with VAD devices
22:37.34bkw_what is {tasker} going on about?
22:37.44{tasker}when VAD was enabled, it would drop the whole frame and kill voice
22:37.54bkw_duh asterisk doesn't deal with VAD at all
22:38.00{tasker}d-uhhh yeah
22:38.01mago3-cntasker: i got several of those messages, what should we do, cvs update?
22:38.10bkw_its fun to call Record using VAD
22:38.15bkw_all the silence is gone
22:38.18{tasker}but * dealt with VAD by dropping whole frames
22:38.19bkw_and its all run together
22:38.26bkw_don't send it vad
22:38.29bkw_thats the ONLY solution
22:38.36{tasker}that's a nice solution when you own the entire network
22:38.45{tasker}now try interoperating with world carriers
22:38.46NetgeeksI think tasker is saying that the process of getting fixes into asterisk code is cryptic at best
22:38.49bkw_one more on my list of things that suck
22:38.58bkw_no its quite easy
22:39.03{tasker}yeah, of course
22:39.13bkw_round hole.. square peg.. now beat the fuck out of it
22:39.19bkw_its really just that simple
22:39.31{tasker}but why would someone resolve VAD by dropping the whole frame?
22:39.39{tasker}just exclude the VAD portion
22:39.42{tasker}clear voice
22:39.53bkw_that would require us to know about g729 and how to decode it
22:39.57bkw_do you have a g729 lic?
22:40.13{tasker}mago3-cn: sorry, i missed your question
22:40.14bkw_step out side.... feel that breeze in your face... thats asterisk sucking eh
22:40.28bkw_now let me see if I can see a fix
22:40.31mago3-cni meant, if the cvs has the fix already?
22:40.40bkw_I don't think it does
22:40.40{tasker}it didn't have the fix
22:40.45{tasker}you mean DTMF?
22:40.47{tasker}or the VAD issue?
22:40.50*** join/#asterisk _-_ (
22:40.53mago3-cnthe VAD issue
22:41.03{tasker}i went in and fixed it myself this morning
22:41.04bkw_frame.c line 138
22:41.06bkw_its still there
22:41.07{tasker}but I didn't submit to CVS
22:41.12bkw_what was the fix?
22:41.19{tasker}can I paste it here?
22:41.20bkw_taking that whole if out
22:41.23bkw_I see it
22:41.27bkw_don't return oops :D
22:41.48{tasker}if (s->len % 10) {
22:42.05bkw_I already knew it ;)
22:42.15mago3-cnI was getting frames dropped when trying passthrough; after I installed codecs the problem was solved, by transcoding... never got to do passthrough correctly with that carrier...
22:42.15bkw_infact that shouldn't be there.. I see no damn reason for it
22:42.16{tasker}just skip the extra info instead of dropping the whole frame
22:42.36{tasker}G.729 will still skip frames
22:42.44{tasker}transcoding or not
22:42.51{tasker}unless you're transcoding to another codec
22:42.58{tasker}which massacres voice quality
22:43.03{tasker}G.729 --> G.723.1
22:43.15{tasker}G.729 --> G.729 will drop frames
22:43.16bkw_submit a patch
22:44.03bkw_get ready to hire a lawyer to defend your bug
22:44.13bkw_you'll most likely be told its not really a bug
22:44.13{tasker}i don't care
22:44.15{tasker}it's a trivial fix
22:44.16bkw_so you'll have to fight your case
22:44.21{tasker}oh, i see
22:44.24SarahEmmheh, been there.
22:44.43Netgeeksyep, first response is nearly always "thats not a bug"
22:44.45{tasker}it's such a no-brainer of a fix
22:44.51mago3-cnso, edit and then compile?
22:44.58Netgeeksmakes you want to *****-slap some people
22:44.59{tasker}so they consider dropping frames & crapping out voice a feature?
22:45.03{tasker}that sounds like Microsoft
22:45.13{tasker}yeah, i went there
22:45.16{tasker}i said the M word
22:45.25bkw_woopie do
22:45.31bkw_truth hurts
22:45.55{tasker}someone point me in the right direction
22:46.02Netgeeksbut... if you take a little cash out of the wallet and toss it on the table or contact the right people... things get done fast
22:46.03{tasker}where could i find the DTMF relay bug?
22:46.13bkw_is it RFC2833?
22:46.22{tasker}it eats it in one direction
22:46.32bkw_here is what I need to know
22:46.33bkw_which way
22:46.37bkw_to or from asterisk?
22:46.52{tasker}in passthru
22:46.57{tasker}let me explain
22:46.59bkw_asterisk doesn't touch it in passthru
22:47.17bkw_ok explain
22:47.18{tasker}whichever side initiates a call, that side cannot send a DTMF tone to the other end
22:47.26*** join/#asterisk RaYmAn-Bx (
22:47.27bkw_ok doing reinvites?
22:47.35bkw_what codec?
22:47.43sideoneoops, sorry.
22:47.48bkw_can you get me sip debug
22:47.50{tasker}but that's irrelevant
22:47.54bkw_no its not
22:47.59{tasker}the codec, I mean
22:48.00bkw_really rtp debug would help
22:48.03{tasker}I did
22:48.06bkw_while dialing digits
22:48.09bkw_can you show me that?
22:48.10{tasker}Asterisk sees the rfc2833 event
22:48.12{tasker}intercepts it
22:48.15{tasker}and doesn't relay it
22:48.19{tasker}only in one direction
22:48.29{tasker}the callee can send tones back
22:48.31{tasker}the caller cannot
22:48.31bkw_collect up the info and open a bug
22:48.49{tasker}I would fix it myself if you can point me to where DTMF relaying occurrs
22:48.50*** part/#asterisk the_devil_dont_s (n=Adam@
22:48.53{tasker}then i'll submit a patch
22:48.59bkw_well rip apart rtp.c
22:48.59{tasker}or at least tell you guys where to fix it
22:49.04bkw_and I know where
22:49.05bkw_hold on
22:49.19bkw_start at ast_rtp_bridge
22:49.21bkw_in rtp.c
22:49.30{tasker}ok, sounds reasonable
22:49.37bkw_bet its in there
22:50.13bkw_around this line
22:50.13bkw_if (!f || ((f->frametype == AST_FRAME_DTMF) &&
22:50.14*** join/#asterisk dasuberdavid (
22:50.45{tasker}is the RTP implementation from the Asterisk group?
22:50.51{tasker}or did they use a stock RTP from open source?
22:51.03{tasker}OH323 has an RTP stack
22:51.03bkw_they did their ow
22:51.09{tasker}oh that's nice
22:51.17{tasker}reinventing the wheel is always a good idea
22:51.24bkw_they have to because of the dual lic.
22:51.31bkw_see digium can lic asterisk outside the GPL
22:51.33{tasker}OH323 isn't GPL
22:51.37bkw_its MPL
22:51.53{tasker}but the chan_h323 uses OH323
22:51.59bkw_but chan_h323 doesn't work right
22:52.08bkw_chan_h323 uses asterisk's rtp stack
22:52.10bkw_not oh323's
22:52.13{tasker}i know
22:52.18bkw_asterisk-oh323 uses the oh323 stack
22:52.32{tasker}but their own rtp stack
22:52.38{tasker}which seems a bit foolish
22:52.58bkw_how long you been using asterisk?
22:53.01{tasker}bah, it's neither here nor there because it won't fix the problem right now
22:53.06{tasker}months, not very long
22:53.22{tasker}i've been trying to get around certain limitations
22:53.36bkw_its like trying to mow a TALL lawn with a weed eater isn't it
22:53.38{tasker}like Dial holding your app until it's finished
22:53.50file[laptop]bkw_: I don't think he's reached the enlightenment state yet
22:53.59bkw_he will grasshopper
22:54.01{tasker}I tried throwing Dial into a thread and inquiring on the channel status
22:54.05{tasker}the status never returns
22:54.09{tasker}until Dial completes
22:54.21bkw_it should always do that because thats how it was designed
22:54.27bkw_what exactly was your goal?
22:54.29{tasker}so I tried modifying Dial to make it async
22:54.37*** join/#asterisk Cunk (
22:54.39{tasker}to provide real-time updates during a call in progress
22:54.47bkw_realtime to what?
22:55.00{tasker}real-time database & info sent through sockets
22:55.02{tasker}using a perl script
22:55.03bkw_cdr, user.. phone...
22:55.08{tasker}various data
22:55.13{tasker}not all CDR related
22:55.28{tasker}the point is the architecture needed the real-time updates
22:55.39{tasker}I couldn't find a clean way of making Dial async
22:55.44bkw_make your own dial
22:55.47bkw_kick app_dial out
22:55.55{tasker}sounds simple
22:56.02bkw_it actually is
22:56.19{tasker}but there's that whole pbx_bridge thing that holds everything in place until it disconnects
22:56.19bkw_but what status info did you wish to extract and act on?
22:56.22bkw_can you give me an example
22:56.30{tasker}call status
22:56.34bkw_such as?
22:56.36{tasker}provide updates while the call is connected
22:56.41{tasker}various data
22:56.47bkw_but give me a hard example
22:56.51bkw_of what you wanted to do
22:56.53{tasker}let's see
22:57.01{tasker}account updates on a call in progress
22:57.13bkw_ok such as balance and timeout?
22:57.18bkw_so you can kill the call when they reach their limit
22:57.20{tasker}status of various nodes that need to be updated according to certain calls
22:57.22bkw_in realtime?
22:57.37{tasker}these updates need to be sent while a call is in progress
22:57.50{tasker}the only way I can do this in Asterisk is passively
22:57.55bkw_well you could do them with manager events then act on them at that point .. planting them in the code along the way
22:58.01{tasker}there is more but that's it in a nutshell
22:58.09{tasker}i suppose
22:58.28bkw_but yes you're right its like a lego set with some of the bricks glued together
22:58.37{tasker}there may be a workaround with the Dial command where you can call another Macro during a call
22:58.38file[laptop]ooh glue
22:59.00{tasker}k, thanks for the help & pointing me in the right direction
22:59.04{tasker}i'll be back in a bit
22:59.12{tasker}i'll try to solve that DTMF thing :(
22:59.18{tasker}see y'all later
22:59.23Netgeekslet me know how it goes
22:59.27NetgeeksI'd be interested
22:59.39*** part/#asterisk {tasker} (
23:00.29brc_hello file[laptop]
23:00.41bkw_its wikibob
23:00.48wikibobI am I am
23:01.08wikibobI need an ipod
23:01.12wikibobI got a rio forge
23:01.17wikibobit works great
23:01.20wikibobthe software sucks
23:01.24wikibobwant to sell yours?
23:01.59bkw_you want my ipod?
23:02.06bkw_ok 500 bucks
23:02.26wikibob500 phillippine pesos, sure
23:02.40bkw_how about I smack you upside the head
23:02.52wikibobhow about not?
23:03.01bkw_oh file how is the ICD project coming along?
23:03.04wikibobmy head hurts enough as it is
23:03.23wikibobactually, I might not even notice
23:03.29bkw_oh ya you can't suck on anything for like a week after you have your wisdom teeth cut out
23:03.33bkw_straws that is
23:03.41bkw_I had all 4 done at once
23:03.46wikibobso did I
23:03.49bkw_Wal-mart wouldn't fill the pain meds
23:03.53bkw_without me being there
23:04.01bkw_so it was almost 4 hours before I got my pain meds
23:04.10bkw_I was in so much pain I was crying
23:04.18file[laptop]bkw_: slow, it's complex and hurts my head
23:04.30bkw_or how ever you spell it
23:04.36wikibobyeah, whatever
23:04.41wikibobdon't ask me to speel right now
23:04.49wikibobsame stuff I think
23:04.50*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
23:04.50bkw_but my face turned yellow, black, blue, pink...
23:04.52bkw_it was fun
23:04.58bkw_I looked like a chimp monk
23:05.01wikibobthat'll probably happen tomorrow
23:05.05bkw_did they put you asleep to do yours?
23:05.13bkw_I was awake the whole time
23:05.13wikibobtwas weird
23:05.13_ioscannerAnyone know if there is a kernel patch to add zaptel to a 2.6.12 kernel?
23:05.48wikibobI was there talking, then I was there bleeding, and there wasn't any inbetween
23:06.14bkw__ioscanner, doesn't it compile?
23:06.31wikibobthey stuck me in the "recovery room" for 10 minutes with two ice packs, then kicked me out and said go home
23:06.32wikibobget this
23:06.36_ioscanneryes, but I need to upgrade 150 boxes.  I don't want to do that for each.
23:06.49_ioscannerI can build a kernel test and deply all at the same time
23:06.51wikibobI asked for another two ice packs, since I didn't have any at home and wanted to be albe to swap them between the freezer right
23:06.53_ioscannermuch faster
23:06.58wikiboband they said
23:07.05wikibob"we can't do that"
23:07.11wikibobI couldn't believe it
23:07.41bkw_have fun hot lips!!!
23:07.50*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes__ (
23:08.01brc_oh no you didn't
23:08.09bkw_file made me say that
23:08.18brc_you lie
23:08.29file[laptop]see you later hot'n'sexy!
23:08.34SarahEmmwhat's with all the three letter names ending with an _? :P
23:08.43file[laptop]don't be a stranger!
23:08.50brc_I'll do my best
23:08.58file[laptop]it was hard to say all that...
23:09.00file[laptop]I feel dirty now
23:09.09bkw_SarahEmm, bkw is taken
23:09.09tainted_i wish this stuff was more plug n play
23:09.12bkw_so i'm bkw_
23:09.21bkw_plug and segfault
23:09.23brc_SarahEmm, brc is taken
23:09.27brc_so I'm brc_
23:09.28file[laptop]bkw_: I have my iSight plugged in omg
23:09.35brc_OMG BECKY!
23:09.46bkw_I think we corrupted brc
23:09.52file[laptop]bkw_: not enough.
23:10.03brc_what he said
23:10.06SarahEmmmy initials with _ after is taken :P
23:10.21brc_am I going to be at von?
23:10.29bkw_I might go to VON
23:10.32tainted_are u guys going to astricon?
23:10.36SarahEmmi might tainted_
23:10.40tainted_i'm going to bring my box and make u fix it
23:10.58bkw_sounds like you're having problems
23:11.03SarahEmmastricon is 2wks before loscon
23:11.07MikeJ[Laptop]I have problems
23:11.11tainted_trying to figure out how to tell the manager tho
23:11.12SarahEmmso i'd be flying out to LA, back, then back out again 2wks later :P
23:11.14brc_tainted_, I'm sure bkw_'ll help you "fix" your "box"
23:11.15bkw_Mike yes you can't DRIVE
23:11.15tainted_what is loscon
23:11.33tainted_i'm lucky i live in LA
23:11.36MikeJ[Laptop]I can drive, you can't follow without hitting ladies in suv's
23:11.36bkw_MikeJ[Laptop], can drive and IRC
23:11.46bkw_you better don't
23:11.46SarahEmmtainted_: not asterisk related. los angeles area SF&F con
23:11.47brc_reminds me
23:12.00tainted_sci fi & fantasy?
23:12.00brc_I never got the full crash story
23:12.09MikeJ[Laptop]brc, here's the story
23:12.15MikeJ[Laptop]I cut off some lady
23:12.22bkw_that bitch
23:12.23SarahEmmtainted_: yeah
23:12.41bkw_the bitch stops cold in her tracks
23:12.42MikeJ[Laptop]and she slammed on her breaks, like 60 seconds after I pulled in front of her
23:12.47brc_bkw_ was following too close as usual?
23:12.50file[laptop]silly me and my Canadianness!
23:12.55bkw_haha I wouldn't call it that
23:12.56MikeJ[Laptop]and bkw got friendly with her
23:12.59bkw_yes I did
23:13.04bkw_LOVE tapped her fucking bumper
23:13.05brc_I like that
23:13.06brc_very PC
23:13.13MikeJ[Laptop]and I kept driving
23:13.15bkw_didn't do anything to either of our cars
23:13.20brc_what a good friend
23:13.28MikeJ[Laptop]craig made me
23:13.30bkw_i'm so lucky
23:13.42brc_she take your insurance info?
23:13.43bkw_I wish we had transporters
23:13.43file[laptop]bkw_: you stole my luck, you bastard!
23:13.47bkw_brc_, no
23:13.58MikeJ[Laptop]odd indeed
23:14.09brc_whiplash baby!
23:14.15bkw_I didn't hit her that hard
23:14.19brc_that'd probably be good for at least 5 grand
23:14.23bkw_I could have hit her car harder with my foot
23:14.35brc_yeah, but try'n prove it
23:14.43bkw_it didn't scratch my paint
23:14.45bkw_or hers
23:14.52file[laptop]blah blah blah
23:15.07brc_lah lah laah
23:15.17bkw_I need some friends to hangout with
23:15.22bkw_I'm sick of sitting in front of this computer
23:15.25brc_me too
23:15.32file[laptop]friends? what are those?
23:15.35brc_I think I'll go back to bed
23:15.41file[laptop]are they the imaginary people?
23:15.49bkw_all my friends try to use me for free food.. free rides.. and never come around when you wanna hang out or can hang out
23:15.57brc_the ones you see when you close your eyes
23:16.07file[laptop]bkw_: you should... do... something!
23:16.13bkw_I think thats why I was so depressed coming back from cluecon
23:16.18brc_well I guess we are just chopped liver eh?
23:16.36bkw_getting to hang out with everyone .. then having NOBODY  to hangout with
23:16.38Romikanybody can advice with such problem: []Aug 14 02:16:24 WARNING[697]: loader.c:314 __load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: gzread
23:16.49file[laptop]bkw_: :(
23:16.52file[laptop]just wait till October.
23:16.52bkw_Romik, call digium for support
23:17.04brc_yeah, good luck with that
23:17.06bkw_yes October is going to be good
23:17.16bkw_i wanna do 4 days in Toronto
23:17.22file[laptop]I can take you to Swiss Chalet
23:17.31bkw_i'm on a diet
23:17.35file[laptop]screw the diet
23:17.39brc_I am starving
23:17.41bkw_screw you boi
23:17.47file[laptop]not for free!
23:17.49bkw_GROUP HUG
23:18.17SarahEmmwoo toronto!
23:18.20bkw_because I said so
23:18.26SarahEmmfile isn't in toronto is he?
23:18.28Netgeeksbecause 42 is the answer
23:18.31SarahEmmno, file is out east
23:18.34SarahEmm*confuzzled kitrich loook*
23:18.36file[laptop]file will be in Toronto
23:18.49brc_file has to take a fishing boat to his house
23:19.10bkw_now the question is can we get Tony there
23:19.19bkw_his wife and kids have to show up too
23:19.24file[laptop]bkw_: we can damn well try
23:19.33bkw_gotta have peter bring his wife
23:19.37bkw_mikej bring his
23:20.40*** join/#asterisk ThumpClipR (
23:21.03*** join/#asterisk paulhuynh (
23:21.27ThumpClipRIAX2 Peers: NuFone    (S)  4569      Unmonitored
23:22.09SarahEmmfile: mew?
23:22.19SarahEmmThumpClipR: uhh. what about it?
23:22.22ThumpClipRanyone with knowledge of how to get it monitoring becuase asterisk is not picking up my DID
23:22.26paulhuynhyes please help me explain that is it mean by Unmonitored
23:22.39SarahEmmThumpClipR: qualify=yes in the iax config
23:22.43file[laptop]Unmonitored just means Asterisk isn't sending a packet to that peer to see if they're alive or not
23:22.45JerJerThumpClipR:  your peer has nothing to do with DIDs
23:22.49SarahEmmthat won't help you tho ThumpClipR
23:22.53SarahEmmit's not causing your issue
23:23.16ThumpClipRthanks sarah
23:23.24paulhuynhhow do i tell my centos to bring up my second network interface?
23:23.25ThumpClipR= file
23:23.34ThumpClipRheh + file
23:23.34SarahEmmpaulhuynh: that's not really a quality interface
23:24.10paulhuynhi have a T1 and cable modem
23:24.40SarahEmms/quality interface/asterisk question/
23:24.43paulhuynhusing smoothwall router i was wonder how i can setup asterisk to use t1 as it main isp and cable as it back up
23:24.44SarahEmm.. kitriches have language issues
23:25.07*** join/#asterisk mithro (
23:25.16SarahEmmpaulhuynh: if it's like redhat it's in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX
23:25.18SarahEmmwhere X is the int nbr
23:25.21SarahEmmdoes that help you?
23:25.39paulhuynhyes to assign ip address to it
23:25.59SarahEmmthe other questions is also completely unrelated to asterisk, no?
23:26.11paulhuynhbut how do i tell asterisk to use eth0 as it maint and eth1 as it backup
23:26.18SarahEmmasterisk, or the box itself?
23:26.26SarahEmmasterisk just uses the networking stuff on the box itself
23:26.44SarahEmmnot a * related question really....
23:26.45paulhuynhi guess it my question
23:27.02paulhuynhi'm not a asterisk or linux by any mean
23:27.04SarahEmmmight want to ask in a generic linuxey channel, may get more help, i dunno
23:28.27mistralpaulhuynh: how do you mean backup ?
23:29.39*** join/#asterisk adker (
23:29.51mistralpaulhuynh: what you would find is a live nic failover is not as normal as you may think. What you mayby wanna do is have a managed switch that both are hardwired ot an ping it. If it stops working do ifconfig eth0 down and ifconfig eth1 up
23:30.03paulhuynhbackup as in is t1 isp is down
23:30.17*** join/#asterisk PMantis (
23:30.19paulhuynhusing cable to connect to carrier
23:30.37mistralpaulhuynh: yeah but its hard for a nic to detect that its link is down
23:30.40PMantisCan someone tell me what's wrong with this? $AGI->setvar("recfile=${file}");
23:30.47mistralyou could always use rip or something like that
23:31.06paulhuynhmistral can i PM you?
23:31.09ACiDVPMantis ... change ${file} to \${file} or "..." to '...'
23:31.11SarahEmmmistral: only if the other end wants to :)
23:31.15SarahEmmand if he has a cable modem, i doubt that
23:31.28SarahEmmthe Right Way would be to BGP peer with both ISPs really
23:31.33SarahEmmbut not over cable :P
23:32.08mistralSarahEmm: true. ping solution is just as easy cause you can kill off all routes etc.. and swap the nic's around
23:32.29*** join/#asterisk Barmal (
23:32.55BarmalAug 13 18:26:21 WARNING[18328]: file.c:475 ast_openstream: File alabama does not exist in any format
23:33.16SarahEmmBarmal: the file 'alabama' doesn't exist in any format.
23:33.25PMantisACiDV, Hmmm, tried that, but the variable is still not set and accessible from extensions.conf
23:33.31SarahEmmmistral: yeah.
23:33.58Barmalbut it is in /var/lib/asterisk/sound
23:34.06BarmalI mean the file exists
23:34.06SarahEmmBarmal: are you sure that's where * is looking?
23:34.08SarahEmmwhat is the file named?
23:34.45SarahEmmwhat is astvarlibdir set to in asterisk.conf?
23:34.55Barmalwhere * is looking by default? isnt it /var/lib/*/sound?
23:35.03file[laptop]it's /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
23:35.29*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
23:35.52BarmalAug 13 18:26:21 WARNING[18328]: file.c:475 ast_openstream: File alabama does not exist in any format
23:36.14Barmalastvarlibdir => /var/lib/asterisk
23:36.32file[laptop]is it in the /var/lib/asterisk/sounds directory?
23:36.43file[laptop]notice the s at the end of sounds
23:37.30Barmalyes the file is there. can I pint like Background(/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/alabama.gsm) ?
23:37.34*** join/#asterisk atmel (
23:37.53file[laptop]no, don't put a file extension... asterisk does that automatically
23:38.19*** join/#asterisk hhrp2k (
23:38.43*** join/#asterisk colinm_ (n=colinmat@VDSL-130-13-9-155.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
23:38.44hhrp2khow could i disable sip debug
23:38.53file[laptop]sip no debug
23:38.56SarahEmmsip no debug
23:38.59SarahEmmbeat me file
23:40.51Barmalok when I point it to the file it works
23:41.26Barmalasterisk.conf what setting should be for astvarlibdir => ????
23:41.52CunkI know it's a long shut but are there any VOIP providers that offer free PSTN calling?  Maybe just local calls or something?
23:42.48CunkI need something for calling into my * setup for testing purposes.
23:43.36hhrp2kwhats the easiest command to check what calls are currently active?
23:43.55file[laptop]show channels
23:44.00*** join/#asterisk Tangent (
23:44.15file[laptop]Barmal: /var/lib/asterisk
23:44.22hhrp2kany detailed statistic?
23:44.45file[laptop]hhrp2k: what do you mean "detailed statistic"
23:45.02file[laptop]if you want details on a specific channel, show channel <name>
23:45.11file[laptop]for each channel driver it's usually
23:45.22file[laptop]<name> show channels, like sip show channels
23:46.22bkw_ok i'm depressed
23:46.42file[laptop]what now
23:47.44Cunkfile: Not what I had in mind.  I want to dial TO the PSTN so I can make test calls from my laptop to my company's incoming phone line.
23:47.59file[laptop]nobody does that for free
23:48.03CunkI doubt anyone offers that for free.
23:50.19stormfrhello, i have a * box crashing multiple time a day when using ztdummy and no crash without ztdummy. Always stop at _Unwind_RaiseException () from /lib/ CVS HEAD from 2005-08-07
23:51.27paulhuynhi need help again this time it about * w/ call menu
23:51.41SarahEmmpaulhuynh: what's the issue?
23:52.03paulhuynhwhen call from SIP come in asterisk would tranfer to ext 100 even if i press 108
23:52.12SarahEmmpastebin your extensions.conf
23:52.18paulhuynhbut if call from pstn asterisk behavior correct
23:52.24SarahEmmpastebin :)
23:52.40*** part/#asterisk colinm_ (n=colinmat@VDSL-130-13-9-155.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
23:54.52file[laptop]oh god AMP
23:54.59paulhuynhi use CVCtermenation
23:55.01SarahEmmgah! file beat me again!
23:55.18SarahEmmpaulhuynh: are you using amp or editing the files yourself?
23:55.28paulhuynhi'm stupid and need somewhere to start w/ asterisk
23:55.36SarahEmmpaulhuynh: #amportal is for amp help
23:55.57paulhuynhit only mess up if call is a sip call
23:55.58hhrp2kis there a way to check on a duration of a call?
23:56.09paulhuynhit fine when call from pstn
23:56.11file[laptop]hhrp2k: CDR records.
23:56.15SarahEmmi know paulhuynh
23:56.18hhrp2ki mean from CLI
23:56.20SarahEmmstill, if you're using amp, i can't help you
23:56.37file[laptop]hhrp2k: nope
23:57.22paulhuynhlook like there is no one from aMP
23:57.30paulhuynhis in the channel
23:57.37*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
23:57.40paulhuynhwell at least that not active
23:57.55SarahEmmpaulhuynh: okay... wait for someone to be there then :)
23:58.05SarahEmmi don't use amp, so i can't help
23:58.24*** join/#asterisk pussfeller (
23:59.21*** join/#asterisk DrWho17 (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.